Ex Libris C. K. OOJ>N THE WHOLE BOOK OP COMMON PRAYER, ACCORDING TO THE USE OF THE (Hmtrtr . 12 1 Lesson. Deuter. 10 2 Kings 2 Conversion of 2 Lesson. Luke 24. v. Ephes.4.to St. Paul. 44 v. 17 1 Lesson. Wisdom 5 Wisdom 6 Monday in 2 Lesson. Acts 22. to Acts 26 Whitsunweek. (. 10 (16 to v. 30 v. 22 1 Lesson. Gen. 11. to Num.11, v. Purific. of the 2 Lesson. ICor. 12. 1 Cor. 14. to Virgin Alary. Wisdom 9 Wisdom 12 v. 26 Tuesday in 5. Matthias. 19 Eccius. 1 Whitsunweek. (0.18 1 Lesson. 1 Sam. 19 Peuter. 30 Annunciation 2 Lesson. 1 Thes. 5.t>. 1 John 4. to of our iMdy. Eccius. 2 3 12 to v. 24 v. 14 S. Barnabas. Wednesday be- 1 Lesson. Eccius. 10 Eccius. 12 fore Easter. 2 Lesson. Acts 14 Acts 15. to 1 Lesson. Hosea 13 Hosea 14 v. 30. 2 Lesson. Johnllv.45 S. John Bapt. 1 Lesson. Malachi 3 Malachi 4 Thursday be- 2 Lesson. Matthew 3 MatthewH fore Easter. toe. 13 1 Lesson. Daniel 9 Jerem. 31 S. Peter. 2 Lesson. John 13 1 Lesson. Eccius. 15 Eccius. 19 2 Lesson. Acts 3 Acts 4 Good Eriday. 1 Lesson. Gen. 22. to Isaiah 53 S. James. Eccius. 21 Eeclus. 22 v. 20 S. Barthol. 24 29 2 Lesson. John 18 1 Peter 2 S. Matthew. 35 38 Easter-Even. S. Michael. 1 Lesson. ZeehariahS Exodus 13 1 Lesson. Genesis 32 Dan.l0.t>.5 2 Lesson. Luke230.50 Hebrews 4 2 Lesson. Acts 12. to Jude. 6.to . 20 v. 16 Monday in S. Luke. Eccius. 51 Job 1 Easter-week. 1 Lesson. Exodus 16 Exodus 17 S. Simon and 2 Lesson. Matth. 28 Acts 3 S. Jude. Job 24,25 42 Tuesday in All Saints. (. 10 tr. 17 Easter-week. 1 Lesson. Wisd. 3, to Wisd. 5. to 1 Lesson. Exodus 20 Exodus 32 2 Lesson. Heb. 11. v. Rev. 19. to 2 Lesson. Luke 24. to 1 Cor. 15 33&c/il2. v. 17 v 13 to. 7 PROPER PSALMS ON CERTAIN DAYS. Christmas- Mattins. Ev en song. Mattins. Evensong. day. 19,45,85 80,110,132 Easter-Day. 2,57,111 113,114,118 Ash- Wednes- day. 6, 32, 38 102,130,143 Ascension- day. 8, 15,21 24,47,108 Good-Friday. 22, 40, 54 69,88 Whit-Sunday. 48,68 104, 145 (xviii) THE CALENDAR WITH THE TABLE OF LESSONS. JANUARY HATH XXXI DATS. MORNING PRAYER. EVENING PRAYER. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f S A b c .1 e f - r A b c Calenda; 4 Non. 3Non. PridNo n. Nona 8 Id. * 7 Id. 6 Id. 5 Id. 4 Id. 3 Id. Prid. Id. Idus 19Cl.Feb. 18 Cal. 1 7 Cal. 16 Cal. 15 Cal. 14 Cal. 1 3 Cal. 12 Cal. 11 Cal. 10 Cal. 9 Cal. 8 Cal. 7 Cal. 6 Cal. 5 Cal. 4 Cal. 3 Cal. Prid Cal. Circumcision of [our Lord. 1 Lesson. Genesis 1 3 5 7 9 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 Exodus 2 4 6t 8 2 Lesson. Mattli. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 " 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 Lesson. Genesis 2 4 6 8 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Exodus 1 3 5 7 9 2 Lesson. Romans 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Cor. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 , Epiphany of our [Lord.* Lucian, Priest & [Martyr. Hilary, Bishop & [Confessor. [& Mart Pri8ca,Rom.Virg. [Rome, M. Fabian, B. of AgneSjRom.Virg. [&M. Vincent, Span. [Deac. M. Conversion of St. [Paul. K. Charles, Mart. [* The Creed of St. Athanasius to be used.] f Note, that Exodus vi. is to be read only to verse 14. THE CALENDAR WITH THE TABLE OF LESSONS. FEBRUARY HATH XXVIII DATS. AND IN EVERY LEAP YEAR XXIX DAYS. MORNING PRAYER. EVENING PRAYER. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f g A b 9 d e f g A b c Calendse 4 Non. 3 Non. Prid.Non. Non SB 8 Id. 7 Id. 6 Id. 5 Id. 4 Id. 3M. Prid. Id. .... Fast. Purific. of Mary. Blasius, Armenian [Bishop&Mart. Agatha, Sicilian V. [&M. 1 Lesson. Exodus 1 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 33 Lev. 18 20 Num. 11 13 16 20 22 24 27 31 35 Deut. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 2 Lesson. Mark 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Lu.l *o39 1 v. 39 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Matth. 7 1 Lesson. Exod. 11 13 15. 17 19 21 23 32 34 Lev. 19 26 Num.12 14 17 21 23 25 30 32 36 Deut. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 Lesson. 1 Cor. 13 14 15 16 2 Cor. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Galat. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ephes. 1 2 3 4 5 Eom. 12 " [dus 16 Cal. [Mar. 15 Cal. 14 Cal. 13 Cal. 12 Cal. 11 Cal. 10 Cal. 9 Cal. 8 Cal. 7 Cal. 6 Cal. 5 Cal. 4 Cal. 3 Cal. Prid "Cal. Valentine, Bish.& [Mart. .... Fast. S Matthias, Ap. [Sf Mart*. [* The Creed of St. Athanasius to be read.] (XX) THE CALENDAR WITH THE TABLE OF LESSONS. MARCH HATH XXXI DAYS. MORNING PRAYER. EVENING PRAYER. 14' 3 111 19 8 16 5 1 f 4 e *j 6 7 8 9 Id 11 1-2 13 1-1 5 If, 17 18 10 .'() 21 2-2 23 2-1 2.J 2(i 17 28 29 JO 31 d e f g A b c d e f g A b c d e f | A b c d e f k A b c d e f Calend. 6 Non. 5 Non. 4 Non. [Menevia. David, Archb .oi Cedde or Chad, [B. of Litchfield. 1 Lesson. Deut. 15 17 19 21 24 26 28 30 32 34 Joshua 2 4 6 8 10 24 Judges 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 13 20 Ruth 1 3 1 Sara. 1 3 2 Lesson. Luke 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 John 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 Lesson. Deut. 16 18 20 22 25 27 29 31 33 Joshua 1 3 5 7 9 23 Judges 1 3 ft 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 Ruth 2 4 1 Sam. 2 4 2 Lesson. Ephes. 6 Philip. 1 2 3 4 Colos. 1 2 3 4 1 Thes. 1 2 3 4 5 2 Thes, 1 2 3 1 Tim. 1 2,3 4 r> 6 2 Tim. 1 o 3 4 Titus 1 2, 3 Philem. Hebr. 1. 2 3 Non. Pr.Non. Nonse 3 Id. 7 Id. 6 Id. 5 Id. 4 Id. 3 Id. Pr. Id. Perpetua, Mauri- [tan. Mart. Gregory, M. B. of [Rome & C. dus 17 CaU Apr.) 16 Cal 15 Cal. 14 Cal. 13 Cal. Edward, King of [West-Sax. 12 Cal. 11 Cal. Benedict, Abbot. 1 Cal. 9 Cal . . . . Fast 8 Cal. 7 Cal. 6 Cal. Annunciation of [Mary. 5 Cal 4 Cal 3 Cal. Pr. Cal. The Numbers here prefixed to the several Days, between^the Twenty-first Day of March and the Eighteenth Day of April both inclusive, denote the Days upon which those full Moons do fall, which happen upon or next after the Twenty-first Day of March, in those Years, of which they are respectively the THE CALENDAR WITH THE TABLE OF LESSONS. APIIIL HATH XXX DAYS. MORNING PRAYER. EVENING PRiYER. 13 2 3 10 18 7 15 4 12 1 e 17 6 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 1 -2 4 ^ G 7 18 19 -20 2'_ 23 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 A d A j d f g A b c d e f S A b c c e f S 'A alend. Non. Non. ?r. No. ^onse Id. Id. Id. Id. 4 Id. 3 Id. Pr. Id. dus 8Cal. [Mail. 17 Cal 16 Cal 15 Cal 14 Cal 13 Cal. 12 Cal. 11 Cal. 10 Cal. 9 Cal 8 Cal 7 Cal 6 Cal 5 Cal 4 Cal 3 Cal Pr.Cal 1 Lesson. 1 Sam. 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 Sam. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 1 Kings 4 6 2 Lesson. John 19 20 21 Acts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Lesson. [ Sam. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 2 Sam. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 1 Kings 3 5 7 2 Lesson. Heb. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 James 1 2 3 4 5 1 Peter 1 2 3 4 5 2 Peter 1 2 3 1 John 1 2 3 4 5 2, 3 John [Chichester. lichard, B. of 3t. Ambrose, B. of [Milan. ;?,H .-, , Alphege,Archb. oi [Cant . . . . St. George, Mart St. Mark, Evang [4- Mar Golden Numbers : and the Sunday Letter next following any such full Moon points out Easter-Day for that Year. All which holds until the Year of our Lord 1899 inclusive; after which Year, the Place of these Golden Numbers will be to be changed, as is hereafter expressed. (xxii) THE CALENDAR WITH THE TABLE OF LESSONS. MAY HATH XXXI DATS. MORNING PRAYER. EVENING PRAYER. o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 b c d e f 1 A b c d c f ? A b c d f f - A b c d < f - A b r d Calendae 6 Non. 5 Non. 4 Non. 3 Non. Prid. Non. Nona) 8 Id. 7 Id. 6 Id. 5 Id. 4 Id. 3 Id. Prid. Id. Id us 17Cl.Jun. 16 Cal. ISCaL 14 Cal. 13 Cal 12 Cal. 11 Cal. 10 Cal. 9 Cal. 8 Cal. 7 Cal. 6 Cal. 5 Cal. 4 Cal. 3 Cal. Prid. Cal. St. Philip & St. [James, Ap. <|- M. Invention of the [Cross. 1 Lesson. 1 Kings 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2 Kings 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Ezra 1 4 6 9 Neh.2 5 8 10 Esther 1 3 2 Lesson. Acts '28 Matt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Mark 1 1 Lesson. 1 Kings 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 2 Kings 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Ezra 3 5 7 Neli. 1 4 6 9 13 Esther 2 4 2 Lesson. Jude Romans 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Cor. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 St. John Evan, [ante Port. Lat. Dunstan, Archb. [of Cant. [Archb. of Cant. Augustin, first Ven. Bede, Pres. K. Charles II. [Nat. tnaesima \ (9) woota 1 ( Rogation- Sunday ) (5 \Veeks } 40 Days f after 7 Weeks f Easter. agesima ' J Trinity- Sunday 8 Weeks ) \ (9) woota 1 ( Rogation- Sunday ) ( ( Sunday ) 8 ( {!:,., f J dtctooton-Day f. = I f ia ) 7 f S^S ' } Whit-Sunday f 1S ) ) l J* ' J ( Trinity- Sunday ) I A TABLE of all the Feasts that are to be observed in the [Untied] Church of England [and Ireland] throughout the Year. All Sundays in the Year. / Saint Peter the Apostle. o Saint James the Apostle. Saint Bartholomew the Apostle. Saint Matthew the Apostle. Saint Michael and all Angels. Saint Lulx the Evangelist. Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apostles. All Saints. Saint Andrew the Apostle. Saint Thomas the Apostle. The Nativity of our Lord. The Circumcision of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. The Epiphany. The Conversion of Saint Paul. The Purification of the blessed Virgin. Saint Matthias the Apostle. The Annunciation of the blessed Vir- gin. Saint Mark the Evangelist Saint Philip and Saint James the Apostles. The Ascension of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. Saint liarnabas. , The Nativity of Saint Mm Baptist. Monday and Tuesday in Easter-Wee/;. the Saint Stephen the -Martyr. Saint John the Evangelist. \The Holy Innocents. day and Tuesday In Whitsun-Wetk. A TABLE of the Vigils, Fasts, and Days of Abstinence, to be observed in the Year- The Evens or Vigils before The Nativity of our Lord. The Purification of the blessed Virgin Mary. The Annunciation of the blessed Virgin. Easter-Day. Ascension-Day. Pentecost. Saint Matthias. /Saint John Baptist. Saint Peter. Saint James. The Evens 1 Saint Bartholomew. or Vigil* ( Saint Matthew. before ] Saint Simon and Saint Jude. Saint Andrew. 1 Saint Thomas. V -A11 Saints. Note. Tltat if any of these. Feast-Daya foil upon a, Monday, then the Vigil or Fast-day shall be kept upon the Saturday, and not upon the Sunday next before it. Days of Fasting or Abstinence. I. The Forty Days of Lent. II. The Ember-Days at the four Seasons, being the Wednesday Friday and Saturday after, 1. The first Sunday in Lent, 2. The Feast of Pentecost, 3. September 14, 4. December in. III. The three Rogation days, being the Monday, Tuesday, and Wedne3day before Holy-Thursday, or the Ascension of our Lord. IV. All the Fridays in the Year, except Christmas- Day. Certain Solemn Days, for which particular Services are appointed. I. The fifth day of November, being the day kept in Memory of the Papist's Conspiracy. II. The thirtieth day of January, being the day kept in Memory of the Martyrdom of King diaries the first. III. The 'nine-and-twentieth day of May. being the day kept in Memory of the Birth and Return of King Charles the second. [IV. The Twentieth day of June, being the day oa which Her Majesty began her happy Reign.] (ixsi) TABLE to find EASTER-DAY, from the present Time till the Year 1899 inclusive, according to the foregoing Calendar. Golden Day of the Sunday Number. Month. Letter. XIV. Mar. 21 G THIS Table contains so much of the Calendar as is ne- III. 22 D cessary for the determining of Easter ; to find which, 23 E look for the Golden Number of the Year in the first Co- XT. ~ 2* F lumn of the Table, against which stands the day of the 25 6 Paschal full Moon; then look in the third Column for x:x. ___ 26 A the Sunday Letter, next after the Day of the Full Moon, VIII. 27 B and the day of the month standing against that Sunday 28 c Letter is Easter Day. If the full Moon happens upon a XVI. 29 D Sunday, then (according to the first Rule) the next Sunday V. 30 E after is Easter Day. _____ 31 F XIII. Apr. 1 G To find the Golden Number or Prime, add 1 to the II. 2 A Year of our Lord, and then divide by 19 ; the Kemainder, 3 B if any, is the Golden Number ; but if nothing remaineth, X. 4 C then 19 is the Golden Number. 5 1) XVIII. . 6 E To find the Dominical or Sunday Letter, according to VII. 7 8 F 6 the Calendar, until the Year 1799 inclusive, add , to the Year of our Lord its Fourth Part, omitting , Q XV. g A Fractions, and also the Number 1 : Divide the F IV. : 10 B Sum by 7 : and if there is no remainder, then : 11 C A is the Sunday Letter : But if any Number re- ] XII. 12 D maineth, then the Letter standing against that , I. 13 K Number in the small annexed Table, is the \ IX. 14 15 G 16 A For the next Century, that is, from the Year 1800 till XVII _____ 17 B the Year 1809 inclusive, add to the current Year only its VI. 18 C fourth part, and then divide by 7, and proceed as in the 19 D last Eule. 20 E 21 F Note, that in all Bissextile or Leap-Years, the Letter 22 G found as above will be the Sunday Letter, from the inter- 23 A calated Day exclusive, to the end of the Year. 24 B 25 C Another TABLE to find EASTER till the Year 1899 inclusive. . The Gold. Numb. SUNDAY LETTERS. TO make use of the preced- ing Table, find the Sunday Letter for the Year is the up- permost Line, and the Golden Number, or Prime, in the Co- lumn of Golden Numbers, and against the Prime, in the same Line under the Sunday Letter, you have the Day of the Month on which Easter falleth that Year. But note, that the Name of the Month is set on the left hand, or just with the Figure, and followeth not, as in other Tables, by descent, but col- A B C D E F G I 11 III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII xnr XIV XV Apr. 16 Apr. 9 Mar.26 Apr.16 Apr. 2 Apr.23 Apr. 9 Apr. 2 Apr.16 Apr. 9 Mar.26 Apr.16 Apr. 2 Mar.26 Apr.16 17 3 27 17 3 24 10 3 17 10 27 17 3 27 10 18 4 28 11 4 25 11 Mar.26 18 11 28 18 4 28 11 19 5 29 12 5 19 12 29 19 5 29 19 5 22 12 M 6 23 13 6 20 13 3D 20 6 30 13 6 3 3 14 7 24 Mar.14 31 21 14 31 21 7 31 14 7 24 14 10 8 25 15 Apr. 1 22 8 Apr. 1 22 8 25 15 8 25 15 XVI Apr. 2 3 4 5 Mar.30 31 Apr. 1 XVII Apr.23 24 18 19 20 21 m XVIII Apr. 9 10 11 12 13 7 8 XIX Apr. 2 Mar.27 28 29 30 31 Apr. 1 (xxxii) A TABLE OF THE MOVEABLE FEASTS FOR FORTY-FOUR YEARS, ACCORDING TO THE FOKEGOISG CALENDAR. = a rt 1 ^ ~ | I a !\ 1 c.- a O 1, - >. c -7 C 1 'A & >, 2 fl ll h || 1| C 3 M 11 5 5 P CO - c. 10 1 D 3 1 18 5 If 14 May 24 25 29 1875 14 >'. 2 Jan. 24 10 Mar. 2s 6 16 26 28 1876 15 4 B A 5 Feb. 13Mar. 1 Apr. 16 21 25 June 4 24 Dec. 3 1877 .f; u G 3 Ian. 28 Feb. 14 1 6 10 May 20 26 2 1878 .7 M F 5 Feb. 17 Mar. f! 21 26 38 June 9 23 T 1876 If 7 E 4 9 Feb. 2t> 13 Is 22 1 24 Nov. 30 1880 U 18 D C 2 Jan. 25 11 Mar. lie 2 May 10 26 28 1881 ] t. B 5 Feb. 13 Mar. 2 Apr. 17 22 26 'une 5 23 27 1882 '2 11 A I 5 i Feb. 22 S 14 18 May 28 25 Dec. 3 UH t 2S G j Ian. 21 ! 7|Mar. 25 Apr. 29 IS 27 2 1884 < 1 F E 1 Feb. 10 27 Apr. 13 May 18 22 June 1 24 Vov. 30 1885 1880 5 i 25 D C 6 = 2 ] 18 Mar 10 25 10 14 nna 3 May 24 uue 13 25 22 29 28 1887 7 B B 4 6 Feb. 23 1' 15 May 19 May 2& 24 27 1888 f 17 A G i Jan. 29 15 , _^ 1 C 10 - 20 26 Dec. 2 1869 B 2e F 5 Feb- 17 Mar. 6 21 26 30 June 9 23 1 1890 u B E 3 2 Feb. 19 6 11 15 My 25 25 Nov. 30 1891 1 20 B 1 Jan. 25 11 Mar. 29 3 -2 17 26 29 1892 8 1 C B 5 Veb. 14 Mar 'i. Apr. 17 22 26 uue 23 27 1893 3 J A 3 Jan. 29 Feb. 15 ___ 9 7 11 May 21 26 Dee. 3 1894 ) 23 G j 21 7 Mar. 25 Apr. 29 3 13 27 . 2 1895 5 4 F 4 Feb. 10 27 Apr. 14 May 16 23 une 2 24 1 1896 q If. E D 3 2 * 19 5 10 14 May 24 25 Nov. 29 1897 7 2' C 5 14 Mar. 3 18 23 27 une C 23 28 189^- 7 B 4 GFeb. 23 1(1 15 19 lay 29 24 - 27 1899 9 e A ;; Ian. 29 ir. 2 7 11 21 26 Dec. 3 1900 1 G 6 Feb. 11 2 15 2* 24 June 3 24 _ n (xxxiii) A TABLE Of the MOVE ABLE FEASTS, according to the several Days that EASTER can possibly fall upon. n f^ y . a . ^ c g ts S p *f .2 fe- .2 'O p ^ >> "= SH 1 w ?" g'5. yj 3 a* 1 o O 5 a 1 ns ll " 1 !3 i II a II Mar.22 1 Jan.18 Feb. 4 Apr.26 Apr.cO MaylO 27 Nov.29 23 1 19 5 27 VI ay 1 11 27 30 24 1 20 6 28 2 12 27 Dec. 1 25 2 21 7 29 3 13 27 2 26 2 22 8 30 A 14 27 3 27 2 23 c May 1 5 15 26 Nov.27 28 2 24 10 2 6 16 26 28 29 2 25 11 3 7 17 26 29 30 2 26 12 4 J3 18 26 30 31 2 27 13 5 g 19 26 Dec. 1 Apr. 1 3 28 14 fj 1C 20 26 2 . 2 3 29 15 7 11 21 26 3 '- 3 30 16 8 12 22 25 Nov.27 i 3 31 17 9 U 23 25 28 t 3 Feb. 1 18 10 14 24 25 29 j ( 3 _____ c 19 11 15 95 25 30 ___ r 3 i 20 12 Ib 26 25 Dec. 1 8 4 2: Ib l*i 27 25 2 9 4 ' 22 14 18 28 25 3 10 4 _____ i 23 i e 19 29 24 Nov.27 11 4 24 16 20 30 24 00 12 4 8 25 17 21 31 24 29 _j 4 c 26 18 22 June 1 24 30 1' 4 10 2" 19 23 e 24 Dec. 1 15 5 1 28 20 24 j 24 2 1( 5 12 Mar. 1 21 25 t 24 3 V 5 lc 't 22 26 5 23 Nov.27 18 5 1' 2; ,2* ( 23 2 19 5 15 < _2' 28 1 23 29 2' 5 li i 2i 29 fc 23 30 2 5 r 26 30 9 23 Dec. 1 2! 6 18 ' 2" 3 10 23 2 o' 6 \< ! 28 June ! 11 23 5 2' 6 2 2! c 12 22 Nov.27 91 6 2 1 30 3 13 22 Note, that in a Bissextile or Leap Year, the Number of Sundays after Epiphany will be the same, as if Easter- Day had fallen one day later than it really does. And for the same reason, one day must, in every Leap Year, be added to the day of the Month given by the Table for Septuagesima Sunday : And the like must be done for the first day of Lent (commonly called Ash-Wednesday) unless the Table gives some day in the Month of March for it ; for in that case, the day given by the Table is the right day. (xxxiv) TABLE to find EASTER-DAY. From the Year 1900 to 2199 inclusive. Golden Numbers. $5% P0i fee. B 4800 11 B 8400 29 4900 5000 14 15 8500 &c. 'TO find the Dominical or Sun- day Letter for any given Year of our Lord, add to the Year its fourth Tart, omitting fractions, and also the Number, which in Table I. standeth at 5100 16 'pO Hint the Month and Days of the Month to A which the Goldeu Numbers ought to be pre- fixed in the Calendar, in any given Year of our Lord, consisting of entire Hundred Years, and in :ill the intermediate Years betwixt that and the next hundredth Year following, look in the Se- cond Column of Table II. for the given Year con- the Top of the Column, where- in the Number of hundreds contained in that given Year is sisting of entire Hundreds, and Note the Number or Cypher which stands against it in the Third Column ; then, in Table III. look for the same Number in the Column under any given Golden found : Divide the Sum by 7, and if there is no remainder, then A is the Sunday Letter ; but if any Number remaineth, Number, which.when you have found, guide your Eye Side-ways to the Left Hand, and in the First Column you will lind the Month and Day to wliich that Golden Number ought to be prefixed in the Calendar, during that Period of one hun- then the Letter, \vliich standeth under that Number at the Top dred Yearn. The Letter B prefixed to certain hundredth Years in Table 11. denotes those Years which of the Table, is the Sunday are still to be accounted Bissextile or Leap- Years in the new Calendar; whereas all the other Letter. hundredth Years are to be accounted only com- mon Years. (HIT) TABLE III. Paschal Full Moon. March 21 March 22 March 23 March 24 March 25 $* IS P C D E F 6 A B C D E THE GOLDEN NUMBERS. 1 2 3 4J5J6 7 8 9 1011 12 li N It 1C 17 It 41.: 5 1* 617 7 18 8U 19 2!5 ]27 '28 29 8 9 10 11 12 19 20 21 22 23 1 a 3 4 1122 3 1223 4 1324 5 1425 6 1526 7 14 15 10 17 Is 25 6 26. 7 27 8 26 9 2910 17'28 92C 18' 29 10 21 19 01122 20 1 12 23 21 2 13 2J i 2 3 4 5 122; 13 2-! 142.= 15 2f 1627 March 26 March 27 March 28 March 29 March 30 13 14 15 10 17 24 25 26 27 2b 5 7 8 9 1627 8 1728 9 182910 19 Ull 20, 1 12 19 20 21 22 23 Oil 119 213 314 415 22 31425 23 4 IS 26 7 24 51627 8 25 C 17 28 9 20 7 IS 2910 1728 92C 18 29 10 21 19, 01122 20 1 12 M 21 21324 1 2 3 4 5 March 31 April 1 April 2 April 3 April 4 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 8 April 9 F G A B C D E F 6 A IS 19 20 21 22 29 1 2 3 1021' 21324 1122 314'25 1223 4152(5 1324 51627 1425 61728 51627 819 Oil 6 17 28 i 20 1 12 718291021 213 8'19 01122 314 920 11223 415 22 314|25 6 23 4 15 26 7 24 5 10 27 8 25 6172s a 26; 7182910 n 24 25 26 27 415i26 5 10 27 6 17 2 7 'US 29 819J 71829 819 920J 1 1021 2 1122 3 lo!21 1122 12 23 1324 1425 21324 510 31425 017 4 15 26 7 18 51627 819 6 17 28 9 20 27. 819 28' 920 29 10 21 01122 11223 1 2 3 4 11 12 13 14 15 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 13 April 14 B C D E F 28 9 2010 mil 112 213 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 1223 1324 1425 1526 1627 4 f> 6 7 B 1526 718 16127i 819 17281 920 IS 29 10 21 19j 01122 29 10 21 11 22 11223 2 13 24 . 3 14 25 2'l324 31425 4' 15 26 51627 6I1728 5 C 7 8 9 16 17 18 19 20 April 15 April 16 April 17 April 17 April 18 G A B B C C 3 4 : 14 15 10 17 25 20 27 28 G 7 8 y 1728 1829 19 20,1 9 10 11 12 20 1 21 2 22 3 23 4 1223 1324 1425 1526 4 5 7 15 10 17 18 21: 27 28 29 7 8 6 10 18 19 20 21 29 1 2 10 11 12 13 21 22 23 24 25 April 18 718 2910 21' 2 13 24 5 1627 8 19 (1 11 22 3 14 THE ORDER FOR MORNING AND EVENING PRAYER Daily to be said and used throughout the year. THE Morning and Evening Prayer shall he used in the accustomed place of the Church, Chapel, or Chancel ; except it shall be otherwise determined by the Ordinary of the place. And the Chancels shall remain as they have done in times past. And here is to be noted, that such Ornaments of the Church and of the Ministers thereof at aU times of their Ministration, shall be retained and be in use, as were in this Church of England, by the Authority of Parliament, in the second year of the Reign ol King Edward the Sixth. (xxxvi) THE ORDER FOR MORNING PRAYER, DAILY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. (1.) At the beginning of Morning Prayer the Minister [33 Ez. 7] shall read with a loud voice some one or more of these Sentences of the Scriptures that follow. And then he shall say that which is written after the said Sentences. "4^14 15 J \\T HEN the wlcked man " turneth away from his M8Ez.21, .,,_' ' ' * wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth 33 EZ. ll. 2 Kp. 3-10; that whicli is lawful and right, he shall save his gf'SJoh. 16, li.TU.15. < 32 Ps. 5, I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is **f- G - ever before me. rf Ps. li. 3. rf.WPs.17. e efl6Jc.!7, Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out[all]mine io.23Nii.21;.;.!.,, i; o lCol/28 Si iniquities. Jr/t. ll. J, 2Col.io l $. The sacrifices of God-'' are a broken spirit?: a -^ 6Ml ' 5 ' *=- g 68 Is. 2; Broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not '' * 02 Ps - 17 "oMat. 3.' despise.* Ps. li. 17. 57 is. 15: idf44Ps.21 Rend your heart, 1 and not your garments, and 61 Is. 1, fc. 70. 15 Mat ' turn unto the Lord your God: for lie is gracious and-*, 9 .?** 1 ' '-I". s 19 -nil i c i i j j 145 Ps. 8, merciful, slow to anger,- 7 and ot great kindness, and 7 Mi. 18: k 106 Ps. 45; repenteth him of the evil.* Joel ii. 13. 1 Na./. 3. 18Je. 8. Xo the Lord our God' belong mercies and forgive- Z48Ps. 14; MI 14 Nu. 18; nesses," 1 though we have rebelled against him: nei- 2 vl'fiiii ther nave we obeyed" the voice of the Lord our God, "_ ^no 2 ^. ' ' 03 Is. 7. ' to walk in his laws which he set before us. Dan. ix. iije. 910 o lliCo.32; ' ' . . j>54Is.7-0; 12He.5,4t. ^ Lord, correct me," but with judgement; not in 57i 8 . 15. tliine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing. p Jer. x. 24. Ps. vi. 1. r9Lu. 2; KL 47, t*32G MO- b e fi" re thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy 33J b27, "siPs.lb. ' son." St. Luke xv. 18, 19. &c. Enter not into judgement with thy servant, O t 9 Job 2, 3; w 130 P 3- Lord' ; for in thy sight shall no man living be justi- 1 7 Ecc. 20. ' Aed.' c Psalm cxliii. 2. ^e^i 22 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive our- 3 By. 23."' selves,' and the truth is not in us : but, if we confess ~ 33 Je. 8; ^spfi'olili our sms > He is faithful and just v to forgive us our ^^ 7 '\^': 2( u Zee. m. 9. sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.* Set 11 q. 1 J hn i. 8, 9. See So. 16. 1 B MORNING PRAYER. (2.) "TVEARLY beloved brethren," the Scripture moveth a 4 Pli. 1; \J us m sundry places to acknowledge and confess b ^. Le< 4 ' gf23Mat.8, our manifold sins and wickedness 6 ; and that we 32 Ps. 5; w. lii Co.24, should not dissemble nor cloke c them before the face liJo.8,9. &5iPe.3. O j- Almighty God our heavenly Father; but confess <* 51 Ps. 17 ; c 2 8Pr. 13;' them with an humble, lowly, penitent, and obedient isLuY^t, 30 Is. 1. heart d ; to the end that we may obtain forgiveness f 34 Ex.6" '^A^ S IQ' ^ *h e san 6 / hy his infinite goodness and mercy/ " 36 Ps. 5 : 1 Coi. 14'. -^ n< i although we ought at all times humbly to acknow- j^ 31 * 8 ' 1]> g 40 Ps. 12 ; ledge our sins before God e , yet ought we most chiefly 108 Ps. 4. i q sc t do when we assemble and meet together'' to AlSMat.19; 1 38I S S 20~- 'render thanks for the great benefits that we have re- ' 5 Ep. 20. ceived at his hands,* to set forth his most worthy ^ ^p y-v,. & 31 Dc.ll. praise,-' to hear his most holy word,* and to ask 24Lu.53. ' 4 u 16 those things which are requisite and necessary, as I 7 Mat. 7 ; 15 Ac. 2l! well for the body as the soul.' Wherefore I pray and # ?{' u m 12 Ro. 1. beseech you," 1 as many as are here present, to accom- w. ULu.ls! ieb. 1C. p an y me w jt u a p ure heart" and humble voice, unto n66Ps.!8; Set No. 17. the throne of the heavenly grace," saying after me : 5 Mat. 8. A general Confession to be said of the whole Congregation after the Minister, alt kneeling. [95 Ps. 6; 6 Da. I. 10.] (3.) fi A LMIGHTY and most merciful Father" ; We 5 53 i s . 6 ; < 6 1 '?c' U 'l8 3 ' ~^^~ k ave erred ' and strayed from thy ways like lost ODa.5,6.' 18 J 12 s h ee P- 6 We have followed too much the devices and d 9 Ezr. 7. w5Lu32*that truly repeat, and unfeignedly believe his holy lOAc.42,43. 2 MORNING PRAYER. IM-I 14 ia- Gospel.*" Wherefore let us beseech him to grant us ^Sl Ps. 10; 20 AC. 21. ' true repentance,* and his holy Spirit,' that those 2iiTUn25. ' j 11 Lu. 13. things may please him,- 7 which we do at this present ; j jg p s> 14. k 1 iPe.l3,<5fc. anc t that the rest of our life hereafter may be pure, 141 Ps. 2.' wiCRo. 23. and holy*; so that at the last we may come to his nc Ps. 11; See No. 19. eternal joy' ; through Jesus Christ our Lord."' The People shall answer here, and at the end ofallother Prayers, Amen. [ff.\4 i Co.16.] (5.) Then the Minister shall kneel, and say the Lords Prayer [6 Mat. 913] with an audible voice ; the People also kneeling, and repeating it with him [cf.4A.c. 24], both tiere, and wheresoever else it is used in Divine Service. a #3Lu.38, /^|UR Father," which art in heaven, 4 Hallowed be &20iiCh.6; c4Re 11 " thy Name.' Thy kingdom come.<* Thy will be io3Ps.l9; if 17 Ac. 21, done in earth, as it is in heaven. 6 Give us this day 123 Ps. 1. our daily bread/ And forgive us our trespasses, As d ? I8 '?'J' '/T^'aiie we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead ^145 pj, if^ sSeeGe' us no * * n ^ tem ptation ; But deliver us from evil: 16; t 07 Ps. 1, 6; For thine is the kingdom/ The power,* and the ft 3 4oi' 8 7 'i9- lOPr./. 4; glory, 1 for ever and ever*i Amen. 31. 10 i Co. 31. ,, ,.,.,, y 104 Ps. 31. Then likewise he shall say, O Lord, open thou our lips. See 12 a~h. k 51 Ps. 15 ; Answer. And our mouth shall shew forth thy praise.* ..,,,, 03 Ps. 3-5 i -D . r\ n i \ Z 31 Ps. 2 ; 13 He. 15. Priest. O God, make speed to save us. 40 Ps. 13. Answer. O Lord, make haste to help us.' Here all standing up, the Priest shall say, m 50 Ps. 14, Glory'" be to the Father, and to the Son : and to Is if 21- the Hol y Ghost ; 33Jc.m.ll. Answer. As it was in the beginning," is now, and S6 t-u>. o 29 i Ch 20 ever ^^ ^ e : wor ^ without end. Amen. p 34 Ps. 3 ; 9 Ne. 5; ' Priest. Praise ye the Lord." 67 P fl 3 ' 5- 22Ps.23,25. Answer. The Lord's Name be praised. p See 20 *, t. Then shall be said or sung this Psalm following : except on Easter-Day, upon which another Anthem is appointed; and on the Nineteenth day of every Month it is not to be read here, but in the ordinary Course of the Psalms. (6.) Venite, exultemus Domino. Psalm xcv. a sr ' C ?9 9 ' f\ COME, let us sing unto the Lord* : let us ^aoPp 5 ^*- 7 ' 5 Ja. 13. ' ^-^ heartily rejoice in the strength of our salvation. 6 ^32 S be.i5; Let us come before his presence' with thanks- &10iCo.4. md shew ourselves glad hi him with Psalms. d d cf 29 UCh. For the Lord is a great God : and a great King ff^"p^' 2 4. e 2 ii Ch./.5 ; above all gods. c 122 Ps. 1. ' JOJe 8 0*7- ^ n ''* s nan d -ire all the corners of the earth : andysopr. 4 : 1 Mai.U4.' the strength of the hills is his also/ 40Is.12.15 ; The sea is his, and he made it : and his hands pre- 3Hab - ' 10 - glGe.1,9,10; pared the dry land/ h 9 Ear. 5.; 66P*J7.' O come, let us worship, and fall down : and kneel i } ^ 8 "! 3 ,^. cf 9 Zec!l6. before the J^ord our Maker.' 1 14 R^' 7 ' 3 B 2 MORNING PRAYER. 48 Ps/.14; For he is the Lord our God* : and we are the peo- j 23p s .i,2; 25 Is. /. 1. pj e n j g p as t ure> an( j tii e s heep of his hand.-' 77 Ps. 20 ;' *17Mat ?5- To da y if y e wil1 liear his voice * harden not your 40 Is - u - 3 Be. 20. ' hearts' : as in the provocation, and as hi the day of 1 6 i Sa. 6 ; rn 14Nu. 22, temptation in the wilderness ; I~ ea > let ii; P raise fll9Ps.90, him, and magnify him for ever. O ye Mountains, and Hills, bless ye the Lord' : * 65 Ps. 12 : praise him, and magnify him for ever. i48 P pg 8 b' ' O all ye Green 'filings upon the Earth, bless ye the 55 is. 12. ' "33 .' Lord" : praise him, and magnify him for ever. OGPs.12,13; O ye Wells", bless ye the Lord : praise him, and 104Ps. 1C. 3 Ps. 9. magnify hi m f or ever. "if 8 ' Ch 32 9 ' ^ y e Seas, an( * Floods'", bless ye the Lord : praise him, and magnify him for ever. O ye Whales, and all that move in the Waters/ *lGc.20,'2l; bless ye the Lord : praise him, and magnify him for ever. c y 148 Ps. 10. O all ye Fowls of the Air, bless ye the Lord" : ^ . p ra ; se j 1 j ni) an( j magnify him f or ever. O all ye Beasts, and Cattle, bless ye the Lord* : ~ 148 Ps. TO praise him, and magnify him for ever. aal48Ps.ll O ye Children of Men, bless ye the Lord 03 : praise *~'* 1 him, and magnify him for ever. O let Israel bless the Lord 46 : praise him, and mag- J * "^ Ps-2. ...... cf. Oua. 16. mfy him for ever. cc 135 Ps. 2 ; O ye Priests of the Lord, bless ye the Lord" : ' P ra ' se hi m > an< l magnify him for ever. O ye Servants of the Lord, bless ye the Lord dd : rfrflSSPs.l; praise him, and magnify him for ever. O ye Spirits and Souls of the Righteous, bless ye ' ie ^ r ^ : praise him, and magnify him for ever. Ul ' O ye holy and humble Men of heart, bless ye the ,,. 33 Ps j . Lord-^ : praise him, and magnify him for ever. 74 Ps. 21. ' O Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, bless ye the Lord : praise him, and magnify him for ever. r"13 Job 31, Glory** be to the Father, and to the Son : and to 32. the Holy Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall M jj e AA . ^rorid without end. Amen. See 9 t, u. MORNING PRAYER. Then shall be read in like manner the SecondJ^esson, taken out of the New Testa- ment. And after that, the Hymn following ; except when that shall happen tn be read in the Chapter for the Day, or for the Gospel on St. John Baptist's Day. (9.) Benedictus. St. Luke i. 68-79. be the Ij rd God of Israel" : for he S2Lu.38; c 22 s 3- ' iatn v i s it ed and redeemed his people 6 ; 7 Lu> 16 - i32Ps.i7,is! And hath raised up a mighty 1 salvation for us c : in 1 an fwrn f e 3 Ac.21,&. the house of his servant David d ; d ' "of 3 ^ 2 " flf 2 3 s' ^ s ' ie s P a ' ce ky tne mout h f I" 8 holy prophets'" : s'ee 39 j>' See 21 /'. which have been since the world began ; /33De 27 29- a 12 Ge. 3; That we should be saved from our enemies-^ : and 28Eze 26-' JoS^k from the hands2 of a11 that hate us ; 3 Ze p- 1 5- 19 '- 5 our father To perform the mercy promised to our forefathers 3 f : 2 r ' antl 2|Ge. IB- an d to remember his holy covenant' 1 ; 6 He 13 & To perform the oath 4 which he sware to our fore- h 30 Ezc.b; father 5 Abraham* : that he would give us 6 ; 6 Ho 1822 That we being delivered out of the hand of our the oath m 40 is. s^t. enemies : might serve him without fear-' ; 6grant unto ,n L . u-1 ?' In holiness and righteousness before him* : all the w *> 19 Ac. 4. , - ,.- , a -RO is 7 by days of our life. \ fj^L 8 or boivelt And thou, Cliild, shalt be called the Prophet' of the 7 LU. 28. . i i i 11 Is* 1 See 13 a. 1 S lve light' to them that sit in darkness, and m 3 Z PC . g. the shadow of death' : and to guide our feet into the 6 Zee. 12. SeeW.Qh.ee. way of peace< r 107 Ps. 10, wlHe.10-12- Glory be to the Father, and to the Son' : and to 2 j e 6 13 He. 8,15 1 the Holy Ghost ; , 16 j' ob '. 14 . Re.^7,18. ^ g j t wag j n t j ie beginning, is now, and ever shall 174ob.l,8) See 10 /-n. be" : world without end. Amen. 10> 24< Or this Psalm, (10.) Jubilate Deo. [Psalm c.] % 3 T Ezr. U ! r% BE joyful in tlie Lord, all ye lands" : serve the .,,., & J oel 20 I s - 19 o l^OL. it ; . i i . -%.T ^ ' 13 He. 15. speak good of his Name. 135Ps.2.3. 7 MORNING PRAYER. For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is everlasting j: j34Ex. 6,7 ; fe!46 Ps.;.6. and his truth endureth from generation to generation.* }?Q h ',^ ' m 3 Ac. 13 ; Glory be to the Father/ and to the Son'" : and to 1 14 j^ \$'. 19 Ac. 17. the Holy Ghost ; . 17Joh.'l,4' ; See 20 n-r. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall 11 Ao " 18- be : world without end. Amen. nSee~Refj,k. (11.) Then shall be sung or said the Apostles' Creed by the Minister and the People, standing : except only such days as the Creed of St. Athanasius is appointed to be read. olOMat.32, T BELIEVE" in God 6 the Father' Almighty, Maker *3?x.l3 f l4; OO ! . i,i/7 ~0 H Cll. &(), lORo.9,10. *- f heaven and earth" : d 1 Ge. 1 ; e See 5 a, And in Jesus Christ 6 his only Son-^ our Lord, Who 31 Ex.17. t\^3 ^h I was conce i ved by the Holy Ghost/ Born of the Virgin ^ ^* - ^ 2 i Jo. 22 ; ' Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate/ 1 Was crucified, 64. 5 i Jo. 1,5. dead,' and buried, He descended into help ; The 7i27Mat.2,2C. ?i 5 . Ro. 6. third day he rose again from the dead*, He ascended j 16 Ps. 10. A 28 Mat'. 1, into heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of God the 1 8 Ro - 34 - &c> Father Almighty' ; From thence he shall come to judge "^j'c^iQ 6 .' "J* 6 Mat.27; the quick and the dead."' 6 ii Co. 16.' &c ' I believe in the Holy Ghost"; The holy Catholic pliJo.m.3. olSMat. 17; Church"; The Communion of Saints?; The forgive- r!5 i Co. 12, liT^nfis ness f sms? ? Ibe Resurrection of the body, and the _ q 3Ro.23-26. life everlasting/ Amen. See25a-s. And offer that, these Prayers following, all devoully kneeling ; the Minister first pronouncing with a loud voice, s 8 Is. 1. 10 ; The Lord be with you/ 1 4 ii Ti. 22; IMat. 1. 23; . A , .,; , ,, . ., , PhPe 25 28 Mat. 2. Answer. And with thy spirit.' ulOHe.m.25- Minister. Let us pray." 4 { j Lord, have mercy upon us." w 9MaU.27. Christ, have mercy upon us. w Lord, have mercy upon us.*' See 25 t-x. (12.) Then the Minister, Clerics, and People, shall say the Lord's Prayer with a loud voice. a A 3 o 2 ? e ' 6; /~WR Father," which art in heaven,* Hallowed be ?9 n p -A DO Is. 16; I I ,. _ T _,. , . . j ,,,, .,, d 7 Ua.ld.c'jt. 64 Is. 6-8; ^-J thy Name/ Thy kingdom come. rt Thy will 9Zec.9,iu; 2iJo. 1,2.' be done e in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day 21Mat.l&c. elSHelo'll. our dail y bread/ And forgive us our trespasses/ as/ 3 6 5 ^|'^" g 53 Is. 5,' 6 ; we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us /{ 48Ge!/.ie ; 9 He. l. 22. no t i n t temptation ; But deliver us from evil/' Amen. 3 i Jo^ z. 8. Then the Priest standing up, shall say, See 2 -& O Lord, shew thy mercy upon us. i 85 Ps. 7. Answer. And grant us thy salvation.* Priest. O Lord, save the Queen.-' Answer. And mercifully hear us when we call ft 4 Ps. 1,3. uponth ee.* MORNING PRAYER. m 132 Ps. 9, Priest. Endue thy ministers with righteousness.' iOEp.18,18. 1C Job 33 Answer. And make thy chosen people joyful.'" 3 j er . 23. Priest. O Lord, save thy people." Answer. And bless thine inheritance." p 26 Le. 6 ; Priest. Give peace in our time, O Lord/ ^ 20*5 ^; Answer. Because there is none other that fighteth ly,&391s.8.' 108Ps.l2,'l3.' for us, but only thou, O Gad.' * 6 Ge 3- Priest. O God, make clean our hearts within us. 1 r 51Ps.lO,il. Answer. And take not thy holy Spirit from us. 1 SeeZSh-r. Then shall follow three Collects; the first of the Day, which sliall be the same that is appointed at the Communion ; the second Jor Peace ; the third for Grace to live well. And the two last Collects shall never alter, but daily be said at Morning Prayer throughout all the Year, as f(,lloiveth ; all kneeling. (13.) The Second Colkctjor Peace. "^p^'io 5 O GOD ' who art the author of P eace and lover of 6 ^ 3 . Joh>34f <&r27&. ^^ concord,* in knowledge of whom standeth our 4ij h. 16. c 17 Job. 3. eternal life, whose service is perfect freedom"* ; de- <* 81 Is. /. 1 ; ^wVld. 21 ' fend us thy humble servants' in all assaults of our g e em^' 1 22 Job 29. enemies^ ; that we surely trusting in thy defence/ / 7 P. 1 ; s217i, *. m ay not fear the power of any adversaries,* through 1 S? 8 ' 1 1 7 2 ' "''< Kp ii/15 tne might of Jesus Christ our Lord.* Amen. ^ 3 D^ 22- i 4 Ph. 13. ' 1 Ph. 28. ' The Third Collect, for Grace. /~\ LORD our heavenly Fattier,' Almighty and J See 5 a, b. 40 Is? 28 V-J everlasting God,* who hast safely brought us to |2j ; ffl WJ 16iiCh .8,9; tne beginning of this day'; defend us in the same n 17 p s ' 5 . ' 1 i Pe. 5. with thy mighty power," 1 and grant that tliis day we 119 Ps. lie, o 91Ps.4,4fc. fall into no sin," neither run into any kind of danger" ; 117 - PS- 3 !*- b u t that .J1 our doingg ma y b e ordered by thy govern- p ng Ps.'i33. . ,*' ance, p to do always that is righteous in thy sight' ; 3 Pr. 6. 21. ' through Jesus Christ our Lord/ Amen. r 16Joh.23. In Quire t and Places where they ting, litre followeth the Anthem. Then these five Prayers following are to be read here, except when tlie Litany is read ; and then only the two last are to be read, as they are there placed. A Prayer for the Queen's Majesty. ,i 14Ge.f.22. ^~\ LORD our heavenly Father, high and mighty," \J King of kings, Lord of lords,* the only Ruler of o 10 De. 17 ; c 20 ii c.i. 6; princes/ who dost from thy throne behold all the ' 4 '- dwellers upon earth**; Most heartily we beseech thee d ^ p g 4^ e 1 i Ki. 3", with thy favour to behold our most gracious Sovereign* Lady, Queen VICTORIA, and so replenish her with/lOiSa.6,9; l0 ' the grace of thy Holy Spirit/ that she may alway incline l [ Sa - 13> g SiKi.57,58. to tn y ^^ and walk in thy way* : Endue her plen- ft 3 j Ki 9> teousiy with heavenly gifts*; grant her in health and gfl2iCo.8. 9 MORNING PRAYER. 1 1 i Ki.Z.31; wealth long to live'; strengthen her that she may ; 33 De. ?.7; orSE^- 1 ^ vanquish and overcome all her enemies^ ; and finally, s^ 1 ^ 3 ' 1 '' after this life, she may attain everlasting joy and k 35 Is. 10. felicity* ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. See 28 -J- cf. ~*). M iit . 'Zl A Prayer for the Royal Family. ALMIGHTY God, the fountain of all goodness/ '1 J a -"- EwTlo; ! A we humbly beseech thee to hless the Prince T 8 , Consort, Albert Prince of Wales, and all the Royal &*4iCo. 7. o 9 il Co. 8. ]? am iiy : Endue them with thy holy Spirit" ; en- rich them with thy heavenly grace"; prosper them" ? o i'joh! 11.' with all happiness p ; and bring them to thine everlast- ... . . ing kingdom' ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 9 A Prayer fur the Clergy and People. 3iiTh.'l. ' ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who alone u!2Zec/.10; ** workest great marvels'" ; Send down upon our < 20 Ac. 2s ; 4 Ac. 33. ' Bishops, and Curates/ and all Congregations com- 13 He.17,18. ^14Hos5- netted to their charge,' the healthful Spirit of thy V^RQ V 8 Zee. 13;' grace"; And that they may truly please thee," pour &i. 19. u: 1 Ep. 3. upon them the continual dew of thy blessing": Grant * P^-. 1 ' 1 ^ j/2iTi. 5. this, O Lord, for the honour* of our Advocate and m Th.il! Mediator Jesus Christ. y Amen. 12. Sce28q-x. (15.) A Prayer of St. Chrysostom. 9 Bo. 5. ALMIGHTY God, who hast given us grace 6 at & 1 i Co. 4,5 ; clAc. 14. U\. this time with one accord e to make our common ?.pTf c 18 Mat. 10 supplications unto thee d ; and dost promise, that when . *' '' 20. ' two or three are gathered together in thy Name, thou 37 p& 4 : ' af Inf Ch' w-ilt ^ ant their re 1 uestsC Fulfil now Lord, the UoPs.is.lS; 4,15,24. desires and petitions of thy servants/ as may be most ~ Mat ' 7 ' g e EC./. 12; expedient for them* ; granting us in this world know- 2iTi.3 I. 5 iJo.14, 15. ledge of thy truth,* and in the world to come life ever- *4iTlU.17. lasting.* Amen. SeeMa-h. 2 Cor. xiii. 14. rpHE grace-' of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love J Uoh.14-17: M^t" -*- of God '* and the fellowshi P of the Holy Ghost,' ] 19. ' be with us all evermore.'" Amen. j 7Joh.3S 33. See 29 U. Here endeth tlte order of Morning Prayer throughout the Year. 10 THE ORDER FOR EVENING PRAYER, DAILY THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. (16.) At the beginning fif Evening Prayer, the Minister shall read with a loud voice some one or more of these sentences of the Scriptures that follow. And then he shall say that which is written after the said Sentences. aZMe.LlS; ~1T7"HEN the wicked man turneth" away from his T V wickedness that he hath committed,* and doeth b ^ g, 4; c 119 Ps. 4 ; that which is lawful and right/ he shall save his soul 20 Ac. 20. alive d Ezek.-x.ym.Z7. dgf2Ac.40 ; c0T4Ge. 9; j acknowledge my transgressions," and my sin is 3 MaL is.' ever before me/ Ps. li. 3. / I*W ; Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out [all] mine The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit* : a broken <33iiCh.l2, and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.' 18Lu.lo.14. Ps - li- 17. See 330_/,. Rend your heart, and not your garments,- 7 and turn ? 17 91* *7^Sa' 2 3"^ 1; un * ^ e ^ r( l your God*: for he is gracious and mer- 2 Ka 28,29) 3 La. 40'; ciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and re- 4iTi./.8. 1 Zee. 3, 4. penteth him of the evil.' Joel ii. 13. U03 Ps. 8 ; _or 0005 To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgive- t j "- 2 - r?i3La.22,23; , , . . ' . SeeQ2m-p. lEp. 7; nesses, though we have rebelled against him" : nei- 2 Ep. 4. tlier have we obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, W j j h"n ' rf 17 ;i TT; to walk in his laws which he set before us." Dan. ix. of 2 Ps. 3, 9,10. ^ISJohVs -. , . L rd ' ' 0rrCC u t "l e '. but Wlth J u u d .g ement r " : *y,-Jkll, , p thine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing.* Jer. x. 24. 3 j a j,. j. 2. 46 Je. 28.' -P*- vi. 1. tec 391 d'-/ Repent ye r ; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.* ''^"'M 4 . * 55 Is. 6 ; St - MatL "i- 2 24 Lu. 47. 3 ii Pe.O.'fc I will arise, and go to my father,' and will say unto <^f 2 Ho. 7; c 3 J 4 22 k' m ' F ataer >" I have sinned against heaven, and before 14 Ho. 1-3. See 5 d ' tliee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son." v of 3 Je.19: 12 , *. St. Luke xv. 1 8, 1 9 . . Mat - 20 ' Enter not into judgement with thy servant, O Lord : c2Ro. 2; for in thy sight shall no man living be justified.'" . . *20Pr.9; w. 3Ro. 2lJ If we sa y *-' ia * we have no sin, we deceive our- 6Ga.3; selves, and the truth is not in us 1 : but, if we confess ei >v- !91ft/i - our sins," He is faithful and just to forgive us ***&% ^37 3 Chr> sms ' an( ^ to c '- eanse us f rom a 'l unrighteousness. 1 1 AY. Jo/mi. 8,9. See No. 1. 11 EVENING PRAYER. (17.) ~T\ EARLY beloved" brethren, the Scripture moveth a4iTh. 1; j / us in sundry places to acknowledge and confess 3 j "'1^13' iii Job ^f ' our manifold sins and wickedness 6 ; and that we should 5 Ho. 15. cf 3U b not dissemble nor cloke c them before the face of d 5 Mat. 48; 3? Almighty God our heavenly Father*; but confess 6 e34iiCh.27 ; tlie m with an humble, lowly/ penitent, and obedient-'" ^i^f^'^l 57 Is. 15. heart ; to the end that we may obtain forgiveness of 34 Job 32.' H^nxSt'siJ' tne same/ by his infinite goodness and mercy .* And S^ 14 Ez - 3 " 33 Job 27 alti 1011 ^ 1 we ought at all times* humbly to acknow- ' "28. ' ledge our sins before God ; yet ought we most chiefly 3 La. 22 ;' f 18 Lu. l,4t. so to do, when we assemble and meet together 7 to 7 Mi. 18,19. 5iTh.l". render thanks for the great benefits that we have j Ne. 2, 3. k 100 P 4 rece ' ve d at his hands, to set forth his most worthy 1 8 Ne. 8 : 107Ps.21J22- praise,* to hear his most holy word/ and to ask those 13 Ac- ' r '\ 147 Ps. 1 ; things which are requisite and necessary, as well for n ".J ' 20 ' 4 R!; U. the bod y a 8 the sou1 -'" Wherefore I pray and beseech uH^f-Z m 4 Ph 10 y ou '" a 3 many as are here present, to accompany me $ 10 Ko. 9, o 24 Ps 3 4 w1 ^ a P ure neart ' an d humble voice, p unto the 10- _ 15 Pr. 8.' ' throne of the heavenly grace, saying after me ; See No. 2. A general Confession to be said of the whole Congregation after the Minister, (18.) all kneeling. [6 ii Ch. 13 ; 20 Ac. 3G ; 21 Ac. /. 5.] . 13 .Ex.'.3; ALMIGHTY" and most merciful Father*; We W03Ps.8,13. 25nCb.8,9. f\ , , , . , r ,., ' , , 63 Is. 1C. 1 IIOTJ iAft -*^*- have erred, and strayed from thy ways like lost ,, cll9Ps.l7o. J J J . . rf6Ge. 5. f 4 -n^ sheep. c We have followed too much the devices and * JJc. O f r * - T\- / no 7 Bo. /. 14. desires of our own hearts." We have offended against ^25 Mat. S 106 Ps. 6 ; thy holy laws.' We have left undone^ those things 30. i 3 5 9 1 I p g 1 ^'f fc - which we ought to have done; And we have done ' 9 Ezr. C ; 79 Ps. 8;' those things which we ought not to have done^ ; And 3:! Ps- 3> ' 8 He. 12 there is no health. in us. A But thou, O Lord, have -> SMaU - 17 - flip 4 mercy upon us, miserable offenders.' Spare> thou lls Ex -'- 26 - 7iiCh.l4; them ' God ' vvhich confess their faults.* Restore' n jj Joh - 1<3 . 14 Ho. 4; thou them that are penitent; According to thy pro- I4j h. 6; 2 i Jo. 25. m i ses declared unto mankind in Christ Jesu our 13 Ac. 32, $% 16J 4 oh?23,24. ; Lord -" And grant, O most merciful Father, for his f 5 9He ' U ' q 1 Ph.^ 11. sake" ; that we may hereafter live a godly, righteous, 2 G A 20 See250o-f. and sober life, p To the glory of thy holy name.* Amen. 7 u Coil. ' TJie Absolution, or Remission of Sins, to be pronounced by the Priest alone, (19.) standing; the People still kneeling. INe 10; ALMIGHTY" God, the Father of our Lord Jesus 3 Ep 14; ).20,2l. 2\_ Christ, 6 who desireth not the death of a sinner, ^gLu.ll! c 14 !i Sa.14; but rather that he may turn from his wickedness, and d 26 Ac. 16, - 1 ???;? 3 ' 32 ' live* 5ii.Co.l8-20. sins' : He pardoneth and absolveth all them that truly repent/ and unfeignedly believe his holy Gospel/ / 12 ii Sa.13. 12 EVENING PRAYER. ^ s 6JoblO; Wherefore let us beseech him to grant us true repent- 'sGEz.^e^?- 5 AC. 31. ' ance, A and his holy Spirit,' that those things may lEp. 17,&. jlCol 10- pl ease him,-' which we do at this present; and that ft 5 Mat 8; 13 He. 21. the rest of our life hereafter may be pure, and holy*; 4 p e.2-5. 1 1 ii PC. 10, so that at the last we may come to liis eternal joy' ; '" 1 i'^ - 20 11- through Jesus Christ our Lord.'" Amen. se 195 a-g. (20.) Then tie Minister shall kneel, and say the Lord's Prayer ; tlie People also kneeling, and repeating it with him. HMaU.27; /^\UR Father," which art in heaven,* Hallowed be 614Joh.2,3 , , Hjoh'e \-J thyName. c Thy kingdom come. d Thy will be 43."* c4iPe.f.ll. done* in earth. As it is in heaven. Give us this day 12Re.lO,ll. ' l? T He '^' our dail 7 l> re a d - And forgive us our trespasses/ As/^ c -;g''^ ; I/ 1,1*. O-O. p * i t i * KO.tfijZO. ; 6 i Tim. 15; we lorgive them that trespass against us.* And lead H 1 Ga. 4. 19Re.l 1-16. us no t into temptation ; But deliver us from evil* : For J 28 Mat- V*- cf 43 If. 1, thine is the kingdom,' the power/ and the glory,* For juje'^/.js! ic ver. 7. ever and ever. Amen. Then likewise he shall sa;/, Eet ^ "'& O Lord, open thou our lips ; Answer. And our mouth shall shew forth thy praise, l ath regarded : the lowliness 1 of his hand- 45.gif nm. c 7 jj Sa 18 . maiden.' TlTfU 2Ja.'s. For behold, from henceforth : all generations shall ^EX. n 2 hath done call me blessed. 1 * 71P*.19-21. to me great for he that is mighty hath magnified me* : and holy / n Ge. 7- hins ' ; is his Name.' 103 Ps. 11, Zfromgaif. ^ n ^ ^ mc rcy is on them that fear him : throughout **' ration lose- .. ,f g Sec 22 b. Duration, all generations. 1 -' A 11 Ge. 4-0: 4a<- ^ e ''^ shewed strength with his arm*" : he hath iSEx.ll; Sand exalt ^^^^ tue prond in the imagination of their hearts.* * ft '^'^ ; td them of He hath put down the mighty from their seat* : and to* degree, hath exaJtedthe humble and meek. 5i 13 EVENING PRAYER. 6 He hath He hath filled the hungry with good things : and 3 Re. 17, 16. servcmtl'l- ^ e r ' lc ^ ne ^ atn SCnt em P t y awa Y- 7 &4SIs.l4-16. racl, in re- He remembering his mercy hath holpen his servant See 22d - membrance Israel 6 * : as he promised to our forefathers, Abraham ^i. 110 ,; 29 ' gf" 1 " and his 7 seed, for ever.' Jft & Glory be 'to the Father, and to. the Son" : and to m 5 Ep. 20. 7 spake to the Holy Ghost ; 1 Ph. 20. 'ta'^Abra As Jt was in the De o mnm g> is now > ^d ever sha11 2 Lt ^ 14 ' Jiam&tohi* be : world without end. Amen. See22m-p. Or else this Psalm ; except it be on the Nineteenth day of the month, when it is read in the ordinary course of the Psalms. (22.) Cantate Domino. Psalm xcviii. OSING unto the Lord a new song : for he hath ___ . done marvellous things." b 15Ex-li ^ 40 Ps. 3, 5 ; With his own right hand, and with his holy arm : 44 Ps. 3 ; 4 2 |l I s!io- ; i6. hath he & otten himself th . e victory.* f~$LlS- The Lord declared his salvation : his righteousness 3 Re. 21 ;' c 22 Ps. 31 ; hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen. W Re.14 ; . 9 J T P !.. 6; jj e ^h remembered his mercy and truth toward Be - n - 21 - 45Is.21-23; ,. , ,. T ld ,. ,. J c ,, ,jd21Jos.43- 49 Is. 6 ; the house of Israel" : and all the ends oi the world 45 . 3 Lu. 8. have seen the salvation of our God. e . 1 Lu.54,72; c 52 Is 10- Shew yourselves joyful unto the Lord, all ye lands : 1'Ro- 8 . 9. 13 Ac. 47 ; sing, rejoice, and give thanks. ' /,??, PS ' J" 4 ' 28 Ac. 28. Praise the Lord upon the harp : sing to the harp g 15 i Ch.16 ; with a psalm of thanksgiving/ 43 Ps. 4 ; With trumpets also and shawms : O shew yourselves * 10 Nu. 10! 92 Ps. 1-3. joyful before the Lord the King A 15 i p C i 96 Ps. 11- Let the sea make a noise, and all that therein is* : . 16 j i4fl T> 7 ^ ie roun( ^ world, and they that dwell therein.-' 33 ; Let the floods clap their hands, and let the hills ^g? 8 '^' k 65 Ps. 12; be joyful together before the Lord* : for he cometh to 55 Is 12 j J.T_ j_i ^ 72 P s. 2 z judge the earth. 9GP S .10,13; With righteousness shall he judge the world : and 2 Pr. 8 ; the people with equity/ m 2 Ph 11- Glory be to the Father,"' and to the Son" : and to ^S? 1 ^' 4 Ph. 20. ' the Holy Ghost ; *T ' 08 Pr22 & -^ s ^ was m ^ ie beginnuig, is now, and ever shall p ^1' be^ : world without end. Amen. See23f,g. Then a Lesson of the New Testament, as it is appointed. And after that, Nunc dimittis (or the Song of Simeon) in English, as followeth. (23.) Nunc dimittis. St. Luke ii. 29-32. a 46 Ge 30- T ^R^ nw lettest thou thy servant depart in 1 Ph. i. 21- * A peace" : according to thy word.* l> 2 Lu. 26. 14 Be. 13. For mine eyes have seen : thy salvation, 6 c 23 ii Sa. 5; Which thou hast prepared : before the face of all 4Ac - 12 - people; 14 EVENING PRAYER. 1 A ligfit To be a light 1 to lighten the Gentiles"' : arid to be d 9 Is. 2 ; 2 and the the 2 glory of thy people Israel.' CO/ 8 l^' e 45 Is. 25 ; Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the 8 Joh. 12'- fiCo.^. Holy Ghost/; W Joh 46. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall 4 R e ,' 8 ' Or else this Psalm ; except it be on the Twelfth day of the month. (24.) Deus misereatur. Psalm Ixvii. unto us > an( * bl ess us : ^ snew 21 De./. 8. JT us the light of his countenance, and be merciful ^p^o 18 * unto us": 4iiCo. (I. eSEstb. 15- That thy way may be known upon earth c : thy rf62Is.lO-l2. b2 ' 20 93 say i n o health among all nations. 1 * See 22 c. Let the people praise thee, O God : yea, let all the e 119P.17l; people praise thee. e /32 De. 43; M Is. 19. o let the nations rejoice and be glad-'' : for thou Ps%4 ' 5 - shalt judge the folk righteously, and govern the nations /* 3 Zep. 14, S 18 Ge. 25 ; upon earth.* 15; ^2 PS* 2s! 5 Let the P e P le P raise thee ' G d : y ea > let a11 the -48 pi people praise thee. A !.!, ' 'o? G T L o\ 4 r !f ' Then shall the earth bring forth her increase' : and . ,, oU Is.J.i-2.i: .-. , /-< j . i ii i'ii. { aa rs - i 34Ez.26,27. God, even our own God,-' shall give us his blessing. l3Ac.26,47; h 26 Ge 3 God shall bless us* : and all the ends of the world 12 He - 28 - f^VU Shail fear him '' 2?3 ^. U3. J, 14. QJ be t() the Father m and to the Son n . and to **'*" the Holy Ghost'; nluTh.12. .Pc.w.14. wag in the beginn i ng> ; s noW) and ever j06Is.22-24. be : world without end. 7 Amen. See32y-aa. Then shall be said or sung the Apostles' Creed by the Minister and the People, (25.) standing. a 2 l Ue> 22 ' T BELIEVE" in God the Father Almighty, 6 Maker 11 He. 1, C. A f heaven and earth : 42 job/' 2. ctfti Joh. /. And in Jesus Christ' his only Son d our Lord, Who <*27 Mat.54; jl'h.^3 3 ' was conceived by the Holy Ghost, e Born of the Virgin \ pj; Vl! e 1 Lu. 35. Mary/ Suffered^ under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified,* / 2 Lu. 4^7 ; f 22Ps.l,14, dead, and buried, He descended into hell'; The third *&**& &c. , TT , , . , ^IBMar.l.^t. 129 Ps. 3. day he rose again irom the dead,- He ascended into j 7 Ac.55,5G. i 2 Ac. 27. heaven,* And sitteth on the right hand of God the "5 Ac. 3,4. w26Mat04; Father Almighty'; From thence he shall come to ^^^i 5 Joh. 22. ' judge the quick and the dead." 4 Co. 13-is. o^MaU?; i believe in the Holy Ghost"; The holy Catholic Ptfy?- l *> 22Mat.9-14. ,,, , '. ,, '. , JL -r. W. 1 1 Co. fl, q 24 Lu. 47; Church ; Ihe Communion of Saints^ ; the Forgive- &sph. 10. 3 Ac. 19 ; ' ness of sins' ; The Resurrection of the body/ And the r 19 Job 23, SlS"* Life everlasting.' Amen. &c> _ 9 He.'li 15 SeeNos.30-32. EVENING PRAYER. And after that, these Prayers following, all devoutly kneeling ; the Ministerfirst pronouncing with a loud voice, The Lord be with you.' " wao dost from thy throne behold all the &113Ps.4-0; 5 Da. l. 2l'. dwellers upon earth 6 ; Most heartily we beseech thee PjF 1 ', 3 j with thy favour to behold our most gracious Sovereign** QQ i s |/[ i. ' Lady, Queen VICTORIA; and so replenish her with ri72Ps./.l. ellKu.ni.17. the grace of thy holy Spirit,' that she may alway in- cline to thy will, and walk in thy way'': Endue her / 5Ga - K - S 22 i Ch.ll, plenteously with heavenly gifts*" ; grant her in health 7i2Ne./.3; &c. and wealth long to live' 1 ; strengthen her that she may * ^ a - 9 - #3Ja.l5-17. van q u i s h an d overcome all her enemies' ; and finally, ^16 Ps. 11. 1 ' ' after this life, she may attain everlasting joy and feli- ~ city- 7 ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A Prayer for the Royal Family. * 36 PS. 9; ALMIGHTY God, the fountain of all goodness,* IIB^S 5 -^*- we humbly beseech thee to bless the Prince '^Ps.M. See otner Consort, AlberfPrince of Wales, and all the Royal w51ps - U2 - Endue them with thy holy Spirit'"; enrich * the iioga- them with thy heavenly grace" ; prosper them with all 144 p s- 1 5- tion day*, happiness" ; and bring them to thine everlasting king- fl ifTi!'8. do* 5 through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 4 "'-? A Prayer for the Clergy and People. 4 31 ! two or three are S athered together in thy name thou ^ Job ' 13 > tf. 8 is U9. w 'lt grant their requests'* : Fulfil now, O Lord, the 12 AC. 5, &. 38 1's. 9. desires and petitions of thy servants,' as may be most /&!!>. /. n ; 1. expedient for them^; granting us in. this world know- 8Ro.i.'J6. 17 c AT MORNING PRAYER. SJoh/.32: i e( j g e of thy truth/ and in the world to come life ever- A , c ,, R - 22 ?2 3 ; 1 Jo. \). _ . i la He. 14; . lasting." Amen. j u( ie 21 See^Oa-h. or. ^;;; 11 2 Cor. xm. 14. j- g Ro 39 . 12 ii Co. 9; rTIHE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ/ and the love 6 E P- 23 - J- Vi'cois- J- of God > J and the fellowship of the Holy Gliost,* ; 1E P^ 3 5 Ga. 25. ' be with us all evermore.' Amen. sec 40 i-l. Hereendeth the Order of Evening Prayer throughout the Year. AT MORNING PRAYER. Upon these Feasts; Christmas-Day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Easter-Day, Ascension-Day, Whitsunday, St. John Baptist, St. James, St. Bartho- lomew, St. Matthew, St. Simon and St. Jude, St. Andrew, and upon Trinity- Sunday, shall be sung or said at Morning Prayer, instead of the Apostles' Creed, this Confession of our Christian Faith, commonly called The Creed of St. Atha- nasius, by the Minister and People standing. (30.) Quicunque vult. 0^6 Job. 28- VTTHOSOEVER will he saved" : before all things j 8 ^ 01 ^ 24 ; 16Ac.30,31; *^ it is necessary that he hold the Catholic Faith. 4 4iTLi3-lV 2 Eph. 8. Which Faith except everyone do keep whole and SiiTi. 14,15. e * De. 2 ; ^defiled* : without douht he shall perish everlastingly. 1 * See u " K\ 10 And the Catholic Faith* is this : That we worship d \^ 28 Mat. 19, f . . . . T . r l Ga. 6-12; 20. one God 7 in Trinity, and Lrmity in Unity ; 2KTb.lO-l2; 4r2Ep.l8,22; Neither confounding the persons' 1 : nor dividing the iiJoh. 7-11- \\^ e ' 2 ' substance.' /20Ex.2,3; *12JIar32 ; For there is one P 61 ^ 011 of the Father,-* another of 6 l)e.4. k 5 Job 23 ^ ne ^ on * : an{ ^ another of the Holy Ghost.' AUJoh. 2G. 26; But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of j5.Toh.l7-22 ; 8Joh.16.l8. t]ie Holy Ghost, is all one'" : the Glory equal, the 15i Co ' 24 - #TOPW?; M ^J est y co-eternal." '3 Ln^" 5 w. 7 Ac. 51. Such as the Father is, such is the Son : and such is c, 0f 34Ex. l. the Holy Ghost. '40 is'ioV o,tc.3Re. m. rpj ie -gather uncreate, the Son uncreate : and the l Jo{)'.7.'i4; 5 i Jo. l. C. Holy Ghost uncreate/ z'col'f) 5 ' ?o?'p'''"'^?' The Father incomprehensible, the Son incompre- eiTi.is.lS. 23 Je! 24. hensible : and the Holy Ghost incomprehensible.* p 43 j s ]0 ; gf78Ps.;.41. The Father eternal/ the Son eternal 1 : and the 44 Is.'i. ej 'fj*k l i t l\ Holy Ghost eternal.* 13 He 8;' And yet they are not three eternals : but one r ,f$, ps - ^j, T : T f \ J 16Ro.7n.26. in- eternal." rt'sSDe.'s?. -^ s a ^ so there are not three incomprehensibles, nor tv 145 Ps. 3; three uncreated : but one uncreated, and one incom- * * 6 " 10 Job. '29 ; Brp l lpn oihlp " x * 5 Ps- 3 ! 1 T? Oft i "IJCIlalUIC. c T t- -jo. 11 Re. 17*. So likewise the Father is Almighty,*" the Son i He. m. 3 " y tf. 1 Ge. 2, Almighty* : and the Holy Ghost Almighty." 1 He - ' 8. f' -^ nd y e * ^ey are not three Almighties : tut one ;4Ke. l. 8. ' Almighty. 1 18 AT MORNING PRAYER. /3j \ So the Father is God," the Son is God* : and the l> 9 Ro. 5. 8Joh.'4.42. Holy Ghost is God.< $"& rf . , 1 Lu 35 l - d 4 De 35 '12 Ln VlO; So likewise the Father is Lord/ the Son Lord-'': i Co. 6. and the Holy Ghost Lord* ; Mai"'^' And y et not three Lords : Dut one Lord/' 15 i Co. 47. For like as we are compelled by the Christian 7tlOJe.lO-16; verity : to acknowledge every person by himself to 12M ar.29. ' be God and Lord' ; i2SMat.J 6- 5Joh./.2S. The g on is O f the Bather alone : not made, nor created, but begotten.' ' 2 Ps. 7 ; 7). lOMat.20. The Holy Ghost is of the Father and of the Son" : f 5 2(5; 0f 11 Is./.2. neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but pro- 15Joh.2C. ceeding." nSRo./.fl; So there is one Father , p not three Fathers ; one * "' ^ /73Joh./.16; Son, 9 not three Sons : one Holy Ghost, 1 ' not three gf20Joli' ^Ro./.32_; Holy Ghosts. I i xt. 5. ' ^ n< ^ ' n tu i s Trinity none is afore, or after other : p 4 Ep< C- none is greater, or less than another ; rl2iCo.4-l3; But the whole three persons are co-eternal to- 4 E P- 4 - * 13 Zec/.7; gether : and co-equal/ v J T^ "7 ' ^ ^' la * ' n a '^ t"* ? 8 ' ^ i g aforesaid : the Unity in See'Rff.iJSi Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity is to be wor- No. 30 o'-t. shipped.' t See 5 m, h. u See 30 a. tie therefore that will be saved" : must thus think of the Trinity." t>i2MaU.32 ; (32.) Furthermore, it is necessary to everlasting sal- 2 i Jo. 23. vation : that he also believe rightly the Incarnation of n 6 Job. 40 ; our Lord Jesus Christ." f c - 1 2 .' For the right Faith is, that we believe and confess* : 1 Ho. 18 ; , ' . . _ 4 1 Jo. 2, 3. 15iC'o.l,&. ' nat ur Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God c IRo. 3, 4; and Man' ; 3 i Ti. 18. god, of the substance of the Father, begotten be- *> 241 e. < 32 Is./. 2; fore the worlds'* : and Man, of the substance of his/ 5 ' Jo- 1 -* - 2 >. Mother, born in the world' ; * SS? p24Ln30 Perfect God/ and perfect Man^ : of a reasonable 2 pi,, g. ' ' soul' 1 and human flesh' subsisting ; gflRo.i.25, Equal to the Father, as touching his Godhead^: *"W? ftliJokUK TV. . ,. . . , r . ., k w. 9Ro. 5. 3. Who although he be God and Man : yet he is not 17; two, but one Christ' ; ^ Mat - 42 - "l5 i Co i 47- ^ ne ' not ^X conversion of the Godhead into flesh : gfiiCo./.lS, j He. i. ' but by tiiking of the Manhood into God"' ; &12iCo./.12. 19 c2 THE LITANY. One altogether ; not by confusion of substance : 2 Ac. 36. but by unity of person. ^ 2 ifi L r U ' 43 " *" For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one ma n = so 22 God and Man is one Christ" ; r 4 He. 14. 024Lu.l God Almighty* : from whence he "gac^O- 10 He. 12.' shall come to judge the quick and the dead.' 20Re.l2,13l See 59 7. At whose coming all men shall rise again with their See 53 /- u 12 Da. 2; bodies" : and shall give account for their own works." a 30 . ' 5Joh.27-29; And they that have done good shall go into life 1 Ga. 8, 9 ; J 2 4 < 9Ps M9 everlasting : and they that have done evil into ever- ^He^sl 9 - 3 Mat.' 12- lasting fire."' 22Re.lS,m! j, 3 Mat. 30, Thj s is the Catholic Faith : which except a man ^JudeJ.3. 39-43,49,50; , r ,. ... f , .,. See 30 a-d. <5 Ga. 7, 8; believe faithfully, he cannot be saved. Jade 14, 15. QlQry ^ ^ ^ p^^^y and to ^ g^j . afld t(J See No. 241. y 4 Be. 11. the Holy Ghost ; - 6 i Ti. 16 ; artlOPs/:16- As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall 4 45 Ps! 17.' be : world without end."" Amen. See THE LITANY. (33.) Here follotoeth the LITANY, or General Supplication, to be swig or said after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, "Wednesdays, ami Fridays, and at other times when it shall be commanded by the Ordinary. cl6Joh.23- y^v GOD the Father" of heaven 4 : have mercy 6 3 E P- 15 - 27. ,, . , See 5 ft. See It, &. ^-^ upon us miserable sinners.' O God the Father of heaven : have mercy upon c 25 Ps.6,&. us ^^0,1^ sinners. d 1 i Co. 1. 2. e 44 Is. 22 : O God the Son, Redeemer of the world' : have tf- 2 J '' el fQ To OA !_!/' &\(J IvO.. ISP -v? merc y u pon us miserable smners. y See 53 a. & 74 Ps. 2.' ^ Gd ^e Son, Redeemer of the world : have mercy Seely. upon iis miserable sinners. /HMit.2:. SRo2627 ^ God *^ e ^ly Ghost/ proceeding from the gf3iiTh.5*. Father and the Son* : have mercy upon us miserable ;,24Ln./:40. sinners. 1 SeeZlm-o. 0^5 R Gaf5,^ God the Hol V Ghost, proceeding from the Father &c. and the Son : have mercy upon us miserable sinners. O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity,- 7 three per- i 5 R |' ^ k Sec 30 h-l. sonSj i an ^ one Q O( }i : have mercy upon us miserable m 8 Ro 32 15 Job. 13;' O holy, blessed, and glorious. Trinity, three persons, l Se 2 Ph. 7n. 1. an d one G O( I _ have mercy upon us miserable sinners. o 26 Le.40 Remember not Lord our offences," nor the offences n 43 Ig 10CP8. 6. of our forefathers"; neither take thou vengeance of 64 Is. 6. 20 THE LITANY. 020Ez. 1". our sins'' : spare us, good Lord, spare thy people,* P 103 Ps.10- See 92 z. whom thon hast redeemed with thy most precious r >jg ^ j 59 '-"jji '; ig blood, 1 " and be not angry with us for ever.* 1 4ich. m 10" v See T/f. Spare us, good Lord. v Q p. 11. From all evil and mischief; from sin," from the a; 11 Pr. 7; crafts and assaults of the devil 1 ' ; from thy wrath," 1 \ " Th. 9. y 17 ' Good Lord,* deliver vs.- See No.347. (34.) From all blindness of heart" ; from pride,* vain- 6 8 Pr. 13. "*^P- 17 -21- glory , c and hypocrisy** ; from envy,' hatred/ and d 12 Lu. M. t?2Lu.2i,&! malice/ and all uncharitableness,' 1 /3 i Jo. 15. e-tJa. 5. Good Lord, deliver us. A13iCo.4,&. t '7Zec.MO. From f om i ca tjon, and all other deadly sin*; and 4 10, jSja ' from a11 the deceits of the world/ the flesh,* and the-']^^ 22 - fc2iPe. li. devil,' 1 2 iico.il. , ,^0 i Sa oo or ' wr * n28De.l5,*. n 19 ; & From lightning and tempest'" ; from plague, pesti- 8 i Ki.37,3st. b Mat. 2(5. lence, and famine" ; from battle and murder, and P 39 13; o 4 Ja. 1. from sudden death.,* q 13 Ro. 1,2, ^ 4j C . From all sedition, privy conspiracy, and rebellion* ; 23 Ac. 12 &- from all false doctrine/ heresy,* and schism' ; from 0f 2 li\ Co.19, hardness of heart," and contempt of thy word and r 2 ^ 4 5 - m 18 Mat.7. Commandment, S W Xo.348. u 28 Pr. 14. vGoorf Lord, deliver us. (35.) By" the mystery* of thy holy Incarnation' ; by thy * ' #4318.26. no]y N a tivity<* and Circumcision'; by thy Baptism/^ 3 Mat 13- c 2He.l4-17. Fasting, and Temptation/ 15.' Good Lord > del** . ft 14 Mar.33, teKoM > . ., "SVeN*o95 By thine Agony* and bloody Sweat' ; by thy Cross*' * c - 1 22 Lu. 44. an< i Passion* ; by thy precious Death and Burial' ; J 2 E^13-1G. k 3 i Pe 18 ^V ^ n y glorious Resurrection'" and Ascension" ; and l 53 Is. 9, m 4 Ro.J.2s! b Y the coming of the Holy Ghost, B ^ ^1; o 1 ii Co. 22. Good Lord, deliver us. p 16 3 ^' 33 flBDe.lO.fc. In all time of our tribulation^ ; in all time of our r 23 Ps. 4 ; 30 Ps. 6,7. wealth'; in the hour of death/ and in the day of 48Ps.M4. ', J S d % 24; judgement/ ^liiTi.12. o IVC. 0. i T. / Gooo Lord, deliver us. See N ft 349. (36.) \Ve sinners do beseech thee to hear us," O Lord n-66P*.l8, God ; and that it may please thee to rule and govern 680Ps.8-19; t -' 20 ' thy holy Church universal in the right way* ; 3 Ep 14, |! eoOiiCb.18. We leseech thee to hear t, good Lord. e That it may please thee to keep and strengthen** d 27 P. 14. c 1C Pr. 12. in tlie true worshipping of thee, in righteousness* and ^ 21 Ps - 1 holiness of life, thy Servant' VICTORIA our most/72Ps. 11. gracious Queen and Governor ; We leseech thee to hear ut, gocd Lord. 21 THE LITANY. g 29 i Ch.19: That it may please thee to rule her heart in thy s>8 Ps. 11. ' faith, fear, and love/ and that she may evermore have 7 * 5 g p^ s jj 6 ' USiiKi 5 7 a ance i n thee/' and ever seek thy honour and glory* ; cf. 13 i Sa! We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. 13, 14;^& That it may please thee to be her defender and 29. 1 * " keeper/ giving her the victory over all her enemies* ; j 12 i p s . 4 5 We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. ft 22 ii Sa.l, That it may please thee to bless and preserve the 17 i Ch. 8, Prince Consort, Albert Prince of Wales, and all the &m.lO. Royal Family';* That it may please thee to illuminate'" all Bishops," n l Tit - 7 ' - "{0-130 | Priests, and l)eacons, p \vith true knowledge and . . 13 understanding of thy word* ; and that both by their o 5 i Ti. 17. preaching and living they may set it forth, and shew it q am.7,15. accordingly'' ; ^S A =- 24- We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. 5 \i\ n- *4 coi^' 19; That it; ma y P lease thee to endue the lj rds of the 2Tit -W- Council, and all the Nobility, with grace, wisdom, and understanding'; fg Pi% u _ We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. 10, 20. That it may please thee to bless and keep the Magistrates, giving them grace to execute justice, and tas EX. 21, to maintain truth . lUiiCh.5-11; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. 13 Ro. 3, 4. That j t mav pi ease t uee t bi ess an ^ keep all thy . people"; 6Joh. 3u ; ' We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. lOJoh.27,23. *o j 33 / 1 ^' 1' That it may please thee to give to all nations unity, ~r/ko. 1*8.' peace, and concord" ; a; 30 De. C ; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. 1 Pr. 7^; That it may please thee to give us an heart to love ^~ 4 J 6 j 7i8 ? 119 Ps 32- and ^ rea( i thee, 1 and diligently to live after thy com- See 122ft. 5 i Jo. 3. ' mandments y ; ~ _ (37.) We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to give to all thy people j> 8 Lu. 18 ; "3 ii Pe. is. increase of grace, to hear meekly thy word, 6 and to 1 Ja - 21, #;. necessity, and tribulation 7 " ; n ]ovpg 2 ^ We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. 31 ; <> 3 Ge. 16; That it may please thee to preserve all that travel 12* s - *ji 2 i Ti. 15. foy land or by water," all women labouring of child," q 10 Mar. 13- all sick persons/ and young children' ; and to shew y 41 Ps. 3. thy pity upon all prisoners and captives r ; -n P s P2 Ps. 3,4; We beseech thee to hear w., good Lord. That it may please thee to defend, and provide for, the fatherless children, and widows, 4 and all that are 17 Ac. 20- desolate and oppressed' ; 1 9 Ps. 9; 3Col 11 We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. > i Ti. 1-8 ; That it may please thee to have mercy upon all men" ; 3 ii Pe. /. y. jp e besgech thee to hear us, good Lord. * j> M at - ?4; iv Ezr. m. That it may please thee to forgive our enemies, te^c^uf ' 22- persecutors, and slanderers," and to turn their hearts" 1 ; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. n 42 Job 6; That it may please thee to give and preserve to our * -, 1 ,?*- *' '. ! ) 1 , < ^?- ]- use the kindly fruits of the earth, so as in due time 104 Ps."l4. 5,t8Lo. we ma y en .)y them'; 31.32,01,02. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. - b - That it may please thee to give us true repentance* ; z %f}fy ; a {Vi>^ c 'l2 7 ' to forgive us all our sins, 1 negligences, and ignorances"" ; ' - an( ^ to en( ^ ue us with the grace of thy holy Spirit" 13 ; 311X1.16,17! to amend our lives according to thy holy word cc ; 8Ko. 1-13. We beseech thee to hear *, good Lord. sNo351 Son of God" : we beseech thee to hear us. 4He.l4-16. s have merc V up *. OMar Clirist, have mercy upon us.' ! Christ, have mercy upon vs. See 11 c-x. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Then shall the Priest, and the People with him, say the Lord's Prayer. rfl^Matio O UR Father v winch art in heaven, Hallowed be-?j I2 w jo b w.H Johiaol V^ thy Name.-' Tliy kingdom come. Thy will be j ' h ^3 3Ga.26,&5iJo. 1. 23 THE LITANY. ft 3 i Jo. 23. done* in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day j i Ep. 7 our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses/ as we 1 Col. 14. 7/1 3 Col. 13. f org j ve them thijt trespass against us."' And lead us 22 Lu. 31, o 103 Ps. 10, not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil." Amen. ' Joh 15 iso p ; gra8l8.14,Jt sities/ whensoever they oppress us' ; and graciously 12He./. 11. u21iCh. 1; hear us, that those evils, which the craft and subtilty *J*p i ^i 81; See 34 / f ^ ie devil" or man" worketh against us, be brought x 2 2 ';, c. iv 5 Jobl2&. to nought" 1 ; and by the providence of thy goodness 18.19; 33 Ps. lo^; they may be dispersed 1 ; that we thy servants, being 'I?! 8 ; 1 ?- 13 ; MA 22 ' mrt ky no P ersecu ti ns y ma y evermore give thanks ~35p s '.' 1$ y $l f ' unto thee in thy holy Church 1 ; through Jesus Christ 28. our Lord. ^~ 0=0 /og \ See No. 352. ^ *' O Lord, arise," help us, and deliver us for thy i> 50 Is.9,10. 35 Ps. 23. Dame's sake.' c 7 Jos. 9 ; jtM^Q 2 l~\ GOD, we have heard with our ears, and our a 12 Ex. 24, See Ref.y. ^-^ fathers have declared unto us the noble works that thou didst in their days, and in the old time be- fore them. d 38 Is. i. iu. e74Ps.l8,22. honour/ MiiCbln- g 5 Re. 13. Qj _r be to the p at ] ier ,r and to the Son 7 ' : and to 20 Eze. 9, the holy Ghost; ^Ik, Answer. As it was in the beginning,' is now, and j t i j; p e ^7. ^59Ps. 1. ever shall be' : world without end. Amen. SiiPe. 18.' #'5Jos. 14, From our enemies defend us, O Christ.* J WSPs.l.fc 15, ic. 2 He. ,, . , , , ,. ,. liTi. 17. I 10- Graciously look upon our afflictions. _ Pitifully behold the sorrows of our hearts.'" See 5 m, n. m 31 Je. 25. Mercifully forgive the sins of thy people. ." * 03 Is. 9. 69 Ps. 16. Favourably with mercy hear our prayers." n 8 He. 12. 5ee73 o-c. o .Sow of David, have mercy upon us? P seelf; 2 '" ' ' desires and petitions of thy servants,' as may be Co'. 8, 9. l6Joh/.13. most expedient for them/ ; granting us in this world /i^fioiCo.19; 17 Job. 17. knowledge of thy truth?; and in the world to come HHe.14.4b. life everlasting.' 1 Amen. 2 Cor. xiii. 14. 1 8 ii Co. 9. FT1HE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,' and the . ftSRo 9 &. -^- f God,-> and the fellowship of the holy Ghost,* n4.Foh. 10 be with us all evermore.' Amen. 2iiTh.l6,l". Here endeth the Litany. See I5j-m. PRAYERS AND THANKSGIVINGS, UPON SEVERAL OCCASIONS, To be used before the two final Prayers of the Litany, or of Morning and Evening Prayer. PRAYERS. For Rain. (41.) S~\ GOD heavenly Father," who by thy Son Jesus . ... r "sLSa 2 *' V Christ '' hast p romised to dl them that seek th y ' ' kingdom and the righteousness thereof, all things * 1* ^ 13 ' . necessary to their bodily sustenance ; Send us, we 28 De. 1,12; C oMati31-33; beseech thee, in this our necessity, such moderate Q^Jf,' ?A' 24 . : 4 i Ti. m.8. rain and showers,** that we may receive the fruits of 5' j a .'i7 'jg' the earth to our comfort/ and to thy honour-' ; through y 147 p g ^g. e 05 Ps. 9 &. Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 3 Pr. 9,"lb.' See-in x. tff5Je.23.24. For fair Weather. O ALMIGHTY Lord God, who for the sin of man * didst once drown all the world, except eight 3 i Pe. 20 ' persons/ and afterward of thy great mercy didst 25 PRAYERS. promise never to destroy it so again' 1 ; We humbly A8Ge. 21: beseech thee, that although we for our iniquities have ^Pij^g'^ 1 9 Ex.27,^fc. worthily deserved a plague of rain and waters, 1 yet j 7 a ch. 12- x ? e ' 3 c 3 ' upon our true repentance thou wilt send us such 14 ; O Jtt. ^0. * . . in i PC cy- , weather, as that we may receive the fruits of the 2Hagi"-19' earth in due season,-' and learn both by thy punish- t aops.11,12: ' ment to amend our lives, 7 ' and for thy clemency to 107 Ps. 31; gri2He.Ul, give thee praise and glory' ; through Jesus Christ our l^e^'il' See 4C a-d. In the time of Dearth and Famine. OGOD, heavenly Father, whose gift it is, that the rain doth fall,'" the earth is fruitful," beasts in- n lGe.11,12. 3&lob27,28: cr ease, and fishes do multiply" ; Behold, we beseech thee, the afflictions of thy people* 1 ; and grant that the p25P..16,3t. olGe. 22; scarcity and dearth, which we do now most justly *>'' o suffer for our iniquity, may through thy goodness be mercifully turned into cheapness and plenty 9 ; for the ^-p^s'fi' ^ ove ^ "^ esus Christ our Lord, r to whom with thee and r g R O . 32 : W&. ' ' the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory, now and for 3 i Jo./. 16. 321s.ll-15; ever. Amen. iJoel21-27. Q r t fo s GOD, merciful Father, who in the time of Elisha the prophet didst suddenly in Samaria turn great scarcity and dearth into plenty and cheap- ness* ; Have mercy upon us, that we, who are now i^g^fu' for our sins punished with like adversity, may likewise find a seasonable relief: Increase the fruits of the "2 Joel 14 ; u 3 i Co. 7. ,1 i. i T_ j- , ,, - ,1 , 10 1 Co. 31. eartli by thy heavenly benediction" ; and grant that Sec R e f ;_ we, receiving thy bountiful liberality, may use the "> ' Q 6 ' To ' same to thy glory," the relief of those that are needy, 7 " X J^~ IJ^'TJ ' 3 i Jo. 17' and our own comfort*; through Jesus Christ our _' tf 4 Ja. 2,3. Lord. Amen . See 40 e-j. In the time of War and Tumults. ' '' *"* ALMIGHTY God, King of all kings, and . See 14 6, c. _ Governor of all things," whose power no creature c 94 Ps. 1, is able to resist,* to whom it belongeth justly to punish i> SM 25 b. l^ 23 l . sinners,' and to be merciful to them that truly repent* ; , 2 Ro. 5, dc. c, , , , , f, r j. d 55 Is. 7, 8. 17E 8 13- ave an " e " ver us > we humbly beseech thee, from 7 i Sa. 8 ; ' t' ie hands of our enemies' ; abate their pride/ asswage/18 Ps.z.27; 8 i Ki. 33, their malice/ and confound their devices*; that we, 2Ze P--H- ' ' * being armed with thy defence,' may be preserved h ^ ^T - 3C- f ISPs.'sso evermore from all perils,- 7 to glorify thee, who art the . &c. only giver of all victory* ; through the merits of thy J ' See 12 q. on j g on j esus Christ our Lord. Amen. See 46 k-t. ft29iCh.ll. 2S O PRAYERS. In the time of any common Plague or Sickness. ALMIGHTY God. who in thy wrath didst send a plague upon thine own people in the wilder- ness, for their obstinate rebellion against Moses and Aaron' ; and also, in the time of king David, didst / 16 Nu. 44- m'4 ii Sa 15 s ^ a ^ vv ^ t ' 1 tbe P* 3 ? 116 f pestilence threescore and ten 49 - 16 : ' thousand, and yet remembering thy mercy didst 21 iCh.14,15. save the rest" ; Have pity upon us miserable sinners, $ 1 1*. 9, . who now are visited with great sickness and mortality" ; g^j g ' "cHoa.1. ^ mt l'ke as t ' lou didst then accept of an atonement, and didst command the d*estroying angel to cease from punishing,-'' so it may now please thee to with- P Sec Kef. J, *15 S draw from us this plague and grievous sickness 7 ; '"' through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. In the Emler iceeks, to be said every day, for those that are to be admitted into holy Orders. *See5a,b. ALMIGHTY God, r our heavenly Father/ who r Sce K 6 - JT\. hast purchased to thyself an universal Church ** 3 1 s -/- 21. M 5Ep A ?lf- ; b y the P rec ious blood of th y dear Son"; mercifully tllc^ui 1 i PC! 18,1s). look upon the same," and at this time so guide and 3 Je 15 govern the minds of thy servants the Bishops and gf 30 Is. 20. u> 1 Tit. 5. Pastors of thy flock," that they may lay hands suddenly on no man, 1 but faithfully and wisely make choice of x ssxi. 22 "siTi 1-13- ^ persons to serve in the sacred ministry of thy liiTi. e. 2iiTi. 2. Clmrch. y And to those which shall be ordained to any holy function give thy grace and heavenly bene- =2iiCo.U6 ; TiT? lll6- ; dicti I V ' that b 01 " b y their life and doctrine they may 3iiCo.5,6. 2Tit!7, 8; set forth thy glory , ao and set forward the salvation of &ji6Ac. 17; 4 i Pe. 11. all men 6 * ; throug'h Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 13He..17! Or this. aJiCh?14- ALMIGHTY God, the giver of all good gifts," who Ua. 17. ' -^"- of thy divine providence hast appointed divers *i?, 7; & 29 the High Court of Parliament, under our most reli- M up r 14 . Je -7- gious and gracious Queen at this time assembled" : That 29 Pr.2. ' thou wouldest be pleased to direct and prosper all their ol9Pr. 21. consultations" to the advancement of thy glory f the^nspg.'i/ a 132 Ps. 9. god of thy Church,* the safety, honour, and welfare {^2 Mai. 2. of our Sovereign,*" and her Dominions'* ; that all things r 26 ii Ch. 5; 'ISSy^ may be so ordered and settled by their endeavours/ 20 Pr - 26 - il f S. 1 ; * . * o -p.. o *? 2 Zee. 5. upon the best and surest foundations, that peace and u6 De. 24; happiness," truth and justice," religion and piety ,* may 10 De. 18, 144 Ps. 15. be established among us for all generations. 1 These '** ; w 28De._l,&. and all other necessaries, for them, for us, and thy 25 Pr. 5 whole Church, we humbly beg in the name and media- 8 Zec.f. 16. tion of Jesus Christ our most blessed Lord and Sa- x 4 D e g 4( v y 4 Ph. 19. viour." Amen. See386u-z'. (44.) A Collect or Prayer for all conditions of men, to be used at such times when the Litany is not appointed to be said. a 1l m ' 2 ' O GOD tlie Creator and Preserver of all man- See li c, d. ^-^ kind, we humbly beseech thee for all sorts and j 17 A C . ;.3o ; c See24c d. conditions of men 6 ; that thou wouldest be pleased to 2 i Ti. 1. make thy ways known unto them, thy saving health & e 143 p' s 1( j . unto all nations. 6 More especially, we pray for the d 51 Ps. 18 ; 14 Job.' 16.' good estate of the Catholic Church d ; that it may be "30 Is. 21- so guided and governed by thy good Spirit,' that all /14 |Je. 1. : "sje. 16; ' who profess and call themselves Christians-^ maybe 5^217"' ' 16 Joh. 13. i e( i mto t j ie way O f truth/ and hold the faith in unity h 4 E l ' 3 . i4iTh. 7; of spirit, in the bond of peace/' and in righteousness liiTi. 13- 2" TU.19; of life i Finally, we commend to thy fatherly good- I 3 H -/- 9 - 2 Tit. 12. , , * J J ,. See 51 y. . ness- 7 all those, who are any ways afflicted, or dis- '20 & ' ' tressed, in mind, body, or estate* ; [^espe- * This to be said j 1 Na. 7. 6fl6iiCh.l2. dally those for whom our prayers are de-^^^ ^f^ 1 Ch ' m 5 Job, 6,7, sired,] that it may please thee to comfort congregation. mp s .i3,ig ; 14'.M> 1 anc * re ^ eve them/ according to their several neces- 2 l ) e./. 9. sides,'" giving them patience under their sufferings," W 1 55'qj. IWP^if T^- and a na PPy issue out of all their afflictions. And j j a . e 2-4.' 8 Ro. 28. ' tliis we beg for Jesus Christ his sake/ Amen. See 301 q. P 9 Da. 17. 28 THANKSGIVINGS. A general Thanksgiving. a 57 Ps. 10 ; A LMIGHTY God, Father of all mercies," we thine b 63 rs. 3 ; G3Is. 7; *- unworthy servants do give thee most humble ^l^o,?. 5 I " p 'i 3 ' 5 and hearty thanks for all thy goodness and loving- 5 j Th. is. II 12. ' kindness to us, and to all men* ; [*par- * This to be said See 22 a. JUOh ticularl y. to those who desire now to offer *?*? * 71 P.. 6; 25- ' U P their praises and thanksgivings for nto return praise. 17Ln.15.18; thy late mercies vouchsafed unto them.''] We bless ^fo^p^'f^ &5Joh.l4. t j iee f r onr crea tion, d preservation,' and all the bless- . . e 9 Nc. 6. . ../ 11 f ..i , t 7*8 H Co. 9; 12Lu.728. mgs of tins life-' ; but above all, lor thine inestimable oiiCo 15- 3 Col. 1. 15.' unfeignedly thankful,' and that we shew forth thy Z9p s . i. w57Ps./.8; praise, not only with our lips,'" but in our lives"; by 7 i2ph.l5,lfl ; o'tflJo}i34 i? v i n g U P ourselves to thy service," and by walking be- aiPe.9,12. /;. 2 i Jo. e! fore thee in holiness and righteousness all our days'" ; ^ " Co - 2 > 3> thanks that it hath pleased thee, in our great neces- 55 Is. 10 ; sity, to send us at the last a joyful rain upon thine Ho - l - 3. " 'Pi^ii'ii inheritance, and to refresh it when it was dry," to the 32 (j e _ i 1 ' great comfort of us thy unworthy servants," and to the 12 Is. 1. glory of thy holy name" 1 ; through thy mercies in Jesus See 4 J~ 0/ 1 Kp ' - Christ our Lord. Amen. ,.,. , For fair Weather. OLORD God, who hast justly humbled us by thy i>e. <> i ; l ate plague of immoderate rain and waters," and 20 Is. /.9. in thy mercy hast relieved and comforted our souls j o Kx. 20. by this seasonable and blessed change of weather* ; tf 4Mar.39, We praise and glorify thy holy name for this thy c 34 Ps. 1,^. mercy , c and will always declare thy loving-kindness d 79 1's. !'.'>. 118Pi.l. f rom g enera tj on to generation d ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O For Plenty. MOST merciful Father, who of thy gracious goodness hast heard the devout prayers of thy 29 THANKSGIVINGS. 20 Nu.lG ; Church,' and turned our dearth and scarcity into cheap- - . k 3 La 57 ness and pteflty^ We give thee humble thanks for this thy special bounty^" ; beseeching thee to continue >' 36 Ps. 10. g 27 Ac. 35. tiiv loving-kindness unto us, A that our land may yield j^D e 13 c.^ i 85 Ps..l2. us her fruits of increase,' to thy glory and our corn- See 24 i. fort> ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Seeilm-x. For Peace and Deliverance from our Enemies. o ALMIGHTY God, who art a strong tower of defence unto thy servants against the face of It 22 it Sa. 3; their enemies*; We yield thee praise and thanks- 18 Pr 1J &i y i n 8 f r our deliverance from those great and appa- ' See 90 ^' rent dangers wherewith we were compassed' ; We n 14 Ge. 21 : acknowledge it thy goodness that we were not de- Vo^n 9 '^ m 15 Ex. 9 livered over as a prey unto them'* ; beseeching thee 29 ; 10; still to continue such thy mercies towards us, that all 64Ps.9,io : S^ 1 "! i'ff^ ^ e wor ^ ma y know that thou art our Saviour and loop/i^? 3 La. 22. ' mighty Deliverer" ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 49 Is. 2-;. Amen. See 85 For restoring Public Peace at Home. r\ ETERNAL God, our heavenly Father, who i>22iCh.9,l8, o 08 Ps. 6 ; *r alone makest men to be of one mind in a house," 147 Ps. 14. an( j s ti],i es t the outrage of a violent and unruly people^ ; r 13 RC.!,^ We bless thy holy Name, that it hath pleased thee to 81PeJS,. 5l8iiSa.28, appease the seditious tumults which have been lately ^ 1 (fjf x '!i' 31 ;. raised up amongst us? ; most humbly beseeching thee 49" a ' ' to grant to all of us grace, that we may henceforth <7Le.l2,13; 144 Ps. 1,2. obediently walk in thy holy commandments r ; and, 22 Le. 29: leading a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and 2 3 S< ' 1 Pr. 33 ; honesty, 1 may continually offer unto thee our sacrifice 13 He. 15. a * Tit 2- of praise and thanksgiving for these thy mercies to- See ^f f - '" wards us' ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. see 42 a-k. for Deliverance from the Plague, or other Common Sickness. 14 N 32 C} LORD God, who hast wounded us for our sins, & c . ' ^^^ and consumed us for our transgressions, by thy 90 Ps '<7" 9 ' ^ a * e heavy and dreadful visitation" ; and now, in the 64 is! 7; midst of judgement remembering mercy, hast re- 38Eze.31. deemed our souls from the jaws of death"; We offer v -- s s ' 3 wll6Ps I 9 un * ^y fatherly goodness ourselves, our souls and 38 Is. l". ' &c. "' bodies which thou hast delivered, to be a living sacri- 6 Ro. m.13, fice unto thee,*" always praising and magnifying thy 35 ; 12 Rb 1. mercies in the midst of thy Church 1 ; through Jesus 23 Ps. 6; See Re'f. fcft. Christ our Lord. Amen. ' 2 He< 12> 30 FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT. Or thin : \VTE humbly acknowledge before thee, O most mer- w'OLe 14 &. c ^ u ^ Father, that all the punishments which are 11 De. 25. threatened in thy law y might justly have fallen upon us, by reason of our manifold transgressions and hard- ness of heart 1 : Yet seeing it hath pleased thee of thy Z 7 9 y 0b 'f 2 4 .' aa Ezr. 8 ; tender mercy, upon our weak and unworthy humi- 2 Ko. '5. ' -13-45- lotion, to asswage the contagious sickness wherewith 3 Mai. 6. ' we lately have been sore afflicted, and to restore the CfSJoa.5.10. vo i ce of joy and health into our dwelling"" 1 ; We offer unto thy Divine Majesty the sacrifice of praise and 3 j. s ' ' ccOXe. 5; thanksgiving, 44 lauding and magnifying thy glorious 17 Je. 26. l U5Ps'li' Name for such thy preservation and providence over See ^ 5 ' I*. ' us c " ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. see 42 J-y. THE COLLECTS, EPISTLES, AND GOSPELS, TO BE USED THROUGHOUT THE TEAR. Xcte, thai the Collect appointed for every Sunday, or for any Holy-day that Itath a yigil or Eve, shall be said at the Evening Service next before. THE FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT. (47.) The Collect, ALMIGHTY God, give us grace" that we may ft3 Job. 21: 2Job ^ 12 He. 28. -**- cas t away the works of darkness, and put upon g E o g us the armour of light, 6 now in the time of this mortal s48/. "MINIS' 3 ' lifr, c (in which thy Son Jesus Christ came to visit us dlLu.78,79 o ii Co. 2! in great humility" 1 ;) that in the last day, when he shall --j h '^ ^_ 'T 1 11 13 come a 8 a i n i n h' s glorious Majesty/ to judge both the sCo. io; s& 11 in. ' quick and dead/ we may rise to the life immortal/ * j, p "- ^~ " 15 i Co 54- th rou gh him who liveth and reigneth* with thee and gBe^gi *4iTh.lti,l7! the Holy Ghost, now and ever. Amen. See 53 h. This Collect is to be repeated every day, with the otlier Collects in Advent, until Clirislmas Eve. (48.) The Epistle. Rom. xiii. 8-14 YiThVlV O WE no man any thin ' a but to love one another * : <7f6iiKi.5. ^J for he that loveth another liath fulfilled the law. c t-DGn.14: p O r this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt >Ju!e 5 ' not kill.Thoa shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false 31 FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT. 22 Mat.37- witness, Thou shalt not covet ; and if there be any <* 20 Ex. 13- 13 i Co.4,4fc. other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in 19 ' Mat 18 g I Jon. 6 ; this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as 19 ; 15iCo./.34. thy self. d Loveworketh no ill to his neighbour ; there- 12 Mar. 30, 5 jf ^ir fore love is the fulfilling of the law/ And that, / 10 Mat. 3 ; i 24 Job 13- knowing the time/ that now it is high time to awake 24Mat.32,&. 17 ; out of sleep*' : for now is our salvation nearer than A 4 j Pe'*r 3 Col. 8 ' when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is - 3 ii Pe. li. 1 iJo. e! at hand 7 '; let us therefore cast off the works of dark- ^^i-h's^s if)*' d* * t ness '* an< ^ kt us P u t on the armour of light.-' Let us see 190&,4c- l u walk honestly 1 as in the day* ; not in rioting and 1 23 Pr - ' 20 '> ft 4 Pb. 8 ; drunkenness,' not in chambering and wantonness,"' not 4 j p^ 3 ' SI FellL * n strife and envying." But put ye on the Lord n3Ja.l4-16. m 5 Ep. 3,^'c. Jesus Christ," and make not provision for the flesh, to ~ t!e?lK>l?' fulfil the lusts thereof/ 2i (49.) The Gospel. St. Matth. xxi. 1 13. a 11 Mar. 1- T\7"HEN they drew nigh unto Jerusalem," and iV ' ^ 9^J) were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of 45-47; ' Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples, saying unto 12Job.l2-16. them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her : loose them, and bring them unto me. And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them ; and straightway he will send them. 6 All this was done, c that it might be fulfilled * ''slferfiln which was spoken by the Prophet/* saying, Tell ye ^ 9 Zee. 9. the daughter of Sion, e Behold, thy King cometh unto thee,-^ meek/ and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the '2 pgA * ' g 45 Ps. 4 ; foal of an ass. And the disciples went, and did as 2 Mat. 2, 6. 10 ii Co 1 ' J esus commanded them ; and brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him i 23 J 5 thereon.* And a very great multitude spread their 7oT9 iiKi.13. 34Ez.23,24 ; garments in the way ; others cut down branches from 37Ez.24,25; the trees, and strawed them in the way. And the j us Ps. 25, See 51 u v. multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, J^.., saying, Hosanna to the Son of David* : Blessed is he A of 12 Job l ^ ia t come th in the Name of the Lord : Hosanna in the i"i). ' highest.-' And when he was come into Jerusalem all 11 Mat. 23; the city was moved,* saying, Who is this ? And the 7 Job - 40 *l- w 2 Job. 13- multitude said, This is Jesus the Prophet of Nazareth 10. of Galilee.' And Jesus went into the temple of God,"' |4 De. 24- and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple ; o l Le. 14. and overthrew the tables of the money-changers," 2 Lu. 24. an d the seats of them that sold doves" ; and said unt them, It is written, My house shall be called the house q 1 Je. 11. of prayer? ; but ye have made it a den of thieves.' Sere 171, fr, i. 32 THE SECOND SUNDAY IN ADVENT. (50.) The Collect. a -n?\ 5 'zi Ti LESSED Lord." who hast caused all lioly Scrip- b 30 Be. 11- c&MSl'a,. tures to ke written 6 for our learning; Grant |*f^Vj4.A. el7Ue.!8-20; tliat we may in such wise hear 1 * them, read,' mark/ i ii p e . 21. 17 J Ac' 3 n' learn? > and inwardly digest them/' that by patience' <*8Lu. 18; g 119 Ps. 04, and comfort of thy holy word/ we may embrace, ioRo!n.' & c. and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting / Ua.22-25. SiiTi.liS life .* which thou hast given us in our Saviour Jesus ^'g] 3 ' 16 - See 88 u. Christ.' Amen. j '$ ee 51 {,. &20Job.31. ,_,, . -o . . fSJoh. 16. The Epistle. Rom. xv. 4-13. "VyHATSOEVER things were written aforetime, a3 "7- were written for our learning ; that we through 8 o4o= 10 i Co! 11.' patience ana - comfort of the Scriptures, might have ijpe.is. ' See Mb. hope.* Now the God of patience and consolation 6 Sec 301 o, p. c _ 8 9. P, 8 - 15 ; grant you to be like-minded one towards another/ d 30 i ic *l;? 2i 7 u Co. 6. b ,: , i /-,, . ^ T 32 Je. 39: lOr aftcrtfie according to Christ Jesus'- that ye may with one 4 AC. f. 32. example of mind, and one mouth, glorify God/ even the Father Sc73t>, w. f5E p./.i!; f oar Lord Jesus Christ/ Wherefore receive ye/ 3Ze P- 9 ; a See 4 6. one another/' as Christ also received us. 1 to the glory *' ' i 6 Job. 37. of God. J Now I say, that Jesus Christ was a minis- uuJfi a' 1 S\f' t 9J. A *VU. ly O. 3 Ac 2526 ter f tne circumcision* for the truth of God/ to con-^i p.6,i2. mSc'e9g,&. nrm the promises made unto the fathers'": And that j98Ps. 3; 21 k, l. the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy"; as it 7 Mi. 20. ?32I) S e 4 4 9 3 is written," For this cause I will confess to thee 9Ro.23,24. * 117 Ps. 1. among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name. y And p 12 Is - 4 > 6 - 11 Is. 1,10. again ij e sa ith, Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people/ r8iKi.rn.43; "g ji>f 19! And again, 4 Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles, and laud ,15^^.4 gf4'2iR.i-4. him, all ye people.' And again Esaias saith," There P 5R e .m. 5! iKl'2 Mat.18 s h a n be a root of Jesse," and he that shall rise to See 08 i. See 22 of re ig n over the Gentiles, in him shall the Gentiles * 14 Je./. 8; &23d,. ' trust." Now the God of hope* fill you with all joy jf$ ^j 6; ''iVj'oh'ii ' an ^ P eace ' n believing, y that ye may abound in hope, , ^ Ko ^ '. See 56 r. ' through the power of the holy Ghost 2 5 Ga. 22. (52.) The Gospel. St. Luke xxi. 25-33. a 13 Is 10- A^^ there shall be signs in the sun, and in the 24 Is. 23; ' **- moon, and in the stars"; and upon the earth dis- 32 Ez. 7, 8. t ress O f nations, witli perplexity, the sea and the waves c20 L. 3fi; roaring 4 ; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for 65 Ig 30 . 28Ds.65 67. looking after those things which are coming on the 12D*.m.l. e 16 Mat. 27, earth c : for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. d 36 Mat 64 ^ nt * tnen s ' ia ^ they see the Son of Man coming in a 12 Hef 28 1 Ac. 11. ' cloud with power and great glory.' And when these 3UPe.lO,12. See 84m. things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift ''.> 3 Ro ' V ' U P y ur heads-^ ; for your redemption draweth nigh.* /98 Ps 5,0; Stfvttll. And lie s l mke to tliem a P ar able, Behold the fig-tree, ^ l*-W- and all the trees ; when they now shoot forth, ye see 33 D THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT. and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh & 24 Mat.32- at hand.* So likewise ye, when ye see these things gfieMat.2, 1 10 He. 37. come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is 3, & 12 Lu! nigh at hand.' Verily I say unto you, This genera- S*- 5 '- *21Re.TO.l. tion shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled-' : heaven .7 S^^ 36 ; See 59 w-. and earth shall pass away* ; but my words shall not pass away.' SlIs.V (53.) THE THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT. a #7 Ac. 59. The Collect. clsTco.5-7; C\ LORD J esu Christ," who at thy first coming j4oi s . 3^ ; 4 i Pe. 10. ' \-J didst send thy messenger to prepare thy way 4 Mai. 5, 6; 28 Job2^'- before thee6 ' Grant *** the ministers and stewards' /f^fi^g 29Is.24;' of thy mysteries, 1 * may likewise so prepare and make rflSMstm! 1 Ln. 17. ready thy way, by turning the hearts of the disobe- 11> W 16 Ru - *34- dipnt to the wisdom of the just,* that at thy second ^17 AC. 31; 1 Ep. i. 6; coming to judge the world/ we may be found an 1 Be. 7. 4 accept**! 6 people in thy sight/ who livest and O.' reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, ever HRe.15,17. one God, world without end. A Amen. See & . The Epistle. 1 Cor. iv. 1-5. bl T _ t . ~ 4 T" ET a man so account of us, as of the ministers of ..,, . '., a 6 11 Co. 4. I . .-,. . , i ,. ' , . ,. /-, o^Mat.45, s4e. "^ Chnst," and stewards of the mysteries 01 God. &c. clEp.9; Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be J5Jj?;P: 3 Ep. 3-9 ; found faithful. d But with me it is a very small thing ^ \ j e _ b J7 ' 2 Col ll 2 tna ' ; ^ should be judged of you, or of man's judge- /3iJo.20,21. 1 Gr. day: ment 1 ': yea, I judge not mine own self/ For I #25Mat.37- 0f3iCo.l3. know nothing by myself/ yet am I not hereby justi- , ' , . ,, "7 Joh S . a 24 ' fied * 5 but he that J ud S etl1 me is the Lord-' There- 10 iiCo.!8. 2 i Co. is! fore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord j 2 Ro. 16 ; g 1 ii Co. 12. come,-' who both will bring to light the hidden things 4 Ja - 11 ' 12 - tf. 12 i Sa.3. of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of l "^ at ' 14Bo.Tn.4. jj ie hearts*; and then shall every man have praise of li Pe. 7-9. (55.) The Gospel. St Matth. xi. 2-10. a!4Mat.3,4. "VTOW when John had heard in the prison" the* 5 Job. 38; c 1 Job. 35. 1 works of Christ, 4 he sent two of his disciples,' and ^^J jf *3 2 Maf l' ' sa ' d unl n i m > d -^ r * t nou ne tna ^ should come, e or do d^flJoh.21, gflOHe.37. we look for another ?^ Jesus answered and said unto #r & lOJoh. 29Is.l8,19; them, Go and shew John again those things which ye/22 Re. 13. 61 Is' l' 0i do hear and seef : The blind receive their sight/ and h 146Ps/.8 ; 7Lui21. the lame walk,' the lepers are cleansed/ and the ^LU'ISWW! 1 21 Mat. 14. deaf hear,* the dead are raised up,* and the poor have i 9 Mat. 25.' ft 7 Mar. 32- the gospel preached to them" 1 : And blessed is he n ^ r '^f'ijl mliCo 28 ' e ou t f r to see ? a man clothed in soft raiment ?* " UMat/.ia. behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings' rUMaU.5. houses. But what went ye out for to see ? a prophet ? r 1 5 Job. 35. }' ea > I sa > r unto y u > an d more than a prophet* For ,seeNo536. this is he of whom it is written,' Behold, I send my ulilar2 )( jfc.. messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy Uoh.2i37. way before thee." (56.) THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT. The Collect. 68 PS 35- O LOfRD ' raise U P ( we P ra y thee ) th y power," *1 Ep.^lQ;' ^*^ aild come among us,* and with great might sue- Ep. 18- cour us c ; that whereas through our sins and wicked- e7Ro'l4.fc. ness d we are sore l et and hindered* in running the 59 is! 2:' 5 Ga. 17.' race that is set before us/ thy bountiful grace and 39Ez.rn.23. 2Ep.4-8. mercy' may speedily help and deliver us* ; through -^ h gj 2 ' 1 ^ flOHe.19-22; the satisfaction of thy Son our Lord' ; to whom with A ^ Ps *, ' 2 i Jo. 1, 2. thee and the holy Ghost be honour and glory, world See 332 j. *12De.U8; without end.'' Amen. JSfe5m.n, > I s - j, The Epistle. Phil. iv. 4-7. i5Mat38,s ^ 27 - time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten . 2 Pg 7 helringeth tnee '^ And again, I will be to him a Father, and he again. shall be to me a Son ?* And again, when he bringeth l ' * " m 104 Ps. 4. in' the first-begotten into the world, he saith, And let a Gr. unto fp'-K'-V a 11 the angels of God worship him.' And of 3 the ,._ . on.Ki.17; . , .., ITI i ii i i -A j "*51S'6 ) 7. lEz. 13,14. angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spints, and o 98 Ps. 2; his ministers a flame offire. m But unto the Son he 3 ^j r '*<,*'" 145 Ps. 13 ; saith," Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever ; a straight. 8 ' sceptre of righteousness 3 is the sceptre of thy king- neis - ? 40 Ps. 8 ' d m ' p Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated p 32 Is. 1 ; 119 Ps.123. iniquity 9 ; therefore God, even thy God r hath 23Je-5,6. s 10 Ac. 38. anointed thee with the oil of gladness 5 above thy fel- r20Job.M7. 36 SAINT STEPHEN'S DAY. Dec. 26. 102 Ps. 25- lows.' And," Thou Lord in the beginning; hast laid * ^ T 4 ?P;T' J7 .. , ,. r ,. lciJoh.f.34. the foundation of the earth ; and the heavens are the trSlTs. 4: works of thine hands": they shall perish,"" but thou r , 3R fj'- 14 - 3 ii Pe.7,^. remainest* ; and they all shall wax old as doth a gar- ment ; and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and *29Ps. j.io. v & ' they shall be changed y ; but thou art the same, and thy" years shall not fail. 2 z 13 He - 8 - (60.) The Gospel. St. John i. 1-14. " ^'T^ %> T N the beginning" was the Word,* and the Word was b 19 e - 13- e S*tq * ""it' 1 God > c and the Word was God - d The same * <0 !. I. : yl7Ac/.28 ; was in the beginning with God.' All things were ^^j^ 36 ' | c fi 'o/'^ made by him; and without him was not any thing ^ 33 p i lPr2i-3l- made > that was made/ In him was life/ and the life See Rgf,',. 3Joh.'l9,20;' was the light of men.* And the light shineth in durk- IRo. 28; ness, and tlie darkness comprehended it not.' Tliere '' 9 '<* * dfl3Mat! was a man sent ^ rom God, whose name was John.-' . " " 1. 13. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the J , u ' ' l C Joh"lt" li = ht * that d1 ' men throu S h him mi g ht believe. He ^ \ 8 o s gj. 5 a'jolf 1 !?' maae ftes! 1 ," 1 a d dwelt among us* (and we beheld his *8 Pr. 31. 12 Job. 41. glory, the glory as of the only-begotten of the Father*) Sr 1 4 ! 8 } ji. See 59 c. f u ll of grace and truth. 2 3 Col! 3. ' / 61 . SAINT STEPHEN'S DAY. The Collect. # a 15 Joh.19- f~^ RANT, O Lord, that in all our sufferings here 21: ^-* upon earth for the testimony of thy truth," we UTi ia- ma y stedfastly look up to heaven, and by faitli behold 3 )'h.20,21: 3i Pe,'l4.' the glory that shall be revealed 6 ; and, being filled 4 ^ e ^ 1 *' c 14 Joh. 16, with the Holy Ghost, c may learn to love and bless our 4~lc 8- persecutors'* by the example of thy first Martyr Saint dSRef.. 5 Ep. 1. 18. Stephen, who prayed for his murderers to thee, O r 3 , p e 22. c s Ref. r blessed Jesus,' whostandest at the right hand of God-^ 41 is 10- to 8uccour a ll those that suffer for thee/ our only 4ii Ti/.li. Mediator and Advocate.* Amen. Then shall follow the Collect of the Nativity, which sliall be said continually unto New- Ytar't Eve. 37 SAINT JOHN THE EVANGELIST. Dec. 27. For the Epistle. Acts vii. 55-60. j 5 Pa. 1.3: i 6AcJ3,5,&. QTEPHEN, being full of the holy Ghost,' looked CMar m.41. ' c - Q up stedfastly into heaven/ and saw the glory of 6 * 1 Eze. 26- God,* and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, '^Ph*/'! 5 &060 an< * sa ^' B en ld I see the heavens opened, and the gf3Da.25. Son of man standing on the right hand of God.' Then n 15 Nu. 35, "* \f^^ at ' they cried out with a loud voice," 1 and stopped their 36; ears, and ran upon him with one accord, and cast him 17 T> 7 ' o24Le.!4-16; out of the city," and stoned him" : and the witnesses^ o Ac. li,13. 13 De. 10. jgj^ down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose r 31 p g 5 . q 8 Ac. /.I; name was Saul.* And they stoned Stephen, calling 2 Ac. 21;' 22 Ac. 20. U pon God, and saying, Lord Jesus receive my spirit/ ^ A 3 C o - And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, g 23Lu.4C. *12Ro.l4, If we say that we have no sin, we I4j b4: 1 i Pe. 19. deceive ourselves,' and the truth is not in us." If 15Jobl4-16; it 6 i Ti. .5. we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive -' us our sins," and to cleanse us from ail unrighteous- * 42 . *' '", 2 Tit- 14 - ness." If we say that we have not sinned, we make 1 Ne. 6, &. him a liar, and his word is not in us. x x!5Joh.3,4t. The Gospel. St. John xxi. 19-25. TESUS said unto Peter, Follow me." Then Peter, 'VMar3T' turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved 12 Job^ 26.' following ; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee ?* & 13 Job. 23, Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do ? e Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he e 0TlAc.6,7. tarry ti ji j comej rf w h a t i s that to thee ? Follow thou dl6Mat.28; me. Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, That that disciple should not die : yet Jesus said not e 29 DC. 29 unto him, He shall not die ; but, If I will that he tarry 33 Job 13.' till I come, what is that to thee ?' This is the disciple fif 12D&.13. vvhicli testifieth of these things, and wrote these things, and we know that his testimony is true/ And there -^J 9 132' ^ are also many other tilings which Jesus did/ the which g 20 Job 30 if they should be written every one, I suppose, that "4. even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. (65.) THE INNOCENTS' DAY. The Collect. uSAi O ALMIGHTY God, who out of the mouths of liCo.27-29'. V_y babes and sucklings hast ordained strength," and 39 INNOCENTS' DAY .Dec. 28. 6 !lo.6,&. madest infants to glorify thee by their deaths*; mor- 8 Ro. 13 ; tify and kill all vices in us, c and so strengthen us by 3 Ep.16,17; Ga ' thy grace/ 1 that by the innocency* of our lives, and lHTh.11,12. S ^,' constancy of our faith even unto death, we may glorify/^ He. 3, 4; & 8Ho. 1. 5. thy holy name/ through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 2 Re. i. 10 ; For the Epistle. Eev. xiv. 1-5. g 4 Re. 1. j LOOKED/ and lo, a Lamb* stood on the mount \ l ^\ 36 ' i 132 P?. 13; J- Sion,' and with him an hundred forty and four thou- 21 Re. L23. 2 Joel 32; sand/ having his Father's name written in their fore- . I- ' heads.* And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice k 10 Mat.32; of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder' : 3 Re. 12. an( j j j iear( j t ] ie voice O f harpers harping with their n 40 Ps - 3 - m 43 Ps. 4; harps'": and they sung as it were a new song" before the P 2 . 5 ?* W ; 5 Re. 8. throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders" ; and 2 j Co. 14.' o Seel53 i,<5fc no man could learn that song, p but the hundred apd $ 2Re.U7. forty.and four thousand, which were redeemed from the r 11 iiCo.2; earth.' These are they which were not denied with . a _ 3 He ' * * . . i Gr. were women, for they are virgms r : these are they which bought *_10 Joh.27; follow the Lamb whithersoever hegoeth* : these were t j j a . jg. See 64 a. redeemed 1 from among men, being the first-fruits unto 4 Q ant 7 . God, and to the Lamb.' And in their mouth was 5 Ep. 27 ; -/ i found no guile" ; for they are without fault before the l 6 /Sep. la. o ' * Jude 24. throne 01 God (66.) The Gospel. St. Matth. ii. 13-18. a !CGe.7,4fc- MHHE Angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a 1 H<- 6 14 1 ' -- dream," saying, Arise, and take the young child, See 68 h' and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there 6 2 Mat. 19, . until I bring thee word 6 ; for Herod will seek the J?;^ , erf7Ac.U9; ,. ' ,- T1 d . . gf4bGe.2-). &12Re.1. 4. y un g child to destroy him. When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed <* 2 " A C< !* ' Ic 2 23?' 1 ' into ^gyP^ and was there until the death of Herod' ; that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my -j Ex 22 23 . g 27Pr.3,4. Son/ Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked 11 Ho. 1. of the wise men, was exceeding wroth^ ; and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof,'' from two years old and under, h " i Z Mat. 7. according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men.' Then was fulfilled that which was j 31 j e 15. spoken by Jeremy the prophet,- 7 saying, In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and k ^37Ge.35. great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not.* , .' 40 THE SUNDAY AFIER CHRISTMAS-DAY. (67.) The Collect. ^SiTi.16; ALMIGHTY God, who hast given us thy only- &Sa>68,4fc. 4 i Jo. 9,'l4! -^V- begotten Son to take our nature upon him," and ^wted^in e 1 i Pe.*23. ^ at this time to be born of a pure Virgin' 1 ; Grant theffomUy 40Is.29-31; that we being regenerate, and made thy children by f^ r ' heffa - 12 Ro. 2; adoption and grace, d may daily be renewed* by thy ' 3 Col 9 10 Holy Spirit, through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, 3 j j 0> j. ' See yt> m. who liveth and reigneth with thee and the same Spirit, See Bef.p,*. JT -o ever one God, world without end. f Amen. /19Re. l. C. See N o. 08. a.. QQ k Epistle. Gal. iv. 1-7. g3Ga. 29. "\T^^ ^ Sa ^' *' xa * ; ^ ie beir/ as long as he is a ' 1.1 child, differeth nothing from a servant, though ft3Ga - 24 - irflAc.J.7; . 6 i jlOLu.23,24. iVAc.m.'JO. be be lord of all ; but is under tutors and governors,* j Or j^;. ft2Co!820 until the time appointed of the father." Even so we, mentt. m See 32 e w ' ien we were children,-' were in, bondage under the '9 Da. 24; 15 R 8- e ^ ements " of the world*: but when the fulness of the IB Ko. 26: 3 Ga. 13. ' time was come/ God sent forth his Son, made of a 9 He. io ; /?7 Tnh tion of sons. 7 ' And because ye are sons, God hath w.5Ga. 3.' 1 ii Co. 22; sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts,' cry- p 1 Ep. 5. 5 ii Co. l. 5. i n lat.l5,23. spoken of the Lord by the prophet," saying, Behold, a / 130 Ps. 8: Virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a Son, ? A Ez ^ 2y ' */a * called. interpreted is, God with us. p ) Then Joseph, being raised from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord had " 7 Is> 14- o 8 Is.Z.8,10. bidden him, and took unto him his wife: and knew p 4fi P*./. 7; her not till she had brought forth her first born son: 28Mrt.20. q 2 Lu. 21. and lie called his name JESUS.'/ 41 THE CIRCUMCISION OF CHRIST. Jan, 1 (69.) The Collect. A LMIGHTY God, who madest thy blessed Son & 3 Mat lg to ^ e c i rcumc i se d> a an d obedient to the law for 5 R 3 19 ; ' 15 Ro. 8; man ; ran us e rue crcumcson o e pr ; . . 2 Ph./. 8. that our hearts and all our members being mortified * e " ' ' from all worldly and carnal lusts,' we may in all d3Joh.3,& gf 10be.'l6J things obey thy blessed will/ through the same thy ,.. R M).9Je.25,2e! Son Jesus Christ our Lord/ Amen. 5 j j '. 3. ' e!7Je.9. The Epistle. Rom. iv. 8-14. fi-2Col.lO,ll. T3LESSED is the man to whom the Lord will not -D impute sin. A Cometh this blessedness then 7t 3 .? Ps - 2: 1 49 Is. 6, 22; upon the circumcision only, or upon the uncircum- 0f23Nu.2(^ l^Ro 2 ^' c i s i n a l so * ? For we sa Y that feith was reckoned to 21. 3Ga.l4,29. Abraham for righteousness.-' How was it then See 51 n. reckoned? when he was in circumcision, or in uncir--'-^, 66 :. 6 ' cumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircum- icl7Ge.24- c j s j on * ^ n( j j ie rece i ve( j the sign of circumcision,' n7Ge] oil. gf 7 i Co. 18, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had 6^31 Ex.13. ly, &5Ga.fl. yet being uncircumcised"' ; that he might be the i3Ph. 9; father of all them that believe, though they be not * 3 * ( j*7 >Mi jV^f- 7.' circumcised" ; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also" : and the father of circumcision to p 3 Mat. l. 9. f * nem w h are no * f the circumcision only, p but also 5 ii Co. 21.' walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, r 12 Ge. 3; 08 Job 39 w '" c h he had being yet uncircumcised. 8 For the HSM*-* 1 - See Reif. ft. promise, that he should be the heir of the world/ was og Ge! 14.' not to Abraham or to his seed, through the law,* but a7 ' 18 ' through the righteousness of faith.' For if they ' "He.8-12. 2 Ga. 21; which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and 5 Ga. 4. t j ie p rom i se ma( Je of none effect." (70.) The Gospel. St. Luke ii. 15-21. AND it came to pass, as the angels were gone 1G . . away from them into heaven," the shepherds' the thep- ]S Ju. 20. ' said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethle- herdt. c 29 De 29- ^ em an< ^ see this thing which is come to pass,* which b m i >8> 2> 98 Ps./. 2.' the Lord hath made known unto us. c And they came cf 3 Ex. 3. Sf 1 Ga. 12. w ith haste/ and found Mary and Joseph, and the 32 k aDe lying i a manger.* And when they had seen d 9 Ecc. 10. ' it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child/ And all they thaty4^ c 2J. heard it, wondered at those things which were told g2Lu. 33. them by the shepherds.*' But Mary kept all these h 3 - Q^ jj. things, and pondered them in her heart/' And the 4 Pr. m. 4 shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for a Lu - l - 51 - all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was _, 17 Qe.l2- i 29 Is. 19. told unto them.' And when eight days were accom- 12 Le. 3. plished for the circumcising of the child / his name 42 THE EPIPHANY. Jan. 6. was called JESUS,* which was so named of the angel 4. Before ne was CORce i ve d in the womb.' I ILn. 31. The same Collect, Epistle, and Gospel shall serve for every day after unto the Epiphany. (71.) a see-So 72 flflttPe.19. e See 23d. Sec Ke 7 * 5iiCo. 7; n He. 1. 4Col.rn.18; liiTi. 8. ill Ho. 13; 2 ..^1- 7 ' 9 .' ' " *lEp.9-14; 2 Ep. 1, 4t 7 6 K 2 5,2U : . 4 Ep. 4, 4t. .._ l?Ro.l5,4ii 1 Col. iJ9. 5 * el72c> 31 Ps 19 11 Ro. 33- 2 Col. 3. u Sec 241 i, v 14 Job. 6 ; 5 Ro. Z ' (72.) b .y the Gospel*: whereof I was "^a- 28 . 29 - made a minister, according to the gift of the grace f 3 Q^ 14 God given unto me by the effectual working of his power.' Unto me, who am less than the least of all r ^ . ,,. , , saints, is this grace given/ that I should preach among l5iCo.8,lo- the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ 1 ; and liTi.12,*. ^ ma ke all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath * 13 Mat 35; been n j d i n God,' who created all things by Jesns iTit2 7 3 Christ* : to the intent, that now unto the principa- lities and powers in heavenly places" might be known vliPe.1.12. ^ t ' 16 ^ nurcn tne manifold wisdom of God, 1 " accord- ing to the eternal purpose which he purposed in as33Ps.ll<7; Christ Jesus our Lord' : In whom we have boldness 141*.a4-27; and access with confidence by the faith of him. y ' The Gospel. St. Matth. ii. 1-12. ^^ Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea," in the days of Herod the king, behold, there 43 THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY cllls.ni.10- came wise men from the east 6 to Jerusalem, saying, j 4 i Ki. 30. tiO Is. 3. Where is he that is born King of the Jews d ? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to 21 Mat 5- e45Ps. I.H; worship him." When Herod the king had heard Uoh. 49: 2 Ph!'lo 8; these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with 18Job.33-37. See Eef. o. him/ And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of-^jj piKi.17, #2 Mai. 7. them, where Christ should be born/ And they said 17 Ac. 6-8. unto him, In Bethlehem of Judea'' : for thus it is i 5 ML 2. written by the prophet, 4 And thou, Bethlehem, in the ^fMj** 1 land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda : for out of thee shall come a Governor that 1 Or feed shall rule 1 my people Israel.- 7 Then Herod, when he . .. r had privily called the wise men, enquired of them 24 Nu. 19: k 55 Ps. 21. diligently what time the star appeared.* And he 34 Ez. 23; gfl2Re.4,5. gent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go, and search n Hc - 15 ' diligently for the young child, and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.' When they had heard the king, z4Ezr. 1,2; TO 8 Pr. 17. they departed; and lo, the star which they saw in the ^.y*;*?;, -east went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.'" When they saw the n 105 Ps. 3 ; o 95 Ps. 6. star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy." And Ao ' See 78 e. when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down and 2 Or ff ered - t li wors hipp e d him" : and when they had opened their ^ Ps 10 treasures, they presented 3 unto him gifts 7 ' ; gold, and * sf lEx.18, frankincense, and myrrh. 17 And being warned of God S3 Ps. 10; & 5 Ac. 29. in a dream, that they should not return to Herod/ 21Fr - so - they departed into their own country another way. (73.) THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. 2 ^" s wor ld ; but be ye transformed by the renewing n 2 i Pe. & 44 THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. of your mind,'" that ye may prove' what is that good, j>36Ez.26,27: q 0fl Job.*, and acceptable, and perfect will of God/ For I say, \ coiTfo through the grace given unto me, to every man that r 3 p r 4 */ *26^ ^'-l 9 ' * s amon S y u not to think of himself more highly than 4 i Ti. 8. 11 Ro.ViU; he ought to think,* but to think soberly, 1 according as 1 Gr. to to- 5 Ga. 3. ' God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.' *"#!/ fTafco^lf' F r ^ WC haVC many members in one bod y' and a11 *4 4 E^7; 7; ** &c. 'members have not the same office"; so we, being 2Tit-2,4,6, -4Ep / 25 roany, are one body in Christ, 1 ' and every one members ^- See 75 'aa'. one of another." i b! 23 (74.) The Gospel. St. Luke ii. 41-52. 23 E 14 ^T^^ his P arenls went to Jerusalem" every year at 17; " -*-^ tlie feast of the passover.