BIBLIOTHECA CHEMICO-MATHEMATICA VOLUME II. BIBLIOTHEC CHEMICO-MATHEMATICA: CATALOGUE OF WORKS IN MANY TONGUES ON EXACT AND APPLIED SCIENCE, WITH A SUBJECT-INDEX. COMPILED AND ANNOTATED BY H. Z. AND H. C. S. With 127 Plates, containing 247 Portraits and Facsimiles. VOLUME II. LONDON : HENRY SOTHERAN AND CO. (HENRY CECIL SOTHERAN) 140 STRAND, W.C.2, AND 43 PICCADILLY, W.I. 1921. &BIBUG* HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PJCCADJLLY, W. 429 8410 GILL (Sir David, F.R.S. ; Cape Astronomer Royal) CATALOGUE of 1712 ?AIJS, ftrt4he EJauiiipx 1885'0, from Observations at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1879-&5,' witn*Api*Eij3i- J IXES : Catalogue of 104 Southern Circumpolar Stars, and separate Observations of /3, 2 and a! Centauri, impl. 4to. cl., 5s 1894 8411 CATALOGUE of 3007 STARS, for the Equinox 1890-0, from Observations at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1885-95, with APPENDIXES : Comparison with other Catalogues, Meridian Observations of a Canis Majoris, a Canis Minoris, (3 Centauri, a 1 and a 2 Centauri, and Positions of Southern Circumpolar Stars, impl. 4to. cl., 7s 1898 8412 CATALOGUE of 8560 ASTROGRAPHIC STANDARD STARS between Declinations -40 and -52 for 1900, from Observations at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1896-9, with Appendixes, roy. 4to. cl., Is Qd 1906 8413 CATALOGUE of 2798 ZODIACAL STARS for the Epoch 1900, arranged for Differential Observations of the Planets, roy. 8vo. sewn, Is Qd 1899 8414 HELIOMETER OBSERVATIONS for Determination of STELLAR PARALLAX at the ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE of GOOD HOPE, large 8vo. cl., 3s 1893 8415 REPORT on the GEODETIC SURVEY of SOUTH AFRICA, Vols. I III and V (all published), with numerous folding plates, and other illustrations, 4 vols. folio, original hf. roan (one v. cl.) ; SCARCE, 2. 10* Cape Town, 1896-1901-5 London, 1908 CONTENTS : I. Geodetic Survey executed by Lt.-Col. Morris, B.E., 1883-92, with Rediscussion of the Survey executed by Sir Thomas Maclear, F.B.S., 1841-8 : II. Report on a Rediscussion of Bailey's and Fourcarde's Surveys, and their Reduction to the System of the Geodetic Survey : III. on the Geodetic Survey of Part of Southern Rhodesia, executed by Alexander Simms : V. Reports on the Geodetic Survey of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, executed by Col. Sir W. G. Morris, and of its Connexion, by Capt. H. W. Gordon, R.E., with the Geodetic Survey of Southern Rhodesia. ' Sir David Gill's grandiose scheme for uniting two hemispheres by a continuous network of triangulation.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 8416 VOLUME I : REPORT on the GEODETIC SURVEY of SOUTH AFRICA, executed by COL. [SiR W. G.] MORRIS, 1883-92, with Rediscussion of the Survey executed by SIR THOMAS MACLEAR, F.R.S. , 1841-8, with 22 plates and plans (mostly folding), and diagrams, folio, sewn, 12s 6d Cape Town, 189ft 8417 VOLUME II : on a REDISCUSSION of BAILEY'S and FOURCARDE'S SURVEYS, and their Reduction to the System of the Geodetic Survey, with diagrams, folio, hf. roan, Ss Qd ibidem, 1901 8418 VOLUME III: on the GEODETIC SURVEY of PART of SOUTHERN RHODESIA, executed by ALEXANDER SIMMS, Government Surveyor, with folding plate, and diagrams, folio, hf. roan (SCARCE), 1. 10* ib., 1905 8419 REPORT on the BOUNDARY SURVEY between BRITISH BECHUANALAND and GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA, executed by LT.-COL. LAFFAN, LT. WETTSTEIN and OBERLT. DOERING [in English and German], with 2 folding plates, and diagrams, folio, sewn, 6s 6d Berlin, 1906 8420 RESULTS of MERIDIAN OBSERVATIONS of STARS at the ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, COMPLETE from 1855 to 1904, with APPENDIX to 1890-1, 8 vols. roy. 4to. cl., 1. 15* 1894 Edin., 1906 8421 during 1861-70, '77-9, and '82-5, 5 thick vols. roy. 8vo. cl., 18s ftd 1881 Edin., 1901 8422 during 1866 to 1870, under the Direction of SIR THOMAS MACLEAR, F.R.S., thick roy. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd Edin., 1900 8423 during 1877, under the Direction of E. J. STONE, F.R.S., roy. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. IQsGd) ib., 1901 8424 during 1878-9, under the Direction of E. J. STONE, F.R.S., roy. 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 12s 60?) ib., 1901 8425 during 1896-7, roy. 4to. cl., 6s (p. 15s) ib., 1901 8426 during 1900-4, roy. 4to. cl., 6s (p. 15s) ib., 1906 8427 , and William Lewis ELKIN ; Yale Observatory : HELIOMETER-DETERMINATIONS of STELLAR PARALLAX in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, with 4 plates (3 folding), 4to. sewn, 5s Qd 1884 1 To A. M. W. Downing, Esq. [F.R.S.] with kind regards from David Gill.'Inscr. on flyleaf. 8428 , and Jacobus Cornelius KAPTEYN; Univ. Groningen: The CAPE PHOTOGRAPHIC DURCHMUSTERUNG for the Equinox 1875, with plates and woodcuts, 3 thick vols. hf. calf, with the Revision, with diagrams, 3 parts in 1 vol. cl. in all 4 vols. roy. 4to., 2. 5s (p. 5. 5s) 1896 Edin., 1903 The completion of Argelander's ' Bonner DurchmusJbtrung '. ' It placed at the disposal of astronomers a photographic census of the heavens fuller and surer.than the corresponding visual enumeration executed at Bonn. It includes 454,875 stars, nearly to the 10th magnitude, and their positions are reliable to about one second of arc.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 8429 GILL (J., F.R.A.S.) TEXT-BOOK on NAVIGATION and NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, with front, and 212 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 10s Qd) 1898 8430 GILL (Joseph ; C.E.) ESSAY on the THERMO-DYNAMICS of ELASTIC FLUIDS, with 5 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, with auto, of Sir E. Frankland, F.R.S., 5s 1860-1 An attempt to prove the fallacy of the principle of the conservation of energy. 8431 GILL (Thomas, patent agent) TECHNICAL REPOSITORY ; containing Practical Information on Discoveries and Improvements in Useful Arts, from the beginning in 1822 to 1830, with numerous copperplates (many folding), 17 vols. 8vo. old crimson hf. morocco gilt (nice set), with bookplate of Henry B. H. Beaufoy, (rare), 1. 5s 1822-30 Including First Series, 10 vols., and Second Series (Technological and Microscopic Repository), 7 TO!S. 8432 GILLY (David), und Johann Albert EYTELWEIN : PRAKTISCHE ANWEISUNG zur WASSERBAUKUNST, I. HEFT : Von den Pfahlen, den Rammen und den Fangdammen, 2. ver- mehrte Auflage ; with 14 folding copperplates, 4to. boards, 4s Berlin, 1809 29 430 HENfty SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. S4?5 G-^tiliM'p'R^i (,Ccl: -Quincy Adams, U.S. Army) PRACTICAL TREATISE on COIGNET-BETON, and other'ARTlFIClAL STONE, with 9 plates (mostly folding), 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 12* Qd) New York, 1871 8436 PRACTICAL TREATISE on LIMES, HYDRAULIC CEMENTS, and MORTARS, with Reports of numerous Experiments conducted in New York City, 1858-61, with 57 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (title stamped), 5s (p. 1.) ib., 1863 8437 FIFTH EDITION, enlarged, with front, and 57 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. 1.) ib., 1879 8438 PRACTICAL TREATISE on ROADS, STREETS, and PAVEMENTS, with 70 woodcuts, cr. Svo. cl., 3s Qd ibidem, 1876 8439 GILPIN (George) TABLES for reducing the QUANTITIES by WEIGHT, in any Mixture of Pure SPIRIT and WATER, to those by MEASURE ; and for determining the Proportion, by Measure, of each of the two Substances in such Mixtures, 4to. (pp. 108), sewn, 3s 1794 8440 GIRARD (J. B.) TRAITE PRATIQUE des CHAUDIERES MARINES : Description, Entretien, Conduite ; with 20 folding plates and 276 woodcuts, thick post Svo. cl., 6s (p. F. 12.50 nett) 1897 8441 GITTLIANELLI (Antonio, s.j.) ESSAME delle ACQUE di CIVITA VECCHIA e di TREVI; with folding copperplate, 12mo. sewn (browned) ; rare, 7s Qd Roma, 1701 One of the earliest if not the earliest work on microscopic water analysis. 8442 GLAISHER (James, F.R.S. ; founder of Eoy. Met. Soc.) On the DETERMINATION of the MEAN TEMPERATURE of EVERY DAY in the YEAR, from all the Thermometrical Observations at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1814-56, with Infolding tables, Svo. (pp. 8), sewn, 2s 1858 8443 The INFLUENCE of the MOON on the DIRECTION of the WIND, Svo. (pp. 20), sewn, 2s 1867 8444 On the METEOROLOGY of ENGLAND, 1867 and 1868, 2 plates, Svo. (pp. 17), sewn, Is Qd 1869 8445 On the RECENT FREQUENT APPEARANCE of the AURORA, with plate, Svo. (pp. 17), sewn, Is Qd 1870 8446 REPORT on the METEOROLOGY of LONDON, and its RELATION to the EPIDEMIC of CHOLERA, with 3 folding charts, Svo. (pp. 118), sewn, 3s Qd 1855 8447 On the TEMPERATURE and HUMIDITY of the AIR at the Heights of 22' and 50' above the Ground, in Comparison with those at the Height of 4', with plate, Svo. (pp. 22), sewn, Is 6d 1870 8448 , Camille FLAMMARION, Wilfrid de FONVIELLE, and Gaston TISSANDIER : TRAVELS in the AIR, edited by J. GLAISHER, with 118 plates and woodcuts, roy. Svo. cl. (o. p.), 12s Qd (p. 1. 11s Qd) 1871 8449 ANOTHER COPY, new hf. green calf gilt, uncut, t. e. g. (name on title), 16s Containing' also important meteorological observations. 8450 : VOYAGES AERIENS; with portrait of Glaisher, 6 coloured plates, 116 woodcuts, and 15 charts, impl. Svo. original hf. red morocco gilt (o. p.), 15s 1870 8451 GLAISHER (James Whitbread Lee; son of the foregoing ; Fellow of Trinity ; F.R.S.) On CERTAIN IDENTICAL DIFFERENTIAL RELATIONS, Svo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is [1872] 8452 On Some DEFINITE INTEGRALS expressible in Terms of the First Complete Elliptic Integral and of Gamma Functions, Svo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd [1876] 8453 On EARLY LOGARITHMIC TABLES, Svo. (pp. 7), sewn, 2s 1873 8454 On an ELLIPTIC FUNCTION SOLUTION of KEPLER'S PROBLEM, Svo. (pp. 22), sewn, 2s 1877 8455 EXPRESSIONS for LAPLACE'S COEFFICIENTS, BERNOULLIAN and EULERIAN NUMBERS, etc., as DETERMINANTS, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, Is Qd 1876 8456 On a FORMULA of CAUCHY'S for the EVALUATION of a Class of DEFINITE INTEGRALS, Svo. (pp. 11), sewn, Is Qd 1876 8457 NOTE on certain SYMBOLIC OPERATORS, and their Application to the Solution of certain Partial Differential Equations, Svo. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Qd 1878 8458 NUMERICAL VALUES of the FIRST TWELVE POWERS of TT, etc. etc., Svo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is [1874] 8459 On RICCATI'S EQUATION and its TRANSFORMATIONS, and on some Definite Integrals which satisfy them, roy. 4to. (pp. 70), sewn, 3s 1881 8460 , and others : SOLUTIONS of the CAMBRIDGE SENATE-HOUSE PROBLEMS and RIDERS for 1878, with 4 plates, Svo. cl., 6s (p. 12s) 1879 8461 GLANVILL (Joseph; pr., Provost of Eton, F.R.S.) SCEPSIS SCIENTIFICA : or CONFEST IGNORANCE, the WAY to SCIENCE. In an Essay of the VANITY of DOGMATIZING, and Confident Opinion, with a REPLY to the Exceptions of the learned THOMAS ALBIUS [WHITE] , with Royal Society's Arms, 2 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, contemporary calf, newly rebacked (two names rubbed out of title, otherwise a, fine copy) ; RARE, 1. 12s Qd E. Cotes, for H. Eversden, 1665 RARE, many copies having perished in the Fire of London. It is a recast of the author's ' Vanity of Dogmatizing,' published in 1661, and first contains his reply to Thomas White's ' Sciri,' a defence of scholastic philosophy. 8462 GLAREANTTS [vere LOE.ITI sive LOBETI] (Heinrich) De GEOGRAPHIA Liber unus, ah ipso Authore iam tertio recognitus ; with woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 4to. (pp. 70), sewn (RARE), 1. 15s Friburgi Brisgoviae, 1536 Including also mathematical and physical geography. On folio 35 the discovery of AMERICA is mentioned. The above edition was unknown to Graesse, and is not mentioned by Bruuet. 8463 GLASER (Christophle, Apoticaire ordinaire du Roy) TRAIT de la CHYMIE, enseignant par nne brieVe et facile methode toutes ses plus necessaires preparations ; 4 e Edition, augmented par 1'Autheur ; with 3 folding copperplates of distilling apparatus, 24mo. old calf, 12s Bruxelles, 1676 Glaser was the chemist from whom the Marchioness of Brinvilliers and her paramour Ste.-Croix got their poisons, and had to flee France when the facts came out at the trial. ' On lui doit la connaissance du sulfate de potasse, connu, avant la reforme de la nomenclature chimique, sons le nom de stl polychreste de, Glaser, parce qu'il en indiqua le premier la composition.' Biogr. Gin. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 431 8485 GLASGOW (David) WATCH and CLOCK MAKING, with 69 woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 5s 1885, w '93 8463 GLAUBER (Johann Rudolph) WORKS, containing Great Variety of Choice Secrets in MEDICINE and ALCHYMY, in the WORKING of METALLICK MINES, and the SEPARATION of METALS : also, various Cheap and Easie Ways of making Salt-petre, and Improving of Barren- Land, and the Fruits of the Earth, translated, by CHRISTOPHER PACKE, first English edition, with 10 plates, folio, hf. calf (title guarded, but a very sound copy) ; RARE, 2. 10s Thomas Milbourn, 1689 8467 SECOND EDITION, with 10 plates on copper and wood, folio, hf. morocco (last 2 II. of Index missing), 1. 105 printed for the Author, 1694 8468 FURNI Novi PHILOSOPHICI, sive Descriptio Artis Destillatoriae Novse ; with folding plates, and other woodcuts, 5 v. : ANNOTATIONES in APPENDICEM V. PARTIS 6 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. old limp vellum (sound copy) ; RARE, 1. Is Amst., J. Jansson, 1651 One of the author's most important works, describing a large number of new chemical processes, with illustrations of his apparatus. 8469 DESCRIPTION of NEW PHILOSOPHICAL FURNACES, or a new ART of DISTILLING, with a Description of the TINCTURE of GOLD, or the True Aurum Potabile, also the FIRST PART of the MINERAL WORK, set forth in English by J[OHN] F[RENCH] D. M., with curious woodcuts, sm. 4to. very sound copy in contemporary calf (joints cracked) ; RARE, 3. 3s R. Coats, 1651 FIRST ENGLISH EDITION of the 'Furni Novi Philosophici.' The translator was JOHN FRENCH, M.D. (1616 ?-57), author of ' The Art of Distillation ' (q. v. ante)& fact unknown to Lowudes and Halkett and Laing. Besides the particulars on Glauber given in the note to no. 1570 ante, it may be mentioned that according to Dr. Percy he seems to have been the first to use leaden cisterns for the condensation of acid vapours in metallurgical processes. 8470 GLAZEBROOK (Richard Tetley , F.R.S. , director, National Physical Laboratory) ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, with 270 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 7s Qd) Umv. Press, Cambridge, 1903, or '4 8471 HEAT : an Elementary Text-Book, Theoretical and Practical, with 88 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., Is Qd a. e., ib., 1894 8472 MECHANICS and HYDROSTATICS : an Elementary Text-Book, Theoretical and Practical, with 336 illustrations, 3 vols. cr. 8vo, cl., 5s (p. 10s) a. e., ib., 1895 8473 PHYSICAL OPTICS, with 183 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) 1883 8474 , and William Napier SHAW, F.R.S. , Director, Meteorological Office: PRACTICAL PHYSICS, with frontispiece and 80 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s (p. Qs) 1885 8475 NEW [FOURTH] EDITION [greatly enlarged], with 134 woodcuts, thick post 8vo. cl., 3s (p. Qs) 1894 8476 GLASENAPP (Serge de ; Univ. St. Petersburg) MESURES d'ETOiLES DOUBLES, Series I a III et V ; with frontispiece, 4 parts impl. 8vo. sewn, ivith inscrs. to Dr. A. M. W. Downing, F.R.S., Qs Qd St.-Petersbourg, 1892-99 8477 ORBITES des ETOILES DOUBLES du CATALOGUE de POULKOVA ; impl. 8vo. (pp. 51), sewn, 2s ib., 1889 8478 GLENIE (James, F.R.S.) The ANTECEDENTAL CALCULUS, or a GEOMETRICAL METHOD of REASONING, WITHOUT any Consideration of MOTION or VELOCITY, applicable to every Purpose to which* FLUXIONS have been or can be applied, with the Geometrical Principles of Increments, etc., etc., with diagrams, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, 4s Qd 1793 8479 GLOBES : An INTRODUCTION to GEOGRAPHY and ASTRONOMY ; containing chiefly the DESCRIPTION and USE of the TERRESTRIAL and CELESTIAL GLOBES, with many New and Useful Particulars not yet made Publick in any other Treatise on this Subject ; 2nd Edition, with 3 copperplates, 16mo. contemporary calf, with Chippendale bookplate of Sir William Irby (rare), 12s Qd 1735 On p. 96 is an account of the foundation of GEORGIA, U.S.A., ' come to hand while this sheet was printing off.' 8480 GLOESENER (Michel, Univ. Liege) RECHERCHES sur la TELEGRAPHIE ELECTRIQUE ; with 15 plates (Infolding), large 8vo. sewn, with author's inscr. (scarce), 10s Qd Liege, 1853 'Contenant un expose sommaire des nombreuses recherches que j'ai faites sur tcus les'systemes de telegraphes electriques, a 1'exception de celui qui a pour but 1'impression a 1'aide le lettres.' Page 1. 8481 GLYNN (Joseph, F.R.S.) The CONSTRUCTION of CRANES and other HOISTING MACHINERY, 5th Edition, with 39 woodcuts, 12mo. hf. maroon morocco, Is Qd 1873 8482 GMELIN (Johann Friedrich, Univ. Gottingen) EINLEITUNG in die CHEMIE, zum Gebrauch auf Universitaten, sm. 8vo. sewn (some II. at end gnawed) , 3s Nurnberg, 1780 8483 GRUNDSATZE der TECHNISCHEN CHEMIE, sm. 8vo. (p. 766), sewn, 5s Halle, 1786 8484 Ueber die NEUERE [sic] ENTDECKUNGEN in der LEHRE von der LUFT, und deren Anwendung auf Arzneikunst, 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd Berlin, 1784 None of the above works is in Prof. John Ferguson's ' Bibliotheca Chemica '. 8485 GMELIN (Johann Georg; Univ. Tubingen) DISSERT ATIO INAUGURALIS CHYMICA, sistens Celebrium Wurtenbergiae nostrse ACIDULARUM TEINACENSIUM SPIRITUSQUE VITRIOLI VOLATILIS et ejus Phlegmatis EXAMEN per REAGENTIA, cum Phcenomenorum Explicatione ; accedunt qusedam de Metallorum et Mineralium Diagnosi, variis curiosis illustrata Experimentis ; with folding table, sm. 4to. (pp. 48), sewn (rare), 10s Qd Tubingce, 1727 The author's first published work, and unknown to Poggendorff and other bibliographers. He was a well-known botanist and the founder of comparative geography. 8486 GMELIN (Leopold) HAND-BOOK of CHEMISTRY, translated, with INDEX, by HENRY WATTS, F.R.S., with plates, 19 vols. 8vo. cl., uncut, t. e. g. (o. p.), 3. 3s Cavendish Soc., 1848-72 CONTENTS : Anorganic Chemistry, 6 v. : Organic Chemistry, 12 v. : Index, 1 v. 8487 ANOTHER COPY, without Vols. 18 and 19 (Organic Chemistry, v. XII, and Index), 17 vols. 8vo. cl., uncut, t. e. g., 2. 2s 1848-66 The English version of this classical work contains many additions by its translator. 432 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, w.c., AND 43, PICCADILLY, w. 8489 GLEICHEN (Alexander) LEHRBUCH der GEOMETRISCHEN OPTIK ; with 251 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 13s Qd (p. M. 20) Leipzig, 1902 8490 GOAD (John; pr., Headmaster of Merchant Taylors' School) ASTRO-METEOROLOGICA, or APHORISMS and DISCOURSES of the BODIES CELESTIAL, their NATURES and INFLUENCES, dis- covered from the Variety of the Alterations of the Air, Temperate, or Intemperate, as to Heat or Cold, Frost, Snow, Hail, Fog, Rain, Wind, Storm, Lightnings, Thunder, Blasting, Hurricane, Tuffon, Whirlwind, etc. etc., collected from the Observation at leisure Times, of above Thirty years, folio, contemporary calf (very sound copy) ; RARE, 1. 15s J. Rawlins, 1686 ' By far the largest and most important work devoted to astrological meteorology.' G. J. Symons, F.R.S. 8491 GODFRAY (Hugh) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the LUNAR THEORY, with brief Sketch of the History of the Problem to Newton, folding plate, 8vo. cl., 2s Cambridge, 1853 8492 SECOND EDITION, revised, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd ibidem, 1859 8493 THIRD EDITION, revised, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., with auto, of Prof. H. W. Lloyd Tanner, F.R. S. , 3s 187 1 8494 TREATISE on ASTRONOMY, LAST EDITION, with plate and numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., Is (p. 12* Qd) 1886, or '94 8495 GODFREY (Ambrose, Chymist, F.R.S.) ACCOUNT of the NEW METHOD of EXTINGUISHING FIRES by EXPLOSION and SUFFOCATION ; wherein a Description is given of the several Machines and their Uses, with Directions for their proper Application, with short NARRATIVE of MR. POVEY'S BEHAVIOUR in relation to this useful Invention, by which it will appear, that the said Mr. Povey's pretended Watch Engine is at best a precarious, and often dangerous Remedy, imperfectly Stolen from Ambrose Godfrey's Method, published with a Design to rob the right Owner of the just Reward by imposing upon the Publick in suppressing an Invention of real and universal Benefit, and substituting an imperfect and dangerous one in its room, with vignette on copper, sm. 8vo. hf. bound (very rare), 1. Is Printed in the Year 1724 'Godfrey's method was tried in a house, erected for the purpose by the Society of Arts, in Marylebone Fields, 19 May 1761, when it seems to have proved entirely successful'. D. N. B. The author was for many years assistant to the Hon. Robert Boyle, F.R.S., to whom he refers in the introduction to the above work. The latter was reprinted, but without the interesting Narrative, in 1743. 8496 GODFREY (Charles; Headmaster Roy. Naval Coll., Osborne) On the APPLICATION of FOURIER'S DOUBLE INTEGRALS to OPTICAL PROBLEMS, with 2 diagrams, roy. 4to. sewn, Is Qd 1900 8497 GOERENS (P., Aix-la-Chapelle) INTRODUCTION a la METALLOGRAPHIE MICROSCOPIQUE, traduite par A. CORVISY, revue et augmentee par F. ROBIN ; with 34 plates and 157 other illus- trations, roy. 8vo. sewn, 6s (p. F. 10 nett) 1911 8498 GOETHE (Johann Wolfgang v.) THEORY of COLOURS, translated, with Notes, by SIR CHARLES LOCK EASTLAKE, R.A., F.R.S., with 4 coloured plates, 8vo. cl., uncut (cover damaged) ; SCARCE, 15* 1840 A violent and quite futile attack on Newton's theory of colours by the poet-philosopher, but which is still suggestive to artists, though it has long lost its place as a contribution to optics. ' It must be admitted that the statements contain more useful principles in all that relates to harmony of colour than any that have been derived from the established doctrine.' Preface. 8499 : SECHSZEHNTAFELNZlirFARBENLEHRE, und SlEBENUNDZWANZIG TAFELN ZU BEITRAGE zur OPTIK, nebst Erklarung ; 43 plates (mostly coloured), 4to. sewn, 5s Stuttgart, 1842 8500 (EuvRES SCIENTIFIQUES, aualysees et appreciees par ERNEST FAIVRE ; with 4 plates, 8vo. hf. calf (joints rubbed), 4s 1862 8501 GOLDMANN (Charles Sydney, F.R.G.S.), and Joseph KITCHIN : SOUTH AFRICAN MINES : their Position, Results, and Developments, with Account of Diamond, Land, Finance, and kindred Concerns, with over 100 plates (many folding and coloured), 3 vols. 4to. cl., 17s Qd (p. 3. 3s) 1895-6 8502 GOMPEBTZ (Benjamin, F.R.S.) On the ABERRATION of LIGHT, with plate, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, 3s 1824 8503 On the NATURE of the FUNCTION expressive of the LAW of HUMAN MORTALITY ; and on a NEW MODE of DETERMINING the VALUE of LIFE CONTINGENCIES, 4to. (pp. 75), sewn, with author's inscr. (scarce), 6s 1825 ' Had his principle been propounded in the days of Newton, vitality would have been made a thing of, like attraction. Prof, de Morgan. 8504 The THEORY of ASTRONOMICAL INSTRUMENTS, PARTS I and II, with SUPPLEMENT, with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 31), sewn, 4s Qd 1824 8505 GOODEN (James, s.j., e Collegio Anglorum Leodii) TRIGONOMETRIA PLANA et SPH^RICA, cum selectis ex Geometria et Astronomia PROBLEMATIS ; accedunt SINUUM CANONES, et ex Euclide Propositiones magis necessarise ; with numerous diagrams, 12mo. sewn, uncut, with auto, of General Robert Melville, F.R.S. [1723-1809], 6* Leodii, 1704 8506 GOODMAN (John) On a NEW and PRACTICAL VOLTAIC BATTERY of the HIGHEST POWERS, in which Potassium forms the Positive Element, 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is Qd Manchester, 1847 8507 RESEARCHES into the IDENTITY of the EXISTENCIES or FORCES ; Light, Heat, Electricity, and Magnetism, 8vo. (pp. 23), sewn, Is Qd ib., 1847 8508 GOODBICKE (John, F.R.S.) OBSERVATIONS of a NEW VARIABLE STAR, 4to. (pp. 12), sewn, 4s 1785 An account of the author's discovery of the variability of ^3 Lyrce. 8509 GOODWIN (Henry Bedingfield) PLANE and SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 8s Qd) 8510 FIFTH EDITION, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf, 4s Qd (p. 8s Qd) 1896 8511 SIXTH IMPRESSION, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s " 1901 8512 GOOS (Fritz, Hamburg) Der SPEKTROSKOPISCHE DOPPELSTERN CAPELLA : Inaugural - Disseptation ; with photographic plate, and diagram, 4to. sewn, 4s Bonn, 1908 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 433 8514 GOODWIN (Harvey; 5lst Bp. of Carlisle) ELEMENTARY COURSE of MATHEMATICS, woodcuts, interleaved throughout with plain writing paper, 1 vol. 8vo. in 3, hf. russia (rubbed) , 3s Cambridge, 1846 8515 THIRD EDITION, with woodcuts, thick 8vo.-cl., 3s ib., 1849 8516 FOURTH EDITION, with woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., 3s 6d ib., 1853 8517 FIFTH EDITION, with woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., 4s ib., 1857 8518 SIXTH [LAST] EDITION, revised and enlarged, by PHILIP THOMAS MAIN, with woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., 6s 6d ib., 1866 8519 PROBLEMS and EXAMPLES, adapted to the ' Elementary Course of Mathematics ', with diagrams, 8vo. cl., or, sewn, 2s ib., 1847 8520 SECOND EDITION, with APPENDIX, containing Senate House Examination Questions, 1848-51, 8vo. hf. cl., 2s 6d ib., 1851 8521 THIRD [LAST] EDITION, with additional Examples in Conic Sections and Newton, ly T. G. VYVIAN, 8vo. cl., 3s 6d ' . t ib., 1862 8522 GOPPELSROEDER (Friedrich) CAPILLARANALYSE beruhend auf Capillaritats- und Absorp- tions-Erscheinungen, mit dem Schlusskapitel : das EMPORSTEIGEN der FARBSTOFFE in den PFLANZEN; with 59 plates, 8vo. sewn, with author's inscr. (scarce), 12s 6d Basel, 1901 One of the most important works ever written on capillary action, containing numerous original researches by the author, preceded by an interesting historical account of the subject. 8523 GORDAN (Paul, Univ. Erlangen) VORLESUNGEN iiber INVARIANTENTHEORIE, herausgegebeu von GEORG KERSCHENSTEINER (Determinanten und Binare Formen), 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, hf. cl., 12s 6d (p. M. 18 sewn) Leipzig, 1885-7 ' Paul Gordan showed, with the aid of symbolic methods, that the number of distinct forms for a binary quantic is finite.' Prof. Cajori. 8524 GORDON (Alexander, M.I.C.E.) TREATISE on ELEMENTAL LOCOMOTION, and INTERIOR COMMUNICATION, wherein are explained and illustrated, the History, Practice, and Prospects of STEAM CARRIAGES, and the comparative Value of Turnpike Roads, RAILWAYS, and Canals ; 3rd Edition, with SUPPLEMENT of Rules and Tables, and Description of an improved Road-Surveying Instrument, etc., with 13 plates (several folding), and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (scarce), I2s6d 1836 Containing full descriptions and illustrations of early types of locomotives. 8525 GORDON (J. W.) MATHEMATICAL TABLES (ACTUARIAL), 8vo. in cl. portfolio (o.p.), 4s [1896] 8526 GORDON (James Edward Henry) PHYSICAL TREATISE on ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM ; 2nd Edition, re-arranged and enlarged, with 'J 3 plates (8 coloured), and 312 woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cl.,5s(p. 2. 2s) 18 S3 ' Probably the best book of the kind that has ever been published in England.' Academy. 8527 PRACTICAL TREATISE on ELECTRIC LIGHTING, with 23 plates, and 94 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. , 5s (p. 18) 1884 The author made original researches on electro-magnetic rotation of polarised light, and the specific inductive capacity of dielectrics. 8528 GORDON (Lewis Dunbar Brodie, F.R.S.E., Prof. Civil Engineering, Glasgow), MEMOIR of [by THOMAS CONSTABLE and DAVID STEVENSON, C.E.], with 2 photo-portraits, large cr. 8vo. cl. (scarce), 7s6d privately printed, Edin., 1877 8529 GORDON (Thomas) PRINCIPLES of NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, with Proposals for Improving the Form of Ships, and Observations on the Structure of Carriages for the Purposes of Inland Commerce, Agriculture, etc. [and Dictionary of Terms] , with 5 folding plates, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g., 10s Qd 1784 8530 GORE (George, F.R.S.) The ART of ELECTROLYTIC SEPARATION of METALS, etc. (Theoretical and Practical), with 106 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 10* 6d nett) [1890] 8531 The ART of ELECTRO-METALLURGY ; 2nd Edition [with Bibliography, List of Patents, etc.], illustrated, large 12mo. cl., 2s (p. 6s) 1884 8532 The ART of SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY, or the General Conditions and METHODS of RESEARCH in PHYSICS and CHEMISTRY, thick large post 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 6s 6d (p. 15s) 1878 8533 ANOTHER COPY, with inscr. to HERBERT SPENCER, and the latter's book-stamp, 8s 6d ' To Herbert Spencer, Esqre with the Author's respect.' Inscr. on half-title. 8534 On the ROTATION of HOLLOW SPHERES of METAL by HEAT, with woodcuts, 8vo. (pp 8), unbound, with inscr. to Sir E. Frankland, F.R.S. , Is 6d 1859 8535 THEORY and PRACTICE of ELECTRO-DEPOSITION, including every known Mode of depositing Metals, preparing Metals for Immersion, taking Moulds, and rendering them conducting, with 36 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s 1856 8536 GORE (John Ellard, F.R.A.S.) PLANETARY and STELLAR STUDIES, illustrated, post 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 7s 6d) 1888 8537 GORING (0. R., M.D.) MICROSCOPIC ILLUSTRATIONS (1838) v. PRITCHARD, post. 8538 GORTON (David Allyn) HISTORY of MEDICINE, Philosophical and Critical, from its Origin to Cent. XX, with numerous portraits and other illustrations, 2 vols. large post 8vo. cl., uncut, t. e. g., 12s 6d (p. 1. 5s nett) New York, 1910 Incidentally also a history of early chemistry. 8539 GORUP-BESANEZ (Eugen Franz Freiherr v., Univ. Erlangen) TAFELN zur ERLAUTERUNG der TYPENTHEORIE und der Ableitung der typischen Formeln organischer Verbindungen von den Typen, mit Text, 8vo. sewn, Is 6d Braunschweig, 1860 8540 GOSSE (Philip Henry, F.R.S.) CREATION (OMPHALOS) : an Attempt to untie the Geological Knot, with numerous woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 3s 6d 1857 The book whose pathetic failure is so vividly told in ' Father and Son '. 8541 GOTSHALL (William C.) NOTES on ELECTRIC RAILWAY ECONOMICS and PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING, with 3 folding plates, and numerous other illustrations, 8vo. (7 5s (p. 8s 6d nett) New York, 1903 434 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 8543 GORSE (F.) A SCHOOL ALGEBRA COURSE, post 8vo. cl., 2s Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1907 8544 GOTTIGNIEZ (Gilles Franqois, s.J.) EPISTOLA RESPONSORIA, sive Rescriptum ad nonnulla suornm Amicorum Qusesita de ^EquiLiBRio ARTIFICIALI, sive STEREO-STATICA ; with 3 engravings, 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, 3s Qd [s. I., 1687] Unknown to Poggendorff and other bibliographers. 8545 GRAAF (Abraham de) INSTRUCTIE van het ITALIAANS BOEK-HOUDEN, met Memoriaal toegepast op de Negotie Particulier, in Commissie, en in Compagnie, 8 de Druk, gecorrigeert, gezuivert van al de voorgaande Fouten, en met veel nodige Aantekeningen verrykt door N. E., folio, boards (RARE), 1. Is Amsterdam [c. 1730] 8546 PRINCIPIA ARITHMETICS, Theoretics et Practice : of de BEGINSELEN der TELKUNST, of Rekenkunst, haar Eigenschappen en Toepassing, voornamelijk in de KOOPHANDEL ; with numer- ous diagrams ; interleaved, with numerous MS. notes in a neat contemporary hand, thick sm. 8vo. fine copy in contemporary Dutch vellum, 18s Gd ibidem, 1661 RARE, and unknown to Prof, de Morgan, who only mentions among his list of authors of arithmetical works a 'Graf and ' de Graff.' The author is not mentioned by Poggendorff, Brunet, or Graesse, but is referred to by Montucla, who praises his works as ' de fort bons ouvrages pour son temps.' 8547 GRAHAM (Robert Hudson, C.E.) GRAPHIC and ANALYTIC STATICS in Theory and Comparison : their Practical Application to Stresses in Roofs, Solid Girders, etc. ; with Chapter on WIND PRESSURES ; numerous plates (3 folding), and diagrams, 8vo. cl., 7s Qd (p. 16s) 1883 8548 GRAHAM (Thomas, F.R.S.) CHEMICAL and PHYSICAL RESEARCHES; with Preface and Ana- lytical Contents by R. ANGUS SMITH, F.R.S., collotype portrait, and woodcuts, thick roy. 8vo. cl., uncut, 2. 10s collected and printed for presentation only, Edin., 1876 VERY SCARCK, only a limited number having been printed for presentation only. It contains the author's numerous papers in various periodicals, divided under ' Gases,' 'Salts and Solutions,' and ' Unclassified Papers ', with interesting preface on ' Graham and other Atomists ' (pp. 17). The excellent analytical Index greatly facilitates the use of the great mass of papers here collected together. ' As a chemist Graham held ideas far in advance of his contemporaries. Before 1840 he had discovered and proved the polybasic character of phosphoric acid, proving that this acid forms several distinct compounds with water. He even laid down the bold theory that all the (so-called) elements may be only forms of one primordial one.' D. N. B. 8549 : CHEMICAL REPORTS and MEMOIRS, on Atomic Volume, Isomorphism, Endosmosis, the Simultaneous Contrast of Colours, Latent Heat, Artificial Formation of Alkaloids, etc. [trans- lated by G. E. DAY, M.D., and] edited by THOMAS GRAHAM, F.R.S., with 2 folding plates, and woodcuts, 8vo. cl., uncut, t. e. g., Is Qd Cavendish Soc., 1848 Comprising valuable chemical treatises by Otto, Filhol, Julius Vogel, Cheyreul, Regnault, E. Kopp, and Bunsen. 8550 On the DIFFUSION of LIQUIDS (Bakerian Lecture), with 4 diagrams, 4to. (pp. 46), sewn, with author's inscr., 5s 1850 8551 ELEMENTS of CHEMISTRY, with the Applications of the Science in the Arts, first edition, with woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., or, hf. calf (scarce), Is Qd 1842 8552 SECOND EDITION, entirely revised and greatly enlarged, with 212 woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf and cl., Qs Qd 1850-8 8553 ANOTHER COPY, prize morocco gilt, g. e., with auto, of Proj. H. W. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 8s ' His admirable text-book, Elements of Chemistry . . . Graham's originality was shown by his valuable physico-chemical investigations on the diffusion of gases, osmose, etc., which opened out new paths in the science, while at the same tin:e he enriched general chemistry, especially inorganic, by his purely chemical work.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 8554 INQUIRIES respecting the CONSTITUTION of SALTS of OXALATES, NITRATES, PHOSPHATES, SULPHATES, and CHLORIDES, 4to. (pp. 27), sewn, 6s Qd 1837 ' Richard Phillipps Esqre. F.R.S. with the Atithor's best respects.' Inscr. on flyleaf. The above copy contains numerous MS. notes and additions by the former. 8555 On the LAW of the DIFFUSION of GASES, 4to. (pp. 37), sewn, with inscr. to Richard Phillipps, F.R.S. (scarce'), Ss Qd Edin., 1832 Containing the discovery of the law of the diffusion of gases, w hich he showed to be inversely proportional to the square root of their densities. 8556 On the MOTION of GASES, BOTH PARTS, with 3 plates, 2 parts 4to. sewn, with author's inscr., 8s Qd 1846-9 Containing his investigation of the motion of gases through capillary tubes, and giving valuable information on the molecular action of gases. 8557 On the RELATION of HYDROGEN to PALLADIUM, 8vo. (pp. 10), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s 1869 8558 RESEARCHES on the ARSENIATES, PHOSPHATES, and MODIFICATIONS of PHOSPHORIC ACID, 4to. (pp. 32), sewn (scarce), 8s Qd 1833 8559 ANOTHER COPY, with inscr. to Richard Phillips, F.R.S., MS. notes by the latter, and ink corrections by the author, 10s Qd This paper contains the discovery of the polybasic character of phosphoric acid, which enabled Liebig to establish the theory of polybasic acids. 8560 , August Wilhelm v. HOFMANN, F.R.S., and Theophilus REDWOOD : The FERMENTATION of BEER : Report on ' Original Gravities ', addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue, 8vo. (pp. 34), sewn, 3s 1852 Added is ' A Reply to Messrs. Thome & Co., by the Authors of the Report on Original Gravities ' (pp. 8). 8561 [ , , and William Allen MILLER, F.R.S.] : REPORT by the GOVERNMENT COMMISSION on the CHEMICAL QUALITY of the SUPPLY of WATER to the METROPOLIS, 8vo. (pp. 45), sewn, 3s 1851 ' Professor [Sir Edward] Frankland from THO. GRAHAM.' Inscr. on title. 8562 GRAHAM (Thomas John, M.D.) CHEMICAL CATECHISM : in which the Elements of Chemistry, with the RECENT DISCOVERIES, are clearly and fully explained, with select Experiments, etc. ; 2nd Edition, with plate, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s Qd 1829 This work, which was unknown to Lowndes, Allibone, and Poggendorff, claims superiority over Parkes's ' Chemical Catechism ' (v. No. 3461, ante). It contains a chapter on the Atomic Theory. PR ATIC D-ARITHMETICA DI FRANCESCO GHALIGAI FIORENTINO. Nuouamcnte Riuifta,&: con fomma Diligenza Riftampata , TERiOD ECIMO H> ,jos (1 m!r^di4,& lux del Q fu 18 m fu S.jc* P. cT. P.4r- am" 9; io4-ndiam a I4nacisa-J4mf7iii. ,80 71 n. >4 a dinn?a. s*di 4 xl4 x Valclac'chct' * 13 56 S. fu 6 '4 P>*Ft Rfptuoua. 4ji p >9jjit m t ag3 ni"jiifc583S IN F I ft. E N Z E APPRESSO I GIVNTI M. D. LIJ. nh6o of t tircio tio?ponifmc.brcruada(T(:dt.fcdbLp f J dudiofis Uaoub; D tlcuncnda ptnittimue. D Tlummii tj pariier 7 Jozdarri numtrotum ?3rtitrui5 tftniulntudoejc vriirerib a^rcgara. *Bamcr 9 f m fe fumpruo eft numcr 9 q in ppararot ad ulttta minime pfideraf-ncq3 yc ad r'tguras geomcrricasaiplieaf. .'Rumer s 'ada!ic]df.c)(npBaci6cadalrcj fumpt 9 pddcrarur. cms f m foima Oi(if.p:our ad figurao geometrical afplicatur. Ttiimcrus parcir.quii 'Rumcrue c (1. c| u; Duo cqu J niii.imc Muu'ti porclT. Rumu9 panrer par fft.iuimcr'^ar nuns p jrtce in cuo equu 3d vn(J ratem vftj; fcfionm rcc ip-.iic *Huer'p.ifripat cnuti'p^ir. (;?('' ii'cdia ccjlifi catoiicm tion admittunt "Humcrus iinpar;fcr pjrilnunii' ; pjr.cuiiis iDCilucciuaUugtitoncin'dpfiri ir. C'uocciuapartiriofuravtutctc ocfuif. Burner' tfwuc tfl nuiiKf^par.cmufl OIDI.CC- ppofitc.fmmlqj af pfe parrce fmrotma (UM;M;."I implcnc tbaro c.q ili^tics fumpfa.iid]; crfrcffcdo ncfj; tcficicdo fuu rotfi mcfif. Huct 9 oiminut 9 c.tiii 9 colltcrc ct c 8 mm 9 ipc roro tcddur.4 * icf" 9 ft "Burner 9 abfidanscft.cume in vnuadaacparuetoti'fumma rjcccdut. qut Jidcmfu^fl>jue nucupaf pmue (1 numerac (mpar.c) fo! vnt'tiirc mcfif.7 idem qu>^ ofitnenonunjf. ircrua ?pofitu3cflnurn:(ppararue.cundcp!ufJ i tiQcrlaf(.v|[jtoc ctn(en\ue r>upliis m.uo: numer 9 iniEO:t ppararue mmox bio pilixc STriptuc-curerpriMr. .uadru^lus.-r-i RSou-i J quantua netla contlnua proporrionc.chc miilt/pfiato la pri/ JL ma ncll j fomma dcil'ultre i faccf 6 3, & a multiplicaio la tern ncila $6= ' ma dcll'altre ifjcci^o.domandolcdcttcquantita.notachfttlf pro' poitione faradalla prima quandraalla fcconda , ch* e da 60 a >o,cio e 1 come a a 3 , adunque ponctno la prima fu i f , Si hff conda } e" ft gui- ta la rcrza 4 e r e mulciplfcato ciafcuna cotio all'ahic * aggiunro Ic loco muliiplicauonejanno ) 7 J- a , cguefto e cqualc allo fommc dene rfactt 5> Kmtimw liniir j aporff.itliufi^ numc ri cum ad Ucr< vnirarr fimul aggregan fadunt.] r-qui adqcicndud t ft ad Tirillra ce rtrie fj bfcriprw. tnrqj ran fumma.if yj.fic :n quctlitcr liminb) fjcicn> dmn eft vtlundfummf ptfdcnrio limiricfiguraad((QUcnrelimirc$ rir cume rota cjcplic tramltrarur quod d crrrcmum Deucnru Sytrir cume r uinra rtguld fSi (n limftt numeros in vnum colligcndoa cntincrc occurrac a'rcuuri* figara-ca ptcrwiirtenda eft inter colt.'gcndu'CJbi vero .* o rain toMliQlummepmo jutmcdio quouts oUutlii't loco fut> (crirxnda TejcplTe anuo tadj eft Jtqj numerua Ct^zimeparrio ratio ft.qu(af,guranrea(aria nulliutf eft fignificsriui In fitii a furfam IB Oeojfum ftiniprc.vtqueaufnoic ru mcrojum hmirie pami f;mu!rc>llto:u.'n fumniefiijuriclt nora orctHai no indem ? pzima fumme fctndi Iimiri8.quarclubf:trcmiB Tedtoerfapompoflontdon inOqctra fcdlblufioi Rra parte vanoaao. Cfccmptu rbirnorpra parre tftintqualiuo imped f 5 f 7 z 4 n pr rcaa fitrt Nos. 8376-7 (p^ 427). An early work on arithmetic. Vr-TTCrTT^rA. ^Rf DESC-RiPTION O F N E W Philofophical Furnaces, OR .Anew ART of DiftiJling, divided into five parts. Whereunto is added a Defcripiion of theTinftureofGOLZ), Or the true AVKV M POT'ABILE; ALSO, The Firft part of the **M I NE K AL Set forth and published for the fakes of them that arc ftudious of the- TRUTH. By JOHN RUDOLPH GLAUBER, Set forth in Englifli, By ?. p. D. M. LOND ON, Printed by Richard Cwtt, for Ihi: William, the Signe of the Bible in Little-Britain. 1651. Book. I. Of tie Art of Viflitlation. i 1 hit vtfehi to diftil liqutrs with the A,-Shmeth the htad , The bed) thereif* placed in * baft v<$el made for that tnrpe[e< fatftd in flttces to rective the wjoitr tf the vtter. Tkisvtjftl fall cental*, the Altmb'Hk. cornfaf fid about whkfa-to- duft r net c*l) that it waj the tetter anil hngtr rttain the heat ff the -vtr pcHr, hut alfo left it Jbottld ht brtkf* Ij tht har-d tench ef tht brafen vef- fel- thevatiru Hit fret in the Furnace. ./ that C> Tht Rtctivtr 'A. The furnace with a Copper globe. B. The Copper globe. C- The diftilling veflel. D. The refrigeratory with a worme. . The receiver. F. Stooles on which the veflels ftand. ABIwHmwithacove.r A wocden veflel having h les in it f jr for the making of the glafles , fet upou a Beer. treeioot. Cos 'A Tub Book. I. ~ Of tie Art of VijliUation. i^ mtdttf.Eldtr-ktrriei. TPAkeof Elacr-berhes as many as you pkafc)prcfs out the juice thereof- to every gallon thercof>put a pine of Whitcwinc- vinegar, of the lees of Whitc-winca pint: let themftaod int wooden vefled which thou mull then fetinfomc warm place neer the fire lldefor the fpace of a wcckjthen d.fti! ihcmjM hoc Still, or Alembkk. E 3 Jit A, Shews the brafi ^tilc full if wtttf. B.Vfcf ftvcrrfthe fruit piif* tied i,i tvo f!actt,ti tivt ft]fa*i forth la the tr/fet:, C, A f lfl ihsmiu, added n ibt fruit, vbmtn tit prt ii tntuM it bttt the ' D, The Altmlick tif,fif tf it, hdj tid h,ad. f-tTbcHdiinn.-ahircwiibtdiJIiUcd'iiwniiH. GL'Uii ?>>* No. 8469 (page 431). An early chemical book. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 435 8564 GUTTLING (Johann Friedrich. August; Univ. Jena) CHEMISCHE VERSUCHE iiber eine VERBESSERTE METHODS den SALMIAK zu BEREITEN, nebst Vorschlage diese Bereitung fabrik- niiissig zu betreiben, und Beschreibung einiger chemischer Produkte, so mit einer solchen Fabrik zu verbinden sind, 12mo. sewn, uncut, 5s Qd Weimar, 1782 An early attempt to make sal ammoniac synthetically, till then it having been got almost exclusively from soot. 8565 HANDBUCH der THEORETISCHEN und PRAKTISCHEN CHEMIE, 3 vols. 8vo. old hf. calf, Is Qd Jena, 1798-1800 Vol. Ill was published separately as ' Handbuch der Pharmazie chemisch bearbeitet.' 8566 GOULD (Benjamin Ap thorp; F.R.S.) CORDOBA PHOTOGRAPHS : Photographic Observations of STAR CLUSTERS, from Impressions made at the Argentine National Observatory, measured and computed with Aid from the Argentine Government [Text in English and Spanish on parallel Columns], with 37 charts (many folding), 4to. sewn, 12$ Qd Lynn, Mass., 1897 4 Through Dr. Gould's unceasing labours during his 15 years' residence at Cordoba, a detailed acquaintance with Southern stars was brought about.' Miss A. M. Clerke. 8567 The TRANSATLANTIC LONGITUDE, as determined by the U.S. Coast Survey Expedition of 1886, 4to. (pp. 101), sewn, 3s Qd [Washington], 1869 8568 GOWER (Alfred Roland) ELEMENTARY TEXT-BOOK of PRACTICAL METALLURGY, with 32 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl. , 2s 1888 8569 GOWER (Richard Hall, H.E.I.CSs Sea Service ; naval architect; designer of the l Transit') NARRATIVE of a MODE pursued by the British Government to effect IMPROVEMENTS in NAVAL. ARCHITECTURE, with 3 plates of H.M.S. * Transit ', and woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf (scarce), 12s Qd 1811 Gower at twenty years' old invented one of the earliest anticipations of the Patent Log, and in 1800 had built at - Itchenor in Chichester Harbour the 'Transit,' 'a ship of remarkable speed, four-masted, with sails of peculiar character, which beat the government sloop Osprey out of all comparison in a trial of speed ; and became almost the ablest ship and;, yacht designer of his day, besides an inventor of many valuable naval appliances.' 8570 GRAINGER (Thomas), and John MILLER, C.EE. : REPORT relative to the PROPOSED RAILWAY to connect the CLYDESDALE, or UPPER COAL FIELD of LANARKSHIRE, with the City of GLASGOW, and the East and West Country Markets, with two folding maps, 4to. (pp. 17), sewn (scarce), Qs Edin., 1828 Grainger was one of the earliest Scottish railway engineers, and built the Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee and the Arbroath and Forfar lines, and also the original main line of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. He was killed in a railway accident. 8571 GRAMBERG (Anton, Danzig) TECHNISCHE MESSUNGEN, insbesondere bei MASCHINENUNTER- SUCHUNGEN ; with 18 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. M. 6.) Berlin, 1905 8572 GRANDGEORGE (Gaston) Les INDUSTRIES TEXTILES en FRANCE, etles Matieres Premieres qu'elles transforment (1889), impl. 8vo. (pp. 65), sewn, 3s Qd Imprimerie Nationale, 1890 8573 L'INDUSTRIE TEXTILE en FRANCE en 1898, impl. 8vo. (pp. 138), sewn, 3s Qd apud eandem, 199 8574 , et Leon TABOURIER : Les INDUSTRIES TEXTILES en FRANCE en 1892, impl. 8vo. (pp. 102), sewn, 3s a. e., 189& 8575 GRANDI (Guido, Abate Camaldolese; Italian mathematician, opponent of Alessandro Marchetti), VITA di, da un suo DISCEPOLO [GIOVANNI MARIA ORTES ; con Bibliografia] , sm. 4to. old boards, uncut, 3* Qd , Venezia, 1744 ' Grandi avait avanc6 dans sa ' Quadrature du Cercle et de 1'Hyperbole ' (no. 1622 ante) que 0+0 + a 1'infini donne une quantite finie. Celle idee etait Strange ; Marchetti la trouva impie, et en demanda la suppression. Grandi ecrivit un dialogue mordant centre Marchetti, et la dispute dura deux ans, et aurait dur6 plus longtemps encore sans la mort de Marchetti. Celui-ci, dit Montucla, avait d'autant plus tort de faire a Grandi une querelle th^ologique au sujet de son idee, qu'au contraire d'autres ont cru y trouver 1' explication du mystere de la creation '. Biogr. Gin. 8576 GRANGER (Albert, Sevres) La CERAMIQUE INDUSTRIELLE : Chimie et Technologic ; with 179 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 9s (p. F. 17 nett) 1905 8577 FABRICATION et EMPLOI des MATERIAUX et PRODUITS REFRACTAIRES utilises dans I'lndustrie ; with 172 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl., 8s (p. F. 15 nett) 1910 8578 GRANT (Robert, F.R.S.) CATALOGUE of 6,415 STARS, for the EPOCH 1870, deduced from Observations at GLASGOW UNIVERSITY OBSERVATORY, 1860-81, with Synopsis of the Annual Results of each Star arranged in the Order of Right Ascension, thick roy. 4to. cl. t IQs (p. 1. lls Qd) Glasgow, 1883 ' Of sterling value.' Agnes M. Clarke. 8579 HISTORY of PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY, from the Earliest Ages to the Middle of the XlXth Century, with detailed Account of the ESTABLISHMENT of the THEORY of GRAVITATION by NEWTON, and its DEVELOPMENT by his Successors ; with the Progress of Research in Celestial Physics, thick 8vo. hf. calf, or, cl., (scarce) IQs 1852, or n. d. Still one of the best histories on the subject. Its merits were acknowledged by the Royal Astronomical Society by awarding the author its gold medal. 8580 The TRANSIT of VENUS in 1874, with front, and diagrams, sq. 12mo. cl., with author's inscr., 2s Glasgow, 1874 8581 GRANTHAM (John, M.I.C.E.) GRANTHAM'S STEAM CAR for TRAMWAYS, with 2 folding plates of the car and sections, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn (scarce), 7s Qd 1874 8582 GRANVILLE (Augustus Bozzi, M.D., F.R.S.) The ROYAL SOCIETY in the XIXTH CENTURY: a Statistical Summary of its Labours during the last 35 Years, with many Original Tables and Official Documents (never before published), and a Plan for its Reform, 8vo. cl. (cover damaged) ; scarce, 7s Qd 1836 The author was son of the postmaster-general of Milan, a physician and Italian patriot, and a remarkable man. He brought warning of Napoleon's expected escape from Elba, introduced iodine, offered the crown of Italy to the Duke of Sussex, gave prussic acid for chest affections, advocated the establishment of a Kingdom of Italy, and the treatment of Thames sewage, and criticised the constitution of the Royal Society. Though he gave much offence he helped to secure reforms in the mode of electing fellows and publishing papers (D. N. B.). See Babbage (No. 5893 ante) for another attack on the Royal Society. 436 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 8534 GRANVILLE (William Anthony, Yale Univ.), and Percey Franklyn SMITH : ELEMENTS of the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, with numerous diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, with bookplate of Prof. H. W. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 6s (p. 10s 6d) Boston [Mass., 1904] 8585 [GRASSI (Oratio, s.j.)] LIBRA ASTRONOMICA ac PHILOSOPHICA, 1 y. jj W o > 3 w * G tr 1 a ^ ! M o > DEIGHTON, BARNETT, > g ^ > | O H ^ > 2; > q Z n o 3 ^ i?5 ^H I | s f O CD 1 ll n < i i" > O O 5 : W 2J S I ; ^ W z " s 8 3 S W ? : i i 5 2 ( > s S CO GC o. 03 oo 5- " rf-fc CT5 ,-_ , 2. CT> . ^r ~ No. 8628 ^38), and No. 9109 (page 460). CATOPTRICS ET DIOPTRICS SPHJERIC& ELEMENT A. Auaore DAVIDE GREGORIO, M. D. Aftronomiae ProfefTore Saviliano Oxonias, &Societatis RegiaeSocio. EDINBURGI, Excudehat Jacobus Watfon j impenfis Davidis Scot Bibliopolar.npud quern ad Signum Apol- linis in Area Parliamentari venalia proftanr. Anno Dw. MDCCX11I. J* N F 98 DIOPTRIC* eft a : Similiterque radii qui intra lentem ad convergunt, refraftione ad N L p a. b divergunt, hoc eft, radiantis A E B, di-' ftantiadata VE a lente remotri, imago a lente N K M p fafta eft a e b quas diltin- ta eft oculo dato in o; quoniam in data diftantia oe oculo debita ponitur: fed & in angulo dato aob videtur ab oculo o, diftantia data o L, a lente re- moto, & lentis craflities v L oequalis eft data? redae. q. e. f. Eadem conftrutio infervit, fi oculus presbyrae detur : in eo enim cafu, a e b in- finite diftat, & re&ae quae prius erant a L, Iff L, ducendae funt per L, pofitione datis o a, o b parallelae, & centrum fuperficiei N LP (per Carol. 6. Prop. XIV.) triente re- dae L ab L diftabit. Quod fi vifibile propofitum longin- quum fit, conftruSio adhuc fimplicior evadet: centrum enim fuperficiei anteri- or is K v M (per Carol, i. Prop. X triente reciae v e a vertice v diftabit. Prop. diihnfuai ejufdem ab eculi centre, iu tingenj fcmiinguli viforii imaginis primrex oculi centro, ad taogencem feinianguli viforii ejufdcni imaginis ptimz,cx vcrtice fuz emcrfionis, vd fniangu- liviibruinKginisfecundx, ex vcrcicc fuz Incident iz : &rurfus ucdiltanrii imaginijfecundziverticefuztnierfioms, addiftanti- jm e>ufdcm a vcrdcc fuz incidcnciz ; ita nngens fenaianguli vi- forii irnaginis fccunds cxverticefuzipcidentiz, ad tangemem fe- mianguli viforii iiniginis fecnndz e vorcice faz emefhpnis, vel femianguli viforii irnaginis tertixcx veriice fuiincidcnuz : 8: ita progrcdiacur ad femiangulum viforium imaginis ultimx ex verticc Uiz emerfioDiSjfeuvifibilis ex verticc fuz incidcntiac, quifemian- -;ulus duplicatus dac angulum vifibilis quzfirutn ex vcrtice fust in- cidcntiz. Dcmobftraiioncsn vi'derc litcc in Prof. J 3 8c 57 hu- ;u?. Di Mechinica horum fpeculorum, & lentium, ab aliis fruftra teotata; ego in mcchanicis minus verfatusnihilxiico.- audaftet umen aflcro,opticr perfc^tonem in lentibns & fpeculis fphzricj* fruftra quzri. Si vetocui plrceat pcteric pncipuas hujus tradawH propofitipnesi fphitricis pplicare ; etfi non adcoperfcae: Portio eoim fphasr* ( przterqiurn quod radios parallelosin unumpun- &um non congreget) locum imaginis prrSet in Unsfupcrficie fphzricj, habente idem cemrumcumportione; quzfuperfidej non potdt oT.nirr.odo con<;urrere cum alia fuperficie fphzrica ya- lis tamen concurfus rcquirkor, faltem ad fcnfura, utex pradi^is fjtis app.;rer . Aliz ctiam fiint lcnciu:n fpbzricarum impeffeJSio- nes, a diciti emerentcs ; veluti, quod in telefcopiis multutn atr.- plificsmibus, pertinens ad I inugiuerh ulrirnatn.. vix pocerit ultri duos vet tresgtjdusdilnarir' ut coa-putaati fatis patcbic: undc proveni: horrenda obfcuritw^ -Accenfri^ ICDKS hyperboHcas fo- Iwn-6bjicicur,quod nihih pbflitciiltegyifime" videcf, przterpun- ftum vifibilis, in axe machinx exiftens : Sed hzc infirmitas (fi ita appellarc liceat) in ipfo oculo ert fatis rn.mife(U ; non tamen ns. tun ixputanda ; quxnihil fruftra, fed omniaquamcornmodilTi. meperagir. Nihilominus, lentibus, aifpcculisconicisnoBCon- ceflli ; fatius eric ponionibus fphoericis utlloco fphacrideon, & co- noideon paraboHcarum + ' in catopttici j qua A hyperbolJcarum in tlioptrica ; cum quibus portioncs fphmics minas convcniunt. Prop. No. 8656 (page 439). The first suggestion of an achromatic telescope. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 439 8648 GREENWICH OBSERVATIONS : ASTRONOMICAL, MAGNETICAL and METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS at the ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, under the Direction of SIR GEORGE BIDDELL AIRY, SIR WILLIAM HENRY MAHONEY CHRISTIE, FF.R.S., and others, from 1873 to 1908, 36 vols., with Extra Publications as under, 13 v. in all 49 vols. thick impl. 4to. cl., 8. 8s (p. 44.) 1875-1910 LIST OF EXTRA PUBLICATIONS : ASTROPHYSICAL CATALOGUE 1900-0, Greenwich Section, Dec. + 64 to 90", 2 plates, 2 v., '04-8 : Telegraphic Determination of Longitude, 1888-1902, 7 plates, '06 : New Reduction of Groombridge's Circumpolar Catalogue for 1810-0, by F. W. Dyson, F.R.S., and W. G. Thackeray, F.R.A.S., portrait and plate, '05: Photo-Heliographic Results, 1874-85, '07 : Observations of the Planet Eros, 1900-1, front., etc., '03 : Nine-Year and Ten-Year Star Catalogues for 1872, 1880, 1890, and 1900, 4 v., 1876-1909: Reduction of Greenwich Meteorological Observations, pts. I, III IV (pt. II forming part of ' Observations ' for 1887), plates, 3 v., '78-1906. 8649 ANOTHER SET, from 1896 to 1907, 12 v. : with the Extra Publications as above (except 'Photo-Heliographic Results,' and 'Meteorological Observations,' pt. IV), 11 v. in all 23 vols. impl. 4to. cl., 5. 5s (p. 19. 6*) 1878-1909 8650 : ASTROGRAPHIC CATALOGUE, 1900-0. Greenwich Section, Dec. + 64 to 90, from Photographs taken and measured at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 2 plates, and diagrams, 2 thick vols. impl. 4to. cl., 1. 5s (p. 3.) Edin., 1904-8 8651 GREGAN-CRAUFURD (Alexander Quintal, pr.) ESSAY on the DEVELOPMENT of FUNC- TIONS, 8vo. (pp. 34), sewn (scarce), 4s 1844 ' All the ordinary and fundamental developments are here obtained by a new method.' Preface. 8652 GREGORIUS a Sto. VINCENTIO, s.j. : OPUS GEOMETRICUM de QUADRATURA CIRCULI et SECTION UM CONI X Libris comprehensum ; with fine engraved title, and numerous diagrams (pp. c. 1200) : SARASA (Alfonsus Antonius de, s. j.) SOLUTIO PROBLEMATIS a R. P. MARINO MERSENNO propositi (pp. 35) 2 vols. roy. folio in 1, old calf gilt, newly repacked (RARE), 1. 18s Qd Antverpice, 1647-9 'Gregory St. Vincent is the greatest of circle-squarers, and his investigations led him into many truths: he found the property of area of the hyperbola which led to Napier's logarithms being called hyperbolic. Montucla says of him, with sly truth, that no one has ever squared the circle with so much genius, or, excepting his principal object, with so much success. His reputation, and the many merits of his work, led to a sharp controversy on his quadrature, which ended in its complete exposure by Huygens and others.' Prof, de Morgan. 1 He discovered the expansion of log (1 + x) in ascending powers of x. ... In the Opus Geometricum he used indivisibles.'-JF. W. R. Ball. His method ductus plani in planum, employed in Book VII of the above work, is important in connexion with the invention of the differential calculus. 8653 OPUS GEOMETRICUM POSTHUMUM ad MESOLABIUM per RATIONUM PROPORTIONALIUM NOVAS PROPRIETATES. Finem Operis Mors Authoris antevertit ; with numerous diagrams, large folio, fine copy in old calf (HARE), 1. Is Gandavi, 1668 'Son objet etoit 1'invention des deux moyennes proportionnelles continues, probleme qu'il poursuit a travers une multitude de propositions, et de propriete's nouvelles des propositions et proportionnalites, des figures rectilignes, des sections coniques, et surtout de 1'hyperbole rapportee a ses asymptotes ; mais 1'ouvrage n'etant pas termine, on ne sait pas si son auteur avoit, a 1'egard de ce probleme, la meme prevention que sur la quadrature du cercle.' Montucla. 8654 GREGORY (David; F.R.S., Savilian Prof. Astronomy, Oxon.) ASTRONOMIC PHYSICS et GEOMETRIC^ ELEMENTA, Editio II., revisa et correcta, accesserunt Prsefatio Editoris [C. HUARTI (pp. 63)], COMETOGRAPHIA HALLEiANA, brevis ad CALCEM HOROLOGIORUM SCIOTERICORUM TRACTATUS [auctore C. HUARTO], et INDEX duplex ; with front, and 46 plates, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, contemporary calf gilt (RARE), 1. 5s Genevce, 1726 This finely printed edition is specially valuable for containing the first reprint of the now very rare ' Astronomic Cometicae Synopsis' by EDMUND HALLEY, F R.S. 'It was the first textbook composed on gravitational principles, and remodelling astronomy in conformity with physical theory. Newton thought highly of it, and communicated for insertion in it his ' lunar theory ', long the guide of practical astronomers in determining the moon's motions. The discussion in the preface, in which the doctrine of gravitation was brought into credit on the score of its antiquity, likewise emanated from Newton.' D. N. B. 8655 The ELEMENTS of ASTRONOMY, PHYSICAL and GEOMETRICAL, done into English, with Additions and Corrections, with DR. HALLEY'S SYNOPSIS of the ASTRONOMY of COMETS, with numerous plates, 2 vols. 8vo. old panelled calf, 8s Qd 1715 First English edition of the foregoing work, including the English version of Halley's ' Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets.' 8656 CATOPTRICS et DIOPTRICS SPHSRICS ELEMENTA, editio princeps; with 3 folding plates, 12mo. sound copy in contemporary sheep (RARE), 1. 10s Edinburgi, 1713 ' A concluding remark (p. 98), as to the possibility of counteracting colour-aberration in lenses, by combining in them media of diiferent densities, gave the first hint of the achromatic telescope.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. The suggestion was realised in 1757 by the invention of the achromatic lens by JOHN DOLLOND, F.B.S. 8657 TREATISE of PRACTICAL GEOMETRY, translated, with Additions [by COLIN MACLAURIN, F.R,S.] ; 7th Edition, with 5 copperplates, 8vo. sewn, 4s ib., 1769 8658 GREGORY (James, F.R.S.) GEOMETRIC PARS UNIVERSALIS, inserviens QUANTITATUM CURV- ARUM TRANSMUTATIONI et MENSUR^E; with numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. sewn, (large and sound copy) ; rare, 12s Qd Patavii, 1668 ' In the Oeometrice Pars the author explained how the volumes of solids of revolution can be determined ' W. W. R. Ball. 8659 OPTICA PROMOTA, seu abdita Radiorum Reflexorum et Refractorum Mysteria, Geometrice enucleata ; cui subnectitur APPENDIX, subtilissimorum Astronomise Problematwn Resolutionem exhibens, editio princeps; with numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. LARGE AND SOUND COPY in contemporary calf (VERY RARE), 2. 12s Qd Londini, J. Hayes, pro S. Thomson, 1663 ' Containing the first feasible description of a reflecting telescope, his invention of which dated from 1661. It consisted essentially of a perforated parabolic speculum in which the eye-piece was inserted with a small elliptical mirror, placed in front to turn back the image. The first Gregorian telescope was presented to the Royal Society by Robert Hooke in 1674, and the same form was universally employed in the XVIIIth Century.' D. N. B. ' The utility of the transits of the inferior planets in furnishing an accurate method of determining the value of the solar parallax was first pointed out by James Gregory in his Optica Promota, in 1663.' Prof. R. Grant, F.R.S. 8660 GREGORY (John, C.E.) COMPLETE COURSE of CIVIL ENGINEERING, comprising Plane Trigo- nometry, Surveying, and Levelling, with their Application, 5 folding plates, and numerous other illustrations, 8vo. roan, 3s Qd [1842] 440 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 8662 GREGORY (Duncan Farquharson ; first editor of ' Cambridge Mathematical Journal ') EXAMPLES of the PROCESS of the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, with 4 folding plates, 8vo. calf gilt, 4s Cambridge, 1841 8663 SECOND [LAST] EDITION, by WILLIAM WALTON, with 4 folding plates, large 8vo. cl., 6s ib., 1846 8664 ANOTHER COPY, prize calf gilt, Is Prize copy t > Dr. James Bell, F.R.S., signed by PROF. DE MORGAN. ' A work which produced a great change for the better in the Cambridge mathematical books. It is the first in which constant use is inade of the method known by the name of the separation of the symbols of operation, and the author has enlivened its pages by occasionally introducing historical notices of the problems discussed.' D. N. B. 8665 , and William WALTON: TREATISE on the APPLICATION of ANALYSIS to SOLID GEOMETRY, with 3 plates : HYMERS (John, Rector of Brandesburton, F.R.s. ; founder of Hymers College, Hull) TREATISE on CONIC SECTIONS, 3rd Edition, enlarged, with 4 foldina plates 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf gilt, 4s ib., 1845 8666 SECOND [LAST] EDITION, with 3 plates, 8vo. boards, 5s ib., 1852 8667 ANOTHER COPY ; also : Hymers (John, D.D., F.R.S.) TREATISE on ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY of THREE DIMENSIONS, containing the Theory of Curve Surfaces, and of Curves of Double Curvature; 3rd Edition, with 6 plates 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf, Is ib., 1852-48 ' The first treatise in which the system of solid geometry is developed by means of symmetrical equations, and a great advance on those of Leroy and Hymers '. D. N. B. 8668 GREGORY (George, D.D , Prebendary of St. Pawn's) The ECONOMY of NATURE explained and illustrated on the Principles of Modern Philosophy, with 46 plates, 3 vols. 8vo. contemporary hf. calf gilt (nice copy), with Bp. Watson's Calgarth Park booklabel, Is Qd 1796 8669 SECOND EDITION, with considerable Additions, 56 plates, 3 vols. 8vo. old hf. calf gilt (sound copy), with Bp. Watson's Calgarth Park booklabel, 8s Qd 1798 8670 ANOTHER COPY, mottled calf extra (fine copy), 10s 8671 LECTURES on EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY, ASTRONOMY, and CHEMISTRY, with 35 plates, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf, 5s 1808 8672 GREGORY (Olinthus Gilbert, LL.D., F.R.A.S.) ACCOUNT of some EXPERIMENTS made to determine the VELOCITY with which SOUND is TRANSMITTED in the ATMOSPHERE, 4to. (pp. 19), sewn, with author's inscr., 4? Qd Cambridge, 1824 ' His treatise on mechanics and his experiments to determine the velocity of sound were his most important contri- butions to physical science.' D. N. B. 8673 , and Henry LAW, C.E. : MATHEMATICS for PRACTICAL MEN : a Commonplace Book of Pure and Mixed Mathematics ; 4th Edition, by JOHN RADFORD YOUNG, with 13 folding plates, besides woodcuts, large 8vo. cl., 6s 1862 8674 GREGORY (William, Prof. Chemistry, Edin.) On the COMPOSITION of the PETROLEUM of RANGOON, with Remarks on Petroleum and Naphtha in general, 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s Edin., 1835 8675 HANDBOOK of ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: a new and greatly enlarged Edition of the ' Outlines of Organic Chemistry ' ; 3rd [last] Edition, much extended, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1852 ' Having been a favourite pupil of Liebig at Giessen, Gregory did much to introduce his researches into this country.' D. N. B. He introduced a process for making hydrochlorate of morphia from opium which came into general use. 8676 LETTERS to a CANDID ENQUIRER on ANIMAL MAGNETISM, thick post 8vo. cl., 5s 1851 Almost exclusively on ' occult science ', and mentioning a number of interesting cases. 8677 GRELLE (Friedrich) ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE der EBENE ; with 91 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 2s Hannover, 1861 8678 GREN (Friedrich. Albert Karl; founder of ' Annalen der Physik') PRINCIPLES of MODERN CHEMISTRY, systematically arranged, translated, with Notes and Additions, concerning later Discoveries, by the Translator, with Tables [on Chemical Attraction, etc.], with 1 copperplates, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, 7s Qd 1800 Containing descriptions and illustrations of the chemical apparatus in use at the time. 8679 GRESLEY (William Stukeley) GLOSSARY of TERMS used in COAL MINING, with 138 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 5s) 8680 [GRETSCHEL (Heinrich)] Das TELEPHON, der PHONOGRAPH, und das MIKROPHON ; with 19 woodcuts, post 8vo. (pp. 44), sewn, 3s Leipzig, 1878 Interesting as an early work on the phonograph. ' Das Telephon ' since 1878 has been admirably translated (by August Command ?) into the vulgar tongue as der Fernsprecher. 8681 [ J ZWEITE AUFLAGE, umgearbeitet und wesentlich vermehrt ; with 70 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 139), sewn, 2s ibidem, 1883 8682 GREW (Edwin Sharpe) The GROWTH of a PLANET, with 6 plates, and numerous diagrams, post 8vo. cl.,3sQd (p. 6s) #683 [GREW (Nehemiah, M.D., F.R.S.)] NEW EXPERIMENTS, and USEFUL OBSERVATIONS concerning SEA- WATER MADE FRESH, according to the PATENTEES INVENTION, by a FELLOW of the COLLEDGE of PHYSICIANS, and of the ROYAL SOCIETY, 4th Edition, sm. 4to. (pp. 13), sewn (rare), 7s Qd 1684 'It speedily went into ten English, besides French and Italian, editions. The process of boiling and condensing, though approved by him, did not originate with him.' D. N. B. 684 : RECUEIL d'ExpERiENCES et OBSERVATIONS sur le COMBAT qui procede du MELANGE des CORPS [par N. GREW] ; sur les SAVEURS et sur les ODEURS [par ROBERT BOYLE] ; et sur le SANG et le LAIT [par A. VAN LEEUWENHOEK] , 12mo. fine copy in contemporary calf gilt (rare), 12s 1679 Grew's paper is a translation of his 'Of the Nature, Causes, and Power of Mixtures', originally read before the Royal Society, Dec., 1674. He was an early and able vegetable physiologist, and probably the first man to observe sex in plants. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 441 GRIBBLE (Theodore Graham, C.E.) PRELIMINARY SURVEY and ESTIMATES, with 133 illustrations (9 being plates), 12mo. cl., 2s 1891 8687 SECOND EDITION [enlarged] , with 133 illustrations (12 being plates), 12rao. cl., 3s Qd (p. Is Qd) 1897 Containing at end a valuable glossary of astronomical and geodetic terms (pp. 25). 8688 [GRIFFIN (John Joseph)] CHEMICAL RECREATIONS : a Series of Amusing and Instructive Experiments, which may be performed Easily, Safely, and at Little Expense, with the First Lines of Chemistry, and a Minute Description of a Cheap and Simple Apparatus ; 2nd Edition, with 6 plates, 18mo. calf extra (scarce), 8s Qd Glasgow, 1823 This early edition of this well-known work was written at the age of 21, and was unknown to D. N. B., where the first edition is dated 1834. ' He devised many new and simple forms of chemical apparatus, and did much in introducing scientific methods into commercial processes.' D. N. B. 8689 GRIFFIN (Robert William; The PARABOLA, ELLIPSE, and HYPERBOLA, treated geometric- ally, with 52 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., with author's inscr., 3s Qd Dublin, 1879 8690 GRIFFIN (William Nathaniel, pr.} TREATISE on the MOTION of a RIGID BODY, with plate, 8vo. boards, or, sewn, 2s Cambridge, 1847 8691 ANOTHER COPY, with Solutions of the Examples, 2 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, 3s Qd ib., 1847-8 8692 GRIFFITH (Alexander, Vicar of Cratfield) The CYCLE CALENDAR (C. C.), or 128 Years' Cycle System of Measuring Time, large impl. 8vo. cl., q. e., with inscr. to Dr. A. M. W. Downing, fLRA,* 1892 1 This system is founded on the fact that the solar year multiplied by 128 produces net days without any odd hours, minutes, or seconds.' Preface. 8693 GRIFFITHS (Capt. Anselm John, R.N.) OBSERVATIONS on some POINTS of SEAMANSHIP ; with Practical Hints on Naval (Economy, etc. etc., 8vo. contemporary calf gilt (names on title), 4s Cheltenham, 1824 8694 GRIFFITHS (Ernest Howard, F.R.S., Principal Univ. Coll. Wales) The LATENT HEAT of EVAPORATION of WATER, with 3 plates, 4to. (pp. 81), sewn, 2s Qd 1895 8695 The THERMAL MEASUREMENT of ENERGY, with 19 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., Is Qd Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1901 8696 GRIFFITHS (John) NOTES on the APPLICATION of the THEORY of ELLIPTIC TRANSFORMATION to the FORMATION of SEMI-COVARIANTS and SEMI-INVARIANTS, 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, 2s Oxford, 1890 8697 GRIFFITHS (Thomas) CHEMISTRY of the FOUR SEASONS, "principally concerning Natural Phenomena admitting of Interpretation by Chemical Science, and illustrating Passages of Scripture, with 68 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1846 REPRINT, with woodcuts, 12mo. cl., 3s 1853 8699 GRIFFITHS (William) TRUSSES of WOOD and IRON, with complete Working Drawing 12 plates, oblong 12mo. cl., 2s Qd 1886 8700 GRIMANI (Rafaelo) PRATICA FACILE, e BREVE di MOLTE SORTI di HOROLOGII SOLARI in questa 2 da Stampa corretta et accresciuta ; with numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. sewn (browned, otherwise a sound copy), 1. Is Viterbo, 1642 RARE, and not noticed by Brunet, Graesse, Poggendorff, etc. S701 GRIMINELLI (Domenico, sacerdote da Correggio) NOVISSIMA PR ATTICA d'ARlTMETiCA MERCANTILE, 2 da Edizione, corretta, 16mo. old vellum (partly browned), IQs Qd Roma, 1670 1 Contiene alcuni giuochi numerici, curiosi e dilettevoli '. Riccardi. 8702 GRIMTHORPE (Sir Edmund Beckett-Denison, first Lord, K.C., F.R.A.S.) ASTRONOMY WITHOUT MATHEMATICS, 6th Edition, revised for the Results of the Transit of Venus, with woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 4* 1876 8703 SEVENTH EDITION, revised and enlarged, with woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd 1883 8704 CLOCKS and LOCKS ; 2nd Edition, with full Account of the GREAT CLOCK at WEST- MINSTER ['BlG BEN'], with folding plate of 1 Big Ben\ and 72 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl. (scarce), Qs Edin., 1857 The redoubtable author, one of the most remarkable personalities of his race or time, was the designer of ' Big Ben '. Alas ! that his self-confidence and wealth prompted him to try to improve St. Alban's. Abbey Church as well ! 8705 RUDIMENTARY TREATISE on CLOCK and WATCH MAKING, with Chapter on CHURCH CLOCKS, and the Proceedings respecting the GREAT WESTMINSTER CLOCK [' BIG BEN '], first edition, with front., and numerous woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. cl. boards (name cut off title)', scarce, 7s Qd 1850 ' The best work on the subject probably extant.' Engineering. It contains an interesting account of the Airy-Dent- Vulliamy controversy concerning ' Big Ben.' 8706 GRINWIS (C. H. C. ; Univ. Utrecht) Over den INVLOED der MASSAVERDEELING op de SLINGERLENGTE ; with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn, Is Qd Amsterdam, 1886 8707 De WAARDE der WISKUNDE voor de Beoefening der PHYSIC A, 8vo. (pp. 48), sewn, 2s Utrecht, 1867 8708 GROLLIER (Gaspard, Comte de Serviere) : RECUEiLd'OuvRAGES CURIEUX de MATHEMATIQUE et de MECANIQUE, ou Description du Cabinet de M. GROLLIER DE SERVIERE ; with 88 fine copperplates, illustrating many ingenious water-raising machines, etc. etc., 4to. old calf gilt (RARE), 18* Qd 1719 8709 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary white vellum (large copy), 1. Is 8710 GROSHANS (J. A.) ETUDES et CONSIDERATIONS sur la NATURE des ELEMENS (Corps non- Deconipose"s) de la CHIMIE, 3 parts 8vo. sewn, 3s [Rotterdam, 1866] -7 8711 GROSS (Edward John) ALGEBRA, Part II ; 3rd Edition, post 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 4s (p. 8s Qd) 1884 . A continuation of J. Hamblin Smith's Algebra, which forms Part 1. 8712 GRUNHUT (Leo) Die CHEMIE des WEINES, roy. 8vo. sewn, 2s Stuttgart, 1897 442 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 8715 GROSS (Georg) Die MECHANISCHE WARMETHEORIE (THERMODYNAMIK), unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der MOLEKULARTHEORIE, I. Band ; with 47 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, 5s (p. M. 8) Jena [1898] Intended as a preparatory work to those of Clausius and Zeuner. The 2nd volume has never been published. 8716 GROSSMANN (J.) FUHRER in der GEOMETRISCHEN ANALYSE der KRYSTALLOGRAPHIE ; with plate and 29 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, 2s Leipzig, 1857 8717 GROSSMANN (Jacob, F.I.C.) AMMONIA and its COMPOUNDS, with woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2* 1906 8718 GROTH (Lorentz Albert) The POTASH SALTS: their Production and Application to Agriculture, Industry, and Horticulture, with numerous illustrations, 8vo. sewn, 3s 1902 8719 GROTH (Paul H. Ritter v. ; Univ. Munich) PHYSIKALISCHE KRYSTALLOGRAPHIE, und Einleitung in die krystallographische Kenntniss der wichtigeren Substanzen ; with 3 folding plates (I coloured), and 557 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf neat, 5s (p. M. 16 unbound) Leipzig, 1876 First edition of this classic work. 8720 GROTHE (Hermann) Die ENTWICKELUNG des MASCHINENWESENS und die grossen Ingenieure, 12rao. (pp. 40), sewn, Is Qd Berlin, 1867 8721 GROVE (Sir William Robert, Justice of the Queen's Bench Division ; F.R.S.) On the CORRE- LATION of PHYSICAL FORCES : Lectures in the London Institution, 1843, first edition, 8vo. (pp. 56), sewn (very scarce), 10s Qd 1846 8722 FIFTH EDITION, with DISCOURSE on CONTINUITY, 8vo. (pp. 330), cl., 4s 1867 8723 SIXTH [LAST] EDITION, with other CONTRIBUTIONS to SCIENCE, woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., uncut (o. p.), 8s Qd (p. 15*) 1874 This edition includes the BaKerian Lecture, 1852, ' On the Electro-Chemical Polarity of Gases ', ' On the Striae seen in the Electrical Discharge in Vacuo ', the papers containing his invention of a zinc and platinum galvanic cell, named after him, and of ' gas voltaic battery ', as well as numerous other papers contributed to the ' Philosophical Transactions ', etc. 8724 GRUBB (Sir Howard, T.C.D., F.R.S.), DESCRIPTION of the GREAT 27-lNCH REFRACTING TELESCOPE and REVOLVING DOME, for the Imperial and Royal OBSERVATORY of VIENNA, designed and constructed by, with 3 plates (2 folding), and 31 woodcuts, folio, sewn, 4s 1881 8725 GRUNERT (Johann August, Univ. Greifswald) OPTISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN ; with 3 plates, 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf gilt (scarce), 10s Qd Leipzig, 1846-51 IXHALT : I. Allgemeine Theorie der Fernrohre und Mikroskope : II. Theorie der achromatischen Objective fiir Fernrcihre : III. Theorie der zweifachen achromatischen Oculare. 8726 GRYNAEUS [Germanice GRYNER, junior] (Simon) : De COMETIS DISSERTATIONES NOVAE Clariss. Virorum THOM. ERASTI, ANDR. DUDITHII, MARC. SQUARCIALUPI, SYMON. GRYNAEI ; with vignette on title, and 4 large woodcuts, sm. 4to. old limp vellum (names torn off title, otherwise a fine copy] ; RARE, 1. 5s [Basileai], 1580 The work by GRYNAEUS is entitled : ' Commentarii Duo, de Ignitis Meteoris unus : alter de Cometarum Causis atque Significationibus ; accessit ejusdem Observatio Cometae, qui anno superiore 77, et ab initio 78 fulsit, et Disputatio de Inusitata Magnitudine et Figura Veneris conspecta in fine anni 1578, et ad initium 1579.' There are also two treatises by THOMAS ERAST: ' De Cometarum Significationibus Judicium', and ' De Cometarum Ortu, Natura et Causis Tractatus ', and one ' De Cometa in Universum, atque de illo qui anno 1577, visas est, opinio MARCKLLI SQUARCIALUPI Pluiu- binensis.' 8727 IIDEM TRACTATUS, necnon, HISTORIA ADMIRANDA de PRODIGIOSA APOLLONIAE SCHREIERAE, Virginis in Agro Bernensi, INEDI4 ; a PAULLO LENTULO, M.D., complurinm etiam aliorum, de eiusmodi PRODIGIOSIS INEDIIS NARRATIONES, with front, of the fasting girl (mounted), 2 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, old hf. calf, 2. 2s ib., 1580Bernae Helv., 1604 This rare and curious work, probably the first on fasting as an ' art ', is dedicated to James I. 8728 GUADAGNI (Carolo Alfonso, Univ. Pisa) SPECIMEN EXPERIMENTORUM NATURALIUM ; with 8 folding copperplates, sm. 4to. contemporary boards, uncut, 15s Pisis, 1764 Very rare, and unknown to Riccardi and Poggendorff, nor noticed by Brunet, Graesse, and other bibliographers. The work contains a large number of experiments on electricity and magnetism. 8729 GUARESCHI (Icilio, Univ. Turin) EiNFUHRUNG in das STUDIUM der ALKALOIDE, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der vegetabilischen Alkaloide und der Ptomaine, in deutscher Bearbeitung herausg. von HERMANN KuNZ-KRAUSE, impl. 8vo. hf. German morocco gilt, 1. Is (p. M. 3S) Berlin, 1896 8730 GTJERICKE (Otto v. ; Burgermeister of Magdeburg) EXPERIMENTA NOVA (ut vocantur) MAGDEBURGICA de VACUO SPATIO, primum a' GASPARE SCHOTTO, s.j. : nunc verb ab ipso Auctore perfectius edita, variisque aliis Experimentis aucta; accesserunt de AERIS PONDERE circa TERRAM, de VIRTUTIBUS MUNDANIS, et SYSTEMATE MUNDI PLANETARIO, sicut de STELLIS FiXis, ac Spatio illo immenso, quod tarn intra quam extra eas funditur ; with finely engraved title, and 20 other fine engravings on copper, folio, contemporary vellum (fine copy) ; RARE, 2. 8s Amstelodami, 1672 This celebrated work contains an account of the author's discoveries, viz. the air-pump, the Magdeburg Hemispheres, and the manometer, his electrical machine (the first one invented) consisting of a ball of sulphur, and his experiments on the nature and effects of air, as well as his astronomical treatises. < The plates include the fine folding one showing the author's experiments with his hemispheres in 1654 at Ratisbon before the Diet and the Emperor Ferdinand III. 8731 GUEST (James J.) On the STRENGTH of DUCTILE MATERIALS under COMBINED STRESS, with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 64), sewn, 2s 1900 8732 GTTILIELMUS (S., Abbas Hirsaugiensis) : PHILOSOPHICARUM et AsTRpNOMiCARUM INSTITU- TIONUM Libri III : Opus vetus at nunc primum evulgatum et Typis commissum, sm. 4to. hf. roan (title slightly soiled, but a sound copy) ; RARE, 1. Is Basilece, Henr. Petrus, 1531 St. William of Hirschau was not only one of the greatest mathematicians of the Eleventh Century, but a great monastic reformer, who introduced the Cluniac rule into Germany, with the result that his strictness filled his House with monks, many of whom shared his learning. He was also a great student of Plainsoug. ' Pour son epoque Guillaume possedait les connaissances les plus etendues ; verse dans toutes les sciences du quadriviviiun, il etait le plus renomme pour la finesse des ses raisonnements philosophiques.' Biogr. Gen. HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 443 8734 G-UETTIER (Andre Victor) GUIDE PRATIQUE des ALLIAGES METALLIQUES, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s 1865 8735 GUGLIELMINI (Dpmenico, M.D. ; F.R.S.) Delia NATURA de 1 FIUMI : Trattato Fisico- Matematico, nuova Edizione, con le Annotazioni di EUSTACHIO MANFREDI ; with 18 folding plates, 4to. printed on ' CARTA DISTINTA ' ; boards, uncut (sound copy), 15s Bologna, 1739 ' Raro ed apprezzato, specialmente negli esemplari in carta distinta'. Riccardi. BEST EDITION of this celebrated work in the history of hydraulic engineering. 8736 RIFLESSIONI FILOSOFICHE dedotte dalle FIGURE de' SALI, prima edizione ; with copper- plate, sm. 4to. old green vellum, with inscr. ' DONO DELL' AUTORE ' on title (VERYT RARE), 1. 15s ibidem, 1688 ' Opuscolo rarissimo ed interessantissimo per la storia della cristallografia . . . perche primo in esso 1'autore exposi le basi fondamentali della nioderna cristallografia. 1 Riccardi. 8737 GUGLIELMINI (Abate Giovanni Battista) PR.ELECTIONES III [MATHEMATICAE] in Archigymnasio Bononiensi lectae, 8vo. sewn, 3? [Bononice, 1815] 8738 GUIBOTJRT (Nicolas Jean Baptiste Guillaume) HISTOIRE abregee des DROGUES SIMPLES ; 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf, 4s 1820 8739 GUIGNET (Charles Ernest), et Edouard GARNIER : La CERAMIQUE ANCIENNE et MODERNE ; with 69 illlustrations, also numerous fss. of trademarks, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. F. 6 nett) 1899 8740 GUILLAUME (Charles El.) Les RAYONS X, et la PHOTOGRAPHIE a travers les CORPS OPAQUES ; with 5 plates, and 21 other illustrations, 8vo. sewn, Is Qd 1896 8741 GTJMERSALL (T. B.) TABLES of DISCOUNT, or SIMPLE INTEREST, at the several Rates of 5, 4, 4, 3^, 3, and 2 per cent., from ^1 to 365 Days, and from 1 to 20,000, etc., with Tables of Brokerage or Commission, etc., new Edition, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd [1851 or '2] 8742 GUMPACH (Johannes v.) Uber den ALTJUDISCHEN KILENDER, zunachst in seiner Beziehung zur neutestamentlichen Geschichte ; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Evangelien-Harmonistik ; roy. 8vo. cl. (slightly damaged), with bookplate of William Spottiswoode, P.R.3., 5s Brussel, 1848 8743 The TRUE FIGURE and DIMENSIONS of the EARTH, newly determined from the Results of Geodetic Measurements and Pendulum Observations, etc. etc. etc. ; 2nd Edition, entirely recast, with 30 diagrams, 8vo. cl. (scarce], 10s Qd 1862 For another work by this believer in a pear-shaped world, see No. 1703, ante. He believed that thousands of lives were lost at sea through ignorance of this Orleanist configuration of the earth. 8744 GUM (James) The PRACTICAL DESIGN of MOTOR CARS, with 162 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. 10s Qd nett) 1910 8745 GUNTEB, (Edmund ; pr., Gresham Prof. Astronomy ; originator of ' Gunter s Chain ') WORKS, conteining the Description and Use of the Sector, Cross-Staff, and other Instruments, with a CANON of ARTIFICIAL^ SIGNES [sic] and TANGENTS, to a Radius of 10000.0000 parts, and the Use thereof in Astronomic, Navigation, Dialling, etc., with a new Treatise of Fortification, and the further Use of the Quadrant fitted for daily practise, etc. etc., by SAMUEL FOSTER ; 3rd Edition, corrected and amended by HENRY BOND, with engraved title, frontispiece, and numerous diagrams and woodcuts, sm. 4to. old calf (binding slightly damaged, but a sound and clean copy) ; VERY RARE, 2. 10s F. Eglesfield, 1653 8746 FOURTH EDITION, with the Description and Use of another Sector with more Lines, differing from that of Mr. Gunter, both in Form and Manner of Working, as also, of a Quadrant fitted with new Lines serving the former Uses, and many other, more accurately, both invented and written by SAMUEL FOSTER, the whole Work examined, and in many places enlarged, by WfiLLlAM] L [EYBOURN], with 2 copperplates, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 4to. FINE COPY in contemporary calf, with auto, and fine old armorial bookplate of Sir Robert Throckmorton (RARE), 2. 10s apud eundem, 1662 8747 FIFTH EDITION, diligently corrected, and divers necessary Things and Matters (pertinent thereunto) added, throughout the whole work, not before Printed, by WILLIAM LEYBOURN, with engraved title, 3 copperplates, and numerous diagrams and woodcuts, sm. 4to. contemporary calf (binding slightly damaged, otherwise a very sound copy) ; RARE, 1. 18s Qd a. e., 1673 8748 ANOTHER COPY, old calf, rebacked (wanting the engraved title, and some II. water-stained, 1. 5s The final edition. 8749 SIXTH [LAST] EDITION [identical with the Fifth], with engraved title, 3 copperplates, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 4to. contemporary calf, newly rebacked, with auto, and bookplate of Prof. W. A. Copinger, FS.A., 1. 12s Qd a. e., 1680 A verbatim reprint of the fifth Edition. The engraved title bears the date 1673. All the above editions contain the celebrated ' Canon Triangulorum ', ' the first table of its kind published, which did for sines and tangents what Briggs dii for natural numbers.' D. N. B. ' The honour of the invention of Logarithms, next to the Lord of Merchiston, and our Mr. Briggs, belongeth to Master Gunter, who exposed their numbers upon a straight line '. Oughtred. ' Gunter was the first to use the terms cosine, cotangent and cosecant for the sine, tangent, and secant of the comple- ment of an arc. To him are also due the invention of the surveying-chain, a quadrant, and a scale, and the first observa- tion of the variation of the compass . The name of Gunter' s Scale, or Gunter' s Lines, is usually given to the 3 lines to be seen on almost any sector, and marked N, S, T, meaning the lines of logarithmic numbers, of logarithmic sines, and of logarithmic tangents. . . . Many rough problems in areas, heights, cubic contents, and other matters, may be performed through the agency of Gunter's Scale '. ' Gunter introduced a simple form of slide rule, or as he called it, a ' line of numbers ' which provided a mechanical method for finding the product of two numbers.' IT. W. R. Ball. 8750 The DESCRIPTION and USE of the SECTOR, CROSS-STAFFE, and other Instruments, with a CANON of ARTIFICIALL SINES and TANGENTS, to a Radius of 10000.0000 parts ; 2nd Ed., much inlarged, withanewe TREATISE of FORTIFICATION, not before Printed [by SAMUEL FOSTER], with engraved title, copperplate, and numerous diagrams and woodcuts, sm. 4to. cl. , with old MS. notes, and a few blank margins cut off", otherwise a fine copy) ; RARE, 2. 2s W. Jones, 1636 444 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 8752 GUNTHER (Emil) Die DARSTELLUNG des ZINKS auf ELEKTROLYTISCHEM WEGE ; with 59 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. sewn, 6s 6d (p. M. 10) Halle a. S., 1904 8753 GUNTHER (Siegmund ; Technische Hochschule, Miinchen) GESCHICHTE der ANORGANISCHEN NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN im XIX. JAHRHUNDERT ; with 15 portraits, thick 8vo. sewn, 6s (p. M. 10) Berlin, 1901 8754 HANDBUCH der GEOPHYSIK, 2. [NEUESTE] ganzlich umgearbeitete Auflage; with 387 woodcuts, 2 vols. roy. 8vo (pp. 1685), hf. green calf gilt, cl. sides (nice copy], with bookplate and auto, of Dr. Emil Reich, 1. 10s (p. M. 38 sewn) Stuttgart, 1897-9 Latest edition of this well-known standard work. Pp. 1-374 of vol. II contain Meteorology. 8755 GURICH (Georg, Univ. Breslau) Das MINERALREICH ; with 8 plates (4 coloured), awe? 521 other illustrations, roy. 8vo. cl. extra, with bookplate of Dr. Emil Reich, 4s 6d (p. M. 7.50) Neudamm, [1899] 8756 GURNEY (Sir Golds-worthy ; inventor of the Drummond Light and the Gurney Stove) COURSE of LECTURES on CHEMICAL SCIENCE, as delivered at the Surrey Institution, with 8 lithographic plates (1 tinted) by GEORGE SCHARF, 8vo. boards, uncut (SCARCE), 1. 5s 1823 ' Faraday, who was then assistant 'to Sir Humphry Davy at the Royal Institution, admitted his indebtedness to these lectures, which dealt chiefly with heat, electricity, and gases, and anticipated the principle of the electric telegraph'. D. N. B. The work also contains the author's discovery of the oxy-hydrogen blowpipe. He also superintended the lighting and ventilation of the new Houses of Parliament, which, with their sequelae, have enabled the House of Commons to coddle themselves and spend the public money. 8757 GTJTHRIE (Frederick, F.R.S., founder of the Physical Society of London) On IODIDE of ACETYLE : On the PREPARATION of the DOUBLE ^ETHERS, 8vo. (pp. 7), unbound, 2s 1857 ' His first paper printed in English.' D. N. B. 8758 On SALT SOLUTIONS and ATTACHED WATER, with 2 diagrams, 5 parts 8vo. sewn, with author's inscr., 6s 1875-6 Including the discovery of ' cryohydrates '. 8759 On STATIONARY LIQUID WAVES, with 8 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 24), sewn, with author's insc., Is 6d 1875 8760 GUTLE (Johann Konrad) LEHRBUCH der THEORETISCHEN BLIZABLEITUNGSLEHRE in Verein- igung mit JOHANN FRIEDRICR LUZENS ABHANDLUNG vom BLIZ und den Bliz- und Wetter- ableitern; with folding copperplate, 8vo. sewn, uncut (rare), 8s 6d Nurnberg, 1804 This work was unknown to Poggendorff, who only mentions the author's ' Neue Erfahrungen Blitzableiter anzulegen ', published in 1813. 8761 GUTTMANN (Oscar, M.I.C.E.) BLASTING, with 136 woodcuts (including 2 folding plates), large 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 10s 6d) 1892 f Including an interesting historical sketch. 8762 GUYOT (Jules) ETUDE des VIGNOBLES de FRANCE, 2 e [derniere] Edition, augmentee d'une Notice et de 4 Tables, par P. COIGNET ; with 974 woodcuts, and coloured map, 3 vols. in 6 parts roy. 8vo. sewn, 15s (p. F. 30 nett) Imprimerie Nationale, 1876 8763 GTJYTON de MORVEAU (Louis Bertrand) DESCRIPTION de I'AEROSTATE v. No. 5657, 8764 GWILT (Joseph, F.S.A.) TREATISE of the EQUILIBRIUM of ARCHES, in which the Theory is demonstrated on familiar Mathematical Principles, also the Method of finding the Drift or Shoot of an Arch, etc., first edition, with 3 folding plates, and numerous diagrams, 8vo. hf. green morocco gilt (nice copy), rare, 10s 6d 1811 8765 SECOND EDITION [much enlarged], with 5 folding plates, and numerous diagrams, 8vo. hf. cl., 7s 6d 1826 The frontispiece of the Second Edition represents a view of the new London Bridge designed by the author, which was chosen as the best by the Board of Works, but rejected by the Court of Common Council. 8766 GYLDEN ( Johan August Hugo ; Univ. Stockholm) STUDIEN auf dem GEBIETE der STORUNGS- THEORIE, I. Entwicklung einiger Verbindungen elliptischer Functionen ; impl.4to. sewn, 3s St.-Petersbourg, 1871 8767 THEORETISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN Uber die INTERMEDIAREN BAHNEN der COMETEN in der Nahe eines storenden Korpers, impl. 4to. (pp. 23), sewn, Is 6d ibidem, 1884 8768 HAACK (R.) SCHIFFSWIDERSTAND und SCHWTFFSBETRIEB, nach Versuchen auf dem Dortmund-Ems- Kanal, im Auftrage des Ministers der Offentlichen Arbeiten bearbeitet ; with 2 folding charts, and 31 illustrations, impl. 4to. hf. cl., with Atlas, containing 77 plates, 2 vols. atlas folio, hf. cl. portfolio 3 vols., 3. 10s (p. M. 120) Berlin, 1900 8769 HABLUZEL (J. J.) LEHRBUCH der SYNTHETISCHEN GEOMETRIE, BAND I : AELTERE und NEUERE PLANIMETRIE ; with 295 diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 2s 6d Leipzig, 1875 8770 HACHETTE (Jean Nicolas Pierre, de V Academic) Sur les EXPERIENCES ELECTRO- MAGNETIQUES de MM. (ERSTED et AMPERE, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, 3s [1820] Added is : Note sur un Memoire lu a 1'Academie royale des Sciences, 4 dec. 1820, par M. Ampere (pp. 4). 8771 HISTOIRE des MACHINES k VAPEUR, depuis leur Origine jusqu'& nos Jours ; with 3 plates, 8vo. hf. calf (scarce), 7s 6d 1830 A valuable historical account, largely based on historical research, but attributing with Arago the invention of the steam engine to Papin., 8772 TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE des MACHINES, premiere edition ; with 28 folding copperplates, 4to. old hf. russia, with auto, and MS. notes of George Rennie, F.R.S., 6s 6d 1811 The first systematic treatise of machinery treated as part of physics. 8773 H ADD AN (Reginald) The INVENTOR'S ADVISER and MANUFACTURER'S HANDBOOK to PATENTS, DESIGNS and TRADE MARKS, with Appendixes of Forms for every Country, etc., 8th Edition, 8vo. cl. , 3s (p. 5s nett) 191 1 8774 HADLEY (H. E.) MAGNETISM and ELECTRICITY for STUDENTS, with 378 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 6s) 1905 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 445 8777 HADLEY (John, F.R.S.) A SPIRIT LEVEL to be FIXED to a QUADRANT for taking a MERIDIONAL ALTITUDE at SEA, when the HORIZON is NOT VISIBLE, with copperplate (pp. 6) : Hodgson (James, F.R.S.) CATALOGUE of ECLIPSES of JUPITER'S SATELLITES for 1735 (pp. 9) 4to. unbound (rare), 9s [1734] The spirit level was the final improvement of Hadley's sextant. 8778 : The NATURE and USE of HADLEY'S QUADRANT, with the Theory of that Noble and Useful Instrument, and Description of the NONIUS, 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn (plate wanting), rare, 6s Qd [c. 1750] The only description of the invention of the sextant by Hadley himself was a 10 pp. contribution to the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. The above tract was written by a London optician, and is now rare. 8779 HAEDER (Hermann) KONSTRUIEREN und RECHNEN, 2. neu bearbeitete Auflage ; with 24 folding plates, and 1400 cuts, post 8vo. cl., 4* (p. M. 12) Duisburg, 1903 WITH MS. NOTES BY AN EARLY ENGLISH BREWER I 8780 HAGECIUS [HAJEK] ab HAYCK (Thaddaeus; M.D.) De CERVISIA, eiusque CONFICIENDI RATIONE, Natura, Viribus, et Facultatibus, Opusculum; interleaved with old writing paper, 12mo.f,ne copy in contemporary vellum (very rare), 5. 5s Francofurdi [ad M.'], Andreas Wechel, 1585 One of the earliest, if not the earliest, printed works on BREWING, and containing numerous and interesting references to English Beer. The above copy is specially interesting for containing at end 12 pp. of MS. in a contemporary English, hand, containing recipes for making beer. The author, ignored both in Biographic Universelle and Biographic Generate, and other standard biographical works, was a native of Prague, a teacher of mathematics at the Carolinum there, and physician-in-ordinary to the Emperors Maximilian II. and Rudolph II. He died in 1600. 8781 HAGEN (Gotthilf Heinrich Ludwig) HANDBUCH der WASSERBAUKUNST, I. Theil: BRUNNEN, WASSERLEITUNGEN und FUNDIRUNGEN, 3. [neueste] neu bearbeitete Auflage, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, with Atlas, containing 23 plates, oblong folio 3 vols. in 2, half roan, 12s Qd (p. M. 24 sewn) Berlin, 1869-70 8782 HAGEN (Karl Gottfried ; Univ. Konigsberg) GRUNDRISS der EXPERIMENTALCHEMIE ; with vignette on title, and 4 folding tables, 8vo. sewn, uncut (rare), 8s Qd Konigsberg, 1786 First edition of one of the earliest text-books of experimental chemistry, which went through four editions. 8783 HAGENBAOH (August), et Heinrich KONEN : ATLAS des SPECTRES d'EMissiON des ELEMENTS d'apres des Photographies, avec Texte explicatif, traduit par HENRI VEILLON; with 28 plates, 4to. sewn, 19s (p. F. 30 nett) lena, 1905 ' Un atlas etabli sur une base unique, et contenant les spectres de tous les elements avec le degre de perfection que les precedes modernes permettent d'atteiudre dans une echelle de reproduction identique pour tous les spectres, et embrassant tant les parties visibles que les invisibles.' 8784 HAGUE (Arnold), and Samuel Franklin EMMONS : DESCRIPTIVE GEOLOGY, with 26 fine lithographic plates, thick 4to. cl. , 14s Washington, 1877 Forming vol. II of the U.S. Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. 8785 HAGUE (Charles Arthur) PUMPING ENGINES for WATER WORKS, with portrait of James Watt, and 113 illustrations, roy. 8vo. cl., 12s Qd (p. 1. Is nett) New York, 1907 8786 HAGUE (James Duncan) MINING INDUSTRY, with GEOLOGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS by CLARENCE KING, with 38 plates (many folding), thick 4to. cl., with Atlas, containing 14 coloured plans and maps (2 folding), oblong atlas folio, hf. morocco, cl. sides 2 vols., 1. 14s Washington, 1870 Forming vol. Ill of the U.S. Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. 8787 , George Ferdinand BECKER, and others: MINING INDUSTRIES (Report on the Exhibits of Ores, Minerals, and Crude Products of Mining Industry at the Paris Exhibition, 1878), 8vo. hf. roan, 2s Qd [1878] 8788 HAGUE (John), SPECIFICATION of the PATENT granted to, for RAISING WATER by the Application and Arrangement of a WELL KNOWN POWER, from Mines, Excavations, Holds of Ships, etc., and giving MOTION to certain MACHINERY, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, 4s [1837] 8789 HAHN (Daniel) ENTWICKELUNG der ANSICHTEN iiber die CHEMISCHE CONSTITUTION der NATURLICHEN SILICATE, 8vo. (pp. 50), sewn, 2s [Berlin, 1874] 8790 HAHN (Philipp Matthias), and Albrecht v. MYLIUS: DESCRIPTION of a PLANETARIUM, or Astronomical Machine, which exhibits the most remarkable Phenomena, Motions, and Revolutions of the Universe, with folding copperplate, 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn, uncut, 5s 1791 Hahn constructed some of the most elaborate planetaria of his time. After his death they were brought to England for sale. 8791 HAIDINGER (Wilhelm Karl v. ; F.R.S.E.) On the NATURAL-HISTORICAL DETERMINATION of DIALLAGE, 4to. (pp. 21), sewn, 3s Qd Edin., 1823 ' Diallage ' is a variety of smaragdite. The author, a native of Austria, and afterwards the inventor of the dichroscope, writes a curious English. 8792 HAIGH (James, Silk and Muslin Dyer, Leeds) The DYER'S ASSISTANT in the Art of DYING [sic] WOOL and Woolen Goods, extracted from the Philosophical and Chymical Works of Ferguson, Dufay, Hellol, Geoffery [sic], Colbert, and de Julienne, translated from the French, with Additions and PRACTICAL EXPERIMENTS, first edition, sm. 8vo. fine and tall copy in con- temporary hf. calf, with Bp. Watson's Calgarth Park booklabel (rare), 18s Qd Leeds, 1778 8793 LONDON RE-ISSUE, sm. 8vo. hf. bound, 10s Qd [1778] The first practical English treatise on the subject. 8794 HAINDL (Sebastian ; Munich) MASCHINENKUNDE und MASCHINENZEICHNEN, 2. Auflage ; with woodcuts, 8vo., and Atlas, containing 64 plates, folio 2 vols. hf. calf, 5s (p. M. 30 sewn) Munchen, 1852 8795 H ALBERT {William, schoolmaster at Auchinleck) The PRACTICAL FIGURER ; or, an Improved System of Arithmetic, 8vo. tree-calf extra (rare), 15s Paisley, 1789 'This Book belonged to Provost John Ballantine of Ayr, the 'Provost John' of Burns's ' Kirk's Alarm." Inscr. on flyleaf. It also has his autograph on title. The work was unknown to Lowndes and Allibone. 30 446 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 8798 HALCKEN (Paul) MATHEMATISCH ZINNEN-CONFECT, of Wiskundige Uytspanningen ter Beoeffeningen van het Verstand, bestaande in 574 zeer konstige Mathematische Voorstellen, met veele konstige Ontbindingen en Regelen vercierd ; uyt het Hoogduytsch vertaald, en met eenige Aantekeningen vermeerdert door JACOB OOSTWOUD ; with 4 folding plates, thick 12mo. hf. vellum (RARE), 15s Purmerende, 1767 A number of curious rhymed problems are interspersed throughout the book. Prof. Moritz Cantor refers to the author as ' den reimgewandten Rechenmeister, der ein Buch herausgab, welches zahlreiche Textgleichungen in mehr Oder weniger witzige Verse kleidete.' 8799 HALDANE (John Wilton Cuninghame, C.E.) CIVIL and MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, popu- larly and socially considered ; 2nd Edition, enlarged, with 12 plates, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 5s (p. 12s Qd) 1890 8800 HALDANE (Robert) WORKSHOP RECEIPTS, SECOND SERIES, illustrated, cr. 8vo. (pp. 518), cl., 2s (p. 5s) 1906 8801 [HALE (Sir Matthew, c. J.)] DIFFICILES NUG.E : or, Observations touching the TORRICELLIAN EXPERIMENT, and the various Solutions of the same, especially touching the WEIGHT and ELASTICITY of the AIR, 2nd Edition, with some occasional Additions, with 2 plates, and woodcuts, 12mo. sewn, (RARE), 1. 5s W. Godbid, 1675 ' A strange and futile attempt of one of the philosophers of the old cast to confirm Dame Nature's abhorrence of a vacuum, and to arraign the new doctrines of Mr. Boyle and others concerning the weight and spring of the air, the pressure of fluids on fluids, etc.' Philos. Trans. It was answered by Dr. Henry More, the Cambridge Platonist, in ' Remarks upon Two late Ingenious Discourses ' (1676). The above edition contains a chapter 'Concerning Siphons, and the Motions of Liquids in them, and the Reason thereof (pp. 48), which is not included in the first edition of 1674. ' The final attempt at supporting the old notion that ' Nature abhors a vacuum.' G. J. Symons, F.R.S. 8802 HALE (William, C.E.) TREATISE on the MECHANICAL MEANS by which VESSELS are PRO- PELLED by STEAM POWER, with 4 plates, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 2s Qd 1868 8803 HALES (Stephen ; Vicar of Teddington, parish pr. of Peg Woffington ; F.R.S.) ACCOUNT of some EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS on TAR WATER ; wherein is shown the Quantity of Tar that is therein ; 2nd Edition, with Letter from Mr. [ANDREW] REID, concerning the NATURE of TAR, and a Method of obtaining it's MEDICAL VIRTUES, free from it's HURTFUL OILS : whereby also the Strength of each Dose may be better ascertained, with woodcut, sm. 8vo. (pp. 74), sewn, (rare], 8s Qd 1747 8804 PHILOSOPHICAL EXPERIMENTS : shewing how SEA-WATER may be MADE FRESH and WHOLESOME : and how Fresh-Water may be preserv'd Sweet ; how Biscuit, Corn, etc. may be preserved from the Weevel, Meggots, etc., and Flesh preserv'd in hot Climates, by Salting Animals whole, with Experiments and Observations on Chalybeate or Steel Waters, and a Proposal for cleansing away Mud, etc., out of Rivers, Harbours, and Reservoirs, first edition, with copper- plate, 8vo. sewn, uncut (RARE), 15s 1739 8805 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary calf, with fine engraved bookplate of Joseph Sparkes, antiquary, 1683-1740, 17s 6d ' The author claims to have first discovered 'not only to free distilled Sea- Water, from its nauseous Oily Bitumen, which made it most disagreeable to drink ; but also from another hurtful Quality, viz. She Spirit of Bittern Salt.' The plate illustrates his apparatus. 8806 STATICAL ESSAYS : containing I. Vegetable Staticks ; or Statical Experiments on the Sap in Vegetables .... also, a Specimen of an ATTEMPT to ANALYSE the AIR by a great Variety of Chymio-Statical Experiments, 2nd Ed., with Amendments, with 19 copperplates by S. Gribelin. II. Hsemastaticks ; or Hydraulick and Hydrostatical Experiments made on the Blood and Blood- Vessels of Animals ; also some Experiments on Stones in the Kidney and Bladder, and Observations and Experiments relating to several Subjects in the first Volume, with INDEX to both, first edition, 2 vols. 8vo. contemporary calf (joints of v. II cracked] ; RARE, 1. 12s Qd 1731-3 FIRST EDITION of the collected work. It is the author's most important work, and may be said to have laid the foundation of vegetable physiology. ' Much of his work was devoted to the study of the loss of water which plants suffer by evaporation, and to the means by which the roots make good this loss. In these subjects many of his experi- ments remain of fundamental importance. . . . Finding that gas could be obtained from plants by dry distillation, he was led to believe that gas might be condensed or in some way changed into the substances found in plants. In thus recognising that the air may be a source of food to plants, he was a forerunner of Ingenhousz and de Saussure. ... In first opening the way to a correct appreciation of blood pressure, Hales's work may rank second in importance to Harvey's in founding the modern science of physiology.' Francis Darwin, F.R.S. ' He not only exactly measured the amount of blood pressure under varying circumstances, the capacity of the heart, the diameter of the blood-vessels and the like, but also by an ingenious method measured the rate of flow of blood in the capillaries in the abdominal muscles and lungs of a frog.' Sir M* Foster. A passage in the first volume shows him to have known in one of its aspects the important phenomenon called OSMOSIS completely recognised and explained only in 1877 by Wilhelm Pfeiffer. 8807 La STATIQUE des VEGETAUX, et I'ANALYSE de 1'AiR : Experiences Nouvelles lues a la Societe Royale de Londres, Ouvrage traduit par [G. L. LECLERC, COMTE] DE BUFFON [avec Appendice (pp. 80)] ; with 20 copperplates, 4to. hf. bound, uncut (rare), 15s 1735 First edition of Button's translation, which was reprinted in 1780. ' La nouveaut6 des decouvertes et de la plupart des idees qui composent cet ouvrage, surprendra sans doute les physiciens. Je ne connoisrien de mieux dans ce genre, et le genre par lui-meme est excellent ; car ce n'est qu'experience et observation.' Buffon. 8808 HALES (William, D.D.) ANALYSIS FLUXIONUM, 4to. sewn (rare), 12s Londini, 1800 8809 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary smooth crimson morocco extra, leathern joints, with arms of T. C. D. in centre, g. e., 17s Qd 'Mainly a vindication of Newton.' D. N. B. It contains chapters ' de analysi^ntiqua', 'de aethere vibratorio', 'de philosophia anatomica priscorurn Chaldaeorum et Hebraeorum,' ' de aethere antiquo', etc. 8810 HALL (Alfred Daniel, F.R.S.) The BOOK of ROTHAMSTED EXPERIMENTS, with 2 portraits, and 49 illustrations (including plates), roy. 8vo. cl., Qs Qd (p. 10s Qd nett) 1905 With biographical notice of SIR JOHN BENNKT LAWES, F.R.S., the founder of Rothamsted Experimental Station. 8811 FERTILISERS and MANURES, with 9 plates, large post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 5s nett) HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 447 8813 HALL (H. S.) HIGHER ALGEBRA ; 4th [LAST] EDITION, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 7* Qd) 1894 8814 ANOTHER COPY, with Solutions of the Examples, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. cl., 10s Qd (p. 18s) 1896-4 8815 HALL (Sir James, F.R.S.) ACCOUNT of a SERIES of EXPERIMENTS, shewing the EFFECTS of COMPRESSION in modifying the ACTION of HEAT, with 5 plates, 4to. sewn, uncut, with auto, of Richard Phillips, F.R.S. (RARE), 15s \Edin., 1805] 8816 ANOTHER COPY, sewn (wanting plate V), 8s Qd This important memoir, which made the author the founder of experimental geology, contains his classic experim ents undertaken in support of the Huttonian Theory. ' He showed, in opposition to the Weruerians, that basalt and even bottle-glass, when fused and very slowly cooled, became stony and crystalline, and not glassy ; that carbonate of lime, when heated under pressure, was not burnt into quicklime, but became a crystalline marble.' D. N. B. 8817 On the CONSOLIDATION of the STRATA of the EARTH, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, with author's inscr., 3s ib., 1825 8818 On the VERTICAL POSITION and CONVOLUTIONS of CERTAIN STRATA, and their Relation with Granite, 5 plates (pp. 32) : On the REVOLUTIONS of the EARTH'S SURFACE, 4 plates (pp. 74) 2 vols. 4to. in 1, boards, 10s Qd [ib. 1813-14] 'To Professor Playfair with the best compliments of the Author.' Inscr. on flyleaf. 'He showed [in the above papers] that the vertical positions and convolutions of strata in the neighbourhood of granite have been produced by its intrusion in a molten state causing lateral pressure ; and gave a true account of the formation of volcanic cones as illustrated by Vesuvius.' D. N. B. 8819 [HALL (Thomas Grainger, pr., Magd. Coll., Cantab.)] CALCULUS of VARIATIONS : CALCULUS of FINITE DIFFERENCES (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana), 4to. sewn, 2s Qd [c. 1819] 8820 TREATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, 2nd Edition, enlarged, with diagrams, large 8vo. cl., 2s Qd Cambridge, 1837 8821 FOURTH EDITION, including the CALCULUS of VARIATIONS, diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4s 1846 8822 SIXTH [LAST] EDITION, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl. (o.p ), 4s Qd (p. 8s Qd) 1863 8823 TREATISE on PLANE and SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, 4th Edition, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1848 8824 HALL (Thomas Wright, M.D.) CORRELATION THEORY of CHEMICAL ACTION and AFFINITY, 8vo. cl. (o.p.),4sQd 1888 8825 HALLAITER (Octave) MOTEURS k VAPEUR : Analyses experimentales comparees sur Machines fixes et marines ; with folding table, impl. 8vo. sewn, Is Qd 1880 8826 HALLEY (Edmund; F.R.S., Astronomer Royal) CATALOGUS STELLARUM AUSTRALIUM, sive SUPPLEMENTUM CATALOGI TYCHONici, exhibens Longitudines et Latitudines Stellarum Fixarum, quae, prope POLUM ANTARCTICUM sitse, in Horizonte Uraniburgico Tychoni inconspicuse fuere, accurato Calculo ex Distantiis supputatas, et ad Annum 1677 completum correctas, cum ipsis OBSERVATIONS us in INSULA S. HELENA . . . accedit Appendicula de Rebus quibusdam Astronomicis, sm. 4to. cl. (VERY RARE), 2. 2s Londini, 1679 Very important as the FIRST STAR CATALOGUE of the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, comprising 341 stars observed at St. Helena, reduced to 1677. ' His enterprise laid the foundation of austral stellar astronomy, and earned for him from Flamsteed the title of the ' Southern Tycho.' In the course of the voyage he improved the sextant, collected a number of valuable facts relative to the ocean and atmosphere, noted the equatorial retardation of the pendulum, and made at St. Helena, on 7 Nov. 1G77, the first complete observation of a transit of Mercury.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. An account of the latter is included in the ' appendicula ', which also contains the first suggestion of ascertaining the solar parallax by the transits of Venus. 8827 TABULAE ASTRONOMIC^:, accedunt de Usu Tabularum Prsecepta ; with fine engraved por- trait, 4to. large copy in old calf gilt (joints mended) ; rare, 15s ibidem, 1749 FIRST EDITION of the Tabulce containing his discovery of the ' long inequality ' of Jupiter and Saturn, and including 1 Stellarum Annuas Aberrationes Supputandi Methodus ', ' Tabula Logarithmorutn Logisticorum ', and ' Lunse Meridianse Ascensiones Rectse ', as well as a reprint of his celebrated ' Synopsis Astronomiae Cometicaj,' in which he identified the cometsof 1531, 1607, and 16S2 (' Halley's Comet ') as one and the same, and laid the foundation of modern cometary astronomy. 8828 : MISCELLANEA CURIOSA : a COLLECTION of some of the PRINCIPAL PHENOMENA in NATURE, accounted for by the Greatest Philosophers of this Age, being the most valuable DISCOURSES, read before the ROYAL SOCIETY, for the Advancement of Physical and Mathematical Knowledge, 2nd Ed. , with Discourse of the Influence of the Sun and Moon on Humane Bodies, etc. , by R. MEAD, F.R.S., also FONTENELLE'S Preface of the Usefulness of Mathematical Learning, with front, by v. d. Gucht, and numerous folding plates and map, 3 vols. post 8vo. fine copy in old contemporary tree-calf (RARE), 2. 2s 1708-27 Containing the following ' discourses ' by HALLEY : Estimate of the Quantity of Vapours raised out of the Sea ; True Theory of the Tides ; Theory of the Variation of the Magnetic Needle, and the Cause of the Change ; Historical Account of the Trade Winds and Monsoons ; The Rule of the Decrease of the Heighth of the Mercury in the Barometer ; the Measure of Gold upon Gilt Wire ; Account of Dr. R. Hooke's Invention of the Marine Barometer ; Proportional Heat of the Sun in all Latitudes ; Degrees of the Mortality of Mankind ; Discourse concerning Gravity ; the Excellency of the Modern Algebra ; Analogy of the Logarithmick Tangents to the Meridian Line ; Facile Method for constructing the Logarithms ; New Methods of finding the Roots of any Equations ; Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets ; etc. etc., besides contri- butions by JOHN COLLINS, J. CRAIG, DAVID GREGORY, A. DE MOIVRE, SIR ISAAC NEWTON, JOHN WALLIS, and many others. 8829 ANOTHER COPY (Vol. I 3rd Ed., Vol. II 1st Ed., and Vol. Ill 3rd Ed.), with numerous folding plates, and map, 3 vols. post 8vo. new hf. calf gilt (front, wanting), 1. 12s Qd 1726-08-27 8830 VOLS. I and II ONLY (VOL. I 3rd Ed. and Vol. II 2nd Ed.), with front, by v. d. Gucht, folding plates, and map, 2 vols. post 8vo. contemporary calf extra (joints cracked), with bookplate of Prof. H. W. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 1. 5s 1726-23 Containing the following meteorological contributions besides those mentioned above : Experiment on the Refraction of the Air, by J. Lowthrop ; Scale of the Degrees of Heat : Letter concerning the Generation of Hail, Thunder, and Lightning, by John Wallis ; Geometrical Dissertation concerning the Rainbow, by Edmund Halley. The map included in vol. I is the earliest wind and current chart ever published. 8831 HALLIDAY (George) NOTES on the DESIGN of the SMALL DYNAMO, with 27 diagrams, 8vo. cl., Is Qd 1892 HALTON (Immanuel) -v. FOSTER (Nos. 8051-2), ante. 30 * 448 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 8833 HALLIWELL[-PHTLLIPPS] (James Orchard, F.R.S.; Shakespearian) COLLECTION of LETTERS illustrative of the PROGRESS of SCIENCE in ENGLAND from Elizabeth to Charles II., 8vo. cl., or, boards (scarce), 10s Qd H. S. S., 1841 A valuable work, containing much interesting correspondence of scientists of the period not elsewhere to be found, and one of the only two publications issued by the short-lived ' Historical Society of Science,' which Mr. Halliwell-Phillipps founded. 8834 INQUIRY into the PROBABLE ORIGIN of the BOETIAN NUMERICAL CONTRACTIONS, and how far they may have influenced the Introduction of the Hindoo Arithmetical Notation into Western Europe, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, 4s n. d. 8835 RARA MATHEMATICA ; or a Collection of Treatises on the Mathematics and Subjects connected with them, from ancient inedited MSS., with plate, 8vo. boards, uncut (scarce), 10s Qd M. LIBRI'S COPY: ANOTHER COPY, hf vellum, with the original wrappers bound up, 17s Qd The above copy belonged to the predatory M. LIBRI, and contains several MS. notes by him as well as the editor's inscr. on each part. 8837 SECOND EDITION, with frontispiece, 8vo. cl., 10s 1841 8838 ANOTHER COPY, cl., with author's inscr., 10s Qd Including the following reprints from old MSS. : Joannes de Sacro Bosco de Arithmetica : A Treatise on the Numeration of Algorisms : Bourne's Treatise on Optical Glasses: Joannes Robyns de Cometis: Carmen de Algorismo : Preface to an Almanac for 1430, and 8 others. 8839 Two ESSAYS : I. Inquiry into the Nature of the NUMERICAL CONTRACTIONS, found in a Passage on the Abacus, in some MSS. of the Geometry of BOETIUS : II. NOTES on EARLY CALENDARS, 2nd Ed., with front. , 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn (scarce), Qs Qd 1839 8840 HALPHEN (Georges Henri,, de I'Institut) TRAITE des FONCTIONS ELLIPTIQUES et de leurs Applications [avec Notice par E. PICARD] ; with plate and diagrams, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. seum, 1. 5s (p. F. 43.50 nett) 1886-91 ' The first systematic presentation of Weierstrass's theory of elliptic functions.' Prof. Cajori. 8841 ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. ; also, Klein (Felix) CONFERENCES sur les MATHEMATIQUES faites au Congres de Mathe'matiques a CHICAGO, recueillies par A. ZIWET, traduites par L. LAUGEL; with 21 woodcuts, '98: Galois (Evariste) (EuvRES MATHEMATIQUES, avec Introd. par ^MILE PICARD ; with portrait, '97 5 vols. roy. 8vo. in 3, hf. roan, with bookplate of Prof. H. W. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 1. 15s (p. F. 52.50 nett sewn) 1886-98 Halphen's' well-known standard work contains: I. Theme des fonctions elliptiques et de leurs de"veloppements en serie : II. Applications a la mecanique, physique, geodesic, geometrie et au calcul integral : III. Applications a 1'algebre, en particulier a 1'equation du 5 e degre, et a la theorie des nombres. Questions diverses. ' L'ouvrage exercera une grande influence sur octte importante branche de la science. Les questions traitees trouyent la leur solution definitive. Les transcendantes elliptiques y sont maniees avec la rneme aisance que les fonctions circu- laires dans d'autres sujets plus 61ementaires.' A. Picard. 8842 HALSTED (George Bruce, Texas Univ.) The ELEMENTS of GEOMETRY, with numerous diagrams, large 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 12s Qd 1886 8843 The MESSAGE of NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY, roy. 8vo. (pp. 30), sewn, 2s Qd 1904 8844 REPORT on PROGRESS in NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY, roy. 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn, 2s Qd 1899 8845 The VALUE of NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY, roy. 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, 2s 1905 8846 HAM (John, of West Coker, Somerset] INSTRUCTIONS for BREWING by a NEW METHOD from UNMALTED CORN ; by which a Saving of nearly one-half in the Price of Malt may be effected, 2nd Edition [with additional Observations], 12mo. sewn, Qs Qd 1822 8847 FIFTH EDITION, with great Improvements : The THEORY and PRACTICE of BREWING from Malted and Unmalted Corn, and from POTATOES [!], 2nd Edition, with Q plates 2 vols. 12mo. in 1, old hf. calf (joints cracked), with MS. notes and bookplate of Henry B. H. Beaufoy, F.E.S., 12s 1823 John Ham would have got short shrift for his sickly stuff from any self-respecting Assize of Ale ! 8848 HAMILTON (Hugh, D.D., F.R.S. ; Bp. of Ossory) PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS on the following Subjects : 1. On the ASCENT of VAPOURS, the FORMATION of CLOUDS, RAIN and DEW, and on several other Phenomena of Air and Water. II. Observations and Conjectures on the Nature of the AURORA BOREALIS, and the TAILS of COMETS. III. On the PRINCIPLES of MECHANICKS ; 3rd Edition, enlarged, with plate, 12mo. old hf. calf (joints cracked) ; rare, YlsQd 1772 Interesting for containing the author's theory of dew and evaporation, ' proceeding on a principle very different from any that has hitherto been used on this occasion ; whereby I shall avoid those objections which late writers have made to the former Accounts that have been given us of these Phenomena '. Preface. It was unknown to G. J. Symons, F.R.S. 8849 De SECTIONIBUS CONICIS: Tractatus Geometricus, in quo, ex Natura ipsius Coni, Sectionum Affectiones facillime deducuntur Methodo Nova ; with 17 folding* plates, 4to. old calf gilt, 7s Qd Dublinii, 1758 ' Gulielmo Clement, M.D. SS. T.C.D. ab Auctore.' Inscr. on flyleaf. 8850 REPRINT, with 17 folding plates, 4to. old hf. calf, Qs Londini, 1758 8851 IDEM, necnon [Jebb (Samuel, M.D.)] EXCERPTA qusedam e NEWTONI PRINCIPIIS PHILOSOPHIC NATURALIS, cum Notis Variorum ; with 12 plates, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, hf. calf gilt, 10s Qd ibidem, \15&Cantabrigice, 1765 8852 GEOMETRICAL TREATISE of the CONIC SECTIONS, in which their Properties are derived from the Nature of the Cone, in an Easy Manner, and by a New Method, translated from the Latin, with 17 folding plates, 4to. old calf, Is Qd 1773 Bp. Hamilton's treatment of the conic section is strictly Euclidean and excludes rigidly all approach to an algebraical treatment, even dispensing with the symbol for equality. According to Prof. M. Cantor the work contains several new theorems. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 449 8854 HAMILTON (Henry Parr, F.R.S., Dean of Sarum) ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY, with plate : LINES of the SECOND ORDER, or CONIC SECTIONS, 3 plates in 1 vol. 4to. sewn, 2s [1827-8] g855 ANOTHER COPY, hf. cl., 2s Qd 8856 An ANALYTICAL SYSTEM of CONIC SECTIONS, 4th Edition, enlarged, with diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 3s Cambridge, 1838 8857 HAMILTON (John, F.R.S.) STEREOGRAPHY, or a Compleat Body of PERSPECTIVE, with their Projections or Shadows, and their Reflections by Polished Planes, performed by Uniform, Easy, and General Methods, for the most Part ENTIRELY NEW, with 130 folding plates, 2 vols. roy. folio in 1, old hf. calf, uncut, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S. , 10s Qd 1738 8858 HAMILTON (Sir William, F.R.S. ; diplomatist and archceologist ; husband of Emma Lady Hamilton) ACCOUNT of the late ERUPTION of MOUNT VESUVIUS, with 7 folding plates and maps, by Basire, etc. (2 coloured), 4to. (pp. 44), sewn, Qs Qd T/95 8859 ' CAMPI PHLEGR^I : Observations on the VOLCANOS of the Two SICILIES, as they have been communicated to the Royal Society of London [in English and French] , with large folding map of the Gulf of Naples, and 54 plates of Volcanos in action, Views and Scenery, and Minerals, all beautifully handcoloured by Peter Fabris, in imitation of drawings, original edition, 2 vols. roy. folio, fine copy in the original hf. binding (RARE), 4. 4s Naples, 1776 The plates of the above original edition are of a singular beauty, which was never approached even in the Largest Paper copies of that of 1799. Dent's copy fetched 29. 8860 OBSERVATIONS on MOUNT VESUVIUS, MOUNT ETNA, and other VOLCANOS, with Explana- tory Notes by the Author, hitherto unpublished, first edition, with 5 copperplates of volcanos, and folding map, 8vo. boards, uncut (sound copy) ; RARE, 16s 1772 8861 ANOTHER COPY, old calf gilt, with Mr. William Gott's bookplate, 14s 8862 SECOND EDITION, with 5 copperplates of volcanos, and folding map, sm. 8vo. old calf (joints cracked), 8s Qd 1773 8863 NEW [THIRD] EDITION, with 5 copperplates, and folding map, 8vo. boards, uncut, 10s 1774 8864 ANOTHER COPY, old calf (large copy), 8s Qd 8865 ANOTHER COPY, old hf. calf (Joints cracked), Qs Qd 8866 Some PARTICULARS of the PRESENT STATE of MOUNT VESUVIUS ; with a Journey into the Province of Abruzzo, and a Voyage to the Island of Ponza, with folding map, and 2 folding plates by Basire, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, 3s 1786 ' His leisure was chiefly occupied in the study of volcanic phenomena. . . . Within four years he had ascended Vesuvius twenty -two times, more than once at great risk, making himself or causing Fabris, an artist trained to the work by him, to make numberless sketches at all stages of eruptions.' D. N. B. 8867 HAMILTON (Sir William Rowan, Royal Astronomer of Ireland) LECTURES on QUATERNIONS : containing a Systematic Statement of a New Mathematical Method, with some Geometrical and Physical Applications, only edition, with diagrams, thick 8vo. cl., uncut (VERY SCARCE), 2. 7s Qd Dublin, 1853 This important work embodies the author's invention of quaternions, ' giving him right to rank in originality and insight with Diophantus, Descartes, and La Grange ' (R. E. Anders&n). The Introduction (pp. 64) is especially valuable as giving an historical account of it. On SYMBOLIC GEOMETRY, 8vo. (pp. 19), sewn, 2s [Cambridge, 1849] 8868 THEORY of CONJUGATE FUNCTIONS, or ALGEBRAIC COUPLES ; with a Preliminary and Elementary Essay on Algebra as the Science of Pure Time, 4to. sewn (a few II. soiled), with author's inscr. (see below) ; SCARCE, 12s Qd Dublin, 1835 ' Professor Wallace, etc. etc. etc. with very kind regards from the author.' Inscr. on title. 1 In 1835 Hamilton published his 'Theory of Algebraic Couples.' He regarded algebra 'as being no mere art, nor language, nor primarily a science of quantity, but rather as the science of order of progression.' Time appeared to him as the picture of such a progression. Hence his definition of algebra as the science of pure time.' Prof. Cajori. 8869 THEORY of SYSTEMS of KAYS [PART I : On Ordinary Systems of Reflected Kays] , with the THIRD SUPPLEMENT, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, hf. calf (scarce), 12s Qd [ib., 1827-34] ' Applying the laws of optics he proved that under certain circumstances a ray of light passing through a crystal will emerge not as a single or double ray but as a cone of rays. This theoretical deduction involved the discovery of two laws of light ; and under the mathematical aspects was pronounced by Sir John Herschel to be ' a powerful and elegant piece of analysis ', while Prof. Airy, on the physical side, said ' it had made a new science of optics ' .'D. N. B. 8870 HAMILTON (Sir William [Stirling] ; metaphysician) DISCUSSIONS on PHILOSOPHY and LITERATURE, EDUCATION, and UNIVERSITY REFORM, 3rd [last] Edition, thick 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s Qd 1866 Many of the most characteristic of Sir William Hamilton's uncompromising criticisms, including the ' Edinburgh ' review of Victor Cousin, according to Lord Jeffrey 'the most unreadable thing that ever appeared in the Review' and 1 sheer nonsense ', and ' On the Study of Mathematics as an Exercise of Mind ' (pp. 78), a sharp attack on Dr. Whewell, and another on Professor de Morgan ' as a logical critic and reasoner ', who replied to it at length in his Budget of Paradoxes (v. No. 3078, ante). 8871 HAMMOND (Nathaniel) The ELEMENTS of ALGEBRA in a NEW and EASY METHOD ; with Introduction, containing a succinct HISTORY of this SCIENCE; 3rd Edition, with diagrams, 8vo. old sheep, 5s 1764 Unknown to Lowndes and Allibone. 8872 HAMPSON (P., Oriel Coll.) The ROMANCE of MATHEMATICS : being the Original Researches of a Lady Professor of Girtham College in Polemical Science, 12mo. cl., 3s 1886 8873 HAMY (Maurice ; de VInstitut) Sur le DEVELOPPEMENT APPR9CHE de la FONCTION PER- TURBATRICE dans le Cas des INEGALITES d'ORDRE ELEVE ; with diagrams, 4to. (pp. 82), sewn, with author's inscr. , 3s Qd [1 894] 8874 HANDS (Joseph, M.R.C.S.) NEW VIEWS of MATTER, LIFE, MOTION, and RESISTANCE : alsoan Enquiry into the Materiality of Electricity, Heat, Light, Colours, and Sound, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd 1879 875 HANEY (Lewis Henry, Univ. Iowa] CONGRESSIONAL HISTORY of RAILWAYS in the UNITED STATES to 1850, with 3 maps, 8vo. sewn, Is Qd Madison, 1908 450 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 8877 HANBURY (Daniel, F.R.S. ; pharmacist), PORTRAIT of, engraved on steel by CHARLES HENRY JEENS, PROOF BEFORE LETTERS, 3s [Saec. XIX.] 8878 THE SAME, on INDIA PAPER, signed by the engraver, 4* Qd 8879 HANCOCK (Thomas) PERSONAL NARRATIVE of the ORIGIN and PROGRESS of the CAOU- TCHOUC or INDIA-RUBBER MANUFACTURE in ENGLAND, with the Plants from which Caoutchouc is obtained, its Chemical Analysis, Statistical Tables, etc. etc., and Appendix, containing Specifications of the AUTHOR'S PATENTS, with lithographic portrait and numerous plates, 8vo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 1. 5s 1857 The author, a member of the firm of Charles Mackintosh & Co., of London (the eponymous originators of mackintoshes), was the founder of the indiarubber trade in England, and may even be held remotely responsible for the motor-car pandemonium. His chief inventions were those of ' masticated ' indiarubber, and of hard indiarubber, and in connexion with vulcanised indiarubber. ' Although Hancock was not the inventor of vulc anising in the strictest sense of the word, he first showed that sulphur alone is sufficient to effect the change, whereas Gocdyear employed other substances in addition. Hancock also discovered that if the vulcanising process is conti nued, and a higher temperature employed, a horny substance, now called vulcanite or ebonite, is produced '. D. N. B. 8880 HANDBTJCH der PHYSIK, unter Mitwirkung von R. ABEGG, F. AUERBACH, A. BEMPORAD, F. BRAUN, M. CANTOR, S. CZAPSKI, P. DRUDE, K. EXNER, L. GRAETZ, H. KAYSER, M. v. ROHR, u. A. herausgegeben von A. WINKELMANN, 2. [NEUESTE und ganzlich umgearbeitete] AUFLAGE, BAND I. Ill VI ; with 1557 illustrations, 5 thick vols. roy. 8vo., w. 4-6 in the original hf. moleskin, and the rest sewn, 7. (p. M. 202) Leipzig, 1905-8 INHALT: T. Allgemeine Physik : III. Warme : IV- V. Elektrizitat und Magnetismus : VI. Optik. The most extensive treatise on the subject hitherto published, and of well-known excellence. 8881. HANDL (Alois), und Adolf WEISS : UNTERSUCHUNGEN iiber den ZUSAMMENHANG in den ANDERUNGEN der DICHTEN und BRECHUNGSEXPONENTEN in Gemengen von FLUSSIGKEITEN und Verbindungen von GASEN ; with plate, roy. 8vo. (pp. 53), sewn, 2s Qd [Wien, 1858] 8882 HANDMANN (Rudolf) Der NEUE EGGER'SCHE ELECTROMAGNETISCHE MOTOR, und die electromagnetische Triebkraft im Allgemeinen ; with plate and 32 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd Munster, 1879 8883 HANDWORTERBUCH der CHEMIE und PHYSIK, von E. F. AUGUST, F. W. BARENTIN, W. H. DOVE u. A. ; with woodcuts, 3 vols. 8vo. calf, 3s Qd Berlin, 1842-50 8884 der NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN, herausgegeben von E. KORSCHELT (Zoologie), G. LINCK (Mineralogie und Geologic), F. OLTMANNS (Botanik), K. SCHAUM (Chemie), H. TH. SIMON (Physik), M. VERWORN (Physiologie) und E. TEICHMANN (Hauptredaktion) ; with hundreds of illustrations, 10 thick vols. impl. 8vo. new hf. calf, 11. 10s Jena, in progress A very important new publication treating, in the form of an encyclopedia, of the whole subject of natural sciences. The work, which is to be completed within the next three or four years, may also be had in 80 parts (two of which have hitherto been published) at 2s Qd nett each. A specimen part may be had post free on application. 8885 HANKE (Friedrich Gottlob), et Benjamin Gottlieb Binder: PRINCIPIA THEORIAE de INFINITO MATHEMATICO et DEMONSTRATIO POSSIBILITATIS PARALLELARUM; with diagrams, sm. 4to. (pp. 21), sewn (rare), Ss Qd Lipsiae, 1751 Unknown to Poggendorff. 8886 HANKEL (Hermann, Univ. Tubingen) Die ENTWICKELUNG der MATHEMATIK in den LETZTEN JAHRHUNDERTEN, 8vo. (pp. 36), sewn, 2s Tubingen, 1869 8887 THEORIE der COMPLEXEN ZAHLENSYSTEME, inbesondere der geraeinen imaginaren Zahlen und der HAMILTON'SCHEN QUATERNIONEN, nebst ihrer geometrischen Darstellung; with 36 diagrams, 8vo. hf. cl., with bookplate of Prof. H. W. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 3s Qd Leipzig, 1867 Containing 'an admirable historical summary of the theory of the complex variable.' W. W. R. Ball. 8888 HANN (James ; M.I.C.E.), and Placido and Justo GENER, C.EE. : The STEAM ENGINE for PRACTICAL MEN, with 4 folding plates, woodcuts, and diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s 1854 8889 HANSEMANN (Gustav) Die ATOME und ihre BEWEGUNGEN : ein VERSUCH zur VER- ALLGEMEINERUNG der KRONlG-CLAUSlus'scHEN THEORIE der GASE ; with 4 folding plates, 8vo. sewn, 3s Coin, 1871 8890 HANSEN (Peter Andreas; F.R.S.) I. ALLGEMEINE AUFLOSUNG eines BELIEBIGEN SYSTEMS von LINEARISCHEN GLEICHUNGEN. II. Ueber die ENTWICKELUNG der Grosse (1 - 2 a H + a 2 ) - * nach den Potenzen von a, large impl. 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd Leipzig, 1849 8891 Ueber die CHRONOMETER, welche Herr KESSELS verfertigt, ans den Notizen iiber ihren Gang von BESSEL, BOHNENBERGER, HANSTEEN, SCHUMACHER, und ZAHRTMANN gezogen, mit der vortheilhaftesten Art sie zu Langenbestimmungen zu gebrauchen u. s. w., Svo. (pp. 55), sewn, 3s Qd Altona, 1836 8892 RELATIONEN einestheils zwischen SUMMEN und DIFFERENZEN und anderntheils zwischen INTEGRALEN und DIFFERENTIALEN, large impl. Svo. sewn (title soiled), 3s , Leipzig, 1865 8893 TABLES de la LUNE, construites d'apres le Principe Newtonien de la Gravitation Universelle ; impl. 4to. cl., Us Qd Londres, 1857 ' Hansen's lunar tables, when first introduced, were very exact, and still remain the best extant.' Neison. The above copy includes the corrections by the Nautical Almanac Office (1862), and those of the American Ephemens (1878). 8894 HA RANT (Henri), et Pierre LAFFITTE : LECONS de COSMOGRAPHIE ; with 1 folding plates, Svo. sewn (o.p.), 3s 1853 8895 HARCOURT (Augustus George Vernon, F.R.S. ), and Henry George MADAN: EXER- CISES in PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY, 5th [latest] Edition, revised, with 116 woodcuts, and table, cr. Svo. cl., 5s (p. 105 Qd) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1897 8896 HARDEN (Arthur ; F.R.S., Lister Inst.) ZYMASE and ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION, Svo. (pp. 15), sewn, Is 1905 v. KOSCOE, No. 4078, ante. DE CERVISIA EIVSQJE CIENTDI RATIONE, NATV- ra, viribus, &: facukatibus, opufculum: A VTHORE b Hayek. , FRANCOF VRD i A pud hercdes Andrea: Wecheli, M D L x x x Y. 4* T H A t> D. ;ir A G t c r i aquae copiam ;& lubri&nr; ckvttcldf^at^m -, if maximeper v'iasvrinztahRifojp. " Qyonjam autem Angli quoq-u Ceruili .i fuo mode parata vtuntur,qaiddceiccn(us3K t;ud-is Lufi;anu^ '^ vir dodl us, placui t Buii lode fufcii cdcre.lsigin(Jr ' ' , - in libello de racione viAus in febribus ad An- pe vekemtnsjmeditu & imbecillior. 'Difertmcin* ttrhos penes vehemcttam &,imbtcillttAttm t c*l- ftftioncm & refiigerationem, & peuetfubftanti* craflitiem & tcwtttttem ktbttMr. Apud Anglos triplex (emper paratur potusjnempe aquofus^ quern fimplicitcc Ccruifiam dicunt , mcdius, quern trihapenninam ; potens , quern duplain Ccruifum nuncupanc. Simplex eofdem efFc- &usprar(tat,quos vinum aquofumrapetit (iqtii- dcm.rcfrigerat & difttibutionem adiuuar. Nee decipiacur aliquis credens , ob eius atnaritudinc calfjccrc.-partescnim.quxCeruifiamarnaram rcddunt, paucj admodum func, fi ad reliqua$ conferas, qua: in ipfa refrigerant. Qu9d colli-' gere ex ratione lupulorura poteris aU aqiuc& hordei portiones. Cito prarccrca amaritudo i Ceruiflaeuane(cic:reliquarum veto partiu fa- cultas tamdiu permancc , donee in alum tranf- mutcturfubftantiam.PotensCcruifia,quadu- pliccm dicunr.poccn tcr calcfaciri&aliquidia- betvchcmcnriz,vt potens vinuOT.Trihapcn-. nma.mcdiafnaturar eftjmauifeflc calefacit, in n\rflotamcnvehcmon$cft. -Mcrowit adhuc Brudiu No.^8780 (/^^ 445). One of the earliest works on brewing. NO. 8931 (page 452). Savery's Steam Engine. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 451 HARBOUR and DOCK WORKS : AVONMOUTH DOCK, by J. B. MACKENZIE : The RIVER LAGAN and HARBOUR of BELFAST, by T. R. SALMOND : WHITEHAVEN HARBOUR and DOCK WORKS, by J. E. WILLIAMS, MM.I.C.E. : with Abstract of the Discussion, ed. by JAMES FORREST, 8vo. (pp. 48), sewn, 2s Qd 1878 8900 HARDWICK (Thomas Frederick, pr.) MANUAL of PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMISTRY, including the COLLODION PROCESS, 5th Edition, illustrated, fcap. 8vo. (pp. 532), cl. (scarce), 6s Qd 1859 Of interest to the historian of photography for containing a number of processes and recipes long since forgotten. 8901 SEVENTH EDITION, edited by G. DAWSON and E. HADOW, illustrated, fcap. 8vo. (pp. 610), cl., 3s Qd 1864 8902 NINTH [LAST] EDITION, edited by J. TRAILL TAYLOR, with 57 illustrations, fcap. 8vo. cl. (o.p.), 4s Gd 1883 8903 HARDY (Antoine Franqois) EXPERIENCES sur les CIDRES, les POIRES et les BIERRES ; sur les FALSIFICATIONS de ces BOISSONS; sur les differents MOYENS de les DECOUVRIR, etc., 4to. sewn (rare), 12s Gd . Rouen, 1785 The author took a prominent part in the French Revolution, and was one of the few Girondists who escaped the guillotine. The above work was unknown to the author's biographer in Biogr. Gen., Querard, and other bibliographers. 8904 HARDY (Godfrey Harold, F.R.S.) The INTEGRATION of FUNCTIONS of a SINGLE VARIABLE, 8vo. sewn, 2s Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1905 8905 HARDY (Peter, F.R.S.) A NEW and GENERAL NOTATION for LIFE CONTINGENCIES, 8vo. cl., with inscr. to Benj. Gompertz, F.JR.S., 5s 1840 An attempt to introduce a uniform notation in insurance mathematics. 8906 HARE (Robert, M.D., Univ. Penna.) DESCRIPTIONS of APPARATUS and PROCESSES for the ISOLATION of the METALS of the ALKALINE EARTHS, with woodcuts, 4to. (pp. 26), 3* Philadelphia, 1840 8907 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS and IMPROVEMENTS in APPARATUS and MANIPULATION ; with Theoretical Suggestions respecting the Causes of Tornadoes, Falling Stars, and the Aurora Borealis, front, of chemical laboratory and lecture room, and numerous woodcuts, 4to. sewn, 4s Qd ibidem, 1836 8908 HARGREAVE (Charles James, Q.C., F.R.S. ; Judge of Landed Estates Court, Ireland) On the- CALCULATION of ATTRACTIONS, and the FIGURE of the EARTH, 4to. (pp. 23), sewn, 2s Qd 1841 8909 ESSAY on the RESOLUTION of ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS [with Preface by GEORGE SALMON, pr., Provost of T.C.D.], 8vo. cl. (scarce), Qs Qd privately printed, Dublin, 1866 ' The present essay, humanly speaking, may be regarded as the cause of his death.' Dr. Salmon. ' In 1866 his attention was again drawn to a new method of solving algebraic equations, and he began an essay on this question. Want of rest brought on an exhaustion of the brain, from which he died at Bray on April 23rd '. D. N. B. 8910 HARKER (Alfred, F.R.S.) The BALA VOLCANIC SERIES of CAERNARVONSHIRE and associated Rocks (Sedgwick Prize Essay, 1888), with 6 plates, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. Is Qd) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1889 8911 HARLEY (Robert, F.R.S.) On the INTERCHANGE of Two DIFFERENTIAL RESOLVENTS,. 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, Is Qd Manchester, 1892 8912 HARLEY (Timothy, F.R.A.S.) LUNAR SCIENCE : Ancient and Modern, 8vo. cl., 2s 1886 HARPER'S SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS, edited by J. S. AMES, illustrated, large post 8vo. cl., as under : 8913 I. The Free Expansion of Gases : MEMOIRS by GAY-LUSSAC, JOULE, and JOULE and THOMSON [LORD KELVIN], translated and edited by J. S. AMES, 2s (p. 3s Qd nett) New York, 1898 8914 II. Prismatic and Diffraction Spectra : MEMOIRS by JOSEPH v. FRAUNHOFER, trans, and ed. by J. S. AMES, 2s (p. 3s nett) ib., 1898 8915 III. Rb'ntgen [X] Rays : MEMOIRS by RONTGEN, STOKES, and [Sm] J. J. THOMSON, trans, and ed. by G. F. BARKER, 2s (p. 35 nett) ib., 1899 8916 IV. The Modern Theory of Solution : MEMOIRS by PFEFFER, VAN 'T HOFF, ARRHENIUS, and RAOULT, trans, and ed. by H. C. JONES, 3s (p. 5s nett) ib. , 1899 8917 V. The Laws of Gases : MEMOIRS by ROBERT BOYLE and E. H. AMAGAT, trans, and ed. by CARL BARUS, -2s (p. 3s 6d nett) ib., 1899 8918 VI. The Second Law of Thermodynamics : MEMOIRS by CARNOT, CLAUSIUS, and THOMSON [LORD KELVIN], trans, and ed. by W. F. MAGIE, 2s Qd (p. 4s nett) ib. y 1899 8919 VII. The Fundamental Laws of Electrolytic Conduction : MEMOIRS by FARADAY, HITTORF, and F. KOHLRAUSCH, trans, and ed. by H. M. GOODWIN, 2s (p. 3s Qd nett) ib., 1899 8920 VIII. The Effects of a Magnetic Field of Radiation : MEMOIRS by FARADAY, KERR, and ZEEMAN, ed. by C. P. LEWIS, 2s (p. 3s Qd nett) ib., 1900 8921 IX. The Laws of Gravitation : MEMOIRS by NEWTON, BOUGUER, and CAVENDISH, with Abstracts of other important Memoirs, trans, and ed. by A. S. MACKENZIE, 3s (p. 5s nett) ib., 1900 8922 X. The Wave Theory of Light : MEMOIRS by HUYGENS, YOUNG, and FRESNEL, ed. by HENRY CREW, 3s (p. 5s nett) ib., 1900 8923 XI XII. The Discovery of Induced Electric Currents : MEMOIRS by JOSEPH HENRY and MICHAEL FARADAY, ed. by J. S. AMES, 2 vols. 4s (p. 7s nett) ib., 1900 8924 XIII. The Foundations of Stereo-Chemistry : MEMOIRS by PASTEUR, VAN 'T HOFF, LEBEL, and WISLICENUS, trans, and ed. by G. M. RICHARDSON, 3s (p. 5s nett) ib., 1901 8925 XIV. The Expansion of Gases by Heat : MEMOIRS by DALTON, GAY-LUSSAC, REGNAULT, and CHAPPUIS, trans, and ed. by W. W. RANDALL, 3s (p. 5s nett) ib., 1902 8926 XV. The Laws of Radiation and Absorption : MEMOIRS by PREVOST, STEWART, KIRCHHOFF, and KIRCHHOFF and BUNSEN, trans, and ed. by D. B. BRACE, 3s (p. 5s nett) ib., 1901 452 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 8929 HARRIS (G. Montagu), and Henry Titus WAKELAM, M.I.C.E. : The FIRST INTER- NATIONAL ROAD CONGRESS, Paris, 1908, illustrated, roy. 8vo. cl., 2s [1909] 8930 HARRIS (George F., F.G.S.) GRANITES and our GRANITE INDUSTRIES, with 15 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl, 2s 1888 8931 HARRIS (John, D.D., F.R.S.) LEXICON TECHNICUM: or UNIVERSAL ENGLISH DICTIONARY of ARTS and SCIENCES, explaining not only the Terms of Art, but the Arts themselves, first edition, with portrait by G. White, fine copperplates (some folding), and numerous woodcuts, thick folio, old panelled calf (joints mended), 1. 1* 1704 The rare first edition of the first technical dictionary in any language. It is specially interesting for an early account of Savery's ' fire [sc. steam] engine ', with a folding plate illustrating it, reproduced on an enlarged scale from ' The Miner's Friend ' (1702). 8932 NEW EDITION [greatly enlarged ; with Table of Artificial Sines, Tangents, and Secants, to every Degree and Minute of the Quadrant], Vol. I 4th Ed., and Vol. I 2nd Ed., with portrait by R. White, copperplates, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 2 vols. folio, old calf, joints cracked, with old bookplate 'A. Crocker, schoolmaster, Ilminster', 15s 1725-3 8933 HARRIS (John, Kuklos') SOME PROPOSITIONS in GEOMETRY, with 15 plates, and numerous diagrams, 4to. cl., Is 6d privately printed, 1884 Containing this Canadian paradoxer's problems in circle-squaring, trisectiori of the angle, etc. on a system ' strictly based upon fact.' An appendix at end, printed in 1879, is entitled 'Geometrical Demonstration of the Ratio of the Circle's Circumference to the Diameter '. Besides these mathematical delectations he set Macaulay right on the Relations of Theology to Government, and tackled Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. 8934 HARRIS (Joseph ; Assay Master, Royal Mint) DESCRIPTION and USE of the GLOBES and the ORRERY, with brief Account of the Solar System ; 2nd Edition, with folding plates, 8vo. old calf (joints cracked), 6s 1732 8935 FIFTH EDITION, with folding plates, 8vo. old panelled calf, 5s 1740 8936 TENTH EDITION, with folding plates, 8vo. old sheep, 4s 1768 ' On his monument in Talgarth Church it is said, that he invented many mathematical instruments.' D. N. B. 8937 HARRIS (Vincent Dormer, M.D.), and d'Arcy POWER, F.R.C.S. : MANUAL for the PHYSIOLOGICAL LABORATORY, 5th [last] Edition, with 120 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 4s (p. 7* Qd) 1892 8938 HARRIS (William A.) TECHNOLOGICAL DICTIONARY of INSURANCE CHEMISTRY, cr. 8vo. cl., with inscr. to Dr. J. W. Russell, F.R.S., 4s Liverpool, 1890 8939 HARRIS (Sir William Snow, F.R.S.) On CERTAIN PHENOMENA of ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, with inscr. to Dr. T. L. Phipson, \s Qd 1856 8940 On the CORRECT INTERPRETATION of the Electrical Terms: INTENSITY and TENSION, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, with inscr. to Dr. Phipson, Is Qd 1863 8941 INQUIRIES concerning the ELEMENTARY LAWS of ELECTRICITY, 2ND SERIES, with 6 copperplates, 4to. (pp. 36), sewn, with inscr. to Henry Warburton, M.P., 3s 6d 1836 8942 FURTHER INQUIRIES concerning the LAWS and OPERATION of ELECTRICAL FORCE, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is 6d 1864 8943 On a GENERAL LAW of ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 21), sewn, with inscr. to Dr. Phipson, 2s 1856 8944 INSTRUCTIONS for the APPLICATION of PERMANENTLY FIXED CONDUCTORS of LIGHTNING to H. M.'s SHIPS, with 6 coloured plates, besides woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf (scarce), 8s Qd 1848 The peculiarity of the author's lightning conductor for ships was that the metal was permanently fixed in the maste and extended throughout the hull. 8945 On the NATURE of THUNDERSTORMS, and the Means of PROTECTING BUILDINGS and SHIPPING against LIGHTNING, plates and woodcuts, 8vo. cl., uncut (scarce), 12s Qd 1843 8946 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf (slightly soiled and binding damaged), 8s A full account of his invention of a ship's lightning conductor, and an answer to his critics. His system was adopted in the Royal Navy in 1839, and rewarded with an annuity of 300. by the Government, and later with a knighthood and a grant of 5000 -an unusual example of official gratitude. 8947 RESEARCHES in STATICAL ELECTRICITY, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 27), sewn, 2s 1857 8948 TREATISE on FRICTION AL ELECTRICITY, in Theory and Practice, edited, with Memoir, by CHARLES TOMLINSON, F.R.S., with numerous woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s 1867 A work of well-known merit, including chapters on Accumulators, and on Electrical Manipulation. The author was awarded the Royal Society's Copley Medal for his researches on the laws of electricity of high tension, and the Bakerian prize for his ' Inquiries concerning the Elementary Laws of Electricity '. 8949 HARRISON (James, bell-founder, Barton-on- Number ; grand-nephew of f Longitude Harrison ') INTRODUCTION to a TREATISE on the PROPORTIONS and CONSTITUENT PARTS of BELLS, and on the relative Proportions of Bells of different Degrees of Acuteness and Gravity to each other, etc. etc. etc., with plate, 8vo. sewn (VERY SCARCE), 12s Qd Hull, 1831 8950 , BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE of, by THOMAS NORTH, F.S.A., a Manuscript* on 2 pages, folio, 5s 1882 8951 HARRISON (Joseph), and G-. A. B AX AND ALL : PRACTICAL PLANE and SOLID GEOMETRY for Advanced Students, including GRAPHIC STATICS, with numerous diagrams, fcap. 8vo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 4s Qd) 1904 8952 HARRISON (Newton) PRACTICAL ALTERNATING CURRENTS and POWER TRANSMISSION, with 172 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 10s 6d nett) New York, 1906 8953 HARRISON (Thomas and James) The COMPLETE OBSERVATOR, containing the various METHODS of FINDING the LATITUDE, . . . and of CORRECTING the WATCH, never before published, with a New Method of finding the Latitude . . . with a complete Set of Tables, and the Method of determining the Longitude by Lunar Observations, with a New, Concise, Easy, and Infallible Method, 4to. sewn (rare), 10s Qd * York, 1788 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 453 MEMORIALS OF THE DISCOVERER OF FINDING THE LONGITUDE AT SEA, INCLUDING MANY ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS: 8955 HARRISON (John ; ' Longitude Harrison ') An EXPLANATION of my WATCH or TIME- KEEPER for the LONGITUDE ; and as with a View of other Time-keepers, viz. of such as have [been] hitherto produced in the World and as farther, with some Historical Account coincident with my Proceedings, a certified copy of the original Manuscript, with a tracing of the first page of the original MS. ; neatly written on 158 pp. of writing paper, 4to. hf. roan, with bookplate of Bennet Woodcroft, F.R.S., 1. Is 1869 8956 NARRATIVE of the PROCEEDINGS relative to the DISCOVERY of the LONGITUDE at SEA, by MR. JOHN HARRISON'S TIME-KEEPER, subsequent to those published in 1763, sm. 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, 7s Qd printed for the author, 1765 8957 Of the NATURE of a PENDULUM, as primarily implying in itself ; and secondarily, as when, according to any particular Manner (good or bad) in which it may be apply'd to the Draught of the Wheels of a Clock, etc., a Manuscript, wholly in Harrison's handwriting-, neatly written on 143 pp. of writing-paper, sm. 4to. old vellum, 4. 4s Saec. XV III. The second part of the manuscript (pp. 77-143) treats of the author's scale of music, and the whole appears to be the original MS. of ' A Description concerning such Mechanism as will afford a nice and true Mensuration of Time, together with some Accounts of the Attempts for the Discovery of the Longitude by the Moon ; as also an Account of the Discovery of the Scale of Music,' published in 1775. 8958 The PRINCIPLES of MR. HARRISON'S TIME-KEEPER, with Plates of the same, published by Order of the Commissioners of Longitude, with 10 folding plates on copper, 4to. sewn (RARE), 1. Is 1767 8959 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary hf. calf, ]. 3s Qd The fullest account published descriptive of Harrison's famous 4th chronometer (preserved with the three preceding time-pieces at Greenwich Observatory), for which he received the parliamentary grant of 20,000. The preface and ' Notes taken at the Discovery of Mr. Harrison's Time-Keeper' were written by NEVIL MASKELYNE, pr., F.R.S. 8960 : MR. SANDERSON'S MECHANICKS : a Transcript of the Manuscript Lectures on Mechanics by Nicholas Saunderson, F.R.S. , wholly and very neatly written on 304 pages, with numerous diagrams, by John Harrison when a young man, with some MS. additions by him written at an advanced age, sm. 4to. old calf ', 10. 105 [c. 1710] An exceedingly interesting manuscript, which may be said to have been the basis of Harrison's mechanical knowledge. Dr. Samuel Smiles, in his biographical sketch on Harrison, refers to the above MS. in the following words : ' In the meantime Harrison eagerly improved every incident from which he might derive further information. There was a clergyman who came every Sunday to the village [Barrow, near Barton-on-Humber] to officiate in the neighbourhood ; and having heard of the sedulous application of the young carpenter, he lent a manuscript copy of Professor Saundersou's discoveries [recte lectures]. The blind professor had prepared several lectures on natural philosophy for the use of his students, but they were never intended for publication. Young Harrison now proceeded to copy them out, together with the diagrams. Sometimes, indeed, he spent the greater part of the night in writing or drawing. 1 THE ABOVE IS THE ACTUAL MS. COPY PREPARED BY HARRISON HIMSELF. 8961 A TRUE and FULL ACCOUNT of the FOUNDATION of MUSICK, or, as principally therein, of the EXISTENCE of the NATURAL NOTES of MELODY, AN UNPUBLISHED MANUSCRIPT, neatly written on 182 pp., and wholly in the handwriting of John Harrison, 4to. old vellum, 5. 5s \c. 1770] Harrison besides being an expert mechanician was also a noted musician, the only work published by him on the subject being however an ' Account of the Discovery of the Scale of Music', added as an Appendix to his 'Description concerning such Mechanism as will afford a nice and true Mensuration of Time ', published in 1775, thus giving all the more interest to the above MS. ' He had a musical ear, and made experiments on sound with a curious monochord of his own invention, from which he constructed a new musical scale or mechanical division of the octave, according to the proportion which the radius and diameter of the circle have respectively to the circumference.' D, N. B. 8962 : MINUTES of the BOARD of LONGITUDE, a COMPLETE SET of those which REFER to JOHN HARRISON, Transcripts in a contemporary hand, 45 Nos. folio, 2. 2s 1737-73 8963 , PORTRAIT of, engraved on steel by W. HOLL, after a painting by King, roy. 8vo. (SCARCE), 5s n. d. 8964 , MANUSCRIPT MATTER containing BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION concerning, written on about 200 II. and including original information, in portfolio, 1. Is Scec. XIX. The above Harrison manuscripts would be of great value to anyone intending to write a much-needed biography of the inventor of the gridiron pendulum and the compensation curb in chronometers, AND THE FIRST MAN TO FIND A SURE MEANS OF FINDING THE LONGITUDE AT SEA. The scanty biographies of him hitherto published are wholly inadequate and incomplete, and few people have heard of the self-taught Englishman to whom the whole world has been indebted ever since. 8965 : [HARRISON (John ; grandson of ' Longitude Harrison ')] MEMOIRS of a TRAIT in the CHARACTER of GEORGE III., authenticated by Official Papers and Private Letters in Possession of the Author : with Appendix of Illustrative Tracts, etc., abridged from the Original Work in Manuscript, by JOHAN HORRINS [anagram], Gent., 8vo., uncut (scarce), 15s 1835 Dealing exclusively with the last payment of 10,000 to John Harrison, tardily and unwillingly paid by the Board of Longitude on the intervention of King George III. himself. The work is especially directed against Dr. Maskelyne, the Astronomer Royal, who is supposed to have shown special hostility to Harrison in order to advance his own imperfect method of finding the longitude by lunar distances only. 8966 THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, neatly written on 1376 pages, 16 parts 4to. sewn, 5. 5s Scec. XIX. A very interesting manuscript, very rich in information regarding John Harrison's life and work. Only a very small portion of it has been printed in the above published work. 8967 : SMILES (Samuel, LL.D.) JOHN HARRISON, the CHRONOMETER-MAKER, 8vo. (pp. 16), hf. crimson morocco (scarce), 5s [1882] 8968 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, 3s Qd 454 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 8970 HARBISON (John, Longitude Harrison ') : MASKELYNE (Nevil, pr., F.R.S., Astronomer Royal) ACCOUNT of the GOING of MR. JOHN HARRISON'S WATCH, at the ROYAL OBSERVATORY, from May 6th, 1766, to March 4th, 1767, with the Original Observations and Calculations of the same, published by Order of the Commissioners of Longitude, 4to. (pp. 84), sewn (rare), \ls Qd 1767 This work forms perhaps the best testimonial, against the attacks of Harrison and Mudge, to the scrupulous fairness of the Astronomer Royal in testing the new chronometers ; though, as mentioned above, Harrison was kept out of the covenanted reward as long as possible for reasons which some have imputed to Dr.Maskelyne. The conditions under which they were examined agree on the whole with the Kew rules of the present day. An appendix contains ' Observations of Equal Altitudes of the Sun taken at Portsmouth, Jamaica, and Barbadoes, according to the Time of Mr. Harrison's Watch.' 8971 HARBISON (William Jerome, F.G.S.) GEOLOGY of the COUNTIES of ENGLAND and of North and South WALES, with 106 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4* (p. 8s) 1882 8972 TEXT- BOOK of GEOLOGY : intended as an Introduction to the Study of the Rocks and their Contents, with 140 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 1897 8973 TTABTIG (Ernst) Die DAMPFKESSEL-EXPLOSIONEN ; with 2 folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 39), sewn, IsQd Leipzig, 1867 8974 HABTLEY (David, M.P. ; friend of Benjamin Franklin) ACCOUNT of the INVENTION and USE of FIRE PLATES, for the Security of Buildings and Ships against Fire, with etched front., 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn (scarce), Is Qd 1834 The invention consisted of the placing of thin iron planks under the floors and attaching them to the ceilings to prevent an immediate access of the tire, and to stop the air current and free supply of fuel. 8975 HABTLEY (Sir Walter Noel, F.R.S.) COURSE of QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS for Students, with woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl. (o.p.), 3s Qd 1887 8976 On the OPTICAL PROPERTIES of a NEW CHROMIC OXALATE, 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s 1873 8977 HABTMANN (Carl Friedricli Alexander) HANDBUCH der MINERALOGIE zum Gebrauch fur Jedermann ; with 30 folding plates, and numerous woodcuts, 2 thick vols. 8vo. boards (scarce), 10,* Weimar, 1843 8978 HABTMANN (Eduard v.) Die WELTANSCHAUUNG der MODERNEN PHYSIK, roy. 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd (p. M. 6.50) Leipzig, 1902 8979 HABTMANN ( Johann ; Univ. Marburg) PRAXIS CHYMIATRICA, edita k JOHANNE MICHAELIS, nova Editio : adjecti sunt TRES TRACTATUS Novi, 16mo. (pp. 360), old sheep (rare), 15s Genevce, 1647 8980 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary vellum, 16* This edition contains three new treatises : I. De Oleis variis Chymice distilatis. II. Basilica Antimonii Homed Poppii Thallini. III. Marci Cornacchini D.M. Methodus, qua omnes affectiones . . . Chymice et Galenice curantur. 8981 EDITIO NOVA, recognita et emendata prae omnibus hactenus Editionibus [cum Prsefatione JOHANNIS ANTONIDIS VAN DER LINDEN] , 18mo. nice copy in vellum, 10s Lugd. Batavorum, 1663 This edition does not contain the three treatises included in that of 1(547. ' C'est le plus important des ouvrages de Hartmann.' Biogr. Gen. The author was the first professor of chemistry in any University. 8982 HABTSOEKEB (Nicolas) CONJECTURES PHYSIQUES; with vignettes, map, and numerous diagrams : ECLAIRCISSEMENS sur les CONJECTURES PHYSIQUES ; with diagrams 2 vols. 4to. in 1, old calf gilt (rare), 12s Amsterdam, 1706-10 'Ses ficlaircissements sont des reponses a des objections dont la plupart etaient de Lsibnitz. II y censure aussi severement les volumes publies par 1' Academic de Paris, disant qu'il ne critiquait que ce qu'il estimait.' Biogr. Gen. The author is perhaps best known for his improvements in the microscope and telescope. 8983 [HABVEY (George, F.R.S.)] METEOROLOGY (Encyclopedia Metropolitana), with 16 plates, 4to. unbound (wanting pp. 89-96, and 1 plate), 2s [1833] 8984 [ ] NAVAL ARCHITECTURE (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana), with 6 steel plates, 4to. unbound, 8985 On a REMARKABLE CASE of MAGNETIC INTENSITY of a CHRONOMETER, 4to. (pp. 10), sewn, with author's inscr., 3s Edin., 1823 8986 RESULTS of EXPERIMENTS relating to COMPARATIVE MEANS of DEFENCE afforded by SHIPS of WAR having SQUARE and CURVILINEAL STERNS, with 2 folding plates by Basire, 8vo. hf. calf gilt (SCARCE), 12s Qd 1824 'To the Right Hpnble. the Earl of Morley, with the Author's respectful Compliments.' I user, on title. The above work is not noticed by Lowndes and Allibone, and is scarce. There is no copy of it in the Library of the Institution of Naval Architects. 8987 HABVEY (Gideon, M.D. ; physician to Charles II.) ARCHEOLOGIA PHILOSOPHICA NOVA, or NEW PRINCIPLES of PHILOSOPHY, containing Philosophy in general ; Metaphysicks, or Ontology ; Dynamilogy, or a Discourse of Power ; Religio Philosophi, or Natural Theology ; Physicks, or Natural Philosophy, with fine folding portrait by P. Philippe, and engravings on copper and wood, sm. 4to. contemporary English calf, one joint neatly mended (FINE COPY), \s S. Thomson, 1663 The Natural Philosophy fills 439 pp. of the work, and includes chapters on light, colours, sound, the loadstone, and many others of meteorological or astronomical interest. 8988 HABZEB (Paul; Univ. Kiel) ASTRONOMISCHE BEOBACHTUNGEN auf der STERNWARTE der Universitat zu KIEL, I. BESCHREIBUNG der NEUEN MERIDIANKREISANLAGE ; with 6 autotype plates, roy. 4to. sewn, Qs Leipzig, 1905 8989 Ueber die BESTIMMUNG und VERBESSERUNG der BAHNEN von HIMMELSKORPERN nach drei Beobachtungen, 4to. sewn, 5s &> 1901 8990 - - Ueber die GEOMETRISCHE METHODE zur BESTIMMUNG der BAHNEN von HIMMELSKORPERN nach fiinf Beobachtungen, 4to. sewn, 5s tft., 1910 8991 UNTERSUCHUNGEN iiber einen speciellen Fall des PROBLEMS der DREI KORPER; with plate, roy. 4to. sewn, 4s St.-Petersbourg, 1886 8992 Ueber die ZEITBESTIMMUNG im VERTICALE des POLSTERNES, 4to. sewn, 3s Qd Leipzig, 1899 V f.r- i'.'t - ^ ; 5 5 > 5N^>- ^ |^ ^ * CN\K rx^ -\ V ifu t % NO. 8960 (par/e 453). A manuscript by ' Longitude ' Harrison. L I B R O P-R'I M 0. j 4 t, t,U, dentro qucfti fi giri la vitc x, y, e la lingua "qyfi cacci ncl canale della detta vice . Quando dunque aU tti gireriJa uitc , x, y ^i'alzera , 8c abbafleri jjl figolo I,m, mediantelalenguettaq, Aeciocne poi do 'per fc mcdcfimo fi feccia , auiluppifi la cordaintorno vna par- tc della vitc , la quale habbia fcambieuoli auiluppamcn- ti , & allentatnenti aggomitobti , mifuratt agli fpati] , ne quali fi muouc la cafla; e le medefime cofc 6 facciano ne gli altri duerigoli , ne i quali fbno le p4itc g, h t Bifb- gna pero auertire chele tre umfianoil ! tuttp ^gdali fri loro > e gU allentamenti parimentc , acciodic le tre mo- te tutteinfeme-difcendano, perche in qucfta modo il viaggio della cafletta fara fucile,& inficme ficuro . Egli epaflibilemaltroinodaancorafare>che ta caA ft tta pigli le volte , non folo per vn rettangolo pai-allelo- grammo > ma per qual fi voglia figura di lioee dirittej Art- ziegli fi puo fareancorachcfimuouadbjfcia.cct6coni modo piu fi.cile , che non e qucllo,chc di fbpra. habbia<: DELLEMACH, SEMOV. FRAN- Nos. 9180 and 9183 (page 403). Early machinery and engines of war. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 455 8994 HARZER (Friedrich) Die SIEGELLACKFABRIKATION, nach den neuesten Verfahren und den bewahrtesten Vorschriften, post 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd Weimar, 1848 8995 HASELDEN (Thomas, Teacher of Mathematics in the Royal Navy ; F.R.S.) The SEAMAN'S DAILY ASSISTANT : a Short, Easy, and Plain METHOD of KEEPING a JOURNAL at SEA, with Rules shewing the Allowances for 'Leeway, Variation, Heave of the Sea, Set of Currents, etc., and Tables for the Seaman'u Use, sm. 4to. contemporary sheep (binding slightly damaged, otherwise a sound and clean copy) ; RARE, 12s Qd 1759 Requiring only the most elementary knowledge of arithmetic to be understood. The above edition was unknown to the author's biographer in D. N. B., who only mentions the reprint of 1788. 8996 HASKELL (Mellen Woodman, Univ. Cal.) The CONSTRUCTION of CONICS under GIVEN CONDITIONS, roy. 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, with author's inscr., IsQd [New York, 1905] 8997 HASKOLL (W. Davis, C.E ) The ASSISTANT ENGINEER'S RAILWAY GUIDE in BORING, with the Tools and Methods of Proceeding, and Remarks on British Strata and their Contents as Materials in Construction ; Stumping and Picking out Centre Lines and Curves, etc., etc., with Practical Memoranda on Specifications, 3 folding plates and 60 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 105 Qd 1846 8998 The ENGINEER'S, MINING SURVEYOR'S, and CONTRACTOR'S FIELD-BOOK: Tables for Traverse Surveying, Levelling with the Theodolite, Setting out Curves, and Earthwork Tables to 80 Feet deep, 2nd Edition, much enlarged, with numerous woodcuts, 12mo. cl., 3s (p. 12s) 1866 8999 THE PRACTICE of ENGINEERING FIELD-WORK, applied to Land, Hydrographic, and Hydraulic Surveying and Levelling, and Waterworks, including the Description and Use of Surveying and Levelling Instruments, and the Practical Application of Trigonometrical Tables, with 27 folding and other plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 2.) 1858-68 9000 VOLUME II ONLY : WATERWORKS ; Gauging Streams, Sewers, Sewage and Irrigation, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 1.) 1868 9001 HASSALL (Arthur Hill, M.D.) FOOD : its ADULTERATIONS, and the Methods for their Detection, illustrated, 8vo. cl., 8s Qd (p. 1. 4s) 1876 To Dr. Hassall we almost wholly owe our deliverance from the shameless and criminal adulteration of the first half of the Nineteenth Century an adulteration fatuously styled by John Bright ' a form of competition ', which competition was itself to bring to an end without the help of the law ! The law may have to keep a sharp eye on the adulterator still but if we are sometimes robbed we are very seldom poisoned ; so let us remember Dr. Hassall ! 9002 HASSELBEBG (Klas Bernhard, Stockholm) RUSSISCHE EXPEDITIONEN zur BEOBACHTUNG des VENUSDURCHGANGS 1874. II. 1. BEARBEITUNG der PHOTOGRAPHISCHEN AUFNAHMEN im HAFEN POSSIET ; with 11 diagrams, roy. 4to. sewn, 3s St. Petersburg, 1877 9003 Ueber das durch electrische Erregung erzeugte LEUCHTEN der GASE bei NIEDRIGER TEMPERATUR, roy. 4to. (pp. 17), sewn, Is Qd ib., 1879 9004 Zur SPECTROSKOPIE des STICKSTOFFES. I. UNTERSUCHUNGEN viber das BANDEN- SPECTRUM; with 5 folding plates, roy. 4to. (pp. 50), sewn, 3s ib., 1885 9005 STUDIEN auf dem GEBIETE der ABSORBTIONSSPECTRALANALYSE ; with 4 folding .plates, roy. 4to. (pp. 39), sewn, 3s ib., 1878 9006 HATCHETT (Charles, F.R.S.) ANALYSIS of the CARINTHIAN MOLYBDATE of LEAD ; with Experiments on Molybdic Acid, and some Experiments and Observations on the Decomposition of the Sulphate of Ammoniac, 4to. (pp. 55), sewn, 5s 1796 7 ANALYTICAL EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS on LAC, 4to. (pp. 28), sewn, 3s 1804 9008 OBSERVATIONS on the CHANGE of some of the proximate PRINCIPLES of VEGETABLES into BITUMEN ; with analytical Experiments on a peculiar Substance, which is found with the BOVEY COAL, 4to. (pp. 26), sewn, 3s 1804 The ' coal ' of the Bovey Heathfield, near Bovey Tracey in Devonshire, is a curious substance of much geological interest. 9009 On an ARTIFICIAL SUBSTANCE, which possesses the principal Characteristic Properties of TANNIN, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, 3s 1805 9010 ANOTHER COPY, with ADDITIONAL REMARKS, and THIRD SERIES of EXPERIMENTS, with some Remarks on Coal, 3 parts 4to. (pp. 85), sewn, with author's irwcr., 8s 1805-6 The author discovered columbium and tantalium. He was a member of the Literary Club, founded by Dr. Johnson, and furnished John Wilson Croker with a complete list of members, reprinted in the latter's edition of Boswell's Johnson. Oil HATTON (Edward, PhUomercat.) ARITHMETICK ; or, the Ground of Arts, originally composed by DR. RECORD, and others, and now new Methodized, much Improved, and added a New TREATISE of DECIMALS, Tables of Simple and Compound Interest, and the easiest Method of Extracting the SQUARE and CUBE-ROOTS of NUMBERS, with fine portrait by R. White, and diagrams, 4to. contemporary calf gilt, newly rebacked (somewhat browned) ; rare, 1 4s 1699 'The last edition of Recorde's Grminde of Artesl know of is that by Edw. Hatton, London, 1699, 4to. ; it has an additional book called ' Decimals made easy '.'Pro/, de Morgan. MATHEMATICAL MANUAL: or, DELIGHTFUL ASSOCIATE, with diagrams, 8vo. con- temporary calf gilt, 7s Qd 1728 Containing chapters on 'Mysterious Curiosities in Numbers, or Numerical Novelties,' ' how to make a Line of Numbers, r Logarithms, to any Length,' ' The Hour of the Night by the Moon shining on a Sun Dial,' etc. etc. etc. The MERCHANT'S MAGAZINE : or Trades-Man's Treasury ; containing Arithmetick, Merchants Accompts, Book-keeping, Maxims concerning Bills of Exchange, etc., the Port of Letters to and from Foreign Countries, an Account of the Commodities produced by all Countries, a Merchant or Trader's Dictionary, Precedents of Merchants Writings, etc., 8th Impression, corrected and improved, with portrait cet. 32 by R. White, and 8 plates of specimens of calligraphy , 4to. old calf, neatly rebacked, \ls Qd 1726 ; NINTH IMPRESSION, corrected and improved, with portrait, and 8 plates, 4to. boards, ' A ,., wor ]5 of some celebrity. There is somewhat more of reason given for rules than was very common, and a vast quantity of mercantile terms, usages, etc. are explained.' Prof, de Morgan. 456 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9016 HASSLER (Ferdinand Rodolph, West Point Military Academy) COMPARISON of WEIGHTS and MEASURES of LENGTH and CAPACITY reported to the SENATE of the UNITED STATES by the TREASURY DEPARTMENT in 1832, with 4 folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 126), sewn (scarce), os Washington, 1832 9017 [HASTLER (J. p.)] The ELEMENTS of the CONIC SECTIONS, with the SECTIONS of the CONOIDS; 2nd Edition, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 67), sewn, Vs Cambridge, 1820 9018 HAUDICQUER de BLANCOURT (Jean) L'ART de la VERRERIE, on 1'on apprend a faire le Verre, le Cristal, et FEniail ; la Maniere de faire les Perles, les Pierres Precieuses, la Porcelaine, et les Miroirs; la Methode de peindre sur le Verre et en Email ; de tirer la Couleur des Metaux, Mineraux, Herbes, et Fleurs ; nouvelle Edition, augmentee d'un Traite des Pierres Precieuses ; with 8 copperplates, illustrating contemporary tools, furnaces, etc., 2 vols. 12mo. contemporary French mottled calf extra (FINE COPY) ; rare, 15s 1718 ' Accuse d'avoir contrefait et fabrique d'anciens litres de noblesse, Haudicquer fut condamneauxgaleres en 1701. Cette peine fut ensuite commuee en une prison perpetuelle.' Biog. Gen. 9019 HAUGHTON (Samuel, pr., T.C.D. ; M.D., F.R.S.) On a CLASSIFICATION of ELASTIC MEDIA, ynd the LAWS of PLANE WAVES propagated through them (pp. 42) : On the ROTATION of a SOLID BODY round a FIXED POINT (pp. 16) 4to. sewn, 4s Qd [Dublin], 1849 9020 GEOMETRICAL ILLUSTRATIONS of NEWLANDS'S and MENDELEJEFF'S PERIODIC LAW of the Atomic Weights of the Chemical Elements, 5 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, 2s ibidem, 1888 9021 OUTLINES of a NEW THEORY of MUSCULAR ACTION, cr, 8vo. cl. (o. .), with inscr. to Dr. William Stokes, F.R.S. , P. R.I. A., 5s 1863 This work formed the basis of the author's ' Principles of Animal Mechanics '. It was unknown to the author's biographer in D. N. B. 9022 PRINCIPLES of ANIMAL MECHANICS, 2nd [last] Edition, with 110 woodcuts and diagrams, 8vo. cl., with inscr. to Dr. Robert Atkinson, T.C.D. , M.R.I. A. (o.p.), 10s Qd (p. 1. Is) 1873 ' The object of this volume is to show that the muscular mechanism is so arranged that the work required of it is done with a less expenditure of muscular contraction than would result from any other configuration. This he calls ' the principle of least action.' ' D. N.B. 9023 HAUKSBEE [the elder] (Francis, F.RS.) PHYSICO-MECHANICAL EXPERIMENTS on Various Subjects, containing an Account of the SURPRIZING PHENOMENA touching LIGHT and ELEC- TRICITY, producible on the ATTRITION of BODIES, with other Remarkable Appearances, not before observ'd, with the Explanations of all the Machines, and other APPARATUS us'd in the Experiments, first edition, with 8 fine folding copperplates, sm. 4to. sound and large copy in contemporary panelled calf (very rare), 3. 15s R. Brugis, for the Author, and sold only at his House in Wine- Office- Court in Fleet-street, 1709 9024 SECOND [AND LAST] EDITION, with SUPPLEMENT, containing several New Experiments, with 8 fine folding copperplates, and engravings on copper and wood, 8vo. contemporary calf (LARGE AND FINE COPY) ; RARE, 1. 5s 1719 9025 ANOTHER COPY, old calf (joints cracked, and 2 plates torn), 18s Qd 9026 THE SAME, handsomely bound in hf. crushed brown Levant morocco gilt, t. e. g. (plates mounted, and two defective), 17s Qd One of the most important early works on electricity, containing a description of the FIRST ELECTRICAL MACHINE WITH A GLASS CYLINDER (invented by the author), which was ' turned by a winch and rubbed by the hand ' , as well as descriptions and illustrations of an improved air-pump of his invention, founded on his discovery of the 'lateral communication of motion in air.' In his preface he mentions that ' the Nature and Laws of Electrical Attractions have not yet been much consider'd by Any*. In the above work and his contributions to the Royal Society he carried further the tentative observations of Dr. Gilbert and Boyle on electricity, and by his experiments may be said to have laid the foundation of that science. He certainly was the first to discover the electric spark. He also determined the relative weight of water and air, and ascertained the refractive index of various fluids. The above second edition contains a Supplement (pp. 86) of 24 new experiments, which is not contained in the edition of 1709. 9027 ESPERIENZE FISICO-MECCANICHE sopra varj Soggetti, contenenti un Racconto di Diversi STUPENDI FENOMENI intorno la LUCE e I'ELETTRICITA, producible dallo STROFINAMENTO de' CORPI, con rnolte altre notabile Apparenze, non mai prima osservate, colle Spiegazioni di tutte le Macchine, tradotta dall' Idioma Inglese; with 7 plates (6 folding), 4to. old vellum (rare), 10s Firenze, 1716 1 Eine Reihe von Versuchen liber Elektricitat, die zu den besten gehoren, die seit Gilbert's Zeiten angestellt wurden. 1 Poggendor/. 9028 HATJPT (Herman ; Gen. Manager P. R. R.) GENERAL THEORY of BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION, containing Demonstrations of the Principles of the Art and their Application to Practice, etc., with 16 plates, and 96 diagrams, roy. 8vo. cl., 5s New York, 1862, or, 73 9029 HAUPT (Lewis Muhlenberg; Univ. Penna., son of the above) MANUAL of ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS and CONTRACTS ; 2nd Edition, with 3 folding plates (2 linen mountad), and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf (rubbed), 4s (p. 12s Qd nett) Philadelphia, 1881 9030 The TOPOGRAPHER, his INSTRUMENTS and METHODS, with?] plates and maps (9 folding), and 42 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 5s New York [1883] 9031 HAUTEFETTILLE (Abbe Jean de) PROBLEME d'AcousTlQUE, Curieux et Inte>essant [avec sa Vie, et Bibliographic] ; with plate, 8vo.fine copy in old hf. calf gilt (RARE), 18s Qd 1788 CONTENU : Explication de 1'Effet des Trompettes Parian tes : 1'Art de Respirer sous 1'Eau, etc. : la Balance Mag- netique, etc.: Lettre a M. Bourdelot : Dissertation sur la Cause de l'cho : Particularity essentielles de 1'lnstrument Acoustique de M. de Hautefeuille. ' Je m'etois done charge de perfectionner 1 des cornets acoustiques ; en trouver undent la construction, plusconforme .a la theorie de 1'air sonore, fit plus d'effet sur 1'oreille ; de fagon qu'etant applique sur cette partie, il tit entendre la con- versation de plus loin, et epargnat desormais I'assujettissement incommode d'avoir la bouche si proche de cet instrument jpour parler. 2. Faire une machine par laquelle on put entendre la conversation par les dents', etc. etc. Introduction. The editor was unknown to Barbier or Que*rard. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 457 9033 HAUSEN (Christian August ; Univ. Leipzig] Novi PROFECTUS in HISTORIA ELECTRICITATIS, post Obitum Auctoris ex Msto. ejus editi ; praehrissa est Commentatiuncula cle Vita et Scriptis Auctoris ; with fine copperplate, 4to. sewn (rare), 12s Qd Lipsiae, 1743 Valuable as containing a description (and illustration) of the author's electrical machine the first one made in Germany consisting of a glass cylinder. It differed only slightly from Hauksbee's (v. Nos. 9023-7, ante), but was of some importance in having finally displaced the glass tubes till then in general use. 9034 HATJSER (A.) COURS de CONSTRUCTION NAVALE, professe* k 1'Ecole d' Application du Ge"nie Maritime, 4to., with Atlas, containing 340 plates comprising 1771 figures, impl. 4to. 2 vols. hf. roan (SCARCE), 2. 10s 1886 9035 ATLAS OF PLATES ONLY, impl. 4to. portfolio (back damaged), 1. Is 9036 HAUY (Rene Just, de I'lnstitut; Chanoine de Paris; F.R.S.) COMPARAISON des FORMES CRIST ALLINES de la STRONTIANE CARBONATES avec celles de I'ARRAGONITE ; with plate, 4to. (pp. 21), sewn, 3s [1817] 9037 Sur les CYMOPHANES des ETATS-UNIS ; with copperplate, 4to. (pp. 13), sewn, withinscr. (as below), 3s Qd [1812] ' A Monsieur [Thomas] Allan [F.R.S. ], hoinmage de 1'auteur.' Inscr. on title. 9038 MEMOIRE sur la CRISTALLISATION et sur les PROPRIETES PHYSIQUES de I'EUCLASE ; with plate, 4to. (pp. 19), sewn, 2s Qd [1819] 9039 NOUVELLES OBSERVATIONS sur la FACULTE CONSERVATRICE de I'ELECTRICITE acquise a 1'Aide du Frottement, 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, 3s 1819 9040 TRAITE des CARACTERES PHYSIQUES des PIERRES PRECIEUSES, pour servir a leur Determ- ination lorsqu'elles ont etc taillees ; with 3 plates, 8vo. sewn, uncut (rare), 7s Qd 1817 9041 TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE de PHYSIQUE ; 2 e Edition, considerablement augmentee ; with 12 vlates, 2 vols. 8vo. unbound, 2s Qd 1806 9042 - ELEMENTARY TREATISE on NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, translated, with Notes, by OLINTHUS [GILBERT] GREGORY, LL.D., 24 copperplates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco gilt, uncut, with bookplate of Edward Solly, F.R.S., 8s Qd 1807 The author was the discoverer of piezo-electricity and the geometrical law of crystallisation, of which the above work contains his account. 9043 HAVILAND (James) TABLES of SPECIFIC GRAVITIES of all Substances ; Land Measuring; the Old and New Weights and Measures ; etc. etc., new Edition, 8vo. hf. morocco, or, boards, 2s Qd 1846 9044 HAWKINS (Charles C., M.I.E.E.) ARMATURE REACTION, and the THEORY of COMMUTATION, with 28 illustrations, 8vo. sewn, 2s n. d. 9045 The THEORY of COMMUTATION, with 24 diagrams and 13 tables, 8vo. sewn, 2s [c. 1900] 9046 , and Frank WALLIS : The DYNAMO : its Theory, Design, and Manufacture, with 5 folding plates, and 185 other illustrations, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 10s 60?) 1893 9047 HAWNEY (William) The COMPLETE MEASURER : or the Whole Art of Measuring, the I. Part teaching DECIMAL ARITHMETIC, with the Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots, etc. etc., and the II. Part to measure all Sorts of Superficies and Solids, by Decimals, Cross-Multiplication, and Scale and Compasses ; 4th Edition, with Appendix of Gauging and Land -Measuring, with numer- ous woodcuts, 12mo. old calf (browned and binding broken), Is Qd [c. 1730] 9048 FIFTH EDITION, with Appendix of Gauging and Land-Measuring, with numerous woodcuts, 12mo. old hf. calf, 8s Qd 1743 9049 NINTH EDITION [unchanged] , with woodcuts, 12mo. old sheep, 8s Qd 1755 9050 FOURTEENTH EDITION, with woodcuts, 12mo. old sheep, Qs Qd 1775 ' A full treatise on decimal arithmetic.' Prof, de Morgan, who did not know any of the above editions. The work was recommended by Dr. John Harris, F.R.S., and was quite unknown to Lowudes, Allibone, or Watt. 9051 HAY (David Ramsay, house-painter; F.R.S.E.) The LAWS of HARMONIOUS COLOURING, adapted to Interior Decorations, Manufactures, etc., 3rd Edition, with 5 coloured plates, 8vo. cl., uncut, 5s Edin., 1836 9052 NOMENCLATURE of COLOURS, applicable to the Arts and Natural Sciences, to Manufac- tures, etc., 2nd Edition, improved, with 40 coloured plates by Lizars, containing 240 different colours, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s Qd ib., 1846 9053 PROPORTION, or the GEOMETRIC PRINCIPLE of BEAUTY, ANALYSED, with n plates, and 41 diagrams, roy. 4to. cl. (foxed and cover damaged), 7s Qd ib., 1843 David Ramsay Hay was far more than a ' house-painter,' for he developed into the chief internal decorator of his day, and a man of much culture. It was he who decorated Abbotsford for Sir Walter Scott, and his work may be seen in London in the Great Hall of the Society of Arts. 9054 HAY (John) CALCULATIONS introductory to a NEW THEORY of the EARTH, showing, by- Principles entirely original, that the SACRED ACCOUNT of CREATION is in HARMONY with NATURAL RESULTS, etc., etc., with 10 plates (2 folding), 4to. (pp. 10), sewn (scarce), 10s Qd apud auctorem, Edin., 1824 A geological paradox, attempting to explain the shape of the earth, its stratification, the formation of mountains and the ocean, the origin of rivers, volcanoes, etc. etc. 9055 HAYDEN (Ferdinand Vandeveer; M.D., Univ. Penna.) GEOLOGICAL REPORT of the EXPLORATION of the YELLOWSTONE and MISSOURI RIVERS, with folding coloured map, 8vo. sewn, with inscr. to Prof. Hilary Bauerman (scarce), 5s Qd Washington, 1869 9056 [ ] ILLUSTRATIONS of CRETACEOUS and TERTIARY PLANTS of the WESTERN TERRITORIES of the UNITED STATES, 26 plates, 4to. cl. (ONLY 500 COPIES PRINTED), 15s ib., 187$ 9057 HAYN (Friedrich) BAHN-BESTIMMUNG des COMETEN 1862 III.: Inaugural-Dissertation, 4to. (pp. 56), sewn, 2s Leipzig, 1889 9058 HAZLEHURST (J. N.) TOWERS and TANKS for WATER- WORKS : the Theory and Practice of their Design and Construction, with 2 plates, and 19 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 10s Qd nett) New York, 1901 458 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9060 HAYES (Charles; Sab-Governor of the Roy. African Co.] TREATISE of FLUXIONS: or, Intro- duction to Mathematical Philosophy, containing a full Explication of that Method by which the most celebrated Geometers of the present Age have made such vast Advances in Mechanical Philosophy, numerous diagrams, folio, old calf, roughly rebacked (RARE). 15s 1704 ' The first English work explaining Newton's method of infinitesimals. After an introduction setting forth most of the chief properties of the conic sections with concise proofs, Hayes applies Newton's method clearly and systematically, first to obtain the tangents of curves, then their areas, and lastly the problems of maxima and minima. His preface shows a good acquaintance with the existing literature of higher mathematics.' D. N. B. 9061 HAYMAN (E. N., Common Brewer] PRACTICAL TREATISE to render the ART of BREWING more easy, with the Use of the SACCHAROMETER, and Instructions for the Purchase of Malt and Hops ; also, particular Directions for the Management of the Brewery, etc., with folding plate, 12mo. boards, uncut, 6s 6d 1819 9062 HAYWARD (Joseph) On the SCIENCE of AGRICULTURE : comprising a Commentary on and Comparative Investigation of the Agricultural Chemistry of [RICHARD] KIRWAN and SIR HUMPHRY DAVY, etc., 8vo. hf. cl., uncut, 5s 1825 9063 ANOTHER COPY, hf. roan gilt, os 6d ' Showing a very sound scientific judgment in all practical points.' Donaldson. 9064 HAYWARD (Robert Baldwin, F.R.S.) The ALGEBRA of COPLANAR VECTORS and TRIGONO- METRY, with numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 8s 6d) . 1892 ' An attempt to supply the place of the Trigonometry and Double Algebra of De Morgan.' Preface. 9065 HEAFORD (A. S.) STRAINS on BRACED IRON ARCHES and ARCHED IRON BRIDGES, illustrated graphically, with 7 folding plates, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) 1883 9066 HEARN (Charles W.) The PRACTICAL PRINTER: a Complete Manual of PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTING : the Styles and Processes of Plain and Albumen Paper Printing, and of Printing on Porcelain, with fine photographic portrait, and 51 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 6s Philadelphia, 1874 9067 HEAT in its MECHANICAL APPLICATIONS: Lectures at the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1883-4, with 4 folding plates and 53 diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf neat, 8s 6d 1885 9068 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, Is The lectures were by Osborne Reynolds, F.R.S. (General Theory of Thermo-Dynamics), W. Anderson, E. A. Cowper, H. C. Fleeming Jenkin, F.R.S. (Gas- and Caloric-Engines), A. C. Kirk, and Sir Andrew Noble, F.R.S. (Heat- Action of Explosives). 9069 HEATH (Robert) ASTRONOMIA ACCURATA ; or the Royal Astronomer and Navigator ; containing NEW IMPROVEMENTS in ASTRONOMY, CHRONOLOGY, and NAVIGATION, particularly NEW and correct SOLAR and LUNAR TABLES, with Precepts and Examples of their Use, according to Old or New Style, with vignette and diagrams, roy. 4to., LARGE PAPER ; old calf (joints broken), 6s apud auctorem, 1760 9070 HEATH (Robert Samuel ; V.-P. Univ. Birmingham) TREATISE on GEOMETRICAL OPTICS, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4s 6d (p. 12s 6d) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1887 The standard work on the subject, of which it includes a bibliography of memoirs and treatises. 9071 ELEMENTARY TREATISE on GEOMETRICAL OPTICS, 2nd [latest] Edition, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s a. e., ib., 1897 9072 HEATH (Thomas Edward) Our STELLAR UNIVERSE : a Road-Book to the Stars, with 8 plates, cr. 4to. cl., 3s (p. 5* nett) 1905 9073 HEATHER (J. F., R.M.A., Woolwich) MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, 3rd Ed. : Lardner (Dionysius, pr., F.R.S.) The STEAM ENGINE, 4th Edition: Glynn (Joseph, F.R.S.) The CONSTRUCTION of CRANES and MACHINERY, 2nd Edition: Gibbons (David) The LAW of CONTRACTS 4 vols. 12mo. in 1, copiously illustrated; hf. morocco neat, 3s 6d 1849-56 9074 HEAVISIDE (Oliver ; F.R.S.) ELECTRICAL PAPERS, with diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo. cl. (VERY SCARCE), 2. 155 1892 A collection of the author's voluminous and important papers, originally issued in the Electrician, on Electromagnetic Waves and Surface Conduction, Telegraphy, the Theory of the Telephone, etc. etc. 9075 ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY, VOL. I, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 6s 6d (p. 12s 6d) 1893 Containing Outline of the Electromagnetic Connections; the Elements of Vectorial Algebra and Analysis ; Theory of Plane Electromagnetic Waves. 9076 HEBERDEN Jr. (William, M.D., F.R.S.) Of the INFLUENCE of COLD on the HEALTH of the INHABITANTS of LONDON, 4to. (pp. 6), sewn, 2s 1796 9077 HEBERT (Alexandre) La TECHNIQUE des RAYONS X : Manuel Operatoire de la Radiographie et de la Fluoroscopie ; with 16 plates (10 folding), 8vo. cl., 2s 6d (p. F. 5 nett) 1897 9078 HEBERT (Luke, C.E.) PRACTICAL TREATISE on RAIL-ROADS and LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, in which the Mechanical Construction of Edge, Tram, Suspension, and all other Railways, and the various Locomotive Carriages, designed for Rail and Common Roads, are described in Chronological Order, etc., with EXPLANATION of every PATENT hitherto granted in ENGLAND for Improvements in the Mechanism of Locomotion, with lithographic folding front., and over 200 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, uncut (scarce), 16s 6d 1837 9079 ANOTHER COPY, hf. cl. (front, foxed), 15s The front, represents the 'Railway Gallery under the Canal near Holsden ('? Harlesden) Green' probably the complicated crossing of the Great Western Railway, high-road, and Regent's Canal near Wormwood Scrubbs, lately destroyed for the widening of the line. 9080 [HEBRARD (Pierre)] CAMINOLOGIE, ou TRAITE des CHEMINKES, con tenant des Observations sur les differentes Causes qui font FUMER les CHEMINEES, avec des Moyens pour corriger ce De"faut ; with 21 copperplates, large 12mo. nice copy in old French mottled calf gilt, 12s Dijon, 1756 Containing a preliminary chapter, ' Dissertation sur les Ch'eminees des Anciens' (pp. 22). The work was unknown to Querard, Brunet, and others. 9081 HEBDLE (Matthew Forster, M.D., F.R.S.E., Univ. St. Andrews] The MINERALOGY of SCOT- LAND, edited [with Memoir], by J. G. GOODCHILD, with portrait, 117 plates, 30 text-illustrations, and map, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cl., 12s (p. 1. 16s nett) Edin., 1901 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 459 9083 HEDGES (Killing-worth, M.I.C.E.) CONTINENTAL ELECTRIC LIGHT CENTRAL STATIONS, with Notes on the Methods in Actual Practice for Distributing Electricity in Towns, with 25 folding plates, and 144 other illustrations, 4to. cl., 3s Qd (p. 15*) 1892 9084 HEDLEY (John, Colliery Viewer) PRACTICAL TREATISE on the WORKING and VENTILATION of COAL MINES, with Suggestions for Improvements in Mining, with 16 folding plates, roy. 8vo. cl., 5s 1851 9085 - ANOTHER COPY, hf. morocco neat, 6s 9086 HEDRICK (Henry B.) CATALOGUE of [1607] ZODIACAL STARS for the Epochs 1900 and 1920, reduced to an Absolute System, 4to. hf. roan, cl. sides, 5s Qd Washington, 1905 9087 HEEB (Oswald, Director des Botanischen Gartens, Zurich) Die URWELT der SCIIWEIZ ; with geological map, and 17 plates of Primaeval Natural History, etc., and woodcuts, roy. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, by Riviere, as good as new, 10s Qd Zurich, 1865 9088 _ The PRIMEVAL WORLD of SWITZERLAND, edited by JAMES HEYWOOD, F.R.S., with fold- ing coloured map, 18 plates, and 372 woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 10s (p. 1. 8s) 1876 The author reconstructed the flora of the Tertiary Period, and by comparing it with that of the present time, deduced the climate of the primeval world. 9089 HEIGHWEY (William) The HANDBOOK of PHOTOGRAPHIC TERMS, cr. 8vo. sewn, Is Qd 1 880, or, '4 9090 - PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTER'S ASSISTANT, 12mo. sewn, 2s 1879 9091 HEINEN (Franz) Uber einige ROTATIONS- APPARATE, inbesondere den Fessel'schen ; with 28 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, 2s Braunschweig, 1857 9092 HELE-SHAW (Henry Selby, F.R.S.), and Alfred HAY : LINES of INDUCTION in a MAGNETIC FIELD, with 8 plates and 8 woodcuts, roy. 4to. sewn, 2s Qd 1900 9093 HELL (Peter) Die WICHTIGSTEN KLEIN-KRAFT-MASCHINEN, ihre Vorziige und ihre Mangel ; with 16 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, Is Qd Braunschweig, 1878 9094 HELLINS (John, pr. ; F.R.S.) DR. HALLEY'S QUADRATURE of the CIRCLE improved : a Trans- formation of his Series to others which converge by the Powers of 80, 4to. (pp. 6), sewn, 2s Qd 1794 9095 - Mr. JONES, COMPUTATION of the HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHM of 10 IMPROVED : a Trans- formation of the Series which he used in that Computation to others which converge by the Powers of 80, with Postscript, containing an Improvement of MR. EMERSON'S Computation of the same Logarithm, 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, 3s Qd 1796 9096 - MATHEMATICAL ESSAYS on Several Subjects : containing NEW IMPROVEMENTS and DISCOVERIES in the Mathematics, with diagrams, 4to. sewn (rare), 12s Qd 1788 Comprising the following important papers, originally published in the ' Philosophical Transactions ', and now revised and enlarged : On the Computation of Logarithms : On the Reduction of Equations having two equal Roots : On the Correction of Fluents found by Descending Series : On the Transformation of certain Series to others of Swifter Conver- gency (for which the author received the Royal Society's Copley medal) : On the Force of oscillating Bodies on their Centers of Suspension. 9097 HELLMAN (Gustav ; Director Prussian Meteorological Inst.) REPERTORIUM der DEUTSCHEN METEOROLOGIE : Leistungen der Deutschen in Schriften, Erfindungen und Beobachtungen auf dem Gebiete der Meteorologie und des Erdmagnetismus, von den altesten Zeiten bis 1881 ; with plate and folding map, large 8vo. (pp. 1017), hf. cl., 10s (p. M. 15.60) Leipzig, 1883 An excellent bibliography of German meteorology, uniform with Poggendorff s ' Handworterbuch ', to which it should be added as a supplement. , 9098 HELLOT (Jean ; F.R.S.) L'ART de la TEINTURE des LAINES et des Etoffes de LAINE, en Grand ou Petit Teint, avec une Instruction sur les Debouillis, premiere edition, 12mo. old calf gilt (RARE), 1. 5s , 1750 9099 - NOUVELLE EDITION, 12mo. contemporary boards, 15s Didotfils, 1786 Important as the first work which created a scientific basis for the art of dyeing. 9100 - , Pierre Joseph MACaUEB, and LE PILEUB d'APLIGNY: The ART of DYING [sic] WOOL, SILK, and COTTON, translated from the French, with Q copperplates, 8vo. calf neat, with auto, of Sir Thomas Wardle on title (RARE), 1. 10s 1789 9101 HELLYEB (S. Stevens) LECTURES on the SCIENCE and ART of SANITARY PLUMBING, with 130 woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. hf. morocco, 2s [1882] 9102 - The PLUMBER and SANITARY HOUSES : a Practical Treatise on the Principles of Internal Plumbing Work or the Best Means for effectually excluding Noxious Gases from our Houses, 3rd Edition [wholly rewritten and enlarged], with 28 plates (many folding and linen-mounted) , and 262 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. hf. morocco, 4s [1884] 9103 - FOURTH EDITION [with Appendix] , with 28 plates (many folding), and 284 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 10s Qd) [1887] ' The best treatise existing on practical plumbing.' The Builder. 9104 HELMERT (Friedrich Robert ; Univ. Berlin) Die AUSGLEICHUNGSRECHNUNG nach der METHODS der KLEINSTEN QUADRATE, mit Anwendungen auf die Geodasie und die Theorie der Messinstrumente ; with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. M. 1) Leipzig, 1872 9105 HELMONT (Franqois Mercure Baron van) PARADOXAL DISCOURSES, concerning tho MACROCOSM and MICROCOS M, or the Greater and Lesser World, and their Union, set down in Writing by J. B. and now published, with 2 plates, sm. 8vo. calf, with Dr. Brushfield's bookplate (rare), 15s 1685 9106 - ANOTHER COPY, old calf, neatly repacked, with bookplate of Edward 9th Duke of Norfolk, E. M. (nice copy), 16s Qd The author believes that gold is made out of red and white arsenic, and after being killed by the arsenic, is made alive again to bring forth other creatures, as vegetables and animals, ' from whence we may conclude that Gold is not onely in the Earth for to be digged thence, and made into Coin and Plate '. There is an appendix on the education of children. 9107 HELWIG (Paul Iwan) Eine THEORIE des SCHONEN : MATHEMATISCH-PSYCHOLOGISCHE STUDIE, 8vo. boards, 2s Amsterdam, 1897 460 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9109 HELMHOLTZ (Hermann Ludwig- Ferdinand v. ; F.R.S.) Uber die ERHALTUNG der KRAFT, eine physikalische Abhandlung, vorgetragen in der Sitzung der physikalischen Gesell- schaft zu Berlin am 23sten Juli 1847, erste Auflage, 8vo. sewn (VERY SCARCE), 1. Is Berlin, 1847 The scarce first edition of the work which embodies the author's investigations into the theory of the conservation of energy, whose origination he shares with J. R. v. Mayer, Joule, Lord Kelvin, and Clausius. 9110 HANDBUCH der PHYSIOLOGISCHEN OPTIK; with 11 plates, and 213 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. hf. German morocco, uncut, ISsQd Hamburg, 1867 FIRST EDITION of the author's most important work, the first systematic treatise applying physical laws to the study of the physiology of the eye, and equally valuable for the original discoveries and the historical investigations it contains. 9111 Die LEHRE von den TONEMPFINDUNGEN, als physiologische Grundlage fur die THEORIE der MusiK, 3. umgearbeitete Auflage ; with 65 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s Braunschweig, 1870 9112 On the SENSATIONS of TONE as a PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS for the THEORY of Music, translated from the third German Ed., with additional Notes, and Appendix, by ALEXANDER J. ELLIS, F.R.S. [philologist], with 65 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cL, 10s Qd (p. 1. 16s) 1875 The original contributions by the translator extend to over 160 pages. This standard work contains the author's numerous discoveries in physiological acoustics. 9113 POPULAR LECTURES on SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS, translated by E. ATKINSON, with Intro- duction by JOHN TYNDALL, F.R.S., BOTH SERIES, first English Editions, with woodcuts, 2 vols. large post 8vo. cL, Ss (p. 1.) 1873-81 9114 NEW UNIFORM EDITION, with woodcuts, 2 vols. large post 8vo. cL, 7s Qd (p. 15s) 1884 9115 ' FIRST SERIES ONLY, with woodcuts, large post 8vo. cL, 3s Qd (p. 12s Qd) 1873 9116 : McKENDRiCK (John Gray) HERMANN LUDWIG HELMHOLTZ [with Bibliography], portrait, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 1899 9117 , PORTRAIT of, engraved on steel by CH \RLES HENRY JEENS, PROOF BEFORE LETTERS, 3s n. d. 9118 THE SAME, on INDIA PAPER, signed by the engraver, 4s 9119 HELMONT (Jean Baptiste van) WORKS : containing his most Excellent PHILOSOPHY, PHYSICK, CHIRURGERY, ANATOMY, wherein the Philosophy of the Schools is examined, their Errors refuted, and the whole Body of Physick reformed and rectified ; being a new Rise and Progresse of Philosophy and Medicine for the Cure of Diseases, and Lengthening of Life, made English by J [OSEPH] C[ONSTABLE] sometime of M[agdalen] H[all?], Oxon., with etched frontis- piece, containing portrait and arms of J. B. and F. M. van Helmont, 3 vols. folio, hf. calf (slightly browned, and front, mounted}-, RARE, with auto. 'W. HUNTER' on title, and MS. notes in the same handwriting, 3. 3s L. Lloyd, 1664-2 Vol II is entitled ' ORIATRIKE, or Physick Refined,' and y. Ill ' Opuscula Medica Inaudita.' 9120 ANOTHER ISSUE, with frontispiece of portraits, in one vol. folio, original rough calf (front., title, and a few II. mended, but a large copy), 2. 15s 1662 9121 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary calf, newly rebacked (fine copy), 3. 3s An earlier issue of the foregoing work, without the general title, and address ' To the English R-eader '. 9122 ORTUS MEDICINE, i. e. Initia Physicte Inaudita, Progressus Medicinae Novus, in Morborum Ultionem, ad Vitam Longam, edente FRANCISCO MERCURIO VAN HELMONT, cum ejus Prsefatione ; Editio nova, cum locupletiori Rerum et Verborum Indice, adauctior et exornatior ; with engraved portrait of author and editor, thick sm. 4to. old calf, 1. Is Amst., Lud. Elzevirius, 1652 ' He is regarded by some historians of chemistry as the greatest chemist who preceded Lavoisier. He was the first to point out the imperative necessity for employing the balance in chemistry, and by its means showed in many instances the indestructibility of matter in chemical changes. He was th first to coin the word gas (derived according to some from the Greek ^do, and according to others from the Dutch geest), applying it to elastic aeriform fluids. He was also the first to take the melting-point of ice and boiling-point of water as standards for the measurement of temperature. It is in his works that the term saturation is first employed to signify the combination of an acid with a base ; and he was one of the earliest investigators of the chemistry of the fluids of the human body.' 9123 HELSHAM (Richard, M.D., Prof. Nat. Phil. Dublin; friend of Dean Swift) COURSE of LECTURES in NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, published by BRYAN ROBINSON, M.D., ivith 11 plates, 8vo. old calf, 4s Qd 1739 9124 SECOND [LAST] EDITION, with 11 plates, 8vo. old calf, or, hf. calf, 6s 1743 The appendix contains original problems : ' Of the collision of Non Elastick and Elast'ick Bodies ', etc. etc. 9125 HELWING (Georg Andreas) LITHOGRAPHIA ANGERBURGICA, sive LAPIDUM et FOSSILIUM, in Districtu Angerburgensi et ejus Vicinia, ad III vel IV Milliarium Spatium, in Montibus, Agris, Arenofodinis et in primis circa Lacuum Littora et Fluyiorum Ripas Consideratio ; with view of Angerburg, and 10 other copperplates, sm. 4to. old calf (joints cracked), 10s Qd Regiomonti [Konigsberg], 1717 9126 HEMENWAY (Frank F.) INDICATOR PRACTICE, and Steam-Engine Economy, with 45 illus- trations, post 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 8s Qd nett) New York, 1886 9127 HEMMING (George Wirgman; Senior Wrangler; K.C.) BILLIARDS MATHEMATICALLY TREATED, with 2 plates, and diagrams, impl. 8vo. cl. (o.p.), 5s 1899 Of singularly little interest to the man about town. 9128 ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, 2nd [last] Edition, with Additions, diagrams, 8vo. cl. (cover slightly damaged), 4s Cambridge, 1852 Based on the method of limits. 9129 [HENDERSON (John)] METEOROGRAPHY, or the PERPETUAL WEATHER ALMANAC, contain- ing nearly Fifty of the Signs which occur before every Change of Weather, engraved and coloured from Nature, with 46 coloured plates, sq. 12mo. cl. (scarce), 10s Qd Edin., 1841 The author here claims to have discovered how to predict correctly the weather one day, or at most one week, in advance by the state of the sky. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 461 9131 HEMMER (Johann Jakob, s.j.) ANLEITUNG WETTERLEITER an alien Gattungen von GEBAU- DEN auf di [sic] sicherste Art ANZULEGEN ; with copperplate, 8vo. unbound (rare), 15s Manheim, 1786 The author ' was most successful in spreading the knowledge of lightning conductors' (R. Anderson), and the first to point out the importance of earth connexion. AN INTERESTING AUTOGRAPH COLLECTION : 9132 . - METEOROLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE with the ABATE GIUSEPPE CALANDRELLI, from 1780 to 1787, consisting of eleven autograph letters from the former, with eleven autograph copies of Calandrelli's answers, with other MSS. and printed matter (as under), 4. 45 1780-7 A very interesting correspondence in connexion with the foundation of a meteorological observatory at Rome (to which Calandrelli had been appointed as observer) by the Palatine Meteorological Society. Included are : ' Discorso del Ab. Paolo Frisi, nel Giornale di Pisa,' MS. on 12 pp. : 'Delle Influenze Meteorologiche della Luna: Difesa del Ab. Toaldo contro 1'opusculo del Ab. Frisi' ; a Reply to the foregoing work; MS. on 32 pp. : 'Capita potiora, quae in conficiendis Instruments nostris observamus,' MS. ly Hemmer on 3 pp. : ' Questio ab Academia Scientiarum Theodoro-Palatina in annum 1783 proposita,' MS. on 12 pp. : ' Descrizione di un Nuovo Termometro rid otto a perfezione dal Sig. Giacomo Six, di Canterbury', with plate, etc., etc. 9133 HENDERSON (George Gerald; Univ. Glasgow), and Matthew Archibald PARKER; Univ. Manitoba : INTRODUCTION to ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, with spectrum plate, and 2 dia- grams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 5s) 1899 9134 HENDERSON (John, Bengal Medical Establishment) DISSERTATION on the BIT NOBEN, or FOZTID SALT of the HINDUS, the Sal Indus Antiquorum, commonly known in Hindostan by the Name of Khallia Neemuk ; with Remarks on the Cheray ta of the Hindoos, the Kusseb Uzzereereh of the Arabians, and the Calamus Aromaticus Antiquorum, with copperplate, 8vo. (pp. 40), sewn (rare), 10s Qd 1803 With interesting MS. note, signed F. WEBB, concerning pathological experiments with the medicine described. 9135 HENDERSON (John, Municipal Technical School, Manchester) PRACTICAL ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, with 159 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 65 Qd) 1898 9136 HENDERSON (Thomas; F.R.S., first Astronomer Royal Scots) On the PARALLAX of a CENTAURI, 4to. (pp. 8), sewn, with inscr. to Sir Thomas Maclean, F.R.S., 3s Qd [Edinburgh], 1839 Important as containing the author's discovery of the first authentic case of annual parallax in a fixed star. 9137 - The PARALLAX of a CENTAURI, deduced from MR. MACLEAR'S OBSERVATIONS at the Cape of Good Hope, in 1839 and 1840, 4to. (pp. 44), sewn, 2s Qd [t'6.] , 1842 9138 HENLY (William, F.R.S.) EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS in ELECTRICITY, with Postscript, containing a Variety of New Experiments and Observations, particularly an Enquiry into the CAUSE of the ELECTRICITY of BODIES, and the CONSTITUTION of the ELECTRIC MATTER ITSELF, with Notes tending to confirm and illustrate the Opinions advanced, folding plate, 4to. (pp. 63), sewn (rare), 10s Qd 1777 The author, a licendraper by trade, was the inventor of a quadrant electrometer and the general discharger facts unknown to his biographer in D. N. B. 9139 HENNAH (Richard, pr.) A SUCCINCT ACCOUNT of the LIME ROCKS of PLYMOUTH, with 11 plates, illustrating some of the most remarkable of the Animal Remains found in them, roy. 8vo. (?) LARGE PAPER ; hf. calf, with Sandhurst College bookplate and auto, of Adml. William Bedford (1764?- 1827), 6s Qd Plymouth [c. 1820] 9140 HENNELL (Henry, F.R.S., Chemical Operator, Apothecaries' Hall) On the MUTUAL ACTION of SULPHURIC ACID and ALCOHOL, and on the Nature of the Process by which ETHER is formed, 4to. (pp. 9), sewn, with author's inscr. (scarce), Is Qd 1828 This important memoir first made known the synthetic formation of alcohol from olefiant gas and sulphuric acid a process made use of by Berthelot in 1855 to make alcohol from coal gas. The author, whose biography is unaccountably excluded from D. N. B., was blown up in 1842 by one of his own bombs, prepared by him for use in the Afghan War. 9141 HENRICI (Olaus ; F.R.S.) SKELETON STRUCTURES : especially in their Application to the Building of Steel and Iron Bridges, with 4 folding plates (linen-mounted), and 18 diagrams ; with 144 pp. of writing paper bound in, 8vo. hf. morocco gilt (o. p.), 5s (p. 16s in cl.) 1866 9142 - , and G. C. TURNER : VECTORS and ROTORS, with Applications, with 155 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 4s Qd) [1903] 9143 HENRION (Denis) L'UsAGE du COMPAS de PROPORTION, quatriesme Edition, reueue, corrige*e, & de beaucoup augmented ; with woodcuts and diagrams, 12mo. old vellum, 1. Is 1631 Added is a CONTEMPORARY MANUSCRIPT entitled ' Declaration des Divisions faictes sur les deux reigles Pantometrice et leurs operations, par les propositions suyvantes des present liuret," ivith tinted illustrations (pp. 16). 9144 HENRY Joseph ; Director Smithsonian Institution) CONTRIBUTIONS to ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM : No. I : DESCRIPTION of a GALVANIC BATTERY for producing ELECTRICITY of DIFFERENT DENSITIES, with copperplate, 4to. (pp. 6), sewn, with author's inscr. as below, 7s Qd Philadelphia, 1835 ' To Edward Solly Esq. with the Respts. of the author.' The first plunge battery ever devised, consisting of 88 cells arranged in sets of 11 each. 9145 -- : No. II : On the INFLUENCE of a SPIRAL CONDUCTOR in INCREASING the INTENSITY of ELECTRICITY from a GALVANIC ARRANGEMENT of a SINGLE PAIR, 4to. (pp. 9), sewn, with author's inscr. as below, 8s Qd ib., 1835 ' To Edward Solly Esq. with the Respects of J. HENRY.' Containing the author's discovery independently of Faradayi-of magneto-electric induction. He was eponymized in electrical science to denote the unit of induction. 9146 - , A MEMORIAL of, published by Order of Congress, with steel portrait, roy. 8vo. cl., 8s Qd Washington, 1880 Containing notices of his meteorological work (including his inauguration of meteorological observations in the United States) by W. B. TAYLOR and PROF. SIMON NEWCOMB. 9147 HENS MANS (P. J.) MEMOIRE sur le PROPORTION NEMENT CHIMIQUE PESE et MESURE des CORPS ; with folding table, 12mo. sewn, 4s Louvain, 1824 31 462 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9149 HENRY (William, M.D., F.R.S.) On the ACTION of FINELY DIVIDED PLATINUM on GASEOUS MIXTURES, and its Application to their Analysis, 4to. (pp. 26), sewn, with inscr. to Thomas Allan, F.R.S., 4s 1824 Following up Dobereiner's investigations on the peculiar properties of spongy platinum. 9150 ADDITIONAL EXPERIMENTS on the MURIATIC and OXYMURIATIC ACIDS, 4to. (pp. 11), sewn (name torn off title), 2s 1812 9151 On the AERIFORM COMPOUNDS of CHARCOAL and HYDROGEN, with some additional EXPERIMENTS on the GASES from OIL and from COAL, 4to. (pp. 26), sewn, with author's inscr., 3s 1821 9152 ANALYSIS of Several Varieties of BRITISH and FOREIGN SALT (MURIATE of SODA) with a View to explain their Fitness for different Economical Purposes, 4to. (pp. 34), seivn, with inscr. to Thomas Allan, F.E.S., 3s Qd 1810 9153 ELEMENTS of EXPERIMENTAL CHEMISTRY ; 6th Edition, greatly enlarged, with 9 plates by Lowry, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf (joints cracked), 5s 1810 9154 SEVENTH EDITION, greatly enlarged, with 9 plates by Lowrv, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, 7s Qd 1815 9155 TENTH EDITION, with all the recent Discoveries, 10 plates by Lowry, besides woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf (joint cracked), 8s Qd 1826 9156 ELEVENTH EDITION, comprehending all recent Discoveries, with 10 plates, and woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 15s 1829 The LAST EDITION, enlarged and with Addenda, and first containing an account on bromine (discovered in 1826 by A. J. Balard) and its compounds. Once a much-esteemed text-book, it is still of value to the historian of chemistry for the accurate and precise information it contains of the achievements during one of the most fruitful periods in the science. 9157 An EPITOME of CHEMISTRY, containing Directions for the Analysis of Mineral Waters ; of Earths and Stones ; of Ores of Metals, and Instructions for applying Chemical Tests and Reagents, etc., 2nd Edition, 12mo. hf. brown morocco (nice copy), with the Beaufoy Library bookplate (scarce), Is Qd 1801 9158 FOURTH EDITION, much enlarged, with 8 plates, 8vo. boards, 7s Qd Edin., 1806 9159 ANOTHER COPY, old hf. calf gilt, 8s Qd This work was afterwards republished in an enlarged form, as ' Elements of Experimental Chemistry '. 9160 EXPERIMENTS on AMMONIA, and Account of a New Method of analysing it, by Com- bustion with Oxygen and other Gases, 4to. (pp. 20), sewn, with inscr. to Thomas Allan, F.B.S., 5s 1809 Dr. William Henry is perhaps best known for having ascertained (in the above paper) the true composition of ammonia, which had been heretofore taken as a chemical compound containing oxygen. He also established the fact that the amount of absorption of a gas or of a mixture of gases by a fluid is dependent on the pressure. He was one of the most cultivated members of the Manchester society of his time, and should please the age we live in for having chosen as his doctoral thesis the entrancing subject of Uric Acid ! 9161 HENSHAW (Nathaniel, M.D., F.R.S.) AERO-CHALINOS : or a Register for the Air; of Fermentation ; Chylification ; Respiration ; Sanguification ; that often changing the Air, is a friend to Health : also a Discovery of a new Method of doing it, without removing from one place to another, by means of a DOMICIL, or AIR-CHAMBER, fitted to that Purpose ; for the better Preservation of Health, and Cure of Diseases, after a New Method ; 2nd Edition, 18mo,/ne copy in old sheep (RARE), 1. Is B. Tooke, 1677 ' A curious little treatise. . . The second edition was printed by order of the Royal Society, having been prepared for the press by the author's elder brother, Thomas Henshaw. It was reviewed in the Philosophical Transactions (XII. 834-5) by Henry Oldenburg.' I). N. B. 9162 HEP WORTH (Commander Melville Willis CampbeU, R.N.R., F.R.A.S.) NOTES on MARITIME METEOROLOGY, with 1 folding charts, 8vo. cl., 2s 1907 9163 HERAPATH ( John ; founder of ' Herapath's Railway Journal') MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ; or theMathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy : with a Development of the Causes of Heat, Gaseous Elasticity, Gravitation, etc. , with 4 folding plates, and 3 folding tables, 2 vols. 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s Qd 1847 A strikingly original treatise, chiefly based on the author's theory of gravitation, which was refused by the Royal Society, but published in the 'Annals of Philosophy. 1 He was invited by Lord Brougham to be corrector and editor of his mathematical papers, but after getting some way ended, as might have been foreseen, in a quarrel with his equally self-opinionatedpatron. 9164 HERBERT (Thomas Ernest) ELECTRICITY in its APPLICATION to TELEGRAPHY ; third Edition, with 48 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., Is Qd * 1897 9165 TELEGRAPHY : a detailed Exposition of the Telegraph System of the British Post Office, with 509 illustrations, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 6s Qd nett) 1906 5166 The TELEPHONE SYSTEM of the BRITISH POST OFFICE, with 145 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., IsQd 1898 9167 HERBINIUS (Johann) DISSERTATIONES de Admirandis MUNDI CATARACTIS SUPRA et SUBTERRANEIS, earumque Principle, ELEMENTORUM CIRCULATIONS, ubi eadem Occasipne ./EsTUS MARIS REFLUI Vera et Genuina CAUSA asseritur, necnon Terrestri ac Primigenio Paradiso, Locus Situsque verus in Palaestina restituitur, in Tabula Chorographica ostenditur, et contra Utopios Indianos, Mesopotamios, aliosque asseritur ; with engraved title, and numerous other fine engravings on copper (some folding), sm. 4to. old calf gilt (back slightly damaged) ; with British Museum bookstamp (RARE), 1. Is Amst., Jansson-Waesberg, 1678 ' Ouvrage fort curieux, etqui a le plus contribue a etendre la reputation de Herbinius.' Biogr. Gen. Herbinius was a zealous opponent of the Copernican theory. 9168 HERMANN (Robert Alfred, Fellow of Trinity) TREATISE on GEOMETRICAL OPTICS, with 107 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. 10s nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1900 ' Introducing a new method of determining the properties of a symmetrical optical instrument, in which the angle of divergence of a small pencil, rather than any coordinate of its origin, has been adopted as the leading feature.' Preface. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 463 9170 HERING (Carl) PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS for WINDING MAGNETS for DYNAMOS, with diagrams, cr. Svo. cl. (o. p.], 2s 1887 9171 HERMANN (Jakob) PHORONOMIA, sive de VIRIBUS et MOTIBUS CORPORUM SOLIDORUM et FLUIDORUM ; with engraved title by Wandelaar, and 12 folding plates, 4to. contemporary vellum, 15s Amstelcedami, 1716 The author's most important work, treating of the statics of solid and fluid bodies analytically, and more especially of the brachistochrone in a resisting medium. It also contains a description of his thermometer, an improved form of Amonton's air thermometer, which is not affected by changes in the pressure of the air. He was a disciple of Jacques Bernoulli, and preceded Euler as professor of mathematics at St. Petersburg. 9172 HERMBSTADT (Sigismund Friedrich ; Univ. Berlin) PHYSIKALISCH-CHEMISCHE VERSUCHE und BEOBACHTUNGEN, BAND I, post Svo. sewn, 2s Berlin, 1786 9173 SYSTEMATISCHER GRUNDRISS der ALLGEMEINEN EXPERIMENTALCHEMIE, 2. umgear- beitete Auflage, 2 vols. Svo. in 1, old hf. calf, 4s ibidem, 1800-1 9174 - DRITTE [NEUESTE] vermehrte AUFLAGE, 5 vols. Svo. hf. calf neat, 8s 6d Basel, 1812-26 9175 HERO Alexandrinus : SPIRITALIUM LIBER, a FREDERICO COMMANDING ex Greece, nuper in Latinum con versus ; with numerous woodcuts, sm. 4to. sound and tall copy in old vellum (RARE), 1. 55 Urbini, 1575 FIRST EDITION oj the first printed work of Hero of Alexandria, ' containing descriptions of about 100 small machines and mechanical toys, many of which are very ingenious, including an account of a small stationary steam-engine, which is of the form now known as Avery's patent There is also an account of a double forcing pump to be used as a tire engine. ... It is only recently that general attention has been directed to his discoveries, though Arago had alluded to them in his eloge on Watt.' IT. W. R. Ball. 9176 EDITIO ALTERA ; with numerous woodcuts, sm. 4to. sewn (some corners water -stained), 12s [ParisHs], Aeg. Gorbinus, 1583 9177 Gli ARTIFITIOSI et CURIOSI MOTI SPIRIT ALI, tradotti da Gio. BATTISTA ALEOTTI ; aggiontovi dal medesimo IV Theorem! non men belli, et curiosi de' gli altrj, et il Modo con che si fa artificiosamente salir un Canale d' Acqua viva, o morta, in cima d'ogn' alta Torre ; with engraved title, and numerous woodcuts, sm. 4to. old vellum (blank corners of a few II. mended, otherwise a sound and clean copy), RARE, 1. 1* Ferrara, V. Baldini, 1589 9178 NUOVA EDIZIONE ; with engraved arms on title, and numerous woodcuts, sm. 4to. boards, or, old calf (sound copies), 15s Bologna, 1647 Both the above editions include two original contributions by the translator ALEOTTI : 'Del Vacuo,' and ' Intorno al non poter essere alcun vacuo, ne poter 1'Elemento dell' Aria starcompresso.' 9L79 ., The PNEUMATICS of, from the original Greek, translated [by J. G. GREENWOOD], and edited by BENNET WOODCROFT, F.R.S., printed by C. Whittingham, with engraved title, and numerous pretty ivoodcuts, cr. 4to. cl., uncut, 10s Qd 1851 None of the inventions described were, according to the editor, made by Hero himself, but are merely 'a compilation from the works of those who at that period were styled the ' ancient philosophers and mechanicians.' 9180 De gli AUTOMATI, overo MACHINE SE MOVENTI, Libri II, tradotti dal Greco da BERNARD- INO BALDI, Abbate di Guastalla, prima edizione; with engraved title, and numerous fine engravings on copper and wood, sm. 4to. old Italian vellum (title and a few II. water-stained, otherwise a sound and tall copy) ; RARE, 1. Is Venetia, Girol. Porro, 1589 A translation of the Avrofjiara, different from the first mentioned work known as live ufiariica., and like it containing descriptions of machines and mechanical contrivances. The above edition is remarkable for its fine engravings. ' Bella e rara edizione.' Riccardi. 9181 La CHIROBALISTE : Restitution et Traduction par A. J. H. VINCENT; with 4 folding plates, Svo. sewn, 3s 1866 9182 : LETRONNE (Jean Antoine, de Vlnstitut) RECHERCHES critiques, historiques, et geographiques, sur les FRAGMENTS d'HERON d'ALEXANDRiE, ou du SYSTEME METRIQUE EGYPTIEN ; Ouvrage posthume, revu et mis en Rapport avec les principales De"couvertes faites depuis, par A. J. H. VINCENT ; with folding plate and map, and 10 tables, 4to. sewn, 10s Qd Imprimerie Nationale, 1851 9183 HERO Mechanicus : LIBER de MACHINIS BELLICIS, necnon Liber de GEOD^siAa FRANCISCO BAROCIO Patritio Veneto Latinitate donati, multis Mendis expurgati, et Figuris, ac Scholiis illustrati ; with numerous large and fine ivoodcuts, chiefly of WAR ENGINES, sm. 4to. hf. bound (somewhat water-stained) ; VERY RARE, 1. 12s Qd Venetiis, F. Franciscius Senensis, 1572 ' Rarissimo.' Riccardi. ( Curieux et interessant . . . On trouve dans sa geodesie la methode ingenieuse de mesurer la surface d'un triangle rectiligne par la connoissance seule des trois c6tes, sans rechercher la perpendiculaire.' Montucla. 9184 HERRICK (Albert Bledsoe), and Edward C. BOYNTON : AMERICAN ELECTRIC RAILWAY PRACTICE, with 123 illustrations (including plates), Svo. cl, 7s Qd (p. 12s Qdnett) New York, 1907 9185 HERRING (Robert) PAPER and PAPER MAKING, Ancient and Modern, with Introduction by GEORGE CROLY, pr., LL.D., 5 plates, and 25 samples, Svo. cl. (scarce), 7s Qd 1855 9186 HERSCHEL (Alexander Stewart ; F.R.S.) On the SHOOTING STARS of 1866-7, and the probable Source of certain Luminous Meteors in the material Substance of the Zodiacal Light, Svo. (pp. 15), sewn, Is Qd 1867 9187 HERSCHEL (Caroline Lucretia) ACCOUNT of the DISCOVERY of a NEW COMET, with Additional Observations by SIR WILLIAM HERSCHEL, 4to. (pp. 4), unbound, 2s Qd 1795 Encke's comet before its identification. 9188 , MEMOIR and CORRESPONDENCE of, by MRS. JOHN HERSCHEL, with 2 fine steel portraits (Miss Herschel, cet. 92, and Sir William), ana plate of the 10-foot Telescope, large post Svo. cl. (scarce), 10s Qd 1876 The only biography of one of the most extraordinary characters in the history of science. Arrived in England to take over her brother Sir William's household, she spent her time between home duties and ' sweeping' the heavens, which resulted in her discovery of 8 comets between 1786 and 1797. For her Catalogue of Zones of Sir W. Herschel's Star Clusters and Nebulae she received the Gold Medal of the Astronomical Society. v. BENNET, no. 6125, ante. 31 * 464 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. JUST PUBLISHED AT 2. 105 NETT : 9190 HERSCHEL (Sir [Frederick] William, F.RS.) SCIENTIFIC PAPERS, including EARLY PAPERS HITHERTO UNPUBLISHED, collected and edited under the Direction of the Royal Society and the Royal Astronomical Society, with Biographical Introduction compiled mainly from Unpublished Material, by J. L. E. DREYER, with 3 portraits, and other plates, 2 vols. roy. "4to. boards 1912 9191 ACCOUNT of the DISCOVERY of Two SATELLITES revolving round the GEORGIAN PLANET [URANUS] : Stanhope (Charles third Earl, F.R.S.) REMARKS on BRYDONE'S ACCOUNT of a remarkable THUNDER-STORM in SCOTLAND, folding plate 4to. (pp. 26), sewn, 4s 1787 Containing the discovery of two of the satellites of Uranus, here called the Georgian Planet, or Georgium Sidus a compliment to King George the Third which did not survive the strenuous Toryism of the age. 9192 ACCOUNT of some PARTICULARS observed during the late ECLIPSE of the SUN, 4to. (pp. 4), unbound, 2s 1794 9193 of THREE VOLCANOS in the MOON, 4to. (pp. 4), unbound, 2s Qd 1787 ' One of the author's few illusory observations '. Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 9194 CATALOGUE of DOUBLE STARS, with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 87), sewn, 5s 1784 Herschel's second catalogue, containing 434 double stars. 9195 CATALOGUE of 1000 NEW NEBULAE and CLUSTERS of STARS : INVESTIGATION of the CAUSE of that INDISTINCTNESS of VISION which has been ascribed to the SMALLNESS of the OPTIC PENCIL 4to. (pp. 51), sewn, 4s 1786 9196 CATALOGUE of a SECOND THOUSAND of NEW NEBULAS and CLUSTERS of STARS, with a few Remarks on the Construction of the Heavens, 4to. (pp. 42), sewn, Is Qd 1789 Added is : Attempt to explain a Difficulty in the Theory of Vision, depending on the different Refrangibility of Light, by NEVIL MASKELYNE, D.D., F.R.S. (pp. 9) ; and Experiments on the Congelation of Quicksilver in England, by RICHARD WALKER (pp. 13). 9197 On the CONSTRUCTION of the HEAVENS, with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 54), sewn, 5s 1785 9198 DESCRIPTION of a FORTY- FEET REFLECTING TELESCOPE, with 19 copperplates by Basire (some folding] of the great telescope and its constructional details, 4to. (pp. 63), sewn, 7s Qd 1795 The forty-feet reflecting telescope ' proper ' was included in the Herschel grant of arms. 9199 On the GEORGIAN PLANET [URANUS] and its SATELLITES, with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 15), sewn, 2s Qd 1788 The ' Georgium Sidus'. 9200 On the METHOD of OBSERVING the CHANGES that happen to the FIXED STARS ; with some Remarks on the Stability of the Light of our Sun, with CATALOGUE of COMPARATIVE BRIGHTNESS for ascertaining the Permanency of the Lustre of Stars, 4to. (pp. 61), sewn, 5s Qd 1796 Added are: Mr. Jones's Computation of the Hyperbolic Logarithm of 10 improved, by JOHN HELLINS, pr., F.R.S. (PP- 7), 1796, and Maniere elementaire d'obtenir les Suites par lesquelles s'expriment les Quantites exponentielles et les Fonctions trigonometriques des Arcs circulaires, par SIMON L'HUILIER, F.R.S. (pp. 24), '9u. 9201 On the NATURE and CONSTRUCTION of the SUN and FIXED STARS, 4to. (pp. 27), sewn, 8s Qd 1794 ' His theory of the constitution of the sun as a dark, cool body, surrounded by a shell of lucid clouds floating in a transparent atmosphere, held its ground until past the middle of the XlXth Century.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. Added is : Observations on the Theory of the Motion and Resistance of Fluids (Bakerian Lecture), by SAMUEL VINCE, pr., F.R.S., with 3 plates (pp. 21), and Croonian Lecture on Muscular Motion, by SIR EVERARD HOME, K.R.S., with plate (pp. 23). 9202 On NEBULOUS STARS, properly so called, 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, 3s 1791 9203 OBSERVATIONS on the PLANET VENUS, with plate, 4to. (pp. 19), sewn, 3s 1793 'A pungent repudiation of Schroter's claim to the discovery of mountains in Venus'. Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 9204 OBSERVATIONS of a QUINTUPLE BELT on the PLANET SATURN, with plate, 4to. (pp. 5), sewn, 2s 1793 9205 On the PERIODICAL STAR a HERCULIS; with Remarks tending to establish the ROTARY MOTION of the STARS on their AXES ; with a SECOND CATALOGUE of the comparative BRIGHTNESS of the STARS, 4to. (pp. 31), sewn, 6s 1796 ' Herschel discovered and assigned a period of 60 days to the variation of a Herculis '. Miss Agnes M. Clerke. Added is : Observations on some Ancient Metallic Arms and Utensils, with Experiments to determine their Composition, by GEORGE PEARSON, M.D., F.R.S., with 5 folding plates (pp. 57). 9206 On the RING of SATURN, and the ROTATION of the FIFTH SATELLITE upon its Axis, with folding plate: ACCOUNT of a COMET 4to. (pp. 26), sewn, 3s 1791 9207 On the ROTATION of the PLANET SATURN upon its Axis, plate, 4to. (pp. 19), sewn, 3s Qd 1794 9208 On the SATELLITES of the Planet SATURN, and the ROTATION of its RING on an Axis, with large folding plate, 4to. (pp. 69), seivn, 8s Qd 1790 ' Containing the first determination of Saturn's rotation and polar compression.' Mm Agnes M. Clerke. Added is : On Spherical Motion, by CHARLES WILDBORE, pr., with plate (pp. 64) : and On the Chronology of the Hindoos, by WILLIAM MARSDEN, F.R.S. (pp. 25). 9209 v. BENNET, no. 6175 ante. 9210 HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William, F.R.S. ; son of the above) On the ADVANTAGES to be Attained by a REVISION and RE- ARRANGEMENT of the CONSTELLATIONS, with especial Reference to those of the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, and on the Principles on which such Re- Arrangement ought to be conducted, with plate, 4to. (pp. 26), sewn, 5s 1841 9211 On the CHEMICAL ACTION of the RAYS of the SOLAR SPECTRUM on PREPARATIONS of SILVER, and other Substances, both Metallic, and non-Metallic, and on some PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSES, with 2 plates, 4to. (pp. 59), sewn (scarce), 10s Qd 1840 This paper, which was awarded the Royal Society's gold medal, 'announced the use as a fixing agent of hyposulphite of soda, the solvent power of which on the silver he had discovered in 1819 ; it originated the application to photographic prints of the terms ' positive ' and ' negative ', adverted to ' lavender grey ' rays beyond the violet, and described experiments on the 'chemical analysis of the solar spectrum,' by which an important new field was thrown open to lesearch.' Afiss Agnes M. Clerke. 9212 ESSAY, entitled the YARD, the PENDULUM, and the METRE, considered in Reference to the Choice of a STANDARD of LENGTH, 8vo. (.pp. 24), seivn, 2s Qd 1863 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C, AND 43, PICCADILLY, W, 465 9214 HEBSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William, F.R,S. ; son of Sir William] COLLECTION of EXAMPLES of the APPLICATIONS of the CALCULUS of FINITE DIFFERENCES ; also, Babbage (Charles, F.R.S.) EXAMPLES of the SOLUTIONS of FUNCTIONAL EQUATIONS, with plate -2 vols. 8vo. in 1, calf, 8s Qd Cambridge, 1820 Sir John Herschel's first publication in book-form, and ( one of the most charming mathematical works ever written '. Prof. 9215 THE SAME, 2 v. : also, Peacock (George ; Dean and restorer of Ely Cathedral, F.R.S.) COLLECTION of EXAMPLES of the APPLICATIONS of the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, with 6 folding plates 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf (one joint cracked) ; scarce, 12s Qd ib., 1820 The above three works formed the only publications of the Cambridge Analytical Society, and were instrumental in introducing the differential notation into England, where Newton's fluxional notation was exclusively used before. 9216 ESSAYS from the EDINBURGH and QUARTERLY REVIEWS, with ADDRESSES and other Pieces, thick 8vo. cl., uncut (cover slightly damaged) ; scarce, 7s Qd 1857 Including reviews of Mary Somerville's 'Mechanism of the Heavens', Bowditch's translation of Laplace's 'Mecanique Celeste ', and Dr. Whewell's ' On the Inductive Sciences ', Humboldt's Kosmos, Gauss's Terrestrial Magnetism, Addresses to the R. Astronomical Soc., a memoir of F. Baily, F.R.S., Translations from the German of Schiller and Burger, and original poetry. 9217 FAMILIAR LECTURES on SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS, with diagrams, thick post 8vo. cl., 4s 1867 'A delightful book'. Miss Agnes M. Clerke. It contains lectures on earthquakes and volcanos, the sun, comets, weather and weather prophets, celestial measurings and weighings, and on light. 9218 [ ] LIGHT (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana), with 14 plates, 4to. boards, uncut, 7s Qd [1827] 9219 ANOTHER COPY, unbound, 6s Qd 9220 [ ] THE SAME, also, SOUND (ex eadem) with 20 plates, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, cl., 9s Qd [1827-30] ' This admirable treatise, besides including many original discoveries, gave European currency to the undulatory theory of light. ' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. It has never been re-issued in any form . 9221 MANUAL of SCIENTIFIC ENQUIRY for the Use of H. M.'s NAVY, and Travellers in General, first edition, with woodcuts, and map, thick post 8vo. hf. bound, 3s 1849 9222 THIRD EDITION, superintended by ROBERT MAIN, pr., F.R.S., with woodcuts, and 2 maps, thick post 8vo. cl., or, calf, 3s Qd 1859 Containing contributions by Charles Darwin, Sir G. B. Airy, Dr. Whewell, Gen. Sabine, J. C. Prichard, M.D., Sir Richard Owen, Sir William Hooker, and others. 9223 FIFTH EDITION [almost entirely rewritten] , edited by SIR ROBERT S. BALL, F.R.S., with diagrams and maps, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1886 9224 . METEOROLOGY, first edition, with 3 plates, and diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 4s Edin., 1861 9225 SECOND EDITION, with 3 plates, and diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd ibidem, 1862 1 He gave the earliest discussion of the influence on climate of the earth's orbital eccentricity.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. He also first suggested in this work a black bulb thermometer in vacuo for measuring solar radiation. 9226 OUTLINES of ASTRONOMY, 5th Edition [enlarged], with 1 plates by Adlard, and numerous diagrams, 8vo. calf gilt, 4s Qd 1858 This edition first contains an account of the methods by which the mass of the earth has been determined, the gyroscope, Foucault's pendulum experiments, etc. etc. 9227 EIGHTH EDITION [enlarged], with 9 plates, and numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4s 1865 9228 NINTH EDITION [enlarged] , with 9 plates, woodcuts, and numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl. (cover slightly damaged), 4s 1867 9229 TENTH [FINAL] EDITION [enlarged and revised] , with 9 plates, woodcuts, and diagrams, 8vo. cl., 6s 1869 The last edition revised by the author. 9230 ELEVENTH [LAST] EDITION [unaltered] , with 9 plates, woodcuts, and diagrams, sq. 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. 12s) 1871, or '8 1 Perhaps the most completely satisfactory general exposition of a science ever penned.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 9231 PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY, SOUND, and LIGHT (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana), with 21 plates, 3 vols. 4to. in 1, cl., 12s [1827-30] 9232 PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE on the STUDY of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, with bust-portrait of Francis Bacon by Finden, fcap. 8vo. cl., or, calf, 3s Qd 1830 ' An admirable comment on the Novum Organum'.Dr. Whewell. 'It captivated readers of all classes by the quiet charm of its style, and the justice and breadth of its views.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 9233 On the REDUCTION of certain Classes of FUNCTIONAL EQUATIONS to EQUATIONS of FINITE DIFFERENCES, 4to. (pp. 11), sewn, 3s Qd Cambridge, 1820 9234 On certain REMARKABLE INSTANCES of DEVIATION from NEWTON'S SCALE in the TINTS developed by CRYSTALS, with one Axis of Double Refraction, on Exposure to Polarized Light, with plate, 4to. (pp. 21), sewn, 3s Qd [ib.,] 1820 9235 RESULTS of ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS during 1834-8 at the CAPE of GOOD HOPE : being the Completion of a Telescopic Survey of the whole Surface of the Visible Heavens, com- menced in 1825, with vignette, and 17 folding and other plates, roy. 4to. new hf. calf gilt (front, wanting] ; VERY SCARCE, 1. 15s 1847 The first great star-atlas of the southern hemisphere. ' Besides the catalogues of nebulse and double stars, it included profound discussions of various astronomical topics. He insisted in it on the connexion of sun-spots with the sun's rotation, and started the ' cyclonic theory ' of their origin. He investigated graphically the distribution of nebulae, but fluctuated in his views as to their nature . . . Herschel stands almost alone in his attempt to grapple with the dynamical problems presented by star clusters, and his analysis of the Magellanic Clouds was decisive as to the status of nebulae.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 9236 On the ROTATION impressed by PLATES of ROCK CRYSTAL on the Planes of Polarization of the Rays of Light, as connected with certain Peculiarities in its Crystallization, 4tp. sewn (last I. missing), 2s [Cambridge,] 1 1 Herschel's discovery [in the above paper] of a correspondence between the crystallographical and optical peculiarities of quartz was designated by Lord Kelvin ' one of the most notable meeting-places between natural histery and natural philosophy.' ' D. N. B. 9237 [ ] SOUND (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana), with Q plates comprising 174 figures, 4to. boards, or, sewn, 3s . [1830] 46G HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9239 [HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William, F.R.S. ; son of Sir William)] The TELESCOPE (Encyclopaedia Britannica), with 28 ivoodcuts, 4to. (pp. 29), boards, 4s [1859] 9240 TREATISE ON ASTRONOMY, with vignette, 3 plates by Adlard, and diagrams, 12mo. cl., 3s 1833 9241 NEW EDITION, with vignette, % plates, and diagrams, 12mo. h '. russia, 3s 1837 9242 TRAITE d' ASTRONOMIE, traduit et augmente d'un Chapitre sur I'Application de la The'orie des Chances a la Serie des Orbites des Cometes, par A. COURNOT, 2 e Edition, with 3 plates, and diagrams, 12mo. hf. calf gilt, 3s 6d 1836 9243 TRAITE de la LUMIERE, traduit avec Notes, par P. H. VERHULST et A. QUETELET ; with 15 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt (nice copy), 9s 1829-33 This work, originally published in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, has never been published in English in a separate form. ' This admirable treatise, translated into French by Quetelet, besides including many original discoveries, gave European currency to the undulatory theory of light.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 9244 Two LETTERS to the Editor of the Athenaeum, on a BRITISH MODULAR STANDARD of LENGTH, 8vo. (p. 8), sewn, 2s 1863 9245 [ , and Charles B ABB AGE, F.R.S.] MEMOIRS of the ANALYTICAL SOCIETY, 1813, roy. 4to. original wrappers, uncut (VERY SCARCE), 1. 55 Cambridge, 1813 The only volume published of the Memoirs of the Cambridge Analytical Society, founded by the above two authors and Dean Peacock, to advocate ' the principles of pure d- ism as opposed to the dot-age of the university.' See Nos. 9214-15, supra. The above volume consists of an interesting preface (pp. i xxii) ; on Continued Products (pp. 1-32) ; on Trigono- metrical Series, with Notes (pp. 33-64) ; and on Equations of Differences, and their Application to the Determination of Functions from given Conditions (pp. 65-114). The preface and the first two contributions were by Babbage ; the last by Sir John Herschel. 9246 HOLOGRAPH LETTER, signed, addressed to FRANZ XAVER FREIHERR y. ZACH (Astronomer), dated Dec. 23, 1824, closely written on 4 pp. 4to. and illustrated with 2 diagrams, 1. 5* 1824 An interesting letter, referring to his catalogue of double stars, and the Brinkley-Pond controversy, giving a description of Capt. Rater's ' cpllimator ', etc. 9247 HERTZ (Heinrich Rudolf, Univ. Bonn) MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS, with Introduction by PHILIPP LENARD ; Authorized Translation by D. E. JONES and G. A. SCHOTT, with portrait, folding plate, and 35 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s 6d (p. lO.snett) 1896 9248 Die PRINZIPIEN der MECHANIK [herausgegeben von PHILIPP LENARD], mit einem Vorworte von HERMANN L. v. HELMHOLTZ, 8vo. buckram, Ss (p. M. 12. sewn) Leipzig, 1894 9249 The PRINCIPLES of MECHANICS, presented in a New Form, with Introduction by H. v. HELMHOLTZ, translated by D. E. JONES and J. T. W ALLEY, 8vo. cl., 6s 6d (p. lOsnett) 1899 Based on Helmholtz's investigations, the above work discusses the various forms of energy, as well as the conditions of transmission from one form to another. 9250 UNTERSUCHUNGEN ueber die AUSBREITUNG der ELEKTRISCHEN KRAFT; with 40 diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf, uncut, t. e. g., 5s Leipzig, 1892 9251 ELECTRIC WAVES : Researches on the Propagation of Electric Action with Finite Velocity through Space : authorised English Translation by D. E. JONES, with Preface by LORD KELVIN, 40 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. lOsnett) 1893 Containing the author's investigations, by elaborating Clerk-Maxwell's theory, on the diffusion of electric forces now known as ' Hertzian waves ', which plays such an important part in connexion with wireless telegraphy. 9252 HERTZER (Heinrich) MATHEMATISCHE TABELLEN, FORMELN und CONSTRUCTIONS zum Gebrauch fiir Techniker ; with 10pp. of diagrams, 8vo. hf. roan, 2s 6d Berlin, 1864 9253 HERZ (Walter, Univ. Breslau) Tiber die L6SUNGEN, 8vo. seivn, is Leipzig, 1903 9254 HESSEL (Joharn Friedrich Christian) Die ANZAHL der PARALLELSTELLUNGEN, und jene der COINCIDENZSTELLUNGEN eines jeden denkbaren RAUMDINGES, u. s. w. ; with folding table, 8vo. (pp. 29), seum, Is 6d Cassel, 1853 9255 HEUSINGER v. WALDEGG (Edmund) HANDBUCH fiir SPECIELLE EISENBAHN-TECHNIK ; BAND III. Der LOCOMOTIVBAU, 2. [neueste] vermehrte Auflage, bearbeitet von W. BASSON, W. BORK, A. V. BORRIES u. A. m. ; with Atlas, comprising 74 folding plates, 2 vols. large impl. 8vo. hf. roan, 15s (p. M. 58) Leipzig, 1882 Herr von Borries, with Mr. Wilson Worsdell and Mr. F. W. Webb of L. and N.W.R., was one of the pioneers of the compound locomotive. 9256 HEUSLER (Friedrich ; Univ. Bonn) Die TERBENE, roy. 8vo. sewn, 3s (p. M. 5) Braunschiveig, 1896 9257 HEVELIUS [recte HEWELCKE] (Johann; F.R.S.) SELENOGRAPHIA : sive LUN^E DE- SCRIPTIO ; atque accurata, tarn Macularum ejus, quam Motuum Diversorum, aliorumque omnium Vicissitudinum, Phasiumque, TELESCOPII Ope deprehensarum, Delineatio; in quft simul cseter- orum omnium Planetarum nativa Facies . . . addita est, Lentes Expoliendi Nova Ratio, etc. etc. ; with engraved title, beautiful portrait by J. Falck, and very numerous other fine copperplates, folio, old Italian white vellum extra (very slightly wormed, otherwise a FINE COPY) ; RARE, 2. 2s Gedani, 1647 ' The earliest great work on the geography of the moon and the aspects of the planets.' Prof. Simon Newcomb. It also contains his discovery of the libration of the moon in longitude, and is a work still in use. The first two chapters (pp. 1-31) contain a valuable account of the astronomical telescope and its manufacture. ' With Hevelius selenography may be considered to originate. He was the first to construct a satisfactory lunar map ; the principal formations on it he designated by names derived from their supposed terrestrial analogies, the whole number so distinguished amounting to nearly 250. This map, though all the positions were laid down by estimation , is, con- sidering the optical means at his disposal at this period, very accurate, and it remained for over 100 years the best map of the surface of the moon.' Neison. 9258 HEWITT (W., Surgeon] ESSAY on the ENCROACHMENTS of the GERMAN OCEAN along the NORFOLK COAST, with a Design to arrest its further Depredations, with two lithographic views, 8vo. d., 5s Norwich, 1844 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 467 HEY (William, F.R.S.; friend of Dr. Priestley] ACCOUNT of some LUMINOUS ARCHES v. BuGGE, no. 6596, ante. 9260 HIBBEBT [-WARE] (Samuel, M.D., F.R.S.E. ; historian of Manchester) HISTORY of the EXTINCT VOLCANOS of the BASIN of NEUWIED, on the Lower Rhine, with 6 folding plates of views, woodcuts, and 2 coloured maps, 8vo. cl., uncut, 7s 6d Edin., 1832 9261 HICKS (William Mitchinson, F.R.S.) ELEMENTARY DYNAMICS of PARTICLES and SOLIDS, with front., and numerous diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s 6d) 1890 9262 ANOTHER COPY, cl., with interesting auto, letter from the author to F. J. Jervis-Smith, pr., F.R.S., 3* 6d 9263 [FOURTH (AND LATEST) EDITION, with Corrections and Appendix], with front., and numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 6s 6d) 1897 9264 HIGGINS (Bryan, M.D.) EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS relating to Acetous Acid, Fixable Air, Dense Inflammable Air, Oils, and Fuel ; the Matter of Fire and Light, Metallic Reduction, Combustion, Fermentation, Putrefaction, Respiration, and other Subjects of CHEMICAL PHILO- SOPHY, 8vo. nice copy in old calf (rare), 15s 1786 ' His best-known work, which appears also to have formed the subject of some of his lectures. He was more successful as a speculator than as an experimentalist, and many of his views are, for their time, remarkable for their acuteness and generalising character '. D. N. B. All his experiments and views are still based on the phlogiston theory. 9265 EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS made with the View of Improving the Art of composing and applying CALCAREOUS CEMENTS, and of preparing QUICKLIME : Theory of these Arts ; and Specification of the AUTHOR'S cheap and durable CEMENT, for Building, Incrustation, or Stuccoing, and Artificial Stone, first edition, 8vo. boards, uncut, 12s 1780 9266 [SECOND EDITION, revised], 8vo. hf. red morocco, t. e. g. (stamp on title), 10s 6d 1780 An account of the author's patented invention of a new and cheap cement. The work was translated into Italian. The second edition is unknown to bibliographers. 9267 [ ] MINUTES of the SOCIETY for PHILOSOPHICAL EXPERIMENTS and CONVERSATIONS, with 4 folding copperplates, 8vo. sewn, uncut (RARE), 15s 1795 9268 ANOTHER COPY, old calf, 10? An account of Dr. Higgins's lectures and experiments during 1794 before the Society, which included Earl Stanhope, F.-M. Conway, the Hon. Daines Barrington, Sir Frederick Eden, and Thomas Young, M.D., F.R.S., who acted as- assistant experimenter. He charged Dr. Priestley with having plagiarised some of his experiments on air. 9269 : SYLLABUS of DR. HIGGINS'S COURSE of Philosophical, Pharmaceutical, and Technical' CHEMISTRY, 8vo. (pp. 112), sewn, 7s 6d [c. 1795] Bryan Higgins was the inventor of the chemical harmonica, and the first to produce in a pure state fulminate of gold. 9270 HIGGINS (William; F.R.S., nephew of the above) ESSAY on the THEORY and PRACTICE of BLEACHING, wherein the Sulphuret of Lime is recommended as a Substitute for Pot-Ash, . 8vo. (pp. 103), sewn, Ss 6d 1799 In the preface (pp. 32), which forms an interesting contribution to the phlogiston controversy, the author claims as his own two discoveries ascribed respectively to Fourcroy and Vauquelin. 9271 EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS on the ATOMIC THEORY, and ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA, original Irish edition, 8vo. original boards, uncut (very scarce), 1. Is Dublin, 1814 'To the Right Honbie the Earl of Chichester from the Author '. Inscr. on flyleaf. 9272 THE SAME, with the London Imprint, 8vo. original boards, uncut (sound copy), 14s 1814 ' An unworthy attack upon DALTON, in which Higgins set forth his superior claims to be considered the author of the > atomic theory'. D. N. B. Higgins's claim was supported by Sir Humphry Davy. 1 Higgins certainly expressed opinions which, on a superficial glance, appeared similar to those of Dal ton, stating as he did that the smallest particles combine in simple numerical proportions to form chemical compounds. But these views* were brought forward without any internal organic connection, and, moreover, they were not founded on experiment.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 9273 HIGGINS (William Mullinger, F.G.S.) MOSAICAL and MINERAL GEOLOGIES illustrated and compared, 8vo. hf. cl., or, cl., 4s 1833 9274 RESEARCHES in the SOLAR REALM, with 4 tinted plates, and diagrams, fcap. 8vo. cl., 2s 6d 1852 9275 HIGGS (Paget) ELECTRIC LIGHT in its PRACTICAL APPLICATION, with 94 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., or, hf. calf, 2s 1879 Of historical interest. 9276 HIGHTON (Edward, C.E.) The ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH : its History and Progress, with wood- cuts and diagrams, fcap. 8vo. cl. (scarce), 6s 1852 Historically 'interesting for illustrating various early apparatus and accessories. He incidentally mentions the interest- ing fact that the semaphore telegraph was still in use between Liverpool and Holyhead. 9277 ANOTHER COPY ; also, Harris (Sir William Snow, F.R.S.) RUDIMENTARY MAGNETISM, Parts I III, first edition, with front., and 153 woodcuts vols. fcap. 8vo. in 1. hf. morocco neat, 9s 1852-502 9278 , and Henry, pr. ; friend of Dr. Arnold and enemy of Dean Stanley], SPECIFI- CATION of the PATENT granted to, for IMPROVEMENTS in ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS, sealed Jan. 25, 1848, with 3 folding plates (soiled), 8vo. hf. calf, ivith author's inscr. (scarce), Is 6d [1848] The author's scheme of ' Telegraphy without Insulation ', which got the silver medal of the Society of Arts. 9279 HILBERT (David, Univ. Gottingen) The FOUNDATIONS of GEOMETRY, translated by E. J. TOWNSEND, with 52 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., with bookplate of Prof . H. W. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 3s (p. 4s 6d nett) Chicago, 1902 9280 HILDEBRANDT (Alfred Louis Heinrich) AIRSHIPS PAST and PRESENT, with Chapters on the Use of Balloons in Connexion with Meteorology, Photography, and the Carrier Pigeon, translated by W. H. STORY, with 222 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 10s 6d nett) 1908 9281 HILL (Arthur Croft, M.D.) REVERSIBILITY of ENZYME, or FERMENT, ACTION, 8vo. (pp. 21), sewn, Is 6d 1903 468 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9283 HILL (John, Gent.} AEITHMETICK both in THEORY and PRACTICE, made Plain and Easie, with Interest and Annuities, Extraction of the Square and Cube Roots, the Tables and Construc- tion of LOGARITHMS, Arithmetical and Geometrical Progression, etc. etc., third Edition, with several Algebraical Questions, and Preface by MR. HUMPHREY DITTON, sm. 8vo. old calf (sound copy) ; rare, 15s 1721 9284 ANOTHER COPY, old hf. calf (joints broken), 12s 9285 TENTH EDITION, accurately revised, corrected, and improved by E. HATTON, and others, 8vo. old calf, 7s Qd 1761 ' A work of much celebrity. It seems to have owed its fame partly to a recommendation of Humphrey Ditton, praising it in the strongest terms. Perhaps at this time the only thing which would catch the eye are the table of logarithms, and the powers of 2 up to the 14th, very useful for laying up grains of corn on the squares of a chess-board, luining people by horseshoe bargains, and other approved problems.' Prof, de Morgan, who possessed, however, only the 7th edition of 1745. 9286 HILL (John, quack M.D. ; self-styled ' Sir John ') ESSAYS in NATURAL HISTORY and PHILOSOPHY, containing a Series of DISCOVERIES by the Assistance of MICROSCOPES, 8vo. old calf gilt (nice copy), with Calgarth Park bookplate of Dr. Richard Watson, F.R.S., absentee Bp. of Llandaff, 8s Qd 1752 Dr. Johnson in his conversation with George III. (v. Boswell's Life) justly ridiculed a statement of the author, that he could get great magnifications by looking at the same object simultaneously through two microscopes. ' For physic and farces, his equal there scarce is His farces are physic, his physic a farce is.' David Garrick. ' He was very able and very eccentric ' (Prof, de Morgan), and he successfully hoaxed the Royal Society. 9287 HISTORY of the MATERIA MEDICA, containing the Descriptions of all the Substances used in Medicine ; their Origin, their Characters when in Perfection, the Signs of their Decay, their CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, and their Virtues ; and of the several Preparations from them now used in the Shops, thick 4to. contemporary calf, with Chippendale bookplate of T. Unett, pr. t 8s Qd 1751 9288 REVIEW of the WORKS of the ROYAL SOCIETY of LONDON ; containing Animadversions of such of the Papers as deserve particular Observation ; 2nd Edition, roy. 4to. hf. mottled calf gilt, uncut (fine copy), with bookplate of S. R. Maitland, pr., F.JR.S., author of ' The Dark Ages', 12* Qd 1780 ' Failing to obtain the requisite number of names for his nomination to the Royal Society, he attacked it in several satirical pamphlets, specially vituperating Folkes and Baker, his former patrons, and published A Review of the Works of the Royal Society, holding up to ridicule the ' Philosophical Transactions 1 .' D.N.B. ' This once well-known work is, in my judgment, the greatest complimeBt the Royal Society ever received. . . . Sir John Hill's book is droll and cutting satira.' Prof, de Morgan. 9289 HILL (Karl Johan ; Univ. Lund) INTRODUCTIO in ELEMENTAREM FUNCTIONUM ELLIPTI- CARUM THEORIAM, sm. 4to. boards (nice copy), 5s Lundce, 1835 9290' HIME (Lieut.-Col. Henry William Lovett, R.A.) GUNPOWDER and AMMUNITION, 8vo. el'., 6* (p. 9* nett) 1904 9291 - The OUTLINES of QUATERNIONS, with 46 diagrams, cr. Svo. d. (o. p.), 8s Qd 1894 9292 HIMLY (August Friedrich Karl, Univ. Gottingen) De CAOUTCHOUK ejusque DISTILLA- TIONIS SicCAE PRODUCTIS et ex his de CAOUTCHINO, novo Corpore ex Hydrogenio et Carboneo composito; with folding plate, Svo. boards, with INSCR. TO FARADAY (see beloiv) ; scarce, Ws Qd Gottingce, 1835 ' Faraday institutions Londinensis professor! chemico hocce libellum omni, qua par est, observantia offert auctor.' Insor. on flyleaf. Does the author here foreshadow the production of synthetic india-rubber ? 9293 HIND (John, pr. ; Sidney Sussex Coll., F.R.A.S.) PRINCIPLES of the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS; with its Application to Curves and Curve Surfaces, 2nd [last] Edition, Svo. boards, 3s 6d Cambridge, 1831 9294 HIND (John Russell, F.R.S., discoverer of ( Iris' and 'Flora') The COMETS: a Descriptive Treatise, with the numerous Modern Discoveries, and Table of all the Calculated Comets, from the Earliest Ages, post Svo. hf. calf, with bookstamp of Dr. Dallinger, F.B.S., 5s 1852 A valuable work, in which the author traced, inter alia, Halley's Comet back to 11 B.C. It was translated into German. 9295 On the EXPECTED RETURN of the GREAT COMET of 1264 and 1556 ; with History of Former Appearances, and Ephemerides for its Re-discovery, Svo. sewn, 3s 1848 9296 INTRODUCTION to ASTRONOMY, with Astronomical Vocabulary ; 3rd Edition, with 73 woodcuts, er. Svo. cl., 2s 1863 9297 PATH of the TOTAL PHASE of the SOLAR ECLIPSE, Dec. 21-22, 1870, consisting of 2 tables and folding map, Svo. sewn, Is Qd [1870] 9298 - SWEEPING-EPHEMERIDES for the COMET of 1556, roy. Svo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is [1857] 9299 HINDE (George Jennings, F.R.S., and T. C.) NEW SYSTEM of IRON and STEEL MAKING, with front., 12mo. (pp. 31), sewn, Is Qd n. d. 9300 HINDENBURG (Carl Friedrich; Univ. Leipzig) SAMMLUNG COMBINATORISCH-ANALYTISCHER ABHANDLUNGEN, I. SAMMLUNG, post 8vo. hf. bound (rare), Ws Qd Leipzig, 1796 The author was the inventor of combinatorial analysis. There is a full account of the work in Prof. Moritz Cantor's ' Vorlesungen iiber Geschichte der Mathematik ', v. IV. 9301 HINDS (John Iredelle Dillard, Univ. Nashville) INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, with coloured front, and 66 woodcuts, Svo. cl., 5s (p. 12s Gd nett) New York, 1902 9302 HINKICHS (Gustavus Detlef, M.D., St. Louis Univ.) The AMANA METEORITES of Feb. 12, 1875, with 16 plates andfss., roy. Svo. seum, with author's inscr., Is Qd St. Louis, Mo., 1905 9303 HIPPOCRATES : HYPPOCRATES CHYMICUS, seu Chimiae Hyppocraticae Specimina V, a FRANCISCO JOSEPHO BURRHO [BORRI] recognita ; accessit brevis Quaestio de CIRCULATIONE SANGUINIS, 48mo. extra boards (very rare), 15s Colonies, 1690 Prof. John Ferguson, in his ' Bibliotheca Chemica ' (v. I p. 118), states that he has never seen a copy of the above work. It was also unknown to Poggendorff, Brunet, Graesse, and to Borri's biographer in Biogr. Gen HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 469 9306 HINTON (John William) STORY of the ELECTRIC ORGAN, ivith 2 portraits and 7 plates, sq. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5* nett) 1909 9307 HIORNS (Arthur H., Birmingham and Midland Inst.) IRON and STEEL MANUFACTURE, with 72 illustrations, 12mo. cl., 2s 1895 9308 STEEL and IRON, for Advanced Students, with front, and 131 other illustrations, 12mo. cl., 5s Qd (p. 105 Qd) 1903 9309 HIBD (W. Benison, M.I.E.E.) ELEMENTARY DYNAMO DESIGN, with Numerical Examples, 128 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 7s Gd nett) 1908 9310 HIK-N (Ghistave Adolphe ; Colmar) La CINETIQUE MODERNE et le DYNAMISME de I'AVENIR : Reponse a diverses Critiques faites par M. CLAUSIUS ; with 2 folding plates, roy. 4to. sewn, 3s Qd 1887 9311 EXPOSITION ANALYTIQUE et EXPERIMENTALE de la THEORIE MECANIQUE dela CHALEUR, 3 e [derniere] Edition, entierement refondue ; with woodcuts and diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. sewn, Us (p. F. 24 nett) 1875-6 9312 ANOTHER COPY, cl., 12s Qd 9313 TOME SECOND ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. sewn, 4s Qd (p. F. 12 nett) 1876 The author discovered superheated steam, and laid the foundation of the theory of the mechanical equivalent of heat. 9314 La MUSIQUE et 1' ACOUSTIQUE : Apercu general sur leurs Rapports et leurs Dissemblances, roy. 8vo. sewn (o. p.), 3s Qd 1878 9315 Les PANDYNAMOMETRES : The"orie et Application ; with 2 folding plates, cr. 8vo. sewn, Is Qd 1876 9316 RECHERCHES EXPERIMENTALES sur la LIMITE de la VITESSE que prend un GAZ quand il passe d'une PRESSION k une autre plus faible ; with folding plate, 8vo. sewn, 2s 1886 9317 RECHERCHES EXPERIMENTALES sur la RELATION qui existe entre la RESISTANCE de 1'AiR et sa TEMPERATURE: Consequences Physiques et Philosophiques qui decoulent de ces Experiences ; with 4 plates, 4to. (pp. 91), sewn, 3s Qd Colmar, 1882 9318 HIRSCH (Meier) SAMMLUNG von BEISPIELEN, FORMELN und AUFGABEN aus der BUCHSTABEN- RECHNUNG und ALGEBRA, 7. Ausgabe, 8vo., hf. bound, Is Qd Berlin, 1846 9319 COLLECTION of EXAMPLES, FORMULAE, and CALCULATIONS, on the LITERAL CALCULUS and ALGEBRA, translated by J. A. Ross, pr., with 3 tables, 8vo. boards, with auto, of W. Spottis- woode, P.R.S., 3s 1827 9320 INTEGRAL TABLES, or Collection of Integral Formulae, translated [by J. A. Ross, pr.], roy. 8vo., LARGE PAPER ; calf gilt, 5s 1823 9321 HIRST (Thomas Archer ; F.R.S., Prof. Physics, Univ. Coll., London) On the EXISTENCE of a MAGNETIC MEDIUM, 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Qd 1855 9322 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE to the COURSE on NATURAL PHILOSOPHY at Queenwood College, Hants., 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Frankland, F.R.S., 2s 1853 9323 - On RIPPLES, and their RELATION to the VELOCITIES of CURRENTS, 8vo. (pp. 30), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Frankland, F.E.S., 3s 1861 9324 Ueber CONJUGIRTE DIAMETER im DREIAXIGEN ELLIPSOID : Inaugural-Dissertation, 4to. (pp. 20), sewn, 3s Qd Marburg, 1852 9325 HISCOX (Gardner D.) COMPRESSED AIR: its Production, Uses, and Applications, com- prising the PHYSICAL PROPERTIES of AIR from a Vacuum to its Liquid State, its Thermo- dynamics, Compression, Transmission, and Uses, with 545 illustrations, roy. 8vo. cl., 10s (p. 1.5s nett) 1902 Including an historical sketch, and a list of patents, 1875-1901. 9326 GAS, GASOLINE, and^ OIL VAPOR ENGINES : their Theory and Power ; Design, Con- struction, and Operation for Stationary, Marine, and Vehicle Motive Power, with Chapters on Horseless Vehicles, Electric Lighting, Marine Propulsion, etc., 2nd Edition, enlarged, with 270 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. 14s nett) New York, 1898 9327 MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS, POWERS, DEVICES, and APPLIANCES, used in Constructive and Operative Machinery and the Mechanical Arts, with 1649 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 12s Qd nett) 1900 9328 HITCHCOCK (Edward, D.D., President Amherst Coll.) The RELIGION of GEOLOGY and its CONNECTED SCIENCES, with coloured front., cr. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 4s 1851 First English Edition of this well-known work. 9329 HJARNE [hie HIERNE] (Urban) ACTA et TENTAMINA CHEMICA HOLMIENSIA, h. e. Parasceve, sive Praeparatio ad Tentamina, in Regio Laboratorio Holmiensi peracta, ut et Compendiosa Manuductio ad Elementa et Principia Chemica rite investiganga [sic], cum Anno- tationibus J. GOTSCHALK WALLERII ; with 3 folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, contemporary calf extra (fine copy] ; RARE, 1. Is Stockholmice, 1753 'As early as 1686 Charles XI. of Sweden had recognized the value of analytical investigations, and had caused a technical laboratory to be built. Here, under Hia'rue's superintendence, all sorts of natural products (such as ores and other minerals, soils, etc.) were examined, and researches instituted, with the object of rendering chemical products of practical use, and of applying in daily life the various results obtained '.Prof. E. v. Meyer. 9330 HOADLY (Benjamin, M.D., F.R.S. ; son of Bp. Hoadly], and Benjamin WILSON, F.R.S. : OBSERVATIONS on a SERIES of ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTS, 4to. (pp. 76), sewn, uncut, 8s Qd T. Payne, 1756 9331 HOABE (Clement) PRACTICAL TREATISE on the CULTIVATION of the GRAPE VINE on OPEN WALLS ; 3rd [last] Edition, with woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 5s 1841 ' A valuable handbook,' D. N. B. The author was a vinegrower in Sussex, where the warm Southern slope of the downs has been celebrated for grapes and figs since Norman times, and had his vineyard at Sidlesham, near Chichester. He afterwards moved to Shirley near Southampton. 470 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9333 HOB ART (Henry Metcalf, M.I.C.E.) The DESIGN of STATIC TEANSFORMERS, with front, and illustrations, Svo. cl., 4s (p. 6* nett) 1911 9334 The ELECTRIC PROPULSION of SHIPS, with 44 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 5s nett) 1911 9335 ELECTRIC TRAINS, with 88 diagrams (including plates), 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 6s nett) 1910 9336 ELECTRICITY, with 115 diagrams (including folding plates], Svo. cl., 4s (p. 6s nett) 1909 9337 HOBBES (Thomas, of Malmesbury) WORKS, both ENGLISH and LATIN, now first collected and edited by SIR WILLIAM MOLESWORTH, with INDEX VOLUME, steel portrait and plates, 16 vols. Svo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 4. 10s 1839-45 9338 ANOTHER COPY, with the INDEX VOL., 16 vols.. calf gilt (nice set), 5. 10s The standard edition of the author's works, including all his numerous scientific tracts. 9339 OPERA PIIILOSOPHICA, quse Latine scripsit, OMNIA, ante quidem per Partes, nunc autem, post cognitas omnium Objectiones, conjunctim et accuratiiis edita ; with fine folding portrait cet. 76 by W. FAITHORNE, numerous folding plates, and smaller engravings on copper, 2 vols. sm. 4to. sound copy in old calf, newly rebacked (RARE), 1. 5s Amstelodami, Joa. Blaeu [ad sphceram] , 1668 The FIRST COLLECTED EDITION, which had to be printed abroad, Hobbes having been forbidden to publish it at home. It contains Problemata Physica ; Dialogi VI de emendatione Geometriae hodiernse contra Wallisiura ; de Corpora; de Homine ; de Give ; de Natura Aeris; de Principiis et Ratiocinatione Geometrarum ; Leviathan. The portrait is often missing . 