* And when he was * 12 Ex. 14; 34 Ex. 23 ; twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem, after liSa/3 2L tlie custom of the feast. And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it. But they, supposing him to e!22?s.l,4. have been in the company, went a day's journey, and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaint- ance. And when they found him not, they turned ' back again to Jerusalem, seeking him. And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hear- ing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and * 119 P- 99; answers. 1 * And when they saw him, they were \ iu*^' amazed: and his mother said unto him, Son, why 7Jot.l5,46. hast thou thus dealt with us ? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said unto them, jg j^ 34 e 40 Ps. P-, How is it that ye sought me ? wist ye not that I must 6 Job 38 - ; be about m y Fatuer ' 8 business' ? And they under- * 6 Ep. 1, 2. 8 Job. 29.' stood not the saying which he spake unto them/ ^ ^ *** 1W ' And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth/ * r . 2 L "-j W: . and was subject unto them*: but his mother kept alU2 i Sa.2fy IJofl. /. iO. ,, ... . _ . ' . . o T 40 . these sayings in her heart.' And Jesus increased in 145013 wisdom, and stature, 1 and in favour with God and See 73 r. man.'' (75.) THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. The Collect. 4a - ALMIGHTY and everlasting God," who dost * 7 |*g-* c55Ps. 1. ^L\. govern all things in heaven and earth 6 ; Merci- l7Ac.24,25. c - fully hear the supplications of thy people, and grant /^p^[. c - 5 -! TK'?R ; ^ *ky P eacerf a U the days of our life' ; through Jesus 5^ \ " - Christ our Lord. Amen. 81 m. 45 THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. The Epistle. Rom. xii. 6-16. TTAVING then gifts / differing according to the/ Ii Co. 5. tSEze.iv,^. *"* grace that is given to us/ whether prophecy, let See73 * 4 ii Ti. 2 ; us prophesy according to the proportion of faith* ; or ; * * 3 . ^ c - * ? */? 2 qo ministry, let us wait on our ministering' ; or he that i4iCo.l,3,&. 1 Or impart! teacheth, on teaching-'; or he that exhorteth. on j 12 i Sa. 23: eth exhortation*: he that giveth, 1 let him do it with sim- 12 EC. 9, 10. ao^K&j-' Plicity 2 ; he that ruleth, with diligence'; he that ' ^TL 17. rally sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.'" Let love be nli p H j^2 "lOl'p 00 ^' w ' tnout dissimulation." Abhor that which is evil, See 157 k. 5Am.l4,15. cleave to that which is good. Be kindly aiFectionedP*.. E P- 2 ; 3 Or in the one to another with brotherly love, 3 in honour s ^ 15 e 9 ' ^rethren? preferring one another? : not slothful in business* ; r 3 Re. 15.' q 9 EC./. 10. fervent in spirif; serving the Lord*; rejoicing in t 3 La.24.26. * 6Ep- |i 7; hope' ; patient in tribulation"; continuing instant in 18Lu.l,$b. u See 44 n'. prayer" ; distributing to the necessity of saints'" ; given * H ** ia ~ to 6 He. 10. to hospitality.* Bless them which persecute you; 13 He. 2. aasleTOOd. bless and curse not - y Rejoice with them that do ^^^ 4 Or be con- rejoice, and weep with them that weep. z Be of the z see 87M. ' tented wtth same m i ri d one towards another. "" Mind not high W3Pr. 7; "/ting*. tilings, 16 but condescend to men of low estate. 4 ^Je*^ 1 ' (76.) The Gospel. St. John ii. 1-11. a 18 Pr. 22 A^-^ ^ ie third day there was a marriage" in Cana* b 19 Jos. 28; 13 He. 4. ' XJL of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 1 Joh - 2 - And both Jesus was called, and his disciples/ to the c 7 Lu. 34. marriage. And when they wanted wine, the mother ' '* i of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. Jesus e 19 Job. 26; saith unto her. Woman,' what have I to do with thee^ ? /I9ii Sa./22. 20 Joh. 13. m j ne ] lour j s not y e j come g jji s mo ther saith unto g 7 Joh. C. the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. And there were set there six water-pots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews,* containing * 7 Mar.2,$x two or three firkins apiece. Jesus saith unto them, i0f 4iiKi. 1, Fill the water-pots with water.' And they filled them j # 13 jj KI. ** up to the brim.-' And he saith unto them, Draw out now, 18, 10. and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was, (but the servants which drew the water knew ) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, and saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine, and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine ft 3 Joh. 2. until now. This beginning of miracles did Jesus* in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory,' and / 5 De./ 24. '/il4Joh. 11. his disciples believed on him.'" 46 THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. (77.) The Collect. a See 4 a. ALMIGHTY and everlasting God," mercifully 6 Jf p*'"'* 1 c 8 Bo./ 26. -/JL look upon* our infirmities, and in all our dangers rfiop j, 12 . ?f4He. 15, and necessities, d stretch forth thy right hand* to help 57 PS. 4. ' &OMat3G Ian d defend us/ through Jesus Christ our Lord. /i4HChll- . 30,31. The Epistle. Rom. xii. 16-21. ^ 5 Is. 21; ~OE not wise in your own conceits.*" Recompense ft 20 Pr 22- 8iCo 2 ' "^ to no man evil for evil.* Provide things honest 5 Mat. 39;' in the sight of all men.' If it be possible, as much 5 * Tb - 15 - " as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.-' Dearly j'34Ps.Z.14; 24 P/'so. ' b e l ved > avenge not yourselves,* but rather give place ^iiTi'm- r32Dp 35- unto wratn ' ! f r Jt i s written, Vengeance is mine; I 3 Ja. iiis! INa. 2; 'will repay, saith the Lord.'" Therefore, if thine ^ 12 1V7. 10 He. 30. enemy hunger, feed him ; if he thirst, give him drink : *9 Lu. 55,56. o 15 Pr. 1; for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his n 23 Ex. 4, 5; rf2(H r SalV nea d-* Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil ^? p ~? 1>22> 25. ' " with good." (78.) The Gospel St. Matth. viii. 1-13. a 5 Mat 1 "\\7~HEN he was come down from the mountain,* * great multitudes followed him.* And behold/ > 4 Mat 25. cgflMar.40- there came a leper"* and worshipped him/ saying, 12ll4 5 LU ' L rd) if th U Wilt ' th U CanSt makC me clean ' / And d 5" v 14 ^ Jesus put forth his hand and touched him/ saying, I 14 Mat. 33. will be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy SeefJj. was cleansed.* And Jesus saith unto him, See thou./9Mat.28,29. tell no man,' but go thy way, shew thyself to the flf 13Mat58. ? 5 Mar/4l! P^est, and offer the gift that Moses commanded,' for 3J p> 0f5UKU.ll. a testimony unto them.* And when Jesus M'as rfiJe. 3. See 119 h. entered into Capernaum,' there came unto him a Seetej. .. centurion beseeching him, and saying, Lord, my &P a ' ' servant" lieth at home* sick of the palsy, grievously^ SRef.rf. 8Job./.50. tormented. And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him. The centurion answered and said, M Mat. 13; Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come J1 Mat 23 - m7Lul-10 un ^ er my roof; but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. 9 For I am a man under n ^ 6iTi - 2 - o 19 ii Ch. 6; afraid ; for he beareth not the sword in vain" : for he grssNu.lb, EC./- 5. jg tne minister o f God," a revenger to execute wrath & c - 31. o SeeHef.h,i. U p 0n him that doeth evil/ Wherefore ye must needs P 12 Ro. 19. q 2 i Pe. 19. be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience & 25Ez .U- *18Ex.l3,& s ake. For, for this cause pay you tribute also'; for r i7 Mat. 24- 7iSa.l5-17. they are God's ministers, attending continually upon 22 Mat 17- 20 Ex. 12; this very thing/ Render therefore to all their dues ; 21. 19 Le. 32 ; tribute to whom tribute is due, custom to whom 1 24Pr./21 ; 1 *' custom, fear to whom fear,' honour to whom honour." jj ^p- 1- 33; (80.) The Gospel St. Matth. viii. 23-34. a 4 Mar. 36- AND when he was entered into a ship," his dis- 8 Lu 22-25 "'^^ ciples followed him. And behold, there arose a 9 i JOD j/i 1 . great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was c4Joh.m. 6. covered with the waves 6 : but he was asleep/ And d!21Ps.3,4. e20iiCh.l2. n ^ s disciples came to him, and awoke him , d saying, Lord, save us, we perish." And he saith unto them, ^1^'??"^' Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith-^ ? Then he 89 Ps. 8, 9. arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea/ and there / ( 107P 6 .29. t 6 Mar, 51. was a great calm. A But the men marvelled,' saying, 46 THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. "What manner of man is this, that even the winds and . ., ,, A5Mar.!-17: the sea obey him.?! And when he was come to the s Lu.2<5-37. other side into the country of the Gergesenes,* there s 336 - rf - met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the 'J ? r lar 'ij' tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by ie AC. 17;' that way. And behold, they cried out, saying, What 19 Ac. 15. have we to do with thec, Jesus, thou Son of God' ? SfiaCo'ta! >n 2 ii Pe.4; art thou come hither to torment us before the time'" ? Jude 6. And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine, feeding." So the devils besought him, nil Le. 7, 8; saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into 65 Is - 3 > 4- o 1 Job 12 *' ie nerd ^ swme< ^ nd ne sa * d unto them, Go." 2 Job 6. ' And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine : and behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. And they that kept them lied, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the ( , , . p 21 Job 14; devils. And behold, the whole city came out to meet 22Jobl7.18; Jesus : and when they saw him, they besought him, 16 Ac. 39. that he would depart out of their coasts* 0fl8iKU7. (31.) THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. The Collect. a 27 Is. 3: r\ LORD, we beseech thee to keep thy Church 4 p^'g. SMKo^aL and l lollsehold " continually in thy true religion* ; 1 Tit. i.'l. f O 1 * P 5 tna *' *' ie y Wn d * ean On ^ u P n the n P e f thy w 6 Ga^ W 3Pr. 5; ' heavenly grace, may evermore be defended by thy d 2 ' 6 Is ^ 4 . bant./.5; mighty power. d through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 54 Is. 17: ' The Eputle. Col iii. 12-17. ' b.' TDUT on' therefore (as the elect of God/ holy ni-uj K 1 Ep 4- beloved^) bowels of mercies, kindness, humble- sec^5p. 2 ii Th. is. ness of mind, meekness, long-suffering* ; forbearing one 1 Or com- i 15 Ko. 1; another, and forgiving one another, 1 if any man have . 4 ^ ai . n L, ^Suw'a a 1 uarre l' against any ; even as Christ forgave you, so" 7 .5 p ' 2 . h 15 Job. 12. a ^ so do y e -' ; And above all these things put on charity,* 1 4 i Jo. 12. 6'e' e thankful." Let the . o 4 Ep. 32. word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, p 15 j^ 7 ' See (j a jj teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, and See No. 50. ' lot. ' hymns, and spiritual songs,* singing with grace in your ^T * 14 Ro. 6-8; hearts to the Lord/ And whatsoever ye do in word 1 5 Ep. 20; a-dlti'ub. or deed > do a11 irt the name of tue L 01 "" 1 Je*" 8 / giving '^^ 7 J 5 . 20,21. thanks to God and the Father by him.' 4 i Pell 49 E THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. (82.) The Gospel. St. Matth. xiii. 24-30. a See 1 r. 'T^HE kingdom of heaven" is likened unto a man 6 j iSMat.36- JL which sowed good seed c in his field." But while 43 - ' men slept, e his enemy-^ came and sowed tares 6 " among d 10 Ro. IS; 1> 55 IS 99 j\ * e wlieat ' and went his wa y- But when the blade e ' ti " ' was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared-^ 3 Zec- L g8Joh./.44. the tares also/ So the servants* of the householder * 7 Mat. 16. i4Ep.ll,12. came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good-jl.^ 6 - 31; * Ua, 13. seed in thy field?- 7 from whence then hath it tares ? zCol.f. 10. 5'Th 14 ^ e sa * d un * them, -^ n enem y hath done this.* The jgf9L U .54, ' servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we 55, -4Mai'i 7 ~ go and s ather thera U P ?J But he said > Na y; m lest &2Ja - 4 - 25Mat.i,4l while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the #17Lu.2. 32 ; wheat with them." Let both grow together until the P 13 Mat.49. Co ' 5 ' harvest;" and in the time of harvest I will say tor25iSa.n. ^w' 1 * '' the reapers/ Gather ye together first the tares, and 2 fl 5 , 22 Mat. 10-,. ., ., r . , , J , ii.ii 12 Da. 3; 13 ; bind them in bundles to burn them 3 but gather the 3 L U . 17 : 15 Job. 6. wheat into my barn. 1 " 21 Be. 3,4. S~\ (83.) THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. The Collect. GOD, whose blessed Son was manifested" that b 3 Ge. M5; eVi ight destr y the works of the de vil/and J2J^h'Jli. *lSHe.l4- make us the sons of God c and heirs of eternal life ; d SeeRef.cc. liPe.14-16. Grant us, we beseech thee, that having this hope, a 26Ac. 1.18; /15 $?* '49- we ma y P ur ify ourselves, even as he is pure' ; that 3 Tit - 7 - 3 Ph. 21; ' when he shall appear again with power and great -^?^ t< 1 3 6 1; 3 Col. 4. glory/ we may be made like unto him in his eternal gee 84 'm. iJtepV*' and S lorious kingdom/ where with thee, O Father, h 11 Ps./. 4; *Seel5k'. and thee, O holy Ghost, he liveth andreigneth* ever |^ F ^V' k 15 Job. 18, one God world without end. Amen. 19. 16 Joh.3. The Epistle. 1 St. John iii. 1-8. ?'3Je 19- m 8 Ro. 18 ; T> EHOLD, what manner of love the Father hath see 58 d. 13 i Co. 12. X> t es towed upon us,* that we should be called the 1 14 Pr. 2C. J|.? b ? sons of God-': therefore the world knoweth us not, " J J P? 15 ; gt3nCo.]8. , ' 8Ho. 20. o5Mat8,48; because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the See Re f ^ 15 Ac. 9; sons of God,' and it doth not yet appear what we shall ^eHe.18,19, ^ U1 Rf 4 be:'" but we know that when he shall appear, we r!5Nu/.31; 3*Ro l 20- sha1 ^ he like him ;" for we shall see him as he is." j^j" c J- 20 : 4 Bo. 1. 15 And every man that hath this hope in him p purifieth 5 j J ./.i7. 2 ? 9*^1"' himself, even as he is pure.* Whosoever committeth t IJohm.Slj sin transgresseth also the law': for sin is the trans- }?^ e -|5 U g ee 12 'g & gression of the law/ And ye know that he was ^^ ' o ' 68 l. manifested* to take away our sins ;" and in him is no see 102 q. tc]5Joh.4,4fc. sin. v Whosoever abideth in him w sinneth not :* whoso- * 7 Ro. 20. 50 SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY. >j See 63 p. ever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.* Little children, let no man deceive you : he that z 2 Ro. 13 RJ h 44 doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is right- 5 Ep. 6, &, ' ecus.- He that committeth sin is of the devil :~for ^ e JO R 20 f ' 2 J- the devil sinneth from the beginning. "" For this pur- 1 He. S i4.' P 086 the $ on f God was manifested,* 1 that he might bb SRe<. destroy the works of the devil. cc (84.) The Gospel. St. Matth. rriv. 23-31. l3Mar.21- fllHEN if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is ITLu 22-25- * Clirist ' or there 5 tetieve it not. 6 For there ' 21 Lu. 8. ' s hall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders ; d insomuch that (if it c 24 Mat. 5, were possible) they shall deceive the very elect. c i3Be.i3,ll; 2^ 5 pe j Behold, I have told you before/ Wherefore, if they 19 Re - 2- shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert/ go e 6 Job. 39; not f OTtn : behold, he is in the secret chambers, be-/ 18 Job. 1. iojoh.28,29'; lieve it not.* For as the lightning cometh out of the & 4f 8 Bo. 2jJ,4t. east ^ an( j ghjneth even unto the west : so shall also the Ac gg coming of the Son of man be.* For wheresoever the Yuo'. 1* J ' carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.-' iSMal. 1. Immediately after the tribulation of those days, shall 39 j ob 30 See No. 52. the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the 1 12 Zee. 11- *303i- 10 ' P wers f tne heavens shall be shaken.* And then 13 - 3 Joel 15; shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven : 8 Am. 9; and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn,' and 6 Re'. I2*i3 they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of voiet, heaven, with power and great glory.'" And he shall 7D3.13; send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, 1 and W \ I * 1 . 25 l ii Th. i. 7. they shall gather together his elect from the four n Jok 52. winds, from one end of heaven to the other." 8e 78 e. (85.) THE SUNDAY CALLED SEPTUAGESIMA, or the Third Sunday befure Lent. The Collect. aSOPs.3,4,7. f~\ LORD, we beseech thee favourably* to hear ft 8 Re. 4; c 1 La f. 18- ^"^ ^ e P ra y ers f tn y people,* that we who are See 39 3 La. 39. ' justly punished for our offences/ may be mercifully d ^ ^ 8 - ^ r man > T r 19 Mat. 30. ' be called, but few chosen.* See 204 y. 52 THE SUNDAY CALLED SEXAGESIMA, or the Second Sunday before Lent. / 8 7 \ The Collect. nl39P'l & f\ LORD God, who seest" that we put not our trust b 20 Ps. 7-0; 4 He. 13. V^ in any thing that we do ; 6 Mercifully grant c see^mdi c See 43 i. that by thy power'' we may be defended against all on Salod- c48Ge./.16; adversity,* through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. /if 71 - i ; c., 7 o. '* "S^fi 20 j. i7Tnhis The Epistle. 2 Cor. xi. 19-31. YE suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise.-^ For ye suffer if a man bring you into/ 4 * Co. 10. 4Ga. y; bondage, if a man devour you, if a man take of you, ^jEz.S.fc. t; Ga. 12,13. if a man exalt himself, if a man smite you on the face.' A 10 " Co - ' I speak as concerning reproach, as though we had is'jjCo.lO. been weak : h howbeit, whereinsoever any is bold (I k Sects, speak foolishly) I am bold also.' Are they Hebrews? j 20 iiCh. 7; so am I. Are they Israelites ? so am I. Are they H Ro - 1- * * rf ^ Afat Q m 25 De. 3. the seed of Abraham ? so am IV Are they ministers | Job.39.' of Christ ?* (I speak as a fool) I am more : in labours -14 3 ^ C '/7- more abundant; in stripes above measure; in prisons *9A C . 16; 15 Ac. 3t>4fc. more frequent ; in deaths oft.' Of the Jews five j ^(j" g^ ; 15Ro.7/.l'J. times received I forty stripes save one; 1 " thrice was 4UCo.8-ll. , I beaten with rods ; once was I stoned ;" thrice I suf- 19 Ac.iis'^fc. fered shipwreck; a night and a day I have been in n 16Ac./.22; the deep ; in journeying often ; in perils of waters ; * ?? . Ac ' 31 " in perils of robbers ; in perils by mine own country- p g ^ c 03 ; 8Ko'.35,3G; men f in perils by the heathen ;* in perils in the city ; r 13 Ac. 5> ; ' 4iCo.ll,12; in perils in the wilderness; in perils in the sea; in 3 ii Th 8 ' P er 'l s among false brethren ; in weariness and pain- r 17 ^ c 5 fulness ; in watchings often ; in hunger and thirst ; 8 i Co. 13; in fastings often ; in cold and nakedness ; s besides < 2 Col. 1. Se'e^s' ^ those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches.' Who is weak, v 5 Ne. G,4& iol2iiCo.l, and I am not weak?" who is offended, and I burn l 5 Col ; 24 not?>> If l must needs ? lor y' l wil1 S lor y of the* 1Co] - 3 - things which concern mine infirmities." The God and y 9 Ne. l. 5 ; Father of our Lord Jesus Christ/ which is blessed i2iiCo!m 19- 41 Ps. 13. f or evermore," knoweth that I lie not. 1 1 Go. 20. (88.) The Gospel. St. Luke viii. 4-15. ~V\7"HEN much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake . , r o " ^ - Mat ' 2 " ^ v a parable : A sower went out to sow his seed ; 6 see Reir. *. 4Mar.l-20. and as he sowed, some fell by the way-side, and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured e ' it. c And some fell upon a rock, and as soon as it was r 4 Je. 3 ; sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked mois- 21 Lu. 34. ture. d And some fell among thorns, and the sprang up with it, and choked it. e And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an 53 QUINQUAGESIMA SUNDAY. g 8 Pr. 5; hundred-fold/ And when he had said these things, he/ 26 Ge.12; 13 J^isflV; cried ' He that hath ears to hear ' let him hear/ And 6 2 Re. 7,'ll! his disciples asked him, saying, What might this h 15 Mat - 15, ilOLu.21-24; parable be ? 7 ' And he said, Unto you it is given to 2\C*iljJ know the mysteries of the kingdom of God:' but to-> 29De-2-4; kl Ja 21 '& ot h ers i n parables ; that seeing they might not see, 29 is. ib gf4UCo.2',4fc. and hearing they might not understand.- 7 Now the SJe.21- m 3 i Th. 5. parable is this : The seed is the word of God.* ^. 2 . iJ - 13 > Those by the way-side are they that hear;* then o 3 Ep. 17; cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of n 106 Ps. 12, 2 CoL 6, 7- their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.'" &c - q 6 Mat. 24 ; They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, # 6Mar.20 6 i Ti. 9 10- re ceive the word with joy ; n and these have no root, &5Jolu.35! 4iiTi./!lO; which for a while believe, and in time of temptation p o Ho. 4; 2 P lfl"^' ^ awa y- p And tliat which fell among thorns, are 6 Job. 06; IP 2 " * ne y which, when they have heard, go forth, and are j^e 1 38 15 i Co.2. choked with cares, and riches, and pleasures of this 2 i Jo! 19.' See 81 p. life, and bring no fruit to perfection.* But that on r 30 De. 6. " 9 2 t Mat - 13; the good ground, are they, which in an honest and ( 6 R 6He!il,'l2; S ood heart/ having heard the word, keep it,* and 7 Ro.'i. 4- 5 Ja. 7, 8. ' bring forth fruit' with patience." 1 Uol- 0. THE SUNDAY CALLED QUINQUAGESIMA, or the next Sunday before Lent. The Collect. 10Mat37; f^V LORD, who hast taught us that all our doings 4 1 Jo. 8. I I ... . , ., ... ,, a , .. See 48 b-e. ^-* without chanty are nothing worth ;" Send thy 3 n xi. 5. & Ref. i-p. Holy Ghost, 4 and pour into our hearts that most . . . c^!33Ps.l, excellent gift of charity, the very bond of peace and 3 Col.'u! S<*163. of all virtues, 1 * without which whosoever liveth e is Sec 131 1. ' 5 * T ^- ^ i counted dead before thee / Grant this for thine only /16 i Co. 22 ; 3 Re. l. i. Son Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. ^}l?i l ' J, 4 ' cf. 11 Lu.-i^. , , & The Epistle. 1 Cor. xiii. 1-13. ,,^-tr 1410^1* rilHOUGH I speak with the tongues of men? and ft ' i 5 Job. 42. J- of angels,* and have not charity, 1 1 am become i ** * Co - ' * 7 Mat. 22, as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.- 7 And though 1 21 Mat. 21. 1 1 ' ^ ave *^ e ^ift f prophecy, and understand all n $ u a t. 1,2. (i, mysteries, and all knowledge;* and though I have all ? Jg 4 g . fi' ^ a ^' so *^ at ^ could remove mountains,' and have not e Joh./.63- m rf. 11 Mar! charity) I am nothing.*" And though I bestow all my 4iTi./.8. 13. goods to feed the poor," and though I give my body r 3 Ja. 14. o 13 Job. 37, to be burned," and have not charity, it profiteth me l ^^ wt 10 Pr 12- notnm g- p Charity suflereth long, and is kind; 5 4iPe.8. ' charity envieth not; r charity vaunteth not itself, 1 is t ^^ l j 8 ' 2 Ph. 3,4. not puffed up, s doth not behave itself unseemly,' #3 is.' 5. 54 QUINQUAGESIMA SUNDAY. u 14 Bo. 15; seeketh not her own," is not easily provoked,* 1 thinketh 13 p r . io;' 5 Ga 13* no ev il> w rejoicefli not in iniquity,' but rejoiceth in 2 7 Eo. 8, 9 ; w 28 Ps! 3.' the truth;" beareth all things, believeth all things, aTiifs^io- Vp^'l? 8 ' hopeth all things, 1 endureth all things." Charity 12. /9Q \' never faileth: 6 but whether tliere be prophecies, they ^ 5^*0**' 2iiTi. 10; shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; tgfisjoh.f. 13 He. 13. whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. c *> & 15 Joil - ^iCo. e J. 4;' For we know in P art > and we prophesy in part. d dmPs.4,6. 3iJo. 2. ' But when that which is perfect is come, then tliat/SHCo. 18; fo e ,&21Re' Which is in P art Sha11 be d ne awa y 20 Mat. 17- invrVi A unto them, 6 Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, 6 ,n 9 A l(J-Mat.l-4. * ,, ., . ... , .. . , 1U M and all things that are written by tiie prophets con- 34. cerning the Son of man shall be accomplished.** C l7Mat! 22' For he sha11 be delivered unto the Gentiles,' and ~el 23. ' shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on/ and they shall scourge him, and put hi 18 Job. 31. to death ; g and the third day he shall rise again.* And they understood none of these tilings: and this *24Lu.6,7. g 27 Mat. 20. sa > T i n g was hid from them, neither knew they the j go Mat. 29- things which were spoken.* And it came to pass, 31; ; 12 j h jo ^ at w fi e was come nigh unto Jericho/ a certain 1 ? 2 Mar 46 ~ blind man sat by the way-side begging :* and hearing k 2 iSa f 8 * be multitude pass by, he asked what it meant.' And l ^ 2 |, Mat ' ' they told him, that Jesus of Nazareth" 1 passeth by. ' And he cried, saying, Jesus, tliou Son of David," 1 Mat. l ; D- have mercy on me." And they which went before \ff,\ rebuked him, that he should hold his peace :** but he |PS -/ 12 - cr ied so much the more,' Thou Son of David, have p 11 Lu.Z. 52. mercy on me. And Jesus stood, and , commanded r ^ 19 Mat an( j wnen ne was come 14. near, he asked him, saying, What wilt thou that I , *3iKi.Z.5. , ,, , .' A 8 j , .j T L T - 86 Ps. 5,15; an d w ith mourning.' And rend your heart, and not n 13 Fs - 4 - 12 " s 2>- y UT garments,'" and turn unto the Lord your God : n p^ Am. 2-6. 5 Am. J. 15; for he is gracious and merciful," slow to anger, and Seeli-k. 3 Jou. 9 ; of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil. p r 9 ii Co. 8, * 1 Joel9 13 Who knoweth if he will return, and repent, 9 and * 10 Nu.l, &. w!9 Ex.' 10, leave a blessing behind him/ even a meat-offering and r 29 Be. 11; 15,22.' ' a drink-offering unto the Lord your God ?' Blow the 20iiCh. 13; *re*traint^ ^ ram f e ^ i n Zion,' sanctify a fast," call a solemn assem- 4 ' 11- SeelJoelU. bly, 1 gather the people, sanctify the congregation, as- a; 29 iiCh. 5. w #5 ii Ki.J. semble the elders, gather the children, and those that z 33Ex.z.]3; 22 6 Isl213- suc k ^ e Dreasts >" l e * th e bridegroom go forth of his 34 Ex. 1. 9; & 7 i'co'.2o'. chamber, and the bride out of her closet ; w let the priests, ^ pg' 1 ! "^.' y 8 ii Ch. 12 ; the ministers of the Lord/ weep between the porch and 10. 15iiCh. l.S. tjjg a itar,y and let them say, Spare thy people, O Lord, ^ 36 E ? z - 1 > "esis 18 lV an ^ ^i ve n t thine heritage to reproach/ that the hea- 2 Or use a then should rule 00 over them: 2 wherefore should they J'632De.27; by-word a. say among t he people, Where is their God? 66 l!/i 20 ' caznttthem. J See 331 m. 28l)e. 37. The Gospel. St. Matth. vi. 16-21. you, they have their reward. But thou, when thou ,,.. lt; . cgfHLu.lZ fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face, that thou 3 c"l. 23. ' ,, appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which e31Job24.25; . . , ~? . . . J . . 62 Ps. /. 10- ls ln secret; and thy lather, which seeth in secret, /23Pr. 4. 5; 5Ec.io,&c. shall reward thee openly . rf Lay not up for yourselves 5Ja. 2, 3. See 88 q. treasures upon earth/ where moth and rust dcth cor- . 4 - c g 10 Mar .21; ra P^' aQ d where thieves breakthrough and steal/ But seeSSk. 10 He. l 34; lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven/ where 2 Re. m. 9. neither moth nor rust doth corrupt,* and where thieves ^12Lu.33,34; t'oTSRo 38 ^ not ^ rea ^ through nor steal,' For where your trea- 3 c< ^ 1 > 2 - 39. ' sure is, there will your heart be also..? See 242 d-f. 56 THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT. The Collect. f\ LORD, who for our sake* didst fast forty days i53 Is 3) ^ 8 ii Co. 9. ' ^^ an( i forty nights ;' Give us grace to use such See 95 a 4t. m58Is. 3,(jfc. abstinence, that our flesh being subdued to the n 8Ro. 13: 4 i Pe. 1, 4t. Spirit," we may ever obey thy godly motions" in 508.24,25. 2 Ph. 13. righteousness and true holiness,*" to thy honour and p6Ho.l3,4&. 9 6 2 j C Q 20'. glory,* who livest and reignest with the Father and * 1 Ph. 20. ' the holy Ghost, one God, world without end/ Amen. r jf e f ^f (94.) The Epistle. 2 Cor. vi. 1-10. a 3 i Co. 9. TXT" E then, as workers together with him," beseech & 5 " Co ' ' 20 ' c 4 Ga 11 * y ou a l s 6 that ye receive not the grace of God ** 4 * s- e3He.7, fcin vain, c (for he saith, I have heard thee in a time/ Wi Co. 32, See 327 g. accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured ' merwftiw*" thee: d behold, now is the accepted time; behold, aaxL.lo.' g2ii Co.17; now is the day of salvation';) giving no offence in 20r *'' 1 1 when he had fasted forty days and forty nights,' he 4 yat. 1". ' " ' was afterward an hungered/ And when the tempter ^2 He 18.; C 2ii Ki. 1C, came to him, he said, Ifthou be the Son of God/ 4 He. 15. 2 Lu./. 27*, command that these stones be made bread.* But he /^.\^ C \^' & 8 AC. 39. answered and sa i dj i t i s written, 4 Man shall not Hve /21M bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.-' Then the devil taketh 78Psi7-22 * rf^Ge !'l 2 4' him up into the holy city,* and setteth him on a 56 - ' 8 1 20 ' P mnac l e f tn e temple,' and saith unto him, If thou be J^P* ,? L 6 Ep. 17.' the Son of God, cast thyself down ; for it is written," ' .* ' ' k 11 N"e. l ; He shall give his angels charge concerning thee, and ^22 De. 8. 52 Is. m. 1. in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any n fll p ? jj mSee'Refg. time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said 12. o&- e 121 Ps. 7. which may happen to the body / and from all evil Jl }^\^'?l 'z 6 Ge. l. 5; thoughts*' which may assault and hurt the soul/ 1 15 Mat. 19, ll9Ps./.il3. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 20; The Epistle. 1 Thess. iv. 1-8. m See 165 1. would abound more and more." 1 For ye know what l # 8 R ' g 012R0.2; commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus." w. 5 Ga. 10*, p " For this is the will of God," even your sanctification/ & u He - c - YEp^'l^ that ye should abstain from fornication;* that every "^jj^!' 2iiTi2l'22- one f Y ou should know how to possess his vesseF in j,5E P 2627- 13 He. 4'. ' sanctification and honour;* not in the lust of concu- 2iiTb.'l3. 3 Or oppress piscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God ;' r e)T21 i Sa.5, 4 r Or C T*Af that no man S beyond and defraud 3 his brother in any & 9 matter, matter 4 ;" because that the Lord is the avenger of all * See u 9 Je. l. 2. such," as we also have forewarned you, and testifi ed. w "9 Je .9 ; w 5 Ga. 21. ^' or God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto x 11 Le. 44; 5Qrrgect- holiness.* He therefore that despiseth, s despiseth not 1 Ep. 4. ef h man, but God/ who hath also given unto us his holy ^j?? '",. lfBlh.7. Spirit/ 'SSSt The Gospel. St. Matth. xv. 21-28. a 7 Mar. 24- "TESUS went thence, and departed into the coasts b 19 Jos. 28, " of Tyre and Sidon. 6 And, behold, a woman of 29 - Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto ^Re m 16 cl7Matn5 *" m> sa y* n > Have mercy on me, c O Lord, thou Son of see 134 q,t. ' David ; d my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil.' But he answered her not a word/ And his-^g^ 7 j ?' e 9 Mar.l74t. disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her 3La.8.' 58 THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT. g4iiKi.rn.27; away/ for she crieth after us. A But he answered h 10 Mar./, li Mat. 15. an( } sa id ) I am no t sent, but unto the lost sheep of the * 8 - house of Israel. 1 Then came she and worshipped him,- 1 ; ,Yjfl4iCo 25 saying, Lord, help me.* But he answered and said, &22Re.8,9! It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast See 163 ^- k 32 Ge. 2G. it to dogs.' And she said, Truth, Lord ; yet the dogs 1 2 E 12 . eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's 22 Re. 15. m VLu.6,7; table."' Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O 15 Lu. 19. woman, great is thy faith :" be it unto thee even as W 3 La.32. ' thou wilt." And her daughter was made whole from ^ T/> u * ft K , <> 5 Mar. 34. that very hour." THE THIED SUNDAY IN LENT. <7fliiCo./.3. The Collect. "\TTE beseech thee, Almighty God,' look upon the -26Is.8,9; ' heart desires'" of th humble servants* an 5Mat - 6 - hearty desires'" of thy humble servants,* and 145 Ps. 19. stretch forth the right hand of thy Majesty,' to be our t gg Pg 13 .. defence" against all our enemies," through Jesus 41 is. io. ' o9 Is. 19. Christ our Lord. Amen. g Ep. 12. (98.) The Epistle. Ephes. v. 1-14. a 5 Mat. 45 ; T> E ye therefore followers of God, as dear children ; *J?I& '< i; Poll 1(5. r% J , , . '. 15 Job. 13; 4iJo 11 -*-* and walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us," 5 Ep. 25. c 1 Ga. 4 ; an< * natu given himself for us, c an offering and a sacri- <* 8 Ge./. 21^ 2Ga.l.20; fice to God for a sweet-smelling savour. d But forni- ^ 'He. 12^ ^' J - 1 j- cation, and all uncleanness,' or covetousness/ let it/10Ps.3; 10 i Co. 8.' not be once named amongst you/ as becometh saints ; A jo 9 L P %5 6 -' ggr23Ex.l3. neither filthiness, nor foolish-talking, nor jesting, which 13 He!s. ' *inF >r il'r ' are no * conven J en * ; ;' but rather giving of thanks.^ For s < Eef *. 12Mat!^3v'. this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean per- V-pj^ii' See 140 p. son, nor covetous man, who is an idolater,* hath any in- . ' ' ' /.-eiTi.lo. heritance in the kingdom of Christ, and of God.' Let SJ^iia. ' m*3 l ju no man ^ ece ' ve y u ^^ vam wwd* - m f r because of l2 J{ e -S- lQ ' "' 17. "' ' these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children ' ' l Or unbc- of disobedience. 1 " Be not ye therefore partakers with n n 18. S them:" for ye were sometimes darkness, but now are pi Col. 13; o 6 u Co. 14- ye jj ght in ^ j^^ .p walk M children of light .7 ( for 3 Tit 3, fr 4 Ep. 17; the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, and righteous- r gjf 177**' f 16^ 26 ness ' an ^ trutn ; r ) proving what is acceptable unto the /6K 0- 21. 2 l8 5 ' 'Lord/ And have no fellowship with the unfruitful See 48 i. 12 Joh/36. works of darkness,' but rather reprove them :* for it is 23 Je. 24 : l4Ro. 18; a shame even to speak of those things which are done j^ '%?& 1 Ph./. 10. O f tnem j n secre t. B n t ail things that are reproved 7 2 Or 'rftico- Lfl>U7 - are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth vered 3 Or? make manifest is light." Wherefore he 3 saith, Awake *$\l 37Ezll4 . thou that steepest,* and arise from the dead," and , 8Joh ] 2 '. 5 Job. 25. ' Christ shall give thee light. 1 "liiTi'.lO.' 59 THE. FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT. (99.) The GospeL St. Luke xi. 14-28. a 12 Mat.22- T ESUS was casting out a devil, and it was dumb. I 9 Mat. 32- ** And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake ; and the people wondered. 6 But 1 Gr. Heel- some of them said, He casteth out devils through Beel- l"ttKi'2& zebub, 1 the chief of the devils. c And other tempting him, sought of him a sign from heaven. d But he, liCo.22.' eSMar 21 &. knowing their thoughts/ said unto them, Every king- dom divided against iteelf is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth/ If Satan also 5 Q^\^ ' be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom 4Am'7n.'l3; stand ? because ye say that I cast out devils through 2Joh. 24,25. Beelzebub. And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, fcSEx.lO. ' l ' by whom do your sons cast them out ? ? therefore shall they be your judges. But if I with the finger of God A gl9Ac.l3,$;. cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come ^jo 4 upon you.' When a strong man armed keepeth his ilOLu 9 11. patece^ 7 his goods are in peace ;* but when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, 61 Is!"! 1.' ' ft 2 11 TL 26. an d divideth his spoils.' He that is not with me is against me : and he that gathereth not with me scat- n i2Mat.43- tereth.'" When the unclean spirit is gone out of a 50 ; m9 ^ rar -^; man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest;" jLfvf'v- See 180a',z>.' an d finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out." And when he cometh, he findeth rf 13 Job/, it swept and garnished/ Then goeth he and taketh to pSlPs.11,12. 1 '&. him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in, and dwell there ; and the last state of rS( , e21rf 23 Mat.15- that man is worse than the first. 9 And it came to pass, 6 He. 4-8; ' as he spake these things, a certain woman of the com- inWo oft or. iV i . i * t i TI j 7Mat.2i-2<: 1 -p on'oo' P an y h" U P " er voice, and said unto mm, Blessed is i3j h.i7; ~cf. 5Joh.i.l4. the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast 1 Ja. 21, 4'c- sucked/ But he said, Yea, rather blessed are they IJaV^' 21 * 10 Bo 17 ^at hear* the word of God, and keep it.' see 142 e. nftrn THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT. The Collect. aQEzr. 13; (^ RANT, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that we, 6 < .^ ] 0- i 2 ^ h 9 Ne. 33. VJT w ho for our evil deeds" do worthily deserve to be ' m _ 17. c 25 Ps. 7: punished, 6 by the comfort of thy grace may mercifully d39 Ps.10; I 1 P 1 s - 5 'g ; be relieved/ through our Lord and Saviour Jesus ^^'J 6 ' ' ' ' Christ.* Amen. 2 Mar 17 The Epistle. Gal. iv. 21-31. TELL me, ye that desire to be under the law/ do fv ."~-' Y e not hear the law?? For it is written, that/ 3 Ga.l,#. 60 THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT. 1 Bo. 7, 3. Abraham had two sons, the one by a bond-mai'd, the other A 16 Ge. 15 : k 10 i Co. 11. by a free-woman.* But he who was of the bond- 21Ge - 2 - woman was born after the flesh ;' but he of the free- /T7Ge.l5-lS; 1 ment^- a ~ woman was by promise.-' Which things are an allegory:* ^"'i^! for these are' the two covenants' ; m the one from the n He. 11. in 3 He. 6,4t moun t Sinai, which gendereth to bondage," which is ,,^i - c o 19 Ex 1 2 -^f? ar - -F or thi 3 A? ar ^ s mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Q Jerusalem which now is, and is in bon- n *** * * $3 Ph./. 20; dage with her children. 7 - But Jerusalem which is 2 Or in thf l'JHe.22,23. above? is free .r which ^ the mo Uier of us all/ For ^ ran * *af21Re.2. it is written,' Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the p ^oh- 32 .*^ u 2 i Sa. 5; desolate hath many more children than she which hath r 6Ro.l4, a f east o f the Jews, was nigli.' When Jesus then lift up his eyes, and saw a great company come ... h4344 e See 74 b. un to h; m> i ie sa ith unto Phih'p/ Whence shall we buy bread, that these may eat ? (And this he said to prove ^ 22 Ge. 1 ; him * for he himself knew what he would do.*) Philip h ^40 Is.13, De. 2, 10. answere d him, Two hundred pennyworth 1 of bread 14 - is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may iS8C, ]. take a little. One of his disciples, Andrew,-* Simon j u i,. 40. Peter's brother, saitli unto him, There is a lad here, which hath five barley-loaves, and two small fishes : k 4 it Ki. 42- but what are they among so many ?* And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. And Jesus took the loaves, and when 'gjo^f 23 he had given thanks' he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down ; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would. When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up ml9Pr. 9. the fragments that remain, tliat nothing be lost" There- 61 THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT. fore they gathered them together, and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley-loaves, , l4ii Ki2 -7 1 Job. 21. ' which remained over and above unto them that had tf.ll Pr. 2-i. gf9 Lu.is, eaten." Then those men, when they had seen the ~ miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that Prophet that should come into the world." (102.) THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT. The Collect. all9Ps.!32, Ty"E beseech thee, Almighty God, mercifully to b ^-/ s s ^' 2 ' G6 3 ? '2 look upon thy people ;* that by thy great good- io6Ps. 4; ness they may be governed and preserved evermore, 2 i Pe. 9,10. c 32 Ps. 8; both in body and soul, d through Jesus Christ our 8te 1 1 ' 18Je.6. T , A * dlOiiCo.J.5; See 123.;. Amen. 5 j Th ^ The Epistle. Heb. he. 11-15. /lOHe.l. 7 He ll'fc /CHRIST being come an high priest e of good things h 7 Ac 48 ^^ to come/ by a greater and more perfect taber- (f5UCo.l,4t. nacle/ not made with hands ; 7 ' that is to say, not of this & 2 Col. 11. building; neither by the blood of goats and calves ;' J ' 9 He - ^i 25 - > 16 Le. 5, 6. but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy l * 6 Le.l4,&. 24- P^ ace '"' having obtained eternal redemption for us.* wliPe.18, 19. 5 He! 9. ' For if the blood of bulls and of goats,' and the ashes p See 98 c. of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the i OtfatUt. 7nl9Nu.2,4fc. purifying of the flesh ; m how much more shall the r 2 Ep. 5 ; o 01 Is. 1. blood of Christ," who through the eternal Spirit," 1 He. 3 -, q 22 Le. 20 ; offered himself^ without spot 1 to God, ? purge your 6 He< *' 1- 28Nu.3,9,ll; conscience from dead works'" to serve the living God ?' t f' ^'^ J? ^Q, 1 ^, And for this cause he is the Mediator of the new tes- tament,' that by means of death," for the redemption 7 j^' 4_u\ sliTh.9,10. O f jjjg transgressions that were under the first testa- , Tit 2 . ti53Is.lO-12. ment," they which are called w might receive the pro- 3 Tit. 7 ;' u'8Eo.28,4fc. raise of eternal inheritance.* 1 i Pe - 2 - 4 - (103.) The Gospel. St. John viii. 46-59. c!2Mat.lO; "TESUS said, Which of you convinceth me of sin? 6 21 Mat. 25. 8 Job./. 6. tl an d if i sa y ^,0 truth, why do ye not believe me? 6 , in T h . c* Joh 5 45; He that is of God heareth God's words ; c ye therefore 4ij 6; 17 Job. 8. ' hear them not, because ye are not of God. d Then an- " Jo- & el I-" Ki ' 24 ' 8were ^ tn e Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well, yioMat. 25- 4Ezr. 1, 4t that thou art a Samaritan,' and hast a devil ?-^ Jesus 7 Job. 20;' 4 Job. 9. answered, I have not a devil; but I honour my Fa- 10 Job. 20. g 17 Job/. 4. ther/ and ye do dishonour me. A And I seek not mine ft 49 Is. m. 7; *15 RoV 8 ' own e^ or y ;i tk ere ^ one tliat seeketh and judgeth.-' 53 Is - 3- h 5 Job. 24 ; ^ e " 1 Y ver ily I sa y nto you, If a man keep my say- j 12 Job. 48. 6Job.50,5l; ing, he shall never see death.* Then said the Jews 11 Job. 25. unto him, Now we know that thou hast a devil Abra- 62 THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE EASTER. m f. 12 Job. ham is dead, and the prophets ;* and them sayest, If a 1 1 Zee. 5. /He. 3 man keep m y sa y m g> he shall never taste of death. & 7 He. 4. Art tliou greater than our father Abraham, which is ^jo^f^l dead? and the prophets are dead :'" whom makest thou 5 He. 5.' 1 1 .^ r '?l> thyself? Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my e< ' honour is nothing ;" it is my Father that honoureth j>48Ig. 1,2; me," of whom ye say, that he is your God. -f yet ye \ Ro'i^L ^5 Ho! 4 have not known him ; but I know him : r and if I 8 Job. 19. should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto r 10 Lu. 22 ; you ; but I know him, and keep his saying.* Your 6 Joh - * 6 ; sZiJo.4,5. father Abraham rejoiced to see my day; and he saw JQ Johns' it, and was glad.' Then said the Jews unto him, Thou u 3 Ex. 14; art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abra- an ^ became obedient unto death," even the death oip s .i4,iS; 33; 'of the cross." Wherefore God also hath highly exalted 52 Is. 13; J^pg I7li9- him,' and given him a Name which is above every f^Jc iLse' 89 Ps. 27; ' name ; that at the Name of Jesus every knee should r 45 Is. 23;' 1 o? I J'l 'n 21 ' how, of tlu'ngs in heaven, and tilings in earth, and things * 4 B ,S' U ' S 20 J oh. 2o i 1.1 i , 11 111 & dU /. 10 Ro. 9; under the earth ; r and that every tongue should con- < 12 Job. 44, 4 i Jo. 15. fess that Jesus Christ is Lord,' to the glory of God 45 ; sec 107*. the Father.' 17Joh -'' ] - 63 THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE EASTER. (105.) The Gospel. St. Mattli. xxvii. 1-54. a 2 Ps. 2; "Y\7~HEN the morning was come, all the chief priests 23 Mat. 13. T ? and elders of the people took counsel against Je- sus, to put him to death." And when they had bound ^n. Mat "-^' him,* they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius g| 20 Lu. 20 ; Pilate the governor. Then Judas who had betrayed ixjoh. 28. him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented ,, rf21Mat.39. ,. , r .i ,, , A ,, . , . r r ., ilSecHom.of himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver Repentance, e r >0 Job 15. to tne cn i e f priests and elders, 6 saying, I have sinned/ part 2. in that I have betrayed the innocent blood/ Andy 9Ex-7n2 7- g See Eef. t. th e y sa ^ What is that to us ?* see thou to that. And 15iSa'./ 24'. he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and de- parted, and went and hanged himself. 1 And the chief h f 5 *' i 55Ps.m.23; priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful ' " C-klO- for to put them into the treasury, because it is the . - 23 Mat SeelQO t-x. price of blood.-' And they took counsel, and bought 23-25. with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in. Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day. (Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the L^ r ho t 21 Ex 32 tn irty pieces of silver,* the price of him that was valued, of the chil- ' whom they of the children of Israel did value, 1 and drm f Is - gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord appointed rae ' me. 1 ) And Jesus stood before the governor ; and the l n Zee - 12 > governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the m 18 Joh.33, Jews ? m And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest." n 26 Mat. l. And when he was accused of the chief priests and el- o 3 Mat! m * so ^ d ' ers - ^ n< * ^ ie y stripped him, and put on him 19. ' a scarlet robe. d And when they had platted a crown ^20 Je.1. 7. See 113 K. of thorns they put it upon his head, and a reed in his See 121 o. right hand : and they bowed the knee before him, and 89 Ps.7,19, mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews.* And they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the heady And after that they iiad mocked him /30Job9,10. they took the robe off from him, and put his own rai- g 4 Le. 21 ; ment on him, and led him away to crucify him/ And Se61 n ' as tuev came ou t tne y found a man of Cyrene,* Simon A 2 Ac.m.10; by name ; him they compelled to bear his cross. And see\V>nt.' when they were come onto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a scull, they gave him vinegar t CO Ps. 21. to drink mingled with gall' : and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink. And they crucified him,-' and parted his garments, casting lots: that it , 21I)en , 23 . might be fulfilled, which was poken by the prophet, 5 Ac. 30. They parted my garments among them, and upon my fe.Sc127a-c. vesture did they cast lots.* And sitting down they watched him there ; and set up over his head his accu- sation written, THIS is JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.' c See 115 _ Then were there two thieves crucified with him ; one m sec 110 r. on the right hand, and another on the left." 1 And they that passed by reviled him," wagging their heads, and .- ,- . saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest " o 26 Mat. 61; it in three days," save thyself: if thou be the Son of ^Joh.19-22. God, come down from the cross. p Likewise also the 4 L U . 53. chief priests mocking him*, with the scribes and elders, 'nojoh 18 sa ^' save d others, himself he cannot save' : if he r 2 p s . 6 ; ' be the King of Israel/ let him now come down from 2 Mat. 2. ff!6Lu.31. the cross, and we will believe him/ He trusted in <22Ps. 8; .- iojoh.30, God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him': ***{<} if. Se 107 fr. * r ' ie sa ^> * am tne ^ on ^ God." The thieves also, 53 ij. /' 4.' Se 107 fr. 65 MONDAY BEFORE EASTER. which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth." Now from the sixth hour there was darkness v See 122 /, w 8 Am. 9. over all the land unto the ninth hour." And about the &c - ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, 2/25 Is./ , 1. Eli, lama sabachthani* ? that is to say, My God, my * 22 Ps. 1. ' God/ why hast thou forsaken me* ? Some of them z 27 Ps 9 . (107 ^ tnat stooc * there, when they heard that, said, This man 42 Ps. 9. a 56 Ps./. 5. calleth for Elias." And straightway one of them ran, See 115 V- if. l09,Ps.7, and took a spunge, and filled it with vinegar, and put &6Am.Z.12. j t Qn a ree ^ an( j g ave n i m t drink.* The rest said, {, g e 106 i. Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save c See 106 1. him. c Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud 53Is.m.l2; voice/* yielded up the ghost. e And behold, the yail dgfl 10 Joh.U5. of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the s ^ e bottom/ and the earth did quake, and the rocks g tf 19 Ex. rent/ and the graves were opened, and many bodies ' 16 j^' 2 '|r of saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves See 125/. See 95 k. a ft er n ; s resurrection,* and went into the holy city, 1 and appeared unto many. Now when the centurion, ^l 6 - 1 ^' I OQ and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done,-' they j SeellSac, k See 119 . f eare d greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.* ll ' MONDAY BEFORE EASTER. For the Epistle. Isaiah Ixiii. 1-19. m 137 Ps. 7- \\THO is this* that cometh from Edom, with dyed ij. 34 Is. 2-8 ;' * ' garments from Bozrah" 1 ? this that is glorious 1 in j He ( i ec ff C j lAm.11,12. n jg apparel, travelling in the greatness of his strength" ? n 45 p s-3 4 _ o 45 Is. 19; I tnat speak in righteousness, mighty to save." Where- 7 He./. 25. fore art thou red in thine apparel, p and thy garments P 9 Is. 5 : tf SUe.10. Jike Mm that treadeth in the wine.fat? ? I have 19 . 13. 9 $) 14R ' 14 ~ tr dden the wine-press alone, and of the people there was none with me r : for I will tread them in mine r gf38Ez.23. anger, and trample them in my fury, and their blood 25Is. 10; shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain ig^Be 1 15 a ^ m y ra i men t-* ^ or tne ^ a Y f vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come/ And I t 61 Is. 2. looked, and there was none to help,; and I wondered sf3iiPe.2, "41 Is. 28; t^at there was none to uphold": therefore mine own 59Is.i"6ll8l arm brought salvation unto me, and my fury it upheld tp21Job20- me '" "^ n ^ ^ w ^ tread down the people in mine j Ho 7> 75 Ps. 8 ; ' anger, and make them drunk in my fury," 7 and I will cf 44 Ps. 3. 51ls.22.23; bring down their strength to the earth.* I will men- x 25 Is 12 . 14 Re. 10^ ^ on ^e loving- kmdnesses of the Lord, and the praises 26 Is. 5. 16 Ke. 19.' of the Lord, according to all that the Lord hath be- j/ 63 Ps. 4, 17> not stumble* ? -^ s a " )east g et h down into the valley, 9 Ne. il"; a l^o. 17. the Spirit of the Lord caused him to rest : so didst J 36 ?^- 11 .*- 1 23 Jos 1 l ' lou ^ ea( * tn y P eo pl e > to make thyself a glorious p lfl . 9BT) ',-'. name/ Look down from heaven, and behold from r7iiSa - 23 - 33Ps e i3,14. the habitation of thy holiness, and of thy glory*: where 2 Or mufti- is thy zeal, and thy strength, the sounding 3 of thy bowels, and of thy mercies towards me' ? Are they u 77 Ps. 7,&. restrained"? Doubtless thou art our Father," though x ^ lg ^ u> See 09 p. Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us \ j p e ' 26 : 'A Or our Re- not"": Thou, O Lord, art our Father, our Redeemer, 13 Re. l. 8. d ""T,^ thy name is from everlasting. 3 * O Lord, why hast s 74 Ps. 1.2; everlasting * J ROP11 1i it thy name, thou made us to err from thy ways? and hardened ''111 Ps. 4. our heart from thy fear?? Return for thy servants' bb tf 17 Ge - 8 - #29 De. 4, sake, the tribes of thine inheritance. 2 The people of 4 , ( ,. TJ 1ft J8* AJ; flnfllff tC'OS '2 ii Tb il thy holiness" have possessed it but a little while 6 *: nut called tnTDe 6 our adversaries have trodden down thy sanctuary." "|* n ***'" 26De.l9'; We are thine : thou never barest rule over them ; they ' " 02 Is./. 12. were not called by thy name. 4 ** 10 Je. S 25. C 12; ' The Gospel. St. Mark xiv. 1-72. was the feast of tlie Passover ' and b 62 PS 4- (109.) XlL of unleavened bread" : and the chief priests and 64 - Ps.2,'6iTi. 10; money.'" And he sought how he might conveniently of 37 Ge 28 betray him.* And the first day of unleavened bread, x 18 Jc. 1.22. JlEx. 32. ' when they killed 1 the passover," his disciples said unto 77 2 . (110.) bi m J Where wilt thou that we go and prepare, that i or sacri- a See 109 a. thou mayest eat the passover 6 ? And he sendeth forth Jiced c , . , ,, T , . ,. ,, ^o,tf.bnK.i. , ., p 9 And he answered and said unto them, It is one 01 the 13. tt-'' And he said unto them ' This k m y blood of the r & 25 Ie-0 ' 68 MONDAY BEFORE EASTER. s 31 Je.31,Ji. new testament/ which is shed for many.' Verily I / 10 Mar. 45; y He./. 15. sa y un to you, I will drink no more of the fruit of the 9 He^28. "' 53Is - uo > vine, until that day that I drink it new in the seelllo-e. See 117 l. kingdom of God." And when they had sung an hymn^" 2 Or Psalm &ey went out into the mount of Olives. And Jesus gneAc. 2s! dlS-llsPs.) saith unto them, Ail ye shall be offended because of ..... w2l Lu.37: me this night': for it is written," I will smite the shep- *ff le'joh'.l! st/lli'i 31 ' herd ' and the shee P sha11 k Kattered - 2 Bllt > after tllat ~ 20 Mat sV I am risen," I will go before you into Galilee. 4 But 10 job. 32.' y 13Zec.m.7. p eter c gaid unto hinij Although all shall be offended,* See 112 o. fill.) yet will not I. e And Jesus saith unto him, Verily I b 28 Mat. 7, n20Mat.U9. say un t o thee, That this day, even in this night, before 10 16 - C &t Mat ' 28> the cock crow twice tnou shalt den >" me th" 06 -' B t d2 Ph - 3 - ... he spak the more vehemently. If I should die with/ 18 Job. 15- 13 Jon. 36- , T -11 i j ii_ r T -i -27 38. thee, I will not deny thee in any wise/ .Likewise *' Gf20iKi.ll, also said they all/' And they came to a place which A rf- 19 Ex. IfjPr 18 19* was named Gethsemane' : and he saith to his disciples, ^ j"^ _ 30 p s 6 Sit ye here, while I shall pray. J And he taketh with , j g Ps 4 6 . 29Pr./.23; him Peter, and James, and John,* and began to be 69 pi 1,4^ 1 P i ??i 12 ' sore amazed, and to be very heavy/ and saith unto 83Ps. 1,$. See 113 j-t. ., ,, ,. ' 3 f . StellSb. them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death" ; , , i 18 Job. 1 , f 1 6 Job 2^. tarry ye here, and watch. And he went lorward a ,.,,, ... A-afl7Mat.l, ,..., . r ii iu j a j ii x -c -x laMar.3o- SsMar.37. "ttle, and fell on the ground, and prayed, that if it 37. m 116 Ps 3 were possible the hour might pass from him/ And he 12 j h 27 ' ' said, Abba, Father, 9 all things are possible unto thee'; &/. 28. 2l Ich-'ie! ta ^ ce awa y th ' s CU P* f rom me ? nevertheless, not what rl8Ge./]4^ a 13Jobf.l5 ^ w ^' ' 3ut wnat tnou wilt.' And he cometh and findeth f 2 ,/ 6 '- 27 <20 Mat-m * nem sleeping," and saith unto Peter, Simon, sleepest e ' 22. thou ? couldest not thou watch one hour" ? Watch ye '^1^3:26. 9 Ln. 32. and pray, lest ye enter into temptation": the spirit See 114 b. u> 21 Lu.30; truly is ready, but the flesh is weak/ And again he * ^d prayed, and spake the same words. y f^f ^']2' y 18 Lu 1 &! -And when he returned he found them asleep again, 12 Jc. 5. (for their eyes were heavy,) neither wist they what to x 7 Ro. 15. (112.) answer him. And he cometh the third time,- and saith r 12HCo.s. a 0flo.Jn.14, nnto them, Sleep on now, and take your rest" : it is 22 i K i- "n5 enou 8 !l th 6 nour ' s come 6 ; behold, the Son of Man is & 12 Job 23; ' betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise up, let us * 3 Joh - 1; 10Mar.33. go d . lo> hfi tha( . betrayeth me is at hand . And imme- l Ioh - m - 1 - diately, while he yet spake, cometh Judas, one of the e 6 Lu. 16. twelve,' and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders/ And he that betrayed him had given /3 Ac. 17. #27 Pr. C. them a token, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss/ that i 26 Mat 47- same is he ; take him, and lead him away safely. And as soon as he was come he goeth straightway to him, * l Mai. 3; SccWc.a. and saith, Master, master*; and kissed him.' And 6Lu - 46 ' 69 MONDAY BEFORE EASTER. they laid their hands on him, and took him.-' And one j 4 La. 20 ; of them that stood by drew a sword, and smote a ser- lS Joh -l-- 426Mat.51, vant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.* And Jesus See llSe an swered, and s& id unto them, Are ye come out as against a thief, with swords and with staves, to take "is^a^fc 1 ' me ' " was da ^y ^h y u * n ^ le temple teaching," 1 I 24 i Sa. 14, 13Mr.35- and ye took me not: but the Scriptures must be ful- 15 - "Mar.l; fined." And they all forsook him, and fled. And n 9 Ma V* 21Lu.37,38. ,,.,,. , . . 4Ac.2f.2s. SeelWi. there followed him a certain young man, having a See in u. o 19 Job 13 li nen cloth cast about his naked body ; and the young 14; men laid hold on him : and he left the linen cloth, 8 ^ifl 1 - an( ^ ^ et * ^ rom tnem naked.* And they led Jesus away p 2 Job 4. to the high priest : and with him were assembled all <726Mat.57; the chief priests, and the elders, and the scribes.'' 18 Joh. 12- And Peter followed him afar off, even into the palace of the high priest ; and he sat with the servants, and warmed himself at the fire/ And the chief priests and r 26 Mat 5-. all the council sought for witness against Jesus to put 6^ 19i ^' '-' 1 26 Mat.59- n ^ m * death* ; and found none/ For many bare false * 6 Da.M. 61 ; witness against him," but their witness agreed not to- rf A 2'M Kit S etlier -" And there arose certain, and bare false wit- 12,13. ness against him, saying, We heard him say, I will M 27 Ps 1 12- destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within 35 Ps. 11. three days I will build another made without hands. 1 " jc 2 Joh. 19. But neither so did their witness agree together.* And x 8 Is. 10. the high priest stood up in the midst, and asked Jesus, saying, Answerest thou nothing ? what is it which these u 26 Mat.62, witness against thee y ? But he held his peace, and &c - answered nothing.* Again the high priest asked him, s ' See ii$' c 'j . /I jo \ and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the a 1 Job. '41 Blessed" ? And Jesus said, I am ; and ye shall see 49; the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power, and L J 59J% comin in the clouds of heaven. 6 Then the high priest &7Ac53,C ; c 21 Le. \0- rent ' us clothes, c and saith, What need we any further see'iri t 36 Is. 22 ; ' witnesses ? ye have heard the blasphemy d : what think d 9 Mat 3 14 Ac \'4 y e * An ^ * ne y a ^ condemned him to be guilty of 24 Le 1C- d ea th. e And some began to spit on him/ and to cover j- 30 j b JQ 94 Ps. 21 : ' his face, and to buffet him/ and to say unto him, Set 114 e. SJob.16,18. Prophesy' 1 : and the servants did strike him with the '# 20 Mat. S Sc'lUc' ^ ms f ^" r na nds-' And as Peter was beneath in 6 ' <68 ' 18 J h 22 t ' ie P a ^ aceJ there cometh one of the maids of the high j 013 Mat. 69 ft of 1 Ps 1 P" 68 * 5 and when she saw Peter warming himself,* &c. 16 i Co. 33,' she looked upon him, and said, And thou also wast with & 2 ii Pe.8. Jesus of Nazareth/ But he denied," 1 saying, I know i See 49 1. v \$y? Ge- not, neither understand I what thou sayest." And he "29 1'r. 25; 20*Ge. 2, 4t. went out into the porch ; and the cock crew. And a ' *f 26 Ge. 7,4t. maid savf him again, and began to say to them that &5iiKi.25. TUESDAY BEFORE EASTER. stood by, This is one of them. And he denied it again. And a little after, they that stood by said again to Peter, Surely thou art one of them ; for thou art a o cf. 12 Ju. 6. Galilean, and thy speech agreeth thereto." But he p 8 Zee. IT ; began to curse and to swear/ saying, I know not this | s s . lat ' 3i ~ q tf. 26 Mat. man of whom ye speak.* And the second time the 5 Ac. 1. 4. 33,w|lJoli. cock cre w. And Peter called to mind the word that r Sec 111/. Jesus said unto him, Before the cock crow twice, thou lOrhetvept g 24 ii Sa 10 -shalt deny me thrice/ And when he thought thereon, abundant^. ' TUESDAY BEFORE EASTER. (1 14 ) For the Epistle. Isaiah L. 5-11. 40 Ps.e.fc rpHE Lord God hath opened mine ear," and I was & 15 Joh.10; c 5 Mi. j. l. _L no t rebellious, neither turned away back. 6 I gave ,^o' v 8 ' . 115 * my back to the smiters, c and my cheeks to them that J Vp ,VY' 'ilSs/r plucked off the hair*: I hid not my face from shame J i3He.. g l Je. l and spitting.' For the Lord God will help me, there- A28Ez.m.26. 3 Kze. 8, 9. fore shall I not be confounded^ : therefore have I set j 54 is. 17. i 16 Ps. 8 ; m y face like a flint/ and I know that I shall not be ^lOJos.42 * ?- 33 ;, ashamed.* He is near that justifieth me' ; who will l Heb - **? k 19 De. 17. . ... ,-,> T i iu _t i matter of m 118 Ps. 6 con tend wW> mfr7 ? Let us stand together* ; who is mv caute! A:c. ' mine adversary 1 ? let him come near to me.' Behold, l " ou tn at feareth the Lord, p that obeyeth the voice of r 29 j b 3 ; 27 Ps. 14;' his servant,' that walketh in darkness, and hath no 59 Is. 9,10. le t him trust in the name of the Lord, and *30Is.l6,17; gf30 i Sa.6, stay upon his God/ Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, 2 j e . is'- &.1 ii Co.8- that compass yourselves about with sparks'; walk in 17 Je. 5'; ( ' _ the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have lu Ro - 3 - ':iy ; n ' kindled." This shall ye have of mine hand, ye shall "2813 15*20- 4 Am. 4, 5. lie down in sorrow." t>5is.li-l5- See 112 a. . 8 Job. 24. The Gospel. St. Mark xv. 1-39. (115.) AND straightway in the morning the chief priests *L\- held a consultation with the elders, and scribes, and the whole council, and bound Jesus, and carried him away, and delivered him to Pilate." And Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Jews ? And he answering said unto him, Thou sayest it.* And thefteiXi. 13. chief priests accused him of many tilings : but he See 121 p ' answered nothing/ And Pilate asked him again, say- ing, Answerest thou nothing ? behold how many things they witness against thee. d But Jesus yet answered dgf MAc.13, nothing : so that Pilate marvelled. Now at that feast . " c ' 71 TUESDAY BEFORE EASTER. he released unto them one prisoner, whomsoever they e 24 Ac. 27 ; desired.' And there was one named Barabbas, which 25 Ac. 9. i a y bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection. And the multitude, crying aloud, began to desire him to do as he had ever done unto them/ But Pilate fSse 105 . answered them, saying, Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews ? (For he knew that the g cf 18 i Sa. chief priests had delivered him for envy. s ) But the |j >& chief priests moved the people, that he should rather release Barabbas unto them. A And Pilate answered, /* anc * buildest it in three days, save thy- ' self, and come down from the cross.' Likewise also t $ 37Ge.20. the chief priests mocking said among themselves, with 72 WEDNESDAY BEFORE EASTER. the scribes, He saved others ; himself he cannot u cf 12 Job. save." Let Christ the King of Israel" descend now 44 Is. 6 ; from the cross, that we may see and believe. 10 And 3Zep.wt.15; w 3 Ro. 3. tliey . tnat were cruc i ne( j w ith him reviled him/ And 12 JoU - 13 ' when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness * * ee 122/- over the wlioie land, until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Elol, Eloi, lama sabachthani ? which is, being interpreted, / 5 La. 20. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me y ? And ^ 'atfe ''-' some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, '*" Behold, he calleth Elias. z And one ran and filled a z 9 Mar. 11- spunge full of vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave * 3 * him to drink, saying, Let alone ; let us see whether ad 40 Ex.21- Elias will come to take him down. And Jesus cried h. 14. with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost. And the vail"" of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God. 6 * && See 122 o. WEDNESDAY BEFORE EASTER. The Epistle. Heb. ix. 16-28. WHERE a testament is, there must also of neces- sity be 1 the death of the testator : for a testament" 1 Or be is of force after men are dead ; otherwise it is of no 6ro "e ' >0 ur'fied stren o tu at a ^ whilst the testator liveth. Whereupon, neither the first testament was dedicated 2 without :5 Or purple blood 4 : for when Moses had spoken every precept to 5 24 Ex.4-8 a 14Le. 4,4c. all the people, according to the law, he took the blood gfl5Ge.8,4b '!?', g of calves and of goats, with water, and scarlet 3 wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the d 50 p gt 5; "lO 20*-' ' P eo pl e > saying, This is the blood of the testament/ 9 Zee. 11 8 Le. 15 : which God hath enjoined unto you. Moreover, he 9 Le. 9, 12, sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle, and all the 29ii Ch.22 ; vessels of the ministry.' And almost all things are 43 Ez. 20. by the law purged with blood-^; and without shed-/i8Le.!4,19. 4 Le. 2, J u das c surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve. And he went his way, and communed with 20 Lii. 1*9.' the chief priests and captains, how he might betray him unto them. And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money. And he promised, and sought opportunity to betray him unto them in the absence 1 Or without of the multitude. 1 ** Then came the day of unleavened ^ 26 Mat. 5. tumult. bread, when the passover must be killed.* And he SeeRef.t,v. "see 69 &'. sen * YeteT and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat. And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare ? And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water ; fol- low him into the house where he entereth in. And ye shall say unto the good-man of the house, The Master^ saith untothee, Where is the guest-chamber, /HJoh.Z.28. ggf 19Lu.5,0. where I shall eat the passover with my disciples*" ? And he shall shew you a large upper- room furnished*; h gf 16 Ac. there make ready. And they went, and found as lie had 14> * 5- said unto them : and they made ready the passover. i!6De. 6. And when the hour was come* he sat down, and the k 13 Mat.43; twelve apostles with him. And he said unto them, u ' ' With desire I have desired 2 to eat this passover with 2 Or / have m ? , ft e - T 1 ; you; before I suffer: for I say unto you, I will not heartily de- o of 10 Job. J . f ... . J . ,.,,' ' ,, ,. sired y_ 9 ( any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the king- . 13Joll j 10 i Co. 1. 4, dom of God.* And he took the cup,' and gave thanks," 1 { UQ p s . 13. \nel 6 1 8 and sa * d Take this, and divide it among yourselves. &19 Ke'.l.s! For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the g (fiSVs.5-1, vine, until the kingdom of God shall come." And he sen 115 o. fcic" 8 \ * k b read and 8 ave thanks, and brake it, and gave 2 i Jo 2 un * *h em sa y m > This is my body, which is given for . J4 . 5 Re. 9 ; ' you p : this do in remembrance of me. 9 Likewise also 3 i I'e. 24.' 7 Be. 9, 14. the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new test- 8ee 120 * w amenf in my .blood, which is shed for you. s But r See 116 rf. 74 WEDNESDAY BEFORE EASTER. behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table.' And truly the Son of Man goeth as it t - Mi j 5 "il 3 t Z t c '/i 7; was determined" : but woe unto that man bv whom he lojon. is. . _* See 127 b. is betrayed. And they began to enquire 1 among v 69Ps.22, *= 5 i Jo 4*5 '*' m ' Lo^ I am ready to go with thee both into prison H7 Joli.9, ? See ligup - Then said he unto "them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip : and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy 10 Mat. 22; one. 1 For I say unto you, That this that is written 3 ! h - * i must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned cf. 6 Ep. 13, among the transgressors' : for the things concerning me t gee 106 m. &c. have an end." And they said, Lord, behold, here are " 53 I*-/.U- two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough." v 18 Job. 30; * And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to the : " Co - 3 4 - M> See UQw. mount of Olives," 7 and his disciples also followed him. And when he was at the place, he said unto them, x jg jCo.13 v51Is 17 22 ^ ra y that ye enter not into temptation/ And he was cf 3 Re. 10. withdrawn from them about a stone's cast, and kneeled 1 Or. willing (119.) down and prayed, saying, Father, if thou be willing, torvmoi! * a 91 Ps. 11 , remove 1 this cup 5 * from me : nevertheless, not my will, " 6 j^ ' M . ' l ! He a i4 53 ' but t>line be done - z And there appeared an angel 15 Ro'.V 0riuba.is. "nto him from heaven, strengthening him." And being 75 WEDNESDAY BEFOKE EASTER. in an agony, he prayed more earnestly* ; and his sweat b 143Ps.6,7; was as it were great drops of blood falling down to 2 Jon. 2, 4fc. c 1 La. 12. the ground.' And when he rose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow, and said unto them, Why sleep ye ? rise- and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.** And while he yet d 6 Pr. 4, 5. spake, behold, a multitude, and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them, and drew e 55 Ps. 21: near unto Jesus to kiss him. e But Jesus said unto 3iiSa.27, him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss? See 208 a. ' When they who were about him saw what would fol- low, they said unto him, Lord, shall we smite with the sword-^? And one of them smote the servant of the/9Lu.54,55. . 19. high priest, and cut off his right ear. And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him. A Then Jesus said unto h 5 Mat. m. the chief priests, and captains of the temple, and the f*- -,*. r . . . -r, See 17-t . elders who were come to him, Jse ye come out as against a thief, with swords and staves ? When I was daily with you in the temple, 1 ye stretched forth no 10 Job. 2*3 ; hands against me : but this is your hour, and the power 18 Job. 20. of darkness.- 7 Then took they him, and led him, and See 171 m. b rou ght him into the high priest's house* : and Peter 12 q - followed afar off. And when they had kindled a fire in the midst of the hall, and were set down together, Peter sat down among them.' But a certain maid beheld him, as he sat by the fire, and earnestly looked jfsi. upon him, and said, This man was also with him. And * gf 12 Ln.9, he denied him, saying, Woman, I know him not. 1 " uii. . . ^ n( j a ft er a little while another saw him, and said, Thou art also of them. And Peter said, Man, I am not. And about the space of one hour after, another confidently affirmed, saying, Of a truth this fellow also was with him ; for he is a Galilean. And Peter said, Man, I know not what thou sayest. And immediately, while he yet spake, the cock crew. And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter"; and Peter remem- n 57 Is./. 18; bered the word of the Lord, how he had said unto jj H 6 ^ g ' 016Ez.60-63. him, Before the cock crow, thoushalt deny me thrice." And Peter went out, and wept bitterly/ And the p 38 Ps. 17, 1 & j 1G Job men that held Jesus mocked him, and smote him.* ||j p 4 . And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him U3P S .3, 4; on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is 5 Mat. 4. it that smote thee ? And many other things blasphe- See ^ s , mously spake they against him/ And as soon as it f 109 p s2 3 _ was day, the elders of the people, and the chief priests, and the scribes, came together, and led him into 76 THURSDAY BEFORE EASTER. sPJoh.43-45; their council, saying, Art thou the Christ ? tell us.* 10 Joh. 24. And he said unto them, If I tell you, you will not be- lieve : and if I also ask you, you will not answer me, nor let me go. Hereafter shall the Son of Man sit on the right hand of the power of God.' Then said they all, Art thou then the Son of God ? And he said unto ( 2 ^0.34,35. t.gr9iiSa.2. them, Ye say that I am. a And they said, What Scei^'e. need we any further witness ? for we ourselves have heard of his own mouth. THURSDAY BEFORE EASTER. The Epistle. 1 Cor. xi. 17-34. a27Pr.5,6. T^ this that I declare unto you, I praise you not"; A- that ye come together 6 not for the better, but for j 14 ico23 c 1 Is. 11, fc. the worse. c For first of all, when ye come together 26; 1 Or chists in the church, I hear that there be divisions 1 among l' He -/ 25 - c 17 Lu. 1 ; you,'' and I partly believe it. For there must be e also d *\ Co< 10 ' 20 Ac. SO. heresies 2 among you/ that they who are approved may 3 ; c . 3. 2 Or tectt be made manifest among you/ When ye come to- See 162 e. glSDe. /. 3; gether therefore into one place, this is not to eat 3 the /5 Ga.19,20; - Lu.34,35. Lord's supper: for in eating every one taketh before IV^'Jo?' 3 Or ye can- other his own supper ; and one is hungry, and another 2 ii Pe. 1,2. is drunken.'' What, have ye not houses to eat and to A 2 ii Pe.13; * 3i jjL 8 * i drink in ? or despise ye the church of God,' and shame Jude / 12 - them that have not 4 ? What shall I say to you ? shall 4 Or <*<' I praise you in this ? I praise you not. For I have p^.? received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto 17 Pr. 5. you,- 7 That the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he j 4 De. 5 ; was betrayed, took bread ; and when he had given HJa.1,11,12. thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat* ; this is my 5 Cant. l'. body, which is broken for you : this do in remembrance 5 , 90 A f 7 50rfor a. re- f me/ After the same manner also he took the cup, of 12 Ex.1 4, meinbrance when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new test- * * Jos - " i3iiCo.6 14 ament "' i n m y blood : this do ye, as oft as ye drink 6 Onhcw ye it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this m 25 Mat.29; bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew 6 the Lord's death He. 28 ; ' till he come." Wherefore, whosoever shall eat this 2lJ ^ 28 - <> 1C i Co. 21. bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, SeellOn-t. graanCBblL shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.'' p g 10 Le.8. 1 3 La. 40; But let a man examine himself,' and so let him eat of rg f 9^0.13 13^Co 5 5 : - Umt bread ' and drink of that cu P- r For he that eateth 7 Or urfg- 6Qa./.4. ' and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damna- ment tion 7 to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For P, 1 * .-'- 2 ' S |5 c. this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and f 78 PfcloJ raan y slee P-* For if we would J ud S e ourselves, we "e^f,'^ 31. ' should not be judged.' But when we are judged, we 3 Re. 1,2, 77 THURSDAY BEFORE EASTER. M 8 De. 5 ; are chastened of the Lord," that we should not he con- 04Ps.l2r; demned with the world." Wherefore, my brethren, v 5 i j . 10. | Am^ 2 ' when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another. 12 He. 5-10. And if any man hunger, let him eat at home ; that ye g Qr . come not together unto condemnation. 8 And the rest ment. "iViUS. 175 wil1 I set in orderW when * come. x a; 4 i Co. 10. The Gospel. St. Luke xxiii. 1-49. (121.) FT1HE whole multitude of them arose, and led him aSceWsa-c. J- unto Pilate." And they began to accuse him, saying, We found this fellow perverting the nation,' & 33 j e . 4 ; c gf 17 Mat. and forbidding to give tribute to Cossar, saying, That 7 Am. 1C i ; f^ol' k 20 he himself is Christ a King. d And Pilate asked him, *. ** Lu.20-25.itt . ,,.. -, 1 T 2 A ji rf 19 Lu. 38, 35 Ps. 11. sa y in g> Art thou the King of the Jews i And he an- 40 e 1 Lu.32,33. swered him, and said, Thou sayest it. e Then said $ 17 Ac. 7. SeelQ5m,n. Pilate to the chief priests, and to the people, I findno/2iPe. 22. s 22 Ps. 12. fo^ i thi 8 man/ And they were the more fierce/ See Ref - saying, He stirreth up the people, teaching throughout all Jewry, beginning from Galilee to this place.'' When h 4 Lu. 14 ; Pilate heard of Galilee, he asked whether the man 2 J oh. n ; were a Galilean. And as soon as he knew that he be- i 3 Lu. m. 1; longed unto Herod's jurisdiction, 1 he sent him to Herod, 13 Lu. 31. w ho himself was also at Jerusalem at that time. And when Herod saw Jesus he was exceeding glad ; for he was desirous to see him of a long season, because he had heard many things of him-' ; and he hoped to have j 9 Lu. 7-9. *4L I 23 seen some miracle done by him.* Then he questioned with him in many words ; but he answered him no- thing.' And the chief priests and scribes stood and i ^ Mat. 6. m 7 Ac 51 vehemently accused him.'" And Herod with his men See 105 p. of war set him at nought, and mocked him," and arrayed n 4 ^ c . 27. o 19Joh 2-5. hi m m a gorgeous robe, and sent him again to Pilate. Sec 106 d. And the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together*' ; for before they were at enmity between p 83 Ps. 3, 5;. themselves. And Pilate, when he had called together 16 Mat> 1- the chief priests, and the rulers, and the people, said unto them, Ye have brought this man unto me, as one that perverteth the people : and behold, I, having exa- mined him before you, have found no fault in this man touching those things whereof ye accuse him : No, nor yet Herod : for I sent you to him ; and, lo, no- q rOr by thing worthy of death is done unto him. 9 I will there- ^"j'X 25 fore chastise him, and release him. For of necessity See Kef. t. he must release one unto them at the feast. And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man,' 4 and r 21 Ac. 36, release unto us Barabbas : (who for a certain sedition made in the city, and for murder, was cast into prison.) 78 THURSDAY BEFORE EASTER. Pilate therefore, willing to release Jesus, spake again to them. But they cried, saying, Crucify him, crucify s tf 21Mat.9 him.* And he said unto them the third time, Why, fcSJoh.ifl. wna t evil hath he done? I have found no cause of Sel09e. death in him' : I will therefore chastise him, and let 1 13 Ac. 28. him go. And they were instant with loud voices, re- S(e 122* quiring that he might be crucified : and the voices of them and of the chief priests prevailed. And Pilate 1 Or atsented gave sentence 1 that it should be as they required. ' And he released unto them him that for sedition and murder was cast into prison, whom they had desired ; but he delivered Jesus to their will. And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon a Cyrenian, coming out of the country, and on him they laid the cross, that he might bear it after u 51C6A. Jesus." And there followed him a great company of people, and of women," which also bewailed and la- v 27 Mat. 55, mented him. But Jesus, turning unto them, said, ?*? ;, TV Li r T i \ r U Mar. 40, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep 41 ; for yourselves, and for your children. For, behold, 8Lu. 2,3. w 28 De. 52- the days are coming," in [the] which they shall say, 24Mat7-2l- Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never 21 Lu. 20-24! bare, and the paps which never gave suck. Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us ; and to the hills, Cover us/ For if they do these things in ^^'^g 2 . 1 ' y 11 Pr. 31 ; a green tree, what shall be done in the dry y ? And 6 Re. 16.' 20 C 4"'- there were also two other, malefactors, led with him 4iPe.i7,18. to be put to death. And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary/ there they crucified 20rtheplac him 1 ; and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and ^ ' (122.) the other on the left. Then said Jesus, Father, for- Z seem o. a I,u.27,$b. give them," for they know not what they do. 6 And & 3 AC. 17 ; IZV^li- thfc y P arted m ' s raiment, and cast lots. And the 3 i Pe. 9. ' people stood beholding ; and the rulers also with them tf. 50 Ge - derided him, saying, He saved others ; let him save ,' himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God. d And the d g * ?*-.& cSee\Tia-c. ... , ... , . &2iPe.4. soldiers also mocked him, coming to mm, and ofienng him vinegar, and saying, If thou be the King of the Jews, save thyself. And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and erf 66 I. I. Hebrew/ THIS is THE KING OF THE JEWS. And one lv, ilMal. of the malefactors/ which were hanged, railed onj- g 17 LU. Scel26r-r him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself, and us. 34-30. _ 19 Le j. But the other answering rebuked him,' saying, Dost *1| Lu. 5. 5 Ep. ii. ' not thou fear God, A seeing thou art in the same con- 5^3, ' ' demnation? And we indeed justly ; for we receive &16Re.ll. i 9 Da. 14. the due reward of our deeds,' but this man hath done See 131 P- 79 GOOD FRIDAY. nothing amiss.- 7 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, re- j see Ref. o. k 106 Ps.4-6. member me when tliou comest into thy kingdom.* gf 65 Is. 24. ^ n( j Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To-day shalt tliou be with me in paradise.' And it M2Lu. 8; was about the sixth hour : and there was darkness 5 -"I?* 1 ' '/ y I Or land, over all the earth 1 until the ninth hour. And the sun 2 Re. 7. m tf 2 Joel was darkened,"' and the vail of the temple was rent & j Co. 11, 30, 31. in the midst. And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" : and having said thus, he gave up the ghost. n 31 Ps.5 -. Now when the centurion saw what was done, he glo- 2 > Pe.j.23. rifled God, saying, Certainly this was a righteous o See 120 c. man." And all the people that came together to that sight, beholding the things that were done, smote their ^ . q 88 Ps. 18. breasts, and returned/ And all his acquaintance, 9 is i, u | 13. and the women that followed him from Galilee, 1 ' stood r See 121 v. afar off, beholding these tilings. GOOD FRIDAY. The Collects. (123.) ALMIGHTY God, we beseech thee graciously to &40Ps8-lo a 12 Lu. 32; _/\_ behold this thy family," for which our Lord Sec 104 n. ' o E p" 19 ! Jesus Christ was contented 6 to be betrayed, and given d See 112 e 3 Ep.14,15. up into the hands of wicked men/' and to suffer death see 191 o. U p 0n the cross, 6 who now liveth and reigneth with ^i^ e s '^ ' c SeelQ9t-x. ^ ee an( j fl ie j 10 jy Ghost, ever one God, world with- SeeReLz. ALMIGHTY and everlasting God/ by whose h 19 { Co 13 gSeeUr. J\^ Spirit 4 the whole body of the Church* is go- . M "j oh ' m ' *1C \ C f is' verne( ^ an d sanctified 7 ' ; Receive our supplications 26. k 1 iPe '2 ' an< * P ra y ers > which we offer before thee for all estates flf i3Ac.2.4. of men' in thy holy Church, that every member of the ,ft 15 , 6 Q "' .,." .. . ..i i toj^p. lo; 12Ro.4,4fc. same, in his vocation and ministry, " may truly and 2 i Ti. 1. godly serve thee" ; through our Lord and Saviour n 3 col. 23, o See 92 a. Jesus Christ. Amen. 24 , 'ifiSi? (} MERCIF P L God, who hast made all men, and 62 Is. 1, ^c.' ^-^ hatest nothing that tliou hast made," nor wouldest p Sc 10 Ro. 1 ; the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be con- r efSCol! 11. 3 f 1 Zec'l2 - verted and liveP ? Have mercy upon all Jews," Turks, 1 ' * tf 2 ii Ti. 13. ' Infidels/ and Heretics/ and take from them alligno- | 4 e ' 2 ^ &2ii s 2 Ps. 8. ranee, hardness of heart, and contempt of thy word"; Set 69 i. and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to thy flock," sijl^io "^ u See 34 , that they may be saved among the remnant of the true 2.1 Pe. 25. "'* c37 " a - Israelites, 70 and be made one fold under one Shep- .rSecl^fr. "9 Ro. 6,27. ; herd ' X Jesus Christ our Lord," who liveth and reign- V^ 8 ^ 1 ? 11 Ro.5,26. eth with thee and the holy Spirit, one God, world ' !/3Ga.28. without end. z Amen. 80 GOOD FRIDAY. (124.) The Epistle. Hebr. x. 1-25. a See 11,' i 51 Ps. 10. and offering thou wouldest not,' but a body hast thou jf 40 p 8 ' prepared me 2 -' : In burnt-offerings and sacrifices for -.._ T, r . r _ lOrtltouhasi i jiSe a u * no P' easure : 1 hen said 1, LiO, I jutcdme: >vi f ' come (in the volume of the book it is written of me) j see 58 a. to do thy will, O God.' Above, when he said, Sacri- fice and offering, and burnt-offerings, and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein, >/7He.l8,19. which are offered by the law'" : then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second." By the which n 8 Eo. 3,4. o See 123/. will" we are sanctified/ through the offering of the P 17 Joh.ls); q tf 8 He 3, body of Jesus Christ* once for all/ And every priest 13 y' e j f r ever sat down on the right hand of God" ; 7 He 27. from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his u See S9g,fi. footstool." For by one offering he hath perfected for " ls u; 2 Col. 10. ever" them that are sanctified: Whereof the holy x $l? Ve ' Ghost also is a witness to us 1 : for after that he had *31 . " said before," This is the covenant that I will make z 11 Ro. 27. 8 He. 8-12. with them after those days, 2 saith the Lord, I will put 1 Some co- (125.) my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I jl^J 1 ^ aSeeVUd. write them ; and their 1 sins and iniquities will I re- said, And c ^E^is' 4 ' member no more." Now where remission of these is, ttieir 3 Or new there is no more offering for sin. 4 Having therefore, j8Ro.31.4t. ade brethren, boldness 2 to enter into the holiest by the d 1Q Joll fi g 'see 102 e. blood of Jesus, c by a new and living way, d which he See 71 y. 28iCh. 9; hath consecrated 3 for us, through the vail,' that is to/2Ep.l4-l;. 24 9 J^ 8 7 >8 ' sa y' '" s ^ esn ^? an( ^ having an high Priest over the A30Je.21,2^ ; A 19 Nu. 17- house of God*; let us draw near* with a true heart/ 7 He./. 19. 20 i in full assurance of faith,-' having our hearts sprinkled^' 2 . 1 Mat. 22; See^lts K. ' fr m an ev ^ conscience,* and our bodies washed with t aHe.0, 14; pure water.' Let us hold fast the profession of our '^s^f 25' J .^ 6 - 35 ' faith witliout wavering ; (for he is faithful tliat pro- St 127 q. See 88 u. 81 G GOOD FRIDAY. 29 Pr. 7 ; raised" ;) and let us consider one another to provoke W 5i Th.24; 15 Ilo. 2 ; unto love, an,d to good works p ; not forsaking the as- 6 He. 18. 18 Mat 20- sem bling of ourselves together,' as the manner of some Se * 16 Ac./. 18. is r ; but exhorting one another* : and so much the p g ^ Co 'j 2 ) s 4 i Th. 18; more, as ye see the day approaching/ r j u d e 19. The Gospel. St. John xix. 1-37. 'Hut (126.) T)ILATE therefore took Jesus, and scourged him." "34 Mar> ^' -^- ^ n ^ *' ie s W5ers platted a crown of thorns, and See 106 c. P u t it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, and said, Hail, King of the Jews ! and they smote him with their hands.* Pilate therefore went forth & gee 106/. again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring him fortli c See~Ret.f. to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him. c Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man d \ When the chief priests therefore d gT40IsZ.fi. and officers saw him, they cried out, saying, Crucify c 3 Ac. 13 him, crucify him." Pilate saith unto them, Take ye him, and crucify him : for I find no fault in UOL/ The /see 128 i. Jews answered him, 'We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of s SeellZd,e. God/ When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he was the more afraid* ; and went again into the judge- ment-hall, and saith unto Jesus, Whence art thou ? ftgfl4Ac.il, 1 c 1 Ph 28 -^ ut ^ esus 8 ave mm no answer.' Then saith Pilate &c ' unto him, Speakest thou not unto me ? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee-'? Jesus answered, Thou j"sf3Da./.15. couldest have no power at all against me, except k 13 Ro. 1. it were given thee from above* : therefore he that de- m 23 Lu. 22, livered me unto thee 2 hath the greater sin.'" And from * 27 Mat. 2. thenceforth Pilate sought to release him": but the gf6Mar.26. Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar's friend : whosoever maketh himself a ogf20iSa.31. king speaketh against Caesar." When Pilate therefore heard that saying/ he brought Jesus forth, and sat ptf 51ls.l2, q 58 Ps. 1,2. down in the judgement-seat, 9 in a place that is called ^'i^Lu'V' the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha. And it was the preparation 1 ' of the passover, arid about the r fif ^ M **- sixth hour : and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your jg Joll 42 . ' . See Kef. f -"- spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop/ and put I J2 Ex. 22 ; it to his mouth. When Jesus therefore had received 51 pjj'-p' nt 10 Ro. 4 j the vinegar, he said, It is finished : and he bowed his Seli6p &! head, and gave up the ghost." The Jews therefore, n 10 Joh.ll. o See 126 r Because it was the preparation," that the bodies should S<107 not remain upon the cross on the sabbath-day, (for that sabbath-day was an high day) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.' Then came the soldiers, and brake the P 21 De. 22, legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified ilZZfc.l- with him. But when they came to Jesus, and savr 2 Tit. 14. ' that he was dead already, they brake not his legs. See 130 e. jj ut one O j- t j ie soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came thereout blood and water.' And r 'sil'^n^l' ' ie ^ iat saw ' tr ^ >are recor ^' an d ''is record is true : and ' ' he knoweth that he saith true,' tiiat ye might believe.' 5 i 83 c 2 EASTER EVEN. For these things were done that the Scripture should 28 Ac! 23.' be fulfilled," A bone of him shall not be broken." And v 12 Ex. 46: See 132 j. again, another Scripture saith, They shall look on him 9 Nu - 12. to 12 Zec.10; whom they pierced." ^ M Ps< 20> I Re. 7. _ *~0- EASTER EVEN. -The Collect. (128.) /"^ RANT, O Lord, that as we are baptized into the a4iiCo. 10; \Jf death" of thy blessed Son our Saviour Jesus &2TiUM4; lCol.20,22: /-,,,. * i ,-e a- 4lPe.J. 1. 3 Col. 3. Christ ; so by continual mortifying our corrupt afiec- Seel64o-c. tions,* we may be buried with him/ and that through 23 ?s'. j ust / that he might bring us to God,* being put to i 53 Ps - 2 > 3 - V Hefi .n ; . death in the flesh >' but quickened by the Spirit."' By ' " Co - < m 8 Ro. 11. which" also he went and preached unto the spirits in ? Ne - 30 ; o 14 Is 9- prison" ; which sometime were disobedient, when once ^ ^ j'] (l " 42 Is. 7;' the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah, p 6Ge. IS.^t. JJ 1 Is - 1 ; while the ark was a preparing? ; wherein few, that is, 24 Mat. 37- 4 i Pe. 6.' eight souls, were saved by water.* The like figure f 9 ^ ^ a 7 Ge. 23 ; whereunto, even baptism, 1 " doth also now save us, ' II He. 7;' (not the putting away the filth of the flesh, but the "a AC. 38- ' 2iiPe. 5. answ er of a good conscience towards God/) by the re- 22 Ac. 16. * 3 Tit. 5-7. surrec tion of Jesus Christ': who is gone into heaven, <4Ro. 25; u See II 1. and is on the right hand of God," angels and authori- see'/fti^'r. ties and powers being made subject unto him." v 1 Ep. 21. / 12g \ The Gospel. St. Matth. xxvii. 57-66. dlSMar.42- "\T7~HEN the even was come," there came a rich *' ' 50 56- man* of Arimathasa, named Joseph, who also j, 53 i s . 9. 19Joh.38-42.' himself was Jesus' disciple. He went to Pilate, and c rf 1 Ph.14. b e gg e d the body of Jesus. c Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered. And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, d and d 5 A C- 6. laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out e 22 Is. 16. in the rock" ; and he rolled a great stone^ to the door / 28 Mat. 2 ; of the sepulchre, and departed. And there was Mary 16 Mar. 3,4; g See 127/. Magdalene/ and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre. Now the next day that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees* M2Mat.38- came together unto Pilate, saying, Sir, we remember 40> 84 EASTER DAY. 7 Job. M2, that that deceiver' said, while he was yet alive, After 47 ' n t' 11 " 66 days I wl ^ " se a o a i n -' 7 Command therefore that j 2 Job. 19. ' the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest k 28 Mat 13 ' 1 ' s disciples come by night and steal him away,* and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead : so the last error shall be worse than the first.' Pilate said / gf2Ps. 2, 4 unto them, Ye have a watch ; go your way, make it & 12 Mat. m 21 Pr. 30. as sure as ye can.'" So they went and made the se- 45> cfyj Ps.te. p u i c i ire sur e, sealing the stone," and setting a watch, n 6 Da. 17. EASTER DAY. At Morning Prayer, instead of the Psalm, O come, let us, &c., these Anthems shall be sung or said. o See 109 a. /^1 HRIST our passover" is sacrificed 1 for us p : there- P 5 Re. m. 6, lOniain \^J fore let us keep the feast 2 ; not with the old 12> q 13 Ex. 6,7; leaven,' nor with the leaven of malice and wicked- ^^v^t^' U'?'* 1 !", 2 ?' ness': but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and _ f,ll Mat truth/ 1 Cor. v. 7,8. 2oV * '24 Jos. 14; /~^1 HRIST being raised from the dead dieth no more': 2 * Pe - * 2 - 1 ii Co. 12. \^/ death hath no more dominion over him." For * * Re - 18 u 2 He. 14. jn that he died, he died unto sin once : but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God." Likewise reckon ye Vuco! if ' also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin : but alive w 2 Ga. 19. unto God 1 * through Jesus Christ our Lord.' Rom. . . n , . 20Joh./.31. vi. 9-11. .v24Lu.5,6. /CHRIST is risen from the dead^: and become the SeelMm^. V/ first-fruits of them that slept. 1 For since by ~ 26 Ac. 23; an 5 Ro. 12. man came death"" : by man came also the resur- 1 Re- 5- rection of the dead.** For as in Adam all die" : even bbllJob.25 cc 2 Ge. 17. so in Christ shall all be made alive. cW 1 Cor. xv. 20-22. Glory be to the Father,"and to the Son : and to the **4iTb.l4. ee See5m,n. l lfl i v nv-not Uolylrhost, 8ee3lSa-g. Answer. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be : world without end. Amen. The Collect. (130.) A LMIGHTY God, who through thine only-begotten " 2>> !./ 8; \. Son Jesus Christ, hast overcome death," and opened unto us the gate of everlasting life* ; We ^iVj^f 5 humbly beseech thee, that as by thy special grace 3 Ph. 10,11. "le'pr's 23 ' P revent * n g c us > tnou ^ ost P ut i nto our minds good d42Ps.l,2j desires^; so by thy continual help we may bring the 63 1's. 1 ; e 37 Ps. 5 6- sam e to good effect,' through Jesus Christ our Lord, 2Ep. io'j'who liveth and reigned/ with thee and the holy/ 15 ' 00 - 25 - Ph. 6. Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. 85 MONDAY IN EASTER WEEK. The Epistle. Coloss. iii. 1-7. ^2 CoL 13. ' T F ye then be risen with Christ/ seek those things 1 See 11 1. _L which are above,* where Christ sitteth on the right Jc 119 Ps.37; hand of God.' Set your affection 1 on things above/ , 2 iJo. 15-17. no t on things on the earth.* For ye are dead, 'and your i Or mind '"5 HCo 7 4 ; life is hid "' with Christ " in God - When Christ, who j 22 i Ch. /. gf'aRe. 17. is our life, p shall appear, 9 then shall ye also appear ^[ Cb fs o 17 Joh. 11; with him in glory/ Mortify* therefore your mem { g ^ 12 g g R; 39. bers' which are upon the earth ; fornication, unclean- n 14 j ob ; ^ ? Se 116 . ness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and_ 3Acl g. See 65 c. covetousness, which is idolatry" : For which tilings' 5 i Jo. 12.' "23 Mat ' 21 ~ sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of dis- r 13 Mat 43. See 168p-r. obedience." In the which ye also walked some time, * 7 Bo. 5 ; W ?.? a i 1 , 9i when ye lived in them." , i 61 Co. 11. J v 1 Eo. 18. (131 ) The Gospel. St. John xx. 1-10. a28Mat.l,<5fc. rTlHE first day of the week" cometh Mary Magda- 24 LuY'lk *- ^ ene ear ly> when it was yet dark, unto the se- 16iCo./.2. pulchre, and seeth the stone* taken away from the 6 27 Mat. 60. SeeWlf. se p u i c hre. Then she runneth and cometh to Simon c See 127 g. Peter, and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, c and saith unto them, They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him. Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, and came to the sepulchre. So they ran both together ; and the other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre ; and he, stoop- ing down and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying rf ; d 11 Joh. 44. yet went lie not in. Then cometh Simon Peter fol- lowing him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie ; and the napkin that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself. Then went in also that other disciple which came first to the sepulchre, and e $ Uoh.50. he saw, and believed/ For as yet they knew not the Scripture, that he must rise again from the dead/ Then ^QR 1^*19 ' g-16 Joh 32 the disciples went away again unto their own home.*' 13 HO. 14- 15 i Go. 4. MONDAY IN EASTER WEEK. The Collect. ALMIGHTY God, who through thy only-begotten i 5 ii Co 2 <$&. -L^- S n Jesus Christ, hast overcome death,* and A in Ti. 10; 1 Ph. l. 21. opened unto us the gate of everlasting life' ; We 2 He. 15. h 73 Ps. 23 humbly beseech thee, that as by thy special grace 24 ; preventing us, thou dost put into our minds good . ,, 9 . rh 12 ^J^-^-jQ desires^ ; so by thy continual help we may bring the is;* 27.28. ' same to good effect,* through Jesus Christ our Lord, 119 Ps. 36; 86 lCa./.4. MONDAY IN EASTER WEEK. who liveth and reigneth with thee and the holy aoHe.12,13. Ghost, ever one God, world without end.' Ainen. See 133 o-a. m 5 Mat. 2; For the Epistle. Acts x. 34-43. 6 56 P I 1 3? > ' "PETER opened his month,"' and said, Of a truth n2 Ro.6,ll; 15 Ac. 9.' JL I perceive that God is no respecter of persons"; 2 Ga.m! 6.' >ltf& He. 10. but in every nation" he that feareth him, p and worketh p 28 Job 28; * 2Ao.38,39; righteousness, 9 is accepted with him/ The word which U5p 8 'a. ; 3 y| C \f 5 ' 2 *f ^ oc * sent unto tne children of Israel/ preaching peace m Ps. 10. i^ll Mat./. by Jesus Christ < . ( he ig Lord of all .) that word (j See 134 b . See 59 /. say) ye know," which was published throughout all r * Ep. 6 - iv See 121 ft. Judea, and began from Galilee, 1 " after the baptism * See 143 ? y 2 Ps. 2. which John preached* : how God anointed" Jesus of 26 Ac ' 26> H32 ) Nazaret " witl1 the holy Ghost, and with power 2 ; who a;1Mar - 4 14 - a 4 Mat! 23 went about doing good, and healing all that were op- 3 j ^.| 34! 24 ; pressed of the devil : for God was with him. 6 And we 5 Job. 27 ; 9 Mat. 35. are witnesses O f a n ^1^ w hi cn i, e did, both in the y^/; 2> c 2 He. 3, 4. land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem ; whom they slew, ft 14 Joh j and hanged on a tree 1 * : him God raised up e the third d Sgg 10 ^ . ' e 4 Ac. 10. day, and shewed him openly ; not to all the people, / j ^ c 3 8 but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us/ h 5Ac ' 19 ' 20 who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the See 134 fc. # See 133g. dead.*" And he commanded us to preach unto the j 1 Job. 45. people, and to testify* that it is he who was ordained See 133 e ' d - i See 11 m ^ ^^ to ^ e *' ie ^ u( ^o e of quick and dead.' To him IQM&T 16 give all the prophets witness,- 7 that through his name* 3 Job 17, is! 3 Ac. 16 ; c . . c.iQi 4 Ac. m. 12. whosoever beheveth in him shall receive remission *' of sins.' 8el50a-r. The Gospel. St. Luke xxiv. 13-35. BEHOLD, two of his disciples went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Je- m 16Mar.l2, rusalem about threescore furlongs."' And they talked 13. together of all these things which had happened." "3 Mai. 18; And it came to pass, that while they communed to- u ' * gether, and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and o 14 Mat 25- went w ^ them." But their eyes were holden, that 21 Job. 4. ' they should not know him/ And he said unto them, j,of21Ge.l9, What manner of communications are these that ye 98 No. 31, q See 139 u. have one to another, as ye walk, and are sad' ? And * 6 " Ki - 17> the one of them, whose name was Cleopas/ answering, f S(e 12 g said unto liim, Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, and hast not known the things which are come to pass there in these days? And he said unto them, What things ? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and 1 7 Ltu 16 ; # 7 Ac.22, word,' before God and all the people' : and how the i jt VI w. ver. 37. chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be con- 2 Ac 22. ' 87 TUESDAY IN EASTER WEEK. -c. demned to death, and have crucified him." But we trusted that it had been he which should have re- deemed Israel" : and beside all this, to-day is the third 130 Ps. 8 ; w See 129.;. day since these things were done.*" Yea, and certain 59 ** j* - women also of our company made us astonished, which were early at the sepulchre ; and when they found not his body, they came, saying, that they had also seen a vision of angels, which said that he was alive. And certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre, and found it even so as the women had (133.) said; but him they saw not. 1 Then he said unto x See 131 a, a 7 Mar. 18 ; them, O fools, and slow of heart" to believe all that &c - 9 'MM- 19 ' the P ro phets have spoken : ought not Christ to have ' SceU5a. suffered these things, and to enter into his glory* ? And b 2 He. 9,10. c 3 Ge. 15 ; beginning at Moses/ and all the prophets/ he ex- d 7 Is 14 . 2-2 Ge. 8-18; pounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things 50 Is. 6 ;' 21 Nu. 8, 9. , 42 Ge. 7 ; saying, Abide with us, for it is towards evening, and s g 6 Mar. 1. 48. ^ ^y j g f ar S p en j ^nd. jj e wen t } n to tarry with # 4 jj Ki. 8 them. And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with 16 Ac. 15.' g See 135 h. them/ he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and A 15 Mat. 36; -gave to them.* And their eyes were opened, and they f^f [QJ { ' fc^m* 16 ' knew him,' and he vanished out of their sight. 1 -' And j See los-m 1 Or ceattd t ' ie ^ 8a ^ one to anotuer ' ^d not our heart burn to be seen within us,* while he talked with us by the way,' and l 27 Pr. 9 ; of them. while he opened to us the Scriptures'"? And they 60Is - 4 - *jfj 39Ps -3> rose up the same hour, and, returned to Jerusalem, 23 Je! 29, a nd found the eleven gathered together, and them that & 4 He. 12. were with them, saying, The Lord is risen indeed, and m 119Ps.l8. hath appeared to Simon." And they told what things IQ M ar . 7; See 135 in.' were done in the way, and how he was known of them 15 i Co. 5. in breaking of bread. TUESDAY IN EASTER WEEK. The Collect. ALMIGHTY God, who through thy only-begotten o 3 i Co. 22 ; -X\- Son Jesus Christ, hast overcome death," and 15 i Co. 54- opened unto us the gate' of everlasting life ; We hum- p fif 3Ge.24, bly beseech thee, that, as by thy special grace pre- ^ g^T ' q 31 Ge. 29; venting us, thou dost put into our minds good desires,* &22Re.l-3. 26 Is. 12. so by thy continual help we may bring the same to lg pg se 140 b, g 0od effect/ through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth $ 2 7 is! 3," * see 143 x an ^ reigneth* with thee and the holy Ghost, ever one w.l5JolU.2. God world without end. Amen, S130a/ 88 (134.) TUESDAY IN EASTER WEEK. For the Epistle. Acts xiii. 26-41. MEN and brethren, children of the stock of Abra- ham," and whosoever among you feareth God, 6 & 13 AC. 10. c \ Ro. 16. to you is the word of this salvation sent.' For they Se * 139 o. See 135 r. that dwell at Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they knew him not, rf nor yet the voices of the prophets a 2 i Co. 8; e 22 Mat.29. which are read every sabbath-day,' they have fulfilled 3 ii Co. 14. Hee2k. them in condemning him/ And though they found / 2 Ac. 23. no cause of death in him, yet desired they Pilate that E Seell5g ' ' The Gospel. St. John xx. 19-23. ^137.) fiiHE same day at evening, being the first day of the JL week, when the doors were shut, where the dis- ,1 20 Joh.26. ciples were assembled for fear of the Jews," came * e ' ' ' Jesus and stood in the midst,* and saith unto them, b 18 Mat ^ c 10 Mat.12, Peace be unto you. c And when he had so said, he 13 ; r shewed unto them his hands and his side. d Then were d See 135 . sJcl'sf 3 * *' ie Disciples gl a d w hen they saw the Lord.' Then e 25 Is. 8- said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto youA as/2Ep./. 14. 16 Joh. 22. my Father hath sent me, even so send I you/ And g 10 Mat. 1C, when he had said this, he breathed on them,* and *J^j G h' I* 17Joh 18 sa ' tn unto tnem Receive ye the Holy Ghost. 1 2Ac i. Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto j [gfs^c .l-io them; and whosesoever sins ye retain, they are re- &2iiC neither was guile found in his mouth" : who, when see i49 g. ic. he was reviled, reviled not again ; when he suffered, x 10 Pg- j4 . *mltf~hit he threatened not" ; but committed himself to him 4iPe.lP.' came that judgeth righteously' : who his own self bare our &* V 28 Ex - 38; sins in his own body* on the tree,* that we, being _ g ^ 53 Is. f. 4.' dead to sins, should live unto righteousness"" : by ~ bt> 4 Mal 2 . oaSMl64/)<7. wnose stripes ye were healed. 66 For ye were as 4 La. /. 18; 50 j e 6 snee P gi n g astray" ; but are now returned unto the ^ Be - 2- SZb. ' Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.^ 91 THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. The Gospel. St. John x. 11-16. a 23 Ps. 1; TESTJS said, I am the good shepherd" : the good 13 He. 20. J s i iep i, er( i giveth his life for the sheep.* But he b 13 Zec . 7. that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own e34Ez.2,(5b. the sheep are not/ seeth the wolf coming, andleaveth snee P' an< * fl eet h 5 an( l the w tf catcheth them, d 20 Ae 29 - ,. , p . e gf 12 Joh.6. cause he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep/ 10 Joh.m.27. g 17 Job. 3 ; I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep/ and h 11 Mat.27; 3 Ph. 8 ; am known of mine.*" As the Father knoweth me, 8 Job - 55 - 5 : Jo. 20. eyen go jj now i ^e Father* : and I lay down my life . _ p 'JtV.' 28 ' for the sheep.' And other sheep I have, which are ' 9 Ro.*24: '' k 15 Ac. 14- n t f this f^ J * them also I must bring,* and they See 23 d. 17. shall hear my voice*; and there shall be one fold, and ' 22 Ac - 14 - THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. The Collect. A LMIGHTY God, who shewest to them that be in o 119Ps.l05. -^-"- error" the light of thy truth," to the intent that l'07Ps.4-7; See60h,i,n. they may return into the way of righteousness*" ; o^c^k * s ,, Grant unto all them that are admitted into the fel- those things that are contrary to their profession/ and *J * ^' ^' 4 Ph. 8/9. follow all such things as are agreeable to the same/ 4 jjp' 1 ^ 1 *' See 98 h. through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. The Epistle. 1 St. Peter ii. 11-17. P*^ 6 a ~I~\ EARLY beloved, I beseech you" as strangers 1 23 Ge.fA; ^ and pilgrims> 6 absta i n f rom fleshly lusts,' which 7Ge. / &. war a a i ns t the soul d ; having your conversation 28iCh.l5; 1 ii r-o'12- noneste among the Gentiles^; that, whereas 1 they speak H He. 13. 13 ii Co. 7 ;' against you as evil doers, they may, by your good d See 88 ?. 13 He. 18. works which they shall behold, glorify God* in the /2 Ph. 15; 1 Orvjherein ^ay o f visitation.* Submit 2 yourselves to every ordi- 4 ' Th - 12 - *Q 5 -w a Vi ; nance of man for the Lord's sake ; whether it be to h l 9Lu -*-- ^*-^*^!^* i t-r. yrO-rThfv* the King, as supreme; or unto governors, as unto i^. ^ % See 7*9 K fc t nem that are sent by him, for the punishment of evil m iti ft6Ro.!5-18- doers, and for the praise of them that do well.' For.? 2 Tit. 8. 5 Ga. 1, 13; so is the will of God, that with well-doing ye may put 3 Gr. having Jude 4. tQ s ii ence the ignorance of foolish men- 7 : as free, and i 6Ep. 6, 7 ; m 2 Ph. 3 ; no t using 3 your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness* ; 3 Co1 - ' 24 - ' but as the servants of God.' Honour 4 all men.'" Love 4 Or etteem the brotherhood." Fear God." Honour the King/ n 13 He - l - ?29iCh.20. The Gospel. St. John xvi. 16-22. JESUS said to his disciples, A little while, and ye shall not see me ; and again, a little while and ye 92 FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. q 13 Joh. 3. shall see me' ; because I go to the Father/ Then r 17Joh/.13. said some of his disciples among themselves, What is See * 4 ^ " this that he saith unto us, A little while and ye shall not see me ; and again, a little while and ye shall see 9 Mar. 10, me 5 an< i, Because I go to the Father ? they said 32 ' therefore, What is this that he saith, A little while? ^12Jo 6. we cannot tell what he saith.' Now Jesus knew that 16 Mar.10; that they were desirous to ask him,' and said unto 1 139 Ps.2,4; 5 Lu. 35. them, Do ye enquire among yourselves of that I said, 9 Mat - 4 - w 30Ps.5,ll; A little while and ye shall not see me ; and again, a 2 AC* 46 47- little while and ye shall see me? Verily, verily I 5 Ro. 11; say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament," but v v,\r * on >*137^' ^ ie wor ^ shall rejoice" : and ye shall be sorrowful, &c. but your sorrow shall be turned into joy ." A woman, sfllRe.10. wnen s ' ie i s ' n travail, hath sorrow,* because her hour x 3 13. n4iCo.U5; of turning.* Of his own will begat he us' with the 9 Ro. 15; HPe.23. W ord of truth,'" that we should be a kind of first- ^^ ^ ; 3 . 8 8 pr.32-3'4 ; ^ ru ^ f hi 8 creatures." Wherefore, my beloved 14 Ke. /. 4! 2 i fh. 13.' brethren, let every man be swift to hear," slow to q 14 Pr. 17, speak, p slow to wrath* ; for the wrath of man worketh ** 10 p r .io ^ 15 Pr 18. not tae "gliteousness of God/ Wherefore lay apart 32; s*-157 ,.'/: all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness,* and re- H p r- J^ ; 18 Ez. 31. ceive with meekness the engrafted word,' which is seeli&l' Set 48 i, 4t a bl e to save your souls." r2iiTi.24. t 25 Vs. U ; 61 Is. m. 1 ; 2 Zep. 3. u 1 Ro. 16. 93 FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER- EASTER. /]4I \ The Gospel. St. John xvi. 5-15. a 14 Job. 28. TESUS said unto his disciples, Now I go my way to ** him that sent me," and none of you asketh me, j 14Joh.2-6. Whither goest thou* ? But because I have said these ^gPs 18 19. c22Lu. 45. things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart.' #4 ii Co.' 17. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth ; it is expedient for / 2 Ac. 37 ; you that I go away d : for if I go not away, the Com- !* ' Co. 24, forter will not come unto you ; but if I depart, I will el Job. 39. gen( j n j m unto you f ^ n( i wuen i ie } s comej he will ''.Jf^'s 21 ^. vine* ~ reprove 1 the world-'' of sin/ and of righteousness,* and i p.o.17,'18; g 3 Job. 18- of judgement* : of sin, because they believe not on 3Ro.2l,&. me- 7 ; of righteousness, because I go to my Father, joRo. 4'|t *20- Mat 18> and y e see me no more * 5 f judgement, because the . g Joh 2 ' 4 . 10 AC. 42; prince of this world is judged.' I have yet many isjoti. 22; 5 ii Co. 11. things to say unto you," 1 but ye cannot bear them 10 He - 29 - k 2 Ac. 33. now." Howbeit, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, * 49 Is.24,25; m I Ac. l. 3. he will guide you into all truth : for he shall not ^Re/fo' 2 5 ' 4 r ls 'in 3 ^ s P ea k f himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that See 836. SiJo.ao'Jr! shall he speak p : and he will shew you things to 5 He. 12. Seeiw'b. come.' He shall glorify me : for he shall receive of p gfSJoh .32, q 2 Ac.l4,4fc. mine, and shall shew it unto you/ All things that l^o?', 1 ^ the Father hath are mine : therefore said I, that he , . ' , ' ie ^ mme > an< l sna ^ snew ^ unto y u< * * i Jo.2. ' THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. Tlw Collect. "8 3 Ro h 32? ! O LORD > from whom a11 S od thin s do come " ' 12 i Co. 4'. ^-^ Grant to us thy humble servants,* that by thy holy * 119Ps.l25. See 14 1. inspiration we may think those things that be good/ d"3Ps. 21; C ll 9Ps ' 113; and by thy merciful guiding may perform the same, d s.m.17. ^rough our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. e 12 Lu. 47 The Epistle. St. James i. 22-27. * 8 ! T> E ye doers cf the word, and not hearers only/ de- /44 ,i s . 20. 4 Ja.'l7 ' ' ceiving your own selves/ For if any be a hearer ^ JQ p s 7 . 2 i Jo. 3. of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man 119 Ps. 45; g 0T33Ez.30, beholding his natural face in a glass. For he behold- f 1 ^ 1 "^ eth himself, and goetli his way, and straightway for- . ... _ .. 1 13 Ac.J. 43; getteth what manner of man he was.*" But whoso io6Ps. 3;' 2 Ro. 7 ; ' looketh into the perfect law of liberty/' and continueth 119 Ps. 2 , ; Im.'mlV therein >* he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer l 2 i Jo. 24. ' of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. 1 -' ; 5 p r . 3- See 172 e. If any man among you seem to be religious,* and 13 Pr. 3; 1 Or 'doing, bridleth not his tongue/ but deceiveth his own heart, oV^ 2 , 3 ; K O 141. lo. ., . .,....,._ , t . , 3 J- A-c. m 15 Job 31 this man s religion is vain." 1 Pure religion^ and un- See 182m. 94 ASCENSION-DAY. defiled before God and the Father, is this, To visij Job U- *be fatherless and widows in their affliction," and to esPs. 5; 5 i Jo. 18. keep himself unspotted from the world. 1 Is. 16. i?; 58 Is. 6, 7 ; The Gospel. St John xvi. 23-33. 25Mat.34,4t TTERILY, verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye 3ljo - 17 - shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it 218 ; y n-a Hitherto have >" e asked nothing in m y name 6 : ask, and ye shall receive," that your joy may be full.'' & 3 Ep. 14! c7 M j at "9'l' Th ese tilings have I spoken unto you in proverbs 1 ' : A 15 Job. 11; ^ ' the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto nj^iAb. C d?\i Mat VOU * n P rover ^ s ' Dut I sna H sliew y u plainly f thje j Or para- H)_17." a ' Father/ At that day ye shall ask in my name*: .- # 3 Ac. 16. an< i I sa y not unto you, that I will pray the Father /3 ii Co. 12, for you* ; for the Father himself loveth you, because i 3 Zep. 17 ; ye have loved me,' and have believed that I came out h See 14 *'"' y6Ep'23,fl'. from God - l came forth from the Father, and am See 148 m. come into the world 7 : again, I leave the world, and J 3 JolK 13- k 13 Joh. 3. go to the Father.* His disciples said unto him, Lo, 2 Or parable now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb. 2 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee' : by this TO 17 Joh. 8. we believe that thou earnest forth from God. 1 * Jesus 1See 187 " answered them, Do ye now believe" ? Behold, the n Jl3Ro.l2: 1 e ' ' -*- sober,' and watch unto prayer/ And above all &fy/g 1 i'pe. 22.' things have fervent charity among yourselves 1 : for r26 j lat4 |. See 81 k. charity shall 1 cover the multitude of sins.' Use hospi- 13 Mar. 33- 1 Or uriii tality one to another without grudging." As every f .?' 2 - : . i Phile. 14. man hath received the gift, even so minister the same ,. p ' ' 'f' ' one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace 25M t 14 ic 8 Is. 20 ; of God." If any man speak, let him speak as the & e . 23 Je. 22. oracles of God 10 : If any man minister, let him do it 1 Ti. 18. 9HCofl3 as f ta e a bility which God giveth*; that God in all no 16 Ro.">7; things may be glorified" through Jesus Christ, 1 to x { ' 1 i Ti. 17; whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. "" Scel55a-d. 5 i Pe. 11. Amen. ~ i ph. 11 .- 2 i Pe. 1. 5. The Gospel. St. John xv. 26, 27, and xvi. 1-4. WHEN the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father," even the Spirit of h See 143 rf . See 144 A, truth,* which proceedeth from the Father, he shall d \ { Co 6 ctf 22 Re. 1. testify of me/ And ye also shall bear witness, be- Seel41r,. e 18 Ac 5 caus e ye have been with me from the beginning.' Seel5Ql,oj>. These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should/^ Mat. 21: not be offended/ They shall put you out of the sielio'r.' synagogues* : yea the time cometh, that whosoever , . , ' killeth you will think that he doeth God service.'' 22Ac.3,4,19- And these things will they do unto you, because they i 15 Job. 21- have not known the Father, nor me.' But these' 1 i Ti. /. 13.' things have I told you, that, when the time shall come, 13 Job. UK ye may remember that I told you of them^ WHIT-SUNDAY. The Collect. GOD, who as at this time didst teach the hearts of _ thy faithful people, by the sending to them the fnrirM- light of thy holy Spirit*;" Grant us by the same '|2 Ps. 8: tunday. Spirit to have a right judgement in all things,' and 2iCo S 12.13 97 H WHIT-SUNDAY. i51Ps.8,12; evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort" 1 ; through 5 * 7 Is S j 3 .' the merits of Christ Jesus our Saviour, who liveth 15 Ro. 13. and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the same 10 Ps/.16. Spirit," one God world without end. Amen, '' _ "' (147.) F or the Epistle. Acts ii. 1 -1 1 . See 149 ** 23Le.l5l2l'. \17"HEN the day of Pentecost" was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.* b 24 Lu. 49; e 19 i Ki.ll; And suddenly there came a sound from heaven^ as * Ac. 13,14. ^ ' of a rushing mighty wind, d and it filled all the house d yj^ z g. 14 . e 4 Ac. 31. wn ere they were sitting. 6 And there appeared unto 3Joh. 8. them cloven tongues, like as of fire/ and it sat upon / 4 Is. l. 4 ; each of them : and they were all filled with the holy L 1 ?' 6 * 2 g. glAc. 5. Ghost/ and began to speak with other tongues,* as 3 Mat. i.ll- 1 4 Ex.11,12; the Spirit gave them utterance.' And there were 4 Re - 5 - 1 Je. 7-9. dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men/ out of * ^ 4 ' Co - 21 > * ' ' every nation under heaven.* Now when this was 2 , ^ c jg this voice no i se d abroad, 1 the multitude came together, and wot made, were confounded, 2 because that every man heard zoitroubied m 1 Mar.27; them speak in his own language.' And they were all in mind, l^Vc'lS 2 ' amaze d> and marvelled,'" saying one to another, Be- ' 22 Ac - - 11 Ge 6-9 k ol d, are not a11 tnese wn i cn speak Galileans"? And Vjoh^ 6 ' 11 is' 11- how hear we every man in our own tongue wherein 8 Da. 2. ' we were born ? Parthians, and Medes, p and Elam- p 17 ii Ki. 6. * 1 i Pe. 1. ites,? and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, 7 " and in Ju- r 24 Ge. 10. 13 Ac. 13. dea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, 5 Phrygia,' ( ^ 6 Ac - 6 ; 10 See 106 Ji. an d Pamphylia," in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya" v j^^j y 1 Tit. 5. about Gyrene, 10 and strangers of Rome, Jews, and^g,, '. .^ aa Job 10. Proselytes, 1 Cretes,*' and Arabians, 2 we do hear them z i Ga | J7 ' speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. aa (148.) The Gospel. St. John xiv. 15-31. "21 J oh. 15- TESUS said unto his disciples, If ye love me, keep 5iiCo/.14; my commandments." And I will pray the Fa- 5 Ga. 6 ; ther, and he shall give you another Comforter,* that 6 Sel41 d,e. 2 i Jo. 5. kg ma y ^de w ith you for ever 17 ; even the Spirit of d 4 i Jo. l. G. "j 4 * oh - u i truth, rf whom the world cannot receive, because it See lil "; e2iCo. 14. seeth him not, neither knoweth him e : but ye know-^g 3 ^ Z g 2 ^.; " 23 Ps. l 4 n ^ m ^ or ne dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.-'' 2 i Jo. 27. 5118.12; ' I will not leave you comfortless 1 * ; I will come to lOrorphans; 66 Is. 13. y OU A Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no A 43 Is. 2; 1 7 Job. 33. more* ; but ye see me : because I live, ye shall live . fi 6 *1' ^' e i7joh aiil also -" 7 At that da y y e sha11 know ' that l am in 5 R 1: ; ISiiCo.'s. ' m >' Father, and ye in me, and I in you.* He that 15iCo./.45. o6 Lu / ie- m y se tf to him." Judas saith unto him, (not Iscariot) n 3 Re. 20. Jude'/.'l. ' 98 MONDAY IN WHITSUN-WEEK. Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world p ? Jesus answered, and ^ j Ac g said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will r ^ 19 Mat> 2iJo. Z.24. come unto him, and make our abode with him.' He 21, 22, tali) "' that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings'" : and the Mat - 37 - 3 Job. 34 ; word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's t tf. 13Joh.7. 7 Job 15 wn i c h sent me/ These things have I spoken unto 8Joh.26,28; you, being yet present with you.' But the Com- t> 25 Ps. 9- 12Joh.49, forter, which is the holy Ghost, whom the Father ^Joh.'f.iS- u See 141 r w ^ send in my name," he shall teach you all things," l Ep. 17. and bring all things to your remembrance, whatso- ever I have said unto you."' Peace I leave with you, x 72 Ps. 7 ; tcrf2Joh.2Q, . J , ,, u ii 5 Mi /" 5 11 Ac. 16, my peace I give unto you* : not as the world giveth, g^i'gjj'^" &20Ac.35. give I unto you. y Let not your heart be troubled, y 34 Job 29. neither let it be afraid. 2 Ye have heard how I said 5$ Pi. 11- (149 ) un * y u > ^ 6 awa y> an ^ come again unto you." If 1 Je. 8; a See 139 g. ye loved me, ye would rejoice,* because I said, I go ijfjj 6 / 7 . 42 Is. /. 1 ; unto the Father : for my Father is greater than I. c iiiSV' 3 ' And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, * * 4 Ln - 52 ' ff20Joll.WI. . . . J . , , , ,. j CT ft 53 - 2l,w.l3Job. when it is come to pass, ye might believe." Hereatter d Sgg 146 . l- 16. I will not talk much with you* : for the prince of thisy 22 Ln. 53 ; rHiTi. 6. world cometh/ and hath nothing in me/ But that 2Ep. 2. 7H26>27 ' the world ma y know tnat J love the Father ; and as h 15 Joh - ' tlie Father gave me commandment, even so I do.* MONDAY IN WHITSUN-WEEK. The Collect. ioT20Ar 16 f^ OD, who as at this time' didst teach the hearts of ScieiCo.s! ^J thy faithful people, by the sending to them the &!l47a,<5t. jjghtJ O f thy holy Spirit; Grant us by the same j 36 Ps. 9; Spirit* to have a right judgement in all things,' and k 50 Is. 21. evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort ; through l '* Ti - 7 - "l4 Ro'llf the merits of Christ Jesus our Saviour, who liveth 93 Ps. 1. 7iiCo./. 6. and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the same seelSl Lp. Spirit, one God world without end." Amen. For the Epistle. Acts x. 34-48. i6E 79- T^^EN Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a 3 Col.ll',25; -- truth I perceive that God is no respecter of per- 1 i Pe. 17. sons" ; but in every nation 6 he that feareth him/ and j g Ep. 14. fWr*\^r' wor ' tet h righteousness, is accepted with him. Tlie 3 Pr. 7 ; ' word which God sent unto the children of Israel, ^ fl Ts. j. 8 ; i2T r 'n- P reac hing peace by Jesus Christ d : (he is Lord of 1 Ga. 3. 7iiCo. 1.' a M e ;) tna t word, I say, ye know, which was pub- ** 162 ' > ' see 156 u>. lished throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee, f jAc *&. e See 22 &. a fter the baptism which John preached-^ : how God i3Ac.23,ai'. 99 H 2 MONDAY IN WHITSUN WEEK. anointed^ Jesus of Nazareth with the holy Ghost* A42ls.7n.l- iL 24 ' an d with power* ; who went about doing good, and 4 Lu. 18. . A ; healing all that were oppressed of the deviP : for See 5Q * * , !'!' God was with him.* And we are witnesses' of all-' 41 '?- 36 .'*' k 10 Joh.38. ,, . ,. , , j.j , ., . ,, | , ,. ,, T 13 Lu. 16. See 154 d things which he did, both in the land ot the Jews, /i Ac z 22 n 7 Ac 52 and * n Jerusalem ; whom they slew and hanged on a tree: Him God raised up" the third day, and n 4Ro. 21. shewed him openly ; not to all the people, but unto o 15 Joh. 16. witnesses chosen before of God" ; even to us who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead. And he commanded us to preach unto the people, p p 9 Mar. 9. and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God See 185 / to be the Judge of quick and dead. To him give all #5 Joh. Z.39; the prophets witness, 9 that through his name whoso- s^iT 2 !'^/ ever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.' r 5 Job. 24; *' ' While Peter yet spake these words, the holy Ghost ^j^ 1 ' f 19 Ac. 6. fell on all them which heard the word. s And they of _ the circumcision,' which believed, were astonished, as Se * L 131 "'- ulOAc./.23. many as came with Peter," because that on the Gen- et- 3 Ep. e. tiles" also was poured out the gift of the holy Ghost." * *' For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify *^ 2Ga - 1 5- God. z Then answered Peter, Can any man forbid a g ee iy iaa . water, that these should not be baptized, which have y 10 Ro. 12. received the holy Ghost as well as we"? And he ^{^cSnl commanded 1 them to be baptized in the name of the 17. 19 Ac. 5. L ord .u ^ ^ ie ^ a ^ believeth not is condemned already ; be- jg He. 25 ;' 24 ; cause he hath not believed in the name of the only- 5 i Jo. 10. ' ^Joh. 22- begotten Son of God/ And this is the condemna- h 5 Joh 44 . 0f9Joh.41. tion, that light is come into the world, and men 12 Joh. 42^ loved darkness rather than light/ because their deeds 43 .> 5 Am. 10-' were evil.* For every one that doeth evil hateth the 3He. is. "' 7 Joh. 7. light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds j dig ^ f22iKi ^- should be reproved." But he that doeth truth covered. ' ISiC^.UO- come th to the light, that his deeds may be made ^ 139 p s 2 s ; iii Jo. 11. ' manifest/ that they are wrought in God.* 24 ; 1 i Jo. 6. 100 G TUESDAY IN WHITSUN WEEK. The Collect. OD, who as at this time didst teach the hearts' of nil Co. 22, thy faithful people, by the sending to them the of th y hol y s P irit ; Grant ^ b y the same Vphf'$ Spirit to have a right judgement" in all things, and o 94 Ps. 19; evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort," through the f m-p*'^' jLAf'r*'* merits of Christ Jesus our Saviour, who liveth, and SeelS2u,o. jj_ 13 ""' ' reigneth p with thee in the unity of the same Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen. S14Cfc-o. For the Epistle. Acts viii. 1 4-1 7. 7 11 Ac '>! \\7~^^ ^ e Apostles, which were at Jerusalem,' rl3Mat.23; ' * heard that Samaria liad received the word of 2 i Th. 13. s2Ga.f. 9. God/ they sent unto them Peter and John 1 ; who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that 14, ' they might receive the holy Ghost' : (for as yet he was f a ii en upon none O f them" ; only they were bap- " Sfel5Qaa - tized in the name of the Lord Jesus.") Then laid they their hands on them," and they received the ^g^o"' holy Ghost.* Tte Gospel. St. John x. 1-10. T 7~ERILY, verily I say unto you, He that entereth V not by the door into the sheep-fold, but climbeth "16 ^Sff-' U P some ther way, the same is a thief and a robber." 11 iiCo.13; But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd 2 ii Pe. 1,3. of the sheep* : to him the porter openeth c ; and the bef5i r> <>, c $ 16 i Co 9. sheep hear his voice,'' and he calleth his own sheep 33Ex.M7; by name/ and leadeth them out/ And, when he , 1 ' De 'so 19 ' P utteth forth his own shee P' he g eth before them/ *%&*&$:. and the sheep follow him* ; for they know his voice.' 401*. 9,10; ^C^ntli And a ^ranger will they not follow ; but \vill flee 7 Re - 17 - 8 Cant, la-, from him ; for they know not the voice of strangers.-' * 12 Job. 26. 18Joh./.37. This parable spake Jesus unto them: btit they-J4 E P-H; understood not what things they were which he spake '"' hSeelif. unto them.* Then said Jesus unto them again; Verily, verily I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.' All that ever came before me are thieves and / 34 Ez. 31 ; m 3 Zep. 3,4. robbers'" ; but the sheep did not hear them. I am 2E P- 18 - the door ; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." The n IQ zee. 12. thief cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to "a'l^MatMs- des t r y : I am come that they might have life, and 23 Mat. H! that they might have it more abundantly.'' ^liiPe. 11 5361 o-r. 101 TRINITY-SUNDAY. The Collect. ALMIGHTY, and everlasting God, who hast given rl7ich : ao - -^*- unto us thy servants S race b y the confession of & flg> a true faith* to acknowledge the glory of the eternal ;5 p s ^ j.,. s!5iCo/.58; Trinity, and in the power of the divine Majesty to 9lPs.l2-14; 10 C He%3- worsni P the Unity*"; We beseech thee, that thou SiiTh. 3. 5 i Pe. 10. ' wouldst keep us stedfast in this faith,* and evermore v 32 De - 39 > defend us from all adversities,' who livest, and reign- 5713/15 u 1 i Ti. 17. est" one God world without end." Amen. See 226 e,f. For the -Epistle. Rev. iv. 1-li. AFTER this I looked, and behold, a door was a s\?t e 16- -^*~ P ene( i m heaven : and the first voice which I 7 Ac.' 56; ' heard, was as it were of a trumpet talking with me* ; lOAc./.ll. which said, Come up hither, c and I will shew thee dl6Joh.U3; #12iiCo.2. things which must be hereafter. d And immediately 1 Re. 1,19; 3Ez.l2,14; I was in the Spirit 8 ; and behold, a throne was set 2 21 Re "fif' * n ' ieaven > and one sat on *> ne throne^ : and he that /eis. !,&. _. _ ' sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone*': 1 Ez.26-28; and there was a rainbow* round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. And round about the irgggig 17 1 [Or throne were four and twenty seats 1 ; and upon the &54ls.8-lo! thrones;] seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting,* clothed in _; 3 R e . 4,5; 1 3 Re. 21. white raiment- 7 ; and they had on their heads crowns 6 Re. 11. *4iiTi. 8; of gold.* And out of the throne proceeded lightnings, See of^Es 15 anc * thunderings, and voices.' And there were seven igPs^a Ijf- m of 27 Ex. l am P s of fire burning before the throne,'" which are 11 Re. 19. ' 20, 21, & the seven spirits of God." And before the throne n 1 Re. /. 4 ; ^s E ^iVf 2 ^ t' iere was a sea f g^ 8 ^^ e unto crystal" : and in the 3 ^ e - "* 1 o 38 Ex 8- m ^ s * ; f tue throne, and round about the throne, were 13 Zee. 1 ;' four beasts 2 fall of eyes before and behind/ And the 2 [Or living 22 Re. 1. first beast was like a lion, 9 and the second beast like a creatures} <75/fUJn.t. calf,' and the third beast had a face as a man,* and ylEze.4. &- -rfSEze 3 9 the f Urth beast W3S Hke a fl . ying ea S le -' And the l ucf 4 ii e TiY ^ Our * )eas *- s na ^ eacn f them six wings about him" ; r & i* 1 *'-'-*- ' and they were full of eyes within" : and they rest t ,$ l " Sa -*- '^Ac'si'^ not3 day and ni g ht w saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord 40 Is. 31. 3iTh.8,10. God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.* ,,41 xi 15 And when those beasts give glory, and honour, and 3 Q r tjl thanks, to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for have no rest v See n h. erer and ever,y the four and twenty elders fall down x see 5ir.,n. before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns . _ before the throne, 2 saying, Thou art worthy, O Lord, nR e . 10- to receive glory, and honour, and power ; for thou 19 Re. 4. aa See 11 d. hast created all things, " and for thy pleasure they Aft 16 Pr/. 4; are and were created. 66 11 Bo- 102 FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. The Gospel. St. John iii. 1-15. F INHERE was a man of the Pharisees, named Ni- a 7 Job. 50 ; J- codemus, a ruler of the Jews" : the same came 19 Job 39. to Jesus by night,* and said unto him, Rabbi," we c 1 Job. 38. jj now that thou art a teacher come from God : for no , , . man can do these miracles that thou doest, except 7Joh. 31;' God be with him."" Jesus answered and said unto > Joh - * * 6 ] Or from him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man 3 Ac. 22; above, b e \) OTn again," he cannot see^ tlie kingdom of God/ 10 Ac. 38. e Ga. 15; Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born/13 Mat 11; '2 J !j e 2<) when he is old ? can he enter the second time into 16 Mat. 17. his mother's womb, and be born* ? Jesus answered, ^Vco 14* g 14 Ro. 17. Verily, verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born . ' t 5 Ep. 26. of water,' and of the Spirit,-' he cannot enter into the J Ko *' 2- ' k 5 Mat 20- kingdom of God.* That which is born of the flesh is 2 5 Ge.3; 18 Mat. 3;' flesh' ; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 14 Job 4; 13 Lu. 24. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be bora ff^,'^ 7 8 Ro.5,fc. again."*. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou n rfSKo.'ls. ' hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence s8- it; Cometh, and whither it goeth ; so is every one that 37 J b9 & ls Dorn ^ t' ie Spirit.** Nicodemus answered and said 22 Mat. 29. 11 EC. 5. unto him, How can these things be'/ ? Jesus answered ^ Ez^fg 6 ' gfl8Ge.l2, and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and ^5^ 2 - & 6 Job. 52. ]{ nowes t n ot these things'" ? Verily, verily I say unto 5Joh. 40,43; thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we 28^c.234t. * 3Joh.32,34; have seen* ; and ye receive not our witness.' If I i4Joh. 24* nave told you earthly things, and ye believe not; how "30?^. 3*4.' 3iCo'.1.2 shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things" ? x . 2 j ^ . T ., ia And no man hath ascended up to heaven," but he that i. 20. w 1 Jon. lo; ,10 < -!! 6 Job. 46. came down from heaven, even the Son ot Man, who s g joi,. 28; v 21 Nu.7-9. is in heaven.* And as Moses lifted up the serpent 12 Job. 32, an 1C Ac. 30, in the wilderness, y even so must the Son of Man be K, O ' j olL 40) 31 ; lifted up z : that whosoever believeth in him should 47 ; . 1 Co> 18 ' not perish, " but have eternal life.** 5 Ro. 2V; THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. n r r x The Collect. /~\ GOD, the strength of all them that put their b l Ne> ^ 6 1 a 84 Ps. 5; V^ tnist in thee, mercifully accept our prayers* ; 4 Ps. l ; i^r 1 *^ 3 ' and because through the weakness of our mortal na- J; ?!' i 4 ' 40 IS ol ' * * -- 45 Is. 24. tare we can do no good thing without thee, e grant us c 8 Ro. 7, 8 ; the help of thy grace, that in keeping of thy command- 173 ; 4 Ep. 18. ments we may please thee, both in will and deed/* 6Ga. 9; . through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ISlS'r The Epiitle. 1 St John iv. 7-21. e 133 Ps. 1. T>ELOVED, let us love one another* : for love is f\ \ Tb. 9. L* of God/ and every one that loveth is born of See 89 *,4t 103 FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. g See 157 e. God, and knoweth God/ He that loveth not knoweth i 13HCo.il. not God A ; for God is love.' In this was manifested h 2 i Jo. 9. the love of God towards us, because that God sent his only-begotten Son into the world, that we might live J 5 RO.\ ' through him.- 7 Herein is love, not that we loved k 7 Tte. 7,8; God, but that he loved us,* and sent his Son to be the 'ijffj;^,, | Ti *' 3 >&- propitiation for our sins.' Beloved, if God so loved i3,&l7Le. e ' 'us, we ought also to love one another.'" No man hatli U- m .18Mat.32, seen God t fi If we j another, God See 116 p ' * > ^^ "P v 1 ft 3 Col. 13. dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us." g iTi TO 20- Sue 98 6, e. Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in See 143 k [ o 2 i Jo. 5. us p . Decause ne ua th given us of his Spirit. 7 And ,.5 j p e . /. 12. ' J .f?-- l -'fc- we have seen, and do testify, 1 ' that the Father sent 1 12 Lu. 8 ; the Son to be the Saviour of the world/ Whosoever M B - 9 - .5 S151c,d. s ] la jj con f ess t ] lat J esus i s t i ie g on O f God, God w See Kef. t. dwelleth in him, and he in God.' And we have i Gr fece 7*31 Ps. 19; known and believed the love that God hath to us." with us 04 Is. 4, 5. G O( J j s i ove ; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth x 2 j j . 28. 10 17Joh.21- in God, and God in him."' Herein is our love 1 made ^"*- perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of ~i ;, xi. 7.' judgement 1 ; because as he is, so are we in this ^ 7 j^. 41. !/ 8 Ro. 29 ; world. y There is no fear in love ; but perfect love 43, 47 ; *Ooi. 2 H) 24; cas teth out fear 1 ; because fear hath torment: He jj^jg^ 4 a2Ja. Z.19 that feareth is not made perfect in love."* We love lp ,/., him, because he first loved us. 6 * If a man say, I ^ 25 Mat! cc See 63 p. love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar ' : for 40,45. he that loveth not his brother, whom he hath seen, rfd jOri9 Le. 18; liPe. 8. how can he love God, whom he hath not seen"? 22 Mat - 37 - And this commandment have we from him, that he 13 R O . 9,10; who loveth God love his brother also/-'' 4 i Th - 9 - (156.) The Gospel. St. Luke xvi. 19-31. a '3Ps.7; rpHERE was a certain rich man, which was l2Lu!l6-' *- clothed in purple, and fine linen, and fared 21 ; sumptuously every day. And there was a certain c3 Jobl7-19; be g ar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate ^ 57 Is. 1,2;' full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs, 14 Re. 13. which fell from the rich man - s tabigJ. . moreover, the 6 16 z - 49 - e 4QVl 4 ^ 1; 17- W3S buried/ : and in hel1 he lift U P his eyCS being Jn /leiiCh 14- ^14Re'.9-ll; torments/ and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus / 14 ' I ' S jj.' 20 Re. 15.' in his bosom.* And he cried and said, Father Abra- 22 Is. 16.' i 3 Lu. m. 8; ham,' have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he h 13 Lu. 28. 9 6 g' g 6 ^; may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool myj $ 65 Is. 13, 9Mar S 43 *- tongue 7 ; for I am tormented in this flame.* But 14 - 104 SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Abraham said, Son, remember, that thou in thy life- time receivedst thy good tilings, 1 and likewise La/,a- zl7Ps.rn.14; m 2 Ja. 5. rus evil things'" ; but now he is comforted, and thou jg^ 8 '^'^' art tormented." And besides all this, between us and e Lu. 24. i>gT28iSa.l6. y OU t nere is a great gulf fixed": so that they who gflLa. 7. would pass from hence to you cannot ; neither can " 2 ^ a - 13. they pass to us, that would come from thence.'' Then P 25 Mat. 40; lie said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou # 8 Mat wouldest send him to my father's house : for I have 24, 25, uz 12 five brethren ; that he may testify unto them, lest Lu - 59 - ? 34Is / ; I'e- ^ey a k come ' n t this pl c e of torment. Abraham 4 Mai. 4 ; ' saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets ; 3 ii Ti. 14- i e t th em hear them.* And he said, Nay, father Abra- ham ; but if one went unto them from the dead, they *53- will repent/ And he said unto him, If they hear r gf 27 Mat. 12'joh. 10, not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be per- * &c - w suaded, though one rose from the dead.* u 37 PS. 23; THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. I Ph 8 ' 6 24i The Collect. See 258 g. /~V LORD, who never failest to help' and govern" '" 5 I)e 'rt 9 ' ^~^ them whom thou dost bring up in thy stedfast 43i s f i, 2! 28 Job 2s' ^ ear and l ve ' Keep us > we beseech thee, under the f- 3 i>a! 17, See 188 *. protection of thy good providence," and make us to jg 23 y86P. 1. 11; have a perpetual fear and love x of thy holy name," r3 4p g6 in 39 Vs. 3. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ' ' (157.) The Epistle. 1 St. John iii. 13-24. a 10 Mat./. ~]\ TARVEL not, my brethren, if the world hate J.VJL you." We know that we have passed from b 15 Lu. 24, 17 Joh."f4- d fiat h unto life,* because we love the brethren. He 32 ; 4 Ja. 4.' ' that loveth not his brother abideth in death."* Who- 5 j j^ j2. ; See 137 t. soever hateth his brother is a murderer*: and yed21Pr. 1C; C 13 Jo ' 3^ . know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in 2 i Jo. 11;' 1 Ep. 15,1s! him/ Hereby perceive we the love of God, because * ' Jo ' 20- e 4 Ge. 5, 8 ; he laid down his life for us* : and we ought to lay 2 i iu .' 13 ii Sa 22 ^ovm our lives for the brethren.* But whoso hath See 165 c,/. &c. ' this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, A16Ro. 4; p. 15 Job. 13. and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him ; 2 Ph ' 17l30- i S8l2 e e~" 1; h W dweUeth the love of God in him ' ? M y Uttle 4< 19. "seeW&q'r. children,-' let us not love in word, neither in tongue ; n8Joh.z.37. k 33 Ez. 3*] ; but in deed, and in truth.* And hereby we know 1 Or. per- 2 Ja. 15,16. that we are of the truth,' and shall assure our hearts tuade nfsVlVn- before him ' m For if our heart condemn us God is "^54^. 6 HeJO.ll! greater than our heart," and knoweth all things." Be- p 22 Job 23, o 90 P. 8 ; loved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we con- 28 ; 8 *- fidence towards God.* And whatsoever we ask, we 10. "C& THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. q 34 Ps. 15- receive of him, 9 because we keep his commandments, ggp s jg j 9 . and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.*" 48 Is. 18; 15 Pr. s!29; And this is his commandment, That we should be ^ J i- 9 Job. 31 ; Jieve on the name of his Son Jesus Christ/ and love one . 15 Job. 7. , t * * 22 Mat - 39. l8De 15 & anotner a& he ave us commandment. 1 And he that see 98 b. 9 Mar. 7; & keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he 3 ic . 16- 6 Job. 29. in him" : and hereby we know that he abideth in us, 6 ii Co. 16 ; u 14 Job. 21, by the Spirit which he hath given us." | fjjAb 4 i' Jo. 16. The Gospel. St. Luke xiv. 1 6-24. (158 ) A CERTAIN man made a great supper," and bade a 9 Pr. i-5. *- many* ; and sent his servant at supper time to j 12 Ge 1 2- say to them that were bidden, Come, for all things 2 AC. 39; C KT\f t- V - are now rea< *y- c And they a ^ w ith one consent began 13 Ac - 28 ' 9 LufeV ' to make excuse/* The first said unto him, I have d23Is. 12; 7 Job. 37. bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and * Je - ' 3 > # see it ; I pray thee have me excused. And another 16 j' 7 ' ' said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to 1 Job. 11. prove them ; I pray thee have me excused. And e 24 Mat 38 an ther said, I have married a wife, and therefore I 39 ; ' cannot come. e So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things/ Then the master of the house /25 i Sa. 12. ' ' being angry* said to his servant, Go out quickly into ft 21 Mat 31- g ue. , gs. ^ e g^gg^g anc i i anes o f the city, and bring in hither 8 Ac. 5 ; 1 14 Job. 2 ; the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the ^| A * 3> * ' ! 2 i Jo. 2. blind.* And the servant said, Lord, it is done as 28. A 5 ii Co. 11, tn ou hast commanded, and yet there is room.* And sf7Lu.22. 20. the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the high-./ 27 Is. 13; m 1 Pr. 24- ways and hedges,-' and compel them to come in,* that l3 Ac - 46 - 21 Slat 43- m y house may be filled.' For I say unto you, that * 13 Lu. 29; 23 Mat. 38.' none of those men which were bidden shall taste 7 ' of m y THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. n30Ps 10 . 119 Ps. 106; - o 39 Ez. 29 ; /~\ LORD, we beseech thee mercifully to hear us" ; 18 Pr ' j' 8 RO^^T'. an ^ g rant that we, to whom thou hast given an f ^ pg ' 1? ' 7l5Ge.l; hearty desire to pray," may by thy mighty aid? be b g u Cb 41 '. 5 Ps. 12. defended* and comforted r in all dangers and adversi 29 Job i4;' * 43 Is. 2. ties/ through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 132Ps.916; (159.) The Epistle. 1 St. Peter v. 5-11. dlOEx.3,*, a 5 Ep. 21. i LL O f you be su bject one to another," and be 13S Ps - 6 - c61ft,CSi -^1L clothed 6 with humility 5 : for God resisteth the /j* ^- ^ proud, d and giveth grace to the humble. 6 Humble 7, 12 ; *9 Ps iC 12'f ' y our selves therefore under the mighty hand of God, 57 Is. 15; 15Pr.I.33. that he may exalt you in due time^ ; casting all your ,5^73 ^ . 106 FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. g 37 Ps. 5 ; care upon him, for he careth for you/ Be sober, be ft See 1*3 39 - dred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave d & ^ ^ 0- * the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after z ' that which is lost, until he find it' ? And when he g 63 Is. 7. 9. hath found it/ he layeth it on his shoulders/ rejoic-/ 62 Is - * | 2; 'iTi 8 ' 23' '"* -^ n( * w hen he comethhome, he calleth together 15 Ac. 3. ' his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice ft ,| 2 T l8- 4 ^ '. with me,' for I have found my sheep which was lost.-' 3 ze\>. 11 : k tf 18 Mat. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven* 12 He. m.2. Jo, & 5 i Ti. over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety j 2 i Pe. 10. and nine just persons, which need no repentance.' 1 30 Pr. 12 ; Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she 16 Lu - 15> 1 Gr.Drach- lose one piece, 1 doth not light a candle, and sweep the e^'hthpart h"se, and seek diligently till she find it ? And when of an ounce, she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her or lid. neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I had lost. Likewise, I say unto you, There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. C\ V-r THE FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. The Collect. GOD ' the Protector of all that trust in thee,' without whom nothing is strong,' nothing is 3Hab/.'l9. :JO Pr. 5 ; holy* ; Increase and multiply upon us thy mercy," v 14 Nu. 19 ; that thou being our ruler and guide," we may so "o Job 44 ' P 188 through tilings temporal, that we finally lose not > 48 Ps. 14; the things eternal' : Grant this, O heavenly Father, 30 Is. 21. for Jesus Christ's sake our Lord. Amen. 4 ii GO! 16- 18. 107 FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY ^ 161 } The Epistle. Rom. viii. 18-23. I RECKON that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory a 20 Ac. 24; which shall be revealed in us." For the earnest ex- tl He. 25, pectation 6 of the creature waiteth for the manifesta- 5 3 a p e . 13. rf.'5iPe. j tion of the sons of God. c For the creature was made Se236p-v. subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him 3M 1 ig . w ^ hath subjected the same in hope d : because the d3Ge. 17-10; 25Mat.32,4t.' creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage 24 Is - *-!' of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the children 1 Or i oer y , I^Q "R A ^.^ C t*(lt MFC ~ ' of God. e For we know that the whole creation 1 itiMar.US; #5 11 Co. J. 5; groaneth, and travaileth in pain together until now/ 1 Col. 23. 1 Ep. 14. And no t on jy they, but ourselves also, which have the/ 48 Ps. 6. first-fruits of the Spirit/ even we ourselves groan 5iiCo.2-4; within ourselves,* waiting for the adoption, to wit, the / t 7 R O 24 23 ' re d em ption f our body.' 7 ii Co. 5.' The Gospel. St. Luke vi. 36-42. TO 5 Mat 43. "DE ye therefore merciful," 1 as your Father also is 48. -*-* merciful." Judge not, and ye shall net be n l j p g 15 o 7 Mat. 1-5. judged" : condemn not, and ye shall not be con- ie. qSeeWg. demned p : forgive, and ye shall be forgiven 7 : give, See SI j. and it shall be given unto you ; good measure, pressed _ 65 Ig> 5 . down, and shaken together, and running over, shall 14 Ro. 3,'4; men give into your bosom/ For with the same mea- 4 Ja.11,12. sure that ye mete withal, it shall be measured to you r 15 De. 10 ; S 18Ps 25 27 a S ain< * And lle S P ake a P arable unto them ' Can the ^ Pr> 9- " ft i ji. 7 ' blind lead the blind ? shall they not both fall into the t 9 Is 16 . 7Es. 10, & ditch'? The disciple is not above his master"; but 15 Mat. 14; 9 Es. 25. every one that is perfect shall be as his master. 3 And 3 " Ti< 13 - u 10 Mat 24 W ^ beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's zOrstuili if. 25; ' eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own perfected as 13 Job. 16. eye" ? Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Bro- ther, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when r i2iiSa.l,^c. thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine 8Joh.7. own eye w ? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.* THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. The Collect. &93Ps.3,4^ f~^ RANT, O Lord, we beseech thee, that the course b 46 Pg 9 . w. 65Ps.6,7. \JT of this world" may be so peaceably ordered by i47Ps/.14; e^ls.\9,\9. thy governance/ that thy Church may joyfully serve 2 Is - 4 - 0-8. & 2 i 8 ' theeC in a11 S dl y quietness, rf through Jesus Christ d 51 Ig 3 . Ti. 2. our Lord. Amen. 9 Ac. 31. ' 108 FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY The Epistle. 1 St. Peter iii. 8-15. e 3 Ph. 1. 16. T> E ye all of one mind,' liaving compassion one of to the See 231 r. JJ another/ love as brethren,' be pitiful/ be cour- br ^ren, 17 PrlS ' renderin S evil for evil > or railin S for rail - coll2 4 i Co. 12.' i n ' but contrariwise blessing 1 ; knowing that ye are . . ' "' A32De.46.47. thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.-' 3 m -* 5 F r he that wil1 love Ufe '* and see good days '' let him l b 7 refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they n 2 o 12 Ro. 18 : speak no guile'" : let him eschew evil, and do good* ; jg y'ck. 9 l-'He'/ilf' ' et ^' m see k P eace ' and ensue it- For the eyes of the 2 Gr. upon See 171 d. ' Lord are over the righteous,? and his ears are open r 20 Le 3 c- .?cf7iiCh.l5. unto their prayers': but the face of the Lord is l5Ez.7.' *^Is?i?- ag^nst 5 them that do evil. 1 " And who is he that will ~ 8 Ro/28.' harm yon, if ye be followers of that which is good 5 ? i2* r -16 **' 51 Is. 12; But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are 1 10 Mat. 39; 3j .Mat. 2- ye': an( j be no j. a f ra j d O f their terror, neither be 6Ln.2%23; 18 Ac. 8, 10. troubled" ; but sanctify the Lord God in your hearts. 1 \ j". ^'. 10 ' The Gospel. St. Luke v. 1-11. (163.) r 818.12,13. I i came to pass, that as the people pressed upon gf 29 Is. 23. "l2 Lu 1 him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesareth,* and saw two ships standing by the lake ; but the fishermen were gone out of them, i \iar\i-20* c 4 Mat. 21. and were washing their nets. c And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land : and he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship. d Now d 13 Mat 2. when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a <21Joh.6,&. draught.' And Simon answering said unto him, Mas- ter, we have toiled all the night, and have taken no- thing-^; nevertheless at thy word I will let down they 127 pg.^ 2. g tf 2 Joh. 5. ne t r ^ nd w ] ien they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes,* and their net brake. And h 11 Ee. 6; they beckoned unto their partners which were in the g Q C " g ; 'j<5 11Ac>25 ' other ship, that they should come and help them.' And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at 13 JuK- J esus 'knees,-' saying, Depart from me,* for I am ^i^oA.' 2*5 ti i Sa. 20; sinful man, O Lord.' For he was astonished," 1 and 26. 17 '" ir' i ' a ^ ^ a ^ were w ith him, at the draught of the fishes **' *~8 1- 17 Mat. (5. ' which they had taken ; and so was also James, and 4^ j j, 5 g. m 4 Lu 32 ^^ n ' *' ie 9on8 ^ Zebedee, which were partners with 6 l. 5. 36. ' Simon." And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not, from "s^^" |' o 13 Mat. 47. henceforth thou shalt catch men." And when they gf lo Mar. had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and 'A & followed him.? 109 THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. The Collect. r\ GOD, who hast prepared? for them that love J^iCo'gio t See 155 u. \J thee/ such good things* as pass man's under- $ 5 He.'uj z31Je. 3; standing'; Pour into our hearts such love toward thee," ">.13iCol2, S*aS%. that we lovin S thee above a11 things," may obtain thy ^uTsf 7 ' 6H 19' T? promises, *" which exceed all that we can desire* 2 i Jo. 15. T' through Jesus Christ our Lord.* Amen. *3E P .2o. V 1 11 JrC.rfS-4. , , The Epistle. Rom. vi. 3-11. SeelT,d,e. T~NOW ye not, that so many of us as were 1 bap- 1 Or are a!2iCo 13- tized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his 3 Ga. 27. ' death 6 ? Therefore we are buried with him by bap- 62Ga./.20. See 143 k. tism into death" ; that like as Christ was raised up * See 128 a fr m the dead ^ the & lor y f the Father ' d even so we ^SHCo \V also should walk in newness of life. 6 For if we have lEp. 19,20. * 5E p'g." ' been planted-^ together in the likeness of his death, 2 i Jo. 6. we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection^ : -^ 2 Jj >s - *?.} g 2 Ep. 4,5; knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him/' ft g 2?W. ' Ph. 10,11. t j iat tne j^jy. Q g j n m jg n j. be destroyed,' that hence- g Ga. 14. ' ' ' ' ' forth we should not serve sin.- 7 For he that is dead is j %Q i s . 13 . ^fied jlliti ~ freed2 from sin '* Now if we be dead with Christ > we 8Joh.34.3ti; k 6 Ro. 2. be lieve that we shall also live with him' ; knowing that 6 Ro- 12> 22 ' Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more ; 'o^T^ll 12 >/i7He 16 17 ^ ea th hath no more dominion over him." 1 For in that he died, he died unto sin once" ; but in that he liveth, o 20 Lu 38 ne li ve th unto God." Likewise reckon ye also your- selves to be dead indeed unto sin, p but alive unto 2 i Pe. 24*. God* through Jesus Christ our Lord. 9*'Pe.J.6. See 129*-*. Tlie Gospel. St. Matth. v. 20-26. (165.) TESUS said unto his disciples, Except your right- 6 7 Mat 21; a 23 ^l at- 3> eousness shall exceed the righteousness of the 21 ^f.-? 1 - &c. 28 ; . , _,, . i. 11 ^ See Io4 *. 18Lu.lO-12; Scribes and Pharisees," ye shall in no case enter into 10 Ro. 3; ' the kingdom of heaven. 6 Ye have heard that it was l Or to Ph ' 9l said by 1 them of old time, Thou shalt not kill": and who- * 35 Nu. 12, c 9 Ge. 5, 6. soever shall kill, shall be in danger of the judgement/ c * ia-n ia But I say unto you,' that whosoever is angry with/^J^-f 1 *- C 10 Ue. 10, * .., , /-,,,,., f ,, OiOiiS.OjiJC. 19. his brother without a cause-' shall be in danger ol the see 177 q. judgement : and whosoever shall say to his brother, 2 That is, g'GMat 59 Raca, 2 shall be in danger of the council^ : but whoso- Vainfeilow, ' ever shall say, Thou fool,* shall be in danger of hell- # u 6ne.l6,l7; fire. Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar,* WAc.wi.18. 8 Mat. 4. and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought J tf 19Lu.8. against thee-' ; leave there thy gift before the altar, and 1 9 Mar.J. 50; ft25Pr. 9. go thy way,* first be reconciled to thy brother/ and 5Ja -/- 16 - then come and offer thy gift. Agree with thine j adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with '50. him" ; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to fif 32 Ps. C. 110 SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou o 18 Mat 31 hast P a * d the uttermost farthing." THE SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY The Collect. 9 r9!> iCh i'i 6; T ORD of all power and might,' who art the author , .. . v& IS. 11. i* 11 ji ^1 *. .^ I. f J 11 OO./.1&. ,26 is. 8; ' * and giver of all good thmgs r ; Graft m our Seel$a-f. 3 ii Th. 5. hearts the love of thy name, 4 increase in us true reli- Seel56y. ~j on t nour i s h U s with all goodness," and of thy great tg a il ;f> 10 - 11 92 Vs. 12- '.it. B .LI. P T f^i See 166 e. jj* * * mercy keep us m the same," through Jesus Christ 2iPe.2. our Lord. Amen- "llQ Ps i() (16 C ) The Epistle. Rom. vi. 19-23. 5 He.li, fc T SPEAK after the manner of men, because of the 6 i 3 i < pJ' p C 1 5 .. i -,a ; -*- infirmity of your flesh": for as ye have yielded ,,\^ ill li.lo; * , . . a 11 mat. ^y. 3UTi. 13. your members servants to uncleanness, and to im- e 1 Joh. 1. 16. quity, 6 unto iniquity' ; even so now yield your mem- ( 77-c. berg servantg to righteousness,'' unto holiness.' For/" 31100 - 14 * 16 - g 3 Is. 11 ; when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from 1 A 31 Je. 19; l?a a ') 7 5 >8; rig" 4 * 011811658 - 7 What fruit had y e then in those 36 lz.31. #23Pr.31, tilings*" whereof ye are now ashamed*? for the end of . g Joll 32 . ^. those things is death.* But now being made free from 8Ro.2. t lOiCh. 13, g j n ^ an( j ijecome servants to God,* ye have your fruit 1 15 Job. m. 73 P. 27; unto holiness,' and the end everlasting life." 1 For the *! J ^- 5 - wages of sin is death* : but the gift of God is eternal m 37Ps. 37- life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." *' 4 Job. 36. The Gospel. St. Mark viii. 1-9. 5 6 R > o'r7* ! ' T N tllose days the multitude bein s ver y g reat p an JL having nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples q 9 Mat. 36; un to him, and saith unto them, I have compassion 9 on 5 He. r 2 41 ' tne multitude, because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat : and if I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way ; for divers of them came from far. And his disciples answered him, From whence can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness 1 " ? r 11 \u. 13, And he asked them, How many loaves have ye ? And 2 1 - 23 - gf!4iSa.6. tn ey said, Seven.' And he commanded the people to sit down on the ground. And he t^>k the seven loaves, and gave thanks,' and brake, and gave to his disciples t 8 De. 10. to set before them ; and they did set them before the people. And they had a few small fishes ; and he blessed, and commanded to set them also before them. u!7 iKi. 16. So they did eat, and were filled": and they took up 111 (167.) NINTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. of the broken meat that was left seven baskets. And they that had eaten were about four thousand. And he sent them away. THE EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. The Collect. a2Uos. 45; i~\ GOD, whose never-failing providence" ordereth 6 b 115 Ps. 3; 5. \J 31 Ps./. 15. \J all flings both in heaven and earth' ; We hum- c 135 Ps. 6 ; bly beseech thee to put away from us all hurtful lEp.'j. 11. things,** and to give us those things which be profit- S^pl Ex.. *85P!/. 12- ao ' e f r us * through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 3 g' ee j2 / t 32Je.39-. The Epistle. Rom. viii. 12-17. e 4 i Pe 2 Tl RETHREN, we are debtors/ not to the flesh/ to / ?* 16: i9iCo f.27- live after the flesh ' For if y e live after the 6 5Ga.!i4,2d! flesh, ye shall die' 1 ; but if ye through the Spirit do h *'j k 8 Pr. 20 ; mortify the deeds of the body," ye shall live.- 7 For as s R -, 48 Is. 17 ; many as are led by the Spirit of God,* they are the 5 Ga. 16-18. i receiyed the spirit of '^ Y "s Lu 37 Bondage again to fear" 1 ; but ye have received the liifi. 7'; Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father." 7l3Je - 19 ! 12He.i8,4fc. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that Sf2iCo.l2. wearet he children of God": and if children, then p ^ 7' 32; ViJo.io. 2; heirsP 5 heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ' : if r 16 Mat ' 25. so be that we suifer with him, that we may be also 12 Joh.26 9 17 Job.' 24. ; glorified together.'" 4aOo.lO.ll. The Gospel. St. Matth. vii. 15-21. BEWARE of false prophets, which come to you in 1 20 Pr. 11 ; _______ jv _ sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening ^? Mat> 33 * 11 ii Co. 13- wolves.* Ye shall know them by their fruits': do 3ij .9,lo. 4 i'TL 1-3 men S a t ner grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles" ? Even 3 ii Pe. 17.' so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit ; but a "^ J*' ^' ^f ugLu43 ^ 45 . corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit." A good tree 13 Lu. 6,4t. 3 J a. 11,12.' cannot bring forth evil fruit ; neither can a corrupt u>15Ez.2,&. tree bring forth e od fruit< Evei 7 tree that hringeth "g Ho S 'li!; C 3 Mat. 10; not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the 25 Mat. 11, 15 Job- 6; fire. w Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. g 2 u 46 . e ' ' Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall l Tit. ie'; y, 1 !*^-. 50 : enter into the kingdom of heaven x ; but he that doetli 2 Ja- 20-26. 3 i Jo. 24. the will of my Father which is in heaven. y Se212 i,j. THE NINTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. ^(J!^ The Collect. 6 86 Ps. 11; "at Pr% ; ' C* RANT to us, Lord, we beseech thee, the Spirit to ^f^ait 55I./. 7. vJ" think" and do 6 always^ such things as be right- /, 33. c 10 ii Co. 5. ful d ; that we who cannot do any thing that is good d 119Ps.l04. 112 NINTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. c 8 Ro. 8. without thee, e may by thee be enabled to live accord- g-2Ga.fn'>0 ing to thy will/ through Jesus Christ our Lord//!! 9 Ps. 88; Amen. Col L / - 12 ' The Epistle. 1 Cor. x. 1-13. Sec 175 . 13 Ex. 21; T> RETHREN, I would not that ye should be igno- h See 17 *' 40 Ex. 31 IJ rant, A how that all our fathers were under the J 9Nu. 15-22. cloud,* and all passed through the sea-* ; and were all 41 *Ex.I.31. baptized unto Moses* in the cloud, and in the sea ; VS'PS. 23- '7 8 a p 8 J5,'i^; an( * did all eat the same spiritual meat,' and did all 25 ; 105 PR. 41 '; drink the same spiritual drink" 1 : (for they drank of 48 Is. 21. that S p ir itual Rock that followed 1 them ; and that *&"* 35 Na ' 11 '* ; " Rock was Christ.") But with many of them God was - 2Co] n 26 Nu. 64, not well pleased ; for they were overthrown in the 9n 14 in wilderness." Now these things were our examples, 2 {or type* A Jude 5." ' * tne intent we should not lust after evil things, as j?HNn.4,4fc. ii 32 Ex 6 &. tne y a l so lusted.'' Neither be ye idolaters, as were los P- 14, 8 De. id'; some of them ; as it is written, The people sat down 4 D jj e jj . 2iv PS ' 19> to ea * anc * drink, and rose up to play.' Neither let 2 ii Pe. 6. 5 i Jo. 21. us commit fornication, as some of them committed, ,-25 Nu.1-9; 17 Kx. 7; and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.'' 2 Re. 14. 78 Ps' 18 6 56 Neither let us iem 'P t Christ, as some of them also See ^~ m -- u 16 Nu '4] tempted,* and were destroyed of serpents/ Neither * 21 Nu - 5 > 6t &c. murmur ye, as some of them also murmured," and 12Ex.f.23. 106 Ps. 25- were Destroyed of the destroyer." Now all these 3 Or types : 2 Ph. 14; things happened unto them for ensamples 3 : and they X 2iJo. 18. Jude/. 16. are written for our admonition,*" upon whom the ends 4 Q, n , 0< / fl . 15 Bo. 4. o f fj, e world are come.* Wherefore let him that rate y il 8 Ro r '20 4; tlnnketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.* There z 12 He. 4; 3 Re. 17,18. hath no temptation taken you, but such as is common 4 'g^ 10 ^ 11 ' See 178 o. to man 1 : but God is faithful,"" who will not suffer a7De. 9; you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will c 7 . s- 1 i Co o' w *^ tn ^ ie temptation also make a way to escape, that ye 10 Job. 28; See 125 n. may be able to bear it. 6fr 4iiTi'l8' The Gospel. St. Luke xvi. 1-9. 2 ii Pe. 9.' (169.) TESUS said unto his disciples, There was a certain o39Ge.5, 6. *J rich man which had a steward"; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods.* j 2 Tit 10. And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee ? Give an account of thy steward- cgf 14Ro.l2. ship c ; for thou mayest be no longer steward. d Then ^^3 i. u .j.7. the steward said within himself, What shall I do ? for < 10 Is. 3. my lord taketh away from me the stewardship' : I cannot dig/ to beg I am ashamed. I am resolved / 15 Pr. 19 ; what to do, that when I am put out of the steward- }* r - ^ -20L 9 shipi they may receive me into their houses. So he 10. ' called every one of his lord's debtors*' unto him, and said 113 I TENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. unto the first, How much owest thou unto my lord? ^ c 2 Gr. corus, And he said, An hundred measures 1 of oil. And he f ro jn the ' from the sa ;e ' 13 ' 1 i Pe. 4. ' Amen. 2 i Jo. 25. (17-2 ) The Epistle. 1 Cor. xv. 1-11. a l i Co. 23, T) RETHREN, I declare unto you the gospel *-* which I preached unto you," which also ye have j 2 i Th. 13. eliiCo.z.24; received, 6 and wherein ye stand : by which also ye SiPe.J.12. are saved/ if ye keep in memory 1 what 7 I preached 3 a ^15 1 Or hold unto you, e unless ye have believed in vain.-^ For I /*' See 12o , he rose again the third day,* according to the Scrip- ^ 4 BO. 25. 69 P? 7 an( ^ l ' iat ne was seen ^ Cephas, then of the j See i2So-n. 5318.4,'^t twelve: after that, he was seen of above five hun-j..^^ 2 k 28 Mat 6. dred brethren at once ; of whom the greater part 1 Jon. 17. 7/i28 Mat.10, remain unto this present ; but some are fallen asleep": See 91 dm 16 - after that, he was seen of James; then of all the "7 Ac. 1.60. o 24 Lu. 33, apostles" : and last of all, he was seen of me also,' as p 9 Ac- 3> * of one born out of due time. 3 For I am the least of SOrana&or- 53 Ep. 8. ^ apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle,' tire - 115 I 2 TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. -. T . . because I persecuted the Church of God/ But by r ^^ c '^! *" ' ' the grace of God I am what I am* : and his grace i Gal 13. u 15 Ro. 15, which was bestowed upon me was not in vain' ; but I < 6 ii Co. 1. 11" C 21 ^oured more abundantly than they all" ; yet not I, v 10 >iat.20; &c. ' ' but the grace of God which was with me. 1 ' There- 2 Ga. 8. 12iiCo.Z.ll. fore whether it were I or they, so we preach, 1 " and SeKll c < d - tv 2i Co.l,4t. so ye believed. 1 * 2 Ep. 8. The Gospel. St. Luke xviii. 9-14. 73.) -r ES us spake this parable unto certain which trusted r *>'S a } 5 ^ u- 29 ' i n themselves that they were 1 righteous, and v'joh! 49.' "" despised others* : Two men went up into the temple <* 2 Je. 35 ; el Lu. 10; to pray c ; the one a Pharisee, and the other a Publi- s^n^ c ' can. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with him- cfio'ii Co. el Is. 12; self, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men ,^ .. See 92 m ' are ' ex tortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this 32 ; Publican"* : I fast twice in the week,' I give tithes of 23 Mat. 23. 40 Ps! 12? a11 that I possess/ And the Publican, standing afar jf^^'H' i <>5 Ps 11 ff WOU W not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven,*" . 3 K ' ' 41 Ps. 4 ; ' but smote upon his breast,'' saying, God be merciful 4 R O . 5. ' 51 Ps. 1, ^fc. to me a sinner." I tell you, this man went down to 1 18 Pr. 12; &6Pr./.17; his house justified rather than the other': for every 9o J ? t ' 3 1 'o 4 TI '*\ ' one ^ a * exa ^eth himself shall be abased* ; and he 4 j a . j/g. ' 2 Hab./.'4. that humbleth himself shall be exalted.* See ife3 i. THE TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. m 81 Ps MO; The Collect. W 30Is./18: 05 Is. 24: ' ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who art always 33 Je. 3; 10 Da. 12. ^TlL more ready to hear, than we to pray," 1 and art . *15Ln^9 4' wont to *>' ve more than e ' tlier we desire," or deserve"; 13, 1 ii Ch! 79 p s g". ' Pour down upon us the abundance of thy mercy' ; g 1 ^^ . 119 Ps! 120; forgiving us those things whereof our conscience is SAC. 3, '^c. 3 i Jo. 20. afraid, 9 and giving us those good things which we are See 92 *2 4 8 . Joh< 23 ' nt worthy to ask/ but through the merits and media- f 18 Ge ^ . 4 Ph. 19. tion of Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord.* Amen. 32 Ge. b-is! (\74.) The Epistle. 2 Cor. iii. 4-9. b 4 ii Co. 7. a 2ii Co. 14. Q1UCH trust have we through Christ to Godward" : c 4 Ex 11 12- not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think liT? ii. 3 i Go. 6-lu! an y thing as of ourselves 6 ; but our sufficiency is of Sce~l in. 19 Ex. 16, demnation be glory,'" much more doth the ministra- ' tion of righteousness" exceed in glory." "otV'fi 1 - 3 ' 25. The Gospel. St. Mark vii. 31-37. SRo.'i. 18. JESUS departing from the coasts of Tyre and Sidon, came unto the sea of Galilee/ through the pl5Mat.29, q 4 Mat. 25. midst of the coasts of Decapolis. 9 And they bring &c- unto him one that was deaf, and had an impediment in his speech/ ; and they beseech him to put his hand r See 99 a, See 18*2 #.' he sighed," and saith unto him, Ephphatha,tha.t is, t>53Is. 3; Be opened. w And straightway his ears were opened, 5*171 5 Mar. an( j ^] ie s t rm g O f his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain/ And he charged them that they should tell *f32 Is.3,4. no man : but the more he charged them, so much the ?/ 45." ar ' more a great deal they published \t y ; and were be- yond measure astonished, 1 saying, He hath done all z See 147 m. things well ; he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the iwWPMn. dumb to speak> ,. THE THIRTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. (175.) The Collect. a 110 Ps. 3; ALMIGHTY and merciful God, of whose only s^ise'^ ~^ gift " U cometh . that thy faithful people 6 do unto d R O ' , 5 . c^a^Mat. "i- tn ee true and laudable service ; Grant, we beseech i6Ro. /.2i3- 5 Ep. 9,' 10! thee, that we may so faithfully serve thee rf in this 3iJo.22-24. ^g 2 - 10 ^ 35 ' life/ that we fail not finally to attain thy heavenly ^l^sl cf. 11 Joh.9, promises/ through the merits of Jesus Christ our 3 Ph.12-14! g 1 Ep- 1- 6- The Epistle. Gal. iii. 16-22. r r*Q Abraham and his seed were the promises made. 7 ' i 17 Ge. 7 ^ e sa ' t ^ 1 not ' -^ n ^ to seeds, as of many ; but as j $ 12 i Co. 21 Ge. 12.' of one ; And to thy seed,' which is Christ.-' And this 27, & 3 Col. I say, that the covenant that was confirmed before of j 15" Q C 53 . ; 58 J h ' 56 ' God in Christ,* the law, which was four hundred and 12 Ex! 40,' thirty years after,' cannot disannul, that it should make \; fi& iii ** "'^ "i i T- 97 ' ^ e P rom i se f none effect.'" For if the inheritance be p 3Eo.l9,20; tf 7^He.i?. of the law, it is no more of promise"; but God gave i5'io' r it to Abraham by promise." Wherefore then serveth 20 ; ol05Ps.6,4fc. the law? It was added because of transgressions/ 1 i'ti. 9. 1 ii CD 20 ^ *' ie see< ^ snou ^ come, to whom the promise was r f^*s * See Ref.i. made* ; and it was ordained by angels r in the hand of 2 He. 2.' 117 THIRTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 1 Job/.17; 7 Ac. 38. a mediator.* Now a mediator is not a mediator' of_ i/,3Ro.29,30. one, but God is one." Is the law then against the 2lTl - 5 - w 2 Ga. 16. promises of God ? God forbid" : for if there had been " 5 Mat - 17 ' y 143 Ps. l.l; a law given, which could have given life, 10 verily right x . 10 Ro 5 2 Ro. 9, . 3 Ga. io', Scripture hath concluded all under sin, y that the pro- &6 Ga.13. ""^uh 46 ' mise by faith of Jesus Christ 1 might be given to them slHTU.l; OCe 1*0 Of O I TA OR that believe. 00 (176.) Tlie Gospel. St. Luke x. 23-37. BLESSED are the eyes which see the things that ye see." For I tell you, that many prophets oT20Joh.29. an ^ kings have desired to see those things which ye b 3 Ep. 5, r n see, and have not seen them ; and to hear those ^J ^, e> * 3> things which ye hear, and have not heard them. 6 And c22Mat.35. behold, a certain Lawyer stood up, and tempted him, c saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life d ? d 19 Mat. 16, He said unto him, What is written in the law ? how JI' 16Ac 39 c See 156 q. readest thou e ? And he answering said, Thou shalt 31. love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all gSe48d, & thy mind-^; and thy neighbour as thyself.^ And he/ 6 DC. 5. 155 ff- said unto him, Thou hast answered right*; this do, S135r,. *9N-m lo ; and thou shalt live - i But he willing to justify him- A12Mar.3i. 20 Ez.li.fc self,' said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour* ? j 32 Job 2 ; 3 Ga. 12. And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down 10 Bo " 3- k 5 Mat. 43. from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, m 2 Ku. i.3. and departed leaving him half dead/ And by chance"' 1 88 Ps. 4. there came down a certain Priest that way, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side." And 6Jobl4,15 ; likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came o 21 Pr. 13 ; an( j looked on him, and passed by on the other side." rfifpe'n B u t a certain Samaritan,*" as he journeyed, came where p9Lu.52,53. 27 p r no l ie was<7 > and w ' ien ne &avf him, he had compassion See 103 e ' f38Je.7,&. on him, and went to him,' and bound up his wounds, r See " " pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two *S5 P./. 3; / 7 Mar. 20- ye cannot do the $& n& that ye wou id* But if ye be ^ 9 Ps< 25 ' 7 Ro. 5. led by the Spirit, ye are not under the law.' Now , s Ro 5 &. o 4 Be. 15, &. the works of the flesh"* are manifest, which are these, ^4 Ga. 5, 6. See 239 q. ac j u itery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness," n 15 Mat.18. ^19 Prll idolatry," witchcraft,'' hatred, variance, emulations, ^ 7 EC. 9. ' wrath, strife, 9 seditions, 1 " heresies, 1 envyings, murders,' ~J^, " Seel86,>. drunkenness, revellings," and such like: of the which i8De.9-14'. * See 12 d - I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, rSceW i. an De. 18- ^^ they who ^ Q guch tll | ngg sna u not inherit" the t S< 34 e,f. J 2R o.8,9; kingdom of God." 7 But the fruit* of the Spirit is 25 Mat 34; i Co. 9.10. love, y joy, peace, 2 long-suffering, gentleness, good- IVrf ', 5 ^' y 5 Ro. 5. ness,"" faith, meekness, cc temperance** : against such __ .'' "a See 81, h, there is no law." And they that are Christ's-^ have j 6 o E . c' c ' 183 . crucified the flesh with the affections 2 and lusts/ r dd See 561. J ' cell Ti. 9. ffll Job. 10 ; 3 i Co. 23. 2 Otpaetioru gg 6 Ga. 14. The Gospel. St. Luke xvii. 11-19. AND it came to pass, as Jesus went to Jerusalem, XJL that he passed through the midst of Samaria, a 4 Job. 4. an d Galilee." And as he entered into a certain vil- lage, there met him ten men that were lepers, which c 18 Lu. 38, stood afar off. 6 And they lifted up their voices, and M3Le.45,46; said, Jesus Master, have mercy onus. And when 7iiKi. 3; '^Vjoh 1 ?' he saw them> he said unto them> Go> 9hew y ourselves 2i uch ' 20 ' K 5 MM. W unto the P riests - d And it came to pass, that as they dSeel8d fc cf. 17 Ge. 3, went, they were cleansed/ And one of them, when "' 5 i J Q' 23 ' ^ e saw ^ la * ' ie was ^ ea ' e ^> turned back, and with a 1 100 Ps 13- loud voice g jorified God / and fel1 down on his face/ 30 . Ps - ^ l \ Ro. 21. ' at his feet, giving him thanks^ ; and he was a Sama- 107 ps'. 2 {fl gf 32 ii Ch. ritan. A And Jesus answering said, Were there not 22. /^Mat 10 tenc ^ eansed? b ut where are the nine'? There are h See 103 e. 0: 20 Mat! no * found that returned to give glory to God/ save this./ 29 Ps. 1, 2; stranger.* And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way,' 50P-/23. m 9 Mat.22; thy faith hath made thee whole." 1 1 5 Mar. 18, 10 Mar. 52. 19. 119 THE FIFTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. |; The Collect. Ac.36- T7"EEP, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy Church with 54 Is. 10; 39. IV thy perpetual mercy." And, because the frailty \] Joh> "' ' of man without thee cannot but fall," keep us ever by Sec 81 a,d. g MP* 10-12; thy hel P from a11 thing 8 hurtful/ and lead us to all p 37 Ps. 23- 42 Is. 6. ' things profitable to our salvation,* through Jesus ^ : p s g . See 152 /. Christ our Lord. Amen. SiiTh. 3." .82 TtoSptal*. Gal. vi. 11-18. ef20Ge - U - tf. 16 i Co. "VT^E see how large a letter I have written unto you 21-24. & 3 _L w jth mine own hand." As many as desire to c"s Ac. i-5- ma ke a fair shew in the flesh, 6 they constrain you to be j 23 Mat. 5; 2Ga. 3-5. 'circumcised ; only lest they should suffer persecu- 2 Lu - 4 ]> e 23 Mat. 25, ti f ^ cross f Christ/ For neither they them- rf ^ &c. . a 5 Ga. 11. 15 Ac.MO; selves who are circumcised keep the law e ; but desire ^3 jj at 15 2Ro.21, 4t. to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your 2ii Pe. 19. flesh/ But God forbid that I should glory/ save in #9Je.23-26; the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,* by whom 1 the 7* 1 i Co. 23, t^sfiw" ft 6 " wor ^ ^ crucified unto me, and I unto the world.' 2 i'co. 2. A 2 Ep. lo! For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avail eth any lort^/wcty #2lRe./.5. thing, nor uncircumcision, J but a new creature.* j 3 K O . 30 : "ist And as many as walk according to this rule,' peace be 7 i Co. 19 ; 125 Ps. 4,5. on them,'" and mercy," and upon the Israel of God." 2 ' See 183 \i. From henceforth let no man trouble me? ; for I bear l *J* V :. 45 In XT; ., _ T a -a a. nllSPs. 41; 3 Ga. 7, 2'J; in my body the marks ot the Lord Jesus.' .Brethren, j n de2. f 32Ge.28, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your p 15 AC. 24. e! spirit/ Amen. r Sec 15;. , x TAe Go/)eZ. St. Matth. vi. 24-34. "VTO man can serve two masters : for either he will JLi hate the one, and love the other ; or else he will ^^24 Jos a 2 Ez - 39 5 hold to the one, and despise the other." Ye cannot i^ fo. 1 Ga. 10 serve God and mammon. 6 Therefore I say unto you, c 7 i . s ^. 3 4 Ja. 4; Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or 17(1x1'. 33) 2iJo. , 7. w j iat y e s j ia u d rm k ; n or yet for your body, what ye &c. c!2Lu.22-32. s i ia u p U t O n d : Is not the life more than meat, and the - 13M * 22 . e 2 Job 4 ; body than raiment*" ? Behold the fowls of the air ; for 2 n ^ '4 ' 27 Ac. 18, they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into gflOLn.40- 19, 38. barns ; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them/ Are ^ 56 4. ye not much better than they ? Which of you by 159 g. c 3 EC 14- taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature^ ? 5 Mat'. 3d'; And why take ye thought for raiment ? Consider the ^g^ 3 ^'. 12 i Co. 18. iiii es O f the field how they grow : they toil not, neither 104 Ps. 10- do they spin : and yet I say unto you, that even So- ^; lomon in all his glory* was not arrayed like one of 10 Ma t| 2 J. these. Wherefore if God so clothe the grass of the 31. field, which to-day is, and to-morrow is cast into the ft g jj^h. 22. oven* ; shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of 120 SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. little faith- 7 ? Therefore take no thought, saying, What j 15 Mat. 8. shall we eat ? or what shall we drink ? or wherewithal k 37 Ps. 3,25. shall we be clothed* ? (for after all these things do the Gentiles seek') for your heavenly Father knoweth 1 4 Ep. 17. ml03Ps.l3, that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God," and his righteousness," and n 14 Ro - !? o 3 Ph. 9. all these things shall be added unto you. p Take there- p34Ps.9,iO; fore no thought for the morrow ; for the morrow shall L^'K' i?' <733De.:.25. ta ke thought for the things of itself*: sufficient unto ? the day is the evil thereof/ r/f'l Ec.2i. THE SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 32De.J.43; TJ* Collect. 2 Joel 18. y-x LORD, we beseech thee, let thy continual pity 1 w 89 Ps. 18; \J cleanse' and defend" thy Church ; and because 'Hffo 1 '? 5 125 !' 2" .ii'ii. -. oj 2 Zee. 5. ' it cannot continue in safety without thy succour," pre- 17 Joh. 17; w 40 Ps. 11; serve it evermore by thy help and goodness,*" through 5 E P-25-27. 51 Ps. is. ' Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. VsPs'ieJo ( j 8 ! t ) The Epistle. Ephes. iii. 13-21. s 12 9- n ' dwe11 in Vl^io 8 ; k l'col23. 'your hearts by faith-'; that ye being rooted and Icol. ll! OT13 Mat.6, grounded* in love, may be able to comprehend with J L J h- g 6 ; nl03 L psll a ^' samts >' wliat 1S ^ ie breadth, and length, and depth, 6HC1U.41; 12, 17 ; ' and height'" ; and to know the love of Christ," which U Zee. J. 5. 55 Is. passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the ^fp^ia ; 7:9 fulness of God. p Now unto him that is able to do ex- p i Joh. 16 ; 4Ca.l, 4t. ceeding abundantly* above all that we ask or think/ 2 2 < ?'- 9 x <7 6 4 C Ro 4 21 2 a ccording to the power that worketh in us,' unto him r ^J ii Sa.18, *3Ep.'/. 7; be glory in the Church by Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end.' Amen. > ) Tlt he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was Ua. ^i.'27. c 8 Lu. 42. a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother," /3ij e .i5,i6; and she was a widow 1 * ; and much people of the city 3 La. 32 ; ell Joh. 19. was with her/ And when the Lord saw her, he had ^ 4 ^Tii.ia. compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not/ set 108 '. 121 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. g-19Nu.ll,&. And he came and touched the bier, 1 ^ (and they that 1 Or coffin, SeelWaa. bare him stood still) and he said, Young man, I say All Job. 41- I cff/h2l unto thee, Arise.' 1 And he that was dead sat up, and ** k 3Z Je. i. 9- began to speak* : and he delivered him to his mother.- 7 J 17 i Ki. 17- 28 Mat,_8 ; ^ n d there came a fear on all,* and they glorified God,' | ^ Ki 32 _ 5 Lu' 26.' sa yi Q g' That a great Prophet is risen up among us,'" 37. n 9 Lu. 19. and, That God hath visited his people." And this 1 9 Mat. 8 ; s*!. 10 !?; rumour of him went forth throughout all Judea, and 1 f5** 1 ' o4 Mat. 24; . n 4 Ex. 31. 1 Mar. 28. throughout all the region round about. THE SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. (183). The Collect. ft23ps/( . o o-'/ T ORD, we pray thee that thy grace may always 4 Zee. 6,7; i>CC ZOO O. I i f mJ*t h i 7 . 11 r . iP 7 1(1 c 15 i Co.m. *-* prevent" and follow us ; and make us continually d jig v, X" 58. to be given to all good works, d through Jesus Christ 4* ; See 81*. ourLord Amen 15Joh.4,5. eSeellg. See 45 o., jr2iTb. 12; The Epistle. Ephes. iv. 1-6. ' 98 A T THEREFORE the prisoner of 1 the Lord' beseech *3 Pr. 34. -^- you/ that ye walk worthy^ of the vocation where- see 94 &. See\%h-l. with ye are called,* with all lowliness' and meekness,-' A 3 .. He -/- 1 ; ^Ep 7n *J6 with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love*; j 5 1 ji a t' 5 ' o 15 Ac. 11 ; endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the See ee o. VJ^'J'^' bond of peace.' There is one body,'" and one Spirit," 'JjP'J; 1 ?' tflGa.6-9; , r if- , 13nCo.il. 1 Tit. 4 ; even as ye are called in one hope of your calling" ; see 189x,r. liiPe. 1. one Lord, p one faith, 9 one baptism/ one God and n2Ep.18.22. 'sicS'fll Fa ther of all, 5 who is above all,' and through all, and v r \\ f^jj: 16 Nu. m. in you all." 6 He. 4-6. ' 14 Job. 23. The Gospel. St. Luke xiv. 1-11. (184.) ~f~T came to pass, as Jesus went into the house of one 7 La. 36. -*- of the chief Pharisees to eat bread" on the sab- bath-day, that they watched him. 6 And behold, there was a certain man before him which had the dropsy, n ^ 5^ And Jesus answering spake unto the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath- 6 day c ? And they held their peace. d And he took d 21 Mat.24- him, and healed him, and let him go ; and answered 27 - them, saying, Which of you shall have an ass, or an ox, fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him e 12 Mat 10- out on tlie sal) t>ath day 6 ? And they could not answer 12. him again to these things/ And he put forth a pa- /!?. Lu. 17. rable to those which were bidden, when he marked See 185 cc ' g 23 Mat. 6; how they chose out the chief rooms/ saying unto them, iiiJoh.9. When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room*; lest a more honour- &25Pr.6,7. able man than thou be bidden of him ; and he that 122 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. bade thee and him come and say to thee, Give this man place ; and thou begin with shame to take the i 11 Pr. 2. lowest room.' But when thou art bidden, go and ait ifaf S v'*2 down i the lowest room ; that when he that bade & e . ' thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go upjgf 60Is.l4, higher : then shalt thou have worship in the presence & 3 Re - 9 - of them that sit at meat with thee.-' For whosoever .. ft IS Ps. 27; exalteth himself shall be abased*; and he that MLua . i^a'P 3 ' humbleth himself shall be exalted.' Ob - 3 * _ See 228 /. THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. The Collect. m 5 i Jo. 4. TORD, we beseech thee, grant thy people grace to n5Ga.l6,l7. J.J withstand the temptations of the world," 1 the s ^ 1 ^: 4jf P 7. 11; flesh '" and the devil ' and with P ure hearts and minds '' 4 Job 24. g 18JKJ.21; to follow' thee the only God,' through Jesus Christ r 46 Is. 9; l-'Job./.2C. our Lord. Amen _ (185.) Tlie Epistle. 1 Cor. i. 4-8. ft 30 Je. 22; "l\Tl'u T THANKa my God 4 always on your behalf, for the /*?< 11; c 1 ' ; 1 [Gr ijil -^- S race f God c which is given you by 1 Jesus Christ; 3 Ep. 1.8. ' Cf ikp. 1.3. that in every thing ye are enriched by 1 him, d in all/^ .^? - 2 ^ C s"vn~' utterance ' and in a ^ knowledge'; even as the testi- iReA.fl: fMlCar.20. mony of Christ^ was confirmed in you^ ; so that ye 12 Re. /. 17. 0f 3 Job.' 33'. come behind in no gift 7 '; waiting for the coming 2 of ft s a f j 2 /?o rCT * /a ~ our L rd Jesus C/hrist, 1 who shall also confirm you 13. t See 116 . unto the end/ that ye may be blameless* in the day Vi ?h' ' f Ur ^^ JCSUS Clirlst -' 3 i Th. 13 ! 1 1 D. O. ; ! ' * c See 65 1-. The Gospel. St. Matth. xxii. 34-46. WHEN the Pharisees had heard that Jesus had --- .. , put the Sadducees to silence,"' they were &c< gathered together." Then one of them, who was a n 12 Mat.14; 7 Lu. 30. lawyer," asked him a question, tempting him,'' and % Mat.3,4; saying, Master, which is the great commandment in q 8 Ho. 12; the law*? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the 11 Lu. 42. Lo r d thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind/ This is the first and great r 10 De. 12; 1 11 De. 1. commandment.' And the second is like unto it, Thou ^ De - 6 '* &285i,m. s i, a it love thy neighbour as thyself.' On these two t e Ga. 10. u 7 Mat 12- commandmen ts hang all the law and the prophets." See Ittfj'. 1 i Ti. 5. ' While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus u< 2 Mat. 4. asked them, saying, What think ye of Christ" ? whose " 6 Mat - 13 > // 23 it Sa. 2; 8on i g h 6 " ? They say unto him, The son of David.* 12 Mar. 98; He saith unto them, How then doth David in Spirit" * Is - ? 2 Ac.So's'l- ca ^ ^' m L rd saying, z The LORD said unto my = iiops. l. 3 He. ".' ' JLord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine 123 NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. a 2P s - 9 ; enemies thy footstool" 3 ? If David then call him Lord, bb lRo.3,4; 19 Ln. 27 no \v is he his Son 6 * ? And no man was able to answer f5 ' 19 Re. 18- him a word ; neither durst any man (from that day see 197 '/."' ceSeel94z forth) ask him any more questions." THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. (186.) The Collect. & 8iKi.5 7 , a 24 Jos. 19; f~\ GOD, forasmuch as without thee we are notable 58; 15 Job. z. 5; \J to please thee" ; Mercifully grant, that thy holy 26 Ac f. 18- 4 iTh.'l, 3. Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts,* IHTi. l. 7.' See 197 a. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. See 44 e - The Epistle. Ephes. iv. 17-32. c 2 Col. 4; HHHIS I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, c that d 5 Ep. 7- 6 'Ti./. 13. JL ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, d / 5 Joh. 40; "44 ls.'$~ fc. * n ^e vanity of their mind ; having the understanding See 200; 20. darkened, 6 being alienated from the life of God-' h 1 Col. 21. #19 Pr.2,3. through the ignorance that is in them/ because of the j 15 Job 16; i4? TMiT blindness ' of their heart*: who, being past feeling/ have ^f Pe 21 3 'f- k 6 He.' 9! given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all Z g j^ ar ' j'^." See 44 i. uncleanness with greediness.-' But ye have not so 10 Lu. 16. ' o*ll Pr' 18 learned Christ* : if so be that ye have heard him, and 6 Ro. 6. 7 Ro. il; ' have been taught by him, 1 as the truth is in Jesus'" : P See 58 e. 3 He ^-. 13 - that ye put off concerning the former conversation, the r s coT.g! 10'. 2 Or holi- ' ld man," which is corrupt according to the deceitful 1 19 Le. Ml; nest of [the] lusts"; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind p ; 'T^He j 8 and that ye put on the new man,' which after God' is u 10 i Co! 17. created in righteousness and true holiness. 21 Where- 4Ps. 4; t 24 D_e. 15. fore, putting away lying, speak every man truth with I? p 5 ' .See 187, e^. his neighbour': for we are members one of another." 3 Mar. 5. ' *32 . ' Be ye angry and sin not" : let not the sun go down 7 Je. 9, 4'c. upon your wrath* 1 : neither give place to the devil.' ?J!. e i 15 |? ' 5 ^ e -. 3 - . Let him that stole steal no more 3 ' ; but rather let him "35 . c> ' Iwe ' ri ~ labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, z 4iTh.ll,12; aaSee!57i. that he may have to give 3 to him that needeth."" Let l^of'tf' no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth," &37Ps 30,3l'; /), but that which is good to the use of edifying, 1 that it Hp r 2 |'S.' ' may minister grace unto the hearers. 6 And grieve 25Pr'll'l2- profitabl" not the hol y s P iri t of God, c whereby ye are sealed 4 Coi. 6.' c78 Ps. 40- unto the day of redemption. d Let all bitterness, and ^^p.is^l 6^ is 10 ' vvrata and a nger, e and clamour, and evil-speaking/ be ^7 Re.3,4'c. M l'h. 19. P ut away from you, with all malice/ And be ye kind See 161 * c29 Pr. 22; one to another, tender-hearted,* forgiving one another, 12iiCo. 20. even as God for Christ's sake 2 hath forgiven you.' is Pr. 8: g 19 Le. 16-18. See 239 e.g. h 112 Ps. 5; 6 Lu. 35-37. 26 Pr.20,&. i 18 Mat, 21, &c. See 81 j. 2 [Gr. God in Christ 5uCo./. 19.] ScelWn-p. 124 TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. The Gospel. St. Matth. ix. 1-8. TESUS entered into a ship, and passed over, and *J came into his own city.-> And behold, they j2Mar.l-ia brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a See 191 6. fc5Lu.l8-26. bed.* And Jesus seeing their faith,' said unto the j 14 AC. 9. sick of the palsy, Son, be of good cheer, thy sins be tf- 2 Ja. 18. J 4CH[s >S i 1 '!-' f or gi ve n thee."' And behold, certain of the scribes 7LU.4&5U: said within themselves, This man blasphemeth. And n 10 Joh.33. 5 Ro. 11. Jesus, knowing their thoughts," said, Wherefore think o20iCh/.17; ye evil in your hearts? ? For whether is easier to say, 15 Pr 26 6 Lu. ; Thy sins be forgiven thee? or to say, Arise, and walk'? See194 6 '. But tnat Y e ma y know tnat tlie Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, r (then saith he to the i R e /j. i^ q sfllLu.40. gick of the p a i s y) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto 3 Re.' l. 7. info* vj thine house.* And he arose, and departed to * in Jon. 37, . ., ,, 38. house.' But when the multitude saw it, they mar- 99 b ^ glorified God, who had given such power r> tf 13 Mat. unto men." (188.) THE TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 16 Ps. 1 ; The Collect. * 4 i Ch. 10; fulei' f\ ALMIGHTY and most merciful God, of thy fnfc.V'' cSOiiCh. 8; ^^ bountiful goodness keep us, we beseech thee, d28iOh. 9; 6 Ro. 13; f rom all things that may hurt us 6 ; that we being ready Jj^j^jg 47 ' cf 6 Is 8 ^ ot h ' n body and soul, c may cheerfully accomplish ^fiiMat. &9Ac. 6. those things that thou would est have done, d through 30, &3Col. e 2 3 Ex/.l3; j esus Christ our Lord. Amen. .' f' , 10 Mat. 16. _, -., . ., -fi, IEOI ^oaJri.!; 2 Pr 10 n . The Epistle. Ephes. v. 15-21. 73 Ps . 22. 3 Ja. is! ' O EE then that ye walk circumspectly,' not as fools/ h 4 Col. 5. t 5 Am. 13. ^ but as wise/ redeeming the time,* because the j IPs. 2: A 9 Ge. 21; days are evil.' Wherefore be ye not unwise, but un- Jjgp 8 ';! ' EtHPr 20 !* 21 ' d erstan ding what the will of the Lord is.^ And be not Z23 Pr 39 '& 7/>2Ac.i3-18- ^nink with wine,* wherein is excess' ; but be filled 5 Is. 11, 22. 11 Ac. 24. ' with the Spirit"' ; speaking to 1 yourselves in psalms, & 15 Lu - ' aZw.15 17 and h y mns ' and spiritual songs" ; singing and making 1[0m , & 14 Ro.'l?.' melody in your heart to the Lord"; giving thanks n 105 Ps 2 o 47 Ps. 7; always for all things'* unto God, and the Father, in the 16 Ac. 25. ' ^^V 12 o name of our Lord Jesus Christ 9 ; submitting your- s 6a. cf. lSMat.8. , r *_ a- f r/-ij2 ol Job 21 &4Joh.23| se ves one to another* m the fear of God. s 34 Ps 1 24. q See 81 , t. r See 75 p. t 5 Ne. 9, 15. See 205 re. 2 [Or Chrnt.} (189.) The Gospel. St. Matth. xxii. 1-14. 61Zep.7; a See l r. TESUS said, The kingdom of heaven" is like unto 19Re.7,. 9 . i-i. a certam king; who made a marriage for his son* ; d 81 Ps. 11; 08 Pg? n. ' an d sent forth his servants to call them that were bid- ss/e.u'-n;' OT22Nu den to ^ ie wedding'; and they would not come. d HHo.1,2,7; 15. ' Again, he sent forth other servants,' saying, Tell them J? Lu< ** 125 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and my fallings are killed, and all things are g!9Ge. 14; ready ; come unto the marriage/ But they made/5Ca. 1. 106 Ps. 24; light of it/ and went their ways, one to his farm,ano- rf26Ge 2 29- ther to his merchandise' 1 : and the remnant took his h ' 34. servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew j 21 Mat. 35, them.' But when the king heard thereof, he was j 28De.49,&. &c. wroth ; and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed \^2^i'2 7 Ac. 52. ^ose murderers, and burnt up their city.- 7 Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but 1 1 Pr. 20-23; h 21 Lu. 36. they who were bidden were not worthy.* Go ye ^ * . 17 " tnere f re into the high-ways, and as many as ye shall 22 Re. 17.^ find bid to the marriage.' So those servants went out into the high-ways, and gathered together all as many n 12 Joh - 32 - 713Mat.47, as they found, both bad and good'" ; and the wedding seel58a-m. 55 Vr t 2 was f urr " sne d with guests." And when the king came ~ 6 1 Is. 10 into see the guests, he saw there a man which had not 64 Is. (5 ; "a 1 Mat.' Ill on a wedding garment/ And he saith unto him, 3 K e c '^' 5; 25 Mat. 31, Friend, how earnest thou in hither, not having a wed- 13 Ro./.i4 ; 32> ding garment* ? And he was speechless/ Then said 3 Re - - 18 - ? J& M Ac 2 13 the kin & to the serv ants, Bind him hand and fo t and ^ oiiKi -^- 2i,23. 'take him away, and cast him into outer darkness : 3 ^ifY'll' 1 2 i Sa. 9,10; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.* For ^Mat.13 14. 13 Mat. 30. many are called, but few are chosen.' See 78 x. _ THE TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 9 Da. 9; The Collect. ,, VR f fi 2 Mar. 1. 7. v ** * S -J- " tc6iiCh.36J /^ RANT, we beseech thee, merciful Lord," to thy z33Je.6, 8 . &( V vT faithful people" pardon"* and peace, 1 that they ~^is.li,lS- j9 II ' ' may be cleansed from all their sins, 3 ' and serve thee 1 Lu.74J75: 2/6iCo. 11. with a quiet mind/ through Jesus Christ our Lord. ! B ?-J.- 6 ' 5^125 A. Amen 1 See 190 n. Amen - &10iiCo.4. (190.) The Epistle. Ephes. vi. 10-20. dwf^ll- "B?- 1 ^' 3 ^' 1\/TY brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the 2Re.ni.24; 45 Is./ 24- -i-*J- power of his might." Put on the whole armour 12 Be. 9. 4 Ph.' 13^ ' of God,* that ye may be able to stand c against the f^r.^rf elo'i'co^S w '' es f ^ ie d evil. d For we wrestle* not against flesh andjtesh. e 9 i Co. 26,' and blood, 1 -^ but against principalities, against powers, ^ 1 1 Q Ma , t ' 1 1 J' 2 Ti. 3-5. against the rulers of the darkness of this world/ 2 Or wicked 8 See U9J & against spiritual wickedness in high 2 places.* Where- spiritt in III l. ' fore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye m 8Lu M3- ma y ^ e a ^^ e to witlistand in the evil day,' and having 3 Or over-' 3 Re. 10. ' done 3 all, to stand.- 7 Stand therefore, having your k 11 If. 5; loins girt about with truth*; and having on the breast- J Q R that I may open my mouth boldly,* to make j u .!,! going down, his servants met him, and told mm, say- ing, Thy son liveth.* Then enquired he of them the &i7^Ki.23: hour when he began to amend : and they said unto 107 Ps. 20. i See~8 h. him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.' So the father knew that it was at the same hour, in the which Jesus said unto him, Thy son liveth ; and himself believed, and his whole house.- 7 This is again j 18 Ac 34 . h 2 Job. 11. the second miracle that Jesus did when he was come 18 Ac. 8. out of Judea into Galilee.* THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. o 10 Mat.25 ; The Collect. 'n'u cl' 2 6Ga. i. JO; TORD, we beseech thee to keep thy household the seelWd. ' 3 H i'9?' 6 ' -L_J Church" in continual godliness/ that through T 32 p g . 7. S yr- p " tliy P rotection ' >* ma y be free from a11 a dversities, r See 31 a. 145 Ps. '20! and devoutly given to serve thee in good works* to (1 "Tb. 11, 1 10 He. 24 the glory of thy name,' through Jesus Christ our seeWr-v rf 29 ii ch. Lord. Amen. The Epistle. Phil. i. 3-11. (192.) T THANK my God upon every remembrance 1 of io rme ntion a 6 Ro 17 y u >" (8lw a ys in every prayer of mine for you all &4 Pb. 1: See 185a t>. making request with joy*) for your fellowship in the 3iTh. 9, 10. 127 TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. a Ep. 19. gospel from the first day until now c ; being confident JftpLSa of this very thing, that he who hath begun a good C o 11 re. lu. . . Jti . .-i . i i r T *-& * - i See 185 l. work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus g Ro. 30 ; 3 Or ye have Christ* ; even as it is meet for me to think this of you 2 ii Th. 13, me in your n / , T i !!-, i 14 3 i Jo. 14. a "> because I have you in my heart,* inasmuch asy- 7Mat 2 o g 7 ii Co. 3. both in my bonds,* and in the defence 1 and confirmation- 7 Jt j He 32- 4*of n'ar'a- ^ ^ e e os P e ^' y e a ^ are partakers of my 4 grace.* For 34. hers with God is my record,' how greatly I long after you all"' j 6 Re. 9 ; fcrfmoh 8 in the bowels of Jesus Christ." And this I pray, that jSJuoh' /. 16 &4iiXi! y ur l ve ma y abound yet more and more" in know- 19. /. 16. ledge/ and in all judgement 5 : that ye may approve I See 87 r. "r/Job'o- things that are excellent, 6 ' that ye may be sincere, 7 " 2 Ph. 1. 4 Pr. J8; ' and without offence,* till the day of Christ : being S ^. ^ lg 4 "'rhVio' ^ ed Wl ^ tne fruit 8 f righteousness,' which are by see 15 h. See 196 6 Jesus Christ," unto the glory and praise of God." 5 Or sense : GOrtry ' (?5iTh.21; 4i Jo. 1. r Uoh. 47 ; 24 Ac. 10. 5 He. 14. <7un i/jai * H Ro. 21 ; 10 i Co. 32. * 1 Ps. 3 ; 9 ii Co. 10. See 3 n. differ, uSeetfq. e 60 Is. 21 ; 2 i Pe. 12. (193.) The Gospel. St. Matth. xviii. 21-35. TT)ETER said unto Jesus, Lord, how oft shall my at. o. Jj Brother sin against me, and I forgive him ? till seven* times ? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto j 26 Le 24 thee, until seven times ; but, until seventy times 2 i Sa. nt.5; e 11 Mar./, seven. Therefore is the kingdom of heaven d likened if p*'^ 1 - 12 ? R 18 unto a certam ki n o> which would take account of his 26 Pr'. 16.' 2i. ' servants.' And when he had begun to reckon, one ^ g ee i n See B\ i,j. was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents. 1 -^ But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his 1 Atalentis 16 Lu.i,#! lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife and ^f^f^f children, and all that he had, and payment to be made/ is~,i. 10*. ^.^'l^V ^> The servant therefore fell down and worshipped 2 him, Sec 66 1. 50 Is. 1. T j i -,i -11 saying, .Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay/gf 13 La. thee all.* Then the lord of that servant was moved 9 2 i. 4 ' with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the t0 u S hi i78Ps.34-38. debt.' But the same servant went out, and found one ^-^gj,, 20 of his fellow-servants, which owed him an hundred nee 114 t. 3 Or about pence 3 ; and he laid hands on him, and took him by 3J.2.6d. the throat, saying, Pay me that tliou owest.- 7 And his^5^j e . ,. 7. See 86 1. fellow-servant fell down at his feet, and besought him, 58 Is. i. 3. ' saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. And he would not ; but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt. So when his fel- ftllOPs 158- low-servants saw what was done, they were very sorry,* 13 He. 3. ' and came and told unto their lord all that was done.' iyj Ge. 1. 2, Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto f/i25Mat.26. hinij Q thou wicked servant," 1 1 forgave thee all that 128 TWENTi'-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY debt, because thou desiredst me : shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellow-servant, even nScelGlm. as I had pity on thee" ? And his lord was wroth, and "' delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay P 15 . ' oliiTh.8,9. all that was due unto him." So likewise shall my hea- 2 Ja. 13; venly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts ^^ '' 2 jj" forgive not every one his brother their trespasses/ \^_ THE TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. The Collect. r46Ps.l,ll; ?33De. 27. f~\ GOD, our refuge' and strength/ who art the 35 K'. 26 ' gfSiNu. 6. \_J author of all godliness,* be ready, we beseech IBJel 19. *1 Ja. 17 is- tnee ' t aear tne Devout prayers of thy Church' ; and t8i Ki.28,^t lii PP. *3. ' grant that those things which we ask faithfully," we 29Je.l2,13. see 218 *. may o ^^{ n effectually," through Jesus Christ our " See 15 '/ u21Mat.22i Lord . Amen The Epistle. Phil. iii. 17-21. (194.) T>RETHREN, be followers together of me, and d2 ij Co . 4. "iVxh"^ 1 ' "^ mark them which walk so, as ye have us for an/ 3 Mar. 38; c8 ls.ll,'fe ensample. 6 (For many walk, c of whom I have told HiiCo.US; ^23 Ex. 2. y OU O ften, and now tell you even weeping/ that they 2 n p e I i e n Co. 18. are tne enemies of the cross of Christ* ; whose end is 17 ; i' 56 Is. 11; destruction/ whose god is their belly/ and whose J ' 1 ! 1 ?/- 4 ' 1 j|; 34 Ez 3 9 ' gl r y i s m their shame/' who mind earthly things.*) 4 j a . ij ' ' 1 Tit. 11.' For our conversation 1 is in heaven- 7 ; from whence j 73 PS. 25 ; #2i Sa.29. a i so we i ook f or tlie Saviour,* the Lord Jesus Christ ; 3 Col. 2. i rf Ko. 5. .. , , i ,, . , , See 93 j. I0r[eitizen- wao s ' ia ^ change our vile body,' that it may be la- , 15 c 51 ship] shioned like unto his glorious body,'" according to the , ., 26Tfi12- i. i ii 11 iiji" ?t lo MO. 14; 21Bel6 &-L wor * ln g whereby he is able even to subdue all things 22 Mat. 29; k See ll6i>-. unto himself." U Job. 40. Vi 7 T Ma 2' 2i The Gospel. St. Matth. xxii. 15-22. .sv'e 2b d. r |^HEN went the Pharisees and took counsel" how ol2Mar.!3- -L they might entangle him in his talk.*" And theyp41Ps. 7; , sent out unto him their disciples, with the Herodians,' > M iiU. M- . * . . ZU.alj 26. saying, Master, we know that tliou art true, and 20 Je. 10. ? 3 Mar. 6; teachest the way of God in truth, 1 " neither carest thou r 5 Pg fl . 8 Mar. 15. for any man : for thou regardest not the person of 29 Pr. 5*; 1 3 Ja. 1. 17. men.* Tell us therefore, what thinkest thou ? Is it 9 Je - 3 - 6 - of 89 D*. 9, lawful to give tribute* unto Cesar," or not ? But Jesus 1 30 Ex. 13. 4 ' perceived" their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye r 9 LQ. 47. 2 Lu. 1. me> y g hypocrites'"? shew me the tribute-money. S376i. tv $ 5 Ac. 9. And they brought unto him a penny. 1 And he saith 20rinrip- 1 See 86 1. unto them, Whose is this image and superscription* ? "<" ? They say unto him, Cesar's. Then saith he unto a. i/c^20Ex. 3, them, Render therefore unto Cesar the things which &2 3 /p e!i3 are Cesar ' sl ; and unto God the thin g that are God's." 17. ' When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way. 1 129 K THE TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. (195.) The Collect. a 5^Ps X l!' (~\ LORD, we beseech thee, absolve thy people 6 *,,f "/Jn 38Is.l7. \_J from their offences" ; that through thy bountiful iisa.'/. 27. c Us. 21-27. goodness we may all be delivered"* from the bands of d99 Pg. 8. those sins, e which by our frailty we have committed^ : /7 Ro.l5,&. Grant this, O heavenly Father, for Jesus Christ's sake, f ** our blessed Lord and Saviour/ Amen. AlEpi5,16. The Epistle. Col. i. 3-12 jliiTi.3,5. TV7"E give thanks* to God, and the Father of our through] T Y Lord Jesus Christ, 1 praying always for you, * 6 He. 19 ; 7 "HV 1ft since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus/ and of ^zilo'i the love which ye have to all the saints*; for 1 the nlORo.8,&. hope' which is laid up for you in heaven," 1 whereof ye 4|? p 'o^' A . heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel" ; 2 i^'h.isT which is come unto you, as it is in all the world," and * 24 Mat. 45; hringeth forth fruit/ as it doth also in you, since the ' ' xi V^ 5 ' day ye heard of it,' and knew the grace of God in 2iiTi. 2. truth/ As ye also learned of Kpaphras, our dear " See ^89 6. fellow-servant,* who is for you a faithful minister of X 3 Ep. 19. ' Christ'; who also declared unto us" your love in the gf 7 Job. 17. Spirit." For this cause we also, since the day we fT&Zf heard it, do not cease to pray for you," 1 and to desire 2 ii Ti. 4. ' 2iJ !' 1>2 - See250u-. i 1 i Pe./. 3. k. 1 if Th ^ Pbiie. V 5. 3 i Jo. 23. ' 4 ii Ti. 8; ' 3 '*' 50 rf * 4 Col 12'- Phile.23.' u 7 iiCo.6,&. w 1 u Th 11. .See 192 i. 1 Ep. 8; Ua.5; 5 1 Jo. 20. "v that ve might be filled with the knowledge of his will* c See 183 g. See 181ft. 5 Ac. 41; 10 He. 34. gflf6iKi.7. i 22 Re. 5. k 5 Mar. 22- l^u.41-56 17M ,. 14 "see 224 c. 08 Mat. 7. o!5Nu38&. 22*De". 12; 23 Mat. 1. 5. * 9 Mail. 2. u 17 MatlS . , . , . ., , ,. ,, ^ in all wisdom and spiritual understanding 1 ' : that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, 2 being fruitf" 1 ' i every good work," and increasing in the knowledge of God 6 ; strengthened with all might, rf5Ro 3 4 . according to his glorious power,' unto all patience and 1 Ja. 3. ' long-suffering/ with joyfulness" ; giving thanks unto the Father/ which hath made us meet f to be takers of the inheritance* of the saints in light.' 2 Da. 23; The Gospel. St. Matth. ix. 18-26. 5Ep.j.4,20. TTTHILE Jesus spake these things unto John's ^^^ ^ disciples,-' behold,* there came a certain ruler,' and worshipped him,'" saying, My daughter is even j 9 Mat. 14 ; now dead; but come and lay thy hand upon her, and 2 she shall live." ^ n ^ Jesus arose, and followed him, n3Lu./14; an ^ so did his disciples." (And behold, a woman, 13 Ac. 15. ' which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve n llJoh.22. vears > p came behind him, and touched the hem of his p 35 LB. 25. garment'; for she said within herself, If I may but rl4Mat-36 . touch his garment, I shall be whole. 1 ' But Jesus 5 Ac. 15; ' turned him about, and, when he saw her, he said, 19 Ac. 12. Daughter, be of good comfort/ thy faith hath made thee whole/ And the woman was made whole from 1 9 Mat 2 g. that hour.") And when Jesus came into the ruler's house, and saw the minstrels and the people making a IbO TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. '9Ac./40. noise," he said unto them, Give place; for the maid *|5ii Cb.25; 12Job4 is not dead, but sleepeth.* And they laughed him to iiudh.4,11; scorn. y But when the people were put forth/ lie 20 Ac. 10. nalMar.31: went in, and took her by the hand, " and the maid v See 174 * ?? r : 2 ?',* x arose. And the fame hereof went abroad into all 1 r *** la liO. la. ., jame See 261 r. that land. bt> See 182 o. THE TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. (197.) The Collect. a 119 Ps. 25, C< TIR up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills" of * 3 Ga./. 9. ' 6 - Seel rf'l Ezr 1, th y faithful people, 6 that they plenteously bring- & 1 Hag.14 1 . ing forth the fruit of good works,' may of thee be - See 286 . pi en teously rewarded, 1 * through Jesus Christ our 9 ii Co. 6*; Amen. 10 He. c For the Epistle. Jer. ixiii. 5-8. e 33 Je.14-16; "D EHOLD, the days come,' saith the Lord, that I /3 Ho. 5 8 He. 8. JJ w in ra i se unto David^ a righteous Branch/ and ?, A ; / J 1 J illTs. 1-5' -IT. > 11 * i I i i 11 aemo It, 3 Zee 8 a King sliall reign," and prosper,' and shall execute , 7 .p , ^ i 45 Ps. 4*; judgement and justice in the earth.- 7 In his days 32ls.l.' ^ Is - ' 10- Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely* : j 9 Je. 24. 2o 8 ' and this is his Name* whereby he shall be called, #21Je.l2. 4518.17; THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS." 1 There- HflRe.11,16. l^Ut 2 ^!*" fore behold > tjie da y s come," saith the Lord, that they lJe.l4,4fc. 0T4iKi.25. shall no more say, The Lord liveth," which brought up P J??\ qA m ^R^'y\ 2 *-' *' ie cn ^ dren f Israel out of tlie land of Egypt p ; but, 37 ^ 1 i Co. 30 1; T' ie Lord liveth, which brought up, and which led the 5 De. 15 ; 5 ii Co. /.21; seed of the house of Israel out of the north-country, |g p' g ' oVi>e * 13 and ^ rom a " countr i es whither I had driven them 1 : Sec 284 d. <7 14 Is. i ; and they shall dwell in their own land/ r9Am 14 15. 2 3 i*' 1 !')?' 1 The Gos P el ?t. John vi. 5-14. * ' "V\7^^^^ Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a 4J , . T T great company come unto him,* he saith unto ' Philip, Whence shall we buy bread that these may eat ? (And this he said to prove him* : for he himself ' 13 De ' 3 - u 2 Joli. 25. knew what he would do.") Philip answered him, Two hundred pennyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that every one of them may take a little. One of his disciples, Andrew," Simon Peter's brother, saith unto 4 Mat 18. him, T here is a lad here, which hath five barley-loaves, and two small fishes ; but what are they among so u> 78 Ps 19 Tnany*" ? And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. /. 41. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand. And Jesus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks,* he *14Ro.m.O: distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them * 'Ti.4,5. that were set down, and likewise of the fishes, as much as they would. When they were filled, he said unto 131 K 2 SAINT ANDREW'S DAY Nov. 30 his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, y 10 Pr. 4 ; that nothing be lost. y Therefore they gathered them 12 Pr. 27. together, and filled twelve baskts with the fragments of the five barley-loaves, which remained over and above unto them that had eaten. Then 'those men, z n jj a ^ 3 when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, 7 Lu. 16 ; This is of a truth that Prophet that should come into 7 Jo1 ^ 40 - the world. 1 See IQI/-O. If there be any more Sundays before Advent- Sunday, the Service of some of those Sundays that were omitted after the Epiphany, shall be taken in to supply so many as are here wanting. And if there be fewer, the overplus may be omitted: Pro- vided that this last Collect, Epistle, and Gospel shall always be used upon the Sunday next before Advent. SAINT ANDREW'S DAY. (198.) The Collect. a!06p s .2,8. ALMIGHTY God," who didst give such grace* 6 Joj>. 44, clJob.35-40. J\ unto thy holy apostle Saint Andrew. that he n'joh'.e. e 1 Ro. 6 ; readily obeyed the calling of thy Son Jesus Christ, and dSeel99v-r. 10 Ro. 8,4-0. f ii owe( j h ; m ^thout delay* ; Grant unto us all, thaty 119 Ps _ 60 . 6iiCo. 17. we being called by thy holy word,' may forthwith give 14 : Lu. 33; g tf 12 Ge. 4, up ourselves^ obediently to fulfil 8 " thy holy command- * Q^' 5 ^ 32Nu'M2 ments A through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. gfi6Ac!lo! 19 Mat 16- Amen. h 119 Ps.172; 23- The Epistle. Rom. x. 9-21. 2iiPe. 21. tlO Mat. 32; TF thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,' 2 g j h 29- 4 i Jo. 2, 3. J[ an( j sh-jit believe in thine heart, that God hath 15iCo.l4,fc k 8 Lu. 15; raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.-' For 12 Ga. 16. 10 He./.22. with the heart man believeth* uuto righteousness/ and tf- 3 Ro -31- in 4 i Jo. 15. with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.'" n28 Is - / - 16 - o49Is. Z.23; For the Scripture saith," Whosoever belie veth on him P 35 . ' ' 17Je.7. shall not be ashamed." For there is no difference be- 3Ro. 22, 4t q 15 Ro. 12. tween the Jew and the Greek* : for the same Lord 3 Ga - 28 - * 86 Ps. 5. over all? is rich r unto all that call upon him.* For r | 8 E P' 7 g u 11 He. 6. whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall 2 Joel 32.' toli Co. 21. be saved.' How then shall they call on him. in whom gf 19 Ac.2. See 202 b. they have not believed" ? And how shall they believe x o Mat. 38; ^218-J; in him of whom they have not heard"? And how 13 Ac. 2, 3 40 I 9 ^^ ^ e y ^ ear without a preacher" ? And how shall z 2 Ep.14,17. "2 Lu. 10 ;' they preach, except they be sent*? As it is written/ See 220 ee, 8 Lu. 1. How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the j 53 Is. 1 ; (199.) gospel of peace, 2 and bring glad tidings of good tilings""! 12Joh.38,&. 28 Ac. 24; But they have not all obeyed the gospel." For Esaias l ^ r ^ e of 4 n a '2*: 1; saitb, 6 Lord, who hath believed our report 1 ? So then ^^"four 2 i p'e. 7, s. faith cometh by hearing,' and hearing by the word of preaching* cl6Lu.29-31. God. d But J say, Have they not heard"? Yes, d 68 Ps - " SeelT2a-d. verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their ^iRo^Wo. eHAc.16,17. words unio the ends of the world/ But I say, Did gf 4De.U9.' 132 SAINT THOMAS THE APOSTLE. Dec. 21. g 4 De. 7. not Israel know* ? First Moses saith,* I will provoke h 32 De. 21. i 11 Ro. i.ll. you to jealousy' by them that are no people/ and by a % g 03 *10Je. 3. fa. foolish nation* I will anger you. But Esaias is very ! 4 Ro 21 22 b ld> ' Hnd saith ' W 1 was found of them Uiat 8 <> u S h t me 'fi>oh.26. i65Is 1 2 not " ' * was ma de manifest unto them that asked not n9Ko. 30. *o 52 Is 15 a ^' er me ' ^ ut to I srae l ne saith, All day long I have pi j e . 13 ; 55 Is. 5. ' stretched forth my hands'' unto a disobedient and gain- J 1 Je.7,8; Je- 4> saying people.' *31 De 27- The Gos P el - St - Matth - iv - 18 ' 22 - 9 Ne. 29. ' TESUS walking by the sea of Galilee /saw twobre- * 3 De. 17. ** thren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his bro- See 101 b. ther,' casting a net into the sea, (for they were fishers" ) . . .. "|j 3E n 1 v^ and ' ie s ^ 1 unto ^ iem ' Follow me" ; and I will make eJoli. 8. ' 19 iki.'is", y u fishers of men. 1 " And they straightway* left their , 61tf . . 78Ps.70,7l, nets, and followed him. y And going on from thence, See 64 a. liCo27-29 he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, , w 47Ez.9 10! and Jhn his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their X $. of 12 iibo. father, mending their nets ; and he called them. And See 198 /. they immediately left the ship and their father, and zULn. 26. rlOMar - 28 ' followed him.* (200.) 8eel03a-p. VD^ a 26 4; SAINT THOMAS THE APOSTLE. See 59 x, z The Collect. b 11 Job. 42; c tf Ua. is. A LMIGHT Y and e verliving" God, who for the more \ - f| ; *1 9 6 Mw. isj confirmation of the faith 6 didst suffer* thy holy <1 JJ f 20 Job. 9. ' apostle niomas d to be doubtful in thy Son's resurrec- Setr2Qla,fcl * 1{o - 2 ; tion e ; Grant us so perfectly/ and without all doubt* /of 81 Ps.J. SiJo.m.lo. to believe in thy Son Jesus Christ,* that our faith in io,4uTo.l7. iSeeSOf, & thy sight may never be reproved.' Hear us, O Lord, ; * 6 Jo13 - 69 - k l jeel'm n through the same Jesus Christ/ to whom with thee-J' 14 Joh - 14. m 12 He. W, and the holy Ghost, be all honour and glory now and 'f^p 8 "^' |, ]M j for evermore.* Amen. See 186 /. o2iPe.'5.' The Epistle. Ephes. ii. 19-22. n6iiCo. 18; q 5 Joh.z.39; "VfOW therefore ye are no more strangers and 3 ' Jo - * 19lfe /io ; ^ foreigners,' but fellow-citizens'" with the saints, P^Mat.16. of 1 ii Pe. and of the household of God" ; and are built" upon the \ iCo.l7,&. J 9 - 21 - foundation of the apostles p and prophets,' Jesus Christ 3iCo.9-ll. *oT3 I He.3,4. himself being the chief corner-stone 1 " ; in whom all the r ^ ^; 1 16 ' See l6g. building fitly framed together 5 groweth unto an holy f , >3 * ps *' "u 7 Joh"i7 5 ' temple in the Lord'; in whom ye also are builded to- 42 Ez.13*; 23; ' ' gether for an habitation of God, through the Spirit." 3iCo. 16,17; 17 Job. 21; The Gospel. St. John . 24-31. sins"' nun\ nPHOMAS. one of the twelve, called Didymus,- n 10 Mat 3- -* WaS n0t with them when JeSUS came ' 6 The * 20 Job. 19. 21 Job. 2. ' other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen S flOHe - 2 ->- Sec 200 (i. the Lord. c But he said unto them, Except I shall see c 10 Ac. 41. in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger 133 THE CONVERSION OF SAINT PAUL. Jan. 25. into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his d See 13 " * 0f9 JoblO, side,"* I will not believe.' And after eight days^ /iR e ./. 10. "> 27 Mat a g a i n his disciples were within, and Thomas witli See 131 MatTi2, Who art thou, Lord" ? And the Lord said, *" fl * I am Jesus whom thou persecutest : it is hard for thee 40 Job 9*; "lOAe? ll\ to kick a g ainst te pricks." And he trembling and Is. 9 ; ' astonished," 1 said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do- 1 ? J t c Co ^ 0^ "* n< ^ tllG ^ Sa ^ Unt 1 " m ' ^ r ' se ' ! ' an( ^ ' nto tne x 2 Ac 37 city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do. z ^ Is ' j 8 '. And the men which journeyed with him stood speech- 10 Ac. 6. ' 134 THE CONVERSION OF SAINT PAUL. r fl . 25. (o03 \ less, hearing a 1 voice, but seeing no man." And Saul 1 [Gr. the] 10 n 7 arose fr m the earth, and when his eyes were opened he saw no man ; but they led him by the hand, and * ^ *" ^ - c33iiCh.!2, brought him into Damascus.* And he was three days *E 18 without sight, and neither did eat nor drink. And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named e 22 Ge. 1. 1; Ananias, and to him said the Lord in a vision, d#2Da.l9, 31 Ge. 11. Ananias/ 1 And he said, Behold, I am here, Lol.* And the Lord said unto him, Arise,-^ and go into the g 9 Ac. 30. street which is called Straight, and enquire in the i cf 10 Ac. 9, house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus* : for ^^ 29; behold, he prayeth,* and hath seen in a vision' a man ig ni_ ii_ named Ananias, coming in, and putting his hand on 13 ; him, that he might receive his sight. Then Ananias 2 Ac ' k See 202m. an swered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man.y'^J'g.'J!*,; *; how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusa- /i4Exl2,4t. lem*; and here he hath authority from the chief 11 i Co. l. 2; 3Jo e n 7 i b 2 ; P"ests to bind all that call on thy name.' But the 2UTU - 22 - o 21 Ac 19- J J r d said unto him, Go thy way" 1 ; for he is a chosen n j Q^'IS'. 22 Ac. 21. ' vessel unto me," to bear my name before the Gentiles,* 17 Re. M4. 13Ac.l6,<5fc. and kings,* and the children of Israel*: for I will fif4iCo.7. 2SAc.l7, that a 8 tn y only-begotten <* 3 Ge. 15 ; See Ref!.;.' Son 6 was this day presented in the temple c in sub- ^^Sa^c. e45Ps.l4,15; stance of our flesh, d so we may be presented unto /24 Ps. 3 4- 2 He.11-13; thee" with pure and clean hearts/ by the same thy 5 ^ Iat - 8 ; Jude 24. SOQ Jegus Christ Qur Lord Amen *?***?' F0f tkC EpMe - MaL HL J - 5 - /Aols 3 5; 7Lu 27.' "DEHOLD, I will send my messenger/ and he shall 3 Job. l. 28. i5Am.l8,&. -D prepare the way before me A : and the Lord, > 2 Ha S- 7 -; n w^ap^ whom y e seek ' i sha11 suddenly come to his temple^ ; / 4. ' even the messenger of the covenant,* whom ye delight 27. *^8 3 He 'ml' m ' ' behold ' ll6 sha11 C0m6 ' Saith the ^^ f hosts - i^ell See 108/. ^ ut w ^<> ma y abide the day of his coming" ? and who n s Mat 10- n2Hab.i.3. shall stand when he appeareth"? for he is like a re- l2 - ffllfcll? 1 *' finer>s &re ' P and like fullers> soa P- ? And he sha11 sit P ziCo.\i-U. * 61 is. 6 ; as a refiner and purifier of silver' ; and he shall purify r 66 Ps. 10 ; ^R C 'V the sons of Levi,* and purge them as gold and silver, JI^' 3 ^ u 56 Is. 7 : t' iat ^ ie y ma y ^ er unto tue Lord an offering in right- 1 33Je ^ ^. 30Je.l8-20; eousness.' Then shall the offerings of Judah and Je- 44Ez.l5',l6! 20 Ez. 40, rusaiem oe pleasant unto the Lord," as in the days of 7 ii Ch.l,4fc. lOr ancient old, and as in former 1 years." And I will come near ^"jji^- W 5>nT I ' S fi^- to y u * Judgement," 1 and I will be a swift witness^ 23 Mat 13, a5Zec.'4.'' against the sorcerers, y and against the adulterers, 2 and ^- VOrdefraud against false-swear ers, aa and against those that oppress 2 t 62 2J 'is ce 22 Ez. 7. the hireling in his wages, 66 the widow, and the father- & c . l e ss, cc and that turn aside the stranger from his right/" 5Ja. 4. and fear not me," saith the Lord of hosts. (206.) The Gospel. St. Luke ii. 22-40. a!2Le.2,4. AND when the days of her 1 purification, according ICSomeread XJL to the law of Moses," were accomplished, they ' brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the C 14-16^ ' ' Lord* ; (as it is written in the law of the Lord, Every b ^ 17 Mat 22 Ex! 1.29; male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the 20,uz3Mat tV^'i* 9 ' Lord ;) and to offer a sacrifice, according to that which - \^. . a Nu. IS ; . . '. . /..IT j r x _ti j See 205 e. 18 Nu. 15. s said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtle-doves, 136 SAINT MATTHIAS'S DAY. Feb. 24. jf URo. 5. or two young pigeons. d And behold, there was a man d 12 Le. 8. ^isf M* "la ' n J erusa l em / whose name was Simeon ; and the same cf8iiCo.9. ilLu./.-li,07. man was just and devout/ waiting^ for the consolation -^ j ' ? : g. See no r. of Israel* : and the holy Ghost was upon him.' And i Lu. 6; *9 8 ? ^In 48 ' ^ was revea l e d unto him by the holy Ghost/ that he 10 Ao - 2 - m 8 AC 29 sn uld not see death,* before he had seen the Lord's A ^fi^ e i(J.?i See Ref i Christ.' And he came by the Spirit into the temple'" ; , 3 Al ^ ^ 27 Nn. 17; the Lord Jesus went in and out 70 among us, begin- ! 5Joll -27. lYra. 2 ?' ning from the baptism of John,* unto that same day * 3Matl i* > - t/24Lu. 51. t na t ne was ^en up from us/ must one be ordained rl5iCo.3,&. to be a witness with us of his resurrection. 2 And *' (209.) they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was a#6Lu. 12, surnamed Justus, and Matthias. And they prayed, M6iSa. z.7; &&13AC.S. and said> Thon Lord> which knowest the hearts of all g*g^5 c cf 1 Ga. 1. men, 4 shew whether of these two thou hast chosen^ ; that he may take part of this ministry and apostle- r and learn P i4j b. 21 See 251 c,'d. of me" ; for I am meek and lowly in heart* : and ye 23. v> 10 Lu. 39. shall find rest unto your souls. y For my yoke is easy, * 9 Zee. /. 9. 6 Je. 16. and my burden is light. 1 zl u Co. 5; 12 iiCo./. 9; 4 Pb. 13. See 13 d. 138 THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. March 25. (210.) The Collect. "lafco 1 ?]- \\7~ E beseech thee ' Lord ' p ur th y race into bSeeZ2a - OiiCo.1. ** our hearts," that as we have known the in- d ...? ' 4 > 5 J U ff0f e "ju.36, -^ -* saying, Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God ? ; h#6iiCh.18, &c. ask it either in the depth," or in the height above.* H Job 7,8, ^y;^ But Ahaz said, I will not ask/ neither will! tempt i^A^a. rf the Lord. J And he said, Hear ye now, O house of j % M a i. 17. 4 S^. 115 ''' David* ; Is it a small thing for you to weary men,' i38jich 16 iiki! 8-11. but will ye weary my God also'"? Therefore the gf 12 Mat! ft 21 ii Ch. 7. Lord himself shall give you a sign" ; Behold, a virgin 39, 40. in? Am. "is shall conceive and bear a Son," and shall call 3 his pSls. J. 8; 31 JP. 22. ' name Immanuel/ Butter and honey shall he eat,' 3 { ^i. ie. 30ruO that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose See1\\n. T the good/ ' r2Lu.52; q 7 Is. 22. The Gospel. St. Luke i. 26-38. He '- f - l4 - (211.) AND in the sixth month" the angel Gabriel was a 1 Lu. 21. J\. sent from God 6 unto a city of Galilee named & 1 Lu. 19. 7 J h 41 Nazareth/ to a virgin'' espoused to a man whose d See 210 o. ' name was Joseph, of the house of David* ; and the t:3Lu.23-31. ... \ T /,,, , . fl Ln 4 5 Sc Ref. q. virgin s name was Mary/ And the angel came in- 7 * g 9 Da.21,22; linto lier, and said/ Hail, thou that art highly * Or roc *- 10 Da. 19. favoured,' the Lord is with thee* : blessed art thou %ted? C ' 1 5 Ju. 24. among women.' And when she saw him she was Ormuch troubled at his saying,J and cast in her mind what ^'jjp <: 'g ft 10 Ac. 17. manner of salutation this should be.* And the angel ^ g j n 12 said unto her, Fear not, Mary ; for thou hast found j 10 Ac. 4. favour with God.' And behold, thou shalt conceive 1 44 1*. 2. m See 32 e. jn thy womb, and bring forth a Son, and shalt call o#lLu./15, i)i s name JESUS." He shall be great/ and shall be n See 88 J, q. called the Son of the Highest*; and the Lord God P 5 Mar. 7. $132 Ps. 11; shall give unto him the throne of his father David.* ,- 30Je' fl'- And he shall reign over the 4iouse of Jacob for ever'; r j5. ' 3 Ke. 7. ' and of his kingdom there shall be no end/ Then 49 G. 8.4t See 220 n. g-jjjj ]vf arv Un t the angel, How shall this be, seeing 110 P8t2> 'iSt'u' I know not a man' ? And the angel answered and <5?3Joh.4,4b. said unto her, The holy Ghost shall come upon thee, Ste **' * M 17 P. /. 8. and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee" : See 151 o. therefore also that holy thing" which shall be born of ^'e Is'-ua! w 1 Mar. 1 ; thee shall be called the Son of God." And behold, See 251 n. 1 Job. 31. t |jy cous i n Elizabeth, she hath also conceived a son in 139 SAINT MARK'S DAY. April 25. her old age ; and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren 1 : for with God nothing shall beim- a; 1 Lu.7,18. 9 18 Ge. 14 ; possible.* And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of z 13 Ju. 12 , 11 Nu. 23.' the Lord ; be it unto me according to thy word.* 7 " Sa * a5 - And the angel departed fiom her. SAINT MARK'S DAY. (212.) The Collect, a 4ii Co. 6. /~\ ALMIGHTY God," who hast instructed thy holy 6 See Ref. z. Sf? 1 "*: 1 : 6 - V^ Church 6 with the heavenly doctrine' of thy Evan- <* ,^* D Ref - '* eSJa./. 17: ,. . . , ,, , A ,-,. J r"5 x / 16 Ho. 25- 1 iPe.i.l2. g e "st Saint Mark" ; Give us grace, that being not 27, e4iiTi. 3,4; like children carried away with every blast of vain 2 Col. 6,7; la^H* *9 ' Doctrine,* we ma y De established in the truth of thy See 213 g. holy gospel,-^" through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. See63a-e. 4-12100,7,46. The Epistle. Ephes. iv. 7-16. *pi?it gf 3 Joh.34. JJNTO every one of us? is given grace,* according * 2 Co! - 15 - 1 Or a mull ^ ^ ie measure f the gift of Christ.' Wherefore n g jjf, ' 33' titi>d" of he saith,-' When he ascended up on high,* he led cap- &c. 62. , C< 16*j"h 7 t ' v ' t y' captive,' and gave gifts unto men. (Now that ^H^'/lg. 8 P. 5 ; ' h e ascended, what is it but that he also descended 9 He. 24. 139 Ps. 15. first" into the lower parts of the earth" ? He that de- 2 Or fulfil *14 iCo ifc scen ded is the same also that ascended up far above all 4 jj xi m .S. it 3 Je. 15. heavens/ that he might fill 2 all things.') And he gave v 13 Ac. 1. * 14 Ac. 22; S ome apostles,*" and some prophets,* and some evan- ^A^^i 3 ' &c. 29! ' gelists,' and some pastors* and teachers" ; for the per- 5 it Co./.is! 12iiCo./.19. fecting of the saints," for the work of the ministry,' *10oLJL2t (213.) for the edifying* of the body of Christ 1 ; till we all l^if'eAS. a 32 Je./.39. come J Q I j^g un jty o f th e faith," and of the knowledge 2 Or age ^l.poV 28 ; of the Son of God,* unto a perfect man, c unto the l^ 60 ,";'' 3uTi. 17. r ,, i rt v < i r rn. -_u i ,/loRo. 17, . . _ _ measure of the stature ot the fulness of Christ" ; that 18; 14 i Co. 20;' we henceforth be no more children,' tossed to and fro, H " Co - 4, 5 He.12-14. and carried about with every wind of doctrine,-^ by 2 Col 4 8 5l Ps -9; the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby g(f3Ja. 4, 24 Mat. 24; they lie in wait to deceive 8 ' ; but speaking the truth 3 ^ 9 r bein & 2 ii Pe. 18. in love,* may grow up* into him in all things, which is j, see 148 a. 14 Ho. 5,6. the head, even Christ^ : from whom* the whole body J 1 Ep-22; agg f> e c 71.... , , ,, J l Col 18 *SeeRefp fitlyjomed to g ether > and compacted by that which zl2 iCo.21-26. & c . ' every joint supplieth, according to the effectual work- n 4 Mai. 1.2. m 3 Ep. 7. ing in the measure of every part, maketli increase" J^^ g. o 8 i Co. 1. 1. of the body, unto the edifying of itself in love." e Zee. 12. ' The Gospel. St. John xv. 1-11. ^ c . ^finV 8 ^' T '^^ ^ ie tme vme ' P and m y F^her is the hus- r 3 Mat. 10; 01 Is. {.-4 -^- bandman.s Every branch in me that beareth not 2\ Jo^ig 19 ' s 27 Is. 7-9; fruit he taketh away*" ; and every branch that beareth 1 22 ii Sa.33; 3 ^Re 1 ' W ^ ru ^ t ' ne P ur S et h it* that it may bring forth more i 1 ^ 1 *?',^' ^'ee301c,4fc. fruit.' Now ye are clean through the word which I gfeW2o v 140 SAINT PHILIP AND SAINT JAMES May 1. u!7Joh. 17; have spoken unto you." Abide in me," and I in you." " p< ' As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it w See 148 *. a jji,j e ; n the vine ; no more can ye, except ye abide (214") i me - x I am tlie vine, ye are the branches. He* alviKo.5. that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth * 9 ! ??J 8 'J[{ . 1 Or severed ^ ort ' 1 muc ^ fruit* ; for without 1 me ye can do no- j n p e . g. ' from thing. c If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as rf j_ Ez g_ 10 26 Is. 12. a branch, and is withered 1 * ; and men gather them, and 13Mat41, cast them i nto the nre > an( * t ' ie y are burned.' If gfsJoto.S?' 42 j ye abide in me, and my words abide in you/ ye shall 20 Re. 115. ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.* ^Hag. 8 ^lOPr'is*' Herein is my Father glorified,* that ye bear much i 5 Mat is -fruit*; so shall ye be my disciples.- 7 As the Father 1 Ph. il. ' hath loved me,* so have I loved you' : continue ye in ' 15 Joh> 13 - A 3 Mat. 17. my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall n 14 Job. 15, m2iiPe.21; abide in my love"; even as I have kept my Father's H 1 -' ^ , > Jude 21. , , .-j .- i a rr-i ^i 7:Uo.l9; commandments, and abide in his love." These things 2 i Jo. 5. o 17 Job. 4. nave i S p ken unto you, that my joy might remain in lPh 25.26; you? and that your joy might be full.* 17 Job it 5 i Th. 16. _ SAINT PHILIP AND SAINT JAMES'S DAY The Collect. O ALMIGHTY God, whom truly to know is t See 216 /-n. everlasting life* ; Grant us perfectly to know * Joh.43^t Son JeSUS Ch " st to be the Wa y the truth ' and 22. . . the life,' that following the steps of thy holy See 216 r. u2Pr.20; a postles," Saint Philip" and Saint James, 10 we may *7 7 \r\ 1 i$!' 4 i Co. 16. stedfastly walk in the way that leadeth to eternal 2 Ac. 42;' s218<. x ti, e sam e thy Son Jesus Christ our 6 He. 11,12. # ' . /o j 5 \ The Epistle. St. James i. 1 -1 2. b 1 Ko. 1. a 13 Mat 55- TAMES" a servant of God, and of the Lord Jesus d 3 Es. 8; 12Ac.jn.l7! ftl Christ, 6 to the twelve tribes' which are scattered 7 Job - 35 - c 26 Ac. 7. abroad,'' greeting.' My brethren, count it all joy / ^ 2 " < - !o - ^ 23 Ac. 26. when ye fall into divers temptations-^; knowing this, , ." _ g 22 Ge. !,&. that the trying of your faith* worketh patience.* But i jj Th. 4,' 5. **^ Ps - ^ ; let patience have her perfect work,' that ye may be j 5 Mat 48. *28Jobl2 St. P er f ec t an d entire, wanting nothing.^ If any of you $ 19 ^ at - m 15 Lu. 20 ^ ac ^ wisdom,* let him ask of God,' that giveth to all ' ' . &c. ' men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be rfiix'i.m. 2 i XL J. 8; given him." But let him ask in faith, nothing waver 17. He. 6. jjjgo . f or ne that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, n 11 Lu.9,&. 9 21 Pr. 27. driven ^th the wind, and tossed.'' For let not that P 57 Is. 20. *2 Mai lb man thi"' 1 that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.* r7 Ho.11,16; 1 Or glory A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways/ J^jgb^ 3 Ph. TO. 3. Let the brother 1 of low degree rejoice 1 in that he s 1 2 i Sa. 8 u 6 i Ti. 17. exalted* ; but the rich in that he is made low" ; 9 Je" 24. ' 141 SAINT BARNABAS THE APOSTLE-Je 1 1 to 40 Is. 6,7; because as the flower of the grass he shall pass away." 37 Ps. 2, 13 Mat. 6. For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, ^'r 36 ;,.,, y 119 Ps. 71, but it withereth the grass, and the flower thereof "' ' 8Ro 18 &. falleth ' and the ? race of the fashion of it perished" 1 : 73 p g la'^j See 120 u,e. so also shall the rich man fade away in his ways/ 12 Lu. 21 ; Blessed^ i s the man that endureth z temptation ; for 5 Ja - * ** luTco".! 1 ! when he is tried, 2 "" he shall receive the crown of life, 66 zlOMat.i.22; which the Lord hath promised" to them that love him. rfd \^ f l ? \ , aa\ i Pe.6,7. bb 2 Ro. 7 ; cc 1 1 Ro. 6 ; dd 5 Ps. 11 ; 5 i" i J See 205 r. 9 i Co. 25. 2 Re. 1. 10. 4 i Jo. 19. . . The Gospel. St. John xiv. 1-14. a 42 Ps 5 who didst endue thy holy Sec Ref./. V- / apostle Barnabas" with singular gifts of the 142 SAINT JOHN BAPTIST'S DAY-Jtme 24. holy Ghost 6 ; Leave us not, we beseech thee, desti- j, 2 He 4 c 141 Ps 8 tute ^ tnv man ifld gifts, 17 nor yet of grace to use^UiCo. 12: 12 i Co. 3l! them alway to thy honour and glory , d through Jesus 4 j Ti. 14 ; Christ our Lord. Amen. rfiOL-^io For the Epistle. Acts xi. 22-30. L. l riUDINGS of these things came unto the ears of e 8 Ac. 1,14; -*- t' ie Church which was in Jerusalem' ; and they/. 9 * c> 27 11 Ac. 1. sent forth Barnabas/ that he should go as far as An- i5Ac.22, m an d foil f the holy Ghost, ^ 22 jVs 5 12 Mat. 35.' and of faith" : and much people was added unto the See 265 to. o 5 Ac. 14. Lord." Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek n 6 Ac. 3, 5. Q U Ac. 23, Saul/ And when he had found him, he brought him pSee 2u3g. "*' unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole i Or in *2i; year they assembled themselves with 1 the Church," r 10 Mar. 1. 1 i Co. 2; and taught much people 1 ': and the disciples were * ^ Ac. 32; I JiT? 1 - 5 ' called Christians* first in Antioch. And in these days ^Ep !!'.!^ 4 iPe.14,16; came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch.' And See 170 r. 2i Jo. 20, 27. there stood up one of them named Agabus," and 24 Nu 2,&. See2Uk 2 ' signified by the Spirit." that there should be great l^Y*' 21 Ac. 10. dearth throughout all the world 1 * ; which came to pass x 2 Ezr. 69; >41Ge.30: in the days of Claudius Cesar. Then the disciples, i?.L Co ,;l ; ITiKiliSfc. j- L u- L-i-i xi t. ji/ j. 8nCo.2,&. 8 K 1 eveI T man according to his ability, determined' to 12. n 9 ii Co. 7. send re li e f unto tue brethren which dwelt in Judea. z * 15 Bo. 26, aa 15 Ac. 4 ; Which also they did, and sent it to the elders"" by the _ 5 i Ti. 17. hands of Barnabas and Saul. See223g-j. /2ie ) The Go spe l - St. John xv. 12-16. a 13 Job 13 npHIS is my commandment," That ye love one ji2Ro. 10; c See 98a,4t. -*- another,* as I have loved you. c Greater love 2 i Jo. 7,fc. c 2 Ja. 12-23. hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life d * *' ^ 8> e 20 Job. . for his friends. d Ye are my friends,' if ye do what- / 3 Mar - 35 - soever I command you/ Henceforth I call you not * & 18Qe.l7, ' servants? 5 f r tne servant knoweth not what his lord . i 7 j i, 515 < doeth* : but I have called you friends' ; for all things 1 Col. 28. ' *9Ro.lo,iJt. that I have heard of my Father I have made known j 22 Ac. 14. See 155 fc. unto you.-' Ye have not chosen me,* but I have n ]\ p r< 3 0; m See 203 n. chosen you,' and ordained you,'" that ye should go S5Is.lO-13; o 78 Ps. 4-7 and bring forth fruit," and that your fruit should re- ij^'j li?i I u''K main": that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father hi . allHe.(.4, , . .' 3Ep.l4,4fe. iliiPe.15. my name, he may give it you.^ r gf JQ j e .21. /H. afa J\. SAINT JOHN BAPTISTS DAY. The Collect. ALMIGHTY God, by whose providence thy ser- vant John Baptist was wonderfully born,' 143 SAINT JOHN BAPTIST'S DAY-Jwne 24. and sent to prepare the way of thy Son our Saviour/ r See 319 $. 