9340 ELEMENTORUM PHILOSOPHIC SECTIO SECUNDA de HOMINE ; with 8 copperplates, sm. 4to. contemporary white vellum, Is Qd Londini, A. Crooke, 1658 ' Containing a Latin translation of some chapters on optics from an unpublished treatise written by him in 1646.' D. N. B. 9341 A GARDEN of GEOMETRICAL ROSES: or some Propositions, being hitherto hid, are now made known, translated by VENTERUS MANDEY, with 2 plates and numerous other diagrams on copper and wwd, 12mo. old calf, 8s Qd 1685 9342 TRACTS, with portrait on copper (in DUPLICATE), plate, and diagrams, thick 12mo. boards (RARE), 1. Is W. Crooke, 1681 Containing, with separate titles : Life in Latine partly by himself, finished by Dr. R [ICHARD] B [LACKBURNE], '81 ; His Considerations on his Reputation, Loyalty, Manners and Religion, '80 ; the Art of Rhetoric, "81 ; Dialogue of the Common-Laws of England ; and Decameron Physiologicum : or Ten Dialogues of Natural Philosophy, '78. again published some of his pretended solutions, and as late as 1678, at the age of ninety, fired his last shot in the Decameron Physiolo>jicum.'D. N. B. 9343 HOBBS (Eng.-Lt. Lionel M., R.N.) The THERMODYNAMIC PRINCIPLES of ENGINE DESIGN, with 57 diagrams, large cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 4s Qd nett) 1907 9344 HOBSON (Ernest William, F.R.S.) On the INFINITE and the INFINITESIMAL in MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS, 8vo. (pp. 23), sewn, Is Qd 1902 9345 HOCHHEIMER (Carl Friedrich August) SAMMLUNG auserlesener ABHANDLUNGEN liber die interessantesten Gegenstiinde der CHEMIE, aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerk- ungen begleitet ; Svo. sewn, 8s Qd Leipzig, 1793 Containing theses by F. Dejean, F. A. Gallisch, N. Osenetskowsky, J. J. Michalowsky, C. G. Eschenbach, J. G. Leonhardi, F. Warnowski, F. H. Corvinus, and others. 9316 HOCHSTETTER (Ferdinand v.), and August PETERMANN; founder of ' Petermann's Mitteilungen ' : GEOLOGICAL and TOPOGRAPHICAL ATLAS of NEW ZEALAND, 6 coloured maps (2 folding), 4to. boards, 6s Auckland, 1864 9347 The GEOLOGY of NEW ZEALAND : in Explanation of the Geographical and Topographical Atlas of New Zealand, trans, by C. F. FISCHER, Svo. limp cl. (rare), 9s ibidem, 1864 9348 HODDER (James) RODDER'S ARITHMETICK : or that Necessary Art made most easie, being explained in a Way familiar to the Capacity of any that desire to learn in a little time ; 13th Edition, revised, augmented, and above 1000 Faults amended, by HENRY MOSE, late Servant and Successor to the Author, with portrait, ISmo. original vellum wrapper, with flap (RARE), 1. 10s B. Chiswell, 1681 'A popular manual on which Cocker based his better known work. The two books are for the most part identical. Cocker's chief improvement is the new mode of division which Hodder did not give.' D. N. B. 'Had this work given the new mode of division, it must have stood in the place of Cocker. ... It is one of the few English works of the century which have found their way into Heilbronner's list.' Prof, de Morgan. 9349 HODQ-E (Paul R., C.E.) ANALYTICAL PRINCIPLES and PRACTICAL APPLICATION of the EXPANSIVE STEAM ENGINE, as employed in Pumping, Manufacturing, Steam Navigation, RAILWAY LOCOMOTION, etc., in which the Properties of Expansion are developed, and a Com- parative View given of the Advantages to be obtained by the Adoption of Engines on this Principle, with 8 folding plates and woodcuts, 4to. hf. roan, uncut (scarce), 6s (p. 3. 3s) 1849 ' A most useful work, which no one interested in steamers should be without.' Allibone. The last three plates contain early types of locomotive engines. 9350 HODGES (James) CONSTRUCTION of the GREAT VICTORIA BRIDGE in CANADA, with 38 fine tinted lithographs, besides woodcuts, folio, cl., 12s Qd (p. 4. 14s 60?) 1860 This was Robert Stephenson's great tubular bridge at Montreal, which has now been superseded by a modern structure giving freer headway. Besides giving constructional details, the above plates also contain fine views of early Canadian scenery. ' Ths Victoria Railway Bridge (1854-9) over the St. Lawrence at Montreal, is tubular in design, like the Britannia Bridge. . . . It is remarkable chiefly for its ice-breaking piers, which are constructed with large bows at the up-river end to resist the enormors pressure of ice in spring.' D. K. Clark, M.I.C.E. 9351 HODG-KINSON (Eaton, F.R.S.) EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES on the STRENGTH and other Properties of CAST IRON, with the Developement of New Principles ; Calculations deduced from them ; and Inquiries applicable to Rigid and Tenacious Bodies generally, with 5 plates, and woodcuts, Svo. hf. cl. (title stamped), 4s Qd 1846 9352 ANOTHER COPY, hf. bound, 4s HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 471 HODGSON (James, F.E.S.) CATALOGUE of ECLIPSES of JUPITER'S SATELLITES for 1735 v. HADLEY, No. 8777, ante. 9354 The DOCTRINE of FLUXIONS, founded on SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S METHOD, published by himself in his Tract upon the Quadrature of Curves, first edition, with numerous diagrams, 4t<>. old calf gilt, newly reoacked (rare], 1. Is 1736 9355 REIMPRESSION, with numerous diagrams, 4to. old calf, 16s 6d 1758 ' Introducing the true method of fluxions, most of the books that have hitherto appeared on that subject having in them little more than the name, the principles on which they have proceeded being the same with the differential calculus ; so that by calling a differential a fluxion, and a second differential a second fluxion, etc., they have so confusedly jumbled the methods together, that people who have not been thoroughly acquainted with them, have been led into many mistakes.' Intro. 9356 INTRODUCTION to CHRONOLOGY : containing an ACCOUNT of TIME, also of the most remarkable CYCLES, EPOCH'S, ERA'S, PERIODS and MOVE ABLE FEASTS, with brief Account of the several METHODS proposed for the Alteration of the Style, the REFORMING the CALENDAR, and fixing the True Time of the Celebration of EASTER, 8vo. sewn, 6s 1747 9357 HODGSON (John Ernest, F.R.G.S.) The DREDGING of GOLD PLACERS, with 18 plates, 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 5s nett) 1911 9358 HODSON (F.) ; BROAD LINES in SCIENCE TEACHING, edited by ; with Introduction by M. E. SADLER, with plate, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) [1909] 9359 HOEFER (Ferdinand) HISTOIRE de 1'AsTRONOMiE, depuis ses Origines jusqu'a nos Jours; with woodcuts, thick post 8vo. sewn, 2s 1873 9360 ANOTHER COPY, hf. cl., 2s 6d 9361 HISTOIRE de la CHIMIE, depuis les Temps les plus recules jusqu'a notre Epoque, 2 vols. 8vo. sewn, 5s (p. F. 17) 1842-3 9362 HISTOIRE des MATHEMATIQUES, depuis leurs Origines jusqu'au Commencement du XIX e Siecle, 2 e Edition ; with diagrams, thick post 8vo. hf. cl., 2s Qd 1879 9363 HISTOIRE de la PHYSIQUE et de la CHIMIE, depuis les Temps les plus recules jusqu'h, nos Jours ; with 33 woodcuts, post 8vo. hf. cl. (o.p.}, 4s 1872 9364 HOFF (Jacobus Hendrik van 't; F.R.S.) ACHT VORTRAGE liber PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE ; with 9 diagrams, 8vo. sewn, 2s Braunschweig, K02 9365 HtfFFLM AYR, (Martin), und C. P. PRUCKNER : Die FABRIKATION des BLAUSALZES oder des krystallisirten Kalium Eisen-Cyaniirs im Grossen ; with folding plate, 8vo. sewn, 5s Hof, 1837 9366 HOFFMANN (Friedrich ; Univ. Berlin) UEBERSICHT der OROGRAPHISCHEN und GEOGNOSTI- SCHEN VERHALTNISSE vom NORDWESTLICHEN DEUTSCHLAND ; with 3 copperplates (2 folding and tinted), 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf (sound copy), 5s Leipzig, 1830 9367 HOFFMANN (Johann Josef Ignaz v.) Der PYTHAGORISCHE LEHRSATZ, mit 32 theils bekannten, theils neuen Beweisen versehen, 2. mit [3] neuen Beweisen vermehrte Ausgabe ; with 38 diagrams, 4to. boards (scarce), Is 6d Mainz, 1821 The most extensive collection of proofs ever published of Euclid I, 47. 9368 HOFLER (Alois ; Univ. Vienna) DIDAKTIK des MATHEMATISCHEN UNTERRICHTS ; ivith 2 folding plates and 147 diagrams, roy. 8vo., cl., 8s (p. M. 12) Leipzig, 1910 9369 HOFMANN (August Wilhelm v. ; F.R.S.) CHEMICAL INVESTIGATION of the ORGANIC BASES contained in COAL-GAS NAPHTHA, 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn, uncut (scarce), 5s 1844 9370 On the COMBINING POWER of ATOMS, -with woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 30), sewn, 4s Qd 1865 ' Professor [M. H. N. StoryJ Maskelyne [F.R.S.] with the Author's kind regards.'- Inscr. on cover. 9371 On the COMPOSITION of MESITILOLE, and some of its DERIVATIVES, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, 3s [c. 1848] 9372 Zur ERINNERUNG an VORANGEGANGENE FREUNDE : GESAMMELTE GEDACHTNISSREDEN ; with portraits andfss., 3 vols. 8vo. cl., with author's inscr. as below, 12s Qd (p. M. 23) Braunschweig, 1888 ' Hrn. Dr. [Sir] M. Holtzmanu mit freundschaftlichem Grusse des Verf.' Inscr. on flyleaf. Including notices of Thomas Graham, Liebig, Heinrich Buff, H. v. Fehling, Friedrich Wohler, J. B. A. Dumas, Q. Sella, Gustav Kirchhoff, A. Wurtz, and others. ' Characterised by the loving care with which he enters into the life and works of the men whom he extols, besides being written in a most fascinating style.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 9373 Sur la FORCE de COMBINAISON des ATOMES, traduit, avec Apercu rapide de Philosophic Chimique, par 1'ABBE F. N. R. MoiGNO ; ivith 20 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. (pp. 67), sewn, 2s 6d 1866 9374 INTRODUCTION to MODERN CHEMISTRY, Experimental and Theoretic, ivith 65 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s Qd 1865 9375 A THICK PAPER COPY, cl., with author's inscr. as below, 15s 'B. T. Duppa Esq. [F.R.S.] in token of the Author's sincere regards and in memory of the gratifying evening of April 28 1865.' Inscr. on flyleaf. A work which led to great reforms in the teaching of chemistry. 9376 On MAUVE and MAGENTA, with 3 coloured specimens of silk, Svo. (pp. 16), unbound, with author's inscr. to Sir E. Frankland, F.R.S., 3s 1862 9377 NOTE on the ACTION of HEAT on VALERIC ACID ; with some Remarks on the Formula of the Alcohol-Radicals, Svo. (pp. 14), sewn, 3s [c. 1850] 9378 RESEARCHES regarding the MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION of the VOLATILE ORGANIC BASES, 4to. (pp. 39), sewn (scarce), 6s Qd . 1850 Containing the author's important investigations on amine bases, which were of great importance in the establishment of Gerhardt's theory of types. 9379 Ueber eine SICHERE REACTION auf BENZOL, Svo. (pp. 6), sewn, with MS. note by the author, 3s [Leipzig, 1845] 472 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., HO, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9382 HOFMANN (August Wilhelm v. ; F.R.S.) RESEARCHES on the VOLATILE ORGANIC BASES, 5 parts 8vo. sewn, pt. I with author's inscr. (SCARCE), 12s Qd [1848-9] CONTENTS: I. On the Action of Cyanogen on Aniline, Toluidine, and Cumidine. II. On the Action of Iodine on Aniline. III. Action of Chloride, Bromide, and Iodide of Cyanogen on Aniline. Melaniline, a New Conjugated Alkaloid : IV. Anilides. V. On the Action of Acids and Bases on Cyaniline. ' His splendid work on aniline and its numerous derivatives, and on the addition products of this base (e.g. cyan-aniline) immensely enriched organic chemistry. These investigations resulted in the discovery of a wealth of new and striking facts, e.g. the observation of the influence exerted by halogens entering the aniline molecule on the chemical character of the resulting compounds.' Pro/. E. v. Meyer. 9383 , and Sir Edward FRANKLAND, F.R.S. : REPORT to the Metropolitan Board of Works on the DEODORIZATION of SEWAGE, 8vo. (pp. 16), unbound, 3s 1859 This report formed the beginning of the fruitful bacteriological investigations of Sir E. Frankland. 9384 : VOLHARD (Jacob ; Univ. Halle), und Emil FISCHER ; Univ. Berlin : AUGUST WILHELM VON HOFMANN : ein Lebensbild, im Auftrage der Deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft verfasst ; with 2 portraits, and other illustrations, 8vo. handsomely bound in dark purple morocco gilt, silken linings and flyleaves, 10s Qd Berlin, 1902 The above copy belonged to Sir Maurice Holzmann, and contains a copy of a letter by him to Prof. J. Volhard, caused by a remark in the book by the latter, reflecting on the writer's ability as a chemical experimenter, and the reply to it by Prof. Volhard. 9385 : WILL (Wilhelm, Univ. Bsrlin) Zum GEDACHTNIS an A. W. v. HOFMANN : Trauerfeier der Universitat am 22. Juni 1892, roy. 8vo. (pp. 17), sewn, with author's inscr., IsQd [Berlin, 1892] 9386 HOFMAN (Heinrich Oscar ; Mass. List. Technology) GOLD MILLING in the BLACK HILLS [of DAKOTA], with folding plate and 2 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf neat, 4s [Chicago, 1889] Bound up is : CATALOGUE of MINING MACHINERY by Messrs. Fraser and Chalmers, Chic?go, copiously illustrated. 9387 The METALLURGY of LEAD, and the DESILVERIZATION of BASE BULLION, 7th Impression. with 441 illustrations, including folding plates, 8vo. cl., 16s Qd (p. 1. 5s nett) New York, 1904 9388 HOFMANN (Carl) PRACTICAL TREATISE on the MANUFACTURE of PAPER in all its Branches, with 5 folding plates, and 129 woodcuts, 4to. cl., uncut (name on title), 15s (p. 3. 13s Qd) Philadelphia, 1873 9389 HOGG- (Jabez ; ophthalmic surgeon, F.L.S.) The MICROSCOPE : its History, Construction, and Application ; 6th Edition, with 8 coloured plates and 356 coloured woodcuts, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 7s Qd) 1867 9390 NEW [SEVENTH] EDITION [with Supplement], with 8 coloured plates, and 362 woodcuts, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd [1867] 9391 HOGREWE (Johann Ludwig 1 , konigl. Grossbritt. Ingenieur-Capitain) BESCHREIBUNG der in ENGLAND seit 1759 angelegten, und jetzt grostentheils [sic] vollendeten SCHIFFBAREN KANALE, zur innern Gemeinschaft der vornehmsten Handelstiidte, nebst einem Versuch einer GESCHICHTE der INLANDISCHEN SCHIFFAHRT, und aller, bis jetzt, in- und ausserhalb Europa bekannten schiffbaren Kanale; with vignette on title, and 10 folding copperplates, 4to. con- temporary mottled calf (fine copy) ; rare, 1. Is Hannover, 1780 Published on the eve of the ' canal mania '. It contains full descriptions of the Bridgewater Canal, the Oxford- Lichfield, Trent-Mersey, Liverpool-Leeds, and Lincoln-Cambridge Canals. 9392 HOLDEN" (Col. Henry Capel Lofffc ; F.R.S.), DESCRIPTION of, and Instructions for WORKING, the CHRONOGRAPH of BOULENGE TYPE, as modified and improved by, and made by J. PITKIN, with 7 illustrations and folding plate, 8vo. limp, cl., with auto, letter from the author to F. J. Jervis-Smith, pr., F.R.S., 4s [c. 1892] 9393 HOLDSWORTH (Israel) WHITE'S EPHEMERES [sic] from 1801 to 1850 ; containing the Geocentric Longitudes and Latitudes of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, 12mo. calf (rubbed) , 3s Qd Leeds, 1850 9394 HOLDSWOBTH (Joseph) GEOLOGY, MINERALS, MINES, and SOILS of IRELAND, in Reference to its Amelioration and Industrial Prosperity, with front, and vignette by Lizars, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1857 9395 HOLLAND (James William, Jefferson Med. Coll., Philadelphia) TEXT-BOOK of MEDICAL CHEMISTRY and TOXICOLOGY, ivith 8 coloured plates, and 108 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., Is Qd (p. 15s nett) Philadelphia, 1905 9396 [HOLLAND (John)] The HISTORY and DESCRIPTION of FOSSIL FUEL, the COLLIERIES, and COAL TRADE of GT. BRITAIN, by the Author of the ' Treatise on Manufactures in Metal ', with 42 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., uncut, 5s Qd 1835, or, '41 With chapter on Foreign Coal Deposits and Coal Trade, Conversion and Products of Coal, and Probable Duration of our Coal. It is not mentioned among the author's works in D. N. B. 9397 [ ] TREATISE on the PROGRESSIVE IMPROVEMENT and PRESENT STATE of the MANUFAC- TURES in METAL, with vignettes by Finden, and 300 woodcuts, 3 vols. fcap. 8vo. hf. calf (nice copy), Qs 1831-4 9398 HOLLANDUS (Johann Isaak) SAMMLUNG unterschiedlicher bewahrter CHYMISCHER SCHRIFTEN, narnentlich : Opus Saturni, Opera Vegetabilia, Opus Minerale, Cabala, de Lapide Philosophico, nebst Tractat von den IRRGANGEN derer ALCHYMISTEN, Auctoris Incerti, neue Auflage, mit Verzeichniis derer wichtigsten Materien ; with 16 copperplates, besides woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, uncut (rare), 15s Wien, 1773 Very little is known of this Dutch alchemist, who is supposed to haye flourished at the end of the XlVth Century, and to have acquired great wealth in teaching his ' art '. According to Prof. H. Kopp he wrote more fully of the philosopher's stone than was the custom with the alchemists of the time. The above work includes also two works by Isaak Hollandus, the author's father, viz. Vegetabilia, and Opus Minerale. 9399 HOLLEMAN (F. A.) SPOORWEGREMMEN [CONTINUOUS BRAKES], with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 23), sewn, 2s * *>> 1891 HENKY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 473 9402 HOLLEMAN (Arnold Frederik, Univ. Amsterdam) TEXT-BOOK of INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, translated by HERMON C. COOPER, with 2 plates (1 coloured), and 84 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 105 6d nett) New York, 1902 9403 TEXT-BOOK of ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, translated from the 2nd Dutch Edition by A. JAMIESON WALKER and OWEN E. MOTT, with 73 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 10s 6d nett) ib., 1903 or, '6 One of the best text-books on the subject. 9404 HOLLIDAY (Francis, pr.) INTRODUCTION to FLUXIONS, with 7 folding plates, 8vo. old calf, 6s 6d 1777 Claiming to treat the subject by 'a plainer and more perspicuous method than has hitherto appeared.' 9405 HOLLIDAY (Thomas) COMPLETE TREATISE on PRACTICAL LAND-SURVEYING, etc., or, Railway Surveying, Artificial Work, Conic Sections, Gauging, etc. etc., with 20 copperplates and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. boards, 5s 1838 9406 HOLLWAY (John) On a NEW APPLICATION of RAPID OXIDATION, by which Sulphides are utilized for Fuel, with 2 folding plates, folio (pp. 37), sewn, 3s 1879 9407 HOLMAN (Silas W.) COMPUTATION RULES and LOGARITHMS, with Tables of other Useful Functions, roy. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 5s New York, 1896 9408 HOLMES ( ) MAGNETO ELECTRIC LIGHT as APPLICABLE to LIGHTHOUSES, with front, oj the generator, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 105 6d [c. 1863] 'Professor Holmes has practically established the fitness and sufficiency of the magneto-electric light for lighthouse purposes.' Faraday. It was first used at the South Foielatd in 1858, and was the fiist application of the electric light in a lighthouse. Who was ' Professor Holmes ' ? He seems to have been a pioneer of practical frictional electricity in England, yet is not in any book of biographical reference. 9409 HOLMES (George C. V.) The STEAM ENGINE, with frontispiece and 212 woodcuts, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 6s) 1887, or, '8 9410 HOLMGREN (Hjalmar) Sur INTEGRATION de I'EQUATION DIFFERENTIELLE (a 2 + b 2 x + c 2 x 2 ) ^ + (% + b x x) ^ + a y = O, roy. 4to. (pp. 58), sewn, 2s 6d Stockholm, 1869 9411 HOLTZAPFFEL (Charles; M.I.C.E.) NEW SYSTEM of SCALES of EQUAL PARTS, applicable to various Purposes of ENGINEERING, etc., with folding plate of the Scales, 8vo. cl., with author's inscr. to, and bookplate of, Peter Mark Roget, F.R.S., 4s 1838 9412 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf, with author's inscr., 3s 6d The author's first work. At end is a Catalogue of Messrs. HoltzapfFel & Co.'s Engines, Lathes, and Tools. 9413 ( , and John Jacob) TURNING and MECHANICAL MANIPULATION : a Work of General Reference and Practical Instruction on the Lathe, and the various Mechanical Pursuits followed by Amateurs, with very numerous plates and woodcuts, 5 vols. 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 3. 15s 1866-84 CONTENTS: I. Materials: their Differences, Choice, and Preparation; Various Modes of Working them, generally without Cutting Tools. II. The Principles of Construction, Action, and Application of Cutting Tools used by Hand, and of Machines derived from the Hand Tools. III. Abrasive and Miscellaneous Processes, which cannot be accomplished with Cutting Tools. IV. The Principles and Practice of Hand or Simple Turning. V. The Principles and Practice of Ornamental or Complex Turning. 9414 VOLS. I III ONLY, with hundreds of plates and woodcuts, 3 vols. 8vo. cl. (back of v. Ill torn), 1. 155 1846-50 The standard work on the subject. ' Holtzapffel throughout displays a masterly knowledge of technical art and of the scientific principles underlying it.' D. N. B. 9415 HOLZMULLER (Gustav) EINFUHRUNG in die TIIEORIE der ISOGONALEN VERWANDTSCHAFTEN und der CONFORMEN ABBILDUNGEN , mit Anwendungen auf mathematische Physik ; with 26 plates, 8vo. sewn (o.p.), Ss 6d Leipzig, 1882 9416 METHODISCHES LEHRBUCH der ELEMENTAR-MATHEMATIK (Bd. I 2. Auflage) ; with 512 illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. M. 8.20) ibidem, 1895-4-5 9417 HOMASSEL (M. ; chef des teintures de la manufacture des Gobelins) COURS THEORIQUE et PRATIQUE sur 1'ART de la TEINTURE en Laine, Soie, Fil, Coton, Fabrique d'lndienne en Grand et Petit Teint ; suivi de 1'Art du Teinturier-Degraisseur, du Blanchiment des Toiles, Fils, Coton, Chanvre, Lin, Gravures, etc., par 1'Acide Muriatique Oxige"ne ; 3 me [derniere] Edition [par E, J. B. BOUILLON-LAGRANGE] ; with plate, 8vo. calf gilt, g. e. (rare), 15s 1818 HOME (Sir Everard, M.D., F.R.S.) CROONIAN LECTURE on MUSCULAR MOTION (1794) v. No. 9201, ante. 9418 HOME (Francis, M.D., Univ. Edin.) EXPERIMENTS on BLEACHING, 8vo. sound copy in contemporary calf, with Calgarth Park booklabel of Richard Watson, F.R.S. , absentee Bp. of Llandaff (RARE), 1. Is Edin., 1756 ' An essay to which a gold medal was awarded by the trustees for the improvement of manufactures in North Britain, and which was translated into French and German.' D. N. B. 9419 HOMER (Henry, rector of Birdingbury) ENQUIRY into the MEANS of PRESERVING and IMPROVING the PUBLICK ROADS of this KINGDOM, with Observations on the probable Consequences of the present Plan, 8vo. sewn (rare), 10s 6d Oxford, S. Parker, 1767 'Macadam in his 'Remarks on the present System of Roadmaking' (pp. 11-12) quotes this work with approval. Homer's opinions on highways, t/he enclosure of waste-lands, and the value of inland navigation were far in advance of his time.' D. N. B. He was the father of the classical scholar and friend of Dr. Parr. 9420 HOOGEWERFF (J. A., U.S.N.) MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS at the UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVATORY, 1888 and 1889, with 14 folding charts, 4to. cl., 5s Washington, 1890 9421 HOOGEWEBF (S.) Ueber einige NEUE DERIVATE des MESITYLENS : Inaugural-Dissertation, 8vo. (pp. 48), sewn, Is 6d Gbttingen, 1868 9422 , en W. A. van Dorp : Over de INWERKING van ONDERBROMIGZUUR KALIUM op SUCCINPHENYLAMIDE, 8vo. (pp. 37), seivn, \s 6d Amsterdam, 1890- 474 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9425 HOLT (Alfred, M.I.C.B.) REVIEW on the PROGRESS of STEAM SHIPPING during the last Quarter of a Century, edited by JAMES FORREST, with 3 illustrations, 8vo. sewn, 3s 187S 9426 HOOD (Charles, F.R.S.) PRACTICAL TREATISE on WARMING BUILDINGS by HOT WATER, on VENTILATION, etc. etc., with Inquiry into the Laws of Radiant and Conducted Heat, the Chemical Constitution of Coal, and the Combustion of Smoke ; 2nd Edition, greatly enlarged, with woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3* 1844 9427 THIRD EDITION, greatly enlarged, with 39 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1855 9428 FIFTH EDITION, greatly enlarged, with 64 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. morocco, 4s Qd 1879 9429 SIXTH [LAST] EDITION, with 64 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (o.p.}, 6s Qd (p. 12s Qd) 1885 9430 HOOKE (Robert, M.D., F.R.S., GreshamProf. Astronomy) LECTURES de POTENTIA RESTITUTIVA, or of SPRING, explaining the Power of Springing Bodies, with some Collections, viz., a Description of Dr. Pappin's [sic] Wind- Fountain and Force Pump ; Mr. Young's Observations concerning Natural Fountains ; some other Considerations concerning that Subject ; Capt. Sturmy's Remarks of a Subterraneous Cave and Cistern ; Mr. G. T. Observations made on the Pike of TenerirF, 1674 ; some Reflections and Conjectures occasioned thereupon ; a Relation of a late Eruption in the Isle of Palma, with 3 copperplates, and diagrams, sm. 4to. old hf. calf (sound and large copy), with bookplate of Henry Thomas Ellicombe [Ellacombe], pr., campanologist, and auto, of Prof. A. S. Hertchel, F.R.S. (VERY RARE), 1. 10s John Martyn, 1678 ' A very curious pamphlet, containing some remarkably close anticipations of modern theories.' Prof. Tait. ' He expounded in it the true theory of elasticity [ut tensio sic vis'] and (virtually) the kinetic hypothesis [now advanced to the rank of theory] of gases.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 9431 MICROGRAPHIA : or some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies made by MAGNIFY- ING GLASSES, with Observations and Inquiries thereupon, with engraved arms of the Royal Society on title, and 38 fine copperplates (mostly folding), folio, old ca//(VERY FINE AND TALL COPY), with auto. ' J. Finch' (? Sir John Finch, F.R.S. , 1626-82) on title, and old armorial bookplate of E. S. & H. Lloyd (very rare), 4. 4s Jo. Martyn and Ja. Allestry, 1665 ' A book full of ingenious ideas and singular anticipations. It contained the earliest investigation of the ' fantastical colours' of thin plates, with a quasi-explanation by interference, the first notice of the ' black spot ' in soap-bubbles, and a theory of light, as ' a very short vibrative motion ' transverse to straight lines of propagation through a ' homogeneous medium '. Heat was defined as ' a property of a body arising from the motion or agitation of its parts,' and the real nature of combustion was pointed out in detail, eleven years before the publication of Mayow's similar discovery ' (v. Nos. 1296-7, ante). Miss Agnes M. Clerke. Besides being the first large work illustrating microscopical objects, all engraved by the author himself, it contains the invention of the compound microscope and of the wheel barometer, an explanation of the twinkling of the stars, important investigations on the refraction of light, and a passage first suggesting homogeneous immersion objectives for microscopes. 9432 * POSTHUMOUS WORKS, containing his Cutlerian Lectures, and other Discourses, read at the Royal Society, in which, I. The present Deficiency of Natural Philosophy is discoursed of, with the Methods of rendering it more certain and beneficial. II. The Nature, Motion and Effects of Light are treated of, particularly that of the Sun and Comets. III. An Hypothetical Explication of Memory . . . IV. An Hypothesis and Explanation of the Cause of Gravity, or Gravitation, Magnetism, etc. V. Discourses of Earthquakes, their Causes and Effects . . . VI. Lectures for improving Navigation and Astronomy, with the Descriptions of several new and useful Instru- ments and Contrivances . . ., with the Author's LIFE ... by RICHARD WALLER, F.R s., with copperplates, folio, large and sound copy in old panelled calf (joints mended) ; RARE, 2. 10s 1705 In the above work the author ' inferred the action of a solar repellant force in producing the tails of comets ; suggested the motion of the sun among the stars ; and propounded correct notions as to the nature of fossils and the succession of living things on the earth.' D. N. B. In the fourth essay he explains gravitation as a ' propagated pulse ' of the ether. The fifth essay (pp. 277-450) is geologically of importance for first evolving the author's diluvial theory. A copious account of this discourse is contained in Sir Charles Lyell's ' Principles of Geology '. Waller's ' Life ', which is partly autobiographical, is still the chief authority on the author's life. On p. 420 is the following curious MS. note, referring to the earthquake of July 23rd, 1690 : ' This I observed, it was on a Saturday on 7 Afternoon, w. I was talking w'h. Queen Mary at Kensington, who thought y'. some of y e . house was fallen down, so strong was ye. shock. W. S.' 9433 HOOPER (Egbert G.) The MANUAL of BREWING : Scientific and Technical ; 2nd Edition, with woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 3s (p. Is Qd) 1882 9434 HOOPER (William, M.D.) RATIONAL RECREATIONS, in which the PRINCIPLES of NUMBERS and NATURAL PHILOSOPHY are clearly and copiously elucidated, by a Series of Easy, Entertain- ing, Interesting EXPERIMENTS, including those commonly performed with the CARDS, first edition, with 65 folding plates on copper, 4 vols,. 8vo. old calf, 12s 1774 9435 ANOTHER COPY, old calf (some joints cracked), 10s Qd 9436 THIRD EDITION, corrected, with 65 fine folding plates on copper, 4 vols. 8vo. contemporary calf, 12s 1787 9437 FOURTH EDITION, corrected, with 65 folding plates on copper, 4 vols. 8vo. old calf (some joints cracked), 10s Qd 1794 1 Though this work is, in general, a compilation, some original experiments will be here found, and the whole, perhaps, will appear to be delivered with more perspicuity and concision, and digested in a manner more regular than has been hitherto attempted.' A dvertisement. 9438 HOORWEGr ( J. L.) Sur la PROPAGATION du SON, d'apres la nouvelle Theorie des Gaz ; with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 47), sewn, Is Qd [Utrecht, 1876] 9439 TIEN VOORDRACHTEN over ELECTROTECHNIEK ; with 30 woodcuts, 8vo. d , 2s 6d ibidem, 189-3 9440 HOOVER (Herbert Clark) PRINCIPLES of MINING VALUATION, ORGANIZATION, and AD- MINISTRATION : Copper, Gold, Lead, Silver, Tin, and Zinc, with 45 illustrations, roy. 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. 10* Qd nett) New York, 1909 9441 HOPKINS (Evan, C.E.) On the CONNEXION of GEOLOGY with TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM, with 21 plates, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1844 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 475 9443 HOPKINS (George M.) EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE: Elementary, Practical, and Experimental Physics, with front, and 672 woodcuts, thick large 8vo. cl., 8s (p. Us nett) [New York, 1890] 9444 HOPKINS (William J.) TELEPHONE LINES and their PROPERTIES, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6*) 1893 9445 HOPKINSON (Bertram ; son of the following, F.R.S., M.I.C.E.) VIBRATIONS of SYSTEMS having ONE DEGREE of FREEDOM, with 12 diagrams, 8vo. sewn, 2s Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1910 9446 HOPKINSON (John, F.R.S.) ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITY of GLASS, with plate, roy. 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, 2s Qd 1878 9447 On HIGH ELECTRICAL RESISTANCES, 8vo. (pp. 3), unbound, Is Qd 1879 9448 MAGNETIC and other PHYSICAL PROPERTIES of IRON at a HIGH TEMPERATURE, with 9 plates (I folding), and u-oodcuts, 4to. (pp. 23), sewn, 3s Qd 1889 Containing the results of valuable experiments for which he was awarded in 1890 a Royal Society's medal. 9449 ORIGINAL PAPERS. VOL. I : TECHNICAL PAPERS, edited, \vith Memoir [and Appendix] , by BERTRAM HOPKINSON ; F.R.S., with 2 portraits, and numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl. (cover stained), 6s Qd (p. 10 Qd nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1901 Containing his important paper on the dynamo, giving the characteristic curves, his invention of group-flashing lights, etc. etc. 94/50 RESIDUAL CHARGE of the LEYDEN JAR. DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES of DIFFERENT GLASSES, roy. 4to. (pp. 28), sewn, 3s 1877 ' A valuable series of experiments.' D. N. B. 9451 HOPKINSON (J.) and Co. : The ENGINEER'S PRACTICAL GUIDE, and the WORKING of the STEAM ENGINE explained by the Use of the INDICATOR ; 7th Edition, with 49 diagrams, 8vo. hf. bound, 3* Qd (p. 12s Qd) Huddersfield, 1875 9452 HOPPE-SEYLER (Ernst Felix Immanuel ; Univ. Strassburg) PHYSIOLOGISCHE CHEMIE ; with numerous woodcuts, 4 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. red morocco (scarce), 15s (p. M. 25.40 sewn) Berlin, 1877-81 INHALT: I. Allgemeine Biologie ; II. die Verdauung und Resorption der Nahrstoffe; III. Blut, Respiration, Lymphe, Chylus ; IV. die Organe des Thierkorpers und ihre Functiouen, der Gesammtstoffwechsel der Thiere. 4 Die physiologische und pathologische Chemie verdanken ihm eine grosse Reihe wichtiger und bahnbrechender Forschungen. Es seien besonders seine Untersuchungen uber die Eigenschaften der Blutfarbstoffe und Eiweissstoffe, die Zusammensetzung der Protaplasmen, die Aktivierung des Sauerstoffs, die Giirungsprocesse u. a. hervorgehoben.' 9453 [HOPPTTS (John, F.R.S., Prof. Philos. Univ. Coll. London}] ACCOUNT of LORD BACON'S NOVUM ORGANON SCIENTIARUM, or, New Method of Studying the Sciences, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. limp cl. (scarce), 5s [1827] 9454 ANOTHER COPY, seivn, 4s The authorship was unknown to Halkett and Laing. 9455 HOPTON (Arthur, astrologer) A CONCORDANCY of YEARES ; containing a new, easie, and most exact COMPUTATION of TIME, according to the English Account; also the USE of the English and Roman KALENDER, with briefe Notes, Rules and Tables, as well Mathematicall and Legal, as Vulgar, for each priuate Mans occasion, newly composed, digested, and augmented, with fine woodcut border on title, and astrological woodcuts, 12mo., frlac ft lettft ; old calf, rebacked (some II. stained, and title mounted) ; rare, with the 1. of imprint at end, 1. 10s for the Company of Stationers, 1616 One of the many astrological and prophetic almanacks of which the Stationers' Company long exercised an undignified monopoly, and whose revival now for the befooling of the ill-educated female rich would soon make it a wealthy rival of the Bond Street sand-diviners. Arthur Hopton the astrologer must not be confused with his contemporary Sir Arthur Hopton the diplomatist. The above work is dedicated to Sir Edward Coke, and includes a briefe discourse of the naturall causes of watery meteors, as snow, hail, raine, etc. ; divers signes to prognosticate what weather is towards ; certaine predictions of the weather in every Moneth, etc. etc. etc. 4 This work is mentioned by the commentators on Shakespeare.' Allibone. A copy of the above edition fetched 3. 10s at auction in 1903. 9456 SPECULUM TOPOGRAPHICUM : or the TOPOGRAPHICALL GLASSE, containing the Use of the Topographicall Glasse, Theodelitus, Plaine Table and Circumferentor, with many Rules of Geometry, Astronomy, Topography perspectiue, and Hydrography, partly printed in fcladt letter, with very numerous woodcuts (one folding) of topographical instruments, maps, and diagrams, sm. 4to. contemporary calf, newly rebacked (blank bottom margins water -stained, and a few wormed, otherwise A LARGE AND VERY SOUND COPY) ; VERY RARE, 3. 15s N. 0. for Simon Waterson, 1611 ' Containing many good practical rules in geometry, measurement of distances, heights, sun's altitude and parallax, and a table for calculating annuities.' D. N. B. On page 3 is a map of the World, showing NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA and ' New Guiena.' The above copy also contains at end one leaf Ee, giving a duplicate illustration of the ' topographicall glasse,' and the maker's name. Anthony a Wood mistakenly ascribes the above work to Sir Arthur Hopton, the Ambassador to Spain. 9457 HORNBY (John) TEXT-BOOK of GAS MANUFACTURE for Students, with 8 folding plates, and 63 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 5s) 1896 9458 SIXTH [LATEST] EDITION, greatly enlarged and rewritten, with 7 folding plates, and 140 other illustrations, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 7s Qd nett) 1911 9459 HORNBY (Thomas) DISSERTATION on LIME, and its Use and Abuse in Agriculture ; embracing its Chemical Effects, and Observations on the Nature of Manures in General ; 3rd Edition, 8vo. hf. calf, 4s 1821 9460 HORNE (John, F.R.S.), and Jethro Justinian Harris TEALL, F.R.S. : On BOROLANITE, with 2 plates (I coloured), roy. 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, Is Qd Edin., 1892 HORNER (Francis, M.P.) v. nos. 2889 and 7682, ante. 9461 [HORNER (J. G.)] HELICAL GEARS; a Practical Treatise, by a FOREMAN PATTERN-MAKER, with over 100 woodcuts (including plates), post 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 7s Qd) 1893 476 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9464 [HORNOT (Antoine)] TRAITE des ODEURS, Suite du Traite de la Distillation, par M. Dejean, Distiilateur, nouvelle Edition, 12mo. old mottled calf gilt, 10s 6d 1788 9465 [ ] TRAITE RAISONNE de la DISTILLATION ; ou la Distillation reduite en Principes, avec un TRAITE des ODEURS, par M. DEJEAN, Distiilateur, 12mo. old calf gilt (rare), 12s Qd 1753 First edition of a well-known work, which went through several editions. 9466 HOR-TON (Frank) On the DISCHARGE of NEGATIVE ELECTRICITY from HOT CALCIUM and from LIME, with 5 diagrams, roy. 4to. (pp. 22), sewn, Is 6d 1907 9467 HORTON (Richard) The COMPLETE MEASURER : the Measurement of Boards, Glass, Timber, and Stone, cr. 8vo. cL, 2s Qd (p. 6s) 1862 9468 HOSKOLD (H. D., C.E.) The ENGINEER'S VALUING ASSISTANT: a Practical Treatise on the Valuation of Collieries and other MINES ; with Rules, Formulae, and Examples, Valuation Tables, etc. etc., with Introduction by PETER GRAY, 2nd Edition, 8vo. cL, 5s (p. 7s 6d nett) 1905 9469 PRACTICAL TREATISE on MINING, LAND and RAILWAY SURVEYING, ENGINEERING, etc., containing the Errors of the Magnetic Needle ; Practical Geometry and Trigonometry ; with Description, Use, and Adjustments of the MINERS' new TRANSIT THEODOLITE, etc. etc., with 2 plates, 8 folding plans, and 74 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cL, 7s 6d (p. 1. 10s) 1863 HOSPITALIER (Edouard, de rinstitut), An INTERESTING and VALUABLE COLLEC- TION on ELECTRICAL SCIENCE formed by, and consisting of SMALLER WORKS, BROCHURES, EXTRACTS from SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS, MANUFACTURERS' CATALOGUES, MANUSCRIPTS, and his copious CORRESPONDENCE with Scientists and Electricians, chiefly in FRENCH and ENGLISH, all arranged, dated, and sorted by M. Hospitaller himself ; as under : 9470 ACCUMULATEURS : THE"ORIE. RE"SULTATS d'ExpERiENCES. APPAREILS ACCESSOIRES; a very extensive Collection, including many LEGAL DOCUMENTS of Patent Cases, CORRESPONDENCE from and with the various Inventors, etc. etc., 5. 5s a. d. 9471 AERODYNAMIQUE : AE"RONAUTIQUE. ANE"MO-MOTEURS. MOULINS a VENT. RESIST- ANCE de 1'AiR. ACOUSTIQUE. AIR LIQUIDE. LIQUEFACTION des GAZ. BASSES TEMPERA- TURES. APPAREILS FRIGORIFIQUES ; a large and interesting Collection, 3. 3s a. d. 9472 ARC ELECTRIQUE: LAMPES a ARC. LUMIERE ELECTRIQUE. ARC VOLTA'IQUE, REGULATEURS. FOYERS LUMINEUX ELECTRIQUES. CURIOSITE"S de la LAMPISTERI-E ELECTRIQUE ; a very large and interesting collection, 4. 4s a. d. 9473 CHALEUR. THERMODYNAMIQUE : CONSTANTES THERMIQUES. MOTEURS THER- MIQUES. THEBMOMETRFE, PYROMETRIE, CALORIMETRIE. ENTROPIE ; a large and interesting collection, containing interesting Correspondence, and a manuscript ' Essai sur 1'Analogie des Lois Thermiques et Electriques ' by Hospitalier, 4. 4s a. d. 9474 COMPTEURS d'ELECTRICITE : G^NERALITES, CLASSIFICATION. COMPTEURS pour la DISTRIBUTION d'ENERGiE ELECTRIQUE. COMPTEURS de QUANTITE d'ELECTRiciTE" (Compteurs Electrolytiques. Compteurs Mecaniques). COMPTEURS d'ENERGiE Electrique. MESURES ELECTRIQUES ; a large and very valuable Collection, containing a large amount of MS. and Official Matter, Correspondence with Inventors, etc., 8. 8* a- d. 9475 CONDUCTEURS et RESISTANCE d'ELECTRICITE: CONDUCTEURS, ISOLANTS, DIELECTRIQUES. CANALISATION de 1'ENERGiE ELECTRIQUE; a large* and interesting Collection, 2. 2s a. d. 9476 ECLAIRAGE au GAZ: FABRICATION et EPURATION. Acetylene; a large and very interesting Collection, containing much MS. matter and correspondence on the Welsbach Light, 3. 3s. a. d. 9477 GAZOGENES, THERMOGENES et VAPORIGENES: COMBUSTION, COMBUSTIBLES. SURCHAUFFEURS. ALUMINOTHERMIE. MOTEURS THERMIQUES. MOTEURS a VAPEUR. CONDENSATION. CHAUDIERES a VAPEUR ; a very large Collection, $3. 3s a. d. 9478 LOCOMOTION ELECTRIQUE : HISTORIQUE, CLASSIFICATION. EFFORTS de TRACTION. FREINAGE. TRAMWAYS. ACCUMOBILES; a very extensive and important Collection, especially on Electric Tramways, 7. 7s a. d. 9479 : CHEMINS DE FER (Locomotive Aatonome. Locomotive Heilmann). CHEMINS MOBILES. TELPHERAGE. TOUAGE. NAVIGATION ELECTRIQUE ; an extensive Collection, 1. 15s a- d. 9480 MAGNETISME : THEORIES. AIMANTS PERMANENTS. MESURES MAGNETIQUES (Permeabilite. Induction. Hysteresis. Mesures des Flux. Champs Magnetiques). PROPRIETE"S MAGNETIQUES des FERS et des ACIERS, du NICKEL, BISMUTH, COBALT, etc. APPLICATIONS ELECTRO-MAGNE"TIQUES ; a very large collection, consisting mainly of Contributions to English Scientific Journals, 2. 12s 6d a. d. No. 9431 (page 474). One of the most suggestive works in the history of science, containing inter alia the discovery of the compound microscope. o c_ c 3 H o 1 2 ?f1 - **a & &. S.-R&5l las l| f ep o-^S-S -: O OQ i -tO-1 ? ill glfgio Hi II * mi B aSLA NO. 9456 (pays 475). An account of surveying instruments, with an early map of America. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 477 HOSPITALLER COLLECTION, continued: 9482 MECANIQUE APPLIQUEE : GENERALITES, QUESTIONS THEORIQUES : ORGANES de MACHINES (Amortisseurs, Organes Mobiles). REGULATEURS. TRANSMISSIONS. UNIFICATION des FILETAGES. CINEMATIQUE. ACCOUPLEMENTS. ROULEMENTS ; a very large and interesting Collection, including much MS. Matter, 4. 4s a. d. 9483 MESURES ELECTRIQUES. DECISIONS LEGALES. ETALONS. DECIMALISATION des UNITES de TEMPS. SYSTEME METRIQUE. DOCUMENTS relatifs a I'UNIFICATION. Sur I'UNIFICATION du LANGAGE et des NOTATIONS TECHNIQUES. CONGEES INTERNATIONAL d'ELECTRiciTE 1889. 1893. 1900. 1904; a very interesting and most extensive Collection, containing a large amount of MS. Matter, including M. Hospitalier's Correspondence, 5. 5s a. d. 9484 TURBINES a VAPEUR : GENERALITES : TURBO-DYNAMOS. TURBINE PARSONS. TURBINE CURTIS. TURBINE RATEAU; a large Collection, 1. 15s a. d. 9485 - DOMESTIC ELECTRICITY for AMATEURS, translated, with Additions, by C. J. WHARTON, ivith front, and 155 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 3s (p. 6s) 1889 Containing descriptions of ingenious electric toys, most of which are now forgotten. 9486 The MODERN APPLICATIONS of ELECTRICITY, translated and enlarged by JULIUS MAIER, with 2 plates, and 169 woodcuts, 8vo. cL, or, hf. morocco, 3s (p. 16s) 1882 9487 SECOND [LAST] EDITION, with many Additions, with 429 woodcuts (including folding plates], 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. 1. 5s) 1883 9488 POLYPHASED ALTERNATING CURRENTS [with Appendixes on the Lauffen-Frankfort Transmission] , with 31 illustrations, cr. 8vo. hf. morocco, 2s Qd [1893] 9489 LES PRINCIPALES APPLICATIONS de I'ELECTRICITE ; with 4 plates, and 133 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl. extra, g. e., 3s , , 1881 9490 TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE de I'ENERGIE ELECTRIQUE, TOME I (seul paru) : Definitions, Principes, Lois GeneVales, et Applications a la Mesure ; with 258 woodcuts, large 8vo. hf. calf gilt, uncut, t. e. g., 6s (p. F. 12 sewn) 1890 9491 HOTCHKISS SYSTEM (The) of RAPID-FIRING GUNS : Descriptions and Illustrations of the Guns, Ammunition, Mounts and Carriages, as designed for the Naval and Military Services, with Firing Tables and Penetration Diagrams, as determined by Official Tests, with 34 plates (including fine phototypes), roy. 4to. hf. olive morocco neat, 15s privately printed, 1887 9492 HOUDAILLE (Le Capitaine) Sur une METHODS d'EssAi Scientifique et Pratique des Objectif a PHOTOGRAPHIQUES et des INSTRUMENTS d'OpTiQUE ; with folding plate and 31 illustrations, roy. 8vo. sewn, Is Qd 1894 9493 HOUEL (Jules, Univ. Bordeaux) THEORIE ELEMENTAIRE des QUANTITES COMPLEXES ; with 83 diagrams, 2 v., '67-74: Le Besgue (V. A.) INTRODUCTION a la THEORIE des NOMBRES, '62 3 vols. roy. 8vo. in 2, hf. calf gilt, with bookplate of Prof . H. W. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S. (SCARCE), 1. UsQd 1862-74 CONTENU DE HouiiL : I. Algebre des Quantites Complexes : II. Theorie des Functions Uniforraes : III. Theorie des Fonctions Multiformes : IV. Applications Geometriques de la Theorie des Quantites Complexes. Elements de la Theorie des Quaternions. 9494 HOUGHTON (Thomas) The GOLDEN TREASURY : or, the COMPLEAT MINOR [sic] ; being Royal Institutions, or Proposals for Articles to Establish and Confirm LAWS, LIBERTIES, and CUSTOMS of SILVER and GOLD MINES, to all the King's Subjects, in such Parts of AFRICA and America, which are now, or shall be annexed to, and dependant on the Crown of England ; with Rules, Laws and Methods of Mining, and Getting of PRECIOUS STONES ; the Working and Making of Salt-Peter ; and also, the Digging and Getting of Lead, Tin, Copper, and Quick Silver-Oars, 18mo. contemporary calf, neatly rebacked (somewhat browned) ; RARE, 1. 5s printed for the Author, 1699 'Houghton is valuable for the laws relating to mines, and his explanation of the miners' terms, etc.' Lowndes. 9495 HOULLEVIGUE (Louis, Univ. Marseilles) The EVOLUTION of the SCIENCES, translated from the French, 8vo. cL, t. e.g., 4s (p. 6s Qd nett) 1909 9496 HOTJTEN (Willem van) De BALANS of WEEGSCHAAL ; hare Wijze van Zamenstelling, Werking, Vermogen, Zuiverheid, en de Oorzaken van Onzuiverheid ; with folding plate, fcap. 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd [Rotterdam, 1827] 9497 HOUZEAU (Jean Charles ; Directeur de V Observatoire de Bruxelles), et Albert LANCASTER, Bibliothecaire de cet Etablissement : BIBLIOGRAPHIE GENERALE de I'ASTRONOMIE, ou Catalogue methodique des Ouvrages, des Memoires, et des Observations astronomiques publics depuis 1'Origine de I'lmprimerie jusqu'en 1880; with chart, 2 very thick vols. impl. 8vo. newly bound in hf. green morocco gilt, cl. sides, uncut, i.e. g., WITH AUTHOR'S INSCRIPTION as below, 9. 9s Bruxelles, 1887-9-2 ' A. Monsieur Jenatzy, Chef de division au Ministers de I'Agriculture, hommage des auteurs. J. C. HOUZEAU. A. LAN- CASTER.' /wscr. on title ofv. I, 1. 9498 TOME I EB , 1 PARTIE (Ouvrages Historiques, Astrologie), etToMElI ND (Memoires) ; with chart, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. in 3, hf. calf gilt, 7. 10s ibidem, 1882-7 The most important 'bibliography on the subject, the second volume of which is now out of print and excessively scarce. It contains in Vol. I, ] , an interesting Introduction on the History of Astronomy by M. Houzeau (pp. 310), and a Bibliography of Astrology : in Vol. I, 2 : Biographies et commerce epistolaire ; ouvrages didactiques et generaux ; Astronomie spherique ; Astronomie thgorique : in Vol. II : Memoires et Notices inseres dansles Collections academiques etles Revues. A proposed third part of vol. I, and vol. II, have never been published. Pp. 1272-1310 of vol. I contain probably the best bibliography of books and old MSS. on dialling. 32 478 HENBY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9500 HOUSTON (Edwin James) DICTIONARY of ELECTRICAL WORDS, TERMS, and PHRASES, illustrated, sq. cr. 8vo. (pp. 656), cl., 2s Qd (p. 10s Qd) New York, 1889 9501 , and Arthur Edwin KENNELLY : ELECTRO-DYNAMIC MACHINERY for CONTINUOUS CURRENTS, with 232 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 10s Qd nett) ibidem, 1899 9502 HOVENDEN (Frederick, F.L.S.) A STUDY of the PRINCIPLES of NATURE, with 51 plates and other illustrations, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6*) 1909 9503 WHAT is HEAT ? a Peep into Nature's most Hidden Secrets, with 94 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 15s) 1894 9504 WHAT is LIFE ? or where are we ? what are we ? whence did we come ? and whither do we go? 3rd Edition, with Appendix, illustrated, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) 1909 9505 HOW (Henry ; King's Coll., Windsor, Nova Scotia) On the ACTION of HALOGEN COMPOUNDS of ETHYL and AMYL on some VEGETABLE ALKALOIDS, 4to. (pp. 22), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Frankland, F.R.S., 3s Edin., 1854 9506 On the OCCURRENCE of NATRO-BORO-CALCITE with GLAUBER SALT in the GYPSUM of NOVA SCOTIA, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd ib., 1857 9507 [HOWARD (Hon. Edward)] REMARKS on the NEW PHILOSOPHY of DES-CARTES, done by a GENTLEMAN, 4to. old calf gilt, 4s 1700 Lucky Descartes, to be noticed by a gentleman ! 9508 HOWARD (John) TREATISE on SPHERICAL GEOMETRY, containing its Fundamental Properties ; the Doctrine of its Loci ; the MAXIMA and MINIMA of SPHERICAL LINES and AREAS : with Application, 7 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf (rare), 12s Qd Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1798 The author was son of a private soldier in Fort George, and was a self-taught mathematician, while working as a cork- cutter, carpenter, and flax-dresser. ' His reputation as a mathematician rests mainly on the ' Treatise on Spherical Geometry.' When discussing some loci of spherical angles and triangles, and certain lines drawn on spherical and cylindrical surfaces, the author notes many analogies between the properties of lines meeting on the surface of the sphere and those drawn to meet a plane circle. 1 D. N. B. 9509 HOWARD (John Eliot, F.R.S. ; quinologist) EXAMINATION of the BELFAST ADDRESS of the BRITISH ASSOCIATION, 1874, from a Scientific Point of View, 8vo. sewn, Is Qd 1875 Directed against Prof. Tyndall (v. No. 4971, ante). 9510 HOWARD (Luke, F.R.S. ; friend of Goethe and John Dalton) The CLIMATE of LONDON, deduced from Meteorological Observations made at different Places in the Neighbourhood of the Metropolis, first edition, with Q plates (2 folding), and woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut (SCARCE), 10s Qd 1818-20 9511 ANOTHER COPY, boards, uncut, with inscr. ' To Josiah Foster with the Author's kind Regard. Fifth Month 31. 1818 ' on title, 12s 9512 SECOND [LAST] EDITION, much enlarged and improved, in which the Observations are continued to 1830, with 9 plates (2 folding), and numerous woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), MsU 1833 ' In 1806 Howard began to keep a meteorological register, and published the result of his observations in his ' Climate of London '. His instruments were, from a modern point of view, rude and insufficient ; but for the early years of the century his are almost the only observations that have been preserved.' D. N. B. 9513 A CYCLE of EIGHTEEN YEARS in the SEASONS of GT. BRITAIN; deduced from Meteoro- logical Observations at Ackworth, Yorks., 1824-41 ; compared with others before made for a like Period (ending with 1823) in the Vicinity of London, with 5 plates, 8vo. cl., 5s Qd 1842 An elaboration of the author's theory, first mentioned in his ' Climate of London ', in 1818, of ' alternate periods of 7 and 10 years, the former ascending, the latter descending in the scale of heat.' It was Giuseppe Toaldo (v. A T os. 4868-9, ante) who first suggested the 18 years' cycle. 9514 ESSAY on the MODIFICATIONS of CLOUDS, 8vo. cl. (scarce), Qs Qd 1832 ' This essay gave him a scientific fame. It applies the methods of Linnseus to the varying forms of the clouds. The author defines their three chief modifications, which he names Cirrus, Cumulus, and Stratus, and four intermediate or com- pound modifications, the best known of which is the Nimbus or rain-cloud. These names have been generally adopted by meteorologists '. Thomas Hodgkin, D.C.L. 9515 PAPERS on METEOROLOGY, relating especially to the CLIMATE of BRITAIN, and to the VARIATIONS of the BAROMETER, with 9 charts, 2 parts in 1 vol. roy. 4to. cl., Is Qd 1854-50 9516 SEVEN LECTURES on METEOROLOGY ; 2nd Edition, carefully revised by the Author, with woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. cl., uncut, with author's inscr., 5s 1843 9517 HOWE (Herbert Alonzo ; Chamberlin Observatory, Denver, Colo.) THREE APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS of KEPLER'S PROBLEM, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is Qd s. I. aut a. 9518 HOWE (Henry Marion, Columbia Univ.) The METALLURGY of STEEL, VOLUME I (all published) ; 2nd Edition, enlarged, with 2 folding plates, and 230 other illustrations, folio, cl. (o. p.), 1. 10s (p. 2. 2s nett) New York [1904] 'This is the recognized standard authority on the metallurgy of the Bessemer and crucible steel processes, and upon the properties of steel as far as they were known and understood at the time when this book was written. It will long remain a classic. 'B. Stoughton. 9519 HOWLETT (Samuel Burt) DIRECTIONS for using ANEROID and MERCURIAL BAROMETERS in determining ALTITUDES, with Table and Examples, front., fcap. 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, 2s Qd 1859 1 He made improvements in the mountain barometer, and also invented an anemometer. 1 D. N. B. 9520 HOW ORTH (Sir Henry Hoyle; F.R.S.; Conservative politician; 'Quarterly' reviewer; historian of the Mongols) The GLACIAL NIGHTMARE and the FLOOD : a Second Appeal to Common Sense from the Extravagance of some recent Geology, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 8s Qd (p. 1. 10s) 1893 9521 HOYER (Egbert v. , Munich) LEHRBUCH der vergleichenden MECHANISCHEN TECHNOLOGIE ; with 4 plates and 561 woodcuts, large 8vo. hf. brown morocco, 3s Qd (p. M. 20 sewn) Wiesbaden, 1878 9522 HUBERT (Herman) UTILISATION DIRECTE des GAZ de HAUTS-FOURNEAUX pour la Production de la Force Motrice, 8vo. (pp. 57), sewn, Is Qd St.-Mienne, 1900 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 479 9524 HUBBARD (T. O'B.), J. H. LEDEBOER, and C. C. TURNER: The AEROPLANE: an Elementary Text-Book of the Principles of Dynamic Flight, with 4 plates and 35 diagrams, post 8vo. c/., 2s 1911 9525 [HUDD ART (Capt. Joseph ; Indian Navy ; F.R.S. ; Eider Brother of Trinity House)] REPORTS on WARM REGISTERED CORDAGE, manufactured by Messrs. Huddart & Co., Limehouse, 8vo. (pp. 29), sewn, 5s 1815 ' The accident of a cable parting had turned his attention to the faulty manufacture of rope, and he invented a method ' for the equal distribution of the strains on the yarns '.' D. N. B. 9526 HUDSON (John Rogers) TABLES for CALCULATING the CUBIC CONTENTS of EXCAVATIONS and EMBANKMENTS, third [latest] Edition, with 9 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 4s 6o?nett) New York, 1902 9527 HUDSON (Ronald William Henry Turnbull) The ANALYTIC THEORY of DISPLACEMENTS, 8vo. (pp. 21), sewn, Is 6d New York, 1903 The author had a brilliant mathematical career and became a Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, but was killed in rock-climbing in Wales in 1904 in his twenty-ninth year. 9528 HUGGINS (Sir William, P.R.S., spectroscopic astronomer) On COMETS, with front., etc., 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, Is6d 1882 9599 PRELIMINARY NOTE on the PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECTRUM of COMET b 1881, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 3), unbound, Is 6d 1881 9530 [ ] RESULTS of some OBSERVATIONS on the BRIGHT GRANULES of the SOLAR SURFACE, with the Nature of these Bodies, diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 6), unbound, with author's inser., 2s [c. 1867] 9531 On the RESULTS of SPECTRUM ANALYSIS applied to HEAVENLY BODIES : a Discourse before the British Association, at Nottingham, Aug. 24, 1866, with Appendix, with 18 photographs, cr. 8vo. cl. (scarce), 6s 6d [1866] One of the author's earliest accounts of his great astro-spectroscopic investigations, and of his discovery by spectrum analysis of the gaseous contents of nebulae. 9532 ANALYSE SPECTRALE des CORPS CELESTES, traduite par I'ABBE F. N. M. MOIGNO ; with 18 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. sewn (o.p.), 3s 6d 1866 9533 The ROYAL SOCIETY, or, Science in the State and in the Schools, with 23 portraits and plates, besides vignettes, impl. 8vo. cl., 3s [1906] 9534 On the SPECTRUM of the GREAT NEBULA in the SWORD-HANDLE of ORION, 8vo. (pp. 4), unbound, 2s 1865 Sir William Huggins was probably the greatest of the honourable company of amateur astronomers ; and his comrade- ship in wedlock and investigation with LADY HUQQINS shares a like lustre to that of M. and Mme. Curie. 9535 HUGHES (Edward George, C.E.) COMPREHENSIVE TABLES for the CALCULATION of EARTH- WORK, as connected with Railways, Canals, Docks, Harbours, etc., giving the Quantities for Each Base and Slope at one View, with Practical Treatise on Earthwork in General [with APPENDIX], plate, oblong 4to. cl., with auto, of George Rennie, F.R.S. , 6s 6d (p. 1. 8s) 1846 Written with special reference to railway work. 9536 HUGHES (John, C.E.) On the PNEUMATIC METHOD adopted in constructing the FOUNDATIONS of the NEW BRIDGE across the MED WAY at ROCHESTER, 4to. (pp. 17), cl., with inscr. to George Rennie, F.R.S. , 3s 6d [c. 1852] 9537 HUGHES (Samuel, c. E. , F.G.S.) TREATISE on GAS-WORKS, and the Practice of Manufacturing and Distributing Coal Gas, etc. etc., with 76 woodcuts : Tomlinson (Charles, F.R.S.) RUDIMENT- ARY TREATISE on WARMING and VENTILATION, with 87 woodcuts (o. p.) 2 vols. 12mo. in 1, hf. morocco, 4s 1853-50 9538 TREATISE on WATERWORKS, with Description of the principal Geological Formations of England as Influencing Supplies of Water ; 2nd Edition, with 31 woodcuts, 12mo. hf. bound, or, cl.(o.p.),3s 1872, '5, or, '82 9539 HULL (Edward, F.R.S.) The COAL-FIELDS of GREAT BRITAIN : their History, Structure and Resources, with the Coal-Fields of our Indian and Colonial Empire, and of other Parts of the World ; 4th Edition, revised, embodying the Royal Commission's Reports, with 2 plates, 13 maps (the large folding one in pocket), and diagrams, 8vo. cl., 7s 6d (p. 16*) 1881 The standard work on the subject. 9540 The GEOLOGY of the COUNTRY around CHELTENHAM, with 4 plates (1 coloured), and 14 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. sewn, 2s Geol. Survey, 1857 9541 OBSERVATIONS on the GEOLOGY of the NILE VALLEY, etc. etc., 5 ivoodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is 6d [1896] 9542 The PHYSICAL GEOLOGY and GEOGRAPHY of IRELAND, with 2 coloured maps, and 26 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 7s) 1878 9543 REMINISCENCES of a STRENUOUS LIFE, with portrait, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 4* 6d nett) 1910 Including much information of geological interest. 9544 TREATISE on the BUILDING and ORNAMENTAL STONES of Gt. Britain and Foreign Countries, arranged according to their Geological Distribution and Mineral Character, 2 plates, 8vo. cl., 4s 6d (p. 12*) 1872 9545 [HUME (James)] TRAITE de la TRIGONOMETRIE pour resoudre tous Triangles Rectilignes et Spheriques, avec les Demonstrations des deux celebres PROPOSITIONS du BARON DE MERCHISTON, non encores dernonstre'es ; with engraved arms of Robert Ker, first Earl of Ancrum, and numerous diagrams, 12mo. boards, 1.1* - 1636 Rare, and unknown to Poggendorff, Brunet, Graesse, etc. It is interesting for containing propositions by JOHN NAPIER. .. 9546 HUNAUS (Georg Christian Konrad) Die GEOMETRISCHEN INSTRUMENTE der gesammten praktischen Geometric ; with 290 woodcuts (including many folding plates), 8vo. hf. morocco gilt, 8s (p. M. 16 sewn) Hannover, 1864 480 HENRY SOTHERAN CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9548 HULLMANDEL (Charles Joseph) The AET of DRAWING on STONE : giving a full Explana- tion of the various Styles, the different Methods, the Modes of Correcting, and the several Causes of Failure, first edition, with vignette on title, and 19 large and fine lithographs by the Author (2 on India paper), impl. 8vo. original boards, uncut (SCARCE), 1. 105 [1824] 9549 REPRINT [without the Introduction] , with 19 lithographs by the Author (2 on India paper], roy. 8vo. hf. roan (title stained, and plates slightly foxed), 15s * 1833 The first English work on lithography, preceded only a few years before by the author's translation of Raucourt's ' Manual of Lithography ' (v. No. 3905, ante). Some of the lithographs are very fine, more especially a portrait after Rembrandt. ' Hullmandel's practice and study resulted in the discovery of a new mode of preparing the stones. . . . Among the many artists who availed themselves of his processes for the reproduction of their drawings were Stanfield, David Roberts, Haghe, Nash, and Cattermole. Among other improvements he made in the art were a graduated tint, the introduction of white in the high lights, and the use of the stump on the stone.' Cosmo Monkhouse. 9550 HUMBER (William) COMPLETE TREATISE on CAST and WROUGHT IRON BRIDGE CON- STRUCTION, including Iron Foundations, Theoretical, Practical, and Descriptive, with numerous Examples, drawn to a Large Scale, with photographic view of Brunei's Albert Bridge at Saltash, and 15 plates (many folding], besides woodcuts ; with Atlas, containing fine coloured lithograph oj the Taptee Viaduct, India, and 80 folding plates, 2 vols. impl. 4to. hf. morocco gilt, 15s (p. 6. 16s Qd) 1861 9551 THIRD [AND LAST] EDITION, enlarged, with 115 large plates (including photographic view of raising the tubes of Saltash Bridge into position], besides diagrams, 2 vols. impl. 4to. hf. calf (2 joints cracked), \ls Qd (p. 6. 16s Qd) 1870 'Mr. Humber's stately volumes, lately issued in which the most important bridges erected during the last five years, under the direction of the late Mr. Brunei, Sir W. Cubitt, Mr. Hawkshaw, Mr. Page, Mr. Fowler, Mr. Remans, and others among our most eminent engineers are drawn and specified in great detail.' Engineer. 9552 COMPREHENSIVE TREATISE on the WATER SUPPLY of CITIES and TOWNS, with numerous Specifications of existing Waterworks, with coloured front., 50 folding plates, and 254 woodcuts, thick impl. 4to. hf. morocco (rubbed, and title and some plates stamped) ; SCARCE, 1. 5s (p. 6. 6s) 1876 The most complete English treatise on the subject. 9553 HUMBOLDT (Friedrich Heinrich Alexander Freiherr v. ; F.R.S.) ASIE CENTRALE : Recherches sur les Chalnes de Montagues et la Climatologie Comparee, Tome I er : Systemes de Montagnes et Phenomenes Volcaniques, 8vo. seivn, 2s 1843 9554 TOME III 6 [METEOROLOGIE] ; with folding map and tables, 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd 1843 9555 KOSMOS ; Entwurf einer physischen Weltbeschreibung, 5 vols. 8vo. tree-calf gilt (backs faded and a few joints cracked], 15s Stuttgart, 1845-62 ORIGINAL AND BEST EDITION. The above copy includes the supplementary volume (pp. 1297), published after the author's death, and edited by EDUA.RD BCJSCHMANN, which contains the copious INDEX and is generally missing. 9556 NEUE AUSGABE; with portrait, 4 vols. cr. 8vo. in 2, cl., with Dr. Emil Reich's bookplate, 4s (p. M. 6) ibidem [1889] 9557 COSMOS : a Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe, translated by E. C. OTTE, W. S. DALLAS, and B. H. PAUL, with steel portrait, 5 vols. cr. 8vo. cl., Is Qd (p. 19s) 1848-65 9558 KOSMOS : a General Survey of the Physical Phenomena of the Universe [translated by AUGUSTIN PRICHARD, M.D.], 2 vols. post 8vo. cl., uncut, 5s 1845-8 ' One of the greatest scientific works ever published, exhibiting in most lucid arrangement many of the principal facts of the physical sciences and their relations to each other.' 9559 NATUR- und REISEBILDER ; from Personal Narrative of Travel and Aspects of Society, with Commentary, Scientific Glossary, and Notice, by C. A. BUCHHEIM, fcap. 8vo. cl. (o.p.], withinscr., 2s Qd 1875 9560 PERSONAL NARRATIVE of TRAVELS to the EQUINOCTIAL REGIONS of the NEW CONTINENT, with AIME BONPLAND, 1799-1804, translated by HELEN MARIA WILLIAMS, with plates and maps, 7 vols. 8vo. in 9, mottled calf (a few joints cracked), 1. Is 1814-29 Including many valuable meteorological observations. Its translation by the versatile English female Girondist is interesting. 9561 VERSUCHE iiber die GEREIZTE MUSKEL- und NERVENFASER, nebst VERMUTHUNGEN iiber den CHEMISCHEN PROCESS des LEBENS in der Thier- und Pflanzenwelt, Band I ; with 8 copperplates, 8vo. boards, uncut, 4s Posen, 1797 9562 EXPERIENCES sur le GALVANISME et en general sur I'IRRITATION des FIBRES Muscu- LAIRES et NERVEUSES, Traduction [par GRAVEL] , avec des Additions par J. F. N. JADELOT ; with 8 copperplates, 8vo. sewn, Is Qd Didot, 1799 ' Ouvragc important, encore aujourd'hui souvent cite.' Biogr. Gen. 9563 , et Louis Joseph GAY-LUSSAC : EXPERIENCES sur les MOYENS EUDIOMETRIQUES, etsur la Proportion des Principes Constituans de 1' Atmosphere, 4to. (pp. 40), sewn (RARE), 12s an 13 [1805] A very important memoir, in which the authors inter alia first show that exactly two volumes of hydrogen unite with one volume of oxygen to form water. 9564 HUMPHRYS (Norton Henry, F.C.S.) The CHEMISTRY of ILLUMINATING GAS, 8vo. cl. 3s Qd 1891 9565 HUNTER (John, M.D., F.R.S.) OBSERVATIONS on the HEAT of WELLS and SPRINGS in JAMAICA, and on the TEMPERATURE of the EARTH below the SURFACE in different Climates, 4to. (pp. 13), sewn, 3s 1787 9566 HURST (George H., F.C.S.) SILK DYEING, PRINTING, and FINISHING, with 21 woodcuts, and 66 coloured patterns of dyed silks, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 7s Qd) 1892 9567 SOAPS : a Practical Manual of the Manufacture of Domestic, Toilet, and other Soaps, 2nd Edition, with 66 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 8s Qd (p. 12s Qd nett) 1907 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 481 9569 HUNT (Robert, F.R.S.) BRITISH MINING: the History, Discovery, Practical Development, and Future Prospects of Metalliferous Mines in the United Kingdom, with 231 illustrations, thick cr. 4to. cl., 18s (p. 2. 2s) 1884 ' Containing a mass of valuable results, e. g., of the Royal Commission of 1866, an historical sketch of mining, the geology of mineral deposits and formation of metalliferous veins, details of the operations of extracting ores, machinery and ventilation of mines, and the future prospects of British mining.' D. N. B. 9570 PHOTOGRAPHY : a Treatise on the Chemical Changes produced by Solar Radiation, and the Production of Pictures from Nature by the DAGUERREOTYPE, CALOTYPE, and other PHOTO- GRAPHIC PROCESSES, ivith 2 plates and 52 woodcuts, large post 8vo. cl. (scarce), with auto, of Eyre Crowe (historian), Is Qd 1851 9571 - - POPULAR TREATISE on the ART of PHOTOGRAPHY, including DAGUERREOTYPE, and all the NEW METHODS of PRODUCING PICTURES by the Chemical Agency of LIGHT, first edition, with front, and 29 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn (SCARCE), 1. Is Glasgow, 1841 First edition of the first work on photography printed in this country. 9572 RESEARCHES on LIGHT: the Phenomena connected with the Chemical and Molecular Changes produced by the Influence of the Solar Rays, embracing all the known PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSES, and NEW DISCOVERIES in the Art, coloured front., and woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 6s 1844 'Another experimenter who tried to obtain the natural colours of objects by means of photography was Robert Hunt. These researches took place between 1840 and 1843, and the results were set forth in his work ' Researches on Light', published in 1844.' .4. T. Story. 9573 - - SECOND EDITION [greatly enlarged] , with folding front., and woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (scarce'), 10s Qd 1854 ' Mainly a history of photography ; but the 2nd edition (1854) contained a large number of original experiments and new 'analyses of the solar ray '.'D. N. B. 9574 HUNT (Thomas Sterry, F.R.S.) A NEW BASIS for CHEMISTRY: a Chemical Philosophy ; with portrait (inserted), cr. 8vo! cl., 5* (p. 10s) Boston [Mass.'], 1887 'Showing that solution, fusion, volatilization, liquefaction, solidification, and crystallization in a word, all change of state belong to the domain of chemistry, and that, from a right consideration of these, some of the most obscure problems of the science become clear.' Preface. 9575 - THOUGHTS on SOLUTION and the CHEMICAL PROCESS, 8vo. (pp. 5), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Frankland, F.R.S., 3s [*&.] , 1854 9576 HURWITZ (Adolf; Zurich) GRUNDLAGEN einer INDEPENDENTEN THEORIE der ELLIPTISCHEN MODULFUNCTIONEN und Theorie der Multiplicator-Gleichungen erster Stufe, 8vo. (pp. 72), sewn, Is Qd Leipzig, 1881 9577 HUTCHINSON (Benjamin ; Prebendary of Lincoln, F.R.S.) ACCOUNT of a LUMINOUS ARCH [AURORA BOREALIS] , plate, 1 leaf 4to., Is Qd 1787 9578 CALENDAR of the WEATHER for 1781, with Discourse on the MOON'S INFLUENCE at common Lunations in general, and on the WINDS at the ECLIPSES in particular, founded on regular Observations taken at Kimbolton, Hunts, 8vo. (pp. 48), sewn (rare), 8s Qd 1782 9579 OBSERVATIONS on the DRYNESS of the YEAR 1788, 4to. (pp. 3), sewn, 3s Qd 1789 Together with 'Method of determining from the real Probabilities of Life, the Value of a contingent Reversion in which Three Lives are involved in the Survivorship,' by RICHARD PRICE, D.D., F.R.S. (pp. 15). The author is ignored in D. N. B. 9580 HUTCHINSON (Henry Neville, pr.) The AUTOBIOGRAPHY of the EARTH : a Popular Account of Geological History, with 27 illustrations, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 7s Qd) 1890 9581 HUTCHINSON (Graham) TREATISE on the CAUSES and PRINCIPLES of METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA ; also Two Essays : on Marsh Fever, and on the System of Equality proposed by MR. OWEN of New Lanark, for Ameliorating the Condition of Mankind, with plate and map, thick 8vo. cl., uncut, with author's inscr. to the Meteorological Soc. (scarce), 10s Qd Glasgow, 1835 9582 ANOTHER COPY, prize calf gilt, newly rebacked, 12s .. Sir John Hersohel specially quotes in his ' Meteorology ' Hutchinson's account of thunderstorms in Jamaica. 9583 HUTTE : Des INGENIEURS TASCHENBUCH, herausg. vom akademischen Verein ' Hlitte ', 19. neu bearbeitete Aunage ; with over 1600 illustrations, 2 vols. post 8vo. (pp. 2277), cl., 8s (p. M. 16 nett) Berlin, 1905 9584 - ACHTZEHNTE AUFLAGE : BAND II (enthalt Zivil-Ingenieurwissenschaften, Schiffbau, Eisenbahnwesen, Eisenhiittenkunde, Elektrotechnik und Gasfabrikation) ; with 493 illustra- tions, post 8vo. brown limp roan, t. e. g., 3s ibidem, 1902 9585 HUTTON (Frederick Remsen, Columbia Univ.) The GAS-ENGINE: a Treatise on the Internal- Combustion Engine using Gas, Gasoline, Kerosine, or other Hydrocarbons as Source of Energy, with 243 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 10s (p. 1. Is nett) New York, 1903 9586 The MECHANICAL ENGINEERING of POWER PLANTS; 2nd Edition, revised, with 512 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 10s (p. 1. Is nett) ibidem, 1906 9587 HUTTON (James, M.D. ; geologist) DISSERTATIONS on different Subjects in NATURAL PHILO- SOPHY, 4to. old calf (fine tall copy) ; RARE, 1. Is Edin., 1792 9588 ANOTHER COPY, cl., 18s Qd Containing the ' Meteorological Dissertations on Rain and Wind ', one of his most important works, wherein he ascribes the formation of rain to the mingling of two strata of air of different temperatures and the subsequent condensation of the mixture ; a remark in it also contains the first suggestion of the dry-arid-wet-bulb hygrometer. There are also papers on phlogiston, and the laws of matter and motion. There is no copy of this important work in the Royal Meteorological Society's Library Catalogue (1891). 9589 HUTTON (Walters.) The PRACTICAL ENGINEER'S HAND-BOOK, comprising a Treatise on Modern Engines and Boilers, and containing a large Collection of Rules and Practical Data, etc. etc., 4th Edition, with Additions, front, and 371 illustrations, thick 8vo. cl., 7s Qd (p. 1. 5s) 1892 9590 HUTTON (William ; F.R.S.) NOTES on the NEW RED SANDSTONE of the County of DURHAM, below the Magnesian Limestone, with2 woodcuts, 4to. (pp. 17), sewn, with inscr. to Thomas Allan, F.R.S., 2s Qd Newcastle, 1830 482 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9592 HUTTON (Charles, F.R.S.) The COMPENDIOUS MEASURER: a Brief, yet Comprehensive, Treatise on Mensuration, and Practical Geometry, with Introduction to Arithmetic ; 2nd Edition, enlarged, with diagrams, 12mo. old sheep (back damaged), 4s 1790 9593 FIFTH EDITION, enlarged, with diagrams, 12mo. old sheep (binding broken), with auto. and bookplate of Dr. P. M. JRoget, F.R.S. , 4s 1803 9594 COURSE of MATHEMATICS, for the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 12th Edition, continued and amended by OLINTHUS GILBERT GREGORY, LL.D , with considerable Additions by THOMAS STEPHENS DAVIES, F.R.S. (v. II llth Ed.), with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 4s 1841-37 9595 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. hf. calf extra ; with SOLUTIONS of the Principal Questions, forming a GENERAL KEY, by S. T. DAVIES, F.R.S., with diagrams-, hf. cl.3 vols., 10s 1841-3-40 9596 NEW EDITION, entirely re-modelled, and adapted to the Course of Instruction in the Royal Military Academy, by WILLIAM RUTHERFORD, F.R.S., with numerous diagrams (a few II. soiled), with Key by JAMES HICKIE, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 7s Qd 1841-9 9597 MATHEMATICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY, with Historical Account and MEM- OIRS of AUTHORS Ancient and Modern, first edition, with 37 copperplates, and numerous wood- cuts and diagrams, 2 vols. 4to. old calf gilt, 8s Qd 1796-5 9598 ANOTHER COPY, calf, or, hf. calf (joints cracked), Qs Qd 9599 SECOND [LAST] EDITION, with numerous Additions and Improvements, with 41 copper- plates and numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, old hf. calf gilt ; or, russia gilt (back mended), Us 1815 9600 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. 4to. old calf gilt, newly and neatly rebacked, 16s Qd The first mathematical dictionary in English, and still especially valuable for the biographical information it contains. 9601 MATHEMATICAL TABLES, containing COMMON, HYPERBOLIC, and LOGISTIC LOGARITHMS, with other Tables, and a large and original HISTORY of the DISCOVERIES and Writings relating to those Subjects, etc. etc., first edition, roy. 8vo. old calf gilt, newly rebacked (rare), 12s Qd 1785 ' With introduction, still valued as an interesting and learned history of logarithmic work. Hutton deprecates the theory [q. v. ante] of Napier's originality as the inventor of logarithms. He suggested the plan of the great work on logarithms which was afterwards compiled by his friend, Baron Maseres [-0. No. 2877, ante].' D. N. B. 9602 FOURTH EDITION, roy. 8vo. old tree-calf (sound copy), 8s Qd 1804 9603 FIFTH EDITION, roy. 8vo. boards, uncut, or, hf. calf, Qs Qd 1811 All the foregoing editions contain the valuable preface on the history of logarithms, which was left out in the later ones. 9804 EIGHTH EDITION, with Seven Additional Tables of Trigonometrical Formulse, by OLINTHUS GILBERT GREGORY, LL.D., roy. 8vo. calf, or, hf. calf, Qs Qd 1838 9605 NEW EDITION, roy. 8vo. cl. , 7s Qd 1860 9606 The PRINCIPLES of BRIDGES : MATHEMATICAL DEMONSTRATIONS of the PROPERTIES of ARCHES, the Thickness of Piers, the Force of the Water against them, etc., with Practical Observations and Directions, first edition, with folding table and diagrams, 8vo. new hf. calf gilt (rare), 12s Qd Newcastle, 1772 Written on the occasion of Newcastle Bridge being injured by a flood. It is valuable for establishing the mathematical principle of the law of arches. 9607 RECREATIONS in MATHEMATICS and NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, first composed by M. OZANAM, lately recomposed, and greatly enlarged, by M. MONTUCLA, and now translated, with many Additions and Observations, first edition, with nearly 100 copperplates (some foxed), 4 vols. 8vo. neiv buckram (scarce), 1. Is 1803 9608 NEW [LAST] EDITION, with numerous Additions, by EDWARD RIDDLE, F.R.A.S., with over 400 woodcuts and diagrams, thick 8vo. cl., uncut, 8s Qd 1840, or, '4 9609 TRACTS, MATHEMATICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL, VOL. I (all pub.), with 4 folding plates, besides diagrams, 4to. sewn, uncut (rare), [Qs Qd 1786 This work is different from the ' Tracts ' published in 1812 (q. v. infra), and was unknown to D. N. B. It includes dissertations on tha infinite series, on the binomial theorem, ' New Experiments in Artillery', etc. 9610 TRACTS on MATHEMATICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL SUBJECTS, including the THEORY of BRIDGES, and EXPERIMENTS on the FORCE of GUNPOWDER, with fine portrait by C. Turner, plates, and diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, 10s 1812 9611 ANOTHER COPY, calf gilt, with auto, and bookplate of Sir John Francis Davis, 12s Qd 9612 TREATISE on MENSURATION, both in Theory and Practice, first edition, with plate and arms on copper, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams by THOMAS BEWICK, th,ick4to. contemporary hf. calf (tall copy), 15s Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1770 9613 - ANOTHER COPY, with numerous MS. additions, including illustrations, in a very neat hand, old calf (joints cracked, and one 1. mended), 12s Qd 'This work, which is now become very rare, was originally published in numbers and by subscription. It was com- menced in 1768, and completed in 1770. Beilby engraved the ' Percy Arms ', also the copperplate at p. 600. The diagrams were Thomas Bewick's first attempt at wood engraving, and in one at p. 42 he has introduced his favourite subject the steeple of St. Nicholas Church, Newcastle.' Thomas Hugo, pr. 9614 FOURTH EDITION, with many Additions, plate, and numerous diagrams, thick 8vo. sheep (joints cracked), 3s Qd 1812 The author, who became one of the foremost mathematicians of his time, and the value of whose work in computing the earth's density was acknowledged by Laplace, began life as a hewer in Long Benton Colliery near Newcastle-on-Tyne. ' All his books, were of a professional and practical character, and are invariable clear and accurate.' D. N. B. 9615 HUTTON (William R., Chief Engineer) The WASHINGTON BRIDGE over the HARLEM RIVER, at 181st Street, NEW YORK : a Description of its Construction, with 63 plates (many folding), 4to. cl, with author's inscr., 10s Qd (p. 2. 2s) New York [1891] SOTfrEttAN & CO., 140, STKANB, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 483 9617 HUXLEY (Thomas Henry, F.R.S.) OBSERVATIONS on the STRUCTURE of GLACIER ICE, Svo. (pp. 20), sewn, 2s 1857 9618 PHYSIOGRAPHY : an Introduction to the Study of Nature, first edition, with 5 coloured plates, and 122 woodcuts, cr. Svo. cL, 3s (p. 7s Qd) 1877 9619 , PORTRAIT of, engraved on steel by CHARLES HENRY JEENS, 4s n. d. 9620 THE SAME, PROOF BEFORE LETTERS, 6s 9621 THE SAME, on INDIA PAPER, 85 9622 HUYGENS [Latine HUGENIUS] (Christiaan ; F.R.S.) (EuvRES COMPLETES, publiees par la SOCI^TE HOLLANDAISE DBS SCIENCES ; printed on handmade paper, with 4 portraits, 50 plates and fss., and numerous other illustrations, 12 thick vols. 4to. parchment cover, uncut, 10. 105 (p. F. 390 nett) La Haye, 1888-1910 CONTENU : Tomes I a X : Correspondance de 1638 & 1695 : Tomes XI eh XII : Travaux Mathematiques,' 1654-56. A national memorial to one of the greatest of Dutchmen, and the indispensable edition of his Works for any great scientific library. 9623 OPERA VARIA [cum Vita sua, ex Recensione G. J. 's GRAVESANDE] ; with engraved portrait by F. Ottens, and5Q plates, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, sound copy in old calf, 16s Qd Lugduni Batavorum, 1724 Including Horologiutn Oscillatorium ; Theoremata de Quadratura Hyperboles, Ellipsis et Circuli ; de Circuli Magnitudine Inventa ; de Circuli et Hyberbolae Quadratura, etc. etc. 9624 EADEM ; necnon, OPERA RELIQUA [edente G. J. 's GRAVESANDE] ; with 58 copperplates, 2 v., Amst., '284 vols. 4to. hf. calf gilt, 1. 12s Qd 1724-8 9625 OPUSCULA POSTUMA, quse continent DIOPTRICAM, COMMENTARIOS de VITRIS FIGURANDIS, DlSSERTATIONEM de CORONA et PARHELIIS, TRACTATUM de MOTU et de Vl CENTRIFUGA, Dfi- SCRIPTIONEM AUTOMATI PLANETARii [ex Recensione BURCHERI DE VOLDER et BERNHARDI FULLENII] ; with 24 fine copperplates (many folding), and numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. con- temporary calf (RARE), 18s Qd Lugd. Bat., 1703 FIRST EDITION of the author's posthumous works, afterwards republished by J. W. 's Gravesande as Opera Reliqua, and comprising Huygens's important optical works. ' In his Posthumous Works, 1703, he shewed how from the focal lengths of the component lenses the magnifying power of a telescope could be determined ; and explained some of the phenomena connected with haloes and parhelia.' W. W.E.Bali. 9626 De CIRCULI MAGNITUDINE INVENTA, accedunt eiusdem Problematum quorundam illus- trium Constructiones, editio princeps ; with numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. sewn (large and sound copy) ; RARE, 1. 5s ib., Joh. et Dan. Elzevier, 1654 9627 EXERCITATIONES MATHEMATICS et PHILOSOPHIC^:, ex MSS. in Bibliotheca Academic Lugd. Bat. servatis edidit PETRUS JOANNES UYLENBROEK ; with 4 folding plates and fs., 2 vols. 4to. sewn, uncut (scarce), 12s Qd Hagce Comitum, 1833 Containing Huygens's scientific correspondence with Leibniz, the Marquis de 1'Hospital, de Vaumesle, Fatio de Duillier, etc. etc. BROOK TAYLOR'S COPY: 9628 HOROLOGIUM OsciLLAT9RiUM, sive de MOTU PENDULORUM ad Horologia aptato Demonstrationes Geometricse, editio princeps ; with woodcuts and numerous diagrams, folio, new boards (a few slight wormholes and water-stains on margin, but a TALL AND SOUND COPY) ; with auto, of Brook Taylor, F.R.S. ? inventor of the calculus of finite differences, on title (VERY RARE), 4. 4s Parisiis, F. Muguei, Regis typographus, 1673 'A work that ranks second only to Newton's Principia and constitutes historically a necessary introduction to it. The book opens with a description of pendulum clocks, of which Huygens is the inventor. Then follows a treatment of accelerated motion of bodies falling free, or sliding on inclined planes, or on given curves culminating in the brilliant discovery that the cycloid is a tautochronous curve. To the theory of curves he added the important theory of ' evolntes.' ... In Huygens's assumption that the common centre of gravity of a group of bodies, oscillating about a horizontal axis, rises to its original height, but no higher, is expressed for the first time one of the most beautiful principles of dynamics, afterwards called the principle of the conservation of vis viva. The 13 theorems at the end relate to the theory of centrifugal force in circular motion. This theory aided Newton in discovering the law of gravitation. 'Prof. Cajori. ' This work contains the first attempt to apply dynamics to bodies of finite size and not merely to particles.' W. W. R. Ball. 9629 KOSMO9EQPOS, sive de TERRIS CCELESTIBUS, earumque Ornatu, CONJECTURE, ad Constantinum Hugenium, Fratrem : Gulielmo III. Magnse Britannise Kegis, a Secretis ; editio princeps; with 5 folding plates, and plate IV in duplicate, sin. 4to. old white vellum (binding slightly damaged] ; RARE, 1. Is Hagce-Com., 1698 9630 EDITIO ALTERA ; with 5 plates, sm. 4to. old hf. vellum (FINE COPY), 15s ib., 1699 Published posthumously. It contains the author's views on the plurality of worlds, and the first attempt at stellar photometry by comparing the light of the Sun with that of Sirius. 9631 The CELESTIAL WORLDS Disco VER'D : or, Conjectures concerning the Inhabitants, Plants and Productions of the Worlds in the Planets, with 5 folding plates, large 12mo. fine copy in contemporary panelled calf (rare], 15s T. Childe, 1698 9632 ANOTHER COPY, old calf (back slightly damaged), 12s 9633 SECOND EDITION, corrected and enlarged, with 5 folding plates, 12mo. old mottled calf, newly rebacked (FINE COPY), 12s 1722 9634 ANOTHER COPY, unbound (plate 4 wanting), 5s 9635 HYDRO-MECHANICS, The THEORY and PRACTICE of : Lectures at the Institution of Civil Engineers, with 6 folding plates and maps and 23 woodcuts, Svo. hf. calf neat (o. p.), 10s Qd 1885 9636 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, 8s Qd Containing Physiography, by SIR JOHN EVANS ; Water-Supply, by WILLIAM POLE, F.R.S. ; Water-Motors, by W. C. UNWIN, F.R.S. ; Inland Navigation in Europe, by SIR C. A. HARTLEY ; Tides and Coast Works, by THOMAS STEVENSON ; and Forms of Ships, by SIR E. J. REED, F.R.S. 9637 HYSLOP (Jonathan, C.E.) COLLIERY MANAGEMENT, 2nd [last] Edition, with front, and 2 folding charts, also Atlas, containing 17 folding plates 2 vols. Svo. cl. (o. p.), Qs (p. 1. 5s) 1876 484 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9639 HYMERS (Jolin, D.D., Rector of Brandesburton, F.R.S. ; founder of Hymers College, Hull) The ELEMENTS of the THEORY of ASTRONOMY, 2nd Edition, revised, with 4 plates, 8vo. calf antique, uncut, t. e. g., 4s Qd Cambridge, 1840 9640 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf (one joint cracked), 3s 9641 TREATISE on ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY of THREE DIMENSIONS ; containing the Theory of Curve Surfaces, and of Curves of Double Curvature; 2nd Edition, with 6 plates : COLLECTION of EXAMPLES on the INTEGRAL CALCULUS, in which every Operation of each Example is completely effected ; by a MEMBER of the UNIVERSITY 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, calf gilt, 5s 6d ibidem, 1836-35 THIRD [LAST] EDITION, altered and revised, with 6 plates, S^o. hf. cL, 4s ib., 1848 9642 - - TREATISE on DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, and on the CALCULUS of FINITE DIFFERENCES, with plate, 8vo. boards, 3s ib., 1839 9643 - SECOND EDITION, enlarged, with plate, 8vo. cl, 5s 1858 9644 TREATISE on [PLANE and SPHERICAL] TRIGONOMETRY, and on Trigonometrical Tables and Logarithms, with select Problems and their Solutions; 2nd Edition, enlarged, with Opiates 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, boards, 3s Qd Cambridge, 1841 9645 - FOURTH EDITION, with 2 plates, 8vo. hf. calf gilt (nice copy), 5s 1858 ' Hymers was not a mere mathematician. He travelled largely on the Continent, and was well read in Classical authors. His books exhibit much-acquaintance with the progress of mathematics on the Continent. He bequeathed all his property to the Mayor and Corporation of Hull as a foundation for a Grainmar School 'to train intelligence in whatever rank it may be found amongst the population of the town and port '. An obscurity in the wording of the will rendered the bequest invalid, but his heir-at-law spontaneously offered the Corporation 40,000. to fulfil Hymers's purpose. ' D. N. B. - v. GREGORY, Nos. 8665-8667, ante. 9646 IBBETSON (John Holt) SPECIMENS in ECCENTRIC CIRCULAR TURNING ; with Practical Instructions for producing Corresponding Pieces in the Art, 3rd Edition, with considerable Additions, with 8 copperplates, and numerous full-page and other woodcuts, 8vo. cl. , uncut, Is Qd [c. 1830] 9647 ANOTHER COPY, cl. (wanting first 2 copperplates), 3s Qd 'The present edition gives a description of the identical slide-rest and chuck with which all the specimens I have ever worked out in pure simple and compound eccentric turning were actually executed and engraved.' Intro. 9648 IBBETSON (William John, F.R.A.S.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the MATHEMATICAL THEORY of PERFECTLY ELASTIC SOLIDS, with short Account of Viscous FLUIDS, with 65 illus- trations, 8vo. cl. (cover slightly damaged), 9s (p. 1. 1*) 1887 9649 IGI (Raffaello) IMPIEGHI PERIODICI rendite AMMORTIMENTI, roy. 8vo. sewn, with author's inscr., 2s 6d Sansevero, 1894 9650 IMHOOFF (Jean Jaques, d'Arau) L'ART de TENIR les LIVRES en PARTIES DOUBLES, ou la Science de faire Ecriture, de toutes les N^gociations qui se font, soit en Banque, soit en Mar- chandises, 4to. hf. calf (rare), 12s 6d Vevey, chez I'auteur, 1786 9651 IMISON (John ; printer) TREATISE on the MECHANICAL POWERS of the Lever, the Wheel and Axle, the Pulley, the Screw, the Wedge, and the Inclined Plane, with useful Improvements in Mill- Work, Bevel Geer, Friction, etc., 2nd Edition, luith 2 folding copperplates, 8vo. (pp. 37), sewn, 3s 1794 9652 INDIA RUBBER, LECTURES on : the Official Account of the PROCEEDINGS of the CON- FERENCE in Connexion with the International RUBBER and Allied Trades EXHIBITION, London, Sept., 1908, edited by D. SPENCE, F.l.c, 3 plates and diagrams, roy. 8vo. cl. t 6s 6d (p. 10s Grfnett) [1909] 9653 INDUSTRIE MINERALS, STATISTIQUE de 1', et des APPAREILS a VAPEUR, en FRANCE et en ALGERIE, pour le Annee 1882. Resume des Travaux Statistiques de 1' Ad ministration des Mines en 1883, avec Appendice, concernant la STATISTIQUE MINERALS INTERNATIONALE ; withmap and diagrams, 4to. sewn, 5s Imprimerie Nationale, 1883 9654 INGEGNERE (Angelo, sive Angiolo) CONTRA I'ALCHIMIA e gli ALCHIMISTI PALINODIA dell' ARGONAUTICA, con la stessa Argonautica, dichiarata da copiose Postille del propio Autore ; with arms on title, sm. 4to. sewn (rare), 15s Napoli, 1606 This work was unknown to the author's biographer in Biographic Generate, who only quotes (imperfectly) the title on the authority of Quadrio. 9655 INGENIEURS (KONINKLIJK NEDERLANDSCH INSTITUUT van), WERKEN van het; from the beginning in 1848 to 1908, viz., ALGEMEEN VERSLAG en NATULEN, 1848-99/1900 to 1894 in 47 vols. hf. calf, and the rest sewn ; VERHANDELINGEN, 1848-99/1908 to 1894 in 38 vols. hf. calf, and the rest sewn; UITTREKSELS uit Tijdschriften 1848-67, 15 vols. hf. calf; REGISTER, 1847-94 ; REPERTOIRE des CARTES ; CATALOGUS der Boekerij, met Supplemen'ten ; with numerous plates and other illustrations, 100 vols. 8vo. and 4to. hf. calf gilt, and numerous* parts, sewn (a few parts and vols. wanting) ; FINE LIBRARY SET, 8. 8s 's Gravenhage, 1848-1908 The foremost Dutch periodical publication on engineering, dealing more especially with canal and river work. The earlier volumes are out of print and SCARCE. A COMPLETE SET OF THE JOURNAL TO DATE : 9656 IRON and STEEL INSTITUTE, JOURNAL of the, from its beginning in 1871 to 1910, 78 v. : NAME INDEX, vv. 1-50 (1869-96), '98 : GENERAL INDEX, vv. 36-58 (1890-1900), 1902: SPECIAL VOLUME (The Iron and Steel Institute in America in 1890), n. d. : SUPPLEMENT to v. LXV (Relations between the Effects of Stresses slowly applied, by Pierre Breuil), '04 : CARNEGIE SCHOLARSHIP MEMOIRS, ed. by G. C. Lloyd, 2 v., '09-10: LIBRARY CATALOGUE, with very numerous plates, portraits, etc. in all 11 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, and 74 vols. cl. (FINE LIBRARY SET) ; VERY SCARCE, COMPLETE AS ABOVE, 24. 1871-1910 Complete sets as the above are extremely difficult to find. DIE GALVANOPLASTIK, DAS VERFAHREN COIIARENTES KliPFER IN PLATTED ODER NACH SQJiST GEGEBEXEN FORMEN, U>'MITTEL- BAR AUS K.UPFERALTLOSUNGEN, AL'F GALVAMSCHE.M WEGE ZU PRODLCIREN. Xaita-l. Run. Ktfrath, und Hitglitdt d,.- Kaistrlichm Readmit dtr tfutautha/tm n Mil emer Kupfcrtafcl. S T . PETERSBURG, Eggers et C (in Commission bei F. A. llerbig in Berlii 1840. 57 cellan, Scliiefer, Gyps, \Vachs, Scfiweft-l, Stearin, Sicgel- luck, Holz u. s. w., in Flatten oder sonst kiinstlerisch geformt, als Original oder Modell gebrauchen. Sie werden vorher mit diinnen Metallblattern, Folien oder ausserst zarten Metall- Graphit- oder Kohlenpulvern bedcckt. welche urn die Ziige nicht abzustumpfen , keine..messbare Dicke haben diirfen. Es versteht sich von selbst, dass diese Folien oder Pulver nur aus solcben Metallen besteben diirfen, welcbe nacb dem obigen,-die Kupfersalze nicht schon Tur sich auf che- mischen Wege zersetzen. Man findet solthe-Pulver, tbeils itn Handel, theils kann man sie sicb leicbt selbst bereiten ; so z. B. erhalt man ein ausserst zartes Kupferpulver durrh Fallung aus der salpetersauren Kupferlosung vermittelst Eisen. Den Metallpulvern ist iibrigens der feih gescblemmh 1 Graphit deshalb vorzuzieben, weil dieser sich auf den Ober- flacben feiner vertheilt und besser auf ibnen haftet. Man kann denselbeTi mit Wasser zu einem dicken Brei anriih- ren und damit das Modell bestreichen. \V^enn der Ueber- zug vollkommen trocken geworden,' wrrd das Ueberfliissige durch ei'nen Pinsel oder eine weicbe Biirste 'entfernt. ; Oft haftet der Graphit aucb ohne dass man ihn vorher nas. auftriigt, wenn man ibn mit einem Pinsel anreibt;'d*r vor- her ein wenig mit Oel befeucbtet worden ist. Besteht das Modell aus Gyps, so muss dasselbe so vor bereitet werden, dass es der Nasse auf langere Zeil widpr- stehen kann. Dieses gescbieht am besten, indem man den No. 9709-10 (paye 487). The invention of electrotyping. No. 10096 (page 504). Portrait of Johann Kepler. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 485 9658 IDRAULICI (OPUSCOLI) di MARIO LORGNA, PIETRO ZULIANI, FRANCESCO FOCACCI, ANTONIO TADINI, I&IDORO BERNAREGGI e GIANBATISTA MASETTI ; with 12 folding plates, 4to. sewn, 6s 6d Bologna, 1824 9659 INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT COMPANY, Ltd., v. the DE MARE INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT SYSTEM, Ltd , in the High Court of Justice (Q.B. Division) before MR. JUSTICE WILLS (without a Jury) : TRANSCRIPT of the SHORTHAND NOTES, March 9th to April 18th, 1896, thick 4to, hf. calf, 8s Qd 1896 Valuable as a contribution to the history of incandescent lighting. It contains a very clear statement of the case for plaintiffs by Mr. Fletcher [now Loid] Moulton, F.R s. 9660 INDUSTRIAL ARTS (The) : HISTORICAL SKETCHES, with front., and numerous pretty wood- cuts, large cr. 8vo. hf. calf gilt (title stamped), 2s Qd [1876] 9661 INDUSTRIEL (L') : JOURNAL destine a repandre les Connaissances U tiles a P!NDUSTRIE geoerale, ainsi que les DECOUVERTES et les PERFECTIONNEMENTS dont elle est journellement 1'Objet ; with \1 folaing plates, 8vo. hf. roan (title wanting), 4s Qd 1826 Containicg a copious description of HENRY MAUDSLAY'S first marine engine, which was used afterwards, in a modified form, in the Great Western s.s. 9662 INGALLS (Walter Renton) The METALLURGY of ZINC and CADMIUM, with 408 illustrations (including plates), 8vo. cl., Us (1. 5s nett) New York, 1903 9663 PRODUCTION and PROPERTIES of ZINC ; the Occurrence and Distribution of Zinc Ore, the Commercial and Technical Conditions affecting the Production of Spelter, and its Chemical and Physical Properties and Uses, with Historical and Statistical Review of the Industry, with 66 illustrations (including plates), 8vo. cl. , 7s Qd (p. 12* Qd nett) ibidem, 1902 9664 INGENHOUSZ (Jan, F.R.S.) VERMISCHTE SCHRIFTEN PHYSISCH-MEDICINISCHEN INHALTS, uibersetzt von NlCOLAUS CARL MOLITOR, 2. mit ganz neuen Abhandlungen vermehrte Auflage ; with 5 copperplates (1 coloured), 2 vols. 8vo. sound copy in old calf (pp. 11-14 of Intro, in MS.), 8s Qd Wien, 1784 Ingenhousz, who spent his later years in England, was the first to employ glass plates in the construction of electric machines. He also made important researches into the thermal conductivity of different metals, and was the first to introduce carbon dioxide into medical use. 9665 EXPERIENCES sur les VEGETAUX, spe"cialement sur la PROPRIETE qu'ils possedent a un haut degre, soit d'AMELiORER PAIR quand ils sont au Soleil, soit de le commipre la Nuit, ou lorsqu'ils sont h, 1'Ombre, avec une Methode nouvelle de juger du Degre de Salubrite de 1' Atmo- sphere, traduit de I'Anglois, par 1'Auteur ; with copperplate, 8vo. old calf (a few pp. slightly acid- stained) -, RARE, 165 Qd 1780 The author's chief work, containing his great discovery that plants give off oxygen in the sunshine, and carbon dioxide in the shade. 9666 VERSUCHE mit PFLANZEN, hauptsachlich liber die Eigenschaft, welche sie in einem hohen Grade besitzen, die Luft im Sonnenlichte zu reinigen, und in der Nacht und im Schatten zu verderben, nebst einer neuen Methode, den Grad der Reinheit und Heilsamkeit der atmo- spharischen Luft zu priifen, iibersetzt von JOHANN ANDREAS SCHERER, verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage ; with plate, 3 vols. 8vo. old calf (rare), 10s Qd Wien, 1786-90 ' On doit a Ingenhousz I'emploi des plateaux de verre dans la construction des machines dlectriques, dont Ramsden s'etait attribu6 1'invention. II a fait aussi recherches sur la difference de vitesse avec laquelle la chaleur se propage dans des metaux differents, et confirma les experiences de Thomas Percival sur la nutrition des plantes ; enfin il a demontre que les vegetaux vivants, exposes a la lumiere, emettent de 1'oxygene, tandis qu'a 1'ombre ils exhalent de 1'acide car- bon ique.' .firogrr. Gen 9667 INGLE (Herbert, F.I.C.) MANUAL of AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, with woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 7 Qd nett) 1902 9668 INNES (Robert T. A.; F.R.A.S., Transvaal Observatory) TABLES to FACILITATE the APPLICATION of GAUSS'S METHOD of COMPUTING SECULAR VARIATIONS, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, \s [1894] 9669 INSTITUTE of ACTUARIES' TEXT BOOK of the PRINCIPLES of INTEREST, Life Annuities, and Assurances, and their practical Application ; PART I : INTEREST (including Annuities- Certain), by WILLIAM SUTTON, 8vo. hf. roan (binding damaged), 5s 1882 9670 of CHEMISTRY (The) of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND : PROCEEDINGS, from 1903 to 191 1, 30 parts 8vo. sewn (wanting 1904, part 2 and 1911, part 1), 12s (p. 1. 10s nett) 1903-11 9671 INSTITUTION (Royal), NOTICES of the PROCEEDINGS of the Meetings of the Members of the, with ABSTRACTS of the DISCOURSES at the Evening Meetings, complete from the beginning in 1851 to 1892, with plates and other illustrations, 13 vols. 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 2. 2s 1851-92 9672 INSTITUTIONS (The) of MATHEMATICALL EXPERIMENTS, in three Parts. 1. The Constitu- tions, Power, and Effects or the Planets and Starres. 2. The Method of Mathematicall Physicke. 3. The Resolutions of Astrologicall Questions, extracted from the Experiments and Observations of GUIDO, BONATUS, HALY, ABENRAGEL, CLAUDIUS, DARIOT, GANIVETUS, and many others, large 12mo. contemporary sheep, rebacked in C//(RARE), 1. Is Andrew Crooke, 1643 Very rare, and unknown to Lowndes and Watt. It contains ' Tables of the Houses for the Latitude of 51.' 9673 INTERM&DIAIRE des MATHEMATICIENS (L'), dirige par CHARLES ANGE LAISANT et EMILE LEMOINE; complete from the beginning in 1894 to 1899 ; with diagrams, 6 vols. 8vo., vv. 1-2 hf. maroon calf gilt, and vv. 3-6 hf. brown calf, 1. Is 1894-9 9674 INWOOD (William) TABLES for the PURCHASING of ESTATES, etc. etc., Renewing of Leases, and Valuing Reversionary Estates, also the Five Tables of Compound Interest, and an Extension of SMART'S TABLES ; 17th Edition, with considerable Additions by FEDOR THOMAN, fcap. 8vo. cl., 3s 1859 9675 IREDELL (J. S.) NOTES on MAGNETISM and ELECTRICITY, with Introduction to Telephony and Telegraphy, 51 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 3s Qd nett) 33 486 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9677 IRISH ACADEMY (Royal), PROCEEDINGS of the, complete from their beginning in 1836 to 1872 (Second Series, v. I), with numerous plates, 11 vols. 8vo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 5. 5s * Dublin, 18[36] 41-72 9678 ^ACTIONS of the, from 1837 (vol. 18) to 1886 (vol. 28 ; but wanting v. 23) ; with numerr _, ' . 4to. cl. (SCARCE), 8. 8s ibidem, 1838-86 Both the above pr 1 ,s COIILJ.. . .^ortant original contributions on the exact sciences by THOMAS ANDREWS, JAMES APJOHN, M.D , L_ .I.LIAM ROWAN HAMILTON, SIR ROBERT KANE, HUMPHREY LLOYD, D.D., JAMES MC-CULLAGH, FF.R.S., etc. etc. etc. 9679 IRON and STEEL INSTITUTE, JOURNAL of the, from 1880 to 1909, No. 1 (Vols. 17-79), 63 v. : NAME INDEX, v. 1-50 (1869-96), '98 : GENERAL INDEX, v. 36-58 (1890- 1900), 1902 : SPECIAL VOLUME (The Iron and Steel Institute in America in 1890), n. d. : SUPPLEMENT to v. LXY (Relations between the Effects of Stresses slowly applied, by PIERRE BREUIL), '04: CARNEGIE SCHOLARSHIP MEMOIRS, V. I, ed. by G. C. LLOYD, '09 : LIBRARY CATALOGUE, with very numerous plates, portraits, etc. in all 70 vols. 8vo. cl. (FRESH SET), 12. Its (p. 52. 12*) 1880-190i> 9680 ANOTHER SET, from 1884 to 1911, No. 1 (Vols. 25-83), 59 v. : NAME INDEX, v. 1-50 (1869-96), '98: GENERAL INDEX, v. 36-58 (1890-1900), 1902: SUBJECT and NAME INDEX to v. 59-83 (1901-10), '11: SPECIAL VOLUME (The Iron and Steel Institute in America in 1890), n. d.: SUPPLEMENT to v. LXV (Relations between the Effects of Stresses slowly applied, by PIERRE BREUIL), '04: CARNEGIE SCHOLARSHIP MEMOIRS, v. I II, edited by G. C. LLOYD, 2 v., '09-10 : LIBRARY CATALOGUE, with very numerous plates, portrait?, etc. in all 67 vols. 8vo. cl. (fresh set), 10. 10s (p. 52.) 1884-1911 One of the earliest and most important publications on the metallurgy of iron, containing valuable original contributions by the leading metallurgists of the time. The second Index Volume contains a ' History of the Develop- ment of the Institute ' by BENNETT H. BROUGH, with 16 portraits of past presidents. ' This periodical contains not only many original articles of great value, but also an almost complete collection of abstracts of the literature of iron and steel that is published anywhere, classified under headings for convenient reference. Anyone beginning the study of any branch of iron and steel metallurgy should commence with this journal, as soon as the text-books have been consulted.' B. Stoughton. 9681 IRVING (Alexander) DISSOCIATION and CONTACT-ACTION, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is [1887] 9682 ISAAC (Florence) On the SPONTANEOUS CRYSTALLISATION and the MELTING and FREEZING POINT CURVES of MIXTURES of Two SUBSTANCES which form Mixed Crystals and possess a Minimum or Eutectic Freezing Point : MIXTURES of AZOBENZENE and BENZYLANILINE, with diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 26), sewn, Is 6d 1910 9683 The TEMPERATURES of SPONTANEOUS CRYSTALLISATION of MIXED SOLUTIONS, and their Determination by Means of the Index of Refraction : Mixtures of Solutions of Sodium Nitrate and Lead Nitrate, with 4 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn, Is Qd 1908 9684 ISHERWOOD (Benjamin Franklin, U.S.N.) ENGINEERING PRECEDENTS for STEAM MACHINERY : the Performances of Steamships, EXPERIMENTS with PROPELLING INSTRUMENTS, CONDENSERS, BOILERS, etc., with Analyses, the whole being Original Matter, with front, and 5 folding tables. 8vo. cl., with auto, of George Eennie, F.B.S., 6s Qd New York, 18-9 Including British Gun-Boats in China, British Despatch Screw Steamer ' Lynx,' Screw Steamers 'Sydney,' 'Ireland, ' and ' Scotland,' British War Screw Steamship ' Conflict,' etc. 9685 IWANOW (Alexander) HILFSTAFELN zur BERECHNUNG ANGENAHERTER BAHNEN der KLEINEN PLANETEN vom HECUBA-TYPUS ; sm. folio ->. 53), sewn, 3s St. Petersburg, 1899 9686 IZARN (Joseph) MANUEL du GALVANISME, ou L, cription et Usage des divers APPAREILS GALVANIQUES employes jusqu'a ce Jour, tant pour les Recherches Physiques et Chimiques, que pour les Applications Medicales ; with 6 folding plates, 8vo. sewn, uncut, Qs Qd 1804 A painstaking account of all that was then known of galvanic electricity, including an interesting sketch of ihe researches of Sulzer, Cotugno, and Galvani. 9687 JACK (Richard, Teacher of Mathematicks, Edin.) ELEMENTS of CONIC SECTIONS, demonstrating the principal Properties of the Parabola, Ellipse, and Hyperbola, with 9 folding plates, 8vo. old calf, 5s Edin., 1742 9688 JACKSON (Lt.-Col. Basil, H. E.I. C. Coll., Addiscombe) COURSE of MILITARY SURVEYING, including Sketching in the Field, Plan Drawing, Levelling, Military Keconnoissance, etc. etc. etc., with particular Description of the SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS, and the Methods of using them, with 18 plates and numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl. (name cut off title], 45 1838 9689 FIFTH EDITION [enlarged] , with 19 plates, 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. Us) 1860 The preface of this edition contains interesting information regarding the author's share in the Waterloo Campaign, and his survey of the river Dyle, which he supposes to have been used by Marshal Bliicher in his retreat to Wavres. He served at St. Helena during Napoleon's captivity, and then got a professorship at Addiscombe, which he heJd till 1857. He died in 1*89 aged ninety-four. 9690 JACKSON fCharles Thomas, M.D., F.G.S.) REPORT on the ALBERT COAL MINE [NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA], with folding lithograph, woodcuts, and map, 8vo. (pp. 48), sewn, 3s [Boston, Mass., 1S51J Independently of his fame as a geologist, the author was the first to discover the anesthetic property of ether. 9691 JACKSON (Dugald Caleb ; Mass. Inst. Technology, and John Price) ELEMENTARY BOOK on ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, and their Applications, with 358 illustrations, pq. cr. Svo. hf. calf, 45 (p. 75 Qd nett) New York, 1902 9692 JACKSON (George, accountant) The CHECK JOURNAL, on the Principle of DOUBLE ENTRY, 23rd Edition, Svo. cl., 3s (p. 55 nett) 1901 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 487 9594 JACKSON ([Col. Julian, hie] J. R. ; Bengal Artillery; Russian General Staff; F.R.S.) MINERALS and their USES, in a Series of Letters to a Lady, with coloured front., fcap. 8vo. cl., 3s 1S49 9695 JACKSON (Lewis d'Aguilar, C.E.) ACCENTED FOUR-FIGURE LOGARITHMS, and other Tables, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 9*) 1881 9696 AID to SURVEY-PRACTICE, for Reference in Surveying, Levelling and Setting-out ; and in Route-Surveys of Travellers by Land and Sea, with 21 plates, and 42 woodcuts, thick large cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 12s Qd) 1880 9697 HYDRAULIC MANUAL, PART I : Working Tables and Explanatory Text ; PART II : Hydraulic Statistics and Indian Meteorological Statistics, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, cl., 8s (p. 1. 8s) 1875 9698 FOURTH [LATEST] EDITION, rewritten and enlarged, thick large cr. 8vo. cl., Is Qd (p. 16s) 1883 This edition does not contain the Hydraulic Statistics and Indian Meteorological Statistics. 9699 MODERN METROLOGY : a MANUAL of the METRICAL UNITS and SYSTEMS of the present Century, with Appendix of a proposed ENGLISH SYSTEM, with Jront., large cr. 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 12s Qd) 1882 9700 SIMPLIFIED WEIGHTS and MEASURES, on a Natural System applicable to most Civilized Nations, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 2s Qd 1876 9701 STATISTICS of HYDRAULIC WORKS and HYDROLOGY of ENGLAND, CANADA, EGYPT, aiui INDIA, large 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 8s Qd (p. 1. 11s Qd) 18S5 9702 JACOB (Arthur, Bombay Irrigation Service] On the DESIGNING and CONSTRUCTION of STORAGE RESERVOIRS, with 4 folding plates, 8vo. boards (o. p.), 3s Qd 1867 A well-written woik by a member of the well-known Indian Army family. 9703 JACOB (C., Ecole Polytechniq ue) APPLICATION de I'ALGEBRE a la GEOMETRIE, suivie de la Discussion des Courbes d'un Degr superieur au Second ; with 13 folding plates, 8vo. hf. French morocco neat, 3s Qd 1854 9704 JACOB (William, F.R.S.) HISTORICAL INQUIRY into the PRODUCTION and CONSUMPTION of the PRECIOUS METALS, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf (scarce), 9s 1 331 ' Perhaps the best work on the subject.' McCulloch. 9705 JACOB (William Stephen, F.R.A.S.) MAGNETICAL OBSERVATIONS at the H.E.I. Co.'s OBSERV- ATORY at MADRAS, 1851-5, roy. 4to. cl., 5s Madras, 1884 By the brother of the redoubtable General John Jacob, the pacifier of Sind. He was an able and indefatigable observer, and did much to advance astronomy in India. 9706 JACOBI (Karl Gustav Jacob ; F.R.S.) CANON ARITHMETICUS, sive Tabulae quibus exhibentur pro singulis Numeris Primis vel Primorum Potestatibus infra 1000 Numeri ad datos Indices eb Indices ad datos Numeros pertinentes, 4to. boards, uncut, with bookplate of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S. (scarce), 18s Qd Berolini, 1839 9707 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, uncut, 17s Qd 9708 VORLESUNGEN iiber DYNAMIK, nebst FUNF HINTERLASSENEN ABIIANDLUNGEN desselben, herausgegeben von A. CLEBSCH, 4to. boards (SCARCE), 1. Is ibidem, 1866 .. Including ' Probleme derMechanik in welchen eine Kriiftefunction existirt, und liber die Theorie der Storungen ' ; 1 tiber die vollstandigen Losungen einer partiellen Differentialgleichung erster Ordnnng ' ; ' Uber die Integration der partiellen Difterentialgleichungen erster Ordnung zwischen vier Variablen ' ; ' De ^Equationum Differentialium Isopen- metricarum Trausformationibus,' etc. etc. ; ' De ^Equationum Differentialium Systematenou Normal! ad Formam Nonnalem revocando.' 9709 JACOBI (Moritz Hermann v. ; brother of the foregoing) Die GALVANOPLASTIK, oder das Verfahren coharentes KUPFER in FLATTEN oder nach sonst gegebenen Formen, unmittelbar aus Kupferauflosungen, auf galvanischem Wege zu produciren, nach dem auf Befehl des Gouverne- ments in russischer Sprache bekannt gemachten Originale ; with folding copperplate, 8vo. (pp. 71>. sewn (VERY SCARCE), 1. 10s St. Petersburg, 1810 9710 ANOTHER COPY, sewn I wanting plate and last 4 II.), 5s This important work contains an account of the author's invention (based on the researches of John Frederic Daniell, F.K.S.) of electrotyping. 9711 , und Heinrich Friedrich Emil LENZ: Ueber die GESETZE der ELECTROMAGNETS, II. III. Abtheilung ; with 2 folding plates, 4to. (pp. 24), sewn (scarce), 7s Qd ibidem, 1843 ' Lenz and Jacob! suggested that the magnetism of an electromagnet was proportional to the current and to the number of turns of wire in the coil.' Pro/. Silvanus Thompson, F.RS. 9712 JACOBSON (Paul), und F. HONTGSBERGER : Ueber das METAOXYAZOBENZOL und die CONSTITUTION der PARAOXYAZOKORPER, roy. 8vo. (pp. 31), sewn, Is Berlin, 1903 9713 JACQJJEMIN (Georges) Les FERMENTATIONS RATIONNELLES (Vins, Cidres, Hydromels, Alcools) ; with 17 portraits and plates (some coloured), and numerous other illustrations, thick impl. 8vo. cl., Is 6d (p. F. 15 nett) Malzeville, 1UOO 9714 JACQUEROD (Adrien), et Stefan BOGDAN: DETERMINATION du Poms ATOMIQUE de 1'AzoTE par 1'Analyse en Volume du Protoxyde d'Azote, roy. 8vo. (pp. 21), sewn, Is Qd Geneve, 1905 9715 JACQUIN" (Nikol aus Joseph Freiaerrv.) ANFANGSGRUNDE der MEDICINISCH-PRACTISCHEN CHYMIE, zum Gebrauche seiner Vorlesungen, 2. Auttage, 8vo. sewn, 6s Qd Wien, 1785 The author inade important contributions to botanical science. The genus Jacquinia of the order Sapotacepe was named after him by Linnaeus. 9716 JAEGER (Fram, Maurits) The CRYSTAL FORM of HALOGEN DERIVATIVES of OPEN-CHAIN HYDROCARBONS with Reference to the BARLOW-POPE THEORY of STRUCTURE, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is 19U8 9717 JAGO (William, F.I.C.) INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Theoretical and Practical ; 5th Edition, with spectrum plate, and 78 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 4s Qd) Ife9t> 9718 MANUAL of FORENSIC CHEMISTRY, dealing especially with CHEMICAL EVIDENCE ; based on Lectures at University College, London, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 5s) 488 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9720 JAGO (James; F.R.S.) OCULAR SPECTRES and STRUCTURES as MUTUAL EXPONENTS. EUSTACHIAN TUBE, why opened in DEGLUTITION, with 14 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s 1856 The first part treats of optical defects of the human eye. 9721 JAHN (Gustav Adolph) TAFELN der QUADRAT- und KUBIKWURZELN aller ZAHLEN von 1 Lis 25500, der QUADRATZAIILEN von 1 bis 27000 und der KUBIKZAHLEN von 1 bis 24000, nebst einigen andern VVurzel- und Potenztafeln, impl. 8vo. sewn, with auto, of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 3s 6d Leipzig [c. 1845] 9722 JAHRBTJCH der CHEMIE : Bericht iiber die wichtigsten Fortschritte der reinen und angewandten Chemie, herausgegeben von RICHARD MEYER, I XIX. JAHRGANG ; init GENERAL- REGISTER zu Bd. I X ; with numerous illustrations, 20 vols. roy. 8vo. original hf. morocco, 7. (p. M. 324) Braunschweig, 1891-1909 9723 ANOTHER SET, COMPLETE to 1905 (Vols. I XV), with GENERAL-REGISTER to vv. I X, 16 vols. roy. 8vo. original hf. morocco, 4. 15s (p. M. 248) ib., 1891-1905 9724 iiber die FORTSCHRITTE der MATHEMATIK, im Verein mit anderen Mathematikern herausgegeben von CARL OHRTMANN, FELIX MULLER, ALBERT WANGERIN, X. BAND. JAHRGANG 1878, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 6s (p. M. 16 sewn) Berlin, 1880 9705 BAND XXIV. JAHRGANG 1892, thick 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 12s (p. M. 32 sewn) ibidem, 1895 9726 BAND XXXIX. JAHRGANG 1908, thick 8vo. in 3 parts, sewn, 1. Is (p. M. 40.50) ib., 1911 9727 fiir OKONOMISCHE CiiEMiEund verwandte Facher, herausgegeben vonWiLiBALD ARTUS, I. JAHRGANG, 8vo. sewn, 3s Leipzig, 1847 9728 der koniglich PREUSSISCHEN GEOLOGISCHEN LANDESANSTALT und BERGAKADEMIE zu BERLIN fiir 1882 ; with 23 plates and map (many folding and coloured), besides woodcuts, impl. 8vo. hf. cl., 5s Qd (p. M. 20) Berlin, 1883 9729 JAHRESBEBICHT, 1864-6, dera COMITE der NICOLAI-HAUPTSTERNWARTE abgestattet voni Director der Sternwarte [OTTO WlLHELM V. STRUVE] , aus dera Russischen iibersetzt, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. sewn, 3s 6d St. Petersburg, 1864 9730 uber die FORTS CflRITTE der CHEMIE und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften, besriiiadeb voa JUSTUS FREIHERR v. LIEBIG und HERMANN KOPP ; complete from the beginning in 1847 to 1891, also 1892 parts 1-6, 189?, pts. 1, 2, 4, and 1896 pts. I and 252 v., and 11 parts : Register, 1847-91, 5 v. together 57 vols. 8vo. hf. green morocco, and 1 1 parts, sewn, 22. Giessen, 1847 Braunschweig, '96 9731 ANOTHER SET, complete from the beginning in 1847 to 1891, also 1892 parts I 3, and 1896 pts. I and 252 v. and 5 parts: REGISTER, 1817-86, 5 v. together 57 vols. and 5 parts 8vo. all vv. to 1888 v. 1 in hf. calf, and the rest in parts as issued, 18. 18-? 1847-96 9732 ANOTHERSERIES, from 1855to 1887, '89,and '91 (pt.l),40v.: Register, 1847-76, 3 v. 43 vols. 8vo. hf. calf (SOUND SERIES) ; 12. 12s 1855-91 Forming the continuation of BERZELIUS'S ' JAHBESBERICHT ' (v. Xo. 9734, infra). COMPLETE SET TO 1906 : 9733 uber die PORTSCHRITTE der CHEMISCHEN TECHNOLOGIE, fiir Fabri- kanten, Hiitten- und Forstleute, Cameralisten und Pharmaceuten, herausgegeben von JOHANNES RUDOLPH WAGNER und FERDINAND FISCHER; complete from its beginning in 1855 to 1906, 52 v. : Register, vv. 1-10, and 31-40, 2 v. 54 vols. 8vo., with many thousand woodcuts ; hf calf (some v. newly bound); SCARCE, 17. 17s Leipzig, 1856-1906 9734 _ iiber die FORTSCHRITTE der PHYSISCHEN WISSENSCHAFTEN von JACOB BERZELIUS, aus dem Schweclischen iibersetzt von C. G. GMELIN ; from its beginning in 1822 to 1840, 19 vols. 8vo. in 7, marbled boards (SCARCE), 4. 4s Tubingen, 1822-40 'These reports, which were edited by Berzelius, are unique, and are absolutely indispensable to any one who desires to make a detailed study of the progress of chemistry during these years.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 9735 JALLABERT (Jean, F.R.S.) EXPERIENCES sur I'ELECTRICITE, avec quelques Conjectures sur la CAUSE de ses EFFETS ; with folding plates, and folding table, 12mo. old calf (RARE), 10s Qd 1749 ' Ce fut en 1748 qu'il fit connaitre au public ses longs et precieuxtravaux sur 1'electricite. C'est un inodele de methode en ce genre.' Desyenettes. The above work was first published in Gereva in 1748, and is her reprinted, with a long letter by F. BOISSIER DE SAUVAGES. The numerous experiments include an interesting account of the cure of a man's paralysed arm by the electric spark. 9736 JAMES (Alfred, F.G.S.) CYANIDE PRACTICE, with II plates and numerous other illustrations, cr. 4to. cl. (cover stained), 7s Qd (p. 15s nett) New York [1902] 9737 - - SECOND EDITION, with 11 plates and other illustrations, cr. 4to. cl., 9s ib. [1902] 9738 JAMES (William ; original projector of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, and William Henry) : The Two JAMES'S and the Two STEPHENSONS ; or, the EARLIEST HISTORY of PASSENGER TRANSIT on RAILWAYS, byE. M. S. P., cr. 8vo. cl. (VERY SCARCE), 15s 1861 Intended as an antidote to Smiles's ' Life of George Stephenson', and of great interest in connexion with early rail way engineering. William James not only made the earliest survey of the Liverpool and Manchester, but elaborated schemes for a general English railway system in 1820, and from London to Rochester, Shoreham, and Portsmouth in 1823, utilising the old Surrey Iron Railway of 1801. After being a very wealthy man he became bankrupt and was imprisoned in the Bench, and his son William Henry died a pensioner at Dulwich College in 1873. ' It appears to be based on family papers' (D. N. .), and claims for W. H. James against George Stephenson the invention of the tubular boiler ; but this really seems to have been the water-tube boiler. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 489 9740 JAMES (Lt.-Gen. Sir Henry, R.E., F.R.S. ; Ordnance Survey] INSTRUCTIONS for TAKING METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, with TABLES for their CORRECTION, and Notes on Meteoro- logical Phenomena, with 20 fine plates of Meteorological Instruments, etc., and charts (many folding or coloured], roy. Svo. cl. (scarce), 9s 1860, or, '1 Including copious descriptions of the meteorological instruments then in use. 9741 JAMESON" (Francis J.) The PRINCIPLES of the SOLUTION of SENATE-HOUSE 'RIDERS', exemplified by the Solution of those proposed in the earlier Parts of the Examinations of 1848-51, with 2 plates,' Svo. cl., 3s Qd Cambridge, 1851 9742 JAMESON (Robert, F.R.S.) TREATISE on the EXTERNAL CHARACTERS of MINERALS, 2nd Edition [enlarged], with 7 folding plates, Svo. contemporary brown calf gilt, 6s Qd Edin., 1816 Including ' Tabular View of the different Generic and Subordinate special External Characters of Minerals '(PP- 51). 9743 SYSTEM of MINERALOGY, 2nd Edition [enlarged], with \Z folding plates, 3 vols. Svo. old hf. calf (a few joints cracked], 8s Qd ibidem, 1816 9744 ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols., contemporary scored calf, 10s Qd 9745 THIRD EDITION, [enlarged], with 12 folding plates, 3 vols. Svo. contemporary hf. calf, 12s 6d ib., 1820 'The arrangement followed is that of Werner, somewhat modified.' Preface. The author studied at Freiberg under Werner, founded the ' Wernerian Natural History Society ', and was the first great exponent in Britain of Werner's geological tenets (D. N. B.). 9746 JAMIESON (Alexander, LL.D.) TREATISE on the CONSTRUCTION of MAPS, with Appendix and copious Notes, 20 plates, Svo. boards, or, hf. bound, 3s 1814 974? JAMIESON (Andrew, M.I.C.E.) ELEMENTARY MANUAL of MAGNETISM and ELECTRICITY, 3rd Ed., with numerous woodcuts, cr. Svo. cl., 2$ 1894 9748 ELEMENTARY MANUAL on STEAM and the STEAM ENGINE ; 3rd Edition, with numerous woodcuts, cr. Svo. cl., 2s 1892 9749 TEXT-BOOK of STEAM and STEAM ENGINES; 3rd Edition, with coloured front., and numerous other plates and woodcuts, cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 7s Qd) 1888 9750 FIFTH EDITION, with coloured front., and numerous other plates and woodcuts, large cr. Svo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 7s Qd] 1890 9751 ANOTHER COPY, cl. (wormed and binding soiled], 2s Qd P752 FIFTEENTH EDITION, including TURBINES and BOILERS, with 11 plates and over 400 other illustrations, thick large cr. Svo. (pp. 842), cl., 5s Qd (p. 10s 60?) 1906 9753 JAMIN (Jules Celestin, de VInstitut] COURS de PHYSIQUE de 1'Ecole Polytechnique ; 3 e Edition, augmentee et entierement refondue par J. C. JAMIN et E. BOUTY ; with Infolding plates (2 coloured], and over 1200 woodcuts, 4 vols. Svo. hf. morocco neat, or, hf. calf gilt, 12s Qd (p. F. 67 nett sewn) 1882-3 9754 QUATRIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION, augmentee et entierement refondue par EDMOND BOUTY ; with 14 folding plates (2 coloured], and 1587 woodcuts, 4 vols. in 5, cl., uncut, t. e. g. ; Supplements I er a III 6 , par E. BOUTY ; with 2 plates and 193 woodcuts, 3 vols. sewn 8 vols. 8vo. in 9, 2. 10s (p. F. 87 nett sewn) 1885-1906 The standard French work on physics. 9755 JAMISON (Alpha Pierce, Purdue Univ.) ADVANCED MECHANICAL DRAWING, with 123 illustrations, Svo. cl., 5s (p. 8s 60? nett) New York, 1905 9756 JANE (Fred T.) ALL the WORLD'S AIR-SHIPS (Flying Annual), with special Chapter on AERIAL ENGINEERING by CHARLES DE GRAVE SELLS, M.I.C.E., with hundreds of illustrations, oblong folio, cl., IsQd (p. 1. Is nett) 1909 9757 JANNETTAZ (Edouard) !Note sur la MATIERE COLORANTE des Calcaires Noirs des Pyrenees, Svo. (pp. 20), sewn, IsQd 1892 9758 , NOTICE sur les TRAVAUX SCIENTIFIQUES de [par lui-meme] ; illustrated, 4to. (pp. 57), sewn, 2s Qd 1892 9759 Les ROCHES : Description de leurs Elements, Me"thode de Determination ; with 39 diagrams, 12mo. cl., 2s 1874 9760 Les ROCHES et leurs ELEMENTS ,MINERALOGIQUES : Descriptions, Analyses Microscop- iques, Structures, Gisements, 4 e [derniere] Edition, revue et augmentee; with2B plates (20 coloured), 2 coloured folding maps, and 322 other illustrations, thick Svo. sewn, 4s Qd (p. F. 8 nett) 1910 9761 JANVIEB, (Antide, horloger du Roi] MANUEL CHRONOMETRIQUE, ou Precis de ce qui concerne le Temps, ses Divisions, ses Mesures, leurs Usages, etc.; with front., and 5 folding plates, fcap. Svo. hf. calf (rare], 8s Qd F. Didot, 1821 One of the earliest short treatises on the subject, and of well-known excellence. It includes an interesting chapter on the Progress of Horology during the XVIIIth Century. 9762 Des REVOLUTIONS des CORPS CELESTES par le MECANISME des ROUAGES ; with 9 fine copperplates (8 folding), showing complex mechanical contrivances, 4to. hf. green morocco gilt (.fine copy], 10s Qd apud eundem, 1812 Chiefly a description of the author's planetarium on the geocentric system, which, for its mechanical ingenuity, gained the praise of Delambre. Added is : Notice dc;s principaux Ouvrages composes par A. Janvier [par Delambre (pp. S)j. 9763 JAPP (Alexander Hay ; friend of E. L. Stevenson] INDUSTRIAL CURIOSITIES; with full-page and other woodcuts, cr. Svo. cl., 2s Qd 1880 9764 JABBIANT (B.) ETUDE sur les PARATONNERRES: des Paratonnerres a LonguesTiges et leurs Avantages ; with 13 plates, Svo. (pp. 51), sewn, 2s Qd 1884 9765 JEFFCOCK (Parkin), CIVIL and MINING ENGINEER: a MEMOIR, by his Brother JOHN THOMAS JEFFCOCK, pr., F.S.A., with portrait and 3 plates, cr. Svo. cl. (scarce], 5s 1867 The author was killed by a secondary explosion while bravely directing the rescue-work in the burning pit, at the great disaster at the Oaks Colliery near Barnsley in 1866, whither he had hastened as a volunteer from his home at Duffield near Derby. He had already behaved with like bravery at a flooded pit at Clay Cross in 1861. He made two examinations and reports on the coalfield of the Mosel near Saarbriick in 1863 and 1864. 4PO HEXRY SOTIIERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9767 JAUMANN (Gustav, Briinn) Die GRUNDLAGEN der BEWEGUNGSLEHRE, von einem modernen Staudpunkte aus ; with 124 woodcuts, Svo. sewn, Qs Qd (p. M. 11) Leipzig, 1905 9768 JEANS (George, pr., Pembroke Coll., Oxon.) PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY for the UNLEARNED [with Astronomical and Optical Terms], illustrated, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1856 9769 JEAN'S (H. W., F.R.A.S.) HANDBOOK for the STARS: Rules for finding the Names and Positions of all the Stars of the First and Second Magnitude, 2nd Edition, with diagrams, roy. 8vo. cl., with auto, of Edward Whymper, 2s 60? 1848 9770 - THIRD EDITION [enlarged], roy. 8vo. cl., 3s 1868 9771 JEANS (James Hopwood ; Stokes Lecturer, Cantab. ; F.R.S.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on THEORETICAL MECHANICS, with 156 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 5s6d(p. 10s Qd) Boston [Mass., 1906] 9772 JEANS (James Stephen, Sec. Brit. Iron Trade Assn.) STEEL: its History, Manufacture, Properties, and Uses, with 24 plates (mostly folding), and 186 woodcuts, very thick 8vo. cl., 1. Is 1880 This important work, the first of its kind, is now out of print arid VERY SCARCE. 9773 JEFFCOTT (Henry Homan ; Roy. Coll. Science, Ireland) NOTES on SCREW THREADS, with dinQrams, 8vo. (pp. 42), sewn, Is Qd 1907 9774 JEFFREYS (Julius, F.R.S. , F.G.s. ; inventor of the respirator), CONFUTATIVE BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE of, by LT.-COL. E. JEFFREYS, Bengal Army, with woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 38), sewn, (scarce), 5s 1855 The ' confutation ' was of a lecturer at the Royal Institution, who had used the opportunity of a Friday Evening lecture there to charge Jeffreys with plagiarising the invention of the respirator, and on other occasions was in the habit of defaming him. The pamphlet, by the inventor's brother, is the fullest account of the author, and includes a complete list of his patents on warming and ventilation, boat-lowering gear and various appliances for ships, etc. etc. 9775 JELINEK (Carl) ANLEITUNG zur ANSTELLUNG METEOROLOGISCHER BEOBACHTUNGEN und Sammlung von Hilfstafeln, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die meteorologischen Stationen in Oesterreich und Ungarn ; with 17 woodcuts of meteorological instruments, roy. 8vo. hf. calf, 4* Qd Wien, 1869 9776 BAHNBESTIMMUNG des von DE Vico am 24. Janner 1846 entdeckten COMETEN ; 4to. (pp. 21), sewn, 2s Qd Prag, 1848 9777 Ueber den TAGLICHEN GANG der vorzuglichsten METEOROLOGISCHEN ELEMENTE aus den stiindlichen Beobachtungen der PRAGER STERNWARTE abgeleitet ; with 6 folding charts, folio, hf. calf, Qs Qd Wien, 1850 9778 JELLETT (John Hewitt, D.D., Provost T. C. D., P.R.I.A.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the CALCULUS of VARIATIONS, with folding plate, 8vo. cl., uncut (cover slightly damaged); VERY SCARCE, 1. 105 Dublin, 1850 'This valuable work constitutes the only complete treatise on the calculus of variations in the English language . . . We strongly recommend the student to master this important volume.' Todhunter's History of the Calculus of Variations. ' The first really competent presentation of Lagrange's idea is that of Jellett.' Prof. E. Mach. v. CARMICHAEL, No. 6736, ante. 9779 On the PROPERTIES of INEXTENSIBLE SURFACES, 4to. (pp. 35), sewn, with author's inscr., 5s ibidem, 1853 Not mentioned in the very inadequate biography of the author in D. N. B. 9780 TREATISE on the THEORY of FRICTION, with 30 illustrations, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s Qd ib., 1872 The only extant treatise in English on the theory of friction, considered as a part of rational mechanics. ' Some of the principles contained in the present treatise are believed to be here enunciated for the first time.' Preface. These include the theory of spinning tops, afterwards completed by Lord Kelvin. Dr. Jellett was not only one of the ablest mathematicians of his time in Ireland (which is far from being brought out inhismemoirin D.N.B.), butas apriest wasadevoted servant of the Irish Church throughout the crisis ofDisestablishment. 9781 JENNINGS (David; Independent Minister, Wapping] INTRODUCTION to the USE of the GLOBES and the ORRERY, 3rd Edition, ivith 5 plates, 8vo. old calf (joints cracked), 4s 1766 With appendix ' attempting to explain the account of the first and fourth days' work of Creation in the first chapter of Genesis'. 9782 JENNY (Karl) FESTIGKEITS-VERSUCHE und die da-bei verwendeten MASCHINEN und APPARATE an der k. k. Technischen Hochschule in Wien, I. ABTEILUNG : DRAHTMATERIALIEN, ElSENBLECHE, SCHMIED-, WALZEISEN und STAHLBLECHE ; with Q folding-plates (linen-mounted), and 17 woodcuts, roy. 4to. hf. morocco neat, Qs (p. M. 12 unbound) Wien, 1878 9783 JENSEN (Gerard J. G., C.E.), BY-LAWS as to HOUSE DRAINAGE and SANITARY FITTINGS made by the LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL, annotated by, and another, woodcuts and map, postSvo. cl., 2s 1901 9784 - - CAST-IRON HOUSE DRAINAGE, with especial Reference to the Drainage of Town Houses, 185 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl.. 3s (p. 4s Qd nett) 1908 9785 JENYNS [later BLOMEFIELD] (Leonard, pr.) OBSERVATIONS in METEOROLOGY, relating to Temperature, the Winds, Atmosphere, Weather Changes, etc., post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 10s Qd) 1858 Including a chapter on ' Weather Prognostications ' (pp. 34). 9786 JEBNINGHAM (Commr. Arthur William, R.N.) REMARKS on the Means of directing the FIRE of SHIPS' BROADSIDES, with a proposed Method of Controlling and Delivering a SIMUL- TANEOUS CONVERGING FIRE, with coloured plates (10 folding), and map, roy. 8vo. cl., with author's inscr. (SCARCE), 15s 1851 This seems to be an anticipation of Vice-Adml. Sir Percy Scott's fire-controlling apparatus. 9787 JEBVIS (Col. Henry Jer vis-White, R.A., M.P.) Our ENGINES of WAR, and how we got to make them, with numerous pretty woodcuts, chiefly from old illustrations (one folding) , large post 8vo. cl. (scarce), with author's inscr., Qs 1859 A good historical sketch, illustrating especially the gradual evolution of firearms. 9783 JETTEL (Wladimir) Die ZUNDWAAREN-FABRICATION nach dem heutigen Standpunkte ; with 78 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. sewn, Qs (p. M. 10) Wien, 1897 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, \V. 491 9790 JENKIN (Henry Charles Fleemingr, F.R.S.) BRIDGES: an Elementary Treatise on their CONSTRUCTION and HISTORY (from Ency. Brit.), with 2 plates and 133 woodcuts, 4to. cL, 2s Qd Edin., 1776 [sic, recte 1876] 9791 ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, first edition, with 174 woodcuts and diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 1873 9792 SEVENTH [FINAL] EDITION ; with 177 woodcuts and diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 1883 ' Marking a new departure in the exposition of electricity, as the first text-book containing a sj stematic application of the quantitative methods inaugurated by the Biitish Association Committee on Electrical Standards.' Lord Kelvin. The 6th was the last edition revised by the author, and the 7th is a reprint. 9793 FOUR LECTURES on ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS, at the Royal Engineer Establishment, Chatham, written by CAPT. R. H. STOTHERD, R.E., and corrected by the Lecturer, with 19 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 74), hf. bound (very scarce), 8s Qd [1867] 979 i PAPERS LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, etc., edited by [SiR] SIDNEY COLVIN and [Sra] JAMES ALFRED EWING, F.R.S., with MEMOIR (pp. 170) by ROBERT Louis STEVENSON, with portraits, plates, and numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cL, uncut (scarce), 1. \s 1887 Much valued not only for the biography by R. L. STEVENSON, but also for the high scientific value of the papers them- selves. It includes a ' Note on the Contributions of Fleeming Jenkin to Electrical and Engineering Science ', by LORD KELVIN, as well as the author's Papers on ' Telpherage', Submarine Telegraphy, etc. etc., and a List of his Patents. ' In practical engineering thoroughness and soundness marked all Jenkin's work. His determinative woi'k in electricity is of the highest value, while his varied originality as an inventor is testified by his 35 British patents, and by his scientific papers.' G. T. Bettany. 9795 : REPORTS of the COMMITTEE on ELECTRICAL STANDARDS appointed by the BRITISH ASSOCIATION, revised by WILLIAM THOMSON [LORD KELVIN], J. CLERK MAXWELL, and FLEEMING JENKIN, FF.R.S., with the latter's REPORT on UNITS of ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE, and his CANTOR LECTURES [on SUBMARINE TELEGRAPHY], 7 folding plates, and diagrams, 8vo. cl. (very scarce), 17$ Qd 1873 ' The experimental work of first making practical standards, founded on the absolute system, which led to the unit now known as the British Association ohm, was chiefly performed by Clerk Maxwell and Jenkin. The realisation of the great practical benefit which has resulted from the experimental and scientific work of the Committee is certainly due to Jenkin's zeal and perseverance as secretary, and as editor of the Collected Reports . . . The volume of Reports included Jenkin's Cantor Lecture ' On Submarine Telegraphy', through which the practical applications of the scientific principles . . . became part of general knowledge in the engineering profession '.Lord Kelvin. 9796 JERRABD (Georg-e Birch) ESSAY on the RESOLUTION of EQUATIONS, Svo. sewn, 3s Qd 1859 9797 On a METHOD of TRANSFORMING EQUATIONS by Means of SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS, Svo. (pp. 10), sewn, 2s 1853 9798 REFLECTIONS on the RESOLUTION of ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS of the FIFTH DEGREE, Svo. (pp. 30), sewn, 2s Qd 1845 The author's work was especially important in connexion with the solution of quintic equations, ' which he reduced to the trinomial form by an extension of the method of Tschirnhausen ' (Prof. Cajori). 9799 [JESSOP (William), and Robert MYLNE; F.R.S.]: [THREE] REPORTS of the ENGINEERS appointed by the COMMISSIONERS of the -NAVIGATION of the Hirers THAMES and Isis, to Survey the State of the said Navigation from LECHLADE to DAYS LOCK [and WHITCHURCH] ; with Orders of the Commissioners on the said Reports, and Account of the TOLLS payable on the said Navigation from Cricklade to Stanes, with folding map, 3 vols. Svo. in 1, old hf. calf, 8s 1791 Oxford, 1791 Undertaken for the barge traffic on the Upper Thames in connexion with the Thames and Severn Canal. At this time the river was full of weirs, over which the barges were got by means of flashes, for which in dry weather they often had to wait for days at a time. 9300 JEVONS (William Stanley, F.R.S.) The Cou, QUESTION: an Inquiry concerning the Progress of the Nation, and the PROBABLE EXHAUSTION of our COAL-MINES ; 2nd Edition, revised, with frontispiece, Svo. cl., with auto, of E. Whymper, 4s Qd (p. 10s 60?) 1866 9301 THIRD [LAST] EDITION, edited by A. W. 'FLUX, with 2 plates, Svo. cl., Is (p. 10s nett) 1906 ' He argued that within a century the want of coal would seriously check our material progress . . . J. S. Mill referred to the book as being almost exhaustive of its subject, and as having proved unanswerable in its conclusions.' D. N. B. 9802 On the INVERSE, or INDUCTIVE, LOGICAL PROBLEM, Svo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Qd 1872 9803 The PRINCIPLES of SCIENCE : a Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method ; LIBRARY EDITION, with front, of the Logical Machine, 2 vols. Svo. cl., uncut (o. p.), 12s Qd (p. 1. 5s) 1874 9304 NEW EDITION, printed in smaller type, with front., post Svo. cl., Qs Qd (p. 12s 6d) 1877, or 83 His most important work, with illustrations derived from almost every branch of science, wherein 'he developed his theory of logic and scientific method, and of its applications beyond and, so to speak, above the sphere of physical science alone. It proved more stimulative to mathematicians than to metaphysicians '.D. N. B. 1 W. 8. Jevons in his Principles of Science founds induction upon the theory of inverse probability.' Prof Cajori. 9805 PURE LOGIC, or the Logic of Quality apart from Quantity, with Remarks on Boole s System, and on the Relation of Logic and Mathematics, first edition, post Svo. cl., with author's inscr. to HERBERT SPENCER (as below), and the laiter's bookstamp, Ws Qd 1S64 ' Herbert Spencer Esq. from the Writer. Manchester Jan. 1866.' Inscr. on flyleaf. Founded on Boole's ' Laws of Thought ' (q. v. ante), but divested of the latter's mathematical dress, ' which, to say the least, is not essential to it.' Preface. 9806 STUDIES in DEDUCTIVE LOGIC : a Manual for Students, with front, of ancient logical diagrams, cr. Svo. cl., 3s Qd (p. Qs) 9807 ANOTHER COPY, cl., with HERBERT SPENCER'S bookstamp, 4s 9808 JOBARD (J. B. A. M.) Les NOUVELLES INVENTIONS aux EXPOSITIONS UNIVERSELLES ; with woodcuts, 2 vols. Svo. in 4 parts, sewn, 3s Qd Bruxelles, 1857-8 9309 JOHN (Johann Friednch; Univ. Berlin) CHEMISCHES LABORATORIUM, oder ANWEISUNG zur CHEMISCHEN ANALYSE der NATURALIEN, nebst Darstellung der nothigsten Reagenzien, mit Vorrede von MARTIN HEINRICH KLAPROTH ; with 2 plates, Svo. sewn, 5s Berlin, 1808 492 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9811 JOHNSON (Alfred Challice, R'.N.) BRIEF and SIMPLE METHODS of FINDING the LATITUDE and LONGITUDE by SINGLE and DOUBLE ALTITUDES, also new TIME and AZIMUTH METHODS, with diagram, roy. 8vo. cl., Is Qd 1884 9812 How to' FIND the LONGITUDE simultaneously with LATITUDE at Noon and at other Times, how to deduce by Inspection from Two Chronometers both Latitude and Longitude, etc. etc., with Azimuth Table, 3rd Edition, 8vo. (pp. 24), sewn, Ss 1867 9813 JOHNSON (Alfred Edward, F.I.C.) The ANALYST'S LABORATORY COMPANION : a Collection of Tables and Data ; 2nd Edition, enlarged, post 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 5*) 1897 9S14 JOHNSON (George Lindsay, M.D., F.R.C.S.) CONTRIBUTIONS to the COMPARATIVE ANATOMY of the MAMMALIAN EYE, chiefly based on OPHTHALMOSCOPIC EXAMINATION [Philosophical Transactions, B, vol. 194], ivith 30 highly magnified plates (MOSTLY FINELY COLOURED), drawn by ARTHUR W. HEAD, F.Z.S., from the author's direct observations from living animals, roy. 4to. sewn, 15s 1901 ' Notwithstanding an extensive literature, a comprehensive comparative anatomy of the mammalian eye still remains unwritten. Microscopical examination is a tedious process, the procuring of absolutely fresh material is by no means easy, and, after all, fresh material is only to be found in the living eye. No amount of fixation or staining will recover what the delicate internal parts lose within a short time after death. It is here that the ophthalmoscope supplies a reliable and most valuable method of research.' Author. He is referring to the most remarkable and extensive observations taken by himself, mostly at the Zoological Gardens, under the most unusual and sometimes dangerous conditions the application of the ophthalmoscope close to the eye while the drawing was made, which in the case of sc. the larger felidce may be mildly described as a ticklish proceeding, but which never had any untoward consequences. 9815 PHOTOGRAPHIC OPTICS and COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHY, including the Camera, Kinemato- graph, Optical Lantern, and the Theory and Practice of Image Formation, with 14 plates (5 coloured), and 170 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. Is Qd) 1909 The author is the inventor of the macula sensitometer and various other optical instruments of precision. 9816 JOHNSON (George Stillingfleet) On POTASSIUM TRIIODIDE, 8vo. (pp. 5), sewn, \s 1877 9817 JOHNSON (J. C. F., F.G.S.) GETTING GOLD : a Practical Treatise for Prospectors, Miners, and Students ; with 50 woodcuts and diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 1897 9818 JOHNSON (James and John Henry) The PATENTEE'S MANUAL : the Law and Practice of Patents for Inventions ; with the Statutes, Rules, and Foreign and Colonial Patent Laws, International Convention and Protocol, 5th Edition, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 10s 6^) 1884 9819 SIXTH [LAST] EDITION, enlarged, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 10s Qd) 1890 9820 JOHNSON (John, surveyor] : JOHNSONS ARITHMETICK in two Books : the first of Vulgar Arithmetic, with easie Rules to work all the first four Parts of Arithmetick, in whole Numbers and Fractions; the second of Decimall Arithmetick, whereby all Fractionall Operations are wrought in whole Numbers in Merchants Accounts, without Reduction, with the perfect working of Interests and Annuities ; 6th Edition, with Additional Tables, 16mo contemporary calf (blank bottom corner of title torn o/) ; RARE, 1. 5s T. N.for J. Sweeting, 1655 ' In his decimal fractions Johnson has the rudest form of notation ; for he generally writes the places of decimals over the figures, thus : 146-03317 would be 146/0 3817. Otherwise his system is tolerably complete.' Prof, de Morgan. 9821 JOHNSON (John Butler, Univ. Wisconsin) THEORY and PRACTICE of SURVEYING; 15th Edition, enlarged, with 151 illustrations (including plates), 8vo. cl., 7s (p. 17s Qd nett) New York, 1900 9822 JOHNSON (Lewis Jerome, Harvard Univ.] STATICS by ALGEBRAIC and GRAPHIC METHODS, with 5 folding plates, and 42 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 8s Qd nett) New York, 1903 9823 JOHNSON (Manuel John, F.R.S., P.R.A.S.) A CATALOGUE of 606 PRINCIPAL FIXED STARS in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE : deduced from Observations at the Observatory, St. Helena, from November, 1829 to April, 1833, 4to. (pp. 83), sewn, 6s ' This important catalogue was, besides the Madras catalogues, the only source for exact places of the fixed stars situated beyond the reach of the observatories of Europe.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. It was awarded the Royal Astronomical Society's gold medal. 9824 JOHNSON (Thomas, Magdalene Coll., Cantab.) QU^ESTIONES PHILOSOPHIC^:, in justi SYSTEMATIC ORDINEM disposi'trc, EDITIO II., multo auctior et ad Usus Philosophicos accomino- datior; subjicitur Appendix de Legibus Disputandi, 12mo. old calf (joints cracked), Qs Cantabrigian 1735 Including astronomy, physics, anJ chemistry, one of the questions in the latter being, ' Aurum arte chemica ex quibusvis aliis metallis confici possit?' 9825 JOHNSON (W. E., King's Coll., Cantab.) TREATISE on TRIGONOMETRY, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 8s Qd) With final chapter on the interpretation of \/^l, as an introduction to the study of quaternions. 9826 JOHNSON (William, M.I.M.E.) The IMPERIAL CYCLOPEDIA of MACHINERY: Plans, Sections, and Elevations of Stationary, Marine, and Locomotive Engines, Spinning Machinery, Grinding Mills, Tools, etc. etc., with Essay on the Steam Engine, and HISTORY of the RAILAVA'^S of GREAT BRITAIN, with fine bust portrait of James Watt by J. Le Conte, about 100 plates (mostly folding), and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 2 vols. folio, hf. calf (rubbed), 10s Qd Glasgow [1856] 9827 The PRACTICAL DRAUGHTMAN'S BOOK of INDUSTRIAL DESIGN, founded on the v\ O rk of ARMENGAUD and AMOUROUX, with additional Plates ; 2nd Edition, with 55 double plates, besides numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 4to. hf. calf (rubbed), 4s Qd (p. 1. 8s Qd) I860 9828 JOHNSON (William Woolsey, U.S.N. Academy, Annapolis, Md.) CURVE TRACING in CARTESIAN COORDINATES, with 54 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., with auto, of, and MS. problems by, F. J. Jervis- Smith, pr., F.R.S. (scarce], 6s Qd 9829 SECOND EDITION [unchanged], with 54 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 5s IbSS HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 493 9831 JOHNSON (William Woolsey, U.S.N. Academy, Annapolis, Md.) TREATISE on ORDINARY and PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 15s 1889 Containing a development of the theta functions. ' A geometrical theory of singular solutions [of differential equations] resembling the one used by Cayley was previously employed by W. W. Johnson.' Prof. Cajori. 9832 JOHNSTON [the elder] (Alexander Keith) The PHYSICAL ATLAS : a Series of Maps and Notes illustrating the Geographical Distribution of Natural Phenomena, based on the ' Physikalischer Atlas ' of H. BERGHAUS, with the Co-operation of SIR DAVID BREWSTER, J. D. and EDWARD FORBES, FF.R.S., and others, with thirty fine and large folding plates and maps (many COLOURED), and the 5 ADDITIONAL MAPS (and the corresponding Text) issued with the 2nd Ed. of 1854, ADDED, impl. folio, hf. morocco, g. e., Us Qd (p. 12. 12s) " Edin., 1848-54 A beautifully executed work, and ' the first physical atlas ever published in England : dedicated to Humboldt, at whose suggestion it had been undertaken.' D.N.B. 9833 JOHNSTON (James Finlay Weir, F.R.S) CHEMICAL TABLES, exhibiting the Present State of our Knowledge in Regard to the Chemical and Physical Properties of Simple and Compound Bodies, PART I [all pub.]: INORGANIC BODIES, roy. 4to. sewn, with inscr. to Richard Phillips, F.R.S., 6s Edin., 1836 9834 The CHEMISTRY of COMMON LIFE, new [2nd] Edition, revised and brought down to date by GEORGE HENRY LEWES, with 113 pretty woodcuts, 2 vols. post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd ib., 1859 9835 - NEW [3rd AND LAST] EDITION, brought down to date by SIR ARTHUR HERBERT CHURCH, F.R.S., with 102 woodcuts, and maps, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 5s ib., 1879 'His last and best work.' D.N.B. 9836 ELEMENTS of AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY and GEOLOGY, 12th Edition, by SIR CHARLES ALEXANDER CAMERON, C.B., with woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1881 'Johnston successfully sought to give recent scientific discovery a practical application to agriculture and manufactures. Most of his numerous writings attained great popularity.' D.N.B. 9837 EXPERIMENTAL AGRICULTURE : the Results of Past, and Suggestions for Future Experi- ments. in Scientific and Practical Agriculture, 8vo. cl., 4s Edin., 1849 9838 On a NEW EQUIATOMIC COMPOUND of BICYANIDE with BINOXIDE of MERCURY, and on the CONSTITUTION of the RESINS, roy. 4to. (pp. 25), sewn, with inscr. to Richard Phillips, F.R.S., 4s 1839 9839 On PARACYANOGEN and the PARACYANIC ACID, roy. 4to. (pp. 17), sewn, with inscr. to R. Phillips, and MS. notes by the latter, 4s Edin., 1837 The author discovered iodide of gold and its salts. 9840 JOHNSTON (John), Alexander Charles GUMMING, and James WALKER, F.R.S. : The AFFINITY CONSTANTS of AMPHOTERIC ELECTROLYTES, impl. 8vo. (pp. 68), sewn, 2s 1906 9841 JOHNSTONE (John) SYSTEMATIC TREATISE on the THEORY and PRACTICE of DRAINING LAND, etc. according to the most approved Methods ; and adapted to the various Situations and Soils of England and Scotland . . . with Appendix of Hints and Directions for the Culture and Improvement of Bog, Moss, Moor, etc. after being drained; 3rd Edition, enlarged, with 23 coloured plates (some folding) , 4to. boards, uncut, with inscr. to the 4th Earl of Fife, 10s Qd Edin., 1834 The account of Joseph Elkington's system of draining, ' which was at one time held in such esteem, that a Parliament- ary grant of 1000. was passed for the purchase of his secret. Johnstone was deputed to publish the secret to the world ' (Allibone). 9842 JOLY (Charles Jasper ; T.C.D. ; F.R.S. ; Royal Astronomer of Ireland) The INTERPRETATION of a QUATERNION as a POINT SYMBOL, impl.4to. (pp. 16), sewn, \s Qd Dublin, 1902 Dr. Joly was the greatest quaternionist of his time, and brought out, with great additions, a new edition of Sir William Hamilton's work. 9843 JOLY (John, T.C.D. ; F.R.S. ; Commissioner of Irish Lights) EXPERIENCES sur la DENUDATION, par DISSOLUTION dans 1'Eau Douce et dans 1'EAU de MER, roy. 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, with author's inscr., Is Qd 1901 9844 On an IMPROVED METHOD of IDENTIFYING CRYSTALS In ROCK SECTIONS by the Use of BIREFRINGENCE, 2 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 10), sewn, Is Dublin, 1901 9845 INCANDESCENT ELECTRIC FURNACES, with illustration, 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, Is ib., 1901 )846 Du MECANISME INTIME de la SEDIMENTATION, roy. 8vo. (pp. 19), sewn, Is 1901 9847 MEMOIRE sur I'ORDRE de FORMATION des SILICATES dans les Roches Ignees ; with 3- diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 23), sewn, Is Qd 1901 9348 JONAS (Peter, Supervisor of Excise) The GENUINE ART of GAUGING made Easy and Familiar : the Principle Methods actually practised by the Officers of H.M.'s Revenue of Excise and Customs, also the Established Rules for finding the Areas and Contents of Stills, of Wash Backs by Ordinates, of Coppers, Cisterns, Casks, etc., with the Method of ascertaining the Strength of fepintous Liquors by the Hydrometer, etc. etc. etc., with woodcuts, 8vo. nice copy in contemporary tree-calf gilt, 7s Qd 1806. 9849 JONES (Bernard E.) HARDENING and TEMPERING STEEL, with 42 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., IsQd 1911 9850 JONES (David, actuary) On the VALUE of ANNUITIES and REVERSIONARY PAYMENTS, with numerous Tables, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf (rubbed) ; scarce, 15s 1843 9851 . ANOTHER COPY, tree-calf, 17s Qd 9852 REPRINT, to which is added, a TREATISE on PROBABILITY, by SIR WILLIAM LUBBOCK, F.R.S., and J. E. DRINKWATER BETHUNE, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 1. Is 1844 An able and scientific treatise.' McCulloch. The notation at present commonly used is due to David Jones, whose work was the first that contained an extensive series of commutation tables.' T. P. Sprague. ' Lubbock's is an excellent elementary treatise A binder's blunder caused this work to be often attributed to J Morgan, despite his frequent disclaimers . . . Lubbock was foremost amongst English mathematicians in adopting Laplace's doctrine of probability.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 494 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9S5i JONES (Chapman, F.C.S.) INTRODUCTION to the SCIENCE and PRACTICE of PHOTOGRAPHY; 2nd Edition, enlarged, with 46 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., Is 6d 1891 9855 JONES (D. E.) EXAMPLES in PHYSICS, 2nd Edition, enlarged, with 18 diagrams, fcap. 8vo. cl., Is Qd 1893 9856 JONES (E.) REVIEW of FACTS and OBSERVATIONS, made by Naturalists, Botanists, Historians, and Travellers, on the Properties and Productions of the SUGAR MAPLE TREE, the Process of Extracting its Sap, CONVERTING it into SUGAR, etc. etc., 8vo. (pp. 72), sewn (scarce), Qs od 1832 9857 JONES (Edward Thomas) ENGLISH SYSTEM of BOOK-KEEPING, by SINGLE or DOUBLE ENTRY, in which it is IMPOSSIBLE for an ERROR of the most Trifling Amount to be Passed Unnoticed, 4to. old calf (rare), 12s 6d Bristol. 1796 The author claims to have invented a new system of book-keeping, which is described in the above work. Added is a ' license' to practise it, numbered and filled up by the author. 9S58 JONES (Harry Clary, Johns Hopkins Univ.) The ATOMIC WEIGHT of RADIUM and the PERIODIC SYSTEM, 8vo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is [Baltimore, 1905] 9859 "fiber die BESTIMMUNG des GEFRIERPUNKTES von VERDUNNTEN LOSUNGEN einiger Sauren, Alkalien, Salze und organischen Verbindungen ; with 4 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 34), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Thorpe, Is 6d Leipzig, 1893 9360 The DISSOCIATION of COMPOUNDS in WATER as measured by the Lowering ' of the Freeziug-Point, and some Investigations with Organic Compounds, with 6 folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 33), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Thorpe, 2s 1893 9861 The INTRODUCTION of PHYSICAL CHEMICAL CONCEPTIONS in the EARLY STAGES of TEACHING CHEMISTRY, roy. 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, \s 6d [New York, 1912] 9S62 The NATURE of SOLUTION, with 6 plates, 8vo. (pp. 22), sewn, Is Qd [Philadelphia], 1912 9863 The PRESENT STATUS of the SOLVATE THEORY, roy. 8vo. (pp. 57), sewn, 2s [Baltimore, 1909] 9864 The THEORY of ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION, and some of its Applications, with 9 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. Is nett) New York, 1900 9865 , and John A. ANDERSON: The ABSORPTION SPECTRA of NEODYMIUM CHLORIDE and PRASEODYMIUM CHLORIDE in Water, Methyl and Ethyl Alcohol, and their Mixtures, 6 plates, roy. 8vo. (pp. 22), sewn, Is Qd [Philadelphia], 1908 9866 The ABSORPTION SPECTRA of SOLUTIONS of a Number of SALTS in Water, in certain non-Aqueous Solvents, and in Mixtures of these Solvents with Water, with 25 plates, roy. 8vo. (pp. 94), sewn, 2s 6d [Baltimore], 1909 9367 , and H. P. BASSETT : The APPROXIMATE COMPOSITION of the HYDRATES formed by certain Electrolytes in Aqueous Solutions at different Concentrations, 11 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 53), sewn, Is Qd [ib.] , 1905 9863 DETERMINATION of the RELATIVE VELOCITIES of the IONS of SILVER NITRATE in Mixtures of the Alcohols and Water, and on the Conductivity of such Mixtures, 2 plates and 5 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 37), sewn, Is 6d [ib.], 1904 9369 , and Eugene C. BINGHAM: The CONDUCTIVITY; and VISCOSITY of SOLUTIONS of certain SALTS in Mixtures of Acetone with Methyl Alcohol, with ETHYL ALCOHOL, and WATER, 22 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 74), sewn, 2s [ib.], 1905 9S70 -, and Charles G. CARROLL : A STUDY of the CONDUCTIVITIES of certain ELECTRO- LYTES in Water, Methyl and Ethyl Alcohols, and their MIXTURES. Relation between CON- DUCTIVITY and VISCOSITY, 7 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 63), sewn, 2s [ib.], 1904 9371 , and C. A. JACOBSON : The CONDUCTIVITY and IONIZATION of ELECTROLYTES in Aqueous Solutions as conditioned by Temperature, Dilution, and Hydrolysis, 5 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 56), sewn, 2s [ib.] , 1908 9372 , and James Newton PEARCE : DISSOCIATION as MEASURED by FREEZING-POINT LOWERING and by CONDUCTIVITY bearing on the Hydrate Theory. The APPROXIMATE COMPOSITION of the HYDRATES formed by a Number of Electrolytes, 10 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 61), sewn, 2s [ib.], 1907 9373 , and Charles M. STINE : The EFFECT of one SALT on the HYDRATING POWER of another present in the same Solution, 21 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 90), sewn, 2s [*6.],il908 9374 , and W. W. STRONG: The ABSORPTION SPECTRA of certain SALTS of COBALT, ERBIUM, NEODYMIUM, and URANIUM, as affected by Temperature and by Chemical Reagents, with 24 plates, 2 parts roy. 8vo. (pp. 83), sewn, 3s 6d [ib.], 1911 9375 The ABSORPTION SPECTRA of comparatively RARE SALTS. The SPECTRO- PHOTOGRAPHY of certain CHEMICAL REACTIONS, and the EFFECT of HIGH TEMPERATURE on the ABSORPTION SPECTRA of NON-AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS, 24 plates, roy. 8vo. (pp. 179), sewn, 3s [ib.], 1912 El 9376 The ABSORPTION SPECTRA of various SALTS in SOLUTION, and the EFFECTS of TEMPERATURE on such SPECTRA, 23 plates, roy. 8vo. (pp. 128), sewn, 3s [ib.], 1910 9877 SELECTIVE OXIDATION, roy. 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, Is [ib.], 1910 9 V78 , and Horace S. UHLER : The ABSORPTION SPECTRA of certain SALTS in AQUEOUS SOLUTION as affected by the Presence of certain other Salts with large hydrating Power, with 21 plates, roy. 8vo. (pp. 119), sewn, 3s [ib.], 1907 9879 The ABSORPTION SPECTRA of certain SALTS in NON- AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS, as affected by the Addition of Water, 14 plates, roy. 8vo. (pp. 31), sewn, 2s [ib.], 1907 S8SO - , and Augustus P. WEST : STUDY of the TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS of CON- DUCTIVITY in AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS and on the EFFECT of TEMPERATURE on DISSOCIATION, roy. 8vo. (pp. 65), sewn, 2s [ib.] , 1905 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 495 9882 JONES (Edwin Gpdden, M.D.) ANALYSE des EAUX MINERALES de SPA, avec des Observa- tions sur leurs Proprietes Medicinales, precedee de quelques Notices Topographiques, etc. etc. ; with fine view of Spa, Svo. sewn (scarce), 6s Lidge, 1816 9883 JONES (Forrest Robert, Worcester Polytechnic Inst.) MACHINE DESIGN : PART I. Kine- matics of Machinery, 2nd Edition ; PART II. Form, Strength, and Proportions of Parts, with 312 illustrations, 2 vols. Svo. cl., 8s (p. 19s nett) New York, 1900-1899 9384 PART I ONLY: KINEMATICS of MACHINERY ; 3rd Edition, revised, with 134 illustrations, Svo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 6* Qd nett) ibidem, 1902 9885 JONES (Francis, F.R.S.E.) On the ACTION of ALKALIES on GLASS and on PARAFFIN, with 2 illustrations, Svo. (pp. 18), sewn, with inscr. and auto, letter to Sir Edward Ihorpe, F.R.S., 2s Manchester, 1902 9886 JONES (Jenkin, actuary to the National Mercantile Life Assurance Soc.} SERIES of TABLES of ANNUITIES and ASSURANCES calculated from a NEW RATE of MORTALITY amongst Assured Lives, with Examples illustrative of their Construction and Application, etc. etc., Svo. cl., with author's inscr. (scarce), 8s Qd 1843 9887 JONES (John Viriamu; F.R.S. ; first Vice- Chancellor of the University of Wales) On the CALCULATION of the COEFFICIENT of MUTUAL INDUCTION of a CIRCLE and a COAXIAL HELIX, and of the ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE between a HELICAL CURRENT and a UNIFORM COAXIAL CIRCULAR CYLINDRICAL CURRENT SHEET, Svo. (pp. 14), sewn, with the author's inscr., IsQd 1897 9888 On the DETERMINATION of the SPECIFIC RESISTANCE of MERCURY in ABSOLUTE MEASURE, with 3 folding plates, roy. 4to. (pp. 42), sewn, with inscr. to Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 3s 1891 It is not generally known that the author's second Christian name is not Welsh, but was the mellifluous Polynesian pronunciation of Williams, he having been named after John Williams, the martyr of Erromanga. 9389 JONES (Llewellyn), and Frederic I. SCARD, F.I.C. : The MANUFACTURE of CANE SUGAR, with coloured front, and 243 other illustrations (many full-page or folding), Svo. buckram, Is Qd (p. 125 Qd nett) 1909 9890 JONES (Capt. Robert) ARTIFICIAL FIRE-WORKS, improved to the Modern Practice, from the minutest to the highest Branches ; 2nd Edition, with many new and beautiful Fire- Works, etc., with 5 folding plates containing 57 illustrations, sm. Svo. old calf (joints cracked), 8.9 1766 9891 - [THIRD, hie] SECOND EDITION, with MR. MULLER'S Fireworks for Sea and Land Service, etc. etc., with 11 folding plates, Svo. old calf (joints broken), 10s 1776 9892 ANOTHER COPY, old calf (sound copy], 12s Qd ' 9893 JONES (Thomas Wharton, F.R.S.) The WISDOM and BENEFICENCE of the ALMIGHTY as displayed in the SENSE of VISION (Actonian Prize Treatise, 1851), with front, by Adlard, and numerous woodcuts, fcap. Svo. cl., 3s Qd 1851 9894 JONES (William ; F.H.S., friend of Newton) SYNOPSIS PALMARIORUM MATHESEOS : or a New Introduction to the Mathematics, containing the Principles of Arithmetic and Geometry Demonstrated, in a Short and Easie Method, with their Application .... as, Resolving of Equations, Infinite Series, Making the Logarithms, etc. etc. etc., with 2 plates and numerous diagrams, sm. Svo. contemporary calf (one joint crocked, otherwise asoundcopy) ; RARE, 12s Qd 1706 'A masterly abstract of all that had been done in mathematical analysis. It ... discusses conic sections, perspective, the laws of motion, and the theory of ' gunnery.' . . . The work attracted the notice of Sir Isaac Newton and Halley.' D. N. B. The author already uses in it TT as symbol for the incommensurable number 3'14159. 9895 JONES (William; Vicar of Nay land ; F.R.S.) ESSAY on the FIRST PRINCIPLES of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, with 3 plates (2 folding), 4to. hf. calf (binding broken), with stamp and label of Henry Bickersteth, Lord Langdale, M.R., 8s Qd Clarendon Printing -house, Oxford, 1762 Consisting of: I. The Mechanism of Nature; II. Attraction and Gravity considered at large; III. Of a Vacuum in the Heavens, and between the parts of Bodies, with the Physical Causes of Cohesion and Repulsion ; IV. The Judgment of Antiquity and Modern Authors on the System of Nature. The author 'follows the Hutchinsonian theories' (Canon Overtoil). Jones of Nayland was one of the most eminent links between the Churchmanship of the Non-Jurors and that of the Catholic Revival, and the above work has particular interest as showing his interest in science, which he maintained all his life. The first chapter, with an incidental aphorism from St. Thomas Aquinas, is a spirited defence of the right of the ordinary man to think as freely in matters of science as that exercised by the man of science to do so in matters of religion. 9896 JONES (William, mathematical instrument maker) The DESCRIPTION and USE of a New PORTABLE ORRERY, on a most simple Construction, representing the Motions and Phenomena of the Planetary System, but more particularly of the Earth and Moon, round the Sun, with short Account of the Solar, or the true System of the World ; 2nd Edition, with Account of the newly discovered Planet, called the GEORGIUM SIDUS [URANUS], with folding copperplate, Svo. (pp. 36), sewn, Is Qd 1784 9897 THIRD EDITION, with Account of the Georgiuin Sidus, and the Return of the Comet whose Appearance is shortly to be expected, with 2 folding copperplates, Svo. (pp. 43), sewn, 7s Qd 1787 9893 FOURTH EDITION, with Account of the new Planet and other recent Discoveries by DR. HERSCHELL [sic], the probable Causes why the Comet did not return as lately expected, etc., with 2 folding copperplates, Svo. (pp. 43), sewn, Is !794 All the above editions contain long lists of scientific instruments made by the author. 9899 FIFTH EDITION, containing the most recent Discoveries by Dr. Herschel, etc., and Hie Description of large and more complete Portable Orrery, with 3 folding copperplates, Svo. (pp. 50), sewn, Qs Qd 1799 ' William Jones received some instruction from Benjamin Martin, and gave lessons in astronomy and mathematics. He was intimate with Priestley, Hutton, Maskelyne, and other well-known men of science, and was a fellow of the- Astronomical Society.' D. N. B. 496 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9900 JONES (Thomas, M.I.M.E.), and T. Gilbert JONES: MACHINE DRAWING, with 40 plates- and numerous illustrations, 4to. cl., ( 2s Manchester, 1893 9901 JONES (William, M.D., proprietor of the Royal Adelaide Gallery] POPULAR SKETCH of the various proposed SYSTEMS of ATMOSPHERIC RAILWAY, demonstrating the Applicability of the Mechanical Properties of the Atmosphere as a Motive Power, with 14 woodcuts, 16mo. cl., uncut (scarce), Is 60? 1845- A naif and amusing work advocating PILBROW'S system (v. 3635 ante) against that of Clegg and Samuda, which so unfortunately captivated Brunei. A Commons' Select Committee actually made a report benevolent to the atmospheric system in 1845. The idea of power transmission from a central power-house had thenceforward to wait till it became a possibility by electricity. 9902 JONSTON [sive JOHNSTONE] (John) THAUMATOGRAPHIA NATURALIS, in X Classes distincta, in quibus Admiranda Coeli, Elementorum, METEORUM, etc., editio princeps, 18mo. old English calf (binding damaged) ; rare, 15s Amsterdami, G. Blaeu, 1632 The author was grandson of a Nithsdale borderer who had wandered off to Poland. 'He graduated at St. Andrews, studied at St. Andrews, Cambridge, and Leyden, and was in London during 1030, when he wrote the greater part of his first important work, Thaumitogmphia.' D. N. B. 9903 JORDAN (Camille) COURS d' ANALYSE de I'ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE, Tome III e (Calcul integral : Equations differentielles) ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf, uncut, t. e. g., with auto, and bookplate of Prof . Lloyd Tanner, F.E.S., 6s, (p. F. 17 sewn) 1887 9904 TRAITE des SUBSTITUTIONS et des EQUATIONS ALGEBRIQUES ; 4to. buckram, uncut (VERY SCARCE), with bookplate of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 3. 17* Qd 1870 A classic on the theory of substitutions, which was created by E. GALOIS (v. No. 8841 ante). 9905 JOB-DAN (Samson) Sur la FABRICATION des FONTES de MANGANESE et sur la VOLATILITE du MANGANESE, 4to. (pp. 4), with author's inscr., 2s [1878] 9906 JORDAN (William L eight on) The ELEMENTS; an Investigation of the FORCES which determine the Position and Movements of the OCEAN and ATMOSPHERE, Vol. II (Tidal Oscillations in Latitude, Oscillations of the Barometer, etc. etc.), impl. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 4s 1867 In this work the author formulates a curious theory of counter-attraction ' which does not supplant the Newtonian theory of centripetal and centrifugal forces, but simply defines the nature of the latter force : maintaining that the former is attraction proceeding from solar gravitation, and the latter attraction proceeding from astral gravitation '. Preface. 9907 ESSAYS in ILLUSTRATION of the ACTION of ASTRAL GRAVITATION in NATURAL PHENO- MENA, with front., 2 folding tables, and 33 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 9s) 1900 9908 REMARKS on the RECENT OCEANIC EXPLORATIONS, and the CURRENT-CREATING ACTION of VIS-INERTIA in the OCEAN, with 6 plates, 8vo. cl. (o.p.}, 3s 1877 9909 JORG-ENSEN (S. M.) Zur GESCHICHTE des KRYOLITHS und der KRYOLITII-!NDUSTRIE ; with 2 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, with author's inscr, \s [Wien, 1909] JOUBERT (J.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM v. FOSTER (G. C.), Nos. 8046-7 ante. 9910 JOURNAL of SCIENCE (The) and the ARTS, edited at the ROYAL INSTITUTION of GREAT BRITAIN [by WILLIAM THOMAS BRANDE, F.R.S.], from its beginning in 1816 to its con- clusion in 1830, viz., I. SERIES, vols. 1-22, '16-26; II. SERIES, vols. 1-5 and 7, '27-30, with numerous fine copperplates by Basire, etc., and woodcuts, 28 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, or, rough calf (SCARCE), 4. 4s J 1816-30 9911 FIRST SERIES ONLY, 22 vols. 8vo. hf. calf (binding damaged), 2. 2s 1816-27 9912 ANOTHER SET, from 1822 to its conclusion in 1830, viz., I. SERIES, vols. 14-22, '22-6 ; II. SERIES, vols. 1-7, '27-30 ; and INDEX to vv. 1-20, with numerous plates, 17 vols. 8vo. hf. r<,an, as good as new, 2. 10s 1822-30 this rare publication was followed and concluded by the ' Journal of the Royal Institution ', of which 5 numbers only were ever published, and preceded the ' London and Edinburgh Philosophical Journal.' Vols. 7-30 are entitled ' Quarterly Journal of Literature, Science, and the Arts.' It contains important contributions by the Editor, Sir Humphry Davy, Charles Babbage, John Frederic Daniell, Sir Everard Home, Richard Phillips, etc. and especially about 30 PAPERS by MICHAEL FARADAY, whose first contribution to science, ' An Analysis of Caustic Lime from Tuscany ', it also includes. 9913 JOURNAL des MINES, ou RECUEIL de ME"MOIRES sur 1'Exploitation des Mines, et sur les Sciences efc Arts qni s'y rapporfcent, par COQUEBERT-MONTBRET, HAUY, VAUQCELIN, BAILLET, HERON DE VILLEFOSSE, BROCHANT, COLLET-DESCOSTILS, et TREMEBY; complete from its beginning in 1794 to its conclusion in 1815; with numerous copperplates, 38 v. : Annales das Mines [Suite de VOuvrage precedent], Tomes 1 a 3, 5 a 13 (1816-26) ; 2 SE"RIE, Tomes 1. 4 a 8 (1827-30), et TABLE ANALYTIQUE \,wltli numerous copperplates, 19 v. in all 57 vols. 8vo. contemporary calf gilt (RARE), 15. 15s 1791-1830 9914 de la SOCIETE des SCIENCES PHYSIQUES et CHIMIQUES, et des ARTS AGRICOLES et INDUSTRIELS en FRANCE, sous la Direction de JULIA DE FONTENELLE, Tomes II a IV, 3 vols. 8vo. sewn, 5s 1834-6 9915 fur die REINE und ANGEVVANDTE MATHEMATIK, als Fortsetzung des von A. L. CRELLE gegriindeten Journals herausgegeben von C. W. BORCHARDT ; original impression, from 1859 to 1870 (Band 56-71), 16 vols. 4to. in 8, hf. calf, 4. 4s (p. M. 192 sewn) Berlin, 1859-70 9916 JOYCE (Jeremiah) SCIENTIFIC DIALOGUES, for the Instruction and Entertainment of Young People, explaining the h'rst Principles of Natural and Experimental Philosophy; new Edition, with front, by Cleqhorn of the Birmingham Railway, and 185 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 3s 6d 1S40 The author was a Unitarian minister and tutor to Lord Stanhope's sons at Chevening, whence he was sent to the Tower with Home looke on a charge of High Treason, and suffered 23 weeks' imprisonment without trial. 9917 JOYCE (Samuel, M.I.E.E.) EXAMPLES in ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, [2nd Edition], ivith 39 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., Is Qd (p. 5s) 1903 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 497 9919 JOULE (James Prescott, F.R.S.) SCIENTIFIC PAPERS, published by the Physical Society of London, with fine portrait by Jeens, plates, and woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 1. 2s 6d (p. 1. 12s nett) Physical Soc., 1884-7 Including the author's important papers on thermo-electricity, and his propounding the law of the conservation of energy through his determination of the mechanical equivalent of heat. His name is well-known in electrical science as the unit of thermo-electricity, and by Joule's Law, giving the algebraic formula for determining it. 9920 On the AIR ENGINE, roy. 4to. (pp. 16), sewn (plate wanting}, 4s 6d 1851 This paper contains Joule's invention of a fuel-saving hot-air engine which allows of greater ranges of temperature than are obtainable in the steam engine. It includes an additional note (pp. 3) by LORD KELVIN : ( Synthetical Investigation of the Duty of a Perfect Thermo-Dynamic Engine founded on the Expansions and Condensations of a Fluid,' etc. etc. 9921 On the CHANGES of TEMPERATURE produced by the RAREFACTION and CONDENSATION of AIR, with 6 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, Qs Qs 1845 ' Describing a determination made by observing the heat produced by compressing air and the energy requisite for the compression ; the result was 798 foot Ibs. In this paper he obtained the important result necessary to justify his procedure that ' no change of temperature occurs when air is allowed to expand in such a way as not to develop mechanical power '.'#. T. Glazebrook, F.R.S. ' Containing the first definite development of the dynamical theory of matter and heat.' Prof. Osborne Reynolds, F.R.S. 9922 On the EXISTENCE of an EQUIVALENT RELATION between HEAT and the ORDINARY FORMS of MECHANICAL POWER, 8vo. (pp. 3), unbound, 2s Qd 1845 9923 On the HEAT ABSORBED in CHEMICAL DECOMPOSITIONS (2 Letters to the ' Philosophical Magazine ' ), 8vo. (pp. 4), unbound, Is 6d 1856 9924 On the MECHANICAL EQUIVALENT of HEAT, as determined by the Heat evolved by the Friction of Fluids, 8vo. (pp. 4), unbound, 4s Qd [1847] The original form of this important memoir, afterwards enlarged in the one described below. 9925 On the MECHANICAL EQUIVALENT of HEAT, with plate, 4to. (pp. 22), sewn (VERY SCARCE), 15s [1850] One of the author's most important papers, giving the results of his experiments on the production of heat by friction, which made him one of the originators of the theory of the conservation of energy. ' The introduction to the paper contains a very fair account of the labours of others in the same field. A long series of observations, conducted with the utmost care, leads to the result that ' the quantity of heat capable of increasing the temperature of a pound of water (weighed in vacuo, and taken at between 55 and 60 F) by 1 F requires for its evolution the expenditure of a mechanical force represented by a fall of 772 Ibs. through the space of one foot.' For nearly 30 years this result of Joule's stood alone as the one satisfactory determination of a physical constant.' R. T. Qlazebrook, F.R.S. 9926 On a NEW METHOD for ascertaining the SPECIFIC HEAT of BODIES, 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, 3s 6d Manchester, 1846 9927 NOTE on the EMPLOYMENT OF ELECTRICAL CURRENTS for ascertaining the Specific Heat of Bodies, 8vo. (pp. 2), unbound, Is Qd [ibidem, 1847] 9928 On SHOOTING STARS, 8vo. (pp. 3), unbound, Is Qd 1848 ' Mentioning for the first time his now accepted explanation of shooting stars.' Prof. Osborne Reynolds, F.R.S. 9929 On the THEORETICAL VELOCITY OF SOUND, 8vo. (pp. 2), unbound, 3s 1847 ' Bringing up JSewton's theoretical value from 943 to 1095 feet per second.' R. T. Glazebrook, F.R.S. 9930 , and Lyon [Lord] PLAYFAIR, F.R.S.: RESEARCHES on ATOMIC VOLUME and SPECIFIC GRAVITY. SERIES III. On the MAXIMUM DENSITY of WATER, 8vo. (pp. 7), unbound, 3s [1846] Giving 39-101 F. as the degree when water reaches its maximum density. 9931 , MEMOIR of, by OSBORNE REYNOLDS, F.R.S., with fine engraved portrait by Manesse after G. Patten, A.R.A., 8vo. cL, 5s Manchester, 1892 The only large biography on Joule hitherto issued, and mainly an account of his scientific achievements. v. STURGEON'S ANNALS of ELECTRICITY, post. 9932 JOWETT (Hooper Albert Dickinson; D.SC. ; F.C.s ; Burroughs, Wellcome & Co.] The CHARACTERS and METHODS of ASSAY of the OFFICIAL HYPOPHOSPHITES, cr. 8vo. (pp. 20), sewn, Is [1898] 9933 The CONSTITUTION of EPINEPHRINE, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is [1904] 9934 The CONSTITUTION of PILOCARPINE, 5 parts 8vo. (pp. 81), sewn, 2s [1900-5] 9935 A NEW GLUCOSIDE from WILLOW BARK, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is [1900] 9936 A NEW SYNTHESIS of -ETHYLTRICARBALLYLIC ACID, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is [1901] 9937 PILOCARPINE and the ALKALOIDS of JABORANDI LEAVES, 8vo. (pp. 26), sewn, Is fid [1900] 9938- PREPARATION and PROPERTIES of 1 : 4 : 5 TRIMETHYLGLYOXALINE, 8vo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is [1905] 9939 Some NEW GOLD SALTS of HYOSCINE, HYOSCYAMINE, and ATROPINE, 8vo. (pp. 4), sewn, Is [1897] 9940 , and C. R. MARSHALL, M.D. : The CHEMISTRY and PHARMACOLOGY of JABORANDI ALKALOIDS, etc., with diagrams, cr. 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is [1900] 9941 f and Charles Etty POTTER : The CONSTITUENTS of COMMERCIAL CHRYSAROBIN, 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, Is [1902] 9942 The CONSTITUTION of CHRYSOPHANic ACID and of EMODIN, Svo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is [1903] 9943 VARIATIONS in the OCCURRENCE of SALICIN and SALINIGRIN in different WILLOW and POPLAR BARKS, 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, Is [1902] 9944 JUDE (Alexander) The THEORY of the STEAM TURBINE: a Treatise on the Principles of its Construction, with Historical Notes on its Development, 3 folding plates, and 252 other illustra- tions, sq. Svo. cl., 8s Qd (p. 15s nett) 1906 9945 JUDE (R. H., Rutherford Coll.] PHYSICS, Experimental and Theoretical, VOL. I. (all pub.) : MECHANICS, HYDROSTATICS, PNEUMATICS, HEAT, and ACOUSTICS, partly from the French (third Edition) of HENRI GossiN, with numerous Examples and Exercises, with ANSWERS, 388 illustra- tions, roy. Svo. cl., 8s (p. 12s Qd nett) 498 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., UO, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9947 JUAN [y SANTACILIA] (Don Jorge; F.R.S.) EXAMEN MARITIMO THEORICO PRACTICO, 6 TRATADO de MECHANICA aplicado a la CONSTRUCTION, CONOCIMIENTO y MANEJO de los NAVIOS y deinas Enibarcaciones, primera edicion ; with 14 folding plates, 2 Vols. sm. 4to. old vellum (RARE), 1. 5s Madrid, 1771 'Ouvrage estime.' Brunet. ' En 1753 le commandement des gardes marines et 1'inspection generale des chantiers de- construction furent confies a don [Jorge] Juar.. ... La marine espagnole etait tombee au dernier rang ; elle fut 1'objetde tons ses soins ; il s'appliqua a la relever : tous les bailments qu'il lit lancer etaient remarquables par leur solidite et leur vitesse.' Biogr. Gen. 9948 EXAMEN MARITIME, THEORIQUE et PRATIQUE, ou TRAITE de MECHANIQUE, applique a la COXSTRUCTIOX et a la MANOEUVRE des VAISSEAUX et autres Batiments, traduit, avec des ADDITIOXS, par P. LEVEQUE ; with Infolding copperplates, 2 vols. 4to. sound copy in contemporary tree-calf gilt (RARE), 1. 15s Nantes, 17b3 ' L'ouvrage le meilleur, le plus savant et le plus complet qu'il y ait sur la construction et la manoeuvre. . . . II y a peu d'ouvrages aussi importans pour la marine.' Lalande. 9949 , et Antonio de ULLOA, F.R.S. : VOYAGE HISTORIQUE de I'AMERIQUE MERIDIONALE, qui contient une HISTOIRE des YNCAS du PEROU, et les OBSERVATIONS ASTRONOMIQUES et PHYSIQUES faites pour determiner la FIGURE, et la GRANDEUR de la TERRE ; with 2 fronts, and 45 copperplates by Folkema, etc. (mostly folding), 2 vols. 4to. old calf gilt (joints cracked), with bookplate of Henry E. H. Beaufoy, F.R.S. (RARE), 1. 10s Amsterdam, 1752 An indispensable supplement to the works of La Condamine (v. Nos. 2349-50, ante) and Bouguer (No. 6368, ante) in whose expedition the authors took part. 'Ce fut a don Jorge Juan que Ton dut de pouvoir calculer la hauteur des montagnes au moyen du barometre. 1 BioQr. Gen. 9950 JUiDD (John Wesley, F.R.S.) VOLCANOES : what they are, and what they teach, with 11 plates, and 85 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 5s) 1881, or '8 9951 JUGEL (Johann Gottfried ; rosicrwaa)FreyentdeckteExpERiMENTAL-CHYMlE, oder Versuch den Grund naturlicher GEHEIMNISSE durch die Anatomic und ZerleguDgskunst, in dem astra- lischen, animalischen, vegetabilischen und mineralischen Reiche, durch systematische Grundsiitze, Lehrsiitze, Beweise, Gegensatze, Gegenbeweise, Anmerkungen, Versuche, Erfahrungen, und darauf folgende Schlusse, nebst dem deutlichen Naturbegriffe de METALLISCHEN GENERATION durch eine lange Untersuchung vorzustellen ; with front, with portrait, 8vo. old hf. calf (RARE), with numerous contemporary MS. notes, 12s 60? Leifz'g, 1766 ' In diesem Buche versichert Ju'gel u. A. den Stein der Weisen selbst in Hiinden gehabt zu haben, wie aach dass er einmal von dem Silber ausgeheud zu der Darstellung eines weissen Glases gelangt sei, welches von 100 Thtilen Silber einen Theil in Gold verwandelt habe.' H. Kopp, who gives a long account of the author and his works in Die Alchemie, II., pp. 253-7. 9952 JUKES (Joseph Beete, F.R.S.) LETTERS and EXTRACTS from ADDRESSES and OCCASIONAL WRITINGS, edited, with Memorial Notes, by his SISTER [C. A. BROWNE] , with steel portrait, thick large post 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 5s (p. 12s) 1871 9953 The SCHOOL MANUAL of GEOLOGY, 5th [last] Edition, by A. .T. JUKES-BROWNE, F.G.S., with numerous woodcuts and diagrams, fcap. 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 4s Qd) 1890 9954 The STUDENT'S MANUAL of GEOLOGY, 3RD [LAST] EDITION, re-cast and in great part re-written, edited by SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE, P.R.S., with front, and 213 woodcuts, thick large post 8vo. cl. (o. p.), Qs (p. 12s Qd) Edin., 1872 9955 JUKES-BROWNE (Alfred John, F.R.S. ; Geological Survey] The STUDENT'S HANDBOOK of HISTORICAL GEOLOGY, with front, and 131 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl. (o. v.), 3s (p. 6s) 1886 9956 The STUDENT'S HANDBOOK of PHYSICAL GEOLOGY, 2nd [last] Edition, revised, with 2 plates, and 214 woodcuts, thick cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 4s Qd (p. 7s 60?) 1892 9957 The STUDENT s HANDBOOK of STRATIGRAPHICAL GEOLOGY, 2nd Edition [greatly enlarged and partly rewritten] , with 210 diagrams, figures of fossils, and maps, large cr. 8vo. cl., 86rf(p. 12snett) J912 9958 JULIUS (Frederik Hendrik) BEREKENING van de LOOPBAAN der KOMEET 1863 VI.; with folding chart. 8vo. (pp. 37), sewn, with inscr. to J. R. Hind, F.R.S., 2s Utrecht, 1367 9959 JULIUS (V. A.) BESCHOUWINGEN over de GRONDSLAGEN der NATUURKUNDE, roy. 8vo. sewn, 2s Breda, 1880 9960 JULIUS (Willem Hendrik, Utrecht) ANOMALOUS REFRACTION PHENOMENA investigated with the SPECTROHELIOGRAPH, plate, roy. 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, Is Qd [Chicago, 1903] The author introduced the principle of anomalous dispersion into astrophysics. 9961 JUNKER (F.) Die SYMMETRISCHEN FUNCTIONEN und die RELATIONEN zwischen den ELEMENTARFUNCTIONEN derselben, roy. 8vo. (pp. 84), sewn, 2s [Leipzig, 189 1] 9982 JURIN (James, M.D., F.R.S.) DISSERT ATIONES PHYSICO-MATHEMATKME, partim antea editie in Actis Philosophicis Londinensibus, jam auctiores et emendatiores, paitim nunc primuni impressre; with 3 copperplates, 8vo. old vellum, uncut (rare), 12s 60? Londini, 1732 The above copy belonged to RICHARD WATSON, F.R.S. (1737-1816;, the absentee Bp. of Llandaff, and sometime Professor of Chemistry at Cambridge, and contains copious MS. notes by him, as well as his Calgarth Park booklabel. It contains the account of the author's experiments on the ascent and suspension of water in capillary tubes, his papers on the motion of running water (criticised by P. A. Michelotti), on the measure of the force of bodies in motion, and his experiments on the specific gravity of human blood and on the power of the heart, ' both good attempts to convert physiology into an exact science ' (D. N. B). 9963 [ ] GEOMETRY NO FRIEND to INFIDELITY: or a DEFENCE of SIR ISAAC NEWTON and the British Mathematicians, in a Letter to the AUTHOR of the ANALYST, wherein is examined how far the Conduct of such Divines as intermix the Interest of Religion with their private Disputes and Passions, and allow neither Learning nor Reason to those they differ from, is of Honour or Service to Christianity, etc. etc., by PHILALETHES CANTABRIGIENSIS, 8vo. sewn, Qs 1734 A reply to Bp. Berkeley's Analyst (v. Nos. 6141-5 ante), but ' which failed to remove all the objections' (Prof. Cajori). The true interpretation of ' infinitesimals ' was given more than 100 years later by Weierstrass. Prof. M. Cantor mistakenly attributes the authorship to Conyers Middleton and Robert Smith. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 499 9965 JULIEN (Alexis Anastay ; Columbia School of Mines ; F. Roy. Micros. Soc.) On the FISSURE INCLUSIONS in the FIBROLITIC GNEISS of NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y., with plate, roy. 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, Is Qd [New York], 1879 On SPODUMENE and its ALTERATIONS, from the GRANITE VEINS of HAMPSHIRE Co., MASS., with plate, roy. 8vo. (pp. 37), sewn, 2s [ibidem], 1879 9967 JULLIEN (Adolphe ; Chemin de Per d' Orleans) NOTES di verses sur les CHEMINS de FER, en ANGLETERRE, en BELGIQUE, et en FRANCE, 8vo. (pp. 80), sewn, 7s Qd 1845 9968 JULLIEN (Charles Edouard), et Oscar VALEBIO, ingenieurs ; NOTICE sur un NOUVEAU SYSTEME de CHEMINS de FER ATMOSPHERIQUES invente par; with large, folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn (scarce), 8s Qd 1843 The system proposed differs materially from those then in vogue, and is claimed by the inventors as greatly superior to Clegg and Samuda's. 9969 JULLIEN (Michel Marie, s.j.) PROBLEMES de MECANIQUE RATIONNELLE, disposes pour servir d' Applications aux Principes enseignes dans les Cours ; with numerous woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. sewn, 9s 1855 9970 ANOTHER COPY, hf. morocco gilt (nice copy], 12s 9971 DEUXIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION [augmentee] ; with numerous woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. sewn (SCARCE), 18s Qd 1866-7 9972 - ANOTHER COPY, hf. gilt gilt, 1. Is 9973 JUPTNEB von Jonstorff (Hanns Freiherr) PRAKTISCHES HANDBUCH fiir EISENHUTTEN- CHEMIKER ; with 2 plates, and 75 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. M. 7.20 unbound) Wien [1885] 9974 KAHLBAUM (Georg W. A.) Aus der VORGESCHICHTE der SPECTRALANALYSE, 8vo. (pp. 48), sewn, Is Basel, 1888 9975 KAHLENBEBG (Louis) The ACTION of SOLUTIONS on the SENSE of TASTE, roy. 8vo. (pp.31), sewn, Is Qd Madison, 1898 9976 , Arthur A. KOCH, and Boy D. HALL : The THEORY of ELECTROLYTIC DISSOCIATION as viewed in the Light of Facts recently ascertained, with diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 56), sewn, 2s ib., 1901 9977 KAISEB (P. J.) Eenige ONDERZOEKINGEN betreffende TIJDMETERS, naar Aanleiding van den Aankoop in 1887, ten behoeve der Nederlandsche Marine ; with 13 plates, folio (pp. 37), sewn (o. p.), 3s Qd Leiden, 1887 9978 ETUDE de la MARCHE de la PENDULE ASTRONOMIQUE HOHWII No. 20, et du CHRONO METRE KNOBLICH No. 1700, sm. folio (pp. 16), sewn, 2s Qd Harlem, 1868 9979 THEORIE en BESCHRIJVING der thans bij de NEDERLANDSCHE MARINE in Gebruik zijnde ZEEVAARTKUNDIGE WERKTUIGEN ; with 18 plates (mostly folding and finely COLOURED), besides numerous diagrams, 2 vols. impl. 4to. sewn, 17s Qd Leiden, 1880-3 lahoud : I. Kompassen, benevens enkele andere werktuigen. II. Reflexie-instrumenten, artificieele Horizonten. 9930 KALAKOUTSKY (General Nicholas, Russian Artillery] INVESTIGATIONS into the INTERNAL STRESSES in CAST IRON and STEEL, with 42 illustrations, 4to. cl., with inscr. to Sir F. J. Bramwell, F.R.S., 4s 1888 9981 KAMMEBEB (Otto, Charlottenburg) Die TECHNIK der LASTENFORDERUNG EINST und JETZT: die Entwicklung der Hebemaschinen undihr Einfluss auf Wirtschaftsleben und Kultnrgeschichte ; with 175 illustrations, roy. 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. M. 8) Munchen, 1907 9982 K.JMTZ (Ludwig Friedrich, Univ. Halle] LEHRBUCH der EXPERIMENTALPHYSIK ; with 3 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf, 3s Halle, 1839 9983 LEHRBUCH der METEOROLOGIE ; with % folding plates and maps, 3 vols. 8vo. old hf. calf gilt (scarce], 10s Qd ilidem, 1831-6 The first German work exclusively devoted to meteorology. It contains many original investigations, and is still of value. It is often quoted in Sir John Herschel's ' Meteorology." 9984 COMPLETE COURSE of METEOROLOGY, with Notes by C. MARTINS, and Appendix, con- taining the Graphic Representation of the Numerical Tables, by L. LALANNE, translated, with Notes and Additions, by C. V. WALKER, with coloured front., and 15 plates (several folding), thick post 8vo. cl. (scarce), Is Qd 1845 9985 UNTERSUCHUNGEN liber die EXPANSIVKRAFT der DAMPFE nach den bisherigenBeobacht- ungen ; with 5 folding tables, 8vo. boards, with auto, of F. Bashforth, Qs Halle, 1826 Scarce and unknown to Poggendorff and Heller. 9986 VORLESUNGEN iiber METEOROLOGIE ; with Q plates, 8vo. boards, 5s ibidem, 1840 9987 KANE (Sir Bobert John, T.C.D. ; M.D., F.R.S., P.R.I. A.) On the COMPOSITION of CERTAIN ESSENTIAL OILS, 4to. (pp. 14), sewn, with inscr. to Richard Phillips, F.R.S., 4s Dublin, 1828 i ELEMENTS of CHEMISTRY, including the most recent Discoveries and Applications of the Science to Medicine and Pharmacy, and to the Arts ; 2nd Edition, with 230 woodcuts, thick 8vo. (pp. 1069), cl. (damaged), 5s (p. 1. 4s) ibidem, 1849 1 The work was introduced by Faraday into the Woolwich course, and was used in America. ' D. N. B. 9989 RESEARCHES on the NATURE and CONSTITUTION of the COMPOUNDS of AMMONIA, 4to. (pp. 90), sewn, with inscr. to Richard .Phillips, F.R.S., and numerous MS. NOTES BY THE LATTER, 8s Qd ib., 1830 This paper was awarded the gold medal of the Royal Irish Academy. ) KANSAS, The UNIVERSITY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of, conducted by ERASMUS HAWORTH, and Assistants, with numerous plates and maps (many folding), 5 vols. roy. 8vo. cl., 1. Is Topeka, 1896 9 9991 KAPPEBS (Johannes Ariens) ONDERZOEKINGEN over OXYDATIE (Academisch Proef sennit), 8vo. boards, 2s Qd Groningen, 187 '2 9992 KABSTEN (Gustav), Friedrich HABMS, und Georg WEYEB : EINLEITUNG in die PHYSIK ; with 87 woodcuts, thick roy. 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd (p. M. 8. 20) Leipzig, 1869 a 500 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 9994 KANT (Immanuel) GEDANKEN von der wahren SCHATZUNG der LEBENDIGEN KRAFTE und BEURTHEILUNG der BEWEISE deren sich Herr von LEIBNITZ und andere Mechaniker in dieser Streitsache bedienst haben, nebst einigen vorhergehenden Betrachbungen, welche die Kraft der Kb'rper iiberhaupt betreffen ; with 2 folding plates, 8vo. sewn (rare], \'2s Qd Konigsberg, 1746 FIRST EDITION OK THE PHILOSOPHER'S FIRST PUBLICATION, issued in his 23rd year, and chiefly interesting for showing his strong individuality. 9995 METAPHYSISCHE ANFANGSGRUNDE der NATURWISSENSCHAFT, neueste Auflage, 8vo. boards, 6s Frankfurt, 1794 Not only important as closely connected with the author's philosophical theory, it is also the first connected attempt at laying a philosophical basis for natural science. 9996 PHYSISCHE GEOGRAPHIE, auf Verlangen des Verfassers aus seiner HS. herausgegeben und zum Theil bearbeitet von FRIEDRICH THEODOR RINK, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, contemporary tree- calf, 9s Konigsberg, 1802 9997 ZWEITE durchausumgearbeitete AUFLAGE, 2 vols. 8vo. in 4, boards, 12s Hamburg, o. J. 1817 The work containing the philosophers meteorological theories. 9998 KAFP (Gisbert, Univ. Birmingham] | ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION of ENERGY : its Transformation, Subdivision, and Distribution, new Edition revised, with plates and 'woodcuts -, post 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 7s Qd) 1890, or '1 9999 KAPTEYN (Jacobus Cornelius; Univ. Groningen) On the ABSORPTION of LIGHT in SPACE, 2 parts roy. 8vo. (pp. 45), sewn, Is Qd Washington, 1909 10000 Der APEX der SONNENBEWEGUNG, die CoNSTANTE der PRAECESSION und die CORREC- TIONEN der ElGENBEWEGUNGEN in DECLINATION VOn AUWERS-BRADLEY, 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, 2s [Kiel], 1901 10001 BESTlMMUNGVOnPARALLAXENdurch REGISTRIR-BEOBACHTUNGENamMERIDIANKREISE, 4to. boards, with author's inscr., 5s Haag [1888] 10002 KAPTEIJN(W. ; Utrecht) NoUVELLEMETHODEpOUrl'lNTEGRATION del'EQUATIONDlFFERENT- IELLE (g) 2 =G 2 (u-a) (ti-/3) (u-y) (u-o), 4to. (pp. 28), sewn, 2s 6d [1891] J0003 - - RECHERCHES sur les FONCTIONS de FOURIER-BESSEL, 4to. (pp. 32), sewn, 2s Qd 1893 10004 KAST (Hermann), and Friedrich HOSE : About the COMPOSITION of the MIXTURE of GASES forming in MINERAL OIL LAMPS and the FLASH POINT of MINERAL OIL, with folding table, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, Is 6d [1896] 10005 KASTNEB (Carl Wilhelm Gottlob ; Univ. Halle) EINLEITUNG in die NEUERE CHEMIE, 8vo. hf. calf, 3s Qd Halle, 1814 Including an interesting ' Chronologische Uebersicht der Geschichte derChemie' (pp. 174). 10006 K ASTNEB( Abraham Go tthelf; F.R.S. ; Univ. Gottingen, teacher of Gauss) ANFANGSGRUNDE der ANALYSIS ENDLICHER GROSSEN, 1. Auflage ; with Opiates, sm. 8vo. boards, uncut, 2s Qd Gottingen, 1760 10007 GESCHICHTE der MATHEMATIK, seit der Wiederherstellung der Wissenschaften bis an das Ende des XVTII. Jahrhunderts, 4 vols. 8vo. extra boards, r.e. (fine copy], 10s 60? ibidem, 1796-1800 A work still valued, though rather a bibliography than a history of mathematics. 10008 VOLS. Ill AND IV ONLY, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, 3s Qd ib., 1799-1800 Vol. IV contains mechanics, optics, and astronomy. 10009 MATHEMATISCHE ANFANGSGRUNDS ; with numerous plates, 4 vols. 12mo. in 10, con- temporary hf. calf (sound copies], \2s 6d ibidem, 1790-1801 INHALT : I. Arithinetik, Geometrie, Trigonometric, uud Perspectiv, 4 v., 1790-1801 : II. Angewandte Mathematik, 2 v., '92 : III. Analysis, 2 v., '94-9 : IV. Hohere Mechanik, 2 v., '93-7. Prof. S. Gtinther (in Cantor's Vorlesungen) speaksof 'die wirklich hohe Bedeutung dieser Reihe stufenweise aufsteigender Lehrbiicher . . . welche in der Didaktik des XVIII. Jahrhunderts die bis dahin fast des Monopoles der Alleinherrschaft sich erfreuenden C. von Wolfs ablosten.' 10010 KATEB (Captain Henry, 62nd Foot; F.R.S.) NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana), with 2 plates, 4to. (pp. 40), boards, 3s [1822] 10011 , and Dionysius LABDNEB, pr., F.R.S.: TREATISE on MECHANICS, first edition, with vignette by Finden, and numerous steel plates by Adlard, fcap. 8vo. cl., 3s bd 1830 10012 NEW EDITION [unchanged], with vignette and steel plates, fcap. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 4* 1837 The chapter on balances and pendulums, written by Capt. Kater, is of .special importance, as it includes the author's important investigations and discoveries on the subject, e.g. his Balance and Compensation Pendulum. Captain Kater's scientific career began with his share in the triane;ulation of the Malabar and Coromandel coasts in 1802. He afterwards prepared standard measures for the Russian Government, and thenceforward pursued astronomy, and also devoted much time to pendulum experiments by the adoption of the ' knife-edge ', and produced a seconds-pendulum of extraordinary delicacy, which served in the establishment of our present national system of standard weights and measures. 10013 KAUF MANN [latine MEBCATOB] (Nikolaus ; F.R.S.) INSTITUTIONES ASTRONOMIC^ de Motu Astrorum communi et proprio, secundum Hypotheses Veterum et Recentiorum prrecipuas ; deque Uypotheseon ex Observatis Constructione, cum TABULIS TYCHONIANIS et RUDOLPHINIS, etc. etc. ; with diagrams, 12mo. old calf (sound copy), WsQd Londini, 1676 Kaufmann was one of the earliest members of the R jyal Society, and contributed to its Transactions. 10014 KEATINGE (Lt.-Col. Maurice Bagenal St. Leger, M.P.) EIDOMETRIA ; or Optic Mensuration, and (Corollary) Perspective, with 4 plates : PRINCIPLES of PERSPECTIVE ; with Sketch of some Irish Antiquities ; and a few Thoughts on Rustic Embellishment and the Picturesque, with 10 plates 2 vols. oblong folio in 1, boards (name cut off title), 7s 6d 1812 10015 KECKEBMANN (Bartholomeeus) SYSTEMA COMPENDIOSUM totius MATHEMATICES, hoc est, GEOMETRIC, OPTIC/E, ASTRONOMIC et GEOGRAPHIC ; accesserunt COMMENTATIO NAUTICA et Index ; with folding plates, and diagrams, thick 12mo. sound copy in contemporary English calf,SsQd Oxonii,' 1661 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 501 10017 KECK (Wilhelm) VORTRAGE liber ELASTICITATS-LEHRE, als Grundlage fur die Festigkeits- Berechnung der Bauwerke ; with 300 diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. German calf, 5s (p. M. 11. 50) Hannover, 1893 10018 KEEB (P.) GALVANISCHE AFSCHEIDING van METALEN ; with woodcuts, post 8vo. sewn, 2s Haarlem, 1855 10019 KEESOM (W. H.) ISOTHERMALS of MIXTURES of OXYGEN and CARBON DIOXIDE, 2 plates, roy. 8vo. (pp. 79), sewn,, Is Qd Leiden, 1903 10020 KEESS (Stephan Edler v.) DARSTELLUNG des FABRIKS- und GEWERBSWESENS in seinem gegenwartigen Zustande, vorziiglich in technischer, mercantilischer und statistischer Beziehung, 2. vermehrte Ausgabe, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 5s Wien, 1824 KEILL (John, M.D., F.R.S. ; Savilian Prof. Astronomy, Oxon. ; detractor of Leibniz) COMMERCIUM EPISTOLICUM v. NEWTONIANA, post. 10021 EXAMINATION of DR. BURNET'S THEORY of the EARTH, with Remarks on MR. WHISTON'S NEW THEORY of the Earth, etc. ; 2nd Edition, with 13 copperplates, 8vo. boards, uncut, Is 6d Oxford, 1734 Disproving Burnet's and Winston's hypotheses, and refuting Descartes's theory of vortices '. The author applies in this work Huygens's theorem of centrifugal force to explain the figure of the earth. This edition contains a ' Dissertation on the Different Figures of the Coelestial Bodies, with a Summary Exposition of the Cartesian and Newtonian Systems,' by MAUPERTUIS, then staying in England. 10022 INTRODUCTIO ad VERAM ASTRONOMIAM, seu Lectiones Astronomies habitae in Schola Astronomica Academite Oxoniensis, editio princeps ; with 2 lunar maps by M. Burghers, woodcuts, and diagrams, 8vo. old calf, newly rebacked (fine copy], 8s 6d ibidem, e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1718 10023 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary calf, with NUMEROUS MS. NOTES BY RICHARD WATSON, F.R.S. (1737-1816), absentee Bp. of Llandaff, and his Calgarth Park booklabel, 12s Qd 10024 EDITIO SECUNDA, multo auctior et emendatior ; with 2 plates, and numerous ivoodcuts and diagrams, 8vo. old calf (joints cracked), 5s Londini, 1721 10025 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary panelled calf (nice copy], 6s 10026 INTRODUCTION to the TRUE ASTRONOMY : or Astronomical Lectures read in the Astro- nomical School of the University of Oxford, 2nd Ed., with 27 copperplates and 2 lunar maps, 8vo. old calf gilt, 5s 1730 10027 SIXTH EDITION, corrected, with 26 copperplates and 2 lunar maps, 8vo. sound and clean copy in old rough calf, 5s 1769 ' Consisting of his Savilian lectures, and giving a sketch of the history of astronomy. He reprinted it in English with many emendations at the request of the Duchess of Chandos.' D. N. B. 10028 INTRODUCTION ad VERAM PHYSICAM: sen Lectiones Physicae habitse in Schola Naturalis Philosophise Academice Oxoniensis, quibus accedunt Theorematum Hugenianorum de Vi CentrifugCi et Motn Circulari Demonstrationes, Editio IV. ; ivith woodcuts and numerous diagrams, 8vo. old calf, with Bp. Watson's Calgarth Park booklabel, 6s Londini, 1719 10029 EDITIO SEXTA, ab aliarum Editionum Mendis purgata ; with 12 copperplates, large 8vo. boards, uncut, with auto, and Calgarth Park booklabel of BP. WATSON, 7s Qd Cantabrigice, 1741 10030 INTRODUCTION to NATURAL PHILOSOPHY : or Philosophical Lectures read in 1700, with Demonstrations of Huygens's Theorems, concerning the Centrifugal Force and Circular Motion, trans, from, the Latin ; 3rd Edition, with woodcuts and diagrams, 8vo. old calf, 5s 1733 ' It was considered his best performance, and generally welcomed as an excellent introduction to Newton's Principia.' D. N. B. 10031 TRIGONOMETRIC PLAN.E et SPHJERIOE ELEMENTA ; with 4 folding plates, 8vo. sewn, 3s Oxonii, 1806 v. EUCLIDIS ELEMENTA, Nos. 1211-12, 1221, and 7628-9, ante. 10032 KEIR (James, F.R.S.) EXPERIMENTS on the CONGELATION of VITRIOLIC ACID : Beddoes (Thomas, M.D.) ACCOUNT of some NEW EXPERIMENTS on the PRODUCTION of ARTIFICIAL COLD : Bennet (Abraham, pr., F.R.S.) ACCOUNT of a DOUBLER of ELECTRICITY, or a Machine by which the least Conceivable Quantity of Positive or Negative Electricity may be continually doubled, till it becomes perceptible by common Electrometers, or visible in Sparks, with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 30), sewn, 10s Qd 1787 Bennet's memoir contains his discovery of the principle of doubling in electricity, afterwards utilised by Nicholson in his ' revolving doubler.' 10033 [(KEIR W.)] SUMMONS of WAKENING ; or the EVIL TENDENCY and DANGER of SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY, exemplified in MR. LESLIE'S INQUIRY into the NATURE of HEAT and MR. MALTHUS'S ESSAY on POPULATION, with a Prospectus of an Inquiry into the Origin of Government and Law, with 2 folding plates, 8vo. contemporary hf. calf gilt (fresh copy) ; RARE, 15s Hawick, 1807 Directed against Sir John Leslie (o. Nos. 2563-4, ante) and Malthus, ' whose works have a distinct tendency to destroy the fear of God in the minds of men, and to overturn both the established religion and government of this kingdom ' (p. 3). The above copy belonged to Richard Watson, F.R.S. (1737-1816), the absentee Bp. of Llandaff, who has added the author's name on title. The authorship was unknown to Halkett and Laing. 10034 KELLAND (Philip, pr., F.R.S.. Prof. Math., Edin. Univ.) THEORY of HEAT, 8vo. boards, 2s Cambridge, 1837 10035 , and Peter Grtithrie TAIT; F.R.S. E. : INTRODUCTION to QUATERNIONS, with numerous Examples, diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 7s Qd) 10036 SECOND EDITION, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 7s Qd) 1882 The author, who was a member of Queen's Coll., Cantab., Senior Wrangler in 1834, and the teacher of James Clerk Maxwell, was the first Englishman with a wholly English education who was admitted to a chair in the University of Edinburgh, and was one of the founders of the Life Association of Scotland. 502 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., HO, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10033 KEISER (Edward Harrison ; Washington Univ., St. Louis) On the COMBUSTION of WEIGHED QUANTITIES of HYDROGEN, and the ATOMIC WEIGHT of OXYGEN, with 3 diagrams, roy 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is Qd Baltimore, 1888 10039 KEITH (George Skene; Minister of Tulliallan) TRACTS on WEIGHTS, MEASURES and COINS, viz. I. Synopsis of a System of Equalization of Weights and Measures of Gt. Britain. II. Comparison of various Pendulums, etc. III. Observations on the Equalization of Coins. IV. New Method of finding . . . the Center of Oscillation in a Pendulum, etc. etc., 4to. (pp. 20), sewn, with inscr. to Nevil Maskelyne, pr. t F.E.S. (rare], 8s Qd 1791 * He strongly supported the adoption of the seconds pendulum as a standard [of measures]. His plan was laid before .-a committee of Parliament in 1790 by Sir John Riggs Miller, M.P. Sir Joseph Banks expressed a high opinion of Keith's [above] pamphlet.' D.N.B. As became a Highland minister, he conducted a long series of experiments in distillation, for which the House of Commons voted him five hundred pounds, and was an authority on the Malt Tax. 10040 KEITH (Thomas; teacher of geography to Princess Charlotte) INTRODUCTION to the THEORY and PRACTICE of PLANE and SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, and the STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTION of the SPHERE, including the THEORY of NAVIGATION, 4th Edition, improved, with 5 plates, and diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 4s Qd 1820 10041 - EIGHTH EDITION, corrected and improved by SAMUEL MAYNARD, with 5 plates and numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s 1845 10042 KEKTJL6 (Friedrich August v.; F.R.S.) LEHRBUCH der ORGANISCHEN CHEMIE, fortgesetzt unter Mitwirkung von R. ANSCHUTZ, G. SCHULTZ und W. LA COSTE, BAND I-IIl und BAND IV LIEFERUNG I (soweit erchienen) ; with woodcuts, 2 vols. roy 8vo. hf. calf neat, and 5 parts, sewn, (partly o. p.], 12s Qd (p. M. 55 sewn) ^Erlanqen, LS67 Stuttgart, '87 10043 BAND I und II ; with woodcuts, 2 vols. roy 8vo. hf. calf (o. p.), 5s Erlangen, 1861-6 10044 ANOTHER COPY, v. I hf. calf gilt, and v. II sewn, 4s Prof. Kekule was one of the founders of the 'structure theory' (on which the above work is based), whose greatest triumph was the discovery of the constitution of the ' aromatic compounds ' by Kekule himself, but which shortly afterwards had to give way to Frankland's theory of valency. ' By his Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie, in which he endeavoured to work out the typical view and subsequently the structural doctrine to their logical conclusions, he had exercised an immense influence on the chemists of his time.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 10045 : MEMORIAL LECTURE, by FRANCIS ROBERT JAPP, F.R.S., with portrait, Svo. (pp. 42), sewn, with author's inscription, Is Qd 1898 10046 KELLER (Emil) Der KUNSTLICHE VOGELFLUG : Theorie und Praxis; with 22 plates and other illustrations, Svo. sewn, 2s (p. F. 4.25) Zurich [1911] 10047 KELLY (Patrick, Master of Finsbury Square Academy] PRACTICAL INTRODUCTION to SPHERICS and NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, containing, among other Original Matter, the DISCOVERY of a PROJECTION for CLEARING the LUNAR DISTANCES, in Order to find the LONGITUDE at SEA ; with a New Method of Calculating this important Problem, first edition, with 13 copperplates (1 folding), containing 52 diagrams, roy. Svo. old calf, newly rebacked (title stamped and 1 plate mounted] ; RARE, 12s Qd 1796 Part II contains a selection of the chief propositions in nautical astronomy. The author long kept a successful private school, 'The Mercantile School,' in Finsbury Square, and was acquainted with Dr. Maskelyne. Sir John Herschel, and Dr. Button. 10048 KELLY (William) TABLES for determining the CUBICAL CONTENTS of EARTHWORK, in the Construction of Railways and Common Roads, whether in Level Ground or Side Cutting, printed on yellow paper, with 2 plates, Svo. cl., 5s Dublin, 1847 10049 KELSEY (William Richards, A.I.E.E.) PHYSICAL DETERMINATIONS : Laboratory Instructions for the Determination of Physical Quantities, with numerous diagrams, cr. Svo. cl., 2s Qd [1901] 10050 KEMMIS (Capt. William) TREATISE on MILITARY CARRIAGES, and other Manufactures of the Royal Carriage Department, with 27 plates, and numerous woodcuts, roy. Svo. hf. maroon morocco neat, 4s 1874 Including naval gun mountings. 10051 KEMP (George, M.D.) DESCRIPTION of certain DRY PROCESSES in PHOTOGRAPHY, with Plans useful to the Scientific Traveller and Missionary, cr. Svo. (pp. 84), sewn, 3s 1S63 10052 KEMP (James Furman, Columbia Univ.) The ORE DEPOSITS of the UNITED STATES, with 67 illustrations, Svo. cl., 8s (p. 18* nett) New York, 1893 10053 KEMP (T. Lindley, M.D.) The PHASIS of MATTER: an OUTLINE of the DISCOVERIES and APPLICATIONS of MODERN CHEMISTRY, with folding map and 148 woodcuts, 2 vols. cr. Svo. cl. (cover damaged), Is 1855 10054 KEMPE (Sir Alfred Bray; Chancellor of the Diocese of London; F.R.S.) How to DRAW a STRAIGHT LINE : a Lecture on LINKAGES, with 34 woodcuts, post Svo. cl. (scarce), with booklabel and MS. notes and sketches by F. J. Jervis- Smith, pr., F.R.S., Qs Qd 1S77 The discovery of drawing straight lines by means of the link-motion was made by PEAUCELLIER, and is here much enlarged by the author. The above is the fullest work on the subject. Sir Alfred Kempe can not only draw a straight line, but occasionally do so at right angles to the judgments of hi.s predecessor Dr. Tristram, to the no small devotional gain of the churches of the Diocese of London. 10055 KEMPE (Harry Robert, G.P.O. ; M.I.C.E.) HANDBOOK of ELECTRICAL TESTING ; 4th Edition [enlarged], with folding table (linen-mounted), and 159 woodcuts, thick cr. Svo. hf. morocco, or, hf. calf neat, 4s Qd (p. 165 in cl.) 1887 10056 [KENDALL (Francis)] DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of the MINERALS and FOSSIL ORGANIC REMAINS of SCARBOROUGH and its Vicinity, with coloured front., and Q plates (some coloured), Svo. hf. calf (slightly soiled) ; scarce, 6s Scarborough, 1816 10057 KENNGOTT (Johann Gustav Adolf; Univ. Zurich) Die MINERALE der SCHWEIZ nach ihren Eigenschaften und Fundorten ausfiihrlich beschrieben ; with 78 woodcuts, 12mo. sewn, 3s (p. M. 5.25) Leipzig, 1S66 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 503 10059 KELVIN" (Sir "William Thomson, Lord, P.RS.) ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH CABLE: Address before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Dec. 18th, 1865, with other Documents, woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 31), sewn '(scarce], 7s Qd 1866 10060 BALTIMORE LECTURES on MOLECULAR DYNAMICS and the WAVE THEORY of LIGHT, founded on A. S. HATHAWAY'S Stenographic Report of Twenty Lectures in Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Oct., 1884, with Twelve Appendixes on allied Subjects ; with INDEX, numerous diagrams, thick 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 10s Qd (p. 15s nett) 1904 Univ. Press, Cambridge, '05 10061 DEMONSTRATION d'un THEOREMS d'ANALYSE, 4to. (pp. 11), sewn, 3s 1845 An important memoir, which was afterwards republished in an enlarged form in the ' Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal '. 10062 ELASTICITY and HEAT, being Articles contributed to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, illustrated, 4to. (pp. 67), cl., 4s Edin., 1880 10063 ELASTICITY ONLY, illustrated, 4to. (pp. 30), cl., 2s Qd ib., 1878 10064 On the ELECTRIC-DYNAMIC QUALITIES of METALS, with plate, and 58 woodcuts, 4 to. (pp. 103), sewn, 4s 1856 10065 EXTRAIT d'une LETTRE a M. LIOUVILLE, 4to. (pp. 4), sewn, Is Qd 1845 10066 MATHEMATICAL and PHYSICAL PAPERS, collected from different Scientific Periodicals, from May, 1841, to the present Time, with numerous plates (many folding) , besides many woodcuts, 6 vols. 8vo. cl., 3. 10s (p. 4. 17*) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1882-1911 CONTENTS : I. Papers mainly from 1811 to 1853 : II. mainly from April, 1853 to Feb , 1856 : III. Elasticity, Heat, Electro-Magnetism : IV. Hydrodynamics and general Dynamics : V. Thermodynamics, Cosmical and Geological Physics, Molecular and Crystalline Theory, Electrodynamics : VI. Voltaic Theory, Radioactivity, Electrons, Navigation and Tides, Miscellaneous. 10067 VOLUMES I TO III ONLY, with 24 plates, and numerous woodcuts, 3 vols. 8vo. cl., 1. 11s Qd (p. 2. lls) a. e., ib., 1882-90 1006S The MOLECULAR TACTICS of a CRYSTAL (Robert Boyle Lecture, 1893), with 20 illustra- tions, 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1894 10069 NOTE sur les Lois ELEMENTAIRES de I'ELECTRICITE STATIQUE 4to. (pp. 13), sewn, 2s Qd 1845 10070 NOTE sur la THEORIE de 1' ATTRACTION, 4 to. (pp. 6), sewn, 2s Qd 1844 Written during the author's undergraduate days at Peterhouse. It is dated Glasgow. Dec. 15, 1S43. 10071 POPULAR LECTURES and ADDRESSES, with numerous woodcuts, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 1. Is 1891-4 CONTENTS: I. Constitution of Matter, 2nd Ed., with Additions, '91: II. Geology and General Physics, '94: III. Navigational Affairs, '91. 10072 ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. cl. (fresh copy), with AUTHOR'S INSCRIPTION, 1. 5s 1 To Lord Napier and Ettrick with kind regards. KELVIN. Dec. 2, 1896.' Inscr. on flyleaf of v . I. 10073 VOLUME II : GEOLOGY and GENERAL PHYSICS, with folding plate and woodcuts, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 7s Qd) 1894 10074 REPRINT of PAPERS on ELECTROSTATICS and MAGNETISM, with 3 plates (2 folding], and numerous woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., 10s Qd 1872 10075 SECOND [LATEST] EDITION [slightly enlarged], with 3 plates and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. cl., uncut (scarce), 15s 1884 10076 , and. Peter Guthrie TAIT, F.R.S.E. : ELEMENTS of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART I (all pub.), with numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 9s) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1873 10077 SECOND [LAST] EDITION [revised by WILLIAM BURNSIDE, F.R.S., with INDEX], with numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 9s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1879 10078 TREATISE on NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, Vol. I [all published], with diagrams, thick 8vo. cl., 9s (p. 1. 5s) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1867 10079 NEW [LAST] EDITION [revised by SIR G. H. DARWIN, F.R.S., with Index] , illustrated, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 1. (p. '. 14s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1879-83 A work which, though never completed, has had an incalculable influence on the progress of physical science.' The above issue is preferable to that of 1890-5, which is merely a stereotype reprint of the former. 10080 VOLUME I ONLY, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 8s Qd (p. 16s) a. e., ib., 1879 10081 HANDBUCH der THEORETISCHEN PHYSIK, autorisierte deutsche Ubersetzung von H. v. HELMHOLTZ und G. WERTHEIM, I. Band, I. Theil ; with, diagrams, 8vo. buckram, with Dr. Emil Reich's bookplate, 4s Braunschweig, 1871 10082 : THOMPSON (Silvanus Phillips, F.R.S.) The LIFE of WILLIAM THOMSON, BARON KELVIN OF LARGS, with 16 portraits and plates (including photogravures) , besides text-illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., uncut, t. e. g., 15s (p. 1. 10s nett) 1910 Likely to remain the standard biography. At end is a complete bibliography of Lord Kelvin's works and contributions to the Publications of Learned Societies, etc., and a List of his Patents. 100S3 : LORD KELVIN'S EARLY HOME: the Recollections of his Sister, Mrs. Elizabeth King, with some Family Letters and Supplementary Chapter by the Editor, ELIZABETH THOMSON KING, with 23 portraits and plates, 8vo. cl. , 4s Qd (p. 8s Qd nett) 10084 : GRAY (Andrew, F.R.S.) LORD KELVIN : an Account of his Scientific Life and Work, with 2 portraits, and view, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 1908 v. JENKIN, Nos. 2144 and 9795, and NEWTON, No. 3266, ante. 10085 KENNELLY( Arthur Edwin, Harvard Univ.) The APPLICATION of HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS to ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROBLEMS, with diagrams, 8vo. cl. t 4s (p. 6s nett) 10086 WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY and WIRELESS TELEPHONY : an Elementary Treatise [2nd Edition, enlarged], with 81 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s 34 504 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10089 KENNEDY (Sir Alexander Blackie William, F.R.S.) The MECHANICS of MACHINERY, with numerous illustrations, thick post 8vo. cl., with author's inscr., and auto, of F. J, Jervis- Smith, pr., F.R.S. , 5.5 (p. 12s Qd) 1886 One of the best English textbooks on the subject. 10090 RIVETED JOINTS (Report on Experiments on Double-Riveted LAP and BUTT JOINTS, Series XI-XIII, and Abstract of Results of Experiments on Riveted Joints, with their Application to Practical Work, with 3 plates, 8vo. (pp. 94), sewn, 4s 1885 10091 RESULTS of EXPERIMENTS on RIVETED JOINTS made for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers [with Appendixes by R. H. TWEDDELL, etc.], 10 plates, 8vo. (pp. 164), sewn, Qs 1881 Added is : ' On Riveting, with special Reference to Ship-Work ', by BARON CLAUZEL (pp. 37). 10092 The USE and EQUIPMENT of ENGINEERING LABORATORIES, with Abstract of the Discussion, edited by JAMES FORREST, with a folding plate and 40 woodcuts, 8vo. s.ewn, with author's inscr., and auto, of F. J. Jervis-Smith, pr., F.R.S., 5s 1887 10093 KENNED Y (Rankin) ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS of ELECTRICAL LIGHT, POWER, TRACTION, and INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL MACHINERY, with hundreds of illustrations (includinq many plates], 5 voL?. sq. roy. 8vo. cl., Us 6d (p. 1. 17s Qd nett) [c. 1910] 10094 MODERN ENGINES and POWER GENERATORS : a Practical Work on Prime Movers and the Transmission of Power : Steam, Electric, Water, and Hot Air, with many hundred plates, diagrams, and illustrations, 6 vols. cr. 4to. cl., 1. 5s (p. 2. 14s nett) [c. 1910] 10095 KENWAB.D (James, lighthouse engineer) SHIP LIGHTS and COLLISIONS, 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, with auto, letter from the author, 2s Birmingham, 1893 10096 KEPLER (Johann) OPERA OMNIA, edidit [Notasque adjecit] CHRISTIANUS FRISCH; with portrait, 3 plates, fs. letter, and numerous diagrams, 8 vols. roy. 8vo. in 9, hf. purple calf extra, cl. sides, t. e. g. (FINE SET), with bookplate of DR. EMIL REICH, 3. 15s (p. M. 114 sewn) Franco/ urti ad Mocnum, 1858-71 The only complete edition of Kepler's works ever published. 10097 DIOPTRICE, seu Demonstratio eorum qua? visui et visibilibus propter Conspicilla npn ita pridem inventa accidunt. Praemissse EPISTOL^ GALILEI de iis, item Examen Prsefationis Jo. PEN^E Galli in Optica Euclidis, de Usu Optices in Philosophia, editio princeps ; with numerous diagrams, Augusts Vindelicorum, 1611 : Ad ViTELLIONEM PARALIPOMENA, quibus ASTRONOMIC: PARS OPTICA traditur; potissimiim de Artificiosa Observatione et /Estimatione Diametrorum Deliquiorurnque ; Solis et Luna?, cum Exemplis Insignium Eclipsium, etc. etc., TRACTATUM LUCULENTUM de Mopo VISIONIS, et HUMORUM OCULI Usu, contra Opticos et Anatomicos, editio princeps; with diagrams and folding tables. Franco/ urti, '04 2 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, LARGE AND SOUND COPIES in old white vellum (but the second work browned as usual] ; VERY RARE, 3. 155 1611-04 The second work, which is hardly less important than the Dioptrice, contains the first correct physiological explanation of the defects of sight, with a theory of vision, the first suggestion of the undulatory theory of light, an approximately correct formula of refraction (pointing out the relation between the sine of incident and refracted rays), the first announce- ment of one of the principal axioms of photometry, his method of calculating eclipses, still in use, etc. etc. 'In a short chapter on conies inserted in his Paralipomena, published in 1604, he lays down what has been called the principle of continuity, and gives as an example the statement that a parabola is at once the limiting case of an ellipse and of a hyperbola ; he illustrates the same doctrine by reference to the foci of conies (the word focn* was introduced by him) ; and he also explains that parallel lines should be regarded as meeting at infinity. He introduced the use of the eccentric angle in discussing properties of the ellipse.' W. W. R. Ball. 10098 DIOPTRICE : seu Demonstratio eorum qua? visui et visibilibus propter Conspicilla non ita pridem inventa accidunt. Prsemissae EPISTOL^E GALILEI de iis, qure post Editionem Nuncii Siderei, Ope Perspicilli. nova et admiranda in Coelo deprehensa sunt ; item Examen Prsefationis Jo. PEN^E Galli in Optica Euclidis, de usu Optices in Philosophia ; with woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 8vo. sewn, 8s Qd Londini, Jac. Flesher, 1653 The first edition printed in England. This is next to his 'Astronomia Nova' and ' Harmonices Mundi ' Kepler's most important work, and contains the first account of his INVENTION of the ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPE, consisting of two convex lenses, as opposed to Galileo's telescope of one concave and one convex lens ; and also the first attempt at giving a theory of the telescope. ' L'auteur emploie le premier la regie approximative de la proportionnalite de 1'angle de refraction a Vangle d'incidence pour etudier les proprietes des lentilles piano sphenques, etil donne desformules, encore usitees arjourd'hui pour calculer, les distances des foyers de semblables lentilles '.Eiogr, Gen. 10099 EPITOME ASTRONOMIC COPERNICAN^E, usitata Forma Qurestionum et Responsionum conscripta ; in VII Libros cligesta, quorum III hi priores sunt de DOCTRINA SPH.BRTCA, editio princeps ; with woodcuts and diagrams, 12mo. old boards (corner of title and first I. defective, and partly water-stained) ; RARE, 15s Lentil's ad Danubi'nn, 1618 The first edition contains only the first 3 Books. It was the first work dividing the sctence into spherical and theoretical astronomy. 10100 - HARMONICES MUNDI Libri V, quorum I. Geometricus, II. Architectonicus, III. Harmoni- cus, IV. Metaphysicus, Psychologies et Astrologicus, V. Astronomicuset Metaphysicus, Appendix habet Comparationem huius Operis cum Harmonices CL. PTOLEM^I Libro III. cumque ROBERTI DE FLUCTIBUS [ROBERT FLUDD, M.D.] Speculationibus Harmonicis, etc., editio prinreps ; with plates, woodcuts, and diagrams, sm. folio, contemporary vellum (back of binding slightly damaged 'and browned as usual, otherwise a SOUND AND TALL COPY) ; VERY RARE, 3. 105 ibidem, 1619 10101 ANOTHER COPY, old limp vellum (blank corner of title and last I. defective, and corner of a number of II. water -stained, otherwise an unusually clean and tall copy], 3. 3s ORIGINAL EDITION of Kepler's second great work (' his chief work' W. W. R. Hall), containing for the first time his 'third law' : The square of a planet's periodic time is proportional to the cube of its mean distance from the sun. As is well known, his three laws formed the groundwork of Newton's discoveries, and are the starting point of modern astronomy. It is dedicated to James I. The passage ' fidei defensor inter Chiisti fideles' is inked in the second copy. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 505 10103 KEPLER (Johann) PRO Suo OPERE HARMONICES MUNDI APOLOGIA adversns DEMONSTRA- TIONEM ANALYTICAM ROBERTI DE FLUCTIBUS Medici Oxoniensis, in qua ille se dicit respondere ad Appendicem dicti Operis; with large woodcut device en title, folio, hf. morocco neat (2 II. water-stained on margin, otherwise a FINE AND TALL COPY) ; VERY RARE, 1. 5s Francofurti, 1622 A reply to the Oxford Rosicrucian Robert Fludd's attack in his Feritatis Proscenium (1621), which was provoked by Kepler's own criticism in the appendix 1o the Harmonics Mundi. 10104 TABULA RUDOLPHIN.E, quibus Astronomicse Scientise, Temporum Longinquitate collapsse Re>tauratio continetur, a ... TYCHONE ex ... BRAHEORUM Familia oriundo Equite, primum Animo concepta et destinata A.C. MDLXIV: exinde Observatioriibus Siderum accuratissimis . . . serio aftectata, etc. etc. etc. ; with fine engraved front, containing portraits of Copernicus, Tycho Brake, etc., and diagrams, folio, old limp vellum (some II. browned, otherwise a sound and large copy] ; RARE, 1. Is Ulmce, 1627 'The value of these tables appears from the fact that they ranked for a century as the best aid to astronomy. Appended are tables of logarithms and of refractions, together with Tycho's catalogue of 777 stars, enlarged by Kepler to 1005.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. ' Ce sont de toutes lesanciennes tables astronomiques celles qui reposent sur les plus solides fondemens, etil est encore des cas on elles s'ecartent peu des phenomenes.' Montuda. See MORIN, post, for a revised edition of the Rudolphine Tables. 10105 : KEPLER'S TRAUM von MONO [mit Einleitung und zahlreichen Noten] von LUDWIG GUNTHER ; loith portrait, fs. title of the original edition, 2 plates, and 24 other illustrations, roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., with Dr. Emil Reich's bookplate, 5s (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1898 This work was largely used by Huygens in his Cosmotheoros. 10106 : EPISTOL.E ad JOANNEM KEPPLERUM Mathematicum Csesareum scriptse ; insertis ad easdem RESPONSIONIBUS KEPPLERIANIS, quotquot hactenus reperiri potuerunt: Opus Novum, quo recondita Kepplerianae Doctrinss Capita dilucide explicantur, et Historia Literaria in Universum rnirifice illustratur, mine primum cum Praefatione de MERITIS GERMANORUM in MATHESIN, Introductione in Historian! Literariam Sttculorum XVI. et XVII. et Jo. KEPPLERI VITA, Jussu et Auspiciis Caroli VI. Romanor. Imperat. S.A.P.F.V.P.P. ex MSS. editum [a MICHAELE GOTTLIEB HANSCHIO] ; with engraved vignettes, arms, and 8 plates, roy. folio, sound copy in old white vellum, with bookplate of Lord Eliock, 1. 12s Qd [Lip&ice,] 1718 This was the only volume ever published by Hansch, who bought the whole of Kepler's MSS. for 100 florins, and received 4000 florins from the Emperor Charles VI. for editing the above volume. A proposed second volume was never published, as no further funds were forthcoming from the Emperor. Hansch afterwards sold the collection in Frankfort for 828 florins, where it was discovered by v. Murr, and purchased, at Euler's instigation, by the Empress Catherine of Russia for 2000 roubles. Frisch's edition is based on it. 10107 : BREITSCHWERT (J. Ludwig C. Freiherr v.) JOHANN KEPPLER'S LEBEN und WIRKEN, nach neuerlich aufgefundenen Manuscripten bearbeitet, sm. 8vo. boards, uncut, with bookplate of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.E.S., 3s Stuttgart, 1831 10108 : [BREWSTER (Sir David, F.R.S.)] LIFE of KEPLER [with Bibliography] , woodcuts, 4to. (pp. 54), sewn, 4s Qd n. d. 10109 : SMALL (Robert, D.D., F.R.S. E.) ACCOUNT of the ASTRONOMICAL DISCOVERIES of KEPLER: including an historical Review of the Systems which had successively prevailed before his Time, with 11 plates, 8vo. calf (back damaged), 4s 1804 10110 KERCKHOFF (Pieter Jan van, Groningen) Een BLIK op den TEGENWOORDIGEN TOESTAND der SCHEIKUNDE, roy. 8vo. sewn, Is Qd Groningen, 1858 10111 KERGEB. (Martin, M.D.) De FERMENTATIONS Liber Physico-Medicus, cui de INSEPARABIL- ITATE FORMARUM MATERIALIUM et VlTA singularia sunt innexa, omnia perpetuis Experimentis nrmata, srn. 4to. (pp. 276), old vellum (browned, but large copy) ; RARE, 15s Wittebergce, 1663 An iatro-chemical treatise of considerable' interest, dealing not only with fermentation proper, but also treating of the supposed fermentative processes of the human body, i.e. fevers and tumours. It was unknown to Poggendorff, and other bibliographers. 10112 KERIGAN (Lieut. Thomas, R.N., F.R.S.) The COMPLETE MATHEMATICAL and GENERAL NAVIGATION TABLES ; with copious TREATISES on NAVIGATION, NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, Plane and Spherical TRIGONOMETRY, DIALLING, GUNNERY, etc. ; new Edition, adapted to the Nautical Almanac, with folding front. , and numerous diagrams, 2 thick vols. roy. 8vo. cl., with auto, of J. H. Speke (African explorer], 10s Qd (p. 1. 7s) ' 1845 10113 PRACTICAL TREATISE on the ECLIPSES of the SUN and MOON, and the Deflection of the Moon and Planets; explaining their Calculation by Simple and Direct Methods, with Remarks on the ANOMALIES of the PRESENT THEORY of the TIDES ; the Superior Attraction of the Sun over that of the Moon at the Surface of the Earth, etc. etc., roy. 8vo. cl., uncut, 5s 1844 ' Lieut. Kerigan was elected to the Royal Society at a time when his proposers must have known that his immediate object was to put F.R.S. on the titlepage of a work [supra] against the tides. '-Prof, de Morgan. 101 14 KERL (Georg Heinrich ~&iCM.-n.Q,Bergakademie, Berlin) The ASSAYER'S MANUAL : an Abridged Treatise on the Docimastic Examination of Ores, and Furnace and other Artificial Products ; trans- lated by WILLIAM T. BRANNT, and edited by WILLIAM H. WAHL, with 65 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 12s Qd) Philadelphia, 1883 10115 BESCHREIBUNG der OBERHARZER HUTTENPROZESSE in ihrem ganzen Umfange, mit Beriicksichtigung anderer metal lurgischer Prozesse im Allgemeinen ; with 4 folding plates, and 8 folding tables., 8vo. hf. cl., 3s Qd Clausthal, 1852 10116 [KERN (Johann Gottlieb)] BERICHT vom BERGBAU ; with 18 copperplates, comprising about 100 figures, 4to. hf. bound (binding damaged) ; RARE, 12s Leipzig, 1772 Interesting as describing and illustrating very fully the methods of mining in vogue in Germany more especially at Freiberg in Saxony in the middle of the XVIIIth Century. 0117 KERP (Heinrich, Bonn) Die ERDKUNDLICHEN RAUMVORSTELLUNGEN ; with 33 diagrams, 8vo. sewn, 2s (p. M. 3.60) Berlin, 1899 10118 Die LANDSCHAFTEN EUROPAS ; with 4 plates, 8vo. sewn, 2s 6d (p. M. 5) Trier, 1900 506 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10120 KERPELY (Anton Bitter v.) Die ANLAGE und EINRICHTUNG der EISENSCHMELZWERKE (Hohofen-Anlagen) ; with woodcuts, 8vo., and Atlas, containing 114 folding plates, roy. 4to. 2 vols. hf. calf gilt, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (FINE COPY), 2. \5s (p. M. 115 sewn) Leipzig, 1884 10121 KERB. (Eugene Wycliff; Univ. Louisiana) POWER and POWER TRANSMISSION, with 264 illustrations, Svo. cl. (o. p.), 6s New York, 1902 10122 KEBB (George L., M.I. M.E.) ELEMENTARY COAL-MINING, with 200 woodcuts, ci: 8vo., cl., 2s 1902 10123 KEBB (Washing-ton Caruthers), and George B. HANNA: ORES of NORTH CAROLINA, with numerous plates and woodcuts, and large coloured^ map, 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd Raleigh, 1893 10124 KEBSHAW (John Baker Cannington, F.I c.) Die ELEKTROLYTISCHE CIILORATINDUSTRIE, iibertragen von MAX HUTU, mit Anhang der wichtigsten PATENTE ; with 39 illustrations, and 3 tables, roy. 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd (p. M. 6) Halle a. S., 1905 10125 KETCHUM (Milo Smith, Univ. Colorado) The DESIGN of HIGHWAY BRIDGES, and the Calculation of Stresses in Bridge Trusses, with 303 illustrations (some folding), large 8vo. cl., 10s Qd (p. 16s nett) New York, 1908 10126 KEYNES (John Neville; Eegistrary Univ. Cantab.) STUDIES and EXERCISES in FORMAL LOGIC ; third Edition, enlarged, Svo. cl., uncut, 5s (p. 12s) 1894 10127 KIDD (John, M.D. ; F.R.S., Prof. Chemistry, Oxon.) OUTLINES of MINERALOGY, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut (rare), Qs Oxford, 1809 ' An excellent work, founded on the method of Haiiy, with remarks on other systems.' 10128 KILLING (Wilhelm, Univ. Munster), und H. HOVESTADT: HANDBUCH des MATHEMA- TISCHEN UNTERRICHTS, BAND I [GEOMETRIE] ; u-ith 32 diagrams, roy. 8vo. cl., Qs Qd (p. M. 10) Leipzig, 1910 10129 KIMBER (Thomas) MATHEMATICAL COURSE for the UNIVERSITY of LONDON, with the whole Series of MATHEMATICAL PAPERS, 183S-65, enlarged Edition; with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 10s Qd) 1865 10130 FOURTH EDITION, enlarged [to 1878], with Key, 2 vols. Svo. in 4 parts, cl, 4s 6d (p. 1. 46) 1883-1-0 10131 KINAHAN (Gerard Henry, M.R.I.A.) HANDY BOOK of ROCK NAMES : a Guide to Practical Geology, fcap. Svo. cl., 2s (p. 4s) 10132 - - VALLEYS, and their Relation to Fissures, Fractures, and Faults, with 7 plates and maps, post Svo. cL, 4s Qd (p. 10s Qd) 1875 10133 KINCKHTJYSEN (Gerard) ALGEBRA ofte STEL-KONST, beschreven tot dienst van de Leerlinghen ; with diagram on title, sm. 4to. sewn, uncut, 10s Qd Haerlem, 1661 Newton meant to publish a new edition of this work in 1671, in which his parallelogram was to appear for the first time, but his intention was never carried out. 10134 [ ] Het GHEBRUYCK des QUADRANTS, zijnde seer nut voor veel Persoonen, ende vermake- lijck voor alle Liefhebbers, ghevoegt eenighe vermaeckelijcke Questien, by de welcke de Antwoorden ghestelt zijn; with fine engraving of the Quadrant on title, sm. 4to. (pp. 20), unbound (rare), 10s Qd ibidem, 1643 10135 KINEALY (John Henry, Washington Univ., St. Louis) CENTRIFUGAL FANS : a Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Fans for Moving Air in large Quantities at comparatively low Pressures, with 33 illustrations, fcap. Svo. limp leather, 10s (p. 1. Is nett) New York, 1905 10136 KING (Arthur Scott; Pasadena Observatory ; F.R.A.S.) An ELECTRIC FURNACE for SPEC- TROSCOPIC INVESTIGATIONS, with Results for the Spectra of Titanium and Vanadium, 3 plates, impl. Svo. (pp. 15), sewn, Is Qd [Washington], 1908 10137 The RELATIVE INTENSITIES of the CALCIUM LINES H, K, and X 4226 in the ELKCTRIC FURNACE, with FURTHER STUDY, 3 plates, 2 parts impl. Svo. (pp. 17), sewn, 2s ['&.] 1908-9 10138 The RELATIVE INTENSITIES of the YELLOW, ORANGE, and RED LINES of CALCIUM in ELECTRIC FURNACE SPECTRA, with plate, impl. 8vo. (pp. 8), seivn : Is [>'&.], 1909 10139 On the SEPARATION in the MAGNETIC FIELD of some Lines occurring as DOUBLETS and TRIPLETS in SUN-SPOT SPECTRA, with plate, impl. Svo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is [>'&.] , 1909 10140 The ZEEMAN EFFECT for TITANIUM, with 2 plates, impl. Svo. (pp. 13), sewn, IsQd \ib.], 1909 10141 KING (Franklin Hiram, Univ. Wisconsin) TEXT-BOOK of the PHYSICS of AGRICULTURE, 3rd Edition, with 276 illustrations, cr. Svo. cl., 4s Qd apud auctorem, Madison, 1904 10142 KING (James Wilson, Chief Engineer, U.S.N.) REPORT on EUROPEAN SHIPS of WAR and their ARMAMENT, Naval Administration, and Economy, Marine Constructions, Torpedo Warfare, Dock- Yards, etc. etc., 2nd Edition, enlarged, with 41 plates, -Svo. cl., with author's inscr., Qs Qd , Washington, 1878 10143 KING (Joseph, Liverpool) INTEREST TABLES, enlarged and improved, calculated at 5%. Irom 1. to 10,000., from 1 to 365 Days, with Tables for Calculating Commissions, etc. etc., 4th Edition, enlarged, thick roy. Svo. boards, uncut, Qs Liverpool, 1804 10144 KING (William, Prof. Geol., King's Coll., Galway), and Thomas H. ROWNEY : An OLD CHAPTER of the GEOLOGICAL RECORD, with a NEW INTERPRETATION: or Rock Metarnorphism and its resultant Imitations of Organisms, with annotated History of the Controversy on the so-called ' Eozoon Canadense ', 9 coloured plates, Svo. cl., 5s (p. 10s Qd) 1881 10145 KING (William H., U.S.N.) LESSONS and PRACTICAL NOTES on STEAM, the STEAM ENGINE, PROPELLERS, etc. etc. ; revised by CHIEF-ENGR. J. W. KING, U.S.N., 19th [last] Edition, enlarged, with numerous woodcuts, Svo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 10s Qd) New York, 1875 10146 KLEFFEL (L. G.) HANDBUCH der PRACTISCHEN PHOTOGRAPHIE, nebst ausfiihrlicher Abhandlung liber STEREOSKOPIE und PANOTYPIE, 4. umgearbeitete Auflage ; with woodcuts, Svo. hf. calf, 3s Qd Leipzig, 1863 No. 10097 (/e 504). An important work on physiological optics. \m& 131' o K" ill sff- lif Hi: 3 < ^lACHINA HACME71CA No. 10163 (IMIJC 507). An early and important work on magnetism. 11;, !tt = n, o *"3 2-ffE. > 15.1 ^ iii 3 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 507 10148 KINGSBURY (Benjamin, razor-maker] TREATISE on RAZORS ; in which the Weight, Shape, and Temper of a Razor, the Means of Keeping it in Order, and the Manner of Using it, are particularly considered, 5th Edition, 8vo. sewn (rare), 10s Qd 1808 Probably the only work on the subject ever written, from the. date of the flint-rasps of the Stone Age to that of the latest American contrivance for those who cannot hold a razor. 10149 KLNGZETT (Charles Thomas, F.C.S.) ANIMAL CHEMISTRY, on the Relations of Chemistry to Physiology and Pathology, thick 8vo. cl. (o.p), 5s (p. 18s) 1878- A careful digest of everything then known of physiological chemistry. 10150 The HISTORY, PRODUCTS, and PROCESSES of the ALKALI TRADE, including the most recent Improvements, with 5 plates and 18 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (o.p), 4s 187T With interesting historical chapters. 10151 NATURE'S HYGIENE : the CHEMISTRY and HYGIENE of the EUCALYPTUS and the PINE, 2nd Edition, 8vo. cL (o.p.), 3s 6d 1884 10152 PRECISK INVESTIGATION of some MICRO-ORGANISMS and SOLUBLE FERMENTS : their Chemical History and Relation to Disease, also the Disinfecting Value of ' Sanitas ' Fluids, 8vo. (pp. 31), sewn, IsQd 1885 10L53 KIPPING (Frederic Stanley; F.R.S.) w BROMOCAMPHORIC ACID, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, with author's inscr., Is 1896* 10154 a HYDRINDONE and its Derivatives, Part I, 8vo. (pp. 24), sewn, Is 189* 10155 On the SYNTHETICAL FORMATION of CLOSED CARBON CHAINS in the AROMATIC SERIES ; with the Formation of Anhydrides, 8vo. (pp. 43), sewn, with auto, letter from Prof. J.E. Reynolds to Sir E. Thorpe on this brochure, 2s Qd Manchester, 1887 10156 , and William Jackson POPE, F.R.S. : TT HALOGEN DERIVATIVES of CAMPHOR, with 5 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn, Is Qd 1895 10157 , and O. F. RUSSELL: PARAHEPTOTOLUENE and its DERIVATIVES, 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn. Is 1895- 10158 KIPPING (Robert, sailmaker) The ELEMENTS of SAILMAKING : a complete Treatise on Cutting-Out Sails as practised in the Royal Navy, and according to the most approved Methods- in the Merchant Service, with Draughting, and the Centre of Effort of the Sails ; 2nd Edition, enlarged, with 17 plates, 8vo. cl., Qs 1851 10159 KIRBY (Joshua) DR. BROOK TAYLOR'S METHOD of PERSPECTIVE made easy, both in Theory and Practice; 2nd Edition, with 51 copperplates, mostly by the author, 4to. old calf (rubbed), with bookplate of Prof . W. A. Copinger, bibliographer, 5s Ipswich, 1755. 10160 KIRBY (Thomas) ESSAY on CRITICISM, in the Course of which the THEORY of LIGHT, and, the GRAVITY of the EARTH, are PARTICULARLY CONSIDERED, Svo. (pp. 40), sewn (rare), WsQd 1757 This paradoxer escaped Professor de Morgan. According to the author 'light is a reflexion from all opake bodies', while ' day-light may be called a whiteness caused by the sun,' and the tides the result of ' a repulsive power of the moon.* 10161 KIRCHER (Athanasius, s.j. ; Collegii Gregoriani) ARS MAGNA Lucis et UMBRAE, quibua admirandce Lucis et Uinbrre in Mundo, atque adeo Universa Natura, Vires, Effectusque uti Nova, ita varia novorum reconditiorumque Speciminum Exhibitione, ad varios Mortalium Usus> pandnntur, Editio altera, priori inultb auctior ; with fine portrait of Johann Friedrich Graf Waldstein, large Jesuit horoscope, and numerous plates and woodcuts, etc., thick roy. folio, old calf gilt (joint slightly cracked, also somz II. browned, other w ise a VERY SOUND COPY) ; RARE, 2. 2* Amstelodami, 1671 One of that naif but wonderful man Father Kircher's most important works, containing descriptions of a number of ingenious inventions. He is in this work the first to mention fluorescence, and in the above second edition gives a copious description of the magic lautern and the speaking trumpet, the invention of which has been ascribed to him. 10162 ITER EXTATICUM COZLESTE, quo Mundi Opiticium, id est, Coelestis Expansi, Siderumque tarn Errantium, quam Fixorum Natura, Vires, Proprietates, singulorumque Compositio et Structura . . . Novu Hypothesi exponitur ad Veritatem. . . hac II Editione Praelusionibus et Scholiis illustratum . . . necnon a Mendis, quas in I am Komanam Editionera irrepserant, expurgatum a GASPARE SCHOTTO, S. J. ; accessit ejusdem Auctoris Iter Exstaticum Terrestre, et Synopsis Mundi Subterranei ; with engraved title (including PORTRAIT), engraved arms on rev. of printed title, and 12 copper plates, thick 4to. old vellum (somewhat browned as usual, otherwise a very sound copy) ; RARE, 1. 55 Herbipoli, 1660 'This work, which is important for the history of astronomy, is perhaps the most curious of Kircher's publications. The discussion whether the water, which the author asserts to be in the planet Venus, may be used for baptism [which ' would have tickled Father Tyrrell, ejusdem Societatis], and some other extraordinary things of a similar nature, have ren- dered the possession of the book interesting to collectors.' Libri Catalogue. Needless to say, the author rejects the Coperuican system, but adopts that of Tycho Brahe. 10163 MAGNES, sive de Arte Magnetica Opus Tripartitum, quo Universa MAGNETIS NATURA, eiusque in omnibus Scientiis et Artibus Usus, NOVA METHODO explicatur ; ac prseterea e Viribus quoque et prodigiosis Effectibus Magnetarum, aliarumque abditarum Nature Motionum in Elementis, Lapidibus, Plantis, Animalibus, elucescentium, multa hucusque incognita Nature Arcana per .... Experimenta recluduntur, EDITIO III. [ET ULTIMA], ab ipso Authore recogmta, eiuendataque, ac multis NOVORUM EXPERIMENTORUM Problematis aucta ; with engraved title* vignette, and very numerous fine engravings on copper and wood, folio, contemporary calf gilt (back slightly damaged, and a few II. mended, but a sound and clean copy), with bookplate and stamp 'Bibliotheca Suchtelen' ; VERY RARE, 2. 10s Romce, 1654 Last and most complete edition of one of the most interesting works of Kircher's wonderful and all-embracing scientific genius (or at least industry), and most valuable as a storehouse of all that was known of the magnet at tm tiu.e of its publication. It contains moreover several original observations, i.e., the influence of volcanic eruptions on the magnetic needle, numerous experiments, including one ascertaining the carrying power of magnets (now being usea in practice for lifticg the heaviest castings), the first use"of the term 'electro-magnetism,' and a table of places wuh their declination. 508 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10164 KIRCHER (Athanagius, s.j., Collegii Gregoriani) ARS MAGNA SCIENDI, qua nova et universal! Methodo per Artificiosum Combinationum Con tex turn de OMNI RE proposita plurimis et prppe Infinitis Rationibus disputari, omniumque Summaria quredam Cognitio comparari potest ; editio princeps; with 2 engraved titles, plates and woodcuts, 2 vols. large folio in 1, old parch- ment (somewhat foxed, but sound copy) ; RARE, 1. 5s Amstelodami, 1659 10165 MUNDUS SUBTERRANEUS, quo Divinum Subterrestris Mundi Qpificium, niira Ergasteriorum Naturre in eo Distributio, Verbo xavrAftopfov Protei Regnum, editio princeps ; with engraved titles, and numerous fine copperplates and woodcuts, 2 vols. large folio in 1, old calf, rebacked (RARE), 1. 10s ibidem, 1665 10166 - - EDITIO TERTIA [ET OPTIMA], recognita, et prioribus eraendatior : turn ab Auctore Roma submissis variis Observationibus novisque Figuris auctior ; with engraved titles, fine portrait (of ten wanting), numerous plates and woodcuts, 2 vols. large folio in 1, sound and tall copy in old calf, rebacked (RARE), 2. 5s ibidem, 1678 10167 ANOTHER COPY, 2 \o\s.oldwhitevellum (withouttheportrait,andsomewhatbrowned),\. 15s Including geology, mineralogy, mining, and metallurgy. 'Get ouvrage contient la relation d'un grand nombre de faits fabuleux ou controuves, tels que des recits snr les geants, les dragons et autres animaux chimeriques. L'auteur y annonce aussi qu'il possede le secret de faire revivre dans leurs forme primitive les cendres d'uneplante, resultat qu'il pouvait sembler obtenir an moyendes miroirs convenablement dis- poses. Le chapitre concernant la transmutation des metaux a ete reimprime dans la Jiibliotheca Chimica de Manget.' Biogr. Gen. ' Dans son Mundus subterranens il fait une rude guerre aux alchimistes, ce qui lui attira de nombreux ennemis parmi les adept es. ' Hoefe.r. 10168 MUSURGIA UNIVERSALIS, sive Ars Magna Consoni et Dissoni qua Universa Sonorum Doctrina et Philosophia, Musicseque tarn Theories, quam Practicoe Seientia, sumnia Varietate traditur, admirandse Consoni et Dissoni in Mundo, adeoque Universk Natura Vires Effectusque, ewn, 2s [ibidem, 1877] HENRY SOTHEtiAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10199 KIR WAN (Richard, P.R.I.A., F.R.S., < the Nestor of English Chemistry'} ELEMENTS of MINERALOGY : ESSAY on PHLOGISTON, and the Constitution of Acids, bothfirst editions, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, FRESH COPIES in contemporary hf. calf, with Calgarth Park booklabel of RICHARD WATSON, F.R.S. (1737-1816), absentee Bp. 'of Llandajf(RAKE), 1. Is 1784-7 10200 ELEMENTS of MINERALOGY, 2nd Edition, with considerable Improvements and Additions, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. russia, gilt, 12s 6cl 1794-6 The Element* vf Minr.ralogi/ were 'the first systematic treatise on the subject in English. It was translated into French, German, and Russian.' D. N. B. 10201 ESSAY on the ANALYSIS of MINERAL WATERS, with 7 folding tables, 8vo. sewn (rare], 10s 6d 1799 ' Indicating valuable methods, and containing much useful information.' D. N. B. ESSAY on PHLOGISTON, and the CONSTITUTION of ACIDS, new [2nd] Edition, with Notes exhibiting and defending the ANTIPHLOGISTIC THEORY : and annexed to the French Edition of Work, by Messrs. DE MORVEAU, LAVOISIER, DE LA PLACE, MONGE, BERTHOLLET, and DE FOURCROY, Avith additional Remarks and Replies by the AUTHOR, 8vo. sewn (rare), 12s Qd 1789 'Kirwan especially, who was one of those who believed phlogiston to be identical with hydrogen, continued to fight against the new doctrine till 1792.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. The above work was translated into French in 1788 by MME. LAVOISIER, with adverse comments by Lavoisier, de Morveau, Fourcroy, etc. The above edition is specially valuable for containing the author's reply to these attacks. 10203 ESTIMATE of the TEMPERATURE of DIFFERENT LATITUDES, 8vo. original boards, uncut (rare], 10,5 Qd 1787 ' Ft was designed to pave the way for a theory of winds.' D. N. B. The author adopted Tobias Mayer's formula to express the decrement of temperature from Equator to Pole. 10204 GEOLOGICAL ESSAYS, 8vo. (pp. 518), boards, uncut (fresh copy) ; rare, 12s 1799 10205 ANOTHER COPY, old calf gilt, 13s Including chapters on ' Primitive Mountains and Compounds', 'Secondary Mountains and Compounds', 'Volcanic Mountains', ' The Internal Arrangement in Mountains', and ' Metallic Mines '. Pn 433-99 contain a bitter attack on the Huttonian system. ' His Gfoloaicdl Essays indicated valuable methods and contained much useful information '. D. N. B. Its publication, according to the Preface, was delayed by the Irish Rebellion. 10206 The MANURES most advantageously applicable to the various Sorts of SOILS, and the CAUSES of their BENEFICIAL EFFECT, first edition, 8vo. (pp. 96), hf. roan neat (rare), 8s Qd 1796 10207 REMARKS on SPECIFIC GRAVITIES taken at DIFFERENT DEGREES of HEAT, and an Easy Method of reducing them to a Common Standard, 4to. (pp. 5), sewn, 5s 1785 Added is : Electrical Experiments to ascertain the non-conducting Power of a perfect Vacuum, etc., by WILLIAM MORGAN, F.R s., with plate (pp. 7). Richard Kirwan was a man of science of a type unusual nowadays. Beginning the world as a Jesuit novice at, St. Omer, he married a young lady of Galway, and on their wedding morrow was thrown into jail frr her debts. On her death eight years after he went in for science in London, and set up a scientific salon in Newman St., and corresponded with all 1he savants of Europe, including the Empress Catherine, who sent him her portrait. Going back to Dublin he shone with equal brilliancy at 6, Cavendish Row. ' An accomplished linguist, a brilliant talker, and an adept in Italian music, he wore a slouched hat at Vice-Regal levees to keep off the cold, and lived on ham and milk, kept a pet eagle, and six large doers, and refused a baronetcy from Lord Castlereagh ' (Miss Agnes M. Clerke). 10208 KLEKLER (Karl) Die ELEMENTE der DARSTELLENDEN GEOMETRIE zur Darstellung der geometrischen Elemente und Grundgebilde ; with 13 foldina plates, 8vo. hf. brown morocco neat, 3s Qd Leipzig, 1877 10209 KLEMENT (0.), et Adolphe RENARD : REACTIONS MICROCHIMIQUES a CRISTAUX, et leur Application en Analyse Qualitative ; with 8 plates containing 96 figures, roy. 8vo. sewn, 3* Bruxelles. 1886 10210 KLEYER (A.) LEHRBUCH des MAGNETISMUS und des ERDMAGNETISMUS, nebsb Sammlung von gelosten und ungelosten Aufgaben ; with 10 charts, and 189 woodcuts, roy..8vo. boards, 3s (p. M. 6 sewn) Stuttgart, 1885 10211 LEHRBUCH der REIBUNGSELECTRICITAT, nebst Sammlung von gelosten und ungelosten Aufgaben ; with 273 illustrations, roy. Svo. boards, 3s Qd (p. M. 7 sewn) ibidem, 1886 10212 KLIJNSMA (S. F.) BIOGRAPHISCH WOORDENBOEK : LEVENSBERIGTEN van VERMAARDE Wis-, NATUUR-, en STERREKUNDIGEN van alle TIJDEN en VOLKEREN, l de GEDEELTE (7 de Eeuw voor tot 15 de Eeuw na Christus geboorte), roy. 8vo. sewn, Is Qd Amsterdam, 1861 10213 KXIMPEBT (Richard) GESCHICHTE der GEOMETRIE gemeinverstiindlich dargestellt ; with 100 diagrams, roy. Svo. sewn, 2s Stuttgart, 1888 10214 LKHRBUCH der ALLGEMEINEN PHYSIK (Grundbegriffe und Grundsiitze), nebst Sammlung von 120 gelosten uud ungelosten Aufgaben, mit den Resultaten ; with 84 illustrations, roy. 8vo. boards, 3.9 fid (p. M. 8 sewn) ib., 1889 10215 KLINKERFUES (Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm, Gottingen) Die ABERRATIQ^N der FIXSTERNE nach der WELLENTHEORIE, Svo. sewn, 2s Leipzig, 1867 10216 THEORETISCHE ASTRONOMIE, 2.neu bearbeitete und vermehrteAuflage vonH. BUCHHOLZ; with portrait and 67 diagrams, thick 4to. hf. roan, 1. Is (p. M. 36) Braunschweig, 1899 10217 Ueber die KOMETEN-ERSCHEINUNGEN von 371 v. Chr., 1668, 18431 und 1880 I; with plate, Svo. (pp. 11), sewn, Is Gottingen, 1880 10218 KLOCKE (F.) Ueber einige OPTISCHE EIGENSCHAFTEN OPTISCH ANOMALER KRYSTALLE und deren Nachahmung durch gespannte und gepresste Colloide ; with plate, Svo. (pp. 20), sewn, Is Qd Stuttgart, 1881 10219 KNOOP (Johann Hermann) VERHANDELING van de SPHYERISCHE of KLOOTSCHE ZONNE- WYSERS, als mede om in een Sphrera Concava of Halve Holle Kloot. veelerley Urn-en en andere Cirkels te bes^hryven, met een Berigt hoe men de Spha?ra Armillaris Gnomonica, of Hemel- Kring-Zonnewyser toestellen kan ; with vignette, and 21 folding copperplates, sm. 4to. boards, uncut (RARE), 15s Leeuwarden, 1761 Unknown to Poggendorff, Brunet, Graesse, and others. s&srs- *^BJON f> r^ S^Wsgs -its 53: ^ in," lll*^ "S I ^SlfliiSel slltii?? ?. >5T o ) S'Sc|^232t|i Cr ^^cga fr^^l*^ ^^^^cH- III! I .^^ ZTi ** -^. Is-ili, 'SS 33^3-3 i-^^.t ^Tj*" 11 ^/'^ r *T rtll^l No. 10249 O'.? 6 51 -)- An early work on surveying, celebrated for its woodcuts. No. 10500-2 (t>(je 523). Portrait of Laplace. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 511 10223 KLUGEL (Georg- Simon ; Univ. Halle) ANALYTISCHE DIOPTRIK. I. ALLGEMEINE THEORIE der OPTISCHEN WERKZEUGE, II. BESONDERE THEORIE und vorteilhafteste Einrichtung aller Gattungen von FERNROHREN, SPIEGELTELESKOPEN, und MIKROSKOPEN ; with 4 folding plates, 4to. sewn, Ss Qd Leipzig, 1773 Interesting as an early work on mathematical optics. Pp. 293-300 treat of ' Mikroskope mit achromatischen Objectiven.' The pre-Abbe treatment of lens-systems is merely of historical interest. 10224 MATHEMATISCHES WORTERBUCH oder Erklarung der Begriffe, Lehrsatze, Aufgaben und Methoden der Mathematik, mit den nothigen Beweisen und literarischen Nachrichten, in alphabetischer Ordnung, mit Supplement von J. A. GRUNERT; ivith numerous folding plates, 7 thick vols. 8vo. contemporary half calf gilt, 1. 5s ibidem, 1803-36 10225 KNAPP (Friedrich C. [recte Ludwig]) Die NAHRUNGSMITTEL in ihren CHEMISCHEN und TECHNISCHEN BEZIEHUNGEN ; with 27 ivoodcvts, 8vo. sewn, Is Qd Braunschweig, 1848 10226 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY ; or, Chemistry applied to the Arts and to Manufactures, edited with numerous Notes and Additions by EDMUND RONALDS and THOMAS RICHARDSON, F.R.S., with Infolding plates and 555 other illustrations, 3 vols. Svo. cL, 5s (p. 3. 19*) 1848-51 10227 KNIGHT'S GUIDE to the ARRANGEMENT and CONSTRUCTION of WORKHOUSE BUILDINGS, with Notes and Diagrams of the Requirements and Recommendations of the Local Government Board, with 11 plates, roy. Svo. cL, 3s Qd 1889 10228 KNIGHT (Cameron) The MECHANICIAN : a Treatise on the CONSTRUCTION and MANIPULATION of TOOLS, etc. etc. etc., 2nd [final] Edition, with 96 plates comprising 1147 illustrations, 4to. cL, Is Qd (p. 18s) 1879 10229 KNIGHT (Edward Henry) PRACTICAL DICTIONARY of MECHANICS, including the History of Inventions, Technological Vocabulary, etc., with Supplement, with Index References to Technical Journals, 1876-80, 131 plates and 9.944 woodcuts, 4 thick vols. impl. Svo. cl., t. Is (p. 4. 4s) [1877-84] 10230 KNIGHT (John Henry) LIGHT MOTOR-CARS and VOITURETTES, with 57 illustrations, cr. Svo. cl., 2s 1902 10231 KNIGHT (Thomas Andrew, F.R.S. ; brother of Richard Payne Knight, F.S.A.) TREATISE on the CULTURE of the APPLE and PEAR, and on the MANUFACTURE of CIDER and PERRY, with Appendix and Postscript, 4th [last] Edition, sm. Svo. boards, uncut (scarce), 12s 1813 10232 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf (joints cracked), with bookplate of Henry B. H. Beavfoy, F.R.S., 10s Qd ' Knight raised new varieties of apples, cherries, strawberries, plums, pears, etc. etc., many of which bear his name ; and a genus of Protescere was called Knightia by Robert Brown. Though he will always be associated with certain purely physiological experiments, such as those on the influence of gravitation on direction of growth, his main object was always utilitarian. His chief independent worko were 'A Treatise on the Culture of the Apple and Pear', and ' Pomona Hereford iensis'. J5. N. B. 10233 KNOBEL (Edward Ball, P.R.A.S.) On the ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS recorded in the ' NIHONGI ', the ANCIENT CHRONICLE of JAPAN, Svo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd 1905 10234 On a CATALOGUE of STARS in the CALENDARIUM of MOHAMMAD AL ACHSASI AL MOUAKKET, Svo. (pp. 10), sewn, Is Qd 1895 10235 On some ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED OBSERVATIONS of the COMET of 1652, 8vo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is 1897 10236 SUGGESTED EXPLANATION of the ANCIENT JEWISH CALENDAR DATES in the ARAMAIC PAPYRI, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Qd 1908 10237 KNOLL (Friedrich) UNTERHALTENDE NATURWUNDER : Aeolus- Hohlen, Donnerdiimpfe, entziindbares Cewiisser, wunderbare Salze u. s. w. ; mit dem ZWEYTUN THEIL : klingende uni briillende Hohlen, brennende und feuerspeinde Hohlen, Feuer-Typhon oder Flammen-Wirbel u. s. w., mit Anmerkungen und Biographic von JOHANN CHRISTIAN WIEGLEB 2 vols. cr. Svo. sewn, Qs Qd Erfurt, 1786-8- 1023S KNOP (Adolph) MOLEKULARCONSTITUTION und WACHSTHUM der KRYSTALLE ; with 48 woodcuts, Svo. (pp. 96), sewn, 2s Leipzig, 1867 10239 STUDIEN liber STOFFWANDLUNGEN im MINERALREICHE, besonders in Kalk- und Amphiboloid-Gesteinen, Svo. sewn (plates wanting), 2s ib., 1873 10240 KNOP (Johann A. Ludwig Wilhelm) HANDBUCH der CHEMISCHEN METHODEN, Svo. cl., with auto, of B. F. Duppa, F.R.S. , 3s (p. M. 9 sewn) Leipzig, 1859' 10241 KNOTT (Cargill Gilston, F.R.S.E. The NEW SEISMOLOGY, roy. Svo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is [Edin., 1899], 10242 KNOWLES (Sir Francis Charles, F.R.S.) On the ARCHIMEDEAN SCREW-PROPELLER, or Helix, of Maximum Work, with Abstract of the Discussion on the Paper, edited by JAMES FORREST, 11 diagrams, Svo. (pp. 49), sewn, 2s Qd 1871 10243 KNOX (Charles Edwin, M.E.E.) ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRING, with 119 illustrations, including folding and olher plates, roy. Svo. cl., 5s (p. 8s Qd nett) New York, 1907 10244 KNOX (Bt. Hon. George, F.R.S. ; Lord Chancellor of Ireland) On BITUMEN in STONES, 4to. (pp. 12), sewn, 3s 1823- 10245 EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS on the NEWRY PITCH-STONE, and its PRODUCTS, and on the FORMATION of PUMICE, 4to. (pp. 25), tewn, with inscr. to Thomas Allen, F.R.S., 10246 KOBOLD (Hermann, Kieler Sternwarte) Der BAU des FIXSTERNSYSTEMS, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der PHOTOMETRISCHLN KESULTATE ; with 3 folding plates and 19 smaller illustrations, Svo. sewn, 4s (p. M. 6.50) Braunschweig, 1906 10247 KOENE (Corneille Jean) LECON sur la CONSTITUTION des SELS, donnee a rUniversite de- Bruxelles, roy. Svo. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Qd Bruxelles, 1854r 512 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10249 KOBEL (Jacob, Stadtschreiber zu Oppenhevm) GEOMETREI. Von KUNSTLICHEM FELDMESSEN vnnd ABSEHEN | Allerhand Hohe | Fieche | Ebne | ^yeitte vnnd Breyte : Als Thurn | Kirchen | Baw | Baum | Felder vnd Ecker 50. Mit fast wercklich vnd kunstlich zubereytem Jacob Stab | Philosophischen Spiegel | Schatten | vii Messruten . . . Dabei I von bereytung j verstand vnd vilfaltigem niitzlichen GEBRAUCH des QUADRANTEN ; with very numerous well-executed woodcuts by JOST AMMAN, sm. 4to. sewn (one I. very slightly defective, otherwise a VERY SOUND AND CLEAN COPY) ; VERY RARE, 1. 15 Franckfurt am Meyn, Christian Engenolfts Erben, 1563 ' This work on land-surveying and the use of the quadrant is far rarer than his Arithmetic [or his ASTROLABII BKOLARVTIO, No. 2320 ante}. In it he makes use of Arabic numerals.' Librl Catalogue. The work is much valued for its fine wood-engravings by JOST AMMAN. 10250 KOBELL (Franz v.; Univ. Munich) GRUNDZUGE der MINERALOGIE ; with 4 folding plates : TAFELN zur BESTIMMMUNG der MINERALIEN mittelst einfacher chemischer Versuche auf trockenem und nassem Wege, 3. vermehrte Auflage 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. morocco neat, 4s 6d Nurnberg, 1838Miinchen, '38 The author enlarged the system of Berzelius, classifying minerals according to their chemical composition. 10251 INSTRUCTIONS for the DISCRIMINATION of MINERALS, by SIMPLE CHEMICAL EXPER- IMENTS, translated by R. C. CAMPBELL, with woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 46), unbound, 3s Glasgow, 1841 10252 KOENIG (Friedrich) und die ERFINDUNG der SCHNELLPRESSE : einbiographisches Denkmal, von THEODOR GOEBEL ; with fine portrait, Opiates, fs. letter, and 22 woodcuts, folio, sewn (a few II. torn and 2 pp. soiled), 6s (p. M. 12) Stuttgart, 1883 The printing machine was first used for printing The Times of Nov. 29, 1814. 10253 KOENIGS (Gabriel) LECONS des CINEMATIQUE professe"es h, la Sorbonne, avec des Notes par GASTON DARBOUX et E. et F. COSSERAT : CINEMATIQUE THEORIQUE ; with 93 diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. crimson morocco neat (fine copy), with bookplate of Prof . Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 10s 6d 1897 10254 KOENIGSBEBGEB (Leo), und Gustav ZETJNEB ; REPERTORIUM der literarischen Arbeiten aus dem Gebiete der REINEN und ANGEWANDTEN MATHEMATIK : ' Originalberichte der Verfasser,' gesammelt und herausgegeben von, 2 vols. 8vo. in 11 parts, sewn, 6s 6d (p. M. 17.20) Leipzig, 1876-9 10255 KOERBEB (Felix) Ueber den COMETEN 1835 I. : Inaugural-Dissertation; with 2 plates, 8vo. sewn, 2s Breslau, 1887 10256 KOHLEB (Heinrich Gottlieb) LOGARITHMISCII-TRIGONOMETRISCHES HANDBUCH fiir alle Zahlen bis 108000 auf SIEBEN DECIMALSTELLEN, mit den Gaussischen und natiirlichen Logarith- men, goniometrischen Funktionen, u. s. w., roy. 8vo. boards, 2s Leipzig, 1862 10257 KOHLEB (Wilhelm) On the INFLUENCE of FLUCTUATIONS of ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE on the EVOLUTION of FIRE-DAMP, translated by G. G. BAGSTER, with 2 plates and 10 folding tables, 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, 3s 6^ Vienna, 1886 10258 KOHLBAUSCH (Friedrich; F.R.S.) LEITFADEN der PRAKTISCHEN PHYSIK, mit einem Anhange : das elektrische und magnetische absolute Maas- System, 5. vermehrte Auflage ; with diagrams, 8vo. sewn, Is 6d (p. M. 5.60) Leipzig, 1884 10259 LEHRBUCH der PRAKTISCHEN PHYSIK, 10. vermehrte Auflage des Leitfadens der praktischen Physik; with numerous illustrations, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. M. 9) ibidem, 1905 10260 INTRODUCTION to PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS, with Appendixes on Absolute Electrical Measurement, etc., translated from the 2nd German Edition by THOMAS HUTCHINSON WALLER and HENRY RICHARDSON PROCTER, with 25 diagrams, 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 3s (p. 12s) 1873 10261 SECOND EDITION [enlarged] , translated from the 4th German Edition, with 37 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4s 6d (p. 15s) 1883 10262 THIRD [LAST] EDITION [enlarged] , translated from the 7th German Edition, with 91 diagrams, 8vo. cl., Is 1894 10263 KOKSCHABOW (General Nicolai v.) BEITRAGE zur KENNTNISS einiger MINERALIEN (Magnesia-Glimmer vom Vesuv; Brookit ; Molybdanglanz und Pyrosmalith; Topas) ; with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 24), sewn, 3s 6d [St. Petersburg, c. 1857] 10264 MATERALIEN zur MINERALOGIE RUSSLANDS, Band IV V ; with woodcuts and diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 4 parts, sewn, 12s 6d ibidem, 1861-9 ' A Monsieur M. le Professeur Maskelyne a Londres, Souvftnir d'amitie de 1'auteur.' Inscr. on cover. ' The classic mineralogical work by ' the father of Asiatic Mineralogy '.'Prof. Nevil Story Afaskelyne, F.R S. 10265 MINERALOGISCHE NOTIZEN iiber den PAJSBERGIT und GRAPHIT ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, 2s [ib., 1863] 10266 KOLBE (Adolph Wilhelm Hermann, F.R.S) Uber den NATURLICHEN ZUSAMMENHANG der ORGANISCHEN und UNORGANISCHEN VERBINDUNGEN, 8vo (pp. 42), sewn (no title\; scarce, 5s 6d [Leipzig, 1859] One of the author's most important memoirs, in which ' the revived radical theory attained to its completed form.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 10267 RESEARCHES on the ELECTROLYSIS of ORGANIC COMPOUNDS, communicated by A. W. v. HOFMANN, 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn, 4s [c. 1850] By decomposing acetic and valerianic acid by the electric current, the author obtained the radicals methyl and valyl [i.e. butyl]. It was the tirst attempt at the electrolysis of organic acids. 10268 , and Sir Edward FBANKLAND, F.R.S. : On the PRODUCTS of the ACTION of POTASSIUM on CYANIDE of ETHYL, with woodcut, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, 3s 6d [1847] Containing the discovery of kyanethine. 10269 : UNTERSUCHUNGEN aus dem ACADEMISCHEN LABORATORIUM in MARBURG, Xr. XV XX ; with woodcut, 8vo. (pp. 48), sewn, 3s [Leipzig, U61] Consisting mainly of contributions by Kolbe. 10270 KONIG (Budolf) BESTIMMUNG der BAHN des KOMETEN 1857 III. ; roy. 8vo. (pp. 50), sewn, with inscr. to J. R. Hind, F.R.S., Is 6d Wien, 1891 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 513 10272 KOLL (Otto) Die THEORIE der BEOBACHTUNGSFEHLER und die METHODE der KLEINSTEN QUADRATE, mit ihrer Anwendung auf die Geodiisie und die Wassermessungen, 2. [neueste] Auflage ; ivith 65 diagrams, large roy. 8vo. hf. cl., Is (p. M. 11.20) Berlin, 1901 10273 KONLJNENBUBG (E. van, i. w.) SCHEIDING van MAAS en WAAL : Beschrijving van den vroegeren Waterstaatkundigen Toestand in Noordbrabant, alsmede van de Werken uitgevoerd voor de Verlegging van den Maasmond ; with 10 folding plans, besides text-illustrations, cr. 4to. sewn, 3s 's-Gravenhage, 1905 10274 KOPP (Hermann; Univ. Heidelberg, F.R.S.) Die ALCHEMIE in ALTERER und NEUERER ZEIT; einBeitrag zur Culturgeschichte, 2 vols. Svo. hf. cl. (o.p.), 12s 6s (p. M. 18) Heidelberg, 1886 The most complete history of alchemy. 10275 BEITRAGE zur GESCHICHTE der CHEMIE ; with plate, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. in 2, hf. cl., 17s 6d (p. M. 30 sewn) Braunschweig, 1869-75 Vol. Ill is entitled : ' Ansichten iiber die Aufgabe der Chemie und liber die Grundbestandtheile der Korper bei den bedeutenderen Chemikern von Geber bis G. E. Stahl. Die Entdeckung der Zusammensetzung des Wassers.' 10276 Die ENTWICKLUNG der CHEMIE in der NEUEREN ZEIT; the Author's Proof Copy, with all his Corrections, roy. Svo. hf. morocco, uncut, 1. Is Milnchen, 1873 10277 GESCHICHTE der CHEMIE; with 4 portraits, 4 vols. Svo. hf. roan (VERY SCARCE), 3. 15* Braunschweig, 1843-7 10278 ANOTHER COPY, 4 vols. in 2, newly bound in hf. polished crimson morocco gilt, t. e. g., 4. 4s ' Distinguished by its comprehensiveness and thoroughness. He possesses in a remarkable degree the gift of sym- pathetically tracing out the development of important ideas and hypotheses.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. This work has never been reprinted, and is now becoming increasingly rare. 10279 VOLUME I ONLY, Svo. sewn, uncut (SCARCE), 1. Is ib., 1843 10280 VOLUMES III AND IV ONLY, with portraits of Sir Humphry Davy and Liebig, 2 vols. Svo. sewn, 12s 6d ib., 1845-7 10281 SONST und JETZT in der CHEMIE, Svo. sewn, Is ib., 1S67 102S2 KORISTKA (Carl) STUDIEN iiber die METHODEN und die BENUTZUNG HYPSOMETRISCHER ARBEITEN, nachgewiesen an den Niveauverhaltnissen der Umgebungen von Prag ; with woodcuts and 2 folding maps (coloured), 4to. sewn, 5s (p. M. 12) Gotha, 1858 10283 KOBN (Arthur ; Univ. Munich] LEHRBUCH der POTENTIALTHEORIE. AUgemeine Theorie des Potentials und der Potentialfunktionen im Raume. AUgemeine Theorie des logarithmischen Potentials und der Potentialfunktionen in der Ebene ; with 152 diagrams, 2 vols. large Svo. in 1, hf. cl., 12s Qd (p. M. 18 sewn) Berlin, 1899-1901 10284 KOBTAZZI (Ivan ; Nikolaiev Observatory} BESTIMMUNG der LANGEN-DlFFERENZ zwischen PULKOWA, HELSINGFORS, ABO, LOWISA und WIBORG, impl. 4to. (pp. 69), sewn, 3s St. Petersbourg, 1871 10285 KOTEN (J. H. van) De GALVANISCHE STROOM toegepast op electro- magnetische Telegrafen en UURWERKEN ; with 4 folding plates, large cr. Svo. sewn (scarce), 6s Gd Amsterdam, 1855 Intel esting as an early work on electric clocks. 10286 KOTHNEB (Paul) NOTIZ iiber das WAHRSCHEINLICHE ATOMGEWICHT des TELLURS und iiber Atomgewichtsrechnungen iiberhaupt, roy. Svo. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Hamburg, 1903 10287 , und E. AETJEB : Ueber das ATOMGEWICHT des JODS ; with 3 illustrations, Svo. (pp. 47), sewn, 2s Leipzig, 1904 Added is the authors' first paper as published in the ' Berichte der chcm. Ges.' 10288 KOVESLIGETHY (Bad6) MATHEMATIKAI es CSILLAGASZATI FOLDRAJZ KEZIKONYVE ; with 320 illustrations, large Svo. cl., with bookplate of Dr. Emil Reich, 4s 6d Budapest, 1899 10289 KOWALSKI (Marian, Univ. Kazan) KECHERCHES sur la REFRACTION ASTRONOMIQUE, roy. Svo. cl. (scarce), 5s Kasan, 1878 10290 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, with author's inscr., 4s 6d 10291 KBAFFT (Georg Wolfgang) DESCRIPTION et REPRESENTATION exacte de la MAISON de GLACE, construite a ST. PETERSBOURG an Mois de Janvier 1740, et de tous les Meubles qui s'y trouvoient ; avec quelques REMARQUES sur le FROID en general, et particnlierement sur celui qu'on a senti cette meme Annee dans toute 1'Europe, traduit par PIERRE Louis LE ROY ; with 6 plates, 4to. (pp. 32), sewn, Is 6d St. Petersbourg, 1741 An account of the celebrated Hard Winter throughout Europe in 1740 when coaches plied on the Thames. It 'includes a list of historical frosts of great severity, many of which are unnoticed in Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. 10292 KBAFT (Max, Univ. Graz) Das SYSTEM der TECHNISCHEN ARBEIT, II. -III. ABTHEILUNG : Wirtbschaftliche Grundlagen und Rechtsgrundlagen, 2 vols. roy. Svo. sewn, 5s (p. M. 10) Leipzig, 1902 10293 KBAKATOA, The ERUPTION of, and subsequent PHENOMENA : Report of the ROYAL SOCIETY'S KRAKATOA COMMITTEE, edited by G. J. SYMONS, F.R.S., with numerous diagrams, maps, and COLOURED PLATES after W. ASCROFT, showing the remarkable Twilight and After-glow Effects at CHELSEA, 4to. d., 18s Qd (p. 1. 10s nett) '1888 10294 ANOTHER COPY, cl. (back damaged), IPs The scientific account of the tremendous volcanic outbreak in the Eastern Archipelago, probably the greatest eruption on record, which destroyed on the spot or by aTesulting tidal wave 36,500 lives, and set up a series of concentric atmo- spheric waves which travelled at least three times round the world. It produced for more than two years, by dust thrown up to an immense height, the most lovely atmospheric effects throughout the world, which were painted for their beauty by an artist at Chelsea, Mr. Ascroft. before anyone had guessed to what cause they were due. Included in the volume are: Volcanic Phenomena and the Ejected Materials, by J. W. JUDD, F.R.S. ; Air Waves and Sounds caused by the Eruption, by LT.-GEN. SIR R. STRACHEY ; Seismic Sea Waves, by SIR W. J. L. WHARTON ; Unusual Optical Phenomena of the Atmosphere, by the HON. F. A. R. RUSSELL and E. DOUGLAS ARCHIBALD ; and Magnetical and Electrical Phenomena, by G. M. WHIPPLE. 10295 KBECKE(F.W.C., Utrecht)T)e DISSOCIATIE-VEBSCHIJSSELEN van WATERIGEOPLOSSINGEN van CHLORETUM FERRICUM, Svo. (pp. 20), sewn, Is Qd Amsterdam, 1871 514 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10297 KRATSZENSTEIN (Christian Gottlieb; Univ. Copenhagen) THEORIA ELECTRICITATIS MORE GEOMETRICO EXPLICATA ; with vignette and copperplate, 4to. (pp. 70), sewn (rare], 12s Qd Hahe Magd. [1746] The author was the first to use electricity for therapeutical purposes by applying the spark from a Leyden "jar to cure paralysis of a finger. 10298 KRATJCH (C.) CHEMICAL REAGENTS ; their Purity and Tests : a new and Improved Text by E. MERCK : Authorised Translation by HENRY SCHENCK, roy. 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 6s nett) 1907 10299 The TESTING of CHEMICAL "REAGENTS for PURITY, Authorised Translation by J. A. WILLIAMS, F.C.S., and L. W. DUPRE, with Additions and Emendations by the AUTHOR, roy. 8vo. d.,6s(p. 125 Qd) [1902] The German edition of this work is now out of print and scarce. 10300 KREBS (Adolph) LEHRBUCH der INDUKTIONSELECTRICITAT und ihrer ANWENDUNGEN, nebst Sammlung gelb'ster Aufgaben ; with 213 illustrations, roy. 8vo. boards, 3s (p. M. 6 sewn) Stuttgart, 1889 10301 KREBS (Heinrich Johannes) ANFANGSGRUNDE der REINEN MATHEMATIK, II. Theil : GEOMETRIE ; with 17 folding plates, 8vo. calf, 3s Copenhagen, 1778 10302 KREBS (Leon) TRAiTE"de la FABRICATION des BOISSONS ECONOMIQUES et LIQUEURS de TABLE, Vins, Cidves, Bieres, etc. etc. ; with 8 woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. d., 2s Qd 1887 10303 KREIDER (Henry R.), and Harry Clary JONES : The DISSOCIATION of ELECTROLYTES in NON-AQUEOUS SOLVENTS as determined by the Conductivity and Boiling-Point Methods, with 12 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 43), sewn, Is Qd [Baltimore, 1911] 10304 KRETZ (Walter C.) The POSITIONS and PROPER MOTIONS of the PRINCIPAL STARS in the CLUSTER of COMA BERENICES, as deduced from Measurements of the Rutherford Photographs, roy. 8vo. sewn, 3s New York, 1900 10305 KREUTZ (Heinrich; Univ. Kiel) Uber die BAHN des KOMETEN von 1771, roy. 8vo. (pp. 34), sewn, Is 6d [Wien,]18812 10306 UNTERSUCHUNGEN Uber d'as SYSTEM der COMETEN 1843 1, 1880 I und 1882 II, III. Theil, 4to. (pp. 90), sewn, 5s (p. M. 9) nicht im Handel, Kiel, 1901 10307 KRUEGER (Adalbert) Ueber die PARALLAXE des STERNS LL. 21258: Ueber die PARALLAXE des STERNES OELTZEN No. 17415, 6, 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, with inscr. to J. R. Hind, F.E.S., 3s Helsingfors, 1863 10308 Der STERNHAUFEN h PERSEI : Beobachtungen am Bonner Heliometer, nebst deren Berechnung ; with plate, 4to. (pp. 25), sewn, 3s ib., 1865 10309 KRtJGrER (Julius) VADEMECUM des PRAKTISCHEN PHOTOGRAPHEN, nebst Einleitung: GESCHICHTE der PHOTOGRAPHIE und ihre Theorie vom chemischen Standpunkte u.s.w., 3. umgearbeitete Auflage ; with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 4s Leipzig, 1858 Including a large number of old recipes. 10310 KRUGER (Ludwig) BEDINGUNGSGLEICHUNGEN fur LINIENNETZE und fiir RUCKWARTS- EINSCHNITTE ; with 9 diagrams, 4to. boards, 2s Qd (p. M. 4) Potsdam, 1908 10311 KRUPP (Friedrich ; German steelmaster) EXPERIENCES de TIR de I'ETABLISSEMENT FRIED. KRUFP, exe"cutees au Polygone de Meppen au Mois d'Aofit 1879 ; with very numerous folding plates and tables, 4to. cl., Is Qd Essen [1879] 10312 KRTJSPER (Stefan v.) THERMOCHRONOMETER, impl. 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, 2s Budapest, 1873 10313 KUENEN (J. P.) On the CONDENSATION and the CRITICAL PHENOMENA of MIXTURES of ETHANE and NITROUS OXIDE, with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn, 2s Leiden, 1895 10314 On the CONDENSATION of a MIXTURE of Two GASES, with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, Is Qd ibidem, 1894 10315 EXPERIMENTS regarding the ANOMALOUS PHENOMENA near the CRITICAL POINT ; with FURTHER EXPERIMENTS, />ate, 8vo. (pp. 29), sewn, 2s ib., 1894 10316 On the INFLUENCE of GRAVITATION on the CRITICAL PHENOMENA of SIMPLE SUB- STANCES and of MIXTURES, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 19), sewn, Is Qd ib., 1895 10317 INVESTIGATIONS concerning the MISCIBILITY of LIQUIDS, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is ib., 1911 10318 MEASUREMENTS concerning the SURFACE of VAN DER WAALS for MIXTURES of CARBONIC ACID and METHYL CHLORIDE : On RETROGRADE CONDENSATION and the CRITICAL aux Apprets, etc. etc., 3 e Edition, 8vo. sewn (o. p.), 5s 1858 The author was the first to prepare soluble or water glass by a wet process, and describes in the^bove work his ' bianc fixe ', which he obtained from sulphate of baryta. See al^o FUCHS, No. 8176, ante. 10320 KUHN (Carl, Miinchen) Ueber die fixen LINIEN im SPECTRUM des SONNENLICHTES ; with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 16), boards, 4s [St. Petersburg, 1853] Interesting as haying been written less than one year before the true meaning of the phenomenon known as ' Frauen- hofer's lines ' was discovered by Kirchhoff. 10321 KUHNE (Willy; Univ. Heidelberg) ERWIDERUNG auf einen ANGRIFF des Herrn HOPPE- SEYLER, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, }sQd [Heidelberg, 1878] 10322 Ueber das SEKRET des PANKREAS : WEITERE MITTHEILUNGEN iiber VERDAUUNGS- ENZYMEiind die VERDAUUNG der ALBUMINE, 8vo. (pp. 10), sewn, 2s [ib., 1876] 10323 Ueber das VERHALTEN verschiedener organisirter und sog. UNGEFORMTER FERMENTE. Ueber das TRYPSIN (Enzym des Pankreas), 8vo. (pp. 10), sewn, 2s [ib., 1870] The author's conti ibutions on ferments are of great importance. He first proposed the term enzyme. 10324 KUNHARDT (C. P.) STEAM YACHTS: their Machinery and Management, with 97 illus- trations, sq. 8vo. d., 5s (p. 16s) New York, 1887 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 515 10326 KUHNEN (Fr.) HYDROSTATISCHE HOHENVERGLEICHUNGEN von 4 FESTPUNKTEN auf dem Tele'raphenberge bei Potsdam ; with 7 plates , 4to. sewn, 4s nicht irti Handel, Berlin, 1908 10327 , und Philipp FUBTWANGLER : BESTIMMUNG der ABSOLUTEN GROSZE \_sic~] der SCHWERKRAFT zu POTSDAM, mit REVERSIONSPENDELN ; with 4 plates, 4to. sewn, 10s Qd nicht im Handel, ibidem, 1906 10328 KUMMER (Ernst Eduard ; F.R.S.) Sur les DIVISEURS de CERTAINES FORMES de NOMBRES qui rcsultent de la THEORIE de la DIVISION du CERCLE, traduit par JULES HOUEL, 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, 3s 1860 10329 tiber die EINFACHSTE DARSTELLUNG der aus EINHEITSWURZELN GEBILDETEN COM- PLEXEN ZAHLEN, welche durch Multiplikation mit Einheiten bewirkt werden kann, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Qd [Berlin,] 1870 10330 tiber eine EIGENSCHAFT der EINHEITEN der aus den WURZELN der Gieichung a^ = 1 gebildeten COMPLEXEN ZAHLEN und iiber den zweiten FAKTOR der KLASSENZAHL, 8vo. (pp. 26), sewn, 2s ib., 1870 10331 , Uber die aus 31 ten WURZELN der EINHEIT GEBILDETEN COMPLEXEN ZAHLEN, 8vo. (pp. 12), sc.wn, 2s ib., 1870 10332 tiber die FLACHEN VIERTEN GRADES, auf welchen SCHAAREN von KEGELSCHNITTEN liegen, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, 2s Gd ib., 1863 10333 Ueber die WIRKUNG des LUFTWIDERSTANDES auf KORPER von VERSCHIEDENER GESTALT, insbesondere auch auf die GESCHOSSE ; with 2 plates, 4to. (pp. 57), boards (scarce), 5s ib., 1875 10334 KUNCKEL [v. LOWENSTJERN] (Johann) ARS VITRARIA EXPERIMENTALIS, oder vollkomrnene Glasmacher-Kunst . . . Die allerkurtz-biindigsten Manieren, das reineste Chrystall- Glas, alle gefarbte oder tingirte Gliiser, kiinstliche Edelstein oder Fliisse, Amausen oder Schmeltze, Doubleten, Spiegeln, das Tropff-Glas, Ultramarin, Lace- und ander niitzliche Mahler- Farben . . . zu machen . . . Samt einem II. Hanpt-Theil, mit mehr als 200 Experimenten vom Glasmahlen, Vergulden und Brennen, vom Hollandischen Kunst- und Borcellan-Topffer- werk, Glas-brennen . . . mit einem Anhange von den Perlen und fast alien natiirlichen Edelsteinen ; in dieser III. Edition um ein merkliches vermehret ; with portrait, engraved title, and numerous other fine engraved plates, besides woodcuts, 4to. old hf. calf (back of binding damaged, and partly water-stained] ; RARE, 17s 6d Nurnberg, 1743 This classic work on glassmaking contains the author's discovery of ruby glass, besides a large number of useful recipes. The plates afford a very accurate picture of contemporary processes. 10335 KUNDT (August Adolf, Berlin) VORLESUNGEN iiber EXPERIMENTALPHYSIK, herausgegeben von KARL SCHEEL [mit] Biographic von G. SCHWALBE] ; with portrait, coloured plate, and 534 illustrations, large 8vo. (pp. 876), hf. cL, 10s Qd (p. M. 15 sewn) Braunschweig, 1903 Considered as models of lectures on experimental physics. The author, who was the successor of Helmholtz at Berlin University, invented a number of new apparatuses to- illustrate his lectures. 10336 KUNTZE (Wilhelm Friedricb, Pastor zu, D ippoldiswalde] QUADRATUR der SEGMENTE des ClRKELS nach der Art des Hippocrates ; idth folding plate, 4to. boards, uncut (rare), 10s 6d Dresden, 1792 A very painstaking ' correct ' solution which was unknown to Professor de Morgan. 10337 KUNZ (George Frederick, U.S. Geological Survey) GEMS and PRECIOUS STONES of NORTH AMERICA: a Popular Description of their Occurrences, Value, History, Archaeology, and the Collections in which they exist, also a Chapter on PEARLS and on REMARKABLE FOREIGN GEMS owned in the UNITED STATES, with 24 plates (8 BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED), and 20 smaller illustrations, impl. 8vo. cl, uncut (SCARCE), 1. 10s (p. 2. 12s Qd) New York, 1890 ' As a treatise from the hand of an expert in the uses and values of minerals concerned, it possesses an interest and importance which the work of a simple mineralogist, however learned or skilful, could nofc claim.' Engineering and Mining Journal. 10338 The PRODUCTION of PRECIOUS STONES in the UNITED STATES, 1895-9, with coloured plates, 1 parts in 1 vol. impl. 8vo. hf. red morocco (as good as new}, with author's inscr. to Prof. Hilary Bauerman, 10s Washington, 1900 10339 1898 and 1899, with coloured plate, 2 parts impl. 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd ibidem, 1899-1900 10340 , and Charles BASKERVILLE : The ACTION of RADIUM, ACTINIUM, ROENTGEN RAYS and ULTRA-VIOLET LIGHT on MINERALS and GEMS, roy. 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s New York, 1903 10341 KUPFERSCHLAEGER (Isidore, Univ. Liege) NOTICE sur 1'ACTION du FER et du ZINC dans les Dissolutions des Me"taux dont les Oxydes sont solubles dans I'Ammoniaque, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, 2s Liege, 1860 10342 - TABLEAUX des CARACTERES PYROGNOSTIQUES que presentent les SUBSTANCES MINERALES traitees seules ou avec les Reactifs, 4to. sewn, 2s ibidem, 1860 10343 KTJBB (Johann Gottlob v.) Das MINERALREICH in BILDERN : naturhistorisch-technische Beschreibung und Abbildung der wichtigsten Mineralien ; with 2 finely COLOURED PLATES (some heightened with gold and silver), folio, original boards (SCARCE), 1. Is Stuttgart, 1858 10344 The MINERAL KINGDOM, with 24 finely COLOURED PLATES (some heightened with gold and silver), folio, hf. morocco (SCARCE), 1. 5s Edin., 1859 10345 ANOTHER COPY, hf. morocco (name on title, and back badly damaged), 1. Is A work remarkable for its exquisitely coloured plates. 10346 KYAN (John Howard) On the ELEMENTS of LIGHT, and their IDENTITY with those of MATTER, RADIANT and FIXED, withB plates (one coloured), roy. 8vo. cl. (scarce), 12s 6d 1838 This work was apparently unknown to Professor de Morgan, who did not include it in his Budget of Paradoxes. The author was once well known as the inventor of the kyauixing process for preserving wood, especially for railway sleepers, by treating it with corrosive sublimate (perchlodride of mercury), a subject chosen by Faraday for his inaugural lecture at the Royal Institution. 516 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10348 KUNZEK (August) STUDIEN aus der HOHEREN PHYSIK ; with 64 woodcuts, Svo. hf. calf neat, 2s Wien, 1856 10349 LAAS (Walter; Charlottenburg) Die GROSSEN SEGELSCHIFFE : ihre Entwickelong vmd Zukunft; with 77 illustrations (including folding plates) , cr. 4to. sewn, 4s (p. M. 6) Berlin, 1908 10350 LA BECHE (Sir Henry Thomas de, F.R.S , founder of South Kensington School of Mines] The GEOLOGICAL OBSERVER, with 309 woodcuts. 8vo. (pp. 887), cl., uncut, 6s 1851 10351 - - ANOTHER COPY. */ morocco neat, 7s ' One of the fullest descriptions of the older fossiliferous rocks, with copious list of fossils, will be found in the first edition of De la Beche's Geological Memoir (1851), p. 433.' Sir A. Geikie. 10352 SECOND [LAST] EDITION, revised, with 308 woodcuts, thick 8vo. hf. morocco gilt, or, hf. calf gilt, 9s 6d 1853 10353 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf (rubbed), 8s 10354 How to OBSERVE : GEOLOGY, '2nd Edition, with 138 woodcuts, large post 8vo. cL, uncut, with Lord Napier's bookplate, 3s 1836 10355 REPORT on the GEOLOGY of CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET, with 11 plates and coloured map (all folding], besides woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., uncut (scarce), 10s Qd 1*39 'It is not too much to say that the publication of these works [the above and the ' Geological Observer'] would alone have placed him in the first rank of geologists. In them he exhibits the most varied acquirements, applying almost every branch of science to the elucidation of geological facts. Notwithstanding the rapid advancement of geological knowledge, these books will long continue to be well worthy of the earnest study of every geologist.' Prof. W. J. hanison. 10356 SELECTION of the GEOLOGICAL MEMOIRS contained in the ANNALES DES MINES, with Synoptical TABLE of EQUIVALENT FORMATIONS and M. BRONGNIART'S Table of the CLASSIFI- CATION of MIXED ROCKS, trans., with Notes, II folding plates and maps (some coloured), 8vo. blue calf gilt, 5s 6d 1824 The author's first published work. 10357 LA BLANCHEE.E (Pierre Renei Marie Henri Moullin, dit Henri de) L'ART du PHOTOGRAPHS, comprenant les Precedes complets sur Papier et sur Glace Negatifs et Positifs ; 2 e Edition, augmentee ; with 33 illustrations, Svo. hf. roan, 3s 1860 10358 LABORATORY (The), or SCHOOL of ARTS : in which are faithfully and fully explained a Variety of Curious and Valuable Experiments in Refining, Calcining, Melting, Assaying ... of GOLD . . . Choice Secrets for Jewellers, the ART of MAKING GLASS, the Nature and Growth of Saltpeter, etc. etc., translated from the German [by G. SMITH], with 5 copperplates, Svo. old calf (joints cracked), 6s Qd 1739 This work was unknown to Watt. 10359 LA CAILLE (Abbe Nicolas Louis de, F.R.S.) LECONS ELEMENTAIRES d'AsTRONOMiE ge"ometrique et physique ; nouvelle Edition, augmentee; with 9 plates, Svo. old calf, 3s Qd 1764 10360 The ELEMENTS of ASTRONOMY, deduced from Observations ; and demonstrated on the. Mathematical Principles of the Newtonian Philosophy, with a TREATISE of PROJECTION in general, translated by JOHN ROBERTSON, F.R.S., with Additions and Corrections communicated by the AUTHOR, with W folding plates, thick Svo. contemporary calf (back slightly damaged), 5s 1750 10361 TRAITE d'OpTiQUE, revu, corrige et augmente particulierement de la MESURE de la REFRACTION, de son Explanation physique, de la Marche des Images dans les Instrumens d'Optique,, des Lunettes achromatiques, de 1'Iris, et de quelques Probldmes interessans, par plusieurs Eteves de 1'Ecole Polytechnique ; 2 e Edition, suivie du TRAITE de la PERSPECTIVE du in erne Auteur; with 15 folding plates, Svo. sewn, 5s 1808 ' The Abbe ' La Caille, who, like Franz Liszt, never proceeded beyond Deacon's Orders, is perhaps best known for his four years' astronomical mission to the Cape of Good Hope in 1750, when he was the first to group and to name most of the Southern constellations. According to Lalande, 'La Caille a fait a lui seul plus d'observations et de calculs que tous les astronomes de son temps reunis. On doit admirer du moins leurs extreme txactitude, grace du soin qu'il prenait de repe"ter ses observations.' 10362 LACHLAN (R., Trinity Coll., Cantab.) ELEMENTARY TEEATISE on MODERN PURE GEOMETRY, with numerous diagrams, Svo. cl., 4s 6d (p. 9s) 1893 10363 LACHMAN (Arthur, Univ. Oregon) The SPIRIT of ORGANIC CHEMISTRY : an Introduction to the Current Literature of the Subject, with Introduction by PAUL C. FREER, M.D., cr. Svo. cl., 4s (p. 6s Qd nett) New York, 1899 10364 LA CONDAMINE (Charles Marie de) JOURNAL du VOYAGE fait par Ordre du Roi a 1'EQUATEUR, servant d'Introduction historique a la MESURE des trois premiers Degres du MERIDIEN; with fine plates and maps (chiefly folding], '51; avec les 2 Supplements, '52-4 3 vols. 4to. in 2, old calf gilt, newly rebacked (FINE COPY) ; RARE, 1. Is Imprimerie Roy ale, 1751-4 The supplements also contain the author's reply to BOUGUER, who attacked him shortly after their return to France. 10365 MESURE des TROIS PREMIERS DEGEES du MERIDIEN dans I'HEMISPHERE AUSTRAL ; with 3 folding plates, and vignette, 4to. old calf gilt, newly rebacked (fine copy] ; rare, 12s 6d apud eandem, 1751 These two works form the account of the author's geodetic mission to Peru, in conjunction with Bouguer, Juan, and Ulloa(r;7. v. ante), for measuring the meridian near the equator, in co-operation witli another mission sent to Lapland and led by Maupertuis, Clairaut, and Celsius, to measure the meridian near the North Pole. The result of these two missions first established the correctness of Newton's views of the earth having the shape of an ellipsoid a fact previously much doubted as the result of a faulty meridian-measurement by Cassini and Picard. ' This is the account of the scientific operations, divided into 2 parts. The first relates to the goedetical measurements, and the second to the astronomical observations. Pp. 239-58 contain an important discussion of Picard's operations'. Pwf. Todhuntfi'. 10366 LA COUDJRAYE (Franqois Celestin de Loynes, Chevalier de) THEORIE des VENTS, Piece couronnee en 1785 par 1'Academie Royale de Dijon; with large folding map, Svo. sewn, uncut (rare), 9s Fontenay, 1780 Arithmetics: pei^ auff alfct^anb fcoubciUugc* rid! t : fcergkicijen t>o:male iu (Setructc ii s i wirffe 5lei< c^d b tt>irfjFauc|) 9. binwc^ f* offt ^u anjI/v^nbcr^al f> cjetbcilt w ^cn if?/iv?t /ctt>cilr. ^rfflicD wirff 9.binw^x>on ber ;i4>/fc.x>nnb 7. blctbt4/4. vfi PET. LAUREMBERG! ROSTOCHIRNSISi 1NSTITUTIO- NES ARITHME- TIC^. Accurr&ta Met ho do (f facili ompenjdio, non tent urn vulgaritim itwerorum, & viinutitrum Aftranomicarum atiOjfedett'tnt doRnna-Preportionumy & 'fub- tilifiirtia ALGEBRA?. fundament*, pcrquam dilueideprbpor>ttntur,& itd explicantur^ut jam A quwii intclligifinedifficHl, tnte pofiint* TotiusMATHEMATlCI Gor- PARS f. dcct(ftt appendix* de Arithmetics per Circmum Profortlon^lemcom^n- diosc (twonftrandu, & ujui ac. H.AMBURGI, TypJS^A C O B I. R E B K M U M I. Impentis 79 LIB. I. PROP. VIII." 5" Radix Cuittia.*, Radix duftain Tnplur Divifar. quotients , (r.) ' in name r: primu m ( f diviforcm (77) ) 5 8 7 5 Vtitmerw tddJt'.fitbtmte fa de 42. Hie numertu non cxmt Sumo proxim.1 26 cu Radicttjfcribenda fob puntto. Ablatu 27 442 reftant if.Triplum Riiiicu invent* j, eflf, fcnbendafub 7, ctmwQere fciliproximo fiquen* tipuntto. Eadem radix f dutla tn hoc trip lit f } facit 27, Divifbrcponendiiloco fequenti: DUCA- tur linea.^uotifs *j in ifjfjpelz in ij?Invenio j qu* alien eftmdix,ponendo(ubalteropuntto* Cubiu de f eft n^fupponendusipp punRoaut invcnto Quotients Quadratum Quotients rjits- dem fil 2jgmod duRum in Numerumpnmum "veltriplunt g y fac:t 22$JcribendH >I >I< W H< >7< >I5 >I 4 >I 4 ^ "T< "!< >I< >3 ? S3 >I" >!< v< >-.< U "I 4 ^ S ' r* I 111 5? - o 3 g a 3 og o No. 10630 (F^ 529). An early and rare work on Arithmetic. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 517 10368 LA COUR (J. L.) THEORIE der WECHSELSTROME und TRANSFORM A/TOKEN ; with 263 diagrams, roy. 8vo. cL, 5s (p. M. 12) Berlin, 1902 10369 LACROIX ( de, Commissary General of the Marine) ABSTRACT on the MECHANISM of the MOTIONS of FLOATING BODIES, translated by ADML. [SIR CHARLES] KNOWLES, with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 53), sewn (scarce), 10s 60? 1775 10370 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf, 12s 1 Containing more knowledge in the art of ship-building than any other book hitherto published that I have met with. The principles the author proceeds upon are just and true ; I have tried them by a number of experiments, and they agree exactly with the calculations he gives : but what proved most satisfactory to me was thair answering perfectly well when put into practice, in several line of battle ships and frigates, that I built when I was in Russia. .CHARLES KNOWLES.' Preface. 10371 LACROIX (Sylvestre Frai^ois; de VInstitut} (EuvRES (voir en bas) ; with 26 folding plates, 7 vols. 8vo. old calf, 8s 1802-6 CONTKNU : Essais de Geometrie sur les Plans et les Surfaces courbes : Traite elementaire d'Ari thine tique : Traite elementaire de Trigonometric rectiligne et spherique : filemens de Geometric : Complement des Elemens d'Algebre : Essais sur I'Enseignemeut des Mathematiques : Traite elementaire de Calcul Differentiel et de Calcul Integral. 10372 ELEMENS d'ALGEBRE, 19 Edition, 8vo. hf. calf, 2s 1849 10373 ESSAIS sur 1'ENSEiGNEMENT en general, et sur celui des MATHEMATIQUES en particulier ; 2 e Edition : TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE de CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL et de CALCUL INTEGRAL, 3 e ]d., augmentee; with 5 folding plates 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf (binding damaged), 3s Qd 1816-20 10374 EssAis,de GEOMETRIE, sur les Planu, et les Surfaces Courbes (Elements de Geometric Descriptive), 6 e Ed,., revue et corrigee ; with 10 folding plates, post 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 2s Qd 1829 10375 TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE de CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL et INTEGRAL, 3 e Edition, augmented ; post 8vo. hf. calf, 2s 1820 10376 HUITIEME EDITION, revue et augmentee de Notes par C. HERMITE et J. A. SERRET ; with 5 folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cl, 6s (p. F. 15 unbound) 1874 The final edition. 10377 ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, translated, with Appendix and Notes [pp. 250, by CHARLES B ABB AGE, SIR JOHN FREDERICK \VILLIAM HERSCHEL, and GEORGE PEACOCK, Dean of Ely, FF.R.S.], with 5 plates, thick 8vo. hf. calf (scarce), 8s Qd Cambridge, 1816 10378 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, 6s 6d ' This translation gave the first impulse to a mathematical revival in England, by the introduction of the refined analytical methods and the more perfect notation in use on the continent.' D. N. B. The appendix on finite differences by Sir John Herschel was styled by Prof. Tait ' one of the most charming mathematical works ever written.' 10379 TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE du CALCUL des PROBABILITES, 2 e Ed., augmented ; with plate, 8vo.calf,2s6d , 1822 10380 TRAITE du CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL et du CALCUL INTEGRAL, 2 e [DERNIERE] EDITION, revue et augmentee ; with folding plates, 3 vols. 4to. sprinkled calf gilt (NICE COPY) : rare, 1. 5s 1810-19 10381 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf (sound copy] ; or, newhf. buckram., 1. Is The first exhaustive treatise on the subject ever written, and stil'l of value. The preface (pp. 48) consists of an interesting account of its invention (unduly prejudiced in Leibniz's favour), and of its development. 'Lacroix [1765-1843] etait un des derniers liens qui rattachaient 1'ancienne Academic des Sciences a la nouvelle, et on le venerait comme un debris vivant du dix-huitieme siecle.' Biogr. Gen. Born in grjat poverty, he was driven to science by the chance reading of Robinson Crusoe, which set him studying an old treatise on navigation to enable him to discover his own island, and this carried him on to the serious study of geometry at the College de France. 10382 [LA.CY (John)] The UNIVERSAL SYSTEM, or MECHANICAL CAUSE of all the APPEARANCES and MOVEMENTS of the VISIBLE HEAVENS : shewing the True Powers which move the Earth and Planets in their Central and Annual Rotations, with a DISSERTATION on COMETS . . . likewise an Attempt to prove what it is that moves the Sun round its Axis, with 5 plates, 8vo. boards, uncut (rare], 15s 1779 ' The mechanical cause of the movement of all the bodies within the solar system is occasioned by the sun's moving swiftly round his axis, and thereby projecting the rays of heavy liquid light on them in transverse lines, driving them round his body as the sole centre, and under the Almighty Being, the cause of all our visible system.' Preface. This paradox is not Budgeted by Professor de Morgan. 10383 LADENBTJRG (Albert; Univ. Breslau) HANDWORTERBUCH der CHEMIE, herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung von LUDWIG BEREND, RUDOLF BIEDERMANN, EDMUND DRECHSEL, u. A. m. ; mit General-Register; with 429 woodcuts, 13 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. German calf (binding of a few vv. damaged, and of others rubbed), 3. 3s (p. M. 250) Breslau, 1882-96 Still valued as a general work of reference on chemistry. 10384 Ueber die HYDRIRUNGSMETHODE durch NATRIUM und ALKOHOL, 8vo. (pp. 2), unbound, Is Berlin, 1901 103S5 tiber das IsocONUN, ein neues Isomeres des Coniins, und iiber den asymmetrischen Stickstoft', roy. 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, Is 6d ibidem, 1892 10386 Eine NEUE METHODE zur MOLEKULARGEWICHTSBESTIMMUNG des OZONS, roy. 8vo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is ib., 1901 10387 , und C. KRUGEL: Uber das KRYPTON; with 2 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is ib., 1900 10388 LAER (Henri van) Sur quelques PHENOMENES de COAGULATION produits par les BORATES (Agglutination de la Levure), roy. 8vo. (pp. 17), sewn, Is 6d Bruxelles, 1905 10389 LA GOTTRNERIE (Jules de) TRAITE de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE, 3 vols. : Atlas ; with 150 plates, 3 vols. 6 vols. 4to. in 2, hf. brown morocco gilt, cl. sides, g. e., with bookplate of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.E.S., 12s 6d (p. F. 30 sewn) 1860-4 A well-known classic on the subject. 35 518 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10391 LADIES' DIARIES (The), The MATHEMATICAL PARTS of the, from 1705 to 1773 (Nos. 2-70, with Appendix containing Additional Solutions, and Index), with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 12mo. contemporary hf. calf (nice copy), 12s Qd [1705-73] This excellent publication went on for nearly a hundred years, at a time when Women of Fashion must have actually studied Mathematics, a form of dementia whose existence nowadays might have provided one more ground for divorce to the Majority of the Divorce Commission. It contains a largo number of interesting problems. Its editors were John Tipper (1705-13), Henry Beightou, F.R.S. ('14-44), Robert Heath ( 45-53), Thomas Simpson, F.R.S. ('54-60), and Edward Rollinson ('61-73). See LEVBOURN (Thomas), post. 10392 LADY'S and GENTLEMAN'S DIARY (The), or Complete Mathematical Almanach, 1844-6, with diagrams, 3 vols. fcap. 8vo. sewn, 4s 1844-6 The unhappy mania above referred to would seem to have survived into the Nineteenth Century. In the Twentieth a complete prophylactic can happily be found in the sixpenny magazine. 10393 LA FAYE ( de, Tresorier general des Gratifications des Troupes) RECHERCHES sur la PREPARATION que les ROMAINS DONNOIENT a la CHAUX dont ils se servoient pour leurs Con- structions, et sur la COMPOSITION et I'EMPLOI de leurs MORTIERS, avec MEMOIRE pour servir de SUITE a ces Recherches 2 vols. sm. 8vo. in 1, old mottled calf (fine copies) ; rare, 12s Imprimerie Roy ale, 1777-8 10394 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, uncut, 10s Qd 'Les differens precedes que j'indique sont justifies oar les textes des auteurs des anciens, et je me suis assure de leur succes par des epreuves multipliees. 1 Avertissement. But even after this and other researches, the wonderful hardness of Roman mortar keeps its secret still. 10395 LAFON (A.) MEMOIRE sur la ROTATION d'un CORPS SOLIDE AUTOUR dun [sic] POINT FIXE, 8vo. (pp. 36), sewn, Is Qd [Nancy,] 1860 10396 [LA GARAYE (Claude Toussaint Marot, Comte de)] CHIMIE HYDRAULIQUE, pour EXTRAIRE les SELS ESSENTIELS des Vegetaux, Animaux, et Mineraux, avec 1'Eau pure, par M. L. C. D. L. G., premiere edition ; with 2 folding copperplates, 12mo. contemporary French calf gilt (nice copy), 12s 60? 1745 ' Selon lui les vegetaux, les animaux ou les mineraux contiennent, dit M. Pougin, desremedes specifiques centre toutes les malaiies curables, les matieres medicamenteuses sont melees a d'autres Elements qui en affaiblissent 1'energie. II appartient a la chimie de separer les elements utiles des elements intitiles ou nuisibles. Pour obtenir cette division, la chimie avait jusque la employe la distillation seche et la distillation par Faction du feu. Le comte de la Garaye, jugeant que le premier de ces moyens alterait la nature meme des matieres medicamenteuses, et que le second diminuait leur force, imagiua de recourir a 1'eau froide ou tiede tout au plus, animtie d'un mouvement rapide ou incessant, pour dissoudre la partie active des matieres medicamenteuses appartenant aux trois regnes de la nature. II fond ait son opinion de la non-alteration des sels qu'il preparaic ainsi sur ce qu'ils avaient le gout, 1'odeur et toute 1'emcacite du vegetal dont ils etaient extraits.' Biogr. Gen. 10397 [LAGRANGE (Joseph Louis Comte; de VInstitut; F.R.S.)] LECONS sur le CALCUL des FONCTIONS ; nouvelle Edition, revue et augmentee par 1'AUTEUR, 8vo. hf. bound, or, sewn, 3s Qd 1S06 ' This work may be considered as the starting point for the researches of Cauchy, Jacobi, and Weierstrass.' W. W. R. Ball. 10398 LECTURES ON ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS, translated [with Memoir] by THOMAS JOSEPH McCORMACK, with portrait and diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 5s nett) Chicago, 1898 10399 MECHANIQUE ANALITIQUE, premiere edition, 4to. old hf. calf (rare), 15s 1788 'From Walter Nichol to Edward Irving Xov. 1818.' Tnscr. on flyleaf. This was probably the Rev. Edward Irving (1792-1834), founder of the ' Irvingites,' and friend of Carlyle. 10400 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary French calf extra (fine copy), 17s 60? 10401 THE SAME ; ALSO : Dubuat [de Sassegnies] (Le Chevalier) MEMOIRES sur la MECANIQUE, Tome premier (seul paru) ; with folding plate 2 vols. 4to. in 1, hf. morocco gilt (nice copies), 1. Is , 1788-1821 10402 NOUVELLE (2 e ) EDITION, revue et augmente'e par 1'Auteur [et achevee, apres sa Mort, par J. P. M. BlNET], 2 vols. 4to. in 1, calf gilt (nice copy), 15s 1811-15 1 His great work in which lie lays down the law of virtual work, and from that one fundamental principle, by the aid of the calculus of variations, deduces the whole of mechanics, both of solids and liquids.' W. W. R. Batt. ' A kind of scientific poem '.Sir W- R. Hamilton. ' Analytical mechanics was brought to its highest degree of perfection by Lagrange. His aim is to dispose once for all of the reasoning necessary to resolve mechanical problems, by embodying as much as possible of it in a single formula. This he did. Every case that presents itself can now be dealt with by a very simple, highly symmetrical and perspicuous schema ; and whatever reasoning is left is performed by purely mechanical methods. The Mechanics of Lagrange is a stupendous contribution to the economy of thought.' Prof. E. Much. 10403 THEORIE des FONCTIONS ANALYTIQUES, contenant les Principes du Calcul Diffdrentiel, degages de toute Consideration d'lnftniment Petits, d'Evanouissans, de Limites et de Fluxions, et reduits a 1'Analyse Alge"brique des Quantites Finies, premiere edition, 4to. sewn, Qs Qd an V [1797] 10404 NOUVELLE [2 e ] EDITION, revue et augmentee par I'AUTEUR, 4to. hf. cl., 6s 1813 10405 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf gilt (nice copy), 7s Qd 'The Theorie des functions aimed at placing the principles of the calculus on a sound foundation by relieving the mind of the difficult conception of a limit or infinitesimal. Lagrange attempted to prove Taylor's theorem [v. No. 476-', >' } the power of which he was the first to point out by simple algebra, and then to develop the entire calculus irom that theorem ', etc. etc. etc. Prof. Cajori. 10408 TRAITE de la RESOLUTION des EQUATIONS NUMERIQUES de tous les Degres, avec des Notes sur plusieurs Points de la Theorie des Equations Algebriques, nouvelle [2 e ] Edition, revue et augmentee par 1'AUTEUR, 4to. sewn, 5s 6d 1808 10407 ANOTHER COPY, old calf, 6s Qd 10403 TROISIEME EDITION, conforme a celle de 1808, et preceiee d'une Analyse de FOuvrage, par Louis PoiNSOT, 4to. boards, uncut, 10s Qd 1826 The best edition. ' Giving a method of approximating to the real roots of numerical equations by continued fractions, and, among other things, a proof that every equation must have a root a theorem which appears bafore this to have been considered as self-evident. ' Prof. Cajori. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 519 10410 LA HARPE (Clement de) NOTES et FORMULES de I'INGEXIEUR et da CONSTRUCTEUR- MECANICIEN : Mathematiques, Mecanique, Electricite, Chemins de Fer, Mines, Metallurgie, etc., par un Comite d'Ingenieurs, sous la Direction de CH. VIGREUX, CH. MILANDRE, et R. P. BOUQUET, 15 e [derniere] Edition, considerablement augmentee, avec VOCABULAIRE TECHNIQUE en francais, anglais, allemand ; with 15 illustrations, large 12mo. (pp. 2002), roan, 7s (p. F. 14 nett) 1907 10 til LA HIRE (Philippe de, de V Academic des Sciences] MEMOIRES de MATHEMATIQUE et de PHYSIQUE, contenant un TRAITE des EPICYCLOIDES, et de leurs Usages dans les Mechaniques ; 1'Explication des principaux EFFETS de la GLACE et du FROID ; Dissertation des DIFFERENCES des SONS de la CORDE de la TROMPETTE MARINE ; et Traite des differens ACCIDENS de la VUE ; with woodcuts and numerous diagrams, 4to. old calf gilt (RARE), 17s 6d Imprimerie Royale, 1694 10412 ANOTHER COPY, old calf, newly rebacked, with British Museum stamp on title, 16s Qd Including the author's valuable treatise on epicycloids, and their application to mechanics, chiefly founded on the teaching of Desargues. The second treatise contains an investigation on the thermometer. 10413 - TABLES ASTRONOMIQUES, avec les Mouvemens du Soleil, de la Lune, et des autres Planetes, deduits des seules Observations, et inddpendamment d'aucune Hypothese ; la Methode du Calcul Astronomique, etle (/alcaldes Eclipses par la seule Trigonometric rectiligne ; la Descrip- tion et 1' Usage des Instruraens d' Astronomic, etc. etc. etc., 3 me Edition ; with 4 folding plates of astronomical instruments, etc., besides numerous diagrams, 4to. old calf, newly rebacktd, 10,- (yd 1755 Containing a description of a machine of the author's invention showing the theory of eclipses. TRAITE de MECANIQUE, oil Ton explique tout ce qui est necessaire dans la Pratique des Arts, et les Proprietes des Corps Pesants lesquelles ont un plus grand Usage dans la Physique ; with wsodcuts and numerous diagrams, 12mo. old mottled calf (sound copy), with auto, of George Rennie, F.R.S., on title (rare), 15s 'Imprimerie Roy ale, 1695 A copious treatise on the subject, and more especially on percussion, which the author claims to be largely original. It contains a description of several interesting hydraulic machines. 10415 LAIS (Giuseppe, D.O., Osservatorio Pontiftco) PROLEGOMENI allo STUDIO delle BURRASCHE del CLIMA di ROMA ; with folding chart, 4to. (pp. 32), sewn, 3s Roma, 1873 10416 LAIS ANT (Charles Anne) INTRODUCTION a la METHODS des QUATERNIONS; withdiagrams, 8vo. sevm, 3s 6d 1881 10417 LAKE (W. R.) PATENTS for INVENTIONS relating to MACHINE-GUNS and AUTOMATIC BREECH-MECHANISM [1854-95], with numerous plates, roy. 8vo. boards, 5* [c. 1?96] 10418 LALANDE (Joseph Jer6me Le Franqois de ; de I'lnstitut, F.R.S.) ASTRONOMIE, 2 e Edi- tion, revue et augmentee [avec TABLES ASTRONOMIQUES calculees pour le Meridien de Paris jusqu'a 1770 (pp. 248)] ; ivith 46 folding plates, 4 thick vols. 4to. old calf, 1 . Is 1771-81 ' Get ouvrage, qui est son principal titre de gloire, est un repertoire complet de tout ce que Ton savait alors et de beaucoup de methodes peu repandues.' Biogr. Gen. He determined the parallax of the moon on a voyage to the Cape, of Good Hope. Vol. I includes an interesting list of astronomical instruments and their prices. Vol. IV, which is often missing, contains : Trait6 du flux et du reflux de la mer ; Memoire sur 1'origine des constella- tions, et sur 1'explication de la fable, par le moyen de I'astrpnomie, par M. DUPUIS. A few copies of this volume were issued with a separate title. It was never reprinted nor re-issued with the 3rd Edition of 1793. 10419 , CATALOGUE of those STARS in the HISTOIRE CELESTE FRANCAISE of, for which Tables of Reduction to the Epoch 1800 have been published by PROF. SCHUMACHER, reduced at the Expense of the British Association of Science, under the Superintendence of FRANCIS BAILY, F.R.S., thick 8vo. (pp. 1218), boards, uncut (SCARCE), 1. 10s 1847 Lalande's Uistoire Celeste, which was first published in 1801, gives the places of 47,390 stars, but 'in the rough, as it were, and consequently needing laborious processes of calculation to render them available for exact purposes.' To obviate these defects, its reduction was undertaken by the British Association in 1837-8 at the instance of Baily, and published in a form ' which first rendered the work practically available' (Miss Agnes M. Clerke). EXPOSITION du CALCUL ASTRONOMIQUE ; with 3 folding plates, 12mo. contemporary mottled calf extra, with author's auto, pasted on flyleaf, 5s Imprimerie Royale, 1762 10421 TABLES de LOGARITMES [sic], pour les Nombres, et pour les Sinus, Edition stereotype; 24mo. sewn, 2s F. Didot, An X (1802) 10422 [ ] TABLES of LOGARITHMS [edited and revised by RICHARD FARLEY], 16mo. sewn, 2s S.D. U.K., 18S9 10123 , CATALOGUE des LIVRES composant la BIBLIOTHEQUE de feu, dont la Vente aura Lieu dans le courant du Moi de Mars 1808, au College de France, 8vo. sewn (scarce), 6s [1803] The library consisted of 2000 lots, 1210 of which were astronomical, mathematical, and physical works. At end is an index of authors. 10424 LAMBERT (Johann Heinrich) PHOTOMETRIA, sive de MENSURA et GRADIBUS LUMINIS, COLORUM, et UMBRAE, editip princeps ; with 8 folding plates, large 12mo. sound copy in contemporary German hf. CG^/'(RARE), 1. 10s Augustae Vindelicorum, 1760 First Edition of this work, which first laid a scientific basis for the measurement of the intensity of light. The author propounds in it the law of the absorption of light named alter him, and describes the photometer invented by him. 10425 PYROMETRIE, ocler vom MAASSE des FEUERS und der WARME, 1. Ausgabe; with 8 folding plates, 4to. contemporary boards (large and sound copy) ; RARE, with autos. of C. Buzen- geiger (1771-1835), and R. Lipschilz, 1. 5s Berlin, 1779 ' Lambert's most important work, Pyrometrie (Berlin, 1779), is a systematic treatise on heat, containing the records and full discussions of many of his own experiments.' Ency. Brit. It enumerates 19 different thermometric scales, and includes numerous experiments with Amonton's air thermometer, which enabled the author to approximate the absolute zero of temperature to - 270 '3 C. SY/STEME du MONDE, public par [HANS BERNHARD] MERIAN, 2 e Edition, sin. 8vo. hf. vellum (rare), Is Qd ibidem, 1784 ' His conceptions were grandiose, his intuitions bold, his views on some points a singular anticipation of subsequent discoveries.' Jlfi Agnes M. Clerke. 'Lambert conjectured the existence of binary stars.' G. F. Chambers. 520 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10128 LAMARCK (Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monnet, Chevalier de, de llnstitut; founder of the Lamarckian theory of evolution) ANNUAIRE METEOROLOGIQUE (No. 7) pour TAN XIV [1806] . . . presentant, 1. ^Indication des fipoques oil, dans le Cours de 1'An XIV, les INFLUENCES de la LUNE sont dans le Cas d'occasioner de Mauvais Temps ; 2. Une Esquisse de 1'HiSTOiRE de la METEOROLOGIE, et differentes Considerations sur cette Histoire ; 3. Un SYSTEMS GENERAL de METEOROLOGIE, Svo. contemporary French tree-calf extra (fine copy) ; rare, 8s 6d [1806] 10429 pour 1'AN 1808 (No. 9), h, 1'Usage de ceux qui aiment la Mete"orologie et qui se livrent aux Observations Atmosph^riques ; with plate, Svo. French mottled calf extra, with the original paper cover bound in (fine copy], with author's inscr. to Sir Benjamin Thompson. 'Count Rumford, F.R.S. (see below), 15s [1808] 'A Monsieur le Comte de Ruinford de la part de 1'auteur.' Inscr. on rev. of cover. The volume includes : 'Sur les differens Mois meteorologiques de 1'annee ; Application du Principe propre i determiner le caractere general des Saisons ; Des influences particulieres ', etc. etc. Lamarck was a believer in the meteorological influence of the moon, a belief which he shared with Sir John Herschel, tout which earned him a brutal remark from Napoleon when he presented him with a copy of one of his works on natural history. 10430 HYDROGEOLOGIE, ou Recherehes sur 1' Influence qu'ont les Eaux sur la Surface du Globe Terrestre, sur les Causes de 1'Existence du Bassin des Mers, de son Defacement et de son Transport successif sur les diffe'rens Points de la v Surface du Globe ; enfin sur les Changemens que les Corps Vivans exercent sur la Nature et 1'Etat de cette Surface, Svo. sewn, uncut (rare). 12s Gd An X [1802] 'Mon objet dans cet ouvrage est de presenter quelques considerations que je crois nouvelles et du premier ordre, qui ont echappe aux recherches des physiciens, et qui me paraissent devoir servir de base pour former une bonne theorie delaterre'. P. 4. 10431 LAMB (Francis) ASTROSCOPIUM : or Two HEMISPHERES, containing all the NORTHERN and SOUTHERN CONSTELLATIONS, projected upon the Poles of the World, which (by the Help of a Movable Horizon) are rendred Serviceable in any Latitude. The Uses of which Hemispheres are illustrated by Variety of Examples. To which is added the Arabick, Chalde, Greek, Latin, and English Names of the Constellations, with other Things pertinent to them, with 4 copperplates (2 folding), large I2mo. contemporary sheep (binding slightly damaged, otherwise a SOUND COPY); RARE, 1. 5s W. Leybourn, 1673 The author acknowledges having received the help of WILLIAM LEYBOURN. The work, which was unknown to Lowndes, contains an ' Appendix containing the Construction of these Hemispheres ', ' Precepts of the Projection of the Hemispheres', and a 'Catalogue of Constellations ', containing 12 constellations of the southern hemisphere which are not in Thomas Hood's work. 10432 LAMB (Horace, F.R.S. ; Prof. Math., Univ. Manchester) TREATISE on the MATHEMATICAL THEORY of the MOTION of FLUIDS, with 12 diagrams, Svo. cl., 4s 6d (p. 12s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1879 10433 On the VELOCITY of SOUND in a TUBE, as AFFECTED by the ELASTICITY of the WALLS, Svo. (pp. 16), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s Manchester, 1898 10434 On WAVES in a MEDIUM having a PERIODIC DISCONTINUITY of STRUCTURE, with diagrams, Svo. (pp. 20), sewn, 2s ib., 1898 30435 LAMBERT (Abbe Edmond) NOUVEAU GUIDE du GEOLOGUE : Geologic generate de la France, avec Appendice sur la Geologic des principales Contre'es de 1'Europe ; with 76 woodcuts, cr. Svo. sewn, 2s (p. F. 5 nett) 1873 10436 LAME (Gabriel ; de VInstitut) COURS de PHYSIQUE ; with plates, 3 vols. Svo. in 1, hf. vellum, 4s Gd 1837-8 ' Son Cours de Physique a opere une revolution dans 1'enseignement de cette science '. M. Marie. 10437 LE9ONS sur les COORDONNEES CURVILIGNES et leurs diverses Applications ; with diagrams, Svo. sewn (scarce), 10s 1859 10438 ANOTHER COPY, boards, or, hf. cl., 10s Gd 10439 LEMONS sur les FONCTIONS INVERSES des TRANSCENDANTES et les SURFACES ISOTHERMES ; with diagrams, Svo. hf. cl., or, hf. calf, 4s 1857 This work first introduced the functions known by the author's name. 10440 LEMONS sur la THEORIE ANALYTIQUE de la CHALEUR ; with diagrams, Svo. sewn, 3s Gd (p. F. 6.50 nett) 1861 10441 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf, 4s Gd 10442 LEMONS sur la THEORIE MATHEMATIQUE de I'ELASTICIT^ des CORPS SOLIDES ; with plate, Svo. seivn (scarce), 10s Gd 1852 10443 ANOTHER C9PY, hf. calf, 12s t 10444 DEUXIEME EDITION [Re"impression] ; with plate, Svo. cl., with auto, and MS. notes of Prof. A. S. Herschel, F.R.S. , 11s 1866 10445 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf gilt, or, hf. morocco, 13s ' A problem in elasticity called by Lamp's name, viz. to investigate the conditions for equilibrium of a spherical elastic envelope subject to a given distribution of load on the bounding spherical surfaces, and the determination of the resulting shifts, is the only completely general problem on elasticity which can be said to be completely solved.' Prof. Cajori. ' Tous ses onvrages ont une graude valeur scientifique et la plupart sout des v^ritables creations.' M. Marie. 10446 MEMOIRE sur les SURFACES ORTHOGONALES et ISOTHERMES, 4to. (pp. 38), sewn, 3s 1843 10447 NOTE sur la METHODE de RECHERCHE des SURFACES ISOTHERMES, 4to. (pp. 6), sewn, Is Gd 1843 10448 , et Benoist Pierre Emile CLAPEYRON : MEMOIRE sur la STABILITY des VOUTES ; I with plate, Svo. (pp. 48), sewn, 4s 1823 ' A Monsieur Georges Rennie [F.R.S.] de la part du rapporteur de la commission de 1' Academic des Sciences [le Baron de Prony].' Inscr. on p. 1. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 521 10450 LAMI (E. O.), et A. THABEL : DICTIONNAIRE ENCYCLOPEDIQUE et BIOGRAPHIQUE de 1'lNDUSTRiE et des ARTS INDUSTRIELS, avec la Collaboration des Savants, Specialistes et Practiciens les plus eminents de notre Epoque ; with several thousand woodcuts, 8 thick vols. large impl. 8vo. French morocco neat, 3. 3? (p. F. 290 nett sewn) 1881-8- 10451 LAMING (Richard, M.R.C.S.) A NEW VIEW of ELECTRICAL ACTION, based on the Assump- tion that Electricity is the only Ponderable Element in Nature, and allotted to Atoms io> Quantities that are definite, and indicated relatively by their Chemical Equivalents, 3 parts 8vu. (pp. 94), sewn (scarce], Qs Qd 1858-9 10452 MATTER and FORCE : an Analytical and Synthetical Essay on Physical Causation, with, 5 plates (2 coloured), 8vo. cL (scarce), 8s Qd 1851 Attempting to derive mathematically ' tha principal phenomena and laws of chemistry, electricity, and heat, from a uniform volition, and demonstrating the preservation of the Universe to be contingent on the incessant exercise of a, moral power'. 10453 LAMONT (Johann v., F.R.S.) BESCHREIBUNG der an der MUNCHENER STERNWARTE zu derr BEOBACHTUNGEN verwendeten NEUEN INSTRUMENTE und APPARATE; 4to. (pp. 101), sewn- (plates wanting], 2s Munchen, 1851 10454 - - PHYSIQUE du GLOBE, 8vo. (pp. 22), sewn, 2s Bruxelles [1843]] 10455 LAMPBECHT (Robert) RECOVERY WORK after PIT FIRES : the principal Methods pursued, especially in Fiery Mines ; and the various Appliances employed, etc., translated by (JHARLKS- SALTER, with 7 folding plates, 8vo. cL, 5s Qd (p. 10s Qd nett) 1901* 10456 LANA (Francesco Terzi de, s.j.) MAGISTERIUM NATURE, et ARTIS : Opus Physico- Mathematicum in quo Occultiora Naturalis Philosophise Principia manifestantur, et multiplici turn Experimentorum, turn Demonstrationum Serie comprobantur, ac demum tarn antiqua pene omnia Artis inventa, quani multa nova ab ipso Authore excogitata in Lucem proferuntur ; with 56 plates, 3 vols. folio, old calf gilt (FINE COPY). 2. 2s Brixice, 1684 Parmce, '92 Father Lana was a friend of his fellow-Jesuit KIRCHER (q. v. ante), and though believing with most savants of his day in Perpetual Motion, was a genuine observer and experimenter. He is also noteworthy as the first suggester of tha. Balloon (see the next article), and his calculations regarding its practicability were checked and approved by LEIBNIZ:. ' The above work may be regarded as an attempt to explain various theories advanced in the Prodromo [_v. infra\ The- third volume, which did not appear until the author's death [out of nine volumes intended by him], is said by his. bibliographer Eyries to be 'tres-rare'. It would require an explanatory volume to give an idea of this work, which is truly a cyclopaedia of all sciences connected with natural philosophy.' Libri Catalogue. It describes a large number of 'perpetual motion' machines, while one chapter treats 'of motion which is called) electric attraction '. 10457 PRODROMO overo Saggio di alcune INVENTIONI NUOVE premesso all' Arte Maestra, per mostrare li piu reconditi Principij della Naturale Filosofia, riconosciuti con accurata Teorica. nelle piu segnalate Inventioni, ed Isperienze sin' hora ritrovate da gli Scrittori di questa Materia, ed altre nuove dell' Autore medesimo ; with 20 plates, folio, boards (an exceptionally fine and large copy) ; VERY RARE, 4. 4s Brescia, 1670- This work is of great importance in the history of ballooning as having been the first to formulate a theory of aerostatics. The author proposed besides many other curious experiments to exhaust hollow globes of copper, which,, being lighter than the air, were to raise the vehicle placed underneath. Plate II (No. 2421 ante) illustrates this idea,, which, impracticable itself, nevertheless formed the basis of Montgolfier's invention. ' Kara e pregiata opera . . . Meritevoli di singolare encomio sono le molte invenzioni del Lana . . . Rimarchevole sopra tutto e la nota sua barca volante . . . che rimase il fondamento della Areonautica moderna.' Riccardi. 10458 LANCASTER (Hugh) PRACTICAL FLOOR MALTING, with 10 plates, and 12 woodcuts, 8vo. cL, 6s (p. 12s Qd) 1908 10459 LANCHESTER (F. W.) AERODYNAMICS, with Appendixes on the Velocity and Momentum of Sound Waves, on the Theory of Soaring Flight, etc , with 2 plates and 161 other illustrat or?.?, thick 8vo. cl, 14s (p. 1. Is nett) 1907 10460 LANDEN (John, F.R.S.) MATHEMATICAL MEMOIRS respecting a Variety of Subjects ; with Appendix containing Tables of THEOREMS for the CALCULATION of FLUENTS, VOL. I, with 5 plates, 4to. sound copy in old calf gilt (rare), 10? Qd 1730 1 ' The remarkable theorem known by Landen's name, for expressing a hyperbolic arc in terms of two elliptic arcs, was. inserted in the 'Philosophical Transactions' for 1775, and specimens of its use were given in the first volume of his. ' Mathematical Memoirs ' (1780).' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 10461 OBSERVATIONS on CONVERGING SERIES, occasioned by Mr. Clarke's Translation of MR. LORGNA'S TREATISE on the same Subject; with Appendix, printed for the author, 178l-[2]: also : Clarke (Henry) SUPPLEMENT to PROF. LORGNA'S SUMMATION of SERIES, with Remarks on Mr. Landen's Observations on the same Subject, plate ; with Additional Remarks, printed for the author, 1782-34 vols. 4to. in 1, sewn (rare], 12s Qd 1781-3 'John Landen attacked this [Clarke's ' Dissertation on the Summation', etc.] in a pamphlet, on the ground that the* method was contained in Simpson's ' Mathematical Dissertations'. Clarke replied in a 'Supplement' (1782), and to a further attack in ' Additional Remarks ' (1783). The controversy is noticed in Button's Mathematical Dictionary.' -D. N. B. See also LORGNA, post. 10462 LANDMANN (Isaac) TREATISE on MINES, for the Use of the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, with IQfoldinq plates, 8vo. calf (ivorri), 5s 1815 10163 LANDO (Giovanni Giacomo, Genovese) ARITMETICA MERCANTILE, nella quale si vede> come si hanno da fare li CONTI, per li CAMBI, che si fanno nelle Citt& Principal! della Chiistianita ; il Modo di raguagliare le Piazze, di aggiustare ogni Sorte di Comissioni de Cambi, e Mercantie, e formare Arbitrij, prima edizione; with device on title, sm. 4to. old limp vellum (sound copy), 2. 2s Napoli, T. Longo, 1604 : Raro.' Riccardi.' 10464 NUOVA EDIZIONE, sm. 4to. boards, uncut (RARE), 1. 5s Venetia, Ghir. Imberti, 1640 There was no copy of any edition of this rare work in the Libri Collection, nor was it known to Brunet, Graesse, or Poggendorff. Professor de Morgan, who seemingly had never seen a copy of it, only refers to the author in his ' List of loSO Names of Authors of Works on Arithmetic ' as Landus, nor is the work mentioned in Mr. R. Brown's ' Bibliography of Book-Keeping.' 522 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10466 LANDAU (Edmund ; Univ. Gottingen) Uber die BEDEUTUNG einiger neuen GRENZWERT- SATZE der Herren HARDY und AXER, imp!. 8vo. (pp. 81), sewn, 3s Wanzawa, 19 iO 10467 Ein SATZ liber die -FuNKTiON, roy. Svo. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Kbbenhavn, 1911 10468 LANDOLT (Hans Heinrich ; Univ. Berlin) HANDBOOK of the POLARISCOPE, and its Practical Applications, adapted by D. C. ROBB and V. H. VELEY, with Appendix by I. STEINER, 57 woodcuts, Svo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 1. 1* 1882 Including the author's important investigations on the refractive index of chemical compounds, and more especially on the relation between the constitution of a chemical substance and its light-refracting power. 10469 UNTERSUCHUNGEN Uber etwaige ANDERUNGEN des GESAMMTGEWICHTES CHEMISCH sich UMSETZENDER KoRPER, I.-III. MiTTHEiLUNG, impl. 8vo. (pp. 101), sewn, 4s M [Berlin], 1893-1906-8 10470 , und Richard BORNSTEIN, Berlin: PHYSIKALISCH-CHEMISCHE TABELLEN, 4to. cl.. 5s (p. M. 12) ibidem, 1883 Original edition. 10471 DRITTE UMGEARBEITETE UND VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE, von RICHARD BORNSTEIN und WILHELM MEYERHOFFER, sq. impl. 8vo. original moleskin, 1. (p. M. 36) ibidem, 1905 The most extensive collection of physical and chemical tables, formulas, and constants yet published. 10472 LANDRIANI (Marsiglio Conte) OPUSCOLI Fisico-CniMici ; with folding copperplate and engraved vignettes, 8vo. sewn, 10s 6d Milano, 1781 10473 ANOTHER COPY, ronlemporary calf (jilt (back somewhat wormed), 12s Containing ' Descrizione del Chronhyometro, ossia di una Nuova Macchina Meteorologica, colla quale si misura la durata della Pioggia ' fpp. 65) ; ' Dissertazione del CaV>r Latente ' (pp. 69), etc 10474 DissERTAZiONEdeir UTILITA dei CONDUTTORI ELETTRICI; with folding copperplate and fine vignette on title, Svo. sewn, uncut, with author's imcr. on flyleaf, 10s ib., 1784 ' Landriani drew attention to the paramount importance of a perfect earth connexion. 1 .R. Anderson. 10475 DESCRIPTION d'une MACHINE propre a ELEVER I'EAU par la ROTATION d'une CORDE VERTICALE, Svo. (pp. 15), sewn (? plate missing), 39 6d Genece, 1782 10476 LANE (Timothy, F.R.S.), DESCRIPTION, with a REPRESENTATION, of an ELECTROMETER INVENTED by ; and Account of some EXPERIMENTS made by him with it ; in a Letter to Benjamin franklin, F.R.S., with copperplate, Svo. (pp. 4), unbound, 6-9 17b9 An account of the author's invention by which a modified Leyden Jar is made into an electrometer. The author like many other noteworthy scientists is not included in D. N. B. 10477 LANG (Viktor v.) BKSTIMMUNG des BRECHUNGSQUOTIENTEN einer concentrirten CYANIN- LOSUNG, roy. Svo. (pp. 21), sewn, Is Qd [Wien, 1881] The author was the founder of modern physical crystallography. 10478 LANG (William Robert, Univ. Toronto), et A. RIGAUT : Sur la DISSOCIATION du CHLORURE de CADMIUM HEXAMMONIACAL, 4to. (pp. 3), sewn, \s Qd [1899J 10479 LANGDON (Roger; station master at Silverton, G.W.R., and amateur astronomer), The LIFE of, told by HIMSELF, with Additions by his Daughter ELLEN [and Preface by H. CLIFTON LAMBERT], cr. Svo. cl., 2s [1908] 10480 LANGDON (William Edward, M.I.E.E.) The APPLICATION of ELECTRICITY to RAILWAY WORKING, with 5 plates and 142 other illustrations, Svo. cl. (o. p.), 4s 6d (p. 10s 6d) 1897 10481 LANGE (Ludwig) Die GESCHICHTLICHE ENTWICKELUNG des BEWEGUNGSBEGRIFFES uudihr voraussichtliches Endergebniss, roy. Svo. buckram, 2s Qd Leipzig, 18S6 10482 LANGILLE (H. D.), F. G. PLUMMER, Arthur DODWELL, Theodore F. RIXON, and John B. LEIBERG : FOREST CONDITIONS in the CASCADE RANGE FOREST RESERVE, OREGON, with Introduction by HENRY GANNETT, with 4 large coloured maps, and 37 plates and diagrams (some coloured), 4to. sewn, 6s Qd U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, 1903 10483 LANGLEY (Edward M.) TREATISE on COMPUTATION : the chief Methods for Contracting and Abbreviating Arithmetical Calculations, 12mo. cl., 2s 1895 10484 LANGLEY (Samuel Pierpont ; Smithsonian Inst., F.R.S.) RESEARCHES on SOLAR HEAT and its ABSORPTION by the EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE: a Report of the Mount Whitney Expedition, with 22 plates (some folding), 20 diagrams, and map, large 4to. cl., 12s Washington, 1884 10485 ANOTHER COPY, cl., with interesting auto, letter from the author to Edward Whymper, 14s ' Atmospheric absorption [of solar heat] had never before been studied with such precision as it was by Langley on Mount Whitney. Aided by simultaneous observations from Lone Pine, at the foot of the Sierra, he was able to calculate the intensity belonging to each ray before entering the earth's gaseous envelope in other words, to construct an extra- atmospheric curve of energy in the spectrum.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. The author invented the bolometer, which he largely used in the investigations described in the above work. 10486 LANGMAID (J., R.N.), and H. GAISFORD R.N. ; ELEMENTARY 4 LESSONS in STEAM MACHINERY and the MARINE STEAM ENGINE, with the CONSTRUCTION of a BATTLESHIP ; en- larged Edition, with 62 plates, Svo. cl., 3s (p. 6s nett) 1893 10487 LANGMUIR (A. C.) INDEX to the LITERATURE of DIDYMIUM, 1842-1893, roy. Svo. (pp. 20), sewn, Is Washington, 1894 10488 LANGSDORF (Karl Christian v. ; Univ. Heidelberg) LEHRBUCH der HYDRAULIK, mit bestandiger Riicksicht auf die Erfahrung ; with 51 folding copperplates, thick 4to. old hf. calf, \ 6s Qd Altenburg, 1794 j Interesting for the extensive mathematical treatment of the subject. The chapter ' Uber die Construction de hydrometrischen Fli'igels ' is by REINHARD WOLTMANX. 10489 VERSUCH einer NEUEN THEORIE HYDRODYNAMISCHER und PYROMETRISCHER GRUNI LEHREN und deren Anwendung auf die Anlage neuer Rohrenleitungen, Pumpenkiinste, \Vas.sersaubn und DAMPF-MASCHINEN ; with 4 folding copperplates, Svo. old calf gilt (nice copy) rare, 10s 6d ' Frankfurt, 178 An original treatment of the subject and largely mathematical. Pp. 204-94 contains the author's theory of the steam- engine. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 523 10491 LANKEREN MATTHES (D. van) Over de SPIRAAL-LIJNEN ; with folding plate, roy. 8vo. (pp. 54), sewn, Is Qd Amsterdam, 1857 10492 LANSBEBG [recte LAENSBERGrH] (Philips van) BESCHRIJVINGH der VLACKE SONNE- WYSERS : in welcke de waere Manier, om deselve op allerhande Vlackten te betrecken, volgens Wiskonstige Regulen geleert, ende door een groot getal Vertoog-schetzen aengewesen \verdt, nieuwelijx oversien ende met noodige Byvoeging verrijckt door JACOB MOGGE ; with numerous large diagrams, and woodcuts, sm. folio, sewn (RARE), 1. Is Middelburgh, 1675 10493 ANOTHER COPY, sound copy in hf. parchment, 1. 5s 10494 URANOMETRLE Libri III, in quibus Lunse, Soils, et reliquorum Planetarum, et Inerrantium Stellarum Distantise h, Terra, et Magnitudines, hactenus ignoratre perspicue demonstrantur ; with numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. sewn (fine and large copy] ; rare, 12s Qd ibidem, 1631 10495 LAP AGE (Richard Herbert, M.I.C.E., Argentine Govt. By.) On COMPOUND LOCOMOTIVES, with IS plates, 8vo. (pp. 63), sewn, 2s 1889 Favouring the Worsdell-von Borries system. The full Discussion on the paper is included. 10496 LAPAZZAJA [hie LAPIZZAYA] (Abbate Georgio, Canonico Monopolitano] FAMILIARITA d'ARiTHMETiCA e GEOMETRIA, con I'usitata PRATTICA NAPOLITANA, nuovamente con somma Diligentia ristampata e correta. Aggiontovi molti bellissimi GIOCHI et altreGENTiLEZZE, per VIA di NUMERI, prima edizione Italiana ; with vignette on title, and numerous other woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 4to. boards (a few corners worn away, also a few II. repaired and others slightly wormed) ; RARE, 1. Is Napoli, H. Salviani, 1566 THE FIRST ITALIAN EDITION. According to Barbieri, tke work was originally published in Latin in the same year. Riccardi gives no collation of the above edition, and had apparently seen no copy of it. 10497 D'ARITMETICA e GEOMETRIA ; with woodcut title containing the author's portrait, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 4to. old vellum (water-stained, and slightly wormed) ; RARE, 1. 55 [col. :] ibidem, Mattio Cancer, 1569 The above two works were quite unknown to Professor de Morgan, who has not even included the author's name in his List of 1580 authors of arithmetical works. The above edition was also unknown to Riccardi, nor was there a copy of either work in the Libri Library. 10498 LAPI (Giovanni Girolamo) LEZIONE ACCADEMICA intorno I'ORIGINE de' due LAGHI ALBANO e NEMORENSE; with vignette on title, 4to. (pp. 27), sewn, 2* Qd Roma, 1781 10499 LAPLACE (Pierre Simon Marquis de ; F.R.S.) ESSAI PHILOSOPHIQUE sur les PROBABILITES ; 2 e Edition, augmented, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 3s 1814 10500 EXPOSITION du SYSTEMS du Monde, 4 e Edition, revue et augmented par I'AUTEUR ; with fine portrait, ^to. unbound, 9s 1813 10501 MEME EDITION, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. russia (joints cracked), sQd 1813 This edition contains three chapters left out in the later ones, viz., Ue la stabilite de 1'equilibre des mers : Reflexions sur la loi de la pesanteur uni verselle ; de 1'attraction uioleculaire (pp. 52). 10502 CINQUIEME EDITION, revue et augmentee par I'AUTEUR, with fine portrait, 4to. sewn, 7s Qd 1824 Pp. 312-99 give a concise history of [astronomy, considered a masterpiece of French literature, which procured his ad- mission to the French Academy. The work also contains his celebrated nebular hypothesis. 'A very clear popular exposition of the laws of the celestial motions.' Prof. Simon Newcomb. 10503 The SYSTEM of the WORLD, translated by JOHN POND, F.R.S., 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 7s Qd 1809 10504 PRECIS de I'HISTOIRE de TASTRONOMIE, 2 e Edition, 8vo. sewn, 2s 1863 10505 THEORIE ANALYTIQUE des PROBABILITES, 2 e Edition, revue et augmented par I'AUTEUR ; avec 2 Supplements in 1 vol. 4to. hf calf (rubbed), Us 1814-18 10506 LA MEME, avec les 3 e ET 4 e SUPPLEMENTS in 1 vol. 4to. nice copy in hf. caff gilt, 1. Is 1814-25 'The introduction (pp. cvi) is an admirable and masterly exposition without the aid of* analytical formulae of the principles and applications of the science. One of the most important parts is the application of probability to the method of least squares.' Prof. Cajori. It also contains Laplace's theory of generating functions. 10507 TRAITE de MECANIQUE CELESTE [avec les 4 Supplements], premiere edition, 5 vols. 4to. oldhf. calf, uncut (some joints cracked) ; RARE, 2. 55 An VII [1798- ] 1825 10508 VOLUMES I-IV ONLY, with 2 Supplements, 4 vols. 4to. sewn, uncut, 17s Qd An F/7 [1798]-! 805 ' Selon M. A. Maury des fautes graves se sont glisse'es dans 1'impression de la nouvelle Edition, et laissent ainsi ;\, la premiere toute sa raret6 et tout son prix. 5 Biogr. Gin. 10509 LE MEME (Tomes 1 k III, 2 Ed., IV k V, premiere edition), avec tous les Supple- ments, 5 vols. 4to. hf. calf gilt, cl. sides (fine copy), 2. 5s 1829-5 10510 TREATISE upon ANALYTICAL MECHANICS: being the FIRST BOOK of the MECHANIQUE [sic] CELESTE, translated, with Notes, by JOHN TOPLIS, pr., Fellow of Queen's Coll., Cantab. folding plate, 8vo. boards, uncut (name torn off title), 4s Nottingham, 1814 10511 : [YOUNG (Thomas, M.D., F.R.S.)] ELEMENTARY ILLUSTRATIONS of the CELESTIAL MECHANICS of LAPLACE, PART I (all pub.), comprehending the FIRST BOOK, ivith numerous diagrams, 8vo. boards, uncut, 5s Qd 1821, or '32 Including original contributions on the motion and cohesion of fluids, and on 'interpolation and extermination. 1 10512 LA PRISE (R. Qervais de) METHODS NOUVELLE et GENRALE pour tracer facilement des CADRANS SOLAIRES sur toutes SURFACES PLANES, en Situation quelconque, sans Calcul ni embarras d'Instrumens, par un seul Probleme Geometrique. PRINCIPES et USAGE du COMPUT et de 1'ART de VERIFIER les DATES ; with 24 folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, contemporary French calf gilt (rare), 1. Is Caen, \7Sl-Bayeux, 1780 10513 LAPWOBTH (Charles, F.R.S.) INTERMEDIATE TEXT-BOOK of GEOLOGY, with 174 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 5*) Edin., 1899 524 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10515 LA PORTE ( de, lemur de livres de comptes) La SCIENCE des NEGOCIANS et TENEURS de LIVRES, ou Instruction gene"rale pour tous ce qui se pratique dans les Comptoirs des N6gocians, tant pour les Affaires de Banque, que pour les Marchandises, et chez les Financiers pour les Comptes ; nouvelle Edition, revue, et corrig^e avec la derniere Exactitude, et augmentee d'un Traite des Changes Etrangers, etc. etc. etc., thick oblong 12mo. sewn, uncut (RARE), 15s Amsterdam, an VII [1799] This edition was unknown to Mr. R. Brown (' History of Accounting '). 10516 LARDEN (W.) ELECTRICITY for PUBLIC SCHOOLS and COLLEGES, new Edition, with illus- trations, cr. Svo. cl., 2s (p. 6*) 1891 10517 LARDNER (Dionysius,pr., F.R.S.; Thackeray's ' Dionysius Diddler ' ) ALGEBRA : GEOMETRIC- AL ANALYSIS, with plate : Barlow (Peter, F.R.S.) THEORY of NUMBERS : Airy (Sir George Biddle, F.RS.) TRIGONOMETRY, 2 plates (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana), in 1 vol. 4to. hf. cl. t 4s 10518 The ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH POPULARIZED, with 100 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s [1878] 10519 ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, Svo. (pp. 555), boards, or, cl., 3s 1825 10520 The GREAT EXHIBITION, and London in 1851, reviewed in Letters to the Times, with woodcuts, thick post Svo. cl., 3s 1852 Including photography (pp. 26-43), the electric telegraph (pp. 65-118), railways (pp. 1S2-2S6), etc. etc. It was the gay and reverend scientist's first publication after his seduction of the wife of Captain Richard Heaviside, for which the latter got damages of 8000. 10521 HAND-BOOK of ASTRONOMY, 3rd Edition, revised Ly EDWIN DUNK.IN, F.R.A.S., with numerous plates and woodcuts, thick post Svo. cl., 4s 1S67 10522 HAND-BOOK of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY: ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM and ACOUSTICS, with 395 woodcuts, post Svo. cl., 2s 1856 10523 NEW EDITION, by G. C. FOSTER, F.R.S. , with 400 woodcuts, post Svo. cl., 2s Qd 1868 or '74 10524 : MECHANICS, with 357 woodcuts, post Svo. cl., Is Qd 1863 10525 : OPTICS, with 290 woodcuts, cr. Svo. cl., 2s 1856 10526 and ASTRONOMY, THIRD COURSE : METEOROLOGY and ASTRONOMY, with 37 plates (one folding), and over 200 woodcuts, thick post Svo. cl., 3s Qd 10527 POPULAR ASTRONOMY, with 119 woodcuts, fcap. Svo. hf. brown calf neat, 3s 1856 10528 POPULAR ESSAYS on SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS, with various Essays on Industrial Subjects by C. DUPIN, M. CHLVALIER, etc. etc., with woodcuts, thick post Svo. cl. (cover slightly damaged), 3s Qd [1*52] 10529 - RUDIMENTARY TREATISE on the STEAM ENGINE, for the Use of Beginners, first edition, with steel front, and woodcuts, fcap. Svo. cl., 3s 1848 10530 The STEAM ENGINE familiarly explained and illustrated, with its Invention and Pro- gressive Improvement, and its Application to Navigation and Railways, 6th Edition, enlarged, with front, of Watt, vignette, and 12 steel plates, besides woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 4s 1836 This edition contains a full account of railways, and ' plain maxims for railway speculators,' which perhaps led to the downfall of Jeames de la Pluche. 10531 SEVENTH [BEST] EDITION, enlarged and rewritten, with Memoir of Watt, with front. and 138 pretty woodcuts, Svo. cl., or, hf. calf, 5s 1840 10532 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf gilt (nice copy), with auto, of George Eennie, F.R.S., 6s Qd 10533 EIGHTH EDITION, revised and improved, with front, and 108 woodcuts, post Svo. cl., 4s 1851 10534 RAILWAY ECONOMY : a Treatise on the NEW ART of TRANSPORT, its Management, Prospects and Relations, Commercial, Financial and Social, with the practical Results of the Railways in Operation in the United Kingdom, on the Continent and in America, with woodcuts, thick post Svo. cl., 4s 1850 10535 TREATISE on ARITHMETIC, Theoretical and Practical, with vignette by Finden, 12mo. cl.,3s J834 10536 TREATISE on HEAT, with vignette by Finden, and woodcuts, 12mo. cl., 2s Qd 1833 . 10537 TREATISE on HYDROSTATICS and PNEUMATICS, vignette and woodcuts, 12mo. cl.,2s Qd 1831 The Reverend Doctor Lardner was a pushful person who knew how to make use of the knowledge-hunger of his time, and impressed Thackeray as a literary quack who advertised his cyclopaedia at dinner-parties. He followed up his elopement with a lecturing tour in the United States and Cuba which brought him in 40,000., and then settled in 1'aris. He was a man of great and versatile ability, master of a lucid style, and as a populariser of science did excellent work.' D. N. B. 10538 LA RIVE (Auguste Arthur de ; F.R.S.) DISSERTATION sur la Partie de 1'Optique qui trail e des COURBES dites CAUSTIQUES ; with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 97), sewn, with author's inscr. (as below), 5s Qd Geneve, 1823 'Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget [M.D., F.R.S.] from the author.' Inscr. on cover. 10539 ANOTHER COPY, hf. cl., 5s The author's first publication, and the first monograph on caustics in which the calculus is employed in their treatment. 10540 FURTHER RESEARCHES on the AURORA BOREALES, and the Phenomena which attend them, Svo. (pp. 8), sewn, 2s 1862 10541 TRAITE d'ELECTRiciTE THEORIQUE et APPLIQUEE ; with 447 woodcuts, 3 vols. Svo. hf. green calf gilt, 12s Qd 1854-8 30542 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, 7* Qd 10543 TREATISE on ELECTRICITY in THEORY and PRACTICE, translated by CHARLES V. WALKER, F.R.S., with numerous woodcuts, 3 thick vols. Svo. cl. (scarce), 15s 1853-8 This still valuable work contains in a collected form all the author's important discoveries and investigations (e.g. on the electric arc, simultaneously with Sir Humphry Davy, polarized electricity, his theory of diamagnetic phenomena, etc. etc.). De la Rive was one of the founders of the electro-chemical theory of galvanism, which, slightly modified, was accepted by Faraday ; he was also the inventor of the first gold-plating process, for which he received a prize of 3000 francs from the Paris Academy. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 110, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 525 10545 LARKIN (James) The PRACTICAL BRASS and IRON FOUNDER'S GUIDE : a Concise Treatise on Brass Founding, Moulding, the Metals, and their Alloys, with recent Improvements in the Manufacture of Iron and Steel by the Bessemer Process, etc. etc., 5th Edition, with extensive Additions, cr. 8vo. Tif. green morocco, 4s (p. 12s 60? in cl.) Philadelphia, 1887 10546 LABKIN (N. J., teacher of crystallography and mathematics} INTRODUCTION to SOLID GEOMETRY, and to the STUDY of CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, containing an Investigation of some of the Properties belonging to the PLATONIC BODIES independent of the Sphere [with Appendix by P. M. ROGET, M.D., F.R.S.], with 4 folding plates by Lowry, 8vo. boards, 4s 1820 10547 [LABNACH (W. J. M.)] HANDBOOK of NEW ZEALAND MINES ; I. Gold, Silver, Copper, and Antimony Mining, etc. ; II. Coal Deposits and Coal Mining ; Appendix : School of Mines, principal Forest-Trees, Building-Materials, Mineral Waters, Mineral Leases, etc., with 3 folding maps, and 24 plates, 8vo. (pp. 514), cl., 6s Wellington, N.Z., 1887 10548 LA BUE (Warren de, F.R.S.), AUXILIARY TABLES for DETERMINING the ANGLE of POSITION of the SUN'S Axis and the Latitude and Longitude of the Earth, referred to the Sun's Equator, 4to. (pp. 20), sewn, 3s Qd privately printed, 1875 10549 REPORT of CELESTIAL PHOTOGRAPHY in ENGLAND, with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 23), seion, 2s M 1860 'To Warren de la Rue belongs the honour of having obtained the earliest results of substantial value in celestial photo- graphy.' Miss Agnes M. Ckrke. 10550 , Hugo W. MtiLLER, F.R.S., and William SPOTTISWOODE, P.R.S. : EXPERIMENTS to ascertain the Cause of STRATIFICATION in ELECTRICAL DISCHARGES in VACUO, with 4 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, 2s 1875 10551 LASAULX (A. v.) Uber ein DEMONSTRATIONSPOLARISCOP ; with 2 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is 6d [Stuttgart,] 1878 10552 LASSAB-COHN (Dr., Konigsberg) CHEMISTRY in DAILY LIFE : Popular Lectures, translated by M. M. PATTISON MUIR, 3rd Edition, with 22 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 6s) 1905 10553 FOURTH EDITION, with 25 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s 1909 10554 LASSELL (William, F.R.S.) OBSERVATIONS of PLANETS and NEBULAE at MALTA ; MISCELL- ANEOUS OBSERVATIONS with the Four- Foot Equatoreal at Malta ; CATALOGUE of NEW NEBULAE discovered at Malta with the Four- Foot Equatoreal, 1863-5, with 10 plates, 4to. (pp. 77), sewn, (one plate missing], 3s 6d 1867 10555 LATHAM (Baldwin, M.I.C.E.) SANITARY ENGINEERING : a Guide to the Construction of Woiks of SEWERAGE and HOUSE DRAINAGE, with Tables for facilitating the Calculations of the Engineer, 21 plates (linen-mounted), and 112 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf, or, hf. morocco (title stamped) ; scarce, 10s 6d (p. 1.10) 1875 10556 ANOTHER COPY, cl., 12* 10557 SECOND [LATEST] EDITION [greatly enlarged], with 23 folding plates, and \G wood cuts, thick 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 1. 5s 1878 10558 ANOTHER COPY, with the plates linen-mounted, thick 8vo. hf. calf gilt, as good as new (title stamped), 1. 5s Still a standard work on the subject, the result primarily of the author's drainage of Croydon, and the first treating. wholly on sewerage. It is now out of print and scarce. 10559 LATHAM (Frank, M.I.C.E.) The CONSTRUCTION of ROADS, PATHS, and SEA DEFENCES, with Private Street Repairs, Specification Clauses, Prices for Estimating, and Engineer's Replies to Queries, 3 folding plates in pocket, and 57 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s 60? (p. 7s 6d nett) 190& 10560 The SANITATION of DOMESTIC DWELLINGS, with Introduction by BALDWIN LATHAM, M.I C.E., with 98 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s [IS98] 10561 LATHAM (John Herbert, C.E.) The CONSTRUCTION of WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES : em- bracing the Practical Application of the Principles of Mechanics to Wrought Iron Girder VVoik, with Q folding plates, and woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd Cambridge, 1858 10562 ANOTHER COPY, cl., with auto, letter and inscr. to Col. J. T. Smith, F.R.S. , 3s 10563 LATJ&HTON (Sir John Knox, R.N., F.R.MET.SOC. ; naval historian) INTRODUCTION to the PRACTICAL and THEORETICAL STUDY of NAUTICAL SURVEYING, with 33 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) 1872 10564 LATJNDY (Samuel Linn) TABLE of QUARTER-SQUARES of all INTEGER NUMBERS up to 100,000, by which the Product of Two Factors may be found by Addition and Subtraction alone [with Introduction], sq. roy. 8vo. cl., Is Qd (p. 1. Is) 1856 Based on the formula ( a + b)2 . < a " b) ' 2 = ab. 4 4 10565 LAUREMBERG (Johann Wilhelm) ARITHMETICA, peculiaribus Observationibus et Exemplis Historicis illustrata, itidem ALGEBRA PRINCIPIA, in Regi& Academic Soran& proposita ; with diagrams, sm. 4to. fine copy in contemporary white vellum (back damaged) ; RARE, 1. }s Sorce, H. Crusius, 1643 ' A curious work, containing the solutions of numerous algebraic problems, some indeterminate. The Arabic origin of the word algebra is here derived from ' its inventor Al-Geber ', and w note as a curious fact that the Arabic characters used to express the different powers given in this work, are in perfect accordance with the modern European notation.' Libri Catalogue. ' A book which uses the Italian method of division is a rarity among German books of this period. The examples are drawn from historical matters, and from the military art.' Prof, de Morgan. 10566 LAUSANNE (Societe des Sciences Physiques de), MEMOIRES de la, Tome I er ; with folding plates, 4to. sewn, 5s Qd Lausanne, 1784 Containing contributions by Samuel Jean Francois, Gregor Count Razumofski, Jean Louis Antoine Reynier, Heiurich. Struve, and Francois Verdeil. 526 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10568 LATJRANCE (Lionel) GENERAL and PRACTICAL OPTICS, with 307 diagrams, roy. Svo. cl., 4s Qd 1908 'Treating more completely those subjects which are intimately connected with spectacle work'. Preface. 10569 LAUREMBERG (Peter, Univ. Rostock) INSTITUTIONES ARITHMETICS in quibus Accurrata|>V] Methodo et facili Compendio, non tantum vulgarium Numerorura et Minutiarum Astronomicarum Ratio, sed etiam Doctrina Proportionum et subtilissima Algebne Fundamenta . . . explicantnv ; accessit Appendix de Aritbiuetica per Cercinurn Proportion alera compendiose demonstranda, Hamburgi, 1636: STRt)BI (Heinrich) ARITHMETICA : ein new kiinstlich Rechenbuch niit der Zipher darifi die Aafang vii Grand der Rechenkunst | im Gantzen und Gebrocbnen | auflfc klarlichest unnd verstandtlichest dargethon sind . . . Nun . . . auff's newe iibersehen | an vilen Orten verbessert | gemehret j . . . dergleichen vormals in Teutscher sprach nie gesehen worden [durcb CASPAR RUTLINGER], Ziirych, bey Johanns Woljfen, 1599 2 vols. 18rno. in 1, old white, vellum (title and a few II. of the second work very slightly mended, otherwise SOUND COPIES) ; very rare. 5. 5s 1636-1599 Two very rare works, especially the second, which is quite unknown to bibliographers (including Poggendorff, Kastner. and Prof. Moritz Cantor), the only reference to it being in Professor de Morgan's ' List of 1580 Names of Authors, etc. of Works on Arithmetic', where the author's name is quoted (without further particulars) as Strubius. It is probably the first work on Arithmetic in German printed in Switzerland. 10570 LAURENCE (John Z., F.R.C.S.) OBSERVATIONS on tbe SENSIBILITY of the EYE to COLOUR, Svo. (pp. 8). fewn. Is Qd Glasgow, 1861 10571 LAURENT (Auguste, de VInstitut) METHODS de CHIMIE, Svo. sewn, uncut (2 II. torn and defective] ; SCARCE, JOs Qd 1854 10572 CHEMICAL METHOD, NOTATION, CLASSIFICATION, and NOMENCLATURE, translated by WILLIAM ODLING, F.R.S., 8vo. cL, uncut, t. e. g. t 7s Cavendish Soc., 1855 Containing the author's substitution theory. He was the first to distinguish clearly between the definitions of molecular, atomic, and equivalent weights, and to point out that the substitution of hydrogen for chlorine does not materially alter the properties and structure of a chemical compound an axiom forming the basis of the substitution theory. 10573 THEORIE des RADICAUX DERIVES et MEMOIRES sur les SERIES NAPHTHALIQUE et STILBIQUE ; with diagrams, Svo. sewn, with auto, of Nevil Story Ma&kelyne, F.R.S. (scarce), 7s Qd [1843] The author was the first to investigate the properties of naphthaline and the compounds derived from it. 10574 LAURENT (Hermann) THEORIE ELEMENTAIRE des FONCTIONS ELLIPTIQUES; with 14 diagrams, Svo. hf. calf, with auto, and bookplate of Prof . Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 2s Qd 10575 TRAITE du CALCUL des PROBABILITES, Svo. boards (scarce), 12s 1873 ' Le present traite peut etre cpnsidere comme une veritable introduction au traite de Laplace' . Preface. It includes a ' Liste des principaux Ouvrages ou Me"moires publics sur le Calcul des Probability ' (pp. 14). 10576 LAURIE (Arthur Pillans, Principal Heriot-Watt College) The ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE of IODINE CONCENTRATION CELLS in Water and Alcohol, with 2 illustrations, roy. Svo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Edin., 1908 10577 LA WES (Sir John Bennet, F.R.S., of Rothamsted ; pioneer of artificial manures) On the CHEMISTRY of FEEDING ANIMALS for the PRODUCTION of MEAT and MANURE, Svo. (pp. 21), sewn, 2s Dublin, 1864 10578 , and Sir Joseph Henry GILBERT, F.R.S. : On AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, especially in Relation to the MINERAL THEORY of BARON LIEBIG, with 2 coloured folding tables, Svo. (pp. 41), sewn, 3s Qd 1851 V. LIEBIG, No. 10846, post. 10579 DETERMINATIONS of NITROGEN in the SOILS of some of the Experimental Fields at ROTHAMSTED, and the Bearing of the Results on the Question of the SOURCES of the NITROGEN of our CROPS, Svo. (pp. 60), sewn, 2s Qd 10380 EXPERIMENTS on ENSILAGE, conducted at ROTHAMSTED, Svo. (pp. 58), sewn,2s 1886 The method of preserving wet cut grass, which has come to the front again during the wet summer of Ii>l5i. 10581 EXPERIMENTS on the MIXED HERBAGE of PERMANENT GRASS-LAND, conducted for many Years in Succession on the same Land, PART III : CHEMICAL RESULTS, Section I, with 2 folding tables, roy. 4to. (pp. 72), sewn, 3s 1900 10582 The GROWTH of SUGAR BEET, and the MANUFACTURE of SUGAR in the UNITED KINGDOM, 8vo. sewn, 2s 1898 10583 REPLY to BARON LIEBIG'S ' PRINCIPLES of AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY ', with coloured folding plate, Svo. (pp. 90), sewn, with auto, and MS. notes of Prof. Story Ma&kelyne, F. R. S. (scarce) ,' 6s Qd 1 855 10584 , and Robert WARINGTON, F.R.S. : NEW DETERMINATION^ of AMMONIA, CHLORINE, and SULPHURIC ACID, in the RAIN-WATER collected at ROTHAMSTED, Svo. (pp. 21), sewn, \s Qd 1883 10585 The NITROGEN as NITRIC ACID, in the SOILS and SUBSOILS of some of the Fields at ROTHAMSTED, Svo. (pp. 39), sewn, 2s 1883 Sir John Bennet Lawes was a character of very unusual type an Etonian and a country squire of long descent who was born both a chemist and a great man of business, turned his endowments to the creation of a great private fortune, and spent the whole of that fortune in experiments for the benefit of the community. Though his great services were not unrecognised in his lifetime he is far from being remembered as the very remarkable man he was, and is one more illustration of the exceptional men of the Nineteenth Century in England being so many, that nearly half of them escape notice in the crowd of their fellows. 10586 LAWLER (James J.) AMERICAN SANITARY PLUMBING: a Practical Work on the Best Methods of Modern Plumbing, etc., with 123 illustrations (including folding plates), Svo. cl., 4s (p. 10s Qd) New York [1896] 10587 LEACH (Frederick Peacock) LIMONENE NITROSOCYANIDES and their DERIVATIVES, Svo. (pp. 15), sewn, Is 1905 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C , AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 527 10389 L A VOISIEB (Antoine Laurent; F.R.S. ; beheaded under the Terror^) ESSAYS, of the EFFECTS produced by various PROCESSES on ATMOSPHERIC AIR ; with a particular View to an Investigation of the CONSTITUTION of the ACIDS, translated by THOMAS HENRY, F.R.S., 8v . seivn (rare), 12s Qd Warrington, 1783 With interesting preface by the translator (pp. 13) on the phlogiston controversy between Dr. Priestley and Lavoisier then raging. 10590 : METHODS de NOMENCLATURE CHIMIQUE, proposee par MM. DE MORVEAU, LAVOISIER, BERTHOLET [sic], et DE FOURCROY; on y a joint un NOUVEAU SYSTEME de CARACTERES CHIMIQUES, adaptes a cette Nomenclature, par HASSENFRATZ et ADET, premiere edition ; with, 1 folding tables, 8vo. old calf gilt (VERY RARE), 1. 10s 1787 10591 THE SAME, original wrappers (one missing], uncut, 1. 8s 60? 10592 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary hf. calf, with Calgarth Park booklabel of Richard Watson, F.R.S. , absentee Bp. of Llanda/, 1. lls Qd FIRST EDITION of this important work, first propounding the principles of the chemical nomenclature now in use. 'The reform of language effected by Lavoisier was an indispensable prelude to the reform of [an ti- phlogistic] thought. The new terminology prevailed without change for 50 years, and has been fitted, by trifling modifications, to meet the exigencies of recent progress.' Ency. Brit. 10593 METHOD of CHYMICAL NOMENCLATURE, proposed by Messrs. DE MORVEAU, LAVOISIER, BERTHOLET [sic], and DE FOURCROY, with a New System of Chymical Characters, adapted to the Nomenclature by Mess. HASSENFRATZ and ADET* translated, and the New Chymical Names adapted to the Genius of the English Language, by JAMES ST. JOHN, M.D., with 7 folding tables, 8vo. old calf gilt (RARE), 1. 10s 1788 ' In this work all substances are divided into elements and compounds . . . Compounds were classified as binary and ternary, and these designations were in great part retained later on, although it was found necessary to extend their meaning as chemistry developed. To the binary compounds belonged the acids . . . and the oxygen compounds of the metals, which, as bases, were placed opposite the acids . . . The principal ternary compounds were the salts, produced by the combination of bases with acids . . . The advance which is shown by this classification of chemical compounds is very great. In place of false assumptions and designations devoid of any system, we find a correct idea of the qualitative composition of substances, and a rational nomenclature according with it.' Pro/. E. v. Meyer. Bound up with the above is : ' The New Chemical Nomenclature, selected from the most Distinguished Modern Writers on Chemistry, by C. PYK, Chemist,' 1802. The English translation contains an interesting preface by the Editor. 10594 OPUSCULES PHYSIQUES et CHIMIQUES, 2 e Edition [augmentee] ; with 3 plates, 8vo. extra boards, uncut (fine copy] ; rare, 12s Qd 1801 ' Get ouvrage, a 1'exception des tables, fut iiriprime pendant la detention du citoyen Lavoisier '.Avis au Iccteur. In this work Lavoisier first publishes his investigations into the nature and properties of gases, in connexion with numerous experiments, and lays the basis of his anti-phlogistic theory. 10595 ESSAYS PHYSICAL and CHEMICAL, VOL. I (all pub.), translated, with Notes and Appendix, by THOMAS HENRY, F.R.S., with 3 folding copperplates, 8vo. FINE COPY in contemporary calf extra, with booklabel of Richard Watson, F.R.S., absentee Bp. of Llandaff(RARV), 1. Is 1776 10596 ANOTHER COPY, also : ESSAYS on the EFFECTS produced by VARIOUS PROCESSES on ATMOSPHERIC AIR, with a Particular View to an Investigation of the Constitution of the Acids, translated by THOMAS HENRY, F.R.S. 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, old hf. calf (one joint cracked, and a few II. stained or spotted] ; RARE, 1. 10s 1776- Warrington, '83 The English translation of the Opuscules physiques et chimiques. 10"97 PHYSIKALISCH-CHEMISCHE SCHRIFTEN gesammlet [sic] und ubersezt, mit Anmerkungen, von C. E. v. WEIGEL; BAND III ; with 2 folding plates, and tables, sm. 8\o.sewn,5s Greifavald,\l%5 , The German translation of the Op-uscules physiques et chimiques. 10598 TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE de CHIMIE, pr&ente dans un Ordre nouveau et d'apres les Decouvertes modernes, premiere edition; with 13 folding copperplates, and 2 tables, 2 vols. 8vo. original paper covers, uncut (very rare), 4. 4s chez Cuchet, 1789 THE EXCESSIVELY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION of one of the most important works in the history of chemistry- The collected edition published by the French Government (v. No. 2489 ante) only gives the text of the second edition, published in the same year. 10599 SECONDE [TROISIEME] EDITION ; with 13 folding copperplates, and 2 tables, 2 vols. 8vo. sewn, uncut (RARE), 1. 10s apud eundem, 1793 10600 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary hf. calf (sound copy], 1. 12s Qd 10601 ELEMENTS of CHEMISTRY, in a New Scientific Order, containing all the Modern Discov- eries, translated by ROBERT KERR, F.R.S.E., first English edition, with 13 folding copperplates and 2 tables, thick 8vo. old hf. calf (binding rubbed, but a very sound copy] ; RARE, 2. 2s Edin. , 1790 First edition of the English translation of the Traite elementaire. ' Some very material additions have been made by the translator in this edition, relative to certain discoveries in chemistry since the publication of the original.' Preface. 10602 SECOND EDITION, with Notes, Tables, and considerable Additions, with 13 folding plates, and 2 tables, thick Svo.fine copy in old calf gilt (RARE), 1. 10s ibidem, 1793 10603 THIRD EDITION, with 13 folding 'plates, and 2 tables, 8vo. cl., 1. Is ib., 1796 This edition contains an interesting postscript to the 'Advertisement', referring to Lavoisier's execution during the Terror. 10604 FOURTH EDITION, with 13 folding plates, and 2 tables, 8vo. old hf. calf, 18s Qd ib., 1799 10605 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary tree-calf (fine copy), 1. Is ' In his Traite eUmeniaire de Chimie he gave a summary of the most important facts of chemistry, and explained them in accordance with the antiphlogistic theory, which thus received its first text-book ; by means of translations of this book the new doctrine was materially propagated.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 10606 : BIBLIOTHEQUE du CHIMISTE, publiee par M. LONGCHAMP, TOME VII: EPOQUE PNEUMATIQUE ; with 2 folding plates, thick 8vo. sewn (scarce), 10s Qd 1834 Containing reprints of Lavoisier's '' Opuscules Physiques et Chimiques', and ' Decomposition de 1'Air Atmospherique ', also of Essai d'Experiences Chimiques', by PIERRE BAYEN. 'Essais XVI et XXVI de JEAN KEY,' etc. etc., and a Life of Bayen by the Editor. 10607 LEANING (J.) QUANTITY SURVEYING ; 2nd Edition, with 54 woodcuts, cr. 8vo.cZ., 3s (p. 9s) 1886 10608 LEAPER (Clement Joseph, F.C.S.) MATERIA PHOTOGRAPHICA : the Manufacture, Properties and Uses of the Substances employed in Photography, ivoodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl , 3s (p. 5s nett) 1891 528 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10610 LAW (Henry, M.I.C.E.), and George Rowdon BTJRNELL, C.E. : The RUDIMENTS of CIVIL ENGINEERING, including HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, with plates and numerous woodcuts, 4 v. : Olynn (Joseph, F.R.S.) RUDIMENTARY TREATISE on the POWER of WATER, 49 woodcuts vols. fcap. 8vo. in 1, hf. morocco gilt, with auto, of Prof . Hilary Bauerman, 5s 1852 & Pp. 16-69 of v. II comprise' Rail way Engineering. 10611 - PARTS I AND II (CiviL ENGINEERING) ONLY, with plates, and numerous woodcuts, 2 parts, 1852 : RUDIMENTS of the ART of CONSTRUCTING and REPAIRING COMMON ROADS, with General Survey of the principal Metropolitan Roads by S. HUGHES, with 21 woodcuts, '50 : Dempsey (O. Drysdale, C.E.) TUBULAR and other IRON GIRDER BRIDGES, particularly the BRITANNIA and CONWAY TUBULAR BRIDGES, with front, and 41 woodcuts, '504 vols. fcap. 8_vo. in 1, hf. morocco, 5s 1850-2 10612 SEVENTH [LAST] EDITION of the Rudiments,' with large Additions by D. KINNEAR CLARK, M.I.C.E., and TREATISE on HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING by GEORGE ROWDON BURNELL, M.T.C.E., with front, and 322 illustrations, thick fcap. 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1882 10613 LAWN (James Gunson, A.M.I.C.E.) MINE ACCOUNTS and MINING BOOK-KEEPING, 3rd Edition, roy. 8vo. cl. t 5s (p. 10* Qd) 1904 ' It seems impossible to suggest how this book could be made more complete or more valuable.' Accountants* Magazine. 10614 LAWSON (Henry, F.R.S.) A Few OBSERVATIONS on the NEW PLANET [NEPTUNE], and the Circumstances connected with its Discovery, with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 4), sewn, ivith inscr. to Prof. Story Maskdyne, F.R.S., 3s Qd 1847 10615 PAPER on the ARRANGEMENT of an OBSERVATORY for PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY and METEOROLOGY, with 5 folding plates, impl. 8vo. (pp. 20), cl., with inscr. to Prof. N. Story Maskelyne, F.R.S. (scarce), 10s Qd [privately printed, Bath], 1844 Describing his invention of the observing chair ' Reclinea' and a new thermometer stand, for which he was awarded a silver medal by the Society of Arts. 10616 LAWSON (John; Sidney Sussex Coll., Cantab. ; Rector of Swanscombe] SYNOPSIS of all the DATA for the CONSTRUCTION of TRIANGLES, from which Geometrical Solutions have hitherto been in Print, with Reference to the Authors where those Solutions are to be found, 4to. (pp. 24), sewn, 5s Rochester, 1773 10617 LAWTON (J.) A DESCRIPTION of LAWTON'S PATENT LOCK, which has been proved to be SECURE AGAINST FALSE KEYS and PICKS of every Description; also a few familiar Hints respecting the Necessity of using secure Locks, with 2 folding plates, roy. 8vo. sewn (scarce], 10* Qd 1825 This should have been a very fair lock, as it anticipated the lever lock in having three tumblers which had to be raised exactly to the right height ; while it added the principle of a curtain which advanced and covered the keyhole while the key and bolt were in motion. It remained unpicked for seven years under the stimulus of a hundred pounds' reward, and earned the compliment of a prisoner in Ilchester gaol who was invited to give an exhibition on it before the County Magistrates : ' It is one of them damned curtain locks if it had not been for them I should not have been here now ! ' 10618 LAYBIZ (Lt.-Col. Otfried, German Army) MECHANICAL TRACTION in WAR for ROAD TRANSPORT, with Notes on AUTOMOBILES generally, trans, by ROBERT BRIGHT MARSTON, with numerous plates, roy. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1900 Including interesting chapters on the history of the subject. 10619 [LEA (W.)] PROBLEMS in some of the HIGHER BRANCHES of ALGEBRA, 4to. (pp. 57), sewn, 6s Qd 1807 The author claims to have 'deduced a general theorem for solving biquadratic equations. 1 10620 TREATISE on the RESOLUTION of the HIGHER EQUATIONS in ALGEBRA, 4to. (pp. 48), sewn, 5s Qd 1811 ' My chief design in the present work is to reduce to one several of the various and apparently independent methods, which have at different times been proposed to resolve equations.' Preface. 10621 LEA (William) TABLES of the STRENGTH and DEFLEXION of TIMBER, with front, and 9 diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 105 Qd) 1850 10622 LEADBETTER (Charles ; gauger in the Excise] The ROYAL GAUGER ; or GAUGING made PERFECTLY EASY, as practised by the Officers of Excise, containing the Practical Methods of finding the Areas, etc. etc., performed by the Pen and SLIDING RULE, etc. etc., to which is added Cask-Gauging, etc. as practised in the Port of London ; 6th Edition, augmented and improved by SAMUEL CLARK, with plate of sliding rule, and 6 other folding plates on copper, 8vo. old calf, newly rebacked (partly water-stained], Is Qd 10623 SEVENTH EDITION, with 1 folding plates, 8vo. old sheep, Is Qd 1776 10624 URANOSCOPIA : or, the Contemplation of the Heavens : a Demonstration of the Equation of Time, with the Method of observing Solar Ingresses into any Point of the Ecliptic, etc. etc. etc., with numerous diagrams, 8vo. old calf, 4s 1735 ' Leadbetter was one of the first commentators on Newton, and his writings were useful in their time.' D.N.B. 10625 LEASES of CATHEDRAL-CHURCHES and COLLEGES, TABLES for RENEWING and PURCHASING of the : according to several Rates of Interest, with their Construction and Use explain'd, also Tables for Renewing and Purchasing of Lives, etc. etc. ; 5th Edition, 8vo. (pp. 72), sewn, 5s 1735 The sinecurist's guide in seeking after leasing. The above pamphlet was unknown to Watt. 10626 LEATHEM (John Gaston, St. John's College, Cantab.) VOLUME and SURFACE INTEGRALS used in PHYSICS, 8vo. sewn, Is Qd (p. 2s Qd nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1905 10627 LEBESGUE (V. A.) THEOREMES NOUVEAUX sur 1'EQUATION Inde'termine'e x 5 + y 5 = az 5 , 4to. (pp. 22). sewn, 2s 1843 10628 LE BLANC (Max, Univ. Leipzig) TEXT-BOOK of ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY, translated from the 4th German Edition by W. R. WHITNEY and J. W. BROWN, with 51 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., Qs Qd (p. 10s Qd nett) 1907 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 529 10330 LAZESIO, 6 LAZISIO^(Francesco Feliciano da, Veronese) : LIBRO de ABACO nouamente composto per magistro FRACESCO DALA ZESIO Veronese elquale insegna afare molte Rasone merchantile & come respotlano li Preci & Monete novamete stapato ; with fine woodcut on title and another large woodcut, 12mo. boards, uncut (slightly water-stained, and with one small wormhole, otherwise A VERY SOUND AND UNCUT COPY) ; excessively rare, 12. 12s [col. :] Venetia, per Nicolo Zopino e Vincentio suo compagno, 1518 The excessively rare first edition of the work which, according to Riccardi, was reprinted in 1519, 152 I, and 1532. ' Rarissimo opuscoletto." Riccardi. 10631 LIBRO di ARITHMETICA e GEOMETRIA, SPECULATIUA e PRATICALE, intitulato SCALA GRAMALDELLT : nouamente stampato ; with numerous woodcuts and diagrams on margin, sm. 4to. old parchment cover (hole burnt into blank bottom margin, and a few II. water -stained* otherwise a FINE COPY) ; VERY RARE, 3. 155 [col. :] ibidem, A. Bindoni e M. Pasini, 1527 10632 ANOTHER COPY, boards (some II. slightly stained and last I. partly mounted, but a very large and sound copy], 4. 45 The very rare first edition of the Libro di Arithmetica in spite of the nouamente stampato mentioned on title. ' Rarissima e questa prima edizione e poco conosciuta.' Riccardi. 10633 ALTRA EDIZIONE, nouamente stampata ; with title within woodcut border, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams on margins, sm. 4to. contemporary limp vellum (back of binding damaged, and a number of II. browned), 2. 55 [col. :] ibidem, apud eosdem, 1545 10634 ANOTHER COPY, Italian white vellum (some II. mended, otherwise a SOUND AND CLEAN COPY), 2. 105 SECOND EDITION of the above work, and almost equally rare with the first, of which it is a reprint. 10335 NUOVA EDIZIONE; with title within wwdcut border, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams on margins, sm. 4to. boards (slight tear in title, but a SOUND AND CLEAN COPY), 1. 55 [col. :] ib., Francesco de Leno, 1561 10636 ALTRA EDIZIONE, ristampata, with title within woodcut border, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams on margins, sm. ^io.fine copy in contemporary limp vellum, 1. \Qs [col.:] ib., apud eundem, 1563 10337 L'ARITHMETICA e GEOMETRIA SPECULATIVA et PRATICALE, nuovamente posta in Luce. Opera molto utile et necessaria k Mercanti et a tutti i Nobili et Suegliati Ingegni ; with vignette on title, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams on margins, sm. 4to. old hf. vellum (a few II. water- stained, otherwise a fine copy], 1. 105 ib., Simon Rocca, 1570 ' Raro.' Riccardi. It is a reprint of the Libro di Arithmetica, with a different title. 10838 SCALA GRIMALDELLI : Libro di Aritmetica et Geometria Speculativa et Pratticale, di nuova ristampato, et da molti Errori corretto, et accresciuto di molte Cose da FILIPPO MACARIO Veronese, con la Gionta della REGOLA del CATAIN del medesimo ; with numerous woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 4to. contemporary limp vellum (binding wormed, but a large and sound copy), 1. 55 Verona, 1602 Another reprint of the foregoing work with a new title. It is the first edition with the above title, and wa's unknown to Riccardi, who only mentions the edition of 1629. 10639 NUOVA EDIZIONE ; with numerous woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 4to. large and sound copy in old vellum, 1. 15 Padova, 1629 All editions of this once popular work are new rare, and neither M. Libri nor Professor de Morgan owned copies of any edition. The latter moreover mentions the author's name in his 'List of 1580 Names of Authors, etc. of Works on Arithmetic ' only on the authority of Dean Peacock. According to G. Rossi, the author was the first to mention the quadrant (il squadro) as an instrument used in surveying, which he states had been in use already towards the end of the XVth Century. The author's real name was FRANCESCO FELICIANO, as given on the title of the later editions, but he is chiefly known to biographers as Lazesio. 10640 LE BLANC (V. ; son of the inventor of the Leblanc soda process) Clioix de MODELES applique's a I'ENSEIGNEMENT du DfiSSiN des MACHINES, avec un Texte descriptif ; with Atlas, containing fiQ fine folding plates (one coloured), 2 vols. 4to. in 1, hf. calf, with auto, of George Rennie,F.R.S., 85 6d 1830 10641 LE BLOND (Guillaume) ELEMENS de FORTIFICATION ; 4 e Edition, augmentee ; with 19 folding plates, 12mo. old calf gilt (joints rubbed), '3s 1756 10642 ' CINQUIEME EDITION, augmented de 1'Explieation de'taille'e de la Fortification de M. DE COEHORN, etc. etc. ; with 37 folding plates, 8vo. old calf, 3s 6d 1764 10643 AUSFUHRLICH ABGEHANDELTE ARTILLERIE-WlSSENSCHAFT . . . iibersetzt, mit praktischen Anmerkungen und einem Beitrag, durch JOHANN WILHELM JAGER ; with 30 folding plates, 8vo. hf. roan. f 5s Frankfurt, 1766 10644 LEBOIS (C.), L'ELECTRiciTE INDUSTRIELLE, II e PARTIE : Courants Continus et Alternatifs. Applications, 2 e Edition ; with 282 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 25 Qd [1909] 10645 LEBOULLENGER (L. C. M., inqenieur des mines) PniLOSOPHiE CHIMIQUE, ou NOTIONS GENERALES sur la PHYSIQUE et la CHIMIE ; with folding plate and tables, 8vo. sewn, uncut (scarce), 105 Qd St.-Etienne, 1824 ' Le but de cet ouvrage est d'offrir une explication des phenomenes de physique ou de chimie, tres-simple et bien differente de celle adoptee . . . qui doit remplacer la philosophic de Fourcroy,' etc. etc. Preface. 10646 LEBRUN Jeune (F. M., architecte) METHODE PRATIQUE pour I'EMPLOI de BETON en ^emplacement de toute autre Espece de Ma^onneries dans les Constructions en Ge'ne'ral, 8vo. (pp. 145), scion, 35 Qd 1835 10647 LECCHI (Antonio Giovanni, s.j.) MEMORIE IDROSTATICO-STORICHE delle Operazioni eseguite nelP INALVEAZIONE del RENO di BOLOGNA, e degli altri minori Torrenti j-er la Linea di Primaro al Mare, 1765-72, con altre Memorie riguardanti varie Spedizioni, ed Operazioni analoghe fatte contemporaneamente in Germania, ed al trove ; with folding map y 2 vols. 4to. in 1, russia extra, g. e. (fine copy), with booJdabel of George Rennie, F.R.S., 105 Qd Modena, 1773 530 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10649 LE CHATELIER (Louis) CHEMINS de FER d'ALLEMAGNE,: Description Statistique, Systeme d'Execution, Trace, Voie de Fer, Stations, Materiel, Frais d'Etablissement, Exploitation, Produit de 1' Exploitation ; with mip and folding table, 8vo. sewn, with auto, of George Rennie, F.R.S., 8s Qd 1845 The lines open in Germany three years before the Year of Revolution already stretched from Mannheim to Bale, Stettin, Berlin, and Hanover to Dresden, and Prague to Wiener-N T eustadt, besides many shorter routes. M. Le Chatelier was the inventor in 1865 of the ' Counter-Pressure Brake ' for giving steam to the cylinder against the train, which was the chief attempt to improve on the weak hand-brake before the Continuous Automatic Brake operated by a vacuum or compressed air, the latter of which U now universal outside England and India. 10350 LEOKY (Capt. Squire Tnornton Stratford, F.R.A.S.) The DANGER ANGLE and OFF-SHORE DISTANCE TABLES; 13th Edition, enlarged, with Table of Natural Sines, Tangents, etc., 12mo. cl., 3s (p. 4s Qd nett) 1904 10551 ' WRINKLES ' in PRACTICAL NAVIGATION, with 76 plates and woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl. (cover slightly stained), 4s (p. 15s) 10652 FOURTEENTH EDITION, enlarged, with fine portrait, and 130 plates and other illus- trations, thick roy. 8vo. cl., 14s (1. 5s nett) 1904 10353 LE CLERC [Latine CLERICUS] (Jean) PHYSICA, sive de Rebus Corporeis Libri V, in qui bus, prremissis potissimis Corporearum Naturarum Phnenomenis et Proprietatibus, Veterum et Recent- iorum de eorum Causis celeberrimre Conjecture traduntur ; Editio VI. auctioret accuratior ; with folding plates, 12mo. contemporary English calf, 8s Qd Cantabrigice, 1705 Bonk III contains ' de Ae're et Meteoris ' (pp. 54), including an engraved chart of winds, one of the earliest of its kind. 10554 LE COINTE (Ignace Louis Alfred, s.j ; SOLUTIONS DEVELOPPEES de 300 PROBLEMES qni ont ete proposes dans les COMPOSITIONS MATHEMATIQUES pour 1' Admission au Grade de Bachelier es Sciences ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. cl. (o. p.), 5s 10555 LECONTE (Felix) ETUDE EXPERIMENTALE sur un MOUVEMENT CURIEUX des OVOIDES et des ELLIPSOIDES, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 10), sewn,, Is Qd Geneue, 1890 10656 LECOQ, (Henri, Clermont-Ferrand) Des GLACIERS et des CLIMATS, ou des Causes Atnio- spheriques en Geologic ; Recherches sur les Forces Diluviennes, inde'pendantes de la Chaleur Centrale, sur les Phenomenes Glaciaire et Erratique, 8vo. (pp. 566), hf. calf gilt (nice copy), with auto, of Sir M. Holzmann, 5s Qd 1847 10657 LECORNTT (L.) Sur les SURFACES possedant les m6mes PLANS de SYMETRIE que 1'un des POLYEDRES REGULIERS ; with 8 diagrams, 4to. (pp. 80), sewn, 2s [Stockholm, 1887] 10658 LEOOUNT (Lieut. Peter, R.N., F.R.A.S. ; London and Birmingham Ry.) PRACTICAL TREATISE on RAILWAYS, explaining their Construction and Management, being the Article ' Railways' in the 7th Edition ot the Encyclopaedia Britannica, with Additional Details, with Infolding plates, and numerous woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 1. Is Edin., 1839 Termed by contemporary reviewers 'the best and most complete treatise on the subject,' and 'by far the most valuable work on the construction and management of railways extant.' It includes a long list of the ) ; nes already authorised, with their capital and much information on the gauge question and other matters. The illustrations include one of a very workmanlike locomotive, and other rolling stock, with the third-class ' carriage ' of primitive days a low-sided open goods truck with side doors, but no seats. 10659 LE CRECTLX (Fra^ois Michel) RECHERCHES sur la FORMATION et I'EXISTENCE des RUISSEAUX, RIVIERES et TORRENS qui circulent sur le Globe terrestre ; avec des Observations sur les principaux Fleuves qui traversent la France, sur les Causes des Changements qu'ils eprouvent dans leur Cours, les Moyens de les contenir dans leur Lit, et d'en tirer A vantage pour la Navigation ; with 8 folding plates, 4to. russia extra, g. e. (fine copy), 10s Qd 1804 10660 LECTURES on GOLD; for the Instruction of EMIGRANTS about to proceed to AUSTRALIA, by J. BEETE JUKES, EDWARD FORBES, SIR LYON [LORD] PLAYFAIR, SIR W. W. SMYTH, JOHN PERCY, and ROBERT HUNT, FF.R.S., woodcuts, cr. 8vo. boards (scarce), 5s 1852 An excellent guide to the geology and metallurgy of gold, written at the outbreak of the Australian gold-fever. 10661 LE DANTEC (Felix) Les Lois NATURELLES : Reflexions d'un Biologiste sur les Sciences ; with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. F. 6 nett) 1904 10862 LEDEBTJR (C. H. A., Bergakademie, Freiherg) HANDBUCH der EISENHUTTENKUNDE ; with 305 illustrations (including many folding plates) 8vo. (pp. 1026), hf. calf neat, 12s (p. M. 40 sewn Leipzig, 1884 ' This is an excellent reference book for those who read German, and contains a very complete account of the metal- lurgy of both iron and steel, and of their properties. There are also classified lists of the literature on each of the branches of the subject.' B. Stoiighton. 10663 LEDGER (Edmund, pr., F.R.A.S.) The SUN : its PLANETS and their SATELLITES : Gresham Lectures on the Solar System, with chart of Mars, 8 woodburitype plates, and 94 woodcuts, large cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 5s (p. 10s Qd) 1882 10364 LEDOTJX (Charles) DESCRIPTION RAISONNEE de quelques CHEMINS de FERaVcfiE ETROITE; with Atlas, containing 10 folding plates (in pocket), 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 5s (p. F. 12.50) 1874 Including lines of extreme narrow gauge of less than one metre. 10665 ICE-MAKING MACHINES, translated, revised, and transformed to English Units by J. E. DENTON, D. S. JACOBUS, and A. RIESENBERGER, illustrated, 12mo. boards, Is 6d New York, 1893 10666 LEDUC (Stephane) THEORIE PHYSICO-CHIMIQUE de la VIE, et GENERATIONS SPONTANEES ; with 57 full -page and other illustrations, 8vo. sewn, 2s 6d (p. F. 5 nett) 1910 10667 LEE (J. Bridges) PHOTOGRAPHIC SURVEYING, with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 24), sewn, IsQd 1899 10668 LEE (John Edward, F.G.S., F.S.A. ; author of ' Isca Silurnm') NOTE-BOOK of an AMATEUR GEOLOGIST, with 210 plates, and 17 woodcuts. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 10s 6^ (p. 1. Is) 1881 10669 LEE (N. J. van der) Der EINFLUSS des DRUCKES aut den KRITISCHEN LOSUNGSPUNKT, 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn, Is 6d Leipzig, 1900 10670 LEES (George) ELEMENTS of ARITHMETIC, ALGEBRA, and GEOMETRY, for Students in the Edinburgh School of Arts, diagrams, Svo. boards, 2s Qd Edin., 1826 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 531 10672 LEECH (Thomas, F.C.S.) DOZENS versus TENS, or the Ounce, the Inch, and the Penny, considered as Standards of Weight, Measure, and Money, and with Reference to a DUODECIMAL NOTATION, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1866- 10673 LEEDS (Frank Henley, F.I.C ), and William John Atkinson BUTTEBFIELD : ACETYLENE : a practical Handbook on the PRINCIPLES of its GENERATION and USE ; 2nd [latest] Edition, enlarged, with 62 illustrations and 2 folding tables, large cr. 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. 8s Qd nett) 1910 10874 LEEDS (Lewis W.) TREATISE on VENTILATION : showing the great Want of Improved Methods of Ventilation in our Buildings, 2nd Edition, with 12 coloured plates, and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf, or, hf. morocco (title stamped), 4s New York, 1876 LEEKE (John) v. CATJS (No. 729), and FOSTER (No. 8051-2), ante. 10675 LE FEBUflE (Nicasius, recte Nicolas, prof, chemistry to Charles II.) A COMPLEAT BODY of CHYMISTRY: wherein is contained whatsoever is necessary for the attaining to the curious. Knowledge of this Art ; comprehending in general the whole Practice thereof ; and teaching the most exact Preparation of Animals, Vegetables and Minerals, so as to preserve their essential Vertues, rendred into English by P. D. C., Esq. one of the Gentlemen of H.M.'s Privy Chamber ; with 8 folding copperplates, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. old calf, rebacked (first title and laxt 2 II. soiled ', and the former mounted) ; RARE, 1. 5s Tho. Ratdifft, 1664 FIRST ENGLISH EDITION of this early treatise on theoretical chemistry. ' Premier ouvrage de ce genre. On sentait depuis longtemps le besoin de reum'r en un corps de doctrine les materiaux disperses un peu partout. Le ' Traite de Chimie ' de Lelevre repondait a ce besoin de 1'epoque ; et c'est ce qui en explique le succes.' F. Hoefer. 10676 LEFEBUE-E de FOUBCY (Louis I2tienne) ELEMENTS de TRISONOMETRIE, 7 e Edition ; wilh folding plate, 8vo. sewn, Is Qd r Mons, 1853 10677 LECONS d'ALGEBRE, 6 e Edition, 8vo. cl., with auto, of Richard Congreve, Positivist (1818-1899), 2s 6rf 1850 10678 LECONS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE, comprenant la Trigonometric Kectiligne et Spherique, etc., 5 e Edition ; with 11 folding plates, 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 3s J846> 10679 ^ NEUVIEME EDITION ; with 11 folding plates, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1871 LEFEVRE d'^taples (Jacques) v. FABER STAPULENSIS, no. 7736 ante. 10680 LEG-ENDUE (Adrien Marie; F.R.S.) ELEMENTS de GEOMETRIE, avec des Notes ; premiere edition ; with 11 folding plates, 8vo. old calf (rubbed), 5s 1 794 10681 ELEMENTS of GEOMETRY and TRIGONOMETRY, with Notes, translated from the French ; edited by SIR DAVID BREWSTER, F.R.S. , with Notes and Additions, and INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER on PROPORTION [by THOMAS CARLYLE], diagrams, 8vo. cl. (scarce), with auto, of T. R. Birk*. pr. (1810-83), 12s Qd Edin., 1824 Of special interest for the essay by the historian his only contribution to the exact sciences. The translation was also by Carlyle, who was recommended to undertake the work by Sir David Brewster, F.R.S., and received for it 50. 10682 THEORIE des NOMBRES, 3 e [LA MEILLEURE] EDITION [avec Appendice : Methodes nouvelles pour la Resolution Approchee des Equations Numeriques, etc. etc.] ; with folding plate, 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf (VERY RARE), 2. 15s Didot, 1830 THE BEST EDITION, NOW EXCESSIVELY SCARCE. 'The third edition, issued in 1830, includes the results of his various later papers, and still remains a standard work on the subject. It may be said that he here carried the subject as far as was possible by the application of ordinary algebra. . . . The law of quadratic reciprocity, which connects any two odd primes, was first proved in this book. Gauss called the proposition 'the gem of arithmetic, . . . This work also contiins the useful theorem by which, when it is possible, an indeterminate equation of the 2nd degree can be reduced to the form a*2 + by* + cz'2 = Q.'IV. W. R. Ball. 1C883 : DAVIES (Charles) ELEMENTS of GEOMETRY and TRIGONOMETRY from the Works of A. M. LEGENDRE, adapted to the Course of Mathematical Instruction in the UNITED STATES, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. calf (binding worn), 2s Qd New York, 1876 10684 LEGGATT (William) The THEORY and PRACTICE of JUTE SPINNING : a Complete Description of the Machines used in the Preparation and Spinning of Jute Yarns ; with 4 plates (ZJolding), and about 140 other illustrations, cr. 4to. cl., Qs (p. 105 Qd nett) Dundee, 1893 10685 LEGOYT (Alfred) Le LIVRE des CHEMINS de FER Construits, en Construction et Projetes, on STATISTIQUE GENERALE de ces Voies de Communication en France et a 1'Etranger, post 8vo. sewn (scarce], 7s Qd 1845 Including the UNITED STATES. Several English names are most delightfully transmogrified, sc. that early venture, never yet used for passenger traffic, the Thames Haven line appears anthropomorphically as Thomas Havendock, and the line which made Cardiff as the Toffvale. 10686 LE GRAY (Gustave, peintre et photographiste) PHOTOGRAPHIE : Traite Nouveau, theorique et pratique, des Precedes et Manipulations sur PAPIER SEC et HUMIDE, et sur VERRE au Collodion et a PALBUMINE, premiere edition, roy. 8vo. sewn (SCARCE), 1. Is Lerebours et Secretan [1852] This work, besides being a resume of all then known of photography, gives several new processes ; but is of still greater interest in connexion with the rival claims of the author and FREDERICK SCOTT ARCHER (1813-57) to the discovery of the COLLODION PROCESS. The latter (according to D. N. B.) ' in 1850 successfully applied collodion to photography. . . . The first account was published in the ' Chemist ' March 1851.' Le Gray however in the preface to the above work states that he had already made the discovery in 1849, but attached little importance to it, and recommends it only ' sous le rapport de la finesse et de la rapidite.' Pp. 89-1 11 give a description of his collodion process. The announcement of the discovery appeared in the English translation of 1850 (q^v. infra). 10687 PRACTICAL TREATISE on PHOTOGRAPHY, on PAPER and GLASS, translated by THOMAS COUSINS, post 8vo. (pp. 24), sewn (SCARCE), 10* Qd 1850 In the appendix the author announces his invention of the collodion process, which however had already been discovered and used by Frederick Scott Archer, who unfortunately for himself never thought of taking out a patent, and after a few years died a poor man. 'I have just discovered a process upon glass, by hydrofluoric ether, the fluoride of potassium and soda dissolved in alcohol 10, mixed with sulphuric et,her, and afterwards saturated with collodion ', etc. etc. etc. P. 24. 10688 PHOTOGRAPHIC MANIPULATION : the WAXED PAPER PROCESS, translated, 12mo. (pp. 23), sewn (scarce), 5s 1853 532 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10693 LEGROS (Adolphe) PnoTOGRAPHiEsur COLLODION, 8vo. (pp. 63), sewn, (scarce], Qs chez Vauteur [1852] An early work on the collodion process, invented by Scott Archer and Le Gray (q. v. ante) before 1850. 10691 LEHMANN (Carl Gotthelf ) PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, translated from the 2nd Edition by GEORGE E. DAY, F.R.S., 3 vols. 8vo. d. : ATLAS of PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, by OTTO FUNKE (SUPPLEMENT), 15 plates, 4to. 4 vols., 8s Qd Cavendish Soc., 1851-4 The author made important original investigates on the nature of the albumens and the ferments of digestion. 1069? LEHMA.NN (Otto, Karlsruhe) Die ELEKTRISCHEN LICHTERSCHEINUNGEN, oder ENTLA- DUNGEN begeichnet als Glimmen, Btischel, Funken nnd Lichtbogen, in freier Luft und in Vacuumrohren, unter Beriicksichtigung von Entladungen ohne Lichterscheinung und der Entstehung des Lichtes, der elektrischen Strahlen, Kathodenstrahlen, Rontgenstrahlen etc., zum Theil auf Grand EIGENER EXPERIMENTALUNTERSUCHUNGEN bearbeitet ; with 10 coloured plates, and 370 other illustrations, large 8vo. boards, 12s (p. M. 20) Halle a. S'., 1898 10693 LEHMUS (Daniel Christian Ludolph) KURZER LEITFADEN fiir den VORTRAG der HOHERN ANALYSIS, HOHERN GEOMETRIE und ANALYTISCHEN MECHANIK ; with plate : DREI HUNDERT AUFGABEN aus der HOHERN und ANGEWANDTEN MATHEMATIK, with plate : AUFGELOSTE AUFGABEN aus der NIEDERN, HOHERN und ANGEWANDTEN MATHEMATIK, with 3 plates 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, brown calf extra (nice copy), 5s Qd Berlin, 1842 Leipzig, '38 10694 LE HON (Henri) L'HoMME FOSSILE en EUROPE [et 1'lNFLUENCE des Lois COSMIQUES sur la CLIMATOLOGIE et la GEOLOGIE] ; 4 e Edition, avec Notice bibliographique et Notes paleontologiques et archeologiques, par E. DUPONT ; with coloured front., and 100 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s 1877 The Piltdown skull has now (1932) put back palaeolithic man to a far earlier dawn of human consciousness than was ventured on in 1877. 10695 LEIBNIZ (Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr v. ; F.R.S.) OPERA OMNIA, nunc priraum collecta, in Classes distributa, Prsefationibus et Indicibns exornata, studio LUDOVICI DUTENS ; with fine portrait by P. Savart, and illustrations, 6 thick vols. 4to. sound copy in contemporary calf (RARE), 3. 13 6d Genevce, 1768 ' Collection tres-recherchee.' Brunei. It contains the ' eloge ' by Fontenelle, and a life by Jacob Brucker. 10696 NOVA METHODUS pro MAXIMIS et MINIMIS itemque TANGENTIBUS, qure nee Fractas nee Irrationales Quantitates moratur, etsingulare pro illis Calculi Genus [mit Einleitung und Anmer- kungen (pp. 35) von F. GIESEL] ; with plate, 4to. sewn, 4s Leipzig, 1884 The well-known paper, originally published in the Acta Eruditorum in 1684, on which Leibniz based his claim to the invention of the calculus. 10697 NOUVELLES LETTRES et OPUSCULES INEDITS, precedes d'une Introduction par A. FOUCHER DE CAREIL, 8vo. hf. mottled calf (joints broken), with bookplate of Henry Reeve, C.B., editor of the Greville Memoirs, 4s 8d 1857 10693 OPUSCULES et FRAGMENTS INEDITS: Extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Royale de Hanovre, par Louis COUTURAT ; with numerous diagrams, 4to. hf. brown morocco gilt, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., with bookplate of Dr. Emil Reich, 17s 6d 1903 Containing much of mathematical interest. 10699 : Virorum celeberrimorum G. GUL. LEIBNITII et JOH. BERNOULLII COMMERCIUM PHILOSOPHICUM et MATHEMATICUM, 1694-1716: with numerous plates, 2 vols. 4to. boards, uncut, 15s Lausannce, 1745 10700 ANOTHER COPY, with fine portrait of Leibniz by Ficquet, 2 vols. 4to. contemporary calf extra (one joint cracked, otherwise a fine copy), 1. 2s Qd Important for containing the evidence, as embodied in the correspondence between Leibniz and Jean Bernoulli, on the question of the rival claims to priority of the invention of the calculus between Newton and Leibniz. It was the only serious claim published in Leibniz's favour, and a tardy reply to the Commercium Epistolicum (v. No. 3282 ante), which gave the evidence in Newton's favour. However little the merits of Leibniz's claim may be as to its origination, there can be no doubt as to the superiority of his notation to Newton's fluxional one, which being stubbornly adhered to at the English universities, prevented this country from having any important share in the progress of the calculus for more than a century after. 10701 CORRESPONDANCE avec OLDENBURG, COLLINS, NEWTON, GALLOYS, et VITALE GIORDANO, publie"e par C. J. GERHARDT ; with 3 plates (2 folding), 8vo. sewn, 4s 1853 10702 : HANSCH (Michael Gottlieb) G. G. LEIBNITII PRINCIPIA PHILOSOPHIC, MORE GEOMETRICO DEMONSTRATA: cum Excerptis ex Epistolis Philosophi et Scholiis quibusdam ex Historia Philosophica, cum Indicibus ; accedunt Thepremata Metaphysica de Proprietatibus quisbusdam Entis Infiniti et Finiti Mundique existentis Perfectione ex Philosophia Leibnitiana selecta et geometrice demonstrata, etc. etc., 4to. contemporary vellum, 8s Qd Francofurti, 1728 10703 : RECUEIL de DIVERSES PIECES sur la Philosophic, la Religion Naturelle, 1'Histoire, les Mathe"matiques, etc. par MRS. LEIBNITZ, CLARKE, NEWTON, etc. [publi6 par PIERRE DES MAIZEAUX ; F.R.S.]; with portrait of Charlotte, Queen of George II. , aJUr Knelled, 2 vols. 16mo. in 1, old hf. calf gilt, 12s Qd Amsterdam, 1720 Containing the correspondence of Leibniz and A. S. Conti, F.R.S., on the dispute regarding the invention of the calculus, also Newton's remarks, and Leibniz's letter to him. 10704 LEJEUNE-DIEJCHLET (Peter Gustav; Gottingen) RECHERCHES sur la THEORIE des NOMBRES COMPLEXES, Traduction de HERVE FAYE, 4to. (pp. 25), sewn, 2s 1844 10705 VORLESUNGEN liber ZAHLENTHEORIE, herausgegeben v. R. DEDEKIND, erste Auflage, 8vo. hf. calf gilt (nice copy), 5s Braunschweig, 1863 ' Of his original researches the most celebrated are that on the establishment of Fourier's Theorem, and that in the theory of numbers on asymptotic laws, i.e. laws which approximate more closely to accuracy as the numbers concerned become larger.' W. W. R. Ball. 10706 LEMNITJS [sive LEMMENS] (Lieven [Latine Levinus]) De MIRACULIS OCCULTIS NATURAE Libri IIII, item, de Vita cum Animi et Corporis Incolumitate recte instituenda, Liber unus: illi quidem iam postremum emendati, et aliquot Capitibus aucti; his veio nunquam antehac editus, thick 24mo. old vellum, 10s Gd Francofurti, 1628 No. 10983 (jort^e 546;. An early and rare work on Mining;, . Themofl: vcndible.Booksin GngUnd, Orderly and Alphabetically Digcfled j Under the Heads of Divinitr,Hiftory,Phyfick,andChy- rurgcry, Law, Arithmctick, Geometry, Aftro- logic, DiaHing,Meafunne Land and Timber, Gage*- " ing, Navigation, Architefture, Horfmanfhip, Faulconry, Merchandize, Limning, Military Difcipline, Heraldry, Fortification and Fire-works , Husbandry , Garden- ing , Romances , Poems , PJaycs, &c. WITH Hebrew,Grcck,and Latin BooAs, for Schools and Scholars. The lite Work never yet pcrfoimed by any BOOKS OF THE MATHEMATICKS. VIZ, Arichmatick, Geometry, Mufick, Aftro- nomy, Aftrology, Dialling, meafuring of Land and Timber, Gageing VeiTel s, Navigation, Architecture,^. ALSO Of Horfemanftiip,Faulconry, Merchandize* Limning, MillicaryDifciplir^HerauIdry, Fire-works, Husbandry,^. Velettat. LONDON, Printed in the Year 1655. * JJie exaS Strvtigbmr of, Land, to 3&>c*ll;roufuU, r.ofU*fcand di ride the I'yne, by the plain Table, Tiwol4ite,,a9d.Cir8umferentar . K> find the 4ra of Land. ; to make a Map thereof, andrndom it.8 * MI Ftfttr. Elliptical, or A7unutrull Horologsrphy, containing fere- rail fraio of deferring Dials : upon all kinds of fuperficics, ci- ther plain or curved ,frc. 4 . The ufe of the Quadrant, fitted far to perforia all coiarnon thingi in Mesfuratior. . * The Kcyrf the Matbematicly new filed, wichthotefolunons f Ad- k&c& equations, with the Art of Cttmeincfll Dialling. 8. * M r Gtt4*i. A Table of gageing all wanner of veifels. 8. Trigonometry, or thedoftrioe of Tri- angles : writ in Lat. by B. fitijcus in SiJtfla, ROW Englifbed : al.u added certain nauttcaU Queftions in tlje finding of the Tarwtion of the cwnpafs i all performed by Arichmetidc, withoutWap,Sphere, Globe, or Aftrolobe. 4^.- M r 1<*tj. The defection and nfc of a univcrM quadrant. * M r 5irirKfb. Ttigopornetcy: 4. Ctr. Atrifft, his occult frnlofophy , of Ceoraay i Magioill eknients , of P. ilt Albino. The nature of fpi- rjts. 4- fmliJ'* Elcmcnfi of Geoawfry. The f.tft fix Books .in a compendieui fcrm on:raflcd2d demonftrated, by Cap. -T.^utU. eWf EBgtnier to hi lawe-Majcfty.jwioVa Wathe. raancall Pt rfacc, Oby M r J. Dee. 4. *-M r Fale. M>ralticirjifkni , .or the Art of Dialling, .for makiogjall forts cf Dials, and how to know the hour of the nightby Diail. 40. * The Aatiqiatj 2nd ExttUeny of Globes, what the Glob* is, andoftheCir- des,Horilon,Mertdiaa,Polc,Axes, e*rc. Tropicks,Zodiacks,6-<:. 40. M' Hcwes. Ttailawt due Hatbemati- ci, quorum frunus Jtgkto Cdeftibm 1y Terrtftrihm eorumjixfu.-AUcrBre- Wfiiiun tisim orbit Ttnarum. ftt. Berrii Math. & frtfeff. Reyi. ThcfamcinEnglidi. J M' Carftnter's Geography dtlinea-ed forth in two Books, contaiciog the Sfheticall and Topicall paru thereof. 4. TheM'wfc ofthatCimous Mufhemati- cian MI . Guatcr, proteObr of A- llronoiny in Orefl*m Colicdgc, newly printed with many Addi- tianiandCottcftioils: byS.Ptfitr Izte Profcflbr of the fame Col- icdgc. 40. ^'i)/4. ThtCom?lt Architeft, the rules of the five Orders m Ar- chitefture,^7f. Tufcan, Dornick, }onick,Corinthtan,aruiCompo(ite-, (ritwing the proportion of all the members, which in a building have relation to OBS another, inglifh. TheSuneLat. f,lu. Volioi foliO. folio, folio. fol,o. folio yuruvii Arcbitta*M. SdiraSiM Skirlcjf. Arc^ufJ. Hans Blum. S. Coltoms. Andr. Pitad'u'l Arebittil. AlbcR. DJUT'S AtthitcS. Vint ton's Arcbittft. The InftituuoB Tri- fecks At*tbematicall,$ic. ol DiirtiiftoB, of plain and fplie- riturall and artificial! figns and r;c*i' Ti ir^es, doae by Tables bo^h -' iiti*s,tangents,fccants,and loyar -thmcs , with their applica- tion in Queft. of Aftron. and Na- Tangents, and thefetantsnaturall of every degree, and hundred part of a degree, with an inftitu- t.on Mathcmaticall, for the ufe ef vigation. 8. the faid Tables, in the fetation of * Dialling proved mflrumen ally by oi;r Hemifphearc in Plane, firft all triangles, plain and fpericall , with the application thereof, in projcfied by M bttghtrri/ : with one and t*enRr feverallDjagram;, Aftronomv, Dialling, and Naviga- tion, go o: Schernejv; demonflraring the ground work of all Dialling: allo to., know, diftinguifli, ar.d fct MI PartriJg: The art of numbering by Rods, whereby the operation* of Multiplication amddhifioa, ex- down the hour-lines for both fa- ce* t>f aJ! planes at one working. aaflion of rootes, fyc. Arc per- formed by addition and fubftratli- Ttni 'Arditdiuc D J Fr. Fanell,'. on, with many examples for pra- Siceofthcfame. . g.. Florentina ffultare , dtl Rcdel.'a MI Etigges. Trigon'mctna Brhanicajn grand Bntaiae. 4. de Doltfina tnafguinum, Hb. dm. MI Oii&e. Tfthmco* : The exaft 8. meafuring of ail land , fquare; , timber', Hone, fleeples, pillars, Ar:thiretica Icgaiithmg, f,ie lug. rithmaiun, cht.tailri ctnrum fr mi- globe^,makmg, and ufe < thejCai- ner H natural! Jeiu attetaitm ab penters rule-, fit fr Surveighors, 1 tantati ad icoocc. laftd meaters, joyner,carpen- ] Hyndlim], Maiben-atica. ters, mafons, &c. \&>KmnMl. The doctrine of Tri- M-; C^gbtrtd. f.!w Matbt>rr.inct atigles, fhcwing th menluration of it mi limat* five+ttnt jatnca'a : right lined Triangles, and Sphcfi- cum aim quibufc/am Mdtin call, with groivds and demr.nfln. ctmmenratHmtM tfiui in Jfqttenti tions, bothbylogarithmes, wUh fagina ntofnt*. 8". * Circles of proportion. O- Trigtn. or manner of calculating the fides and Angles of Triangles, by ^ the Mathematical! eann. de- rtionfirated. . Knglifh, 4. the applitation thereoi in three kinds of failing, with Tables of the Suns decltnfron. 4 . G" EfHeme. Or theapplicarionof i*DoflrineofTfigeh, in cer- tain problcrrs, .to th* ufe of the GTrtgiocmetria. Hoc efi nodvs plain Sea-Chart and Mercators fompittandi t)iangnl6rnm , later* fe with a table of artificial f,gn t ina- tangcts, aBrf complements Arith- dnw & Jemtnflratus. . 4. Lanshtrgi Tabula perpetut mtttium'cf- meticall of fines, fupplymg theufe of Secants. g. Irflmm. 4". MI Bans. Hii. Water-Works, and Fire- TaMn Rudo!fhine. folio. Works. ,,. JtfobM BMikiu dt fphcra muutj. C?Mi Sinmf. The artificers pla.n folio. - fcalf, or the Carpenters new rule Arfutlinii Oft'icA. . folio. TabitU Matbtmalict, containing, the I. Shewing liow to meafure all" Aipctf.cite and:felifi, asowber n. ne ; No. 10988 (page 546). The earliest English book catalogue. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 533 10708 LEIGKH (Valentine) The most PROFITABLE and COMMENDABLE SCIENCE, of SURUEIYNG of LANDES, TENEMENTES, and HEREDITAMENTES. Whereunto is also annexed by the same Aucthor, a right necessarie Treatise, of the measuryng of all Kindes of Landes, be it Meadowe, Pasture, Errable, Woodde, Hill, or Dale, and that aswell by certaine easie, and compendious Rules, as also by an exacte and benenciall Table, purposely drawen and deuised for that Behalf e. Newly Imprinted and corrected, printed in Mack letter ; with woodcuts, large woodcut initials, and numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. old hf. binding (wanting sigg. H 1-4 ; also a few II. ivater-stained, but otherwise a VERY SOUND AND UNUSUALLY LARGE COPY)'; rare, 1. 15s Andrewe Maunsell, in Paules church-yarde, at the signe of the Parret, 1578 In his preface the author states that he was ' one of the firste, that attempted the collectyng of the same Arte into a volume.' The above, the second edition, was unknown to Lowndes. It was first published in 1577, and reprinted in 1583. 1588. 1592, and 1596. 10709 LELY (C.) ONTWERP tot VERBETERING van de SCHIPBEEK in het belang der Afwatering van het Waterschap de Schipbeek; with Q coloured and plain folding plates, 4to. (pp. 90), sewn, 3s Zwolle, 1884 10710 LEMERY (Nicolas) COURS de CHYMIE : la Maniere de faire les Operations qui sont en Usage dans, la M6decine, par line Methode facile, avec des Raispnnemens sur chaque Operation ; ll e Edition, reveue, corrigee et augmentee par 1'Auteur ; with front, and % plates, and folding table, thick 8vo. old mottled calf (sound copy), with Calgarth Park booklabel of Richard Watson, F.R.S., absentee Bp. of Llanda/, 10s Qd Leyde, 1716 10711 A COURSE of CHYMESTRY, containing an easie Method of preparing those Chymical Medicins which are used in PHYSICK, with curious Remarks and useful Discourses upon each Preparation, 3rd Edition, translated from the 8th French Edition, which is very much enlarged beyond any of the former [by JAMES KEILL, M.D.], with 1 plates, 8vo. old calf (back slightly damaged), 15s 1698 ' Ce livre a fait autorite en chimie pendant plus de 100 ans. II a ete le guide, le code, le manuel oblige des chimistes du XVIII 6 siecle, et meine apres le renouvellement de la science on chercha longtemps encore dans le livre de Lemery des precedes, des details pratiques que Ton ne trouvait point alors.' Cap. Lemery, who could not bring himself permanently to leave France, though he had previously taken refuge in England and been favourably received by Charles II., renounced Protestantism on the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. ' Lemery, compare a Lefevre, est l'homme positif succedant a 1'homme d'imagination. Ce qui caracterise le cours de Lefevre, c'est 1'etendue des idees ; ce que Ton remarque dans celui de Lemery, c'est la clarte de ses descriptions '.Dumas. 10712 LEMOINE (mile) GEOMETROGRAPHIE, on ART des CONSTRUCTIONS GEOMETRIQUES ; with 32 diagrams, 8vo. boards, Is 1902 10713 [LE MONNIEE. (Pierre Charles; de Vlnstitut; F.R.S.)] DESCRIPTION et USAGE des principaux INSTRUMENTS d'AsTRONOMiE ; with llfine folding copperplates of mural circles, and machine for making and dividing circles, impl. folio, sewn, uncut (RARE), 12s Qd 1774 Including probably the fullest account ever issued of the construction of the now obsolete mural circle. 10714 HISTOIRE CELESTE, ou Recueil de toutes les Observations Astronomiques faites par OrdreduRoy; avec Discours sur le Progres de 1'Astronomie, oil 1'on compare les pins recentes Observations a celles qui ont ete faites immediatement apres la Fondation de 1'Observatoire Royal ; with 7 plates (2 illustrating the transit instrument), 4to. old calf gilt, newly rebacked, 12s Qd 1741 Including the observations by PICARD and DE LA HIRE from 1666-85, also full description of the transit instrument (made by GEORGE GRAHAM, F.R.S.), which the author was the first to introduce into France. 10715 MEMOIRES concernant diverses Questions d'AsTRONOMiE et de PHYSIQUE; lus et communiques a 1' Academic Royale des Sciences ; with 2 plates and folding map, 4 parts in 1 vol. 4to. sewn, 10s Qd Imprimerie Royale, 1781-8 10716 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf (rubbed), with bookplate of Sir John Francis Davies, 12s Containing, 'Histoire abregee du progres des decouvertes relatives a la pesanteur del'air; Eclipse du Soleil, 24juin 1778 Observations physiques sur la theorie des vents ; De la Variation de 1'Aiguille Aimantee ; de 1'Aiguille Aimantee et de 1'Etat de la Boussole aux Mers de Chine ', etc. etc. etc. 10717 LE MOBT (Jacobus, M.D. ; Univ. Utrecht) CHYMIA, RATIONIBUS et EXPERIMENTS Auctior- ibus, iisque Demonstrativis SUPERSTRUCTA, in qua Malevolorum Calumnire modeste simul diluuntur ; with 2 folding plates of chemical apparatus, 12mo. old calf gilt (back slightly damaged, otherwise sound copy], 10s Qd Lugduni Batavorum, 1688 10718 CHYMLE VER^; NOBILITAS et UTILITAS, in Physica Corpusculari, Theoria Medica, ej usque Materia et Signis, ad majorem Perfectionem deducendis: CHYMIA MEDICO-PHYSICA, Ratione et Experientia Nobilitata : PHARMACIA MEDICO-PHYSICA : COLLECTANEA CHYMICA LEIDENSIA MAETSIANA et MARCGRAVIANA 4 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, old calf, 'newly rebacked, Us Qd ibidem, 1696 ' Dass auch ohne Sublimat, durch Erhitzen von Quecksilber, Kochsalz und calcinirtem Vitriol, versiisstes Quecksilber gewonnen werden kanri, behauptete zuerst Le Mort in Chymia medico-physica 1696.' H. Kopp. 10719 : JACOBI LE MORT, Pseudochemici et Ratiocinatoris Dupondiarii IGNORANTIA circa CHEMIAM et Universam Scientiam Naturalem, detecta a Christiano Marggravio, M.D., large 12mo. extra boards, uncut (fine copy), 7s Qd ib., 1687 Doubtless the Calumnice Malevolorum referred to in the first article supra. 10720 LENAB-D (Philipp), Heike KAMEBLINGH ONNES, and W. E. PAULI: The BEHAVIOUR of the PHOSPHORESCENT SULPHIDES of the ALKALINE EARTHS at VARIOUS TEMPERATURES, and particularly at very Low Temperatures, translated, with plate, roy. 8vo. (pp. 23), sewn, Is Qd Leiden, 1909 10721 LEONHABD (Carl Caesar v.; Univ. Heidelberg) HANDBUCH der ORYKTOGNOSIE, 2. vermehrte Auflage ; with 7 folding plates, thick 8vo. hf. calf, 3s 6d Heidelberg, 1826 10722 , und Heinrich August VOG-EL : MINERALOGISCH-CHEMISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN des TRIPHAN'S und TANTALIT'S; with plate, 4to. (pp. 38), sewn, 3s Qd Munchen, 1818 36 534 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10724 LEONABDO Pisano [BONACCI rive FIBONACCI ; floruit A. D. 1200] SCRITTI (II LTBER ABBACI, e La PRACTICA GEOMETRIC), publicatidaBALDAssARRE BONCOMPAGNI ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. folio, sewn, uncut, 2. 2s Roma, 1857-62 10725 II LIBER ABBACI, publicato secondo la Lezione del Codice Magliabechiano C. I, 2616, Badia Fioientina, no. 73, da BALDASSARRE BONCOMPAGNI ; with numerous diagrams, folio, sewn, with inscr. to the Duca Massimo, 1. 1* ibidem, 1857 ' He explains in his Liber Ablaci the Arabic system of numeration, and remarks on its great ad vantages over the Roman ; gives an account of algebra, and points out the convenience of geometry to get rigid demonstrations of algebraical formula. He shews how to solve simple equations, solves a few quadratic equations, and states some methods for the solution of indeterminate equations . . . The Liber Abbaci is especially interesting in the history of arithmetic, since practically it introduced the use of Arabic numerals into Christian Europe.' W. W. R. Hall. 10726 , TRE SCRITTI INEDITI di, pubblicati da BALDASSARRE BONCOMPAGNI ; with folding plate, 8vo. sewn, with editor's inscr. and MS. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS, 7s Qd Firen'ze, 1854 The questions propout.ded to Leonard of Pisa by the celebrated Emperor Frederick the Second on his p?ssage through Pisa in 1225, which resulted in the production of three of Leonard's most remarkable works. The volume, here first printed by M. Boucompagni, contains 'Super Solutionibus quarundem Questionum ad Numerum et ad Geometriam vel ad utmmque pertinentium, Liber Quadratorum.' 10727 LEOTAUD (Vincent, s.j.) CYCLOMATHIA, seu MULTIPLEX CIRCULI CONTEMPLATKX III Libris comprehensa. I. Quadrature Exanien confirmatur ac promovetur. II. Anguli Con- tingentue Natura exponitur. III. Quadracitis Facultates Inauditse profemntur ; with engraved arms on title, and numerous diagrams, 4to. contemporary Italian vellum (somewhat browned as usual and title stamped, otherwise a fine copy}, 18s Qd Lugduni, 1663 A defence of the views of Clavius on contiguous angles. It was answered by Wallis. ' Oet ecrit est suivi d'un traite sur la quadratice de Dinostrate, ou 1'auteur developpe quelques proprietes non encore aperc.ues de cette courbe.' P>inyr. Gen. 10728 [LEBEBOUBS (Noel Marie Paymal, opticien)] TRAITE de GALVANOPLASTIE, par J. L. ; with 11 illustrations, roy. 8vo. sewn (scarce), 7s 6d 1843 One of the earliest practical treatises on electrotyping, published only a few years after its invention by Jacobi (v. A~i>. 9700 an'e. At end is a 16 p. Catalogue of Photographic Apparatus, Microscopes, etc. made by the author. 10729 TREATISE on PHOTOGRAPHY ; containing the latest Discoveries and Improvements appertaining to the DAGUERREOTYPE, translated by J. EGERTON, with folding plate , cr. 8vo. cl. (scarce), 12s Qd 18*3 Containing chapters on 'Photogenic Papers on the Calotype,' by H. Fox TALBOT, F.R.S., ' On a Voltaic Process for Etching Daguerreotype plates', by SIR W. R. GROVE, F.R.S., etc. etc. 10730 LEBOY (Charles Francois Antoine) ANALYSE APPLIQUEE a la GEOMETRIE des TROIS DIMENSIONS, 3 e Edition ; with 5 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf (binding rubbed), with auto, and bookplate of Sir H. W. Elphinstone, 3s 6d 1843 10731 TRAITE de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE, suivi de la Me"thode des Plans cotes et de la Theoiie des Engrenages cylindiiques et coniques; 3 Edition augmentee ; with 71 plates, 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf (backs damaged), 4s 6d 1850 10732 LE SAGE (Pierre Charles) RECUETL de divers MEMOIRES extraits de la BIBLIOTHEQUE IMPERIALS des PONTS et CHAUSSEES, a 1' Usage des INGENIEURS; 2~ Edition, augmentee de cinq Nouveaux Me moires Inedits ; with fine portrait of the author, and of J. R. Perronet after Cochin Jilfi, andSG copperplates (many folding), 2 vols. large 4to. russia extra, g. e. (backs slightly rubbed, otherwise a fine copy), 1. 1* 1810 The first volnme contains interesting memoirs on civil engineering in England, including views of houses in Piccadilly and Oxford Street, and the second a translation of Smeaton's account of the Eddystone Lighthouse, with 4 plates reengiaved. There is also a fine folding view of the Place and Pontde la Concorde, Paris, after Desprez. 10733 LESCALLIEB (Daniel Baron) TRAITE PRATIQUE du GREEMENT des VAISSEAUX et autres Batimens de Mer ; with 34 fine copperplates (mostly folding), 2 vols. 4to. old calf (rare), 17s Qd 1791 10734 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. in 1, old English calf (nice copy], ]8s6d An interesting treatise not only on rigging ships, bnt on French naval architecture at a time when it excelled in some respects (and often unwillingly enriched ! ) even that of England. 10735 VOCABULAIRE des TERMES de MARINE ANGLOIS et FRANCOIS, avec une Explication des Figures qui y sont contenues, et des Definitions de quelques Termes de Marine, principalement ceux de Greement ; with 31 fine copperplates and 2 vignettes on copper, to.fne copy in contemporary French calf extra, 15s Imprimerie Royale, Mil 10736 LE SEUB [sive LE SUEUB] (Thomas, Ord. Min.; commentator on Newton] MEMOIRE sur le CALCUL INTEGRAL, 12mo. (pp. 52), seu-n, 5s 6d Rome, 174S ' Renfermant des recherches sur la resolution generate des equations. L'auteur fait voir que si 1'on cherche ;'i decomposer enfacteurs le premier nombred'une equation d'un degre superieur au quatiieme, on estamenc a des equations dont le degre est au moins egal.' Bioqr. Gen. 10737 - , Francesco JACQ,TJIEB, Ord. Min., e Buggiero Giuseppe BOSCOVICH, s. J. : RIFLESSIONI sopra alcuneDiFFlcOLTA spettanti i Danni, e Kisarcimeuti della CUPOLA di S. PIETRO ; with vignette on copper, 4to. (pp. 64), sewn, 6s Qd [ibidem], 1743 10738 LESOW (William) 'MATHEMATICAL BOOK' (treating of Navigation, Trigonometry, and Dialling), a neatly written MS. on about 300 pp., with numerous very prettily executed diagrams, folio, vellum (back damaged), 3. 3s 1713-14 Containing Trigonometry, Plane and Spherical, 'Sailing, Plain, Oblick, in Currents, etc. etc, Mercators Sailing, Finding ye Latitude, Doctrine and Projection of the Sphere, Astronomicall Problems, and the Art of Dialling.' 10739 L'ESPINASSE (Charles, F.R.S.) DESCRIPTION of an IMPROVED APPARATUS for PERFORMING ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTS, in which the Electrical Power is increased, the Operator intirely secured from receiving any accidental SHOCKS, and the whole rendered more convenient for Experiments than heretofore, with copperplate illustrating the new electrical machine, 8vo. (pp. 3), unbound, 5s 1769 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 4?, PICCADILLY, W. 535 10741 [LESLIE (Sir John ; F.R.S.E. ; Univ. Edin.)] AEROSTATION : an Article contributed to the 'Encyclopaedia Britannica,' 4th Edition, Supplement, with copperplate, 4to. (pp. 12), unbound, 6s 6d [1815] 10742 DESCRIPTION ot INSTRUMENTS designed for extending and improving METEOROLOGIC A i, OBSERVATIONS, with front, and woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 6s 6d Edin., 1820 10743 ELEMENTS of GEOMETRY, GEOMETRICAL ANALYSIS, and PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, with Appendix, Notes, and Illustrations, 2nd Edition, enlarged, with diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 8s ib. , 181 1 ' A work conspicirmi for freshness and originality of treatment. It. attracted considerable attention, and had an article (by John Playfair) devoted to it in the Edinburgh Review.' D.N.B. 10744 ELEMENTS of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, VOL. I [all published], including MECHANICS and HYDROSTATICS, first edition, with 10 folding plates, 8vo. boards, uncut, with auto, of George Eennie, F.R.S , 6s ib., 1823: 10745 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf gilt, 6s 10746 SECOND EDITION, coirected and enlarged, with\Qplate. In this work the author 'has given the first correct explanation of the rise of a liquid in a tube by considering the- effect of the attraction of the solid on the very thin stratum of liquid in contact with it.' J. Clerk Maxwell. 10747 GEOMETRICAL ANALYSIS, and GEOMETRY of CURVE LINES, being Vol. II of a Couree- of Mathematics, and designed as an Introduction to the Study of Natural Philosophy, with 22" folding plates, 8vo. boards, uncut, 4s ib., 1821 10748 The PHILOSOPHY of ARITHMETIC, exhibiting a Progressive View of the Theory and Practice of Calculation, with Tables for the Multiplication of Numbers to 1000, 2nd Edition, improved and enlarged, with very large folding table, and diagrams, 8vo. hf. morocco neat (nice copy), Is 6d ib., 1820 ' Containing an elaborate discussion of fundamental principles and much interesting information on the history of the subject.' D.N.B. ' In his Philosophy of Arithmetic he has entered incidentally into much of its history. He was. by taste, a searcher of old books ; and various dates, etc. occur, which shew that he had more knowledge of books than can be got from cata- logues.' Prof, de Margin. 10749 SHORT ACCOUNT of EXPERIMENTS and INSTRUMENTS, depending on the Relations of AIR to HEAT and MOISTURE, with plate, 8vo. old hf. calf (back damaged), Is 6d ib , 1813 10750 ANOTHER COPY, boards, uncut, 8s 6d ' In 1810 he successfully applied the absorbent powers of sulphuric acid to freeze water under the receiver of the air- pump. This is the first recorded achievement of artificial congelation. 'A Short Account of Experiments ami Instruments' (1813) contains a description of this experiment, and is full of important and original work.' D.N.B. Ifc also contains his invention of thedry-and-wet-bulb thermometer, first suggested by James Button (v. Nos. 95S7-8, ante). 10751 LE SOURD (Paul) TRAITE PRATIQUE des VINS, CIDRES, SPIRITUEUX, et VINAIGRES, public avec la Collaboration de J. DESCLOZEAUX, A. M. DESMOULINS, ED. DELLE, et H. FERRAND, S e [derniere] Edition, entierement refondue et considerablement augmentee ; with 82 woodcuts, thick roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco (o. p.), Ss [1892] 10752 LETOTJZ (P.), et P. LOYEATJ : TRAITE PRATIQUE des TRAVAUX en ASPHALTE ; wifh ft foldina plates, and 54 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, with M. Letovze's inscr., 4s 6d (p. F. 10 nett) 1897 10753 LETTS (Edmund Albert; F.R.S.E.) On PHOSPHORUS-BETAINES, with plate, 4to. (pp. 51), sewn, 3s 6d [Edin., 1881) 10754 On THETINES and their DERIVATIVES, with woodcuts, 4to. (pp. 42), sewn, '3s 6d ibidem, 1878 10755 , and Robert Frederick BLAKE, F.I.C. : The CARBONIC ANHYDRIDE of the ATMOSPHERE, with 3 folding plates, and woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 164), sewn, 2s 6d Dublin, 1900 10756 , and John Norman COLLIE, F.R.S. : On the ACTION of PHOSPHIDE of SODIUM on HALOID ETHERS and the SALTS of TETRABENZYL-PHOSPHONIUM, 4to. (pp. 35), sewn, 3s 6d [Edin., 1881] 10757 LEUCHS (Johann Carl) ALLGEMEINES ERFINDUNGS-LEXIKON, oder a b c'sche Angabe der Erfindungen, Entdekungen, Gewohnheiten, Verirrungen und Fortschritte, bis auf unsere Zeitenv 2. Ausgabe, 8vo. sewn, 3s Nurnberg [1851] Interesting as an early example of pan-German enthusiasm, claiming as German inventions, inter alia, that of the steam engine, steam navigation, teleg-aphy, the telescope, electro-magnetism, galvanism, gas lighting, the lightning conductor, logarithms, rockets, etc. etc., as well as the DISCOVERY OF AMERICA. 10758 [ ] DREIHUNDERT ENTDEKUNGEN und BEOBACHTUNGEN in der FARBEREI, dem FARBIGEN DRUK und der FARBEN-BEREITUNG, 1828-31, 8vo. sewn, 2s ibidem [1831] 10759 [ ] POLYTECHNISCHE BiJCHER-KuNDE, oder beurtheilendes Verzeichniss der vorziiglichsten Biicher liber Chemie, Technologic, Fabrikwissenschaft, Mechanik und einzelne Gewerbszweige, 3. ganz umgearbeitete Ausgabe, post 8vo. sewn, 2s 6d ib., 1841 10760 [ ] SAMMLUNG NEUER ENTDEKUNGEN und VERBESSERUNGEN in der FARBEREI, ORTLICHEN DRUKEREI, und FARBEN-BEREITUNG, with woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 166), sewn, 4s ib., 1828 10761 VOLLSTANDIGE OfiL- und FfiTT-KuNDE, oder theoretisch-praktische Anweisung zur Bereitung, Gewinnung, etc., der fetten Oele, des Talges, des Thrans, des Wachses und aller andern Fettarten, mit Angabe verbesserter Warmevorrichtungen, Oelmiilen, Pressen u. a. Geriithe ; with 16 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, 3s ib., 1832: 10762 LEVEAJT (G.) Sur la COMETE PERIODIQUE de D'ARREST, et son prochain Retour en 1883, roy. 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, 2s [1877] 10763 LEWES (Vivian Byam, F.I.C., E.N. Coll., Greenwich) EXPLOSIVES and their MODERN DEVELOPMENT (Cantor Lecture), with diagram, roy. 8vo. (pp. 37), sewn, 2s 18P5 10764 LIQUID and GASEOUS FUELS, and the Part they play in modern Power Production, wifh 54 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 6s nett) 1S07 10765 The USE of GAS for DOMESTIC LIGHTING (Cantor Lecture), roy. 8vo. (pp. 29), cl 536 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10767 LEUPOLD (Jacob) THEATRUM MACHINARUM, mit SUPPLEMENT und HAUPTREGISTER ; a complete set as below; with 538 copperplates, 15 vols. roy. folio in 5, russia extra, joints (Bine Bet) ; rare, 8. 8s Leipzig, 1724 Dresden, 1802 INHALT: I. Theatrum Machinarum Generale, oder Schauplatz des Grundes mechanisc'her Wissenschaften, 1724: iTI. T. M. Hydrotechnicartun, oder Schauplatz der Wasserbaukunst, 74: III. T. M. llydraulicarum, oder Schauplatz der Wasserkiinste, 2 v., '90-74 : IV. T. M., oder Schauplatz der Hebzeuge, '74 : V. T. Static! Uiiiversalis (Gewichtkunst uud 'Wagen; Wissenschaft und Instrumente znra Wasserwiigen ; Abwieguug der Luft ; Wasser- oder Horizontal-Waagen), 4v., '74: VI. T. Pontificiale, oder Schauplatz der Briicken und des Briickenbaues, 74: VII. T. Arithmeticum et Geometricum, oder Schauplatz der Rechen- und Messkunst, 74 : VIII. Supplement und Hauptregister zum ganzen Werke von J. E. SCHEFFLER, 74: IX. T. M. Molarum, oder Schauplatz der Miihlenbaukunst von J. M. BAYER, J. BORN und J. K. WEINHOLD, 3 v., '88-1802. ' On trouve raremeutces 9 volumes reunis et complets.' Graesse. The most complete work on engineering published till then. The author first described here a quantity of ingenious or useful machinery, e.g., the pedometer. He considered perpetual motion a possibility, and describes a number of such machines, of which a full account is given in Mr. Dircks's Perpetuum Mobile. 10768 THEATRUM MACHINARUM HYDRAULICARUM, oder: Schau-Platz der Wasserkiinste, bestehend in einer vollkommenen Beschreibung und Unterricht meist aller erfundenen Machinen die Wasser dadurch in die Hohe zu treiben, oder aus der Tiefe zu erheben ; with 117 fine copper- plates, 2 vols. folio in 1, old hf. calf (back damaged), 1. 10s Leipzig, 1724 10769 THEATRUM MACHINARUM HYDROTECHNICARUM : Schau-Platz der Wasser-Bau-Kunst, oder: Deutlicher Unterricht und Anweisung desjenigen, was bey dem Wasser-Bau, und absonderlich der Damm-Kunst, zu wissen nothig ist ; with 51 copperplates, folio, old calf, 1. Is ibidem, 1724 10770 [LEURECHON (Jean, s.j. ; 'HENRI VAN ETTEN')] RECREATIONS MATHEMATIQUES, composees de plusieurs Problemes plaisans et facetieux d'Arithmetique, Geometric, Astrologie, Optique, Perspective, Mechanique, Chymie, et d'autres rares et curieux Secrets : plusieurs desquels n'ont iamais este imprimez. La troisiesme Partie, contient un Recueil de plusieurs gentilles et recreatives INUENTIONS de FEUX d' ARTIFICE : La maniere de faire toutes Sortes de Fuzees, simples et composees ; with numerous curious woodcuts, 12mo. old limp vellum (some II. water-stained, otherwise a FINE COPY) ; RARE, 1. 10s Rouen, Charles Osmont, 1630, or '34 10771 [NOUVELLE EDITION] ; with the numerous woodcuts RE-ENGRAVED, 12mo. old calf (foxed, bottom of title torn off and back of binding damaged), 1. Is Lyon, J. B. de Ville [1656] Neither of the above editions was known to Br'unet or Graesse, who mention however others of Rouen, 1629, and Lyon, 1680. A copy of the former was in M. Libri's Collection, who mentions in his Sale Catalogue : ' This work contains very curious problems, viz., ' Comment on peut charger un canon sans poudre' (by steam or heated air), and several arithmetical questions '. 10772 [ ] MATHEMATICAL!, RECREATIONS, or a Collection of many Problemes, extracted out of the Ancient and Modern Philosophers, as Secrets, and Experiments in Arithmetick, Geometry, Cosmographie, Horologiographie, Astronomic, Navigation, Musick, Opticks, Architecture, Statick, Mechanicks, Chemistrie, Water-works, Fireworks, etc. Not vulgarly manifest till now. Written first in Greek and Latin, lately compil'd in French, by HENRY VAN ETTEN, and now in English, with the Examinations and Augmentations of divers Modern Mathematicians. Whereunto is added the DESCRIPTION and USE of the GENERALL HOROLOGICALL RING : and the DOUBLE HORIZONTALL DIALL, invented and written by WILLIAM OUGHTRED, with curiously engraved title, and numerous engravings on copper, 2 vols. 12mo. in 1, old calf, rebacked (printed front, slightly defective and mounted, and some II. torn or scribbled on) ; RARE, 1. 10s William Leake, 1653-2 10773 ANOTHER COPY, old sheep (printed title missing], 1. 10s 10774 NEW EDITION, with sharp impressions of the engraved title and the numerous copper- engravings, 2 vols. 12mo. in 1, sound copy in contemporary calf (VERY RARE), 2. 2s apud eundem, 1674 The third and last English edition, and the rarest of all, being unknown to Lowndes, Watt, and Allibone. The im- pressions of the engravings (of which the plates were either retouched or reengraved) are unusually clear. The work is a highly interesting storehouse (once of great popularity, and now rare in all its editions') of a multitude of mathematical, astronomical, and physical problems. It was based on the work of BACUET DE MEZIRIAC (v. Nos. 204 and 5901, ante), and included, besides numerous original problems by the author, some taken from Cardan ; and in its turn formed the foundation of the works of Mydorgue, Ozanarn, Montucla, and Hutton. Among the more interesting problems are, besides the one mentioned above by M. Libri : ' How to make an instrument that helpes to heare' (the speaking tube, the invention of which is ascribed to Sir Samuel Morland in 1071), 'a lampe which goeth not out, though one carries it in one's pjcket', several magnetical problems, including 'a secrecie in the Magnes, for discovering things farre remote ', ' of the Thermometer ', ' how to weigh the lightnesse of the ayre ', ' of loni- tude and latitude ', ' how to make a clocke with one wheele ', ' how to mike a perpetuall motion ', etc. etc. etc. 10775 LE VERRIER (Urbain Jean Joseph; F.R.S., discoverer of Neptune) RECHERCHES sur I'ORBITE de MERCURE et sur ses PERTURBATIONS. Determination de la Ma&e de Ve"nus et du Diametre du Soleil, 4to. (pp. 87), sewn, 3s Qd 1843 10776 RECHERCHES sur les MOUVEMENTS de la PLANETE HERSCHEL (dite URANUS), roy. 8vo. (pp. 254), sewn, 8s 6d [1846] A collection of the four memoirs on the psrturbations" of Uranus which led to the discovery of Neptune, with a fifth part added: 'Est-il possible de deduire des Observations d'Uranus la Position du Plan de 1'Orbite de la Plauute Troublante ? ' The discovery of Neptune by calculation and its imrneltate verification by the telescope is one of the romances of astronomy. Le Verrier achieved the former, and communicated its exact position to Dr. Galle at Berlin, who at once observed it. It had two results for Le Verrier of an unusual kind for a scientist : Louis Philippe at once made him tutor to the Comte de Paris, and the Department of the Manche elected him willy-nilly to the Legislative Assembly. 10777 LEVESQUE (John, Anchor Brewery, St. Lukzs) The ART of BREWING and FERMENTING, and MAKING MALT, exhibited in Essays and Decimal Tables, with Description of the Author's newly-invented Thermometer; 4th Edition, with ABSTRACT of the ACT to ALLOW the USE of SUGAR in the BREWING of BEER, by GILES HALL, with folding front., 8vo. cl., 4s 1847 This edition refers to the leave then first granted by the Excise to use sugar in brewing. HENRY SOTHEEAN & CO., 140, STEAND W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 537 10779 L'EVEILL^ ( , des Fonts et Chaussees) Des PENTES et RAMPES sur les CHEMINS de FER ; with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 43), sewn, 5s 1847 A mathematical study of the relation of gradients to curves and to the heavier trains and swifter and more powerful locomotives then coming into use. 10780 [LEVY (A., F.G.S.)] DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana) ; 4to. hf. cl., 3s [1830] 10781 ANOTHER COPY, with INTEGRAL CALCULUS [continued, and with its Applications], plate, 2 vols. 4to. unbound, 4s [1830] 10782 ; ANOTHER COPY OF BOTH WORKS, in one vol. 4to. hf. cl., 5s 10783 LEVY (Lucien) La PRATIQUE du MALTAGE ; with folding plate, and 53 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 3s 6d f (p. F. 7 nett) 1899 10784 LEVY (Maurice) La STATIQUE GRAPHIQUE, et ses Applications aux Constructions; with Atlas, containing 24 folding plates, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. sewn, Is (p. F. 16.50) 1874 10785 LEWIS (Rt. Hon. Sir George Cornewall) HISTORICAL SURVEY of the ASTRONOMY of the ANCIENTS, thick 8vo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 18* 6d 1862 'Applying a sceptical analysis to the ambitious Egyptology of Bunsen.' Ency. Brit. It consists of the following chapters : Primitive Astronomy of the Greeks and Romans ; Philosophical Astronomy of the Greeks from Thales to Democritus; Scientific Astronomy of the Greeks from Plato to Eratosthenes; of the Romans from Hipparchus to Ptolemy ; Astronomy of the Babylonians and Egyptians ; Early History and Chronology of the Egyptians and Assyrians ; and Navigation of the Phoenicians. 10786 LEWIS (Gilbert Newton) The OSMOTIC PRESSURE of CONCENTRATED SOLUTIONS, and the Laws of the Perfect Solution, roy. 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, Is [Ea&ton, Mass., 1908] 10787 LEWIS (Major J. F., R.E.) PERMANENT FORTIFICATION for English Engineers, with 43 folding plates, thick 8vo. hf. calf, 5s (p. 10s d nett) Chatham, 1890 10788 LEWIS (Walter and Thomas) MODERN ORGAN BUILDING, with especial Regard to PNEUMATIC ACTION ; including Chapters on Tuning, Voicing, etc., with 76 illustrations (many full-page), 4to. cl., t. e. g., 4s (p. 7s 6d) 1911 10789 LEWIS (William, M.D., F.R.S.) COMMERCIUM PHILOSOPHICO-TECHNICUM ; or the Philo- sophical Commerce of Arts : designed as an Attempt to improve Arts, Trades, and Manufactures, withfine folding front, on copper by P. C. CANOT, A.R.A., of a contemporary chemical laboratory, and 5 other copperplates, thick 4to. old calf (binding damaged), with armorial bookplate of Charles Spooner (mezzotint engraver, d. 1767), 12s 6c? 1763 10790 ANOTHER COPY, old tree-calf gilt, or, hf. white vellum, los Consisting of the following chapters : Description of a Portable Ftirnace for making Experiments : History of Gold, and the various Arts and Businesses depending thereon : Experiments of the Conversion of Glass Vessels into Porcelaine, and for establishing the Principles of the Art : Of the Expansion and Contraction of certain Bodies at the time of their passing from a Fluid to a Solid State : Of the Blowing of Air into Furnaces by a Fall of Water : History of Colours [Dyes and Inks] : History of Platina : Appendix. 10791 LEWKOWITSCH (Julius) The LABORATORY COMPANION to FATS and OILS INDUSTRIES, large 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 6s nett) 1901 10792 L'HOSPITAL (Guillaume Frai^ois Antoine, Marquis de St.-Mesme) ANALYSE des INFINIMENT PETITS, pour 1'Intelligence des Lignes Courbes; 2 e Edition ; with numerous plates, 4to. large copy in contemporary calf, with fine Chippendale bookplate of William Abbot, St. John's Coll., Cantab. (Senior Wrangler in 1754), and another of Prof . Turner, F.R.S., Is Qd 1716 10793 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf gilt, with auto., dated 1728, and sheet of MS. notes of G. L. Leclerc Comte de Buffon (the naturalist), also an interesting letter from the COMTESSE DE BUFFON (his daughter -in law], and bookplate of Frederick Hendricks, F.S.A., 1. 15s ' Containing a partial investigation of the limiting value of the ratio of functions which for a certain value of the variable take the indeterminate form of : 0. This work brought the differential notation into general use in France, and helped to make it known in Europe.' W. W. R. Ball. It was the first, and for a long time the only, treatise on the calculus, explaining it in an intelligible manner not to be found in most subsequent treatises a failing perpetuated in many a modern text-book on the calculus. 10794 TRAITE ANALYTIQUE des SECTIONS CONIQUES et de leur Usage pour la Resolution des Equations dans les Problcmes tant determinez qu' inde'tenninez ; Ouvrage posthume, premiere edition ; with numerous plates, 4to. old calf (joints cracked), with Chippendale bookplate of W. Abbot, and of Prof . Turner, F.R.S. , 8s Qd ' 1707 ' For nearly a century it was deemed a standard work on the subject.' W. W. R. Ball. 10795 LIAGRE (Lt.-Gen. Jean Baptiste Joseph) CALCUL des PROBABILITES et THEORIE des ERREURS, avec APPLICATIONS aux Sciences d'Observation en general et a la GEODESIE en parti- culier, 2 e [derniere] Edition par CAMILLE PENY ; with diagrams, thick sq. 8vo. sewn (title and a few II. foxed) ; SCARCE, 18s Qd Bruxelles, 1879 Especially valuable for applying the theory of probabilities to geodetic problems. 10796 LIBRARY of USEFUL KNOWLEDGE : MATHEMATICS, with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., Is 6d 1836 10797 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. in 1, hf. russia (joints cracked), 6s 6d CONTENTS : I. Study and Difficulties of Mathematics [by AUGUSTUS DE MORGAN] : Arithmetic and Algebra : Examples of the Processes of Arithmetic and Algebra. II. Geometry, Plane, Solid, and Spherical, by PIERCE MORTON ; Elements of Trigonometry, by W. HOPKINS : Spherical Trigonometry, by A. HE MORGAN ; Algebraical Geometry, by S. W. WAUD. 10798 : NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, with Explanation of Scientific Terms, and Index, with numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 4 vols. 8vo. cl., 10s Qd (p. 1. 18s) 1829-38 10799 ANOTHER COPY, 4 vols., hf. calf, 12s 10800 VOLS. I III ONLY, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 7s Qd 1829-34 CONTENTS: I. Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of Science : Mechanics: Hydrostatics: Hydraulics: Pneumatics: Heat : Optics : Double Refraction and Polarisation. II. Newton's Optics : Optical Instruments : Thermometer and Pyrometer: Electricity: Galvanism: Magnetism: Electro-Magnetism. III. Astronomy: History of Astronomy : Mathematical Geography : Physical Geography : Navigation. IV. Chemistry : Botany : Animal Physiology : Animal Mechanics. 538 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10502 LEYBOTJBN (Thomas, E. M. Coll., Sandhurst] The MATHEMATICAL QUESTIONS, proposed an the LADIES' DIARY, and their Original ANSWERS, with some NEW -SOLUTIONS, from 1704 to 1316, diagrams, 4 vols. 8vo. calf, with bookplate of Henry Bickersteth (Lord Langdale, Master of the Rolls), l'2s Qd 1817-18 10503 LEYBOURN (William) ARITHMETICS : VULGAR, DECIMAL, INSTRUMENTAL, ALGEBRAICAL . . . whereunto is added, the Construction and Use of several Tables of Interest and Annuities, Weights and Measures, both of our own and other Countries, 4th Edition, corrected and enlarged, with 2 folding copperplates, 8vo. old calf (binding slightly damaged], with numerous contemporary MS. notes (rare], 12s Qd G. Sawbridge, 1678 This edition was unknown to the author's biographer in D. N. B., where the 1st and 2nd editions only are mentioned. The fourth part is a translation of JACQUES DK BILLY'S ALGEBRA (o. No. 6220, ante). 10804 The ART of DIALLING, performed GEOMETRICALLY, by Scale and Compasses : ARITH- METICALLY, by the Canons of Sines and Tangents : INSTRUMENTALLY, by a Trigonal Instrument, accommodated with Lines for that purpose : the Geometrical Part whereof is performed by Projecting of the Sphere in Piano, upon the Plain itself, whereby not onely the Making, but the Reason also of Dials is discovered, first edition, with fine etched seated portrait, Joliing plate, and diagrams, sm. 4to. contemporary calf (binding slightly damaged and pp. 145-52 missing] : VERY RARE, 1. 15* B'. Tooke and T. Sawbridge, 1669 This edition is excessively rare, that of 16S7 being given by Hutton as the first, and was unknown to the author's biographer in D. N. B. It was also unknown to Lowudes, Watt, and Allibone. The portrait affixed is probably that by Gay wood, set. 30? 1030 > The COMPLEAT SURVEYOR : containing the whole Art of Surveying of Land, by the PLAIN TABLE, THEODOLITE, CIRCUMFERENTOR, and PERACTOR : after a more easie, exact and compendious Manner, then hath been hitherto published by any . . . with the taking of all Manner of Heights and Distances . . . also, the Manner how to know whether Water maybe conveyed from a Spring head to any appointed Place or not, etc. etc., first edition, with etched portrait cet. 27, and num- erous diagrams, folio, contemporary English calf (name on title, and some II. slightly soiled) ; RARE, with auto, of Francis Hargrave (1741-1821) on flyleaf, 1. 15s R. and W. Leybourn, 1653 10803 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary calf (binding damaged, blank margin of portrait defective, and some II. water-stained], 1. 10* A VERY RARE EDITION, unknown to Watt. It was originally published in 1650 as ' Planometria ' by ' OLIVER WALLINBY'. 10807 THIRD EDITION, corrected and much enlarged, with fine portrait aet. 48 by R. WHITE ( fine impression], numerous folding plates, and diagrams, folio, contemporary calf (with British Museum bookstamp, and back of title slight I u damaged, otherwise a fine and tall copy] ; RARE, 1. 10s G. Sawbridge, 1674 10303 ANOTHER COPY, with title and 'Address' (pp. 2) supplied from the 1653 Ed. ; con- temporary sheep (large and sound copy, with contemporary MS. notes), v:ith bookplate of the Rt. Hon. Sir George Rose, 1. 5s 10809 The DESCRIPTION of an Entertaining and Useful Instrument, called GUNTEII'S QUADRANT, by which is performed most Propositions in Astronomy; as the Altitude, Azimuth, lliuht Ascension and Declination of the Sun, etc., also his Rising and Setting, with Hour of the Day or Night, and other Conclusions exemplified at large ; with the Use of the UNIVERSAL RiNG-DlAL ; 4th Edition, with Improvements, folding front, on copper, 12nio. FINE COPY in contemporary sheep (joints tender) ; rare, 15s J. Gilbert, 1771 This tdition was unknown to D. N. J!.< which gives that of 1731 as the last. It contains at end a 6-p. Catalogue of the Mathematical and Optical Instruments ofits publisher. 10810 DIALING: Plain, Concave, Convex, Projective, Reflective, Refractive; shewing, how to make all such Dials, and to adorn them with all useful Furniture relating to the Course of the Sun, performed arithmetically, geometrically, instrumentally and mechanically, first edition, with numerous copperplates, folio, old calf (one joint cracked, portrait wanting, and one plate in MS.]; VERY RARE, 2. 15 Awnsham Churchill, 1682 An enlargement of the 'Art of Dialling', and the fullest treatise on the subject in English hitherto published. Pp. 323-30 contain a description of the celebrated Whitehall Dial, A.D. 1669, constructed by FRANCIS LINE (alias HALL), s.j., with a copperplate illustration. 10311 - SECOND [LAST] EDITION, corrected and Two NEW TRACTATES added, with fine portrait eel. 64 by R. WHITE, and numerous plates, folio, old calf gilt, rebacked (RARE), 3. 10* J. Matthews', for Awnsham and John Churchill, 1700 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary calf (back damaged; and browned on margins], 3. 3s 10813 THE SAME (portrait wanting, a few II. slightly wormed, and a small piece torn out of blank top of title, but a large and sound copy] ; original calf, 2. 85 6d Both the above editions (no others were published)' are very rare, and were unknown to the author's biographer in J) N. B., Lowndes, Watt, and Allibone ; while Dr. Hutton only mentions that of 1700. They contain a description of Father Line's (or Hall's) celebrated sun-dial set up in Charles II. 's private garden at Whitehall in 1669, with a plate illustrating it. Both editions contain chapters on ' reflex dialling ' by JOHN TWYSDEN and I. HALTON, and on ' refractive 10314 - - The LINE of PROPORTION or NUMBERS, commonly called GUNTER'S LINE, made easie : by which may be Measured all Manner of Superficies and Solids . . . also, how to perform the same by a Line of Equal Parts, drawn from the Centre of a Two Foot Rule, with the Use of the Line of Proportion Improved, etc. etc , with plate, 1684 : The Second Part, with the Addition of other Lines, which may conveniently be put upon a Two-Foot Rule, and their Uses Exemplified - . . with SUPPLEMENT, containing the Description and some Uses, of a convenient Two-Foot JoYNT-RuLE : upon which are inscribed diver.s Lines and Scales, sutable to all sort of Artificers Occasions, by JOHN BROWN, 2 v. '77-6 3 vols. 24mo. in 1, contemporary calf (one joint cracked) ; FARE, 1. 10s H.andG. Sawbridge, 1684-76 The author claims to have improved Gunter's slide rule, as modified by Wingate, Milbourn, and Seth Partridge, 'and so ordered the line, that it will perform the work without compasses, by inspection, looking onely u^ on the ruler.' HENRY SOTHERAN & CO-, 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 539 10816 LEYBOURN (William) The LTNE of PROPORTION, SIXTH EDITION [OF THE FIRST PART], carefully corrected and other New Ways of Measuring added by the Author, with folding plate of slide rule (slightly damaged), 24mo. old calf (binding damaged, title and some II. soiled and worn, and some side margins cut into), 6s 6d A. and J . Churchill, 1689 10317 PANARITHMOLOGIA, being a Mirror, Breviate, Treasure, Mate for Merchants, Bankers, Tradesmen, Mechanicks, and a Sure Guide for Purchasers, Sellers, or Mortgagers of Land, Leases, Annuities, Rents, Pensions, etc. in present Possession or Reversion, and a Constant Con- comitant fitted for all Mens Occasions, all Performed by TABLES READY CAST UP ... and by Common Addition and Substraction, with a Necessary Appendix, containing Heads of Daily Use to all Traders, first edition, small 8vo. sound copy in old calf (RARE), 1. 12s Qd J. Dunton and J. Harris, 1693 The 'Appendix ' (pp. 144), which has a separate title and pagination, is not contained in the following editions, and ' is rich in miscellaneous commercial information'. D. N. B. 10318 THIRTEENTH EDITION, with Table of Commission or Brokerage, 12mo. old sheep, 10s Gd 1761 10319 SIXTEENTH EDITION, carefully corrected and enlarged, with Tables directing how to Buy and Sell by the Hundred : And to Cast up Expenses by the Day, Week, Month, and Year, and a Calculation of PORTUGAL COIN, IZmo.fine copy in old sheep, 10s 1772 ' The most enduring of his works ' [D. N. B.~\, and, according to Professor de Morgan, the EARLIEST READY RECKONER in English. 10820 PANORGANON : or a UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT, performing all such Conclusions Geo- metrical and Astronomical as are usually wrought by the Globes, Spheres, Sectors, Quadrants, Planispheres, and other the like Instruments, yet in being ; with Ease and Exactness, with seated portrait, 2 copperplates of the instrument, and numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. old calf (joints cracked, also a few wormholes, and water-stained on margins) ; RARE, 1. 5s W. Birch, 1672 Containing also ' Problemes in Dialling '. The author claims his instrument as an improvement on Gutter's Quadrant, devoid of its ' ineumberances, and it hath many other conveniences '. 10321 LIBERT (Joseph) EMPLOI de I'ELECTRICITE dans les MINES, 8vo. (pp. 130), sewn, 2s St.-Etienne, 1900 10S22 LIBBI [-CARRTJCCI] (Guglielmo Brutus Icilius Timoleon Conte; biblioklept) HISTOIRE des SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES en ITALIE, depuis la Renaissance des Lettres jusqu'h la Fin du XVIl e Siecle, Tomes I a IV (seuls parus ; jusqu'a GALILEE); with diagrams, 4 vols. 8vo. sewn, uncut (slightly water -stained) ; SCARCE, 1. \s 1838-41 1 Onvrage rt-m'nquable par de consciencieuses recherches d'erudition et par un style aussi clair qu'elegant.' Bioor. Gen. ' It is a valuable history as concerns arithmetic, both in text and notes ; the latter contain the liber augmenti ft diminutionis compiled by Abraham, supposed to be Aben Ezra (/.I pp. 304-76), Account of an extract from the Liber Abbaci of Leonard ot Pisa (v. II pp. 287-304), the Practica Geometric/*, of the same author, being the whole of his algebra (v. II pp. 305-76), and extracts from Pacioli (v. Ill pp. i77-94,\ besides many other matters not relating to arithmetic.' Prof, de Morgan's Arithmetical BooAx As was remarked in the first division of the Biblio'.heca Chemico-Mathematica, it is very sad that a mathematician endowed with such inspiring baptismal names should have ever lapsed from the stern virtue of a student of the exact sciences to the wholesale depredation of public libraries for a long period of years ! 10323 LICETI (Fortunio ; Univ. Padua) De LUCERNIS ANTIQUORUM RECONDITIS Libri IV, in quibus earum recens Inventarum adhuc ardentium Observationes multde prinmm aft'eruntur : Aliorum Opiniones omnes de ipsarum Attributis dein expendunter, earundem Caussre, Proprietates, Differentireque Singular . . . explicatis diligenter abditissimis Qnjjestionibus de Ignium Caussis, Origins, Varietate, Durations, Motu, et Extinctu : de Antiperistasi, de Fumis, de Cinere, de Lent re, de Mistis Incombustilibus, de Brutorum Funeribus, et de aliis Naturae Arcanis ; with folding plite and other fine woodcuts, 4to. contemporary white vellum (FINE COPY), 12s Qd Venetiit, 1621 The author seriously maintains that the lamps of the Vestal Virgins were inextinguishable, and continued to burn for several centuries without the addition of any fuel. The work is chiefly of antiquarian interest. 10324 LICK OBSERVATORY of the University of California, PUBLICATIONS of the, prepared under the Direction of the Lick Trustees, by EDWARD S. HOLDEN : Vols. I-VI, VIII, and X, with numerous plates and other illustrations, 8 vols. roy. 4to. cl. (partly o. p.), 3. 105 Sacramento, 1887-1908 CONTENTS : I. History of the Observatory, with its Buildings and Instruments : Observations of Double Stars by S. W. BURNHAM, 1879, of the Transit of Mercury, 1881, by CAPT. FLOYD, E. S. HOLDEN, and S W. BURNHAM, of the Transit of Venus, 1882, by D. P. TODD ; Meteorological Observations, by T. E. FRASER, 1880-5, and Reduction Tables for Mount Hamilton, by G. C. COMSTOCK. II. Double-Star Observations with the 36-inch and 12-inch Refractors, by S. W. BURNHAM. III. Drawings and Photographs of the Moon, by L. WEINEK ; Investigation of Prisms of Optical Glass, by C. S. HASTINGS; the Glass Scale of the L. O. Measuring Engine, by O. H. TITTMAN; Spectroscopic Observations of Nebula', by J. E. KEELER. IV. VI. and X. Meridian Circle Observations, '93-1006, by R. H. TUCKER. V. Micrometrical Observations of Double Stars discovered at Pulkowa, by W. J. HUSSEY. VIII. Photographs of Nebulae and Clusters made with the Crossley Reflector, by J. E. KEELER, ivith, 70 fine plates. 10325 VOLUMES II-VI and VIII, with numerous plates and other illustrations, 6 vols. roy. 4to. cl., 2. 155 ibidem, 1894-1908 10326 VOLUMES II, and IV- VI ONLY, with plates and other illustrations, 4 vols. roy. 4to. cl., 1. 5s ib., 1894-1903 10827 VOLUME IV ONLY, with front., roy. 4to. cl., 5s ib., 1894 10328 , CONTRIBUTIONS from the, Vols. I-IV, with numerous plates (including fine silver prints of Eclipses) and other illustrations, 4 vols. large 8vo cl. (o. p.), Us Qd ib., 1889-95 CONTENTS: I. Reports on the Observations of the Total Eclipse of the Sun of Jan. 1, 'c9 : of the Total Eclipse of the Bun, Dec. 21-22, '89, and of the Total Eclipse of the Moon, July 22, '88, and Catalogue of the Library, '91 : III. Terrestrial Atmospheric Absorption of the Photographic Rays of Light, by J. M. STHAEBERLE, '93 : IV. Report on the Total Eclipse of the Sun, observed at Mina Bronces, Chile, on April 16, '93, by J. M. SCHAEBERLE, '95. 10829 VOLUME iv ONLY, with 11 plates, large 8vo. cl., 4* *'&, 1895 540 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C , AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10831 LIAIS (Emmanuel) CLIMATS, GEOLOGIE, FAUNE, et GEOGRAPHIE BOTANIQUE du BRESIL ; with folding map, thick impl. 8vo. sew.i, 6s (p. F. 18 nett) 1872 10832 LIEBEN (Adolf) SYNTHESE von ALKOHOLEN mittelst GECHLORTEN ATHERS. I. und II. ABHANDLUNG : Untersuchungen iiber den gechlorten Ather und seine Derivate ; ^thylirter Athylalkohol, 2 parts roy. 8vo. (pp. 81), sewn, 3s [Wien, 1867-9] A COMPLETE SET TO DATE IN THE ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS : 10833 LIEBIG'S (Justus Freiherr v. ; F.R s.) ANNALEN der CHEMIE (originally : ANNALEN der PHARMACIE : eine Vereinigung des Archivs des Apotheker-Vereins im nordlichen Teutschland, und des Magazins fiir Pharmacie und Experimentalkritik, herausgegeben von RUDOLPH BRANDES, PH. LORENZ GEIGER und JUSTUS LIEBIG) ; copiously illustrated: A COMPLETE ORIGINAL SET from the beginning in 1832 to 1912 (Bd. I CCCLXXXXII), with Supplement-Band I- VIII, and Register zu Bd. 1-328, 8 v. in all 408 vols. 8vo., everything to 1899 in 145 vv. strongly bound in If. calf neat, cl. sides, and the rest in 6i vv. hf. green morocco gilt (a very fine set) ; VERY RARE, 220. Heidelberg, 1832 Leipzig, 1912 AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE SET, AND THROUGHOUT IN THE RARE ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS, Of One Of the most important chemical journals ever issued . The earlier as well as many of the later volumes are now excessively scarce and difficult to get. 10834 A LONG SERIES, complete from 1854 (Bd. 89) to 1899 (Bd. 304) : Register zu Band 1-276, 7 vols. in 4 in all 223 vols. 8vo., everything to 1888 in 50 vv. hf. calf, and the rest in 28 vv. hf. morocco gilt (IN SOUND CONDITION) ; SCARCE, 85. Heidelberg, 1854 Leipzig, '99 10835 ANIMAL CHEMISTRY, or Organic Chemistry in its Applications to Physiology and Pathology, edited by WILLIAM GREGORY, M.D., 8vo. cl., 3s 1842 10836 - - THIRD EDITION, greatly enlarged, Part I (all pub.) : Chemical Process of Respiration and Nutrition, Metamorphosis of Animal Tissues (Method to be pursued in the Investigation), 8vo. cl., 3s 1846 10837 CHEMISCHE UNTERSUCHUNG iiber das FLEISCH und seine ZUBEREITUNG zum NAHRUNGSMITTEL, 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd Heidelberg, 1847 The work which created zoochemical analysis. 10838 CHEMISTRY in its APPLICATIONS to AGRICULTURE and PHYSIOLOGY, edited by LORD PLAYFAIR and WILLIAM GREGORY, M.D., 4th Edition, enlarged, 8vo.cZ., 3s Qd 1847 10839 CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS in Relation to PHYSIOLOGY and PATHOLOGY, Svo. cl. , 2s 1846, or '7 10840 FAMILIAR LETTERS on CHEMISTRY, in its Relations to Physiology, Dietetics, Agriculture, Commerce, and Political Economy, third Edition, much enlarged [by WILLIAM GREGORY, M.D.], thick fcap. Svo. cl., 2s Qd 1851 10841 FOURTH EDITION, revised and enlarged by JOHN BLYTH, M.D., with portrait (added), large post Svo. cl., 3s Qd 1859 Although now chiefly of historical interest, the work is still well worth reading as a popular introduction to chemistry. 10842 HAND- BOOK of ORGANIC ANALYSIS: the various Methods in determining the Elementary Composition of Organic Substances, edited by AUGUST WILHELM v. HOFMANN, F.R.S., with 85 woodcuts, cr. Svo. cl., uncut (scarce), 10s Qd 1853 10843 ANOTHER COPY, hf. brown morocco neat (title stamped), 10s This English edition contains an appendix ' On the Use of Gas as Fuel in Organic Analysis,' by the Editor. - INSTRUCTIONS for the CHEMICAL ANALYSIS of ORGANIC BODIES, translated by WILLIAM GREGORY, M.D., F.R.S.E., with 43 woodcuts, Svo. sewn, Qs Glasgow, 1839 This was the first edition of the above Hand-Book. The NATURAL LAWS of HUSBANDRY, edited by JOHN BLYTH, M.D , Svo. cl., 3s 1863 10846 On SOME POINTS of AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, Svo. (pp. 45), sewn, ivith INSCR. < FROM THE AUTHOR,' 4s 1856 An attack on LAWES and GILBERT (qq. v. ante)), who questioned (quite rightly) Liebig's statement that plants took up nitrogen directly from the air. Liebig defends this view, and brings forward in support peas and beans, which produced nitrogenous food on unmanured soil. Later researches have shown that this is due to the nodules on the rootlets of these plants, which cause v through bacterial action (symbiosis), the conversion of the nitrogen of the air into nitrogenous salts. 10847 TRAITE de CHIMIE ORGANIQUE : Edition Francaise, considerablement augmented par I'AUTEUR, et publie"e par CHARLES GERHARDT, 3 vols. Svo. hf. brown calf extra (nice copy), 8s Qd t 1810-4 10848 UNTERSUCHUNGEN iiber einige URSACHEN der SAFTEBEWEGUNG im THIERISCHEN ORGANISMUS; with woodcuts, Svo. sewn. Is Qd Braunschweig, 1848 10849 - , und Johann Christian POGGENDORFF : HANDWORTERBUCH der REINE'N und ANGEWANDTEN CHEMIE, in Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehrten herausgegeben, mit Supplemen t ; _with numerous copperplates (mostly folding], 10 vols. Svo. hf. morocco gilt (nice set), 6s Qd ib., 1837-50 10850 ZVVEITE AUFLAGE, neu bearbeitet von mehreren Gelehrten und redigirt von HERMANN v. FEHLING ; with numerous woodcuts, 9 vols. Svo. in 11, hf. calf, 12s (p. M. 174 sewn) ib., 1857-64 See FEHLING, No. 7824, ante, for the third and last edition of this work. 10851 : JUSTUS VON LIEBIG : an AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, translated by J. CAMPBELL BROWN, Svo. (pp. 15), sewn, Is 1891 10352 -: HOFMANN (August Wilhelm v., F.R.S.) The LIFE-WORK of LIEBIG in Experimental and Philosophical Chemistry, with his Influence on the Development of the Collateral Sciences (Faraday Lecture, 1875), with fine photo-portrait, and fs. o/G-p. letter to Faraday, Svo. cl. (scarce), 8s Qd 1876 'Prof. [Sir George Gabriel] Stokes [F.R.S.] with Dr. Hofmann's kind regards.' Inscr. on flyleaf. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 541 10854 LIESEGANG (Paul E.) HANDBUCH der PHOTOGRAPHISCHEN VERFAHREN mit SILBERVER- BINDUNGEN, 7. veriuehrte Auflage ; with 112 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf (title stamped], 3s Dusseldorf, 1881 10855 LIFE-BOAT MODELS submitted for the PREMIUM offered by ADMIRAL ALGERNON DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, F.R.S. : REPORT of the COMMITTEE appointed to Examine them, with List of the existing Life-Boat, Rocket, and Mortar Stations, with Abstract of the Wrecks in 1850, with 13 folding tinted plates by Joseph Prowse, of Woolwich Dockyard, of the models, and coloured wreck-charts of the Northumbrian coast and of the British Islands, folio, cL (scarce), 12s Qd 1851 The prize was awarded to JAMES BEECHING, of Great Yarmouth, whose model was that of the first self-righting lifeboat ever built. The work was issued for presentation only. The fourth Duke of Northumberland was a rather unusual Duke, and a noblehearted. man. He entered the Navy as a volunteer when he was twelve, and served for ten years, becoming acting-Captain of Lord Exmouth's flagship. At the peace ho travelled in the East and was one of the early explorers of Egyptian antiquities, which led him to bear the whole cost, till he died, of E. W. Lane's enormous Arabic Lexicon. He went out with Sir John Herschel to the Cape in 1836 for observing the Southern Constellations, and maintained his scientific interests to the end. But he loved his eld calling of the sea best of all, and this led him to his lifelong work for the National Life-Boat Institution, of which the above competition was a part. He became First Lord of the Admiralty in 1852, and though a sailor of the old war was a pioneer of steam power in the Navy. The only regrettable action of his life was the redressing, at great expense, of the interior of the great feudal castle of Alnwick in the finicking mode of the age of Louis Quatorze. 10S56 LIMBIRD (James) ACCOUNT of the STRATA observed in sinking for "Water at BOSTON, Lines., 4to. (pp. 5), unbound, 2s Qd 1786 Added are, ' Observations of the Transit of Mei'cury, May 4, 1786,' by J. G. KOHLER and 8. RUMOVSKI. 10857 [LIMOJON de ST. DIDIEK (Alexandre Toussaintj] Le TRIOMPHE HERMETIQUE, ou la PIERRE PHILOSOPHALE VICTORIEUSE. Traitte plus complet et plus intelligible, qu'il y en ait eu jusques ici, touchant le Magistere Hermetique ; with emblematic folding plate, 12mo. sewn (plate and some IL mended, worn, and soiled] ; RARE, 15s Amsterdam, 1699 Including ' L'Ancienne Guerre des Chevaliers, ou Entretien de la Pierre des Philosophes avec 1'Or et le Mercure . . . compose originairernent en Alleman par un tres-habile Philosophe,' on which the Triomphe Hermetique forms a commentary. 10858 [ ] The HERMETICAL TRIUMPH: or the VICTORIOUS PHILOSOPHICAL STONE: a Treatise more compleat and more intelligible than any extant, concerning the Hermetical Magistery, translated from the French, with the ANCIENT WAR of the KNIGHTS, translated from the German [and Annotations], with emblematic front., 12mo. old calf, newly rebacked (sound copy); RARE, 1. 1* [1723] With long and interesting preface by the translator, in which he complains of the scarcity of good English works on the ' Hermetic Art.' The work and its author were unknown to Mr. A. E. Waite. 10859 LINDELOF (Lorentz Leonard, Helsingfors] LECONS de CALCUL des VARIATIONS, re"dig6es en Collaboration avec 1'ABBE F. N. M. MOIGNO, 8vo. hf. calf neat, 4s 1861 A standard work on the calculus pf variations. 10860 LINDEMANN (Ed.) Zur BEURTHEILUNG der VERANDERLICHKEIT ROTHER STERNE, roy. 4to. (pp. 10), sewn, Is 6d St.-Petersbourg, 1882 10861 HELLIGKEITSMESSUNGEN der BESSEL'SCHEN PLEJADENSTERNE, roy. 4to. (pp. 29), sewn, 2s ib., 1884 10862 LINDEN (Diederick "Weasel, M.D.) THREE LETTERS on MINING and SMELTING ; in which a Method is laid down, whereby these useful Sciences may be greatly improved, with a Fourth Letter, setting forth a Discovery of an easy Method to secure SHIPS' BOTTOMS from WORMS, 8vo. (pp. 96), hf. bound, Is 1750 The above copy belonged to JOHN WEALE (1791-1862), the architectural publisher of the Gothic Revival, and contains an interesting biographical note by him on the author. 10863 LINDENAU (Bernhard August v.) TABULAE MARTIS novae et correctae, ex Theoria, Gravitatis clarissimi DE LA PLACE, et ex Observationibus recentissimis erutae, 4to. buckram, 4s 6d Eisenberg, 1811 10864 TABULAE VENERIS novae et correctae, ex Theoria Gravitatis clarissimi DE LAPLACE,. et ex Observationibus recentissimis in Specula Astronomica Seebergensi habitis erutae, 4to. buckram, 4s 6d Gothce, 1810 10865 LINDERS (Olof) Die FORMELZEICHEN : ein Beitrag zur Losung der Frage der algebraischen Bezeichnung der physikalischen, technischen und chemischen Grossen, impl, 8vo. sewn, 3s (p- M. 5) Leipzig, 1S05 10866 LINDGREN (Waldemar, U. S. Geol. Survey) The GENESIS of the COPPER-DEPOSITS of CLIFTON-MORENCI, Arizona, 8vo. (pp. 40), sewn, Is 6d [Washington, 1904] 10867 LINDSAY (John) ENGRAVING (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana) , with 4 plates by Lowry, 4to, (pp. 72), unbound, 3s [1835] 10868 LINDSTEDT (Anders) BEITRAG zur INTEGRATION der DIFFERENTIALGLEICHUNGEN der STORUNGSTHEORIE, roy. 4to. (pp. 20), sewn, 2s St.-Petersbourg, 1883- 10869 LINEHAM (Wilfred James, M.I.C.E.) TEXT-BOOK of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, with front., \% folding plates, and 732 other illustrations, thick 8vo. cL, 5s 6d (p. 10s 6d nett) 1894 10370 SEVENTH EDITION, enlarged [with 5 Appendixes (pp. 263)], with front., 19 folding plates, and 923 illustrations, thick 8vo. cL, 8s 6d (p. 12s Qd nett) 1904 - ANOTHER COPY, d. (cover soiled), Is 6d 10372 LINEMANN (Albert; Univ. Koniqsberg) DISPUTATIO INAUGURALIS MATHEMATICA de REFRACTIONIBUS URANICIS ; with diagrams, sm. 4to. (pp. 24), sewn (rare], 10s 6d Eegiomonti, 1634 10373 LINGUET (Simon Nicolas Henri) CANAUX NAVIGABLES, ou Developpement des A vantages qui resulteraient de I'Execution de plusieurs Projets en ce Genre pour la Picardie, 1'Artois, la Bourgogne, la Champagne, la Bretagne, et toute la FRANCE en general, avec 1'Examen de quelques- unes des Kaisons qui s'y opposent, etc. , 12mo. old French calf gilt, 6s 60? Amsterdam {Paris} , 176* 542 HESRY SOTflERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10S75 LING (Arthur Robert, F.I.C.) MALTING, 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn, Is 1908 10S76 , and Bernard Furley DAVIS; F.I.C. : EXPERIMENTS on MALT DIASTASE, narrow folio (pp. 11), sewn (advance proof, corrected), Is Qd 1902 10377 , and Theodore RENDLE : The VOLUMETRIC DETERMINATION of REDUCING SUGARS, roy. 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, ]s 1905 10378 LINK (Heinrich Friedrich ; Univ. Berlin) BEYTRAGE zur PHYSIK und CHEMIE, 3 vols. 8vo. sewn (rare), Is Qd Rostock, 1795-7 INK ALT : Uelmr einige Grundlehren der Physik und Chemie : Beobachtungen und Betrachtungeniiberden Wiirmestoft' : Beytriige zur Philosophic der Physik und Chemie. The work was unknown to Poggendorft'. 10879 LINTERN (William) The MINERAL SURVEYOR and VALUER'S COMPLETE GUIDE : a Treatise on Improved Mining Surveying, with new Traverse Tables, with the 2nd Edition, revised, of FEDOR THOMAN'S TREATISE on COMPOUND INTEREST and ANNUITIES, with Logarithmic Tables, 4 plates, post 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 10s Qd) 1872 10880 - SECOND EDITION, with APPENDIX on MAGNETIC and ANGULAR SURVEYING, with Records of the Peculiarities of NEEDLE DISTURBANCES, 4 plates, post 8vo. cl., Is 1887 This edition does not contain Thoman's Treatise on Interest, etc. (pp. 209). 10S81 LINTON (William ; landscape painter) ANCIENT and MODERN COLOURS, from the earliest Periods to the present Time, with their Chemical and Artistical Properties, post extra, g. e., with author's inscr. (scarce), 8s Qd 1852 A valuable historical account, with copious quotations from Greek and Latiu Classics. According to D. N. B. the author ' was well versed in the chemistry of colours.' 10382 LIOUVILLE (Joseph, de VImtitut; F.R.S.) DEVELOPPEMENTS sur un THEOREME de GEO- METRIE : Sur une PROPRIETE des SECTIONS CONIQUES, 2 parts 4to (pp. 16', sewn, 2s 6d 1844 10383 De la LIGNE GEODESIQUE sur un ELLIPSOIDE QUELCONQUE, 4to. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd 1844 103S4 LIPPINCOTI (Joseph Barlow, U.S. Geol. Survey) CALIFORNIAN HYDROGRAPHY, with map, et>:., 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd Washington, 1903 108S5 [L'iSLE (Joseph Nicolas de ; F.R.S.) MEMOIRES pour servir a THiSTOiRE et au PROGRES de 1'AsTRONOMiE, de la GEOGRAPHIE, et de la PHYSIQUE: Dissertations, Pieces nouvelles, Obser- vations et Reflexions ; with folding plates, 4to. old calf gilt (newly rebacked) ; RARE, 15s St. Pctersbourg, 1738 The illustrations contain one showing the author's thermometric scale, much discussed at the time, but never adopted in practice. 10386 LISSAJOUS (Jules Antoine) RAPPORT au Nom du Comite" des Arts Economiques sur les divers MODELES de STEREOSCOPES ; with plate, 4to. (pp. 14), sewn, 5s [1857] A discussion of the respective merits of Brewster's refractive and Wheatstone's reflecting instruments, with Duboscq's improvements of both. There is also an account ofa ' pseudoscope.' 10SS7 LISTING (Johann Benedikt) Der CENSUS RAUMLICHER COMPLEXE, oder VERALLGEMEI- NERUNG des EULER'SCHEN SATZES von den POLYEDERN; with 2 folding plates, 4to. (pp. 86), sewn, 4s Gottingen, 1862 1088S VORSTUDIEN zur TOPOLOGIE ; with woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 68), sewn (scarce], with auto, of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 6* Qd ibidem, 1848 ' Various researches have been brought under the head of analysis situs. The subject was first investigated by Leibniz, and was later treated by Gauss, whose theory of knots has been employed by J. B. Listing. ' Prof. Cajori. 10389 LITTEN (J. Eduard) Das GESCHWEISSTE SCHMIEDEEISENROHR, 2. Aunage, post 8vo. sewn, 2* (M Berlin, 1906 10390 LITTROW (Joseph Johann Edler v. ; Vienna Observatory) GNOMONIK, oder Anleitung zur Verfertigung aller Arten SONNENUHRKN, 2. umgearbsitete Auflage ; with 2 folding copperplates, 8vo. sewn (scarce), Is Qd Wien, 1838 10391 Die WCJNDER des HIMMELS, oder gemeinfassliche Darstellung des Weltsystemes, 5. Auflage, nach den neuesten Fortschritten der Wissenschaft bearbeitet von KARL V. LITTROW ; with portrait, 10 plates (some coloured), and 147 wiodcuts, thick 8vo. hf. calf neat, 4s Stuttgart, 1866 One of the best popular German handbojks of astronomy. 10392 LIVEING- (George Downing, F.R.S.) CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM the RESULT of the DISSIPATION of ENERGY, ivith 2 plates, cr. 8vo. cl., with auto, and numerous MS. notes by Prof. A. S. Herschd, F.R S. (scarce), 10* Qd Cambridge, 1885 Interesting for containing numerous MS. additions by Prof. A. S. Herschel, who defines chemical equilibrium as the result of 'structural vigour-couples, (reversible) disponsemauts, and (unreversible) dispenditures of energy.' The work also gives the author's theory of the constitution of matter, ' an outcome of the vortex theory.' 10393 - On the EFFECTS of DILUTION, TEMPERATURE, and other Circumstances on the ABSORPTION SPECTRA of SOLUTIONS of DIDYMIUM and ERBIUM SALTS, with 23 plates, 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, with inscr. to Sir Edward Thorpe, F.R.S., 3s Qd [Cambridge, 1899] 10391 , and Sir James DEWAR, F.R.S.: On the REFRACTION and DISPERSION of LIQUID OXYGEN, and the Absorption Spectrum of Liquid Air, 8vo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is Qd 1895 10895 - On the SEPARATION of the LEAST VOLATILE GASES of ATMOSPHERIC AIR, and their Spectra, with 2 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 10), sewn, \s Qd 1901 10898 On the SPECTRUM of the MORE VOLATILE GASES of ATMOSPHERIC AIR which are not condensed at the Temperature of Liquid Hydrogen : PRELIMINARY NOTICE, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, 1.9 Qd 1900 10897 LOB (Walther; Univ. Berlin) Die ELEKTROCHEMIE der ORGANISCHEN VERBINDUNGEN 3. [neueste], umgearbeitete Aunage von ' Unsere Kenntnisse in der Elektrolyse und Electro- synthese organischer Verbindungen' ; with. 10 illustrations, 8vo. sewn, Qs (p. M. 9) Halle a. S., 1905 3039S LOBANOFF (D. I.) CATALOGUE du MUSEE de la SOCIETE OURALIENNE a Ekatherinebourg. I. GEOLOGIE, MINERALOGIE, PALEONTOLOGIE et ARCHEOLOGIE (en Langue? russe et franc iise), roy. Svo. seivn, '3s Qd Ekatherinebourg, 1897 HENRY SOTHERAN CO., & 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 543 10900 LIVERPOOL and MANCHESTER RAILWAY : MINUTES of EVIDENCE before the LORDS' COMMITTEES to whom was referred the Bill intituled 'An ACT for MAKING and MAINTAINING a RAILWAY or TRAMROAD from the Town of LIVERPOOL to the Town of MANCHESTER, with certain Branches therefrom, all in the County of Lancaster,' folio, hf. calf (joints broken), with au'o. ' George llenniz [F.R.S], May Wi, 1826 '' (VERV SCARCE), 3. 3s 1826 Ths parliamentary evidence in the Lords concerning the first railway line ever opened for passenger traffic, and thus of great importance in connexion with the early history of railway engineering. Among the witnesses were James Cropper (afterwards director of the railway), Sir John Gladstone, M.P. (father of Mr. Gladstone), Alexander Nimmo, F.R.S , George Rennie, F.R.S , and Charles Blacker Vignoles, F.R.S.; while among counsel for the promoters was the delightfully Pickwickian Mr. Serjeant Spanine. 10901 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, ABSTRACT of the PROCEEDINGS of the, COMPLETE from the beginning in 1859 to 1885 (Vols. 1-5, No. 1), with numerous plates (coloured, photographic and plain), and other illustrations, 4 vols. and 1 part 8vo. vv. 1-3 buckram, and the rest sewn, 1. 1* Liverpool, 1861-85 109D2 LIVERSEDGE (Alfred John, A.M.I.C.E.) COMMERCIAL ENGINEERING, by ' a GENERAL MANAGER,' Svo. cl.,5s (p. 7s 6rf nett) 1912 10903 L1VERSIDGE (Archibald, F.R.S.) The MINERALS of NEW SOUTH WALES, 2nd Edition, 4 to. sewn, 5s [Sydney, 18821 10904 LLOYD (Commr. Elward William, R.N.), and Lt.-Col. A. G. HADDOCK, Elswlck Works : ARTILLERY : its Progress and Present Position, with numerous plates (2 coloured), and woodcuts, thick roy. Svo. (pp. 463), cl., with auto, of Major Gen. E. S. May, R.A., \2s6d (p. 1. Us 6d) Portsmouth, 1893 A valuable work. Pp. 315-423 contain ballistics. 10905 LLOYD (Humphrey, D.D., F.R.S.; Provost T. C. D.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the WAVE THEORY of LIGHT ; 2nd Edition, with Additions, diiqrams, Svo. cl., 4s 1857 10906 THIRD [LAST] EDITION, revised and enlarged, with diagrams, Svo. cl. (o. p.), 8s 6d 1873 ' There is no book in any language which puts the leiding principles of this subject so clearly and concisely, and at the same time so completely and in ?uch an interesting manner, before the student." Aeidemy. The third edition contains an additional chapter on absorption and emission. 10907 ELEMENTS of OPTICS, with 2 folding plates, Svo. cl., with auto, of W. F. Donkin, F.R.S., 5s Dublin, 1849 10903 LECTURES on the WAVE THEORY of LIGHT, 2 folding plates, Svo. hf. calf, 4s ibidem, 18 U Forming the first edition of the ' Elementary Treatise on the Wave Theory of Light.' 10909 On the PHENOMENA presented by LIGHT in its PASSAGE along the AXES of Bi-AxAL [sic] CRYSTALS, with 2 plates, 4to. (pp. 13), sewn (scarce), 6s 6s [ib., 1833] ' Perhaps his most notable single scientific achievement, establishing by experiment the existence of conical refraction in biaxial crystals, in conformity with the theoretical anticipations of Sir William Rowan Hamilton [w. No. 8t59, ante]. He also succeeded in establishing experimentally the law by which the polarisation of the rays composing the luminous cone is governed.' D. N. B. 10910 RESULTS of OBSERVATIONS at the MAGNETICAL OBSERVATORY of DUBLIN, 1840-3: J. SERIES: MAGNETIC DECLINATION (pp. 25), with 3 plates: On the MEAN RESULTS of OBSERVATIONS (pp. 36) in 1 vol. 4to. sewn, 4s Qd ib., 1849 10911 LOBATSCHEWSKY (Nicolai Ivanovitch) GEOMETRICAL RESEARCHES on the THEORY of PARALLELS, translated [with Introduction, and Appendix on Elliptic Geometry], by GEORGE BRUCE HALSTED [4th Edition] , with 37 diagrams, roy. Svo. cl. (scarce), 8s 6d A ustin, Texas [1892] The only English translation of the author's celeb! atrd resrarches on the theory of parallel lines the foundation of hyperbolic geometry. 'What Vesalius was to Galen, what Copernicus was to Ptolemy, that was Lobatschew&ky to Euclid '.Professor Clifford. 10912 LOBATTO (Rehuel; Ddft) LESSEN over de INTEGRAAL-REKENING ; with 2 folding plates, 2 vols. Svo. boards, 2s Qd 's Gravenhage, 1851-2 10913 MEMOIRS sur les FONCTIONS ELLIPTIQUES de PREMIERE et de SECONDS ESPECE, 4to. (pp. 47), sewn, 2s t [Amsterdam, 1846] 109U MEMOIRS sur INTEGRATION des EQUATIONS LINEAIRES aux DIFFERENTIELLES PARTIELLES k TROIS VARIABLES, 4to. sewn. r 2s 6d ibidem, 1837 10915 MEMOIRE sur INTEGRATION des EQUATIONS LINEAIRES aux DIFFERENTIELLES et aux DIFFERENCES FINIES, 4to. (pp. 73), sewn, 2s 6d [ib., 1837] 10916 MEMOIRE sur une METHODE d' APPROXIMATION pour le CALCUL des RENTES VIAGERES, 4to. (pp. 32), sewn, 2s 6d ib., 1864 10917 MEMOIRE sur la THEORIE des CARACTERISTIQUES, 4to. (pp. 82), sewn, 2s Qd ib., 1837 10918 NOTE sur une PROPRIETE relative aux RACINES d'une CLASSE PARTICULIERE d'EQUATiONS du 3 e DEGRE, 4to. (pp. 14), seivn, Is Qd 1844 10919 RECHERCHES sur la SOMMATION de quelques SERIES TRIGONOMETRIQUES, 4to. sewn, 2s 6d Delft, 1827 10920 VERHANDELING over de ZAMENSTELLING en liet EVENWIGT van een Stelsel Krachten werkende op een Vast Ligchaam, 4to. (pp 66), sewn, 2s Amsterdam, 1849 10921 VERKLARING eener NIEUWE en VEREENVOUDIGDE HANDELWIJZE voor het TREKKEN van den CUBUSWORTEL, 12rno. sewn, is Qd 's Gravenhage, 1842 10922 LOBLEY (James Logan, F.G.S.) MOUNT VESUVIUS : a Descriptive, Historical, and Geological Account of the Volcano and its Surroundings, 20 plates and maps, Svo. cl., t. e. (/., 5s (p. 12s 6d) 1889 Containing reprints of four contemporary accounts of the formation of Monte Nuovo in 1538, a description of Prof. Palmieri's Seismograph, etc. etc. 10923 VOLCANIC PHENOMENA: Ths MEAN VARIATION of the GLOBE: The CRUST of the GLOBE and its Disturbances, plate 3 pamphlets Svo. sewn, 2s 6d Lewes, 1897-8 10924 LOBMEYB (L.), Albert IL3, und Wendelin BOEHEIM : Die GLASINDUSTRIE, ihre GESCHICHTE, gegenwartige ENTWICKLUNG und STATISTIK, Svo. hf. roan neat, 5s Stuttgart, 1874 Pp. 3-144 contain a"n interesting history of glassmaking to thsend of the XVlIIth Ceatury. 544 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 10926 LOBBY de BBUYN (C. A.) The FLASHING POINT of PETROLEUM, 8vo. (pp. 57), sewn, Is 6d f [1896] 10927 , et J. W. van GEUN3: CORPS AROMA.TIQUES NITRES XVII : Etude comparative des trois Dinitrobenzenes IV. Action du Cyanure de Potassium, roy. 8vo. (pp. 36), sewn, Is Qd Leide, 1904 10928 , and C. H. SLUITEB : The BECKMANN-REARRANGEMENT : TRANSFORMATION of ACETOFHENOXIME into ACETANILIDE and its Velocity, irapl. 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, \s [Amsterdam, 1904] 10929 , et Alphonse STEGER : INFLUENCE de 1'EAU sur la VITESSE de FORMATION des ETHERS ORDINAIRES, roy. 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, Is Leide, 1899 10930 LOCK (Alfred George) GOLD : its OCCURRENCE and EXTRACTION ; the Geographical and Geological Distribution of Gold-bearing Rocks, Modes of Working Shallow Placers, etc., Hydraulicing, the Reduction and Separation of Auriferous Quartz, the Treatment of Complex Ores containing other Metals ; also a BIBLIOGRAPHY, and a GLOSSARY of English and Foreign TERMS, with 185 woodcuts, and 6 maps, thick impl. 8vo. (pp. 1250), cl. (cover soiled) ; o. p., Us Qd p. (2. 125 Qd) 1882 The most extensive work on the subject ever written, and indispensable as a work of reference. 10931 LOCK (Charles George Warnford) MINING and ORE-DRESSING MACHINERY: a comprehensive Treatise dealing with the Modern Practice of winning both Metalliferous and non-Metalliferous Metals, including all the Operations incidental thereto, and preparing the Product for the Market, with 639 woodcuts, thick roy. 4to. cl., 1. 1* (p. 2. 12s Qd) 1890 10932 WORKSHOP RECEIPTS, THIRD SERIES, illustrated, post 8vo. cl., Is Qd (p. 6s) 1885 10933 , G. W. WIGNER, and Robert Henry HARLAND, FF.I.C. : SUGAR GROWING and REFINING : a Comprehensive Treatise on the Culture of Sugar- Yielding Plants, and the Manu- facture, Refining, and Analysis of Cane, Beet, Maple, Melon, Milk, Palm, Sorghum, and Starch Sugars, with copious Statistics, and Chapter on the Distillation of Rum, with 10 folding plates and 205 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 12s Qd (p. 1. 10s) 1882 10934 LOCK (John Bascombe, pr. ; Gains Coll.) DYNAMICS for Beginners, 3rd. Edition, with numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1890 10935 TREATISE on HIGHER TRIGONOMETRY, 4th Edition, enlarged, with numerous diagrams,, 2s Qd 1893 10936 LOCKE (John, F.R.S.) ELEMENTS of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, to which are added some Thoughts concerning Reading and Study for a Gentleman, with portrait after Kneller, 12mo. contemporary sheep (joints cracked), 4s [1750] 10937 LOCKE (Joseph, M.P., C.E., F.R.S.) : BOW-STRING BRIDGE RIBS : a Description of Ribs pre- pared for a Bridge over the REGENT'S CANAL, LONDON, for the Blackwail Extension Railway, by Messrs. Fox, Henderson and Co., under the Direction of JOSEPH LOCKE, M.P., F.R.S., with 3 folding plates (linen-mounted), 4to. cl., 5s London Works, near Birmingham, 1849 This' was for the beginning of the original North London Railway, which was an extension of the North-Western from Chalk Farm to the Blackwail Railway and the Docks, and was th-5 line on which Mr. Briggs was murdered by Miiller. The bowstring girder had a long vogue, bat is now hardly rigid enough for the enormous moving weights of the modern express train. 10938 , The LIFE of, by JOSEPH DEVEY, with steel portrait, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 14s) 1862 10939 LOCKHABT (James) LEERWIJZE om den CUBIK-WORTEL nit alle Getallen te trekken, roy. 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, 3s Qd apud auctorem [Haarlem, 182'l] 10940 METHOD of APPROXIMATING towards the ROOTS of CUBIC EQUATIONS belonging to the IRREDUCIBLE CASE, with diagrams, impl. 8vo. boards, uncut (scarce), 6s Qd R. Ackermann, 1813 ' Presented to me by J. Lockhart Esqre. Beets.' Inscr. on Hyleaf. The author, who is overlooked in D. N. B., was according to Poggendorff, ' ein reicher Privatmann, der von 1819 bis 183) in Harlem und darauf an verschiedenen Orten von England lebte. Mitglied der Astronomical Society.' On the title of the Dutch work, which has the preface initialled and the dates filled up in his autograph, he styles himself ' heer van Lanhams, in het graafschap van Essex.' 10941 LOCKWOOD (Thomas Dixon) PRACTICAL INFORMATION for TELEPHONISTS, large 12mo. morocco neat (title stamped], 2s New York, 1882 10942 LOCOMOTIVE (The) of TO-DAY, reprinted, with Revisions and Additions, from ' The Locomotive Magazine' ; third Edition, with 56 illustrations (including 19 plates), 8vo. cl., 2s 1904 No f . a mere collection of engine-portraits, but a complete treatise on construction and working. 10943 LOEWY (Moritz ; de VImtitut) BAHNBESTIMMUNG des ERSTEN KOMETEN 1857 : Uber die BAHN des COMETEN V 1858 : des KOMETEN DONATI : Elemente der BAHN des von BRUHNS am 21. Mi 1853 in Berlin entdeckten KOMETEN 1 parts roy. 8vo. unbound, 3s 6of Wien, 1858-9 10944 EPHEMERIDES des ETOILES de CULMINATION LUNAIRE et de LONGITUDE, 1892-1904; 13 parts 4to. sewn, 15s (p. F. 39 nett) 1891-1902 10945 - ETUDE des CONDITIONS k REALISER dans I'EXECUTION des CLICHES pour obtenir 1'Homoge'ne'ite et le Maximum d'Exactitude dans la Determination des Coordonnees des Images Stellaires, etc. etc., 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Qd 1902 10946 RECHERCHES sur la DETERMINATION des CONST.VNTES des CLICHES PHOTOGRAPHTQUES du, ClEL ; with diagrams, 4to. sewn, with author's inscr., 5s Qd 1893 10947 , et Pierre PUTSEUX: ATLAS PHOTOGRAPHIQUE de la LUNE, public par TObservatoire de Paris ; PARTS 2-6 and 8 (text only), 6 parts 4to. sewn, 1. Is Imprimerie National^ 1897-1904 1094 S THEORIE du SYSTEME OPTIQUE compose d'une LUNETTE ASTRONOMIQUE et, d'un DOUBLE MIROIK PLAN. Application a la Mesure precise des Distances en Vue de 1'Etude de 1' Aberration et de la Refraction ; with 27 diagrams, 4to. sewn, 3s Qd 1891 10949 RECENT PROGRESS accomplished by Aid of PHOTOGRAPHY in the Study of the LUNAR SURFACE, 3 plates of lunar photographs, roy. 8vo. (pp. 17), sewn, Is Qd Washington, 1900 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 545 10951 LOCKYEB (Sir Joseph Norman, P.R.S.) The CHEMISTRY of the SUN, with 134 illustrations, Svo. cl. (o. p.), Is (p. 14s) 1887 This work develops the author's theory of sun-spots, first communicated to the Royal Society in 1886. 10952 CONTRIBUTIONS to SOLAR PHYSICS : a Popular Account, with special Reference to SPECTROSCOPIC RESEARCHES, with 7 plates (3 coloured), and 175 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cL extra, t. e. g. (o. p.], 8* 6d (p. 1.11* Qd) 1874 Sir Norman Lockyer was the first to apply spectroscopy to the study of the sun's surface. The above work includes his papers on solar physics contributed to the ' Philosophical Transactions ' and to the French Academy of Sciences, as well as lectures and contributions to various scientific periodicals, with original chapters, notes, appendixes, and index. 10953 ELEMENTARY LESSONS in ASTRONOMY, first edition, with coloured frontispiece, 15 plates, and 78 woodcuts, l'2mo. cL, 2s (p. 5s Qd) 1868 10954 NEW EDITION [enlarged], with coloured front. , 16 plates, and 90 woodcuts, 12mo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 5s Qd) 1889 10955 INORGANIC EVOLUTION as studied by SPECTRUM ANALYSIS, with 43 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 4s nett) 1900 ' Containing an account of my most recent enquiries into the chemistry of the stars.' Preface. 10953 The METEORITIC HYPOTHESIS : the Results of a Spectroscopic Inquiry into the Origin of Cosmical Systems, with 7 plates, and 101 woodcuts, 8vo. cL, 10s (p. 17s nett) 1890 This important work contains all the author's investigations on the subject, and includes his proposition that 'all self-luminous bodies in the celestial space are composed either of swarms of meteorites, or of masses of meteoric vapour produced by heat.' 10957 RECENT RESEARCHES in SOLAR CHEMISTRY, 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, 2s 1878 10958 The SPECTROSCOPE and its APPLICATIONS, with coloured frontispiece, and 60 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl. (scarce), 4s 1873 10959 STARGAZING : Past and Present, expanded from Shorthand Notes of a Course of Royal Institution Lectures, with the Assistance of G. A. SEABROKE, F.R.A.S., with frontispiece and 217 ivoodcuts, many from old, prints, 8vo. cl., uncut, t. e. g. (o. p.), 10s Qd (p. 1. Is) 1878 Including a valuable historical account of the ' pre-telescopic age', and of the invention of the telescope ; also accounts of ' Time and Space Measures ', and ' Modern Meridional Observations '. 10960 STUDIES in SPECTRUM ANALYSIS, with 8 coloured plates, and 51 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s Qd) 1878, '83, or '94 10961 , and F. E. BAXANDALL : The SPECTRUM of y CYGNI, with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 18), boards, 2s Qd 1903 10962 , and Arthur SCHUSTER, F.R.S. : REPORT on the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE of April 6, 1875, with 6 plates, roy. 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, 3s Qd 1878 10963 LODGE (Alfred) MENSURATION for SENIOR STUDENTS, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 4s Qd) 1895 10964 On PRODUCTS and QUOTIENTS of CONCRETE QUANTITIES, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is 1888 10965 LODGE (Sir Oliver Joseph, F.R.S.) EASY MATHEMATICS, chiefly Arithmetic, containing a Summary of most Things in Elementary Mathematics useful to be known, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 4s Qd) 1905 10966 ELEMENTARY MECHANICS, including Hydrostatics and Pneumatics ; new Edition, completely revised by the AUTHOR, ALFRED and CHARLES S. LODGE, with 107 illustrations, cr. 8vo. 2s Qd (p. 4s Qd) 1904 10987 MAN and the UNIVERSE : a Study of the Influence of the Advance in Scientific Knowledge on our UNDERSTANDING of CHRISTIANITY, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 7s Qd nett) [1908] 10968 MODERN VIEWS on ELECTRICITY, with 55 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., with author's signature, and auto. ofF. J. Jervis- Smith, pr., F.R.S., 2s Qd (p. 6s Qd) 1889 10969 [SECOND EDITION, enlarged, and with Chapter on Recent Progress], with 67 illustrations, cr. 8vo., cl., 3s (p. 6s Qd) 1892 10970 MODERN VIEWS on MATTER (Romanes Lecture) , 8vo. sewn, Is Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1903 10971 SIGNALLING ACROSS SPACE WITHOUT WIRES ; the Work of HERTZ and his Successors ; 2nd enlarged Edition, with steel portrait of Hertz, and 32 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd [1898] 10972 THIRD [LAST] EDITION, with additional Remarks on the APPLICATION to TELEGRAPHY, and Later Developments, 67 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 5s nett) [1900] The Later Developments now include the Application to Party Politics. 10973 The WORK of HERTZ and some of his SUCCESSORS, with steel portrait, and diagrams, 8vo. cl. (o.p.), 2s Qd [1894] 10974 LOEFFLEB (Friedrich), Georg OESTEN, und B. SENDTNEB : WASSERVERSORGUNG, WASSERUNTERSUCHUNG nd WASSERBEURTEILUNG, mit Beitriigen von TH. WEYL ; with 72 illustrations, roy. Svo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 9 sewn) Jena, 1896 10975 LOESCH (M.) BESTIMMUNG der INTENSITAT der SCHWERKRAFT auf 20 Stationen an der westafrikanischen Kiiste von Rio del Rey (Kamerun-Gebiet) bis Kapstadt ; with 2 plates, 4to. (pp. 50), sewn, 3s Qd Berlin, 1902 10976 LOEWE (Ferdinand), und Georg MEYEB: WEICHEN und KREUZUNGEN. DREHSCHEIBEN und SCHIEBEBUHNEN. (Der Eisenbahnbau. III. Abteilung) ; with folding plate, and 166 other illustrations, large impl. Svo. sewn, 4s (p. M. 8) Leipzig, 1898 10977 LOFFLEB (Alexander) Uber die METHODE, die grossten und kleinsten WERTHE UMBE- STIMMTER INTEGRALFORMELN zu find en ; with folding plate, roy. Svo. (pp. 30), sewn, Is 6s Wien, 1859 546 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., UO, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 109SO LOGAN (James) DEMONSTRATIONS de RADIORUM Lucis in SUPERFICIES SPH/ERICAS remotius ab Axe Incidentium a Primario Foco ABERRATIONIBUS ; with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 29), sewn, Qs Lugduni Batavorum, 1741 10981 EXPERIMENTA et MELETEMATA de PLANTARUM GENERATIONE, nee non CANONUM pro INVENIENDIS RtfFRACTIONUM tlim SlMPLICIUM, turn in LENTIBUS DUPLICIUM FOCIS DEMONSTRA- TIONES GEOMETRIC.E ; with2 folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn (rare], 10* Qd ibidem, 1739 The first part is an enlarged account, originally published in ths Philosophical Transactions, of the author's experiments on the fertilisation of maiz% ' an important demonstration of the sexuality of plants.' D. N. B. JAMES LOGAN, an Irishman, was Willia-n Penn's agent in America, Mayor of Philadelphia, and one of Benjamin. Franklin's first protectors. He left his valuable library to the City of Philadelphia. 109S2 LOGrAHirHMS (Logistical), TABLE of, for finding the Part Proportional both in Time and M >tion, 8vo. (pp. 26), sewn, 3s Qd [c. 1780] 10983 LOHNEYS3 (Georg Engelhard v.) BERICHT vom BERGWERCK, wie man dieselben bawen und in gnten Wolstande bringen sol, . . sampt alien dazu gehorigen Arbeiten, Ordnung und rechtlichen Processen ; with engraved title, and 16 finely etched folding plates, minutely illustrating the machinery and processes in Mininy and Metallurgy then in vogue, folio, sewn (small hole in 1 plate; some leivzt slight;/ w tier stained, otherwise a sound copy)', RARE, 2. 2s o. J. u. 0. [? 1619] A complete treatise on mining and metallurgy a? practised in Germany during the XVIIth Century. The above edition is very rare. It was reprinted in 1690. 10984 GRUNDLICHER und AUSSFUHRLICIIER BERICHT von BERGWERCKEN, wie man dieselbigen niitzlich und fruchtbarlich bauen . . . insbesonderheit die Ertze und Metallen . . . auffs niitzlichste bearbeiten, rosten, waschen, puchen, seigern, in kleinem Feuer probiren, cimentiren,. scheiden, und im gros*en Feuer ohne Abgang schmeltzen und zu Nutze machen soil ; sampt BERG- ORDNUNG, und Bericht von der Berglente Verrichtung und Freyheiteri ; with engraved title, and fine and clean impressions of the 16 finely etched folding plates, folio, boards (engraved title mounted, also slightly waterstained and browned) ; RARE, 1. 10s Leipzig, 1690 10985 LOHRMANN (Wilhelm Gotthelf) MONDKARTE in 25 Sectionen und 2 Erlauterungsbafeln, mit Erlauterungen und selenographischen Ortsbestimmungen, unter Mitwirkung von F. VV. und M. OPELT, herausgegeben von J. F. JULIUS SCHMIDT; neue wohlfeile Ausgabe, mit Vonvort von H. EBERT; with fine portrait, 1 plate, and 25 maps on copper, neatly LINEN-MOUNTED IN 4 LARGE SECTIONS, roy. 4to. inportfolio (1 plate wintinq) ; o.v , 15s (p. M. 25 unmounted) Leifzig, 1892 ' A series of 25 excellent lunar charts.' G. F. Chambers, F.R.A.S. ' The first scientifically executed lunar chart, on a scale of 37j" to a lunar diameter." Mis* Agnes Af. Clerke. 10986 LOMMEL (Eugen, Erlanqen) The NATURE of LIGHT, with General Account of PHYSICAL OPTICS; coloured spectrum-table and 188 wiodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 5s) 1875, or '88 10987 STUDIEN iiber die BE-SEL'SCHEN FUNCTIONED 8vo. sewn (scarce), Qs Leipzig, 1863 Adopting a nomenclature differing from Neumann's. THE EARLIEST BOOK CATALOGUE: 10988 [LONDON (William, bookseller)] A CATALOGUE of the mof-t VENDIBLE BOOKS in ENGLAND, Orderly and Alphabetically Digested ; under the Heads of Divinity, History, Physick, and Chyrurgery, Law, ARITHMETICK, GEOMETRY, ASTROLOGIE, DIALLING, MEASURING LAND and TIMBER, GAGEING, NAVIGATION, Architecture, Horsmanship, Faulconry, Merchandize, Limning, Military Discipline, Heraldry, FORTIFICATION and FIRE-WORKS, Husbandry, Gardening, Komances, Poems, Plays, etc., with Hebrew, Greek and Latin Books for Schools and Scholars. THE LIKE WORK NEVER YET PERFORMED BY ANY [with SUPPLEMENT of New Books come forth since August 1, 1657, till June 1, 1658], sm. 4to. old calf (partly water -stained, and back of binding damaqeri) ; very rare, with inscr. as below, 4. 4s printed in the year 1658 ' J[ohn] \V[inter| Jones [principal librarian, British Museum (1803-81)] with kind regards of John Edward Gray, Briti-sh Museum [F.R.S., 18 n O-75].' Inscr. on flyleaf. 1 London is he-it known by a very rare catalogue of English literature [supra], which he drew up in 1058 . . . The signature ' William London ' attached to the dedication has been absurdly explained as that of William Juxon, Bishop of London. Besides the dedication . . . there is an ' Epistle to the m<"st candid and ingenious reader,' and a very spirited and well-written ' Introduction to the Use of Books, or a short Essay upon the Value and Benefits of Learning and Knowledge ' (pp. 49) . . . London's claim to have produced the earliest catalogue of any bibliographical pretensions is fully justified.' Sir Sidney Lee. ' W lien ever you can meet with this small volume, purchase it, if it be only for the sake of reading the spirited intro- duction prefixed to it. The author was a man (whoever he may chance to b j )of no mean intellectual powers.' Dih/li '//'- Bitliominia. Lemoine, in his History of Printing, ascribes the preface to THOMAS GUY, the bookseller-lounder of Guy's Hospital an obvious misstttement, as the latter was born (according to D. N. B.) c. 1(545. 10989 LONES (Thomas East) ARISTOTLE'S RESEARCHES in NATURAL SCIENCE, with 10 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 6s nett) t 1912 10390 LONEY (Sidney Luxton, Roy. Hollowly CM.) The ELEMENTS of COORDINATE GEOMETRY, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 7s Qd) 1895 10991 SECOND EDITION, revised, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 4s 1896 10392 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY; Stereotyped Edition, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 7s Qd) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1900 10993 - ANOTHER COPY, with Solutions, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. cl., 10s (p. 18s) apud eandetn, ibidem, 1896 10994 TREATISE on ELEMENTARY DYNAMICS, 4th Edition, diagrams, with Solutions, 2 vol.. cr. 8vo. cl., Ss (p. 15s) a. e., ib., 1897-2 10995 LONG (Charles A.) The DRY COLLODION PROCESS, first edition, with 5 woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. (pp. 31), sewn (title wanting), 3s 6d 1857 10996 THIRD EDITION, with 5 woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. (pp. 38), sewn, 3s Qd 1858 ' The dry collodion process devised by Mr. Long is more simple and effective than any other.' III. London News. 10997 - - PRACTICAL PHOTOGRAPHY, on Glass and Paper, including the Collodion, Albumen, Calotype, Waxed Paper, and Positive Paper Processes, fcap. 8vo. (pp. 48), sewn, 3s Qd 1854 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 547 10998 LONG (Roger, D.D., F.R.S., Master of Pembroke Hall] ASTRONOMY, with the rare Continuation, including Books IV and V [edited and continued by RICHARD DUNTHORNE and WILLIAM WALES, F.R.S], with numerous fine folding plates, 2 vols. 4to. sound copy in contemporary calf, with old armorial bookplate of Thomas Wright, 12s Qd Cambridge, 1742-84 ' An important work '. Miss Agnes M. CUrke. The continuation includes an interesting memoir of the author, as well as a list of contents to v. II. 10999 VOL. I ONLY, with numerous copperplates, 4to. old calf (joints cracked], 3s Qd ibidem, 1742 11000 LONGITUDES (Bureau des), ANNALES du: Travaux faits a FObservatoire Astronomique de MONTSOURIS, et Memoires divers, Tome V e ; with 4 plates, and numerous diagrams, 4to. sewn, 10* (p. F. 25 nett) 1897 11001 LONGO (Agatino, Univ. Catania) OssERVAziONi PRELIMINARI sulla TEORIA della GRAVITAZIONE UNIVERSALE, 8vo. hf. cl., iv it h author's in scr. on cover (scarce), 5s Qd Catania, 1832 'Contiene la dimostrazione apodittica della erroneita della teoria della gravitazicrne universale.' Avrertimento. 11002 LONGOMONTANUS [recte LONGBEBG, sive LUMBORG] (Christian Severin) ASTRO- NOMIA DANICA, in duas Partes tributa : quarum I. Doctrinam de Diurna Apparente Siderum Revolutione super Sphaera Arraillari Veterum instaurata, explicat : II. Theorias de Motibus Planetarum ad Observationes TYCHONIS BRAHVE, et proprias, in triplici Forma redintegratas, complectitur ; cum Appendice de Asscititiis Coeli Phsenomenis, nempe, Stellis Novis et Cometis, editio princeps ; with woodcuts and numerous diagrams, 4to. old hf. calf (slightly browned as usual, but sound copy), 17s Qd Amstelodami, 1622 The author's most important work. According to Gassendi, tlrs work should be attributed more correctly to TYCHO BRAHE, as the tables of celestial movements were begun under his direction, and executed after a treatise by him which had been copied by Longomontanus. ' Ein Buch welches die spharische und theoretische Astronomie nach dem ptolemiiischen, copernicanischen und tychonischen System enthalt. Longomontan war Anhiinger des Tycho, nahm aber an, dass die Erde taglich von Westen nacli Ostenrotire ' L. Gnnther. 11003 LONGRIDGE (Capt. Cecil Clement, M.I.M.E.) GOLD DREDGING, with numerous folding and other plates, roy. 8vo. cl. t 6s (p. 10s nett) 1905 11004 LONGBIDGE (James Atkinson, M.I.C.E.) On the CONSTRUCTION of ARTILLERY, and other Vessels, to RESIST GREAT INTERNAL PRESSURE, with Abstract of Discussion, edited by CHARLES MANLY, F.R.S., and JAMES FORREST, A.I.C.E., with woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd 1860 11C05 ANOTHER COPY; also: Bidder (George Parker, Junr. ; Calculating Boy) The NATIONAL DEFENCES, with maps and other illustrations 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf neat, with bookplate of Henry Reeve, C.B., editor of the Greville Memoirs, Qs Qd 1860-L 11006 INTERNAL BALLISTICS, with diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf neat (title stamped) ; o. p. , 9s (p. 18s) 1889 11007 ANOTHER COPY, cl., 8s Including EMILE SARRAU'S investigations of the formulae for muzzle velocity and maximum pressure. Chapter V treats of ' Guns as Thermodynamic Machines.' 11008 TREATISE on the APPLICATION of WIRE to the CONSTRUCTION of ORDNANCE, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 8s Qd (p. 1. 5s) '1884 11009 WIRE-GUN CONSTRUCTION, with Abstract of the Discussion on the Paper, 30 diagram*, 8vo. (pp. 52), sewn, 3s 1884 A proof copy of this important paper, the first practical suggestion of wire-guns. 11010 , and Charles Henry Brooks, F.R.A.S. : On SUBMERGING TELEGRAPHIC CABLES, with folding plate and 16 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 148), sewn, Qs Qd 1858 11011 LONIE (William O.) PRIZE ESSAY on the STEREOSCOPE, with 4 plates, fcap. 8vo. sfwn (scarce), 4s 1856 11012 LOOMIS (Elias ; Yale Univ.) On CERTAIN STORMS in EUROPE and AMERICA, Dec. 1836, with 13 coloured plates, roy. 4to. (pp. 26), sewn (scarce), Qs Qd [Philadelphia, 1859] Specially valuable for the minute chartsof the great storm in theUnited States of Dec. 19-21, and in Europe of Dec. S1-2S, 1836. 11013 INTRODUCTION to PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY, with Collection of ASTRONOMICAL TABLES diagrams, roy. 8vo. fheep (binding broken), 3s Qd New York, 1855 11014 SEVENTH EDITION, with diagrams, roy. 8vo. sheep (binding damaged), 4s Qd ibidem,, 1883 'The best work of the kind in the English tongue'./. P. Nichol, LL.D. 'Containing' much information for the amateur astronomer '.Prof Simon Newcomb. 11015 THE SAME WORK, TRANSLATED INTO CHINESE, printed in Chinese characters on thin rice paper, 16 parts sm. folio, sewn with silk thread, and enclosed in native silk portfolio, with bone fasteners, 1. Is Peking, Scec. XIX This is supposed to be the only copy saved from Poking durirg the Boxer Rising. 1016 The RECENT PROGRESS of ASTRONOMY, especially in the UNITED STATES, illustrated, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 4s Netv York, 1851 1 The work is clearly written, popular, but still with a precision which pronounces the author equal to his task.' Westminsttr Rev. 11017 TREATISE on METEOROLOGY, with a Collection of METEOROLOGICAL TABLES, 3 plates and numerous woodcuts, large 8vo. sheep, 5s ib., 1868 11018 LOOMIS (Elmer Howard) On the FREEZING POINTS of DILUTE SOLUTIONS, with 2 illustrations, 2 parts roy. 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn, Is Qd [New York, 1893-4] 11019 LOPPE (F.), and Robert P. BOUQUET : ALTERNATE CURRENTS in PRACTICE, translated by FRANCIS J. MOFFETT, with 288 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 15s) 1898 11020 LOBENTZ (Hendrik Antoon, Ley den] SICHTBARE nnd UNSICHTBARE BEWEGUNGEN, unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers aus dem Hollandischen iibersetzt von G. SIEBERT; withW illustration.*, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd Braunschweig, 19C2 11021 The THEORY of ELECTRONS, and its APPLICATIONS to the PHENOMENA of LIGHT and RADIANT HEAT, with 9 diagrams, 8v-o. cl, Qs (p. M. 9) Leipzig, 1909 11022 LORENZ (Johann Friedrich) LEHRBEGRIFF der gemeinen und allgemeinen ARITHMETIC 8vo. boards, 3s Magdeburg, 1803 548 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11024 LORGNA (Antonio Maria; F.R.S.) DISSERTATION on the SUMMATION of INFINITE CONVERGING SERIES with ALGEBRAIC DIVISORS, exhibiting: a METHOD which is not only INTIRELY NEW, but MUCH MORE GENERAL than any other which has hitherto appeared on the Subject, translated with Notes, Observations, and Appendix, containing all the most elegant and useful Formulae which have been investigated for the Summing of the different Orders of Series, with various Examples to each, by H. CLARKE, with 2 folding plates, 4to. boards (title soiled], 8s 1779 11025 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, 8s Qd 'John Landen attacked the appendix in a pamphlet [v. No. 10461 ante] . . . The controversy is noticed in Button's ' Mathematical Dictionary '.'D. N. B. 11026 FABBRICA ed Usi principali della SQUADRA di PROPORZIONE ; with vignette on title and 2 folding plates, 4 to. sewn, 6s Qd Verona, 1768 1 II principal vantaggip che presenta questa squadra di sua invenzione, e di evitare nelle operazioni grafiche 1'uso del compasso, quale richiedesi nell' adoperare quello di proporzione del Galilei.' Ricca.rdi. v. IDRAULICI (OPUSCOLI), No. 9658, ante. 11027 LOSSEN (Wilhelm) FORMELN zur BERECHNUNG der MOLEKULARVOLUMINA ORGANISCHER VERBINDUNGEN, 8vo. (pp. 42), sewn, Is Qd Leipzig, 1889 11028 LOSSIUS (Lucas, Lunceburgensis) ARITHMETICES EROTEMATA PUERILIA, in quibus VI Species Imius utilissimae Artis, et REGULA, quam vocant DETRI, breviter et perspicue traduntur, 16mo. (pp. 80), unbound (stained, and pp. 55-8 and 75-6 wanting, and last I. 'mended) ; very rare, 1. 5s Lipsicv, Abraham Lamberg, 1595 An extremely rare work, quite unknown to Professor de Morgan, Poggendorff, Graesse, Brunet, and Ebert, as well as to the author's biographer in Biographic Generate, where only his musical and theological works are mentioned ; nor was there a copy in the Libri collection. 11029 [LOTTERI (Angelo Luigi, Univ. Pavia)] MEMORIA sopra le CURVE PARALLELE ; with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 25), sewn (rare], 10s Qd Pavia, 1792 ' Die wichtigste, von Kastner und Lotted unabhangig gefundene Eigenschaft [der Parallelkurven] bezieht sich auf die von zwei Kurvennorrnalen und den zwischen ihnen liegenden "Bogen der Parallelkurven eingeschlossene Flache. Sic ist namlich gleich dem inhalt eines Trapezes, dessen parallels Seiten gleich den beiden Parallelkurven sind, und dessen Hohe gleich dem Abstand derselben ist.' Prof. M. Cantor. 11030 LOTJDON (William J., Univ. Toronto) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on RIGID DYNAMICS, with 71 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., with auto, and bookplate of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.E.S., Qs Qd (p. 105 Qd nett) New York, 1896 ' I believe that the arrangement of the work, method of treatment, and more particularly the illustrations, are entirely new and original.' Intro. 11031 LOUIS (Henry; M.I.C.E., Armstrong Coll., Univ. Durham) HANDBOOK of GOLD MILLING, with frontispiece from old print, 3 plates, and 120 woodcuts, thicker. 8vo.c.,4s6e? (p. 10s nett) 1894 11032 SECOND EDITION [enlarged], with front, from old print, 3 plates, and 131 woodcuts, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. 10s nett) 1899 11033 , and George William CATJNT: TRAVERSE TABLES; with Introduction on CO- ORDINATE SURVEYING ; diagrams, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 4s Qd nett) 1901 11034 LOUNSBUK.Y (Thomas Raynesford, Yale Univ.) SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL [of Yale College], 1847-79: an Historical Sketch, impl. 8vo. (pp. 25), sewn, 2s New York, 1879 11035 LOVE (Augustus Edward Hough, F.R.S. ; Sedleian Prof. Nat. Phil., Oxon.) The GRAVITA- TIONAL STABILITY of the EARTH, with 4 diagrams, 4to. (pp. 71), sewn, 2s Qd 1907 11036 - The SMALL FREE VIBRATIONS and DEFORMATION of a THIN ELASTICSHELL, 4to. (pp. 56), sewn, 2s Qd 1888 11037 THEORETICAL MECHANICS: an Introductory Treatise on the Principles of Dynamics, with Applications and numerous Examples, 84 diagrams, 8vo. cl., Qs (p. 12s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1897 11038 TREATISE on the MATHEMATICAL THEORY of ELASTICITY, VOL. I, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 12s) apudeandem, ibidem, 1892 11039 WAVE MOTIONS with DISCONTINUITIES at WAVE-FRONTS, ivith diagrams, impl. 8vo. (pp. 26), sewn, ivith author's inscr., 2s [1903] 11040 LOVE (Thomas, working dyer and scourer) The ART of CLEANING, DYEING, SCOURING, and FINISHING, on the most approved ENGLISH and FRENCH METHODS ; being Practical Instructions in dyeing Silks, Woollens, Cottons, etc., scouring and cleaning Bed and Window Curtains, Carpets, etc., with LIST of PRICES, etc. etc.; 2nd Edition, enlarged, with portrait, cr. 8vo. cl. (pv. 448-53 missing) ; scarce, Qs 1855 11041 LOVIBOND (Joseph Williams, F.R.M.S.) MEASUREMENT of LIGHT and COLOUR SENSA- TIONS : a New Method of investigating the Phenomena of Light and Colour by means of the Selective Absorption in Coloured Glass, graded into Scales of Equivalent Colour Value, with frontispiece, 13 coloured plates, and 13 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 5s 1893 An account of the author's barbarously-named tintometer, an invention based on a new theory of colours, for which he was awarded numerous prize medals. 11042 LOVIBOND (Thomas Watson, F.C.S.) BREWING with RAW GRAIN: a Practical Treatise, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 5s) 1883 11043 LOW (David, Univ. Edin.) On the CHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS of CERTAIN BODIES, and on the Relations between Oxygen and Azote, roy. 8vo. (pp. 20), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Frankland, F.R.S., to 1854 11044 LOW (David Allan), and Alfred William BEVIS, MM.I.M.E. : MANUAL of MACHINE DRAWING and DESIGN, 4th Edition, with 753 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 7s Qd) 1896 11045 - - NEW EDITION, enlarged, with 804 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 7s Qd) 1906 11046 LOW (Moritz) Zur THEORIE des PASSAGENINSTRUMENTS im ersten Vertical, 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Qd [Kiel, 1881] HENKY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 549 11048 LOVETT (Richard) The ELECTRICAL PHILOSOPHER, containing a NEW SYSTEM of PHYSICS FOUNDED upon the PRINCIPLE of a UNIVERSAL PLENUM of ELEMENTARY FIRE, wherein the Nature of Elementary Fire is explain'd, its Office pointed out, its extensive Influence and Utility in explaining many of the most abstruse Phenomena of Nature shewn, and the GRAND DESIDER- ATUM in particular which has been hitherto either entirely given up as INEXPLICABLE, or else sought after in vain by the most able Naturalists, is at length HAPPILY OBTAIN'D, viz. the CAUSE of GRAVITY, the Cause of COHESION, etc. etc., with Postscript containing Strictures upon the uncandid Animadversions of the Monthly Reviewers, with 2 folding plates, 8vo. contemporary hf. calf (rare), 15s Worcester, 1774 11049 PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS : I. Enquiry into the Nature and Properties of the Electric Fluid, in order to explain . . . the Truth of Sir I. Newton's Doctrine of a Subtile Medium or yther. II. Dissertation on the Nature of Fire in general, and the Production of Heat in particular. III. Miscellaneous Discourse, wherein the forementioned active Principle is shewn to be the only probable Mechanical Cause of Motion, Cohesion, Gravity, Magnetism, etc. ; with Appendix on the VARIATION of the MAGNETIC NEEDLE or Mariner's Compass ; by which the Longitude is investigated on the. most simple Principles, and Glossary of Terms, with 4 folding copperplates, 8vo. boards, uncut (RARE), J5s ibidem, 1766 With long list of subscribers, including Dr. Priestley, Abraham Bennet, F.R.S., etc. etc. The author was a rare example of a scientific, or would-be scientific, choirman, as he was one of the Lay Clerks of Worcester Cathedral for 58 years till his death in 1780. He was an early dabbler in medical electricity, and advertised himself as able to effect cures of the throat by its use; but he only got budgetted for his pains by Professor de Morgan as ' a mere theorist : one of those ether philosophers who bring in elastic fluid as an explanation by imposition of words, without deducing any one phenomenon from what we know of it.' 11050 LOWELL (Percival, Director Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Ariz.} MARS, with 24 plates, and 3 smaller illustrations, 8vo. cl. (a number of II. and plates loose], 6s (p. 12s 6^) 1896 11051 SECOND EDITION, with 26 plates, and 3 other illustrations, 8vo. cl., uncut, t. e. g. (o. p.), Is 6d 1896 11052 LOWIG (Carl Jacob; Univ. Breslau), und Matthias Eduard SCHWEIZER: Uber STIBAETHYL, ein neues ANTIMONHALTIGES, ORGANISCHES RADICAL, 3 parts 8vo. (pp. 48), sewn, 4s 6d Zurich, 1850 An account of the discovery of triethyl of antimony, based on Sir E. Frankland's discovery of ethyl of antimony. 11053 LOWBY (Thomas Martin, F.C.S.) STUDIES of the TERPENES and Allied Compounds. NITROCAMPHOR and its DERIVATIVES, 8vo. (pp. 21), sewn, Is 1898 11054 LOYS de CHESEATJX (Jean Philippe, de VAcademie des Sciences] MEMOIRES POSTHUMES sur Divers Sujets, d'AsTRONOMiE et de MATHEMATIQUES, avec de nouvelles TABLES tres- exactes, des rnoyens Mouvemens du SOLEIL et de la LUNE ; with 4 folding copperplates, 4to. contemporary boards, uncut, ivith auto, of L. C. Bouvier, 10s 6d Lausanne, 1754 Including ' Probleme sur 1'oscillation du pendule dans un arc de cercle ': ' Sur les Satellites en general, et sur ceu,x du Saturne en particulier ' : 'Probleme Geometrique sur le Nombre de Personnes qui meurent dans chaque Age.' 11055 LUBBOCK (Sir John William ; banker and astronomer ; V.P.R.S. ; Lord Avebury's father) ACCOUNT of the ' TRAITE sur le FLUX et le REFLUX de la MER ' of DANIEL BERNOULLI ; and TREATISE on the ATTRACTION of ELLIPSOIDS, with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 55), sewn, 4s 1830 11056 ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the COMPUTATION of ECLIPSES and OCCULTATIONS, with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 40), sewn (scarce), with auto, of the Duca di Rignano, Is 6d 1835 Lord Avebury's father was a striking example of the union of great business ability with success in exact science. He showed the former in piloting the family bank through the bad panics of 1847 and 1857 his death saved him from the terrors of Black Monday in 1866. ' His laborious researches in physical astronomy were mainly directed towards the simplification of methods ; and he introduced uniformity into the calculation of lunar and planetary perturbations by employing in the former, as in the latter, the time as the independent variable. He was foremost among English mathematicians in adopting Laplace's doctrine of probability, and he was the joint author, with Drinkwater, of an excellent elementary treatise on probability [q. v , No. 2711 ante] in 1S30, which a binder's blunder caused to ba often attributed to De Morgan, despite his frequent disclaimers.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 11057 LUC (Jean Andre de, F.R.S. ; reader to Queen Charlotte) IDEES sur la METEOROLOGIE ; with 2 folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. nice copy in contemporary French calf extra (SCARCE), 18s 6d 1787 11058 ANOTHER COPY, wanting Tome I Partie I; with 2 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, 6s 6d ' Deluc made very numerous experiments on the atmosphere ; inquiring into the modes of production of clouds, rain, hail, dew, etc. . . . He enunciated a point of the highest importance when he endeavoured to show that the amount of st 11059 du Barometre et du Thermometre, leur Construction et Usage, principalement a la Mesure des Hauteurs, et h, la Correction des Refractions Moyennes, nouvelle Edition ; with folding plates, 4 vols. 8vo. contemporary hf. calf extra, uncut (nice copy), 17s 6d 1784 The author's "most important work, containing his invention of an hygrometer (based on the property of ivory expanding or contracting by the amount of atmospheric moisture), his discovery that water reaches its greatest density at 4 C., and his observations on thawing ice utilised by Dr. Black in his discovery of latent heat. He was the discoverer of the ' dry pile ', afterwards improved by Zamboni, and the first to give correct rules for measuring heights by the barometer. 11060 SECOND PAPER on HYGROMETRY, with 3 copperplates by Basire, 2 parts 4to. (pp. 75), sewn, 5s 1790-1 11061 LUDWIG [sive LUDOVICI] (Daniel, M.D.) De PHARMACIA, Moderno Seculo applicanda, Dissertationes III, editio princeps, thick 18mo. sound copy in old white vellum (rare). 17s 6d Gotham, 1671 1 Als Lehrbuch fur das wissenschaftliche Studium der pharmaceutischen Chemie schrieb der gothaische Leibarzt Daniel Ludovici schon 1671 seine Pharmacia, ems der besten und am meisten gebrauchten Apothekerbiicher der damaligen Zeit.' H. Kopp. ' II cut le merite de debarrasser la pharmacie d'une foule de remedes inutiles.' Biogr. Gen. The work was unknown to Poggendorff. 37 550 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11063 LUCAS (Alfred, F.I.C.) The CHEMISTRY of the RIVER NILE, with 2 folding plates, impl. 8vo. (pp. 78), sewn, 2s Cairo, 1908 11064 A PRELIMINARY NOTE on some PRESERVATIVE MATERIALS used by the ANCIENT EGYPTIANS in Connection with EMBALMING, impl. 8vo. (pp. 17), sewn, 2s ibidem, 1908 11065 PRESERVATIVE MATERIALS used by the ANCIENT EGYPTIANS in EMBALMING, impl. 8vo. boards, 2s ib., 1911 H066 REPORT on the SOIL and WATER of the WADI TUMILAT LANDS under RECLAMATION, with 5 plates, impl. 8vo. sewn, 2s ib., 1903 11067 The USES and LIMITATIONS of CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, impl. 8vo. sewn, 2s ib., 1908 11038 LUCHINI(Domenicp, di Pesaro] TRATTENIMENTI . MATEMATICI, i quale comprendono copiose TAVOLE HORARIE per gli OROLOGJ a SOLE Orizzontali, Verticali, Riflessi, e Portatili, per tutte 1'Altezze del Polo, e per tutte le Sorti d'Hore, con una breve Notizia Pratica della Geometria, e Trigonometria Sferica e Piana, con diversi Quesiti e Problemi Astronomici, e del Calendario Ecclesiastico, i quali facilmente si sciolgono con le TAVOLE de' LOGARITMI ; with 14 plates com- prising 90 figures, thick 4to. contemporary white vellum (sound copy] ; RARE, 1. Is Roma, 1730 ' Qupsta voluminosae pregevole opera e citata dal Montucla e-dal Franchini.' Riccardi. 11039 LUDLAM (William, St. John's Coll., Cantab. ; absentee Rector of Cockfield) ACCOUNT of a BALANCE of a NEW CONSTRUCTION, supposed to be of Use in the WOOLLEN MANUFACTURE; with 2 folding copperplates, 4to. (pp. 15), sewn (rare], 6s Qd 1766 ' He accepted from his college the Rectory of Cockfield in Suffolk, and removed to Leicester, where he spent the remaining twenty years of his life in his favourite studies. He enjoyed considerable reputation at the time for his skill in practical mechanics and astronomy, as well as for his mathematical lectures.' D. N. B. 11070 DIRECTIONS for the USE of HADLEY'S QUADRANT, with Remarks on its Construction, with considerable Corrections and Additions, 4 folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 87), sewn (rare], 6s 6d 1790 In his introduction the author states that after Hadley's death a paper in Sir Isaac Newton's handwriting was found in his possession, 'which contained a drawing and description of an instrument not much different from the lirst of Hadley's [quadrants].' 11071 The RUDIMENTS of MATHEMATICS, for Students at the Universities : containing an Intro- duction to Algebra; Remarks on the first VI Books of Euclid; Elements of Plain [sic] Trigonometry, -tirst edition, with 3 folding plates, 8vo. boards, uncut, Qs Cambridge, 1785 "The Bishop of Landaff [Richard Watson, F.R.S., 1737-1816] from the Author.' Inscr. on flyleaf from one ttnnbashed absentee, to the other. 11072 THIRD EDITION, with 3 folding plates, 8vo. cl, with auto, of Dr. P. M. Roget, F.R.S., 5s 1790 'It became a standard Cambridge text-book, passed through several editions, and was still in vogue in 1815.' D. X. /;. 11073 LUDOLF (Hieronymus v., Univ. Erfurt) VOLLSTANDIGE und GRUNDLICHE EINLEITUNG in die CHYMIE, darin nicht allein alle chymische Arbeiten deutlich gezeiget und griindlich erkliiret, sondern auch zu derselben Erliiuterung die wichtigsten Versuche aus der Pharmacie, Metallurgie und Alchymie nebst alien Vortheilen treulich ausgefiihret worden ; with portrait and 20 copper- plates, thick 8vo. old calf, 12s 6d Erfurt, 1752 11074 ANOTHER COPY, with portrait, but wanting the plates, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, 6s ' Das auf nassem Wege gebildete schwarze Schwefelquecksilber kannte der Erfurter Professor Ludolf, der desselben in seiner ' Etnleitung in die Chemie' (1752) erwahnt.' //. Kopp. 11075 LUG-O (Giovanni) La VIA dell' ARITMETICA, appianata, e ripianata da ANTONMARIA Figlio, col Mezzo della quale ; Giovani di Negozio capaci di Lettura potranno aggevolmente da se definire qualunque Proposta appartenente alia Parte inferiore della medesima, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, boards, uncut (rare), 8s 6d Verona, 1754 Unknown to Professor de Morgan. 11076 [LUKIN" (James, pr.)] The AMATEUR MECHANIC'S WORKSHOP: including Turning, Casting, Forging, Brazing, Soldering, and Carpentry, by the Author of the 'Lathe and its Uses', first edition, with 3 plates and 163 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s 1870 11077 [ ] SECOND EDITION, with^ plates, and 168 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s 1872 11078 [ ] SIXTH EDITION, with 3 plates, and 168 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s 6d 1880 Halkett and Laing mistakenly attribute the authorship to Elias Taylor. 11079 [ ] TURNING for AMATEURS : the Lathe and its Attachments and Tools, first edition, with 129 woodcuts, post 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 2s 6d n. d. 11080 - NEW [THIRD] EDITION, enlarged, with 144 woodcuts, large post 8vo. cl., 2s 1884 11081 TURNING LATHES : a Guide to Turning, Screw-Cutting/Metal-Spinning, etc., with 194 illustrations, post 8vo. cl., 2s 1888 A FINE AND WHOLLY COMPLETE SET: 11032 LUMIERE ELECTRIQUE (La) : JOURNAL UNIVERSEL d'ELECTRicrrti :' Revue Scient- ifique Illustree publiee sous la Direction scientifique de TH. DU MONCEL ; complete from the beginning in 1879 to its conclusion in August, 1894, copiously illustrated, 53 vols. 4to., the first 10 vv. in hf. cl., and the rest in hf. red morocco neat (A VERY FINE SET), SCARCE. 13. 13. 1879-94 The most important French .journal on the subject. It was continued in 1894 by ' ficlairage Electrique.' The last 3 vols. are very scarce, and wanting in practically every set happening for sale. 11083 LUMMEB (Otto) CONTRIBUTIONS to PHOTOGRAPHIC OPTICS, translated and augmented by SILVANUS PHILLIPS THOMPSON, F.R.S., with 55 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 6s nett) 1900 This work, which has never been published in book form in the original, 'gives in a concise form information not to be found elsewhere, and in a manner so logical and direct as to be of immediate value in scientific optics.' P/v-/. xiiviniii* Thompson. 11084 LUNT (Joseph, F.I.C.) On the ORIGIN of certain UNKNOWN LINES in the SPECTRA of STARS of the /3 CRUCIS TYPE and on the SPECTRUM of SILICON, 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Qd [1900] HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 551 11086 LULLIUS (Baymundus; ' Doctor Illuminatus') De SECRETIS NATURAE, sexi de QUINTA ESSENTIA Liber unus, in tres Distinctiones divisus, omnibus iam Partibus absolutus ; adiecta est eiusdem EPISTOLA ad REGEM ROBERTUM de ACCURTATIONE LAPIDIS PHILOSOPHORUM : cui adiunctus est TRACTATUS de AQUIS ex Scriptis Raymundi super Accurtationis Epistolam ab Artis studioso collectus : MERCURIORUM LIBER iam tandem Subsidio MSi. Exemplaris perfecte editus ; item eiusdem APERTORIUM, REPERTORIUM, ARTIS INTELLECTIVE THEORICA et PRACTICA, MAGIA NATURALIS, Opuscula plane aurea ; printed in italics, ivith vignette on title 2 vols. 16mo. in 1, old calf (back of binding damaged, and a few II. very slightly wormed, otherwise FINE COPIES); RARE, 1. 15* Coloniae, Joa. Birckmann, 1567 'L'Epistola Accurtationis est la reponse de R. Lulle a une lettre de RORERT [BRUCE], Roi d'ficossE, qui demande des renseignements sur la preparation de la pierre philosophale.' F. Hocfer. 11037 TEST AMENTUM, duobus Libris universam Artem Chymicam complectens, item eiusdem COMPENDIUM ANIM AE TR ANSMUTATIONIS ARTIS METALLORUM, Editio II a , multorum Exemplarium Collatione intinitis Locis castigatior ; with 2 folding diagrams and other illustrations, 16mo. hf. parchment (RARE), 1. 5s ibidem, apud eundem, 1573 11038 ANOTHER COPY, 12mo. old vellum (L plate wanting, and the other defective; but tall copy), Us 6d Perhaps the author's most important alchemical work, and according to Prof. E. v. Meyer, one of the few genuine ones of the many works attributed to him. Raymond Lull's unfortunate reputation as an alchemist has unhappily marred or obscured what should have been his true fame as a natural philosopher, and his glory, almost unique in the later Middle Ages, as a Christian missionary. As the former he may be considered as a forerunner of Francis Bacon, while his greatest work, the Ars Generalis sive Magna, was afterwards developed by Giordano Bruno. As the latter he shone with a zeal and bravery which few have surpassed before or since, and the tortures he underwent on his preaching journeys to the Muslims of Tunis and Algeria . were only ended by his death by stoning at Bougie in the year 1315 a Mediaeval union of science and faith glorified by a pathetic heroism whose memory has long been let to fade away. 11039 LTJNAKDI (Vincent, Secretary to the Neapolitan Ambassador) ACCOUNT of the FIRST AERIAL VOYAGE in ENGLAND, in Letters to his Guardian CHEVALIER GHERARDO COMPAGNI, written under the Impressions of the various Events that affected the Undertaking, first edition, with fine portrait by F. BARTOLOZZI after Cosway (mounted and slightly soiled), and 2 folding copper- plates of the balloon and filling apparatus (the former clumsily mended), 8vo. hf. calf (joints cracked, and some II. soiled), with AUTHOR'S SIGNATURE on flyleaf ; cheap, 1. 7* 6d printed for the author, 1784 The portrait in the above copy is often missing ; another by Burke after Nasmith was issued with Lunardi's Aerial Voyage in Scotland (q. v. infra). 11090 SECOND EDITION, 8vo. sewn (portrait and plates wanting, but very clean copy), 10s Qd 1784 'After various delays and apprehensions, Lunardi, having made his will, ascended from the Hon. Artillery Co.'s ground at Moorfields on 15 Sept. 1784, in the presence of nearly 200,GOO spectators. The balloon was about 32 feet in diameter, and was filled with hydrogen under the direction of Dr. George Fordyce. He sailed over London at a great height, and descended near Ware The attempt excited great interest among all classes. . . . The king viewed the balloon through a telescope from the Queen's presence chamber at St. James's. Several descriptions were printed, the best of which is that written by Lunardi himself '.D. N. B. An appendix contains attestations by eye-witnesses, and a poetical effusion addressed to the author. A COLOURED COPY ; PROBABLY UNIQUE : 11091 ACCOUNT of FIVE AERIAL VOYAGES in SCOTLAND, in a Series of Letters to his Guardian CHEVALIER GERARDO COMPAGNI, written under the Impression of the various Events that affected the Undertaking, with fine portrait of the author in the uniform of the Hon. Artillery Co. by BURKE after NASMITH, and 2 plates (all finely coloured), 8vo. contemporary red morocco gilt (FINE AND LARGE COPY), 7. 1786 COLOURED COPIES AS THE ABOVE ARE GENERALLY UNKNOWN, AND THE ABOVE is PERHAPS THE ONLY ONE IN EXISTENCE. It was probably the author's own copy, as it bears on the flyleaf his auto. ' Vincf.nt Lunardi N45 TUchfield Street, London.' At end are Verses (pp. 10) 'To Mr. Lunardi, on his Successful Aerial Voyages from Edinburgh, Kelso, and Glasgow', by JAMES TYTLEB, the first British aeronaut, in which the latter gives some interesting details regarding his ' Edinburgh Fire Balloon '. 