1 3 Mat.l,4b by preaching of repentance*; Make us so to follow' 1 13 He . 7 !| A C. 24. iij s doctrine and holy life," that we may truly repent See2Sl e. *. ' according to his preaching," and after his example 3 Lu. 3-18. tv 10 Job.41. constantly speak the truth," 7 boldly rebuke vice,* and x 14Mat.3,4. yUMat.10 P at ' ent ^y suffer for the truth's sake,** through Jesus 51x1.20. & . Christ our Lord. Amen. 2 Tit. 15. a 31 Je 6 &. F T tke E P istle - Isaiah ^1. 1 -1 1 . ]Zec.l2-'l /"COMFORT ye, comfort ye my people," saith your c 2 Ho. 14. V^ God. 6 Speak ye comfortably 1 to Jerusalem/ b 17 Ge. /. 8. C 29 JVlO.ll.' and cr y unto her ' d tllat her warfare2 is accomplished ; l He - to tjle g 61 Is. 7*; that her iniquity is pardoned^ : for she hath received a 's"' e Ref.a;. Q S ^ 6 li' ^ t' ie Lord's hand double for all her sins/ The voice 2 Or ap- i 44 Is. 28. of him that crieth in the wilderness,* Prepare ye the ^^, ted See 220 x. way of the Lord,' make straight in the desert a high- $ 4 Nu.23. 3 O/a" W ' wa y for our GoA - i Ever Y valley shall be exalted,*/ 12 , j^ 13 ' straight and every mountain and hill shall be made low,' and j \\ i s .'i6; ' , . place. places plain. 4 "' And the glory of the Lord shall be ^ j j^' 34 . MI 42 Is. 16; revealed," and all flesh shall see it together" : for the 4 Zee. 7. 4 | 2 I j' 2 j . mouth of the Lord hath spoken it? The voice said, l02Ps. 16: 2 Zee.' 13.' Cry . And he said, What shall I cry ? All flesh is i job 14. rass > r and a ^ ^e goodliness thereof is as the flower P 1 Is. l. 20. 119 Ps.89; of the field/ The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, 13 Mar. 31. because the Spirit of the Lord bloweth upon it': 16. ^6Mat.l9, sure i y t h e p e0 pi e { 9 gragg. The grass withereth, the ; sa 10- ^ atner Zacharias was filled with the holy Ghost, and 2 Joel 28;' 29 Eze. 2l! prophesied/ saying, Blessed be the Lord God of 1 Ye. 21. Israel* : for he hath visited and redeemed his people,' o 49 Ge. 10; and hath raised up an horn of salvation'* for us in the l f ^*' gj" } !4 Lu. 27, house of his servant David" ; as he spake by the ill Pg. 9.' mouth of his holy prophets," which have been since q 106 Ps. 45. the world began ; that we should be saved from our ra89 P s - 3 >&- enemies/ and from the hand of all that hate us ; to gee 353 7. *oQQe3- P er f orm the mercy promised to our fathers, 3 and to 7 De. 8, i'2; remember his holy covenant 1 ' ; the oath which he sware p '' ^ 11 Je. 5. to our father Abraham, 5 that he would grant unto us, r 9,3 Le 42 . IE 4 ' *' ia * we ' b e ' n 8 delivered out of the hands of our 45 ^ *2 Tit. 14.' enemies, might serve him without fear,' in holiness 162z - 8 i 60 - and righteousness" before him all the days of our life." ( 51 Jg j 4 "iLu 32 35. -^ nt l tnou ' child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest'" : for thou shalt go before the face of the v 6 De. 2 : yiJoh.15.4fc. Lord to prepare his ways* ; to give knowledge of sal- 32Je - 3 9. 4 <>. t-t n m vation unto his people/ by the remission of their ,. > .,, -, flfZ'iiJo.y.iu. . * i Mai. i. sins,' through the tender mercy of our God, whereby cc 26 Ac. 18; the Day -spring from on high hath visited us" ; to sl Ac - 43 - give light to them that sit in darkness" and in the bb 4 Mai. 2; ee 3 Pr. 17 ; shadow of death/' 1 ' to guide our feet into the way of 22 Be - 16 - ? ^q? 1 ' P eace -" And the child grew, and waxed strong in ^ Iat - (221.) a l Job. 40- SAINT PETER'S DAY. 1 Mar 16 The Collect. 29; ' ' i \ ALMIGHTY God, who by thy Son Jesus s^lar. 14, \J Christ didst give to thy apostle Saint Peter" ; c 21 Job. 15- many excellent gifts, 6 and commandedst him earnestly 2 Ga. /. 8 ; 17. to feed thy flock* 1 ; Make, we beseech thee, all 1 " Pe - 1 ' 3 - 'nTh!'5- 2 l 4 0; Bish P s and Pasto " diligently to preach thy holy * i 1'ii. 13:' word/ and the people obediently to follow the same,' 2 ii Ti. 15.' 2He.l,&. 145 L SAINT PETER'S DAY June 2'J. that they may receive the crown of everlasting glory / /12 Da. 3; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. _ For the Epistle. Acts xii. 1-11. ,See373a-g. - Or began A BOUT that time Herod the king stretched forth g 10 Mat. 17, -*- his hands' to vex certain of the Church/ And 18 ; he killed James the brother of John A with the sword.' A ? * **- 23t 15 Job. 20. i j i . i j ,, T i i_ ** 2 '^ a - . IT- in -^ n "> because he saw it pleased the Jews/ he pro- ' ' ceeded further to take Peter also.* (Then were thej2iAc. 27. ' s ''' ' days of unleavened bread.') And when he had ap- m 22 Lu.33; prehended him, he put him in prison," 1 and delivered * Sec 11 b. 5 Ac. 18. jjj m to f our quarternions of soldiers to keep him," Z PMWV&\ intendin 8 after Easter 2 to bring him forth to the peo- "s^H. 19*p'Tl P^ e ' Peter therefore was kept in prison ; but prayer 3 Or inttant was ma ^ e without ceasing 3 of the church unto God p 62 Is. 6, 7 ; andeaniest for him.*" And when Herod would have brought him *| Jjg ^ 6 ' prayerwas forth, the same night' Peter was sleeping 1 " between 5 Ja. 16.' 32 De 36 ^ wo s ldiers, bound with two chains* ; and the keepers * 21 Ac. 33. before the door kept the prison.* And behold, the r ^ s '3> ' 9fi u 31 Ps 7 an S e ' f the Lord came upon him," and a light shined g6 is li,4~. ' 5 Ac. 19 ;' in the prison" ; and he smote Peter on the side, and . , 23 o 7 A $v> 23 ' ra i se d him up, saying, Arise up quickly." And his *' chains fell off from his hands.* And the angel said 43 Ez - ' 2 ; &c 9 l0 ' unto him Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals : and i 8 Ke.' L l! . so he did. y And he saith unto him, Cast thy garment about thee, and follow me. And he went out and x 16 Ac. 26. 4 [Or knew ] followed him 2 ; and wist 4 not that it was true which foTpTu 2 ^ (222 ) was done by the angel; but thought he saw a vision." 142 Ps. 6'.7. a5fl2CPs.l, When they were past the first and the second ward, &12iiCo.2, they came unto the iron gate that leadeth unto the zfi(fn city, which opened to them of his own accord* ; and b rf 38 Job 17; keys of the kingdom of heaven y : and whatsoever thou Sef 228 38 Is. 10. shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and ~ is Mat. 18; j/2 Ac. 14.&. whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in 5 i Co. 4, 5. 1 Ae.34,dfc. heaven z See 137 ^ 0f22Is. 22. '" _ SAINT JAMES THE APOSTLE. (223.) The Collect. GRANT, O merciful God, that as thine holy apostle Saint James," leaving his father and all 621Joh.:.22. ! ' that he had, without delay was obedient unto the call- See 199 *'* 2r.)o'l5-17 1 . ig f thy Son Jesus Christ, and followed him* ; so^SRo. 6, 7; gf 19 Mat. we forsaking all worldly and carnal affections, rf may 5 Ga. 24. See 1*8 7 ke evermore* ready to follow thy holy command- < g Ro. 19 ; e 6 Ga 9 ments/ through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 22 Ke. 11.' 5iTh.'rt.i5. For the Epistle. Acts xi. 27-30, and xii. 1-3. g AboutA.n. TN those days^ came prophets* from Jerusalem unto 7i23Mat.31. *! JL Antioch. And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the Spirit, that there should be great dearth throughout all the world ; which came i About A.I). to pass in the days of Claudius Cesar.' Then the dis- ciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judea. Which also they did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.-' Now about that time J Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex cer- tain of the Church. And he killed James the brother * See 221 J. of John with the sword.* And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further' to take Peter isce'221g-k. also.' J*'L The Gospel. St. Matth. xx. 20-28. 45. HT1HEN came to him" the mother of Zebedee's & 27 Mat. 50; JL children* with her sons, worshipping him, and 15 Mar " 40 ' c 28 Mat. m. desiring a certain thing of him.'* And he said %c 31 & her ' What wilt thou ' ? She Saith UDt hitn> Grant tllut 1. these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right hand, f$ p g g lar/.5l. and tj)e other on the left>/ in thy kingdom e But Jesus /t 45 Je 'y' 5 . 5l7Lu.20,21- answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask.* Are 4 Ja./. 3. ' 19 Lu. 11; ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, 1 and . 10 Lu 50 1 Ac. 6. to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized 0T22iiSa.5, i 14 Mar.36. with-' ? They say unto him, We are able.* And he &69Ps.l,2. un to them, Ye shall drink indeed of -my cup, ' 1 R See 236/. c 19 Mat. 13. and set him in the midst of them/ and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, d ye shall not enter into the kingdom of d 14 iCo.20; e 3 Job. 3. heaven. 6 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself 2 i Pe - 2 - as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom g 10 Mat. 42; of heaven/ And whoso shall receive one such little / 131Fs.la,2& fc 14 c '"^ ^ n m y nai "e> receiveth me.*" But whoso shah ' offend one of these little ones* which believe in me, h 105 Ps. 15; it were better for him that a millstone were hanged 9 ?g C ' TO J '^.' t of20Ge.7 & about his neck, and that he were drowned in the i4Ro.13.4fc- siGe.24,29. depth of the sea.' Woe unto the world because of 8iCo.9,4t. 150 SAINT LUKE THE EVANGELIST Oct. 18. ft 13 Mar. m. offences^: for it must needs be that offences come 4 ; j 2 i Sa. J.24; 1'\. T - j biit woe to that man by whom the offence cometh.' erri 2 !- See 120 i. Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut 2iiPe. 2,3. them off, and cast them from thee'" : it is better for i 13 Mat.m. "2 Is 20; thee to enter into life halt or maimed," rather than Is M t 24- 18Lu.2l,<5t. having two hands or two feet to be cast into ever- 2 Re. 14,16] 33 Is / 14- lastin S fire - And if thine e >' e offend thee, pluck it 20-23. 14Re .10,11.' out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to n 13 Mat44. see 156 p. enter into life with one eye, rather than having two 46> " Ki - > 1 Lu. 19. ' the face of my Father which is in heaven.* g.'c 221 u. SAINT LUKE THE EVANGELIST. The Collect. A LMIGHTY God, who calledst Luke the phy- u " !!'_,.' .z\_ sician/ whose praise is in the gospel," to be an ,* * w tf 4 n Ti. .... , . F . r ,. r ' ., l Lu. 3. 1 1 , & Phile. evangelist," and physician of the soul w ; M ay it please See ^30 c . l. 24, w. 10 thee, that by the wholesome medicines of the doc- x 47 E Z . 12; ^ 1 p'*i trine* delivered by him, all the diseases of our souls 2 Mi. 7; V \l Je. 14. ' ma y be healed,' through the merits of thy Son Jesus 6 | ^.j* g* 5 " See 137 bb. Christ our Lord. Amen. See 227 i. (230.) Tfte Epistle. 2 Tim. iv. 5-15. a 20 An. 31 ; TTTATCH thou in all things," endure afflictions,* 6 1 ii Ti.Z.8. 3 of e ; 2 ' Q ^ ' do the work of an evangelist, 6 make full proof \ f//"^' c 21 Ac. 8; r i ,, . . . rf , , , , _ r ,,dl5Ko.M9; 4 Ep.m.ll. * thy ministry." 1 For! am now ready to be offered/ j col.23; e 2 Ph. 17. and the time of my departure is at hand/ I have 4 Col. 17. 2 [Gr. d but tne labourers are few- 7 '; pray ye therefore / 34 Ez. S,6. 2 Re 1 ' ^ ie -k r( i f the harvest/ that he would send forth' 1 '* 8 Ac. 4 ; i 11 Nu 29- l aDourers into his harvest. 1 Go your ways; behold, Ac. 4. 68Ps.ll.'! send you forth as lambs among wolves.- 7 Carry j 2 Eze. ; See 42 v. neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes,* and salute no 3 ^ e P' 3 - *& ^ Iat 9 ' man D 7 the way.' And into whatsoever house ye 1 4 Ki. 29 ; o*? o, R enter, first say, Peace be to this house.'" And if the TO 25 l oa. o. ! , , jtSiTh f23- o 35 Ps. 1.13; son * peace" be there, your peace shall rest upon it : 3 y Th'/iie! 2 ii Co. 15 r if not, it shall turn to you again." And in the same See'25i i>. ^'r house remain,? eating and drinking such things as ^6 Mar. 10. ^6 Ga. 6 ' they give : for the labourer is worthy of his hire. 5 iii Jo. 8. * 10 Mat. 4; SAINT SIMON 5 AND SAINT JUDE,' f tlierefore the world hateth you.* He- '* See 157 a. member the word that I said unto you, The servant 1 25 Mat ' 24) is not greater than the lord* : if they have perse- cuted me, they will also persecute you- 7 ; if they have J 2 i Th - 13> 3 i Co% ' ^ e P* m y sa Y' n g' * ae y >w ^^ keep your's also.* But all 1 R 28 t' iese things will they do unto you for my name's 68 Is. is ; ' See 122 6. sake,' because they know not him that sent me. If 10 Mat. 18. 1 Or excute I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not n 2 Eze. 5 ; o o Joh.41. had sin" : but now they have no cloke 1 for their sin." 3 2 j^*' 1 ^ 7; 1) Mat 33- He that hateth me hateth m y Father also.'' If I had p 8 Jo h. 42 ; 10 Lu. 13 ' n t done among them the works which none other man 2 i Jo. 23. 19 Lu. 37! did,? they had not had sin' ; but now have they both r 2 He. 3; * 6 Joh. 36. seen/ and hated,' both me and my Father." But this ^" e ' 2 , 5 ' J "settle li cometh to P ass > that the word mi S ht be fulfilled that *J siPs 13, ^ is written" in their law, They hated me without a &c. ' ' ' cause .* But when the Comforter is come, whom I 35 Ps. 19 ; will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceeded! from the Father, he shall testify of me. And ye also shall bear witness, because y See 146 -- ye have been wi'th me from the beginning.* (234.) ALL SAINTS' DAY. The Collect. "12 H?i23 5; i~\ ALMIGHTY God, who hast knit together thine MEp . 15)lc . 1 i Pe. 2.' ^-^ elect" in one communion and fellowship/' in the 2 Col. 2,'l9! c 12 i Co. 12, mystical body* of thy Son Christ our Lord d ; Grant d It Co. 9 ; ^E* 30 us 8 race ^ to follow* thy blessed saints-^ in all vir- jfjo'^ 8 ' e 4 Ph. 9 ; tuous and godly living/ that we may come to those See2Uj,m. 3iiTh!/.7,9. unspeakable joys, A which thou hast prepared for them/ 14 Re. 13. -^Tit! 7^' that "nfeignedly love thee,' through Jesus Christ our A 35 I.10; "i 6 Ep. 24; Lord. Amen. For the Epistle. Rev. vii. 2-12. y of 7 Ac 30 k 43 Ez./ 2. /LND I saw another angel- 7 ascending from the east,* 32. j. having the seal of the living God' ; and he cried * 1 HCo.22; lEp.13. 153 ALL SAINTS' DAY Nov. 1. with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was n 65 Is. 8; in 7 Re. 1. given to hurt the earth, and the sea,'" saying, Hurt 9 Re - * not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees," till we ^ olIE-s. 13 23- ^ ave sea ^ e( ^ tne servants of our God in their fore- 9 Eze. 2^4 ;' heads." And I heard the number*" of them which were p 9 Re. 16. 3 Mai. 18. sealed ; and there were sealed an hundred and forty <7 14 Re. 1,3. anc * four thousand,' of all the tribes of the children of r 47 Ez 13 . Israel/ 48 Ez.' 31.' e 10 Nu. 14. Of the tribe of Juda 1 were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thou- sand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nephthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thou- sand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thou- sand. Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thou- sand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thou- sand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand. (235.) After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude," 60 f 8 4 8 ' an< * t' ie f ur Deasts 5 an d fell before the 115 Ps. 1. ' throne on their faces, and worshipped God/ saying, JJ Ps - 20 > i 5 Re. 8, 12. Amen* ; Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanks- jg Re 4> ^ It 5 Re. 14. giving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever.' Amen. " w?iSf ! (236.) The Gospel. St. Matth. v. 1-12. 4 Mat. 25. TESUS, seeing the multitudes, went up into a ** mountain*; and when he was set, his disciples M5Mat.29. ^20-26 ' came unto him." And he opened his mouth, and 31Ps 618 tau g nt them, d saying, Blessed are the poor in spirit': m 15 Ps. 1,2; called the children of God." Blessed are they which '^Pr' Jf 2 Ph 15 are P ersecu ted for righteousness' sake'': for their's is $f 23 Mat. a 2 ii Ti 12 ^ ie kingdom of heaven.' Blessed are ye, when '^5-28. I GT. lying men sna ll revile you, and persecute you, and shall "j^ jio'l9- ' all manner of evil against you r falsely 1 * for my 3 ja. 16-18. u 5 Ac. 41 ; sake/ Rejoice and be exceeding glad" ; for great pSiiTi.11,12; 16 Ac. 25; j s your re ward in heaven": for so persecuted they 3iJo.J. 12. 2 Ph. 17,18. ,, ',.,., , c rSe!62< See215f.h, ihe prophets which were before you." V, fc. t) 58 Ps. 11 ; 11 Pr. 1. 18. See 161 o. w 13 i Ki. 4 ; 19 i Ki. 2,10. * g 204 THE ORDER FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER, OR HOLY COMMUNION. So many as intend to be partakers of the holy Communion shall signify their names to the Curate, at least some time the day before. And if any of those be an open and notorious evil liver, or have done any wrong to his neighbours by word or deed, so that the Congregation be thereby offended ; the Curate, having knowledge thereof, shall call him and advertise him, that in any wise he presume not to come to the Lord's Table, until he hath openly declared himself to have truly repented and amended his former naughty life, that the Congregation may thereby be satisfied, which befcre were offended ; and that lie hath recompensed the parties, to whom he hath dome wrong ; or at least declare himielf to be in full purpose so to do, as soon as he conveniently may. [See Nos. 245 & 246.] The same order shall the Curate use with those betwixt whom he perceiveth malice and hatred to reign; not suffering them to be partakers of the Lord's Table, until he know them to be reconciled. And if one of the parties so at variance be content to forgive from the bottom of his heart all that the other hath tres- passed against him, and to make amends for that he himself hath offended ; and the other party will not be persuaded to a godly unity, but remain still in his frowardness and malice : the Minister in that case ought to admit the penitent person to the holy Communion, and not him that is obstinate. Provided that every Minister so repelling any, as is specified in this, or the next precedent paragraph of this Kubrick, shall be obliged to give an account of the same to the Ordinary within fourteen days after at the farthest. And the Ordinary shall proceed against the offending person according to the Canon. The Table, at the Communion-time having a fair white linen cloth upon it, shall stand in the body of the Church, or in the Chancel, where Morning and Evening Prayer are appointed to be said. And the Priest standing at the north side of the Table shall say the Lord's Prayer, with the Collect following, the People kneeling. 155 (237.) THE COMMUNION, a 4 Go. 4-7; e 5 iTh.US. we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us .^ ^ l Co- g I iTh.MO. not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil/ Amen. / 2 i Jo. 12. i23JobflO- The Collect. 42 Job /.2;' A LMIGHTY God, unto whom all hearts be open/' ^iS^f- r^mp^'s -*^~ a ^ Desires known,' and from whom no secrets 8iKi.39 ; ' ut 40 Is. 27.' are hid- 7 ; Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts* by the l^ 6 ' See 259 6. inspiration of thy holy Spirit,' that we may per- ^34*^21 2 2- % 1 Is. 25 ; fectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy 5 Pr. 21; 15 Mat. 18, N ame) through Christ our Lord. Amen. $ ^ See 151 ij. wi 22 Mat. 37. See 155 o. .29Ps.2. Then sJiall the Priest, turning to the People, rehearse distinctly all the TEN COM- MANDMENTS [31 De. 11-13; 8 Ne. 1, &c.]; and the People still kneeling shall, after every Commandment, ask God mercy for their transgression thereof for the time past, and grace to keep the same for the time to come, asfolloweth. n 4De.32,33,3G; 50 Ps. 1-7 ; 2 Ja./.ll.] Minister. lp 3 Ex.6,14. r 28De.U ; 7 ii Sa.22 ; or m the earth beneath, or in the water 10 ' Je 2) ^. 42 is. 8J17; under the earth. 6 Thou shalt not bow down to them, c 8 Eze. iu ; 19 Ac,26,*x' nor worship them rf : for I the Lord thy God am a a^'^U : C 9K T' X ' 24 ' J ea ^ ous God," and visit the sins of the fathers upon 5 j j . 21 17 HKi.35- tn e children unto the third and fourth generation of ^^ e - 10 - 44 Is. 9, 4t! them that hate me/ and shew mercy unto thousands ^4 &3ph.3" e 34 Ex. 14- in them that love me, and keep my commandments/ / 34 Ex. 7 ; 17: g 4De. 37; 7De.9,10; 11 Ro. 28,29. 21 Job 19; mS3& pe P le - J-*" 1 ' have merc y U P D us '" and incline Mkt. 24 Jos. 19. our hearts to keep this law.* 36. i 2H^1719- Minister - Thou shalt not take the Name of the gri8Ez.2, 14 Ho. 8. ' Lord thy God in vain- 7 : for the Lord will not hold h 32' E X . 31 fr24Le.lO-i6; him guiltless, that taketh his Name in vain.* 32; 12 Mat. 31- people, j^j-a, have mercy upon us,' and incline . gf'5Ec.l,2. our hearts to keep this law.'" l 6 Le. 3,7. 19 ^ 12; "' 19 Ps-14. Minister. Remember" that thon keep holy the 23 Je. 10; o3lEx.l20.7; Sabbath-day." Six days shalt thou labour, and do all 5x1^34.37- 56ls.'2,*x' that thou hast to do*; but the seventh day is the 5 Ja.'l2. *34 Ex "i Sabbath of the L" 1 "* 1 % God. In it thou shalt do no I * 1 ||^MJ 3 . lEc 8. 1.13. manner of work,'' thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, 30. tf. 4 He. 9,10, & 14 Re. 13. fif5De.!5. q 20Ez.l2,4-c. 0f IRe./.lO. r 15 Nu.32-36; 17 Je.21-27; 8Am.5,8. 156 THE COMMUNION. 5 23 Ex.9,12; thy man-servant, and thy maid-servant, thy cattle, 16De.ll,l2; an( j the stranger that is within thy gates/ For in -2 Ge. 3;~ fft^He 4 8 * x da >' s *' ie Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, 1 Jon. 9. ;9Ne.l4-J7; and all that in them is,' and rested the seventh day" : 44 Ez. 24. 13 Ne. 22. w i iere f ore the Lord blessed the seventh day, and hal- x 66Is.22,23. (239.) lowpd it a 21 Ex. 17; , . .. See284r-e. 19 Lc. 3,32; People. Lord, have mercy upon us," 7 and incline b 4 De- 1 ; 2 i Ki. 19 ; our hearts to keep this law.* 32De.46,47; g?2 ? Lu 2 51, Minister. Honour thy father and thy mother"; ^j^lffi &i 19 Job! that thy days may be long in the land which the 6 Ep.' l, V Wfgf 1ft Lord thy God giveth thee. 6 $* c cfloLu.lo. * _ ...../ 21 De. 8; & c . People. Lord, have mercy upon us, c and incline J 5 p g 6 y. e4Ge.8,<5fc.24; O ur hearts to keep this law. rf 3 Joel 21.' Thou shalt do no murder.' 11 Ps. 5 ; People. Lord, have mercy upon us/ and incline n 18 Le. l,Jt. 8 4 J sT4 44 ' our hearts to keep this law/ I h'\9^ f 7 LU. 48; Minister. Thou shalt not commit adultery/' 2 jial.'i*. 8 Job. l. 7'. People. Lord, have mercy upon us,' and incline IS ; A 22 Ex.1-5; hpart* to kppn this law / 5Mat.27,28. 25De.13.16; our nearts t0 kee P tllls !dw ' , , J 15 Mat. 19, 27Jobl3,4b. Minister. Thou shalt not steal. 20. UPr. 1; People. Lord, have mercy upon us/ and incline IVm.'Mt our hearts to keep this law. & Phl * 6 Mi. lo'tfc. Minister. Thou shalt not bear false witness against w23Ex.l.#c. m 119 Ps.30. f i np:,,!,]!,,,,, 15 Ps. 3 ; 0T CO Is.17, Ui y Dl , . ,. 101 Ps. 5, 7; 18. People. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline is p r . 21 ; i 59 J S x 2 i'l 3; our hearts to kee P this law ' P no 4^n 9 3Ge 6; Minister. Thou shalt not covet' thy neighbour's^f 1 ^^' 7 Jos. 21; house, 1 " tliou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife/ nor 4 Pr.23, 2t; ->t Vr'l'lJ llis servant ' nor his maid ' nor his 3 ' nor his a9S> nor IJe^^rf. &e. " ' any thing that is his.' r 5 Is. 8 ; s lHiSa.3^k. People. Lord, have mercy upon us," and write all 2 Mi. 1, 2. "aaBz 3 '&. *' iese *^y " aws m our near ts, we beseech thee." 5 Ho.l5. U u 5De.29; SiKi.57,56; 31Je.33; 8 He. 10. gf3iiCo.3. S285o-/t. Then shall follow one of these two Collects for the Queen, the Priest standing at before, and saying, (240.) Let us pray. n nv S 'l3' ALMIGHTY God, whose kingdom is everlasting," j 12 Job 13- clOEclon- ^*- an( * P ower infinite 6 ; Have mercy upon the 24; C 49ls.23' ' whole Church 1 " ; and so rule the heart* of thy chosen 27 Je. R 5. ' c 2 Da. 37; servant VICTORIA, our Queen and Governor, that she 13 Ko. 4, e. (knowing whose minister she is'J may above all things - y ^13 Ro i V see ^ tn y honour and glory-^ : and that we, and all her 21. i 24 Pr. 21 ; subjects (duly considering whose authority she hath*) #7HSa.l, 8 EC. 2, 4 ; may faithfully serve, honour, and humbly obey her,'' 13 Ro 1 '?!' in Uiee ' and for thee ' accordin g to th X blessed word ft 3 3 |it.i ( 2 2il>e.l3,l7. and ordinance 1 ; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who #24iSal6,7. 157 THE COMMUNION. with thee and the holy Ghost liveth and reignetW j '46 Ps. 10. ever one God, world without end. Amen. Or, ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, we are taught -*- by thy holy word, that the hearts of kings are in thy rule and governance, and that thou dost dispose 6 Ezr. 22*' and tum them as it seemeth best to thy godly \vis- 21 Pr. l. dom* : We humbly beseech thee so to dispose and cf llRe.17. g 0vern ^e heart of VICTORIA thy Servant, our Queen and Governor, that, in all her thoughts, words, and m 17 De 14- wor ^ s ' sue ma y ever see k thy honour and glory,' and / 15 i Ki 14 ; 20 ; study to preserve thy people committed to her charge, ^ 1 I ^ S '|' 9 i Ki. 4-9 ; j n wealth, peace, and godliness'" : Grant this, O mer- - 20 Pr. 8,26, cjful Fatherj for thy dear g on ' s sak ^ Jesus Christ Qur See 244 n, o. 29 'Pr. 14. Lord. Amen. Then shall be said the Collect of the day. And immediately after the Collect the Priest shall read the Epistle, saying, The Epistle [or, The portion of Scrip- ture appointed for the Epistle] is written in the Chapter of beginning at the Verse. And the Epistle ended, he shall say, Here endeth the Epistle. Then shall he read the Gospel (the people all standing up) saying, The holy Gospel is written in the Chapter of beginning at the Verse. And the Gospel ended, shall be sung or said the Creed following, the people still standing, as before. (241.) a 4 De. 32 De. oa : ., i ^ v ilj - *"> 18 Ps. 31. visible and invisible* : 1 Col. 16. c 43 Is. 11. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten a 3 Joh.z.16; e8Pr.22,&c. Son of God, d Begotten of his Father before all worlds/ * - H T e ' 5 ; q fiT P , r< i} God of God/ Light of Light/ Very God of very * 6 Job. 62; .-,,- C J J f 6Joh.m.57; 4 Ep. 9. God, .begotten, not made, Being or one substance * 7 j ij. m- 29. g tf 1 i Jo. 5, with the Father,* By whom all things were made' : / cf 4 ii Co. w. Uoh.9. Who for us men, and for our salvation came down l -*< *p H o' *l1$ 4 il S Re' ^ rom neaven ' / ' And was incarnate by the holy Ghost *' '" /. 11. of the Virgin Mary, And was made man,* And was ^ ' ' See 59 f. crucified also for us' under Pontius Pilate."' He suf- of 12 Ex. z. 11.) T BELIEVE in one God" the Father Almighty, b 9 Ne. 6 ; e. 39; _L Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things Jf ^iff TOa buried ' And the third da y he r se ' a '" t a !,' ' again according to the Scriptures/ And ascended into " ".' ' , o 53 Is. 8, 9. r . . . , /i i e^ i* a. ,. 4iPe./.l. 9 68Ps./18; heaven, 9 And sitteth on the right hand of the lather.' 16 pg 1Q . 2 Mi. 13. ' And he shall come again with glory to judge both the 13 HO. 14;' f liiTh.7,8, quick and the dead*: Whose kingdom shall have no end.' J ? Mat. 40; 2U Th. 8. And ^ helieve in the holy" Ghost, The Lord" and ^^ ^ ^_ tt 1 Ro. m 4. Giver of life," Who proceedeth from the Father and 15 j co.^sl w 3 Job 5- ^ e Son,' Who with the Father and the Son together 1 1 Lu. 33. 8Ro.2,4U3; is worshipped and glorified/ Who spake by the Pro- v 12 i Co. 5. 6 Ga- ! 8. phets. 2 And I believe one Catholick and Aposto- * 22Ac. 16; ; 32 5 , the dead," And the life of the world to come.'" Amen. } 2 ' Co - 13 J 3 11. Pe. 12- 4 Ep. J. o. 14. dd 3 Ph. 11, 21 ; 4 i Ti. 1. 8. See 264 ar. Then the Curate shall declare unto the people what Holy-days or Fasting-days, are in the week following to be observed. And then also (if occasion be) shall notice be given of the Communion; and Briefs, Citations, and Excommuni- cations read. And nothing shall be proclaimed or published in the Church, during the lime of Divine Service, but by the Minister : nor by him any thing, but what is prescribed in the Rules of this Book, or enjoined by the Queen, or by the Ordinary of the place. Then shall follow the Sermon, or one of the Homilies already set forth, or hereafter to be set forth, by authority. Then shall the Priest return to the Lord's Table, and begin tlie Offertory, saying one or more of these Sentences following, as he thinketh most convenient in his discretion. (242.) T ET your light so shine" before men, that they may ", 2 . p p 15 q 16 ' se e yur good works, 6 and glorify your Father _ gf3iiCo.2',3. which is in heaven. St. Matth. v. 16. 2 i Pe. 15. Lay not up for yourselves treasure upon the eartli ; C See 192 v w ' iere t' 16 rust an( * moth doth corrupt, and where ^f^ 8 ^'. thieves break through and steal d : but lay up for l2Lu.lt>-21. e ^ I ^- 1 ^21; yourselves treasures in heaven'; where neither rust - 10T . 49 . 13 Mat. 44. nor motli doth corrupt, and where thieves do not iojolu2S 48 ; break through and steal/ St. Ma'.th. vi. 19, 20. 29. Mat. 21. Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, ^ 8I ^-I- 18 - s 6 Lu. 31. even so do unto them ? ; for this is the law and the See 93 e-i. prophets.* AY. Matth. vii. 12. ftllMat.13; Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall 2 Ja. 8. * 2 9I.13 < I4; enter into the kingdom of heaven'; but he that doetli ' SVe 390fl - c - 2 Ja. 14. the will of my Father which is in heaven.' St. Matth. J ^ e ''i^ vii. 21. k 11 Ln 41- Zacchseus stood forth, and said unto the Lord, Seelfflx.y. 2 Ac. 45. ' Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor* ; . . , , ^^ Lu/8, an d ;f i ] lave d on e any wrong to any man, I restore g L B *l5 .' a ' "' four-fold.' St. Luke xix. 8. 33 Ea. 15. Who goeth a warfare at any time of his own cost ? m 10 Mat. 9, Who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit "jjf*' 1 ^ 83 thereof " ? Or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of 8 Ca, 12. o 0T5iPe.2. toe milk of the flock" ? 1 Cor. ix- 7. ^2iiTi.6. If we have sown unto you spiritual things,'' is it a P 3 ' Co. 6. q 15 Ro. 27 : great matter if we shall reap your worldly 1 things' ? 1 carnal 5iTi.l7,lb.f Cor . ix . n . Do ye not know, that they who minister about holy r 6 Le. 16,#. things live of the sacrifice 2 ; and they who wait at iJx'^'g 3 !.' 2 Or temple; t |, e a ^ f are p ar t a kers with the altar r ? Even so is be. 1,'fc, hath the Lord also ordained, that they who preach the ^Ai^o^vA * See 231 q. gospel should live of the gospel.' 1 Cor. ix. 13, 14. ia'ue.44;' 3 tparingJy jj e that sowt;l ji little J shall reap little 3 ; and he that 44Ez.28-3b J59 THE COMMUNION. /. 25 Ex. 2 ; soweth plenteously 4 shall reap plenteously. 4 ' Let every 4 bounti- 35^Ex.5,21, man do accor ding as i ie i s disposed in his heart, not f u!Iy 19 Le. 5; grudgingly, or of necessity ; for God loveth a cheerful t llPr.24,25; " ' of 12 Mar. Let him that is taught in the word minister unto 3 Mai. 10. ii-44. him that teacheth, in all good things." Be not de- v 12De.l9; 5 wmimtMii- ceived God ig not mocked"': for whatsoever a man i"^-f] ; cate ' . .. . _ . . . _ 4 Ph.10-18; so%veth that shall he reap.* Gal. vi. 6, 7. 5iTh.l2,13. "" . . ' While we have time, 10 let us do good unto all men 6 ; <^ 8 Lu. 3. l owortu and specially unto them that are of the household of a; 4 Job 8 ; nity ' faith." GW.vi.10. WHoA^k a 9 EC. 10 ; Godliness is great riches/" if a man be content with . . thathehath e : for we brought nothing into the world, 4Ep. i.28; . . c 5iTi.TO.10- neither may we carry any thing out/ 1 Tim. vi. 6,7. 5 iThJ.15. Hi Jo. sis.' Charge them who are rich in this world/ .... that d 37 Ps. 16; Gf 4iiKi.9, tney be rea dy to give, and glad to distribute''; laying 3 Pr - 13 - 18 - 9 '. up in store for themselves a good foundation against Al"^?!'. c 4 Ph 11 12 th e time to come, that they may attain eternal life.' 5 EC. '13,4^ && ' 1 Tim. vi./. 17, 1. 18, 19. ,, 32 Is . 8 ' ; g tf. 12 Lu. God is not unrighteous,-' that he will forget your 2 Ga. 10. 1. 48. works,* and labour that proceedeth of love'; which j 32 De. 4; ^IB^L'^O^' ^ ove y e ' iave s h ewe d for his name's sake, who have || p S ' 15 ' ^flOPr.25. ministered unto the saints, and yet do minister." gfi4pr.3i, See 242 c. Heb. vi. 10. &19Lu.2-2. M ^ e - 1 1 . 9 ' To do good, and to distribute, 3 forget not ; for with l 5 Ga. l. 6 ; gf 10 Ac. 4. such sacrifices God is well pleased.* Heb. xiii. 1 6. m 9 Mar. 41. Wlioso hath this world's good, and seeth his bro- "jf^ ^ 2 ' 3 communi- ther have need, and shutteth up his 4 compassion from . . c "' e o him,* how dwelleth the love of God in him r ? 1 St. P ?T i - John in. 17. itweuof Give alms of thy goods, and never turn thy face r j^l^f 5 - from any poor man 1 ; and then the face of the Lord 25 Le. 35 ; shall not be turned away from thee.' Tdbit iv. t 21 Pr. 13 ; 5 Ma't?^ Be merciful after th y power. If thou hast much, 5$ Is.10.ll' give plenteously : if thou hast little, do thy diligence u3Pr2728 8 ladl y to & ve of that little " : for so gatherest thou v 2g pr ^ ' ' thyself a good reward in the day of necessity.* To- Mt iv. He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the 5 *'* w 25Mat40. Lord , . &nd j ookj wfaat he Jayeth Q ^ u gha jj be pa ; d a- 15 De.i.10; j/29J bl2-16; him again.* Prov. xix. 17. 14 2 pr S i^l- Blessed be the man toti provideth for 6 the sick and ^^^ 5 1^3^ 7 . ' needy^ : the Lord shall deliver him in the time of 37ps 21 & 20 Ac.' 35. trouble. 2 Psalm xli. 1 . "41 Ps.~2,' "3. Whilst these Sentences are in reading, tlie Deacons, Churchwardens, or other fit person appointed for that purpose, shall receive the alms for the Poor, and other devotions of the people, in a decent bason to be provided 'by the Parish for that 160 THE COMMUNION. purpose ; and reverently bring it to the Priest, who shall humbly present and place it upon the holy Table. And when there is a Communion, the Priest shall then place upon the Table so much Bread and Wine, as he shall think sufficient. After which done, the Priest shall say, (244.) Let us pray for the whole state of Christ's Church" 6 " HC ?;> 3 ^ ; l2He/.23. militant* here in earth." f f&. isT cl7Joh/.ll, ALMIGHTY and everliving God, d who by thy JlJSfciJ 1 -iJL holy Apostle hast taught us to make prayers 4 Ne. 10-is! e &e406a-c. anc * supplications, and to give thanks for all men* ; We humbly beseech thee most mercifully * if there be g 141 Ps. 2. [*f accept our alms and oblations/ and'] nlm * w/16De.l6,17; Be - 3 " to receive these our prayers, which we offer a^SuM 10 AC> ffl- i See 141 o. unt o thy divine Majesty'; beseeching thee the words h See 11 o. to inspire continually the universal Church* f of acce P l - V ^ 5 ' vvith the 8 P irit of truth,' unity, and con- ^Tb,r weJbbft-tf. cor( p. And ^^ that a ,j fogy that do tions]freZe# 13iiCo.ll; Confess thy holy name* may agree in the out ****** 'JSgJJg 3 i Th. 12. truth of thy holy word,' and live in unity and godly See 363.;. i ove .m We beseech thee also to save and defend all 20 Ps. 1. o 72 Ps 2 4- Christian Kings, Princes, and Governours ; and spe- p 23 il Sa. 3; 31 Pr. 8,8; dally thy servant VICTORIA our Queen" ; that under 17 Pr. 15.' '"? J |5o"? 4 '' ' ier we ma y ^ e S odl y an< * quietly governed" : And See 36 " grant unto her whole Council, and to all that are put r 10 Es. l. 3. >! 101 Ps. 8. in authority under her, that they may truly and in- 4f25Nu.ll. differently minister justice,? to the punishment of 3 Mat' I?! - 28Ex.36,4fc. wickedness and vice,' and to the maintenance of thy rf7Kzr.l6, true religion and virtue/ Give grace, O heavenly j* 2 ^ c - 27t ", 23 Je - 19; Father, to all Bishops and Curates, that they may 1 Re! m is. both b y their life ' and doctrine' set forth thy true and #8 Ac.36 lively word," and rightly and duly administer thy holy **' 7 Hs/,13. Sacraments": And to all thy people" give thy hea- x ]19pg ^ :/ 10 Ac./.33. venl^ grace* ; and especially to this congregation here z U9p s .i4c,' See 15 e. present 5 * ; that with meek heart and due reverence 5 EC. 1 ; 25 P S 21 they may hear, and receive thy holy word 1 ; truly l^f^i) 1 /' serving thee in holiness and righteousness" all the bh 4 Mi 15 'liTcoV^ days of theirlife -" And we most humbly beseech ofl8Ez.2l! ' thee of thy goodness, O Lord, to comfort"* and sue- **J 39 * f 72 P 8 !'l3 8 ; ; corir a11 them who in this transitorj- life dd are in trou- ^ Job 25 P6 Ps. 7;' ble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity." 89Ps.48,47. l \ I 8 ' IT An(l we also bless th y hol y name for a11 th y servants See 308 ' 33,8Mat.'n", departed tliis life in thy faith and fear'/ ; beseeching-^ Ee.^fuf; & 4 He. 15. thee to give us grace so to follow their good exam- 11 He./.13- ^elwal' ples '* r that W 't1i them** we may be partakers of thy Jl^ /^i < 4 ii Ti.Y; heavenly kingdom." Grant this, O Father, for Jesus hfi ' ^n 4 He. l. ' Christ's sake our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen. i. 23. 161 M THE COMMUNION. ' When the Minister giveth warning [cf. 23 Le. 4.] for the celebration of the holy Communion, (which he shall always do upon the Sunday or some Holy-day, immediately preceding) after the Sermon or Homily ended, he shall read this Exhortation following. (245.) T\ EARLY beloved, on day next I pur- ^ 4 ?i 15 ' JLJ pose, through God's assistance," to administer , o.-n..-.^ see All a. .. * , i ii i i. i ,1 ,i ,. * *s.i,gc. 2C ia.4- s u as religiously and devoutly dis- 130 Ps. 6. 3 La/25.' ' posed,* the most comfortable Sacrament of the Body See 2 3 * e 11 i Co. 23- and Blood of Christ, 1 * to be by them received in re- d 10 iCo.16. membrance* of his meritorious Cross and Passion/ /lCol./20. ^R 18 '^ 1 -' wnereD y alone* we obtain remission of our sins/' and h 4 Bo. 6-8 ; 9 He. l. 22; are made partakers of the kingdom of heaven.' 1 Ep. 7. 10 He. 4,17, Wherefore it is our duty to render most humble and j 15 ich.8,<3c. hearty thanks to Almighty God our heavenly Father/ 96 Ps. 2 ; t 10 Job. 7. f ,/ , , ,, . ,. ci c. T 9iiCol5. k 55 I 4 given his son our Saviour Jesus TO 6 Job 29 Christ,* not only to die for us/ but also to be our 115 iCo.3; &c. ' spiritual food and sustenance in that holy Sacrament.'" 1 Be - * 5 - 2G C 2Q 4 ' Which Deui g so divine and comfortable a thing to gf 8De. f.3, them who receive it worthily," and so dangerous to n See Ref.c. wdiiCo.20. them that will presume to receive it unworthily"; my ^ i 00 ' 27 ' duty is to exhort you p in the mean season to consider ^^Th's"^ JrjgGe ig the dignity of that holy mystery, 9 and the great peril 17, & 11 i of the unworthy receiving thereof ; and so to search . Co. 22. anc i examine your own consciences/ (and that not iiiCo.2s',31. ^36 Job 13- ^S nt ty> aQ d after the manner of dissemblers with 50 Ps. 16;' God 1 ; but so) that ye may come holy and clean' to * 15 Job. 3. 29 Is. 15 ; such a heavenly feast, in the marriage-garment re- cf llHo.i2. quired by God in holy Scripture," and be received as Sel89o,p. worthy partakers of that holy Table." 10 i Co. 21. (246.) The way and means thereto is : First, to examine a 1 Hag. 7. your lives and conversations" by the rule of God's b 19 Ps. f.8 ; c 78 Ps. 8; commandments 6 ; and whereinsoever ye shall per- o^f' 2 ?' 9n 4 Je. 14. ceive yourselves to have offended, either by will, c 3 j j 0- 4 ' e 1 Ja. 15. word, d or deed,' there to bewail your own sinfulness/ ^ j-2 p s 3 4. g 42 Job 5,6. and to confess yourselves to Almighty God/ with full See 285 /: purpose of amendment of life. A And if ye shall per- ceive your offences to be such as are not only against-' _ >2 ' God, but also against your neighbours ; then ye shall * 3^1?^. i5Mat.23,24. reconcile yourselves unto them' ; being ready to make 10 HO. 12. ' restitution and satisfaction/ according to the uttermost j j2 iSa.3; of your powers, for all injuries and wrongs done by 19 Lu. 8. fr22Ex.7,4t. y OU to an y other*; and being likewise ready to for- j is Mat. 21, give others that have offended you/ as ye would have 22. m 7 Mat. 2 ; forgiveness of your offences at God's hand" 1 : for other- n 15 Pr./.S; T ' 2G- wise the receiving of the holy Communion doth nothing f^i'^'j . o 3 HTi. 2-5. else but increase your damnation." Therefore if any 5Am.21-23' 0f2Ro.21. of you be a blasphemer of God," an hinderer or slan- " 162 THE COMMUNION. derer of his word/ an adulterer, or be in malice, or P n Lu.52: ySGa.19-21; envy, or in any other grievous crime,* repent you of 22Be - 18 > 1 y- 5 E P- 5 - your sins/ or else come not to that holy Table* ; lest, r 14 vze.'l': * f the former, he shall use this Exhortation. (247.) ~pv EARLY beloved brethren, on - 1 intend, by n3iCo/.lP; JLs God's grace," to celebrate the Lord's Supper : 3 E 244 >7 ' UDt wl " ch ln God's behalf* 1 bid you all that are b 9 Pr. 3; here present ; and beseech you, for the Lord Jesus S2 Is - 8 - c 5 ii Co. 20; Christ's sake, that ye will not refuse to come thereto, 3 He. 7, 8. being so lovingly called and bidden by God himself.** ^ g p r j f ^ Ye know how grievous and unkind a thing it is, when 7 Job. 37^ a man hath prepared a rich feast, decked his table with all kind of provision, so that there lacketh nothing but the guests to sit down ; and yet they who are called (without any cause) most unthankfully refuse e 23MaU.37. *o come. e Which of you in such a case would not be iVst-Kcf.o. moved? Who would not think a great injury wrong done unto him/? Wherefore, most dearly 17; s 3 He. 12. beloved in Christ, take ye good heed/ lest ye with- drawing yourselves from this holy Supper, provoke God's indignation against you. A It is an easy matter i 16 Mat. 26; for a man to say, I will not communicate, because I i Na/2, 4t. l 9 7Luu27?2li- am otlierwise hindered with worldly business.' But lZep.12-18. 2iifi. 4. ' such excuses are not so easily accepted and allowed^- 13 HO. 6-8; k 1 Je l 25 ^ e ^ ore God./ If any man say, I am a grievous sinner, 12 He. 25. 18 Je.ll',1'2;' and therefore am afraid to come : wherefore then do ; 32 j c . 33. 18 ^' 3 '2l' ye D0t re P ent and amend * ? When God calleth you, ll_Ho'. ifc &c Z> ' are ye not ashamed to say ye will not come'? When 33Ez.lo,ll. ye should return to God, will ye excuse yourselves, 163 M2 THE COMMUNION. m 2 Ro. 4,5. and say ye are not ready 1 " ? Consider earnestly with ^24Ac.25. yourselves how little such feigned excuses will avail before God." They that refused the feast hi the 22 Ez. 14. Gospel, because they had bought a farm, or would try their yokes of oxen, or because they were married, e 29 Pr. 1 ; were not so excused, but counted unworthy of the 65 Is.ll-15. heavenly feast." I for my part, shall be ready'' ; P 12 R. 7. ~ C -r o>T and according to mine office,' I bid you in the name * 8 Pr' 3(5 - of God ' J cal1 y u in Christ ' s behalf/ I exhort you, r 6 18 Ez! i. si. as ye love your own salvation/ that ye will be par- * 59 j e 5 gf 2 He. 3, takers of this holy Communion/ And as the Son of gr 9 NU. 13, 31 "" God did vouchsafe to yield up his soul by death upon lSNu.30,31. lOJob.Z.15- * ne Cross for your salvation" ; so it is your duty to 2 He. i. 9. ' receive the Communion in remembrance of the sacri- 22 Lu f 19- fice of his death, as he himself hath commanded 11 : 11 i Co. 2ti! which if ye shall neglect to do, consider with your- selves how great injury ye do unto God, and how w 65I.2,6; sore punishment hangeth over your heads for the *j n de 19. ' 12 HO. 2. same 7 " ; when ye wilfully abstain from the Lord's ia 5 La. 21. God's grace return to a better mind aa : for the ob- taining whereof we shall not cease to make our Sftl2iSa.23; humble petitions unto Almighty God our heavenly j| J* - ^ 7 . ' Father. 6 * 10 Ro. l.' At the time of the celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conve- niently placed for tlte receiving of the holy Sacrament, the Priest shall say this Exhortation. (248.) "TV EARLY beloved in the Lord/ ye that mind to a 16 Ko. 8; JLf come 6 to the holy Communion of the Body and j gf i6Pr.l, 1 e ' ' Blood of our Saviour Christ, must consider how Saint & 3 Re. 20. Paul exhorteth all persons diligently to try and exa- 6- Hi Co 28- mme themselves, before they presume to eat of that 13 ii Co. 5 ; Bread, and drink of that Cup. c For as the benefit 6 Ga. 4. i s great, if with a true penitent heart and lively faith d d 6 Job. 63. we receive that holy Sacrament; (for then we spiri- tuall y eat the flesh of Christ ' and drink his blood<> ; ' then we dwell in Christ, and Christ in us-^; we are/ 14 Joh.20; e 17 joh. 21, one with Christ, and Christ with us ? ;) so is the 4-^ ' 15 i : G 23. danger great, if we receive the same unworthily. For then we are guilty of the Body and Blood of Christ our Saviour* ; we eat and drink our own dam- ft 6 He, 1. 6. nation, not considering the Lord's Body ; we kindle God's wrath against us ; we provoke him to plague 26 Le.i5,16. us with divers diseases, and sundry kinds of death.' 164 THE COMMUNION. Judge therefore yourselves, brethren, that ye be not> Seel2Qo-t. judged of the Lord-' ; repent you truly for your sins * 2 Ja - 17,20. it 55 Is. 7. past* ; have a lively' and stedfast 1 " faith in Christ our n 1S Ac - 31 - see lf-h. Saviour"; amend your lives, and be in perfect cha- P 1 !' 1 1 3 ' 1 *- m 3 He. 14. r j ty with all men/ , . gQ ghall ye be meet partakers of ^'Ch- ,W,*. " 3 ^ov'a' those holy m y steries - 9 And above all things ye must 107 Pi.1,2, & 21 R'C//?! &i ve most humble and hearty thanks r to God the ^ p g j 2 . s Se6M>. Father, the Son, and the holy Ghost,* for the re- 14. demption of the world by the death and passion of t 1 Lu. 68 ; M SeeZ2f,g. our Saviour Christ,' both God and man"; who did humble himself, even to the death upon the Cross," iv 107 Ps 10 ^ or us m i sera ble sinners, who lay in darkness and &c. ' the shadow of death"" ; that he might make us the , 1flT ! TV y 2 Ep.5. children of God, 1 and exalt us to everlasting life.y 5 R O g (249.) And to the end that we should alway remember the / 1 i p e . 19. "48 Ps. 9; exceeding great love" of our Master,* and only Sa- A99p s . 7. 2Ep.4*il, ^ y. r '.. neighbours/ and intend to lead a new life,* following 3 i Jo. 11. ' the commandments of God, and walking from hence- t 101 Ps. 2 ; _ forth in his holy ways' ; Draw near with faith," and iv 2 Joel 12- take *his holy Sacrament to your comfort" ; and make 14. your humble confession to Almighty God," 1 meekly ^ Ezr 5 . kneeling upon your knees. x 10 Ezr. 1.' Then shall this general confession be made, in the name of all those that are minded to receive the holy Communion, by one of the Ministers ; both he and all the people kneeling humbly upon their knees, and saying, (250.) A LMIGHTY God, Father of our Lord Jesus ^f" 1 *;. 1 ,* a 20 Job. 17. J^. Christ," Maker of all things/ Judge of all men f ; /- ; C 3 1 3 2 ^ c -^ 4 ' We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and i4j e . S 20/ 17 Ac. 3l! wickedness/ Which we from time to time most / 24 p r 9 t 1 La. 20. grievously have committed/ By thought/ word/ and . ' g 3 MaL 13. deed,* Against thy divine Majesty,' Provoking most 7 Ps '^ ,/ 1 51 Ps. 4. justly thy wrath and indignation against us.^ We do i HO. 18. 165 THE COMMUNION. Jt7Eze.l6,4t. earnestly repent,* And are heartily sorry' for these l 12 Zee. 10. m31Ps.9,10; our misdoings ; The remembrance of them is grievous n 36 Ez 31 38 Ps. 4,17; un to us'" ; The burden of them is intolerable." Have ' . 3 ifa 20- merc y upon us, Have mercy upon us," most merciful g . _ 20 Eze. 43. Father ; For thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake,'' *\ E P . i 39. o 6 Ps. 2. Forgive us all that is past 7 ; And grant that we may a 10- ever hereafter Serve and please thee r In newness of ' r ' 51 Ps. 9. ' life/ To the honour and glory of thy name' ; Through * * "_^ h - 12 ' * 6 Ho. 4. Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Se337o-r. Then shall the Priest (or the Bishop, being present,) stand up, and turning himself to the people, pronounce this absolution. u See 17 d. A LMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father," who 9 Da. 9. w 3 Ga. 22. -*- f hi g great mercy hath promised forgiveness of r 33 Job 27 sins" to all them that with hearty repentance and true 28 ; '"s^Ps^?' ^" ttl turn unto h " n " Have mercy upon you* ; par- 30 Is - la 33 Is.'/. 24; don and deliver you from all your sins 3 '; confirm and " L ^'"" H . ol y * 3 Col. 1.11. Father] must be omit- Father,* Almighty, 17 Everlasting ~ 90 Ps 2 ; V 15 Re. 3. ted on Trinity -Sunday. QQ^S 5 La. 19. 166 THE COMMUNION. Here shall follow the proper Preface, according to the time, if there be any specially appointed : or else immediately shall follow, (252.) rpHEREFORE with Angels and Archangels, and "7!) P io* 7 ' w ^ a '^ ^ e com P an y f leaven," we laud and j 28 Be. ?.58; 2 Lu. 13.' magnify thy glorious name 6 ; evermore praising thee, 69 PS. 30. See 8 c-h. and saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts, d ~ Pg 17 . c 10 De. 14; heaven and earth are full of thy glory c : Glory be 83 Ps. 18; 2iiCh.m.C. d 92 p*. g . PROPER PREFACES. Upon CHRISTMAS-DAY, and seven days after. BECAUSE thou didst give Jesus Christ thine only Son to be born as at this time for us c ; who, by j t Lu . 35. S*e32a4fc.^ ie operation of the holy Ghost/ was made very man of the substance of the Virgin Mary his mother*; o / ff\ l Vx 5 l SiiCo Z.21; and that without spot of sin, to make us clean from g ee Art. xv lCol.21,22. a ii gin.t Therefore with Angels, r. '-/ Upon EASTER-DAY, and seven days after. "OUT chiefly are we bound to praise thee for the k See 109 a. fi , . ,. ,. ,, r T m. A > 18 Mar. 6 Jt glorious resurrection of thy Son Jesus J our I J r ^ : f r ' ie ^ s the very Paschal Lamb* which 13 Ac. 32. ' was offered for us,' and hath taken away the sin of / 9 He./. 28. o 26 Is. 19 ; the world'" ; who by his death hath destroyed death," n \ jj xi. 10; ^ 4J h.j'19; and by his rising to life again hath restored to us 2 He. 14; 3 iPe 21? ; everlasting life." Therefore with Angels, c. Re ' 18 ' Upon ASCENSION-DAY, and seven days after. rpHROUGH thy most dearly beloved Son Jesus q 21 Job. 14; J. Christ our Lord p ; who after his most glorious p See 45' ' 15 i Co. 7. resurrection manifestly appeared to all his Apostles, 9 and in their sight ascended up into heaven 1 " to pre- r 1 Ac. 9. pare a place for us* ; that where he is, thither we 8 Ro. 17 ; might also ascend,' and reign with him in glory." * 17 Job. 24. 3 Col. 4. Therefore with Angels, c. (253.) Upon WHIT-SUNDAY, and six days after. T I THROUGH Jesus Christ our Lord ; according to " ' ' ' ' _L whose most true promise, the holy Ghost came down as at this time from heaven with a sudden great c See 141 o. sound, as it had been a mighty wind, in the likeness of fiery tongues, lighting upon the Apostles,* to teach ft Seel47o,4t. 5 A 42 *^ em ' an< * to ^ ea( ^ taem t a 'l truth* ; giving them 6 Ac. 4. ' both the gift of divers languages,* 1 and also boldness rf 12 i Co. 10, with fervent zeal' constantly to preach the gospel ll - fl K2; unto a H nations^; whereby we have been brought /17Ac.l6,&. ''<> Is. 1-3 ; out of darkness and error into the clear light and true 28 Ac> ** I Ep.'illi3; knowledge of thee, and of thy Son Jesus Christ/ 5iTb.4,5] Therefore with Angels, $c. 167 THE COMMUNION. Upon the Feast of TRINITT only. "HO art one God, one Lord ; not one only per- son, but three persons in one substance.* For hSce3Qf,$b. tcf 12 Mat * nat which we believe of the glory of the Father, the 31, 32, ift 5 same we believe of the Son, and of the holy Ghost, Jon. 23. without any difference or inequality.' Therefore with Angels, Sfc. After each of which Prefaces shall immediately be sung or said, k ^38Job7. rHEREFORE with Angels and Archangels,-' m 46 Ps. 11; -L with all the company of heaven,* we laud and 13 & " 4 " magnify thy glorious? Name' ; evermore praising thee, 10.' " ' and saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts," 1 o 4 Re. 11, neaven an( j eartn are f u ii 5f thy glory" : Glory be to 113 Ps. 2,3. See 252 a-d. thee, O Lord most High. Amen. ngfl4Nu.21. Tlien shall the Priest kneeling down at the Lord's Table, say in the name of all them that shall receive the Communion this prayer following. WE do not presume to come to this thy Table, p p 63 Ps.MO. q ue. o; O merciful Lord, trusting in our own righte- f 9 Ne lg . 64 Is. 6. ousness,' but in thy manifold and great mercies/ We 5 Ps. 7. s y> Ge 10 are no * wor thy so much as to gather up the crumbs , . T . fi * 15~Mat. 26*, under thy Table/ But thou art the same Lord, 10 R*';.i2J 27- whose property is always to have mercy' : Grant us 13 He. 8. 22Ex.z.27. therefore, gracious Lord," so to eat the flesh of thy u6 j oh47 63 dear Son Jesus Christ, and to drink his blood," that $1 j'oh. 10- "iSPHe 25 ^ 6 ' our s ^ n ^ u ^ bodies may be made clean by his body,"* 14. cf 14 Le.25, a nd our souls washed through his most precious blood,* x5 i p s 2 .7 ; w8Mat.2,3. and that we may evermore dwell in him, and he in 13 Zee. 1 ; y 3 Ep./. 17. us.y Amen. When the Priest, standing before the Table, hath so ordered the Bread and Wine, that he may with the more readiness and decency break the Bread before the people, and take the Cup into his hands, he shall say the Prayer of Consecration, asfolloweth. (254.) A LMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, who of oll9Ps.l5G; -L\- thy tender mercy" didst give thine only Son ILu. 78; Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our 53^14 jr. * ' redemption*; who made there (by his one oblation of 3Ga.l3. himself once offered' 1 ) a full, perfect, and sufficient '""*' sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction/ for the sins of the ^ 5 Ep. 2: , T . . _ whole world 6 ; and did institute, and in his holy lOHe.14,18. e 1 Jon. 1. 7 ; ,-, , 3 Joli. 17 ; Gospel command us to continue, a perpetual memory 4iTi. MO; of that his precious death, until his coming agau/;/ 14 Mar.22- 2 1 Jo. 1.2. Hear US) Q mej^ifu} Father, we most humbly be- 25 seech thee*" ; and grant that we receiving these thy ec.J.'6. creatures of bread and wine, according to thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ's holy institution, in remem- 168 THE COMMUNION. brance of his death and passion, may be partakers of his most blessed Body and Blood* : who, in the same h #5Ep.30. 41 Ps. 9. night that he was betrayed,' *took * Here the Priett Bread; and, when he had given thanks, ^nto'hithZS?-'" the brake it, and gave it to his dis- t And here to ciples, saying, Take, eat, Jthis is my break the Bread : Body which is given for you : Do I And here to lay this in remembrance of me. Like- ''/* ^dupon all c i i /-i *'" Bread. wise after supper he <$took the Lup ; . _ f j Here he '* tO iffA\T] m > and, when he had given thanks/ he take the Cup into J * gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all *** hand .- *26Mat.27. of this*; for ||this is my Blood of the J] And here to lay T. T mi I.- L * v. j x- l hit hand upon etc- I 22 Lu.20. New Testament, which is shed for you' P( , ve uei(beitcha~ and for many for the remission of lice <-r Flagon) in m 26Mat.2?; ,; n<8 i . T\ n f u: B n f t vp ,uii Hrinlr which there is any 1 i Job. 1.1. ? ms ' ** 3 "* 3S Ott 5 s y e Sna11 lnl Wine to be come- it, in remembrance of me." Amen, crated. nS120fc-n. Then shall the Minister first receive the Communion in both kinds himself, and then proceed to deliver tlte same to the Bishops, Priestt, and Deacons, in like manner, (if any be present) and after that to the people also in order, into their hands, all meekly kneeling. And, when he delivereth the Bread to any one, he shall say, rpHE Body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was o 1 Ga. 4. -L given for thee, preserve thy body and soul unto everlasting life.** Take and eat this in remembrance p3CoU.3,i. that Christ died for thee, and feed on him in thy i] 9iiCo. 15. heart by faith with thanksgiving.* And the Minister that delivereth the Cup to any one shall say, fTlHE Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was s 5iTh m 23- -^- s ' ie( ^ ^ or tnee > r preserve thy body and soul unto r 19 Job. 31. Jude'f.l. ' everlasting life.* Drink this in remembrance that Christ's Blood was shed for thee, and be thankful.' t i col. 12. If the consecrated Bread or Wine be all spent before all have communicated, the Priest is to consecrate more according to the Form before prescribed ; beginning at Our Saviour Christ in the same night, SfC. for the blessing of the Bread ; and at Likewise after Supper, $c. for the blessing of the Cup. When all have communicated, the Minister shall return to the Lord's Table, and reverently place upon it what remaineth of the cotuecrated Elements, covering the same with a fair linen cloth. Then shall the Priest say the Lord's Prayer, the people repeating after him every Petition. (255.) /"\UR Father" which art in heaven, Hallowed be 6^5 He. 12, a 8 Ro. 1. 29; VJ thy Name.* Thy kingdom come. Thy will d ^,3^ rfl4De._/l ^ e d ne * n eart h A S i* * s * n heaven. Give us this 3 i Ti. 4.' ic 9 Ro. k' day our daily bread.' And forgive us our trespasses,/ 1 i jo.7. c29Mat - 29> As we forgive them that trespass against us/ And h 16 Job. 33. 2- lead us not into temptation* ; But deliver us from j 10 Job. 29, u^Re 40 !'! 6 ' evil * : For thine is the kingdonV The power,-' and 30< _ * 11 Ro. 30. the glory,* For ever and ever. Amen. 169 O THE COMMUNION. After shall be said as followeth. LORD and heavenly Father, we thy humble servants entirely desire thy fatherly goodness J33De./.ii; mercifully to accept this our sacrifice of praise and ifa'p 3 *!'^' thanksgiving' ; most humbly beseeching thee to grant, 2 i Pe. m.sl m 23 Je. 1. 6; that by the merits" 1 and death of thy Son Jesus Christ, #1 Mal.12, cf lo'lDe^s' an< * through faith in his blood," we and all thy whole See 401 . ta5MaU.n! Church may obtain remission of our sins," and all n 3 Ko - 25> 1 ED 7 other benefits of his passion.** And here we offer and p 5 He. 9. present unto thee, O Lord, ourselves, our souls and ? i 5 pj Co 'an' bodies, 9 to be a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice ' ' unto thee r ; humbly beseeching thee, that all we who r See ~3j-n. f 33 De. 23 ; are partakers of this holy Communion, may be ful- 34 Ez' *>6 ^^ e ^ with thy grace and heavenly benediction/ And 3 Ep. 1. 19! although we be unworthy, through our manifold sins, to offer unto thee any sacrifice,' yet we beseech thee * 15 La. 19 ; u 130 Ps 3- to accept this our bounden duty and service; not -^ ' 143 Ps. 2; weighing our merits, but pardoning our offences," 43 Is. 25. through Jesus Christ our Lord" ; by whom, and with " l.Ep. l. 6; whom, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, all honour rf^^'sB and glory be unto thee, O Father Almighty, world w 3 Ep. 21. without end. Amen." (256.) Or this - a 10 Re./.6; A LMIGHTY and everliving God, we mostheart- 15 Re. i.7. JT\_ -jly thank thee, for that thou dost vouchsafe to J22ps2525- < 36 Ps 8 f ee( l us/ who have duly received these holy myste- 107 Ps. 8, 9; 63 Ps. 5 ; ' ries, with the spiritual food of the most precious Body iU. 1 rus' 3 He 3 f 'l4 an ^ ^& of thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ ; and i LU./ 53.' ,/ ' dost assure"* us thereby of thy favour and goodness c 63 Is. 7. towards us' ; and that we are very members incor- <* 2 i Co. 5. g lEp.2223. P ora te in the mystical body of thy Son/ which is the/1 5 Job./5; blessed company of all faithful people^ ; and are also 5 Ep. ^. 23. 1 3 1 HV' 2 " ; ' ie i rs * through hope' of thy everlasting kingdom,- 7 by h $ Ro. 17. the merits of the most precious death and passion of j 145 Ps. 13; *lCol.20-22. thy dear Son.* And we most humbly beseech thee, | Tit. 7; 138 P 8- ^ heavenly Father, so to assist us with thy grace,' '.*' ' " 1 Pb. 5/6.' that we may continue in that holy fellowship," 1 and 4 p'b.13 ' do all such good works as thou hast prepared for us n 43 Is. 21; to walk in" ; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom | Ep. 10 ; with thee and the holy Ghost, be all honour and o 16 Ro. 27. glory, world without end." Amen. (257.) Then shall be said or sung, a 57P*- 5 > /"^ LORY be to God on high," and in earth peace, * 2 ^'1 A ' c 44 Ps. 8; ^--^ good will towards men.* We praise thee, c we a 63 Ps.4.' 61 Ps. 8. bless thee,"* we worship thee, e we glorify thee/ we / 70 Ps. 4 ; e 11 Ke 17 Si ye thanks to thee for thy great glory/ O Lord God, jg s ' 5 ' ' t 4 Ep. C. heavenly King,* God the Father Almighty.' h 4 Da. 37. 170 THE COMMUNION. *gflL.4, & O Lord, the only-begotten Son Jesu Christ- 7 " ; Oj Seellf. 16Le.21.22, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that " ' takest away the sins of the world,* have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world,' *38 Is- '-H; have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the L ' ' m 65 Ps. 2. sins of the world, receive our prayer."' Thou that n lEze.26-28 ; sittest at the right hand of God the Father, have IS Mar. 19: 2 IS*. 2; mercy upon us." 7 Ac. 55-60. 12 18%. ; For thou onl > r art hol >"' 5 thou onl >" art the Lord* 5 ^J 6 Ps - V : q 14 Zee. 9 ; thou only, O Christ, with the holy Ghost, art most ' *" ' ' 81TU5/18! high in the glory of God the Father.' Amen. Then the Priest (or Bishop if lie be present) shall let them depart with this Blessing. *3Ep. 19. n^HE peace of God, r which passeth all under- l3UCn./.H. . -*- standing/ keep your hearts and minds' in the f " P ' u 5 1 Pe. 14;, j i r /- j j r i_- o T < 4 Ph. 7; Jude 81. knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus 3 xh. 5. Christ our Lord" : and the blessing of God Almighty," 134 Ps. 3; f 3- the Father> the Son? and the holy Ghostj kg amongst 10 Pr. 22. 13 UCo.14. you and remain with you always. 1 " Amen. S290 t. Collects to be said after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every such day one or more ; and the same may be said also, as often as occasion, shall serve, after the Collects either of Morning or Evening Prayer, Communion, or Litany, by the discretion of the Minister. (258.) A SSIST us mercifully, O Lord, in these our sup- a 30 Ps. 10. x\. plications and prayers," and dispose the way of $ 119 PS. 33; thy servants .towards the attainment of everlasting 42 Is. 16 ; salvation* ; that, among all the changes and chances rfig Xc 14. ' this mortal life/ they may ever be defended by -- * ) , . iitiJi i-r " OO.A. 4 Ja. 14. tny most gracious and ready help, through Jesus 145 PS. 5. Christ our Lord. Amen. gf7isk-12. O ALMIGHTY Lord, and everlasting God, vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to direct,' sanctify, ^ and govern* both our hearts and bodies, in the ways of th >" laws > and in the works of thv commandments*; * " fl P-32. that through thy most mighty protection,' both here j 31 Ps. 1 ; ' 118 Pa i V an ^ e ^er, we may be preserved in body and souV I 2 - ?'?-', 8 ' through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. k 13 M 1 19 (~^ ^-^T, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that the i 119 pg. 34; &C. * ' ^J words, which we have heard this day with onr 4 Pr. 4 ; 10 Ho. 17. outward ears, 4 may through thy grace be so grafted ' ixj, 1 ^-' gl Lu.31, i nwarc iiy i n our hearts,' that they may bring forth in 2 U Th. 15. m IT Ps. 4 ; us tne fru't f 8^ living, 1 * to the honour and praise 8ee 14 ' 7MaulG,4t. of thy name," through Jesus Christ our Lord. n 1 Phi 11 - o 33 Ex. 14, Amen - 31 ie J T>REVENT us," O Lord, in all our doings* with p 37 P*. 5. q 30 Ps 10. '-*- * n y most gracious favour, 7 and further us with r 77 p, jj. * 10 Je. 23. thy continual help/ that in all our works begun,* 41 is. 13. ' 171 THE COMMUNION. 90Ps.m.l7; continued* and ended in thee," we may glorify thy t 78Ps./53. 138 Ps. 8. holy Name, and finally by thy mercy" obtain ever- 2 Ep. 9. w 2iTh. 12. lasting life," through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. g gg 333 n . f< a ^ jfb 9 /?4 A LMIGHTY God ' the fountain of all wisdom," 38 Job 36 ' -^* l - W ' 1Q ^newest our necessities before we ask, 6 and b 38 Ps. 9 ; 8 Pr. 14. our ignorance in asking ; We beseech thee to have ^ ^037^' c^Ro\n Z 26 com P ass i n upon our infirmities'* ; and those things, d 103 p s J 3 fifllLiu.!.' which for our unworthiness we dare not, 6 and for our 14; e 77 Ps. 9,10; blindness we cannot ask/ vouchsafe to give us? for /OS Is. 15; the worthiness of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord.* 3 Ep. 20. Amen. 4 He. 15. ' A LMIGHTY God, who hast promised to hear the i Seell3a-d. _T\_ petitions of them that ask in thy Son's name* ; We beseech thee mercifully to incline thine ears- 7 to i 17 P S - c - * 30 Is -l9 ; us that have made now our prayers and supplications 1 11 Mar. 23, 05 Is! 24. unto thee* ; and grant that those things which we ^ have faithfully asked' according to thy will," 1 may m See 169 r. e ff ec t ua lly be obtained, to the relief of our necessity," o 38 Is. 20. and to the setting forth of thy glory," through Jesus ie. Christ our Lord. Amen. Upon the Sundays and other Holy-days (if there be no Communion) shall be said all that is appointed at the Communion, until the end of the general Prayer For the whole state of Christ's Church militant here in earth together with one or more of these Collects last before rehearsed, concluding with the Blessing. And there shall be no celebration of the Lord's Supper, except there be a convenient number to communicate with the Priest, according to his discretion. And if there be not above twenty persons in the Parish of discretion to receive the Communion; yet there shall be no Communion, except four (or three at the least) communicate with the Priest. And in Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, and Colleges, where tJtere are many Priests and Deacons, they shall all receive the Communion with the Priest every Sunday at the least, except they have a reasonable cause to the contrary. And to take away all occasion of dissension, and superstition, which any person hath or might have concerning the Bread and JVtne, it shall suffice that the Bread be such as is usual to be eaten ; but the best and purest Wheat Bread that conve- niently may be gotten. And if ^ any of the Bread and Wine remain unconsecrated, the Curate shall have it to his own use : but if any remain of that which was consecrated, it shall not be carried out of the Church, but the Priest and such other of the Communicants as he shall then call unto him, shall, immediately after the Blessing, reverently eat and drink the same. The Bread and Wine for the Communion shall be provided by the Curate and the Church-wardens at the charges of the Parish. And note, that every Parishioner shall communicate at the least three times in the. year, of which Easter to be one. And yearly at Easter every Parishioner shall reckon with the Parson, Vicar, or Curate, or his or their Deputy or Deputies ; and pay to them or him all Ecclesiastical Duties, accustomably due, then and at that time to be paid. 172 THE COMMUNION. After the Divine Service ended, the money given at the Offertory shall be disposed of to such pious and charitable uses, as the Minister and Church-wardens shall think fit. Wherein if they disagree, it shall be disposed of as the Ordinary shall appoint. i See Arts. WHEREAS it is ordained' in this Office for the Xlv ' Administration of the Lord's Supper, that the Com- municants should receive the same kneeling ; (which order is well meant, for a signification of our hum- ble and grateful acknowledgement of the benefits of Christ therein given to all worthy receivers, and for the avoiding of such profanation and disorder r r 14 i Co. 40. in the holy Communion, as might otherwise ensue;) yet, lest the same kneeling should by any persons, either out of ignorance and infirmity, or out of malice and obstinacy, be misconstrued and de- praved ; It is here declared, that thereby no ado- ration is intended, or ought to be done, either unto the Sacramental Bread or Wine, there bodily re- ceived, or unto any Corporal Presence of Christ's natural Flesh and Blood. For the Sacramental Bread and Wine remain still in their very natural substances, and therefore may not be adored ; (for that were Idolatry, to be abhorred of all faithful Christians ;) and the natural Body and Blood of our Saviour Christ are in Heaven, and not here ; it being against the truth of Christ's natural Body to g Sw ^rts iv be at one time in more places than one.* & xxviii. ' 173 THE MINISTRATION OF PUBLICK BAPTISM OF INFANTS TO BE USED IN THE CHURCH. The people are to be admonished, that it is most convenient that Baptism should not be administered but upon Sundays, and other Holy-days, when the most number of people come together ; as well for that the Congregation there pre- sent may testify the receiving of them that be newly baptized into the number of Christ's Church ; as also because in the Baptism of Infants every man pre- sent may be put in remembrance of his own profession made to God in his Baptism. For which cause also it is expedient that Baptism be ministered in the vulgar tongue. Nevertheless, (if necessity so require) Children may be baptized upon any other day. And note, that there shall be for every Male-child to be baptized two Godfathers and one Godmother; and for every Female, one Godfather and two God- mothers. When there are Children to be baptized, the Parents shall give knowledge thereof over night, or in the morning before the beginning of Morning Prayer, to the Curate. And then the Godfathers and Godmothers, and. the people with the Children, must be ready at the Font, either immediately after the last Lesson at Morning Prayer, or else immediately after the last Lesson at Evening Prayer, as the Curate by his discretion shall appoint. And the Priest coming to the Font, (which is then to be filled with pure water) and standing there, shall say, (260.) TTATH this Child been already baptized, or a 4 Ep. 4, 5. XI n o a ? If they answer No ; Then shall the Priest proceed asfolloweth. DEARLY beloved, forasmuch as all men are con- ceived and born in sin* ; and that our Saviour s -^p \^' ! Christ saith, None can enter into the kingdom of God, 5 R .12.' .. e ^F^T2 14' exce pt ^ e be regenerate and born anew of water and d 3 j h. 5. & e . '' ' of the holy Ghost''; I beseech you to call upon GodyiQBo. Z.12; 8 Be. 3, 4. the Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ,* that of 2 Ep. 4,' 7.' g I ii Pe. 4. his bounteous mercy-^ he will grant to this Child that A 1 EC. 15; thing* which by nature he cannot have* ; that he may * Joh> ** i WAc^.b. be baptized with water* and the holy Ghost,-' and >' 12 J Co - 13 - received into Christ's holy Church,* and be made a * ** Job -i. 19. ft 12 He. 23. n ve iy member o f the same.' SeeZUa-k. Then shall the Priest say, Let us pray. ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who of thy "7 Ge?23. -^J^- great mercy didst save Noah and his family in the ark from perishing by water" 1 ; and also didst safely 1 ^?Q 20 { 2 o' l ea< i tne children of Israel thy people through the Red ' Sea," figuring thereby thy holy Baptism" ; and by the n s Ne j j ~ ' <751 Ps. 2,7; Baptism of thy well-beloved Son Jesus Christ, in the m'olfio- river Jordan / diclst sanctify water to the mystical i>3MaU3,&. 22 Ac. 16. ' washing away of sin 9 ; We beseech thee, 1 ' for thine r 5 Ja. 1. 16. 174 - PUBLICK BAPTISM OF INFANTS. s9 Da. I. 18. * 17Mat fl5 6 i Co. 11. infinite mercies,* that thou wilt mercifully look upon r g5 p g 3. w ' Ge - 1 ' / -^- this Child' ; wash him and sanctify him with the holy 13 Is. ii; ' ' 23. ' '' Ghost" ; that he being delivered from thy wrath," may j/5 Job 6, 7: be received into the ark of Christ's Church 70 ; and 5R .'9 ; ' 16 oh. m. ^ing s t e dfast m f a ith, joyful through hope, and rooted 5 A- 9 ' cf 7 Ge. 18. in charity,* may so pass the waves of this troublesome ^13 ico. 13- aal Be. 14, worldly that finally he may come to the land of ever- 3 Ep. 17. ' _ lasting life, 1 there to reign with thee world without 'jjfl*^ Jjj' See 274 1-:. end,"" through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. I6,18,il07 (2fil.) ALMIGHTY and immortal God, the aid of all I 3 s. 23-30. a 40 Ps. 17 ; -^J^- that need," the helper of all that flee to thee for ^l 8 ^ 1 - ii 9 2 H Ps 'i 2 ' succour,* the life of them that believe,' and the resur- 29 c3 Job 3G rec tion of the dead'' ; \Ve call upon thee for this In- 115P8.9-11. ' ' ' fant, f that he, coming to thy holy Baptism, may d H Job. 25, ' receive remission of his sins by spiritual regeneration.-^ . ' gefl i Sa.28. Receive him, g O Lord, as thou hast promised by thy 2 Coll 13.' 1 3 i Ki. l. 5; well-beloved Son, saying,* Ask, and ye shall have 1 ; / t 7Mat7-ll; 21 Mat 22. seek, and ye shall find-' ; knock, and it shall be opened H ^ u - 9-H- k 6 it Co. 2. unto you* : So give now unto us that ask ; let us that-? 2 ^ ^ e - ^- seek find; open the gate unto us that knock'; that J69Ps.32,36; this Infant may enjoy the everlasting benediction of s '-'' * w^lJoh.33, thy heavenly washing,"' and may come to the eternal n 2 j Jo 35. icl3Joh.t.. iji n gd om w lii c h thou hast promised by Christ our Lord." Then sJiall the people stand up, and the Priest shall say, o 1 Mar. 1. Hear the words of the Gospel," written by St. Mark, p 19 Mat.13- in the tenth Chapter, at the thirteenth Verse.' - 1 '' 17 *2?HCh r iS r T HEY broaght young children' to Christ, that he &2Joello! -*- should touch them 1 " ; and his disciples rebuked* r ? L "- 19 - 20 M t 31- ^ lose ^ iat brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he ll Mat. la, was much displeased,' and said unto them, Snffer[the] 1 3 Mar 5 16. little children" to come unto me, and forbid them 1" G 7 &. not " ' * r ^ suc ^ ^ s ^ ie ki n od m of God." Verily I say 9 L U y. 50. 7 i'co. 14. un *o yo"> Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of ,_ 1n . God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.* And *HMat.r.25. .'17Ge.lO,4t. , ... .i_ he took them \ip in his arms, put his hands upon them, ox> 6 oi m V 28 De./. 4. and biased them.!' After tlie Gospel is read, the Minister shall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Gospel. (262.) "DELOVED, ye hear in this Gospel the words of -* our Saviour Christ, that he commanded the chil- a23 Mat 13- ^ retl * "* e brought unto him ; how he blamed those 11 Lu. 52. ' that would have kept them from him"; how he ex- horteth all men to follow their innocency.* Ye per- &16Ko.U9; ^24L 50 ce ' ve h w by his outward gesture and deed c he de- ^* ' Co- >. ' clared his good will toward them; for he embraced them in his arms, he laid his hands upon them, and 175 PUBLICK BAPTISM OF INFANTS. blessed them. Doubt ye not therefore, but earnestly believe,^ that lie will likewise favourably receive this & 9 Mar- 23; present Infant; that he will embrace him with the \\. T '^~ c3 3De. 27; arms of his mercy e ; that he will give unto him the 2i'Ti. 8; a ' ' blessing of eternal life/ and make him partaker of his J Ja - - everlasting kingdom. Wherefore we being thus per- suaded of the good will oour heavenly Father towards / 6 Ho. /. 23. g 29 De. I. this Infant,^ declared by his Son Jesus Christ ; and 18* Mat 2 nothing doubting but that he favourably alloweth this &c. 14. ' charitable work of our's* in bringing this Infant to 1l #11 Ho. 1. jjg j 10 jy 3} a pti sm ; let us faithfully and devoutly give thanks unto him, and say, ft 41 Ps. 13. ALMIGHTY and everlasting God,* heavenly m8iiCo9 . X. Father, we give thee humble thanks, that 1 CoL 1.6. ' thou nast vouchsafed to call us' to the knowledge of 9 Ro/23,24. thy grace, and faith in thee": Increase this know- n liCo.4,&. o2Col.m.2,3. ledge," and confirm this faith in us evermore.** Give piape./.g thy holy Spirit to this Infant,* that he may be born See 270 o. ' again,*" and be made an heir of everlasting salvation*; r 3 Tit. 5. q 44 Is. 3, 4. ^^h our L ord j esus Christ, who liveth and 1 1 Lu. 33. 26 Ac. 1. 18; re ig net h' with thee and the Holy Spirit, now and for s 26 a 8Ro. 17. 'ever. Amen. Then shall the Priest speak unto the Godfathers and Godmothers on this wise. T\ EARLY beloved, ye have brought this Child -L' here to be baptized," ye have prayed that our r , T .-,, .,' ii , F x r Lord Jesus Ohnst would vouchsafe to receive him, c 1 Tit. 2. to release him of his sins, to sanctify him with the c 23 Nu. 19; holy Ghost,* to give him the kingdom of heaven, and b li Pe.m.2. ?Be. 9 ; everlasting life. Ye have heard also that our Lord 100 Ps.' 5;' Je sus Christ hath promised in his Gospel to grant all 11 Ro. 29; these things that ye have prayed for d : which promise <2 14Joh.l3; 2 " Ti h 'l3 ^ e ^ or ^' s P ar * w ^'^ mos t surely keep and perform. 6 Wherefore after this promise made by Christ, this #5De.27-29. Infant must also faithfully for his part/ promise*-^ 7 i 8 Job. 44 ; by you that are his sureties, (until he come of age to ^ 2 - A Ti 26 3 i Jo. 8-10. take it upon himself ) that he will renounce* the devil fc>a\r,* on an d a ll his works,' and constantly believe God's holy . , .i8 aiai..iu. . ' * t ' j 5i Jo. 5. word/ and obediently keep his commandments. I demand therefore, jOST thou, in the name of this Child, renounce the devil and all his works, the vain pomp and ^5 j s joJS ; 7<>Tit 12 f the world/ with all covetous desires of the 71 Co./. 31*. same," 1 and the carnal desires of the flesh," so that thou wilt not follow nor be led by them ? 5GaJ o2iiTU.19. Ansioer. I renounce them all." 176 D' PUBLICK BAPTISM OF INFANTS. (2C4.) Minister. a 10 Lu.1.22; "TVOST thou believe in God the Father Almighty, 1/Joh 7% -"-^ Maker of heaven and earth 6 ? 1 38 Job 4 : 4 ii Co. 6. And in Jesus Chrtst c his only begotten Son d our 102 Ps - 25; eSJoh. 18; Lord c ? And that he was conceived by the holy /A*',*^ 17 Job. 3.' Ghost; born of the Virgin Mary^ ; that he suffered 34,49. e 2 Lu. 11 ; under Pontius Pilate/ was crucified, dead, and 8 Ac. 37. 13 Job. 13. buried*; that he went down into hell, and also did/7 Is. 14; g 20 Matl9. rise again the third day' ; that he ascended into hea- jj^je 6 .^ . i Lu. 22; yen,- 7 ' and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father 13 Mat. 55. 2 ii Ii. 8. Almighty* ; and from thence shall come again at the h 6 Ho. 4 ; ft 3 Col. 1; en d of the world, to judge the quick and the dead' ? 2 Co1 - 12 - He. 3,13. And dost thou bel i eve j n the holy Ghost"; the' 9 He - 24< " l $ij l }'ll' hol y Catholick Church"; the Communion of Saints"; l9 He.27. ' the remission of sins? ; the resurrection of the flesh' ; "i^job! 8 >5j o 16 Ps. 3. and ev erlasting life after death r ? P 3iJ 5 q 26 Is. 19. Answer. All this I stedfastly believe.* r 1 ' Pe 4 t 9 Mar. 24. Minister. ILT thou be baptized in this faith? Se271o-. Answer. That is my desire.' /16Ac.31-33, Minister. "ILT thou then obediently keep God's holy will and commandments, and walk in the same all 119 L Ps - 4- the days of thy life ? D. O*. O-TJ T *i w 115. Answer. I will.* Priest say, O MERCIFUL God, grant that the old Adam in this Child may be so buried, that the new man "s'RcTb''-' ma y ^ e raised up in him." Amen. b 6 Ro jj. 5 ii Co. n. Grant that all carnal affections may die in him, b 5 Ga. 24. and that all things belonging to the Spirit may liv% c 7 Ro - 5 ' 6 " and grow in Wm? ^m^. ^^5 8 Bo. 37 ; Grant that he may have power and strength'* to 3 Ep. 16.' 15 i Co. 57. have victory, and to triumph,' against the devil,-'" the world/ and the flesh.* Amen. ' IQ . . g 5 1 Jo. 4,19. ' . .. , . .. 12 Be. 9,11. Grant that whosoever is here dedicated to thee* by igf 13 Ex. 2, our office and ministry-* may also be endued with h 7Ro.21,/. u: 12 He./. ji eav enly virtues,* and everlastingly rewarded,' through 25 - thy mercy, O blessed Lord God, who dost live and^4jc . 1. A 1 ii Pe. 3. govern all things," world without end. Amen. ALMIGHTY everliving God, whose most dearly 1 3 Col 24 ; m 5 Ro. 17. J\_ beloved Son" Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of 2 ' Re ' 1:t> 14Ac.w. . ,. , . .,/ . ... . T . 22. of thy faithlul and elect children/ through Jesus _ See 2G6r,v. Christ our Lord. Amen. See279a-ut Then the Priest shall take the Child into his hands, and shall say to the (266.) Godfathers and Godmothers, a 2 1 Ge. 3, 4; Name this Child. 12 ii Sa. 2o. And then naming it after them (if they shall certify him that the Child may well endure it) he shall dip it in the water [3 Joh. 23.] discreetly and warily, saying, "TVT * ba P tize thee In the Name 6 of the Father/ and & . 6 ,*f n - 2? ; ll of the Son, d and of the holy Ghost/ Arneu. Jfglblio. d 8 Ac. 16 ; 19 Ac. 5. e 3 Mat. 16. See 269a, b. But if they certify that the Child is weak, it shall suffice to pour Water upon it, [cf 8 Nu. 7.] saying the foresaid words, I baptize thee In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghost. Amen. Then the Priest shall say, TX7"E receive this Child into the congregation of /77 Ps. 20; ggf4Ro/.ll. Christ's flock/* and do sign * Here the Priest frAn-p S g\n. tliCo.23,24: him with the Slgn ? of the Cross, in thall make a Cross H9 Ps 46- 2 i Co. 2. ' token that hereafter he shall not be ^ on . a>e Child's fore. l Ro ./ 16 ] *9i Co.;. 26; ashamed to confess* the faith of jf^iGt^ll. ' ' Christ crucified,* and manfully- 7 to fight* under his 1 2 He ^ 10 ^ m 6 Ho. 12. banner,' against sin, m the world," and the devil" ; and n 4 Ja '. 4, o6Ep.lo,4'c. to continue Christ's faithful soldier* and servant 9 unto p 2 u Ti. 3-5. q 7 i Co. 22. his life's end/ Amen. r 6 i Ti. 14. Then shall the Priest say, SEEING now, dearly beloved brethren, that this 1 1 jre. M. Child is regenerate* and grafted' into the body < 92 Ps. 13. of Christ's Church, let us give thanks unto Almighty 2 Col. 6, 7; ulOSP? l &. ^* 0( 1 f r these benefits" ; and with one accord make our 1 Th. 11, 107 Ps. 21, prayers unto him, that this Child may lead the rest of ' _ ^ his life according to this beginning." SeeZ]2a-m. (267.) Then shall be said, all kneeling; 8R .14-16; C^UR Father" which art in heaven, 4 Hallowed be illLu - 13 - I?a.'l7, ? 18 ^y Name.' Thy kingdom come. d Thy will be d ^^^\l: cl6Job./.14. ^ one ' i Q earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day &'i5ic .50,' 4iTh. 3. our daily bread/ And forgive us our trespasses, As utSRo. 5- g 5 Ga. 22. we f r Si ve them that trespass against us/ And lead c/ 7 Ac. /. us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil.'* fs^ieiotu 55, m. 60. ^ m en. i. u. Then shall the Priest say, * 59 Is.U9 ; n07Ps.l,4t. TJI7"E yield thee hearty thanks/ most merciful Fa- !(ji^ 111 Ps. 1. YY ther, that it hath pleased thee to regenerate ' 178 SeeZlQa-J. PUBLICK BAPTISM OF INFANTS. this Infant with thy holy Spirit,- 7 to receive him for_/gfiLu.M5. k 9 Ro. l. 26. thine own Child by adoption,* and to incorporate Mm into thy holy Church.' And humbly we beseech thee 7 13 ' "' m 2iPe 24 * o rdn t> fh&t he being dead unto sin, and living unto ' righteousness, and being buried with Christ in his death," may crucify the old man, and utterly abolish n e 4 ' 2 ii Ti li tne wn l e body of sin ; and that, as lie is made par- _ taker of the death of thy Son, he may also be partaker p ^ co. 1. of his resurrection'' ; so that finally with the residue' 9 l^ s -/- 9 ; of thy holy Church, he may be an inheritor of thine nn A 3 ' everlasting kingdom, r through Christ our Lord. Amen. 6 Ro. 22. Then, all standing up, the Priest shall say to the Godfathers and Godmothers this Exhortation following. , J \ (268 ) T^ORASMUCH as this Child hath promised by you J- his sureties to renounce the devil and all his 24Jo8.z.l5. works, to believe in God, and to serve him" ; ye must remember that it is your parts and duties to see that e26De.l6,17. this Infant be taught,* so soon as he shall be abhf to . . _ , g learn, what a solemn vow, promise, and profession, he 4 De. 9, 10; e 10 Ro. 17. i M th here made by you. c And that he may know these H De. 19. things the better/ ye shall call upon him to hear Ser- d ?1 De. 12, g 14 i Co. 9, mons 1 " ; and chiefly ye shall provide, that he may learn f2 oT> 40 ' * fcp the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Command- ( ' ments/ in the vulgar tongue/ and all other tilings 2 i Ti.4.' 1 13 Ac. 39. which a Christian ought to know* and believe' to his_;2Pr. 10,11; soul's health-' ; and that this Child may be virtuously 11 Pr- 9 ; brought up to lead a godly and Christian life* ; remem- y, j^' 2 '. ' bering always that Baptism doth represent unto us our . .^3^. 5 _ . profession'; which is, to follow the example of our &iTit. io! Saviour Christ, 7 " and to be made like unto him" ; that, n RO. 29. as he died, and rose again for us, so should we, who 6 Ko 4> o 3 Col. 5. are baptized, die from sin," and rise again unto right- eousness p ; continually mortifying all our evil and cor- r o8Ro. 13- rupt affections, 9 and daily proceeding in all virtue and liPe. 14! godliness of living/ SeeZtfa.g. Then shall he add and say, YE are to take care that this Child be brought to the Bishop to be confirmed by him,* sosoon as he Sff2Lu.42,4fc. can gay the Creedj the Lo r d' 8 Prayer, and the Ten Commandments in the vulgar tongue, and be further instructed in the Church-Catechism set forth for that purpose. IT is certain by God's word, that Cliildren which are baptized, dying before they commit actual sin, are undoubtedly saved. [See Homily 3. part 1.] To take away all scruple concerning the use of the sign of the Cross in Baptism ; the true explication thereof, and the just reasons for the retaining of it, may be seen in the xxxth Canon, first published in the Year MDC1V. 179 N 2 , ^_ ' THE MINISTRATION OF PRIVATE BAPTISM OF CHILDREN IN HOUSES. Tiie Curates of every Parish shall often admonish the people, that they defer not the Baptism of their Children longer than the first or second Sunday next after their birth, or other Holy-day falling between, unless upon a great and reason- able cause, to be approved by the Curate. And also they shall warn them, that without like great cause and necessity they pro- cure not their Children to be baptized at.home in their houses. Bfit when need shall compel them so to do, then Baptism shall be administered on this fashion. First let the Minister of the Parish (or in his absence, any other lawful Minister that can be procured) with them that are present call upon God, and say the Lord's Prayer, and so many of the Collects appointed to be said before in the Form of Publick Baptism, as the time and present exi- gence will suffer. And then, the Child being named by some one that is present, tJie Minister shall pour water upon it, saying these words ; (269.) "VT " I baptize thee In the Name* of the Father, &HJe. 9; alLu.59,<5fc. J_M . and of the Son, and of the holy Ghost. lic ^ 13 ' 15 - 2Lu. 21. Amen. Sec280o-c. Then, all kneeling down, the Minister shall give thanks unto God, and say, cl Ph. 3,&. "VXT"^* yi^d thee hearty thanks/ most merciful Fa- * * ther, that it hath pleased thee to regenerate this Infant with thy holy Spirit, to receive him for thine d 4 Ga. 5. own Child by adoption , d and to incorporate him into thy holy Church. And we humbly beseech thee to grant, that as he is now made partaker of the death of thy Son, so he may be also of his resurrection ; and that elOIs.2132; finally, with the residue of thy Saints,* he may inherit 11 Bo. 5. thj ne everlasting kingdom, through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. And let them not doubt, but that the Child so baptized is lawfully and sufficiently bap- tized, and ought not to be baptized again. Yet nevertheless, if the Child, which is after this sort baptized, do afterward live, it is expedient that it be brought into the Church, to the intent that, if the Minister of the same Parish did him- self baptize that Child, the Congregation may be certified of the true Form of Baptism, by him privately before used : In which case he shall say thus, I CERTIFY you, that according to the due and prescribed Order of the Church, at such a time, and at such a place, before divers witnesses I bap- tized this Child. But if the Child were baptized by any other lawful Minister, then the Minister of the Parish, where the Child was born or christened, shall examine and try whether the Child be lawfully baptized, or no. In which case, if those that bring any Child to the Church do answer, that the same Child is already bap- tized, then shall the Minister examine them further, saying, T3 Y whom was this Child baptized ? J-* "Who was present when this Child was baptized ? 180 - PRIVATE BAPTISM OF INFANTS. Because some tilings essential to this Sacrament may happen to be omitted through fear or haste, in such times of extremity ; therefore I demand further of you, With what matter was this Child baptized? With what words was this Child baptized ? And if the Minister shall find by the answers of such as bring the Child, that all things were done as they ought to be ; then shall not he christen the Child again, but shall receive him as one of the flock of true Christian people, saying thus, I CERTIFY you, that in this case all is well done, and according unto due order, concerning the bap- tizing of this Child ; who being born in original sin, and in the wrath of God/ is now by the laver of Re- f See 24th generation in Baptism, received into the number of ^ n ' j"^ 6 3 Tit 3-7. the children of God, and heirs of everlasting life*": for Art. ix. our Lord Jesus Christ doth not deny his grace and mercy unto such Infants,* but most lovingly doth call ^gf22Is.24 them unto him, as the holy Gospel doth witness to our & U Ko. i.' comfort on this wise. 28< St Mark i. 13-16. THEY brought young children to Christ, that he should touch them; and his disciples rebuked i gf 14 Mar. those that brought them.' But when Jesus saw it, he 54.58. 3-9. was much displeased/ and said unto them, Suffer the iSLu.14-16! little children* to come unto me, and forbid them not ; A29De.10.fc. f or O f suc h is the kingdom of God.' Verily I say unto *'' you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God l&mPs.2, as a little child, he shall not enter therein. 1 " And he * 2 J_ Pe - 2 - ,,,18 Mat 2, *k them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, See26lo-y. &c. and blessed them. After the Gospel is read, the Minister shall mate this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Gospel. BELOVED," ye hear in this Gospel the wor our Saviour Christ, that he commanded the chil- dren to be brought unto him ; how he blamed those that would have kept them from him ; how he exhorted all men to follow their innocency. Ye perceive how by his outward gesture and deed he declared his good will toward them ; for he embraced them in his arms, he laid his hands upon them, and blessed them. Doubt ye not therefore, but earnestly believe, that he hath likewise favourably received this present Infant ; that he hath embraced him with the arms of his mercy; and (as he hath promised in his holy word) will give unto him the blessing of eternal life, and make Aim partaker of his everlasting kingdom. Wherefore we being thus persuaded of the good will of our heavenly Father, declared by his Son Jesus Christ, towards 181 PRIVATE BAPTISM OF INFANTS this Infant, let us faithfully and devoutly give thanks unto him, and say the Prayer which the Lord himself . . . _ \ & 57 Is. 151 (270.) taught us : 23 Mat. 9. ".j 6 .", 00 : 1 !' /~\UR Father" which art in heaven, 6 Hallowed be ^25 Mat 34; 0fVps.'lo', ^-J thy Name. c Thy kingdom come. d Thy will 16 Bo. 20.' & 14 Hos. be done in earth, 6 As it is in heaven. Give us this day /34 Ps. 9,10; our daily bread/ And forgive us our trespasses,* As GMa <" 2 5>&- e 135 Ps. 3. we f or gi ve them that trespass against us. A And lead us g LufsV. ' roJ.oh.39, 40; not into temptation' ; But deliver us from evil.- 7 Amen. . g R 37 P i ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, heavenly J _ g 32 Ps. 1,2. j^ F a ther, we give thee humble thanks,* that thou See230o-x. ilJa.13. hast vouchsafed to call us' to the knowledge of thy ^ liCo OT-2 ,9. ft 1 iPe. 3. grace," 1 and faith in thee" ; Increase this knowledge, ., in. 1 ii Ti , . , . ^,. n 13 Ac. 43; 'and confirm this faith in us evermore." Give thy 2Ep. 8. ollDPs./.n. i loly S pi r i t to this i n f an t P that he, being born again,' g Xe 2Q q 1 iiPe.m.4. an( j being made an heir of everlasting salvation, 1 ' through our Lord Jesus Christ, may continue thy ser- r 3 Ga - 29> j 1 Ph. 6. vant, and attain thy promise* ; through the same our t 9 Is./. 7. Lord Jesus Christ thy Son, who liveth and reigneth' See ?]* z ' with thee and the holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen. See 277o-. Then shall tlie Priest demand the Name of the Child ; which being by the God- fathers and Godmothers pronounced, the Minister shall say, ^OST thou, in the name of this Child, renounce the devil and all his works, the vain pomp and glory of this world, with all covetous desires of the same, and the carnal desires of the flesh, so that thou wilt not follow, nor be led by them ? Answer. I renounce them all. (271) x Minister. 6 17 Gel- a. lii Co. 3. "PkOST thou believe in God the Father Almighty,* 15 Be.V c 10 Je.10-12; U- Maker of heaven and earth' ? d 132 Ps> 10> 32 Je. 17,4c. And in Jesus Christ" his only begotten Son our 17; clOAc. 36. Lord e ? And that he was conceived by the holy l joh - 4 l- Ghost; born of the Virgin Mary-^; that he sufiered/5Ro. 15; g23Lu.l,24. under p ontius pii a te/ was crucified/ dead,' and 15 i Co. 21. *15 17 19"' ^ ur i e( i; that he went down into hell, and also did ft 21 Nu. 9; k 16 Job 10 r ^ e a ? a i n *he third day- 7 ; that he ascended into hea- 3 Job. 14. 16,28. '-,ven, A and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father . lojto 34 TO 1 Ac. 11 ; .Almighty* ; and from thence shall come again at the 3\^ C 20 3 ' end ^ ^' ie wor ^> ^0 judge the quick and the dead ?"' ' ' And dost thou believe in the holy Ghost"; the 2 Joel 32, ' holy Catholick Church" ; the Communion of saints p ; & Ob. 17. the remission of sins' ; the resurrection of the flesh 1 " ; P 2 Ph. 1. ^Ep. 8 ?'- 28 ' |and everlasting life after death 5 ? r 17 i Ki. 22; 9 He. 22. Answer. All this I stedfastly believe. 4iiKi.32-35; 13Mat.43. Minister. 13UKi.21. WILT thou then obediently keep God's holy will SeeY!Sa->. 132 PRIVATE BAPTISM OF INFANTS. and commandments, and walk in the same all the days of thy life' ? t 12 Ee. 13; , x Answer. I will. Then the Priest shall say, SOP 1- "V\7"^ rece i ve this Child into the congregation of "lOOPs'.S- " Christ's flock," and do sign m llie vulgar tongue, and all other things which 19 1'r. 2.' ' a Christian ought to khow c and believe to his soul's 133 PUBLICS BAPTISM OF SUCH health** ; and that this Child may be virtuously d 24 Pr- 13, c C Ep. 4. brought up to lead a godly and a Christian life 6 ; re- 7. ^ c 12 membering alway, that Baptism doth represent unto us our profession ; which is, to follow the example of our Saviour Christ/ and to be made like unto him ; f 13 j h. 15- that, as he died, and rose again for us, so should we, 2 * Jo - 6 - who are baptized, die from sin, and rise again unto *eH'?" righteousness ; continually mortifying all our evil and Catechism, ? 2 i Pe. 1. corrupt affections/ and daily proceeding in all virtue pp> 6 &66. and godliness of living. SeeVBlg-n. But if they which bring the Infant to the Church do make such uncertain answers to the Priest's questions, as that it cannot appear that the Child was baptized with water, In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghost, (which are essential parts of Baptism,) then let the Priest baptize it in the form before appointed for Publick Baptism of Infants ; saving that at the dipping of the Child in the Font, he shall use this form of words. IF thou art not already baptized, N. I baptize thee In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghost. Amen. ' == - .g. o < ,i >'. When any such persons, as are of riper years, are to be baptized, timely notice shall be given to the Bishop, or whom he shall appoint for that purpose, a week before at the least, by the Parents, or some other discreet persons ; that so due care may be taken for their Examination, whether they be sufficiently instructed in the Principles of the Christian Religion ; and that they may be exhorted to prepare themselves with Prayers and Fasting for the receiving of this holy Sacrament. And if they shall be found fit, then the Godfathers and Godmothers (the people being assembled, upon the Sunday or Holy-day appointed) shall be ready to present them at the Font immediately after the second Lesson, either at Morn- ing or Evening Prayer, as the Curate in his discretion shall think fit. And standing there, the Priest shall ask, whether any of the persons here presented be baptized, or no : If they shall answer, No ; then shall the Priest say thus, (274.) T^ EARLY beloved, forasmuch as all men are con- ^-^ ce i ye( l an d born in sin," (and that which is born of the flesh is flesh, 6 ) and they that are* in the flesh t> 3 Job./. 0. cannot please God, c but live in sin, committing mauy rf 12 Mat { c 8 Bo. 8. actual transgressions'* ; and that our Saviour Christ 35 ; " salth, None can enter into the kingdom of God, except 7 . Mar. 21, e ^iJo^-' he be regenerate and born anew of water and of the gJoh. 38,/. 5 i Jo.' 1,1s. holy Ghost ; I beseech you to call upon God the 41. Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ/ that of hisy 16 ^^03, g 3 Tit. 5. bounteous goodness? he will grant to these persons 24. 184 AS ARE OF RIPER YEARS. igflMar.8. that which by nature they cannot have, A that they h 13 J - 23 ; may be baptized with water and the holy Ghost,' and rf gjo'bso k 2 i Pe. 5. received into Christ's holy-* Church, and be made lively 31. members of the same. 4 * ^ * Then shall the Priest say, See 260 a-t. Let us pray. (And here all the Congregation shall kneel.) ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who of thy '-8 6 p ^\'v "^^ great mercy didst save Noah and his family in 1 11 He. 7. 106 Ps. 'o.' the ark from perishing by water'; and also didst safely 42Is.. l ; orf29Ex.4, lead the children of Israel thy people through the Red J| Mat - "' 1 Le X 9 2 13 Sea,'" figuring thereby tliy holy Baptism ; and by the ^ p g 8 Le! 6J ' Baptism of thy well-beloved Son Jesus Christ," in the r 21 Jol , 3U . U Le. tf, 9, ri ver Jordan, didst sanctify the element of Water to l Na. 2; 4 I8. 6 4. ' the mystical washing away of sin" ; We beseech thee, ^u 1 ', 7 ^-. $90Ps.l3,16. for thine infinite mercies/ that thou wilt mercifully 2 Ro. 5 8 'lllJtZlte. ^ 00 k u P on these thy servants' 1 ; wash them and sanctify liTh.Mo! 1 Col! 23; them with the holy Ghost, that tJiey, being delivered t 61 Is. 10; 2 Col. 7 ; from thy wrath/ may be received into the ark of | ** 0> ' | ; 1 . ,!. - Christ's Church; and being stedfast in faith/ joyful v 42 p g ' 7 ." tt>qf6Joh'l(! t ^ rou gl 1 l>ope,' and rooted in charity," may so pass the 2 Jon. 3. ' 21. " waves" of this troublesome world, 10 that finally* they 21Mat,13. y 11 He. 1C; may come to the land of everlasting life, y there to 322Re.'l,5. 13 He. 14. re io. n w ith thee world without end,* through Jesus See 277 & tnye \ Christ our Lord. Amen. See 260 m- a 25 Is 4; ALMIGHTY and immortal God, the aid of all aa. 41 Is.10,13, J\. that need, tlie helper of all that flee to thee 6 for 13 H 9 su ccour, c the life of them that believe, d and the resur- z> 63 Ps. 8 ; cl4iiCh tl- rect i n of the dead'; We call upon thee for tliete 121 Ps - 1 ' 32UCU. 8. persons/ that ttiey coming to thy holy Baptism, may ^2 Ga. 20. egfl5iCo.21. receive remission of their sins by spiritual regenera- g #2Col.U. tion/ Receive them, h O Lord, as thou hast promised /ISMat. 22. '^j J h"?n ; ty thy well-beloved Son, saying, Ask, and ye shall /, c jj co./.l". ^f lOPs.17, receive* ; seek, and ye shall find^ ; knock, and it shall ie.5iJo.14, be opened unto you: So give now unto us that ask* ;^" Am ' 4 ' let us that seek find;, open the gate unto us that <105 P.3,4fc. fcSlPs.7,10. knock'; that tlu-se persons may enjoy the qverlastpjg 3 Ca. 1^; 1R 56 ^ ene( iiction of thy heavenly washing," 1 and may come ' ' to the eternal kingdom which thou hast promised by n 5 1 Xo.'ll. Christ our Lord." Amen. s ^i^^ Then shall the people stand up, and the Priest shall say, Hear the words of the Gospel, written by Saint John, 023 Mat. 2; ] n tne third Chapter, beginning at the first Verse. 28AC.5 rpHERE was a man of the Pharisees/ named P URo./.i. 13Joh.l3. -*- Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. The same ,r 18 De. 1R ; .-16 Job. 27, c am to Jesus by night/ and said unto him, Rabbi,* lui'' 28. ' we know that thou art a teacher r come from God' ; 102. 185 for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.' Jesus answered and said man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of u'joh'. 11. God." Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man fifl75Ki.24. be born when he is old? Can he enter the second " 9^ 3 ' Jo - 9 time into his mother's womb, and be born ? Jesus answered, Verily, verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh ; and that which is born of the "lC5 9 PS> l ' Spirit is s P irit ' Marvel not "' that J said unto thee > Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth/ and thou hearest the sound thereof; but canst not tell whence it comet 1 , and whither it goeth : so is xdHT&vt 26 every one that is born of the Spirit. x 27. After which he shall say this Exhortation following. See^l (-7G.) T)ELOVED, ye hear in this Gospel the express -*-* words of our Saviour Christ, that except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Whereby ye may perceire the great necessity of this Sacrament, where it may be atf 4Ja. 17. had." Likewise, immediately before his ascension into heaven, (as we read in the last Chapter of Saint Mark's Gospel,*) he gave command to his disciples, 16 Mar. 15, saying, Go ye into all the world, and preach the go- spel to every creature. He that believeth and is bap- c3 Qa. 22. tized shall be saved' ; but he that believeth not shall be damned. Which also sheweth unto us the great benefit we reap thereby/ For which cause Saint d * Is - 19 - Peter the Apostle, when upon his first preaching of the e 2 Ac. 14,&. gospel 6 many were pricked at the heart/ and said to/ 12 Zee. 10. him and the rest of the Apostles, Men and brethren, e 3 Lu.10,12; what shall we do* ? replied and said unto them, Re- 9 Ac. 6; pent,* and be baptized every one of you for the re- * 4 3 Mat*'l7 ; c- ' mission of sins, arid ye shall receive the gift of the 3 Ac. 19 ; ' '24Ln.47-49. Holy Ghost.' For the promise^ is to you and your 17 Ac - 30 - A28Ge. 4; children,* and to all that are afar off,' even as many-? * f '' 2 f, oe ^ 28 l as the Lord our God shall call.'" And with many ,,,?', L. tn 11 Ro. 7. ,, c, ' * 13 Lu. 29 ; other words exhorted he them, saying, cave your- 14 AC. 27 ; 28 2 Ac!'2 5 7 ; ; selves " from this untoward generation. For (as the U 10 -,^ 6 .!. 18 Be'. 4. ' same Apostle testifieth in another place* 1 ) even Bap- n i6 P N U .26;" tism doth also now save us, (not the putting away of 51 Je. 6. 9 ULnlJ9 2 4o'' the filth f the flesh ' 7 but the answer of a S ood con ' P 3 * Pe - 21 - ' science towards God, r ) by the resurrection of Jesus Set 128r-<. Christ. 4 Doubt ye not therefore,' but earnestly believe, ,.,,....',. that he will favourably receive tnese present persons, 186 AS ARE OF RIPER YEARS. truly repenting, and coming unto him by faitli ; that he will grant the m remission of their sins, and bestow upon them the holy Ghost ; that he will give them the blessing of eternal life, and make them partakers of his everlasting kingdom. Wherefore we being thus persuaded of the good will of our heavenly Father towards these persons, declared by his Son Jesus Christ ; let us faithfully and devoutly give thanks to him, and sav, (277.) ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, heavenly _\_ Father, we give thee humble thanks, for that c 5 i PC. 10. thou hast vouchsafed to call us" to the knowledge* of b 1 ii Pe. 3. c 1 i Co. 21. thy grace, and faith c in thee : Increase this knowledge, and confirm this faith in us evermore/* Give thy holy d j^^g^' el Job. 37- Spirit to these persons,' that they may be born again, and be made heirs of everlasting salvation^; through /2iiTh. 13, c 4 Re 9 our Lord Jesus Christ, who livethf and reigneth with 5 See 279 1. thee and the holy Spirit, now and for ever. Anien. see 2GZk-t. Then the Priest shall speak to the persons to 5e baptized on this wise. WELL-BELOVED, who are come hither desiring to receive holy Baptism,' 1 ye have heard how h 2 Ac. 41. the congregation hath prayed that our Lord Jesus Christ would vouchsafe to receive you and bless you, to release you of your sins, to give you. the kingdq^ri of heaven, and everlasting life. Ye have heard also, that our Lord Jesus Christ hath promised in h is holy i 15 Joh. 7, word to grant all those things that we have prayed i'Jj' .j.- for, 1 which promise he for his part will most surely keep and perform.-' 'A 1 ? 8 ' 5 ' Wherefore, after this promise made by Christ, ye 5 , T s ^ 24 . * .19 Ex. 8; must also faithfully, for your part, promise* in the pre- 6He.l7,lts x> ' sence of these your witnesses, and this whole congre- 10 He - '** gation, that yc will renounce the devil and all his works, and constantly believe God's holy word, and obediently keep his commandments.' i 7 Mat. 21. Then shall the Priest demand of each of the persons to be baptized, severally, these Questions following : Question. kOST thon renounce the devil and all his works, the vain pomp and glory of the world, with all covet- ous desires of the same, and the carnal desires of the flesh, so that thou wilt not follow, nor be led by them ': Answer. I renounce them all. D ( . Quettion. rf -2 Ja.'l&; ~|~\OST thon believe in God" the Father Almighty, 28; \_) _ Maker of heaven and earth'' ? I o Ro. 2^,31. I o j c 1 Mat 21. And in Jesus c Christ his only begotten Son our e2He.l4,(Jfc. LOJ-^S And that he was conceived by the holy ^ 20 Job. 28. ^5 Ac. 30; Gh os t; born e of the Virgin Mary; that he suffered / is Lu. 31, under Pontius Pilate/ was crucified^ dead,'' and 32; 1 ^22 at'. 2, buried ; that he went down into hell, and also did rise h g ^ 2 ^ &c.w>HHe! again the third day' ; that lie ascended into heaven,-' Q no. 3 : ' and sitteth at tlie right hand of God the Father 2 He. &. fc3Re.2L Almighty*; and from thence shall come again at the-^ A ' 2 *_ m 4 Ep. 30. end of the world> to j udge the quick and the dead i ? ol2Ro.4,5. dogt thou believe in the holy Ghost"'; the i AC.'S ;' holy Catholick" Church ; the Communion of saints ; 3 E P- 6 - G C Joh 69 the remission of sins p ; the resurrection of the flesh'; p 5 Ac - 3 ' and everlasting life after death r ? r3JolU5,16. Answer. All this I stedfastly believe.* 5ee2S3a-v. Question. WILT thou be baptized in this faith ? Ansicer. That is my desire. Question. "ILT thou then obediently keep God's holy will and commandments, and walk in the same all t Q R O _ ^ 2; the days of thy life' ? 2 i Jo. 3,4^ ,_ Ans. I will endeavour so to do, God being my helper. Then shall the Priest say, O MERCIFUL God, grant that the old Adam in these persons may be so buried, that the new man may be raised up in them." Amen. Grant that all carnal affections may die in them, and that all things belonging to the Spirit may live and c 4 Ph. 13; grow in them. b Amen. b 12 Ro. 2. 1 Col. 11. Grant that they may have power and strength to 4Ep. 27; have victory, and to triumph , d against the devil/ the 2iiCo 14 #101*08. W orld, and the flesh/ Amen. A 'lCol.9,4b. Grant? that they being here dedicated to thee by/ Jude 23- trfSAc 13 our office an( * mil " str y A ma y also De endued with A3iCo5 _ 7 'ii, & 2 Bo! heavenly virtues,' and everlastingly rewarded,^ through 15 Gg z l . thy mercy,* O blessed Lord God, who dost live, and 2Ro.6,Y' k 5Ro /.15. govern all things,' world without end. Amen. i C7 Ps. 4. ALMIGHTY, everliving God, whose most dearly See ^ h - m 3 Mat. 17. 1\. beloved Son" 1 Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness n - i - ljol - j of our sins," did shed out of his most precious side o 9 He. 12. both water and blood," and gave commandment to his g 42 Is. 4. disciples,** that they should go teach all nations,* and p * Seetl e, e. baptize them r inthenameof the Father, and of the Son, r 16Ac./.li and of the holy Ghost; Regard, we beseech thee, the * 1 Ac. 14. supplications of this congregation* ; sanctify this water to the mystical washing away of sin' ; and grant that the persons now to be baptized therein may receive 22. 18S AS ARE OF RIPER YEARS. 3 _.. _ the fulness of thy grace," and ever remain" in the n % ' number of thy faithful and elect children ,"" through _ '* Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. SeeW5 a-x. Then shall the Priest take each person to be baptized by the right hand, and placing him convenient/if by the Font, according to his discretion, shall ask the God- fathers and Godmothers tlte Name; and then shall dip him in the water, or pour water upon him, saying, (280.) "VT a I baptize thee In the Name'' of the Father, and & 1^ "^f- a r J?Stt* * J of the Son, c and of the holy Ghost. Amen. o3 Is. / 19 12, IT! Thm sha!l the Pr ' cst sa V' & 4 Mi - 5> & 10 Joh.S. ~VX7"E receive this person into the congregation of c 10 Ac. 48. ' Christ's flock 4 ; and do* . "si^'li 5 - 19 T TI c o -11 *!/-* litre tut, fritbt oi i ./.. oi . t " LlU - B ' a ' Sign fe?/l \vith the Sign of the Cross, shall viake a. Cross 5iPe./.2. in token that hereafter he shall tnxm the person's fore- 4iiTi.7,s ; not be ashamed to confess' the IUMd ' i\2l?' l 4 faith/ of Christ crucified, and manfully to fight? h $ 50 Is. I. ' e ' '' under his banner* against sin,' the world, and the ltf - tf 6 Ho.3,4! devil ;i and to continue Christ's faithful soldier and jioiiCo 3-5- See 282n, *. servant unto his life's end.* Amen. 2 i Jo. i. 14! Then sh'ill Hie Priest say, ' Set; 44 /. SEEING now, dearly beloved brethren, that these l Ro - 17 persons are regenerate, and grafted' into the gfi5MaU3. body of Christ's Church, let us give thanks unto am. 02. i4iiCo.l5. Almighty God for these benefits,'" and with one ac- 6^4 UTi. 10. cord make our prayers unto him, that they may lead as'par?!? the rest of their life according to this beginning." Then shall be said the Lord's Prayer, all kneeling. s c 266 a-r. o.^Ps-"; /^VUR Father" which art in heaven/ Hallowed Pjf Ps. 5 a Mai. 17. r mi -n cranOo.o.o. .MSa/30 ^~^ bethyName.' Thy kingdom come/ Thy will f ^ CoU ^ 1 4 i Pe 19 ^ ^ one * n eart h* As it is in heaven. Give us this day t 4 Ph 6 . ' 5 i Pe. 6. ' our daily bread.' And forgive us our trespasses," As we 51 pe. 7*. u 5 Ro. 11. forgive them that trespass against us." And lead us not l9Pr. ;. 11. w5 Ro. 3. nto temptation" ; But deliver us from evil. Amen.* xliiTI.17,18. ~V\7~ E yield thee humble thanks, O heavenly Se ^ a _ w- (281.) fV Father, that thou hast vouchsafed to call us* alCol. 12. to the knowledge of thy grace, and faith in thee';** Increase tliis knowledge, and confirm this faith 1 * in us iTl - U5 - evermore. Give thy holy Spirit to these persons' ; d 3 Ga - 2Q - that being now born again, and made lu-.irs of ever- 1 1 Ep. 13. lasting salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, iltey may continue thy servants, and attain thy promises ; through the same Lord Jesus Christ thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the same j. See ^ ft> Holy Spirit everlastingly/ Amen. Then, oil standing up, the Prittt shall IMC riiix Exhortation following ; speaking to the Godfatliers and Godmothers first. : ; T7ORASMUCH as tlwse persons have promised P in your presence to renounce the devil and 189 I A CATECHISM. all his works, to believe in God, and to serve him ; ye must remember that it is your part and duty to put them in mind, what a solemn vow, promise, and g 50 Ps. 14. profession^ they have now made before this congre- gation, and especially before you their chosen wit- nesses. And ye are also to call upon them to use all diligence to be rightly instructed in God's holy word''; /' 8 Ne. 1-8. that so they may grow in grace, and in the knowledge Ac< *"*' i SeeHomily ^ our Lord Jesus Christ, and live godly, righteously, 3, part 3. and soberly in this present world. 1 (And then, speaking to the new baptized persons, he shall procee^ and say,) A ND as for you, who have now by Baptism put -JL on Christ, it is your part and duty also, being made the children of God-' and of the light, by faith J l Joh - 12 - hi Jesus Christ, to walk answerably to your Christian ft 2 Is. 5; calling, and as becometh the children of light*; 5j E ^ 8 5 ; 6 remembering always that Baptism representeth unto ' us our profession ; which is, to follow the example of mcf 15 i Co. our Saviour Christ,' and to be made like unto him"' ; 1 11 Mat.29. that as he died, and rose again for us ; so should we, See who are baptized, die from sin," and rise again unto "4iPe.l,ffc. righteousness : continually mortifying all our evil and g ce 26Sa-r. corrupt affections, and daily proceeding in all virtue and godliness of living. It is expedient tJiat every person thus baptized should be confirmed by the Bishop so soon after his Baptism as conveniently may be ; that so he may be admitted to the holy Communion. If any persons not baptized in their infancy shall be brought to be baptized before tliey come to years of discretion to answer for themselves ; it may suffice to use the Office for Publick Baptism of Infants, or (in case of extreme danger) the Office for Private Baptism ; only changing the word Infant for Child or Person as occasion requireth. A CATECHISM, THAT IS TO SAT, AN INSTRUCTION" TO BE LEARNED OF EVERY PERSON, BEFORE HE BE BROUGHT TO BE CONFIRMED BY THE BISHOP. (282.) Question, a 1 Lu. 4; "VTTHAT is your name ? 18AC./.2,. \\ Anwr.'n.orM. Question. Who gave you this name? Ansicer. My Godfatliers and Godmothers in my b See 266 a. p. , Baptism,* wherein I was made a member of Christ, 6 'liPe.3,4! the child of God, rf and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven.' 19C A CATECHISM. Question. What did your Godfathers and God- / 19 Is - ' 21. mothers then for you ? Answer. They did promise and vow-^ three things* '*# l'Sa.ll, i 18Ez.2l,<3'c. in my name/' First, that I should renounce' the devil and all his works,-* the pomps and vanity of this See 2g5 f 7 Joh.l ; 7; wicked world >* and a11 th e sinful lusts of the flesh.' 1 Ga. m. 4*. Secondly, that I should believe all the articles of the 1 8 Bo. 5. ml.\far./.15; Christian faith.'" And thirdly, that I should keep ?V ol v7 31; God's holy will and commandments, and walk in the w _ 8 , r Lu v 1 ?j lHo.lt. * 3 He. 0. 14. same all the days ot my life." Question. Dost thou not think that thou art bound to believe, and to do, as they have promised for thee ? - 101 p s . 2; o 51 Ps. 4. Ansioer. Yes verily ; and by God's help" so I will/ 119 Ps.105.' And I heartily thank our heavenly Father, that he 5 f6Joh - 68 - y 37 Ez. 26- hath called me to this state of salvation,' through Jesus Christ our Saviour. And I pray unto God to give me his grace/ that I may continue in the same unto my life s end/ 8 ob. 3l'. Catechist. Rehearse the Articles of thy belief. See 28'Ju. Answer. (283.) T BELIEVE in God the Father Almighty, 6 Maker a 83 Ps. 18; JL of heaven and earth' : 80 Ps. 8,10. And in Jesus Christ 4 his only Son our Lord,' dgf45Ps.7, u A*'i5 5; Who was conceived b X the hol y Ghost, Born-'' of the J^JJ^' ,~ Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate/ Was /-^<>u ir C ty **> 1S.6O. ./,i. ; . , - , -r-r i . ^ "' e ' * W > ii'. URo.10, crucified, dead, 1 and buried, He descended into l7,wJuae(i. ^'A 97 ^ e ^' ^ ne tn ird day he rose again from the dead/ He A 2 i Co. 8. f OK M I ascended into heaven,* And sitteth at the right hand j 1 Ga. 1 ; M, ttt'aHe.' of God the Father Almighty': From thence he shall jg 3 ^ ' L 15, 10. come to judge the quick and the dead." 1 n2iCo 10-12 ft 4 Ep. 10. I believe in the holy Ghost," The holy Catholick i 2i Co 12 _ " 2 1 Ro. 1C. Church, The Communion of Saints^ ; The forgive- 27. l^Joh.48. negg of sins? . The resurrection O f the body r . And r^ii Ti. m. Ol 1 '^ ' 1 4 7 : the life everlasting.* Amen. 0f2UTi.l7, 10 Ac. 43. ' Question. What dost thou chiefly learn in these *8. 1 ii Pe. 11. Articles of thy belief? Ansioer. First, I learn to believe in God the Father, who hath made me, and all the world.' *i S '|^ 12; Secondly, in God the Son, who hath redeemed me, 2 Mai. 10. u 4 i Ti. 10; and all mankind." 2 i Jo. 2. Thirdly, in God the holy Ghost, who sanctifletli me, and all the elect people of God." Question. 3 Tit. 5 ; You said that your Godfathers and Godmothers did 1 i P. 2. (284 ) promise for you, that you should keep God's com- a 34Ex.J28- i" an dments. Tell me how many there be ? 4De. 13. ' Answer. Ten." 191 A CATECHISM, cl7Ge.7: Question. Which be they ? ol Jo. l.oo. * . SeeQi. Answer. d!2Ho.9,13; 1 He. ser- HP HE same which God spake in the twentieth 13 Ho. 4. vants. _L Chapter of Exodus, 6 saying, I am the Lord thy ^-^J?- 1 Ex. 11-14. God, c who brought th.ee out of the land of Egypt/ 26 ' ^45 l Is' 2 16 Ut f the h lISe f bonda g e -' e 44 ' IS ' 8> 10 i Co. ?', ! Thou shalt have none other gods but me/ tft32De 3l' 14, 19, 20. II. Thou shalt not make to thyself any graven &c., & 10 u . 2 Jud. 19 ; above, or in the earth beneath, or in the water under 43 is. 1-7 ; 25iiCh.l4, the earth.* Thou shalt not bow down to them,' nor 17 Ac. 29; 10 i ^- '^\ that hate me,' and shew mercy unto thousands in them gf i4Eze.4," "l4 Jo 2*1 W * na t ^ ove me ' and keep m y commandments.'" &c- III. Tliou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy J 3 " Nu ' 18> See 325&. Q O( J j n vam " : f or ti, e Lo r d w ill not hold him guiltless 7 De. 10 ; l 5 Mrf/6J4 that taketh his Name in vain - 21 iiltl'fr gf9Jos.'20. IV. Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath- ]09Ps. 14! See Hom.1. day.P Six days shalt thou labour, and do all that ~ 30 Pr. 9. ' <7 i04Ps b 23 ; thou hast to do?; but the seventh da V is the Sabbath ^^"if; cf 21Pr.25, of the Lord thy God/ In it thou shalt do no manner 24 Ps. /. 4, 3:iTh.lO-12. o f W ork, s thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, thy man- ^/ e ' 2- .,. * 35 Ex. 2, 3; servant, and thy maid-servant, thy cattle, and the 23Le.3; ' 23 Lii. 56. s t ran S er ft 13 * is within thy gates.' For in six days the 58 Is.13,14. u 95 Ps. 4 5 Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in ^IQL^S'M. them is," and rested the seventh day ; wherefore the 15 Nu. 15 (285.) Lord blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it." ^ ^.f'J* V o 20 Le. 9 ; V. Honour thy father and thy mother," that thy "1^3, i3 D pr 18 i~? 1; da y s ma y be lon s in the land which the ^^ th y God 2 Mar - 23 ~ 15 Pr.'5,20. giveth thee. 6 fkar.4,5, VI. Thou shalt do no murder. 6 13Lu.lO-17. c21iKi.l9; VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery/ IPr.lO. 4fc. -,,-TTT -m. Sf23/o- l Is. 15-; VIII. I nou shalt not steal/ .238 x. 35 Ez. 5,6; IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy 6 1 Pr. 8, 9; . 19 Le 13 ^" fhon shalt not covet^ thy neighbour's house, See 286 c. 35-37 ; ' th 13 ' c. To submit myself to all my governours,' teachers, ' ' f^u*!^ spiritual pastors-^ and masters* ; To order myself /2Ph.f. 29; 4 Rn. 15.' lowly and reverently to all my betters* : To hurt no ^Fu' 12 ,'! 3 ' .s 325m. DO( jy D y W ord nor deed 1 : To be true and just in all , fl/De.9-11. ! i r> i i- j A Of 3 Is. 5. #5iPe. 5. m y dealing': lo bear no malice nor hatred in my .^ p ,. 1 2 Ph. 15; heart 4 : To keep my hands from picking and stealing,' ( See 3^" ftVlIar^l- an( * m y ton o ue fr m evil-speaking, lying and slander- n 2 j ^ u _ 3^ 23 : ing"* : To keep my body in temperance, soberness," Sftfiio*" 16 ' anc ^ ch^My" : Not to covet nor desire other men's p is Ex. . 7nlfoPs.?63; goods'"; but to learn and labour truly to get mine 21; SP" 1 . 18-19. OWTI living,' and to do my duty in that state of life, See $j ' ' unto which it shall please God to call me/ r 13 Pr. 4; 39 Ge. J. 9. Catechist. My good Child, know this, that thou art 1 Jjg 1 ^ 1 U;. not a l e to <^ tliese tilings of thyself, nor to walk in *6 Job. 41 : ' the commandments of God, and to serve him with- 15iCo. 10; out his special grace*; which thou must learn at all Sea'^a times' to call for by diligent" prayer." Let me hear e 7>iat.7-il u 12Ko.U2. therefore, if thou canst say the Lord's Prayer. see 17i. (287 ) Answer. a 1 Mai. 6 ; O UR Father which art in he a ven * Hallowed be ft 5 Mat IS, 12 He. 9. ' ^-^ thy Name. 1 ' Thy kingdom come. d Thy will be 0f2MaL10, done' in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day d * Mat 17; u>.5Mat.44, . , f , / 6Ro.12.10: 4 5_ our daily bread.-' And forgive us our trespasses,* As ei Co.y NX c 19 Le. 2. we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us of 13Le'.46'. of 10 Le. 3. not into temptation 7 ' : But deliver us from evil. 1 Amen. - 6 . - '. I2 p"2 ; Question. What desirest thou of God in this prayer? ' 4 ! Pe. 2. ' -^ nsicer. I desire my Lord God our heavenly gl Ln. 47. Father,^ who is the giver of all goodness,* to send his / ' fe^*^27' 8 race unto me, and to all people,' that we may wor- j 4 Ep. 6 ; m 145P.10- ship him, serve him, and obey him as we ought to do. m 1 * ^ e - 1 ?- 12 \ And I pray unto God, that he will send us all things ; 5^ 37 tt _ 4iPe?ll.' tnat D needful both for our souls" and bodies"; and o37Ps.23,4fc. that he will be merciful unto us, and forgive us our n * * Co -/-"- 1 Q 1 I p' 3^ si*s p ; and that it will please him to save and defend p 51 Ps. 1. *121 Ps. a*, us in all dangers ghostly and bodily ; and that he will 193 o A CATECHISM. keep us from all sin and wickedness 7 " and from our r4iCh. 10; *13Mat'f3^ S nost ty enemy,* and from everlasting death.' And 1 9PS - 12 > 13 - 9 Re. if. ' this I trust he will do of his mercy and goodness," *2Re. 1. 11. # 3iTi.6,7. through our Lord Jesus Christ." And therefore I say, "5 W Amen. So be it- ' l "^ 2 ' llfcl'i Question. inao \ TTOW many Sacraments hath Christ ordained in his (288.) XI Church? Ans. Two only, as generally necessary to salvation, a 3 Je. 23. * nat * s * sa Y> Baptism, 6 and the Supper of the Lord. c _.. c Sec 110 n Quest. What meanest thou by this word Sacrament ? &c. Answer. I mean an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, given unto us, ordained by Christ himself/ as a means 6 whereby we receive the d selves are bound to perform.'" Question. Why was the Sacrament of the Lord'.? Supper ordained ? Answer. For the continual remembrance of the sacrifice of the death of Christ, and of the benefits , . , nSce 2l5d, which we receive thereby." & c . Question. What is the outward part or sign of the Lord's Supper? Answer. Bread and wine, which the Lord Jiath o See 247 1>. commanded fll be received." 194 THE ORDER OF CONFIRMATION. Question. What is the inward part, or thing signified ? Answer. The body and blood of Christ, which are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper.^ Question. What are the benefits whereof we are partakers thereby ? Ansicer. The strengthening and refreshing of our souls by the body and blood of Christ, as our bodies g 104 Ps. 15. are by the bread and wine. ? See 256c. Question. What is required of them who come to the Lord's Supper ? Answer. To examine themselves, 1 " whether they r *2 repent them truly of their former sins, stedfastly pur- posing to lead a new life ; have a lively faith in God's mercy through Christ, with a thankful remembrance *. 7. T i * 294 p. The Bishop. Let us pray. A LMIGHT Y and everliving God, who hast vouch- _/jL safed to regenerate these thy servants by water k 3 Job. 5. an( j t jj e ] lol y Ghost,* and hast given unto them forgive- m 68 Ps. 28. ness O f all their sins' ; Strengthen them, we beseech l ' thee, O Lord, with the holy Ghost the Comforter," n 3 Ep ' 16 ' o 2 i Pe. 1. 2. an( j daily j ncrease m them thy manifold gifts of grace" ; ^Col^'l'l *' ie 8 P""fr f wisdom and understanding? ; the spirit of P I pr.^ * Ills 2 f. 3 counse l an( i ghostly strength 9 ; the spirit of knowledge rflWiir and true godliness'; and fill them, O Lord, with the r 1 . F * C6> See 293/, l. spirit of thy holy fear, now and for ever.* Amen. 16 Bo. 19. Then all of them in order kneeling before the Bishop, he shall lay his hand upon the head of every one severally, saying, jEFEND, O Lord, this thy Child [or this thy t 20ps j. Servant^ with thy heavenly grace,' that he may 84 Ps. 11. 196 O D CONFIRMATION. "10 Job. 28^ continue thine for ever" ; and daily increase in thy 29. holy Spirit more and more," until he come unto thy r 1 Lu./. 80. See 3n/f. ev erlasting kingdom. 10 Amen. See ^ l a - ""* u Ti - 18 - Then shall the Bishop say, The Lord be with you. Answer. And with thy spirit.* xSeellt t. And (all kneeling down) the Bishop shall add, (290.) Let us pray. 5 Ep. 1. /^VUR Father which art in heaven, 5 Hallowed be 6 Mat 1 c 2 Mal h 2;' ^ th y Name - e Thy kingdom come/* Thy will be d5Ga.l9-21; 15 Job. 8- done* in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day *> E P- 5 ; ll** 6 -' 2 ' our daily bread/ And forgive us our trespasses/ As g p ' 7ML9! ' we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us jf c ' & \z ' See 249n. not into temptation* : But deliver us from evil. Amen. R<>. 1. 14. ff 130 Ps. 4 ; And this Collect. * in holy Matrimony ; which is an honourable estate,* 9 i Co. 5, o 2 Ge. 18,& instituted of God in the time of man's innocency, ^-/o^'if'!*-' signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt ' Ti'./. 3. Christ and his Church d ; which holy estate Christ a s ee 295t. e SeelSa, $. a( j orne( j anc i beautified with his presence, and first miracle that he wrought, in Cana of Galilee f ; and is commended of Saint Paul to be honourable among all 6 Q 23- men "^ : an d therefore is not by any to be enterprised, / ^ ^ e - * 11 1 ki.i-4; nor taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly, 11 ii Ch.21, to satisfy men's carnal lusts and appetites/ like brute .~r_ . beasts that have no understanding'' ; but reverently, 7 * T 32 , ^ s - 8 ; t 7 De. 1-4; ,. , . . ,. ', .. , .-, , [' Jude 10. 7 i Co. /. 39- discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God' ; 6, ii Co. H. duly considering the causes for which Matrimony was & 28 Ge. 1. First, It was ordained for the procreation of chil- dren/ to be brought up in the fear and nurture of the j i Ge. l. 27, ft 6 Ep. 4. Lord, and to the praise of his holy Name.* Secondly, It was ordained for a remedy against sin, and to avoid fornication' ; that such persons as have ^ } " Q' g ' /i 19Mat.lO- not the gift of continency might marry, and keep 7 1- Co 28 36 tnemse l yes undefiled members of Christ's body.'" "ilfiSa /i'H- Thirdly, It was ordained for the mutual society, help, 5 p r islig- and comfort, that the one ought to have of the other, 31 Pr.lO.&. both in prosperity and adversity." Into which holy -fjjl'jujjs' estate these two persons present come now to be joined. & 2 Job 9.' 198 SOLEMNIZATION OF MATRIMONY. Therefore if any man can shew any just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace. And also, speaking unto the persons that shall be married, he shall say, I REQUIRE and charge you both, (as ye will an- swer at the dreadful day of judgement when the '2 EC. 14; secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed ,) that if either of you know any impediment, why ye may not be law- fully joined together in Matrimony, ye do now confess it. For be ye well assured, that so many as are coupled P \Q Ezr'.2',k together otherwise than God's word doth allow are not 6 Mar. 17, joined together by God ; neither is their Matrimony J 8 j 2 NU I lawful.*" 23. At which day of Marriage, if any man do alledge and declare any impediment, why they may not be coupled together in Matrimony, by God's Law, or the Laws of this Realm; and will be bound, and sufficient sureties with him, to the par- ties ; or else put in a Caution (to the full value of such charges as the persons to be married do thereby sustain) to prove his allegation : then the solemniza- tion must be deferred, until such time as the truth be tried. If no impediment be alledged, then shall the Curate say unto the Man, (292.) .af.TTTILT thou have this Woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony ? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her in sickness and in a 9 EC 9 health ; and forsaking all other, keep thee only unto -s296ft,4fc. her, so long as ye both shall live ? The Man shall answer, I will.* >3Ru. 11. Then shall the Priest say unto the Woman, -ZV".TT7"ILT thou have this Man to thy wedded hus- ' band, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony ? Wilt thou obey him, and serve him, love, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health ; and forsaking all other, keep thee only ' SeeZQ'ib it. un * n so ^ on o as y e ^^ shall live ? The Woman shall answer, I will.'' <*24Ge. 58; e 1 Ju 12 13 . Then shall the Minister say, K ^ ^ 30 " 17i Sa. 1. 25. Who giveth this Woman to be married to this Man' ? cf. 2 Pr. 17. Then shall they give their troth to each other in this manner. The Minister, receiving the Woman at her father's or friend's hands, shall cause the Man with his right hand to take the Woman by her right hand, and to say after him as followeth. IM. take thee If. to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance ; and thereto I plight thee my troth/ 7 i Co. f. 3. 199 SOLEMNIZATION Then shall they loose their hands ; and the Woman, with her right hand taking the Man by his right hand, shall likewise say after the Minister, IN. take thee M. to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance ; and thereto I give g 7 iCo. 1. 3. thee my troth.s Then shall they again loose their hands ; and the Man shall give unto the Woman a Ring, laying the same upon the book with the accustomed duty to the Priest and Clerk. And the Priest, taking the Ring, shall deliver it unto the Man, to put it upon the fourth finger of the Woman's left hand. And the Man holding the Ring there, and taught by the Priest, shall say, WITH this Ring' 1 1 thee wed, with my body I * |4 Ge. 22, thee worship,' and with all iny worldly goods I rf\ (j e .42. thee endow : In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghost.-' Amen. ' 31 Qe - L5 - Then the Man leaving the Ring upon the fourth finger of the Woman's left hand, they shall both kneel down ; and the Minister shall say, Let us pray. O ETERNAL God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind,* Giver of all spiritual grace,' the Z5iPe./.lo. See 44 a.' Author of everlasting life'"; Send thy blessing upon m 21 Ps. 4; these thy servants," this man and this woman, whom n * 9 p e - 2 5- 133 Ps. 1. 3- we bless in thy Name"; that, as Isaac and Rebecca o 2 i Sa./.20. lived faithfully together, sc these persons may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant betwixt them made/ (whereof this Ring given and received is a p 23 De. 21- token and pledge,) and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy q 1 Ln. 6. laws, 9 through Jesns Christ our Lord. A men. Then shall the Priest join their right hands together, and say, (293.) Those whom God hath joined 1 together let no man l[Gr.yofrcd] a 2 Mai. 14- put asunder." lMat 4-8- Then shall the Minister speak unto the people. 7iCo.l6-13.' T7ORASMUCH as M. and N. have consented JL. together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a Ring, and by joining of hands ; I pronounce that they be Man and Wife together, In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghost. Amen. And the Minister shall add this Blessing. GOD the Father, God the Son, God the holy Ghost bless, preserve and keep you 6 ; the Lord 66Nu.23-27. cSOPs.m.5. mercifully with his favour look upon you"; and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, d that <* life. l. 2. 200 OF MATRIMONY. *3 i Pe. 7. Y e ma y so live together in this life, that in the world Seef260y-an. to come ye may nave life everlasting.' Amen. Then tlte Minister or Clerks, going to the Lord's Table, shall say or sing this Psalm following. Beati omnes. Psalm cxxviii. BLESSED are all they that fear the Lord': and/ 103 Ps - 13 - walk in his ways/ For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands* : O i 8 EC. 12,13; well is thee, and happy shalt thou be.' h 23 De.l^c. Thy wife shall be as the fruitful vine : upon the 5Ec. l|,u>; walls of thine house-'; 65 1^13 21- Thy children like the olive-branches : round about 23. h 144 Ps.12; thy table.* ) 19 Pr. 14 ; llJe./l6. Lo, thus shall the man be blessed: that feareth i 9112 - 10 ' 11 - the Lord.' ill2Ps.l-3. m 20 Ps. 2 ; The Lord from out of Sion" 1 shall so bless thee : See 321 m. ^ p |-'-2ti; that thou shalt see Jerusalem in prosperity all thy life long" ; i22Ps.6,4t. Yea, that thou shalt see thy children's children" : o 42 Job 16. and peace upon j srael p p 66 Is . 12 . Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, &c. Or this Psalm. Deus misereatur. Psalm Ixvii. q 28 Ge. 3,4; /^1 OD be merciful unto us, and bless us : and r 06 Ps. 4 ; I-'nt a 'i 2 n' vJT shew us the light of his countenance, and be a 4 i on. lu, g. 10 Jrs. -t, merciful unto us. 9 &c. That thy way may be known upon earth : thy *U5 p's'Ai: saving health among all nations/ 42Is.l6-12l Let the people praise thee, O God : yea, let all the 1 11 Je. 20; people praise thee. Jl ^' 3^ . u31Je.ll-13; O let the nations rejoice and be glad* : for thou HRe.is-li. l Lu la t 9 ' shalt judge the folk righteously, and govern the na- tions upon earth.' Let the people praise thee, O God : yea, let all Y 5 . P *' 14> *49 9 Ge e .' 22- the people praise thee." 1 is. 19; 26 ; ' Then shall the earth bring forth her increase" : and 3 Co - ^ 31 Je. 1, & God, even our own God, shall give us his blessing." 7 God shall bless us 1 : and all the ends of the world * l9 ^- 9 - v 10 De. 12; shall fear him.* set No. 24. 24 Jos. 14. As it was in the beginning, &c. The Psalm ended, and the Man and the Woman kneeling before the Lord's Table, tlie Priest standing at the Table, and turning his face towards them, shall say, Lord, have mercy upon us. Answer. Christ, have mercy upon us. Minister. Lord, have mercy upon us.* sSetll v-x. 201 O SOLEMNIZATION (294.) alEo.7.; l)^*' Father which art in heaven,* Hallowed be J8iKi.23,&. lGa3 3; thy Name. Thy kingdom coe. d Thy will be 60 Is. 1, a. p ' ' done in earth, As it is in heaven.* Give us this day d g 20Lu - 31 " "57 Ps! 5'; our daily bread/ And forgive us our trespasses,* Asy2 8 Q e20 . 23 . 71 Ps. 8. we forgive them that trespass against us. A And lead us 30 Pr. 8, 9'. c7Ezr./.23; not into temptation'; But deliver us from evil.-' Amen, h 18 Mat. 23- 21 Ac. 14. Min. O Lord, save thy servant, and thy handmaid*; j^K-p 2JJ~ "' Aru. Who put their trust in thee.' 50Ge 20,21 " 12, 18-18. Min - Lord > send them hel P f m thy holy place"'; &' Lu'.34.' fclNe.10,11. Ans. And evermore defend them." >4iiTi.l7,18. m See293m. Min. Be unto them a tower of strength, Se*WZU. o 01 Ps. 3. Ans. From the face of their enemy." j 86 Ps 2 sv, KM* 1 Min ' ^^ hear Ur prayer> 9 Zec '/-15- ' ,4?w. And let our cry come unto thee. p p is p s . e. Minister. See 289 j.' GOD of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob,* bless these thy servants/ and sow the seed of r g ee 293,7 eternal life in their hearts* ; that whatsoever in thy * Set 884,$;. holy word they shall profitably learn, they may in deed fulfil the same.' Look, O Lord, mercifully upon t Scel42e,fy. u 2C De, 15. them from heaven, and bless them." And as thou didst send thy blessing upon Abraham and Sarah," to 12 Ge. 2 their great comfort, 1 " so vouchsafe to send thy bless- 17 Ge. 10.' ' ing upon these thy servants* ; that they obeying thy will, and alway being in safety under thy protection, 5 * * 24 Ps. 5, 0. u l Pr 33 ma y a ki de i n thy love unto their lives' end, z through z 2 1 j ; 15 Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 17. This Prayer next following shall be omitted, where the Woman is past child-bearing. (295.) O MERCIFUL Lord ' and heavenly Father, by a 1 Ge. 28 ; Vr whose gracious gift mankind is increased ; We 24 Ge. 00 ; beseech thee, assist with thy blessing 6 these two per- 1 1 ; ga. 27 ; 4 Ruti] ia- sons > that they may both be fruitful in procreation of 127 Ps. 3.' 113 Ps. 9.' children, and also live together so long in godly love c 13 ii Co. 7. and honesty, that they may see their children christ- See2d3j,k,o. ianly and virtuously brought up/ to thy praise and d 18 Ge. 19; honour,* through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 22Pr.6-' c#8Ps. 2. >~v QOD, who by thy mighty power hast made 23Pr.24,25; e 1 Ge 20.27- ^-^ ^ things of nothing^ ; who also (after other |J r - ^ 2 Ge. 7, 21- things set in order) didst appoint, that out of man , ^ ^' ' 2*; (created after thine own image and similitude) woman 2 i Ti. 13. ' should take her beginning* ; and, knitting them to- gether, didst teach that it should never be lawful to I 621g s> 5 . ' put asunder those whom thou by Matrimony hadst . _,_ 2 Je. 2 ; made one* : O God, who hast consecrated the state of 1Q J R "Vo^' M a trimony to such an excellent mystery, that in it 21 Re. 2~,9.' is signified and represented the spiritual marriage See 290n. and unity betwixt Christ and his Church' ; Look 202 OF MATRIMONY. mercifully upon these thy servants, that both this man may love his wife, according to thy word, (as Christ did love his spouse the Church, who gave himself for it, loving and cherishing it even as his own flesh.X and also that this woman may be loving and amiable, i See 290i - faithful and obedient to her husband; and in all quiet- ness, sobriety, and peace, be a follower of holy and godly matrons.* O Lord, bless them both, and grant * * ee 267x> them to inherit' thy everlasting kingdom, through 1 2 Ja- 5 - Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then shall the Priest say, ALMIGHTY God, who at the beginning did create J\. our first parents, Adam and Eve, and did sanctify an( Uoin them together in marriage ; Pour upon you n!7iCh.27; the riches of his grace, sanctify and bless you," that ye ^ 5 Ps< 13 ' o 6 i Co. 20. may please him both in body and soul," and live to- gether in holy love unto your lives' end. p Atr&n. p 5 i xh. 23. After which, if there be no Sermon declaring the duties of Man and Wife, the Minister shall read asfolloweth. (296.) ALL ye that are married, or that intend to take the -tlL holy estate of Matrimony upon you, hear what the holy Scripture doth say as touching the duty of husbands towards their wives, and wives towards their a See Horn. , , , , OttheSute husbands." ofMatn- Saint Paul, in his Epistle to the Ephesians, the &24Ge.m.G7. mou >"- fifth Chapter, doth give this commandment to all fl2USa - 3 - c 20 Mat 28- mar ried men ; Husbands, love your wives,* even as a 16 Eze.8,9, G Job. /. 5l'; Christ also loved the Church, and gave himself for &c. 20 Ac. J.2S;it ) ' that he might sanctify and cleans* it with the J7j 5 Ev>. 2'; washing of water, by the word rf ; that he might present 19 ; 2 i T i. 6. it to himself* a glorious Churcr/, not having spot, or * * wrinkle, or any such thing'; but that it should be iipe. 23. 4iiCo.M4; holy, and without blemish.* So ought men to love ,97 Ps 3- 11 ii Co. 2; their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his 60Is.l9,20; 1 Col.22,28. w jf e i ove th himself: for no man ever yet hated hia 82 Is. 1-3; own flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it,' even as 2[Be ' VifpJi-l. tlie J^ 1 the Church-*: for we are members of his ^J^j*' body, of his flesh, and of his bones.* For this cause irfllPr.17, shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be- 7 ^ ^ Mat> 1 4 EC. 5. j j ne( i Un t his wife ; and they two shall be one flesh.' This is a great mystery"*; but I speak concerning ' 10 Mar.7,8. 2 Col. 19. ' Christ and the Church." Nevertheless, let every one n ] Ca> ^ ^ of you in particular so love his wif, even as himself." &4 It. 5; m 2 Col. 2. Likewise the same Saint Paul, writing to the |//^^' o See 292a,6. Colossians, speaketh thus to all men that are mar- 3 CoL j' 9 ried'' ; Husbands, love your wives,* and be not bitter r 4 Ep- 8 i 5 ' <7 See 2Q5j. against them/ 3 Ja. 13, 14. 203 OF MATRIMONY. Hear also what Saint Peter, the Apostle of Christ, *9 i Co. 5. ' wno was himself a married man/ saith unto them that < 3 i Pe. 7. are married'; Ye husbands, dwell with your wives ^IO:P^OO .. ffKTf -.7 Q 111 VTl4lUO.Z2- &10 H according to knowledge" ; giving honour unto the wife, 25. 32. as unto the weaker vessel," and as being heirs together See 96 r - to 3 Tit.7 ^ tlie S race f life' 10 tnat y ur P ra y ers De not hin- x cf 18 Mat. dered.* 19^ Hitherto ye have heard the duty of the husband toward the wife. Now likewise, ye wives, hear and learn your duties toward your husbands, even as it is plainly set forth in holy Scripture. (297 1 Saint Paul, in the aforenamed Epistle to the Ephe- a5Zv 2"> 24 s * ans > a teacheth you thus ; Wives, submit yourselves '^ ' unto your own husbands, 6 as unto the Lord. For b 3 Ge. 16; Ep.l, 5. the husband is the head of the ^fed eyen ^ Christ is l*iCo.J.34. *4 E^'l?- 5 the head of the Church< ' and he is the Saviour of the 1 Col. is! body/ Therefore as the Church is subject unto dUiCo.Z,^. _ _, . Christ,' so let the wives be to their own husbands in/ 5 R e . 9. every thing.* And again he saith, Let the wife see / t 23Ex./ 13 *i ^ a t s he reverence her husband.* j 3 Col. 18. And in his Epistle to the Colossians/ Saint Paul j3jp e j.g ffiveth you this short lesson ; Wives, submit yourselves . o. " iii -A m j.i_ i j i n 10 Ko. lo; . unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the .Lord." 4 1 p e . 1 17, Saint Peter also doth instruct you very well, thus j ph - 2 _. o 11 Pr. 30; saying' ; Ye wives, be in subjection to your ownhus- 4 i Ti. 12;' tf. 18Prll9, b 30 ^" 1 5 that, if any obey not the word," they also \\?\}\l. to 18 Mat.' may without the word be won by the conversation of 3^ pg. jg. ' the wives"; while they behold your chaste conversa- r2iT - 9 10 q 3 Col. 1. 22. tion p coupled with fear.' Whose adorning, let it not gfsiiiki.'so) 45 Ps. 13. be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and 3 Is- 18, jt. tf 23 Mat of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel 1 " ; but & 23 E Z 40' let it be the hidden man of the heart,* in that which t 7 j Co 3 j "^E-S ' " t- 2 ' is not corruptible' ; even the ornament of a meek" and quiet" spirit, which is in the sight of God of great "ft ; | M- 16 i Sa. 7 ; price. For after this manner in the old time the IfU^'lS 5 nol y women also, who trusted in God,' adorned them- ^'Jj'^j 5 ' selves, y being in subjection unto their own husbands ; v9 .Ac. 3C; even ag s ara h obeyed Abraham, calling him lord 1 ; * 18 Ge. M2. whose daughters ye are as long as ye do well, and aa 57 Is. 11 are not afraid with any amazement." It is convenient that the new-married persons should receive the holy Communion at the time of their Marriage, or at the first opportunity after their Marriage. o tf. 12 He. 1. lo - THE ORDER FOR THE VISITATION OF THE SICK. When any person is sick, notice shall be given thereof to the Minister q, the Parish [5 Ja.,/. 14.] ; who, coming into the sick person's house, shall say, (298 ) ~P EACE be to this house, and to all that dwell JT in it." o25 iSa. 6; lOLu. 5; Hi Jo. 14. When he cometh into the sick man's presence ke shall say, kneeling down, e 20 Ex. 5; T EMEMBER not, Lord, our iniquities, 6 nor the *'-*]'' ' * A\j iniquities of our forefathers' 1 : Spare us, good d ' 32E 8 ' j, e 9 He. 22; Lord, spare thy people, 1 * whom thou hast redeemed 14 ; 1 iPe.18,19. w ith thy most precious blood,' and be not angry with 9 De - 29 ; g 72 Ps. 13 ; us for e v e ,. / 2 Joel 17. 3MaLU7. /30Ps.5; _ Answer. Spare us, good Lord/ 85 Ps. 4,5- See 33 n-t. Then the Minister shall say, 57 Is. 16; ' i 31 Ps. 9. Letmnrav* ' 3 La. 31,32. kSeellx. Letuspraj. ft5 Ja/.13. m 11 Ps. 4; Lord, have mercy upon us.' j ^ j^jg. Ps. m. Christ, have mercy upon usJ 4He.l4-16. 2 Hab. 20. Lord, have mercy upon us.* II Ph. 2; /~\UR Father,' which art in heaven, 1 " Hallowed be { 9^ ?> 1 1 \J thy Name." Thy kingdom come." Thy will be liiTh.l',2! doneP in eartll > As ^ is in heaven. Give us this day n72Ps.!8,l9; * 25 Ps 2 our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses,' As * | Ps> 1- we forgive tliem that trespass against us. r And lead us ^ 15 ?j s ^26- See 319r.y. no t j n t o temptation ; But deliver us from evil.' Amen, l Job 21. (299.) Minister. O Lord, save thy servant" ; r4ii Ti - 1G - a 119 Ps. 94. Answer. Which putteth his trust in thee.* ^^ p S g - g' c 68 Ps. 35. Minister. Send him help from thy holy place* ; /mop i &. rf 6iiCh.29, Ansicer. And evermore mightily defend him. d 12. ' ' 35 Ps 19 &. Minister. Let the enemy have no advantage of him* ; / 91 Ps. 3-7. 2 ii Co. il. Answer. Nor the wicked approach to hurt him/ sfSiJo.Z.18. g!8 PS.IC-/J. Minister. Be unto him, O Lord, a strong tower/ A 59 Ps. 1. Ansicer. From the face of his enemy.* ?' e " i 61 Ps. 1. Minister. O Lord, hear our prayers.' Answer. And let our cry come unto thee.-* Se294fe-p. Minister. H02Ps.l9, /~\ LORD, look down from heaven, behold,* visit,' / 69 Ps. 18; ??. , K \J and relieve this thy servant." 1 Look upon him % %?}*: 63 Is. 15; . , . ^8Ps.4. 3 La. 50. with the eyes of thy mercy, give mm comfort" and n 33 p g jg m 119 Ps. "6. sure confidence in thee/ defend him from the danger gf2Ex.25. o 57 I. 18. of the enemy, 9 and keep him in perpetual peace r and p 14 Pr. 26. q 64 Ps. 1. safety/ through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. rS5Ps.l8; 29Pr.t.25. TTI EAR us, Almighty and most merciful God and "IOG^P" 'i 1 - 9 ' *--*- Saviour'; extend thy accustomed goodness" to 119Ps.'l32. this thy servant who is grieved with sickness." Sane- v 38l8.10,4b tify, we beseech thee, this thy fatherly correction to 205 THE VISITATION w 04 Ps. 12. him w ; that the sense of his weakness* may add strength y!3iiCo./.4. to his faith,' and seriousness to his repentance 2 : That, oo 39 Ps.13- if it shall be thy good pleasure to restore him to his * 7 EC. 14. 102 Ps.'23, former health,"" he may lead the residue of his life in ftft30Ps.8-12; 38Is 2-5 thy fear, and to thy glory 6 *: or else give him grace so to take thy visitation," that, after this painful life cc 39 Ps. 9. ende,^ he may dwell with thee in life everlasting," ad 14 Job 1, e33 Is. 24. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. &e. 22. Then shall the Minister exhort the sick person after this form, or other like. (300.) 1~\ EARLY beloved, know this, that Almighty God a 32 De.39; \J is the Lord of life and death," and of all things J29iCh.l2; 17* 1*25; to them Pertaining, as y uth > strength, health, 6 age, \^J^ 1 Re. 'l. 18. weakness, and sickness.' Wherefore, whatsoever your 103 Ps. 3,5 ; c 15 Ge. 15 ; sickness is, know you certainly, that it is God's visita- ^ I s - 29 ; i^T 18 ^', 15 ' tion. d And for what cause soever this sickness is , , T e ' ' 42 Is. 24; . d 5 Job 6; Ho. 1, 2. sen t un t you e ; whether it be to try your patience 9 j b 12 ; e 10 Job 2; for the example of others/ and that your faith may 66 Ps. 11. 37 Job 13. ]j e found in the day of the Lord laudable, glorious,/ 40 Ps. 3. *nrrh4d' -' anc * h noura W e / to the increase of glory and endless rfn'jo'h.^ 1 iPe. 7. ' felicity*; or else it be sent unto you to correct and / t 4iiCo. 17. gf 22Ge.m. amend in you whatsoever doth offend the eyes of your j 3 La.39,40; oar v* m heavenly Father'; know you certainly, that if you See 250 d. t aoJob7-10; . * . . . , v ., ; i p s 7 25 Pr. 4 ; truly repent you of your sins, and bear your sickness ' J s - ' 48 Is. 10. patiently/ trusting in God's mercy, for his dear Son n |^ ob fe & 50 T 'r) ^ esus Christ's sake,* and render unto him humble 1 19 'PS. 67, TO 5 i Pe.6,7. thanks for his fatherly visitation,' submitting yourself ?! o 107 PS. 7 ; wholly unto his will,'" it shall turn to your profit," and ^2Qe.l".36, 139 Ps. 23, he j p you f orwar( i j n tne j^t way o that leadeth unto wsSOGe.so. 4 Pr. 11. everlasting life.' P 5 i Pe. 10. If the person visited be very sick, then the Curate may end his exhortation in this place, or else proceed. (301.) rpAKE therefore in good part the chastisement of a 5 Job 17. J. the Lord": For (as Saint Paul saith in the C | P ;m' 12 ' twe 'fth Chapter to the Hebrews 6 ) whom the Lord 7 H Sa. 14; " loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom 3 Am. 2. 'zspj'iffi. he receiveth. c If ye endure chastening, God dealeth / W Pr. 24 j 29pr.l5*17! with you as- with sons d ; for what son is he whom the l ' ' gf2iSa.25. f at h er chasteneth not 8 ? But if ye be without chas- ^g,^ ^ g gf 1 Is. 5, tisement, whereof all are partakers/ then are ye 27 Nu./.ie'; &. 4 Ho. 17. bastards, and not sons/ Furthermore, we have had ^^VJ?' 27 De. 16; fathers of our flesh,* which corrected us, and we gave 12 Zee. li. ef ss'je.l'e. them reverence': shall we not much rather be in sub- io ia gseem- 7 ^ection unto the Father of spirits,-' and live*? For cd good or 69 Ps. 32 ; ' they verily for a few days chastened us after their ^^ . to 119 Ps. 144; own pleasure 1 ; but he for our profit,' that we might 1 3 1,3/33. 4> be partakers of his holiness.'" These words, good n 5 j TJ l m liiPe.m.4. brother, 11 are written in holy Scripture for our com- See 2 a. 206 OF THE SICK. o 118 Ps. 50. fort" and instruction'' ; that we should patiently,' and P 3 i! Ti - 16 .- q 21 Lu. 19 ; with thanksgiving/ bear our heavenly Father's cor- * l2Ro.TO.12. rection/ whensoever by any manner of adversity it shall please his gracious goodness to visit us.' And * 34 Ps. 19 ; there should be no greater comfort to Christian per- ^ p*' jj,* 1 sons, than to be made like unto Christ, by suffering patiently adversities, troubles, and sicknesses." For M 5 Ac. 41 ; h e himself went not up to joy, but first he suffered 3Ph! '10!' ' pain"? he entered not into his glory before he was ^Mat^o' u>16Mat.21 crucified.*' So truly our way to eternal joy is to gf4Ep.9,lo. &.c. ' suffer here with Christ* ; and our door to enter into x 8 Bo. 17. 12 Lu. 50. et emal life is gladly to die with Christ" ; that we may 2iiTi.ll.12, y 14 u. 26. rjge again from death, and dwell with him in ever- z i 7 ? 1 V, 24> lasting life.* Now therefore taking your sickness, 22, 23. (302.) which is thus profitable for you, patiently," I exhort aZa^ZSZG. y u ' in ^ e Name of God, 6 to remember the pro- fession which you made unto God in your Baptism. /,9c. ^ n( j forasmuch as after this life there is an account c 145 Ps. 17. to be g i ven d unto the righteous Judge, 6 by whom all d 9 He> ^ ' -Q l \ must be judged'' without respect of persons/ I re-/^^; * 7 . 2 Ro. 2,'<$fc! quire you* to examine yourself and your estate,' both i4R .io,12! 11. toward God J and man ; so that accusing and con- / t 5 u c 0i jo ' demning yourself for your own faults, you may find 11. * c H o?-' 7 ' mercy at our heavenly Father's hand for Christ's sake,' jSeeWSj.fa. and not be accused and condemned in that fearful ' f 28Pr. 13; $ 19 Lu. 8. judgement.'" Therefore I shall rehearse to you the ^i^'^n mlliCo.31, Articles of our Faith, that you may know whether See250p. you do believe as a Christian man should, or no." See 30ft. Here the Minister shall rehearse the Articles of the Faith, taying thus, (303.) TiOST thou believe in God the Father Almighty,* & 18 Ge/14. " fl as* 1 * 1 ' MakCT f heaven and earthC ? % 19 Mat' 13 fed. 2, And in Jesus Christ his only-begotten Son our 26. & 1 Tit! 10. Lord J ? And that he was conceived by the holy d ^ Johl 87 ' e 2*f Ti!i'- 6 ' Gnost > born " of the Virgin Mary; that he suffered / 22 Ps. 16; 2 HP. 14. ' under Pontius Pilate, was crucified/ dead/ and 4 Ho. 25; f Mpftio- buried ; that J ie went down into hell, and also did rise ^liTh.14; 14 Joli 2 s! ^ain* the third day ; that he ascended into heaven,' 13He.20,21. 0T10 Le.'t, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Al--^^ Ln.^; He 1^20 mighty-' ; and from thence shall come again* at the gf 2iKU.19. Si 9 He. 12! end of the world, to judge the quick and the dead'? i 17 Ac. 31. * 4 iTh.lt>. A,,cl dost thou believe in the holy Ghost'"; the n 1 ^ol. 18. in 5 Ac. 32 ; , . ,, ,. , /-,, ,, ^ c n wl03Ps.2,3. iOAc.44 45. "*y Cathohck Church"; the Communion ot saints"; ^. g Bo. 18; OT26Job/.l3. the remission of sins* 1 ; the resurrection of the flesh 4 ; 13 i Co. 12; * n job. 4 23; and everlasting life after death' ? 3 * J ^ 2> 4c. The sick person siiall answer, Su 11 a-r. -5e262rf All tliis I stedfastly believe/ 207 THE VISITATION Tlien shall the Minister examine whether he repent him truly of his sins, and be in charity with all the world ; exhorting him to forgive, from the bottom of his heart, all persons that have offended him; and if he hath offended any other, to ask them forgiveness ; and where he hath done injury or wrong to any man, that he make amends to the uttermost of his power. And if he hath not before disposed of his goods, let him then be admonished to make his Will, and to declare his Debts, what he oweth, and what is owing unto him ; for the better discharging of his conscience, and the quietness of his Executors. \_/f. 38 Is. 1.1 But men should often be put in remembrance to take order for the settling of their temporal estates, whilst they are in health. These words before rehearsed may be said before the Minister begin his Prayer, as he shall see cause. The Minister should not omit earnestly to move such sick persons as are of ability to be liberal to the poor. Here shall the sick person be moved to make a special confession of his sins, if he feel his conscience troubled with any weighty matter. After which confession, the Priest shall absolve him (if he humbly and heartily desire it) after this sort. u 3 Job. 36. f"l UR ' LfflA Jesus Christ, who hath left power to *9fMaU9, tv cf 18 Mat ^ ' his Church to absolve* all sinners who truly re- 39. ls,&20Joh. pent and believe in him," of his great mercy forgive 22 Is. 22 ; l-iof 8 Ac'. thee thine offences": And by his authority committed J^' Jf : 21-24, & to me, I absolve thee from all thy sins, 1 " In the Name 3 Re! 7. ' lSAc.8-12. O f t he Father* and of the Son/ and of the holy x5 "Co. 19. And then the Priest shall say the Collect following. See 331o-r. (304.) Let us pray. OMOST merciful God, who, according to the multitude of thy mercies," dost so put away the b 43 Is. 25; !32 3 9ft sins of those who trul y re P ent > that tnou rememberest ^ ^ 2 ^ them no more 6 ; Open thine eye of mercy upon this see 329. "I * 1 9Q 29 ' * n y servant, who most earnestly desireth pardon and forgiveness/* Renew in him (most loving Father) dl!9Ps.58. *H Je V- w l iats ever hath been decayed 6 by the fraud and nHCo.3; 14 Ho. 4! malice of the devil/ or by his own carnal will and 3 i Th. 5. g-16 Ez. 30. frailness*'; preserve and continue this sick member in &15Joh.5-7. ^25Mat.5. the unity of the Church*; consider his contrition,'^ 20iiKi5 . i 119 Ps.153. accept his tears,- 7 asswage his pain,* as shall seem to 39 Ps. 12 ;' * 41 Ps. a thee most expedient for him. 1 And forasmuch as Tie J^ j^ 8 i 7 m 147Ps.ll. putteth his full trust only in thy mercy, impute not * unto him his former sins," but strengthen him with l 086 Ps. 16. thy blessed Spirit"; and, when thou art pleased to" 4B -7 8 - take him hence, take him unto thy favour/ through P 73 Ps. 24. the merits of thy most dearly beloved Son Jesus q 5 Ro. 2. Christ our Lord.' Amen. Then shall the Minister say this Psalm. (305.) In te, Doming, speravi. Psalm Ixxi. 1-17. a 56 Ps. 3, 4. TN thee, O Lord, have I put my trust"; let me -*- never be put to confusion 6 : but rid me, and 2 i Pe. 6. c 9 Da. 16. deliver me in thy righteousness* ; incline thine ear See ly. unto me, and save me. d ** 31 Ps> 2> 208 OF THE SICK. c 18 Pr. 10. g 18 Ps. 2. i 3 Ca. 1, 2 46 Is. 3. m 8 Is. 18 3 Zee. 8 ; 2 Lu. 34. o 51 Ps. 15; 16. s 18 Je. U8. 13, 14. i 38 Ps. 21, 22. y 13 Job/15- lu He. 35. ' Sf 30 Is. 7, (306.) a 109Ps.30; u Ho. l. 2. c 29 Ps. 11. Sf7iSa.l2. g an( l grant him a longer continuance OJic.lo. 37. ' amongst us" : Yet, forasmuch as in all appearance See 309 "' y!2Lu.35,38. the time of his dissolution draweth near, p so fit and n 8 Mat> 2 - & ? 3 A U so' P re P are * l ' m we beseech thee, against the hour - ' 'death,* that after his departure hence in peace/ and in u 'll He!/.13. thy favour,* his soul may be received into thine ever- syifc^. ' 3 Re 21 lasting kingdom,' through the merits and mediation of t j j p e ^ 5 5 Ke. 9, 10. Jesus Christ, thine only Son, our Lord and Saviour." Amen. A commendatory Prayer for a sick person at the point of departure, (309.) (~\ ALMIGHTY God, with whom do live the Double/ : But, O merciful God/ who hast written thy * 3 ^ e - 13 .*- i U i Co. 10 ; holy word for our learning,* that we through patience 119 Ps.130; - an< * com f rt f thy holy Scriptures, might have hope' ; * E P- 3 > * i; give him a right understanding of himself J and of thy- 7 p! 3 Eze. 21. threats* and promises' ; that he may neither cast away 211 P2 THE COMMUNION OF THE SICK. TO ^10 He. 35, jfo confidence in thee,'" nor place it any where but in C2 Ps- 5; i Jo.20. thee." Give him strength against all his temptations," o lOiCo.13; and heal all his distempers/ Break not the bruised &31Is.i,s! ^'2 Hefis! ree( *> nor q uencn the smoking flax. 9 Shut not up thy p so Je. 17. q 103 Ps.14 ; tender mercies in displeasure r ; but make him to hear Sfe ^y- 57Is'll : i6- *Jy aa ^ L Sadness, that the bones which thou hast r9Xe.27-31; 34 Ez. 16. ' broken may rejoice.* Deliver him from fear of the yf-p a l $ s 51 Ps. 8 ; enemy,' and lift up the light of thy countenance upon t 64 P j j 90Ps?i4,'l5. '*"* an< i gi ve him peace," through the merits and 1,34 j b/.29. u 4 Ps. n'q. mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. See 9s. THE COMMUNION OP THE SICK. Forasmuch as all mortal men be subject to many sudden perils, diseases, and sick- nesses, and ever uncertain what time they shall depart out of this life ; therefore, to the intent they may be always in a readiness to die, whensoever it shall please Almighty God to call them, the Curates shall diligently from time to time (but especially in the time of pestilence, or other infectious sickness) exhort their Parishioners to the often receiving of the holy Communion of the Body and Blood of our Saviour Christ, when it shall be publickly administered in the Church; tJiat so doing, they may, in case of sudden visitation, have the less cause to be disquieted for lack of the same. But if the sick person be not able to come to the Church, and yet is desirous to receive the Communion in his house ; then he must give timely notice to the Curate, signifying also how many there are to communicate with him, (which shall be three, or two at the least,) and having a convenient place in the sick man's house, with all things necessary so prepared, that the Curate may reverently minister, he shall there celebrate the holy Communion, beginning with the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel, here following. (311.) The Collect. a 64 Is. 8, 9. A LMIGHT Y, everliving God, Maker of mankind," -*- who dost correct those whom thou dost love, and 6ScRef. . chastise every one whom thou dost receive 6 ; We c 119 Ps. 41, beseech thee to have mercy upon this thy servant 76, 77. visited with thine hand, rf and to grant that he may d 19Job 1.21. e 1 Ja. 4. take his sickness patiently/ and recover his bodily g 5iJo.l4,15. health/ (if it be thy gracious will* ;) and whensoever / See 299ao. his soul shall depart from the body,* it may be with- h 12 EC. 7. tSee29GJt. out spot presented unto thee*; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Epistle. Heb. xii. 5, 6. H9PS.75; "|\TY_ son,- 7 despise not thou the chastening ; of the J 31 Je. 20. * 118 Ps. 18; 119 Ps. 75; 1 Ja. 12; _LfJL Lord,* nor faint when thou art rebuked of 241, Co- 8,9. m 89 Psfso- him -' For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth" 1 ; gf 7 Jos. 10. 34. and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth." 212 BURIAL OF THE DEAD. The Gospel. St. John v. 24. T7"ERILY, verily I say unto yon, He that heareth o 6 Job. 63. V m y W0 rd, and believeth on him that sent mef P 12 Joh.. q 8 Job. 51. hath everlasting life,* and shall not come into con- s, 3 i Jo./.14. demnation r ; but is passed from death unto life.* r 8 Ho. 34. AJter which the Priest shall proceed according to the form before prescribed for the holy Communion, beginning at these words Ye that do truly Sfc. At the time of the distribution of the holy Sacrament, the Priest shall first receive the Communion himself, and after minister unto them that are appointed to communicate with the sick, and last of all to the sick person. But if a man, either by reason of extremity of sickness, or for want of warning in due time to the Curate, or for lack of company to receive with him, or by any other just impediment, do not receive the Sacrament of Christ's Body and Blood, the Curate shall instruct him, that if he do truly repent him of his sins, and stedfastly believe that Jesus Christ hath suffered death upon the Cross for him, and shed his Blood for his redemption, earnestly remembering the benefits he hath thereby, and giving him hearty thanks therefore, he doth eat and drink the Body and Blood of our Saviour Christ profitably to his Soul's health [6 Joh. 5 1 , &c.], although he do not receive the Sacrament with his mouth. When the sick person is visited, and receiveth the holy Communion all at one time, then the Priest, for more expedition, shall cut off the form of the Visitation at the Psalm In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust, fyc. and go straight to the Communion. In the time of the Plague, Sweat, or such other like contagious times of sickness or diseases, when none of the Parish or neighbours can be gotten to communicate with the sick in their houses, for fear of the infection, upon special request of the diseased, the Minister may only communicate with him. THE ORDER FOR THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD. Here is to be noted, that the Office ensuing is not to be used for any that die unbap- tized, or excommunicate, or have laid violent hands upon themselves. The Priest and Clerks meeting the Corpse at the entrance of the Church-yard, and going before it, either into the Church, or towards the Grave, shall say, or sing, (312.) T AM the resurrection" and the life,* saith the b 6 . Joh./.35 ; "e 5 Joh39' *- Lord: he that believeth in me ' thou g h he were sij^uSa! c4Ko.ni.i7; dead, yet shall he live : and whosoever liveth and d 3 Joh/15, 8 Ro.io.n.' believeth in me shall never die. rf St. John xi. 25, 26 i 6 - 4iiCo 13- ' bee 2 i Pe. i. 6.' T KNOW that my Redeemer-^ liveth/ and that he /WP -*- o- 50Je.fl 5 *21 Job 20 ^ n< * tu ough after my skin worms destroy this body,' h 14 Zee. 4. 24 Job 20.' yet in my fleshy shall I see God*: whom I shall see J SeeSllm,*. mrf24Nu" f r myself ' and mine e y es shdl behold,' and W* VfjJJt?- 1 ;:17. ' ' another." 11 Job xir. 25, 26, 27. i Et.aarangtr. 22 Ito. 4. ' 213 AT THE BURIAL . brought nothing into this world, and it KpJZ^Ye; 989Ps.38-52. certain we can carry nothing out." The Lord 20 Mat. 15. & a'! 6 ' e ave ' and the Lord hath taken awa y P 5 blessed be the f gJobt!.' Se319a. Name of the Lord. 5 1 Tim. vi. 7. Job i. 21. 10. After they are come into the Church, shall be read one or both of these Psalms following. (313.) Dixi, custodiam. Psalm xxxix. fl 4p 9 r^627 T SAID ' l Wil1 take heed t0 my WayS " '" that ' ' JL offend not in my tongue. & 3 j s . g. ' I will keep my mouth as it were with a bridle 1 : See 98t. c 5 Am. 13. while the ungodly is in my sight.'' I held my tongue, and spake nothing** : I kept d 38 Ps. 13, e0f7Mat.6. silence, yea, even from good words e ; but it was pain 14 - and grief to me/ /^ Job 18, g 20 Je. 9. ]\Iy heart was hot within me, and while I was thus jjj j> s- 2. musing, the fire kindled^ : and at the last I spake with my tongue. A h 35 Job 9. Lord, let me know mine end, and the number of my days : that I may be certified how long I have 1 119 Ps. 81. to live.* Behold, thou hast made my days as it were a span long-' : and mine age is even as nothing in respect of i 47 Ge. 9 - ft 10 Job 5. thee* ; and verily every man living is altogether vanity.' z 62 Ps. 9; m27 Pr.24; For man walketh in a vain shadow, and disquieteth ^ ** c ' * 5- 10 Lu^t? ' '" mse lf i a vain : he heapeth up riches, and cannot n 27 Job 10, See 314 /*. tell who shall gather them." ^ ' g o 130Ps.5,6. And now, Lord, what is my hope" : truly my hope j Zep/.l8; is even in thee. p 12Lu.16.4i:. q 2 Tit. 14. Deliver me from all mine offences 9 : and make me p 119 Ps. 81. not a rebuke unto the foolish/ r 18 i; Sa 5 I became dumb, and opened not my mouth : for it &c. t tf. 19 Job. W as thy doing.* Take thy plague away from me* : I am even con- LPi^co 7 tf. 4 Ge.13. sumed by means of thy heavy hand." " & c . When thou with rebukes dost chasten man for sin," v niCo.30 thou makest his beauty to consume away, like as it 32. w 13 Job 28; were a moth fretting a garment" : every man there- See ^ la >^- !&?*?& fore is but vanity.* * See Ref. /. 5 Ho. 12. J ... Hear my prayer, O Lord, and with thine ears con- y GiiCh.40. sider my calling^ : hold not thy peace at my tears. 1 z See 304;'. For I am a stranger with thee : and a sojourner, as aoll9Ps.!9. a ll m y fathers were. 00 O spare me a little, that I may recover my strength : before I go hence, and be no more seen. 14 bb 14Job5,6. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, &c. 214 OF THE DEAD. (314.) Domine, refugium. Psalm re. *7 Jp b Tj' b" n our years to an end, as it were a tale that is told.*" 4 He. 12,13. The days of our age are threescore years and ten ; and though men be so strong, that they come to four- ngf 6Ge.f.3, o (f 19 ii Sa. score years" : yet is their strength then but labour and & 3 * De - ' 34, 35. sorrow" ; so soon passeth it away, and we are gone.'' P 1* Job 10- ^S- -^ u * wno regardeth the power of thy wrath' : for 78'ps. 39. 33Is.l3,14: even thereafter as a man feareth, so is thy displeasure/ r ^ 31 Je 18 rf 5"V' 6 ' ^ teach us to number our days* : that we may v>. 1 Is. 5. ' apply our hearts unto wisdom.' t 2 Pr. 2, #. VIjPiwu Turn thee a ^ ain ' Lord ' at the last " : and be 23 Pr ' 12 ' .>'318a-e. gracious unto thy servants." 32 DC. 36; wG3r 8 ij- O satisfy us with thy mercy, and that soon* 1 : so Hjj/^H' 31Je.l3,l4l shall we rejoice and be glad all the days of our life.' ' ' ' Comfort us again now after the time that thou hast 13 p r . 12. ' plagued us : and for the years wherein we have suf- y 12 Is 1 ; fered adversity . y 05 Is. 19. Shew thy servants thy work : and their children thy glory. 2 s 1 De. 39; And the glorious majesty of the Lord our God be aa 50 Ps. 2. upon us*" : prosper thou the work of our hands upon us, O prosper thou our handy-work. 66 ft& 22 Job28. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, &c. Then shall follow the Lesson taken out of the fifteenth Chapter of the former Epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians. (315.) 1 Cor. iv. 20-58. "Pp'^it 8 ' ~\T OW is Christ risen from the dead, and become 23 Le. 10, C 1 Col. lo. [\I ,1 _ *i .. , * ;.!_./> _r j.u^_ . * i. .,* .T....* c i' _ _:_-.- i... *^ gf 27 &,53. Mat the first-fruits 6 of them that slept. c For since by 215 AT THE BURIAL 2 He.9,&. man came death, d by man came also the resurrection d l Ja. 15. g5Joh.26,4-a of the dead.* For as in Adam all die/ even so in f See 154.'. b '" 1 Co ' 1 *' Christ shall all be made alive/ But every man 1 in seelWv-dd . 6j aC 3 9 his own order : Christ the first-fruits'' ; afterward they h seeRef. that are Christ's,* at his coming.- 7 Then cometh the t>, c. Vf Pe!'?'.*" end >* when he sha11 have delivered up the kingdom to J 3.Coi. 4 : 2 [Qj de- ^^' even the Father'; when he shall have put down' 2 ,t j?J7|j stroytd] all rule, and all authority and power. For he must ^ UMat-f. 772Ps.8-ll ; reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet." 27,&13Joiu lO^f 0^5. The last enem y that shall be destroyed is death." For 3- what advantageth it me, if the dead rise & 15 j co.10. 221 13 n t 6 ' -^et us ea t and drink, for to-morrow we die. c rf- SMal.U. ' OP ^ e no * deceived^ : evil communications corrupt good d fi 24 f ? f g t ' 1 t ; . 13 Pr. 20; manners.* Awake to righteousness/ and sin not ? ; for e Ga. 7*; 22Pr.24,25; some have not the knowledge of God. A I speak this SiiPe.17. a^nPe 1 !. 5 to your shame>i B t some man will say, How are f^j^"' gf23 Ex.32, the dead raised up*? and with what body do theyi 3 ^ n ' : 33. come* ? Thou fool,' that which thou sowest is not 5 i Tb. 0. ' See 166c. qu i c i cened) except it die.'" And that which thou sow- ^ 2 u Th -- /: g 8 Job. 1L estj thou sowegt not that jjQ^y that gliaU bC) but i, are ^ 4 pg 2Q _ 1 6 i Co. 5. grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain : 92 Ps. 6. *20 Ln. 28, But God giveth it a body, as it hath pleased him, and.; tf. 37Ez.S, ' to every seed his own body." All flesh is not the * 154 h> ' ' same flesh ; but there is one kind of flesh of men," & c . q. o 2 Ge. 7. ano ther flesh of beasts/ another of fishes,' and another l ^^ |^ q 1 Ge. 20. O f birds/ There are also celestial bodies, and bodies n ^ Ge n ,- 1 1 Ge.14-18; terrestrial ; but the glory of the celestial is one, and 104 Ps. 14 136 Ps. 7-9. the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one ^J^. 1 ^ u 17 Job 14; glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and p i (j e .24,25. 13 Ac. Z. 36. another glory of the stars ; for one star differeth from r l Ge'. 25. " w 49 Ps. 14, another star in glory.* So also is the resurrection of ^| 3 E ^ Jj: 102 P o,. the dead': It is sown in corruption"; it is raised in 5uco.i,4! W 12Ec. S 3 ' icorruption : It is sown in dishonour" 1 ; it is raised aS^Ro.lS; (317.) * n glory*: It is sown in weakness?; it is raised m^rfjIjiCoJl, a 3 Ge. 19. power 1 : It is sown a natural body" ; it is raised a spi- "w. G Bo. 5. 216 OF THE DEAD. e 21 Lu. 39. ritual body/ There is a natural body, and there is a b 20 Lu. 35, spiritual body. c And so it is written, The first man 3C - eg?5Ito,12, Adam was made a living soul d ; the last Adam* was d 2 Ge. /. 7- made a quickening Spirit/ Howbeit, that was not/6Joh.33,4'c. first which is spiritual: but that which is natural, and | c- 1 5 . ' g 4Ep.22-24. afterward that which is spiritual/ The first man is >|Joh.l3,31; O f the earth, earthy*: the second man is the Lord '4Jobl9; 3iTi.7n.10. ,. i . J . ,, ,1 r i T 4iiCo./.7: trom lieaven.' As is the earthy, such are they |_alsoj suco/. 1 k See 2G8. tuat are earthy- 7 : and as is the heavenly, such are they ,- See 154J also that are heavenly.* And as we have borne the image of the earthy,' we shall also bear the image of /sfllLu.48. m 3 Ph. 21; the heavenly.'" Now this 1 say," brethren, that flesh M liCo/.12. i Jo. 2. an( j j)i 00 d cannot inherit the kingdom of God ; neither p i3Mat.ll; 1* Ko. 17 ; doth corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I shew 2 i Co. 7 ; ' 11 Job 11 you a m y ster y ?: We sha11 not a11 sl eep, 8 but we shall 3 E P- 3 - 14. " all be changed, 1 ' in a moment, in the twinkling of an r ** Jol) 14> .5 21 Mat27 e y e / a t the last trump, (for the trumpet shall sound,' * 21 Mat 31. and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall i2He.2o! u4iTh. 14- be changed.") For this corruptible must put on incor- i2Da./.2; ruption, and this mortal must put on immortality." So 5 ii Co. 1.4. w 25 Is. 8. when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, * 21 Ee.n.4. y cf 9 Re.10. and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then = 13 Ho. 14. 1 Or hell . shall be brought to pass the saying that is written," 1 ** * Ko - 1 5 ; saTis Death is swallowed U P in victory.' O death, where is , ^.'7, & H; thy sting"? O grave, 1 where is thy victory 1 ? The 3uCo/!7,9. 6 Ko. 23. sting of death is sin,"" and the strength of sin is the <*<* 98 Ps. 1 ; ec 7 no.f.tt; law. iA But thanks be to God," which giveth us the | ^' I,' 2 ii Co. 14. v i ctory through our Lord Jesus Christ. rfrf Therefore,jy 112 pgy 6 . C 3ii"pe.i4' m y beloved brethren," be ye stedfast, unmoveable,// cf IRu.lG- gg G He. 11, a lways abounding in the work of the Lord,** forasmuch ^ 8 ' .,,,. i2. as ye know that your labour is not in vain AA in the ^Aisiicii.?- a 1 Ph. ll. Lord." G Ga. 9. When they come to the Grave, while the Corpse is made ready to be laid into the earth, the Priest shall say, or the Priest and Clerks shall sing : (318.) "]%,!" AN that is born of a woman hath but a short ViCo^sV 1VJ. time to live," and is full of misery. 4 He cometh b ^^-^< 1 ' P 24 U P' anc * ' s CU ^ d wn like a flower*; he fleeth as it were . 2fi !>,. ' ' a shadow, 1 * and never continueth in one stay.' 102 P. ll! 4Ja. 13,14. ^ n the midst of life we are in death-^; of whom may/20iSa.I.3; See 244W we seek for succour, but of thee, O Lord/ who for our 21 Job 13; g 6 Job. 68. sins art justly displeased* ? g E C r '^ 5. 1 15 Ex. 11. Yet, O Lord God most holy,' O Lord most mighty, & 103 p.io. O holy and most merciful Saviour , J deliver us not into j 3 Zep. 17. fi Jude 1. 7 ; the bitter pains of eternal death.* Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts'; shut '^p^ m2SPs. 1,2. not thy merciful ears to our prayer" 1 ; but spare us, 108. o 77 Pf. 13. Lord most holy," O God most mighty," O holy and n 32 De. 4. 217 AT THE BURIAL p 78 Ps. 35. 7 10 Re. 7. merciful Saviour,* 7 thou most worthy Judge eternal,' r 112 Ps/. 4. ,. , , suffer us not at our last hour r for any pains of death* ,^, 3 v J"^'o' Do .rs. 4, u ; .-,, .1 / f zi ividi.ij; 116 Ps. 3,4. to fall from thee/ lOHe.38,39. Then, while the earth shall be cast upon the Body by some standing by, the Priest- shall say, (319.) T^ORASMUCH as it hath pleased Almighty God a 57 Is. 1, 2; Jj O f his great mercy to take unto himself the soul 6 12 Ec - "> 23. ' ' ' of our dear brother here departed,* we therefore com- rfl8Ge.z27; see Ref. m, mit his body to the ground ; earth to earth, ashes to ?ip m '5*' V- 2 3 Ge3 ashes, dust to dust d ; in sure and certain hope of the SEC. 20. ' &c., 50 Ge! resurrection to eternal life, 6 through our Lord Jesus j-^-^ Co j ^ 4, &c., & 8 Christ-^; who shall change our vile body, that it may See3i5a-g. e 4*9 Ps. 15. be like unto '" s glorious body/ according to the mighty H 28 Is. z.29; SJ?23Ae.J.6. working/' whereby he is able to subdue all things to lEp.19,20. dee 312, 39; our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses,*" As *j^o 5 w26 17 Job. 15 ; we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us Mat/39,42, _ ' ' not into temptation* ; but deliver us from evil. 5 ' Amen. &1 8Joh.ll. S324o-n. Priest. x jf.. 8 , Ue - 2 > (320.) ALMIGHTY God, with whom do live the spirits &i2iiCo 9.' a 20 Lu 37 -^- f them that depart hence in the Lord," and with 38 ; ' whom the souls of the faithful, 6 after they are delivered b gf27Ps.!3. \ ^H/IO ' ^ rom *he burden of the flesh, c are in joy and felicity"*; d 73 Ps. 24; c &ii Co./.i We gi ye tn ee hearty thanks, for that it hath pleased | 3 ^ 4 ?' thee to deliver this our brother out of the miseries of of Prayer^ * 1 3 Q a s ; 1 J: 24 ' this sinful world 6 ; beseeching thee, that it may please P>- 3 - 2 Kel 9,'lo. tliee, of thy gracious goodness, shortly to accomplish SeeSQlt. the number of thine elect/ and to hasten thy king-/ 6 Job. 37; g GO Is. 22; dom*; that we, with all those that are departed in l^ ^-f 1 **' ' the true faith of thy holy name/' may have our h s Mat jj' Jude/. 24. perfect consummation and bliss,' both in body and SecZiiff.' ft 12He/.28; soul,-' in thy eternal and everlasting glory,* through j 5 i Th. 23. 11 Ke. 15. j esus Christ our Lord/ Amen. 1 5 i Th. 9 ; (32 1 .) The Collect. 2 " Th - u - O MERCIFUL God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ," who is the resurrection and the 218 OF THE DEAD. life ; in whom whosoever believeth shall live, though he die ; and whosoever liveth and believeth in him, c 4 i Th.lS- shall not die eternally 6 ; who also hath taught us (by bSee2lZa-d. his holy apostle Saint Paul') not to be sorry, 1 * as men d #19L.28, c 2 Ep. 12. without hope,' for them that sleep in him-''; We meekly &i2iiSa.23.' beseech thee, O Father, to raise us from the death of/ See 172n. See 104a, sin unto the life of righteousness?; that when we shall h 116 P.15. depart this life, we may rest in him,* as our hope is & ^ ** s -^' i 14 Pr. 32. this our brother doth' ; and that, at the general resur- ig. rection in the last day,- 7 we may be found acceptable j see 32. *r *TiVl* ' n l ^y s 'S ut *5 a d receive tliat blessing, which thy ' ' well-beloved Son shall then pronounce to all that love'' "llRemia and fear"' thee, saying," Come, ye blessed children of "25 Mat -^- Sfe33Sq my Father, receive the kingdom** prepared for you**'. 1 ;?!j.'? > | 2 ' lEt> 3. lo; from the beginning of the world 1 ": Grant this, we be- r !5 Ac'. 18; 21 Re. 7. seech thee, O merciful Father, through Jesus Christ, * 3 Re - * 8 - ?2-^ at -'- 2 3; our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen. SeeHomUy "' ' ' rilHE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love Against JL of God, and the fellowship of the holy Ghost, be * Seel5j-m. with us all evermore.* Amen. THE THANKSGIVING OF WOMEN AFTER CHILD-BIRTH, COMMONLY CALLED, THE CHURCHING OF WOMEN. The Woman, at the usual time after her Delivery, shall come into the Church decently apparelled, and there shall kneel down in some convenient place, as hath been accustomed, or as the Ordinary shall direct : And then the Priest shall say unto her, (322.) T7ORASMUCH as it hath pleased Almighty God a 2 i Ti. 15. of his goodness to give you safe deliverance," and hath preserved you in the great danger of child- birth' 1 ; you shall therefore give hearty thanks unto o See 139*. c 5Ep.l9,20. God, and say,' (Then shall the Priest say the cxviM Psalm [w. 1-13, and 16.]) Dilexi quoniam. e 35 Ge. 3; T AM well pleased" 1 : that the Lord hath heard the d gf Ja.13. 16 Job. 24. J. voice of my prayer*; That he hath inclined his ear unto me' : therefore / Set I69p. g 4 Ph. 6. will I call upon him as long as I live.*' The snares of death compassed me round about : and the pains of hell gat hold upon me.* * 2 Jon - 2 - I found trouble and heaviness, and I called upon 219 THE CHURCHING OF WOMEN. i 38Ps.8,#c, the name of the Lord* : O Lord, I beseech thee, de-.? 34Ps.6,7; 130 Ps. 1,2. ,- j j 50 Ps. 15 ; uvt;r my MJUI.-' ^g p s ^, Gracious is the Lord, and righteous : yea, our God A9Ne.l7,31. is merciful.* See ly. rphe Lord preserveth the simple* : I was in misery, * See 2626. "\f 14 G & and he liel P ed me -'" SO'PS.S. Turn again then unto thy rest," O my soul : for the n 30 Je.10. 142 Ps. 7. Lord hath rewarded thee. And why? thou hast delivered my soul from death p : P 56 Ps - 13. q 0T7Lu.l3. mine eyes from tears,* and my feet from falling/ r 6 Ep. 15. 8 i KU.25. I will walk before the Lord* : in the land of the living.' * 27 Ps. 13. VfiPe'ie' * believed, and therefore will I speak"; but I was sore troubled : I said in my haste, All men are liars." v $ 3 Ho. 4. What reward shall I give unto the Lord : for all w 103 Ps. 2. t he benefits that he hath done unto me" ? I will receive the cup of salvation* : and call upon * tf 28Nu.7, y 105 Ps. 1. the name of the Lord> y MLu.'n, I will pay my vows now in the presence of all his people 2 : in the courts of the Lord's house, even in the z 2 Jon. 9. aa 6 HCh.6. m ifat of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise the Lord. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, &c. (323.) o Tf Psalm cxxvii. N'lsi Dominus. EXCEPT the Lord build the house : their labour is but lost that build it. *Ec. ll. Except the Lord keep the city : the watchman waketh but in vain. 6 b 121 Ps.4-8. c 8 De. 18. It is but lost labour that ye haste to rise up early, tf 51 Je -12. and so late take rest, and eat the bread of carefulness 1 * : d $ 23 Pr.5, for so he S iveth his beloved sleep. e Lo, children and the fruit of the womb : are an / 17 Ge. 6 ; g 50 Je. 9. heritage and gift that come th of the Lord/ wool's!? Lake as the arrows in the hand of the giant^ : even 43 Q e 3 ' 4 .' so are the young children.* 28 i Ch. 5. 1 cf 50Ge.23, Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them 1 : h 17 p r . e. l Job 2. ^ey shall not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate..? j 27 Pr. 11. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, &c. Then the Priest shall say, Let us pray. Lord, have mercy upon us. TC See llu-x. Christ, have mercy upon us. (324.) Lord, have mercy upon us.* a 7 Mat. ll; /^UR Father" which art in heaven, 6 Hallowed be 64De.36,39. C 36Ez2b 2 23 ^ thy Name. c Thy kingdom come.* Thy will be d 2 Ps. 8. 220 A COMMINATION. e 4 Da. 35. done in earth, As it is in heaven/ Give us this day our /33Pg.l8, JP. 25 Ps. 11, daily bread.-^ And forgive us our trespasses/ As we 18 - forgive them that trespass against us.' 1 And lead us h ^ Mat 14. i 2iiPe. 9. not into temptation'; But deliver us from eviP: For JQ^Q 2 o- k 22 Ps. 28 ,- thine is the kingdom,* The power,' and the glory, For 3 ii Th". 3. ' 47 Ps. 2, an d taketh man for his defence,' and in his heart u 18 Ps. 21 ; goeth from the Lord." Jer. xvii. 5. See3\Qn. i o Ze 2^ ' Ansioer. Amen. 3 He. 12. Minister. Cursed are the unmerciful, fornicators, see aom.S. and adulterers, covetous persons, idolaters, slanderers, drunkards, and extortioners." Mat. xxv. 41 ; 1 Co. vi. v See 177 9, 10. '"-" Answer. Amen. Minister. oll9 Ps 21 1M OW seeing that all they are accursed (as the 118 '' ' o-N prophet David beareth witness") who do err and 222 A COMMINATION go astray from the commandments of God 4 ; let us 642 Is. 24; (remembering the dreadful judgement hanging over ** Je -i",ll, c tbe Lord is come out of his place to visit the o^SiTh.2,3; wickedness of such as dwell upon the earth.-' But .? 26 I?. 21 ; 21 Mat. 37- who may ab j de the day of hig coming ? Who shall be 1, MK3, &-. 3 ii Pe. 10 ; able to endure when he appeareth*? His fan is in his 3 He. 3. hand, and he will purge his floor,' and gather his wheat 'fc^j* 4 ^ 2 ' g32nCh.l9, i n to the barn'"; but he will burn the chaff with un- si j e . 2.' " ' quenchable fire." The day of the Lord cometh as a n i j s- 31 . 3~o Is'g ijt. thief in the night" : and when men shall say, Peace, 5 1". 24 ; 18 He. 7, 8. and all things are safe, p then shall sudden destruction i 7 J j e 2 24 u 2 Ro. 4, 5. come upon them, 9 as sorrow cometh upon a woman 29 T) ,' w 1 Pr. 28- travailing with child, 1 " and they shall not escape. 4 Then 56 is. i'2; ' 3fl ; shall appear the wrath of God in the day of vengeance,' * Na.10,12. 18 Ps 4J.' which obstinate sinners, through the stubbornness of r 48 Ps. 5h -, 1 Is. 15; ' their heart, have heaped unto themselves" ; which de- ' ^ gV e ' Yg'. spised the goodness, patience, and long-sufferance of * 6 Re - 16 > 17 - 3 Mi. 4 ; ' God, when he calleth them continually to repentance.*" " 3 Pe - c - 7 /ec. 13. Then sliall they call upon me, (saith the Lord,) but I y 50 Ps. 17 ; will not hear'"; they shall seek me early, but they shall 5^/80 2 Dot *"^ me *' an ^ tna *> because they hated knowledge, x 14 j e . 12. (327 ) an( * rece i ve d not the fear of the Lord, y but abhorred a 25 MutlO- my counsel, and despised my correction. 1 Then sliall z 8 Je. 9. 12- it be too late to knock when the door shall be shut" ; 4t 40 4fc' an( l * ^ ate to cr y ^ or mercy when it is the time of & 3 He. 16, justice. 6 O terrible voice of most just judgement, * 55 x ^ 6 - \ j j 19 which shall be pronounced upon them, when it shall <^ & 7 j ^' eSee33x.' be said unto them, Go, ye cursed, d into the fire ever- 33, 34. g 4 Lu. 19 ; lasting,' which is prepared for the devil and his angels/ d 25 Mat.41; 19_Lu. 4i, xi, ere f ore> brethren, take we heed betime, while the ^ g^if ; 4 He. 7. day of salvation lastethf ; for the night cometh, when ,. , / 6 ' t'l''>* Johns' none can vv " orlc - A *? ut ^ et us ' wl l e we have the light, h 9 Jo ^ ' 4 . 30; ' believe in the light,' and walk as children of the light-'; 6 Ps. 5 i,'j. 13 Je.16. that we be not cast into utter darkness, where is weep-> See 281ft. * S *5 Ma't 30. ^ n an( * gnashing f teeth.* Let us not abuse the SeelSx. goodness of God,' who calleth us mercifully to amend- i Jude 4. 223 A COMMINATION. m See 32G. ment,'" and of his endless pity promiseth us forgive- n 41 Is. 22. ness of that which is past," if with n perfect and true o 30 De. 2 ; heart we return unto him." For though our sins be 8 i Ki. 48. ag re( j as scarlet, they shall be made white as snow ; and though they be like purple, yet they shall be . Ig 1S . made white as wool. 7 " Turn ye (saith the Lord) from 5 RO. i. 20. ^B; a11 y r wickedness,' and your sin shall not be your .^e 329 <*,<;, 12 Ho. 6 ; destruction 1 " : Cast away from you all your ungodliness "' ' 2 Re. 5. tnat y e nave done* : Make you new hearts, and a new r ' ' 1 20 Ez. 7. S pi r i t < : Wherefore will ye die, O ye house of Israel," f f^i Is! u if 30 De. seeing that I have no pleasure in the death of him that see 329 saitn the Lord God"? Turn ye then, and ye f33Ez.ll. to !> Pr 28 Sna ^ live." 1 Although we have sinned, yet have we an ~ ' . ' Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous ; 5 Bo. 6 ; ' and he is the propitiation for our sins/ For he was x See 251/-o. 5 ii Co. 21. wounded for our offences, and smitten for our wicked- (328.) neaa. y Let us therefore return unto him, who is the a 19 1& 22; merciful receiver of all true penitent sinners*; as- 6 15 Lu. 20; Ho. 1. surjng ourselves that he is ready to receive us, and ' ' c 55 Is. 7. most willing to pardon us, c if we come unto him with faithful repentance"* ; if we submit ourselves unto him, dSe250t>,ti-. e 119Ps.l01. and from henceforth walk in his ways e ; if we will take his easy yoke, and light burden upon us/ to follow /See209i;,&. #2 Ph.3,&. him in lowliness/ patience,* and charity,' and be or- 7*53 Is. 7. 1 13 Job. 34. dered by the governance of his holy Spirit-' ; seeking^- 8 Ro.14. k /^3* and serving him duly in our vocation with thanksgiving* : This if we do, Christ will deliver ' * Col. 1, 2. m 3 Ga. 13. us from the curse of the law, and from the extreme malediction which shall light upon them that shall be set on the left hand" ; and he will set us on his right n 25 Mat.33, hand, and give us the gracious benediction of his &c - Father, commanding us to take possession of his glo- o See 321p. rious kingdom : unto which he vouchsafe to bring us all, for his infinite mercy. 7 Amen. p 43 Ps. 3. Then shall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Priest and Clerks kneeling (in the place where they are accustomed to say the Litany) shall say this Psalm. (329.) Miserere mei, Deus. Psalm li. a 109 Ps. 21. TTTAVE mercy upon me, O God, after thy great J * ^ "' -I I. goodness : according to the multitude of thy rfgjob'so, c 43 Is. 25 ; mercies* do away mine offences. 6 31. 2 Col.13,14. Wash me throughly from my wickedness d : and / See Horn. e tf 8iCo.J.7. cleanse 8 me from my sin. 32 ' P art l ' For I acknowledge my faults-^ : and my sin is ever ^ 14R e ' m ' g see 1 c, d. before me/ 4, 12, Against thee only have I sinned, A and done this & 3iJ - J - 4 ' <32Nu.23; evil in thy sight* : that thou mightest be justified ^ieB*!fc ' 4 He. 13. t jjy sa y m g j an d c i ear wn en thou art judged.-' $ 1 Ja.i3. 224 A COMMINATION. * See 154Z. Behold, I was shapen in wickedness : and in sin p%t l l. y hath m y motlier conceived me.* But lo, thou requirest truth in the inward parts' : I 16 i Sa. 7; m 31 Je. 33. and shall make me to understand wisdom secretly.'" HLu.39.40. Thou shall purge me with hyssop," and I shall be n 1* Le. 6; 5E 26 27- c " ean : thou sna lt was h me ^ I sua ll be whiter 19 Nu- 18- 1 Be. 5.' ' than snow." S 327/>. Thou shall make me hear of joy and gladness* : that P 2 Ec -/-26- q 6 Ps. 2; the bones which thou hast broken' may rejoice/ r 30 Ps. 11. Ps. 3. Turn thy face away from my sins : and put out all * jj| 3046 7 ' my misdeeds - 1 ' 20 Pr. 9. Make me a clean heart, O God' : and renew a c^riSiiKi. \ 83& ri ht S P irft Wlthin me '" 'ft Th 9 Cast me not away from thy presence" : and take * ra is. 10, not t , holy Spirit from me , *i| 9 p b f'*' O give me the comfort of thy help again* : and 35 Ps. 9.' if 11 Ro. 1 4. stablish me^ with thy free Spirit. 2 4 j j,. 14 ; (330.) Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked" : and 7 Joh - 38. a22LiU.32; sinners shall be converted unto thee. 6 b 26 Ac. 18, Job. 1.16. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, e O God, thou that 20 - C ini < Sa 15 ! art the God of m y health< ' : and m y tongue shall sing <* <|8 Ps.19, & c . ' of thy righteousness.' 12 'is. 2. e86Ps.l2,13. Thou shall open my lips, O Lord : and my mouth -^ Pg 23 . 15 \ 27 sha11 Shew thy P 56 ^ 119 Ps'.17l! ^3j . " For thou desirest no sacrifice,*" else would I give it 175 - 35 'NU. 30, thee* : but thou delightest nol in burnt-offerings.' fcgf6Mi.C,7. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit-* : a broken j 22 ii Ki.19. 1 50Ps.8n.4t. an ^ con trite heart, O God, shall thou not despise.* Afif7Lu.38, O be favourable and gracious unto Sion' : build 1 102 p - 1 3 "' . thou the walls of Jerusalem." "iff * Then shall thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness," with the burnt-offerings and obla- n 3 Mal- 3 - o 66 Ps. 13- ti DS : then shall they offer young bullocks upon thine 15. altar." Glory be to the Father, &c. Answer. As it was in the beginning, &c. Lord, have mercy upon us. Sfe ^ ^ x Christ, have mercy upon us. /33j \ Lord, have mercy upon v&F b 57 Ps. 3. 2iiTh.l6, /~\UR Father, which art in heaven, 1 Hallowed be d!8iCh.31. 17- \J thy Name.' Thy kingdom come. rf Thy will c 38 Ez. 23. done' in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day ' 2 Ph. 13. our daily bread/ And forgive us our trespasses/ As ^ Mar 25 > g 32 Ps. 5,6- we forgive them lhat trespass against us. 7 ' And lead us . 32 pg 7 . t 4Mat i n no * ' nto temptalion'; Bui deliver us from evil.-* Amen. i5Je.20^i, 0f 24iisa 1, Minister. O Lord, save thy servants; ic21 icu.1. Anfu-i-r. That put their Irust in thee. 225 Q A COMMINATION. Minister. Send unto them help from above. * SedS9 ^ e merciful to us sinners, for thy name's sake. See 335p. Minister. O Lord, hear our prayer. Ansioer. And let our cry come unto thee." n 102 Ps. 1. Minister. Let us pray. OLORD, we beseech thee, mercifully hear our -_.-.,.., prayers," and spare all those who confess their 55 Ps. 1. g ; QS un j. Q t j iee ? . t ua t they, whose consciences by sin P? 3 Job 18 > q 34 Ps. 18. are accused, by thy merciful pardon may be absolved, 9 (332.) through Christ our Lord/ Amen. "is 318 ' U> O MOST mi g ht y God > and merciful Father," who 5 337*-y. ^-^ hast compassion upon all men, and hatest nothing that thou hast made 6 ; who wouldest not the death of & 5 Mat. 45. a sinner, but that he should rather turn from his sin, Set 92a- c 2 i Ti.4. and tj e saved' ; Mercifully forgive us our trespasses ; receive and comfort us, who are grieved and wearied with the burden of our sins. d Thy property is always & s 250w, e 136 Ps. I.l. t have mercy* ; to thee only it appertaineth to for- give sins/ Spare us therefore, good Lord, spare thy / 5 Lu.21,$;. g 64 Is. l. 9. people, whom thou hast redeemed* ; enter not into 5 judgement with thy servants/' who are vile earth, and * See ! i 144 Ps. 3,4. miserable sinners' ; but so turn thine anger from us, who meekly acknowledge our vileness, and truly re- pent us of our faults, and so make haste to help us in tins world,- 7 that we may ever live with thee in the j < *J counsel of the ungodly, 2 nor stood 3 in the way of ^johfig. VQtioicktd, sinners : and hath not sat 4 in the seat of the scornful. iisje.16,17; 3 itanaeth 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord* : and ^ Ho- 22. 4 nortitteth in his law will he exercise himself 5 day and night. c }, 3 2?' ?j 5 doth he 3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the water- d 14 j^ 9 '. meditate s id e : th a t win bring 7 forth his fruit in due 8 season.'' 104 p. ie'; river of 4 His leaf also shall not wither 9 ' : and look, what- 47 Eze. 12. ter: soever he doeth, it shall prosper/ e $ 13M ^-5, gah 5 As for the un s dl ' ie is not so *>* them ' : is " but fo.y are like the chaff, which the wind scattereth 3 /39 Ge. 3 23; y " ; away from the face of the earth' l\ TcL' yi godly *are 6 Therefore the ungodly shall not be able to stand ' 21 U Jol) ' 18 ! not so: in the judgement : neither the sinners in the congrega- 13 Ho. 3. 2 driveth tion of the righteous.* ft 26 Ps. 9 ; 3 For 7 But 3 the Lord knoweth the way of the right- uv^T?' 4 but eous' : and* the way of the ungodly shall perish.^ See 152 e. .. J2iiPe.W. PSALM n. [Proper Psalm for Easter-Day. See 57, and 1 1 1 Ps.] X? ""' \\THY do the heathen go furiously rage together 1 ": a8 Is 9i 10 . tcmbie, and why do the people imagine a vain thing 4 ? 4 Ac.25,4t 2 tet t/iem- 2 The kings of the earth stand up, 3 and the b $ 5 Je. 22. telnet rulers take counsel together* : against the Lord, and 36> decree ; gotten thec.' 9 A*k 8 Desire 9 of me, 1 * and I shall give thee the hea- ' 1S Ac - 33 ' 1 uttemiott then for thine inheritance : and the utmost' parts of "^ ' 2 break the earth for thy possession." nSee^d. 3 thouthait 9 Thou shalt bruise 3 them with a rod of iron : and 19 Je. 11. doth. break 5 them in pieces like a potter's vessel." * 107 . 227 ft 2 1st Morn.] THE PSALMS. [3, 4 Ps. ed 1 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings : be learned, 4 p 6 Je. 8. y e that are J ud K es of the earth.* -7 89 P 8 . 7 ; 1 1 Serve the Lord in 5 fear* : and rejoice unto him 6 trebling with reverence <* r 9' 7 . P* 12. T when 12 Kiss* the Son,' lest he be angry, and so ye ,51^*03 gjj, perish from the right way* : if 7 his wrath be s ul4Jo j ] 6 ' kindled," (yea, but a little) blessed are all they that g R e .i6 17 put their trust in him." w 30 j g j 8 . PSALM iii .4 Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son. , how are they increased that trouble me : a 15 ii Sa.12. many are they that rise' against me." *16hSa.7,8; 2a'AiW 2 Many one there be that say of my soul : There 27 Mat! 42 for me, nr is no help for him in his God. 6 43. about me-. 3 B ut thou, O Lord, art my defender" : thou art 33De.29. 3 s'ory my worship, 3d and the lifter up of my head.' d451s.24,25. 4 cried unto 4 I did ca ii U p 0n 4 the Lord with my voice' : and * 40 Ge ' u /116 Ps. 3,4. he heard me out of his holy hill/ 48p5!il* > ' $& Mat.*. 5 i i a id me down and slept, and rose up again 5 * : & 26 La. 6 1 ' for the Lord sustained me. 1 UJobl8,19. ; 6 I will not be afraid for 6 ten thousands of the people:* 32 iiCh. 8. that have set themselves against me round about.-' ' ? ^J Mat. 6. good"? pSSlA" m 46 Ps. 10. 7 Lord, lift thou up : the light of thy countenance ?6 x u 25,26; 37 Ps 3, (js-. upon us.* sO Ps. 1,' ijt 228 1st Even.'] THE PSALMS. [5, 6 Ps. 7 mare than 8 Thou hast put gladness in my heart : since 7 the r 63 Ps. 3. tn time that their corn and wine and oil increased/ 8 both lay 9 I w iH i a y 8 me down in peace, and take my rest 9 ': * 3Pr - 23 - 26 - 9 and ileep f or ft ^ tnoU} Lord, only that makest me* dwell in < | Ps.5* ; safety.' PSALM v. A Psalm of David. 1 Give ear to TJONDER 1 my words, O Lord" : consider my me- o 17 Ps. L Zcry JL ditation.* ftgfliSa.13, 3 willlpray o O hearken t hou unto the voice of my calling, 7 my 16 - 4in//imor. King, and my God c : for unto thee will I make my 5*ort not a P ra y er -* d 59 P.. 16; Ood that 3 My voice shalt thon hear betimes, O Lord : early 88 Ps. 13; *"' in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and ^J 8 ' 8 .j, 6 uorKcr.of sdlllookup." 4 F thou art the God ** hast s , 4 of blood* wickedness 8 : neither shall any evil dwell with thee/ * 12 . and dcert. 5 g uc h as be foolish*" shall not stand in thy sight : t "p r ' 7 ^ 9 "e the f r th U hateSt a11 them that W rk vanit y-'* Pr. 9; ' temple'/ ^ Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing* : the 5 Ec - '" * thyhoi'mest Lord will abhor both the bloodthirsty-' and deceitful* * 7 Mat 23. 1 He. thote man.' 22 Re - 15. ^fwe: 7 But M for me ' l wil1 come into thine h USe ' men j 2 ' Sa> l - 2 straight upon 8 the multitude of thy mercy"* : and in thy fear" * 19 Pr. 5,9. SOrttedfast- will I worship toward thy holy temple.'* 1 24 Jos. 15. net * 8 Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness, because of 61 Ps. 7,8. *mouthof m ^ ne enemies 1 '' : make thy way plain 3 before my face. n Set 36*. anyoftHem: 9 For there is no faithfulness 3 in his 4 mouth r : their o3iKi.29,4t. 5 Or make inward parts are very wickedness.* p 27 Ps. 11 ; 10 Their throat is an open sepulchre' : they flatter ,, O Ko. iy. ... .. . . Q 1M r 8. o- 6 fall by or **** their ton 8 ue - 10. from 1 1 Destroy thou them, O God ; let them perish r 6 Mi. 12. Tcountels: through 6 their own imaginations 7 : cast them out inllLu.39. 8 *ST* ?r **" the multitude of their ungodliness* ; for they have re- 1 8 Am. 4. 9*JBut ' belled against thee." " 5 Pr. 3-5. 1 let them 12 And 9 let all them that put their trust in thee re- 2 De. 30; fiZjoy "* joice" :they shall ever be giving of thanks, 1 because niiSa! 14, Ztiticoverett thou defendest 3 them* ; they that love thy name shall 23. over,o,pro- be j oyfu l in thee y . , 70 Pg. 4. 13 For thou, Lord, wilt give thy blessing unto 3 the * 23 Nu.Wl. 4tr hfavour righteous : and with thy favourable kindness 4 wilt thou y 3 Ph./ L 5 ' defend 4 him as with a shield. 2 z 84 P.. 11. Evening Prayer. PSALM vi. A Psalm of David. [Proper Psalm for Ash- Wednesday. See 32, & 38 P.] longer /~\ LORD, rebuke me not in thine indignation 1 : a 38P.ln,6. 2 thy hot V-J neither chasten me in thy 2 displeasure." Set 1 o,p. 229 \at Even."] THE PSALMS. [7 Pa. 3 vexed 2 Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am weak* : *j 1: 4butthou,0 Lord, heal me, for my bones are vexed." c o HO. j. ettovfeM 3 My soul also is sore troubled 3 "* : but, 4 Lord, how dl8Pr.l4. remem- long wilt thou punish me*? /12 Je'lS- >>"""""' 4 Turn thee, 5 O Lord/ and deliver my soul? : O 1 Zec.'ic.' 8 with save me for thy mercy's sake.* A as Ps' A as Ps 67 OaiithenigM 5 p or j n d ea th no man remembereth 6 thee 1 : and 133 Is 1819 MM ' ^ who will give thee, thanks in the pit 7 -'? 1 EC. ib. ' swim: I 6 I am weary of 8 my groaning*; every night wash 1 1(j j ob 3 2o ; 1 mine eye ig J my bed : and 9 water my couch with my tears.' 1 La. 2, 16; ITc^eof 7 My beauty is gone for very trouble : and worn 2 La. 11 ,18, grief; It away 1 because of all mine enemies.'" m 17 j b 7 ; waxcthold 8 Away 2 from me, all ye that work vanity*" : for 5 L a . .17. 2 Depart , _ : , ,. , ,' , ' . f n 139 Ps.19- 3 iniquity: the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping.* ^ 4 supplied- 9 The Lord hath heard my petition 4 ^ : the Lord o 30 Is. 19. tfZan will receive my prayed ** 6 ashamed, 10 All mine enemies sfam be confounded, and sore r20Je.ll,l2. 7 ;t 8 ^ Lord" : according to my righteousness, p i u c . 12j and according to the innocency 9 that is in me. p 2 i Th. 10. 1 wicked 9 o let the wickedness of the ungodly 1 come to an 11 Da. J.45. 2 ettablith end 9 : but guide thou 2 the just/ r 2 i Sa. 9. 230 lit Even.'] THE PSALMS. [8 Ps. 3 defence u #* u/m 4 McetHthe tutrtght tn 5 judgetMhe righteom wicked. s iith alto } For the righteous God : trieth the very hearts and reins.' 11 My help cometh 3 of God' : who preserveth them that are true O f 4 heart." c 12 God is a righteous Judge, strong, and patient : and God is provoked 6 every day." 13 If a man will not turn,'* 7 he will whet his sword: he hath bent his bow, and made it ready.* 14 Hehath " prepared for him the instniments of death : he ordaineth his arrows* against the perse- cuton.* ] 5 Behold, he travaileth with mischief* : he hath conceived sorrow, 1 and brought forth ungodliness. 2 " 16 He liath g raven and digged up a pit 3 * : and is fallen himself into the destruction 4 that he made for * 2 Je - 12 - " Q U r ' 20 ' 3/je 19 ;33Ez.9,4t. a- 32 De. 23, t/6Job 4; 3 La. 12,13; 3 Hab - 9 ' 1J - 15Job35- 33 Is. 11 ; ' i8Je. 20. e 26 Pr. 27 ; 3 He made dt^edi? 4 JUofe ' ' 17 f ' (>7 ' ^" s travail* shall come 8 upon his own head : teSliSa.1, and his wickedness shall fall 7 on his own pate."* d^V 22. 18 l wil1 give thanks unt 8 the Lord, according to si6U. his righteousness' : and /will praise" the name of71Ps. 13- the Lord most High/ 16 PSALM viii. A Psalm of David. /lSEx.11. [Proper Psalm for Ascension-Day. See 15 & 21 Ps ] /~\ LORD our Governor, 1 " how excellent is thy \J name in all the world 5 * : thou that hast set thy Vp^ P |; 13; glory above the heavens c ! c fi U Ch. 14 2 Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklings 18; 3 H./omt Jiast thou ordained 3 strength/ because of thine ene- - S^'^ 21; mies : that thou mightest still the enemy, and the dll u ^..r. avenger.' 21 Mai 16;' 3 For 4 I will consider-^ thy heavens, even the works 1 5 Co. 27. of thy fingers : the moon and the stars, which thon 37Is.20,Jt hast ordained/ / HI P- 2. 4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him* : and g 22 Job 12; /, w the son of man, that thou visitest him* ? 1 Ko. 20. him a little 5 Thou madest him 5 lower than the angels : to 144 j> g 3' 6 and haet crown 6 him with glory and worship.'^ 1 4 Ex. 31; y ting 1 Lord, 2 earth -. 4 When croa-ned florw 1 patteth 2 Lord 3 earth! 6 Thou makest* him to have dominion of* the works * Lu - * of thy hands* : and thou hast put all things in sub- } ^^ e - 5 ' 9 -]^: jection under his feet' ; 9 G 2 7 All sheep and oxen : yea, and the beasts of the field; ; 15 i Co. 24- 8 The fowls of the air, and the fishes of the sea : 27 ; and whatsoever walketh 1 through the paths of the seas. m 3 R' 2 i.' 9 O Lord our Governor 3 : how excellent is thy name m 3 j x 7, in all the world 1 " ! n & r?r. 1. 231 2d Morn.] THE PSALMS. [9 Ps. THE SECOND DAY. Morning Prayer. a & 1 and */Mm petual end : even as the cities which thou hast de- *a cuff 7 Bt the Lord shall endure for ever* : he hath also m n Is ' 4 ' 5 - 2 throne. prepared his seat 1 for judgement/ n 4\ 8P 56' 3 And ^ For 3 he shall judge the world in righteousness : 9ip g 'i4 4-inupright- and minister true judgement unto the people. 4 " 1 p 45 Is ' 19 ' nest. 9 The Lord also will be a defence 6 for the op- j 2 He 22 5 refuge pressed : even a refuge in due time of trouble." 14 Be. 1. He. high \Q ^ nc j they that know thy name will put their r 12 is. 4-6. trust in thee" : for thou, Lord, hast never failed 6 them 1 4 Q e JQ *? that seek thee.P jMSe/S; ' 7 sing 1 1 praise 7 the Lord which dwelleth in Sion : g Matfy praise* to shew 5 the people of his doings/ 6 Re. 9, 10; 8 declare 1 ^ For when he maketh inquisition for blood,* he 16 Re - 6 - n# remembereth them : and forgetteth not the complaint * See 108e - 9 cry of the O f t he poor. 9 ' u 9 Ne ' 32 ' 13 Have mercy upon me, O Lord ; consider the 1 2 Jn- G - trouble which I suffer of them that hate me" : thou u jg 9 Ps ' 11- that liftest me U P fr m the ? atCS f d 6 ^-* * 35 Ps. 18. 3 in the ^ ^ That I may shew all 4 thy praises" within the j 22 gates ports 3 * of the daughter of Sion y : I will rejoice in thy , 2 ; Sa j_ 4 their oran salvation. 2 -j p s jg 5 by the 1 5 The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they 17, b-d. ^whlcTh^ made : in the Same net which the y hid Privity* is 7 Ex. 5; executeth: their 4 foot taken." 171 S Sa.46- wicked is 16 The Lord is known to execute judgement 5 * : the i9iiKi. 19. snared ungodly is trapped 6 in the work of his own hands. c 1 n Th.7-9. 7 nations ]7 The ^^^ shall be turned into hell c . and all diaje.24,25. " the people 7 that forget God. d e 23 Pr. 18. 18 For the p r8 shal1 not alwa y be for s otten : the thepoor patient abiding of the meek shall not perish for ever.' 8. 232 2d Morn.] THE PSALMS. [10 Ps. 1 Arise 19 Up, 1 Lord, and let not man have the upper / 14i ' Ch 1 ' 2 prevail : hand 2 ^ : let the heathen be judged in thy sight/ fas Ex. 27- 3 nations 20 Put them in fear, A O Lord : that the heathen 3 2Ue.25. ' may know themselves to be but men. 1 *28 Ez 2*9 PSALM x. X- "W?T rtaad-t i self ",h T\7" HY standest thou so far off," O Lord : and 1 al4Je.8,9. " T V hidest thy face 2 in the needful time of trouble*? *$,** ; ted 3 2 The ungodly for his own lust 3 doth persecute the c 9 Ex. 17. 7 blluelh P oor 1 in wait 10 He doth ravish 3 the poor : when he getteth 4 him q 7 Mi>21 2 he lieth in into his net/ 3 catch 4 draweth r K Pr> 15> wait to 11 He falleth down, 6 and humbleth himself : that the congregation of the poor may fall into the hands 5croucheth, ... . . t He. breath of ' lls captains. , 22 Job 13, eth himself 12 He hath said in his heart, Tush, God hath forgot- I 4 '. 6 by his ten : he hideth away his face, and he will never see it/ | ze 9 ' strong 13 Arise, O Lord God, and lift up thine hand* : for- t 5 MIQ. _ , get not the poor. 7 " 77 Ps 9 7 humble or 6 ,. T ... . , ,, 8 it _ . . .,, . 9 _, . afflicted. 14 Wherefore should the wicked blaspheme God : 29 Is. 15; 8M ttrcH ot require j 5 p^ j 1 hath said 1 5 Surely thou hast seen it : for thou beholdest un- "ie j e . i?.' 5 To requite godliness* and wrong. 4 " 3 mischief 4 spite *9iiKi.28; 16 That thou mayest take the matter into 6 thine 51Je.5tf. B Ue.ieavcth hand , . Uie committeth 8 himself unto thee* ; for v 4 i Pe. 19. 7 ftithtrless ^ fl j rf Qf ^ friendle8g> r 10 De. 1& * 17 Break thou the power 8 of the ungodly 9 and ma- " .. V tPWMa ... i i i 2 \jj.,. 1 U &c. 233 3 hit 4 humble 5 or unit establish 7 judge 8 oppretted 1 to your moun- 3 upon the string: rioht in P 5 if 7 tan r yed ' 8 do? 2 truth 3 wicked violence 5 hateth wicked THE PSALMS. UMZP*. 18 The Lord is King for ever and ever : and the c 1 Lu. 33. heathen are perished out of the* land. rf d 10 Je. 10. 19 Lord, thou hast heard the desire of the poor 4 Tftat she should flee as a bird unto the hill 1 *? J0T13LU.31, 2 For lo, the ungodly 3 bend their bow, and make 6 *' . ready their arrows within the quiver 1 * : that they may C 23Ac 12 &L privily shoot at them which are true of 4 heart. d d 59 Is 7 ' 3 For 5 the foundations will be cast down e : and e 82 Ps 5 what hath? the righteous done 8 /? /#18Job.k 4 The Lord is in his holy temple f : the Lord's seat 9 g ; Ki 30 is in heaven ' A h 103 Ps. IQ! 5 His eyes consider 1 the poor : and his eyelids try i 16 n Ch 9 the children of men.' . ., 6 The Lord aiioweth'the righteous-' : but the un- J , ' , . .1., r- -11 4 oJrr.io-la. godly, and him that dehghteth m wickedness doth , 19 G hi s S oul abhor. 5 * 9 Ex ^ 3 2 4- 7 U P n the un g dl y 6 he sha11 rain snares, 7 fire and 18 Job 15; " ' " ' ol> coait, brimstone, storm and" tempest' : this shall be their" 1 Or Saw 3 / a " itpeak 5 with flat- tenngiipt double 1 heart do theytpeak. Ocuo/T TJiattering I for the op- or 2 doth ' 8 For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness" : his n ej ig.y.g. 3 upright. . countenance will 2 behold the thing that wjust. 30 o 36 Job/: 7 Evening Prayer. PSALM xii. A Psalm of David. 2 the godly ELP 1 me, Lord, for there is not one godly man ^an.ceas~ left 2 : for the faithful are minished 3 from among the children of men." "aopS?*- 2 They talk 4 of vanity every one with his neigh- 7 Mi. 1,2.' bour : they do but natter with their lips,* and dis- jg j e .2-8. sem ble in their double heart." cgfl2iCh / 3 The Lord shall root out 6 all deceitful 7 lips' 1 : and ^. the tongue that speaketh proud 8 things' ; 8 He. great d 17 Job 5 - 4 Which have saidj Tff\fa our tongue will we pre- e 17 Sa- 44 - va jj/ . we are t {j e y t hat ought to speak 9 , who is lord /is Je. 18. oyer us ? 9 O(tr lips are ottr Ow1t . g 21 Job ^ 5 ^ ow f or t j ie comfortless troubles' sake 1 of the 15. needy 2 : and because of the deep sighing of the poor, 3A fc2Ex 23-25. 6 ^ w ^ U P'* sa ' tn tne ^ rd : and W *H ne ^P wwy one from him that swelleth against 5 him, and 6 will set I 5 2 |J r 8 . 23; him at rest. 7 ' 6 / 7 in safety. 19 i s . 26. 234 3 needy 4 arise 5 puffeth at 2d Even.] THE PSALMS [13, 14 Ps. 8 tried in a 7 The words of the Lord are pure wordy : even as^22iiSa31. earth, ^ tlie silver > which from the earth is tried, 8 and purified 9 them seven times in the fire* A0T66P810 2 u*cn d the 8 Tll U shalt kee P them ' 9 ^^ : thou shalt P re - viies't men serve him* from this generation for ever.' I 27 Is. 3 ; arc ex. 9 The ungodly 1 walk on every side : when they are 3Ma '- m -12. exalted, the children of men are put to rebuke. 2 '" m 3 E 8 . e. PSALM xiii. A Psalm of David. 2 fr*!ng TTOW long wilt thou forget me, O Lord, for ever" : a 5 La. 20. sorrow JL.I_ how long wilt thou hide thy face from me* ? j 31 j) e- 17 3 daily % jj ow i ori nr s j ia ji j see k' counsel in my soul, and be 18. 4 be exalted , . E ,, ,, . 5 lf$t itiecp so vexed' in my heart c : how long shall mine enemies ciojobl &. tfickletp of triumph 4 over me d ? d 1 La. 6. c mid those '" Consider, and hear me, O Lord my God* : lighten e 5 La. ]. that trou- mine eyes/ that I sleep not in 5 death.*" f 9 E Zr- 8- e we re- 4 j_, es t m j ne enemy say, I have prevailed against 51 j e . 39^ / am " " him : for if I be cast down, they that trouble me will moved, rejoice at it. 6 * A 7 Jo. 8; 'tmted 5 But m y trust is7 in th y mercy' : and my heart is 3 ^z.l5. 8 shall re- joyful 8 in thy salvation.-' * 52 Ps - 8 - I/viz, 6 J win sin f9 the Lord> because he hath deait s j 49 Is< 13- 10 ixnmti- lovingly 10 with me* : yea, I will praise the name of * 101 Ps. 1 fvilu the Lord most Highest.' 1 16 i Ch.25. * Set 53 Ts. PSALM xiv.* A Psalm of David. THE fool" hath said in his heart 6 : There is no 13 PM.19. God.< ^lORo/. 1 they hare % T ne y are corrupt, and become 1 abominable in their c 2 Ep. f. 12. doings 2 '' : there is none that doeth good, no not one.' *'" '^jf: 2 workt: r?,, T i i j j e , d t>ee 18b;. 3 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the e 2 t p . 3. children of men-^ : to see if there were any that/6Qe. 12; would 3 understand/ and seek after God.* ^ *; | L 4 aside 4 g ut tne y are a u gone ou t pf the way, 4 ' they are / 19 ii ch! 3. 5 filthy. altogether become abominable 5 - 1 : there is none that { ' *i c - 2 l 9 - He. stink- , t J 04 Is. 6. ing . doeth good, no not one. A 7 EC. 20. 5 TAeir throat is an open sepulchre, 1 with their ' #5 Je. 16. tongues have they deceived" 1 : the poison of asps is ^32^6. S3. under their lips. n o 3 Ja. 8, *; 6 Their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness ^^ g r ' 7 18 ^ their feet are swift to shed blood? q 57 ii. jjl. 7 Destruction and unhappiness w in their ways,r2QQe.ll; and the way of peace have they not known 1 : there is 18 ^ ' 6> no fear of God before their eyesJ 3 Ro.10-16. 1^*0?" 8 Have they no knowledge, that they are all such * 5 It. 13. crtofini- workers of mischief 6 ' : eating' up my people as it ^j 80 ^" '/<"',% led 'el were8 bread ' and cal1 not u P^ n the Lord"? 8i#y eat 3 Mi * 2 .4. ; 7 who eat ' 9 There were they brought in great fear, even where u 27 Job 10. 235 3d MornJ] THE PSALMS. [15, 16 Ps. 9 shamed 1 the LORD if his re- fuge 2 OA that the salva- tion of Is- rael were come 3 bringeth back no fear was* : for God is in the generation of the "26Le.l7,4t righteous.* 28 Pr. 1. 10 As for you, ye have made a mock at 9 the counsel w 8 Is. 10. of the poor : because he putteth his trust in the Lord. 1 * x rf'ejoh'es 1 1 Who shall give salvation unto Israel 2 out of Sion y ? z 42 Job 10 ; When the Lord tumeth 3 the captivity of his people 2 : ^ s - f/ then shall Jacob rejoice, and Israel shall be glad. 00 22. THE THIRD DAY. Morning Prayer. PSALM xv. A Psalm of David. [Proper Psalm for Ascension-Day. See 21 Ps.] \ablde T ORD, who shall dwell 1 in thy tabernacle" : or a 21 Be. 3,4. He. sojourn J|j who shall rest upon 2 thy holy hill* ? *14Re.l. 2dwellin 2 Even he, that leadeth an uncorrupt life 3 : and c 10 Ac. 35; 3 waiketh doeth the thing which is right, 4 and speaketh the truth 2 Ep. 10; uprightly. , 5 , , ft 2 1 Jo. 6,29. irom nis heart. 4 worketh righteousness, 5 in g n0f ta ^ et j l 3 He that hath used no deceit in 6 his tongue, nor up a re- done 7 evil to his neighbour : and hath not slandered 8 proach , . i . d against his neighbour." rf 63 Is 8. 4 He that setteth not by himself, but is lowly in his see 28fim. > 9e and maketh much of them that fear the 3UKi.l3,14. / 0f 12 Mat. 48-50, 5 He that sweareth unto his neighbour, and disap- & a Ja.1-5. 6 backbiteth not with 7 doeth 9 In whose eyes a vile person is own eyes' contemned: T j / 1 but he honoureth * -- JjX. iO. j 3313.15^0. j 18 Ez. 8,9 ; pointeth him 2 not : though it were to his own hin- drance. 3 *' 3 hurt 6 He that hath not given 4 his money upon usury* nor taken 5 reward against the innocent. 1 5 taketh 7 Whoso doeth these things : shall never fall. 6 -' PSALM xvi. Michtam (or a golden Psalm) of David. a 26 Is 3 4 "PRESERVE me, O God : for in thee have 1 I put b 31 Ps'.iV JL my trust." 1 do c % 5 j^ b 7 ' ' 2 O my soul, thou hast said unto the Lord : Thou 50P8.9,&. art my God, 26 my goods are nothing 3 unto thee. c *' ^ u< ^ ; 3 All my delight is upon 4 the saints, that are in the a 6 y e ' 10! earth d : and upon such as excel in virtue. 56 cf 14Mai.7, my delight. 4 But they that run after 6 another god : shall have e 2 S -prfA6. 7 multiplied great trouble. 7 -^ 6 hasten after. He. give gifts to f 2 Jon. 8 ; sorrows 5 ^heir drink-offerings of blood^ will I not offer : ^j 6 ' 9 , 11 - S^nor t e ne ; tner ma k e me ntion of 3 their names within 9 my lips.* 53 j S ' s .'7_ 9 into 6 The Lord himself is the portion of mine inheri- i loje. 16. 1 maintain- tance, 1 and of my cup 7 : thou shalt maintain 1 my lot.* 4 2 Sfe > K9tf' Ablest f The lot' is 2 fallen unto me in a fair ground 3 : yea, 1 73 p s . 55.' 5 who hath I have a goodly heritage." 1 2 lines are 3 pleasant places ; ?J%iA given ^ g ^u thank 4 the Lord for giving 5 me warning 6 * : n ^ j' s {^ ' 7 instruct my reins also chasten 7 me in the night-season." o 73 ~ 21. 236 2 changeth 4 putteth not out 6 be moved 2 Lord 3 goodness extendeth not 4 But to 5 to the ex- cellent, in whom is all 3d Morn.] THE PSALMS. [17 P. 8 the LOKD 9 i have se t God s always before me* : for 9 he is on 9 because . , , , ., ,. ' T , ,, , r ., \ a o73Ps.23,ab- 1 be moved m Y n S llt; hand > therefore I shall not fall. ;. 10 LU. 2l7 10 Wherefore my heart was glad/ and my glory' 30 Ps. 13*. 2 He. dwell rejoiced : my flesh also shall rest in hope. 2 ' 49 P'S 15 conftdmtlu. , j Yorwhyl thou shalt* not leave my soul in hell" : 20 Re/13.' neither shalt 3 thou suffer thy Holy One" to see cor- , 9 I r)a -'-^5 .,,IIA (M_ 4 Lu. J.34: to 13 Ac. 34- ruption." 3 AC./. 14 ; 12 Thou shalt 3 shew me the path of life 1 ; in thy * 2 Pr. Z. 19. z25MaU.4C. presence j s ffo f u i ness O f joy" : and at thy right hand Vl^ 16 *' 2 Ac. 25-31. there is pleasure for evermore. 2 PSALM xvii. A Prayer of David. 1 Ue.juttice TT EAR the right, 1 O Lord, consider my complaint' : 26 i Sa 23 ; 2 attend un- -*--*- fln ^ hearken unto 3 my prayer, that goeth not out J^ ^^47. to my cry. of feigned lips." 3 give ear 2 Let my sentence come forth from thy presence 6 : *' * 4 behold and let thine eyes look upon 4 the thing that is 5 nothing : equal. c 18 Ez. 25. C transgress 3 Thou hast proved and visited mine heart in the ^concerning night-5eaw d ; thou hast tried me, and shalt find no *fif2MLl. 8 by wickedness* in me' : for I am utterly purposed that e 23 Job 10 - 9 path* my mouth S h a ii not offend. 6 / I -Be. be not 4 Because of men's works, that are done against 8 f 3 Ja> 2> 2"lr the words of tliy lips* : I have kept me from the 9 P- " ~tl>ecch. ways 9 of the destroyer.* * 9 Be. 11. 3 satest by 5 O hold thou up my goings in thy paths' : that my i 10 Je. 23. /&&* footste P s sli P not -' J 3 * 796, *. which put 6 I have called upon ^hee, O God, for thou shalt ^ 55 p g . is. their trust hear me* : incline thine ear to me, and hearken unto j 37 Ig ^ m tf 19Mat . that rite i Shew thy marvellous loving -kindness, thou that i. 26. * against ar t the Saviour of them which put their trust in thee" : n 28 Is. 16; 4 the* ^ rom sucl1 ^ res > st ^ J y "ght hand. 30 5 wicked & Keep me as the apple of an 4 eye^" : hide me under "J- 5 / ^ 5 ' that op- the shadow of thy wings,* 32 D ' e jjj . ^T-'** -aft From the ungodly that trouble 5 me r : mine ene- 2 Zee 8. C from my m ^ es6 compass me round about to tate rtJOrty my soul.' q See 62n. deadly ene- 10 They are inclosed in their own fat': and their 'IVlCh 9. mi, who mouth speaketh proud things.'" 7 proudly * 23 i Sa. 14. ^c^'awd ] l They lie waitin g in ur wa y on ever y 8ide8r : ' ; C \u'iiovr turning 9 their eyes down 1 to the ground 2 ; 2 earth ; u 15 Ex - 9> *tep: 1-2 Like as a lion that is greedy of his prey": and 23iSa.26. 9 they have as it were a lion's whelp, 3 lurking in secret places.* w '^ p ^ 13 - 13 Up, 4 Lord, disappoint him, and cast him down* : JB: 1 bowing j ,. r , . i j y 3 Ps. 7*. dtm/i deliver my soul from the ungodly, which is a sword 3j/f.ungtam f thine 61 ; 4 A rue 5 wtcAed 6 or, by thy sii'ord. "siJe.ijO.ISfc. 7 wll i cll Bre 14 From the men of thy hand, O Lord, from the i Hab. 12. b of nien, J say, and from* the evil world" : which have a i i Jo./5. 237 3d Even] THE PSALMS [18 Ps. 9 arc/H of their portion in this life,* whose bellies thou fillest b 16Lu.25. children, ... ., . j * rM ,nrp c c 12 ' ob * OrtArir ^"J 1 ^ 1 / W . n - ,.,. d21Job7,<$'c. children 15 1 hey have children at their desire : and leave 22 Job 18. are full, tne rest o f t h e ir substance for their babes. rf 36 Ps. 8,9; 1 face 16 JBw* as for me, I will behold thy presence 1 in js"el94J,jn. 2 a>i*A righteousness 6 : and when I awake up after 2 thy like- g t>5 Ps. 4 ; ness/ I shall be satisfied^ toith it. 5 Mat - 6 - Evening Prayer. PSALM xviii. A Psalm of David, the servant of the * 116 Ps. 16. LORD* who spake unto the LORD the words of this See 2156. song in the day that the LURD delivered him from . the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of 1-51. Saul^: And he said, 1 fortress, T WILL love thee," O Lord, my strength 6 ; the a See ntreM 6 So shall he hear 5 my voice out of his holy temple" : # 26 Mat. 3 called . . . . J ., 6 , ,- , . .. , 38. . . , and my complaint shall come before him, it shall 4 cried J n 2 Jon. 7. <; a j, j enter even into his earsr , 5 Be heard _ _,, jijii. rj 2 Hab. 28. 6 cry came 7 The earth trembled and quaked : the very founda- ^..^ 2? tions also of the hills shook, and were removed,' be- 4 j e 23,24- . cause he was wroth/ 33 Ez. 18- / out of fas - ._. , . . , . r j on nostrils 8 There went a smoke out in his presence : and a S'^w^ consuming fire out of his mouth, 6 so that coals were f\ 8 devoured : k j ndled at j t , r^lOiCo.22. W ag n 9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down' : i Na. 5, 6. 1 a cherub an( l it was dark 9 under his feet." t 19 Ex. 18. 2 yea, he 1 He rode upon the cherubims, 1 " and did fly : he u 5 De. 22. did fly came flying 2 upon the wings of the wind. 1 " 99 Ps. 1 ; 3 were \\ He made darkness his secret place : his pavilion \^/fy ioftheskies round about him with 3 dark water, and thick clouds to w 101 Ps ' 3 5 . tl J. atw . a . 8 cover him. 4 * , 4I)e n .' OGfOTB tlittl ~ JfC* -11, his thick 1 2 At the brightness of his presence his 3 clouds 97 Ps. 2. 6 passed removed 6 : hail-stones, and coals of fire. 9 y 3 Hab. 4. 7 in the 13 Tlie Lord also thundered out of 7 heaven, and the 238 3d Even.'] THE PSALMS. [18 Ps. 8 voice Highest gave his thunder 8 * : hail-stones, and coals of z 7 i Sa. 10. fire." a 10 Jos. 11. thotwt 14 He sent out his arrows, and scattered them 1 : he * 24 Nu.8; 1 discom- cast forth 9 lightnings, and destroyed 1 them. c ' 3 deliver ' d e > 4 delighted in 5 rewarded God. 20 The Lord shall reward me after my righteous me accord. 7 all his dealing 5 : according to the cleanness of my hands shall 'r&hteoui- judgments he recompense me. m ness: for/ me'.- 21 Because I have kept the ways of the Lord" : and 7Ps.3,#x 8 / did not ^ ave no * f orsa ken my God, as the wicked doth.* n 17 Ps. 4. put away 22 For I have an eye unto all his laws' : and will 15 ' Sa.ll. his sta- no j cas t ou t hj s commandments 8 from me. p pll9Psl28. 23 I was also uncorrupt 9 before him 9 : and eschewed 28 PS 11 1 I kept my. . i j Ir 7 ' self from m me own wickedness. 9 upright r 24 i Sa. 5. nt'ine ini- 24 Therefore shall the Lord reward 2 me after my 2 hath re- qutty. righteous dealing 3 * : and according unto the cleanness compenud i merciful of my hands in his eye-sight.' 3 righteousness: * 2 Ru - 12 - sh^vThy. 25 With the holy thou shalt be holy 4 : and with a < M-V- seifmtr- perfect' man thou shalt be 6 perfect. 5 * 5 jfl at 7 26 With the clean 7 thou shalt be 6 clean 7 : and with 5 upright the froward thou s i ia it learn 6 frowardness. 8 " 8 froward v 26Le.21,$;. 6 wilt shew 27 For thou shalt save the people that are in ad- Pp^ll 1 tfiytelj , , . i i i f orr.oo-oo; _ versitj-^ : and shalt bnng down the high looks of the Q Ga. 7, 8. proud." 9 the (tjflicted people: I but wSeelSe. lightJn^ny 28 Thou also shalt light my candle : the Lord my .darkness. God shall make my darkness to be light. 2 * a; Hi Ki.36. 3 by 29 For in 3 thee I shall discomfit an host of men 4 ? : y 23 i Sa. 1, ilhaverun and with the help of 5 my God I shall leap 8 over the &c. (or broken) W all.* 5 and by 6 have leaped zl44Pg.l,10. 'troop J 30 The wa y of God is an undefiled wa y 7 " : the word a 25 Is - * 1 - 7 is perfect *" tn e Lord also is tried in thefire b ; he is the defender 612Ps.7^*. 8 a buckler of " a11 tliem that P ut their trust in him ' C " 5 P * >13 ' to 31 For who is God, but 9 the Lord : or who hath any 9 save lisa rock strength, 1 except 9 our God rf ? d s306*r. 239 SdEoen.] THE PSALMS. [13 P s . 2 hinds' 32 It is God, that girdeth me with strength of war" : e 45 Is. 5. 3 my high and maketh my way perfect-' : / 1 Ps. 4/. placet. 33 He maketh my feet like harts' 2 feet* : and setteth g 2 ii Sa. 18. 5 thield m e up on high. 3 * h 32 De. 13. 6 hath 34 He teacheth mine hands to fight 4 ' : and mine 28 Is. 6. 1>al arms shall break even a bow of steely 4 war J 49 G*- 24 - tienets"^ "^ Thou hast given me the defence 5 of thy salva- k 140 Ps. 7. hath made tion* : thy right hand also shall hold 6 me up, J and thy l 60 Ps. 5. 8 /* i- loving correction shall make 7 me great."' m 42 Is. 3,4. larged my 36 Thou shaltmake room enough under me for to go 8 : ^,"~ that my footsteps shall not slide. 9 " Sfeet did not slip. n #Job7. 2 did 37 I will follow upon 1 mine enemies, and overtake 1 havepur- _ them : neither will 2 1 turn again until I have destroyed " con%u%Zd. them. 30 o 6 Re. 2. 4 have 38 I will smite 4 them, that they shall not be 5 able to 5 were not 6*5rtSf* stand6 : but fall? under m y kei - P p 8 ii Sa. 14, T they are 39 Thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle : /"hart sub th U shalt turow down mine enemies nder me. 8 1 22 i Ch.18. duedun- 40 Thou hast made mine enemies also to turn their r49Ge.7.8. der me backs upon me 9 '' : and I shall 1 destroy them that hate * 10 Jos> 2i- rose up me -* 9 given me the necks vf mine enemies: I that I might ^ cried but against 41 They shall cry, but there shall be 2 none to help* there was me. them : yea, even unto the Lord shall they cry, but he 3 save , ,., T shall not hear them. 4 ' 4 answered them not. * 28 * Sa ' 6 ; oThendidl ._ T . 115 , , , . , 20 Ez. 3. 42 I will beat them as small as the dust betore the j - 5 wmd : I \vill 6 cast them out as the clay' in the streets." "ig. 43 Thou shalt deliver 9 me from the strivings of the ? 5 ii Sa.l,4t. 8hattde~ people" : and thou shalt make 9 me the head of the ;ioiiSa.l9; hvered heathen." l Mai. 11. 9 Jiast made ^ ^ people whom j haye not k nown . s h a ll serve me. 1 * 55 Is - 5 - I M% 45 ^ soon M the y hear of me ' the y sha11 obe y me!f : y , l$v?'i *>' mitthem- but the strange children shall dissemble with 1 me. z a 7Mi.16.i7! telvet unto 46 The strange children shaU fail 2 : and be afraid sn4iCo.24, 2 t tr ,1 n /'? t out of ' heir Prisons. 3 " 3 close places. shall fade ._ , T j i- ii. A j vi j u b See 200a. away 47 The Lord hveth, 6 and blessed be my strong 4 my rock helper 4 : and praised 3 be the God of my salvation'; ^fjiciiiCo! 5 exalted ' 48 Even the/v> name/ 5 mercy to 51 Great prosperity 4 * giveth he unto his King : and | ^g J ed, < tj) l a.~ sheweth loving-kindness unto David his Anointed, 5 * 4 ni vid, and unto his seed for evermore.' &e. 240 *thMorn.~] THE PSALMS. [19, 20 Ps. THE FOURTH DA Y. Morning Prayer. PSALM xix. A Psalm of David. [Proper Psalm for Christmas-day. See 45, and 85 Ps.] 1 Davunto HP". 12 heavens declare the glory of God : and the a40Tg21 . 2(J day utter. JL urmament sheweth Ins handy-work." ethtpeech, % One day telleth another : and one night certifieth b 8 *' 22 ' and night th li c 4 De. 19. unto night an '" er - sheweth 3 There is neither speech nor language : but their 3 ''"fJ-, 28 Is- ***** voices are 2 heard ammigthem.' 2 where thrir voice i* not rullo^di. vwhichitas 4 Their sound 3 is gone out into all lands 4 : and their rectum ti coming words into the ends of the world. d 4 through all the earth, d I Ro. 20 : out 5 In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun e : ^Q{1\ 9 inantorun. which cometh forth as 5 a bridegroom out 6 of his cham-/38 Job 12: a race ber/ and rejoiceth as a giant to run his course. 7 * I 04 P S - W> 5 Hit going 6 It goeth 8 forth from the uttermost part 9 of the ,, i E C 5 Sis from the heaven, and runneth about 1 unto the end of it again : 1 hit circuit end and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.* h .2 5 . J fi ':? 2 Or doc- 7 The law 2 of the Lord is an undefiled law, 3i con- j \ '. '^ verting 4 the souP : the testimony of the Lord is sure, 3 * perfect, an( j gj ve th wisdom unto 5 the simple.* see 209 1, in. 4 *? r '" 8 ^ e statutes of the Lord are right,' and rejoice the i #2 p r . 12- lieart'" : the commandment of the Lord is pure, and 15 - 5 ^e ki " S & veth ll % ]lt unt 8 the e y es -" n3Pr.l7,ie. 6 enlighten. 9 Tne fear of tne Lord is clean, and endureth for n # 3 Ge - 5 ing ever" : the judgements of the Lord are true, 7 and 6 " 7 He. truth righteous altogether f P I\$VS 142 1 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than 23 j t, 15 much fine gold* : sweeter also than honey, and the &c. 8 warned honey-comb/ -24Pr.l3,14. ^^anThi* } l Moreover, by them is thy servant taught 85 : and * 6 Pr.22,23. errors! in keeping of them there is great reward.' * ii Jo- 8. 1 Keep bach 12 Who can tell how oft he offendeth 9 " : O cleanse" M 40 Ps - 12 - 2 let them thou me from my secret faults." * 65 Ps - 3 - 13 Keep' thy servant also from presumptuous sins, ro wlSNu.30, lest they get the 2 dominion over me : so 3 shall I be 5 trant- J V . - . _ , , 3 then grettion. undefiled, and innocent from the great offence. . He. much 14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation ,. 9 p '. ' ^^ d ' of my heart : be ahoay acceptable in thy sight," ~'_ ^ ^ 6 He.' rock, 15 O Lord : my strength, 6 ' and my redeemer." ~ a 43 Is 25 PSALM xx. A Psalm of Dnrid. rflHE Lord hear thee in the day of trouble" : the a 30 Je. 7. JL name of the God of Jacob defend thee'' ; b 18 Pr. 10. 1 He thy % Send thee 1 help from the sanctuary' : and strengthen 2 c 20iiCh.8,9. 2 H-. *np. thee out of Siond ! d 6 ii Sa. 17* port 3 Remember all thy offerings' : and accept thy e 4 Ge. 4. burnt-sacrifice-''; / w ! 7- 241 u 4th Morn"] THE PSALMS. [21 Ps. 3 according 4 Grant thee thy heart's desire 3 : and fulfil all thy g 1 i Sa. 17; to thine ^ J 21 Ps. 2 fc (wnr: ...., , ,. , , . . r. 5 We will rejoice m thy salvation," and triumph in 23 the name of the Lord OUT God* : the Lord perform 6 all * 25 Is. 9. 5 ET thy petitions. J%* 6 ///{; ^ Now know I, that the Lord helpeth his Anointed,-' 23. , and 8 will hear him from his holy heaven* : even with k See 56. the wholesome 9 strength of his right hand/ 1 17 Ps. 7. 7 Some put their trust in chariots, and some in 8 ii_Sa.4; '""'* horses'" : but we will remember the name of the Lord l our God." !3iiCh.lO, 8 They are brought down, and fallen" : but we are 5 j u 31 risen, and stand upright/ p i5Ex.6,l2. iict the king 9 Save, Lord, and hear us, O King 1 of heaven : when j 251 s a z ^ ^destroy'*' 9 Thou shalt make tnem like a fiel T oven in time of 9 Am - 2 -^.' from thy wrath 5 : the Lord shall destroy them in his dis- ^jf/yf ; ^chievmts pleasure, 6 and the fire shall consume 7 them.* 7 devour i is Job 5,4t. 2 Ttftic/i 1 Their fruit shalt thou root out of s the earth : and 19 : Zmake them their seed from among the children of men/ 21 8 ' ' ' lacft : or*" 1 1 For tlie y intended mischief 9 against thee : and ima- 9 evil tet them gined such a 1 device as 2 they are not able to perform."' "> 11 Jc. 18, 4 fl 4h"en"^)'M 12 Therefore shalt thou P ut them to fli 8 ht3 : and the 4AC.17,*:. nhaitmake strings of thy bow shalt thou make ready 4 against the n 7 Job 20; Vadythine face of them." Job 12 upon thy 13 Be thou exalted, Lord, in thine own strength" : 9 Job 19. string* so will we sing, and praise thy power/ P H K g - *" 242 4th Even.] THE PSALMS* [22 Ps. Evening Prayer. PSALM xxii. A Psalm of David. [Proper Psalm for Good- Friday. See 40, and 54 Ps.] 1 h vhy s art 1VT Y God ' my ^ od ' look upon me; why hast thou a ^-"".*. '* Jielplne -^'-^- forsaken me " : and art so 1 far from my health, 2 b 59 Is. 11. ine,tie.my and from the words of my complaint 36 ? 3 roaring* tnioittion, 2 O my God, I cry in the day-time, but thou nearest c 3 La. 44. 4 T* ?"* notC : and i n tne night-season%so I take no rest. 4d d 42 Ps. 3. .- -,.. 3 And thou continues! 5 holy* : O thou worship 6 of e cf. 13 Job/. O JJUt l/i(/f* f .._ arf Israel/ 10 - r, t;at in. 4 Our fathers hoped 7 in thee : they trusted in thee, f 10 De - 2L rte'raucs and thou didst Oliver them/ 5 They called upon 8 thee, and were holpen 9 : they See 39d " r> cried unto , J i , A 9 delivered 1 trusted P u t their trust in thee, and were not confounded.* 2 reproach 6 But as for me, I am a worm, and no man : a very * 7 j $"' 9'^ :j despised scorn 2 of men, cind the out-cast 3 of the people. 1 i53is 2 fo. 4 on t/te 7 All they that see me laugh me to scorn : they shoot "?2'hiu' ou t their lips, and shake their heads/ saying, j'16Job4,lo. *elf o?i the 8 He trusted in God, 4 that he would deliver him : See 113 -^' LORD, ] e t n i m Deliver him, if he will have 5 him.* * See 10Cf - 9 But thou art he that took me out of my mother's 6 C out of the womb : thou wast my 7 hope, when I hanged 8 yet upon 7 di ^ '-* *"* *< my mother's breasts.' 8 ;* HO( on A 1 I nave been left unto thee ever since I was born : iwmb: thou art my God even from my mother's womb. 1 '" 1 belli/. 1 1 O go not 2 from me, for trouble is hard at hand 3 : _ " c not far an( j t nere J s none t help me. n * computed 1 2 Ma "Y *en are come about 4 me : fat 5 bulls of Basan " * 5 *o j'jf H. close me in on every side. 6 * 6 have beset me round. p 2 La. 16. tluiS- 13 They gape upon me with their mouths 7/< : as it q 22 Bz. 25, mouths iccre a ramping 8 and a roaring lion.' 8 ravening agfiinttme: J4 j am poure d out like water , r and all my bones r7 J 8 - '- 5 - itKheioAj- are out of joint* : my heart also in the midst of my * 5 Da. /. 6. it if melted body is even like melting wax."' u 17 p 22 '"id of * 5 ^y strength is dried up like a potsherd," and my v ^ Jo ^ lfl 'ny boiii'is. tongue cleaveth to my gums'" : and thou shalt bring 2 w JQ J b9 \jawt: me into the dust of death. 10 2 hast brought x86Ps. 14- 3 have com- 1 6 For many dogs are come about 3 me : and the iiLu.53,54'. council 4 of the wicked layeth siege against 5 me.' y 20 Job. 25, nblif j^ They pierced my hands and my feef; I may 27 - 5 ctaS5 < T tell all my bones 1 : they stand staring and looking 63 A t XI iit. 39. th'y look upon me. &c- und start ig They part my garments among them : and cast b 19 Joh ^ 23, lots upon my vesture. 6 24. 19 But be thou not far from me, c O Lord : thou art c 10 Pi. 1. itrengtk, my succour, 7 haste thee to help me. d 243 R 2 Even.] THE PSALMS. [23 Ps. 8 He. only one 9 He. hand 1 for thou 3 affliction of the Afflicted : 4 cried 5 9 and J 1 thee. 2 nations 5 worship. 1 none can keep alive 8 JL seed 9 10 that he ha1>h done this. 1 I shall not want. 2 maketh me to lie down 3 He. pas- tures of tender grass ; 7 preparat 8 in the pre- sence of mine ene- mies: 9 He.makett fat 1 runneth over. 20 Deliver my soul from the sword : my darling* c 17 Ps. 13. from the power 9 of the dog/ / 35 Ps. 17. 2 1 Save me from the lion's mouth/ : thou 1 hast heard g 7 Ps. 2. me also from among the horns of the unicorns. A & tf 24Nu.8. 22 I will declare thy name unto my brethren' : in i 2 He. 12. the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. J . 9 . 23 O praise the Lord, ye that fear him* : magnify 2 ft 135 p s ' f J .' him, all ye o/the seed of Jacob, and fear him, all ye 15 He./. 4. seed of Israel' ; * U6 i Ch. 10, 24 For he hath not despised, nor abhorred, the low 13 - estate of the poor 3 "' : he hath not hid his face from him, "* , ,, ,4 . . . n 5 He. 7- but when he called unto him he heard him." o 40Ps 9 10 25 My praise is 5 of thee in the great congregation" : 56 p s /p my vows will I perform 6 in the sight of 7 them that 13 ; fear him.* ^ Ps - 17 - 26 The poor 8 shall eat, and be satisfied 17 : they that q g~ t Le.15, seek after the Lord shall praise him 1 '; your heart shall &c.&6 Joh. live for ever/ Mfl5P5.3.4. 27 All the ends of the world shall remember them- *6Joh.m.51. selves, 1 and be turned 9 unto the Lord* : and all the * 46 Is - ^i $ kindreds of the nations shall worship before him. 1 " u 28 For the kingdom is the Lord's : and he is the v T e ' ' > w 2 Is / 4; Governor among the people.'" 7 DSL.' li. 29 All such as 3 be fat' upon earth : have eaten, 4 and * 10 Is. 16. worshipped.^ ^.6. Is - 3 .fr 30 All they that go down into the dust shall kneel 6 before him 1 : and no nran hath quickened 7 his own a 15 Job. 4. soul. b 53 Is 10 3 1 My seed 8 shall serve him'' : they 9 shall be counted cf 21Ez.26. unto the Lord for a generation. 32 They shall come, and the heavens shall declare c 3 Ga - 25 his righteousness : unto a people that shall be born, di02Ps.!8: whom the Lord hath made. 10 "* 145 Ps. 4-7. PSALM xxiii. A Psalm of David. HHHE Lord is my Shepherd" : therefore can I lack a 34 Ez - n - JL nothing. 14 il C Joh.lG. 2 He shall feed me in a green pasture c : and lead c 30 Ig 2 3 me forth beside the waters of comfort. 4 .t-i^thof house of the Lord for ever. 3 " n3Be./12. THE FIFTH DAY. Morning Prayer. PSALM xxiv. A Psalm of David, [Proper Psalm for Ascension- Day. See 47, and 1 08 Ps.] 1 thefuinets ^T^HE earth is the Lord's, and all that therein is 1 " : al9Ex.5,6 ; thereof: JL the compass of the world, and they that dwell 10 ' Co - 26 - therein.* 2 For he hath founded it upon the seas : and pre- C |^J |, 8 ' 4 ' C - jxnablithed pared 2 it upon the floods/ d\5Ps 12- 3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord : or who 78Ps.66,!i9'. 3 stand s hall rise up 3 in his holy place d ? 1 Is.15.ie. 4 Even he that hath clean hands/ and a pure heart-' : / 4 Je. 14 ; 4 eoul and that hath not lift up his mind 4 unto vanity/ nor 5 deceit- sworn to deceive 1 his neighbour. h g ITU in" fully. 5 He shall receive the blessing from the Lord ; : and * j ' righteousness from the God of his salvation. ' 6 This is the generation of them that seek him : even 3 pi^'s." 6 Or, God of them that seek thy face, O Jacob. 