11092 : ACCOUNT of MR. VINCENT LUNARDI, the first Aeronaut in England : ACCOUNT of MR. LUNARDI'S AERIAL VOYAGE, on Sept. 15, 1784 : Two Articles from the * Universal Magazine ', with portrait and plate of balloon on copper, also woodcut. Is 6d [1784] ' Lunardi takes a high place among the pioneers of ballooning, his ascent having been made less than a year after the first flight in a ' Montgolfiere ' by Pilatre de Rozier, and only a few days after the ascent by James Tytler from Edinburgh on 27 August rS4'. D. N. B. 11093 LUNGE (Ernest) COMPULSORY WORKING and REVOCATION of PATENTS, 8vo. cl., 2s 1910 11094 LUNGE (Georg, Zurich) BEITRAGE zur CHEMISCH-TECHNISCHEN ANALYSE, impl. 8vo. (pp. 25), sewn, 2s [Berlin, 1904] 11095 COAL-TAR and AMMONIA, being the 2nd and Enlarged Edition of 'a Treatise on the Distillation of Coal-Tar and Ammoniacal Liquor', with 191 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., 8s 6d (1. UsQd) 1887 11096 REPORT of the INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE on ANALYSES to the Vlth International Congress of Applied Chemistry at Rome, 1906 [in English, French, and German], 8vo. seivn, 5s (p. M. 10) Zurich 1906 11097 THEORETICAL and PRACTICAL TREATISE on the MANUFACTURE of SULPHURIC ACID and ALKALI, with the collateral Branches, 3rd Edition, enlarged (Vols. II and III, 2nd Edition), with 959 illustrations (including many folding plates) , 3 vols. 8vo. in 4,c/., 2. UsQd (p. 6. 16s 6d nett) 1903-1896 11093 Zur THEORIE der BLEIKAMMERPROCESSES, 2 parts 8vo. (pp. 39), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s Berlin, 1888 11099 , and Ferdinand HURTER: The ALKALI-MAKERS' HANDBOOK: Tables and Analytical Methods for Manufacturers of Sulphuric Acid, Nitric Acid, Soda, Potash, and Ammonia, 2nd Edition, enlarged, with 13 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 10* 6d) 1891 37 * 552 HENRY SOTHEIiAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11101 LTJNN (Francis, F.R.S.) CHEMISTRY (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana), with 2 plates, 4to. unbound, 2s [1827] 11102 ANOTHER COPY, hf. cl., 2s Qd 11103 ELECTRICITY (Encyclopedia Metropolitana), with 5 plates, 4to. unbound, 2s Qd [1825] 11104 ANOTHER COPY, hf. cl., 3s 11105 HEAT (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana), plate, 4to. unbound, 2s [1826] 11106 ANOTHER COPY, hf. cl., 2s Qd 11107 LYCETT (John) The COTTESWOLD HILLS ; Hand-Book introductory to their GEOLOGY and PALAEONTOLOGY, with 7 lithographs of fossil mollusca, cr. 8vo. cl. (scarce), 5s Qd 1857 Including ' List of Works on the Geology and Palaeontology of the Jurassic Rock ', and ' Index to Scientific Terms '. 11108 LYCOUDIS (Lieut. -Col. Pierre S.) SUITE au MEMOIRE sur un NOUVEAU SYSTEMS de BOUCHES a FEU DEMONTABLES. Nouveaux Traces ; with 6 folding plates, roy. 4to. (pp. 36), sewn, 4s Athenes, 1896 11109 LYELL (Sir Charles, F.R.S. , P.G.S.) ADDRESS [to the BRITISH ASSOCIATION], 8vo. (pp. 23), sewn, Is Qd [1864] 11110 The ELEMENTS of GEOLOGY, or the Ancient Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants ; sixth [LAST] EDITION, greatly enlarged, with 770 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl. gilt (o. p.), Is Qd (p. 18s) 1865 11111 - ANOTHER COPY, calf extra, 9s Forming a supplement to the Principles. 11112 The GEOLOGICAL EVIDENCES of the ANTIQUITY of MAN, with Remarks on Theories of the ORIGIN of SPECIES by VARIATION, 2nd Edition, revised [with Appendix], with frontispiece and 58 woodcuts, Svo. hf. calf gilt (nice copy], Qs Qd 1863 11113 ANOTHER COPY, cl., 5s 11114 THIRD EDITION, revised, with front, and 58 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), Qs (p. 14s) 1863 11115 MANUAL of ELEMENTARY GEOLOGY: or, the Ancient Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, third and entirely revised Edition, with front., and 520 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s 1851 11116 FOURTH EDITION, revised, with front., and 520 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd 1852 The title was afterwards changed into ' Elements of Geology'. 11117 - The PRINCIPLES of GEOLOGY ; being an Attempt to explain the former Changes of the Earth's Surface, by Reference to Causes now in Operation, first edition, with 11 plates and maps (some coloured), and 135 woodcuts, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt (nice copy) ; SCARCE, 1. 10s 1830-3 The rare first edition, which first contains the now generally accepted division of tertiary strata into eocene, miocene, and pliocene, and prepared the way for Darwin's Origin of Species. 11118 SEVENTH EDITION, revised, with 12 plates and maps, andQS woodcuts, thick 8vo. d., 5s 1847 The first edition published in one volume. 11119 EIGHTH EDITION, entirely revised, with 12 plates and maps, and 100 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., 5s Qd 1850 11120 NINTH EDITION, wholly revised, with ^plates, 120 woodcuts, and folding map, thick 8vo. cl. (cover slightly damaged), Qs " 1853 11121 TENTH EDITION [rewritten and greatly enlarged], with 7 plates, 158 woodcuts, and folding map, 2 thick vols. Svo. cl. (covers worn), 14s 1867-8 In this edition the author first accepts Darwin's theory of Natural Selection. 11122 ELEVENTH EDITION, with 1 plates, 164 woodcuts, and folding map, 2 thick vols. Svo. cl. (cover slightly worn) ; o. p., 1. Is 1872 The FINAL EDITION*, the author's preface to the 12th and last edition stating that it leaves it substantially the same as the above llth edition. 11123 TWELFTH [LAST] EDITION [slightly revised], with 7 plates and 164 woodcuts, 2 thick vols. Svo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 1. 15s 1875 1 The Principles practically gave the death-blow to the catastrophic school of geologists. By its support of G. P. Scrope in questions relating to volcanoes, it led to the acceptance of moderate views, even in respect of the more paroxysmic forces of the globe.' Prof. G. A. J. Cole. ' It will always rank as one of the classics of geology, and must form an early part of the reading of every man who would wish to make himself an accomplished geologist.' -Sir Archibald Gertie. 11124 On the STRUCTURE of LAVAS which have consolidated on STEEP SLOPES ; with Remarks on the Mode of Origin of Mount Etna, and on the THEORY of - CRATERS of ELEVATION,' with 3 plates and 23 diagrams, 4to. (pp. 86), hf. morocco gilt, t. e. g. (nice copy), 12s Qd 1859 Scrope and Lyell's theory of craters of elevation, maintaining that the outward dip of ash and lava from the volcanic centre was due to original conditions of deposition, is now generally accepted against that held by C. L. v. Buch, and his supporters. Added is a fine photographic view TEtna dai Benedettini, Catania', and 3 pamphlets in Italian on the above subject. 11125 STUDENT'S ELEMENTS of GEOLOGY, 3rd Edition, revised [with Table qf British Fossils], front, and 641 woodcuts, post Svo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 9s) 187S ' For several years the only convenient modern text-book on the subject. It may already be regarded as a classic.' Prof. G. A. J. Cole. 11126 TRAVELS in NORTH AMERICA ; with GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS on the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, with 7 plates and geological maps (mostly folding or coloured), besides woodcuts, 2 v. : SECOND VISIT to the UNITED STATES of NORTH AMERICA, with plate (mounted), and woodcuts, 2 v. 4 vols. post Svo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 1. 5s 1845-9 11127 , LIFE, LETTERS, and JOURNALS of, edited by his Sister-in-Law [KATHARINE HORNER,] MRS. LYELL, with 3 steel portraits after George Richmond, etc. by C. Roll and G. J. Stodart, and view of Kinnordy, 2 thick vols. 8vo. 'cl. (o. p.), 15s (p. 1. 10s) 1881 Including a complete bibliography of his works. 'Containing a vast mass of information which will be invaluable to the historian of the progress of natural science during the Nineteenth Century. Those who know Lyell's books will be delighted with his letters '.Sat. Rev. As a striking reminder of the vital links still left to us with the dawn of the modern scientific period, it is noteworthy that Sir Charles Lyell's sister-in-law and biographer supra is still alive and in full vigour of body and mind this March, 1913, in her ninety-sixth year. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 553 11129 LUNN (John Robert, St. John's Coll., Cantab.) Of MOTION: an Elementary Treatise, diagrams, 8vo. cl. (name cut off title), 2s Qd Cambridge, 1859 11130 LTJPICINI (Antonio) DISCORSO sopra la FABRICA, e Uso delle NUOVE VERGHE ASTRO- NOMICHE ; with device on title and last I., large woodcuts, and diagrams, sm. 4to. boards (FINE COPY), 12s Qd Fiorenza, G. Marescotti, 1582 ' L'autore espone la descrizione e 1'uso di questi strumenti cheservivano alia determinazione delle distance, delle altezze e delle superficie. Riccardi. 11131 LUPTON (Arnold, M.I.C.E.) PRACTICAL TREATISE on MINE SURVEYING [with Appendix of Questions, Tables, etc.], with 209 illustrations, roy. 8vo. cl., 7s Qd (p. 12s nett; 1902 11132 LUPTON (Sydney, F.C.S.) CHEMICAL ARITHMETIC, with 1200 Examples [Reprint of the 2nd and last Edition], with folding table, fcap. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1894 11133 NOTES on OBSERVATIONS; the Methods used for determining the Meaning and Value of Quantitative Observations and Experiments in Physics and Chemistry, and for reducing the Results, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 1898 11134 On the REDUCTION of the RESULTS of EXPERIMENTS, with special Reference to the HYDRATE-THEORY of SOLUTION, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is 1891 11135 On the SLOW OXIDATION of POTASSIUM, 8vo. (pp. 14), sewn, Is 1876 11136 LUTSCHAUNIG- (Alfred) ALLOY TABLES, showing at Sight the Proportions in which the Precious Metals are to be Mixed with Alloy, in order to make the Standards recognized by the Goldsmiths' Hall, consisting of 15 tables on boards, large 8vo. cl., 5s Qd Liverpool, 1878 11137 LUZ (Johann Friederich, Oberkaplan zu Gunzenhausen) ANWEISUNG das EUDIOMETER des Herrn ABT VON FoNTANA zu VERFERTIGEN und zum Gebrauch bequemer zu machen, ingleichen durch eine sehr einfache Einrichtung in kurzer Zeit MINERALWASSER zu verfertigen ; with folding copperplate, 8vo. old hf. vellum (rare), 8s Qd Niirnberg, 1784 The author appears to have been ignorant that Stephen Hales, pr., F.R.S., was the inventor of the eudiometer. It was much improved, on Dr. Priestley's suggestion, by Felice Fontana, and, based on the latter's description, by the above author. 11138 VOLLSTANDIGE und auf Erfahrung gegriindete BESCHREIBUNG von alien sowohl bisher BEKANNTEN als auch einigen NEUEN BAROMKTERN ; wie sie zu verfertigen, zu berichten und iibereinstimmend zu machen, dann auchzu meteorologischen Beobachtungen und Hohenmessungen anzuwenden, nebst Anhang seine THERMOMETER betreffend ; with 6 folding plates, thick 8vo. old boards (rare), IQsQd ibidem, 1784 11139 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary calf extra (nice copy), 18s Qd Containing a very copious description of all the barometers then in use or invented, including the author's own ' Reisebarometer.' There are 94 pp. treating on meteorological observations, and 6(3 pp. on hypsometry. The last 53 pp. contain an account of quicksilver, spirit, and air thermometers, with instructions how to make them. 11140 LYLE (Thomas Ranken), and Richard HOSKING : The TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS of the SPECIFIC MOLECULAR CONDUCTIVITY and of the FLUIDITY of SODIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTIONS, with 3 plates, etc., 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Gd 1902 11141 LYNDE (Frederick Charles, A.M.I.C.E.) DESCRIPTIVE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of the 68 COMPETITIVE DESIGNS for the GREAT TOWER for LONDON, for the Tower Co., Ltd., with 68 plans, 8vo. cl., 5s 1890 The designs for the tower at Wembley, Middlesex, which was to rival the Eiffel Tower. Nearly all the towers proposed are of a height of more than 1000 feet, while several are over 2000, The actual construction never got beyond the four great steel legs, which after being an eyesore in the landscape and a left-handed monument to the late Sir Edward Watkin were blown up with dynamite as a useless white elephant a few years ago. 11142 LYNDON (Lamar) STORAGE BATTERY ENGINEERING : a Practical Treatise, with 2 folding plates and 177 other illustrations, large 8vo. cl., 8s (p. 12* Qd nett) New York, 1903 11143 LYNN (Thomas) HORARY TABLES for FINDING the TIME by INSPECTION, to facilitate the Operations for obtaining the LONGITUDE at SEA, by Chronometers and Lunar Observations, and for finding both the Latitude and Time . . . . , with an Easy Method of clearing the Observed Distance of the Effects of Refraction and Parallax, with New Tables, 4to. boards, uncut, with inscr. and auto, letter from the author to Dr. James Andrew, 8s Qd 1827 11144 NEW STAR TABLES, adapted to Practical Purposes for 22 Years, commencing Jan., 1843, with Appendix, which, together, contain all the PRINCIPAL PROBLEMS for DETERMINING the LATITUDE and LONGITUDE at SEA, with Tables and Exemplifications, plate, roy. 8vo. hf. calf, 4s Qd 1843 11145 LYON (John, pr., historian of Dover) EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS with a View to point out the ERRORS of the present RECEIVED THEORY of ELECTRICITY ; and which tend in their Progress to establish a New System on Principles more conformable to the simple Operations of Nature, with 2 folding copperplates, 4to. oldhf. calf (rare), 15s 1780 11146 ANOTHER COPY; with FARTHER PROOFS that GLASS is PERMEABLE by the ELECTRIC EFFLUVIA, and that the Electric Particles are possessed of a Polar Virtue ; with Remarks on the Monthly Reviewers Animadversion on a late Work, intituled, 'Experiments and Observations ', etc., with 2 copperplates 2 vols. 4to. in 1, boards, uncut (fine copies), 1. 5s 1780-1 An attack on Benjamin Franklin and his one-fluid theory of electricity, as well as on his explanation of the charge and discharge of the Leyden Jar, and propounding a new theory ' based on a variety of new experiments.' It is interesting as remotely anticipating the electro-magnetic theory of light, a passage of the introduction reading : ' The electric fluid is nothing else but the particles which have been diffused from the sun through the diflerent elements of water, earth, and air.' 11147 LYONS Jr. (Israel; Board of Longitude) TREATISE of FLUXIONS, with 7 folding plates, 8vo. sewn, uncut, 4s Qd 1758 11148 ANOTHER COPY, oldhf. calf, with Calgarth Park booklabel of Richard Watson, F.R.S. '1737-1816), absentee Bp. of Llanda/, 5s 554 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11150 [M. (J.)] The CARDING and SPINNING-MASTER'S ASSISTANT; or the Theory and Practice of Cotton Spinning, showing the Use of each Machine, how to adjust and adapt them, and the different Qualities of Yarn, and how to perform the various Calculations, also an Historical Sketch, with 9 plates (2 folding), 8vo. cl. (binding worn) ; scarce, 10s 60? Glasgow, 1832 THE INVENTION OF MACADAMISING : 1115! McAJDAM (John London, General Surveyor of the Roads in the Bristol District] REMARKS on the PRESENT SYSTEM of ROAD MAKING, deduced from Practice and Experience, with a View to a Revision of the existing Laws, and the Introduction and IMPROVEMENT in the Method of MAKING, REPAIRING, and PRESERVING ROADS, and defending the Road Funds from Misapplication ; 3rd Edition, with considerable Additions, and Appendix, 8vo. original boards, uncut (rare], 12s 1820 11152 FIFTH EDITION, original boards, uncut, 10s Qd 1822 11153 SEVENTH EDITION, with REPORT from the SELECT COMMITTEE of the HOUSE of COMMONS, June 1823, with Extracts from the Evidence, 8vo. original boards, uncut, 14s 1823 11154 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf gilt, 13s 6^ This was the only work published by the author. All the above editions contain the Minutes of Evidence of the Commons' Committee of March May, 1819. ' McAdam's efforts largely contributed to produce that network of mail-coach communications which, for some years bffore railways were introduced, greatly advanced the nation's prosperity and prepared the way for the railway system. His process was adopted in all parts of the civilised world. The name of the inventor became the synonym for the invention, and derivatives like 'macadamise' were universally accepted.' J). X B. His mtmory has been badly used, for the present way of tipping large-sized lumps of granite over the highway anyhow, and flattening it out by a steam-roller, is only a caricature of his method. 11155 McALLISTER (Adams Stratton, Pa. State Coll.) ALTERNATING CURRENT MOTORS, with 122 diagrams and folding table, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 12s Qd nett) New York, 1906 11156 MACASSEY (L. Livingston, M.I.EE.), and James Andrew STRAHAN: The LAW relating to CIVIL ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, and CONTRACTORS, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 10s 6d) 1890 11157 McAULAY (Alexander, Univ. Tasmania) OCTONIONS ; a DEVELOPMENT of CLIFFORD'S Bi- QUATERNIONS, Svo. cl., 4s (p. 10s 6d) Univ. Press, Cambridge, J8D8 11158 MACAULAY (Francis Sowerby) GEOMETRICAL CONICS, with numerous diagrams, cr. Svo. cl., 2s (p. 4s 6d) University Press, Cambridge, 1895 11159 M BRIDE (Duncan) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS for the CHOICE of WINES and SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS : I. Wines which are best to be used at the TABLES of the OPULENT. II. Wines which alone ought to be administered to the Sick. III. Instructions concerning Spirituous Liquors, with Methods for detecting Abuses in them. IV. Account of many Disorders cured by the Wine, called Toe-Kay de Espagna, 8vo. hf. calf, with bookplate of Henry B. H. Beaiifoy, F.R.S., 8s Qd [1793] 11160 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, uncut, Is Dedicated 'to II. R R. the Prince of Wales 'unquestionably of great authority on the subject, founded on extensive experimental observations at and beneath the Tables of the Opulent. 11161 M'CANN (Hugh W.) REPORT on the DYES and TANS of BENGAL, roy. Svo. cl , 6s Calcutta, 1883 11162 McCLEAN (Francis Kennedy, F.R.A.S.), and others: REPORT of the SOLAR ECLIPSE EXPEDITION to FLINT ISLAND, Jan. 3rd, 1908 : an Account of the Observations made by the Expedition under the Leadership of F. K. McCLEAN, with 15 plates, 4to. cl., 6s [1908] 11163 McCLEAN (Frank, F.R.S.) SPECTRA of SOUTHERN STARS, with 13 double plates, 4to. boards, with author's in scr., 5s (p. 10s) 1898 11164 M'CULLAGH (James, T.C.D., MR.I.A., F.R.S.) GEOMETRICAL PROPOSITIONS applied to the WAVE THEORY of LIGHT, with plate (pp. 23) : On the LAWS of the DOUBLE REFRACTION of QUARTZ (pp. 9) 2 parts 4to. sewn (scarce), 8s 6cl [Dublin,] 1833-6 4 His numerous papers on the wave theory of light contain ingenious attempts to construct a dynamical theory of the luminiferous ether. . . . The geometrical methods and results are of permanent value.' D. N. B. 11165 - On the SURFACES of the SECOND ORDER, Svo. (pp. 65), sewn (scarce), 6s [ibidem, 1844] 4 By far the most important of his scanty remains is the memoir on surfaces of the second order. His geometrical work is characterized by an elegance and power which might have placed him beside Chasles and Poncelet had lie lived to finish his work.' D. N. B. It was unknown to Poggendorff. The author, son of a poor farmer in County Tyrone, unhappily killed himself in his 38th year in a fit of temporary insanity caused by overwork and dyspepsia, probably brought on by contesting Dublin University in the Nationalist interest. 11166 MACCTJLLOCH (John, M.D. ; F.R.S., P.G.S. ; friend of Sir Walter Scott) DESCRIPTION of the WESTERN ISLANDS of SCOTLAND, including the ISLE of MAN, comprising an Account of their Geological Structure, with Remarks on their Agriculture, Scenery, and Antiquities, 2 vols. 8vo., with Atlas, containing 33 fine copperplates and 10 maps, 4to. 3 vols. green calf gilt (Atlas in hf. calf] ; SCARCE, 1. 10s 1819 ''Still remaining among the classic works in geology.' Prof. Bointey, pr., l-'.R.S. V. note to No. 11169, infm. 11167 A GEOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION of ROCKS, with descriptive Synopses of the Species and Varieties, comprising the Elements of Practical Geology, thick Svo. boards, 4s 1821 11168 [ ] REMARKS on the ART of MAKING WINE, with Suggestions for the Application of its Principles to the IMPROVEMENT of DOMESTIC WINES, sm. 8vo. boards, uncut (scarce), I Os Qd J816 11169 SECOND EDITION, sm. 8vo. boards, uncut, 10s 1817 This really is by McCulloch, and is probably the only treatise on this joyous subject ever written by a geologist. 'Some pungent remarks in Inscription ofth*. Wexttni Me* <>f$ctlantl (q. v. supra) and On the Art of Muldn-g Wine on the procrastination, slovenly habits, and other defects of the sea-coast Celts excited vehement indignation.' Pmf. Bonney. Neither of the above editions was known to D. N. J!., where only those of 1S21 and 182;) are quoted. 11170 SYSTEM of GEOLOGY, with a THEORY of the EARTH, and Explanation of its Connexion with the Sacred Records, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., or, hf. calf, 6s Qd 1831 ' As an original observer he yields to no other geologist of our own time, and is perhaps unrivalled in the wide range of subjects on which he displayed great talent and profound knowledge.' 5u' Charles* Lyell. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 555 11172 McCLELLAND (John) SOME ENQUIRIES in the PROVINCE of KEMAON, relative to GEOLOGY, and other Branches of Natural Science, with 8 plates (some tinted), 8vo. cl., uncut (one plate soiled) ; scarce, 9s Calcutta, 1835 11173 M'CLELLAND (William J.), and Thomas PRESTON, F.R.S. : TREATISE on SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, with Applications to Spherical Geometry, and numerous Examples, PART 1, 2nd Edition, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 4s Qd) 1887 11174 McDEBMAID (NeilJ.) SHIPYARD PRACTICE as applied to WARSHIP CONSTRUCTION, with numerous illustrations (many full-page), roy. 8vo. cl., 8s Qd (p. 12s Qd nett) 1911 11175 M'DERMOTT (Walter), and P. W. DUFFIELD: LOSSES in GOLD AMALGAMATION, with Notes on the Concentration of Gold and Silver Ores, 2nd Edition, with 6 folding plates, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 3s Qd 1890 11176 MACDONALD (Lt.-Col. John, F.R.S. ; son of Flora Macdonald) A CIRCUMSTANTIAL and EXPLANATORY ACCOUNT of EXPERIMENTS, lately made at the R. A. DEPOT at WOOLWICH : before a Select Committee with a View of ascertaining the Comparative Accuracy of the Relative Times of BURNING of FUZES driven by a MACHINE, opposed to those of the Common Description : with a Correspondence, 1817-18, thereon ; also Descriptions of Mortars and of Instruments made Use of in laying them, shewing the Effects of False Construction, etc. etc., with 2 folding plates, 8vo. cl. (title mounted) \ SCARCE, 12s 1819 According to the author the driving fuses ' which burn in exact equal times ' had been invented before 1790 by an officer of the Royal Artillery. Colonel Macdonald, who was born fourteen years after the 'Forty-five, was remarkable not only for his romantic parentage, but for much good scientific work. He was also noteworthy for having, when appointed by Pitt as field officer for the Cinque Ports Volunteers, made a reconnaissance from Dover in an open boat of Napoleon s preparations for invasion from the camp at Boulogne. 11177 MACDONALD (William J., F.R.S.E.) HIGHER GEOMETRY: an Introduction to Modern Geometry and Elementary Geometrical Conies, with diagrams, 12mo. cl., Is Qd Edin., 1890 11178 THIRD EDITION [enlarged], with diagrams, 12mo. cl., 2s ibidem, 1904 11179 M'EWAN (Duncan) EASY and CONCISE GUIDE to the STARRY HEAVENS, arranged as Com- panion to the Umbrella Star Map and Revolving Star Dome, with maps, and numerous other illustrations, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 5*) 1910 11180 MACEY (Frank W.) SPECIFICATIONS in DETAIL, with numerous illustrations, roy. 8vo. cl., 7sQd(p. \. Is) 1898 11181 MACFARLANE (Alexander, F.R.S.E) BIBLIOGRAPHY of QUATERNIONS and ALLIED SYSTEMS of MATHEMATICS, 8vo. sewn (scarce), with auto, of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.E.S., 5s Dublin, 1904 11182 The FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS of ANALYSIS GENERALIZED for SPACE, with 10 diagrams, roy. 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd Boston [Mass., 1893] 11183 PRINCIPLES of the ALGEBRA of LOGIC, with Examples, diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., withinscr. to William Spottiswoode, P.R.S. (o. p.), 5s Edin., 1879 Advancing a theory of the operation of the mind in reasoning about quality. 11184 M'GAULEY (James William; Prof. Nat. Philos., Irish Board of Education) LECTURES on NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, with 252 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (cover worn, and top cut off title], 2s Qd Dublin, 1840 11185 MACGILLIVRAY (William, F.R.S.E. ; author of 'History of British Birds') MANUAL of GEOLOGY [with Glossary], woodcuts and large coloured map, reap. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1840 11186 MACGREGOR (James Gordon; F.R.S., Univ. Edin.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on KINE- MATICS and DYNAMICS, with numerous diagrams, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 10s Qd) 1887 11187 MACGREGOR, (William) GAS ENGINES, with! folding plates, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd(p. 8sQd) 1885 11188 McGUIRE (Joseph Deakins ; Princeton Univ.; American ethnologist) A STUDY of the PRIMITIVE METHODS of DRILLING, with 201 illustrations, roy. 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd Washington, 1896 11189 MACH (Ernst) The SCIENCE of MECHANICS : a Critical and Historical Exposition of its Principles, translated from the 2nd German Edition by THOM AS J. McCORMACK, with 250 portraits and illustrations (many from old works'), large cr. 8vo. hf. morocco, t. e. g., Qs Qd (p. 10s Qd nett) Chicago, 1893 The well-known classic of the history of mechanics. 11190 MACHOMETO BAGDEDINO, LIBRO del MODO di DIVIDERE le SUPERFICIE, attribuito a, mandate in Luce la prima volta da GIOVANNI DEE da Londra, e da FEDERICO COMMANDING da Urbino, con un breve Trattato intorno alia stessa Materia del medesimo Federico, tradotti di Latino in Volgare da FULVIO VIANI de MALATESTI da Montefiore, e novamente dato in Luce ; with vignette on title, woodcut initials, and numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. oldhf. calf (last I. wanting* also loose in cover, but a large and sound copy) ; RARE, 1. Is Pesaro, 1570- This work was supposed by its editor, DR. JOHN DEE, the Elizabethan ' magician ' and Provost of Manchester Collegiate Church, to be one of Euclid's lost works, Trgpi diaipeaeatv fiifiXiov, which was mentionei by Proclus, but of which all MSS. appeared to have been lost. This supposition has since been confirmed, with the qualification that Euclid's work formed here the basis of what had apparently been much revised by its Arabian editor [c/. Prof. M. Cantor's Vorlesungeu iiber Gesch. d. Mathematik, Bd. IJ. 1 Livre rare.' Brunei. The Libri copy fetched-40 francs in 1857. It was published in the same year and probably simultaneously with the Latin edition. Both are now VERY RARE. 11191 MACKAY (John Charles) LIGHT RAILWAYS for the United Kingdom, India, and the Colonies : the Principles on which they should be constructed, worked, and financed, and the Cost of Construction, Equipment, Revenue, and Working Expenses, with 32 plates, and 16 other illustrations, including many views on the Darjiling- Himalaya By., 8vo. buctram (o.p.), 7s Qd (p. 15s) 11192 MACKINLAY (Captain G., B.A.) TEXT BOOK of GUNNERY, with numerous woodcuts, and tables, roy. 8vo. cl. (corner cut off title), 2s (p. 5*) 556 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11194 MACKAY (Andrew, F.K.S.E. ; Keeper of Aberdeen Observatory ; examiner to the Trinity House) COLLECTION of MATHEMATICAL TABLES for the NAVIGATOR, GEOGRAPHER, and SURVEYOR, etc. [with Explanation (pp. 64)], 8vo. boards, uncut, 4s 1804 ' He made important contributions to the science of navigation, and was a skilful, accurate, and indefatigable calculator of mathematical tables.' D. N.B. 11195 The DESCRIPTION and USE of the SLIDING GUNTER in NAVIGATION, 8vo. sewn, 6s Aberdeen, 1802 11196 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary calf gilt, IsQd Including ' The Description and Use of the Maritime Scale.' 11197 The DESCRIPTION and USE of the SLIDING RULE, in the Mensuration of Wood, Stone, Bales, etc., also the Description of the SHIP-CARPENTER'S SLIDING RULE, and its Use applied to the Construction of Masts, Yards, etc., 8vo. (pp. 54), sewn (rare), 8s Qd 1799 11198 The THEORY and PRACTICE of FINDING the LONGITUDE at SEA or LAND : with various Methods of determining the LATITUDE of a Place, and VARIATION of the COMPASS, with Tables, first edition, with 7 folding copperplates, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, cl., or, boards, uncut, 10s Qd 1793 11199 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary hf. calf, uncut (sound copy), 12s 11200 SECOND EDITION, improved and enlarged, with fine portrait by J. Heath, and % folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf, 15s Aberdeen, 1801 11201 THIRD [LAST] EDITION, enlarged, with % folding plates, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cl., 15s 1810 * In this work is given an account of a new method of finding the longitude and latitude of a ship at sea, together with the apparent time, from the same set of observations ; for which the author had received the thanks of the boards of Longitude of England and France.' D. JY. B. 11202 MACKENZIE (Major-Gen. Alexander, U.'S. Army) REPORT on CURRENT-METER OBSERV- ATIONS in the MISSISSIPPI RIVER, near Burlington, Iowa, October, 1879, with 41 folding diagrams, and map, large 8vo. cl. (title stamped), 4s Washington, 1884 11203 MACKENZIE (Colin, Operative Chemist) ONE THOUSAND PROCESSES in MANUFACTURES and EXPERIMENTS in CHEMISTRY, collected from the best Modern Authorities, British and Foreign, 4th Edition, with lurid coloured folding front, of the Brick Lane Gasworks, 19 plates, and numerous woodcuts, thick 8vo. boards, uncut (scarce), 10s Qd 1823 11204 MEMORIAL PRATIQUE du CHIMISTE-MANUFACTURIER, ou Recueil de Precedes d' Arts et de Manufactures, traduit sur la 3 e Edition, revu et considerablement augmente, par le Traducteur [A. BULOS] ; with 3 folding plates, 3 vols. 8vo. sewn, uncut, Qs 1824-5 11205 MACKENZIE (George) MANUAL of the WEATHER for 1830, including a brief Account of the Cycles of the Winds and Weather, and of the Circle of the Prices of Wheat, with 2 tables, post 8vo. original boards, uncut, Qs Qd Edin., 1829 11206 The SYSTEM of the WEATHER of the BRITISH ISLANDS ; delivered in 1816 and 1817, from a Journal commencing Nov., 1802, first edition, with 2 plates, 4to. hf. cL, uncut (SCARCE), 17s Qd ib., 1818 1 He discovered that the periodical commencement and termination of years of scarcity or abundance are undoubtedly ascertainable with the recurrence of favourable or unfavourable seasons. In the spring of 1819 Mackenzie succeeded in forming his ' primary cycle of the winds', and received the thanks of the English Board of Agriculture. . . . On receiving a presentation copy the French Institute accorded a special vote of thanks to Mackenzie, and desired Baron v. Humboldt to make a report on it.' D. N. B. 11207 MACKENZIE (Nicol Finlayson, M.I.C.E.) METHODS of SURVEYING, with 85 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1908 11208 NOTES on IRRIGATION WORKS : Lectures at Oxford, with 6 plates (4 folding), and 11 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 7s Qd nett) 1910 11209 MACKINTOSH (Daniel, F.G.S.) The SCENERY of ENGLAND and WALES, its Character and Origin, with frontispiece, and 86 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 12s Qd) 1869 'An attempt to trace the nature of the geological causes, especially denudation, by which the physical features of the country have been produced.' 11210 MACKINTOSH (Donald James, F.R.S.E.) CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPMENT, and MANAGEMENT of a GENERAL HOSPITAL, with 61 illustrations, and 17 folding plans, roy. 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. WsQd) Edin., 1909 11211 MAGKONOCHIE (Alexander, of Bay poor, Malabar) PROSPECTUS of a Work, entitled, a PHILOSOPHICAL and EXPERIMENTAL INQUIRY into the LAWS of RESISTANCE of NON-ELASTIC FLUIDS, and COHESION of FIBROUS SOLIDS, as far as either is connected with the Theory, or Practice of NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, etc. etc., 4to. (pp. 44), sewn, 3s Qd 1805 The work thus announced was never published. Was the author a kinsman of Mr. Mackonochie (Alexander Heriot) of St. Alban's, Holborn ? 11212 McMAHON (Lt.-Gen. Charles Alexander, F.R.S., and Col. Sir Arthur Henry) NOTES on some VOLCANIC and other ROCKS occurring near the BALUCHISTAN- AFGHAN FRONTIER, between Chaman and Persia, with folding map and 2 plates, 8vo. (pp. 21), sewn, 2s 1897 11213 MacMAHON (Major Percy Alexander, R.A., F.R.S.) A CERTAIN CLASS of GENERATING FUNCTIONS in the THEORY of NUMBERS, roy. 4to. (pp. 50), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s 1894 11214 MEMOIR on SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS of the ROOTS of SYSTEMS of EQUATIONS, roy. 4to. (pp. 56), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s ' 1890 11215 MEMOIR and SECOND MEMOIR on the THEORY of the COMPOSITIONS of NUMBERS, ivith diagrams, 2 parts roy. 4to. (pp. 137), sewn, with author's inscr., 4s Qd 1893-1907 11216 MEMOIR on the THEORY of the PARTITIONS of NUMBERS, Part I, roy. 4to. (pp. 55), sewn, 2s 1896 11217 The THEORY of PERFECT PARTITIONS of NUMBERS and the COMPOSITION of MULTI- PARTITE NUMBERS, 8vo. (pp. 17), sewn, 2s 1890 11218 MacSWINNEY (Robert Forster) The LAW of MINES, QUARRIES, and MINERALS, thick roy. 8vo. cl., Qs (p. 1. 15s) 1884 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 557 11220 MACLAUBIN (Colin, F.R.S.) ACCOUNT of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PHILOSOPHICAL DISCOVERIES ; published from the Author's MSS. [with LIFE (pp. 20)] by PATRICK MURDOCH, F.R.S., first edition, with 6 folding plates, 4to. old calf (joints cracked), 9s printed for the author's children, 1748 This edition was published for the benefit of Maclaurin's children, and contains a long list of subscribers. 11221 SECOND EDITION, with 6 folding plates, 8vo. contemporary calf, with auto, of RICHARD WATSON, D.D., F.R.S. (1737-1816), absentee Bp. of Llandaff, and his Calgarth Park booklabel, 6s Qd 1750 11222 THIRD [LAST] EDITION, with 6 folding plates ; 8vo. contemporary calf, 5s .1775 Comprising : Of a Method of Proceeding in Natural Philosophy, and the various Systems of Philosophers ; Of the Theory of Motion, or Rational Mechanics; Gravity demonstrated by Analysis; The Effects of the General Power of Gravity deduced synthetically. The life prefixed is still the chief authority on Maclaurin. The last chapter treats 'Of the Supreme Author and Governor of the Universe, the true and living God', and ends with an argument in favour of a future life, dictated but a few moments before his death. 11223 GEOMETRIA ORGANICA: sive DESCRIPTIO LINEARUM CURVARUM UNIVERSALIS ; with 12 plates, 4to. boards, uncut (RARE), 1. 5* Londini, 1720 ' Newton had discovered the theorem that if two angles of given magnitude be movable round their vertices, and the intersection of a side of the one with a side of the other be made to travel along a straight line, the intersection of the other pair of sides will describe a conic. Maclaurin developes this into a general method of reducing the description of a curve to the description of another curve of lower order ; the theory is one of much beauty and power'. D. N. B. ' The work contains an elaborate discussion on curves and their pedals, a branch of geometry which he had created.' W. W. R. Ball. The above copy contains the leaf with Imprimatur by Sir Isaac Newton, to whom the work is dedicated. 11224 TREATISE of ALGEBRA, containing the Fundamental Rules and Operations, the Composi- tion and Resolution of Equations of all Degrees, the different Affectijns of their Roots, and the Application of ALGEBRA and GEOMETRY to EACH OTHER, with APPENDIX on the GENERAL PROPERTIES of GEOMETRICAL LINES, first edition, with 12 folding plates, and numerous diagrams, 8vo. old calf, newly rebacked (rare), 12s Qd 1748 11225 FINE PAPER EDITION, thick 8vo. old calf, 15s 11226 SECOND EDITION [revised], with 12 folding plates, besides diagrams, 8vo. old calf, with bookplate of Sir John Francis Davis, 8s 1756 11227 THIRD EDITION [revised], with 12 folding plates, besides diagrams, 8vo. old hf. calf (rubbed), 6s 6d 1771 11228 FOURTH EDITION [with APPENDIX (as below)], with 12 folding plates, besides diagrams, 8vo. old calf (joints cracked), 7s 1779 This as well as the following editions contain also as an appendix the translation by JOHX LAWSON, pr.. of Sidney Sussex College, of 'De Linearum Geometricarum Proprietatibus Generalibus Tractatus'. The first three editions only contain the Latin original. 11229 FIFTH EDITION [unchanged], with 12 folding plates, besides diagrams, 8vo. old calf, 5s 1788 11230 SIXTH [AND LAST] EDITION [unchanged], with 12 folding plates, besides diagrams, 8vo. old sheep (name cut of title), with auto, and bookplate of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S. , 'os 1796 ' It is a model of clear and terse exposition, and was in vogue as a Cambridge textbook for more than half a century.' 1 Founded on Newton's Universal Arithmetic. It contains the results of some early papers of Maclaurin ; notably of two on the number of imaginary roots of an equation, suggested by Newton's theorem ; and of one containing the well-known rule for finding equal roots by means of the derived equation. In this book negative quantities are treated as being not less real than positive quantities.' W. W. R. Ball. 11231 TREATISE of FLUXIONS, first edition, with 40 plates, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, old calf gilt (1 joint cracked), with bookplate of Prof . Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S. (rare), 15s Edin., 1742 11232 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. old calf (joints cracked), with Lord Auckland's bookplate, and auto, of Arthur jRawson Ashwell (fifteenth Wrangler; pr., biographer of Bp. IVilberforce), 1844, 15s 11233 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. calf gilt (FINE COPY), 18s 6d 11234 A LARGE and THICK PAPER'COPY, 2 vols. 4to. old calf, newli/ and neatly rebacked, 1.5s 11235 SECOND [AND LAST] EDITION, carefully corrected and revised, with Account of his LIFE, by an EMINENT MATHEMATICIAN [? WILLIAM DAVIS, editor of 'The Gentleman's Mathematical Companion'], with 41 folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf (joints cracked); scarce, 12s 6d 1801 ' Le chef-d'oeuvre de geometric qu'on peut comparer a tout ce qu'Archimede nous a laisse de plus beau et de plus ingenieux.' Lagrange. 1 The first logical and systematic exposition of the method of fluxions. The cause of it was an attack of [George] Berkeley [Bp. of Cloyne] on the principles of the infinitesimal calculus [v. Nos. 6144-5 ante]. In it he gave a proof of the theorem that f(x) = f(o) + xf (o) +^ff" (o) + . . . He also gave the correct theory of maxima and mirima, and rules for finding and discriminating multiple points. This treatise is however especially valuable for its solution of numerous problems in geometry, statics, the theory of attraction, and astronomy'. W. W. R. Ball. It also contains in a revised form the author's prize essay on the gravitational theory of tides. ' Gifted with a genius for geometrical investigation second only to Newton's, Maclaurin had no need to abandon Newton's methods in favour of any easier ; and it was naturally more gratifying to his patriotism to develop the fluxional calculus to its fullest extent than to resort to the differential methods in use on the Continent. The result was that Maclaurin, the one mathematician of first rank trained in Great Britain in the Eighteenth Century, confirmed Newton's exclusive influence over British mathematics ; and for three generations it was left to Continental mathematicians to develop the modern methods of mathematical analysis '. D. N. B. He sprang from ancestors long settled on the wild island of Tiree, the nearest land to the Skerryvore Lighthouse, who had removed to Inveraray after the Civil Wars. On the outbreak of the 'Forty-five he organised thedefences of Edinburgh against the Jacobite troops, and worked day and night in planning and superintending the hastily raised fortifications. The result broke down his health, and he died prematurely in June, 1746, aged forty-eight the perferviflum ingenium Scotorum thus moving a mathematician to defend Edinburgh in the Eighteenth Century as it has moved our greatest m He &elian to reorganise the British Army in the Twentieth in the person of the present Lord Chancellor. 11236 MACLAUBIN (James Scott; F.C.S.) On the ACTION of POTASSIUM-CYANIDE SOLUTION upon GOLD, with 5 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 14), sewn, Is Qd [Auckland, N.Z], 1896 558 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11237 MACLEAR (Sir Thomas, F.R.S., Royal Astronomer at the Cape) CONTRIBUTIONS to ASTRONOMY and GEODESY, 2ND SERIES, 4to. (-pp. 36), sewn, 3s Qd 1853 Containing his Comparison of Southern Stars of the British Association Catalogue Part III : Observations of Petersen's Comet : his Investigation of the Parallax of /3 Centanri, etc. 11238 - - FURTHER PARTICULARS of the FALL of the COLD BOKKEVELD METEOROLITE, 4to. (pp. 6), unbound, Is 6d 1840 11239 - - OBSERVATIONS of DONATI'S COMET, at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, Oct. llth, 1S58 March 4th, 1859, 4to. (pp. 25), sewn, 3s [I860] ' His cometary observations were of great value.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 11240 VERIFICATION and EXTENSION of LA CAILLE'S ARC of MERIDIAN at the CAPE of GOOD HOPE [edited by SIR GEORGE B. AIRY, F.R.S.], with 23 plates (mostly folding] of astronomical instruments, etc., 2 vols. 4to. and roy. 4to. cl., 1. 10s 1866 ' For this great work, still fundamental in the survey of the colony, Maclear received the Lalande prize in 1867 and a royal medal in 1869. ' Miss A . M. Clerke. ' He has earned for himself a high place among living astronomers by the ability with which he has executed this important geodetic operation. . . . His labours have removed a serious difficulty from the science of astronomy, since we are now assured that the a-tual meisurement of meridional arcs on each side of the equator concurs with the theory of gravitation, and the experiments with the pendulum, in assigning the same ellipticity to both hemispheres. 'Prof. R. < ; runt, F.US. 11241 McLEOD (Herbert; Cooper's Hill ; F.R.S. ; Director Roy. Society's Cat. Scientific Papers) On the ELECTROLYSIS of AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS of SULPHURIC ACID, with special Reference to the Forms of Oxygen obtained, 2 folding diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s 1886 11242 MACNEILL (Sir John Benjamin; F R.S. ; M.R.I.A. ; pupil of Telford) TABLES for CAL- CULATING the CUBIC QUANTITY of EARTH WORK in the CUTTINGS and EMBANKMENTS of Canals, RAILWAYS, and Turnpike Roads, with 4 plates, 8vo. green vellum, 4s 1833 11243 SECOND [AND LAST] EDITION, considerably enlarged, with 4 folding plates, 8vo. hf. morocco gilt, 5s Dublin, 1846 11244 - - ANOTHER COPY, printed on yellow paper, 8vo. hf. morocco gilt (nice copy), 6s ' This useful work.' D. N. B. Sir John Macneill was the first Professor of Civil Engineering at Trinity College, Dublin. He had besides a large private practice, and c;irriei out the Dablin and Drogheda Riilway, arid the Kildare section of the Great Southern and Western. 11245 MACPHERSON (Hector, Jun.; F.R.A.s.) A CENTURY'S PROGRESS in ASTRONOMY, 8vo. cL* 3s 6d (p. 6s nett) Edin., 1906 A popular history of astron my from Sir William Herschel to 1906. 11246 McPHERSON (John Ambrose, M.I.C.E.) WATERWORKS DISTRIBUTION : a Practical Guide to the Laying Out of Systems of Distributing Mains, with 20 plates (many folding], and 103 wood- cuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 3* 6d (p. 6* nett) 1900- 11247 McPHERSON (William, Ohio State Univ.), and William Edwards HENDERSON: ELEMENTARY STUDY of CHEMISTRY; revised Edition, with 90 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) Boston [Mass., 1906] 11248 [MACQUER (Pierre Joseph, de I' Academic des Sciences)] DICTIONARY of CHEMISTRY, con- taining the Theory and Practice, with full Explanations of the Qualities and Modes of Acting of CHEMICAL REMEDIES, and the Fundamental Principles of the Arts, Trades, and Manufactures- dependent on Chemistry, translated, with Notes and Additions, by the Translator [JAMES KEIR, F.R.S ], 3 copperplates of chemical apparatus and characters, and 2 folding tables of affinities, etc.> 2 vol*. 4 to. in ] , old calf (joints cracked), 12s 6d 1771 11249 - - SECOND EDITION ; with APPENDIX : a Treatise on the various Kinds of Permanently Elastic Fluids, or Gases, with 3 copperplates (2 folding] of chemical apparatus and symbols, and folding table, 3 vols. 8vo. old calf (a few joints cracked) ; RARE, 17s 6d 1777 This edition is valuable for the appendix by the translator, wherein he sets forth the discoveries made by Joseph Black,, Cavendish, and Lavoiier. It also contains a passage interesting in connexion with molecular physics: 'For, in what does heat consist, but in the exceedingly quick vibrations of the particles of burning bodies?' In his preface to the appendix the translator apologizes for using here first the word j/as against the terms ' fixable, fixed, or factitious air' hitherto employed. 11250 ELEMENS de CHIMIE PRATIQUE, contenant la Description des Operations f on damen tales- de la Chymie, avec des Explications et des Remarques sur chaque Operation, 2 e Edition, corrigee ; ivith vignette on titles, 2 vols. 12mo. contemporary calf gilt, 8s tid 1756- 11251 - ELEMENS de, CHYMIE THEORIQUE, premiere edition, I2mo. old calf gilt, 5s 1751 11252 NOUVELLE EDITION; with 4 folding plates of chemical apparatus and symbols, 12mo. contemporary mottled calf gilt, 8s 6d 1753- 11253 - - ELEMENTS of the THEORY and PRACTICE of CHYMISTRY, translated [by ANDREW REID], 2nd Edition, with 6 copperplates of chemical apparatus and symbols, 2 vols. 8vo*. old calf, with Calgarth Park booklabel and auto, of RICHARD WATSON, F.R.S. (1737-1816), absentee Bp. of Llandaff, 14s 1761 11254 - THIRD EDITION, with 6 copperplates, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf (joints cracked and name cut off titles), Ss 1775- 1)255 - ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. contemporary calf (sound copy), 10s 11256 THE SAME, 2 vols. fine copy in contemporary tree-calf extra, 12s ' His work lay less in theoretical than applied chemistry, to which he made valuable contributions, especially in the manufacture of pottery and in dyeing. . . . From the beginning of his career to its end Macquer was a phlogiston ist, and did all that he could to reconcile the continually augmenting discrepancies between theory and facts ; he paid no heed to- proportions by weight, for it was only in this way that he could maintain the phlogistic hypothesis. And even although it was proved to ba erroneous and untenable several years before his death, he was still unable to renounce it.' I'mf. E. v. Meyer. 11257 MAGANZINI (Italo) LAVORI ESEGUITI nel BELGIO, pel MIGLIORAMENTO del Regime del FlUME MOSA; with 4 folding plates, roy. 8vo. hf. calf, 4s Roma, 1877 HENKY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 55 11259 MACVICAR (John Gibson, LL.D., D.D., Minister of Mo/at] The FIRST LINES of MORPHOLOGY and ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT, GEOMETRICALLY CONSIDERED, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, 2s \_Edin., 1861J 11260 - On the FORMS and STRUCTURE of the ATOMS and MOLECULES of BODIES, with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, 3s Qd [ibidem, c. 1875] An ingenious paper (but devoid of all experimental proof), on molecular structure. 11261 INQUIRIES concerning the MEDIUM of LIGHT and the FORM of its MOLECULES, with folding front., 8vo. boards, with author's inscr. to P. M. Roget, M.D., F.R.S., and the latter' s auto, (scarce), IQs 6d ib., 183* In order to explain the optical phenomena which were difficult or impossible to account for on the corpuscular theory, the author assumes light to consist of molecules with a crystalline structure emitted from the luminous body and to- travel in groups. 11262 The NORMAL PRODUCTS of HEPATIC ACTION, Part II, 8vo. (pp. 15J, sewn, 2s [ib., 1871J. 11263 On the STRUCTURAL RELATION between UREA and URIC ACID, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, 2s [ib., 1870] 11264 MADDISON (Isabel; Brt/n Mawr Coll.) On CERTAIN FACTORS of the c- and^o- DISCRIMINANTS,. and their Relation to Fixed Points on the Family of Curves, with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, \s 1892: 11265 On SINGULAR SOLUTIONS of DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS of the FIRST ORDER in Two VARIABLES, and the Geometrical Properties of certain Invariants and Covariants of their complete- Primitives, with 2 folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 64), sewn, 2s 189$> 11266 MADDY (Watkin, pr., St. John's Coll., Cantab.) The ELEMENTS of the THEORY of PLANE- ASTRONOMY, new [last] Edition, greatly enlarged by JOHN HYMERS, D.D., F.R.S., with 4 folding" plates, 8vo. boards (scarce), 6s Cambridge, 1832: ' An excellent work.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 11267 MADLER (Johann Heinrich; Univ. Dorpat) KURZGEFASSTE BESCHREIBUNG des MONDES :; ein Auszug aus der grosseren Selenographie ; with folding plate, roy. 8vo. sewn, uncut, 3s 6d Berlin, 1839* 11268 MADRAS OBSERVATORY: RESULTS of OBSERVATIONS of the FIXED STARS made with the MERIDIAN CIRCLE at the GOVERNMENT OBSERVATORY, MADRAS, edited by NORMAN ROBERT- POGSON and C. MICHIE SMITH, FF.R.A.S., Vols. I-IX (Observations 1862-87, and GENERAL. CATALOGUE), 8 vols. 4to. and 1 vol. roy. 4to. cl., 1. 5* Madras, 1887-99* As an observer only one or two contemporaries could equal Pogson. In all he discovered nine minor planets between Mars and Jupiter, and twenty-one new variable stars.' D.N.B. 11269 in the Years 1862-4 (VOL. I), 4to. cl., 5s ibidem, 1887 11270 1883-7 (VOL. VIII), 4to. cl.,4s ib., 1894 11271 GENERAL CATALOGUE (VOL. IX), roy. 4to. cl , 7s 6d ib., 1899" : GENERAL CATALOGUE of the PRINCIPAL FIXED STARS, 1830-43- -v. TAYLOR (T. G.) post, 11272 MAGELLAN" [sive MAGALHAENS] (Joao Hyazinthe, F.R.S.) COLLECTION de DIFFERENS TRAITES sur des INSTRUMENS d'AsTRONOMiE, PHYSIQUE, etc. ; I. Nouveaux Instrumens Circu- laires a Reflection. II. Quadrans Astronomiques Mobiles. III. NOUVEAUX BAROMETRES Port- ables et cenx a grande Echelle, etc. IV. Essai sur le Feu Elementaire, et sur la Chaleur des Corps, avec la Description des NOUVEAUX THERMOMETRES. V. Instrumens ordonnes par la Cour d'Espagne. VI. Nouveau Remede de Mr. Mudge pour la Toux ; with 3 folding plates, 4to. sound'' copy in contemporary tree-calf (rare), \. Is Londres, W. Richardson, 1780- 'He devoted his last years to perfectingthe construction of scientific instruments for scientific observation, such as^ thermometers and barometers, etc.' JJ. N. B. 11273 DESCRIPTION of a GLASS APPARATUS, for making MINERAL WATERS, like those of Pyrmont, Spa, Seltzer, etc., in a few Minutes, and a very little Expence, with Description of some New EUDIOMETERS, or Instruments for ascertaining the Wholsomeness of Respirable Air, and the Method of using them, first edition, with front., 8vo. (pp. 55), sewn, Is Qd 1777 11274 ANOTHER COPY, original paper cover, uncut, with inscr. (as below), 9s ' Pour la Bibliotheque de Son Alt 6 S me le Due d'Arenberg de la part de 1'auteur.' Inscr. on cover. Magellan's eudiometer is based 01. Dr. Priestley's suggestion to use nitric oxide for ascertaining the amount of oxygen..' contained in gases and in the atmosphere. 11275 DESCRIPTION des OCTANTS et SEXTANTS ANGLOIS, on Quarts de Cercle a Reflection, avec la Maniere de se servirde ces Instrumens, pour prendre toutes Sorbes de Distances Angulaires, tant sur Mer que sur Terre, avec Me"rnoire sur une Nouvelle Construction de ces Instrumens, et Appendix, contenant la Description et les Avantages d'un Double-Sextant nouveau ; with $ folding plates, 4tp. hf. roan (scarce), 15s 1775- 'His book on English reflecting instruments, published in 1775, was declared by Lalande to be the most complete work on the subject at that period.' D. N. B. 11276 MAGTJIBE (William B.) DOMESTIC SANITARY DRAINAGE and PLUMBING: Lectures on Practical Sanitation delivered at the Central Technical Institution, South Kensington, with 283- woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s 6d (p. 12s) 1890*- 11277 MAHAN (Dennis Hart) ELEMENTARY COURSE of CIVIL ENGINEERING, edited by PETER BARLOW, F.R.S. , with \5plates, 4to. hf. bound (joints broken), 3s 6d Glasgow, 1838- 11278 ANOTHER COPY, cl., 4s 6d This work is quite different from the one below. The above is the last edition of the original ' Elementary Course.' 112/9 ELEMENTARY COURSE of CIVIL ENGINEERING, 6th Edition, with large Addenda, with numerous woodcuts, 8vo. cl., or, hf. morocco, 4s (p. 18s) New York, 1864 or '52 1 Mahan's and Millington's books on civil engineering sre unequalled; in fact they are the most valuable works on thes^ subject in the English language.' Allibone. MAHON (Viscount) PRINCIPLES of ELECTRICITY (1779) v. STANHOPE (Charles 3rd Earl),. post, et No. 4558, ante. 560 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11281 MAG INI (Giovanni Antonio ; Univ. Bologna) De ASTROLOGICA RATIONS, ac Usu DIERUM CRITICORUM seu DECRETORIORUM, ac pneterea de cognoscendis ac medendis Morbis ex CORPORUM CCELESTIUM COGNITIONE. Opus II Libris distinctum, quorum I. complectitur Commentarium in Claudii Galeni Librum III. de Diebus Decretoriis, alter agit de Legitimo Astrologi'. 540 and 6424 ante). Of importance also is his Essai du Chaud et du Froid, which includes observations on radiant heat, and the Traite de la Percussion, containing original investigations on the subject, and his percussion apparatus in use at the present time in physical laboratories. 11433 NOUVELLE EDITION ; with 25 plates, 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf gilt (FINE COPY), 1. 1* La Haye, 1740 11434 TRAITE du MOUVEMENT des EAUX et des autres CORPS FLUIDES, mis en Lumiere par les Soins de [PHILIPPE] DE LA HIRE, premiere edition ; with numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 12mo. sewn (last I. mended and somewhat water-stained) ; RARE, 15s 1686 In this work, which first contains the description of what is known as Mariotte's tube, the author investigates the laws governing the discharge of fluids, and first calls attention to the friction of fluids in conduit pipes. 11435 NOUVELLE EDITION corrigee ; with numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 12mo. fine copy in contemporary white vellum, 8s Qd 1700 Including : ' De 1'origine des fontaines ', and ' De 1'origine et causes des vents '. 11436 TRAITE du NIVELLEMENT, avec la DESCRIPTION de quelques NIVEAUX NOUVELLEMENT INVENTEZ ; with 2 folding plates, 4to. old limp vellum (cover slightly damaged) ; RARE, 15s 1672 11437 MARISCOTTI (Berselli Marchese Giacomo) De CENTRO AEQUILIBRII Disquisitio physico- mathematica, cui adjunctae sunt aliquot Propositiones physico-mathematicae de Aequilibrio ; with folding plate, 4 to. (pp. 37), sewn, 5s Bononiae, 1746 Rare, and only known to Riccardi by repute. 11438 MARKHAM (Admiral Sir Clements Robert, F.R.S. ; P.R.G.S.) MEMOIR on the INDIAN SURVEYS, 2nd [last] Edition [enlarged,], with 5 folding maps (some coloured), colombier 8vo. hf. cl. (scarce), 12s Qd 1878 A valuable historical account from Major Rennell's to Col. Strange's and that completed by Col. Thuillier in 1877. There are chapters on meteorological, astronomical, and tidal observations, and on the Geological and Archaeological Sur- vey of India. ' The great Surveyors must combine the knowledge and habits of thought of a Cambridge wrangler with the energy, resource, and presence of mind of an explorer or a backwoodsman, and add to this the gallantry and devotion of the leader of a forlorn hope. The story of the Great Trigonometrical Survey, when fitly told, will form one of the proudest pages in the history of English domination in the East'. p. 146. , 11439 REPORT on the IRRIGATION of EASTERN SPAIN, with front., woodcuts, and 6 maps (5 folding), 8vo. with author's inscr. (as below), 6s [1867] ' Mrs. [George] Rennie from the Author. March 1807'. Inscr. on title. vide ORTA (Garcia da), post. 11440 MARKS (Edward Charles Robert, A.M.I. C.E.) The EVOLUTION of MODERN SMALL ARMS and AMMUNITION, with 111 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. boards, 3s apud auctorem [1898] 11441 MARKS (Percy L.) The PRINCIPLES of PLANNING [BUILDINGS] : an Analytical Treatise for Architects and others, with 37 plates and 30 other illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 8s Qd nett) 1901 11442 MAROLOIS (Samuel) OEUVRES MATHEMATICQUES traictant de la GEOMETRIE et FORTIFICATION, reduictes en meilleur Ordre, et corrigees d'un Nombre infiny de Fautes escoutees aux Impressions precedentes : La GEOMETRIE par THEODORE VERBEECK, et la FORTI- FICATION par FRANCOIS VAN SCHOTEN [sic] ; with 17 folding copperplates, and very numerous woodcuts, 2 vols. folio in 1, sound copy in old vellum, with auto. of. Gen. Robert Melville, 1755, F.R.S. , F.S.A., inventor of a naval gun, 12s Qd Amsterdam, G. J. Ccesius, 1628 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 569 11444 MARNE (N. H.) Ueber die ANZAHLderELEMENTE ; ein Beytrag zur allgemeinen Naturlehre, 12mo. sewn (rare], 12,9 6d Berlin, 1786 A rare work, unknown to Poggendorff, Kopp, Graesse, etc. etc., and probably the first ever printed on cbemica. elements. The last chapter contains a remote anticipation of the Periodic Law. Nothing appears to be known of the author, who is not noticed in Allgemeine Deutsche biographie. 11445 [MARQTJAND (Charles)] REMARKS on the DIFFERENT CONSTRUCTIONS of BRIDGES, and IMPROVEMENTS to secure their FOUNDATIONS on the different SOILS where they are intended to be Built, which hitherto seems to have been a Thing not sufficiently consider'd, with 4 folding copperplates, sm. 4to. (pp. 15), unbound (rare], 8s Qd 1749 ' By the method I propose, the piers of any bridge may be prepared a mile or two from the place of erecting such an edifice, especially where the tide ebbs and flows'. p. 8. 11446 MARRIOTT (William, F.R.MET.S.) The EARLIEST DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORTS and WEATHER MAPS, roy. 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn, Is 1903 11447 SOME ACCOUNT of the METEOROLOGICAL WORK of the late JAMES GLAISHER, F.R.S. [with BIBLIOGRAPHY] , 2 plates and 2 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn, Is Qd 1904 11448 MARSATTT (J. B.) ETUDE surle LAVAGE de la HOUILLE ; with 14 plates, roy. 8vo. (pp. 74), sewn, with author's inscr. to Prof. Hilary Bauerman [hie Mr. Bormann], 3s 1878 11449 COAL- WASHING APPARATUS at BESSEGES, France, translated by A. BACHE, 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, IsQd 1879 MARSDEN (William, F.R.S.) On the CHRONOLOGY of the HINDOOS v. no. 9208 ante. 11450 On the ERA of the MAHOMETANS, called the HEJERA (1788) v. NICHOLSON (William), post. 11451 MARSH (Benjamin V.) REMARKS on the LUMINOSITY of METEORS as affected by LATENT HEAT, roy. 8vo. (pp 8), sewn, \s Qd [New Haven, 1863] 11452 MARSH (C. 0., U.S.N.) MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS at the UNITED STATES NAVAL OBSERVA- TORY, 1894, with IS plates and charts, 4to. sewn, 4s Washington, 1895 11453 MARSH (George Perkins) The EARTH as MODIFIED by HUMAN ACTION : a New Edition of Man and Nature, large 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 18s) 1874 ' Its great merits have long since made it an American classic, as well as given it an international reputation. It is in our opinion one of the most useful and suggestive works ever published.' Allibone. 11454 MARSH (Othniel Charles, Yale Univ.) INTRODUCTION and SUCCESSION of VERTEBRATE LIFE in AMERICA, front., impl. 8vo. (pp. 50), sewn, with inscr. to Prof. Hilary Bauerman, 3s s. I. [c. 1878] 11455 ODONTORNITHES : a Monograph on the EXTINCT TOOTHED BIRDS of NORTH AMERICA, with 34 lithographic plates (mostly folding), and 40 woodcuts, 4to. cl. (SCARCE), 1. Is Washington, 1880 11456 MARSIGLI [hie MARSILLI] (Luigi Ferdinando Conte di, de V Academie Royale ; F.R.S.) HISTOIRE PHYSIQUE de la MER [traduite de 1'italien par JEAN LECLERC, publiee par HERMAN BOERHAAVE] ; with front, and 52 fine copperplates (several folding}, folio, fine copy in contemporary mottled calf extra, with bookplate of Sir John Francis Davis ( 1795- 1890), British Plenipotentiary in China, 15s Amsterdam, 1725 ' Ouvrage assez recherche.' Querard. It is of interest as an early work on oceanography, and contains the investiga- tions of the maritime laboratory in Marseilles, the first of its kind ever founded, which the author established in 1706. 11457 MARTEN (Edward Bindon, M.I.M.E.) RECORDS of STEAM BOILER EXPLOSIONS, with numerous woodcuts, large postSvo. boards (o.p.), '3s Qd 1869 Including ' Brief Abstracts from Reports to the Midland Steam Boiler Inspection and Assurance Co.'. 11458 [NEW EDITION, enlarged], with 338 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (o.p.), 5s 1872 11459 MARTENS (Martin, Univ. Louvain) RECHERCHES sur les VARIATIONS de la FORCE ELECTROMOTRICE du FER, 4to. (pp. 46), sewn, 5s Bruxelles, 1845 11460 MARTIN (Adam Georg) VOLLSTANDIGE ANLEITUNG zur PHOTOGRAPHIE auf METALL, riebst den neuesten Fortschiitten der PHOTOGRAPHIE auf PAPIER, 12mo. sewn (scarce), 6s Qd Wien, 1848 An account of the improved daguerreotype, which not many years afterwards became extinct. 11461 MARTIN (Adolphe, Lycee de Versailles] PHOTOGRAPHIE NOUVELLE. PROCEDE pour obtenir des EPREUVES POSITIVES BIRECTES sur GLACE, cr. 8vo. (pp. 23), sewn (scarce], 5s 1852 The invention of obtaining; direct positive prints on glass. 11462 MARTIN (Benjamin) BIBLIOTHECA TECHNOLOGICA : or, a PHILOLOGICAL LIBRARY of LITERARY ARTS and SCIENCES, 4th Edition, with Index, 8vo. old calf, Qs 1776 ' A very skilful and comprehensive compilation, epitomising the current information and ideas of the time under 25 headings.'/). Jf. B. 11463 BIOGRAPHIA PHILOSOPHICA : an Account of the LIVES, WRITINGS and INVENTIONS of the most EMINENT PHILOSOPHERS and MATHEMATICIANS, from the earliest Ages, with portrait of Newton, 8vo. old hf. calf, vellum sides (title soiled), 5s 1764 11464 ANOTHER COPY, old calf gilt, newly rebacked, Qs Including biographies of Roger Bacon, Regiomontanus, Nonius (Nunez), Magini, Vieta, and several hundred other scientists. 11465 - DESCRIPTION and USE of a CASE of MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, with a practical Application in Geometry and Plain and Spherical Trigonometry, 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn (plate wanting), 3s P. and J. Dollond, [1745] - REPRINT, ivith folding copperplate, 12mo. (pp. 24), sewn, 3s 6d W. Gary, 1819 11467 NEW EDITION, revised and augmented by WILLIAM JONES, with folding copperplate, 8vo. (pp. 22), sewn, 4s 1788 Including at end a 2-pp. priced List of 'Mathematical, etc. Instruments, made and sold by J. Jones and Son, 135 Holborn, London.' 570 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11469 MARTIN (Benjamin) The DESCRIPTION and USE of both the GLOBES, the ARMILLARY SPHERE, and ORRERY, exemplified in a large and select Variety of Problems in Astronomy, Geography, Dialling, Navigation, Spherical Trigonometry, Chronology, etc., also a NEW CONSTRUCTION of each GLOBE, by an Apparatus exhibiting the Phenomena of the Earth and Heavens exactly as they are, and adapting the same to every Age of the World, with 5 folding copperplates , 8vo. old calf (sound copy], 5s [c. 1762] The globes were after the construction by John Senex, F.R.S., 'with many corrections and improvements' by the author. 11470 - DESCRIPTION and USE of a NEW, PORTABLE, TABLE AIR-PUMP and CONDENSING ENGINE, with a select Variety of capital EXPERIMENTS, with front, and folding plate on copper, containing 43 illustrations of apparatus and glasses, 8vo. (pp. 40), sewn, 4s 1766 11471 - DESCRIPTION and USE of an ORRERY of a NEW CONSTRUCTION, representing in the various Parts of its Machinery all the Motions and Phoeaomena of the Planetary System ; with a MATHEMATICAL THEORY for calculating the WHEEL- WORK to the greatest Degree of Exactness, 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn (plate wanting}. 3s 1771 11472 -The DESCRIPTION and USE of an UNIVERSAL SLIDING RULE, which, by means of Single and Double Slides, and the Addition of proper Lines, is adapted to answer all Questions in Arithmetic, Mixt- Mathematics, and Philosophy, 8vo. (pp. 24), sewn, 4s Qd n. d. 11473 ESSAY on ELECTRICITY : an Enquiry into the Nature, Cause and Properties thereof, on the Principles of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S THEORY of Vibrating Motion, Light, and Fire, with the Phenomena of 42 CAPITAL EXPERIMENTS, with Observations relative to the Uses that may be made of this Wonderful Power of Nature, 8vo. (pp. 40), sewn (rare), 8s Qd Bath, 1746 ' His experiments are popular experiments on electrical induction. The essay contains a dim forecast of modern theories in the statement : ' This subtle matter or spirit appears to be of an elastic nature, and acts by reciprocation of its tremors or pulses, which are occasioned by the vibrating motion of the parts of an electric body excited by friction". The preface contains some disparaging remarks on an essay on the same subject by John Freke' (v. No. 8138 ante). 11474 - ESSAY on the NATURE and SUPERIOR USE of GLOBES . . . also a Candid Examination of the Construction and Use of Planispheres, wherein the Erroneous 'Nature, and many bad Consequences, attending the Use of the Vulgar Projection are pointed out : and the Nature and Use of Globular Projection, with many New Improvements, 2nd Edition, 8vo. (pp. 46) sewn, 3s Qd 1758 11475 [._ j ESSAY on the NATURE and wonderful PROPERTIES of ISLAND [sic] CRYSTAL, respect- ing its manifold and unusual Refraction of Light, with folding copperplate, 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn (rare), 5s n. d. Interesting as an early work on polarisation. Being based on Newton's corpuscular theory, it naturally fails to explain the phenomenon, but gives a number of new experiments. The authorship was unknown to Halkett and Laing. 11476 ESSAY on VISUAL GLASSES (vulgarly called SPECTACLES), wherein it is shewn from the Principles of Optics, and the Nature of the Eye, that the COMMON STRUCTURE of those GLASSES is contrary to the Rules of Art, to the Nature of Things, etc. and VERY PREJUDICIAL to the EYES; the Nature of Vision in the Eye explained, and GLASSES of a NEW CONSTRUCTION proposed, 2nd Edition, wiih folding copperplate, 8vo. sewn (rare), 5* 1757 The author was so successful as a spectaclemaker, that he had to warn people against imitations of his glasses. 11477 - - EXPLANATION of a NEW CONSTRUCTION and IMPROVEMENT of the SEA OCTANT and SEXTANT, containing, a most easy, expeditious and accurate Method of adjusting and rectifying those Instruments for Use both at Sea and Land, also the best Disposition of the Glasses ; with Directions for making the Fore and Back Observations ; and the several Steps in the Process of Finding the LONGITUDE at SEA, 8vo. (pp. 40), sewn (plates wanting], 3s n. d. 'The Public are indebted solely to my Son. J. L. Martin, for the Invention of this New Construction and Improvement of the Sea-Octant.' Preface. 11478 LOGARITHMOLOGIA : or the whole Doctrine of Logarithms, Common and Logistical, in Theory and Practice: the Theory and Praxis of Logarithms, and Three-fold CANON of LOGARITHMS : Natural Numbers, Sines and Tangents, and Logistical Logarithms, with large folding plate, 8vo. old calf, 8s J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on LONDON-BRIDGE, 1740 11479 ANOTHER COPY, old calf (plate wanting), Qs Including the author's own logarithmic bcale, ' the like of which, for largeness, was never before published.' 11480 The MARINER'S MIRROR, Part 1JI. being a New and Compendious SYSTEM of LOG- ARITHMS, in all the different Kinds, viz. I. Nautical Logarithms invented by Mr. Wright. II. Natural Logarithms by Lord Neper. III. Common Logarithms by Mr. Briggs, with their Applic- ation, and the Construction and Delineation of all the Logarithmic Lines and Scales, with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 62), sewn (rare), 6s Qd 1772 'The invention of Logarithms has been unjustly ascribed to Lord Neper, whereas it is in reality due only to our countryman Mr. Edward Wright, as I have fully demonstrated.' Preface. At tnd is a list of Martin's publications. The above appears to be his Logarithmologia Nova ' with a different title. - MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, containing a Variety of Subjects, relative to Natural and Civil History, Geography, MATHEMATICS, Poetry, Memoirs of monthly Occurrences, Catalogues of New Books, etc., with numerous copperplates, woodcuts, and folding maps, 2 vols. 8vo. old hf. calf, 8s Qd 1759 One of the plates illustrates 'a machine for a perpetual electrified garden,' and others a newly discovered 'lyrichord', Mylne's design for Blackfriars Bridge, and the author's own 'constructed philosophically,' etc. etc. etc. 11482 NEW and COMPENDIOUS SYSTEM of OPTICS, with Practical Description of a great Number of the most useful Optical Instruments and Machines, and their Construction shewn from the Theory, and the Manner of ADAPTING MICROMETERS to Microscopes and Telescopes of the reflecting Sort, with 34 folding plates, thick 8vo. old calf (binding damaged), Is Qd J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass on LONDON BRIDGE, 1740 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 571 11485 [? MARTIN" (Benjamin)] The METHOD of CALCULATING the MAGNIFYING POWER of a REFLECTING TELESCOPE, with a General Table of all the Magnifying Powers of 12 such Tele- scopes, from 4 to 100 Inches focal Distance of the Great Speculum, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn (rare), 3s 6d n. d. 11486 The NEW ART of SURVEYING by the GONIOMETER: a New Method of measuring Angles by this New Instrument with much greater Exactness than can be done by a Plain-Table or Theodolite, the Description and Use of a New Protractor, etc. etc. etc., with 2 folding plates, Svo. (pp. 38), sewn, 4s 1766 11487 NEW COMPLEAT and UNIVERSAL SYSTEM or BODY of DECIMAL ARITHMETICK, first edition, 8vo. old calf, 6s 1735 11488 NEW EDITION, 8vo. sound copy in contemporary calf, 5s ' A very full system of decimal arithmetic, applied to all parts of commercial arithmetic. Prof, de Morgan. The work includes ' a new and compleat sett of decimal tables never before published ', and ' an exact and accurate canon of logarithms for natural numbers.' 1 1489 NEW and COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEM of MATHEMATICAL INSTITUTIONS, agreeable to the present State of the NEWTONIAN MATHESIS ; Vol. I, containing Arithmetic, Vulgar and Decimal, Logarithms, Algebra, Geometry, Plain Trigonometry, Conic Sections, FLUXIONS, Svo. old calf, or, old hf. roan, 6s 6d 1759 'Old Ben Martin (as his admirers called him) was an able, and in this instance a concise writer. He wrote on every mathematical subject (and never otherwise than well, I believe, except on biography).' Prof, de Morgan. 11490 OPTICAL ESSAYS, containing, a practical Description of several Sorts of Single, Solar, and Compound MICROSCOPES ; with their Apparatus and latest Improvements, the Nature of VISION in INSECTS, a Catalogue of the principal MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS, the USE of the REFLECT- ING TELESCOPE as an universal Perspective, the Manner of computing the MAGNIFYING POWER in MICROSCOPES, a New Method of applying the MICROMETER, etc. etc., with folding front, on copper, Svo. sewn (rare), 5s 6d [1770] 11491 ANOTHER COPY, old sheep, 6s At end is a 5-p. Catalogue of Philosophical, Optical, and Mathematical Instruments made by the author, with PRICES. 11492 PANEGYRiCKon the NEWTONIAN PHILOSOPHY, shewing the Nature and Dignity of the Science; and its absolute Necessity to the Perfection of Human Nature, etc. etc., 2nd Edition, Svo. (pp. 62), sewn, 3* 6d 1754 Containing at end ' A Stricture on the Anti-Newtonians or, Pseudo-Philosophers of the Age ', a poetical effusion in 7 pp. 11493 IIANrEQMETPIA ; or the ELEMENTS of all GEOMETRY, containing the Rudiments of Decimal Arithmetic, Logarithms, and Algebra ; Euclid's Elements ; the Elements of Spherical Geometry, and the Projection of the Sphere in Piano ; a Compendium of Conic Geometry ; and an Epitome of the DOCTRINE of FLUXIONS, with 10 folding plates, Svo. old calf, 5s 1739 11494 PHILOSOPHIA BRITANNICA: or, a New and Comprehensive System of the NEWTONIAN PHILOSOPHY, Astronomy and Geography, with Notes, containing the . . . Proofs and Illustrations of all the Principal Propositions, also the Invention, Structure, Improvement and Uses of all the considerable Instruments, Engines, and Machines, with new Calculations, first edition, with 75 folding copperplates, 2 thick vols. Svo. old mottled calf, 10s 6d Reading, 1747 11495 SECOND EDITION [enlarged], with 81 folding copperplates, 3 vols. Svo. old calf, 12s 6d 1759 This edition (which was unknown to D. N. B., where the first only is mentioned) contains a further appendix 'concerning the Improvements in Optical Instruments', giving a description of the author's Universal Compound Microscope, his New Solar Microscope, and his Equatorial Telescope, the last of which is interesting for illustrating an early form of an equatorial stand, with 6 extra plates. 11496 FOURTH [LAST] EDITION, with 81 folding copperplates, 3 vols. Svo. old tree calf extra, 14* 1788 The above lectures were probably inspired by those of Dr. Desaguliers, to whom Martin acted as an assistant, a fact unknown to D. N. B., and other biographies, but brought to light by Prof, de Morgan from a pamphlet published in 1751 by Bp. Home. 13497 The PHILOSOPHICAL GRAMMAR: a View of the Present State of EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY, or Natural Philosophy. I. SOMATOLOGY: the universal Nature and Properties of Matter, etc. II. COSMOLOGY. III. AEROLOGY, shewing the wonderful Nature and Properties of the Air, Wind, Meteors, etc. IV. GEOLOGY, first edition, with 16 folding plates, sm. Svo. hf. roan (title mended, and a few II. torn) ; rare, 6s 6d 1735 11498 SECOND EDITION, with Alterations, and very large Additions by way of Notes, with 26 folding copperplates, Svo. old calf (joints cracked), 4s 6d 1738 11499 ANOTHER COPY, sound copy in contemporary mottled calf, 6s 11500 THIRD EDITION, corrected and improved, with 26 copperplates, Svo. old calf (binding damaged), 4s 1748 11501 FOURTH EDITION [unchanged], with 26 copperplates, Svo. old calf (joints cracked), 4s 1753 ' The most successful of Martin's works '. Z). N. B. It was several times re-printed in a French translation by Puisieux. 11502 PLAIN and FAMILIAR INTRODUCTION to the NEWTONIAN PHILOSOPHY, first edition, with 6 folding plates, Svo. sewn, 4s 1754 11503 ANOTHER COPY, old calf gilt (joints weak), 5s 11504 - FIFTH EDITION, with 6 folding plates, Svo. old calf (joints broken), 3s 6d 1765 11505 The PRINCIPLES of PUMP- WORK illustrated, and applied in the Construction of a NEW PUMP without Friction, or Loss of Time, or Water, in Working, proposed for the Service of the British Marine, with 2 folding copperplates, Svo. (pp. 33), sewn (rare), 4s 6d [c. 1767] This work was unknown to the author's biographer in D. N. B. One plate illustrates the author's patent ' frictionless ' pump. 572 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11507 MARTIN (Benjamin) SURE GUIDE to DISTILLERS, and all DEALERS in SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS, for discovering the True Proportion of Water and Alchohol in any Proposed Compound, and how to make it exactly Proof by a new-constructed Hydrometer and Scale of Lines, with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn, 3s Qd 1759 The hydrometer was of the author's own construction. 11508 The THEORY of the GENUINE HYDROMETER, farther illustrated, and rendered universal, Part II, with folding copperplate, 8vo. (pp. 34), sewn, 3s Qd [1762] Intended as a continuation to the ' Sure Guide '. It was unknown to the author's biographer in D. N. B. Appended is a list of ' Instruments invented or improved by B. Martin.' 11509 - The THEORY of HADLEY'S QUADRANT demonstrated: its Nature, Construction, and Uses, with a Table of the Sun's Declination, with a NEW CONSTRUCTION of the Quadrant, which, by means of an ARTIFICIAL HORIZON, renders it of universal Use by Sea and Land, ivith folding n.d. >y pic late, 8vo. (pp. 26), sewn (rare), 4s Qd Unknown to D. N. B. At end is a priced list of quadrants and other scientific instruments made by the author. 11510 The YOUNG GENTLEMAN and LADY'S PHILOSOPHY (the Heavens and of the Atmo- sphere ; Light and Colour, and the Use of Optical Instruments ; Sound, Music, and the Ear), 2nd Edition, with 54 copperplates (many folding], 2 vols. 8vo. old calf gilt, 5s 1772 Still interesting for illustrating and describing a large number of contemporary physical apparatus. 11511 MARTIN (F. P. B.) MEMOIR on the EQUINOCTIAL STORMS of March- April, 1850 : an Inquiry into the Extent to which the ROTATORY THEORY may be applied, with folding maps, large roy. 8vo. cl. (scarce), with author's inscr. to James Glaisher, F.R.8., and the latter's auto., 9s privately printed at the author's press, 1852 An important investieation, pursued with the countenance of the Board of Admiralty, including leave to copy their Logs. 11512 MARTIN (Geoffrey) RESEARCHES on the AFFINITIES of the ELEMENTS, and on the CAUSES of the CHEMICAL SIMILARITY or DISSIMILARITY of ELEMENTS and COMPOUNDS, with large folding plate (in pocket), woodcuts, and 14 tables, roy. Svo. cl., I Os Qd (p. 16s nett) 1905 ' Containing the first attempt made to systematically collect data regarding the varying in stability of the different compounds which an element produces with other elements, with the object of discovering the law regulating the chemical attraction the elements mutually exert on each other.' Preface. In includes an interesting speculation on dram- drinking as an instinctive preparation for the fall of earth-temperature with the cooling of the sun, when alcohol may take the place of water as the fluid which bathes the tissues of the living organism. 11513 MARTIN (Henry) PRODUCTION et DISTRIBUTION de I'^NERGIE pour la TRACTION ELEC- TRIQUE ; with 870 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 749), cl., 8s Qd (p. F. 2"> nett) 1902 11514 MARTIN (Hugh ; D.D.) NOTE on PROFESSOR TAITS' 'QUATERNION PATH ' to DETERMINANTS of the THIRD ORDER, cr. Svo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is Qd [Edin., c. 1866] 11515 MARTIN (Kenneth Beacham, harbour master, Ramsgate) On the NECESSITY for HARBOURS of REFUGE, and their proved Utility in that Part of the British Channel called ' The Narrows ', Svo. (pp. 44), sewn, 2s Qd 1839 11516 MARTIN (Thomas, T.C.D.) On the METHOD of POLAR RECIPROCATION, as applied to THEOREMS of QUANTITY. 8vo. ipp. 15), sewn, 2s University Press, Dublin, 1860 11517 MARTIN (Thomas Commerford), and Joseph WETZLER : The ELECTRIC MOTOR and its Applications, with 200 woodcuts (including folding plate), 4to. cl. , 3s (p. 15* nett) New York, 1887 Of historical interest. There is a chapter on ' Electric Motors in Marine and Aerial Navigation.' 11518 MARTIN (Thomas Henri ; Univ. Rennes) TEXTES ANCIENS sur les VERRES COMBURANTS par REFRACTION, 4to. (pp. 4), sewn, 2s Qd [Rome], 1868 11519 Sur I'^POQUE de 1'AuTEUR du PRETENDU xv e LIVRE des ELEMENTS d'EucLiDE, roy. 4to. (pp. 4), sewn (torn), 2s [ibidem], 1874 11520 MARTIN (Capt. W.R., Royal Naval Coll.,Greenwich)TREAT:iSEon NAVIGATION and NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, with 8 plates, movable compass card, and diagrams, roy. Svo. cl., Qs Qd (p. 18s) 1888 11521 MARTINE(George,M.D.) ESSAYS and OBSERVATIONS on the CONSTRUCTION and GRADUATION of THERMOMETERS, and on the HEATING and COOLING of BODIES, second Edition, with folding plate giving 15 different thermometric scales, 12mo. original calf (rare), 10s Qd Edin., 1772 11522 ANOTHER COPY, with plate of the Reaumur thermometer (inserted), sm. 8vp. original calf (one joint cracked, but nice copy), with auto, and MS. notes by Alex. Keith, friend of Sir Walter Scott (rare), \2s Valuable for the plate of thermometric scales. According to Prof. Preston, who only quotes a French translation of the above work, the author was the first to find the law of the cooling of a body for differences exceeding 40 or 50 C. The author died of fever in 1741 Avhile attached to the Carthagena expedition under Admiral Vernon, the inventor of grog. At end is an ' Essay towards a Natural and Experimental History of the various Degrees of Heat in Bodies '. 11523 MARTINO (Pietro di ; Univ. Naples) NUOVE ISTITUZIONI d'ARiTMETiCA PRATICA, in questa nuova Impressione migliorate, ed accresciute, e da infiniti Errori che nelle passate Edizioni erano scorsi esattamente corrette, sm. Svo. old vellum, Ss Qd * Napoli, 1786 ' Questo buon corso di aritmetica elementare e con lode registrato dal Torre '.Eiccanli. It was unknown to Prof, de Morgan, nor was there a copy of any edition in the Libri Collection. 11524 MARUM (Martinus van): [OiscouRS prononce au Premier Congres des Naturahstes et Medicins des Pays-Bas], par J. BOSSCHA, large impl. Svo. (pp. 22), sewn, 3s Haarlem, 1899 ' Prof. [Sir] T. E. Thorpe with kind regards from the Author '. Inscr. on title. According to the author, Martinus van Marum (A.D. 1750-1838) was the first to liquefy ammonia the first known liquefaction of any gas a fact not mentioned by Faraday in his account of the experiments of his predecessors. 11525 MARY ( , ingenieur des ponts et chaussees) NOTICE sur les VOITURES a VAPEUR employees en ANGLETERRE sur les Routes Ordinaires ; with folding plate containing con- structional details, Svo. (pp. 23), sewn (SCARCE), 8s Qd An interesting account of the steam-carriage of Sir Goldsworthy Gurney, which ran in 1831 for three months with passengers between Cheltenham and Gloucester ; of Hancock's steam-omnibuses, which plied between London and Brighton, carried from 14 to 16 passengers, and attained a speed of 10 or 12 miles per hour, and Gibb s and Alexander Gordon's steam-carriages (v. No. 8524 ante}. It is a curiosity of invention that while England was the pioneer of steam locomotion not only on railways but on common roads, France after seventy years was the perfecter of road-locomotion by the internal combustion engine. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 573 11527 MARZABJ-PENCATI (Giuseppe [Conte]) DESCRIZIONE del TACHIGONIMETRO, nuovo Strumento Geodetico, accompagnata dal Metodo per delineare con una sorprendente Celeritk una Carta Militare, per modellar nel piii breve Tempo il Rilievo d'un Paese Montuoso, od in qualunque altra Operazione Geodetica, per cui non esigasi una Precisione maggiore di due Minuti degli Angoli ; with 1 folding copperplates, 4to. hf. bound (binding damaged, and slightly water stained), 10s 6d Milano, 1811 The author was awarded for this invention its gold medal by the Government on the recommendation of the Institute of Milan. , 11528 MASCART (Eleuthere ; de rinstitut), et J. JOTTBERT : LECONS sur 1'ELECTRiciTE et le MAGNETISME, 2 e [DERNIERE] EDITION, entierement refondue par E. MASCART, TOME I : PHENOMENES GENERAUX et THEORIE ; with 126 illustrations, thick Toy. 8vo. sewn, 10s Gd (p. F. 25 nett) 1896 11529 MASCHEBONI (Abate Lorenzo ; Univ.Pavia) GEOMETRIE du COMPAS, traduite par ANTOINE MICHEL CARETTE; with 14 folding plates, 8vo. sewn, or, hf. calf (rubbed, and last plate slightly damaged), 6s ' 1798 This curious work attempts to work problems for which Euclid, as is well known, presupposes the use of a ruler and a pair of con.passes, by the latter instrument only. ' A curious tour-de-force.' JF. W. R. Ball. 11530 PROBLEMES pour les ARPENTEURS, avec differentes Solutions ; Ouvrage traduit de 1'Italien ; with 4 folding plates, 8vo. sewn, 5s 1803 ' Pregiata raccolta di problem! di geometria pratica, elegantemente risoluti. notevole 1'invenzione del quadrante per determinare meccanicamente il seno et il coseno dell' angolo misurato.' Riccardi. 11531 : FRISCHAUF (J.) Die GEOMETRISCHEN CONSTRUCTIONEN von L. MASCHERONI and J. STEINER ; with plate, 8vo. (pp. 23), sewn, Is Graz, 1869 11532 MASERES (Francis, F.R.S. , Cursitor-Baron of the Exchequer) DISSERTATION on the USE of the NEGATIVE SIGN in ALGEBRA : containing a Demonstration of the Rules usually given concerning it ; and shewing how Quadratic and Cubic EQUATIONS may be EXPLAINED, WITHOUT the Consideration of NEGATIVE ROOTS; with MR. MACHIN'S QUADRATURE of the CIRCLE, diagrams, 4to. old calf (joints cracked), ivilh Chippendale bookplate of William Abbot, Fellow of St. John's Coll., Cantab. (RARE), 1. 10s printed by SAMUEL RICHARDSON, 1758 The author's first published work, and especially interesting as having been printed by Samuel Richardson, the novelist. 1 He rejected negative quantities and made war of extermination on all that distinguishes algebra from arithmetic '. He had followers in his rejection of negative and imaginary quantities in his friend William Frend, William Ludlam, Thomas Manning, and Robert Simson. 11533 The DOCTRINE of PERMUTATIONS and COMBINATIONS, as delivered by JAMES BERNOULLI, in his ; Ars Conjectandi', and JOHN WALLIS, in his Treatise on Algebra, the former containing a Deir.onstration of Sir Isaac Newton's Binomial Theorem ; with other useful MATHEMATICAL TRACTS, 8vo. prize calf gilt, 15s 1795 Containing a translation of the 3 first chapters of Book II of Jean Bernoulli's ' Ars Conjectandi ' ; THOMAS SIMPSON'S ' New aud General Method of finding the Sum of any Series of Powers ' (1740) ; JOHN WALLIS'S ' Discourse of Combinations, Alternations, and Aliquot Parts' (1085) ; THOMAS BRANCKKR'S 'Table of Odd Numbers' (IOCS); DE LAGNKY'S 'Method of Approximation,' translated ; Ilaphson's Method of resolving Equations by Approximation ; CHARLES BUTTON'S 'Table of Square Roots, etc., from 1-1000', etc. etc. 11534 ELEMENTS of PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, in which is introduced, a DISSERTATION on the Nature and Use of LOGARITHMS, with 13 folding plates, 8vo. old calf gilt, rebacked (rare), 12s Gd 1760 Rare and interesting for the dissertation on logarithms which it contains (pp. 20G-406). 11535 [ ] SCRIPTORES LOGARITHMICI ; or COLLECTION of several CURIOUS TRACTS on the Nature and Construction of Logarithms, with some TRACTS on the BINOMIAL THEOREM and other Subjects connected with the Doctrine of Logarithms, VOL. VI ONLY, with diagrams, thick 4to. contemporary calf gilt (SCARCE), with author's inscr. as below, 1. Is 1807 ' For the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Llandaff ' [Richard Watson, absentee ; F.R.S.]. Inscr. on flyleaf. Containing reprints of ' Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio ' (1614), by JOHN NAPIER, with Observation by the Editor, ' Tractatus de Logarithmis ' and ' De Limitibus Quantitatum et Rationum ', both by ROBERT SIMSON, ' Tractatus de Limitibus ^Equationum', by F. DE BEAUNE, an Account of J. SPEIDELL'S New Logarithms, published in 1619 and 1628, and treatises by CHARLES BUTTON, F.R.S., SIR JAMES IVORY, F.R.S., ANDREW MACKAY, THOMAS MANNING, and the Editor. 11536 TRACTS on the RESOLUTION of AFFECTED ALGEBRAICK EQUATIONS by Dr. Halley's, Mr. Raphson's, and Sir Isaac Newton's METHODS of APPROXIMATION, 8vo. nice copy in con- temporary tree-calf, with inscr. to Richard Watson, F.R.S. (1737-1816), absentee Bp. of Llandaff, and his Calgarth Park booklabel, 8s 6d 1800 ' For the Bishop of Landaff from the Author.' Inscr. on title. 11537 ANOTHER COPY, prize calf gilt (uniform with No. 11533), with inscr. by William Knight (1786-1844), prof, natural philosophy, Aberdeen, 7s 6d Including ' A New, Exact, and Easie Method of finding the Roots of Equations generally,' by EDMUND HALLEY, F.R.S. , 'Remarks on the Number of Negative and Impossible Roots in Algebraick Equations', and 'Another Solution of Col. Titus's Arithmetical Problem', both by WILLIAM FREND, and 'Explanation of Simon Stevin's General Rule to extract Roots ', by JOHN KERSEY. 11538 TRACTS on the RESOLUTION of CUBICK and BIQUADRATICK EQUATIONS, thick 8vo. hf. calf (title and a few II. water -stained), 5s [1803], 11539 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary calf gilt (back faded, otherwise a fine copy), with auto. 'R[iCHARD WATSON, F.R.S., absentee Bp. of] Llandaff, from the author' on title, and his Calgarth Park booklabel, 6s 6rf Containing 'Ferrarius Redivivus : or, a Comparison between the Method invented by Lewis Ferrari, and that given by Descartes ' (pp. 265) : A Supplement to the Appendix of Mr. Frend's Principles of Algebra ' (pp. 100) : ' Remarks on the Doctrine of the Generation of Algebra'ick Equations invented by Thomas Harriot' (pp. 74): 'Comparison between the Resolution by the Method of Dr. Warren and that of L. Ferrari ' (pp. 44), and Preface (pp. 58). MASETTI (Gianbatista) v. IDRAULICI (OPUSCOLI), No. 9658, ante. MASKELYNE (Mervyn Herbert Nevil Story, F.R.S.) v. STORY-MASKELYNE, post. 574 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MASKELYNE (Nevil, pr., F.R.S., Astronomer Royal) ACCOUNT of the GOING of MR. JOHN HARRISON'S WATCH (1767) v. No. 8970, ante. 11541 - - ACCOUNT of the PRINCIPLES on which the following COMPARATIVE TABLES of ENGLISH with FRENCH MEASURES and WEIGHTS have been constructed : a Manuscript neatly written on 7 pages, 4to. sewn, 10s 6d 1800 This manuscript formed part of the library of Dr. Nevil Maskelyne, and was probably written from his dictation. 11542 - - An ANSWER to a PAMPHLET entitled 'A NARRATIVE of FACTS', lately published by MR. THOMAS MUDGE, JR., relating to some TIME-KEEPERS constructed by his Father MR. THOMAS MUDGE, wherein is given an Account of the Trial of his First Time-Keeper, and of the Three Trials of his Two other Time-Keepers, 1774-90, and also the Conduct of the Astronomer Royal, and the Resolutions of the Board of Longtitude, are vindicated from Mr. Mudge's Mis- representations, 8vo. sewn (rare), 10s %d 1792 Thomas Mudge, as well as John Harrison, accused Dr. Maskelyne of partiality and undue severity in testing their time-keepers with a view, as they thought, to advance his own imperfect method of finding the longitude by lunar distances only. See HARRISON, Nos. S965-6 and S970, ante, and MUDGE, post. 11543 ANOTHER COPY, roy. 8vo. boards, uncut, 12s Qd The above copy belonged to Samuel Horsley, F.R.S., Bp. of St. Asaph, and bears the inscription ' From the Author in Dr. Maskelyne's handwriting. 11544 - - CONCERNING the LATITUDE and LONGITUDE of the ROYAL OBSERVATORY at GREEN- WICH ; with Remarks on a Memorial of the late M. CASSINI DE THURY, 4to. (pp. 39), sewn, with author's inscr., 4s 1787 11545 _ ANOTHER COPY, with Roy (Major-Gen. William, F.R.S.) ACCOUNT of the MODE pro- posed to be followed in DETERMINING the RELATIVE SITUATION of the ROYAL OBSERVATORIES of GREENWICH and PARIS, with folding map and 2 folding tables in one vol. 4to. (pp. 76), sewn, 6s 1787 On a DIFFICULTY in the THEORY of VISION v. No. 9196, ante. 11546 - - INSTRUCTIONS relative to the OBSERVATION of the ENSUING TRANSIT of the PLANET VENUS over the Sun's Disk, on the 3rd of June, 1769, with 3 tables, sm. 8vo. (pp. 44), sewn, 5s 1768 11547 - - A PLAN for OBSERVING the METEORS called FIRE-BALLS, folio (pp. 3), unbound, _ Is Gd [1783] 11548 - - REMARKS on the [sic] HADLEY'S QUADRANT, tending principally to remove the Diffi- culties which have hitherto attended the Use of the BACK-OBSERVATION, and to obviate the Errors that might arise from a Want of Parellelism in the Two Surfaces of the Index-Glass, 4to. (pp.24), sewn, 8s Qd 1772 11549 [ ] TABLES REQUISITE to be used with the NAUTICAL EPHEMERIS, for finding the Latitude and Longitude at Sea, published by Order of the Commissioners of Longitude, 3rd Ed., corrected and improved, roy. 8vo. hf. maroon (rubbed), 5s 1802 The last edition of the author's ' Requisite Tables ', which were first published with the first volume of the Nautical Almanac in 1706. At end is ' The Explanation and Use of the Tables ' (pp. 57). 11550 - : HARRISON (John ; ' Longitude Harrison' ) REMARKS on a PAMPHLET lately published by the REV. MR. MASKELYNE, under the Authority of the Board of Longitude, 8vo. (pp. 34), sewn,1sd 1767 11551 MASONRY (PRACTICAL), BRICKLAYING, and PLASTERING, both Plain and Ornamental; containing a New and Complete System of Lines for Stone- Cutting ; with the Theory and Practice of Constructing Arches, Domes, Groins, Niches, Stairs, Columns, etc. etc. etc., and Practical Treatises on Slating, Plumbing, Glazing, etc., etc., with 60 plates, 4to. hf. morocco. 6s 6d 1847 H552 MASTERSON (Thomas): THOMAS MASTERSON his FIRST BOOKE of ARITHMETICKE, shewing the ingenious Inuentions, and figuratiue Operations, by which to calculate the true Solutions or Answeres of Arithmeticall Questions : after a more perfect, plaine, briefe, well ordered Arithmeticall Way, then any other heretofore published ; verie necessarie for all Men : His SECOND BOOKE of ARITHMETICK ... no lesse pleasant and profitable to those which are given to be Marchants, than to others : His ADDITION to his FIRST BOOKE of ARITHMETICK, shewing the true vnderstanding of the same booke, with the Examples therein, declared at large : also how the Solutions of the Questions propounded in his second Booke may be calculated by the said first Booke many seuerall Wayes, with vignette on title, 3 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, boards (first title and some II. soiled, a few blank top corners worn away, and somewhat water - stained throughout, but on the whole a SOUND COPY) ; very rare, 5. 5s Richard Field, dwelling in the Blackfriers neare Ludgate, \ 592-4 ' The first book and the addition are on abstract numbers and fractions : the second book* is on commercial arithmetic . . . Masterson must have been a valuable help to the student : though he would have been more so had he used the modern method of division.' Prof, de Morgan. In his dedication to the Earl of Essex the author mentions that he intends to publish six books of arithmetic, the 4th and 6th of which were to contain ' arithmetioall questions and demaundes '. No more than three were ever published. In his address 'To the Reader ' in the Addition the author inveighs against the ignorance of contemporary writers on arithmetic, more especially Simon Stevinus and Michel Coignet, 'both teaching (in the appearance of the nnskilfull) with great shew of truth, other answers than mine of the questions of paiments and interests, and notwith- standing in those answers they are very false : and so their followers ', etc. etc. etc. The work was unknown to Lowndes, and its author is not included in 1>. N. B. 11553 MASTS, The ART of MAKING, YARDS, GAFFS, BOOMS, BLOCKS, and OARS, as practised in the Royal Navy, and according to the most approved Methods in the Merchant Service, including a Description of an Improved Rule for Mast Makers, also a New Method by which Large Yards may be made from Small Trees, and Repaired when Sprung in the Slings, with 3 copperplates *r .j - 7 T \ * ...*,,, v-.^v^ * ^AW ), 10* 6a Halkett and Laing. (2 J aiding), and numerous woodcuts, 8\o. old calf (rare}, 1s 6rf This work was unknown to Watt and HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 575 11556 MASS ALOUP (J. V.) LOGARITHMISCH-TRIGONOMETRISCHE HULFSTAFELN : ein zur Horizontalprojection der auf schiefen Ebenen gemessenen Liingen, wie auch zu nivellitischen und markscheiderischen Arbeiten unentbehrliches Handbvich, roy. 8vo. hf. bound (back damaged], 2s (p.M. 10.80 sewn) Leipzig, 1847 11557 MASTERS (Thomas) The ICE BOOK: being a Compendious and Concise HISTORY of everything connected with ICE, from its First Introduction into Europe as an Article of Luxury, with the ARTIFICIAL MANNER of PRODUCING Pure and Solid ICE, and Recipes for making superior Water Ices and Ice Creams, with 6 plates, 8vo. cl. (scarce), lOs&d 1844 At end is an account of the author's patent rotary knife cleaner, with plntes. 558 MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL (The CAMBRIDGE and DUBLIN), edited by WILLIAM THOMSON [LORD KELVIN] and N. M. FERRERS, D.D., F.R.S., from its beginning in 1846 to 1852 (Vols. 1-7), with INDEX to v. I VI, with plates, 1 vols. 8vo. roughly stitched in cl. cover, uncut (SCARCE), 5. 5s Cambridge, 1846-52 Containing contributions by the editors, George Boole, Robert Carmichael, Arthur Cayley, Sir James Cockle, Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Samuel Haughton, pr., C. Hermite, John Hewitt Jellett, D.D , Joseph Liouville, Augustus de Morgan, W. J. M. Rankine, George Salmon, pr., Sir G. G. Stokes, J. J. Sylvester, Richard Townseml, and many others. 11559 MAGAZINE (The) : and PHILOSOPHICAL REPOSITORY, containing a Variety of Original Pieces in all Parts of Mathematical Science, by G. WITCHELL, T. Moss, etc., Vol. I, with plate and diagrams, sm. 8vo. (pp. 80), sewn, 3s 6d 1761 11560 PROBLEMS and EXAMPLES, arranged according to SUBJECTS, from the [CAMBRIDGE] SENATE-HOUSE EXAMINATION PAPERS, 1821-36, 8vo. boards, 3s Cambridge, 1836 11561 QUESTIONS, with their SOLUTIONS, from the ' EDUCATIONAL TIMES ', with many Papers and Solutions not published therein, edited by W. J. C. MILLEK, Vols. 16-61 and 63-4, with numerous diagrams, in all 43 vols. 870., vv. 16-4 1 in 6 v. hf. calf, and the rest in boards, 8. 15s 1872-y6 11562 A SERIES from 1876 to 1886 (Vols. 25-44), with numerous diagrams, 20 vols. 8vo. beards, 2. 10* (p. t\ 10* nett) 1876.86 11563 ANOTHER SERIES, from 1872 to 1874 (Vols. 17-20), with diagrams, 4 vols. 8vo. boards, 1 0* (p. 1. 6* nett) 1872-4 A NEWLY BOUND SET. COMPLETE TO DATE : 11564 SOCIETY (LONDON), PROCEEDINGS OF THE, complete from the beginning in 1865 to 1913 (Vols. 1-35, with INDEX to vv. 30 ; and NEW SERIES, vols. 1-12), with plates and diagrams. 3rt vols. poflt 8vo. in 25, and 11 vols. imp). 8vo. newly and strongly bound in hf. calf (SCARCE), 45. 1865-1913 Complete sets, such as the above, are exceedingly difficulty to get, the early volumes being out of print and VERY RARE. 11565 MATHEMATICIAN (The), edited by THOMAS STEPHENS DAVIES, F.R.S., WILLIAM RUTHERFORD, F.R.S., and STEPHEN FENWICK, COMPLETE with the Supplementary No. to v. Ill, with 2 plates and numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 1.1* 1856 Vol. I is of special importance for containing the best and fullest account of WILLIAM GEORGE HORNER'S discovery of a method still known by his name -of solving numerical equations of any degree by continuous approximation. 11566 VOLUMES II and III ONLY, including the Supplementary No. to v. Ill, with plates and diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 10s Qd 1847-50 Besides the editors' own there are contributions by Col. A. R. Clark, F.R.S., Sir James Cockle, Q.C., F R.S., Robert Main, pr., F.R.S , Augustus de Morgan, Thomas Weddle, August Wiegand, and other well-known mathematicians. 11567 MATHEMATICIANS (L'lNTERMEDIAIRE des), dirig<5 par CHARLES ANGE LAISANT et EMILE LEMOINE; complete from the beginning in 1894 to 1902 ; with diagrams, 9 vols. 8vo. sewn, 1. 5* 1894-1902 A NEWLY BOUND SET, COMPLETE TO 1902 : 11568 MATHEMATICS (PURE and APPLIED), THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OP, edited by J. J. SYLVESTER, F.R.S., and N. M. FERRERS, D.D., assisted by SIR G. Gr. STOKES, ARTHOR CAYLEY, FF.R.S., and M. HERMITE, complete from its beginning in 1857 to April 1^-02 (Vols. I XXXIII), with numerous plates, 32 vols. 8vo. newly and strongly bound in hf. calf, 35. 1857-1902 11569 ANOTHER* SET, complete from 1857 to 1871 (Vols. I XI), with plates, 11 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt (v. Ill cl.), 6. 15s 1857-71 11570 , The MESSENGER of v. MESSENGER, post. 11571 MATHEMATIK, JAHRBUCH iiber die FORTSCHRITTE der, im Verein mit anderen Math emu tikern herausgegeben von CARL OHK.TMANN, FELIX MULLER, EMIL LAMPE, u. A. ; COMPLETE from the beginning: in Ife68 to 1900 (Band I XXXI), 31 vols. Svo., 22 vv. in hf. black morocco, with bookplate of Prof. H. W. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., and the rest in pat ts as issued (NICE SET), 21. (p. M. 753.50 sewn) Berlin, 1868-1900 11572 ANOTHER SET, complete from the beginning in 1868 to 1890 (Band I XXII), 22 vols. 8vo. in parts as issued, 10. 10* ibidem, 1868-90 11573 MATHEMATIQTJES, NOUVELLES ANNALES de : Journal des Candidats aux ficoles Polytechnique et Nomiale, redige par O. TERQUEM et M. GERONO; from 1854 to 1863 (Tomes 13 a 20 et 11^ feme, t. 12), 10 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 1. 15s (p. F. 150 sewn) 1854-60 576 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11575 MATHESON (Ewing, M.I.C.E.) AID BOOK to ENGINEERING ENTERPRISE, 2nd Edition [en- larged and partly rewritten], illustrated, thick Svo. cl., 5s 6d (p. 1. Is) 1889- 11576 - ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf neat, or, hf. morocco (title stamped], 6* The first eight chapters of this work were translated into Chinese. 11577 The DEPRECIATION of FACTORIES, MINES, and INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKINGS, and their VALUATION, 2nd Edition, with front., Svo. cl., Is Qd 1893 11578 - WORKS in IRON: BRIDGE and ROOF STRUCTURES [with Technical Vocabulary in 6 Languages], with front, and numerous woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 4s (p. IDS) 1873 11579 MATHEWS (George Ballard, F.R.S.) DIOPHANTINE INEQUALITIES, with 12 diagrams, 4to. (pp. 28), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s [Cambridge], 1900 11580 - - NOTE on, GEODESIC TORSION, with plate, Svo. (pp. 2), sewn, Is 1894 11581 MATHIAS (Emile) Sur la CONSTRUCTION et I'UTILIZATION des CARTES MAGNETIQUES: Application an Bassin de la Garonne ; with 3 folding plates, roy. Svo. (pp. 28), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Thorpe, F.R.S., 2s , 1897 11582 MATHIAS (Felix, inspecteur du service des machines au Chemin de Fer d 'Orleans] ETUDES snr les MACHINES LOCOMOTIVES de SHARP et ROBERTS, compareesa celles d'autres Constructeurs, avec des Developpementssur la THEORIE de la DISTRIBUTION de la VAPEUR, et sur I'APPLICATION de la DETENTE FIXE et VARIABLE ; with large folding plate, and 3 folding tables, Svo. sewn (Atlas wanting) ; scarce, 5s 1844 11583 ANOTHER COPY (without Atlas), hf. roan, 6s Qd 11584 MATHIEU (Charles Leopold, Professeur de Physique et de Chymie, Autun] NOUVEAU SYSTEME de I'UNIVERS, on Abrege Philosophique de la Physique et de la Chymie, avec de nouvelles Decouvertes de 1'Auteur, un Coup-d'Oeil sur les Rapports des ces deux Sciences aux autres, et leurs Applications aux Arts en grand, with fine front, showing a BALLOON and PARA- CHUTE, and folding plates, 8vo. old co// (RARE), 16s 6d An VII [1799] 'La nouveaute de ce systeme consiste dans la reunion de la chimie a la physique, dans 1'exposition de la theorie, ou le- soleil est remarque en rapport avec le phosphore, par sa densite, sa pesanteur specifique et sa qualite lumineuse ;. tandis que les planetes sont en rapport avec le meme corps appesanti par 1'augmentation d'oxigene dans la combustion de ses elements.' QuerarrL t 11585 MATHIEU (Emile, Univ. Nancy] COURS de PHYSIQUE MATHEMATIQUE ; with 16 diagrams* 4to. hf. calf gilt, 6s 6d (p F. 15 sewn) 1873 The introductory volume to the Traitc de Physique mathcmatique, containing also the Methods of Integration. The complete work comprises 8 vols. - THEORIE de la CAPILLARITE; with 42 diagrams, 4to. hf. cl., 6s (p. F. 10 sewn) 1883 11587 MATHIEU de DOMBASLE (Christophe Joseph Alexandre) INSTRUCTION THEORIQUE et PRATIQUE sur la FABRICATION des EAUX-DE-VIE de GRAINS, et de POMMES DE TERRE ; with folding plate of distilling plant, Svo. sewn (scarce), 8s Qd 1820- The author rejects the method of treating potatoes with sulphuric acid as a wasteful process. 11588 MATSCHOSS (Conrad, Charlottenburg] Die ENTWICKLUNG der DAMPFMASCHINE : eine Geschichte der ortsfesten Dampfmaschine und der Lokomobile, der Schiffsmaschine und Loko- motive ; with 38 portraits and 1853 illustrations, including many reproductions from old prints, 2 vols. 4to. buckram, 16s (p. M. 24) Berlin, 1908- The most complete work on the history of the steam engine yet published in any tongue. 11589 GESCHICHTE der DAMPFMASCHINE : ihre kulturelle Bedeutung, technische Entwieklung und ihre grossen Manner; with 5 portraits, 2 plates, and 188 smaller illustrations, roy. Svo. cl., 6s (p. M. 10 1 ibid., 1901 11590 MATTEUCI (Carlo, Univ. Pisa) LECTURES on the PHYSICAL PHENOMENA of LIVING BEINGS, translated under the Superintendence of JONATHAN PEREIRA, M.D., F.R.S., with 26 woodcuts, cr. Svo. cl., with auto, of George Rennie, F.R.S. , 4s 1847 Including chapters on endosmosis, phosphorescence of organic beings, the muscular electric current, etc. etc. 11591 MATTHES (Karel Jan) DISSERT ATIO MATHEMATICA de INVENIENDA AEQUATIONE CAUSTICARUM ; with 2 folding plates, 4to. (pp. 70), sewn, 4s Lugd. Bat., 1837 11592 MATTHEWS (G. F., Peterhouse] MANUAL of LOGARITHMS, treated in Connexion with Arithmetic, Algebra, Plane Trigonometry, and Mensuration, diagrams, Svo.cZ., 3s (p. Ssnett) 1890 11593 MATTHEWS (Richard Borlase, A.M.I.C.E.) ELECTRICITY for EVERYBODY: a Popular Handbook dealing with the Uses of Electricity in Home and Business, with numerous illustrations, narrow Svo. purple roan, t. e. g., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1909* 11594 MATTHEWS (William) HISTORICAL SKETCH of the ORIGIN, PROGRESS, and PRESENT STATE of GAS-LIGHTING, with woodcut vignette, post Svo. boards, uncut (title margined) ; scarce, 8s 6d 1827 The statement respecting the early attempts at Soho is given on the authority of a gentleman* who has long been resident there, and intimately acquainted with the principal transactions and the persons named.' Preface. 11595 SECOND EDITION, tvith vignette, post Svo. boards (broken), uncut (scarce), 8s 6c? The author was a witness of William Murdock's exhibition of gas-lighting at Boulton and Watt's works at Soho, Birmingham, ' the first public display of the kind in this country.' The work is valuable for containing a large amount oi historical information not elsewhere to be found. The above, edition contains ' Notice of Mr. Winsor's First Pamphlet, ' An Account of the most ingenious and important National Discovery for some Ages '.' 11596 HYDRAULIA: an Historical and Descriptive ACCOUNT of the WATERWORKS of LONDON, and the Contrivances for supplying other great Cities, in different Ages and Countries, with por- trait of Sir Hugh Myddelton, and 17 plates and maps (some folding], Svo. cl., or, hf. calf, 8s 1835- 11597 ANOTHER COPY (without the portrait), 8vo. cl., IsQd Interesting as an ^arly treatise on water-supply engineering, and containing much historical information. It was- unknown to Allibone. 11598 MATTHEY (Edward, F.C.S.) On the LIQUATION of METALS of the PLATINUM GROUP, with diagrams, 4to. (pp. 24), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Thorpe, F.R.S., Is 6d 1892 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 577 11600 MATTHIESSEN (Augustus; F.R.S.) On an ALLOY which may be used as a STANDARD of ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE, 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Frankland, Is Qd 1861 11601 On the ELECTRIC CONDUCTING POWER of ALLOYS, with 2 plates, roy. 4to. (pp. 16), unbound, 3s 1860 11002 Uber die ELEKTRISCHE LEITUNGSFAHIGKEIT der LEGIRUNGEN, 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn, Is Qd [Leipzig, 1857] 4 Kis investigations on the physical properties of pure metals and alloys have become classical.'!). N. B. H603 On the ELECTRIC CONDUCTING POWER of the METALS, roy. 4to. (pp. 5), unbound, 2s 1858 11604 Ueber LEGIRUNGEN. I. Das specifische Gewicht von Legirungen, 8vo. (pp. 17), sewn, Is Qd [Leipzig, 1857] 11605 NOTIZ liber die ELEKTRISCHE LEITUNGSFAHIGKEIT des GOLDES, 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Frankland, F.R.S., Is Qd [ib., c. 1858] 11606 On the SPECIFIC GRAVITY of ALLOYS, roy. 4to. (pp. 8), unbound, 2s Qd I860 11^07 On the THERMO-ELECTRIC SERIES, with 4 woodcuts, roy. 4to. (pp. 13), unbound, 2* %d 1858 11008 , und M. von BOSE : Ueber den EINFLUSS der TEMPERATUR auf die ELEKTRISCHE LEITUNGSFAHIGKEIT der METALLE ; with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 45), sewn, 2s [Leipzig, 1858] 11609 ,and [Sir] Maurice HOLZMANN : On the EFFECT of the PRESENCE of METALS and METALLOIDS upon the CONDUCTING POWER of PURE COPPER, with 2 woodcuts, roy. 4to. (pp. 8), unbound, 3s 1860 Matthiesseu's investigations into the electric conductivity of copper were of great importance from the rapid expansion of telegraphy. * He showed that the discrepancies of previous observations and the low conductivity of certain samples of copper supposed to be pure were due to the presence of minute quantities of other elements.'!). N. B. 11010 : Ueber die ELEKTRISCHE LEITUNGSFAHIGKEIT des reinen KUPFERS und der Ver- minderung durch Metalloi'de und Metalle ; with 2 folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, 2s [Leipzig, 1857] ' Matthiessen's researches show remarkable acuteness, experimental skill, and conscientiousness, together with a distinct power of generalisation.' D. N. B. He received the Royal Society's gold medal for his researches on the electric and other physical and chemical properties of metals and their alloys. MATY (Paul Henry, pr., F.R.S.) v. ROYAL SOCIETY, post. 11611 MATZKA (Wilhelm, Univ. Prague) Ein NEUER BEWEIS des KRAFTENPARALLELOGRAMMS ; with plate, roy. 4to. (pp. 11), sewn, 2s Qd Prag, 1856 H612 Die CHRONOLOGIE in ihrem ganzen Umfange, mit vorziiglicher Riicksicht auf ihre Anwendung in der ASTRONOMIE, Weltgeschichte und Urkundenlehre, nebst einem VorschJage zu einer streng wissenschaftlich geregelten Zeitrechnung, durch hohere Arithmetik begriindet, 8vo, hf. calf, 3s Qd Wien, 1844 11613 MAUCHLINE (Robert) The MINE FOREMAN'S HANDBOOK of Practical and Theoretical Information on the OPENING, VENTILATING, and WORKING of COLLIERIES, new Ed., enlarged, with 114 woodcuts, large 8vo. cL, 9s (p. 1. Is) Philadelphia, 1893 11614 [MAUDUIT (Antoine Rene ; College de France}'] EXPOSITION des MOYENS les plus FACILES de RESOUDRE plusieurs QUESTIONS dans FART de NAVIGATION, et demontre's a 1'Aide des Principes de Geometric Ele"mentaire, avec Table des Sinus Verses, et leurs Logarithmes ; with plate ; ELEMENS de GEOMETRIE et de la TRIGONOMETRIE RECTILIGNE ; with 3 folding plates 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. mottled calf gilt, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S., 5s 11T2 ' Mauduit est un des meilleurs professeurs de mathematiques qu'il y ait eu ii Paris, et 1'un des plus utiles.' Lalande. 11615 NEW and COMPLETE TREATISE of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY ; with the Orthographic, Analytical and Logarithmical Solutions of the several Cases of Spherical Triangles, whether right- angled or oblique ; a comprehensive THEORY of the FLUXIONS of these Triangles ; and a Variety of Curious and Interesting Particulars not to be met with in any other Treatise on this Subject, translated by WILLIAM CRAKELT, with 2 folding plates, 8vo. old calf (fine copy), "7s Qd 1768 11616 ANOTHER COPY, old calf (binding rubbed and slightly damaged), 5s Qd 11617 MAUNDER (Edward Walter, F.R.A.S., Greenwich Observatory) The ASTRONOMY of the BIBLE : an Elementary Commentary on the Astronomical References of Holy Scripture, 3rd Ed., with 34 plates and other illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1909 ' The attitude of the sacred writers towards the heavenly bodies was perfect in its sanity and truth.' Preface. 11618 The BIBLE and ASTRONOMY, 8vo. (pp. 20), sewn, Is n. d. 11619 , The INDIAN ECLIPSE, 1898: REPORT of the EXPEDITIONS organized by the BRITISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION to observe the Total Solar Eclipse of 1898, Jan. 22, edited by, with numerous plates and other illustrations, roy. 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd (p. 5s) 1899 11620 MAGNETIC DISTURBANCES, .as recorded at the ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, and their ASSOCIATION with SUN-SPOTS, with diagrams, 3 parts. 8vo. sewn, \s Qd 1904-5 11621 NOTE on the DISTRIBUTION of SUN-SPOTS in HELIOGRAPHIC LATITUDE, 1874 to 1902, with 8 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, \s 1904 11622 NOTES on some recently published SPECTROSCOPIC OBSERVATIONS, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is [1886] 11623 The RECENT ECLIPSE, with 2 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 10), sewn, Is 1898 11624 , and A. C. D. CROMMELIN : NOTES on the TOTAL ECLIPSE of the SUN, 1900, May 28, observed at Algiers, 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, Is 1900 578 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11627 MAUGHAM (William) On a NEW COMPOUND of CARBON and HYDROGEN, impl. 4to. (pp. 3), sewn, IsGd 1838 11623 MAUMENE (Edme Jules) TRAITE THEORIQUE et PRATIQUE du TRAVAIL des VINS, 3 e [der- niere] Edition, augmentee ; with 175 illustrations, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. red morocco, Us Qd (p. F. 30 sewn) 1890 11629 MAUPERTUIS (Pierre Louis Moreau de ; de I'Academie des Sciences; F.R.S.) DISCOURS sur les DIFFERENTES FIGURES des ASTRES, oil Ton donne 1' Explication des Taches Lumineuses qu'on a observees dans le Ciel : Des Etoiles qui paroissent s'allumer et s'eteindre : De celles qui paroiesent changer de Grandeur : De 1'Anneau de Saturne : et des Effets qni peuvent produire les Cometes, 2 e Edition augmentee ; with tinted front, and diagrams, 8vo. old calf (rare), 12* 1742 'Par son Discours il eut le merite de repandre, 1'un des premiers, en France la theorie newtonienne, ce qui lui valut 1'inimitie de tous les physiciens exclusivenient attaches aux doctrines de Descartes. Parrni ces partisans des tourbillons cartesiens on remarquait alors des savants bien connus. Cassini, Saurin, Mairan, Nollet, Fontenelle. Les deux parties s'injuriaient en s'accusant reciproquement de ne rien entendre a la physique. La dispute s'echauffa et passa de 1'AcadeiTiie dans les collets. Au moins ses dissensions ne dvaient pas etre steriles : elles firent entreprendre une determination plus exacte de la figure de la Terre ' (q. v. infra). Dr. f. Hoefer. 11630 La FIGURE de la TERRE, determinee paries Observations de MM. DE MAUPERTUIS, CLAIRAUT, CAMUS, LE MONNIER, et de I'ABBE OUTHIER, accompagnes de M. CELSIUS, faites au Cercle Polaire, premiere edition; with 9 folding plates, and fine map, 8vo. fine copy in contemporary calf gilt, g. e., with auto. ofJ. M. Mersais on title (RARE), 18s 6d Imprimerie Roy ale, 1738 The above fine copy is very interesting from its previous owners. According to an old MS. note in the book, it was bought at the Maupertuis sale by J. J. Le F. de Lalaride, and passed afterwards into the possession of J. M. Mersais, who was astronomer of the Kerguelen Expedition in the South Seas, and died in his 22nd year, by throwing himself into the sea in a fit of fever. 11631 - - NOUVELLE EDITION, dans laquelle on a mis les Figures aux Pages oil elles se rapportent ; with numerous diagrams, and map, 8vo. contemporary Italian vellum, 10* Qd 1739 11632 ANOTHER COPY, old hf. vellum, uncut, 10s 11633 The FIGURE of the EARTH, determined from Observations at the Polar Circle, trans., with 9 folding plates, and map, 8v O . old calf, newly and neatly rebacked (RARE), 16s Qd 1738 11634 ANOTHER COPY, old calf, or, old hf. calf, 15s 'Maupertuis adopted and explained Newton's propositions on attraction and on the figure of the earth; and he conducted an expedition to Lapland, for the measurement of an arc of the meridian, the result of which was fatal to the hypothesis.' Prof. Todhunter. This expedition worked simultaneously with another sent to Peru under Bouguer, La Condamine, Juan, and L T lloa, to measure 3 degrees of the meridian near the equator (o. Nos. 6368, 1)949, 10364-5, ante). 11635 FIGURA TELLURIS, determinata per Observationes factas ad Circulum Polarem, transtulit Notisque prooemialibus auxit ALARICUS ZKLLER, M.D. ; with vignette, 9 folding plates, and map, I2mo. boards (rare}. 8s Gd Lipsiae, 1742 11636 [ ] LETTRE sur la COMETE, 16mo. boards (rare), 7s 6d s. 1. (a la sphere), 1742 ) 1637 SAGGIO di COSMOLOGIA, col DISCORSO sulle diverse CONFIGURAZIONI delle STELLE, tradotti, e con Note illustrati, da ORAZIO DEGLI ARRIGHI LANDINI, sm. 8vo. sewn, 4s 6d Venezia, 1768 A translation of the above Discours and the Essai fie Cosmologie, in which the author propounds the theory of ' least, action ' . 11638 MAUPIN ( ): METHODS de MAUPIN sur la MANIERE de CULTIVER la VIGNE et PART de faire le VIN, nouvelle Edition, augmentee de deux Memoires instructifs [de BUC'HOZ] sur ce qui se pratique de plus interessant dans les differents Vignobles de France ; with 2 folding plates, 8vo. unbound, Is 6d An FT/ [1799] A reissue of the author's more important memoirs. ' Sa methode de cultiver la vigne se reduit a la planter par rangees, a 1'espacer sufflsamment, pour qu'elle puisse jouir en plein des rayons du soleil, a la tailler courte, a ne pas provigner, et a ne fuiner qu'a derniere extremite*. Preface. 11639 MAUPIN (Georges) OPINIONS et CUKIOSITES touchant la MATHEMATIQUE d'apres les OUVRAGES FRANCAIS des XVI*, X VII* et XVIII* SIECLES ; with portrait of Oronce Fine, and 12 diagrams, 8vo. cl. , 3s Qd 1898 11640 MAURICE (George; Geneva) DISSERTATION sur les PREMIERS ELEMENS de la THEORIE de la VISION ; with plate, 8vo. sewn, with auto, of Dr. P. M. Roget, F.R.S. , 3s Geneve, 1823 11641 - - MEMOIRE sur les APPARENCES VISIBLES, 4to. (pp. 28), sewn, 3s ibid., 1825 11642 MAURO (Fra, Fiorentino, Theosebo, Phonasco, e Philopanareto) ANNOTATIONI sopra la LETTIONE della SPERA del S\CRO Bosco, dove si dichiarano tutti i Principii Mathematici e Naturali, che in quella si possan' desiderare ; con alcune Quistioni Notabili . . * e rari Segreti . . . una NUOVA . . . TRADUTTIONE di delta SPERA ; una Spera Theologica Divina, e Christiana ; una Spera Platonica, con alcune Eccitationi mathematiche, ecc. ; nna NUOVA INVENTIONE, et Astronomico Instrument, per SUBITAMENTE FABRICARE le dodici CASE CELESTI della FIGURA ASTRONOMICA, senza altri Canoni, o Calculo ; with numerous woodcuts (some full-page), and diagrams, sm. 4to. sound and clean copy in old calf gilt (VERY RARE), 1. 12s 6d [colophon :] Firenze, 1550 11643 - - ANOTHER COPY, old Italian vellum (partly water-stained, and a few small holes in blank margin of title), 1. 5s ' In this volume we find the proof that the Spanish mathematician Ortega (v. No. 3397, ante) was in 1550 at Florence '. Lilri Catal< gue. Unknown to Poggendorff and Bingr. Gen. The above copies contain pp. 201-19, which are often wanting. The work is dedicated to Cosmo de Medici, Duoa di Firenze. 11644 MAWSON (E. O., M.I.C.E.) PIONEER IRRIGATION: a Manual of Information for Farmers in the Colonies ; with Additional Chapters on LIGHT RAILWAYS by EVERARD RICHARD CALTHROP, M.I.C.E., with 38 plates, and numerous other illustrations, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 10s Qd nett) 1904 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO, 140, STUAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 579 11646 MAUROLICO [Za^'weMATIROLYCUS] (Francesco; Abbas Messanensis) OPUSCULAMATIIEM- ATICA, nunc primiim in Lucem edita, cum Rerum omnium notatu dignarum INDICE locupletissimo ; with numerous diagrams ,% in 1, soundcopy inoldvellum (RARE), 1. 10* Venetiis, 1575 11647 VOL. I ONLY, with numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. sewn (large copy), 18s Qd ' He is doubtless the greatest geometer of the XVI. century. From the notes of Pappus he attempted to restore the missing fifth book of Apollonius on. maxima and minima. His chief work is his masterly and original treatment of the conic sections, wherein he discusses tangents and asymptotes more fully than Apollonius had done, and applies them to various physical and astronomical problems.' Prof. Cajori. Vol. I contains : De Sphsera liber unus : Computus Ecclesiasticus in summam rollectus : Tractatus Instrumentorum Astronomicorum : Tractatus de Lineis Horariis : Euclidis Propositiones Elementorum, etc.: Musicse Traditiones: De Lineis Horariis libri III ; and vol. II : Arithmeticorum Libri II. 'All the works of this eminent mathematician are of considerable rarity. His treatise on the properties of numbers, and on the doctrine of incommensurables is a very superior production to that of any of his contemporaries.' Libri Catalogue. Opera rara ed apprezzata.' Riccardi. 'On trouve souventd'hemeuses innovations dans les nombreux ouvrages de Maurolico ; telle est encore cetteremarque, qui fut entre ses mains la base de nouveaux principes de gnomonique, que 1'ombre de 1'extremite d'un style decrit chaque jourun arc de section coniqne. C'est a cette occasion qu'il compsa son Traite dex Coniqnes, qui fait le sujet du 3 livre de sa gnomonique, intitulee De lineis horariis libri III, et imprimee dans ses Mathematica. Maurolico y fait deriver les proprietes des coniques de celles du cercle et de la consideration du solide dans lequel ses courbes prennent naissaiice. . . . L'analyse est aussi tres-redevable a Maurolico : c'est lui qui le premier introduisit 1' usage des lettres, a la place des nombres, dans les calculs d'arithrnetique, et qui donna les premieres regies de l'algorithme de 1'algebre.' E. Merlienr. 11648 THEOREMATA de LUMINE et UMBRA, ad PERSPECTIVAM, et RADIORUM INCIDENTIAM FACIENTIA. Diaphanorum Partes, seu Libri tres, in quorum 1 de Perspicuis Corporibus, in IP de Iride, in III de Organi Visualis Structura et Conspiciliorum Formis agitur ; Problemata ad Perspectivam et Iridem pertinentia, curn Notis CHRISTOPHORI CLAVII, S.J. ; with woodcut and numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. sewn (large copy] ; RARE, 1. Is Lugduni, Barth. Vincentius, 1613 This is a reprint of the author's Photismi de Luminc et I mbra, first published in 1575, with the addition of valuable notes by Christoph Clavius, s j. The work is important in the history of optics, and the first to call attention to the curves afterwards called caustics. The author also correctly describes the crystalline lens of the human eye, and based on it gives a physical explanation of myopia and hypermetropia. A full account of this rare work will be found in Wilde's Gcschichte der Optik, pp. 126-134. v. ARCHIMEDES, No. 148, ante. 11649 MAURY (Matthew Fontaine, U.S.N., National Observatory, Washington) EXPLANATIONS and SAILING DIRECTIONS to accompany the WIND and CURRENT CHARTS ; 6th Edition, enlarged, with 17 plates and maps, 4to. (pp. 772), sewn, 12s Qd Philadelphia, 1854 ' A great undertaking, equally important to the practical navigator and for the advance of meteorology in general.' Humboldt. The above edition contains the proceedings of the Maritime Conference at Brussels in 1853. 11650 The PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY of the SEA, new Edition, with 3 woodcuts, and 10 maps and charts, roy. 8vo. cl. t 3* 1856 11651 The PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY of the SEA, and its METEOROLOGY, with 14 plates and woodcuts, 8vo. hf. morocco (worn), 3s Qd 1860 A reconstruction and enlargement of the foregoing work. 11652 TENTH EDITION, revised, being the Second Edition of the Author's Reconstruction of the Work, with woodcuts and 16 plates, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s 1861 The author's most important work, which laid the foundation of oceanography. It also contains his invaluable wind and current charts, the first of their kind, which rendered such conspicuous service to navigation and meteorology. 11653 MAW (William Henry; P.R.A.S., MI.C.E., editor of 'Engineering') DOUBLE STAR OBSERVATIONS, 1888-91, 4to. (pp. 38), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s 1892 11654 RECENT PRACTICE in MARINE ENGINEERING, with 176 plates (many folding), and 294 woodcuts, 2 vols. impl. 4to. hf. morocco gilt (binding slightly rubbed), 12s Qd (p.' ;s.) [1884] 11655 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. hf. purple morocco gilt (fine copy), with auto, of Sir Frederick Bramwell, F.R.S., 16s Qd 11656 MAY (0.), and S. ROTHENFUSSER : The DETECTION of ADDED WATER in MILK by REFRACTOMETRICAL METHOD, roy. 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is Qd Berlin, 1908 11657 MAY (Oscar, Frankfurt a. M.) ERLAUTERUNGEN zu den VORSICHTSBEDINGUNGEN fur ELECTRISCHE LIGHT- und KRAFT- AN LA GEN ; with 13 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 2s Leipzig, 1893 11658 LEHRBUCH der ELEKTRODYNAMIK, I. TEIL (soweit erschienen); with 105 illustrations, roy. 8vo. boards, Is Qd (p. M. 4) Stuttnart, 1888 11659 - LEHRBUCH der KONTAKTELEKTRICITAT (GALVANISMUS), nebst Sammlung geloster und ungeloster analoger Aufgaben ; with 238 illustrations, roy. 8vo. boards, 3s (p. M. 8) ibid., 1887 11660 , und Adolf KREBS : LEHRBUCH des ELEKTROMAGNETISMUS, nebst Sammlung geloster Aufgaben ; with 152 illustrations, roy. 8vo. boards, 2s (p. M. 4.50) ib , 1889 11661 MAYCOCK (W. Perren, M.I.E.E.) ELECTRIC LIGHTING and POWER DISTRIBUTION, VOL. I, 6th Ed., with 229 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 6s) 1904 11662 ELECTRIC WIRING, FITTINGS, SWITCHES, and LAMPS, 3rd Ed., extended, with 362 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 6s^ 1902 11663 MAYER (Adolf Eduard, Univ. Heidelberg] BEITRAGE zur LEHRE iiber den SAUERSTOFF- BEDARF und die GAHRINGSERREGENDE FAHIGKEIT der HEFEPILZE ; with 3 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. sewn, with author's inscr., Is Qd Heidelberg, 1876 11664 LEHRBUCH der AGRIKULTURCHEMIE, mit ANHANG : LEHRBUCH der GAHRUNGSCHEMIE, 3. umgearbeitete Auflage ; with 2 plates and numerous woodcuts, 3 vols. large 8vo. in 1, cl., 5s (p. M. 23.60 sewn) ibid., 1886 11665 MAYER (Alfred Marshall) SOUND : a Series of Simple, Entertaining, and Inexpensive Experiments, with front, and 61 ivnodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl. (o.p.), 2s Gd 1879 11666 , and Charles BARNARD: LIGHT: Simple, Entertaining and Inexpensive Experi- ments, with 29 ivoodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 2s Qd 1878 Two charming little books, forming part of the ' Nature Series ', full of delightful experiments, performed by simple instruments that any one may make for himself. 580 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11668 MAXWELL (James Clerk, F.R.S., first Cavendish Prof. Experimental Physics, Cantab.} SCIENTIFIC PAPERS, edited by SIR WILLIAM DAVIDSON NIVEN, F.R.S., with steel portraits on India paper of Clerk Maxwell, Faraday, and Helmholtz, by Stodart and Jeens, 14 plates, and diagrams, 2 thick vols. roy. 4to. cl., uncut, t. e. g. (SCARCE), 3. 10s Univ. Press, Cambridoe, 1890 Including the numerous and important papers contributed by the author to various Learned Societies, chiefly ou electro-magnetism and the electro-magnetic theory of light, the constitution of matter, and the theory of gases, also his lectures at the Royal Institution, etc., communications and addresses to the British Association, and his Adams prize essay on Saturn's rings. 11669 On Bow's METHOD of DRAWING DIAGRAMS in GRAPHICAL STATICS, with Illustrations from PEAUCELLIER'S LINKAGE, with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 8), unbound, 2s Qd [Cambridge, 1876] H670 On a DYNAMICAL TOP, for exhibiting the Phenomena of the Motion of a System of Invariable Form about a Fixed Point ; with some Suggestions as to the EARTH'S MOTION, with plate, 4to. (pp. 12), sewn, 4s Qd Edin., 1857 11671 ELEMENTARY TREATISE on ELECTRICITY, edited by .WILLIAM GARNETT, with 6 plates and 53 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. Is Qd) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1881 11672 EXPERIMENTS on COLOUR, as perceived by the EYE, with Remarks on COLOUR BLINDNESS, with plate, 4to. (pp. 24), sewn, with author's inscr. as below; scarce, Is Qd Edin., 1855 ' [Sir] H[oward] W|.arburton] Elphinstone from J. C. M.' Inscr. on title. ' Investigating the effects of combinations of various colours by means of the rapid rotation of discs coloured differently in different parts. Maxwell's colour-top is now well known.' Dr. R. T. Glazebrook, F.R.S. H673 On the STABILITY of the MOTION of SATURN'S RINGS : an Essay which obtained the Adams Prize for 1856, in the University of Cambridge, with plate, 4to. sewn (SCARCE), 10* Qd Cambridge., 1859 Including an Appendix : ' On the Stability of the Steady Motion of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Centre of Force,' by PROF. W. THOMSON [LORD KELVIN, P.R.S.] ' His investigation froms the groundwork of all that is at present known in the matter.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. The author formed the conclusion that ' the only system of rings which can exist is one composed of an indefinite number of unconnected particles, revolving round the planet with different velocities according to their respective distances.' p. 67. 11674 On the THEORY qf COMPOUND COLOURS, and the Relations of the COLOURS of the SPECTRUM, with 2 plates by J. Basire, 4to. (pp. 28), sewn, Is Qd 1860 'The main results of his work on colour are summed up in his paper 'On the Theory of Compound Colours '. His instrument, the colour-box, by which he investigated the effect of mixing in given proportions light taken from different parts of the spectrum, is first described, and then it is shown that any given colour sensation may be produced by combinations in due proportion of rays taken from three parts of the spectrum, and also that if we select three definite rays as standards, all other colours may be produced by proper combinations of these'. Dr. Glazebrook. 11675 THEORY of HEAT, first edition, with 41 diagrams, 12mo. cl., Is 1871 H676 FOURTH EDITION, with 41 diagrams, 12mo. cl., Is Qd 1875 Containing additions to the chapters ' Heat Engines ' and ' On the Intrinsic Energy of a System of Bodies '. H677 TENTH [FINAL] EDITION, with Corrections and Additions by LORD RAYLEIGH, F.R.S. , with 41 diagrams, 12mo. cl., 2s (p. 4s Qd) 1891 Pp. 296-9 contain an addition on Superficial Viscosity by the Editor. 11678 NEW EDITION, with Corrections and Additions by LORD RAYLEIGH, F.R.S. [and INDEX], with 41 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 4s Qd) 1894 H679 TREATISE on ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, first edition, with 20 plates and 105 wood- cuts and diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 9s (p. 1. 11s Qd) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1873 H680 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. hf. calf (titles stamped], 8s The first edition of this classic work, the embodiment of Faraday's work in mathematical language, with important original matter by the author himself, will always retain its special value. It is also the one most often vet erred to by scientists, especially in connexion with the author's electro-magnetic theory of light, of which the above work embodies the author's ideas. H681 SECOND EDITION [partly rewritten by the Author; edited, with Additions, by SIR W. D. NlVEN, F.R.S.], with 20 plates and 105 woodcuts and diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 12s Qd (p. 1. 11s Qd a. e., ibidem, 1881 The last edition revised by the Author. ' The first 9 chapters were in some cases wholly rewritten, much new matter being added, and the former contents rearranged and simplified.' Preface. H682 , The LIFE of, with select CORRESPONDENCE and OCCASIONAL WRITINGS, and his CONTRIBU- TIONS to SCIENCE, by LEWIS CAMPBELL, pr., and WILLIAM GARNETT ; LIBRARY EDITION, with 3 fine steel portraits by Stodart, 5 coloured plates, 7 fs. pp., and numerous woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., uncut (scarce), with auto, letter from Prof. Lewis Campbell inserted, 14s 1882 The ' Contributions to Science' (pp. 465-576) consist of: Experiments on Colour Vision, etc.; Iift'estigations respecting Elastic Solids ; Pure Geometry ; Mechanics ; Saturn's Rings ; Faraday's Lines of Force, and Maxwell's Theory of the Electro-magnetic Field, including the Electromagnetic Theory of Light, etc. ; and Molecular Physics. They were left out in the new edition. H683 NEW EDITION, abridged and revised, with 2 steel portraits by Stodart, and woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 7* Qd) 1834 The chief authority on Clerk Maxwell's life. 11684 MAXWELL (William Henry, A.M.I.C.E.) The REMOVAL and DISPOSAL of TOWN REFUSE, with special Supplement exhaustively dealing with the latest Practice in REFUSE DESTRUCTORS and Power Production, embodying the latest Developments and Working Results, with plates, and 67 other illustrations, 8vo. cl., Is Qd (p. 15s nett) [1898] 11685 , and J. T. BROWN: The ENCYCLOPEDIA of MUNICIPAL and SANITARY ENGINEERING : a Handy Working Guide, edited by, with numerous illustrations, 4to. cl., 1 . I Os (p. 2. 2s nett) 1910 The first encyclopedia on the subject published. It contains contributions by PROF. HENRY ADAMS, W. J. DIBDIN, F.I.C., H. M. HOBART, M.I.C.E., DR. L RIDEAL, and many other authorities. i iRin < *i-i.Ri**ff Wl^f-HutTi- | ^ / ft |. *! S 5. 3 8 ig Sn en No. 11552 s s tr fc>^ ,1, > EL flj||f c. Q s* ""^ FS 1^5 F>^ ^ I 1 S 3-1 n a.?- 2 574). W 2 O O hi' ttl HH An early and rare work on Arithmetic. oo cn > "O c D- I ^ C a ft > t CU CO u 5^ H O* cn w 1 f r E a F 5T t^ g < 3! v c. 3 * o ? 2 o Z i: *J O o 2 CO hi O z ta W , H <*> H o _p j^ W s g, jrt ; ; iffl s 1 ! i ! N 9 M m . i 5 JT i i i i C 5 s- i W 1 ! 2 a- i i or J tllffi 3 s MM i i i i i i I ! I D rt ju H TJ I 1 1- " - 1 ll\\\ *- o cn td No. 11726-7 (page 583;. A collection of ancient writings on Music. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 581 11687 MAYER (Christian ; s.j., Univ. Heidelberg, F.R.S.) NOUVELLE METHODS pour LEVER en peu de Terns et a pea de Frais une CARTE GENERALE exacte de toute la RUSSIE, approuvee par PAcade'mie Imperiale de St. Petersbour":, 12mo. (pp. 26), sewn, 3s Qd St. Petersbourg, 1770 11688 MAYER (Fritz) BEITRAGE zur KENNTNIS ALKYLIERTER BERNSTEINSAUREN, Inaugural- Dissertation ; with 5 plates, 8vo. (pp. 52), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Thorpe, F.R.S., 2s Heidelberg, 1898 11689 MAYER (Hermann) CLAVIS ANALYTICA zur BESTIMMUNG der MINERALIEN : nach einer einfachen und sichern Methode, nebst einer vollstandigen Characteristik, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. blue calf extra, 4,9 Prog, 1839-40 11690 MAYER (Johann Tobias; Univ. Gottingen) TABULA MOTUUM SOLIS et LUN.E novie et corrects, quibus accedit METHODUS LONGITUDINUM prornota, editse Jussu Proefectorum Rei Longitudinariae [cura NEVIL MASKELYNE, sac., S.R.S.] ; with 2 plates, 4to. hf. brown calf neat (RARE), with bookplate of Lord Blantyre, 12s 65 Londini, 1770 11691 - ANOTHER COPY, old half calf (joints broken, and some II. soiled or mended), with numerous additions to the Tables in a neat contemporary hand, 10.9 Maskelyne's preface, and the explanatory matter, are given in both Latin and English. FIRST EDITION of these celebrated tables, for which the author was recommended by Bradley as worthy to share in the prize ottered by Parliament for finding the longitude at sea. By Act of Parliament Mayer's widow was awarded 3000. ' Mayer was the first who constructed lunar tables of sufficient accuracy for the great practical purpose of finding the longitude at sea. This he did by means of Euler's theory and a skilful discussion of observations.' Prof. R. Grant. 11692 THEORIA LUN^E juxta SYSTEMA NEWTONIANUM, edita Jussu Prsefectorum Rei Longitudinariae ; with diagrams, 4to. (pp. 58), sewn, 7s Qd ibid., 1767 11693 MAYER (Johann Tobias, Univ. Erlangen ; son of the above) GRUNDLICHER und AUSFUHRLICHER UNTERRICHT zur PRAKTISCHEN GEOMETRIE, 2. vermehrte Auflage ; with 22 Joldiny plates, 3 vols. 12mo. boards, Is Qd Goettingen, 1792-5 A treatise on surveying and surveying instruments, and according to Prof. Moritz Cantor ' the most important work on its subject published during the second half of the 18th century '. 11694 MAYER (Julius Robert v.) BEITRAGE zur DYNAMiKdes HIMMELS, inpopularer Darstellung, erste Ausgabe, 8vo. hf. cl. (scarce), os Heilbronn, 1848 In this work the author shows that the sun would long have lost his radiating energy were it not renewed by swarms of meteorites constantly falling in. He also developed in it the theory of tidal friction independently of Kant, who first propounded it. 11695 Die MECHANIK der WARME, erste Ausgabe, 8vo. hf. morocco, with auto, of Prof. Lloyd Tanner,, 4s Stuttgart, 1867 A collection of the author's works, viz., the above Beitriige, ' Bemerkungen iiber die Kriifte der unbelebten Natur,' ' Die organische Bewegung in ihrem Zusammenhange mit dem Stoffwechsel ', ' Ueber das Fieber ', and ' Bemerkungen iiber das mechanische Aequivalent der Warme'. The last, which was originally published in Liebig's Annalen in 1812, or 5 years before Helmholtz's paper (v. No. 9109, ante), first established the principle of the conservation of energy. It remained neglected (and partly ridiculed) by the scientific world, until Prof. Tyndall called attention to its importance in 1S<52, in a lecture before the Royal Institution. So little was then known of its author that Poggendorff stated in his Handworterbuch in 1863 that he was ' supposed to have died in a lunatic asylum in 1858.' JWayer actually died 20 years later in 1878, after a belated and tardy recognition of the merits of his work. 11696 MAYNARD (Henry N., manager Viaduct Works, Crumlin, Mon.) The VIADUCT WORKS' HANDBOOK: a Collection of Examples from Actual Practice of Viaducts, Bridges, etc., with Tables of Prices, Weights, and other Information useful in designing and estimating Wrought and Cast-Iron Work, with tinted folding front, of the Crumlin Viaduct, and numerous full-page and other woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl., Is Qd 1868 Added is a Description and Illustration of the author's Patent Iron Abutment for Bridges (1871). 11697 MAYOW (John, M.D. ; F.R.S.) MEDICO- PHYSICAL WORKS : a TRANSLATION of TRACTATUS V MEDICO-PHYSICI, with portrait, and 6 plates (2 folding), cr. 8vo. cl., 4s Edin., 1907 Mayow may be said to have laid the foundation of anti-phlogistic chemistry (although it was not fully developed until Lavoisier) by his theory of combustion contained in the first treatise. He was moreover the first to give a good physio- logical explanation of the function of breathing, and the discoverer of the double articulation of the ribs with the spine. He also gave a theory of chemical affinity, and a mechanical explanation of the act of jumping. 11698 [MEAD ( )] The CONSTRUCTION of MAPS and GLOBES. I. Contains the various Ways of projecting Maps, exhibited in 15 different Methods, with their Uses. II. Treats of making divers Sorts of Globes, both as to the Geometrical and Mechanical Work ; with Appendix wherein the present State of Geography is consider'd. Being a seasonable Enquiry into Maps, Books of Geography and Travel, with some necessary Cautions, Helps, and Directions for future Map- makers, Geographers, and Travellers, with 18 fine copperplates (some folding], sm. 8vo. old hf. calf (rare), 10s Qd 1717 One of the chapters describes 'a new and more exact method than any of the former, for projecting particular maps ', and another ' to make the rnagnetical globe '. 11699 MEADE (Richard) COAL and IRON INDUSTRIES of the UNITED KINGDOM : a Description of the Coal Fields, and the principal Seams of Coal, with Returns of their Produce and its Distribution, and Analyses of Special Varieties, also the Occurrence of Iron Ores in Veins or Seams ; Analyses of each Variety, and a HISTORY of the Rise and Progress of the PIG IRON MANUFACTURE since 1740, with 2 folding maps, 8vo. (pp. 897), cl., 10s Qd (p. 1. 8s) 1882 11700 ANOTHER COPY, cl. (back slightly damaged, and one map wanting), 9s 11701 MECHANIC (The), from March 6th, 1869, to March 19th, 1870 (Vols. Ill and IV Nos. 1-12), with hundreds of woodcuts, folio, hf. bound, Qs 1869-70 This volume is interesting for containing a long series of articles, copiously illustrated with hideous woodcuts, on , , V ^i. pecles and Man ual Locomotives ', running through 24 numbers. 11^02 MECHANICS' MAGAZINE (The), and JOURNAL of ENGINEERING, AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, MANUFACTURES, and SHIPBUILDING, from 1862 to July, 1867 (vols. 7-17), with numerous woodcuts, 11 vols. 4to. in 7, hf. bound, 12* Qd 1862-7 582 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. A FINE COMPLETE SET TO JUNE, 1912 : 11704 MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, PROCEEDINGS of the INSTITUTION of, complete from its beginning in 1847 to June, 1912, with many plates, diagrams, tables, etc., with GENERAL INDEX, 1847-1910, 4 vols. : BRIEF SUBJECT INDEX of PAPERS, 1847-1910, and LIBRARY CATALOGUE in all 66 vols. 8vo. cL, and the rest [1901-12] in parts, sewn as issued (FINE SET) ; VERY SCARCE, 35. Birmingham and London, 1847-1912 The above is a very good set of this valuable publication, founded under the Presidency of GEORGE STEPHENSON, and containing a great number of contributions by leading men during sixty of the most important years in the history of English mechanical development. It is of equal importance to the railway and to the general mechanical engineer. Complete sets are now exceedingly difficult to get, none having been sold by auction during the last ten years. 11705 ANOTHER SET, COMPLETE from 1856 to July, 1909, with hundreds of plates and oilier illustrations, with General Indexes, 1847-84 in all 47 vols. 8vo. cL, and the rest (1897-1909) in parfcs,sew as issued (VERY SOUND LIBRARY SET), 15. 15s 1856-1909 11706 MEDINA (Pedro de) L'ART de NAVIGUER, contenant toutes les reigles, secrets, et enseigne- mens necessaires a la bonne navigation, traduict de Castillan en Francois, avec augmentation et illustration de plusieurs figures et annotations, par NICOLAS DE NICOLAI : with fine woodcuts, and numerous diagrams, 4to. old limp vellum (map wanting, but a large and very sound copy) ; RARE, 3. 3s Lyon, Guillaume Rouille, 1569 A finely printed edition. 11707 - NOUVELLE EDITION, reueue et corrigee de nouueau outre les precedentes impressions; with woodcuts and diagrams, and folding map showing America (defective), sm. 4to. old vellum (some II. stained). 4. 4s Rouen, R. Mallard, etc., 1577 The map included in the above edition is remarkable for its large amount of information on AMERICA. 11708 L'ARTE del NAVEGAR, in laqual si contengono le Regole, Dechiarationi, Secreti, et Avisi, alia bona Navegation necessarii, tradotta in volgar Italiano [da VICENZO PALETINO DA CORZULA] ; with woodcuts, diagrams, and map (including AMERICA), sm. 4to. white vellum (sound copy) ; very rare, 4. 10s Vinetia, G. Pedrezano, 1555 THE FIKST ITALIAN EDITION. 11709 - NUOVA EDIZIONE, di nuovo ampliata e corretta ; with ivoodcuts, diagrams, and map (showing AMERICA), sm. 4to. sound copy in contemporary vellum (RARE), 2. \ls Qd ib., T. Baglioni, 1609 The sixth book contains an interesting account of the mariner's compass, in which however the author still denies that the declination of the magnetic needle differs at different places. The third book contains a copious account of winds, while the second teaches how to foretell storms by the sun and the moon. 11710 MEDLEY (Lt.-Col. Julius George, R.E.) The KOORKEE TREATISE on CIVIL ENGINEERING in INDIA (Vol. I 3rd Ed., by MAJOR A. M. LANG, R.K., '78; Vol. II 2nd Ed., '71; Vol. Ill : APPLIED MECHANICS, by'CAPT. ALLAN CUNNINGHAM, R.E., '77), with 180 plates (mostly Jolding), and numerous woodcuts, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. cl. (cover of v. I stained), 12s 6e?(p. Us. 34) Roorkee, 1871-78 11711 MEDLOCK (Henry) On the RECIPROCAL ACTION of METALS and the CONSTITUENTS of WELL- and RIVER-WATERS, 2 parts 8vo. (pp. 25), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Frankland, F.R.S., 2s 1857-8 11712 RESEARCHES on the AMYL SERIES, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is 6d n. d. 11713 MEES (Charles Edward Kenneth, F.C.S.), und Samuel Edward SHEPPABD : Uber APPARATE zu SENSITOMETRISCHEN UNTERSUCHUNGEN, mit einer geschichtlichen Zusammen- fassung, iibersetzt von E. ELLENBERGER ; with 23 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 34), sewn. 2s Leipzig [1904] 11714 MEES (G. J.) On SHAFTS for TRIPLE EXPANSION ENGINES, roy. 8vo. (pp. 34), sewn, is 6d Paris [1886] A formula for the Bureau Veritas Rules for the diameter of shafts in triple-expansion engines. 11715 MEIBAUER (R. O.) Uber die PHYSISCHE BESCHAFFENHEIT der SONNE, 8vo. (pp. 45), sewn, Is Gd Berlin, 1866 11716 MEILINK (B.) On the MEASUREMENT of VERY Low TEMPERATURES : VII- VIII, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 26), sewn, Is Qd Leiden, 1904 11717 MEISSEL (Ernest) Uber die ABSOLUTEN MAXIMA der BESSEL'SCHEN FUNKTIONEN, 4to. (pp. 11), sewn, Is 6d Kiel, 1892 11718 _ tiber die ANZAHL der DARSTELLUNGEN einer GEGEBENEN ZAHL A durch die Form A = 2 p n x n in welcher die 'p' gegebene, unter sich verschiedene Primzahlen sind, 4to. (pp. 8), sewn, Is&d ibidem, 1886 11719 _ ENTWURF einer TAFEL, aus welcher die sechs Elemente einer beliebigen Menge spharischer Dreiecke sofort entnommen werden kb'nnen, 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, Is ib., 1894 11720 - - Uber die RELATIVE MENGE gewisser FORMPRIMZAHLEN innerhalb betriichtlicher ZAHLENRAUME, 4to. (pp. 8), sewn, Is ib., 1884 11721 - Uber RESTSUMMEN, 4to. (pp. 13), sewn, Is 6d ib., 1888 11722 MELCHER- (Arthur C.) The SOLUBILITY of SILVER CHLORIDE, BARIUM SULPHATE, and CALCIUM SULPHATE at HIGH TEMPERATURES, with diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 17), sewn, Is 6d [New York,] 1909 11723 MELLONI (Macedonio ; Univ. Parma) SAGGI di una ANALISI CALORIFICA dello SPETTRO SOLARE, 4to. (pp. 20), mw, 3s fid [Napoli, c 1850] The author found that radiant lieat was as murh subject to the laws of reflexion and refraction as light, and therefrom assumed it to be the invisible ether accompanying light. HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 583 11725 MEIBOM (Johann Heinrich; M.D. ; Liibeck) De CERVISIIS, POTIBUSQUE et EBRIAMIXIBUS EXTRA VINUM aliis Commentarius ; accsdit ADREANI TURNEBI LTBELLUS de VINO ; sm. 4to. boards (rare.}, 15* ffelmestadii, 1668 A learned treatise, full of quotations from Greek and Latin authors, which was reprinted by Gronovius in his Thesaurus. It was unknown to Poggendorff. 11726 MEIBOM[mtfe MAYBATJM] (Marcus sive Marqvard) : ANTIQUE Musics AUCTORES VII, Greece et Latine, MARCUS MEIBOMIUS restituit et Notis explicavit; with 5 folding tables and 8 pp. of music, besides diagrams, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, white vellum (FINE COPY) ; RARE, 3. 3s Amstelodami, apud Ludov. Elzevirium, 1652 11727 ANOTHER COPY, calf gilt 'joints cracked, and one table wanting), with bookplate of Henry B. H. Beaufoy, F.R.S., 2. 7s Qd Including : ARISTOXENI Harmonicorum Elementa ; EUCLIDIS Introductio Harmonica ; NTCOMACHI GERA.SINI Pythagorici Harmonices Manuale ; ALYPII Introductio Musica ; GAUDENTII Philosophi Introductio Harmonica ; BACCHII SENIORIS Introductio Artis Musics;; ARISTIDIS QUINOLIANI de Musica Libri III; MARTIAXI CAPELL.E de Musica Liber nonus. 1 Collection tres-estimee, et que Ton rencontre difficilement '. A. Willems. 'Ony trouvede bonnes choses concernant la musique des anciens ; particulieremeut sur 1'obscure description de 1'orgue hydraulique donne par 1'auteur latin. Cette collection, dont 1'utilite ne peut pis etre contestee, est un service important rendu a la litterature musicale'. Fetis. The author was a well-known crank, who in turn offered for sale his supposed discovery of constructing the triremes of the ancients to the French government, and his revision of the Old Testament, after a novel method of his own, to the British government for the paltry sum of 20,000. He also pretended to have discovered the authentic text of St. Jerome's commentary on the Book of Job, supposed to have been lost, for which he refused an offer of 10,000 florins. Following an invitation to Sweden by the learned and eccentric Queen Christina, Meibom caused the musical instruments of the ancients to be made from instructions contained in the above work in order to revive the ancient Greek music before the Swedish court. As he further insisted on improving the performance by the accompaniment of his own harsh voice, the attempt caused great merriment. He considered himself insulted, and in a fit of rage boxed the ears of the Queen's physician, which at once put a stop to the revival of ' classic ' music, and to his further stay in Sweden. 11728 MELANCHTHON [hie MELANTHON, germanice SCHWARZERD] (Philipp) DOCTRINCE PHYSICS ELEMENTA, sive INITIA, dictata in Academia Vuitebergensi, ex postrema Autoris Recognitione, cum Rerum et Verborum Indice ; editio princeps [col. :] Basilece, ex ojfic. Joa. Oporini, 1550 : LIBER de ANIMA recognitus ab Autore ; Witebergce, hceredes Petri Seitzii, 1544 ; both works neatly printed in italics, with woodcut initials, and the second with vignette on title 2 vols. 12mo. in 1, VERY SOUND AND CLEAN COPIES in contemporary German pressed vellum on oaken boards, ornamented with biblical figures, and dated 1545, with autos. ' F. Cornelii Curtii 1621 ', and ' Bibliothecce Augustiniance Ingolstadii' on title, and numerous marginal notes in a very neat XVI. Century hand (very rare), 3. 15s 1550-4 The above first edition of the Doctrince, the only independent scientific work published by Luther's fellow-labourer in the Reformation, is excessively rare, and was unknown to Graesse, Poggendorff, and Kiistner. The former quotes the editions of 1555, 1559, and 1587, while the other two only knew an edition of 1531. The work is not mentioned at all by Brunet and Ebert. According to Kastner, the first book of the Doctrina contains a more lucid exposition of astronomy than is to be found in many treatises published during the XVIII. Century. Melanchthon also wrote prefaces to Arati Phenomena, 1521, Purbachii Theories, 1534 \_v. No. 3562, ante], Schoneri Tabula; Astronomies, 1536, Alfragani Rudimenta Astronomica, 1537, Joannis de Sacro Bosco Libellus de Sphoera I'o. No. 4174, ante], and Stifel's Arithmetica Integra, 1544 [q. v. post], wrote a commentary on Ptolemy's de Prs'dictionibus Astronomicis, 1553, and described some eclipses in Bonincontri de Rebus Ccelestibus, 1540. ' II admettait cinq facultes de Tame : potenliam vegetatioam, sentientem, appetivam, locomntivam et rationales. La revelation divine etait pour lui 1'un des criteria de la certitude. Dans ses Initin Doctrince Physical, il n'admettait pas 1'opinion d' Aristarque, deniontree depuis par Kopernick : ' C'est, dit-il, une doctrine contraire a la Bible, et qu'on peut d'ailleurs refuter par la physique, que la Terre et les planetes tournent autour du Soleil.' ... II etait convaincu avec Platon ' que les etoiles ont ete crees pour les yeux de rhomme '.'Dr. F. Hoefer. 11729 MELDOLA (Raphael; F.R.S.) CHEMISTRY of PHOTOGRAPHY, with 14 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. Qs) 1889, or 1901 A course of lectures, admirably illustrating the chemical principles underlying the subject. 11730 The CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS of VITAL PRODUCTS and the INTER-RELATIONS between ORGANIC COMPOUNDS, Vol. I (all pub.) : Hydrocarbons, Alcohols and Phenols, Aldehydes, Ketones, Carbohydrates and Glucosides, Sulphur and Cyanogen Compounds, Camphor and 1 Terpenes, and Colouring-Matters of the Flavone Group, roy. 8vo. cl., 12* (p. 1. Is nett) 1904 11731 COAL, and what we get from it: Lectures at the London Institution, Jan. 20th, 1890, with 11 woodcuts, 12mo. cl.. Is Qd 1891 11732 The POSITION and PROSPECTS of CHEMICAL RESEARCH in GT. BRITAIN, 8vo. sewn, Is 1907 11733 MELDRUM (Andrew Norman) The DEVELOPMENT of the ATOMIC THEORY, PARTS 4-7, 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd Manchester, 1911 11734 MELLANBY (J.) GLOBULIN, with 16 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 36), sewn, Is Qd [1905] 'Globulin as used in this paper indicated a proteid insoluble in water but soluble in dilute solutions of electrolytes.' 11735 MELLOR (Joseph William, D.SC.) CHEMICAL STATICS and DYNAMICS, including the Theories of Chemical Change, Catalysis, and Explosions, with 50 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 7* Qd) 1904 11736 HIGHER MATHEMATICS for STUDENTS of CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS, with special Reference to Practical Work, with 142 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. 12s Qd nett) 1902 11737 [MELVILLE (Rear-Adml. George Wallace, u.s.N.) ANNUAL REPORT of the CHIEF of the BUREAU of STEAM ENGINEERING for 1890, and '98-1902, with numerous folding plates and other illustrations, Q vols. 8vo. sewn, 10s Qd Washington, 1890-1902 11738 REPORT of the U.S. NAVAL 'LIQUID FUEL' BOARD of TESTS conducted on the HpHENSTEiN WATER TUBE BOILER, showing the relative Evaporative Efficiencies of Coal and Liquid Fuel under Forced and Natural Draft Conditions, with 144 illustrations (including many hiding plates), large impl. 8vo. sewn, with author's inscr. to Francis Elgar, P.I.N.A., F.R.S'., 8* 6rf ibid., 1904 39 * 584 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11740 MELSENS (Louis Henri Frederic) NOUVEAU PROCEDE pour I'EXTRACTION du SUCRE de la CANNE et de la BETTERAVE, 8vo. (pp. 30), sewn, 2s r Bruxelles, 1849 1 1741 SUR les PARATONNERRES, et sur quelques Experiences faites avec FEtincelle dlnduc- tion et les Batteries de Leyde, 8vo. (pp. 22), sewn, with inscr. to Dr. Phipson, Is Qd [c. 1863] MELVILL (Thomas) OBSERVATIONS on LIGHT and COLOURS v. EDINBURGH ESSAYS, ante. 11742 MEMOIRES de MATHEMATIQTJE et de PHYSIQUE, presentes a 1'AcADEMiE ROYALE des SCIENCES, par divers Scavans, et lus dans ses Assemblies ; with numerous copperplates, 11 vols. 4to. old calf (newly and neatly rebacked), 4. 4,s 1750-86 Comprising a large number of original contributions, some by Lavoisier, Laplace, Monge, Coulomb, Lagrange, Sabatier, etc. ARAGO'S COPY: 11743 de PHYSIQUE et de CHIMIE, de la SOCIETE d'ARCUEiL ; with 2 plates and 3 folding tables, complete in 3 vols. 8vo. cl. (very rare), with bookplate of Prof. M. H. N. Story - Maskelyne, F.E.S., 5. 55 1807-17 This society was originally founded by Laplace, Berthollet, Gay-Lussac, Biot, Humboldt, de Candolle, and Collet- Descostils at Berthollet's country house in Arcueil, near Paris, where its members were to meet twice a month. The work contains memoirs by Laplace (1), Berthollet (20), Gay-Lussac (10), Thenard (10), Biot (9), Humboldt (3), Malus (3), Dulong (2), de Candolle (2), Descostils (2), Berard (1), and Arago (1). That by Laplace is ' Sur le mouvement de la lumiere dans les milieux diaphanes ' ; among Gay-Lussac's is the important one ' Sur la combinaison des substances gazeuses ' (vol. If. p. 207), in which he first expounded the law of volumes named after him. One of Dulong's memoirs gives an account of his discovery of chloride of nitrogen (the most powerful and unstable explosive known), which cost him an eye and three fingers. The above copy belonged to F. J. D. Arago, a MS. note in vol. I, in Prof. Story-Maskelyne's handwriting, reading : 'M. Arago's sale. 1854. N.S. M.' 11744 MEMOIRS (SCIENTIFIC), selected from the TRANSACTIONS of FOREIGN ACADEMIES of SCIENCE, and Learned Societies, and from FOREIGN JOURNALS, edited by RICHARD TAYLOR, F.S.A., with 59 plates (nostly folding and some coloured], besides woodcuts, 5 thick v., '37-52 [with the NEW SERIES]: : NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, edited by JOHN TYNDALL, F.R.S., and WILLIAM FRANCIS, F.R.A.S., with 5 plates, '53 : : NATURAL HISTORY, edited by ARTHUR HENFREY and T. H. HUXLEY, FF.R.S., with 12 plates, '53 7 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt (NICE COPY) ; VERY SCARCE, 5. 5s 1837-53 A COMPLETE SET OF THIS IMPORTANT PUBLICATION, containing translations (in many cases the only ones) of a number of rare and important memoirs, some of which are now practically unprocurable, in the originals. They include, among others, the following authors : Arago, E. Becquerel, J. J. Berzolius, F. W. Bessel, J. B. Biot, R. W. Bunsen, A. L. Cauchy, R. J. E. Clausius, H. W. Dove, J. F. Encke, A. J. Fresnel, K. F. Gauss, P. A. Hansen, H. L. F. v. Helmholtz, Joseph Henry, M. H. Jacobi, J. Lamont, M. Melloni, O. F. Mossotti, Johannes JVIiiller, F. E. Neumann, J. A. F. Plateau, H. V. Regnault, A. Seebeck, and Wilhelm Weber. 11745 VOLS. I AND II ONLY, with numerous plates, 2 thick vols. Svo. hf. calf (binding rubbed) ; VERY SCARCE, 2. 2s 1837-41 The first two volumes contain some of the most important memoirs included in this publication. 11746 of SCIENCE and the ARTS ; or a GENERAL ABRIDGEMENT of the TRANSACTIONS published by the PRINCIPAL LEARNED and (ECONOMICAL SOCIETIES of different Parts of the WORLD, by an M.R.C.P.L., 2nd Edition, with 39 copperplates, thick 4to. old calf (one joint cracked), 10s Qd 1798 MENABREA (General Federigo Luigi, Minister of Victor Emanuel)v. BABBAGE, ante. 11747 MENARD de la GROYE (Francois Jean Baptiste) OBSERVATIONS avec REFLECTIONS sur I'ETAT et les PHENOMENES du VESUVE, pendant une Partie des Annees 1813 et 1814, 4to. (pp. 102), sewn, 3s Qd 1815 11748 MENDELEJEFF (Dmitri Ivanovitch ; F.R.S.) GRUNDLAGEN der CHEMIE, aus dem Russischen iibersetzt von L. JAWEIN und A. THILLOT, I. LIEFERUNG; with woodcuts, roy. Svo. sewn, with author's inscr. as below, 2s Qd St. Petersburg, 1890 ' Herrn Prof. Dr. Thorpe hochachtuugsvoll D. MENDELEEFF.' Inscr. on cover. 11749 MENDENHALL (Walter Curran) RECONNAISSANCE from FORT HAMLIN to KOTZEBUE SOUND, Alaska, by way of Dall, Kanuti, Allen, and Kowak Rivers, with 4 folding maps (3 coloured), and Q plates, 4to. sewn, 3s Qd Washington, 1902 11750 , and Frank Charles SCHRADER: The MINERAL RESOURCES of the MOUNT WRANGELL DISTRICT, Alaska, with 4 maps (2 coloured, and folding], Q plates, and 5 woodcuts, 4to. sewn. 3* 60? ibidem, 1903 11751 MENELAI [Alexandrini] SPH^ERICORUM Libri III, quos olim, collatis MSS. Hebrseis et Arabicis, curavit EDMUNDUS H ALLEY, S.R.S., Prsefationem addidit GEORGIUS COSTARD, Sac., Svo. fine copy in contemporary calf, Is Qd Oxonii, sumptibus academicis, 1758 ' ... In it are also found the theorems that the sum of the three sides of a spherical triangle is less than a great circle, and that the sum of the three angles exceeds two right angles.' Prof. Cajori. 11752 MENGOLI (Abate Pietro; da Bologna] NOVJE QUADRATURE ARITHMETICS, sen de ADDITIONS FRACTIONUM, 4to. old limp vellum (back slightly damaged andafehu IL water- stained, otherwise a sound and clean copy] ; RARE, 1.1$ Bononice, Jac. Montius, 1650 The author's first published work, it is rare, and was unknown to Poggendorff, Prof, de Morgan, Graesse, Brunet, and the author's biographer in Biogr. Gen., nor was there a copy in the Libii Library. The work is of interest as being entirely devoted to fractions. According to G. Libri, the author's Geometries Speciosae Elementa, published in 1659, dealt with Newton's binomial theorem a palpable mistake, as Sir Isaac Newton did not publish it until 16G9 in his De Analyst per Aequationes. 11753 MENNELL (Henry T.), George Clayton ATKINSON, Robert Faulding WHEELER, pr., and Robert Eli HOOPPELL, pr. : METEOROLOGICAL REPORTS for 1860-1 and 1863-72, with folding tables, 15 parts in 1 vol. Svo. hf. maroon morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g., 10* Qd Newcastle-on Tune, 1858-73 Bound in is : Monthly Register of the Rain-Fall for 1856, and Notes on that for 185S and 1859, 2 parts. 11734 MERFIELD (Charles J. ; F.R.A.S.) DEFINITIVE ORBIT ELEMENTS of COMET 1899 I. : COMET 1899 I. 4to. (pp. 24), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s Qd [Kiel] , 1901 11755 ORBIT ELEMENTS COMET 1., 1899 (SWIFT), Svo. (pp. 16), sewn, Is 1899 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 585 11757 MENSCHTJTKIN (Nikolai Alexandrovitch. Univ. St. Petersburg] ANALYTICAL CHEMIS- TRY, translated from the 3rd German Edition, under the Supervision of the Author, by JAMES LOCKE, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 12s (p. 17s nett) 1895 Not a practical treatise, but a severely theoretical one by this celebrated Russian chemist, written with a view to induce the student ' to draw logical conclusions from observed phenomena '. ' The author made valuable experiments on ethers and ether-acids, ' which furnished information with regard to the chemical equilibrium existing between different substances and to the time-rate of reaction.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 11758 tJber die AFFINITATSKOEFFIZIENTEN der ALKYLHALOIDE und der AMINE, 2 parts 8vo. (pp. 29), sewn, 2s Leipzig, 1890 11759 Zur CHEMIE des STICKSTOFFS : iiber die BILDUNGSGESCHWINDIGKEITEN der AMINE und der ALKYLAMMONIUMSALZE, 8vo. (pp. 41), sewn, 2s ibid., 1895 11760 Zur FRAGE iiber den EINFLUSS CHEMISCH INDIFFERENTER LOSUNGSMITTEL auf die REAKTIONSGESCHWINDIGKEITEN, 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, Is 6d ib., 1900 11761 The VELOCITY of CHEMICAL CHANGE in the POLYMETHYLENE SERIES, 8vo. (pp. 21), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s 1906 11762 : N. A. MENSCHUTKIN. Nachruf von B. MENSCHUTKIN; with portrait, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, with author's inscr., Is Berlin, 1908 11763 MENZIES (William, Deputy Surveyor of Windsor Forest) TREATISE on the SANITARY MANAGEMENT and UTILISATION of SEWAGE: comprising a System applicable to Cottages, Dwelling Houses, Public Buildings, and Towns ; Suggestions relating to the Arterial Drainage of the Country, and the Water Supply of Rivers, with 9 coloured plates, 4to. cl., 3s 6d (p. 12s 6d) 1865 11764 MERAY (Charles; Univ. Dijon) LECONS NOUVELLES sur 1' ANALYSE INFINITESIMALS et sea APPLICATIONS GEOMETRIQUES, PARTIES I h, III, 3 vols. large 8vo. hf. calf neat, 1. 2s 6d (p. F. 33 nett sewn) 1894-7 CONTENU : I. Principes generaux: II. Etude monographique des principales Fonctions d'une seule Variable : III. Ques- tions Analytiques Classiques. MERCATOR (Nicolas) INSTITUTIONES ASTRONOMIC^E v. KAUFMANN, No. 10013, ante. 11765 [MEREDITH (Nicholas)] DESCRIPTION and USE of a POCKET-CASE of MATHEMATICAL or DRAWING INSTRUMENTS : containing particularly a familiar Explanation of the Use of the Pro- tractor, Plain Scale, Sector, Gunter's Scales, Marquoi's Parallel Scales, and the Proportional Com- passes, with Plain Instructions for making several Kinds of SUN-DlALS, with 2 folding plates (one of SUN-DIALS), 8vo. (pp. 49), sewn (title mounted), RARE ; 6s [1791] 11766 MERIDIAN CONFERENCE (INTERNATIONAL), held at WASHINGTON, for the Purpose of FIXING a PRIME MERIDIAN and a UNIVERSAL DAY, October, 1884: PROTOCOLS of the PROCEEDINGS, large impl. 8vo. sewn, 4s Washington, 1884 11767 MERRETT (Henry S.) PRACTICAL TREATISE on LAND and ENGINEERING SURVEYING, LEVELLING, ESTIMATING QUANTITIES, etc., with the various INSTRUMENTS required, etc., 3rd Edition, with 41 plates (many folding), roy. 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 12s 6d) 1881 11768 FOURTH [FINAL] EDITION, with Appendix by GEORGE W. USILL, A.M.I.C.E., with 42 plates, roy. 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 12s 6d) 1885 11769 FIFTH [LAST] EDITION [unchanged], with Appendix by GEORGE W. USILL, with 42 plates, roy. 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. 12s 6d) 1893 One of the best treatises on the subject. 11770 MERRILL (George Perkins, U.S. National Museum) TREATISE on ROCKS, ROCK- WEATHERING, and SOILS, with 25 plates and 42 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 10s (p. 17s nett) New York, 1897 11771 MERRILL (Lt.-Col. William Emery, U.S. Army) IRON TRUSS BRIDGES for RAILROADS: Methods of calculating Strains, with a Comparison of the most prominent Truss Bridges, Bridge Computations, and the Economical Angles for Struts and Ties ; 2nd Edition, with 9 lithographs, and 20 diagrams, 4to. cl., 6s (p. 1. 5s) New York, 1870 The cheap truss bridge has on the whole taken the largest share in providing the literal holocaust of railway victims in the United States. Colonel Merrill of course writes in favour of a safe margin of strength. 11772 MERRIMAN (Mansfield, Lehigh Univ.) ELEMENTS of the METHOD of LEAST SQUARES, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl. (cover damaged, also somewhat browned and wormed) ; scarce, with auto, and MS. notes of Col. H. W. Hime, R.A., 4s 1877 11773 TEXT-BOOK of the MECHANICS of MATERIALS, and of Beams, Columns, and Shafts, 9th Edition, with 84 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 7s 6d (p. 17s nett) New York, 1901 11774 TREATISE on HYDRAULICS, 5th Edition, enlarged, with 116 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. 17s nett) ibidem, 1898 11775 SEVENTH EDITION, revised, with 122 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 7s 6d (p. 17s nett) ib., 1901 11776 , and Henry Sylvester Jacoby, Cornell Univ. : TEXT BOOK on ROOFS and BRIDGES : Parti. STRESSES in SIMPLE TRUSSES, 4fch Edition, with 105 diagrams : Part II. GRAPHIC STATICS, 3rd Edition, with 5 folding plates, and 38 diagrams : Part III. BRIDGE DESIGN, with 18 folding plates, and 68 other illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. cl., 16s 6d (p. 2. 2s nett) ib., 1896-7-4 11777 MERRYWEATHER (George, M.D.) ESSAY explanatory of the TEMPEST PROGNOSTICATOR in the Building of the GREAT EXHIBITION, with front, of the ( prognosticator ', 8vo. cl., with author's inscr., 4s Qd 1851 11778 . ANOTHER COPY, fron t missing, but ORIGINAL SKETCH of the ' prognosticator ' by the AUTHOR inserted instead, 8vo. cl. (cover stained), with inscr. to Sir Richard Westmacott, E.A.,6s6d 11779 MERZ (Theodor) Uber die RUCKKEHR eines PLANETEN an den namlichen geocentrischen Punct des Himmels : Inaugural-Dissertation, 4to. (pp. 20), sewn, 2s Gottingen, 1862 11780 METALS (INSTITUTE of), The JOURNAL of the, edited by G. SHAW SCOTT, Vols. I-II, with portrait of Sir W. H. White, plates, and other illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. sewn, 12s (p. 2. 2s) 1909 586 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11782 MERSENNE (Marin ; Ord. Min.) COGITATA PHYSICO-MATHEMATICA, in quibus tarn Naturae quam Artis Effectus admirandi certissimis Demonstrationibus explicantur ; with n umcrous woodcuts, 3 vols. 4to. old calf, rebacked (some II. of v. I wormed, otherwise a sound and clean copy] ; rare, 5. 15s Parisiis, A. Bertier, 1644-7 ' An exceedingly interesting collection, which is of very rare occurrence, and seldom to be found complete. Father Mersenne was in constant correspondence with all the most celebrated men of his time, e. g., Galileo, Tonicelli, Pascal, Descartes, Fermat, Rnberval, and others, and in this collection has published, besides his own writings, most important works and letters of his friends not to be found elsewhere, and including not only their discoveries but also their scientific quarrels '. Libri Catalogue. The work consists of the following independent treatises, with separate titles : De Mensuris, Ponderibus et Nummis ; Hydrauliea Pneumatica ; Ars Navigandi ; Harmonia Thecrioa, Practica fMusica], et Mechanica Phenomena; Ballistica et Acontismologia ; Universe Geometric, Mixtseque Mathematics Synopsis, et bini Refractionum Demon- stratarum Tractatus ; Nova? Observationes Physico-Mathematiae, quibus accessit ARISTARCHUS SAMNIUS de Mundi Systemate. Of special importance is his suggestion (Phenomena Hydraulico-Pneumatica, p. 96) of a reflecting telescope, by recommending the use of two concave mirrors opposed to each other. ' The preface to the Cogitata contains a statement (possibly due to Fermat), that, in order that 2P - 1 may be prime, the only values of p, not greater than 257, which are possible are 1, 2. 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 67, 127, and 2">7 ; the number 67 is probably a misprint for 61. With this correction the statement appears to be true, ai.d has been verified for all ^xpppt 21 values of j). ... The theory of perfect numbeis depends diiectly on that of Mersenne's numbers'. W. W. R. Ball. 11783 MESSENGER (The) of MATHEMATICS, edited by W. ALLEN WHITWORTH, pr., CHARLES TAYIOR, D.D., R. PENDLEBURY, and J. W. L. GLAISHER, F.R.S., from May, 1877 to April, Ib99 ([NEW SERIES] Vols. VII XXVIII), with plates, 22 vote. 8vo.,-y. 3-12 in 3 v. hf. calf, v. 13-26 in buckram, and the rest sewn (wanting No. 2 of v. XXVIII} ; SCARCE, 8. Ss 187H-99 11784 VOL. I, with 3 plates (% folding), and diagrams, Svo. hf. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 105 Qd 1872 Containing contributions by Arthur Cayley, Sir James Cockle, N. M. Ferrers, D.D., John Hopkinson, E. J. Routh, Sir G. G. Stokes, FF.R.S., and the Editors. METEOROLOGICAL MAGAZINE (Monthly )- v. SYMONS, post. 11 785 OBSERVATIONS recorded at SEVEN STATIONS in INDIA in 1888, corrected and reduced, published under the Direction of HENRY F. BLANFOBD, F.R.S., folio, sewn, 3s Qcl Calcutta, 1889 11786 THE SAME for 1891, published under the Direction of JOHN ELIOT, F.R.S., folio, boards, 4s 6d ibidem, 1892 11787 'at STATIONS of the SECOND ORDER for 1878 and 1879, published by Direction of the Meteorological Council, 2 vols. roy. 4to. hf. calf neat, 10s Qd (p. 2. unbound) 1880-2 11788 for the Year 1901, with map, roy. 4to. sewn, 8s6d (p. 1. 2s GoJnett) Edin., 1906 11789 , RESULTS of, in CEYLON, during 1892, folio, hf. calf, 3s Colombo, 1892-3 11790 - and RESULTS, 1893-1902 [made at the U.S. NAVAL OBSERVATORY, WASHING- TON, by D. HORIGAN, N. CAHILL, and W. HENDERSON], roy. 4to. cl., 6s Qd Washington, 1903 11791 RECORD (The): MONTHLY RESULTS of OBSERVATIONS made at the Stations of the Meteorological Society, with Remarks on the Weather, by WILLIAM MARRIOTT, from Dec. 1882 to June 1909 (Nos. 8-114), with charts and diagrams, 100 parts roy. 8vo. sewn (wanting nos. 74, 99, 101-2, 107, 109 and 111), 17s 6d (p. 7. 10s) 1882-1909 AN UNUSUALLY COMPLETE SET : 11792 SOCIETY (Royal), PUBLICATIONS of the (as under), COMPLETE from the beginning in 1861 to Jan., 1913, with the Meteorological Record, and INDEX to Q. J., 1882-1900, copiously illustrated with plates (including portraits), woodcuts, maps and charts, 85 vols. and several parts roy. 8vo. (5 v. 8vo.), everything to 1901 in 24 vv. hf> calf, and the rest in parts as ifsued, 14 14s (p. 50. unbound) 1861-1913 CONTENTS : PROCEEDINGS of the BRITISH METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, 5 vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt, '61-71 : QUARTERLY JOURNAL of the [later ROYAL] METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, Vols. I XXXIX No. 1, roy. Svo., w. 1-27 in 19 vols. hf. calf, ivl the rest in parts, '71-1913 : The METEOROLOGICAL RECORD, COMPLETE in 31 vols. roy. Svo., vv. 1-21 bound up with the Quarterly Journal and the rest in parts, '81-1911: INDEX to Q. J., 18S2-1900, sewn: INDEX to the PUBLICATIONS of the ENGLISH METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETIES, 1839-81, 'SI : LIBRARY CATALOGUE, Svo. cl, '91 : Extra Publications: METEORO- LOGY of ENGLAND, by JAMES GLAISHER, F.R.S., "08-85 and '96-1901, bound up with Q. J. : The SNOW STORMS of Jan. 17th to 21 st. 1881 : HINTS to METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVERS, by W. MARRIOTT, '81, '87, '92 : The HISTORY of ENGLISH METEORO- LOGICAL SOCIETIES, 1823-80, by G. J. SYMONS, F.R.S. : INSTRUCTIONS for the OBSERVATION of PHENOLOGICAL PHENOMENA, Und Ed., '83 : LISTS of FELLOWS, etc. etc. 11793 ANOTHER SET, COMPLETE from 1867 to 1904, copiously illustrated with plates (including portraits), woodcuts, and charts, 33 vols. roy. Svo. and 8vo. in parts, seven as issued, 7. 7s 1867-1904 CONTENTS : PROCEEDINGS of the BRITISH METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, Vols. IV V, Svo. '67-71 : QUARTERLY JOURNAL of the [later ROYAL] METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, ed. by JAMES GLAISHER, F.R.S., 30 v. roy. Svo., '71-1904. R.M.S.'s LIBRARY CATALOGUE, '!!. 11794 , QUARTERLY JOURNAL of the, edited bv a Committee of the Council, complete from 1877 to 1909 (Vols. III-XXXV), illustrated in all 33 vols. roy. 8vo., vv. III-XIII in 8 vols. hf. calf, and the rest in parts as issued, 6. 6s (p. 33. unbound) 1877-1909 11795 _ ANOTHER SET, from L81 to 1899 and from 1906 to 1908 (Vols. VII-XXV and XXXII- XXXIV), with INDEX to v. VII-XXVI 23 vols. roy. 8vo., the first 6 vols. in 2, hf. calf (damaged) and cl. , and the rest in parts as issued, 1. 15s (p. 21. 7*) 1881-1908 11796 _ -A SERIES from 1877 to 1899 (Vols. III-XXV), illustrated, 23 vols. roy. 8vo., the first 10 v. cl., and rest in parts as issued (wanting 6 parts), 2. 2s 1877-99 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 587 11798 METCALFE (Eng. Commander H. W., R.N.) ELEMENTARY STEAM ENGINEERING, with 144 diagrams, Svo. cl., 4s (p. 7* Qd nett) 1905 11799 METCALFE (Capt. Henry, U.S. Army) COURSE of INSTRUCTION in ORDNANCE and GUNNERY; 2nd Edition, thick cr. 8vo., with Atlas, containing 39 plates, atlas 4to. 2 vols. cl., (o. p.), 10s Qd New York, 1891 11800 METEORS and SUNSETS, observed by the ASTRONOMERS of the LICK OBSERVATORY, 1893-5, with 17 plates, Svo. cl., 3s Qd Sacramento, 1895 11801 METITJS (Adrianus; recte ADRIAEN ADRIAENSZOON, nicknamed METIUS) ARITHMETICS et GEOMETRIC PRACTICA, editio princeps ; with fine portrait of General Count Tilly, by L. KILIAN, 1621 (ADDED), folding plate, woodcuts, and folding sexagesimal table, 4to. old boards (somewhat browned, otherwise a LARGE AND FINE COPY) ; RARE, 1. 5s Franequerce, 1611 ' There is no prolixity about this book. Sexagesimal fractions are taught, but not decimal ones.' Prof, de Morgan. The above edition is very rare, and was unknown to Prof. M. Cantor and Poggendorff (who both mention the edition of 1G25 as the first), and to Prof, de Morgan and G. Libri, who only knew those of 1640 and 1646 respectively. The last chapter treats of the making and use of the author's measuring staff (' visier-roed '). 11302 MAET-CONSTIGH LINIAEL, ofte PROPORTION ALEN RY ende FLATTEN PASSER, als mede de Sterckten-Bomvinghe, ofte Fortificatie, onlanghs uyt het Latijn in onsen Nederlandtschen Sprake overgheset door PETRUM BAARDT, by den Autheur vele vermeerdert ; with 2 folding plates, woodcuts, and numerous diagrams, 2 vols. sm. 4to. in )., boards (rare], 16s Qd ibidem, 1626 An early variety of the slide rule, which differed somewhat from that of Edmund Gunter, published a few years later (v. -Vos. 8745-50, ante). 'Statt der beyden Schenkel des galilaischen Proportionalzirkels auf derenjedem eine Linie der Absicht nach getheilt ist, braucht er nur eine Platte mit solchen getheilten Linien, legt an solche eine andre Linie in gehurigen Winkel und verrichtet, was die beyden Schenkel des Proportionalzirkel geben.' A. G. Kdstner. 11803 PRIMUM MOBILE, Astronomice, Sciographice, Geometrice, et Hydrographice, nova Methodo explicatum, Editio nova, INSTRUMENTIS MATHEMATICIS AUCTA a GUIL. BL^EU, Amsterdami, G. Blceu, 1633-2, 4 vv. : De THEORIA et MOTU SOLIS, ib., a. e., '335 vols. 4to. in 1, with very numerous woodcuts and diagrams; old vellum (RARE), 1. 2s Qd Amsterdami, Guil. Blaeu, 1633-2-3 These works have as collective title ' Opera omnia astronomica ', and contain illustrations of scientific instruments of the author's own invention. Vol. I of the first work treats of the ' Doctrina Sphaerica', pp. 100-142 of which deal with DIALLING ; v. II. contains the Astrolabe, with a Canon of trigonometrical functions, v. Ill ' de Historia Astronomica ', and v. IV ' de Astronomica Geometrica ', containing on pp. 186-215 further chapters on DIALLING. 11804 MEUSEL (Eduard) Die ZUSAMMENSETZUNG der CHEMISCHEN ELEMENTS theoretisch und experimentell unter Beweis gestellt, Svo. sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Thorpe, F.R.S., 2s Qd Liegnitz, 1902 ' Diese Schrift will gegenliber den 76 Elemeriten der Chemie den Beweis fiir die Einheitlichkeit des Stoffs erbringen.' Vorwort. 11805 MEYER (Antoine ; Univ. Liege) CALCUL des PROBABILITIES, public" sur les Manuscrits de 1'Auteur par FRANCOIS FOLIE, roy. Svo. hf. green calf gilt (scarce), 10s Qd [Liege, 1874] ' Cet ouvrage de Meyer est un resume tres-complet des plus importants travaux de Bernoulli, Moivre, Laplace, Poisspn, Gauss, Encke, Bienayme, etc., sur le calcul des probabilites ; et Ton peut hardiment affirmer qu'il n'existe aucun traite aussi vaste sur la matiere, si Ton excepte la Theorie analytique des probabilites.' Editeur. 11806 Quelques DEVELOPPEMENTS d'ANALYSE COMBINATOIRE ; with folding table, roy. 4to. (pp. 64), hf. bound (scarce), Qs Qd Bruxelles, 1838 The author's first published work. He introduces in it a new system of symbols for the trigonometrical functions. 11807 MEYER (Edward) The STRUCTURE and INHERENT MOTIONS of the UNIVERSE, 8vo. (pp. 19), sewn, Is Qd Adelaide, 1901 11808 MEYER (Ernst v., Dresden) HISTORY of CHEMISTRY from the earliest Times to the present Day, translated, with the Author's Sanction, by GEORGE McGowAN, thick Svo. cl., Qs Qd (p. 15s nett) 1891 The best modern history of chemistry. 11809 MEYER (Heinrich) Das FRANZOSISCHE DECIMAL-SYSTEM in Hinsicht auf Miinzen, Maasse und Gewichte, nebst einer griindlichen Anweisung iiber die richtige Berechnung der Miinzsorten gegen einander, Svo. boards, 3s Qd Halberstadt, 1808 The outcome of the proclamation that French weights and measures had henceforward to be used in the newly conquered Kingdom of Westphalia. 11810 MEYER (J.) GEOLOGISCHE BRIEFE aus und iiber die SCHWEIZ, Svo. (pp. 366), hf. calf neat, as good as new (last I. stained), 4s Leipzig, 1858 11811 MEYER (Julius; Univ. Breslau) Das ATOMGEWICHT des FLUORS; with 3 illustrations, roy. Svo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Hamburg [1903] 11812 MEYER (Lothar Julius, Univ. Tubingen) Die MODERNEN THEORIEN der CHEMIE und ihre Bedeutung fiir die chemische Statik, 2. umgearbeitete Auflage ; with plate, 2 parts Svo. sewn, 2s (p. M. 8.50) Breslau, 1872 11813 MODERN THEORIES of CHEMISTRY, trans, from the 5th German Edition by P. PHILLIPS BEDSON and W. CARLETON WILLIAMS, with folding chart, thick Svo. cl. (o. p.) 8s Qd (p. 18s) 1888 11814 ANOTHER COPY, with the folding chart linen-mounted, hf. calf neat (title stamped), 9s A standard work of well-known merit, and especially valuable for the chapters on the Periodic Law and the atomic weights of elements, in the investigation of which the author collaborated with Prof. Mendelejeff. 11815 MEYER (M. Wilhelm) Die LEBENSGESCHICHTE der GESTIRNE in Brief en an eine Freundin ; with 3 plates and 46 other illustrations, cr. Svo. sewn, 2s (p. M. 4) Jena, 1887 11816 MEYER (Oskar Emil, Univ. Breslau) Die KINETISCHE THEORIE der GASE, in elementarer Darstellung mit mathematischen Grundsatzen, 2. umgearbeitete [neueste] Auflage, Svo. boards, 8s (p. M. 12 unbound) Breslau, 1899 Latest edition of one of the best modern text-books on the subject. 588 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11818 MEYER (Victor; Univ. Heidelberg) PROBLEME der ATOMISTIK, rjy. 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Thorpe, F.R.S., Is Qd Leipzig, 1895 11819 , und PaulJACOBSON : LEHRBUCH der ORGANISCHEN CHEMIE ; with woodcuts, 2 thick vols. 8vo. in 3, vol. I in hf. German calf gilt, and the rest sewn as issued, 2. 2s (p. M. 70.50 sewn) ibid., 1893-1903 INHALT: I. Allgemeiner Teil. Verbindungen der Fettreihe. IT. Cyclische Verbindungen, Naturstoffe, bearbeitet von C. Harries und A. Reissert. 1. Einkernige isocyclische Verbindungen. 2. Die Gruppc der mehrkernigen Benzolderivate. 11820 : LUNGE (Georg) VICTOR MEYER [Nekrolog] ; with portrait, 4to. (pp. 3), unbound, with inscr. to Sir E. Thorpe, Is Berlin, 1897 11821 MEYER (Wilhelm) MEMOIRE sur la GRANDE COMETE AUSTRALE du Mois de Fevrier, 1880, roy. 4to. (pp. 36), sewn, 2s 6d Geneve, 1882 The author identified the comet of 18SO with that of 1843, and assigned it a 37-year period. 11822 MIALL (Louis Compton, F.R.S., Univ. Leeds) The GEOLOGY, NATURAL HISTORY, and PRE- HISTORIC ANTIQUITIES of CRAVEN in YORKSHIRE, with coloured plate of sections, and geological map, roy. 4to. cl., 4s Leeds, 1878 11823 MICHA^LIS (W.) APPAREILS servants a determiner la RESISTANCE a la TRACTION et a la COMPRESSION des CIMENTS et des MORTIERS; with 2 plates, roy. 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, \sQd Liege, s. d. 11824 MICHATJD (L.) HISTOIRE COMPLETE des TELEGRAPHES depuis leur Origine jusqu'a nos Jours: Origine, Telegraphes Aeriens, Electricite et Magnetisme, Piles Voltai'qnes, Divers Systemes de Telegraphes Electriques, Telegraphes Suisses ; with 2 folding plates and map, 12mo.,6s6d Geneve, 1853 Interesting as an early history of the subject, beginning with Guillaume Amontons's heliograph, discovered c. 1690. 11825 MICHELI (Lorenzo, Bolognese) NUOVA INVENZIONE di una MACCHINA MARITTIMA per trovar 1'ANGOLO di DERIVA ; with folding etched plate, 8vo. (pp. 10), sewn (rare], 8s Qd Bologna, 1776 ' L'angolo di deriva e quello che fa la chiglia colla linea segnata dalla nave (route)'. Eiccardi. There was no copy of this pamphlet in the Scott Library one of the most complete collections of books on naval architecture. 1182C MICHELL (John; pr., Queen's Coll., Cantab., F.R.S.) CONJECTURES concerning the CAUSE, and Observations upon the PHENOMENA of EARTHQUAKES, particularly the great one of Nov. 1, 1755, at LISBON, etc., with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 71), sewn (rare), 8s 1760 ' Putting forward the theory of their origin through the elastic force of subterraneanly generated steam '. D. N. J5. ' As far back as 17(50, in a remarkable and well-known paper on Earthquakes, John Michell gave a clear account of the stratified arrangement of the rocks of England '. Sir A. Geikie. 11827 TREATISE of ARTIFICIAL MAGNETS ; in which is shewn an easy and expeditious Method of making them, superior to the best Natural ones, and a Way of improving the Natural ones, and of changing their Poles, with Directions for MAKING the MARINER'S N EEDLES, etc. etc., 2nd Edition, improved, with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 78), sewn (rare), 10s 6d Cambridge, 1751 ' Describing the mode of making artificial magnets by ' double touch ', and enunciating the law of variation of magnetic action according to inverse squares of distances '. D. N.B. 11828 MICHELL (Stephen) MINE DRAINAGE : a Complete and Practical Treatise on Direct- Acting Underground Steam Pumping Machinery, with Description of the best known Engines . . . and their Merits compared with other Pumping Machinery, etc., with 137 illustrations (including many linen -mounted folding plates) , 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 6s (p. 155 in cl.) 1881 11829 SECOND [LATEST] EDITION, rewritten and enlarged, with 247 illustrations (including 15 folding plates], roy. 8vo. cl., 15s (p. 1. 5s nett) 1899 11830 MICHELOTTI (Francesco Domenico ; Univ. Turin, teacher of Daniel Bernoulli) SPERI- MENTI IDRAULICI, principalmente diretti h, confermare la Teorica, e facilitare la Pratica del MISURARE le ACQUE CoRRENTi, con VOLUME SECUNDO, in cui, oltre alle Nuove Sperienze, si contengono le Risposte dell' Autore ad alcuni celebri Matematici dltalia, e due Esercitazioni Analitiche : una Nuova Teoria delle Progression! e Proporzioni Geometriche, ed un Esame delle Equazioni dette Irreducibili di Terzo Grado ; with fine portrait on copper of King Charles Emanuel I. of Sardinia, II folding copperplates, and 7 folding tables, 2 vols. 4to. fine copy in contemporary hf. calf (rare), 16s Torino, 1767-71 11831 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. contemporary tree-calf gilt (fine copy], 17s 6c? ' Re Carlo Emanuele gli procuro il modo di eseguire con appositi apparecchi gli sperimenti esposti in questa pregevole opera. Fra i quali meritano speciale menzione 1'esperienze fatte cogli strumenti usitati per misurare la velocita dell' acque, relevandone i difetti e proponendo all' uopo utili perfezkmamenti'. Riccardi. 11832 MICHELSON (Albert Abraham, Univ. Chicago) LIGHT WAVES and their USES, with 3 coloured spectrum plates and 108 smaller illustrations, 8vo. cl., with auto, of F. J. Jervis-Smith, pr., F.B.S., 6s Qd (p. 10s nett) Univ. Press, Chicago, 1903 Containing valuable chapters on interference methods, and their application, light waves as standards of length, the ether, etc. etc. The author, in conjunction with Prof. Frank Morley, made the famous experiment on ether in relation to motion, from which Einstein, Lorenz and Minkowski developed the Principle of Relativity. 11833 MIETHE (Adolf, Charlottenburg) OPTIQUE PHOTOGRAPHIQUE sans Developpements Mathe- matiques ; traduit par A. NOAILLON et V. HASSREIDTER ; with 2 plates, and 72 other illustrations, roy. 8vo. sewn, 2s 1 896 11834 [MIGNOT de MONTIGNY (Etienne, de V Academic des Sciences}}, RECUEIL de MEMOIRES et d'OBSERVATiONS sur la FORMATION et sur la FABRICATION du SALPETRE, par les Commissaires nomme's par I'Academie pour le Jugement du Prix du Salpetre, public par; with 3 folding copper- plates, 8vo. old calf gilt (RARE), 1. Is 1776 A collection of memoirs by L. Lemery, F. Pourfour du Petit, Elie Bertrand, etc. etc., and one by LAVOISIER, 'Sur 1'Existence de 1'Air dans 1'Acide Nitreux, et sur les Moyens de decomposer et de recomposer cet Acide '. There are also Extracts from the Works of Glauber and Stahl, and Instructions on the Construction and Working of Nitrate Works by the Swedish Ministry of War. HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 589 11836 MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL (Monthly): TRANSACTIONS of the ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, and Record of Histological Research at Home and Ahroad, complete from its beginning in 1869 to its conclusion in 1877, edited by HENRY LAWSON, M.D., F.R.M.S., with numerous fine plates, and woodcuts, 18 vols. 8vo. in 10, hf. calf, 1. 12s Qd 1869-77 11837 ANOTHER SET, 18 vols. d. (SOUND SET), 1. 15s This forms the forerunner of the Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society (q. v. infra), and contains contributions by JOHN MAYALL, JUN. (on Immersion Objectives), M. NACHET, F. H. WENHAM (on the Construction of Object Glasses^ etc. etc. etc. 11838 SOCIETY (ROYAL), JOURNAL OF THE, containing: its TRANSACTIONS and PROCEEDINGS, with other Microscopical Intelligence, complete from the beginning in 1878 to 1909, with numerous fine lithographs and woodcuts, 32 vols. 8vo. uniformly bound in hf. calf gilt, cl. sides (mostly neivly bound} ; A FINE SET (SCARCE), 14. 14s (p. 52. 15s nett unbound) 1878-1909 11839 ANOTHER SET, COMPLETE from the beginning in 1878 to April, 1902, 31 vols. 8vo. uniformly bound in hf. morocco gilt, and 50 parts, sewn as issued, 9. 9s 1878-1902 11840 THE SAME, from the beginning in 1878 to April, 1910 (No. 195), vol. I in cl., and the rest in parts as issued (wanting nos. 91, 95, 96, and 177), 6. 6s (p. 52. 10s nett) 1878-1910 A publication of well-known importance, valuable for its numerous contributions to microscopical optics. These in- clude the classic articles by Prof. Ernst Abbe on the relation between numerical aperture and resolution, which caused a revolution in the manufacture of microscopical objectives, gave the death-blow to the high-power objectives with empty magnification then in vogue, and formed the starting-point of modern microscopical optics. Vol. I contains also a description of Prof. Abbe's Apertometer by Dr. Carl Zeiss. 11841 : QUARTERLY JOURNAL of MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE, edited by EDWIN LANKESTER, M.D. and GEORGE BUSK, FF.R.S., COMPLETE from its beginning in 1853 to 1868 [1ST SERIES, 8 v., and 2ND SERIES, vv. 1-8], with numerous plates (many finely COLOURED), and wood- cuts, 16 v. : TRANSACTIONS of the MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY of LONDON, NEW SERIES, Vols. 1-16, with numerous plates (many finely COLOURED), 16 v., 53-68 in all 32 vols. 8vo. in 16, hf. calf gilt, mostly newly bound (VERY SCARCE), 7. 10s 1853-68- A complete set of the New Series of the Transactions. They were incorporated after 1868 with the Monthly Microscopical Journal. They contain original contributions by Dr. L. Beale, Dr. W. B. Carpenter, F.R.S., Dr. W. Gregory and R. K. Grenville (on Diatoms), S. Highly (on microphotography, etc.), T. H. Huxley, F.R.S., Lord Lister, JP.R.S., T. Malt wood (on his- 1 Finder ' ), M. Nachet. J. T. Quekett, F.B s., J. Ralfs (on Diatoms), F. H. Wenham (on his Binocular Microscope, etc.), Sir Charles Wheatstone, F.R.S. (on Binocular Microscopes), and many other authorities. 11842 MIDDLETON (Conyers, pr.; Woodwardian Prof., Cantab.} ORATIO de Novo PHYSIOLOGIC EXPLICAND.E MUNERE, ex celeberrimi Woodwardi Testamento institute ; sm. 4to. (pp. 29), sewn, 6s 6d Londini. 1732 'In 1731 Middleton was appointed first Woodwardian professor by the executor of the founder, and delivered an inaugural address in Latin, pointing out the services which might be expected from a study of fossils in confirming the history of the Deluge.' D. N. B. 11843 MIDDLETON (Reginald Empson, M.I.C.E.) WATER SUPPLY: a Student's Handbook on the Conditions governing the Selection of Sources and the Distribution of Water, with 4 folding plates and 66 diagrams, sq. 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. 85 Qd nett) 190S 11844 MIERS (Sir Henry Alexander, F.R.S. ; Principal Univ. London) ENQUIRY into the VARIA- TION of ANGLES observed in CRYSTALS ; especially of Potassium-Alum and Ammonium-Alum, with plate and 21 other illustrations, roy. 4to. (pp. 65), sewn, with author's inscr., 3s 190& 11845 NOTE on the CRYSTALLIZATION of POTASSIUM BICHROMATE, plate, 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, with author's inscr., Is 1908 11846 RAMMELSBERG MEMORIAL LECTURE, with portrait, 8vo. (pp. 43), sewn, Is Qd 1900 11847 , and Jacques CHEVALIER: On the CRYSTALLIZATION of SODIUM NITRATE; On the CRYSTALLIZATION of POTASH ALUM, 8vo. (pp. 20), sewn, with author's inscr., Is 6d 1906- 11848 , and Florence ISAAC : The REFRACTIVE INDICES of CRYSTALLISING SOLUTIONS with especial Reference to the Passage from the Metastable to the Labile Condition, with 10 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 42), sewn, with author's inscr., Is Qd 1906 11849 The SPONTANEOUS CRYSTALLIZATION of BINARY MIXTURES : EXPERIMENTS on SALOL and BETOL, with 2 diagrams, impl. 8vo. (pp. 30), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s 1903 11850 On the SPONTANEOUS CRYSTALLISATION of MONOCHLORACETIC ACID, and its MIXTURES with NAPHTHALENE, with 9 illustrations, roy. 4to. (pp. 41), sewn, 2s 1909 11851 The SPONTANEOUS CRYSTALLISATION of SUBSTANCES which form a CONTINUOUS SERIES of MIXED CRYSTALS, MIXTURES of NAPHTHALENE and /S-NAPTHTHOL, 8vo. (pp. 10), sewn, Is 190$ 11852 MIG-OUT (J. C.), and Claude Lucien BERGERY : ESSAY upon the THEORY of GUN CARRIAGES, and all Wheel Carriages in Use with Artillery, translated by MAJOR P. J. BEGBIE, with 2 folding plates, 8vo. cl., 5s Madras, 1849 11853 MILITAR-GEOGRAPHISCHES INSTITUT, MITTHEILUNGEN des k. k., herausgegeben auf Befehl des k. k. REICHS-KRIEGS-MINISTERIUMS, BAND IV-XIV, XVII und XXII; with numerous plates of geodetic instruments etc., and maps, 13 vols. roy. 8vo. sewn (wanting plates to v.. VII), 10* 6rf Wien, 1884-1902 11854 MILLAR (Jaines) NEW COURSE of CHEMISTRY . . . delivered in a Familiar and Intelligible Manner : the Furnaces, Vessels, and Instruments described, and the Preparations of several Medicines laid down, etc. etc., with 5 copperplates, 8vo. old hf. calf, 7s Qd 1754 Containing at end ' Experiments of Curiosity and Amusement ' (pp. 51). 590 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11856 MILLER (Dayton Clarence, Case School, Cleveland) LABORATORY PHYSICS, with 182 illustrations, Svo. cl., 5s (p. 8s Qd) Boston [Mass.], 1903 11857 MILLER (George Abram ; Univ. Illinois) A NEW CHAPTER in TRIGONOMETRY, 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn, Is Qd 1906 ' Exhibiting useful points of view by employing some elementary theorems of group theory in the study of trigono- metric functions.' 11858 MILLER (Hugh) The CRUISE of the BETSEY ; or a Summer Ramble among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides ; with RAMBLES of a GEOLOGIST, first edition, with map, post 8vo. cl.,3sQd Edin.,1%58 11859 My SCHOOLS and SCHOOLMASTERS; or the Story of my Education, 7th Edition, post 8vo. cl., 3s ibidem, 1857 ' There is a real genial fire in the book, everywhere nobly tempered down into peaceful, radical heat, which is very beautiful to see. Luminous, memorable. All wholesome, strong, and breezy.' T. Co.rlyle. 11860 - - SKETCH BOOK of POPULAR GEOLOGY ; with Preface on the Progress of Geological Science within the last Two Years, by MRS. [LYDIA] MILLER, first edition, with 4 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 3s ib., 1859 11861 The TESTIMONY of the ROCKS; or Geology in its Bearings on the Two Theologies. Natural and Revealed, first edition, with numerous woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 4s ib., 1857 11862 MILLER (John A.) The PRACTICAL HANDBOOK for the WORKING MINER and PROSPECTOR, and MINING INVESTOR [with Glossary of Mining Terms], with 34 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 7* Qd) 1897 11863 MILLER (Patrick, ofDalsivinton), A SHORT NARRATIVE of FACTS relative to the INVENTION and PRACTICE of STEAM- NAVIGATION by the late, drawn up by his Eldest Son PATRICK MILLER, Svo. (pp. 15), hf. cl., uncut, with inscr. and MS. CORRECTIONS by the Editor (SCARCE), 12s Qd [Edin., 1825] This pamphlet claims for Patrick Miller the invention of practical steam navigation against the rival claims of James Taylor and William Symington. 'He made his celebrated experiment on the lake of Dalswinton House with a double boat, 25 feet long and 7 feet broad, fitted with a steam engine made by Andrew Symington '. D. N. IS. Symington's engine had two brass cylinders 4 inches in diameter, and is now stated to be in Glasgow University Museum. Added are two pamphlets : Symington's ow.n account, and one on a proposed Symington Memorial. 11864 MILLER (S.) An INQUIRY into the CAUSE of MOTION ; or a General Theory of Physics, grounded upon the Primary Qualities of Matter, with 7 folding plates, 4to. boards, uncut (rare), 12s Qd 1781 A mechanical paradox directed against Newton's laws. Matter the author supposes to consist of two kinds of particles, one inert and the other elastic, and that the heavenly bodies act by the continual emission of elastic matter- an Eighteenth Century adumbration of radioactivity. 11865 MILLER (Willet Q.) MINERALS, and how they occur, with front., and 193 illustrations, cr. Svo. cl., 2s Qd Toronto [1906] 11866 MILLER (William) The HEAVENLY BODIES; their Nature and HABITABILITY, cr. Svo. hf. polished morocco gilt, t. e. g. (as good as new), with bookplate of Wilson Noble, Qs 1883 ' The irresistible conclusion is that we can hold life to exist only upon the Earth.' p. 343. 11867 MILLER (William Allen, F.R.S.) ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY, copiously illustrated, 3 thick vols. Svo. hf. calf, Qs Qd (p. 3. 16* Qd) 1867-78-67 CONTENTS : Part I : CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 4th Ed., '67 : Part II : INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 6th [last] Ed., with Additions, by CHARLES E. GROVES, '78 : Part III : Organic Chemistry, 3rd Ed., '67. 11868 - Part III : ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Section I [all pub.] : Hydro-carbons, Alcohols, Ethers, Aldehydes, and Paraffinoid Acids, 5th [last] Ed., revised and re-written by H. E. ARMSTRONG and CHARLES E. GROVES, FF.R.S., with woodcuts, Svo. (pp. 1079), cl. (o. p.), with auto, of W. J. Russell, F.R.S. , 6* (p. 1. 11* Qd) 1880 11869 NOTE on the SPECTRUM of THALLIUM, 8vo. (pp. 4), sewn, Is 1863 11870 On SPECTRUM ANALYSIS, with 4 woodciits, Svo. (pp. 16), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Frankland, F.R.S., 3* Qd 1862 The author, in conjunction with Sir William Huggins, was one of the pioneers of spectrum analysis in this country. 11871 , August Wilhelm v. HOFMANN, and Sir Edward FRANKLAND ; FF.R.S.: REPORT on Tenders for the Supply of PERCHLORIDE of IRON, and on Drs. Odling and Letheby's Observations on its Use as a Deodorising Agent, Svo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd 1860 11872 MILLIKAN (Robert Andrews, Univ. Chicago), and John MILLS: SHORT UNIVERSITY COURSE in ELECTRICITY, SOUND, and LIGHT, with 258 illustrations, Svo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 8s Qd) Boston [Mass., 1908] ; An attempt to present a complete logical development, from the standpoint of theory as well a^s experiment.' Preface. 11873 MILLINGTON (John, C.E.) ELEMENTS of CIVIL ENGINEERING : an Attempt to consolidate the Principles of the various Operations of the Civil Engineer into one Point of View, with 9 folding plates containing 273 illustrations, roy. Svo. cl., uncut, 5s Philadelphia, 1839 ' This work is of high authority.' Allibone. See also MAHAN, No. 11279, ante. 11874 EPITOME of the ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES of MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY, divested of Mathematical Demonstrations, and a copious Account of the INVENTION, Progress, and present State of the STEAM ENGINE, with many practical Remarks on the Construction of Machinery, 2nd Edition, considerably augmented, with folding front., and 167 woodcuts, Svo. boards, or, cl., The author, who was an original fellow of the Astronomical Society, and vice-president of Dr. Birkbeck's London Mechanics' Institution, emigrated in 1820 to America, where he became professor of chemistry and natural philosophy at the William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Ya. 11 875 MIREMONT (Comte Meredyth de, F.R.A.S.) PRACTICAL METHODS in MODERN NAVIGA- TION for the ready SOLUTION of DAILY PROBLEMS at SEA, with coloured plate of signals, and diagrams, Svo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 4s nett) 1905 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 591 11877 MILLER (William Hallowes, F.R.S., Prof. Mineralogy, Cantab.} On the CONSTRUCTION of the NEW IMPERIAL STANDARD POUNDS ; on the Comparison of the New Standards with the KILOGRAMME des ARCHIVES; and on the Construction of Secondary Standard Pounds, a Ten- Pounds Weight, a Kilogramme, and a Series of Troy Ounce Weights, roy. 4to (pp. 196), sewn, with author's inscr. to K. A. Steinheil, 8s Qd 1857 1 Another important work in which Miller had a large share was the reconstruction of the standards of length and weight which had been destroyed in 1834 when the Houses of Parliament were burnt. He gave an account of the operations for restoring the value of the standard of weight in the 'Philosophical Transactions' [supra].' D. N. B. HS78 ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, 2 plates, 8vo. hf. cl., or, cl., 2s Qd Cambridge, 1833 11879 - - The ELEMENTS of HYDROSTATICS and HYDRODYNAMICS, 4th Edition, with woodcuts, 8vo. boards, 2s ibid., 1850 11880 - On the FORMS of some COMPOUNDS of THALLIUM, with 4 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, Is 1865 11881 TREATISE on CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, first edition, with 10 plates, 8vo. boards, uncut (scarce), 6s Qd Cambridge, 1839 ' Miller developed a. system of crystallography which was far more simple, symmetrical, and adapted to mathematical calculations than any which has yet been devised. Miller's system was published in 1839 ; it quickly obtained favour, and has more than maintained its ground with mineralogists.' Prof. Bonney, pr., F.R.S. 'His system gave expressions adapted for working all the problems that a crystal can present, audit gave them in a form that appealed at once to the sense of symmetry and appropriateness of the mathematician . . . He thus placed the keystone into the arch of the science of crystallography.' Prof. Maskelyne, F.R.S. 11S82 MILLS (Abraham, F.R.S.) Some ACCOUNT of the STRATA and VOLCANIC APPEARANCES in the NORTH of IRELAND and WESTERN ISLANDS of SCOTLAND, with folding plate of views in Mull, 4to. (pp. 28), sewn, 3s Qd 1790 11883 MILLS (Edmund James, F.R.S.) On the DETACHED COLORIMETER, and on COLORIMETRY, 8vo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is 1879 11884 DESTRUCTIVE DISTILLATION: a Manualette of the Paraffin, Coal Tar, Rosin Oil, Petroleum, and kindred Industries, 8vo. cl., Is Qd 1877 11885 On the FIRST PRINCIPLES of CHEMISTRY, 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, with author's inscr., Is Qd 1876 11886 On a PORTABLE COLORIMETER, with 2 illustrations: On the RETARDING ACTION of SULPHATES, 8vo. (pp. 8), seivn, with author's inscr., Is Qd 1877 11887 On STATICAL and DYNAMICAL IDEAS in CHEMISTRY, PART III : The ATOMIC THEORY, 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, Is 6d 1871 11S88 PART IV : On the IDEA of MOTION, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, ivith author's inscription. Is Qd * 1873 11889 , and Frederick J. BOW AN, C.E. : FUEL and its APPLICATIONS, edited by C. E. GROVES, F.R.S., with 3 plates (2 coloured], and 607 woodcuts, thick roy. 8vo. cl., 12s (p. 1. 10*) 1889 11890 ANOTHER COPY, hf. brown calf gilt, 13s Forming vol. I of Groves and Thorpe's ' Chemical Technology.' 11891 MILLS (John, F.R.S.) ESSAY on the WEATHER ; with Remarks on the Shepherd of Banbury's Rules for judging of it's Changes, and Directions for preserving Lives and Buildings from the fatal Effects of Lightening, first edition, sm. 8vo. contemporary hf. calf gilt (fine copy], 17s Qd 1770 Bound up with the above is : Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and other Volcanos, in a Series of Letters from SIB W[ILLIAM] HAMILTON, F.R.S., with Explanatory Notes by the Author, hitherto unpublished, with 5 copperplates and folding map, 1772. 11892 SECOND EDITION, improved, 12mo. old calf (joints cracked), or, sewn, 8s Qd 1773 Including Prognostics of the Weather taken from Vegetables and Animals ; the Sun, Moon, and Stars ; the Clouds, Mist ; Rain ; the Winds ; and Changes of the Seasons. In his preface the author states that he delayed the publication of the book until the appearance of the work by ' my highly respected friend, Dr. Benjamin Franklin ', of ' what he had before imparted to me concerning the affinity between lightening and the electrical fire', etc. etc. 11893 MILNE (David, F.R.S.E.) ESSAY on COMETS, which gained the First of Dr. Fellowses's Prizes, proposed to those who had attended the University of Edinburgh within the last Twelve Years, 4to. (pp. 190), boards, uncut, 4s Edin., 1828 1 1894 MILNE (John, teacher of Mechanical Drawing, Edin.) PRACTICAL VIEW of the STEAM ENGINE, with Account of a MERCURIAL STATICAL DYNAMOMETER, and Results of the Draught of Horses, Quantum of FRICTION on RAILWAYS, etc., as proved by it [in English and French] , with 2 copper- plates (numbered III and IV), 8vo. hf. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 10s Qd Edin., 1830 The author received the gold medal of the 'Highland Society of Scotland for the invention of his dynamometer. 11895 MILNE (John; F.R.S.) EARTHQUAKES, and .other EARTH MOVEMENTS, with 38 illustrations, and folding map, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 5s) 1886 This work first contains the now generally accepted classification of earthquakes, i.e., earthquakes, earth tremors, earth pulsations, and earth oscillations. 11896 - NOTES on CRYSTALLOGRAPHY and CRYSTALLO-PHYSICS, with diagrams, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), with MS. notes and correction by PROF. N. STORY MASKELYNE, F.R.S., 3s Qd 11897 MILNE (John James, pr.) WEEKLY PROBLEM PAPERS, with Notes, for the Use of Students preparing for Mathematical Scholarships, etc., with diagrams, 16mo. cl., 2s (p. 4s Qd) 1886 11898 COMPANION to the WEEKLY PROBLEM PAPERS, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 10s Qd) 1888 SOLUTIONS of the WEEKLY PROBLEM PAPERS, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 10s Qd) 1885 1 1900 , and B. F. DAVIS : GEOMETRICAL CONICS : The Parabola, and the Central Conic, with 103 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 4s Qd) 1894 592 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11902 MILNE (Joshua; actuary to the Sun Life Office) TREATISES on the LAW of MORTALITY, and on ANNUITIES (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 7th Edition), 4to. (pp. 50 + 39), sewn, with author's inscription, 4s 6d E din., 1831 Joshua Milne's great work was the revision of the long-standing Northampton Tables on the basis of Dr. Heysham's Carlisle Tables, the result of which was a revolution in actuarial science. The above treatise is seemingly overlooked by D. N. B., which only speaks of his articles in the fourth edition of the Encyclopadia Britannica unless that is a mistake. 11903 MILNER (Thomas, pr.} The GALLERY of NATURE : a Pictorial and Descriptive Tour through Creation, illustrative of the ^yonders of ASTRONOMY, PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, and GEOLOGY, with 8 fine steel plates, 1 folding star-maps, and hundreds of woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl. gilt, uncut. 6s 1846 11904 MINCHIN (George Minchin, F.R.S.) The STUDENT'S DYNAMICS; comprising Statics and Kinetics, with 145 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 1900 11905 TREATISE on STATICS, containing the Fundamental Principles of Electrostatics and Electricity, 2nd Ed., enlarged, with 313 diagrams, 8vo. cL, 5s (p. 14s) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1880 11906 THIRD EDITION, greatly enlarged, with 315 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 8s Qd (p. 1. 5s) apud eandem, ibidem, 1884-6 11907 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols., with auto, and numerous MS. notes, additions, and problems by F. J. JERVIS-SMITH, pr., F.R.S. , also the author's signature pasted in, 10s Qd 11908 VOL. I ONLY: EQUILIBRIUM of COPLANAR FORCES, with 226 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 9s) a. e., ib., 1884 The third edition contains the following new chapters : Non-Coplanar Forces, Astatic Equilibrium, Green's Equation and Spherical Harmonics, and Electrostatics. 11909 , and J. B. DALE : MATHEMATICAL DRAWING, with 102 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 7s Qd nett) 1906 11910 MINERAL INDUSTRY (The) : its STATISTICS, TECHNOLOGY, and TRADE in the United States and other Countries, from the earliest Times to the End of 1893 (Vols. I-II), edited by RICHARD P. ROTHWELL, 2 vols. sq. roy. 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 2. 2s New York, 1893-4 An invaluable publication. The first volume is now out of print and SCARCE. 11911 RESOURCES of the UNITED STATES, 1905, edited by DAVID T. DAY, Svo. (pp. 1403), cl., 3s Qd U.S. Geol. Survey, Washington, 1906 11912 1907, with 2 large folding maps in pockets, 2 vols. Svo. (pp. 1640), cl., 6s Qd a. e., ib., 1908- 11913 MINERALOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT zu ST. PETERSBURG (Russisch-Kaiser- liche) VERHANDLUNGEN [in Russian and German], II. SERIE, BD. I-IV und VI ; with numerous plates (some folding), besides woodcuts, 5 vols. roy. Svo. sewn, 1. Is St. Petersburg, 1866-71 11914 II. SERIE, IV. BAND; with 17 plates (some folding), and 25 woodcuts, roy. Svo. sewn, 5s ibidem, 1869 11915 : GEOLOGICAL SERIES (Materialyi dlya Geologiy Rossiy) ; with numerous plates and maps (many coloured and folding], besides woodcuts, 2 vols. roy. Svo. sewn, Is Qd ib., 1869-70 11916 MINES: CONGRES INTERNATIONAL des MINES et de la METALLURGIE ; with 60 illustrations (including coloured diagrams and plates), Svo. sewn, with auto, and MS. notes by Prof. Hilary Bauerman, F.G.S., 5s " St.-Etienne [1900], Containing: ' Progres de la metallurgie du fer et de 1'acier', by H. Humbert, G. Rocour, L. Babu, A. Tissot, etc. ; 4 L'aluminium a bon marche', by Heroult; and 'La cyanuration au Transvaal', by J. G. Bousquet, J. R. Williams, S. H. Pearce, etc. 11917 MINIATURA, TRATTATO di; per IMPARARE facilmente a DIPINGIERE SENZA MAESTRO, e la Dichiarazione di MOLTI SECRETI per FARE i piii bei COLORI, con la MANIERA di FAR 1'ORO BRUNITO, 1'ORO in CONCHIGLIE, e la VERNICE della CHINA, etc., 12mo. contemporary boards, uncut (rare), 15s Venezia, 1755 Valuable for containing many old receipts for making varnishes. 11918 MINING, The SCIENCE and ART of: Handbooks for Mining Students and Colliery Managers [with Mining Dictionary], 12 parts (Pt. I, 3rd Ed., and Pts. II-V, 2nd Ed.], in 2 vols. Svo. cl., 4s (p. 8s) Wigan [1900] THE COMPLETE SET : 11919 MINING and MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (NORTH OF ENGLAND INSTITUTE of), TRANSACTION'S of the, COMPLETE from the beginning in 1852 to its Conclusion in 1891, with numerous plates and woodcuts, 38 vols. roy. 8vo. new hf. morocco neat (NICE SET) ; VERY SCARCE, 27. 10s Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1852-91 After 1891 the above Transactions were merged in those of the Federated Institution of Mining Engineers (v. Nos. 11924-7, post).. 11920 - and METALLURGY (INSTITUTION of), TRANSACTIONS of the, Vols. XV-XVII, ed. by S. HERBERT Cox and WILLIAM GOWLAND, with plates and numerous other illustrations, 3 vols. Svo. sewn, 1. Is (p. 3. 3s nett) 1906-8 11921 - - and QUARRIES, 1902: SPECIAL REPORTS, prepared under the Supervision of WILLIAM M. STEWART, with numerous plates (some coloured), and maps, 4to. (pp. 1152), cl., 9s Washington, 1905 H922 , CIVIL, and MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (CHESTERFIELD and DERBY- SHIRE INSTITUTE of), TRANSACTIONS of the, complete from its beginning in 1871 to its Conclusion in 1889, with numerous plates of mining machinery and tools, and folding diagrams, etc., 17 vols. 8vo. half calf gilt (NICE SET) ; 'SCARCE, 9. 9s [1871]-8 After 1889 the above Transactions were merged in those'of the Federated Institution of Mining Engineers (v.Nos. 11924-7, post).. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 593 A VERY FINE SET, COMPLETE TO 1912 : 11924 MINING ENGINEERS (INSTITUTION [originally FEDERATED INSTITUTION] of), TRANSACTIONS of the, edited by M. WALTON BROWN and others, complete from the beginning in 1889/90 to 1912 (Yols. I XLIII), with hundreds of plates (mostly folding}, and numerous other illustrations, with GENERAL INDEX to vols. I XL in all 45 vols. roy. 8vo., the first 33 vv. in whole calf gilt, and the rest in parts as issued (a very fine set), 21. ' Netvcastle-on-Tyne, 1890-1912 H925 _ ANOTHER SET, COMPLETE from the beginning in 1889/90 to 1911 (Vols. I XLI), with INDEX to vv. I X in all 42 vols. roy. 8vo., the first 11 vv. in hf. calf neat, cL sides, and the rest in parts as issued, 16. 16s ibidem, 1890-1911 H926 ANOTHER SET, COMPLETE from the beginning in 1889/90 to 1901/2 (Vols. 1-23), 23 vols. roy. 8vo., the first 7 vv. hf. calf gilt, and the rest sewn as issued, 10. ib., 1890-1902 11927 ANOTHER SERIES, from 1891/2 to 1901/3 (Vols. 3-23), with numerous plates and other illustrations, and maps, 21 vols. roy. 8vo. in parts, sewn as issued, 7. ib., 1892-1902 This important periodical is one of the most valuable records of current work in mining, and is published in a great district where the most modern methods have always been employed. 11928 - ENGINEERS (AMERICAN INSTITUTE of), TRANSACTIONS of the, from 1891-1901 and 1906-12 (Vols. 20-31 and 36-43), with numerous fine folding diagrams, and woodcuts, 20 v. : INDEX to vv. XXI XJCV, 1 v. 21 thick vols. 8vo. original hf. morocco, 10. 10s. Ntw York, 1891-1912 11929 VOL. XXX, thick 8vo. original hf. morocco. Is Qd ibid., 1900 11930 STUDENTS, JOURNAL of the BRITISH SOCIETY of, COMPLETE from Jan., 1879 to 1910 (Vol. Ill No. 7 XXIX), with numerous plates, with INDEX to Titles of Papers in Vol. I-XX 26 vols. and 6 parts cr. 4to., vv. 3-13 in 3 vols. hf. roan neat, and the rest in parts as issued (SCARCE), 6. 6s Sheffield, 1879 Bristol, 1910 Sets of this publication very seldom happen for sale, as only a very limited number are printed. It contains contribu- tions by H. F. Bulman, W. S. Gresley, H. W. Hughes, Sir W. S. Harris, F.R.S., J. H. Merivale, R. A. S. Redmayne, L. F. Walker, and many other well-known mining engineers. ' The Journal is of great value as a book of reference and as a text-book to all concerned in the science and art of mining'. Added to the above is a lithographed number of The Criterion Society, May 1st, 1878. 11931 , The JOURNAL of the BRITISH FEDERATED SOCIETY of, from the beginning in Oct., 1907 to June, 1909, with plates and other illustrations, 2 vols. cr. 4to. in 11 parts, sewn as issued, 7s Qd Bristol, 1907-9 11932 MINKOWSKI (Hermann; Univ. Gottingen) GESAMMELTE ABHANDLUNGEN unter Mitwirk- ung von ANDREAS SPEISER und HERMANN WEYL, herausgegehen von DAVID HILBERT, II. BAND ; with photogravure portrait, folding plate, and 34 other illustrations, roy. 8vo. sewn, 9s (p. M. 16) Leipzig, 1911 Including the author's celebrated lecture ' Raum und Zeit '. 11933 GEOMETRIE der ZAHLEN, I. LIEFERUNG, roy. 8vo. sewn, with auto, of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 4s (p. M. 8) ibid., 1896 The author was the inventor of a quadrilinear system of coordinates, to correspond to the three dimensions of space and one of time, which has become of great importance in calculations in connexion with the Principle of Relativity, and problems of space and time. 11934 MINNESOTA GEOLOGICAL and NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY : GEOLOGY, VOL. I of the FINAL REPORT, by N. H. WINCHELL and WARREN UPHAM, with 43 plates and maps (some coloured), and 52 woodcuts, roy. 4to. cl., uncut, Ss Qd Minneapolis, 1884 11935 : PALEONTOLOGY, by LEO LESQUEREUX, ANTHONY WOODWARD, N. H. WINCHELL, and others, with 40 plates, 32 woodcuts, and coloured map, roy. 4to. cl., uncut, 10s 60? ib., 1895 11936 MITCHELL (Alexander, M.I.C.E.) On SUBMARINE FOUNDATIONS, particularly the SCREW- PILE and MOORINGS, and an ACCOUNT of the MAPLIN SAND LIGHTHOUSE, by JOHN BALDRY REDMAN, M.I.C.E., with Abstracts of the Discussions, revised by CHARLES MANBY, SEC. I.C.E., with 5 folding plates, and 14 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 61), sewn, with auto, of George Rennie, F.R.S. (scarce), 6s Qd 1848 ' He became known as the inventor and patentee of the Mitchell screw-pile and mooring, a simple yet effective means of constructing durable lighthouses in deep water, on mud-banks and shifting sands, of fixing beacons, and of mooring ships. Fora paper on his own invention [supra'] he received theTclford silver medal. His system was generally approved of by engineers of eminence.' D. N. B. 11937 MITCHELL (Charles Ainsworth, F.I.C.) MINERAL and AERATED WATERS [with BIBLIO- GRAPHY, 1684-1911], with 114 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. 8s Qd nett) 1913 1 Giving an outline of the early methods of making artificial mineral water, and tracing the gradual evolution of the primitive forms of apparatus first invented into the carbonating plant of the present day.' Preface. 11938 MITCHELL (John, F.C.S.) MANUAL of PRACTICAL ASSAYING, first edition, 8 vo. cl., 3s 1S46 11939 FOURTH EDITION [greatly enlarged and partly rewritten] , by SIR WILLIAM CROOKES, F.R.S. , with 199 illustrations, thick 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 1. lls Qd) 1873 1940 FIFTH EDITION [enlarged], with 188 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., SsQd (p. 1. lls Qd) 1881 11941 SIXTH [LAST] EDITION [greatly enlarged and partly rewritten], with 201 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl. (o. p.) 12s Qd (p. 1. lls Qd) 1888 Still one of the bost treatises on the subject. 594 HENRY SOTHEIIAN & CO., 140, STItAXD, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11943 MISCELLANEA CUBIOSA : a COLLECTION of some of the PRINCIPAL PHENOMENA in NATURE, accounted for by the Greatest Philosophers of this Age, being the most valuable DISCOURSES, read before the KOYAL SOCIETY, for the Advancement of Physical and Mathematical Knowledge ; 2nd Edition, with Discourse of the Influence of the Sun and Moon on Humane Bodies, etc., by K. MEAD, F.R.S., also FONTENELLE'S Preface of the Usefulness of Mathematical Learning, with front, by v. d. Gucht, and numerous folding plates and map, 3 vols. post 8vo. fine copy in old contemporary tree-calf (RARE), 1. 15s 1708-27 Containing the following 'discourses ' by EDMUND HALLEY, F.R.S. : Estimate of the Quantity of Vapours raised out of the Sea ; True Theory of the Tides : Theory of the Variation of the Magnetic Needle, and the Cause of the Change ; Hist- orical Account of the Trade Winds and Monsoons ; The Rule of the Decrease of the Heighth of the Mercury in the Barometer ; the Measure of Gold upon Gilt; Wire ; Account of Ur. R. Hooke's Invention of the Marine Barometer ; Propor- tional Heat of the Sun in all Latitudes ; Degrees of the Mortality of Mankind ; Discourse concerning Gravity ; the Excel- lency of the Modern Algebra ; Analogy of the Logarithmick Tangents to the Meridian Line ; Facile Method for constructing the Logarithms ; New Methods of finding the Roots of any Equations ; Synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets ; etc. etc., besides contributions by JOHN COLLINS, J. CRAIG, DAVID GREGORY, A. DE MOIVRE, SIR ISAAC NEWTON, JOHN WALLIS, ani many others. The map included in v. I is the earliest wind and current chart ever published. 11944 ANOTHER COPY (Vol. I 3rd Ed., Vol. II 1st Ed., and Vol. Ill 3rd Ed.) with numerous folding plates, and map, 3 vols. post 8vo. new hf. calf gilt ( front, wanting) t 1. 7s 6d 1726-03-27 11945 VOLS. I AND II ONLY (Vol. I 3rd Ed. and Vol. II 2nd Ed.), with front, by v. d. Gucht, folding plates, and map, 2 vols. post 8vo. contemporary calf extra (joints cracked] with bookplate of Prof. H. W. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 1. Is 1726-23 Containing the following meteorological contributions besides those mentioned above : Experiment on the Refraction of the Air, by J. Lowthrop ; Scale of the Degrees of Heat; Letter concerning the Generation of Hail, Thunder, and Lightning, by John Wallis ; Geometrical Dissertation concerning the Rainbow, by Edmund Halley. 11946 : or Entertainments for the Ingenious of both Sexes, containing ENIGMAS, PARADOXES, and MATHEMATICAL QUESTIONS, complete for 1734 and 1735, with folding plates, and diagrams, 6 nos. in 1 vol. 8vo. old calf (joints cracked], 7* 6d T. Gent, York, 1734-5 This publication was unknown to Lowndes and Watt. It includes ' Of the Invention of the Method of Fluxions'. 11947 MITCHEL (Major-Gen. Ormsby Macknight, U.S. Army, Director Cincinnati Observatory} The ORBS of HEAVEN: a Popular Exposition of the great DISCOVERIES and THEORIES of MODERN ASTRONOMY, 4th Edition, with portrait of Galileo, and numerous plates and woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1853 11948 The PLANETARY and STELLAR WORLDS : the Great Discoveries and Theories of Modern Astronomy, first American edition, with 17 plates of nebulce, post 8vo. cl., 5s New York, 1848 11949 POPULAR ASTRONOMY : a Concise Elementary Treatise, on the Sun, Planets, Satellites, and Comets, revised by L. TOMLINSON, with plates and diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1860 'His lectures on celestial phenomena stirred an impressionable audience to the pitch of providing him with the means of erecting at Cincinnati the first astronomical observatory worthy of the name in that great country.' Miss A gnes Af. Clerke. 11950 MITFOBD (Bertram) PLAIN and POPULAR EXPLANATION of the PENDULUM-EXPERIMENT, with 5 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 23), sewn, 2s 1851 11951 MITSCHERLICH (Eilhard; Univ. Berlin, F.R.S.) LEHRBUCH der CHEMIE, 2. Auflage ; with numerous woodcuts by Unzelmann, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 4* Berlin, 1834-40 11952 - DRITTE AUFLAGE (Bd. II 2. Auflage) ; with numerous woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. boards (sound copy), 5s ibid., 1337-40 11953 - VIERTE [stark vermehrte und umgearbeitete] AUFLAGE ; with numerous woodcuts, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. sewn, Qs ib., 1844-7 LAST EDITION of the author's most important work, containing ' his important investigation of manganic and per- manganic acids, his work on selenic acid, and on benzine and its derivatives. His successful attempts to prepare minerals artificially give further proof of the many-sidedness of the man, his greatest achievement of all being the discovery of isomorphism [to which he added that of dimorphism and polymorphism]. His Lehrbuch der Chemie is marked by originality both of form and contents.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 11954 MITTHEILTJNGEN liber Gegenstande des ARTILLERIE- und GENIE- WESENS, herausgegeben vom k. k. technischen und administrativen Militar-Comite, II X. JAHRGANG ; with numerous plates and woodcuts, 9 vols. 8vo. in 11, hf. morocco gilt, 17s Qd (p. M. 168 sewn) Wien, 1871-9 11955 MIZAULD [Latine MIZALDTJS] (Antoine ; M.D., ' le divin\ astrologer, friend of Oronce Fine) AESCULAPII et URANIAE MEDICUM simul et ASTRONOMICUM ex Colloquio CONIUGIUM, Harmoniam Microcosmi cum Macrocosmo, siue Humani Corporis cum Coelo, paucis figurans, et perspicue demonstrans : PLANETOLOGIA, REBUS ASTRONOMICIS, MEDICIS et PHILOSOPHICIS erudite referta : ex qua, Coelestium Corporum cum Humanis, et Astronomiae cum Medicina Societas, et Harmonia (quam Prisci ('arpo/ua07j/iariK>)v perapposite nuncuparunt 2 vols. 4to. in 1, with mystic vignettes on titles, and woodcut initials ; old white vellum (slightly browned, otherwise A FINE COPY) ; RARE, 1. 10* Lugd., Joa. Torncesius, 1550 ibidem, M. Roy ft L. Pesnot, 1551 11956 HARMONIA COELESTIUM CORPORUM et HUMANORUM, Dialogis XI ASTRONOMICE et MEDICE elaborata et demonstrata, editio princeps ; handsomely printed in italics, large 12mo. boards (slightly wormed, othenvise a LARGE AND FINE COPY) ; RARE, 1. Is Luteticc, Jacobus Kerver, 1555 The above first edition is very rare, the earliest mentioned by Graesse being 1.55S. It was reprinted in 1589 and 1592. ' De Thou dit que ' les ecrits de Mizauld font paraitre sa rare doctrine et son jngement exquis et qu'ils seront toujours estimes de ceux qui sont juges competents en ces sortes de matieres.' Dans le siecle suivant telle etait la reputation de Mizauld qu'un libraire parisien eut le projet de reimprimer ses ceuvres. ... La plupart des Merits de Mizauld est devenue extremement rare.' Biogr. Gen. 11957 MODEL (Johann Georg, St. Petersburg) VERSUCHE und GEDANKEN iiber ein NATURLICHES oder GEWACHSENES SALMIAK, nebst Erorterung einiger von [Theodor] Baron [de He'npnville] gemachten Eimviirfe iiber das persische Salz, 8vo. sewn, 4s Leipzig, 1758 11958 MOEDEBECK (Hermann W. L.) TASCHENBUCH zum praktischen Gebrauch fiir FLUGTECII- NIKER und LUFTSCHIFFER ; with 17 diagrams, 16mo. cl., 2s Berlin, 1895 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 595 11960 MOEBIUS (August Ferdinand; Univ. Leipzig] De COMPUTANDIS OCCULTATIONIBUS FlXARUM per PLANETAS : Dissertatio Astronomica ; sm. 4to. boards, 5s Qd Lipsiae, 1815 The author's first published work, which procured him the chair of professor-extraordinary in the University of 11961 ' Die ELEMENTS der MECHANIK des HIMMELS, auf neuem Wege ohne Hiilfe hoherer Rechnungsarten dargestellt ; with 2 folding plates, 8vo. boards, uncut, 5s ibidem, 1843 An attempt to calculate planetary perturbations without the use of the calculus. By his barycentric calculus he was a forerunner of Sir W. R. Hamilton in the invention of quaternions, and he 'generalised spherical trigonometry by letting the sides or angles of triangles exceed ISO 3 .' Pro/. Cajori. 11962 LEHRBUCH der STATIK, II. THEIL (Gesetze des Gleichgewichts zwischen Kraften, welche auf mehrere mit einander verbundene feste Korper wirken) ; with folding plate, Svo. sewn, 3s ib., 1837 11963 MOGG-E (Jacob) ALGEMEENE MANIER tot de PRACTIJCK-OEFFENINGH der SONNE-WYSERS ; uyt d'onfeylbare Gronden derselve Wetenschap, kort en klaerlijck voorgestelt ; title in red and black, and over 100 woodcuts and diagrams ; Lansberg- [recte Laensbergh] (Philips van) BESCHRIJVINGH der VLACKE SONNE-WYSERS : in welcke de waere Manier, om deselve op allerhande Vlackten te betrecken, volgens Wiskonstige Regulen geleert, ende door een groot Getal Vertoog-schetzen aengewesen werdt ; nieuwelijx oversien ende met noodige Byvoeging verrijckt door JACOB MOOGE ; title in red and black, and many woodcuts and diagrams 2 vols". folio in 1, old vellum (a few II. browned, but a sound and tall copy copy] ; RARE. 2. 2s Middelburgh, 1675 Houzeau and Lancaster, who mention the first work under No. 11,524, mistakenly give the size as Svo. It is quite distinct from the same author's ' Inleydinge der Soune-Wysers ', published in 1666 and 1671. The above work was never reprinted. 11964 INLEYDINGE der SONNE-WYSERS, ende hot BESOHRIJVEN van dien. hoemen op alderley voorgegeven Vlack, dat van de Son kan beschenen worden, een Sonne-wijser beschrijven sal, eerste druk ; with, woodcuts and numerous diagrams, sm. folio, /if. bound (a few bottom lines shorn, but a sound and clean copy] ; RARE, 1. 1* ibidem [1666] Houzeau-Lancaster No. 11510. It is not noticed by Poggendorff, Brunet, or Graesse. v. LANSBERG, No. 10,492-3, ante. 11965 MteLAU (Richard, Dresden] ORGANisciiE FARBSTOFFE, welche in der Textilindustrie Verwendung finden. Uebersicht ihrer Zusammensetzung, Gewinnung, Eigenschaf ten, Reactionen, und ihrer Anwendung zum FARBEN und BEDRUCKEN von SEIDE, WOLLE und BAUMWOLLE ; with 175 samples of dyed stu/s, roy. Svo. hf. morocco, 8s Qd (p. M. 25) Dresden, 1890 11966 MOHN (Herrik; Univ. Christiania] Om KOMETBANERNES INDBYRDES BELIGGENHED, udgivet, med Indledning af C. FEARNLEY ; with 2 folding plates, 4to. (pp. 60), sewn, 2s Qd Christiania, 1861 11967 MOIGNO (Abbe Fra^ois Napoleon Marie) OPTIQUE MOLECULAIRE : Effets de Preci- pitation, de Decomposition, d 'Illumination produits par la Lumiere, post Svo. sewn, Is Qd 1873 11968 PRATIQUE ec THEORIE da SACCHARIMETRE-SOLEIL, Ancien et Nouveau Modele, Evaluation de la Richesse du Sucre, on d'une Dissolution Sucree quelquonque ; with 2 folding plates, Svo. sewn, with inscr. (as below], 5s 1853 ' A Mr. Thomas Phipson, Docteur es-Sciences Naturelles, hommage aflfectueux de 1'auteur I'ABBE F. Mo ION o'. Inscr. on cover. 11969 REPERTOIRE d'OpTiQUE MODERNS, ou Analyse complete des Travaux modernes relatif s aux Phcnomenes de la Lumiere ; with diagrams, 4 vols. Svo. in 2, hf. calf (VERY SCARCE), 2. 26? 1847-50 A valuable historical account of modern optical theories, chiefly from the beginning of the XIX. Century to the date of its publication, and containing complete analyses of memoirs on this subject published in French, English, German, American, and Italian scientific journals. Pp.., 692-898 treat of PHOTOGRAPHY. 11970 TRAITE de TELEGRAPHIE ELECTRIQUE, renfermant son Histoire, sa Theorie et la Description des Appareils, avec les Deux Memoires de M. WHEATSTONE sur la Vitesse et la Determination des Courants de 1'Electricite, et un Memoire Inedit d' AMPERE sur la Theorie Electro-Chimique, premiere edition ; with 16 folding plates, Svo. sewn, 5s 1849 11971 ANOTHER COPY, boards, uncut, Qs One of the earliest and fullest histories of the subject. 11972 MOINET (Louis; prei. de la Societe chronornetrique) NOUVEAU TRAITE GENERAL, ASTRONOMIQUE et CIVIL d'HoRLOGERiE, theorique et pratique, d'apres les plus habiles Auteurs et les Progres recents de J'Art, contenant une NOUVELLE METHODS pratique et universelle d'ENGRENAGE, etc., premiere edition ; with fine lithographic portrait by G. Staal, and frontis- piece, 2 vols., with Atlas, containing 51 folding plates % vols. impl. Svo. hf. red morocco extra (FINE COPY), 1 . 5s [1841] At end is : ' Notice Biographique de M. Louis MOINET, par DKLMAS, 1853. ,^TROISIEME [DERNIERE] .EDITION, avec Appendice, contenant de nouvelles ETUDES sur les ECHAPPEMENTS anciens et modernes, le Pendule ordinaire, le Pendule conique et le Balancier annulaire, avec la THEORIE du SPIRAL REGLANT de M. PHILLIPS, les APPLICATIONS de TELECTRICITE a 1'Horlogerie, et la Description d'une Serie d'Appareils speciaux se rattachant a 1'Art de 1'Horloger, par A. DEBIZE ; with 2 fronts, and 70 folding plates 2 thick vols. impl. Svo. sewn (SCARCE), 1. 5s 1875 The best work on clock- and watch-making, by a native of Bourges who devoted his whole time to his art, had to sell the copyright and fine first edition of the above treatise for 120, and died in his eighty-fifth year a poor man. 11974 MOLINS (H., Univ. Toulouse) De la DETERMINATION, sous Forme Iritegrale, des EQUATIONS des DEVELOPPEES des COURBES a DOUBLE COURBURE, 4to. (pp. 12), unbound, 2s [1845] 11975 Sur les TRAJECTOIRES qui coupent sous un ANGLE DONNE les TANGENTES a une COURBE a DOUBLE COURBURE, 4to. (pp. 13), unbound, 2s [1845] 596 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 11977 MOISSAN (Henri ; de VInstitut) Sur la DISTILLATION des CORPS SIMPLES ; with woodcuts, roy. 8vo. (pp. 37), sewn, with inscr. to Sir Edward Thorpe, F.R.S. (as below], 3s [1906] ' A mon cher Collegue Monsieur Thorpe. Horamage de 1'auteur HENRI MOISSAN '. Inscr. on half-title. 11978 Le FLUOR et ses COMPOSES ; with illustrations, roy. 8vo. setvn, with author's inscr. (as below), 8s Qd (p. F. 15. nett) 1900 ' A Monsieur Russell. Hommage de 1'auteur HENRI MOISSAN'. Inscr. on half-title. A well-known standard work. It contains at end a valuable bibliography (pp. 86). 11979 = Sur la PREPARATION des GAZ PURS : Sur les POINTS de FUSION et d'EBULLiTioN des FLUORURES de PHOSPHORE, de SILICIUM et de BORE, 8vo. (pp. 17), sewn, Is Qd [1906] 11980 Sur quelques REACTIONS fournies par les HYDRURES ALCALINS et ALCALINO-TERREUX : ACTION d'une TRACE d'EAU sur la DECOMPOSITION des HYDRURES ALCALINS par FANHYDRIDE CARBONIQUE et 1' ACETYLENE, roy. 8vo. (pp. 45), sewn, 2s [1905] 11981 , and Sir James DEWAR, ; F.R.S. : The LIQUEFACTION of FLUORINE, 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, Is Qd 1897 The authors were the tirst to liquefy fluorine at a temperature of - 187 C and a pressure of 325 mm. of mercury. 11982 , et Paul LEBEAU: ACTION du FLUOR sur les COMPOSES OXYGENES de I'AZOTE. FLUORURE d'AzoTYLE, roy. 8vo. (pp. 14), sewn, Is Qd [1906] ' SURE AS DEMOIVRE, WITHOUT RULE OR LINE ' : 11983 MOIVBE (Abraham de, F.R.S.; friend of Newton) ANNUITIES on LIVES, with several TABLES, exhibiting at one View, theValues of Lives, for different Rates of Interest; 4th Edition, with Tables for 3 and 3% : Simpson (Thomas; F.R.S. ) The DOCTRINES of ANNUITIES and REVERSIONS, deduced from General and Evident Principles, with useful Tables, shewing the Values of Single and Joint Lives, etc. at different Rates of Interest, with a Method of investigating the Value of Annuities by Approximation, without Tables, with diagrams 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, old calf, rebacked, 8s Qd 1752-42 The first work contains the author's ' celebrated hypothesis, that the decrements oflife are in arithmetical progression. The appearance of Simpson's Doctrine of Annuities in 1742 gave occasion to a groundless imputation of plagiarism made by De Moivre in the second edition of his work.' D. N. B. 11984 The DOCTRINE of CHANCES ; or a Method of Calculating the PROBABILITY of EVENTS in PLAY, first edition, with vignette, 4to. old calf (binding damaged, and corner of title and first 10 II. cut off) ; RARE, 14s 1718 11985 ANOTHER COPY, large copy in old calf gilt, newly and neatly rebacked, with auto, of W. Spottiswoode, P.R.S., 1. 1* 11986 THE SAME, hf. calf gilt (one joint cracked, and wanting pp. 145-8), 105 Qd The first edition is dedicated to his friend Sir Isaac Newton, and indicates in the preface the nature of recurring series. 11987 THIRD EDITION, fuller, clearer, and more Correct than the Former, with medallion portrait by J. Dassier, and vignette, roy. 4to., LARGE PAPER ; old calf (joints cracked), 1. 5s 1756 11988 ANOTHER LARGE PAPER COPY, contemporary brown calf extra (FINE COPY), with book- plate of Lord Arundell of Wardour, 1. 10s The last and best edition ; dedicated to Lord Carpenter, the victor over the Old Pretender. ' He introduced the principle that the probability of a compound event is the product of the probabilities of the single events composing it, and the whole subject, Todhunter remarks, 'owes more to him than to any other mathematician, with the single exception of Laplace '.'Miss Agnes M. Clerke. ' His work on the theory of probability surpasses anything done by any other mathematician except Laplace. His principal contributions are his investigations respecting the Duration of Play, his Theory of Recurring Series, and his extension of the value of Bernoulli's theorem by the aid of Stirling's theorem. Prof. Cajori. A very full account of the above third edition will be found in Todhunter's History of the Theory of Probability. 11989 [ ] MISCELLANEA ANALYTICA de SERIEBUS et QUADRATURIS, accessere varke Consider- ationes de Methodis Comparationum, Combinationum, et Difterentiarum, Solutiones difficiliorum aliquot Problematum ad Sortem spectantium, itemque Constructiones faciles Orbium Planetarum, una cum Determinatione Maximarum et Minimarum Mutationum quse in Motibus Corporum Coelestium occurrunt ; with numerous diagrams, 4to. old hf. calf, or, old calf, \5s Londini, 1730 11990 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary calf (sound copy), with auto, of W\illiam\ If anbury, pr. (1725-78), 17s Qd 11991 - A LARGE PAPER COPY, old calf (rubbed), with (? author's) inscr. ( pour Monsieur I' Abbe Sallier', and initials O/BENJAMIN ROBINS, F.R.S., on title, 1. Is ' Ce volume etoit a Mauduit. C'est un Exemplaire grd. papier, de souscripteur '. Inscr. on title. ' De Moivre's most important work. He demonstrated in it his method of recurring series, created ' imaginary trigono- metry ', through the invention of the theorem known by his name, and generalised Cotes's 'Theorem on the Property of the Circle ' (p. 17). Naude's presentation of the book to the Berlin Academy of Sciences produced the election by acclama- tion of its author as a member. Leibnitz, who made de Moivre's acquaintance in London, vainly endeavoured to secure for him a professorial position in Germany ; and his foreign origin similarly barred the way to his promotion in England. So he continued all his life to support himself by teaching, and answering questions on the chances of play and the values of annuities. Yet he was one of the commissioners appointed by the Royal Society in 1712 to arbitrate on the claims of Newton and Leibnitz to the invention of the infinitesimal calculus'. Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 11992 MOLESWORTH (Caroline) The COBHAM JOURNALS : Abstracts and Summaries of her METEOROLOGICAL and PHRENOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, 1825-50, with Introduction, Tables, etc. by ELEANOR A. ORMEROD [Entomologist], roy. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 10s Qd) 1880 Miss Molesworth was one of the earliest and most remarkable of, those amateur observers whose labour of love practically founded the science of meteorology in Eugland. Carried on for over forty years at her place at Cobham in Surrey, the observations amounted to over seventy-five thousand, which have been abstracted with the greatest care by Miss Ormerod. 11993 MOND (Ludwig, F.R.S.) On NICKEL CARBON OXIDE, and its Application in Arts and Manufactures, Svo. (pp. 7), sewn, 2s 1891 The author's discovery of a volatile nickel compound (nickel carbonyl), which he used for a new process of manufactur- ing the pure metal. 11994 MONDINI (E.) ELEMENTI di COMPUTISTERIA, 2 da Edizione, impl. 8vo. sewn, 3s Como, 1894 oo r o i s-s n' O 3 ' I 4 * = 3 8. S r, j, J ffc r\ O t-fif 3. -* J\ vT* a- a-,,T o ^ ^- ~ n I^^l4*ri' M-I&il^I i 1 1 i^ s^i^ ^3 S^, s |.S-A a^o- C^R 2^1 S^ S. ^ CJ ^ ^S|^g^^^^^ s s > S r ">S MOORE (William, Royal Military Academy, Woolwich) TREATISE on the MOTION of ROCKETS : with ESSAY on NAVAL GUNNERY, in Theory and Practice [and TABLE of HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS], with diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf (joints rubbed), with auto, of, and MS. notes by, THOMAS STEVENSON, F.R s.E., father of Robert Louis Stevenson (scarce), 12s Qd 1813 Largely an original treatment of ballistics in which the author uses the fluxional calculus, and written in consequence fa prize offered in 1810 by the Academy of Copenhagen. 12059 MOORE (Willis Luther; Chief of U.S. Weather Bureau) DESCRIPTIVE METEOROLOGY, with 45 charts (many coloured), and 81 text illustrations, sq. roy. 8vo. cl., 8s Qd (p. 12* Qd nett) New York, 1910 12060 MOORSOM (G.) BRIEF REVIEW and ANALYSES of the LAWS for the ADME \SURKMENT of TONNAGE, showing their Effects on the Construction of the Vessels of the British Mercantile Navy ; also of a Mode proposed for the more Correct Admeasurement of Vessels, with Examples of its Application to the purposes of Naval Architecture generally, as well as to the Cubature of all Bodies, with 6 plates (3 folding), roy. 8vo. cl., 6s Qd 1852 12061 MORAND (Marius) RAPPORT sur les SOIES et les Tissus de SOIES a 1'Exposition Universelle Internationale de 1889 a Paris, folio (pp. 41), sewn, 2s Imprimerie National^ 1891 12062 MORANDIERE (Remain, inspecteur general des ponts et chaussces) TRAITE de la CON- STRUCTION des FONTS et VlADUCS, en Pierre, en Charpente, et en Metal, pour Routes, Canaux et Chemins de Fer, avec un APPENDIX pour la CONSTRUCTION des SOUTERRAINS ; LIVRAISONS 1 A 4; with numerous woodcuts, thick 4to. hf. red morocco neat, and Atlas, containing 221 large plates, folio, in portfolio, 1. 5s (p. F. 155 nett sewn) 1874-82 12063 MORANDOTTI (E., maggiore d'artiglieria) MANUALS RAGIONATO del L^BORATORIO di PRECISIONS ; with 23 plates (3 folding and linen-mounted), 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 4s Roma, 1886 An account of instruments of precision, chiefly for the manufacture of fire arms and ordnance. J2064 MORDECAI (Major Alfred, Ordna nee Dept., U.S. Army), MILITARY COMMISSION to EUROPE in 1855 and 1856. REPORT of, of the ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT, with large folding view of the Vienna Arsenal, and 20 plates, 4to. cl. (cover torn), 7s Qd Washington, I860 Containing as appendix : Brief Description of the Modern System of Small Arms as adopted in the various European Armies, by CAPT. J. SCHON, 2nd Ed., trans, by CAPT. J. GORGAS, U.S. Army, with 13 plates (including the Prussian rwedle gun). 12065 REPORT of EXPERIMENTS on GUNPOWDER at the WASHINGTON ARSENAL, 1843-4, with 6 plates, 8vo. (pp. 328), cl. (scarce), 8s fid ibid., 1845 Including Experiments with the Cannon Pendulum and its Ballistic Pendulum (pp. 12-115), and with the Musket Pendulum (pp. 116-63). 12066 MORET (Theodore, s.j.) TRACTATUS PHYSICO-MATHEMATICUS de ^ksTU MARIS; with woodcuts, 4to. boards (3 II. mended and one defective.) ; VERY RARE, 1 Is Antverpice, 1665 Interesting as an early work treating exclusively on the theory of the tides. The work is not noticed by Brunet, Graesse, or Ebert, and is RARE. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 601 12069 MOREL (A. M. Th.) TRAITE PRATIQUE des FEUX D' ARTIFICE, pour le SPECTACLE, et pour la GUERRE, avec les Petits Feux de Table, et I'Artifice a FUsage des Theatres, premiere edition ; with 11 folding copperplates, illustrating a great variety of Fireworks, 8vo. contemporary calf gilt (rare), 10s Qd ' Didot, 1800 12070 MORELOT (Simon, Professeur de Chimie Pharmaceutique a VEcole de Mcdecine de Paris) COURS ELEMENTAIRE the"orique et pratique de PHARMACIE-CHIMIQUE, ou Manuel du Pharmacien- Chimiste ; with folding table, 3 vols. 8vo. old calf gilt, with auto, of William Thomas Brande, F.R.S. (1788-1866), 6s Qd 1803 12071 MOREWOOD (Samuel, Surveyor of Excise) ESSAY on the INVENTIONS and CUSTOMS, of both Ancients and Moderns, in the USE of INEBRIATING LIQUORS [and OPIUM], with interesting Anecdotes, illustrative of the principal Nations of the World, and Historical View of the Extent and Practice of DISTILLATION, as to its COMMERCE, and as a SOURCE of NATIONAL INCOME ; with much curious Information respecting the Application and Properties of several parts of the Vegetable Kingdom, woodcuts, 8vo. boards, uncut (SCARCE), 10s 1824 A rare and interesting work, unknown to Lowndes and Allibone. 12072 PHILOSOPHICAL and STATISTICAL HISTORY of the INVENTIONS and CUSTOMS of ANCIENT and MODERN NATIONS in. the MANUFACTURE and USE of INEBRIATING LIQUORS; with the PRESENT PRACTICE of DISTILLATION in all its Varieties ; with an extensive Illustration of the CONSUMPTION and EFFECTS of OPIUM, and other Stimulants used in the East, as Substitutes for Wine and Spirits, with front., and woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl. (scarce), 15s Dublin, 1838 A new edition of the Essay, much enlarged ' by the addition of new, original and valuable matter ' (Preface). The chapter on opium is also much enlarged, ' while the evil consequences of undue or irregular indulgence havo been carefully depicted and illustrated by appropriate anecdotes.' 12073 MORFIT (Campbell, Univ. Maryland) PRACTICAL TREATISE on PURE FERTILIZERS ; and the Chemical Conversion of Rock Guanos, Marlstones, Coprolites, and the Crude Phosphates of Lime and Alumina generally, into various Valuable Products, with 28 folding plates, and 24 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., uncut, 7s Qd (p. 4. 4s) New York, 1872', or London, 1873 12074 MORGAN ( , late Master of Clare Hall) Six PHILOSOPHICAL DISSERTATIONS on the MECHANICAL POWERS, ELASTIC BODIES, FALLING BODIES, the CYCLOID, the PARABOLA, and the RAINBOW, published by SAMUEL CLARKE, in his Notes upon Rohault's Physics, done into English by JOHN CLARKE, with 3 folding plates, 4to. (pp. 50), sewn, 4s Cambridge, 1770 12075 MORGAN (Alexander) ELEMENTARY PHYSIOGRAPHY treated experimentally, with 244 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., Is Qd 1898 12076 MORGAN (E.) The TAVERN-KEEPER'S GUIDE ; or, the Butler's Assistant : containing RE- CEIPTS for the managing, colouring, and flavouring of FOREIGN WINES, and for making and managing BRITISH WINES and COMPOUNDS, with Directions for the making of YEAST, etc. etc. etc., 3rd Edition, with Additions, cr. 8vo. boards (slightly stained), Is Qd [c. 1810] Specially interesting for giving on pp. 30-98 receipts for making 30 different varieties of British Wines. 12077 MORGAN (John H., Cambridge Observatory), and John T. BARBER : ACCOUNT of the AURORA BOREALIS seen near Cambridge, Oct. 24th, 1847, with those of Sept. 21, 1846, and March 19, 1847, seen at the Cambridge Observatory, ivith 12 coloured plates, impl. 8vo. hf. calf, g. e., with bookplate of Henry B. H. Beaufoy, F.R.S. (SCARCE), 185 Qd Cambridge [1847] Valuable for giving coloured illustrations of aurora?. There is no copy of this work in the Royal Meteorological Society's Library Catalogue, 1891. 12078 MORGAN (Silvanus ; writer on heraldry) HOROLOGIOGRAPHIA OPTICA : DIALLING Universall and Particular: Speculative and Practical . . . with diverse Propositions of the Use and Benefit of Shadows, serving to prick down the Signes, Declination, and Azimuths, on Sun- Dials, etc., illustrated by diverse OPTICALL CONCEITS ; lastly TOPOTHESIA, or a feigned Description of the Conrt of Art, full of Benefit for the making of Dials, Use of the Globes, Difference of Meridians, and most Propositions of Astronomic, with many usefull Instruments and Dials in Brasse, made by WALTER HAYES, in More Fields, with finely engraved title, engravings on copper, and numerous woodcuts, sm. 4to. old panelled calf (corner of engraved title missing and mended, otherwise a FINE AND LARGE COPY) ; rare, 3. 35 R. and W. Leybourn, 1652 One of the most valued early English works on dialling. It contains a ' Table of Right and Contrary Shadows, to every Degree and tenth Minute of the Quadrant.' MORGAN (William; actuary to the Equitable Society, F.R.S.) ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTS to ascertain the NON-CONDUCTING POWER of a PERFECT VACUUM (1785) v. KIRWAN, No. 10207, ante. 12079 EXAMINATION of DR.[ADAIR] CRAWFORD'S [F.R.S.] THEORY of HEAT and COMBUSTION, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 70), sewn (scarce), Qs 1781 Controverting Dr. Crawford's theory of heat (v. No. 894 ante), which was still based on the phlogiston theory. 12080 On the METHOD of DETERMINING, from the real Probabilities of Life, the VALUES of CONTINGENT REVERSIONS, in which THREE LIVES are involved in the Survivorship, 4to. (pp. 32), sewn, 3s Qd 1791 Added to it is : The Longitude of Dunkirk and Paris from Greenwich, deduced by Triangular Measurement, 1787-8, by ISAAC DALBY, with plate, 1791. 12081 [SECOND PAPER], 4to. (pp. 39), sewn, 3s Qd 1794 12082 The PRINCIPLES and DOCTRINE of ASSURANCES, ANNUITIES on LIVES, and CONTINGENT REVERSIONS, stated and explained, 8vo. boards, uncut, Ss Qd 1821 ' Morgan takes high rank among the pioneers of life assurance in England. The phenomenal success of the EQUITABLK SOCIETY in the midst of so many contemporary failures was mainly due to his careful administration and sound actuarial advice. The details which he published as to the mortality experience of that society furnished data for the amendment of the Northampton tables, and the construction of others by various actuaries.'!). N. B. The above forms the 2nd edition of the Doctrine of Annuities (1779), greatly enlarged, and with ' the different problems derived from the real probabilities of life rather than from an hypothesis.' 602 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12084 MORGAN (Augustus de; F.R.A.S., Prof. Mathematics, Univ. Coll., London] On ANCIENT and MODERN USAGE in RECKONING, 12mo. (pp. 30), unbound, 2s [1849] 12085 ARITHMETICAL BOOKS, from the INVENTION of PRINTING to the PRESENT TIME : Brief Notices of a large Number of Works, drawn up from Actual Inspection, 8vo. cl. , uncut (scarce), 12s Qd 1847 12086 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf neat, w>th inscr. ' From the Author ' on flyleaf, 14s An invaluable work, cot'caining over 100 titles, with valuable critical and historical notes, copious introduction, and 'Index of 1580 Names of reported Authors, Editors, etc. of Works on Arithmetic'. 'Few contemporaries were as profoundly read in the history of mathematics.' Prof. Cajori. ' The most worthless book of a bygone day is a record worthy of preservation. Like a telescopic star, its obscurity may render it unavailable for most purposes ; but it serves, in hands which know how to use it, to determine the places of more important bodies.' Preface. 12087 - On ARITHMETICAL COMPUTATION, 12mo. (pp. 22), unbound, Is Qd [1843] 12088 On the BEATS of IMPERFECT CONSONANCES, with 2 diagrams, 4to. (pp. 19), sewn, 2s Qd Cambridge, 1858 12089 The BOOK of ALMANACS, with INDEX of REFERENCE, by which the Almanac may be found for every Year, whether in Old Style or New, from any Epoch, ancient or modern, to A.D. 2000, with Means of Finding the Day of any New or Full Moon from B.C. 2000 to A.D. 2000 ; 2nd Edition, oblong 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) 1871 12090 A BUDGET of PARADOXES, reprinted, with the Author's Additions, from the Athenaeum [edited by his Wife SOPHIA], thick 8vo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 2. 10s 1872 12091 - ANOTHER COPY, new hf. morocco gilt, t. e. g., 2. 15s One of the most interesting and witty books ever written, and invaluable for its history and bibliography of some scientific fallacies, e.g. 'circle-squaring'. It contains besides a large number of anecdotes, etc. on mathematical and scientific subjects. ' He had a love of puns, and all ingenious puzzles and paradoxes, which makes his ' Budget of Paradoxes ' as amusing as it is learned.' Sir Leslie Stephen. ' It is by far the most individual book of the age individual, not merely in its own singularity as a book, but as presenting with a marked degree of clearness and exactness the personality of one who was never quite a man among other men ... To sum up, this is a book that should be read by those who care about circle squarers and all manner of jokes, mathematical and other; by those who care to make the acquaintarce of Augustus de Morgan, which it is well worth while to do ; but above all by those who care to be led into right thinking and warned from wrong.' Prof. W. K. Clifford. 12092 On the CALCULATION of SINGLE LIFE CONTINGENCIES : On LIFE CONTINGENCIES, No. 112 papers 12mo. (pp. 44), unbound, 2s Qd 12093 CALCULUS of FUNCTIONS (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana), 4to. (pp. 88), unbound, 4s Qd [1836] 12094 - ANOTHER COPY, hf. cl., 5s ' His articles on the calculus of functions and on the theory of probabilities (v. Nos. 12129-30 post) are worthy of special note. The former contains an investigation of the principles of symbolic reasoning, but the applications deal with the solution of functional equations rather than with the general theory of functions.' W. W R. Ball. They have never been republished in any form. 12095 - On DECIMAL COINAGE, 12mo. (pp. 17), unbound, Is Qd [1847] 12096 The DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, containing Differentiation, Integration, Development, Series, Differential Equations, Differences, Summation, Equations of Differencies, CALCULUS of VARIATIONS, and Definite Integrals, with Applications, and with ELEMENTARY ILLUSTRATIONS, 8vo. (pp. 869), cl., or, calf, 10s 6d S. D. U. K., 1842 12097 ANOTHER COPY, hf. morocco gilt, 12s 12098 ANOTHER COPY, prize morocco extra, g. e. (back faded), with prize inscr. by P. Kelland, ' Still a standard work, and containing much that is original with the author.' Prof. Cajori. ' A work of great ability, and noticeable for the rigorous treatment of infinite series.' W. W. R. Ball. 12099 On the EARLIEST PRINTED ALMANACS, 12mo. (pp. 31), unbound, 2s 12100 On the EARLY HISTORY of the SIGNS + and , 4to. (pp. 10), sewn, 3s Cambridge, 1865 12101 On the ECCLESIASTICAL CALENDAR, 12mo. (pp. 44), unbound, 2s 12102 The ELEMENTS of ALGEBRA, preliminary to the Differential Calculus, first edition, with diagrams, large post 8vo. cl., with MS. notes, 3s 12103 SECOND EDITION [revised] , with diagrams, large post 8vo. cl., '3s Qd Still a very useful elementary text-book, and one of those not too common which contain reasoning and not rules. 12104 ELEMENTS of ARITHMETIC [5th and L\ST EDITION, with eleven New Appendixes], large post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1850, 57, or '61 12105 - ELEMENTS of SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, with woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn, with auto, of Prof. N. S. Maskelyne, F.R.S. [1836] 12106 - ESSAY on PROBABILITIES, and on their Application to Life Contingencies and INSURANCE OFFICES, with vignette by Finden, and diagrams, fcap. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd [1838] A work of well-known excellence. 1 The best popular, and at the same time most profound English work on the subject [of probability] is De Morgan s 'Essay on Probabilities.' Prof. W. S. Jevons, F.R.S. 12107 EXPLANATION of the GNOMONIC PROJECTION of the SPHERE : a Description of the Construction and Use of the Larger and Smaller MAPS of the STARS ; as also of the Six Maps of the Earth, illustrated, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1836 12108 FORMAL LOGIC : or, the CALCULUS of INFERENCE, Necessary and Probable, 8vo- cl. (cover very slightly damaged) ; SCARCE, 15s 1847 12109 ANOTHER COPY, cl. (cover slightly damaged), with author's inscr. as below, 16s ' H. C. Standert Esq. from the Author.' Inscr. on flyleaf. ' One of the first works attempting to place logic on a mathematical basis. It caused an attack from Sir William Hamilton, the metaphysician, who accused the author of having appropriated therein his doctrine of the 'quantification of the predicate '. Prof, de Morgan's reply may be found in his Budget of Paradoxes. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 603 12111 MORGAN (Augustus de ; F.R.A.S., Prof. Mathematics, Univ. College, Lond.) On the GENERAL EQUATION of CURVES of the SECOND DEGREE, 4to. (pp. 8), sewn, with author's inscr. to Dionysius Lardner, pr., LL.D., F.R.S., 3s Cambridge, 1831 12H2 On the GENERAL PRINCIPLES of which the COMPOSITION or AGGREGATION of FORCES is a CONSEQUENCE, 4to. (pp. 17), sewn, 3s ib., 1859 12H3 On INFINITY; and on the SIGN of EQUALITY, 4to. (pp. 45), sewn, 4s ib., 1865 ' I cannot imagine, said a good mathematician, what people mean by writing about first principles ; it seems to me like poking into nothing : I have no doubt he truly described his own state. ' p. 2. 12H4 LETTER to the PRESIDENT, on the FOUNDATION of the [ASTRONOMICAL] SOCIETY, 8vo. (pp. 2), sewn, \s n. d. NEWTON : his Friend and his Niece (1885) v. NEWTONIANA, post. On a POINT connected with the DISPUTE between KEIL and LEIBNITZ about the INVEN- TION of FLUXIONS (1846) v. NEWTONIANA, post. 12115 RECURRENCE of ECLIPSES and FULL MOONS, 12mo. (pp. 3), unbound, Is [1846] 12116 REFERENCES for the HISTORY of the MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, 12mo. (pp.26), unbound, 2s [1842] 12117 SHORT ACCOUNT pf some RECENT DISCOVERIES in England and Germany relative to the Controversy on the INVENTION of FLUXIONS, 12mo. (pp. 16), unbound, 2s [1851] 12118 SHORT SUPPLEMENTARY REMARKS on the FIRST Six BOOKS of EUCLID'S ELEMENTS, 12mo. (pp. 12), unbound, Is Qd [1848] 12119 On SOME POINTS in the HISTORY of ARITHMETIC, 12mo. (pp. 18), unbound, 2s [1850] 12120 STATEMENT in ANSWER to an ASSERTION made by SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON, Prof, of Logic, Univ. Edin., 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, 2s Qd [1847] His answer to a charge of ' breach of confidence ' and ' false dealing ' in appropriating Sir William Hamilton's ideas on logic. 12121 On the STRUCTURE of the SYLLOGISM, and on the APPLICATION of the THEORY of PROBABILITIES to Questions of ARGUMENT and AUTHORITY, 4to. (pp. 30), sewn, with author's inscr. to John Hoppus, F.R.S. (scarce], 10s Qd Cambridge, 1847 This tract, which formed No. I of the Series on Syllogism, together with his work on Formal Logic, started the famous controversy with Sir William Hamilton on the latter's doctrine of the quantification of the predicate. 12122 On the STUDY and DIFFICULTIES of MATHEMATICS, 8vo. (pp. 96), sewn (no title), 2s Qd [1831] 12123 ANOTHER COPY, with EXAMPLES of the PROCESSES of ARITHMETIC and ALGEBRA, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, boards, 3s Qd [1832] 12124 On the SYLLOGISM, No. Ill, and on LOGIC in GENERAL, 4to. (pp. 60), sewn, 5s Cambridge, 1858 12125 , No. IV, and on the LOGIC of RELATIONS, 4to. (pp. 32), sewn, 4s ib., 1860 12126 , No. V, and on the various Points of the ONYMATIC SYSTEM, 4to. (pp. 60), sewn, 4s ib., 1863 The last paper published of the series. No. I is entitled 'On the Structure of Syllogism' (No. 12121), and No. II On the Symbols of Logic ' (No. 12127). 12127 On the SYMBOLS of LOGIC, the THEORY of the SYLLOGISM, and in particular of the COPULA, and the Application of the Theory of Probabilities to some Questions of Evidence, 4to. (pp. 51), sewn, 5s ib., 1850 Forming No. II of the Syllogism Series. 12128 A THEOREM relating to NEUTRAL SERIES, 4to. (pp. 13), sewn, with auto, of John Hoppus, F.R.S. , 2s ib., 1865 12129 THEORY of PROBABILITIES (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana), 4to. (pp. 98), unbound, 4s [1836] 12130 ANOTHER COPY, hf. cl., 4s Qd 12131 TRIGONOMETRY and DOUBLE ALGEBRA, with front, and diagrams, 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 12s Qd 1849 1 His ' double algebra ' was the forerunner of quaternions, and contained the complete geometrical interpretation of V - 1 '. -R.A.S. Monthly Notices. Sir W. R. Hamilton acknowledged the suggestions he received from the above work in inventing Quaternions in his Lectures on Quaternions (q. v. ante). ' Double algebra means algebra in which each symbol stands for an object of thought having two distinct and inde- pendent qualities'. Preface. 