6 * /j 4 Ro. 16. 7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up, i 118 PS. 18- ye everlasting doors' : and the King of glory shall 26 f f 2. come in. OT m 132 PS. 8. 7 this g Who is the 7 King of glory . it is the Lord strong S^ 6 " Sa - 2 and mighty, even the Lord mighty in battle." n 10 N U . 35^ tt even lift 9 Ljft U p y OU r heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift" 36 ; up, ye everlasting doors : and the King of glory shall jg \\ come in." o 97 P. 6; a thit 10 Who is the 9 King of glory : even the Lord of ^H'^jj- hosts/ he is the King of glory/' * 2 j c "' j g ' PSALM xxv. A Psalm of David. 1 do TTNTO tliee, O Lord, will 1 I lift up my soul" : my H3 P. 8. 'uxno't ^ God, I have put my trust in thee 6 : O let me not & 2 D- " 3 Yea, let be confounded, neither let 2 mine enemies triumph tltee 2 For all they that hope in thee shall not be 4 let tJicmbe ashamed 1 * : but sucli as transgress without a cause <* 40 Is. 31. which 8u all be put to confusion. 4 ' e 20 Je - H- :r,t, lf grcts 3 Shew me thy ways, O Lord : and teach me thy %%* paths./ b'teMh 4 Lead me forth in thy truth, and learn 5 me*' : for Vfipt'sii. ' ts on thee do thou art the God of my salvation* ; in thee hath been /, 7 Mi. 7. 7 neintm- m y hope 6 all tlie day long.* i 8 Pr.64. *"', 5 Call to remembrance/ O Lord, thy tender mer 245 Stk Morn.] THE PSALMS. [26 Ps. 8 He. bowels cies 8 -' : and thy loving-kindnesses, which 9 have been.; 6 h Oh. 42; 9 for they ever o f \^k 63 Is. 15. trisomu ~ .-, . ., . ~ ,. ,. \, e. yout\nor 6 O remember not the sins and offences of my youth ' : l geg 310d my trans- but according to thy mercy think tliou upon 2 me, O 2 remember r modn*s- Lord ' for th y gf> dn ess. 3m thou sake 7 Gracious and righteous 4 is tlie Lord" : therefore m 51 Ps. 1. 4 Good and w jn he teach sinners in the way." n 11 Lu. 13. 5 l %himeck 8 The that are nieekP shall 5 he guide in judge- o 9 Mat. 13. will ment : and such as are gentle, them shall 5 he learn P 5 Mat. 5. 6 teach his way . ^32rs.8,9; 9 All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth : 7 pardon un t such as keep his covenant; and his testimonies/ r jg. " s-1 '' mine ti- 10 For thy name's sake, 1 O Lord : be merciful unto 14*Ho. 9; quity, m y s i n , 7 for it is great/ 8 Eo - 2 ^- B **$S? H What man is he > that feareth the Lord : him * 5 See39c ' n e ss: shall he teach in the way that he shall choose." _ /V',-' earth. 1 2 His soul shall dwell at ease 8 " : and his seed shall $ i3Ac.2e! 1 with inherit the land. 9 " 1 v 33 De. 12 ; 2 toward 1 3 The secret of the Lord is among 1 them that fear 4 i Ti - 8 ; 3 He. bring hi m : an( i he will shew them his covenant.* /MKrfftl 14 Mine e y es are ever lookin S unt 2 the L ^ : for ^13 Mat. li. 5 troubles he sha11 P luck3 m y feet out of the ne ^- y y 31 Ps. 4. 6 distresses ^ Turn thee unto me," and have mercy upon me : a 60 Ps. 1. 7 affliction for I am desolate, and in misery. 4 * 6 143 Ps. 4. and my \ 6 The sorrows 5 of my heart are enlarged : O bring ^'forthc, th U me Ut f my troubleS - SC C 4 " C ' 8 ' ^ arc many . 17 Look upon my adversity and misery 7d : and for- dl6USa.l2. 9 luite me give me all my sin. with cruel \ g Consider mine enemies, how many they are 8 : and 1 "asiiam d ^ e ^ bear a ty 311110118 nat e against me. 9<; e 140 Ps. 4. 2 integrity 19 O keep my soul, "and deliver me : let me not be 3 upright- confounded, 1 for I have put my trust in thee/ "27. ^preserve ^0 Let perfectness 2 and righteous dealing 3 wait upon 4 g n p r . 3. 5 I wait on me^ : for my hope hath been in 5 thee.'' h See ver. 4. <: Redeem 2 1 Deliver 6 Israel, O God : out of all his troubles.* i 137 Ps.5,6. PSALM xxvi. A Psalm of David. I in^n^ "R 1 ! ^^ my JuA S e > 1 ****, for I have walked 24 i Sa.15. integrity . ^ innocently 2 " : my trust hath been 3 also in tiie 3 7 h ^ 4 slide. Lord, therefore shall I not fall. 4 * 6 1 i Pe 5 2 Examine me, O Lord, and prove me : try out my reins and m y heart ' C c 7 Ps ' 8) 9 ' 3 For thy loving-kindness is ever before mine eyes rf : d 16 P S - 8 - l/**" 1 " 1 a d I will walk 5 in thy truth/ e iu Jo - : biers' 1 ' ^ I nave not dwelt 6 with vain persons-^ : neither will/ 12 Pr - 1J 8 evil doers . I have fellowship with the deceitful. 7 ^ 101 p * nofiifwlth 5 l have hated the congregation of the wicked 9 * : and ft See 316 - the wicked, will not sit among the ungodly. 9 ' * ! Ps l - 24fi Jth Even.} THE PSALMS. [27 Ps. 1 eompait 6 I will wash my hands in innocency, O Lord : and j 40 Ex. 30- 8 *** so wil1 * s t0 ' tlline altar "' ' 3 He. of the 7 That I may shew 2 the voice of thanksgiving and tabernacle tell of all thy wondrous works.* k 66 Ps. 15, rf h 8 Lord > * have loved the habitation of thy house : 16 - 4 Gather not and the place where thine honour dwelleth. 3 ' I 29 i Ch. 3. ? r /** i ^ ^ s ' lu ^ no ^ U P 4 m y sou ^ wl ^ u ^* e sinners : nor my 5 \loody life with the blood-thirsty 5 "' ; m 18 Ge. 25. men ; 1 In whose hands is wickedness' : and their right 6 mischief * m mine ]land jg full of gifts ; integrity: , . r ... . g., n 22 Ez. 13. 9 rofeem xl -^ ut as * r me " w "' wa ** innocently : O de- ^i2iSa.3, 1 in an ere;i liver 9 me, and be merciful unto me. p &c- place 12 My foot standeth right"' : I will praise 2 the Lord v q iVp*;. 9. 1 ' 2 blest in the congregations.'' r!07 1's.32. Evening Prayer. PSAI,M xxvii. A Psalm of David. THE Lord is my light, and my salvation ; whom then shall I fear" : the Lord is the strength of 7 Mi. 8. ^"aiM? m y life 5 of whom then sha11 1 be afraidi? * 8 B - 3i - 2 Vr T hen the wicked, even mine enemies, and my foes, came upon 1 me to eat up my flesh : they stumbled c 31 Job 31. 2 should en- an( J fell.** d 8 Ii. 15. 3 Though an host of men were laid 2 against me, yet 4 in this s ^ a ^ not m ^ neart be afraid 3 ' : and though there rose 20iiCh.l5. will 1 be up war against me, yet will I put my trust in him. 4/ /411s.ll,12. confident. 4 One thing have I desired of the Lord,* which I B W Lu.42. ' teeh "S ter will require 6 * : even that I may dwell in the house of * 9 Da. 3. 6 Or delight tne Lord all the days of my life,* to behold the fair ' 7 enquire in beauty 6 of the Lord, and to visit 7 his temple.-' 8 pavilion -. 5 For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his ft go j s 20 ' y tabernacle tabernacle 8 * : yea, in the secret place of his dwelling" 2 'tabrrnacle sna 'l ' ie n ' de me >' and set me U P upon a rock of I 31 P*. 20. 3 tacriJUcf stone." 1 " 40 Ps. 2. Hfof' ^ nd now S ' la ^ ^ e ^'^ U P* m ' ne h ad : above mine shouting ; enemies round about me." 7 ii Sa. 9. 4 ?/c, j will 7 Therefore will I offer in his dwelling' 2 an oblation 5*/Jfar w ^ n great gladness 3 " : I will sing, and speak 4 praises 10 Nu - 10 ; with, my unto the Lord.'' p30iiCh.21- ^cojce: g Heaven un fo mv voice, 6 O Lord, wlien I cry aWhenthou unto thee" : have mercy upon me, and hear 7 me.' ? Ps> 9 ^iy heart hath talked of thee; Seek ye my face* : _ Thy face, Lord, will I seek/ r /*nr< *aid 1 O hide not thou thy face from 9 me : nor cast 1 thy 1 put not o''flr/rom servant awa >' in displeasure. 8 ' 44 Pa. 24. 2 anger.- 11 Thou hast been my succour 3 : leave me not, ( 33 p s 21 3 help: neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.' 22. 247 5th Even.'] THE PSALMS. [28, 29 Ps. 4 then the 12 When my father and my mother forsake me : the gf!8Pr.24, LORD will Lo^ taketh me up. 4 " & 49 Is - 15 - He.'gS^ 13 Teach me thy way, O Lord : and lead me in the 5 in a plain me. 40 Is. right way, 5 because of mine enemies." path. 1 4 Deliver me not over into the will of mine adver- " 20 Je - 10 - 6 enemiet SSLT \ es c ^ : f or there are false witnesses risen up against ^ 38 *"* 16. 7 bi-eathe , , out cruelty. me and such as speak wrong. lX x 22 1 Sa. 9, 8 I had 151 should utterly have fainted : but that I believe 8 10t fainted,n- verilu to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of ^f- Ih f thelivino-y y 6 E P . 16. believed tue ' 1U 6- 9 Wait on 16 O tarry thou the Lord's leisure : be strong, and * ' "wait ! ie sha11 comfor t 2 tinne hear t; and P ut thou th y tru st atSEEk* y, o' in 3 the Lord. 1 s 30 Is. 15. PSALM xxviii. A Psalm of David. 1 rock: TTNTO thee will I cry, O Lord my strength' : 2 be not si- LJ think no scorn of me ; lest, if thou make as lent to me; though thou hearest not, 2 I become like them that go $S*E down into the pit." gf4Mar.38. me. 2 Hear the voice of my humble petitions, 3 when I 3 supple cr y Un t t j iee . w h en i hold 4 up my hands towards the 4 lift mercy -seat of thy holy temple/ 6 b 8i Ki.6,fc 5 oracle. 3 Q pluck 6 me not away, neither destroy me with the c jg NU. 26. 7 '"k'd un S 0< Hy 7 an< i wicked doers Sc : which speak friendly 9 9 peaee f to their neighbours, but imagine mischief in 1 their 1 is in 8 workers of . .. iniquity hearts.^ d26Pr.23,4a 2 Give 4 Reward 2 them according to their deeds : and ac- 3 endea- cording to the wickedness of their own inventions. 3 ' e ^ 230x cows. ^ Recompense 2 them after the work of their hands : tiie'm their P a Y them that they have deserved. 4 -^ f% ^- 6 > ^ desert. 6 For 1 they regard not in tJieir mind the works of 5 Because the Lord, nor the operation of his hands^ : therefore s 5 Is. 20. 6 12 Is 2' *cSt 8 The Lord is m y strengtli,-' and my shield* ; my k 15 Ge. 1. 9 greatly heart hath trusted in him, and I am helped' : there- / 22 Ps. 4. rfjoiceth, fore my heart danceth for joy, 9 "' and in 1 my song will " 61 Is. 10. I praise him." 5 Ju. 2,*x Orhis 9 The L 01 " 4 is m y 2 strength : and he is the whole- 3 saving some defence 3 of his Anointed." ^aZdbies* l save thy P 60 ? 16 '^ and 8 ive th y blessing unto 4 p l 5 Or rule thine inheritance 9 : feed 5 them, and set 6 them up for 9 6318.17-19. 6 lift ever/ rSeelbb-dd. PSALM xxix. A Psalm of David. 1 Give TD RING 1 unto the Lord, O ye mighty, bring young J-' rams unto tlie Lord : ascribe 1 unto the Lord 2 glory worship 2 and strength." a 96 Ps. 7-9. 248 Morn.] THE PSALMS. [3D Ps. 2 glory 2 Give the Lord the honour* dtie unto his name 6 : 3 V Wp the Lord with holy -orship^ hoiiiiess.Or 3 It is the Lord, that commandeth the waters :it is mhu gto- the glorious God, that maketh the thunder. 5 '' r^ 1 ?/" 1 " 4 It is the Lord, that ruleth the sea '; the voice of 4 TA rojcc the Lord is mighty 7 in operation : the voice of the "IdiiDii L r( l is glorious 8 UOtfe/ T powerful % full of majesty. upon 5 The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedar-trees : 5 tiie God of y ea> the Lord breaketh the cedars of Libanus. 9 * 3L " G He maketh them also to skip like a calf : Libanus 9 9 Lebajwn. also, and Sirion,'' like a young unicorn." 1 He.curtA 7 The voice of the Lord divideth' the flames of fire^; the voice of the Lord shaketh the wilderness : yea, the Lord shaketh the wilderness of Cades." 8 Tlie voice of the Lord maketh the hinds to bring forth young, 3 ' and discovereth the Uiick bushes 4 '" : in his temple doth every man 5 speak of his honour. 6 " 9 The Lord sitteth above 7 the water-fiood." : and 9 the b 16 i Cb.23 , 96 P. n, <* 38 Job 26. '2. Kadfsh. 3 to calve, 4tlieforettt: 5 one *> glory. 7 upon b yea 1 will lifts his people with Lord remaineth 9 a King for ever.* 10 The Lord shall give strength unto his people' : the Lord shall give his people the blessing of peace.' J 3 ^~' & i4Je 24.90 37 Jot 3 k 9 Job 6 - ' M J b i "J 7 ^ 18 ,, 43 p g . 9. ogf4Mar.il. p See Ge. 9 See We. r 6 Nu - 26 - 1 extol 2 lifted 3 rejoice 4 up from the grave : 5 A'fpt rn aiice, thai Ithould HOt 6 a/ the, or to tA it- inorial 7 ongr 8 but a /(- MM, 9 favour 1 tcerpin^ 2He.ingtri|r 4 iy thy fa- vour Itaet made my mountain to stand 6 unto the LOJID I made tup- plication. THE SIXTH DAY. Horning Prayer. PSALM xxx. A Psalm and Hong at the dedication of the house of David* I WILL magnify 1 thee, O Lord, for thou hast set 2 me up : and not made my foes to triximph" over me." 2 O Lord my God, I cried unto thee : and thou hast healed me. 4 3 Thou, Lord, hast brought my soul out of hell 4 : thou hast kept my life from them that 5 go down to the pit' 4 Sing praises unto the Lord, O ye saints of his d : and give thanks unto him for a 6 remembrance of his holiness.' 5 For his wrath 7 endureth but the twinkling of an eye, b and in his pleasure 9 is life^ : heaviness 1 may en- dure for a night, but joy 2 cometh in the morning/ 6 And in my prosperity I said, I shall never be re- moved 3 : thou, Lord, of thy goodness hast made my hill so* strong.* 7 Thou didst turn 5 thy face from ine : and I was troubled. 1 8 Then cried I unto thee, O Lord : and gat me to my Lord right humbly. 6 -' 249 20 De. 5 ; 5ii Sa. 11; 7 ii Sa. 2. a 41 Ps. 11. b 15 Ex. 2ti. e 33 Job It), &c. d 19 Re. 5. e 18 i Ch./. 10. /MI*. 7,8; 4 u Co. 17. g 16 Job.20. h 29 Job 13, &c. 5 hide i 30 Job 26, fee, 104 Ps. 29. .7 77 I"*. 1,2. 6th Morn.'] THE PSALMS. [31 Pa. 7 praise 9 What profit is there in my blood : when I go down 8 forme my to the pit? ''T*,' 71 ? 10 Shalt the dust & ive thanks unto 7 thee : or shall it declare thy truth* ? * 88 PB. W- 9 Totheend 1 1 Hear, O Lord, and have mercy upon me : Lord, rm J^i^/ 12 Thou hast turned my heaviness into joy 8 : tiiou soul) may hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with glad- SKS ness -'" v& 45Ge - not 6e si- 13 Therefore shall every good man sing of thy praise * a - without ceasing 9 : O 10 my God, I will give thanks untc 10 O LOMD tnee f or ever." ngf!9Lu.40. PSALM xxxi.* A Psalm of David. * See 71 Ps. 1 do TJJ thee, O Lord, have 1 I put my trust" : let me never *> &e - - ailMined JL fa put to confusion 2 * ; deliver me in thy righteous- " 5 * Ch - 20 ness.' * L, 1.23. 2 Bow down thine ear to me d : make haste to deliver . 3 . 5 ^ s- f 1 3 deliver me p 3e d 9 1)a - 1& speedily. clSLu.7,* If or an 3 And be thou my strong rock, and house of de- 5 to gave fence : that thou mayest save 5 me/ /82 Ps.2.fc. 7 g^fcme 4 For thou art m y *^ r and my castle 6 ^ : be 8 33 Is ( - ls - therefore thou also my guide, 7 and lead me for thy name's sake.* '* Sec 3Sjc 8 Pull 5 Draw 8 me out of the net, that they have laid pri- i 124 Ps. 7. vily for me* : for thou art my strength.^ 3 See I60t. 9 commit 6 Into thy hands I commend 9 my spirit* : for thou * 1 Ti. 12. hast redeemed me,' O Lord, thou God of truth. l 48 G - 16 - 1 i r 'i% trd 7 l have hated them that hold of supe^titious 1 vani- m 32^De. 4, ., y ^fj ties" : and my trust hath been in 2 the Lord. ~trutt in 8 I will be glad, and rejoice in thy mercy" : for thou 33 Je - U- 3 thou hast considered my trouble, and 3 hast known my soul in adversities.^ p 63 Is. 9. 9 Thou 4 hast not shut me up into the hand of the 1 16 Job 11. 5 thou enemy* : but* hast set my feet in a large room/ r 4 rs - 1 ' < - 10 Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am in trouble : and mine eye is consumed for very heavi- * * La - *"; 7 fcjjf S^ness 6 *; yea, my soul and my body. 7 ' 8 spent with 1 1 ^ or m 7 life i s waxen old with heaviness 8 : and grief, my years with mourning. 9 " ) tighing. J2 My strength faileth me, because of mine iniquity : and my bones are consumed." 13 I became a reproof 1 among all mine enemies," w 2 and a fear but especially among my neighbours : and they of mine to mine ac- acquaintance were afraid of me 2 * ; and they, that did ^igjoblS,^ ^arice ~ see me without, conveyed themselves 3 from me. y y 26 Mat.56. 3 .lied 14 I am clean forgotten, as a dead man out of mind" : 88 Ps.3,&. 4 ^lihat**' ^ am Become like a broken vessel. 4i 6 30 i?. it. reritJieth. 1 5 For I have heard the blasphemy of the multi- 250 6th Even.] THE PSALMS. [32 Ps. 5 slander of tilde*" : and fear is 6 on every side, d while they con- c 23 Lu. 1. 6 "wjf : spire 7 together against me, and take their counsel 8 to d 20 Je. 3, 7 feoft coun- take away my life.' &c - 10 - b*?L Thou art my God/ * 9 / /nd / 43 Pt. 5. 1 <[( , ke tfl>/ hand of mine enemies : and from them that perse- f 26iSa. 'face to - cute me.* M5'je.20,21. thter 1 ^" 1 18 Snew tliy ervant Uie tight of thy countenance 2 ' : j 4 p s . - iq , vantT an d save me for thy mercy's sake.' . 9 rj a . 18. 3 ashamed \ 9 Let me not be confounded, 3 O Lord, for I have ft 34 p s . 5. 5 'alfh'amed called u P on thee * : let the ungodly 4 be put to con- Sietthentbe fusion, 5 and be put to silence 6 in the grave.' i65Is.13.14. 20 Let the lying lips be put to silence : which '? w 12 Pr - 19 ' 7 speak cruelly, disdainfully, and despitefully, speak 7 against %" the righteous." " 2 i Sa. 3. proudly 21 O how plentiful' is thy goodness," which thou hast 9 Zec - l ~- and con- i a jd U p f or them tliat fear 'thee : and that thou hast ouif>i U ~ prepared 5 * for them that put their trust in tliee,^ even P 57 Is. 13. H great before the sons of men *! ? 58 Ps. 11. 1 t*n$L - 2 Thou shalt hide Uiem P rivi 'y b X thine ov 1 P re - cret of thy sence from the provoking 2 of all men r : thou shalt f 18 Pr. 10. 2 pride keep them secretly in thy tabernacle 3 from the strife 3 a pavilion f , r J . c T .v 01 of tongues.* 4 Rleued, be 23 Thanks be to 4 the Lord : for he hath shewed me 5 Or fenced marvellous great kindness in a strong 1 ' city.' * 1 J- 18- 6 Forinmy 24 And when I made 6 haste, I said : I am cast out 7 cvt off of the sight of 7 thine eyes." u 27 i Sa. 1. from be- 05 Nevertheless, thou heardest the voice of my 8 tvppli- prayer 8 : when I cried unto thee." * 18 Ps - 6 - cationt 26 O love the Lord, all ye his saints" 7 : for the Lord 56 Is - 6 - preserveth them that are faithful/ and plenteously x ^ Ps - J0 - 9 of good rewardeth the proud doer. y > 94 ps - 2 - IttXngtiua 27 J* 6 stron g 9 a n d he sha11 establish 1 your heart : all 2 that hope ye that put your trust 2 in the Lord. 1 1 trant. Evening Prayer. gretiiou PSALM xxrii. A Psalm of David, Maschil* inttruc- [Proper Psalm for Ash-Wednesday. See Ps. 38.] a ^ , 7 . T> LESS ED is he whose unrighteousness' is for- 4 Ko. 6-8.' 'lence"' "^ given : and whose sin is covered." ftgTS Ro.13. 4 waxed old '2 Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord impnteth *" 5l . 5 roaring no 8 j n 2* . an( j j n whose spirit there is no guile. all the da 1 1 , ... . . .. M d28Pr.!3. io ng 3 Far whilst I held my tongue* 1 : my bones con- 6 trot sumed away* e through my daily complaining.*-^ r 3 Job 24 7 "rJ^ 4 For th >' hand is * neav y Q P n me da y ^ niehtf :^ 33 Job 7 '. drought of and my moisture is like the drought in 7 summer. h 40 Is. 7. 251 6th Eoen.~\ THE PSALMS. [33 Ps. 8 iniquity 5 I trill acknowledge my sin unto thee : and mine 7 Jos. 19 ; 9 trans- unrighteousness 8 have I not hid.' 24iiSa. 10. gretsions g j ga j ( j j j ^u con f ess m y s i ns un {, th e Lord : an( j 1 iniquity so thou forgavest the wickedness 1 of my sin.-' J 12 :i Sa.13. 7 For this* shall every ofte that is godly make his * f^l i Ti.lG. 2 pray prayer 2 unto thee, in a time when thou mayest be 3 gurely found* : but 3 in the great water-floods they shall not / 49 Is. 8. come nigh him." 1 TO 43 is. 2. 4 my hiding 8 Thou art a place to hide me in, 4 thou shalt pre- place, serve me from trouble" : thou shalt compass me about 3 Col. 3. with songs of deliverance." 15 Ex. 2. 91 will inform 5 thee, and teach thee in the way wherein thou shalt go p : and I will guide thee with P 4 Pr. 2. mine eye.' EJOICE in the Lord," O ye righteous : for it liCo.31. for^t^u -^ becometh well the just to be thankful. 14 * fif 15 Pr.8. right. UP ~ ^ Praise the Lord with harp : sing praises unto him 2 psaltery, with the lute, and 2 instrument of ten strings.' c i5 Ex - 20 - and an 3 Sing unto the Lord 3 a new song* : sing praises d ^ e 98 Ps - 4 p%y IkU- lustil y unto "hi 4 with a g<*> d courage. 5 ' e S i Ch. 8 /uz/ 4 For the word of the Lord is true J : and all his f 71 p? ^ etSS* W0rks are feithftll-* g 4 Da.' 37".' 7 are done 5 He loveth righteousness and judgement* : the earth h 15 Re. 3,4. in truth i s full of the goodness 8 of the Lord.' i 14 Ac. 17. ercy G By the word of the Lord were the heavens ji Ge . 6> i 6: made-' : and all the hosts of them by the breath of his 1 Jok's. mouth.* * 26 Job 13. 7 He gathereth the waters of the sea together, as it were upon an heap' : and layeth up the deep, as in a I 1 Ge. 9. 9 depth in treasure-house. 9 '" "* 8 Pr - 20 - j^ 8 Let all the earth fear the Lord : stand in awe of 1 the inha- him > a11 V e that dwell in 1 the world" : n See x - t>itants of 9 For he spake, and it was done : he commanded, and it stood fast." o 1 Ge. 3, $. 2He.OTo*i 10 The Lord bringeth 2 the counsel of the heathen to p $ iEx.8, frustrate nought : and maketh the devices of the people to be ^ c - of none effect, and casteth out the counsels of princes.? jgis'.ii.n, 3 standeth \ 1 The counsel of the Lord shall endure 3 for ever : 44 Is. 25. 252 6th Even.'] THE PSALMS. [34 Ps. i toaiigene- and the thoughts of his heart from generation to gene- ?46I.10,11; ration*. ra ti on . 4 4 ML 11,12. 5 nation 12 Blessed are the people, 5 whose God is the Lord S ti people Jehovah' : and blested are the folk, 6 that he hath r 33 De. 29. Ifor hit chosen to him to be his 7 inheritance.' 7 De. 6, 2 place of 13 The Lord looked down 9 from heaven, and beheld 9 8 looketh hithabita- all the children 1 of men : from the habitation of his dwelling he considereth all them that dwell on 3 the 1 tont upon all earth.' , 23Je.23,24. 'ouanttof 14 He fashioneth aU the hearts of them : and under- 3 their standeth 3 all their works." u 24 Pr. 12. 1 5 There is no king that can be saved by the mul- gf 94 Ps. 9. tude of an host" : neither is any mighty man 4 de- iUos.4,*. 4 a mighty livered by much strength." w 17 i Sa.47. man it not 15 ^ h orse j s coun ted but a vain thing to save 5 a tor safety: 1,111.- , man : neither shall he deliver any man by his great strength/ * 30 I.. 16. 17 Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that r> hope fear him : and upon them that put their trust 6 in his mercy." y 3 i Pe. 12. 7 keep them 1$ To deliver their soul from death : and to feed alive in them in the time of dearth.' 1 i5Job2o-22. /"ZSfcait. 19 Our soul hath patiently tarried* for the Lord" : a 130P.5,<5. ah for he is our help, and our shield. 6 ft 115 Ps. 9- 20 For our heart shall rejoice in him : because we 11 - 1 fh"*?!? 1 have t 10 ? 64 ' in nis llol y name - c e 20 P. 5,7. >. according 2 1 Let thy merciful kindness," O Lord, be upon us : 3 hope like* as we do put our trust 5 in thee. d d 9 Mat. 29. PSALM zzxiv. A Psalm of David, when he changed hit behaviour before Abimelech* who drove him *OrAchia>. away, and he departed. ? ' T WILL alwa y SJ ve thanks unto the Lord 1 : his ail timet: JL praise shall ever be in my mouth." a 71 Ps.8,jh. 2 eontinu- 2 My soul shall make her boast in the Lord* : the ftiOiiCo.17. humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. c e (jf 10 i Co. 3 magnify 3 Q praise* the Lord with me : and let us magnify 4 u - 4 exalt his name together.* d 29 i Ch.20. 4 I sought the Lord, and he heard me : yea, he de- e ll6P*.4,1 * c that fear him : and delivereth them.' t Set 227;. i^DiT 8 O taste, and see, how gracious the Lord is"' :j Seel*?. good. blessed is the man that trnsteth in him/ 253 7th Morn.'} THE PSALMS. [35 Ps. 9 there is no 9 O fear the Lord,' ye that are his saints : for they l S Is. 13. X that that fear him lack nothin g- 9 '" 12 Lu. 31. fear him. 10 The 1 lions do lack, and suffer hunger" : but they n4JoblO,ll. l The young w jj O see ij the Lord shall want no manner of thing- that Z not want . . o. anygood good.^ olLu.52,53. thing. 1 1 Come, ye children, and hearken unto me'' : I V * Pr- 1. 3 jtft iretft Nvi11 teach y u tae fear f the Lord -' / 1 See 36x - 4 loveth 1 2 What man is he that lusteth to live" : and would tn J *' fain see good days4 ' ' r 105 Ps- 5t may sec 1 3 Keep thy tongue from evil : and thy lips, that good? they speak no 5 guile/ s SeeQSi. ^weakin' ^ Eschew 6 evil, and do good' : seek peace, and < in Jo. 11. & depart" ensue 7 it." $** frwn 15 fj ie e y eg O f t jje L or d are over 8 the righteous" : ra fiirje !> 9 cry.'* and his ears are open unto their prayers. 91 " w ver. 17. " l face 1 6 The countenance 1 of the Lord is against them x 80 Ps. 16. l cut off" that do evil 1 : to root out 2 the remembrance of them r r ,, Seel62k-r. from the earth.* l , ,. . 17 The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth them : ^o 9 .. ph o and delivereth them out of all their troubles. 2 "-a " 3 broken. 18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite 3 See I5f. 4 sacetii heart : and will save 4 such as be of an humble 5 spirit." See lf-h. 5 a contrite 19 Great 6 are the troubles 7 of the righteous : but the 7 afflictions Lord delivereth him out of all. 6 b 71 Ps. 20. 20 He keepeth all his bones : so that not one of c!2Lu. 7. 9 52L: them is broken." 1 Or guilty 2 1 But misfortune 8 shall slay the ungodly 9 " : and e 94 Ps- 23> 2 redeemeth they that hate the righteous shall be desolate. 1 -^ /J 7 Ps< 12 ~ 3 thZ f 22 The - Lord delivereth2 the souls of his servant^ : g ^ Sa 9 . 4 shall be and all they 3 that put their trust in him shall not be 78 P*. 35.' desolate, destitute. 4 * ft 57 Is. 13. T1T.E: SEVENTH DAY. Morning Prayer. PSALM xxxv. A Psalm of David. T3LEAD tlwu my cause, O Lord, with them that J-T strive with me : and fight thou against them that a 26 Ps. la. l Take hold fi ght against me. 6 6 14 Ex. 25 ; of 2 Lay hand upon the 1 shield and buckler : and stand * Ne - 20 - 2 Mp mine up to help me. 2 * c 15 Ex. 3. .,' D ^ aw Qut 3 Bring forth 3 the spear, and stop the way against alto them that persecute me d : say unto my soul, I am thy a \ Job 10. salvation. 6 e See 190?. 4 Let them be confounded, and put to shame, that 4 devite my see ^ a ft er m y sou ^ : ^ them be turned back, and hurt. brought to confusion, that imagine mischief for me *f f 70 Ps. 2. 254 7th Morn.] THE PSALMS. [35 p s . 5 chaff- 5 Let them be as ttie dust" before the wind* : and g 17 Is 13; C/MMC the angel of the Lord scattering 6 them.* ~' J Is - 5. 6 Let their way be dark and slippery 4 : and let the *37*^ W ' angel of the Lord persecute them. J i 23 Je 12 7 hid for me 7 For they have privily laid their net to destroy me 7 j 12 Ac. 23. 'i'i'apU w it' lout "cause* : yea, even without a cause have k 15 Job. 25. 8 digged they made* a pit for my soul.' ll!9Ps.85. 1 'iMth'hid ^ k 6 * ft sudden destruction come upon him una- " 24Mat.3S, 2 rfart rer>/ wares," 1 and 9 his net, that he hath laid privily, 1 catch 39- dcstruc- himself : that he may fall into his own mischief. 2 " n7Ps.166.4t. 2 l il be 9 And > m y soul > be ' J<>y ful in the Lord = it shall * 161 *- rejoice in his salvation." 10 All my bones'" shall say, Lord, who is like unto P 51 Ps. 8. 4 the needy thee, who deliverest the poor from him that is too q 15 EX. n, nftieTof stron o f r hi 9 " >" ea > the Por, and him that is in &= wrong misery, 4 from him that spoileth him 1 "? r5Jot>15,16. theipoil- 11 False witnesses 5 did rise up : they laid to my *** charge things that I knew not.' 7 But at fur 12 They rewarded me evil for good : to the great a"mi/ clotli- Discomfort 6 of my soul.' * 19 i Sa,4,&. ing tea* 1 3 Nevertheless, 7 when they were sick, I put on 8 u 12 Ro. 14, 9 rf V r /J "J~ sackcloth, and liumbled 9 my soul with fasting" : and 15 - 1 returned m Y prayer shall turn 1 into mine own bosom.* * # 2 * 141 behaved myself as though it a had been my ' friend or my brother : I went 3 heavily, as one that mourneth for his mother." to Hi Sa.ll, 15 But in mine adversity 4 they rejoiced,' and gathered not ; themselves together : yea, the very abjects came 5 to- 7 tluy did gether against me unawares, 6 making mouths at 7 me, J'w.th*,, and ceased not.y ySOJobl,*. > 'fit fit/- ~ no "p- T A, poeritieal 16 With the flatterers were busy mockers : who ' ..tockcrt in gnashed upon me with their teeth.* z 3La.61-63. fSSr, ' 17 Lord, how long wilt thou look upon 9 thvC : O a 13 Ps. L 1 meue deliver 1 my soul from the calamities which they bring 3 He. only *<*' on me > 3 and m y darling 3 from the lions. 6 tiant, 18 So will I give thee thanks in the great congre- W2Ps.20.22. 4 He. strong gation : I will praise thee among much 4 people/ c116 P-18. 5 rejoice 19 O let not them that are mine enemies triumph" 6 n-rong. over me ungodly 6 : neither let them wink with their d 15 Jo ^ 12 - eyes d tliat hate me without a cause.' e 3 La -* 52 - 9 mZton 20 And tchyl their communing is not for 7 peace : ^ 1 Yea, they but they imagine* deceitful words' against them that *^ oucntd ' , n i j f J SO rs. l. are quiet m the land/ J g 40 P!L 10 mouth 2 1 They gaped upon me with their mouths, 1 and said : u Aha, aha, Fie on thee, fie on thee, 2 we saw it with our eyes. a * 3 ^ ^ 4"^*7^T' 22 This thon hast seen, O Lord : hold not thy tongue u. rilenee : be then, go 4 not far from me, O Lord.* A a3 *** 2' . 255 7th Morn.] THE PSALMS. [36 Ps. 5 stir up 23 Awake, and stand up to judge my quarrel : avenge i 1 U Th. 6. thyself, thou 5 my cause. 1 my God, and my Lord. find awake . _ . _* . .. .. to my 24 Judge me, O Lord my God, according to thy judgment ; righteousness : and let them not triumph 6 over me.-' j 7 Ps. 8. ^rejliee* ' /5 *** them not sa y in their hearts, There there, 7 7 Ah, 8 gwaiiou-ed so wou ld we have it : neither let them say, We have him up. devoured him. 8 * * 15 Ex. 9. 9 brought 26 Let them be put 9 to confusion and shame together, 1 hurt: that rejoice at my trouble" : let them be clothed with I 41 Is. 11. 2 shame rebuke 3 and dishonour, that boast 3 themselves against 3 magnify me m 19 Job 5. Ithoutfor 27 Le t them be g i ad an d re j ice, 4 that favour my n66Is.10.il. 5 J coM! righteous dealing 1 " : yea, let them say alway, 6 Blessed 6 continu- 7 Let the be the Lord, 7 who hath pleasure in the prosperity of ally t'^ his servant." o 32 Jo. 41. 8 shall ' 28 And an for my tongue, it shall be talking 8 of thy speak righteousness : and of thy praise all the day long. p p 145 Ps.1,2. PSALM xxxvi. A Psalm of David the servant of the LORD. MY heart sheweth me the wickedness of the un- godly 1 " : that there is no fear of God before his a See 167*. *~ eyes.* *,3fe wicked 2 For he flattereth himself in his own sight : until c 10 Ps. 4,4'c. taith his abominable sin be found out. 3c 2 eyes tear ' 3 The words of his mouth are unrighteous, 4 and full *$* 4 iniquity o f deceit : he hath left off to behave himself wisely, 5 be hateful. fST' d to do good.* rf 4Je.22. 7 he tetteth 4 He imaginetli mischief upon his bed, and hath set hansel) ' m hi mse lf in no good way 7 : neither doth he abhor any e \ Tit. 1. 16. it not good: thing that is 9 evil/ 8 he abhor- 9 is in 5 Thy mercy, O Lord, reacheth unto 9 the heavens : rethnot 1 reacheth and thy faithfulness unto 1 the clouds/ / 55 Is- 9. "?'?.. 6 Thy righteousness standeth like the strong 5 mount- 2 M like the * a 11 Job 7-9. great ains : thy judgements are like the j great deep.* 3 area 7 Thou, Lord, shalt save 4 both man and beast''; How excellent in tn y mercy, 5 O God' : antf the children gf 4 Jon. 11. kindn&a, f men shall put their trust under the shadow of thy 31 Ps. 19. 6 therefore wings.- 7 3 See 62 " l .'- 1 ].,$"' 8 They shall be 7 satisfied with the plenteousness 8 of 8 /"'"!??,, make thy house* : and thou shalt give 9 them drink of thy *' ' ' 1 of the pleasures, as out of the river." see 247y. a*!ru 9 For with thee is the well 2 of life'" : and. in thy , 12 is. 3. 2 fountain light shall we see light." n See 140J. 10 O continue forth thy loving-kindness unto them 3 to the up. that know thee : and thy righteousness unto them that o See 213t>. right in are true of 3 heart.*" P 51 Is - 6 > 8 - 256 7th Even.'] THE PSALMS. [37 Pa. 11 O let not the foot of pride come against me : and 4 wicked re- let not the hand of tiie ungodly cast me down. 4 ? q 51 Is. 23. 5 'iniquity: ' ^ There are they fallen, all that work wickedness 5 : 6 rue. they are cast down, and shall not be able to stand. 01 " r 51 Je. 64. Evening Prayer. PSALM xxxvii. A Psalm of David. 1 n-ildocrt T^RET not thyself because of the ungodly 1 " : neither a ^iniql'iiy^ -*- be thou envious against the evil doers.* 6 * 24Pr.l,H. ~i For they shall soon be cut down like the grass : Sandwither an ^ be withered even 3 as the green herb. c c20Job5,&. i and do 3 Put thou thy trust in the Lord, and be doing 4 ' 'thou'd^u good : dwellS in tiie land ' and veril y tllou sl) alt be fed. rf d l Is - 19 - 6 thyicif * Delight thou 6 in the Lord : and he shall give thee alto " thy heart's desire.' 58 Is. 14. 7 And he ^ C mm it tn 7 wa Y nnto the Lord, and put thy trust thaiibring in him : and he shall bring it to pass/ / 16 Pr - 3 - forth s H e s ] ia u make 7 thy righteousness as clear as the 8 judgment ,. , , , ., . . , ,. s *\. ffll Job 17- 9 Reit in Irf>* : and thy just dealing" as the noon-day/ 13 Mat. 43. He. Be ti- 7 Hold thee still in 9 the Lord, and abide 1 patiently & so is. 15. I'tratt* "P on nim2 * : *"* grieve 3 not thyself at 4 him, whose ? far him : bwiioprpt- way doth prosper, 5 against 4 the man that doeth after \^eca\aeof pcrcth in KV \\ counsels. 6 ' 6 bringeth wicked dmicet to pats. i 12 Je. 1-3, 7 ^'ente 1 ' & Leave off 7 from wrath,' and let go displeasure 9 : -L. 1 ,^'^ ; 8 anger fret not thyself, else shalt thou be moved 1 to do evil.-' ^ 9 'm 54,' ^wra'th^ 9 WickedJ doers sha11 be rooted out 3 : and they that 55. 1 in any patiently abide 4 the Lord, those shall inherit the land. 3 * * j^w'cf' wise ] o Yet 6 a little while, and the ungodly 7 shall be 7 wicked 3 out iff clean gone 8 : thou shalt look after 9 his place, and he" 1 ""?*,*. 4 wait upon shall be away. 8 ' 8 slul! not be: 9 diligently consider 24 Job 24. ' 2 'uiAcrit 1 1 ^ ut l ' ie m eek-piri8Da34,a5. 5' 'wicked an< 3 gnasheth upon him with his teeth. p p 35 P. 18. phtttth 13 The Lord shall laugh him 8 to scorn' 1 : for he hath q 2 Ps.4. 7 ^e h *eeth Seen? that h ' S da y U comin g- r r ^ Je ' 27 ' 8 wicked 14 The ungodly 9 have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow' : to cast down the poor and needy, and *24iSa.Ul. 9 upright to slay such as are of a right 9 conversation.' < 3 i Jo. 12. 1 enter into 15 Their sword shall go through 1 their own heart" : M 7 P. 16c. and their bow shall be broken." " 2 Ho - 18 - 2 A littit i 6 A small thing* that the righteous hath 3 : is better 3 man hath I X'*" ".an *reat 4 riches of the ungodly. 4 - Pr " 15 ' u-irfttd. 1 7 For the arms of the ungodly shall be broken* : x 10 P.17a. 8 wicked an d7 the Lord upholdeth the righteous.* y 63 P. 8. i upright: 18 The Lord knoweth the days of the godly" 1 : and z 6 Mat. 32. y than b their inheritance shall endure 9 for ever." " W Is - 21 - 257 s 7th Even.'] THE PSALMS. [37 Ps. 1 ashamed 19 They shall not be confounded 1 in the perilous 3 J2iiPe. 9. 2 evil time 6 : and in the days of dearth 3 they shall have 3 famine 4 shall be enough.* 6 c 10 Pr. 3. S^Bufth'e 20 As for the u n g dl y they 5 shall perish* ; and the d2 iiPe.12, wicked enemies of the Lord shall consume 6 as the fat of 13 ' 6 thail be lambs* : yea, even as the 7 smoke, shall they consume 3 Le. 3-16. 8 teickfd away/ 7 they shall consume; into / 4 Ja. 14. 9 slifweth 21 The ungodly 8 borroweth, and payeth not again e : S 23 De. 12, *rcy but the righteous is merciful, 9 and liberal. 1 * 1 siveth. ' _ ,o . A 6 Lu. 30. 2 of him 22 Such as are blessed of God shall possess the 3 inherit the land 3 : and they that are cursed of him shall be rooted earth: , 4j i 1 Pr 11 4 cut off". OUt 23 The Lord ordereth a good man's going- 7 : and-? 17 Ps - 5 - 5 The steps maketh his way acceptable to himself. 5 * ft 11 Pr. 20 of a good 24 Though he fall, he shall not be cast away 6 : for 6 utterly 'ort'erTd'by the Lord upholdeth him with his hand/ ^ *%"> : the LORD: 25 I have been young, and now am old : and yet Ihavelnot Tghtethln saw J never 7 the righteous forsaken, 1 " nor his seed w ff j os l 5 his way. begging their bread." 13 p r ' 22! 8 He is ever 26 The righteous is ever 8 merciful, and lendeth": s * e 157. and his seed is blessed/ P 25 Ps - 12 9 Depart 27 Flee 9 from evil,' and do the thing that is good : 1 16 Pr - 17 - and dwell for evermore.' r % i Jo. 17. 1 judgment, 28 For the Lord loveth the thing that is right 1 * : he * U ?s. 7. 2 hit taints, forsaketh not his that be godly/ but they are pre- served for ever.' ' Is - 21 ' 3 but the 29 The unrighteous sltall be punished : as for the seed of the seed of the ungodly, it shall be rooted out. 3 " u ^ Job 14 - "hrti'be 30 The ri g hteous sha11 inherit the land : and dweU cut off. therein for ever." * 2 Pr - 21 - 4 upeaktth 31 The mouth of the righteous is exercised in 4 wis- 5 talkcth dom : and his tongue will be talking 5 of judgement.* "L G ^-. 7 - 32 The law of his God is in his heart : and his goings Gnoneofhis . ,, f s I:J P x a; 119 Ps.ll. steps shall snal iae< - 7 wicked 33 The ungodly seeth the righteous : and seeketh wucketh occasion to slay him.y y 9 Ac - 24> 34 The Lord will not leave 2 him in his hand : nor z WPs/.lo. 8 Walt on condemn him when he is judged." fl 109 Ps - 31 - 1 wicked 35 Hope thou in 8 the Lord, and keep his way, and z'wtcked'^ ^ e snal * P roniote thee, that thou shall possess 9 the 9 exalt thee 3 spreading land 6 : when the ungodly shall perish,' thou shalt /^o'p'f'iEJ himself OPP it e 4 Yet he Jf , i, c92Ps.9-ll. patted ^" -* myself have seen the ungodly in great power : aay and flourishing 3 like a green bay-tree. 1 * d 5 Es. 9 ; 5 Vea S t: 37 l Went b y> 4 and lo ' he was & ne : J5 SOU S ht him > 6 Jui Ae but his place could no where 6 be found.' 14 Ex. 13. could not 38 Keep innocency, and take heed unto the thing 258 8th Morn.] THE PSALMS. [38 Ps. that is right : for that shall bring a man peace at the 7 Mark the last. 7/ / See 23. ^wS^'and 39 As for t!ie " transgressors, they shall perish 9 to- 8 But the behold the gether : and the end of the ungodly 1 is, they shall be 9 'Jj? d ^ )^t and the sigllt ' of mine eyes is gone from3 me< * q - 69 ?8 ' 3 ' ^friends \ 1 My lovers and my neighbours 4 did stand looking *} 5 aloof from upon 5 my trouble 6 : and my kinsmen stood 7 afar off/ stroke 8 seek ' 1 2 They also that sought 3 after my life laid snares 7 Hand for me : and they that went about 8 to do me evil talked 9 my hurt O f wickedness, 9 and imagined deceit all the day long/ ^ Lu - 19 > 'cZecou?*' 13 As for me, I was like 1 a deaf man, and heard things, not : and as one that is dumb, who doth not open his 1 But I, at mouth.' < 2 i Pe. 23. 259 8 2 8th Morn.} THE PSALMS. [39 Ps. 2 Thut I 141 became even as a man that heareth not : and < in whose mouth are no reproofs." j -'v 11 ' s & 3 do I hope 15 For in thee, O Lord, have I put my trust 3 : thou v 12 Ro.19. 4 wilt hear shall answer for me, 4 O Lord my God." 5 For I said, 161 have required that they, even mine enemies, ^other- 6 . should not triumph 5 over me : for when my foot wise they thet^eh^s slipped, they rejoiced greatly 6 against me. w 7 For I am 17 And I, truly, am set in the plague 7 : and my w 13 Ps. 4A *hl t y heaviness is ever in my sight. 8 * x 77 p s . 2. 8 sorrow is 18 For I will confess 9 my wickedness 1 : and 2 be sorry C '*TT ^ r m y sm - y 9 declare 1 iniquity 2 / >iH y 7 ii Co. 11. me 1 9 But mine enemies live, 31 and are mighty 4 : and z 73 ps - 5< 3 are lively they that hate me wrongfully are many in number. 5 " a 3 Ps - ! 2 - 4 strong n/ r ,. , ., , ,3 -i r j * 6 render 5 multi. 20 ihey also that reward evil for good are against 7 m i tiea d- plicd. me 7 : because I follow the thing that good is. 6 versaries ; 8 o my God 21 Forsake me not, O Lord my God 8 : be not thou b 3 ii Ti. 12. far from me. c c 22 Ps. 11. 9 Make 22 Haste thee 9 to help me : O Lord God of my sal- haste vation. d d 71 Ps. 12. PSALM xxxix.* A Psalm of David. *See\o.313. 1 tin not T SAID, I will take heed to my ways" : that I offend 2 i Ki. 4. 2 *iit* ,. JL not in 1 my tongue. 6 b SeeVBi. rie. TnUiS- * _ zie: 2 I will keep my mouth a* it were with a bridle : 3 wicked is w i n j e the ungodly is in my sight. 30 c d 5 ^ : '' ^ ' 4 / wa*'" 31 held my tongue, and spake nothing^ : I kept 5 and , dumb with silence, 4 yea, even from good words ; but it was pain %efdmy ani ^ ? r ' e ^ to me. 5 ne . irou- peace, 4 My heart was hot within me, and while I was Wed. 6 burned: thm mus i ng the nre kindled 6 : and at the last 7 I spake * 6 f 1! Mat 7 /ne? . ^> * 8 7/wifce OT with my tongue' ; / Seg 314jt . < 5 Lord, let me 8 know my end, and the number 9 of my g 7 j ij g. days : that I may be certified how long I have to live.'-^ 1 what it is: ls.anhand ^ Behold, thou hast made my days as it were a span know how breadth; long 2 *' : and mine age is even as nothing in respect of 3 frail Zaui. 3 before thee ; and verily every man living 4 is altogether Or wftat 5 Surely ' J J timelhave every vanity." 4 at hit best state here. 6 shew: He. 7 Yor 5 man walketh in a vain shadow, 6 and dis- ft See 244dd. Inia^e: quieteth himself 7 in vain' : he heapeth up riches, and ^^ l ^ re 73 Ps. 1 20. cannot tell 8 who shall gather them.-' disquieted 8 And now, Lord, what is my hope 9 : truly my hope * 6 Kc - ^ 2 - 1 trans- -,,.* 8 Jtnoweth grestiont IS even in thee. 9 wait I for? not 2 the re- 9 Deliver me from all mine offences 1 ' : and make me j 13 Pr. 22. Mrrow mis w not a rebuke unt 2 the fooush." 1 i 5 Remove 101 became 3 dumb, and opened not my mouth : for m see 925J. My stroke it W as thy doing. 4 " 4 because thou didtt it. n See ver. 3. 6toeu/ ] I Take thy plagne 5 away from me" : I am even o 13 Job 21. thine consumed by the means of thy heavy 6 hand.* p gf 6i Sa.5. 260 8th Morn.] THE PSALMS. [40 Ps. 1 give ear unto tny cry: 1 my cry vrai * e I in^u' - 12 s When tllou witn re bukes dost chasten 7 man for 9 "urciy y ' sm ' S tnou ma kest his beauty to consume away, like as every it were a moth* fretting a garment : every 9 man 1 4 Job w - therefore is but vanity/ r 12 Ee. & 13 Hear my prayer, O Lord, and with thine ears consider my calling 1 : hold not thy peace at my tears/ * 6 Ps - 6t 14 For I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner : as all my fathers were.' t See 139* 1 5 O spare me a little, that I may recover my u \Q j b 20, strength : before I go hence, and be no more seen." 21. PSALM xl. A Psalm of David. [Proper Psalm for Good-Friday. See 54 Ps.] I WAITED patiently for the Lord" : and he in- 27 Ps. 14. clined unto me, and heard my calling. 14 o 116 Ps.1,2 2 He brought me also out of the horrible pit, out of 2 the miry the mire and* clay'^: and set my feet upon the rock, sf38 Je.13. Setta&iuhcd and ordered 3 my goings. d d 18 Ps. 36. 4 even 3 And he hath put a new song in my mouth : even a thanksgiving 4 unto our God.' 144 Ps. 9. 4 Many shall see it, and fear-'' : and shall put their f See 36. trust in the Lord/ g 4 Ac. 4. hig trutt, > Blessed is the man that hath set his hope in the 6 retpecteth Lord 5 * : and turned not unto 6 the proud,' and to such j^p 57 as go about with 7 lies.-' 7 nor tuch at turn atide to j 17 p* 4* 6 O Lord my God, great 5 are the wondrous works which thou hast done,* like as be also thy 9 thoughts, * Ste ^9- which are to us-ward' : and yet there is no man that * 55 Is. 8, 9. ordereth them 1 unto thee. m m tf*&oV3. 7 If I should declare them, and speak of them : they should be a more than I am able to express. 3 " p *- 2- 8 Sacrifice, and wieaf- offering, thou wouldest not 4 " : See 33 l - but mine ears hast thou opened/ p 33 Job 18 ; 9 Burnt- offerings, and sacrifice for sin,* hast thou *' ' not required : then said I, Lo, I come,* ? &c.'* 1 In the volume of the book it is written of me/ r 24 La. 27. 6 I delight that I should fulfil 6 thy will,* O my God : / am con- t 13 Ac. 22. tent to do it, yea, thy law is within my heart.' t 15 Je. 16. 1 1 I have declared 7 thy righteousness in the great 8 have not congregation* : lo, I will not refrain 8 my lips, O Lord, u 4 Lu.16.Jb. and that thou knowest/ gOWAc.27. 12 I have not hid thy righteousness within my . heart" : my talk hath been of thy truth, and of 9 thy v> 2 Eze. 7. thyjaith- . . J - I I Th fuliutt and salvation/ 1 "- * 1 concealed \ 3 I have not kept back 1 thy loving mercy 1 and y 6Ep.19.20. 2 -kindneit truth : from the great congregation.* 4 3 Withhold 1 4 Withdraw 3 not thou thy mercy 4 from me, O Lord : 261 not 8 many 9 and thy reckoned ftp in or- der 2 they are 3 can be numbered. 4 didst not detire : 5 and tin~ qfferitig to do 7 preachi d B have not rtf rained 9 7 hnre declared 8th Even.] THE PSALMS. [41 Ps. 5 eontinu- let thy loving-lyndness and thy truth alway preserve z 43 Ps. 3. ally me 2 compassed 1 5 For innumerable troubles are come about me" ; 4 He. 15. me about : m y s i ns 6 have taken such hold upon me that I am not "quities*' a ^^ e * lk U P : y ea > they are more in number than * 53 Is. 6. 7 therefore the hairs of my head,* and 1 my heart hath failed me/ c 42 Ge - 28 - 8 be pleased 16 Q j^,.^ let it be thy pleasure 8 to deliver me u : ^wj^ 1 make haste, O Lord, to help me. e e 3JPs.22d. 17 Let them be ashamed, and confounded together, that seek after my soul to destroy it^ : let them be / 45 Is. 24. 9 shame driven backward, and put to rebuke, 9 that wish me 1 for a re- evil/ S 9 Ps. 3. %% of 18 Let them be desolate, and rewarded with 1 shame : 2 Aha, aha. that say unto me, Fie upon thee, fie upon thee. 2/l h 25Ez.3,4. 4 continu- 19 Let a11 those that seek thee be joyful and 3 glad 3 a *$g ally in thee' : and let such as love thy salvation say alway, 4 1 65 ls.13,14. eTifrFam ThC L rd bC P raised ' 5> 3 1 L U- 46. 8 thinktth 20 As for me, I am 6 poor and needy : but' the Lord 7 yet upon careth for 8 me.* A 41 Is. 17. $** 21 Thou art my helper and redeemer 9 ' : make no M i Ki.29. liverer: long tarrying,"' O my God. 143 Ps. 7. Evening Prayer. PSALM xli. A Psalm of David. BLESSED is he that consideretli the poor and a 31 Job 16, needy : the Lord shall deliver him in the time of & - a shall 2 The Lord' preserve him, and keep him alive/ that e 45 Je. 5. 3 thou wilt he may 2 be blessed upon earth' 1 : and deliver not thou 3 d 128Ps.l,#c. 4%ilf liVer him into the wil1 of his enemies - e e 14 Ps ' a strengthen 3 The Lord comfort him, when he lieth sick upon him upon his bed : make thou 4 all his bed in his sickness/ /20 ii Ki.5. languish- 4 I said, Lord, be merciful unto me : heal my soul, ing : thou for I have sinned against thee. r S 6 Ho. 1. wilt make 5 Mine enemies speak evil of me : When shall he He. turn r . , 5 gathereth die, and his name perish* ? h 18 Job 17. iniquity Q ^ n ^ jf he come to see me, he speaketh vanity : . . to itself,- . . r , , .,, , . ,rSi 2GPr.24-26. 6 goeth an d bis heart conceiveth falsehood within himself, ' 0f5x e .2,&. abroad, and when he cometh forth 6 he telleth it.- 7 j 20 Je. 10. K hu?t*' my 7 A11 mine enemies? whisper together against me : 7 All that 9 An evil even against me do they imagine this evil. SA A 22 Ma* 15 digca*e,s*y g Let the sentence of guiltiness proceed against 9 ^ s , Q ~ f ' tthfasT*' hi m ' : an d now t^ a t ne lieth, let him 1 rise up no more.'" , 27Mat 22 unto 9 Yea, even mine own familiar friend, whom 2 I 7t i5jjSai2 2 i 'whom truste( ^" : who ^ also eat f m y Dre ad, hath laid great 13 JQ^. \%, wait for me. 30 3 lifted up his heel ngaiitst me. &c. 262 8th Even.] THE PSALMS. [42 Ps. 4 that I 10 But be thou merciful unto me, O Lord : raise p 19Lu.27. ^quue"' tftou me U P a S a ' n > anc * * sna11 rewar d* them.* q 20 Je. 12, 5 because 1 1 By this I know thou favourest me : that 5 mine 7^',^ a tettett enemy doth not triumph against me. 6 * 6 over me. 'for me?m J 'i N ? u. 11. 3 ",%' *-' tongeth 1 m y s ul after thee, O God.' a 26 Is. 8, 9. ally '2 My soul is atliirst for God, 4 yea, even for the living o 7 Joh. 37. 4 remember Qod : w hen shall I come to appear before the presence SSU /God Ch. 25, rif * a 5 In the 7 voice of praise and thanksgiving : among ^ i5Er.20 ";fS? such as keep 8 holy-day.* ft 30 Is. 29.' Scott down, 6 Why art thou so full of heaviness, 9 O my soul : t 30 i Sa. 6; 1 Hope thou an( j wny art thou[o] disquieted within me' ? 14 Mar - 51 - 3/r",T * 7 Put thy trust 1 in God : for I will yet give him 4 and of the thanks' for the help of his countenance.-' J 71 Ps. 14. *e*} 8 M y God. my soul is vexed 9 within me : therefore the hitl will I remember thee* concerning 3 the land of Jordan, * 2 Jon - 7. Mizar. and the uttie h in O f Hermon."' ' 61 p - 2 - e, 9 One deep calleth another, 4 * because of the 6 noise " 7 Eze. 26. 6 at the of the water-pipes' : all thy waves and storms" are ne over me -" " 2 Jon- 3 ' 10 The Lord hath granted 9 his loving-kindness" in o28De. 8. - the day-time : and in the night-#won did I sing ofP 35 Job 10. l"hi?Lng Wm, 1 '' and made my prayer unto the God of my life.' 9 3 Co1 - 3 - shall be HI will say unto the God of my strength,' Why 2my 'h hast thou for o tten me : wh y S I thu * heavily, wliile 3 mourning the enemy oppresseth me 31 " ? becaute of ] 2 My bones are- smitten asunder as with a sword 4 : *f*St? a the otwfff x swora in tion oftiu while mine enemies that trouble 9 me coat me w the my b#ne*, enemy ? teeth' ; * 12 Pr. 16. 5 reproach 13 jVam^Zy, while they say daily unto me : Where is now thy God' ? < See 926*. 6 eattdown 14 Why art thon so veied," O my soul : and why art thou *o disquieted within me* ? 43 P*. 5. "rTue* 011 15 ? Ut Ul >' trUSt7 m God : f r J WlU yCt thank8 whots 3 O send out thy light and thy truth, that they may 7 7 let them lead m( .e . and i bring me unto thy ho i y hill> and to thy jL p Trf S na b 7i dwelling. 8 / eisT QThenwilll 4 And that I may 9 go unto the altar of God?, even 19,' & 21 i 1 my ex- unto /te God o/ 1 my joy and gladness 1 : and 2 upon the Ch.29, 30. ^ingjoy: ^ ^ j g . ye ^^ mio> ^ Q GQ ^ my Qod A A ji Ps . 22, 3 / praise 5 Why art thou so heavy, 4 O my soul : and why art 4 1 ^ S 1 | 2 Ps- thou so disquieted within me ? 6 O put thy trust in God' : for I will yet give him thanks, which is the help of my countenance, and my God. _^ THE NINTH DAY. Morning Prayer. PSALM xliv. Maschil* * instmc- 1 *hatm* T\TE have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers fl "^ u 2 S^tL. ^ * have told us : what 1 thou hast done in their 3 "us. . *'' time of old." s3JW. 2 How thou hast driven out the heathen with thy * 24 Jos. 11- 3 didtt of. hand, 6 and planted them in c : how thou hast destroyed 3 '* ,_ met ., ,. *4 j J c 10 1st. iv. the nations, and cast them out." d 9Ne22&. 4 people 3 For they gat not the land in possession through 80 Ps.S-ll. their own sword : neither was it their own arm that 5 Ju g 20 . 5 did *ae helped 5 them' ; 4 Zee. b. 4 But thy right hand, and thine arm,/ and the light / See lOSn. of thy countenance*' : because thou hadst a favour g 6ff34Pf.li>. unto them.* A 14 Nu. a C command 5 Thou art my King, O God 1 : send help unto 6 i H9 P- 2. deliver- Jacob.-' >42Ps.lOo. 7 pushdown ^ Through thee will we overthrow 7 our enemies* : * ^ De - *? .8 through, and in 8 thy name will we tread them under, that rise up against us.' o 7 For I will not trust in my bow : it is not my sword SKv that shall help 9 me"' ; m l Ho -7- euord save 8 But it is thou that savest 1 us from our enemies : 2 Xm" and pattest them to confusion 2 that hate us." n 23 Jos. 9. 3 in God 9 We make our boast of God 3 all day long" : and o 9 Je. 24. will praise thy name for ever.*" p 115 Ps.18. 5 ^dptf 10 But now thou art far< off ' and P uttest * us ^ con- ti thame fusion : and goest not forth with our armies.' q 33 Je. 24. 264 9th Morn.'] THE PSALMS. [45 Ps. 7 from the 1 1 Thou makest us to turn our backs upon our ene- r 28 De. 25. Sd y: mies ' r : 8 thatS tlie y which hate us spoil our goods.*' * [;> j e - 13 - 9 for them- 12 Thou lettest us be eaten up like sheep 1 ' and u 4 De'. 27 telva. hast scattered us among the heathen." 32 De. 30. Ma ' 13 Thou sellesf thy people for nought : and takest 2 *' ~* ./Ufpap. no money for them.*" 'SHJ' ^a^^* 14 Thou makest us to be rebuked of* our neigh- their price. Zareproach hours' : to be laughed to scorn, and had in derision *#52 ls.3. to of them 4 that are round about us. y *83Ps.8,7. lathing 15 Thou makest us to be a by-word among the y 48 Je ' 27> oftheiuad heathen 1 : and that the people shake their heads z 24 Je " 9- a "5a s ** 92r '*- 6 wntiiiu- 16 My confusion is daily 6 before me : and the shame all y of my face hath covered me* ; b 7 J-8; J 17 For the voice of the slanderer and blasphemer' : 5 eth and for the enemy and avenger. 6 e 37 i s . ^ ^ 6tap^m- 18 And ^0^^ a ii t hi s D e s come upon us/ yet do d 9 Da.' 13. 8 it ' we not forget thee' : nor behave ourselves frowardly 3 ' | KL * 6 - 9 ^Jt ** in thy covenant ' / f 20 Ez 37 /a/ J 6 Ca.8, 9. 2 tfiey 15 With joy 1 and gladness shall they be brought* : * 51 Is - 11 - thy aU ' and* shall enter into the King's palace.' \ ^ Instead of thy fathers thon shalt have 3 children : m . 49 Is - 18 ' whom thou ma Y est make princes in all lands. 4 " n 5 C> Re 10 remem- 181 will remember thy name from one generation to 72 Ps 17 . beredincll another 5 " : therefore shall the people give thanks unto 6 19. fiowTf" thee, world without enA. 7p 6 praise Ifor ever and ever. P 61 Is. 9. PSALM xlvi. 1 refuge /"""I OD is our hope 1 and strength" : a very present a 14 Pr. 26. VJT help in trouble. 4 b 22 Ge. 14. 2 Therefore will we not fear, c though the earth be c 27 Ps. 3. 2 removed moved 3 : and though the hills 3 be carried into the 3 mountains j . r n. d JOIT 4 roar and midst of the sea. d d rf 21 Lu. be troubled, 3 Tliough the waters thereof rage and swell 4 : and u " 266 Sth Even.'} THE PSALMS. [47 Ps. 5 with the though the mountains shake at the tempest of the 38 Job 11 ; thereof. same ' 5< 5 Je< 2X 6 There is 4 The rivers of the flood thereof 6 shall make glad arirer.the the city of God : the holy place of the tabernacle of SE5 the most High**/ -/** 7 A than 5 God is in the midst of her, therefore shall she 7 & 22 Re. 1. 5 the morn- not ^ e remove< i* ' God shall help her, and that right 23De/.14. ing appear, early. 8 * A 13 Lu./. 8. eth 6 The heathen make much ado, 9 and the kingdoms 1 w/re are ' m oved : but God hath shewed 3 his voice, and the 2 he uttered earth shall melt away. 3 ' 20 it Ch.l- 3 -n^lted.. 7 The Lord of hosts is with ^ . Ule God of Jacob jg 2 4. our refuge.-' j 14 Nu. 9. 8 come hither, and behold the works of the Lord* : * 66 P. 5. S^ma^in" what destruction 4 he hath brought upon 5 the earth.' * **. .7; 6 unto the $ He maketh wars to cease in all the world 6 '" : lie *'. ' end of the breaketh the bow, and knappeth 7 the spear in sunder, *i_ , "fcutteth and burneth tlie chariots in the fire." "5 Mi. Z 10. ' 10 Be still then," and know that I am God* : I will 2 Zee. 13. be exalted among the heathen, and I will be exalted p 18 i KJ.36. in the earth/' q 2 Is. 17. 1 1 The Lord of hosts is with us : the God of Jacob is our refuge/ r!3iiCh.l2. Evening Prayer. PSALM xlvii. [Proper Psalm for Ascension-Day. See 1 08 Ps.] 1 ihout ^"x CLAP your hands together, all ye people" : O alliiKi.12. 3 mott'hieh ^J sin g' unto God with the voice of melod y-' J * 4 b 6 Sa - 15 ' is terrible; 2 For the Lord is high, and to be feared 3c : he is the 4 c 7 De. 21. 5 l ovcr grcat King uponS a11 the earth ' d d 95 Ps< 3> 3 He shall subdue the people under us : and the nations under our feet/ e ^ 3 ^ e - '-29* 6 our 4 He ghal , choose Ma an heritage for us' : evenS 2 7 excellency t h e worship 7 of Jacob/ whom he loved* 8 a shout: 5 God is gone up' with a merry noise 8 : and the . 3iT - e . jj 9 a trumpet. Lord with the sound of the trump. 9 -' ) 15i Ch 28 6 O sing praises, sing praises unto our God : O sing ^ g ^ ^ ' * praises, sing praises unto our King.* 1147 7 For God is the King of all the earth' : sing ye l * * 1 Or, every . ml4iCo.l5. oMthat praises with 1 understanding.'" n22Ps.27, hath 8 God reigneth over the heathen" : God sitteth upon 28. *ihUld?of his hol y seat - M 2 the throne of hit holineu. o 4 Re, 2. the earth. 9 The princes of the people are joined unto 3 the 3 gathered belongwuo pe0 ple of the God of Abraham* : for God, which is '**" jrTatiy ** very high exalted, doth defend the earth, as it were p 49 Ge. 10. with a shield. 4 ' * ^ Pn 6< 267 9th Even.] THE PSALMS. [-18, 49 Ps. 1 greatly 2 in the mountain of his ho- linets. 4 beautiful /or *i the world6 5 , b 3 Ro> 29 - 2 High and low, rich and poor : one with another. c 2 together 3 My mouth sha11 s P eak of wi s dom' think ' that their houses Shall COQ- t2T UP " ward tinue for ever : and that their dwelling-places shall TO 3 EC. 15 '^"' w .'*' endure from one generation to another^"; and 3 call &c. honour the lands after their own names." 2 to ell generation* ; 3 '*** abideth 12 Nevertheless, man will not abide in honour 4 * : n Se f ver - 6 '- S^'uJito seeing he may be compared unto 5 the beasts that 18hSa - 18 - T folly : yet perish' ; this is the way 6 of them. 6 *Ar uy P Q p^la'la' 8 approve ]3 y^w is the i r foolishness : and' their posterity 9 ', :', 9 are laid . s .. . . , J r 3 1 Co. 19. 1 grave Pse their saying/ */* 1 4 They lie 9 in the hell 1 like sheep,' death gnaweth 5 1 ^ j^ 19 ' 1 4 %oHi'l''Ln u P n tnem ' an< * tne righteous 3 shall have domination 4 " u 7 DJ. 22.' 5 from over them in the morning* : their beauty shall con- ,. 21 Je. 12. 6 **'" re - sume in the sepulchre 1 out of 3 their dwelling. 1 " w \ jol, 20, 7 the power 1 5 But God hath delivered 6 my soul from the place 21 - (H-. hand, of hell* : for he shall receive me.* * ^ Ps - 13 - %: 16 Be not thou afraid . though 8 one be 9 made rich : y u Job - i 8 &fan or if 8 the glory of his house be y increased 1 ; 9 it z 28 Pr. 12. 1 7 For he shall carry nothing away with him when 1 glory de- / ' / , a See 313*. tcend after he dieth : neither shall his pomp follow him." 629De 19 2 Tiiaug/t 1 8 For 2 while he lived, he counted himself an happy c gf 3 j;^ 2 * hi* tout: man3 * : and so lon S ^ thou4 doest wel1 unto thyself, tc'? Es. 8- 4 wten than men will speak good of 5 tliee/ 5 praite 19 He shall follow 6 the generation of his fathers' 1 : d ' 8 that is and s i, a ii' never see ij g ht.' 6 go to 7 they than d"r"t a n"utk ^0 Man being 8 in honour hath no understanding/ - not, u hke but is compared unto 9 the beasts that perish.* 6 i Cb 31 THE TENTH DAY. 39; Morning Prayer. PSALM L. A Psalm of (or for} Asaph* tit. rriHE Lord, even the most mighty God," hath a 9 Ne./. 32. 1 earth JL "spoken : and called the world, 1 from the rising &32De j. 2 thined U P ^ t ' ie sun ' ""^ t ' ie K' n ^ own thereof.* 1 \ s . a, 4t 3 /A prr. 2 Out of Sion' hath God appeared 3 : in perfect 1 c 7 ii Ch. 16. fection of beauty. d d 33 De. Z laflrethall 3 Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence' : 421s.l3,ic devour, there shall go before him a consuming fire, 4 and a / * 9 Ex - w - 5 vfTi' U tfm be '"'ohty tempest shall be stirred up 5 round about him/ 3Q De lp . putuou* 4 He shall call the* heaven from above : and the 6 31 o.'28 8 to tin earth, that he may judge his people.* 6 Mi. 1, 2. '269 10th Morn.] THE PSALMS. [51 Ps. 1 by 5 Gather my saints together unto me'' : those that ft 14 Zee. 1.5. have made a covenant with me with 7 sacrifice. 1 i See 1166. 6 And the heaven shall declare his righteousness-' : j 97 Vs. 6. for God is Judge himself.* * 75 Ps. 7. 8 and I 7 Hear, O my people, and I will speak : I s myself will testify against thee, O Israel' ; for I am God, I 81 1" 8 - 8 - even thy God.'" m See 23 "- 9 thee for 8 I will not reprove thee because of 9 thy sacrifices, or for thy burnt-offerings : because they were not 1 to have alway 1 before me. n ~ Je.21-23. been con- 9 j w ju ta k e no b u u oc i out of thine house : nor he- _, tinually 043 Is. 1.23; goat out of thy folds. 10 He. 4. : so wil1 " 5 Ja '/- 13 - liver I hear 1 thee, and thou shalt praise 2 me. 7 " 2 glorify w ^ Lu - 12- 3 wicked 16 g ut unto the the un g d] y said 3 God : Why dost ' T faith , i ^ , , * 48 Is. 1 : 4 What hast " 10U preach my laws, and takest my covenant in thy 7 Mat. 22, thou to do mouth 1 ; 23 ; my e re 17 Whereas 5 thou hatest to be reformed 6 ? : and hast l^c.lS,^ tutes,or Cast my words behind thee z ? 5 Seeing 6 instruction ^,57 94 ' that thou ig When thou sawest a thief, thou 7 consentedst unto * ,-J" 1 ' thouldst .. . , '.,. ^, 1 then thou. take nlm : an d hast been partaker with the adulterers. a2Bo.21-23. 8 givett 19 Thou hast let 8 thy mouth speak wickedness 9 : and ISrameih "^ tlly ton g ue thou hast set forthl Qeceit -* & 5 Je '/' 31 - 20 Thou satest, and spakest against thy brother : yea, and hast slandered thine own mother's son. c elOMat.21. 2 kept si, 21 These things hast thou done, and I held my ^ t lence, tongue, 2 and thou thoughtest ivickedly, that I am even 3 2 Ro. 3-6. ' eether ~ suc ^ a one ^ thyself : but I will reprove thee, and e 8 Am. 7, 8 aright J 10 Ac.2,fr See Nos. PSALM li.* A Psalm of David, when Nathan the 1 12 1 Sa. 1, 329 & 330. prophet came unto /'wi,t fl/ifer lie had gone in to j n ii Sa. 1, &e- 270 1 0*A Morn.] THE PSALMS. [51,52Ps. 1 according TTAVE mercy upon me, O God, after thy great a 119Ps.l24. ^'^ -tl goodness 1 " : according to the multitude of thy a b 1 Ep.7. hindnets: mercies do away mine offences. 36 2 thy tender 2 Wash me throughly from my wickedness 4 : and 36 Ez. 25, my trans- cleans e me from my sin. c 4 iniquity : 29 ' 33 ' gretgum*. 3 For I acknowledge^ my faults 5 : and my sin is dgfiaiiSa. 5 }- . . ever before me. f- 12, 38 8 judgcst 5 Behold, I was shapen in wickedness" : and in sin g 3 Ro. 4. 9 ini^juity. j^ my motner con ceived me. A A8Ge..21. 1 Retold, 6 _BM lo, 1 thou requirest 2 truth in the inward parts' : ' 29 i Ch. 17. 3 'know** anc * s ' ia ^ make me to understand 3 wisdom secretly. 4 -* J ' fs - 98 - iintkctiid- 7 2'AoMs/ta^purgemewithhyssop,andIshallbeclean: dm part, thou shall wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.* & 9 He. 13, 8 Thou shalt make me hear of joy and gladness : 1* 1". 5 Hide ^ iat tne bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.' ' 5 Job 18< 6 blut 9 Turn 5 thy face from my sins : and put out all my m See 1& 1 iniquity. m i s deeds. 7 '" " y or r ^V n 10 Make 8 me" a clean heart, O God : and renew a *at right 9 spirit" within me. 1 1 Cast me not away from thy presence^ : and take 5 7 ii Sa. 15. not thy holy Spirit from me. r 57 Is. 18. 1 Restore \ 2 O give 1 me the comfort 2 of thy help 3 again* : and * 10 Je. 23. 2 U joy stablish 4 me' with thy free Spirit.' 4 uphold ' 3 " Co. 17. 3 salvation: 13 Then shall I teach thy ways unto the wicked 5 " : A C- 20- VrTr and sinners shall be converted unto thee." r 5 j a w ^ 14 Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, 1 " O God, thou w21 Ex-14> 6 taivation that art tlie God of my health 6 * : and my tongue shall see 140$. 7 aloud of sing of 7 thy righteousness. y x 88 Ps. 1. 8 Open thou 15 Thou shalt open 8 my lips, O Lord : and my y71Ps.l5,jt 9 tluw forth mouth shall shew 9 thy praise. 1 * 61 !. 3, 1 Or that I 16 For thou desirest no sacrifice, else would I 1 give fl ^ De ^ AouW it iftee . but tnou delightest not in burnt-offerings.* #2 iSa/.25,' 2 &ro&n 1 7 The sacrifice of God is a troubled' 1 spirit : a broken ^ l 4*j*' and contrite heart, O God, shall thou not despise.' 12 Mar. 33. 3 Do good in 18 O be favourable and gracious 3 unto 8ion J : build e 15 Lu-7,jt thy good thou the wa i ls of Jerusalem." J J 8 ' M* 19 Tlien shalt thou be pleased with the sacriflce of J J Jj^ 7 ' ^rt e of. rigliteousness/ with the burnt-offerings and oblations 4 : J fering . ' then shall they offer young bullocks upon thine altar. PSALM Hi. Maschil, A Psalm of David, when Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul, and said unto 1 in mi- him, David is come to the house of Ahimelech* c/li? (v "Vi7"HY boastest thou thyself, thou tyrant : that thou mignty vv . . , * _ Qp r .i2.15. man' '" canst do mischief la ; 271 10/A Even.] THE PSALMS. [53 Ps. 2 continu- 2 Whereas the goodness of God : endureth yet daily 2 * ? 6 103 Ps. 17. * al } a '- ..- 3 Thy tongue imagineth wickedness 3 : (nid with lies 1*0 Ps.2,3. 3 devneth J 4 W0 rkine miichieft; thou cuttest 4 like a sharp razor. c deceitfully 5 lovest evil 4 xhou hast loved unrighteousness 5 more than good- a 3 Mi./. 2. rathe? mS ness d : and to talk of lies more than 6 righteousness.' e 62Ps.?.4. than to 5 Thou hast loved to /><>'& all words that may do/' 22Ez -/- 9 - 7^U hurt7 : thou falseS tongue/ 8 deceit/** g * 9 words, " 6 Therefore 9 shall God destroy thee for ever ? : he A igj bi4 1 l h e e *a l *a sha11 toke thee>1 and pluck thee out f thy dvvellin S> 2 18- 2 dwelling' aQ d root thee out of the land of the living.* i 15 Re. i. 4. p/ace, 7 The righteous also shall see 1 this, and fear 7 : and J 119 Ps.120. 3 at him: shall laugh him 3 to scorn.* 1 k 3 ? Is - 22 - 4 nuwfe 8 Lo, this is the man that took 4 not God for his l 17 Je - 5 - 5 in the strength' : but trusted unto the multitude 5 of his riches, m See 93& abundance .... <, i j 6,,i * [ flourish- 6 Or *u&- and strengthened himsell in his wickedness. ^ 4 jj^ stance. 9 ^4 S y or ,, J am r like a green* olive-tree in the 4.] ' 8 f fruit house of G d " : m y trust is 8 in the tender mercy of n 92 Ps. 10, Qwillpraise God for ever and ever." 1 /. 10 I will always give thanks^ unto 9 thee for that 1 because , J . r 1-J6 Ps, 2. 2 d%j. 4 Every 5 Are not . they without understanding that work *yi*-- knowledge wickedness 6 ' : eating up my people as if they would J ITherewere eat bread j ? the have not called u on (j od * ". they in , J r . , r i r /i j great fear, 6 Ihey were afraid where no fear was' : for God /i5Job/.21. 8 scattered hath broken 8 the bones of him that besieged 9 thee ; 9 eth Ca '" P ~ thou hast put them to confusion, 1 because God hath againit despised them." 1 shame, "A., 32 " Ch> 2 see 14 Ps. 7 Oil that the salvation were given unto Israel 2 out of Sion" : Oh that the Lord would deliver his people n 1* Is - 32 - out of captivity" ! o SOJe.18,19. 3 shall g Then should* Jacob rejoice : and Israel should 3 be right glad.' p 12 Ne. 43. 272 WthEven.'] THE PSALMS. [54, 55 Ps. PSAI.M liv. Maschil, A Psalm of David, when the Ziphiiiis came and said to Saul, Doth not David hide himself urith U* 1 * * 23 i Sa.19; [Proper Psalm for Good Friday.] 26 i Sa. 1. 1 >>>tthy OAVE me, O God, for thy name's sake 1 " : andSe39c. 2'3c me avenge* me in 2 thy strength. b 23 Pr. 11. J>y 2 Hear my prayer, O God : and hearken 3 unto the 3 give ear W0 rds of my mouth. c c 5 P. 1. 4 oppressor 3 For strangers are risen up against me : and tyrants, 4 g ixfore 5 not get which have not 5 God before their eyes, 6 seek after my them soul. d d 86 Ps. 14. 4 Behold, God is my helper* : the Lord is with them 12iCh.l8. that uphold my soul/ /118P8.6.&. 5 He shall reward evil unto mine enemies' : destroy ig TJ. -cut them tiiou them 7 in thy truth.* * 89 Pg ' 4 g % I will 6 -^n offering of a free heart will I give thee, 1 and 8 fggps 13 li freely a- praise thy name, O Lord : because it is so comfort- 7 For he hath delivered me out of all my trouble* :**"* and mine eye hath seen his desire upon mine enemies/ ' 6l PS\LM Iv. Maschil, A Psalm of David. 1 Give ear to TTEAR 1 my prayer, O God : and hide not thyself " 5) Ztuppiica- XI from my petition.** ess^u ^Attend 2 Take hee " d3 unto me ' and hear me : how l mourn 4 complaint 5 Became of in my prayer, and am vexed. 4 * and make the voice of 3 The enemy crieth so, and the ungodly cometh on "'"'f*?'' . the enemy, , iirf , * d 22 a Sa. 5. because of 80 fast** : for they are minded to do me some mis- theoppret- chief; so maliciously are they set against me. 6 ' Md'.''" 4 M y heart is disquieted' within m : for { ^ Ln 44 hate me. ^^ won j ( j j flee awa y an i De a t rest.* j 12 ^14' 1 / tuander ? ^' tnen wou ld I get me away' far off : and remain * 49 j f . 28. in the wilderness.' l Je. 2. 'l hasten my 8 I would make haste to 2 escape : because of 3 the ro 18 Ps. 4. 3 from stormy wind and tempest" 1 9 Destroy their tongues, O Lord, and divide them* : "^J^'M' 4 teen trio. * r ^ nave 8 pi e( i unrighteousness 4 and strife in the city." ',-, Je ' 7 lence 1 Day and night they go about within 5 the walls there- p 7 HO. 6. 5 it upon of p : mischief also and sorrow are in the midst of it* q 59 Is. 6-8. VildT/'" 1 1 1 Wickedness is therein 61 " : deceit and guile go 7 not r SZep.l.fc thereof: out of their* streets.' 7 depart B from her 5Je. 27. 1 ti\*lre 12 ^ Ot ' li ^ not *" pen enem y' tnat natn ^ one "^ ' 41 Ps- 9- proac tied I' 1 ' 8 dishonour 1 :for then I could have borne it.' 2 ht that "* 13 Neither was it mine adversary,* that did magnify 273 T llthMorn.'] THE PSALMS. [06 Ps. himself against me : for then peradventure I would have hid myself from him. u 26 Mat 2 i. 3 a man 1 4 But it was even thou, my companion 3 " : my guide," 16 ii Sa.23. ILe.'accord.' anc * mme Own familiar friend. 410 4 acquaintance. w26Mat.49, ing to my 1 5 We took sweet counsel together : and walked in 50 - Tunto the the5 h USe f G d ** friends - 6jr * 33EZ.131. 6 in coin. 1 6 Let death come hastily 7 upon them, and let them pany. go down quick into hell* 5 ' : for wickedness is in their ^"siuj^ 8 Or~the dwellings, and among them. 2 27 Mat. 5. grave : 1 7 As for me, I will call upon God" : and the Lord z 16 Nu.J.30. shall save me. 6 a73Ps.28. d cm aloud- ^ * n ^ e even i n g> an( ^ morning, and at noon-day b 138 Ps - 7 - ' will I pray/ and that instantly 9 ** : and he shall hear my c 6 Da - 10 - 13 - voice. a 5 He - 7- 19 It is he that hath delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me' : for there were e 18 ii Sa.28. 2 afflict many w i tn me ./ / 6 ii Ki. 16. S fcratiM 20 Yea > even God, that endureth for ever, 1 shall I f eth of they have hear me, and bring them down 2 ^ : for they will not g 143 Ps. 12. "tterffar?' turn ' nor fear3 God * h l Pr ' 29 '*- they fear 21 He laid 4 his hands upon such as be at peace with 4 hath put 7*"f < / 27 Ps. 1. will praise 4 I will praise God, because of 7 his word* : I have g 138 Ps. 2. 274 1 Ith 3/orn.] THE PSALMS. [57 Ps. 8 l will put my trust in God, and will 6 not fear what flesh can do unto me.* h See H4/. Evfry da v 5 They daily mistake 9 my words' : all that they t See 184ft. l^uth?" ima g ine is to do me> vil.-> J 18 i Sa.28. thought! 6 Tliey hold all 2 together, and keep 3 themselves 2 gather me a /or intt close * : and mark my ste P s ' when the y la y wait for m y * iBA^U soul.' 3 they hide i 6 Da. 4. 4 fry int- 7 Shall they escape for their wickedness 4 : thou, O quity > God, in thy displeasure 3 slia.lt cast them 6 down." 1 m 18 Je. 23. 6 Ute people & Thou tellest my Sittings'" ; put my tears into thy n 63 Is. /. 9. 7 wander- bottle" : are 8 not these things noted in thy book'' ? * 16 Jb 2& 8*afe tbev ^ Whensoever I call upon thee, 9 then shall mine P 3 Mal - 16 - 9 cry unto enemies be put to flight' 5 : this I know ; for God is on q 17 Ex- 1L th. my side. 2 ' 2 '*> "* l"lGod* 10 1 God's 3 word will I rejoice 4 : in the Lord's 5 r ' 4 will I word will I comfort me. 4 * * 24 Mat.35. pm UB j j y s- ]4- me, u God. 13 For thou hast delivered my soul from death," 8 wiltturt and 8 my feet from falling 1 " : that I may walk before . {it u r d& God in the light of the living.' x Joh ' ^ PSALM Ivii. Michtam of David, when he fled from . Saul in the cave* &c< ' ^ l> [Proper Psalm for Easter-Day. See 1 1 1 Ps.] 1 en in ~R^ merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto Zu'ili'l -*-* me, for my soul trusteth in thee : and under 10 39 *i*- make the shadow of thy wings shall be 2 my refuge,* until * See ^ 'iSar ^s tyranny 3 be over-past.' *& 4 cry 2 I will call 4 unto the most high God : even unto the Vr//fa.il God that sha11 perf 01 tlie cause which I have in things for hand. 5rf d!38Ps. 8, *"* 3 He shall send from heaven* : and save me from e 144 Pg. 5. fi reproach t }, e reproof of him that would eat 7 me up/ / 14 P. St. 7 twallow . r , , , . ,, . . ,\ ., . 4 God shall send forth his mercy and truth* : my g 40 Vs. 14z. soul is among lions.* 8 * on * 5 And I lie even among the children 9 of men, that are set on fire' : whose teeth are spears and arrows, t 9 Ju. 20. and their tongue a sharp sword> j 30 Pr. 14. 6 Set U P th y self '* God ' above ti heavens : and thy glory above all the earth.* * 2 Is. 11,*. 1 prepared 7 They have laid 1 a net for my feet,* and pressed down m y soulS : the y have died a Pi* tetore me, 3 mwul it bowed and are fallen into the midst of it themselves.' downl 8 My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed" 1 : 1 m ^!2Mat.30. will sing, and give praise." 21 Is. 16. 275 T 2 IlthEven.] THE PSALMS. [58,59Ps. 4 piaitery 9 Awake up, my glory : awake, lute 4 and harp : I o 16 Ps. 10s. myself will awake right early/ p 5 Ps. 3. 5 praise ] Q j w ju gj ve thanks unto 5 thee, O Lord, among the people : and I will sing unto thee among the nations. 7 g 15 Ro. 9. 1 1 For the greatness of thy mercy reacheth 6 unto the heavens : and thy truth unto the clouds.'' r 9 Ge. 9, 4t 7 As ver.6. 12 Set up thyself, 7 O God, above the heavens : and 54 Is> 8 ' 11) - thy glory above all the earth. 1 PSALM Iviii. Michtam of David. 108Ps.la-5<>. 1 Do ye in- ARE your minds set upon 1 righteousness, O ye con- : spea j^_ gregation : and do ye judge the thing that is right, 2 O ye sons of men" ? 2 uprightly, a tf 23 Ac. wickedness ^ Yea, ye imagine mischief 3 in your heart upon the /q' F ' 16 bThewicked earth 6 : and your hands deal with wickedness/ c j Is ' j_' a 'ed estran ~ 3 The ungodly are froward, 5 even from their mother's 6 4 ye weigh 7 Their poi- womb : as soon as they are born, they go astray, and theviolene son is like speak lies. d 6 from the "hands* 9 win not 4 They are as venomous as 7 the poison of a serpent* : d 22 Pr. 15; 2 break out even* like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ears ; See 2 ' j06 - the great 5 Which refuseth to 9 hear the voice of the charmer : ? n 40 , Ps ; ; 3 - teeth . j . . . i e i ur oe me 3 the young charm he never so wisely. J charmer, 4 melt 6 Break their teeth, O God, in their mouths; smite never to 5 alty tinU ~ the Jaw-bones 2 of the 3 lions, O Lord* : let them fall 4 /{O'EC^'I ; 6 he bendeth away like water that runneth apace A ; and when they 6 8 Je. 17. his bow to s i loot their 7 arrows let them be rooted out. 8 ' s 3 Ps - 7 - 8 as cut in ? Let them consume 9 away like a snail, 1 and be like A 17iiSa.lO. pieces the untimely fruit 2 of a woman : and let them 3 not see * 37 Is - 6 > 7 - ofthem nC ^ ie sun -" ; 1 'which melteth 2 birth 3 that they may ^ 6 EC 3 ' pass 8 Or ever 4 your pots be made hot with 5 thorns* : so k 7 Ec 6 4 Before j e t indignation vex him/ even as a thing that is raw. 6 '" i 23 j e . 19. oTje sllaii 9 The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the m 2 i Sa. 15. take them, vengeance" : he shall wash his footsteps 7 in the blood n n Pr. 10. with a* ^ ungodly. 8 * 7 his feet 8 wicked. o 68 Ps. 23. whirlwind, 10 So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward both living, f or the righteous p : doubtless there 9 is a God that ig. iwath. M judgetll the 1 earth.' 9 verily he 1 in the ,?3iiPe.9, workers of \_J fend me from them that rise up against me." a IS Ps. 48. lif^waift ^ ^ deliver me from the wicked doers 3 : and save 5 not for my me from the blood-thirsty 3 men.* 3 bloody b 55 Ps. 23. 3 For lo, they lie waiting 4 for my soul c : the mighty t \\ jj Co.32, fwr'forww men are gathered against me, without any offence or 33. tin, fault of me, 5 O Lord. d d 26 i Sa. 18. 276 llthEven] THE PSALMS. [60 Ps. 6 awake ''wicked tran- grestort. 9 r make t a t noise 2 belch out they,' 8ay 4 laugh at 5* have in derision 6 Because QT/teGodof my mercy 2 j 13 ' I by thy power; 4 let them 9 earth 9 let them 3 Let them 5J3u/l 6 yea, I 1 M S aloud 8 \tmyde. [Metopo- tamia.] 1 off. thou hast 4 They run' and prepare themselves without my e 1 Pr. 16. fault : arise thou 6 therefore to help me, and behold/ / 3 Ps. 7. 5 Stand up ' e Lord God f hosts ' thou God of Israel ' ? e 33 Ge- 20- to visit all the heathen' 1 : and be not merciful them that offend of malicious wickedness. 7 ' 6 They go to and fro in the 8 evening : they grin 9 like j .^ p ' s ^ & dog/ and run 1 about through the city, l go round tf 15 Mat. L. 7 Behold, they speak 2 with their mouth,* and swords 26 - are in their lips' : for who 3 doth hear"'? * 94 * 8 But thou, O Lord, shalt have them in derision 4 " : l 42 ^ *' an ^ 1 ' 1OU s ' ia ^ l au gh s a ^ tne heathen to scorn. _ s ' 13 9 My 6 strength will I ascribe unto' thee p : for thou g ^ p r ^- 2 i art fj^ Q O( J q/" my refuge." 9 7 wait upon 8 is my defence. rf7I.4A 10 God sheweth me his goodness plenteously 9 '' : and q 3 Hab. 19. God shall let me see my desire upon mine enemies/ r cs Is. 24. H Sla y them not ' lest m y P e P le forget it 1 : but 112 Ps. 8. scatter them" abroad among the people} and put 5 them t 9 EC. 1. 5. down, O Lord our defence. 3 2 bring 3 shield. " 1 La- 51. 12 For the sin of their mouth, and for the words of 5 ^^T their lips, they shall 4 be taken in their pride : and and lying why ? their preaching is of cursing and lies. 5 " whic i' they 1 3 Consume them in thy wrath, consume them, that fl^r. 13. tlie y ma y P 6 " 8 " 61 " : an( * ? know that it is God ^/*rt# , 7 De. 23. ruleth in Jacob, and unto the ends of the world. 8 * a;19UKi.!9. ] 4 And in the evening they will" return : grin 1 like a d g> and wil1 s * about the cit y- y 2 s rwwi y See Ter- 6> 15 They will run here and there 1 for meat : and I Or they g rud S e4 if the y be not satisfied. 2 aiinht 16 As for me, I 5 will sing of thy power, and* will z 50 is. 11. praise' thy mercy betimes in the morning" : for thou " 57 Ps. 8. hagt been my defence and refuge in tne day of my trouble.* 17iSa.37. 1 7 Unto thee ' my stren S th wil1 1 ^"^ : for #AOM ' c See 2 ' 2 "- O God, art my refuge, 8 and my merciful God. 9 PSALM Ix. Michtam of David, to teach ; when he strove urith Aram-zaharaim* and icith Aram- zobahfi when Joab returned, and smote of Edam 19iUi>.o,0b. in the valley of salt twelve thousand.^. ** u Ku 7 ' GOD, thou hast cast us out, and' scattered us abroad" : thou hast also been displeased ; O turn e 14 Je. 17. thee unto 2 us again. 6 a 31 i Sa. 7. 6 10 Zee. 6. s J g jj p , earth to 2 Thou hast moved the land, 3 and divided 4 it' : heal 6 r hTrd e ' the soresS thereof for ' li 8haketh. rf 4 broken 5 breaches 7 made 3 Thou hast shewed thy people heavy 6 things* thou a the wine 9 banner to hast given' us a drink of deadly wine. f J ai l'Zmay" e 4 Thou hast given a token for such as 9 fear thee' : displayed that they may triumph 1 because of the truth. A 15. 277 2 That thy 3 may be 4 save 5 Sliechem 6 triumph thou be- cause of me. Or over me (by an irony.) 7 Wiltwrf 8 which hadst cast us off", 9 and thou, 1 which diilit not 4 do va- liantly : 1 attend 2 cry unto 3 i over- whelmed : 4 Lead me to 6 from 7 abide 8 1 will trust in the co- vert 9 God 1 vows : 2 thou hast 3 me the 5 wilt pro- long the king's C and 7 as many 8 abide 9 truth, 1 which 2_/or ever r 24 Nu. 18. who will * 5 Sa - oi>. 3 12th Mom.] THE PSALMS. [61,62Ps. 5 Therefore were thy 2 beloved 3 delivered' : help 4 me i 7 De. 7, 8. with thy right hand/ and hear me. .; 20 Ps. 6/. 6 God hath spoken in his holiness,* I will rejoice, ft 3 ii Sa. 18. and divide Sichem 5 * : and mete out the valley of Sue- ' 20 Jos. 7. coth.'" wl3Jos.27. 7 Gilead is mine, and Manasses is mine" : Ephraim 2iiSa.8,9. also is the strength of my head" ; Judah is my law- o 28 i Sa./.2, givei* ; p 49 Ge. 10. 8 Moab is my wash-pot 7 ; over Edom will I cast out hast 2 given an 3 heritage* unto those 4 that fear thy ' p name.* 4 of those i geg ^ x ' 6 Thou shalt grant the King a long 5 life : that 6 his 25 ^ $^ t/ti years may endure throughout all 7 generations.-' 29. 7 He shall dwell 8 before God for ever* : O prepare ft 9 Is. 7. thy loving mercy and faithfulness, 9 ' that 1 they may J 2 ^ G- 27- preserve him. 8 So will I alway 2 sing praise unto thy name : that I may daily perform my vows. THE TWELFTH DA Y. Morning Prayer. PSALM Ixii. A Psalm of David. 1 He. is ti- ~\ f Y soul truly waiteth 1 still upon God" : for of him a 30 Is. 18. lent If J. C ometh my salvation.* b 3 Ps. 8m. 3 C k 2 He verily 2 is my strength 3 and my salvation : he c 32 Is. 2. 4 be moved, is my defence/ so that I shall not greatly fall.' d * 37 Ps. 24. 278 l-2th Morn.] THE PSALMS. [63 Ps. 5n man? 3 How long will ye imagine mischief against every e82Ps. 2. T w'atot- man ' e : Y e s h a M DS s\am all the sort of you-^; yea, as/26iSa.lO. ter,ng a tottering 6 wall* shall ye be, and like a broken hedge. 7 g 30 Is. 13. /e/iee. 4 Their device is only how to put him out whom h tf 2 Mat. conntiTto* God will exalt 8 * : their delight is in lies ; -they give Jg' *^ Ac< cast him good words' with their mouth, but curse with their ^ 13 p r 5 AifeL^r* heart - 3i 9 thru 1 they blett 2 imvardly. See 2S6w. lency : 5 Nevertheless, my soul, wait thou still 3 upon God J : 7 3 Zep. 8. 3 o/ m y flesh also l n geth 3 Toteethy after thee lc : in a barren 2 and dry land where no e 8 Ca - 14. pou'er arid water is.'' ^ 1^3 P*. 6. to y J l l V ' 3 Tbv* have * looked for thee in h<> liness : that I hare teen might behold thy power and glory. 3 * 27 P. 4. thee in the 4 p or tny loving-kindness is better than the life 4 Became sciticiuaru. f 5 while I ' itself-' ' my lips shall praise thee. / 16 Mat. 25, 9 blett 5 As long as I s live will I magnify" thee on this 26> 8 /tpliz manner 7 * : and" lift up my hands in thy name.* ^104P$.33. 9 and 6 My soul shall be satisfied, even as it were with A 8 i Ki. 22. 1 tfut . tl .. marrow and fatness' : when 8 my mouth praiseth thee 1 * ^ Is - 6 - prauethee - , ,. * . _, _ 2 When I with joyful lips.-' j 71 Ps. .. remember ^ Have I not remembered 2 thee in 3 my bed : and 3 upon 5 iTtVw"" thought 4 upon thee when I was waking 5 *? A 119 P. 55. nit-'ht 8 Because thou hast been my helper 6 ' : therefore l 54 Ps. 4. 6*Tf ***' un der the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice."* m 5 Ps. 11. Ifoiiotefth 9 My soul hangeth upon 7 thee" : thy right hand n 3 Ca. 2. hard after hath npholden me. 18 ?* 35. 279 O 12th Even.'] THE PSALMS. 64, 65 Pg % But those 10 These 8 also, that seek the hurt of 9 my souP : p 25 i Sa.29. 9 to destroy they shall go under' the earth.' i into the lower parts of si^sa'"- ZTJiey shall 11 Let them 3 fall upon 3 the edge of the sword 1 " : *\8 j e . 21. ' 3 by that they may 2 be a portion for foxes/ s 39 EZ. 4. 12 But the king' shall rejoice in God; all they also 24i Sa.20. 4 than that swear by him" shall be commended : for 4 the U o,p ep 9,f' glory : tot mouth of them that gpeak lieg shall be st0 pp e d." 1Ps PSALM Ixiv. A Psalm of David. 1 secret TTEAR my voice, O God, in my prayer : preserve al8Ac.9,10. 2 wicked -. J- J- my life from fear of the enemy." 5 in wet 2 Hide me from the gathering together 1 of the fro- *tnofto 7 "toot at warc * 2 : and from the insurrection of wicked doers 3 *; quity; 8 in an evil 3 Who have whet their tongues like a sword : and 4 * '^ 3iSa -23. matter; 8 h ot out their arrows, even bitter words ; ? 57 , p . 8 - 4 - Or speech . m. , ,, . .. , . , . ' ' . fi 4 and uend 9 of laying 4 lnat the y ma y privily 5 shoot at him that is per- their bows 1 privily ; feet : suddenly do they hit 7 him, and fear not." to Z^They 5 The y en courage themselves in mischief 8e : and d e \^ "' search out commune among themselves how they may lay 3 snares, / 10 Ps. 12*. iniquities -, and 1 say, that no man 2 shall see them/ 2 Who Itheyac- inward 6 They imagine wickedness, 3 and practise it 1 : that jggj? " thought of they keep secret among themselves, every man in the search: of tb'eS'* dee P of his heart - 5f e 29 Is. 15. and the' 7 But God shall suddenly shoot at them with a h their own tongues shall make them fal! 6i : i 18 Pr - 7 - shall make insomuch that whoso seeth them shall laugh them to ^ j Ch - 7i 9 And all men that see it shall say, This hath God Q '. an d ne8 : f r they ShaU P erceive tllat U is his W 0rk. 9 * wufder Oj shall d ^ The righteous shall rejoice 1 in the Lord, and put ** doing. dare the his trust in him : and all they that are true of 2 heart k 14 Ez.23. trorfto/ shall be glad. 3 ' 1 be glad 2 tlie upright in 3 glory. i 32 Ps. 11. Evening Prayer. PSALM Ixv. A Psalm and Song of David. ^watteth nP HOU God, art praised 1 " in Sion : and unto 62 Ps. l. (He. is si- -L thee shall the vow be performed* in Jerusalem. 6 76 Ps. 11. lent) for 2 Thou that nearest tlie prayer : unto thee shall all God, flesh come. e c 3 Ep. 12. 2 Iniquities 3 My misdeeds* prevail against me d : O be thou d 59 Is - ^ 2 - 3 <^an r side.' t ^ Ig 12 2 pastures 14 The folds shall be full of sheep 3 : the valleys also Sare covered are clothed s j lall stand go thick 3 with corn, that they shall laugh over withjlocks; J ., 19 TO o and Sing." 4 shout for joy, they also PSALM Ixvi.* ^i Song or Psalm. * s*No.338. 1 Make a i~\ BE joyful in 1 God, all ye lands : sing praises a ' joyful \_J unto 2 the honour of his name, make his praise to 2 *ing forth d"? to be glorious. 6 6 2 j Ch - 13 - themselves 2 Say unto God, O how wonderful 3 art thou in thy 3 terrtt>le Or yield wor k s c : through the greatness of thy power shall thine c 2 Is - 19 - 21 - obedience enemies be found liars 4 unto thee/ <* * 8 Ps - ** 5 earth 3 /r or a ll the world' shall worship thee : sing of thee, ' t . .. 7 *e 4 O come hither, and behold 7 the works of God-' :/]26Ps.l-3. 8 > 1 3 I will offer unto thee fat burnt-sacrifices, with 5 6 with the incense of rams : I will offer bullocks and 6 goats. 1 " w6llSa -13. 7 hear 1 4 O come hither, and hearken, 7 all ye that fear God* : x 3 Mal - 16 - 8 declare and I will tell you 8 what he hath done for my soul. y V 22Ps.22,4b. 9 cried 151 called 9 unto him with my mouth 2 : and gave ~ 30 Ps - 8 - 1 he wag him praises 1 with my tongue." a 16 Ac - 25- 2 regard 1 6 If I incline unto wickedness with 2 mine heart : iniquity in the Lord will not hear me. 6 * A/Llft 3 But verily 1 7 But 3 God hath heard me : and considered 4 the attended to 5 Bletted voice of my prayer. c3La.55-57. 6 turned 1 8 Praised be God, who hath not cast out 6 my d 7 ii Sa. 14, away prayer : nor turned his mercy from me d 15 - PSALM Ixvii.* A Psalm or Song. *SeNo.24. 1 cause his /^1 OD be merciful unto us, and bless us" : and" 281 * 8 - 9 ! shine "upon ^-^~ shew us the light of his countenance, and be us. He. merciful unto us 16 ; 6119Ps.l35. icithw. 2 That thy way maybe known upon earth c : thy c9Ac.3l,42. saving health among all nations. 1 * d 3 Lu. 6. 2 be glad 3 Let the people praise thee, O God : yea, let all and, ing the peop i e pra ; se thee ,e e 6 9 P 8 .34; 3 people 4 let the nations rejoice and be glad 2 : for thou Ifj^f- 4 Heb. lead sba ^ J ud ? e the folk 3 righteously, and govern 4 the nations upon earth.-^ / 9 Ps. 8 ; 5 Let the people praise thee, O God : let all the 96Fs - 10 - 13 - people praise thee/ g 2 Zec - 10 - 5 yield 6 Then shall the earth bring forth 5 her increase* : and h & Ps 12 - 6 shall bless God, even our own God, shall give us his blessing. 1 " * 16 De - U5 - ,"*' 7 God shall bless us : and all the ends of the world 7 j 72 Ps. 11 ; shall fear him.' THE THIRTEENTH DAY. Morning Prayer. PSALM Ixviii. A Psalm or Song of David. [Proper Psalm for Whitsunday.] 1 He./rowi ~I~ET God arise," and let his enemies be scattered : ' C : and like M wax m l teth at3 the fire > d so d 1 Mi. 4. let the ungodly 4 perish at the presence of God. e 1 Ns. 5, 6. 3 j}ut let the righteous be glad and* rejoice before 5 let them God : let 6 them also be merry and joyful. 7 / / 5w 228'- 4 O sing unto God, and sing praises unto his name* : f ^ Is. 4-6. magnify 51 him that rideth upon the heavens, as it were *ig ij^j 26 ' upon an horse 11 ; praise him in his 9 name JAH,' and f 3 Es jj. rejoice before him. 6 Ex. 3. $ He is a. father of the fatherless, and defendeth the cause ' of the widows'" : even God 2 in his holy habita-^ 49 Je. 11. tolitary in tion.* * 5 Ja. J.4. *hefri? 6 He is the God that maketh men to be of one mind * 2 i Sa. 5. ethout*' in an house/ and bringeth the prisoners out of cap- m 146 P. 7. thoteu-hich tivitv'" : but letteth the runagates continue in scarce- n 2 Ho - 3 - are bound "an o 13 Ex.21; with 6 Ju. 14,16. cAninj : 7 O God, when thou wentest forth before the people" : p 5 ju. 4, 5. r'y/ //" when thou wentest 5 through the wilderness,'' 4 thy dwelt in a 3 The earth shook, and the heavens dropped at the 5 dul> dry land, presence of God' : even as Sinai also was moved 6 at 3 Hab 10 MOW! the presence of God, who is the God of Israel/ ic. 7 plentiful 9 Thou, O God, sentest a gracious 7 rain upon 8 thine r 19 Ex. 18. 8 ' i nner ' tance : n "^ Tpfreshedst it when it was weary* *HDe.lO,4fc. 1 Thy congregation' shall dwell 9 therein : for thou, 1 19 Ex. 5, 6. O God, hast of thy goodness prepared for the poor." u26De.5, fc. 1 * The Lord gave the word" : great was the com- r 4 JQ. e. pany of the preachers. 1 " 1 18 i Sa. 6. 12 Kings with 3 Meir armies did flee, 3 and were dis- and they of the household 4 divided the coi> firm 9 /ws hill > in the which it pleaseth him to dwell 8 * : yea, the Lord g 12 De. 11. wil1 abide ' in 5t for ever -* 9 dwell h 9 i Ki. 3. 1 7 The chariots' of God are twenty thousand, even t o ii Ki. 17. thousands of angels 1 -' : and the Lord is among them,* j 7 Da. 10. as in the holy place of* Sinai.* A 3 Ex. 2. 18 Thou art gone up' on high,' thon hast led cap- / 16 Mar. 19. cendeJ t j v ; ty cap tive, m and* received gifts for men 5 , 4 thou hntt oi- .&. ^ij-ui w * **P- " 5 He. in the even f r l ^ lQe enemies,^ that the Lord God might , i \ TI. 13. man : dwell among them/ 6 for the rebelliovt alto, J 1 R. 13. 283 13th Morn.'] THE PSALMS. [68 Ps. 7 Blessed 1 9 Praised 7 be the Lord daily : even the God who q 3 La. 23. 8 of our sal- helpeth us, s and poureth his benefits upon us. 9 9 wh *"" 0e the God of whom cometh with bene- 2 is the salvation'' : God 5 is the Lord, by whom we escape 4 fits - * Unt death/ 4 belong the issues from ' 63 J *- < 1- 5 .B< God 2 1 God 5 shall wound the head of his enemies : and * See 300a ' the hairy scalp of such a one as goeth on still in his 6 trespasses, wickedness. 6 ' t 3 Hab. 13. 22 The Lord hath said, I will bring my people again, 7 my people as I did from Basan" : mine own 7 will I bring again, u 3 De. 3, 4. 8 depths as i did sometime from the deep 8 of the sea." v $ 9 Am. 2, 23 That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thine 3> & Ob 4 ' enemies" 1 : and that the tongue of thy dogs may be w 9 in red through 9 the same.' * Re - 17 " 1 They have 24 It is well 1 seen, O God, how thou goest 2 : how 3 even the 2 thy goings thou, 3 my God and* King, goest in the sanctuary.? going* of 5 went 25 The singers go 5 before, the minstrels 6 follow after : y "^ch 16 ^Slsfr in the midst are? the damsels Paying with the tim- &c. nw-nig brels. z 7 anwwig them were 2 18 ' Sa - 6 - 8 Bless ye 26 Give thanks, O Israel, unto God 5 the Lord in the a 16 * Ch - 8 - 9 G fouM congregations- : from the ground of the heart. 9 * & & ^| ? s e f ' of Israel 27 There is little Benjamin their 1 ruler, and the c 35 Ge j g ' 1 with their princes of Judah their 2 council : the princes of Zabu- 2 and their J OQ) and the princes of Nephthali. d d flfll Is. 13. 3 " attd - 28 Thy God hath sent forth strength for thee 3 * : ecfSAc.12 strength stablish the thing, 4 O God, that 5 thou hast wrought **trcgthen c f * . Rf a that which 6 for u m OS, ' >l Because of 29 For 7 thy temple's safo at Jerusalem : so shall - />li kings bring presents unto thee.* f 7 Ezr -15. & Rebuke 30 When 8 the company of the spearmen/ and 3 mul- *$**** 1 of^Ae titude of the mighty are scattered abroad among the reeds hulls, with beasts 1 of the people, so that they humbly bring 2 pieces # 29 Ez - 3 - the calves o f s ii ver : and when he hath scattered 3 the people that * 8 u Sa - n - 2 till every ,,.,,. j 11 Jos 20 one subniU delight in war-'; b scatter thou himself 31 Then shall the princes come out of Egypt* : the * LT^L~-i~ Morians' land 4 shall soon stretch out her hands unto God.' l 45 Is - 14 ' s T/, *,-, 32 Sin S unto God > y e kingdoms of the earth : O .. , n o j.o m/fi . , , _ ... ?/* LO IXL. ii/j ttat rirfe 5 - '2 I stick fast 1 in the deep mire, where no ground standing: ^ ' * am come i nto deep waters, so that 3 the floods * ^ Je< 6 - 3 to here run 4 over me. c c 26 Mat - 38> 5 dnTerf; 3 J am wear y of crying; my throat is dry 5d : my d & 19Joh - 6 eyes fail sight faileth* me for waiting so long upon 6 my God. 28De. 32. while I 4 They that hate me without a cause-^ are more / 15 j j,. 25. Throng'- than the hairs of my head : they that are mine ene- fully, mies, and would destroy me guiltless,'* are mighty, g 109 Ps.3. ^ stored (to 5 * P a ' d t ' iem tlie things that I never took 8 * : God, ^ 5 iiCo.21. which I thou knowest my simpleness, 9 and my faults 1 are not a^o"** hid from thee. j 9 foolishness ; I tint t 44 Ps. 21. ^it-alt on ^ ^ jCt not them that trust in 2 thee, O Lord God of # 17 Ps.3. 3 for my hosts, be ashamed-' for my cause 3 : let not those that J 49 Is. 23. take seek thee be confounded through me 3 *, O Lord God *f 26 Mat of Israel. 3 *' 4 Because 7 And why 4 ? for thy sake have I suffered reproof 5 ' : ' 15 Je. 15. 5 borne re- shame hath covered my face.*" m 50 Is. 6. proac t. g I am become a stranger unto my brethren" : even 6 1 J h- H an alien unto my mother's children." 7 me tip: 9 For the zeal of thine house hath even eaten me 7 * : ^r g Ju.'l9! 8 reproaches and the rebukes 8 of them that rebuked 9 thee are fallen p 2 Joh.17. Qrcjiroached upon me.* q 15 B, O . 3. 1 When I 101' wept and chastened myself 2 with fasting : and I rwroTch. that was turned to my reproof. 3 ' r 102 Ps. 8,9. 4 7 made 1 1 I put on 4 sackcloth also 5 * ; and they jested upon * 1 Joel 8. 5 "arm'eM- me ' 6 7 became " proverb to thetn. t 28 De. 37. 7*an4 Was 12 They that sit in the gate" speak against me : and' 16 De. 18. the drunkards make songs upon me." * 30 Job 9. 8 at for me, 1 3 But, 8 Lord, I make my prayer unto 9 thee : in an . acceptable time." ** 49 Is> 8 - 14 Hear me, O God, in the multitude of thy mercy : even in the truth of thy salvation.* * 1 Lu - 72- 1 Deliver 1 5 Take 1 me out of the mire, that I 2 sink not" : O V 40 Ps - 2 - 2 and let me l e t m e be delivered from them that hate me, and out of the deep waters. 1 * 42 Ps. 7. 3 overflow 1 6 Let not the water-flood drown 3 me, neither let o # 12 Re. the deep swallow me up" : and let not the pit shut her l*i l fl - mouth upon me. 6 l> 2 Ac. 27. 17 Hear me, O Lord, for thy loving-kindness is c 109 Pa. 21. 4 is good comfortable 4 c : turn thee unto me according to the 5 thy tender multitude of thy 5 mercies. 1 * d 63 Is. 7. 285 13th Even.'] THE PSALMS. [69 Ps. 6 speedily 18 And hide not thy face from thy servant, for I am 27 Mat 46. JtoitHf ' in tr uble e : O haste thee, and 6 hear me/ / 70 Ps. 1. 7 redeem 19 Draw nigh unto my soul, and save 7 it e : O de- & l*J. 8. liver me, because of mine enemies.* * ' 8 reproach, 20 Thou hast known my reproof, 8 my shame, and and m y dishonour' : mine adversaries are all in thy 8 Job. 49. 9 before thee. s i g l,t. 9 > ^ gf 37 Is. 28. } 3/ 21 7% rebuke 1 hath broken my heart*; I 2 am full * " He. 36. 3 to take of heaviness' : I 2 looked for some to have 3 pity on me, ' 12 Job. 27. 4 none, but there was no man, 4 neither 5 found / a?iy to com- 5 <"' d / or 6 none. fort me. 6m Tu^' 8 "tor * 22 They gave me? & al1 to eat8 : and wnen I was m HMar.50. meat : thirsty, 9 they gave me vinegar to drink." 27 Mat.34. 9 in my 23 Let their table be made 1 a snare to take them- 1 become. selves withal 20 : and let the things that 3 should have " Ro.9,10. been for their wealth 4 be unto them an occasion 6 darkened 24 Let their eyes be blinded, 6 that they see not* : ?gf 19Ge.lL 1 make their and ever bow thou down tlieir backs. 71 ' * 30 Je.5,6. ^% n m e evil. 36 & 41 Is. 11, back for a 3 Let them for their reward be soon brought to 4 shame : reward of that cry over me, There, there. 5 ' 5 gay, Aha, Aha. ^^ z 'o' rejoice ^ But let all those that seek thee be joyful and glad g continu- and be in thee : and let all such as delight in 7 thy salvation nliy, Let 7 to say alway, The Lord be praised. 8 * ma^fied. Sut * am 5 As for me, I am 9 poor and in misery 1 ' : haste thee* d 07 p. 10 \ necd t a unto me, O God. 2 make 3 ,-. T , 22 Ps. o. haste v Thou art my helper, and my redeemer : O Lord, 3 deliverer; make no long tarrying/ / 2 Hab. 3. THE FOURTEENTH DAY. Morning Prayer. PSALM Ixxi.* *SeNo.305. 1 do TN thee, O Lord, have 1 I put my trust," let me alSiiKi.5. 2 andcauie -*- never be put to confusion 6 : but rid me, and de- ^S ! 18 '^' me toes- jj yer me j n tn y righteousness'* ; incline thine ear unto c H3 Ps. i. 3 hablta- me, and save me. d <* 5 Ps. l. twn, 2 Be thou my strong hold, 3 whereunto I may alway 4 e f 6 i g 8 ^ (SSr* ' resort<; : thou hast P romised5 to hel P 6 me / for thou 6. 5 given com- art my house of defence, 7 and my castle. 8 * 8 fortrest. 7 ^* p "Ta" tent 3 Deliver me m y God ' out of the hand of the 8 y wicked, ungodly 9 : out of the hand of the unrighteous and cruel man.* Vc 7 "^ 1 ' 1 my hope, 4 F r thou, O Lord God, art the thing that I long t 17 ' Je 7 2 ti-utt for 1 : thou art my hope," 1 even from my youth.-' ./ 16 i Sa. 12, | *f y 5 Through 3 thee have I been holden up ever since I 13. womb.- 6 was born 4 : thou art he that took me out of my 5 bowel*-. mother's womb 5 * ; my praise shall be always 8 of k 44 j g g. "y* thee.' ,34Ps'.l. 7 wonder G I am 'become as it were a monster unto many" 1 : , 4 j Co. 9. 8 mv""r but ^y sure trust is in thee ' 8 " 16 ^ Mt refuge. 7 O let my mouth be filled with thy praise : that / 9 and with ina y i n g qf thy glory and" honour all the day long." 145Ps.l,2. 1 a*- 8 Cast me not away 1 in the time of age a/> : forsake p 46 Is. 4. 2 old age me not when my strength faileth me. 9 q 73 Ps. 26. 9 For mine enemies speak against me, and they 3 He. watch that lay wait for 3 my soul take their counsel together/ r 38 Ps - 12< or observe saying : God hath forsaken him ; persecute him and take him, for there is none to deliver him.* 287 UthMorn.'] THE PSALMS. [71 Ps. 4 Be 10 Go 4 not far from me, O God' : my God, haste t 69 Ps. 18. fi consumed thee to help me. 1 "" 5 make haste for my help. 143 Ps. 7. 7 adversa- 1 1 Let them be confounded and perish 6 that are ^revroach a g a i nst? m Y sou ^ ' ^ et them be covered with shame" and 9 my hurt, dishonour that seek to do me evil. 9 " v 20 Je. 11. 1 But I will 12 As for me, I will patiently abide alway 1 " 1 : and > 3 La. 28. hope con- .,,2 . j x er 7 Is. 4. tinuaiiy wl11 praise thee more and more.* 2 will yet x 59 p s- 1(J> 3 all the day 13 My mouth shall daily 3 speak of 4 thy righteous- 17. 4 shew forth ne d sa i vation y . f or j know no en d 5 thereof. 2 5 not the z 40 Ps. 5. numbert 141 will go forth m the strength ol the Lord 6 even of God" : and will make mention of thy righteousness a 40 Is. 31. thine only, only. 6 * b 92 Ps. 2. ^h-'thert Thou, O God, hast taught me from my youth up have I de- until now c : therefore will I tell of 7 thy wondrous c 34 iiCh/.3. dared works.** d73Ps.23. 8 now also 1 6 Forsake me not, O God, in mine old age, when I w?ten I am am 8 gray-headed' : until I have shewed thy strength e 92 Ps. 13, 9 to 'every un * this generation, and thy power to all them that 14 - one that it are yet for 9 to come/ 1 P la V in S u P on an instrument of music 8 : unto 7 ( ^ '^ / or i thee will I sing upon 9 the harp, O thou Holy One of my 1 shall Israel.'" 8 with the psaltery, 9 with m 150 Ps. 2, joicl tly re ~ 2I M y Kp 8 wil1 be fain ' when I sin s unto thee : and &c- 2 redeemed, so icill my soul whom thou hast delivered. 2 " 3 f thev ^ My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all are ' the day long" : for they are confounded and 3 brought o 12 Mat.35. 4 my hurt, unto shame that seek to do me evil> P 1Q 9 Ps.29. PSALM Ixxii. A Psalm /or* Solomon. icafl GIVE the King thy judgements," O God : and thy a 22 iCh.12, righteousness unto the King's son. 6 l ^Meous. 2 Then sha11 he J ud S e th y P e P le according unto b ^ Ki - 47 nets: right 1 ; and defend the poor . 2c 2 thy poor with judgment. c ij j s 3.5 3 hills, by 3 The mountains also shall bring peace : and the I judge the little hills 3 righteousness unto the people/ dSSPs. lit. %%$' 4 He shal ! kee p tlie sim P le folk b y their ri s ht : de - shaii tave fend 4 the children of the poor, 5 and punish the wrong 34 E Z . 15, 5 needy, doer. 6 * 6 thall break in pieces the oppressor. W. 288 1 4th Even] THE PSALMS. [73 Ps. 7 through- 8 upon the mown, 2 7/e shall 3 A " te 4 r;*r ' 5 endiofthe 7 bring s/u'ba 1 Yea, all 2 seme him. 3 needy. 4 poor 7 redeem 8 deceit and cima sheba: 3 ^"offthf. toj>ofthe 'thereof 4 Lebanon, 'tinned as long at 8 ana men U in him ' 3 Afcgto- SlrttXF" whole 5 They shall fear thee/ as long as the sun and moon fZ i Ki. 28. enduretliy : f rom one generation to another. 7 g 89 Ps. 36, 6 He shall come down like the rain into a fleece of wool 8 : even as the drops 9 that water the earth.* 9 thowert 7 In his time' shall the righteous flourish 1 : yea, and 'Vl 3 1} Sa c"** abundance of peace, so long as the moon endureth.-' j 4 j^aj -j. 8 His 2 dominion An// be also from . and shall preserve 6 the souls of the poor." * 2 Ja. 5. 14 He shall deliver 7 their souls from falsehood and 27 Ps. 12. wrong 1 : and dear 8 shall their blood be in his sight." * 19 R - 2 - 1 5 He shall live," and unto him shall be given of " '' ^ g() j d of Arabia 1 ' 1 " : prayer shall be made ever unto ^^ver.'lu* '" m '' and ^ a " y S ' lal1 lle ^ e P' 86 ^* 1 / or Wm continually; x 11 Mar. 9, 16 There shall be an heap 3 of corn in the earth, li>. ]ug]i tl pon the hills : his fruit 3 shall shake like Li- banus/y and shall be green in the city 5 like grass V tf* Job 7. upon the 6 earth. 2 5theyofthecittithalljionrith 6 of the =*'Ki.20. j 7 Hig name slia u endure for ever" ; his name shall o 2 Ph. 9.10. remain under 7 the sun among the posterities : which" l nation9 S h a n be blessed through him 9 ; and all the heathen 1 2 call him , ,, i ;_ ?b bUsted. "iiall prdi^c iiiin. , _ 4 j 18 Blessed be the Lord God, even the God of Is- * rael c . whicl , on | y doet i! wondrous things'* ; c-9iCb.!8, 1 9 And blessed be the name of his Majesty 3 for d ,' Job 1Q ever : an d all the 4 earth shall be filled with his Majesty. 5 ' Amen, Amen. .lMal.ll. [20 The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended.-''] / 23 n Sa. 1. 1 good to 2 lint at fur me, $*t'P' 5 enviout G fooiith j h ' 1(> ' Evening Prayer. PSALM Ixxiii. A Psalm of (or /or) Asaph.* rr^RULY God is loving unto 1 Israel : even unto J- sncl) as are ^ a c l ean neart - a 2 Nevertheless," my feet were almost gone : my & 94 P. 18. treadings 3 had well-nigh slipped. 4 7 j?J 3 ^Tid ichy t I 4 wa8 grieved 5 at the wicked 6 : I do wie) ud also see the ungodly 7 in such prosperity. C &>c SOUw '2 ^ '.I t> llthEven] THE PSALMS. [73 Fs. 8 there are 4 For they are in no peril of s death : but are lusty dVEc.J.15. no band* in their no band* and strong .^ 9 their ttrength is finil- 1 are not in 5 They come in no misfortune like' other folk 2 : 2 n: trouble as neither are they plagued like other men. e 4 V ioietice pride com" 6 ^ nd tHis * s tne cause that they are so holden with covereth paiseth pride 3 : and overwhelmed with cruelty. 4 -'' garment" them ". ut 7 Their eyes swell 3 with fatness : and they do even / 8 EC. 11. 5 stand out what they lust. 6 *' 6 have more than heart could wish. g 5 Je. 28. 7 are cor- g They corrupt other, 7 and speak of wicked bias- 9 they speah SMdiy Phemy 9 : their talking is against the most High. 9 * W- concerning 9 For they stretch forth 1 their mouth unto 2 the oppreuion: heaven . and their tongue goeth 3 through the world. 4 ' * 5 Ex - - 2 against \ Therefore fall the people unto them 5 : and- there- '^Jj** 1 * 3 walketh ou t suc ij tliey no small advantage. 6j hither: 6 Waters of ! ! ^waft, say they, how should 7 God perceive 9 it : is ^ 49 Ps. f. IS. a/uHcup there knowledge in the most High*? i doth 8 know? klH.o.2. otuT'thef ^ ^' tnese are tne un g od ty > these 9 prosper in the 9 who 1 they in- ' world, and these have riches in possession" : and I M6 Lu. 19. create in said, Then 2 have I cleansed my heart in vain, and ^Verily washed mine hands in innocency."' 34 Job 9. 3 For all 1 3 All 3 the day long have I been pun^aed 4 : and 5 IflTay, I chastened ever Y morning." n 10 Job 3. willspcd/t 14 Yea, and I had almost said even as they 5 : but thu* i 0j then i should have condemned 6 the generation of aSt th 7 children." o 22 P ? . 30 ; 7 When 15 Then 7 thought I to understand 8 this : but it was 16MaU - la - ! kn W fui to hard9 for me ' P 1 thier 16 Until I went into the sanctuary' of God : then *?*' 2 Surely understood I the 1 end of these men'; 119 Ps.24. lirtZde- 17 Namel y 3 how tllou dost set them in sli PP er y g 32 E De 2 i5' struction. places : and 3 castest them down, and destroyest them. 4 * t 18 Re. 10. 5 How are 18 Oh how suddenly do they consume 5 : perish, 6 they are brought and come to a fearful end 6 '! ^ Consumed into deso- 1 9 Yea, even like as a dream when one awaketh" : so with Ur- in^'o"* shalt thou make8 their ima S e to vanish out of the city. rors - mentt ~ 20 Thus my heart was grieved : and it went even " 29 J "*Lo'd through 9 my reins." 9 I was pricked in w 16 Job 13. when than 21 So foolish was I, and ignorant : even as it were 1 awaken a beast before thee. l iwag as *" 30 Pr ' 2 - 2 c^nu. 22 Nevertheless, I am alway by 2 thee* : for thou * 13 He. l. 5. ally with hast holden me by thy j right hand/ y 37 Ps- 24. 3 my 23 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel 2 : and after ~ 1 J- 5. 4 afterward ,. ,j, . 5 , J aSiPe.10. 5 {^ that* receive me with glory." b 2iKe.3,^2, 24 Whom have I in heaven but thee 6 : and there is 23. Qbesidethee. none upon earth that I desire in comparison of thee. 6 ' c d | ^'o'lS 25 My flesh and my heart faileth d : but God is the 40Is.29-'^l'. strength of my heart,' and my portion for ever/ / 1*2 Ps. 5. 290 Uth Even.'] THE PSALMS. [74 Ps. 1 are far 26 For lo, they that forsake 7 thee shall perish' : thou *119Ps.l55. from | iast destroyed all them that commit fornication against 8 thee.'' 8 go a whoring from h 15 Nu - 39 - 9 drat r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ for me to ^ me fagfc by , QQ ^ I I have to 1 put my trust in the Lord God' : and to speak of J ' 71 Ps - 12t *- ZOtatlaiajt all t| works > in the tes O f the daughter of Sion. { \ :"' declare J _. . __ J ... ,. . '' . t ? r 25 i Ch. 1, t Or, A PSALM Ixxiv. Maschil oj Asaph.J & c- Psalm/or /"V GOD, wherefore art thou absent from us so a 29 De. 20. 'giee'ii^- ^-^ lon S l : wl> y is th y wratl so Ilot2a against the 2 "l C " ll " !r 2 tllink u P on3 th y congregation : whom thou hast *' 5 whidi thou purchased, and redeemed of old. 6 * 107 Ps. 2&. hat re~ 3 TAi/jA upon the tribe 4 of thine inheritance' : and 5 c See I2o. *^" ' mount Sion, wherein thou hast dwelt/* dl32Ps.!3 6 unto the 4 Lift up thy feet,' that thou mayest utterly destroy 29 Ge. 1, perpetual ever y 6 enemy ; which hath done evil' in thy sane- Heb - tiont; even tuary/ 7 wickedly f 1 La. 10. all that there is not one pro- ' 6 Ju 17 9 a'u '"r P' ie * more9 : no > not one ^ 3 there among us, that un- p'/u-t. ri derstandeth any more. 1 ' H God ' how long sha11 the adversar y do this dishonour 2 : how long shall the enemy blaspheme thy ,.79 pg.4,5. name, for ever r ? t 2 La. 3. 12 Why withdrawest thou thy hand : why pluckest 1 33 Is. 22. tllou not3 tli y r '8 llt liand out of th y bosora to consume u20iiCh.!7. the enemy' 1 . v 14 Ex.21, intiu 13 For God is my King of old' : the help that is *' midttof , ., , J , .,.,,. , r4 w 29 Ez. 3. the earth, done upon eartb,he doeth it himseli.'" a; 32 Ez 2 5 by tUy 14 Thou didst divide the sea through thy power 5 " : 12 Ex 35, ttrtngth ; thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters." 36. G brahctt j 5 Thou smotest" the heads of Leviathan in pieces' : # 14 Nu - 9 - itnnaoaltui ... . . < ,i 1-7, -i - n v SB- and eavest him to be meat for the people m the wil- "ol, v . a 11 Bdidt derness* 20Nu.8-ll. cl, P the ti .. f . . 9 21Nu.l4, 9 8> 7 wicked the ungodly, 7 Set 8 not up your horn.* r ' 5- 8 Lift 6 Set 8 not up your horn on high : and speak not * with a stiff neck. 1 48 I 4 7 For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor 9 He. desert from the west : nor yet from the south. 9 -' . ^ 10 Je 2 1 But 8 And why 1 ? God is the Judge* : he putteth down ft 5g Pg jj' one, and setteth up another.' { ^ 1 3^28. " 9 For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and 2 of mix- the wine is red : it is full mixed, 2 " 1 and he poureth m 23Pr 30- 5 declare for out of the satne - 5 Is " 2 '^ ever: I 10 As for the 3 dregs thereof : all the ungodly' of the \ ^'** will sing ear th shall drink them, and suck 4 them out." n See 101w. 1 the l God of 1 1 But I will talk of the God of Jacob" : and praise Jacob. him for ever. 5 o 49 Is. 26. 292 \5th Morn.'} THE PSALMS. [76, 77 Ps. fi wieked 12 All the horns of the ungodly 6 also will I break : Vf ff ' and ' the horns of the righteous shall be exalted/ '* '^' PSAI.M Ixxvi. A Psalm, or Song of (or for) Asaph* * ti [ e 1 Juduh TN Jewry 1 is God known : his name is great in syrian. J- Israel." L ??- 19 2 2* a 2 At Salem* is 2 his tabernacle : and his dwelling in 3 /Ijoh^l 3 There brake he the arrows of the bow : the shield, e 9 Ps< 11 9- the sword, and the battle.* d 37 18. 36. 4 gloriout 4 Thou art of more honour* and might 5 : than the 5 excellent hills of the robbers. 6 ' 6 mountain* of prey. t tf 5 ii XL 7 stout 5 The proud' are robbed, 8 they have slept their sleepA *'* hfartctl and all the men whose hands were mighty have found/ 19iiKi.35. nothing. 9 * 9 none of the men of might have found their hand*. & 32iiCb.21. 1 cast into 6 At thy rebuke,* O God of Jacob : both the chariot A . u Ex - i "' a dead , . J < ,, a &e. tleep. a nd horse are tallen. ' { 51 Jg g _ 7 Thou, even thou art to be feared-* : and who may g Da 26 2 when once stand in thy sight, when* thou art angry*? k ioiCo.22. 3 feared, 8 Thou didst cause thy judgement to be heard from i 33 Ez.20. 4 tave heaven' : the earth trembled, 3 and was still,'" w20iiCh.29. 5 of the 9 When God arose to judgement : and to help 4 all *? tlU the meek "P 4 earth " n 2Zep.2,3. 7 thee 10 The fierceness" of man shall turn to thy praise 7 " : 051Je.20,&. ^remainder and the fierceness of them 8 shalt thou refrain. 5 ^ \ } v 1 1 Promise 1 unto the Lord your God, and keep 4 it, 2 pay a ^ Y e * nat are3 round about him : bring presents* unto r 31 g e- him that ought to be feared/ 3 let alt that be 53. 5 bfbfer- 12 He sha11 refrain4 the spirit of princes* : and is 5Jos.l. ribleto wonderful among* the kings of the earth.' * 2* Is. 21. PSALM Ixxvii. A Psalm of (or for} Asnph. 1 Icrifd T WILL cry' unto God with my voice" : even unto a 142 Ps. 1. 2 gave ear -*- God will I cry with my voice, and he shall hearken 8 unto me. 4 MlMar.24. 3 the day 2 In the time 3 of my trouble I sought the Lord': c 9 Da. 3, Jt ^twru'Tx? 1 mv sore ran ' 4 and cease(1 not in tne night-eawn d ; my d 88 Ps. 9. tended] soul refused comfort.' * 4 Es - *- 4 - 3 When T am in heaviness, I will think upon God :/ a Job 15 - when my heart is vexed, I will complain.*-^ * 7 Job 13> 4 Thou boldest mine eyes waking* : 1 am so feeble,' e troubled , that l cannot spe ak - A h 6 Job ' 3> and my 5 I have considered the days of old : and the years *r" "^ that are P^ 1 '" 7 f ancieilt time <- * 143 Ps- 5- 'whelmed. 6 I call to remembrance my song^ : and in the night j 42 Ps. lOp. b >;iy spirit J commune with mine own heart, and search out my ^? < " /i " SF"ts. s * * 3 La. 40. Lontft. 7 Will the Lord absent himself 9 for ever : and will l ^ M 8 east off he be no more intreated"? 1 11 Ro.l.fc. 293 15th Even.'] THE PSALMS. [78 Ps. 2 doth his 8 Is his mercy clean gone for ever : and is his' 2 pro- m 5 La. 21, 3 f ail mise come utterly to an end 3 for evermore'" ? 22 - 5 tender 9 Hath God forgotten to be gracious" : and will 4 he n 49 Is. 14, mercies shut up his loving-kindness 3 in displeasure 6 "? 7 Tftf/is 10 And * said ' Jt " mine own ' infirmity' = but I ViSS. my will remember the years of the right hand of the most p 73 p s . 22. Swrelvl le - 9 3iiPe8,9. >iH rf- 11 I w iN remember tlie works of the Lord : and call member to mind 8 thy wonders of old time.'' r 16iCh.l2. 9 meditate 12 I will think also of 9 all thy works': and my talking- *104Ps.34. also of all ghall be of thy dol - ngs / , 6 De. 7. 1 is in the 13 Thy way> Q Godj ig holy i, . who is go great a 55 Is- 9< * God as our God 1 ? *32De.31. 2 t/w 14 xhou art the God that doeth wonders" : and" hast * See Ur. 3 strength declared thy power 3 among the people.* a; 111 Ps. 0. ^armr* 15 Thou hast mightily delivered 4 thy people* : even y 6 Ex. 6. deemed the sons of Jacob and Joseph. 2 z48Ge.5. 1 6 The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee, j! *^y and* were afraid : the deptlis also were troubled." a3Hab.8,&. out% M ' 17 The clouds poured out water, 6 tlie air thundered 6 : & 9Ex.l8,4t. tound: and thine arrows went abroad.' c22iiSa.!5. ^heawn**" J 8 The voice of thy tilunder was heard round about 7 * 1 : d & Job 2-5. 8 lightetied the lightnings shone upon the ground 8 ; the earth was the world ; moved, 9 and shook withal.' * w " Sa 8 - S trembled j g T , ly way jg Jn the ^^ and thy paths J Q the great waters : and thy footsteps are not known/ 1 a flock 20 Thou leddest thy people like sheep 1 * : by the S 63Is.ll,fc hand of Moses and Aaron.* h 12 Ho - 13 - Evening Prayer. * See 74 Ps. title. PSALM Ixxviii. Mascldl of Asaph* 1 Give ear TTEAR 1 my law," O my people : incline your ears a gf 2 Ro.. 10 XI unto the words of my mouth. 6 toMer dark 2 I will open my mouth in a parable" : I will de- 6 49 Ps '^' ayinss clare hard sentences 2 of old* ; < " f^ 3 Which we have heard and known : and such as 24! our fathers have told us"; e 4 Jos 3 We will 4 That we should 3 not hide them from the 4 children 4 their o f ^.j ie generations to corne-^ : but to shew the honour 6 / 4 ^ e - *. 5 to the ,,. . , . .7 jri ixiii." strength, 6 thcwing of the Lord, his mighty and wonderful works that he and his the praises hath done/ gSeeWv.z. 8 JtaMMM| 5 He made a covenant with 8 Jacob, and gave 9 Israel *ff* atesti- a law' 1 : which he commanded our forefathers to teach 1 h 3 Ro.2. many m jheir children ; 1 that they should make hitmvn to , JvfiK 6 That their posterity 2 might know it : and 3 the even ' come children which were yet unborn 4 '; 4 should be born; * 18 Ge. 19. 294 15th Even.'] THE PSALMS. [78 Ps. 5 Who 7 To the intent that when they came up 5 : they might.; 22 Jos. 24. should shew 6 their children the same'; 6 pe to forget the works of God,' but to keep his command- * liPe.1.21. ments; I 7 De. 18. 9 rebellion 9 And not to be as their/orefathers, a faithless 9 and m U Ke-l2- 1 He. pre- stubborn generation : a generation that set not their 2 j^, <,< ] tfoir n i lieart ar 'S llt ' 1 and whose spirit cleavetb, not 2 stedfasUy 3 with lieart, unto 3 God"; n31De. 27. 1 Like as the children of Ephraim : who being liar- See4 l /** 4 armed nessed, 4 and carrying bows, turned themselves back in the day of battle.* o 1 De.41,&. 1 1 They kept not the covenant of God : and would 5 refused to not 5 walk in his law* 1 ; p 31 Je. 32. 6 kit , f0 rhs 12 But forgat what he had done 6 : and the wonderful 'tiers* " works' that he had shewed for them.' q 2 Je. 32. 8 their 1 3 Marvellous things did he in the sight of our 8 fore- r g Ne. 10. fathers, in the land of Egypt 1 " : even in the field of Zoan.' 13Nu./.22. i e toaZ 14 He divided the sea ' and let9 tliem go' through : 2 at he made the waters to stand on 2 an heap.' t 3 Hab. 15. 1 5 In the day-time also he led them with a cloud : and all the night through with a light of fire." tt 13 Ex.21, 1 6 He clave the hard rocks in the wilderness : and 22- gave them drink thereof, as it had been out of the great depth." t?74P8.16z. S stream* 1 7 He brought waters 3 out of the stony rock : so that ^ad caused alto -i i j *4 i- 1 M waters to it gushed out like Ae rivers. 10 rM7l d^/t 18 Yet /or a// this they sinned more against him : bDe. 15. 5 b;i pro- and provoked 5 the most Highest in the wilderness.* *9De.7, fc rohing ]9 x hey* tempted God in their hearts : and required 7 Ami fheif . - ,, t . f/lSFsSS- 7 b,, MMv meat for their 'us 1 -* 4 Ja 3 8 rt. y displeasure against IsraeK; eJudeS. trusted 23 Because they believed not in God : and put not . _ . . Mtto*: their trU8t in his hel P- 9 '' 3 He.18,19. 1 Thoughhe 24 So he 1 commanded the clouds' above 2 : and opened e ? i- ' 0. had the doors of heaven/ 2 from above, glSEx. 14! 3 And had 25 He 3 rained down manna Z*0 upon themybr to h Or 6reo<{ 4 of 'the corn eat : and gave them food from 4 heaven.' {J >l ht 26 So man did eat angels' food* : for he sent them 103 p s . 20. 5 to the full, meat enough.*' * 8 ^o- 15 - 295 15th Even.'] THE PSALMS. [78 Ps. 6 in the 7 by 8 in the midst of 9 camp 1 estran- ged from 2 their 3 fattest 4 of 5 still G for his 7 then they 8 ^ and that the high God was their redeemer/ See 312/. 36 Nevertheless, they did but flatter him with their mouth : and dissembled with 1 him in 2 their tongue.' t 29 Is. 13. 37 For their heart was not whole 3 with him" : neither u 10 Ho./.2. continued 4 they stedfast in his covenant/ 8 Ho. 1. 38 But he was so merciful, 5 that he forgave their mis- *" 1* Nu.20. deeds 6 : and destroyed them not." 6 iniquity: 39 Yea, many a time turned he his wrath 7 away* : ^^liKi^Jb and would not suffer his whole displeasure to arise. 8 ' 7 ^ ^ g 40 For he considered 9 that they were but flesh 2 : and y remffl ^. ttuit they were even a wind that passeth away, and bered cometh not again." ~ 103 P 8 - 1 *- 41 Many a time 1 did they provokw him in the wil- " derness : and grieved him in the desert. 6 * 9 De. 24. 42 They 2 turned back, c and tempted God : and moved 3 o 7 Ac. 39. the holy One in 4 Israel. 1 * rfgf5Mar35. 43 They thought 5 not o/his hand' : and of 6 the day 13 Ex. 9. when he delivered them from the hand of the enemy-'; / 15 Ex. 6,7. 