12132 On the USE of SMALL TABLES of LOGARITHMS in COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, and on the PRACTICABILITY of a DECIMAL COINAGE, 12mo. (pp. 17), unbound, Is Qd [1840] 12133 , MEMOIR of, by his Wife SOPHIA ELIZABETH, with select LETTERS, autotype portrait, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 8s Qd 1882 Not only of great interest as a biography, but valuable for the author's interesting correspondence with Sir William Hamilton, Sir John Herschel, Dean Peacock, John Stuart Mill, Admiral Smyth, Dr. Whewell, and many others. v. Nos. 10796-7, ante. 12134 MORGAN (Major F. C.) HANDBOOK of ARTILLERY MATERIEL, 5th Edition, with 23 plates and 4 folding tables (linen-mounted), 12mo. hf. morocco, 2s Qd 1892 12135 MORGAN-BROWN (William), LETTERS PATENT to, for the INVENTION of ' IMPROVEMENTS in ELECTRIC TELEPHONY (Transmitting or Causing Sounds for Telegraphing Messages) and TELEPHONIC APPARATUS ' : a Communication from abroad by ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL, with 5 plates (4 folding), impl. 8vo. (pp. 21), sewn (scarce), Qs Qd 1877 The patent specification of the invention of Graham Bell's magneto-telephono." 12136 MOROZZI (Fernando) Dello STATO ANTICO e MODERNO del FIUME ARNO, e delle Cause e de' Rimedi delle sue INONDAZIONI : Ragionamento Istorico Mattematico ; with 2 plates (I folding), other engravings, and folding plan of Florence, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, old white vellum (fine copy) ; with booklabel of George Rennie, F.R.S., 8s Qd Firenze, 1762-6 604 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, \V. 12138 MORGANS (WiUiam, Bristol School of Mines] MANUAL of MINING TOOLS, fcap. 8vo., with Atlas, containing 20 folding plates with 235 figures, 4to. 2 vols. d., 4s 1871 12139 MORIN (Gen. Arthur Jules; de VInsiitut) AIDE-MEMOIRE de MECANIQUE PRATIQUE, 2 e Edition, augmentee de Resultats nouveaux d'Experiences sur les TURBINES, etc. etc. ; with 61 illustrations, 8vo. hf. calf (rubbed), 2s Qd Metz, 1838 12140 TROISIEME SEDITION, augmentee de Tables relatives au Mouvement de 1'Eau dans les Tuyaux de Conduite, etc. etc. ; with 59 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf, 3* 1843 12141 QUATRIEME EDITION, augmentee de RESULTATS d'ExpERiENCES sur les TURBINES, etc. etc. ; with 70 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. green morocco gilt, 3s Qd 1847 12142 CINQUIEME EDITION '[considerablement augmentee]; with 74 woodcuts, Svo. hf. calf (binding damaged], 3s Qd 1864 12143 FUNDAMENTAL IDEAS of MECHANICS and EXPERIMENTAL DATA, revised, translated, and reduced to English Units of Measure by JOSEPH BENNETT, with 124 woodcuts, (scarce), 6s New York, 1860 The chapter on friction is of special interest, as the author was the first to investigate that of gliding and rolling bodies. 12144 MACHINES et APPAREILS destines a FELEVATION des EAUX ; u-ith 9 folding plates, Svo. cl. (nice copy), with auto, of 0. Henrici, F.R.S., 4s 1863 Treating of pumps and hydraulic rams. Mr. P. R. Bjorling, in his work on Pumps, refers to the author as ' thn: and justly celebrated French Hydraulic Engineer '. 12145 NOUVELLES EXPERIENCES sur le FROTTEMENT, faites a Met/ en 1832 [SECOND MEMOIRE, avec Rapport par F. ARAGO] ; with 4 folding plates, 4to. sewn, 5s Qd 1834 A classic work on friction, ' presentant des resultats precieux pour la physique ct pour les arts.' F. Aro.ijo. 12146 RESISTANCE des MATERIAUX, 2 e Edition ; with 6 folding plates ; and diagrams, Svo. hf. calf, 3s 1857 12147 MORIN (Jean Baptiste, M.D., Parisiis Regius Mathematum Professor) ASTROLOGIA GALLICA Principiis et Rationibus propriis stabilitata, atque in XXVI Libros distributa, non soliim ASTROLOGIA JUDICIARL/E studiosis, sed etiam Philosophis, Medicis, et Theologis omnibus per-necessaria : quippe multa complectens eximia ad Scientias illas spectantia ; with fine portrait on copper by N. Poilly after A. B. Flamen (brilliant impression], and numerous diagrams and horoscopes, thick folio, contemporary white vellum extra, g. e. (slightly foxed, but a FINE AND LARGE COPY) ; RARE, 1. 12s Qd Hagce-Comitis, Adrianus Vlacq, 1661 The author enjoyed a great reputation as an astrologer, and the fulfilment of his horoscopes (e.y. the deaths of Gustavus Adolphus, Cardinal de Richelieu, Cinq-Mars, etc.) gained him the patronage of many eminent personages of the time. He was often consulted by Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin, the latter of whom allowed him a pension of 2,000 livres, which (contrary to his usual practice) was paid regularly. His most eminent service to science \\cts a:: attempt to determine the longitude by lunar and stellar distances. The above work contains the author's Life (pp. 21), which is still the chief authority on him. ' Get ouvrage, auquel il travailla pendant 30 ans, fut public par les soins de Louise-Marie de Gonzague, n-nit- de Pologne, qui fit les frais de 1'impression. . . . Morin peut etre regarde comme 1 e dernier des astrologues. . . . SMU aveuglement I'empftcha de rendre justice aux decouvertes de Kopernic, et il soutint, avec une sorte de rage, centre Gassendi et Bernier, rimmobilite de la terre.' Biogr. Gen. 12148 TABULAE RUDOL.PHINJE, or the RUDOLPHINE TABLES, supputated to the Meridian of Uraniburge, first, by JOHN KEPLER, from the Observations of TICHO BRAKE, afterwards digested into a most ACCURATE, and EASIE COMPENDIUM, 12mo. sewn, Is Qd 167."> 12149 MORITZ (Edward Ralph, F.I.C.), and T. A. GLENDINNING : NOTES on DIASTATIC ACTION, 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, with inscr. to Prof. Meldola, F.R.S., Is Qd 1892 12150 , and George Harris MORRIS, FF.I.C. : TEXT-BOOK of the SCIENCE of BREWING, based on a Course of Six Lectures delivered by E. R. MORITZ at the Finsbury Technical College, with 10 plates and 13 woodcuts, thick Svo. cl. (name on title) ; VERY SCARCE, 2. 2* 1891 The first English theoretical text-book on brewing, treating the subject as part of chemical science, and intended as a scientific companion volume to E. R. Southby's ' Practice of Brewing : . The work soon went out of print, and is now very scarce. 12151 MORLEY (Christopher Love) : COLLECTANEA CHYMICA LEYDENSIA, id est, M AKTSIANA, MARGRAVIANA, LE MORTIANA, sc. trium in Academia Lugduno-Batava Facultatis Chimicae Professorum, qui isthrec Discipulis suis, ex omni Europa illo confluentibus, per hos Annos, non solum ostenderunt, verum etiam suis Verbis dictarunt, Opus, quingentis, et amplius, Processibus adornatum, omnibus et MEDICIS, et CHIMICIS, et PHARMACOP/EIS, imprimis utile ; cum obinsignem plerprumque usitatiorum Processuum Varietatem, turn novam, atque elegantem in singulis operandi Rationem, tribus his, tantisque Viris, in Usu habitant!. Collegit, digessit et edidit C. L. M., sm. 4to. old calf gilt, 12s Qd Lugd.Bat., Henr. Drummond, 1684 12152 EDITIO NOVA, plurimis novis elegantioribus et accuratioribus Experimentis instructa et aucta, meliorem in Ordinem redacta, ubivis correcta, a superfluis Processhbus mundata per THEODORUM MUYKENS, M.D., 12mo. sound copy in contemporary calf gilt, Is 6d Antvcrpiw, 1702 'Morleywas accustomed to take copious notes of lectures, cases, etc He was evidently of remarkably wid^ knowledge in medicine and other sciences. He published Collectanea Chymica Leydensia (1684), which is evidently extracted from the note-books above referred to. It consists of a large number of chemical and pharmaceutical receipts taken from the lectures of van Mae'ts, [Christiaan] Marggrav, and Le Mort." D. N. B. The preface contains biographical information. 12153 MOROGUES (Sebastien Fra^ois Bigot, Vicomte de ; Lt.-Gcn. des Armees navales) ESSAY de PAPPLICATION des FORCES CENTRALES aux EFFETS de la POUDRE a CANON, d'oii Ton deduira une Theorie propre a perfectionner les differentes Bouches a Feu ; with folding plate, post 8vo. old calf joints broken), Is 6d Bound up with the above are : Proces- Verbal des Epreuves faites aux Ecoles d'Artillerie de Douay, sur les Portees des Pieces de quatre longues, et de celles de quatre courtes du nouveau Modele, Artist., 1772 : Reponse de 1'Auteur de 1'Essai sur 1'Usage de 1'Artillerie dans la Guerre de Carnpagne et dans celle de Sieges, ;i 1'Auteur d'un Livre intitule : Artillerie Nouvelle, etc. (pp. 35), x.d. [c. 1772]. HENKY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 605 12155 MORLAND (Sir Samuel) The DESCRIPTION and USE of Two ARITHMETICK INSTRUMENTS, together with a Short Treatise, explaining and demonstrating the ORDINARY OPERATIONS of ARITHMETICK, as likewise a PERPETUAL ALMANACK, and several Useful Tables, with IS copper- plates (4 folding), 10 tables on copper, and diagrams, 16mo. contemporary calf (joints weak) ; RARE, 2. 7s 6d Moses Pitt, at the White-Hart in Little- Britain, 1673 12156 ANOTHER COPY, with the RARE ENGRAVED PORTRAIT ' in a wig ' ; FINE AND LARGE COPY in contemporary calf gilt (back slightly damaged), 3. 3s The above work includes, with a separate title, dated 1072 : ' A New and most useful Instrument for Addition and Substraction of Pounds, Shillings, Pence, and Farthings, without charging the Memory, disturbing the Mind, or exposing the Operator to any Uncertainty : which no Method heretofore published, can justly pretend to. Invented and presented to ... Charles II. 1666 by S. Morland'. ' The arithmetical machines, originally presented to Charles II. in 1662 [sic], were manufactured for sale by Humphry Adanson, who lived with Jonas IMoore in the Tower of London. By means of them the lour fundamental rules of arithmetic were readily worked. This calculating machine appears to have been a modification of one constructed by Blaise Pascal about 1642. One of Morland's machines [which were the prototype of Thomas's arithmometer] is now at South Kensington './). N. B. 12157 ELEVATION des EAUX par toute Sorte de MACHINES, reduite a la Mesure, au Poids, a la Balance, par le Moyen d'un nouveau Piston, et Corps de Pompe, et d'un nouveau Mouvement Cyclo-Elliptique en rejettantl'Usage de toute Sorte de Manivelles ordinaires ; avec 8 PROBLEMES de MECIIANIQUE proposez aux plus habiles et aux plus seavans du Siecle ; printed in red and black, ivith 33 fine copperplates, and folding table, 4to. old calf gilt, newly and neatltf rebacked (VERY RARE), 1. 10* Jean Jombert [1685] 12158 ANOTHER COPY, with fine portrait by PIERRE LOMBART after Sir P. Lely, FINELY BOUND IN OLD ENGLISH CRIMSON MOROCCO EXTRA, gilt backs, Harleian gold tooling on sides, g. e. (bands of back slightly rubbed, nevertheless a. very fine copy), 5. 5s This copy is from the library of George Rennie, C.E., F.R.S., and belonged originally to WILLIAM LUDLAM. pr., mathematician (1717-88), who has writteu on the flyleaf an account of the author's water engine at Windsor, which ' raised water from the Thames 60 feet above the top of Windsor Castle at the rate of 60 barrels per hour by eight men ' (D. N. B.). The above is a very rare, if not unique, i>wi(-e, not only from having a portrait added, but also for having, in place of the ' Almanac Perpetuel' usually occurring, a ' Table des Pieds Quarrez et Pieds Cubiques '. This is the author's most important work (no English edition of which has ever been published), and include.-; his invention of the phmger pump, containing the gland and stuffing box a contrivance often erroneously attributed to James Watt. The appendix contains ' Reflexions tres-curieuses sur la Proportion Continue', ' Table pour la Quadrature du Cercle', and Huit Problemes de Mechanique proposez aux plus habiles Machinistes du Siecle', ' Morland was one of the chief mechanicians of his time. His most important discoveries were in connexion with hydrostatics. The problems connected with raising water to a height by mechanical means were receiving a great amount of attention during the middle of the XVII. century, and to the discoveries in this field (in which Morland bore an important part) are largely attributed the subsequent rapid development of the steam-engine and the accelerated rate of evolution in mechanical science generally.' D. N. B. In the original MS. of the above work (preserved in the British Museum) the author made an important suggestion for employing steam for working pumps, which made him one of the first to demonstrate the practical utility of steam-power, ' The plunger pump was invented by Sir Samuel Morland, and patented by him in 1675. The best feature in ttir Samuel's invention is the stuffing-box. This last-named contrivance, whose universal utility is testified by its very general use, and without which the steam engine could scarcely exist, is undoubtedly the invention of this distinguished and ingenious man, and alone ought to render his name immortal '.William Pole, F.R S. 12159 HYDROSTATICKS : or, INSTRUCTIONS concerning WATER WORKS collected out of the Papers of SIR SAMUEL MORLAND [with Preface by his Son JOSEPH MORLAND], containing the Method which he made Use of in this Curious Art, with 5 woodcuts, 16mo. contemporary sheep (RARE), 1. 5s John Lawrence, 1697 ' Containing an account of various methods of raising water, and tables of square and cube roots. It appears from the preface that a number of mathematical papers, left by Morland, were then in his son's possession.' D. N. B. ' He told me particularly that they [the papers printed in the above work] contained the Mystery of that Art and nimble Dispatch, which he was Master of in the Making and Managing of (more especially) such Mechanical Engines as relate to the Water '.-Preface. 12160 MORRISON OBSERVATORY, Glasgow, Mo., PUBLICATIONS of the, No. I, containing Description of the Instruments, and Details of Determination of the Geographic Co-ordinates of the Meridian Pier, miscellaneous Observations, and Notes, prepared by the Director, CARR WALLER PRITCHETT, with plates, roy. 4to. sewn, 4s Lynn, Mass., 1887 12161 MORRISON (G. James, M.I.C.E.) MAPS, their USES and CONSTRUCTION, with 45 diagrams, cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1901 12162 MORRISON (Commr. Richard James. R.N. ; 'ZADKIEL') The COMET: a large LITHO- GRAPHIC MAP of the TRUE COURSE of ENCKE'S COMET, with a LETTER to the MEMBERS of the ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, with 2 folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 45), sewn, Qs 6d [I860] This paradox (which is not budgeted by Prof, de Morgan) attempts to explain the course of comets in agreement with CM author a geocentric system. 'Zadkiel Tao Sze' as a Lieutenant in the Navy seems queer nowadays, but such he was before he took up with astrology. Whether he was a fool or a charlatan can never be proved ; but he showed much bravery on active service before he was twenty, and was equally brave in saving life afterwards. He became a stubborn paradoxer as well as the most popular prophetaster of his time. 12163 The NEW PRINCIPIA ; or TRUE SYSTEM of ASTRONOMY, in which the EARTH is proved to be the STATIONARY CENTRE of the SOLAR SYSTEM ; and the SUN is shown to be only 365,006 Miles from the Earth, and the MOON only 32,828-5 Miles distant ; while the San travels yearly in an Ellipse around the Earth, the other Planets moving about the Sun in Ellipses also, with 2 folding plates and 8 woodcuts, Svo. (pp. 64), sewn (scarce), Is Qd [1868] Avowedly written to supersede the Principia. 'and to show up 'the absurdity of the whole system taught by Newton '. Intro. .' Dedicated to the Schoolmasters of Great Britain. Gentlemen, You can all understand this work. You have in your hands the forming the minds of the next generation of men. If you learn hereby the TRUTH, as to Astronomy, you are responsible for informing your Pupils' minds in conformity therewith. Your respectful servant, The Author '. 606 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12165 MORRICE (Alexander, common brewer) PRACTICAL TREATISE on BREWING the VARIOUS SORTS of MALT LIQUOR; with Examples of each Species, and the Mode of Using the Thermo- meter and Saccharometer ; with General Instructions for making Malt ; and Tables of Excise on Strong and Table Beer ; 6th Edition, with the Laws relating to Brewers, Malsters, and Innkeepers, by JOHN WILLIAMS, with woodcuts, 8vo. boards, uncut, 6s Qd 1819 12166 - - SEVENTH EDITION, considerably improved, with Appendix containing Patents, etc. for the Latest Improvements in Brewing [and Glossary], with front, by S. BeVin of interior of a brewery, and woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf, with bookplate of H. B. H. Beaufoy. F.R.S., Is Qd 1827 12167 - EIGHTH EDITION [unchanged], with front, (water-stained), and woodcuts, 8vo. boards, 6* Qd . 1834 All the above editions contain a History of the London Brewery from William III. to the present Time. 12168 MORRIS (Albert T. J., Incumbent of St. James's, Muthill) TREATISE on METEOROLOGY, with the latest Discoveries and Theories, illustrated, post 8vo. cl., 4s Edin., 1866 12169 MORSE (Harmon Northrup ; Johns Hopkins Univ.), J. C. W. FRAZER, and P. B. DUNBAR: The OSMOTIC PRESSURE of CANE-SUGAR in the Vicinity of 5, roy. 8vo. (pp. 52), sewn, with Prof. Morse's inscr.. 2s Qd [Baltimore'] , 1907 12170 - - , E. J. HOFFMAN, and W. L. KENNON : A REDETERMINATION of the OSMOTIC PRESSURE and of the DEPRESSION of the FREEZING POINTS of CANE SUGAR SOLUTIONS, roy. 8vo. (pp. 55), sewn, with Prof. Morse's inscr., 2s Qd . [ibid.'}, 1906 12171 ----- , and William W. HOLLAND: The OSMOTIC PRESSURE of CANE SUGAR SOLUTIONS in the Vicinity of the FREEZING POINT of WATER, roy. 8vo. (pp. 43), sewn, with Prof. Morse's inscr. , 2s Qd [ib.] , 1907 12172 -- , and B. S. HOPKINS: The OSMOTIC PRESSURE and the DEPRESSION of the FREEZING POINTS of SOLUTIONS of GLUCOSE, with 2 plates and 7 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. (pp. 39), sewn, with Prof. Morse's inscr., 2s Qd [ib.], 1906 12173 - , and William W. HOLLAND : The OSMOTIC PRESSURE of CANE SUGAR SOLUTIONS at 20, roy. 8vo. (pp. 20), sewn, 2s [ib.], 1909 12174 - - The OSMOTIC PRESSURE of CANE SUGAR SOLUTIONS at 25, roy. 8vo. (pp. 19), sewn, with Prof. Morse's inscr., 2s [ib.], 1909 12175 -- The OSMOTIC PRESSURE of GLUCOSE SOLUTIONS at 10, roy. 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, with Prof. Morse's inscr., 2s [ib.] , 1908 12176 -- The REGULATION of TEMPERATURE in the MEASUREMENT of OSMOTIC PRESSURE, with Opiates, roy. 8vo. (pp. 26), sewn, with Prof. Morse's inscr., 2s [ib.], 1909 12177 , J. C. W. FRAZER, B. MEARS, and others : The RELATION of OSMOTIC of. M [ib.], [ib.], PRESSURE to TEMPERATURE, with 26 plates, 5 parts roy. 8vo. (pp. 134), sewn, with Prof. Morse's inscr., 10s Qd [ib.], 1911 12178 ---- Part IV: The MEMBRANES, roy. 8vo. (pp. 20), sewn, Is Qd [ib.], 1911 12179 -- , and B. F. LOVELACE : The OSMOTIC PRESSURE and the DEPRESSION of the FREEZING POINTS of SOLUTIONS of GLUCOSE, roy. 8vo. (pp. 37), sewn, vrith Prof. Morse's inscr., 2s Qd [ib.], 1907 12180 -- , and F. M. ROGERS : The OSMOTIC PRESSURE of GLUCOSE SOLUTIONS in the Vicinity of the FREEZING POINT of WATER, roy. 8vo. (pp. 48), sewn, with Prof. Morse's inscr., 2s Qd ' [ib.], 1907 12181 --- , and B. F. LOVELACE : IMPROVEMENTS in MANOMETERS for the Measurement of OSMOTIC PRESSURE, with 6 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, ivith Prof. Morse's inscr., Is Qd [ib.], 1908 12182 - , and Brainerd MEARS : IMPROVEMENT in CELLS for the MEASUREMENT of OSMOTIC PRESSURE, with, 4 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, with Prof. Morse's inscr., Is Qd [ib.], 1908 12183 --- The OSMOTIC PRESSURE of CANE SUGAR SOLUTIONS at 15, roy. 8vo. (pp. 20), sewn, with Prof. Morse's inscr., Is Qd [ib.], 1908 12184 - , and H. V. MORSE : The OSMOTIC PRESSURE of CANE SUGAR SOLUTIONS at 10, roy. 8vo. (pp. 14), sewn, with Prof. Morse's inscr., Is Qd [ib.], 1908 12185 MORSE (Harry W., Harvard Univ.) On EVAPORATION from the SURFACE of a SOLID SPHERE, roy. 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, Is [Boston, Mass.], 1910 12186 - The INTERNAL RESISTANCE of the LEAD ACCUMULATOR, with 13 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 24), sewn, Is Qd [ibid.], 1911 12187 - SOME MINUTE PHENOMENA of ELECTROLYSIS, with 3 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is [ib.], 1910 12188 MORTIMER (G. W.) MANUAL of PYROTECHNY ; or a Familiar System of Recreative Fire- Works, with 2 folding plates, 8vo. boards, Qs Qd 1824 12189 -- PYROTECHNY ; or a Familiar System of Recreative Fire-Works, 2nd Edition, revised, with 28 ivoodcuts, cr. 8vo. sewn (a few II. soiled), 3s n. d. A new edition of the Manual. 12190 MOSCHICK (P.) Die BAHNEN der am 3. AUGUST und am 28. SEPTEMBER 1905 erschienenen hellen METEORE, 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn, \s Qd Karlsruhe, 1909 12191 MOSER (A.) ANLEITUNG xum GEBRAUCHE des MIKROSKOPS, fiir Aerzte, Naturforscher und Freunde der Natur ; with folding plate, 8vo. sewn, 3s Berlin, 1839 Unknown to Poggendorff. 12192 MOSSMAN (Robert Cockburn, F.R.S.E. : Argentine Meteorological Office) The METEOROLOGY of EDINBURGH, with 8 charts, 3 parts 4to. 12s Qd (p. 1. 8s Qd nett) Edin., 1896-1902 12193 MOUZ ( , Chefde Bataillon du Genie) TRAITE de FORTIFICATION SOUTERRAINE, suivi de quatre MEMOIRES sur les MINES ; with 20 folding copperplates, 4to. unbound, 7s Qd 1804 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 607 12195 MOSELEY (Benjamin, M.D., Physician to Chelsea Hospital] TREATISE on SUGAB, with Miscellaneous Medical Observations ; '2nd Edition, with considerable Additions, 8vo. boards, uncut, with author s inscr. (scarce], \Qs 6d 1800 ' Containing the exciting story of the death of Three-fingered Jack, a famous negro outlaw slain by three Maroons, who described their encounter in 1781 to Dr. Moseley '. D. N. B. 12196 [MOSELEY (Henry, F.R.S. ; Canon of Bristol)] DEFINITE INTEGRALS (Encyclopaedia Metropolitana), 4to. (pp. 54), sewn, 3s Qd [1837] One of the author's more important works (D. 2V. .), and never reprinted. 12197 ILLUSTRATIONS of MECHANICS, with 85 woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. cl., 3s 1839 12198 - LECTURES on ASTRONOMY at King's College, London, 2nd Edition, with front, and wood- cuts, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1846 12199 THIRD EDITION, revised, with front., and woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 3s 1850 12200 FOURTH [LAST] EDITION, revised, with front., and ivood cuts, 12mo. cl., 3s 1854 12201 The MECHANICAL PRINCIPLES of ENGINEERING and ARCHITECTURE, with numerous woodcuts, etc., 8vo. cl., with auto, of George Rennic, F.R.S. , 4s 1843 12202 SECOND [LAST] EDITION [enlarged], with numerous woodcuts, 8vo. hf. morocco (title stamped] ; scarce, 8s Qd 1855 ' A standard text-book on the subject.' Prof. Mahan. This edition contains four additional articles in the Appendix, which include one ' On the Rolling of Ships ', containing the formula by which the dynamical stability of all ships of war has since been calculated, and ' one of the most ex- tensively useful results of Moseley's mathematical labours ' (D. N. B.). Another is the article on the observed motion of the lead on the roof of Bristol Cathedral under changes of temperature, ' which caused him to advance the theory that the motion of glaciers might be similarly explained.' D. N. B. ' Moseley's chief merit is the introduction into English of the methods of the French elasticians, notably Poncelet's conception of work. . . . The book contains a good deal which might be useful even to the practical student of to-day, for many of the problems considered are not to be found in the ordinary text-books.' Todhunter & Pearson' s History of Elasticity. 12203 RESEARCHES in the THEORY of MACHINES, with diagrams, 4to. (pp. 21), unbound, 12204 On the ROLLING MOTION of a CYLINDER, rov. 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, ivith author's inscr., 3; Qd 1851 Interesting in connexion with railway engineering, as giving algebraical formulae for the driving wheel of the engine and its slip. 12205 TREATISE on HYDROSTATICS and HYDRODYNAMICS, with 4 folding plates, 8vo. cl., 3s Cambridge, 1830 12206 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf gilt (nice copy), 3s Qd 12207 TREATISE on MECHANICS, applied to the ARTS, including Statics and Hydrostatics, illustrated, fcap. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1834 12208 SECOND EDITION, improved, illustrated, post 8vo. cl., 3s 1839 12209 MOSSOTTI (Ottaviano Fabrizio ; Univ. Pisa) DISCUSSIONE ANALITICA sulF INFLUENZA che 1'Azione di un MEZZO DIELETTRICO ha sulla DISTRIBUZIONE dell' ELETTRICITA alia SUPERFICIE di piii Corpi Elettrici disseminati in esso, roy. 4to. (pp. 26), sewn (scarce), 6s Qd Modena, 1846 This memoir contains important investigations on the distribution of electricity in the dielectric medium, which were also made six years afterwards, but independently, by R. Clausins, to whom they are generally ascribed. The author's name is not even mentioned in Hoppe's ' Geschichte der Elektrizitat.' FORMOLA per rappreseutare la TENSIONE del VAPOR ACQUEO, 4to. (pp. 11), cl. cover, with author's inscr. to the Duca di Rignano, 4s Qd ibidem, 1837 12211 - Sur les FORCES qui REGISSENT la CONSTITUTION INTERIEURE des CORPS : Apercu pour servir a la Determination de la CAUSE et des Lois de FACTION MOLECULAIRE, 4to. (pp. 34), sewn, with inscr. (scarce), 8* Qd Turin, 1836 An important memoir on molecular physics treated mathematically, which became of authority in the modern analytical treatment of the theories of matter and space. * Considerant Tether comme une masse continue, et les molecules comme des corps- isoles, j'ai trouve que si ces dernieres sont spheriques, elles s'environnentd'une atmosphere dont la densite decroit suivantune ionction de la distance, qui contient un facteur exponentiel.' P. 9. 12212 On the VARIATION in the MEAN MOTION of the COMET of ENCKE, produced by the, RESISTANCE of an ETHER, translated by DR. OLINTHUS GREGORY, 4to. (pp. 8), seivn, 4s 1824 Interesting as an early attempt (treated mathematically) at ascribing a frictional property to the ether a subject experimented on within recent years with negative results. Although one of the first to treat analytically such subjects as molecular physics and ether problems, the author received unmerited neglect by his contemporaries, and is not even noticed in the ffiographie Generale. 12213 MOTT (T. F.) Two PAPERS on the ORIGIN of ORGANIC COLOUR, 8vo. (pp. 14), sewn. Is Qd Leicester, 1898 Suggesting a physiological origin of colour in plants and animals. 12214 MOUAT (Frederic J., M.D.), and H. Saxon SNELL, F.R.I.B.A. : HOSPITAL CON- STRUCTION and MANAGEMENT, with numerous plates and woodcuts, and folding map (linen mounted), 4to. hf. morocco (rubbed)', o. p.,8s Qd (p. 1. 10*) 1883 12215 MOULIN (Alfred) CORRELATION des Lois NATURELLES, 8vo. (pp, 40), sewn, Is Qd s. d. 12216 MOUNTAINS (William, F.R s.) The SEAMAN'S VADE-MECUM and DEFENSIVE WAR at SEA, containing the Proportions of Rigging, Masts and Yards, Weight of Anchors, Sizes and Weight of Cables and Cordage, List of the Navy, Exercise of the Small-Arms, Bayonet, Granadoes and Great Guns, Duty of Officers, etc., also, shewing how to prepare a Merchant-Ship for a Close Fight, etc., etc., and Essay on Naval Bookkeeping, the Method of forming Signals, etc., with 2 folding plates, 12mo. old calf (joints cracked, and some II. soiled), 8s Qd 1761 12217 MOUSSON (Albert, Zurich} Die PHYSIK auf GRUNDLAGE der ERFAHRUNG, 3. [neueste] umgearbeitete Auflage ; with 5 folding plates and 1258 woodcuts, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf (slightly browned), 10s (p. M. 36 sewn) ' Zurich, 1879-1882 608 HENKY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12219 MOUBEAUX (Thomas) Sur la CONSTRUCTION des CARTES MAGNETIQUES ; with 2 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 42), sewn (o. p.), Is 6d , 1890 ]2220 DETERMINATION des ELEMENTS MAGNETIQUES en FRANCE, accompagnee de Nouvelles Cartes Magnetiques dressees pour le l er Janvier 1885; with 4 maps, roy. 4to. sewn, 4s 6 Janvier 1888, 4to. (pp. 5), sewn, Is Qd 188S 12222 DETERMINATIONS MAGNETIQUES faites en FRANCE pendant 1'Annee 1889, inipl. 4to. (pp. 80), sewn, with author's inscr. , 3s 6d 1889 12223 MOXLEY (Joseph. Henry Sutton, pr.) TIDES SIMPLY EXPLAINED ; with Practical Hints to! Mariners, diagrams, large post 8vo. cL, 3s Qd 1890 Directed against the ' extraordinary fallacies ' of Sir George Airy, Lord Kelvin. Sir Robert Ball, and Sir G. H. barwh:. and establishing a tidal theory of the author's own making. 12224 MOXON (Joseph, F.R.S., hydrographer to the King) COMPENDIUM EUCLIDIS CURIOSI [sic] : | or, GEOMETRICAL OPERATIONS, shewing how with one SINGLE OPENING of the COMPASSES and a STRAIGHT RULER all the PROPOSITIONS of EUCLID'S FIRST FIVE BOOKS are PERFORMED, translated out of Dutch, sin. 4to. (pp. 34), sewn (rare), Ss 6d J. C. for J. Moxon, 1677 This work was unknown to Allibone and the author's biographer in D. JY. B., while Poggendorff omits the author altogether from his Handwiirterlmcli. At end is a (5-p. Catalogue Ja.t I. defective) of the author's globes, maps, mathematical instruments, and books, with prices. 12225 MATHEMATICKS MADE EASIE : or, a MATHEMATICAL DICTIONARY, explaining the Terms of Art, and Difficult Phrases used in Arithmetick, Geometry, Astronomy, ASTROLOGY, and other Mathematical Sciences, with Appendix of Weights and Measures, the Marks, Symbols, or Abreviations commonly used in ALGEBRA, etc., with 3 plates and diagrams, 12mo. old calf, (back of binding damaged, and title scribbled on) ; RARE, 175 %d apud auctorem, 1679 First edition off the lirs't mathematical dictionary ever published in any language. It was followed byOzanam's, r. y, . 1. 5s apud auctorem, 1670 1 According to the author this was the first English work on practical perspective. Some of the plates give interesting j views of interiors of houses. 12229 A TUTOR to ASTRONOMIE and GEOGRAPHIE : or an Easie and speedy Way to know the Use of both the Globes, Celestial and Terrestrial, with the Antient Poetical Stories of the Stars, j collected from DR. HOOD, and a Discourse of the Antiquity, Progress and Augmentation of Astronomie, first edition, with front., including portraits of Ptolemy and Tycho Brahe, and view of London with London Bridge, numerous engravings on copper and wood, and diagrams, sm. 4to. hf. calf (slightly water-stained, but a sound copy), 1. Is a. e.. 1659 I The work professes to teach the subject 'more fully and amply than hath ever been set forth either by Gemi: ; Frisius, Metius, Hues, Wright, Blaew, or any others that have taught the Use of the Globes : And that so plainly an i methodically that the meanest Capacity may at first reading apprehend it.' The work is still based on the system of Tycl: > ' Brahe. Another work by the author, based on the Copernican system, was published in lOtiO, but does not appear to hav- j been successful, for it was never reprinted. 12230 THIRD EDITION, corrected and enlarged, with APPENDIX shewing the Use of the Ptolomaick [sic] Sphere, engravings oncopper, and woodcuts, sm. 4to.oldcalf, 10s Qd 2\2toycroft,l614 12231 ANOTHER COPY, old calf (newly and neatly rebacked), 12s The above edition is dedicated to Samuel Pepy.s, ' Principal Officer of the Xavy '. Pp. 130-181 treat of DIALLIXS, a:. 1 contain a description of the Dial at Leadenhall Corner, made by John Leek. 12232 [MOYA (Juan Perez de, Canonigo de Granada) TRATADO de GEOMETRIA PRACTICA y ; SPECULATIVA: TRATADO de ASTRONOMIA] ; with woodvuts and numerous diagrams, 2 vols. folio in 1, old limp vellum (titles missing and last 10 //. of Table of ' Astronomia ' in MS.) ; very rare, 2. 2s [Alcala de Henares, 1573] Two very rare works which were unknown to Poggendorff (who does not even mention the author's name), Brunet, Ebert, Montucla, and others, while Prof. M. Cantor only mentions the author's Aritmetim. The second book of the Gewnstrift, treats of surveying, and describes and illustrates some surveying instruments ; pp. 171-2 of the Astronomia give a description of AMERICA, pp. 104-j the latitude and longitude of 119 towns of Europe, Africa and Asia, while book III deals with DIALLING. 12233 MUCK (F.) CHEMISCHE APHORISMEN iiber STEINKOHLEN ; with folding tables, 4to .(pp. 24), sewn, 3s Bochum, 1873 12234 GRUNDZUGE und ZIELE der STEINKOHLEN-CHEMIE ; with folding tables, roy. 8vo. d. (scarce), 4s Bonn, 18S1 12235 MULCAHY (John, Queen's Coll., Galway) PRINCIPLES of MODERN GEOMETRY, with numerous Applications to Plane and Spherical Figures, and Appendix of Questions, diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4s Dublin, 1852 12236 - - ANOTHER COPY, with auto, of, and 10 pp. of MS. matter by, Sir Howard Warburton Elphinstone, 4s (id 12237 SECOND [LATEST] EDITION, revised, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 6s ibid., 1862 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 609 12239 MUDGE (John; M.D., F.B.S., brother of Thomas Mudge; friend of Dr. Johnson) DIRECTIONS for making the best COMPOSITION for the METALS of REFLECTING TELESCOPES, with Description of the Process for GRINDING, POLISHING, and giving the great Speculum the true PARABOLIC CURVE, with folding copperplate by Basire, 4to. (pp. 50), sewn (RARE), 15* 1777 ' Mudge was awarded' the Copley medal of the Royal Society for his Directions. . . . Sir John Pringle, the president, in making the presentation, remarked : 'Mr. Mudge hath truly realised the expectation of Sir Isaac Newton, who, about one hundred years ago, presaged that the public would one day possess a parabolic speculum, not accomplished by mathematical rules, but by mechanical devices '.' I). N. B. L2240 MUDGE (Thomas), DESCRIPTION of the TIME-KEEPER invented by, with a Narrative by THOMAS MUDGE, his Son, of Measures taken to give Effect to the Invention since the REWARD bestowed upon it by the HOUSE of COMMONS. 1793 ; a Republication of a TRACT on the IMPROVE- MENT of TIME-KEEPERS, and Letters written by him to Count Bruhl [sic], 1773-87, with fine portrait by SCHIAVONETTI, after Dance, and folding plates, 4to. boards, uncut (portrait foxed and its lower margin water-stained) ; VERY RARE, 2. 2* 1799 A full account of the author's chronometer an improvement on Harrison's for which he received a parliamentary grant of 2500. Mudge was the inventor of the lever escapement, and made Dr. Johnson his first watch in 1768. One of his watches is still preserved in going order in the Soane Museum. L2241 : REGISTER of the GOING of MR. MUDGE'S FIRST TIME-KEEPER, from April 18th, 1780, to May 7th, 1781 : with 2 other Registers of the said Time-Piece, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, 6s 6d [1781] Including the favourable report by Dr. Hornsby, Savilian prof, astronomy, Oxon., 1776, and the unfavourable one by Dr. Nevil Maskelyne, the Astronomer Royal, which caused a long controversy. [2242 : MUDGE Jr. (Thomas, of Lincoln's Inn) A NARRATIVE of FACTS, relating to some TIME- KEEPERS, constructed by MR. THOMAS MUDGE, for the Discovery of the Longitude at Sea: with Observations on the Conduct of the Astronomer Royal respecting them, 8vo. (pp. 104), sewn, 8s 6d 1792 DR. NEVIL MASKELYNE'S COPY : L2243 : A REPLY to the ANSWER of the REV. DR. MASKELYNE, Astronomer Royal, to a Narrative of Facts, relating to some Time-Keepers, constructed by MR. THOMAS MUDGE, for the Discovery of the Longitude at Sea, etc., with a Short Explanation of the most proper Methods of Culculating a Mean Daily Rate, with Remarks on some Passages in Dr. Maskeiyne's Answer, by the COUNT DE BRUHL [*&], 8vo. boards (back torn), uncut, 1.1* 1792 This copy belonged to DR. NEVIL MASKELYNE, the Astronomer Royal, and contains in his handwriting 'From the author of the Appendix' on flyleaf, as well as corrections and numerous long pencil notes on margin, in which he replies to the objections advanced against him. ' These [Mudge's green and blue chronometers] were submitted to the same rigorous tests as the first, but like it, they were described by the astronomer royal as not having satisfied the requirements of the act. A controversy ensued, in which it was stated that Maskelyne had not given the timekeepers fair trial, but that they had gone better in other hands both before and after the period during which they had been under observation. Mudge's case was strongly urged in a pamphlet issued by his eldest son, entitled ' A Narrative of Facts ', 1792. Maskelyne retorted in ' An Answer to a Narrative of Facts' (v. No. 11542 ante), and the controversy closed with the younger Mudge's 'Reply to the Answer ' (1792). . . . It is curious that Harrison entertained similar grievances against Maskelyne (v. Nos. 8965-0 and 8970, ante), and it was currently supposed that the astronomer royal had a scheme of his own for finding the longitude by lunar tables which disposed him to apply ultra-rigorous tests to the chronometers.' D.N.B. 12244 MUDGE (Major-Gen. William, F.R.S., son of John Mudge) ACCOUNT of the MEASUREMENT of an ARC of the MERIDIAN, extending from Dunnose in the Isle of Wight to Clifton, Yorks., in the Course of the Operations carried on for the Trigonometrical Survey of England, 1800-2, with! fine copperplates (5 folding) of geodetic instruments, and folding map, large 4to. hf. calf (binding slightly damaged), 5s ' 1804 12245 ANOTHER COPY; also: Mudge (Major-Gen. William, F.R.S.), Isaac Dalby, and Major-Gen. Thomas Frederick Colby, F.R.S. : ACCOUNT of the OPERATIONS for accomplishing a TRIGONOMETRICAL SURVEY of ENGLAND and WALES, from its beginning in 1784 to 1809, with, 43 folding plates and maps on copper, 4 vols. 4to. in 3, contemporary russiagilt (a few joints weak, but a nice copy), \1s 6d 1799-1801-11 A continuation of General Roy's survey, which only included Kent, and the first ordnance survey of England and Wales. It also includes the measurement of an arc of the meridian between Dunnose Point, Isle of Wight, and a station near the mouth of the Tees. Its protagonist was the ' Lieutenant Colonel Mudge, The Tower', whose old-world legend we have so often noticed at the base of the finely-engraved first issue of the Ordnance Maps. 12246 MULDER (E., Univ. Utrecht) De METHODS bij SCHEIKUNDIG ONDERZOEK te volgen, opge- spoord uit de Geschiedenis, roy. 8vo. seivn, Is Qd Utrecht, 1868 12247 MULDER (Gerard Jan) CHEMISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN [tiber die GALLE, PROTEIN, BEHENOL und AMORPHES CHININ, Proteinverbindungen u. A. m.], unter des Verfassers Mitwirkung iibersetzt von A. VOLCKER, 3 parts 8vo. sewn (scarce), 7s (id Frankfurt a. M., 1847-8 Containing the author's important investigations on proteids, which involved him in an acrimonious controversy with Liebig. He refers to the latter in the preface : ' . . . so sehr wiinsche ich, dass diese Untersuchungen nicht in die Hiinde des Mannes gelangen mochten, der statt Wahrheitssinn grobe Selbstsucht, statt Wissenschaft Gewinnsucht nkhrt, dessen Bestreben Vernichtung und Rache erfiUlt. . . . Wo ich darauf hingeleitet werde, werde ich auf diesen Schandfleck der Wissenschaft dieses Zeitalters jederzeit zuriickkommen '. 12248 SCHEIKUNDIGE ONDERZOEKiNGEN gedaan in het LABORATORIUM der UTRECHTSCHE HOOGESCHOOL ; Deel I-V en VI. I. (zooveer verschenen) ; with plates, 6 vols. 8vo. boards (scarce), 12s 6d Rotterdam, 1842-51 12249 MULERIUS [sive MULIERS, vel MULLER] (Nicolas ; Univ. Groningen) IUD^ORUM ANNUS LUN^E-SOLARIS : et TURC-ARABUM ANNUS mere LUNARIS, recens uterque e suis Fontibus deductus, et cum Anno Romano facili Methodo connexus ; with arms on last /., folio, old limp vellum (a few II slightly browned, otherwise a FINE COPY) ; RA.RE, 15s Groningce, 1630 The date is given on the colophon in the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim eras. 12250 MUNCKE (Georg Wiltelm, hie G. H. ; Univ. Heidelberg) Uber die AuSDEHNUNG der TROPFBAREN FLUSSIGKEITEN durch WARMS, 4to. (pp. 165), sewn, ' 5s o. 0., 1828 Unknown to Poggendorff. 610 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12252 MUIR (James, Trinity Coll., Cantab.} The RECOVERY of IRON from OVERSTRAIN, with dia- grams, roy. 4to. (pp. 46), sewn, 2s 1899 12263 MUIR (Matthew Moncrieff Pattison, Caius Coll., Cantab.) The ALCHEMICAL ESSENCE and the CHEMICAL ELEMENT : an Episode in the Quest of the Unchanging, 8vo. cl. (scarce), Qs Qd 1894 12254 On the SOLVENT ACTION of VARIOUS SALINE SOLUTIONS upon LEAD, Svo. (pp. 5), sewn, \s 1877 12255 TREATISE on the PRINCIPLES of CHEMISTRY, ivith plate, Svo. cl., 4s (p. 15s) University Press, Cambridge, 1884 1 Treating the principal theories of modern chemistry to some extent from an historical point of view.' Preface. 12256 , and David Muir WILSON : The ELEMENTS of THERMAL CHEMISTRY, with folding plate and 13 woodcuts, Svo. cl., or, hf. calf, 4* (p. 12* Qd) 1885 12257 MUIR (Thomas; F.R.S.) The DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION of a CONIC, Svo. (pp. 3), sewn, with author's inscr., Is 1886 12258 The PROMOTION of RESEARCH, with special Reference to the present State of the Scottish Universities and Secondary Schools, Svo. sewn, with authors inscr., 2s Qd privately printed, Paisley, 1884 12259 The THEORY of DETERMINANTS in the HISTORICAL ORDER of DEVELOPMENT, PART I : DETERMINANTS in GENERAL, LEIBNITZ (1663) to CAYLEY (1841), with folding table, Svo. cl., 5s (p. 10s Qd) 1890 The only work on the history of determinants published in any language. 12280 TREATISE on the THEORY of DETERMINANTS, with Graduated Sets of Exercises, cr. Svo. cl. (o. p.), Is 1882 12261 MULLER (Arthur, Vienna) Die THEORIE der KOLLOIDE: Ubersicht iiber die Forschungen, betreffend die Natur des Kolloidalzustandes ; with diagrams, Svo. sewn, Is Qd Wien, 1903 12262 MULLER (Johann Heinrich Jacob ; Univ. Freiburg i. B.) GRUNDRISS der PHYSIK und METEOROLOGIE, 8. vermehrte Auflage; with 581 woodcuts, Svo. hf. calf, 2s Braunschweig, 1862 12263 PRINCIPLES of PHYSICS and METEOROLOGY [translated by E. C. O.], with 2 coloured plates, and 530 woodcuts, Svo. hf. calf neat, 3s 6d 1847 LEHRBUCH der KOSMISCHEN PHYSIK v. DIENGER, No. 7294, ante. 12264 MULLER (Johann Heinrich Traugott) ALLGEMEINE ABLEITUNG der KRYSTALLOMETRI- SCHEN GRUNDGLEICHUNGEN ; with 2 diagrams, roy. Svo. (pp. 14), sewn, Is Qd [Wieri], 1854 12265 DARSTELLUNG der GRUNDEIGENSCHAFTEN der PRISMOIDE, 4to. (pp. 20), sewn, 2s Gotha, 1842 12266 DlSQUISITIONES de POLYGONIS SOLIDIS et POLYEDRIS SlMPLICIBUS, 4tO. (pp. 18), Sewn (title soiled), 2s ibidem, 1841 12267 - tiber diejenigen KUGELN, welche die KANTEN eines beliebigen TETRAEDERS BERUHREN ; roy. Svo. (p. 30), sewn, Is Qd [Wien,] 1856 12268 MULLER (John ; first Headmaster R. M. Academy, Woohvich) The ATTACK and DEFENCE of FORTIFY'D PLACES, with a TREATISE of MINES, and TABLES of their Proper Charges, deduced from a New Theory, with 25 folding copperplates, Svo. old calf (joints broken), 5s 1747 This work is dedicated to William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland ['the Butcher ']. 12269 MATHEMATICAL TREATISE : containing a SYSTEM of CONIC SECTIONS ; with the DOC- TRINE of FLUXIONS and FLUENTS, applied to various Subjects, viz. to the finding the Maximnms and Minimums ... as also to the Resolution of ... many new Physico-Mathematical Problems, with 14 folding plates, 4to. old calf gilt, 8s Qd 1736 The author, who was born in Germany, was ' the scholastic father of all the great engineers this country employed for forty years ' (Dr. G. Birkbeck Hill). He gives a new explanation ot fluxions by considering ' a curve-line to be generated by the motion of a point urged by two powers acting in two different directions, the one parallel to the Abscisses and the other parallel to the Ordinates.' Preface. 12270 A TREATISE of ARTILLERY : containing Constructions of Brass and Iron Guns, Mortars, Howitzes, Carriages used in the Artillery, etc. etc., with the THEORY of POWDER applied to Fire- Arms, with front, and 28 folding plates on copper, Svo. old calf (newly rebacked) ; rare, with auto, of Maj. - Gen. Sir Thomas Blomefield (1744-1 822) , 1 0* 1757 12271 SECOND EDITION, with large Additions, with 28 folding plates, Svo. old calf, 8s Qd 1768 Interesting for giving copious details of the construction of centemporary artillery. 12272 - - TREATISE containing the ELEMENTARY PART of FORTIFICATION, Regular and Irregular, with Remarks on the Constructions of de Vauban and Coehorn, 2nd Edition, with 34 folding plates, Svo. old calf, 5s Qd 1756 12273 - TREATISE containing the PRACTICAL PART of FORTIFICATION, 3rd Edition, with 26 folding plates and 4 tables on copper, Svo. old sheep (joints cracked), 5s 1774 The author was appointed in 1741 headmaster of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, then ' a mere school ', and on its enlargement professor of fortification and artillery. He was a colleague of Thomas Simpson, F.R.S., professor of mathematics in the same institution. 12274 MULLER (Major William, Royal Hanoverian Engineers) TREATISE on COSMOSPHERICALLY- MOUNTED TERRESTRIAL and CELESTIAL GLOBES, with Appendix on their Use, of an Orbograph, a Loxodromograph, and a Spherometer, Instruments for calculating the Latitude and Longitude at Sea, Svo. sewn, uncut, 3s 1829 12275 ANOTHER COPY, smooth red morocco, g. e., 4s ' In 1828 he patented in England an instrument he called' a ' cosmosphere ', consisting of ' cosmically ' (equatorially ?) mounted terrestrial and celestial globes ' for the solution of problems in navigation, spherics, and other sciences. 1 'D.N.B. 12276 [MULLER (William)] PHOTOGRAPHIC MANIPULATION : the CALOTYPE, COLLODION, and WAX-PAPER PROCESSES, with full Directions for Printing from the Negatives, and the Method of Colouring Photographs, fcap. Svo. (pp. 18), sewn (last p. defective), 3s 1856 Including a price list of photographic cameras, etc. (pp. 28). HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 611 12279 MUIiLER (Philipp ; Prof. Mathematics and Physics ; Univ. Leipzig), HYPOTYPOSIS COMET.*: NUPERRIME visi, una cum brevi Repetitione DOCTRINE COMETIC^E, ex Recentiorum Fundamentis Stabiliendas Veritatis ergo in Disputationem Publicam oblata ; with engravings on copper illus- trating the course of the Comet of Nov. 26th-Dec. 14, 1618, 4to. sewn (rare), 10s 6d [col.:] Lipsice, G. Liger, 1619 Interesting as an early work on cometary astronomy. It is not noticed by Brunet, Graesse, or Ebert, but mentioned by Poggendorff as ' Hypothesis Cometse '. According to Allgemeine Deutsche Biographic, where there is a very meagre account of the author, he occupied himself chiefly with attempting to explain the nature of comets. 12280 MIRACULA CHYMICA et HYSTERIA MEDICA, Libris V enucleata, ex Recension e GERARDI BLASII ; with engraved title and woodcuts of chemical apparatus, 18rao. sound copy in contemporary white vellum (rare), 10s 6d Amstelodami, 1659 According to H. Kopp the author was the first to mention in the above work dry acetate of potassium (before him only known in solution) under the name of terra foliata. 12281 MTJNBY (Alan Edward, F.C.S.) INTRODUCTION to the CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS of BUILDING MATERIALS, with woodcuts, large cr. 8vo. cl. t 4s (p. 6s nett) 1909 12282 MUNCHHAUSEN (C. W. E. v.) SCHEDIASMA PHILOLOGICO-MATHEMATICUM, quo TETRACTYS PYTHAGOR^EORUM et QUADRATURA CIRCULI EXPLICANTUR et RESOLVUNTUR ; with plate, 4to. (pp. 20), sewn (rare), 8s 6d Erfordice, 1739 The author was really related to the famous ' Baron Munchhausen '. 12283 MURCHISON (Sir Roderick Impey, F.R.S., P.G.S.) On the COALFIELD of BRORA in SUTHERLANDSHIRE, and some other Stratified Deposits in the North of Scotland, with 2 plates (I folding and coloured), 4to. (pp. 34), sewn, with inscr. to Thomas Allan, F.R.S., 4s 1827 12284 OUTLINE of the GEOLOGY of the NEIGHBOURHOOD of CHELTENHAM, with coloured front., and woodcuts, 8vo. (pp 40), sewn, 4s Cheltenham,, 1834 12285 The SILURIAN SYSTEM, founded on Geological Researches in the Counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monmouth, Gloucester, Worcester, and Stafford, with Descriptions of the COAL-FIELDS and OVERLYING FORMATIONS, with 54 plates (11 folding and coloured), including 31 fine lithographs of fossils, 112 woodcuts, A VERY LARGE COLOURED FOLDING MAP in 3 sections, and 3 smaller'ones, 2 vols. roy. 4to. new hf. black morocco gilt (VERY SCARCE COMPLETE) ; with auto, of L. W. DILLWYN [naturalist, 1778-1855], 4. 145 Qd 1839- 12286 ANOTHER COPY, with the large folding map linen-mounted on one sheet, 2 vols. roy. 4to. in 1, hf. russia gilt (joints cracked), with the map in hf. russia portfolio, 4. 4s 1 The publication of this splendid monograph forms a notable epoch in the history of modern geology, and well entitles its author to be enrolled among the founders of the science. For the first time, the succession of fossiliferous- formations below the Old Red Sandstone was shown in detail. Their fossils were enumerated, described, and figured. It was now possible to carry the vision across a vast series of ages, of which hitherto no definite knowledge existed, to mark the succession of their organisms, and thus to trace backward, far further than had ever before been possible, the- history of organized existence on this globe.' Sir A. Geikie. Both the above copies contain the large folding map, ' The Silurian Region and adjacent Counties of England and- Wales geologically illustrated ', which is often missing. 12287 , James BUCKMAN, and Hugh Edwin STRICKLAND, F.R.S. : LIST of FOSSIL REMAINS found near CHELTENHAM, 8vo. (pp. 44), sewn, with J. Buckmaris inscr., 3s s. I. [c. 1840} Forming the appendix to the ' Geology of Cheltenham', supra. 12288 SILURIA : a HISTORY of the OLDEST ROCKS in the BRITISH ISLES, and other Countries, with the Origin and Distribution of Native Gold, the General Succession of Geological Formations, and Changes of the Earth's Surface ; 4th [FINAL] EDITION, including the Silurian System, with coloured front., 41 lithographs of Silurian Fossils, numerous woodcuts, and large coloured map in pocket, thick 8vo. cl. (o.p.), 12s Qd 1867 The Murchison Prize Book, 1868, with LONG AUTOGRAPH INSCRIPTION BY THE AUTHOR. 12289 FIFTH [LATEST] EDITION [unaltered], with coloured front., 41 lithographs, numerous woodcuts, and large coloured map, 2 vols. 8vo. cl. (o.p.), 12s 1872 4 Eminently useful as a compendium and indispensable vade mecum for students of the older rocks all over the world.' Sir A. Geikie. 12290 , LIFE of, based on his Journals and Letters, with Notices of his Scientific Contemporaries, and Sketch of the Rise and Growth of PALAEOZOIC GEOLOGY in BRITAIN by SIR ARCHIBALD GEIKIE, F.R.S. , with 20 portraits and 2 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cl. (o.p.), 12s 6d (p. 1. 10*) 1875 Containing a full account of the Murchison-Sedgwick controversy on the respective claims of the Silurian and Cambrian, systems. 12291 [MURDOCH (Patrick, Eector of Stradishall ; F.R.S.)] CANONS, for COMPARING the PARALLAXES of the SUN and MOON; their Densities; and their DISTURBING FORCES on the EARTH and OCEAN, with diagram, 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn (rare), 5s [c. 1750] ' To The Hon. Edward Montagu Esq., Hill Street, Berkeley Square '.Inscr. on title. The above pamphlet was unknown to the author's biographer in D. N. B. 12292 MERCATOR'S SAILING, applied to the True Figure of the Earth, with Introduction, con- cerning its Discovery and Determiuation, plates, 4to. sewn, 85 6d 1741 'To [Sir] Andrew Mitchel [British Envoy to Frederick the Great] from the Author.' Inscr. on flyleaf. ' The most distinctive part of the work is the treatment of the hypothesis that the earth is not homogeneous, bat has a central nucleus denser than the surrounding fluid.' Prof. Todhunter. v. MACLAURIN, Nos. 11220-2, ante. 12293 MTJRMANN (A.), und L. ROTTER : UNTERSUCHUNGEN iiber die PHYSIKALISCHEN VER- HALTNISSE KRYSTALLISIRTER KoRPER. III. Orientirung der Schwingungsaxen des Lichtes in Krystallen des monoklinoedrischen Systemes ; with 3 folding plates and 21 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 63), sewn, 2s Qd Wien, 1859 612 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12294 MURDOCH (William) An ACCOUNT of the APPLICATION of the GAS of COAL to ECONOMICAL PURPOSES, read before the Royal Society, on the 25th February, 1808 (Philosophical Transac- tions), 4to. (pp. 9), unbound (RARE), 18s * 1808 12295 REPRINT, 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn (rare), 12s 6d [1809] The account of the author's discovery of gas-lighting. ' In February 1SOS Murdock read a paper before the Royal Society, in which he gave a full account of his investigations, and also of the saving effected by the adoption of gas lighting at Philips & Lee's mill. This paper is the earliest practical essay on the subject. The Ruraford gold medal, bearing the inscription 'ex fumo dare lucem', was awarded to Murdock for this paper, which concludes with these words : ' I believe I may, without presuming too much, claim both the first idea of applying and the first actual applica- tion of this gas to economical purposes '. As to the justice of this claim there can be no doubt.' />. N. B. AN ALL BUT UNIQUE WORK: 12296 A LETTER to a MEMBER of PARLIAMENT, in VINDICATION of his CHARACTER and CLAIMS ; in Reply to a Recent Publication, by the Committee for Conducting through Parlia- ment a Bill for Incorporating a Gas-Liifht & Coke Company, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn (VERY RARE), 3. 10s 1809 'By this time [1S08] gas-lighting had fallen into the hands of company promoters, and in 1809 application was made to incorporate the Gas Light and Coke Company. It was opposed by James Watt the younger on behalf of Boulton .v Watt, who feared that their trade might be interfered with ... In answer to a statement put forth by the promoters i the bill, charging Murdock with plagiarism, he issued on 4 May 1809 'A Letter to a Member of Parliament.' This tract and the paper in the 'Philosophical Transactions' comprise the whole of Murclock's literary efforts. Only tv T.Vree copies of tJie tract seem to have survived.' D. N. B. The above copy originally belonged to George Rennie, C.E., F.R.S. 12297 - : REMARKS upon the BILL for INCORPORATING the GAS LIGHT and COKE COMPANY, Svo. (pp. 19), sewn (very rare), 18* 1809 This pamphlet contains the statement, referred to above, in which the Gas Light & Coke Co. charged Murdock with plagiarism. It provoked Murdock's reply in ' A Letter to a Member of Parliament.' The pamphlet was apparently unknown to Murdock's biographer in D. N. . 12298 MURPHY (Patrick ; weather prophet) The WEATHER ALMANAC, for the Year 1838, 4th Edition, post Svo. sewn (scarce), 6s Qd [1837] ' Under the date of 20 Jan. he said ' Fair, prob. lowest deg. of winter tern.' By a happy chance this proved to be a -markably cold day, the thermometer at sunrise standing at 4 below zero. This circumstance raised his celebrijy to a ^reat height as a weather prophet, and the shop of his publishers was besieged with customers, while the winter of 1S37-8 became known as Murphy's winter. The 1838 almanac ran through 45 editions, and the prophet made 3,000.' />. A'. B. 12299 MURPHY (Robert, pr., Caius Coll., Cantab.) ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES of the THEORIES of ELECTRICITY, HEAT, and MOLECULAR ACTIONS, PART I [all pub.] : ELECTRICITY, 8vo., cl> 3s Cambridge, 1833 The author introduces in this work Laplace's functions in the mathematical treatment of electrical phenomena. 12300 - FIRST MEMOIR on the THEORY of ANALYTICAL OPERATIONS, 4to. (pp. 32), seu-n, s ls 6d 1837 The first and only memoir ever published on this subject. 12301 TREATISE on the THEORY of ALGEBRAICAL EQUATIONS, 8vo. cL, 3s S. D. U. K. t 1831 ' He had a true genius for mathematical invention, and his works on the theory of equations and on electricity are all ")f high genius.' Prof, de Morgan. 12302 MURPHY (Sir Shirley Forster ; F.R.C.S.) OUR HOMES, and how to make them HEALTHY, >ijith coloured front., and 410 plates and other woodcuts, thick Svo. hf. morocco neat (title stamped) ; o. p., Is Qd (p. 15s in cl.) 1883 An excellent work, edited by the Consulting Medical Officer of Health of the London County Council, and containing contributions by F. S. B. F. de Chaumont, F.R.S., W. H. Corfield, M.D., Sir Douglas Galton, F.R.S., Sir Malcolm Morris, >-.R.C.S., Benjamin Ward Richardson, M D., F.R.S., and others. 12303 MURRAY (Andrew, M.I.C.E., Chief Engineer, Portsmouth Dockyard) The THEORY and PRACTICE of SHIP- BUILDING, with Portions of the Treatise on NAVAL ARCHITECTURE by AUGUSTIN F. B. CREUZE : STEAM-SHIPS, by ROBERT MURRAY, C.E., with 27 plates (mostly folding) and numerous woodcuts, 4to. cl., with auto, of Sir F. J. Bramwell, F.E.S., 7s Edin., 1861 12304 SECOND EDITION [enlarged ; entitled:] SHIP-BUILDING in IRON and WOOD, etc., with 27 plates (mostly folding) , and many woodcuts, 4to. cl., Is 6d ibidem, 1863 Containing a good historical account. 12305 MURRAY (D. A.) ATOMS and ENERGIES [with Introduction by FREDERICK STARR, Univ. Chicago], with diagrams, cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 5ft nett) 1901 ' It is long since I read a work in Physical Science which has given me so much pleasure.' Professor F. Starr. 12306 MURRAY (George, F.R.S.) The ANTARCTIC MANUAL for the Use of the Expedition of 1901, with Preface by SIR CLEMENTS R. MARKHAM, F.R.S., with 3 folding maps (in pocket), and numerous woodcuts, thick Svo. cl., 7s Qd (p. 15s nett) 1901 Including contributions on the Antarctic Climate by R. H. Scott, F.R.S., Atmospheric Electricity by Lord Kelvin, the Aurora by Arthur Schuster, F.R.S., Ice Observations by J. W. Gregory and T. G. Bonney, pr., FF.R.S., an interesting Antarctic Bibliography, etc. etc. 12307 MURRAY (J. Alan) SOILS and MANURES, with 33 illustrations, large ar. Svo. cl., 4s (p. 6s nett) 1910 12308 MURRAY (Johann Andreas, Univ. Gottingen) APPARATUS MEDICAMINUM, tarn Simplicium quam Praeparatorum et Compositorum in Praxeos Adiumentum consideratus, VOLL. I-1II, 3 vols. Svo. sound copy in contemporary white parchment, 10s Gfl Gottingae, 1776-84 ' Die hervorragenste unter seinen 'Arbeiten . . . eine vortrefflich bearbeitete Compilation, aus welcher sputere Pharmakplogen reichliches Material geschupft haben.' Allg. Deutsche Biographic. 12309 MURRAY (Kenneth Sutherland, Engr. Brings Oxygen Co., M.I.MECH.E.) HANDBOOK on the USE of COMPRESSED OXYGEN ; 2nd Edition, with numerous woodcuts and coloured map, 8vo. (pp. 73), sewn, 2s 1894 12810 - On the MECHANICAL APPLIANCES employed in the MANUFACTURE and STORAGE of OXYGEN, u-ith 1 plates, 8vo. (pp. 36), sewn, 3s 1890 The first published account of the earliest manufacture of oxygen on a commercial scale, and its successful distribution in steel cylinders, at the Brin oxygen works in the Horsefrrry Road, Westminster, only established three years before in 1887, with such immediately successful and far-reaching results. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 613 12312 MURRAY (John ; M.D., F.K.S.E. ; d. 1820) A SYSTEM of CHEMISTRY, first edition, with plates, 4 thick vols. 8vo. boards (backs torn), uncut, 10* Qd Edin., 1806-7 12313 MURRAY (John, F.S.A., F.G.S., F.L.S.) EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES on the LIGHT and LUMINOUS MATTER of the GLOW-WORM, the LUMINOSITY of the SEA, the PHENOMENA of the CHAMELEON, the Ascent of the Spider into the Atmosphere, and the Torpidity of the Tortoise, etc., 12mo. boards, uncut (SCARCE), 12* Qd Glasgow, 1826 ' The luminosity of the sea is a phenomenon dependent on the presence of luminous marine animals.' P. 84. The writer thus comes very near to the present-day explanation by bacteriological action. This work was unknown to the author's biographer in D, N. . 12314 - MANUAL of EXPERIMENTS illustrative of CHEMICAL SCIENCE, systematically arranged, 3rd Edition, with front, and woodcuts, post 8vo. boards, uncut, 4s Qd 1833 Including ' Remarks on the New Nomenclature, and Theory of Definite Proportions, with a Definition of the Gases, and Method of preparing them ' (pp. 1-25). 12315 PRACTICAL REMARKS on MODERN PAPER, with Introductory Account of former Substitutes; also Observations on WRITING INKS, the Restoration of illegible MSS., and the Preservation of important Deeds from the destructive Effect of DAMP, fcap. 8vo. original boards, uncut (scarce), 8s Qd Edin., 1829 Containing many original investigations, and warning against the cheap substitutes then coming into use in paper making, which may now be trusted quickly to pulverise the paragraphic banalities of present-day popular journalism. 12316 TREATISE on ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY ; including LIGHTNING RODS, and PARAGRELES, with frontispiece of a ' paragrele ', post 8vo. original boards, uncut (scarce), 10s Qd 1830 The barbarously named paragreles are small lightning rods stuck into the ground and supposed to prevent hailstorms,, the author starting from the assumption that hail is caused by the action of atmospheric electricity. The above John Murray, not to be confused with many others, was a native of Stranraer, and began as a scientific populariser at the old Surrey Institution, which led to a long lecturing career at mechanics' institutes, in connexion with which he was referred to as ' one of the best lecturers in the world ' by Lord Brougham. 12317 MURRAY (Mango ; Deptford Dockyard, and H.M.S. Magnanime) TREATISE on SHIP- BUILDING and NAVIGATION : the Theory, 'Practice and Application of all the necessary Instru- ments, with the Construction and Use of the new Invented SHIPWRIGHT'S SECTOR, TABLES of the Sun's Declination, etc. etc., with an ENGLISH ABRIDGMENT of another TREATISE on NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, by M. DUHAMEL, 2nd [BEST] EDITION, with SUPPLEMENT, containing a Translation of what M. BOUGTJER has written on that Subject, and M. DUHAMEL'S Method of finding the Center of Gravity, with some Remarks by the AUTHOR, with 23 folding plates, thick 4to. sound copy in old calf, 15s 1765 One of the earliest systematic treatises in the language on Shipbuilding. 12318 MUSGRAVE (Samuel, M.D., F.R.S.) REASONS for DISSENTING from the REPORT of the Committee appointed to consider of MR. WILSON'S EXPERIMENTS ; including Remarks on some of the EXPERIMENTS exhibited by MR. NAIRNE, 4to. (pp. 22), sewn, 6s 1779 Turning on the question of the action of needles in the electric discharge. The author declares himself against their employment in the lightning conductor. 12319 MUSHET (David) PAPERS on IRON and STEEL, Practical and Experimental, with original Communications made to the Philosophical Magazine, chiefly on those Subjects, and copious illus- trative Notes, 6 plates (chiefly folding), roy. 8vo. (pp. 980), d., uncut (SCARCE), 15s 1840 The author is perhaps best known for his process of making steel by melting in crucibles iron-ore mixed with a suitable proportion of carbonaceous matter practically the same as the ancient Hindoo process for wootz which he sold for 3000 to a Sheffield firm. The work contains also important papers on the hot-blast furnace, the reduction of iron ores, and on iron alloys. ' The chief of Mushet's inventions was perhaps one patented in 1800 for the preparation of steel from bar iron by a direct process. His other patents relate to the extraction of iron from cinder and to improvements in tke process of puddling iron.' D. N. B., which does far too little credit to his long career as an experimenter. 12320 MUSPRATT (James Sneridan, F.R.S.) CHEMISTRY, Theoretical, Practical, and Analytical, as applied and relating to the ARTS and MANUFACTURES, with 32 fine steel portraits of chemists, by C. Cook, S. Freeman, and W: C. Sharpe, chiefly after photographs, and hundreds of ivoodcuts, 2 thick vols. impl. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 12s Qd (p. :. 13s Qd) [1854-62] 12321 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. cl., or, hf. morocco, \\s Qd A work still in demand for the fine series of portraits of celebrated chemists which it contains. 12322 MUSSCHENBROEK (Pieter van; Univ. Leyden, F.R.S.) BIN^E DISSERTATIONES Physicse Experimentales de TUBIS CAPILLARIBUS et ATTRACTIONS SPECULORUM PLANORUM ; with 2 folding plates, sm. tto.sewn, 5s Viennae, 1753 ' On y trouve d'excellents travaux sur les tubes capillaires et la cohesion des corps.' Biogr. Gen. 12323 ELEMENTA PHYSICS conscripta in Usus Academicos ; with numerous plates, 8vo. old calf (joints cracked), 4s Lugd. Bat , 1734 12324 MUSTON (E., surgeon, H. E. I. Co.) An ANALYSIS of the ART of DYEING ; and an ESSAY on LIGHT and COLOUR, 8vo. (pp. 8l), sewn (title soiled), with author's inscr. (scarce), 10* Qd not published, 1830 A paradox in which the author believes himself to have discovered an ' entirely new system of colour ', mainly based on the assumption that ' oxygen is the principle of colour in colouring matter.' The author still believes in the phlogiston theory, and that light is a phenomenon of phlogiston. 12325 MUTER (John, F.R.S.E.) SHORT MANUAL of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY: Qualitative and Quantitative ; Inorganic and Organic, 3rd Edition, with 45 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl., 2s vp. 6s Qd) 1887 12326 FIFTH EDITION, with 51 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1892 12327 MUZZI (Muzio), Alcuni DOCUMENTI sulP AEREONAVE RETTIREMIGA inventada; with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 23), sewn (VERY SCARCE), 1. Is Firenze, ?.839 VERY SCARCE and quite unknown to Hatton Tumor. The frontispiece illustrates the airship described above, as well as another, invented by the author in 1834, on which the 'aereonave rettiretuiga ' is based. 12328 MYLNE (A., Minister of Dollar) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on ASTRONOMY; or an easy Intro- duction to a Knowledge of the Heavens ; 2nd Edition, with 5 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf, or, cl., 3s Edin., 1819 41 614 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO. 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12330 NABEB (H. A., Hoorri) Das THEOREM des PYTHAGORAS, wiederhergestelit in seiner URSPRUNGLICHEN FORM und betrachtet als GRUNDLAGE der ganzen PYTHAGOREISCHEN PHILOSOPHIE ; with Opiates and 104 text-illustrations, roy. 8vo. sewn, 4s (p. M. 7) Haarlem, 1908 12331 NAGAOKA (Hantaro), Shinzo SHINJO, und B. OTANI : ABSOLUTE MESSUNG der SCHWERKRAFT in Kyoto, Kanazawa, Tokyo, und Mizusawa, mit REVERSIONSPENDELN ausgefiihrt ; with '2, folding plates and diagrams, 4to. ('pp. 91), sewn, 3s Tokyo, 1902 12332 NAGEL (A.) BESTIMMUNG von ZWISCHENPUNKTEN LANGER GERADER LINIEN, 4to. (pp. 14), sewn, 1.9 Qd [Leipzig, 1882J 12333 [NAIRNE (Edward, F.R.S.)] The DESCRIPTION and USE of NAIRNE'S PATENT ELECTRICAL MACHINE ; with the Addition of some Philosophical Experiments and Medical Observations, with 5 folding plates, Svo. (pp. 68), sewn (rare), 10s 60? 1787 ' He constructed, on plans supplied by Priestley, the first considerable electrical machine made in England. In th specification of the patent it is described as a ' new invention and most usefull improvement in the common electrical machine (which I call the insulated medical electrical machine) by insulating the whole in a particular manner, and constructing the conductors so chat either shocks or sparks may be received from them '. Nairne published a description of this machine [supra'] , which reached an eighth edition in 1796. It is still known as Nairne s electrical machine. \~D.N.L. At end is a list of mathematical, optical, and philosophical instruments, made by Nairne and Blunt, WITH PRICES. 12334 EXPERIMENTS on ELECTRICITY : an Attempt to shew the ADVANTAGE of ELEVATED POINTED CONDUCTORS, with 4 folding plates, 4to. (pp. 40), sewn, with author's inscr. (rare), 8s Qd 1779 A refutation of Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S. , who advocated ball points for lightning conductors. It finally settled the question of ball versus needle points. The memoir also described and illustrated the author's electrical machine. 12335 NAPIER (David) : ENGINEER, 1790-1869 : an AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH, with Notes [and Introduction by DAVID NAPIER], with 36 portraits, plates, and other illustrations, and map, 4to. cl., uncut, t. e. g., 6s (p. 10s nett) Glasgow, 1912 Interesting in connexion with the early history of steam-navigation on the Clyde and Thames. It contains the Parliamentary Report on Steam Navigation, and an account of the author's inventions, including that of the steeple engine. 12336 [NAPIER, or NEPER (John, LAIRD OF MERCHISTON)] : ARCANUM SUPPUTATIONIS ARITHMETICS : quo Doctrina et Praxis Sinuum ac Triangulorum mire abbreviatur [sic] : Opus curiosis omnibus, Geometricis praesertim, et Astronomis utilissimum. Inventore, nobilissimo BARONE MERCHISTONIO Scoto-Britanno ; with vignette on title, and numerous diagrams, large Svo. large copy in old calf (back of binding slightly damaged) ; RARE, 1. 1* Lugduni, Huguetan et Ravaud, 1658 Including a reprint of the author's famous work 'Mmmci LOGARITHMORUM CANONIS DESCRIPTIO' (v. Nos. 3180-7 tnite), containing his invention of Logarithms, with the 'Canon' or Table, and his posthumous ' MIRIFICI LOGARITHMORUM CANONIS CONSTRUCT ', explaining the method of their construction. This edition is a reprint of the Lyonese one of 1620 (in itself a facsimile reprint of the original), and rare, being unknown to Brunet. 12337 De ARTE LOGISTICA Libri qui supersunt [edited, with Introduction (pp. 92), by MARK NAPIER], ivith fine mezzotint portrait cet. 66 by Hodgetts, and aquatint mew of Merchiaton Castle, 4 to. boards, uncut, 1. Is Edinburgi {Maitland Club}, 1839 'His earliest mathematical investigations seem to have been directed to systematising and developing the sciences of algebra and arithmetic, and the fragments published for the first time in 183!), under the title D Arte Ijogixtica, were the result of his initial studies. Here he mentions that he was considering imaginary roots, a subject he refers to as an algebraic secret, and that he had discovered a general method for the extraction of roots of all degrees'. W.PM Mac & Inventory Io ANN B NEPERO, Baronc-s MER- CKISTONII , &c. S GOTO, EDINBVRGT, ba t/fndruu Hart, CAPVT PRIMVM. A/8 /?% y A 3 /9\ 3 /6 t/\SA. A 4'Tostufrxrtf vircuLt I /6 77 8 / 9/ 8 9 NOS. 12339-41 (page G14). Counting by rods ('Napier's Bones'). HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 615 12346 NAIBOD [sive NABOB] (Valentin) ASTRONOMICARUM INSTITUTIONUM Libri III, quibus DOCTRINE SPHAERIOE ELEMENTA METHODO NOVA, facili, et ad Captum Tyronum aptissima traduntur ; with woodcuts and numerous diagrams, 12mo. old vellum extra (wormed on blank margin, and some II. browned, otherwise a fine copy) ; RARE, 15s Venetiis, 1580 The author was professor of mathematics in the University of Cologne, and according toAllgevieine Deutsche Biograph-ie, an adept in astrology, who had found a new method of casting the horoscope. Towards the end of his life he never left his room for fear of meeting a violent death elsewhere. Curiously enough his decaying body was found after all in his room, he having been murdered there in spite of all his precautions. 12347 NAQ.UET (Alfred, M.D.) CONSIDERATIONS on the Two MEMOIRS of SIR B. C. BRODIE on the CALCULUS of CHEMICAL OPERATIONS [with Notes by SIR B. C. BRODIE, F.R.S.], 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, with Sir B. C. Brodie's inscr., 2s , 1879 12348 PRINCIPES de CHIMIE fondee sur les THEORIES MODERNES, 2 e Ed., considerablement augmentee, Tome II : CHIMIE ORGANIQUE ; with 16 woodcuts, thick cr.Svo. sewn, 2s Gd 1867 12349 PRINCIPLES of CHEMISTRY, founded on MODERN THEORIES, translated by WILLIAM CORTIS, revised by SIR THOMAS STEVENSON, M.D., with 51 woodcuts, thick Svo. cl., 6s 6d (p. 1. 5s) 1868 Naquet's work is valuable in connexion with the doctrine of valency. He and Wurtz maintained that many elements had a varying valency, against the views of Kekule, that the valency was as unalterable as the atomic weights. Naquet also held that the atoms were 'furnished with small hooks by which they catch hold of one another* (Prof. E. v. Mayer). 12350 NARRIEN (John, F.R.S.) HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of the ORIGIN and PROGRESS of ASTRO- NOMY, with 5 plates illustrating the ancient systems, Svo. calf gilt (scarce), Ss Qd 1833 12351 ANOTHER COPY, d. (slightly soiled ; cheav), 6s 12352 REPRINT, with 5 plates, 8vo. cl., with bookplate of G. F. Chambers, F.R.A.S, 7s 6d 1850 1 A work of considerable merit and research.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. ' The. chapters on the Hindu and other Asiatic systems are particularly valuable, and embody much matter that is nowhere else accessible to the English reader.' 12353 PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY and GEODESY, including the Projections of the Sphere and Spherical Trigonometry, with diagrams, Svo. cl. (rubbed), 4s (p. 14s) 1845 12354 NASINI (Raffaello, direttore) KICERCHE SPERIMENTALI, esiguite nelP Anno 1892, nelP ISTITUTO di CHIMICA GENERALE, della R. UNIVERSITA di PADOVA, 15 parts in 1 vol. impl. Svo. sewn, with author's inscr., 4s Padova, 1893 Including contributions by G. Carrara, F. Zecchini, F. Anderlini, A. Volpi, A. Ghira, and others. ANNO 1893, 8vo. sewn, with editor's inscr., 6s 6d ibidem, 1894 12355 ANNO 1894-5, roy. Svo. sewn, with editor's inscr. to Sir E. Thorpe, F.R.S. , 6s 6d ib. t 1896 12356 ANNI 1898-1900, Svo. sewn, with inscr. to the same, 6s 6d ib., 1901 12357 , e T. COSTA: Sulle VARIAZIONI del POTERE RIFRANGENTE e DISPERSIVO dello ZOLFO, nei suoi COMPOSTI, roy. Svo. seivn, with Prof. Nasini's inscr. to Sir E. Thorpe, 5s Roma, 1891 12358 NASKE (Carl) Die PORTLAND-CEMENT-FABRIKATION : ein Handbuch fiir Ingenieure und Cementfabrikanten ; with 3 folding plates, and 183 other illustrations, roy. Svo. sewn, 5s (p. M. 10) Leipzig, 1903 12359 NASMYTH (James ; inventor of the steam-hammer) On the STRUCTURE of the LUMINOUS ENVELOPE of the SUN, with plate, Svo. (pp. 5), seivn (scarce), 4s 6d 1861 The account of the author's supposed discovery that the luminous stratum of the sun consists of numberless elongated stripes, crossing each other, and shaped like willow leaves, which were placed over a darker background. It gave rise to a prolonged controversy. 12360 , and James CARPENTER, F.R.A.S. : The MOON : considered as a PLANET, a WORLD, and a SATELLITE, first edition, with 24 fine plates (one coloured), and numerous woodcuts, 4to. cl., t. e. g., with AUTO. LETTER FROM NASMYTH to Edward Whymper, 14s (p. 1. 10) 1874 First and best edition, with superior impressions of the beautiful plates, ' consisting of photographs of carefully con- structed models placed in strong sunlight, which give a better idea of the telescopic aspect of the moon than photographs taken direct.' D. N. B. 12361 SECOND EDITION [unchanged], with 24 fine plates (1 coloured), and numerous woodcuts, 4to. cl., t. e. g. (worn), with bookplate of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 105 6d (p. 1. 10*) 1874 12362 POPULAR [FOURTH] EDITION, with 26 plates and numerous diagrams, large cr. Svo. cl., t. e. g., 3s 6d (p. 5s nett) 1903 12363 : JAMES NASMYTH, ENGINEER : an AUTOBIOGRAPHY, edited by SAMUEL SMILES; LIBRARY EDITION, with fine etched portrait by Rajon (on India paper), and numerous illustrations, Svo. cl., 5s (p. 16s) 1883 Including a chronological list of the author's numerous mechanical inventions. 12364 NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM (The) : Guide to the MINERAL GALLERY, with Student's Index : Collection of METEORITES ; FOSSIL FISHES ; Department of GEOLOGY and PALEONTO- LOGY, etc. etc., illustrated, in 1 vol. Svo. cl., 3s 1881-5 12365 REVIEW (The), and QUARTERLY JOURNAL of SCIENCE, edited by W. H. HARVEY. SAMUEL HAUGHTON, pr., ARTHUR R. HOGAN, pr., E. PERCIVAL WRIGHT, and others, vv. I VII, with numerous plates (some COLOURED), maps, and woodcuts, 7 vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt, 2. 10s Dublin, and London, 1854-60 The above series embraces the Transactions of the Belfast Natural History and Philosophical Society, Cork Cuvierian Society. Dublin N.H.S ., Dublin University Zoological Association, and the Literary and Scientific Institution of Kilkenny. 12366 NAUMANN (Carl Friedrich) ELEMENTS der MINERALOGIE, 8. vermehite Auflage; with S36 woodcuts, large Svo. cl., 2s 6d (p. M. 10 sewn) Leipzig, 1871 12367 ZEIINTE giinzlich neubearbeitete AUFLAGE von FERDINAND ZIRKEL ; with 891 woodcuts, Svo. hf. calf, 4s (p. M. 14 sewn) ibidem, 1877 12365 NAVILLE (Ernest ; Univ. Geneva) MODERN PHYSICS : Studies Historical and Philosophical, translated by HENRY DOWNTON, pr., post Svo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 5s) Edin., 18S4 616 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12370 NATURE : a WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL of SCIENCE, containing Articles and Reviews by many eminent Writers ; complete from its beginning in November, 1869 1 to October, 1909 (Volp. 1-81). with many thousand excellent woodcut illustrations, 81 vols. impl. 8vo. Under' s cl , 12. 1870-190^ 12371 ANOTHER SET, COMPLETE from its beginning to February, 1909 (Vols. 1-80), 80 vols. impl. 8vo., the first 67 vv. in the original cl., and the rest in parts as issued, 12. 12 5 1870-190 This important publication is indispensable to any good public library, being the only English general scientific periodical (embracing biology as well as the exact sciences) in existence. It contains many valuable original contributions by the foremost scientists of the time. A SET TO 1912 OP THIS INVALUABLE PUBLICATION : 12372 NAVAL ARCHITECTS' INSTITUTION, TRANSACTIONS of the : edited by SIR EDWARD J. REED, M.P., GEORGE HOLMES, etc., complete from the beginning in 1860 to 19 12, with INDEX to vv. I XXI, illustrated with over 400 large folding plates, 54 vols. 4to. in 55, cl. (SCARCE), 25. 1860-1912 12373 ANOTHER, SET, from its beginning in 1860 to 1906 (wanting vv. 12-15), 45 vols. 4to. cZ., 16. 16s 18fiO-l 9< 6 This is a very difficult set to get, as only enough copies for the members themselves are issued of each part, and the early volumes are very scarce, while as the chief record of this great branch of engineering it is of international import- ance, and should be found in every good scientific library. ' The progress of shipbuilding in this country is recorded in a manner worthy of so great an industry. There is no more splendid volume of transactions than that which the Institute of Naval Architects issues yearly.' Saturday Review. 12374 ARCHITECTURE, A COLLECTION of PAPERS on, originally communicated through the EUROPEAN MAGAZINE, ivith folding plates and numerous wood cuts, thick 8vo. hf. calf (binding damaged], with auto. o/GKORGE RENNIE, C.E., F.R.S., on title (SCARCE), 1. Is 1805 Containing contributions by George Atwood, F.R.S., Adml. F. H. af Chapman, John Charnock, William Emerson, Thomas Henry, F.R.S., F. Hopkinson, of Philadelphia, Samuel Vince, pr., F.R.S., and others, as well as reprints of some old and rare pamphlets and papers on the subject. There was no copy of the above work in the Scott Library, nor is there one in that of the Institution of Naval Architects. 12375 , PAPERS on, and other Subjects connected with NAVAL SCIENCE, conducted by WILLIAM MORGAN and AUGUSTIN CREUZE, Naval Architects, with 25 folding plates, COMPLETE in 4 vols. 8vo. calf(v. IV sewn) ; SCARCE, 1. 5s 1826-32 Including original contributions by George Atwood, F.R.S., Lt.-Gen. Sir Philip Bainbrigge, Robert Bill, Adml. F. H. af Chapman, Charles Dupin, Adml. Sir George Elliot, John Fincham, Sir William Snow Harris, F.B.S., John Knowles, F.R.S., Capt. H. E. Napier, R.N., F.K.S., Sir Robert Seppings, F.R.S., etc. etc. etc. The work is very scarce complete as above, vol. IV being often missing. 12376 REPRINT of VOL. IV ONLY, with 2 folding plates, 8vo. sewn, 4s 1832 [reprinted 1865] 12377 (SOCIETY for the IMPROVEMENT of), PREMIUMS offered by the, and a List of the Committee of the Society, with Account of MR. JOHN READ'S METHOD of STOPPING the PROGRESS of FIRE on BOARD of SHIPS, with copperplate, 8vo. (pp. 16), unbound, 6s 1793 12378 , REPORT of the COMMITTEE appointed to Manage the Experiments of the [edited by JOSEPH BROCKBANK], with 2 large folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 12), unbound, 6s 60? 1794 12379 , Some ACCOUNT of the INSTITUTION, PLAN, and PRESENT STATE of the, with the PREMIUMS offered by it. LIST of MEMBERS, and its Rules and Orders, with some PAPERS on SUBJECTS of NAVAL ARCHITECTURE received by the Committee, with folding plate and diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf (loose in binding] ; rare, 12s 6d 1792 The papers include : Observations on the Resistance of Fluids, and on the Methods to be made Use of to ascertain those Forms or Lines which meet with the Least Resistance, etc. etc., by CHARLES GORE: Hints to ascertain the best Manner of Constructing Masts for Ships of the Line, by ADML. CHARLES MIDDLETON [LORD BARHAM] : On the Method of Ascertaining a Ship's Burthen, by [ADML.] F. H. AF CHAPMAN. 12380 - ARTILLERY (MODERN), with 19 photogravure plates of 'Armstrong guns and mountings, 8vo. (pp. 9H), parchment wrapper (scarce). 5s [1890] An extended Guide to the Armstrong Gallery of the Naval Exhibition. At end is a descriptive list of war ships built at the Elswick Works. 12381 - ENGINEERING, QUESTIONS and ANSWERS in, with plate and numerous other illustrations, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) [1910] 12382 - : TRANSACTIONS of the WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION ENGINEERING CONGRESS. Section G. Division of Marine and Naval Engineering and Naval Architecture, with numerous plates (many folding), and woodcuts, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cl., 15s (p. 2.n, J. R. Oldhain, A. E. Seaton, M.I.C.E., and others. 12383 - MOBILIZATION and IMPROVEMENT in MATERIEL [ed. by LT. R. P. RODGERS, U.S.N.], with Infolding plates, and numerous other plates and woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s Washington, 188D 12384 ANOTHER COPY, with the plates linen- mounted ; hf. calf neat, 6s An account of the English, French, German, and Italian Navies in 1888 by the U.S. Navy Intelligence Department. 12385 SCIENCE: a QUARTERLY MAGAZINE for promoting the Improvement of NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, MARINE ENGINEERING, STEAM NAVIGATION, and SEAMANSHIP, edited by SIR EDWARD JAMES REED, F.R.S., and JOSEPH WOOLLEY, F.R.A.S., VOLS. I to IV, with numerous plates, besides diagrams, 4 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. calf gilt (SCARCE), 1. 10s 1872-5 Besides the numerous valuable contributions by Sir E. J. Reed, there are articles by William Froude, F.R.S., Sir J. K. Laughton, Robert Mallet, F.R.B.. C. W. Merriefield, F.R.S., Sir Andrew Noble, Vice-Adral. P. F. Shortland, etc. etc. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 617 liATURWISSENSCHAFTEN, ENCYKLOP^DIE der, herausgegeben von G. JAGER, A. KENNGOTT, A. LADENBURG, T. v. OPPOLZER, A. SCHENK, O. SCHLOMILCH, G. C. WITTSTEIN und P.ZECH, viz: 12387 Handwbrterbuch. der Chemie, herausgegeben von A. LADENBURG, 13 vols. ; mit GENERA.LREGISTER, bearbeitet von ALBERT MATZDORF ; with numerous woodcuts 14 vols. large roy. 8vo. in parts as issued (wanting parts 41, 45, 49, 51, and!2), 1. 105 (p. M. 216) Breslau, 1882-95 12388 Handbuch der Mathematik, herausgegeben von OSKAR SCHLOMILCH, unter Mitwirkung von F. REIDT und RICHARD HEGER ; with numerous diagrams, 2 thick vols. roy. 8vo. cl., 15s (p. M. 39 sewn) ibidem, 1879-81 12389 HandwOrterbuch. der Mineralogie, Geologie und Paleeontologie, herausgegeben von A. KENNGOTT, unter Mitwirkung von A. v. LASAULX und F. ROLLE ; with 4 plates and 392 woodcuts, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. cl., Us Qd (p. M. 48 sewn) ib., 1882-7 12390 Handbuch der Physik, herausgegeben von A. WINKELMANN, II. BAND, I. ABTEILUNG: OPTIK ; with 1 plate and 190 woodcuts, large roy. 8vo. in parts as issued, 6s (p. M. 20) ib., 1891-3 12391 III. BAND, I. II. ABTEILUNG : ELEKTRIZITAT und MAGNETISMUS ; with 314 woodcuts, 2 vols. large roy. 8vo. in parts as issued, 10s (p. M. 33) ib., 1891-4 12392 NAUMANN (Alexander, Univ. Giessen) Die HEIZUNGSFRAGE mit besonderer Riicksicht auf W ASSERGASERZEUGUNG und WASSERGASHEIZUNG, 8vo. calf (back rubbed), 2s Qd Giessen, 1881 The author advocates converting solid fuel into combustible gases by means of superheated steam. 12393 NAUTICAL ALMANAC (The), and ASTRONOMICAL EPHEMERIS, for the Meridian of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, for 1883-8, 1892-1908, and 1910-11, with maps, 25 vols. roy. 8vo. sewn, 1. 1* (p. 3. 2* Qd) 1879-1907 12394 ANOTHER SET, from 1880 to 1909, with charts, 30 vols. 8vo. sewn, 1. 55 (p. 3. 15*) 1876-1905 12395 ANOTHER SET, from 1881 to 1893, with charts, 13 vols. Svo. cl., 10s Qd 1877-89 12396 PART I ONLY, from 1896 to 1912, with charts, 17 vols. Svo. sewn, 6s 1892-1908 12397 for 1814 [with Preface by NEVIL MASKELYNE, pr., F.R.S., Astronomer Royal], Svo. old calf, 2s Qd 1810 12398 NAVIEiR (Claude Louis Marie Henry, de rinstitut] CONSIDERATIONS sur les PRINCIPES de la POLICE du ROULAGE, Svo. (pp. 15), sewn, with authors inscr. to George Rennie, F.R.S., 3* Qd [1830] ' Mr. Gerges [sic] Rennie effort par 1'auteur.' Inscr. on first 1. Treating of wear and tear. ' II conclut que le tirage, ainsi que la degradation des routes, augmente dans un bien plus grand rapport que la charge.' B. de St.-Venant. 12399 De I'EXECUTION des TRAVAUX PUBLICS, et particulierement des CONCESSIONS, Svo (pp. 32), sewn, 2s 1832 12400 - NOTE sur la COMPARAISON des AVANTAGES RESPECTIFS de diverses LIGNES de CHEMINS de PER, et sur I'EMPLOI des MACHINES LOCOMOTIVES, Svo. (pp. 51), sewn (scarce), 8s Qd 1835 ' Ce memoire a obtenu en 1837, apres la inort de Navier, la premiere grande medaille d'or donnee par les suffrages des ingenieurs au meilleur article envoye aux Annales.'B. de St.-Venant. 12401 NOTE sur le MOUVEMENT UNIFORME des WAGGONS [sic] dans les Parties des CHEMINS de FER qui sont tracees en LIGNE COURBE ; with plate, post 8vo. (pp. 16), unbound (scarce), Ts Qd 1835 Treating the subject mathematically, and quite an early French railway book. 12402 NOTICE sur M. [Louis] BRUYERE, Inspecteur General des Ponts et Chaussees, etc. etc., 8vo. (pp. 24), unbound, Is Qd 1833 12403 RAPPORT et MEMOIRE sur les PONTS SUSPENDUS, 4 to. hf. russia gilt (rare), 15s Imprimerie Roy ale, 1823 A mathematical treatment of suspension bridges, in which the author first applied the principle of the conservation of forces to the study of hydraulics. ' Savant memoire qui lui ouvrit les portes de 1'Academie des Sciences.' Biogr. Gin. Bound up with the above is : ' Des Ponts en Fil de Fer, par [Charles] SEQUIN Aine, 2e Edition ; with, 4 folding plates, 4to. with author's inscr. to George Rennie, F.R.S., 1826. 12404 RESUME des LECONS de MECANIQUE donnees a 1'Ecole Polytechnic ; with 4 folding plates, Svo. hf. morocco gilt, 10s Qd 1841 12405 RESUME des LECONS sur IMPLICATION de la MECANIQUE a I'ETABLISSEMENT des CONSTRUCTIONS et des MACHINES, premiere edition ; with 14 folding plates, 2 vols. Svo. calf (backs damaged) ; SCARCE, \2sQd 1826-38 ' Ouvrage estime. 1 - Biogr. Gen. The author was the first to apply the science of mechanics to building and engineering, and thus to lay the foundation of the science of technical mechanics. Bound up with the above copy is : Traite des Roues Hydrauliques et des Roues a Vent, par L. M. P. COSTE ; with plate (pp. 168), 1830. 12406 DEUXIEME EDITION, augmentee. I e PARTIE : Resistance des Materiaux. Constructions en Terre, en Maconnerie et en Charpente ; with 5 foldina plates, Svo. sewn, with author's inscr. to George Rennie, F.R.S. , 3s Qd 1833 12407 ' TROISIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION. I e SECTION [toute parue] : De la RESISTANCE des CORPS SOLIDES, avec des Notes et des Appendices par BARRE DE SAINT-VENANT ; with plate and numerous diagrams, thick Svo. (pp. 1163), hf. morocco neat, cl. sides, \2s Gd (p. F. 25 nett unbound) 1864 This edition contains a very copious and valuable history of the subject (pp. 221), biographical notices, and a ' Notice sur les Ouvrages de Xavier ' (pp. b9). 12408 RESUME des LECONS d'ANALYSE donnees a 1'Ecole Polytechnique, suivi de Notes, par J. LIOUVILLE ; with 3 plates, 2 vols. Svo. in 1, hf. calf, Qs Qd 184 ' II a, le premier, introduit resolument dans les elements les precedes indispensables d'integration des equations aux derivees partielles, avec des conditions aux limites, par series trigonometriques '. B. de St.-Venant. 12409 , NOTICE BIOGRAPHIQUE sur, par le BARON G. C. F. M. R. PRONY, Svo. (pp. ?3), sewn, Is Qd 1837 618 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 48, PICCADILLY.. W. 12411 NAVIGATION, EXPOSITION des Mo YENS les plus faciles de RESOUDRE plusieurs QUESTIONS dans 1'ART de la, TABLE des et de la TRIGONOMETRIE 12412 NEESEN (Friedrich ; Univ. Berlin) KATHODEN- und RONTGEN-STRAHLEN, sowie die STRAHLUNG AKTIVER KORPER ; with 50 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. M. 4) Wien, 1904 12413 NEILSON (Robert M.) AEROPLANE PATENTS, with 77 illustrations, Svo. cl., 3s (p.4s6dnctt) 1910 12414 NEISON (Edmund, F.R.A.S.) The MOON, and the Condition and Configurations of its SURFACE, with front., 4 coloured plates, and 126 maps, thick sq. 8vo. cl. (cover worn), o.p., 8s (p. 1. 11s Qd) 1876 'Nasmyth and Carpenter's beautifully illustrated volume, 1S74 (No. 12300 ante) was succeeded by a still more weighty contribution to lunar science in Mr. Neison's well-known book, accompanied by a map based on the survey of Beer and Miidler, but adding some 500 measures of positions, besides the representation of several thousand new objects.' Mis.-- Ague* M. Clerke. 12415 NEISON (Francis Gustavus Paulus, actuary to the Medical Invalid and General Life Office) CONTRIBUTIONS to VITAL STATISTICS : a Development of the Rate of Mortality and the Laws of Sickness, from Original and Extensive Data procured from FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, showing the INSTABILITY of FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, 'Odd Fellows', 'Rechabites', etc.; with an Inquiry into the Influence of Locality on Health, 4to. calf (back badly rubbed), with author's inscr., 6s Qd 1845 According to Allibone, where the date of the above work is correctly given, the author was born in 1847 ! 12416 NELL (Adam) GEODATISCHE BESTIMMUNG der GEOGRAPHISCHEN BREITE und LANGE aus LiNEAR-CoORDiNATEN ; with 2 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 14), sewn, Is Hannover, 1884 12417 NELTHROPP (Henry Leonard, pr., F.S.A.) TREATISE on WATCH-WORK, past and present, illustrated, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s Qd) 1873- 12418 ANOTHER COPY, 8vo. cl. (title missing), Is Including an ' Historical Summary ', from 1500 to 1872 (pp. 78). 12419 NERI (Antonio) De ARTE VITRARIA Libri VII, et in eosdem CHRISTOPHORI MERRETTI, M.D. [S.R.S.] Observationes et Notre, in quibusomneGEMMARUM ARTIFICIALIUM, ENCAUSTORUM et LACCARUM Artificium explicatur ; with engraved title, and 6 folding copperplates, illustrating- appliances, furnaces, and, tools then used in glassmaking and blowing, 18mo. contemporary limp vellum extra (RARE), 18.9 Qd Amstelodami, 1668 This is the first Latin edition of this well-known work on glass-making, and contains copious additions, equalling the original in bulk, by CHRISTOPHER MERRET, M.D., F.R.S., who also translated the work into English in 1602. 12420 NERNST (Walter, Univ. Berlin} Die ZIELE der PHYSIKALISCHEN CHEMIE, 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, Is Gottingen, 1896-. 12421 NERZ (F.) SEARCHLIGHTS: their Theory, Construction and Applications, translated by CHARLES RODGERS, with 47 illustrations, large 8vo. cl., Is Qd (p. Is Qd nett) 1907 12422 NESBIT (Anthony) COMPLETE TREATISE on PRACTICAL LAND SURVEYING, 9th Edition, greatly enlarged, with PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, and RAILWAY ENGINEERING by T. BAKER, C.E., with 5 folding plates, numerous diagrams, and Field Book of 16 lithographed pp., 8vo. cl., 4s 1847 12423 TWELFTH EDITION [enlarged and rewritten], by WILLIAM BURNESS, F.R.A.S., with 5 folding plates, woodcuts, o,nd numerous diagrams and folding table, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 12s) 1870 12424 THIRTEENTH [LAST] EDITION [without the Appendix], edited by WILLIAM BURNESS, F.R.A.S., with 5 folding plates, woodcuts, numerous diagrams, and folding table, 8vo. cl., osQd 1877 12425 - TREATISE on PRACTICAL MENSURATION, new Ed., enlarged, with TREATISE on LEVEL- LING, with nearly 300 woodcuts, with the Key, 2 vols. fcap. Svo. cl., 2s Qd 1868 n. d. ' His books had a considerable reputation in their day, and his ' Land Surveying ' still retains its popularity.' -A N. IL He describes therein a quadrant of his own construction 12426 NEW EDITION, thoroughly revised and improved by JOHN HUNTER, pr., with woodcuts, fcap. Svo. cl,, \s Gd [1875] 12427 NESBIT (John Collis, F.C.S. ; son of Anthony) On AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, and the Nature and Properties of PERUVIAN GUANO, 6th Ed., with pastoral vignettes, Svo. cL,2sQd [1856] 12428 NETTLETON (J. A.) The MANUFACTURE of SPIRIT, as conducted at the various Distilleries of the United Kingdom, with 47 full-page and other woodcuts, roy. Svo. cl., 6s Qd 1895 12429 NETTO (Friedrich August Wilhelm) Das KALEIDOTYP, oder, KATADIOPTRISCH-CHEMISCHE MASCHINE, um fur alle Gewerbtreibende eine unberechenbare Anzahl von Mustern jeder Art zu erttnden und zu bilderi, welche sich von sicli selbst erzeugen und von selbst auf dem Papier abbilden ; with 3 folding plates, Svo. sewn (water-stained) ; scarce, 8s Qd Quedlinburg, 1843 The author's invention was a combination of the kaleidoscope and the daguerreotype to produce industrial designs mechanically. 12430 NEUMAYEB (Georg- Balthasar v. ; F.R.S., Director, Flagstaff Observatory, Melbourne} tiber die BEDEUTUNG und ZIELE ERDMAGNETISCHER LANDESVERMESSUNGEN, roy.' 8vo. (pp. 17), sewn, with author's inscr. to Sir E. Thorpe, F.R.S., 2s Berlin, 1891 12431 DISCUSSION of the METEOROLOGICAL and MAGNETICAL OBSERVATIONS at the FLAGSTAFF OBSERVATORY, MELBOURNE, 1858-63, with 25 plates and charts, roy. 4to. boards (back torn off) ; source, with inscr. to Lt.-Gen. Sir William Thomas Denison, Qs Mannheim, 1867 1243? NEWBOLD (Capt. Thomas John, Madras Army, F.R.S.) On the TEMPERATURE of the SPRINGS, WELLS and RIVERS of INDIA and EGYPT, and of the Sea and Tablelands within the Tropics, 4to. (pp. 25), unbound, 2s 1844 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 619 12434 NEUBERG- (Joseph, Univ. Liege) MEMOIRE sur le TETRAEDRE, 8vo. sewn, with inscr. to Samuel Roberts, F.R.S., and numerous MS. notes by the latter, 2s Qd Bruxelles, 1884 12135 Sur le POINT de STEINER, 8vo. sewn, with inscr. to the same, \s 1886 12*36 Sur les PROJECTIONS et CONTRE-PROJECTIONS d'un TRIANGLE FIXE, et sur le Systeme de Trois Figures directement Semblables ; with diagrams, 8vo. sewn, with inscr. to the same, 2s Bruxelles, 1890 12437 - Sur le QUADRILATERE HARMONIQUE ; with 3 diagrams : Sur le POINT de TARRY- roy. Svo. (pp. 23), sewn, with inscr. to the same, \s Qd s. I. ni d. 12438 Sur QUELQUES SYSTEMES de TIGES ARTICULEES : Trace Mecanique des Lignes ; with 2 folding plates, roy. Svo. (pp. 48), sewn, 2s Qd Liege, 1886 Containing an interesting historical account of drawing lines by link motion. 12430 Sur les TETRAEDRES de MOBIUS, Svo. (pp. 14), sewn, with inscr. to S. Roberts, F.R.S., IsQd Bruxelles, 1884 12440 Sur les TANGENTES COMMUNES h, un Cercle et a une CONIQUE, Svo. (pp. 18), sewn, with inscr. to the same, Is 1885 12441 , et Antoine GOB : Sur les AXES de STEINER et 1' HYPERBOLE de KIEPERT : Sur les FOYERS de STEINER d'un TRIANGLE; with 11 diagrams, roy. Svo. sewn, Is Qd [1890] 12442 NEUMANN (Carl Gottfried ; Univ. Leipzig) ALLGEMEINE UNTERSUCHUNGEN liber das NEWTON'SCHE PRINCIP der FERNWIRKUNGEN, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die elektriscben Wirkungen, roy. 8vo. sewn, Qs (p. M. 10) Leipzig, 1896 12443 Ueber die ENTWICKELUNG einer FUNCTION rait imaginarem Argument nach den Kegelfunctionen erster und zweiter Art, Svo. (pp. 14), sewn, Is Halle, 1862 12444 Ueber die nach KREIS-, KUGEL- und CYLINDER -FuNCTiONEN fortschreitenden Entwickelungen, unter durchgangtger An \vendung des du Bois-Reymond'schen Mittelwerth- satzes, 4to. hf. cl., 4* Qd (p. M. 7. 20 sewn) Leipzig, 1881 12445 Die MAGNETISCHE DREHUNG der POLARISATIONSEBENE des LICHTES : Versuch einer mathematischen Theorie ; with diagrams, Svo. seivn, 3s Qd Halle, 1863 Developing James McCullagh's differential equations on the theory of polarisation and the luminiferous ether (v. A'o. 11164 ante). 12446 Uber die METHODE des ARITHMETISCHEN MITTELS; with diagrams, 2 vols. large impl. Svo. sewn, Qs (p. M. 9.20) Leipzig, 1887-8- 12447 UNTERSUCHUNGEN Uber das LOGARITHMISCHE und NEWTON'SCHE POTENTIAL ; with diagrams, Svo. sewn, Qs (p. M. 10) ibid., 1877 Containing the investigations which made the author the founder of the logarithmic potential. 12448 VORLESUNGEN liber RIEMANN'S THEORIE der ABEL'SCHEN INTEGRALS, 2. [neueste] vollstiindig umgearbeitete Auflage ; with plate and diagrams, roy. Svo. sewn, 7* Qd (p. M. 12) ib., 1884 12449 NEUMANN (Franz Ernst; Univ. Konigsberg, F.R.S. ; father of the above] BEITR^GE zur KRYSTALLONOMIE ; with 12 folding plates, 8vo. boards (scarce), 10,5 Qd Berlin, 1823 The author introduces in this work linear and spherical projection in crystallography. He was also the founder of the crystallographic theory of deformation. 12450 Die MATHEMATISCHEN GESETZE der INDUCIRTEN ELEKTRISCHEN STROME, 4to. (pp. 87) sewn (scarce), Qs Qd ibid., 1846 The first of the author's two important publications on the laws of induced electricity. A copious account of the above is given in Hoppe's Gesch. d. Elektrizitiit, pp. 438-46. 12451 VORLESUNGEN liber die THEORIE der ELASTICITAT der FESTEN KORPER und des LICHTATHERS, herausgegeben von OSKAR EMIL MEYER; with diagrams, roy. Svo. hf. morocco gilt, Ss Qd (p. M. 11.60 unbound) Leipzig, 1885 12452 NEUMANN (Kaspar; Berlin, F.R.S.) CHEMICAL WORKS, abridged and methodized, with large Additions, containing the later Discoveries and Improvements, by WILLIAM LEWIS, F.R.S., 2nd Edition, 2 vols. Svo. old calf, 10* Qd 1773 An epitome of the chemical knowledge of the time, and interesting for elaborating Stahl's phlogiston theory, of which the author was one of the foremost adherents. 12453 NEVILLE (John, C.E., M.R.I. A.) HYDRAULIC TABLES, COEFFICIENTS, and FORMULA, for finding the DISCHARGE of WATER from Orifices, Notches, Weirs, Pipes, and Rivers, with 44 woodcuts, Svo. cl., 3s Qd 1853 12454 SECOND EDITION, with extensive Additions, New Formula?, Tables, and General Information on Rain Fall, Catchment-Basins, Drainage, Sewerage, and Water Supply for Towns and Mill Power, with 46 woodcuts, Svo. cl., Qs Qd 1860-1 12455 NEW JERSEY, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of: ANNUAL REPORT of the STATE GEOLOGIST for 1880, with 2 coloured maps (I folding in pocket), Svo. boards, 3s Trenton, N.J., 1880 12456 NEW YORK, INQUIRY into the CONDITIONS relating to the WATER-SUPPLY of the CITY of, by the MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION of NEW YORK, with numerous plans, maps and charts (many folding], thick Svo. cl., Is Qd [New York, 1900] Including reports by J. J. R. Croes, L. B. Ward, Foster Crowell, J. H. Fuertes, and G. W. Rafter. 12457 NEW ZEALAND, REPORT on the MINING INDUSTRY of : Papers laid before Parliament during the Session of 1886, with 4 plates (2 folding), large post Svo cl., Is Qd Wellington, 1887 12458 NEWBIGGING (Thomas, M.I.C.E.) The GAS MANAGER'S HANDBOOK: Tables, Rules, and Useful Information, Svo. hf. roan (binding badly rubbed), 2s 1870 12459 HANDBOOK for GAS ENGINEERS and MANAGERS, 5th Edition [greatly enlarged and rewritten], with 193 woodcuts, sq. cr. Svo. hf. calf, 4s 1889 12460 EIGHTH [LATEST] EDITION [enlarged], with fine portrait of W. Murdoch, and 217 illustrations, sq. large cr. Svo. leather, g. e., l'2s Qd (p. 18* nett) 1913 1620 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12462 NEWCOMB (Simon; U.S. Naval Observatory, F.R.S.) ASTRONOMY for EVERYBODY: a Popular Exposition of the Wonders of the Heavens, with Introduction by SIR ROBERT 8. BALL, F.R.S., 65 illustrations, 8vo. cL, t. e. g., 3s Qd (p. Is Qd) 1903 12463 On Boss's SYSTEM of DECLINATIONS and on that of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, 4to. (pp. 8), unbound, Is Boston [Mass.], 1896 12464 CATALOGUE of 1098 STANDARD CLOCK and ZODIACAL STARS, roy. 4to. cL, 6s [Washington, 1881] 12465 COMPENDIUM of SPHERICAL ASTRONOMY, with its Applications to the Determination and Reduction of Positions of the Fixed Stars, with 36 diagrams, 8vo. cL, Ss (p. 12* Qd nett) New York, 1906 12466 DISCUSSION of the NORTH POLAR DISTANCES observed with the Greenwich and Washing- ton Transit Circles, with Determinations of the Constant of Nutation, roy. 4to. (pp. 80), sewn, 2s [ibidem, c. 1885] 12467 - - Sur les FORMULES de NUTATION basees sur les Decisions de la Conference de 1896, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is [1898] 1246 INVESTIGATION of CORRECTIONS to HANSEN'S TABLES of the MOON ; with Tables for their Application, 4to. (pp. 51), sewn, 2s Washington, 1876 12469 A NEW DETERMINATION of the PRECESSIONAL MOTION, roy. 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, \s Qd Boston [Mass.], 1897 The author ascertained the annual precessional value as -f- 0.000222", the most accurate one hitherto given. 12470 OBSERVATIONS of the TRANSIT of VENUS, Dec. 8-9, 1874, made and reduced under the Direction of the Commission created by Congress, with 2 folding plates of the photo-heliograph, 4to. cL, 4s Washington, 1880 12471 PERIODIC PERTURBATIONS of the LONGITUDES and RADII VECTORES of the FOUR INNER PLANETS of the First Order as to the Masses, roy. 4to. (pp. 174), sewn, '3s [ibid., 1891] 12472 POPULAR ASTRONOMY, with front., 112 woodcuts, and 5 star maps, 8vo. cL, 4s Qd (p. 18s) 1878 An invaluable work to the amateur astronomer, including a good bibliography of the best astronomical works, ancient and modern. 12473 The PROBLEMS of ASTRONOMY, 8vo. (pp. 10), sewn, Is Washington, 1S98 12474 On the RECURRENCE of SOLAR ECLIPSES, with Tables of Eclipses from B.C. 700 to A.D. 2300, 4to. (pp. 55), sewn, 2s Qd ib., 1879 ' A very interesting memoir.' G. F. Chambers, F.R.A.S. 12475 The REMINISCENCES of an ASTRONOMER, with portrait, 8vo. cL, 4s (p. 10s Qd) 12476 - - RESEARCHES on the MOTION of the MOON, made at the United States Naval Observatory, Washington : Part I : REDUCTION and DISCUSSION of OBSERVATIONS of the MOON before 1750, 4to. sewn, Qs Washington, 1878 Investigating the errors of Hansen's Lunar Tables (q. v. ante) as compared with observations before 1750. ' Newcomb further showed that small residual irregularities are still found in the moon's movements, inexplicable either by any known gravitational influence, or by any uniform value that could be assigned to secular acceleration.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 12477 La TH^ORIE du MOUVEMENT de la LUNE : son Histoire et son Etat actuel, impl. 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn, with author's inscr., Is Qd Roma, 1909 12478 : SIMON NEWCOMB: MEMORIAL ADDRESSES by Charles K. Wead, James Bryce, Milton Updegraff, R. S. Woodward, etc. etc., with portrait, roy. 8vo. (pp. 35), sewn, IsQd Washington, 1910 12479 NEWELL (Frederick Haynes) REPORT of the PROGRESS of STREAM MEASUREMENTS for 1902, 4 vols. Svo. sewn, 4s U.S. Geol. Survey, Washington, 1903 12480 NEWKIRK (Burt L., Minneapolis) Eine UNTERSUCIIUNG der PARALLAXE des ZENTRAL- STERNES des RINGNEBELS in der LEIER, Inaugural-Dissertation, roy. Svo. (pp. 37), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s Miinchen, 1902 12481 NEWLANDS (John A. R.; F.I.C.) On the DISCOVERY of the PERIODIC LAW, and on RELATIONS among the ATOMIC WEIGHTS, with 2 folding tables, post Svo. cl., with author's inscr. (scarce), 6s 6d 1884 The periodic law was discovered simultaneously, but independently of one another, by the author and Prof. Lothar Meyer (q. v. ant'), and received its classic development by Prof. Mend'elejeff, who by its means predicted the existence of certain elements then unknown, which were afterwards actually discovered. ' I claim to have been the first to publish a list of the elements in the order of their atomic weight, and also the first to describe the periodic law, showing the existence of a simple relation between them when so arranged.' Preface. 12482 NEWMAN (Francis William ; brother of Cardinal Newman) The DIFFICULTIES of ELE- MENTARY GEOMETRY, especially those which concern the Straight Line, the Plane, and the Theory of Parallels, with 122 illustrations, Svo. sewn, (scarce), 5s 1841 The author was evidently ignorant of the work of Lobatschewsky, Gauss, and Bolyai on parallel lines, which he does not mention, although he quotes Legendre's treatment, and T. P. Thompson's ' proof. 12483 NEWMAN (John, philosophical instrument maker to the Royal Institution) DESCRIPTION of OSLER'S REGISTERING ANEMOMETER, with folding plat,',, 8vo. (pp. 9), unbound, 3s 1840 12484 - INSTRUCTIONS for FIXING the STANDARD BAROMETER, with woodcut, Svo. (pp. 3), unbound, Is n. d. 12485 : MINER'S SAFETY LAMP : an Account of his IMPROVEMENT on SIR HUMPHRY DAVY'S, with 8 woodcuts, Svo. (pp. 10), unbound, 3s Qd [1835] The improvement consists of the addition of an outer cylinder of wire gauze. It was awarded the silver medal by the Society of Arts. 12486 NEWNHAM (Philip Hankinson, pr., F. R.MET.S.) The CLIMATE of BOURNEMOUTH, with 13 tables, Svo. (pp. 16), sewn, 2s Bournemouth [1869] HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND^S, PICCADILLY, W. 621 12488 NEWMAN (John, M.I.C.E.) NOTES on CYLINDER BRIDGE PIERS and the WELL SYSTEM of FOUNDATIONS; especially written for those engaged in the Construction of Bridges, Quays, Docks, River Walls, Weirs, etc., 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) An enlargement of the author's calculations in designing iron cylinder bridge piers, for which he was awarded the Miller prize by the Institution of Civil Engineers. 12489 NEWSHOLME (Arthur, M.D.) The ELEMENTS of VITAL STATCSTICS, with charts, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 7* 60?) }*$? 12490 NEWTH (George Samuel, F.I.C., F.C.S.) CHEMICAL LECTURE EXPERIMENTS : Non-Metallic Elements, with 224 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 2s tic? (p. 10* 6di 1892 12491 _ NEW EDITION [enlarged], with 230 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 12492 - ___ MANUAL of CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, QUALITATIVE and QUANTITATIVE, with 100 illustra- tions, post 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 65 6d) 1898 12493 NEWTON (Hubert Anson; Yale Univ.) On the CAPTURE of COMETS bv PLANETS, especially their Capture by JUPITER, with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 27), sewn, 2s \New Haven], 1891 'The researches of Tisserand, Callandreau, and Newton leave scarcely a doubt that the ' capture theory ' represents the essential truth.' Miss Agnes M. Clerlce. , 12494 _ On the RELATION which the FORMER ORBITS of those METEORITES that are in our COLLEC- TIONS, and that were seen toFALL.had to theEARTH'sORBlT,2rfm<7raras,8vo.(pp. U)sewn,2t>[ib.],mS ' He found that nearly all [falling meteorites] had been travelling with a direct movement in orbits the perihelia of which lay in the outer half of the space separating the earth from the sun.' Eadem. 12495 - OBITUARY NOTICE of, by G[EORGE] J[AMES] S[YMONS, F.R.S.], 8vo. (pp.6), unbound, Is [1896] Professor Hubert Newton, born at Sherburne, N.Y., in 1830, was one of ten children of parents of whom one was engineer of the Buffalo section of the Erie Canal and the other (born Butler) was remarkable for her mathematical attainments. He graduated with the highest mathematical honours at Yale when only twenty. 12496 NEWTON (Sir Isaac, P.R.S.) OPERA quae exstant OMNIA, Commentariis illustrabat SAMUEL HORSLEY. R.S.S. [Episcopus Roffensis] ; plates, tables, and numerous diagrams, 5 vols. 4to. contemporary tree-calf {joints cracked) ; RARE, 8. 15s Lhndini, Nichols, 1779-85 12497 - ANOTHER COPY, 5 vols. roy. 4to. contemporary tree-calf gilt (joints neatly mended) ; A FINE AND TALL COPY, 9. 15s This is the only collected edition of Newton's works, now becoming increasingly rare. It, was the first to contain his important Geometria Analytica. The following is a list of the works reprinted in it: I. Arithmetica Universalis. Tractatus de Rationibus. Analysis per /Equationes. Excerpta ad Series Fluxionesque pertinentia. De Quadrature Curvarum. Geometria Analytica. Methodus Differentialis. Enumeratio Linearum Tertii Ordinis : II III. Principia. Lectiones Opticae : IV. Opticks. Letters on Various Subjects. Letters to Mr. Boyle. Tabulae Colorum et Refractionum. De Problematis Bernoullianis. Propositions for determining the Motions of a Body urged by two Central Forces. Four Letters to Dr. Bentley. Commercium Epist jlicum, cum Additamentis : V. Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms. Short Chronicle from a MS. Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse. Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture. There are also some original papers by the Editor, viz., Geometria Fluxionum ; Logistica lufinitorum ; De Viribus Centralibus, etc. 12498 - OPERA, EDITIO COLLECTIVA; with numerous plates, tables, and diagrams, 8 vols. 4to. uniformly bound in russiagilt, g. e. (a few joints neatly mended, but a FINE SET), 2. I2s6d 1744-61 Besides Bp. Horsley's edition above, this was the only approximately complete and uniform edition of Newton's works ever issued . It comprises : OPERA MATHEMATICA, PHILOSOPHIOA et PHILOLOGICA, collegit, recensuit, etc. Joh. Castillioneus, 3 v., LausanncR, '44 : PRINCIPIA, studio Tliomse Le Seur et Franc. Jacquier, 3 v., Colonies, '60 ; ARITHMETICS UNIVERSALIS, cum Commentariis Joh. Castellionei, 2 v., Amst., '61. 12499 - OPUSCULA MATHEMATICA PHILOSOPHICA et PHILOLOGICA, collegit partimque Latine vertit ac recensuit JOH. CASTILLIONEUS, Jurisconsultus[accessit Commentariolus de Vita Auctoris] ; with vignette portrait by Duflos after Delamonce, 64 plates, and 2 folding tables, 3 vols. 4to. hf. vellum, or, hf. calf, 18* Qd Lausanncc, 1744 12500 - ANOTHER COPY, contemporary pressed white vellum (fine copy), 1. Is The above work contains: Analysis per ^Equationes. Methodus Fluxionum. Tractatus de Quadratura Curvarum. Enumeratio Linearum Tertii Ordinis. Methodus Differentialis. Excerpta ex Oommercio Epistolari. De Mundi Systemate. Lectiones Opticte. De Natura Acidarum, etc. etc. etc. PRINCIPIA : 12501 - : PHILOSOPHIC NATURALIS PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA. Auctore Is. NEWTON, Trin. Coll. Cantab. Soc. Matlieseos Professore Lucasiano, & Societatis Regalis Sodali. Imprimatur. S. PEPYS, Reg. Soc. Prases. Julii 5. 1686, editio princeps ; with folding plate, and numerous diagrams, 4to. old (? contemporary) calf, newly and very neatly rebacked, with auto. ' J. C. Willinford, August 1828 ' on title, (blank top margins of some II. ivater-stained, and a very small hole in one page, otherwise a SOUND AND LARGE COPY, measuring^^ x 7J inches), excessively rare,18.1Ss Londini,Jussu SocietatisRegize acTy pis JosephiStr eater. Prostat apud pluresBibliopolas. ^WWOMDCLXXXVII. THE ABOVE is THE FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION. A re-issue was published in the same year with a new title, having a different imprint. This second issue is somewhat less rare than the above, although copies of either are now practically unprocurable. No copies of either can be traced as having sold at auction during the last twenty years. The interest of the first edition of what probably constitutes the most important printed work on exact science ever published need hardly "be emphasised. It should also be noted that the first edition 7ias never been reprinted in any form. The cost of printing the first edition was borne by EDMUND HALLEY, F.R.S., who edited and saw it through the press, and added the Latin verses reprinted in all the later editions. The idea of Mr. Samuel Pepys, P.R.S, giving the Society's imprimatur to Newton's Principia is tickling. Owing to the importance of the work and the comparatively small number of copies printed, the first edition became rare almost immediately after publication. Sir David Brewster, in his Life of Newton, mentions (Vol. I, pp. 312 and 337) : ' The impression was quickly sold. A copy of the Principia could scarcely be procured in 1691. . . . Cotes states in his preface to the second edition that copies of the first were scarce, and could only be obtained at an immense prio.e. Sir William Browne, when at college, gave more than two guineas for a copy, and owing to the difficulty of procuring one at a reasonable price, the father of Dr. John Moore of Glasgow transcribed the whole work with his own hand.' 622 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. PRINCIPIA, continued: 12503 NEWTON (Sir Isaac, P.R.S.) PHILOSOPHISE NATURALIS PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA ; EDITIO SECUNDA, auctior et emendatior ; with folding plate, and numerous diagrams, 4to. sound and very clean copy in old calf (RARE), 1. 15s Cantabrigiw, 1713 This copy bears the autograph while at Cains College of SAMUEL SHUCKFORD, afterwards Prebendary of Canterbury, and author of the ' Connexion of Sacred and Profane History ', which had an extraordinary vogue of a hundred years till it was finally edited by James Talboys Wheeler, the historian of India, in 185S. 12504 - ANOTHER COPY, old calf (binding slightly damaged), 1. 105 12505 THE SAME, hf. calf gilt (title mounted and some IL inked or stained), 1. 5s This edition contains considerable additions by the AUTHOR, while the chapters on the lunar theory and the theory of comets were much enlarged. It was edited by ROGER COTES, F.R.S , whose preface (pp. 10), in which he vigorously attacks the Cartesian philosophy then still in vogue at the universities, and refutes an assertion that Newton's theory of attraction is a causa occitlta, is of great historical importance. It also contains a new preface by the author, the Latin verses on him by EDMDND HALLEY, the Astronomer Royal, and an ' Index Capitum ' and ' Index Rerum Alphabeticus ' at end, both by the Editor. Seven hundred and fifty copies were printed of this edition, which has now also become RARE. 12506 EDITIONIS SECUNDJE REIMPRESSIO AMST^LODAMENSIS [in titulo:] Editio Ultima, auctior et emendatior ; with folding plate and numerous diagrams, 4to. old calf (back of binding damaged, and last 18 //. water-stained], 15s Amst., sumptibus Societatis, 1714 The first Amsterdam reprint of the second edition. It was reprinted in 1723 with the addition of ' Analysis per Quantitatum Series '. 12507 EDITIO TERTIA [ET ULTIMA] , aucta et emendata ; with numerous diagrams, 4to. sound copy in contemporary panelled calf (portrait wanting), with bookplate of Earle Bulwer [Sir Henry Bulwer, Lord Balling-, Ambassador at Washington, and concluder of the CLayton- Bulwer Treaty'], 1. Is Londini, Guil. & Joh. Innys, 1726 12508 ANOTHER COPY, with portrait by G. Vertue, sound copy in old calf, newly rebacked, with auto, of Samuel Roberts, F.R.S. , 18s Qd 12509 ANOTHER COPY, old calf (joints broken and portrait wanting), 12s Qd 12510 - A Largest Paper Copy, printed on thick paper, with portrait ict. 83 by G. Vertue after Vanderbank, folio, contemporary russia extra (back badly rubbed and slightly damaged, and joints crai-ked), g. e., with label of George Rennie, F.R.S. (very rare), 3. 10s Less than 20 copies were printed of this edition, all of which were reserved for presentation. ' This edition, the last published during the author's life-time, and the one on which all subsequent ones are based, was edited by HKNRV PEMBERTOX, M.D., F.R.S., and contains a new preface by Newton, and a large number of alterations, the most important being the scholium on fluxions, and the addition of a new one on the motion of the moon's nodes, to which I may add an account of some additional experiments on the resistance of the air to bodies falling through it, and the use of some fresh astronomical observations in book III." W. W. E. ball. It also contains Halley's verses and Cotes's preface. ' Newton modified in the third edition of the Principia the scholium relating to fluxions, in which Leibnitz had been mentioned by name. Leibnit/ and his friends had always held this scholium to be an acknowledgment of his claim to originality.' Dr. R. T. Gla-cbrook, F.R.S. See in this connexion note to No. 12570, post. .12511 REPRINT OF THE THIRD EDITION, reprinted for SIR WILLIAM THOMSON [LORD KELVIN. P.R.S. ] and HUGH BLACKBURN, Professors of Natural Philosophy and Mathematics in the University of Glasgow, with fs. title and numerous diagrams, 4to. cl. (SCARCE), 1. 5s Glasgow, 1871 ' Finding that all the Editions of the Prinoipia are now out of print, we have been induced to reprint Newton's last Edition without note or comment, only introducing the ' Corrigenda ' of the old copy and correcting typographical errors. W. T. H. B. Notice. This reprint contains besides the author's prefaces to the three editions, the valuable introduction to the second edition by Roger Cotes, and the Latin verses by Edmund Halley. 12512 EDITIO NOVA, perpetnis Commentariis illustrata, communi Studio PP. THOM^E LE SEUR et FRANCISCI JACQUIER, Ord. Min. ; with vignettes, and numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 4to. in 4. sound copy in contemporary calf gilt, 1. 5* Genevce, 1739-42 THE FIRST so-called ' JESUITS' 'EDITION*,' much valued for its copious commentary. ' Le professeur Calandrini, a Geneve, a 6te 1'editeur de cet excellent cemmentaire et 1'a enrichi de notes, de citations et de demonstrations.' Brunei. The above edition also contains in v. Ill the following important pieces, which gained the prize of the French Academy : Traite stir le Flux et Reflux de la Mer, par DANIEL BERNOULLI (pp. 133-240) : De. Causa Physica Fluxus et llefluxus Maris a COLIN MACLAUKIN, S.R.S. (pp. 247-82) : Inquisitio Physica in Causam Fluxus et R^fluxus Maris a LEONARDO EULER (pp. 283-374). According to Mr. W. W. R. Ball, ' these, three memoirs contain all that was done on the theory of tides between the publication of Newton's Principia and the investigations of Laplace. The text of the Principia is that of the third Edition. 12513 EDITIO ALTERA, longe accuratior et emendatior ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 4to. old calf gilt (a few joints cracked), 18s 6d Coloniw Allobrogum, 1760 The second ' Jesuits' Edition,' being a reprint of the first with corrections, and the memoirs on the theory of tides, but without Halley's verses. 12514 ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. in 4, old calf (joints broken), with numerous MS. notes in a contemporary hand, 14* 12515 EDITIO NOVA, summa Cura recensita; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. calf (joints cracked), 12s Glasgow, 1833 The last and best of the ' Jesuits' Editions,' edited by JOHN M. F. WRIGHT, containing all the prefaces to the first three editions, as well as the memoirs on the tides. ' Edition belle et soignee.' Unmet. 125KJ The MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, translated by ANDREW MOTTE ; with the LAWS of the MOON'S MOTION, according to Gravity, by JOHN MACHIN, F.R.S., with fronts., and vignettes by the, Translator, and 47 folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf, 15s Benjamin Motte, 1729 12517 - ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. old calf (fronts, wanting, binding not uniform and that of v. I damaqed, also wanting fronts.), 10s First edition, of the first English translation of the Principia, 'handsomely printed', and 'a highly creditable productio n.' D. N. B. HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 623 PBINCIPIA, continued: 12519 NEWTON (Sir Isaac, P.R.S.) The MATHEMATICAL? RINCIPLES of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY ; new Edition, with Newton's SYSTEM of the WORLD ; a short Comment on, and Defence of, the Principia, by W. EMERSON ; and LIFE, carefully revised and corrected by WILLIAM DAVis r with fine bust portrait by Scriven, and 54 folding plates, besides diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. old calf, or, hf. cL (RARE), 1. 5s 1803 12520 ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. in 1, hf. calf, 1. 4s 12521 ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. mottled calf extra (name cut of titles, but FINE COPY), 1. 10s This edition contains for the first time the translation of the DC Mundi Systcmatr, which was not contained in the edition of 1729. ' The inconvenience arising from the great scarcity of former editions of the Principia, and System of the World, added to the exorbitant prices charged for them when to be met with, determined the Editor to undertake a New Edition of those Works.' Preface. 12522 REPRINT of the above EDITION, with fine bust portrait by Scriven, and 54 folding plates, 3 vols. 8vo. old hf. calf (a few joints cracked], 1. Is 1819' 12523 MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, BOOK I [Motion of Bodies], translated, and illustrated with a Commentary, by ROBERT THORP, D.D., Archdn. of Northumber- land; 2nd Edition, with 22 plates, roy. 4to. russia extra, g. e., with booklabel of George Rennie* F.R.S. (fine and large copy], 12s Qd 1802 12324 ANOTHER COPY, boards, uncut, 10s Qd This translator was a member of Peterhouse, and Senior Wrangler in 175^. His Son CHARLES, pr., was the first Warden of Durham University. The above translation includes Newton's Prefaces, and Cotes's to the second Edition, and an Introduction (pp. 18) by himself. 'Newton is the new Archimedes, and the Principia forms the Novum Organum of scientific method. . . . There is hardly a progressive branch of physical and mathematical science, excepting perhaps chemistry and electricity, which has- not been developed from the germs of true scientific procedure which he disclosed in the Principia and Optlclcs.' Prof. W. S. Jevons, F.R.S. 12525 - The FIRST THREE SECTIONS, with copious Notes and Illustrations, and a great Variety of Deductions and Problems, by JOHN CARR, pr., Fellow of Trinity, with 6 folding plates, 8vo. cL, with auto, of C. F. Mackenzie, first Bp. of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa* 2s 6d 1821 12526 SECOND EDITION, improved and enlarged, with 6 folding plates, 8vo. hf. cL, 3s 182& 12527 - The FIRST THREE SECTIONS and Part of the SEVENTH, with Preface recommend- ing; a Geometrical Course of Mathematical Reading, and Introduction on the Atomic Constitution of Matter, and the Laws of Motion, by GEORGE LEIGH COOKE, pr., with 54 diagrams, 8vo. d., 4s Oxford, 1850 12528 The FIRST THREE SECTIONS, with Appendix, and the IX. and XI. SECTIONS, edited by JOHN H. EVANS, Master of Sedbergh School, 2nd Edition, with diagrams, 8vo. hf. cL, 2s Cambridge, 183& 12529 FIFTH EDITION, by P. T. MAIN, with diagrams, 12mo. d., 2s ibidem, 1871 12530 SECTIONS I. II. III., with Notes and Illustrations, also Problems, principally intended as Examples of Newton's Methods, by PERCIVAL FROST; pr., F.R.S., with diagrams* post 8vo. d., 3s ib., 1854 12531 - [SECOND EDITION, enlarged] , with diagrams, 8vo. d., 4s Qd ib., 1863 12532 [THIRD EDITION] , with diagrams, 8vo. cl. (cover slightly soiled], with aufo. of Samuel Roberts, F.R.S., 5s 1880 12533 FOURTH [LAST] EDITION, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 6s 6d (p. 12s) 1883 OPTICS : 12534 [ ] OPTICKS : or a Treatise of the Reflexions, Refractions, Inflexions and Colours of Light ;. also Two TREATISES on the Species and Magnitude of CURVILINEAR FIGURES, first edition, with 19 folding plates, 4to. hf. calf antique (VERY RARE), 2. 2s S. Smith and B. Walford, Printers to the Royal Society, 1704 12535 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary panelled calf (joints cracked, but a large and sound copy] , with auto. < Isaac Newton ' on endpaper, 3. 15s 12536 THE SAME, A FINE COPY IN CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH RED MOROCCO EXTRA, Harleian gold tooling on sides, g. e. , 4. 4s The above work is one of the great classics of optics. It expounds Newton's corpuscular or emission theory of light, and first contains his important optical discoveries in a collected form. The above first edition also contains two important mathematical treatises left out in the later ones, vis., ' Enumcratio Linearum II [. Ordinis', and 'Tractatus de Quadratura Curvarum ', containing his invention of the ' fluxional ' calculus. They were here published for the first time, especially with a view to assert Newton's rights to the discovery of the calculus (of which the controversy with Leibniz was then just preparing). In his introduction to the Tractatus he states that he had invented the 'method' in 1665-6 thus claiming priority over Leibniz. According to the Advertisement, the ensuing discourse was written at the desire of som* Gentlemen of the Royal Society, in 1(575. He reveals therein also his peculiarity of shrinking from every kind of publicity, when he complains that he had delayed the printing 'to avoid being engaged in disputes about these matters '. The last passage of the Advertisement is of importance in connexion with the Newton-Leibniz controversy : ' In a Letter written to Mr. Leibnitz in 1676 ... I mentioned a Method by which I had found some general Theorems about squaring curvilinear Figures . . . And some Years ago I lent out a Manuscript containing such Theorems, and having since met with some Things copied out of it, I have on this Occasion made it publick '. 12537 ANOTHER COPY, without the Two Mathematical Treatises, with 12 folding plates, 4to. old calf (joints cracked) , 1 . 5s [ 1704] The above consists of the optical part only, with a neAv title, without date, place, or printer's name, but giving the author's name. This issue seems to be rare, no mention being made of it in bibliographies. 624 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. OPTICS, continued: Sir Isaac Newton's own corrected copy: 12539 NEWTON (Sir Isaac, P.R.S.) OPTICKS, SECOND [FIRST OCTAVO] EDITION, with Additions, with 12 folding plates, 8vo. old calf , joints neatly mended (FINE COPY) ; with MS. corrections in Sir Isaac Newton's handwriting, 25. A. Bowyer for W. Innys, 1717 Tke original issue of the second edition, and printed on strong paper. It is rare thus, most copies being of the second issue of 1718. The mathematical tracts were left out in this and the following editions. The above copy is of great interest for having belonged to Sir Isaac Newton himself, who has made additions and corrections (all verified to be in his hand-writing), which were wholly or partly adopted in the later editions of the * Opticks '. They are : on page 70, line 20 : S^ is altered into jjj^ (this correction was made in the 3rd Edition). Page 230, line 19 : -Ijji- is altered in text and written out on margin q * (corrected in the 3rd Edition). Page 271, line 14: after 'plainest 1 is added on margin: 'upon the Chart, & removing the chart' (alteration not adopted). Page 275, line 15 : after ' second ' is added Ion margin : ' without quicksilver in the same angle ' (addition not adopted). Page 334, line 11-12 : The passage : ' that side of the same Ray which looks towards ' is struck out (correction not adopted). Page 342, line (5 : after ' Earth ' is added on margin ' or 7f ' ; line 8 : 14 is altered in text into 15|, and on margin into 16J ; line 10 : ' 21, 28 or 35 ' is altered in text into ' 22, 303, 38^ ', and on margin into ' 23, 30f, 38|' ; lines 12 and 13 : ' 70, 140, 210', is altered in text into ' 76f, 153-J, 230 ', and on margin into ' 80, 160, 238 ' (corrections adopted slightly modified in the 4th Edition). Page 30(3, line 22 : ' height ' is struck out, and ' distance ' substituted for it on margin (correction made in the 4th Edition). Page 382, line 4 : after 'Benefactor' is added: 'as their ancestors did before they corrupted themselves. For the seven Precepts of the Noachides were originally the moral Law of all nations ; & the first of them was to have but one supreme Lord God & not to alienate his worship ; the second was not to profane his name ; & the rest were to abstain from blood or homicide & from fornication (that is from incest adultery & all urilawfull lusts,) & from theft & all injuries, & to be merciful even to bruit beasts, & to set up magistrates for putting these laws in execution. Whence came the moral Philosophy of the ancient Greeks' (partly adopted in the third Edition, by adding after 'Benefactor': 'as their Ancestors did under the Government of Noah and his Sons before they corrupted themselves '). 12540 - SECOND ISSUE OF THE SECOND EDITION, with 12 folding plates, 8vo. old calf, or, old calf, rebacked, 12s 6d W. andJ. Innys, 1718 In this edition the number of queries at the end of the work is increased from 16 to 31, including the celebrated one (No. 28) : ' Are not all hypotheses erroneous in which Light is supposed to consist in pression or motion propagated through a fluid medium ? ... If it consisted in pression or in motion propagated either in an instant or in time, it would bend into the shadow. For pression and motion cannot be propagated in a fluid in right lines beyond an obstacle which stops part of the motion, but will bend and spread every way in the quiescent medium which lies beyond the shadow.' Query 17 discusses the double refraction of Iceland spar. It also contains a new and interesting preface. ' At the end of the 3rd book I have added some Questions. And to shew that I do not take Gravity for an essential Property of Bodies, I have added one Question concerning its Cause, chusing to propose it by way of a Question, because I am not yet satisfied about it for want of Experiments.' Advertisement II. 12541 THIRD EDITION, corrected, with 12 folding plates, 8vo. old calf, or, old calf, neatly rebacked, 12$ apud eosdem, 1721 This is a literal reprint of the foregoing edition, save fora few corrections and the addition of one passage in the last sentence in the work referring'to Noah and his sons, as pointed out in the note to Newton's annotated copy of the second edition (No. 12539, supra). 12542 - FOURTH [FINAL] EDITION, corrected, with 12 folding plates, 8vo. old calf, or, old calf, newly rebacked (RARE), 17s 6d William Innys, 1730 This was the last edition revised by the Author. 'It was corrected by the Author's own hand, and left before his Death with the Bookseller. ... It has been thought proper to make at the bottom of the Pages several Citations from thence [Lections Opticacl, where maybe found the Demonstrations, which the Author omitted in these Opticks'. Advertisement to this Fourth Edition. 12543 OPTICE : sive de Reflex ionibua, Refractionibus, Inflexionibus et Coloribus Lucis Libvi III, Latine reddidit SAMUEL CLARKE, A.M. ; accedunt Tractatus II ejusdem Authoris de SPECIE- BUS et MAGNITUDINE FIGURARUM CURVILLNEARUM; with 19 folding plates, 4to. contemporary calf, newly rebacked (sound and clean copy) ; RARE, 1. 5s Londini, S. Smith 2 vols. 4to. old calf, 10* Qd Amstedodami, 1761 12559 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols., contemporary mottled calf gilt (fine copy), 14s Besides the editor's preface (pp. 14), and the copious commentary (pp. 288), the above edition contains 'Addita- menturn vel de Solutione et Constructione -iEjuationum, etc. : Scripta varia ex Transaction! bus Philosophies et aliunde excerpta [by EDMUND HALLEY, JOHN COLSON, ABRAHAM DE MOIVRE, COLIN MACLAURIN, A. G KASTNER, K. J. BOSCOVICH, and others (pp.134)]. 12560 [ ] U NIVERSAL ARITHMETICK : or a Treatise of Arithmetical Composition and Resolu- tion. To which are added, DR. HALLEY'S Method of finding the Roots of ^Equations Arithmeti- cally; translated by JOSEPH RAPHSON, F.R.S. , and revised and corrected by SAMUEL CUNN, first English edition, with 8 plates, sm. 8vo. old calf, newly rebacked (rare), 15s J. Senex, 1720 12561 SECOND EDITION, very much corrected, with 8 plates, Svo. old calf, rebacked, 7s Qd apud eundem, 1728 12562 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary panelled calf ', Ss 12563 [THIRD AND LAST EDITION], to which is added, a TREATISE on the MEASURES of RATIOS, by JAMES MAGUIRE, the whole illustrated and explained in a Series of Notes, by THEAKER WILDER, D.D., T.C.D., with 8 plates, thick Svo. hf. calf gilt, or, old calf, 8s Qd 1769- COMMERCIUM EPISTOLICUM : 12564 COMMERCIUM EPISTOLICUM D. JOHANNIS COLLINS at aliorum de ANALYSI PROMOTA : Jussu Societatis Regiae in Lucem e litum [Cura JOANNIS KEILL, S.R.S.] ; editio princeps ; with diagrams, 4to. contemporary panelled calf, neivly rebacked (very rare), 2. 12s Qd Londini, Typis Pearsonianis, 1712 This is the celebrated report drawn up by order of the Royal Society, and consisting of 'a selection from the corre- spondence of John Collins, F.R.S. with some of the most celebrated mathematicians of the time, which substantiated Keill's charge against Leibniz of having derived the fundamental ideas of his calculus from papers by Newton, said to have been communicated to him through Collins and Oldenburg. Although greatly biassed in Newton's favour, the work is nevertheless ' a repertory of the utmost value to the history of science ' (D. N. B.), and is now excessively rare. The above is, according to Gray's Bibliography of Newton, THE EARLIEST OF THE TWO ISSUES OF THE FIRST EDITION. 12565 [EDITIO SECUNDA], et jam una cum ejusdem Recensione prsemissa, et Judicio primarii, ut ferebatur, Mathematici subjuncto, iteruni impressum ; with diagrams, 8vo. fine and tall copy in old calf gilt (RARE), 1. 12s 60? ibidem, J. Tonson et J. Watts, 1722 12566 ANOTHER COPY, cl.,with MS notes by, and bookplate of, Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.JK.S.,l. 10s The first issue of the second edition. 26 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. COMMERCIUM EPISTOLICUM, continued : 12563 NEWTON (Sir Isaac, P.R.S.) : COMMERCIUM EPISTOLICUM : SECOND ISSUE OF THE SECOND EDITION, with diagrams, 8vo. old calf (joints cracked], WITH 7 PP. OF MS. NOTES AT END IN AN XVIII. CENTURY HAND, HEADED ' ADDENDA', 1. 10* Londini, J. TonsonetJ. Watts, prostant venales apud Jacobum Mack-Euen, Bibliopolam Edinburgensem, 17*22 The second edition, besides being a complete reprint of that of 1712, contains a new address to the reader (pp. (5), a ' Recensio Libri qui inscriptus est Commercium ' (pp. 59), an Appendix (pp. 2), and an ' Annotatio' (pp. 4). The address and Recensio were written by NEWTON himself a fact first announced by Prof, de Morgan, and confirmed by Sir David Brewster. The latter did not know of the edition of 1722, and only mentions (Life of Newton, v. II, p. 75) that ' in the year 1725, a new edition of the Commercium was published.' 12569 EDITIONIS SECUND^E REIMPRESSIO ; with diagrams, 8vo. old calf (back torn), with W pp. of MS. Index added (RARE), 1. 12s 6d ibidem, J. Tonson et J. Watts, 1725 FIUST ISSUE OF THE 1725 REPRINT, which agrees with that of 1722, but has a new and much fuller title. 12570 SECOND ISSUE OF THE 1725 EDITION-, with diagrams, 8vo. old hf. calf (one joint cracked) ; VERY RARE, 2. 2s ib., apud eosdem, 1725 This v-as the last issue of the last edition published (save for the French reprint), and is of great interest for a cancellation in Newton's preface. In all the previous issues of the 1722 and 1725 editions occurs the passage : ' Quae novas Principiorum editioni pnemissa sunt, Xewtonus non vidit antequam Liber in lucem prodiit. Quoe de Qusestionibus Philosophicis disputata sunt D. Des Maizeaux a D. Leibnitio et aliis accepit et in lucem edidit,' with a note referring to Leibniz's letters to Des Maizeaux. In the above issue however the passage 'a. D. Leibnitio et aliis accepit' and the note is cancelled. This was probably done at the time when Newton decided to leave out of the third Edition of 1726 the Scholium referring to Leibniz (vide note to No. 12510). ' It is due to historical truth to state, that Newton supplied all the materials for the Commercium Epistolicum, and that, though Keill was its editor, and the committee of the Royal Society the authors of the Report, Newton was virtually responsible for its contents.' Sir David Brewster. 12571 COMMERCIUM EPISTOLICUM . . . ou CORRESPONDANCE de J. Collins et d'autres Savants celebres dii XVII 6 Siecle relative a 1'ANALYSE SUPERIEURE, reimprimee sur 1'Edition Originate de 1712, avec 1'Indication des Variarites de 1'Edition de 1722, completee par une COLLECTION de PIECES JUSTIFICATIVES et de DOCUMENTS, et publie"epar J. B. BIOT et F. LEFORT ; with diagrams, 4to. hf. calf, 10s (p. F. 15 nett sewn) 1856 The 'pieces justificatives' are letters that seemed to support Leibniz's claims in the opinion of the editors, as well as excerpts from Cavalieri, Descartes, Fermat, Hudde, Bicci, Barrow, and Sluze, which ultimately led to the discovery ol the infinitesimal calculus. At end is a chapter by Lefort (pp. U) : ' Caractere des publications du Commercium Epistolicum faites en 1712 et en 1722, etc. etc.' MINOR WORKS : PRESENTATION COPY BY THE EDITOR: 12572 [ ] ANALYSIS per QUANTITATUM SERIES, FLUXIONES, ac DIFFERENTIAS : cum Enum- eratione Linearum Tertii Ordinis [edente GULIELMO JONES, S.R.S.]. editio princeps ; with vig- nettes and numerous diagrams, 4to. old calf, with inscr. by the Editor, WILLIAM JONES, F.R.S., friend of Newton (1675-1749), as below (RARE). 1. 5s Londoni, 1711 ' To Dr. Cockburn by his humble Servt. Wm: Jones.' Inscr. on flyleaf. 12573 ANOTHER COPY, with 2 engraved tables of curves by J. Senex ADDED, old calf gilt, 1.2* 6^7 First edition of Newton's Treatises on the higher mathematics, containing his discovery of the differential calculus. It comprises: ' De Analyst per JKquationes Infinitas' (containing the JJinomial Theorem), ' Fragmenta Epistolarum ad D. Oldenburgum ', ' De Quadrature Curvarum ', ' Enumeratio Linearum Tertii Ordinis ', and ' Methodus Differential '. ' In his Latin preface Jones gives notes of the earliest applications of Newton's method, no doubt with some reference to the contest with Leibnitz which was then preparing'. D. N. B. 12574 The CHRONOLOGY of ANCIENT KINGDOMS AMENDED, with Short Chronicle from the First Memory of Things in Europe, to the Conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great, first edition, with engraved vignette and 3 folding plates, 4to. boards, uncut, 10* 1728 12575 A LARGE PAPER COPY, printed on thick paper, roy. 4to. old hf. calf (one joint cracked) : RARE, 155 'Containing an attempt to determine the dates of ancient events from astronomical considerations . . . Newton indicates the manner in which astronomy might be used to verify the views on the chronological points derived in the main from Ptolemy, which were held in his time. These views have since that date been proved, by the Babylonish and Egyptian records, to be on the whole correct.' R. T. Glazcbrook, F.R.S. 12576 : EXCERPTA quaidam e NfiWTONi PRINCIPIIS PuiLOSOPHlAE NATURALIS, cum Notis Variorum ; with 12 folding plates, 4to. old calf (binding damaged), 4s Cantabrigice, Typis academicis, 1765 12577 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary hf. calf, uncut, with auto, of, and MS. notes and problems by, John North, Caius Coll., Cantab., Is Qd The above work was edited by JOHN JEBB, pr., M.D., F.R.S., GEORGE WOLLASTON, D.D., F.R.S., and*RoBERT THORP. It has a long list of subscribers. 12578 - : NEUTONI GENESIS CURVARUM per UMBRAS, seu Perspective Universalis Elementa; Exemplis Coni Sectionum et Linearum Tertii Ordinis illustrata [cura PATRICK MURDOCH, D.D.] ; with Infolding plates, 8vo. old calf. Is Qd Londini, 1748 12579 -The METHOD of FLUXIONS and INFINITE SERIES: with its APPLICATION to the GEOMETRY of CURVE-LINES, translated from the Latin Original not yet made publick; with a Perpetual Comment, consisting of Annotations, Illustrations, and Supplements, by JOHN COLSON, F.R.S., first edition, with front, on copper of shooting flying, and diagrams, 4to. old rough calf (joints cracked), ivith old armorial bookplate of ' Parkinson ' (RARE), 1. 1* H. Wood fall, 1736 12580 ANOTHER COPY, old calf (title and front, mounted), with bookstamp of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 17s 6d The first edition of Newton's complete treatise on the calculus, originally written in 1671. It includes a valuable preface by the editor (pp. 15), and a ' commentary ' (pp. 143-339). It was reprinted in 1737 in 8vo. ,!= PHILOSOPHIC NATURALIS PRINCI PI A MATHEMATICA Autore J S. NEtfTON, Trin. Coll. Cantab. Soc. Mathefeos Profeffore Lucafiano, & Socictatis Regalis Sodali. IMPRIMATUR- S. P E P Y S, Reg. Soc. PRASES. JM 5. 1686. L N D I N J 3 [uflli Socictatis Regime ac Typis Jofephi Strcatcr. Proftat apud plures Bibliopolas. ^///w MDCLXXXVJI. No. 12501 (^/e 621). First issue of the first edition of the greatest work on exact science ever published. [382] inftead of teaching the Transmigration of Souls, and to worfhip the Sun and Moon, and dead Heroes, they would have taught us to worlhip our true Author and Benefador, ^u /X7 ' U ~* ^iJwAffWSi ^ fl< 10* +SIJL L- +J~vr* I* O-9$ri^** } * W ,* *^**c-$ if *>*<-*** t ~r J21*L *&*&& No. 12539 (page 624). Newton's autograph. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 627 MINOR WORKS, continued: 12582 NEWTON (Sir Isaac, P.R.S.I La METHODE des FLUXIONS, et des SUITES INFINIES [traduite par JEAN Louis LECLERC, COMTE DE BUFFON] ; with diagrams, 4to. French boards (rare), 12s Qd de Bare I', 1740 12583 ANOTHER COPY, old calf (binding damaged), with inner, as below, 17s Qd 'Taken out of a French Ship which was captured by Capt. John Rogers, Dover, Commander of the Grand Faulkner during the late French War.' MS. Note in pencil on title. Butfjn's translation (the translator was unknown to Barbier)was made from Colson's English translation, but contains neither his preface nor the commentary. It includes however a very interesting preface by Button himself (pp. 28), in which he maintains, in opposition to the opinion of the majority of the mathematicians of his own country, that Newton is the sole and only inventor of the calculus ('on detneura con vaincu que' Newton sc;ul est 1'auteur de ces merveilleux calculs ' [p. VI of preface]). 125S4 De MUNDI SYSTEMATE, editio princepa; with 2 folding plates, 4to. contemporary calf gilt (one joint cracked, but a sound copy) ; RARE, 12s Qd Londini, impensis Tonson, Osborn et Longman, 1728 This seems to be a very rare edition, that of 1731 being generally considered the first Latin one. The latter only is men- tioned in Gray's ' Bibliography of Newton '. Prof, de Morgan's doubts as to Newton's authorship of this work were dispelled by Edleston in his Correspondence. It was originally meant to form the third book of the Principia. 12585 TREATISE of the SYSTEM of the WORLD, translated into English, printed on stout paper, with 2 plates and diagrams, 8vo. old panelled calf, 6s Qd 1728 The first English edition, containing an interesting preface (pp. 22), which was left out in the later ones. 12586 TABLES for RENEWING and PURCHASING the LEASES of CATHEDRAL-CHURCHES and COLLEGES, according to several RATES of INTEREST, with their Construction and Use explained ; also Tables for Renewing and PURCHASING the LEASES of LAND or HOUSES, etc. etc., with the Value of Church and College Leases consider'd ; sixth Edition, with TABLES of INTEREST exactly computed at 3, 3, 4, and 5 p. C., with other useful Tables, 12mo. old calf (joints cracked), 5s 1742 12587 SEVENTH EDITION, 12mo. old sheep (binding worn and joints cracked), 5s 1758 Although generally attributed to Sir Isaac Newton, it is very doubtful whether this work, which is not included in Horsley's edition, was ever written by him. 12588 Two TREATISES of the QUADRATURE of CURVES, and ANALYSIS by EQUATIONS of an INFINITE NUMBER of TERMS, explained; containing the Treatises translated into English, with large Commentary, etc. etc., by JOHN STEWART, Prof. Mathematicks, Aberdeen ; F.R.S., with diagrams, 4to. cl., or, old calf (rare), 15s 1745 The only English translation of the ' Tractatus de Quadrature Curvarum' and ' Analysis per Quantitatum Series '. It contains moreover a copious commentary. 12589 , THIRTEEN LETTERS from, as Representative in Parliament of the University of Cam- bridge, to JOHN COVEL, D.D., Vice-Chancellor, Master of Christ's College [with Notes by DAWSON TURNER] , withfs. letter, roy. 8vo. sewn (scarce), 5s Norwich, 1848 Published by Dawson Turner from the great collection of the Macro Manuscripts. NEWTONIANA : 12590 [ALGAROTTI (Francesco Conte di)] II NEWTONIANISMO per le DAME, owero DIALOGHI sopra la LUCE e i COLORI, prima edizione ; with front, by Pitteri after Piazzetta (hand-coloured), sm. 4to. oldhf. caff (back rubbed) ; rare, 10s Qd Napoli, 1737 An interesting Italian popularisation of Newton. It was translated into English (by ELIZABETH CARTKR) and into French, and was unknown to Riccardi. 'II se proposa de mettre a la portee des gens du monde les decouvertes et le systeme de Newton, comme Fontsnelle y avait mis les oiuvres de Descartes. II n'avait alors que !U ans. Ce livre fit beaucoup de bruit, et lui fit obtenir 1'honneur d etre invite par Maupertuis et Clairaut a les accompagner dans leurs expeditions scientifiques.' Biogr. Gen. 12591 BLOCK (Leon) La PHILOSOPHIE de NEWTON, 8vo. (pp. 644), sewn, 5s Qd (p. F. 10 nett) 190S 12592 BREWSTER (Sir David, F.R.S.) The LIFE of SIR ISAAC NEWTON, with portrait by W. C. Edwards after Kneller, and woodcuts, 12mo. cl. (cover damaged), 3s Gd 1831 12593 MEMOIRS of the LIFE, WRITINGS, and DISCOVERIES of SIR ISAAC NEWTON, BEST EDITION, with 2 steel portraits, and ivoodcuts, 2 vols. large 8vo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 17s Qd Edin., 1855 12591 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. cl. (binding slightly worn, and fronts, and titles stamped), 15s 12595 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. cl. (wanting one portrait, also browned, and covers damaged), 10s Qd The chief authority on Newton's life. It contains appendixes of original papers, vi~., letters from and to Newton, ' an Hypothesis explaining the Properties of Light discoursed in my several Papers ' ; Drawing and Measures of the Eye of a, Sheep, and Description of the Optic Nerves ; Notice of Prof. Cotes ; Newton's Directions to Dr. Bentley for studying the Principia; Newton's 15th Query ; Draught Copies of tlite Scholium to Lemma II Book II: Table of Refractions sent to Hamsteed ; ' De Metallo ad conficienduin Speculum Componendo et Fundendo 1 , etc. etc. 12596 [BROUGHAM and VATTX (Henry Peter Lord, Lord Chancellor; F.R.S.)], LIFE of SIR ISAAC NEWTON [with BIBLIOGRAPHY], 8vo. (pp. 40), sewn, 2? L. U.K. [1829] ' Substantially a translation from the life in the ' Biographic Universelle', by M. Biot.' P. 1. 12597 , and Edward John ROUTH, Fellow of Peterhouse, F.R.S. : ANALYTICAL VIEW of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PRINCIPIA, with diagrams, 8vo. cl. (scarce), Is Qd 1855 ' Explaining the connexion of the various parts of the Principia with each other, and with the preceding and subsequent progress of the science.' Preface. .12598 CATALOGUE of the PORTSMOUTH COLLECTION of BOOKS and PAPERS, written by, or belonging to, SIR ISAAC NEWTON, the Scientific Portion of which has been presented by the EARL OF PORTSMOUTH to the UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE, with diagrams, 8vo. cl. (o. p.). 4s Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1888 This is the great mass of Newton's papers which came at his death into the hands of Mr. Conduitt, who married Catherine Barton, Newton's niece, and eventually into those of Lord Portsmouth at Hurstbourne. They were inspected and Ignored by Bp. Horsley, and but little used by Sir David Brewster. The above valuable volume has preface and appendix to preface by H. R. LUARD, pr., SIR G. GABRIEL STOKES, J. COUCH ADAMS, and G. D. LIVEING, FF.R.S. 628 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43. PICCADILLY, W. NEWTONIANA, continued . CLARKE (John, Dean of Sarum) DEMONSTRATION of some of the PRINCIPAL SECTIONS of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PRINCIPLES of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY (1730) v. No. 6927, ante. 1-2600 DOMCKE (Georg- Peter; F.R.S.) PHILOSOPHIA MATHEMATICA NEWTONIANA ILLUSTRATA ; with 16 folding plates, 8vo. old calf (rare,}, 6s Qd Londini, 1730 The book was licensed by William Whiston, who characterizes the above commentary as ' satis et feliciter '. The second Part contains : Defiuitiones et Leges Motus ; Leges Virium Centripetarum et Theoria Attraction!? seu Gravitationis Corporum in se Mutuo ; Mundi Systema. The author, who is mentioned in Poggendorff, masquerades in AHibonv. as 1 Oomekins '. 12601 EDLESTON (J., Trinity Coll., Cantab.) CORRESPONDENCE of SIR ISAAC NEWTON and PROFESSOR [ROGER] COTES, including Letters of other eminent Men, now first published, with Appendix of UNPUBLISHED LETTERS and PAPERS by Newton, with Notes ; SYNOPTICAL VIEW of his LIFE, etc. etc., with fine steel portraits and woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s Qd 1850 12602 ANOTHER COPY (binding torn), 9s Qd ' By far the most valuable collection of facts relating to him is the Synoptical View of Newton's Life, edited by Edleston in 1850.' D. N. B. The preface contains an interesting historical account of the first two editions of the ' Priucipia '. 12603 FRAGMENS de LETTRES de divers SAVANS CONTEMPORAINS de NEWTON, precedes d'une Remarque sur quelques HYPOTHESES de NEWTON lui-meme, 8vo. (pp. 31), sewn (scarce), 5s s. I. nid. Containing the correspondence of NICOLAS FACCIO, F.R.S., Newton's friend, with Huygens, Jacques Bernoulli, and others. 12604 GORDON (George) REMARKS upon the NEWTONIAN PHILOSOPHY, as propos'd by SIR ISAAC NEWTON, in his Principia . . . ; and DR. GREGORY, in his Principia Astronomic Physics, wherein the FALLACIES of the PRETENDED MATHEMATICAL DEMONSTRATIONS are clearly LAID OPEN, and the PHILOSOPHY ITSELF fully PROVED to be FALSE and ABSURD, both by Mathematical and Physical Demonstration, with diagrams, 12mo. sound copy in old calf (rare), Is Qd 1719 Interesting as an early attack on the Newtonian system, and a defence of Descartes's theory of vortices. GRAVESANDE (Willexn. Jacobus 's ; F.R.S.) PHILOSOPHIC NEWTONIANS INSTITUTIONES v. Nos. 8594-5, ante. 12605 HARTSOEKER (Nicolas ; teacher of Peter the Great) RECUEIL de PLUSIEURS PIECES de PHYSIQUE, oil Ton fait principalement voir PINVALIDITE du SYSTEMS de Mr. NEWTON, et oil se trouve, entre autres, une Dissertation sur la Peste, et sur les Moyens de s'en garentir; with diagrams, 18mo. old calf gilt, 8s Qd Utrecht, 1722 'II s'y declare nettement centre ces grands espaces vides ou se mouvraient les planetes, obligees a decrire des courbes par des gravitations ou attractions mutuelles.' Biogr. Gen. 12606 HORNE (George; 59th Bp. of Norwich) A FAIR, CANDID, and IMPARTIAL STATE of the CASE between SIR ISAAC NEWTON and MR. [JOHN] HUTCHINSON, in which is shown how far a System of Physics is capable of Mathematical Demonstration ; how far Sir Isaac's, as such a System, has that Demonstration, and consequently, what Regard Mr. Hutchinson's Claim may deserve to have paid to it, 8vo. sewn, Is Qd Oxford, 1753 ' He allowed to Sir Isaac the great merit of having settled laws and rules in natural philosophy ; but at the same time claimed for Mr. Hutchinson the discovery of the true physiological causes by which, under the power of the Creator, the natural world is moved and directed." William Jones (of Nayland), pr., F.R.S. 12607 LIFE of NEWTON [from the UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE], 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, 2s [1748] 12608 MACLAURIN (Colin, F.R.S.) ACCOUNT of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PHILOSOPHICAL DIS- COVERIES ; published from the Author's MSS. [with LIFE (pp. 20)] by PATRICK MURDOCH, F.R.S., first edition, with 6 folding plates, roy. 4to. russia extra, g. e. ( fine copy), with bookplate of George Rennie, F.R.S., 12s 60? printed for the author's children, 1748 This edition was published for the benefit of Maclaurin's children, and contains a long list of subscribers. 12609 SECOND EDITION, with folding plates, 8vo. old calf (joints cracked), 4s Qd 1750 12610 - THIRD [LAST] EDITION, with Q folding plates, 8vo. old hf. calf (rubbed and 2 plates mended), 3s Qd 1755 Comprising: Of a Method of Proceeding in Natural Philosophy, and the various Systems of Philosophers : Of the Theory of Motion, or Rational Mechanics; Gravity demonstrated by Analysis; The Effects of the General Power of Gravity deduced synthetically. The life prefixed is still the chief authority on Maclaurin. The last chapter treats ' Of the Supreme Author and Governor of the Universe, the true and living God ', and ends with an argument in favour of a future life, dictated but a few moments before his death. v. Nos. 11220-2, ante. 12611 MANUSCRIPT (Italian) : Sopra le TRE LEGGI del MOTO del NEWTON, Canzone : Sopra )e TRE REGULE di FILOSOFARE del NEWTON, Canzone: Sopra FELEVAZIONE de FLUIDI ne TUBI Capillari : Ecloga ; a neatly written Manuscript on 8 pp., folio, Is Qd Scec. XVIII. MARTIN (Benjamin) PANEGYRICK of the NEWTONIAN PHILOSOPHY (1754) v. No. 11492, ante. PLAIN and FAMILIAR INTRODUCTION to the NEWTONIAN EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY' (1754)_-y. jVos. 11502-4, ante. 12612 MERCIER (Louis Sebastien, de VInstitut) De I'IMPOSSIBILITE du SYSTEME ASTRONOMIQUE de COPERNIC et de NEWTON, 8vo. hf. calf (rare), 10s Qd 1806 Not mentioned in Gray's bibliography of Newton. The author was a Flatearther unbudgeted by Professor de Morgan. ' Locke, Condillac et leurs disciples devinrent aussi le sujet de ses attaques ; par tin rnauvais jeu de mots, il lesappelait les idiots rogues, idiologues. Les decouvertes physiques ne lui inspiraient pas plus de respect : il attaqua meme le systeme astronomique de Kopernik et de Newton, pretendant que la Terre est ronds et plate et que le Soleil tourne autour de ce plateau com me un cheval de manege ' Biogr. Gen. 12613 NEWTON et LEIBNITZ [in French, English, and German], folio (pp. 3), unbound (very rare), Is Qd Pan, 1863 In this interesting letter, which was sent out to 1500 scientists, the anonymous author offers 250 francs for the publication of a certain passage in a Leibniz MS. (referred to by Dr. H. Sloman, but said to have been purposely left out in Gerhardt's edition, and since then disappeared altogether from its home in the Royal Library of Hanover), which would, conclusively prove that Leibniz borrowed his differential calculus from a Manuscript by Sir Isaac Newton. *2. M C/5 O o c H CD ^ 3 H ed s* w O fe C/5 |Ss V, Q CO W O 9* a: NS rn n o w n n G - s.: . a 5 3"L s si - e Jri s-2 ^.a-* i=r 5=^ No. 12564 (page 625). The Newton=Leibniz controversy on the invention of the calculus. \ T " "~- . .^^ li' 1? a' . " $1 9- S IF ||^ *iS 3-1^ rz$ If _ - "~~ "- _L<^ '^ < ^di No. 12756 (page 636). An early English work on gunnery HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C , AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 629 NEWTONIAN A, continued: 12615 MORGAN 'Augustus de: F.R.A.S., Univ. Coll., London) NEWTON: his FRIEND : and his NIECE, edited by his WIFE [SOPHIA ELIZABETH], and by his Pupil, ARTHUR COWPER RANYARD, F.R.A.S., 8vo. cl. (scarce), 7s 1885 Dealing with an episode in Newton's life little referred to by his biographers, but characteristically mentioned by Voltaire : his relations with Charles Montagu, first Earl of Halifax, his friend and political patron, and his niece CATHERINE BARTON, afterwards MRS. CONDUITT, who was Montagu's mistress. The work contains new evidence which quite clears Newton from a charge of connivance in his niece's easy virtue. 12616 On a POINT connected with the DISPUTE between KEILL and LEIBNITZ about the INVENTION of FLUXIONS, 4to. (pp. 3), unbound, Is Qd 1846 MORRISON (Commr. Richard James, R.N. ; ' ZADKIEL ') The NEW PRINCIPIA v. No. 12163, ante. NEUMANN (Carl Gottfried ; Univ. Leipzig) ALLGEMEINE UNTERSUCHUNGEN iiber das NEWTON 'SCHE PRiNciPder FERNWIRKUNGEN v. No. 12442, ante. 12617 [PEMBERTON (Henry, M.D., F.R.S.)] A VIEW of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PHILOSOPHY, with 12jolding plates, 12 beautiful vignettes and tail-pieces by J. PINE after J. GRISON (including arms of Sir Robert Walpole), and 5 finely engraved initials by the same, 4to. old calf, with fine Chippen- dale bookplate of Thomas Holme, 8s Qd S. Palmer, 1728 12618 ANOTHER COPY, russia gilt, g. e., with booklabel of George Rennie, F.R.S. , 10* 12619 A LARGE PAPER COPY, with superior impressions of Pine's engravings, roy. 4to. old calf gilt, 12s Qd This copy has at end : ' Sir Isaac Newton's Corollaries from his Philosophy and Chronology ; in his Own Words ' page 1-16, i-igned by WILLIAM WHISTON. 12620 ANOTHER LARGE PAPER COPY, old morocco extra (joints mended), g. e., 12* Qd 'Interesting as being the account of a near friend. '- D. N. B. The preface contains the author's recollections of Newton,, especially in his old age. Dr. Pemberton had studied under Boerhave, and prepared the Fifth London Pharmacopoeia. There is also a Poem (pp. 15) on Sir Isaac by RICHARD GLOVKR (poet and M.P., 1712-85), written in his 16th year, the author's introduction on Newton's method of reasoning in philosophy, and a long list of subscribers. 12621 RECUEIL de DIVERSES PIECES sur la Philosophic, la Religion Naturelle, 1'Histoire, lesMathe'- matiques, etc., par MM. LEIBNIZ, CLARKE, NEWTON, etc., 3 me Edition, augmented [publiee par PIERRE DBS MAIZEAUX; F.R.S.], 2 vols. 16mo. contemporary calf gilt, 10* Lausanne, 1759 Containing the correspondence of Leibniz and A. S. Conti, F.R.S., on the disputed invention of the calculus, also Newton's remaiks, and Leibniz's letter to him. 12622 BIGAUD (Stephen Peter, Savilian Prof. Astron., Oxon., F.R.S.) HISTORICAL ESSAY on the FIRST PUBLICATION of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PRINCIPIA, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., uncut (scarce), WsQd Univ. Press, Oxford, 1838 The name of Stephen Peter Rigaud will be familiar to Old Westminsters as that of the father of Stephen Jordan Rigaud, whose House in Little Dean's Yard is still known by his name, and who died of yellow fever in the West Indies within a year of his consecration to the Bishopric of Antigua. Professor Rigaud himself was a capable astronomer, but was still more remarkable for his accurate knowledge of the literature and history of the subject, and as a mathematical antiquary and bibliographer with no rival previous to de Morgan. It is to him that, in the first instance, we owe much of our information about Newton and the history of his discoveries. 'The Historical Essay is an admirable exposition of the facts then known, and contained much new and interesting matter about Halley, whose life Rigaud intended to write '.-. N. B. The appendix contains : I. Newtoni Propositiones de Motu : Early Notice on Fluxions (from an original paper in Newton's handwriting), Newton and Huygens, On the Cause of Gravitation, Halley's Review of the Principia, Unpub- lished Correspondence, etc. 12623 ROBINSON (Bryan, M.D., T.C.D.) A DISSERTATION on the AETHER of SIR ISAAC NEWTON, large 12mo. hf. bound (joints broken) ; rare, 10s Qd 1747 ' Robinson was an 'ardent admirer of Newton, and tried to account for animal motions by his principles, and to apply them to the rational treatment of diseases. He attributed the production of muscular power to the vibration of an ethereal fluid pervading the animal body, a doctrine essentially in accord with modern views.' D. N. B. He attempts to prove that ' sether causes gravity by giving bodies a mutual tendency to one another.' 12624 SAUNDERSON (Nicholas, Lucasian Professor, Cantab., F.R.S.) COMMENTARIES in PRINCIPIA PHILOSOPHISE NEWTONIANA; a very neatly written Manuscript on 233 pp., with numerous diagrams, 4to. contemporary panelled calf (one joint cracked, otherwise in fine condition], 1. 15s [1742] A manuscript of the lectures delivered by the blind Lucasian Professor of Mathematics on Newton's Principia. ' Qnse in Sequentibus Latina sunt ea ex Auctoris Libro MSo. descripta sunt : Cetera ipse viva Voce dictavit ; exceptis iis quae. spectant ad Figuram Telluris in Propositionem 9 am Libri 3' ; Ea utique expressa sunt fere onnua ex MSo. AD. 1739'. Inscription facing title. 'Hunc descripsi Librum Mense Martio A.D. 174s. ex Libro MSo. Viri Reverendi Johannis Samuelis Hill, qnem ex ips Auctoris Autographo ipse descripsit A.D. 1739. GTTLIEIMUS WARD '. Inscr. at end. 12625 VOLTAIRE (Francois Marie Arouet de) The ELEMENTS of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PHILO- SOPHY, translated, revised, and corrected by JOHN HANNA, with folding plates and woodcuts, 8vo. old calf, 12* 1738 The story that this train of thought [on gravitation] was aroused by seeing an apple fall is due to \oltaire, and is given in his 'Philosophic de Newton'. Voltaire had it from Newton's step-niece, Mrs. Conduitt. For many years tradition marked the tree in the garden at Woolsthorpe : it was shown to Sir David Brewster in 1814, and was taken down in 1820.' D. N. B. 12626 [WILSON (Andrew, M.D., Edin.) The PRINCIPLES of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY : with Remarks on the FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES of the NEWTONIAN PHILOSOPHY ; in an Introductory Letter to Sir Hildebrand Jacob, Bart., 8vo. (pp. 72), sewn, Is Qd 1754 RARE, and unknown to the author's biographer in D. N. B. The second part, 'the Principles and Properties pf Material Motion ', appeared in an enlarged form in 1764. The work is not noticed in Gray's Bibliography of Newton. The introduction is strongly anti-Newtonian. 12627 YOUNG (Robert) EXAMINATION of the THIRD and FOURTH DEFINITIONS of the FIRST BOOK of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PRINCIPIA, and of the Three Axioms or Laws of Motion, vo, seivri, 3s 3767 42 630 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. NEWTONIANA, continued. 12629 WRIGHT (John Martin Frederick, Trin. Coll., Cantab.) COMMENTARY on NEWTON'S PRINCIPIA; with a SUPPLEMENTARY VOLUME, diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. boards (backs torn off), 4sjod 1833 12630 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. prize calf (joints cracked), with inscr. signed by John Fleming, D.D., Aberdeen, 5s 12631 NEWTON (John; D.D., Canon of Hereford) ASTRONOMIA BRITANNICA, exhibiting the Doctrine of the Sphere, and Theory of the Planets DECIMALLY by TRIGONOMETRY, and by Tables, fitted for the MERIDIAN of LONDON, according to the COPERNICAN SYSTEME, as it is illustrated by BULLIALDUS, and the easie Way of Calculation, lately published by DR. WARD, with numerous diagrams, 4to. old calf (title and some II. soiled, and back of binding damaged) ; RARE, 10* Qd R. and W. Leyboum, 1(557 The second book contains 'The Theory of the Planets . . . exhibiting their first Inequalities at' one Operation Trigonometrical, their other Inequalities, and Eclipses of the Sun and Moon with much Ease ' ; and the third ' Tables for the converting of Sexagenary Numbers into Decimal and the contrary, for Astronomical Chronologie with the Ecclesiastical Computation, and the Calculation of the Planets, Eclipses ', etc. etc. Both have separate titles dated 165ti. ' His writings are a proof of bis great application to study, and a sufficient monument cf his genius and skill in the mathematical sciences.' Dr. Mutton. 12632 NEWTON (Thomas, pr.) SHORT TREATISE on the CONIC SECTIONS; in which the Three Curves are derived from a general Description on a Plane, and the most useful Properties of each are deduced from a Common Principle, with II folding plates, 8vo. boards, 5s Cambridge, 1794 Intended as an introduction to the fluxional calculus. 12633 NIAUDET (Alfred) TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE de la PILE ELECTRIQUE, premiere edition ; irith 56 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (scarce). 6s 1878 The first full account of the Voltaic pile or electric battery, including many forms long since forgotten. 12634 - ELEMENTARY TREATISE on ELECTRIC BATTEKIES, translated by L. M. FISHBACK, with 55 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. hf. calf (title stamped), 4s Qd (p. }2s Qd) New York, 1880 12635 NICHOL (John Pring-le, F.R.A.S.) The PHENOMENA and ORDER of the SOLAR SYSTEM, with 21 lithographs, many after old prints, and woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 3s Edin., 1838 12f.36 The PLANET NEPTUNE: an Exposition and History, with Opiates, and diagrams, 8vo. cl., 2s ib., 1848 ]2637 THOUGHTS on some IMPORTANT POINTS relating to the SYSTEM of the WORLD, with 14 plates (3 folding], besides woodcuts, 8vo. cl., or, hf. calf, 3s ib., 1846 12638 VIEWS of the ARCHITECTURE of the HEAVENS, with 23 plates, and diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s ib., 1837 Nichol was a prolific and successful writer. His books were eloquent, enthusiastic, and learned. ' George Eliot ' described herself in 1841 as ' revelling ' in them, and they were most effective in the popularisation of science. . . . His as- tronomical observations were directed chiefly to the physical features of the moon, and to the nebulae.'etc. Agnes M. Clerke. 12639 NICHOLS (Edward Leamington, Cornell Univ.). and William Suddards FRANKLIN : The ELEMENTS of PHYSICS, Vol. L: MECHANICS and HEAT, with 143 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 6* nett) New York, 1890 12640 NICHOLS (William Ripley) WATER SUPPLY ; considered mainly from a Chemical and Sanitary Standpoint, 3rd Edition, with 54 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 10s Qd) New York, 1888 12641 NICHOLSON (John, C.E.) The MILLWRIGHT'S GUIDE: a Practical Treatise on the Con- struction of all kinds of Mill Work, and the Application of the Power of Wind and Water, with 15 plates, and vignette on title, 8vo. hf. cl., 2s 6d 1830 12642 The OPERATIVE MECHANIC, and BRITISH MACHINIST : a Practical Display of the Manufactories and Mechanical Arts of the United Kingdom, with folding Jront. and 95 plates, thick 8vo. hf. calf, with auto, of George Rennie. F.R.S., 5s 1825 Including a chapter on horology, with illustrations of the various escapements, and a very copious account of mills, afterwards published in a separate form (supra). J12643 NICHOLSON (Peter) The BUILDER'S and WORKMAN'S NEW DIRECTOR, with the Elements and Practice of Geometry in its Application to the Building Art ; new Edition, much enlarged, with portrait by Armstrong after T. Heaphy, 136 plates, and numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 4to. hf. *alf, Ss 6d 1845 4 He was the first author who treated of the methods of forming the joints, and the hingeing and the hanging of door.s and shutters, and was also the first to notice that Grecian mouldings were conic sections, and that the volutes of Ionic capitals ought to be composed of logarithmic spirals . . . His invention of the centrolinead for use in drawing perspective views procured him 20 guineas from the Society of Arts.' D. N. B. 12644 - MECHANICAL EXERCISES ; or, the Elements and Practice of Carpentry, Joinery, Brick- laying, Masonry, Slating. Plastering, Painting, Smithing, and Turning, with a full Description of the TOOLS, and copious Directions for their Use, an Explanation of the Terms, and an Intro- duction to Practical Geometry, with 39 fine copperplates, 8vo. hf. calf (sound copy), Is Qd 1812 12645 PRACTICAL TREATISE on MENSURATION, wherein the MEASUREMENT of CURVED SURFACES in particular is clearly explained, by Means of their Plans, Sections, and Elevations, accompanied with a Scale, with Pecksniff-jawed portrait in mezzotint (foxed) and 25 plates, 4to. hf. cl., 6s Qd [1827J ' His great ability as a mathematician enabled him to simplify and generalise many old methods, besides inventing new ones. He formulated rules for finding sections of prisms, cylinders, or cylindroids, which enabled workmen to execute handrails with greater facility and from less material than previously . . . and was the inventor of the application of orthographical projection to solids in general.' D. N. B. 12646 The PRINCIPLES of ARCHITECTURE, with the TRUE METHOD of drawing the ICHNO- GRAPHY and ORTHOGRAPHY of Objects; Geometrical Rules for Shadows; also the Five Orders of Architecture, etc., etc., 5th Ed., with Additions, with 216 finely engraved plates by W. Lowry, F.R.S., Cosmo Armstrong, etc., from drawings by the author, 3 vols. 8vo. cl, 10* Qd 1841 The last edition edited by the author himself. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 631 1-2648 NICHOLSON (Edward Chambers) On the COMPOSITION of CAFFEIN, and of some of its COMPOUNDS, 8vo. (pp. $), sewn. 2* 6d 1847 12649 - On the COMPOUNDS of PHOSPHORIC ACID with ANILINE, 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn, 2s 6d [1847] 12650 NICHOLSON (Henry Alleyne, M.D. ; F.R.S.) MANUAL of PALEONTOLOGY, with General Introduction to the Principles of Palaeontology [and Glossary] , 2nd Edition, greatly enlarged, with 722 woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., with author's signature pasted on title, 15s (p. 2. 2s) Edin., 1879 12651 , and Robert ETHERIDGE, F.R.S. : MONOGRAPH of the SILURIAN FOSSILS of the GIRVAN DISTRICT in ARYSHIRE, with special Reference to those contained in the ' Gray Collec- tion,' FASCICULI I-II: Protozoa, Actinozoa, and Crustacea, with 24 plates, besides woodcuts, 2 parts roy. 8vo. boards, 5s (p. 15s) ibidem, 1878-9 12652 NICHOLSON (William) The BRITISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, comprising an Accurate and Popular View of the Present Improved State of Human Knowledge, with over 150 fine copperplates by W. Lowry, F.R.S., Scott, Cooper, etc., 6 vols. 8vo. contemporary calf gilt (FINE SET), 15s 1809 Still of some value for its numerous good articles on the exact sciences. Vol. I contains one on AEROSTATION (pp. 9). 12653 DESCRIPTION of an INSTRUMENT which, by the TURNING of a WINCH, produces the Two States of ELECTRICITY WITHOUT FRICTION or COMMUNICATION with the EARTH, with fold- Ing copperplate, 4to. (pp. 5), sewn, 6s 1788 Describing the author's electrostatic machine in which the earth conduction is avoided. The principle it is based on is that of Abraham Bennet's 'doubler' (v. No. 6127, ante}. Included are : Abstract of a Register of the Barometer, Thermometer, and Rain at Lyndon in Rutland, with the Rain in Hampshire and Surrey, in 1787, by THOMAS BARKER (pp. 6) ; and On the Era of the Mahometans, called the Hejera, by WILLIAM MARSDEN, F.H.S. (pp. 19). 12654 DICTIONARY of CHEMISTRY, exhibiting the present State of the Theory and Practice of that Science, its Application to Natural Philosophy, the Processes of Manufactures, Metallurgy, etc. etc., with a considerable Number of TABLES, expressing the Elective Attractions, Specific Gravities, Comparative Heats, Component Parts, Combinations, and other Affections of the Objects of Chemical Research, with 4 copperplates, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, old calf, with auto, of Edmund Ronalds, 8s 6d 1795 This work, which was reissued in 1808 in an enlarged form as ' Dictionary of Practical and Theoretical Chemistry ', formed the basis of Ure's Dictionary (v. Nos. 5022-5, ante), ' a book carried on in successive editions to the present day'(0- N. B.). 12655 EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS on ELECTRICITY, with copperplate, 4to. (pp. 24), sewn, 5s 6d 1789 Containing 3 sections : On the Excitation of Electricity ; on the Luminous Appearances of Electricity and the Action of Points ; and of Compensated Electricity. The author, together with Sir Anthony Carlisle, F.R.S., was the discoverer of the electrolysis of water by the galvanic current. 12656 The FIRST PRINCIPLES of CHEMISTRY, first edition, with, folding plate, thick 8vo. original boards, uncut, 6s 1790 12657 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary tree-calf extra (fine copy], 8* 6d 12658 SECOND EDITION, with Improvements, 8 vo. sound copy in contemporary calf gilt, 6s 6d 1792 The first 82 pp. contain interesting chapters on physical chemistry, and the appendix tables of ' comparative heats ', ' elective attractions ', etc. etc. 1-2359 INTRODUCTION to NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, 2nd Edition, with Improvements, with 25 folding copperplates, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, contemporary hf. calf gilt, 5s 6d 1787 12660 THIRD EDITION, with Improvements, with 25 folding copperplates, 2 vols. 8vo. con- temporary tree -calf extra (fine copy), 7s 6d 1790 12661 FOURTH EDITION, with Improvements, with 25 folding copperplates, 2 vols. Svo. oldhf. calf, 5s 1796 The first of the author's numerous publications, ' which soon superseded Rowning's ' System of Natural Philosophy ' as an elementary class-book.' D. N. B. 12662 JOURNAL of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, CHEMISTRY, and the ARTS [Original Series], COMPLETE from the beginning in 1797 to the Conclusion of the original Series in 1802, with numerous copperplates (some folding], 5 vols. 4to. old ca//(RARE), 2. 2* 1797-1802 In vol. IV. of this publication first apyjeared the important memoir by the EDITOR and his friend SIB ANTHONY CARLISLE, F.R.S., containing the discovery of the electrolysis of water by the galvanic current. There are also many other interesting original papers, e.g., 'The Principles and Application of a New Method of con- structing Achromatic Telescopes ', by ROBERT BLAIR, M.D. (containing the discovery of the aplanatic telescope), ' Description and Account of a New Press operating by the Action of Water on the Principle of the Hydrostatic Paradox', by JOSEPH BRAMAH, and others (many on electrical subjects) by TIBERIUS CAVALLO, RICHARD KIRWAN, FF.R.S., SIR BENJAMIN THOMPSON COUNT RUMFORD, MARTINUS VAN MARNUM, etc. etc. 12663 [New Series], COMPLETE from its beginning in 1802 to its Conclusion in 1813, with several hundred copperplates, 36 vols. 8vo. contemporary tree-calf (some joints cracked, other- wise a SOUND SET) ; RARE, 3. 3s 1802-1.3 1-2664 ANOTHER SET, COMPLETE to 1812 (Vols. 1-30), 30 vols. Svo. hf. calf(mcE SET, butvv. 1-2, 22-3 and 28-9 in old calf, damaged), 2. 2? 1802 12 12665 A SERIES, Vols. 3-5, 7-8, 12-21, 26-7, and 30 in all 18 vols. Svo. old calf (binding damaged), 15* 1802-12 Nicholson's Journal was published simultaneously with the Philosophical Magazine (v. Nos. 3600-2, ante, and post), to which it forms a necessary supplement. It contains valuable original contributions by JOHN DALTON, SIR HUMPHRY DAVY, WILLIAM HIGOINS, JOSEPH PRIESTLEY, LL.D., THOMAS THOMSON, M.D., THOMAS YOUNG, M.D., and many other prominent scientists of the time, besides abridgments of the more important English and foreign memoirs published by the Learned Societies. 12666 NICOL (W. W. J., F.R.S.E.) On the CONDITION of AMMONIUM SALTS when DISSOLVED in WATER, Part I, 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn, Is Edin., 1882 12667 The NATURE of SOLUTION, Svo. (pp. 11), sewn, Is 6d 1883 42 * 632 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, \V. 12669 NICKLES (Francois Joseph. Jerome, Univ. Nancy] Sur 1'AciDE SULFURIQUE FLUORIFERE et sa PURIFICATION, 8vo. (pp. ), sewn, \s Qd [Nancy, 1857] 12670 APPAREIL pour servir HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 633 12690 NIXON (R. C. J., Peterhouse) ELEMENTARY PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, that is Plane Trigonometry without Imaginaries, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. Is Qd) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1892 12691 GEOMETRY in SPACE: containing Parts of Euclid's llth and 12th Books, and some Properties of Polyhedra and Solids of Revolution, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s apud eandem, ibidem, 1888 A supplement to the author's ' Euclid Revised ' (v. No. 7660, ante). 12692 NOAD (Henry Minchin, F.R.S.) ANALYSIS of the BATH WATER, 8vo. ( pp. 7), unbound, Is 1844 12693 CHEMICAL MANIPULATION and ANALYSIS, Qualitative and Quantitative, Part I, MANIPULATION and QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS, with 52 woodcuts, and 4 folding tables, 8vo. cl., 2s 1848 12694 NEW EDITION, enlarged, with the Principles of Chemical Nomenclature, the Construction and Use of Formula;, and the Doctrine of Equivalent Proportions and on the Preparation and Management of Gases ; with 53 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1852 ' A valuable treatise.'- D. A 7 . B. 12695 LECTURES on ELECTRICITY, comprising Galvanism, Magnetism, Electro- Magnetism, Magneto- and Thermo-Electricity ; new Edition, with front., and 272 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (binding loose), 3s 1844 12696 THIRD EDITION, greatly enlarged, with front., and 280 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s 1849 12697 FOURTH [LAST] EDITION, entirely rewritten (entitled MANUAL of ELECTRICITY), Part II : MAGNETISM and the ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH, with front, and 242 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s 1857 Of special interest for the part on the electric telegraph (pp. 747-803), and a chapter on Magnetic Hypotheses. 12698 The STUDENT'S TEXT-BOOK of ELECTRICITY, with over 400 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 12* Qd) 1867 12699 NEW [LAST] EDITION, with Introduction and Additions by SIR WILLIAM HENRY PREECE, F.R.S., with 471 woodcuts, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 12s Qd) 1879 12700 NOBEL (Les PRIX), 1902, et 1906-10; with numerous fine portraits and plates, 6 vols. roy. 8vo. sewn, 12s Qd Imprimerie Royale, Stockholm, 1905-11 Containing the lectures by the laureates in the languages in which they were delivered, with their biographies, and the addresses by the Nobel Committee. THE GREAT CORDITE CASE: 12701 NOBELS EXPLOSIVES CO. v. | Sir] William ANDERSON: 1. Index of Contents. 2. Printed Transcript of Shorthand Notes of Evidence at the Trial. 3. Printed Transcript of Shorthand Note of the Reasons of MR. JUSTICE HOMER. 4. Printed Transcript of Shorthand Note of the Reasons of the MASTER OF THE ROLLS and LORDS JUSTICES KAY and A. L. SMITH. [5. Transcript of Shorthand Note of the Reasons of the LORD CHANCELLOR and LORDS WATSON, ASHBOURNE, MORRIS, and SHAND], folio, cl. ; a corrected copy, with auto, of Sir F. J. Bramwdl, F.R.S. , 18s Qd 1894-5 This was really one of the very ftnest patent cases which ever brought grist to the scientific Bar. The trial was of the greatest importance in connexion with the patent rights for the manufacture of cordite, which has ever since been the standard smokeless powder used throughout the British Army and Navy, and which it was claimed was merely a Govern- ment plagiary from Mr. Alfred Nobel's ballistite. The chief experts for plaintiffs were Prof. W. Odling, F.R.S., Alfred Nobel, and [Sir] H. E. Roscoe, F.R.S., and for defendant (in reality the Crown) [Sir] James Dewar, F.R.S., Sir Andrew Noble, Prof. Georg Lunge, [Sir] Edward Frankland, [SirJ William Crookes, and Oscar Guttman. Lord Romer found for the Crown, and the judgment was upheld by the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords. 12702 NOBILI (Leopoldo) Sopra I'lDENTiTA delP ATTRAZIONE MOLECOLARE coll' ASTRONOMICA ; with 4 folding plates, roy. 4to. hf. cl. (fine copy), 8s Qd Modena, 1818 'The author holds that the law of attraction according to the inverse square of the distance will suffice for the ex- planation of the phenomena of molecular action, as well as for the phenomena of astronomy. He treats of adhesion, cohesion, and capillary attraction.' Prof. J. Todhunter, F.R.S. 12703 Nuovi TRATTATI sopra il CALORICO, PELETTRICITA, ed il MAGNETISMO ; with 8 folding copperplates, 8vo. sewn (RARE), 1. Is ibidem, 1822 A very interesting work, full of suggestions in electricity and magnetism, a subject which fills pp. 51-397 of the book. It was his first work on electricity and magnetism, and unknown to Poggendorff, who mentions the Qvestioni sul Magne- tismo, 1824, as his first publication. The illustration of the magnet already gives the lines of force many years before Faraday. The author was the discoverer of Nobili's Rings, the coloured transparent films of metal deposited by electro-chemical action. He also invented the thermo-multiplier, discovered the present form of the galvanometer by combining Schweigger's multiplier with Ampere's astatic needle, and was the first to prove that fluids in contact show an electro-motive action. 12704 NOETHER, (Max; Univ. Erlangen) Ueber eine CLASSE von auf die EINFACHE EBENE ABBILDBAREN DOPPELEBENEN : Ueber die RATIONALEN FLACHEN VIERTER ORDNUNG roy. 8vo. (pp. 47), sewn, 2s [Leipzig, 1888] 12705 Ueber die GLEICHUNGEN achten GRADES und ihr Auftreten in der Theorie der Curven vierter Ordnung, 8vo. (pp. 22), sewn, Is Qd [ib., 1879] 12706 Zur GRUNDLEGUNG der THEORIE der ALGEBRAISCHEN RAUMCURVEN, 4to. (pp. 48), sewn, with inscr. to Samuel Roberts, F.R.S., 3s Qd [Berlin, 1882] 12707 Zur THEORIE der ABELSCHEN DIFFERENTIALAUSDRUCKE und FUNCTIONEN, roy. 8vo. (pp. 79), sewn, 2s Qd [Leipzig, 1890] ' Through the researches of Nother, Brill, and Lindemann, there have grown out of the theory of Abelian functions a theory of algebraic functions and point-groups on algebraic groups.' Prof. Cajori. 12708 Ueber die TOTALEN ALGEBRAISCHEN DIFFERENZIALAUSDRUCKE ERSTER GATTUNG, 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Qd [Erlangen, 1886] 12709 [NOBDENFELT (Thorsten)] The NORDENFELT MACHINE GUNS described in Detail, and compared with other Systems ; and their Employment for Naval and Military Purposes, with 57 plates, roy. 4to. hf. morocco (slightly rubbed), 8s Qd (p. 1 10s) Portsmouth, 1884 12710 ANOTHER COPY, cl., 9s 634 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12712 NOBLE (Sir Andrew, F.R.S.) ARTILLERY and EXPLOSIVES : Essays and Lectures, with 79 plates (some folding), and many other illustrations, thick 8vo. cl., with auto, of [Major- Gen.'] Edward Sinclair] May [fi.A., C.B., F.B.G.S.], Us (p. 1.1.9nett) 1906 A republication in a collected form of the author's important papers and lectures on explosives and gunnery. 12713 NOBLE (Edward) The ELEMENTS of LINEAR PERSPECTIVE, demonstrated by Geometrical Principles ; with Introduction, containing so much of the Elements of Geometry as will render the whole Rationale of Perspective intelligible without any other previous Mathematical Know- ledge, with 48 copperplates (some folding), 8vo. boards, uncut, 5s 1771 12714 - - ANOTHER COPY, old sheep (binding damaged), 3s Referred to in ' Allibone ' as Li/nnean Perspective /a triumph of the Transatlantic compositor hardly to be beaten by his successor fifty years after who made Mr. Price Collier credit Frederick the Great with the addition of Siberia to the crown of Prussia. The work is dedicated to Sir Joshua Reynolds. 12715 NOBLE (Major.Gen. William Henry; R.A., F.R.S. ; inventor of cordite) DESCRIPTION [and EMPLOYMENT] of NAVEZ-LEURS'S ELECTRO-BALLISTIC CHRONOSCOPE for determining the Velocity of Projectiles [with 23 Tables], with 4 plates (2, folding), besides woodcuts, roy. 8vo. ( pp . 46) , sewn , 4s6d 1 868 12716 ANOTHER COPY, cL, 5s 12717 , and Sir Frederick Augustus ABEL, F.R.S. : RESEARCHES on EXPLOSIVES. FIRED GUNPOWDER, with 12 plates, 4to. sewn, 15s 1875 12718 ANOTHER COPY, cl., 15s 6d The report of the authors' most valuable researches, based on the experiments of Bunsen and ShishkofT, on the chemical, dynamic, and ballistic effects of various kinds of gunpowder, which ultimately led to the manufacture of prismatic powder. It is preceded by an interesting historical chapter. This important paper is not mentioned in an inadequate biography in D. N. B. 12719 NOEL ( , Ingenieur-Gcographe a Cherbourg) RECHERCHE sur la CONSTRUCTION et la meilleure DISPOSITION des DIGUES, pour les rendre capables de resister aux Efforts de la Mer ; with 5 folding copperplates, 8vo. contemporary calf gilt (corners of title and some II. badly slained), 6s Caen, 1781 This work was awarded the prize by the Caen Academy in 1778. It was many years after that the Cherbourg break- water rose out of the Channel. 12720 NOEL (Adml. Sir Gerard Henry Uctred) The GUN, RAM, and TORPEDO : Manoeuvres and Tactics of a Naval Battle in the Present Day ; with two Essays [on Naval and Steam Tactics j by SIR J. K. LAUGHTON, F.R.A.S., andCAPT. CHARLES CAMPBELL, R.N., with 14 plates, cr. Svo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 8s Qd) 1874 12721 NORDENSTRO'M (G.) L'lNDUSTRiE MINIERE de la SUEDE [traduite par J. H. KRAMER] ; with folding coloured map, Svo. (pp. 60), sewn, 2s 6d [Stockholm, 1883] 12722 NOBJE (John William) The DESCRIPTION and USE of HADLEY'S QUADRANT and SEXTANT, with an Improved Method of taking a Lunar Observation, without Assistants, with Complete Tables of the Sun's Declination, Right Ascension of the Sun and Fixed Stars, etc. etc., with folding copperplate, Svo. (pp. 44), sewn, 4s Qd Heather and Williams, at the Navigation Warehouse, Leadenhall St. , 1 796 The author's first published work. It was unknown to Lo'wndes, Allibone, and D. N. D. 12723 - - FORMULAS for FINDING the LONGITUDE, oblong 4to. sewn, 5s apud eosdem, 1807 12724 NEW and COMPLETE EPITOME of PRACTICAL NAVIGATION, with the most approved Methods of ascertaining the Latitude and Longitude, including a Journal of a Voyage from London to Madeira, with a new and correct Set of TABLES, more extensive than any hitherto published; 3rd Edition, with 9 copperplates, and diagrams, Svo. old tree-calf (some II. browned), Is Gd for the author, at the Navigation Warehouse, Leadenhall Street, 1810 12725 FOURTH (STEREOTYPE) EDITION ; with 9 copperplates, and diagrams, Svo. old calf (plates and a number of II. foxed), 5s 1816 ' His ' Navigation' is still a standard work, and is in constant demand.' D. N. B. For the interest of the author and his shop in connexion with Dickens see no. 3348, ante. 12726 SAILING DIRECTIONS for the RIVER THAMES, from London to the Nore and Sheerness, etc. etc., 3rd Edition, Svo. sewn, 3s 1829 12727 NORMANDY (Alphonse Rene le Mire de, F.C.S.) The FARMER'S MANUAL of AGRICULT- URAL CHEMISTRY, with Instructions respecting the Diseases of Cereals, and the Destruction of Injurious Insects, with numerous woodcuts, cr. Svo. cl., 2s 1853 12728 - On the PRODUCTION of FRESH- WATER from SEA-WATER, Svo. (pp. 8), setm, 2-s 6d 1855 'His apparatus for distilling sea- water [described sitjrra] is very largely used on board ship. The great merit of the invention consists in conducting the operation at a low temperature, and causing the condensed water to absorb a larjio quantity of atmospheric air, which renders it palatable.' D.'N. B. Dr. Normandy ^yas also a valuable witness before the Commons' Committee on Food Adulteration, especially as to the wholesale adulteration of bread with alum, which was rife in the first half of the Nineteenth Century. 12729 NORRJS (William, M.I.MECH.E.) MODERN STEAM ROAD WAGONS ; with 79 illustrations, Svo. cl. (o. p.), 3s Gd (p. 7s 6d nett) 1906 ' The first publication which has in any way attempted to deal exclusively with the subject of heavy steam motor wagons. ' 1'reface. 12730 PRACTICAL TREATISE on the * OTTO ' CYCLE GAS ENGINE, with 207 illustrations (includ- ing folding plate), Svo. cl., 4s (p. 10* 6d) 1896 12731 NORTH (Oliver) The PRACTICAL ASSAYER, containing Easy Methods for the Assay of the Principal Metals and Alloys, principally for EXPLORERS and those interested in Mines, with icoodcuts and tables, post Svo. cl., 3* (p. 7* Qd) 1874 12732 NORTHCOTE (Augustus Beauchamp, F.C.S.) On the CONSTITUTION of ALLOPHANE, Svo. (pp. 8), unbound, Is 6d 1857 12733 On the WATER of the RIVER SEVERN at WORCESTER, Svo. (pp. 22), sewn, with inscr. to M. H. N. Story -Maskelyne, F.R.S., Is Qd 1867 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY. W. 635 32735 NOLLET (Abbe Jean Antoine ; de V Academic des Sciences ; F.R.S.) L' ART des EXPERIENCES, ou Avis aux Amateurs de la Physique, sur le Choix, la Construction, et 1* Usage des INSTRU- MENTS ; sur la PREPARATION et I'EMPLOI des DROGUES qui servent aux Experiences, nouvelle Edition; with 56 folding copperplates, 3 vols. 12mo. sound copy in contemporary hf. calf (rare), 12s Qd 1787 Designed as a continuation to the 'Legons' (infra), and interesting for describing and illustrating the numerous instruments used in the author's experiments, excepting those already described in the ' Lemons '. 12736 ESSAI sur I'ELECTRICITE des CORPS, premiere edition; with fine front., and 4 folding plates, 1746 : Winkler [hie Winckler] (Johann [hie P.] Heinrich, Univ. Leipzig) ESSAI sur la NATURE, les EFFETS, et, les CAUSES de I'ELECTRICITE ; avec une Description de DEUX NOUVELLES MACHINES a ELECTRICITE, traduit de rAllemand ; with 2 folding copperplates, '48 2 vols. 12mo. in 1, old calf gilt (RARE), 1. Is 1746-8 Winkler's electrical machine was the first in which a fixed woollen pad caused the friction hitherto done by hand. 12737 SECONDE EDITION du premier Ouvrage ; with frontispiece and 4 folding plates, 12iuo. contemporary mottled calf gilt, r. e. (nice copy). 10s 1753 This edition has added : Examen de quelques Phenomenes Electriques publics en Italic ; Avertissement touchant les Critiques de cet Ouvrage. 12738 [REIMPRESSION] ; with frontispiece and 4 folding plates, 12mo. contemporary calf extra (title slightly mended and name inked out, otherwise a fine copy), 8s Qd 1765 One of the author's most valuable works, including a description of his electrical machine. The author made numerous interesting experiments with the Leyden jar, which name he introduced in honour of the supposed inventor, CITNJEUS of Leyden, in ignorance of the actual inventor, E. G. v. KLEIST of Cammin. To show its powerful action, he electrified before the King 180 Carthusian monks who formed a line 900 feet long. He propounded a twofold-motion fluid hypothesis of electricity, by which he attempted to explain electric attraction and repulsion ; investigated the influence of electricity on the germination of seeds ; and constructed a primitive electroscope consisting of two linen threads, which, being projected on an arc of 180, were to show the amount of the electric charge by the rate of their angular divergence. 12739 LECONS de PHYSIQUE EXPERIMENTAL^, 6 e Edition ; with front, and over 100 folding copperplates,' 6 vols. 12mo. old hf. calf, 15s 1764 12740 HUITIEME EDITION ; with fine portrait by Beauvarlet after La Tour (sjjlendid impression), and over 100 folding copperplates, 6 vols. 12mo. contemporary mottled calf extra (portrait and afeiv II. slightly water-stained in vol. I, otherwise a FINE COPY), 1. Is 1775 The fine portrait by Beauvarlet is substituted in this edition for the frontispiece of the other editions. 12741 NEUVIEME EDITION ; with frontispiece and over 100 folding copperplates, 6 vols. 12mo. old extra boards, 14s 1783 12742 NOUVELLE EDITION ; with portrait by H. Godin after La Tour, and 100 folding copper- plates, (5 vols. 12mo. contemporary hf. calf, 14s 1784 The portrait is re-engraved in this edition. The binding of the above copy is uniform with that of L'Art de* Experiences. ' Les editions de 1759, et celles qui sont posterieures, sont les plus estimees.' Queranl. ' On y admire une methode iuconnue jusqu'alors, une nettete singuliere dans les idees, et dans la maniere de les exprimer. Nollet eut 1'art d'assujettir tout a 1'experience, de soumettre les verites intellectuelles au jugement des sens.' Grandjean de, Fouchy. The author was the discoverer of endosmosis, and in France is considered the father of experimental physics. Besides giving his invention of an improved percussion apparatus, the above work is still of value for containing perhaps the most complete illustrative account of physical apparatus in use during the middle of the Eighteenth Century. 12743 LECTURES in EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY, translated by JOHN COLSON, F.R.S., with 19 folding copperplates, 8vo. old calf (small wormhole through margin of title and a few II.), 10s Qd 1748 12744 [REPRINT], with 19 folding copperplates, 8vo. old calf (title soiled), 8s Qd 1752 12745 PROGRAMME ou IDEE GENERALE d'un COURS de PHYSIQUE EXPERIMENTALE, avec Catalogue Raisonne des INSTRUMENS qui servent aux Experiences, 12mo. contemporary mottled calf extra, red edges (nice copy), 6s 1738 The author's first published work. At end is a description of 845 instruments used in experimental physics. ' Bien qu'il soit regarde a tort comme le pere de la physique experimentale en France, honneur qui appartient a Pierre Poliniere, il sut donner a ses demonstrations plus de charme et d'interet, et il fit faire a la science de veritables progres.' Biogr. Gen. 12746 RECHERCHES sur les CAUSES PARTICULIERES des PHENOMENES ELECTRIQUES, et sur les Effets Nuisibles ou Avantageux qu'on peut en attendre; with $ folding copperplates, 12mo. old calf gilt, 10s Qd , 1749 12747 NOUVELLE EDITION, with 8 folding copperplates, 12mo. sound copy in contemporary mottled calf gilt, 10s 1764 1 II fut le premier a reconnaitre que les corps aiguises degagent des courants lumineux, mais ne manifestent pasaautres egards cette puissance e'lectrique . . . que le verre et d'autres corps non-conducteurs etaient plus fortement influences dans 1'air que dans le vide,' etc. etc. etc. Biogr. Gen. 12748 NORTHAMPTON (Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton, 2nd Marquess of ; P.R.S.) DE- SCRIPTION of the ROCKS which occur along a Portion of the SOUTH COAST of the ISLE of MULL, with 3 copperplates, 4to. (pp. 9), sewn, 3s 1821 NORTHUMBERLAND (Admiral Algernon Percy, 4th Duke of, F.R.S., F.R.A.S., First Lord of the Admiralty ; friend of Sir John Herschel and of E. W. Lane)v. LIFE-BOAT MODELS, ante. 12749 NORTON (Brigadier-Gen. Charles Benjamin, u.s.v.) AMERICAN INVENTIONS and IMPROVEMENTS in BREECH-LOADING SMALL ARMS, HEAVY ORDNANCE, MACHINE GUNS, MAGA- ZINE ARMS, FIXED AMMUNITION, PISTOLS, PROJECTILES, EXPLOSIVES, and other Munitions of War, including a Chapter on SPORTING ARMS, with numerous plates (some coloured), and other illustrations, roy. 4to. hf. morocco, 12? Qd (p. 2. 12? Qd) Springfield, Mass., 1880 12750 , and William J. VALENTINE: REPORT to the GOVERNMENT of the UNITED STATES on the MUNITIONS of WAR exhibited at the PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION, 1867, with 80 plates and other woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl., Qs New York, 1868 636 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12752 NORTHCOTT (William Henry, M.I.MECH.E.) The THEORY and ACTION of the STEAM ENGINE (for Practical Men), with 29 woodcuts, and 3 folding tables, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 7s 6d) [1877] 12753 - SEVENTH EDITION, with 29 woodcuts, and 3 folding tables, 8vo. cl.. 3s (p. 7s 6d) [1889] 12754 - TREATISE on LATHES and TURNING, Simple, Mechanical, and Ornamental, with 2 woodcuts (including many plates), 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 18s) 1868 12755 SECOND [LAST] EDITION [enlarged], with 338 illustrations (including many plates), 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 9s (p. 18s) 1876 12756 NORTON (Robert, one of his Maiesties Gunners and Enginiers) The GUNNER : shewing the whole PRACTISE of ARTILLERY : with all the Appurtenances thereunto belonging. Together with the Making of extraordinarie ARTIFICIAL^ FIRE-WORKS, as well for Pleasure and Triumphes, as for Warre and Seruice, with title within woodcut borders. 37 copperplates (mostly folding), and numerous good woodcuts, folio, ORIGINAL ROUGH CALF (blank corner torn off one L, and a worm- hole through margin of some II., otherwise a FINE AND CRISP COPY), with fine old bookplate of Sir John Cope, Bart, (very rare), 10. 10s A. M.for Humphrey Robinson, 1628 The above is important as the first great English work on artillery, and valuable for the copious and minute descrip- tions and illustrations of contemporary ordnance. In his Epistle to the Reader the author asserts that his book is an original one, and not a translation from Diego Ufano's Artillerie, although most of the plates were taken from this work, as published in Frankfort in 1621. Fie com- plains in the dedication to Charles I. that ' my wrongs and discouragements hath hitherto hindred the publication ' of the work. Among the complimentary verses is one by CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH, President of Virginia, who signs himself ' Hungari- ensis ', in remembrance of his taking part (in the Austrian army) in the Hungarian war against the Turks. 'Sir John Cope Bart.' is not identical with Lt.-Gen. Sir John Cope ('Johnnie Cope'), who was defeated by Prince Charles Edward at Prestonpans. 12757 The GUNNERS DIALOGUE, with the Art of Great Artillery, with diagram of ballistic curves, sm. 4to., black letter ; sewn (water- stained, but in sound condition) ; RARE, 1. 5s printed in the yeare, 1643 This work is numbered from page 71 to 92, with a title and dedication to the Duke of Buckingham. It was published with W. Bourne's ' Art of Shooting', 1643, but appears to have also been issued separately. In the dedication to the second Duke of Buckingham (' Zimri ') the author complains of the ' penury of expert gunners and understanding men, and the weaknesse of the present meanes to breed more hereafter'. Neither of the above important works was known to Lowndes, who only mentions the author's ' Mathematical Appendix' (1604). 12758 NORWICKI (R.), und Hans MAYER : FLUSSIGE LUFT : die VERFLUSSIGUNGSMETHODEN der GASE und die neueren Experimente auf dem Gebiete der fliissigen Luft, 2. erweiterte Auflage ; with 48 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. sewn, Is Qd Mdhr.-Ostrau, 1906 12759 NUISEMENT ( Sieur de, Receveur General au Comte de Ligny en Barrois) TRAITTEZ du VRAY SEL, Secret des Philosophies, et de 1'ESPRIT GENERAL du MONDE, contenant en son Interieur les trois Principes Naturels, selon la Doctrine de Hermes: Oeuvre tres-utile et necessaire a quiconque desire arriver a la parfaitte Prattique de ce pretieux Elixir ou Medecine Universelle, tant celebree des Anciens, recogneue et experimentee (blank margin of some II. wormed), 1621 : POEME PHILOSOPHIC de la VERITE de la PHISIQUE MINERALLE, on sont refutees les Obiections que peuuent faire les Incredules et Ennemis de cet Art, auquel est naifuement et v entablement depeinte la vraye Matiere des Philosophes, '202 vols. 12mo. in 1, old limp vellum (somewhat water-stained, but a sound copy) ; RARE, 1. 5s leremie Perier et Abdias Bmzard. 1621-20 Unknown to Brunet, Poggendorff, or'Ebert, nor mentioned by Koppand Waite. Nothing seems to be known of its author. 12760 NYREN (Magnus; Observatoire de Pulkowa) L' ABERRATION des ETOILES FIXES, 4to. (pp. 47), sewn, 3s 6d St. Petersbourg, 1883 ' An elaborate investigation of the small annular displacements of the stars due to the successive transmission of light, involving an increase of Struve'a ' constant of aberration ' from 20-445" to 20-492". From the new value . . . was derived a valuable approximation to the sun's distance, concluded at 92,905,021 miles (parallax = 8 '794"). Miss Agnes Af. Clerke. 12761 Zur ABERRATION der FIXSTERNE, 8vo. (pp. 13), unbound, Is ibidem, 1888 12762 Das AEQUINOCTIUM fur 1865,0, abgeleitet aus den am Passageinstrumente und am Vertikalkreise in den Jahren 1861-70 in Pulkowa angestellten Sonnenbeobachtungen, 4to.(pp. 34), sewn, 2s ib., 1876 12763 - - BESTIMMUNG der NUTATION der ERDACHSE, 4to. (pp. 64), sewn, 2s 6d ib., 1872 12764 DECLINAISONS MOYENNES des ETOILES PRINCIPALES pour 1'Epoque 1885.0, deduites des Observations faites au Cercle Vertical de Poulkovo, 1882-91, atlas 4to. (pp. 25), sewn, with author's inscr., '6s ib., 1893 12765 - Die POLHOHE von PULKOWA, roy. 4to. (pp. 40), sewn, 3s ib., 1873 In this memoir the author first proves that the polar height of a place is not invariable. 12766 VARIATIONS de la LATITUDE de POULKOVO observees au Grand Cercle Vertical dans les Annees 1882-91 ; with 2 plates, sm. folio, sewn, 2s 6d * [ib., 1893] 12767 NYST ROM (John W., C.E.) NEW TREATISE on STEAM ENGINEERING, PHYSICAL PROPERTIES of PERMANENT GASES, and different Kinds of VAPOR, with 5 illustrations, 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 4s Philadelphia, 1876 ' Furnishing a variety of matters pertaining to steam engineering which appear to be wanting in that profession, and which have hitherto not been published.' Preface. 12768 TREATISE on SCREW PROPELLERS and their STEAM-ENGINES, with Practical Rules and Examples how to calculate and construct the same for any Description of Vessels ; with TREATISE on BODIES in MOTION in FLUID, exemplified for Propellers and Vessels ; and Description of a CALCULATING MACHINE, with Opiates (including a Pitch Table with movable slip), and woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 7s d Philadelphia, 1852 Written at a period when the paddle-wheel was still the more efficient agent, for ' were we to decide from the present aspect of public opinion [in America I, we would be almost compelled to say screw-propellers are on the wane '. The work contains original investigations and formula, and a description of a 'centripetal screw propeller ' and a ' propeller enginn ' patented by Loper and Nystrom. By the Calculating Machine also described the author effected all the calculations in the work. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 637 12770 NORWOOD (Richard) : NORWOOD'S EPITOME : being the APPLICATION of the DOCTRINE of TRIANGLES, in certain Problems, concerning the Use of the PLAIN SEA-CHART, and MERCATOR'S CHART, with TABLE of ARTIFICIAL SINES and TANGENTS, and the Complements Arithmetical of Sines, supplying the Use of Secants, to Radius 10,00000, and to every Degree and Minute of the Quadrant; also LOGARITHMS of Absolute Numbers from 1 to 2000, etc. etc. , the last Edition, newly revised and corrected, with diagrams, 12mo. contemporary sheep, 12s 6d J. D. for Richard Mount, 'at the Postern on Tower Hill, 1696 12771 The SEAMANS PRACTICE, containing a Fumdamental [sic] Problem in Navigation, experimentally verified, namely, touching the Compass of the Earth and Sea, and the Quantity of a Degree in our English Measures ; also, an exact Method or Form of keeping a RECKONING at SEA in any Kind or Manner of Sailing ; with certain Tables and Rules useful in Navigation, as also of the Plotting and Surveying of Places, etc. etc. etc., 9th Edition, with diagrams (last I. defective) : A TRIANGULAR CANON LOGARITHMICAL : or a Table of Artificial Sines, Tangents, etc. (corner of 2 II. torn off] 2 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, old calf gilt, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S. (RARE), 1. 12* Qd W. Godbid, for Benj. Hurlock, at his shop on London Bridge, 1670 [-67] The second work, beginning with signature Ee ], and ending with Kk 10, was evidently taken from the author's ' Trigonometric ', in order to supplement the first. 12772 TRIGONOMETRIE, or, the DOCTRINE of TRIANGLES, shewing the Mensuration of Right lined and Spherical Triangles, with the Grounds and Demonstrations thereof. Both performed'by that late and excellent Invention of LOGARITHMS, after a more easie and compendious Manner, than hath been formerly taught. Whereunto is annexed (chiefly for the use of SEAMEN) a TREATISE of the APPLICATION thereof, in the three principal Kinds of SAILING ; with exact TABLES of the Suns Declination, etc. etc. etc., 7th Edition, being diligently Corrected, in divers difficult Places explained ; New Tables of the Stars right Ascensions and Declinations added, and the whole Work very much enlarged, by the Author himself [with LOGARITHMIC TABLES], with numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. contemporary calf (binding slightly damaged, but a sound copy], 15* R. W.for W. Fisher, 1678 Containing at end the 'Logarithmes of Absolute Numbers from a unity to 10.000', and 'A Triangular Canon Logarith- micall, or, a Table of Artificiall Sines, Tangents, and the Complements Arithmetical of Sines supplying the use of Secants, the Radius 10,0000000, and to every degree and minute of the Quadrant.' Referring to Briggs's work on logarithms, the author in his preface mentions : ' Though we both handle the same thing, yet it is in such a different manner, that there is scarce any one proposition handled by us both.' Between 1633 and 1635 the author measured a degree of the meridian between London and York, and in it first em- ployed the compass to avoid deviations from the route measured a fact unnoticed in D. N. B. He was sent out by the Bermuda Company to survey the islands in 1616 (when he was accused of dishonest collusion with the Governor), and is of interest to Americans as having in 1623 patented lands in VIRGINIA, though it is doubtful whether he ever went there. ' He personally measured, partly by chain and partly by pacing, the distance between London and York, making corrections for all the windings of the way, as well as for the ascents and descents. He also, from computations of the sun s altitude, computed the difference of latitude of the two places, and so calculated the length of a degree of the meridian. Considering the roughness of his methods and the imperfection of his instruments it is not surprising that his result was some 600 yards too great ; but even so it was the nearest approximation which had then been made in England.'/). N. B. 12773 NUSSLER (Karl Gottlob v.) De HYPOTHESEOS quae RECURSUM COMETARUM tuetur PROBABILITATE, sm. 4to. (pp. 30), sewn (browned), 6s Vitebergae, 1719 Unknown to Poggendorf and Houzoau and Lancaster, and to the author's biographer in AUgemeine Deutsche' Biographie. The author occupied with success high judicial positions in Prussia, without however receiving the smallest payment for his services from his niggardly King. 12774 O'BRIEN (Matthew, pr., Cains Coll.] MATHEMATICAL TRACTS, PART I [all pub.] : on Laplace's Coefficients, the Figure of the Earth, the Motion of a Rigid Body about its Center of Gravity, and Precession and Nutation, 8vo. sewn (scarce), *s Qd Cambridge, 1840 ' Containing a certain latitude in the symbolic use of divergent series.' D. N. B. 12/75 TREATISE on PLANE CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY, PART! [all pub. , containing Right Lines, Circles, and Conic Sections], with 5 plates, Svo. hf. cl., 3s ibidem, 1844 12776 OBSERVATORY (The): a MONTHLY REVIEW of ASTRONOMY, edited by Sir W. H. M. CHRISTIE, F.R.S., E. W. MAUNDER, H. H. TURNER, T. LEWIS, and H. P. HOLLIS, FF.R.A.S., from 1888 to 1896 (Vols. XI-XIX), with numerous photographic and other plates (including portraits), and woodcuts, 9 vols. 8vo., 7 v. cl., and the rest in nos. (4 nos. wanting), 1. 10s (p- 9.) 1888-1896 12777 OCAGNE (Maurice d', des Fonts et Chaus&ees) Le CALCUL SIMPLIFIE par les PROCEDES MECANIQUES et GRAPHIQUES ; with 2 folding plates and 38 other illustrations, Svo. sewn, Is 1894 12778 COORPONNES PARALLELED et AXIALES : Methode de Transformation Geometrique et Precede nouveau de Calcul Graphique deduits de la Consideration des Coordonnees Paralleles ; with folding plate and 14 diagrams, 8vo. sewn, \s Qd (p. F. 3 nett) 1885 12779 COURS de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE et de GEOMETRIE INFINITESIMALS ; with 340 diagrams, roy. Svo. buckram, Is (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1896 12780 NOMOGRAPHIE : les Calculs Usuels eftectue> au Moyen des ABAQUES. Essai d'une The"orie generale. Regies pratiques. Exemples d'Application ; with 8 plates and 38 diagrams, roy. 8vo. sewn, 2s 1891 12781 ODERIGO (Tommaso, Gentilhuomo Genovese) DISCORSI METEOROLOGICI et ASTROLOGICI sopra la COMETA apparse nel Fine dell' Anno 1652 ; with astrological diagrams, sm. Svo. old vellum (FINE COPY) ; RARE, 1. Is Genova, 1653 An early work on comctary meteorology, and unknown to Poggendorff, Brunet, Graesse, and others. 12782 ODERMATT (Wilhelm, Unterwalden) Zur KENNTNISS der PHENOLBILDUNG bei der FAULNISS der EIWEISSKORPER : Inaugural-Dissertation, Svo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is Qd Leipzig, 1878 638 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12784 ODDI (Joseph, de V Archiqymnasc de Rome) RECHERCHES MECANIQUES sur la THEORIE du TIRAGE des VOITURES, ou Application des Principes de la Mecanique a cette meme Theorie ; with folding plate, 8vo. sewn, bs 6d 1806 ' Aucun mathematicien n'a applique directement a ce meme exameu les principes de la mecanique.' P. 1. 12785 ODDI (Muzio, da Urbino ; designer of the Fortress of Lucca) FABRICA et Uso del COM- PASSO POLIMETRO ; with engraved vignette on title, woodcut initials, and numerous diagrams, am. 4to. sound copy in old limp vellum (RARE), 15s Milano, Fr. Fobella, 1633 ' Raro ed apprezzato. Lo strumento di cui 1'autore espone la descrizione e 1'uso, e il compasso di proporzione. o Galileano. In questa come nolle altre f-ue opere, addimostra non commune cognizione delle matematiche, e dalia prefazione possono raccogliersi interessanti nctizie sulla storiadella invenzione di cotesto strumento '. Riccardi. 1278<> Dello SQUADRO ; with numerous engravings on copper and wood, sm. 4to. sound copy in old Italian vellum (RARE), 18* 6d ibidem, Bart. Fobella, 1625 ' E opera rara ed anche pregiata per la qualita della stampa. Questo libro puu considerarsi come un trattato di agrimen:sura : imperocche 1'autore, premessa la descrizione dello squad ro agritnensorio. da. le regole per adpperario nella misurazione di terreni ; e si estende nella risoluzione di problem! relativi alia geomfstria pratica ed all' altimetria. E notevole clie gli squadri agrimensorj allora usati portassero i traguardi corrispondenti ancora all' angolo di GO" ; il c!:^ parmi faciliterebbe anche oggi giorno i rilievi planirnetrici che si possono eseguire con questo strumento'. RieoanK. 12787 ODLING (William, F.R.S., Waywflete Prof. Chemistry, Oxon.) ABSTRACTS of LECTURES at the ROYAL INSTITUTION [1868-73], Svo. cl., with inscr. to Dr. W. J. Russell, F.R.S. (scarce}, 6 1874 12788 ACCOUNT of GUY'S HOSPITAL WELL, with coloured folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 19), sewn, with inscr. to Dr. [Sir Edward] Frankland, F.R.S., }s Qd [c. 1859] The Guy's Hospital well was sunk in 1858 through the London Clay to the chalk to a depth of '297 feet. 12789 On ACIDS and SALTS, 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Fran/eland, F.R.S. , Is Qd I860 12790 On the CONSTITUTION of the HYDRO-CARBONS, Svo. (pp. 4), unbound, Is i\d 12791 - - COURSE of PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY for MEDICAL STUDENTS, 4th Edition, with 7 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl. (some II. pencilled] , Is 6d 12792 FIFTH EDITION [revised and enlarged by JOHN WATTS and SIR THOMAS STEVENSON], with 71 woodcuts, post Svo. cl., with auto, of W. J. Russell, F.R.S. , 2s Qd (p. 6*) 1876 12793 - On MR. GRAHAM'S RESEARCHES on DIALYSIS, Svo. (pp. 4), unbound, Is Qd 1862 12794 On MAGNESIUM, CALCIUM, LITHIUM, and their CONGENERS, 8vo. (pp. 6), unbound, Is 6d 1859 12795 - - MANUAL of CHEMISTRY, Descriptive and Theoretical, PART I (all published), with woodcuts, Svo. boards, or, hf. calf (joints cracked), 5s 1 This manual purposes to show how the employment of unitary formulae facilitates the generalisation of chemical truths.' Advertisement. It is based on the newer type or substitution theory as propounded by Gerhard t and Laurent. 12796 On the NATURAL GROUPINGS of the ELEMENTS, PART I, Svo. (pp. 35), sewn, 3s 1857 interesting as having been written S years before Newlands published his theory of chemical octaves [y. No. 12481], afterwards developed into the Periodic Law by Mendelejeff and Lothar Meyer. The author enumerates 13 groups. 12797 On ORTHO- and META-SILICATES, 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Frankland F.R.S., Is 6d 1859 12798 OUTLINES of CHEMISTRY, or Brief Notes of Chemical Facts, post Svo. (pp. 468), cl.(o. p.), with auto, of W. J. Russell, F.R.S., 3s Qd 12799 REMARKS on the DOCTRINE of EQUIVALENTS, Svo. (pp. 9), sewn, Is 6d 185S 12800 REPORT on the EFFECTS of SEWAGE CONTAMINATION upon the RIVER THAMES, Svo. (pp. 22), sewn, 2s 6d Lambeth, by Order of the Vestry, 1858 Curious as a minimising report on the state of the River at the time when it stank out the House of Commons ; a):-l directed against the main drainage scheme long since carried out, which has helped to make London the healthiest grea:, town in the world. No doubt it comforted the Vestry. 12801 - - On SOME FAILURES of MARSH'S PROCESS for the DETECTION of ARSENIC, Svo. (pp. 8), unbound, with author's inscr. to Sir E. Frankland, F.R.S., 2s n. d 1872 '' The theory of the figure of the earth is perhaps better adapted than any other problem of physical science to exhibit the abuses of the analytical treatment here referred to, and the fallacy of its results.' Preface. The author claims that the figure of the earth is the result of centrifugal force only, and not of gravitation, 12805 OIL and COLOBMAN (The), and PAINTERS' MANUAL, conducted by PETER THOMPSON, Svo. (pp. 496), cl., 5* 1863 All that was published of a work to elevate the British Oilman. The editor produced designs for the new Houses f Parliament, and for Healthy Moral Homes for Agricultural Labourers. There are many articles on White Lead, t 1 > Electric Light, Petroleum, etc. etc., and weekly Prices Current. 12S(X) OLDHAM (Richard Dixon ; F.R.S. ; Geol. Survey, India) On the PROPAGATION of EARTH- QUAKE MOTION to GREAT DISTANCES, roy. 4to. (pp. 40), sewn, Is 6d 1990 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 639 12808 OHIO, REPORT of the GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of, VOL. I PART II: PALEONTOLOGY, with 48 lithographs, besides woodcuts, thick roy. 8vo. cl., 12s 6d Columbus y 1873 Containing Descriptions of Invertebrate Fossils of the Silurian and Devonian Systems, by F. B. MEEK ; Descriptions of Fossil Fishes, by J. S. NEWBERRY ; and Description of Fossil Plants, by the same. 12809 OHM (Georg Simon; F.R.S.) Die GALVANISCHE KETTE, MATHEMATISCH BEARBEITET [mit Anhang : Ueber die Kraft der galvanischen Kette] ; original edition, with plate, post 8vo. el. (RARE), 15s Berlin, 1827 12810 ANOTHER COPY, hf. morocco (title and some II. slightly water-stained, but a sound and tall copy], 15* 12811 NEUDRUCK, mit einem Vorwort von JAMES MOSER; with diagrams, large 8vo. sewn, 3s Wien, 1887 This classic work contains the important discovery known as Ohm's Law (the basis of the present system of electrical measurement), which he found by applying Fourier's theory of the conductivity of heat to the electric current. His work, neglected and even ridiculed in Germany, was awarded the Copley medal by the Royal Society, to whom in gratitude he dedicated his Molekular-Physik ; and he at last became long after his death the hero eponyiiui.* of the unit of electrical resistance. 12812 OHM (Martin, Univ. Berlin ; brother of the above) Die ANALYTISCHE und HOHERE GEOMETRIE in ihren Elementen, mit vorziiglicher Beriicksichtigung der THEORIE der KEGELSCHNITTE ; with 2 folding plates, post 8vo. hf. calf (back rubbed), Is tid Berlin, 1S26 12813 Der GEIST der MATHEMATISCHEN ANALYSIS und ihr Verhiiltniss zur Schule, I. ABHANDLUNG, 8vo. cl. t 2s ibidem, 1842 12814 Die KORPERLICIIE RAUM-GROSSEN-LEHRE, mit InbegrifT der spharischen Trigonometric, der beschreibenden Geometric, der Projektion der Sehatten und der Perspektive ; with 5 folding plates, post 8vo. hf. calf (back rubbed), Is 6d ib., 1826 12815 - Die LEHRE der ENDLICHEN DIFFERENZEN und SUMMEN und der reellen Faktoriellen und Fakultaten, sowie die Theorie der bestimmten Integrale, post 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 2s Qd Niirnberg, 1851 12816 OLIVIER (Theodore, Prof, de VEcole d'Artillerie de Metz) De la CAUSE du DERAILLEMENT des WAGONS sur les COURBES des CHEMINS de FER ; with 2 folding plates, post 8vo. hf. roan neat (scarce), Is 6d 1846 ' La theorie du deraillement dont je donne un essai, est basee sur deux principes. Le premier est i-elatif au frottement de glissement qui fait naitre la force centrifuge . . . le second est relatif aux moments, par rapport au centre de gravite du M 7 agon, des resistances dues aux frottements des roues pendant le mouvement circulaire '. P. 1. The treatment is mathematical. The true process of derailment at a curve, whether by mounting the rail or by actual overturning, was still under discussion sixty years after or the occasion of the American boat-train running off the rails at the South Western station at Salisbury. 12817 - - COURS de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE, 2 e [derniere] Edition, avec les ADDITIONS : Demonstration nouvelle des Proprietes principales des Sections Coniques, 3 vols. 4to. in 1, with Atlas, containing 112 plates, 3 vols. roy. 4to. in 12 vols. hf. calf, 12* 1852-4-47 12818 OLVEB (John S.) FAULTS and DYKES : a GEOLOGICAL STUDY of the WITWATERSRAND, with numerous diagrams and 13 maps, 8vo. cl., 8s Qd (p. 1. Is) Capetown, 1911 12319 OLYVEB [sive OLIVER] (Thomas) A NEW HANDLING of the PLANISPHERE, divided into three Sections. In the first is a plaine and sensible EXPLICATION of the CIRCLES of the SPHERE, and such Termes as appertaine vnto the Doctrine de primo mobili ; after a Method not heretofore vsed in any Language. The second sheweth how vpon any Plaine, being Paper, Pastboord, or a Lattenplate, having one Circle diuided into Degrees, and crossed with two Diameters at right Angles, most Conclusions of the ASTROLABE may for all Latitudes or Countries be readily and exactly performed onely with RULER and COMPASSES. In the third, being a Supplement organicall, is contained the MAKING of certaine easie INSTRUMENTS for the perfecter working the former Conclusions, as to know what Degrees and Minutes be in any Circumference given, "with other necessarie Matters about the MERIDIAN LINE, and the HEIGHT of the POLE, with woodcuts and numerous diagrams, sm. 4to., Macfe letter ; sewn (top-margin of one I. dust-soiled, otherwise a VERY LARGE AND FINE COPY) ; VERY RARE, 2. 10* Felix Kyngston, for Simon Waterson and Ralfe Jacson, 1601 Oliver was a mathematician as well as a physician,' and wrote learnedly in both capacities. In a dedication dated from Bury St. Edmunds he acknowledges obligations to 'Clauius his Astrolabe'.' D. N. B. ' My constructions were very farre differing from Clauius, amending those defects which Gemma noteth in Roias his v.-orke, besides taking the matter to be commodious, and not unpleasant for travellers.' Medication. 12820 QMALITJS d'H ALLOY (Jean Baptiste Julien Baron d' ; F.R.S.) ELEMENTS deGKOLOGiE, 2e Edition ; with folding stratigraphical plate, table, and coloured map, 8vo. hf. calf (slightly stained and binding damaged) ; scarce, 5s 6d ' 1835 ' He /^ co ^ nised the leading subdivisions of the cretaceous series, and ascertained the stratigraphicai relations and range of the Jurassic system.' Si?* A. Geikie. 12321, OPPEBMANN (C. A., des Fonts et Chaussces) TRAITE COMPLET des CHEMINS de FER ECONOMIQUES d'Interet Local, Departementaux, Vicinaux, Industriels, Agricoles, TRAMWAYS Ame"ricains, Voies de Service Fixes ou Mobiles ; with Atlas, containing 48 plates, 2 vols. iinpl. 8vo. hf. morocco (nice copy], 10-s (p. F. 35 nett sewn) 1873 An early extensive treatise on light or narrow-gauge railways and tramways. 12S22 OPPOLZEB (Theodor Bitter v. ; Univ. Vienna) CANON der FIN STERNISSE ; with 160 plates, roy. 4to. hf. morocco gilt, 2. 15* (p. M. 85 sewn) Wien, 1887 The most important catalogue of solar and lunar eclipses published. They extend from B c. 1207 to A.D. 2163. 12823 TRAITE de la DETERMINATION des ORBITES des COMETES et des PLANETES, Edition francaise, publiee d'apres la 2 e Edition allemande, par ERNEST PASQUIER, l er VOLUME; with diagrams, impl. 8vo. hf. roan, with editors inscr., 16s (p. F. 30 nett sewn) 1886 The only volume translated into French of this monumental work, the most complete treatise ever issued on the calculation of the orbits of comets and planets, and representing a wholly new treatment of the subject, and to some extent superseding Gauss's Theoria Motus Corpornm Cifhstittm. See No. 3374 ante for a copy of the complete original work. 640 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12825 OPPERT (Grustav, Prof. Sanskrit, Presidency Coll., Madras) On the WEAPONS, ARMY ORGANISATION, and POLITICAL MAXIMS of the ANCIENT HINDUS, with special Reference to GUNPOWDER and FIREARMS, 8vo. (pp. 162 + vi), sewn, Is Qd Madras, 1880 Including the Sanskrit (Romanized) text and translation of the two unpublished poems on which Dr. Oppert 'trusts to have proved that gunpowder and firearms were known in India in the most ancient times, and that the knowledge of making gunpowder was never forgotten there '. 12826 OPTICAL CONVENTION, 1912, The PROCEEDINGS of the, held at South Kensington, June 19-26, 1912, VOL. II, with plates and numerous other illustrations, 4to. (pp. 359), cl. t 6s Qd (p. Htenett) [1913] Containing the Inaugural Address by the President, Professor Silvanus Thompson, F.R.S., and 35 valuable contributions by its president, T. H. Blakesley, G. B. Bryan, Prof. E. G. Coksr, T. M. Lowry, A. S. Percival, M. von Rohr, W. Rosenhain, Prof. H. H. Turner, F.RS., and others. JOURNAL (THE BRITISH), edited by ARTHUR C. BROOKES, from September, 1901 to August, 1902(Vol. I), withnumerous illustrations,^, hf. broivn calf extra, cl. sides, t. e.g., IsQd 1901-2 Containing many contributions by C. V. DRYSDALE, including ' Applied Optics,' a series of articles. 12828 ORDINAIRE (Claude Nicolas, ci-devant Chanoine de Riom) HISTOIEE NATURELLE des VOLCANS, cornprenant les Yolcans Soumarins, ceux de Boue, et autres Phenomenes analogues ; with large folaing map by Tardieu I'aine, 8vo. old hf. calf, with auto, of William Buckland, F.R.S., Dean of Westminster, on flyleaf (rare), 12s 6d 1802 ' Ouvrage tres-estime.' Biogr. Gen. ' Ce livre presente une theorie fondee sur les faits de la formation des volcans, et des differents accidents qui accompagnent ce terrible phenomene. On y trouve en outre des remarques sur les volcans les plus counus, tirees des voyageurs et des naturalistes qui les ont visites a dtverses epoques. Ce volume est accompagn6 d'une mappemonde volcanique (tres-interessante), gravee par Tardieu, pour servir a 1'histoire des volcans, contenant la carte de la majeure partie du Mexique et du Pe'rou.' Querard. 12829 ORDNANCE (Service), TREATISE on, 6th Edition, with 147 plates (mostly coloured), and numerous woodcuts, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 10* nett) Stationery Office, 1904 12830 MANUAL (The), for the Use of the OFFICERS of the UNITED STATES ARMY, 3rd Edition [by MAJOR T. T. S. LAIDLEY), with 33 plates, post 8vo. cl., 4s Philadelphia., 1862 Of special interest as authorized and issued during the first year of the Civil War. 12831 ORFF (Generalmajor Carl v.) BESTIMMUNG der LANGE des EINFACHEN SECUNDENPENDELS auf der STERNWARTE zu BOGENHAUSEN, 4to. (pp. 134), sewn, 3s Munchen, 1883 12832 TELEGRAPHISCHE LANGENBESTIMMUNGEN fiir die KONIGLICHE STERNWARTE zu BOGENHAUSEN, 2 parts 4to. seiun, 6s ibidem, 1888-94 12833 ORFORD (Henry) MODERN OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS [especially Ophthalmoscopes] , and their CONSTRUCTION ; illustrated, cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 2* Qd 1896 12834 [ORIANI (Barnaba Conte ; Director Brera Observatory, Milan)'} ISTRUZIONE su le MiSURE e su i PESI che si usanonella REPUBBLICA CISALPINA, 8vo. (pp. 128), sewn, 3s 6d Milano, Anno X 1801 12835 ORTA (Garcia da) COLLOQUIES on the SIMPLES and DRUGS of INDIA [1563] ; New Edition (Lisbon, 1895), edited and annotated by the CONDE DE FICALHO, translated, with Introduction and Index, by SIR CLEMENTS ROBERT MARKHAM, K.C.B., F.R.S., with 25 full-page illustrations from the quaint engravings in ' Historia Natural y Morale de las Indias ', por Jos. de Acosta (1590), sm. 4to. buckram, uncut, t. e. g. (250 COPIES PRINTED, ONLY 200 OF WHICH ARE FOR SALE), 2. 2s 1913 The celebrated ' Coloquious d'os Simples e Drogas da India ' of Garcia da Orta were first published at Goa in 1563. The author went out to India in 1534 as physician to his feudal lord Dom Martin da Sousa, afterwards Governor of Goa, and stayed there until his death in 1570. Travelling extensively along the western seaboard of India and in Ceylon, Garcia gathered botanical and pharmaceutical knowledge at first hand wherever he went. He formed a large ' physic garden ' in Goa, and another in Bombay, on the site now occupied by the Victoria Gardens. The ' Colloquies ' was in all probability the first European book printed in T ndia ; it contains the first descriptions of many Indian plants now in widespread medical use, and of their application to such diseases as cholera and dysentery. Clusius in his ' Aromatum Historia ' made a short, unsatisfactory precis, and the Italian and the French translations are very inferior to the original. Sir Clements Markham was engaged on his translation from the standard Portuguese edition, at Lisbon and Madrid, for the greater part of three years. On the proposal of Sir George Birdwood the publication was under the patronage of the Secretary of State for India. The work has more than a scientific interest, for it is enlivened by entertaining anecdotes of the manners and customs of the people among whom Garcia da Orta carried on his researches. This is the first English translation of this famous book, and it will be found to appeal not only to the Botanist and Pharmacist, but also to the many students of Indian subjects, as well as the lover of Belles Lettres, who will be agreeably pleased by its quaint and curious style, so reminiscent of the Dialogues in Walton's 'Angler.' 'In spite of occasional bombast or intolerance a remarkable book; and all who are concerned with the history ot simples are under great obligation to Sir Clements Markham for his painstaking translation from a language which lew are able to read '.Times. 12836 OSBORN (Henry Stafford, Lafayette College) PRACTICAL MANUAL of MINERALS, MINES, and MINING : Suggestions as to the Localities and Associations of all the Useful Minerals, Methods for their Analyses, and Hints on the various Operations of Mining, including Architecture and Construction, 35 plates with 111 figures, roy. 8vo. cl., Is tid (p. 1. Is) Philadelphia, 1888 12837 OSMOND (M. F.), and William Chandler ROBERTS-AUSTEN, * F.R.S. : On the STRUCTURE of METALS, its Origin and Changes, with 2 folding plates, and 3 diagrams, roy. 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, with inscr. ' From the Authors ', Is Qd 12838 OSSERVAZIONI METEOROLOGICHE, 1879, fatte al R. Osservatorio del Carnpidoglio, 4to. (pp. 48), sewn, 3s Roma, 1880 12839 OSTEN (Hans v.) Eine GROSSE HERZSTARKUNG fiir die CHYMISTEN ; nebst einer Dose voll gutes Niesepulver, fiir die unkundigen Widersprecher der VER\VANDLUNGSKUNST der METALLE, im Kloster zu Oberberg, seit Anno 1426, aufbehalten, vor wenigen Monathen daselbst gefunden, rnit wahrhafter Nachricht dieser Geschichte ; with owlish satirical front, and folding copperplate of cabalistic signs, 12mo. sound and tall copy in old ca//"(RARE), 1. Is Berlin, 1771 Unknown to Brunei, Graesse, Poggendorff, or Eb ; rt, nor mentioned in Mr. A. E. Waite's Alphabetical Catalogue of Works on Hermetic Philosophy and Alchemy. 12840 OVERMAN (Frederick, Mining Engineer) The MANUFACTURE of IRON, in all its various Branches, with ESSAY on the MANUFACTURE of STEEL, with 150 woodcuts, roy. Svo. cl. (cover damaged), 4s Philadelphia, 1850 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 64! 12842 OSTWALD (Wilhelm, Univ. Leipzig ; Nobel Laureate) CHEMISCHE FERNEWIRKUNG, 8vo. (pp. 14), sewn, Is Qd [Leipzig, 1891] 12843 - MANUAL of PHYSICO-CHEMICAL MEASUREMENTS, translated with the Author's Sanction by JAMES WALKER; F.R.S., with 188 woodcuts, and tables in pocket, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s Qd 1894 Both the English and German Editions of this work are now out of print and scarce. 12844 OUTLINES of GENERAL CHEMISTRY, translated, with the Author's Sanction, by JAMES WALKER, F.R.S., 58 woodcuts, 8vo. cL, 5s (p. 10s nett) 1890 12845 - The PRINCIPLES of INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, translated, with the Author's Sanction, by ALEXANDER FINDLAY, 2nd Edition, with 126 illustrations, thick 8vo. cL, 10s (p. 18s nett) 1904 12846 The SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATIONS of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, treated in an Elementary Manner, translated with the Author's Sanction by GEORGE McGowAN, 2nd Edition, cr. 8vo., cl., 3s Qd (p. 6s nett) 1900 12847 SOLUTIONS : being the Fourth Book, with some Additions, of the Second Edition of 4 Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Chemie ', translated by M. M. PATTISON MuiR, with 35 illustrations, 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 15s 1891 12848 VERWANDTSCHAFTSLEHRE, I. TEIL [Geschichte der Verwandtschaftslehre. Chemische Dynamik], 2. umgearbeitete [neueste] Auflage ; with 389 illustrations, thick 8vo. sewn, 1. (p. M. 29 nett) Leipzig, 1911 ]2849 Die WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN GRUNDLAGEN der ANALYTISCHEN CHEMIE elementar dargestellt, 5. umgearbeitete [neueste] Auflage ; with 3 illustrations, large post Svo.c/., 5s (p. M. 8} ibid., 1910 12850 O'TOOLE (John) AUSA DYNAMICA, concerning FORCE, IMPULSION, and ENERGY, 8vo. sewn, with author's inscr., 2s Qd Dublin, 1884 12851 IMPROVED and ENLARGED EDITION, with diagrams, 8vo. sewn, with author's inscr., 3s ibid., 188Q 12852 OUDEMANS (Antoon Cornells; Delft) Over den INVLOED van OPTISCH INACTIEVE OPLOSMIDDELEN op het SOORTELIJK DRAAIINGSVERMOGEN van OPTISCH ACTIEVE STOFFEN> with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 31), sewn, 4s Qd Amsterdam, 1872 An important memoir in which the author first shows that optically active alkaloids show equal rotation in equivalent concentrations. The author is generally confused with his brother the astronomer (infra). 12853 OUDEMANS (Jan Abraham Christiaan ; Univ. Utrecht) BERICHT aangaande de WAARNEMINGEN, gedaan by Gelegenheid der TOTALE ZONSVERDUISTERING van 12 December 1871 ; with folding plate, roy. 8vo. (pp. 30), sewn, Is Qd z.p. [1872] 12854 GEMAKKELIJKE METHODE, den Stand van den SPIEGEL van eenen PATENTCIRKEL van PISTOR en MARTINS te BEPALEN en te RECTIFICEREN ; with folding plate, roy. 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, IsQd [Batavia, 1865] 12855 HISTORISCH OVERZICHT over de ONDERZOEKINGEN, in de laatste Dertig Jaren verricht, bij Gelegenheid van TOTALE ZONEKLIPSEN, roy. 8vo. (pp. 20), sewn, Is Qd [ibidem], 1871 12856 NADER BERIGT omtrent het TERUGVINDEN van de KOMEET van BRORSEN, cr. 8vo. (pp. 4), unbound, with author's inscr., Is [Utrecht, 1857] 12857 On the RETROGRADATiON of the PLANE of SATURN'S RING and of those of his Satellites whose Orbits coincide with that Plane, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is 1888 12858 UEBERSICHT der in den LETZTEN 60 JAHREN ausgefiihrten BESTIMMUNGEN von FlXSTERNPARALLAXEN, 4to. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Qd Kiel [1889] 12859 VERGELIJKING der WAARDE in de TABLES de la LUNE van HAN SEN aan den Straal der Maan toegekend, en de Waarden, door de naauwkeurigste Bepalingen gegeven, roy. 8vo_ (pp. 25), sewn, with author's inscr., Is Qd [Batavia, 1859} 12860 WAARNEMINGEN op de KOMEET van 1858, gedaan te Batavia, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, 3s Qd [ibidem, 1859] 12861 OUGHTBED (William; pr., King's Coll., Cantab.) CLAVIS MATHEMATICS denuo limata, sive potius fabricata, cum aliis quibusdam ejusdem Commentationibus ; Editio IV. auctior et emendatior ; with numerous diagrams, 12mo. jfene copy in contemporary white vellum (RARE), 17s Qd Oxoniae, Typis Lichfieldianis, 1667 1 His Clavis Mathematical is a good systematic text-book on arithmetic, and contains practically 'all that was then known on the subject. In this work he introduced the symbol x for multiplication. He also introduced the symbol : : in proportion : previously to his time a proportion such a : b = c : d was usually written a - b - c - d ; he denoted it a.b: :c.d.' W. W. R. Ball. This edition includes the following treatises by the same author, each with a separate titlepage and pagination : Elementi X. Euclidis Declaratio, nee non de Solidis Regularibus Tractatus, '62: Theorematum in Libris Archimedis de Sphsera et Cylyndro Declaratio, '63 : Horologiorum Scioticorum in Piano, Geometrice solum, sine Calculo Trigonometricp; delineandorum, Modus Facillimus, '63. According to the preface the work was revised by JOHN WALLIS, F.R.S., and the treatise on dialling translated into- Latin by SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN. 12862 [ ] The DESCRIPTION and USE of the DOUBLE HORIZONTALL DYALL . . . and of the Generall HOROLOGICALL RING (1652) v. Nos. 7608 and 10772-4, ante. 12863 : MR. WILLIAM OUGHTRED'S KEY of the MATHEMATICKS, newly translated from the Best Edition, with Notes rendring it Easie and Intelligible to less Skilful Headers, in which also, some Problems left Unanswered by the Author are Resolv'd. Recommended by Mr. E. HALLEY, F.R.S. [with Preface by him] , with numerous diagrams, 12mo. old calf, or, old calf, newly rebacked, 12s Qd John Salusbury, 1694 THE BEST ENGLISH TRANSLATION. ' This Translation is New and from the fullest Edition, and may be of good use to all Beginners in the Analytical Art.' Dr. H alley's Preface. , 4 Oughtred's Clavis is a book of arithmetic as well as of algebra, and one of great celebrity. The editions which folknv the first, besides other additions, have the solution of adfected equations, or Vieta's method. Throughout the old, oir scmtch method of division, is retained '.Prof, de Morgan. 642 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12865 OTT (Karl v.) The ELEMENTS of GRAPHIC STATICS, translated by CAPTAIN GEORGE SYDEN- HAM CLARKE, R.E. [LORD SYDENHAM, F.R.S.], with 93 diagrams, cr. 8vo.c/.,2s6rf(p. 5s) 1885, or '91 12866 - Der LOGARITHMISCHE RECHENSCHIEBER : Theorie und Gebrauch ; with folding plate o/ the slide-rule, roy. 8vo. (pp. 51), sewn, IsQd Prag, 1874 12867 OVERSTRATEN (J. P. C. van, Generaal-Majoor der Artillerie) HANDLEIDING tpt de KENNIS der ARTILLERIE, 6 de herziene Druk ; with 1 folding plates, cr. 8vo. hf. calf, 3s Breda, 18fi3 12868 OWEN (Major- Gen. Charles Henry, R.A., Prof. Artillery, R.M. College, Woolwich) ELEMENTARY LECTURES on ARTILLERY, 4th Edition, with 32 plates, besides woodcuts, '65 : ROUGH NOTES on the MANUFACTURE of ORDNANCE, CARRIAGES, and AMMUNITION, with 6 plates and 13 woodcuts, '67 : Goodenough (Col. O. G., R.A.) NOTES on GUNPOWDER, with 4 folding plates, '683 vols. 4to. in 1, hf, roan (back rubbed), 10s 6d Woolwich, 1865-8 The above copy has added numerous MS. notes by a former owner, and 24 plates (mostly coloured), .some sign>><.l //; General Owvn. 12869 [OWEN (Henry, Rector of St. Wave's, Hart St. ; M.D. ; Boyle Lecturer) HARMON I A TRIGONOMETRICA : or a Short Treatise of Trigonometry, wherein the Harmony between Plane and Spherical Trigonometry is clearly exhibited ; the similar Cases of both being solved by Theorems materially, and almost verbally the same ; 2nd Edition, enlarged, with plate and diagrams, 4to. sewn (title slightly soiled, and a few corners worn away), 6s R. Cave, at St. John's Gate, 1764 12870 [OWEN (Brigadier-Gen. John Fletcher, R.A.)] TREATISE on the CONSTRUCTION and MANUFACTURE of ORDNANCE in the BRITISH SERVICE, prepared in the Royal Gun Factory [new Edition, enlarged by the Author and CAPT. MORTON PORTER, R.A.], with 20 coloured plates, 2 folding charts, and numerous woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl., 5s 1879 12871 OWEN (Sir Richard, F.R.S.) HISTORY of BRITISH FOSSIL REPTILES, with 268 full-page lithographic plates, comprising several hundred figures, 4 vols. 4to. buckram, uncut (ONLY 170 COPIES PRINTED), with author's signature, 3. 10s (p. 12. 12s) 1849 84 12872 - MONOGRAPH on the FOSSIL REPTILIA of the CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS, with 59 litho- graphs (some folding), besides woodcuts, 4to. hf, maroon morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), with 'bookplate of'H. B. H. Beaufoy, F.R.S., 1. 15s Palmontographical Soc. , 1851-64 12873 MONOGRAPH on the FOSSIL REPTILIA of the WEALDENand PURBECK FORMATIONS, icith 62 lithographs (many folding), 4to. hf. maroon morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g., with bookplate of H. B. H. Beaufoy, F.R.S. ( fine copy), 14s apud eandein, 1853-64 12874 On the FOSSIL MAMMALS of AUSTRALIA, Parts VIII-IX : MACROPODID^:, 16 lithographs, 2 parts 4to. (pp. 04), seivn, 4s 1874 12S75 , and Thomas BELL, F.R.S. : MONOGRAPH on the FOSSIL REPTILIA of the LONDON CLAY, and of the Bracklesham and other Tertiary Beds, with 56 lithographs, besides woodcuts, "2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. hf. maroon morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g., with bookplate of H. B. H. Beaufoy, F.R.S. (fine copy), 16s Qd Palceontographical Soc., 1849-50 12876 OWENS COLLEGE, Manchester, INTRODUCTORY LECTURES on the OPENING of, 8vo. (pp. 136), sewn, 2s 6d Manchester, 1852 A memorial of the genesis of the University of Manchester. It includes lectures on the Educational and Commercial Utility of Chemistry, by Sir Edward Frankland, F.R.S., and 'The Province of Mathematical Studies in a System of Education ', by Prof. Archibald Sandeman. 12877 , STUDIES from the PHYSICAL and CHEMICAL LABORATORIES of the, VOL. I: PHYSICS and PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, edited by PROFF. ARTHUR SCHUSTER and HAROLD B. DIXON, FF.R.S., with woodcuts, roy. 8vo. sewn,, Is 6d Manchester, 1893 Containing the following original memoirs : On New Forms of Stereometers, by W. W. Haldane Gee and Arthur Harden; and On the Duration of Chemical Action in the Explosive Combination of Gases, by G. S. Turpin, besides imprints of numerous memoirs of investigations carried on in the physical and chemical laboratories of the College. 12878 PAASCH (Capt. H., Surveyor to Lloyd's Register for Belgium) 'From KEEL to TRUCK': MARINE DICTIONARY in ENGLISH, FRENCH and GERMAN, 2nd Edition [greatly enlarged], with portrait and 103 plates, thick roy. 8vo. cl., with author's inscr. to Dr. Francis Elgar, P.I.N.A., F.R.S., 8s (\d (p. 1. Is nett) Antwerp, 1894 12879 PACKER, (Thomas) The DYER'S GUIDE : a Compendium of the Art of Dyeing Linen, Cotton, Silk, Wool, Muslin, etc. etc., with the Method of Scouring Wool, Bleaching Cotton, Ungumming Silk, and Whitening and Sulphuring Silk and Wool, with the leading Facts in Chemistry connected with Dyeing; 2nd Edition, materially improved, with coloured front., post 8vo. hf. cl., 5s 1 830 12880 PADOVANI (Giovanni, da Verona) OPERA sopra la RIFORMA dell' ANNO, e*da esso Autore tradotta di Latino in Volgare, ed ampliata ; beautifully printed in italics, with diagrams on title and in text, sin. 4to. extra boards (LARGE AND FINE COPY) ; rare, 15s Verona, Sebastian dalle Donne e Giovanni Fratelli [col:] 1576 Published six years before Pope Gregory XIII. published the Reform of the Kalendar. The work was unknown to Poggendorff, Brunei, or Graesse. 12881 PAJDULLI (Girolamo) Le PRINCIPALI PROPRIETA delle TRE CURVE CONICHE esposte e dimostrate; with 2 plates, 4to. (pp. 48), sewn, 4s Roma, 1777 Unknown to Riccardi and Poggendorft". 12882 PAGE (Thomas, C.E., M.I.C.E.) REPORT on the SYSTEM of WEAVING by COMPRESSED AIR in the PATENT PNEUMATIC LOOM, 4to. (pp. 19), seivn (title slightly defective), 3s 6d Cambridge, 1864 The pneumatic loom was invented by Charles Wfjghtman Harrison, and favourably reported on by the author, the assistant of Sir I. K. Prunel.and himself builder of Westminster new bridge, and the designer of the Albert Embankment. 12883 PALACHE (Charles), and H. O. WOOD : CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC NOTES on MINERALS from CHKSTER, MASS., with plate, roy. 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, IsQd [Boston, Mass.], 1909 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 643 12885 OZANAM (Jacques; de /' Academic des Sciences) CURSUS MATHEMATICUS : or a Corapleat Course of the Mathematics, VOLS. I-IV, containing I. Algebra, and the Elements of Euclid. II. Arithmetic and Trigonometry. III. Geometry and Fortification. IV. Mechanics, and Perspective, now done in English, with Additions and Corrections by Several Hands, with numer- ous copperplates, 4 vols. 8vo. contemporary calf, 4s Orf 1712 12886 [ ] METHODE de LEVER les PLANS et Jes CARTES de TERRE et de MER, avec toutes Sortes d'Instrumens et sans Instrumens ; nouvelle Edition ; with 16 folding copperplates of Surveying Instruments, etc., IQmn.fine copy in old calf gilt, 5s 1750 NOUVEAUX ELEMENS d'ALGEBRE, ou Principes generaux, pour resoudre toutes Sortes de Problmes de Mathernatique ; with front, and diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, old calf (joints cracked), Is Qd Amsterdam, 1702 'Leibnitz parle avantageusement de cet ouvrage dans son Commercium Epistolicum avec Bernoulli, a cause de quelques methodes algebriques utiles dans la reduction des quantites irrationnelles. II y resoud d'ailleurs un grand norabre de questions de 1'analyse indeterminee, et sur les triangles rectangles en nombres.' Montucla. 12888 RECREATIONS MATHEMATIQUES et PHYSIQUES, qui contiennent plusieurs Problemes d'Arithmetique, de Geometrie, de Musique, d'Optique, de Gnomonique, de Cosmographie, de Mecanique, de Pyrotechnic, et de Physique, avec un TRAITE des HORLOGES ELEMENTAIRES ; nouvelle Edition, augmentee [par M. GRANDIN] ; with over 100 copperplates, 4 vols. 8vo. con- temporary calf, 12s Qd 1725, or '50 ' Get ouvrage curieuxcontient la solution d'une foule de problemes. On y trouve encore un traite de horloges tlementaires, une dissertation sur les lampes perpetuclles, enfin un ample recueil de tours de gobeJets et d'escamotage '. Qiwrard. ' Best edition of an interesting work. Half the first volume is devoted to the theory of numbers, of which Ozanam was a perfect master*. Libri Catalogue. It is the final edition in the original form of this well-known work, which was afterwards almost entirely rewritten by Montucla. ]o 889 RECREATIONS MATHEMATICAL and PHYSICAL; laying down and solving many Profitable and Delightful Problems, of Arithmetick, Geometry, Opticks, Gnomonicks, Cosmo- graphy, Mechanicks, Physics, and Pyrotechny, done into English, with 28 copperplates, and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. old calf gilt (one joint cracked, but a sound copy) ; rare, 10s 6d 1708 12890 NEW EDITION, styled : RECREATIONS in MATHEMATICS and NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, lately recomposed, and greatly enlarged by J. E. MONTUCLA ; and now translated, with many Additions and Observations, by CHARLES BUTTON, F.R.S., with 98 folding plates, 4 thick vols. Svo. contemporary hf. morocco (SCARCE), 1. Is 1803 BEST ENGLISH EDITION of this popular work. Ozanam's work itself was based on those of Bachet de Meziriac (v. Nos. 204 and 5901), Jean Leurechon (' Henri van Etten ' ; v. Nos. 7604-8 and 10770-4), and Mydorgue (v. No. 3170). ' I believe that it would be difficult to find in any of the books current in England on mathematical amusements as many as a dozen puzzles which are not contained in one of these four volumes '. W. W. R Ball. The above edition has also been used, and is frequently referred to, in Mr. BaU's Mathematical Recreations and Problems. 12891 TABULAE SINUUM, TANGENTIUM et SECANTIUM ad 10000000 Partium Radium, necnon LOGARITHMORUM, Sinuum ac Tangentium ad 10000000000 Partium Radium, Svo. old calf (sound copy), 5s Amstelodami, 1697 12892 TRAITE des LIGNES du PREMIER GENRE, expliquees par une Methode nouvelle et facile : TRAITE de la CONSTRUCTION des EQUATIONS, pour la Solution des PROBLEMES INDETERMINEZ : TRAITE des LIEUX GEOMETRIQUES, expliquez par une Methode courte et facile ; with 34 plates, 3 vols. 4to. in 1, old calf gilt (back slightly rubbed), with armorial bookplate of l Lady Dowager Arundell ' (RARE), 15s 1687 The author solves equations of a higher degree than the second by means of conic sections. The third work is a treatise on analytical geometry, while the first contains the solution of 4 ' curious ' problems, ' qui estdenotre invention, et que je n'ay communiquee qu'a pen de personnes.' 12893 TREATISE of FORTIFICATION, containing the Ancient and Modern Method of the Con- struction and Defence of Places, and the Manner of Carrying on Sieges, done into English, and amended by J. T. DESAGULIERS, of Hart-Hall, Oxon. [F.R.S.], with Appendix, concerning the Manner of Fortifying, which is truly MR. VAUBAN'S : never before in English, with 46 plates (many folding), Svo. old calf (back damaged), 5s Oxford, 1711 12894 SECOND EDITION, with PLAN of GIBRALTAR, with its Fortifications, shewing* the great Strength and Use of it, with 46 plates, and 2 folding maps, Svo. old calf, neatly rebacked, with the fine gilt morocco armorial booklabel of Edward Hailstone, 8s tid 1727 Gibraltar in English hands had already withstood one stiff siege in 1704-5. 12895 USAGE du COMPAS de PROPORTION, et de UNSTRUMENT UNIVERSEL, pour resoudre promptement et tres-exactement les Problemes de la Geometrie pratique, tant sur le Papier que sur le Terrein, sans aucun Calcul, avec Traite de la Division des Champs ; nouvelle Edition ; with Infolding copperplates, large 12mo. sound copy in old French calf extra (rare), 10s 6d 1769 The first edition containing a description of both instruments. It was unknown to Querard. 12896 USAGE de HNSTRUMENT UNIVERSEL, pour resoudre promtement et tres-exactement tous les Problemes de la Geometric pratique sans aucun Calcul, premiere edition ; withl folding plates (one illustrating the instrument), 12mo. old calf gilt (rare), 8* 6d 1688 The author claims to have been the first to use the instrument in all surveying operations. It would be interesting to know for certain whether Ozanam the mathematician was an ancestor of the pious and gifted litterateur ANTOINE FREDERIC OZANAM, friend of Lacordaire and co-founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, the centenary of whose birth was kept in Paris in April, 1013. 12897 PAGNINI (Giovanni) COSTRUZIONE ed Usodel COMPASSO di PROPORZIONE ; with 15 plates, 4to. hf. cL, Is 6d Napoli, 1753 'Si esteude particolarmente nella risoluzione di molti probleini relativi all' uso di questo strumento.' Riccardi. 12898 PALAA (Germain, conducteur des ponts et chaussees) DICTIONNAIRE LEGISLATIF et REGLE- MENTAIRE des CHEMINS de PER, contenant le Resume" des Documents Officiels en Vigueur et les principaux Renseignements Pratiques sur I'Etablissement, 1'Entretien, la Police et 1'Exploitation des Voies Ferrees, roy. Svo. (pp. 1018), hf. calf gilt, 5s 1864 644 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY W. 12900 PAIXHANS (General Henry Joseph ; inventor of the Paixhans Gun) NOUVELLE FORCE MARITIME, et Application de cette Force a quelques Parties du Service de 1'Armee de Terre; ou Essai sur 1'Etat Actuel des Moyens de la Force Maritime, sur une ESPECE NOUVELLE d'ARTiLLERiE de MEK, qui detruirait promptement les Vaisseaux de Haut-Bord, sur la Con- struction de Navires a Voile et a Vapeur, de Grandeur Moder6e, qui armes de cette Artillerie, donneraient une Marine moins Couteuse et plus Puissante que celles Existantes, et sur la Force que le Systeme de Bouches-a-Feu propose offrirait a Terre ; with 7 folding plates, 4to. sewn (SCARCE), 15s 1822 Important as one of the first works to advocate the use of a steel armature for warships to protect them against the devastating effect of the author's gun. 12901 PAJOT des CH ARMES (C., Inspector of Manufactures) The ART of BLEACHING PIECE GOODS, Cottons, and Threads of every Description, rendered more Easy and General by means of the OXYGENATED MURIATIC ACID, with the most certain Method of rendering Printed Goods perfectly white and colourless, and of bleaching Silk and Wool; and the DISCOVERIES made by the AUTHOR in the Art of BLEACHING PAPER, translated from the French, with Appendix [by WILLIAM NICHOLSON], with 9 folding copperplates, 8vo. boards, uncut (rare), 12* Qd 1799 Interesting as an early work describing the chlorine bleaching process, discovered by Berthollet in 1785. A COMPLETE SERIES TO 1902 : 12902 PAL^EONTOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS: a complete set from tbe beginning in 1847 to 1902 (issued to the Members only), with over 200U fine plates by G. B. SOWERBY, etc., containing many thousands of lithographed figures ; and woodcuts, 5(5 vols. 4to. in 57, osiginal hf. cl., or boards, as issued (SCARCE), 22. 10s 1847-1902 This valuable work, published for the ILLUSTRATION of BRITISH FOSSIL ORGANIC REMAINS, comprises contributions by Charles Darwin, Sir Richard Owen, Henri Milne-Edwards, Searles V. Wood, Edward Forbes, John Morris, Thomas Bell, William King, Thomas Davidson, Daniel Sharpe, J. W. Salter, John Phillips, Henry Woodward, P. M. Duncan, Sir E. Ray Lankester, W. Boyd Dawkins, H. A. Nicholson, L. C. Miall, and very many others. 12903 PALLADIUM (THE BRITISH) : or ANNUAL MISCELLANY of LITERATURE and SCIENCE, 1770-6, by the Author of the Improved and Perpetual Astronomer and Navigator, with diagrams, 7 vols. 12mo. in 1, hf. calf (binding broken), Qs D. Steele, on Little Tower Hill ; and R. Carr, Portsmouth, 1770-6 Containing very numerous mathematical problems, which Eighteenth Century amateurs took such remarkable pleasure in solving. 12904 PALLISER (Lt.-Col. Sir William ; inventor of the Palliser Shot) TREATISE on COMPOUND ORDNANCE, with 5 folding plates, 8vo. cl., with author's inscr. to and auto, of Sir Frederick [Joseph] Bramwell, F.R.S. (name torn off title, and one plate defective] ; SCARCE, 1. Is for private circulation [1863] This work, which was unknown to the author's biographer in D. N. B., describes his invention of converting old smooth-bore ordnance into rifled guns by inserting tubes of coiled wrought iron an inne* tube of more ductile and an outer of less ductile metal in cast-iron guns suitably bored out. ' Guns so treated were found on trial to give excellent results, and the method afforded means of utilizing the large stock of cast-iron smooth-bore ordnance . . . at one-third of the cost of new guns. Some thousands of these 'converted guns' have taken their place in the armamen of our fortresses and coast batteries ' (D. N. .) as built during the invasion-scare in the the early 'Sixties. Only a few copies of this work were privately printed, and it is now very scarce. 12005 PALMER (Chase ; Chemist to U.S. Geol. Survey) The GEOCHEMICAL INTERPRETATION of WATER ANALYSES, with map and 4 folding tables, 8vo. (pp. 31), sewn, Is 6d Washington, 1911 12906 PALMER (Major-Gen. Henry Spencer, R.E.) The ORDNANCE SURVEY of the KINGDOM : its Objects, Mode of Execution, History, and present Condition, 8vo. cl., 2s 1873 12907 PALMIERI (Luigi, Univ. Naples) The ERUPTION of VESUVIUS in 1872, with Notes and Introduction on the present State of Knowledge of TERRESTRIAL VULCANICITY, and theCosmical Nature and Relations of Vuicanoes and Earthquakes, by ROBERT MALLET, F.R.S. ; with 8 plates, roy. 8vo. cl. (scarce), with auto, of Edward Whymper, Is Qd 1873 Important for the editor's preface (pp. 78), in which he lays the foundation of his theory of the fracturing and folding origin of the earth's crust. The work also describes the author's seismographic apparatus and his electrometer for atmospheric electricity. 12908 Der AUSBRUCH des VESUV'S vom 26. APRIL 187'2, autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe, besorgt von C. RAMMELSBERG ; with 7 plates, 8vo. sewn, Is 6d Berlin, 1872 12909 PANOT (L., St. Omer) COURS sur les ARMES a FEU PORTATIVES, 4 e [derniere] Edition, considerablement augmented ; with 6 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf gilt (joints rubbed), 5s 1851 12910 PAPILLON (Jean Michel, graveur en bois) SUPPLEMENT du TRAIT& HISTORIQUE et PRATIQUE de la GRAVURE en Bois, contenant plusieurs Faits Historiques, de Nouvelles Manieres, servant a perfectionner cet Art, les Arrts rendus en Faveur de la Gravure, et une Table des Matieres des trois Volumes ; with 'woodcuts of tools and specimens, 8vo. old calf (joints cracked] ; rare, 8s Gd 1766 This supplementary volume (forming vol. Ill) is rare, and was unknown to Qu^rard and the Biographic Gbnirole. ' Ce livre contient beaucoup de renseignements precieux'. Biogr. Gin. PAPIN'S DIGESTER: 12911 PAPIN (Denis, M.D. : F.R.S., assistant to Boyle) La MANIERE d'AMOLiR les Os, et de faire cuire toutes Sortes de Viands en fort peu de Temps, et a peu de Frais, avec une DESCRIPTION de la MACHINE dont il se faut servir pour cet Effet, ses Proprietez, et ses Usages, confirmez par plusieurs Experiences, nouvellement invente; with 2 folding plates (one mended), 16mo. contem- porary calf (back damaged), VERY RARE, 1. 15s E. Michallet, 16*2 This work contains the invention of the steam digester, and, forming part of it, that of the SAFETY VALVE. The latter exerted a great influence on the progress of the steam engine, as it did not form part of the engines constructed loefore this (e. g, Savery's and the Marquess of Worcester's). The work was originally published in English, in 1(581, as 'The New Digester*. This French edition contains an ' Advis ' by CLAUDE COMIERS, in which he describes an improved form of the digester. No. 12911 (page 644). Papin's Digester No. 12932 (page Cl(i). An important work for the history of the steam engine. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 645 12912 [PACIOLI (Luca, hie Lucas de Burgo Sancti Sepulcri, Ord. Mm.) SITMA de ARITHMETICA GEOMETRIA PROPORTIONI & PROPORTIONALITA, prima edizione ; sig. a l surrounded by fine woodcut border, also numerous woodcuts and geometrical figures on margin after LEONARDO DA VlNCl, besides large woodcut initials (the first containing the AUTHOR'S PORTRAIT), 2 vols. folio in 1, gotfjic letter; newly and finely bound in hf. brown polished Levant morocco gilt, rough q. e. (29 II. margined or very neatly mended on margin, and a few II. slightly soiled ; otherwise a very fine and exceptionally tall copy, measuring 12 x 8J inches] ; very rare, 11. 11s [col. :] Vinegia . . . Paganino de Paganini da Brescia. M.CCCC.LXLIIIJ [1494]. adi. 10. de noucbre. 12913 ANOTHER COPY, unbound (wanting the first 9 and last 20 II., partly water-stained, and a few II. wormed), cheap, 2. 2s ' Certainly the FIRST PRINTED WORK ON ALGEBRA AND PROBABLY THE FIRST ON BOOK-KEEPING.' Prof, de Morgan. Hain-Copinger, 4105. Proctor 5168. There is another issue of this edition (a fact not noticed by bibliographers, e.g., Brunet or Graesse), in which the woodcut border is absent, and the fine woodcut initials are replaced by smaller ones. 12914 [SECONDA EDIZIONE :] SUMMA de ARITHMETICA, GEOMETRIA, PROPORTIONI, et PROPOR- TIONALITA, nouamente impressa; with fine woodcut border on title and first leaf of text, and num- erous fine woodcut initials (one giving the author's portrait), besides numerous diagrams on margin, folio, gofbtc letter; boards (last 25 II. holed, rendering text of last 10 II. defective; also title margined and guarded) ; VERY RARE, cheap, 3. 3s [col. :] per Paganino, in Tusculano sulla riva dil laco Benacense, 1523 The above second edition is as rare as the first, and perhaps preferable to it on account of its typographical execution. The author, perhaps better known as LUCA DI BORGO [or BURGO], the name he took on entering religion, was the first to introduce symbols in algebra. ' In the arithmetic Pacioli gives rules for the four simple processes, and a method for extracting square roots. He deals pretty fully with all questions connected with mercantile arithmetic, in which he works out numerous examples, and in particular discusses at great length bills of exchange and the theory of book-keeping by double entry. This part was then the first systematic exposition of algoristic arithmetic. ... In the algebra he discusses in some detail simple and quadratic equations, and problems on numbers which lead to such equations. He mentions the Arabic classification of cubic equations, but adds that their solution appears to be as impossible as the quadrature of the circle. . . . Though much of the matter described is taken from Leonardo's Liber Abaci, yet the notation in which it is expressed is superior to that of Leonardo,' etc. etc. etc. W. W. E. Ball. 1 In the mathematical writings of the monk Luca Pacioli symbols began to appear. They consisted merely in abbrev- iations of Italian words, such as p for pin, m for r neno, co for cosa . . . ' Prof. Lajori. ' II y a dans oe grand recueil une methode fort ingenieuse pour la resolution de plusieurs equations indeterminees du second ou du quatrieme degre. . . . On y voit la resolution des equations derivees du second degre, et celle de certaines equations exponentielles. Dans quelques problemes relatifs a la regie des partis, le calcul des probabilites se montre pour la premiere fois. . . . Enfin on y trouve 1'application de 1'algebre a la geometric et une multitude de faits, relatifs ;\ di verses branches des connaissances humaines et fort utiles aux personnes qui veulent etudier 1'histoire des sciences. C'est, par example, dans un traite de commerce insere dans cette Somme, que Ton trouve pour la premiere fois la tenue des livres en partie double,' etc. etc. etc. G. Libri. 12915 PAGE (David, F.G.S., Prof. Geol., Durham Coll. of Science) ADVANCED TEXT-BOOK of GEOLOGY [with GLOSSARY (pp. 35)], 4th Edition, enlarged, with numerous woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 7s Qd) 1867 12916 FIFTH EDITION, enlarged, with numerous woodcuts, cr. 8vo. (pp. 488), cl., 3s Qd (p. 7* Qd) Edin., 1872 12917 PAGE (James Morris, Univ. Va.) On the PRIMITIVE GROUPS of TRANSFORMATIONS in SPACE of FOUR DIMENSIONS: Inaugural Dissertation at Leipzig, roy. 4to. (pp. 54), sewn, 3s Baltimore, 1888 12918 PAGE (Thomas, M.I.C.E.) REPORT on the SYSTEM of WEAVING by COMPRESSED AIR in the PATENT PNEUMATIC LOOM [of CHARLES WEIGHTMAN HARRISON], 4to. (pp. 19), sewn, with author's inscr., 4s Qd Cambridge, 1864 12919 PAGE (Sir Thomas Hyde, R.E. ; F.R.S.) ESTIMATE of the EXPENSE for carrying into Execu- tion the PLAN of EMBANKMENT for the IMPROVEMENT of the DRAINAGE of the SOUTH and MIDDLE LEVELS, and other Lands having their Drainage through the RIVER OUSE, and for the Improvement of its Navigation, etc. etc., with folding map, 8vo. (pp. 29), sewn, with marginal MS. notes (? by JOHN RENNIE, F.R.S. ), 7s Qd 1794 ' He was chief engineer for forming the New Cut from Eau Brink to King's Lynn, a problem of navigation and drainage that has puzzled engineers since the time of Charles I.' D. N. B. 12920 PAJOT des CHARMES (0., Inspecteur des Manufactures] L'ART du BLANCHIMENT des TqiLES, FILS et COTONS de tout Genre, rendu plus facile et plus general, au Moyen des NOUVELLES DECOUVERTES, avec la Methode de DECOLORER et de ramener a un Etat de Blancheur parfait toutes les TOILES PEINTES ou IMPRIMEES ; suivi des Precedes les plus surs pour blanchir les Soies et les Laines, et des De"couvertes faites par 1'Auteur dans 1'ART de BLANCHIR les PAPIERS, premiere edition; with 9 folding copperplates, Svo. hf. red morocco, by BELZ-NIEDREE (rare), 15s " 1798 12921 [NOUVELLE EDITION, corrigee] ; with folding copperplates, Svo. sewn, 10s An F///[1800] Interesting as an early work describing the chlorine bleaching process, discovered by Berthollet in 1785. 12922 PALMER (Henry R., M.I.C.E.) DESCRIPTION of a RAILWAY on a NEW PRINCIPLE; with Observations on those hitherto constructed, and TABLE shewing the comparative Amount of RESISTANCE on several now in Use, also an Illustration of a newly observed Fact relating to the Friction of Axles, and Description of an IMPROVED DYNAMOMETER, for ascertaining the Resist- ance of Floating Vessels and Carriages moving on Roads and Railways ; 2nd Edition, revised, with 2 folding plates, Svo. (pp. 68), sewn (SCARCE), 15s 1824 This was perhaps the first suggestion lor a monorail line, as afterwards reduced to practice on the Lartigue system, as on the Listowel and Ballybunion Railway. It was to follow the contour of the country, slightly raised on posts or trestles, the trucks being drawn by a horse walking beside it. One plate gives a general view of the line, and the other con- fftructional details. The resistance tables are compiled from the Cheltenham, Llanelly, and other tramroads of the time. The work is not mentioned by Allibone. nor can anything be traced concerning its author. 43 646 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12924 PADOVANI (Giovanni, da Verona] VIRIDARIUM MATHEMATICORUM, in quo omnia fere, quae in Rebus Astronomicis desiderari possunt, facillime pertractantur ; adjecta sunt etiam INSTRUMENTA nonnulla ab eo nuper excogitata, quibus brevissime omnia assequuntur, qu?e magno Labore atque assiduis Supputationibus per Astronomicas Tabulas, ac Astrolabio, aliisque Instrumentis an tea habebantur ; with woodcuts, sm. 4to. sewn (binding torn off} ; RARE, ~15s 'Venetiis, B. Zalterius, 1563 'Bella e rara edizioue '. Riccardi. The work is composed of the following chapters: I. De tempore. II. De compute Calendar!!. III. De sphsera. IV. De arithmetica. V. De omnifariis sphaene utilitatibus. VI. De astronomicis instrumentis. 12925 PAMBOTJR (Francois Marie Guyonneau, Comte de) PRACTICAL TREATISE on LOCO- MOTIVE ENGINES on RAILWAYS, with Formulae founded on a great many NEW EXPERIMENTS on the LIVERPOOL and MANCHESTER RAILWAY, with many different Engines and considerable Trains of Carriages ; with Appendix, showing the Expense of conveying Goods, by Locomotive Engines, on Railroads, first English edition, with 4 folding copperplates, 8vo. (pp. 384), cl., uncut (SCARCE), with AUTO., SOME VERSES, AND SLIGHT PENCIL SKETCH ON FLYLEAF BY WILLIAM FROUDE, F.R.S., engineer, friend of Brunei, and brother of the historian, 1. 2* Qd 1836 12926 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf gilt, 15s FIRST EDITION of the first work published in England on Locomotive Engineering, containing the first extensive in- vestigations on locomotives ever made, which became the basis of all subsequent researches. It gives copious fonnuhr for air-resistance, curves, fuel consumption, evaporation capacity, rail friction, the relation between speed and load, etc. etc. etc. 12927 SECOND EDITION, increased by a great many NEW EXPERIMENTS and RESEARCHES, with 5 folding copperplates, thick 8vo. (pp. 631), cl., with piscatorial bookplates of Buddie Atkinson, 8s Qd 1840 GEORGE RENNIE'S COPY: 12928 - ANOTHER COPY, cl., with inscr. to GEORGE RENNIE, C.E., F.R.S., and interesting- auto- graph letter (in English) from the author to Prof. Henry Moseley, F.R.S., Canon of Bristol, mentioning ' that Woolfs engines seem to be quite out of use at present in Cornwall, 1 15s 12929 The THEORY of the STEAM ENGINE, showing the Inaccuracy of the Methods in Use for calculating the Effects or the Proportions of Steam Engines, and supplying a Series of PRACTICAL FORMULAE, etc. etc. etc., 8vo. cl., 6s 1839 12930 THEORIE des MACHINES a VAPETJR, Ouvrage destine a prouver 1'Inexactitude des Methodes en Usage pour evaluer les Effets ou les Proportions des Machines a Vapeur, et a y substituer une SERIE de FORMULES ANALYTIQUES, etc. etc , avec Appendice pour rendre parfaitement clair et facile 1' Usage des Formules, 2 e Edition, augmentee d'un ATLAS, et de la Description des divers Systemes de Machines a Vapeur en Usage ; with 24 fine plates (mostly double ones), 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf (SCARCE), 1. 5s 1844 LAST AND BEST EDITION of this valuable work, especially valued for its fine plates, which were not contained in the first edition or the English translation. 1 The investigations of the Count de Pambour on the theory of the steam engine were conducive to the progress of thermodynamics by pointing out the proper mode of applying mechanical principles to the expansive action of an elastic fluid.' Prof. Sankine, F.B.S. M. de Pambour is unaccountably left out of the Nouvelle Piographie General*, 1862, although, living in the midst of the Romantic Period, he was a pioneer of workaday progress in France. 12931 PANABOLO (Domenico, Romano, filosofo e medico} AEROLOGIA, cioe Discorso dell" Aria. Trattato utile per la Sanita ; with etched title, and printer's device on last I. : L'ARIA CELI- MONTANA ; with device on title 2 vols. 18mo. in 1, old vellum, 15s [col. :] Roma, Dom. Marciani, 1642 RARE, and unknown to Brunet, Graesse, Poggendorff, and others. The first work includes chapters 'del Vento, e ^he cosa sia ' ; ' del Numero dei Venti, Sito, e Natnra loro' ; ' delle Zone, Sito, e Numero di esse ' ; ' dei Climi, Sito, e Numero disesse ', etc. 12932 PAPIN (Denis, Dr. en Med. ; F.R.S. ; assistant to Robert Boyle] TRAITE de plusieurs NOUVELLES MACHINES et INVENTIONS EXTRAORDINAIRES sur differents Sujets ; with 3 folding 2)lates, 12mo. contemporary calf gilt (back slightly damaged) ; very rare, 5. 5s J. Guignard, 1698 This copy belonged to J. Eliot Hodgkin, F.S.A., and bears his bookplate, and some MS. additions. According to his authority, the work is ' exceedingly rare, as it is one of the most important books for the history of the Steam Engine. In it is contained the remarkable mention of a high-pressure steam-engine for driving paddles for the propulsion of a vessel, on which is based by French writers the claim of Papin to the invention of the steam-engine." The work is also of great importance for containing Papin's INVENTION OF THE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. Added is an interesting account thereon by Mr. Hodgkin, as published in Engineering for 1890. It was unknown to Querard, Poggendorff. Bioqr. Gen., and other bibliographers, and is of great rarity. 12933 PAPPIANI (Alberto, delle Scuole Pie) La SCIENZA. delle GRANDEZZE, dimostrata colle principali Calcolazioni Numeriche, Analitiche, e Geometriche ; with 6 folding plates, 4to. con- temporary Italian vellum, 10s Firenze, 1747 1 Magnifica edizione. L'opera puu cqnsiderarsi come una enciclopedia delle matematiche pure, disposta peru in modo alquanto intralciato. Sono interessanti le note storiche contenote nella prefazione.' Riccardi. 12934 PAPWORTH (John, afterwards John Buonarotti) ESSAY on the CAUSES of DRY ROT in BUILDINGS, with Observations on its CURE, and on the Admission of Air into the Parts of the Buildings affected by that Disease, 4to. (pp. 46), sewn, 4s 1803 12935 PARDIES (Ignace Gaston, s.j.) ELEMENS de GEOMETRIE, oil par une Me'thode courte et aisee, 1'on peut apprendre ... les plus belles Inventions des aneiens et des nouveaux Geometres, 4 me Edition ; with woodcuts : DEUX MACHINES propres a faire les QUADRANS avec tres-grande Facilite, 3 me Edition ; with 7 folding copperplates 2 vols. 24mo. in 1, old calf (back damaged); RARE, 155 1683-7 The second work is rare, and interesting for containing Father Pardies's discovery of two dialling machines, by means of which (according to the preface) 'on peut apprendre, en moins d'une heure, la maniere de faire toutes sortes de quadrans, et qu'on peut pratiquer, C9mme en se jpftant, ce qu'on a appris, et faire sur le-s murailles, et clans les chambres, toutes sortes d'horloges, avec une tres-grande facilite.' HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 647 12937 PAOLKPietro; Univ.Pisa) NOTAsugl'lNTEGRALlDEFlNm,4to.(pp.lO),seMw y 2sttd s I [c 183^1 12938 PAPPUS Alexandrinus : MATHEMATICS COLLECTIONS a FREDERICO COMMANDING in Latinum converse, et Commentariis illustratae ; in hac nostra Editione ab innumeris, quibus scatebant Mendis, et prsecipue in Greece Contextu diligenter vindicate [a CAROLO MANOLESSIO! with Austrian arms engraved on title, portrait of Leopold Wilhelm Archduke of Austria, by J. Troyen, woodcuts, and numerous diagrams, folio, old calf (some slight water-stains on blank margin, otherwise a fine and tall copy], 1. 5s Bononice, 1660 [in fine 16581 ' Best edition of a work indispensable to every mathematician.' Libri Catalogue. '. . . From the Seventh Book, which is the longest and most valuable, is derived a large part of our knowledge of Greek geometry. Many of the writings here analysed are no longer extant, and it is on the indications (e q Euclid's Porisms) which Pappus gives of the object or the contents of them that the geometers of the 17th and 18th Centuries relied for their restorations of these writings. . . . Several of the books contain important theorems, the discovery of which is probably due to Pappus himself. One of these has been long associated with the name of GuJdinus (1577-1643) borne others have received a brilliant development from the mathematicians of modern times.' 'He discovered the directrix in the conic sections. In mechanics Pappus showed that the centre of a mass of a triangular lamina is the same as that of an inscribed triangular lamina whose vertices divide each of the sides of the original triangle in the same ratio. He also discovered the two theorems on the surface and volume of a solid of revolution which are still quoted in text-books under his name.' W. W. R. Ball 12939 : Der SAMMLUNG des PAPPUS von ALEXANDRIEN VII. UNO VIII. BUCK ; GRIECHISCH und DEUTSCH, herausgegeben von C. I. GERHARDT; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 12940 PARACELSUS (Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus BOMBAST ab HOHENHEIM dictus], The HERMETIC and ALCHEMICAL WRITINGS of, now for the first Time translated faith- fully and unabridged ; edited, with Notes, copious HERMETIC VOCABULARY, and INDEX, by ARTHUR EDWARD WAITS, printed on specially made antique paper, 2 vols. 4to. cl., uncut, t. e. q\, 1. 7s Qd (p. 2. 12s Qd) 1894 'Containing the whole and unabridged body of literature attributed to this celebrated adept, treating directly W Alchemy and the transcendental doctrines and physics of the Magnum Opus; besides the whole Paracelsian Literature of hischiruroi aTw^k ' he Umversal Medicine > and an exhaustive Catena of Alchemical References scattered throughout 12941 - Of the NATURE of THINGS, Nine Books : Of the Generations, Growths, Conservations, Life Death, Renewing, Transmutations, Separations, Signatures of Naturall things [translated by JOHN FRENCH, M.D.], sm. Ito.unbound (lower corner worn}', RARE, 18s Qd Richard Cotes, for Thomas Williams, 1650 me nrst book Of the generations of Naturall things' contains an account of how to generate artificial men (homuncvh), of the secret poison of the basilisk, and many similar stories of Renaissance superstition. Paracelsus was the man who, in the first half of the XVI. century, opened out new paths for chemistry and medicine by uniting them both. To him is undoubtedly due the merit of freeing chemistry from the restraining fetters of alchemy, by a clear definition of scientific aims. He taught that 'the object of chemistry is not to make gold, but to prepare eaicines. JrTty, JL. v. Meyer. 12942 - : PARACELSUS his ARCHIDOXIS: comprised in Ten Books, disclosing the Genuine Way ot making Quintessences, Arcanums, Magisteries, Elixirs, etc., with his Books of RENOVATION and RESTAURATION, of the TINCTURE of the PHILOSOPHERS, of the Manual of the PHILOSOPHICAL MEDICINAL STONE, of the Virtues of the Members, of the THREE PRINCIPLES, and finally his beven Books, of the DEGREES and COMPOSITIONS of RECEIPTS, and NATURAL THINGS, faithfully and plainly Englished, and published by J[?OHN] H[?ESTER], Oxon., 12mo. hf. bound (somewhat worn and browned) ; RARE, 1. Is Thomas Brewster, 1660 THE FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. It was reprinted in 1661 and 16*3 whn h T? a ab 5! ve , c ?Py, according to a MS. note in the book, belonged to JAMES GRAHAM, the famous quack doctor (1745-94), $SJt^^^ he *^ ** ds * ^biting EMMA LTO 12943 : FERGUSON (John, F.R.S.E., F.S.A. ; Univ. Glasgow) BIBLIOGRAPHIA PARACELSICA : Contributions towards a Knowledge of Paracelsus and his Writings, PARTS III V, 3 parts 8vo sewn (scarce], 8s Qd Glasgow, 1890-3 i oo^ -D A -D A TLTOT m - ? 15 C0pies of this work wer8 Privately printed. 12944 PARADISI (Giovanni Conte) RICERCHE sopra la VIBRAZIONE delle LAMINE ELASTICHE ; ivith 2 folding plates, roy. 4to. sewn, 3s Qd Bologna, 1806 1294 f ,^f. BIS 7 (Vice-Amiral Edmond, de VInstitut) NOTE sur les NAVIRES CUIRASSES ;' with A folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 50), sewn, with inscr. to George Rennie, C.E..F.K.S., 3s Qd 1863 j "777" T RAIT Vj e I'HELICE PROPULSIVE, public sous les Auspices du Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies ; with coloured front, of the S.S. Himalaya, and 15 folding plates, woodcuts, and foldma tables, impl. 8vo. sewn, with auto, of George Rennie, C.E., F.R.S., Ss Qd 1855 The first part (pp. 1-271) consists of a translation of John Bourne's 'Treatise on the Screw Propeller.' 12947 [PARIS (John Ayrton, M.D., F.R.S., P.R.C.P.)] PHILOSOPHY in SPORT made SCIENCE in EARNEST : an Attempt to illustrate the First Principles of Natural Philosophy by the Aid of Popular 1 oys and Sports, 5th Edition; with considerable Additions, with numerous characteristic woodcuts by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK (good impressions), and diagrams, fcap. 8vo. cl., uncut (scarce), 1842 12948 [ ] SIXTH EDITION, with considerable Additions, with all the woodcuts by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, and diagrams, fcap. 8vo. cl., 5s 1846 lon . ft This edition is dedicated to Faraday, 12949 NINTH [LAST] EDITION, with frontispiece, all GEORGE CRUIKSHANK'S woodcuts, and diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 5s 1 861 This edition contains four additional chapters. rifcthl!?* ra H? n8 t0 th i is 4 D PP" lar book > with tllos e to PETTIGREW'S 'Egyptian Mummies,' represent George !,. r Si rrJJL n JL m the "sual role of a scientific illustrator. 12950 PARKHURST (Henry M ) NOTES on VARIABLE STARS, roy. 4to. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd Boston [Mass.] , 1901 43 * 648 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12952 PARK (James, F.G.S., Univ. Otago) The GEOLOGY of the CROMWELL SUBDIVISION, WESTERN OTAGO DIVISION, NEW ZEALAND, with 21 plates (2 folding), 16 coloured maps and geological sections (8 folding), and 48 woodcuts, 4to. sewn, 2s Qd Wellington, i\.Z., IV 12953 The GEOLOGY of NEW ZEALAND : an Introduction to its Historical, Structural, and Economic Geology, with 27 plates, 145 woodcuts, and coloured geological mar), 8vo. cl.,ls (p. 10s 6rt nett \ Christchurch, N.Z., 1910 12954 TEXT-BOOK of MINING GEOLOGY, with 3 plates and 78 other illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 6s) 12955 PARKER (Edward Wheeler), Joseph Austin HOLMES, and Marius Robison CAMPBELL: PRELIMINARY REPORT on the OPERATIONS of the COAL-TESTING PLANT of the U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., 1904, with 2 folding tables, 8vo. sewn, 3s Washington, 1905 12956 PARKER (J., St. John's Coll., Cantab.) ELEMENTARY THERMODYNAMICS, numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. (pp. 416), cl., 3s Qd (p. 9s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1891 Including Conservation of Energy (pp. l-SO); On Perfect Cases (pp. 81-103); Garnet's Principle and its Applications (pp. 104-324) ; and Thermodynamic Potential and its Applications (pp. 325-408). 12957 SUPPLEMENTARY VOLUME to THERMODYNAMICS treated with ELEMENTARY MAT] EMATICS : Applications to Animal and Vegetable Life, Tidal Friction, and Electricity, with f diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) 1896 12958 PARKER (Thomas Netherson) ESSAY, or PRACTICAL ENQUIRY concerning the HANGING and FASTENING of GATES and WICKETS, with 4 plates, 8vo. sewn, 5s 12959 PARKES (S. H., F.R.A.s.) UNFINISHED WORLDS: a Study in Astronomy, with 10 plates, cr. 8vo. cl., with inscr. to Dr. Dallinger, F.R.S., 3s 12960 SECOND EDITION, with W plates, 8vo. cl., 3s 12961 PARKES (Samuel, manufacturing chemist) The CHEMICAL CATECHISM, with Notes, Illus- trations, and Experiments, 3rd Edition, containing the New Discoveries and other very consider- able Additions, with plate etched on glass, and vignette, thick 8vo. hf. calf (slightly soiled), 5s [1808] 12962 SIXTH EDITION, with considerable Additions, with folding front., thick 8vo. old calf (joints cracked) , 3s Qd 1314 12963 NINTH EDITION, carefully corrected, and adapted to the present State of Chemical Science, with 2 plates of apparatus, thick 8vo. boards, uncut, or, hf. roan ( damaged), 4s Qd 1819 A.11 the above editions contain a chapter on Caloric, in which the author, in spite of the investigations of Count Rumford, Scheele, and Sir John Leslie, still treats heat as a specific substance. 12964 NEW EDITION [entitled : CATECHISM of CHEMISTRY] , revised throughout, and consider- ably enlarged, by WILLIAM BARKER, with woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1837 'His manuals of chemistry brought him much repute and honours from learned societies. The Chemical Catechism, the most popular of the author's works, went through numerous editions. When it was translated into Russian, the Emperor of Russia sent him a valuable ring." D.X.B. 12965 CHEMISCHER KATECHISMUS, mit Noten, Erlauterungen und Anleitung zu Versuchen, 2. vermehrte Auflage; with 2 copperplates, thick 8vo. boards, 2s Qd Weimar, 1820 12966 CHEMICAL ESSAYS, principally relating to the Arts and Manufactures of the British Dominions ; 3rd Edition, enlarged by JOSEPH WAINWRIGHT HODGETTS, with 14 plates, thick 8vo. hf. calf, 4s 1830 Including glass manufacture, calico-printing, bleaching, etc. etc. The editor, the author's son-in-law, lost his life at an explosion in chemical works in Manchester. 12967 PARKIN (G.) A METHOD for CASTING of TONNAGE and the LOAD DRAUGHT of WATER for SHIPS of WAR, etc., a neatly written Manuscript on 38 pages, impl. 8vo. sewn, IsQd [c. 1800] Among the warships described is Nelson's flag-ship the Victory. 12968 PARKIN (Thomas) A LETTER, on IMPORTANT MATTERS, addressed to the PROPRIETORS of the LONDON and BIRMINGHAM RAILWAY, with DR. BIRKBECK'S and PROF. BARLOW'S OPINION on Mr. Parkin's Patent Railway Invention ; and [sic] which will interest the Proprietors of all Railways yet to be made, with folding plate, post 8vo. (pp. 24), sewn, with inscr. to George Rennie, C.E., F.R.S. (SCARCE), 10s 1836 An attempt to overcome the intolerable bumps due to the original inelastic permanent way laid on granite blocks, by a continuous compound sleeper laid on blocks of clinker. Though ingenious, it was very much more complicated than Brunei's longitudinal road, and never came into use. 12969 PARKINSON (Richard Marion, A.M.I. C.E.) LIGHT RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION, with 85 diagrams and 8 II. of squared paper, roy. 8vo. buckram, 6s (p. 10s Qd nett) 1902 12970 PARKINSON (Thomas, Archdeacon of Leicester; F.R.S ) SYSTEM of.MECHANiCS, with 24 folding plates, 4to. sewn, uncut, 8s Qd Cambridge, 1785 This copy belonged to RICHARD WATSON, F.R.S. , absentee Bp. of Llandaff (1737-1816), and has his Calgarth Park book- label, as well as the inscription ' The Bishop of Landaff.' 12971 SYSTEM of MECHANICS and HYDROSTATICS, with 34 folding copperplates, 4to. old calf gilt, 10s ibidem, 1789 A reprint of the foregoing work, with a section on hydrostatics (pp. 192) added. 12972 PARNELL (Edward Andrew) APPLIED CHEMISTRY ; in Manufactures, Arts, and Domestic Economy (Gas Illumination : Preservation of Wood : Dyeing and Calico-Printing : Glass Manu- facture : Starch, Tanning, and the Caoutchouc, Borax, Soap, Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid, and Soda Manufacture), with numerous woodcuts, and 22 specimens of printed calico, 2 vols. 8vo. cl. (damaged), 8s Qd 1844 12973 DYEING and CALICO-PRINTING, with 41 illustrations, and 23 specimens of printed calico, 8vo. cl., with auto, of W. J. Russell, F.R.S., Qs Qd 1849 ' In many parts of the article on Calico-printing 1 have derived material assistance from my esteemed friend Mr. [JOHN] MERCER [F.R s.], of the Oakenshaw print-works, near Blackburn.' Pre/ce. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 649 12975 PARR (George Dudley Aspinall ; Univ. Leeds) PRACTICAL ELECTRICAL TESTING, in* Physics and Electrical Engineering, with 231 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4* (p. 8s 6d) 1901 12976 PARR (Samuel Wilson, Univ. Illinois) The COALS of ILLINOIS : their Composition and* Analysis, with 10 illustrations, impl. 8vo. (pp. 40), sewn, Is Qd Urbana, 1904- 12977 PARRY (Ernest John, F.I.C.) CHEMISTRY of ESSENTIAL OILS and ARTIFICIAL PERFUMES,. with 20 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 8s (p. 12s Qd nett) 1899" 12978 PARRY (John, F.C.S., Ebbw Vale Iron and Steel Co.) On the SPECTRA of the GASES and VAPOURS evolved on HEATING IRON and other METALS, with 15 photographic plates, containing several hundred spectra, 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 15s privately printed, Pontypool, 1885 12979 PARRY (Rear-Adml. Sir William Edward), Commr. Henry FOSTER, R.N., F.R.S., and Rear.-Adml. Sir James Clark ROSS, F.R.S. ; Arctic explorers : OBSERVATIONS to determine the Amount of ATMOSPHERICAL REFRACTION at PORT BOWEN, 1824-5, 4to. (pp. 27), sewn, 3s 6d 1826 Captain Foster was astronomer to Admiral Parry's Polar expeditions, and was afterwards drowned in the river Chagres while measuring the Isthmus of Panama. 12980 PARSELL Jr. (Henry V. A., M.A.I.E.E.), and Arthur J. WEED, M.E. : GAS ENGINE CONSTRUCTION: a Practical Treatise, describing the Theory and Principles of the Action of Gas Engines of various Types, and the Design and Construction of a Half Horse Power Engine, with 140 illustrations, roy. bvo. cl., 5s (p. 10* 6d nett) 1900* Pp. 285-92 contain an Annotated Bibliography. 12981 PARSEY (Arthur ; miniaturist) The QUADRATURE of the CIRCLE DISCOVERED. Submitted to the Consideration of the Royal Society, on whose Protection the Author humbly thiows him- self, with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 24), sewn (rare), with author's insor., Is 6d printed for the author, 1832: ' In July 1831, reading an article on squaring the circle, and finding there was a difficulty, he set to work, got a light denied to all the mathematicians in some would say through a crack, and advertised in the Times that he had done the trick. He then prepared this work, in which, those who read it will see how, he showed that 3'141o ( .) . . . should be 3'0625.' Prof, de Morgan. The author also distinguished himself as a paradoxer on perspective. 12982 PARSHALL (Horace F., M.I.C.E.), and Henry Metcalf HOBART, M.I.E.E. : ARMATURE. WINDINGS of ELECTRIC MACHINES [with ARMATURE WINDING TABLES (pp. 80)], 129 full-page and other illustrations, 4to. cl., Ss 6d (p. 1. 16s) New York, 1895- 12983 PARSLOE (Joseph) OUR RAILWAYS : Sketches Historical and Descriptive, with Practical Information as to Fares and Rates, etc., and a Chapter on Railway Reform, cr. 8vo. hf. brown morocco, 2s (p. 6s in cl.) 187S 12984 PARSONS (John), and Thomas WASTELL : CLAVIS ARITHMETICS : or a Key to Arith- metick in Numbers and Species ; wherein Arithmetick and Algebra are Abridged, Demonstrated and made Easie, in their several Fundamentals and Consequents, collated from the most Authentic Authors, with many Improvements and Useful Theorems, not hitherto Extant, with 3 copperplates, 12mo. sound copy in old calf (joints cracked) ; RARE, 8* 6d R. Mount and T. Page, at the Postern on Tower Hill, 1703 ' The old system of divison is rather recommended. There is a very neat work on algebra at the end.' Prof, de Morgan. The number of old mathematical books printed on and about Tower Hill was doubtless due to the number of master - mariners lodging round about the shipping in the Pool. 12985 PARTINGTON (Charles Frederick) The BUILDER'S COMPLETE GUIDE : comprehending the Theory and Practice of Architecture, Bricklaying, Masonry, Carpentry, Joinery, Painting, Plumbing, etc. etc. ; with 5 copperplates, btsides woodcuts, 8vo. boards, 3s 1825 12986 COURSE of LECTURES on the STEAM ENGINE, with 11 plates (some folding), 12mo. boards, uncut (rare), 12s 1826 Valuable for containing a reprint of a very rare work : A Description and Draught of a new-invented Machine for carrying Vessels or Ships out of, or into any Harbour, Port, or River, against Wind and Tide, or in a Calm, by JONATHAN HULLS, 1737, with copperplate by J. Shury, illustrating Hulls' s steam boat. 12987 HISTORICAL and DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT of the STEAM ENGINE, comprising the various Modes of employing Elastic Vapour as a Prime Mover in Mechanics ; with Appendix of PATENTS and PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS, with 8 fine folding plates on copper of historic engines, besides woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf (rubbed), 6s 1822 12988 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf, with auto. ' George Rennie, Royal Mint', Is Containing a bibliography on the subject from 1629 to 1822. This first edition gives one of the earliest accounts of locomotive engines and steam navigation. 12989 THIRD [LAST] EDITION, enlarged [entitled: POPULAR and DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT of the STEAM ENGINE . . . and of STEAM NAVIGATION] , w#A folding copperplates, besides wood- cuts, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, with auto, of GEORGE RENNIE, C.E., F.R.S. , on title (scarce), 10s Qd 1838 This edition contains besides additions to the text four new appendixes, viz. : Steam Boats : Evidence of the Commons' Committee on Sceam Packets : on Steam Carriages : Description of a Steam Indicator. 12990 MANUAL of NATURAL and EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY, with 4 copperplates, and 270 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (cover soiled), 4s [1828] 12991 The MECHANICS' LIBRARY, or Book of Trades ; comprehending Architecture, Carpentry, Joinery, Bricklaying, Plastering, Masonry, Brickmaking, Painting, Glazing, Plumbing, Clock and Watch Making, Coach-Making, Printing, Engraving, and Shipbuilding, with 9 plates, besides woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 736), cl., 5s [1825} 12992 The SHIP-BUILDERS' COMPLETE GUIDE ; comprehending the Theory and Practice of Naval Architecture, with its Modern Improvements, with 3 plates, and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, 5s 1826 Containing a full account of the inventions and improvements in naval architecture by the great Admiralty designer SIR ROBERT SKPPINGS, K.R.S. 12993 PARTINGTON (J. Riddick, Univ. Manchester) HIGHER MATHEMATICS for CHEMICAL STUDENTS, with 44 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., Ss (p. 5s) [1911] 650 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 12995 PARTRIDGE (Seth) The DESCRIPTION and USE of an INSTRUMENT, called the DOUBLE SCALE of PROPORTION, by which Instrument, all Questions in Arithmetick, Geometry, Trigono- metry, Astronomy, Geography, Navigation, Fortification, Gunnery, Gaging Vessels, Dialling, may be most accurately and speedily performed, without the Assistance of either Pen or Com- passes, with *2 plates, large 12mo. ola sheep (title soiled and slightly damaged and corner of one I. torn off] ; RARE, 15s Richard Mount, 1692 One of the earliest works on the sliding rule a subject curiously neglected in Cantor's Vorlesungen ilb. Gesch. d. Mathe- m r .i.tll;. Seemingly only Gunter's was previous to the author's in date ; but it differs however considerably from it. Partridge was also the first to publish a work on logarithms in English. 1299(5 PASCAL (Blaise) GEuvRES COMPLETES [avec sa VIE par MME.PERIER (GILBERTS PASCAL)] ; with 136 woodcuts and diagrams, 3 vols. post 8vo. hf. roan, uncut, 6s 6d 1864-5 Vol. II I consists of Pascal's physical and mathematical writings. 12997 : TRAITE du TRIANGLE ARITHMETIQTJE, avec quelques autres Petits Traitez sur la mesme Matiere, par MONSIEUR PASCAL, premiere edition ; with folding plate of the triangle, 4 to. contemporary limp vellum (some II. browned as usual, otherwise a LARGE AND FINE COPY), with AUTOS. ofJ. J. DORTOUS BE MAIRAN (1678-1771) on title, and of PIERRE PREVOST on flyleaf, also woodcut bookplate of GABRIEL CRAMER, F.R.S. (1704-52) ; very rare, 3. 15* Guillaume Desprez, 1665 Containing the account of Pascal's arithmetical triangle, of which he made important use by applying it to the theory of probabilities, and also of importance in connexion with the method of indivisibles, the forerunner of the calculus. It comprises the following treatises : Traite du Triangle Arithmetique : Diverses usages du Triangle Arithmetique, dont le Generateur est I'Unite : Usages du Triangle Arithmetique, pour determiner les Partis qu'on doit faire entre deux Jolieurs qui joiient en plusieurs Parties : pour trouver les Puissances des Binomes et Apotomes : Traitte des Ordres Xumeriques : De Numericis Ordinibus Tractatus : De Nurnerorum Continuorum Productis : Numericarum Potestatum Generalis Resolutio : Combinationes : Potestatum Nuiiiericarum Summa : De Numeris Multiplicibus, ex sola Caracterum Xumericorum Additione agnoscendis. 'Le traite Potestatum numericarumsumma contient la solution generale et complete de la question si capitale, dans la methode des indivisibles, d'exprimer la somme des puissances semblables et entieresd'une suite de nombres en progression arithmetique. Le procede de Pascal n'est, du reste, pas inferieur a celui que nous employons aujourd'hui.' M. Marie. 12998 PASCAL (Ernesto, Univ. Pavia) REPERTORIO di MATEMATICHE SUPERIORI (Definizioni, Formole, Teoremi, Cenni Bibliografici) ; 2 vols. thick 16mo. cl., with bookplate by Gordon Browne of Dr. Emil Reich, 8s Qd Milano, 1898-1900 A standard work of well-known excellence. 12999 PASCOLI (Leone, hie Lione) II TEVERE NAVIGATO, e NAVIGABILE, in cui si prova con Autorita evidenti, e non sospette che ne' Tempi Passati sin da sua Scaturigine si navigava . . . con tre Discorsi : Due delle CAUSE delle di lui INNONDAZIONI, e dei Rimedj loro ; e 1'altro de' Rimedj dell' Innondazioni della Chiana, ecc., 4to. contemporary vellum, Ss fid Roma, 1740 ' Raro. Un giudizio di quest' opera si ha nelle Nov. Lett, di Firenze, 1741.' Riccardi. 13000 [PA SI [6 PAXI] (Anton Bartolomeo di, da Venezia)] TARIFFA de PESI e MESURE, prima edizione ; with large woodcut on title, sm. 4to. contemporary limp vellum (some II. slightly water-stained, and back of binding damaged, otherwise a FINE AND VLRY LARGE COPY) ; very rare, 4. 145 Qd [in fine :'] Stampado in uenesia per Albertin da lisona uercellese regnante linclyto principe miser Leonardo loredano, 1503 First edition of this work, which was reprinted in 1521, 1540, and'l557, and of extreme rarity. Riccardi, who gives a wrong collation, only quotes one copy, that in the Biblioteca Marciana. There was only the edition of 1557 in the Libri Collection. The work was quite unknown to Prof, de Morgan. ' Per i ragguagli contenuti in questa operetta fra i pesi einisure dei diversi paesi, essa puo classih'carsi fra le tavole di ragguaglio d'aritmetica pratica, di maggior interesse per la storia del commercio.' Riccardi. 13001 PASLEY (General Sir Charles William, R.E., F.R.S.) COMPLETE COURSE of PRACTICAL GEOMETRY, including Conic Sections, and Plan Drawing; treated on a Principle of peculiar Perspicuity ; 2nd Edition, much enlarged, with diagrams, thick 8vo. cl., 5s 1822 ' An elaborate treatise, enabling the non-commissioned officers to teach themselves and their men without the assist- ance of mathematical masters, and to go through their course of geometry in the same manner as their company drills or their small-arms exercises.' Col. R. H. Vetch, R.E. 13002 COURSE of ELEMENTARY FORTIFICATION, including Rules, deduced from Experiment, for determining the Strength of Revetments, treated on a Principle of peculiar Perspicuity ; 2nd Edition, with 5 folding plates and numerous other illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf (one joint cracked), with author's inscr. in v. II, 5s 1822 'A complete treatise, including the principles of the science and rules for construction, many of which apply to civil as well as military works.' Col. Vetch, R.E. 13003 OBSERVATIONS on LIMES, CALCAREOUS CEMENTS, MORTARS, STUCCOS, and CONCRETE, and on PUZZOLANAS, Natural and Artificial, with Rules deduced from numerous Experiments for making an ARTIFICIAL WATER CEMENT, equal to the best Natural Cements of England, improperly termed Roman Cements, and Abstracts of Opinions of former Authors, with woodcuts, 8vo. cl., uncut (cover damaged), 6s Qd 1838 It contains several discoveries, the lesult of experiments at Chatham, and led at once to the manufacture in large quantities of artificial cements, such as Portland, patent lithic, and blue lias.' D. N. V. 13004 RULES, chiefly deduced from Experiment, for Conducting the PRACTICAL OPERATIONS of a SlEGE, with numerous woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. unbound (scarce), 8s 6d Chatham, 1829-32 ' Still an authority, and the best text-book at the time that had been written in any language on that subject. Every operation of the siege was treated as a separate study, and it exposed various mistakes into which French and German authors had fallen.' Cut. Vetch, R.E. 13005 PASSOT (Felix) TURBINE PASSOT, NOUVELLE ROUE HYDRAULIQUE approuvee par 1' Academic Royale des Sciences, sur le Rapport de MM. Arago et Coriolis Rapporteur ; Exposition de son Principe et de ses Proprietes ; with 2 plates, 4to. (pp. 59), sewn (very scarce), l'2s 6d 1839 The author claims to have invented a turbine on a new principle, superior to that of Benoit Fourneyron ' puisqu'il peut rejeter le f.uide avec une vitesse presque nulle, et sans qu'il y ait de perte sensible de force vive dans I'interieur ' ifi. G. HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 651 13006 PASSON (Max) KLEINES HANDWORTERBUCH der AGRIKULTURCHEMIE ; with 305 illustra- tions, 2 vols. large 8vo. sewn, 12s (p. M. 22) , Leipzig, 1910 13007 PASTEUR (Louis, de VInstitut; F.R.S.) ETUDES sur la BIERE : ses Maladies, Causes qui les provoquent, Precede pour la rendre inalterable ; avec une THEORIE nouvelle de la FERMENTA- TION ; with 12 plates, and 85 woodcuts, 8vo. new hf. brown calf gilt (fine copy] ; SCARCE, 2. 5s 1876 13008 ANOTHER COPY, newly and handsomely bound in hf. polished crimson morocco gilt, art- linen sides, uncut, t. e. g. (FINE COPY), 2. 10s The only edition published of this important work, which created the chemistry and bacteriology of brewing. It contains Pasteur's theory of vital fermentation, which has now quite superseded the contact theory of Berzelius and Mitscherlich, as well as the mechanical one of Liebig. 13009 STUDIES on FERMENTATION: the DISEASES of BEER, their Causes, and the Means of preventing them, translated, with Notes, Index, and original Illustrations, by FRANK FAULKNER and D. CONSTABLE ROBB, with 12 plates and 85 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 16s Qd 1879 The authorized translation of the ' fitudes sur la Biere,' containing many notes and additions by the editors. 13010 ETUDES sur la MALADIE des VERS a SOIE : Moyen Pratique Assure de la combattre et d'en prevenir le Retour ; with numerous plates (many COLOURED), and other illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. in I, newly and handsomely bound in hf. polished crimson morocco gilt, art-linen sides, uncut* t. e. g. (FINE COPY) ; SCARCE, 2. 12s Qd 1870 13011 TOME I ei : La PEBRINE et la FLACHERIE ; with numerous plates (many coloured), and other illustrations, large 8vo. sewn, 1. Is 1870 13012 ETUDES sur le VIN: ses Maladies, Causes qui les provoquent, PROCEDES NOUVEAUX peni- le CONSERVE Ret leviElLLCR, 2 [DERNIERE] EDITION, re vue et augmentee ; with 32 fine COLOURED PLATES and 25 woodcuts, large 8vo. newly and handsomely bound in hf. polished crimson morocco gilt, art-linen sides, uncut, t. e. q. (VERY SCARCE), 3. 15s 1875 This important work describes the author's discovery of preserving wine by heating it to 45 50 C. This process of partial sterilization, now known as Pasteurization, was afterwards employed by its inventor in connexion with wine, beer, milk, cream, etc. 13013 : FRANKLAND (Percy Faraday, F.R.S., Univ. Birmingham, and Grace C.) PASTEUR, with 2 portraits andfs. letter, cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 3s Qd 1898 13014: [VALLERY-RADOT (Rene)j M. PASTEUR: Histoire d'un Savant par un Ignorant, 9* Edition, augmentee d'un Chapitre sur la RAGE, cr. 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd s. d. 13015 : [ ] Louis PASTEUR : his LIFE and LABOURS, by his SON-IN-LAW, translated by LADY CLAUD HAMILTON [with Preface (pp. 32) by JOHN TYNDALL, F.R.S.], cr. 8vo. cl. (scarce), 7s Qd 1885 13016 PATE (Capitaine Edouard) NOTICE sur la PLANCHETTE PHOTOGRAPHIQUE de M. AUGUSTE CHEVALLIER, avec 1'Indication des Methodes connues de Topographic qui s'appliquent a cet Appareil ; with photo-frontispiece, and 2 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 31), sewn (scarce), 4s Qd 1862 The photographic camera applied to surveying. 13017 PATENT JOURNAL (The), and INVENTORS' MAGAZINE, edited by CHARLES BARLOW, and PHILIP LE CAPELAIN, VOLS. I and II (from May 30, 1846 to May 22, 1847), with 2 folding plates, and numerous woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, and cl., Is 6d [1846-7] 13018 PATENTS : INDEX of all PATENTS GRANTED in ENGLAND, from 1815 to 1845 inclusive : an Appendix to the General Index of the Repertory of Arts etc., 8vo. cl., 5s 1849 13019 PATEBSON (James, F.G.S.) NOTES on the LITHOLOGY of GAS COALS, with List of Com- mercial Analyses [3rd Edition], impl. 8vo. cl. boards, 2s 1887 13020 PATHWAY (The) to KNOWLEDGE, conteyning certaine briefe TABLES of ENGLISH WAIGHTS, and MEASURES, with the proportions, kindes, and numbers belonging properly onto the same. How to CAST ACCOMPT with Counters, and with Pen, both in whole and broken numbers. With the Rules of the Cossicke, Surd, Binomicall, and Residuall Numbers, and the Rule of Equation, or of ALGEBERE, with diners examples for the working of the same. W hereunto is annexed a most excellent Inuention of JULIUS CAESAR PATAVINUS, for the buying and selling of all kinde of Marchandise. And lastly the ORDER of KEEPING of a MARCHANTS BOOKE, after the ITALIAN MANNER, by Debitor and Creditor, with an Instruction to lead you to the same. . . . Written in Dutch and now translated into English, by W. P., printed in Marft letter, with diagrams and woodcut ornaments, sm. 4to. unbound (title torn and soiled, and some II. soiled and water-stained, but a LARGE AND PERFECT COPY) ; excessively rare, 8. 15s printed for William Barley, and are, to be sold at his shop at the upper end of Gratious street, 159H A work of great rarity, no copy of which has been sold at auction during the last 25 years ; nor is it included in the British Museum Catalogue of Early English Books. It consists of signatures A and H in fours, and one sheet in sixes between signatures 36 and Q. It is also one of the earliest English works on bookkeeping. 'This work has escaped the notice of Ames, and was perhaps confounded with the geometrical work of the same name by Recorde [. No. 3JU1 ante]. The English translator's preface, giving an account of the existing weights and measures, is the most complete thing there is of the day.' Prof, de Morgan. 13021 PATTERSON (Thomas Stewart), and Elizabeth Findlay STEVENSON : The IN- FLUENCE of SOLVENTS on the ROTATION of OPTICALLY ACTIVE COMPOUNDS. Part XVI. The Relationship between the Chemical Constitution and the Influence of a Solvent, ivith diagrams. 8vo. (pp. 19), sewn, Is Qd 1910 13022 PAUL (Benjamin Horatio; F.C.S.) On LIQUID FUEL [with SUPPLEMENT], 8vo. (pp. 36), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s Qd 1868 Interesting as an early anticipation of the use of petroleum instead of coal for use in steam vessels. 13023 REPORT of the RESULTS of .PHYSICAL and CHEMICAL INVESTIGATION, and of the Applications of Physics, and Chemistry in the Arts, with diagram, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd 1856 13024 PAZIENTI (Antonio) CONSIDERAZIONI GENERALI intorno alia TERMODINAMICA, 3 parts impl. 4to. (pp. 34), sewn, 2s Qd s. I., 1869-77 652 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43. PICCADILLY, W. 13025 [PAULIAN (Aime Henri, s.j., Univ. Avignon}'] L'ELECTRICITE SOUMISE a un NOUVEL EXAMEN, dans differentes Lettres adressees a M. 1'ABBE NOLLET, et dans quelques Questions de Physique, presentees sous la Forme Scholastique ; le tout, selon une THEORIE NOUVELLE, appuyee sur les EXPERIENCES les plus INCONTESTABLES, par PAuteurdu Dictionnaire de Physique ; with 2 folding copperplates, 12mo. hf. calf (RKK&), 17* Gd Avignon, 176S An electrical treatise ' sous la Forme Scholastique ' would have tickled Father Tyrrell, ejnsdcm Socirtaiis. It is a very interesting work, full of original observations. In one on page 94 the author anticipates the electromagnetic theory of light : ' Le feu, la lumiere et 1'electricite dependent du meme principe, et ne sont que trois modificatk ns differentes du mome etre.' 13026 PAULSEN (Adam ; Danish Meteorological Inst.) COMMUNICATIONS de 1'OBSERVATOIRE MAGNETIQUE de COPENHAGUE ; with 2 illustrations, Svo. (pp. 68), sewn, 2s Copenhague, 1892 13027 Sur la NATURE et 1'ORIGINE de 1'AuRORE BOREALE, Svo. (pp. 23), sewn, with inscr. to Sir Edward Thorpe, F.E.S., 2s Qd ibidem, 1894 Containing the author's theory of the aurora borealis, which is based on the properties of cathode rays. He estimated its height at from * to 45 miles. 13028 PERTURBATION MAGNETIQUE des 13 et 14 Fevrier 1892 ; with folding plate, Svo. (pp. 3), sewn, Is ibidem, 1892 13029 REGIME MAGNETIQUE de I'!LE de BORNHOLM, 8vo. (pp. 42), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Thorpe, F.E.S., 2s ib., 1896 13030 PAVY (Frederick William, M.D., F.R.S. ; First Chairman of the International Congress of Medicine) The PHYSIOLOGY of the CARBOHYDRATES : their Application as Food and Relation to DIABETES, with numerous photo-engravings ofmicrophotographs, roy. Svo. cl., with author's inscr., 5s (p. 10s6d) 1894 13031 The PHYSIOLOGY of the CARBOHYDRATES : an EPICRITICISM. cr. 8vo. cL, 2s (p. 3* 6d) 1895 ' Pavy was the last survivor of a line of d^tinguished physician-chemists who did much to lay the foundations and advance the study of metabolic disorders. He made the study of carbohydrate metabolism the work of his life, and he was the founder of the modern theory of diabetes. In this connexion his name was associated with many practical im- provements in clinical and practical medicine, and ' Pavy's Test ' for sugar and his use of sugar tests and albumen tests in the solid form have made his name familiar to physicians throughout th^ world.' Prof. d'Arcji Power. 13032 PAYEN (Anselme ; de VInstitvt) COURS de CHIMIE ELEMENTAIRE et INDURTRIELLE ; with 3 folding plates, 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf, with bookplate of Henry B. H. Beaufoy, F.R.S. , 5s 1832-3 13033 PRECIS de CHIMIE INDUSTRIELLE a 1'Usage des 'Ecoles Preparatoires aux Professions Industrielles et des Fabricants ; with 29 folding plates, besides woodcuts, 2 vols. Svo. in 1, hf. calf neat, 3s Qd 1849 The author was the first to convert starch into dextrine by u?ing a weak solution of nitric acid, and the first to recommend animal charcoal co purify drinking water and to absorb lime in solutions. He also invented the decolorimeter to measure the decolourising power of animal charcoal. 13034 PEABODY (Cecil Hobart, Mass. Inst. Technology) PROPELLERS, with 29 diagrams, 8vo. r?., 3s Qd (p. 5s Qd nett) New York, 1912 ' Giving a reliable and convenient method of designing propellers, based on model experiments, and free from theoretical intricacies and uncertainties.' Preface. 13035 THERMODYNAMICS of the STEAM ENGINE, and other Heat Engines, 4th Edition, rewritten, with 97 woodcuts, Svo. cL, 10s Qd (p. 1. Is nett) 190fi 13036 PEACOCK (Daniel Mitford, pr.. Trinity Coll., Cantab'.) COMPARATIVE VIEW of the PRINCIPLES of the FLUXIONAL and DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. Svo. (pp. 95), sewn (scarce), 5s Cambridge, 1819 A defence of the fluxional notation against the attempts of Dean Peacock, Sir J. F. W. Herschel, and Charles Babbage (qq. v. ante) to introduce the differential notation. 13037 SYSTEM of PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, with diagrams, Svo. boards, with auto, of Prof. Hilary Bauerman, 3s ibidem, 1817 13038 [PEACOCK (George, Lowndean Prof. Astronomy, Cantab., F.R.S., DeanofEly)~\ ARITHMETIC, with Opiates of Chinese, Egyptian, Mexican, and other numerals, 4to. (pp. 154), unbound, 5s [1826] 13039 ANOTHER COPY, hf. cL, uncut, Qs Qd ' A most valuable article.' Prof, de Morgan. The first 114 pp. contain a valuable history of arithmetic, a work of authority, often quoted by historians of mathematics. All Cambridge men should find his great memorial in his noble restoration of Ely Cathedral. 13040 PEACOCK (James, F.R.S.) SKETCHES and DESCRIPTIONS of THREE SIMPLE INSTRUMENTS for DRAWING ARCHITECTURE and MACHINERY in PERSPECTIVE, with 2 folding plates, 4to. (p. 6), sewn, Qs Qd 1785 Together with : Account of some Experiments on the Loss of Weight in Bodies on being melted or heated, by GEOEGE FORPYCE, M.D., F.RS. (pp. 5), and Experiments on Air, by HENRY CAVENDISH, F.R.S. (pp. 13), with plate. Cavendish's memoir is especially valuable, as it contains the important discovery that the electric spark discharged through moist air produces nitric acid a fart only recently utilised for the production of artificial manure. 13041 PEANO (Giuseppe, Univ. Turin) ARITMETICA GENERALE ed ALGEBRA ELEMENTARE, roy. 8vo. sewn. Is Qd Torino, 1902 13042 PECKSTON (Thomas Snowdon, C.E., Chartered Gas-Light and Coke Co., 'Peter Street, West- minster) The THEORY and PRACTICE of GAS-LIGHTING, with an Historical Sketch, and the Theories of Light, Combustion, and the Formation of Coal, with Descriptions of the most approved Apparatus for Generating, Collecting, and Distributing Coal-Gas for Illuminating Purposes, first edition, with 14 plates, Svo. new hf. calf gilt, with inscr. 'From the Author {Admiral Sir] V\purtenay\ Boyle ' [dedicatee], and auto, of Edward Solly, F.R.S., on title (scarce), 12s Qd 1819 13043 SECOND EDITION, adapted to the present State of the Science, with entirely new Treatise on the ECONOMY of the GASES, procured for Illuminating Purposes, from OIL, TURF, etc., 14 plate*. Svo. original boards, uncut (fresh copy), 7s Qd 1823 13044 THIRD [LAST] EDITION [greatly enlarged, and] adapted to the present Improved State of the Manufacture of Gas, with 22 plates (foxed), thick Svo. cl. (cover soiled), Qs Qd 1841 Next to MimrocK (v. Nos. 12294-7, ante) and ACCUM (v. Nos. 5629-30 and 5632-4, ante), the earliest English work on gas- lighting. According to the preface the author planned and executed the gas woiks at Southampton, Dublin, Newport (I. W.), Portsea, Brentford, and Dudley. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 653- 13046 PEARSON (Q-eorge, M.D., F.R.S. ; early vaccinator) WORKS, as under, with 6 folding copper- plates, 8 parts 4to. in 1 vol. old hf. calf (back rubbed), 1. 12s Qd 1768-1800 CONTENTS: I. The Substance of Nine Lectures on Vegetation and Agriculture, by WILLIAM CULLEN, M.D. ; F.R.S., with a few Notes by George Pearson (pp. 41), 1768 : II. Experiments and Observations tending to show the Composition of Urinary Concretions (pp. 34), 'f7 : III. Experiments and Observations to ascertain the Nature of the Gaz [sic] pro- duced by passing Electric Discharges through Water, with plate (pp. 17), '96 : IV. Observations on some ancient Metallic Anns and Utensils ; with Experiments to determine their Composition, with 2 plates (pp. 57), 1800 : V. Experiments and Observations to investigate the Nature of a kind of Steel manufactured at Bombay, called Wootz (pp. 25), 1795 : VI. Observation and Experiments on a Wax-like Substance, resembling the Pe-la of the Chinese (pp. 21), '94: VII. Ex- periments made with a View of Decompounding Fixed Air, or Carbonic Acid (pp. 22), '92 : VIII. Memoire sur le Phosphate de Soude cristallise en Rhombe (pp. 4), '88. The above copy belonged to Henry Bower, K.S.A., who has added a pedigree. All the pamphlets bear presentation inscriptions, mostly to the author's uncle GEORGE PEARSON, as well as a few MS. corrections and notes by the author. According to D. N. B. No. VII is 'among his most important chemical papers, and led him to the discovery of calcium phosphide ', while No. V is termed ' an excellent account of the properties of iron and steel ' ; and No. II mentioned as ' including a description of Uric Acid, a term invented by Pearson ', which should endear him to the modern well-to-dO' world. 13047 EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS to investigate the COMPOSITION of JAMES'S POWDER, 4to. (pp. 51), sewn, 4* 1791 ' James's Powder ' was chiefly oxide of antimony, and had a long patent medicine career as a fever powder, in which it had many cures and many victims, among the latter being Oliver Goldsmith. It was first compounded as a secret medicine by a* Dr. Robert James, an acquaintance of Dr. Johnson's, and grandfather of G. P. R. James. Added is : An Account of some Chemical Experiments on Tabasheer, by JAMES Louis MACIE (pp. 21). 13048 OBSERVATIONS and EXPERIMENTS on a WAX-LIKE SUBSTANCE resembling the PE-LA of the CHINESE, collected at Madras by DR. ANDERSON, and called by him WHITE LAC, 4to. (pp. 19), sewn, 35 6d 1794 13049 PEARSON (James, F.R.A.S., Vicar of Fleetwood) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the TIDES, based on that of SIR J. W. LUBBOCK, F.R.S. , with NEWLY-DEVISED METHOD of COMPUTATION of the Heights of HIGH WATER at LIVERPOOL, with Factors for other Ports, and Tables adopted by the Admiralty, with plates, roy. 8vo. cl. (scarce), 4s 1881 13050 [ ] The ELEMENTS of the CALCULUS of FINITE DIFFERENCES, treated on the METHOD of SEPARATION of SYMBOLS, 8vo. hf. cl. (scarce), with bookplate of William Spottisiuoode, P.R.S., 55 Cambridge, 1849 13051 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, 4s 13052 SECOND EDITION, enlarged, 8vo. hf. cl., 7s Qd ibidem, 1850 13053 PEARSON (Karl; Galton Prof. Eugenics, Univ. London; biographer of Sir Francis Galton ; F.R.S.) The GRAMMAR of SCIENCE, with 25 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl. (scarce), 5s 1892 Comprising : Facts of Science ; Scientific Law ; Cause and Effect ; Probability ; Space and Time ; Geometry of Motion ;. Matter ; Laws of Motion ; Life ; and Classification of Sciences. 13054 MATHEMATICAL CONTRIBUTIONS to the THEORY of EVOLUTION : VII : On the CORRE- LATION of CHARACTERS not Quantitatively Measurable, 4to. (pp. 47), sewn, 2s 1900' 13055 , and Alice LEE : MATHEMATICAL CONTRIBUTIONS to the THEORY of EVOLUTION : VIII : On the INHERITANCE of CHARACTERS not capable of Exact Quantitative Measurement, roy. 4to. (pp. 72), sewn, 35 1900 13056 : On the VIBRATIONS in the FIELD round a THEORETICAL HERTZIAN OSCILLATOR, with 7 plates, besides diagrams, roy. 4to. (pp. 30), sewn, 35 1899 13057 PEARSON (R. West, of Manchester] On the DETERMINATION of BISMUTH by WEIGHT and by VOLUME, 8vo. (pp. 11), seivn, Is Qd 1856- 13058 PEARSON (William, pr., F.R.S.) INTRODUCTION to PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY, VOL. I : contain- ing TABLES, recently computed, for facilitating the Reduction of Celestial Observations, and a Popular Explanation of their Construction aud Use, roy. 4to. hf. calf, 6s Qd 1824 ' For this publication, styled by Sir John Herschel ' one of the most important and extensive works on that subject which has ever issued from the press ', he received the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society'. D. N. B. He was at first Rector of the tiny parish of Perivale, near Baling, and owner of one of the great private schools which played so great a part in the higher education of the time, that at Temple Grove, East Sheen, and set up an observatory there ; and was the chief founder of the Royal Astronomical Society. 13059 PECKHAM (Stephen Farnum, Special Agent, U.S. Census) REPORT on the PRODUCTION, TECHNOLOGY, and USES of PETROLEUM and its PRODUCTS, with front., 11 maps and charts, and 30 plates (several folding), roy. 4to. sewn, Is Qd Washington, Govt. Printing Office, 1885 13060 PECLET (Jean Claude Eugene) TRAITE de I'ECLAIRAGE ; with 10 folding plates, post 8vo- hf. calf (scarce), 8s Qd 1827 This work contains the first theoretical investigation on the illuminating power and oil consumption of lamps, as well as the first analyses of illuminating gases. The author also states in it the relation between length and breadth of the wick and chimney of a lamp and its illuminating effect. 13061 PEDLER(Sir Alexander; F.R.S.) ANNUAL ADDRESS to the ASIATIC SOCIETY of BENGAL, 5th Feb., 1896, 8vo. (pp. 77), sewn, with author's inscr., Is Qd Calcutta, 1896 13062 On the VOLATILITY of some of the COMPOUNDS of MERCURY, and of the Metal itself, roy. 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, with inscr. to Sir E. Thorpe, F.R.S., Is Qd ibidem, 1889 13063 , and C. J. H. WARDEN : On the NATURE and Toxic PRINCIPLE of the AROIDE.E, roy. 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Qd ib. t 1888 13064 PELIGOT (Eugene Melchior, de VInstitut; discoverer of uranium) Le VERRE: son Histoire, sa Fabrication ; with 75 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, Qs Qd (p. F. 14 nett) 1877 13065 ANOTHER COPY, cl. extra, a. e., Is Qd Including interesting historical chapters. 13066 PELLET (A. E.) THESE sur la THEORIE des EQUATIONS ALGEBRIQUES. sur la THEORIE des SURFACES, 4to. (pp. 50), sewn, 35 Clermont-Ferrand, 1878 13067 PELLET (Henri), et A. ALLART: ANALYSE des FONTES; with woodcut, 12mo. (pp. 16), sewn, \s \_Braine-le-Comte, 1877]; 654 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13069 PEDEBSEN(Carl)pOSAGEdePETITESQUANTITESd'ARSENICdanslesMATIERESORGANIQUES, specialement dans la Biere et dans le Mont ; with woodcut, Svo. (pp. 25), sewn, with inscr. to Sir Edward Thorpe, F.R.S., Is Qd [Copenhague,] 1902 13070 PEIR.CE (Benjamin, Harvard Univ.) The LATITUDE of the CAMBRIDGE OBSERVATORY, in MASSACHUSETTS, determined from Transits of Stars over the Prime Vertical, observed 1844-5 by W. C. BOND, J. D. GRAHAM, and G. P. BOND, 4to. (pp. 21), hf. calf, with inscr. as below, 5s [Cambridge, Mass., c. 1845] 'Captain Simmons, Royal Engineers, with the respects of Major J. D. Graham, U.S. Top. Engineers'. This was to Field-Marshal Sir John Linton Arabia Simmons, then employed on his first billet on the boundary commission to delimit the Canadian and New England frontier. 1 3071 PEIRCE( Benjamin Osgood, Harvard Univ.) The CONCEPTION of the DERIVATIVE of a SCALAR POINT FUNCTION with Respect to another similar Function, roy. 8vo. (pp. 14), sewn, Is Qd [Boston, Mass.,] 1910 13072 - - The DAMPING of the OSCILLATIONS of SWINGING BODIES by the RESISTANCE of the AIR, with 4 plates, roy. 8vo. (pp. 26), sewn, 2s [ibidem,] 1908 13073 The EFFECT of LEAKAGE at the EDGES on the Temperatures within a Homogeneous Lamina through which Heat is being conducted, 2 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, is [ib.,] 1910 13074 The EFFECTS of SUDDEN CHANGES in the INDUCTANCES of ELECTRIC CIRCUITS as illus- trative of the Absence of Magnetic Lag and of the v. WALTENHOFEN PHENOMENON in finely Divided Cores, with plate and diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 45), sewn, 2s [ib.,] 191 1 13075 The MAGNETIC PERMEABILITIES at Low EXCITATIONS of Two Kinds of very Pure Soft Iron, roy. 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is [ib.,] 1910 13076 The MAGNITUDE of an ERROR which sometimes affects the Results of MAGNETIC TESTS on Iron and Steel Rings, with diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn, Is [ib.,] 1910 13077 The RESISTIVITY of HARDENED CAST IRON as a Measure of its Temper and of its Fitness for Use in Permanent Magnets, with plate and 1 diagrams, roy. Svo. (pp. 20), sewn, Is (\d [ib.,] 1910 13078 The THEORY of BALLISTIC GALVANOMETERS of LONG PERIOD, with plate and diagrams, roy. Svo. (pp. 32), sewn, 2s [ib.,] 1909 13079 PELETIEB [Latine PELETARIUS] (Jacques) In EUCLIDIS ELEMENTA GEOMETRICA DE- MONSTRATIONUM Libri VI; with engraved title, and numerous diagiams, folio, old vellum (binding mended, text browned, and blank margins wormed) ; rare, WITH AUTO. OF ALFONSO BORELLI, 10 6d Lugduni, Joan. Tornwsius et Gul. Gazeius, 1557 ' II ne s'est pas contente d'interpreter Euclide, il 1'a parfois corrige heureusement.' Diogr. Gen. This work also originated the famous controversy with Clavius on the angle of contingency, a full account of which may be found in Prof. Cantor's Vorlesungen ilb. Gesch. d. Math., Vol. II. 13080 De OCCULT A PARTE NUMERORUM, quam ALGEBRAM vocant, Libri duo ; with device of the fat hen on title, and numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. contemporary limp vellum (lower blank margin wormed, but a large copy), with MS. notes in a contemporary hand (RARE), 1. 5s Parisiis, G. Cavellat, 1560 1 This is said to be the first French wo:k on algebra. At end is a table of squares and cubes up to those of 140.' Prof, ile Morgan. 1 A very ingenious and masterly composition, treating in an able manner of the several parts of the subject then known, excepting the cubic equations. But his real discoveries, or improvements, may be reduced to these three, viz. I. That the root of an equation is one of the divisors of the absolute term. II. He taught how to reduce trinomials to simp'e terms, by multiplying them by compound factors. III. He taught curious precepts and properties concerning square and cube numbers, and the method of constructing a series of each by addition only, namely by adding successively their several orders of differences.' Dr. Hutton's Tracts, where a full account of the work may be found in Vol. II, pp. 245-9. 13081 PELLETIER (Bertrand, de VInstitut) MEMOIRES et OBSERVATIONS de CHIMIE, recueillis et mis en Ordre par CHARLES PELLETIER et L. P. E. A. SEDILLOT; with portrait, and 5 folding copperplates, 2 vols. Svo. sound copy in contemporary bf. calf gilt (RARE), 16s 8d 1798 The above volumes contain practically ail the author's writings. He was a zealous adherent of Lavoisier, and is best known for having first prepared pure phosphuretted hydrogen, and a number of phosphor metals. 'II fit bien connaitre la formation de 1'acide muriatique oxygeue, et ses belles recherches sur le phosphore et les phosphures metalliques contribuerent beajucoup aux progrcs de la science.' Biogr. Gen. 13082 PELOTJZE (Edmond) ART du BRIQUETIER, CHAUFOURNIER, et CHARBONNIER, comprenantla FABRICATION du VINAIGRE de Bois, premiere Edition; with 4 folding plates, 12mo. hf. calf (damaged), with bookplate of Henry B. H. Beaufoy, F.R.S., 5s 13083 PELOUZE (Theophile Jules), et Edmond FREMY, Membres dc VInslitut: TRAITE de CHIMIE Generate, Analytique, Industrielle, et Agricole, 3 e [derniere] Edition, entitlement refondue, TOME VI e : CHIMIE ORGANIQUE, III ; with woodcuts, thick roy. Svo. boards, 3s Gd 1864 13034 PELTIER (Jean Charles Athanase) MEMOIRE sur les DIVERSES ESPECES de BROUILLARDS, 4to. (pp. 25), sewn, with auto, and MS. notes by Dr. T. L. Phipson, F.C.S., 5s < Bruxelles, 1842 Added is: 'Lettrede M. Peltier adressee u I'Academie Royale de Bruxelles' (pp. o), Svo., referring to the above memoir, which is important in connexion with the Theory of Thunderstorms. It was awarded the prize of the Brussels Academy. The writer was the author of the Peltier Effect, by which he demonstrated that a galvanic current may have cooling as well as heating effects. 13085 PEMBERTON (Henry, M.D., F.R.S.), A SCHEME for a COURSE of CHYMISTRY, to be performed by, Svo. (pp. 15), sewn, 3s Qd [1731] 13086 A VIEW of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PHILOSOPHY v. NEWTONIANA, Nos. 12617-20, ante. 13087 PENDLETON (John) OUR RAILWAYS : their Origin, Development, Incident, and Romance, with folding front, of Friths ' RaUwaii Station' and numerous other illustrations, 2 vols. Svo. hf. calf, 6s (p. 1. 4s) 1894 13088 PENDULUM OBSERVATIONS : TABLE of PROVISIONAL EQUATORIAL VIBRATION- NUMBERS of PENDULUMS used differentially since 1800, with a Synopsis of PENDULUM OBSERV- ATIONS, 1672-1874, roy. 4to. (pp. 22), sewn, 3s 6d Calcutta, 1879 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 655 13090 PEMBLE (William;/>r., Magdalen Hall, Oxon.] A BRIEFE INTRODUCTION to GEOGRAPHY, containing a Description of the Grounds, and Generall Part thereof , very necessary to young Students in that Science, first edition, with woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 4to. (pp. 50), unbound (table and last 5 II. badly defective, also waterstained) ; RARE, 10s 60? Oxford, John Lich field for Edward Forrest, 1330 First edition of this early University text-book on physical geography, which was often reprinted. It is interesting for still advocating the Ptolemean astronomy : 'The earth resteth immovable in the midth of the whole world' (p. 12). Eight pages are devoted to ' proving ' this argument. 13091 PENGELLY (William ; F.R.S.) The LIGNITES and CLAYS of BOVEY TRACEY, DEVONSHIRE, with portrait (inserted), 2 plates, and coloured map (pp. 20) : Heer (Oswald) On the FOSSIL FLORA of BOVEY TRACEY, with 17 tinted lithographs (pp. 48), 2 vols. 4to. in 1, cl., 10s Qd [1862] * Pensellv's reputation rests especially on three arduous tasks of scientific exploration undertaken in Devonshire : the y Heathfield ' ], that of Brixham Cave, and that of were secured ; these were afterwards examined by but at present they are more generally assigned to the middle eocene.' D. N. B. 13092 PENNA (Girolamo, Bolognese) I PRIMI ELEMENTI dell' AGRIMENSURA ; with etched title, and 9 plates (some folding), Bologna, 1643: MISURA de' CORPI MISTI con sue Gravitk, della Forma del p : Deposito fabricate di Marmo, Ferro, e Piombo ; with engraved title and foldina plate, s. 1. ed a. (slightly wormed) 2 vols. folio in 1, old limp Italian vellum, 10s 6d Bologna, 1643 ' Raro. ' Riccardi. 13093 PENNING (W. Henry, F.G.S.) FIELD GEOLOGY ; with Section on PALAEONTOLOGY by A. J. JUKES-BROWNE, F.G.S., with coloured front., and 23 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 6s) [18761 13094 PENNY (Frederick, F.C.S., Univ. Glasgow) On the COMPOSITION and PHOSPHORESCENCE of PLATE-SULPHATE of POTASH, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is 6d 1855 13095 On the ESTIMATION of IODINE, 8vo. (pp. 4), unbound, with inscr. to Allen Thomson, F.R.S., Is 6rf [1852] 13096 REPORT on the EXPERIMENTAL OPERATIONS at LOCH KATRINE, 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn, IsQd 1855 Investigations on the chemical action of water on lead piping, of vital importance where a drinking-water supply is derived fro/n a catchment area of peat. 13097 On the VALUATION and COMPOSITION of PROTOCHLORIDE of TIN, 8vo. (pp. 12), unbound, Is 6d [1851] 13098 , and William WALLACE : NOTICE on CHLORIDE of ARSENIC, 8vo. (pp. 6), unbound, with inscr. to Allen Thomson, F.R.S., Is Qd [1852] 13099 PENNY CYCLOPAEDIA (The) of the SOCIETY for the DIFFUSION of USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, with numerous woodcuts, 27 vols. folio in 12, cl., with bookplate of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 1. Is 1833-44 Charles Knight's 'Penny Cyclopaedia' was an extraordinary production, as he enlisted as contributors a large pro- portion of the very ablest men of the day, a great number of whose articles may be read to advantage still, in addition to their historical interest. Many of its articles on exact science by well-known writers (e.g. Prof. A. de Morgan) have never been reprinted in any other form. 13100 PENROSE (Francis Cranmer, F.R.S., F.R.I. B.A., F.R.A.S. ; Surveyor to St. Paul's) On a METHOD of PREDICTING by GRAPHICAL CONSTRUCTION OCCULTATIONS of STARS by the MOON, and SOLAR ECLIPSES, for any given Place, with more rigorous Methods of Reduction for the accurate Calculation of LONGITUDE ; 2nd Edition, with 4 plates, icy. folio, cl. (p.p.), 8s (p. 12s nett) 1902 The office of architect to St. Paul's Cathedral is only second to the blue ribbon of the profession of Architecture, that of Surveyor to Westminster Abbey, and it is notable that it has so often been combined with proficiency in the exact sciences, and especially astronomy, from Sir Christopher's day until now. 13101 PEPPER (John Henry ; exhibitor of ' Pepper's Ghost') CYCLOPEDIC SCIENCE SIMPLIFIED; with coloured frontispiece and 537 woodcuts (including 1he Ghost), cr. 8vo. cl., g.e., 3s Qd 1869, or, n.d. An interesting popular exposition of physics aid chemistry, including portions of papers by Faraday, Daniel], Wheat- stone, Brewster, Tyndall, etc. etc. 13102 PEPYS (William Hasledine, F.R.S.) On the RESPIRATION of the LEAVES of PLANTS, with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 4), sewn, with inscr. to Richard Phillips, F.R.S., 3s Qd 1843 From his experiments the author concludes that plants do not produce carbon dioxide when the leaf is in health. He used in these experiments the mercury gasometer, which was invented by him. 13103 PERCIVAL (Archibald Stanley, Trinity Coll., Cantab.) OPTICS : a Manual for Students, with 131 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 10s nett) 1899 13104 PERDONNET (Albert Auguste), Gabriel LAME, et Benoit Pierre Emile CLAPEY- RON : NOTICES sur les CHEMINS de FER, 8vo. (pp. 38), sewn (scarce), 6s Qd 1832 One of the very earliest proposals for constructing a general railway system for France. The first and larger part is on their advantages in comparison with canals ; the second on their use for national defence. 13105 PEREGRINUS (Petrus, de Maricourt, in Picardy ; contemporary of Roger Bacon) and his EPISTOLA de MAGNETE, by SILVANUS P. THOMPSON, F.R.S., with fs. from 'Bodleian MS. 7027, roy. 8vo. sewn, Is Qd [1906] 13106 PERING (Richard, Clerk of the Checque of Plymouth Dockyard) TREATISE on the ANCHOR, shewing how the component Parts should be combined to obtain the greatest Power, and most perfect Holding, with a Table of Dimensions, graduated from 1 to 95 Cwt. : and a Schedule of proportionate Weights of Anchors, suitable to the Tonnage of every Class of Vessel, etc., with some Observations on the CHAIN CABLE, shewing the Proportion it bears to that of Hemp, and to the Weight of the Anchor, with 3 folding plates, roy. 8vo. cl., or, sheep (scarce). 10s Qd Plymouth Dock [hodie Devonport], 1819 This work claims to be the first practical treatise on the construction of the anchor. It contains an improved anchor and anchor weight of the author's own invention. There was no copy of the work in the Scott Library. 656 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13108 PERCY (Cornelius McLeod, M.I.M.E., Wigan Mining School) The MECHANICAL ENGINEERING of COLLIERIES (Vol. II 2nd Edition), with 2 steel portraits (duplicated) by W. J. Alais, and numerous plates (mostly folding) , comprising 466 figures, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cl., 12* Qd (p. 1. 18560?) 1882-6 13109 WINDING and OVERWINDING: Descriptions of Winding Engines, Detaching Hooks, and Safety Cages, 3rd Edition enlarged, 8vo. (pp. 26), cL, 2s Wigan, 1880 13110 PERCY (John, M.D., F.R.S.) On the IMPORTANCE of SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE to the PRACTICAL METALLURGIST, 8vo. (pp. 25), sewn, Is Qd 1852 13111 METALLURGY : FUEL, FIRE-CLAYS, COPPER, ZINC, BRASS, etc., with 152 ivoodcuts, 8vo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 15s 1861 The metallurgy of copper, zinc, and brass was not included in the new edition of the work, and never republished in any other form. 13112 : INTRODUCTION, REFRACTORY MATERIALS, and FUEL [2nd] greatly enlarged Edition, with 112 woodcuts, and 9 folding plates, thick 8vo. cl., uncut, 8s Qd (p. 1. 10s) 1875 A new edition of the above work on ' Fuel, Fire-Clays,' etc., but without the metallurgy of copper, zinc, and brass. 13113 : IRON and STEEL, with 223 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., uncut (back of cover slightly damaged) ; SCARCE, 1. 5s 1864 ' The exceedingly important Thomas-Gilchrist process for making Bessemer steel from iron-ores containing phosphorus was an outcome of this work (pp. 815, 818-19, and was discovered by his pupils.' D. N. fi. The work has been out of print for many years, and is now very scarce. It also contains the result of the analysis of a large number of specimens of iron and steel, collected by S. II. Blackwell, and now in the Jermyn Street Museum. 'This classical book is now chiefly valuable for historical reasons, where its usefulness is often unexpectedly advant- ageous, as, for example, in patent litigations.' B. Stoughton. 13114 : LEAD, including DKSILVERIZATION and CUPELLATION, with 155 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., uncut, 8s Qd (p. 1. 10s) 1870 Percy's Metallurgy, although partly superseded, will always remain a work of great value on account of the historical matter which it contains, and is not to be found elsewhere. 13115 NOTE on a CRYSTALLIZED COMPOUND of SESQUIOXIDE of IRON and LIME, Svo. (pp. 3), sewn, Is 1873 13116 PERI (Giovanni Domenico, Genovese) II NEGOTIANTE ; with vignette on titles, 4 vols. 4tp. in 1, contemporary Italian vellum (title slightly soiled and a number of corners stained, otherwise a sound copy), with label ' Biblioteca Riccardi ' (RARE), 1. 5s Venetia, 1672-3 The first complete edition in 4 vols. Vol. Ill is entitled ' I Frutti d' Albaro overo il Negotiante '. ' It is very interesting both for the history of arithmetic and banking.' Libri Catalogue. 13117 PERKIN (Frederick Mollwo; F.I.C.) QUALITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, ORGANIC and INORGANIC, with coloured spectrum plate, and 9 illustrations, Svo. cl., Is Qd 1901 13118 SECOND EDITION [enlarged], with coloured spectrum plate, and 15 illustrations, Svo. cl. (used copy with acid stains), 2s (p. 4s) 1905 13119 PERKIN (Sir William Henry. F.R.S.), JUBILEE of the DISCOVERY of MAUVE, and of the FOUNDATION of the COAL TAR COLOUR INDUSTRY by ; edited by RAPHAEL MELDOLA, F.R.S. , ARTHUR G. GREEN, F.I.C., and JOHN CANNELL CAIN, with 6 fine portraits and 3 plates, irapl. Svo. cl., 4s [1906] There is a possibility that the Aniline Dye industry, the immediate offspring of Sir William Perkiu's discoveries, may now, through the Anglo-Nietzschian War, return to its native land : to the prospering of trade, but the despite of beauty ! 13120 PERKIN (William Henry; F.R.S., Univ. Oxford, son of the above) EXPERIMENTS on the Synthesis of 1 MethylcyclohexyliHene 4 Acetic Acid, Svo. (pp. 11), sewn, Is Qd 1908 13121 , and Frederic Stanley KIPPING ; F.R.S.: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, with 21 woodcuts, cr. Svo. cl., 2s (p. 6s Qd) 1897 or, 1900 13122 NEW EDITION [enlarged and rewritten], 25 illustrations, cr. Svo. cL, 4s (p. 7s Qd) 1902 13123 , Robert ROBINSON, and Maurice Russell TURNER: The SYNTHESIS and CONSTITUTION of certain PYRANOL SALTS related to Brazilein and Hsematein, Svo. (pp. 31), sewn, Is Qd 1908 13124 PERKINS (Jacob; C.E., 'the American Inventor') On the EXPLOSION of STEAM BOILERS: On the EcoNoaiY of using HIGHLY ELASTIC STEAM EXPANSIVELY, etc., with folding plate, Svo. (pp. 18), sewn, with inscr. [to George Ronnie, C.E., F.R.S.} : very scarce, 10s Qd [c. 1840] Containing original experiments. The author found inter alia that he could produce 'highly elastic steam' by injecting heated water into superheated steam. The above pamphlet was unknown to Poggendorff. The author constructed a new steam engine, invented a steam gun, improved the manufacture of welded wrought-iron pipes (named after him), took cut the first patent for an ether ice-machine, and improved the process of steel-engraving (siderography). 13125 PERKINS (Loftus, M.I.C.E. ; pioneer of Cold Storage) On STEAM BOILERS and ENGINES for HIGH PRESSURES, with 1 plates, 8vo. (pp. 41), sewn, 4s 1877 An account of the author's invention of a super-high-pressure engine, with boiler tubes of very small diameter, which could be worked at a very high pressure with a minimum risk of explosion, and with great economy of fuel. But he should be more remarkable now as a successful experimenter with the ammonia method of making cold. 13126 : THREE OFFICIAL REPORTS of RIGID TRIAL TESTS, proving the many Advantages of the PERKINS SYSTEM of ENGINES and BOILERS, as designed for using STEAM at HIGHER PRESSURES, with folding chart, woodcuts, and numerous diagrams, Svo. sewn (scarce), 8s Qd privately printed [ 188 1 ] ' [Sir] F. J. Brain well Esq, [F.R.S.], with Mr. Perkins" Compts.' Inscr. on < Including the Reports of the Running of Perkins's Yacht 'Anthracite', which was constructed in 1880, 'was fitted with engines working with steam at a pressure of 500 Ibs. on the inch, and is probably the smallest ship that ever crossed the Atlantic steaming the entire distance.' D. N. B. 13127 PERMA.N (Edgar Philip, Univ. Coll., Cardiff) VAPOUR-PRESSURE by AIR-BUBBLING, roy. Svo. (pp. 4), sewn, ]* Qd 1905 13128 PERNET (J.) Uber die BESTIMMUNG von ERDTEMPERATUREN nrit THERMOKETTEN ; with folding plate, roy. 4to. (pp. 22), sewn, 3s [St. Petersburg (Petrograd), 1870] HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 651 13130 PEBIGAL (Henry, F.R.A.S.) FIFTEEN PAMPHLETS and BROADSHEETS on GEOMETRICAL SUBJECTS and the LUNAR MOTION CONTROVERSY, 8vo. sewn and unbound, 5s 1846-91 13131 CONTRIBUTIONS to KINEMATICS: CLASSIFICATION of BI-CIRCLOIDS, Curves of Two Curvatures (in the same Plane), the Resultants of Two Circular Movements, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is 64 [1849] 13132 ELLIPSES, with 33 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, Is 6d [1855] 13133 KINEMATIC CURVES, 12 very finely executed plates of curves resulting from 3 circular motions combined, 8vo. sewn, with author's signature, and auto, of Dr. P. M. Roget, F.R.S., 6s n. d 13134 REVOLUTION and ROTATION, with 12 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 8), unbound, 2s [1864 A contribution to the lunar rotation controversy, started by Jelinger Symons, in which the author distinguishes between revolution (attributed to the moon) and rotation. 13135 TURNING FIGURES : six very neatly executed Drawings of elliptical spirals, each signea by the artist, post 8vo. sewn, 3s n. d 13136 PEBBAULT (Claude, M.D., de V Academic Royale des Sciences, et Pierre) OEUVRES DIVERSE? de PHYSIQUE et de MECHANIQUE [avec Eloge de Claude Perrault] ; with fine portrait of Claudt Perrault, and numerous folding plates and smaller engravings on copper, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, old calj (joints cracked, and title to v. II missing], with booklabel of George Rennie, C.E., F.R.S. 8s 6d Leide, 1721 13137 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. old calf gilt (I joint cracked), 10s 6d Containing : Du Ressort et de la Durete des Corps, De la Pesanteur des Corps, De la Circulation de la Seve de Plantes De la Bruit, De la Musique des Anciens, La Mechanique des Animaux, De I'Endurcissement de la Chaux, Experiences sui la Congelation, Lettres a Mariotte, Huygens, etc., Recueil de plusieurs Machines de Xouvelle Invention, L'Origine des Fontaines, etc. etc. 13138 PEBBET (Jean Jacques, coutelier) MEMOIRE sur 1'AciER, dans lequel on traite de$ differentes QUALITES de ce Metal, de la FORGE, du bon EMPLOI, et de la TREMPE ; with folding plate, cr. 8vo. hf. calf (rare), 12s Qd llli ' On lui doit 1'invcntion du rasoir a rabot, et d'un instrument destine a faire la section de la cornee transparente dan; 1'operation de la cataracte. On se servait depuis longtemps pour polir 1'acier d'un precede anglais ; Ferret, desiran soustraire 1'industrie franchise a cette humiliante superiorite, oomposa une potee au inoins egale en qualite a celle d< 1'Angleterre, et 1' Academic des Sciences lui accorda les plus grands eloges.' Biogr. Gen. The above work was awarded the prize of the Societe des Arts de Geneve. 13139 PEBBIEB (Col. Francois; de Vlnstitut, Chef du Service Geodesique) DETERMINATION des LONGITUDES, LATITUDES, et AZIMUTS TERRESTRES en ALGERIE ; with 19 plates and mapi (including 4 fine photochromotypes) , 3 vols. 4to. in 1, hf. roan, cl. sides, 1. 5s (p. F. 60 netl unbound) Imprimerie Nationale, 1877-8( 13140 PEBBONET (Jean Bodolphe, F.R s.) DESCRIPTION des PROJETS et de la CONSTRUCTION des PONTS de NEUILLI, de MANTES, d'ORLEANS, de Louis XVI, etc., avec le Projet du CANAI de BOURGOGNE, pour la Communication des deux Mers par Dijon ; et de celui de la Conduite des Eaux de 1'Goette et de la Bievre k Paris; nouvelle Edition, augmentee des Ponts de Chateau Thierri, de Brunei, de celui projete pour S. Petersbourg, etc., d'un MemoiresurlesCintres, etd'ur autre sur les Eboulements des Terres, etc., thick roy. 4 to. old calf gilt (back rubbed, and Aflat wanting), Qs 6d Didot, 178* The author was celebrated as a builder of the masonry bridges of which France has so many noble examples ; his besi being that described above, which crossed the Seine at Neuilly, and consisted of 5 arches of a length of over 150 feet each 13141 PROJET d'un PONT TRAVEE de CHARPENTE, de 36 Pieds, ouverte a son Sommet, de 1( Pieds de Largeur et sans Clef ; with folding copperplate, 4to. contemporary calf gilt, with book label of George Rennie, C.E., F.R.S., Ws Qd Van II [1794 'Rare.' Que'rard. ' Perronet fut pour les ponts et chaussees un da ces genies createurs dont 1'apparition fait epoqui et qui doanent pour longtemps 1'impulsion.' Biogr. Gen. 13142 PEBBOT (A. M.) NOUVEAU MANUEL COMPLET pour la CONSTRUCTION et le DESSIN dei CARTES GEOGRAPHIQUES : nouvelle Edition, augmented par P. BOURGOIN ; with 148 woodcuts 12mo. sewn. Is Qd 190, 13143 PEBSON (CJharles Cleophas ; Univ. Besancon) Lois GEN^RALES des ACTIONS MOLECULAIRES Analyse et Discussion des principaux Phenomenes Physiologiques et Pathologiques qui s'i rapportent, 4to. (pp. 48), sewn, 3s 6d 184, 13144 PEBSPECTIVE, INSTRUCTION sur la; with folding plate ; INSTRUCTION sur le DEFILEMENT des OUVRAGES de CAMPAGNE, 2 e Edition ; with 3 folding plates in 1 vol. 8vo. (pp. 67), hf. calj 35 1828-31 13145 PESENTI (Cesare) II CEMENTO ARMATO, e la sua Applicazione Pratica: Formole, Tavol< Grafiche, Tabelle Numeriche ed Esempi Pratici pel Calcolo di Costruzioni in Cemento Armato with plates and other illustrations, roy. Svo. sewn, 3s (p. L. 5.50 nett) Milano, 19K The failures of reinforced concrete have yet to be chronicled. 13146 [PESSUTI (Abate Gipacchino)] DESCRIZIONE, MANEGGIO ed Usi del TEODOLITO, Istrumentc piu di qualunque altro Sicuro Spedito ed Universale, with large folding copperplate, Svo. board, (plate water-stained), 5s Roma, 179< 13147 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary hf. calf (sound copy], Qs 13148 OPUSCOLI due all' IDRODINAMICA appartenenti il primo sulla TEORIA delle TROMBI IDRAULICHE, il secondo sulla LEGGE delle VELOCITA dell' ACQUA prorompente da' PICCOLI FOR de' Vasi ; with copperplate, 4to. contemporary hf. roan gilt (fine copy), 105 6d ibidem, 178J 'Sur 1'hydraulique il a laisse des travaux remarquables.' Biogr. Gen., first treatise only is mentioned Neither was known to Riccardi. 13149 RIFLESSIONI ANALITICHE sopra una Lettera dal ABATE CONTE VINCENZO RICCATI ; wit) plate, Svo. sewn, 4* 6d Livorno, 177. The work deals with imaginary numbers. Riccati's letter is included in it. 658 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13151 PERRY (Je von James Muschamp, pr. ; F.R.A.S.) OBSERVATIONS and MEASUREMENTS on DOUBLE STARS, made at St. Paul's Vicarage, Alnwick, with 18" Silvered Glass Reflector, between 1880 and 1884, a Manuscript on 43 11., with 4 original sketches of comets, 4to. hf. bound, 5s [1880-4] 13152 ORIGINAL WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS of JUPITER, 19 well-executed drawings, sketched between 1880 and 1884, with explanatory MS. Notes, in 4to. Album, cl., Ss Qd [1880-4] These drawings are interesting in connexion with the 'Great Red Spot* of Jupiter, which originally suggested them. As in the foregoing work, the author used an IS" silvered reflector, made by With of Hereford for Henry Cooper Key, pr., F.R.A.S., in 1878, which he describes as ' one of the finest 18" mirrors in existence '. 13153 PERRY (Capt. John) ACCOUNT of the STOPPING of DAGGENHAM BREACH, with the Accidents that have attended the same from the first Undertaking, with proper RULES for PERFORMING any the like WORK, and Proposals for rendering the PORTS of DOVER and DUBLIN (which the Author has been employ'd to Survey) commodious for entertaining LARGE SHIPS, with large coloured MS. plan of levels overflowed by the breach, 8vo. old calf (back slightly damaged, and 2 II. in a neat contemporary MS.) ; RARE, 1. 1* 1721 ' This book was bought by Mr. [ROBERT] MYLNE [F.R.S. (1734-1S01)], Surveyor to Blackfriars Bridge, at the sale of Admiral Henry Norris's effects & presented by him to L. Henderson who transfers his title to Mr. [WILLIAM] CHAPMAN [C. E. (1749-1S32]. Dublin, 1792. W. C. to E. W. C.' Inscr. on flyleaf. ' In 1714, tenders being invited to stop the breach in the Thames embankment at Dagenham in Essex, Perry offered to do the work for 25,000. The contract was, however, given to William Boswell, who asked only 16,300. Boswell having found his task impossible, the work was entrusted to Perry in 1715. He completed it successfully in five years' time ; but the expenses so far exceeded anticipation that, though an extra sum or 15,000. was granted to him by parliament, and a sum of 1,000. presented to him by the local gentry, Perry gained no profit by the transaction. He published an account thereof in ' An Account ' etc. (supra).' D. N. B. He had a singularly chequered career. As a commander of the fireship Cygnet he surrendered after a very slight resistance to a French privateer. He was court-martialled for dereliction of duty in not setting fire to his ship before the Frenchmen boarded her, found guilty, and sentenced to a fine of 1,000. and ten years' imprisonment in the Marshalsea. In 1698 he proceeded to Russia, engaged by the TSAR PETER, to superintend the naval and engineering works in that country, to leave fourteen years later afraid for his life after humbly reminding the Great Tsar that he had only paid him one year's salary. Subsequently he embarked upon the above unlucky venture (D. N. B.). 13154 PERRY (John, F.R.S. ; Roy. College of Science) APPLIED MECHANICS: a Treatise for Students who have Time to work Experimental, Numerical, and Graphical Exercises, with 371 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., with booklabel of , and a few MS. notes by, F. J. Jervis-Smith, pr.. F.E.S., and author's auto., 3s Qd 1897 13155 NEW [LATEST] EDITION, enlarged, with 372 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd 1901) 13156 The CALCULUS for ENGINEERS, ivith 106 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 7* Qd) 1897 13157 TENTH IMPRESSION [revised, with Appendix], with ]QQ diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s 6c?[1910] An excellent manual for those who have only an elementary knowledge of algebra and trigonometry. 13158 ENGLAND'S NEGLECT of SCIENCE, 8vo. cl., Is Qd 13159 LONG-DISTANCE TELEPHONY, 8vo. (pp.8), sewn, Is Qd 1893 13160 SPINNING TOPS, with 59 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., Is Qd S.P.C K., 1890 13161 The STEAM ENGINE and GAS and OIL ENGINES: a Book for Students who have Time to make Experiments and Calculations [new Edition, corrected], with 325 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (Is Qd nett) 1904 13162 The TEACHING of MATHEMATICS, with Discussion, before the British Association, Glasgow, 1901, post 8vo. cl. boards, with author's inscr., 2.s Qd 1901 Added are : Remarks, by G. B. MATTHEWS, F.R.S. (pp. 6), and ' The Cultivation of the Mathematical Imagination ', by MARY EVEREST BOOLE, Colchester, n. d. 13163 , J. GRAHAM, and C. W. HEATH : LIQUID FRICTION, with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, with Prof. Perry's inscr., Is Qd [1893] 13164 PERRY (Stephen Joseph, s.j., F.R.S.) REPORT of the OBSERVATIONS of the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE of August 29, 1886, made at the Island of CARRIACOU, with plate and diagram, roy. 4to. (pp. 12), sewn, with author's inscr., \s Qd 1889 13165 PETAU (Denis, Latint Dionysius Petavius, s.J.) URANOLOGION, sive SYSTEMA variorum AUTHORUM, qui de SPH^RA, ac SIDERIBUS, eorumque MOTIBUS Greece commentati sunt: GEMINUS et ACHILLES TATIUS, HIPPARCHUS,PTOLEM.*:US,THEODORUSGAZA,MAXIMUS,ISAACUSARGYRUS, S. ANDREAS CRETENSIS. Omnia vel GR.ECE ac LATINE mine primum edita, vel ante non edita ; accesserunt variarum Dissertationum Libri VIII ; with vignette on title and diagrams, thick roy. folio, old vellum (fine copy) ; RARE, 1. 10* Lutetice Paris., S. Cramoisy, 1630 Dedicated to Cardinal Richelieu, and valuable for first containing some of the authors mentioned in the title. The work was reprinted in Amsterdam, 1703. 'II fut admire de son temps, au point qu'on frappa en son honneur une medaille avec ses mots: Au prince des chronologistes.' Blogr. Gen. 13166 PETERMANN (Andreas, Univ. Leipzig) OPUSCULA MEDICA atque CHIMICA, o4im separatim, mine vero conjunctim edita, eorum Usui apprime inserventia qui Arti huic salubriori noviter se manciparunt ; with portrait, large 12mo. old calf gilt, 4s Lipsiiv, 1750 Nothing appears to be known of the author, who is hot mentioned by Poggendorff, Kopp, and others. 13167 PETERS (Christian August Friedrich ; Sternwarte Altona) NUMERUS CONSTANS NUTATIONIS, ex ASCENSIONIBUS RECTis STELLAE POLARIS, in Specula Dorpatensi Annis 1822 ad 1838 Observatis deductus ; adjecta est Disquisitio Theoretica de FORMULA NUTATIONIS, 4to. (pp. 103), sewn, 5s St.-Pttersbourg [Petrograd] , 184* 13168 PETERS (Christian Heinrich Friedrich; Director of the Observatory, Clinton, N.Y.) FLAMSTEED'S STARS 'OBSERVED, but not EXISTING', 4to. (pp. 15), seu-n, Is Qd [Washington,'] 1885 13169 RESULTATE aus PENDELBEOBACHTUNGEN. I. und III. ABTHEILUNG : BESTIMMUNG der Liinge des einfachen Sekundenpendels in Altona und Konigsberg, 2 parts 4to. (pp. 25), sewn. 3s \_Kiel, 1880-1] HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 659 13171 PETETIN (Jacques Henri Desire, M.D.) NOUVEAU MECANISME de I'ELECTRICITE, fonde sur les Lois de 1'Equilibre et du Mouvement, demontre par des EXPERIENCES qui RENVERSENT le SYSTEME de I'LLECTRICITE POSITIVE et NEGATIVE ; et qui etablissent ses Rapports avec le Mecanisme Cache de, 1'AiMANT, dont il explique les principaux Phenomenes : et 1'heureuse Influence du Fluide Electrique dans le Traitement des Maladies Nerveuses; with 10 folding plates, 8vo. sewn, 8s Qd Lyon, An 10 [1802] Interesting for giving experiments to trace the connexion between electricity and magnetism. 13172 PETIT (Emma Gentille) PLAYING at SCIENCE [in Verse] : Recollections of a Course of Lectures on Geology, Astronomy, etc., given by the Rector of St. Michael's, Lichfield, 3 parts 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd privately printed, 1876-9 Lichfield scientific poetry almost suggesting a reincarnation of Erasmus Darwin. 13173 PETIT (Robert) How to BUILD an AEROPLANE ; translated by T. O'B. HUBBARD and J. H. LEDEBOER, 2nd Edition, with 93 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 2s 1911 13174 PETRI (Nicolas, Deventer) PRACTICQUE, om te LEEREN REKENEN, CYPHEREN, ende BOECKHOUWEN, met die REGEL Coss, ende GEOMETRIE seer profytelijcken voor alien Coop- luyden, van nieus [sic] ghecorrigeert ende vermeerdert ; with finely engraved portrait by H. GOLTZIUS, 2 folding plates, and numerous diagrams, 4 parts 12mo. in 1, Wacft letter ; old white vellum (F. 194 wanting) ; RARE, 1. 15s z. p. [? Amsterdam], 1591 Unknown to Poggeadorff, Graesse, Brunet, and others. 'Petri published an excellent treatise, which went through four [recte five] editions. It deals with arithmetic and geometry, as well as with book-keeping, and treats the subject succinctly and well. The improvements in the matter of stock-taking and of making a periodical trial-btlance are incorporated. . . . Petri introduces for the first time two important departures from the older methods. . . . He no longer journalises all transactions seriatim, but occasionally groups the kindred items . . and takes a step towards the separation of the books of primary entry. He introduces an ' Expenses-Book ', and at the end of every month transfers the total to cash account by means of the journal. . . . Petri's book is truly one otprhnary entry.' Richard Brown. The above edition was unknown to Mr. Brown, who only quotes those of 1588, 1595, 1506, and 1605. Prof, de Morgan only knew that of 1596. 13175 PETTERSON (Oscar, Univ. Stockholm) NILSON MEMORIAL LECTURE, with portrait, 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, Is Qd 1900 Lars Frederik Xilson, F.C.S., was not only one of the greatest Swedish chemists of his time, but his beautiful native island of Gothland owes to him its present position as a great producer of sugar-beet. 13176 PETTEBSON (Sven Otto ; Univ. Stockholm) EXPERIMENTELLE METHODEN und UNTER- SUCHUNGEN in der PHYSIKALISCHEN CHEMIE. I VI ; ivith 2 folding plates, 4to. (pp. 44), sewn, 3s Qd Upsala, 1879 ' Of more importance have been the researches made with the object of determining melting point and heat of solidi- fication [supra~\, e. a. those of Patterson and Nilspn.' Pmf. E. v. Meyer. 13177 - UNTERSUCHUNGEN iiber die MOLEKULARVOLUMINA einiger Reihen von isomorphen Salzen, 4to. (pp. 45), sewn, 3s Qd ibidem, 1873 13178 PETTIGBEW (James Bell, M.D., F.R.S.) ANIMAL LOCOMOTION, or Walking, Swimming, and Flying; with a DISSERTATION on AERONAUTICS, 2nd Edition, withS plates and 130 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 5s) 1874 13179 PETTUS (Sir John; F.R.S, M.P., Deputy Governor of the Royal Mines) FLETA MINOR: the Laws of Art and Nature in Knowing, Judging, ASSAYING, FINING, REFINING and Inlarging the Bodies of confin'd METALS, in Two Parts. I. ASSAYS of LAZARUS ERCKERN [sic], Chief Prover (or Assay-Master General of the Empire of Germany), in V. Books : originally written by him in the Teutonick Language, and now translated into English. II. ESSAYS on METALLICK WORDS, as a Dictionary to many pleasing Discourses, first edition, with fine portrait cet. 70 by R. WHITE, and 43 1 fine engravings on copper of metallurgical processes, large folio, FINE AND EX- CEPTIONALLY LARGE COPY in contemporary English calf (RARE), 3. 3s printed for the author, by Thomas Dawks, 1683 Copies having the portrait are especially rare. It is different from that in the Fodinx'and. less comely, as he has developed an aggressive Roman nose. The above copy is unusually tall, and probably on Large Paper, although Lowndes does not mention such. 13180 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary calf, rebacked (portrait wanting, but a FINE and TALL COPY), 1. 12s Qd 13181 ANOTHER COPY, also wanting the portrait, new hf. calf antique, 1. 11s Qd The first 377 pp. contain the only English translation ever published of Broker's classic work. (v. No. 7592, ante). The dictionary of mining terms is the first published in the language. 13182 REPRINT, with 43 fine engravings on copper, folio, old calf, newly rebacked (portrait, wanting and title mounted, but a large copy), 1. 5s Stephen Bateman, 1686 13183 FODIN.E REGALES : or the HISTORY, LAWS, and PLACES of the CHIEF MINES and MINERAL WORKS in ENGLAND, WALES, and the ENGLISH PALE in IRELAND ; as also of the MINT and MONY ; with a Clavis explaining some difficult Words relating to Mines, etc., with beautiful POR- TRAIT BY W. SHERWIN (splendid impression), and 4 fine engravings on copper (2 full-page of Mines), folio, old calf (small part of blank margin torn out of portrait, but A LARGE AND SOUND COPY) ; VERY RARE, 2. 12s Qd T. Basset, 1670 This rare work is very valuable for giving an account of the state of mining in England during the XVIIth. Century. It was undertaken at the request of Prince Rupert and Lord Shaftesbury. Large extracts from it are given in Hunt's 'British Mining'. The fine portrait is to be found only in a few copies of the work, it having evidently been subject to the ravages of the grangerizer or print-seller of the past. It is of a much earlier period of his life than that to the ' Fleta Minor ' (supra), and is not mentioned in D. N. B. 13184 REPRINT of the FIRST PART, 12mo. sewn (hole through last 6 II.), 12s Qd F. Collins, 1706 Added to the above is: 'OBSERVATIONS made by J. H. mostly in the year 1706' (pp. T-10G, without title), whick deals chiefly on CORNISH MINING. 13185 PEWTNER (W.) COMPREHENSIVE SPECIFIER : a Guide to the Practical Specification of every Kind of Building- Artificers' Work, edited by WILLIAM YOUNG, cr. 8vo. cL, 2s (p. 6s) 1870 660 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13187 PETTY (Sir William, F.R.S.) The DISCOURSE made before the ROYAL SOCIETY the 26. of November 1674 concerning the USE of DUPLICATE PROPORTION in sundry Important Particulars ; with a NEW HYPOTHESIS of SPRINGING or ELASTIQUE MOTIONS, 24mo. contemporary calf (blank portion of last 1. missing, some II. waterstained, and title soiled) ; RARE, 15s John Martyn, Printer to the Royal Soc., 1674 Interesting for containing some extraordinary and interesting speculations In molecular physics. In his dedication to the Puke of Newcastle the author states the work to contain three parts: 'I. an Endeavour to explain the intricate Notions, or Philosophia Prima of Place, Time, Motion, and Electricity ; II. to excite the World to the study of a little Mathematicks by shewing the use of Duplicate Proportions in some of the most weighty of Humane Affairs ; III. Chymerieal Speculations, to consider such points and proportions, even in Atovis (such, whereof perhaps a Million do not make up one visible Corpusculum,) as may give an intelligent Account of the Nexures, Mixtures, and Mobilities of all parts of the Universe.' 13188 PETZHOLDT (Georg Paul Alexander; Univ. Dorpat) Die AGRIKULTURCHEMIE in populiiren Vorlesungen, 2. umgearbeitete Auflage ; with woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, 2s Leipzig, 1846 13189 LECTURES to FARMERS on AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1845 13190 PETZVAL( Joseph) iNTEGRATIONderLINEARENDlFFERENTIALGLEICHUNGENmitCONSTANTEN und VERANDERLICHEN COEFFICIENTEN, LIEFERUNG 1-3; with plate, in one vol. 4to. hf. calf neat, Is Qd (p. M. 28.30 sewn) Wien, 1851-5 13191 PETTERBACH, REINHOLDO Salueh ac inuitentur ad Lectionem ipsius Solis ab ipso Autore Incerta item METHODICA TRACTATIO de ILLUMINATION E LUN^:; with 3 plates and numerous other woodcuts and diagrams, 12mo. old vellum (one. corner partly water- stained, otherwise a very sound and clean copy), 18* 6d Parisiis, C. Perier, 1557 The editor, Erasmus Reinhold, was professor of higher mathematics in the University of Wittenberg, and, according to Poggendorff, one of the first adherents of the Copernican system, and the first to mention, in the above work, the camera obscura, but in an imperfect state (v. PORTA, Ao. 13517 post). At end is : Theorica Motus Octavfe Sphsene. 13192 TRACT ATUS super PROPOSITION ES PTOLEM^I de SINUBUS et CHORDIS; item COMPOSITIO TABULARUM SINUUM per JOANNEM DE REGIOMONTE, cum TABULIS SINUUM DUPLICES per eundem REGIOMONTANUM, editio princeps; with diagrams, folio, parchment (water-stained, out a sound copy) ; RARE, 1. Is Norimbergae, Johan. Petreius, 1541 The first satisfactory table of sines ever published, and one of the author's most celebrated works. A full account of it will be found in Prof. Cantor's Vorlesungen fiber Geschich'e d.r Mathcmatik, Vol. II. ' Lesdeux homines a qui les mathematiques doivent le plus dans le XV e siecle, sont Purbach et Regiomontanus. Ce ne sera pas concevoir d'eux une idee trop avantageuse, que de les regarder les vrais restaurateurs de ses sciences, et surtout de I'astronomie '. Montuda. The author was a native of Peuerbach, a market town of Upper Austria, whence his name ; professor of mathematics in the university of Vienna, and the teacher of Regiomontanus. 13193 PFAFF (Christian Heinrich, Univ. Kiel) REVISION der LEHRE vom GALVANO-VOLTAISMUS, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Faraday's, de la Rive's, Becquerel's, Karsten's u. a. neueste Arbeiten ; with folding plate, 8vo. sewn, Is Qd Altona, 1837 13194 ANOTHER COPY, boards (nice copy], 8s Qd The author was one of the earliest and foremost supporters of the contact theory of voltaic electricity, and much of the work is directed against the chemical theory advanced (by Wollaston, Fabbroni, and Ritter) to account for electric action. He also revised Volta's contact series, and was one of the few who appreciated the importance of Ohm's discovery. 13195 PFAFF (Friedrich, Univ. Erlangen) Die NATURKRAFTE in den ALPEN ; oder physikalische Geographic des Alpengebirges ; with diagrams and woodcuts, post 8vo. hf. calf extra (nice copy), 3s &d Miinchen, 1877 13196 PFAFF (Johann Wilhelm Andreas, Univ. Erlangen) BETRACHTUNGEN liber die SPIRALE ; with plate, 4to. (pp. 14), sewn, 2s [? Munchen, 1832] Not noticed by Poggendorff. 13197 PFAUNDLEB (Leopold v. ; Univ. Graz) Die ENTWERTHUNG der MATERIE, post 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn. Is Qd Wien, 1888 13198 PFEFFINGEB (Jean Frederic) FORTIFICATION NOUVELLE, ou Recueil de diffe"rentes Manieres de Fortifier en Europe, nouvelle Edition ; with frontispiece, vignette on title, and 46 folding copperplates, 8vo. boards, uncut, with auto, of [Gen.] Robert Melville [F.R.S., 1723-1809, inventor of a naval gun], 5s Qd La Haye, 1740 This work was'unknown to Querard. The BiograpUe Generate only mentions an edition of ICi'S. 13199 PHELPS (Robert, Trinity Coll., Cantab.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on OPTICS, intended chiefly to elucidate the PRINCIPLES of the CONSTRUCTION of TELESCOPES, and some other Optical Instruments, wdh 69 diagrams, 8vo. boards, uncut (scarce), 5s Cambridge, 1835 An early Cambridge text-book of geometrical optics. 13200 PHILLIPPES (Henry, Philo-Nauticus) The SEA-MAN'S KALENDER : or, an. Ephemerides of the Sun, Moon, and certain of the most notable Fixed Stars, also a TABLE of the LONGITUDE and LATITUDE of all the most eminent Places of the World, first calculated by JOHN TAP, corrected, with many Additions, viz. New Exact TABLES of the NORTH STAR ; New TABLES of 65 of the principal FIXED STARS, etc., with a DISCOVERY of a Way to Find the Long Hidden SECRET of LONGITUDE, by HENRY BOND, all which are now newly calculated and corrected, and many Rules and Tables added, with woodcuts (with the full-page one on p. 11 intact), sm. 4to. large and sound copy in contemporary sheep (back damaged) ; RARE, with Tixall Library label, 1. 15s W. Godbidfor E. Hurlock, 1674 ' It is a Compendium (if well understood) of the whole Art of Navigation. But its chiefest excellency consists in the .Astronomical part thereof ; the Tables whereof are so plain and full, and well ordered, that there never were the like in any Book.' Address to the Ingenious Sea-man. At end is a table, giving the latitude and longitude of over 1000 places, by T. STERN, globe-maker. The work was unknown to Lowndes, while Watt only quotes an edition of 1(306. There was no copy of any edition in the Scott Library, nor is there one in that of the Institution of Naval Architects. 8 O p t- X < tn W H n H > ?S 2 3 " ^5 w > L J 2 N W W C/3 GO AVTRES o H H w m 7 |L ,9 4 s No. 12997 (|w^ 650). Pascal's Arithmetical Triangle. taue e -=> c o ^2 BSi 5 5*1 sT2 5 MflUtlnkshRf &z .. 5*1 S s'irS.nJ." || p|a ^||l||^||l rt -^^5s^ 3?x ^ ^-3 ^ ^ CL awnSi >2j3S? No. 13000 (/* 650). An early work on weights and measures. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 661 13202 PFORDTEN (Otto Freiherr v. ; Univ. Strasbourg) Zur NOMENCLATUR der ANORGANISCHEN VERBINDUNGEN, 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn. Is Berlin* 1889 13203 PHILIPPS (Henry) The PURCHASER'S PATTERN, shewing the true Value of LAND or HOUSES, by Lease or otherwise also TABLES of INTEREST and REBATE at 6 per Cent. ; the MEASURING of LAND, BOARD, and TIMBER, and the FALSE METHODS us'd by many therein. Also the ART of GAUGING much enlarg'd with many other Rules about Weights and Measures, TABLES of the EXCISE of BEER and ALE, Tables of Accounts, etc. etc. ; 6th Edition, much inlarg'd, 24mo. old sheep (last I. mounted), 8s 6d 1721 A rare work, unknown to Lowndes and Prof, de Morgan. The above copy belonged to, and bears the armorial bookplate (slightly damaged) of, John Perceval, first Earl of Egmont, F.R.S. (1683-1748), who together with General Oglethorpe established the Colony of GEORGIA. 13204 PHILIPS (Caspar) Wis- MEET- en DOORZICHT-KUNDIGE HANDLEIDING, volgens welke men ten alien Tyde en Plaatse den Stand der ZONNE en MAANE ; de Verlichting der Voorwerpen door dezelven ; de Strekking en Lengten van derzelver Slagschaduwen, gemaklyk vinden, en in Perspectiefsche Regelen overbrengen en bepaalen kan ; with 8 folding copperplates, 8vo. boards, uncut, 105 6d Amsterdam, 1786 Including interesting problems in DIALLING. The author is not mentioned by Poggendorff and other bibliographers. 13205 PHILLIPPS (G. Jenkin, F.G.S., late from Cornwall) SYSTEM of MINING COAL and METALLI- FEROUS VEINS fully explained ; with Compendium of General Principles, Productive, Consump- tion, and incidental Statistics of Coal, and Geological and Mineralogical Observations, with 5 folding plates, post 8vo. cl. (scarce), 65 Philadelphia, 1858 Suggestions from English practice for American mining, then comparatively in its infancy. 13206 PHILLIPS (Francis C., Western Univ., Allegheny City) The COMPOSITION and FUEL VALUE of NATURAL GAS, 8vo. (pp. 41), sewn, Is Qd Harrisburg, 1887 13207 PHILLIPS (Henry Joshua, F.I.C.) ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, comprising Methods of Analysis and Valuation of the principal Materials used in Engineering Work, with 33 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 105 &d) 1891 13208 THIRD [LATEST] EDITION, enlarged, with 82 illustrations, thick 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 10s d nett) 1902 13209 PHILLIPS (John) GENERAL HISTORY of INLAND NAVIGATION, Foreign and Domestic : a complete Account of the CANALS already executed in ENGLAND, with Considerations on those projected, with Practical Observations [also Addenda and Second Addenda], with large coloured folding map of all canals in England, and Ifine copperplates of canal works, thick 4to. old tree- calf gilt, saffron edges (nice copy), 155 1792[-4] ' Containing 'much useful information on ca'nals at that time completed, or in process of construction, the cost of construction, freights, etc.' D. N. B. 13210 PHILLIPS (John, F.R.S., Prof. Geology, Oxon.) FIGURES and DESCRIPTIONS of the PALAEOZOIC FOSSILS of CORNWALL, DEVON, and WEST SOMERSET, with 60 lithographs, 8vo. cl., uncut (scarce), 105 6d 1841 13211 A GUIDE to GEOLOGY, 5th Edition, with Opiates and 50 woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. cl. t '2s 1864 13212 ILLUSTRATIONS of the GEOLOGY of YORKSHIRE ; or a Description of the Strata and Organic Remains of the YORKSHIRE COAST, first edition, with 14 lithographic plates of fossils, 9 coloured plates of sections, and coloured geological map, 4to., hf. calf gilt (SCARCE), 1. 15 York, 1829 13213 SECOND EDITION : PART I : The YORKSHIRE COAST, second Edition [revised]. Part II : The MOUNTAIN LIMESTONE DISTRICT, with 36 lithographic plates of fossils, 11 coloured plates of sections, and 2 maps (1 coloured), 2 vols. 4to. boards, uncut (SCARCE), 1. 155 1835-6 13214 PART I : The YORKSHIRE COAST, third [last] Edition, by R. ETHERIDGE, with coloured folding map, 28 plates (some coloured), and numerous ivoodcuts, 4to. cl. (SCARCE), 1. 15 1875 13215 MANUAL of GEOLOGY, Practical and Theoretical, with coloured frontispiece and 376 woodcuts, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 25 Qd 1855 13216 [NEW EDITION], edited by ROBERT ETHERIDGE and HARRY GOVIER SEELEY, FF.R.S., with coloured frontispiece, 36 plates, numerous woodcuts, and coloured map, 2 thick vols. 8vo. cl., uncut (o.p.), 1. 15 (p. 2. 12s) 1885 Last edition of one of the best text-books on the subject. 13217 REPORT on the PROBABILITY of the OCCURRENCE of COAL and other MINERALS in the Vicinity of LANCASTER, with 9 coloured plates of sections, 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, 5s Lancaster, 1837 13218 A TREATISE of GEOLOGY, forming the Article in the Seventh Edition of the Encyclo- paedia Britannica, with 2 folding plates of Staffa and 16 woodcuts, large post 8vo. cl., 3s Edin., 1838 13219 VESUVIUS, with 9 plates, 35 woodcuts, and 2 maps, large cr. 8vo. cl., 45 (p. 105 Qd) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1869 ' More than one of his books still hold a high place in geological literature '.Pro/. Bonney, F.R.S. He was the first to propose the terms palaeozoic, mesozoic, and caenozoic. 13220 PHILLIPS (John Arthur ; F.R.S.) On the COMPOSITION and ORIGIN of the WATERS of a SALT SPRING in HUEL SETON MINE [Camborne], with folding plate and 2 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s 1873 13221 ELEMENTS of METALLURGY : a Practical Treatise on the Art of Extracting Metals from their Ores, with 205 woodcuts, thick roy. 8vo. cl., Qs 6d (p. 1. 145) 1874 13222 ANOTHER COPY, cl. (binding badly damaged), 5s 13223 SECOND EDITION, revised and enlarged by the Author and HILARY BAUERMAN, F.G.S., ivith 2 folding plates, and 232 woodcuts, thick roy. 8vo. cl., ]5s (p. 1. 165) 1887 44 662 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13225 PHILLIPS (John Arthur; F.R.S.) MANUAL of METALLURGY, or Practical Treatise on the Chemistry of Metals, with 215 woodcuts, thick post 8vo. cl. t 2s Qd 1852 13226 ANOTHER COPY, hf, morocco (stamp on title), 3s 13227 SECOND EDITION, enlarged, with 218 woodcuts, thick post 8vo. hf. morocco (stamp on title), 3s 6d 1854 13228 ANOTHER COPY, d., 3s 13229 The MINING and METALLURGY of GOLD and SILVER, with front., 1 plates, 84 woodcuts, and map, sq. roy. 8vo. hf. morocco (scarce], 12s (p. 1. Us 6d) 1867 13230 NOTE on the COMPOSITION of certain MINE WATERS, 8vo. (pp. 4), sewn, with author's inscr., \s 1874 13231 TREVTISE on ORE DEPOSITS, with 95 woodcuts, and map, roy. 8vo. cl., 8s (p. 1. 5s) 1884 13232 , and John DARLINGTON: RECORDS of MINING and METALLURGY ; or Facts and Memoranda for the Mine Agent and Smelter, with full-page and other woodcuts, post 8vo. cl. (scarce), 6s 1857 Including a valuable ' Historical Notice ' (pp. 40), ' the result of a considerable amount of research, and presenting in a tabular form a large collection of analyses of various ancient alloys.' Preface. This work was unknown to the author's biographer in D. X. B. 13233 PHILLIPS (Sir Richard; publisher ; Radical ; Sheriff of London ; paradoxer ; more than a match for George Borrow) ESSAYS on the PROXIMATE MECHANICAL CAUSES of the GENERAL PHENOMENA of the UNIVERSE, with diagrams, 12mo. boards (rare), 8s 6d 1818 'A pretentious volume on the principle of universal causation, which provoked De Morgan's anger. . . . Christopher North called Phillips ' a dirty little Jacobin ', with no literary ability and absurd scientific views.' D. N. B. Readers of ' Lavengro ' will recall the wicked publisher's successful exploitation of his redoubtable author. 13234 TWELVE ESSAYS on the PROXIMATE CAUSES of the MATERIAL PHENOMENA of the UNIVERSE, with illustrative Notes, with 4 folding copperplates, besides diagrams, 8vo. boards, uncut (SCARCE), 16s 6d 1821 A greatly enlarged edition of the above Essays. ' Phillips was not only an anti-Newtonian but carried to a fearful excess the notion that statesmen and Newtonians were in league to deceive the world. . . . The schoolmen, and the ' philosophical trinity of gravitating force, projectile force, and void space' were the bogies of his life. ... He had four valuable qualities : honesty, zeal, ability, and courage. He applied them all to teaching matters about which he knew nothing, and gained himself an uncomfortable life and a ridiculous memory.' Prof, de Morgan. 13235 [ ] The WONDERS of the TELESCOPE ; or a Display of the Starry Heavens and of the System of the Universe : calculated to promote and simplify the Study of Astronomy ; new Edition, with 11 folding plates, cr. 8vo. boards, 4s 1809 Including a good folding view of Sir William Herschel's 40-feet reflector with its cumbrous staging. 13236 PHILLIPS (Richard, F.R.S., p.c s.) RESEARCHES on the CHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS of certain BODIES, 4to. (pp. 6), sewn, 3s Qd 1839 Written in support of Prout's theory that all atomic weights are simple multiples of that of hydrogen. The author gives here the atomic weights of H, O, N, and Cl as 1, 8, 14, and 36. 13237 PHILLIPS (Samuel E., F.C.S.) An ATTEMPT to UNDERSTAND the MATERIAL NATURE of ELECTRICITY, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd 1887 Interesting as one of the hypotheses preceding the electron theory. 13238 PHILLIPS (William ; F.R.S. ; bookseller. George Yard, Lombard St.) DESCRIPTION of the OXYD of TIN, the Production of CORNWALL, of the PRIMITIVE CRYSTAL and its MODIFICATIONS, in- cluding an Attempt to ascertain with Precision the ADMEASUREMENT of the Angles by Means of the REFLECTING GONIOMETER of DR. WOLLASTON, with a Series of its Crystalline Forms and Varieties, 12 copperplates containing 235 diagrams, 4to. (pp. 41), sewn, 5s 1814 ' Though actively engaged in trade, he devoted his leisure to the pursuit of natural science, and attained a high position as a mineralogist, in which study he made great use of the goniometer, then recently invented by W. H. Wollaston, his success with it being mentioned by William Whewell in his History of the Inductive Sciences.' D. 2V. B. 13239 ELEMENTARY INTRODUCTION to the Knowledge of MINERALOGY, with the Places and Circumstances in which Minerals are found, and especially the Localities of British Minerals, 3rd Edition, enlarged, with numerous woodcuts, large post 8vo. boards, uncut, 3* 1823 13240 - FOURTH EDITION, considerably augmented by ROBERT ALLEN, F.R.S. E., with numerous woodcuts, thick post 8vo. boards, uncut, 4s 1837 13241 FIFTH [LAST] EDITION, with extensive Alterations and Additions, by H. J. BROOKE and W. H. MILLER, FF.R.S., with 647 woodcuts, large post 8vo. (pp. 712), cl., 5s 1852 ' An extraordinary treasure of crystallographic facts.'/)/-. Wlvwell. 'A monument to Miller's name, though he almost expunged Phillips's name from it.' Prof. Story Maakdyne, F.R.S. 13242 OUTLINES of MINERALOGY and GEOLOGY, 3rd Edition, with Additions, 4 plates, post 8vo. boards, uncut, 2s 1818 13243 A SELECTION of FACTS from the best Authorities, arranged so as to form an OUTLINE of the GEOLOGY of ENGLAND and WALES, with plate and geological map (both coloured and folding), and large folding table, fcap. 8vo. hf. morocco gilt (scarce), Is Qd 1818 'His most important contribution to geology, which became the basis of a joint work by the Rev. William Daniel Conybeare and himself, entitled ' Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales'.' D. N. B. 13244 PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY of GLASGOW (ROYAL), PROCEEDINGS of the, com- plete from 1866-7 to 1911-12 (vv. VI No. 3XLIII), and Index to v*. I XX, with maps, and numerous woodcut portraits, 'i>lates, an.d diagrams, 18 vols. 8vo. cl., and the rest in parts, sewn as issued (wanting Vol VIII No. 1), 5. 15* Glasgow, 1867-1912 13245 ANOTHER SET, from 1880 (v. XIII) to 1907-8 (v. XXXIX), 14 vols. 8vo. cl., and the rest in parts, sewn as issued. 3. 15s ibidem, 1880-1908 TRANSACTIONS of the ROYAL SOCIETY v. ROYAL SOCIETY of LONDON, post. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 663 13247 PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE (The), comprehending the VARIOUS BRANCHES of SCIENCE, the LIBERAL and FINE ARTS, AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURES, and COMMERCE, from the Beginning in 1798 to 1803, with numerous copperplates (many folding), 15 vols. Svo. hf. calf (wanting vv. IV and VIII and title to v. XV ; the plates bound separate 7 y in 2 vv.) ; RARE,' 3. 3s 1 798-1803 A LONG SERIES TO MAT, 1900: 13248 , or ANNALS of CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS, ASTRONOMY, NATURAL HIST- ORY, and GENERAL SCIENCE, edited by RICHARD TAYLOR, RICHARD PHILLIPS, SIR DAVID- BREWSTER, SIR ROBERT KANE, W. FRANCIS, G. F. FITZGERALD, JOHN JOLT, and LORD KELVIN, complete from 1832 to May, 1900, viz., THIRD SERIES (London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science), 37 v., '32-50: FOURTH SERIES- (London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine), 50 v., '51-75: Finn SERIES, vv. 1-49, '76-1900 in all 136 vols. Svo., with hundreds of fine plates, portraits, and woodcuts ; '3rd and 4 13250 FIFTH SERIES, Vols. XXXI XLIV, with numerous plates (many coloured or folding) and other illustrations, 14 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat (last 2 v. in parts) ,. 10. 10* ' ' 1891-7 13251 PHIPSON (Thomas Lambe, F.C.S.) ANALYSE de quelques SUBSTANCES MINERALES, roy. Svo. (pp. 4), unbound, Is [Bruxelles], s. d.. 13252 BOILER DEPOSITS : on the CHEMICAL NATURE of various kinds of Boiler Incrustations, and on some of the Methods proposed to remedy them, Svo. (pp. 12), seivn, Is Qd 1868 Advocating the use of pure carbonate of soda. . 13253 Sur les BOLETS BLEUISSANTS : Etude de la FORMATION de PRINCIPES COLORANTS chez. plusieurs Champignons, Svo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd Bruxelles, I860 13254 DESCRIPTION of a NEW APPARATUS for producing SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN, 8vo. (pp. 2), unbound, Is Qd n. d.. 13255 ESSAY on the AGRICULTURAL USES of SALT, showing its Chemical Value as a Food for Animals and Plants, and denning its Effects as Manure, Svo. (pp. 23), sewn, 2s [c. 1863] Awarded a prize by the Society of Arts. 13256 La FORCE CATALYTIQUE, ou ^tudes sur les Phenomenes de Contact, 4to. (pp. 34), boards, with author's inscr., 4s Qd Harlem, 1858 This memoir was awarded the prize by the Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen. 13257 Sur une MATIERE COLORANTE extraite du RHAMNUS FRANGULA (BOURDAINE), roy. Svo. (pp. 3), unbound, Is [Bruxelles], s. d. 13258 MEMOIRE sur la FECULE et les Suhstances qui peuvent la remplacer dans 1'Industrie, roy. Svo. (pp. 29), sewn, 2s ibidem, 1855-6 13259 On NOCTILUCINE, the Phosphorescent Principle of Luminous Animals, Svo. (pp. 6), sewn, 2s 1875 An account of the author's supposed discovery of animal phosphorescence in the shape of noctilucine, ' a fluid nitro- genous substance, slightly viscous or oily in appearance.' It contains interesting observations, although its date was too early to guess at a bacteriological origin. 13260 NOTE on the ABSORPTION SPECTRA yielded by certain ORGANIC SUBSTANCES, with 12 woodcuts of spectra, Svo. (pp. 4), sewn, Is Qd " 1869 13261 NOTE on the BICARBONATE of AMMONIA of the CHINCA ISLES, Svo. (pp. 3), sewn, Is [c. 1863] 13262 NOTE sur les SPECTRES d'ABSORPTiON produits par les SOLUTIONS de certaines SUB- STANCES ORGANIQUES ; with 12 woodcuts of spectra, roy. 8vo. (pp. 4), unbound, Is Qd [Bruxelles, 1869] The original form of the above ' Note on the Absorption Spectra'. 13263 NOTE on VEGETABLE IVORY, Svo. (p. 1), unbound, Is n. d. 13264 Sur une NOUVELLE ROCHE, de Formation recente, sur le Littoral de la Flandre Occidentale, 4to. (pp. 3), sewn, with author's inscr. , Is Qd 1857 13265 Sur quelques PHENOMENES METEOROLOGIQUES observes sur le Littoral de la Flandre Occidentale, 4to. (pp. 4), sewn, Is Qd 1857 13266 PHOSPHORESCENCE, or the EMISSION of LIGHT by MINERALS, PLANTS, and ANIMALS, with frontispiece, and 29 woodcuts, fcap. Svo. cl. (SCARCE), 10s Qd 1862 At end is an interesting bibliography (pp. 8) of 50 authors who wrote on the subject from 1640 to 1859. Some of the works have interesting notes added. 13267 De la PHOSPHORESCENCE en general, et des INSECTES PHOSPHORIQUES en particulier, roy. Svo. (pp. 16), sewn, 3s Bruxelles, 1858 This brochure was afterwards enlarged into ' Phosphorescence ' (supra). 13268 PROTOCTISTA, ou la SCIENCE de la CREATION au POINT de VUE de la CHIMIE et de la PHYSIOLOGIE, roy. Svo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd ib., 186L 44 * 661 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13270 PHIPSON (Thomas Lambe, F.C.S.) RECHERCHES NOUVELLES sur le PHOSPHORE, roy. 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, 2s Bruxelles, 1856 13271 On SOMBRERITE, 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, Is n. d. 13272 On the TRANSFORMATIONS of CITRIC, BUTYRIC, and VALERIANIC ACIDS, with Refer- ence to the ARTIFICIAL PRODUCTION of SUCCINIC ACID, 8vo. (pp. 2), sewn, \s n.d. 13273 On VANADIUM OCHRE and other Sources of VANADIC ACID, 8vo. (pp.4), sewn, IsQd n.d. 13274 PHIPSON (Wilson Weatherly, C.E.) REMARKS on VENTILATION, with Abstracts from official Reports on the Combination of Ventilation and Warming SYSTEM VAN HECKE, 8vo. (pp. 19), sewn, Is 6d 1859 J3275 PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL (The Liverpool and Manchester), NEW SERIES, Vols. I II, with woodcuts, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. morocco gilt (scarce), 12$ 6d Liverpool, 1857-8 Including original contributions by A. F. J. Claudet, F.R.'S., Sir William Crookes, P.R.S., W. R. Grove, M. H. N. '-Story-Maskyelyne, and H. Fox Talbot, FF.R.S., a reprint of the Brewster-Wheatstone correspondence on the invention of the stereoscope, etc. etc. etc. 13276 NEWS (The) : a WEEKLY RECORD of the PROGRESS of PHOTOGRAPHY, edited by SIR WILLIAM CROOKES, P.R.S., G-. WHARTON SIMPSON, etc., from 1862 to 1875 (Vols. 6-19), with numerous illustrations, 14 vols. 4to. hf. calf gilt (v. 1, cl.) ; NICE SET, 2. 10s 1862-75 13077 NOTES: JOURNAL of the PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY of SCOTLAND and of the MAN- CHESTER PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY, edited by THOMAS SUTTON, from the Beginning in 1856 to 1860, with woodcuts, 5 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. morocco gilt (SCARCE), 1. 10s 1856-60 Including original contributions by Sir David Brewster, Sir Edward Frankland, J. P. Joule, FF.R.S., and many other authorities. 13278 SOCIETY of LONDON, The JOURNAL of the, containing the TRANSACTIONS of the SOCIETY, and a General Record of Photographic Art and Science, edited by ARTHUR HENFREY, F.R.S., from the Beginning in 1854 to 1859, with numerous woodcuts, 5 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. morocco gilt (backs slightly rubbed) ; SCARCE, 1. 5* 1854-9 13279 VOLUMES I III ONLY, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. in 2, hf. calf, 15s 1854-7 These scarce volumes contain original contributions by J. Latimer Clark, F.R.S., Sir William Crookes, P.R.S., Sir John Herschel, Dr. John Percy, John Tyndall, and Sir Charles Wheatstone, FF.R.S. 13280 PHOTOGRAPHY : its HISTORY and APPLICATIONS, from ' The British Quarterly Review ', 8vo. (pp. 47), sewn, 2s 1866 13281 PHYSICAL LABORATORY (The National) : COLLECTED RESEARCHES, Vols. I VI, with plates and charts (some folding), and numerous diagrams, 6 vols. roy. 4to. sewn, 1. Is 1905-10 13282 : REPORT for the YEAR 1907, with 20 plates (2 folding), 4to. (pp. 97), sewn, 2s Teddington, 1908 13283 : REPORT for 1910, with 4 plates (2 folding), and 4 diagrams, 4to. (pp. 102), sewn, 2s ib., 1911 A COMPLETE SET TO AUGUST, 1913 : 13284 PHYSICAL SOCIETY of LONDON, PUBLICATIONS of the, COMPLETE from their Beginning in 1874 to August, 1913 (as below), with numerous folding plates and woodcuts, 25 vols. roy. 8vo. 26 vv. in hf. calf gilt, and the rest in parts, sewn (A SOUND LIBRARY SET), 16. 1874-1913 CONTENTS : PROCEEDINGS, 25 v., 1874-1913 : ABSTRACTS of PHYSICAL PAPERS from FOREIGN SOURCES, 3v., '95-7 : PHYSICAL MKMOIRS, etc., 5 parts in 1 vol., '88-94. The ' Memoirs ' contain : Studies on Electric Boundary-Layers, by H. v. HELMHOLTZ, ! 79 : On the Thermodynamics of Chemical Processes, by the same, 3 parts, '82-3 : Further Researches respecting the Electrolysis of Water, by the same, '87 : On the Conduction of Electricity in Gases, by W. HITTORF, 3 parts, 79 : Radiant Electrode Matter, and the so-called Fourth State, by J. PALUJ, n. d. : The Continuity of the Liquid and Gaseous States, by D. J. v. D. WAAI.S [translated by R. Threlfall and J. F. Adair], n. d. : List of the Chief Memoirs on the Physics of Matter, by R. A. LEHFELDT, interleaved, '94. 13285 ANOTHER SET, including the Extra Publications, COMPLETE from their Beginning in 1874 to 1912 (v. XXIV), with numerous folding plates and woodcuts^ 23 vols. roy. 8vo. in 20, cl., and the rest sewn as issued (SCARCE), 15. 1874-1912 CONTENTS: PROCEEDINGS, 24 v., 1874 1912: ABSTRACTS, 3 v., '95-7 : PHYSICAL MEMOIRS, etc. [Helmholtz. On the Chemical Relations of Electrical Currents (pp. 110) : Hittorf. On the Conduction of Electricity in Gases. Paluj. On Radiant Electrode Matter (pp. 222) : Van der Waals. On the Continuity of the Liquid and Gaseous States of Matter (pp. 164^], 3 parts, '88-94. EXTRA PUBLICATIONS : The Scientific Papers of Sir Charles Wheatstone, F.R.8., '79: The Scientific Papers of J. P. Joule, F.R.S., 2 v. '84-7 : List of the Chief Memoirs on the Physics of Matter, compiled by R. A. Lehfeldt, '94. 13286 ANOTHER SET, containing the Proceedings, from the Beginning to 1907 (Vol. XX, pt. V), vv. 1-15 in 10 v. cl., and the rest in parts, and Physical Memoirs, 3 parts, sewn, 10. 10s 1874-1907 13287 A SERIES, containing the Proceedings, from 1879 (Vol. II) to 1907 (Vol. XX, pt. V), vv. 2-11 in cl., and the rest in parts, and Physical Memoirs, Nos. 1 and 3, 2 parts, sewn, 9. 1879-1907 The advertisers also have for sale a number of shorter series and single volumes, particulars and prices of which may be had on application. 13288 PIANCIANI (Giambattista ; Collegia Romano] ESPERIENZE e CONGETTURE sulla FORZA MAGNETICA, roy. 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, with author's inscr. to the Duca di Rignano, 3s Modena, 1840 13289 SAGCIO d'AppLiCAZiONE del PRINCIPIO dell' INDUZIONE ELETTRO-DINAMICA a' i FENOMENI ELETTRO-FISIOLIGICI, ed in particolare a quelli delle TORPEDINI, 4to. (pp. 43), sewn, with author's inscr. to the Duca di Rignano, 4s ibidem, 1839 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 665 13291 PHOSPHORUS : Des PHOSPHORES et des LAMPES PERPETUELLES ; with 3 plates of antique lamps, post 8vo. hf. d. neat (RARE), 18* Qd [c. 1720} Pp. 1-269 contain an account of PHOSPHORUS and PHOSPHORESCENCE, and are interesting for giving a resume of practically everything then known on the stibject. They include a reprint of the account of Wilhelm Homberg's- discovery of the phosphorescence of molten chloride of calcium (named after him Homberg's phosphorus), as contained in* the ' Memoires' of the Academic Royale des Sciences of 1693, chapters on the phosphorescence of the sea, glowworms> luminous plants, diamonds, etc. etc. Pp. 270-392 contain an historical account of perpetual lamps. In the last chapter (pp. 372-92) the anonymous author claims that ' depuis 1'iuvention des phosphores, on doit convenir qu'il n'est pas absolument impossible de faire des- lampes perpetuelles, surtout par la voye de la chymie.' The work has no title. On p. 1 is printed at bottom ' Tome IV., 13292 PIAZZI (Giuseppe; Ord. Theat., Specola di Palermo] SulF OROLOGIO ITALIANO, ed EUROPEO-: RIFLESSIONI ; printed on large and thick paper, with folding plate, large 8vo. contemporary Italia/n> calf extra, inlaid with red morocco, and arms on sides (fine copy], 12s Qd Palermo, 1798 The gifted, painstaking, and paradoxical Professor Piazzi Smyth took his second name from Father Piazzi. 13293 [PICARD ( Jean, Prieur de Ville ; de r Academic, des Sciences}} L'EcoLE des ARPENTEURS; oiu Ton enseigne toutes les Pratiques de Geometric, qui sont necessaires a un Arpenteur; on y aajpiUe un ABREGE du NIVELLEMENT, avec les Proprietez des Eaux, et les Manieres de les j auger ou mesurer; aussi une Methode . . . pour faire des Toisez, pour toiser la Solidite des Terres, et j auger les Tonneaux ; 2 e Edition, augmentee [par PHILIPPE DE LA HIRE]; with numerous dia- grams, 12mo. old calf gilt, with bookplate of Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S. (rare), 8s Qd 1692 ' On y trouvera une methode nouvelle de tirer la racine quarree et cubique d'un nombre par la seule division a, 1'brdi- naire.' Avertissement. It was translated into German by Johann Heinrich Lambert. 13294 PICCOLOMINI (Alessandro ; Arcivescovo di Patrasso) La PRIMA [e la SECONDA! PARTE della FiLOSOFiA NATURALE ; finely printed in italics, with vignette on titles, 2 vols. 12mo. in 1, fine copy in contemporary limp vellum, 12s Qd Vinegia, Giov. Bonello^ 1552 A very handsomely printed edition. The second part, entitled ' L'Instrumento della Filosofia ', treats exclusively of LOGIC. 13295 La PRIMA PARTE delle THEORICHE overo SPECULATIONI de i PIANETI ; with vignette on title, and numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. hf. roan (some II. browned and a few holes in last /..),. 10s ibidem, Gio. Varisco & Ci., 1568- No second part was ever published of this work. THE FIRST STAR MAPS : 13296 [ ] De la SFERA del MONDO, Libri IV in Lingua Toscana, iquali non per via di traduttione, ne a qual si voglia particolare Scrittore obligati : ma parte da i migliori raccogliendo ; e parte di nuovo producendo ; contengono in se tutto quel ch' intorno a tal materia si possa desiderare, ecc. : De le STELLE FISSE, con le sue Figure e Tavole, dove co maravigliosa agevolezza potra ciasche- duno conoscere qualunque stella de le XL VIII Immagini del Cielo stellate, ecc., et oltre a questo- cison TAVOLE, con nuova invention fabricate, con le lor dichiarationi, ecc., prima edizione ; with ivoodcuts, diagrams, and 48 star maps, 2 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, old Italian vellum (some II. wormed, and back of binding damaged, otherwise a sound copy) ; RARE, 1. 10s ib., al Segno del Pozzo, 1540 1 This first edition contains some curious and rather free woodcut initials, which were left out or modified in the follow- ing ones. 13297 [NEW EDITION of BOTH WORKS] : di nuovo da lui ripolita, accresciuta, e fino a sei Libri, di Quattro che erano ampliata, e quasi per ogni parte rinnovata, e riformata : with numerous dia- grams, woodcuts, and the 48 star maps, 2 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, old vellum (title and first 31' II. of the 2nd work wanting, also back of binding damaged), 10s Qd ib., Giov. Varisco e Ci., 1566' The first work has been greatly enlarged in the above edition, and increased from four to six books. The edition was- unknown to Riccardi. The second work, though imperfect, contains all the star maps. 13298 GLI STESSI ; with numerous woodcuts and diagrams, and the 48 star maps, 2 v.., Giov. Varisco e Paganino Paganini, s. a. : La PRIMA PARTE delle THEORICHE overo SPECULATIONI de' PIANETI ; with numerous diagrams, Giov. Varisco e Ci., 1563 3 vols. sm. 4to. in l r old' hf. white Italian vellum (slightly foxed, but very good copies), 1. Is ib., s.a. 1568= ' Buona edizione'. Riccardi. The second work ' De le Stelle Fisse ', which has a separate title-page and pagination, is of special interest, containing as it does the first published star mapsa fact not generally known. Four different magnitudes are distinguished, ami the- stars are named with Latin letters. The Greek lettering, still in use at the present time, was first used by Johannes Bayer in 1603 (7. v. pout). These star maps in all the above editions are xylographs, and according to M. Libri, ' perhaps the last instance of a xylographic work, or portion of a work of any extent, printed during the XVI. Century.' ' La chiarezza, il buon ordine ed il bello stile coi quali sonovi esposte le cognizioni che allora si avevano intorno alia costituzione dell' universe, rendono ragione della straordinaria diffusione di questa opera.' Ricavrdi. 13299 De SPHAERA Libri IV, ex Italico in Latinum Sermonem conversi ; eiusdem COMPENDIUM de COGNOSCENDIS STELLis FIXIS, et de MAGNITUDINE TERR.E et AQU^S Liber unus, itidem Latinus factus, JOAN. NICOL. STUPANO Kheto interprete ; with woodcuts, numerous diagrams, and 48 star maps, 3 v. : VER/E SOLARIS atque LUNARIS ANNI QUANTITATIS aliaramque Rerum ad CALENDARII ROMANI EMENDATIONEM pertinentium, de Ortu item atque Occasu Steliaram Fixarum compendiosa atque dilucida EXPLICATIO. Opus olim a Petro Pitato Veronensi con- scriptum ; nuuc revisum, etc. [a JOA. NIC. STUPANO] 4 vols. 4 to. in 1, old English calf, with gilt ornament in centre (top of back and one corner of binding slightly damaged, otherwise a VERY LARGE AND FINE COPY) ; RARE, 1. 12s Qd Basilece, per Petrum, P'ernam, 1568 The only Latin edition ever published of this work. ' Pierre Pitatus de Verone fit un erand nombre d'observations pour determiner au juste les periodes lunaires et solaires. II presenta en 1550 au pape Pie IV un plan de reformation. 1 Montncla. 13300 PICKETT (William; Alderman of London) PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ; or r a Plan for making a CONVENIENT and HANDSOME COMMUNICATION between the Cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, with folding plan, 4to. (pp. 42), sewn (rare), 10s 60? [1789] An early Strand Improvement Scheme. It included clearing away Butcher Row, and rebuildiing and turning: round St. Clement Danes' Church. 666 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13302 PICKERING (Edward Charles; Director Harvard Coll. Observatory; inventor of the meridian photometer] DIMENSIONS of the FIXED STARS, with especial Reference to Binaries and Variables of the Algol Type, with 2 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 37), sewn, Is Qd Cambridge [Mass.], 1880 13303 ELEMENTS of PHYSICAL MANIPULATION, PART I [Mechanics, Sound and Light] , with 65 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 3s Qd (p. 105 60?) 1874 Including experiments first introduced by the author. 13304 FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT of the PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDY of STELLAR SPECTRA con- ducted at the HARVARD COLLEGE OBSERVATORY, with photographic plate of spectrum of/3 Aurigte, roy. 4to. (pp. 9), sewn, 2s Cambridge [Mass.], 1890 13305 VARIABLE STARS of SHORT PERIOD, 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn, Is Qd Boston [Mass.], 1881 18306 The WEDGE PHOTOMETER, 8vo. (pp. 3), unbound, Is [Cambridge, Mass.], 1882 J3307 , Arthur SEARLE, and Oliver Clinton WENDELL : OBSERVATIONS with the MERIDIAN PHOTOMETER, 1879-82, roy. 4to. (pp. 186), sewn (o. p.), 7s Qd ibidem, 1885 Containing interesting chapters on 'Ancient Catalogues', 'Catalogues of Sir William and Sir John Herschel ', and ' : Modern Catalogues ' (pp. 48), ' Discordant Observations ', ' Suspected Variables ', and ' Errors of Catalogues \ It forms a supplement to the author's Photometric Catalogue, published in 1884. 13308 PHOTOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS of the VARIABLE STARS (3 PERSEI and DM. 81 25, made at the Harvard College Observatory, 8vo. (pp. 37), sewn, Is Qd ibidem, 1881 13309 PICKERING (Percival Spencer Umfreville ; F.R.S. ; Director Woburn Experimental Fruit Farm) On DELICATE CALORIMETRIC THERMOMETERS, 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is Qd 1886 13310 The DENSITY of SULPHURIC-ACID SOLUTIONS, 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is Qd 1892 13311 EXPERIMENTAL ERROR in CALORIMETRIC WORK, 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Qd 1886 13312 On the NATURE of SOLUTION, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd 1886 13313 The RECOGNITION of CHANGES of CURVATURE by Means of a FLEXIBLE LATH, 8vo. (pp. 31), sewn, 2s 1892 13314 PICKERING (William Henry, Harvard Observatory ; discoverer of Phcebe and Themis) The MOON : a Summary of the existing Knowledge of our Satellite, with a COMPLETE PHOTOGRAPHIC ATLAS, with 110 plates, chiefly from photographs, and 8 diagrams, sm. atlas 4to. cl., 1. 10* (p. 2. 2s nett) New York, 1903 1 Giving an account of some of the more recent advances in our knowledge of the Moon, leaving to the text-books a statement of the information that was earlier acquired.' Preface. The photographs were made with a 12" refractor at the Arequipa station of Harvard Observatory under ideal atmospheric conditions. 13315 INVESTIGATIONS in ASTRONOMICAL PHOTOGRAPHY, with 1 plates, 4to. sewn, 3s Qd Cambridge, Mass., 1895 13316 PICTET (Lieut.-Col. Adolphe) ESSAI sur les PROPRIETES et la TACTIQUE des FUSEES de GUERRE, 8vo. hf. calf, 3s Turin, 1848 13317 PICTET (Marc Auguste; F.R.S.) ESSAY on FlRE, translated under the Inspection of the Author, by W. B., M.D., with folding frontispiece and table, 12mo. hf. calf (front, browned) ; RARE, 12s Qd 1791 ' In consequence of this delay [in printing] I have been anticipated in the suggestion of some of the general ideas con- tained in the first chapter by Mr. Lavoisier in his Elementary Treatise of Chemistry. . . . Certain paragraphs of my work resemble almost word for word those of that celebrated chemist.' Preface. The author gave in the above work an explanation of the formation of dew, by which he was able to explain a dew- maximum on clear nights. His theory was completed in 1814 by Dr. W. C. Wells, F.R.S. (;. Nos. 5322-5 ante}. 13318 NOTICE sur DEUX FONTS SUSPENDUS, en FIL de FER, recemment etablis sur les Fosses d'Enceinte de la Ville de Geneve ; with folding plate of suspension bridge, 8vo. (pp. 20), unbound, 3s Qd [Geneve, 1823] 13319 PICTET (Raoul) Le CARBITE : nouveaux Precedes pour sa Fabrication ; with illustration, 8vo. (pp. 74), sewn, 2s Gen toe, 1896 A simplified process for producing carbide of calcium. 13320 PIDDINGTON (Henry, President of Marine Courts, Calcutta) The SAILOR'S HORN-BoOKfor the LAW of STORMS : a Practical Exposition of the Theory of the Law of Storms, and its Uses to Mariners of all Classes in all Parts of the World, shewn by Transparent Storm Cards and Useful Lessons, fifth Edition, enlarged and improved, with folding charts (2 transparent ones in pocket), large post 8vo. cl., Qs 1869 Containing the discovery of the law of storms (together with Sir William Reid, q. v. post). The author also originated in this work the word ' cyclone '. 13321 PIDOUX (Justin; Geneva Observatory) MEMOIRS sur la LATITUDE de FOBSERVATOIRE de GENEVE, 4to. (pp. 68), sewn, 2s Geneve, 1900 13322 PIERCE (George Washington; Harvard Univ.) CRYSTAL RECTIFIERS for ELECTRIC CURRENTS and ELECTRIC OSCILLATIONS, II. CARBORUNDUM, MOLYBDENITE, ANATASE, BROOKTTE, with plate and 12 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 33), sewn, 2? [Baltimore'], 1909 13323 EXPERIMENTS on the ELECTRICAL OSCILLATIONS of a HERTZ RECTILINEAR OSCILLATOR, with 4 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, \s Qd [ibidem], 1910 13324 THEORY of COUPLED CIRCUITS, under the Action of an Impressed Electromotive Force, with Applications to RADIOTELEGRAPHY, 11 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn, Is Qd [ib.~], 1911 1332-5 PIERCE (George Winslowj The LIFE-ROMANCE of an ALGEBRAIST, with portrait, plate, and fss., oblong 16mo. cl., 4s Boston [Mass., 1891] A curious medley of mathematics, autobiography, and poetry. 13326 PILLA (Leopoldo; Univ. Pisa) CONOSCENZE di MINERALOGIA necessarie per lo Studio di Geologia ; withholding plate, 8vo. (pp. 72), sewn, 2s Qd Napoli, 1841 1332.7 PILLA (Niccola) II GALVANISMO, nel suo Rapporto colla RIPRODUZIONE ANIMALE, owero TEORIA della G^NERAZIONE, Svo. sewn (rare), Is Qd Napoli, 1817 This work is not mentioned by Poggenc orff and other bibliographers, nor contained in the otherwise complete list of 'books on electricity in the Catalogue of the Ronalds Library. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 667 13329 PIESSE (GK W. Septimus, analytical chemist] The ART of PERFUMERY, and the Methods of Obtaining the Odours of Plants, with Appendix on the Colours of Flowers, Artificial Fruit Essences, etc., first edition, with numerous pretty full -page and other woodcuts, post 8vo. cl. (scarce), 6s 1855 13330 FIFTH EDITION, edited by CHARLES H. PIESSE, F.I.C., with frontispiece of a Lavender Still, and numerous other woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 515), cl., 8s Qd apud auctorem, 1891 One of the best books on the subject, by heads of the old London perfumery firm of Piesse and Lubin. 13331 PIFFEBI (Francesco, Monaco Camaldolense) MONICOMETRO: INSTROMENTO da MISURAR con la VlSTA STANDO FERMO ; with numerous woodcuts, sm. 4to. boards (large and sound copy) ; RARE, 1. 5s Siena, 1695 ' Raro opuscolo. Vi si trova un priino tentativo della costruzione dei distanziometri.' Riccardi. The Libri copy fetched 47 francs in 1847, but the work was unknown to Poggendorff. 13332 PIG-IRON INDUSTRY, COLLECTIVE EXHIBIT illustrating the, Franco-British Exhibition, 1908, with plate, 8vo. sewn, \s Iron and Steel Institute, 1908 13333 PIGEON (Jean) DESCRIPTION d'une SPHERE MOUVANTE, par le Moyen d'une PENDULE,d'un GLOBE monte d'une Facon particuliere et d'un nouveau PLANISPHERE pour les Distances et Grosseurs des Planetes, selon FHypothese de Copernic ; with fine front, by Scotin, and 3 plates (2 with volvelles), sm. 8vo. old calf gilt (RARE), 1. Is Jacques Quillau, Imprimeur-Jure de VUniversitc, 1714 This rare work was unknown to Querard, Brunet, or Graesse, but is mentioned by Poggendorff, who states that the author made a planetarium, as described above, for Louis XIV., for which lie received ' a royal reward ', and sold another ' for a high price ' to Peter the Great in 1716. 13334 PIGGOT (A. Snowden) The CHEMISTRY and METALLURGY of COPPER, including the principal Copper Mines of U.S. and other Countries, with the Art of Mining and Preparing Ores for Market, and the various Processes of Copper Smelting, etc., with 15 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., (scarce), 6s Philadelphia, 1858 13335 PIGOTT (Edward; discoverer of Pigotfs Comet; son of Nathaniel Pigott) ACCOUNT of some LUMINOUS ARCHES, 4to. (pp. 4), sewn, Is Qd 1789 13336 DETERMINATION of the LONGITUDES and LATITUDES of some Remarkable Places near the SEVERN, 4to. (pp. 6), unbound, 2s 6d 1790 The author's determination of geographical coordinates is deduced from observed meridian transits of the moon's limbs. 13337 The LATITUDE and LONGITUDE of YORK determined from a Variety of Astronomical Observations, with a Recommendation of the METHOD of DETERMINING the LONGITUDE of Places by Observations of the MOON'S TRANSIT over the MERIDIAN, 4to. (pp. 17), sewn, 6s 1786 ' In a paper on the geographical co-ordinates of York he gave the first practical application of the method of longitudes by lunar transits, independently struck out by him.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. Added are: Advertisement of the expected Return of the Cometo1532 and 1661 in 1788, byNEviL MASKKLYNE, pr., F.R.S. (pp. 6) : A New Method of finding Fluents by Continuation, by SAMUEL VINCE, pr., F.R.S. (pp. 11). 338 OBSERVATIONS of a NEW VARIABLE STAR, 4to. (pp. 10), unbound, 2s 6d 1784 13339 OBSERVATIONS and REMARKS on those STARS which the ASTRONOMERS of the last Century suspected to be CHANGEABLE, 4to. (pp. 30), sewn, 6s Qd 1786 ' A catalogue of fifty variable or suspected stars was published by him [supra'] in 1786, with the remark that ' these discoveries may, at some future period, throw fresh light on astronomy.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. Added is : An Account of a Subsidence of the Ground near Folkstone. by EDWARD KING, F.R.S., with 2 plates, 1786. 13340 PIGOTT (Nathaniel, F.R.S.) OBSERVATIONS of the TRANSIT of MERCURY over the Sun's Disc, made at Louvain, in the Netherlands, May 3, 1786, with diagram, 4to. (pp. 5), unbound, 2s 6d 1786 The author was a private gentleman of Whitton, Middlesex, and an able amateur astronomer. He carried out for the Austrian Government, then in possession, the first determination of the geographical positions of the chief towns of the t Low Countries in 1772, with the help of his son Edward and his own servants. 13341 PIHL (O. A. L.) On OCCULTING MICROMETERS, and their Value as applied to Exact Astro- nomical Measurements, roy. 4to. (pp. 71), sewn, with inscr. to Prof. A. S. Herschel, F.R.S., 3s Qd Christiania, 1893 13342 The STELLAR CLUSTER ^ PERSEI micrometrically surveyed, with 2 folding maps, roy. 4to. (pp. 107), sewn, with inscr. to the same, 4s Qd 'ibidem, 1891 13343 PILATBE de ROZIER (Jean Fra^ois), La VIE et les MEMOIRES de, ecrits par lui-meme, et publics par M. T[OURNON DE LA CHAPELLE] ; with 4 folding woodcuts, 18mo. sewn (RARE), 15s 1786 M. Piiatre de Rozier was the first man to go up in a balloon (together with the Marquis d'Arlandes). Before him only animals were sent up for experimental purposes. He was killed in an attempt to cross the Channel in a combined charliere and montgolfiere, which caught fire and burst, in 1785. The above work contains a full account of his ascent and death, and also includes his chief memoirs contributed to the Journal de Physique. 13344 PILLET-WILL (Michel Frederic Comte) De la DEFENSE et du PRODUIT des CANAUX et des CHEMINS deFER; de 1'Influence des Voies de Communication surla Prosperite Industriellede la France ; with Atlas of 29 large folding copperplates and maps, 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf, with auto, of GEORGE RENNIE, C.E., F.R.S.., on titles, 15* 1837 Even in 1837 there were some railways already operated for sometime in France, chiefly horse lines in the mineral districts of the Centre. The plates relate to Canal Engineering, and include a long profile of the Canal du Rhone au Rhin, through Mulhouse, of interest at this moment of the Franco-Nietzschian War. 13345 PINCOT (Daniel, Artificial Stone Manufacturer) ESSAY on the ORIGIN, NATURE, USES, and PROPERTIES of ARTIFICIAL STONE, with some Observations upon Common Natural Stone, Clays, and Burnt Earths in general, in which the Durability of the latter is shown to be equal, if not superior, to the hardest Marbles, being the Result of many Experiments, 8vo. sewn (rare], 6s 1770 13346 PINO (Domenico, O.P.) L'INCREDIBILITA del MOTO della TERRA brevemente esposta, 8vo. sewn (RARE), 10s Qd Milano, 1806 A deli is unkin ightfully belated refutation of the Newtonian system, published under the auspices of Pope Pius VII. The author dly ignored by Poggendorff and Riccardi. (>68 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W .C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W 13348 PINGED (Alexandre Guy, Chanoine Regulier de Ste.-Genevieve ; Chancelier de I' Universitc de Paris ; de r Academic des Sciences) COMETOGRAPHIE, ou Traite historique et theorique des Cometes ; with 7 copperplates, 2 vols. 4to. old French mottled calf extra (top of back slightly damaged] ; RARE, 1. 10s Imprimerie Royale, 1783-4 13349 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. boards, uncut (very sound and clean copy), 1. 10s ' The most complete historical and general treatise on comets which has appeared.' Prof. Neivcomb. 1 His celebrated CometograpMe, which for the industry and labour bestowed on it has few equals, has been from the period of its publication down to the present day the astronomer's text-book on the subject of cometary history : it has never been superseded, and is never likely to be, though supplementary matter has of course been accumulated.' Chambers' s Handbook, of Astronomy (1889). 13350 PINTO d'ALMEIDA (A. J.) PRINCIPIOS de GEOLOGIA ; with 2 diagrams, 4to. hf. bound, with Sandhurst College bookplate, 4s Coimbra, 1838 13351 PIOBERT (Gen. Guillaume ; de VInstitut) COURS d'ARTiLLERiE ; PARTIE THEORIQUE, redigee d'apres ses Cahiers et ses Lecons par MM. DIDION et DE SAULCY ; lithographed on 418 pp. from the MS., with numerous illustrations, cr. 4to. hf. calf, 5s 1841 13352 ; , et A. L. TARDY : EXPERIENCES sur les ROUES HYDRAULIQUES a AXE VERTICAL, et sur 1'Ecoulement de 1'Eau dans les Coursiers et dans les Bases de Forme Pyramidale ; with 4 folding plates, 4to.(pp. 40), sewn, 5s Qd 1840 ' Les experiences rapportees dans le present ouvrage offrent un des premiers exemples de 1'emploi du frein [Prony, r. No. 13731, post] a la mesure de 1'effet utile transmis par les machines.' Avant-propo*. 13353 PIOLA (Gabrio) Sull'AppLiCAZiONE de'PRiNCiPJ dellaMECCANiCA ANALiTiCAdi LAGRANGE ai principali PROBLEMI, roy. 4to. boards, uncut, Is Qd Imp. Regia Stamperia, Milano, 1825 ' Lo scopo di questa memoria e di trovare una nuova dimostrazione delle equazioni general! dell' equilibrio et del moto date nella meccanica analitica. Lagrange servendosi del solo assioma o principle delle velociti'i virtuali. . . . L'autore ricorre a un nuovo metodo che la qualche rassomiglianza con quello usitato due secoli da Bonaventura Cavalieri nella sua geometria degl' indivisibili, e che propriamente chiamasi metodo dei limiti.' Ruppvrtn. 13354 PIRIE (George, Prof. Math., Aberdeen) LESSONS on RIGID DYNAMICS, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6*) 1875 13355 PISANI (Felix) ANALYSE de la FIBROFERRITE de PALLIERES (Gard) : Sur quelques NOUVEAUX MlNERAUX du CORNOUAILLES, 4to. (pp. 4), sewn, Is Qd 1864 13356 DESCRIPTION d ? un APPAREIL servant a la RECHERCHE de plusieurs ACIDES ; with plate, 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, Is [c. 1860] 13357 ETUDE CHIMIQUE et ANALYSE de I'AEROLITHE d'ORGUEiL, 4to. (pp. 4), sewn, Is Qd , 1864 13358 ETUDE CHIMIQUE et ANALYSE du POLLUX de 1'ile d'ELBE, 4to. (pp. 3), teicn, IsQd 1864 NOTICES MINERALOGIQUES, 4to. (pp. 4), sewn, Is Qd 1876 13360 Sur le GRENAT rile d'ELBE, 4to. (pp. 2), sewn, Is Qd s. d. 13361 Sur les MINERAUX trouve"s dans la MINE de CUIVRE du CAP GARONNE (Var), 4to. (pp. 4), sewn, Is Qd 1870 13362 Sur une NOUVELLE ESPECE MINERALS du CORNOUAILLES, la DEVILLINE, 4 to. (pp. 2), sewn, Is Qd 1864 1 3363 Sur la SEPARATION de 1'AciDE TITANIQUE et de la ZIRCONE, 4to. (pp. 4), sewn, Is Qd 1864 13364 Sur un SILICATE de BARYTE CRISTALLISE, obtenu artificiellement, 4to. (pp. 3), sewn, Is Qd 1876 13365 Sur un SuLFO-ANTiMONiURE de PLOMB trouve a ARNSBERG (Westpbalie), 4to. (pp. 3), sewn, Is Qd 1876 13366 TRAITE ELKMENTAIRE de MINERALOGIE, precede d'une Preface par ALFRED DES CLOIZEAUX ; with 184 woodcuts, post 8vo. hf. calf gilt (o. p.), 4s (p. F. 8 nett sewn) 1875 ' M. Pisani a rendu un veritable service aux mineralogistes en reunissant toutes les especea minerales bien determinees aujourd'hui par leurs caracteres cristallographiques, optiques et chimiques.' A. des Cloizeaux, de I'lnxtitv.t. 13367 PISATI (G., Univ. Rome) Su la DILATAZIONE, la CAPILLARITA e la VISCOSITA del SOLFO Fuso ; with plate, roy. 4to. (pp. 6), sewn, 2s [Roma, 1877] 13368 , ed E. PUCCI : Sulla LUNGHEZZA del PENDOLO a SECONDI ; with 4 plates, 4to. (pp. 178), sewn, with author's inscr., 4s ibidem, 1883 13369 - , e C. SAPORITO : RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI sulla TENACITA dei METALLI a diverse Temperature ; with plate, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, \s Qd [ib-,] 1877 PITATI (Pietro, da Verona) VER.E SOLARIS atque LUNARIS ANNI QUANTITATIS . . . EXPLICATIO (1568) v. PICCOLOMINI, No. 13299, ante. 13370 PITISCUS (Bartholomaeus) TRIGONOMETRIC sive de Dimensione Triangulor[um] Libri V, item Problematum varioru, nempe Geodfeticorum, Altimetricorum, Geographicorum, Gnomoni- corum, et Astronomicorum Libri X, Editio III., cui recens accessit Problenfatum Architect- onicorum Liber unus; with engraved title and numerous diagrams: CANON TRIANGULORUM emendatissimus, et ad Usum accommodatissimus, pertinens ad Trigonometriam 2 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, FINE COPIES in old English calf, with bookplate of the Duke of Sussex (RARE), 2. 2s Francofurti, N. Hofmann, 161'2 The last edition of the first complete text-book of trigonometry. ' It contains the expressions for sin (AB and cos (AB) in terms of the trigonometrical ratios of A and B.' W. W. R. Ball. ' Both very scarce. Brunet mentions only the first edition (containing solely ten Books of Problemata), as printed in 1600 at Augsburg. The third improved edition was totally unknown to him, as was also the Canon, which is not mentioned by Lalande, and is even rarer than the celebrated ' Thesaurus Mathematicus', published by the same author in 1613.' Libri Catalogue. 13371 PLAATS (J. D. van der ; Utrecht] DETERMINATION de quelques POIDS ATOMIQUES, 4to. (pp. 4), sewn, \L Qd [1885] 13372 - ESSAI de CALCUL des POIDS ATOMIQUES de M. STAS, 8vo. (pp. 34), sewn, Is Qd 1886 13373 Sur les POIDS ATOMIQUES de STAS, 4to. (pp. 6), seu-n, Is Qd [1893] HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 669 13375 PITOT (Henri; de V Academic des Sciences, F.R.S.) The THEORY of the WORKING of SHIPS, applied to Practice, containing the PRINCIPLES and RULES for SAILING with the greatest Advantage possible, translated by EDMUND STONE, F.R.S. , with 8 folding plates, 8vo. old calf gilt (joints cracked, and title written on] ; RARE, 15s 1743 'Ouvrage excellent.' Bi ogr. Generate. At end are 20 'Tables for the Working of Ships', which were specially recom- mended for their excellence by the French Academy of Science. There was no copy of the English translation in the Scott Library, nor is there a copy of either original or translation in that of the Institution of Naval Architects. 13376 [PLACE (Le Captaine de)] L'ARTILLERIE ACTUELLE en France et a PETRANGER : Canons, Fusils, Poudres, et Projectiles, par le COLONEL GUN ; with 96 v:oodcuts, cr. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco (stamp on title), 3s , 1889 13377 PLAN A (Giovanni Antonio Amedeo Barone ; Univ. Turin; F.R.S.) EQUATION de la COURBE formee par une LAME ELASTICJUE, quelles que soient les Forces qui agissent sur la Lame : MEMOIRE sur 1'Integratiori des Equations Lineaires aux Differences Partielles du second et du troisieme Ordre ; with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 54), sewn, 3s [Torino, 1811] The author's first publication. 13378 MEMOIRE sur I'EXPRESSION ANALYTIQUE de la SURFACE TOTALE de I'ELLIPSOIDE dont les Trois Axes sont Inegaux, et sur 1'Evaluation de la Surface d'une Voiite Symmetrique, a Base Rectangulaire, retranchee dans la Moitie du meme Ellipsoide, 4to. {pp. 20), sewn, 3s 6d [Berlin, 1837] 13379 MEMOIRE sur les FORMULES propres a determiner la PARALLAXE ANNUELLE des ETOILES Simples ou optiquement Doubles, 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, 3s 6d Impr. Royale, Turin, 1858 133SO MEMOIRE sur les INTEGRALES DEFINIES, 4to. (pp. 48), sewn, 2s 6d [1818] 13381 MEMOIRE sur le MOUVEMENT CONIQUE, k Double Courbure, d'un Pendule Simple, dans le Vide, Abstraction faite de la Rotation Diurne de la Terre, roy. 4to. (pp. 36), seu-n, 2s [1859] 13382 MEMOIRE sur differens PROCEDES d'lNTEGRATiON, par lesquels on obtient 1' Attraction d'un Ellipsoide Homogene dont les Trois Axes sont Inegaux, sur un Point Exterieur ; with plate, 4to. (pp. 96), boards, uncut, ivith author's inscr., 4s [Turin, 1838-9] 13383 MEMOIRE sur TROIS INTEGRALES DEFINIES, 4to. (pp. 23), sewn, 2s 6d \_Bruxelles, s.d.] 13384 NOTE oil Ton explique une Remarquable OBJECTION faite par EULER en 1751, centre une REGLE donnee par NEWTON, dans son Arithmetique Universelle, pour extraire la Racine d'un Binome Re*el de la Forme V* Vb, quelque soit le Degre Impair de la Racine demand e"e, si toutefois elle est Possible, 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, 3s [Berlin, 1837] 13385 NOTE sur le PROCES de GALILEE, 4to. (pp. 12), sewn, with author's inscr. an below, 4s Impr. Royale, Turin, 1858 1 Al Signer Duca Di Rignano a Roma. Per parte Jell 'Autore. Torino li 17 X bro 1858.' Inner, on cover. J3386 OBSERVATIONS ASTRONOMIQUES faites en 1822-5 a I'OBSERVATOIRE ROYAL de TURIN, avec MEMOIRE sur les REFRACTIONS ASTRONOMIQUES, thick 4to. hf. calf, uncut, 10s 6d apud eavdem, ibidem, 1828 13387 - THEORIE du MOUVEMENT de la LUNE, 3 thick vols. ; avec le Supplement together 4 vols. 4to. original boards (VERY SCARCE), 2. 17s 6d (p. F. 120.) a. e., ib.. 1832-57 ' The method of Plana agrees essentially with that pursued by Clairault and his successors ; but he has introduced into it several ingenious modifications. The entire researches of this distinguished geometer exhibit the most commanding mastery of his subject. Pro/. R. Grant. 13388 PLANTE (Gaston, de VInstitut) RECHERCHES sur I'ELECTRICITE, avec TOME II, FASCICULE 1 (le tout paru), premiere edition j with 89 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (cover stained), and Vol. II. I. sewn (SCARCE), 10s 6d 1879 13389 REIMPRESSION, avec la VI e Partie (Analogies entre les Phenomenes Electriques et les Effets produits par des Actions M6caniques, Consequences relatives a la Nature de 1'Electrieite) ; with 89 woodcuts, 8vo. sewn, 5s Qd 1883 13390 ANOTHER COPY, cl., 6s Qd A collection of the results of the author's important researches on electricity made between 1859 and 1879, antl containing his discovery of the accumulator, afterwards improved by Camille Faure. 13391 PLARR (Gustave) On the ESTABLISHMENT of the ELEMENTARY PRiNCiPLESof QUATERNIONS on an ANALYTICAL BASIS, with diagrams, 4to. (pp. 28), sewn, 2s [Edin., 1874] 13392 PLAT (Sir Hugh, of Lincoln's Inn) The JEWEL HOUSE of ART and NATURE : containing divers Rare and Profitable INVENTIONS, together with sundry new EXPERIMENTS in the Art of HUSBANDRY ; with Divers CHIMICAL CONCLUSIONS concerning the Art of DISTILLATION, and the rare Practises and Uses thereof ; also a rare and excellent DISCOURSE of MINERALS, STONES, GUMS, and ROSINS, with the Vertues and Use thereof, by D. B., Gent. [ARNOLD DE BOATE], with numerous woodcuts, sm. 4to. sewn; or, hf. calf (one joint cracked) ; RARE, 1. 10s Bernard Alsop, and are to be sold at his house in Grubstreet, 1653 13393 ANOTHER COPY, handsomely bound in brown calf extra, inside borders, saffron edges, \.l7s6d Containing important recipes and notes on manures, brewing, mnemonics, moulding and casting of metals, distilling (especially of essential oils), h'shing, etc., and a description of his mechanical inventions, which he first announced in a broadsheet in 1592. ' Not the least popular was his collection of recipes for preserving fruits, distilling, cooking, house- wifery, cosmetics, and the dyeing of hair '. D. N. B. The ' Discourse on Minerals ' etc. is by the editor, and only con- tained in this, the last and best edition. 13394 PLATT (Franklin) The CAUSES, KINDS and AMOUNT of WASTE in MINING ANTHRACITE : Special Report to the Legislature ; with the Methods of Mining by JOHN PRICE WETHERILL, with folding plans and map (a large coloured folding plan in pocket), 8vo. cl., 6s 6d Harrisburg, 1881 13395 PLENCK (Joseph Jacob v., Prof. Chemistry, Vienna) ELEMENTA CHYMIAE, Editio altera, ad Editionem Vlennensem recusa, 8vo. sewn, 4s Lugd. Bat., 1801 13396 The HYGROLOGY, or Chemico-Physiological Doctrine of the FLUIDS of the HUMAN BODY, translated by ROBERT HOOPER, M.D., 8vo. boards, uncut, 4s 1797 70 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13398 PLATEAU (Joseph Antoine Ferdinand ; Univ. Ghent ; F.B.S.) DISSERTATION sur quelques Proprieties des IMPBESSIONS produites par la LUMIERE sur 1'ORGANE de la VUE ; with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 32), sewn, 3s . Liege, 1829 The author's first work, published in a gallant town whose fame will never die. 13399 - - ESSAI d'une THEORIE GENERALE comprenant I'ENSEMBLE des APPARENCES VISUELLES qui succedent a la Contemplation des OBJETS COLORIES, et de celles qui accompagnent cette Contemplation, c'est-a-dire la Persistance des Impressions de la Retine, les Coulours Accidentelles, 1'Irradiation, les Effets de la Juxtaposition des Couleurs, les Ombres Coloriees, etc. ; with folding copperplate, 4to. (pp. 68), sewn, with author' sinscr. to Dr. P. M. Roget, F.R.S., 6s 6d Bruxclles, 1834 13400 MEMOIRE sur 1'IRRADIATION ; with folding copperplate, 4to. (pp. 112), with author's inscr- to the same, 8s 6d ibidem, 1839 The author gives in the above memoir the first complete explanation of irradiation. ' He found that irradiation differs very much in different people, and even in the same person on different days. He also found that it increases with the lustre of the object and the length of time during which it is viewed. . . . Diverging lenses increase it, condensing lenses diminish it.' Prof. A. W. Keinold,F.R.S. 13401 STATIQUE EXPERIMENTALE et THEORIQUE des LIQUIDES soumis aux SEULES FORCES MOLECULAIRES ; with 96 diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. sewn (SCARCE), 10* Gand, 1873 Specially valuable for the author's investigations on waves, surface tension, and the theory of jets. 13402 PLATTNEB (Karl Friedrich) BEITRAG zur ERWEITERUNG der PROBIRKUNST durch ein systematisches Verfahren bei Ausmittelung eines in Evzen, Hiitten- und Kunst-Producten befindlichen Gehaltes an Kobalt, Nickel, Kupfer und Blei oder Wismuth auf trocknem Wege ; with 9 woodcuts, 12mo. cl. (scarce), 4s Freiberg, 1849 It was Plattner's merit to have introduced the use of the blowpipe, till then exclusively confined to metallurgical operations, into analytical chemistry. 13403 Die PROBIRKUNST mit dem LOTHROHRE, 3. umgearbeitete Auflage ; with 78 woodcuts. 8vo. hf. German calf, with auto, and MS. note by W. J. Russell, F.R.S., 3s Leipzig, 1853 13404 TABLEAUX des CARACTERES que presenbent au CHALUMEAU les ALCALIS, les TERRES, et les OXYDES METALLIQUES, soit Seuls, soit avec les Reactifs, traduits par A. SOBRERO, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, 2s Qd 13405 The USE of the BLOWPIPE, in the Examination of Minerals, Ores, Furnace-Products, etc., translated, with Notes, by JAMES SHERIDAN MUSPRATT, F.R.S. ; with Preface by JUSTUS FREIHERR v. LIEBIG, first English edition, with 50 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1845 This edition contains an appendix : ' A Simple Method of Finding the Weight of any very Minute Metallic Globules, without a Balance,' by OLIVER BYRNE. 13406 - , and Theodor BICHTEB, Freiberg : MANUAL of QUALITATIVE and QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS with the BLOWPIPE [translated by HENRY B. CORNWALL and JOHN H. CASWELL]. LAST EDITION, by T. HUGO COOKESLEY, with 78 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl. (scarce), with auto, of J. M. Thomson, F.K.S., 8s 6d (p. 1. 1*) 'This branch of chemical analysis, originally confined to the determination of the noble metals in the dry way, has become expanded into an important branch of analytical chemistry, particularly since C. F. Plattner's comprehensive researches and the publication of his [above] classical book.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 13407 PLTNTUS Secundus (Caius) NATURALIS HISTORIA, nunc demum ex Aldinis Archetypis pristine suo Nitori accurate restituta : affixa SIGISMUNDI GALENII Castigatione ; accessit Index locupletissimus ; with vignettes, folio, old stamped calf, newly rebacked, with autos. of Richard Whitlock, 1654, and THOMAS BRADOCK, pr., 1577 (headmaster of Reading Grammar School] on flyleaf, and numerous MS. notes and references by them, also old autos. of J. Dickinson, 1734, J. Harris, and Nic: Franckwell de Bexley on title, 1. 55 Venetiis, Hier. Scotus, 1571 Bradock's autograph is interesting, as he was the translator into Latin (in 637 pp. folio) of Bishop Jewel's ' Con- futation ' of Hard ing's ' Answer ' to Jewel's ' Apologia Ecclesite Anglicanse.' 13408 NATURALIS HISTORIA, cum Commentariis et Adnotationibus HERMOLAI, BARBARI, PINTIANI, RHENANI, GELENII, DALECHAMPII, SCALIGERI, SALMASII, Is. Vossn, et variorum ; accedunt varise Lectiones ex MSS., item J. F. GRONOVII Notae ; with engraved titles, 3 thick vols. sm. 8vo. old smooth red morocco extra, blind tooled backs and borders, g. e., from the library of the DUCHESSE DE BfiRRi (engraved title to v. 2 backed) ; rare, with bookplate of Mr. Henry 1 B. H. Beaufoy, 2. 10s Lugd. Bat., apud Hackios, 1669-8 'Belle edition, et 1'une des inoins communes de la collection des anciens Variorum'. Brunei. ' Edition correcte'. i ! rw.-o--' . , 13409 - The HISTORIE of the WORLD : commonly called the NATURALL HISTORIE of C. PLINIUS SECUNDUS. Translated by PHILEMON HOLLAND, Doctor of Physicke, original edition, with foodcut title, 2 vols. folio in 1, old panelled calf, rebacked (first title slightly defective and soiled) ; RARE, 3. 5s impensis G. B., 1601 The above imprint is very unusual. Vol. II. and the colophon however bear that of Adam Islip. FROM KING JAMES I.'S LIBRARY : 13410 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. folio in 1, old calf gilt, rebacked, with Arms of King James I. on sides (small ivormhole through some margins at end of v. 2, otherwise a SOUND AND TALL COPY) ; rare, 10. 10.? Adam Islip, 1601 This is Holland's chief translation, which brought him, together with his other translations, the title of ' Translator- General" of his age. 'Translated by that old worthy, Philemon, who, for the service which he rendered to his con- temporaries and his countrymen, deserves to be called the best of the Hollands, without disparaging either the Lord or the Doctor of that appellation.' S'juthry. 13411 PLUTARCH on the FACE which appears on the ORB of the MOON: Translation and Notes with Appendix, by A. O. PRICKARD, Fellow of New College, Oxford, with 2 plates, 8vo. (pp. 78), figured boards, 2s Winchester, 1911 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 671 13413 PLAYFAIR (John, F.R.S.) WORKS, with Memoir [by the EDITOR and LORD JEFFREY ; edited by JAMES G. PLAYFAIR], 4 thick vols. 8vo. hf. calf (joints broken) ; SCARCE, 1. 5s Edin., 1822 Containing all the author's works and papers, save ' Elements of Geometry' and ' Outlines of Natural Philosophy ', and including 1m celebrated 'Illustrations of the Huttoiiian Theory of the Earth', 'a model of purity of diction, simplicity of style, and clearness of explanation, which not only gave p ipularity to Hutton's theory, but helped to create the modern science of geology ' (D. N. B.), and the valuable ' Progress of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences.' 13414 ELEMENTS of GEOMETRY, containing the First Six Books of Euclid, with Supplement on the QUADRATURE of the CIRCLE, and the GEOMETRY of SOLIDS, also Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, 2nd Edition, enlarged, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. old sheep (damaged), 3s ibidem, 1804 13415 - THIRD EDITION, enlarged, with numerous diagrams, Svo. old sheep (damaged), 3s ib., 1810 13416 EIGHTH EDITION, with Additions by WILLIAM WALLACE, F.R.S.E., with numerous diagrams, 8vo. calf, 4s ib., 1831 13417 NINTH EDITION, with Additions, by JOHN DAVIDSON, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf (back damaged), 3s ib., 1836 13418 On the ORIGIN and INVESTIGATION of PORISMS, with 2 folding copperplates, 4to. (pp. 53), sewn, 5s Qd [ib., 1792] ' A learned paper, containing a number of curious observations on the geometry of the ancients in geneial, as well as forming a complete treatise as it were on poi isms in particular.' Dr. C. Mutton, F.R.S. , who quotis extensively liom the above paper in his Philosophical and Mathematical Dictionary. 13419 OUTLINES of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY : Lectures in the University of Edinburgh, first edition, with 6 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. brown calf gilt, 5s ib., 1812-14 13420 PLAYFAIR (Lyon first Lord, F.R.S.) A' CENTURY of CHEMISTRY in the UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH, 8vo. (pp. 30), sewn, with inscr. to Prof. Tyndall (as below), 3s Edin., 1858 'Dr. Tyndal [sic] from the Author.' Inscr. on cover. It was the author's introductory lecture on his appointment to the chair of chemistry in Edinburgh University. 13421 On the FOOD of MAN under different Conditions of Age and Employment, with folding table, 8vo. (pp. 4), sewn, Is Qd 1853 13422 On the GASES EVOLVED during the FORMATION of COAL, roy. 8vo. (pp. 1-16), sewn* \s Qd n. d. This memoir was unknown to Poggendorff. 13423 INDUSTRIAL INSTRUCTION on the CONTINENT, roy. 8vo. (pp. 54), sewn, with auto, of Prof. Hilary Bauerman, Is Qd 1852 13424 On the NATIONAL IMPORTANCE of STUDYING ABSTRACT SCIENCE with a View to the healthy PROGRESS of INDUSTRY, 8vo. (pp. 29), unbound, Is Qd 1851 13425 On the NiTROPRUSSJDES, a NEW CLASS of SALTS, 4to. (pp. 42), seivn, 5s 1849 13426 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, ivith author's inscr., Qs 'His most important investigations are those on the nitroprussides, a new class of salts which he discovered, etc.' D. N. B. 13427 NOTE on some NUMERICAL RELATIONS between the SPECIFIC GRAVITIES of the DIAMOND, GRAPHITE, and CHARCOAL FORMS of CARBON, and its ATOMIC WEIGHT, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd [Edin., 1860] 13423 [PRESIDENTIAL] ADDRESS to the BRITISH ASSOCIATION for the Advancement of Science, 8vo. (pp. 26), sewn, Is Qd 1885 13429 , and James Alfred WANKLYN, F.R.S.E. : On a MODE of taking the DENSITY of VAPOUR of VOLATILE LIQUIDS, at Temperatures below the Boiling Point, with, 2 woodcuts, 4to. (pp. 25), sewn, 3s Edin., 1S61 THE FIRST GRAPHIC. STATISTICS : 13430 PLAYFAIR (William, Inventor of this Method of stating Accounts) LINEAL ARITHMETIC, applied to shew the PROGRESS of the COMMERCE and KEVENUE of ENGLAND during the Present Century, with 33 copperplates of graphic statistics (mostly COLOURED), 8vo. old sheep (binding damaged), 10s Qd 1798 ' Not arithmetic, but plates arranging the several matters in curves, in the manner now much more familiar than it was then.' Prof, de Morgan. The book is probably the first instance of the use of graphic statistics, of which in the preface the author claims to be the inventor. He was the younger brother of John Playfair the geologist, and had a struggling, rough and tumble life, from his first employment as a draughtsman at Boulton and Watt's to his death in London in 1S23. He was in Paris in 1789 and probably took part in the taking of the Bastille, but afterwards quarrelled with the Revolution. The above work is not mentioned in D. N. B., but has peculiar interest in connexion with the invaluable method which it introduced, and which was apparently still little used in Prof, de Morgan's day. It was employed however to fine effect by FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE, who found her ' coxcombs ' trump cards against Lord Panmure, and the best of all means of bringing the state of the Army in barracks home to the English people. >1343l PLUCHl (Abbe Noel Antoine) The HISTORY of the HEAVENS, considered according to the Notions of the Poets and Philosophers, compared with the DOCTRINES of MOSES, translated by J. B. DE FREVAL, with numerous copperplates. 2 vols. Svo. old calf, Qs Qd 1740 ' La premiere partie est presque une mythologie complete, fondee sur des idees neuves, mais simples et ingenieuses ; la seconde partie est 1'histoire des idees philosophiques sur la formation du monde.' Biogr. Gen. 13432 [ ] SPECTACLE de la NATURE : or NATURE D.SPLAY'D: Discourses on such Particulars of Natural History as were thought most proper to excite the Curiosity, and form the Minds of Youth, translated from the original French by [SAMUEL] HUMPHREYS, 4th Edition, with numer- ous folding copperplates, Q vols. 8vo. old calf (cracked), 17s Qd 1740 'Ouvrage'instructif et agr6able. . . . C'est un tableau vivant et anime de 1'ceuvre de la creation '.Biogr. Gen. The work is dedicated to the youthful William Augusta*. Duke of Cumberland, known after 1746 as ' the Butcher'. 13433 POCHHAMNER (Leo August; Univ. Kiel) 'Ueber KELATIONEN zwischen HYPERGEO- METRISCHEN INTEGRALEN N TER ORDNUNG, 4to. (pp. 24), *ewn, 2* [Berlin, 1870] 13434 De SUPERFICIEI UNDARUM DERIVATIONE : Dissertatio Inauguralis. 4to (pp. 26), sewn, 2s ibidem [1863] 672 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13436 PLtJCKER (Julius; Univ. Bonn; F.R.S.) COMMENTATIO de CRYSTALLORUM et GAZORUM CONDITIONE MAGNETICA, qualis hodie intelligitur, 4to. (pp. 34), sewn (scarce), 6s Qd Eonnce [1854} 'Pliicker discovered that a piece of tourmaline, which is itself feebly paramagnetic, behaved as a diamagnetic body when so hung that the axis of the crystal was horizontal. Faraday, repeating the experiment with a crystal of bismuth, found that it tended to point with its axis of crystallization along the lines of the field axially. The magnetic forces acting thus on crystals by virtue of their possessing a certain structure he named magne-crystallic force. Pliicker endeavoured to connect the magne-crystallic behaviour of crystals with their optical behaviour, giving the following law ' etc. etc. Prof. Silvan us Thompson, F.R.S. 13437 NEUE GEOMETRIE des RAUMES gegriindet auf die Betrachtung der geraden Linie als Raumelement, mit Vorwort von A. CLEBSCH [herausgegeben von FELIX KLEIN] ; with diagrams, 2 parts 4to. sewn, Qs (p. M. 15) Leipzig, 1868-9 13438 SYSTEM der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE, auf neue Betrachtungsweisen gegriindet, und insbesondere eine ausfiihrliche THEORIE der CURVEN DRITTER ORDNUNG enthaltend ; with 6 plates, Berlin, '35 : THEORIE der ALGEBRAISCHEN CURVEN, gegriindet auf eine neue Behandlungs- weise der analytischen Geometric ; with plate, Bonn, '39 : SYSTEM der GEOMETRIE des RAUMES, ' The System der analytischen Geometrie, 1835, contains a complete classification of plane curves of the third order, based on th; nature of the points of infinity. The Theorie der algebraischen Curven, 1839, contains, besides an enumeration of curves of the fourth order, the analytic relations between the ordinary singularities of plane curves known as l Pliicker 's equations ', by which he was able to explain ' Poncelet's paradox '. The discovery of these relations is, says Cayley, ' the most important one beyond all comparison in the whole subject of modern geometry.' By considering space [in Geamnt,-i< des Raiimes] as made up of lines he created 'a new geometry of space'. Regarding a right line as a curve involving four arbitrary parameters, one has the whole system of lines in space. By connecting them by a single relation, he got a ' complex ' of lines ; by connecting them with a twofold relation, a ' congruency ' of lines '.Prof. Cajori. J3439 , und Johann Wilhelm HITTORF, Univ. Munster: On the SPECTRA of IGNITED GASES and VAPOURS, with especial Regard to the different Spectra of the same Elementary Gaseous Substance, with 3 folding plates of spectra (one coloured), 4to. (pp. 29), sewn (scarce), 6s Qd 1864 'As early as 1862, Pliicker pointed out that the same substance may give different spectra at different temperatures. He and Hittorf found for hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur fumes two kinds of spectra, namely a weak band spectrum and a bright line spectrum.' Prof. Cajori. 13440 , NOTICE sur les TRAVAUX de [avec Bibliographic (pp. 5)] , par ALFRED CLEBSCH, traduit par PAUL MANSION, 4to. (pp. 30), sewn, 2s Roma, 1872 13441 PLTJMMEB (Henry Crozier ; Royal Astronomer of Ireland) A METHOD of MECHANICALLY COMPENSATING the ROTATION of the FIELD of a SlDEROSTAT, with 3 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is 1901 13442 THE SAME; with NOTE on the GEOMETRY of the SIDEROSTAT, with 2 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 10), sewn, \s Qd 1901 13443 On a METHOD of REDUCING OCCULT ATIONS of STARS by the MOON, with the Reduction of Occupations observed on three Occasions at the Liverpool Observatory, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, IsQd 1901 13444 NOTE on the GEOMETRY of the SIDEROSTAT, with 2 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 4), sewn, Is 1901 13445 NOTE on MR. BRYAN COOKSON'S PAPER, 'On the ACCURACY of EYE OBSERVATIONS of METEORS, and the DETERMINATION of their RADIANT POINTS ', 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is 1901 13146 PLUMMER (William Edward, F.R.A.S., Director of Liverpool Observatory) On the ORBIT of DENNING'S COMET (1881 V.), 4to. (pp. 15), sewn, Is Qd ' [Dublin, 1883] 13447 PRELIMINARY NOTE on the POSITION of the LIVERPOOL OBSERVATORY ; OBSERVATIONS of COMET II. 1894 (GALE), 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is Qd 1894 13448 POEY (Andres) ETOILES FILANTES observers a la Havane du 24 Juillet an 12 Aout, et Remarques sur le Retour Periodique du Mois d'Aout, 4to. (pp. 5), sewn, Is Qd 18<>4 13449 POGGENDORFF (Johann Christian ; Univ. Berlin ; founder of < Annalen der Physik und Chemie ') GESCHICHTE der PHYSIK : Vorlesungen an der Universitiit zu Berlin [herausgegeben von W. BARENTIN] ; with 40 woodcuts, thick 8vo. new hf. calf gilt, uncut, t. e. g. (scarce), 18s Qd Leipzig, 1879 Still one of the best works on the history of physics. 13450 METHODS zur QUANTITATIVEN BESTIMMUNG der ELEKTROMOTORISCHEN KRAFT IN- CONSTANTER GALVANISCHER KETTEN ; with 2 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 31), seven, with author's inscr. to E. Solly, F.R.S. (scarce), Qs Qd [ibidem,] 1841 In this tract the author first published his famous method of compensation for comparing the electromotive force of various galvanic cells. ' Die Poggendorff sche Methode ist bis auf den heutigen Tag in ihreu verschiedenen Modifikationen die beste, um nicht zu sagen die einzige, welche fur inkonstante Kritfte angewendet werden darf.' Hopped Gtsch.d. Elektnzitiit. 13451 POGSON (Norman Robert, F.R.A.S., Govt. Astronomer, Madras) TELEGRAPHIC DETERMIN- ATIONS of the DIFFERENCE of LONGITUDE between Karachi, Avanashi, Roorkee, Pondicherry, Colombo. Jaffna, Muddapur and Singapore, and the Government Observatory, Madras, 4to. cl., 5* Madras, 1884 This work was privately printed, and copies were presented by order of the Governor in Council at Madras. v. Nos. 11268-71, ante. 13452 POHL (Georg Friedrich; Univ. Breslau) Der ELEKTROMAGNETISMUS, theoretisch-praktisch dargestellt, ERSTE ABTHEILUNG (sovveit erschienen) ; withholding plates, 8vo. sewn, 5s Berlin, 1830 The author proposed a new theory of the galvanic current, based on that of galvanic and chemical action being identical. He was the inventor of the current reverser (Pohl's gyrotrope). 13453 POHL (Joseph Johann) Ueber die SIEDEPUNCTE mehrerer ALHOHOLHALTIGER FLUSSIG- KEITEN und die darauf gegriindeten Verfahren den Alkoholgehalt derselben zu chemisch- technisehen Zv._ecken zu bestimmen ; with plate, folio, sewn, 5s Wien, 1850 13454 POINCARE (Lucien, Inspecteur -General de V Instruction publique) ELECTRICITY : Present and Future, translated by JASPER KEMMIS, 8vo. cl., Is Qd (Is Qd nett) [1908] HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 673 13456 POINCABE (Henri Jules, de VInstitut; F.R.S., brother of the President of the French Republic) CALCUL des PROBABILITES : Lecons professees pendant 1893-4, redigees par A. QUIQUET ; with 19 diagrams, roy. 8vo. sewn, 4s (p. F. 9 nett) 1896 13457 ELECTRiTE'et OPTIQUE, I. Les Theories de Maxwell, et la Theorie Electrornagnetique de la Lumiere. II. Les Theories de Helmholtz et les Experiences de Hertz ; with 54 e diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, hf. buckram, 8s Qd 1890-1 13458 DEUXIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION, revue et completee par JULES BLONDIN et EUGENE NECULCEA ; with 62 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 651), hf. calf gilt, 16s 1901 13459 Sur un THEOREMS de M. FUCHS, roy. 4to. (pp. 32), sewn, 2s Qd Stockholm, 1885 13460 POINSOT (Louis ; de VInstitut) ELEMENTS de STATIQUE, suivis d'un Memoire sur la Theorie des Momens et des Aires, 4 e Edition, revue par 1'Auteur ; with 4 plates, 8vo. hf. calf (back damaged), with auto, of Judge Vernon Lushington [Positivist], 2s Qd 1824 13461 HUITIEME -EDITION, augmentee, suivie de QUATRE MEMOIRES ; with 4 folding plates comprising 91 diagrams, 8vo. boards, uncut, 4s Qd 1842 13462 ANOTHER COPY, having the diagrams pasted to the passages they belong to, hf. calf gilt, 5s Qd BEST EDITION, well printed in large type. The memoires comprise : Sur la Composition des Moments et des Aires ; sur le Plan invariable du Systeme du Monde ; sur la Theorie generate de 1'Equilibre et du Mouvernent des Systemes ; sur une Theorie nouvelle de la Rotation des Corps. 13463 DIXIEME EDITION, suivie de QUATRE MEMOIRES ; with 4 plates, 8vo. sewn, uncut, 4s Qd 1861 'This work is remarkable not only as being the earliest introduction to synthetic mechanics, but also as containing for the first time the idea of couples.' Prof. Cajori. 13464 DOUZIEME EDITION, pre"cedee d'une NOTICE par J. BERTRAND, de 1'Institut ; ivith 4 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf gilt (o. p.), 5s 1877 This edition does not contain tlie Memoires, but has Bertrand's Life of the author. ' La statique de Poinsot est. sous une infinite de rapports, un modele precieux, presque inimitable, que les savants aimeront toujours a relire.' M. Marie. 13465 THEORIE des CONES CIRCULAIRES ROULANTS ; with folding plate, 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd 1852 13466 THEORIE NOUVELLE de la ROTATION des CORPS ; with 2 folding plates, roy. 8vo. sewn (scarce), 10s 1852 13467 OUTLINES of a NEW THEORY of ROTARY MOTION, translated, with Notes, by CHARLES WHITLEY, F.R.A.S., with 3 plates, 8vo. cl., uncut (VERY SCARCE), 12s Qd Cambridge, 1834 ' A clear conception of the nature of rotary motion was conveyed by Poinsot's elegant geometrical representation by means of an ellipsoid rolling on a certain fixed plane.' Prof. Cajori. 13468 POINTER (John, > Rector of Slapton, Northants.) i A RATIONAL ACCOUNT of the WEATHER, shewing the Signs of its several Changes and Alterations, with the Philosophical Reasons of them. Collected from Common Observations, etc. etc., first edition, large 12mo. sound copy in old hf. calf (RARE), 15s Oxford, 1723 13469 SECOND EDITION, corrected and much enlarg'd : with Three Essays towards accounting for I. A continued Course of Wet Years. II. The Cause of an Aurora Borealis. III. The Cause of the Plague, 8vp. old calf (rare), 1. Is 1738 This work, which is distinguished for the common-sense views held by the author, comprises : Signs of Rain, Rainy Weather, Fair Weather, Mists, Windy Weather and Tempests, Hail, Cold and Frosty Weather, Hard Winters, Pestilential Seasons, and Signs of the Weather from the Weather-Glasses. ' It was pointed out in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1748 (pp. 255-6), that this volume supplied the groundwork of ' The Shepherd of Banbury's Rules to judge the Weather, by John Claridge, shepherd.' D. N. B. (v. Nos. 6903-5 ante). There is no copy of the second edition in the Royal Meteorological Society's Library Catalogue, 1891. 13470 POISEUILLE (Jean Leon Marie, de I' Academic de Medecine), RAPPORT sur un MEMOIRE de, ayant pour Titre : RECHERCHES EXPERIMENTALES sur le MOUVEMENT des LIQUIDES dans les Tubes de tres-petits Diametres, Commissaires, MM. ARAGO, BABINET, PIOBERT, REGNAULT Rapporteur; with plate, 4to. (pp. 21), sewn, 3s [1842] 13471 POISSON (Simeon Denis; F.R.S.) MEMOIRE sur les TEMPERATURES dela P ARTIE SOLIDE du GLOBE, de 1' Atmosphere, et du Lieu de 1'Espace oil la Terre se trouve actuellement ; with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 72), sewn, 3s 1837 Forming the supplement to the author's ' Theorie mathematique de la Chaleur.' 13472 MEMOIRE sur la THEORIE du SON, 4to. (pp. 74), sewn, '3s Qd [1808] 13473 NOUVELLE THEORIE de 1' ACTION CAPILLAIRE ; with folding plate, 4to. hf. calf gilt, with bookstamp of Francis Bashforth, pr. (SCARCE), 1. 15* 1831 ' Reprenant la theorie de 1'action capillaire, il trouve la cause de ces phenomenes dans cette remarque, que la densite d'un liquide varie avec la profondeur de la partie que Ton considere et aussi avec la distance de cette partie aux parois du vase qui renferme le liquide.' E. Merlieux. The above and Laplace's are the chief memoirs published on the subject of capillarity. Poisson's theory differs considerably from Laplace's, although both arrive at the same,results. 13474 TRAITE de MECANIQUE, 2 e [derniere] Edition, considerablement augmentee ; with 7 folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf; or, calf, Qs 1833 13475 ! ANOTHER COPY, calf extra, Is Qd The best-known of the author's works, and long the standard work on the subject. 13476 TREATISE on MECHANICS, translated, with explanatory Notes (pp. 190), by HENRY H. HARTE, pr., Fellow T.C.D., with 8 folding plates, 2 thick vols. 8vo. cl., or, hf. calf (scarce), 15s 1842 1 The knowledge of mathematical mechanics of solids attained by the great mathematicians of the XVIII. century may be said to be summed up in Lagrange's Mecaniqm analytique \_q. t>. ante] and Poisson's Traite de Mecanique.'W. W. R. Ball. 13477 POLAK (S.) The THEORY and PRACTICE of PERSPECTIVE DRAWING, with folding frontispiece and numerous diagrams, oblong 4to. cl., 2s Qd (p. 55) 1907 13478 [POLLASTRI (Bartolomeo, da Milano)] II SUPPLEMENT d'ARiTMETiCA al MAESTRO DE' CONTI, Direttore de' Principianti, ossia il Proseguimento del Vero Modo di Conteggiare all' Uso Mercantila Moderno, dalla Regola del Tre sino alia Falsa Posizione Doppia. Opera dell' ASTRONOMO LOMBARDO, 12mo. boards (one I. slightly defective), 7s Qd Milano [c. 1785] 674 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13480 POLENI (Giovanni Marchese ; Prof. Padua ; F.R.S.) EPISTOLARUM MATHEMATICARUM FASCICULUS ; with 10 folding plates, 4to. old calf, newly rebacked (partly water-stained), with auto, of Samuel Roberts, F.R.S., 10s 6d Patavii, 1728 The author's correspondence on astronomical, hydraulic, mathematical and physiological subjects with Manfredi, Guido Grandi, Jacob Hermann, Antonio Conti, and Marinoni. 'Bella e rara edizione . . . pregevola collezione.' Riccardi. 'A learned and scarce work, frequently quoted in consequence of a recent experiment on the pendulum and the rotation of the earth.' Liliri Catalogue. The author's statue in Padua was one of the first works ot Canova. 13481 POLLARD (J.), et A. DUDEBOTJT, professeurs a VEcole du Genie Maritime'. ARCHITEC- TURE NAVALE : THEORIE du NAVIRE ; with 3 folding plates, and 764 other illustrations, 4 vols. roy. Svo. hf. green morocco neat, 1. 15s (p. F. 54 nett sewn) 1890-4 CONTEXU :-"-!. Calcul des Elements Geometriques, des Carenes droites et inclinees. Geometric du Navire : II. Statique et Dynamique du Navire. Roulis en Milieu calme, resistant ou non resistant : III. Dynamique du Navire. Mouvement de Roulis sur Houle. Resistance des Carenes : IV. Dynamique du Navire. Mouvements rectiligne horizontal oblique et eurviligne. Propulsion. Vibrations des Coques des Navires a Helice. 13482 POLLOCK (Sir Montagu Frederick Montagu-) LIGHT and WATER : a Study of Reflexion and Colour in River, Lake and Sea, with 24 interesting plates from photographs, and 28 diagrams, sq. Svo. el., 5s (p. 10s Qd nett) 1903 13483 POLONCEAU (Antoine Remy, Inspecteur des Ponts et Chaussees) NOTICE sur 1'AMELIO- pour la Police du Roulage DIMENSIONS des CYLINDRES COMPRESSEURS, etc. etc. etc. ; with 5 folding plates, 4to. (pp. 100), sewn, Qs Qd 1844 The author was the first to introduce macadamising into France on a large scale. He seems to have introduced the heavy roller, a doubtful improvement on McAdam's ramming process ; and also a very tierce-looking mechanical scarifier : both illustrated above. 13484 PONCELET (General Jean Victor ; de VInstitut, F.R.S.) INTRODUCTION a la MECANI^UE INDUSTRIELLE, Physique, ou Experimentale, 2 e Edition, contenant un grand Nombre de Con- siderations Nouvelles ; with 3 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 3s 6d Metz, 1841 13485 ANOTHER COPY, mottled calf gilt, 4* 'Coriolis and Poncelet were among the first promoters of reform in the teaching of rational mechanics.' Prof. Cq/ori. 13486 MEMOIRE sur les ROUES HYDRAULIQUES a AUBES GOURDES, Mues par-Dessous. suivi d'Experiences sur les Effets Mecaniques de ces Roues ; nouvelle Edition, augmentee d'un SECOND MEMOIRS sur des EXPERIENCES en Grand Relatives k la NOUVELLE ROUE, contenant une In- struction Pratique sur la Maniere de proceder a son Etablissement ; with 2 folding plates : EXPERIENCES HYDRAULIQUES sur les Lois de PECOULEMENT de 1'EAU a travers les Orifices Rectangulaires Verticaux a Grandes Dimensions, entreprises si Metz par MM. PONCELET et LESBROS ; wifh 7 folding plates 2 vols. 4to. in 1, hf. brown morocco gilt (fine copies] ; SCARCE. 1. Is Metz, 1827 Paris, Imprimerie Eoyale, 1832 The first memoir contains the invention of the water-wheel known by the author's name, an undershot wheel with curved floats, which is still the best when the fall does not exceed 6 feet. ' The principle of this wheel lies in the water being received by the curved floats without any shock and finally discharged with small velocity-' The Poncelet wheel utilises 60 % of the water power, against 25 % with the ordinary undershot wheel. 13487 RECHERCHES sur le CALCUL des SERIES, ou Application de la METHODS des MOYENNES a la TRANSFORMATION au Calcul Numerique et a la Determination des Limites du Reste des Series : with plate, 4to. (pp. 88), sewn, 3s Qd 1833 13488 TRAITE de MECANIQUE INDUSTRIELLE, exposant les Principes de Statique et de Dynamique, les Organes Mecaniques et les Moteurs ; with 25 folding plates, 8vo. calf, 3s 6d Bruxelles, 1839 13489 DEUXIEME EDITION, entierement corrige'e et contenant un grand Nombre de Con- siderations Nouvelles ; with %% folding plates, 3 vols. large Svo. in 1, hf. calf (wanting title of v. Ill), 4s Liege, 1845 The Traite is a Belgian reprint of the above Introduction, with the addition of a number of plates. 13490 TRAITE des PROPRIETBS PROJECTIVES des FIGURES ; with 12 plates, 4to. sewn, uncut. 8s 6d 1822 'Long one of the best-known text-books on modern geometry. By means of projection, reciprocation, and homologous figures he established all the chief properties of conies and quadrics. He also treated the theory of polygons.' W. W. R. Ball. ' He investigated in it the properties of figures which remain unaltered by projection, which is not effected here by parallel rays of prescribed direction, as with Monge, but by centre projection. ... To him we owe the Law of Duality as a consequence of reciprocal polars.' Prof. Cajori. The work was written in 1813 while the author was a prisoner of war in Saratoff, with no other help than his memory. 13491 PONTECOULANT (Philippe Qustave Doulcet Comte de) THEORIE ANALYTIQUE du SYSTEMS du MONDE, avec les Supplements aux Livres II et V, 4 vols. Svo. neiv hf. brown calf gilt (SCARCE), 1. 155 1829-46 Vol. IV, containing the Lunar Theory, is now very scarce. Vols. Ill and IV have never been reprinted. 13492 TOMES 1 1\ III, avec les SUPPLEMENTS aux Livres II et V, 3 vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt, 12.9 1829-34 13493 LES MEMES, avec les SUPPLEMENTS, 3 vols. Svo. in 2, hf. calf (worn and soiled copy], 8s 13494 [PONTH^US \Italice PONTE] (Josephus Dionysius)] COMETRIC^: OBSERVATIONES habitae ab Academia Physico-mathematica Romana, Anno 1680 et 1681 ; with fine star-maps by N. Billy, sm. 4to. extra boards (fine copy] ; RARE, 12s Qd Romce, 1681 One of many accounts of the comet of 1680, which from its nearness to the earth greatly terrified the people. The same comet was also observed by Sir Isaac Newton, whom it enabled to demonstrate that comets as well as planets are subject to the law of gravitation. Cometary astronomy, till then neglected, now entered on a new and more prolific era. The above account is rare and was unknown to Houxeau and Lancaster ; nor is the author mentioned by Poggendorff and other bibliographers. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 675 13496 PONTHIERE (Honore, Univ. Louvain) THERMO-CHEMICAL STUDY of the REFINING of IRON, Svo. (pp. 16). sewn, Is 6d 1897 Prof. Ponthiere's lectureroom doubtless added some sticks to the bonfire at the Kulturfest of the Emperor William the Slaughterer. 13497 PONTON (Mungo, F.R.S.E.) On CERTAIN LAWS of CHROMATIC DISPERSION, 8vo. (pp. 41), sewn, 2? [1859] 13498 EARTHQUAKES : their History, Phenomena, and probable Causes, revised Edition, with Account of recent Earthquakes, 28 plates and woodcuts, cr. Svo. cl. (o. p.), 3s 1888 This work is not noticed in D. N. B. The author made the discovery that the action of sunlight renders bichromate of potassium insoluble. 13499 On the LAW of the WAVE LENGTHS corresponding to certain Points in the SOLAR SPECTRUM, Svo. (pp. 8), unbound, Is 6d [1860] 13500 POOLE (Cecil .Percy, M.A.I.E.E.) DIAGRAMS of ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS, with 130 diagrams (including folding plates), roy. Svo. cl., bs (p. 8* 1 Qd nett) New York, 1907 13501 POOLE (John; dramatist) CROTCHETS in the AIR ; or an (Un)scientitic Account of a Balloon Trip, in a Familiar Letter to a Friend, 2nd Edition, Svo. original figured cl., with balloon in gold in centre (scarce), 10s 6d 1838 Hatton Turnor, who quotes very fully from the above work in his Astra Castra, writes ' I much regret that I have not been able to find the name of the author of the amusing paper entitled ' Crotchets in the Air '.' He might have done so, had he procured a copy with the title-page. It includes an account of the disastrous ascent of Mine. Blanchard, which the author witnessed while staying in Paris. 13502 POOR (Charles Lane, Columbia Univ. ; F.R.A.S.) The FIGURE of the SUN, with the Observ- ations of SCHUR and AMBRONN, with 3 diagrams, 2 parts roy. Svo. (pp. 25), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s Qd Chicago, 1905 13503 POPE (Thomas, Architect and Landscape Gardener) TREATISE on BRIDGE ARCHITECTURE, in which the SUPERIOR AD VANTAGES of the FLYING PENDENT LEVER BRIDGE are fully proved ; with Historical Account and Description of Bridges in various Parts of the World, frontispiece of an 1800 feet span timber bridge over the East River, New York, and vignette (both in duplicate), and 14 plates, Svo. original hf. binding, uncut (back damaged)', VERY SCARCE, 1. 10* New York, 1811 This was a wonderful idea indeed, for a quasi-cantilever bridge of timber, buildable without centring, and of apparently unlimited span. The author justly claims that its 'principles, shape, construction, and extent differ wholly from all others before invented ', and breaks out into much verse in the metre of his namesake, e.g., ' Let the Broad Arch the spacious Hudson stride, And span Columbia's rivers far more wide. Convince the world America begins To foster Arts, the ancient work of Kings '. The work contains an interesting list of subscribers, containing about 500 American names. 13504 POPE (William Jackson; F.R.S. ; Prof. Chemistry, Cantab.) The CRYSTALLINE FORMS of the SODIUM SALTS of SUBSTITUTED ANILIC ACIDS, with b diagrams, Svo. (pp. 8), sewn, with author .s inscr.,lsQd 1892 13505 Die KRYSTALLFORMEN der NATRIUMS ALZE der SUBSTITUIRTEN ANILSAUREN ; die KRYSTALLFORMEN der STEREOISOMEREN a a' DIMETHYLPIMELINSAUREN; with 8 diagrams, Svo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd Leipzig, 1S95 13506 ORTHOBENZOICSULPHINIDE, with 3 diagrams, Svo. (pp. 6), sewn, with author's infer., Is Qd 1895 13507 , and Charles Stanley GIBSON : The ALKYL COMPOUNDS of GOLD, Svo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is Qd 1907 13508 , and John BEAD: The OPTICAL ACTIVITY of COMPOUNDS having Simple Molecular Structure, Svo. (pp. 6), seivn, Is 6d 1908 13509 POPPE (Johann Heinrich Moritz v., Univ. Tubingen) ENCYCLOPADIE des GESAMMTEN MASCHINENWESENS, oder vollstandiger Unterricht in der praktischen Mechanik und Maschinen- lehre, mit Erkliirungen der dazu gehorigen Kunstworter in alphabetischer Ordnung, 2. fast durch- gehends umgearbeitete Auflage, mit 3 Erganzungs Banden; with numerous folding plates, 8 thick vols. Svo. hf. German calf gilt, 10s Leipzig, 1820-7 Last edition of this interesting storehouse of contemporary Continental machinery practice. 13510 PRAKTISCHES HANDBUCH fur UHRMACHER, UHREN HANDLER, und fur UHRENBESITZER ; oder vollstandiges Lexikon und Erklarung der Begriffe und Kunstworter, welche bey Verfer- tigung, Reparatur und Gebrauch von Uhrwerken vorkommen, neue Ausgabe ; with 12 folding plates, 2 vols. Svo. sewn, Is 6rf ibidem, 1810 13511 POPULAR ASTRONOMY : a Review of Astronomy and allied Sciences, edited by WILLIAM W. PAYNE, CHARLOTTE R. WILLARD, HERBERT C. WILSON, etc., from the Beginning in 1893/4 to 1898 (Vols. I VI), with portraits, numerous plates, coloured maps of constellations, and numerous other illustrations, 6 vols. roy. Svo. hf. roan, 1. 15s (p. 3. 3s nett sewn) North field, Minn., 1894-8 13512 PORRO (Ignazio) NOUVEAU MICROMETRE a LIGNES LUMINEUSES RKFLECHIES pour les INSTRUMENTS d'AsTRONOMiE ; a lithographed MS. on 12 pp., with illustration, 4to. (pp. 12), sewn, 3s [1858] 13513 PORT A (Giovanni Bat tista della ; Napoletano) De AERIS TRANSMUTATIONIBUS Libri IV, in quo Opere diligenter pertractatur de iis, quae, vel ex Acre, vel in Aereoriuntur : MsrswpoXoywi/ multiplices Opiniones, qua illustrantur, qua refelluntur. Demum variarum Causse Mutationum aperiuntur, editio princeps; with arms on title, woodcuts, diagrams, and folding table, sm. 4to. contemporary limp vellum, with Cardinal's arms in centre (RARE), 1. 5s Romce, B. Zannettus, 1610 ' Une me'teorologie aussi complete qu'il etait possible de la former alors par de simples observations sans aucuu instru- ment de mesure. ... II faut mentionner specialement ce qu'il dit sur les marees, dont il s'etait oceupe a Venise : ce sont probablement les plus anciennes observations de ce genre qui soient arrivees jusqu'a nous. On doit remarquer une table synoptique des transmutations de I'air, qui ... de"cele dans 1'auteur une faculte eminente de classification.' Libri. 676 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13515 PORTA (Giovanni Battista della; Napoletano) Delia CELESTE FISONOMIA Libri Sei [tradotta da SALVATORE SCARANO] ; with engraved anus on title, portrait (et. 76, and numerous other woodcuts, sm. 4to. old limp vellum (some II. browned as usual, otherwise a sound and very large copy], Vts 6d Napoli, L. Scorriggio, 1614 13516 _ NOVA EDIZIONE [in fine tituli :] nei quali ributtata la V ANITA dell' ASTROLOGIA GIUDICIARIA, si di\ Maniera di essattamente conoscere per Via delle Cause Natural! tutto quello, che 1'Aspetto, la Presenza, e le Fattezze de gl' Huomini possono tisicamente significare, e promettere ; with woodcut on title, and the numerous woodcuts re-engraved on an enlarged scale, 4to. sound and clean copy in old hf. calf, 15s Padova, P. P. Tozzi, 1616 ' II s'y prononce centre certaines aberrations de 1'astrologie judiciaire, inais en accordant aux astres une influence tres- active.' Blogr. Gen. 13517 MAGLE NATURALIS, sive de MIRACULIS RERUM NATURALIUM Libri IIII, editio princeps ; with curious woodcut initials, folio, old Italian vellum (last I. wanting, and some II. water -stained, otherwise a CLEAN AND SOUND COPY) ; excessively rare, 3. 10s Neapoli, apud Matthiam Cancer, 1558 The first edition of this work in its original and more popular form in four books is of excessive rarity, Riccardi, who apparently could trace no copy of it ( ' rarissima edizione ' ), being unable to give a collation, while other bibliographers state that it only contained 3 books. The Magia Naturalis in four books is quite a different work from that in twenty, and contains far more occult and superstitious matter than the latter, which made it however only tho more acceptable to the contemporary reader. The author mentions therein the canuraobscura without the lens, the discovery of which is generally ascribed to Leonardo da Vinci, but was really first mentioned by Levi ben Gerson in a work translated in A.D. 1342 under the title ' De Sinibus et Cordis.' The camera with the lens was first described in the work rewritten in 20 books. Porta also mentions that the declination of the magnetic needle varies with the longitude, which he assumed erroneously could be ascertained by the magnetic variation. The work was written at the age of 15, and is dedicated to Philip II. of Spain. The work as above contains the ' Experimentorum Omnium Magut- Naturalis Index ' (pp. 10), which is absent in the second edition of Antwerp, 15o4, and other reprints. De tous les ecrits de Porta ce fut celui qui eutle plusde succes ; des sa premiere apparition, on le traduisit en plusieurs perdit considera element de sa vogue, et fut bientdt relegue parmi d'autres ouvrages du mgme genre.' G. Libri. 13518 MAGIJE NATURALIS LIBRI XX, ab ipso Authore expurgati, et superaucti, in quibus Scientiarum Naturalium Diuitise et Delitiae demonstrantur. I. De mirabilium Rerum Causis. II. De variis Animalibus gignendis. III. De novis Plantis producendis. IIII. De augenda Supellectili. V. De Metallorum Transmutatione. VI. De Gemmarum Adulteriis. VII. De Miraculis Magnetis. VIII. De portentosis Medelis. IX. De Mulierum Cosmetice. X. De extrahendis Rerum Essentiis. XL De Myropceia. XII. De incendiariis Ignibus. XIII. De raris Ferri Temperaturis. XIIII. De miro Conuiuiorum Apparatu. XV. De capiendis Manu Feris. XVI. De inuisibilibus Literarum Notis. XVII. De catoptricis Imaginibus. XVJII. De staticis Experi- mentis. XIX. De Pneumaticis. XX. Chaos ; editio princeps, with title within woodcut border, portrait (et. 50, and numerous other woodcuts and diagrams, folio, old white vellum (some II. browned as usual, otherwise a sound copy], very rare, 2. 10s ibidem, apud Horatium Salvianum, D.D.LXXXVII1I [recte 1589] H3519 ANOTHER COPY; old white vellum gilt (some II. slightly water-stained, and others browned, otherwise a sound and UNUSUALLY TALL COPY), 3. 3* First edition of the complete work in 20 books, and now of great rarity. Numerous reprints were published, and it was translated into many foreign languages. 13520 EDITIO NOVA, nunc vero ab Intinitis, quibus Editio ilia [princeps] scatebat Mendis, optime repurgata : in quibus Scientiarum Naturalium Divitise et Delicise demonstrantur, accessit Index copiosissimus ; with woodcuts and diagrams^ sm. 8vo. contemporary white vellum ( fine copy), 12s 6d Rothomagi, Jo. Berthelin, 1650 13521 - EDITIO ALTERA, cum Indice copiosissimo ; with engraved title, and numerous ivoodcuts and diagrams, 12mo. hf. calf (binding damaged), 10s Lugd. Bat., P. Leffen, 1651 13522 ANOTHER COPY, white vellum (engraved title wanting, but a very sound copy], 8s 6d A very neatly printed edition. The engraved title is dated 1650. Porta's Magia Naturalis in Twenty Books is quite a different work from that in Four Books, first published in 1558, and is one of the most important works on natural science published during the XVIth Century. Many of the superstitious and even puerile passages of the latter were left out in this work, and sixteen new books were added. It is a great storehouse of fact and fiction, brought together from every available source and from private conversations, during the author's extensive travels in Italy, France and Spain. Some of the books were afterwards published in an enlarged and separate form. Of great interest is book VI, which shows that the production of artificial gems must have been far advanced in Porta's time. The seventh contains some important observations on the magnet. The most important hpwever is the seven- teenth, which contains Porta's invention of the camera obscura with the lens, and the laterna magica, afterwards improved by Father Kircher. A passage of the tenth chapter has also been quoted to ascribe to him (mistakenly) the invention of the telescope. 13523 - NATURAL MAGICK : in Twenty Books, wherein are set forth all the Riches and Delights of the Natural Sciences, with engraved title (including portrait) by R. Gay wood, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, folio, old calf (binding rubbed and mended) ; rare, 4. 4s Thomas Young and Samuel Speed, 1658 1.3524 ANOTHER COPY, old hf. calf (wanting printed and engraved titles, Table ('311.), and pp. 353-4 and 359-60) ; a cheap copy, 1. Is This English edition, the only one ever published, has now become very rare, presumably from the constant use this favourite book had to undergo. The Natural Mugick was the last great storehouse of science with its myriads of ' facts ' without any experimental proof or confirmation. K is interesting as having perhaps the most typical of its kind been published on the eve of the 'beginnings of experimental physics, started by William Gilbert and Sir Francis Bacon. Tables i j Engirt waigh-SjandMeafureSjVvhhthe proper- | , Mil nun-b^n b; efltBC . How tO'-Ctfi '1 teitb Counters, SMW^VW ricn, both in %v^* ; -nd broken i^ 1th the Rules of Collkkc Surd, Binoiiiicaflj the HuleoFBqua^ g of (be j is ftwcxcda molt c on of iuliui i us ^ ar anifdii!^, Of d?t lj" feooke after f lie 1 No. 13020 (w 651). An early and rare English mathematical work. ,:;'?, }:? : << "' m H 5 g f m o 2: Z 5 2 > > * 2: O n r o o H O m ^0 ^*\ o O m ^O 2tn * z - H-4 n : s^ Nos. 13517-19 (^^ 676). First editions of the two varieties of this celebrated cyclopedia. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 677 13526 PORTA (Giovanni Battista della; Napoletano) De DISTILLATIONS Lib. IX, quibus certa Methodo, multipliciq; Artiticio, penitioribus Naturae Arcanis detectis, cuiuslibet mixti in propria Elementa Resolutio, perfecte docetur, editio princeps ; with fine engraved portrait cet. 64 by J. Laurus, and numerous large woodcuts of chemical apparatus, etc., sm. 4to. contemporary white vellum (portrait and some II. stained and browned}, 16s Romas, ex Typogr. Rev. Camerce Apostoliccv, 1608 13527 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary white vellum (sound and clean copy), 1. Is 1.3528 A LARGE PAPER COPY, printed on blue paper, 4to. contemporary white vellum gilt, with arms in gold on sides (FINE COPY), 1. 15s Copies on blue paper are VERY RARE. Graesse only knew one such copy, that in the Biblioteca Riccardiana, Florence. Coloured paper of such an early date is also a curiosity in the art of paper-making. 1.3529 EDITIO NOVA, nunc primiim in Germania Typis vulgata ac Indice Capitum et Materiaruni exornata ; with fine engraved portrait by J. v. Heiden, and the numerous woodcuts re-engraved, sm. 4to. boards, covered with old MS. on vellum (sound and clean copy] ; RARE, 15s Argentorati, L. Zetzner, 1609 The lirst edition printed in Germany, and unknown to Graesse. It contains an index which is not included in the first edition ; the woodcuts are also more neatly executed than in the former edition. The above copy belonged to Samuel Eglinger, M.D., professor of mathematics, Basel University (1(338-73), and bears the following inscription on flyleaf: ' Sam. Eglingeri D. A<> MDCLXIII. Fcelix qui potuit rerii cognoscere causas ! Symb.' 'Ouvrage curieux en ce qu'il donne un etat exact de la chimie au seizieme siecle.' Biogr. Gen. 13530 La FISONOMIA dell' HUOMO, et la CELESTE : Libri Sei, tradotti di Latino in Volo-are, et hora in questa Settima Impressione ricorretta, cou la Fisonomia Naturaie di Monsignor Giovanni Ingegnieri, di Polemone, di Adamantio, et il Discorso di Livio Agrippa sopra la Natura e Com- plessione Humana, con il Trattato di Neidi Lodovico Settali, aggiontovida nuovo la Metoposcopio di CiRO SPONTONE; with full-page woodcut portrait (different from the foregoing ones), and very numerous large woodcuts, 4to. boards, uncut, 16s Venetia, N. Pezzana, 1668 ' Tout en profitant des observations d'Aristote, de Polemon et d'Adamantius, Porta a deploye tant de sagacite dans ses propres recherches qu'il peut passer pour le veritable fondateur de la physiognomic.' Biogr. Gen. To this edition is added the Celeste Fisonomia (v. No. 13515 supra). 13531 De OCCULTIS LITERARUM NoTis, seu Artis Animi sensa occulte aliis significandi, aut ab aliis signincata expiscandi enodandique Libri IIII ; explicantur autemintercseteraetc. veterum quoque Scriptorum Loca, hac de Arte loquentia ; indidemque petita ; with woodcuts and figures, 12mo. sound and clean copy in old pressed calf (RARE), 1. 12s Qd Montisbeligardi, J. Foillet, 1593 13532 EDITIO NOVA, priori castigatior, cui [Liber QUINTUS et] AUCTARIUM accesserunt, Additamenta quaedam continens, ad prcecedentes Libros, turn novis inventis, turn pluribus Exemplie, auctiores et illustriores reddendos ; with numerous woodcuts and figures, thick 12mo. fine copy in contemporary white vellum, 1. 10s Argentorati, L. Zetzner, 1606 The ftrst edition of this work was published in four books in 15(53 as De Furtivis Literarum Nbtis. The fifth book was first published in the edition of Naples, 1592, and the above first contains the ' Auctarium ' and is the last mentioned by Riccardi. ' Dans ce traite de chiffres ou d'ecriture secrete, il indique 180 procede"s differents et met en outre sur la voie de les multiplier a 1'infini.' Biogr. Gen. 13533 PNEUMATICORUM Libri III, quibus accesserunt CURVILINEORUM ELEMENTORUM Libri II, editio princeps; with vignette on title and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 2 vols. sin. 4to. in 1, old white vellum (a few II. very slightly wormed, otherwise a large and fine copy) ; RARE, 1. 5s Neapoli, Jo. Jac. Carlinus, 1601 This work is of interest as containing the earliest attempt towards measuring the volume of steam given off by a given quantity of water. . ' An apparatus similar to that of Hero of Alexandria is described by della Porta in his Pneumatics, published in 1601, with this addition, that the condensation of steam within a close vessel is described as a means of producing a vacuum, and thereby causing water to ascend and fill the vessel'. Prof. RanUne, F.R.S. The above volume first contained the author's work on curves, which was republished in an enlarged form in 1610. 13534 I TRE LIBRI de' SPIRITALI, cioe d'iNALZAR ACQUE per FORZA dell' ARIA [tradotti, colle Aggiunte dell' Autore, da JUAN ESCRIVANO] ; with vignette, on title, and numerous woodcuts, cr. 4to. FINE COPY in brown morocco, with bookplate of Henry B. H. Beaufoy, F.R.S. (RARE), 1. 5s ibidem, a. e., 1606 The Italian translation of the Pncumatica, first containing the illustration celebrated in the history of the steam engine. ' On trouve a la page 75 de cet opuscule une figure representant la machine inventee par Porta pour elever 1'eau a 1'aide de la force elastique de la vapeur, figure dont Fr. Arago a donne un fac-simile dans son Histoire des machines a vapeur'. Brwiet. There is also an illustration of a thermoiscope on page 76. ' Bans la traduction italienne des Pneumatiqiies, Porta parle des moyens a employer pour connaitre en combien d'air se transforms une quantite donnee d'eau. Cet air n'est autre chose que la vapeur, et Ton ne peut se refuser a voir ici une des premieres applications faites par les modernes de ce puissant moteur. Au meme endroit Porta traite de la rarefaction de 1'air par la chaleur, et 1'applique & un instrument, qui est une espece de thermometre'. M. Libri. 13535 PORTA LEONE (Abrahamo [ben David Arie], Mantuanus, Medicus Hebrceus) De AURO DIALOGI TRES, in quibus non solum de AURI in RE MEDICA FACULTATE, verum etiam de SPECIFICA eius, et caeterarum Rerum Forma, ac Duplici Potestate, qua mixtis in omnibus ilia operatur, copiose disputatur. Cum Licentia SANCT^E INQUISITIONIS, et Illustrissimi Senatus v eneti ; with plate of emblem, sm. 4to. old white vellum (some II. browned, otherwise a FINE COPY) ; RARE, 1. 15s Venetiis, J. B. a Porta, 1584 An iatro-chemical work of importance, in which the author denies that the internal use of gold lengthens life, and containing matters of interest to the historian of chemistry and physics. It was unknown to Poggendorff, Brunet, Graesse, and other bibliographers. 13536 POBTLOCK (Major-Gen. Joseph Ellison, R.E., F.R.S.) REPORT on the GEOLOGY of the COUNTY of LONDONDERRY, and of Parts of TYRONE and FERMANAGH, with 38 lithographs of Fos- sils, 9 folding plates (some coloured), woodcuts, and large coloured map, thick 8vo. cl., 8s Dublin, 1843 ' He was a geologist after my own heart.' Sir Roderick Murchison. 13537 POSEIjGEB (Friedrich. Tlieodor ; Berlin) Das TAYLOR'SCHE THEOREM, als GRUNDLAGE der FUNCTIONEN-RECHNUNG, 4to. (pp. 26), sewn, 2s [Berlin, 1835] 45 678 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13539 POUTER (George Richardson, F.R.S., author of '' The Progress of the Nation ') The NATURE and PROPERTIES of the SUGAR CANE, with Practical Directions for the IMPROVEMENT of its CULTURE, and the MANUFACTURE of its Products, 6 plates of Machinery, etc., besides v:oodcuts, 8vo. cl., uncut (scarce), 10s 1830 Written before the abolition of slavery in the British West Indies. This edition contains an Appendix (pp. 70) left out in the second, containing Extracts from Reports made to the Agricultural Society of Antigua, Tables of Imports and Exports of Sugar to and from Great Britain, and other information giving interesting statistical details. 13540 SECOND EDITION, with additional Chapter on the Manufacture of Sugar from BEET ROOT, with 6 plates and 3 woodcuts, 8vo. cL, 10s 1843 Published after Abolition, with a view to make up for dearer labour by more efficient processes. 13541 PORTER (Samuel, surveyor and engineer to the Stratford-on-Avon Canal] The ARTIFICER'S, FARMER'S, and INLAND-NAVIGATOR'S ASSISTANTS shewing by DECIMAL TABLES (at Sight) the most useful Kinds of Admeasurements at any Length, Breadth, or Depth ; also an easy and practical Method of Leveling, Surveying, etc., ivith Jront. of 'Porters Balance Level', 4to. hf. bound (back damaged]. Is Qd 1799 Scarce, and unknown to Watt, Lowndes, Allibone, and others. The ' inland-navigator ' was the original form of the present word navvy. 13542 PORTER (Henry, M.D., F.G.S.) The GEOLOGY of PETERBOROUGH and its Vicinity, with 10 lithographs, post 8vo. cl., with inscr. to Prof. James Tennant, 4s Peterborough, 1861 13543 PORTS MARITIMES de la FRANCE: NOTICE sur le PORT de BOULOGNE, par M. VIVENOT, 74: DIEPPE, par M. LAVOINNER, '74: CHERBOURG, par M. DE ST.-AMANT, '77 : LE HAVRE, par M. QUINETTE DE ROCHEMONT, '75 : SAINT-MALO et SAINT-SERVAN, par M. FLOU- CAUD DE FOURCROY, '77: ALGER, par M. TREVES, '91 : DELLYS, parlememe, '92; with a large folding plan to each port (except Cherbourg, Saint- Mai o, and Saint- Servan), and numerous smaller plans, and diagrams 1 vols. roy. 4to. in 1, hf. morocco neat, 1. Is v , Imprimerie Nationale, 1874-92 13544 POSEPNY (Franz) The GENESIS of ORE-DEPOSITS (read before the International Engineering Congress, Chicago, 1893), with portrait (inserted), and 12 plates (pp. 173) : DISCUSSIONS on the above Paper, with diagrams, 5 papers (pp. 89) : BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE by R. W. RAYMOND (pp. 13) in 1 vol. 8vo. cl. (scarce), 6s 6d [New York, 1893-4] 'A complete treatise on the subject, comparable in importance with those of Cotta, Groddeck and Grimm.' Engineering and Mining Journal. 13545 POST ( J.) , et Bernhard NEUMANN : TRAITE COMPLET d'ANALYSE CHIMIQUE appliquee aux ESSAIS INDUSTRIELS, 2 e Edition francaise, entierement refondue, et augmentee par M. PELLET et G. CHENU, Tome II, Fascicule II : SUCRE, Amidon, Dextrine, et Glucose ; with 120 illustrations, roy. 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd (p. F. 8 nett) 1910 13546 POST (J. W., N iederldndische Staatsbahn) QUERSCHWELLEN mit DIRECT EINGEWALZTEN, GENEIGTEN und VERSTARKTEN AuFLAGEFLACHEN ; with 3 folding plates, 4to. (pp. 4), sewn, with inscr. to J. Bosscha, inventor of duplex telegraphy, 2s Qd Wiesbaden [1885] 13547 POSTE (Edward. Oriel Coll.) The Locic of SCIENCE : a Translation of the Posterior Analytics of ARISTOTLE, with Notes and Introduction, post 8vo. cl., 5s Oxford, 1850 13548 POTAIN (Le Docteur, ex-chirurgien principal d'armee) RELATION AEROSTATIQUE, dediee a la The above copy contains ' Document et Pieces principales a 1'Appui du present Memoire ' (pp. 6), containing the deliberations and correspondence of the Irish Committee, which included the ill-fated Lord Edward Fitzgerald, the Earl of Moira (afterwards Marquess of Hastings), and many other well-known Irishmen. The work, as well as the ascent (at Dublin, June 17, 1785), was unknown to Hatton Turner. 13549 POTT (Johann Heinrich; Berlin) EXERCITATIONES CHYMICAE, de Sulphuribus Metallprum, de Auripigmento, de Solutione Corporuni Particular!, de Terra Foliata Taitari, de Acido Vitrioli Vinoso, et de Acido Nitri Vinoso, sparsim hactenus editae, jam vero collects, restitutae, a Mendis repurgata?, variisque Notis, Experiments et Discussionibus adauctee, 4to. contemporary calf gilt (fine copy); rare, 12* 6d Berolini, 1738 ' Stahl's disciple and pupil, Johann Heinrich Pott, enriched chemistry by many valuable observations. . . . With regard to the nature of phlogiston itself, he expressed the opinion that it was ' a variety of sulphur'.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 1 Pott vereinigte eine grundliche Kenntniss der chemischen Wissenschaft, wie sie seiner Zeit vorlag, mit einem rastlosen Htreben nach Forderung derselben. Er hatte eiue ungemeine Geschicklichkeit in dem praktischen Theile der Chemie, eine unermiidete Ausdauer bei den langwierigsten Untersuchungen ; und was er auf diese Weise neu erlangt hatte, theilte er mit eiuer Offenheit und Klarheit mit, welche fiir die damalige /eit hoch anzuschlagen ist.' H. Kopp. 13550 LITHOGEOGNOSIE, ou EXAMEN CHYMIQUE des PIERRES et des TERRES en general, et du Talc, de la Topaze, et de la Steatite en particulier, avec une Dissertation sur le Feu et sur la Lumiere. Ouvrages traduits de 1'Allemand : CONTINUATION de la LITHOGEC/GNOSIE PYROTECH- NIQUE, oil Ton traite plus particulierement de la Connoissance des Terres et des Pierres, et de la Maniere d'en faire 1'Examen, 2 vols. 12mo. contemporary French calf gilt, 12s Qd 1753 The author was a disciple of G. E. Stahl, and in the above work did' much to promote a knowledge of chemical analysis. He was the first to treat of bismuth and its compounds, and discovered silicic acid, although it was recognised as such only in 1811 by James Smithson, F.R.S., founder of the Smithsonian Institution. 13551 [POUCHET (Georges)] J^CLAIRAGE par la BOUGIE ELECTRIQUE [JABLOCHKOFF], des Voies Publiques, des Grands Magasins, Caf6s, etc. etc. ; with ivoodcuts, roy. 8vo. (pp. 47), sewn, 2s Lille, 1878 The Jablochkoff 'Candle' was an ingenious expedient for making the Arc Lamp handier for general use before the practicable development of the GloAv Lamp by Swan and Edison. ' So they lit up the heights With Jablochkoff lights, And now I suppose there's a war.' Anglo-Indian verses temp, the annexation of Burma. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 679 13553 POSTLETHWAITE (John, F.G.S.), and John George GOODCHILD, F.G.S. : On some TRILOBITES from the SKIDD AW SLATES, with 4 plates, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, \s Gd [1886] THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST : 13554 POTTER (Francis, pr., F.R.S.) INTERPRETATIO NUMERI 666, qua, turn Modus unicus, quo Numerus hie interpretandus est, perspicue probatur et dernonstratur ; turn ostenditur, Numerum hunc perfectum esse et accuratum Characterem, quo vere exacte et essentialiter, describitur Status ille et Regimen, cui reliquse omnes ANTICHRISTI Notae conveniunt ; with engraved symbolic title, 12mo. old calf, 8s Gd Amstelodanii, 1677 ; ' A wild but ingenious theory of the Number of the Beast, connecting 25, the ' appropinque ' square root of 666, with various Romish institutions. Pepys, who read the work in November 1666, consideied it ' mighty ingenious '.' D. N. B. Joseph Mead, the Biblical scholar (1586-1638), in a commendatory note appended to the work, declares it to be 'omnium felicissimus qui in mundum hactenus prodierunt: uec legi potest (nisi ab eis qui nolunt credere) sine summa admiratione '. 13555 POTTER (Richard, Prof. Astronomy, Univ. Coll., Lond.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on MECHANICS, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 2s 1846 1355g ELEMENTARY TREATISE on OPTICS, with the Construction of Optical Instruments, with woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s 1847 13557 PHYSICAL OPTICS, or the Nature and Properties of Light, with 1G1 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s 1856 13558 POTTER (Thomas ; Clerk of Works to Lord Ashburton) CONCRETE : its Use in Building, and the Construction of Concrete Walls, Floors, etc. ; New Edition, rewritten, with numerous wood- cuts, 2 vols.post8vo.ini, cl., 5s , . Winchester [1S91} 13559 The CONSTRUCTION of SILOS, and the Compression of Green Crops for Silage, with 62 woodcuts, sq. post 8vo. cl., with author's inscr., 3s Gd [1886] English farmers owed their introduction to ensilage to a succession of wet summers in the 'Eighties. 13560 POTTER (W. J.) CONCURRENT PRACTICAL and THEORETICAL GEOMETRY, containing the Substance of Euclid I XI, treated both experimentally and formally, with diagrams, Parts I III in 1 vol. thick cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Gd 1910 13561 POUILLET (Claude Servais Mathias ; de I'lnstitut), et V. LE BLANC: PORTEFEUILLE INDUSTRIEL du CONSERVATOIRE des ARTS et METIERS, on Atlas et Description des Machines, Appareils, Instrumens, et Outils employes en Agriculture et dans les differens Genres d'Industrie, IER VOL. (seul paru), roy. 8vo. hf. morocco gilt (atlas missing), 4s 1834 13562 POTJSSIN (Major Guillaume Tell, U.S. Army) CHEMINS de FER AMERICAINS : Historique de leur Construction, Prix de Revient et Produit, Mode d' Administration adopte, Resume de la Legislation que les regit ; with folding map and! plates of permanent way, 4to. hf. calf, with auto, of George Rennie, C.E., F.R.S. (SCARCE), 1. Is 1836 Very interesting as probably the firstgiving details and statistics of the Railways of the United States. The map showa the very extensive system already open or under construction. The author, according to Allibone, 'soon after the downfall of Napoleon I., accompanied General Bernard to the United States, and assisted him there in the construction of military works, and became a naturalized citizen.' 13563 POWALKY (Carl Rudolf) NEUE UNTERSUCHUNG des VENUSDURCHGANGES von 1769 zur Bestimmung der Sonnenparallaxe, 4to. (pp. 28), sewn, 2s Gd Kiel, 1864 ' Powalky in 1864 discussed 44 observations, made at nineteen stations.' R. A. Proctor. 13564 POWELL (Baden, pr., Oriel Coll.-, F.R.S., Savilian Prof. Geometry; 'Essayist and Reviewer;' father of Lt.-Gen. Sir R. S. S. Baden-Powell ['B.P.']) On the ACHROMATISM of the EYE, 8vo. (pp. 32), sewn, 2s Gd Ashmolean Soc., Oxford, 1834 1356,* ANOTHER COPY, with 1-page Pamphlet : On the Achromatism of the Eye, in Reply to some Remarks in the 'Philosophical Magazine ', 8vo. sewn, with author's inscr., and auto, of Dr. P. M. Roget, F.R.S., 3s Gd 1834-5 13566 ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the GEOMETRY of CURVES and CURVED SURFACES, in- vestigated by the Application of the Differential and Integral Calculus, with folding plate, 8vo. cl., with auto, of F. J. Jervis-Smith, pr., F.R.S., 5s Univ. Press, ibidem, 1830 Designed as a continuation to the ' Elements of Curves ', and ' Short Treatise '. 13567 [ ] The ELEMENTS of CURVES : comprising, I. the Geometrical Principles of the Conic Sections, II. an Introduction to the Algebraic Theory of Curves, with 7 folding plates, 8vo. boards, uncut, 5s Clarendon Press, ib., 1828 Professor Baden Powell's first published work, issued soon after his appointment to the Savilian chair of geometry at Oxford, which he held till his death. 13568 GENERAL and ELEMENTARY VIEW of the UNDULATORY THEORY, as applied to the DISPERSION of LIGHT, and some other Subjects, with coloured folding front., 8vo. hf. calf, or, boards, uncut, Is Gd 1841 The author was the discoverer of ' Powell's Bands ', which are noticeable in some cases of interference. 13569 HISTORY of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, from the earliest Periods, with vignette by Finden after Corbould, fcap. 8vo. cl., 3s Gd 1824 13570 ANOTHER COPY, prize calf extra, 6s Gd This was the prize copy from University College, London, to LORD LISTER, and is signed by Prof. Richard Potter. 13571 On a NEW CASE of the INTERFERENCE of LIGHT, with 5 diagrams, 4to. (pp. 14), sewn, 3s Gd 1848 13572 ANOTHER COPY, with special Title, and author's inscr. to L. A. Cauchy, 4s Gd This memoir contains the discovery of a curious phenomenon of the interference of light, known as ' Powell's Bands.' A complete explanation of it was given by Sir G. G. Stokes, F.R.S., in the same year. 13573 On the REPULSIVE POWER of HEAT, roy. 4to. (pp. 5), sewn, 2s 1834 13574 [ ] SHORT TREATISE on the PRINCIPLES of the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, with plate, 8vo. boards, uncut (scarce), IsGd Univ. Press, Oxford, 1829' The first Oxford textbook on the calculus in which the differential notation introduced into use at English universities, by the Cambridge Analytical Society (v. No. 9245 ante) was used. 45 * 680 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13576 [POWELL (Thomas)] HUMANE INDUSTRY : or a HISTORY of most MANUAL ARTS, deducing the Original, Progress, and Improvement of them ; furnished with Variety of Instances and Examples, shewing forth the Excellency of Human Wit, 12mo. very sound copy in old mottled calf I(RARE), 1. Is H. Herringman, 1661 Containing many other interesting subjects: The Invention of Dials, Clocks, Watches, etc. (pp. 1-13): Of some curious 'Spheres and Representations of the World (pp. 14-23): Of sundry Machines and Artificial Motions, by Water and Air >(pp. 24-45): Of the Art of Spinning and Weaving (pp. 84-101) : Of the Invention of Glass (pp. 133-43) : Of the Invention of .Shipping and iSayling : also of the Mariner's Compass (pp. 144-03). 13577 POWELL (Lt.-Col. William H., U.S. Army) The ARMY OFFICER'S EXAMINER: containing Questions and Answers on all Subjects prescribed for an Officer's Examination ; with Rules to guide Boards of Examination, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s {p. 17s nett) New York, 1894 13578 POWER (Henry, M.D., F.R.S.) EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY: containing NEW EXPERIMENTS, MICROSCOPICAL, MERCURIAL, and MAGNETICAL, with some Deductions and Probable Hypo- theses, raised from them, in Avouchment and Illustration of the now famous ATOMICAL HYPOTHESIS, with folding copperplate (mounted on canvas), and 2 woodcuts, sm. 4to. old calf gilt (newly and neatly rebacked) ; RARE, 1. Is T. Roycroft, 1664 The author's only published work. ' The following observations seem to make out, that the Minute particles of most (if not all) Bodies are constantly in -^ome kind of motion, and that motion may be both invisibly and unintelligibly slow, as well as swift, and probably is as iinseparable an attribute to Bodies, as well as Extension is.' Preface. The second and third books have a separate title, which is dated 1663. At end is : Subterraneous Experiment! : or, Observations about Coal-Mines. There is an interesting ' Conclusion ', containing reflexions on contemporary learning. 13579 POWER (James, Paris) COMPAGNIE des SIGNAUX ELECTRIQUES : Systeme TYER, roy. 8vo. (pp. 22), sewn (rare), Is Qd 1855 Advocating the use of electric signals as a means of preventing the frightfully common railway disasters of the days before the Block System. The author compares the systems of Bonelli and Tyer, deciding in favour of the automatic signalling of the latter. 13580 POYNTING (John Henry, F.R.S. ; Prof. Physics, Univ. Birmingham) CHANGE of STATE : SOLID-LIQUID, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 17), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s Qd 1881 13581 - On a DETERMINATION of the MEAN DENSITY of the EARTH and the GRAVITATION CONSTANT by Means of the COMMON BALANCE, with 7 plates and 14 woodcuts, roy. 4to. (pp. 92), sewn, with author's inscr., 4s Qd 1892 The first experiment for measuring the earth's density in which the common balance was used. Hitherto, since Cavendish's experiment, the torsion balance had always been used. 13582 The MEAN DENSITY of the EARTH, with 7 folding charts and 17 illustrations, Svo. cl., GsQd(p. 12s Qd) 1894 This essay, which was awarded the Adams Prize in 1893, 4 gives an account of the various experiments, including one by the author, which have been made to determine the mean density of the earth. ' It includes a valuable BIBLIOGRAPHY. 13583 NOTE on a METHOD of determining SPECIFIC HEAT by MIXTURE, with 4 diagrams, Svo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is Qd Birmingham [1884] 13584 On a SIMPLE FORM of SACCHARIMETER, 8vo. (pp. 4), sewn, Is Qd 1880 13585 On the TRANSFER of ENERGY in the ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD, with 6 diagrams, roy. 4to. (pp. 19), sewn, with author's inscr., 3s Qd 1884 An important memoir, in which the author ' from Maxwell's equations drew the conclusion that in all cases where energy is transferred in an electric, system it flows parallel to the surfaces of both electric and magnetic equipotentials." Prof. Silvanus Thompson, F.R.S. 13586 , and Sir Joseph John THOMSON, F.R.S.: TEXT-BOOK of PHYSICS [VOL. I]: PRO- PERTIES of MATTER, with 168 illustrations, s^. Svo. cl., 6s Qd (p. 10s Qd) 1902 13587 [VOL. II] : SOUND, with 85 illustrations, sq. Svo. cl., 4s (p. 8s Qd) 1899 13588 FIFTH [LAST] EDITION, carefully revised, with 85 illustrations, sq. Svo. cl., 4s Qd (p. Ss Qd) 1909 1,3589 [VOL. Ill] : HEAT, with 193 illustrations, sq. Svo. cl., Is Qd (p. 15s) 1904 A text-book of well-known excellence, ' intended chiefly for the use of students who lay most stress on the experi- mental part of physics, and who have not yet reached the stage at which the reading of advanced treatises on special subjects is desirable.' Preface. Parts I and II of the fourth volume (Electricity and Magnetism) were published in February 1914 at 10s 13608 PREECE (Sir William Henry, F.R.S. ; G.P.O. ; inventor, on the Flat Holm, of wireless tele- graphy] LECTURES on a SYSTEM of TELEGRAPHY as applied to RAILWAY PURPOSES,, folio '(pp. 33), hf. calf, 5s [1874] Bound up with the above is : London and South Western Ry. Special Instructions to Signalmen and all others con- cerned for the Electric Train Signalling from Station to Station on Double and Single Lines of Railway (pp. 16), with, map ('73). 13609 On the MAINTENANCE and DURABILITY of SUBMARINE CABLES in SHALLOW WATERS, with Abstract of the Discussion at Inst. C.E., edited by CHARLES MANBY, F.R.S., and JAMES FORREST, A.I.C.E., with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 82), sewn. 3s Gd 1862 13610 PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS to the INSTITUTION of CIVIL ENGINEERS, 8vo. sewn, ls$d 1898 13611 WATT and the MEASUREMENT of POWER, with 2 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 13), seivn, with author's inscr., Is Qd 1897 13612 - , and Julius MAIER : The TELEPHONE, with photographic front., plate, and 290 wood- cuts, thick cr. 8vo. cl. (o.p.}, 4s (p. 12s 6d) 1889 13613 , and Sir James SIVEWRIGHT, G.P.O. : TELEGRAPHY, first edition, with 161 wood- cuts, post 8vo. cl., 2s 1876 13614 NINTH EDITION, enlarged, with 255 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1891 13615 NEW EDITION, greatly enlarged, with 267 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 7s Qd) 1901 ' An excellent manual'. Prof. Silranus Thompson. 13616 , and Arthur J. STUBBS, G.P.O. : MANUAL of TELEPHONY, with S33 woodcuts, thick cr. 8vo. cl. (o.p.), 6s Qd (p. 15s) 1893 A new edition of Preece and Maier's ' Telephone '. 682 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13618 PREHISTORIC ARCHEOLOGY (INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS of) : TRANSACTIONS of the THIRD SESSION, Aug. 20-2$, 1868, containing the Papers read, with Illustrations chiefly contributed by the Authors, and Abstract of the Discussions, with numerous plates and woodcuts, roy. 8vo. cl., uncut (scarce), 10s Qd 1869 Containing contributions byW. Boyd Dawkins, Sir John Evans, T. H. Huxley, George Rolleston.Sir E. B. Tylor, etc. etc. 13619 PRESTON (Thomas; T.C.D.; R.U.I.; F.R.S.) The THEORY of HEAT, with 190 illustrations, thick 8vo. cl., 7s (p. 17* nett) 1894 13620 The THEORY of LIGHT, with 205 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 12$ Qd) 1890 13621 SECOND EDITION [greatly enlarged], with 251 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 8* Qd (p. 15s nett) 1895 1 An accurate and connected account of the most important optical researches from the earliest times up to the most recent date'. 13622 PRESTWICH (Sir Joseph, F.R.S. , Prof. Geology, Oxon.) GEOLOGICAL INQUIRY respecting the WATER- BEARING STRATA round LONDON, with Reference especially to its WATER-SUPPLY, with some Remarks on Springs, original edition, with large coloured map, and woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 4s Qd 1851 ' An excellent volume '.Prof. Bonney, F.R.S. 13623 GEOLOGY : Chemical, Physical, and Stratigraphical, with 23 plates and maps (the large coloured geological map of Europe linen-mounted), and 474 woodcuts, *2 vols. roy. 8vo. cl., uncut, 1. Is (p. 3. Is) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1886-8 Together with the works of Lyell, Geikie and Phillips (qq. v. ante) one of the standard works on the subject in the language. The portion on Stratigraphical geology is especially important. 13624 TABLES of TEMPERATURES of the SEA at different DEPTHS beneath the SURFACE, from Observations between 1749 and 1868, with folding map, and 3 plates, roy. 4to. (pp. 88), sewn, 4s 1874 13625 , LIFE and LETTERS of, written and edited by his WIFE, with numerous portraits, plates, andfs. letter, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 1. Is) 1899 Including a ' Summary of the Scientific Work of Sir J. Prestwich ' by Sir Archibald Geikie, F.R.S., and a copious bibliography. 13626 PREVOST (Alexandre Pierre ; grandson of Pierre Prtvost, and son-in-law of A. A. de la Rive) ESSAI sur la THEORIE de la VISION BINOCULAIRE ; with 3 copperplates, 4to. (pp. 50), sewn, with inscr. ' Dr. Rogetfrom the Author', 5s Geneve, 1843 13627 De la THEORIE MATHEMATIQUE de la MUSIQUE ; with B tables, 8vo. sewn, with auto, of Dr. P. M. Roget, F.R.S., 3s ibidem, 1862 13628 PREVOST (Pierre, Geneve; de I'Institut, F.R.S.) De quelques APPARENCES VISUELLES SANS OBJET EXTERIEUR; with plate, 4to. (pp. 23), sewn, with author s inscr. as below, 4sQd Geneve, 1832 'Monsieur le Doct r . [P. M.] Roget, F.R.S., etc. de la part de 1'Auteur.' Inscr. on cover. 13629 Sur une APPARENCE DOUTEUSE de MIRAGE ; withplate, 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, with inscr- ' Dr. [P. M.] Roget, F.R.S. London, from the author ', 3s Qd [ib., 1834] 13630 Du CALORIQUE RAYONNANT; withplate, 8vo. hf. calf (rare), 12s ib., 1809 13631 ANOTHER COPY, sound copy in contemporary hf. calf, with auto, of P. A. Fame, 13s Containing the author's Theory of Exchanges, the forerunner of the Wave Theory of Heat, and its application to several phenomena. Pp. 265-424 treat of solar heat and other meteorological subjects. It is valuable as further developing Lambert's theory of terrestrial radiation, and having to some extent anticipated the theories of Dr. Wells (q. v. post), who had however developed his theory of dew quite independently of the above work. Both the above copies contain a leaf of arrata which is nearly always wanting. 13632 DEUX TRAITES de PHYSIQUE MECANIQUE, comme simple Editeur du Premier [ecrit par GEORGE Louis LESAGE ; F.R.S.] et comme Auteur du Second; with plate, 8vo. sewn, uncut (RARE), 18s Qd ib., 1818 13633 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary hf. calf gilt (nice copy), 1. Is This work is important for containing the following works by GEORGE Louis LE SAGE, left in MS. by him, and now first published and edited by Prevost: L'Exposition de son Systeme des Corpuscules Ultramondains': Refutation des Objections qui pourroient s'elever contre ce Systeme: La Theorie des Fluides Elastiques d'apros ce meme Systeme: Quelques Applications du meme Systeme ii certaines Affinites. This is Le Sage's latest exposition of his hypothesis of extramundane corpuscles, the earliest attempt after Newton's own to find the cause of gravitation. Le Sage's theory was again taken up by Lord Kelvin, in 1871, who declared it would be 'a perfectly obvious consequence of the assumptions were the graviftc corpuscles sufficiently small.' 13634 De I'EFFET du MOUVEMENT d'un PLAN REFRINGENT sur la REFRACTION, 4to. (pp. 8), sewn, 2s Qd [ib., 1821] 13635 EXPOSITION ELEMENTAIRE des Principes qui serveut de Base a la Theorie de la CHALEUR RAYONNANTE, faisant Suite a 1'Ouvrage intitule" du CaloriqueRayonnant ; with folding plate, 8vo. sound copy in old hf. calf, 8s Qd ib., 1832 Elaborating the author's theory of heat as contained in Du Calorique Rayonnant, to which this work forms the sequel. 13636 MEMOIRE sur une APPARENCE DOUTEUSE de MIRAGE; irith plate, 4io. (pp. 18), sewn, with inscr. * Dr. Roget, F.R.S. from the author,' 3s [to., 1834] 13637 - - RBCHERCHES PHYSICO-MECANIQUES sur la CHALEUR ; with plate, 8vo. old sheep (binding rubbed); rare, 10s Qd ib., aux depens de V Auteur, 1792 Mainly of meteorological interest, pp. 37-180 dealing with solar heat and its effects on the earth. The last chapter contains : ' Application de la Theorie du Froid Austral aux Phenomenes de 1'Aiguille Magnetique ', giving an outline of the author's hypothesis contained in his Origin? den Forces Magnetiques (v. No. 3707, ante). 13633 REMARQUES sur la CHALEUR, et sur FACTION des CORPS qui PINTERCEPTENT, 4to. (pp. 45), sewn, 3s Qd [Londres, 1802] 13639 REMARQUES d'OpTiQUE, principalement relatives a la REFLEXIBILITE des RAYONS de la LUMIERE; with copperplate, 4to. (pp. 21), sewn, 3s Qd [ibidem, 1798] A refutation of Lord Brougham's Memoir on the Inflection, etc., of Light (Phil. Trans., 179i3-7). 13640 PRIDE AD X (Edmund B. R.; Heriot-Watt Coll., Edin.) The SODIUM PHOSPHATE STANDARDS of ACIDITY, with diagram, roy. 8vo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is Qd n. p., 1911 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 683 13642 PRICE (Bartholomew, pr., F.B.S., Master of Pembroke Coll., Oxon.} TREATISE on INFINIT- ESIMAL CALCULUS, with plates, 4 thick vols. 8vo. cl., 1.5s Univ. Press, Oxford, 1852-62 13643 ANOTHER COPY, Vol. I being 2ND [LAST] EDITION, 4 vols. cl., 1. 10s 1857-62 13644 ANOTHER COPY (Vol. IV 2nd and last Edition), 4 vols. cL, v. I-III with inscr. ' From the Author ', 1 . 7* Qd 1852-89 13645 SECOND [LAST] EDITION [with many Additions], Vol. II being 1st Edition, with folding plates, 4 thick vols. 8vo. w. I- II in buckram, uncut, and vv. 1II-IV in the original modern cl., with AUTHOR'S AUTO, pasted in v. II, 2. 2s apud eandem, ibidem, 1857-1889 A standard work on the subject, containing Differential and Integral Calculus, Calculus of Variations, Applications to Algebra and Geometry, and Analytical Mechanics. Vols. 1 and 2 arc out of print and SCARCE. 13646 VOLS. I AND II ONLY (comprising DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, and CALCULUS of VARIATIONS), Vol I, 2nd Edition, with 7 folding plates, 2 thick volu. 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 17s Qd a. e., ib., 1857-4 13647 PRICE (George; safe-maker, Wolyerhampton) TREATISE on FIRE and THIEF-PKOOF DEPOSITORIES, and LOCKS and KEYS, with 472 woodcuts, thick 8vo. (pp. 930), cl., 10s Qd 1856 This is probably the most extensive work on the subject ever published. Pp. 177-531 contain a chapter on early history and old locks and keys, while there are full descriptions of all the best locks of the day ; but the most interesting portion is the chapters detailing the great Lock Controversy during and following the Gieat Exhibition, when A. C. HOBBS came over from America and picked successively almost all the first-class locks then on the market, to the no small surprise of their makers, and considerable public disquiet, which was not lessened at the amusing faux pas of the Society of Arts, which awarded its medal and a money prize to a lock which Hobbs picked in three minutes. 13648 PRICE (Richard, D D., F.R.S) OBSERVATIONS on REVERSIONARY PAYMENTS, ANNUITIES, the Method of Calculating the Values of ASSURANCES on LIVES, and on the NATIONAL DEBT, with Four Essays on different Subjects in the Doctrine of Life- Annuities and Political Arithmetick, and Tables; 2nd Edition, with additional Observations and Tables, 8vo. old calf gilt, Qs 1772 Containing information on the population of NEW ENGLAND, and forecasting that 70 years hence it will be four millions, and in all North America above twice the number of inhabitants in Great Britain.' pp. '/04-5. 13649 FIFTH EDITION, with Algebraical Notes, the Solution of New Problems in Annuities, and General Introduction, by WILLIAM MORGAN, F.R.S., 2 vols. 8vo. old mottled calf, 10s Qd 1792 13650 SEVENTH [LAST] EDITION, with Algebraical Notes, and the Solution of New Problems in Annuities, by WILLIAM MORGAN, F.R.S., 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut (fresh copy], 12s Qd 1812 ' One of the most important and long the most popular work on annuities and life-insurance '. 'McCnlloch. ' Pitt was much indebted to this work in his financial calculations'. Allibone. A 6-column account of the author in D. N. B. does not even mention this, the most important of all his works. 13651 PRICE (William Arthur, New Coll., Oxon. ; A.M.I.C.E.) TREATISE on the MEASUREMENT of ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE, with 3 folding plates and 70 other illustrations, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 14s) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1894 DR. PRIESTLEY INVENTS SODA-WATER : 13652 PRIESTLEY (Joseph, LL.D., F.R.S. ; Birmingham Unitarian] DIRECTIONS for IMPREG- NATING WATER with FIXED AIR, in order to communicate to it the peculiar Spirit and Virtues of Pyrmont Water, and other Mineral Waters of a similar Nature, with Jront. on copper illus- trating the process, 8vo. (pp. 27), sewn (RARE), 15s 1772 13653 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, uncut (front, and title stained and soiled), 12s Qd In this work Dr. Priestley appears as the benefactor of the Man about Town, by discovering SODA-WATER. His method was to produce carbon dioxide by pouring sulphuric acid over chalk, and then to lead the gas into a narrow- necked bottle tilled with water, which was inverted in a bowl full of water. He gives directions for using it medically (as a cure for cancer, ulcer, scurvy, etc.), and claims for it exceptional antiseptic properties. 13654 EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS on different KINDS of AIR, VOL. II. ONLY, first edition, with 3 copperplates by Basire, 8vo. old calf, newly rebacked (RARE), 15s J. Johnson, 1775 The above volume (especially in this first edition) is of importance in connexion with the controversy as to the priority of the discovery of oxygen between Priestley and Lavoisier. On p. 320 he mentions that, while staying in Paris, he mentioned to Lavoisier the experiments he had made with mercurius calcinatus, and those he meant to perform with the new gas obtained, adding : ' Lavoisier presently found what I have called dephlogisticated air, but without investigating the nature of it, and indeed, without being fully apprised of the degree of its purity.' This volume also contains Dr. Priestley's method of 'impregnating water with fixed air', the 'production and properties of dephlogisticated air' [oxygen], etc. etc. etc. 13655 EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS on different KINDS of AIR, and other Branches of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, connected with the Subject, with 9 folding copperplates, 3 vols. 8vo. old calf gilt, 1. Is Birmingham, 1790 13656 ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. boards, uncut (plates slightly soiled), lls Qd 13657 THE SAME, 3 vols. old caff gilt, newly rebacked (fine copy], 1. 5s An abridged and methodized edition of ' Experiments and Observations or, different Kinds of Air ', 3 v., and ' Experiments and Observations relating to various Branches of Natural History', 3 v. ' In his 1700 edition of ' Experiments on Air ' Priestley declared specifically that he told Lavoisier of his experiments [on oxygen] dating his visit to Paris.' D. N.. B. He also describes in this edition ' interesting experiments on the thermal conduct! bility of gases, which he found to be much the greatest in hydrogen' (D. N. B.) 13658 EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS relating 10 various Branches of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, with a Continuation on the Obtervations on Air [VOL. I only], with folding plate, 8vo. old hf. calf (nice copy), 10s Qd 1779 Forming a supplement to the 'Experiments and Observations on different Kinds of Air', and containing a number of important new researches and experiments. The above volume contains an important statement in connexion with the rival claims to the discovery of oxygen between the author, Scheele, and Lavoisier, which mentions (on p. 194) ' 1 was in possession of [the gas] before the month of November 1771 '. 13659 FAMILIAR INTRODUCTION to the THEORY and PRACTICE of PERSPECTIVE, first edition, with 24 folding plates, 8vo. hf. bound (broken), 5s 1770 With dedication to Sir Joshua Reynolds. 13660 SECOND EDITION, corrected, with 25 copperplates, 8vo. boards, uncut, 5s 1780 13661 FAMILIAR INTRODUCTION to the STUDY of ELECTRICITY, first edition, with 4 fine copperplates by J. Mynde, 4to. (pp. 51), sewn (RARE), 10s Qd 1768 684 HES.RY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STKAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13663 PRIESTLEY (Joseph, LL.D., F.R.S. ; Birmingham, Unitarian) HEADS of LECTURES on a COURSE of EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY, particularly including CHEMISTRY, delivered at the New College, Hackney, 8vo. sewn, 10s Qd 1794 13664 The HISTORY and PRESENT STATE of DISCOVERIES relating to VISION, LIGHT, and COLOURS, with biographical chart, and 24 folding plates, 2 vols. 4to. contemporary tree-calf gilt (nice copy), 15s 1772 13665 ANOTHER COPY, in 1 vol. thick 4to. old hf. calf gilt (one joint cracked), or, boards, uncut, 12s ' In the ' History of Light ' (pp. 390 et seq.) he announced his adherence to Boscowich's theory of points of force.' 7). JY. />. It was translated into German by G. S. Klugel in 1775-G, and was the most complete work then published on the history of optics. It is still quoted as an authority by historians of optics. 13666 The HISTORY and PRESENT STATE of ELECTRICITY, with original Experiments, first edition, with 7 folding copperplates (linen-mounted), thick 4to. old calf, newly and neatly rebacked (RARE), 1. Is * 1767 13667 ANOTHER COPY (wanting Plates I and III), old hf. calf (joints cracked and back damaged), Is Qd The proofs of this edition were corrected by JOHN CANTON and BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. 13668 SECOND EDITION, corrected and enlarged, with 8 folding plates and 2 FINE PORTRAITS (INSERTED), 4to. old calf, newly and neatly rebacked, 1. Is 1769 This edition contains numerous additions, chiefly from the works of German authors, and an additional plate, repre- senting a new type of electrical machine. ' Priestley's electrical work is mostly sound, and much of it is brilliant. It shows him at his best. The ' History of Electricity ' supplies an excellent account of previous work both treated historically and summarised systematically, and his own reflexions and experiments. . . . He anticipated therein Henry Cavendish and C. A. de Coulomb in the important suggestion that the law of electric attraction is that of the inverse square, deducing this from an experiment suggested by Franklin.' D. N. ZJ. This work contains not only the most copious history of the subject written at the time, but many valuable original experiments of the author's. Of special interest are the chapters 'Theories of Electricity' (pp. 441-1*6 of 1st Ed.), and 'New Experiments in Electricity, made in 1706' (pp. 573-733 of the first Edition). Among the latter the second Edition iirst contains three new ones : ' Experiments in which rings, consisting of all the prismatic colours, were made by electrical explosions on the surfaces of metals (containing the discovery of ' Priestley's rings ') ' : ' Experiments on the lateral force of electrical explosions' (shovring the oscillatory nature of the electric discharge a discovery erroneously mentioned in D. N. K. as having been made in 1770, and anticipating one by Sir Oliver Lodge), and ' Various Experiments on the force of Electrical Explosions '. 13669 OBSERVATIONS on DIFFERENT KINDS of AIR, with folding copperplate by J. Basire, 4to. (pp. 120), sewn (VERY RARE), 1. 10s W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1772 13670 ANOTHER COPY, seivn, uncut (FRESH COPY), with author's inscr. (as below), 2. 2s 'Son Altesse 8. Monsr. Le Due d' Aram berg. 'Inscr. on cover. ' He was led to study gases by watching the process of fermentation in a brewery next his house ; and in March 177:.' he read the first paper, ' On Different Kinds of Air '. It was inspired by the work of Stephen Hales, Joseph Black, and Cavendish. This essay marked an epoch in the history of the science. In the first place, Priestley set forth improvements in the methods of collecting gases, and especially the use of mercury in the pneumatic trough, which enabled him to deal for the first time with gases soluble in water. He announced the discovery of marine acid air (hydrochloric acid) and nitrous air (nitric oxide), and showed the feasibility of substituting the latter for living mire as a means of measuring tin goodness of air, a suggestion which led, in the hands of Fontana, Landriani, Cavendish, and others, to exact eudiometry. He showed that in air exposed over Avater, one-fifth disappears in processes of combustion, respiration, and putrefaction, and that plants restore air vitiated by these processes ; and that no known gas conducted electricity. The paper also contained a proposal to saturate water Avith carbonic acid under either atmospheric or increased pressure, which led to the creation of the mineral-water industry. In the same dissertation Priestley noted, without comment, that he had produced two other gases, which were designated respectively carbonic oxide and nitrous oxide, and that he had disengaged from nitre a gas which further examination would have proved to be identical with the as yet undiscovered oxygen. The paper was awarded the Copley medal of the Royal Society, and was at once abstracted at length by Lavoisier and criticised by him.' D. JV. JB. The above work was unknown to Poggendorff. 13671 OBSERVATIONS on RESPIRATION, and the USE of the BLOOD, 4to. (pp. 25), semi (RARE), 10s Qd 1776 ' Priestley's memoir on respiration, in which he regards it as ' a true phlogistic process ', was acknowledged by Lavoisier as the starting-point of his own work on the subject.' D. N. B. 13672 PHILOSOPHICAL EMPIRICISM : containing Remarks on a Charge of PLAGIARISM respecting DR. H s, interspersed with various OBSERVATIONS relating to DIFFERENT KINDS of AIR, 12mo. sewn (rare), 10s Qd 1775 Written in ' reply to Bryan Higgins, M.D. [v. Nos. 9204-9 ante'}, who accused him of plagiarising his experiments on air.' -D. N. }i. 13673 , MEMOIRS of, to the Year 1795, written by himself, with a Continuation to his Decease, by his Son JOSEPH PRIESTLEY, and Observations on his Writings by THOMAS COOPER, President Judge of the 4th District of Pennsylvania, and WILLIAM CHRISTIE, with fine portrait on copper, 8vo. new hf. brown calf gilt (SCARCE), 17s Qd 1806 'Priestley's Memoirs to 1787 were written by himself in Birmingham, and survived the destruction of his papers |by the Tory mob] in 1791 ; at Northumberland [Pennsylvania] he added a brief continuation to 24 March 17!'"> : the work was edited, with a supplementary narrative, by his son Joseph, in ISOi ; the best edition is by Cooper and Cjiristie, 1 sOti. 1 D.N.B. J3674 PRINCE (Charles Leeson, M.R.C.S., F.R.A.S.) OBSERVATIONS on the CLIMATE of UCKFIELD, Sussex, and its Neighbourhood, 1843-70; 2nd Edition, with additional Observations, and STATISTICS of RAINFALL to 1885, plates, 8vo. d., 5s privately printed, Lewes, 1886 13675 OBSERVATIONS on the late GREAT COMET and TRANSIT of VENUS, made at CROW- BOROUGH, Sussex, in 1882, with view of Crowborough Observatory, and 7 plates, 8vo. boards, 3s ibidem, 1883 13676 PRING (James H., M.D., Bath General Hospital) OBSERVATIONS and EXPERIMENTS on the NOCTILUCA MILIARIS, the Animalcular Source of the PHOSPHORESCENCE of the BRITISH SEAS ; with Remarks on the Pluenomena of VITAL PHOSPHORESCENCE, plate, 8vo. (pp. 23), sewn, with author 1 s inscr., 3s Qd 1850 13677 PRING (John Norman, Univ. Manchester) SOME ELECTRO-CHEMICAL [INDUSTRIAL] CENTRES : a Report, roy. 8vo. cL, 3s Univ. Press, Manchester, 1908 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, \V. 68i 13679 PRITCHARD (Andrew) MICROSCOPIC ILLUSTRATIONS of LIVING OBJECTS, with Researches concerning the Methods of CONSTRUCTING MICROSCOPES, and Instructions for using them, by C. R. C4ORING ; 2nd Edition, enlarged, with 4 plates (3 .finely hand-coloured), and 31 woodcuts, 8vo. cL, uncut, with inscr. by C. G. B. Daubeney, M.D., F.R.S., 5s 1838 13680 THIRD [LAST] EDITION, with Supplement on the Verification of Microscopic Phenomena, and an Exact Method of testing Microscopes, by C. R. GORING, M.D., with 4 copperplates and 51 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 5s 1845 Both the above editions contain chapters ' On the Optical Phenomena of certain Crystals ' by HENRY Fox. TALBOT, F.R.S. The author was an optical instrument maker, and made a lens out of a diamond, and other.s out of sapphires and rubies. 13681 PRITCHARD (Charles; D.D., F.R.S. , Savilian Prof. Astronomy, Oxon. ) NOTE sur les EFFETS de DIFFRACTION produits par les Ecrans places devant les Objectifs Photographiques et Ordi- naires, roy. 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s s.d. 13682 RESEARCHES in STELLAR PARALLAX by the Aid of PHOTOGRAPHY, with History of all Parallactic Researches by other Astronomers, with frontispiece and diagrams, '2 vols. impl. 8vo. sewn, 6s (p. 12*) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1892-89 13683 PART II only (including History of Parallactic Researches), sewn, "2s (p. 4s Qd) ' The great merit of having rendered photography available for the sounding of the celestial depths belongs to Prof. Pritchard. The subject of his initial experiment was 61 Cygni. From measurements of 200 negatives taken in 1880, he- derived for that classic star a parallax of 0-438", in satisfactory agreement with Ball of 0'46S". He carried out his pro- ject of determining all second magnitude stars to the number of about 30.' Misn Agnes M. Clerke, 13684 URANOMETRIA NOVA OXONIENSIS : a Photometric Determination of the Magnitudes of all Stars visible to the Naked Eye, from the Pole to 10 S. of the Equator, impl. 8vo. hf. bound (worn), with allegorical bookplate of Dr. Moncure D. Conu-ay (South Place Ethical Society), 4s Qd a.e., ib., 1885 13685 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, 4s Forming a complement to Prof. E. C. Pickering's catalogue. 13686 PRITCHARD (Henry Baden, F.C.S. ; son of the above) About PHOTOGRAPHY and PHOTOGRAPHERS ; also Continental Rambles with a Camera, with numerous woodcuts, cr. 8vo. sewn, 2s 1883. 13687 The PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIOS of EUROPE, with woodcuts, cr. 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd 1882 13688 FROCLU3 DIADOCHT7S, Philosophus Platonicus ; In PRIMUM EUCLIDIS ELEMENTORUM LIBRUM COMMENTARIORUM ad Universam Mathematicam Disciplinam Libri IIII, a FRANCISCO BAROCIO, Patritio Veneto, cunctis Mendis expurgati, Scholiis, etc. aucti primum ifi Ilomane Lingue Venustate donati, et nunc recens editi, cum Catalogo Deorum et Virorum Illustrium, Elecho Libroril , ,. . et Indice ; with engraved title, fine woodcut, portrait of F. Barozzi, ffit. 22, and numerous diagrams, woodcut initials, and ornaments, Patavii, Gratiosus Perchacinus, 1560: Fine (Oronce, latine ORONTIUS FIN^EUS) In SEX PRIORES LIBROS GEOMETRICORUM ELEMENT- ORUM EUCLIDIS Megarensis DEMONSTRATIONS, quibus ipsius EuclidisTextusGrsecus, suisLocis insertus est, cum Interpretatione Latina BARTHOLOM^I ZAMBERTI Veneti, ad Fidem geometrical per eundem Orontium recognita ; with title surrounded by large and very fine woodcut border y and numerous diagrams, also fine woodcut initials, and printer's device on blank I. at end, Parisiix, apud Simonem Colinceum, 15362 vols. folio in 1, old calf gilt (rebacked), with arms in gold and initials ' L B ' on sides (blank top of first title cut off, and a few II. slightly waterstained, otherwise in fine condition (very rare), 2. 2s 1560-36 Proclus's commentary is of great value for the history of Greek mathematics. The above is the first edition of the work of Finseus. ' Hochst wahrscheinlich war Proklus der Erfinderder Eristehung der Ellipse als germietrisclier Ort eines bestimmten Punktes einer gegebenen Strecke von bestiindiger Litnge, welche alle Lagen anniiumt, bei denen die beiden Endpunkteulie Schenkel eines rechten Winkels durchlaufen.' Prof. Moritz Cantor. 13689 In PRIMUM EUCLIDIS ELEMENTORUM LIBRUM COMMENTARII (Greece), ex Recognitione GODOFREDI FRIEDLEIN; with diagrams, fcap. 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 5s(p. M. 6. 75 sewn) Lipsice, 1873 13690 , The PHILOSOPHICAL and MATHEMATICAL COMMENTARIES of, on the FIRST BOOK of EUCLID'S ELEMENTS, and his Life by MARINUS, translated from the Greek [with a HISTORY of the RESTAURATION of PLATONIC THEOLOGY, by the latter Platonists, a Translation of Proclus's Theological Elements] , and a Preliminary Dissertation on the Platonic Doctrine of Ideas (pp. 130),. by THOMAS TAYLOR [' Platonist '], first English edition, with diagrams, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, hf. calf gilt (binding slightly rubbed), with inscr. ' FROM THE AUTHOR THO^ TAYLOR', and book- plate of, and MS. notes by, Henry Reeve, C.B., editoi^ of the ' Greville Memoirs' (SCARCE), 1. IQs printed for the Author [vere Editor], 1788-9 13691 [REPRINT], with 2 finely engraved vignettes, and diagrams, 2 vols. 4to. tree-calf gilt, rebacked, with bookplate of Sir E. W. 'Watkin [M.P., Railway Chairman] ; SCARCE, 1. 