44 How he had wrought his miracles 7 in Egypt f : g 6 De. 22. and his wonders in the field of Zoan. A ASeever.13. 45 He s turned their waters 9 into blood : so that they 9 river* might 1 not drink of the rivers. 2 ' 2 floods. 7 JSx.l7.fc 46 He sent lice 3 among them/ and* devoured them j 8 Ex.2!,fc. up : and frogs to 4 destroy 5 them. 4 5 destroyed f\^ii'' 47 He gave their fruit 6 unto the caterpillar' : and m 10 Ex.' 4, their labour unto the grasshopper. 7 &c - 296 15th Even.} THE PSALMS. [78 Ps. 48 He destroyed their vines with hail-stones" : and n 9 Ex. 18, 8 sycomore their mulberry s -trees with the frost, li save up 49 He smote 9 their cattle also with 1 hail-stones : and " ^ lCh - 28 - 1 to the their flocks with' hot thunderbolts.* P 9 Ex.25. Ijicrceneit 50 He cast upon them the furiousness 5 of his wrath, 3 displeasure, 3 and trouble' : and sent* evil angels q ^by tending among them/ r gf 2 Job 7. 5 He. weigh- 5 1 He made a way 5 to his indignation, 6 ' and spared' * 30 ls.27.4fc. r ' d ana p f h - not their soul from death : but gave their life over to u OrSwrt the pestilence" ; to the mur- 7 the* /0/ 52 And smote a11 the first-born in Egypt" : the most ~ 9Kx - ttrengtfiin principal and mightiest" in the dwellings of Ham.' 12 Ex. 29, 'nac'et^' 53 But aS f T his WI1 P e P le he led tliem8 forth 3 ' 8 made to like sheep : and carried 9 them in the wilderness like a ^i g e e g. ' go flock. y 9 euided V See 108/.' l ie'd d he 54 He brou g htl them out * safely, that they should A t fjf red 2 H . not fear 3 : and overwhelmed their enemies with the sea. 2 not : 4 to the 55 And brought them within the 4 borders of his sane- ~ H He. 29. 5 thif tuary : even to his 5 mountain" which he purchased with 9 D*. 16. 6 and di- his right hand. 6 *4 Ps- 3. , tiifferf them 50 He cast out the heathen also before them : caused e 9 Ne. 22. a mic l eby rlt ' their land to be divided among them for an heritage."* <* Jos. 51. line J and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in tneir tents.' 61>e.lO,ll. 7 Yet 57 So 7 they tempted, and displeased 9 the most high 8 provoked God-^ : and kept not his testimonies ; / 2 Ju. 12. 9 dealt un- 58 But turned their backs, and fell away 9 like their turned** faithfully forefathers : starting 1 aside like a broken 3 bow. ? 2 deceitful 3 him r t kei1 59 For the y S rieved him3 with their hill-altars 4 * : and | \^ ^ anger provoked 5 him to displeasure 6 with their' images.' 7 graven 4/iighpiacet 60 When God heard this, he was wroth : and took * 13 Ho - 2 - *>** displeasure at s IsraeP; Sgreaiiy abhorred 3 m Ps - 40 - 61 So that he forsook the tabernacle in Silo* : even h 4 ' Sa - 3 - < 5 ii 9 placed the tent that lie had pitched 9 among men.' ' 7 J- 12-15. 1 And 62 He 1 delivered their power' 2 '" into captivity : and '" 6 Ch.41. !i Jmg*jt their beauty 3 into the enemy's hand." n Sa- 21 3 his glory 63 He gave his people over also unto the sword* : and 4 i a. 10. was wroth with his inheritance.'' p 5 i s . 5. 64 The fire consumed their young men* : and their q See ver. maidens were not given to marriage/ 4 fell by 65 Their priests were slain with 4 the sword* : and r J r Je 'fL a mai Je. 35. 12 O let the sorrowful sighing of the prisoners come t 39 Ez. 21. before thee" : according to the greatness of thy power, u 33iiCh.ll. preserve thou those that are appointed to die. 8 " 102 Ps.20. 298 3 and 5 thould among 8 He. re- 16th Morn.'] THE PSALMS. [80 Ps. tJieir re- 13 And for the blasphemy 9 wherewith our neighbours w 44 Vs. 16. proach j iave blasphemed 1 thee'" : reward thou 2 them, O Lord. \rcnroached 2 render seven-fold into their bosom/ a: 65 Is. 6,7. unto 14 So we, that are thy people and sheep of thy pas- 3 we will ture, y shall give thee thanks for ever : and will alway y 100 P. 3. 4 to ail ee- ^ e saewm g 3 forth thy praise from generation to gene- neratioiu. ration.* 2 * 45 Ps. 17. PSALM Ixxx. A Psalm of (or for} Asaph. 1 Give ear TTE Alt,' O thou Shepherd of Israel," thou that lead- c See 1380.*x 1 so that 1 2 Why hast thou then broken down her hedge : that 1 2 ^ *?/'* all they that go by 7 pluck off her grapes'? 3 tixitte it 13 The wild boar out of the wood doth root it up 3 : and the wild beasts of the field devour it' * 4 Je - 7 - 4 Return, 14 Turn thee again, thou 4 God of hosts, look down 1 ti^ e 'o eCh from heaven : behold, and visit this vine"; uS109,*. 15 And the place of the vineyard that thy right hand hath planted : and the branch" that thou madest o t> # 11 Is. L strong for thyself. w 19 Ez.12; 6 it is 16 It is burnt with fire, and 5 cut down* : and they 20Ez.47,4& shall perish at the rebuke of thy countenance/ * 90 Ps - ' 1 7 Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand : and upon the son of man, whom thou madest so strong 44i g .26&. 8 thy for thine" own self." z JQ He. 38, 18 And so will not we go back from thee 1 : O let us 39. 7 yuicken tit live/ and we shall call upon thy name." a2Ph.12.13. 299 l&tk Even."] THE PSALMS. [81, 82 Ps. 8 Asver. 3. 19 Turn us again, O Lord God of hosts : shew the J3J e .22,23. light of thy countenance, 8 and we shall be whole."* I'SALM Ixxxi. A Psalm of (or for] Asaph. 1 aloud OING we merrily 1 unto God our strength" : make a a 31 Je.7. 2 joyful ^~J cheerful 3 noise unto the God of Jacob. 6 b 22 Mat. 32. 4 H ie^ant 2 Take the P salm brin S h 'ther the tabret 3 : the 5 psaltery, merry 4 harp with the lute. 5 ' c 3 Col. 16. 3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon d : even in d 23 Le. 24. the time appointed, and upon our solemn feast-day.' 10 Nu. 10. 4 For this was made a statute for Israel : and a law of the God of Jacob/ / 1 Na. 15. 6 went out 5 This he ordained in Joseph for a testimony^ : when g 4 De. 45. through he came out of 6 the land of Egypt,* and had 7 heard a h 33 Nu. 3. I that j un. st nge language. 5 ' i 42 Ge. 23. dergtood 6 I eased 9 his shoulder from the burden- 7 : and his & 5 Je - l ^- Q Wt A nan ^ s were delivered from making the pots.* 7 Thou calledst upon me in troubles, and I delivered : an ^ near ^' thee what time as the storm fell upon crfplace thee. 2 ' 114 Ex. 10. of thunder. 8 I proved thee ako : at the waters of strife. 3 '" m 17 Ex. 7. 4 Si"*' 9 Hear, O my people, and I will assure 4 thee, O 55 Is - 3 - 4 - wn3 he 3w rfaj/i'are flourisheth as a flower of the field.* 51 1*. 12. 4 passeth \ (j Yotossoon as the wind goeth 4 over it, it 5 is gone :' < 27 Job 21. and tlie place thereof shall know it no more." "on/Mi V! ' the mercy 17 But the merciful goodness 6 of the Lord endur- 3 ij e /3_ J ' 7 is from eth for ever and ever 7 upon them that fear him" : 7onerlaM. and Ilis righteousness upon 8 children's children* ; w -0 Ex 6. in* 18 Even upon" such as keep his covenant* : and x 7 Be. 9. P r think upon 9 his commandments to do them. y y 3 ft. I. that re- 19 The Lord hath prepared his seat 1 in heaven 2 : z 8 He. 1. member and his kingdom ruleth over all." a 3 i Pe. 22. 1 throne 2 Q O praise 1 the Lord, ye angels of his, ye that 2 flk 317 THE PSALMS. [104 Ps. 3 do excel in strength 1 : ye that fulfil his commandment, & 19 Re. 5. and hearken unto the voice of his words. ctf- 4 Mat 6, 4 bleu 2 1 O praise 4 the Lord, all ye his hosts : ye servants 5 Hifu 9-14* 5 ministers o f his that do his pleasure/ w'.'A Ge. 24,' 22 O speak good of 4 the Lord, all ye works of his, f 1 1 ^ 2 Mat " in all places of his dominion 1 * : praise 4 thou the Lord, a See 8a, &. O my soul/ gfl9Lu.40. Evening Prayer. PSALM civ. [Proper Psalm for Whitsunday. See 145 Ps.] 1 Blest T) RAISE 1 the Lord, O my soul" : O Lord my 103Ps.la. 2 very great, JL God, thou art become exceeding glorious 2 , thou art clothed with majesty and honour. 6 6 145 Ps - 5 - 3 w?u> ^ Thou 3 deckest 4 thyself with light as it were with a 4 corerest garment 6 : and 3 spreadest 5 out the heavens like a c 6 i Ti. 16. 5 ttretchest curtain> <* d 40 Is. 22. 3 Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the 9 Ai n. 6. waters 5 : and 3 maketh the clouds his chariot/ and 3 "' T S ' ' walketh upon the wings of the wind. ? * x a ' 4 He 3 maketh his angels spirits : and his ministers a flaming fire.'' A Sc 59 m. 5 He 3 laid the foundations of the earth 1 : that it never i 95 Ps. 5^. C that it should move at any time. 6 -' J tf 8 Ge. 22. should not 6 Thou COV eredst it with the deep like as with a for garment : the waters stand in the hills. 7 * fc7Ge.19.20. Tstoodabove 7 At thy rebuke they flee : at the voice of thy %ins. U ' l ~ thunder they are afraid. 8 ' i 8 Ge. 1-3. 8 hasted 8 They go tip as high as the hills, 9 and down to 1 the 1 by away. valleys beneath : even unto the place which thou hast 9 up by the f~ l2 mountains, appointed' 5 for them. 2 founded 9 Thou hast set them their bounds which they shall 3 pass over; not pass : neither turn 3 again to cover the earth.'" m9Ge.ll,15; that they \ Q He sendeth the springs into the rivers 4 : which 5 Je - 22- turn not .. , M1 o r> T 4 valleys : run among the lulls." n 8 De. 7. 5 to evert/ 11 All 5 beasts of the field drink 8 thereof : and the ^dHnft' S ' BC wild asses q uench their thirst." o tf 9 i Co. 7 By them 12 Beside them 7 shall the fowls of the air 8 have 9 la< 8 heaven their habitation : and 9 sing among the branches.^ ^gf6Mat.20. 1 ftfeefcm. 1 3 H watereth the hills from above 1 ? : the earth q 10 Je. 13. bers: is filled 2 with the fruit of thy works/ r65Ps.9. &. I causft 1 * 1 4 He bringeth forth grass :f for the cattle* : and green 2 Joel 22. the grass herb for the service of men' ; t 9 Ge. 3. to grow ] 5 That he may bring food out of the earth," and u 23 Job 5. wine that maketh glad the heart of man" : and oil to 5 i Ti. 23. 4 his/flee make him a cheerful countenance, 4 " and bread to * 9 Ja. 9. to thine, strengthen 5 man's heart.* 5 which ttrengtheneth xcfSZze.Vi. 318 20th Even.'] THE PSALMS. [104 Ps. 1 6 The trees of the Lord alio are full of sap^ : even y 24 N U . 6 the cedars of Libanus which he hath planted ; 1 7 Where??* the birds make their nests 1 : and the z 31 Ez. 4-8. 6 haute fir-trees are a dwelling 6 for the stork. 18 The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats : a 24 i Sa. 2. and so are the stony rocks for the conies.'' b 30 Pr. 20. 1 9 He appointed the moon for certain seasons : and the sun knoweth his going down. c 16e.l4-18. 7 and it in '20 Thou makest darkness that it may be 7 night 01 : d 45Is - 7 - Screep forth, wherein all the beasts of the forest do move. 8 v The young '21 The 9 lions roaring after their prey : do seek their meat from God.' *& Job 39 > 1 gather 22 The sun ariseth, and they get them away 1 toge- tiierS . and lay them down in their dens. f 3 Na - 17 - 23 Man goeth forth to his work, and to his labour : until the evening/ s 5 Ec< 12< 24 O Lord, how manifold are thy works 7 ' : in wis- h 5 Job 9 - dom hast thou made them all' ; the earth is full of thy * 3 Pr. 19. riches.-' > 65 Ps. 11. 2 So is this 25 So is the 2 great and wide sea also* : wherein are * 33 De. 19. things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts.' ilGe.20,21. 26 There go the ships,'" and there is that leviathan : > 6 Qe. 14. 3 to play whom thou hast made to take his pastime 3 therein." n41Jobl,&. 27 These wait all upon thee : that thou mayest give 4 them their them 4 meat in due season." * Lu - 24 > 5 That 28 When 5 thou givest it them they gather it : and wlien thou openest thy hand they are filled with good." p 136 Ps. 25. 29 When thou hidest thy face they are troubled'' : fl-sfSOPs.5/. when thou takest away their breath, they die, and are C return turned again 6 to their dust/ r 34 Job 15. '< fiw-'/A* 30 When tllou latest thy breath go forth they shall 26 Job 13. thy spirit, be made 7 * : and thou shalt renew' the face of the 8 renewest they are earth.' ', <;.' it trchi- do but touch' the hills, they shall 3 smoke."' * 'airt'th* , 33 I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live : I will ' ' ' praise 4 my God while I have my being.* *' 34 And so shall my words please him 5y : my joy shall . ' 47 " 'him'thnii be 6 in the Lord.* 6 I will b<- glud be sweet-. 35 As for 7 sinners, they shall be consumed out of the 7 Let tt>e 9> no">nore" i earth, and the ungodly shall come to an end" : praise 9 a 2 Pr.22. JiUts ' thou the Lord, O my soul, praise the 1 Lord. l V llie 319 Morn.] THE PSALMS. [105 Ps. 1 make known his deeds among the people. 2 Sing unto 3 Sing psalms unto 4 talk ye 6 his 7 earth. S remem- bered 9 for ever : 1 the word 2 command- ed 3 his 4 confirmed 5 covenant: 6 He. cord 7 7> 1 1 Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Ca- . 7 with 4 Remember me, O Lord, according to 7 the favour that thou bearest unto thy people^ : O visit me with d 3 Zep. 17. thy salvation* ; e i Lu.6S,9. 8 good 5 That I may see the felicity 8 of thy chosen : and / tf- 12 i Co. 1 'that / re J ice in the gladness of thy people, 9 and give thanks' Rofisf *' may glory with thine inheritance/ g 9 Ezr. 7. 2 commuted G We have sinned with our fathers : we have done * 29 De.2-4. i:iiauitu. j j 1^2 i ji * unatr- wehave amiss ' aud dealt wickedly/ tiuireiie- ^ Then believed they his words : and sang praise lines: . , . _ -1= -p v i unto him.^ 2 they tang hit praise. p ^ ' 3 Soon 13 But within a while 3 they forgat his works* : and I 4 Ma 4 they wait, would not abide 4 his counsel/ 16, 17. ed not for 14 g ut i^ came U p 0n them 5 in the wilderness : and r gf27Ps.!4. cecdingiy ' ^^V tempted God in the desert/ * 16 Ex.l.fc 6 request: 1 3 And he gave them their desire 6 : and 7 sent leanness 7 but ioitha.1 into their soul.' 'I! Nu - 32 > 8 envied 1 6 They angered 8 Moses also in the tents 9 " : and '. camp. . ,, J . , ,-,, T j uWHitl.Jt Aaron the saint of the Lord." 21 Le G $ 1 7 So the earth opened, and swallowed up Dathan : 1 company and covered the congregation 1 of Abiram." 7 18 And the fire was kindled in their company : the x ^ N ^'. U 2 teicked. flame burnt up the ungodly." y &c x> ' 1 9 They made a calf in Horeb : and worshipped the , 2 j e . n. molten image.* 40 i s . 18- 3 changed 20 Thus they turned 3 their glory 1 : into the simili- 20. 4 an ox tude of a calf 4 that eateth hay. Sa * 32 De. is. 5 grass. 21 And they forgat 6 God their Saviour c : who had c 63 Is - s - done so great things in Egypt* ; d 78 Ps - 12 - 322 21st Even.} THE PSALMS. [106 Ps. C terrible 7 Therefore l''breacfi- 1 dftpaed '** . lieved not 3 Therefore Ae lifted 4 overthrow 5 also unto lacriflce* 7 brake in * wonted judgment: 2 it tvent 22 Wondrous works in the land of Ham' : and fear- 78 Ps. 51. ful 6 things by the Red Sea/ / ver. Uo. 23 So 7 he said, lie would have destroyed 9 them/ had g 32 Es. 10. not Moses Ilis c os their sons and their daughters unto devils' ; c 32 De. 17. 37 ^ n( j s i ie d innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters : whom they offered 7 unto the idols of Canaan* ; and the land was defiled 8 d 12 De. 31 ; with blood.' , l i. 38 Thus were they stained 9 with their own works^ : /20Ez So.^t and went a whoring with their own inventions/ g 9 Ho. I. 39 Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people* : insomuch that he abhorred his A 2 Ja. 14. own inheritance.' t 32 De. 19. ^0 And he gave them over into the hand of the hea- then : and they tHat hated them were lords' over them.' J 10 J ^ 7 - 41 Their enemies oppressed them : and had them n . . o 4 t ov., 07 m Subjection. * 42 Many a time did he deliver them' : but they ' 12 i S*. 11. 323 T 2 22nd Morn.'] THE PSALMS. [107 Ps. 3 provoked rebelled against him with their own inventions, 4 and him were brought down in their wickedness. 5 '" 13iSa.l9, ' 5 low for 43 Nevertheless, when he saw 6 their adversity : he 7 &Ct their i/u- heard their complaint. 8 " n 2 Ju. 18. (frfga'rded 44 He thought upon 9 his covenant," and pitied them, 1 ol3iiKi.23. 7 affliction according unto the multitude of his mercies'* : yea, lie p 11 Ho. 8. uhenhe ma( j e a ii those that led them away captive to pity them.* g 15 Je. 11. 9 And he 45 Deliver 1 us, O Lord our God/ and gather us rltiiCh. 35, remem- from among the heathen 5 : that we may give 3 thanks g37 g z 91 2 g 'them unto tn y hty name, and make our boast of thy praise.' t 0f2tiCo!l4 1 repented 46 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from ever- * '" 2 * found no city to dwell in e ; 32 De. 10. tary 5 Hungry and thirsty : their soul fainted in them.-''/s^l5Ju.l8. 6 Then ^ ^ " tne y c " e( i unto tne Lord in their trouble : and he delivered them from their distress/ e 4Us.l7,18. 7 He led them forth by the right way* : that they ^J.s'ill' 9 a city of might go to the city where they dwelt."' 4 ^ He> 16> JiabitHtion. g O that men would therefore praise the Lord for 1 wonderful n ' s g O( ^ ness : an d declare the wonders that he doeth works to for 1 the children of men- 7 ! j 63 Is. 7. 2 longing 9 For he satisfleth the empty* soul : and filleth the Se ver - 13 - hungry soul with goodness* ; * 55 Is. 1-3. 10 Such as sit in darkness, and in the shadow of l 9 Is. 2. 3 affliction death' : being fast bound in misery 3 and iron'"; "n 3 *" Ch ' 11 Because they rebelled against the words of the ' " 4 of God Lord 4 : and lightly regarded 3 the counsel of the most 5 contemned jj jg ne5< ; n 25 ii Ch.1 8; 6 Therefore 1 2 He also 6 brought down their heart through heavi- ' T^ith la ness 7 ": they fell down, and there was none to help them? p giiKi 27 hour . 1 3 So when 8 they cried unto the Lord in their trouble : 8 Then he delivered 9 them out of their distress.' 9 3 Ex.7-. taiet?. 14 For he brought them out of darkness, and out o/ ^33 Job 3oJ the shadow of death 1 " : and brake their bonds in sunder.* t JQ Ac.2& ISO that men would therefore praise the Lord for 324 22nd Morn.'] THE PSALMS. [107 Ps. his goodness : and declare the wonders that he doeth 1 As ver. 8. for 1 the children of men' ! 1 147P8.1,4t. 1 6 For he hath broken the gates of brass : and smit- 2 CM* ten 2 the bars of iron in sunder." u 45 Is. 1,2. 3 Fools 17 Foolish men 3 are plagued for 4 their offence* : and 5trantgrei- '2S?of because of their wi ckedness. 6 " 6 iniquities. ' ic : 7 draw near 18 Their soul abhorred all manner of meat : and"' unto the they were even hard at death's door. 7 * w 38 Is. 10. J*. 19 So when the y cried 8 unto the Lord in their * 30 Ps. 2. 8 T/teiithey trouble : he delivered 9 them out of their distress.* g^d^ 28 ' cry ^O He sent his word, and healed them* : and they taveth them""*"* were saved 1 from their destruction. y20HKi 4 21 O that men would therefore praise the Lord for 5. his goodness : and declare the wonders that he doeth 3 A*dJM* for * the children of men * ! z 4 Ps " 5 ' themsdcrl- 22 That they would offer nnto him 3 the sacrifice of a Sce 401n - Declare thanks S ivin g a : and tel1 out4 nis works with gladness 46 ! * 9 Ps - n - 5 rejoicing. 23 They that go down to the sea in ships : and oc- 6 tltat do cupy their" business in great waters ; 24 These men see the works of the Lord : and his 7 For he wonders in the deep. 6 38 Job 16 - Tth'and 1 ' 25 For at his word7 the storm y wind ariseth d : which d 135 Ps - 7 - raiteth lifteth up the waves thereof." 6 Joh - 18 - Amount 26 They are carried 3 up to the heaven, mid 3 down 1 depths- again to the deep 1 : their soul melteth away because ltfo.aU of the trouble/ /17iiSa.lO. l udom it 27 The y reel to and fro > and sta ?8 er like a d ninken 12 Job 25 - swallowed, man* : and are at their wit's end.' M * 19 Is./. 3. ";> 28 So when 3 they cry unto the Lord in their trouble : 3 Then bTwgJh. he d elivereth 4 them out of their distress.' */ M v .?: 5 a calm: 29 For he maketh the storm to cease* : so that the waves thereof are still.-' ^ * 6 be quiet: 30 Then are they glad, because they are at rest* : and so he bringeth them unto the haven where they 7 their de- would be. 7 * 'haven. ^ ^ t ' m * men wou l d therefore praise the Lord for his goodness : and declare the wonders that he doeth 8 As ver. 8. f or ' the children of men' ! 9 Let them 32 That they would 9 exalt him also in the congre- 1 auemUy g at j on O f the people'" : and praise him in the seat 1 of neps'is* the elders"! 19. 4 intfkar 33 Who turneth the floods' into a wilderness" : and 30 Ez. 12. rmMf* drleth up 1 tlie water-springs/ 3 into dni ground pl7IKi.l,7. He. salt. 34 A fruitful land maheth he barren 4 : for the wicked- 1^ Ge - 10 S^a'rneth ness of them that dwe11 therein.' 19 ^ 25 . into 35 Again, lie maketh 4 the wilderness a 15 standing r 21 No, 16- 7 and into water : and 7 water-springs of a dry ground/ I 8 - '.. i 325 22nd Even.] THE PSALMS. [108 Ps. 8 maketh 36 And there he setteth the hungry : that they may to dwell build them 9 a city to dwell in 1 ' ; I for habitation; 2 thljieicu 37 That thev raa y sow their land ' 3 and p lant vine - Stehich may yards : to 3 yield them fruits of increase.' 4 aremul- 38 He blesseth them, so that they multiply exceed- tiplied ingly 4 " : and suffereth not their cattle to decrease." ^nfpour- 39 -And again, when they are minished, and brought ethcon- low : through oppression, through any plague or Effif*" troubleSl ; 5 "ffl*tion, and nrrow. 1 cauicth 40 Though he suffer them to be evil intreated them to through tyrants 6 ' : and let them 7 wander out of the 8 fZn teh way in the wilderness"; 8 where there is no affliction: 41 Yet helpeth 9 he the poor out of misery 1 * : and maketh him households 3 like a flock" o/ s/te^. 9 MA 42 The righteous will consider this, 3 and rejoice 4 : and the mouth of all wickedness shall be stopped. 4 43 Whoso is wise will ponder 5 these things : and 6 6 even they shall understand the loving-kindness of the Lord/ 9 prepare * l Lu> 53- u 26 Ge. 12 9 Ex. J. 8. <>;> Aer nunith. ..._._ * z4 Ku.l4,$i a42Job!2,&. b 66ls io,a wedy 22 I 8 hence 8 like the shadow that departeth 9 * : h See 318 d. 8 am gone and am driven away 1 as the grasshopper. 2 ' 2 locust. 1 totted up 23 My knees are weak through fasting : my flesh and down . , . , ' 3 ,. , ,, ,. , J ,- 17 p , 99 Zfaiieth is dried up /or M>aw of fatness.-' J l lr - " 4 when ' the day of Sion c : be thou ruler, 2 even in the midst among 3 thine a 45 Ps. 5. i^thT"^' enemies - rf 3 f e 5 Ju. 2; beauties of 3 In the day of thy power shall the people offer thee 2 Ac - ?>7<&- hoiinest free-will offerings' with an holy worship' : the dew of ? 29 Ps< 2c - J *St4f th y birth is of the womb of the morning. 4 ^ * " A ^',^' the morn- 4 The Lord sware, and will not repent* : Thou art a * . e f ' ing: thou p r jest for ever after the order of Melchisedech.' 7 HC i ne Lord upon thy right hand : shall wound even j 19 Re. ig. youth. kings in the day of his wrath.- 7 5 strike through 21. 328 23rd Morn.'] THE PSALMS. [ill, 112 Ps. 6 fit shall 6 He shall judge among the heathen*; he shall fill * 3 Joel 12. wound t h e pi aces w jth the dead bodies : and smite in sunder 6 / 34 i s 2 &. 7 many the heads over divers 7 countries.' mrfTJu. 5 7 He shall drink of the brook in the way'" : there- 6. 8 fore shall he lift up his 8 head." ngfl5Ju.l9. PSALM cxi. Praise ye the Lord. [Proper Psalm for Easter-Day.] 1 praite T WILL give thanks unto 1 the Lord with my whole teinbiyof' heart" : secretly among the faithful,* and in the a 138 Ps. 1. the up. congregation. 6 * 35 Ps. is. right, 2 The works of the Lord are great : sought out of all them that have pleasure therein/ O TT- I 1 1 1 1 LESSED is the man that feareth the Lord" : he 1 50 ^ 10. J-* hath great deliglit in his commandments.* 6 7 Ro.22. 2 His seed shall be mighty upon earth : the gene- 2 upright ration of the faithful 2 shall be blessed/ 32 Je. 39. 3 wealth 3 Riches and plenteousness 3 shall be in his house* : d 8 i Ti. 6. and his righteousness endureth for ever/ e ^ ** *' *a^uma~ 4 Unto the godly2 there arisetjl U P H ht in the dark-/snoEx.23. fuilofcoin- ness-^ : he is merciful, loving, 4 and righteous/ ^ *** ^ - patsion, 5 A good man is merciful, 5 and lendeth A : and will h 6 Lu - 35 - jto& guide his words 6 with discretion/ 6 affair* i 5 Ep. 15. 7 Surely 6 For 7 he shall never be moved' : and the righteous i 1 H Pa- 10. shall he had in everlasting remembrance.* A 3 i Pe. 12. 8 itjlxtcl, ^ He will not be afraid of any evil tidings :_/br his trutting hig ii ear t standeth fast, and belie veth 9 in the Lord.' Z 28 Pr. L, 329 Zendureth 9 75 Ps. 10. 4 ,icferf obeerieoed 6 7 wicked 1 of the 2 ana for 3 i* to be 4 nationt : 6 who 8 needy S dunghill; 23rd Even.'] THE PSALMS. [113, 114 Ps. 9 //(shall 8 His heart is established, and will 9 not shrink 1 " 1 :m gf21Ac. 1 be afraid, un tji ^e see his desire upon his enemies. 1 * g g p , 9 He hath dispersed abroad, and 1 given to the poor" : 11 Pr. 24^ and his righteousness remaineth 3 for ever*" ; his horn 25 -.. S hall be exalted with honour.' p . " j' 9 ' 1 o The ungodly 4 shall see it, and it shall grieve him 5 ' : !" o, p, ',, ' , , .. ..,.., 6 j *a/.ls. 1J. ne shall gnasli with his teeth/ and consume away'; t58Ps.7, 8, the desire of the ungodly 7 shall perish." u 10 Pr.28. PSALM cxiii. Praise ye the Lord. [Proper Psalm for Easter-Day. See 114 Ps.] TT) RAISE the Lord, ye servants' : O praise the a 19 Re. 5. _ , T , JL name of the Lord. 2 Blessed be the name of the Lord : from this time f orth for * evermore.* fr 2 Da. 20. 3 The Lord's name is 3 praised : from the rising up of the sun unto the going down of the same." C 2 Hab'l4 ' 4 The j^ ig high aboye al j heathen 4 * : and his a 40 Is. 17. glory above the heavens.' 8 i Ki. 27. 5 Who is like unto the Lord our God, that hath his dwellin S s 5 hi S ll/ : and y et * humbleth himself to be-/ 33 De.26. n ld the things that are in heaven and earth^? f 57 Is. 15. 7 ffiiscth up 6 He taketh up the simple out of the dust : and the poor lif teth the poor 8 Qut of the mire 9A . 7t 1 Ja. 9. 7 That he may set him with the princes : even with the princes of his people.' t gf41 Ge.41. 8 He maketh the barren woman to keep house : and to be a joyful mother of children.-' [Praise ye the./ 2i Sa.5-8. LORD.] Evening Prayer. PSALM cxiv. [Proper Psalm for Easter-Day. See 118 Ps.] 1 went \\T HEN Israel came' out of Egypt" : and the house a 12 Ex.42. * of Jacob from amon S the strange people, 2 * * 81 Ps. Si. 2 Judah was his sanctuary : and Israel his dominion. d c 29 Ex - 45 - 3 The sea saw that, 3 and fled* : Jordan was driven d 15 Ex - 13< back/ 15 Ex. 8. 4 The mountains skipped like rams : and the little-^ hills like young S heep.^ ff 19 Ex. 18. 5 What aileth thee, O thou sea, that thou fleddest : and thou Jordan, that thou wast driven back* ? * 3 Hab. 8. 6 Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams : and ye little hills, like young sheep 4 '? 7 Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of the Lord : at the presence of the God of Jacob> ; 5 fountain 8 Who turned the hard rock into a standing water : ofwatert. and the flint-stone into a springing-well. 5 * 330 language i 3 taw it, 4 lambt. 26 Job n - 17 Ex. 6. 1 glory, 2 should 3 But our 4 he hu'h pleated. 5 but they 6 O Ttracl, 7 help and their thield. 8 U houte Swill 1 The hea- ven, even the 2 but the 3 not the LORD 4 any 5 blest 6 and for Morn.'] THE PSA LMS. [ 1 1 5, 1 1 6 Ps. PSALM cxv. NOT unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give the praise 1 : for thy loving mercy, a I Ep. 6. and for thy truth's sake.* ft 48 Is. 1L 2 Wherefore shall 2 the heathen say : Where is now their God c ? c See We. 3 As for our 3 God, he is in heaven d : he hath done d 11 Ps.4. whatsoever pleased 4 him.' 4 Da. 35. 4 Their idols are silver and gold : even the work of men's hands/ /* Is.l9,&. 5 They have mouths, and 5 speak not* : eyes have g 10 Je. 5. they, and 3 see not.* A 4 De.28. 6 They have ears, and s hear not' : noses have they, ^42 I.18. and 5 smell not. 7 They have hands, and 5 handle not; feet have they, and 5 walk not- 7 : neither speak they through their J * Is -'- throat. 4 A2Hab.l9. 8 They that make them are like unto them' : and so ' 10 Je.8. are all such as put their trust in them.'" m 135 Ps.15- 9 Hut thou, house of Israel," trust tliou in the Lord" : he is their succour and defence. 7 " , p ' ' 10 Ye house 8 of Aaron,'' put your trust in the Lord : 28Ex 1 &. he is their helper and defender. 7 11 Ye that fear the Lord,' put your trust in the ?l*Pr.26. Lord : he is their helper and defender.' r rllSPs.2-4. 1'2 The Lord hath been mindful of us, and he shall 9 Is. 21. bless us' : even he shall* bless the house of Israel,' he * & Ge - 14 - shall 9 bless the house of Aaron. 13 He shall 9 bless them that fear the Lord" : both 4 Mal - 2 - small and great" * n Be< 18 ' 1 4 The Lord shall increase you more and more : w ^ Ifc jo you and your children." 1 21. 15 Ye are the blessed of the Lord* : who made x 3i Pe.J.9. heaven and earth." y 96 Ps. 5. 16 All the whole 1 heavens are the Lord's 1 : the 2 earth = 68 l8 - 1- hath he given to the children of men." 3i ^ e ' & 1 7 The dead praise not thee, O Lord 3 : neither all they 4 tliat go down into silence. 6 6 6 Pi. 6. 1 8 But we will praise 5 the Lord : from this time forth for* evermore. Praise the Lord. c 115 Ps 21 - 1 I lore THE TWENTY-FOURTH DAY. Morning Prayer. PSALM cxvi." 2 lecautt he T -AM well pleased : that 1 the Lord hath* heard the 3 3 my hath J- voice of my prayer 4 " ; 4 and my tupplication*. a 4 i Jo. 19. 331 24th Morn.'] THE PSALMS. [117, 118 Ps. 5 Became 2 That 5 he hath inclined his ear unto me : therefore * 4 Col. 2. will I call upon him as long as I live. 6 6 sorrotcs 3 The snares 6 of death compassed me round about : and the pains of hell gat hold upon me. c e ^ Is - 10 - 7 I found 4 i shall find 7 trouble and heaviness, 8 and I will call 9 rf33UCh.l2, 9 thencalled u P on the name of the Lord d : O Lord, I beseech thee, 13> / deliver my soul.' * 2 Joel 32. 5 Gracious is the Lord, and righteous : yea, our God is merciful/ 6 The Lord preserveth the simple* : I was in misery, 1 * 19 Ps< "* and he helped me. A h 106 Ps - 7 Turn again then 2 unto thy rest, O my soul' : for * 5e * 209 f the Lord hath rewarded 3 thee.-' > li 8 And whyl thou 4 hast delivered my soul from *86Ps. 13. death* : mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.' ' ' 9 I will walk before the'Lord : in the land of the m 17 <* e ' h v . n 27 Ps. 13. living." 101 believed, and therefore will I speak 5 "; but I was .I'-H '^?' sore troubled 6 : 1 said in my haste/ All men are liars.* p T s " ' 1 1 What reward shall I give 7 unto the Lord : for all * n . n ' the 8 benefits that he hath done unto 9 me r ? 1 brought low, 2 Return 3 dealt bounti- fully with 4 For thou 5 have I spoken : 6 greatly afflicted : 7 render 8 his 9 toward 1 take 2 unto the and call r 6 i Co. 20. t 10 i Co. 21. t 12 Is. 4. 3 precious 4 truly 5 loosed 1 2 I will receive 1 the cup of salvation 1 upon the name of the Lord.' 13 I will pay my vows now 2 in the presence of all his people" : right dear 3 in the sight of the Lord is the " ^ Ps - 25 - death of his saints." *g Mat - 14 Belwld, O Lord, how that 4 1 am thy servant 10 : I w 27 AC. 23. am thy servant, and the son of thine handmaid* ; thou x g 5 p g i 6 _ hast broken 5 my bonds in sunder. y y 6 Ho. 22. 151 will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving 2 : 3 13 He. 15. and will call upon the name of the Lord. 6 now In the 16 I will pay my vows unto the Lord, in the sight 6 of all his people" : in the courts of the Lord's house, a ver - 13 "- 7 Praise ye even in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. 4 Praise 7 the 10 Lord. PSALM cxvii. 1 nations: f~\ PRAISE the Lord, all ye heathen 1 : praise him, 2 people. \J all ye nat i ons 2a a 15 Ro. 11. 3 is great % For his merciful kindness is ever more and more 3 towards us* : and the truth of the Lord endureth for b 5 Ro 15. 4 Praise ye ever. Praise 4 the Lord. c 1W Ps - 6 - PSALM cxviii. [Proper Psalm for Easter Day.] GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious 1 : a 106 Ps. 1. because his mercy endnreth for ever." 2 Let Israel now confess, 2 that he is gracious : and b 147 Ps. 19, that his mercy endureth for ever. 6 i0 332 1 good: 2 say, 24th Morn.'] THE PSALMS. [118 Ts. 2 say. 3 Let the house of Aaron now confess 3 : that his mercy endureth for ever." 4 Yea, let them now, that fear the Lord, d confess 2 : that his mercy endureth for ever.' 3 itftrw* 5 i called the ^4 in trouble 3/ . and the 4 ^2T d ^rd heard me at large/* set me in a 6 The Lord is on my side : I will not fear what largeplace. man doeth unto me 5 A dTunt'ome} 7 . The Lord ^e* m y P** with ^ em that hel P me 1 : therefore shall I see my desire upon mine 54Ps.4e,/. c rfiBe.5,3. d 19 Re. 5. 115 pj. 9. 13. / ^Ge.7-11. 8 yea, they $w*rf Ijireof " 3 rejoicine ana sal- ra <"- Wi~ 5 doeth vaiiaiuiy. exalted. / ttntl 1 1 will praite 2 of the 8 It is better to trust in the Lord : than to put any confidence in man.* ft 17 Je. 5,7. 9 It is better to trust in the Lord : than to put any confidence in princes.' I See 310n. 10 All nations compassed me round about : but in the name of the Lord will I destroy them. ml4Zec.2,3. n The y ke pt me in on ever y side : " the y 8 keptn3Es.i3. me in, I say, on every side 7 : but in the name of the Lord will I destroy them." o 9ES.15.&. 12 The y came a b ut me ' like bees > p and are ex- P lDe.44, tinct 9 even as the fire among the 1 thorns' : for in the 1 27 Is. 4. name of the Lord I will destroy them/ r 17iSa.45. 13 Thou hast thrust sore at me, that I might fall* : * 5 Es - 14 - but the Lord was my help. 2 ' * 6 . 13. 1 4 The Lord is my strength and my song : and is ^ ecome m y salvation." 15 Ex. 2- 15 The voice of joy and health 3 is in the dwellings 4 of the righteous" : the right hand of the Lord bringeth v 8Es.16.17. mighty things to pass. 5 " 15 Ex. 6. 16 The right hand of the Lord hath the pre- eminence* : the right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty th j ngs to pags s, .,. 5i lg . 9f i a 171 shall not die, but live y : and declare the works if l Hab. 12. of the Lord. z f 2 \ 6 MaU 18 The Lord hath chastened and corrected me T : z ' 51 j e 10> .bnt he hath not given me over unto death. a 12 it Sai. 19 Open me' the gates of righteousness* : that I JVp 4; o q*. t .. ,11 jl^iTi^ 11 ^"- * ma > g lnto them, and give thanks unto the Lord.' b 26 Ig 2 20 This is the gate of the Lord : the righteous shall 38 Is.' 20. enter into it. rf d 22 Be. 14. 21 I will thank 1 thee, for thou hast heard me : and art become my salvation/ 22 Ps. 21, 22 The same stone which the builders refused : is 24 23 - become the head stone in the' corner/ /21Mat.42; 23 This is the Lord's doing* : and it is marvellous in our eyes. 333 h 13 AC. 41. 24th Even.] THE PSALMS. [119 Ps. 24 This is the day which the Lord hath made' : we will rejoice and be glad in it.- 7 j 20iiCh.27 ; 3 Save 25 Help 3 Die now, O 4 Lord,* : O 4 Lord, send us ^ 2 ^g ^the'^O**' n W P ros P er ity-' go p 17 26 Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the 5 blessed Lord'" : we have wished you good luck, ye that are 5 m 21 Mat.9. you out of the house of the Lord." n 6 Nu. 23. 27 God is the Lord, who hath shewed us light" : o 7 ML 9. bind the sacrifice with cords, yea, even unto the horns of the altar/ P 27 Ex. 2. 6 praise 28 Thou art my God, and I will thank 6 thee : thou 7 exalt art my God, and I will praise 7 thee.' 1 25 Is - 1 >3- 29 O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious : r 3 Ezr - 11 - 8 good : for and 8 his mercy endureth for ever/ Evening Prayer. PSALM cxix. Itheperfcct, "DLESSED" are those that are undented 1 in the IPs'.!,*, ^who lce '" e - wa y 6 : and2 walk in the law of the Lord - c * i j^ C 25 ls ' 2 Blessed are they that keep his testimonies' 1 : and c d 14^^13. seek him with their whole heart.* e 31iiCh.21. 3 TJiey also 3 For they who 3 do no wickedness : walk 4 in his ways// 3 i Jo. 9. 5 ***? 4 Thou hast charged 5 : that we shall diligently keep inanded thy commandments. 6 ' 8 28De.l,jfc. 6 precepts. 5 Q tn at my ways were made so direct : that I .. might' keep thy statutes* ! A 7 Ro.l5,4t rected to 6 So" shall I not be confounded 9 : while 1 1 have respect 8 Then unto all thy commandments.' * ver - 80 - 9 astiamed : 7 j win thank * thee with aQ unfeigne d 3 hearf' : when jjfpjffa 2 ntisc I snal * nave l earne d tne judgements of thy righteous- 3 upright- ness/* 4 thy righteous judgments. * ver ' 171t nest of g j w jn jj ee p tny ceremonies 5 ' : O forsake me not ' 2Uos.ns. Statutes: ^^ , , 51 Ps. 11. 1 taking TTTHEREWITHAL shall a young man" cleanse " ..tTJV 5~2ffi" V V his way : even by ruling himself after 1 thy word. 6 nj*. if ing to 10 With my whole heart have I sought thee c : O e See215r. 2 wander let me not go wrong out of 2 thy commandments.'' d ver. 117. 3 w?d 11 Thy words 3 have I bid within my heart* : that I 22 Job 22. 4 might should 4 not sin against thee/ / 17 Ps. 4. 12 Blessed art thou, O Lord : O teach me thy statutes/ ^143 Ps. 5 I declared 13 With my lips have I been telling : of all 5 the a " judgements of thy mouth.* A 4 Ac. 20. 6 have re- 14 I have had as great delight 6 in the way of thy joiced testimonies : as in all manner of riches.'" * & Job la - 'ashiTw 11 15 I Wl11 talk of th X commandments 8 .: and have respect unto thy ways.' 8 meditate in thy precepts ^ 15 Je> 18< 334 25th Morn} THE PSALMS. [119 Ps. 1 6 My delight shall be' in thy statutes : and I will not forget thy word.* l I will delight myself k 6 Mat. 21. 1 Deal C\ -DO well unto 1 thy servant" : that I may live a 4 Ph. 19. baunti- ^-f and keep thy word.* j> i ph. 21. ^ l ibehoTd th ^ Open thou mine eyes : that I may see the 2 won- 3 out of drous things of 3 thy law.' e tf 3 ii Co. 4 in the 1 9 I am a stranger upon 4 earth d : O hide not thy j j 1 ^ 13 commandments from me/ e g iRo.28i 20 My soul breaketh out for the very fervent de- 5the longing sire 5 : that it hath alway 6 unto thy judgements/ / 5 Ca. 8. * time" 21 Thou hast rebuked the proud' : and cursed are e 28 1. 1. 7 that are they that' do err from thy commandments.* h 37 De. 26. hich' 22 turn8 from me shame and rebuke 9 ' : for I have 123 Ps.3,4. ^Remove kept thy testimonies.-' 9 reproach and contempt ; J lOMat.24, 23 Princes also did sit and speak against me* : but ^ 22isa.7,&. 1 did medi- thy servant is occupied 1 in thy statutes.' I De. 6-9. tate 24 For thy testimonies are 1 my delight : and my ! counsellors.*" 1 3 Heb. men ofmycountel. m 2 i Kl. 3. MY soul cleaveth to the dust" : O quicken thou a 7 Ro. 23. me,* according to thy word. 6 8 Ro. 2, 3. 1 declared 261 have acknowledged 1 my ways, and thou heard- est me* : O teach me thy statutes.* S^ Pr< I?-' a-> -\ir i e it. a8lKl.wl.30. 27 Make me to understand the way of thy com- 2 precepts: mandments 5 * : and so shall I talk of thy wondrous e2i Co. 9-12. works/ / 6 Lu. 45. 3 Heb. 28 My soul melteth 3 away for very heaviness*' : g 107 Ps. 26. ttirengtfien comfort 4 thou me according unto thy word.* h 33 De. 25. 5 Remove 29 Take 5 from me the way of lying' : and cause thou i 30 Pr./.8. & thy'"law ne me to make much of th y law - 6 -' ^SHe.10,11. gracioutly. 30 I have chosen the way of truth* : and thy judge- A 10 Lu.42. 7 put me ments have I laid before me.' / gfllDe.20. 311 have stuck unto thy testimonies" 1 : O Lord, con- m See 217J. Sfh'iuen- f un d me not/" n 2 i Jo. 28. large my 32 I will run the way of thy commandments" : when 9 See85hfa. heurt - thou hast set my heart at liberty. 8 ' 1 p 3hCo,17. THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY. ' Morning Prayer. fTIEACH me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes": a e Job. 45. X and I shall keep it unto the end.* b j p},. g. 34 Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy c 3Ja. 13. i obterve law* : yea, I shall keep' it with my whole heart." d Ua. a 35 Make me to go in the path of thy command- e 13 He. 21. Hfh.1 de ~ ments ' : f r therein is my desire. 2 ^ / 40 Ps. a 36 Incline my heart unto thy testimonies* : and not 29 iCb. 18. to covetousness.* h se 239. 335 15th Morn.} THE PSALMS. [119 P 3 . 3 Heb. Make to "who is devoted 9 I have i. after thy precepts . 1 mercie* 2 have wherewith lAnd 5 I have hoped 6 continu- ally 7 He at large: 8 precepts, 37 O turn away 3 mine eyes, lest they behold 1 vanity' : i 2 t Jo. 16. an( j q U i c ken thou me in thy way.-' ifrom beholding i 3Ph.13.14. 38 O stablish thy word in 5 thy servant : that I may 5 unto fear thee. 6 * k ver 49 39 Take 7 away the rebuke that I am afraid of 8 ' : for See 36*.' thy judgements are good. 8 my reproach which If ear -. I 69 Ps. 6. 40 Behold, my delight is in thy commandments 9 " 1 : m 5 Mat. 6. . . J . quicken me in thy righteousness. " ET thy loving mercy' come also unto me, O Lord : even thy salvation, according unto thy word." a 69 Ps. 16. 42 So shall I make 3 answer unto my blasphemers* : for b 7 Mi. 8. m y 3 trust * n ^ wor d- 3 him that reproacheth me -.for I 43 O 4 take not the word of thy truth utterly out of c | 45 p^ m y mon th e : for my hope is 5 in thy judgements.** 10-13. - J r ' T" E _LJ . ., , , keep thy law : yea, tor ever a. 2 i Pe.z.23. 7 Ke. 15. liberty r/ . for J seek thy / 8 Job. 36. 1 I will meditate . , ., T , 44 oo shall 1 alway and ever. 6 45 And j ^jj wal commandments. 8 ^ 46 1 will speak of thy testimonies also, even before 9 Iwilide- kings : and will not be ashamed.* light my- 47 And my delight shall be 9 in thy commandments : which I have loved. 4 t36Ps.8,9. 48 My hands also will I lift up' unto thy command- i 143 Ps - 6 - ments, which 1 have loved : and my study shall be 1 in thy statutes.* * 1 Ps- 2. O THINK uP nl th y servant, as concerning thy 2 ^f Q* ^-^ word" : wherein thou hast caused me to put my ' trust. 36 60 The same is * m y comfort in my trouble 50 : for thy " 6 He. 19. wor ^ hath quickened me. d d ! Ja - 18 - ^ ^ ^ ne P rou ^ have had me exceedingly 6 in derision : Y e t have I not shrinked 7 from thy law." 52 .For I remembered thine everlasting 8 judgements, forted my. Q Lord : and received comfort. 9 / / See 2 because of 53 I am horribly afraid 1 : for the ungodly 2 that for- the wicked sa ke thy law/ 1 Horror hath taken hold upon me : 54 Thy statutes have been my songs : in the house of my pilgrimage.* A 138 Ps. 5. 55 I have thought upon 3 thy name, O Lord, in the i 26 Is. 9. night-season* : and have kept thy law.> i 14 Job. 21. 56 This I had : because I kept thy commandments. 4 * h 19 Ps< n> 1 said that ^T^HOU art my portion, O Lord : 1 have promised a 61 Ps. 5h. z%2rds tol keep th y law -* 6 b 10 Ne - 29 - 3 entreated ^ ^ mac ^ e m y humble petition in thy presence 3 thy favour with my whole heart' : be merciful unto me ac- e 63 Ps. 1-3. cording to thy word. d d 18 Ps. 30. 336 2 the 3 hope. 5 affliction 6 ereatiu 7 declined 8 of old 9 have com 3 remem- 4 preceptg. 25th Even.'] THE PSALMS. [119 Ps. 4 thought on inij 5 delayed not liLiids 7 wlclied 8 of them that precept!. 2 Teac/t Sgoorf judgment 4 afflicted 5 aitray: 6 rfC4< good: 7 forged 8 preceptt & grease : 1 but / 2 afflicted: 3 might 4 10 He. 34. i 21 Pr. 29. ; 10 Ac. 25. 15 He. 3. 59 I called mine own 4 ways to remembrance' : and e 1 Hag. 7. turned my feet unto thy testimonies/ / 8 Je. 6. 60 I made haste, and prolonged not the time 5 : to g cf 19 La. keep thy commandments/ 5, 8. 6 1 The congregations 8 of the ungodly' have robbed me 7 ' : but I have not forgotten thy law.' 62 At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee' : because of thy righteous judgements.* f;j I am a companion of all them that fear thee : l and s keep thy commandments. 9 ' 3 i Jo. li.' 64 The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy 7 " : O m 104Ps.24. teach me thy statutes." n 48 Is. 17. OLORD, thou hast dealt graciously 1 with thy ser- vant" : according unto thy word. 25 Ps. 10. 66 O learn 2 me true understanding 3 and knowledge 6 : b IPh. 9, 10. for I have believed thy commandments. o 9 Ne. 13. 67 Before I was troubled, 4 I went wrong** : but d22Je. 21. now have I kept thy word." 31Je.l8,19. 68 Thou art good and gracious 8 : O teach me thy statutes/ / 25 Pg. lo. 69 The proud have imagined' a lie against me': but g 13 Job 4. I will keep thy commandments 8 with my whole heart. '' AgfSJe.lO. 70 Their heart is as fat as brawn 9 ' : but my 1 de- i 8 Is. 10. light hath been in thy law.- 1 J ver. 35/. 71 It is good for me that I have been in trouble 2 : that I may 3 learn thy statutes.* * lliCo.32. 72 The law of thy mouth is dearer* unto me : than / 13 Mat, 44- thousands of gold and silver.' 48 Evening Prayer. THY hands have made me, and fashioned me" : O a IGe./SO; l''S 1'*; S - 1 - give me understanding, that I may learn thy com- mandments.* ft 32 Job 8. 74 They that fear thee will be glad when they see e 3 Mai. 16. \have hoped me c : because I have put my trust 1 in thy word. d d ver. 140. 75 I know, O Lord, that thy judgements are right* : e 29 Je. 11. and that thou of 2 very faithfulness hast caused me to be troubled. 3/ / 3 Re. 19. 7 6 O 4 let thy merciful kjndness be my* comfort' : g i a Co.3-5. according to thy word unto thy servant.* h ver. 58. 77 O let thy loving 8 mercies come unto me, that I j 60 Is. 13. may live 1 : for thy law is my delight.-' j 1 Ps. 2. 78 Let the proud be confounded, 7 * for they go * 35 P. 26. , wickedly about to destroy me" : but I will be occu- ' 89 P. * perversely . , 3 . * . , * | m with MC P le d m thy commandments."" 9 meditate 1 precepts. ver. 23. 79 Let such as 2 fear thee, and* have known thy tes- 2 in 3 afflicted i,n'. 4 I pray th re, ft for mi/ ii tender 7 anltamed, 8 il,"it timonies : be turned 3 unto me." 337 2 thote that 3 turn z * 15 Bo. 7. Zoth Even.] THE PSALMS. [H9Ps. 80 O let my heart be sound in thy statutes' : that I o 0fliTU9. be not ashamed.** p 4 i Jo. 17. "|\/f Y soul hath longed 1 for thy salvation" : and I a 42Ps 1 2butI7u>pe i-VL have a good hope because of 2 thy word.* & g Eo. 24. . 82 Mine eyes long sore 3 for thy word c : saying, O c 13 Pr. 12. when wilt thou comfort me d ? d 90 p g 53. 83 For I am become like a bottle in the smoke' : e 9 Jos. l. 4. yet do I not forget thy statutes/ / 31 j e . 33. 84 How many are the days of thy servant* : when g 39 p$. 47. 4 execute wilt thou be avenged of 4 them that persecute me* ? A 7 PS. 6 judgment 85 The proud have digged pits for me' : which are f i8Je. 20. not after thy law.-' j 19 r>e. 11 ; 5 faithful -. 86 All thy commandments are true 5 *: they perse- 14Ro. 13. <5 wrong, cute me falsely, 6 O be thou my help.' * WPs'zs V consumed ^ They had almost made an end of 7 me upon 8 precepts earth : but I forsook not thy commandments. 8 " 88 O quicken me after thy loving-kindness : and so " 26 1 Sa ' 9< shall I keep the testimonies of thy mouth. o ver. 25. 1 is settled S~\ LORD, thy word : endureth 1 for ever in heaven." a 1 iPe. 25. now is unto ^""^ ^ ^^ * ru th also remaineth from one genera- ali genera- tion to another 26 : thou hast laid the foundation of 3 the * 40 Is. 8. I* ' , , earth, and it abideth.' c 38Job4-6. ^established n ', . . . , ,. ... ,. 9 1 They continue this day according to thine ordi- 4 are thy nance d : for all things serve thee. 4 ' servants. 92 If 5 my delight had not been in thy law : I should ef> 6 *MjU* have6 P erish ed in my trouble. 7 / / 27 Ps. 13. 7 Affliction. 93 I will never forget thy commandments 8 : for with 8 precepts -. them thou hast qu i c kened me/ S 6 Job- 63. 94 I am thine, O save me* : for I have sought thy \? f 2 7 Ac - 9 wicked , si 23, 24. have commandments. 1 " i v ^, 40 waited 95 The ungodly laid wait 9 for me, to destroy me-':./23 iSa. 20. l rt?Sidof but I wil1 consider thv testimonies.* k 26 Is - 3 - allperfec- 96 I see that all things come to an end" : but thy l 1 EC. 14. *>: commandment is exceeding broad.'" n4He.!2,13. Quomodo dilexi ! 1 O how ~1TORD ) what 1 love have I unto thy law : all the ^meditation J_j day long is my study 2 in it." a 17 De. 19. 98 Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies 6 : for they are ever with me. c ft 18 i Sa. 3o. 4 "Sunder. " * liave more understanding than my 3 teachers : c ver - 30 stand more for thy testimonies are my study. 2d d 8 Je. 9. than the 1 00 I am wiser than the aged 4 " : because I keep thy e tfll Mat. ancients: . $f 11. 5 precepts, commandments. 5 -' , /HlPs.lO. 101 I have refrained my feet from every evil way^: g 1 Pr. 15. 6 might that ! may keep thy word A ft 2 Tit . 12 . 8 ta S T ted 102 l h ^ ve not shrunk 7 from thy judgements' : for i 32 Je. 40. taugiu thou teachest 8 me/ J 2 1 Jo - 27 338 Morn.'] THE PSALMS. [119 Ps. 9 taste. He. 103 O how sweet are thy words unto my throat 9 : palate. y e&> swee t er than honey unto my mouth.* A 19 Ps.lOr. 104 Through thy commandments' I get understand- J16Pr.21,22. ing' : therefore I hate all evil" ways. 1 " "' 8 Pr. 13. THE TWENTY-SIXTH DAY. Morning Prayer. HY word is a lantern' unto my feet : and a light a 6 Pr. 23; -L unto my paths." l " Pe. 19. formt 106 * ' iave sworn ' and am sf edfastly purposed 2 : to 1 6i5iiCh.l2- 3 "that I will kee P t] y righteous judgements.* 15 j 50Je. 5. 4 afflicted 107 I am troubled above measure 4 : quicken me, O e71P8.20,21. very much: j^ accordin g to thy word .c 5 Accept li)8 Let 5 the free-will-offerings of my mouth please 6 d 9iiCo /.7. 6 I .bedeck thee, O Lord d : and teach me thy judgements.' e ver. 12. 7 continu- 109 My soul is alway 7 in my hand-' : yet do I not/ SO i Sa. 3. ally forget thy law/ tfl2Lu.4,5. 9 Tr^ef 110 The ""godly 8 have laid a snare for me* : but A 18Je.22. 1 preceptt. yet I swerved 9 not from thy commandments. 1 ' gf 6 Da. lu. 2 taken at m -phy testimonies have I claimed as mine 2 heri- 3 for they tage for ever' and why"! they 3 are the very joy^ of j Seel96A. 4 rejoicing m y heart.* * 15 Jc. 1(5. 5 inclined 112 I have applied* my heart to fulfil 6 thy statutes 1 alway : even unto the end.' M3Mar.l3. 1 hate vain y HATE them that imagine evil things'" : but thy a 10 iic - 5 ' thoughts : \ j T i 4 h vfr fl7 2 hiding- - 1 - law do I love.* place 114 Thou art my defence and shield* : and my trust c 32 Is. 2. 3 / hope i 8 3 j n t hy W0 rd. d d 13j r *- 5 - InTdolrt- ll ^ Awa y 4 from me> y e wicked ' : JS w 111 kee p the * J."^- 14 - /or I commandments of my God/ 6 t^AoM 1 1 6 O stablish 8 me according to thy word, that I may g 2 Hab '- 4 - 7 aihamfd Kve g . and j et me not De disappointed' of my hope.* A 14 Je- 8 ' 8 nnrf I-wtll . \ r , ., , - j i g r|a e 5 Anr re- 1 1 7 Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe' : yea, my * spect con- delight shall be ever in 8 thy statutes.' 9 err from thy statutes* : for they imagine but 1 deceit/ 1 19 Thou P uttest awa y a11 the u Q g dl y 3 of th e earth m 15 like dross : therefore I love thy testimonies." 1 '20 My flesh trembleth for fear of thee : and I am ^^ ~' afraid of thy judgements.* 1 I have T DEAL with the thing that is lawful and right 1 " : | 7 ' 'mcntand' ^~ O give 3 me not ower unto mine oppressors.* 2 leave 3Heturety j'uitice' 1 122 Make thou 3 thy servant to delight in that which f If l w 4 fur jj4 good^ : that 5 the proud do me no wrong. 6 '' opprest me ,i se p'g. 1 1. 7 fail ' ! 23 Mine eyes are wasted away 7 with looking for e 09 P. 3. 8 wloation : thy health" : and for the word of thy righteousness/ / 1*3 Ps. 1. 339 z2 ZGth Even.] THE PSALMS. [119 Ps 5 give 1 to work: 2 made void 5 I esteem 6 precepts concerning all things to be right: 9 Pr.10. : 7 6 Ge. 3. ft 2 Mai. 8. 1 The en- trance of 2 it giveth 3 panted: 4 / longed for 5 let not any ' iniquity 6 t& op- pretsion 7 precepts. 8 Ma&e ///f*l. * Ven 1U ' 4 a?id cried: 148 Mine eyes prevent the night-watches-^ : that I/ 6 La - 12 - 6 meditate might be occupied 6 in thy words/ g Jude 20. 149 Hear my voice, O Lord, according unto thy loving-kindness* : quicken me, according as thou art * 63 Is. 7. wont. 7 ' 7 to thy judgment. * 3o * *8- aft^nlt- 15 The y draw n 'S h tlmt of malice persecute me 8 -' : /55 Ps.3d,. e/t'c/': 27 pb - 3 - 2 g t>eheld because they keep 3 not thy law. 4 ' 1 3 kept 4 word. h See 171a. precepts: 159 Consider, O Lord, how I love thy commandments*': i 20 ii Ki.3. O quicken me, according to thy loving-kindness.^ j ver< 25 G the begin- 1^0 Thy word is true from everlasting 6 : all the ning: judgements of thy righteousness endure for ever- * ver- 8i- more.* PRINCES have persecuted me without a cause" : 59 P. 3d. but my heart standeth in awe of thy word. 6 6 42 G ^ e - lb - 1 rejoice at 162 I am as glad of thy word c : as one that findeth c ver - ' 2- great spoilt 2 Lying 163 As for lies, 8 I hate and abhor them' : but *y,,.* law do I love/ g 5 K P . 20. 164 Seven times a day do I praise thee* : because /, 25 is. 1; of thy righteous judgements.* 19 Re. 1, 2. 3 /woe*f" 165 Great ** tfie peace that they have who love thy < Set 356 r. s'tumbUng. law' : and they are not offended at it. 1 '-' ^ 1 o M p t ' 2 i' 166 Lord, I have looked 4 for thy saving health* : 5 uucation and done f ter ^f commandments.* ft 3 i Jo. 3. 8 / love 167 My soul hath kept thy testimonies : and loved 8 them exceedingly.' ' 5 Qa. /. 8. 7 precepts 1681 have kept thy commandments 7 and testimonies : for all my ways are before thee.* 1 341 27th Morn.'] THE PS ALMS. [120, 121 Ps. 1 cry come T ET my complaint come 1 before thee, O Lord" : a 3 Ep. 12. near JLJ give me understanding according to thy word. 4 *Ua. 5. 170 Let my supplication come before thee c : deliver c55 Ps. 1, 2. me according to thy word.'' d32Ge.ll,12. 2 utter 1 7 1 My lips shall speak 2 of thy praise : when thou hast taught me thy statutes/ . e 35 Is. 3-6. 3 speak 172 Yea, my tongue shall sing 3 of thy word : for all 4 riglueout- thy commandments are righteous. 4 - 7 ' / 51 Ps. 14. **** 1 73 Let thine hand help me* : for I have chosen g 89 Ps. 19. 5 jn-eceptt. thy commandments.** h 30 De. 19. 6 salvation, 1741 have longed for thy saving health, 6 O Lord' : i ver. 123. and in thy law is my delight.- 7 j 7 Eo.22. 175 O let my soul live, and it shall praise thee* : ft 38 Is. IP. 7 let thy and thy 7 judgements shall help me.' ^sVl'sfe- 1761 have gone astray like a sheep that is lost : O seek 34 Ez.6, 11, thy servant, for I do not forget thy commandments.'" &c - THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY. Morning Prayer. PSALM cxx. A Song of Degrees. l Smt! \V HEN I was in trouble J called u P n ' the cried unto an ^ be heard me." . 18 Ps. 6. 2 Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips : and from a deceitful tongue. 6 * 52 Ps.2, fr rtSfte* 3 What reward sha11 be S iven or 2 done unto thee, 3 of the thou false tongue : even 3 mighty and sharp arrows, c 27 Job 8. 4 of juniper, with hot burning coals.' w d 19 Pr. 5. 4 Woe is me, that I am constrained to dwell with D dwell in Mesech e : and to have my habitation among 6 the tents e 9 Je. 2. of Kedar/ / 25 Ge. 13. 7 with him 5 My soul hath long dwelt among them 7 : that are Sthathateth enemies unto s peace/ ? 2 Eze. 6. 1 f^are 6 * labour for 3 peace,* but when I speak unto them A 12 Ro. 18. for war. thereof: they make them ready to battle. 1 ' 26 i Sa.2-4. PSALM cxxi. A Song of Degrees. 1 Or Shall I T WILL 1 lift up mine eyes unto the hills : from g? 2 Je - 23> JL whence cometh my help." a 2 Is - 3 - 2 My help cometh even from the Lord : who hath made heaven and earth.* * 40Is-28,29. 3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved : and he c 3 Pr. 26. 2 slumber, that keepeth thee will not sleep. 2 4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel** : shall neither <* 27 Is. 3. slumber nor sleep.' * 8 Ec - 16> 5 The Lord himself 'is thy keeper/ : the Lord is thy/ 1 Ti. 12. 3 shade defence 3 upon thy right band* ; S 32 Is.Z.2. 4 unite 6 So that the sun shall not burn 4 thee by day* : A 49 Is. 10. neither the moon by night. 342 5 preserve and even for 1 Let u S o 2 within 3 compact together. 4 Whither 5 unto the testimony of 6 are set 7 thrones 8 prosperity 9 I will now ny, Peace be within thre, 1 thy 1 that he 2 exceed- with con- tempt. 4 scorning of thote that are at ease, 1 If it had not been the LORD who wot 2 Then tliry 3 when their wruth wot kindled againtt 5 nver- whdmed 1 Bletied 8 as 9 etcaped. 27l .Vorn.] THE PSALMS. [122 124 Pa. 7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil* : yea, i 91 P. lOn.. it is even he that shall keep thy soul. & 1 '' ie Lord shall preserve thy going out, and thy coming in- 7 : from this time forth for 6 evermore. j 28 De. 6. PSALM cxxii. A Song of Dpgn mountains . & , . . , . . , - .. . .. 5 4 owell) 9 o Lord : unto those that are good and true of heart. 1 *' 1 itpriglit in their hearts. g 73 Ps. 1. teayg l - ed 5 -^ 8 * r Slica ^ turn back 3 unto their own wicked- 2 aside 4 workers ness 3 * : the Lord shall lead them forth with the evil- ^ 2 'Af r< if of iniquity, doers 4 ' ; but peace shall be upon Israel. J ' Evening Prayer. PSALM cxxvi. A Song of Degrees. "Y^THEN the Lord turned again the captivity of n 14Ps.llz. ^ Sion a : then were we like unto them that dream. 6 * 2 Tlien was our mouth filled with laughter : and our 1 singing, tongue with joy. lc c ^ Is - 10 - 3 Then said they among the heathen : The Lord hath done great things for them. d d 6 Ne> 16> 4 Yea, the Lord hath done great things for us al- 2 are glad, ready : whereof we rejoice. 2 * * l ^ * 9 ' 3 again our 5 Turn our 3 captivity, O Lord' : as the rivers 4 in-' I Bream. the south/ A SU&.IS, 5 forth and 6 They that sow in tears : shall reap in joy. A 5 Mat. 4. wecpeth, 7 He that now goeth on his way weeping,' and bear- \ jj ^ *' 3 . precious e ^ f r ih good 5 seed : shall doubtless come again with gf i i Sa.io', rejoicing, joy, and bring his sheaves with him.-' & c - PSALM cxxvii.* A Song of Degrees for Solomon. *See323a,&. T? XCEPT the Lord build the house : their labour 1 they la. Jjj i s but lost 1 that build it. a a 3iCo.7,*>. lain in 2 Except the Lord keep the city : the watchman 2 It is vain waketh but in vain.* & 21 Pr. 31; /to y *u u u 3 It; is but lost labour that y e haste ' to rise U P earl >"' 2 B ' 4} 5 ' la ei and so late take rest, 3 and* eat the bread of careful- cSlPr.15,18. 4 to ness 5e : for so he giveth his beloved sleep. d d <12Ac.6. 6 're^rd ' 4 Lo ' children and the fruit of the womb i are an 7 a mighty heritage and gift 6 that cometh of the Lord/ a""??/. 5 Like as the arrows in the hand of the giant 7 : even 8 children . ... of the so are the young children. 8 youth. 6 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of 344 <27th Even.'] THE PSALMS. [128 130 Ps. 9 but they them : they shall not be ashamed when they speak shall speak W i t h9 their enemies in the gate. with or ... _ ' , _. subdue or PSALM cxxviu* A bong of Degrees. s*293/fc. destroy T) LESSED are all they that fear the Lord" : and a l Lu. 50. -L* walk in his ways.* & 1 LU. 6. 2 For thou shalt eat the labour? of thine hands : O c gf6j u .3,&. 1 it shall be well is' thee, and happy shalt thou be. rf d22Je 15 16 well with 3 Thy wife shall be as the fruitful vine : upon the 2 by the walls 2 of thine house.' 48 Ge. 22. tides 4 Thy children like the olive branches 3 : round about Z plants: thy ta b, e / / 14 Ho. 0. 4 Behold * ^ J ' < t ' ius s ' m ^ * ne man ^ e blessed : that feareth that the Lord/ g 147Ps.ll. 6 The Lord from out of Sion* shall so bless thee : ^ 134 Ps. 3. 6 the good that 5 thou shalt see Jerusalem in prosperity all thy ofJerusa- life long. 6 ' i 33 Is. 20. *f " all f % e 7 Yea, that thou shalt see thy children's children-' : j 48 Ge. 11 ; day t of thy J 50 Ge. 23. life. and peace \ipon Israel. PSALM cxxix. A Song of Degrees. 1 Afflicted ~j\ f~AN Y a time have they fought' against me" from a 1 La. 3. -*--- my youth up b : may Israel now say. c b 1 Ex. 13. 2 Yea, many a time have they vexed 1 me from my c 124 Pa> L 2 j,^ youth up : but 3 they have not prevailed against me. Lord, wilt be extreme to 5 mark what is 6 iniquities, done amiss 6 : O Lord, who may abide it c ?' < 9 Job 3. 7 shall 4 For* there is mercy 9 with thee d : therefore shalt a 7Mi.l8,19. 8**Bu? ? thou 1 be feared.' 9 forgiveness 1 that thou mayest 2 wait 51 look'for the Lord, my soul doth wait for him : 8iKi.39.40, 3 do I hope, in his word is my trust. 3/ S * 9 Qe< 18t 345 2Sth Morn.'] THE PSALMS. [131, 132 Ps. 5 more than 6 My soul fleeth unto 4 the Lord : before the morning 4waiteth/ before the morning watch. 5 * 8 /3^E^ Memorning 7 O & Israel, trust 7 in the Lprd, for with the Lord there wi34Ps'.l! Let is mercy : and with him is plenteous redemption.* h 1 Ep. 7,8. S iniquities & -^ nd ae sna ^ redeem Israel : from all his sins. 8 ' i 3 i Jo. 5. PSALM cxxxi. A Song of Degrees of David. 1 my heart TORD, I am not high-minded : I have no proud it not J.J looks. 10 a!7De.20. '^min'e ' 2 * do not exercise myself in great matters : which 2 t ^ s eyet lofty, are* too high for me. 4 j 12 Ro. 16. 3 Surely I 3 But I refrain my soul, and keep it low, 3 like as a * 358 e. have be- cn ild that is weaned from his mother : yea, my soul is haved ana J -, a quieted even as a weaned child. 10 myteif, 4 # 4 Israel, trust 5 in the Lord : from this time forth 6 for evermore.* 4 Let 5 hope 6 henceforth, and d 2e Is - THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DA Y. Morning Prayer. PSALM cxxxii. A Song of Degrees. [Proper Psalm for Christmas-day.] Inflict urns; yoRD, remember David : and all his trouble 1 "; a 2 EX. 24. JLA 2 How he sware unto the Lord : and vowed 6 67iiSa.l,4fc. a vow unto the .4/mighty God of Jacob ; 2 Surely I 3 p w m no t come within the tabernacle of mine c 49Ge.24. 3 go house rf : nor climb 3 up into my bed e ; d Jr^' 4 ' 4 give to 4 i w in no t suffer 4 mine eyes to sleep, nor mine ' eye-lids to slumber : neither the temples of my head to take any rest / f 24 Ge 33 . 5 Until I find out a place for the temple of the 3 Ku. is. Lord*' : an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob.* S 1 Ac. 46,*. 5 of it 6 Lo, we heard of the same 5 at Ephrata* : and found h " Ch - 7 - G in the it in 6 the wood.' Jieids of ? We ^jj go into his tabernacle* . and f all low on 3 718^ 1, 2. 7 we will our k n ees before 7 his footstool.' worship at , . /- T j A *i. i- i xi_ ,99 Ps. 5. 8 Arise, O Lord, into thy resting-place : thou, and m ^ 10 Nn the ark of thy strength. 35. 9 Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness" : n 29 Job 14. 8 shout for and let thy saints sing with joyfulness. 80 o65Is.13.14. joy. i Q p or thy servant David's sake^ : turn not away p 19 \\ Ki.34. 9 face the presence 9 of thine Anointed." q 6 UCh.41, 1 sworn in 11 The Lord hath made a faithful oath 1 unto David 1 " : 42t ,,*"* and he shall not shrink* from it' ; r 8 } Ki - 25 - 12 Of the fruit of thy body : shall I set upon thy *6 HCh.16, 3 throne. seat." 13 If thy children will keep my covenant, and my * u ' 4 teach testimonies that I shall learn 4 them : their children ucfbVls. 21, also shall sit upon thy seat 3 for evermore." & 21 E2.-/7, 346 Morn.'} THE PSALMS. [133 135 Ps. 5 for hit 14 For the Lord hath chosen Sion to be an 5 habitation 6 desired it. for himself : he hath longed for her. 6 * 68 Ps. 10. 7 This is 1 5 This shall be 7 my rest for ever" : here will I w gf66Is.U. 8 desired it. dwell, for I have a delight therein. 8 * x 37 p g . 2. ^vtiion'' 161 w '^ bless her victuals with increase^ : and will y 28Le.4,S abundant- satisfy her poor with bread. 2 z 14 De. 29 to; 17 I will deck 1 her priests with health 5 : and her 2 salvation 1 also clothe ..in.. . 3,, saints shall rejoice and sing. " 'A shout aloud for joy. a ver. 9. 4 to bud : j 3 There shall I make the horn of David to flourish 46 : b 29 Ez. 21. 5 lamp I have ordained a lantern 5 for mine Anointed. 11 e21UCh. 7 19 As for his enemies, I shall clothe them with d 8 Job 22. shame d : but upon himself shall his crown flourish.* e 1 Lu. 32,33. PSALM cxxxiii. A Song of Degrees of David, land how "OEHOLD, how good and' joyful a thing it is 1 : 13 Job. 35. peasant it J) bretliren> to dwell tog ether in unity" ! fja&i 2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head,* that j i ca. 3. ran down unto the beard : even unto Aaron's beard, c 30 Ex. 22, Z garments; and went down to the skirts of his clothing. 70 &c. 3 and as the 3 Like as the dew of Hermon d : which fell 3 upon the Alt To dew that , .,.,, - e . a 3 ue.o, v. descended, ""* " ^ lon - 4 mountains 5 command- 4 For there the Lord promised his 5 blessing : and 6 13iiCo.ll. 6 C eve'n life for evermore -' PSALM cxxxiv. A Song of Degrees. 1 bless ye T>EHOLD now, praise 1 the Lord : all ye servants a 103P 8 .21. -L* of tlie Lord"; j s Le. 35; 2 Ye that by night stand in the house of the Lord* : 9 ' Ch. 33. even in the courts of the house of our God. & 7 Ke> 15> 2 blest 3 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary : and praise 3 e 2 1 Ti. 8. the Lord. 4 The Lord, that made heaven and earth : give thee d 11 Ro.28. 3 bless tlue blessing 3 out of Sion. rf PSALM cxxxv. 1 ye the /~\ PRAISE the 1 Lord, laud 4 ye the name of the 2 Praise \J Lord" : praise it, 3 O ye servants of the a H3 Ps. 1. 3 htm Lord ; 2 Ye that stand in the house of the Lord 6 : in the * 9 l ^ e P 6 8{ courts of the house of our God, c e 15 L 8 .'l7. 4 good 3 Q praise the Lord, for the Lord is gracious* 4 : O d 145 Ps. 7. 5 pleasant, ging praises unto his name, for it is lovely."* e 34 Ex.5,&. fl peculiar 4 For why? the Lord hath chosen Jacob unto / 33 Ps. 12t. treasure, himself : and Israel for his own possession. 6 ' g 10 Ex. 5. 5 For I know that the Lord is great : and that our Lord is above all gods.* * 10 De.17; 7 causeth 6 Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did he in heaven, 4 thenupours and in earth : and in the sea, and in all deep places. 1 i 115 pg.3. to o*cml 7 jj e bringeth forth the clouds 7 from the ends of the ^ 1Q Ze'"te e pent him. gracious unto 8 his servants.' * 32 De - 36 - self con- 15 AS for the images 9 of the heathen, they are but 9 Mols silver and gold : the work of men's hands." u 8 Ho - 6 - 1 but they ] 5 They have mouths, and 1 speak not : eyes have they, but they see not. 1 7 They have ears, and yet they 1 hear not : neither is there any breath in their mouths. 1 8 They that make them are like unto them : and so are all they that put their trust in them." v 115 Ps. 4/- 2 Bleu 1 9 p ra i se * the Lord ye 3 house of Israel : praise 7 the *?j 3 O T j i- r 1S- * '" Lord, ye' ! house of Aaron. 20 Praise 2 the Lord, ye 3 house of Levi : ye that fear the Lord, praise 2 the Lord." wll8Ps.2-4. 4 Blessed 21 Praised 4 be the Lord out of Sion : who dwelleth at Jerusalem.* [Praise ye the LORD.] x 12 Is. 6. .8S; .oS 11 Evening Prayer. PSALM cxxxvi. 1 good: r\ GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious 1 " : a 107 Ps. 8. 2 for . \_/ and 2 his mercy endureth for ever.* ft 16iCh.34, 2 O give thanks unto the God of all gods c : for his c ^^ Ch 5 mercy endureth for ever. d d 7iiCh.3,6. 3glve thanks 3 Q thank 3 the Lord of M lmA&e . for hig mercy en . c 6 t TL j 5 . dureth for ever/ / 3 Ezr. 11. 4 TV) him 4 Who 4 only doeth great wonders* : for his mercy g See 14r. to/w endureth for ever.* * 20iiCb.21. 5 Who 4 by to excellent wisdom made the heavens' : * ^ ^ r - 5 for his mercy endureth for ever.-* j 33 je ii. 5 stretched Q Who 4 laid 5 out the earth above the waters* : for k 10 Je. 12. his mercy endureth for ever.' HOGPs. Z.I. 7 Who 4 hath made great lights'" : for his mercy en- mlGe.14-18. dureth for ever" : lOTPs.z.l. 6 by 8 The sun to rule the 6 day" : for his mercy endureth 31 Je - 35 - for ever? ; P 118Ps.l-4. 348 28th Even.'] THE PSALMS. [137 Ps. 7 rule by 8 To him that 1 ttrong hand, and with a 2 To him which 3 into 4 pan 5 famous 6 our low estate.- 7 redeemed 1 rivers 2 there we 3 yea vie 9 The moon and the stars to govern the 7 night* : for 9 8 Ps. 3. his mercy endureth for ever/ r 103 P. 17. 1 Who 5 smote Egypt with 9 their first-born : for his mercy enduretli for ever* ; s 11 He. 28. 1 1 And brought out Israel from among them : for his mercy endureth for ever* ; * 12 i Sa.6, 8, 12 With a mighty hand and 1 stretched out arm": for his mercy endureth for ever. 6 Ex. 6. 13 Who* divided the Red Sea in two 3 parts : for "14Ex.l3,&. his mercy endureth for ever"; 14 And made Israel to go* through the midst of it: *" ! 5Ex -l 3 - for his mercy endureth for ever.*" 15 But as for Pharaoh and his host, he overthrew them in the Red Sea : for his mercy endureth for ever.* ^jLu'fl'^ 1 6 Who' led his people through the wilderness : for y 13 EX.' 17, his mercy endureth for ever. y !* ; 1 7 Who 3 smote great kings* : for his mercy enduretli e ' ' the iniiltt thereof. 5 For there 6 carried 7 tl-.ii/ that wasted us iying. forever; z"135P.10- 18 Yea, and slew mighty 5 kings : for his mercy en- 12g dureth for ever ; 1 9 Sehon king of the Amorites" : for his mercy en- dureth for ever ; o 2De.30-34. 20 And Og the king of Basan* : for his mercy en- dureth for ever ; & 3 De. 1, * 21 And gave away their land for an heritage : for his mercy endureth for ever; c ll Jo - 23 - 22 Even for an heritage unto Israel his servant 1 * : for his mercy endureth for ever. 23 Who remembered' us when we were in trouble 6 -^ : 8 Ge. 1. for his mercy endureth for ever ; / 116 fe - 6 - 24 And hath delivered 7 us from our enemies* : for his mercy endureth for ever. 25 Who giveth food to all flesh* : for his merty en- dureth for ever. AM5PM5, 26 O give thanks unto the God of heaven 1 : for his . ' mercy endureth for ever. 27 O give thanks unto the Lord of lords : for his mercy endureth>for ever. PSALM cxxxvii. BY the waters 1 of Babylon we' sat down* and 3 a 8 Ew. 21, wept* : when we remembered thee, O Sion. b 3 ; Ig |g; ' 2 As for our harps, we hanged them up d : upon the c 3 La.48.49. trees that are therein. 4 * el5ls.fl 3 For' they that led 6 us away captive/ required of / 5 je.iVia! us then a song, and melody, in our heaviness'* : Sing g 123 Ps.3,4. us one of the songs of Sion.* 4 How shall we sing the Lord's song : in a strange land'? .3 EC. 4. 349 WthMorn.'] THE PSALMS. [138, 139 Ps. 5 If I forget thee, O Jerusalem-' : let my right hand j 2 \*e. 3. forget her cunning.* k cf 11 Zee. 6 If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to 17- the roof of my mouth' : yea, if I prefer not Jerusalem l 3 Eze. 26. 8 above in 8 my mirth. 9 '" 9 chief 'joy. He: tJie head of my joy. ' "i 84 Ps. 10. 7 Remember" the children of Edom, O Lord, in the " 17 Ex - !* wJt ? > ^ a y f Jerusalem : hoic they 1 said, Down with it, 2 ^foundation down with it, 2 even to the ground. 3 " Ob. 10, &. thereof. 8 O daughter of Babylon, wasted with misery 4 '' : p 47 Is. !,&. 4 ^^ ^_' yea, happy shall he be "that rewardeth thee, as thou strayed: hast served US.' ?18Re.G,20. 5 Happy 9 Blessed 5 shall he be that takeththy children 6 and 6 little ones ,, . , , J , T throweth them against the stones/ 7 datketh r 13 Is. 16. PSALM cxxxviii. A Psalm of David. 1 praise y WILL give thanks unto 1 thee, O Lord, with my fl 111 Ps. 1. X whole heart" : even before the gods'' will I sing l 82 Ps. 1. praise unto thee. 2 I will worship toward thy holy temple/ and praise c 5 Ps. 7. 2 for thy ^,y namC) because of thy 2 loving-kindness and 3 truth d : d 63 Is. 7. for thou hast magnified thy name, and thy word, 3 thy name. aboye a]1 things 3, , 42 Ig . 21 . whin I 3 When J called u P n thee ' thou heardest 5 me-^ : / 18 Ps. 6. cried and enduedst 6 my soul with much strength. g 1 Col. 11. G^ngth" 4 A11 the kin ^ of the earth shalj P raise tliee P enedstmein Lord'' : for they have heard 7 the words of thy mouth.' '? jg p* g ' 44 7 when they 5 Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord- 7 :,; 3Ue.'l2.' 8 y" r r that 8 great is the glory of the Lord.* h 21Ps.5,13. 9 but 6 For though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect 1 fttioweth unto the low]y i . ag for 9 the proud% he beholdeth 1 them I See 13e. afar off." 1 w tf 40 Job 2 rrtL" ^ 7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, yet shall n> 12 ' 3 against thou refresh 2 me" : thou shalt stretch forth thy hand n 23 Ps - 4> the wrath U p 0n t ue furiousness 3 of mine enemies, and thy right JM th^T" hand shall save me. o " Ex - 14 - which con- g The Lord shall make good his loving-kindness to- P \ ^- 1' c ^" ward 4 me^ : yea, thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for q I4j bi5; ever ; despise 5 not then the works of thine own hands. 9 4 i Pe. 19. O THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY Morning Prayer. PSALM cxxxix. A Psalm of David. LORD, thou hast searched me out, and known me" : thou knowest my down-sitting, and mine up- " Si Ki. 39. 2 rompoM. rising, 6 thou understandest my thoughts long before. lc c 33 ,. id. est Orecm- 2 Thou art about 2 my path, and about my bed* : and tws- spiest out 4 all my ways. d 3 lying down: d 44Ps.21A. quainted 3 For lo, there is not a word in my tongue : but *fA thou, O Lord, knowest it altogether.' ' e 6 ii Ki. 12 350 29C/ Mom.] THE PSALMS. [140 1's. *** bedi* m 1 behold, 5 bettt 4 Thou hast fashioned 5 me behind and before^ : and/ SeeZSSo. laid thine hand upon me/ g 12 Job 10. 5 Such kno%vledge is too wonderful and excellent I * ' for me : I 6 cannot attain unto it. A A 11 Job 7-. 6 Whither shall I go ttien from thy Spirit : or whither shall I go 7 tlien from thy presence'? i23Je.23.21. 7 If I climb 5 up into heaven, ' thou art there : if I go j 9 Am. 2. down to 9 hell, thou 1 art there also* * 26 Job 6. 8 If I take the wings of the morning* : and remain 3 *fif 1 Mal.2. * a tlie mtermo *t parts of the sea m ; 9 Even there a/o shall thy hand lead me : and thy "> 24 Is. 14. right hand shall hold me." ' n 73 P. 23. 10 If I say, Peradventure 3 the darkness shall cover 'shall me : then shall my night be turned to day. 40 * Is - * 5 - be light 1 1 Yea, the darkness is no darkness with 5 thee, but 5 Atdrf* not the night is as clear 6 as the day : the darkness and ^ r0 ' %ht to thee are both dike* P 34 Job 22; 1 2 For my reins are thine 7 : thou hast covered me 2 ^ 22- in my mother's womb.* ? 10 Job 11 ; 13 I will give thanks unto 5 thee, for I am fearfully l Je ' 5 ' and wonderfully made : marvellous are thy works, and 9 tubttance that my soul knoweth right well/ r 104 Ps. 24. 3 Surely 4 tmit lie 7 hast thou pottfsted . 8 j>raa era, and pan* of '*tlnwmce 3 precious 14 My bones are" not hid from thee : though I be * te- ma de secretly/ and fashioned' beneath in 1 the earth." ' ^ ^e. 5. 1 5 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being im- 30.35. perfect : and in thy book were all my members #4Ep./.9. written' ; t; 5 feet fuurcd: they were mine enemies.' 2 / count tlum f fifWExA 3 Search 23 Try 3 me O God, and seek the ground of 4 my 4 know heart : prove* me, and examine 4 my thoughts/ / 31 J b ' 24 Look well 6 if there be any way of wickedness' in g 12 H. 15. me* : and lead me in the way everlasting.* * '<& Pr - 26 - PSALM cil. A Psalm of David. S / count 7 Surely Mou tft wickedly 7 H ur grief DELIVER me, O Lord, from the evil man : and preserve me from the wicked 1 man.* 1 Hb.2,3. 351 29/A Morn.'] THE PSALMS. [141 Ps. 2 continu- % who imagine mischief in their hearts 6 : and stir * 12 Pr. 20. iiuy "go- up strife all the day long. 2 * c 26 Pr. 21. thered to- 3 They have sharpened their tongues d like a ser- d 9 Je. 3-8. Se^ er for pent : adder's poison is under their lips.' e 3 Ko. 13. 4 Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the un- 3 wicked : n- o dly 3 / ; preserve me from the wicked 4 men, who are 3 / 43 Ps. IJ>. 4 vwlcnt * r 5 have purposed to overthrow my goings/ , g 37 Ps. 12. 6 hid 5 The proud have laid 6 a snare for me, and spread a net 1 wayside abroad 7 with cords : yea, and set traps in my way. sA /*20Lu.l9,4fc. 8 gins for 6 I said unto the Lord, Thou art my God' : hear the * 3 La - 24 - *"' .. voice of my prayers, 9 O Lord.- 7 J ^ Ps - 2 - tim, l ' 7 O Lord God, thou strength of my health 1 * thou k 95Ps.l. 1. 1 salvation: uas t covered my head in the day of battle.' ' 8 " Sa - 6 - *thedelirs 8 Let not the un g dl y have his desire, 2 O Lord : let w5Jobl2,13. of the not his mischievous imagination prosper, 3 '" lest they be wicked, too proud. 4 " 3 further not his wicked device, n 32 De. 27. selves ' 9 Let the mischief of their own lips fall upon 5 the 5 cover head of them : that compass me about." 64 Ps. 8i. 1 Let hot burning coals fall upon them p : let them p Jude 7. 8 llTnot'an be CaSt * nt ^ 1C ^ r6 ' ""^ * nt ^ P'*'* ^ at ^ le ^ never evilspeaker rise 7 up again.* 7 r ;*e o* ? 28 Pr. 17 ; beesta- 1 1 A man full of words shall not prosper upon 8 the 21 Re - 8 - 2 afflicted* eart ' ir : e vil s ' ia U hunt tlie wicked person 9 to overthrow r 17 p r . 20. and the him.* 9 violent man s 13 Pr. 21. 4 upright and maintain the cause of the helpless. 2 ' 5 dweii 13 The 3 righteous a/so shall give thanks unto thy S8 ? e . and ^ ^ ghall Continue 5 in thy signt- 6 thy PSALM cxli. A Psalm of David. 2rnak^haste TORD, I call upon' thee, haste thee 2 unto me : a 69 Ps. 17. 3 give ear J-* a nd consider 3 my voice, when I cry unto thee. 4 b 61 Ps. 1. "before thee 2 Let m y P ra y er be set forth in "^ ^ as rf the in : c 5 Ke 8 5 as the cense c : and let the lifting up of my hands" be an s Be. 3, 4. Stoprac- evening sacrifice/ ? ! MF^V' toe twcftfcf 3 Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth : and keep 41 2 it'TlU.'e thC d r Of m y H P S/ / 17 Ps - 3 ' 5 an excel- 4 O let not mine heart be inclined to any evil thing? : g 8 i Ki. 58. lent oil, let me not be occupied in ungodly 6 works, with the which shall men that wofk wickednesS} 7A i est x 8 eat of such things h 18 Re. 4. 3/or yet my as please them. 9 * 8 and let me not 9 their dainties- i 23 Pr. 0. prayer 5 L e t the righteous rather smite me friendly 1 : and also shall J be in their reprove me/ 1 it shall be a kindness: J 6 Ga. 1. calamities. 6 But let not their precious balms 2 break my head*: k 16 Ro. 18. 6 shall y ea " vv ^' P rav y et against their wickedness. 3 ' I 11 Da. 32. 7 n< the 7 Let 4 their judges be 5 overthrown in stony places : 4 When grave's that they may 6 hear my words, for they are sweet.'" 24 i Sa. Scutteth'and 8 Our bones lie 5 scattered before the pit 7 : like as JYniCo l eieaveth when one breaketh and heweth" wood upon the earth." 23. 352 Even.'} THE PSALMS. [142, 143 Ps. 9 are 9 But mine eyes look 9 unto thee, O Lord God" : in o 2 Jon. 4. J leave not thee is my trust, O cast not out 1 my soul. p j>102Ps. 17- destitute JQ Keep me from the snare that they have laid for 1 gins me : and from the traps 7 of the wicked doers. 3 * 1 & Ps- 20. Z finiquit v . 1 1 Let the un g dl y 4 fal1 into their own nets together* : r 11 Pr. 5. 4 wicked and let me ever 1 escape them.' 5 whiut that I withal s 124 Ps. 7. Evening Prayer. * Inttruc- PSALM cxlii. Maschil* of David. A Prayer when tu>a - he was in the cave.^ t 22 i Sa. 1- 1 n-ith my T CRIED unto tlie Lord with my voice : yea, even 1 24iSa.3,<&. JL onto the Lord did I make my supplication. a yj PS. 7. 2 before him 2 * poured out my complaints before him* : and j 30 Is. 16. shewed him 2 of my trouble. c 4 Ph 1. 6 3 When my spirit was in heaviness 3 thou knewest w/teiined m Y path d : in the way wherein I walked have they rf 23 Job 10 within me, privily laid a snare for me.' e jg j e ^ ' fc*14Mf 4 l Iooked **> u P n m y ri g ht hand/ : and 8aw * there /tfl09Ps.z.6. was no man that would know me/ ^ 19 Job 19> 5 Itffuge o I had no place to flee unto 5 * : and no man cared A 15 H ga ^ /azfcrf rnc : f or my soul- i ^ ^ Mat 50 6 I cried unto thee, O Lord, and said : Thou art my 6 refuge hope 6 and my portion in the land of the living.-' j 73 p^ 2 s 7 Consider my complaint 7 : for I am brought very low.* 7 Attend I the rigfit- ^ O deliver me from my persecutors : for they are unto _ m 'J eous thiill too Strong for me. 8 * 8 stronger than J. *^k Ps. 24 37/or 9 Brin s m y soul out of P rison ' that l ma y gi ve ^ than sha.it thanks unto 9 thy name" 1 : which thing if thou wilt grant ' me ' then sha11 the ri g llteous resort unto m y com - tt'pr^ilf' 14 ' pany. 1 " nl2iCh.3S. PSALM cxliii. A Psalm of David. [Proper Psalm for Ash-Wednesday.] 1 give ear to TT EAR my prayer, O Lord, and consider' my de- 2 tuppiica- XI sire 2 " : hearken unto j me for thy truth 4 and a 55 P. l. righteousness' sake. b 3 anttver 4 in thy faithfulnet* & 31 Ps. 1. 2 And enter not into judgement with thy servant': c 28 Is. 17- for in thy sight shall no man living be justified.* * 15 Job 14. 3 For tiie enemy hath persecuted my soul' ; he hath e S ll?*'' 5 maiie me smitten my life down to the ground : he hath laid me* to dwell in the darkness, as the men 6 that have been long dead// 37 Ez. 11. 7 "<%>?'* 4 Therefore is my spirit vexed 7 within me : and my whelmed heart within me is desolate. 1 ' g 42 Ps. 0. 8 fd^* f 5 Yet do * rememDer tlie time past 5 * ; I muse 9 upon h 17 i Sa.34- meditate ^l thy works : yea, I exercise myself in 1 the works of 3< - 1 mute on, thy hands.* i HI ? 2. ... 61 stretch forth my hands unto thee-' : my soul J 4* Ps. 20. "after gaspeth unto 3 thee as a thirsty land.* A 14 J. 4. 3 tpeedily, ^ Hear me, O Lord, and that soon, 3 for my spirit 353 2 A 30th Morn.] THE PSALMS. [144 Ps. 4 faileth waxeth faint 4 ' : hide not thy face from me, lest I be I 57 Is. 16. like unto them that go down into the pit." 1 m 23 Ps.l. 5 Cauteme g Q j e j me s near thy loving-kindness betimes in the a do I morning," for in thee is my 6 trust : shew thou me 7 the n 46 Ps. 5. 7 caute me wa y that I should walk in," for I lift up my soul unto o 3C Is. 21. to know thee? p 86 Ps. 4. 9 Deliver me, O Lord, from mine enemies : for I flee unto thee to hide me. 9 6 He. 18. 8do thy will, 1 Teach me to do the th}ng that p i easeth thee)8 r for r i Col . Q^ I8thy thou art my God s : let thy loving 9 Spirit lead me forth * 140 Ps. 6. nJtZ* into t he la d of righteousness." < Ne. 20. 1 1 Quicken me," O Lord, for thy name's sake : and u 3 Hab - 2 - for thy righteousness' sake bring my soul out of trouble." " 9 * Ps- * 5 - 2 ^ ercy cut 12 And of thy goodness slay 2 mine enemies'" : and > 136Ps.24. 3 ajftict ' destroy all them that vex 3 my soul* ; for I am thy * 24 i Sa. 12. servant. _ THE THIRTIETH DAY. Morning Prayer. PSALM cxliv. A Psalm of David. BLESSED be the Lord my strength" : who teach- a 44 Is. 24. eth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight* ; MO ii Co. 4. I goodness, 2 My hope 1 and my fortress, my castle 2 and de- Sf/jf/w'a'nd liverer, my defender, 3 in whom I trust : who subdueth el8Ps.l,J,&. he my people that is under me.* d 18 Ps. 47. 3 Lord, what is man, that thou hast such respect 4 takett unto 4 him* : or the son of man, that thou so rearardest 5 e 14 J b 3 - Knowledge ^ /gps4 /gps 5 makett 4 Man is like a thing of nought 6 *" : his time 7 passeth 89 Ps - 47> **.. awa y like a shadow - A h 8 Job 9 - 7 day 5 Bow thy heavens, O Lord, and come down' : touch 64 Is - 1 - 3 - the mountains, and they shall smoke.- 7 J 104 Ps - 32 - 8 tcatter 6 Cast forth thy lightning, and tear* them : shoot 9 destroy out thine arrows, and consume 9 them.* &18Ps.l3,14. 7 Send down thine hand from above' : deliver me, ' 18Ps.l6^,A. 1 rid me, and take 1 me out of the great waters, from the hand of 8$** strange children" 1 ; 2 Mai. 11. 2 tpeaketh 8 Whose mouth talketh of 2 vanity" : and their right n 59Is.3,4o. 3 falsehood, hand is a right hand of wickedness. 30 o fifl3Re.!6. 5 psaltery 9 l wil1 sin S a new S0n ^ unto thee ' God/> : and* P 98 Ps. la. and an in. sing praises unto thee upon a ten-stringed lute. 5 * 1 33 Ps - 2 - ttrument \Q Thou hast given victory 6 unto kings'" : and hast r WPs.50. strings. delivered 7 David thy 8 servant from the peril of the 3 Shis sword/ 6 It is he that gmeth salvation 7 who delivereth J. 7lSa - 45 1 h Rid fUl H Savel me ' and deliver me from the hand of ' 2 tpeaketh strange children* : whose mouth talketh 2 of vanity, and f P " ^ ^ 3 falsehood: their right hand is a right hand of iniquity. 3 " u ver.8. 12 That our sons may grow up as the young 354 30th Mom.'] THE PSALMS. [145 Ps. 4 be at plants 4 " : and that our daughters may be as the polished t> 44 Ij. 3, 4. groum up corners of the temple. 510 IM* 1 3 That our garners may be full and plenteous with 6 ^/^AC ' Sa^coiner a11 manner of storeJ " : that our sheep may bring forth 6 affording stones, po- thousands and ten thousands in our streets. y a: 23 Be. 8. lithed after 14 That our oxen may be strong to labour, that y 30 Ge. 43. ttrf*"/a'~ there b . e . no deca y' : no leading into captivity, 8 and no 7 t, reakin g palace. complaining in our streets. 1 8 nor going out : , 1 o Happy are the people that are in such a case" : yea, = ^ 9 happy blessed" are the people who have the Lord for their God. i f 5 PSALM cxlv. David's Psalm of praise. [Proper Psalm for Whit-Sunday.] 1 eitol T WILL magnify 1 tliee, O God, my King : and I 2 Wet* JL will praise 2 thy name for ever and ever." aSOPs 1 !> :* greatly 2 Every day will I give thanks unto 2 thee : and Mr*& P raise th y name for ever and ever -* b 72 Ps. 15, is 3 Great is the Lord, and marvellous, worthy to be &c. 5 (ice' Sflty P ra i sec l : there is no end of his greatness. 6 c 9 j ^ IQ. tpeak of 4 One generation shall praise thy works unto another : the gio- and declare thy power. 5rf d 38 Is. 19. n'ourqf" 5 A $ f r e', I will be talking of thy worship : thy thy ma- glory, thy praise, 6 and wondrous works' ; 12 is. 4. J c ? ty J 6 So that men 7 shall speak of the might of thy mar- 8 terrible vellous 8 acts-'" : and I will also tell of 9 thy greatness/ ^n^pg'JJ" 9 declare 7 The memorial 1 of thine abundant kindness* shall h 2i Pe.9.' '2 tliy "griut be s ' iew ed 3A : an d men sliail sing of thy righteousness.' t45 Is.24,25. goodnesg, 8 The Lord is gracious, and merciful 4 : long-suf- 4 /"*"* f 3 ^f un - fering, 5 and of great goodness. 6 -* 5 tlow to anger, 6 mercy. S^"*" utter : 9 The Lord is loving unto every man 7 : and his j 2 Joel 13. 7 good to mercy is 9 over all his works.* 8 tender mercies are k i N a . 7. s'l/taii 1 ^11 '^y wof k s "praise thee, O Lord' : and thy 1 Itetg saints "give thanks unto' thee. 1 1Q3 pg ,,, 2 >**!" of 1 1 They sliewli tlle Sl r y of thy kingdom : and talk ^Tomake of thy power ; hnou-n to 12 That thy power, thy glory, and mightiness of thy ^nTJ nf kin ^om : might be known unto men."" m 43 Is- 21> mighty 13 Tliy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom : and thy actg,nnil dominion endureth throughout all ages. 4 " n 2 Da. 44. no>t ma. 1 ^ The Lord upholdeth all such as fall : and lifteth* 4 gene- jetty of hit up all those that are down.*" iraUeth Mowd"' l5 The e y es of a11 wait "P on thee ' Lord ' and 37 Ps - 24 - down, tliou givest them their meat in due season.'' p 104 Ps.10- 7 taiifflett 1 6 Thou openest tliine hand : and flllest all things the desire ,. . ... ,_ of every living with plenteousness." living 1 7 The Lord is righteous in all his ways : and holy " lins - in all his works/ r 3 Ro. 4, fc 1 8 The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon 8 in truth, him : yea, all sucli as call upon him faithfully." 29Je.l2,l3. 355 2 A 2 3Qtk JEoen.] THE PSALMS. [146, 147 Ps. 19 He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him' : < 5 i Jo. 14. 9 tave lie also will hear their cry, and will help 9 them." 3 ? Ps. 39, 1 all the. 20 The Lord preserveth all them that love him" : j j Pe 5 IvM he b ut scattereth abroad all the ungodly. 1 * 7 w <>\ Mat.41. destroy. 21 My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord r : a;71Ps.l4,15. 2 bless and let all flesh give thanks unto 2 his holy.name for ever and ever.y y 5Re.ll-i4. PSALM cxlvi. Praise ye the Lord. T> RAISE the Lord, O my soul"; while I live will J a 104 Ps. 1. 1 while J- praise the I/>rd : yea, as long as 1 I have any being, I will sing praises unto my God.* 6 63 Ps 4 2 in the son 2 O put not your trust in princes, nor in any cliild 2 c 14 HO. 3. of num c 'for there is no help in them/* d 2 Is. 22. 3 His 3 For when the 3 breath of man goeth forth, he shall 4 returneth turn again 4 to his earth e : and then alP his thoughts e 12 Job 10; 5 in that nprkli / 14 J b !<> r ' '** /*2 i Prt 7 r b*Huppy 4 Blessed 6 is he that hath the God of Jacob for his 5() G ' e m help? : and whose hope is in the Lord his God A ; 17. 8 executeth & Who made heaven and earth, the sea arid all that '' 17 Je - 5 >~- judgment therein is* : who keepeth his promise 7 for ever- 7 ; * i T> e J 6 Who helpeth them to right that suffer wrong 5 * : i 9 Is. 4.' 9 glvcth wo eee e ungry. Lu. 53. food to 7. The Lord looseth men out of prison 1 '" : the Lord m 9 Zee. 11 $M? giveth sighjt to 2 the blind." 4 Ln. 18. ' 2 openeth 8 The Lord helpeth 3 them that are fallen' : the 7 ii Co c Z^aHctl 01 L " 1 careta fori the righteous/ p 4 i Jo. 12 He hath not dealt so with any nation-^ : neither/ 4 De. 32,4s. known have the heathen knowledge of his laws. 6 * [Praise ye g 29 Pr.18. them. tne LORD.] PSALM crlviii. Praise ye the LORD. PRAISE 1 the Lord of 3 heaven : praise him in the height." aLu.i3. 2 Praise 1 him, all ye angels of his : praise 1 him, all his host. 6 b 5 Re. 11. 3 Praise 1 him, sun and moon : praise him, all ye 3 of stars and 3 light. c 19 Ps. l.fc. 4 yeheavent 4 Praise him, nil ye 4 heavens* : and ye waters that d at h made them fast for ever and ever* : them he hath given them a law* which shall not be , Q . T v *%" broken - ?A "se 1 ' 6 - 3 "' 7 past. 7 Praise the Lord upon* earth : ye dragons, and all 8 from the deeps'; 43I.2 &c " m^t" written" : Such 5 honour have all his saints/ [Praise De - . & this ye the LORD.] p 6 i Co. 2, 3. PSALM cl. Praise ye the LORD. Isanctuary. >^v PRAISE God in his holiness 10 : praise him in a 29 Pg 9 V_>/ the firmament of his power. 6 iEze.22,4t 2 Praise him in his noble 2 acts : praise him according to his excellent greatness. c 15 Re 3 3 Praise him in the 3 sound of the trumpet : praise him upon the lute 4 and harp. d d 16 i Ch. 5. 4 Praise him in the cymbals 5 and dances : praise 42. ^ tt 't^ ea k* m u P on * ne strings and pipe. 6 * e 30 j b 3^ ments and 5 Praise him upon the well-tuned 7 cymbals : praise organs. i,j m upon the loud cymbals/ f 25 i Ch. 6. sounding 6 Let every thing that hath breath : praise the Lord/ g 5 Re. 13. [Praise ye the LORD.] upon 7 high praises 8 execute vengeance upon 1 with 2 fetters 2 for his mighty 3 with the 4 5 timbrel 353 FORMS OF PRAYER TO BE USED AT SEA. Tlie Morning and Evening Service to be used daily at Sea, sJtall be the same which is appointed in the Book of Common Prayer. These two following Prayers are to be also used in Her Majesty's Navy every day. (333.) f\ ETERNAL Lord God," who alone spreadest a See 251z. \J ou t the heavens,* and rulest the raging of the b * Q J j b ,|j c 89 Ps 9 sea<: w ^ ' ias ^ com P asse d. the waters with bounds until day and night come to an end'' ; Be pleased to ^g j b 10- receive into thy Almighty and most gracious protec- 38Job8-ll'. tion the persons of us thy servants, and the fleet in 'jy s ' " which we serve.' Preserve us from the dangers of the sea/ and from the violence of the enemy'-' ; g 127 Ps 1. we ma y be a safeguard unto our most gracious Sovereign Lady Queen VICTORIA 1 ' and her do- '26iiCh.l3. 7 Is. 1. minions, 1 and a security for such as pass on the seas upon their lawful occasions ; that the inhabitants of our Island may in peace and quietness' serve J Ve/22& 71 ' *' iee our God* ; and that we may return in safety to enjoy the blessings of the land, with the fruits of our .. labours ' and with a thankful remembrance of thy l fZM i >-4> m See 151. . ,. * c. mercies to praise and glorify thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Collect, o 20 Pr. 24. T)REVENT us," O Lord, in all our doings," with n 59Ps/.10; JL thy most gracious favour/ and further us with 10 Joh - * 768?*. 23. thy continual help'; that in all our works'" begun, p79Ps.m.B. * 1 Ph. 6. continued, and ended* in thee, we may glorify thy r 3 Col. 17. holy name, and finally by thy mercy obtain ever- tliiPe.10,11. lasting life,' through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ;; Prayers to be used in Stormt at Sea. \ ] (334.) ^ MOST powerful and glorious Lord God, at a 30 Pr. m.4. \J whose command the winds blow," and lift up the c 1 Na. 3, 4. waves of the sea,* and who stillest the rage thereof*; b 5e340(,u. We thy creatures, but miserable sinners/* do in this a See 332g-;'. lLa.20. our great distress cry unto thee for help': Save, Lord, or else we perish.-^ We confess, when we/ 3 Da. i. 29. have been safe, and seen all things quiet about us, Sc * Ref - a - g61)e.lO,<5'c. we have forgot thee our God/ and refused to hearken to the still voice of thy word,* and to obey thy com- hi9iKL12. Ezr. 10. mandments* : But now we see, how terrible thou art 359 PRAYERS TO BE USED AT SEA. in all thy works of wonder-' ; the great God to be j 89Ps.31,32. JcSeeZ35q. feared above all* : And therefore we adore thy divine Majesty,' acknowledging thy power, and imploring isce251f,g. tn 25 Ps. 7. thy goodness."' Help, Lord, and save us for thy mercies sake in Jesus Christ thy Son, our Lord." n See 307. Amen. Or this. MOST glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwellest in heaven, but beholdest all things o33Ps.!3,14. below ; Look down, we beseech thee, and hear us/ p See 299ft. tf2Jon.2,4fc. calling out of the depth of misery,? and out of the jaws of this death, which is ready now to swallow us *gfl24Ps.l, up r : Save Lord, or else we perish.* The living, the r * Jon - 4 >&- !$ C * 336 living shall praise thee.' O send thy word of com- 1 38 Is. 19. mand to rebuke the raging winds, and the roaring u 106 Ps. 9. sea" ; that we, being delivered from this distress, may live to serve thee, and to glorify thy name all the days of our life." Hear, Lord, and save us, for the clOSPs.l-*. infinite merits of our blessed Saviour, thy Son, our w See 180. L or d Jesus Christ.' A men. Tlie Prayer to be said before a Fight at Sea against any Enemy. (335.) r\ MOST powerful and glorious Lord God, the * ^^ Lord of hosts, that rulest and commandest all a4Da.m.l7. things"; Thou sittest in the throne judging right,* 69 Ps. 4. and therefore we make our address to thy divine <;22iiSa.4,7. Majesty in this our necessity, 6 that thou wouldest take 1 ^ e -f- 11 - 20- Make it appear that thou art our Saviour and mighty i $ 5 J s.l3, Deliverer,' through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. &c. Short Prayers for single persons, that cannot meet to join in Prayer with others, by reason of the Fight, or Storm. General Prayers. m See 173i. T QRD, be merciful to us sinners," 1 and save us JU for thy mercies sake." n s ^ ', o 20 ii Ch 6 Thou art the great God, that hast made and rulest 76 Pg ' . ' all things" : O deliver us for thy name's sake.' * atf l2Ln/4,5. Tllou arfc the g rea t God to be feared above all': r 9p sl314 . See 350 v. O save us, that we may praise thee/ 106 Ps'. 47. 360 PRAYERS TO BE USED AT SEA. Special Prayers with respect to the Enemy, * 92 Ps. 15. ripHOU, O Lord, art just and powerful'; O defend _L our cause against the face of the enemy.' 35Ps.la,4c. O God, thou art a strong tower of defence to all u 02 Ps. 6,7. that flee unto thee": O save us from the violence of the enemy." vtf6iiKi.ll, '?20De.3,4; Q Lord of hosts, fight for us," that we may glorify &c ' ^oJos. 10. . i / thee.* a- 71 Ps. 22- O suffer us not to sink under the weight of our 2 *- j/38 Ps. 4. sins, y or the violence of the enemy. 1 z 12iSa. 10. O Lord, arise, help us, and deliver us for thy See39a-c. name's sake. " (336.) Short Prayers in respect of a Storm. a 50 is. 2, 3; HPHOU, O Lord, that stillest the raging of the sea," 5 Je. 22. J_ ] lear> hear us> 6 an( j save us> tna t we p er i s h not. c & 18iKi./.37. cllGPs.3,4. O blessed Saviour, that didst save thy disciples -^ ready to perish in a storm, a hear us, and save us, d See 80a-j. tl iiCo.9,10. W e beseech thee.' Lord, have mercy iipon us/ / 130 Ps. 7. S See 38 ,& Christ, have mercy upon us.* Lord, have mercy upon us/' h See llv-x. O Lord, hear us. O Christ, hear us. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy iSee33a-m. Ghost, hsre mercy upon us,* save u*> now and ever- j 118 Ps. 25. more. Amen. ft 21 Re. 7. /^\UR Father* which art in heaven,' Hallowed be H15 Ps,. 3. m i Mai. 11. \J thy name. Thy kingdom come." Thy will be lOLu.9,ll. o^lbMat.l. d on e i n earth, As it is in heaven." Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses/ As P 4 \ j S 'J|L. (54 ls.8,9. c 3 EC. 17. J\_ Christ," Maker of all things, 6 Judge of all men c ; 4 u Sa. m. e 14 Je. 7. ' acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and 5 Am./.12. ' ... G; wickedness/ Which we, from time to time, most /94 Ps. U ;' i 39 Ge. /. 9. grievously have committed/ By thought/ word,* and *^ jj-^ A 23 Ex. 21; deed,* Against thy divine Majesty,' Provoking most } 9 D^ 14. ' 78Ps.58,5u. justly-' thy wrath and indignation against us.* We 7 Mi. /. !/. 361 PRAYERS TO BE USED AT SEA. do earnestly repent, And are heartily sorry for these our misdoings ; The remembrance of them is grievous 19 Job27,28; m 40 Ps. 12, unto us' ; The burden of them is intolerable."' Have 16 Ez. e3 - mercy upon us, Have mercy upon us, most merciful ^ 4 Q^ 13' Father; For thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake," n 14 Je. 21; o 25 Ps. 18. Forgive us all that is past" ; And grant that we may 20 Ez- 44> ever hereafter Serve and please thee p In newness ** " ?2Ga.l9,20. of life, 9 To the honour and glory of thy name r ; r 3 ^ 21 * Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. See3a-n. Then shall the Priest, if there be any in the Ship, pronounce this Absolution. ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, who of * 6 He. 17. J7JL his great mercy* hath promised forgiveness of u 55 Is 7 sms ' to a '* them that with hearty repentance and 1 2 Ac.38,39; true faith turn unto him" ; Have mercy upon you" ; 8 He- 6 ' 12 ' ""^icP'ns" P arc ^ on an d deliver yon from all your sins'" ; confirm v ' ' and strengthen you in all goodness,' and bring you o;9 ii Co./.lO. y 3 i Th. 13. to everlasting life," through Jesus Christ our Lord. See la-m. Amen. THANKSGIVING AFTER A STORM. (338.) Jubilate Deo. Psalm Ixvi. a!6iCh.23, >^v BE joyful in God, all ye lands'" : sing praises \^J unto the honour of his name, make his praise to be glorious.* & 12 Is. 4. Say unto God, O how wonderful art thou in thy c 61 Is. 3. works' : through the greatness of thy power shall thine enemies be found liars unto thee. d d sf5Ac.5,&. eloRe.4. For all the world shall worship thee e : sing of thee, and praise thy name/ /42Is.l0.12. 5 46 Ps. 8. Q come hither, and behold the works of God ? : how wonderful he is in his doing toward the chil- dren of men.* h 40 Ps. 5. He turned the sea into dry land : so that they t63Is.l2,13. we nt through the water on foot'; there did we re- joice thereof.-' .7 gf!5Re.2,3. i He ruleth with his power for ever* ; his eyes be- hold the people' : and such as will not believe shall 1 33 Ps. 13*. TO See 21&. not be able to exalt themselves.*" O praise our God, ye people : and make the voice of his praise to be heard" ; n 30 Ps. 3,4. o 56 Ps. 13. Who holdeth our soul in life : and suffereth not our feet to slip.'' P 0T32De.ro. ?8De.2,&. For thou, O God, hast proved us' : thou also hast 35 - tried us, like as silver is tried/ r 3 Mai. 2, 3. * 19 Job 6. Thou broughtest us into the snare* : and laidest trouble upon our loins.' * 3 Job 26. Thou sufferedst men to ride over our heads : we 362 PRAYERS TO BE USED AT SEA. u 43 Is. 2. went through fire and water," and thou broughtest us #31 Nu.23, out into a wea ithy place." 5 Ja. 11. te 1 Jon. 16. I will go into thine house with burnt-offerings* 1 : and will pay tliee my vows,* which I promised with x 1 Na. 15. my lips, and spake with my mouth, when I was in 2^28 Ge. 20- trouble.* 35 Ge. 3. I w iM on So when they cried unto the Lord in their trouble : he delivered them out of their distress.' I 77 Ps. 1. cfSJIat.S. He sent his word, and healed them'" : and they were See Ref- z ~ saved from their destruction." 60 Is. 18. O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodness : and declare the wonders that he doeth for olllPs.l,&. the children of men ; See341c. That they would offer unto him the sacrifice of q 118 Ps. 17. thanksgiving*" : and tell out his works with gladness? ! P SeeiQln. They that go down to the sea in ships'' : and occupy ftf 27Ac.l, their business in great waters ; c ' These men see the works of -the Lord : and his s 104 Ps. 24- wonders in the deep.* ^' For at his word the stormy wind ariseth' : which t 148 Ps. 8. M ^ 8 P S - 7 ! lifteth up the waves thereof." They are carried up to the heaven, and down again to the deep" : their soul melteth away because of the v 8 Mat. 24, w 13 Is. 7. trouble." #27Ez.34. They reel to and fr0) and s t a gger like a drunken l! gf27Ac.!5. man* : and are at their wit's end. y x 19 Is - 14 - So when they cry unto the Lord in their trouble : he delivereth them out of their distress. 2 z 1 Jon. 5. (341.) For he maketh the storm to cease : so that the Srfwffi* aSee'&c,d. waves thereof are still." Then are they glad, because they are at rest : and so he bringeth them unto the haven- where they would be. 6 ^f 105 Ps - O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodness : and declare the wonders that he doeth for c lRo.20,21. the children of men c ! See 339<-t>. That they w(mld ex< h j m &lsQ J Q thg con g re gation of * 22 Ps. 22. eitt PS. 19, the people d . and praise him in the seat of the eldenf!/^^^ 1 ' gl4Je.l-6; Wno turneth the floods into a wilderness-'' : and 34 Is. 9; "4 Am. 7, 8.' drieth up the water-springs/ ^ Is - 15 - 364 PRAYERS TO BE USED AT SEA. A fruitful land maketh he barren* : for the wicked- / 29De.23; t 2 Zep.9,10. ness of them that dwell therein.' 47 Ez - n - Again he maketh the wilderness a standing water 7 : J 3 " Ki. 16- A 35 Is. 6,7; and water-springs of a dry ground.* 41 Is. 18. And there he setteth the hungry* : that they may l H6Ps.n.7. >n 19 Jos. 50. build them a city to dwell in"'; That they may sow their land, and plant vine- * 31 Je. 5; o 8 Zee. 12. yards" : to yield them fruits of increase." He blesseth them, so that they multiply exceed- fj 7 DP. 14 ; inglyP : and sufFereth not their cattle to decrease.' p 30 Je. 19. 10 p e '*j ^ n( * a S a ^ n wnen tne y are finished, and brought low : through oppression, through any plague, or trouble r ; rlJobl4,&. Though he suffer them to be evil intreated through s 13 ii Ki.7; tyrants* : and let them wander out of the way in the 10 UCh.5,0. wilderness' ; < 13 Jc. 10. 2 i Sa. 6-8. Yet helpeth he the poor out of misery" : and maketh . him households like a flock of sheep." v 49 Is.l9,$i ;t' 22 Job 16. The righteous will consider this, and rejoice*' : and the mouth of all wickedness shall be stopped.* * H Ex- 7- j Je. 12. Whoso is wise will ponder these things' : and they tf. 23 Ps. 5. shal j understand the loving-kindness of the Lord. 1 " =*10 Da. 12. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, &c. Collects of Thanksgiving. (3-J2.) i~\ MOST blessed and glorious .Lord God, who art a 15 Ex. 11, \_s of infinite goodness and mercy ; We thy pbor ^- creatures, whom thou hast made and preserved, hold- ing our souls in life,* and now rescuing us out of the & 71 p s . 0. c 34 Ps. 17. jaws of death, humbly present ourselves again before thy divine Majesty,'' to offer a sacrifice of praise and rf 132 Ps. 7. e See 401 n. thanksgiving,' for that thou heardest us when we called in our trouble/ and didst not cast out our prayer, / 59 Ps. 16. g 66 Ps. 19, which we made before thee in our great distress*" : Even when we gave all for lost, our ship, our goods, our lives,* A 38 Is. 10, then didst thou mercifully look upon us, and wonder- ic - i22iiSa,16, fully command a deliverance 1 ; for which we, now being in safety, do give all praise and glory to thy holy name,J through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, j 133 pg.26. Or this : OMOST mighty and gracious good God, thy mercy is over all thy works,* but in special manner hath been extended toward us, whom thou hast so power- fully and wonderfully defended.' Thou hast shewed I 116 Pg.fJ. us terrible things, and wonders in the deep, that we m 65 Ps. 5. might see how powerful and gracious a God thou art ; how able and ready to help them that trust in thee." 37 PB. 40. 365 PRAYERS TO BE USED AT SEA. Thou hast shewed us how both winds and seas obey fee 340 t- thy command" ; that we may learn, even from them, a ' hereafter to obey thy voice, and to do thy will.*" We P tf^ls. 3. therefore bless and glorify thy name, for this thy q 15 Ex. 2. mercy in saving us, when we were ready to perish. 7 And, we beseech thee, make us as truly sensible now of thy mercy, as we were then of the danger' : And give us hearts always ready to express our thankful- > ness > no * on *y ky words, but also by our lives/ in being more obedient to thy holy commandments.' Continue, < 119 P- 32. it 36 Ps. 10. we beseech thee, this thy goodness to us" ; that we, whom thou hast saved, may serve thee in holiness and righteousness all the days of our life," through Jesus vlLu.74,75. Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen. An Hymn of Praise and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempest. (343.) /~\ COME, let us give thanks unto the Lord, for he a 106 Ps. 1. \^J j s gracious : and his mercy endureth for ever." Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised 6 ; let * 48 Ps. 1. ^ee 339.;. t j je re( j eeme) j O f fa e L or( j sav so : w hom he hath de- livered from the merciless rage of the sea. rf d $ 30 Pr. The Lord is gracious and full of compassion : slow 15 > 16- e 145 Ps. 8. to an g er) and O f great mercy.' He hath not dealt with us according to our sins : neither rewarded us according to our iniquities/ / 103 rs - 10 But as the heaven is high above the earth : so great g 55 Is. 9. hath been his mercy towards us/ We found trouble and heaviness* : we were even h 116 Ps. 3. 1 See 340d. at death's door. 4 The waters of the sea had well-nigh covered us : the proud waters had well-nigh gone over our soul.-? j 124 Ps. 4,5. The sea roared : and the stormy wind lifted up the k 21 Lu. 25. waves thereof* ; We were carried up, as it were, to heaven, and then down again into the deep : our soul melted within us, because of trouble* ; I See ZiOw. Then cried we unto thee, O Lord : and thou didst m 31 Ps. 17. deliver us out of our distress.'" Blessed be thy name, who didst not despise the prayer of thy servants : but didst hear our cry, and hast saved us." Thou didst send forth thy commandment : and the o 8 Lu. 24. windy storm ceased, and was turned into a calm." a '^~ O let us therefore praise the Lord for his goodness : and declare the wonders that he hath done, and still doeth for the children of men.* Praised be the Lord daily : even the Lord that q 23 Ps.f.5. helpeth us, and poureth his benefits upon us. 9 366 PRAYERS TO BE USED AT SEA. He is our God, even the God of whom cometh sal- vation : God is the Lord by whom we have escaped death/ r 68 Ps. 10 q. Thou, Lord, hast made us glad through the operation ^0 *. * 92 Ps. 4. of thy hands : and we will triumph in thy praise.* Blessed be the Lord God : even the Lord God, who only doeth wondrous things ; And blessed be the name of his Majesty for ever : *72Ps.l8,19. and let every one of us say, Amen, Amen.' Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, &c. 2 Cor. xiii. THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the holy Ghost, * See15j-m. be with us all evermore." Amen. AFTER VICTORY OR DELIVERANCE FROM AN ENEMY. A Psalm or Hymn of Praise and TJianksgiving after Victory. (344.) TF the Lord had not been on our side, now may we JL say : if the Lord hims'elf had not been on our side, a 27 Ps.l,4i. when men rose up against us" ; 46 Pa. 7. They had swallowed us up quick* : when they were b 56 Ps. 2; c gf 14 Ex.5, so wrathfully displeased at us. c 51 Je- 34- fcc. Yea, the waters had drowned us, and the stream had gone over our soul : the deep waters of the proud had gone over our soul."* d 8 Is. 7; e rf. 17 i Sa. But praised be the Lord : who hath not given us 48 Je - 7> 8 - 44 _ over as a prey unto them.' See 124. Ps. The Lord hath wrought : a mighty salvation for us//.ll i Sa. 13 ; 1 a-5/. -yf e g a t no t this by our own sword, neither was it our own arm that saved us : but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because g 44 Ps. 3 e, tliou hadst a favour unto us/ The Lord hath appeared for us* : the Lord hath h 16 ii Ch. i 140 Ps. 7. covered our heads, 1 and made us to stand in the day "* ' of battle.-' J 20 P. 8. h 66 Is. 1. 5. The Lord hath appeared for us* : the Lord hath overthrown our enemies, and dashed in pieces those that rose up against us.' * 15 Ex.C.fc Therefore not unto us, O Lord, not unto us : but m 115 Ps.l. unto thy name be given the glory. 1 " The Lord hath done great things for us : the Lord hath done great things for us, for which we rejoice." nl20P*.2,3. 367 PRAYERS TO BE USED AT SEA. Our help standeth in the name of the Lord : who o 12i Ps. 8. hath made heaven and earth." Blessed be the name of the Lord : from this time forth for evermore/ p 113 Ps. 2. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, &c. After this Hymn may be sung the Te Deum. Then this Collect. (345.) f~\ ALMIGHTY God, the Sovereign Commander a 47 Ps.2,&. ^-^ of all the world," in whose hand is power and might which none is able to withstand 4 ; We bless and & 20 ii Ch. 6. magnify thy great and glorious name for this happy c 44 Ps. 7, 8. victory," the whole glory whereof we do ascribe to thee, who art the only giver of victory . rf And, we dSiiKi.m.l: beseech thee, give ns grace to improve this great ^ ls.26,J7. e 36 Job 22, mercy to thy glory,' the advancement of thy gospel/ /12Ke.7-10. 24> the honour of our Sovereign, and, as much as in us 1* Ge ' 14 ~ li e th t the good of all mankind/ And, we beseech thee, give us such a sense of this great mercy, as may engage us to a true thankfulness, such as may appear in our lives by an humble, holy, and obedient walking before thee all our days, through Jesus Christ our Lord* : to whom with thee and the holy Spirit, as for ft See 45Mt all thy mercies, so in particular for this victory and *20iiCh25- deliverance, be all glory and honour world without 30. end. 1 Amen. 2 Cor. xiii. THE grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the holy Ghost, be with us all evermore.-' Amen. J Sec I5j-ni. AT THE BURIAL OF THEIR DEAD AT SEA. The Office in the Common Prayer-hook may be used ; only instead of these words [We therefore commit hie body to the ground, earth to earth, <^c.] say, ft gf 1 Jon/. "YX7"E therefore commit his body to the deep,* to be 15. W turned into corruption/ looking for the resur- 1 15 i Co. 42. m gf 2 Jon. rection of the body,"' (when the sea shall give up her d 10> dead,") and the life of the world to come, through our n 20 Re. 13. Lord Jesus Christ; who at his coming shall change our vile body, that it may be like his glorious body, according to the mighty working, whereby he is able Sel94J-n. to subdue all things to himself." 368 THE FORM AND MANNER OF MAKING, ORDAINING, AND CONSECRATING OF BISHOPS, PRIESTS, AND DEACONS, ACCORDING TO THE ORDER OF Cfie Sanuetr Cfwrcf) of 5nglantr anfc Ireland. THE PREFACE. TT is evident unto all men diligently reading holy Scripture and ancient authors, that from the apostles' time there have been these Orders of Ministers in Christ's Church ; Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. Which offices were evermore had in such reterend estimation, that no man might presume to execute any of them, except he were first called, tried, examined, and known to have such qualities as are requisite for the same ; and also by publick prayer, with imposition of hands, were approved and admitted thereunto by lawful authority. And therefore, to the intent that these orders may be continued, and reverently used and esteemed in the United Church of England and Ireland; no man shall be accounted or taken to be a lawful Bishop, Priest, or Deacon in the United Church of England and Ireland, or suffered to execute any of the said functions, except he be called, tried, examined and admitted thereunto, according to the form hereafter following, or hath had formerly Episcopal Consecration, or Ordination. And none shall be admitted a Deacon, except he be Twenty-three years of age, unless he hav a faculty. And every man which is to be admitted a Priest, shall be full Four and twenty years old. And every man which is to be ordained or con- secrated Bishop, shall be fully Thirty years of age. And tht Bishop knowing either by himself, or by sufficient testimony, any person to be a man of virtuous conversation, and without crime, and after examination und trial, finding hrni learned in the Latin tongue, and sufficiently instructed in holy Scripture, may at the times appointed in the Canon, or else on urgent occasion, upon .tome other Sunday or Holy-day, in the face of the Church, admit him a Deacon, in such manner and form as hereafter falloweth. THE FORM AND MANNER OF MAKING OF DEACONS. When the day appointed by the Bishop is come, after Morning Prayer is ended, there shall be a sermon or exhortation, declaring the duty and office of such as come to be admitted Deacons ; how necessary that order is in the Church of Christ, and also, how the people ought to esteem them in their office. First the Archdeacon, or his deputy, shall present unto the Bishop (sitting in his chair, near to the holy table} such as desire to be ordained Deacons ; (each of them being decently habited,) saying these words, (346.) -p EVEREND Father" in God, I present unto you ZHKU2. AV these persons present to be admitted Deacons. 6 6Ac.5,/.6. 369 2 B ftte 359 a. THE ORDERING OF DEACONS. The Bishop. ri 1AKE heed that the persons whom ye present C i7^94. U 9s^' -*- un ^ us k e a pt an< ^ mee -> c f r their learning and godly conversation,** to exercise their ministry duly, to d7 Ezr.6,10. *e cf. 53 Is 4 " ie honour of God, and the edifying of his Church.' The Archdeacon shall answer, I HAVE enquired of them, and also examined them, and think them so to be/ / 16 Ac. 2. Then the Bishop shall say unto the people, "DRETHREN, if there be any of you who knoweth J-* any impediment or notable crime in any of these persons presented to be ordered Deacons, for the which he ought not to be admitted to that office, " 5 iTi m 22i ^ ^ m come forth in the name of God, and shew "ii Jo. 11. what the crime or impediment is.*" And if any great crime or impediment be objected, the Bishop shall surcease from ordering that person, until such time as the party accused shall be found clear of that crime. Then the Bishop (commending such as shall be found meet to be ordered, to the prayers of the congregation) shall, with the Clergy and people present, sing or say the Litany, with the prayers, asfolloweth. (347.) The Litany and Suffrages. a 1 Ko. 7. /~\ GOD the Father of heaven* : have mercy upon b 16 Slat. 17. c 103 Ps. 13. ^-J us miserable sinners. O God the Father of heaven : have mercy upon us miserable sinners. e 4 Job. 42. O God the Son,' 1 Redeemer of the world 8 : have d ii Jo. 3. mercy-^ upon us miserable sinners/ /0fl9Lu.41. g 5Lu.31,32. O God the Son, Redeemer of the world : have mercy upon us miserable sinner s. h 7iliTil2-15. i2Lu.26,29. O God the holy Ghost,' proceeding from the cf. iAe.m.16, Father, and the Son : have mercy upon us miserable o>lAc.24,25. . * sinners.-' j 51 p s . i. u. O God the holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father, and the Son : have mercy upon us miserable sinners. A 5 I 16 ^ holy,* blessed and glorious* Trinity, three per- j 6 Is. 3. , . '. " sons and one God : have mercy upon us miserable 7/1 O 1 1 II. 11- . ~f C T* *Y_Q 13. sinners. &3Zec' 5' See 241 y. Q holy, blessed and glorious Trinity, three persons and one God : have mercy upon us miserable sinners. o8iKi./.46. Remember not Lord our offences," nor the of- fences of our forefathers/ neither take thou ven- P 1* * 2- geance of our sins : spare us, good Lord, spare thy q S332g. people 9 whom thou hast redeemed with thy most r5Ro.8-10. * 3 Je. /. 12. precious blood, r and be not angry with us for ever.* tlSNe. /.22. Spare us, good Lord* gf 4Jon.lO, u 12 Pr. 21. From all evil and mischief," from sin, from the See 298 b-g. 370 THE ORDERING OF DEACONS. crafts and assaults of the devil," from thy wrath, and t>2iiTh.9,10; w 33 Is. 14. from eveilasting damnation," 2 Ti - 2 * i - (348). Good Lord, deliver us. See~$o. 33. a 3 Re. 1. 18. From all blindness of heart"; from pride,* vain- t> 15 Pr. 25. c 2 Ph. 3. glory , c and hypocrisy* ; from envy, hatred, and ma- d 8 Job 13. 3 Ja. 13-16. lice,' and all uncliaritableness/ / 4 i Jo. 8. Good Lord, deliver vs. g6Ro/. 23; From fornication, and all other deadly sin*; and i5G*ie fc. from a11 the deceits of the world,* the flesh,* and the M2Pr./.5; devil/ Good Lord, deliver us. ^3^32? "' feSeeNo.334. From lightning and tempest*; from plague, pesti- lence, and famine'; from battle and murder, and l . G 15 ; ^ the comin of tlle hol y Ghost * s,^ a , fc. iSPs. j!l9- Good Lord, deliver us. j 16 Joh. 7. 10 M;ir. 2-i, I n all time of our tribulation' ; in all time of our / 50 p. 15. %ee 399 d. wea l tn "' ; in the hour of death," and in the day of n gf23Lu.46, o 1 h Ti. 18. j udgement," " 7 _^ c - 59 - Good Lord, deliver us. SNo. 35 (350.) We sinners do beseech tliee to hear us, O Lord God, and that it may please thee to rule and govern a 8 Ezr. 21 ; thy holy Church universal in the right way" ; ' 12 ^ e beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to keep and strengthen* in ft 40 I. 31. c 4 Juh. 23. the true worshipping of tliee,' in righteousness and holiness of life, thy servant* VICTORIA onr most d 1 ii Sa.5,*. gracious Queen and Governour; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to rule her heart in thy e 119 Pg. 80, faith, fear, and love,' and that she may evermore have 25 i> r 27 affi ftnce in thee/ and ever seek thy honour and glory^ ; /29 Pr. 25. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to be her defender, and 371 BB2 THE ORDERING OF DEACONS. keeper,' 1 giving her the victory over all her ene- /10iSa./.24. .i60p s .12. >8k -4- We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to bless and preserve the Prince Consort, Albert Prince of Wales, and all the Royal Family ; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to illuminate- 7 all Bishops, j is Ps. 28 ; Priests, and Deacons with true knowledge and 1 E P- 18- k 2 ii Co. 17; understanding of thy word,* and that both by their ^ ' 6 Ep. 17 ; preaching and living they may set it forth, and shew flJoh. 