12s Qd apud eundem, 1792 ' Containing a great deal of valuable information on the history of Greek mathematics. ... He has preserved for us quotations from other and better authorities.' W. W.R. Ball. 13692 : The FRAGMENTS that remain of the Lost Writings of PROCLUS, surnamed the Platonic Successor, translated by THOMAS TAYLOR, post 8vo. boards, uncut (SCARCE), 12s Qd 1825 On Light, Fire, the Eternity of the World, etc. etc. 13693 : La SFERA di PROCLO LICEO, tradotta da EGNATIO DANTI, con le Annotazioni, e con 1'Uso della SFERA del rnedesinio ; with fine woodcuts, and numerous diagrams, 2 vols. sni. 4!to. in 1, old Italian white vellum (some II. slightly water-stained on margin, otherwise a FINE COPY) ; RARE, 1. 5s Fiorenza, nella Stamperia de' Giunti, 1573 ' Raro : dedicate alia famosa Isabella Medici Orsini.' Riccardi. Danti's Treatise on the Sphere has a separate title and pagination. 686 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13695 PROCLUS BIODOCHUS, Philosophus Platonicusi HYPOTYPOSIS ASTRONOMICARUM Posi- TIONUM [Grrcce, Cura S. GRYNJEI] ; with diagrams (side margin of title cut off), Basilicc, Joa. Vualder, 1540 : NICOMACHI Gerasini ARITHMETICS Libri duo, Grace, nunc primimi Typis excusi, Parisiis, Christ. Wechel, 1538: ASTROLOGICA [Gr. et Lat.. edita Cuni J. CAMERARII], Norimbergce, Jo. Petreius, 1532 3 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, old English calf (broken), with auto, of Floyer Sydenham (translator of Plato, 1710-87) ; rare, 2. 15s ' 1532-40 The above copy belonged to the bad M. LIBRI, and is described in his Sale Catalogue of 18(51 (Xo. t50]0) as ' With MS. notes copied from MSS. in New College, Oxford, and in the possession of Sir George Wheler [D.D., oriental traveller, ir.5 a presque rien par les travaux d^ Poinsot.' 13735 [ ] REGEMORTES, Memoire sur les, Ingenieurs aux XVII^ et XVIII* Siecles, Svo. (pp. 4), unbound, with inscr. ' A Monsieur Georges Rennie [C. E., F.R.S.] de la part de 1'auteur', 2s Qd s.d. 13736 : NOTICE sur le BARON de PRONY, Pair de France [par P. de P.], Svo. (pp. 11), *eivn. Is Qd [1839] 13737 PROVIS (John, of Truro) TABLES, of the most useful Kind, to FACILITATE BUSINESS in several Branches of the COPPER TRADE, never before printed, from Original Calculations, made with the greatest Circumspection, 4to. contemporary hf. calf, Is Qd (p. 2. 2s) Truro, 1801 688 HENRY SOTHERAX & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13739 PROPOSALS of a METHOD for Observing the LONGITUDE at SEA, humbly submitted to the Commissioners appointed by Act of Parliament for the Discovery of the Longitude at Sea, 4to. (pp. 8), unbound (rare), 10s 6d 1719 I propose that a Frame of Wood, sufficient to contain the Observer and his Instruments, be hung somewhere near th Center of the Ship's Motion, in such a manner and with such weight added to it, as may keep it steddy to a Perpen- dicular.' hi this problematical position the observer was to use a '" Newtonian Reflector, and ascertain the longitude from the occultations of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. 13740 PB.OUT (William, M.D., F.R.S.) CHEMISTRY. METEOROLOGY, and the FUNCTIONS of DIGESTION considered with reference to Natural Theology (Bridge water Treatise), woodcuts and folding map, Svo. brown calf extra (nice copy), 45 W. Pickering, 1834 13741 -- On the ULTIMATE COMPOSITION of SIMPLE ALIMENTARY SUBSTANCES ; with Remarks on the Analysis of Organised Bodies in general, 2 plates, 4to. (pp. 36), sewn, ivith author's znscr., 45 1827 The author was the propounder of what is known as 'Prout's Law '(that the atomic weights of all elements are multiples of the atomic weight of hydrogen), ' which has proved a powerful stimulus to the exact experimental investigation of atomic weights ' (D. N. !>.). 13742 PRTJSOL (Joshua) DREAMS of my SOLITUDE on the MYSTERIES of the HEAVENS, treating, amongst other Subjects, on the CAUSES of MOTION, the Government of COMETS, and the Important Part assigned to these as HERALDS of LIFE to the WORLDS, and lastly, the Natural Operations which have created, and are still creating, the Universe, with 10 plates, Svo. (pp. 366), cl. (scarce), 10* Gd 1879 Scientific paradoxes, published too late to be budgeted by Prof, de Morgan, 'the fruit of the author's meditations in the Australian Bush, when he was thrown back in moody pensiveness upon himself.' There are chapters on motion, heat, light (which the author considers ' a property universal to matter, the same as attraction '), comets, the atmosphere, and of rourse the Deluge. 13743 PBYM (Friedrich E. ; Univ. Wiirzburg) BEWEIS zweier SATZE der FUNCTIONENTHEORIE, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, Is 6d Berlin [1869] 13744 - . Zur INTEGRATION der DIFFERENTIALGLEICHUNG -? -f < \~, =" 0, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, IsQd 8a ? ) on RAILWAYS: Of the Mechanical Advantage of a Railway ; Operation of Horses on Railways (with 6 Tables) ; Of Locomotive Engines ; Table of Performance of Locomotive Engines ; aud Speed of Locomotive Ergines. ' We hear that experiments are being made relative to the employment of steam carriages on common roads. If these should prove successful, as I have no doubt they will, we shall find animal give place to steam power even on common roads '.p. 65. But the ordinary roadbed of the period shook the pioneer highway locomotive all to bits, and the roads remained safe and pleasant to walk on for nearly eighty years. 13890 RANKINE (William John Macquorn, F.R.S.) MISCELLANEOUS SCIENTIFIC PAPERS, from the Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal and other Scientific or Philosophical Societies, and the Scientific Journals, with MEMOIR by PETER GUTHRIE TAIT, edited by W. J. MILLAR, with fine K apieresque portrait on steel by Adlard, 4 plates, and numerous diagrams, thick roy. Svo. cl. , 'I6s6d(p. 1. llsQd) 1881 The work is divided into 3 parts : Temperature, Elasticity, and Expansion of Vapours, Liquids, and Solids ; Energy and its Transformations, Thermodynamics, Mechanical Action of Heat in the Steam Engine, etc. ; Wave Forms, Propul- sion of Vessels, Stability of Structures, etc. ; and contains his application (simultaneously with Lord Kelvin and Clausius) of the doctrine that heat and work are convertible, to the discovery of new relations among the properties of bodies ; as well as all his important papers on molecular physics. 13891 ABSTRACT of a PAPER on the HYPOTHESIS of MOLECULAR VORTICES, and its Applica- tion to the Mechanical Theory of Heat, Svo. (pp. 14), unbound, with inscr. to Allen Thomson,,3sQd [1850] 'Showing how the laws of the phenomena of elasticity and expansion, as connected with heat, may be reduced to mechanical principles by the hypothesis of molecular vortices.' P. 1. 13892 : On the DECOMPOSITION of FORCES externally applied to an ELASTIC SOLID, 4to. (pp. 13), sewn, 2s Edin., 1872 13893 On the EXACT FORM of WAVES near the SURFACE of DEEP WATER, with 2 diagrams, 4to. (pp. 12), sewn, 3s Qd [1863] 13894 On the EXPANSIVE ENERGY of HEATED WATER, Svo. (pp. 32), unbound, 2s Qd [1863] 13895 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE on the HARMONY of THEORY and PRACTICE in MECHANICS, Svo. (pp. 22), unbound, with author's inscr., 2s 1856 13896 MANUAL of APPLIED MECHANICS, 7th Edition, thoroughly revised by EDWARD FISHER B AMBER, with 265 illustrations, thick cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 12s 6d) 1873 13897 THIRTEENTH EDITION, thoroughly revised by W. J. MILLAR, with numerous diagrams, thick large cr. Svo. cl., 6s (p. 12s 6d) 1891 13898 MANUAL of CIVIL ENGINEERING, 9th Edition, thoroughly revised by E. F. BAMBER, C.E., with 299 diagrams, thick cr. Svo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 16s) 1873 13899 MANUAL of MACHINERY and MILLWORK, 2nd Edition, thoroughly revised by E. F. BAMBER, C.3., with 287 diagrams, thick cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 12s Qd) 1873 13900 MANUAL of the STEAM ENGINE, and other PRIME MOVERS, 7th Edition, revised by E. F. BAMBER, C.E., with folding chart, and 184 woodcuts and diagrams, thick cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 12s 6rf) 1874 The first treatise on the steam-engine which was based on the mechanical theory of heat, and still one of the best text- books on the subject. 13901 On PLANE WATER-LINES in Two DIMENSIONS, with 2 plates, 4to. (pp. 23), sewn, 3s Qd [1864] 13902 On the RECONCENTRATION of the MECHANICAL ENERGY of the UNIVERSE, 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, with inscr. to Allen Thomson, F.R.S., 2s 1852 Containing suggestions in connexion with Lord Kelvin's theory of the Dissipation of Energy. * 13903 On the THERMODYNAMIC THEORY of WAVES of FINITE LONGITUDINAL DISTURBANCE, 4to. (pp. 12), sewn, 3s [1870] 'Determining the, relations which must exist between the laws of the elasticity of any substance, whether gaseous, liquid, or solid, and those of the wave-like propagation of a finite longitudinal disturbance in that substance.' P. 1. 46 * 696 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13905 RANKINE (William John Macquorn, F.R.S.) USEFUL RULES and TABLES relating to Mensuration, Engineering, Structures, and Machines, 7th Edition, thoroughly revised by \V. .!. MILLAR, C.E., with ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TABLES. Tests-sand Formoke, with plate and diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl. (used copy). 4s (p. 10s Qd) 1889 13906 , and Edward Fisher B AMBER. C.E. : MECHANICAL TEXT- BOOK ; or Introduction to the STUDY of MECHANICS, 2nd Edition, revised, with 158 diagrams, cr. Svo. d., 3s (p. 9*)' 1875 ' Rankine was one of the little group of thinkers to whom, after the wondrous Sadi Carnot, the world is indebted for the pure science of modern thermodynamics. But his services to applied science were relatively even greater. By his admirable teaching, his excellent textbooks, and his original memoirs, he has done more than any other man of recent times for the advancement of British Scientific Engineering '. Prof. Tail. 13907 RANSOME (Thomas) On the COMPOSITION and EXPLOSION of GUN-COTTON, 8vo. (pp. 4), unbound, with inscr. to Sir Edward Frankland, F.R.S. , 2s 6rf 1847 Interesting as an early tract on gun-cotton, discovered by Scbunbein in 184"*. 1.W08 RANSOME & CO. (A.), ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of PATENTED and IMPROVED MACHINES for making TIGHT CASKS, manufactured by, with numerous full-page and other ivoodcuts, roy. Svo. cl., with auto, of Sir F. J. Bramwell, 3s [Chelsea, 187<>] 13909 RANTZATT \Latinc RANZOVIUS) (Heinrich Graf v.) TRACTATUS ASTROLOGICUS de GENETLIACORUM [sic] THEMATUM JUDICIIS pro singulis Xati Accidentibus. ex vetustis et optimis quibusque Auctoribus, cum Indice duplici ; with 2 folding tables, 12mo. old vellum (binding damaged) ; RARE, 10s Qd Franco furti [ad Mo-nuni] , 1625 At end is ' Carmen describens Genethliacnm Henrici Ran/ovii a GKOROIO LUDOVICO FROBENIO ' (pp. 13). 13910 RANYARD (Arthur Cowper, F.R. A. s.) OBSERVATIONS made during TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSES collated, with 18 plates, and numerous woodcuts, thick 4to. hf. cl., 17s Qd (p. 2. 2* nett) 1879 The celebrated 'ECLIPSE VOLOIK ' of the Koyal Astronomical Society's Memoirs (vol. XLI). 'His most extensive work in astronomy was the eclipse volume of the R. A. S. (Memoirs, vol. XLI', in which are systematised and discussed the observations of all solar eclipses down to 1ST8. It was originally commenced in con- junction with Sir George Airy, but soon devolved on Ranyard alone '. I). N. II. ' In his splendid volume on eclipses, with which the systematic study of coronal structure may be said to have begun, Mr. Ranyard flrst generalised the synclinal peculiarity by a comparison of records. He further pointed out the carved and branching shapes assumed by the component filaments of massive bundles of rays.' J/iv :A>ini-* M. Cl> //.<. 13911 RAOULT (Franqois Marie, Univ. Grenoble] La DETERMINATION des POIDS MOLKCULAIRKS par la CRYOSCOPIE et la TONOMETRIE ; with 4 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. (pp. 39), sewn, with author's English inscr., 3s Qd 1894 13912 f ber PRAZISIONSKRYOSKOPIE, sowie einige ANWENDUNGEN derselben auf WASSERIGE LosUNGEN [iibersetzt von R. LUTHER] ; unth 9 illustrations, roy. Svo. (pp. 45),seivn. 2s Leipzig, 1S!>8 Containing the author's famous method for ascertaining molecular weights, based on the fact that molecular quantities of different substances, dissolved in equal amounts of a solvent, reduce its point of solidification to the same extent. 13913 RAPER (Lieut. Henry, R.N., F.R.A.S.) The PRACTICE of NAVIGATION and NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, 6th Edition, with diagrams, thick Svo. hf. calf, 4s 1857 13914 FOURTEENTH EDITION [partly revised by STAFF COMMR. THOMAS A. HULL, R.N.], with diagrams, thick roy. Svo. old sheep (back damaged), 6s C>d 1882 'It was at once recognised as the best work on the subject, a position which it still holds in the opinion of practical navigators.' Sir J. K. Laughtun. ' Particularly valuable for its admirable table of [8800] geographical positions.' AdnU. Smyth. RAPHSON (Joseph, F.R.S.) v. KALPHSON, Nos. 13845-7, ante. 13915 RAPIER (Richard Christopher, M.I. C.E.) On the FIXED SIGNALS of RAILWAYS, with Abstract of the Discussion on the Paper before the Institution of Civil Engineers, edited by JAMES FORREST, M.I.C.E., with 6 folding plates, 11 woodcuts, and 2 folding tables, roy. Svo. cl., g. e. (SCARCE), 10s Qd 1874 1391tj ANOTHER COPY, cl., g. e. (title and some II. stained), 8s Qd Of particular interest as written when the Absolute Block System had come largely into use, but was not yet c< unpulsory, and by no means universally accepted. It gives an excellent account of the gradual development of railway signalling and interlocking, and the details of the signalless railways of the 'Thirties, when a policeman with a top-hat, a flag, and a ' stable lantern controlled what were already busy junctions, are very curious. The Discussion on the paper is of nearly equal value. 13917 RASPE (Rudolph Erich; original of Dousterswivel, expelled F.R.S.) ACCOUNT of some GERMAN VOLCANOS, and their Productions, with a new Hypothesis of the Prismatical Basaltes ; established upon Facts. Being an Essay of Physical Geography, etc. etc., with 2 coloured folding plates, sm. Svo. boards, uncut, or, old calf (RARE), 15s Lockyer Davis, 1776 13918 - ANOTHER COPY, bound up with two other TREATISES as below, in one thick vol. sin. Svo. old hf. calf gilt (nice copies), 1. 2s Qd 1776-85 Including also : BOURXOX ([Jacques Louis Comte] de) Essai sur la Lithologie des Environs de St.-Etienne-eu-Forez, et sur 1'Origine de ses Charbons de Pierre, 1785: BKKCMAX (Torbern) DC' Prodotti Volcanici considerati chemicamentc [tradotti da D. DE DOLOMIELT], with 2 tallies (no title). Raspe was one of the first to adopt the view that basalt was of volcanic origin. The work (which is unknown to Poggendorff) is also of interest for the personality of its author, a German professor at Cassel, who tied to England in 1775 to avoid punishment for theft. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, but struck oft the rolls on his antecedents becoming known. He was the author of the original 'Baron Mimchausen', and a swindler of a most interesting type, on whom the character of Donxtersmvd, and the incidents connected with him, are based in Sir Walter Scott's Antiqua'i-y. See also BORN (-Vj,s. r>341-2), ante. 13919 RATH (Gerhard vom ; Univ. Bonn) Ueber das KRYSTALLSYSTEM des LEUCITS ; with folding plate and woodcut, Svo. (pp. 43), sewn, \s Qd Leipzig [1873] 13920 MlNERALOGlSClIE MlTTHElLUNGEN, I und III ; with folding plate, '2 parts Svo. (pp. 90), sewn, with inscr. to Prof. N. Story -Maskelyne, F.R.S., 3s Qd ibidem [1873-4] 13921 Ein NEUER BEITRAG zur KENNTNISS der KRYSTALLISATION und der ZwlLLiNGS- BILDUNGEN des TuiDYMlTS ; with folding plate, Svo. (pp. 42), sewn, 2s ib., o. J. 13922 Eini<*e STUDIEN iiber QUARZ, KUPFERKIKS, und ALIIIT ; with plate, Svo. (pp. 14), sewn, HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 697 13924 RATH (Gerhard vom ; Univ. Bonn] NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHE STUDIEN : Erinnerungen an die Pariser Weltausstellung, 1878 (Sections etrangeres), Svo. sewn, with author's inscr. to Prof. Nevil Story -Maskelync, F.R.S., Is Qd Bonn, 1879 - v. REUSCH (F. E.), No. 14119, post. 13925 RATH BORNE (Aaron) The SURVEYOR, in Foure bookes ; with finely engraved title with celestial and terrestrial globes (the latter giving North and South America), and shouting surveyors with instruments, large woodcut of the author's Peractor, and numerous diagrams, folio, con- temporary English calf (back slightly damaged, and engraved title slightly soiled, otherwise a sound, tall, and clean copy) ; RARE, 1. 155 W. Stansby for W. Burre, 1616 13926 - ANOTHER COPY, old limp vellum (partly water-stained), 1. 10* 13927 THE SAME, old calf (engraved title wanting, binding damaged, and one corner badly water-stained), 15s ' The most valuable of the kind that was possessed by those times.' Donaldson's Agri-cult, filog. It is dedicated to Charles 1. when Prince of Wales. Nothing seems to be known of the author, who is not included in D. N. ., and was unknown to Poggendorff. The various books comprise : I. The Elements of Geometric, with Theorems ; II. The Use and Operation of the former Theorems ; III. The Exact Operation of Instrumental Dimensions by divers meanes ; IV. The Legall Part of Survey. In the 3rd book the author describes 'the use of an Instrument of mine owne, which I call the Peractor, and of a Chayne, which I call the Jkcimall Cfuiym', with the divisions and parts thereof: which rightly vnderstood and practised is farre more vsefull and absolute for speed and exactnesse, then any yet euer vsed '. Some copies contain portraits of the author and of the Prince of Wales, which are absent in all the above copies. William Leybourn, in his (Jompleat Surveyor, refers to a ruler invented by Rathbome, 'the making of which is so \vell known, and the use thereof so apparent, that I shall not need to say anything concerning the description and use of it.' 13928 RATIONAL RECREATIONS : the most marvellous SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS, the most astounding FEATS of LEGERDEMAIN, the most puzzling NUMERICAL EXERCISES, with, numerous woodcuts, 16mo. contemporary green calf gilt, 5s 1825 13929 RATZEL (Friedrich) Die ERDE und das LEBEN : eine vergleichende Erdkunde ; with 46 plates (many coloured), 21 maps, and 487 other illustrations, 2 vols. roy. Svo. hf. German morocco gilt, cl. sides, with Dr. Emil Reich s bookplate, Us Qd (p. M. 34) Leipzig, 1901-2 13930 [RAUCOURT (Antoine) MANUAL of LITHOGRAPHY, or Memoir on the Lithographical Experiments made in Paris at the Royal School of Roads and Bridges ; clearly explaining the whole Art, as well as all the Accidents that may happen in Printing, and the different Methods of avoiding them ; translated by CHARLES JOSEPH HULLMANDEL, first English edition, with 2 folding plates, Svo. calf gilt (nice copy), with bookplate of Lord Gray (SCARCE), 1. Is 1820 13931 - ANOTHER COPY, calf (rebacked), 17s Qd 13932 [ ] THIRD EDITION, corrected, to which is added (NOW FIRST PRINTED) SELECTIONS from the WORK of M. BREGEAUT, forming a SEQUEL, and bringing down the Improvement in the Art to the present Time ; translated by CHARLES JOSEPH HULLMANDEL ; with 2 folding lithographic plates by the Translator, Svo. boards, uncut (SCARCE), 15s 1832 ' Hullmandel's practice and study resulted in the discovery of a new mode of preparing the stones. . . . Among other improvements he made in the art were a graduated tint, the introduction of white in the high lights, and the use of the stump on the stone.' Cosmo Monkhouse. 13933 RAVENEK (H. A. ; w.i., Delft) VERSLAG omtrent het ONDERZOKK van den DIFFERENTIAAL- KWIKMANOMETER van THOMASSET NOEL & CIE. te PARUS, in yebruik bij den Hoofd-Ingenieur van het Stoomwezen, als Standaard voor het Controleeren der Manometers zijner Ambtenaren ; with folding plate, roy. 4to. (pp. 14), sewn, 2s Qd 's Gravenhage, 1884 THE SMALL BEER CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS: 13934 RAWLINSON (James ; of Derby) A NEW METHOD of BREWING MALT LIQUOR, in small Quantities, for Domestic Use, 2nd Edition, Svo. (pp. 32), sewn (scarce), Ss Qd 1807 Teaching how to make at home 'an excellent small beer ', and avowedly written as a remedy against the drunkenness of the time. The work is dedicated to the Humane Society. It was unknown to Allibone, who mentions another work by the same author. ' I sent some bottles of my beer to the late DR. [ERASMUS] DARWIN, at his request, who declared he had never met with such excellent beer ; and added, that he would some time or other [sly dog ! ] adopt this method of brewing, as a valuable acquisition to the health.' Pp. 12-13. 13935 RAWLINSON (Sir Robert; P.I.C.E.) DESIGNS for FACTORY, FURNACE, and other TALL CHIMNEY SHAFTS, with title, large vignette, and 24 other tinted lithographs, impl. folio, cl. (cover soiled), 10s Qd (p. 3. 3s) [1858] Sir Robert Rawlinson was here the pioneer of what we unconsciously recognise as the Waterworks Style of architecture and a very praiseworthy attempt it was, and a characteristic detail of the Gothic Revival. He based it on the tall towers built with such lavish emulation by the nobles of Pisa and Verona, and on the Moorish towers of Spain. It must be familiar to Londoners in the excellent chimney of the Pumping Station by the Grosvenor Bridge, and less generally at the two great outfalls at Barking and Crossness. 13936 RAWSON (Christopher, F.I.C.), Walter Myers GARDNER, F.C.S., and William Frederick LAYCOCK: DICTIONARY of DYES, MORDANTS, and other Compounds, used in Dyeing and Calico Printing, Svo. cl., 10s 6c?(p. IQs nett) 1901 Intended as a supplement to Knecht, Rawson, and Loewenthal's ' Manual of Dyeing.' 13937 RAWSON (Robert, Head Master, School for Shipwright Apprentices, Portsmouth Dockyard) The SCREW PROPELLER : an Investigation of its Geometrical and Physical Properties, and its Application to the Propulsion of Vessels, with plate, roy. Svo. cl., 5s 1851 The author claims to have discovered 'the surface of vanishing pressure (Cap. II), important as affording an explan- ation of some curious phenomena which have been observed in the practice of screw propulsion.' Preface. /* tt d x 1393S On the CUBIC INTEGRAL u = / Svo. (pp. 13), sewn, with inscr. to Prof. Lloyd Tanner, Is Qd < V (a - x) (b - x) (c - x) 1878 698 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13940 KAY (John; pr., F.R.S.) THREE PHYSICO-THEOLOGICAL DISCOURSES. I. The PRIMITIVE CHAOS and Creation of the World. II. The GENERAL DELUGE, its Causes and Effects. III. The DISSOLUTION of the WORLD, and Future Conflagration : largely discussing the Production and Use of Mountains ; the Original of Fountains, of Formed Stones, and Sea-Fishes Bones and Shells found in the Earth; the Effects of Floods, etc. ; Volcanos, and the Cause of Earthquakes with Account of those Two late Remarkable Ones in Jamaica and England; 2nd Edition, very much enlarged, 12mo. old calf (back of binding damaged, ink-stain on title, and plates wanting), 7s Sam. Smith, 1093 13941 FOURTH EDITION, with fine portrait in clerical habit by G. Vertue after Faithorne, and 4 copperplates, 8vo. old panelled calf (one joint cracked, otherwise a sound copy), 10s 6d 1721 ' This work, and the author's Wisdom of God inanifested in the Creation are sufficient to perpetuate Ray's memory as long as the English language is understood or piety regarded.' Dr. Adam Claris. 13942 The WISDOM of GOD manifested in the WORKS of the CREATION, viz. the Heavenly Bodies, Elements, Meteors, Fossils .... more particularly in the Body of the Earth, its Figure, Motion, and Consistency, and in the admirable Structure of the Bodies of Man, and othei Animals, etc. etc., 8th Edition, corrected, 8vo. old panelled calf, Is 1722 ' These [the above] two volumes are his most popular works, and are important on account of the accurate views they propound as to the nature of fossils, and from the use made of them by Paley.' D. N. B. ' Ray was one of the first of our writers who enlarged upon the effects of running water on the land, and of the en- croachment of the sea on the shores. His discourses, like those of Hooke, are highly interesting, as attesting the familiar association in the minds of philosophers, in the age of Newton, of questions in physics and divinity.' Sir Charlc* Lyell . 13943 : PHILOSOPHICAL LETTERS between the late Learned 'MR. RAY and several of his Ingenious CORRESPONDENTS . . . with those of FRANCIS WILLUGHBY. The Whole consisting of many curious Discoveries and Improvements in the History of Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Insects, Plants, Fossiles, Fountains, etc., published by W. DERHAM, pr., F.R.S., with diagrams, 8vo. sovtid copy in contemporary panelled calf, 8s Qd 1718 v. No. 3906 ante. 13944 BAY (Praphulla Chandra, Presidency Coll., Calcutta) A HISTORY of HINDU CHEMISTRY, from the earliest Times to the Middle of the Sixteenth Century, with SANSKRIT TEXTS, Variants, Translation, and Illustrations, VOL. I only, with 1 plates, showing Hindoo chemical operations, and 41 pp. of Sanskrit texts, roy. 8vo. sewn, with inter, and 3-pp. auto, letter to Sir Edward Thorpe, F.R.S., 8s (p. 125 Qd nett) Calcutta, 1002 13945 BAYLEIGH (John William Strutt, 3rd Lord, F.R.S. ; Nobel Laureate) On the CIRCULATION of AIR observed in KUNDT'S TUBES, and on some Allied Acoustical Problems, 4to. (pp. 21), sewn, 2s Qd [1884] 13946 On the CLARK CELL as a Standard of Electro-Motive Force, woodcut, 4to. (pp. 20), xewn, 2s Qd 18 86 13947 EXPERIMENTS, by the Method of Lorentz, for the further DETERMINATION of the ABSOLUTE VALUE of the BRITISH ASSOCIATION UNIT of RESISTANCE, with Appendix on the Determination of the Pitch of a Standard Tuning- Fork, with 6 diagrams, 4to. (pp. 28), sewn, 3s [ 1 883] 13948 - INTERFERENCE of SOUND, with woodcut, 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn. 2s 1902 Together with 'The Discovery of the Future', by H. G. WKLLS [novelist], (pp. IS). 13949 [PRESIDENTIAL] ADDRESS [to the BRITISH ASSOCIATION, MONTREAL, 1884], 8vO- (pp. 21), sewn, 2s 1S84 13950 REPRINT of some OPTICAL PAPERS [on Diffraction Gratings, Experiments on Colour, and the Velocity of Light], 8vo. (pp. 54), sewn, 5s [privately printed, Cambridge,] 188:> 13951 The THEORY of SOUND, with 64 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 8s'Qd (1. 5s) 1877-8 13952 , andSir William RAMSAY, F.R.S.: ARGON, a NEW CONSTITUENT of the ATMOSPHERE, with Sivoodcuts, roy. 4to. (pp. 55), sewn, 3s 6<:/ 1895 The announcement of the discovery of argon. 13953 RAYMOND (Bossiter Worthington ; Sec. American lust. Mining Engineers) GLOSSARY of MINING and METALLURGICAL TERMS, with portrait (inserted), roy. 8vo. cl., with auto, letter jrom the author to W. S. Gresley, F.G.S., M.I.M.E., 5s Easton. Igsi 13954 BEA (Boger) The SECTOR and PLAIN SCALE, COMPARED : Containing I. The Description of all the Lines on them. II. The True Use of the Sector. III. All the proceeding Geometrical Problems and Cases of Right Lin'd Trigonometry compared by the Plain Scale, and IV. performed Arithmetically, without the Help of any Sort of Tables, with so much of Decimal Arithnietick, and the Extraction of the Square Root, as is necessary for the Working of Arithmetical Trigono- metry ; 2nd Edition, with 3 folding copperplates, 12mo. (pp. 102), sewn, 8s Qd ill" Unknown to Poggendorff, Watt, Allibone, and Lowndes. 13955 BEAD (Carveth) On the THEORY of LOGIC: an Essay, cr. 8vo. cl., with Herbert Spencer's bookstamp on title (scarce), 8s Qd 1878 Professor Carveth Read's first publication, and ' the most real addition that lias been made on the subject since the appearance of Prof. Bain's ' Logic', and one that cannot henceforward be overlooked by any one interested in the logic of science.' Academy. 13956 BEAD (John) METEOROLOGICAL JOURNAL, principally relating to ATMOSPHERICAL ELECTRI- CITY, kept at Knightsbridge, from the 9th of May, 1790, to the 8th of May, 1791, with plate by Basire, 4to. (pp. 32), sewn, 4s 60? 1792 ' To him we .owe a very elaborate series of researches on atmospherical electricity.' Sir John HerscM. 13957 BECLUS (Elisee) The EARTH : a Descriptive History of the Phenomena of the Life of the Globe, translated by B. B. WOODWARD, and edited by HENRY WOODWARD ; 3rd Edition, with 24 full-page coloured and 230 other maps, 2 vols. 8ve. cl., 5s Qd (p. 1. Is) 1877 Containing chapte-s on the Earth as a Planet ; the Land ; the Circulation of Water ; and Subterranean Forces. 13958 The OCEAN, ATMOSPHERE, and LIFE, translated by B. B. WOODWARD, and edited by HENRY WOODWARD, F.R.S., with 207 woodcuts and maps, 2 Vols. 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. 1. Is) 1873 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 699 13960 BEADE (Joseph, M.D.) EXPERIMENTAL OUTLINES for a NEW THEORY of COLOURS, LIGHT and VISION : with Critical Remarks on SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S OPINIONS, and some NEW EXPERI- MENTS on RADIANT CALORIC, with coloured prismatic front., and diagrams, 8vo. cl., uncut (rare), 12s 6d 18 1 8 The author tries to prove that the analysis of light and heat by the glass prism is a delusion. The following are some of his axioms : ' Blackness is compounded of blue, red and yellow rays, and there is as strong a reflection from black as from any other coloured substance ' (p. 1) : ' Atoms change colour with every change of condensation ' (p. 164) : ' The- colours in Newton's experiment were occasioned by the black light, reflected from the inner margin of the hole in the- quire of paper ' (p. 258). There are nevertheless some sound remarks in this painstaking paradox. 13961 BECKEN (W. A.) Das GEHEIMNISS, GUSSEISEN . . . zu VERSTAHLEN : Die KUNST, alle Sorten STAHL . . . auf eine sehr schnelle und sichere Weise zu SCHNEIDEN 2 pamphlets, 12mo. unbound, 3s Qd Quedlinburg, 1839* 13962 [RECORDE (Robert, M.D.) The CASTLE of KNOWLEDGE [on reverse of title:} containing the Explication of the Sphere, bothe celestiall and materiall, and diuers other Thinges incident therto.. With sundry pleasaunt Proofes and certaiue newe Demonstrations not written before in any vulgare Woorkes], first edition, with numerous good woodcuts and diagrams, 4to. hf. bound (binding damaged, title, dedication to Q. Mary (1 /.), and 1. of Errata wanting, also some II. stained) ; VERY RARE, 3. 3* [colophon:] Reginalde Wolfe, 1556 This book contains a dedication in English to Queen Mary, and another in Latin to Cardinal Pole. D. N. B. errone- ously mentions 1551 as the date of the first edition, a statement palpably wrong, as Queen Mary's accession did no take place until 1553, and Cardinal Pole was consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury (the work being dedicated to him as such) only after Abp. Cranmer's execution in 1556. He was probably the first, certainly one of the first, in England to adopt the Copernican system, which was only put forward as an hypothesis in 1543 ; though he seems to have thought the world not quite ripe for such a doctrine, and was perhaps afraid to avow it very distinctly. He advises his reader not to rely too much on Ptolemy ; but it appears that he had not quite abandoned astrology. . . . In his prefaces, introductions, and conclusions he frequently indulges in very passable poetry (a beautiful and dignified hymn from The Castle of Knowledge is quoted in Collier's Bibliogiaphical Account).'!). N. B. 13963 The GROUND of ARTS teaching the perfect Worke and Practise of ARITHMETICKE, both in WHOLE NUMBERS and FRACTIONS, after a more easie and exact Sort, than hitherto hath bene set forth. And now lately diligently corrected and beautified with sundry new Rules and necessarie Additions [by JOHN DEE] : And further endowed with a third Part of Rules of Practise, abridged into a briefer Method than hitherto hath bene published : with diuerse such necessarie Rules as are incident to the trade of MERCHANDISE. Whereunto are also added diuerse Tables and Instructions that will bring great Profit and Delight vnto Marchants, etc. etc., by JOHN MELLIS, Mack fetter, I2mo. old calf, rebacked, 4. 10s John Harison, 1605 This edition is not mentioned in a list of 27 different ones in D. N. B., nor is there a copy in the British Museum. 13964 NEW EDITION, with a COMPENDIUM of INTEREST, and Table of Board and Timber Measure, calculated by R[OBERT] N[ORTON] , and now diligently perused, corrected, illustrated and inlarged ; with Appendix of FIGURATE NUMBERS, and the Extraction of their ROOTES, by ROBERT HARTWELL, Philomathematicus, partly black letter, thick 16mo. old vellum, 3. 10s printed by I. B.for Roger Jackson, 1618 The first edition with Robert Norton's additions. There is no copy in the British Museum Catalogue of English Books to 1640. 13965 NEW EDITION, now the second Time diligently perused, corrected, illustrated, and inlarged ; with Appendix of Figurate Numbers, and the Extraction of their Rootes, according to the Method of CHRISTAN [sic] VRSTITIUS; by ROBERT HARTWELL, and NEW TABLES of INTEREST vpon Interest, after 10 for 100 ; with the true Value of ANNUITIES to be bought or sold, present, Respited, or in Reversion: By R. C., partly black letter ; 12mo. old calf, gilt wna- ments on sides (back rubbed and joints cracked, also stamp on title ; otherwise a LARGE AND SOUND COPY), 2. 15s printed by John Bealefor Roger Jackson, 1623 The first edition enlarged by 'R.C.' 13966 NEW EDITION, with new Tables of Interest upon Interest, after 10 and 8 per 100; with the true Value of Annuities to be bought or sold present, Respited, or in Reversion : the first calculated by R. C. but corrected, and the latter diligently calculated by ROBERT HARTWELL, Philomath em at. , partly black letter; 12mo. contemporary sheep (4 II. in MS. and title slightly mended), 1. 5s printed by Tho: Harper, for John Harison, 1632 A rare edition, not mentioned in D. N. B., nor is there a copy in Brit. Mus. C. E. B. to 1640. 13967 : RECORDS ARITHMETIC: or the Ground of Arts: with New Tables of Interest after 10. 8. and 6. per 100 ; with the True Value of Annuities, to be bought or sold present, Respited, or in Reversion : the first calculated by R. C. but corrected, and the latter diligently calculated by K. HARTWELL, partly black letter; thick 12mo. old calf (rebacked and joint cracked, otherwise a very sound copy), with auto, of Prof. W. H. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 1. 12s 6d printed by James Flesher, and are to be sold by Joseph Cranfprd, 1658 The first edition edited by Thomas Willsford, who added tables and an address ' To every young Arithmetician'. 13968 REPRINT, partly black letter ; thick 12mo. contemporary sheep (a very sound and clean copy), 1. 10s printed by James Flesher, and are to be sold by Robert Boulter, 1668 13969 ANOTHER COPY, hf. bound (title mounted and sliqhtlii defective], with auto, of Samuel Roberts, F.R.S., 1. Is ' Recorde was practically the founder of an English School of mathematical writers. He was the first writer in English on arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy, and the first to introduce algebra into England. ... He also uses fractions and Arabic numerals with greater freedom than was usual in his time. . . . Recorde's mathematical works continued to be standard authorities till the end of the Sixteenth Century, and his Grounde of Artcs was still popular at the end of the Seventeenth '. D. N. B., where 27 different editions of the work are quoted. 'He published an arithmetic, termed the Grounde of Artes, in which he employed the signs + to indicate excess and - to indicate deficiency. ... In this book the equality of two ratios is indicated by two equal and parallel lines, whose opposite ends are joined diagonally, e.g. by Z ' W. W. R. Boll. v. HATTON, nos. 1808 and 9011 ante. 700 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 13971 ^REAUMUR (Rene Antoine Ferchault de, de r Academic ; F.R.S.) L'ART de CONVERTIR le FER FORGE en ACIER, et 1'Art d'Adoucir le Fer Fondu, ou de faire des Ouvrages de Fer Fondu au*si finis qui de Fer Forge ; with 17 folding plates, 4to. contemporary calf gilt (back slightly damaged) ; RARE, 2. 2s 1722 13972 - - THE SAME (wanting plate 14 and pp. 449-56), old calf (back damaged), 15* ' The art of converting bar-iron into steel is well described by Reaumur in 17'J'J, in his admirable treatise ... He mad.- an extensive series of experiments on the subject, of whidh the records are worthy of being perused at the present day. His work is illustrated with engravings, in which cementation is represented similar in all essential respects to those which have so long been in operation at Sheffield ', etc. etc. etc. John Percy, F.R.S. is also valuable for the plates illustrating contemporary apparatus and methods for converting iron into steel. 13973 RECORDS of the SCHOOL of MINES, Vol. I, Parts I and II, with plate, coloured map, and numerous woodcuts, 2 parts impl. Svo. cl. (scarce), 12s Qd 1852-3 Containing contributions by Sir H. T. de la Beche, Lord Playfair, Edward Forbes, Robert Hunt, Sir A. C. Ramsay, Sir W. W. Smyth, J. Beete Jukes (On the Geology of the South Staffordshire Coal Field, pp. 1ST), and John Percy, FF.R.S. 13974 REDDIE (James, Hon. Mem. Dial. Soc. Edin. Univ.) ANNUAL ADDRESS at the first General Meeting of the VICTORIA INSTITUTE, May 27th, 1867, 8vo. (pp. 30), sewn, 2* [1867] 13975 - The MECHANICS of the HEAVENS, and the New Theories of the Sun's Electro-Magnetic and Repulsive Influence: being an Essay on Revolving Bodies and Centripetal Forces, with Postscript, Svo. (pp. 20), sewn, with author's inscr. pasted on, 3s Qd 1S62 Mainly an attack on Newton's Principia. ' There is no mathematical demonstration which even attempts to show rigidly how a gravitating body could revolve round a centre of attraction. The point has been taken for granted bv Sir Isaac Newton.' p. 10. 13976 [ ] SCIENTIA SCIENTIARUM, being some Account of the ORIGIN and OBJECTS of the VICTORIA INSTITUTE, by a MEMBER, Svo. (pp. 32), sewn, 3s 1865 An attack on the Geological Society, and Professor Sedgwick, its president. ] 3977 VICTORIA TOTO COZLO ; or MODERN ASTRONOMY RECAST : a Paper on the Theoretical Motions of the Earth, Sun, Moon, and Planets, Svo. (pp. 64), sewn, 4s 1863 Another attack on the Prindpia by this sturdy paradoxer, submitted to the Newcastle Meeting of the British Association, but unaccountably rejected. 1397S _ Vis INERTIA VICTA, or FALLACIES affecting SCIENCE : an Essay towards increasing our Knowledge of some Physical Laws, and a Review of certain Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, with numerous diagrams, Svo. (pp. 65), sewn, with author's inscr., 4s 1862 'The laws of the universe are chemical rather than mechanical, and an equally constant and universal repulsive influence must operate to counterbalance any force of gravitation, if gravitation be universal.' p. 04. 13979 REDDINGTON (William, of Windsor, brewer) PRACTICAL TREATISE on BREWING : con- taining various Instructions and Precautions, Useful and necessary in the Exercise of the Art ; 2nd Edition, sm. Svo. old calf (cracked), w ith bookplate of Henry B. H. Beaufoy, F.R.S. , IsQd 1780 13980 REDFERN (Peter, Univ. Aberdeen) On the NATURE of the TOR'BANEHILL and other VARIETIES of COAL, with 3 coloured plates, roy. Svo. (pp. 25), sewn, 2s [1854] 13981 REDGRAVE (Gilbert Richard, M.I.C.E.) CALCAREOUS CEMENTS: their NATURE and USES, with Observations on CEMENT TESTING, with numerous diagrams, cr. Svo. cl., 3s Qd(p. 8s Qd) 1895 13982 REDTENBACHER (Jakob Ferdinand, Karlsruhe) Das DYNAMlDEN-SYSTEM : Grundziige einer mechanischen Physik ; with plate, 4to. hf. cl., 3s Gd Mannheim, 1857 The Dynamiden-Sjixtem, an elaboration of the atomistic conceptions of Dalton, Fresnel, Ampere, Poisson and Cauchy, was invented by the author as a substitute for the dynamic theory, which he declares to be ' quite useless for the mathematical and practical treatment of physics.' 13983 RESULTATE fur den MASCHINENBAU, 2. erweiterte Aunage ; with Atlas, containing 44 plates, 2 vols. sq. Svo. hf. morocco, with auto, of Prof . Hilary Bauerman, F.G.S., 3s ibidem, 1852 139S4 REDWOOD (Sir Boverton ; F.R.S.E.) The TRANSPORT of PETROLEUM in BULK, with Abstract of the Discussion, edited by JAMES FORREST, with 4 folding plates (one coloured), and diagrams, Svo. (pp. 86), sewn, 3s Inst. C.E., 1894 13985 , and George T. HOLLO WAY : PETROLEUM : a Treatise on the Geographical Distribution and Geological Occurrence of Petroleum and Natural Gas ; the Physical and Chemical Properties, Production, and Refining of Petroleum and Ozokerite ; the Characters and Uses, Test- ing, Transport, and Storage of Petroleum Products, etc. ; with Description of SHALE OIL and Allied Industries, with 17 folding plates and maps, and 327 woodcuts, 2 vols. Svo. cl., 15s (p. 2. 5*) 1896 The standard work on the subject. 13986 REECE (Richard, M.D., Medical Hall, Piccadilly) The CHEMICAL GUIDE, or Complete Companion to the Portable Chest of Chemistry, cr. Svo. old sheep gilt (back damaged), 3s 1814 ' He was consulted by Joanna Southcott, who was then 04, as to the possibility of l\er supernatural pregnancy. 1 13987 REED (Sir Edward James, F.R.S., Chief Constructor to the Navy) SHIPBUILDING in IRON and STEEL : a Practical Treatise, giving full Details of Construction, Processes of Manufacture, and Building Arrangements : with Results of Experiments on Iron and Steel, and on the Strength and Watertightness of Riveted Work, with 5 plates by Lowry, 266 woodcuts, and folding table, thick Svo. cl. (o.p.), 10s Qd (p. 1. 10s) 1869 Containing :i full description of the BMeropbon and her sister ships. ' With Reed's appointment as Chief Constructor a new epoch of naval construction began. The earliest ironclads were very long and unhandy ships, mounting all their guns on the broadside. Ilis object was to produce shorter ships of great handiness, and to develop their end-on lire without sacrificing their weight of broadside. . . . The Bdleroplwn, the first ship designed by Reed after he took office, was typical of many others that followed, and marked a great advance towards the realisation of the desireo qualities. . . . Structurally also the Uel'erophon was an important ship, for in her Reed introduced a new system of framing, known as the longitudinal and bracket frame system, which was better suited than the old method to the use of iron, which was still quite a novel material for the hulls of men-of-war.' D.N. Ji. L3988 REES (George Owen, M.D., F.R.S.) On the CHEMICAL ANALYSIS of the CONTENTS of the THORACIC DUCT in the HUMAN SUBJECT, 4to. (pp. 5). sewn, with inscr. ' R. Phillips, Esq. [F.R.S.], with the best wishes of his obliged young friend the Author ', 3s Qd 1842 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 101 139PO BEECH (Ferdinand, ingcnieur de la marine) MEMOIRS sur les MACHINES h, VAPEUR, et leur APPLICATION a la NAVIGATION, 4to. sewn, u-ith auto, of George fiennie, C.E., F.R.S. (plates wanting), 4s (p. F. 30) 1844 13991 RAPPORT a I'APPUI du PROJET des MACHINES du BRANDON, 4to. sewn (o.p.), 4s (p. F. 15) 1844 13992 BEEVES (Edward Ayearst, F.R.A.S.. F.R.G.S.) MAPS and MAP-MAKING : Lectures under the Auspices of the Royal Geographical Society, with map in pocket, 4 coloured plates, and 134 wovd- cuts,,5s B.G.S.,1910 Describing and illustrating a number of old geodetic and surveying instruments. 13993 BEGIOMONTANUS ; vel de MONTE BEGIO, recte MULLEB (Joannes) De TRIANGULIS PLANIS et SPH^RICIS Libri V, una cum TABULIS SINUUM, in quibus tota ipsorum Triangulorum Scientia ex primis Fundamentis Geomentricarum farofoi$u*v [sic] absolutissime extructa continetur, oinnia nunc simul in Lucem edita per DANIELEM SANTBECH ; with numerous diagrams, [1561] : SANTBECH Noviomagus (Daniel) PROBLEMATUM ASTRONOMICORUM et GEOMETRI- CORUM SECTIONES VII (De Observationibus TWV tycuvoptvuv ; de Canonibus Primi Motus ; de Rationibus Umbrarum et de Instrumentis Sciotericis ; de Generalibus Magnitudinum Dimension- ibus ; de Ratione Librationis, quse in ducendis Aquis observatur ; de Artificio eiaculandi Spho?ras e Tormentis ; de Observationibus Oeographicis) ; with numerous spirited woodcuts, and diagrams of Astronomical Instruments, Triangulations, Guns and Fortresses, etc. etc., '61 2 vols. folio, old vellum (a few II. browned as usual, otherwise a FINE AND TALL COPY) ; VERY RARE, 3. 3s Basileae, per Henr. Petri et Petrum Pernam, 1561 The iirst work is the THIED EDITION of Regiomontanus's trigonometry, a second having been published in 154C. Appended is 'Tractatus super Propositiones Ptolemaei de Sinubus et Chordis ', by GEORG PEUERBACH (Purbachius), the teacher of Regiomontanus. ' This is the earliest modern systematic exposition of trigonometry, plane and spherical, though the only trigono- metrical functions introduced are those of sine and cosine '. IF. W. R. Ball. ' Regiomontanus and Purbach adopted the Hindoo nine in place of the Greek chord of doitUc the arc. Regiomontanus emphasised the use of the tangent in trigonometry, and following oufc some ideas of his master, calculated a table of tangents ... He was the author of a complete treatise on trigonometry, containing solutions of both plane and spherical triangles. The form which he gave to trigonometry has been retained, in its main features, to the present day. . . . Regiomontanus ranks among the greatest men that Germany has ever produced." Prof. Cajori. Nothing is known of the author of the second work, who is not mentioned by Montucla or Poggendorff (who mistakenly attributes the work to Regiomontanus), or in other bibliographies. It forms an appendix to the first work, and is especially interesting for its numerous well-executed woodcuts, which include many on artillery bombarding fortresses, which are still based on the contemporary notion that the projectile travels in a straight line, and after its strength is -spent, drops vertically (i-. No. 8212 ante). Poggendorft" mentions a Johannes Noviomagus (Jan Bronckhorst), 1404-1570), who for some time professed mathematics at Rostock ; but there is no evidence to connect him with the above Daniel Santbech Noviomagus. 13994 BEGNAULT (Henri Victor, de VInstitut; F.R.S.) COURS ELEMENTAIRE de CHIMIE, premiere edition ; with several hundred woodcuts, 4 vols. fcap. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, Is 6d [1847-9] P.p. 7-55 contain an excellent introduction to crystallography. 13995 - DEUXIEME EDITION [augmentee] ; with hundreds of woodcuts, 4 vols. fcap. 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 3s %d [1850] 13996 TROISIEME EDITION ; with hundreds of woodcuts, 4 vols. fcap. 8vo. hf. calf gilt (nice copy), ivith auto, of Prof . Hilary Bauerman, F.G.S., 4s 1851 An admirable treatise which was soon translated into nearly every European language. 997 ELEMENTARY TREATISE on CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, with 108 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1848 13998 BEGNAULT (Noel, s.j.) PHILOSOPHICAL CONVERSATIONS : or, a New System of Physics, by Way of Dialogue, translated, with Notes, by THOMAS DALE, M.D., with numerous copperplates, 3 vols. 8vo. old sheep (backs slightly damaged), 8s 6d 1731 This treatise on physics, which is still based on Descartes's theory of vortices, was very popular in its time, and contains many interesting experiments. 13999 BEGNIEB (Edme) DESCRIPTION et USAGE du DYNAMOMETRE, pour connaitre et comparer la Force relative des Homines, celle des Chevaux et de toutes les Betes de Trait ; enfin pourjuger la Resistance des Machines, et estimer les Puissances Motrices qu'on vent y appliquer ; with folding copperplate, 4 to. (pp. 20), sewn (rare), 10s Qd An VI [1798] Containing the invention of the spring dynamometer for measuring muscular strength, etc. ' Regnier construisit son premier dynamometre a. la demande de Button et de Gueneau de Montbelliard, qui avaieut reconnu, pour les recherches qu'ilsse proposaient de faire sur la force nmsculaire, 1'imperfection des instruments analogues, prec&Iemment imagines par G. Graham, Desaguliers et Leroy.' Biogr. Gen. 14000 BEICH (Ferdinand, Bergakademie Freiberg) FALLVERSUCHE iiber die UMDREHUNG der ERDE, angestellt in dem DREI-BRUDERSCHACHTE bei FREIBERG ; with 5 folding plates, 8vo. hf. cl. (scarce), 10s 6d Freiberg, 1832 The author's was the last of the classic series of experiments made by Robert Hooke, G. B. Guglielmini in 1701, and Benzenberg in 1802 (v. .Vo. 338 ante) to ascertain the Easterly motion of a falling body, caused by the rotation of the earth. All these experiments ' showed, in addition to the predicted Easterly deviation, also a small Southerly displace- ment. For this no satisfactory explanation has yet been given ' (Prof. Cajori). 14001 BEICHENBACH (Karl Freiherr v.) RESEARCHES on MAGNETISM, ELECTRICITY, HEAT, LIGHT, CRYSTALLIZATION, and CHEMICAL ATTRACTION, on their Relations to the VITAL FORCE, translated and edited, with Notes and Appendix, by WILLIAM GREGORY, M.D., F.R.S. E., with 3 folding plates, and woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 6s 1850 This is the work that contains the author's imaginary discovery of od, a physical force intermediate between electricity, magnetism, heat, and light, to which the phenomena of hypnotism (then ' mesmerism ') are to be due. In its narrower sense it agrees perhaps best with Prof. Forel's neurokymc*. The subject may still offer a lield of speculation to the scientilic mystic in connexion with the undiscovered octaves of ether waves. It consists of 2 parts, the first treating of ' Physico-Physiological Researches on the Imponderables, in their Relation to the Vital Force ', and the second of ' Magnetic or Odylic Light.' The author is generally known as the discoverer of creosote and paraffin. 702 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 14003 REICHENBACH (Karl Freiherr v.) PHYSICO-PHYSIOLOGICAL RESEARCHES on the DYNAMICS of MAGNETISM, ELECTRICITY, HEAT, LIGHT, CRYSTALLIZATION, and CHEMISM in their Relations to Vital Force, with Preface and Critical Notes by JOHN ASHBURNER, M.D., with woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s Qd 1851 A rival translation of the ' Researches ', with an interesting preface in favour of mesmerism. 14004 REID (David Boswell, M.D., F.R.S.E.) ELEMENTS of CHEMISTRY, Theoretical and Practical ; 3rd Edition [greatly enlarged], with 609 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. calf (back torn off), 3s Edin., 1839 14005 , TESTIMONIALS in Favour of, for the PROFESSORSHIP of CHEMISTRY in the UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH, 4to. (pp. 43), sewn, Is Qd ibidem, 1843 Dr. Reid did not get the professorship, but he did get the commission for the ventilation of the new Houses of Parlia- ment, the parent of all the schemes at whic.h the delicate legislators of the Lower House have been grumbling ever since. In 1856 he went to the United States as medical inspector to the Sanitary Commission, and died as he was starting on a tour of inspection at the beginning of the Civil War. 14008 REID (Edward Waymouth, Univ. Coll., Dundee), and Fred. J. HAMBLY : On TRAN- SPIRATION of CARBON DIOXIDE through the SKIN of the FROG, with 3 diagrams, roy.Svo. (pp. 14), sewn. Is Qd 1895 14007 REID (George, M.D.) PRACTICAL SANITATION : a Hand-Book for Sanitary Inspectors and others ; with SANITARY LAW by HERBERT MANLEY, M.B., 90 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 6*) 1892 14008 REID (John Simpson ; Armour Institution) COURSE of MECHANICAL DRAWING, with 168 woodcuts, 8vo- cl., 3* Qd (p. 8-? Qd nett) New York, 1898 14009 REID (Major-Gen. Sir William, R.E., F.R.S.) ATTEMPT to develop the LAW of STORMS by means of FACTS, arranged according to Place and Time ; and hence to point out a CAUSE for the VARIABLE WINDS, with the view to Practical Use in Navigation, first edition, with 10 large folding charts, besides fine woodcuts by W. J. LlNTON, and diagrams, impl. 8vo. cl., uncut, 12s Qd 1838 'The work laid down, for the guidance of seamen, those broad and general rules which are known as the 'law of storms. 'Col. Fetch. The book is no less interesting for containing some of the earliest work in wood-engraving, representing ships in distress, by WILLIAM JAMES LINTON. 14010 REIFF (Richard) Ueber den EINFLUSS der CAPILLARKRAFTE auf die FORM der OBERFLACHE einer BEWEGTEN FLUSSIGKEIT : Inaugural-Dissertation, 4to. (pp. 31), sewn, 2s Tubingen, 1879 14011 REIMANN (M. ; editor of the Farber-'Zeitung *) On ANILINE and its DERIVATIVES: a Treatise on the Manufacture of Aniline and Aniline Colours, with APPENDIX : The Report on the Colouring Matters derived from Coal Tar, shown at the French Exhibition, 1867, by A. W. v. HOFMANN, F.R.S. , G. DE LAIRE, and CH. GIRARD ; the whole revised and edited by [SiR] WILLIAM CROOKES, P.R.S., with 7 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (cover slightly damaged) ; scarce, Ss Qd 1868 The first treatise on aniline dyes, containing much historical information. The 'Report' is not contained in the German edition. 14012 La TEINTURE de la SOIE sous Forme de Fils, Soie Cardie et en Pieces, en Noir, Couleurs, et Blanc, etc. etc. [Textes Francais et Allemand] , 4to. (pp. 42), unbound, 2s Qd Berlin, s. d. 14013 REINHERTZ (Carl) Ueber die ELASTISCHE NACHWIRKUNG beim FEDERBABOMETER : In- augural-Dissertation ; with 14 diagrams, 4to. sewn, 2s Qd Marburg, 1887 14014 REINHOLD [hie RHEINHOLDUS] (Erasmus; Univ. Wittenberg) PRIMUS LIBER TABULARUM DIRECTIONUM, discentibus Prima Elementa Astronomiae, necessarius et utilissinius. Hie insertus est Canon II. ad singula Scrupula Quadrantis propagatus. Item Nova Tabula Climatum et Parallelorum, item Umbrarum. Appendix Canonum II. Libri Directionum, qui in Regiomontani Opere desiderantur ; with diagrams, thick 4to. old Italian vellum (some II. wormed, blank bottom corners worn away, and title, stamped) ; RARE, 17s Qd Tubinga', Hccredes Ulr. Morhardi, 1554 The author, a friend of Copernicus, and professor of mathematics and astronomy at Wittenberg, is chiefly known as the compiler of the 1'rvtenic Tables. 14015 REINOLD (Arnold William), and Sir Arthur William RttCKER, FF.R.S. : On the ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE of THIN LIQUID FJLMS, with a Revision of NEWTON'S TABLE of COL- OURS, with 2 plates and 4 diagrams, roy. 4to. (pp. 43), sewn, with authors' inscr., 3s 1881 14016 The LIMITING THICKNESS of LIQUID FILMS, with plate, roy. 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, with authors' inscr., 3s 1883 ' Proving that in the case of a large number of films the mean thickness of that part which was thin enough to display the black of the first order of Newton's rings was 11-6 )/.' 14017 On the THICKNESS and ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE of THIN LIQUID FILMS, with diagram, roy. 4to. (pp. 25), sewn, Is Qd 1893 14018 REIS (OttoM.) Ueber STYLOLITHEN, DUTENMERGEL, und LANDSCHAFTENKALK (Anthrako- lith zum Theil) ; with 4 plates (& folding), impl. 8vo. sewn, 4.$ Miinchen, 1903 Of interest in connexion with ' eone-in-cone ' structures. 14019 REMSEN (Ira; President, Johns Hopkins Univ.) [TEXT BOOK of] INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, with 78 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cL, Is (p. 16s) 1889 14020 INTRODUCTION to the STUDY of [INORGANIC] CHEMISTRY, with 49 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl.,2sQd(p.QsQd) 1886 14021 - - INTRODUCTION to the STUDY of the COMPOUNDS of CARBON ; or ORGANIC CHEMISTRY [new Edition, partly rewritten], with 17 woodcuts, post 8vo. cL, 3s (p. 6s Qd) 1896 14022 PRINCIPLES of THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, with special Reference to the CONSTITUTION of CHEMICAL COMPOUNDS, cr. 8vo. cl. (o.p.), 3s (p. 6s) 1877 14023 On the Two ISOMERIC CHLORIDES of ORTHOSULPHOBENXOIC ACID, IV VI, roy. 8vo. (pp. 38), sewn, 2s [Baltimore,] 1896 HENRY 8OTHERAN >e logs of his numerous friends and correspondents. He was the first to explain the causes of the occa- sional northerly set to the southward of the Scilly Islands, which has since been known as ' Rennell's Current ' [y. second' chart si). 14082 REPERTORY (The) of ARTS, MANUFACTURES, and AGRICULTURE, consisting of Original Communications, Patent Specifications, and Select Practical Papers, from the PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETIES, etc. etc., and NOTICES of all PATENTS granted, 1794-8, 1802-8, and 1818-23 (1st Ser. Vols. 1-9, 2nd Ser. Vols. 1-12, 32-5, and 37-42), with numerous plates (mostly folding) on copper in all 31 vols. Svo. old calf and hf. calf (many joints broken), 2. 10* 17UI-1823 14033 - FIRST SERIES, VOLS. 1-6, with numerous copperplates, 6 vols. 8vo. ola ///. calf gilt. 155 1794-7 A publication very valuable in connexion with the history of engineering and technology, as it contains copious descriptions and illustrations of the more important inventions patented in Gt. Britain. 14084 RESAL (Ame Henri, de I'Institut) TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE de MKCANIQUE CKLESTE, 2 e [DERNIERE j EDITION [entierement refondue] ; with 26 diagram s,lto. sewn, \2s6d p. F. 25 nett) 1884 ' Among valuable text-books on mathematical astronomy ranks Trait'e dc Mecanique Celeste of II. Resal '. Pmf. Cn.jr.i'i. 14085 - TRAITE de MECANIQUE GENERALE, comprenant les Lecons professees a 1'Ecole Poly- technique ; with chromolithographs, and hundreds of woodcuts and diagrams, 6 vols. Svo. nf. morocco neat, cl. sides (nice set), 1. 15s (p. F. 63 nett sewn) 1873-81 14086 TRAITE de PHYSIQUE MATHEMATIQUE, 2 e [DERNIERE] EDITION, augmented et entiere- ment refondue ; with 65 diagrams, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, hf. morocco (slightly rubbed), Us Qd (p. F. 27 nett sewn) 1887-8 Containing: I. Capillarite, Elasticite, Lumiere. II. Chaleur, Thermodynamiq'ie, Electrostatique, Courants electriques, Electrodyriamique, Magnetisme statique, Mouvement des airnants et des courants. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 707 14088 RESPIGHI (Lorenzo; Univ. Rome; Direttore, Osservatorio del Campidoglio) L'ANALISI SPETTRALE nelle sue Attinenze ed Applicazioni all' ASTRONOMIA, roy. 8vo. (pp. 47), sewn, 2s Roma, 1877 The author s work was of importance in connexion with solar spectroscopy. Together with Sir Norman Lockyer ' he initiated the transformation of the slitless spectroscope into the prismatic camera.' Miss Agnes M. Cltrke. 14089 Sul CANNOCCHIALE ZENITALE dell' OSSERVATORIO della R. UNIVERSITA sul CAMPI- DOGLIO; with plate, roy. 4to. (pp. 20), sewn, 2s ibidem, 1871 14090 CATALOGO delle DECLINAZIONI MEDiEpel 1875,0 di 1463 STELLE, comprese frai Parallel! 20 E 64 Nord, compilato sulle Osservazioni fatte al Circolo Meridiano nelR. Osservatorio del Campidoglio, 1875-7 % roy. 4to. (pp. 90), sewn, 3s Qd ib., 1880 14091 delle DECLINAZIONI MEDIE pel 1880,0 di 1004 STELLE, comprese fra E 20 Nord, 64 E 90 Nord, compilato sulle Osservazioni fatte al Circulo Meridiano del R. Usservatorio del Campidoglio, 1879-81, roy. 4to. (pp. 63i, sewn, 3s ib., 1885 14092 Sulla COSTITUZIONE FISICA del SOLE, roy. 4to. (pp. 14), sewn, 2s ib., 1871 14093 ESPERIENZE fatte al R. OSSERVATORIO del CAMPIDOGLIO per Ja DETERMINAZIONE del VALORE della GRAVITA, roy. 4to. (pp. 26), sewn, 2s ib., 1882 14094 Sulla LATITUDINE del REGIO OSSERVATORIO del CAMPIDOGLIO, Nota II., roy. 4to. (pp. 32), sewn, 2s ib., 1877 14095 Sulla NOTA del PROF. P. SECCHI intitolata: SulP ULTIMA ECLISSE del 12 DICEMBRE 1871, roy. 4to. (pp. 14), sewn, 2s ib., 1872 14096 OSSERVAZIONI METEOROLOGICHE fatte al R. Osservatorio del Campidoglio, 1873-4; with 3 plates (2 folding), 4to. (pp. 42), sewn, 3s , ib., 1875 14097 del DIAMETRO SOLARE, fatte al R. OSSERVATORIO del CAMPIDOGLIO, 1874-6 e 1878-81, 5 parts 4to. and roy. 4to. sewn, Is Qd ib., 1875-82 14098 del DIAMETRO ORIZZONTALE del SOLE, fatte alR. OSSERVATORIO del CAMPIDOGLIO, 1878-9, roy. 4to. (pp. 30), sewn, 2s ib., 1880 14099 delP ECLISSE TOT ALE del 12 Decembre 1871 a POODOOCOTTAH nell' INDOSTAN ; with folding plate, roy. 4to. (pp. 23), sewn, 2s 6d ib., 1872 14100 Sulle OSSERVAZIONI SPETTROSCOPICHE del BORDO e delle PROTUBERANZE SOLARI, fatte all' Osservatorio della Universita Romanasul Campidoglio, NOTE I IV e VI VIII; with folding plates, and charts, 7 parts roy. 4to. sewn, 10s 60? ib., 1870-85 The author, together with Father Secchi, was the chief Italian representative for the study of solar spectroscopy, and with Sir Norman Lockyer and Zollner shared the honour of having first distinguished cloud- from flame-prominences. 'From Father Secchi's and Prof. Respighi's observations were derived the first clear ideas on the general distribution of solar prominences. . . . Tho structure of the chromosphere was investigated by Prof. Respighi. Sporar and Bredikhine. They found the supposed solar envelope to be of the same eruptive nature as the vast provisions from it, and to be made up of congeries of minute flames set close together like blades of grass.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 14101 Nota VIII; with 4 double plates (Stinted), roy. 4to. (pp. 44), sewn, 2s ib., 1885 14102 fatte nel 1881 e 1884, 4to. (pp. 8), sewn, Is 6d ib. y 1885 14103 Sulla SCINTILLAZIONE delle STELLE, 4to. (pp. 17), sewn, 2s ib., 1868 14104 Sullo SPETTROSCOPIO OBBIETTIVO, 4to. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Qd ib., 1886 14105 Sulle VARIAZIONI del DIAMETRO del SOLE in Corrispondenza al VARIO STATO di ATTIVITA della sua SUPER FICIE, NOTA II a , 4to. (pp. 41), sewn, 2s ib., 1875 14106 , e Giovanni CELOBIA, Osservatorio di Brera : OPERAZIONI eseguite nell' Anno 1879 per DETERMINARE la DIFFERENZA di LONGITUDINE fra gli Osservatori Astronomici del Campi- doglio in ROMA e di Brera in MILANO; with full-page woodcut, roy. 4to. (pp. 67), sewn, 3s Firenze, 1882 14107 RESTA (Carlo Conte) De IGNE PROPOSITIONES PHYSICS ; with engraved portrait of Pope Pius VI. , 4to. seivn, 3s Qd Eomce, 1786 14108 RESTA (Francesco, a Talleacotio, Cler. Eeg. Minw.) METEOROLOGIA : de Igneis, Aereis Aqueisque Corporibus ; with engraved title, thick 4to. (pp. 996), old Italian vellum (browned and title stamped), 15s Romce, Fr. Moneta, 1644 One of the most complete treatises on meteorology then published, including also oceanography and seismology. The work was unknown to Poggendorff. 14109 BETGERS (Jan Willem) Die BESTIMMUNG des SPEZIFISCHEN GEWIOHTS von in WASSER LOSLICHEN SALZEN, roy. 8vo. (pp. 27), sewn, \s 6d Leipzig, 1889 14110 Das SPEZIFISCHE GEWICHT ISOMORPHER MISCHUNGEN; with 10 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 65), sewn, 2s Gd ibidem, 1889 The author was the first to discover the micro-crystalline structure of amorphous arsenic. 14111 RETROSPECT of PHILOSOPHICAL, MECHANICAL, CHEMICAL, and AGRICULTURAL DIS- COVERIES : an Abridgment of the Peiiodical and other Publications, English and Foreign, relative to Arts, Chemistry, Manufactures, Agriculture, and Natural Philosophy, COMPLETE from its Beginning in 1805 to its Conclusion in 1815, 8 vols. 8vo. hf. roan gilt (SCARCE), 1. 1* 1806-15 A complete set of this interesting publication, meant also to show 'to what other useful purposes inventions may be directed, and discoveries extended, beyond the original views of their authors.' 14112 REULEAUX (Franz) Le CONSTRUCTEUR : Tables, Formules, Regies, Calculs, Traces et Renseignements pour la Construction des Orgaues de Machines ; Edition f ran caise, publiee sur la 3 e Edition allemande par A. DEBIZE et E. MERIJOT ; with 714 woodcuts and diagrams, large 8vo. hf. calf (binding damaged), 7* 6d (p. F. 20 nett sewn) 1875 14113 The KINEMATICS of MACHINERY; Outlines of a Theory of Machines, translated and edited by [SiR] ALEXANDER B. W. KENNEDY, C.E.., F.R.S., with 451 woodcuts, thick Svo. cl. (SCARCE), 1.5* 1876 14114 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf, 1. 2s 6d A well-known classic on kinematics, which was translated into nearly every European larguage, and in which the author introduced a new treatment of the theory of machinery. 70* HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 14116 REUMAUX (M.). La MONTKE, la DESCENTS et la CIRCULATION des OUVRIERS MINEURS, speeialement Parachutes et Recettes ; withl plates, roy. 8vo. (pp. 77), sewn, 2s Qd St.-Etienne. 1889 14117 REUSCH (Friedrich Eduard, Univ. Tubingen) UbergewisseSTRoMUNGSGEBiLDEim INNERN von FLrssiGKElTEN und deven niorphologische Bedeutung ; with plate, 4to. (pp. 28), sewn, with author's inscr. , 2s 6d Tubingen, 1860 14118 _ Zur LEHRE von den KRYSTALLZWILLINGEN ; with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 21), sewn, Is Qd Leipzig [1872 1 14119 , und Gerhard vom RATH: Ueber FARBENSCHILLERNDE QLTARZE voni Weisselberge bei Obernkirchen unweit St. Wendel, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, \s ibidem [1873] 1412H REUSGHLE (Carl G-ustav ; Univ. Tubingen) NEUK SATZE und GESICHTSPUNKTE aus der THEORIE der RAUMKURVEN und STABFLACHEN, 4to. (pp. 29), semi, '2s Stuttgart, 1847 14121 TAFELN COMPLEXER PRIMZAHLEN, welche aus Wurzeln der Einbeit gebildet sind ; auf deni Grunde der Ivummerschen Theorie der complexen Zahlen, 4to. (pp. 678), boards, 12s Qd (p. M. 24) Berlin, 1875 14122 REUTER (L.) Ueber die ISOMERISATION hdherer HOMOLOGEN des AETHYLENS und ACETYLENS, 8vo. (pp. 29), seicn, \s Qd Heidelberg, 1892 14123 REVERE (Giulio) Le PROVE del MATERIALI da COSTRUZIONE, e le COSTRUZIONI in CEMENTO ARMATO. specialmente in Relazione alle Norine Ministeriali Italiane ; with 341 illustrations, large Svo.seww, 6s (p. L. ll.nett) Milano, 1910 14124 REVUE SEMESTRIELLE des PUBLICATIONS MATHEMATIQUES, redigee sous les Auspices de la Soeiete Mathematique d 'Amsterdam par P. H. SCHOUTE, D. J. KORTEWEG, W. KAPTEYN, J. C. KLUYVEE et P. ZEEMAN ; complete from the Beginning in 1893 to 1910 (Vols I XVIII), with TABLE des MATIERES to w. I XV, 3 v., and INDEX du REPERTOIRE BIBLIO- GRAPHIQUE des SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES in all 22 vols. 8vo. the first 2 vi'. in hf. cl., and the rest sewn (SCARCE), 4. 10* Amsterdam, 1893-1910 14125 REVY (J. J.) HYDRAULICS of GREAT RIVERS: the PARANA, the URUGUAY, and the LA PLATA ESTUARY, with 1 double plates, and 1 coloured map, large impl. 4to. cl. (cover slightly damaged), o. p., 15s (p. 2. 2s) 1874 ' Containing an account of surveys undertaken at the expense of the Argentine Confederation by Mr. Revy .... He appears to be a very competent and sagacioiis observer, and he discusses his results with great critical ability.' Academy. It is .specially valuable for the full tidal and current observations it contains. At end is an account of an Improved Current Meter. 14126 REYE (Theodor, Strassburg) DieGEOMETRiE der LAGE, 2. vermehrte Auflage ; with 6 folding plates. '2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, hf. calf, uncut, with MS. annotations by Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 5s (p. M. 12 sewn) Leipzig, 1882 One of the best text-books of synthetic geometry. 14127 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. hf. morocco gilt, 6s 14128 ERSTE ABTHEILUNG, 3. vermehrte AuHage ; with 82 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. hf. morocco gilt, uncut, with author's inscr. to Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 4s (p. M. 7 sewn) ib., 1886 1412^ Ueber QUADRATISCHE KUGELNCOMPLEXE und KUGELNCONGRUENZEN, ihre Kreise und ihre Cykliden, 4to. (pp. 20), sewn, Is ftd [Berlin, 1885] 14130 - Die SYNTHETISCHE GEOMETRIE im ALTERTHUM und in der NEUZEIT : Rectorats-Rede, roy. 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, 2s Strassburg, 1886 'Containing interesting summaries of the history of geometry.' W. W. R. Bull. 14131 REYER (Eduard; Univ. Vienna) KRAFT, das ist animalische, mechanische, soziale Energien und deren Bedeutung fiir die Machtentfaltung der Staaten, 2. Auflage ; with 291 illustrations, 8vo. sewn, 4s 6d (p. M. 8) Leipzig, 1909 14132 ZlNN : eine geologisch-montanistisch-historische Monogratie ; with woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd Berlin, 1881 14133 REYNAUD (Antoine Andre Louis Baron) THEORIE du PLUS GRAND COMMUN DIVISEUR et de I'ELIMINATION ; precedee de la REGLE des SIGNES de DESCARTES, 8vo. hf. calf gilt (scarce), 6s 1833 14134 REYNEAU (Abbe Charles Rene)] ANALYSE DEMONTREE, ou la Methpde de resoudre les Problemes des Mathematiques, et d'apprendre facilement ces Sciences, expliquee et demontree dans le premier Volume, par un PRKTRE de 1'ORATOIRE ; TOME 1 ; with 5 plates, and folding table, 4to. contemporary calf gilt, s 170H ' L'auteur a recueilli dans cet ouvrage les principales theories repandues dans les (t-uvres de Descartes, Leibnitx, Newton, les Bernoulli, etc., et demontre plusieurs m^thodes qui ne 1'avaient pas ete.jusqu'alors'. Qujrard. 14135 [ ] La SCIENCE du CALCUL des GRANDEURS en GENERAL, ou les ELEMENS des MATHE- MATIQUES, par PAUTEUR de I'ANALYSE DEMONTREE, 4to. contemporary calf gilt, 6s Qd 1714 14136 REYNOLDS'S GEOLOGICAL ATLAS of GT. BRITAIN : a SERIES of MAPS GEOLOGICALLY COLOURED from the best Authorities ; with a Description of the Geological Structure of Gt. Britain and the Geological Features of its Counties, Mineral Products, etc., second Edition, mth 34 coloured maps, besides woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., Is Qd (p. 15s (id) 1889 14137 REYNOLDS (James Emerson ; M.D., F.R.S., p.c.s.) DISCOURSE on ALCOHOLS from FLINT and QUARTZ, 8vo. (pp. 14), sewn, with authors inscr., 2s 1873 ' I hope to satisfy you that by indirect and purely chemical means, we can obtain from these \\idely diffused minerals, and from native silicates, bodies resembling in chemical action and even in appearance, the well-known alcohol of wine ' a suggestion of some possible importance ii; connexion with petrol substitutes. 14138 .and Valentine BALL; F.R.S. : On an ARTIFICIAL MINERAL produced in the MANUFACTURE of BASIC BRICKS at Blaenavon, Mon.. 8vo. (pp. 2), sewn, with inscr. to Prof. Story-Maskelyn'e, F.R.S., 1* [Dublin, 1878} *a r ON 09 ft? 3 3 No. 1425O (^^e 713). A rare work by the father of German arithmetic. Plate. I ft ff Gent. Mag. NOS. 14527-9 (page 726). The first suggestion of ball-bearings. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 709 14140 [REYNOLDS (Joseph William, pr., President of Sion College}} The SUPERNATURAL in NATURE : a Verification by FREE USE of SCIENCE [2nd Edition], 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 14s) 1878 A'book of a different type from the usual deplorable ' Reconciliation of Religion and Science '. 14141 REYNOLDS (Michael) STATIONARY ENGINE DRIVING : a Practical Manual, first edition, with fine steel portrait of James Watt by W. H. Mote, 5 folding plates, and 44 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s 1881 14142 SIXTH EDITION, with Watt's portrait, 5 folding plates, and numerous woodcuts, 12mo. cl., 2s 1898 14143 REYNOLDS (Osborne, F.R.S. ; Prof. Engineering, Univ. Manchester) EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION of the Circumstances which determine whether the MOTION of WATER shall be Direct or Sinuous, and of the Law of Resistance in Parallel Channels, with 3 plates and 9 wood- cuts, roy. 4to. (pp. 48), sewn, 3s Qd 1883 14144 _ _ On the FORCES caused by the COMMUNICATION of HEAT between a SURFACE and a GAS ; and on a NEW PHOTOMETER, roy. 4to. (pp. 11), seivn, 2s Qd 1876 Giving an explanation of the radiometer. 14145 On the INTERNAL COHESION of. LIQUIDS and the SUSPENSION of a COLUMN of MERCURY to a Height more than double that of the Barometer, 8vo. (pp. 19), sewn, 2s [Manchester, 1878J 14146 - On ROLLING-FRICTION, with 8 woodcuts, roy. 4to. (pp. 20), sewn, 2s Qd 1875 14147 _ SEWER GAS, and how to keep it out of Houses ; 2nd Edition, with 8 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl. (scarce), 3s Qd 1872 In this work the author first describes his system of man-holes and water-traps to prevent the escape of sewer gas. 14148 - The SUB-MECHANICS of the UNIVERSE, impl. 8vo. boards, uncut, 6s Qd (p. 10s Qd nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1903 ' By this research is shown that there is one, and only one, conceivable purely mechanical system capable of accounting for all the physical evidence, as we know it, in the Universe. The system is ... an arrangement, of indefinite extent, of uniform spherical grains generally in normal piling so close that the grains cannot change their neighbours, although continually in relative motion with each other.' Introduction. 14149 REYNOLDSON (John) PRACTICAL and PHILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES of MAKING MALT, in which the EFFICACY of the SPRINKLING SYSTEM is contrasted with the Hertfordshire Method ; with an Address to the Commissioners of Excise, in Answer to MR. CARR's REPORT, and a Recapitulation of the Principles elucidated, 8vo. original boards, uncut, 8s Qd Newark, 1808 14150 - SECOND EDITION [with new Preface], 8vo. boards, uncut, Is 1809 14151 REZZI (Luigi Maria, Bibliotecario Corsiniano) Sulla INVENZIONE del MlCROSCOPlO, giuntovi una Notizia sulle Considerazioni al Tasso, attribuite a GALILEO GALILEI, ecc. ecc., roy. 4to. (pp. 51), sewn, with author's inscr., 4s 60? Roma, 1852 14152 RHODES (Ebenezer, cutler, Sheffield) ESSAY on the MANUFACTURE, CHOICE, and MANAGE- MENT of a RAZOR, with 2 copperplates showing 7 different shapes, 8vo. (pp. 27), sewn (scarce), 8s printed for the author, by J. Montgomery, Iris Office, Sheffield, 1809 This collection of practical hints on razor making, as practised by the author in his ''Patent Temper Razors, hardened by an entirely new process, and Patent Plated Tang Razors, for the purpose of preventing the accumulation of rust in the hand-hold of the blade,' has the added interest of being written by the author of ' Peak Scenery ', and printed by his friend James Montgomery, the most poetical as well as devotional hymn-writer of the early Nineteenth Century. Rhodes himself had been Master Cutler the year before its publication. 14153 RICCARDI (Pietro) SAGGIO di una BIBLIOGRAFIA EUCLIDEA, 4 parts 4to. in 1, sewn, 10s Bologna, 1887-93 The only complete bibliography of Euclid and his commentators ever published. 14154 RICCATI (Giordano Conte) Delle CORDE, ovvero FIBRE ELASTICHE : Schediasmi Fisieo- Matematici ; with 1 folding plates, and folding table, 4to. boards, uncut, QsQd Bologna, 1767 A valuable work (Poggendorff), containing original investigations on the vibration of violin-strings. ' A scarce work, celebrated in the history of mathematical acoustics.' Libri Catalogue. 14155 LETTERS DUE all' Padre D. FRANCESCO MARIA FRANCESCHINIS, Bernabita ; with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, 4s Qd [Bassano, 1784] This was published as a supplement with Franceschinis's ' Dissertazione delle Tensione delle Funi,'"and was unknown to Poggendorff. 14156 RICCATI (Vincenzo Conte, s.j.) OpuscuLAad RES PHYSICAS et MATHEMATICAS pertinentia ; with vignettes, 16 folding plates, and 3 folding tables, 2 vols. 4to. calf (joints weak) ; RARE, 1. Is Bononice, 1757-62 14157 ANOTHER COPY, wanting 10 plates ofv.I, 3 of which are replaced in MS., 2 vols. 4to. in 1, boards, 10s Qd ' Opera rara e pregiata.' Riccardi. ' On y trouve d'interessantes recherches sur le caloul integral.' Biogr. Gn. ' Ouvrage qui contient unefoule dechoses propres ajustifier la reputation dont il jouissoitparmiles gdometres italiens. Montuda. - VOL. I ONLY, with W folding plates, 4to. old hf. calf (binding rubbed), 7s Gd 14159 RICE (Herbert Louis) The THEORY and PRACTICE of INTERPOLATION, including Mechanical Quadrature, and other important Problems concerned with the TABULAR VALUES of FUNCTIONS, with the requisite Tables, large impl. 8vo. cl., 10s Qd (p. 16s nett) Lynn, Mass., 1899 Written to unite in one single volume all the information contained only in small pamphlets and memoirs by various authors on differences, interpolation, tabular differentiation, and mechanical quadrature. 14160 RICE (John Minot, Prof. Math., U.S.N.), and William Woolsey JOHNSON, U.S. Naval Academy : ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, founded on the Method of Rates or Fluxions, fourth Edition, with 80 diagrams, thick 8vo. cl. (o.p.), 10s Qd (p. 18s) 1888 14161 - - ABRIDGED EDITION, with 40 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 9s) 1888 Discarding Lagrange's method of derived functions as objectionable, the authors improved on Newton's conception of rates and fluxions 'by deriving the differentials of the functions by an analytical method founded on the notion of rates, and entirely independent of the difficult conceptions of infinitesimal increments and of limiting ratios . . . resulting in a satisfactory method of obtaining the differentials of the simple functions ' (Preface). 710 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 14163 RICCIARDI (Leonardo) L'ETNA e I'ERUZIONE del MESE di MARZO 1883; Ricerche e Relazione ; with 2 plates, 4to. (pp. 35), sewn, with author 's inscr. to the Duca di Rignano, 3* Qd Catania, 1883 14164 BICCIOLI (Giovanni Battista, s.j.) ALMAGESTUM NOVUM, Astronomiam Veterem Novamque complectens, Observationibus aliorum, et propriis, novisque Theorematibus, Problematibus, ac Tabulis promotam, TOMI I. PARS PRIOR; with engraved title, 2 etched lunar maps, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, roy. folio, old vellum (pp. 77-8 missing, and some II. browned) ; RARE, 15* Bononice, 1651 Only one volume (in 2 parts) was published of this monumental work, which was intended to be published in three. The above first part contains : DeSphara Mundiincommuni : De Sphrera Elementari : De Sole : DeLuna: De Eclipsibus: De Stellis Fixis : De Planetibus Minoribus. 'Opera rara e pregiata.' Riccaidi. 'A 1'exemple de Ptolemee il y a rassemble toutes les pensees des astronomes jusqu'a son temps, ainsi que les siennes propres, ce qui en fait un vrai tre"sor d'erudition et de savoir astronomique.' Montucla. The author was one of the most important antagonists of the Copernican System, and the above work contains his objections to it. ' The first volume contains a list of astronomers, with short biographies ; as far as they go, valuable. The whole work is full of historical information, and has a good index.' Pro/, de Morgan. 14165 ASTRONOMIA REFORMATA ; with arms of Ferdinand Duke of Bavaria on title, 2 etched lunar maps, woodcuts, and numerous diagrams, 2 vols. roy. folio in 1, old vellum (RARE), 2. 5s ibidem, 1665 This work forms the third and supplementary volume of the Almagestum Noviim. ' Ce 3 e volume est plus rare que les deux autres ; il est plus important par le recueil des observations qu'il renferme.' Lalande. 14166 CHRONOLOGIA REFORMATA et ad certas Conclusiones redacta continens Doctrinam Temporum, /Etates Mundi, Tria Chronica, et Catalogos plurimos ; with 2 engraved titles, 3 vols. roy. folio in 1, old vellum (corner of v. I water-stained), 1. Is ib., 1669 ' Rara e pregiata.' Riccardi. 14167 GEOGRAPHLE eb HYDROGRAPHY REFORMATS Libri XII, editio princeps ; with en- graved frontispiece, woodcuts, and numerous diagrams, folio, old Italian vellum (joints cracked, otherwise a sound copy) ; RARE, 1. 10s ib., hceres Viet. Benatii, 1661 14168 EDITIO NOVA, nuper recognita et aucta ; with woodcuts and numerous diagrams, roy. folio, old vellum (back torn off, also somewhat browned) ; RARE, 1. 5* Venetiis, 1672 ' Due edizioni ugualmente pregiate. Dotta opera del Riccioli, quale puo considerarsi come il piu completo dei trattati digeografia matematica fino allora pubblicati.' Riccardi. It contains his method for ascertaining the size of the earth, which was again made use of in 1720 by Jacques Cassini. 14169 RICHARD (Gustave) TRAITE des MACHINES-OUTILS : Tours, Alesoirs, Raboteuses, Mortais- euses, Etaux Limeurs, Raineuses et Perceuses, Fraiseuses, Meules, Taraudage, Machines Auxil- iaires et Petit Outillage ; with 5854 illustrations, 2 vols. impl. 4to. cL, 3. 3s (p. F. 150 nett) 1895-6 The best and most complete French work on machine tools. 14170 RICHARD (P. J.) ETUDE sur 1' ASSURANCE COMPLEMENTAIRE de 1'AssuRANCE sur la VIE, avec de nombreux DeVelcppements sur les Assurances contre la MALADIE et riNVALlDlTE, sq. post 8vo. sewn, 2s 1911 14171 RICHARDS (Ellen Henrietta) LABORATORY NOTES on INDUSTRIAL WATER ANALYSIS, 8vo. buckram, Is 6d New York, 1908 14172 , and Alpheus Grant WOODMAN : AIR, WATER, and FOOD, from a Sanitary Stand- point, with map, plate, and 10 woodcuts, 8vo. buckram, 4s Qd (p. 8s 6d nett) ibidem, 1900 14173 RICHARDS(Frank,M.A.S.M.E.) COMPRESSED AIR: Practical Information on Air-Compression, and the Transmission and Application of Compressed Air, with front. and2o diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 6s Qd nett) New York, 1898 14174 RICHARDS (John) TREATISE on the CONSTRUCTION and OPERATION of WOOD-WORKING MACHINES, including a History of the Origin and Progress of their Manufacture, with 117 plates (some folding], 4to. cl. (o. p.), 6s (p. 1. 5*) 1872 14175 ANOTHER COPY, hf. morocco neat, t. e. g., with author's inscr., Is Interesting for containing a history of the subject, from Sir Samuel Bentham's first planing machine in 1780 to 1851 (pp. 20). 14176 RICHARDS (JosephWilliam,!,^^ Univ.] ALUMINIUM : its History, Occurrence, Properties, Metallurgy and Applications, including its Alloys, with 15 woodcuts, large post 8vo. cl. , 4* (p. 12s Qd) Philadelphia, 1887 14177 THIRD [LAST] EDITION, enlarged, with 2 portraits and 45 illustrations, thick roy. 8vo. cl., 15s (p. 1. 10s) ibidem, 1896 LAST EDITION of the only treatise in the language on this increasingly important metal. It includes a history and bibliography. 14178 RICHARDS (Robert Hallowell, Mass. Inst. Technology] ORE DRESSING, with 560 illus- trations (including folding plate], 2 thick vols. sq. 8vo. cl., 1. 8*6c?(p. 2. 2snQtt) New York, 1905 The most complete work in English on the subject hitherto published. Two supplementary volumes were published in 1909 at 2. 2s nett. A very complete bibliography is added at the end of each chapter. 14179 RICHARDS (Theodore William; Harvard Univ.) The ANALYSIS of CUPRIC BROMIDE, and the ATOMIC WEIGHT of COPPER. On CUPRIC OXYBROMIDE, roy. 8vo. (pp. 23), sewn, with inscr. to Sir Edward Thorpe, F.R.S., 2s [Cambridge, Mass., 1890] 14180 On the CAUSE of the RETENTION and RELEASE of GASES occluded by the Oxides of Metals, with 2 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 32), with inscr. to Sir Edward Thorpe, 2s [ibidem, 1898] 14181 The FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTIES of the ELEMENTS (Faraday Lecture), with 3 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, with inscr. to Sir Edward Thorpe, 2s [1911] The author advances a theory of compressible atoms against that of freely-moving molecules to account for expansion and compression. 14182 NOTE concerning the SILVER COULOMETER, roy. 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, Is [Cambridge, Mass., 1908] HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 711 14184 RICHARDS (Theodore William ; Harvard Univ.} NOTE on the RATE of DEHYDRATION of CRYSTALLIZED SALTS, roy. 8vo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is [Cambridge, Mass., 1897] [4185 The POSSIBLE SIGNIFICANCE of CHANGING ATOMIC VOLUME, roy. 8vo. (pp. 17), sewn, IsQd [>&., 1901] 14186 The POSSIBLE SOLID SOLUTION of WATER in CRYSTALS, roy. 8vo. (pp.6), sewn,\s [ib. ,1911] 14187 A REDETERMINATION of the ATOMIC WEIGHT of CALCIUM : Preliminary Paper, roy. 8vo. (pp. 4), sewn, Is [Easton, 1902] 14188 The RELATION of the TASTE of ACIDS to their Degree of Dissociation, roy. 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, \s [ib., 1898] 14189 A REVISION of the ATOMIC WEIGHT of BARIUM : The ANALYSIS of BARIC BROMIDE, and CHLORIDE, 2 parts roy. Svo. (pp. 67), sewn, 2s Qd [Cambridge, Mass., 1893] 14190 REVISION of the ATOMIC WEIGHT of COPPER, IVth Paper, with 2 illustrations, roy. Svo. (pp. 55), sewn, with inscr. to Sir Edward Thorpe, F.R.S., 2s [ib. 1891] 14191 The SIGNIFICANCE of CHANGING ATOMIC VOLUME. II. The Probable Source of the Heat of Chemical Combination, and a New Atomic Hypothesis, with 2 diagrams, roy. Svo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is Qd [ib., 1902] 14192 The STANDARD of ATOMIC WEIGHTS, roy. Svo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is [ib., 1901] 14193 TABLE of ATOMIC WEIGHTS, roy. Svo. (pp. 10), sewn, Is Qd [ib., 1898] 14194 TABLE of ATOMIC WEIGHTS of SEVENTY-SEVEN ELEMENTS, roy. Svo. (pp. 2), sewn, Is [ib., 1902] 14195 _ _ > an( i Ebenezer Henry ARCHIBALD : The DECOMPOSITION of MERCUROUS CHLORIDE bv DISSOLVED CHLORIDES : a Contribution to the Study of Concentrated Solutions, roy. Svo. (pp. 15), sewn, Is Qd [ib., 1902] 14196 : A STUDY of GROWING CRYSTALS by INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHY, with 3 plates, roy. Svo. (pp. 13), seicn, 2s [ib., 1901] 14197 , and Gregory Paul BAXTER: REVISION of the ATOMIC WEIGHT of COBALT: Analysis of Cobaltous Bromide, Chloride and Oxide, and Determination of Cobalt in Cobaltous Bromide, with 5 woodcuts, 3 parts roy. Svo. (pp. 45), sewn, with Prof. Richards 's inscr., 3s [ib. , 1897-9] 14198 , and Gustavus Edward BEHR, Jr. : The ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE of IRON under Varying Conditions, and the Effect of Occluded Hydrogen, with 6 illustrations, roy. Svo. (pp. 43), seivn,2s Carnegie Inst., Washington, 1908 14199 - , and Jesse Briggs CHURCHILL : The USE of the TRANSITION TEMPERATURES of COMPLEX SYSTEMS as Fixed Points in Thermometry, roy. Svo. (pp. 4), sewn, Is [Cambridge, Mass., 1899] 14200 , Edward COLLINS, and George W. HEIMROD : The ELECTROCHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS of COPPER and SILVER, with 6 illustrations, roy. Svo. (pp. 28), sewn, with Prof. Richards's inscr., Is Qd [ib., 1899] 14201 - , and Allerton Seward CUSHMAN : REVISION of the ATOMIC WEIGHT oi NICKEL. I. Analysis of Nickelous Bromide, II. Determination of the Nickel in Nickelous Bromide, with 5 illustrations, 2 parts roy. Svo. (pp. 37), sewn, 2s Qd [ib., 1897-9] 14202 , and George Shannon FORBES : ENERGY CHANGES involved in the DILUTION of ZINC and CADMIUM AMALGAMS, with 10 illustrations, roy. Svo. (pp. 68), sewn, 2s Carnegie Inst., Washington, 1906 14203 , and Otto HONIGSCHMID : REVISION of the ATOMIC WEIGHT of CALCIUM. II. Analysis of Calcium Chloride, roy. Svo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is [Cambridge, Mass., 1910] 14204 , and Richard Henry JESSE, Jr. : The HEATS of COMBUSTION of the OCTANES and XYLENES, with 2 illustrations, roy. Svo. (pp. 31), sewn, 2s [ib., 1910] 14205 - , and George Leslie KELLEY : The TRANSITION TEMPERATURES of SODIUM CHROMATE as convenient Fixed Points in Thermometry, roy. Svo. (pp. 17), sewn, Is Qd [ib., 1911] 14206 , and Gilbert Newton LEWIS : Some ELECTROCHEMICAL and THERMOCHEMICAL RELATIONS of ZINC and CADMIUM AMALGAMS, roy. Svo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is Qd [ib., 1S98] 14207 , Charles T. McCAFFREY, and Harold BISBEE : The OCCLUSION of MAGNESIC OXALATE by CALCIC OXALATE, and the Solubility of Calcic Oxalate, with illustration, roy. Svo. (pp. 17), sewn. Is Qd [ib., 1901] 14208 - , and J. Howard MATHEWS : METHOD for DETERMINING HEAT of EVAPORATION as applied to Water, with Q illustrations, roy. Svo. (pp. 28), sewn, Is Qd [ib., 1911] 14209 , and Benjamin Shores MERIGOLD : On the CUPROSAMMONIUM BROMIDES and the CUPRAMMONIUM SuLPHOCYANATES, roy. 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is [ib., 1897] 14210 , and Harry George PARKER : On the OCCLUSION of BARIC CHLORIDE by BARIC SULPHATE, roy. Svo. (pp. 29), sewn, Is Qd [ib., 1894] 14211 : REVISION of the ATOMIC WEIGHT of MAGNESIUM, with 3 illustrations, roy. Svo. (pp. 19), sewn, Is Qd [ib., 1896] 14212 - , and Elliot Folger ROGERS : On the OCCLUSION of GASES by the OXIDES of METALS, roy. Svo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Qd [ib., 1893] 14213 - : REVISION of the ATOMIC WEIGHT of ZINC. I. The Analysis of Zincic Bromide, with 4 illustrations, roy. Svo. (pp. 23), sewn, Is Qd [ib., 1895] 14214 , Allen W. ROWE, and L. L. BURGESS: The ADIABATIC DETERMINATION of HEATS of SOLUTION of METALS in ACIDS. II. The Heat of Dilution of the Acid Solutions, roy. Svo. (pp. 11), sewn, Is Qd [ib., 1910] 14215 , and Hubert Grover SHAW : On the CUPRIAMMONIUM DOUBLE SALTS, roy. Svo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is Qd [ib., 1893] 47 * 712 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 14217 RICHARDS (Theodore William ; Harvard Univ.], and Wilfred Newsome STULL : NEW METHOD for DETERMINING COMPRESSIBILITY, with 5 illustrations, er. 4to. (pp. 45), sewn, 2s Qd Washington, 1903 The author's work is of importance for having revised the atomic weight of 19 different elements, and invented in this connexion a number of ingenious apparatus and devices for drying the substances that had to be investigated. 14218 RICHARDS (William, C.E.) PRACTICAL TREATISE on the MANUFACTURE and DISTRI- BUTION of COAL GAS, with 29 plates (10 double), and 103 woodcuts, thick 4to. el. (o. p.), 10s 6d (p. 1. 8*) 1877 ' A considerable degree of detail has been entered into in the work, alike in the description of the various apparatus as well as in the modes of operation, which has never been attempted in any production of the kind hitherto published.' Preface. 14219 RICHARDSON (George, pr., Winchester Coll.), and A. S. RAMSEY: MODERN PLANE GEOMETRY : the Proofs of the Theorems in the Syllabus of Modern Plane Geometry, issued by the A.I.G.T., with diagrams, fcap. 8vo. cl., ivith auto, and bookplate of Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 2s 1894 An excellent introduction to advanced books on plane geometry. 14220 RICHARDSON (John) THEORETIC HINTS on an IMPROVED PRACTICE of BREWING MALT LIQUORS; including some Strictures on the Nature and Properties of Water, Malt, and Hops ; the Doctrine of Fermentation, the Agency of Air, the Effect of Heat and Cold on Fermented Liquors, etc. etc. ; 2nd Edition, 8vo. (pp. 74), sewn, 6s 1777 ' The author was the first to 'bring to the knowledge of brewers the use and value of the saccharometer, as Combrune in I7t>2 had first recommended the thermometer.' D. N. B., wherein the above pamphlet is not mentioned. 14221 RICHARDSON (Owen Williams, F.R.S., Prof. Physics, Princeton Univ.) The IONISATION produced by HOT PLATINUM in different GASES, with 17 diagrams, roy. 4to. (pp. 64), sewn, 2s Qd 1906 14222 RICHARDSON (T.), and Q. W. JAFFREY, Hartlepool Iron Works, Durham), HARBOUR of REFUGE proposed by [at HARTLEPOOL], ivith 2 folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, with inscr. given to G. Rennie ' [C.E., F.R.S.], 3s 6d [1860] A suggestion for a breakwater consisting of a row of cylinders on the lines of tlie piers of Charing Cross Railway Bridge, ' made either of cast or wrought iron, or of stone, each having a clear intermediate distance or space between each at the top, equal to its diameter,' connected by a lattice-work of timber or iron. 14223 RICHARDSON (Thomas), and Henry WATTS, FF.R.S. : The MANUFACTURE and APPLI- CATIONS of ACIDS, ALKALIES, and SALTS ; founded on DR. KNAPP'S TECHNOLOGY, 2nd [last] Edition [wholly rewritten], with folding plates and 752 woodcuts, 3 thick vols. 8vo. cl., 10s (p. 4. 10s) 1863-7 Vol. Ill contains a very complete list of abstracts of patent specifications (pp. 395). 14224 R [ICHARDSON] (W[igham]) PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS for the CONSTRUCTION and FIXING of Sux-DlALS, with 3 folding plates and 3 diagrams, cr. 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, 2s 1889 14225 RICHARDSON (William, Greenwich Observatory) CATALOGUE of 7385 STARS, chiefly in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, prepared from Observations, 1822-6, at the OBSERVATORY at PARAMATTA, N.S.W., founded by LT.-GEN. SIR THOMAS M. BRISBANE, F.R.S., ivith front, of Paramatta Observatory (demolished in 1855), 4to. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 1. 5s 1835 This important work, generally known as the ' Brisbane Catalogue ', procured for its author the Copley medal from the Royal Society. ' Brisbane was the founder of Australian science ' (Sir John HerscJiel), as well as the heroeponymus of the capital of Queensland. The Brisbane Observatory was the first regular one established in the Southern Hemisphere. 14226 RICHE (Jean Baptiste Leopold Alfred) RECHERCHES sur le TUNGSTENE et ses Composes : These, 4to. (pp. 81), sewn, with auto, of T. L. Phipson, F.C.S., 3s 6d 1857 14227 RICHELOT (Friedrich Julius ; Univ. Koenigsberg) De TRANSFORMATIONE atque COMPU- TATIONE INTEGRALIUM AfiELlANORUM PR1MI ORDINIS, 4to. (pp. 124), sewn, 3s Berolini, 1837 14228 RICHMOND (Herbert William ; F.R.S., King's Coll., Cantab.), and Thomas STUART: The INFLEXION CONIC of a TRINODAL QUARTIC CURVE, impl. 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, Is [1903] 14229 RICHMOND (W. D.) The GRAMMAR of LITHOGRAPHY : a Practical Guide in Commercial and Artistic Lithography, Chromolithography, Zincography, Photo-Lithography, and Litho- graphic Machine Printing, edited and revised, with Introduction, by the Editor of ' The Printing Times and Lithographer ' ; 2nd Edition, with woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 5s 1880 With appendix containing original racipes for preparing chalks, inks, transfer-papers, etc. 14230 RICHTER (Georg- Friedrich ; Univ. Leipzig] DISSERTATIO GEOMETRICA de SECTIONIBUS in INFINITUM ALTERNATIS ; with plate, sm. 4to. (pp. 24), sewn (rare), 8s 6d Lipsicc, 1712 The author's first published work, which was unknown to Poggendorff. 14231 RICHTER (M. M.) LEXIKON der KOHLENSTOFF-VEEBINDUNGEN, mit Supplement I-III, umfassend die Litteraturzeit v. 1 Apr., 1889 bis 31. Dec., 1904, 5 vols. sq. impl. 8vo. hf. German morocco (backs rubbed), 3. 3s (p. M. 133) Hamburg, 1900-5 This important work, unique of its kind, is arranged according to the atomicity of carbon, from GI to Ca67, with a Table of Percentages, and an alphabetical Index. The text is in four languages German, English, French, and Italian. 1 Ein General- Register fur das Gesamtgebiet der organischen Ohemie, . . . Das vollkommenste Werk, welches auf dem Gebiete des Litteraturnachweises geschalfen ist.' Eer. d. deutsch. pharm. Ges. 14232 RICKETTS (Louis Davidson) The ORES of LEADVILLE, and their MODE of OCCURRENCE,^ illustrated in the Morning and Evening Star Mines, with Chapter on the Methods of their Ex- traction, with 6 plates (1 coloured), roy. 4to. sewn, with author's inscr., 4s Princeton, 1883 14233 RICKETTS '(Pierre de Peyster, Columbia Coll.) NOTES on ASSAYING and ASSAY SCHEMES ; fifth Edition, enlarged, with 31 woodcuts, and table, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 10s 6d nett) New York, 1880 14234 [RIGOUR (Theophile)] INTRODUCTION d la NOTICE sur le TUBE d'lNVERSiON ; with 4 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 15), unbound, 2s [1869] The author c ] aims priority over PAUL LKCHATKLIER in the introduction of a jet of steam into the exhaust-passages- when reversing the locomotive engine, thus preventing the ingress of dust-laden air and the wear of brake surfaces. 14235 RIECKE (Eduard; Univ. Goettingen) Ueber die ELECTRISCHEN ELEMENTARGESETZE, 4to. (pp. 35), sewn, 2s (}d [Gottingen, 1875] HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 713 14237 RIDDELL(Maj.-Gen. Charles James Buchanan, F.R.S.) MAGNETICAL INSTRUCTIONS for the USE of PORTABLE INSTRUMENTS, adapted for Magnetical Surveys and Portable Observatories, etc., with Forms for the Registry of MAGNETICAL and METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, illus- trated, 8vo. sewn, 3s 6d 1844 14238 RIDDLE (Edward ; F.R.A.S., Nautical School, Greenwich Hospital) TREATISE on NAVI- GATION, and NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, adapted to Practice and Elementary Instruction, etc., with the Method of keeping a SEA JOURNAL ; concise and simple RULES, with their Investigations, for FINDING the LATITUDE and LONGITUDE, etc., and with all the TABLES requisite in Nautical Computations, first edition, with diagrams, 8vo. calf (joints cracked, and title stamped), 6s 1824 14<239 FOURTH EDITION, with the Rules and Examples adapted to the Nautical Almanac in its new and improved Form, ivith diagrams, 8vo. sheep, with Greenwich Hospital stamp (binding slightly damaged), bs 1842 ' His most valuable work, forming a complete course of mathematics for sailors, and combining practice and theory in just proportion ; which was not usually done at that time in books of this class.' D. N. B. 14240 RIE M( Johannes, Sternwarte Gottingen) Ueber eine FRUHERE ERSCHEINUNG des KOMETEN 1881 III TEBBUT, im Anschluss an die chinesischen Annalen ; with plate, 8vo. (pp. 26), sewn, Is Qd Gottingen, 1896 14241 RIEMANN (Georg- Friedrich Bernhard, Univ. Gottingen) GESAMMELTE MATHEMATISCHE WERKE und wissenschaftlicher Nachlass, herausgegeben, unter Mitwirkung von R. DEDEKIND, von H. WEBER; with illustrations, roy. 8vo. hf. bound, uncut, 8s (p. M. 20) Leipzig, 1876 ' Like all of Riemann's researches, those on functions were profound and far-reaching. He laid the foundation for a general theory of functions of a complex variable. The theory of potential, which up to that time had been used only in mathematical physics, was applied by him to pure mathematics.' Pro/. Cajori. The above contains also his celebrated thesis, Grundlagen fur eine allgemeine Theorie der Functionen einer veriindertichcn complexen Grb'sse, 'which excited the admiration of Gauss to a very unusual degree ', and his famous memoir on the hypotheses on which geometry is founded. 14242 BEITRAGE zur THEORIE der durch die GAUSS'SCHE REIHE F (a, ft, y, x) DARSTELL- BAREN FUNCTIONEN, 4to. (pp. 22), sewn, 2s Qd Gottingen, 1857 14243 : Die BEWEGUNG eines KREISFORMIGEN RINGES in einer UNENDLICHEN und INCOM- PRESSIBELN FLUSSIGKEIT, nach dem Vortrage von B. RIEMANN, bearbeitet von E. GOEDECKER, 4to. (pp. 22), sewn, 2s ibidem, 1879 14244 GRUNDLAGEN fiir eine allgemeine THEORTE der FUNCTIONEN einer VERANDERLICHEN COMPLEXEN GROSSE, 2. Abdruck, 4to. (pp. 32), sewn, 3s Qd ib., 1867 A reprint of the author's inaugural dissertation, ' which gave rise to a new method of treating the theory of functions '. 14245 Ueber die HYPOTHESEN, welche der GEOMETRIE zu GRUNDE liegen, 4to. (pp. 20), sewn, 3s Qd ib., 1867 ' His celebrated memoir on the hypotheses on which geometry is founded attracted general attention to the subject of non-Euclidean geometry.' W 7 . W. B. Ball. 14246 PARTIELLE DIFFERENTIALGLEICHUNGEN und deren Anwendung auf physikalische Fragen, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von KARL HATTENDORF ; with 46 diagrams, Svo. hf. calf, 3s Braunschweig, 1869 14247 ZWEITE [VERMEHRTE] AUFLAGE ; with 46 diagrams, Svo. hf. cl., 4s ibidem, 1876 14248 DRITTE AUFLAGE ; with 46 diagrams, Svo. boards, 5s (p. M. 8 sewn) ib., 1882 14249 THEORIE der ABEL'SCHEN FUNCTIONEN ; with 4 woodcuts, 4to. (pp. 55), sewn (scarce), 5s Berlin, 1857 'In multiple periodic functions it is hardly too much to say that in his memoir [.fHpra] in Borchardt's Journal for 1857, he did for the Abelian functions what Abel had done for the elliptic functions.' JF. W. R. Ball. 14250 RIESE (Adam) : RECHNUNG auff der LINIEN und FEDERN | auff allerley Handthierung | gemacht durch ADAM RISEN. Auff's newe durchlesen und zu recht gebracht ; printed in gotljic letter ; with curious woodcut portrait cet. 58 (but looking much older) on title, and printer's device at end, 16mo. hf. roan (one 1. (sign. F\) wanting, title mended and soiled, and many II. browned and soiled) ; excessively rare, 2. 15s [col. :] gedruckt zu Leipzig \ durch Valentin, am Ende. Typis Hceredum Beyeri, 1605 A very rare edition, unknown to Graesse and Ebert ; while Brunet does not mention the work at all. Prof, de Morgan seemingly did not know of its existence either, for he mentions no edition in his Arithmetical Books. Owing no doubt to constant thumbing, copies of any edition have now become excessively rare, and practically dis- appeared from the market. Adam Riese was the Cocker of Germany, ' Nach Adam Riese ' being the exact equivalent of ' according to Cocker.' He uses the symbols + and -, and, accordirg to Ludwig Darmstaedter. first introduced the symbol y f r square root (attributed by Mr. W. W. R. Ball to Rudolff). ' Er hat zu vereinigen und zweckdienlich zu ordnen gewusst, was vorhanden war. Aus seiner Anordnung konnte der Rechenunterricht die methodischen Vorschriften sich bilden, welche heute als selbstverstandlich gelten. Die Vorschrift des Aufsteigens vom concreten Denken zum abstrakten wird in jcdem Rechenunterrichte heute beachtet ; bei Ri<>se ist das Rechnen mit Reohenpfennigen dem mit Ziffern vorausgeschickt. Die zweite Grundregel ist die des Ubergangs vom Einfacheren zum Zusammengesetzteren, und auch diese war Riese's Rechenbuch zu entnehmen. . . . Michael Stifel nannte seine Aufgabf-n 'holdselig' und entnahm sie ihm fiir sein eigenes Werk. Andere folgten diesem Beispiele. . . ., und so gait hinfort fiir einen Meister der Rechenkunst, wer Adam Riese's Rechnung nach der Liinge vollstlindig durch- - gearbeitet hatte.' Prof. M. Cantor. At end is an interesting old inscription : ' Hanss Melchior Diem In Moss dem ist dass Rechen Biichlein lieb verrss Ihm stilt der ist ein Dieb. Er sey gleich Rrither oder Knecht so ist er an den galgen gerecht. Ano Doriiin. 1683.' 14251 BJESS (Peter Theophil ; Univ. Berlin) Uber die ANORDNUNG der ELEKTRICITAT auf LEITERN ; with folding copperplate, 4to. (pp. 47), sewn, 4s Qd Berlin, 1844 ' Riess found the density at the middle of the edges of a cube to be nearly two and a half times as great as the density at the middle of a face ; while the density at a corner of a cube was more than four times as great.' Prof. Silvanus Thompson, F.R.S. 14252 liber die ELEKTRISOHEN RINGFIGUREN, 4to. (pp. 33), sewn, 2s Qd ibidem, 1861 BIG-AUD (Stephen Peter, Samlian Prof. Astron., Oxon, F.R.S.) HISTORICAL ESSAY on the FIRST PUBLICATION of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PRINCIPIA (1838) v. NEWTONIANA, No. 12622, ante. 714 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 14254 BIGG- (James) TIPPING and SCREENING COAL ; and the SURFACE -PL ANT at KIRKBY COLLIERY, by THOMAS GILLOTT, M.I.C.E., with Abstract of the Discussion, edited by J. H. T. TUDSBERY, M i.c.E., with 2 folding plates, besides woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 57), sewn, 2s Qd ' 1897 14255 RIGGENBACH (Albert ; Univ. Basel] HISTORISCHE STUDIE liber die ENTWICKLUNG der GRUNDBEGRIFFE der WARMEFORTPFLANZUNG [mit Literatur-Nachweis] , roy. 4to. (pp. 39), sewn. 2.9 Basel, 1884 14256 RIGGING, The ART of, containing an ALPHABETICAL EXPLANATION of TERMS, DIRECTIONS for the most minute OPERATIONS, and the Method of PROGRESSIVE RIGGING, with full and correct Tables of the Dimensions and Quantities of every Part of the Riggings of all Ships and Vessels ; 2nd Edition, considerably enlarged, with 11 copperplates (9 folding), 8vo. old sheep (joints cracked), with auto. ' Admiral Douglas. 1815' on flyleaf, 8s 60? 1806 This work was unknown to Watt. There is no copy in the Library of the Institution of Naval Architects, though it is 'particularly useful to boatswains'. 14257 BIGGS (Louis Warner, Cornell Univ.] ELEMENTARY MANUAL for the CHEMICAL LABOR- ATORY, 8vo. cl., 3s 6rf (p. 5s 6d nett) New York, 1904 14258 RIGHI (Augusto, Univ. Bologna], und Bernhard DESSAU ; Univ. Perugia: Die TELE- GRAPHIE ohne DRAHT ; with 258 illustrations, 8vo. sewn, 4s (p. M. 12) Braunschweig, 1903 14259 RIGNANO (Mario Massimo Duca di) De' PASSAGGI di MERCURIO sul Disco SOLARE ed in Ispecie di quello del 1832, osservato in Roma nella SPECOLA MASSIMO, square 8vo. boards, or, sewn, '2s 6d Roma, 1835 14260 RIJGKEVORSEL ( van) KONSTANT AUFTRETENDE SECUNDARE MAXIMA und MINIMA in dem jahrlichen Verlauf der METEOROLOGISCHEN ERSCHEINUNGEN, V. Abteilung; with 3 plates, roy. 4to. (pp. 14), sewn, 2s Rotterdam, 1908 14261 RIJKE (Pieter Leonard, Univ. Leyden) IETS over den MlCROPHOON ; with 8 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 26), sewn, Is z. p. [c. 1878] 14262 BIOS (Capt. Joseph de Mendoza [y]; Spanish Navy; F.R.S.) TABLES for FACILITATING the CALCULATIONS of NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, and particularly of the Latitude of a Ship at Sea, from Two Altitudes of the Sun, and that of the Longitude from the Distances of the Moon from the Sun or a Star, etc. etc., and several other Tables useful in Astronomy and Navigation, 4to. contemporary tree- calf, 7s Qd 1801 The appendix contains Tables for clearing the Lunar Distances of Refraction and Parallax, by the HON. HENRY CAVENDISH, F.B s. ' His discoveries completely changed the bases of nautical astronomy. Overwork at length told on him, and having found in one of his tables a grave miscalculation, he shot himself at Brighton on 3 March, 1815.' J). N. L. 14263 HIPPER (William, M. I.C.E. , Univ. Sheffield) STEAM-ENGINE THEORY and PRACTICE, with 4 folding plates and 434 other illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 9s) 1899 Containing a description of the author's Moan-Pressure Indicator. 14264 RIQ,TJET (Pierre Paul, Baron de Bonrepos) HISTOIRE du CANAL de LANGUEDOC, redigee sur les PIECES AUTHENTIQUES conservees a la Bibliotheque Imperiale et aux Archives du Canal, par les DESCENDANS de PIERRE-PAUL RIQUET DE BONREPOS; with finely engraved front, by R. Delvaux, containing portrait and view, and folding map on copper, 8vo. russia, Hind-tooled, g. e. (SCARCE), 10s 6d 1805 The Languedoc Canal was the first important one constructed (between 1607 and 1681) in France, and connected the Bay of Biscay with the Mediterranean ; thus avoiding the long detour by the Strait of Gibraltar. ' It proved the proto- type of the modern ship-canal, though, as its depth is only 6 feet, it is not adapted for vessels above 100 tons. The Gironde and the Garonne give access up to Toulouse; and from this point, the Languedoc Canal, or Canal des deux Mers, 148 miles long, rises gradually by locks to a summit level of 600 feet at Naurouse, and then descends in a similar manner to Xarbonne on the Gulf of Lyons, the number of locks being 119.' Prof- L. F. Vernon-Har court. 14265 RISTENPART (Friedrich Wilhelm; Chile Observatory) Uber DIFFERENTHLREDUKTION vom SCHEINBAREN auf den MITTLEREN CRT, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Kometen- und Planetenbeobachtungen, 4to. (pp, 10), sewn, with inscr. to A. M. W. Downing, F.R.S., 2s Berlin, 1902 14266 - - NORMALAQUINOKTIEN f iir STERNKATALOGE, 8vo. (pp. \),sewn, with inscr. to A. M. W. Downing, F.R.S. , Is 6d Leipzig, 1906 14287 - - UNTERSUCHUNGEN Uber die CONSTANTE der PRACESSION und die Bewegung der Sonne im Fixsternsvsteme ; with folding plate, roy. 4to. (pp. 96), sewn, with inscr. to A. M. W. Downing, F.R. S. , 4s Karlsruhe, 1 892 'Fresh precautions of refinement were introduced into the treatment of the subject [the sun's motion] by Ristenpart (svpra), Kapteyn, Xewcomb, and Porter, who ably availed themselves of the copious materials accumulated before the close of the century.' M-/SS Agnes if. Clerke. 14268 RITCHIE (Archibald Tucker) The CREATION: the EARTH'S FORMATION on DYNAMICAL PRINCIPLES, in Accordance with the MOSAIC RECORD and the LATEST SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES; 5th Edition, revised and considerably abridged by the Author, thick 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 7s 6d (p. 18s) 1874 The author's great contribution to the reconciliation of religion and science is that, ' on the authority of the immutable word of God, from which, assisted by the discoveries of science, there can be derived the necessary data to prove, during the period called in scripture ' the beginning ', the earth had, in reality, no diurnal rotation around its axis. 'Introduction. 14269 RITCHIE (Robert, A.I.C.E.) RAILWAYS: their RISE, PROGRESS, and CONSTRUCTION, with Remarks on RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, and Proposals for their Prevention, 64 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 8s Qd 1846 Interesting as having been published during the height of the Railway Mania. ' Parliament, during the recent session, has with very great liberality passed bills for railways to the enormous extent of 2841 miles, with a capital of 44,322,235.' It deals judiciously with the strange 'atmospheric' fallacy, and with the happy-go-lucky railway accidents of the time, of which many queer examples are given. 14270 TREATISE on VENTILATION, Natural and Artificial, with 7 plates and 35 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s 6d 1862 Describing the various devices employed from Egyptian times to the date of publication. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 715 14272 RITCHIE (William, F.R.S. ; Prof. Nat. Philosophy, Univ. London) On the ELASTICITY of THREADS of GLASS, with some of the most useful Applications of this Property to Torsion Balances, with 2 woodcuts, 4to. (pp. 8), sewn, 2s Qd 1830 14273 EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCHES in VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY and ELECTRO-MAGNETISM, with plate, roy. 4to. (pp. 20), seivn, with inscr. to William Scoresby, D.D., F.R S,, 3s Qd 1832 14274 BITSEBT (Eduard, Darmstadt) UNTERSUCHUNGEN iiber das RANZIGWERDEN der FETTE. Inaugural Dissertation, roy. 8vo. (pp. 48), seivn, 2s Berlin [1890] Including an historical introduction (pp. 11). 14275 RITT (Georges) PROBLEMES d' APPLICATION de I'ALGEBRE a la GEOMETRIE, avec les Solu- tions dereloppees ; with 17 folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf, 2s Qd 1836-7 14276 BITTER (August, Aachen) ELEMENTARY THEORY and CALCULATION of IRON BRIDGES and ROOFS, translated from the third German Edition by H. R. SANKEY, with 502 diagrams, 8vo. cl. (o.p.),Qs (p.l5s) 1879 1 Advocating the use of the ' Method of Moments ' in calculating the stresses in bridges and roofs.' Translator's Preface. 14277 BITTER (Franz) SPECULUM SOLIS, das ist : SONNEN-SPIEGEL, oder kunststandiger, leichter und grundrichtiger Bericht von den SONNENUHREN, und was denselbigen angehoret ; nunmehr mit dem DRITTEN THEIL, allerhand NEUER ERFINDUNGEN vermehret durch einen Liebhaber dess Studii Mathematici ; with engraved title, and numerous woodcuts, sm. 4to. hf. crimson Levant morocco extra (stamp on title, and 2 II. slightly water -stained, otherwise A FINE COPY). 1. 10* Number g, 1652 Best edition of the work, which was unknown to Poggenclorff and Graesse. It first contains 3 parts, and was republished in 1600. The original edition, comprising the first 2 parts only, appeared in 1609-11. The last part contains some curious conceits on sun-dials, including one sounding all hours by either exploding a charge of gunpowder by means of a burning- glass, or by sound caused by steam generated by the same means ; also how to make a sun-dial out of a sun-fl ower, etc. etc. 14278 BITTER ( Jphann Wilhelm) Die PHYSIK als KUNST : ein Versnch, die Tendenz der Physik aus ihrer Geschichte zu deuten, 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd Miinchen, 1806 The author was the discoverer of the ultra-violet spectrum, and the first to promote the chemical theory of galvanism. 14279 RITTER (Wilhelm, Zurich) Die ELASTISCHE LINIE und ihre Anwendung auf den continuir- lichen Balken, 2. ganzlich umgearbeitete Auflage ; with folding plate, and 12 woodcuts: Der ELASTICHE BOGEN, bereclmet mit Hiilfe der graphischen Statik ; with 2 plates and 20 diagrams 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf, 2s Qd Zurich, 1883-6 14280 Die STATIK der TUNNELGEWOLBE ; with 2 folding plates, and 17 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 66). sewn, 2s Berlin, 1879 14281 RIVA [hie a RIPA] (Ludovicus, astronomic^ ac meteorologies in Gymnasia Patavino pro- fessor) MISCELLANEA [viz. : de Meteoro Ignito, etc. : de Vi Vaporum in Hygrometris Dissertatio Geometrico-Mechanica : Demonstrations Theorematum ad Quadraturas spectantium, etc. etc.] ; with plate and vignettes on copper, 4to. sewn, with auto. < F[rancisl Maseres [F.R.S.] . Feb : 2, 1759 ' on title, Is Qd Veneliis, 1725 RARE, and unknown to Poggendorff, Brunet, or Graesse. 14282 RIVARD (Dominique Fra^ois, Univ. Paris) ABREGE des CLEMENS de MATHEMATIQUES, 6 e Edition, revue et augmentee par 1'Auteur ; with 6 folding plates, 8vo. old calf gilt, 3s 1765 14283 TRAITE de GNOMONIQUE, on de 1'Art de faire des Cadrans, premiere edition ; with 4 folding plates, 8vo. old calf gilt, 10s Qd 1741 A work still valued, which superseded Ozanam's. It was recommended by Montucla. 14284 TRAITE de la SPHERE et du CALENDRIER, 6 e Edition, augmented par JEROME DE LALANDE [F.R.S.] ; with 3 folding plates, 8vo. old tree-calf gilt, 5s 1804 14285 ROADS and RAILROADS, VEHICLES, and MODES of TRAVELLING, of Ancient and Modern Countries : with Accounts of Bridges, Tunnels, and Canals, in various Parts of the World, ivith plates and numerous smaller woodcuts by J. W. WHYMPER, R.I., etc., post 8vo. cl., uncut (scarce), 15* J. W. Parker, 1839 Pp. 202-340 deal with railways, and contain interesting railway views and scenes. A special chapter is devoted to the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. 14286 ROBERT (Henri, horloger de la Marine de V Etat) USAGE du TABLEAU des LONGUEURS du PENDULE, donnant les Quantites dont il faut 1'allonger ou le raccourcir pour regler le Mouvement auquel il est applique; with folding table, 8vo. (pp. 4), sewn, Is Qd s. d. 14287 ROBERT (Louis, ingenieur-cenologue, Reims) Les ViNS MOUSSEUX : Manuel pratique donnant des Methodes rationelles, suivi d'une Etude sur la DEGUSTATION des VINS ; with 53 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1897 14288 ROBERTS (Charles, F.R.C.S.) The NATURALISTS' DIARY: a Day-Book of METEOROLOGY, PHENOLOGY, and Rural Biology, with coloured folding map, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd [1886] 14289 ROBERTS (Michael, Erasmus Smith's Prof. Math., T.C.D.) TRACT on the ADDITION of ELLIPTIC and HYPER-ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 3* Qd Dublin, 1871 ' In it is constructed a trigonometry of hyperelliptic functions analogous to that of elliptic functions. Roberts was the discoverer of many striking and beautiful properties of geodesic lines of curvature on the ellipsoid, and in particular concerning their relations to umbilics.' D. N. B. 14290 ROBERTS (Ralph Augustus, T.C.D.) COLLECTION of EXAMPLES on the ANALYTIC GEOMETRY of PLANE CONICS, with some Examples on Sphero-Conics, cr. 8vo. cl., with Prof. H. W. Lloyd Tanner's bookplate, 2s Qd (p. 5*) Dublin, 1884 'I believe that either the examples themselves, or the methods of their solution, are to a great extent original.' 14291 TREATISE on the INTEGRAL CALCULUS, PART I (all pub.): Elementary Account of ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS, and APPLICATIONS to PLANE CURVES, with 34 diagrams, yostSvo. cl. (o.p.), with bookplate of Prof . Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S., 5s Qd (p. 10s Qd) ibidem, 1887 716 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 14293 ROBERTS (E.) FAMOUS CHEMISTS [from G. E. Stahl to Victor Meyer], cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 1911 14294 ROBERTS (H. A.) TREATISE on ELEMENTARY DYNAMICS, dealing with Relative Motion mainly in Two Dimensions, with, numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Gd (p. 4* 60?) 1900 14295 ROBERTS (Isaac, F.R.S.) PHOTOGRAPHS of the NEBULJE in the PLEIADES, of Stars in the Surrounding Regions and of Spurious Nebulosity, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is Gd 1898 14296 SELECTION of PHOTOGRAPHS of STARS, STAR-CLUSTERS, and NEBULA, with Informa- tion concerning the Instruments and the Methods employed in the Pursuit of Celestial Photo- graphy, with 53 collotype plates from photographs taken by the author with his 20" Reflector, roy. 4to. cl. (SCARCE), 2. 1 2s 1894 'Presented to Adam Sedg wick, M.A., F.R.S. with compliments of the author, ISAAC ROBERTS, June 1894'. I?iscr. o?i note paper. ' In March, 1835, Sir Howard Grubb mounted for Dr. Isaac Roberts, at Maghull, near Liverpool (his observatory has since been transferred to Crowborough in Sussex), a silver-on-glass reflector of 20" aperture, constructed expressly for use in celestial photography. A series of nebula-pictures, obtained with this fine instrument, have proved highly instructive both as to the structure and extent of these wonderful objects ; above all one of the great Andromeda nebula.' Jfta Agncf, M. Clcrke. ' With a view of obtaining very prolonged exposures, Roberts spared no trouble or expense in providing his telescope with an exceedingly perfect driving-clock, and at length Grubb succeeded in supplying him with one, electrically controlled, which met his requirements. With this Roberts has made successful exposures, even 4 hours in length, with astonishing results, particularly in respect to nebula*. The Pleiades have been shown to present an almost continuous mass of nebulous matter ; the great Orion nebula has been traced far beyond the old limits, whilst the Andromeda nebula, 'now for the first time shown in an intelligible form ', has proved to be a vast Saturniform body. ... A single plate exposed on a region in Cygnus has shown more than 16,003 stars ; whilst the spiral nebula in Canes Venatici has been depicted with most wonderful distinctness.' G. F. Chambers, F.R.A.S. 14297 : WILLIAM HERSCHEL'S 52 OBSERVED NEBULOUS REGIONS, compared with I. R.'s Photo- graphs, with 2 plates, 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn, Is Gd 1902 14298 ROBERTS (Samuel, F.R.S. ; P.L.M.S.) On certain TETRAHEDRA specially related to FOUR SPHERES meeting in a POINT, 8vo. (pp. 4), sewn, \s [1878] 14299 On the MECHANICAL DESCRIPTION of some SPECIES of CIRCULAR CURVES of the THIRD and FOURTH DEGREES, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 12), unbound, Is Gd 1869 With a Paper ' On the Generalization of the Theory of Polars,' by W. K. CLIFFORD, F.R.S. (pp. 4). 14300 On the MOTION of a PLANE under certain Conditions, with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 33), sewn, 2? [1871] 14301 NOTE on the EXPRESSION of the LENGTH of the ARC of a CARTESIAN by ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS, 8vo. (pp. 4), unbound, Is [1873] 14302 NOTE on NORMALS and the Surface of Centres of an Algebraical Surface, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is Gd [1873] 14303 NOTE on the PLUCKERIAN CHARACTERISTICS of Epi- and Hypo-Trochoids and Allied Curves, 8vo. (pp. 4), unbound, Is [1873] 14304 NOTE on the SYMMETRICAL EXPRESSION of the CONSTANTS in the EQUATIONS of ALGEBRAICAL CURVES, 8vo. (pp. 8), unbound, Is Gd 1856 14305 Sur 1'ORDRE des CONDITIONS de la COEXISTENCE des EQUATIONS ALGEBRIQUES a PLUSIEURS VARIABLES, 4to. (pp. 14), sewn, Is Gd [1867] 14306 On the ORDER of certain SYSTEMS of ALGEBRAICAL EQUATIONS, 8vo. (pp. 13), unbound, 2s [1867] With a Paper ' On a General Theory of Anharmonics,' by W. K. CLIFFORD, F.R.S. (pp. 6). 14307 - On the ORDER and SINGULARITIES of the PARALLEL of an ALGEBRAICAL CURVE, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Gs [1871] 14308 - On the OVALS of DESCARTES, with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 21), sewn, Is Gd [1870] 14309 On PARALLEL SURFACES, 8vo. (pp. 20)', sewn, Is Gd 14310 On the PARALLEL SURFACES of CONICOIDS and CONICS, 8vo. (pp. 35), sewn, 2s [1872] 14311 On the PARALLEL SURFACES of DEVELOPABLES and CURVES of DOUBLE CURVATURE, 8vo. (pp. 5), unbound, Is [1874] 14312 - On the PEDALS of CONIC SECTIONS, with 2 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Gd [1870] 14313 Sur le 25 e PROBLEMS du 5 e LIVRE de DIOPHANTE et la SOLUTION par FERMAT, roy. 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Gd [Nancy. 1888] 14314 On PROFESSOR CREMONA'S TRANSFORMATION between Two PLANES, and Tables relating thereto, 8vo. (pp. 19), sewn, Is Gd [1872] 14315 - On a SIMPLIFIED METHOD of OBTAINING the ORDER of ALGEBRAICAL CONDITIONS, 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Gd [1875] 14316 On THREE-BAR MOTION in PLANE SPACE, with diaqrams, Svo. (pp. 10), sewn, \s Gd [1876] 14317 - - On the TRANSFORMATION of COORDINATES, Svo. (pp. 23), sewn, Is Gd [Cambridge, 1857] 14318 ROBERTS (W. H.) The SCOTTISH ALE-BREWER: a Practical Treatise, with a Simplified Process of Sparging, and the Method of conducting SLOW FERMENTATION : containing also Four Tables of Original Gravities and Attenuations, etc. etc., first edition, with woodcuts, Svo. cl., GsGd . Edin., 1837 ' Scotch Ale deservedly held, as it still holds, the first [? strongest] rank amongst fermented liquors of British manufacture.' P. XL 14319 THIRD EDITION : The Scottish Ale-Brewer an I Practical Maltster . . . with the Method in the Making and Managing of INDIA PALE ALE, and Supplement on the Relative Value of Malt and Sugar, with woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 7s Gd ibidem, 1847 14320 ROBERTS (William Ralph Westropp, pr., T.C.D.) On the REDUCTION of an INTEGRAL, Svo. (pp. 7), sewn, with author's inscr. and MS. notes (only 50 copies privately printed), Is Gd Dublin, 1900 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 717 14322 ROBERTS- AUSTEN" (Sir William Chandler, F.R.S., Royal Mint} ALLOYS RESEARCH COMMITTEE: SECOND REPORT, with 5 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 36), sewn, Is Qd [1893] 14323 : FOURTH REPORT, with 16 plates, 8vo. (pp. 70), sewn, 3s 6d [1897] 14324 - : FIFTEI [and LAST] REPORT (STEEL), with 22 photcmicrographic plates and 6 other illustrations, SVG. (pp. 68), sewn, 4s Qd [1899] This report is of especial importance on fractures of steel rails. ' The work of alloys-research he initiated is now carried on at the National Physical Laboratory. The practical value of these labours led the council of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers to enrol him an honorary life member.' D.N.B. 14325 CANADA'S METALS : a Lecture at the Toronto Meeting of the British Association, with 6 plates and coloured map, 8vo. cl., with author's inscr., 2s 1898 14326 CANTOR LECTURES on ALLOYS, with 40 illustrations, roy. 8vo. sewn, with author's inscr., 2s Qd 1893 14327 CANTOR LECTURES on ALLOYS used for COINAGE, with 2 plates of ancient gold and silver trial-plates, and woodcuts, roy. 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd 1884 14328 On CERTAIN PROPERTIES COMMON to FLUIDS and SOLID METALS, with 14 woodcuts* imp]. 8vo. sewn, Is Qd 1886 14329 - On the DIFFUSION of METALS : Bakerian Lecture, with 2 plates, and 7 illustrations, roy. 4to. (pp. 33), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s Qd 1896 14330 The EXTRACTION of NICKEL from its ORES by the MONO PROCESS, with folding plate and 3 other illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, 2s 1898 A description of Ludwig Mend's process for manufacturing pure nickel (v. No. 11093 ante). 14331 On the HARDENING and TEMPERING of STEEL : a Lecture, with 1 1 woodcuts, impl. 8vo. (pp. 51), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s Qd 1889 14332 NOTE on the EXPERIMENTAL ILLUSTRATION of the EXPANSION of PALLADIUM attending the Formation of its Alloy with Hydrogenium, with woodcut, 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, with inscr. to Prof. N. Story-Maskelyne, F.R.S., Is Gd 1869 14333 PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS to the IRON and STEEL INSTITUTE, 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn, ]sQd 1900 14334 The RARER METALS and their ALLOYS, with plate and 8 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 35), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s 1895 14335 ROBERTSON (Abraham, D.D., F.R.S., Savilian Prof. Geometry, Oxon.) The BINOMIAL THEOREM DEMONSTRATED by the PRINCIPLES of MULTIPLICATION, 4to. (pp. 24 1, sewn, 4s Qd 1795 Added are .-Experiments and Observations to investigate the Nature of a Kind of Steel called Wootz, etc. etc., by GEORGE PEARSON, M.D., F.R.S. (pp. 25); On Welding Cast Steel, by SIR THOMAS FRANKLAND (pp. 2). 14336 SECTIONUM CONICARUM Libri VII ; accedit TRACTATUS de Sectionibus Conicis, et de Scriptoribus qui earum Doctrinam tradiderunt ; with 45 folding plates, 4to. cl., Qs Qd Oxonii, 1792 ' His chief work, with an exhaustive survey of the history of the study.' D. N. H. 14337 ROBERTSON (C., M.D., Deputy Surgeon-Gen., I.M.D.) MODERN GEOGRAPHY and the COPERNICAN HYPOTHESIS, with 2 plates, and diagrams, 8vo. boards, 2s Qd Stirling, 1908 Intended to show the fallacy of the Coperniran System. The author published another geocentric work in 1897 : ' Is the Earth a Planet ' (v. No. 4038, ante). 14338 ROBERTSON (John, F.R.S. , Librarian to the Royal Society) TREATISE of such MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, as are usually put into a PORTABLE CASE, with Account of the Authors who have treated on the PROPORTIONAL COMPASSES and SECTOR, first edition, with 1 folding plates, 8vo. contemporary calf, with fine armorial bookplate of Sir Robert Throc/cmorton, Bart., Qs 1747 14339 ANOTHER COPY, old calf (joints cracked), 5s 14340 SECOND EDITION, with many Additions, and Appendix of the Description and Use of GUNNER'S CALLIPERS, with 9 folding plates, 8vo. old calf (back damaged), Qs Qd 1757 14341 THIRD EDITION, with the Description of, and Precepts for the Delineation of, SHIP-GUNS and SEA MORTARS, and brief Account of AUTHORS who have wrote on the PROPORTIONAL COMPASSES and SECTOR, with 12 folding plates, 8vo. contemporary sheep (cracked), 8s 1775 Tho introduction of the above editions contains an interesting historical account of inventors of mathematical instruments. According to Chasles, Robertson was the first to discover the theorem that in stereographic projection the angle between two circles of the sphere equals the angle between the two circles on projection. 14342 ROBERTSON (P., Naval Instructor H. M.S. Excellent) The THEORY and PRACTICE of GREAT CIRCLE SAILING under one General Rule*, with Examples, 8vo. (pp. 24), sewn, 2s 1855 14343 ROBINET (Sterchano) PROCEDE pour le BATTAGE des COCONS, ou Moyen d'obtenir des Cocons le plus de Soie possible, 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn, 2s Qd 1843 14344 RECHERCHES sur la PRODUCTION de la SOIE en FRANCE, VI e MEMOIRE : Nouvelles Etudes sur le Cocon, 8vo. (pp., 81), sewn, 3s Qd 1856 14345 ROBINS (Benjamin, F.R.S., Engineer General to H. E. I. C.) MATHEMATICAL TRACTS, published [with LIFE (pp. 42)] by JAMES WILSON, M.D., with 3 plates and diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf gilt (joints of v. I cracked) ; VERY RARE, 1 . 10s 1761 CONTENTS : 1. New Principles of Gunnery, with several subsequent Discourses on the same Subject, the greatest Part never before printed [including the invention of the Ballistic Pendulum]. II. Discourse on the Methods of Fluxions, and of Prime and Ultimate Ratios, with other Miscellaneous Pieces. ' Robins was one of the most accurate and elegant mathematical Avrit^rs that our language can boast of; and he made more real improvements in artillery, the flight and the resistance of projectiles, than all the preceding writers on that subject.' Dr. Charles Button, F.R.S. His Discourse on . . . Fluxions (v. II) is a reply to Bp. Berkeley's Analyst (v. Nos. 347 and 6144-5, ante), and 'a very clear, neat, and elegant performance ' (Dr. Hulton). He was an unsuccessful competitor for the professorship of fortification and gunnery at R.M.A. Woolwich against John Muller (Nos. 12268-73 ante}, whose poAverful influence secured him the position. Robins's work on gunnery is said to have been due to this disappointment, ' as he wanted to show to the world, what sort of man he was that they had rejected.' V. Nos. 4044-5 ante. 14346 ROBINS (Edward Cookworthy, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A.) On the VENTILATION and WARMING of CHEMICAL LABORATORIES and Applied Science Schools generally, 8vo. (pp. 14), sewn, Is 6d 1885 718 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. ROBINSON (Bryan, M.D., T.C.D.) A DISSERTATION on the AETHER of SIR ISAAC NEWTON (1747) v. NEWTONIANA, No. 12623, ante. 14348 ROBINSON (Charles Stanley), and Humphrey Owen JONES: COMPLEX THIO-OXALATES, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, \s 1912 14349 ROBINSON (H. O. and Albert) ACCOUNT of some recent IMPROVEMENTS in the SYSTEM of NAVIGATING the GANGES by IRON STEAM VESSELS, with 8 plates of steamboats and machinery, old native boat, and chart (5 folding], 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s Qd 1848 An attempt to quicken Indian travel up country between Calcutta and Allahabad when the railway system was still a dream. 14350 ROBINSON (Harry Perry) The ELEMENTS of a PICTORIAL PHOTOGRAPH, with numerous illustrations by the Author, 8vo. hf. buckram, 2s Qd Bradford, 1896 14351 LETTERS on LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY, with woodcuts, 12mo. sewn, \s 1888 14352 - - PICTORIAL EFFECT in PHOTOGRAPHY: Hints on Composition and Chiaroscuro for Photo- graphers ; 2nd Edition, with woodcuts, 12mo. sewn, 2s Qd 1879 14353 - PICTURE MAKING in PHOTOGRAPHY, with 4 plates, and woodcuts, 12mo. sewn, 2s 1884 14354 SECOND EDITION, with Chapters on Instantaneous Photography and the Persistence of Vision and Naturalistic Photography, with 2 plates and woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 14355 - - The STUDIO : and what to do in it, with woodcuts, 12mo. sewn, 2s 1885 14356 ROBINSON (Henry, M. i.e. E., King's Coll., London) HYDRAULIC POWER and HYDRAULIC MACHINERY ; 2nd Edition, enlarged, with Q^ plates (mostly folding), and 50 smaller illustrations, 8vo. cl., 8sQd(p. 1. 14s) 1893 Dedicated to the late Lord Armstrong, under whom Professor Robinson first worked. 14357 SEWAGE DISPOSAL : for the Guidance of Sanitary Authorities; 2nd Edition, post 8vo. cl. , 2s Qd (p. 55) 1882 14358 SEWERAGE and SEWAGE DISPOSAL, with folding diagram, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 4-s (p. 12s Qd) 1896 14359 ROBINSON (John, M.I.M.E.) On GIFFARD'S INJECTOR for FEEDING STEAM BOILERS (Sup- plementary Paper), 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn. Is Qd Birmingham, 1860 Written at the time when Mr. Giffard's paradoxical invention was just coming into use. 14360 ROBINSON ( Thomas Romuey; T.C.D. , Prebendary of St. Patrick's; F.R.S.) DESCRIPTION of an IMPROVED ANEMOMETER for registering the Direction of the Wind, and the Space which it traverses in given Intervals of Time, with plate and 2 woodcuts, 4to. (pp. 24), sewn, 4s Qd [Dublin, 1850] Describing the author's invention of the cup anemometer, which now forms part of every Meteorological Observatory. 14361 - On the DETERMINATION of the CONSTANTS of the CUP ANEMOMETER by Experiments with a WHIRLING MACHINE, PART II, roy. 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, with inscr. to Prof. A. S. Herschel, F.R.S.,2sQd 1880 Written at the ripe age of 88. 14362 - - PLACES of ONE THOUSAND STARS OBSERVED at the ARMAGH OBSERVATORY, 4to. (pp. 32), unbound, 2s 1878 14363 - On the RELATION between the TEMPERATURE of METALLIC CONDUCTORS, and their RESISTANCE to ELECTRIC CURRENTS, with 3 woodcuts, 4to. (pp. 24), sewn, 3s Qd [Dublin,] 1848 14364 - . SECOND ARMAGH CATALOGUE of 3300 STARS for the Epoch 1875, deduced from Observations made at the ARMAGH OBSERVATORY, 1859-83, under the Direction of, and prepared for Publication by J. L. E. DREYER, F.R.A.S., roy. 8vo. cl., 4s ibidem, 1886 14365 - On SPECTRA of ELECTRIC LIGHT, as modified by the Nature of the Electrodes and the Media of Discharge, 4to. (pp. 48), sewn, with inscr. to the Abbe Moigno (shorn), 3s Qd 14366 ROBISON (John, F.R.S.E., Prof. Natural Philos., Univ. Edin.} ELEMENTS of MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY, VOL. I (all published) : DYNAMICS and ASTRONOMY, with 22 plates, thick 8vo. calf, 5s Edin., 1804 MissC. Daily presented by her affectionate Uncle [FRANCIS BAILY, F.R.S.]. June 9. 1838.' Inscr. on flyleaf. 14367 - On the MOTION of LIGHT, as affected by Refracting and Reflecting Substances, which are also in Motion, with plate, 4to. (pp. 31), sewn, with inscr. to Dr. Nevil Maskelyne, pr., F.R.S. (as below), 6? Qd ibidem, 1788 'To the Rev'. 14396 [ ] GALVANISM (Encyclopaedia Metropolitan a), with plate, 4to. (pp. 52), unbound, 3s 6d [1826] 14397 ROHAULT (Jacques) PHYSICA, Latine vertit, recensuit et Adnotationibus ex illustrissimi ISAACI NEWTONI Philosophia tnaximam Partera haustis, amplificavit et ornavit SAMUEL CLARKE, S.T.P. ; Editio III., in qua Annotationes sunt dimidia Parte auctiores; with 27 folding plates, 8vo. old calf gilt (one joint cracked, otherwise a sound copy), 10s Londini, 1710 14398 EDITIO QUARTA; with 27 folding plates. 8vo. old calf, with Chippendale bookplate of [Sir] John Cullum [Bart., pr., F.R.S., F.S.A.], WsQd ibidem, 1718 14399 - SYSTEM of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, with DR. SAMUEL CLARKE'S Notes, taken mostly out of Sir I. Newton's Philosophy, with Additions, done into English by JOHN CLARKE, Dean of Sarum, 2nd Edition, with 27 folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. old panelled calf {joints cracked), RARE, 14s 1729-8 14400 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary panelled calf (one joint cracked), with fine bookplate of John Baker Holroyd, first Earl of Sheffield, friend of Gibbon (1735-1821), 16s This work long formed the text-book of physics at Cambridge. The translation itself (by the Arianising Rector of St. James's, Westminster), is of importance in the history of science as having been instrumental (although still wholly based on the Cartesian philosophy) in introducing the Newtonian system there, by means of judicious marginal notes in which the translator exposed tne lallacies of the Cartesian system, then still all-powerful at Cambridge University. 14401 - TRAITK de PHYSIQUE, premiere Edition ; with 2 copperplates, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, old calf gilt (back dightly damaged), RARE, 1. 10s C. Savreux, 1671 All ediiions of this work are now rare. ' II construisait avec trois tubes de verre une espece de barometre, connu aujourd'hui sous le nom de chambre de Roh:tdt. II demontrait, par les differentes refractions de la lumiere, q<;e lescoulcurs n'ctaient quedes modifications decettematiere. Ses experiences sur 1'aimant furent aussi tres-remarquables.' Blogr. Gen. The author was a whole-hearted supporter of the physical doctrines of Descartes. The above work, which went through many editions, and was translated into most European languages, was par excellence the physical text-book of Cartesian philosophy. 14402 [ ] TREATISE of MECHANICKS, or the Science of the Effects of Powers or Moving Forces, as apply'd to Machines, demonstrated from its first Principles, translated by THOMAS WATTS, -with I folding plates, 8vo. old panelled calf (back slightly damaged) ; rare, 10s 6d 1716 1 In this Translation are inserted Particular References to the several Propositions in Euclid on which the Demonstrations are built : with considerable Additions, whereby the Whole is more compleat and Universal, and particularly the Rising and Falling of the Quicksilver in the Weather-Glass explained and accounted for.' 14403 ROHLAND (Paul) Der KOLLOIDE und KRISTALLOIDE ZUSTAND der MATERIE, roy. 8vo. (pp.50), sewn, Is Stuttgart, 1910 14404 ROHR (Moritz v., wissenschafthcher Mitarbeiter der optischen Werkstdtte von Carl Zeiss in Jena) THEORIE und GESCHICHTE des PHOTOGRAPHISCHEN OBJEKTIVS, nach Quellen bearbeitet ; with 4 folding plates, and 148 other illustrations, large 8vo. cl., Is 6d (p. M. 12 sewn) Berlin, 1899 The only authoritative work on the subject, and of great historical importance. Pp. 390-435 comprise a valuable bibliography. 14405 ROHRS (J. H., Jesus Coll., Cantab.) On the OSCILLATIONS of a SUSPENSION CHAIN, 4to. (pp. 20), sewn, 3s Gd [Cambridge, 1851] ' Determining the tension and other circumstances of motion at any point of a disturbed chain ; principally with a view to exhibit the causes of fracture by vibration in suspansion bridges, and to suggest means for obviating as much as possible the danger arising from such vibrations.' P. 1. 14406 ROITI (Antonio) Sulla PROPAGAZIONE del SUONO nella odierna TEORIA degli AERIFORMI, 4to. (pp. 15), sewn, 2s [Firenze, 1877] 14407 ROLFE (George William, Mass. Inst. Technology) The POLARISCOPE in the CHEMICAL LABORATORY : an Introduction to Polarimetry and related Methods, with 38 woodcuts, post 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 8s nett) Hew York, 1905 14408 HOLLAND (Camille) NOTE sur 1' APPLICATION de la LOCOMOTIVE a VAPEUR SANS FOYER au Transport des Wagons dans 1'Interieur des MINES de CHARBON ; with folding plate, roy. 8vo. (pp. 10), sewn, Is 6d [Liege,] 1889 14409 HOLLAND (Eugene) MEMOIRE sur I'ETABLISSEMENT des REGULATEURS de la VITESSE; with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 56), sewn, 4s [1870] ' Renfermant une excellente etude de la question des regulateurs isochrones, et faisant connaitre jHusieurs solutions nouvelles, ;'i la fois nette et simple, de cette interessante question.' Delannay. 14410 ROLLER (Frank W., M.A.I.E.E.) ELECTRIC and MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS and MEASURING INSTRUMENTS, with 312 woodcuts and diagrams, large 8vo. cl, 9s (p. 15s nett) New York, 1907 14411 ROLLET (Augustin) MEMOIRE sur la MEUNERIE, la BOULANGERIE, et la CONSERVATION des Europe ; with Infolding plates, 4to. hf. calf (Atlas wanting], 6s 1846 14412 ROMBURGH (P. van; Univ. Utrecht) On the CRYSTALLISED CONSTITUENT of the ESSENTIAL OIL of KAEMPFERIA GALANGA L , impl. 8vo. (pp. 4), sewn, Is 6d [Amsterdam,] 1900 On the NITRATION of DIMETHYLANILINE dissolved in CONCENTRATED SULPHURIC ACID, impl. 8vo. (pp. 3), sewn, Is 6d [ibidem.,] 19 i475 SCHUYLER (James Dix) RESERVOIRS for IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, and DOMESTIC WATER-SUPPLY, with the various Types of Dams and the Methods and Plans of their Construction ; with Discussion of the available Water-Supply for Irrigation in various Sections of Arid America. the Distribution. Application, and Use of Water, the Rainfall and Run-off, the Evaporation from Reservoirs, the Effect of Silt on Reservoirs, etc., with 208 illustrations (including many plates and folding plans), roy. 8vo. cl., 10s (p. 1. Is nett) t ' New York, 1905 14759 SCHWAMB (Peter, Mass. Inst. Technology), and Allyne Litchfield MERRILL: ELEMENTS of MECHANISM, with 341 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 6* Qd (p. 12s Qd neit) New York, 1904 14760 SCHWARZ (Hermann) ELEMENTS der ZAHLEN-THEORIE, allgemein f asslich dargestellt, 8vo. cl. cover, uncut, with MS. note by Samuel Roberts, F.R.S., 4s Halle, 1855 14761 VERSUCH einer PHILOSOPHIE der MATHEMATIK, mit einer KRITIK der Aufstellungen HEGEL'S liber den Zweck und die Natur der hoheren Analysis, 8vo. sewn, 3s ibidem, 1853 ' Soweit Arithmetik, Geometrie und Trigonometrie sich nicht durch ilire Beziehungen zu der Analysis des Unendlichen als deren Bedingung oder Unterlage herausstellen, siud sie fiir das Gesetz der Wissenschaft uiwesentlich.' Vorrede. 14762 SCHWARZ (Tjard), und Ernst v. HALLE : SCHIFFBAUINDUSTRIE in DEUTSCHLAND und im AUSLANDE, unter BENUTZUNG amtlichen Materials herausgegeben ; with 17 folding plans of dockyards and 5 folding tables, 2 vols. sq. roy. 8vo. cl., 12s Qd (p. M. 22.25 nett) Berlin, 1902 The above copy is an interesting memorial of German Naval murders, as it contains a printed presentation form to Dr. Francis Elgar, P.I. N.A., F.R.S., from Grand Admiral von Tirpitz. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 739 14764 SCHWEINS (Franz Ferdinand, Univ. Heidelberg) THEORIE der DIFFERENZEN und DIFFERENTIALE der gedoppelten Verbindungen, der Producte mit Versetzungen, der Reihen, der wiederholenden Functionen, der allgemeinsten Facultaten und der fortlaufenden Brliche, thick 4to. tree-calf gilt, 5s Heidelberg, 1825 14765 SCHWENTER (Daniel) GEOMETRIC PRACTICES NOV.E. Tractatus I. Darinnen auss rechteni Fundament gewisen wird ; wie man in der Geometria auff dem Papier und Lande, mit denen darzu gehorigen Instrumenten, als Circkel, Richtscheid, Winckelhacken, etc. zur noht ohne dieselben verfahren unnd operiren solle. Tractatus II. Ohne einig Kiinstlich Geometrisch Instrument, allein mit der Messruhte vnd etlichen Staben (welche ein Landmesser des absteckens halben nit wol entrahten kan) zur noht, vielerley weite, breite, lange, hohe und tiefFe zu erkundigen, etc. etc. Tractatus III. Beschreibung des Nutzlichen GEOMETRISCHEN TISCHLEINS, von JOHANNE PR^ETORIO S[EELIG] erfunden, u. s. w. ; with engraved titles, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 3 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, old white vellum (some II. slightly wormed, otherwise a SOUND AND CLEAN COPY) ; RARE, 1. 10* Nurnberg, 16[16-]18 FIRST EDITION of this important work, which went through several editions, and contains the author's discovery, independently of Cataldi, of continued fractions. ' Schwenter's praktische Geometrie erfreute sich einer JBeliebheit welche ein Eingehen auf ihren Inhalt empfehleu mfisste, selbst wenn wir nichts von Bedeutung ihr zu entnehmen hatten. . . . In Tractatus I lehrt er die verschieden- artigsten theils genaue, theils nur angenaherte Konstruktionen, wie sie bei Diirer, bei Clavius u. s. w. sich tinden, auch einige neue Verfahrungsmethoden. . . . Im Tractatus III hat er den Messtisch, welchen sein Lehrer erfunden, und zu dessen Gebrauch er wiihrend des Unterrichtes die nothige Anweisung geaeben hatte, ohne eine ausfiihrliche Beschreibung desselben zu veroffentlichen, nachtraglich zur allgemeinen Kenntniss gebracht und dadurch dem allgemeinen Nutzen einen wesentlichen Dienst erwiesen.' Prof. Cantor. 14766 SCHWEREBESTIMMUNGEN (Relative), durch PENDELBEOBACHTUNGEN, ausgefiihrt durch die K. und K. KRIEGS-MARINE, 1892-4, herausgegeben vom K. und K. Reichs-Kriegs- Ministerium, Marine- Section ; with 2 folding plates, and 3 coloured folding maps, roy. 8vo. (pp. 630), sewn, 9s (p. M. 18.40) Wien, 1895 14767 SCHYANOFF (Alexandre, Capitaine de VArmee russe) ESSAI snr la METAPHYSIQUE des FORCES, inherentes a 1'Essence de la Matiere, et Introduction a une nouvelle Theorie Atomo- Dynamique, M6moire I et II, 2 e Edition, considerablement augmentee ; with numerous diagrams, impl. 8vo. (pp. 187), sewn (scarce], 10s 6d Kiew, 1868 ' La these principale du present memoire consiste a prouver, qu'il existe dans la nature deux especes de matiere creee : la matiere ponderable et Tether. L'une et 1'autre ont pour cause fondamentale la force repulsive, formulee par 1'impene- trabilite. La force, relative a la matiere ponderable, agit en raison inverse des cubes des distances ; Tautre est reciproque aux cinquiemes puissances.' Preface. The author extensively uses the calculus in his speculations on the constitution of matter. A COMPLETE SET OF BOTH SECTIONS TO 1910: 14768 SCIENCE ABSTRACTS : PHYSICS and ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, issued by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, with the Co-operation of the Physical Society of London, the American Physical Society, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and the American Electro- Chemical Society, both sections complete from the Beginning in 1898 to 1910 (Vols. I XIII), illustrated, with the INDEXES 21 vols. 8vo. in 273 parts, sewn, 10. 10s (p. 18. 16s nett) 1898-1910 14769 ANOTHER SET, COMPLETE from the Beginning in 1898 to 1912 (Vols. I XV) [w. VI XV. Section A : Physics only] , illustrated, 4 vols. 8vo. cL, the rest in parts as issued, 8. 8s (15. 2s nett) 1898-1912 14770 ANOTHER SET, complete to 1909 (Vols. VI XII Section A : Physics only), 12 vols. 8vo. cl. (v. XII sewn), 7. 15s (p. 14. 2s nett) 1898-1909 14771 ANOTHER SET, complete to 1902, 5 vols. 8vo. cl.. 3. 10s (p. 7. 4s nett) 1898-1902 SECTION A contains Light, including Photography ; Heat ; Sound : Electricity and Magnetism ; Chemical Physics and Electro-Chemistry ; General Physics ; Meteorology and Terrestrial Physics : Physical Astronomy ; and SECTION B Steam Plant, Gas and Oil Engines ; Automobiles : Oil-engine driven Ships and Launches ; Balloons and Airships ; General Electrical Engineering, including Industrial Electro-Chemistry ; Electric Generators ; Motors ami Transformers ; Electrical Distribution, Traction and Lighting ; Telegraphy and Telephony. ' We may point out that a vast amount of tedious research may frequently be saved by consulting its pages when investigating matters relating to questions of design, working and organisation. Special attention is also given by the editorial staff to the capital outlay and working costs of existing undertakings . . . ' Science Abstracts ' is not, like many periodicals, of purely ephemeral interest ; its value increases at an increasing rate as time goes on. Already its seven fat volumes form a substantial addition to the library, and constitute a complete record of progress during the correspond- ing years. We can, from personal experience, vouch for its worth, and cordially recommend it to our readers.' Electrical Review (London). DR. w. B. CARPENTER'S COPY: 14772 SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS, selected from the TRANSACTIONS of FOREIGN ACADEMIES of SCIENCE, and Learned Societies, and from FOREIGN JOURNALS, edited by RICHARD TAYLOR, F.S.A., ivith 59 plates (mostly folding and some coloured), besides woodcuts, 5 thick vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, with DR. W. B. CARPENTER'S BOOKLABEL (nice copy) : VERY SCARCE, 3. 10s 1837-52 A DESIRABLE SET OF THIS IMPORTANT PUBLICATION, containing translations (in many cases the only ones) of a number of rare and important memoirs, some of which are now practically unprocurable in the originals. They include, among others, the following authors : Arago, E. Becquerel, J. J. Berzelius, P. W. Bessel, J. B. Biot, R. W. Bunsen, A. L. Cauchy, R. J. E. Clausius, H. W. Dove, J. F. Encke. A. J. Fresnel, K. F. Gauss, P. A. Hansen, H. L. F. v. Helmholtz, Joseph Henry, M. H. Jacobi, J. Lamont, M. Melloni, O. F. Mossotti, Johannes Miiller, F. E. Neumann, J. A. F. Plateau, H. V. Regnault, A. Seebeck, and Wilhelm Weber. 14773 SCOPOLI (Giovanni Antonio ; Univ. Pavia) ELEMENTI di CHIMICA e di FARMACIA, 8vo. tree-calf ailt, by Kalthoeber, 4s Pavia, 1786 14774 SCOTT (Benjamin; scientific instrument maker) The DESCRIPTION and USE of an UNIVERSAL and PERPETUAL MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENT, shewing the most expeditious and exact Method of solving all practical Questions in Arithmetick, Trigonometry, Navigation. Dyalling, Astronomy, etc., with diaqrams and folding table on copper, 12mo. old calf (joints weak), rare, 10s Qd 1733 Dedicated to John Boyle, 5th Earl of Cork and Orrery, F.R s. The instrument is stated to consist of ' 20 circles, 12 seg- ments of circles, and 3 tables.' The work is not noticed by Watt, Lowndes, or Allibone. 740 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 14776 SCOFFERN" (John, Prof. Chem., Aldersgate Coll.] CHEMISTRY of the INORGANIC BODIES : their Compounds and Equivalents, with numerous woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 3s 1856 14777 : CHEMISTRY NO MYSTERY, or a Lecturer's Bequest, being a Course of Lectures, edited by DR. SCOFFERN ; 2nd Edition, revised and corrected, with Cruikshankian vignette on title, and numerous woodcuts, 12mo. cl., 3s Qd [1848] 14778 PROJECTILE WEAPONS of WAR and EXPLOSIVE COMPOUNDS ; 3rd Edition, revised, with frontispiece and woodcuts : NEW RESOURCES of WARFARE, with especial Reference to RIFLED ORDNANCE, in their chief known Varieties, including authenticated Weight, Measurement, and Mode of Construction of ARMSTRONG'S WROUGHT IRON BREECH-LOADING GUNS, with their Shell* and Fuses, with woodcuts 2 vols. post 8vo. in 1, hf. calf (scarce). Is Qd 1858-9 14779 , Sir William FAIRBAIRN, F.R.S., and others: The USEFUL METALS and their ALLOYS, including Mining Ventilation, Mining Jurisprudence, and Metallurgical Chemistry, with plates, and numerous woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., 3s 1857 or '66 14780 SCOTT (Michael, M.I.C.E.) OCCASIONAL PAPERS (Civil Engineering. Gunnery and Naval Architecture), with 13 large folding plates and plans (2 coloured), 2 vols. 8vo. cl., with author's inscr. to Sir F. J. Bramwell, F.R.S., and the latter's auto., 8s Qd (p. 2. 2s) 1874 14781 REPRINT, with 13 large folding plates and plans (2 coloured), 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, cl., Is Qd 1881 14782 SCOTT (Robert Forsyth) TREATISE on the THEORY of DETERMINANTS and their APPLIC- ATIONS in ANALYSIS and GEOMETRY, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 9s nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1880 'The principal novelty of the treatise lies in the systematic use of Grassmann's alternate units, by means' of which the study of determinants is, I believe, much simplified.' Preface. 14783 SCOTT (William Berryman, Princeton Univ.) INTRODUCTION to GEOLOGY, with 12 plates and 169 other illustrations, chiefly from photographs, thick large cr. 8vo. cl., 6s (p. lls nett) New York, 1897 14784 SCOUTETTEN (Robert Joseph Henri) L'OzoNE : Recherches Chimiques, Meteorologiques, Physiologiques et Me"dicales sur 1'Oxygene Electrise ; with coloured plate, and folding tables, post 8vo. sewn (o. p.), 4s 1856 14785 SCROPE (George Julius Poulett, M.P., F.R.S.) CONSIDERATIONS on VOLCANOS, the probable Causes of their Phenomena, the Laws which determine their March, the Disposition of their Products, and their Connexion with the present State and past History of the Globe ; leading to the Establishment of a NEW THEORY of the EARTH, with 2 folding plates, 33 woodcuts, and map, 8vo. boards (back torn off) ; scarce, with inscr. ' From the Author ', 10s 1825 'Full of accurate information, careful inductions, and suggestive inferences ; it enunciates emphatically the doctrine afterwards developed by Lyell and called ' Uniformitarian,' but as it was necessarily controversial, was much in advance of its age, and had ventured into a cosmological speculation, it did not meet with a generally favourable reception.' Prof. Bonney, pr., F.R.S. 14786 - -The GEOLOGY and EXTINCT VOLCANOES of CENTRAL FRANCE; 2nd [last] Edition, enlarged, with folding panoramic views, woodcuts, and maps in pocket, 8vo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 16s Qd 1858 ' The second edition is still carefully read by every geologist who visits Auvergne. Lyell, who reviewed the first edition in the Quarterly Review, justly called it the most able work which had appeared since Playfair's ' Illustration of the Huttouian Theory'.' 'Prof. 'Bonney, F.R.S. 14787 VOLCANOES : their Phenomena, Share in the Structure and Composition of the Earth's Surface, and Relation to its Internal Forces, with CATALOGUE of all known VOLCANOES ; 2nd [last] Edition, enlarged, with map, coloured frontispiece, and woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s 1862 A new edition of the ' Considerations ', designed ' to dispel that signal delusion, as to the mode of action of subtelluric forces, with which the elevation-crater theory had during the intervening period mystified the geological world.' Dedication. 14788 SEABROOK (Arthur Hugh/M.i.E.E.j The MANAGEMENT of PUBLIC ELECTRIC SUPPLY UNDERTAKINGS, ivith folding tables, roy. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 7s Qd net) 1913 14789 SEARLE (Arthur) The ZODIACAL LIGHT, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 55), sewn, Is Qd [n. p., 1883] 14790 SEATON (Albert Edward, M.I.C.E.) The SCREW PROPELLER, and other competing Instru- ments for Marine Propulsion, with 1 plates, and 65 diagrams, large 8vo. cl., 8s (p. 12s Qd nett) 1909 14791 , and Henry Morrison ROUNTHWAITE : POCKET BOOK of MARINE ENGINEERING RULES and TABLES, with 64 diagrams, 12mo. limp roan, g. e., 3s (p. 8s Qd) 1894 14792 SEAWARD (John) OBSERVATIONS on the RE-BUILDING of LONDON BRIDGE : demonstrating the Practicability of executing that Work in THREE FLAT ELLIPTICAL ARCHES of STONE, each 230 Feet Span, with Examination of the Arch of Equilibrium proposed by Dr. Hutton, and a New Method for forming such a Arch, with 7 folding plates, and 22 diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf, 6s 1824 This venturesome scheme might perhaps have been just practicable, but we may be well content with Rennie's noble work. 14793 SEAWARD (Samuel, F.R.S.) MEMOIR on the PRACTICABILITY of SHORTENING the DURATION of VOYAGES, by the Adaptation of AUXILIARY STEAM POWER to SAILING VESSELS, with folding plate, and folding table on linen, 4to. cl., Qs 1841 Giving an account of the speed trials of the S.S. Vernon, which 'accomplished the whole distance between Spithead the Calcutta [round the Cape], by the alternate agency of steam and wind, in the short period of 95 days, being one of and shortest passages on record.' The Navy went muddling on with a mixture of steam and sails for fifty years after this. 14794 SECCHI (Angelo, s. J., Collegio Romano; F.R.S.) DESCRIZIONE dell' USSERVATORIO MAGNETICO del COLLEGIO ROMANO, e Sunto delle Osservazioni fatte nel 1859 e 1860; with 3 folding plates (2 of magnetical instruments), roy. 4to. (pp. 54), sewn, 3s Roma, 1860 14795 SEEBECK (Thomas Johann ; discoverer of thermo-electricity) Uber den in alien MET ALLEN durch VERTHEILUNG zu ERREGENDEN MAGNETISMUS, 4to. (pp. 24), sewn, with author's inscr. as below, Is Qd Berlin,, 1828 ' Herrn Eduard Solly [F.R.S.] vom Verfasser Berlin d. 13' c Januar 1828.' Inscr. on flyleaf. The author investigates in the above paper the vibrations of the magnetic needle in the mariner's compass, and suggests replacing the iron bowl by a nickle-copper alloy to damp the vibrations by exciting currents of induced electricity. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 741 14797 [SECONDAT (Jean Baptiste Baron de)] MEMOIRE sur I'ELECTRICITE ; with vignette on title, 12mo. boards (rare), 10s 6d 1746 ' C'est une refutation de la theorie que 1'abbe Nollet veaait de donner de cette decouverte alors recente '.Querard. There is no copy of this work in the Ronalds Library. 14798 SEDGWICK (Adam, pr., F.R.S., Woodwardian Prof., Cantab.} DISCOURSE on the STUDIES of the UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE; 5th [last] Edition, with Additions, and Preliminary Dissertation (pp. 442), thick post 8vo. cl., 6s 1850 Containing much of geological interest and on the philosophy of science. . 14799 On the PHYSICAL STRUCTURE of those FORMATIONS which are immediately associated with the PRIMITIVE RIDGE of DEVONSHIRE and CORNWALL, roy. 4to. (pp. 59), sewn, 6s [Cambridge, 1822] His earliest and one of his most important papers on the Devonian Strata, in which, with the later ones, ' the order of the rocks beneath the red sandstone was worked out, the stratigraphy of the Carboniferous deposits of the underlying Devonian system was gradually established, and some valuable contributions were made to the history of the various crystalline masses in Devon and Cornwall.' D. N. B. 14800 , and Sir Roderick Impey MUBCHISON, F.R.S. : On the STRUCTURE and RELATIONS of the DEPOSITS contained between the PRIMARY ROCKS, and the OOLITIC SERIES in the NORTH of SCOTLAND, with 4 plates (1 folding and coloured), and geological map, 4to. (pp. 37), sewn, 4s 1828 'Thomas Allan, Esq. [F.R.S. ] from the Authors.' Inscr. onflrst leaf. 14801 : CLARK (John Willis, Trinity Coll., Cantab.), and Thomas McKenny HUGHES ; F.R.S., Woodwardian Prof. : The LIFE and Letters of ADAM SEDGWICK [with Bibliography (pp. 14)] , portraits, plates, woodcuts, and coloured maps, 2 thick vols. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 12s (p. 1. 16s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1890 14802 SEDGWICK (Lt.-Col. W., R.E.) ARGON and NEWTON : a Realisation, with woodcuts, 8vo. cJ.,4s 1896 Containing much speculation on the form of atoms and molecules, the constitution of matter, etc. 14803 LIGHT the DOMINANT FORCE of the UNIVERSE, showing by Means of Experiments what Light is ; what Electricity is ; and what Life is ; also how to reconcile Religion and Science, cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 4s (p. 7s 8h 1882 The author attempts to explain the relation between matter and energy, the nature of electricity, the formation of crystals, and other matters still considered unknown by the orthodox scientist. Light, according to him, represents 'compulsive ' and heat ' repulsive force.' 14804 SEGUIER (Armand Pierre Baron, de rinstitut) PERFECTIONNEMENTS dans la NAVIGATION A VAPEUR : Exposition d'un nouveau Mode de CONSTRUCTION NAVALE en FER et Bois COMBINES ; Description d'une MATURE MOBILE et d'une ROUE a PALETTES PIVOTANTES suivant le Royon, appropriees a la Navigation Mixte par le Vent et la Vapeur ; Plan du Nouveau Systeme realise a Bord de la Goelette a Vapeur la Perseverance, experimentee en Presence de 1'Academie des Sciences ; with 9 folding plates, 4to. hf. calf (loose in cover), 6s Qd 1848 14805 [SEGUIN aine (Charles, Ingenieur des Fonts et Chaussees)] MEMOIRE sur le CHEMIN de FER de St.-ETiENNE a LYON, par Saint-Chamond, Rive-de-Gier, et Givors ; with folding map, 4to. (pp. 28), sewn (rare), 10s 6d 1826 This mineral line was one of the very earliest railways in France. 14806 Des PONTS en FIL de FER, premiere edition ; with 1 folding plates, 8vo. sewn, with inscr. to George Rennie, F.R S., as beloiv, 7s 6d 1824 ' Offert par 1'auteur a Monsieur G e Rennie. SEQUIN.' Inscr. on flyleaf. 14807 SECONDE [DERNIERE] EDITION; with 4 folding plates, 4to. hf. calf gilt (back rubbed), with author's inscr. to Sir John Rennie, F.R.S., 10s 6d 1826 Containing numerous experiments on the resistance of iron wire. ' Les experiences de M. Seguin ont prouve d'une maniere incontestable que la coherence du fil de fer est plus grande que celle du fer en barre. Son projet de substituer des cables ou faisceaux de fil de fer a des chatnes ou a des barres de ce metal pour la suspension des ponts, est done suffisamment motive.' Rapport de 1'Academie des Sciences. Bound up with the above copy is : Du Mouvement des Ondes et des Travaux Hydrauliques Maritimes, par A. R. EMY, Colonel du Genie, A 1831. 14808 SEGUIN aine (Marc, de rinstitut) CONSIDERATIONS sur les Lois qui president a 1'Accom- plissement des PHENOMENES NATURELS rapportes a 1'Attraction Newtonienne, et basees sur la Synthese des Actions Moleculaires expos6e dans les Me*rnoires public's jusqu'ici ; with folding plate and 2 diagrams, roy. 8vo. sewn, 3s 1861 14809 De UNFLUENCE des CHEMINS de FER, et de 1'Art de les tracer et de les construire ; with 6 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf (SCARCE), 1. Is 1839 ' The celebrated Montgolfier entertained the idea of the equivalence of heat and mechanical work ; and the idea has been developed by his nephew M. Seguin, in his work De I' Influence des Chemins de Fer, printed in 1839.' Prof. Tyndall. Based thereon it was claimed that the author discovered the principle of tiie conservation of energy. 14810 , MEMOIRE sur les CAUSES et sur les EFFETS de la CHALEUR, de la LUMIERE et de I'ELECTRICITE, roy. 8vo. sewn, 3s 1865 14811 SELDEN (Joseph) The TRADES-MAN'S HELP: an INTRODUCTION to ARITHMETICK, both Vulgar, Decimal, and Instrumental, with the Use of a New Instrument, called the JOINTED SLIDING-RULE ; and also a Perpetual Almanack, shewing the day of the Month, change of the Moon, etc., with Directions for making Bonds, Bills, Wills, and other Things of Note, 16mo. contemporary sheep, 1. Is printed for the author, and sold by him at Tunbridge-Wells, 1694 RARE, and unknown to Prof, de Morgan and Lowndes. ' As for the Sliding-Rule . . . none as yet have so compos'd it, as that it may be useful for the intention for which a Sliding-Rule is necessary. . . . Therefore I directed my Thoughts to the composing of it ; so that it might be convenient both for taking the Dimensions, and also to work by.' Address to the Reader. 14812 SELLE (Albert de) COURS de MINERALOGIE et de GEOLOGIE, TOME I er : Phenomenes actuels. MINERALOGIE ; with Atlas, containing 960 figures on 147 plates, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, hf. 'morocco gilt (scarce), 10s 1878 49 742 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 14814 SENDIVOGITJS [hie SANDIVpGITTS ; recte SENSOPHAX] (Michael) A NEW LIGHT of ALCHYMIE : taken out of the Fountaine of Nature, and Manuall Experience ; with a TREATISE of SULPHUR; also Nine Books of the NATURE of THINGS, by Paracelsus, and a CHYMICALL DICTIONARY explaining hard Places and Words met withall in the Writings of PARACELSUS, and other obscure Authors; all faithfully translated by J[OHN] F[RENCH], M.D., sm. 4to. old calf (binding damaged, and title slightly defective) ; rare, with numerous marginal notes in a contemp- orary hand, and bookplate of Dr. T. N. Brushfield, F.S.A., 2. 10s Richard Cotes, 1650 ' That celebrated treatise, the New Light of Alchemy ... In insists on the existence of a sperm in everything, and that all Nature originated at the beginning from one only seed. It treats of the generation of metals and the manner of their differentiation, of the extraction of their seed, and of the manufacture of the stone or tincture.' A. E. Waite. The Nine Books of Paracelsus and the Chemical Dictionary have a separate titlepage and pagination. 14815 [ ] NOVUM LUMEN CHYMICUM, e Natura, Fonte, et manuali Experientia depromptum : cui accessit TRACTATUS de SULPHURE, Authoris Anagramma, Divi Leschi Genus Amo, 18mo. cl. (rare], 1. Is Geneva:, 1639 Bound up with the above is: JOANNIS AURELII AUGURELLI P. Ariminensis Chrysopoeia et Vellus Aureurn, quorum ilia emendatissima prodit : hoc ver6 nunc primum ex veteri MSo. sub typos venit' (pp. 84). 14816 NOVUM LUMEN CHYMICUM, Novo Lumine auctum, sive ZWOLFF GEHEIME CHYMISCHE TAFFELN und BEISCHRIFFTEN iiber die XII. Tractate SENDIVOGI, nebenst beygehenden kurtzen COMMENTARIO und angefugter Schluss Rede ORTHELII ; with woodcuts, 12mo. old vellum (back damaged) ; RARE, 1. Is Franckfurt, 1682 According to Mr. A. E. Waite the Novum Lumen Chymicum was not the work of Sendivogius, although published as his own, but that, of ALEXANDER SKTHOK, his teacher. 14817 SENEBIEB (Jean) RECHERCHES sur I'INFLUENCE de la LUMIERE SOLAIRE pour META- MORPHOSER 1'AlR FIXE en AIR PUR par la Ve"gtation, avec des Experiences et des Considerations propres a faire connoitre la Nature des Substances Aeriformes, 8vo. hf. calf (SCARCE), 12s 6d Geneve, 1783 The author confirmed the discoveries of Ingenhousz (v. Kos. 96G5-6), and discovered the fact that chlorophyll is bleached by the action of light in a few minutes. He also made important investigations on the action of light on resins and essential oils. 14818 SENEFELDER (Alois) COMPLETE COURSE of LITHOGRAPHY : containing clear and explicit Instructions in all the different Branches and Manners of that Art : with a HISTORY of LITHO- GRAPHY from its Origin to the present Time, and a Preface by FREDERIC v. SCHLICHTEGROLL, translated by A. S., with portrait, and 13 plates of lithographic specimens, 4to. hf. calf (binding damaged) ; SCARCE, 2. 25 R. Ackermann, 1819 Containing a full account of the author's discovery of lithography. 14819 SENNERT (Daniell, Prof. Medicine, Univ. Wittenberg) PHYSICA HYPOMNEMATA. I. De JKerum Naturalium Principiis. II. De Occultis Qualitatibus. III. De Atomis et Mistione. IV. De Generatione Viventium. V. De Spontaneo Viventium Ortu, cum Indicibus necessariis, 8vo. old vellum (sound copy) ; RARE, 1. Is Lugduni, 1637 1 C'est dans ce recueil que Sennert donna carriere a sa verve paradoxale. D'apres lui, Tame etait dans la semence avant 1' organisation, et c'est elle qui forraait les corps ; les metaux devaient leur creation a des esprits intelligents, et 1'ame des betes n'etait point materielle.' Biogr. Gen. The work is nevertheless scientifically important for the contributions to the atomic theory which it contains. The author accepts physical, as distinct from mathematical, minima as the smallest no longer physically perceptible parts of a body, and attacks in this connexion the doctrines of Aristotle. His atomistic theory found many followers, among others Otto von Guericke and Johannes Sperling. 14820 SERLE (George) DIALLING UNIVERSAL, shewing by an easie and speedy Way, how to describe the Houre-lines upon all Sorts of Plains in any Latitude whatsoever : Performed by certain SCALES set upon a small portable RULER ; 2nd Edition furnished with these Varieties. I. Reflex Dialling. II. To finde the necessary Requisites belonging to all Plains. III. Severall Tables ready calculated, with an Appendix : Shewing the USE of the SCALES in resolving of the most useful Questions appertaining to Astronomie, Navigation and Geographic, with numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. fine and large copy (but slightly wormed) in contemporary English calf (RARE), 1. 5s W. Leybourn,for Thomas Pierrepont, 1664 14821 SERRET (Joseph Alfred, de la Sorbonne ; de Vlnstitut) COURS d'ALGEBRE SUPERIEURE, 2 e Edition, augmentee,; with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 600), sewn, 2s 1854 14822 TROISIEME EDITION [refondue et augmente'e]; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. sewn, 4s Qd (p. F. 24 nett) 1866 14823 QUATRIEME EDITION [augmente'e] ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf (binding worn and one joint cracked), 10s 6d (p. F. 25 nett sewn) 1877-9 One of the best text-books on the subject, ' embodying the chief discoveries of the author.' W. W. R. Ball. 14824 LEHRBUCH der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG, nach AXEL HARNACKS Ubersetzung, 3. Auflage, neu bearbeitet von GEORG SCHEFFERS ; with 238 diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. cl., 18s 6d (p. M. 39 nett) Leipzig, 1906-9 14825 TRAITE de TRIGONOMETRIE, 5 e Edition ; with diagrams : Laurent (Hermann) TRAITE du CALCUL des PROBABILITES, 2 vols. 8vo. in I, hf. calf gilt, 12s 1875-3 ' Le present traite peut etre considere comme une veritable introduction au traite de Laplace'. Preface. Laurent's work is out of print and scarce, and includes a ' Liste des principaux Ouvrages ou Memoires publics sur le Calcul des Probabilites ' (pp. 14). 14826 SEXTON (Alexander Humbolt, F.I.C.) PRODUCER GAS : a Sketch of the PROPERTIES, MANUFACTURE, and USES of GASEOUS FUEL, with 32 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 10s nett) Manchester [1903] 14827 [SHEERES (Sir Henry)] An ESSAY on the CERTAINTY and CAUSES of the EARTH'S MOTION on its Axis, etc., 4to. (pp. 30), sewn, 5s 1698 Chiefly interesting for the fact that it was still considered necessary at so late a date to write a defence of the Copernican System. The author was a friend of Samuel Pepys, and took part in the campaign against the Duke of Monmouth as an officer of artillery at the battle of Sedgemoor. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 743 14829 SETTELE (Giuseppe, Canonico ; Univ. Rome) BREVE ESPOSIZIONE della TEORIA del Sig. HAUY sulla STRUTTURA del CRISTALLI ; with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 37), sewn, 3s Qd Roma, 1805 Unknown to Poggendorft'. 14830 ELEMENTI di OTTICA e di ASTRONOMIA ; with 20 folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. parch- ment gilt (scarce), 12s ibidem, 1818-19 This work is of importance in connexion with the attitude of the Roman Catholic Church towards the Copernican System. It was the first orthodox work based on it, and therefore immediately objected to by the Papal Censor, who expected the anthor to treat the system as an hypothesis devoid of proof. The author refused and appealed to Pope Pius IX., who finally decreed that the Copernican system might thenceforward be taught without hindrance. 14831 MEMORIA sopra la FORMA delle LINEE ORARIE, indicant! le Ore inequali degli Antichi sopra gli OROLOGJ SOLARI ; with frontispiece, folding plate, and vignette, 8vo. (pp. 44), sewn, 5s ib., 1816 14832 SEW ALL (Charles Henry) WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY : its Origin, Development, Inventions, and Apparatus, with 5 plates, and 77 illustrations, 8vo. cl. (o. p)., 4s Qd (p. 10s 6d nett) 1903 14833 SFOKTUNATI (Giovanni, da Siena) Nyovo LUME. LIBRO di ARITHMETICA. Intitulato: Nuovo Lume imp[er]oche molte p[ro] position! che per altri autori sonofalsametecocluse: inquesto si emedano : & castigano : con chiare : lucide : & aperte dimostrationi : molto bene discusse, & ventillate. CO vno breve TRATTATO di GEOMETRIA : per quato a vno piatico Agrimensore si conuego, con TAUOLE da COMPORRE le CORDE : da misurare la tenuta da ciaschuna botte & etiam li staggiuoli da misurare gli scemi di quelle. Composto per lo acutissimo perscrutatore delle Archi- mediane & Euclidiane dottrine, prima edizione ; with title within woodcut border, woodcut- initial with portrait (? of the author), vignette at end, and woodcuts and diagrams on margins, sm. 4to. contemporary limp vellum (a very fine and unusual'y tall copy) ; VERY RARE, 2. I Os [col. :] Vinegia per Nicolo di Aristotile detto Zoppino, 1534 Consisting of 129 numbered 11., signatures a p in fours, and q in 5, the last being blank. At end is a 4-page Italian Arithmetical MS. All editions of this work are very rare, especially the first. Prof, de Morgan, who owned an imperfect copy of an edition which he was on this account unable to describe, states : ' I can find no mention of Sfortunati in catalogues.' ' Questa prima edizione e rarissima . . . Le Sfortunati, il cui nome figura nella farnosa quistione fra Cardano e Tartaglia, viene rneritamente noverato tra i migliori autori aritmetici del principio del secolo XVI.' Riccardi. 14834 SHAFFNER (Col. Taliaferro P., Secretary, American Telegraph Confederation, New York) TELEGRAPH COMPANION, devoted to the Science and Art of the MORSE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH, Vols. 1-2 (all pub. ; January 1854 October 1855), with steel portraits of Morse and the editor, and numerous woodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, cl. gilt, g. e., with editor's inscr. (SCARCE), 1. Is New York, 1854-5 Very interesting for the account of patent litigation in the United States in the infancy of electric telegraphy. There is an interesting chapter (Vol. II pp. 6-9ti) : The Electro-Magnetic Telegraph : a Defence against the Injurious Deductions drawn from the Deposition of Prof. Joseph Henry, with Critical Review, and Examination of Prof. Henry's Alleged Discoveries, bearing on the Electro- Magnetic Telegraph, by Samuel F. B. Morse ; with Prof. Henry's Deposition (pp. 97-112). 14835 S [HARP] ( A [braham] , philomath ; assistant to Flamsteed) GEOMETRY IMPROV'D : 1. By a Large and Accurate TABLE of SEGMENTS of CIRCLES, its Construction and various Uses in the Solution of several difficult Problems, with Compendious Tables for finding a True Proportional Part, and their Use in these or any other Tables, etc. etc. 2. A Concise TREATISE of Polyedra, or Solid Bodies of many Bases, both the Regular and others : To which are added Twelve New nes, with various Methods of forming them, etc. etc., with 4 folding copperplates by the AUTHOR, 4to.hf. calf (rare), 15* 1717 ' Remarkable for the great number of its calculations, among other things the [Briggian] logarithms of the numbers from 1 to 100 and of all the primes up to 1100, each calculated to 61 figures of decimals ; and for the plates of solid figures cut by his own hand, which are very clear.' D. N. B. 14836 , LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE of, with MEMORIALS of his FAMILY and associated Families, by WILLIAM CUDWORTH, with portraits, plates, fss. of title-pages and handwriting, woodcuts, and pedigrees, 4to. hf. parchment, uncut, t. e. g., Is Qd (p. 1. 6s) 1889 14837 SHAW (Peter, M.D. ; F.R.S. ; editor of Francis Bacon and Robert Boyle), and Francis HAUKSBEE [the Younger] : ESSAY for introducing a PORTABLE LABORATORY : By Means whereof all the Chemical Operations are commodiously performed, for the Purposes of Philosophy, Medicine, Metallurgy, and a Family, with 8 folding copperplates, 8vo. (pp. 83), sewn (rare), 10s Qd 1731 Dedicated to Sir Hans Sloane, P.R.S., and interesting for giving full details of chemical apparatus and hints on manipu- lating. It includes Schemes for various Courses of Chemistry. 14838 SHIPWRIGHT'S VADE-MECUM (The) : a Clear and Familiar Introduction to the PRINCIPLES and PRACTICE of SHIP-BUILDING : including the more complex Rules of Arithmetic made Use of in that Art; with so much of the Principles of Practical Geometry and Mensuration as are required in the Practice thereof ; also a Description of the SLIDING RULE ; Rules for the Admeasurement of Timber, etc., first edition, with frontispiece and numerous woodcuts, large 8vo. boards (scarce), 12s Qd 1805 14839 ANOTHER COPY, sewn (wanting front, and pp. I- VIII), 5s There is no copy of this work in the Library of the Institution of Naval Architects, while the Scott Library only contained the edition of 1822. 14840 SHIBTCLIFFE (Robert) The THEORY and PRACTJCE of GAUGING, demonstrated in a short and easy Method, containing also the Method of Computing Decimally ; extracting the Square Root, with the CONSTRUCTION and USE of the SLIDING RULE explained at large, the Elementary Properties of the Conic Sections, and the Manner of describing them in Piano, etc. etc., with Q folding plates, 8vo. old calf gilt (one plate missing), 5s 1740 14841 SIX (James ; F.R.S.) EXPERIMENTS on LOCAL HEAT, 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, 3s 1788 The author was the inventor of the maximum and minimum thermometer known by his name, which is still in general use. 49 * 744 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 14843 SHEPARDSON (George Defrees, Univ. Minnesota) ELECTRICAL CATECHISM: an Intro- ductory Treatise on Electricity and its Uses, with numerous illustrations, roy. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 10s) New York, 1901 14844 SIEMENS (Sir Charles William, F.R.S.) SCIENTIFIC WORKS: a Collection of Papers and Discussions, edited by E. F. BAMBER, C.E., with numerous plates, 3 v., 1889 : LIFE, by WILLIAM POLE, F.R.S., with fine portrait by Stodart, and 7 plates, '884 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, presentation copy from North of England Insi. of Mining to Prof. A. S. Herschel, F.R.S., with letter signed by Alexander Siemens to Dr. John Percy, F.R.S., 1. 5s (p. 2. 12s in cl.) 1888-9 CONTENTS: I. Heat and Metallurgy : II. Electricity, etc. : III. Addresses aud Lectures. 14845 VOL. I ONLY : HEAT and METALLURGY, with 47 plates, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 12s) 1889 14846 ADDRESS read before SECTION G of the BRITISH ASSOCIATION, 19th August, 1869, 8vo. (pp. 16), sewn, Is Qd [1869] 14847 On the CONSERVATION of SOLAR ENERGY : a Collection of Papers and Discussions, with plate and woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 5s 1883 'He conceived that gaseous matters might be dissociated by the radiant solar energy and driven out by centrifugal action at the sun's equator, to be drawn in towards the poles and subjected to intense combustion. The theory, though well received at the time, has been neglected since '. D. N. B. The author's ' regenerative theory ' was adversely criticised by Lord Kelvin. 14848 On DETERMINING the DEPTH of the SEA without the Use of the Sounding-Line, and on an ATTRACTION-METER, with ivoodcut, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, 2s Qd 1876 An account of the author's 'bathometer', which 'received the admiration of all qualified to appreciate its ingenuity.' D. N. B. 14849 On FUEL : a Lecture delivered to the Operative Classes at Bradford on Behalf of the British Association, 20th Sept., 1873, 8vo. (pp. 31), sewn, with author's inscr., 2s 1873 14850 - - On the REGENERATIVE GAS FURNACE as applied to the MANUFACTURE of CAST STEEL, with woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 32), unbound, with inscr. to Allen Thomson, F.R.S. , 3s Qd 1868 An account of the well-known Siemens process for the manufacture of steel. 14851 On UNIFORM ROTATION, with 2 plates (water-stained), and 2 woodcuts, 4to. (pp. 14), sewn, 3s Qd 1866 14852 , The LIFE of, by \VlLLlAM POLE, F.R.S., with fine portrait by Stodart, and 7 plates, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 16s) 1888 14853 ANOTHER COPY, crushed green morocco, tooled inside borders, g. e. (fine copy], with presentation inscr. to Sir Frederick Bramwell, F.R.S., from Lady Siemens, 8s 1 The most interesting book of the kind that we have read since Nasmyth's delightful autobiography.' Sat. Rev. 14854 SIEMENS (Ernst Werner v. ; brother of the above] SCIENTIFIC and TECHNICAL PAPERS, translated from the 2nd German Edition, with portrait and 244 illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 12s (p. 1. 8s) 1892-5 14855 VOL. I ONLY (SCIENTIFIC PAPERS and ADDRESSES), with portrait, and 41 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 14s) 1892 14856 , PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS of, translated by W. C. COUPLAND, with heliogravure portrait, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 15s) 1893 The degraded Twentieth Century Germany of State lying, poison, and murder would be hard put to it to produce the equals of Karl Wilhelm aud Werner von Siemens. 14857 SIGATJD de la FOND (Jean Rene) DICTIONNAIRE de PHYSIQUE, avec le Supplement ; with folding plates on copper, 5 vols. 8vo. contemporary mottled calf gilt (nice copy), 12s Qd 1781-2 14858 De I'ELECTRICITE MEDICALE ; with 4 folding plates on copper, thick 8vo. sewn, 6s Qd 1802 14859 ELEMENS de PHYSIQUE the'orique et experimentale, pour servir de Suite a la Description et 1'Usage d'un Cabinet de Physique experimentale ; 2 e Edition, revue et augmentee par M. [N.] HOULAND, w ith portrait after Naudin, and 25 folding plates, 4 vols. 8vo. contemporary mottled ealfgilt, 17s Qd 1787 148SO ESSAI sur DIFFERENTES ESPECES d'AiR, qu'on designe sous le Nom d'AiR FIXE ; with 5 folding plates on copper, 8vo. contemporary mottled ealfgilt, 10s 1779 'En 1776 il experimental avec Maquer. Occupes a etudier le gaz hydrogene, qu'pn nommait alors air inflammable, ils reconnurent quo sa combustion produisait de 1'eau. Sans doute il y a loin de ce premier jet de lumiere aux grands resultats produits par 1'appareil que Lavoisier imagina en 1783 ; mais il n'en reste pas isoins demontre que Phonneur de la decouverte appartient a Sigaud-Lafond.' H. Boyer. 14861 PRECIS HISTORIQUE et EXPERIMENTALE des PHENOMENES ELECTRIQUES, depuis 1'Origine de cette Decouverte jusqu'& ce Jour, 2 e Edition, revue et augmentee ; with 10 folding plates on copper, thick 8vo. sewn, uncut, 7s Qd 1785 14862 ANOTHER COPY, old hf. calf (back damaged), 8s Qd Including a copious account of atmospherical electricity and lightning conductors, with original investigations by the author himself. He claims in the above work to have been the first to use glass plates with electrical machines in 1750, and describes an improved Leyden Jar for measuring electricity constructed by him. 14863 SILBEBSCHLAG- (Johann Esaias, Pastor zu Magdeburg] THEORIE der am 23. Julii, 1762 erschienenen FEUER-KuGEL ; with 3 folding plates, 4to. sewn (rare], Is Qd Magdeburg, 1764 14864 THEORIE des FLEUVES, avec I'Art de batir dans leurs Eaux, et de prevenir leurs Ravages. Ouvrage traduit par M. [C. F. J.] d'Au[xiRON] ; with 13 folding plates: Bossut (Charles, s.j., de rinstitut), et Guillaume Viallet : RECHERCHES sur la CONSTRUCTION la plus avantageuse des DIGUES ; with 7 folding plates 2 vols. roy. 4to. contemporary ealfgilt, 12s 1769-4 Bound up with the above is Treatise on Rivers by THEODORE AUGUSTUS MANN, F.R.S. (originally published in the Philosophical Transactions of 1779), a neatly written Manuscript on 72 pp. 14865 SIMIENOWICZ (Casimir, Lieut. -General d'Artillerie, Pologne] GRAND ART d'ARTiLLERlE, mise en Fran v ois par PIERE [sic] NOIZET ; with engraved title, and 22 fine copperplates (\ folding], folio, old calf, newly rebacked (slightly browned, otherwise a fine copy] ; RARE, with old armorial bookplate o/SiR JOHN COPE, 1. 15s Amsterodami, Joa. Jannson, 1651 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 745 14867 SIMIENOWICZ(Casimir, Lieut. -General of 'Artillery , Polish Army] The GREAT ART of ARTIL- LERY, translated from the French by GEORGE SHELVOCKE, with engraved frontispiece and 22 fine copperplates (\ folding], folio, hf. calf antique (FINE COPY) ; RARE, 2. 2s 1729 ' The Authority of Casimir Simienowicz has been formerly, and is still, as it were Sacred amongst Pyrobolists and Fire- Workers; as is particularly evident from His having been long ago translated into the most noted of the European languages ; and from the joint Concurrence of the present Judicious in these Matters, by the common Suffrage of whom he is allowed to be the Father of Sound and Intelligent Pyrobolists.' Translator's Preface. 14868 AUSSFUHRLICHE BESCHREiBUNG der grossen FEUERWERCKS- oder ARTILLERIE-KUNST ; itzo mit dem ZWEITEN THEIL vermehret, von DANIEL ELRICH, Stiickhauptman ; ivith 2 engraved titles, and 48 other fine copperplates, 2 vols. folio in 1, old calf (first title and lower margin stained, and back of binding damaged] ; rare, 2. 25 Franckfurt am Mayn, J. D. Zunner, 1676 This German translation contains the second part by Daniel Elrich (not included in either the English or French edition), with 27 extra plates, which treats of artillery, the making of powder, purifying saltpetre, sulphur, etc., and contains many additional instructions for making fireworks. 14869 SIMMONS (Arthur Thomas) PHYSIOGRAPHY for ADVANCED STUDENTS, with 218 illus- trations, post 8vo. cL, Is 6d (p. 4s 6d) 1897 14870 SIMMON'S (Harold Harman, Finsbury Technical College] OUTLINES of ELECTRICAL EN- GINEERING, with 14 folding plates, and 923 other illustrations, sq. roy. 8vo. (pp. 920), cl., t. e. g., 125 (p. 1. Lsnett) 1908 14871 SIMPSON (Thomas, F.R.S.) The DOCTRINE of ANNUITIES and REVERSIONS, deduced from general and evident Principles, with Tables, shewing the Values of Single and Joint Lives, etc. etc., with Method of investigating the Value of Annuities by Approximation, without the help of Tables, 2nd Edition, with diagrams, 8vo. hf. bound (rare], 5s 1773 v. MOIVRE, No. 11983, ante. 14872 The DOCTRINE and APPLICATION of FLUXIONS, containing (besides what is common on the Subject) a Number of NEW IMPROVEMENTS in Theory, and the Solution of a Variety of very interesting Problems, first edition, with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf, rebacked, with auto, of Sam. Roberts, F.R.S., Is 6d 1750 14873 ELEMENTS of PLANE GEOMETRY, with ESSAY on the MAXIMA and MINIMA of Geo- metrical Quantities, and brief Treatise of Regular Solids, etc. etc., first edition, with diagrams, 8vo. sewn, 3s 1747 14874 SECOND EDITION, revised and enlarged, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. sewn, (title missing), 3s 1760 This edition contains the author's answer to Dr. Robert Simson, who made reflexions on the accuracy of parts of the work, and his refutation of a charge made by JOHN MULLER, of having stolen the work from the latter's manuscript. 14875 NEW EDITION, with additional Notes and Appendix, containing the Analytical and Synthetical Modes of Reasoning made use of by Mathematicians, an Account of the Lost Writing's of Euclid and Apollonius, and the Attempts to restore them [by M. FRYER] , with diagrams, 8vo. boards, 3s 1821 This edition is fully discussed in Prof. M. Cantor's Vorlesungen lib. Gesch. d. Mathematik, Vol. Ill pp. 512-13, 14876 ESSAYS on SEVERAL CURIOUS and USEFUL SUBJECTS, in SPECULATIVE and MIX'D MATHEMATICKS, illustrated by a Variety of Examples, with diagrams, 4to. sewn, uncut, 5s 1740 14877 ANOTHER COPY, old hf. calf, 6s 14878 ANOTHER COPY, old calf gilt (fine copy], Is Qd A MOST INTERESTING MANUSCRIPT COLLECTION : 14879 : MANUSCRIPT COLLECTION, containing Hundreds of MATHEMATICAL and ASTRO- NOMICAL PROBLEMS and PROPOSITIONS by him, his COPY and CORRESPONDENCE in Connexion with the * LADIES' DIARY ', and his extensive and very interesting CORRESPONDENCE with MATHEMATICIANS of the Time, including DRAUGHTS or FAIR COPIES of his OWN LETTERS, 5 vols. folio, boards, 10. 10s 1730-58 This very interesting Manuscript Collection is important from the number of original problems either suggested by the author himself or by his correspondents which it contains, together with their solutions. It should form no unimportant contribution towards the history of mathematics during the time it covers. The following is a list of the more important autograph letters contained in it : HENRY BEIGHTON, F.R.S. , editor of the 'Ladies' Diary', 1713-44 : SIR FRANCIS BLAKE, F.R.S., 1708-80 (21 long and interesting letters, with problems) : ALEXANDER BULLER, of Philadelphia, 1741 : MARTIN FOLKES, F.R.S. , antiquary, 1690-1754 (3 letters) : ROBERT HEATH, mathematician, editor of the ' Ladies' Diary ', 1744-53 (3) : JOHN LANDEN, F.R.S., 1719-90 (2 letters on his Theorem, one long and very interest- ing) : JOHN MICHELL, pr., F.R.S., Woodwardian Prof. Geology, astronomer, 1724-93 : JOHN MULLER, Prof. Fortification and Mathematics, R. Academy, Woolwich, the author's rival, 1699-1784 (3 letters, one with a long reply which may have caused the enmity between the two): JOHN ROBERTSON, F.R.S., first master R. Naval Academy, Portsmouth, 1712-76: ANTHONY THACKER, editor of the ' Ladies' Diary ' (4). It also contains the manuscript of the following memoirs by Simpson : Some Account of M. Silvabelle's Tract on the Precession of the Equinox (pp. 3) ; Farther Attempt to facilitate the Resolution of Isoperimetrical Problems (pp. 4): 'Of the Fluents of Multinomials and Series affected by Radical Signs, which do not begin to converge till after the Second Term (p. 1). There is also Simpson's caustic reply (apparently never published, having numerous cancellations and cor- rections) to John Muller, who accused him of having pirated his worthless 'Elements of Mathematics ', and the further correspondence on this quarrel. 14880 MATHEMATICAL DISSERTATIONS on a VARIETY of PHYSICAL and ANALYTICAL SUB- JECTS, with diagrams, 4to. boards, uncut, 8s Qd 1743 Containing : Demonstration of the True Figure the Earth must acquire from its Rotation about an Axis : Investigation of the Height of the Tides in the Ocean : New Theory of Astronomical Refractions : Improvements in the Inverse Method of Fluxions, etc. etc. His memoir ' Of the Areas of Curves, etc. by Approximation ' contains the author's rule on the summation of series. 14881 - TREATISE of ALGEBRA, with the Construction of a great Number of GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, 2nd Edition, with large Addition?, diagrams, 8vo. old calf (joints weak), 3s 6d 1755 This edition first contains ' a new and general method for resolving all biquadratic equations, that are complete, or having all their terms.' Dr. Charles Mutton, F.R.S. 14882 THIRD EDITION, revised, with diagrams, 8vo. old calf (binding damaged), with auto. and bookplate of Samuel Heywood (1753-1828), 3s 1767 746 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 14884 SIMPSON (Thomas, F.R.S.) MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS on some Curious, and very Interesting Subjects in MECHANICS, PHYSICAL-ASTRONOMY, and SPECULATIVE MATHEMATICS, wherein the Precession of the Equinox, the Nutation of the Earth's Axis, and the Motion of the Moon in her Orbit, are determined, with 3 plates, 4to. old calf, or, hf. calf (joints cracked] ; rare, 8s 1757 14885 ANOTHER COPY, contemporary calf (fine copy), with armorial bookplate of James Hustler of Acklam, 1730, 12s 'Containing his best known investigations . . . the eighth memoir contains a discussion of the 3rd and 9th section of the Prindpia, and their application to the lunar orbit. He obtained therein a differential equation for the motion of the apse of the lunar orbit similar to that arrived at by Clairaut, but instead of solving it by successive approximations he deduced a general solution by indeterminate coefficients '. W. W. R. Ball. It also contains : A very exact Method for finding the Place of a Planet in its Orbit : The Advantage of taking the Mean of a Number of Observations in Practical Astronomy : Resolution of certain Fluxionary Equations by Means of the Measures of Angles and Ratios : Investigation of a General Rule for the Resolution of Isoperimetrical Problems, etc. etc. etc. 14886 SELECT EXERCISES for YOUNG PROFICIENTS in the MATHEMATICS, first edition, with diagrams, 8vo. old calf (slightly damaged), 3s 6d 1752 ' Containing the solutions of numerous problems and a theory of gunnery.' W. W. R. Ball. 14887 NEW EDITION, with Life by CHARLES HUTTON, F.R.S. , with diagrams, 8vo. old calf , or, hf. calf (backs damaged), 3s 14888 ANOTHER EDITION, revised by J. H. BEARDING, with diagrams, 8vo. boards, uncut, 3s 1810 14889 - TRIGONOMETRY, Plane and Spherical, with the CONSTRUCTION and Application of LOGARITHMS, 3rd Edition, with diagrams, 8vo. sewn (rare), 4s 1779 14890 ANOTHER COPY, 8vo. old calf, 5s ' In this he introduced the current abbreviations for the trigonometrical functions.' W. W. R. Ball. 14S91 THE SAME, first edition, with ELEMENTS of PLANE GEOMETRY, first edition 2 vols. 8vo. in-1, old calf, 8s 6d 1748-7 14892 SIMPSON [or SYMPSON] (William, M.D.) HYDROLOGICAL ESSAYES : or, a Vindication of Hydrologia Chymica : being a further Discovery of the SCARBROUGH SPAW, and of the right Use thereof, and of the SWEET SPAW and SULPHUR WELL at KNARSBROUGH, with brief Account of the ALLOM WORKS at WHITBY, together with a Return to some Queries propounded by the in- .genious D* DAN. FOOT, concerning Mineral Waters. To which is annexed, an Answer to D R TUNSTAL'S Book, concerning the Scarbrough Spaw, with Appendix of the Anatomy of the GERMAN SPAW, and, lastly, Observations on the Dissection of a Woman who died of the Jaundice, all grounded upon Reason and Experiment, 12mo. old calf (slightly wormed and binding damaged), 12s Qd R. Chiswell, 1670 ' The author seems to have tried the effect of mixing sulphur and nitre, and to have convinced himself that mineral waters, hot springs, volcanoes, earthquakes, St. Elmo's fire, meteors, and even the occasional luminosity of the sea were all due to mixtures of these two bodies with water or vapour.' G. J. Symons, F.R.S. 14893 SINCLAIR (George ; Prof. Philosophy, Glasgow) ARS NOVA et MAGNA GRAVITATIS et LEVITATIS, sive Dialogorum Philosophicorum Libri VI de AERIS vera ac reali GRAVITATE, etc , quibus accessere de Instruments Hydragogicis, de HYGROSCOPIC et Chronoscopio, seu Pendulo, nee non Palladis Gymnasium, cum Indicibus ; with fine folding arms of George 4th Earl of Winton, 2 plates, and woodcuts, sm. 4to. contemporary calf extra, with arms of the Due de Montosier in gold on sides (binding rubbed and back very slightly damaged, otherwise a FINE COPY) ; rare, 2. 2s Roterodami, 1669 Containing an early account of an hygrometer and of the barometer ; also a description of the diving bell used by the author in an attempt to raise the ship Florida, a relic of the Armada, which was wrecked off the Isle of Mull. The plate of arms, which is contained in the above copy, is often missing. 14894 SINDALL (Robert Walter) The MANUFACTURE of PAPER, with 58 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 65 nett) 1908 Including a valuable bibliography of works on cellulose and paper-making (pp. 253-72). 14895 SINGER (George John) ELEMENTS of ELECTRICITY and ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY, with 4 plates, 8vo. boards, 10s 1814 14896 - ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf, 10s Qd 'A work of considerable importance. . . . He introduced several improvements, inventing, among other things, the gold-leaf electrometer [actually invented by Abraham Bennet, F.R.S. (v. No. 6125 ante)']. He gave courses of lectures on electricity and kindred subjects. Among his auditors were Faraday and Sir Francis Ronalds.' D. N. B. 14897 SITZTJNGSBEBJCHTE der MATHEMATISCH-PHYSIKALISCHEN KLASSE der koniglich BAYER- ISCHEN AKADEMIE der WISSENSCHAFTEN ; from 1896 to 1910 (Bd. 26-40) ; with plates and other illustrations, 15 vols. 8vo. sewn in parts, 1. Is (p. M. 77.40) Munchen, 1896-1910 14898 SKALKOVSKY (C.) TABLEAUX STATISTIQUES de UNDUSTRIE des MINES en RUSSIE en 1868-76, roy. 8vo. (pp. 43), sewn, 2s St.-Petersbourg [Petrograd], 1878 14999 SMEATON (John, F.R.S. ; builder of the third Eddystone Lighthouse) ACCOUNT of some EXPERI- MENTS upon a MACHINE for MEASURING the WAY of a SHIP at SEA, 4to. (pp. 16)*sewn, 4s [s. /.], 1754 14900 ACCOUNT of an OBSERVATION of the RIGHT ASCENSION and DECLINATION of MERCURY out of the Meridian, near his greatest Elongation Sept. 1786, made with an EQUATORIAL MICRO- METER, of his own Invention and Workmanship ; with Investigation of a Method of allowing for Refraction in such Observations, with folding plate, 4to. (pp. 26), sewn, 5s 1787 Added is : An Account of an Experiment on Heat, by GEORGE FORDYCE, M.D., F.R.S. (pp. 8). 14901 : CONSIDERATIONS on the INTENDED NAVIGATION betwixt FORTH and CLYDE, occasione. by the Proceedings of the Proprietors at their last Meeting, and by the Reports of Messrs Brindley, Yeoman, and Golborn, together with the Reviews of Mr. Smeaton, 4to. (pp. 11), unbound, 4s Qd [c. 1769] 14902 DESCRIPTION of a PYROMETER, with Table of Experiments made therewith, with plate and folding table, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, 5s [1754] ' The measures taken by this instrument are determined by the contact of a piece of metal with the point of a micro- meter screw.' P. 3. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 747 14905 SMEATON (John, F.R.S., builder of the third Eddy stone Lighthouse) DESCRIPTION of an IM- PROVEMENT in the APPLICATION of the QUADRANT of ALTITUDE to a CELESTIAL GLOBE, for the Resolution of Problems dependant on Azimuth and Altitude, with folding plate on copper, 4to. (pp. 6), sewn, 3s 6d 1788 14906 EXPERIMENTAL ENQUIRY concerning the NATURAL POWERS of WATER and WIND to TURN MILLS, and other Machines, depending on a CIRCULAR, MOTION, with 3 folding plates on copper, 4to. (pp. 77), hf. bound (RARE^, with Calgarth Park booklabel of Richard Watson, F.R.S., absentee Bp. of Llandaff (1737-1818), 125 6d 1760 ORIGINAL EDITION of this important paper, for which he was awarded the Copley medal of the Royal Society, and which 'is justly regarded as the most masterly report that has ever been published on the subject.' S. Smiles. 14907 : and an EXPERIMENTAL EXAMINATION of the QUANTITY and PROPORTION of MECHANIC POWER necessary to be employed in giving different Degrees of VELOCITY to HEAVY BODIES from a State of Rest ; also NEW FUNDAMENTAL EXPERIMENTS on the COLLISION of BODIES, with 5 folding plates on copper, and 2 folding tables, roy. 8vo. sewn, or, boards, uncut, 8s 6d 1794 14908 ANOTHER COPY ; with HISTORICAL REPORT on RAMSGATE HARBOUR, 2nd Edition, with folding plan and map 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, old hf. calf (fine copies), 18s 1794-1 14909 SECOND EDITION, with 5 folding plates on copper, and 2 folding tables, roy. 8vo. old tree-calf (fine copy), with bookplate of Lord Willoughby de Broke, 10s 1796 14910 ANOTHER COPY ; also, EXPERIMENTAL ENQUIRIES concerning the PRINCIPLE of the LATERAL COMMUNICATION of MOTION in FLUIDS ; applied to the Explanation of various Hydraulic Phenomena, by J. B. Venturi, translated from the French [by WILLIAM NICHOLSON] , with 2 folding plates 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, calf, newly rebacked (nice copies), 15s 1796-9 14911 THIRD EDITION, with 5 folding copperplates, and 2 tables, roy. 8vo. cl., uncut, 6s 1813 14912 [FIRST and SECOND] REPORT concerning the PRACTICABILITY and EXPENCE of joining the RIVERS FORTH and CLYDE by a NAVIGABLE CANAL, and thereby to join the East Sea and the West, with 2 folding maps, 2 vols. 4to. (pp. 39 + 36), sewn, 6s Edin., 1767 ' Another great work which Smeaton carried out in Scotland was the Forth and Clyde Canal. This was begun in 1768, and was the most important engineering work of that kind which had been executed in Great Britain up to that date.' D. N. B. 14913 HISTORICAL REPORT on RAMSGATE HARBOUR, written by Order of the Trustees, first edition, with 2 folding plans, 8vo. sewn (rare), 10s Qd 1791 14914 SECOND EDITION, with 2 folding plans, roy. 8vo. sewn, 9s 1791 14915 ANOTHER COPY, sewn, with author's inscr. (as below), 12s ' From the Author to the right Reverend the [absentee] Bishop of Landaff [Richard Watson, F.R.S. (1737-1816)].' Inscr. on flyleaf. ' In carrying out the elongated pier, Smeaton first employed the diving-bell in building the foundations, making use of a square iron chest weighing about half a ton '. Samuel Smiles. 14916 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS, comprising his Communications to the Royal Society, printed in the Philosophical Transactions, forming a Fourth Volume of his Reports, with 12 copperplates, 4to. hf. calf (name on title), 10s Qd 1814 Containing his improvements of the air-pump, de Moura's improved Savery steam-engine, the mariner's compass, a machine for measuring the way of a ship at sea, on the natural powers of water and wind to turn mills, experiments on the collision of bodies,' description of a new pyrometer, and of a new hygrometer, and many astronomical memoirs. 14917 NARRATIVE of the BUILDING, and DESCRIPTION of the CONSTRUCTION of theEDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE with STONE, with APPENDIX on the LIGHTHOUSE on the SPURN POINT, built upon a SAND ; first edition, with vignette on title, 21 copperplates of views, plans, and elevations, and details of Smeaton's Eddy stone Lighthouse, and of the previous ones by Winstanley and Rudyerd, and 2 maps, impl. folio, hf. russia (binding damaged) ; RARE, 1. 5s 1791 14918 ANOTHER COPY, russia extra (joints mended, but a FINE COPY), with bookplate of Henry B. H. Beavfoy, F.R.S. , 1. 18s 14919 SECOND EDITION, with vignette, 21 copperplates, and 2 maps, impl. folio, hf. calf (rubbed), 1.5* 1793 14920 ANOTHER COPY, roy. folio, with the plates bound separately ; hf. roan, 1. Is THE BEST EDITIONS. The work was reprinted in 1813. The building of the Eddystone Lighthouse has made Smeaton's name a household word among successive generations of Englishmen until to-day. It was built in 1756-9 of large shaped granite blocks, and was the greatest work of its kind hitherto undertaken, and remained in use until 1879, when it was rebuilt as a monument on Plymouth Hoe, as the rock which formed the foundation had become greatly weakened by the sea. 'Smeaton's story of the Eddystone lighthouse is told in a very effective manner. It possesses an interest almost dramatic, exhibiting a contest between a strong, skilled, and determined man, and the most tremendous forces of nature.' Samutl Smiles. 14921 : WESTON (Robert Harcourt) LETTERS and IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS relative to EDY- STONE LIGHTHOUSE, selected chiefly from the Correspondence of the late ROBERT WESTON, and from other MSS., with Report made to the Lords of the Treasury in 1809. by the TRINITY COR- PORATION, with some Observations thereon, with 2 copperplates of the Eddystone Lighthouse, 4to. hf.calf,8s6d 1811 Including the correspondence between Smeaton and Robert Weston (one of the proprietors) with reference to the Eddystone Lighthouse. 14922 : LETTERS and MEMORIALS respecting the CLAIM on the TRINITY CORPORATION, for Recompense due to the Service of the late ROBERT WESTON, as a Proprietor of the EDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSE, with Notes and Observations, 4to. (pp. 82), sewn, 3s 1812 14923 OBSERVATIONS on the GRADUATION of ASTRONOMICAL INSTRUMENTS ; with the Method invented by the late Mr. HENRY HINDLEY, of York, Clock-maker, to divide Circles into any given Number of Parts, sm. 4to. (pp. 47), sewn, 6s 1785 Together with : Observations on, and Discovery of, the Period of the Variation of the Star marked by Bayer, near the Head of Cepheus, by JOHN GOODBICKE, F.R.S. [containing the discovery of the variability of ft Cephei] (pp. 14): Magnetical Experiments and Observations, by TIBERIUS CAVALLO (pp. 10). 748 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 14925 SMEATON (John, F.B.S., builder of the third Eddystone Lighthouse] REPORT concerning the DRAINAGE of the NORTH LEVEL of the FENS, and the OUTFALL of the WISBEACH RIVER, with large folding map, 4to. (pp. 24), sewn, 15s [c. 1769] Together with the REPORTS of JOHN GOLBORNE, Engineer, with folding map (pp. 11) ; THOMAS YEOMAN, Engineer, with folding map, (pp. 12) : and JAMES BRINDLEY, a broadsheet, 1770 : Queries relating to the Reports of James Brindley and John Golborne (pp. S), Lynn, 1770 : Attempt to answer the Queries relating to the Reports of Messrs Golborne and Briudley (pp. 4), 1771. 14926 - REPORT on the HARBOUR of KING'S LYNN, in Norfolk, 4to. (pp. 14), sewn, 3s Qd 1767 14927 REPORT on the NEW-MAKING and COMPLETING the NAVIGATION of the RIVER LEE [LEA], from the River THAMES, through Stanstead and Ware, to the Town of HERTFORD, with 2 large folding maps (pp. 12), 1767 ; further : An ACT for IMPROVING the NAVIGATION of the RIVER LEE from the Town of Hertford to the River Thames ; and for Extending the said Naviga- tion to the Flood-gates belonging to the Town Mill in Hertford (pp. 54), '67: PROSPECTUS d'uu PONT de FER d'une SUELE [sic] ARCIIE, a Manuscript on 17 pp., with auto, of Sir John Rennie, F.R.S., '83 : TATHAM (William) SPECIFICATION of sundry IMPROVEMENTS on the INCLINED PLANE SYSTEM of INLAND NAVIGATION, and in MECHANICS, with 2 large folding plates finely handcoloured, the original Manuscript on 9 pp., signed by the Author, with Sworn Information signed by him and Sir John William Anderson, Lord Mayor of London, and certified by Bufus King-, Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America at the Court of Great Britain, with SEAL of the U.S. Legation, '98 : MEMOIRE sur les ROUES a AUGETS et sur les Moyens de les perfectionner ; with 3 finely handcoloured folding plates, a Manuscript (? original) on 12 pp., n.d. in 1 vol. folio, hf. calf, '5. 5s 1767-98 14928 REPORTS made on VARIOUS OCCASIONS, in the COURSE of his EMPLOYMENT as a CIVIL ENGINEER [with LIFE], with 70 copperplates^ and maps by W. Lowry, 3 vols. 4to. boards ( portrait wanting), 1 5s 1812 14929 - ANOTHER COPY, with fine portrait by W. Bromley after W. Brown, 3 v. ; also MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS forming Vol. IV), with-it copperplates and maps, 4 vols. 4to. hf. russia (joints cracked), 1. 5s ' 1812-14 14930 - - THE SAME, wanting vol. II, 3 vols. 4to. in 2, hf. calf (binding rubbed), 14s Published by the Society of Engineers, and containing all the author's important works, including his improvement of Savery's steam-engine, accounts of his noble bridges at Perth, Banff, Coldstream, Hexham, and the North Bridge, Edin- burgh (the last two now destroyed), his canal and harbour works, etc. etc. etc. 14931 REVIEW of several MATTERS relative to the FORTH and CLYDE NAVIGATION, as now settled by the Act of Parliament, with some Observations on the Reports of MESS. BRINDLEY, YEOMAN, and GOLBURNE [sic], 4to. (pp. 34), sewn, with auto, of John Rennie, C.E., F.R.S., 5s 1768 14932 SMEE (Alfred, F.R.S., Surgeon to the Bank of England; author of ' My Garden') ELEMENTS of ELECTRO-METALLURGY, or the Art of Working in Metals by the Galvanic Fluid, first edition, with plate, large post 8vo. cl., g. e., 5s 1841 Containing at end : Palmer's New Catalogue, with 300 Engravings of Apparatus, illustrative of Chemistry, Pneumatics, Electricity, Optics, etc., with prices (pp. 65), 1840. 14933 SECOND EDITION, considerably enlarged, with 5 specimens of electrotype, and 37 woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 8s Qd 1843 ' An important work, dealing with the laws regulating the reduction of metals in different states, as well as a description of the processes for platinating and palladiating, so that reliefs and intaglios in gold can be readily obtained. Smee was also the first to discover the means by which perfect reverses in plaster could be made by rendering the plaster non- absorbent. 1 D. N. B. 14934 - On the GALVANIC PROPERTIES of the principal ELEMENTARY BODIES, with Description of a NEW CHEMICO-MECHANICAL BATTERY, 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, with inscr. to Gen. Sir C. W. Pasley, F.R.S. (scarce), 4s 1840 Containing the account of the author's invention of the galvanic battery known by his name (zinc and silver in sulphuric acid), for which he received the Isis medal of the Society of Arts. 14935 LECTURE on ELECTRO-METALLURGY, 15 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 24), sewn, with inscr. to Edward Solly, F.R.S. , 2s 1851 14936 The PROCESS of THOUGHT adapted to Words and Language, with Description of the RELATIONAL and DIFFERENTIAL MACHINES, with frontispiece, 8vo. cl., 5s 1851 This work is not noticed by and was apparently unknown to Smee's biographer in D. N. B. 14937 , MEMOIR of, by his DAUGHTER [ELIZABETH MARY ODLING], with Selection from his MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS, steel portrait by Jeens, 3 plates, and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), Qs Qd 1878 The Miscellaneous Writings include many of his scientific papers. 14938 SMITH (Albert William, Cornell Univ.), and Guido Hugo MARX, Stanford Univ. : MACHINE DESIGN, with 278 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 12s Qdnett) New York, 1905 14939 SMITH (Alexander, Univ. Chicago) INTRODUCTION to GENERAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, with 106 woodcuts and diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p 7s Qd nett) New York, 1906 14940 SMITH (C. A. M., Univ. Hong Kong), and A. G. WARREN : The NEW STEAM TABLES, with their DERIVATION and APPLICATION, with Introduction by SIR JAMES ALFRED EWING, F.R.S., with folding chart in pocket, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 4* nett) 14941 SMITH (David Eug-ene, Columbia Univ.), and Yoshio MIKAMI : HISTORY of JAPANESE MATHEMATICS, with numerous illustrations, 8vo. cl., Ss Qd (p. 12s nett) Chicago, 1914 The first account in English of Japanese mathematics, which are of interest for having developed quite independently of European influence a form of infinitesimal calculus, known as 'circle principle', and for having anticipated the discovery of determinants. 14942 SMITH (George) DISSERTATION on the GENERAL PROPERTIES of ECLIPSES, and particularly on the ensuing Eclipse of 1748, considered through all its Periods, with folding map of the Eclipse of 1748, and table of 12 Solar Eclipses at London to happen in 800 years, 8vo. (pp. 19), sewn, 3s Qd 1748 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 749 14944 SMITH ( J. Walker) DUSTLESS ROADS : TAR MACADAM : a Practical Treatise for Engineers, Surveyors and others, with 23 illustrations (including folding plates}, and 10 folding tables, sq. 8vo. cl., Is (p. 10s6dnett) 1909 14945 SMITH (John) The ART of PAINTING in OYL, wherein is included each particular Circumstance relating to the Best and most Approved Rules for Preparing, Mixing, and Working of Oyl Colours . . . with all the several Circumstances required in PAINTING of SUN-DiALS, Printed Pictures, Sash-Windows, etc. in Oyl-Colours ; 5th Impression, with many Matters added, and the WHOLE ART and MYSTERY of COLOURING MAPS, and other PRINTS, with WATER-COLOURS, 12mo. sprinkled calf, newly rebacked (rare], 10* 6rf 1723 The Art of Painting ' fitted to the meanest capacity.' 14946 SMITH (Robert Angus, F.R.S.) On the COMPOSITION and DERIVATION of ROSOLIC ACID, 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, with inscr. to Sir Edward Frankland, F.R.S., Is Qd [Manchester, 1857] 14947 DISINFECTANTS and DISINFECTION, Svo. cl. (scarce], Is 6d Edin., 1869 ' Containing a summary of other work, together with experiments of his own performed for the Cattle Plague Commis- sion. In it he recognised the fact that Pasteur's work on germs would revolutionise the subject. . . . Smith's work led to the manufacture on a large scale by his friend Mr. Alexander McDougall of a useful disinfectant powder, consisting of a mixture of calcium sulphite and calcium phenate.' D. N. B. 14948 On the ESTIMATION of the ORGANIC MATTER of the AIR, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is 6d 1859 14949 OBSERVATIONS in REFUTATION of certain CHARGES preferred against the ALUM WORKS of MESSRS. SPENCE & DIXON, at PENDLETON : with Examination of Dr. Smith and Prof. Calvert's Report on the same, Svo. (pp. 20), sewn, Is Qd Manchester, 1855 14950 REPORT on the AIR and WATER of TOWNS : Action of Porous Strata, Water and Organic Matter, Svo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Qd 1852 14951 REPORT on MR. HOLMES' METHOD of CONSUMING SMOKE ; with References to the Smoke and Air of Salford and Manchester, with 2 plates, Svo. (pp. 12), sewn, Is Qd [Manchester, 1857] 14952 On some ANCIENT and MODERN IDEAS of SANITARY ECONOMY, 8vo. (pp. 51), sewn, Is Qd ibidem, 1854 14953 SMITH (Robert Henry) CUTTING TOOLS worked by Hand and Machine, with U plates, and 51 woodcuts, 12mo. cl., 2s 1882 14954 SMITH (Seth), DESCRIPTION of the PATENT METALLIC LINING and DAMPER for the CHIMNEYS of Dwelling and other Houses and Buildings, invented by, with 3 copperplates (2 folding), impl. Svo. (pp. 16), sewn, 5s Qd [1854] 14955 ANOTHER COPY, cl., 6s Qd 'Besides forming a complete fire-proof lining to chimneys, the metallic lining has the additional advantage of suppressing the odious, painful, and sometimes fatal, practice of climbing boys.' P. 10. 14956 SMITH (William, engineer and mineralogist; F.R.S., the Father of British Geology') OBSERVATIONS on the UTILITY, FORM and MANAGEMENT of WATER MEADOWS, and the Draining and Irrigating of Peat Bogs, with Account of PRISLEY BOG, and other Extraordinary Improve- ments, with 2 folding plates : [Boswell (George)] TREATISE on WATERING MEADOWS : wherein are shewn some of its many Advantages, particularly on Coarse, Boggy, or Barren Lands; and the Method of performing the Work ; also Remarks on a late Pamphlet on that Subject, 4th Edition, with many Additions, with 5 folding copperplates 2 voJs. Svo. in 1, calf (rare), V2s (id 1806-1 ' He received a medal from the Society of Arts for his success in draining Prisley Bog. By this time [1806] he had almost a monopoly of work for drainage and irrigation, and was constantly engaged in travelling, sometimes covering 10,000 miles in a year, and this before the days of railways." D. N. B. 14957 SMITH (William, M.D.). The STUDENT'S VADE MECUM : Knowledge and its General Division ; History, Philosophy . . . the different Systems of Philosophy, and Mathematics, with Directions how to proceed in their Study, and the proper Books to be read on each Subject, Svo. sewn, 3s 1770 14958 SNELL [SNELLIUS] van Boijen (Willebrord ; Univ. Leyden) APOLLONIUS BATAVUS, sen, exsuscitata Apollonii Pergaei wtpi biupiffpivric Tofitjs [de Sectione Determinata] Geometria ; with numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. (pp. 37), sewn (rare), 12s Qd Lugodini, Joh. a Dorp, 1608 The author's first scientific publication, written at the age of seventeen. 14959 CYCLOMETRICTJS, de CIRCULI DIMENSIONS secundum LOGISTARUM ABACOS, et ad Mechanicem accuratissima ; atque omnium parabilissima ; eiusdemque Usus in quarumlibet adscriptarum Inventione longe elegantissimus, et quidem ex Ratione Diametri ad suam Peripheriam data; with diagrams, sm. 4to. sound copy in old limp vellum (RARE), with auto, of ALFONSO BORELLI, astronomer (1608-79), 1. 5s ibidem, ex offic. Elzeviriana, 1621 'Get ouvrage contient ses recherches sur la mesure approchee du cercle . . . et diverses autres choses remarquables sur la dimension du cercle, entr' autres des tables, au moyen desquelles, un pretendu rapport du diametre a la circon- f6rence etant donne, on peut determiner quel est le couple des polygones semblables inscrit et circonscrit, hors des limites duquel se trouve ce rapport.' Montuda. ' Snellius indiquait uu procede plus rapide que celui d'Archimede, suivi par van Ceulen, pour arriver a la meme approximation que son compatriote, dans 1'evaluation du rapport de la circonference au diametre.' M. Marie. 14960 DESCRIPTIO COMETH qui ANNO 1618 Mense Novembri primi\m effulsit, hue accessit CHRISTOPHORI RHOTMANNI Descriptio accurata Cometre Anni 1585, nunc primum k Will. Sn. R. F. in Lucem edita ; with diagrams, sm. 4to.Jine copy in old vellum, 15s ib., ex eadem, 1619 14961 ERATOSTHENES BATAVUS : de Terra? Ambitus Vera Quantitate ; with diagrams, sm. 4to. old vellum (browned, otherwise a sound and large copy) ; very rare, 3. 10s Lugodini, Jod. d Colster, 1617 A work of great importance in geodesy, in which the author first laid down the principles now generally accepted for determining the length of the arc of a meridian from the measurement of any base line. This discovery was again claimed by Pothenot in 1730 as an original one. The work contains also a valuable account of older works on geodesy. Snellius is also the discoverer of the law of refraction (given afterwards in its present form by Descartes), and the- originator of the term loxodromic curve. 750 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. U963 SMYTH (William Augustus) The PUBLICAN'S GUIDE: or Key to the Distill-House : containing an Account of Rum, Brandy, and other Spirituous Liquors, etc. etc., the Discovery of Adulteration, in what is called Genuine Ruin, etc. etc., the Use of the Hydrometer, Tables shewing the Price of Liquors, etc. etc., with Anecdotes and Remarks necessary to be known by all Dealers in Spirits, and highly interesting to the Public in general, 8vo. (pp. 86),etra, 6* Qd 1779 Interesting as an exposure of the abominable adulteration of spirits, especially of rum, in vogue at the time, which with almost universal dramdrinking made England in the later Eighteenth and early Nineteenth Centuries a scandal to the world, 14964 SNELLEN (Cornelis Tobias) DISSERT ATIO PHILOSOPHICA de THEORIA PULVERIS PYRII ; with copperplate (pp. 36) : DISSERTATIO MEDICA de VARIA VIT.E ENERGIA (pp. 17) 2 vols. 4to. in 1, old calf gilt (nice copies), Ss Qd Lugd. Bat., 1747-50 14965 SNOW (Walter Bradlee) STEAM BOILER PRACTICE: its Relation to Fuels and their Com- bustion, and the Economic Results obtained with various Methods and Devices, with 24 illustra- tions, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 12s Qd nett) New York, 1899 14966 , and Walters. LELAND: The STEAM ENGINE: a Practical Guide to the Construction, Operation, and Care of Steam Engines, Steam Turbines, and their Accessories, with 15 plates, and numerous other illustrations, roy. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 4s Qd nett) Chicago, 1908 14967 SNYDER (Carl) NEW CONCEPTIONS in SCIENCE, with Foreword on the Relations of Science and Progress, with 10 portraits, besides woodcuts, large post 8vo. cl., with inscr. to HERBERT SPENCER, as below, and the latter's bookstamp, Is Qd 1903 'To Herbert Spencer: as an expression of profound respect, for his life and his work. CARL SNYDER. London, July 5. 1903.' Inscr. on flyleaf. 14968 SNYDER (Harry, Univ. Minnesota) The CHEMISTRY of PLANT and ANIMAL LIFE, with 102 illustrations, cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 6s nett) New York, 1903 14969 SOCIETY of ARTS (ROYAL) : TRANSACTIONS of the SOCIETY instituted at London for the ENCOURAGEMENT of ARTS, MANUFACTURES, and COMMERCE, with the Premiums offered; complete from the Beginning in 1783 to 1837 (Vols. I LI), with portraits, numerous plates (many folding), and woodcuts, 51 vols. Svo. in 52, old calf gilt, rebacked (backs rubbed), with bookplate of the Earl of Mansfield (SOUND SET), 8. 8s 1783-1837 14970 - ANOTHER SET, complete from the Beginning in 1783 to 1828 (Vols. I XLVI) (v. I, 2nd Kd.), with over 500 fine copperplates (many folding), including portraits, besides wood- cuts, 4G vols. Svo. hf. calf gilt (FINE LIBRARY SET), 6. 155 ' 1789-1828 A very important publication, especially in connexion with applied science, containing valuable original contributions by some of the foremost scientists of the time, e.g., CLEGO (S.) Gas Meters, 1808 : GURNEY (Goldsworthy) Oxy-Hydrogen Blow-Pipe, '23: MARSH (James) Electro-Magnetic Apparatus, '23: NICHOLSON (P.) Hand Hails, 14: STURGEON (W.) Im- proved Electro-Magnetic Apparatus. The descriptions of Inventions which were awarded prizes by the Society are of special importance, though for an am using faux pas see note to PRICE on LOCKS and KEYS, no. 13647 ante. 14971 , JOURNAL of the, and the INSTITUTIONS in UNION; from Nov., 1881 to 1909 (Vols. 30-57), with numerous illustrations, 28 vols. roy. 8vo., vv. 30-56 in cl., and v. 57 in parts, sewn, 4. 1882-1909 14972 SODDY (Frederick, F.R.S. ; Univ. Aberdeen) MULTIPLE ATOMIC DISINTEGRATION: a Sug- gestion in Radioactive Theory, Svo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is Qd 1909 14973 RADIO-ACTIVITY : an Elementary Treatise, from the Standpoint of the Disintegration Theory, with 20 diagrams, and 18 woodcuts, Svo. cl., 4s (p. Qs Qd nett) 1904 14974 - , and Arthur John BERRY : CONDUCTION of HEAT through RAREFIED GASES, with 3 diagrams, 2 parts roy. Svo. (pp. 21). sewn. 2s 1910-11 14975 - , and Thomas D. MACKENZIE : The ELECTRIC DISCHARGE in MONATOMIC GASES, with 2 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, Is Qd 1908 The author, with Sir William Ramsay, made the important discovery that helium was originated by the disintegrating atoms of radium. 14976 SOLOMON (Henry George) ELECTRICITY METERS : a Treatise on the General Principles, Construction, and Testing of Continuous Current and Alternating Current Meters, ivith 307 illus- trations, large Svo. cl.. 10s (p. 16s nett) 1906 14977 SOMERMEIER (E. E., Ohio State Univ.) COAL: its Composition, Analysis, Utilization, and Valuation, with 8 illustrations, roy. Svo. cl., 5s (p. Ss Qd nett) New York, 1912 14978 SOMERSCALES (A. N.) MECHANICAL and MARINE ENGINEERING SCIENCE (Essays, Problems, Demonstrations); specially written as a Handbook to the Board of Trade Examinations, for Extra- First-Class Engineers, with 153 woodcuts, Svo. cl.. Is Qd (p. 12s Qd nett) Glasgow, 1909 14979 SONNET (Hyppolyte) DICTIONNAIRE des MATHEMATIQUES APPLIQUEES, comprenant les principales Applications des Mathematiques et 1'Explication d'un grand Nombre de Termes Techniques usites dans les Applications ; 2 e Edition ; with 1900 woodcuts cyid diagrams, thick roy. Svo. (pp. 1475), hf. calf gilt, 10s Qd (p. F. 30 nett sewn) 14980 SOPWITH (Thomas, C.E., F.R.S.) TREATISE on ISOMETRICAL DRAWING, as applicable to GEOLOGICAL and MINING PLANS. Picturesque Delineations of Ornamental Grounds, Perspective Views and Working Plans of Buildings and Machinery, and to general Purposes of Civil Engineering; with Details of improved Methods of Preserving Plans and Records of Subterranean Operations in Mining Districts, first edition, with engraved frontispiece, vignette on title, and 32 copperplates, Svo. cl., 10s Qd 1834 ' The book met with a marked success, and it is somewhat a matter of surprise that it has not to this day retained its place as an educational work." Sir B. W. Richardson, 14981 - : RICHARDSON (Sir Benjamin Ward, M.D., F.R.S.) THOMAS SOPWITH, C.E., F.R.S., with EXCERPTS from his DIARY of Fifty-Seven Years, with portrait, cr. Svo. cl. (o.p.), 4s 14982 SORLEY (William Ritchie) MINING ROYALTIES, and their EFFECT on COAL and IRON TRADES, Svo. boards (o.p.), Is Qd 1889 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 751 14984 SOUCHON (Abel) TRAITE d'AsTRONOMiE PRATIQUE, comprenant 1'Exposition du CALCUL des EPHEMERIDES ASTRONOMIQUES et NAUTIQUES, d'apres les Methodes en Usage dans la Com- position de la Connaissance des Temps et du Nautical Almanac, avec Introduction Historique et de nombreuses Notes ; with 39 diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 915079 : STEICHEN (Michel) MEMOIRE sur la VIE et les TRAVAUX de SIMON STKVIN; with 5 folding plates, 8vo. boards (back damaged), 5s Bruxelles, 1846 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 757 15081 STEVINUS (Simon, de Bruges) ARITHMETIQUE, reveue corrigee et augmentee de plusieurs Traictez et Annotations par ALBERT GiRARD ; with fine engraved title and diagrams, thick 8vo. contemporary white vellum (somewhat browned, but a FINE COPY); very rare, 2. 15* Leide, de VImprimerie des Elzeviers, 1625 This edition contains the author's Arithmetique theorique, first published in 1585, his ' Arithmetique pratique', and 'Les Six Premiers Livtes d'Algebre de Diophante d'Alexaudrie, dont les quatre premiers sont traduicts et expliquez par Simon Stevin, et les deux derniers par Albert Girard.' In it appeared first ' La Pratique d'Arithmetique' (pp. 695-822), La Disme, enseignant facilement expedier par nombres entiers sans rornpuz, tous cornptes se rencontrans aux affaires des Hommes ' (pp. 823-49), and ' Traicte" des Incommensur- ables Grandeurs, avec Appendice de 1'explication du IQe livre d'Euclide (pp. 850-85). 1 La Disme ' contains, according to Prof, de Morgan, ' the first announcement of the use of decimal fractions.' ' He introduced in his Arithmetic exponents to mark the power to which quantities were raised ... He further sug- gested the use of fractional (but not negative) exponents, and a decimal system of weights and measures. His geometry is ingenious . . . Some theorems on perspective are enumerated.' W. W. R. Ball. 15082 De BEGHINSELEN der WEEGHCONST: De WEEGHDAET: De BEGHINSELEN des WATER- WICHTS ; all first editions, with vignette on titles, and numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 3 vols. sm. 4to. in 1, old white vellum (first title slightly soiled, and a few slight water-stains, otherwise FINE COPIES) ; excessively rare, 7- 15s ' ibidem, CHRISTOFFELL PLANTIJN, 1586 15083 THE SAME, 3 vols. in 1, hf- citron calf, as good as new (neat library stamp on third title, otherwise remarkably fine and exceptionally tall copies), 9. 9s 'It is however on his Statics and Hydrostatics, published (in Flemish) at Leyden in 15S6, that his fame rests. In these works he enunciates the triangle of forces a theorem which some think was first propounded by Leonardo da Vinci. Stevinus regards this as the fundamental proposition of the subject. Previous to the publication of his work the science of statics had rested on the theory of the lever, but subsequently it became usual to commence by proving the possibility of representing forces by straight lines, and thus reducing many theorems to geometrical propositions, and in particular to obtaining in this way a proof of the parallelogram (which is equivalent to the triangle) of forces . . . Stevinus also found the force which must be exerted along the line of greatest slope to support a given weight on an inclined plane a problem the solution of which had been long in dispute. He further distinguishes between stable and unstable equilibrium. In hydrostatics he discusses the question of the pressure which a fluid can exercise, and explains the so-called hydrostatic paradox.' W. W. R. Ball. A full account of this classic of statics will be found in Prof. E. Mach's ' Science of Mechanics.' The above original editions are excessively rare, the work being generally quoted by historians of mathematics from the Latin translation in the rep r int in Hypomnemata Mathematica. 15084 STIFEL (Michael) ARITHMETIC^ INTEGRA, cum Praefatione PHILIPPI MELANCHTHONIS, editio princeps; with numerous diagrams, thick sm. 4to. old calf (back of binding damaged, title mounted, and a few wormholes in blank margin, nevertheless a SOUND COPY) ; very rare, 5. 5* Norimbergce, apud Johan. Petreium, 1544 ' The first two books deal with surds and iucommensurables, and are Euclidean in form. The third is on algebra, and is noticeable for having called general attention to the German practice of using the signs + and - to denote addition and subtraction. ... It used to be said that Stifel was the real inventor of logarithms, but it is now certain that this opinion was due to a misapprehension of a passage in which he compares geometrical and arithmetical progressions. Stifel is said to have indicated a formula for writing down the coefficients of the various terms in the expansion of (1 + x)n if those in the expansion of (1 + x)n-\ were known.' -W. W. R. Ball. 15085 STILLMANN (Thomas Bliss) ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY: a Manual of QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS for the Use of Students, Chemists, and Engineers, 3rd Edition [enlarged] , with 139 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 9s (p. 19* nett) Easton, Pa., 1905 15086 STIRLING (James, F.R.S.) LINEJE TERTII ORDINIS NEUTONIAN^:, sive Illustratio Tractatus D. NEUTONI de Enumeratione Linearum Tertii Ordinis, cui subjungitur, Solutio trium Probleni- atum ; with numerous diagrams, and view of Sheldonian Theatre on title, 8vo. old calf (joints cracked), with auto, of Michael Fryer (VERY RARE), i. 5s Oxonice, 1717 ' It supplied four additional varieties to' Newton's seventy-two forms of the cubic curve.' D. N. B. The work forms a necessary supplement to Newton's Enumeratio Linearum III. Ordinis (v. Nos. 12572-3 ante). It contains a long list of subscribers, including Sir Isaac Newton. A note by Michael Fryer (1806) on the flyleaf states : ' Extremely rare cost me cbl Is. JM, F* 15087 METHODUS DIFFERENTIALS : sive Tractatus de SUMMATIONE et INTERPOLATIONS SERIERUM INFINITARUM, editio princeps ; with diagrams, 4to. large and sound copy in con- temporary calf gilt (name cut off title] ; very rare, 2. Londmi, 1730 15088 - ANOTHER COPY, contemporary calf, with bookplate of, and MS. notes by, Philip 2nd Earl Stanhope, F.R.S. (fine copy), 2. 2s 15089 EDITIO SECUNDA ; with diagrams, 4to. hf. calf (joints cracked), with bookplates o/[SiR] GEORGE PRETYMAN [TOMLINE] , Bp. of Winchester, William Pitt's tutor and biographer, and Prof. Lloyd Tanner, F.R.S. (RARE), 1. 10s ibidem, 1764 15090 The DIFFERENTIAL METHOD : or a Treatise concerning Summation and Interpolation of Infinite Series, translated, with the Author's Approbation, by FRANCIS HOLLIDAY, with diagrams, 1749 : The Two BOOKS of APOLLONIUS PERG^EUS, concerning TANGENCIES, as they have been restored by Franciscus Vieta and Marinus Ghetaldus, with a Supplement by JOHN LAWSON, pr., with 6 plates, Cambridge, '642 vols. 4to. in 1, hf. bound (first title mounted), with autos. of Michael Fryer and Samuel Roberts, F.R.S., and MS- notes by the former (VERY RARE), 1. 15s 1749-64 This work is of importance in the history of the differential calculus, as haying been the first to give the proof of what is known as ' Maclaurin's theorem ' [v. Nos. 2761-3, ante] ; but, save for Montucla, who gives a full account in his Histoire des mathematiques, v. Ill, pp. 223-7, and Cantor (Vorlesungen, iib. Gesch. d. Mathematik, Bd. Ill pp. 025-30), the work is curiously enough almost unnoticed in modern histories of mathematics. ' La premiere partie de cet ouvrage a pour objet la sommation des suites dans lesquelles chaque terme est forme du precedent, multiplie par une fonction rationnelle de son rang. Un grand nombre des resultats sont fort interessants .... Ses recherches presentent quelque utilite dans certaines questions speciales dependant du calcul des probabilites. ' M . Marie. 15091 STKEETEB (Edwin William ; jeweller) GOLD : Legal Regulations for the Standard of Gold and Silver Wares in different Countries of the World, translated and abridged from the Work of A. v. STUDNITZ by MRS. BREWER, with Notes and Additions; 6th Edition, enlarged, with 2 coloured plates, and map, post 8vo. cl. (scarce), 8s 1878 50 758 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 15093 STOCKMAN (Bernardus, eertyts Fransoysche Schoolrn r - tot Dordrecht} ARITHMETICA, met Tafelken om te rebatteren, door ABEL W. WASSENAER, van nieus oversien, gecorrigeert en verbeetert; engraved title with portrait, 12mo. old vellum (rare), 12s 6d Amsterdam, 1648 This work was unknown to Prof, de Morgan, Poggendorff, and other bibliographers. It contains much on commercial arithmetic. 15094 STOFFLER (Johann ; Univ. Tubingen) CALENDARIUM ROMANUM MAGNUM [in fine: ABACUS REGIONUM, Principatuii, Ducatuu, Satrapiaru, MarchiarCi Comitatuum, Prouinciaru, Insularfi, Peninsularu, et Oppidorum nobilioru, aut cognobilioru per tota ferme Europa ; title sur- rounded by woodcut border of arms, and numerous fine ivoodcut initials ; the second part printed in red and black, with beautiful woodcut vignettes representing the seasons, fortified towns, etc. [col. :] Oppenheym per Jacobum Kobel, 1518 : RUDIMENTA MATHEMATICA, haec in duos digeruntur Libros, quorum prior GEOMETRIC tradit Principia seu Prima Elementa, una cum Rerum et uariarum Figuraru Dimensionibus. Posterior uer6 omnigenum HOROLOGIORUM docet DELINK- ATIONES, autore Sebastiano Munstero; with folding plate, and numerous large and fine wood- cuts and diagrams [col. :~\ Basilem in officina Henrichi Petri, 1551 2 vols. folio in 1, old calf gilt, with arms on sides (binding rubbed and back damaged, but SOUND AND TALL COPIES) ; very rare, 7. Is 1518-51 The above edition of the first work is according to Houzeau and Lancaster (Bibliographic de I' Astronomic) 'fort rare. Ouvrage remarquable comrne execution typographique, irn prime en rouge et noir, orne danstoute son etenduede superbes initiales et d'enjolivements. Les colonnes de la table des lieux se terminent par de charmantes vues de villes : il y en a 24. La seconde partie, contenant le calendrier proprement dit, oftre a cote de chaque mois ie signe du zodiaque, et au bas les attributs propres aux difterentes epoqnes de 1'aunee ; il y en a egalement 24, graves sur bois par un mattre de 1'ecolede Fraucfort. Vient ensuite le tableau des eclipses de Soleil et de Luue, depuis 1518 jusqu'en 1575, au nombre de 63, avec diagrammes pour toutes. A la fin, une table de la Lune, le quadrant, le cadran solaire et 1'instrument pour determiner les heures temporaires, fort bieti executes, dans toute la grandeur de la page '. The second work is valuable for its treatise on dialling (pp. 74-243), one of the earliest works on the subject. 15095 - ELUCIDATIO FABRICS USUSQUE ASTROLABII, cui multa et diligens accessit Recognitio, unk cum Schematum Negotio accommodatorum, exactissima Expressione, et Indice Rerum et Verborum copiosissimo ; printed in italics, with numerous fine woodcuts, and folding tables, 12mo. hf. calf gilt (nice copy) ; RARE, 1. 5s Lutetian, Gul. Cauellat, 1553 ' Ouvrage qui resume les precedes employes alors pour la construction des astrolabes ; une analyse a ete donnee dans 1'Histoire de 1' Astronomic de Delambre. Biogr. G6n. 15096 In PROCLI DIADOCHI, Authoris grauissimi SPH^RAM MUNDI, omnibus Numeris longe absolutissimus COMMENTARIUS, ante hac nunquam Typis excusus ; with numerous diagrams, folio, sewn (RARE), 1. 5s (col.:) Tubingce, ex offic. Hulderrichi M orhart, 1534 15097 STONE (Edmund, F.R.S.) ANALISE des INFINIMENT PETITS, comprenantle CALCUL INTEGRAL dans toute son Etendue ; avec son Application aux Quadratures, Rectifications, Cubatures, Centres de Gravite, de Percussion, et de toutes Sortes de Courbes, traduitpar M. RONDET; with 4 folding plates : ANALYSE des INFINIMENT PETITS, pour 1'Intelligence des Lignes Courbes, par le Marquis de FHospital, 2 Edition ; with II folding plates 2 vols. 4to. in 1, old hf. calf (back damaged), with long presentation inscription by James Lockhart (well-known amateur mathema- tician), 8s 1735-16 L'Hpspital's work was the first published in French on the differential calculus. Stone's was originally published with his English translation of the first work, and was later translated into French as the first work published in that language on the integral calculus. 15098 [ ] The DESCRIPTION, NATURE and GENERAL USE, of the SECTOR and PLAIN-SCALE, briefly and plainly laid down ; as also, a* Short Account of the USES of the LINES of NUMBERS, ARTIFICIAL SINES and TANGENTS; 2nd Edition, with 3 folding plates, post 8vo. (pp. 44), sewn (rare), Is 6d 1728 The authorship of this brochure is not noticed in D. N. B., Allibone, or Poggendorff, and was unknown to Halkett and Laing, but may be inferred from the preface being signed E. S. Stone also revised the new edition of Cunn's Treatise of the Sector in 1729. 15099 - NEW MATHEMATICAL DICTIONARY, wherein is contain'd, not only the Explanation of the bare Terms, but likewise an HISTORY of, with the Rise, Progress, State, Properties, etc. of Things in PURE MATHEMATICKS and NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, first edition, with numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 8vo. contemporary calf gilt (rare), 6s 1726 15100 SECOND [LAST] EDITION, with [Preface and] large Additions, with numerous woodcuts and diagrams, 8vo. old calf, roughly rebacked (title and some II. soiled), 5s 1743 15101 - Some REFLECTIONS on the UNCERTAINTY of many ASTRONOMICAL and GEOGRAPHICAL POSITIONS, with Regard to the Figure and Magnitude of the EARTH, the finding the LONGITUDE at SEA by WATCHES, and other Assertions of the most eminent Astronomers ; with some Hints towards their Reformation and Emendation, post 8vo. (pp. 135), sewn, 6s 1766 'Consisting of a series of propositions attacking the accuracy of the conclusions of astronomers concerning the shape of the earth and other matters of a similar kind.' D. N. B. 1 Exposing the weakness and insufficiency of the arguments and proofs of those who will have the figure of the earth spherial or spheroidical, with some hints tending to shew the uncertainty of the truth of the Newtonian physical part of astronomy.' p. 17. 15102 STONE (Edward, pr., Wadham Coll.) The WHOLE DOCTRINE of PARALLAXES explained and illustrated by an Arithmetical and Geometrical Construction of the TRANSIT of VENUS over the Sun, June 6th, 1761 ; with a new and general Method of determining the Places where any Transit of this Planet, and especially that which will be June 3d, 1769, may be best observed for the Investigation of its Parallax, with numerous diagrams, post 8vo. (pp. 108), sewn, 4s Oxford, 1758 15103 STORER (Frank Humphreys ; Mass. Insi. Technology) FIRST OUTLINES of a DICTIONARY of SOLUBILITIES of CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES, thick roy. 8vo. cl., with auto, of Alex. Scott, F.R.S. (VERY SCARCE), 2. 10* Cambridge [Mass.], 1864 The only dictionary of chemical solubilities ever attempted, and at the same time the first English alphabetical catalogue of chemical substances. No. 15036 (page 754). George Stephenson's Safety Lamp. Aprilis patul? nucis fub vmbra PoftconuJuia/dormio libenter *7ffj <^ B v No. 15094 (page 758). An early almanac, with pretty woodcuts, HENRY SOTHERAX & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 759 15105 STOKES (Sir George Gabriel, P.R.S., Lucasian Prof. Mathematics, Cantab.} MATHEMATICAL and PHYSICAL PAPERS, reprinted from the original Journals and Transactions, with Additional Notes by the Author [and (vv. IV V) SIR JOSEPH LARMOR, F.R.S., M.P.], with numerous illus- trations, 5 vols. 8vo. cl., 2. 5s (p. 3. 15s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1880-1905 15106 VOLUMES I AND II ONLY, with illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 15s (p. 1. 10s) apud eandem, ibidem, 1880-3 15107 STOLZ (Otto, Univ. Innsbruck) VoRLESUNGEN tiber ALLGEMEINE ARITHMETIC, nach den neueren Ansichten (I. Allgemeines und Arithmetik der reellen Zahlen. II. Arithmetik der complexen Zahlen); with 23 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf gilt, uncut, t.e.q., with Prof. Lloyd Tanner's bookplate (o. p.), 15s Leipzig, 1885-6 15108 , und Josef Anton GMEINEB, Univ. Prague: THEORETISCHE ARITHMETIK, 2. [neueste] umgearbeitete Auflage ; with 25 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., Qs Qd (p. M. 10.60) ibidem, 1900-2 15109 STONEY (George Johnstone, T.C.D., F.R.S.) Of ATMOSPHERES 011 PLANETS and SATELLITES, 4to. (pp. 24), sewn, 3s Qd Dublin, 1897 ' In this very valuable contribution Stoney explained from inductive reasoning the absence of hydrogen and helium from the atmosphere of the earth, and the absence of an atmosphere from the moon and from the satellites and minor planets of the solar system. His paper gave rise to controversy, but Stoney's position was unshaken. , His investigations as to helium are of great importance in view of recent enquiries into the length of geological epochs, and into the past history of radio-activity of the materials of the earth's crust.' D. N. B. 15110 On the CAUSE of DOUBLE LINES and of EQUIDISTANT SATELLITES in the SPECTRA of GASES, with diagrams, 4to. (pp. 46), sewn, 3s ibidem, 1891 'Stoney worked with admirable results on the periodic motion of the atom and its connexion with the spectrum.' D. N. B. 15111 On the CAUSE of IRIDESCENCE in CLOUDS, 4to. (pp. 6), sewn, Is Qd ib., 1887 15112 DENUDATION and DEPOSITION, 2 parts 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, 2s 1899 Added is, The Quantity of Oxygen in the Atmosphere, compared with that in the Earth's Crust (pp. 2), by GERALD STONEY. 15113 DISCUSSION of a NEW THEOREM of WAVE PROPAGATION : On a SUPPOSED PROOF of a THEOREM in WAVE-MOTION, 8vo. (pp. 14), unbound, 2s 1897 15114 The EFFECT of METEORIC DEPOSITS on the LENGTH of the TERRESTRIAL DAY, 4to. (pp. 3), sewn, with author's inscr., Is Qd [Washington,] 1902 15115 On the ' ELECTRON ', or ATOM of ELECTRICITY, 8vo. (pp. 3), unbound, Is Qd ' 1894 In this paper the author vindicated his claim (against one advanced in favour of Helmholtz) that he was the first to identify the ion in electrolysis as the electrical atom. 'To Stoney was due the introduction of the word electron into the scientific vocabulary.' D. N. B. 15116 On EQUAL TEMPERAMENT, and on the Cause of the Effect upon PIANO Music produced by the Key in which it is set, 8vo. (pp. 10), sewn, with author's inscr., Is Qd [Dublin, 1883] 15117 On How THOUGHT PRESENTS ITSELF among the PHENOMENA of NATURE, 8vo. (pp. 11), sewn, Is Qd ib., 1885 15118 On the INTERFERENCE of LIGHT from INDEPENDENT SOURCES, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, with author's inscr., Is Qd [1901] 15119 On the LAW of ATOMIC WEIGHTS, with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is Qd [1902] 15120 On the MECHANICAL THEORY of CROOKES'S, or POLARIZATION STRESS in GASES, 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, 2s Qd Dublin, 1878 15121 MONOGRAPH on MICROSCOPIC VISION, with 27 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 70), sewn (scarce), 5s [1896] 'Analysing and proving the fundamental proposition first enunciated by Sir George Stokes in 1845 that ' the light which emanates from the objective field may be resolved into undulations, each of which consists of uniform plane waves,' suffering no change in their advance.' D, N. B. 15122 On the MOUNTING of SPECULA of REFLECTING TELESCOPES, designed to remove the Impediment to their being used for Celestial Photography and Spectroscopy, with 3 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 6), unbound, Is 1894 15123 NOTE on the RESOLUTION of DOUBLE-STARS with a 28-inch Object-Glass, with 5 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is Qd [1900] 15124 On the PENETRATION of HEAT ACROSS LAYERS of GAS, with diagrams, 4to. (pp. 16), sewn, 2s Qd Dublin, 1877 15125 On the PROPAGATION of [LIGHT] WAVES, 4to. (pp. 8), sewn (scarce), 5s ibidem, 1861 ' One of his first papers explaining by geometrical reasoning the conditions of the propagation of undulations of plane waves in media.' D. N. B. 15126 The STORY of the NOVEMBER METEORS, with folding plate, 8vo. (pp. 11), unbound, with author's inscr. to Dr. Downing, F.R.S., Is Qd 1879 15127 STUDIES in ONTOLOGY : the First Step, with 3 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 9), sewn, Is [1889] 15128 SURVEY of that Part of the RANGE of NATURE'S OPERATIONS which Man is COMPETENT to STUDY, with folding table, 8vo. (pp. 18), sewn, Is Qd [1899] 15129 TELESCOPIC VISION, withholding plate, and 9 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 80), sewn, 3* Qd [190S] Continuing the subject first enunciated in his Monograph on Microscopic Vision, and ' discussing among other matters the possibility of seeing very small markings on the planet Mars.' D. N. B. 15130 On TEXTURE in MEDIA, and on the NON-EXISTENCE of DENSITY in the ELEMENTAL ETHER, 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is Qd [Dublin, 1890] 15131 , and Arthur Matthew Weld DOWNING, F.R.S : EPHEMERIDES of Two SITUATIONS in the LEONID STREAM, 8vo. (pp. 3), unbound, Is [1900] 15132 PERTURBATIONS of the LEONIDS, 8vo. (pp. 7), unbound, Is [1899] 15133 STilAUS (Ralph) CARRIAGES and COACHES : their History and their Evolution, with 30 plates from old prints, contemporary drawings, and photographs, thick roy. 8vo. cl. gilt, t. e. a., 7s Qd (p. 18s nett) 1912 50 * 760 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 15135 STOVESANDT (J. C.) DEUTLICHE ANWEISUNG zur FEUERWERKEREY, worinnen alle gebrauch- liche Arten der Lust- und Ernstfeuer, nebst derselben Verfertigung und denen dazu notigen Werkzeugen ordentlich und genau beschrieben ; with vignette on title, and 13 folding copperplates, 4to. hf. cl. (fine copy), with bookplate of J. Eliot Hodgkin, F.S.A. (RARE), 15s Leipzig, 1757 Especially valuable for giving a full account of how to make fireworks, with a description of all the necessary tools. 15136 STREETE (Thomas) ASTRONOMIA CAROLINA : a NEW THEORIE of the CELESTIAL MOTIONS, composed according to the best Observations and most Rational Grounds of Art, yet far more Easie, Expedite and Perspicuous than any before Extant, with Exact and most Easie Tables thereunto, and Precepts for the Calculation of Eclipses, etc., first edition, with diagrams, sm. 4to. old calf (title guarded and last I. slightly defective on blank margin, otherwise a sound copy) ; rare, Ibs Lodowick Lloyd, 1663 Containing at end a ' Canon Triangularum Logarithmicus,' and on the last 10 pp. a ' Tabula Logarithmorum Logisticorum '. 15137 SECOND EDITION, corrected, to which are added some Lunar and PLANETARY OBSERV- ATIONS, with a Proposal of their USES in NAVIGATION, with diagrams, 4to. contemporary calf, newly rebacked (some slight water-stains, otherwise a sound and large copy), 12s R. Smith and S. Briscoe, 1710 'The appendix, ' Observationes Syderum, et imprimis Lunse in Suburbio Londinensi apud Islington, 1682-4' is by EDMUND HALLEY, F.R.S. The work was attacked by VINCENT WING (v. No. 5447 ante). 15138 MEMORIAL VERSES on the ECCLESIASTICAL and CIVIL CALENDAR: with an EPITOME of the HEAVENLY MOTIONS, sm. 4to. (pp. 23), hf. calf neat (RARE), 12s John Darby, 1667 Containing the following verses, signed J. P., on reverse of title : ' Burlesque is stale and Travesty, And all that Drolling Poetry For Numbers now in Numbers flow, And Time and Tide together go. Here little Boyes that love to Play May know when 't will be Holyday, And Men that are not Rosie-Crucians May learn the Planets Revolutions In sober sadness, what d'you lack ? Here's your Perpetual Almanack. 1 None of the above works is noticed by Lowndes or Watt. 15139 STRETCH (R. H.) PROSPECTING, LOCATING and VALUING MINES, with Account of the principal Minerals and Country Rocks, Ore Deposits, Locations and Patents, the early Develop- ment of Mines, Earthy Mineral Products, Coal, Gold Gravels and Gravel Mining, Measurement of Water, and Artesian Wells, with 15 plates, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 10s nett) New York, 1900 15140 STROMEYER (Johann Philip Edmond Charles, M.I.C.E.) UNITY and NATURE: an Analogy between Music and LIFE, 8vo. cl., t. e. g., 7s (p. 12*' Qd nett) 1911 Including chapters .on Flatland, Matter, Energy, Geological Records, the Fourth Dimension, etc. etc. 15141 STRONG (Thomas Banks, Dean of Christ Church), LECTURES on the METHOD of SCIENCE, edited by, with 16 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 7s 6rf nett) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1906 Containing contributions by Proff. Thomas Case, Francis Gotch, C. S. Sherrington, and W. M. Flinders Petrie, W. McDougall, A. H. Fison, Sir Richard C. Temple, and the Editor. STRtiBI (Heinrich) ARITHMETICA : ein new kiinstlich Rechenbuch mit der Zipher, Ziirych, 1599 v. LAUREMBERG, No. 10569, ante. 15142 STRUKEL (M., Technical High School Helsingfors) Der BRUCKENBAU, nach Vortriigen gehalten am finnlandishen Polytechnischen Institute in Helsingfors ; Atlas, II. TEIL : Bewegliche und steinerne Briicken ; with 41 plates, 4to. sewn, 5s (p. M. 10) Helsingfors, 1906 15143 Der GRUNDBAU, nach den Vortriigen gehalten am finnlandischen Polytechnischen Institute in Helsingfors, mit Atlas, 2. vermehrte Auflage ; with 36 plates and 118 other illustra- tions, 2 vols. 4to. sewn, 10s Qd (p. M. 18) ibidem, 1906 15144 Der WASSERBAU, nach den Vortragen am finnlandischen Polytechnischen Institute in Helsingfors, I. TEIL: Ursprung, Vorkommen und Eigenschaften des Wassers ; Stauwerke ; Fischwerke, 2. vermehrte Auflage ; with 15 plates and 103 other illustrations, 4to. sewn, Is Qd (p. M. 14s) ib. t 1904 15145 IV. (LETZTER) TEIL : Flussbau, Deiche, Hafen und Schiffahrtszeichen ; with 37 plates and 52 other illustrations, 4to. sewn, 9s (p. M. 18) ib., 1904 15146 STRTTTT (Hon. Robert John, F.R.S. ; Prof. Physics, Imperial College of Science) The BEC- QUEREL RAYS and the PROPERTIES of RADIUM, with 3 plates, and 27 diagrams, 8vo. c/., 4s Qd (p. 8s Qd nett) 1904 15147 - On the LEAST POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE required to produce DISCHARGE through various GASES, with woodcuts, roy. 4to. (pp. 18), sewn, IsGd t 1900 15148 STRUVE (Otto Wilhelm v., Pulkova Observatory) BEOBACHTUNG der TOTALEN SONNENFIN- STERNISS vom 18. (6.) JULI 1860 in POBES, nach den Berichten der einzelnen Theilnehmer zu- sammengestellt ; with 3 plates and folding map, 4to. hf. roan, 8s 6d St. Petersburg [Petrograd], 1861 Bound up with the above is : On the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE of July 18th, 1860, observed at RIVABJSLOSA, near Miranda de Ebro, in Spain (Bakerian Lecture), by WARREN DE LA RUE, F.R.S., with 14 plates of Solar Prominences, besides woodcuts, '62. ' De La Rue's observations proved conclusively that the ' red flames ' or ' prominences ' observed during eclipses, belong to the sun and not to the moon.' D.N. B. 'To De La Rue belongs the full credit of having solved this important question.' Sir Norman Lockyer. 15149 BEOBACHTUNGEN des BIELASCIIEN COMETEN in 1852, angestellt am grossen Refractor der Pulkowaer Stern warte ; with 2 plates, 4to. (pp. 26), sewn, 2s [ibidem, 1853] 15150 BESTIMMUNG der CONSTANTS de PRAECESSION, mit Beriicksichtigung der eigenen Bewegung des Sonnensystems, 4to. (pp. 108), sewn. r 5s ib., 1842 15151 DETERMINATION de la PARALLAXE de I'ETOILE GROOMBRIDGE 1830, folio (pp. 28), sewn, 2s 6d L [ib., 1850] HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 761 15153 STRUVE (Otto Wilhelm v., Pulkova Observatory] NOUVELLE DETERMINATION de la PARALLAXE ANNUELLE des ETOILES a Lyrae et 61 Cygni, roy. 4to. (pp. 51), sewn, 2s St. Petersbourg [Petrograd], 1859 15154 SAMMLUNG der BEOBACHTUNGEN von STERNBEDECKUNGEN wahrend der TOTALEN MONDFINSTERNISSE 1884 Oct. 4. und 1888 Jan. 28., 2 vols. 4to. sewn, 3s Qd ib., 1885-9 15155 STUKELEY (William, M.D., F.R.S., Rector of St. George the Martyr's, Queen Square) The PHILOSOPHY of EARTHQUAKES, Natural and Religious ; or an Inquiry into their Cause and Purpose, first edition, 8vo. (pp. 48), sewn, 4s 1750 15156 STURGEON (William, Addiscombe) SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES, Experimental and Theoretical, in ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, GALVANISM, ELECTRO- MAGNETISM, and ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY, with 19 copperplates, roy. 4to. cl. (SCARCE), 1. Is published by subscription, Bury [Zawcs.] I 850 15157 A THICK PAPER COPY, thick 4to. contemporary russia gilt, g, e., back damaged, 18s ' This volume is presented to Joseph Brotherton, Esq., M.P. [for Salford ; Reformer] under a deep sense of gratitude, and with the highest sentiments of respect, by the Author.' Inscr. in gold on binding. A reprint of the complete works of the INVENTOR OF THE DYNAMO-ELECTRIC AND THE MAGNETO-ELECTRICAL MACHINES, as contributed to various scientific journals, and completed only a few weeks before his death. They include a description of ' Sturgeon's disk ', the ignition of gunpowder by electrical discharge, his important discovery of the electro-magnet, kite experiments, the action of magnets on non-ferruginous metals, on Marine Lightning Conductors, and his 'Experi- mental Researches ', describing the process of amalgamating the zinc plate of an electric battery with a film of mercury. 15158 : The ANNALS of ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, and CHEMISTRY ; and Guardian of Ex- perimental Science, conducted by WILLIAM STURGEON, and assisted by Gentlemen eminent in these Departments of Philosophy, VOLS. I III and VI VII (Oct. 1836 April '39 and Jan. Dec. '41) , with plates (many folding) , and numerous woodcuts, 5 vols. 8vo. new boards (v. VI wanting title and index, and plates stamped), ivith editor's inscr. on title of v. I (SCARCE), 1. 10s 1837-41 15159 VOLS. I III ONLY (Oct. 1836 April, '39), with 43 plates, and woodcuts, 3 vols. Svo. hf. calf (backs rubbed, and v. Ill wanting title and index), 1. }s ' The first journal exclusively devoted to electrical subjects in this country. He supported this with immense industry and great ability, and with some aid from Joule, down to 1843, when lack of support compelled its discontinuance, though its volumes still remain valuable as a work of reference.' D.N.B. It contains many valuable contributions by the editor, including his translation of M. H. v. Jacobi's work on electroplating (v. Nos. 9709-10 ante), and ' Elementary Lectures on Electricity '. 15160 On the DISTRIBUTION (and Retention) of MAGNETIC POLARITY in METALLIC BODIES, with 2 plates, 2 pamphlets Svo. (pp. 26), sewn, 4s 1832 15161 STURM (Jphann Christoph, Univ. Altdorff) COLLEGIUM EXPERIMENTALE, sive CURIOSUM, in quo Primaria hujus Seculi Inventa et Experimenta Physico-Mathematica, speciatim Campanse Urinatoriae, Camerse Obscurae, Tubi Torricelliani, sen Baroscopii, Antliae Pneumaticae, Thermo- metrorum, Hygroscopiorum, Telescopiorum, Microscopiorum etc. Phenomena et Effecta, partim ab aliis jam pridem exhibita, partim noviter istis superaddita : TENTAMINUM COLLEGII CURIOSI, quaedam Appendices, sive Auctaria, editio princeps ; with 4 folding plates, and numerous smaller engravings on copper, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, old hf. vellum (RARE), 1. Is Norimbergce, 1676 15162 LIBER IDEM ; cum Parte Secunda, in qua porr6 Praesentis Aevi Experimenta et Inventa Physico-Mathematica compluria, speciatim Hygrostathmicorum quorundam Instrumentorum, Siphonis Reflexi grandioris, Lachrymarum Vitrearum, Clepsydrarum et Clepselseorum , Tubarum Stentorophonicarum sive Acusticarum, Hemisphaeriorum Magdeburgicorum, Novas Potentiae Mechanicae, Hydriarum Helmontianarum, Sclopeti Pneumatic! Guerickiani, novarumque Campanae Urinatoriae, Antliae Pneumaticae, Laternae Megalographicae Accessionum etc. Phaenomena et Effecta : Ad HENRICUM MORUM Cantabrigiensem EPISTOLA, qua de ipsius Principio Hylarchico seu Spiritu Naturae et Familiari modernis Hydrostaticis Aeris Gravitatione et Elatere; with numerous additional engravings on coppei 4 vols. 4to. in 2, old white vellum (somewhat browned, otherwise a fine copy) ; VERY RARE, 2. 5s ibidem, 1676-85 15163 ANOTHER COPY, 4 vols. in 1, old white vellum (sound andclean copy], with contemporary MS. notes, 2. 2s This important work contains not only a description of the chief discoveries of the time, but also an account of the author's own inventions, e. g., the differential thermometer, which was wrongly claimed by Sir John Leslie, F.R.S.E., and of the double-acting air-pump, erroneously ascribed to Francis Hauksbee, F.R.S. He was also the first who replaced the stop-cock of the old air pump by a valve. There is also an interesting account of the aerostatic projects of FRANCESCO LANA (q. v. ante), which he followed up by similar experiments. 15164 MATHESIS ENUCLEATA : or, the ELEMENTS of the MATHEMATICKS, made English by J[? OSEPH] R[?APHSON], A.M. andR.s.s., with plates, 8vo. old panelled calf (joints cracked), Qs Qd 1700 Containing Analytical Geometry (pp. 96): 'the New Geometry according to the Method of Des Cartes, but much facilitated by later Inventions, etc., by J. C. Sturmius ', with separate pagination. ' Arithmetic and Algebra are here very nearly separated.' Prof, de Morgan. 15165 MATHESIS JUVENILIS, accessit Consilium de Mathesi in Scholarum Trivalium et Gymnasiorum Classes omnes, etc. etc. Editio II., auctior et correctior ; thick sm. Svo. old English calf (joints cracked), 5s Norimbergce, 1702 ' The best collection of useful and entertaining things I have ever seen.' John Harris, F.E.S. 15166 STYFFE (Knut) The ELASTICITY, EXTENSIBILITY, and TENSILE STRENGTH of IRON and STEEL, translated, with Original Appendix, by C. P. SANDBERG, with Preface by 'JOHN PERCY, M.D. , F.R.S., with 9 folding plates, 8vo., cl., uncut (scarce), 6s Qd 1869 ' Containing a copious store of facts, established by careful and trustworthy experiments.' Dr. Percy, F.R.S. 15167 SULLIVAN [hie SULIVAN] (Sir Richard Joseph, F.R.S., F.S.A.) VIEW of NATURE, in LETTERS to a TRAVELLER among the ALPS ; with Reflections on Atheistical Philosophy, now exemplified in France, 6 vols. Svo. contemporary hf. calf (fine copy), ivith Calgarth Park booklabel ofEichard Watson, F.R.S., absentee Bp. of Llandaff (1737-1816), 10s Qd 1794 'A work of labour and general utility, digested from original writers with judgement and an upright virtuous heart, in a pleasing and instructive manner.' Pursuits of Literature. 762 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 15169 SUCKOW (Georg Adolph; Univ. Heidelberg} ANFANGSGRUNDE der OKONOMISCHEN und TECHNISCHEN CHEMIE ; with copper vignette on title, and 2 folding tables, thick 8vo. sewn, 4s Leipzig, 1784 15170 SUTCLIFFE (John, C.E.) REPORT on the LINE of NAVIGATION from HEXHAM to HAYDON- BRIDGE, proposed as a Continuation of the Stella and Hexham Canal, and a Report on the Line from Newcastle to Haydon Bridge, 8vo. (pp. 74), sewn, 5s Newcastle [1797] 15171 TREATISE on CANALS and RESERVOIRS, and the best Mode of designing and executing them; with Observations on the Rochdale, Leeds and Liverpool, Huddersfield, Bridgewater, Lancaster, and the Kennett and Avon Canals ; and Observations on the best Mode of CARDING, ROVING, DRAWING, and SPINNING all kinds of Cotton Twist, also Instructions for designing and building a CORN MILL, etc. etc., Rochdale, 1816 : TREATISE of UNIVERSAL INLAND NAVIGATIONS, and the USE of all Sorts of MINES, with the Construction, Explanation, and Use of a New Invented Mechanical and Hydraulic Machine, and Supplement, plainly demonstrating the Possibility and Means whereby a Ship of any Size may be launched at any Time, etc. etc., by Edmund Leach, 2nd Edition, with 5 plates, and 15 tables, 1791 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf, 10s Qd 1816-1791 15172 SUTHERLAND (William) BRITAIN'S GLORY : or SHIP-BUILDING unvail'd ; being a General Director for Building and Compleating the said Machines, first edition, with 6 copperplates, and numerous woodcuts, folio, old panelled calf, newly rebacked (very rare), 4. 10s 1717 15173 SECOND EDITION, with the RARE PORTRAIT of GEORGE I., surrounded by the 257 ships of the Royal Navy, 6 copperplates, and numerous woodcuts, folio, contemporary mottltd calf (joints cracked, but a FINE COPY), with bookplate of the Rt. Hon. George Rose, M.P., 5. 10s 1729 Both editions contain a second part, with a separate title-page : The PRICES of the LABOUR in SHIP-BUILDING Adjusted : or the Mystery of Ship-Building Unveiled, being a brief Explanation of the Labouring Port in Ship-Building ; from a Ship of the biggest Magnitude to a small Boat, first shewing the Working of the whole Ship, according to the Length, Breadth, Depth and Girt, and then by Sub-divisions shews the Value of every particular Part' (pp. 286). 15174 SWAN (William, F.R.S.E. ; Univ. St. Andrews) On Certain PHENOMENA of CAPILLARY ATTRACTION, exhibited by CHLOROFORM, the FIXED OILS, and other Liquids, with Enquiry into some of the Causes which modify the Form of the Mutual Surface of Two Immiscible Liquids in Contact with the Walls of the Vessel in which they are contained, 8vo. (pp. 11), unbound, with author's inscr., Is Qd 1848 15175 On the CONSTITUTION of FLAME, 4to. (pp. 12), sewn, 2s 6d [Edin., 1859] 15176 - On NEW FORMS of LIGHTHOUSE APPARATUS, with 16 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 67), sewn, with inscr. to Allen Thomson, F.R.S., 4s ibidem, 1868 ' These papers contain a very full and almost exhaustive analysis of the formation of prisms for lighthouse purposes, and bring out several new and important ideas on the subject.' R. Scottish Soc. of Arts' Committee's Report. 