16*. of thy Church,'' and the glory of thy holy name 4 ; 4 Ep. 12; i? 4 ii Co. 15. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. 1 Ph. 7. See~ll r-y That it may please thee to endue the Lords of the Council, and all the Nobility, with grace, wisdom and understanding 1 " ; r IDe. 13-17. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to bless and keep the Magistrates, giving them grace to execute justice, * 60 Is. 1. 17. and to maintain truth* ; see 244 p. j,y e beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to bless and keep all thy people'; tllSPs. 13: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thse to give to all nations u 11 Is. 13; unity, peace, and concord"; ? H*' ^ij ^ e beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. 4 1 Mi > .3, 4'. That it may please thee to give us an heart to love and dread thee," and diligently to live after thy v 8 Is. 13. w30iiCh.!2 ; commandments" 1 ; 2 i Jo. 5. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. (351.) That it may please thee to give to all thy people liiPe.5.&. increase of grace," to hear meekly thy word, 4 and to $4Mar.J24. See"Sl\p,q receive it with pure affection, 6 and to bring forth the c 119 Ps. 35. fruits of the Spirit**; d92Ps.!2-14; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. l Co1 - 10 - *12iSa. 23; That it may please thee to bring into the way ofy 4 4j s 2 o ; 42 I. ic. truth all such as have erred* and are deceived-'; 50 Je. 6. /90 J p s 19 i7' We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. / p^ 1 ; 119Ps.ll7; That it may please thee to strengthen such as do 3Zep. 16:' 10 Zee. 12. stand/ and to comfort, and help the weak-hearted/' 5 i TD. 14. 372 THE ORDERING OF DEACONS. /: 7 Mi. 8. and to raise up them that fall,' and finally to beat cf. 24 Pr.10. (j own s a tan under our feet- 7 ; j 99 Ps. 23. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. See S36 - k 5e<261 6. That it may please thee to succour, help,* and comfort,' all that are in danger, necessity, and tri- * See 244cc. bulation ; \Ve beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. m 28 Ge. 20. That it may please thee to preserve all that travel"* by land or by water, all women labouring of child, all sick persons" and young children, and to shew thy n See No. o 12 Ac. 5. pity upon all prisoners and captives" ; 2 " *> 4 t W e beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to defend and provide for p 0T22Ex.22, the fatherless children and widows/ and all that are ^ Lu - 12 q 25 Ps. 16. desolate' and oppressed 1 "; f 7 ^*p s <>i We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. <5Mat.45. That it may please thee to have mercyupon all men*; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to forgive our enemies, u 106 Ps. 46. persecutors, and slanderers,' and to turn their hearts"; t Seeltta, We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to give and preserve to our use the kindly fruits of the earth," so as in due time See 24i. w 5 Ja. 7. we may enjoy them 10 ; $ 3 Mai. 8- jpe b e s eec h thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to give us true repent- ance,* to forgive us all our sins, negligences, and * 3 Ac. 26. y 4 H "-_ 6 ; ignorances,* and to endue us with the grace of thy ' '' holy Spirit, to amend our lives according to thy holy word 1 ; z 37 Ps. 31. We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. (352.) Son of God" : we beseech thee to hear us. o 1 B. 4, 5. Son of God : we beseech thee to hear us. O Lamb of God : that takest away the sins of the world 6 ; b 50 Je. 20. c 6 Zee. /. 13. Grant u* thy peace.' O Lamb of God : that takest away the sins of the world ; Have mercy upon us- d d See 226A. e 20 Vs. 9. O Christ, hear us.' O Christ, hear us. Lord, have mercy upon us / J 27 Ps. 7. ; Lord, have mercy upon us. g Jude 21. Christ, have mercy upon us * Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.* A Seellv-x. Lord, have mercy upon ut. 373 THE ORDERING OF DEACONS. Then shall the Priest, and the people with him, say the Lord's Prayer. tSJa.w.16. y^vUR* Father, which art in heaven,-' Hallowed be >' * 02 p - 19 ' ^gf42 Mat ' vJ % Name.* Thy kingdom come.' Thy will be i Mat 37, kSi Ki. 43; done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day 38; si p Ch 3^* 5 our daily bread." 4 And forgive us our trespasses," As 3 jj^j,' j ' 89 Ps. 7 ; we forgive them, that trespass against us. And lead cf 62 Is. i. 96 Ps. 8. us not into temptation" ; But deliver us from evil.* n ? P? \ 6 ; m 2 Ph. 4. , P 5 i Jo. 16. 14 Bo. 13. Amen. q 9 Ne. /. so. Priest. O Lord, deal not with us after our sins. 9 See 5 a-j. ^13Lu.8,9. Answer. Neither reward us after our iniquities/ r llJob ti. Let us pray. * 6 Lu. 36. /"\ GOD merciful Father/ that despisest not the \J sighing of a contrite heart, nor the desire of such as be sorrowful' ; Mercifully assist our prayers that * ^2 Ps. 24 ; we make before thee in all our troubles and adversi- u 118 Ps. 5. ties, whensoever they oppress us" ; and graciously hear us, that those evils which the craft and subtilty of the v 6Ne.2-14 devil or man worketh against us," may be brought to * 5 Ezr. 5 ; w 4 Ne.9,15 ; nought," and by the providence of thy goodness* they j 2 ^ * 7 9 v^ cf 5 S Ac. 88. ma y ke dispersed/ that we thy servants, being hurt tf 63 Is'. 9. y 17 Is. 13; by no persecutions, may evermore give thanks unto z 66 Is. 5; 41ls.i5,io. thee in thy holy Church, 2 through Jesus Christ our ;L.Ac 3i -w- j ( O-X.TJX./-*, Lord. &18AC.10. (353.) O Lord, arise," help us, and deliver us for thy *"-K. name's sake* S-Ho.38. OGOD, we have heard with our ears, and our b 106 Pg 8 . fathers have declared unto us the noble works 109 Ps. 21 ;' that thou didst in their days, and in the old time be- ^S?;^ 1 '^' c llDe.l9,<3fc.forethem. c 1 Toei I' ^ Lord, arise, help tis, and deliver us d for thine d 12 Ps. 5. e 32 Ex. 12. honour.' Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the holy Ghost ; Answer. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen/ / See 5m,n. g 31 Is. 5 ; From our enemies defend us, O Christ.* 1 12 Zee. 8. Graciously look upon our afflictions.'' & 4 Ex. 31. 1 3 La. 49,50. Pitifully behold the sorrows of our hearts.* Mercifully forgive the sins of thy people.-' J See 39 " k 5 Ps. 7. Favourably with mercy hear our prayers.* r j ,/.V, i in Mar - 10 - Cf Aon of David, have mercy upon us. gee 9 d. Both now and ever vouchsafe to hear us, O ml'l3Ps.5,6. Christ.'" Graciously hear us, O Christ; graciously hear us, n 30 Is. 19. O Lord Christ." ^^18' o 16 Ps. 1 ; Priest. O Lord, let thy mercy be shewed upon us." 15 Mat. m. Answer. As we do put our trust in thee.^ 28- 374 THE ORDERING OF DEACXWS. Let us pray. WE humbly beseech thee, O Father, mercifully ., to look upon our infirmities 7 ; and for the glory of thy name, r turn from us all those evils that we most r 3 ? Is - 20 - *24De. 1. 16. righteously have deserved*; and grant, that in all our troubles we may put our whole trust and confidence 'ilgpf^'n in thy mercy,' and evermore serve thee in holiness af itj u ch'. and pureness of living, to thy honour and glory," <> 12, u 102 1>. 18. through our only Mediator and Advocate, Jesus &5M j^ 3(i - Christ our Lord. Amen. See No. 39 Then shall be sujig or said the Service for the Communion, with the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel, as followeth. The Collect. (354.) A LMIGHTY God, who by thy divine providence XJL hast appointed divers Orders of Ministers in thy al2iCo.5,28. Church," and didst inspire thine apostles to choose into the Order of Deacons the first martyr Saint e 8 Ac. 5, &. Stephen, 6 witli others' ; Mercifully behold these thy b 6 Ac. 5,& 21 Ac. 8, y. servants now ca u ed to the 15ke office and a dministra- ''Ac- 59 ' 00 - tion. d Replenish them so with the truth of thy doc- d 12 Ro. 6. 1 i Co. 5; trine,' and adorn them with innocency of life/ that/ 8 Bo. 4. 3iiTi.l6,l7. bot i, by wor d# a nd good example,* they may faith- A 4 i Ti. 12. S /ee C ml 6 : fHy serve thee in this office,' to the glory of thy figfc 1 ' 4 i Co. 1, 2. name/ and the edification of thy Church, through . ^ Qg _ ^ * 14 i Oo. 1. the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth 5l J 2 ' and reigneth with thee and the holy Ghost now and SeeS&k-p. 4 Kp. 29. c for ever. Amen. The Epistle. 1 Tim. Hi. 813. m 3 Ja. 10. T IKEWISE must the deacons be grave,' not double- l 5 Ep. 4. tlt\'3r ' * tongued,'" not given to much wine," not greedy M Jf. 1 *,' "^ '2 i Th. 5. of filthy lucre," holding the mystery of the faith'' in a -g ee 373',.. ' rf. 8 i Sa. 3. p Ure conscience.* And let these also first be proved/ p g Ep. 19. n 8 Ac. 40. sence f the Priest to baptize infants, and to preach, **' if he be admitted thereto by the Bishop. And fur- thermore, it is his Office, where provision is so made, to search for the sick, poor and impotent people of the parish," to intimate their estates, names, and n 15 De.7,8 ; places where they dwell, unto the Curate, that by his 1 Ja- 27- o 6iTi.l7,18. exhortation" they may be relieved with the alms of the parishioners or others. Will you do this gladly and willingly*"? P 5iPe.m.2. q Set/282o,p. Answer. I will so do by the help of God. (357.) The Bishop. Will you apply all your diligence to aliPe.14-18; f rame an d fashion your own lives," and the lives of 5 i Pe./. 8. your families, 4 according to the doctrine of Christ 6 , &24JOB.U5. c 119 Ps. 9. and to make both yourselves and them, as much as in eSiPe l 3. y ou l' etn d wholesome examples of the flock of Christ,' d^f3iSa.l3. See 359 m. Answer. I will so do/ the Lord being my helper. See 384 . The Bishop. Will you reverently obey your Ordi-/U 9 JP s -H5 nary, and other chief Ministers of the Church, and them to whom the charge and government over you g 5iPe. 5. is committed,' following with a glad mind and will ^2iiPe./.lo. t| ie j r godly admonitions' 1 ? A 13Ro. 1,5. * z fe 9 119 Ps " Answer. I will endeavour myself,' the Lord being s367 l. w. 6 Ep. 7. my helper. Tlxn the Bishop laying his hands) severally upon the head of every one of them, humbly kneeling before him, shall say, f/f\ 5 REVENT us, O Lord, in all our doings* with JL thy most gracious favour/ and further us with l 40 Ps. i. 2. 739Ge.2,3, thy continual help'"; that in all our works begun, nUiCb.10, ' continued" and ended in thee, we may glorify thy ' ' holy name/ and finally by thy mercy obtain ever- ^ q 3 Tit 5, 7. lasting life, 9 through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. See 372 t-v. ri^HE peace of God, r which passeth all understand- r l Re. 4. * 2iCo.9,10. JL ing," keep your hearts and minds' in the know- See 384 ' ledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ * 17 Job. 3. our Lord." And the blessing of God Almighty," the ^^ 3- Father, the Son, and the holy Ghost, be amongst see3T2w,x. to 51 Is. 10. you, and remain with you always. 1 " Amen. And here it must be declared unto the Deacon, that lie must continue in that Office of a Deacon the space of a whole year (except for reasonable causes it shall otherwise seem good unto tJie Bishop) to the intent he may be perfect, and well expert in the things appertaining to the Ecclesiastical administration. In executing whereof, if he be found faithful and diligent, he may be admitted by his Diocesan to the Order of Priesthood, at the times appointed in the Canon ; or else on urgent occasion, upon some other Sunday, or Holy-day, in the face of the Church, in such manner and form as hereafter followeth. 378 THE FORM AND MANNER OF ORDERING OF PRIESTS. When the day appointed by the Bishop is come, after Morning Prayer is ended, there shall be a Sermon or Exhortation, declaring the Duty and Office of such as come to be admitted Priests ; how necessary that Order is in the Church of Christ ; and also how the people ought to esteem them in their Office. First the Archdeacon, or in his absence, one appointed in his stead, shall present unto the Bishop sitting in his chair near to the holy Table, all them that shall receive the Order of Priesthood that day (each of them being decently habited) and say, (359.) T> EVEREND Father in God," I present unto you a 5 it Ki. 13. -*-*' these persons present, to be admitted to the Order See 377/. o f Priesthood. The Bishop. r |\A.KE heed that the persons whom ye present -- unto us be apt and meet, for their learning* and 6 3 ii TL 14, c2Mal. 0,7; godly conversation, to exercise their Ministry duly, 15 - 1 Ph./. 27. to the i lonour O f God d and the edifying of his Church.' d ^ 25 Nu - $ 34 ' KL Tke Archdeacon shal1 answer, 1 ' 13 - T HAVE enquired of them, and also examined JL them, and think them so to be/ /Hi Jo. 12. Then the Bishop shall say unto the people, GOOD people, these are they whom we purpose, God willing, to receive this day unto the holy f8Le.l-5. Office of Priesthood*": For after due examination we find not to the contrary, but that they be lawfully called to their Function and Ministry, and that they be persons meet for the same.* But yet if there be h tf 132 P. any of you who knoweth any impediment or notable ** crime in any of them, for the which he ought not to be received into this holy Ministry, let him come ifif5iCo.4,5. forth in the name of God,' and shew what the crime or impediment is.-' j Se346-g. And if any great crime or impediment be objected, the Bishop shall surcease from Ordering that person, until such time as the party accused shall be found clear of that crime. ' Then tlie Bishop (commending such, as shall be found meet to be Ordered, to the prayers of the congregation) shall, with the Clergy and people present, sing, or say the Litany, with the prayers, as is before appointed in the Form of Ordering Deacons ; save only that in the proper Suffrage there added, the word [Deacons] shall be omitted, and the word [Priests] inserted instead of it. Then shall be sung or said the Service for the Communion; with the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel, asfolloweth. The Collect. ALMIGHTY God, giver of all good things, who *- by thy holy Spirit hast appointed divers Orders 379 THE ORDERING OF PRIESTS. of Ministers in the Church, mercifully behold these thy servants now called to the Office of Priesthood, fe4iTi.6,16. and replenish them so with the truth of thy doctrine,* and adorn them with innocency of life,' that both by l J~" M T i '}' m 3 Ph. 17. word and good example"' they may faithfully serve See 365 k. thee in this Office," to the glory of thy name," and n 3 He. 2, 5. o4iPe.lO,ll. t h e edification of thy Church, p through the merits of P 10 i Co. 33. our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth See ^P- with thee and the holy Ghost, world without end. Amen. Se378 i-n. The Epistle. Ephes. iv. 7-13. (360.) TTNTO every one of us is given grace," according 6 7 Job. 39 ; *- 15 R - ' 1|; fore he saith/ When he ascended up on high, he led ^ 2 He' 9 p ' ' ' ' captivity captive, 1 * and gave gifts unto men.' (Now ft ^ c ^ J 8 . e 2 Ac 33 ' ^ a ^ ^ e ascended, what is it, but that he also de- 2Col. 9, 10; tf. 133 PB. 2. scended first into the lower parts of the earth-^? He 3 Co1 - l - ^- that descended, is the same also that ascended up far J r ^*j l Ch - 1 | ) gr3Joh.w.23. above all heavens/ that he might fill all things.*) And 12 Ho. 10.' i 11 Lu. 49. he gave some apostles,' and some prophets,- 7 and some i See 208 d. k See22dv. evangelists,* and some pastors' and teachers'"; for the nlSiiCo.z.Q; m cf 35 Ex . perfecting of the saints," for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ*"; till we all v r 5ij 20. 5 ; come in the unit y of the kith** and of the knowledge t lEp.23. n See 183 a ^ *' ie ^ on ^ God/ unto a perfect man/ unto the mea- Scg ^ 2 g . t 6 He. i. sure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.' 213 d. After this shall be read for the Gospel part of the ninth Chapter of Saint Matthew, asfolloweth. St. Matth. ix. 36-38. u 6 Mar. 34. "\T7 HEN Jesus saw the multitudes," he was moved V T with compassion on them," because they fainted, r See 166 q. w 23 Je. 2. and were scattered abroad,*" as sheep having no shep- herd.* Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest * lOZec. l. 2. /See231e-t. truly is plenteous, 5 ' but the labourers are few. 2 Pray z gf 20 Mat. aa rf27 Nu y e th ere f re the Lord of the harvest, that he will send * &c> 16, i?. forth labourers into his harvest. 00 Or else this that followeth out of the tenth Chaffer of Saint John. St. Johnx. 1-16. (36 1.) TT ERILY verily I say unto you, He tnat entereth a'ISDe.l.jfc. * not by the door into the sheep-fold, but climbeth b SeeArt 14 D Je 2 14 2 ^' U P some ot ^ er wa y ^ e same i s a thief an( i a robber." xxiii. 23Je.30-32 ; ^ u t he that entereth in by the door, is the shepherd of * j5^S?' llKec.4, fc the sheep. 6 To him the porter openeth, c and the 22 Ac. 14.' I* Ac - 27 ; sheep hear his voice d ; andhecalleth his own sheep / 25 Ps. 9 ; 3 Re 8 5 b y name,' and leadeth them out/ And when he *" L e 2 Re. 17. putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them/ ^ ' * g 13 Job. 15. and the sheep follow him ; for they know his voice.* 2 i Pe. 2, 3 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from 4 i Jo. 5, 6. 380 THE ORDERING OF PRIESTS. t 19 Pr. 27 ; him 1 ; for they know not the voice of strangers.-' This J 2 Col. 8 ; "'i 1 ^' 5 ' parable spake Jesus unto them, but they understood il^W; u Jo. 10. , ". . . . ' . Gf.24Mat.2i. & 12 Da 8 n w ' ia ' things they were which he spake unto them. ' See 8 j. Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily verily I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.' All that l 14 Joh - 6 - m 34 Ez. 3. ever came before me, are thieves and robbers'* ; but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door", by n # 8Ca - 9 me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall oHLu. M5; go in and out, and find pasture." The thief cometh P 12 Mat - 30 - 6job.54-56. n ot but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy*: I am ViL^r/ 1 ' q l8Mat.ll- come that they might have life,' and that they might gf5Ca./. 1. have it more abundantly/ lam the good Shepherd 5 : the good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.' But f ,Jj^ . he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose 12 HP. in. 2. u 56ls.lO,12. own the sheep are not," seeth the wolf coming, and $ H * $* #78Ps.52. j eaveth the s heep, and fleeth; and the wolf* catcheth ^^at 16 them, and scattereth the sheep. The hireling fleeth x 33 S \%. because he is an hireling, and careth not for the l Na. 7 ; tv 16 Ro. 18. sheep. 10 I am the good Shepherd, and know my .^j^'J^'Jo.' y 8 Ho. 2 : sheep,* and am known of mine." As the Father "57 joh/is'. HiTi.tn.12. knoweth me, even so know I the Father*; and I lay bb Ills. 10. rt^'2iTi.G; down my life for the sheep. 00 And other sheep IddSPr. 32, - Tlt ' 14 ' have which are not of this fold** : them also I must j^ ^ 3| |z. J.7. to feed and provide for-' the Lord's family*; to seek ^^'7' m 3* &z. 8- fo* 1 Christ's sheep that are dispersed abroad,"* and for . See y]cajt. II Job. 52.' his children who are in the midst of this naughty 24 7Cf 0/ world " that the 7 ma y be saved through Christ for ever." (363) Have always therefore printed in your remem- n 5 ijo ' 19- a!35Ps. 4^; brance, how great a treasure" is committed to your 3Mal.m. 17. charge. For they are the sheep of Christ, which he 381 THE ORDERING OF PRIESTS. bought with his death, and for whom he shed his blood. 6 The Church and Congregation whom you b 20 Ac. 28. c4Ca.8-12; must serve, is his spouse/ and his body. d And if itd 4 Ep. 12; J^^Jll, shall happen the same Church, or any member thereof 1 Co1 24 - 2Ho.l6-20. ... -. See 206ft. Se295t. to take any hurt or hindrance by reason of your negligence, ye know the greatness of the fault, and c 23 Je. 1 a ^ so the horrible punishment that will ensue/ Where- 13-15 ; fore consider with yourselves the end of your ministry 9\Ur'42 ' towards the children of God/ towards the spouse and j / 12ii Co. m. a Hugo 2 body of Christ 8 '; and see that you never cease your isHem.17. labour, your care and diligence/ until you have done h 6i\ Co. 4 -, all that lieth in you, according to your bounden 11 ii Co. 28; 1 9iCo.l6 17. duty,' to bring all such as are or shall be committed 2 Ti - a4 a5 - See 375 q. to your charge, unto that agreement-' in the faith and.;' 2c^' same Scriptures : and for this self-same cause, how 4pr 20-22. *'isr' i 'Q y e ou g' 1 t to forsake and set aside (as much as you rcflo&c.2. S8 Lu. 14.' m a y) all worldly cares and studies * (365.) We have good hope that you have well weighed and pondered these things with yourselves long before a gf 14 Ln. this time" ; and that you have clearly determined, by ^8.33. God's grace, to give yourselves wholly to this office, 6 & !? i ! C , a -! 5 ' whereunto it hath pleased God to call you : so that, as jy_2i! much as lieth in you, you will apply yourselves c4iTi.rn.15. wholly to this one thing, c and draw all your cares and 382 THE ORDERING OF PRIESTS. studies this WAy d ; and that you will continually pray dtf 2 Lu.4<\ cl6iCh.ll; to God t' ie Father, by tlie mediation of our only Sa- 4t4Jol '- : ^- 16 Job. 26, viour Jesus Christ," for the heavenly assistance of the holy Ghost-^ ; that by daily reading and weighing of/^'* h ' 2(5 - g 19 Ps.7-11 ; the Scriptures/ ye may wax riper and stronger in Si AC! 14! 2] c^'j 1 }^. y ur ministry/' and that ye may so endeavour your- A 2 i Pe. l. 2. SiiTi. 14-17.' selves from time to time, to sanctify the lives of you #" 9 Ac - J 22 - tSe373x,y. and yours,' and to fashion them after the rule and &6He. 1-3* doctrine of Christ/ that ye may be wholesome and j i lfe j 3 . 1(j godly examples and patterns for the people to * 3 ii Th. 9. follow.* See 367/. ^ n ^ novv t j m ^ ^ s p resen t congregation of Christ here assembled, may also understand your minds and wills in these things,' and that this your promise may M'Ti. i. 15. the more move you to do your duties,'" ye shall ' answer plainly to these things, which we in the name of God, and of his Church, shall demand of you touching the same. D you think in your heart that you be truly called, according to the will of our Lord Jesus j 3 Mar. 13; Christ, and the order of this United Church of 9 Ac. 15. ' England and Ireland, to the Order and Ministry of & 2^ Jj z .j 5* Priesthood" ? See 378 1, t. Answer. I think it. The Bishop. Are you persuaded" that the holy a 5 i JO./.10. Scriptures contain sufficiently all doctrine required of necessity for eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ? And are you determined out of the said Scriptures to instruct the people committed to your charge, and to teach nothing (as required of necessity to eternal salvation 6 ) but that which you shall be per- ft 1 Ja. 25. iiJo 9 suadedmay be concluded and proved by the Scripture'? Answer. I am so persuaded/ and have so deter- mined by God's grace. S379,ft. The Bishop. Will you then give your faithful * Col. 17 diligence* always so to minister the doctrine and Sa- ' craments/ and the discipline of Christ, as the hath commanded, and as this Church and Realm hath received the same, according to the commandments of g 3 ii Th. 6. God f ; so that you may teach the people committed to your cure and charge, with all diligence to keep and observe the same* ? j 119 Ps. 57. Answer. I will so do by the help of the Lord.' ^TiTi 3-7; The Bishop. Will you be ready with all faithful 6 i Ti. 3-5 ; diligence to banish and drive away all erroneous and 2 ^', 2 , 1 , : strange doctrines, contrary to God's word- 1 ; and to use both publick and private monitions and exhorta- 383 THE ORDERING OF PRIESTS. At 5 Ac. 42; tions,* as well to the sick,' as to the whole within I See Nos. 2dAc.20,31. y our cureSj as nee( j s j ia ii require, and occasion shall 298> &c< m 5 i Th.14 ; be given" 1 ? Jude22,23. Antnoer. I will, the Lord being my helper." " 3 Eze. 27. (367.) Tfo? Bishop. Will you be diligent in prayers," and # 12Lu - 12 - n 6 Ac. 4 ; in reading of the holy Scriptures, 6 and in such studies 6 4 i Ti. 13. 4 Col. 12. as ne ip t tj ie knowledge of the same, laying aside the c 8 Ro. 5 ; study of the world and the flesh e ? rf lOJe^i A mwer - I wil1 endeavour myself so to do, the Lord \l ^^ 3 ; ' being my helper/ The Bishop. Will you be diligent to frame and S379e.4t fashion your own selves and your families, according e 12 Ro. 2. to the doctrine of Christ/ and to make both yourselves and them, as much as in you lieth, wholesome ex- amples and patterns to the flock of Christ'? S^ 354' ft 7 ' g 26 Ps. 11. Answer. I will apply myself thereto,* the Lord being my helper.* h ^"*W* The Bishop. Will you maintain and set forwards, i 5 Mat. 9. as much as lieth in you, quietness, peace' and love-* ^ 2 3 u T^' '22 ' . u Seu5m,H.' (369.) a 6 Ac. 15. c liPe. jit.12. c3iiTn./.16. g 32 Job 8. gf 4 Ac. 8. t 4iTi. i. 7. i2Ac.l6-18; OiCo. 19. o 7 Job. 38. q See 147/. 61 I8.7H.3. *7Ca. 1, &. 16Ez.lO-13. tc 3 it Co. 3. y 6 Ac. 10 ; 4 Col. 6. See 354 g. (370.) a 43 Ps. 3. #lGe. 2.3, &23 ii Sa.4. c 12 ii Co. 9. e 54 18./.17. g 5 Ko. 1. t 6 i Ti. 6. THE ORDERING OF PRIESTS. Anoint and cheer our soiled face* With the abundance of thy grace. 1 Keep far our foes, give peace at home" : Where tfiou art guide," no ill can comef Teach us to know the Father, Son, And thee, of both, to be but one.' 1 That, through the ages all along, r This may be our endless song 1 ; Praise to thy eternal merit,' Father, Son, and holy Spirit.* Or this. ' COME, holy Ghost," eternal God, 6 proceeding from above,' Both from the Father and the Son, d the God of peace' and love. Visit our minds/ into our hearts thy heavenly grace inspire/ That truth 11 and godliness' we may pursue viithfull desireJ Thou art the very Comforter* in grief and all distress': The heavenly gift of God most high, no tongue can it express." The fountain and the living spring 6 of joy celestial/' : The fire so bright, 1 the love so suteelS the unction spiritual.' Thou in thy gifts art manifold,' by them Christ's Church doth stand" : In faithful hearts thou writ'st thy law," the finger of God's hand. a According to thy promise,' Lord, thou givest speech with grace, y That through thy help God's praises may resound in every place. 1 O holy Ghost, into our minds send down thy heav'nly light" ; Kindle our hearts with fervent zeal, to serve God day and night. 1 " Our weakness strengthen and confirm/ (for Lord, thou know'st us frail d ) That neither devil, world, norjtesh against us may prevail.' Put back our enemy far from us/ and help us to obtain Peace in our hearts with God g and man,* (the best, the truest gain' ;) 385 2c (Sc360a,2>. it See 460, Jt p91P8.9,10. r 2 Ep./. 7. t 4 Re. 11. 6 SeeSOf. . Co-equal three in one. w And pray we that our only Lord Would please his Spirit to send* y 1 i Co. 2. On all that shall profess his name, y from hence to the icorld's end. 1 Amen. j See 160tt>. I 94 Ps. 18. n liiTi.12. See 36w. r 6 Joh. 4'i ; 12 i C... 3. 0fT2Joh .21, w. 8 Job. 56- 58. t See 31 m n. v See 5 TO, n. elEp.16,17. z 28 Mat. 20. (371.) a See 104a. c 5i Jo. 11. 15Ro.18.24; 16 i Co. 10. t 14 Ac. 1 ; 15 Ac. 5 ; 10 Bo. 18 ; 1 Col. 6, 23. ft 2 Ac. 23; 16 Bo. 25 ; 3Ep. 11. That done, the Bishop shall pray in this wise, and say, Let us pray. A LMIGHTY God and heavenly Father, who of -^*- thine infinite love and goodness towards us," hast given to us thy only and most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ, to be our Redeemer,* and the b 4 i Jo. 14. author of everlasting life'; who after he had made perfect our redemption by his death, d and was as- d See25ib-d. cended into heaven,' sent abroad into the world his apostles, prophets, evangelists, doctors, and pastors/ /4Ep. 8-12. by whose labour and ministry^ he gathered together a *rf GOIs44) great flock* in all the parts of the world,' to set forth see 2251. the eternal praise of thy holy name-' : For these so great j 55 Is. 13 ; benefits of thy eternal goodness,* and for that thou g^Uft 17 ' hast vouchsafed to call these thy servants here pre- sent, to the same Office and Ministry appointed for See 38'2 ^y tne j lo j y gpirjt. g o that ^ we n Dy these thy Ministers/ as by them over whom they shall be ap- r 1 "Co. 11. 1 IKo. 8; pointed thy Ministers,' thy holy name maybe for 1 1'*? - 2 ' ever glorified, and thy blessed kingdom enlarged,' 'f?f s '.>3 2 ' 1 iiTh. 3,4! through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who gee 406 V liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the same u See H ft. holy Spirit, world without end." Amen. When this Prayer is done, the Bishop, with the Priests present, shall lay their hands severally upon the head of every one that receiveth the Order of Priest- hood ; the receivers humbly kneeling upon their knees, and the Bishop saying, (372.) ~D ECEIVE the holy Ghost for the Office and ,. T . .. JL\J work of a Priest in the Church of God, now 1 i'i Ti. 6 ' committed unto thee by the imposition of our hands.* See3$3b,d. Whose sins thou dost forgive, they are forgiven; and c2iiTLM5; whose sins thou dost retain, they are retained. 6 And * Setiyjj. 4 iiTi. 1,2. b e t jj OU a faithful dispenser of the word of God, c and . _ . , 1 43 f his holy Sacraments''; in the name of the Father,' / O r 6 9p g / tc2ojoh.21. and of the Son/ and of the holy Ghost. Amen. 24. Then the Bishop shall deliver to every one of them kneeing, the Bible [See 383 i, &c.] into his hand, saying, gl3 Ac. 4, 5 rriAKE thou authority to preach the word of God,* i 10 ii Co.13- JL and to minister the holy Sacraments in the Con- flL Art. gregation,* where thou shalt be lawfully appointed h cf lODe.a xxiii. a. thereunto. 1 When this is done, the Nicene Creed shall be sung or said, and the Bishop shall after that go on in the Service of the Communion, which all they that receive Orders, shall take together, and remain in the same place where hands were laid upon them, until such time as they have received the Communion. The Communion being done, after the last Collect, and immediately before the Benediction, shall be said these Collects "OST merciful Father, we beseech thee to send upon these thy servants, thy heavenly blessing,- ; V S295 n. k 28 Job 14; that they may be clothed with righteousness,* and 61 2 lf*io 6; that th y word 8 P ken b y their mouths,' may have such ' ' !j b- 1 1 Q 3 #28 Ex! 2, suo-ess, that it may never be spoken in vain." " &c - Grant also that we may have grace to hear* and re- "J.V* Th'*'* 5 ' ceive what they shall deliver out of thy most holy o ?() Pr 12 wor l> or agreeable to the same,'' as the means of our p4iP/.ll. a l Ja 21 salvation'' ; that in all our words and deeds we may * See32o'g. seek ^X & OT J> r and ^ e increase of thy kingdom,' r 10 iCa 31. through Jesus Christ our LordL Amen. 3H7 2"c 2 M ( THE CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS. PREVENT us, O Lord, in all our doings with thy most gracious favour,' and further us with * 16 Pr. 3. w 17iiCh.3-6. thy continual help," that in all our works begun, con- gf 10 Jos. I. tinued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name, and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord." Amen. t>S384/-A rilHE peace of God which passeth all understand- I ing, keep your hearts and minds in the know- re 2 Pr. 11. ledge" and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. And the blessing of God Almighty,' the * 49 Qe. 25. Father, the Son, and the holy Ghost, be amongst . you, and remain with you always. Amen. And if on the same day the Order of Deacons be given to some, and the Order of Priesthood to others ; the Deacons shall be first presented, and then the Priests : and it shall suffice that the Litany be once said for both. The Collects shall both be used ; first that for Deacons, then that for Priests. The Epistle thall be ; Eph. iv. 7 13, as before in this Office. Immediately after which, they that are to be made Deacons, shall take the Oath of Supremacy, be examined and Ordained, as is above prescribed. Then one of them having read the Gospel (which shall be either out of St. Matth. ix. 36 38, as before in this Office ; or else St. Luke xii. 35 38, as before in the Form for the Ordering of Deacons) they that are to be made Priests sliall likewise talce the Oath of Supremacy, be examined and Ordained, as is in this Office before appointed. THE FORM OF ORDAINING OR CONSECRATING OF AN ARCHBISHOP, OR BISHOP ; Which is always to be performed upon some Sunday or Holy-day. When all things are duly prepared in the Church, and set in order ; after Morn- ing Prayer is ended, the Archbishop (or some other Bishop appointed) shall begin the Communion Service ; in which this shall be (373.) The Colled, a 10 Mat. 1, A LMIGHTY God, who by thy Son Jesus Christ 10 Lu 19 J ^- did 8 * ?i ve t tn y holy apostles many excellent 2 He. 4. ' gifts," and didst charge them to feed thy flock 6 : Give b See 376d, e See 350 o. g ra ce, c we beseech thee, to all bishops, the pastors of K > " e 2 | jg' ^ 5 . ; ( thy Church, that they may diligently preach thy word, d d 4 Ac. /. 29 ; 11 i Co. 16 ; and duly administer the godly discipline thereof* ; and 20 Ac ' 27- 14 i Co. 33, g ran t to the people that they may obediently follow -f^. l ^\ \z g 4 Job. 36 ; <-he same/ that all may receive the crown of everlast- ^ 53 j' s _' ^ 3 i Co. 14 ; jng glory/ through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. & 10 Lu.16. , 4 ,' Ti. 8. jfnrf ano ther Bishop shall read tlPh. 1. _,, .., . , ," ... . _ See 221 a-/. * 0f6Da.4, The Epistle. \ lira. 111. 1-7. ft4iTi. 9. &4iPe. 14, FT! HIS is a true saying, A If a man desire the office j 11 Pr. 30. nU31Iar j -L of a bishop,' he desireth a good work.-'' A bishop ^354 *'* 84. then must be blameless,* the husband of one wife,' 7iuiTi. l'.l. o sf3iPe.3,4. vigilant," sober," of eood behaviour,' given to hospi- 1 r modest, 388 THE CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS. q 2 i Tli. 11. tality/ apt to teach,' not given to wine,- r no striker,' p r t-^ e \^' '2. Or ready not greedy of filthy lucre;' but patient, not a brawler," Stc 188 *,i. t nd'offer 1 ' not cov etous ; one that ruleth well his own house, ' *'"' '^- wrong, at having his children in subjection* with all gravity" 1 ; "^35*'? ic in (For if a man know not how to rule his own house,' x~2 iSa.2u,jfc. " 'i'r'it. 7. how shall he take care of the Church of Gods' ?) N ot 3 n ^ r /"^ u See 140 q. a novice,' 1 lest being lifted up with pride," he fall "hefau'h, y 20 "c 2 28. into the condemnation of the devil.** Moreover, he 5Hfcl2-14. aa26iiCh.l6. must have a good report of them which are without," fci Sce232u > r. cf cfofs lest he fal1 into re P roach ' W and the 8nare of the devil." ?4?K. ' Ti> ee2iiCo.ll. Or this, for the Epistle. Acts xx. 17-35. (374.) TT'KOM Miletus Paul sent to Ephesus,* and called b 19Ac. 1, fc. a 4 ii Ti. 20. JL the elders of the Church. And when they were c UAc./. 23. come to him, he said unto them, Ye know from the first day that I came into Asia,** after what manner I d 18 Ac. 19 r. 1 i Th. 5. have been with you at all seasons,' serving the Lord jf 3 Ph. tn.18. with all humility of mind/ and with many tears* and / See I3e. temptations which befel me by the lying in wait of the t 15 Ro4.19 : Jews*: And how I kept back nothing' that was profit- * 11 ii Co. tn. 2iTh. 1,2. a {jj e unto y OUj > Du t have shewed you, and have taught b ' fc 19 Ac. 8. you publicly,* and from house to house,' testifying y ] r 13 Ac. 16, both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks," repent- ' ance toward God," and faith toward our Lord Jesus 'A'- 10 . 1 ?. ol ii Co. 10. c nrist p And now behold, I go bound in the Spirit P 24 Lu. 47. q 19 Ac. 21. unto Jerusalem,' not knowing the things that shall befal me there* 1 ; save that the holy Ghost witnessed! r 4 Ja. 14. in every city, saying, That bonds and afflictions abide 1 1 Or wait 9 Ac. 16. me-' But none of these things move me,' neither ^ u See 65f. count I my life dear unto myself," so that I might * c< finish my course with joy," and the ministry which I o3Fh.l3,14. w 26 Ac. 16- have received of the Lord Jesus," to testify the gospel } 6 .'' of the grace of God.* And now behold, I know that *13Ac.J.43 ; 4 u Co. 1 ; i 2 Tit 11 IGa. 12. ye all among whom I have gone preaching the king- 5,- p^ 12 y 28 Ac. 31. dom of God," shall see my face no more. 1 Wherefore r 20 Ac 38 (375.) 1 take you to record this day," that lam pure from the a2iTh.9.10. blood of all men.* For I have not shunned c to declare ft 18 Ac. 6. c 1 Ro. 16. unto you all the counsel of God. d Take heed there- (* 3E2e -l 9 {?23Je.22. f ore un t yourselves/ and to all the flock-^ over the &33Eze.9. *]? I i < ? h - c - 1 j.; which the holy Ghost hath made you overseers/ to d 2 iCo. 1,2. AMM* feed the aiurch of God '* wl ch he hath purchased #l5Job.U5. fa witli liis own blood.' For I know this, that after my/" 71v t ll.re.io,ltf. J . t. ; p- f n departing, shall grievous wolves enter in among you/ *?.4 Ez.2-4. not sparing the flock.* Also of your own selves shall'' S> in 'Hi Pe.18. men arise,' speaking perverse things, 1 " to draw away / Jnde 4, 4t o See I45r. disciples after them." Therefore watch," and remem- ngf2Re.2-(. // 4 i Co. 14; ber, p that by the space of three years 1 ceased not to ^l 20 fc warn evel T one ni !?ht and day with tears." And now, p 2 nTh - 5 - 339 THE CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS. brethren, I commend you to God/ and to the word of r!4Ac.z.23; s 13 He. 9. his grace/ which is able to build you up,' and to give rfsocie >!' w 16 Ps.6i. you an inheritance" among all them which are sancti- t see2(Mo,fc. " Im - fied." I have coveted no man's silver or gold, or V seel36g,i. w 12 i Sa. apparel/" yea, you yourselves know, that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that /Seel94o,&. were w j(,h me/ I have shewed you all things, 3 ' how x 18 Ac. 3. that so labouring ye ought to support the weak/ and f 5 5 lNe - 14 to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how hi aa 6 Lu. 35. sa ^ jj j s more blessed to give than to receive."" Then another Bishop shall read The Gospel. St. John xxi. 15-17. , (376.) TESUS saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, a Se222 9 '. J i ov est thou me more than these*? He saith unto *$f ^g^' c 8 i Co. 3. him, Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. c He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. rf He saith to him ^{foYb again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, Iovest gfl2He.!2J thou me e ? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord, thou *? _ 72. knowest that I love thee/ He saith unto him, -.,!gp 159. g22Ln.Z.32; Feed my sheep/ He said unto him the third time, 3 j J . 21.' 1 ii Pe. 12. gj mon> S on of Jonas, Iovest thou me'? Peter was h tf 2GMat. * & 14 Ho 4 PWf^ because he said unto him the third time, ** fcrfoCa.TO.6. Invest thou me*? And he said unto him, Lord, thou "i^c 3 !' fe- rn cf 31 Job knowest all things'; thou knowest that I love thee. 1 " .. ( 4- , & Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep." see 99e. r MHE same day" at evening, being the first day of JL the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus** and stood in the midst,* and saith unto them, p 15 i Co. 5. ' ' Peace be unto you/ And when he had so said, he r 10 Da. 19. *<5f20Joh29. shewed unto them his hands and his side/ Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord/ t See 139 *" Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you : "6* Is - 1; as my Father hath sent me," even so send I you." v 26Ac - 17 - S Job. 42.' A n d when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the holy Ghost. Whose- x cf 8]Ac.20, n> 8 Bo. 1. soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them*" ; &c> _ and whosesoever sins ye retain, they are retained. 1 see I31a-j. Or this. St. Matth. xxviii. 18-20. (377.) TESUS came and spake unto them, saying, All 7 nl i' i power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." 7 Da. 14; 1 & . & See2666-c. 10 Lu. 22; vro ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them 19 Re. 11- i n t ne name O f the Father, and of the Son, and of the 28 Ge. 15 ;' clliCo./.23. holy Ghost*: teaching them to observe all things 3 Ex. 12; ai. 4. whatsoever I have commanded you* : and lo I am g ? p* ' lg ' even unto ^^ e d of the world.' See 108/. 390 THE CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS. After the Gospel, and the Nicene Creed, and the Sermon are ended, the Elected Bishop (vested with his Rochet) shall be presented by two Bishops unto the Archbishop of that province (or to some other Bishop appointed by lawful com- mission) the Archbishop sitting in his chair near tlie holy table, and the Bishops that present htm saying, MOST Reverend Father-^ in God, we present / 6 ii Ki. 21. unto you this godly and well-learned man/ to See 346a - be Ordained and Consecrated Bishop. T/ten shall the Archbishop demand the Queen's Mandate for the Consecration, and cause it to be read. And the Oath touching the acknowledgement of the Queen's Supremacy, shall be ministered to the persons elected, as it is set down before in the Form for the Ordering of Deacons. And then shall also be ministered unto tliem the Oath of due obedience to tlie Archbishop, asfol- loweth. The Oath of due Obedience to the Archbishop. IN the Name of God. Amen. I N. chosen Bishop of the Church and See of N. do profess and promise all due reverence and obedience to the Archbishop, and to the Metropolitical Church of N. and to their successors' 1 ; So help me God, through Jesus Christ. See$ilg,h. This Oath shall not be made at the Consecration of an Archbishop. Then the Archbishop shall move the Congregation present to pray, saying thus to them, "ORETHREN, it is written in the Gospel of St. 6Lu. I2,I-2 Then shall be said this Prayer following. ALMIGHTY God, giver of all good things, who by J\. thy holy Spirit hast appointed divers orders of 391 THE CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS. Ministers in thy Church/ mercifully behold this thy h 4 Ep. 11. servant now called to the work and Ministry of a # 1Tit - * 5 - Bishop, and replenish him so with the truth of thy tGiiCo.6,7. doctrine,' and adorn him with innocency of life,-' that-?' ^ 30Ex - both by word and deed, he may faithfully serve thee & 52 is. ll. fc2Re.l8, 19. in this Office,* to the glory of thy name,' and the j 4 Ac. /. 21. >7iCo.I.17; edifying and well-governing of thy church,"' through 11 iCo.Z.34. tne jjjgj-jtg O f our Saviour Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the holy Ghost, world without n s *f_ 47 A- end." Amen. See35ia-k. Then the Archbishop, sitting in his chair, shall say to him that is to be Consecrated, 0T2iiCo.l3. "DROTHER," forasmuch as the holy Scripture, and J-* the ancient Canons command, that we should not be hasty in laying on hands,'' and admitting any p 5 i TJ./.22. person to government in the Church of Christ, which sf3iTi.lO. he hath purchased with no less price than the effusion q See 375 i. O f his own blood' ; before I admit you to this ad- ministration, I will examine you in certain articles, to the end that the Congregation present may have a trial, and bear witness how you be minded to behave yourself in the Church of God/ A RE you persuaded that you be truly called to JL\- this Ministration, according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ >* and the order of this Realm ? Answer. I am so persuaded.' See356f-g. (379.) The Alp. Are you persuaded that the holy Scrip- tures contain sufficiently all doctrine required of ne- cessity to eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ ? And are you determined out of the same holy Scriptures to instruct the people committed to your charge ; and to teach or maintain nothing as re- quired of necessity to eternal salvation, but that which you shall be persuaded may be concluded and proved a See Art.vi. by the same ? a ' c - Answer. I am so persuaded and determined by ,. _ f* ., i, 119 i s.lub. God s grace. The Abp. Will you then faithfully exercise your- See3G6a-d. C ?> R 6 7' se ^ * n ^ ie same no ty Scriptures,' and call upon God by prayer, for the true understanding of the same'* ; d 1 Ja. 5. so as you may be able by them to teach and exhort with wholesome doctrine, and to withstand and con- e 1 Tit. 9. vince the gainsayers' ? ,. S(g 369 x Answer. I will so do, by the help of God/ The Abp. Are you ready with all faithful diligence S<-e307n-d. 2ijxi 16-18- * b an i sn and drive away all erroneous and strange 3Tit.lo,ll.' doctrine, contrary to God's word ? ; and both privately 392 CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS. and openly to call upon, and encourage others to the A a I 2 Ro - 18 > much as shall lie in you, quietness, love, and peace s#357o-/. 12 He. 14 ; among all men" ; and such as be unquiet, disobedient, 3 Ja. is. and criminous within your Diocese, correct and w. 6 f Co 3 ? P un i s h>* according to such authority as you have by b See 31 a. s3t>7-fr. God's word, c and as to you shall be committed by the clTit.10,11. Ordinance of this Realm ? e lAe.21,22 ; Answer. I will so do by the help of God. d dl01Ps.4,fr 2 ii Ti. 2. ipfrg jbp. Will you be faithful in ordaining/ send- , ,. , a ff 8 Af f i J 5 AC, 22. n-19 in ' or ' a y in S hands* upon others ? 25, 27. 2 ' Th 7 Ansicer. I will so be by the help of God.* A 0T7 Ne. 2. 2 ii Ti. 24. ^"* e ^ft/?. Will you shew yourself gentle,' and be j 8 Mar. 41 * 13 He. 2. merciful for Christ's sake' to poor and needy people,* '" Jo - 7 - 13- grant also unto you strength and power to perform the same"; that he accomplishing in you the good work which he hath begun/ you may be found perfect and p2HTh. 16, *4 ii Ti. b. ' irreprehensible at the latter day,' through Jesus ' _ Christ our Lord. Amen. SeeWln-p. Then shall the Bishop elect put on the rest of the Episcopal habit, [cf. 8 Le. 7-9.] and kneeling down, Veni, Creator Spiritus, thall be sttng or said over him, the Archbishop beginning, and the Bishops, with others that are present, answering by verses, as followeth. (381 .) /^OMK, holy Ghost," our souls inspire, agfSMat.16. V_7 And lighten* tcith celestial Jire. c &118Ps.27. c 10 1. 17. Thou the anointing Spirit art, rf d4Ac.nt.27. rf 30 Is. 26, Who dost thy seven-fold gifts impart.' & 4 Zee. 2.' Thy blessed unction from above/ /2i Jo. 20. g 9 Ac. l. 31. /* comfort,' life," and fire of love.* *k pB Q i See 383 g. Enable with perpetual' light k 4 ii Co. 4 ; The dulnesa of our blinded sight* 5 Ep. 8. Anoint and cheer our soiled face' /gf 104P.15. With the abundance of thy grace. 393 THE CONSECRATION OF BISHOPS. ro27Ps.l-3. Keep far our foes," 1 give peace at home" : tt0T2Ac.42- o 63 Is. 14. Where thou art guide, no ill can come." Teach us to know* 1 the Father, Son, p2iCo.lO,<5fc. q See3lm,&. And thee, of both, 9 to be bnt one. _ ~ That, through the ages all along, This may be our endless song ; Praise to thy eternal merit, Father, Son, and holy Spirit. Or this. /"1OME, holy Ghost, eternal God, Vy Proceeding from above, Scc. r r Sec Nos. 369, & 370. As before in the Form of Ordering Priests. That ended, the Archbishop shall say, Lord, hear our prayer. See 289 j. Answer. And let our cry come unto thee/ Let us pray. (382.) ALMIGHTY God, and most merciful Father, _iTL who of thine infinite goodness hast given thy only and dearly beloved Son Jeaus Christ, to be our Re- a 9 ii Co. 15. deemer, and the author of everlasting life" ; who after that he had made perfect our redemption by his death/ 1 c 2 Ac. 33. an d was ascended into heaven,' poured down his gifts abundantly upon men, making some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and doctors, to the edifying and making perfect his Church 1 * ; Grant, we beseech thee, to this thy servant such see 371 o-^. grace, that he may evermore be ready to spread abroad e 1 Ro.ll, $. thy gospel,' the glad tidings^ of reconciliation with / See 219 r. cf. 17Ac.l6, thee^ ; and use the authority given him, not to de- g cf 14 Re 6 $ truction, but to salvation*; not to hurt, but to help'; AlOHCo.8; j I jj Co 24. so that as a wise and faithful servant, giving to thy 13llCo>1 gT3SJe.f.4. family their portion in due season,-' he may at last/ 24 Mat 45, * 25 Mat 21. be received into everlasting joy,* through Jesus Christ 46; our Lord, who, with thee and the holy Ghost liveth 44. and reigneth one God, world without end. Amen. Then the Archbishop and Bishops present shall lay their hands upon the head of the elected Bishop, kneeling before them upon his knees, the Archbishop saying, (383.) T> ECEIVE the holy Ghost, for the Office and "JJ ''** ]?' XV work of a Bishop in the Church of God," now v 0M8JBB.ll, ... . r j h 6 34 De. 9; & 1 i Ti. 18. committed unto thee by the imposition of our hands ; jy Ac ^ c gf 10 Zee. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and d See 151 a-. o 12 o^ of the holy Ghost. c Amen. And remember that -O *f ^ See 266 b-e. ., J ,, - -. . , . . . 6 Ac. 8. 8 Ro 15- u r U P grace ol God which is given thee of 4 Zee. G, 4 i Jo. 18.' by this imposition of our hands d : for God hath not , 5 'So'^' g 5 Ga. 22. given us the spirit of fear,' but of power/and love/ and 2<5 AC. 25. soberness.* [1 ii Ti. 7.] gf5hCo.l3. 394 THE CONSECRATION OP BISHOPS. t See Coro- Then the Archbishop shall deliver him the Bible,* saying, vfces l"" (~^ ^ E heed unto readin g- > exhortation* and doc- j I Jos. 8. oT23 ii Ch ^^ trine.' Think upon the things contained in this ^4 , TJ. j. 13. 11. ' Book.'" Be diligent in them, that the increase coming * 13Mat52; thereby may be manifest unto all men." Take heed n2Ph.15.16. 2 4| r C i5 3; unto tn y se ^' an( * to doctrine,'' and be diligent in p 4 Ep 14 m 119Ps 99 ^ing tnem ' : f r by so doing, thou shalt both save thy- " ii Jo 8 Se ^' r anc * ^ lem *' lat ^ ear lnee -' Be to the flock of r 20 Ac. 26. 2 Ho ?! Christ a shepherd, not a wolf ; feed them, devour 1 11 Ro. 14; them not.' Hold up the weak, heal the sick, bind up * a And to will not we go back from thee : ft let us * 79 Ps. 13. live, and ice shall call upon thy name.' Ver. 18. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, $c. Proper Psalms, Ixiv, cxxiv, cxxv. Proper Lessons. The Pint, 2 Sam. xxii. Te Deum. The Second, Acts xxiii. Jubilate. In the tuffrages after the Creed these shall be inserted and uted for the Queen. Priest. O Lord, save the Queen' ; ts^Kj. People. Who putteth her trust in thee. Priest. Send her help from thy holy place. People. And evermore mightily defend her." Sw294J-n. Priest. Let her enemies have no advantage against her. People. Let not the wicked approach to hurt her.* 27 Ps. 2. Instead of the first Collect at Morning Prayer thall these two be rued. (386.) A LMIGHTY God, who hast in all ages shewed a l Ne. 10. -i*- thy power" and mercy* in the miraculous and b 63 Is. 9. e 2 Ju. 18. E rac ious deliverances of thy Church, 1 and in the pro- tection of righteous and religious Kings and States professing thy holy and eternal truth, from the wicked conspiracies, and malicious practices of all the ene- mies thereof* : We yield thee our unfeigned thanks * W ii Ki.34. < s385g.A. and praise,' for the wonderful and mighty deliverance of our gracious Sovereign King James the First, the Queen, the Prince, and all the Royal Branches, with the Nobility, Clergy, and Commons of England, then assembled in Parliament, by Popish treachery ap- pointed as sheep to the slaughter/ in a most bar- / 44 Ps. 22. barous and savage manner, beyond the examples of former ages. From this unnatural conspiracy, not K 36 Ez. 22. our merit,* but thy mercy*; not our foresight, but h 3 La. 22. j 127 Ps. 1. thy providence delivered us 1 : And therefore, not unto as, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name be ascribed all honour and glory ,-> in all Churches of the j 115 P. 1. * 12iCo. 26. saints, from generation to generation,'' through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ACCEPT also, most gracious God, of our unfeigned jflL thanks for filling our hearts again with joy and m 90 Ps. 15. gladness,' after the time that thou hadst afflicted us," i ^Ei.16,17 397 GUNPOWDER TREASON. -Nov. 5. and putting a new song into our mouths," by bringing 40Ps. 3. his Majesty King William, upon this day, for the deliverance of our Church and Nation from Popish tyranny and arbitrary power. We adore the wisdom and justice of thy providence, which so timely in- 32 De. 36. terposed in our extreme danger," and disappointed all the designs of our enemies/ We beseecli thee, give p 15 Ex. 9. us such a lively and lasting sense of what thou didst q 103 Ps. 2. then, and hast since that time done for us, ? that we may not grow secure and careless in our obedience, by presuming upon thy great and undeserved goodness r ; 32 De. 15. * 2 Ro. 4. but that it may lead us to repentance/ and move us to be the more diligent and zealous in all the duties of our religion, which thou hast in a marvellous manner M 25 Ps. 21. preserved to us.' Let truth and justice," brotherly ( !2iSa. 24. w 33 Is. 6. kindness and charity," devotion and piety, 7 " concord v 12 Ro. 10. and unity,* with all other virtues, so flourish among x i22Ps 3 d. y See&u-x. us, that they may be the stability of our times, y and make this Church a praise in the earth. 1 All which we a 3 Zep. 20. humbly beg for the sake of our blessed Lord and Sa- viour. Amen. In the end of the Litany (which shall always this day be used) after the Collect We humbly beseech thee, O Father, &c. shall this be said which followeth. (387.) ALMIGHTY God and heavenly Father, who of a 103 Ps. 19. _^\_ thy gracious providence," and tender mercy* b 5 Ja - * 1L towards us, didst prevent the malice and imaginations of our enemies, by discovering and confounding their e23Ac.!2,4b. horrible and wicked enterprize, plotted and intended this day to have been executed against the King, and the whole State of England, for the subversion of the government and religion established among us ; and didst likewise upon this day wonderfully conduct thy servant King William, and bring him safely into England, to preserve us from the attempts of our ene- mies to bereave us of our religion and laws : we most humbly praise and magnify thy most glorious name d d29iCh.!3. for thy unspeakable goodness, towards us, expressed t See 3P5/. in both these acts of thy mercy.* We confess it has been of thy mercy alone, that we are not consumed-^ :/Se400d,. g gf4Ge. 10, For our sins have cried to heaven against us ? ; and our iniquities justly called for vengeance upon us.* '* 3I 8 - z - 8 - But thon hast not dealt with us after our sins, nor 1 103 Ps. 10. rewarded us after our iniquities' ; nor given us over, as we deserved, to be a prey to our enemies- 7 ' ; but j 124 Ps. 6. hast in mercy delivered us from their malice, and pre- k 116 Ps. 8. served us from death and destruction.* Let the 398 GUNPOWDER TREASON.- JVot. 5. consideration of this thy repeated goodness, O Lord, work in us true repentance, that iniquity may not be our ruin.' And increase in us more and more a lively 1 18 Ez. 30. m. See 37a. faith and love,'" fruitful in all holy obedience" ; that n H E. 27. thou mayest still continue thy favour, with the light o gf2Re.f.5. of thy gospel," to us and our posterity for evermore f P 4 De. 40. and that for thy dear Son's sake, Jesus Christ our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen, Instead of the Prayer In time of war and tumults thall be used this Prayer following. (388.) /"\ LORD, who didst this day discover the snares \^J of death that were laid for us, and didst wonder- a UiiKi.8, torn to whom custom, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour. 2 See 79 g-u. The Gospel. St. Luke ix. 5156. AND it came to pass, when the time was come that m 13 Joh.l. *-*- ne should be received up,"' he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem," and sent messengers before n 50Is.5, is. 9, 10. to gj ve ng a m ighty deliverance from the open tyranny and oppression of the same cruel and blood- thirsty enemies^: We bless and adore thy glorious / -22 ii 8*. Majesty, as for the former, so for this thy late mar- * a > 50 - vellous loving-kindness to our Church and Nation, in 48 Ps.l,4fc. the preservation of our religion and liberties.*' And we humbly pray, that the devout sense of this thy repeated mercy may renew and increase in us a spirit of love and thankfulness to tliee its only Author* ; a * ^ Pt - ' spirit of peaceable submission and obedience to our t-'9iOh 23, gracious Sovereign Lady, Queen VICTORIA 1 ; and a spirit of fervent zeal for our holy religion which tliou hast so wonderfully rescued, and established, a blessing to us and our posterity ' And this we beg j g 37 z. for Jesus Christ his sake. Amen. 24-:*. A FORM OF PRAYER WITH FASTING, To be used yearly on the Thirtieth of January, B -in;* the day of the martyrdom of the blessed king Charles the first ; to implore the mercy of God, that neither the guilt of that sacred and innocent blood, nor those other sins, by which God was provoked to deliver up both us and our king into the hands of cruel and unreasonable men, may at any time hereafter be visited upjn us or our posterity. If this day shall happen to be Sunday, this Form of Prayer shall be used, and the Fist kept the next day following. And upon the Lord's d ay nett before the day to be kept, at Morning Prayer immediately after the Nicene Creed, notice shall be %'ioenfor the due observation of the said day . The service on the day shall be the same with the usual office fo r Holy-days in all things ; except where it is in this office otherwise appointed. THE ORDER FOR MORNING PRAYER. He that ministereth, shall begin with one or more of these sentences. (391.) ^T^O the Lord our God belong mercies and forgive- IGHTEOUS art thou, O Lord' : and just are -* *-* thy judgements- 7 ! Psalm cxix. 1 37. j 12 Je. 1. Thou art just, O Lord, in all that is brought upon us : for thou hast done right, but we have done k 9 Da. 5, Ob. 7. they that eat of his bread laid great wait for him. 1 " Psalm xli. 9. They rewarded him evil for good : to the great discomfort of his soul. 1 Psalm XKV. 12. * 17 Pr. 13. They took their counsel together, saying, God hath y 42 Ps. 10. forsaken him y : persecute him, and take him, for there is none to deliver him. 1 Psalm Ixxi. 9. s32iiCli.ll- (392.) The breath of our nostrils," the anointed of the a .^ 44Ge - ' Lord? was taken in their pits' : of whom toe said, i> l iiSu. 14. c!2E 13 Un( * er '"* shad we sna ll oe safe. d Lam. iv. 20. d0?24Lu./ The adversary and the enemy entered into the gates ** e74Ps.4,4t. of Jerusalem* : saying, When shall he die, and his name perish^ ? Ver. 1 2. Psalm xli. 5. f 10 Pr> 7 - g 109 Ps. 7. Let the sentence of guiltiness proceed against him* : and now that he lieth, let him rise up no morc,. h h 3 Ps< 2 - Ver. 8. False witnesses also did rise up against him : they 402 KING CHARLES THE MARTYR Jan. 30. i 6 Ac. 13. laid to his charge things that he knew not.' Psalm xxxv. 11. For the sing of the people, and the iniquities of tJie priest* : they shed the blood of the just in the midst of Jerusalem.} Lam. iv. 13. J3Mi.ll.12. k 12 Pr. 6. O my soul, come not thou into their secret* ; unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united' : for I 15 Je. 17. m 2 i Ki. 5. in their anger they slew a man ; m Gen. xlix. 6. Even the man of thy right hand : the son of man, whom thou hadst made to strong for thine own telf. Psalm Ixxi. 17. In the sight of the unwise he seemed to die : and his departure was taken for misery. Wisd. iii. 2. They fools counted his life madness, and his end to be without honour : but he it in peace. Wis. v. 4. & iii. 3. For though he was punished in the sight of men : yet was his hope full of immortality. Wisd. iii. 4. How is he numbered with the children of God: and his lot is among the saints ! Wisd. v. 5. (393.) But, O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth, thou God, to whom vengeance belongeth : be favour- 35 Is. 4. able and gracious unto Sion.* Psalm xciv. 1 . and li. 1 8. & 2 Zee. 5. Be merciful, O Lord, unto thy people, whom thou c 3 La. 58. hast redeemed* : and lay not innocent blood to our charge* Deut. xxi. 8. d 35 Nu. 33. O shut not up our souls with sinners : nor our lives Stt 3 * J c- 3 ii Sa. 28. with the blood-thirsty.' Psalm xxvi. 9. Deliver us from blood-guiltiness/ O God, thou f 26 Je. 15. g 3Hab. 18. that art the God of our salvation g : and our tongues shall sing of thy righteousness. 1 ' Psalm 15. 14. * fl Ear. 13. For thou art the God that hast no pleasure in 2 MaL 17. wickedness : neither shall any evil dwell with thee.' Psalm v. 4. Thou wilt destroy them that speak leasing : the Lord abhors both the blood-thirsty and deceitful manJ Ver. 6J 1 R- 29. O how suddenly do they consume : perish, and *9iiKi.33,4t come to a fearful end* ! Psalm Ixxiii. 18. yea, even like as a dream, when one awaketh : so didst thou make their image to vanish out of the city. 1 I 20Job5-9. Ver. 1 9. m 4 Ua. 3. Great and marvellous are thy works," O Lord God Almighty : just and true are thy ways," O King of * 14Ho.n.9; saints. Rev. xv. 3. Righteous art thou, O Lord : and just are thy o S 3&l i. judgements" Psalm cxix. 137. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, $c. 403 D D 2 KING CHARLES THE MARTYR. Jan. 30. Proper Psalms, ix, x, xi. Proper Lessons. The First,' 2 Sam. i. The Second, St. Matth. xxvii. Instead of the first Collect at Morning Prayer shall these two, which next follow, be used. (394.) / \ MOST mighty God, terrible in thy judgements," a 10 De. 17. \J and wonderful in thy doings toward the children <-12iSa. 25. O f men,* who in thy heavy displeasure' didst suffer b 66 Ps. 3, 5. the life of our gracious Sovereign King Charles the First, to be (as) this day taken away by the hands of A 5 p g 6 . cruel and bloody men d : We thy sinful creatures here i7Ps.i2,13. e 20 Ju. 26. assembled before thee,' do, in the behalf of all the people of this land/ humbly confess, that they were 21. the crying sins of this nation, which brought down g 9 Ne.33^c. this heavy judgement upon us/ But, O gracious God, when thou makest inquisition for blood,* lay not ^ 9 Ps- 12- i 1 Jon. 14. the guilt of this innocent blood,' (the shedding where- of nothing but the blood of thy Son can expiate-*)./ See 63 * * 22 Ez. 3,4. lay it not to the charge of the people of this land*; nor let it ever be required of us, or our posterity.' j i8Ez.l4.4t. tn 57 Ps. 1. Be merciful, O Lord, be merciful unto thy people, whom thou hast redeemed" ; and be not angry with us 74 Ps. 2. a 85 Ps. 5. for ever" ; but pardon us for thy mercies' sake/ through p 6 Ps. 4. the merits of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. A men. BLESSED Lord, in whose sight the death of thy saints is precious 9 ; we magnify thy name for thine abundant grace bestowed upon our martyred Sovereign 7 " ; by which he was enabled so cheerfully r See 244jf. to follow the steps of his blessed Master and Saviour, in a constant meek suffering of all barbarous indigni- * 12 He. 4. ties, and at last resisting unto blood* ; and even then, according to the same pattern, praying for his mur- derers.' Let his memory, O Lord, be ever blessed t 23 Lu. 34. among us ; that we may follow the example of his courage and constancy, his meekness and patience, and great charity. And grant, that this our land may be freed from the vengeance of his righteous blood, and 14 Nu. 19. thy mercy glorified in the forgiveness of our sins" ; and all for Jesus Christ his sake, our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen. In the end of the Litany (which shall always on this day be used) immediately after the Collect We humbly beseech thee, O Father, &c. the three Collects next following are to be read. (395.) f\ LORD, we beseech thee, mercifully hear our \J prayers, and spare all those who confess their sins unto thee, that they whose consciences by sin are accused, by thy merciful pardon may be absolved, a see 331 w. through Christ our Lord." Amen. 404 KING CHARLES THE MARTYR. Jan. 30. MOST mighty God, and merciful Father, who hast compassion upon all men, and hatest no- thing that thou hast made, who wouldest not the death of a sinner, but that he should rather turn from his sin, and be saved ; mercifully forgive us our tres- passes, receive and comfort us, who are grieved and wearied with the burden of our sins. Thy property is always to have mercy, to thee only it appertained to forgive sins ; spare us therefore, good Lord, spare thy people, whom thou hast redeemed ; enter not into judgement with thy servants, who are vile earth, and miserable sinners : but so turn thine anger from us, who meekly acknowledge our vileness, and truly repent us of our faults ; and so make haste to help us in tliis world, that we may ever live with thee in the world to come, through Jesus Christ our Lord.* Amen. bSet33Q-j. * b To ^ 8aid nPURN* thou us, O good Lord, and so shall we be people, -- turned. Be favourable, O Lord, be favourable after the to thy people, Who turn to thee in weeping, fasting ' inEd! o^ and P ra y' n S- For thou art a merciful God, Full of 14562. compassion, Long-suffering, and of great pity. Thou sparest, wlien we deserve punishment, And in thy wrath thinkest upon mercy. Spare thy people, good Lord, spare them, And let not thine heritage be brought to confusion. Hear us, O Lord, for thy mercy is great, And after the multitude of thy mercies look upon us; Through the merits and mediation of thy e S332i-i. blessed Son Jesus Christ our Lord." Amen. In the Communion Service, after the Prayer for the Queen Almighty God, whose kingdom is everlasting, &c. instead of the Collect for the day shall these two be used. O most mighty God, &c. ) As in the Morning Blessed Lord, &c. Prayer. The Epistle. 1 St. Pet. ii. 1322. (396.) O UBMIT yourselves to every ordinance of man for ^ the Lord's sake ; whether it be to the king, as supreme ; or unto governours, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evil-doers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, tliat with well-doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men : as free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Srl3et.p. p ear G O ^. Honour the king." Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear,* not only to the good * 3 ^^^ ! c 10 Pr. 32. and gentle, but also to the froward. For this is . of the vineyard, and slew him." When the lord there- "26 Mat. 66, fore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto c ' o #12 iiSa. those husbandmen"? They say unto him, He will 5 > 6 - miserably destroy those wicked men,'' and will let out *28De 63.6s //14Lu.23,24-, his vineyard unto other husbandmen, 9 which shall l3Ac.46-48. render him the fruits in their seasons/ r 28 Ac. 28. After the Nicene Creed, shall be read, instead of the sermon for that day, the first and second parts of the Homily Jgainst disobedience and wilful rebellion, set forth by authority ; or the Minister who officiates shall preach a sermon of his own composing upon the same argument. In the Offertory shall this Sentence be read. (397.) TITHATSOEVER ye would that men should do YY unto you, even so do unto them; for this is aSeeM2f,h. the law and the prophets. St. Matth. vii. 12. After the Prayer For the whole state of Christ's Church &c. these two Collects following shall be used. LORD, our heavenly Father, who didst not punish us as our sins have deserved,* but hast b See 39 v. c 3 Hab. 2. in the midst of judgement remembered mercy ; We acknowledge it thine especial favour, that, though for our many and great provocations,** thou didst suffer d See 394 c, thine anointed blessed King Charles the First (as) this 4 " 5 ' day to fall into the hands of violent and blood-thirsty 406 O KING CHARLES THE \fARTYR. Jan, 30. men, and barbarously to be murdered by them ; yet tliou didst not leave us for ever as sheep without a e 22iKi. 17. shepherd,' but by thy gracious providence didst mira- culously preserve the undoubted heir of his crowns, our then gracious Sovereign King Charles the Se- cond, from his bloody enemies, hiding him under the shadow of thy wings, until their tyranny was over- past^; and didst bring him back in thy good ap-/57Ps. M. pointed time, to sit upon the throne of his father; and together with the Royal Family, didst restore to us 1 humble our ancient government in Church and State. For thanici these thy great and unspeakable mercies, we render bottomof to thee our most humble and unfeigned thanks' ; be- ourheartt; seeching thee, still to continue thy gracious protection over the whole Royal Family, and to grant to our gracious Sovereign Queen VICTORIA, a long and /r See I05e h. & happy reign over us* : So we, that are thy people, will give thee thanks for ever, and will alway be shew- ing forth thy praise from generation to generation,* '* ' 9 !' 13 through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen. grant, O Lord, we beseech thee, that the course of this world may be so peaceably ordered by thy governance, that thy Church may joyfully serve thee in all godly quietness, through Jesus sclC2-d. Christ our Lord.' Amen. A N THE ORDER FOR EVENING PRAYER. The Hymn appointed to be used at Morning Prayer inttead of Venite, exultemus shall here also be used before the Proper Psalms. Righteous art thou, O Lord, S(c. Proper Psalms. Ixxix, xciv, Ixxxv. Proper Lessons. The First, Jer. xii. or Dan. ix. to ver. 22. The Second, Hebr. xi. ver. 32. and xii. to ver. 7. Instead of the first Collect at Evening Prayer, shall these two which next follow be used. (398.) S\ ALMIGHTY 1 Lord God, who by thy wisdom a 36 Job 5. \J no t on iy g u id es t and orderest all things most suitably to thine own justice*; but also performest * l8Ge.i.25. thy pleasure in such a manner, that we cannot but acknowledge thee to be righteous in all thy ways, and c 115 Ps. 17. holy in all thy works : We thy sinful people do here fall down before thee, rf confessing that thyjudgements c See 384 g. were right,' in permitting cruel men, sons of Belial, as this day, to imbrue their hands in the blood of thine anointed ; we having drawn down the same upon our- selves, by the great and long provocations of our sins against thee. For which we do therefore here humble 407 KING CHARLES THE MARTYR. Jan. 30. 2 imploring ourselves before thee ; beseeching thee to 2 deliver this forthe'par- nation fr m blood-guiltiness, (that of this day espe- dvn of cially,) and to turn from us and our posterity all those Hum all; judgements, which we by our sins have worthily "/tow. '" deserved : Grant this, for the all-sufficient merits of u-ouldtt thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. Ed. of 1692. -fj LESS ED God, just and powerful, -who didst per- -L* mit-^ thy dear servant, our dread Sovereign King/ 3 Am. 6. Charles the First, to be as upon this day given up to the violent outrages of wicked men, to be despite- fully used, and at the last murdered by them : Though we cannot reflect upon so foul an act, but with horror g 119 Ps. 53. and astonishment^ ; yet do we most gratefully com- memorate the glories of thy grace, which then shined forth in thine anointed ; whom thou wast pleased, even at the hour of death, to endue with an eminent measure of exemplary patience, meekness, and charity, before the face of his cruel enemies. And albeit thou didst suffer them to proceed to such an height of violence as to kill him, and to take possession of his throne ; yet didst thou in great mercy preserve his son, A whose right it was, and at length by a wonderful h cf. 22iiCh. providence bring him back, and set him thereon, to lu " 12 - restore thy true religion, and to settle peace amongst 1 For which us: For these thy great mercies' we glorify thy name, Ed. of 1692. through Jesus Christ our blessed Saviour. A men. Immediately after the Collect Lighten our darkness, &c. shall these three next following be used. O Lord, we beseech &c. i . , ,, /-\ i.i /-i j I -As before at Morn- O most mighty God, &c. \ , Pravor Turn thou us, &c. j Immediately before the Prayer nf Saint Chrysostom shall this Collect which nextfolloweth be used. (399.) ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, whose right- ~LJL eousness is like the strong mountains, and thy a 36 Ps. 6. .judgements like the great deep" ; and who, by that bar- barous murder as on this day committed upon the sacred person of thine anointed, hast taught us, that neither the greatest of kings, nor the best of men, are more secure from violence than from natural death* ; * 35 itCh.23, teach us also hereby so to number our days, that we u ^( at _ JQ c SeeZUt,t. may apply our hearts unto wisdom.' And grant that efl3Lu.l-5. neither the splendor of any thing that is great, d nor d 4Da.30,31. clSLu. 31, the conceit of any thing that is good in us/ may 1 S ' e35/ ?- See 15 bb. withdraw our eyes from looking upon ourselves as 1 m " y ar>y sinful dust and ashes-^; but that, according to the Ed. of 1692. 2 toward example of this thy blessed martyr, we may press , J8 Qe 2 - "Ed. of 1692. forward to 5 the prize of the high calling that is before 408 RESTORATION OF THE ROYAL FAMILY May 29. g 3 Ph. 14. us/ in faith and patience,* humility and meekness,' ft 6 He. 12. t 3 Col. 12. mortification and self-denial,-' charity* and constant j 16 Mat 24. k l ii Pe 7 perseverance unto the end' : And all this for thy Son I 3 ii Th. 13. our Lord Jesus Christ his sake ; to whom witli thee and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. A FORM OF PRAYER WITH THANKSGIVING, TO ALMIGHTY GOD, For having put an end to the great Rebellion, by the restitution of the King and Royal Family, and the restoration of the government after many years' interruption ; which unspeakable mercies were wonderfully com- pleted upon the Twenty-ninth of May, in the Year 1660. And in memory thereof that day in every year is by Act of Parliament appointed to be for ever kept holy. The Act nf Parliament made in the Twelfth, and confirmed in the Thirteenth Year of King Charles the Second, for the observation of the Twenty-ninth Day of May yearly, as a day of publick Thanksgiving, is to be read publickly in all Churches at Morning Prayer, immediately after the Nicene Creed, on the Lord's-day next before every such Twenty ninth of May, and notice to be given for the due observation of the said day. The Service shall be the same with the uMial Office for Holydays ; except where it is in this Office otherwise appointed. If this day shall happen to be Ascension-day, or Whit- Sunday, the Collects of this Office are to be added to the Offices of those festivals in their proper places : If it be Monday or Tuesday in \Vhitsun-week, or Trinity-Sunday, the proper Psalms here appointed for this day, instead of those of ordinary course, shall be also used, and the Collects added as before ; and in all these cases the rest of this Office shall be omitted : But if it shall happen to be any other Sunday, this whole Office shall be used, as it followeth, entirely. And what festival soever shall happen to fall upon this solemn Day of Thanksgiving, the following Hymn, appointed instead of Venite, exultemus, shall oe con- stantly used. Morning Prayer shall begin with these Sentences. (400.) r I X) the Lord our God belong mercies and forgive- n 5Ro. 18. -i- nesses," though we have rebelled against him*: 6 5 La. 7, 16. neither have we obeyed the voice of the Lord our c See 1 l-n. God, to walk in his laws which he set before us. c Dan. ix. 9, 10. It is of the Lord's mercies that we were not con- rf 9 Ezr. 8 ; e 1 Mi.18,19. sinned 1 ' : because his compassions fail not.' Lam. iii. 22. 3 Mal - " Instead of Venite, exultemus shall be swig or said this Hymn following ; one verse by the Priest, and another by the Clerk and people. Y song shall be always of the loving-kindness of the Lord-': with my mouth will I ever be/ 101 P. 1. g 119 Ps. 90. shewing forth his truth from one generation to another/ Psalm Ixxxix. i. The merciful and gracious Lord hath so done his 409 M' RESTORATION OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. May 29. marvellous works : that they ought to be had in re- membrance. h Psalm cxi. 4. MJos.21-24. Who can express the noble acts of the Lord : or t 5 Job 9. shew forth all his praise* ? Psalm cvi. 2. frliPe.10-12. The works of the Lord are gretiti : sought out k of j 9 job 10. all them that have pleasure therein. 1 Psalm cxi. 2. i 17 p r . JQ. 4 Ja.10. The Lord setteth up the meek 7 ": and bringeth the ungodly down to the ground." Psalm cxlvii. 6. n 55 Ps. 23. The Lord executeth righteousness and judgement : o i7Jobl3,4t f or a tt them that are oppressed with wrong Ps. ciii. 6. For he will not alway he chiding : neither keepeth he his anger for ever/ Ver. 9. p 3 Je. 5. He hath not dealt with us after our sins : nor re- (/ 130Ps.3,4. warded us according to our wickedness." 1 Ver. 10. For look how high the heaven is in comparison of the earth : so great is his mercy toward them that fear him/ Ver. 11. r 1 Ep. 7. Yea-, like as a father pitieth his own children : even so allLu.11,12. ** the Lord merciful unto them that fear him' Ver. 13. Thou, O God, hast proved us': thou also hast tried t 8 De. 16. u 48 Is. 10. us, even as silver is tried." Psalm Ixvi. 9. Thou sufferedst men to ride over our heads, we went through fire and water": but thou hast brought l29Ps.l-3. n' 22iiSa.20- *** ou ^ * n ^ a wealthy place." Ver. 1 1. Q how great troubles and adversities hast thou u 6 Ho. 1. shewed us* ! and yet didst thou turn and refresh us" : x 60 Ps. 3. yea, and broughtest us from the deep of the earth again. 2 Psalm Ixxi. 18. 2- 37 Ez. 12, (401.) Thou didst remember us in our low estate," and re- 13 - 16Ez. 3,4fc deem us from our enemies' 1 : for thy mercy endureth b 15 Be. 15. c 136 Ps. lb,for ever." Psalm cxxxvi. 23, 24. &c - Lord, thou art become gracious unto thy land rf : d 2 Joel 18. e 30 Je. 18. thou hast turned away the captivity of Jacob/ Psalm Ixxxv. 1. God hath shewed us his goodness plenteouslyf : andf 9 ii Co. 11. g 37 Ps 34. God hath let us see our desire upon our enemies/ Psalm lix. 10. They are brought down and fallen : but we are risen and stand upright.* Psalm xx. 8. h 22iiSa.3S, There are they fallen, all that work wickedness : * 34 Ps. 21. they are cast down, and shall not be able to stand.* Psalm xxxvi. 12. The Lord hath been mindful of us/ and he shall j 2 Ex. 25. k 22 Ge. 18. bless us : even he shall bless the house of Israel,* he shall bless the house of Aaron. Psalm cxv. 12. He shall bless them that fear the Lord' : both small I See 36 a-. and great. Ver. 1 3. 410 17 63 Is. 7. l5 ' u 9 PS. l ; Co1 - * w 9 Ps. 6. RESTORATION OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. May 29. O that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodness : and declare the wonders that he doeth for m See3Wt-v. the children of men ! Psalm cvii. 2 1 . That they would offer unto him the sacrifice of u 12 Is. 4 thanksgiving" : and tall out his works with gladness ! n H' P.17; Vpr <2 ; > l^ H*' 15. v er ' ** See 46 t. And not hide them from the children of the gene- rations to come p : but shew the honour of the Lord, p i Joel 3. his mighty and wonderful works that he hath done" I Psalm Ixxviii. 4. That our posterity may also know them, and the children that are yet unborn* : and not be as their fore- r 9 ES. 28. * 17 ii Ki.14, fathers, a faithless and stubborn generation.' Ver. 6, 9. Give thanks, O Israel, unto God the Lord in the congregations' : from the ground of the heart." Psalm, t loa P 39 Ixviii. 26. Praised be the Lord daily: even the God who helpeth us, and poureth his benefit- upon us." Ver. 19. v ^ p fc ^ O let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end w : 15, 24. but establish thou the righteous.* Psalm vii. 9. x u p r> j^ Let all those that seek thee be joyful and glad in y 22 Ps. 26. fhee y : and let all such as love thy salvation 2 say al- z 119Ps.lll. icay, The Lord be praised. Psalm xl. 19. Glory be to the Father, &c. As it was in the beginning, SfC. Proper Psalms, cxxiv, cxxvi, cxxix, civiii. Proper Lessons. The First, 2 Sa. xix. ver. 9. or Nu. xvi. Te Deum. The Second, The Epistle of St. Jude. Jubilate Deo. The Suffrages next after the Creed shall stand thus. (402.) Priest. O Lord, shew thy mercy upon us. Seel2t,&- Answer. And grant us thy salvation." Priest. O Lord, save the Queen* ; * 10 i Sa.24. c 21 P. 7. Answer. Who putteth her trust in thee." Priest. Send her help from thy holy place. Answer. And evermore mightily defend her. Pr. Let her enemies have no advantage against her. Answer. Let not the wicked approach to hurt her. d rf P9 P.23/>, Priest. Endue thy ministers with righteousness. Answer. And make thy chosen people joyful. Priest. Give peace in our time, O Lord. Answer. Because there is none other that fighteth ^ but oniy thou ^ Q Q odf ' Priest. Be unto us, O Lord, a strong tower. Answer. From the face of our enemies. Priest. O Lord, hear our prayer. Answer. And let our cry come unto thee/ / 411 eH Ex. 13, 32 ii Ch.7,8; 60 Ps. 11. '" l ' q - RESTORATION OF THE ROYAL FAMILY. May 29. O Instead of the first Collect at Morning Prayer, shall these two which follow be used. ALMIGHTY God, who art a strong tower of defence unto thy servants against the face of g See46k-n their enemies^; We yield thee praise and thanks- giving for the wonderful deliverance of these 1 Kingdoms l these three from THE GREAT REBELLION, and all the ^d. of 1(585. miseries and oppressions consequent thereupon, under which they had so long groaned.* We acknowledge A 15iiCh.3-6. it thy goodness, that we were not utterly delivered over as a prey unto them ; beseeching thee still to continue such thy mercies towards us ; that all the world may know that thou art our Saviour and mighty Deliverer, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 1 65 Ps. 5. i~\ LORD God of our salvation/ who hast been ex- ^-' ceedingly gracious unto this land,-' and by thy j 85 Ps. 1. miraculous providence didst deliver us out of our miserable confusions, by restoring to us, and to his own just and undoubted rights, our then most gracious Sovereign Lord, King Charles the Second (notwith- standing all the power and malice of his enemies) and, by placing him on the throne of these kingdoms, didst restore 1 also unto us the public and free profession of 1 in the thy true religion and worship, together with our former throne of ., r. , , . tltlt Ttlllg- peace and prosperity, to the great comtort and joy Aom;tiierc- k lliiKi.4.$:. of our hearts*: We are here now before thee, with all byrestor- 20 - due thankfulness, to acknowledge thine unspeakable g^fgfiQgg 2 offer up goodness herein, as upon this day, shewed unto us, and *trreatand * ^ eT unto tnee? our sacrifice of praise for the same' ; I 8 i Ki. 66, glorious humbly beseeching thee to accept this our unfeigned Fd'"fl68 I > Chough unworthy oblation of ourselves'" : vowing all ' holy obedience in thought, word and work, unto thy 5any lea . our htartt, mercies, so especially for that signal and wonderful grcat ' 1 deliverance, by thy wise and good providence, as upon this day, completed and vouchsafed to our then most gracious Sovereign King Charles the Second, 3 n0t UUt US ' butuntoth y hadua 1 /". nance, did, name be ascribed all honour, and glory, and praise, tour unto 1685. w ith most humble and hearty thanks, in all Churches "* 1685> f. Se*386,$j. of the saints : Even so, blessed be the Lord our God, who alone doth wondrous things ; and blessed be the name of his majesty for ever, through Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour. Amen. In tlie Communion Service, immediately before the reading of the Epistle, shall these two Collects be used, instead of the Collect for the Qteen and the Col- lect of the Day. O Almighty God, &c/ /40%.*. irSee402i,4b. O Lord God of our salvation, &c.* The Epistle. 1 St. Pet. ii. 1 1 17. (404.) T"\ EARLY beloved, I beseech you, as strangers le ' and her posterity let the Crown for ever flourish.* . '_ . g So we thy people, and the sheep of thy pasture, will _ give thee thanks for ever, and will always be shewing See 407c- . i See 397 h. forth thy praise from generation to generation', through Jesus Christ our only Saviour and Redeemer ; 5 and God, to whom, with thee, O Father, and 5 the Holy Ghost, 1685. De glory in the Church throughout all ages, world without end. A men. A FORM OF PRAYER WITH THANKSGIVING TO ALMIGHTY GOD ; To be used in all Churches and Chapels within this Realm, every Year, upon the Twentieth Day of June ; being the Day on which Her Majesty began her happy Reign. The Service shall lie the same with the usual Office for Holy-days in all things ; except where it is in this Office otherwise appointed. If this day shall happen to be Sunday, this whole Office shall be used, as it followeth, entirely. (406.) Morning Prayer shall begin with these Sentences. a!8Ge.23,&. T EXHORT 1 that first of all, supplications, prayers, 1 Or desire. See 221 p. _L intercessions," and giving of thanks,* be made for o 1 ii Th/.3. 414 PRAYEK FOB THE TWENTIETH OF JUNE. c 3 i Th. 12. all men c ; for kings, and for all that are in authority** ; d 6 Ezr. 10. ellPr. 10,11; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life,' in all 2 Or emi ~ 29 Je 7 ' godliness and honesty/ For this is good and accept- ." 49 J .< 14 Ro 18. a ^ e unt 3 God our Saviour.' 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2, 3. 3 in the ' If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, *igM of and the truth is not in us* ; but, if we confess our sins, ^ 6 ii Ch. 36. he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to t 5 Ep. 26. Cleanse us 1 from all unrighteousness^ 1 St. Johni. 8, 9. j seel x-z. Instead o/Venite, exultemus the Hymn follovring shall be said or sung; one verse by the Priest, and another by the Cleric and people. * 19 Re. 1. 6. /~V LORD our Governour* : how excellent is thy V_>J name in all the world' ! Psalm viii. 1. iSHab. 3. Lord, what is man, that thou hast such respect unto m7Job!7,18. him : or the son of man, that thou so regardest him m ? Psalm cxliv. 3. 1 The 3d * 'The merciful and gracious Lord hath so done his th* 1 h VV n f marve N us works : that they ought to be had in re- in the Ed. membrance." Psalm cxi. 4. n of 106 P*. f 17 s T 5 t}uit men would tftere f ore praise tlie Lord for '" 22 - *" ' ' his goodness : and declare the wonders that he doeth o See 339<-r. for the children of men" ! Psalm cvii. 2 1 . Behold, O God our defended : and look upon the p 2 p r . 7, 8. q 45 Is./. 1. face of thine anointed.' Psalm Ixxxiv. 9. O hold thou up her goings in thy paths : that her footsteps slip not/ Psalm xvii. 5. r n9P.HG. Grant the Queen a long life : and make her glad 4 P. 6, 7. with the joy of thy countenance/ Psalm Ixi. 6. and xxi. 6. i Let her dwell before theefor ever' : O prepare thy t 41 Pfc 12 loving mercy and faithfulness, that they may preserve 20Pr.28. ner - H Psalm Ixi. 7. In her time let the righteous flourish : and let peace be in all our borders." Psalm Ixxii. 7. and cxlvii. 14. v 26 Le. 6. As for her enemies, clothe them with shame : w32UCh.27- *"* upon herself let her crown flourish." Psalm 30. cxxxiL 19. Blessed be the Lord God, even the God of Israel : which only doeth wondrous things.* Psalm Ixxii. 18. x 68 p. 35. And blessed be the name of his Majesty for ever : y 11 Is. 9. and all the earth shall be filled with his Majesty. 9 . Amen, Amen. Ver. 19. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is noic, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen. 415 PRAYER FOR THE TWENTIETH OF JUNE. Proper Psalms, xx, xxi, ci. SPr.lS.tfe. Proper Lessons. The First, Josh. i. to end of v. 9. 1 Ed - of 17(H - Te Deum. The Second, Rom. xiii. Jubilate Deo. The Suffrages next after the Creed shall stand thus. (407.) Priest. O Lord, shew thy mercy upon us. Answer. And grant us thy salvation. Priest. O Lord, save the Queen ; Answer. Who putteth her trust in thee. Priest. Send her help from thy holy place. Answer. And evermore mightily defend her. Priest. Let her enemies have no advantage against her. Answer. Let not the wicked approach to hurt her. Priest. Endue thy ministers with righteousness. Answer. And make thy chosen people joyful. Priest. O Lord, save thy people. Answer. And bless thine inheritance. Priest. Give peace in our time, O Lord. Answer. Because there is none other thai fighteth for us, but only thou, O God. Priest. Be unto us, O Lord, a strong tower, Answer. From the face of our enemies- Priest. O Lord, hear our prayer ; Sc402a-/. Answer. And let our cry come unto thee." Instead of the first Collect at Morning Prayer, shall be used this following Collect of Thanksgiving for Her Majesty's Accession to the Throne. A LMIGHTY God, who rulest over all the kingdoms JT\. of the world, and disposest of them according to thy good pleasure 6 ; we yield thee unfeigned thanks, &4Da.25,32. for that thou wast pleased, as on this day, to place 1 these thy Servant our Sovereign Lady Queen VICTORIA reaimt. upon the Throne of this Realm. 1 ' Let thy wisdom be ' ,' . _ her guide/ and let thine arm strengthen her"; let d liiCh.10. 80 P<; 21 J us ^ ce truth and holiness, let peace and love, and all those virtues that adorn the Christian profession/ ./ 5Ga.22,23. flourish in her days ; direct all her counsels and en- deavours to thy glory, and the welfare of her people ; and give us grace to obey her cheerfully and wil- g 13 Ro 5. lingly for conscience sake^; that neither our sinful passions, nor our private interests may disappoint her cares for the publick good ; let her always possess the hearts of her people,'* that they may never be want- A 3 ii Sa. 36. s 18iiSa.jn.3. ing in honour to her person, 1 and dutiful submission to her authority- 7 ; let her reign be long *and pros- J 18 Ps - 4 "- perous, and crown her with immortality in the life to See408g-x 61 Pg. 6,7. come,* through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 416 M' PRAYER FOR THE TWENTIETH OF JUNE. In the end of the Litany (which shall always be used upon this day) after the Collect We humbly beseech thee, O Father &c. shall tlie following Prayer (for tlie Queen and R>yal Family) be uied. (408.) /^V LORD our God, who upholdest and governest a 22 Ps. 23. \-J all things in heaven and earth." receive our humble prayers, with our hearty thanksgivings,* for b 119Ps.l08. our Sovereign Lady VICTORIA, as on this day, set over us by thy grace and providence to be our Queen ; and so together with her bless the Prince Consort, c Seelim-q. Albert Prince of Wales, and all the Royal Family 17 ; that they all, ever trusting in thy goodness, protected by thy power, and crowned with thy gracious and end- less favour, may continue before thee in health, peace, joy and honour, and may live long and happy lives upon earth,'' and after death obtain everlasting life and d 3 i Ki. 13. glory in the kingdom of heaven, by the merits and eSeellx,y. mediation of Christ Jesus our Saviour,' who with the Father and the holy Spirit, liveth and reigneth ever one God, world without end/ Amen. fSeelh. Then shall follow this Collect, for God's protection of the Queen against all her enemies. "OST gracious God, who hast set thy servant VICTORIA our Queen upon the throne of g gf 5iiSa.l2. her ancestors/ we most humbly beseecli thee to pro- tect her on the same from all the dangers to which she may be exposed* ; Hide her from the gathering / 91 Ps. S.fc 1 This sen- together of the froward, and from the insurrection of teuce added wicked doers 1 '; Dothou weaken tlie hands, blast the " c< ? ' designs, and defeat the enterprises of all her enemies/ j 12 Job 21. .. '' ' that no secret conspiracies, nor open violences,* may ' disquiet her reign ; but that, being safely kept under the shadow of thy wing,' and supported by thy power, i n p*. 6. ,,,H8p s .67. she may triumph over all opposition'"; that so the world may acknowledge thee to be her Defender and mighty Deliverer in all difficulties and adversities," n 49 Is. 1. 28. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then the Prayer for the High Court of Parliament (if sitting.) In the Communion Service, immediately before the reading of the Epistle, instead of the Collect for the Queen, and that of the day, shall be used this Prayer fur the Queen, as supreme Governour of this Church. BLESSED Lord, who hast called Christian Princes to the defence of thy faith, and hast made it their duty to promote the spiritual welfare together o 9 ii Ch. 8. with the temporal interest of their people"; We ac- knowledge with humble and thankful hearts thy great goodness to us, in setting thy Servant our most gracious Queen over this Church and nation''; Give her, we be- p 3ii Sa /.2. 417 -2 E PRAYER FOR THE TWENTIETH OF JUNE. seech thee, all those heavenly graces that are requisite 4 He. 16. f r so high a trust' ; Let the work of thee her God prosper in her hands r ; Let her eyes behold the success of her designs for the service of thy true Religion esta- r 2Ne.wi.20 dT24iiS3.3. hlished amongst us s ; And make her a blessed instru- ment of protecting and advancing thy truth, wherever it is persecuted and oppressed' ; Let hyprocisy and t #72Ps.l2. profaneness, superstition and idolatry, fly before her u 15iiCh.8. f a ce" ; Let not heresies and false doctrines" disturb the See 34 r-t. 1 after-ages, peace O f the Church, nor schisms and causeless divi- mahe the K . Queen, we sions weaken it w ; But grant us to be ot one heart and u> See 410 d. pray thte, O ne mind in serving thee our God, and obeying her "notherof according to thy will: And that these blessings may be 2 theteiting- children, continued to after-ages, let there never be one wanting domt. The who beins j n j ier house to 1 succeed her in the government of this *!;** e educated in -,., .,.,.,,. . ., ... sentence thy true United Kingdom,' that our posterity may see her chil- added since faith and dren's children, and peace upon Israel/ So we that 1"04. happily** are ^-hy people, and sheep of thy pasture, shall give thee x 128 p - 6. 1704. thanks for ever, and will always be shewing forth thy seeUa-k. y See 397 h. praise from generation to generation. 3 ' Amen. The Epistle. 1 St. Pet. ii. 11-17. (409.) T\ EARLY beloved, I beseech you, as strangers a SeelMa-p. -L' and pilgrims, abstain &c. a The Gospel. St. Matth. xxii. 1 6-22. AND they sent out unto him their disciples, with bseelQiq-t. * the Herodians, &c. 6 After the Nicene Creed shall follow the Sermon. In the Offertory shall this Sentence be read : L5T your light so shine before men, that they may 1 In the Ed. see your good works, and glorify your Father gjxi 5758 cSe242rt-c. which is in heaven/ St. Matth. v. 16.' to be read. dfter the Prayer For the whole state of Chrisf s Church &c. these Collects following shall be used. A Prayer for Unity. (410.) f\ GOD the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ," our al Ep./. 3. x_7 only Saviour,* the Prince of Peace ; Give us b See 245 g. c See 150 d. grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we ^ 5j u .i5 ( i6 ; are in by our unhappy divisions. 1 * Take away all 3Mar.24,25; e 10 Pr. 12; hatred and prejudice, 6 and whatsoever else may hinder g Ja O j g ' i p. 31. ug rom g diy union and concord-^: that, as there is /i2He.7n.l5. but one body, and one Spirit, and one hope of our calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God gSeel83m-s. and Father of us all/ so we may henceforth be all of h 3 Am. 3. one heart, and of one soul,* united in one holy bond See 51 d - 418 PRAYER FOR THE TWENTIETH OF JUNE. 1 122 Ps.7,6 ; of truth and peace,' of faith and charity, and may ^P 1 '- 3 - with one mind and one mouth glorify tliee,-' through j 14 Ro. 19; Set 9 1. J Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. GRANT, O Lord, we beseech thee, that the course of this world may be so peaceably ordered by thy governance, that thy Church may joyfully serve *s*el62o-d. thee in all godly quietness,* through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. GRANT, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that the words, which we have heard this day with our outward ears, may through thy grace be so grafted in- wardly in our hearts, that they may bring forth in us the fruit of good living, to the honour and praise of thy name,' through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. lSee25S*-. A LMIGHTY God, the fountain of all wisdom, JL\_ who knowest our necessities before we ask, and our ignorance in asking; We beseech thee to have compassion upon our infirmities; and those things, which for our unworthiness we dare not, and for our blindness we cannot ask, vouchsafe to give us for the S258a-A. worthiness of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. THE peace of God which passeth all understand- ing, keep your hearts and minds in the know- ledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord: And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the holy Ghost, be amongst you, and remain with you always." Amen. nSe257r.tc. "VICTORIA R. " /"\UR Will and Pleasure is, That these Four Forms of Prayer and " V-J Service, made for the Fifth of November, the Thirtieth of January, " the Twenty-ninth of May, and the Twentieth of June, be forthwith " printed and published, and annexed to the Book of Common Prayer and " Liturgy of the United Church of England and Ireland, to be used yearly " on the said Days, in all Cathedral and Collegiate Churches and Chapels ; " in all Chapels of Colleges and Halls within Our Universities of Oxford, " Cambridge, and Dublin, and of Our Colleges of Eton and Winchester, " and in all Parish-Churches and Chapels within those parts of Our United " Kingdom called England and Ireland. " Given at Our Court at Kensington the Twenty-first Day of " June, 1837, in the First Year of Our Reign. " By Her Majesty's Command, "J. RUSSELL." 419 2e2 ARTICLES AGREED UPON BY THE ARCHBISHOPS AND BISHOPS OF BOTH PROVINCES, AND THE WHOLE CLERGY, lu the Convocation holden at London in the year 1562, for the avoiding of diversities of opinions, and for the establishing of consent touching true religion: Reprinted by His Majesty's commandment, with his Royal Declaration prefixed thereunto. HIS MAJESTY'S DECLARATION. T>EING by God's ordinance, according to our just title. Defender of the Faith, *-* and Supreme Governour of the Church, within these Our Dominions, We hold it most agreeable to this our Kingly office, and our own religious zeal, to con- serve and maintain the Church committed to our charge, in unity of true religion, and in the bond of peace ; and not to suffer unnecessary disputations, altercations, or questions to be raised \_See Homily 12, pt. 1] which may nourish faction both in the Church and Commonwealth. We have tlierefore, upon mature deliberation, and with the advice of so many of our Bishops as might conveniently be called together, thought fit to make this declaration following: That the Articles of the Church of England (which have been allowed and authorized heretofore, and which our Clergy generally have subscribed unto) do contain the true doctrine of the Church of England agreeable to God's word : which we do tlterefore ratify and confirm, requiring all our loving subjects to con- tinue in the uniform profession thereof, and prohibiting the least difference from the said Articles ; which to that end we command to be new printed, and this our declaration to be published therewith. That we are Supreme Governour of the Church of England : And that if any difference arise about the external policy, concerning the Injunctions, Canons, and other Constitutions whatsoever thereto belonging, the Clergy in their Convoca- tion is to order and settle them, having first obtained leave under our broad seal so to do : and we approving their said ordinances and constitutions ; providing that none be made contrary to the laws and customs of the land. That out of our Princely care that the churchmen may do the work which is proper unto them, tlie Bishops and Clergy, from time to time in Convocation, upon their humble desire, shall have licence under our broad seal to deliberate of, and to do all such things, as, being made plain by them, and assented unto by us, shall concern the settled continuance of the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England now established ; from which we will not endure any varying or departing in the least degree. That for the present, though some differences have been ill raised, yet we take comfort in this, that all Clergymen within our realm have always most willingly subscribed to the Articles established ; which is an argument to us, that they all agree in the true, usual, literal meaning of the said Articles ; and that even in those curious points, in which the present differences lie, men of all sorts take the Articles of the Church of England to be for them ; which is an argument again, that none of them intend any desertion of the Articles established. That therefore in these both curious and unhappy differences, which have for so many hundred years, in different times and places, exercised the Church of Christ, we will, that all further curious search be laid aside, and these disputes shut up in 420 ARTICLES OF RELIGION. God's promises, as they be generally set forth to us in the holy Scriptures, and the general meaning of the Articles of the Church of England according to them. And that no man hereafter shall either print, or preach, to draw the Article aside any u-ay, hut shall submit to it in the plain andjull meaning thereof: and shall not put hiis own sense or comment to be the meaning of the Article, but shall take it in the literal and grammatical sense. That if any publick Reader in either of our Universities, or any Header Master of a College, or any other person respectively in either of them, shall affix any new sense to any Article, or shall publickly read, determine, or hold any publick disputa- tion, or svjf'er any such to be held either way, in either the Universities or Colleges retpectively ; or if any Divine in the Universities shall preach or print any thing either way, other than is already established in Convocation with our Koyal assent ; he, or they the offenders, shall be liable to our displeasure, and the Church's censure in our Commission ecclesiastical, as well as any other : and we will fee there shall be due execution upon them. ARTICLES OF RELIGION. I. Of Faith in the holy Trinity. "c f(?Je 4 ]o'- rPHERE is but one" living 6 and true c God, ever- ft 84Ps.2; 1 i Th. 9. ' lasting/ without body,' parts, or passions-^; of " Joh - 57 gf4Joh.24, infinite power/ wisdom,* and goodness'; the Maker,-' d 1Hab - 12 - /"ioMwiz?! and Preserver* of all things both visible and invisible.' ,,^'"'3.,' i 52 Pi. i. And in unity of this Godhead there be three persons, . 10Je ^ w ' w Se J 3oV!r' of one substance > Pwer, and eternity ; the Father, 3 Se g' z ^ b ' &.c. J the Son, and the holy Ghost" 1 II. Of the Word or Son of God, which was made very man. aSeellZafa npHE Son," which is the Word of the Father, 1 6 SeeGQbfc c SeeUle. JL begotten from everlasting of the Father,' the very and eternal GOD, rf of one substance with the d 1 Re. 8. e See 32d. Father,' took man's nature in the womb of the blessed fSee 67a, whereof is one Christ/ very GOD, and very see%2i. 1 Col. 14. ' man,* who truly suffered,' was crucified, dead and j See lit. SeettHom. buried/ to reconcile his Father to us,* and to be a ll \wp' 2 ' ,*', Art sacrifice,' not only for original guilt,"' but also for all 63U.4-6 : Wi otc Ail. i . . *> i T* 9 IX. actual sins of men. a fee 11J.& III. Of the going down of Christ into hell. Ca^e'h* A S Cnrist died for U8> and waa buried > so also is i4 p. 68. J\. to be believed, that he went down into hell." IV. Of the Resurrection of Christ. a SeelVc, & /CHRIST did truly rise again from death," and took 26 Homily. \J again his body, with flesh, bones, and all things 421 ARTICLES OF RELIGION. appertaining to the perfection of man's nature 6 ; 6 see Xott>- c See 32r. wherewith lie ascended into heaven/ and there sitteth, d p p *58 a 5tf C e Seelx. until he return to judge all men at the last day.' d mtNom- elCs Cntec. aSee\\n, V. Of the Holy Ghost. pp. 60-64. 28 Horn., '&. rpHE holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and Jfowell's ii_ o * u t i ji Catec. the Son, 1S i one substance, majesty, and glory, pp.39,&69. with the Father and the Son, very and eternal God." VI. Of the sufficiency of the holy Scriptures for salvation. "l R U 2.' - ' TTOLY Scripture" containeth all things necessary . ,.. p 0f32Ex.l6. XI to salvation 6 : so that whatsoever is not read 20" c^Def^ ' therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be re- 8 *' ie d 68 * 1 " 6 f the flesh, is not subject to the law of 4 Je. 14; God.* And although there is no condemnation for 7Ro. 5,7',8. them that believe and are baptized,' yet the Apostle 1 16Mar.l6; eUt N Cat'ec doth confe83 ' th&t concupiscence and lust hath of p. 28. itself the nature of sin. m X. Of Free-will. a 3Ge.6,'uom that we may have a goodwill, and working with us, n He.'o. ' pt 3. when we have that good will.* ARTICLES OF RELIGION. XI. Of the justification of man. &2Hat> v 4; o3Bo.20-28; "VA7"E are accounted righteous before God, only for 3 e a . 2, &. 5 ii Co. 21. TT the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ," S^'- 9 - ell Ro 6 i / i ; i if i j ,-rfO Ro. 1,2. 2Ga?16- by faith, 6 and not for our own works or deservings." fSec ^ E g m 5 Ga. 4;' Wherefore, that we are justified by faith only is a p t s. 1-3. 3 Tit. 5, 7. mos t wholesome doctrine/ and very full of comfort/ & .vowcH'a SrelfiHojn. , , . , . ,, -r-f ., c T .. Cntec. pp. pt _ ]_ as more largely is expressed in the Homily of Justi- b7 & ^ e 32 Is. 17. fication/ XII. Of good works. & GRo.18-20. ALBEIT that good works, which are the fruits of See Art. 3 xit. 8. -^*- faith, and follow after justification, 6 cannot put ^^yp s ^ 4. c 6 Mi. 6. 7. away our sins/ and endure the severity of God's/ 6 Ho. 22; $ 49Ps.8A. judgement 4 *: yet are they pleasing and acceptable to 2Ja^l"-20. ' ' See 2Sti. 18 ' God in Christ,' and do spring out necessarily of a true seelffom. g 7 Mat.17- and lively faith/ insomuch that by them a lively 5 Horn. pt. 12 Mat 33- * & ^ 1 ma y ^ e as evidently known, as a tree discerned e y f (%%. 3 i Jo. 7,lo! by the fruit/ pp. 61-si. X III. Of icorJis before justification. a!5Joh45 T/TTORKS done before the grace of Christ," and bcf2\Co.u, V V the inspiration of his Spirit,* are not pleasant to w - Juje 1!> - c Bo.8. God, c forasmuch as they spring not of faith in Jesu i ^-' jk which he was clearly void, both in his flesh, and in his 1 Lu. 35. o See 38& spi-* He came to be the Lamb c without spot/ who d ! T ' p - 3 - 1- ^Y sacrifice of himself once made,' should take away e *f- s ( -% t ~ ec the sins of the world, and sin (as St. John saith) pp. 50, 51. was not in him/ But all we the rest, although bap- f see 83e. tized, and born again in Christ, yet offend in many 424 ARTICLES OF RELIGION. rt ' tllin a s? 5 and if we sa Y we liave no sin, we deceive h See lx-s, ourselves, and the truth is not in us/' * Ifott-tli'i , GMtc.p.72. XVI. Of sin offer Baptism. so? 1 "' 28 " not to be den ie x 1 n 1 ' }o." C j ^p 7 ' 29; damnation' those whom he hath chosen* in Christ* out e He! 17. ' g 11 RO.'S; of mankind,' and to bring them by Christ-' to ever-/3Ga. 13; 2 ii Th. 13, lasting salvation,* as vessels made to honour.' Where- fc^Ep ^3- i 15 Job. 19. f re they which be endued with so excellent a benefit 3 Ep. 11 ; ' A 45 Is. n. of God, be called according to God's purpose"' by his \ 5 j T j 1 9 1 : 2 "GO Spirit working in due season" : they through grace j \\ joh.'o 8Ro.29.30. obey the calling : they be justified freely p : they be * 9Ro.21-24. 11 Ac - ^l i made sons of God by adoption'': they be made like the n g j Q' qSeeitfd. image of his only-begotten Son Jesus Chrisf: they p 3 Ro. 2*4. * 2 Tit. 14. walk religiously in good works,* and at length by 3 Col. 10. Sec Art. God's mercy, they attain to everlasting felicity.' * ll Ro - 29 - As the godly consideration of predestination, and our election in Christ, is full of sweet, pleasant, and " ?^ ^ 9 . * ' unspeakable comfort" to godly persons," and sucli 4 Ps 3. 5 Ko li. ' as f ge ^ ' n themselves the working of the Spirit of 3iJo.i.24- Christ," 1 mortifying the works of the flesh, and their earthly members,' and drawing up their mind to high x 5 Ga. 24. y 3 CoL 2. and heavenly things,* as well because it doth greatly Sf 6Mat21. establish and confirm their faith of eternal salvation 1 z.12 Lu. 32; aa See Art. to be enjoyed through Christ, "" as because it doth fer- ' XVIII. vent iy kindle their love towards God** : So, for curious ** 4 i Jo. 19. oc 2 Col. 18. and carnal persons," lacking the Spirit of Christ,** to SeeUffom. pt.l,ScN^' according to Christ's ordinance in all those things that ^ necess ity af e requisite to the same.' As the Church of Jerusalem, Alexandria, and Antioch. have erred : so also the Church of Rome hath ., A \ Ti i * 1"*> er red, not only in their living and manner of cere- SeeZSHom. monies, but also in matters of faith.** P*- 2< XX. Of the authority of the Church. "of IE , m 'H rjIHE Church hath power to decree rites or cere- 26, ' JL monies, 11 and authority in controversies offaith b : jj. Tlt - 10 !' ' J ?b. 22, And yet 1 it is not lawful for the Church to ordain 3 fit. 10. 1 These n y ^ n S tnat i s contrary to God's word written/ d 12 Ro. l.Q i words are neither may it so expound one place of Scripture, j-^pg 1 .^ omitted in that it be repugnant to another.** Wherefore, although j- ]7 Ac ' ^ Sip?e > s. *^ e Church be a witness and a keeper of holy Writ,* See Art c 8Is.20; y et > as it ought not to decree any thing against the ^. I " 2 ^ 7 Mar.7-13. same, so besides the same, ought it not to enforce any & KowelVs thing to be believed for necessity of salvation/ Cateo. p. 3. XXI. Of the authority of general Councils. ENERAL Councils" may not be gathered to- gether without the commandment and will of Princes.* And when they be gathered together, (for- b s & Jet - asmuch as they be an assembly of men, whereof all be f, 9^ ^ ' not governed with the Spirit and Word of God) they may err, and sometimes have erred, even in things pertaining unto God. Wherefore, things ordained by them as necessary to salvation, have neither strength 426 ARTICLES OF RELIGION. c See Art nor authority, unless it may be declared that they be ** taken out of holy Scripture. XXII. Of Purgatory, a 9 EC. 10; HPHE Romish doctrine concerning purgatory," par- 5 ii Co. 8- dons 6 [indulgentiis], worshipping and adoration, b 49 P. 7: 14 Re. 13.' as well of images as of reliques, d and also invocation of See5 #"" See^ffom. sa i n ts/ i s a fond thing vainly invented, and grounded p ^ 3 : c'sieisSo-i. u P on no warranty of Scripture, but rather repugnant e 2 Col. 18. to the word of God. XXIII. Of ministering in the congregation. 11 4 i Co. 1 ; TT is not lawful for any man to take upon him the \. j. r Cat. p. 114. agreeable with the institution ot Christ/ XXVIII. Of the Lord's supper. nnHE Supper of the Lord is not only a sign of the J- love that Christians ought to have among them- wlOiCo.17. selves one to another": but rather it is a Sacrament # g ee no, of our redemption by Christ's death. 6 Insomuch that &c- 428 ARTICLES OF RELIGION. c See Nos. to such as rightly, worthily, and with faith receive " 245, 246. t j ie same> c ti ie bread which-we break is a partaking of the body of Christ, and likewise the cup of blessing is a partaking of the blood of Christ/* d 10 i Co.16. Transubstantiation (or the change of the substance of bread and wine) in the Supper of the Lord, cannot be proved by holy Writ : but is repugnant to the plain e 3 Ac. 21. \vords of Scripture,' overtlirowetli the nature of a Sacra- ment, and hath given occasion to many superstitions. The body of Christ is given, taken, and eaten, in the Supper, only after an heavenly and spiritual manner. And the mean whereby the body of Christ is received and eaten in the Supper, is faith/ / 2 G. 20. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was not by fnV'auae. Christ's ordinance reserved, carried about, lifted up, pp.117-120. or worshipped. XXIX. Of the wicked which do not eat the Body of Christ in the use of the Lord's Supper. a 11 He./. 6. rpHE wicked, and such as be void of a lively faith,* J- although they do carnally and visibly press with their teeth (as Saint Augustine saith) the Sacrament cISHOPS, Priests, and Deacons, are not commanded I Tit. 6. -*-^ by God's law, either to vow the estate of single gf 4 i Ti. 3. life, or to abstain from marriage". Therefore it is lawful 429 ARTICLES OF RELIGION. also for them, as for all other Christian men, to marry at their own discretion, 6 as they shall judge the same ft 9 i Co. 5. c 7 iCo.7,9. to serve better to godliness. 6 XXXIII. Of excommunicate persons, how they are to be avoided. rplHAT person which by open denunciation of the a 5 i Co 3 &. -^- Church is rightly cut off from the unity of the 1 i T1.-20; Church, and excommunicated, ought to be taken of 3 Tit. 10. the whole multitude of the faithful, as an heathen c2iiCo.6,7. am j publican,* until he be openly reconciled by618Matl7; eift cat'ec. penance, and received into the Church by a judge \\^^ ^ p. 124. that hath authority thereto." 15. XXXIV. Of the traditions of the Church. IT is not necessary that traditions and ceremonies be in all places one, or utterly like, for at all times 8 i Co. 8 ; ' they have been divers, and may be changed according 13 He. 9. to the diversity of countries, times, and men's man- Preface"& ners a so that nothing be ordained against God's word.* b See Art ""Of cere- Whosoever through his private judgement, willingly xx - c> monies." an( j purposely doth openly break the traditions and ceremonies of the Church, which be not repugnant to the word of God, and be ordained and approved by cSiTh.14. common authority, ought to be rebuked openly/ (that other may fear to do the like rf ) as he that offendeth a 5 i Ti. 20. against the common order of the Church, and hurteth e 2 i Pe. 13, the authority of the magistrate/ and woundetli the 14> consciences of the weak brethren/ / 14 Ro. 13 ; Every particular or 1 national Church hath authority 8 ' Co - 12 ; gl4iCo.l2, to ordain, change, and abolish ceremonies or rites of * an(l ' 15 ^ 1- SeeSHom. the Church ordained only by man's authority, so that pu 2. all things be done to edifying.* XXXV. Of Homilies. THE second book of Homilies, the several titles whereof we have joined under this Article, doth a 0fl2Ec.lO, contain a godly and wholesome doctrine," and neces- U- sary for these times,* as doth the former book of Homi- t> See 325A. lies, which were set forth in the time of Edward the Sixth; and therefore we judge them to be read in Churches by the ministers diligently and 1 distinctly, \ plainly, that they may be understanded of the people and, 1562. Of the names of the Homilies. 1 OF the right use of the Church. 2 Against peril of Idolatry. 3 Of repairing and keeping clean of Churches. 430 4 Of good works, first of fasting. 5 Against Gluttony and Drunkenness. 6 Against excess of apparel. 1 Of Prayer. ARTICLES OF RELIGION. 8 Of the place and time of prayer. 9 That Common Prayers and Sacra- mi'ii/s iiiipJit ti> be ministered in a known tongue. 10 Of the reverend estimation of God's word. 1 1 Of alms-doing. 12 Of the Nativity of Christ. 13 Of the Passion of Christ. 15 Of the worthy receiving of the Sacra- ment of the body and blood of Christ. 16 Of the gifts of the holy Ghost. 17 For the Rogation-days. 18 Of the state of matrimony. 19 Of repentance. 20 jgainst idleness. 21 Against rebellion. 1 4 Of the Resurrection of Christ. XXXVI. Of Consecration of Bishops and Ministers. " '"l^HE book of Consecration of Archbishops and aSc346a,4t. JL Bishops, and Ordering of Priests and Deacons, lately set forth in the time of Edward the Sixth, and confirmed at the same time by authority of Parlia- ment, doth contain all things necessary to such conse- cration and ordering : neither hath it any thing, that of itself is superstitious or ungodly. And therefore, whosoever are consecrated or ordered according to the rites of that book, since the second year of the afore- named King Edward unto this time, or hereafter shall be consecrated or ordered according to the same rites, we decree all such to be rightly, orderly, and lawfully consecrated and ordered. XXXVII. Of ttie civil Magistrates. rilHE Queen's Majesty hath the chief power in this I realm of England, and other her dominions, unto whom the chief government of all estates of this realm, a 15iCb.4, whether they be ecclesiastical" or civil,* in all causes b ^ i G . 6 . doth appertain, and is not, nor ought to be subject to SiiCh.14,16; any foreign jurisdiction. 17iiCb.7,8. Where we attribute to the Queen's Majesty the ''"' ' chief government, by which titles we understand the minds of some slanderous folks to be offended ; we give not to our Princes the ministering either of God's word, or of Sacraments, the which thing the In- junctions also lately set forth by Elizabeth our Queen c{ff26iiCh. do most plainly testify ; but that only prerogative, which we see to have been given always to all godly Princes in holy Scriptures by God himself, that is, that they should rule all estates and degrees com- mitted to their charge by God, whether they be eccle- i9iiCh.4,