15177 - - On NEW METHODS of DETERMINING the INDEX of REFRACTION, with plate, 8vo. (pp. 14), unbound, with inscr. to A. Thomson, F.R.S., 2s io., 1844 15178 - - On the PRISMATIC SPECTRA of the FLAMES of COMPOUNDS of CARBON and HYDROGEN, with plate, 4to. (pp. 19), sewn, with inscr. to Prof. A. S. Herschel, F.R.S., 3s ib., 1856 15179 SWTNDEN (Johan Hendrik van; Univ. Franeker) DISSERTATION sur la COMPARAISON des THERMOMETRES ; ivith copperplate, and large folding table, 8vo. sewn, uncut (rare), 10s 6d Amsterdam, 1778 Valuable for containing accounts of 27 thermometric scales, most of which are now forgotten, and can only be traced from the above and a few other contemporary works. 15180 - - RECUEIL de MEMOIRES sur P ANALOGUE de I'ELECTRICITE et du MAGNETISME, couronne"s et publics par I'Academie de Baviere ; traduits du Latin et de 1'Allemand, augmentes de Notes, et de quelques Dissertations nouvelles ; with 8 folding copperplates, and table, 3 vols. 8vo. sewn, 12s La Haye, 1784 15181 ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. 8vo. in 2, sound copy in old hf. calf gilt, 15s Vol. II contains ' Reponse a la Question sur 1'Analogie de 1'Electricite et du Magnetisme, par CELESTIN STEIGLEHNER [O.S.B.],' 'Memoire sur 1'Analogie de 1'EJectricite et du Magnetisme, par L. HUEBER, s.J.', and 'Dissertation sur un Phenomene Magnetique Paradoxe ', and v. Ill 'Dissertation sur les Mouvemens Irreguliers de 1'Aiguille Aimantee.' 15182 POSITIONES PHYSICAE, quas, Annuo Lahore, in Scholis Privatis explicat, Experiments illustrat, e]b Auditorum suorum Meditationi proponit ; with 1 folding copperplates, and table, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, sound copy in old hf. calf gilt, with auto, of C. G. C. Reinwardt (Prof. Natural History, Leyden), Is Qd Harderovici Gebrorum, 1786 15183 SYMONS (George James, F.R.S.) BRITISH RAINFALL : on the Distribution of Rain over the British Islands [continued by HuGHRoBERTMiLL],duringl863. 1865-1911, and 1913 (Vols. 4. 6-51.53), with numerous plates, woodcuts, maps and charts, 48 vols. 8vo. cl. (2 vv. sewn), 6. (p. 20. 5s) 1863-1913 15184 ANOTHER SET, 1865. '67. '69-72. '74-1910 (Vols. 6. 8. 10-13. 15-50), with numerous plates, woodcuts, maps, etc., 42 vols. 8vo. cl., 4. 10s (p. 18. 5s) 1865-1910 15185 - ANOTHER SET, 1865. '69. '75. '7S. '80-1909 (Vols. 6. 10. 16. 19. 21-49), with numerous plates, woodcuts, maps, etc., 33 vols. 8vo. cl., 3. 3s (p. 15. 15s) 1865-1909 ' In 1898 the number of stations had grown [from 168 in I860] to 3,404, arid they were manned by an army of over 3,000 volunteer observers. This unique organisation was kept by Syrnons under close personal supervision, and the upshot was the accumulation of a mass of data of standard value, unmatched in any other country. The sanitary importance of water-supply was a determining motive for its collection.' D. N. B. 15186 - MONTHLY METEOROLOGICAL MAGAZINE [edited after 1900 by HUGH ROBERT MILL], complete from 1870 to 1910 (Vols. V-XLIV), with portraits, plates, woodcuts, maps, and tables, 40 vols. 8vo. cl. (vv. 31-40 in parts), 3. 10s (p. 10.) 1870-1910 15187 - - ANOTHER SET, from 1870 to 1896 (Vols. V XXX), with numerous plates, woodcuts, etc., 26 vols. 8vo. cL (12 vv. in parts), 1. 10s 1870-96 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 763 15189 SYKES (Col. William Henry, F.R.S. ; M.P.) On the GEOLOGY of a Portion of DUKHUN, EAST INDIES, with mao and 2 folding plates \ 4to. (pp. 2*). sewn, 2s 1836 * 15190 SYMES (Richard, Rector of St. Werburgh's, Bristol) FIRE ANALYSED; or the several Parts of which it is compounded clearly demonstrated by Experiments, the TEUTONIC PHILOSOPHY PROVED TRUE by the same Experiments ; and the Manner and Method of making Electricity Medicinal, and Healing confirmed by a Variety of Cures, 8vo. (pp. 94), sewn (rare), 8s M Bristol, 1771 A pseudo-scientific tract, avowedly suggested by another paradoxer RICHARD LOVETT (v. No. 11048), in which the author elaborates Jacob Behmen's mystic fire fluid in an attempt to explain physical phenomena, e.g. electricity, light, etc. 15191 SYMONDS (William Samuel, pr., F.G.S.) RECORDS of the ROCKS ; or Notes on the Geology, Natural History, and Antiquities of North and South Wales, Devon, and Cornwall, with 8 plates, and numerous woodcuts, cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.], 5s (p. 12s) 1812 ' A mirror of the author ; good geological work is blended with local natural history and archaeology, and the tale is told in an easy pleasant style which gives the book an exceptional charm.' Prof. Bonney, pr., F.R.S. 15192 TACHEN [Latine TACHENIUS] (Otto) ANTIQUISSIM^E HIPPOCRATIJE MEDICINE CLAVIS, Manuali Experimentia in Naturae Fontibus elaborata, qua per Ignem et Aquam inaudita Methodo, Occulta Naturae et Artis, compendiosa operandi Ratione manifesta fiunt, et dilucide aperiuntur, editio princeps, 16mo. old calf (back damaged, and partly water -stained] ; rare, 12s Qd Venetiis, 1669 15193 HIPPOCRATES CHIMICUS, qui Novissimi Viperini Salis antiquissima Fundamenta ostendit, Editio III., cseteris Magis emendata, ac Indice locupleti donata ; with engraved title showing alchemical laboratory, Lugd. Bat., 1671 : Schuyl (Fl.) Pro VETERI MEDICINA ; with folding copperplate of vivisected dog, ib., 1670 2 vols. 18mo. old white vellum (fine copies], 15s 1671-70 1 Tachenius proved himself an independent investigator, to whom chemistry is indebted both for extremely valuable observations and for speculations deduced from these . . . Among his other valuable observations, he contributed materially to elucidating that problem which Boyle considered the most important of all, viz. a knowledge of the composition of bodies. It was with him that the first serviceable definition of the term ' salt,' as a compound of an acid and an alkali, originated. His statements on the composition of various compounds show great acuteness, which is also seen in the value which he laid on certain reactions as tests for different substances. Tachenius thus laid the foundations of qualitative chemistry in a more systematic manner than his predecessors.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 15194 TACQ,UET (Andre, s.J.) ARITHMETICS THEORIA et PRAXIS, Editio II. correctior ; with plate, 12mo. old mottled calf gilt (nice copy], 6s Antverpice, 1665 15195 The ELEMENTS of ARITHMETICK, in Three Books, the SEVENTH, EIGHTH, and NINTH of EUCLID, with the PRACTICAL ARITHMETICK, now translated by an Eminent Hand, for Common Use ; with Table of Contents, with plate, 12mo. contemporary sheep, 10s Qd W. and J. Marshal [e. 1680] 'Dr. Peacock [Dean of Ely] mentions Tacquet as a late instance of the old method of division. Both methods are given in this translation, 'whereof the first, 1 meaning the Italian method, 'is least used but is the best ; the other most used, but the difficultestV Prof, de Morgan. 15196 TAFFE (A.) APPLICATION des PRINCIPES de MECANIQUE aux MACHINES les plus en Usage, mues par 1'Eau, la Vapeur, le Vent et les Animaux, et a diverses Constructions, premiere edition; with 8 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf, 2s Qd Marseille, 1835 15197 SECONDE EDITION, revue et augmentee ; with 8 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf (binding damaged), with auto, of George Rennie, F.R.S., on title, 2s Qd 1839 15198 TAISNIER (Jean) OPUSCULUM Perpetua Memoria Dignissimum, de NATURA MAGNETIS, et ejus EFFECTIBUS, item, de Motu Continue. Demonstratio Proportion^ Motuum Localium, contra Aristotelem et alios Philosophos. De Motu alio celerrimo, hactenus incognito ; printed in italics, with vignette on title, fine portrait on rev. of title and last L, and numerous other woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 4to. finely bound in crushed green Levant morocco gilt, g. e., by W. PRATT (VERY FINE COPY), very rare, 8. 8s Colonial, Jo. Birckmannus, 1562 THE SECOND WORK PUBLISHED ON THE MAGNET, AND OF EXTREME RARITY. It is mainly based on the ' Opusculum de Natura Magnetis ' of Petrus Peregrinus, with whom Taisnier shared the opinion (also held by Cardan) that the magnet could cause a perpetual motion. There is also at end a treatise 'de Fluxu et Refluxu Maris ' (pp. 37). 15199 TALBOT (Frederick A.) LIGHTSHIPS and LIGHTHOUSES, with 89 plates, and other illustra- tions, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 6s nett) 1913 15200 The STEAMSHIP CONQUEST of the WORLD, with 93 plates, and 3 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 6s nett) 1912 15201 TALBOT (William Henry Fox, M.P., F.R.S. ; discoverer of photography) Some ACCOUNT of the ART of PHOTOGENIC DRAWING, or the Process by which Natural Objects maybe made to delineate themselves without the Aid of the Artist's Pencil, 4to. (pp. 13), sewn (RARE), 10s Qd 1839 ' On 25 Jan. following Faraday briefly described Talbot's independent invention of ' photogenic drawing ' at the Royal Institution, and on 31 Jan. Talbot communicated an account of his researches (supra). His process consisted in produc- ing the photographic image on writing-paper highly sensitised by chemical treatment. White images of the objects were formed after a long exposure upon a dark ground, these being the ' negatives ', from which ' positives ' could be obtained by printing in the manner still employed.' D. N. B. v. No. 10729 ante. 15202 TANNERY (Jules) LECONS d'ARlTHMETiQUE, theorique et pratique; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd 1894 15203 TEMPLEMAN (Peter, M.D.) CURIOUS KEMARKsand OBSERVATIONS in PHYSICS, ANATOMY, CHIRURGERY, CHEMISTRY, BOTANY, and MEDICINE, extracted from the History and Memoirs of the ROYAL ACADEMY of SCIENCES at PARIS, containing such useful Discoveries as have not been collected by other Writers on the same Subject, with 17 copperplates (mostly folding), 2 vols. 8vo. sound copy in old calf, with Calqarth Park booklabel and some MS. notes of Richard Watson, F.R.S., absentee Bp. of Llandaff(nB7-l8\Q), 10s Qd 1753-4 Containing much of meteorological interest. 764 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 15205 TATHAM (William) NATIONAL IRRIGATION, or the various Methods of Watering Meadows .... by an Agricultural, Commercial, and General Economy in the Use of Water, with copper- plates, and 2 woodcuts, with author's inscr. : Anderson (James) PRACTICAL TREATISE on DRAINING BOGS and SWAMPY GROUNDS ; with Remarks on the Originality of MR. ELKINGTON'S Mode of Draining, also Directions for making a New Kind of Strong, Cheap, and Durable Fence, for Rich Lands, at Little Expence, etc. etc., withSplates 2 vols. 1, hf. calf, IQsQd 1801-1797 15206 PLAN for IMPROVING the CITY of LONDON, by Means of NAVIGABLE CANALS and COM- MERCIAL BASONS, with folding plan of London, 4to. (pp. 163), sewn, 7s Qd [1799J 15207 - - REPORT on a VIEW and EXAMINATION of certain IMPEDIMENTS and OBSTRUCTIONS in the NAVIGATION of the RIVER THAMES, made pursuant to a Resolution of the Navigation Com- mittee, dated December 7th, 1802, from a Survey made in Co-operation with SAMUEL MILLER, 8vo. hf. russia (binding damaged] , with old armorial bookplate of John Towneley, 6s 1803 SPECIFICATIONS of sundry IMPROVEMENTS on the INCLINED PLANE SYSTEM of INLAND NAVIGATION and in MECHANICS, an original Manuscript (1798) v. SMEATON, No. 14927, ante. The author, a Cumbrian, went to America at the age of seventeen, served during the Revolutionary War under General Charles Scott, fought at Yorktown, and afterwards settled iii Virginia. He came back to England in 1796. and obtained the post of Superintendent of the London Docks at Wapping. In 1805 he went to America again, and became military storekeeper at Richmond Arsenal. He committed suicide in 1819 by stepping in front of a cannon as it was going off. 15208 TAYLOR (Brook, F.R.S.) CONTEMPLATIO PHILOSOPHICA : a Posthumous Work, with LIFE, by his Grandson SIR WILLIAM YOUNG, F.R.S. , and Appendix of sundry ORIGINAL PAPERS, LETTERS from the Count Raymond de Montmort, Lord Bolingbroke, Marcilly de Villette, Bernouilli [sic] , and others, finely printed by Buhner, 8vo. sewn (portrait wanting) ; ONLY 100 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED, 1. 5s 1793 'The Contemplatlo Philosophica was printed at London in 1793 for private circulation and is now extremely rare.' W. W. R. Ball. The life prefixed is the chief authority on the author. The letters also include Taylor's replies, containing along unpublished one, a sarcastic answer to Jean Bernoulli, referring to the -Newton-Leibniz controversy, a letter on the same controversy from the Abbe Conti, and one from BOSSUET. 15209 LINEAR PERSPECTIVE: or a New Method of representing justly all Manner of Objects as they appear to the Eye in all Situations, first edition, with vignette, and 18 plates, 8vo. sound copy in contemporary panelled calf, with old armorial bookplate of Oliver Acton (rare], 12s Qd 1715 15210 - - NEW PRINCIPLES of LINEAR PEESPECTIVE : or the Art of Designing on a Plane the Representations of all sorts of Objects in a more General and Simple Method that has been hitherto done; 3rd Edition, revised and corrected by JOHN COLSON, F.R.S., with 13 folding plates, 8vo. rough calf (damaged), ivith auto, of Sir John William Lubbock, F.R.S. (rare), 12s 6d 1749 ' Containing the earliest general enunciation of the principle of vanishing points '. W. W. R. Ball. These were the first English works treating the subject of perspective scientifically. 15211 TAYLOR (Frederick William), and Sanford Eleazer THOMPSON : TREATISE on CONCRETE PLAIN and REINFORCED: Materials, Construction, and Design of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete, with Chapters by R. FERET, WILLIAM B. FULLER, FRANK P. McKiBBEN, and SPENCER B. NEWBERRY ; 2nd [latest] Edition [greatly enlarged], with frontispiece, 249 illus- trations, and numerous folding charts, 8vo. cl., 12s (p. 1. Is nett) New York, 1909 15212 TAYLOR (Joseph) The COMPLETE WEATHER GUIDE : a Collection of Practical Observations for Prognosticating the Weather, including the SHEPHERD of BANBURY'S RULES, explained on Philosophical Principles, with Miscellaneous Observations on Meteorology, and a curious Botanical Clock, folding frontispiece, fcap. 8vo. boards, uncut, 5s 1814, or '20 TAYLOR (Richard, F.S.A.) SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS (1837-53) v. Nos. 11744-5 and 14772 ante. 15213 TAYLOR (Thomas ; ' Platonist ') THEORETIC ARITHMETIC, containing the Substance of all written on this Subject by THEO of SMYRNA, NICOMACHUS, IAMBLICHUS and BOETIUS, with some remarkable Particulars respecting PERFECT, AMICABLE, and other NUMBERS not to be found in the Writings of any Ancient or Modern Mathematicians, likewise, a Specimen of the Manner in which the PYTHAGOREANS philosophized about NUMBERS, and a Development of their Mystical and Theological Arithmetic, 8vo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 1. 5s printed for the Author, 1816 15214 TAYLOR (Thomas Glanville, F.R.S., Astronomer to H.E.I. Co.) GENERAL CATALOGUE of the PRINCIPAL FIXED STARS, from Observations made at the Hon. East India Co.'s Observatory at MADRAS, 1830-43, with vignette of Madras Observatory on title, 4to. cl. (VERY SCARCE), with auto, and MS. corrections by Dr. A. M. W. Downing, F.R'.S., 1. 10s Madras, 1844 Containing 11,015 stars reduced to 1835.0. ' The greatest catalogue of modern times. In the number of observations, and in the number and distribution of the stars, and in the circumstance that the observations were made, reduced, combined, and printed at the same place, and under the same superintendence, it bears the palm from all others." Sir George Airy, F.R.S. 15215 TECHNICAL DICTIONARIES, The DEINHARDT-SCHLOMANN SERIES of, in Six LANGU- AGES : German, English, French, Russian, Italian, and Spanish : VOL. I : The MACHINE- ELEMENTS and TOOLS for WORKING in METAL and WOOD, with Appendix edited by P. STULP- NAGEL ; with 823 illustrations, large 12mo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1906 15216 - - VOL. V : RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION and OPERATION, compiled by AUGUST BOSHART ; with about 1900 illustrations, large 12mo. (pp. 883), cl., 7s 6d (p. 12s nett) 1909 15217 . - VOL. VI: RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK, compiled by AUGUST BOSHART; with about 2100 illustrations, large 12mo. (pp. 809), cl., 6s (p. 10s Qd nett) ' 1909 15218 VOL. X: MOTOR VEHICLES (Motor Cars, Motor Boats, Motor Airships, and Flying Machines), edited by RUDOLF URTEL, with very numerous illustrations, large 12mo. (pp. 1010), cl., 8s 6d (p. 12s nett) 1910 15219 TECHNOLOGICAL DICTIONARY: ENGLISH, GERMAN, and FRENCH, edited by EGBERT v. HOYER and FRANZ KREUTER, 5th [latest and greatly enlarged] Edition, large roy. 8vo. hf. German morocco (fine copy), 9s (p. M. 14) Wiesbaden, 1903 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 765 15221 TELFOBD (Thomas, C.E.), LIFE of, written by himself, containing a Descriptive Narrative of his Professional Labours, edited by JOHN RICKMAN, one of his Executors, with Preface, Supplement, Annotations, and Index, with vignettes on steel and plate of medals, thick 4to., also Atlas, containing 83 plates, roy. folio 2 vols. hf. cL, 1. 5s (p. 8. 8s) * 1838 ' In this volume Telford's accounts of his various engineering enterprises, great and small, are ample and luminous. Rickman added biographical traits and anecdotes of him. The supplement contains many elucidations of his professional career and a few of his personal character, among the former being his reports to Parliament, etc., and those of Parliamentary Commissioners under whose supervision some of the most important of his enterprises were executed. In one of the appendixes his poem on ' Eskdale' is reprinted. There is also a copy of his will.' D. N. B. 15222 TERZI (Luigi) GNOMONICA GRAFICA, ossia Metodo facile per disegnare ogni Sorta d' OROLOGI SOLARI SENZA 1'Uso della BUSSOLA, e preceduto dalle Nozioni della Sfera Celeste ; with 17 plates (9 folding], 8vb. sewn, 5s Torino, 1823 15223 THALEN (Tobias Robert; Univ. Upsala) MEMOIRE sur la DETERMINATION des LONGUEURS d' ONDE des RAIES METALLIQUES ; with large folding plate, 4to. (pp. 38), sewn (scarce], 5s Qd Upsal, 1868 The author here advocates wave-length as the standard of measure in spectroscopy, against the untrustworthy refraction spectrum used by Kirchhofi'. This method was adopted in the same year in the great map of the 'normal solar spectrum, published by Angstrom and the author. 15224 Sur le SPECTRE du FfiR obtenu a 1'Aide de 1'Arc Electrique, 4to. (pp. 49), sewn, 3s ibidem, 1885 15225 Om SPEKTRA, tillhb'rande YTTRIUM, ERBIUM, DIDYM och LANTHAN; with folding plate, roy. 4to. (pp. 24), sewn, 3s 6d Stockholm, 1874 15226 THENARD (Louis Jacques Baron; de VInstitut, F.R.S.) TRAITE de CHIMIE, Elementaire, Th6oriquc et Pratique, 2 e Edition, revue et corrigee ; with plates, 4 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut (nice copy), with fine bookplate of Dr. Priestley, 5s 1817-18 15227 - SIXIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION [augmentee] , avec un Essai sur la Philosophic Chimique et un Precis sur 1'Analyse, 5 vols. ; with Atlas, containing 21 foldinq plates 6 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 126- 1834-5 'Thenard's Traite de Chimie, a text-book which was most widely used, thanks to the happy synoptical arrangement of its contents, was of great merit.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 'Malgre les recentes decouvertes, cet ouvrage jouit encore aujourd'hui d'une grande autorite.' Biogr. Gen. 15228 TREATISE on the GENERAL PRINCIPLES of CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, translated by ARNOLD MERRICK, with 3 plates and folding table, 8vo. hf. calf (scarce), 10s Qd 1818 The author discovered hydrogen'peroxide, and in 1811, jointly with Gay-Lussac, the elementary analysis in chemistry. See Nos. 8314-15, ante. v. MEMOIRES de PHYSIQUE et de CHIMIE de la SOCIETE d'ARCUEiL, No. 11743 ante. 15229 THEODOSII Tripolitae SPH^RICORUM ELEMENTORUM Libri III, ex Traditione [FRANCISCI] MAUROLYCI, Messanensis Mathematici. Menelai SPHJERICORUM Libri III, ex Traditione eiusdem. Maurolyci SPH^RICORUM Libri II. Autolyci de SPII^RA qua? movetur Liber. Th.eod.osii de HABITATIONIBUS. Euclidis PHENOMENA brevissime demonstrata. Demonstratio et Praxis trium TABELLARUM sc. Sinus recti, Fcecundse et Beneficse ad Sphseralia Triangula pertinentium. COMPENDIUM MATHEMATICS mira Brevitate ex clarissimis Authoribus. Maur- olyci de SPH^ERA Sermo ; with vignette of armillary sphere on title, and numerous diagrams on margin, folio, unbound (badly water-stained, and ^ title slightly defective}; excessively rare, 3. 3s (col. :) Messance, Petrus Spira, 1558 'L'edition, ayaut ete completement perdue dans un naufrage, ne fat reimprimee que longtemps apres la mort de Maurolico, a 1'aide d'un exemplaire retrouvd en 1681.' Biogr. Gen. 'Ce volume est si rare en Allemagne, que, malgre le temoignage de Nic. Heinsius, 1'existence en a paru douteuse a Ebert.' Brunei. The Libri copy fetched 130 francs in 1857. 'II Sig. Libri che pure nella sua storia cida una breve ma esatta notizia sulla vita e le opere del Maurolico, non fa menzione di questo libro rarissimo. Anzi mi sembra che questa opera sia appnnto qraella raccolta d'awtori greci di cui il Maurolico nella sua cosmografia annunziava la traduzione, e della quale il medesimo Sig. Libri deplora la perdita.' Riecardi, 15230 SPH^ERICORUM Libri III, a CHRISTOPHORO CLAVIO, S.J., perspieuis Demonstrationibus ac Scholiis illustrati : item eiusdem Christophori Clavii Sinus, Linese Tarigentes et Seeantes, Triangula Rectilinea atque Sphserica ; with numerous diagrams, 4to. old white vellum (some II. browned, otherwise a FINE COPY), 15* Romte, Dom. Basa, 1586 15231 THETI [o TETI] (Carlo) DISCORSI delle FORTIFICATION I, Espngnationi, e Difese delle Citta, e d'altri Luoghi, oue difFusamente si demostra, quali debbano essere i Siti delle Fortezze, le Forme, i Recinti, Fossi, Baloardi, Castelli, ed altre Cose b loro appartenenti, con le Figure di esse ; hora di nuovo ricorretti ed ampliati ; with full-page plans, and numerous woodcuts, large folio, old vellum extra, with Jesuit arms on sides (back damaged, otherwise a very sound and clean copy}, 1- Is Venetiet, Franc, de Franceschi Senese, 1589 ' Scarce ; unknown to Cicognara.' Libri Catalogue. The above edition is the best ; it was reprinted in 1617. The work is interesting for containing illustrations and descriptions of contemporary surveying instruments. The abore copy contains the cancelled title, dated 158S. 15232 THEVENABD (Vice-Amiral Antoine Jean Marie Comte) MEMOIRES relatifs k la MARINE ; with 33 folding copperplates, 3 maps, and 21 foldinq tables, 4 vols. 8vo. old calf gilt (SCARCE), 1. Is An VIII [1800] ' C'est Thevenard qui donna le plan des deux premieres canonnteres faites en- France.' Bwg: Gen. The work deals mainly with naval architecture. Vol. I contains an interesting memoir on the origin of the jnariner's- compass, and v. II one on the Language and Antiquities of Brittany. There was no copy of the work in the Scott Library, nor is there one in that of the Institution of N-aval Architects. 15233 THIBAUT (P., Chymist to the French King) The ART of CiiYMlSTRY, as ife is now practised, now translated by a FELLOW of the ROYAL SOCIETY, 12mo.. sewn (rare), 15s J. Starkey, 1668 Unknown to "Watt, Brunet, Graesse, Poggewdorff, and others, and containing much pharmaceutical 1 matter ; also *t end 1 , ' A Little Treatise of Chymistry : or, an Abridgement of the precedent Treatise ' (pp. 3D)i 766 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43. PICCADILLY, \V. 15235 THIESS (J. Bernhard), and Guy A. JOY: TOLL TELEPHONE PRACTICE, with Introductory Chapter by FRANK F. FOWLE, with 273 illustrations (many full-page], roy. 8vo. cl., 9s (p. 1 4s nett) 1912 15236 THOMAS (Carl Clapp, Cornell Univ.) STEAM TURBINES; with 4 folding plates, linen chart, and over 100 other illustrations, 8vo. cl., Qs (p. 15s nett) New York, 1906 15237 THOMAS (David Alfred, M.P.) The GROWTH and DIRECTION of our FOREIGN TRADE in COAL during the LAST HALF CENTURY, with table and map, 8vo. roan, 3s privately printed, 1903 Mr. D. A. Thomas's was one of the few lives saved from the massacre of the Lusitania. 15238 THOMAS (John William, F.C.S.) TREATISE on COAL, MINE-GASES, and VENTILATION, with Copies of Researches 'on the Gases enclosed in Coal,' etc., cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 4s (p. 10s Qd) 1878 15239 THOMPSON (Edward P.) ROENTGEN RAYS, and Phenomena of the Anode and Cathode ; Principles, Applications, and Theories, with Concluding Chapter (Theoretical Considerations, Arguments, and kindred Relations) by WILLIAM A. ANTHONY, with 105 illustrations (many full- page), large 8vo. cl., 3* Qd (p. 7s 6d nett) New York [1396] 15240 THOMPSON (Silvanus Phillips, F.R.S.) DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY, with 230 wood- cuts, thick 8vo. cl. , 3s 1884 15241 ANOTHER COPY, with auto, of F. J. Jer vis- Smith, pr., F.R.S., and inscr. and interesting auto, letter from the author to him, and photograph of thejin>t self -exciting Dynamo, invented by S. A. Varleu, with inscr. by the latter, 5s 15242 SECOND EDITION, enlarged and revised, with 324 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 12s Qd) 1886 15243 - - THIRD EDITION, enlarged and revised, with 378 illustrations, thick 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 16s) 1888 15244 - - FIFTH EDITION, revised, with 19 plates, and 520 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl. (cover damaged), Is (p. 1. 4s) 1896 15245 - SEVENTH [LATEST] EDITION [greatly enlarged and rewritten], with 54 folding plates, and 1119 other illustrations. 2 very thick vols. 8vo. cl., 2. (p. 3. nett) 1904-5 This edition incorporates the autho'r's ' Design of Dynamos ', previously published as a separate work. 15246 ELEMENTARY LESSONS in ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, new [final] Edition [rewritten], with 2 charts, and 291 woodcuts, I2mo. cl., 2s (p. 4s Qd) 1895 15247 LIGHT VISIBLE and INVISIBLE: Lectures at the Royal Institution, Christmas, 1896, with 158 illustrations (including portraits and sciagraphs), large post 8vo. cl. , 3s Qd (p. 6s nett) 1897 One of the most delightful books overwritten on this interesting subject, a'nd remarkable for the lucidity and simplicity of its exposition of apparently intricate problems. 15248 The PHYSICAL FOUNDATION of Music: an Exposition of the Acoustical Researches of DR. RUDOLPH KOENIG, of Paris, with 13 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 31), sewn, 2s 1890 15249 POLYPHASE ELECTRIC CURRENTS, and ALTERNATE- CURRENT MOTORS, with 2 folding plates, and 171 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., Qs This edition contains a BIBLIOGRAPHY (pp. ]7). which was left out in the second edition. 15250 SECOND [LATEST] EDITION, enlarged, with folding plates and 358 woodcuts, large Svo. cl. (scarce), with auto, of F. J. Jervis-Smith, pr., F.R.S., 15s 1900 With Appendix containing a schedule of British patents on polyphase and alternating current motors, 1878-99. 15251 THOMSON (David) LUNAR and HORARY TABLES, for new and concise Methods of perform- ing the Calculations necessary for ascertaining the LONGITUDE by LUNAR OBSERVATIONS or CHRONOMETERS, with Direction* for acquiring a Knowledge of the principal Fixed Stars, and finding the Latitude by them, 60th Edition, roy. Svo. cl., 4s (p. 10s) 1867 15252 THOMSON (David Purdie, M.D.) INTRODUCTION to METEOROLOGY, with woodcuts, Svo. cl. (scarce), 8s Edin., 1849 ' A work replete with exact, learned, and curious information of every sort in the different departments of the science.' Alex. Buchan, f'.R.S. ' A work in which the reader will find assembled a most extraordinary collection of the recorded marvels of meteorology.' Sir John Herschel. 15253 THOMSON (Capt. J. H.), and Sir Boverton REDWOOD: HANDBOOK on PETROLEUM, with Suggestions on the Construction and Use of Mineral Oil Lamps, with 2 plates, and 14 wood- cuts, sq. Svo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 8s Qd nett) 15254 THOMSON (Sir Joseph John, F.R.S. ; Cavendish Prof. Experimental Physics, Cantab., Nobel Laureate) APPLICATIONS of DYNAMICS to PHYSICS and CHEMISTRY, cr. Svo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 7s Qd) 1888 15255 - CONDUCTION of ELECTRICITY through GASES, 2nd [latest] Edition [enlarged and re- written], with 205 illustrations, Svo. cl., 9s (p. 16*) Univ. Press, Cambridge. 1906 Containing the important investigations for which the author was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1906, and ' developing the view that the conduction of electricity through gases is due to the presence in the gas of small particles called ions, which under the influence of e'ectric forces move from one part of the gas to another.' Preface. 15256 - The DISCHARGE of ELECTRICITY through GASES, with 41 diagrams, post Svo. cl. (cover stained), 2s Qd (p. 4s Qd nett) 15257 - - ELECTRICITY and MATTER, with 18 illustrations, large post Svo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1904 Including : Atomic Structure of Electricity : Constitution of the Atom : Radio-Activity and Radio-active Substances. 15258 NOTES on RECENT RESEARCHES in ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, intended as a Sequel to PROF. CLERK-MAXWELL'S TREATISE on Electricity and Magnetism, with 144 illustrations, Svo. cl. (VERY SCARCE), 2. 10s Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1893 Containing I. Electric Displacement and Faraday Tubes of Force (pp. 1-52). II. Passage of Electricity through Gases (pp. 53-207). III. Conjugate Functions (pp. 208-50). IV. Electric Waves and Oscillations (pp. 251-387). V. Electro- magnetic Waves [including Hertz's Experiments! (pp. 388-50S). VI. Distribution of Rapidly Alternating Currents (,pp. 510-33). VII. Electromotive Intensity in Moving Bodies (pp. 534-58). VIII. Electrolysis of Steam (pp. 559-70). _ 15259 RAYS of POSITIVE ELECTRICITY, and their Application to Chemical Analyses, with 50 illustrations (including 5 plates), Svo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 5s nett) 1913 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 767 15261 THOMSON (Sir Joseph John, F.R.S. ; Cavendish Prof. Experimental Physics, Cantab., Nobel Laureate) ELEMENTS of the MATHEMATICAL THEORY of ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, with 133 diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 10s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1895 15262 - SECOND EDITION [corrected], with 133 diagrams, post 8vo. cl 4s (p. 10s) a. e., ib., 1897 15263 TREATISE on the MOTION of VORTEX RINGS, with 8 diagrams, 8vo. cl. (VERY SCARCE), 1. Is 1883 'In this essay, in addition to the set subject: 'a general investigation of the action on each other of two closed vortices in a perfect incompressible fluid ', I have discussed some points which are intimately connected with it, and I have endeavoured to apply some of the results to the vortex atom theory of matter.' Preface. It was awarded the Adams Prize of Cambridge University. 15264 THOMSON (Thomas, M.D., F.R.S., Prof. Chemistry, Univ. Glasgow) ANALYSIS of a NEW SPECIES of COPPER ORE, 4to. (pp. 8), unbound, with auto, of Thomas Allan, F.R.S. , 2* 1814 15265 ANNALS of PHILOSOPHY ; or Magazine of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Natural History, Agriculture, and the Arts, complete from its Beginning in 1813 to its Conclusion in 1826 (viz. FIRST SERIES, 16 v., and SECOND SERIES, 12 v.), with numerous plates and woodcuts, 28 vols. 8vo. hf. cl., uncut, 3. 1813-26 15266 ANOTHER COMPLETE SET, 28 vols., hf. calf, 3. 3s 15267 - FIRST SERIES ONLY, from 1813 to 1818, with plates and woodcuts, 12 vols. 8vo. hf. russia (bindings damaged), with bookplate of Henry B. H. Beaufoy, F.R.S., 1. 15s 1813-18 The journal was afterwards edited by Richard Phillips, F.R.S., and in 1827 merged in the 'Philosophical Magazine.' The editor contributed to it, in 1813-14, a long and important series of papers, ' in which the atomic theory was applied to elucidate the composition of a very large number of compounds. These contributed largely to making the theory known, especially on the Continent of Europe.' D. N. B. It also contains two anonymous papers, written in 1815, on the relation between the atomic weights of elements and the specific gravity of their vapours. These were written by DR. WILLIAM PROUT, who afterwards developed from them his erroneous hypothesis that hydrogen is a primary matter from which the other elements are formed by various condensations. 15268 On ASBESTUS, CHLORITE, and TALC, rov. 4to. (pp. 37), sewn, with inscr. to R. Phillips, F.R.S., "2s 6d Edin., 1831 15269 ATTEMPT to establish the FIRST PRINCIPLES of CHEMISTRY by EXPERIMENT, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut (scarce), 10s 6d 1825 'In 1819 Thomson commenced a series of experimental researches with the view of testing, or rather of confirming, the theory of William Prout, that the atomic weights of all the elements are exact multiples of that of hydrogen. The results of the many thousands of experiments which he conducted with this object were extremely favourable to the theory, and were published in 1825 under the title Attempt to establish the First Principles of Chemistry by Experiment.' Dr. A. Harden, F.R.S. 15270 - - BREWING and DISTILLATION, with Practical Instructions for Brewing Porter and Ales according to the English and Scottish Methods, by WILLIAM STEWART, with 6 plates, large post 8vo. cl.,4s Edin., 1849 ' He made investigations on behalf of the Scottish Excise Board on the subjects of brewing and distillation, and in- vented the instrument known as Allan's saccharometer. 1 Dr. A. Harden, F.R.S. Scotch ale is very strong. 15271 CHEMISTRY of ORGANIC BODIES : VEGETABLES, 8vo. (pp. 1092), cl., 6s 1838 Interesting for including many compounds produced synthetically as a result of Liebig's researches, e.g., chloroform, lodoform, chloral hydrate, and many others. 15272 On the COMPOSITION of BLENDE, 4to. (pp. 13), sewn, with inscr. to R. Phillips, F.R.S., 2s Qd Edin., 1831 15273 DESCRIPTION and ANALYSIS of some MINERALS, 4to. (pp. 37), sewn, with inscr. to R. Phillips, 2s 6d ididem, 1831 15274 The HISTORY of CHEMISTRY, first edition, with portrait of Dr. Joseph Black, 2 vols. 12mo. cl. (scarce), Is Qd 1830-1 15275 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. hf. morocco gilt, 9s 6d Still much valued, and especially interesting for an account ' Of the Atomic Theory ' (pp. 277-309 of v. II). 15276 HISTORY of the ROYAL SOCIETY, from its Institution to the End of the Eighteenth Century, roy. 4to., LARGE PAPER ; boards, Ss 1812 ' Containing an account of the most important papers in each branch of science which had appeared in the Philosophical Transactions.' D. N. B. 15277 OUTLINE of the SCIENCES of HEAT and ELECTRICITY, with frontispiece and woodcuts, 8vo. boards, uncut > 4s 1830 Written as an introduction to the study of chemistry. 15278 OUTLINES of MINERALOGY, GEOLOGY, and MINERAL ANALYSIS, with numerous wood- cuts, 2 thick vols. 8vo. hf. cl., 5s 1836 Containing descriptions of about 50 new species, and a large number of original analyses. 15279 SYSTEM of CHEMISTRY, third Edition, with plates, 5 vols. 8vo. calf (backs rubbed) ; SCARCE, 15s Edin., 1807 ' He visited Dalton in Manchester on 26 Aug. 1804, and received from him an account of the new [atomic] theory which he introduced into the third edition of his ' System ' published in 1807. This was the first detailed -public announcement of the theory, for Dalton did not publish his ' New System of Chemical Philosophy ' (q. v. ante) until 1808 ... The later editions contain many of his own discoveries besides those of contemporaries. The work helped to improve the system of classification adopted in chemical science.'!). N. B. 15280 THORPE (Sir Thomas Edward, F.R.S.) L 'ANALYSE des ECHANTILLONS de LAIT adresses aux Laboratoires d'Etat, en Execution des Lois sur la Vente des Produits Alimentaires et des Medicaments: Traduction de HENRI FABRE, roy. 8vo. (pp. 19), sewn, with translator's inscr., Is 6d 1909 15281 Das ATOMGEWICHT des RADIUMS ; with 2 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 14), sewn, Is Hamburg, 1908 15282 Uber die BEZIEHUNG zwischen der INNEREN REIBUNG der FLUSSIGKEITEN und ihrer CHEMISCHEN NATUR, roy. 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is Leipzig, 1894 L5283 - The FAT of the EGG of the COMMON FOWL, 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Haarlem, n. d. 768 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 15285 THORPE (Sir Thomas Edward, F.R.S.) ESSAYS in HISTORICAL CHEMISTRY, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 12* nett) 1902 Including Robert Boyle, Dr. Priestley, Scheele, Cavendish, James Watt, Lavoisier, Faraday, Thomas Graham, Wohler, Dumas, Kopp, Victor Meyer, Mendeleeff, Cannizzaro, the Rise and Development of Synthetical Chemistry, the Progress of Chemistry in Gt. Britain and Ireland during the XIX. Century ; etc. 15286 Ein VoRLESUNGSVERSUCii zur VERANSCHAULICHUNG des Phanomens der KOHLENSTAUB- EXPLOSIONEN, roy. 8vo. (pp. 7), sewn, Is Hamburg, 1892 15287 , and Arthur Gordon FRANCIS : On the ATOMIC WEIGHT of STRONTIUM, roy. 8vo. (pp. 13), sewn, Is Gd 15288 - , und W. KIRWAN : FLUORSULFONSAURE, roy. 8vo. (pp. 4), sewn, Is Hamburg, 1892 15289 , and Alfred Edward Howard TUTTON; F.R.S. : PHOSPHOROUS OXIDE, Part I, with 5 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 29), sewn, Is Gd 15290 fiber PHOSPHOROXYSULFID, roy. 8vo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is Hamburg, 1892 15291 - , und John YOUNG : Ueber die VEREINIGTE WIRKUNG von HITZE und DRUCK auf die PARAFFINE ; with 2 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 28), sewn, 2s Gd [Leipzig, 1872] 15292 THURSTON (Robert Henry, Cornell Univ.) HEAT as a FORM of ENERGY, with 8 plain, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Gd (p. 5s) 15293 HISTORY of the GROWTH of the STEAM-ENGINE, 2nd Edition, with frontispiece, 147 woodcuts, and 15 portraits, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 6s Gd) 15294 THIRD EDITION [enlarged], with frontispiece, 147 woodcuts, and 15 portraits, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Gd (p. Gs Gd) 15295 MANUAL of STEAM-BOILERS : their Design, Construction, and Operation, with 183 wood- cuts, 8vo. cl., os (p. 1. 10s) New York, 1888 15296 TREATISE on FRICTION and LOST WORK in MACHINERY and MILLWORK, 6th Edition, with frontispiece and 63 other illustrations, 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 12s Gd nett) ibidem, 1898 15297 TIGHT (William George) DRAINAGE MODIFICATIONS in S.-E. OHIO and Adjacent Parts of WEST VIRGINIA and KENTUCKY, with 10 plates, woodcut, and 7 coloured maps, 4to. sewn, 4s U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, 1903 15298 TISSERAND (Felix; de VInstitut) RECUEIL COMPLEMENTAIRE d'ExERCiSES sur le CALCUL INFINITESIMAL; with 63 diagrams, 8vo. hf. calf neat, with auto, of Prof . 0. Henrici, F.R.S., 3s Gd (p. F. 7.50 nett sewn) 1877 15299 TOALDO (Abate Giuseppe; prof. Astronomy and Meteorology, Univ. Padua) COMPLETA KACCOLTA di Opuscoli, Ossei vazioni, e Notizie diverse contenute nei GIORNALI ASTRO-METEORO- LOGICI, 1773-98, coll' Aggiunta di alcune altre sue Produzioni Meteorologiche e Pubblicate ed Inedite ; ivith plate, 3 vois. 8vo. hf. parchment, uncut, 16s Venezia, 1802 15300 - Dei CONDUTTORI per PRESERVARE gli EDIFIZJ da' FULMINI : Memorie ; nuova Edizione, con Appendice su i Fatti piii recenti, per Dichiarazione e Conferma del Sistema dell' Autore sulla Disposizione dei Conduttori medesimi ; with vignette and 2 copperplates : Barbier de Tinan : NUOVE CONSIDERAZIONI sopra i CONDUTTORI, Venezia [1780] 2 vols. 4to. in 1, boards, uncut (fresh copies), 7s Gd Venezia, 1778[-80] 15301 Lo STESSO, con [Saussure (Horace Benedict de)] Delia MANiERA.di PRESERVARE gli EDIFIZJ dal FULMINE ; with vignette on title, Venezia, 17722 vols. 4to. in 1, contemporary hf. calf, 8s Gd ibidem, 1778-2 Containing many new suggestions regarding lightning rods, also some by Barbier, translated from the French. The author was the first in Italy who dared to attach lightning conductors to churches in opposition to popular prejudice. 15302 - -Delia VERA INFLUENZA degli ASTRI, delle Stagioni, e Mutazioni di Tempo, SAGGIO METEOROLOGICO, fondato sopra lung'he Osservazioni, ed applicato agli Usi dell' Agricoltura, Medicina, Nautica, ec. . . . Si aggiungono i PRONOSTICI di ARATO, tradotti da ANTONIO LUIGI BRICCI, e la Descrizione d'un nuovo PENDOLO a CORREZIONE del Ch. P. BOSCOVICH, prima edizione ; with^plate and 5 folding tables, 4to. contemporary vellum (rare], Us Gd Padova, 1770 ' Bella edizione. E veramente la prima opera di meteorologia che spogliando questa scienzadai pregiudizi volgari abbia tentato di ridurre a leggi scientiflche le empiriche dottrine conosciute dagl' antichi.' Riccardi. The paper by R. G. Boscovich is contained only in the above edition. 15303 SECONDA EDIZIONE, di molto accresciuta e migliorata ; with 4 folding tables, 4to. sewn, uncut, 8s Gd ibidem, 1781 15304 ANOTHER COPY, original paper wrapper, uncut (rare), with INSCRR. AS BELOW, 10s Gd ' To Rev. Nevil Maskelyno [D.D., F.R.S., Astronomer Royal] the AUTHOR '. ' E Libris Nevil Maskelyne a present from the author.' Inscrr. on flyleaf. 15305 - - TERZA EDIZIONE, di molto accresciuta, e migliorata; with folding tables, 4to. boards, uncut, 7s Gd ib., 1797 15306 - ANOTHER COPY, with portrait by S. Martire (inserted], old hf. calf gilt, 8s Gd 15307 - - ESSAI METEOBOLOGIQUE sur la VERITABLE INFLUENCE des ASTRES, des Saisons et Changemens de Terns ; nouvelle Edition, rendue meilleure et beaucoup augmentee ; traduit par JOSEPH DAQUIN, avec les PRONOSTICS d'ARATUS : with 4 folding tables, 4to. contemporary calf gilt, 10s Chambery, 1784 15308 - - ANOTHER COPY; with : Saussure (Horace Benedict de) ESSAIS surl'HYGROMETRlE; with 2 copperplates, Neuchdtel, 1783: DEFENCEdel'HYGROMETRlE aCHEVEU ; with plate, Geneve, 1788 3 vols. 4to. in 1, contemporary French calf extra, with old bookplate ' de Lamothe, medecin de Bordeaux ', 1. 10s 1783-8 'Ses decouvertes sur 1'influence des astres et de la lune en particulier, sur les saisons, lui assurerent tin rang distingue parmi les physiciens. Ayant remarque qu'au bout de 18 ans'les phenomenes meteorologiques se reproduisaient dans le merne ordre, il dressa trois de ces periodes et leur donna le nom de Saros. Les astronomes les appelerent depuis cycles toaldins.'JHor/r. Gin, 15309 TOMLINSON (Charles, F.R.S.) USEFUL ARTS and MANUFACTURES of GT. BRITAIN, 2nd Series : METALS, Chemical Manufactures, etc., with numerous woodcuts, postSvo.c/., 2s Gd [1859] HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 769 15311 TISSANDIER (Gaston) Le GRAND BALLON CAPTIF a VAPEUR de M. HENRY GIFFARD ; Cour des Tuileries Paris, 1878, nouvelle Edition ; with 43 full-page and other woodcuts by A. Tissandier, 8vo. hf. bound (scarce), 8s 1878 A description of the first partly-successful controllable balloon, the forerunner of the colossal and oligoctonous futilities of Count Zeppelin. 15312 TOMASSI (Gaetano Marchetti Ccnte) Nuovo TRATTATO sulla VERA RETTIFICAZIONE del CIRCOLO misurato esattamente con il Diametro, utile alia Trigonometria, alia Misura delle Curve, e degli Spazj Curvilinei, con una Dissertazione sul MODO di navigare sott' Acqua, inventato dallo stesso Autore FAnno 1799, Edizione II a ; with 6 folding plates, sm. 4to. sewn, uncut (rare), 10s 6d Fuligno, 1817 This early anticipation of submarine navigation should be included in the Service Museum of the Murder Division of the Imperial German Navy. 15313 TOMPKINS (Eng-.-Capt. A. E., R.N., Roy. Naval Coll., Greenwich] TEXT-BOOK of MARINE ENGINEERING, 2nd Edition, wholly rewritten, rearranged, and enlarged, with numerous plates and over 250 illustrations, thick roy. 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 15s) Portsmouth, 1904 15314 FOURTH EDITION, revised and partly rewritten, with about 430 illustrations, thick 8vo. cl., 10s 6d (p. 15s nett) 1914 15315 TOPLEY (William, F.R.S.) The GEOLOGY of the WEALD (Parts of the Counties of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Hants.), in Part from the Notes and MSS. of H. W. BRISTOWE, F.R.S., W. T. AVELINE, F. DREW, C. GOULD, and C. LE NEVE FOSTER, FF.G.S. ; List of Fossils revised by R. ETHERIDGE, F.R.S. , with 5 plates, 59 woodcuts, and 2 folding maps (1 coloured), roy. 8vo. cl., uncut (very rare), 2. 10s Geological Survey, 1875 ' Its value as a work of reference was at once recognised. Its clear statement of facts and lucid reasoning closed a long controversy, and proved the physical structure of the Weald to be the result of subaerial denudation in other words, due to the action of rain and rivers. 1 Prof. Brniney, pr., F.R.S. 15316 , MEMOIR of [by H. B. WOODWARD, F.R.S., with Bibliography ^portrait, roy. 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, Is Hertford, 1894 15317 TORONTO MAG-NETICAL OBSERVATORY, RESULTS of METEOROLOGICAL OBSERV- ATIONS at the, 1854-62, 2 vols. 4to. hf. bound (back ofl v. damaged), 6s Toronto, 1864 15318 TORRACA (Gaetano) DISSERTAZIONE sopra il QUESITO quali DIFETTI, ed ECCESSI debbano EVITARSI nello STUDIO della STORIA NATURALE, 4to. (pp. 40), sewn, 4s Mantova, 17*4 This work, which was unknown to Poggendorff, was awarded the prize by the Royal Academy of Mantua. 15319 TORRE (Giovanni Maria della, C. R. Somasco) NUOVE OSSERVAZIONI MICROSCOPICHE ; with ] 4 plates, 4to. sewn (rare), 10s Qd Napoli, 1776 'II parvint cornme Torricelli a former des microscopes d'une grande puissance, qu'il executait lui-meme au moyen de petits globes de verre. A 1'aide de ses microscopes il se proposa d'etudier le mouvement insensible des parties constitu- antes des corps organises, le chyle, le Bel, les fibres, les muscles, le cerveau, et surtout le sang, dont les elements selon lui consistaient en une multitude de petits anneaux roulant les uns sur les autres.' Biogr. Gen. The first two plates illustrate the microscope and accessory parts. Among the microscopic objects illustrated are podura scales and the blo). Portrait of George I., surrounded by the 257 ships of the Royal Navy. OPv'scvLyM 'i'VA ME* MORIA DIGNISSIMVM, DE KATVR.A MAGNETIS, ET EIVS ZFFECTIBVS. fDemotu continue. l tem J Demonflmtio proportion/I mottium localium t cont 1 tra4riftofelem& altos Tbtlofopbos. {-'De motu dio celerrtmo y halenus incognito. AuthoreloanneTaifnierioHannoniojVtriufquc luns Do&orejPoeta Laurcato,Mufico &: Re. ftore Sacelli Mufices Reuerend.Colo. nicnfis Archicpifcopi, &c, COLON! AE, oannem ' Anno M. D. LXil. u DE MOTV CONTINVO, tcs t recorded. 15405 VITELLIONIS Mathematici Doctissimi HEPI V 'OIITIKHS, id est de NATURA, RATIONS, et PROIECTIONE RADIORUM Visus, Luminum, Colovum atque Formarum, quam uulgo PERSPECT- IUAM uocant, Libri [cum Prsefatione PETRI APIANI], editio princeps; with pretty woodcut on title, large arms, and very numerous diagrams, Norimbergce, Jo. Petreius, 1535 : Euclidis ELEMENTORUM GEOMETRICORUM Libri XV, cum Expositione THEONIS in priores XIII a BARTHOLOM^EO ZAMBERTO Veneto Latinitate donata, CAMPANI in omnes, et HYPSICLIS Alexan- drini in duos postremos : adiecta sunt PHENOMENA, CATOPTRICA et OPTICA, deinde Protheoria MARINI et DATA, postremum, OPUSCULUM de LEVI et PONDEROSO, hactenus non visum ; with numerous woodcut initials and diagrams, Basileaz, Joh. Hervagius, 1537 2 vols. folio in 1, old oaken boards, covered with stamped pigskin, with metal clasps (very fine and large copies) : rare, 3. 15s Vitello's work contains not only a summary of all that was known on optics to the ancients and to Alhazen, but also a number of original investigations. 'A work on optics less diffuse and more systematic than that of Al Hazen, on which it was based. Witelo explained the twinkling of stars as due to the motion of the air, and showed that the effect was intensified if the star was viewed through water in motion. He pointed out that the rainbow was not formed by reflexion alone, as was taught by Aristotle, but was due to both reflexion and refraction.' Prof Cajori. The existence of a separate edition of his works was unknown to Poggendorff and Heller, who only quote the edition published with Alhazen's works in 1574. The second piece is the flrst complete edition of Euclid's works. The above copy contains the three preliminary 11., with an address by Philip Melancthon, which were abstracted in nearly all cases by the clerical censor an interesting instance of the rigidity of Ecclesiastical censure at the period of the Reformation. 15405 VLACQ, (Adriaan) : EPHEMERIDES MOTUUM CCELESTIUM ad Annos vulgaris Aerse 1633-6, summa Diligentia in Luminariurn Motibus et Zyzygiis, ex Tabulis Lansbergianis ab A.V. ; in reliquis Planetis ex Tabulis Rudolphinis a JOANNE KEPLERO supputatre, cum Instructione super earum Usu ; with vignette on title, and 2 other woodcuts, sm. 4to. boards (sound and clean copy), 14s Goudce, P. Rammasenius, 1632 15107 ANOTHER COPY, old vellum (title slightly defective), 10s 6d No. 15335 (w e 770), The first steam engine in Sweden, No. 15387 (page 778). The first illustration of a parachute. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 775 15409 VITRUVITJS Pollio (Marcus) [De ARCHITECTURA Libri X] per JOCUNDUM SOLITO castig- atior fact[ij, cum Figuris et Tabula ut jam legi etintelligi possit ; title ivithin woodcut border, and numerous good woodcuts, folio, hf. white, vellum (wanting ff. 1, 9, 13, 19. 22, 35-8, 40-1, 64-5, 88-90, 95-7, 104, and first 1. of table] ; rare, 10-s 6d (col.:) Venetiis, Joa. de Tridino alias Tacuino, 1511 The first illustrated edition of Vitruvius. The above copy contains the table which is often missing. 15410 De ARCHITECTURA Libri X, cum Commentariis DANIELIS BARBARI, electi Patriarchae Aquileiensis : Multis AEDIFICIORUM, HOROLOGIORUM, et MACHINARUM DESCRIPTIONIBUS, et FIGURIS, una cum Indicibus copiosis, aucti et illustrati ; with very numerous large and fine woodcuts, and diagrams, folio, hf. morocco (name torn off title) ; RARE, 2. 2s ibidem, Franc. Franciscius Senensis et Joa. Crugher, 1567 A beautiful edition, esteemed for the woodcuts it contains. 'Texte de 1' edition Lyonnaise de 1552 corrige sur de conjectures et muni d'un commentaire explicatif. Une parte des figures ont ete gravees par Giov. Crugher.' Graesse. The Sunderland copy (in calf) fetched 4. 15s. 15411 De ARCHITECTURA Libri X, cum Notis, Castigationibus et Observationibus GUILIELMI PHILANDRI integris; DANIELIS BARBARI excerptis, et CLAUDII SALMASII passim insertis, praemittuntur ELEMENTA ARCHITECTURE, collecta ab HENRICO WOTTONO Equite Anglo ; accedunt Lexicon Vitruvianum BERNARDINI BALDI Urbinatis, et ejusdem Scamilli Impares Vitruviani, de Pictura Libri III Leonis Baptistse de Albertis, de Sculptura Excerpta ex Dialogo Pomponii Gaurici . . . cum Indicibus copiosissimis, omnia collecta, digesta, et illustrata a JOANNE DE LAET ; with finely engraved title, and numerous well-executed woodcuts, thick sm. folio, hf. calf gilt (joints cracked, but a sound and clean copy] ; rare, 3. 3s Amstelodami, apud Lud. Elzevirium, 1649 ' Magnifique edition.' A. Willeins. ' Belle Edition. Elle est encore recherchee, et les exemplaires eu sont assez rares.' Brunei. It is interesting to find Sir Henry Wotton's treatise among the works included. 'Cequi donne a cet ouvrageune valeur particuliere, c'est qu'il est le seul de ce genre qui soit parvenu jusqu'a nous, c'est qu'il renferme des notions importantes pourl'histoire de 1'art, c'est qu'il a ete ecrit aune epoque ou 1'architectureaRome atteignit a sa plus grande perfection'. Biog. Gen. Book 8 deals with WATER-SUPPLY and AQUEDUCTS ; the 9th with DIALLING, and the 10th with MECHANICS. 15412 VOG-EL (Rudolf Augustin, Univ. Gottingen) INSTITUTIONES CHEMIAE ad Lectiones Academicas accommodatae, Editio altera locupletata, 8vo. old calf (nice copy), 5s Lugd.Bat., 1757 The author was a distinguished adherent of the Phlogiston Theory. He denied the metallic character of mercury. 15413 LEHRSATZE der CHEMIE, iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von JOHANN CHRISTIAN WIEGLEB, 8vo. old hf. calf, 4s Qd Weimar, 1775 15414 VOIG-T (Woldemar ; Univ. Gottingen) ELEMENTARE MECHANIK als Einleitung in das Studium der tbeoretischen Physik ; with 55 illustrations, 8vo. cl., with Dr. Emil Reich's bookplate, 4s 6d (p. M. 12 sewn) Leipzig, 1889 15415 ZWEITE UMGEARBEITETE [NEUESTE] AUFLAGE ; with 56 illustrations, 8vo. hf. German morocco neat, 10s (p. M. 16) ibidem, 1901 15416 KOMPENDIUM der THEORETISCHEN PHYSIK, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. German morocco, with Dr. Emil Reich's bookplate, 1. Is (p. M. 36) t&., 1895-6 15417 - LEHRBUCII der KRISTALLPHYSIK (mit Ausschluss der Kristalloptik) ; with 213 illustrations and folding table, thick 8vo. sewn, 18s (p. M. 30) ib., 1910 VOLTAIRE (Fran9ois Marie Arouet de) The ELEMENTS of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PHILO- SOPHY (1738) v. NEWTONIANA, No. 12625, ante. 15418 VOSSITJS (Isaac ; Canon of Windsor) VARIARUM OBSERVATIONUM Liber ; with woodcuts, 4to. old white vellum, or, old calf, 12s Qd Londini, Robertus Scott, 1685 Including : de Artibus et Scientiis Stnarum ; de Origine et Progressu Pulveris Bellici apud Europseos : de Triremium et Liburnicarum Constructione ; de Emendatione Longitudinum ; de apparentibus in Luna Circulis; de Causa Gravitatis, etc. ; also his well-known 'de Sibyllinis aliisque Christi Natalem praecedentibus Oraculis.' The dissertation on the construction of triremes was inserted by Gnevius in his Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanorum, and is referred to with commendation in Smith of Jordanhill's 'Dissertation on the Navigation of the Ancients.' 15419 VREDEMAN (Jan) PERSPECTIVA THEORETICA et PRATICA, hoc est, Opus Opticum absolut- issimurn, continens yEdificiorum, Templorum, Pergularum aliarumque Structurarum perfectissima Fundamenta, Icones atque Delineamenta, juxta veterum ac recentiorum Autorum Doctrina accurate exaratum, multis verb Notis illustratum per SAMUELEM MAROLOIS ; with 65 plates, folio, old vellum (binding damaged and some plates torn) ; RARE, with fine etched bookplate by JBoutet, 1. Is Amsterdam, Joa. Jansson, 1633 15420 VULLIAMY (Benjamin Lewis, F.R.A.S.) Some CONSIDERATIONS on the Subject of PUBLIC CLOCKS, particularly CHURCH CLOCKS : with Hints for their Improvement, with the 'Supplement, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, (pp. 15 + 31), hf. russia (binding damaged), with author's inscr., 5s privately printed, 1828-30 15421 WACKERBARTH (A. D.) PROVISIONAL THEORY of LEDA, 4to. (pp. 24), sewn, with author's insc., 2s Qd Upsala, 1866 15422 ANOTHER COPY, cl., 3s The planetoid Leda was discovered by Chacornac in 185(3. 15423 WAEYWEL (Daniel) DEMONSTRATE wegens de QUADRATURA CIRCULI ontdeckt en uytgevonden ; with folding plate, sm. 4to. (pp. 28), boards (headlines cut into) ; rare, 15s Amsterdam, 1712 The author finds 3*142 as value for TT. Holland was the great country of circle-squarers during the XVIII. Century, probably owing to the fact that a money prize was offered there for a 'correct' solution. 15424 WAGNER (Joseph, Friedrich) NOTIZEN iiber die MINERALIEN-SAMMLUNG von ALEXANDER V. CRICHTON ; with fine portrait of Gotthelf Fischer, and \8plates, 4to. (pp. 147), sewn, 4s Qd Moskwa, 1818 'Thomas Allaa Esquire [F.R.S.] with best compliments from his friend [Sir] Alexander] Cr[ichton, F.R.S.].' Inscr. on title. 51 * 773 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 15426 WADDELL (John Alexander Low, C.E., Univ. Tokio) The DESIGNING of ORDINARY IRON HIGHWAY BRIDGES, with diagrams and 42 folding tables, large 8vo. d. (o. p.), 6s Qd (p. 1. Is) New York, 1884 15427 WALKER (Charles Vincent ; F.R.S.) ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH MANIPULATION: the Theory, and Plain Instructions in Transmitting Signals to Distant Places, as practised in England, through Electricity and Magnetism, with woodcuts, 1 61110. pictorial wrapper (scarce), 5s 1850 Written when the author was telegraph superintendent to the South Eastern Railway, one of the first lines to use the electric telegraph extensively in England At this date (1850) the writer says the Brighton Railway had no telegraphs ! The book includes a chapter on the Submarine Telegraph. The author also, in conjunction with James Glaisher and Sir G. B. Airy, introduced the system of electric time-signals from Greenwich Observatory. 15428 - - ELECTROTYPE MANIPULATION : being the Theory, and plain Instructions in the Art of Working in Metals by precipitating them from their Solutions through the Galvanic or Voltaic Electricity, with woodcuts, 16mo. sewn (scarce), 4s 1841 This is probably the earliest English work on electrotyping, as M. H. v. Jacobi did not publish his invention until 1840 (v. no. 9709-10 ante). 15429 WALKER (Frederick, C.E.) AERIAL NAVIGATION : a Practical Handbook on the Construction of Dirigible Balloons, Aerostats, Aeroplanes, and Aeromotors, with frontispiece and 104 illustra- tions, post 8vo. cl. 2s Qd (p. 7s Qd nett) 1902 15430 SECOND EDITION, revised and ealargei, with 123 illustrations, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd 1910 15431 WALKER (James, Univ. Edin., F.R.S.) INTRODUCTION to PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, third Edition [enlarged], with 50 illustrations, 8vo. cl. 5s (p. 10s nett) 1903 15432 The THEORY and USE of a PHYSICAL BALANCE, with 3 folding plates. 8vo. sewn, 2s Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1887 15433 [WALKER (Obadiah)] PROPOSITIONS concerning OPTIC GLASSES, with their natural Reasons, drawn from Experiments, with vignette of the Sheldonian Theatre on title, and 38 diagrams, sm. 4to. (pp. 46), hf. brown calf, uncut (fine copy] ; RARE, 17s Qd Oxford, at the Theater, 1679 An elementary work which seems to have sufficed for the needs of a university education in the latter end of the Seventeenth Century. The author was Master of University College, Oxford, and went over to Rome on James II. 's accession, who charged him with the uphill task of Romanising the University. Walker only succeeded however in getting ' the curses of all both great and small' (Anthony d Wood), a sentiment also expressed in some contemporary doggerel, which was sung by the undergraduates : 'Oh, old Obadiah Sing Ave Maria But so will not I a for why a I had rather be a fool than a knave a.' 15434 WALKER (Ralph) TREATISE on MAGNETISM, with Description and Explanation of a Meridional and Azimuth Compass, for ascertaining the Quantity of Variation, without any Calculation whatever, at any Time of the Day, also Improvements on Compasses in General, with TABLES of VARIATION, for all Latitudes and Longitudes, with 7 folding plates, 8vo. calf gilt (one joint cracked, and title mounted), Is Qd 1794 15435 ! ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf, with auto, of John Lee, of HartwM, Q.C., F.R S., 9s Chiefly valuable for the fall tables of variation (pp. 139), compiled from observations between 17(50 and 1780. 15436 WALKER (Comm. William, R.N.) The MAGNETISM of SHIPS, and the MARINER'S COMPASS : a Rudimentary Exposition of the Induced Magnetism in Sea-going Vessels, and its Action on the Compass, etc., with woodcuts by L. F. W. JEWITT, F.S.A., 12mo. cl. (scarce), 5s 1853 Pp. 1-20 contain an interesting history of the mariner's compass. There is also an account of the author's own compensated compass ; with an appendix of official reports. 15437 WALLACE (William, F.R.S.E., Univ. Edin.) INVESTIGATION of FORMULA, for FINDING the LOGARITHMS of TRIGONOMETRICAL QUANTITIES from one another, and a proposed Improvement in the Solution of a Case in Plane Trigonometry, 4to. (pp. 23), sewn, 2s Qd Edin., 1823 15438 - NEW SERIES for the QUADRATURE of the CONIC SECTIONS, and the COMPUTATION of LOGARITHMS, with plate, roy. 4to. (pp. 78), sewn, with inscr. to Nevil Maskelyne, pr., F.R.S., 4s Qd ibidem, 1808 15439 WALLACE (William) The LAWS which regulate the DEPOSITION of LEAD ORE in VEINS; illustrated by an Examination of the Geological Structure of the Mining Districts of ALSTON MOOR, with 21 lithographic views and plans (some coloured or folding), 8vo. cl. (map wanting); SCARCE, 7s Qd 1861 15440 WALLACH (Otto ; Univ. Gottingen) TERPENE und CAMPHER : Zusammenfassung eigener Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiet deralicyclischen KohlenstoffVerbindungen, large 8vo. sewn, with inscr. to Prof. W. H. Perkin, F.R.S., 12s (p. M. 18) Leipzig, 1909 A systematic account of the author's important researches on essential oils, made between 1S85 and 1908, and con- taining a new classification of terpenes. 15441 WALSH (Francis) The ANTEDILUVIAN WORLD : or a NEW THEORY of the EARTH : contain- ing a clear Account of the Form and Constitution of the Terrestrial Globe before the Universal Deluge ; proving it to be quite different from what it is at present ; with the Origin and Causes of the said Deluge, Subterraneous Cavities, Seas, Islands, Mountains, etc., with woodcuts, 8vo. old calf (rare), 8s Qd Dublin, 1743 This grand defence of the Deluge and curious geological paradox was unknown to Watt, Lowndes, Allibone, and other bibliographers. 15442 WALTER (Thomas) NEW MATHEMATICAL DICTIONARY : the Explication of all the Terms in Pure and Mixed Mathematics, the Explications, Uses, etc. of the most considerable Instru- ments, Engines, and Machines, with the Elements of Geometry, with 3 plates and diagrams, 8vo. cl.,5 [1762] HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 777 15444 WALLENTIN (Ignaz) EINLEITUNG indie THEORETISCHE ELEKTRIZITATSLEHRE; with 81 diagrams, 8vo. cL, 7* rf (p. M. 12) Leipzig, 1904 15445 WALLERITJS (Johan Gottskalk, Univ. Upsala) ELEMENTS d' AGRICULTURE Physique et Chimique, traduits du Latin, \2mo.Jine copy in contemporary calf extra, with auto, of Richard Watson, F.R.S., absentee Bp. of Llanda/(il37-lS].Q), and his Calgarth Park book-label, Is 6d Yverdon, 1766 An important work in which the author bases the principles of agriculture on a comparative study of the chemical constitution of plants and the soil. Bishop Watson bought this book to improve his estate in Westmorland, where he lived while Bishop of Llandaff, and took to planting, and what Wordsworth called a vegetable manufactory, while his sons ' merrily pursued cockflghting ', and the natural result ensued 98 years post mortem in the disendowment of the Church in Wales. 15446 PHYSISCHE CHEMIE : Natur und Beschaffenheit der Chemie iiberhaupt, ihre Geschichte u. s. w. ; von den Salzen, dem Schwefel, dem schwefelichten und erdharzigen Korpern ; von den 7 halben und 7 ganzen Metallen, und den Produkten derselben, iibersetzt mit Anmerkungen von C. A. MANGOLD und C. E. WEIGEL (Bd. I 2. Aufiage, mit Anmerkungen von C. E. Weigel) ; 2 vols. 8vo. in 3, sewn, 5s Leipzig, 17 '80-7 6 The author was Bergman's predecessor as professor of chemistry at Upsala. He promoted the study of mineralogy by giving a more systematic arrangement of minerals. 15447 WALLIS (John, D.D., F.R.S., Savilian Prof.) DISCOURSE of GRAVITY and GRAVITATION, grounded on Experimental Observations presented to the Royal Society, November 12, 1674, with folding plate, sm. 4to. (pp. 36), hf. brown ca//(RARE), 1. Is J- Martyn, 1675 Interesting as a discourse on the subject on the eve of the discovery of the law of gravitation by Sir Isaac Newton. The work contains many experiments in illustration. 15448 INSTITUTIO LOGICS, ad communes Usus accommodata, Editio VI., auctior et emend- atior, large 12mo. old sheep, rebacked, with auto, of Sam. Roberts, F.R.S., 5s Oxonii, 1763 15449 MECHANICA : sive, de MOTU, TRACT ATUS GEOMETRICUS, Pars I. in qua, de Motu Generalia ; de Gravium Descensu, et Motuum Declivitate; de Libra. Pars II. in qua, de Centro Gravitatis, ej usque Calculo. Pars III. in qua, de Vecte, de Axe in Paritrochio, de Trochlea, de Cochlea, de Motibns Compositis, de Percussione, de Cuneo, de Elatere, et Resilitione seu Reflexione, de Hydrostaticis, et Aeris ^quipondio, variisque Questionibus Mathematicis, editio princeps ; with finely engraved portrait by W. FAITHORNE, and 17 folding plates, 3 vols. 4to. in 1, sound and large copy in contemporary ca//(VERY RARE), 2. 10s Londini, Gul. Godbid, 1670-1 One of the classics of mechanics, containing the first exhaustive treatment of the theory of the collision of bodies con- sidered as imperfectly elastic bodies being the solution of a problem propounded by the Royal Society while Sir Christopher Wren and Huygens treated the subject simultaneously, but confined their theory to perfectly elastic bodies. On these investigations, according to Prof. Mach, Sir Isaac Newton based his researches contained in the Principia. ' Wallis geht von dem Grundsatze aus, dass das Moment, das Produkt aus der Masse (Pondus) und der Geschwindigkeit (Celeritas), bei dem Stosse maassgebend sei. Durch dieses Moment wird die Kraft des Stosses bestimmt. Stossen zwei (unelastische) Korper mit gleichen Momenten aufeinander, so besteht nach dem Stoss Ruhe. Bei ungleichen Moinenteu ergibt die Differenz der Momente das Moment nach dem Stosse.' Prof. Mach. The third volume is especially rare, and often wanting. 15450 PARS I. (de Motu Generalia, de Gravium Descensu, et Motuum Declivitate, de Libra) ; with 2 folding plates, 4to. old calf (roughly rebacked), 15s ibidem, apud eundem, 1670 15451 - - OPERTJM MATHEMATICORUM PARS ALTERA : qua continentur de Angulo Contactus et Semicircuii Disquisitio Geometrica ; de Sectionibus Conicis Tractatus ; Arithmetica Infinitorum, sive de Curvilineorum Quadratura, etc. ; Eclipseos Solaris Observatio : with folding copperplate, and numerous diagrams, sm. 4to. contemporary English calf (joints cracked), with auto, of Sam. Roberts, F.R.S., 1. 5s Oxonii, L. Lichfield, 1656 The above volume contains the treatises mentioned on title, each having a separate title and pagination, and includes the first appearance of the celebrated Arithmetica Infinitorum, ' the most stimulating mathematical work so far published in England. Newton read it with delight when an undergraduate, and derived immediately from it his binomial theorem. It contained the germs of the differential calculus, and gave, in everything but form, advanced specimens of the integral calculus ' (D. N. B) ; and in de Sectionilus Conicis the first clear exposition of Descartes's invention of analytical geometry. This collected edition was unknown to Lowndes, Allibone, Watt, and Poggendorff, and is VERY RARE ; while most of the treatises it contains appear here for the first time. 15452- THOM.E HOBBES QUADRATURA CIRCULI; CUBATIO SPH^IR^, DUPLICATIO CUBI ; CONFUTATA ; with 2 folding plates, sm. 4to. sprinkled calf neat, uncut (rare), 10s Qd ibidem, typis Lichfieldianis, 1669 ' In a long-drawn controversy he exposed the geometrical imbecility of Thomas Hobbes [the philosopher]. It excited much public interest; but after the death of his adversary, Wallis declined to reprint the scathing pamphlets he had directed against him while alive.' D. N. B. See Nos. 1947-51 and 9342 ante. 15453 TREATISE of ALGEBRA, both Historical and Practical, with some Additional Treatises, I. Of the Cono-Cuneus. II. Of Angular Sections. III. Of the Angle of Contact. IV. Of Com- binations, Alternations, and Aliquot Parts, first edition, with fine portrait by D. Loggan (splendid impression), folding plates, and numerous diagrams, folio, old calf (RARE), 1.1* J. Play ford, 1685 The above copy contains at end ' A Brief (but full) Account of the Doctrine of Trigonometry, both Plain arid Spherical ', by JOHN CASWELL (pp. 17), 1685, and has the portrait, which is often missing. 'In 1685 Wallis published an Algebra, preceded by an historical account of the development of the subject, which contains a great deal of valuable information. This algebra is noteworthy as containing the first systematic use of formulae. A given magnitude is here represented by the numerical ratio which it bears to the unit of the same kind of magnitude', etc. etc. etc. W. W. R. Ball.' 15454 WARREN (Erasmus, Rector of Worlington, Sujfolk) GEOLOGIA: or a Discourse concerning the Earth BEFORE THE DELUGE, wherein the Form and Properties ascribed to it, in a Book intituled The Theory of the Earth, are excepted against : and it is made appear, that the Dissolution of that Earth was not the Cause of the Universal Flood ; also a New Explication of that Flood is attempted, with 4 engravings on copper, sm. 4to. hf. calf (fine copy), Is 6d R. Chiswell, 1690 An attempt to answer Thomas Burnet's ' Theory of the Earth' (v. No. 64(5 ante). 778 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 15456 WARD (John, Chief Surveyor and Ganger- General in the Excise] COMPENDIUM of ALGEBRA, containing Plain and Easie Rules . . . exemplified by various Problems, with the Solution of their Equations in Numbers by a new and general Method of resolving all kind of Equations, with great Ease and Expedition, very different from all others yet extant, applied to Squaring the Circle, Making of Sines, Tangents and Logarithms with great Facility, also Appendix concerning Compound Interest and Annuities; 2nd Edition, corrected, with diagrams, 16mo. old panelled calf (back damaged), Qs J. Taylor, 1698 15457 - - POSTHUMOUS WORKS. I. NEW METHOD of NAVIGATION by Parallel Parts, by which all Questions in Sailing may be answered with great Expedition and Truth, in a different Manner from Plain, Mercator, and Great Circle Sailing, by the Solution of a plain Triangle only ; also Compendiums of Practical and Speculative Geometry, and of Plain Trigonometry, with their Application to ... Sailing, etc. II. DOCTRINE of the SPHERE, and SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, in which the Construction of the Figures are New, and drawn to represent Solids, by which the Demonstrations are made easy to the meanest Capacity ; 2nd Edition, by GEORGE GORDON, with plate of figures with movable slips, and numerous diagrams, 8vo. old calf, Is Qd 1742 This work was unknown to Watt, Al'libone, and Lowndes. 15458 The YOUNG MATHEMATICIAN'S GUIDE: a Plain and Easie Introduction to the Mathe- maticks, Arithmetick, Algebra, the Elements of Geometry, Conick-Sections, and the Arithmetick of Infinites, with Appendix of PRACTICAL GAUGING ; 2nd Edition, corrected, with diagrams, 8vo. old calf (binding damaged), 4s 1713 15459 - SIXTH EDITION, with New Tables of Compound Interest at Five per Cent., with portrait cct. 58 by Mynde, and diagrams, 8vo. old calf, 4s 1734 'This useful course is recommended by Raphson and Ditton.' Prof, de Morgan. ' A book still in great request, and which has been ever since the ordinary introduction of the greatest part of the mathematicians of this country.' Dr. Charles Hutton, F.R.S. 15460 WARING- Jr. (George Edwin, M.I.C.E.) SEWERAGE and LAND-DRAINAGE, 3rd Edition, with 29 plates and 75 other illustrations, roy. 4to. cl., 12s (p. 1. 10s) New York, 1891 15461 WASHINGTON ASTRONOMICAL and METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, made at the U.S. NAVAL OBSERVATORY, ADMLS. C. H. DAVIS, and S. C. ROWAN, Superintendents, with the Appendixes, from 1875 to 1882 (Vols. XXII XXIX), with plates, 8 vols. roy. 4to. in 9, cl., 1. 10s Washington, 1878-85 15462 WATKINS (Francis, optician to the Prince and Princess of Wales) PARTICULAR ACCOUNT of the ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTS hitherto made publick, with Variety of new ones, and full In- structions for performing them ; with the DESCRIPTION of a compleat ELECTRICAL MACHINE, and its Apparatus, with the Way of using it, with 3 plates, 8vo. (pp. 78), sewn (rare), Is Qd 1747 15463 WATSON (Ralph), BRIEF EXPLANATORY STATEMENT of the PRINCIPLE and APPLICATION of a PLAN for preventing- Ships foundering at Sea, invented by, 8vo. (pp. 15), sewn, with inscr. * From the Author ' (rare), Qs 6d 1827 The ' invention ' was to have ' Safety Tubes ' of copper of a cylindrical shape, filled with air and hermetically sealed, fixed in the ship. There is no copy of this pamphlet in the Library of the Institution of Naval Architects nor was there one in the Scott Collection. 15464 WATSON (Richard ; Prof. Chemistry, Cantab., afterwards absentee Bp. ofLlanda/; F.R.S.) CHEMICAL ESSAYS, 2 vols. 8vo. old tree-calf, 10s Dublin, 1791 A piratical reprint of the first edition. 15465 NEW EDITION (Vols. I III 5th Ed., IV 4th Ed., V 1st Ed.), 5 vols. 12mo. old calf (some joints cracked), 12s 6d 1789-91-89 15466 SEVENTH [LAST] EDITION ; 5 vols. 12mo. hf. calf, 10s Qd 1800 ' The most notable essays are (1) ' On the Degrees of Heat at which Water boils ', describing an experiment on the boiling of water, in a closed flask nearly free from air, which has become classical ; (2) ' On Pit-coal ' (1731\ suggesting the con- densing of the volatile products from coke-ovens, an operation which has recently become of great industrial importance ; (3) ' On the Smelting of Lead Ore ' (1781), suggesting the condensation of lead fume, and of the sulphurous acid produced in the roasting of sulphide ores ; (4) ' On Zinc' (1786).'!). N. B. The ' Chemical Essays ' also include the author's contributions to the ' Philosophical Transactions ', and the Transac- tions of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, comprising his discovery of the black-bulb thermometer, and his ingenious ' Experiments and Observations on various Phenomena attending the Solutions of Salts ', which procured his election to the Royal Society. 15467 - ESSAY on the SUBJECTS of CHEMISTRY, and their GENERAL DIVISION, 8vo. (pp. 43), sewn, 5s Cambridge, 1771 15468 - - PLAN of a COURSE of CHEMICAL LECTURES, with tables, Svo. (pp. 91), sewn, 5s ibidem, 1771 15469 A LARGE PAPER COPY, roy. 8vo. sewn, Qs Gd Bishop Watson's success in chemistry was" at first a remarkable tour de force, as on his appointment to the chair his acquaintance with the science was absolutely nil, and he muzzed it up (ut aiunt Westmonasterienses) for fourteen months straightaway, with the help of experiments with an operator from Paris. He then quickly became a skilled original in- vestigator, as shown above. This hard mental application was unnecessary on his appointment to his next chair, that of the Regius Professor of Divinity, in which, after a manner which should endear him to the editor of the Spectator, he neglected systematic and historical theology, and lectured out of his inner consciousness. 15470 WATSON (Sir William, M.D., F.R.S.) ACCOUNT of the EXPERIMENTS made by some Gentle- men of the Royal Society, in Order to discover whether ELECTRICAL POWER would be SENSIBLE AT GREAT DISTANCES, with experimental Enquiry concerning the respective VELOCITIES of ELECTRICITY and SOUND, and some further Inquiries into the NATURE and PROPERTIES of ELECTRICITY, 8vo. (pp. 90), sewn (rare), 8s 6d 1748 'Elaborating his theory of electricity and defining it more closely, quoting at the same time from Franklin's famous letter to Peter Collinson. During 1747 and 1748 Watson, in conjunction with others, carried out a long series of experiments on 'the velocity of electric matter' across the Thames at Westminster Bridge, at Highbury, and at Shooter's Hill, Watson planning and directing all the operations . . . They conceived that the velocity of electricity was 'instantaneous'.' D. N. B. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND,, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 779 15472 WATSON (Sir William, M.D., F.R.S.) EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS tending to illustrate the NATURE and PROPERTIES of ELECTICITY, first edition, 8vo. (pp. 67), sewn, Is 6d 1746 ' He notices therein that although ice, as well as water, is an 'electric ' or non-conductor, moist air conducts, and he explains thereby the failure of electrical experiments in wet weather.' D. N. B. 15473 ANOTHER COPY ; with the Sequel, wherein is presumed, by a Series of Experiments expresly [sic] for that Purpose, that ihe SOURCE of the ELECTRICAL POWER, and its Manner of acting are demonstrated, with folding copperplate of the author's electrical machine, consisting of four glass balls (pp. 80) 2 vols. 8vo. sewn (RARE), 17s 6d . 1746 15474 - SECOND EDITION, with the Sequel, with folding copperplate, 2 vols. 8vo. sewn, 15s 1746 ' He shows in his Sequel by his own own experiments and those of his friend John Bevis that the 'stroke' of the recently discovered Leyden jar was, caeteris paribus, proportional not to its size, but to the conducting surfaces of its coatings. He notices that the ' electric force always describes a circuit', and propounds the theory that in an electrical machine the glass globes, etc. have not the electrical power in themselves, but only serve as ' the first movers and determiners of thac power '. He agrees with the Abbe Nollet in regarding electricity as existing normally everywhere in a state of equilibrium, and regards the electrical machine as comparable to a pump which accumulates electricity on the bodies we term 'electrified.' Watson's theory, though less clearly formulated, is hardly distinguishable from that of Benjamin Franklin.'/). Jf. B. 15475 THIRD EDITION, Svo. seun, 6s 6d 1746 ' Watson's electrical experiments became famous outside scientific circles. George III. (then Prince of Wales), the Duke of Cumberland [' the Butcher '], and other fashionable people went to see them at his house in Aldersgate Street.' D. N. B. 15476 WATTS (William Marshall, D.SC., F.I.C.) On the ATOMIC WEIGHT of RADIUM, and on Relationships between the Atomic Weights of the Elements and their Spectra, Svo. (pp. 6), sewn, Is Qd 1904 15477 On the EXISTENCE of a RELATIONSHIP between the SPECTRA of some ELEMENTS and the SQUARES of their ATOMIC WEIGHTS, Svo. (pp. 5), sewn, \s Qd 1903 15478 INDEX of SPECTRA, with Preface by SIR HENRY ENFIELD ROSCOB, F.R.S., with 9 plates (1 coloured), Svo. cl. (scarce], Is 6d 1872 15479 REVISED EDITION, greatly enlarged, with Introduction on the METHODS of MEASURING and MAPPING SPECTRA, with fold ing plate, Svo. cl. (SCARCE), 1. 1* Manchester, 1889 'The object of this book is to facilitate spectroscopic research by collecting all existing measurements of the spectra of the elements, and presenting them on a uniform scale of wave-lengths.' Preface. The above edition contains the British Association Wave-Length Tables of the Spectra of the Elements and their Compounds (1884-8), with important additions, and incorporates the results of Thalen's researches in ' Sur le Spectre du Fer,' and Fievez's ' Sur le Spectre du Carbone.' 15480 - - INTRODUCTION to the STUDY of SPECTRUM ANALYSIS, with coloured plate and 35 other illustrations, Svo. cl., 6s 6d (p. 10-? 6d nett) 1904 Including a ' Catalogue of Spectra ' (pp. 185-310), and an Appendix by SIR WILLIAM and LADY HTJGGINS. 15481 On the SPECTRUM of the BESSEMER FLAME, with 2 plates, Svo. (pp. 10), sewn, with inscr. to Sir Edward Thorpe, F.R.S. , 2s 1873 , and H. M. WILKINSON : On the SWAN SPECTRUM, Svo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is Qd 1906 15483 WEBBER (William Hosgood Youug, C.E.) TOWN GAS and its Uses for the Production of Light, Heat, and Motive Power, with 71 illustrations, Svo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 6s nett) 1907 15484 WEBER (Heinrich; Univ. Strasbourg), Josef WELLSTEIN, und Rudolf H. WEBER : ANGEWANDTE ELEMENTAR-MATHEMATIK ; with 358 illustrations, Svo. cl., with Dr. Emil Reich's bookplate, Is 6d (p. M. 14) Leipzig, 1907 15485 WEBER (Jakob Andreas) ANMERKUNGEN iiber die SAMMLUNGEN von der Nachrichten und Beobachtungen iiber die ZEUGUNG des SALPETERS, nebst Sendschreiben iiber dessen theoretische und praktische Abhandlung von dem Salpeterzeugen, von Z. WINZLER, post Svo. sewn, 3s Tubingen, 1780 15486 PHYSIKALISCH-CHEMISCHES MAGAZIN fur Aerzte, Chemisten und Kiinstler, L THEIL, rt Svo. sewn, 3s Berlin, 1780 VOLLSTANDIGE theoretische und praktische ABHANDLUNG von dem SALPETER, und der Zeugung desselben, nebst ABHANDLUNG von der GAHRUNG, durch physische und chemische Grundsatze und Erfahrungen bestatiget, post Svo. sewn, 5s Tubingen, 1779 15488 WEBER (Joseph ; Generalvicar v. Augsburg] Der GALVANISMUS und Theorie desselben, post Svo. (pp. 64), sewn, 2s 6d Munchen, 1815 There is no copy of this work in the Ronalds Library. 15489 WEBER (Robert, Univ. Neuchdtel) GRADUATED COLLECTION of PROBLEMS in ELECTRICITY, comprising all Branches of Electrical Science, translated by EDWARD A. O'KEEFFE, M.I.E.E., with diagrams, cr. Svo. cl., 4s 6d (p. 7s 6d nett) 1902 15490 WEBSTER (William, Writing -Master] ARITHMETICK in EPITOME: or a Compendium of all its Rules, both Vulgar and Decimal, with clear and plain Demonstrations deduced from the Principles of Arithmetic itself; without either Reference to Euclid, or Use of Algebra; 6th Edition, carefully corrected, with 7 tables on copper, 12mo. contemporary calf (joints cracked], 6s 1740 Dedicated to Sir Robert Walpole. 15491 The DESCRIPTION and USE of a COMPLETE SETT or CASE of POCKET-INSTRUMENTS : containing the Construction of the several Lines laid down on the Plain-Scale, and Sector ; with their Application, 2nd Edition, corrected, with 4 folding copperplates, Svo. (pp. 61), sewn, 5s 1739 15492 THIRD EDITION, corrected, with 4: folding plates, Svo. sewn, 4s n. d. 15493 FOURTH EDITION, corrected, with 4 folding plates, Svo. sewn, uncut, 4s 1768 15494 ESSAY on BOOK-KEEPING, according to the TRUE ITALIAN METHOD of Debtor and Creditor, by DOUBLE ENTRY, wherein its Theory is clearly laid down in a few plain Rules ; and the Practice made evident and easy, by Variety of intelligible Examples ; llth Edition, by ELLIS WEBSTER, sm. Svo. old calf (binding damaged] Is 6d 1752 780 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 15496 WECKER, (Johann Jakob, M.D., Basel) De SECRETIS Libri XVII, ex variis Authoribus collect!, methodiceque digest!, et aucti ; accessit Index locupletissimus ; with woodcuts, 12mo. old vellum (rare), 10s Qd Basilece, 1662 The 'Secrets' which are collected from about 150 different authors, include secrets of metals, glass, jewels, and how to counterfeit them, hail, rain, snow, thunder, lightning, hurricanes, etc., natural magic, mathematics, music, and astrology, etc. etc. etc. ' A very curious work, much sought after on account of the singular doctrines and secrets of every science contained therein '. Libri Catalogue. 15497 WEDEL (Georg Wolfgang-; M.D., Univ. Jena) INTRODUCTIO in ALCHIMIAM, sm. 4to. (pp. 60), hf. calf (large copy) ; rare, \'2s Qd lence, 1706 The author is not noticed by Mr. A. E. Waite. He was thought to have discovered the mystic metal as Ka-fft-rf-pof [sic]. 15498 WEDGWOOD (Thomas, son of Josiah Wedgwood ; protophotographer) EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS on the PRODUCTION of LIGHT from different Bodies, by Heat and by Attrition ; with the Continuation, with plate, 2 papers 4to. (pp. 20 + 13), sewn, 8s 6d 1791-2 ' Wedgwood's only writings, in which we find the earliest suggestion of the general law, since established, that all bodies become red hot at the same temperature. They are remarkable as indicating a considerable power of research when he was only 20 years of age.' D. N. B. 15499 WEIDLER (Johann Friedrich, Univ. Wittenberg, E.R.S.) INSTITUTIONES MATHESEOS, selectis Observationibus illustrate, Editio nova ; with 5^2 plates, thick 12mo. old vellum, with auto, of John Lee, of Hartwell, Q.C., F.R.S., also of ' J. Fiott [his original name] Stockholm ', 6s Qd Vitembergce, 1736 Including also Physics, Astronomy, Dialling, and Civil and Military Architecture. 15500 WEISBACH (Julius) ABRISS der MARKSCHEIDEKUNST, nach Vortriigen herausg. von OSCAR CHOULANT ; with 9 folding plates, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. M. 8) Freiberg, 1873 15501 MANUAL of the MECHANICS of ENGINEERING, and of the Construction of Machines, VOL. II : HYDRAULICS and HYDRAULIC MOTORS, translated from the 4th German Edition by A. JAY Du Bois, with 380 woodcuts, large 8vo. cl., with auto, of F. J. Jervis-Smith, pr., F.R.S., Is Qd (p. 1. 5*) New York, 1882 15502 , and Gustav HERMANN: The MECHANICS of HOISTING MACHINERY, including Accumulators, Excavators, and Pile-Drivers : Authorised Translation from the 2nd German Edition, by KARL P. DAHLSTROM, with 177 illustrations, 8vo. cl., Is (p. 12s Qd nett) 1893 15503 The MECHANICS of PUMPING MACHINERY: Authorised Translation from the 2nd German Edition, by KARL P. DAHLSTROM, with 197 illustrations, 8vo. cl., Is (p. 12s Qd nett) 1897 15504 WELLS (Edward, Rector of Cotesbach, Leicestershire) The YOUNG GENTLEMAN'S COURSE of MATHEMATiCKS(Arithmetick and Geometry; Trigonometry, Mechanicks, and Opticks; Astronomy, Chronology, and Dialling), with numerous folding plates, 3 vols. 8vo. old calf, 12s Qd 1723-31-25 A very genteel work. WELLS (Herbert George, novelist) The DISCOVERY of the FUTURE v. RAYLEIGH, No. 13948 ante. 15505 WENZEL (Carl Friedrich) CHYMISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN des FLUSSSPATHS, 12mo. sewn, 3s Qd Dresden, 1783 15506 LEHRE von der VERWANDSCHAFT der Korper, thick sm. Svo.sewn (rare), lOsQd ib., 1782 ' Das Werk enthalt die Grundziige der stochiometrischen Lehren, so weit sie bis zum Anfange unscres Jahrhunderts erforscht wurden. Wenzel hatte den Weg gebahnt, die Zusammensetzung aller Neutralsalze aus der Analyse weniger vorauszubestimmen.' Hermann Kopp. 15507 WERNEBURG (Johann Friedrich Christian; Univ. Jena) Die RICHTIGE KATOPTRIK [mit Gegenbemerkungen von L. D. v. MUNCHOW] ; with 2 folding plates, 4to. (pp. 64), sewn, 3s Qd o. 0., 1825 Attempting a new theory of sight. 15508 WERNER (Abraham Gottlob, Bergakademie Freiberg) NOUVELLE TFEORIE de la FOR- MATION des FILONS : Application de cette The"orie a 1'Exploitation des Mines, particulierementde celles de Freiberg, traduite [par J. F. DAUBUISSON] et augmentee d'un grand Nombre de Notes, dont plusieurs ont te" fournies par 1'Auteur meme ; with fine portrait, post 8vo. sewn, uncut (VERY RARE), 1. 10s Freiberg, 1802 One of the author's most important geological works. ' To him belongs the great merit of having brought into prominence a definite principle in the construction of the earth's crust, and a precise method of geological investigation. . . . With the publication of Werner's views on this subject a great controversy began, which was carried on with acrimony that is now hard to realise. Those who upheld the igneous origin of such rocks as basalt were styled Vulcanists, while those who followed Werner became known as Neptunists.' Prof. James Geikie, F.R.S. A very copious account of the work found in Hunt's ' British Mining," pp. 331-4. 15509 - : [FREISLEBEN (Johann Carl)] ABRAHAM GOTTLOB WERNER'S LETZTES MINERAL- SYSTEM, aus dessen Nachlasse auf oberbergamtliche Anordnung herausgegeben und mit Erlauter- ungen versehen, 8vo. sewn (rare), 10s Qd ibidem und Wien, 1817 15510 : WERNERIAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY'S MEMOIRS, Vols. 1 IV and VI, with numerous plates and maps (mostly coloured), 5 vols. 8vo. newhf. calf gilt (title ofv. Isto.mped)', VERY SCARCE, 1. 10s Edin., 1811-32 Tliis publication was founded by Robert Jameson, F.R.S. , to expound the views of Neptunists, and contains numerous contributions by him, besides others by Sir David Brewster, Robert Brown, Sir Alexander Mackenzie, William Scoresby, Jr., F.R.S. , Robert Stevenson, c E., Thomas Thomson, M.D., F.R.S., etc. etc. It is important in connexion with the history of the Werner-Hutton controversy. 15511 WEST (John, Rector of St. Thomas in the East, Jamaica) MATHEMATICAL TREATISES: I. THEORY of ANALYTICAL FUNCTIONS. II. SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, with Practical and Nautical Astronomy; edited from the Author's MSS. by SIR JOHN LESLIE, with MEMOIR by EDWARD SANG, F.R.S. E , printed on ribbed paper, with 2 plates, and diagrams, thick 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s Qd Edin., 1838 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY. W. 781 15513 WEST (William, pr., of Exeter) MATHEMATICS, revised by JOHN ROWE, with 11 folding plates, 8vo. old calf (rare), 8s 6d 1762 The first part of the work treats of the theory of maxima and minima. It is mentioned in Cantor's Vorlesungen lib. Gesch. d. Mathematik, Vol. IV, pp. 675 and 770-1. 15514 WESTBUMB (Johann Friedrich) KLEINE PHYSIKALISCH-CHEMISCHE ABHANDLUNGEN. HEFT 13, 2 vols. post 8vo. sewn, 5s Leipzig, 1785-7 Including: Chemische Versuche mit der Salzsaure ; die Entstchung der Zuckersaure und die Bestandtheile des Weingeistes ; die Theorien vom Feuer, der Luft- u. Wassererzeugung, etc. etc. 15515 WETHEKALD (B.) The PERPETUAL CALCULATOR : or Time's Universal Standard : I. Intro- duction to Chronology. II. Account of the Solar System. III. Pneumatics and Hydrostatics, with Appendix, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 4s 6d Newcastlc-on-Tyne, 1760 15516 WHEATSTONE (Sir Charles, F.R.S. ; Prof. Experimental Philosophy, King's Coll., Lond.) SCIENTIFIC PAPERS, published by the Physical Society of London, withal plates, besides woodcuts. 8vo. cl. 8s 6d (p. 15s nett) 1879 Containing the whole of the author's scientific papers, some hitherto unpublished, including his invaluable contribu- tions to telegraphy, the invention of the (reflec ing) Stereoscope, and the < xplanation of its principle, an account of ' Wheatstone's Bridge ', and his inventions of the concertina, a speakiug machine, the electric clock, and the rotating mirror determining the time of an electric impulse. 15517 _ _ ACCOUNT of several NEW INSTRUMENTS and PROCESSES for determining the CONSTANTS of a VOLTAIC CIRCUIT, with 2 plates, roy. 4to. (pp. 25), sewn (scarce), la Qd 1843 Containing the invention of Wheatstone's Bridge for measuring electro-motive force and resistance. He was also in the above paper the first to make known Ohm's Law in this country. 15518 [ ] A REPLY to MR. COOKE'S PAMPHLET, ' The Electric Telegraph ; was it invented by Professor Wheatstone ? ', 8vo. (pp. 74), sewn (scarce), 6s Gd 1855 ' He was not the ' inventor' of the electric telegraph. Indeed no one can lay claim to that title. . . . But to Wheat- stone, with his coadjutor SIR WILLIAM FOTHERGILL COOKE, is due the merit of having been the first to render it available for the public transmission of messages.' Prof. Silvanus Thompson, F.R.S. See Nos. 7010-1 ante for Sir W. F. Cooke's pamphlet provoking the above reply. 15519 WHEWELL (William, D.D., F.R.S., Master of Trinity) On the CLASSIFICATION of CRYSTAL- LINE COMBINATIONS, and the Canons by which their Laws of Derivation may be investigated, with 4 plates : REASONS for the SELECTION of a NOTATION to designate the PLANES of CRYSTALS, with folding plate- 2 vols. 4to. (pp. 35 + 13), sewn, 3s Cambridge, 1827 15520 On the POSITION of the APSIDES of ORBITS of GREAT EXCENTRICITY, 4to. (pp. 13), unbound, 2s ibidem, 1820 15521 - RESEARCHES on the TIDES, XIII. SERIES : On the Tides of the Pacific, and on the Diurnal Inequality, with diagrams and chart, 4to. (pp. 29), sewn, 2s 6d 1848 'Sir J. W. Herschel,' Bart, with R. Adml. Sir F. Beaufort's Compts.' Inscr. on cover. 15522 On the RESULTS of OBSERVATIONS made with a NEW ANEMOMETER, 4to. (pp. 15), sewn, Is Qd Cambridge, 1837 15523 On the ROTARY MOTION of BODIES, 4to. (pp. 10), unbound, Is 6d ibidem, 1823 15524 WHIPPLE (George Chandler ; Harvard Univ.) The MICROSCOPY of DRINKING WATER [with Bibliography] (pp. 30), with 19 plates, and 21 other illustrations, 8vo. cl., 7s 6d (p. 15s nett) New York, 1899 15525 WHISTON (William, pr. ; Lucasian Prof. Mathematics, Cantab. ; translator of Josephus) ASTRONOMICAL LECTURES, with the Astronomical Tables of Flamsteed, Halley, Cassini, and Street, 2nd Edition, corrected, with engraved frontispiece, and diagrams, 8vo. old calf, 4s 60? 1728 15526 ASTRONOMICAL PRINCIPLES of RELIGION, Natural and Reveal'd, with Preface of the Temper of Mind necessary for the Discovery of Divine Truth ; and of the Degree of Evidence that ought to be expected in Divine Matters, first edition, with copperplates, 8vo. old calf gilt, 4s 6d 1717 Dedicated to Sir Isaac Newton, who baulked the author's election as a fellow of the Royal Society. 15527 A NEW THEORY of the EARTH, wherein the Creation of the World in Six Days, the Universal Deluge, and the General Conflagration are shewn to be perfectly agreeable to Reason and Philosophy ; with large Introductory Discourse concerning the Mosaick History of Creation, first edition, with plates and smaller engravings on copper, 8vo. old caff (rare), 12s 1696 With Latin dedication to Sir Isaac Newton. 15528 ANOTHER COPY ; also: Woodward (John, M.D., F.R.S.) ESSAY towards a NATURAL HISTORY of the EARTH : and Terrestrial Bodies, especially Minerals : as also of the Sea, Rivers, and Springs, with Account of the Universal Deluge : and of the Effects that it had upon the Earth, first edition 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, sound copies in old calf, 1. 5s 1696-5 'The MS. was shown to Newton and Wren. It was praised by Locke . . . Whiston's speculation was meant to supersede the previous theory of Thomas Burnet. He confirmed the narrative in Genesis on Newtonian grounds, explaining the Deluge by collision with a comet". Sir Leslie Stephen. ' Whiston was one of the first who ventured to propose that the text of Genesis should be interpreted differently from its ordinary acceptati m, so that th doctrine of the earth having existed long previous to the creation might no longer be regarded as unorthodox . . . Locke pronounced a panegyric on his theory, commending it for having explained so many wonderful and before inexplicable things.' Sir Charles Lyell. The work was attacked by JOHN KEILL (v. No. 10021 ante). It is a touching fact in Eighteenth Century Arianism that 'whatever doubts it may have had as to the cardinal fact of Christianity, it was as unswervingly faithful to the Deluge as his wife was to Mr. Micawber. 15529 PRJELECTIONES PHYSICO- MATHEMATICS Cantabrigiae, quibus acceiunt Tabulae Astron- omicae Flamstedianse correctse, Halleiancae, Cassinianse, et Streetianae, editio princeps, with diagrams, 8vo. old panelled calf ', 5s Cantabrigice, 1707 15530 SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S MATHEMATICK PHILOSOPHY more easily DEMONSTRATED : with DR. HALLEY'S ACCOUNT of COMETS Illustrated. In this English Edition the Whole is corrected and improved by the Author, with 9 plates, 8vo. old panelled calf (nice copy), IsQd 1716 Whiston was one of the first to popularise the Newtonian theories, and, according to Professor de Morgan, one of the first to give lectures with experiments in London. He is thought to have suggested Dr. Primrose. 782 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 15532 WHETH AM (William Cecil Dampier, F.R.S. ; eugenist) ' IONIC VELOCITIES ' (Abstract), with 2 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 8), sewn, Is 1892 15533 The IONIZATION of DILUTE SOLUTIONS at the FREEZING POINT, with woodcuts and charts, 4to. (pp. 40), seivn, 2s 1900 15534 The RECENT DEVELOPMENT of PHYSICAL SCIENCE, with portraits, plates, and woodcuts, large post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. Is Qd nett) 1904 15535 - - SOLUTION and ELECTROLYSIS, with 19 illustrations and folding table, post 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 5s Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1895 15536 TREATISE on the THEORY of SOLUTION, including the Phenomena of ELECTROLYSIS, ti-ith 66 illustrations, 8vo. cl., Qs Qd (p. 10s nett) apud eandem, ibidem, 1902 15537 - - ' On the VELOCITIES of the IONS ' (Abstract), 8vo. (pp. 6), sewn, \s 1895 15538 - On the VELOCITIES of the IONS and the Relative lonization-Power of Solvents, 8vo. (pp. 5), sewn, Is Qd 1894 15539 W[HITE] (J[ohn, Vicar of Cherton]) i RICH CABINET, with VARIETY of INVENTIONS: unlock'd and open'd, for the Recreation of Ingenious Spirits at their vacant Hours, being Receipts and Conceits of several Natures, and fit for those who are Lovers of Natural and Artificial Conclusions ; as also Variety of Recreative FIRE-WORKS both for Land, Air, and Water, and Fire-works of Service for Sea and Shore, with divers Experiments in Drawing, Painting, ARITHMETICK, GEOMETRY, ASTRONOMY, and other Parts of the Mathematicks, likewise Directions for Ringing the most usual Peals that belong to that Art; 5th Edition, with many Additions, with engraved title in compartments by T. Cross, and numerous woodcuts, 12mo. handsomely bound in mottled calf (hole burnt in one leaf and slightly soiled, but a sound copy) ; RARE, 1. 10s W. Whitwood, 1677 Especially interesting for containing numerous recipes for fireworks. There are also descriptions of some curious dials, a diving bell, ' a Ship that cannot be drowned ', etc. etc ; while Bell-ringing is probably included from the interest which the extraordinarily complex combinations in a ring of eight may have to a mathematician. 15540 WIDMER (Georg, M.D.) CHYMIA CORPORIS ANIMALIS, cum Lithogeognosia et Artificio Aquas Salsas dulcificandi, Methodo scientifica pertractata, 4to. (pp. 40), sewn, 4s Argentorati, 1751 15541 - - THEORIA CHIMIFICATIONIS, CHYLIFICATIONIS, et LACTIFICATIONIS Methodo scientifica pertractata, 4to. (pp. 28), sewn, 5s ibidem, 1753 15542 WIEGLEB (Johann Christian) CHEMISCHE VERSUCHE iiber die ALKALISCHEN SALZE, neue verbesserte und vermehrte Autiage, 8vo. sewn (rare), 8s Qd Berlin, Friedrich Nicolai, 1781 An important work, in which the author proved the existence of alkalies in fresh plants, against the opinion then held that they only existed there in the burnt state. 15543 HANDBUCH der ALLGEMEINEN CHEMIE, 2. neuberichtigte Auflage, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, Is Qd ibidem, apud eundem, 1786 ' He enriched pharmaceutical and technical chemistry by valuable observations.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. The publisher of both works was Friedrich Nicolai, polygraph and friend of Lessing. 15544 WILCKE (Johan Carl) TAL om MAGNETEN ; with vignette on title, 12mo. (pp. 44), sewn (rare), 8s Qd Stockholm, 1764 A short historical account of magnetism, copiously quoting the original authorities. There was no copy of it in the Ronalds Library. 15545 WILDA (Hermann, Technikum Bremen) Der SCHIFFSMASCHINENBAU : Grundlagen der Theorie, Berechnung und Konstruktion, auf Grund des Werkes ' Machines Marines ' von L. E. BERTIN bearbeitet ; with folding plate, and 492 illustrations, roy. 8vo. cl., 13s (p. M. 26) Hannover, 1901 15546 WILKENS (Marten) ARITMETICA ofte REKEN-KONST, verciertmet veel schooneRegulen ende Exempelen ; laetste Druck veel verbetert en vermeerdert ; with fine portrait, 12mo. old hf. calf, Is Qd Groningen, 1719 Unknown to Professor de Morgan, who does not mention the author in his ' List of 1580 Names of Authors of Works on Arithmetic.' 15547 WILLCOCKS (Sir William; Roorkee Coll. : M.I.C.E., designer of the Aswan Dam] EGYPTIAN IRRIGATION, with Introduction by LT.-COL. J. C. Ross, B..E., 2Q folding plates and plans, and 69 other illustrations, thick roy. 8vo. cl., 9s (p. 1. 16s) 1889 15548 - The IRRIGATION of MESOPOTAMIA, roy. 8vo. cl., with Atlas, containing 46 plates, folio, portfolio 2 vols., 12s Qd (p. 1 nett) 1911 15549 - - The RESTORATION of the ANCIENT IRRIGATION WORKS on the TIGRIS, or the Re-Creation of Chaldea, with Appendixes (Meteorological Information about Bagdad, etc.), with 10 folding plates and plans, roy. 8vo. sewn, 4s Cairo, 1903 Perhaps now that superhate has ruined German prospects in Mesopotamia, General Chesney's ghost may yet see the Euphrates Valley Railway carried out by the country which first surveyed it. 15550 WILLIAMS (Jonn) The CLIMATE of GREAT BRITAIN ; or Remarks on the Change it has undergone, particularly within the last 50 Years, accounting for the increasing Humidity and consequent CLOUDINESS and COLDNESS of our SPRINGS and SUMMERS . . . including various Experiments to ascertain the Causes of such Change, 8vo. old hf. calf, Qs Qd 1806 The author would have ' improved ' our greatest national asset and the good Graf Zeppelin's bete noire by charging the air with electricity by means of electrical machines. 15551 WILLIAMS (John, mineral surveyor) The NATURAL HISTORY of the MINERAL KINGDOM, relative to the Strata of Coal, Mineral Veins, and the prevailing Strata of the Globe, 2nd Edition, with Appendi", containing a more extended View of Mineralogy and Geology, by JAMES MILLAR, M.D., with 2 copperplates, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf (rare), 10s Edin., 1810 1 A work of great merit for that day, and of practical utility, as containing the best account of the coal strata.' Sir Charles Lyell. The work contains an attack on the Huttonian System, which, the author fears, will ' lead to downright infidelity and atheism '. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 783 15553 WILKINS (John, 14A Bp. of Chester ; first Sec. Roy. Society) MATHEMATICAL and PHILO- SOPHICAL WORKS, with Life and Account of his Works, portrait, fs. title, and numerous woodcuts, 8vo. old panelled calf (rare), 15s 1708 Comprising : I. Discovery of a New World in the Moon : II. Discourse concerning a New Planet : III. Mercury, or the Secret and Swift Messenger : IV. Mathematical Magic : V. Abstract of his Essay towards a Real Character, and a Philo- sophical Language. 15554 [ ] The DISCOVERY of a WORLD in the Moone, or a Discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in that Planet, first edition, ivith frontispiece, woodcuts, and diagrams, 18mo. calf gilt (a few wormholes in blank margin, otherwise a LARGE AND VERY FINE COPY), very rare, 3. 3s E. G. for Michael Sparke and Edward Forrest, 1638 15555 [ SECOND EDITION :] The DISCOVERY of a NEW WORLD, or, a Discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another HABITABLE WORLD in the MOONE, with a Discourse concerning the Possibility of a PASSAGE thither; the third Impression, enlarged, with fine astronomical frontispiece with Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler, by W. MARSHALL, and woodcuts: DISCOURSE concerning a NEW PLANET. Tending to prove, That 'tis probable our Earth is one of the Planets, first edition, with woodcuts, and engraving on copper 2 vols. sm. 8vo. in 1, sprinkled calf (LARGE AND VERY SOUND COPIES) ; rare, 1. 10s J. Maynard, 1640 The ' Discourse ' is a stout defence of the Copernican system, by no means generally accepted at this time cf. No. 4085 ante. 15556 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. in 1, old tree-calf (back damaged), 1. 5s Although mentioning 'third Impression', this is really the second edition of the first work, and the first collected edition. This edition of the Disco very has the 14th Proposition, famous in the history of airmanship, which is not included in the first : ' That tis possible for some of our posteritie, to find out a conveyance to this other world ; and if there be inhabitants there, to have commerce with them.' The 13th Proposition, however, is shortened in this edition. The conveyance suggested is a ' flying Chariot ', of which the particulars of construction are given in the ' Mathematical! Magick'. The author supposes a natural passage to the moon, whence he imagines locusts to come, and whither he supposes birds to migrate. 15557 FOURTH [LAST] EDITION, corrected and amended, with frontispiece and woodcuts, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. in 1, old calf, newly repacked (front, and some II. soiled), 17s 6d J. Gillibrand, 1684 15558 [ ] Le MONDE dans la LUNE, divis en deux Livres. Le Premier, prouuant que la Lune peut estre un Monde. Le Second, Que la Terre peut-estre une Pianette. De la Traduction du Sr [J.] DE LA MONTAGNE ; with engraved frontispiece, and woodcuts, thick 12mo. fine copy in old calf gilt (RARE), 1. 5s Rouen, Jacques Cailloue, 1656 'This translation, bearing the illustrious name of Montagne, is scarce, and was unknown to Lalande. The preface, by Montagne, is written with great freedom and courage.' Libri Catalogue. The lax M. Libri here had MONTAIGNE in his head, and makes himself guilty of a singular chronological blunder, since Montaigne died in 1592. 15559 [ ] MATHEMATICALL MAGICK, or the Wonders that may be performed by Mechanicall Geometry, concerning Mechanicall Powers and Motions. Being one of the most easie, pleasant, usefull (and yet most neglected) parts of Mathematicks. Not before treated of in this Language, By J. W. M. A., first edition, with numerous engravings on copper and wood, 12mo. sound copy moldcalf(HA-R-E),l. 10s S. Gellibrand, 1648 15560 ANOTHER COPY, FINELY BOUND IN CONTEMPORARY DARK BLUE ENGLISH MOROCCO EXTRA, with Harleian good tooling on sides, g. e., probably by SAMUEL MEARNE (back slightly rubbed, otherwise a very fine copy), 3. 3s. 15561 [SECOND EDITION ; a Reprint of the First], with portrait, and numerous engravings on copper and ivood. 12mo. old calf, 17s 6d E. Gellibrand, 1680 15562 FOURTH EDITION [unaltered] , with portrait, and numerous engravings on copper and wood, 12mo. contemporary calf, rebacked (a sound and clean copy), 15s R. Baldwin, 1691 15563 ANOTHER COPY, wanting the portrait ; contemporary calf, 10s An exceedingly interesting storehouse of extravaganzas in engineering, and of special interest for containing descriptions of a number of machines, some of them the author's own invention, supposed to produce PERPETUAL MOTION, a subject in which he took a special interest ; 72 pages are devoted to this subject. There are also three chapters on Airmanship r ' Of the volant Automata, Archytas his" Dove, and Regiomontanus his Eagle. The possibility and great usefulness of such inventions ; Concerning the Art of flying. The several ways whereby this hath been, or may be attempted. A resolution of the two chief difficulties that seem to oppose the possibility of a flying Chariot' ; and others 'of the contrivance of several motions by rarified air,' on ' Wind-guns', 'an Ark for submarine Navigation', etc. etc. etc. 'He was well versed in mechanical science, and his writings display an extensive acquaintance with a variety of ancient authorities on every matter on which he discourses. He is the most exact writer of the XVIIth. century on the subject of Perpetual Motion, examining it thoroughly, with admirable acuteness as well as candour.' H. Dircks, C.E. 15564 MERCURY : or the SECRET AND SWIFT MESSENGER, shewing how a Man may with Privacy and Speed communicate his Thoughts to a Friend at any Distance, 2nd Edition, with portrait, and numerous diagrams, 12mo. contemporary ca//(RARE), 1. Is R. Baldwin, 1694 15565 ANOTHER COPY, wanting the portrait ; old sheep (back damaged ; also somewhat browned or water-si ained), 15s 'A very ingenious work on cryptography and modes of rapid correspondence.' D. N. B. It contains a chapter ' con- cerning a language that may consist only of tunes and musical notes, without any articulate sound ', and another ' concerning an universal character, that may be legible to all nations and languages '. The work includes much historical information on its subject. 15566 WILKINSON (Abraham, F.S.A. Scot.) TENTAMEN PHILOSOPHICO-MEDICUM de ELECTRICI- TATE, 8vo. (pp. 61), sewn, 4s 6d Edinburgi, 1783 There is no copy of this work in the Ronalds Library. 15567 WILLIS (John) EASY METHOD of CONSTRUCTING the various Types of MAGIC SQUARES and MAGIC CUBES, with Symmetric Designs founded thereon, with coloured illustrations and folding table, cr. 4to. cl,, 8s Bradford, 1909 15568 WINTERSTEIN (Ernst, Zurich) und George TRIER : Die ALKALOIDE : eine Monographic der natiirlichen Basen, roy. 8vo. sewn, Is (p. M. 11) Berlin, 1910 784 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43. PICCADILLY, W. 15570 WILSON (Benjamin ; F.R.S., portrait painter) ESSAY towards an EXPLICATION of the PHENOMENA of ELKCTRICITY, deduced from the ^Ether of Sir Isaac Newton, with folding copper- plate nf electrical machine, etc., 8vo. (pp. 110), sewn, 7s Qd 1746 15571 ANOTHER COPY, wanting the plate ; sewn, 4s Advancing a theory that 'the electric 'matter is in all bodies, in reciprocal proportion to their densities, luminous, sulphureous, and unctuous bodies only excepted, that it issues from all bodies, electrified or not electrified', and attempting an explanation of the cause of gravitation. 15572 SERIES of EXPERIMENTS relating to PHOSPHORI and the Prismatic Colours they are found to exhibit in the Dark ; with Translation of Two MEMOIRS on the same, from the Bologna Acts, by J. B. BECCARI [sic], 4to. boards, uncut, 9s 1775 ' This work was communicated to several foreign learned bodies, and was the subject of a memoir by Leonhard Euler, read at the Academia Scientiarum Imperialis at St. Petersburg, and of a Letter from G. B. Beccaria '. D. N. B. 15573 SHORT VIEW of ELECTRICITY, with plate, woodcuts, and diagrams, 4to. (pp. 37), sewn, 6s 1180 15574 - : SUNDRY PAPERS relative to an ACCIDENT from LIGHTNING at PURFLEET, with 4 folding plates by B'tsire, including one of the Great Cylinder in the Pantheon, and etched portrait of Wilson by himself (inserted), 4to. (pp. 81), sewn (rare), 12s Qd [1777] Including 'New Experiments and Observations [made at the Pantheon] on the Nature and Use of Conductors,' by B. WILSON (pp. 69). ' He had a long controversy with Benjamin Franklin on the question whether lightning-conductors should be round or pointed at the top [asserting that pointed conductors attracted the lightning], and was supported in his views by George III., who declared his experiments were sufficient to convince the apple-women in Covent Garden.' D. N. B. The above was the author's last effort in the advocacy of ball-shaped conductors, which in the above case gained strength from the fact that the Purtteet Powder Magazine, which was provided with pointed conductors, was struck by the lightning. 1 ooTo - TREATISE m ELECTRICITY, 2nd Edition, with fine etched portrait by the ARTIST HIMSELF, and 5 copperplates, 8vo. old calf (rare), 15s 1752 The author was the first to use a conductor with the collector of his cylinder electrical machine. He also found that the electric property of tourmaline was shared by other crystals. He received the Royal Society's gold medal in 1760 for his electrical experiments. 15576 WILSON (Eugene Benjamin) The CHLORINATION PROCESS, with 8 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 6s Qd nett) New York, 1901 Chlorine is used in the civilised world to extract gold from the ore and to bleach fabrics : in Germany to torture men to satisfy the hate of Encken and Harnack. 15577 WILSON (George, Chymist) COMPLEAT COURSE of CHYMISTRY, containing near Three Hundred Operations, several of which have not been Publish'd before ; also the Structure of several Furnaces, with near 300 Characters, which are dispers'd in Chvmical Authors, and such Instruments and Vessels as are necessary in a Compleat Elaboratory, first edition, with 8 plates of chemical characters and apparatus, 8vo. old calf (sound copy) ; RARE, 16* Qd W. Turner, 1699 15578 - THIRD EDITION, very much enlarged, with the Author's Experiments upon Metals, with portrait cet. 78 by v. d. Gucht, and 8 copperplates of chemical characters and apparatus, 8vo. old panelled calf (partly water -stained) ; rare, 10s Qd 1709 The last 29 pp. contain experiments on the transmutation of metals, which are not included in the foregoing editions. 15579 WILSON (Giffin; F.R.S.) ESSAY on the RESOLUTION of ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS : attempting to distinguish particularly, the Real Principle of every Method, and the True Causes of the Limitations to which it is subject, 4to. (pp. 40), sewn, 2s Qd [1799] 15580 WILSON (Henry, late Mathematician to If .M.'s Navy) The DESCRIPTION and USE of that most Excellent Invention, call'd the GLOBULAR CHART : shewing its Agreeableness to the Globe, and the natural and easy Consequences thereof in the Practice of Navigation, with a Specimen of a Sea-Chart in that Projection, and Trigonometrical Calculation to prove the Truth thereof . . . also an Answer to Mr. Haselden's Letter to Dr. Halley, proving by Mathematical Demonstration, that his Principal Argument is false by above Three in Five, the rest invalid, and the whole in- coherent, and Appendix, containing an Answer to Mr. Collier, and proving that these two Authors contradict themselves, and one another, with plate and folding map, 4to. (pp. 44), sewn (rare), 12s Qd J. Senex and T. Taylor, 1722 This was published in connexion with the proposal to Parliament of John Senex, F.R.S., for the publication of a complete Sea Atlas on the globular projection 15581 - SURVEYING IMPROVED: or the Whole Art, both in Theory and Practice, fully demon- strated ; 4th Edition, with Additions ; also GEODCESIA ACCURATA : or Surveying made Easy by the Chain only, with a new Essay on Solids, by WILLIAM HUME, with numerous plates and diagrams, 8vo. contemporary calf (fine copy), Is Qd 1755 15582 WILSON (Herbert Michael ; U.S. Bureau of Mines) IRRIGATION ENGINEERING, 5th Edition, with 41 plates and 148 other illustrations, large cr. 8vo. cl. (cover stained), 8s (p. 17s nett) New York, 1906 15583 - - TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING, including Geographic, Exploratory, and Military Mapping, with Hints on Camping. Emergency Surgery, and Photography, ivith 4 plates and 205 other illus- trations, 8vo. cl. (cover damaged), Qs Qd (p. 1 5s nett) ibidem, 1902 15584 WINCHILSEA (Heneage Finch, 2nd Earl of) : A TRUE and EXACT RELATION of the late PRODIGIOUS EARTHQUAKE and ERUPTION of MOUNT ^ETNA, or Monte-Gibello ; as it came in a Letter written to His Majesty from Naples by the Right Hon. the EARLE of WINCHILSEA, His Majestie's late Ambassador at Constantinople, who in his Return from thence, visiting Catania in the Island of Sicily, was an EY-WITNESS of that DREADFULL SPECTACLE. Together with a more particular Narrative of the same, as it is collected out of severall Relations sent from Catania, with folding copperplate, and another contemporary view on copper of the Eruption (added), sm. 4to. (pp. 38), hf. roan (VERY RARE), 1. 5s T. Neivcomb in the Savoy, 1669 The last 2 pp. contain ' a List of the most considerable Towns and Places Ruin'd and destroyed by the Dreadful Earthquake and Eruptions.' HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 785 15586 "WING (Vincent) EPHEMERIDES of the CELESTIAL MOTIONS for XIII Years, 1659-1671, diligently calculated according to the Doctrine of Astronomia Instaurata, and applied to the Horizon of the most famous CITY of LONDON, with a brief Introduction [pp. 156] for the Use thereof, with woodcuts and diagrams, sm. 4to. FINE COPY in contemporary calf, with bookplate of Lord Arundell of Wardour, and auto, of [HENRY 3RD] LORD ARUNDELL [OF W ARDOUR] on title (RARE), 1. 15s R. and W. Leybourn, 1658 'Wing issued ephemerides, the 'exactest' then to be had, according to John Flarnsteed, who maintained 'a fair correspondence ' with him.' D. N. B. They include astrological meteorology. 15587 : GEOD^TES FRACTIOUS REDIVIVUS : the ART of SURVEYING, formerly publish'd by VINCENT WING, now much augmented and improv'd ; with APPENDIX, shewing the whole Art of Surveying by a New Instrument, called the EMPERIAL TABLE, performing the Work of the Theodolite, Circumferentor, Semi-Circle, Chard and Needle ; with the Description and Use of a NEW QUADRANT, with Supplement, SCIENTIA STELLARUM, containing new and accurate Tables of the Planetary Motions, etc. etc., by JOHN WlNG, with copperplates, and numerous diagrams, folio, old panelled calf, newly and neatly rebacked (RARE), 1. 7s 6d 1700 The ' Emperial Table ' was the editor's own invention, and consisted of ' a perfect plain table, an exact theodolite and Circumferentor, and the peractor exactly adjusted, the needle or declinatory also fully compleated thereon, in its own kind and order, which instruments are here fully compleated upon this one instrument, without the least confusion of lines or parts.' One of Vincent Wing's best known publications was the Olympia Domata, a semi-astrological almanack, continued for over a hundred years by the Stationers' Company. 15588 HARMONICON COZLESTE : or, the Ccelestiall Harmony of the Visible World : containing, an absolute and entire Piece of Astronomic, wherein is succinctly handled the TRIGONOMETRICALL PART, generally propounded, and particularly applyed to the Diurnall Motion . . . the Second Motions of the Luminaries and the other Planets, with their Eclipses, etc., grounded on the most Rationall Hypothesis yet constituted, and compared with the best Observations, especially those of TYCHO BRAHE, and other more modern Observators, fitted to the Meridian of London, with numerous diagrams, folio, boards (stained and last 1. mounted), 8s 6d R. Leybourn, 1651 15589 WING-ATE (Edmund) ARITHMETIQUE MADE EASIE, the SECOND BOOK : containing a perfect Method for the true Knowledge, and Practice of ARTIFICIAL ARITHMETIQUE performed by LOGARITHMS: and resolving all Arithmeticall Questions by Addition and Subtraction. Together with*the Construction and use of an Instrument called the LINE of PROPORTION, exhibiting the Logarithm of any Number under 100000, with Appendix, resolving likewise by Addition and Subtraction all Questions, that concern Equation of Time, Interest of Money, and Valuation of Purchases, Leases, Annuities, and the like ; 2nd Edition, much inlarged by the Author himselfe, with 10 copperplates, 24mo. hf. calf neat (title very slightly soiled, and some II. waterstained, but a REMARKABLY SOUND COPY) ; very rare, 1. 10* R. and W. Leybourn, 1652 Wingate's Arithmetic was originally published, in two parts, in 1630. The first) part appeared in 1650, revised by JOHN KERSEY the elder, as ' Arithmetique made easie.' The above second part was reprinted for the first and last time in 1652. 15590 ARITHMETICK, containing a plain and familiar Method for attaining the Knowledge and Practice of Common Arithmetick ; 4th Edition, with Appendix, containing choice Knowledge in Arithmetick, both Practical and Theoretical (pp. 243), by JOHN KERSEY [the Elder], 12mo. hf. bound (title wanting] ; RARE, 10* 6d [1668] Both the above editions were unknown to Professor de Morgan. The earliest edition described by him is that of 1673. This edition was also unknown to D. N. B. 15591 TWELFTH EDITION, with a New SUPPLEMENT, of Easie Contraction in the necessary Parts of Arithmetick, useful Tables of Interest and Flemish Exchanges, also a Practical Mensuration, by GEORGE SHELLEY, sm. 8vo. contemporary calf, 6s 1708 15592 THIRTEENTH EDITION, with a new Supplement, by GEORGE SHELLEY, sm. Svo. contemp- orary panelled calf (sound copy), 6s 1713 15593 EIGHTEENTH EDITION, with the Additions and Emendations by JOHN KERSEY and GEORGE SHELLEY, and all the Improvements that have appeared in other Writers since their Time ; also sundry others, that are entirely new, by JAMES DODSON, with frontispiece, Svo. old calf, Is 6d 1751 The first edition published by James Dodson, and the best of the work, but according to Professor de Morgan, with very little Wingate in it. D. N. B. mistakenly gives the date as 1753. 15594 NINETEENTH Eomox [unchanged], with frontispiece, 8vo. cl., 5s 1760 15595 ANOTHER COPY, old calf, 6s The last edition published. 15596 AorAPIGMOTEXNl'A, or the CONSTRUCTION and USE of the LOGARITHMETICALL TABLES, by the Helpe whereof, Multiplication is performed by Addition, Division by Substraction, the Extraction of the Square Root by Bipartition, and the Cube Root by Tripartition, etc. ; finally, the Golden Rule, and the Resolution of Triangles as well right lined as sphericall by Addition and Substraction, first published in the French Tongue, and after translated by the same Author ; 3rd Edition, enlarged by the Author himself, 24mo. contemporary sheep (sound and clean copy) ; RARE, 1. Is Miles Flesher, 1648 First published at Paris, 1626, in French. The tables of logarithms are compiled from HENRY BRIOGS'S. 15597 The USK of the RULE of PROPORTION, in Arithmetique and Geometrie, first published in the French Tongue, and now translated by the same Author; whereinto is now also inserted the Construction of the same Rule, and a further Use thereof, in Questions that concern Astronomic, Dialling, Geographic, Navigation, Gaging of Vessels, Military Orders, Interest, and Annuities, with large folding plate of Gunter's Scale, 32mo. contemporary sheep (RARE), 1. 1* M. F. for P. Stephens, 1645 An account of Gunter's logarithmic scale, which was first published (in French) at Paris in 1624. 786 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 15599 WINKLER (Johann Heinrich; Univ. Leipzig) ELEMENTS of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY Delineated, translated from the 2nd German Edition, as enlarged by the Author, with 14 plates, -2 vols. 8vo. tree-calf, newly rebacked (scarce], 12s Qd 1757 15600 Die EIGENSCHAFTEN der ELECTRISCHEN MATERIE und des ELECTRISCHEN FEUERS, aus verschiedenen neuen Versuchen erklaret, vind nebst etlichen NEUEN MASCHINEN zum ELECTRISIREN ; with 4 plates, sm. 8vo. sewn (RARE), 17* Qd Leipzig, 1745 This work contains a description of the author's electrical machines, in which for the first time a leathern cushion is used, which is pressed against the glass globes by a spring. 15601 GEDANKEN von den EIGENSCHAFTEN, WIRKUNGEN und URSACHEN von der ELECTRICITAT, nebst einer Beschreibung zwo NEUER ELECTRISCHEN MASCHINEN; with 3 plates, sm. 8vo. sewn, or, boards (rare), 12$ ibidem, 1744 Containing experiments in which the author first showed that the electric spark ignites alcohol, etc. ESSAI sur la NATURE, les EFFETS, et les CAUSES de I'ELECTRICITE (1748) v. No. 12736 ante. 15602 Die STARKE der ELECTRISCHEN KRAFT des WASSERS in glasernen Gefassen, welche durch den Musschenbrb'kisclien [sic] Versuch bekannt geworden ; with 2 plates, 8vo. sewn (rare), 15s ib., 1746 15603 ANOTHER COPY, wanting the plates ; sewn, 6s Including his experiments with three powerful Leyden jars, when he obtained sparks that could be seen at a distance of 200 yards in broad daylight. From their discharge he inferred that the phenomena of lightning and thunder must be the result of an electric discharge on a large scale. Winkler was also the first to mention that the earth was a good conductor of electricity. There was no copy of any of the above three works, the only important ones written by the author on electricity, in the Ronalds Library. 15604 WISLICENUS (Johannes ; Univ. Leipzig) Uber die RAUMLICHE ANORDNUNG der ATOME in ORGANISCHEN MoLEKULEN und ihre Bestimniung in geometrisch-isomeren ungesattigten Verbin- dungen, 2. mit Nachtragen versehener Abdruck ; with 186 diagrams, impl. 8vo. sewn, 2s Qd (p. M. 4) Leipzig, 1889 One of the classic contributions to stereo-chemistry. ' Wislicenus has attempted to explain phenomena of this kind [metamerism] by the aid of an hypothesis propounded by van t'Hoffand Lebel. According to this hypothesis, which was designed with the object of explaining the optical activity <~>f isomeric compounds, the centre of gravity of an atom in carbon is supposed as in the middle of a tetrahedron, and its four affinities as at the four corners .... Wislicenus has made this hypothesis the basis of his discussions and experimental researches.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 15605 WOLLASTON (William Hyde, M.D., F.R.S.) On the APPARENT DIRECTION of EYES in a PORTRAIT, with 4 fine copperplates (2 with superposed slips, showing the relation of facial ex- pression to the eyes^by SIR THOMAS LASVRENCE, R.A., 4to. (pp. 10), sewn (rare), 10s 1824 ' An ingenious explanation of the apparent direction of eyes in a portrait, illustrated by his friend Sir Thomas Lawrence '. D. N. B. 15606 On the ELEMENTARY PARTICLES of CERTAIN CRYSTALS (Bakerian Lecture), with plate, 4to. (pp. 15), sewn, 3s Qd 1813 15607 On METALLIC TITANIUM, 4to. (pp. 6), sewn, 2s 1822 15608 METHOD of DRAWING EXTREMELY FINE WIRES ; and DESCRIPTION of a SINGLE LENS MICROMETER, with plate, 4to. (pp. 9). sewn, 4s Qd 1813 ' This method is still used in the construction of the bolometer.' D. N. B. 15609 On a METHOD of rendering PLATINA MALLEABLE (Bakerian Lecture), with plate, 4to. (pp. 8), sewn (scarce), 7s Qd 1828 The discovery of a method for producing pure platinum and welding it into vessels, made about 1804 and published as the Bakerian lecture in 1828, has proved of the highest importance, scientific and commercial, from the fact that the metal is attacked by extremely few chemical reagents. The Royal Society in 1828 awarded Wollaston a royal medal for his work. It was from this source that he accumulated his considerable fortune.' D. N. B. 15610 On the PRIMITIVE CRYSTALS of CARBONATE of LIME, BITTER-SPAR, and IRON-SPAR, 4to. (pp. 4), sewn, 2s Qd 1812 15611 - : SYNOPTIC SCALE of CHEMICAL EQUIVALENTS, with plate, 4to. (pp. 22), sewn, with inscr. to Thomas Allan, (scarce), 10s Qd 1814 ' Wollaston's most important paper in theoretical chemistry. He proposes, in order to avoid undue use of hypothesis, to replace Dalton's 'atomic weights' by 'equivalents' which were to" express the bare facts of quantitative analysis. Wollaston's criticism of Ualton in this paper is fundamental. . . . The battle between ' atomic weights ' and equivalents lasted, with many fluctuations, down to recent times.' D. N. B. 15612 YOUNQ- (Thomas, M.D., F.R.S.) On the THEORY of LIGHT and COLOURS (Bakerian Lecture), with plate, roy. 4to. (pp. 37), sewn (RARE), 12s Qd 1801 ' A more detailed account of his doctrine of interference and its applications appeared in his brilliant memoir On the Theory of Light and Colours, which marks an epoch in the history of the subject. In it he showed that the colours of thin and thick plates, of striated surfaces, and those seen at the edge of the shadow of an obstacle, could all be explained by the interference oflight undulations which had traversed different paths, and concluded with the proposition 'Radiant light consists of und illations of the luminiferous ether '.' D. N. B. 15613 ZABARELLA (Giacomo Conte) TABULAE LOGICS, in quibus summa cum Facilitate ac Brevitate ea orania explicantur, quse ab aliis prolixe declarari sclent, Editio postrema, 4to. old hf. calf (joint cracked), with auto, and inscr. by Thomas Taylor, ' Platonist ' (as below), WsQd (col:) Francofurti, Laz. Zetzner, 1608 ' Aristotelis alumni sumus nee poenitet. T. TAYLOR. An<>. 1781.' Inscr. on last leaf. ' Ses idees philosophiques, et surtout sa rnethode appliquee a la Logique d'Aristote, firent autorite en Allemagne.' Biogr. Gen. FURTHER ADDENDA. 15614 ADAMS 'John Couch, F.R.S., Lowndean Prof. Astronomy and Geometry, Cantab. ; discoverer of Neptune) SCIENTIFIC PAPERS, edited by WILLIAM GRYLL'S ADAMS, F.R.S., and RALPH ALLEN SAMPSON, F.R.A.S., with Memoir by J. W. L. GLAISHER, F.R.S., with fine portrait on India paper, fs. of 4 p. MS., and diagrams, 2 vols. 4to. d., 15s (p. 2. 10s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1896-1900 4k I Nos. 15617-18 (73^ 787). First edition of the first important star atlas. & fdnbt ble Jjlw vff $er (fat ?f e *on goffer #13 entfp:mgemTPt'e num9flft blefwefji ftw^t i/T geoffenbAm neto' cte otr/von eyet 9ottetr/*ri *il a^ete $er cfteictje vm furQeroc? wt lie en// man 9efcenfnm / vnfcerftc? Reft efner elen t)ir | fen (fab in vil vn m<;ni(f erlet rtia^ic^3u leren _]ttemait ^ifTillierennfoI/ Pe// iic$ foltcg cfelfibbe weitei:3uf?rec// tenant) $fr 3U offenb<;re vn3ei^en wie m& f illiernt pet ^ efcenfum/^ft iff vntf m wdt dnnftettril/iednit _ clcit ctlcicS felbc mur(!drt tt c / fo m& MfTilhert cbet Ret oly vgwect oltet / $elin/o$ aiten^tc? fpefcfee ^c ju ^etlen n'nit^e vn tneffenfce fcF felber ^efe^cn ^b/vn muf$tt nu( feng[cldt/9rtrul flein^ie tun fe!nt/o^elr3ie^el^en rac im jlfc (vefleid? ein ^ktten t>ot>e o^ gei&$ibetf/fnfet mitten ein loc^ etnec Albeit ckn \vdt / fo x>p ^er len^ ^ertwc^c wutrt ein w'nt?/ ^^e 9at ^iirc^on i(I dn^ t^etb ^cmrtc^t3utin^ vmb / vnnfc vff alls ei^ ein gefetjt x>on ^en fTetnen wievovtit n'effe von $cm obern ^oben/ vff $:it(fclv obet ^i ftetteil etnct elett * e& fcnn i jl No.^15621 (page 787). An early and rare book on distilling. HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 787 A COMPLETE SET TO 1909 : 15616 ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY (ROYAL), MEMOIRS of the, complete from the Beginning in 1822 to 1909 (Vols. 1-59), with numerous plates (some coloured or folding), maps, and other illustrations, 59 vols. 4to., vv. 1-51 in 37 v. hf. calf gilt, and the rest in parts or boards as issued (FINE SET) ; SCAECE, 42. 1822-1909 A complete set of the Memoirs of the first Astronomical Society ever constituted, and containing many contributions of great value. The earlier volumes are now out of print and VERY SCARCE. 15617 BAYER (Johaxm) URANOMETRIA, omnium Asterismorum continens Schemata, nova Methodo delineata, editio princeps ; with fine engraved title, and 51 star-maps on copper by Alex. Mair, folio, hf. calf gilt (sound and clean copy] ; very rare, 3. 10s (col. :) Augustce Vindel., Christ. Mangus, 1603 1561P ANOTHER COPY, old white vellum (guarding of the maps wormed, otherwise a VERY LARGE AND FINE COPY), with bookplate of MICHELANGELO GIACOMELLI, Abp. of Chalcedon (1695- 1774), 4. 4* FIRST EDITION OF THE FIRST IMPORTANT STAR ATLAS. ' Bayer, the German astronomer, was the first to improve on the old plan [of distinguishing stars by the locality they occupied and their constellations, e.g., Oculus Tauri for a Tauri], which he did by publishing in 1603 a celestial atlas, in which the stars of each constellation were distinguished by the letters of the Greek alphabet. Bayer's letters are still in common use.' The late G. F. Chambers, F.R.A.S. An earlier attempt to classify stars was made by ALESSANDRO PICCOLOMINI (v. Nos. 3625-8 and 13298 ante), who used Latin letters for distinguishing four different magnitudes. 15619 BLACK (Joseph, M.D., F.R.S.E., Prof. Chemistry, Edin.) LECTURES on the ELEMENTS of CHEMISTRY, delivered in the University of Edinburgh, now published from his MSS., by JOHN ROBISON, Prof. Natural Philosophy, Edinburgh, with fine portrait on copper, and 3 plates, 2 vols. 4to. scored calf gilt (sound copy) ; VERY RARE, 2. 5s Edin., 1803 'During above 30 years he inculcated the elements of chemistry upon enthusiastic and continually growing audiences. ' It could not be otherwise ', Robison wrote in 1803. ' His personal appearance and manner were those of a gentleman, and peculiarly pleasing. His voice in lecturing was low, but fine ; and his articulation so distinct that he was perfectly well heard by an audience consisting of several hundreds. His discourse was so plain and perspicuous, his illustrations by experiments so apposite, that his sentiments on any subject never could be mistaken, even by the most illiterate ; and his instructions were so clear of all hypothesis or conjecture, that the hearer rested on his conclusions with a confidence scarcely exceeded in matters of his own experience.' His lecturss had thus a powerful effect in popularising chemistry ; and attendance upon them even came to be a fashionable amusement '. D. N. B. LORD LISTER'S COPY : 15620 : ESSAYS and OBSERVATIONS, PHYSICAL and LITERARY, read before a [the PHILO- SOPHICAL] SOCIETY in EDINBURGH, and published by them, VOLS. II-II1, with numerous folding copperplates, 2 vols. 8vo. old calf gilt (2 joints cracked, otherwise a very sound and large copy] ; VERY RARE, 2. 10* ibidem, 1770-1 Vol. II of this now very rare publication js of great importance as it first contains (on pp. 172-248) DR. JOSEPH BLACK'S classic 'Experiments upon Magnesia Alba, Quick -lime, and some other Alkaline Substances', a description of which may be found under BLACK (p. 318, No. 6248). It also includes (pp. 159-71) the important essay by WILLIAM CULLEN, M.D., F.R.S., 'Of the Cold produced by evaporating Fluids, and of some other Means of producing Cold', containing the discovery of latent heat, and the author's theory of ' specific heat ' ; also ' A Solution of Kepler's Problem ', by MATTHEW STEWART, F.R.S. (in v. Ill), a Letter from BENJAMIN FRANKLIN to David Hume, on the ' Method of securing Houses from the Effects of Lightning ', and the important essay by THOMAS MELVILL, ' Observations on Light and Colours', containing fundamental experiments in spectrum analysis ; besides numerous contributions (some important) on medical and other subjects. The above copy is of special interest as having belonged to LORD LISTER, P.R.S. 15621 BRTJNSCHWYG [oder BRUNSWICK] (Hieronymus) Das BUCK zu DISTILLIEREN die zusamen gethonen ding COMPOSITA genant | durch die eintzige ding | vnd das buch Thesaurus pauperu ] fur die armen | durch experiment von mir JHERONYMO BRUNSCHWICK vff geklubt vnd geoffenbart j zu trost vn heil de menschen vfi nutzlich ir leben und lieb daruss zu erlengeren vnd in gesuntheit zu behalten ; got^ic letter, with 238 large and fine woodcuts of chemical apparatus and manipulations, etc., folio, old calf extra, inside borders, with silken linings and flyleaves, g. e. (title slightly soiled and blank bottom margined, with 2 letters replaced in fs.,' also last I. mounted, and a few other slight repairs, otherwise an unusually fine copy) ; very rare, 9. Strassburg, durch Jahanem Griininger, 1519 15622 LATER ISSUE OF THE GERMAN EDITION, printed in gotljtc letter ; with all the 238 fine woodcuts, folio, oaken boards covered with richly pressed pigskin, with portraits in centre, metal clasps (title and a few II. browned, and a number of others slightly waterstained, also 2 II. torn and one slightly defective) ; rare, 5. 15* ibidem, durch Bartholomeu Gruniger [sic] , 1537 ' La plupart des re"impressions dont nous avons deja parle reproduisent le petit Destillirbuch et non le grand, lequel ne reparait que dans les editions de Strasbourg, Jo. Griiuinger, 1519, et de Strasb., Earth. Griininger, 1537, in-fol.' Brunei. 15623 : A VERTUOSE BOKE of DISTYLLACYON of all MANER of WATERS of the HERBES. with the Fygures of the Styllatoryes, fyrst made and compyled by the thyrte Yeres Study and Labour of the moste conynge and famous Master of Phisyke, MASTER JHEROM BRUYNSWYKE, and now newly translate out of Duyche into Englisshe, by LAURENCE ANDREWES, first English edition, Mack letter, in double columns, with numerous ivoodcuts, and printer's device on last I., sm. folio, old hf. calf (title missing, and some inner margins stained, otherwise A TALL AND DESIRABLE COPY) ; very rare, with the Duke of Sussex's bookplate, 7. 15* \Imprynted at London in the Flete Strete by me Laurens Andrewe, in the sygne of the Golden Crosse, M.CCCCCXXVII, the XVIII. daye of Apryll] The author is not mentioned by Poggendorff or H. Kopp. 1 Les 238 figures en bois imprimees dans le texte sont les premieres essaies de representer les operations chimiques par 1'art de dessin . . . Dans ces reimpressions-ci [de 1519 et 1537] on a ajoute une traduction allemande des deux premiers livres ^de vita sana et longa) de 1'ouvrage de Marsilius Ficinus, De vita triplici libri III sous le titre Medicinarivs, das buch der Gesuntheit faite par Joh. Adelphus. Les editions publiees depuis 1540 ont ete entierement changees, les deux livres de destination, le grand et le petit, y ayant ete entierement entremeles.' Graesse. 738 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 15625 BAUSCHINGER (Julius ; Univ. Strasbourg) Die BAHNBESTIMMUNG der HIMMELSKORPER ; with 84 diagrams, 4to. original hf. calf (slightly rubbed), 1. 2s %d (p. M. 37) Leipzig, 1906 15626 TAFELN zur THEORETISCHEN ASTRONOMIE ; with 2 plates, 4to. cl., ivith author's inscr. to Dr. Downing, F.R.S., 7s (p. M. 12) ibidem, 1901 15627 BURNHAM (Sherburne Wesley; F.R.A.S., Yerkes Observatory] GENERAL CATALOGUE of DOUBLE STARS, within 121 of the North Pole, with Notes to the Catalogue, diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 4to. (pp. 1086), cl., -2. 2s (p. $28) Carnegie Inst., Washington, 1906 The only catalogue published of all known double stars visible in the Northern Hemisphere, including 1,274 new ones discovered by the author himself. 15628 CAUS (Salomon de, Ingenieur du Prince de Galles] La PERSPECTIVE, avec la Raison des Ombres et Miroirs ; with finely engraved frontispiece ( ? by J. T. DE BRY), and 63 large engravings, folio, sewn (RARE), 2. 5s Londres, Jan Norton, 1812 ' Livre tres-rare.' Biogr. Gen. The author was mathematical tutor to Henry Prince of Wales, and drawing-master to tha Princess Elizabeth. His best-known work is ' Les Raisons des Forces Mouvantes ' (o No. 730 ante), through which the invention of the steam-engine has been claimed for him. 15629 CESI [d CESIO >; Latine OffiSHIS] (Bernardo, s J.) MINERALOGIA, sive Naturalis Philo- sophise Thesauri, in quibus Metallicse Concretionis Medicamentorumque Fossilium Miracula, Terrarum Pretium, Colorum et Pigmentorum Apparatus, Concretorum Succorum Virtus, Lapidum atque Gemmarum Dignitas continentur, thick folio, old vellum, or, parchment (RARE), 2. 2s Lugduni, J. et P. Prost, 1636 Containing also much of chemical interest. Pp. 1-137 treat of Mineralogy proper, pp. 1S7-283 of Colours and Pigments and pp. 541-008 of Gems. The work is not noticed by Brunet and is rare. 15630 CBOLL (Oswald) : BAZILICA CHYMICA, et PRAXIS CHYMIATRIC.E, or ROYAL and PRACTICAL CHYMISTRY, in Three Treatises, wherein all those excellent Medicines and Chymical Preparations are fully discovered, from whence all our modern Chymists have drawn their choicest Remedies, being a Translation of Oswald Crollius his Royal Chymistry, augmented and inlarged by JOHN HARTMAN. To which is added his TREATISE of SIGNATURES of INTERNAL THINGS, or a true and lively Anatomy of the greater and lesser World, as also the PRACTICE of CHYMISTRY of JOHN HARTMAN, M.D., augmented and inlarged by his SON : all faithfully Englished by a Lover of Chymistry, with woodcuts, folio, large and fine copy in old calf (back slightly damaged)', rare, 1. 10 J. Starkeydnd T. Passinger, 1670-69-70 1 Having a good knowledge of chemistry, Croll brought into use many of the medicaments of Paracelsus, together with other new preparations ; among the latter, he was the first to recommend the use of sulphate of potash (K 2 04) and of volatile salt of amber (succinic acid).' Prof. E. v. Meyer. ' He knew chloride of silver well, and first gave it the name of luna cornea, or horn silver; fulminating gold was known to him, and called by him aurum volatile.' Dr. Thomas Thomson. 15631 EIFFEL (Alexandre Gustave ; builder of the Tower) NOUVELLES RECHERCHES sur la RESISTANCE de 1'AlR et 1'AviATlON faites au Laboratoire d'Auteuil ; with frontispiece of the author's Aerodynamic Laboratory, and 267 illustration 5, and Atlas, containing '67 pp. of numerical tables and 39 plates, 2 vols. roy. 4to. cl., with author's inscr., 1. 10* (p. F. 50 nett) 1914 Containing in an extended form the author's important researches first published in his La Resistance de I' Air et I' Avia- tion, which ' enseignes dans un grand nombre de cours sont a peu pres devenus classiques.' Laughed at for many years as an engineering tour de force, the Eiffel Tower gained a double justification, first by its great use in wireless telegraphy, and then as a conning tower against the air murder brigade of William the Poisoner. 15632 MOISSAN (Henri, de VInstitut), et autres : TRAITE de CHIMIE MINERALE ; with numerous woodcuts, 5 thick vols. roy. 8vo. hf. olive Levant morocco gilt, uncut, t. e.g. (FINE COPY), 4. 10s (p. F. 150 nett sewn) 1904-6 The most authoritative French work on the chemistry of metalloids and metals. The author's collaborators were MM. Aloy, Andre, Brochet, Charpy, A. Col-jon, H. Gautier, Le Chatelier, Lemoine, Massol, Metzner, Sabatier, Verneuil, Vigouroux, Vogt, and other eminent chemists. THE NEW EDITION JUST PUBLISHED AT 1. 10* NETT : 15633 MORGAN (Augustus de ; F.R.A.S., Prof. Mathematics, Univ. Coll., London] A BUDGET of PARADOXES, revised and edited with full BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES and INDEX by DAVID EUGENE SMITH, Teachers' College, Columbia University, 2 vols. 8vo. (pp. 1000), cl. Chicago, 1915 One of the most interesting and witty books ever written, and invaluable for its history and bibliography of some scientific fallacies, e.g. ' circle-squaring '. It contains besides a large number of anecdotes, etc. on mathematical and scientific subjects. 'He had a love of puns, and all ingenious puzzles and paradoxes, which makes his 'Budget of Paradoxes ' as amusing as it is learned.' Sir Leslie Stephen. ' It is by far the most individual book of the age individual, not merely in its own singularity as a book, but as presenting with a marked degree of clearness and exactness the personality of one who was never quite a man among other men. ... To sum up, this is a book that should be read by those who care about circle squarers and all manner of jokes, mathematical and other ; by those who care to make the acquaintance of Augustus de Morgan, which it is well worth while to do ; but above all by those who care to be led into right thinking and warned from wrong.' Prof. W. K. Clifford. The work is now rendered additionally valuable by the bibliographical notes and index by Prof. D. E. Smith. The original edition has been out of print for many years, and is very scarce. 15634 [NUflTEZ, Latine'] NONIUS (Pedro) OPERA : Problemata, Regulse et Instrumenta Artis Navigandi, quibus varia Rerum Astronomicarum ^mvo/jieva circa Crelestium Corporum Mptus explorare possumus : Annotationes in Aristotelis Problema Mechanicum de Motu Navigii. in Georgii Purbachii Planetarurn Theoricas Annotationes ; de Erratis Orontii Finoei [sic] ; de Crepusculis Lib. I, cum Libello Allacen de Causis Crepusculorum ; with printer's device on the title and last leaf, and very numerous diagrams, folio, motUed calf (FINE COPY) ; very rare, 5. 5s Basileae, Seb. Henricpetri, 1592 1 Quoique le geometre et astronome portugais Nonius n'ait pas ecrit de traite de gnomonique, il merite ici une place distinguee, par la remarque et 1'explication d'un phenomene gnomonique fort singulier [the loxodromic curve] : c'est celui de la retrogradation de 1'ombre sur un cadran sous certaines latitudes.' Montucla. The work also contains an exposure of the errors in Finams's dialling, etc. The author is best known as the inventor of the Nonius. BIBLIOTHECA REUTERIANA: Part VI, and last, containing MODERN STANDARD WORKS on Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Crystallography and Meteorology, and FORMING THE FINAL SUPPLEMENT to the Bibliotheca Chemico-Mathematica. OFFERED AT THEIR NETT PRICES BY ENHY SO THE HAN & CO., 14O, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. * To prevent disappointment, Customers are advised to address their orders to H. S. & Co. direct. Telegraphic and Cable Address : BOOKMEN, LONDON. Codes : UNICODE and A. B. C. Telephones : (STRAND), CENTRAL 1515. (PICCADILLY), MAYFAIR 3601. CONTRACTIONS: Bp., bishop; C. M. H., Cambridge Modern History; cl., cloth; cr., crown; D. N. B., Dictionary of National Biography ; fs., facsimile ; g. e., gilt edges ; o. p., out of print; 0. T. F., Oriental Translation Fund ; p., published at; pr., priest; r. e., red edges; sm., small; sq. t square ; T. C. D. , Trinity College, Dublin ; t. e. g. , top edges gilt. Of books not otherwise noted, all in English bear the imprint of London, and all in French, of Paris. GENERAL WORKS: 15635 CYON (Elice v. ; quondam Univ. Petrograd) Das OHRLABYRINTH als ORGAN der MATHE- MATISCHEN SlNNE fiir RAUM und ZEIT ; with fine portrait, 5 plates, and 45 text-illustrations, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as neiv), 10s 6d (p. M. 14 sewn) Berlin, 1908 An important contribution to the psychology of the exact sciences, some of the chapters being : experimentelle Grundlagen, Entwicklnng und Aufbati der Lehre vom Raumsinn : Tiiuschungen in der Wahrnehmung der Richtungen : physiologische Grundlagen der Geometrie von Euklid : Zeitsinn und Zahlenbewusstsein, etc. etc. 15636 DUNCAN (Robert Kennedy, Washington and Jefferson Coll.) The NEW KNOWLEDGE : a Popular Account of the New Physics and the New Chemistry in their Relation to the New Theory of Matter [5th Edition], ivith 54 illustrations \ large cr. 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 6s nett) 1909 15637 DYCK (Walther v. ; Technische Hochschule, Miinchen) KATALOG MATHEMATISCHER und MATHEMATISCH-PHYSIKALISCHER MODELLE, APPARATE und INSTRUMENTS, unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgenossen herausgegeben im Auftrage des Vorstandes der DEUTSCHEN MATHE- MATIKER- VEREINIGUNG ; mit Nachtrag- ; with numerous illustrations, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1 , handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy], 14s (p. M. 18 sewn) Miinchen, 1892-3 One of the best descriptive catalogues of mathematical instruments ever published, being that of the loan-collection arranged by the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung. The first 138 pp. contain introductory chapters by A. AMSLER, L. BOLTZMANN, A. v. BRAUNMUHL, A. BRILL, G. HAUCK, O. HENRici, and F. KLEIN. 15638 ENRIQ.UES (Federigo ; Univ. Bologna} PROBLEMS der WISSENSCHAFT (Wirklichkeit und Logik. Grundbegriffe der Wissenschaft), iibersetzt von KURT GRELLING, 2 vols. post 8vo. cl. 5s 6d (p. M. 9) Leipzig, 1910 15639 GALLE (Andreas ; Geodetic Inst., Potsdam) MATHEMATISCHE INSTRUMENTE ; with 86 illus- trations, 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 3s (p. M. 4.80) Leipzig, 1912 Including a bibliography of modern works on the subject. 15640 GOODCHILD (G. F.), and C. F. TWENEY : TECHNOLOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC DICTIONARY, with numerous illustrations, cr. 4to. (pp. 875), hf. morocco, cl. sides (joints rubbed) ; o.p., 15s [1906] ' The object is to furnish the modern signification of technical terms employed in the Arts and Sciences, and by means of compendious articles to elucidate the principles and processes of pure and applied science.' Preface. 15641 HEATHER (J. F., E.M. A., Woolwich) MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, comprising Drawing, Measuring, Optical, Surveying, and Astronomical Instruments ; enlarged [latest] Edition, for the most part wholly rewritten, with plates and numerous woodcuts, 3 vols. fcap. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 2s Qd 1888-92 52 790 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. GENERAL WORKS, continued: 15643 HINTON (Charles Howard) The FOURTH DIMENSION, with coloured frontispiece of the Tessaract and numerous diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2* Qd 1904 or 1906 15644 SCIENTIFIC ROMANCES [Nos. I VI], with illustrations, post 8vo. cl. (scarce), 6s 1886 Treating of fourth dimensional problems. 15645 JEVONS (William Stanley, F.R.S.) The PRINCIPLES of SCIENCE : a Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method ; 3rd Edition, with frontispiece of the Logical Machine, thick post 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 12*6rf) 1879 Professor Jevons's most important work, with illustrations derived from almost every branch of science, wherein ' he developed his theory of logic and scientific method, and of its applications beyond and, so to speak, above the sphere of physical science alone. It proved more stimulative to mathematicians than to metaphysicians '. D. N. B. ' W. S. Jevons in his Principles of Science founds induction upon the theory of inverse probability.' Prof. Cajori. 15646 LECHALAS (Georges) ETUDE sur 1'ESPACE et le TEMPS, post 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd 1896 15647 DEUXIEME EDITION, revue et augmentee, Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s Qd 1909 15648 NATORP (Paul; Prof . Philosophy, Marburg) Die LOGISCHEN GRUNDLAGEN der EXAKTEN WISSENSCHAFTEN, post Svo. cl., 4s (p. M. 6.60) Leipzig, 1910 15649 PEARSON (Karl, F.R.S. ; Gallon Prof. Eugenics, Univ. London) The GRAMMAR of SCIENCE ; 2nd Edition, revised and enlarged, with 33 illustrations, thick Svo. cl., Is 60? 1900 The last complete edition, part II not having been reissued. 15650 THIRD [LATEST] EDITION, enlarged, Part I (all published) : PHYSICAL, with diagrams, Svo. cl., 4s (p. 6s nett) 1911 V. TODHUNTER, sub PHYSICS, post. 15651 POIR: (Paul), Remy et Edmond PERKIER, et Alexandra JOANNIS: NOUVEAU DICTIONNAIRE des SCIENCES et de leurs APPLICATIONS ; with 5402 illustrations, 2 thick vols. roy. Svo. (pp. 3362), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin (backs slightly worn), 1. 5s (p. F. 45 nett sewn) s. d. 15652 PRIVAT-DESCHANEL (Augustin), et Adolphe FOCILLON : DICTIONNAIRE GENERAL des SCIENCES theoriques et appliquees : Mathernatiques, Physique et Chimie, Technologie- Mecanique, Ethnologic, Histoire naturelle, Medecine- Agriculture ; 5 e [derniere] Edition, entiere- ment refondue par JULES GAY et Louis MANGIN ; with about 3500 illustrations, 2 thick vols. roy. Svo. (pp. 3488), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin (backs slightly worn), cl. sides, 1. 5s (p. F. 40 nett sewn) [1903-5] 15653 ROBB (Alfred A.) A THEORY of TIME and SPACE, with 43 diagrams, roy. Svo. cl., 7s (p. 10s Qd nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1914 ' The special object here aimed at has been to show that spacial relations may be analyzed in terms of the time relations of before and after.' Preface. 15654 TECHNOLOGICAL DICTIONARY: ENGLISH, GERMAN, and FRENCH, published by ERNST ROIIRIG and ERICH SCHILLER, with Preface by KARL KARMARSCH ; 3rd completely revised Edition (Vol. I 4th Edition), 3 thick vols. roy. Svo. in one, hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, 12s (p. M. 3t sewn) 1878-87 15655 VILLI^J (Edmond, Univ. LILLE) COMPOSITIONS d' ANALYSE, CINEMATIQUE, MECANIQUE et ASTRONOMIE, donnees depuis 1869 a la Sorbonne, suivies d'Exercices sur les Variables Imagin- aires : ENONCES et SOLUTIONS ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 15s (p. F. 25.50 nett sewn) 1885-98 Universities iu North-Easteru France equally with those in Belgium will keep the savagery of the educated German officer in the world's remembrance to all time. 15656 WARRAIN (F.) Les MODALITES UNIVERSELLES de la QUANTITE : 1'EspACE ; with illustra- tions, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g., Is (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1907 15657 WRAPSON (James P.), and W. W. Haldane GEE: MATHEMATICAL and PHYSICAL TABLES, with illustrations, Svo. buckram, 4s (p. 6s 6d nett) 1898 15858 WRIGHT (Charles Romley Alder, F.R.S.) The THRESHOLD of SCIENCE : a Variety [404] of simple and amusing EXPERIMENTS [in CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS] ; 2nd [latest] Edition, enlarged, with 203 illustrations, large cr. Svo. buckram, 3s (p. 6s) 1892 x MATHEMATICS: 15659 ACTA MATHEMATICA : 1882-1912: TABLE GENERALE des Tomes 1-35, redigee par MARCEL KIESZ ; with 202 portraits of famous mathematicians, 4to. finely bound in crushed crimson Levant morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. (CHOICE COPY), with inter, from Prof. Mittag-Leffler to Baron de Renter, (. 5s Uppsala, 1913 Very interesting for containing portraits and short biographies of mathematicians who contributed to the journal. 15660 ADLER (August ; Vienna) THEORIE der GEOMETRISCHEN KONSTRUKTIONEN ; with 177 diagrams, cr. Svo. cl., or, buckram, 6s (p. M. 9) Leipzig, 1906 15661 AHRENS (W.) MATHEMATISCHE UNTERHALTUNGEN und SPIELE ; with folding plate and numerous text-illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 7s (p. M. 10 sewn) Leipzig, 1901 15662 ANOTHER COPY, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, 8s HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W> 791 MATHEMATICS, continued : 15664 ADHEMAR (Vicomte Robert d' ; Univ. LILLE) EXERCICES et LECONS d'ANALYSE : Quad- ratures, Equations differentielles, Equations integrates de FREDHOLM et VOLTERRA, Equations aux Derivees partielles du second Degre, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s (p. F. 6 nett sewn) 1908 The world will never forget the departation to forced labour of the women and girls of Lille. 15665 LEMONS sur les PRINCIPES del'ANALYSE, avec Note de SERGE BERNSTEIN, de 1'Universite de Kharkow ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g., 13s Qd (p. F. 20 nett sewn) 1912-13 4 Si j'emploie le mot Principes, j'ai voulu dire questions principales, fondamentales et non point approfondissement des premiers principes de la science mathematique '. Preface. 15666 ALDIS (William Steadman, Trinity Coll., Cantab.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on SOLID GEOMETRY, 3rd Edition, revised, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd Cambridge, 1880 15667 AMIGUES (E.) LECONS d'ALGEBRE [SUPERIEURE], thick 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy], o. p., 5s (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1890 15668 AMIOT (A.) APPLICATIONS de la GEOMETRIE ELEMENTAIRE, 4 e Edition, augmentee ; with folding plate and diagrams, 8vo. hf. French morocco neat (o. p.), 2s Qd 1865 15669 ELEMENTS de GEOMETRIE; nonvelle Edition, entierement refondue jar F. VINTEJOUX; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd 1897 15670 ANOTHER COPY; also: SOLUTIONS RAISONNEES des PROBLEMES, nouvelle Edition, augmentee; with 25 folding plates (neatly linen-mounted), 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (fine copy), 8s 1897 s. d. 15671 - LEMONS NOUVELLES de GEOMETRIE ELEMENTAIRE, 2 e Edition, entierement refondue ; ^uith diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. French morocco neat, 4s 1865-6 15672 LECONS NOUVELLES de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE, 3 e Edition, par A. CHEVILLARD ; with 28 double plates, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. morocco neat, 5s 1869 15673 SOLUTIONS RAISONNEES des PROBLEMES enonces dans les ELEMENTS de GEOMETRIE, avec Observations sur la Resolution des Problemes de Geometric par A. AMIOT et A. DESVIGNES, 5 e Edition, augmentee ; with 25 plates, 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 3s 1873 15674 - NOUVELLE EDITION, revue et augmentee; with 25 plates (neatly linen-mounted), 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 4s Qd s. d. 15675 ANDOYER (Henri, de la Sorbonne) LECONS ELEMENTAIRES sur la TIIEORIE des FORMES et ses Applications geoinetriques ; neatly autographed on 184 pp., large 4to. buckram, 5s Qd (p. F. 8 nett sewn) 1898 15676 LECONS sur la THEORIE des FORMES et la GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE SUPERIEURE, Tome I [seul paru] , roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy), 10s (p. F. 15 nett sewn) 1900 15677 NOUVELLES TABLES TRIGONOMETRIQUES FONDAMENTALES, contenantles LOGAEITHMES des Lignes trigonoine"triques de Centieme en Centieme du Quadrant avec 17 Decimales, de 9 en 9 Minutes avec 15 Decimales, et de 10 en 10 Secondes avec 14 Decimales, 4to. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (nice copy), 1. Is (p. F. 30 nett sewn) 1911 Together with Bauschinger's (q. v. post) the most important logarithmic work published within recent years. Its publication was made possible by a subsidy from the Fondation Commercy in the University of Paris. 15678 ANDRE (Desire) Des NOTATIONS MATHEMATIQUES : Enumeration, Choix et Usage ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 11s (p. F. 16 nett sewn) 1909 15679 ANDRE (Philippe) NOUVEAU COURS COMPLET d'ALGEBRE ELEMENTAIRE, 18 e Edition; avec les Exercices, 9 e Edition ; with numerous diagrams 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, Qs Qd (p. F. 10 nett sewn) s. d. 15680 TRAITE de GEOMETRIE ELEMENTAIRE, 5 e Edition ; with 709 diagrams: EXERCICES de GEOMETRIE, 13 e Edition ; with 527 diagrams 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), Qs (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1906 s. d. 15681 ANDREWS (W. S.) MAGIC SQUARES and CUBES, with Chapters by PAUL CARUS, F. S. FRIERSON, C. A. BROWNE, JR., and Introduction by PAUL CARUS, with 337 diagrams and woodcut, roy. 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 7s Qd nett) Chicago, 1908 15682 ANGEL (Henry) PRACTICAL PLANE GEOMETRY and PROJECTION, with numerous illustra- tions, post 8vo., with ATLAS, containing 80 plates, 4to. 2 vols. cl., 6s (p. 12s) n. d. 15683 ANTOMARI (Xavier) COURS de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE ; 2 e Edition, conforme au nouveau Programme d' Admission a 1'Ecole Polytechnique : TRAITE de GEOMETRIE DE- SCRIPTIVE ; ivith numerous diagrams 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 8s (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1904 15684 AOTJST (Abbe Barthelemy, Univ. Marseille) ANALYSE INFINITESIMALS des COURBES; with 120 diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. in 2, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g., 12s Qd (p. F. 26.50 nett sewn) 1869-76 CONTENU : Courbes tracers sur une Surface quelconque, '69 : Planes, contenant la R6solution d'un grand Nombre de Problemes choisis. '73 : dans 1'Espace, 76. 52 * 792 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 15686 APOLLONIUS Pergseus : TREATISE on CONIC SECTIONS, edited in Modern Notation, with Introductions, including an Essay on the earlier History of the Subject, by SIR THOMAS LITTLE HEATH, F.R.S., with frontispiece, 8vo. (pp. 424), cl. (SCARCE), 155 Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1896 15687 APPELL (Paul Emile, de VInstitut) ELEMENTS d'ANALYSE MATHEMATIQUE a 1'Usage des Ingenieurs et des Physiciens ; 2 e Edition ; with 229 diagrams, large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 12s (p. F. 24 nett sewn) 1905 15688 - , et Edouard GOTJRSAT, de la Sorbonne : THEORIE des FONCTIONS ALGEBRIQUES et de leurs INTEGRALES : Etude des Fonctions analytiques sur une Surface de RIEMANN [avec Preface de CH. HERMITE] ; with 91 diagrams, roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy], 10s Qd (p. F. 16 nett sewn) 1895 15689 ARNOUX (Gabriel, ancien Officer de Marine] ARITHMETIQUE GRAPHIQUE : Introduction a I'ETUDE des FONCTIONS ARITHMETIQUES ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. F. 7.50 nett sewn) 1906 15690 ANOTHER COPY, also : Les ESPACES ARITHMETIQUES HYPERMAGIQUES ; with coloured folding plate and diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 9s (p. F. 13.50 nett sewn) 1894-1906 15691 ASKWITH (Edward Harrison, Trinity Coll., Cantab.; Vicar of Kirkby Lonsdale) The ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY of the CONIC SECTIONS, with 76 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. 7s Qd nett) 1908 15692 COURSE of PURE GEOMETRY, with diagrams, postSvo. buckram, 2s Qd (p. 5s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1903 15693 ATKINSON (Capt. E. H. de V., R.E.) TEXT-BOOK of PRACTICAL SOLID GEOMETRY, etc. ; 2nd Edition, revised by MAJOR B. R. WARD, R.E., with 21 folding plates, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 7s Qd) 15694 ATJBEBT (P.), et G. PAPELIEB : EXERCICES d'ALGEBRE, d'ANALYSE et de TRIGONO- METRIE ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 8s (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1908-10 15695 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), SsQd 15696 AUTENHEIMEB (Fr., Winterthur) ELEMENTARBUCH der DIFFERENTIAL- und IN- TEGRALRECHNUNG, mit zahlreichen Anwendungen ; 5. verbesserte Auflage, bearbeitet von ALFRED DONADT ; with 156 diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, Qs (p. M. 9 sewn) Leipzig, 1901 15697 - SECHSTE [NEUESTE] AUFLAGE, bearbeitet von ALFRED DONADT ; with 161 diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, Is (p. M. 9 sewn) ibidem, 1910 15698 ANOTHER COPY, half black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 7s Qd 15699 BABBAGE (Charles, F.R.S.) EXAMINATION of some QUESTIONS connected with GAMES of CHANCE, 4to. (pp. 23), sewn (name cut off title), 3s Qd Edin., 1820 Written about the time when Mr. Babbage was first setting to work on the Difference Engine. 15700 BACHELIEB (Louis) CALCUL des PROBABILITES, Tome ler [seul paru], 4to. half black morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy], \QsQd (p. F. 25 nett sewn) 1912 ' Get ouvrage n'a pas seulement pour but d'exposer, avec quelques developpements, 1'ensemble des connaissances acquises dans le passe sur le calcul des probabilites, il a aussi pour objet de faire connaitre de nouvelles methodes et de nouveaux resultats qui representent, a certains points de vue, une transformation complete de oe calcul.' Preface. 15701 BACHMANN (Paul ; Univ. Breslau) GRUNDLEIIREN der NEUEREN ZAHLENTHEORIE ; with 10 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. M. 6.50) Leipzig, 1907 15702 - - Die LEHRE von der KREISTHEILUNG und ihre Beziehungen zur ZAHLENTHEORIE : akademische Vorlesungen ; original impression, with folding plate and diagrams, 8vo. buckram (scarce), 7s Qd ibidem, 1872 15703 NIEDERE ZAHLENTHEORIE, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy], 1. 2s Qd (p. M. 30 sewn) t ib., 1902-10 15704 - ZAHLENTHEORIE : Versuch einer Gesammtdarstellung dieser Wissenschaft in ihren Haupttheilen, I. IV. Teil ; original impressions throughout, with folding plate (linen- mounted), 4 vols. 8vo. in 2, hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 1. 12s Qd (p. M. 43.40 sewn) ib., 1872-98 One of the standard works on the theory of numbers. CONTENTS : I. Elemente der Zahlentheorie : H. Analytische Zahlentheorie : III. Lehre von der Kreisteilung : IV. Arithmetik quadratischer Formen, I. Abteilung. Vol. I and III, which can now be obtained at the publisher's only in an inferior anastatic reprint, are in the above copy in the original impression. 15705 BALL (Walter William Bouse, Fellow of Trinity) MATHEMATICAL RECREATIONS and PRO- BLEMS of Past and Present Times, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 7s nett) 1892 15706 - FOURTH EDITION, with illustrations, cr. 8vo. buckram, 4s Qd (p. 7s Qd nett) 1905 15707 - FIFTH [LATEST] EDITION [enlarged], with illustrations, large post 8vo. buckram, Qs (p. 8s Qd nett) 1911 With interesting chapters on Magic Squares, Astrology, Hyper-Space, and the Constitution of Matter. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 793 MATHEMATICS, continued: 15709 BACHET de MEZIRIAC (Claude Gaspard, s.j.) PROBLEMES PLAISANTS et DELECT ABLES, qui se font par les NOMBRES ; 3 e Edition, revue, simplifiee, et augmentee par A. LABOSNE, large cr. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s Qd 1874 1 Containing an interesting collection of arithmetical tricks and questions.' W. W. R. Ball. 15710 BALTZER (Richard; Univ. Giessen) ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE ; with 65 ivoodcuts, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 6s Qd (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1882 15711 Die ELEMENTE der MATHEMATIK ; 6. verbesserte Auflage; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. cl. (used copy), 5s (p. M. li.50) ibidem, 1879-83 15712 THEORIE und ANWENDUNG der DETERMINANTEN, 4. verbesserte Auflage: DRONKE (Adolf) EINLEITUNG in die HOHERE ALGEBRA ; with diagrams 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 5s ib., 1875 Halle, 1872 15713 FUNFTE [LETZTE] VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE, 8vo. buckram, or, hf. German morocco (o. p.), 6s ib., 1881 Containing the author's method of simplying Gauss's deduction of the formula of curvature by the use of determinants. 15714 BARDEY (Ernst) ALGEBRAISCHE GLEICHUNGEN, nebst den Resultaten und den Methoden zu ihrer Auflosung ; 4. Auflage, 8vo. red buckram, 3s Qd Leipzig, 1893 15715 FUNFTE AUFLAGE, bearbeitet von FRIEDRICH PIETZKER, 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. M. 8) ibidem, 1902 15716 BARNARD (S.), and J. M. CHILD : A NEW ALGEBRA, with Key, with diagrams, 4 vols. cr. 8vo. in 2, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy], 14s (p. 1. Is Qd in cl.) 1909-10 15717 BASSET (Alfred Barnard, F.R.S.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on CUBIC and QUARTIC CURVES, with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 6s (p. 10s Qd) Cambridge, 1901 15718 TREATISE on the GEOMETRY of SURFACES, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., Qs (p. 10s Qd) ibidem, 1910 15719 BAUER (Gustav; Univ. Munich) VORLESUNGEN iiber ALGEBRA, herausgegeben vom MATHEMATISCHEN VEREIN MUNCHEN [mit Vorrede von KARL DOEHLEMANN]; 2. [neueste] Auflage ; with portrait and 11 diagrams, large 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy], 8s Qd (p. M. 11 sewn) Leipzig, 1910 ' The author's portrait bears an odd likeness to a composite photograph of Mr. Gladstone and Thomas Hardy. 15720 BAUSCHINGER (Julius; Univ. Strasbourg), und Jean PETERS, K. Astronomisches Recheninstitut, Berlin : LOGARITHMISCH-TRIGONOMETRISCHE TAFELN mit ACHT DEZIMAL- STELLEN, enthaltend die Logarithmen aller Zahlen von 1 bis 200000 und die Logarithmen der trigonometrischen Funktionen fiir jede Sexagesimalsekunde des Quadranten, neu berechnet und herausgegeben ; with frontispiece of calculating machine, 2 vols. impl. Svo. in 1 (pp. 1339), hand- somely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (fine copy], 2. 2s (p. M. 52 sewn) Leipzig, 1910-11 Together with Andoyer's work (q. v. ante) this is the most important logarithmic work published within recent years. Its publication was made possible by a subsidy from the Berlin and Vienna Academies. 15721 BEAU (Otto) ANALYTISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN imGebiete der TRIGONOMETRISCHEN REIHEN und der FouRlER'schen INTEGRALS, 2. vermehrte Auflage, 4to. buckram, 3s (p. M. 5.50 sewn) Halle, 1885 15722 BELL (Robert J. T., Univ. Glasgow] ELEMENTARY TREATISE on COORDINATE GEOMETRY of THREE DIMENSIONS, with 55 diagrams, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 7s (p. 10s nett in cl.) 1910 15723 BELLA VITIS (Giusto ; Univ. Padua) EXPOSITION de la METHODE des EQUIPOLLENCES, traduite par C. A. LAISANT ; with diagrams, large post Svo. buckram (o. p.), Qs 1874 15724 BERKELEY (Hastings) MYSTICISM in MODERN MATHEMATICS, Svo. cl., uncut, 5s (p. Ss nett) Univ. Press, Oxford, 1910 Especially directed against non-Euclidean geometry. 15725 BERNHARD (Max) DARSTELLENDE GEOMETRIE, mit Einschluss der Schattenkonstruk- tionen und der Perspektive, 2. stark vermehrte Auflage; with 311 diagrams, Svo. handsomely bound in hf. Hack morocco, cl. sides, 3s Qd (p. M. 5.20 sewn) Stuttgart, 1905 15726 DRITTE [NEUESTE] VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE ; with 321 illustrations, Svo. buckram, 4s Qd (p. M. 5.20 sewn) ibidem, 1909 15727 BERNOULLI (Jacques) WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITSRECHNUNG (ARS CONJECTANDI), iibersetzt und herausgegeben von R. HAUSSNER, 2 vols. post Svo. boards (partly o. p.], Qs Leipzig, 1899 ' A development of the calculus of probabilities, and containing the investigation now called Bernoulli's theorem and the so-called numbers of Bernoulli, which are in fact (though not so considered by him) the coefficients of-^!liu the expansion of (e-" - 1 )-i '.Prof. Cajori. n ! 15728 BERTRAND (Louis ; Univ. Geneva) GEOMETRIE de POSITION, Ire Partie (seule parue) ; with diagrams, Svo. cl. (o. p.), 3s Qd (p. F. 6 nett sewn) 1873 15729 BESANT (William Henry, F.R.S. ; brother of Sir Walter) CONIC SECTIONS treated GEOMETRICALLY, 8th Edition, revised, with diagrams, with the Solutions, 2 vols. fcap. Svo. cl., 4s (p. 8s Qd) Cambridge, 1890 15730 [NINTH AND LATEST EDITION, enlarged], with the Solutions, 2 vols. cr. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 7s (p. 9s 6d nett in cl.) 1900-1 794 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, \V. MATHEMATICS, continued: 15732 BERTRAND (Joseph Louis Franqois, deVInstitut; F.R.S.) CALCUL des PROBABILITES, roy. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. ( fine copy], 8s Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1889 A standard work. It includes a preface of 50 pp. on the laws of chance. 15733 TRAITE de CALCUL DIFFERENTIAL et de CALCUL INTEGRAL; with diagrams, 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf gilt (SCARCE), 4. 17s 6d 1864-70 15734 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. hf. French red morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g., 5. The first volume, which contains a very interesting introduction on the history of the differential calculus (pp. 44), is out of print and VERY SCARCE. A number of 11. of writing paper are bound up with v. II of the 2nd copy, the first 8 pp. containing a MS. ' Recueil d'Integrales : Formulas fondamentales, ou usuelles, et auxiliaires '. 15735 , et Henri GARGET : TRAITE d'ALGEBRE, 8 e Edition, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. French morocco neat, 4s 1873-4 15736 DIX-HUITIEME EDITION, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy], Is Qd 1904-00 15737 He PARTIE, a 1'Usage des Classes de Mathematiques speeiales ; nouvelle Edition, 8vo. buckram, 3s 1900 15738 BIANCHI (Luigi ; Univ. Pisa) VORLESUNGEN liber DIFFERENTIALGEOMETRIE ; autorisierte deutsche Ubersetzung von MAX LUKAT, large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. crushed purple Levant morocco, cl. sides (fine copy], 14s (p. M. 22.60 sewn) Leipzig, 1899 15739 ZWEITE [NEUESTE] VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 18s (p. M. 22.60 sewn) ' ibidem, 1910 15740 BIERENS de HAAN(D.; Univ. Leyden) NOUVELLES TABLES d'lNTEGRALES DEFINIES, thick 4to. (pp. 734), hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy] ; o. p., 16s (p. 1. 5s nett) Leide, 1867 15741 BIERMANN (Otto, Deutsche Technische Hochschule, Brunri) ELEMENTS der HOHEREN MATHEMATIK : Vorlesungen zur Vorbereitung des Studiums der Differentialrechnung, Algebra und Functionentheorie, large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. Hack morocco, cl. sides, Is 6d (p. M. 10 sewn) Leipzig, 1895 15742 THEORIE der ANALYTISCHEN FUNCTIONEN, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy) ; SCARCE, 15s ibidem, 1887 15743 - - VORLESUNGEN iiber MATHEMATISCHE NAHERUNGSMETHODEN ; with 35 diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 6s (p. M. 8 sewn) Braunschweig, 1905 15744 BINDER (Wilhelm) THEORIE der UNICURSALEN PLANCURVEN IV. III. ORDNUNG in synthetischer Behandlung ; with 65 diagrams, including 2 folding plates (linen -mounted), roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (nice copy), 9s (p. M. 12 sewn) Leipzig, 1896 15745 BLIND (August) LEHRBUCH der GLEICHUNGEN des 2* GRADES (Quadratische Gleichungen) mit einer, zwei und mehreren Unbekannten, mit Aufgaben und Resultaten ; with diagrams 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 8s 6$ (p. M. 14 sewn) Bremerhaven [1890-5] 15746 BLTJTEL (E.) LECONS de MATHEMATIQUES SPECIALES ; with numerous diagrams, 2 thick vols. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new], 12s 1914 15747 BLYTHE (W. H., Jesus Coll., Cantab.) On MODELS of CUBIC SURFACES, with illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 4s Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1905 15748 BOBEK (K. J.) LEHRBUCH der WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITSRECHNUNG, mit Aufgaben und Ergebnissen ; with diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. M. 6 sewn) Bremerhaven [1890] 15749 - ANOTHER COPY ; also : LEHRBUCH der AUSGLEICHSRECHNUNG nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate, mit Aufgaben und Ergebnissen ; with diagrams 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 6s Qd (p. M. 11 sewn) ibidem [1890] 15750 B6CHEK, (Maxime, Prof. Mathematics, Harvard Univ.) INTRODUCTION to HIGHER ALGEBRA, prepared for Publication with the Cooperation of E. P. R. DUVAL, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 8s nett) New York, 1907 15751 REPRINT, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 6s (p. 8s nett in cl.) ibidem, 1912 15752 BOEHM (Karl, Univ. Heidelberg) ELLIPTISCHE FUNKTIONEN; with 39 diagrams, 2 vols. large cr. 8vo. cl., 9s (p. M. 13.60) 4 Leipzig, 1908-10 15753 BOGER (Rudolf) EBENE GEOMETRIE der LAGE; with 142 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 3s (p. M. 5) Leipzig, 1900 15754 BOIS-REYMOND (Paul du ; Prof. Mathematics, Berlin) Die ALLGEMEINE FUNCTIONEN- THEORIE, I. [einziger] Theil : METAPHYSIK und THEORIE der MATHEMATISCHEN GRUNDBE- GRIFFE : Grosse, Grenze, Argument und Function, 8vo. red buckram, 5s (p. M. 8 sewn) Tubingen, 1882 15755 BOLYAI (Janos) The SCIENCE ABSOLUTE of SPACE independent of the Truth or Falsity of Euclid's Axiom XI (which can never be decided a priori), translated from the Latin by GEORGE BRUCE HALSTED, Univ. Texas; 4th Edition, with diagrams, large post 8vo. cl. (scarce), 8s 6d The Neomon, Austin, Texas, 1896 The only English translation of this classic and the author's only contribution to science, which made him, together with Gauss and Lobachevsky (q. v.), the founder of non-Euclidean geometry. v. ENGEL, and FRISCHAUF, post. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 795 MATHEMATICS, continued : 15757 BOLZA (Oskar, Univ. Chicago) VORLESUNGEN iiber VARIATIONSRECHNUNG, umgearbeitete und stark vermehrte deutsche Ausgabe der 'Lectures on the Calculus of Variations'; with 117 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 724), cL, 13s (p. M. 20) Leipzig, 1909 15758 BOLZANO (Bernard) PARADOXIEN des UNENDLICHEN, lierausgegeben aus seinem schrift- lichen Nachlasse von FR. PKIHONSKY ; with diagrams, large post 8vo. cl., I 2s Qd (p. M. 4 sewn) Berlin, 1889 15759 BONNEL (Joseph Florentin) Les ATOMES et HYPOTHESES dans la GEOMETRIE ; 3 e [der- niere] Edition, augmented ; ivith 27 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1899 15760 ESSAI des DEFINITIONS GEOMETRIQUES, 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, buckram (scarce), 5s 1870-4 15761 BOOLE (George, F.R.S.) The MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS of LOGIC : an Essay towards a Calculus of Deductive Reasoning, Svo. buckram, t. e. g. (VERY SCARCE), 18s Cambridge, Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan, 1847 Very interesting as containing the leading principles afterwards elaborated in the Laws of Thought, and of importance for having created symbolic and mathematical logic. It is also a witness to the appreciation of power in a young writer already characteristic in his early publishing days of Daniel Macmillan. 15762 On the THEORY of PROBABILITIES, 4to. (pp. 28), sewn (scarce), 5s 1862 15763 TREATISE on the CALCULUS of FINITE DIFFERENCES, 2nd [final] Edition, edited [and greatly enlarged] by JOHN FLETCHER MOULTON [LORD MOULTON], post Svo. cl., uncut (SCARCE), 1. \s 1872 One of the very few treatises on its subject in existence. A so-called ' third edition ' is a verbatim reprint of that of 1872. ' Of very high merit, and including much original research,' D. N. D. 15764 TREATISE on DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS; 4th [last] Edition [edited by ISAAC TODHUNTER, F.R.S.], with plate, post Svo. buckram (SCARCE), 15s 1877 'A standard text-book on Differential Equations, including original matter on integrating factors, singular solutions, and especially on symbolical actions.' Prof. Cajori. ' To a certain extent these [the above two] works embody the more important discoveries of their author. In the ]6th and 17th chapters of the Differential Equations we find, for instance, a lucid account of the general symbolic method, the bold and skilful employment of which led to Boole's chief discoveries, and of a general method in analysis, originally described in his famous memoir printed in the Philosophical Transactions for IS 14. Boole was one of the most eminent of those who perceived that the symbols of operation could be separated from those of quantity and treated as distinct objects of calculation.' Professor Stanley Jevons. 15765 BOREL (Emile, de la Sorbonne) ELEMENTS de la THEORIE des PROBABILITES, large Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s Qd (p. F. 6 nett sewn) 1909 15766 DEUXIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION, large Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s 1910 15767 INTRODUCTION GEOMETRIQUE k quelques THEORIES PHYSIQUES, Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s Qd (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1914 15768 LECONS sur la THEORIE des FONCTIONS (voir en bas) ; with diagrams, 6 vols. roy. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copies), 15s (p. F. 23 nett sewn) 1898-1905 CONTEND : Theorie des Fonctions, 'OS : Fonctions entieres, 1900 : Series divergentes, '01 : Series a Termes positifs, redigees par R. d'ADHEMAR, '02 : Fonctions m^rpmorphes, redigees par L. ZORETTI, '03 : Fonctions des Variables reelles, et les Developpements en Series de Polynomes, redigees par M. FRECHET, '05. 15769 BOSET (A.) TRAITE de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE, precede des Elements de la Tiigoncmetrie rectiligne et spherique ; with 322 diagrams, Svo. hf. morocco, 5s (p. F. 12 nett sewn) BRUXELLES, 1881 15770 ANOTHER COPY, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy], 6s ibidem, 1878 15771 BOUASSE (Henri, Univ. Toulouse] COURS de MATHEMA.TIQUES GENERALES, specialement ecrit pour les PHYSICIENS et les INGENIEURS; with 323 illustrations, roy. Svo. (pp. 646), hf. black moroc(0 neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy), 14s (p. F. 20 nett sewn) [1911] 15772 - , et E. TURKIERE : EXERCICES et COMPLEMENTS de MATHEMATIQUES GENERALES, faisant Suite au Cours de Mathematiques Gene'rales, comprenant, outre 1'Etude des Courbes et Transformations usuelles, les Elements de la Geometric du Compas, les Systemes articules, du Calcul des Series, du Calcul des Differences finies, du Calcul des Probabilites, du Calcul Vectoriel; with 375 illustrations, large Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 12s (p. F. 18 nett sewn) [1912] 15773 BOUCHABLAT (Jean Louis) ELEMENTS de CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL et INTEGRAL; 9 e [derniere] Edition, revue et annotee par H. LAURENT ; ivith 5 folding plates (neatly linen-mounted), Svo. handsomely bound in hf. pig&kin, cl. sides, 5s Qd (p. F. 8 nett sewn) 1891 15774 BOUBLET (Carlo) LEMONS de TRIGONOMETRIE KECTILIGNE, 2 e Edition, augmentee ; with 64 diagrams, large Svo. buckram, 4s (p. F. 6 nett sewn) 1905 15775 BOUSSINESQ, (Joseph, de I'Institut) COURS d'ANALYSE INFINITESIMALE, a 1'Usage des Personnes qui etudient cette Science en Vue de ses Applications mecaniques et physiques; with diagrams, 2 thick vols. large Svo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 1. 7s 6d (p. F. 40.50 nett sewn) 1887-90 15776 BOWDEN (Joseph, Adelphi Coll., Brooklyn) ELEMENTS of the THEORY of INTEGERS, cr. 8vo. buckram (o. p.), 5s New York, 1903 796 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued: 15778 BOWLEY (Arthur Lyon ; Prof. Statistics, Univ. London] ELEMENTS of STATISTICS, 3rd [latest] Edition ; with folding tables (linen-mounted), and diagrams, large post 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 8s (p. 10s 6d nett in cl.) 1907 15779 BOWSER (Edward Albert, Eutgers Coll.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on ANALYTIC GEOMETRY, embracing Plane Geometry, and an Introduction to Geometry of Three Dimensions ; 22nd Edition, with numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. $1.75) New York, 1905 15780 - ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, with numerous Examples ; 21st Edition, enlarged by 640 additional Examples, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 6s ibidem, 1905 15781 BOYMAN (Johann Robert) LEHRBUCH der MATHEMATIK, 1. Teil : GEOMETRIE der EBENE, 23. Auflage von DR. VERING ; mit Losungr der Aufgaben von HEINRICH FUCHTJOHANN ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 6s (p. M. 9.80 sewn) Bonn, 1901Dusseldorf, 1906 15782 BRAHY (Edouard, de VAthenee Royal de BRUGES) EXERCICES METHODIQUES de CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL, 8vo. red buckram, 3s Bruxelles, 1867 15783 NOUVELLE EDITION, entierement revue: EXERCICES METHODIQUES de CALCUL IN- TEGRAL 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. aides, 6s 6d (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1898 Bruxelles, 1895 15784 NOUVELLE [TROISIEME et DERNIERE] EDITION, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 8s 1905-3 15785 BREITHOF (N., Univ. LOUVAIN) COURS de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE : SURFACES, GOURDES; neatly autographed, with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 4to. hf. cl. (scarce), 15s LOUVAIN, 1875 15786 BRIOSCHI (Francesco, Univ. Pavia) THEORIE der DETERMINANTEN und ihrer Anwen- dungen, iibersetzt von PROF. SCHELLBACH, 4to. hf. bound, '3s 6d Berlin, 1856 The first scientific and complete exposition of the theory of determinants. 15787 BRIOT (Charles Aug-uste Albert, de la Sorbonne) ELEMENTS de GEOMETRIE: THEORIE, 7 e Edition ; with 479 diagrams, 8vo. red buckram (o. p.), 3s 1875 15788 LECONS d'ALGEBRE, 13 e et 16 e Editions, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat ( partly o.p.), IsQd 1891-2 15783 - - DERNIERE EDITION (I 14 e Ed. et II I7 e Ed.), revue par E. GOURSAT et E. LACOUR, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 12s 6d 1896-7 15790 THEORIE des FONCTIONS ABELIENNES ; with 13 diagrams, 4to. hf. olive morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 9s (p. F. 15 nett sewn) 1879 15791 - , et Jean Claude BOUQJJET : COMPLEMENT de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE ; with 120 diagrams, 8vo. hf. French olive morocco neat (scarce), 4s 1864 15792 - LECONS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE ; 14 e Edition, revue et annotee par PAUL APPELL ; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides, 4s 6d 1890 15793 - DIX-SEPTIEME EDITION, revue et annotee par PAUL APPELL, de 1'Institut ; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 6s (p. F. 8.75 nett sewn) s. d. 15794 LECONS de TRIGONOMETRIE, 6 e Edition ; with diagrams, 8vo hf. maroon morocco neat, 2s 6d ] 873 15795 DIXIEME EDITION ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 2s 6d 1887 15796 - ANOTHER COPY, hf. red morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 3s Gd 15797 DOUZIEME EDITION ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s s. d. 15798 - - TREIZIEME EDITION ;* with diagrams : SERRET (J. A.) TRAITE de TRIGONOMETRIE, 9 e [derniere] Edition ; with diagrams 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 5s r s. d. 1908 15799 THEORIE des FONCTIONS ELLIPTIQUES, 2 e [derniere] Edition ; with diagrams, 4to. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (FINE COPY) ; SCARCE, 1. 5s 1875 The standard work on the subject, ' extending and connecting the investigations by A. Cauchy and J. Liouville.' 15800 - , et Edouard Jean Baptiste GOURSAT, de la Sorbonne : LECONS d'ALGEBRE, II e PARTIE, a 1' Usage de la Classe des Mathematiques speciales, 18 e Edition ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, 6s (p. F. 8.50 nett) s. d. 15801 , et Charles VACQUANT : ELEMENTS de GEOMETRIE: APPLICATIONS, 6 e Edition ; with 4 folding plates and text-illustrations, 8vo. red buckram, 3s 1884 15802 - ELEMENTS de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE, 5 e Edition ; with 1 plates (neatly linen-mounted), 8vo. buckram, 3s 1881 15803 - - SIXIKME EDITION ; with 7 plates, 8vo. red buckram, 3s 1887 15804 BRISSE (Charles) KECUEIL de PROBLEMES de , GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE : Solutions des Problemes donnas au Concours d'Admission a 1'Ecole Centrale depuis 1862 ; 2 e [derniere] Edition ; with diagrams, 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 3s (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1892 15805 BROMWICH (Thomas John I'Anson, F.R.S., St. John's Coll., Cantab.) INTRODUCTION to the THEORY of INFINITE SERIES, with diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 12s (p. 15s nett in cl.) 1908 15806 ANOTHER COPY, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 11s 6d 15807 QUADRATIC FORMS and their CLASSIFICATION by Means of INVARIANT FACTORS, with diagrams, 8vo. sewn, 2s 6d (p. 3s 6d nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1906 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 797 MATHEMATICS, continued : 15809 BRUCKNER (Max) Die ELEMENTE der VIERDIMENSIONALEN GEOMETRIE, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der POLYTOPE ; interleaved, Svo. cl., 3s Zwickau, 1894 15810 VIELECKE und ViELFLACHE : Theorie und Geschichte ; with 12 folding plates and 113 text-illustrations, 4to. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, el. sides, t. e. g., 12s Qd (p. M. 16 in boards) Leipzig, 1900 15811 BURALI-FORTI (Cesare, Academic militaire, Turin) INTRODUCTION a la GEOMETRIE DIFFERENTIELLE suivant la Methode de H. GRASSMANN ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s 1897 15812 , et Roberto MARCOLONGO, Univ. Naples: ANALYSE VECTORIELLE GENERALE (I. Transformations line"aires. II. Applications a la Mecanique et a la Physique), traduit par P. BARIDON, 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), Is Qd (p. F. 11 nett sewn) Pavie, 1912-13 15813 ELEMENTS de CALCUL VECTORIEL, r avec des nombreuses Applications a la Geometric, Mecanique et Physique mathematique ; Edition francaise, augmentee d'un Supple- ment par S. LATTES : with diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., os (p. F. 8 nett sewn) 1910 15814 ANOTHER COPY, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new], 6s 15815 BURCKHARDT (W.). und C. L. BLANK: MATHEMATISCHE UNTERRICHTSBRIEFE zum SELBSTSTUDIUM : with numerous diagrams, complete in 2 vols. sq. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, t.e.g.,l.7s Qd (p. M. 60 sewn) Gera [c. 1900] 15816 BURG (Adam) AUSFUHRLICHES LEHRBUCH der HOHERN MATHEMATIK, rnit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Zwecke des practischen Lebens ; with 12 plates, 3 vols. Svo. hf. cl., 4s Wiert, 1832-3 15817 BURKHARDT (Heinrich, Univ. Zurich) EINFUHRUNG in die THEORIE der ANALYTISCHEN FUNKTIONEN einer KOMPLEXEN VERANDERLICHEN, 2. teilweise umgearbeitete Anflage; with diagrams, Svo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. M. 6.20 sewn) Leipzig, 1903 15818 FUNKTIONSTHEORETISCHE VORLESUNGEN ; with numerous illustrations, 3 vols. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 12$ Qd (p. M.21.40 sewn) ibidem, 1899-1903 INHALT : I. 1. Algebraische Analysis, '03 : I. 2. Einfilhrung in die Theorie der analytischen Funktionen einer komplexen Veranderlichen, 2. umgearbeitete Auflage, '03 : II. Elliptische Funktionen, 1899. 15819 VORLESUNGEN iiber die ELEMENTS der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG und ihre Anwendung zur Beschreibung von Maturerscheinungen ; with 38 illustrations, roy. Svo. cl. , 4s (p. M. 6) ib., 1907 15820 BURN (J.), and E. H. BROWN, Prudential Assurance Co. : ELEMENTS of FINITE DIFFERENCES, also Solutions to Questions set for Part I of the Examinations of the Institute of Actuaries, Svo. buckram, 5s (p. 7s Qd nett) 1902 15821 BURNSIDE (William, Pembroke Coll., Cantab.; F.R.S., Prof. Mathematics, Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich) THEORY of GROUPS of FINITE ORDER, with plate and illustrations, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g., Is Qd (p. 15s in cl.) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1897 15822 BURNSIDE (William Snow), and Arthur William PANTON, Fellows T.C.D. : The THEORY of EQUATIONS: with Introduction to the Theory of Binary Algebraic Forms; 3rd Edition [enlarged], thick Svo. cl., 5s (p. 15s) Dublin, 1892 15823 FIFTH [LATEST] EDITION [greatly enlarged]. 2 vols. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morccco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (Jine copy), 14s (p. 1. Is in cl.) ibidem, 1904 15824 BYERLY (William El wood, Harvard Univ.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on FOURIER'S SERIES and Spherical, Cylindrical, and Ellipsoidal Harmonics, with Applications to Problems in Mathe- matical Physics, with diagrams, large Svo. cl., Is Qd (p. 12s Qd) Boston [Mass., 1893] 15825 ELEMENTS of the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, with Examples and Applications, diagrams, Svo. buckram, 4s Qd (p. 8s Qd) ibidem, 1901 15826 ELEMENTS of the INTEGRAL CALCULUS, with KEY to the Solution of Differential Equations, ivith diagrams, Svo. buckram, 4s Qd (p. 8s Qd) ib., 1889 Including 'A Short Table of Integrals,' and a chapter on integration, taken from the author's ' Differential Calculus.' 15827 HARMONIC FUNCTIONS, 4th Edition, enlarged, large Svo. cl., 3s (p. 4s Qd nett) New York, J906 15S28 CAHEN (Eugene ; de la Sorbonne) ELEMENTS de la THEORIE des NOMBRES : Congruences, Formes quadratiques, Nombres incommesurables, Questions diverses, roy. Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. aides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 8s Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1900 15829 CAIN (William, Prof. Mathematics, Univ. N. Carolina) BRIEF COURSE in the CALCULUS ; 2nd Edition, with diagrams, large cr. 8vo., buckram, 4s (p. 6s nett) 1909 ' Intended for the student without a teacher, who hopes to acquire some knowledge of the working principles of the Calculus in a short time." Preface. 15830 CAJORI (Florian, Colorado Coll.) INTRODUCTION to the MODERN THEORY of EQUATIONS, with diagrams, large cr. Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s Qd (p. 7s Qd nett) New York, 1904 15831 CALINON (A.) ETUDE surla SPHERE, la LIGNE DROITE et le PLAN ; with diagrams (pp. 51), '88 : INTRODUCTION a la GEOMETRIE des ESPACES a TROIS DIMENSIONS ; with diagrams (pp. 25), '91 : La GEOMETRIE a DEUX DIMENSIONS des SURFACES a COURBE CONSTANTS ; with diagrams (pp. 47), '953 vols. roy. Svo. in 1, buckram, 5s 1888-95 798 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 15833 CALLET (Francois) TABLES PORTATIVES de LOGARITHMES des Nombres de 1 k 108,000 et des Sinus et des Tangentes, entierement revues et corrigees par M. SAIGEY ; with plate, roy. 8vo. hf. French morocco gilt, 4s F. Didot, 1861 ' One of the most complete and practically useful collections of logarithms published, and peculiar in giving a centesimally divided canon.' J. W. L. Gluisher, F.R.S. 15834 CANTOR (Georg Ferdinand Louis Philippe ; Prof. Mathematics, Halle) Ein BEITRAG zur MANNIGFALTIGKEITSLEHRE, 4to. (pp. 18), cl., 2s 6d Berlin [18*17] 15835 CANTOR (Moritz ; Univ. Heidelberg] VORLESUNGEN liber GESCHICHTE der MATHEMATIK, von den iiltesten Zeiten bis 1799 ; NEUESTE AUFLAGEN (Bd. I 3. A. und Bd. II III 2. A.) ; with plate and 551 diagrams, 4 thick vols. large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (AS GOOD AS NEW), 4. 4s (p. M. 107 sewn) Leipzig, 1900-8 The standard work on the history of mathematics, indispensable to any good scientific library. Vol. IV. contains contributions by V. BOBYNIN, A. v. BRAUNMUHL, F. CAJORI, T. GUNTHER, V. KOMMERELL, G. LORIA, E. NETTO, G. VIVANTI, and C. R. WALLNER. 15836 CAPITO (Charles A. A., M. I. Mech. E.} TEXT- BOOK of MATHEMATICS and MECHANICS, with numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 8s (p. 12s Qd nett) 1913 15837 CABLL (Lewis Buffett) TREATISE on the CALCULUS of VARIATIONS, presenting in all important Particulars a complete View of the present State of the Science, 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 1. Is New York, 1881 The most comprehensive and best account of the subject in English. It is now out of print and scarce. 15838 CABNOT (Lazare Nicolas Marguerite, de VInstitut; ' the Organiser of Victory '; grand- father of President Carnot) REFLEXIONS sur la METAPHYSIQUE du CALCUL INFINITESIMAL, 4 e Edition ; with plate, 8vo. hf. cl. (scarce), 8s 6d 1860 'II y prend partie centre la refortne qu'avait tentee Lagrange par sa methode des variations. II souhaite qu'on s'en tienne a la marche si simple, si lumineuse de Leibniz, qui se prete d'ailleurs mieux aux applications. Les mathematiciens ont suivi ses conseils, sans gouter toutefois ses raisonnements.' J. Boyer. In spite of the splendid achievement of German mathematicians, as evidenced by this catalogue, they have not pro- duct d their Organiser of Victory. But then they have had to serve NAPOLEONUNCULUS. 15839 CARNOY (Joseph; Univ. Lou VAIN) COURS d'ALGEBRE SUPERIEURE: Principes de la Theorie des Determinants; Theorie des Equations ; Introduction a la Theorie des Formes algebriques, 2 e [derniere] Edition, large 8vo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides (o. p.), I Os 6d Louvain, 1900 The imprint of every worthy Belgian book will mark German learning for a century to come with the brand of Cain. 15840 - COURS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE (I. Geometric Plane, 6 e Ed. II. Geometric de 1'Espace, 5 e Ed. augmentee) ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, 12s Qd (p. F. 22 nett sewn) ibidem, 1899 15841 - - DERNIERE EDITION (T. I 7 e et T. II 6 e Editions) ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 17s Qd (p. F. 25 nett sewn) ib., 1904-5 Bound up with this copy is : ELEMENTS de la THEORIE des DETERMINANTS, avec des nombreux Exercices, par P. MANSION, G e [derniere] Edition, 1900. v. MANSION, post. 15842 GABON (J.) COURS de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE. I. Droite et Plan, 6 e Edition. II. Cones, Cylindres, Sphere, 3 e Edition. III. Geometric Cotee ; with numerous diagrams, with Atlas, containing 36 plates 5 vols. 8vo. in 2, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy) ; partly o. p., \\s (p. F. 17 nett sewn) 1895-1901 15843 CABONNET (Th.) COURS de TRIGONOMETRIE ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s 1912 15844 CABB (G. S.) SYNOPSIS of ELEMENTARY RESULTS in PURE and APPLIED MATHEMATICS, containing Propositions, Formula?, and Methods of Analysis, with abridged Demonstrations, with Index to the Papers on Pure Mathematics in the principal Journals and Transactions of the Learned Societies, English and Foreign, of the present Century, ivith 20 folding plates and numerous diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 971), hf. maroon morocco neat (fine copy) ; SCARCE, 1. 15s 1886 15845 : DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS (pp. 257-140), roy. 8vo. buckram, 6s [1886] 15846 CABSLAW (Horatio Scott, Prof. Mathematics, Sydney) INTRODUCTION to the THEORY of FOURIER'S SERIES and INTEGRALS, and the MATHEMATICAL THEORY of the CONDUCTION of HEAT, with illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, d. sides (as good as new), 10s 6d (p. 14s nett inch) 1906 Pp. 411-29 contain Bibliographies. 15847 - PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, wldi the SOLUTIONS of the QUESTIONS, with numerous dia- grams, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), Is Qd (p. 11s nett in cl.) 1913-15 15848 CATALAN (Eugene Charles ; Univ. LOUVATN) COURS d' ANALYSE a 1'Universite de LIEGE : Algebre, Calcul differential, l re Partie du Calcul integral; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. morocco, 5s Bruxelles, 1870 15849 KEMARQUES sur la THEORIE des MOINDRES CARRES, roy. 4to. (pp. 42), sewn, 2s [ibidem], 1878 15850 THEOREMES et PROBLEMES de GEOMETRIE ELEMENTAIRE, 5 e Edition, revue; with 18 plates, 8vo. hf. brown morocco, 4s 1872 15851 SIXIEME EDITION, augmentee; with numerous diagrams, large 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 4s Qd 1879 15852 - - TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE des SERIES; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. cl. (scarce), 6s Qd 1860 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 799 MATHEMATICS, continued : 15854 CARVALLO (E.) Le CALCUL des PROBABILITIES et ses APPLICATIONS ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo buckram, t. e. g., 4s (p. F. 6.50 nett sewn) 1912 15855 CATTCHY (Augustin Louis ; deTInstitut ; F.R.S.), et 1'Abbe Francois Napoleon Marie MOIGNO: LECONS de CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL et de CALCUL INTEGRAL, Tomes I et II, l e Partie [le tout paru] ; with Opiates, 2 thick vols. 8vo. hf. calf (rubbed) ; SCARCE, 1. Is 1840-4 'A work of great merit. Had it been studied more diligently by writers of text -books in England and the United States, many a lax aud loose method of analysis hardly as yet, eradicated from elementary text-books would have been discarded over half a century ago. Cauchy was the first to publish a rigorous proof of Taylor's theorem. He greatly improved the exposition of fundamental principles of the differential calculus by his mode of considering limits and his new theory on the continuity of functions.' -Pro/. Cajori. 15856 GAUNT (G. W., Armstrong Coll.) INTRODUCTION to the INFINITESIMAL CALCULUS, with Applications to Mechanics and Physics, with 184 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut (as good as new), Is 6d (p. 12s in cl.) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1914 15857 CAYLEY (Arthur, F.R.S., Sadlerian Prof. Pure Mathematics, Cantab.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS, 2nd [latest] Edition, 8vo. cl. (o.p.), 6s Gd (p. 15s) 1895 15858 CESARO (Ernesto ; Univ. Naples) ELEMENTARES LEHRBUCH der ALGEBRAISCHEN ANALYSIS und der INFINITESIMALRECHNUNG, mit zahlreichen Ubungsbeispielen, nach einem Manuskript des Verfassers deutsch herausgegeben von GERHARD KowALE 1 sysKi ; with 97 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 394), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 10s (p. M. 15 in cl.) Leipzig, 1904 15859 VORLESUNGEN iiber NATURLICHE GEOMETRIE, autorisierte deutsche Ausgabe von GERHARD KOWALEWSKI ; with 48 diagrams, roy. 8vo. cl., 8s (p. M. 12) ibidem, 1901 15860 CHALLIS (James, pr., Plumian Prof., Cantab., F.R.S.) NOTES on the PRINCIPLES of PURE and APPLIED CALCULATION ; and Applications of Mathematical Principles to Theories of Physical Forces, with plate, thick 8vo. cl. (o. p.), Is Gd Cambridge, 1869 1 Certain hydrodynamical theorems, which he believed himself to have demonstrated, admitted, in his firm conviction, of application to the observed laws of light, heat, gravity, molecular attraction, and electricity. The conclusion pointed to was that the physical forces are mutually related, because all are modes of pressure of the same ethereal medium. The work in which these views were most fully embodied was ' Notes on the Principles on Pure and Applied Calculation'.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 15861 CHARLON (Hippolyte) THEORIE MATHEMATIQUE des OPERATIONS FINANCIERES ; 2 e [dernierej Edition, large 8vo. buckram (VERY SCARCE), 15s 1878 15862 ANOTHER COPY, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (nice copy), 16s Gd One of the few works on Stock-Exchange Mathematics. At the end are tables of logarithms. 15863 CHABRUIT (N.) PROBLEMES et EPURES de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE et de GEOMETRIE COTEE, Tome I (seul paru) ; 2 e [derniere] Edition ; with illustrations, roy. 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. a., 4s (p. F. 8 nett) , 1897 15864 CHASLES (Michel, de VInstitut ; F.R.S.) TRAITE de GEOMETRIE SUPERIEURE ; 2 e Edition ; with 12 folding maps, roy. 8vo. (pp. xlii + 585), hf. green morocco neat (nice copy) ; SCARCE, 1. 5s 1880 'Chasies introduced the term anharmonic ratio, corresponding to the German Doppclverhaltnis and to Clifford's cross ratio ... He gave a reduction, different from Newton's in this, that the line curves from which all others can be pro- jected are symmetrical with respect to a centre ... To Chasies we owe the introduction into projective geometry of iion-projective properties of figures by means of the infinitely distant imaginary sphere-circle ', etc. etc. etc. Prof. Cajori. 15865 - TRAITE des SECTIONS CONIQUES, l re Partie [seule parue] ; with 5 folding plates and 134 diagrams, 8vo. hf. red morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. a. (fine copy], 10s 1865 Intended as a supplement to the ' Traite de Geometric superieure.' 15S66 - Les TROIS LIVRES de PORISMES d'EuCLlDE, retablis pour la premiere Fois, d'apres la Notice et les Lenmies de PAPPUS, et conformement an Sentiment de R. SIMSON sur la Forme des Enonces et ces Propositions ; with 259 diagrams, 8vo. hf. French olive morocco neat (nice copy] ; SCARCE, 12s 6d 1860 'In this reproduction will be found the conceptions of cross ratios and projection in fact those ideas of modern geometry which Chasies arid other writers of this century have used so largely.' W. W. R. Bell. The author was the victim of one of the most remarkable and barefaced forgeries ever committed. Starting with the purchase of a spurious correspondence by Pascal, in which the latter claimed all the discoveries made by Newton, the forger, Lucas, a half-educated frequenter of fhe Bibliotheque Nationale, was encouraged to the production of the most extraordinary forgeries, which were all bought greedily and in good faith by the simple mathematician. They included ' autograph ' letters of Socrates, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Cicero, Csesar, Cleopatra, and St. Jerome ; besides Judas Iscariot, Lazarus after his resurrection, aud even the Blessed Virgin Mary; and every one of them written in modern 15867 CHATELET (A., Univ. Toulouse) LECONS sur la THEORIE des NOMBRES (Modules, Entiers algebriques, Reduction continuelle), roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s Gd (p. F. 5.50 nett sewn) 1913 15868 CHAUVENET (William, Washington Univ., St. Louis) TREATISE on the METHOD of LEAST SQUARES, or the Application of the Theory of Probabilities in the Combination of Observations, 8vo. cl., 2s 6d (p. $1.75) Philadelphia, 1880 15869 CHBYSTAL (George, Prof. Mathematics, Edin.) ALGEBRA: an Elementary Text-Book (Vol. I 4th and v. II 2nd Edition), with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. large cr. 8vo. hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 14s (p. 1. 3s in cl.) 1898-1900 15S70 - - LATEST EDITION, Part I 5th and Pt. II 2nd Edition [enlarged], with diagrams, 2 thick vols. large cr. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 19s (p. 1. 5s in cl.) 1910-6 A standard work of well-known excellence. 15871 INTRODUCTION to ALGEBRA, 3rd [latest] Edition, with 32 diagrams, cr. Svo. buckram, 3s (p. 5s) 1905 800 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 15873 CHOME (Felix, Ecole militaire de BELGIQUE) COURS de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE ; 3 e Edition, entierement revue, corrigee et augmentee, contenant les Prescriptions a observer pour 1'Execution des Epures; with 122 plates, 3 vols. 4to. in 1, handsomely bound in half pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 18 (p. F. 35 nett sewn) BRUXELLES, 1898-1904 15874 CLEBSCH (Rudolf Friedrich Alfred ; Univ. Gottingen) Ueber eineFuNDAMENTALAUFGABE der INVARIANTENTHEORIE (pp. 62), 1872: Ueber die PARTIELLEN DIFFERENTIALGLEICHUNGEN, welchen die absoluten Invarianten biniirer Formen bei hoheren Transformationen geniigen (pp. 35), 70 : Ueber die ABBILDUNG einer CLASSE von FLACHEN 5. ORDNUNG (pp. 64), '70 : Zur THEORIE der BINAREN FORMEN 6. ORDNUNG und zur Dreitheilung der hyperelliptischen Funk- tionen (pp. 59), '694 vols. 4to. in 1, red buckram, Ss 6d Gottingen, 1869-72 15875 - - THEORIE der BINAREN ALGEBRAISCHEN FORMEN, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new) ; SCARCE, 12s Leipzig, 1872 15876 VORLESUNGEN iiber GEOMETRIE, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von FERDINAND LINDEMANN, mit Vorwort von FELIX KLEIN, Bd. I, i-il, und II, I [soweit bisher erschienen] ; with diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy] ; partly o. p., 1. 5s (p. M. 36 sewn) ibidem, 1875-91 ' He proved theorems on the pentahedron enunciated by Sylvester and Steiner ; he made systematic use of ' deficiency ' (Gcschlecht) as a fundamental principle in the classification of algebraic curves. . . . Not only did lie apply Abelian functions to geometry, but conversely, he drew geometry into the service of Abelian functions. . . . The representation of one surface on another (Flacheuabbildung), so that they have a (1, 1) correspondence, was thoroughly studied for the first time by Clebsch,' etc. etc. etc. Prof. Cajori. 15877 CLEMENT-JONES (A., Bradford Grammar School) INTRODUCTION to ALGEBRAICAL GEOMETRY, with diagrams, Svo. hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g , 8* (p. 12s in cl.) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1912 15878 COCKSHOTT (Arthur, Fellow of Trinity), and F. B. WALTERS, pr., Princ. K. William's Coll., Isle of Man : TREATISE on GEOMETRICAL CONICS, with numerous diagrams : Key by O. EMTAGE 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 6s (p. 10* nett) 1902-1897 15879 COFFIN (Joseph George, Coll. of City of N.Y.) VECTOR ANALYSIS: an Introduction to Vector-Methods and their various Applications to Physics and Mathematics, with illustrations, cr. Svo. buskram, 6s (p. 10s 6d nett) New York, 1909 15880 COMBEROUSSE (Charles de) COURS d'ALGEBRE SUPERIEURE ; 2 e Edition, refondue et augmente'e ; ivith numerous diagrams, 2 vols. Svo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy), 15s (p. F. 30 nett sewn) 1887-90 15881 - - TROISIEME [Tome II 2 e ] EDITION, refondue et augmentee ; with diagrams, 2 thick vols. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 17s Qd (p. F. 30 nett sewn) 1904-1890 15882 - TRIGONOMETRIE RECTILIGNE et SPHERIQUE, 4 e [derniere] Edition, augmentee ; with numerous diagrams, Svo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1907 15883 COMBETTE (Eugene) COURS d'ALGEBRE ELEMENTAIRE, 8 e Edition, revue; with diagrams, 1901 : COMPLEMENTS du COURS d'ALGEBRE et NOTIONS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE ; with diagrams 2 vols. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 7s Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1901-1896 15884 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 7s 15885 - - COMPLEMENTS du COURS d'ALGEBRE, et NOTIONS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE ; with diagrams, Svo. buckram, 3s 1896 15886 - COURS de GEOMETRIE ELEMENTAIRE, 8 e Edition, revue et corrigee; with numerous diagrams, Svo. (pp. 731), handsomely bound in hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, 6s (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1903 15887 COURS de TRIGONOMETRIE, 4 e Edition, entierement refondue ; with diagrams, Svo. buckram, 2s 1907 15888 COMPTON (Alfred George, Coll. of City of N. Y.) MANUAL of LOGARITHMIC COMPU- TATION, with numerous Examples, 3rd and revised Edition, post Svo. cl., 4$ (p. 6s 6d nett) New York, 1904 15889 COOLIDGE (Julian Lowell, Harvard Univ.) The ELEMENTS of NON-EUCLIDEAN GEO- METRY, with diagrams, Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 10s (p. 15s nett) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1909 15890 COSSERAT (Eugene ; Univ. Toulouse, et Fra^ois) THEORIE des CORPS DEFORMABLES, large Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s 60? (p. F. 8 nett) 1909 15891 COUB-NOT (Antoine Augustin) EXPOSITION de la THEORIE des CHANCES et des PRO- BABILITES ; with plate, Svo. hf. roan (SCARCE), 12s 6d 1843 A classic work on the subject, often quoted by Prof. Todhunter in his ' History of the Theory of Probability.' 15892 - - Die GRUNDLEHREN der WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITSRECHNUNG leichtfasslich dargestellt, deutsch herausgegeben von C. H. SCHNUSE, Svo. hf. German morocco, 3s 6d Braunschweig, 1849 15893 COUTURAT (Louis) De TlNFiNi MATHEMATIQUE ; ivith diagrams, roy. Svo. (pp. 692), handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 8s 6d (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1896 15894 Les PRINCIPES des MATHEMATTQUES, avec Appendice sur la Philosophic des Mathe- matiques de KANT ; with diagrams, Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s 6d (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1905 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 801 MATHEMATICS, continued: COX (Homersham, Judge of County Courts) The INTEGRAL CALCULUS v. WOOLHOUSE, post. 15896 CRANZ (Carl, Polytechnische Schule, Stuttgart) SYNTHETISCH-GEOMETRISCHE THEORIE der KRUMMUNG von KURVEN und FLACHEN 2.O. ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 2s Stuttgart, 1886 15897 CRANZ (Heinrich) Das APOLLONISCHE BERUHRUNGSPROBLEM und verwandte Aufgaben, mit Aufgaben ; with diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. M. 6 sewn) Bremerhaven [1890] 15898 LEHRBUCH der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE der EBENE, mit gelosten Uebungsauf- gaben ; with diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 8s Qd (p. M. 14 sewn) ibidem, 1891-4 15899 CREFCCEUR (Albert J. M.) COURS d'ANALYSE (Calcul differential et integral) : Methode simple pour les apprendre ; with diagrams : , TROISIEME PARTIE (CALCUL des PRO- BABILITES) 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy], 8s Qd (p. F. 13.50 nett sewn) Anvers, 1902-8 15900 CREMONA (Luigi ; Prof. Mathematics, Home] ELEMENTS des GRAPHISCHEN CALCULS, autorisierte deutsche Ausgabe, unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers iibertragen von MAXIMILIAN CURTZE ; with 134 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 2s Leipzig, 1875 15901 ELEMENTS of PRO-JECTIVE GEOMETRY, translated by CHARLES LEUDESDORF, with 252 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 12* Qd) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1885 15902 ELEMENTS der PROJECTIVISCHEN GEOMETRIE, unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers ubertragen von FR. R. TRAUTVETTER ; with 214 diagrams, 8vo. cl, 3s (p. M. 6) Stuttgart, 1882 15903 Les FIGURES RECIPROQUES en STATIQUE GRAPHIQUE, avec Introduction de GIUSEPPE JUNG et Appendice de CH. SAVIOTTI, traduit par Louis BOSSUT ; with Atlas, containing 34 plates, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new) 4s 1885 15904 GRUNDZUGE der ALLGEMEINEN THEORIE der OBERFLACHEN in synthetischer Behandlung, unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers ins Deutsche iibertragen von MAXIMILIAN CURTZE, 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. M. 8 sewn) Berlin, 1870 ' Developing by a uniform method many new results, and proving synthetically all important results reached before that time by analysis.' Prof. Cajori. 15905 CZUBER (Exnanuel; Technische Hochschule, Wien) GEOMETRISCHE WAHRSCHEINLICH- KEITEN und MITTELWERTE ; with 115 diagrams, 8vo. red buckram, 5s (p. M. 6.80 sewn) Leipzig, 1884 15906 THEORIE der BEOBACHTUNGSFEHLER ; with 7 diagrams, 8vo. red buckram, 6s (p. M. 8 sewn) ibidem, 1891 15907 VORLESUNGEN iiber DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG ; with 190 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., Us (p. M. 22) ib., 1898 15908 ZWEITE SORGFALTIG DURCHGESEHENE AuFLAGE ; with 202 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, t. e. g., 15s ib., 1906 15909 WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITSRECHNUNG und ihre Anwendung auf Fehlerausgleichung, Statistik und Lebensversicherung ; with diagrams, large 8vo. cl., 12s (p. M. 24) ib., 1903 15910 ZWEITE [NEUESTE] SORGFALTIG DURCHGESEHENE und ERWEITERTE AUFLAGE ; with 52 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, t. e. g., 18s Qd (p. M. 26 in cl.) ib., 1908-10 A standard work on the theory of probability. 15911 DALLE (Antoine) DEUX MILLE THEOREMESet PROBLEMES de GEOMETRIE, avec Solutions ; with 679 diagrams (pp. 833) : COURS de GEOMETRIE (avec C. de Waele) ; 3 e Edition ; with 484 diagrams (pp. 555) 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 13s (p. F. 20 nett sewn) Namur, 1912 What is the state of the town where these books were published now ? 15912 DARBOUX ( Jean Gaston, de VInstitut} > LECONS sur les SYSTEMES ORTHOGONAUX et les COORDONNEES CURVILIGNES ; 2 e [derniere] Edition, completee, thick roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 13s (p. F. 18 nett sewn) 1910 15913 LECONS sur la THEORIE GENERALE des SURFACES, et les Applications geome'triques du Calcul Infinitesimal, 4 vols. large 8vo. in 1, hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides (nice copy) ; partly o. p., 2. (p. F. 60 nett sewn) 1887-96 CONTENU : I. Generalises. Coordonnees curvilignes. Surfaces minima : II. Les Congruences et les Equations lineaires aux Derivees partielles. Des Lignes tracees sur les Surfaces : III. Lignes Geodesiques et Courbure geodesique. Parametres difterentiels. Deformation des Surfaces : IV. Deformation inliniment petite et Representation spherique. 15914 D ARIES (Georges, Ingenieur de la Ville de Paris) MATHEMATIQUES ; 2 e [derniere] Edition, tres augmentee ; with 310 diagrams, thick cr. 8vo. limp roan, 6s Qd (p. F. 12 nett) 1905 15915 ANOTHER COPY, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g., Is Qd 15916 DAUGE (Felix ; Univ. GHENT) COURS de METHODOLOGIE MATHEMATIQUE, 2 e [derniere] Edition ; with 12 folding plates, roy. 8vo. hf. crushed crimson morocco gilt, cl. sides, 8s (p. F. 12 nett sewn) Gand, 1896 15917 DAVIES (Charles), and William G. PECK : MATHEMATICAL DICTIONARY and CYCLOPEDIA of MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE, with numerous diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, or, hf. bound (scarce), Is Qd Neiv York, 1857 or 75 802 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 15919 DAVIS (Ellery Williams, Univ. Nebraska) INTRODUCTION to the LOGIC of ALGEBRA, with illustrative Exercises ; 2nd Edition, enlarged, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 7s Qd New York, 1894 15920 DAVISON (Charles) SUBJECTS for MATHEMATICAL ESSAYS, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 1915 15921 DEDEKIND (Richard ; Technische Hochschule, Braunschweig] ESSAYS on the THEORY of NUMBERS. 1. Continuity and Irrational Numbers. II. The Nature and Meaning of Numbers : authorized Translation by WOOSTER WOODRUFF BEMAN, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd Chicago, 1901 or 1909 15922 -, - WAS SIND und was SOLLEN die ZAHLEN ? 3. Auflage, post 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 2s Braunschweig, 1911 15923 DELAISTBE (Louis) COURS COMPLET de DESSIN LINEAIRE gradue et progressif, 5 e Edition ; with 60 fine plates, oblong folio, cl., Is Qd (p. F. 15 nett) 1894 15924 DELASSUS (Etienne ; Univ. Bordeaux) LECONS sur la THEORIE ANALYTIQUE des EQUATIONS aux Derivees partielles du l er Ordre : VOGT (H.) LECONS sur la RESOLUTION ALGEBRIQUE des EQUATIONS, avec Preface de JULES TANNERY 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, hf..roan, 5s Qd (p. F. 9.50 nett sewn) 1897-5 15925 DEMARTRES (L6on ; Univ. LILLE) COURS d'ANALYSE, redige par E. LEMAIRE ; neatly autographed on 516 pp., with diagrams, 3 vols. 4to. in 1, new hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy} ; scarce, 18s 1892-6 CONTENU : I. Fonctions de Variables reelles : II. Proprietes des Fonctions analytiques : III. Equations differentielles et aux Derivees partielles. 15926 DESBOVES (Adolphe) QUESTIONS d'ALGEBRE ELEMENTAIRE : Methodes et Solutions, avec Expose des principales Theories et de nombreux Exercices proposes ; 4 e Edition, refondue et augmentee ; with 2 plates, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco (nice copy), 5s 1892 15927 - ANOTHER COPY, buckram, 4s 15928 - QUESTIONS de GEOMETRIE ELKMENTAIRE : Methodes et Solutions, avec Expose des principales Theories et de nombreux Exercices proposes; 2 e Edition, refondue et augmentee ; with 12 plates, 8vo. hf. roan (scarce), 5s 1875 15929 - QUESTIONS de GEOMETRIE : Methodes et Solutions, avec Expose des principales Theories et Notes sur les Rapports entre 1'Algebre et la Geometric ; with \\ folding plates, 8vo. hf. French morocco neat (nice copy) ; scarce, 5s . 1870 15930 QUESTIONS de TRIGONOMETRIE : Methodes et Solutions, avec plus de 400 Exercices proposes ; with 4 plates, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco, 3s (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1872 15931 - TROISIEME EDITION, revue et corrigee ; with 4 folding plates (linen-mounted) ; avec les Solutions, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), Is 1884-77 15932 - SOLUTIONS des EXERCICES proposes dans les QUESTIONS de TRIGONOMETRIE RECTILIGNE, precedees d'un Recueil des principales Formules, 8vo. buckram, 3s 1877 15933 DETTE (W.) ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE der KEGELSCHNITTE ; with 45 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. M. 4.40) Leipzig, 1909 15934 DICKSON (Leonard Eugene, Univ. Chicago) ALGEBRAIC INVARIANTS, large 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 5s Qd nett) New York, 1914 15935 INTRODUCTION to the THEORY of ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS, large post 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. 55 Qd nett) ibidem., 1903 15936 DINGELDEY (Friedrich ; Technische Ilochschule, Darmstadt) Uber die ERZEUGUNG von CURVEN 4. ORDNUNG durch Bewegungsmechanismen : Inaugural- Dissertation ; with 6 folding plates, large 8vo. sewn (o. p.), 2s Qd Leipzig, 1885 15937 SAMMLUNG von AUFGABEN zur ANWENDUNG der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECH- NUNG ; with 195 diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo. cl., 13s 60? (p. M. 20) ibidem, 1910-13 15938 DINT (Ulisse, Univ. Pisa) GRUNDLAGEN fiir eine THEORIE der FUNCTIONEN einer VERAN- DERLICHEN REELLEN GROSSE, deutsch bearbeitet von JACOB LUROTH and ADOLF SCHEPP, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 9s Qd (p. M. 12 sewn) Leipzig, 1892 DIRICHLET (Peter Gustav Lejeune) v. LEJEUNE-DIRICHLET, post. 15939 DIXON (Alfred Cardew) The ELEMENTARY PROPERTIES of the ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS, with Examples, with diagrams, post 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. 5s) 1894 15940 DODGSON" (Charles (Lutwidge, deacon; ' LEWIS CARROLL', author of * Alice in Wonder- land') CURIOSA MATHEMATICA : I. A NEW THEORY of PARALLELS: II. PILLOW PROBLEMS, thought out during wakeful Hours, with diagrams, 2 vols. post 8vo. original cloth (scarce), 10s Qd 1895 15941 ELEMENTARY TREATISE on DETERMINANTS, with their Application to Simultaneous Linear Equations and Algebraical Geometry, cr. 4to. cl., with inscr. 'FROM THE AUTHOR' (SCARCE), 1. Is 1867 ' Presenting the subject as a continuous chain of argument, separated from all accessories of explanation or illustration, a form which I venture to think better suited for a treatise on exact science than the semi-colloquial semi-logical form often adopted by mathematical writers.' Preface. These were some of the mathematical books which were supplied to Queen Victoria when she ordered the other works of the author of Alice in Wonderland. 15942 DOEHLEMANN (Karl; Munich) GEOMETRISCHE TRANSFORMATIONEN ; with 189 illus- trations, 2 vols. large cr. 8vo. cl., 12s Qd (p. M. 20) Leipzig, 1902-8 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 803 MATHEMATICS, continued . 15944 DOSTOR (Georges, de VInstitut Catholique) ELEMENTS de la THEORIE des DETERMINANTS, avec Application i 1'Algebre, la Trigonometric et la Geometric analytique, dans le Plan et dans 1'Espace, 2 e [derniere] Edition, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 6s (p. F. 8 nett sewn) f 1883 or 1905 15945 THEORIE GENERALE des POLYGONES TOILES ; with diagrams, 4to. buckram (o. p.), 4s 1880 15946 DREW (William Henry, pr. ; St. John's Coll., Cantab.) GEOMETRICAL TREATISE on CONIC SECTIONS, with diagrams ; with Solutions, 2 vols. post 8vo. cl. (Solutions o. p.), 4s (p. 9s Qd) 1898-68 15947 DROBISCH (Moritz Wilhelm ; Prof. Philosophy and Mathematics, Leipzig) ERSTE GRUND- LEHREN der MATHEMATISCHEN PsYCHOLOGlE ; with folding plate, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd Leipzig, 1850 15948 DRONKE (Adolf) EiNLEiTUNG in die HOHERE ALGEBRA, 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd (p. M. 5. sewn) Halle, 1872 15949 Die KEGELSCHNITTE in SYNTHETISCHER BEHANDLUNGSWEISE ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, Is Qd Leipzig, 1881 v. BALTZER, ante. 15950 DTJHAMEL (Jean Marie Constant, de VInstitut) ELEMENTS de CALCUL INFINITESIMAL, 2e Edition ; with 6 folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. roan (some pp. ofv. II damaged), 3.9 1860-1 15951 DUPORCQ, (Ernest, ingenieur des telegraphes) PREMIERS PRINCIPES de GEOMETRIE Mo- DERNE ; 2e [derniere] Edition par RAOTJL BRICARD ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd 1912 15952 DUPUIS (Nathan F., Queen's Univ., Kingston, Canada) ELEMENTARY SYNTHETIC GEOMETRY of the Point, Line and Circle in the Plane, with diagrams, large 12mo. buckram, 3s (p. 6s) New York, 1903 15953 DUREGE (Heinrich; German Univ., Prague) ELEMENTE der THEORIE der FUNKTIONEN einer COMPLEXEN VERANDERLICHEN GROSSE, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Schopf ungen RIEMANN'S, 2. umgearbeitete Auflage ; with 60 diagrams, 8vo. hf. bound, 2s Qd Leipzig, 1873 15954 VlERTE AUFLAGE ; with 68 diagrams, 8vo. red buckram, 5s 60? (p. M. 11) ibidem, 1893 15955 FUNFTE [NEUESTE] AUFLAGE, neu bearbeitet von LUDWIGMAURER ; withal diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 7s (p. M. 9 sewn) ib., 1906 15956 THEORIE der ELLIPTISCHEN FUNCTIONEN : Versuch einer elementaren Darstellung ; 2 Auflage ; with 32 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black calf, 3s 6d ib., 1868 15957 VIERTE AUFLAGE ; with 32 diagrams, 8vo. red buckram, 5s Qd (p. M. 10 sewn) ib., 1887 15958 FUNFTE [NEUESTE] AUFLAGE, neu bearbeitet von LUDWIG MAURER ; with 36 diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 8s (p. M. 10 sewn) ib., 1908 15959 DURELL (Clement Vavasour, Winchester Coll.) COURSE of PLANE GEOMETRY for ADVANCED STUDENTS ; with 285 diagrams, 2 vols 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, 9s (p. 12s Qd nett in cl.) 1909-10 15960 DZIOBEK (Otto ; Prof. Higher Mathematics, Charlottenburg)LEHRBUCH der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE; with 121 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., Qs (p. M. 10) * Braunschweig, 1900 15961 EAGLES (Thomas Henry, Cooper's Hill) CONSTRUCTIVE GEOMETRY of PLANE CURVES, with numerous Examples,- with 186 diagrams, post 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 6s (p. 12s) 1885 15962 EASTON (Burton Scott, Univ. Penna.) The CONSTRUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT of GROUP- THEORY, with a Bibliography, roy. 8vo. sewn, 3s Philadelphia, 1902 15963 EBERHARD (Viktor ; Prof. Mathematics, Halle) Zur MORPHOLOGIE der POLYEDER ; with 2 folding plates and numerous diagrams, 8vo. red buckram, Qs (p. M- 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1891 15964 EBNER (F.) LEITFADEN der TECHNISCH WICHTIGEN KURVEN ; with 93 diagrams, 8vo. cL, 2s Qd (p. M. 4) Leipzig, 1906 15965 ECKHARDT (Ernst) ZURUCKFUHRUNG der SPHARISCHEN TRIGONOMETRIE auf die GEOMETRIE des EBENEN KREISVIERECKS : neue Grundlegung fur die Formeln der spharischen Trigonometric ;. with 35 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s Qd (p. M. 4.40 sewn) Leipzig, 1909 15966 EDWARDS (Joseph, Sidney Sussex Coll., Cantab.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the DIFFER- ENTIAL CALCULUS, with Applications and numerous Examples [3rd and latest Edition], with 130- illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 9s (p. 14s in cl.) 1909 15967 EGERER (Heinz) INGENIEUR-MATHEMATIK : Lehrbuch der hoheren Mathematik fur die technischen Berufe, I. BAND : Niedere Algebra und Analysis. Lineare Gebilde der Ebene und des Raumes in analytischer und vektorieller Behandlung. Kegelschnitte ; with 320 illustrations, large 8vo. cl., 8s (p. M. 12) Berlin, 1913 15968 REPETITORIUM der HOHEREN MATHEMATIK : Lehrsatze, Formeln, Tabellen ; with diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 4s Qd (p. M. 6 sewn) Munchen, 1908 15969 EISENHART (Luther Pfahler, Prof. Mathematics, Princeton Univ.) TREATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL GKOMETRY of CURVES and SURFACES, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 12s Qd (p. 1. in cl.) Boston [Mass., 1909] ' I have introduced the idea of moving axes, and have derived the formulas pertaining thereto from the previously obtained Frenet-Serret formulas.' Preface. 804 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 4?, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued: 15971 ELLIOTT (Edwin Bailey, F.R.S., Waynfiete Prof. Pure Mathematics, Oxon.) INTRODUCTION to the ALGEBRA of QUANTICS, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 6s (p. 15s) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1895 15972 - SECOND [LATEST] EDITION [enlarged], 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 12s Qd (p. 15s nett in cl.) apud eandem, ibidem, 1913 15973 EMMERICH (A.) Die BROCARDSCHEN GEBILDE und ihre Beziehungen zu den verwandten merkwiirdigen Punkten und Kreisen des Dreiecks ; with folding plate and 50 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. M. 5 sewn) Berlin, 1891 15974 ENGEL (Friedrich ; Prof. Mathematics, Giessen), und Paul Gustav STACKEL ; Prof. Mathematics, Heidelberg : Die THEORIE der PARALLELLINIEN von EUKLID bis auf GAUSS : eine Urkundensammlung zur Vorgeschichte der nichteuklidischen Geometrie ; withfs. letter of Gauss, and 145 diagrams, large 8vo. hf. calf, Is (p. M. 9 sewn) Leipzig, 1895 Pp. 293-313 contain a valuable bibliography. 15975 - , URKUNDEN zur GESCHICHTE der NICHTEUKLIDISCHEN GEOMETRIE, heraus- gegeben von ; with fine portrait of Lobatchevsky, 2 plates, and numerous diagrams, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. in 2, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cloth sides, (fine copy), 1. 12s Qd (p. M. 42 sewn) ibidem, 1898-1913 INHALT : 1. N. J. LOBATCHEFSKIJ : Zwei geometrische Abhandlungen, ubersetzt, mit Aninerktingen und Biographie, von FRIEDRICH ENGEL : II. WOLFGANG und JOHANN BOLYAI : Geometrische Untersuchungen, mit Untersti'itzung der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschafteu herausgegeben [rait Biographie und Anraerkungen] von PAUL HACKEL, 2 v. v. LIE, post. 15976 ENBIQJJES (Federigo, Univ. Bologna) VORLESUNGEN iiber PROJECTIVISCHE GEOMETRIE, deutsche Ausgabe von HERMANN FLEISCHER, mit Einfuhrungswort von FELIX KLEIN ; with 187 diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (nice copy), Qs Qd (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1903 ' Ich kenne keiu Werk welches den systematischen Aufbau dieser Disziplin in einer dem heutigen Stande der Wisseu- Bchaft entsprechenden Form in so durchsichtiger und gleichzeitig so vollstandiger Weise darbote, wie das vorliegende.' Pro/. Klein. 15977 EBDMANN (Benno, Univ. Berlin) Die AXIOME der GEOMETRIE: eine philosophische Untersuclmng, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. M. 4.80 sewn) Leipzig, 1877 15978 ETTKLID'S ELEMENTS, funfzehn Biicher, libersetzt von JOHANN FRIEDRICH LORENZ, aufs neue herausgegeben von CARL BRANDAN MOLLWEIDE, 5 Auflage ; with plate and diagrams, 8vo. half bound, or, buckram (title mounted), 3s Qd Halle, 1824 15979 FAA de BRUNO (Franqois ; Prof. Mathematics, Turin) THEORIE des FORMES BINAIRES ; with 3 large folding tables (neatly linen-mounted), large 8vo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy), 8s (p. F. 16 nett sewn) Turin, 1876 15980 - TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE du CALCUL des ERREURS, avec Tables stere"otypees, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 3s 1869 15981 THEORIE GENERALE de TELIMINATION, large 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, 3s 1859 15982 FABBY (Charles Eugene, Univ. Montpellier) PROBLEMES d'ANALYSE MATHEMATIQUE ; with diagrams, large 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 8s Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1913 15983 PROBLEMES et EXERCICES de MATHEMATIQUES GENERALES ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), Qs Qd (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1910 15984 - - DEUXIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION, revue et tres augmentee ; with 79 diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 8s Qd 1913 15985 TRAITE de MATHEMATIQUES GENERALES h, 1'Usages des Chimistes, Physiciens, Ingenieurs, etc., avec Preface de GASTON DARBOUX; with diagrams, large 8vo. half black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 5s 6d (p. F. 9 nett sewn) 1909 15986 DEUXIEME EDITION, revue et augmentee ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy), Is 1911 15987 FAIFOFEB (Aurelien, Venise) ELEMENTS de GEOMETRIE, traduits par FR. TALANTI; with numerous diagrams, large post 8vo. buckram, t. e. g. (o. p.), 3s Qd 1903 15988 FABBEB (Carl) ARITHMETIK (Grundlehren der Mathematik); with 9 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, Qs (p. M. 9) Leipzig, 1911 15989 FEBBEBS (Norman Macleod ; D.D., Master of Caius Coll., Cantab. ; F.R.S.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on TRILINEAR CO-ORDINATES, the Method of Reciprocal Polars, and the Theory of Projections, with 24 diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd Cambridge, 1861 15990 - FOURTH [LATEST] EDITION, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 6s Qd) 1890 15991 FIEDLEB (Otto Wilhelm ; Univ. Zurich) CYKLOGRAPHIE, oder Construction der Aufgaben iiber Kreise und Kugeln und elementare Geometrie der Kreis- und Kugel- Systeme ; with 16 folding plates, 8vo. buckram, Qs Qd (p. M. 9. sewn) Leipzig, 1882 15992 - Die DARSTELLENDE GEOMETRIE in organischer Verbindung mit der GEOMETRIE der LAGE, 3. [neueste] erweiterte Auiiage ; with 23 plates and numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. red morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 1. 10s (p. M. 40 sewn) ibidem, 1883-8 INHALT: I. Methoden der darstellenden und Elomente der pro.jectivischen Geometrie : II. Darstellende Geometrie der krummen Linien und Fliichen : III. Die construierendc und analytische Geometrie der Lage. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND '43, PICCADILLY, W. 805 MATHEMATICS, continued: 15994 FERVAL (Henri) COURS de GEOMETRIE COTEE, 3 e [derniere] Edition, completement refondue; with plates and numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1909 15995 FILIPOWSKI (Herschell E.) TABLE of ANTI-LOGARITHMS ; containing to SEVEN PLACES of Decimals, NATURAL NUMBERS, answering to all Logarithms from -00001 to -99999, and Im- proved Table of GAUSS'S LOGARITHMS, with Introduction, containing the HISTORY of LOGARITHMS; 3rd [last] Edition, corrected, 8vo. buckram, Is Qd (p. 15s) 1861 ' All that could be wished in extent, in structure, and in typography. For its extent it is unique among modern tables '. Prof, de Morgan. 15996 FILON (Louis Napoleon George ; F.R.S.) INTRODUCTION to PROJECTIVE GEOMETRY, with 63 diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 8s Qd) [1908] 15997 FINE (Henry Burchard, Princeton Univ.) The NUMBER SYSTEM of ALGEBRA, treated theoretically and historically ; 2nd Edition, with Corrections, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Boston [Mass.], 1907 'The historical portion gives a resume of the history of the most important parts of elementary arithmetic and algebra.' Sonnenscliein. 15998 FISCHER (Eduard) SYSTEMATISCHER GRUNDRISS der ELEMENTAR-MATHEMATIK ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 3s Qd (p. M. 5.25 sewn) Berlin, 1891 15999 FLEURY (Henry) THEORIE RATIONNELLE de I'!NFINI MATHEMATIQUE et du CALCUL INFINITESIMAL ; 2 e [derniere] Edition, augmente'e d'une Theorie nouvelle et rigoureuse du Probleme analytique des TANGENTES ; with 26 diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 7s (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1899 16000 FLYE STE. -MARIE (0., Capitaine d' Artillerie) ETUDES ANALYTIQUES sur la THEORIE des PARALLELES ; with 8 folding plates, large 8vo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 4s 1871 16001 FOLLOWS (George H., Carnegie Schools, Pittsburgh) The ESSENTIALS of DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY, with numerous illustrations, roy. 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 8s Qd nett) New York, 1908 16002 FONTENE (G.) L'HYPERESPACE a (n- 1) DIMENSIONS : Proprie'te's metriques de la Correlation generate ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1892 16003 ANOTHER COPY, hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 4s 16004 FORSYTH (Andrew Russell, F.R.S., Sadlerian Prof., Cantab.) LECTURES on the DIFFEREN- TIAL GEOMETRY of CURVES and SURFACES, with diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 16s 60? (p. 1. Is nett in cl.) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1912 16005 LECTURES introductory to the THEORY of FUNCTIONS of TWO COMPLEX VARIABLES, with diagrams, roy. 8vo. cl., Is (p. 10s nett) apud eandem, ibidem, 1914 16006 THEORY of FUNCTIONS of a COMPLEX VARIABLE ; 2nd [latest] Edition [greatly enlarged], with plate and numerous illustrations, roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, t. e. g., 16s Qd (p. 1. Is nett in cl.) a. e., ib., 1900 A standard work on the subject. 16007 TREATISE on DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 2nd Edition, 8vo. cl., Qs (p. 14s) 1888 16008 LEHRBUCH der DIFFERENTIAL-GLEICHUNGEN, mit den AUFLOSUNGEN der Aufgaben von HERMANN MASER ; 2. [neueste] autorisierte Auflage, nach der 3. des englischen Originals besorgt und mit Anhang von Zusiitzen verseheri von WALTHER JACOBSTHAL, large 8vo. (pp. 943), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy], 15s (p. M. 20 sewn) Braunschweig, 1912 The SOLUTIONS by H. MASER are not contained in the English original. 16009 FORT (O., Polytechnikum, Dresden), und Oskar SCHLOMILCH : LEHRBUCH der ANALY- TISCHEN GEOMETRIE, II. Teil : Analytische Geometric des Raumes ; 5. Auflage ; with diagrams, 8vo. original hf. binding, 3s (p. M. 6) Leipzig, 1886 16010 BEIDE TEILE, 6. Auflage, von R. HEGER ; with 135 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (nice copy), Is (p. M. 10 sewn) ibidem, 1893-8 16011 ANOTHER COPY (Bd. I. 7- [neueste] Auflage) ; with 135 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, black morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), 8s (p. M. 10 sewn) ib., 1904-18 16012 FOUET (Edouard A., Institut Catholique, Paris) LECONS I-CLEMENTAIRES sur la THEORIE des FONCTIONS ANALYTIQUES, 2 e [derniere] Edition, entierement refondue ; with 31 diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 14s 1907-9 This copy has bound up with it a copy of Vol. II. of the first edition (now out of print and scarce), containing ' Theoremes d'Existence ; Etude des Fonctions analytiques au Point de Vue de Cauchy, Weierstrass et Riemann', which are not included in the second edition. 16013 FOTJRREY (E.) CURIOSITES GEOMETRIQUES, 2e [derniere] Edition ; with 473 illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. F. 7 nett) s. d. 16014 RECREATIONS ARITHMETIQUES, 3 Edition ; with illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 3s 1904 16015 FREGE (Gottlob, Univ. Jena) GRUNDGESETZE der ARITHMETIK, begriffsschriftlich abgeleitet, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 17s Qd (p. M. 24 sewn) Jena, 1893-1903 ' Man findet in diesem Buche Lehrsatze, auf denen die Arithmetik beruht, mit Zeichen bewiesen, deren Ganzes ich Begriffsschrift nenne. Die wichtigsten^dieser Siitze siiid am Ende zum Teil mit angefiigter Ubersetzung zusammen- .gestellt. ' Vorwort. 53 806 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 16017 FRENET (Frederic) RECUEIL d'ExERCiCES sur le CALCUL INFINITESIMAL, 5 Edition, avec Appendice par H. LAURENT ; with diagrams, Svo. buckram, 5s (p. F. 8 nett sewn) 1891 16018 FRICKE (Karl Emannel Robert, Technische Hochschule, Braunschweig] HAUPTSATZE der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRAL- RECHNUNG, als Leitfaden zum Gebrauche bei Vorlesungen, 3. umgearbeitete Auflage ; with 74 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd Braunschweig, 1902 16019 FiiNFTE [NEUESTE] AUFLAGE; with 74 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s (p. M. 5 sewn) ibidem, 1909 16020 KURZGEFASSTE VORLESUNGEN iiber verschiedene Gebiete der HOHERN MATHEMATIK, mit Beriicksichtigung der Anvvendungen, BAND I (soweit bisher erschienen) : analytisch- functionstheoretischer Teil ; with 102 diagrams, large 8vo. cl., 9s (p. M. 14) Leipzig, 1900 16021 FRISCHAUF (Johannes : Prof. Mathematics, Univ. Graz) ABSOLUTE GEOMETRIE nach JOHANNBoLYAi ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram (o.p.}, 2s Qd Leipzig, 1872 16022 ELEMENTS der ABSOLUTEN GEOMETRIE ; with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd ibidem, 1876 16023 FROLOW (M.) Les CARRES MAGIQUES : nouvelle Etude ; with 7 folding plates (linen- mounted), roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 2s Qd 1886 16024 Le PROBLEME d'EuLER et les CARRES MAGIQUES, traduit du Russe ; with 18 plates, 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd St.-Pctersbourg [Petrograd], 1884 16025 FROST (Percival, pr. ; F.R.S.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on CURVE TRACING [2nd Edition], with 17 folding plates, 8vo. buckram, 6s (p. 10s nett) ' 1892 or 1911 16026 SOLID GEOMETRY, 3rd [latest] Edition [enlarged], with numerous diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. eg., 9s (p. 16s in cl.) 1886 16027 - - ANOTHER COPY, with the Solutions, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 14s (p. 1. 4s Qd) 1886-7 16028 FUHRMANN (Arwed ; Technische Hochschule, Dresden) ANWENDUNGEN der INFINITESI- MALRECHNUNG in den NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN, im HOCHBAU und in der TECHNIK : Lehrbuch und Aufgabensarainlung (Bd. I 2 . [neueste] Auflage) ; with numerous diagrams, 4 vols. Svo. cl., 1. Is (p. M. 35.50) Berlin, 1890-1903 16029 G.-M. (F.) COMPLEMENTS de TRIGONOMETRIE et Methodespour la Resolution des Problemes ; with numerous diagrams, Svo. (pp. 816), handsomely bound in hf, pigskin, cl. sides, Qs Qd (p. F. 12 nett in cl.) Tours, Maine et Fils, s. d. 16030 ANOTHER COPY, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), Is 16031 COURS d'ALGEBRE ELEMENTAIRE, 4 e Edition ; with diagrams, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 3s ibidem, apud eosdem, 1907 16032 - - ClNQUiEME EDITION ; with diagrams, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 3s Qd ib., a. e., 1909 16033 - - COURS de GEOMETRIE ELEMENTAIRE, avec Recueil d'Exercices proposes; with 667 diagrams, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 5s ib., a. e., s. d. 16034 EXERCICES d'ALGEBRE, 5e ou 6e Editions; with numerous diagrams, Svo. (pp. 980), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (nice copies), 7s Qd (p. F. 14 nett in cloth) ib., a. e., 1901 ou '8 16035 - - EXERCICES de GEOMETRIE, contenant 1'Expose des Methodes geome'triques et 2000 Questions resolues, 3 e Edition ; with 1519 diagrams, Svo. (pp. 1154), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (nice copy), 7s (p. F. 14 nett in cl.) ib., a. e., 1896 16036 - CINQUIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION ; with 1549 diagrams, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 10s ib., a. e., 1912 16037 - EXERCICES de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE, 3e ou 4e Editions ; with 5 folding plates (linen-mounted), and 1018 diagrams, Svo. (pp. 960), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 8s (p. F. 14 nett) ib., a.e., 1893 ou s. d. 16038 G-ANS (Richard, Univ. Tubingen) EINFUHRUNG in die VEKTORANALYSIS, mit Anwendungen auf die mathematische Physik, 2. [letzte] Aufiage ; with 35 diagrams, Svo. cl., 2s Qd (p. M. 3.60) < Leipzig, 1909 16039 GAUSS (Johann Karl Friedrich ; Prof . Mathematics, Gottingen ; F.R.S.) METHODE des MOINDRES CARRES ; Memoires sur la Combinaison des Observations, traduits par J. BERTRAND, Svo. hf. French morocco neat (nice copy) ; scarce, 7s Qd 1855 A collection of all the author's various papers treating on the method of least squares, which would be otherwise difficult to get. 16040 - RECHERCHES ARITHMETIQUES, traduites par A. C. M. POULLET-DELISLE, thick 4to. hf. French red morocco neat, uncut (fine copy) ; SCARCE, 1. 15s 1807 ' His most celebrated work in pure mathematics, which has proved a starting point for several valuable investigations on the theory of numbers. This treatise and Legendre's Theorie des Nombres remain standard works on the theory of numbers ... In particular it introduced the modern theory of congruences of the tirst and second orders, and to this Gauss reduced indeterminate analysis. In it also he discussed the solution of binomial equations of the form x = 1,' etc. etc. etc. W. W. E. Ball. 16041 RECHERCHES GENERALESsur les SURFACES COURBES, traduites, avec Notes et Etudes sur divers Points de la Theorie des Surfaces et sur certaines Classes de Courbes, par E. ROGER ; 2 [derniere] Edition, 4to. buckram, 5s Grenoble, 1870 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 807 MATHEMATICS, continued : 16043 GANTEB (H.), und Ferdinand RTJDIO, Technische Hochschule, Zurich : Die ELEMENTS der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE, mit zahlreichen Ubungsbeispielen, 6. und 3. Auflage ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. d., 3s Qd (p. M. 6) Leipzig, 1906-1 16044 GEIGENMULLER (Bobert) LEITFADEN und AUFGABENSAMMLUNG zur HOHEREN MATHEMATIK, 7. und 6. [neueste] Auflage ; with, numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. buckram, 7s Qd (p. M. 11 sewn) Mittweida, 1907-8 16045 GEISSLER (Kurt) Die GRUNDSATZE und das WESEN des UNENDLICHEN in der MATHE- MATIK und PHILOSOPHIE ; with diagrams, sq. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), I Os Qd (p. M. 14 sewn) Leipzig, 1902- 16046 - - Die KEGELSCHNITTE und ihr Zusammenhang durch die Kontinuitat der WEITEN- BEHAFTUNGEN, mit Einfiihrung in die Lehre von den Weitenbehaftungen ; with 19 folding plates (linen-mounted), 8vo. buckram, 4s Jena, 1905 16047 GENNERICH (Otto) LEHRBUCH der PERSPEKTIVE fiir BILDENDE KUNSTLER; with 101 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. bound, with Atlas, containing 28 plates (linen- guarded], impl. 4to. buckram 2 vols., 5s (p. M. 16 sewn) Leipzig, 1865 16048 GENOCCHI (Angelo) DIFFERENTIALRECHNUNG und GRUNDZUGE der DIFFERENTIALRECH- NUNG, herausgegeben von GIUSEPPE PEANO, autorisierte deutsche ubersetzung von O. BOHLMANN und A. SCHEPP, mit Vorwort von A. MEYER, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 8s Qd (p. M. 12 in cl.) Leipzig, 1899 ' Nicht bloss ein mustergliltiges Beispiel praciser Darstellung und stronger Schlussweise, es gab namentlich auch durch die Hervorhebung alt eingewurzelter Irrtumer in den vorangestellteu Noten der Wissenschaft selbst den Anstoss zu neuer fruchtbarer Entwickelung.' Prof. A. Meyer. 16049 GEYGEB (Erich) LEHRBUCH der DARSTELLENDEN GEOMETRIE, I. (einziger) Teil ; with 290 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. M. 8.60) Leipzig, 1906 16050 GIBSON (George Alexander, Prof. Mathematics, Glasgow) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the CALCULUS, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as neiv), 5o (p. 7s 60? in cl.) 1910 16051 - - ELEMENTARY TREATISE on GRAPHS, with 51 diagrams, large 12mo. buckram, 2s 1904 16052 INTRODUCTION to the CALCULUS, based on Graphical Methods, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 3s 60?) 1904 16053 GILBERT (Philippe, Univ. LOUVAIN) COURS d' ANALYSE INFINITESIMALS : Partie Elementaire [seule parue], 4 e [derniere] Edition ; with diagrams, large 8vo. hf. red morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy] ; SCARCE, 12s Qd 1894 16054 GIROD (Felicien) COURS d'ALGEBRE ELEMENTAIRE, theorique et pratique ; avec les Solu- tions, 25 e et 5 e Editions; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), Qs Qd (p. F. 10 nett sewn) s. d. 16055 COURS de GEOMETRIE theorique et pratique, 28 e Edition ; with 627 diagrams : SOLU- TIONS RAISONNEES, 15 e Edition ; with 580 diagrams 2 vols. Svo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), Qs Qd (p. F. 10 nett sewn) s. d. 16056 GLAESER (F. W.) Das GEOMETRISCHE ZEICHNEN, die PROJEKTIONS- und SCHATTENLEHRE ; with 25 plates (some coloured), and 154 text-illustrations, impl. Svo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 5 sewn) Leipzig [1900] 16057 GODEFROY (Maurice) THEORIE ELEMENTAIRE des SERIES: Limites, Series a'Termes constants, Series a Termes variables, Fonction exponentielle, Fonctions cireulaires, Fonction Gamma ; avec Preface de L. SAUVAGE, roy. Svo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g. (o. p.), Is Qd 1903 16058 GODFREY (Charles, Headmaster R.N.Coll., Osborne), and A. W. SIDDONS, Harrow School : MODERN GEOMETRY, with diagrams; with Solutions, 2 vols. cr. Svo. cl., 5s (p. 8s Qd nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1908-9 16059 GOLLER (Adolf, Stuttgart) LEHRBUCH der SCHATTENKONSTRUKTION und BELEUCHTUNGS- KUNDE ; with 4 heliogravures and 171 text-illustrations, folio, hf. cl., 6s (p. M. 12) Stuttgart, 1895 16060 GOMES TEIXEIRA (F.) TRAITE des COURBES SPECIALES REMARQUABLES PLANES et GAUCHES : Ouvrage couronne" et public par PAcademie Eoyale des Sciences de Madrid, traduitde 1'Espagnol, revu et tres-augmente ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 4to. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, t. e. g., 1. 5s (p. F. 40 nett sewn) Imprimerie de I'Universite, Coimbre, 1908-9 16061 GOODWIN (Henry Beding-field, Instructor E.N.) PLANE and SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, 8th Impression, with numerous diagrams, Svo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 8s 6d) 1907 16062 GORDAN (Paul, Univ. Erlangen) VORLESUNGEN liber INVARIANTENTHEORIE, herausgegeben von GEORG KERSCHENSTEINER (Determinanten und biniire Formen), 2 vols. roy. Svo. cl., 13s (p. M. 18 sewn) Leipzig, 1885-7 ' Paul Gordan showed, with the aid of symbolic methods, that the number of distinct forms for a binary quantic is finite.' Prof. Cajori. 16063 GRACE (John Hilton; F.R.S., Fellow of Peterhouse), and Alfred YOUNG; pr., Selwyn Coll., Cantab. : The ALGEBRA of INVARIANTS, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 8s (p. 10s nett in cl.) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1903 53 * 808 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 16065 GOURSAT (JjJdouard Jean Baptiste, de la Sorbonne) COURS d' ANALYSE MATHEMATIQUE ; with numerous diagrams, 2 thick vols. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy), 1. Is (p. F. 40 nett sewn) 1902-5 16066 DEUXIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION, enticement refondue, Tomes I II ; with diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (FINE COPY) ; v. I o. p., 1. 10* 1910-11 CONTENTJ : I. Derivees et Differentielles, Integrates definies, Developpements en Series, Applications geometriques : II. Theorie des Fonctions analytiques, Equations differentielles, Equations aux Derivees partielles du premier Ordre. 46067 LECONS sur INTEGRATION des EQUATIONS aux DERIVEES PARTIELLES du PREMIER ORDRE, redige"es par C. BOURLET, roy. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 10s (p. F. 14 nett sewn) 1891 16068 du SECOND ORDRE a DEUX VARIABLES INDEPENDANTES, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 12s (p. F. 18 nett sewn) 1896-8 1CC69 GRAEFE (Friedrich) AUFGABEN und LEHRSATZE aus der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE, mit den Auflbsungen und Beweisen, 4 vols. 8vo. in 2, buckram, 12s &d ^p. M. 18.20 sewn) Leipzig, 1885-90 INHALT : I. Punkt, gerade Linie, Kreis und Kegelschnitte : II. Flachen zweiten Grades. 16070 VORLESUNGEN iiber die THEORIE de QUATERNIONEN, mit Anwendung auf die allgemeine Theorie der Fliichen und der Linien doppelter Kriimmung, 8vo. buckram, 3s ibidem, 1883 16071 GRAINDORGE (Joseph, Univ. LIEGE) EXERCICES de CALCUL INTEGRAL ; 2 e Edition ; with folding plate (linen-mounted), 8vo. buckram, 4s LIEGE, 1885 16072 GRASSMANN (Hermann Gunther) Die AUSDEHNUNGSLEHRE von 1844, oder die LINEALE AUSDEHNUNGSLEHRE ein NEUER ZwElG der MATHEMATIK dargestellt und durch Anwendungen auf die iibrigen Zweige der Mathematik erlautert, 2. Auflage ; with plate, 8vo. hf. black calf neat (nice copy), 5s Leipzig, 1878 ' His great classical work. Common to the Ausdehnungeslehre and to quaternions are geometric addition, the func- tion of two vectors represented in quaternions by S a /3 and V /3, and the linear vector functions. The quaternion is peculiar to Hamilton [5. v.~], while with Grassmann we find in addition to the algebra of vectors a geometrical algebra of wide application, in which the point is the fundamental element.' Prof. Cajori. 16073 Die AUSDEHNUNGSLEHRE von 1862, in Gemeinschaft mit HERMANN GRASSMANN JUN. herausgegeben von FRIEDRICH ENGEL ; with 37 diagrams, large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 12s (p. M. 16 sewn) ibidem, 1896 ' His researches on non-commutative algebras are contained in his A usdehnungslehre. This work has had great influence, especially on the continent [vectorial analysis v. quaternions], where Grassmann' j methods have generally been followed in preference to Sir W. R. Hamilton's '.W. W. R. Ball. a 6074 GRAY (Andrew, F.R.S., Prof. Natural Philosophy, Glasgow), and George Ballard MATHEWS, F.R.S. : TREATISE on BESSEL FUNCTIONS, and their Applications to Physics, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 9s (p. 14s nett) 1895 Including a special chapter on Steady Flow of Electricity or of Heat in Uniform Isotropic Media ; Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves along Wires ; Diffraction of Light ; and at end a Bibliography. 16075 GREENHILL (Sir Alfred George, F.R.S. ; R. A. Coll., Woolwich) DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, with Applications, 3rd [latest] Edition, with 62 diagrams, thick post 8vo. cl., 6s (p. 10s Qd) 1896 ' The chief novelties in the present work consist in carrying on the subjects of tho differential and integral calculus together, and in the use of the hyperbolic functions in conjunction with the ordinary circular trigonometrical functions.' Preface. 16076 GREGORY (Duncan Farquharson ; first editor of the Cambridge Mathematical Journal) EXAMPLES of the PROCESS of the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS ; 2nd [last] Edition, by WILLIAM WALTON, with 4 folding plates, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 6s 6d Cambridge, 1846 16077 ANOTHER COPY, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), Is Qd 'A work which produced a great change for the better in the Cambridge mathematical books. It is the first in which constant use is made of the method known by the name of the separation of the symbols of operation, and the author has enlivened its pages by occasionally introducing historical notices of the problems discussed.' D. N. B. 16078 GRIMSEHL (B.) ANGEWANDTE POTENTIALTHEORIE in elementarer Behandlung, I. [einziger] Band ; with 74 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. M. 5) Leipzig, 1905 16079 GROSS (E. J., Fellow of Caius) ALGEBRA, PART II, post 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 8s Qd) 1874 A continuation of Hamblin Smith's Algebra, Part I. 16080 GROSSMANN (Ludwig) Die MATHEMATIK im DIENSTE der NATIONALOKONOMIE, mi* Hinweis auf die Theorie und Losung der irreductibelen transcendenten Gleichungen, mit neuen Fundamenten fiir die Zinseszins- und Kentenrechnung und die Finanzwissenschaft im Allge- meinen, 12 parts in 1 vol. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. crushed black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g., 1. 15s (p. M. 60 sewn) Wien, 1886-1900 16081 GROSSMANN (Wilhelm) VERSICHERUNGSMATHEMATIK, large cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s) Leipzig, 1902 16082 GTTGLER (Bernhard, Technische Hochschule, Stuttgart) LEHRBUCH der DESKRIPTIVEN GEOMETRIE, 4. [neueste] Auflage ; "with 23 diagrams, 8vo., with Atlas, containing 12 plates, oblong 4 to. 2 vols., buckram, 4s Qd (p. M. 8 sewn) Stuttgart, 1880 .16083 GUICHARD (Claude, de la Sorbonne) TRAITE de GEOMETRIE; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), Is (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1899-1903 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 80& MATHEMATICS, continued : 16085 GUNDELFINGER (Sigmund) VORLESUNGEN aus der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE der KEGELSCHNITTE, herausgegeben von FRIEDRICH DINGELDEY, mit Anhang : Aufgaben und weitere Ausfiihrungen ; with diagrams, large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy], 9s (p. 12 M. sewn) Leipzig, 1895 ' In diesen Vorlesungen sind sammtliche Probleme vermittelst der (Staudt-Fiedler'schen) projectivischen Coordinaten behandelt.' Prof. F. Dindeldey. 16086 GUNTHER (Siegmund, Technische Hochschule, Miinchen) GESCHICHTE der MATHEMATIK, von den iiltesten Zeiten bis CARTESIUS ; with 56 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., 6s (p. M. 9.60) Leipzig, 190& V. WlELEITNER, post. ] 6087 LEHRBUCH der DETERMINANTEN-THEORIE ; 2. [neueste] umgearbeitete Auflage, mi't Aufgaben-Sammlung, 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 5 sewn) Erlangen, 1877 16088 HAAG (J., Univ. Clermont-Ferrand) CouRS COMPLET de MATHEMATIQUES SPECIALES, Tome I (ALGEBRE et ANALYSE), avec les Exercices du Tome I ; with diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo in 1, hf. purple morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), Us (p. F. 16.50 nett sewn) 1914 16089 HAAG (Paul, Ecole des Fonts et Chaussees) COURS de CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL et INTEGRAL ;; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy], 8s (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1893= 16090 HADAMARD (Jacques, de la Sorbonne) LECONS de GEOMETRIE SLEMENTAIRE (Tome I 2 e ^Edition) ; with 632 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (as good as new], 11s (p. F. 16 nett sewn) 1906 16091 HAGEN (Gotthilf) GRUNDZUGE der WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITS-RECHNUNG, 3. [letztej umgearbeitete Auflage, mit Nachtrag : der Constanten wahrscheinliche Fehler 2 vols. large post 8vo. in 1, red buckram, 5s (p. M. 7.60 sewn) Berlin, 1882-4 16092 HAGEN (Johann Georg, s.j. ; Director, Specola Vaticana) SYNOPSIS der HOHEREN MATHE.- MATIK, 3 vols. roy. 4to. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy], 1. 5s (p. M. 100 sewn) Berlin, 1891-1905 INHALT : Arithmetische und algebraische Analyse : II. Geometrie der algebraischen Gebilde : III. Differential- und Integralrechnung. 16093 HALL (Henry Sinclair), and S. E-. KNIGHT : ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA for SCHOOLS, containing a Chapter on Graphs, with ANSWERS, 7th Edition, enlarged, with diagrams ; with the Solutions, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, handsomelg bound in hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 8s (p. 135 in cl.) 1903-2 16094 ELEMENTARY TRIGONOMETRY, 4th [latest] Edition, enlarged, with diagrams r large 12mo. buckram, 2s 6d (p. 45 6d) 1912 16095 HIGHER ALGEBRA ; 3rd Edition, enlarged, with the Solutions 2 thick vols, cr. 8vo. in 1, hf. pigskin (worn), 8s (p. 18s in cl.) 1889 16096 FOURTH [LAST] EDITION, with Solutions of the Examples, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in one, hf. pigskin neat, 10s Qd (p. 18s) 1896-4 16097 HALLER v. Hallerstein (F. Baron) LEHRBUCH der ELEMENTAR-MATHEMATIK fiir die Porteepeefahnrichs-Priifung in der Preussischen Armee u.s.w., II. Teil: GEOMETRIE, 11. [neueste] Auflag von BRUNO HULSEN ; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 5s (p. M. 6.80 sewn) Berlin, 1906 16098 HALSTED (George Bruce, Univ. Texas) The ELEMENTS of GEOMETRY, with numerous diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e.g. (SCARCE), 15s 1886 ' The present work strives to present the Elements of Geometry in a way so absolutely logical and compact that they may be ready as rock-foundation for more advanced study.' Preface. 16099 GEOMETRIE RATIONNELLE : Trait^ elementaire de la Science de 1'Espace, Traduction fran^aise par PAUL BARBARIN, avec Preface de C. A. LAISANT; ivith 184 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s (p. F. 6.50 nett sewn) 1911 16100 RATIONAL GEOMETRY : a Text-Book for the Science of Space ; 2nd Edition, thoroughly revised, with 238 diagrams, post 8vo. buckram, 4s 6d (p. 7s 6d nett) New York, 1907 ' The first text-book of geometry to treat proportion without any continuity assumption.' Preface. 16101 REPORT and SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT on PROGRESS in NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY (pp. 28 + 27) : The LOBACHEVSKI PRIZE (pp. 32) in 1 vol. roy. 8vo. cl., 5s 1899-1904 16102 SYNTHETIC PROJECTIVE GEOMETRY; 4th Edition, enlarged, with diagrams, large 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 4s Qd nett) New York, 1906 16103 HAMILTON (Sir William Rowan, Andrews Prof. Astronomy, Dublin) ELEMENTS of QUATERNIONS ; 2nd [latest] Edition [with Index], edited by CHARLES JASPER JOLY, T.C.D^ Royal Astronomer of Ireland ; ivith diagrams, 2 vols. cr. 4to. in 1, handsomely bound in hf crushed black Levant morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (FINE COPY), 1. 12s Qd (p. 2. 2s nett in cl.) 1899-1901 Still the classical handbook on quaternions, by their inventor. ' It is founded on the same principles as the 'Lectures,' but the plan adopted is entirely new, and the present work can in no sense be considered as a second edition of that former one.' Aiithor's preface. 16104 HANKEL (Hermann) THEORIE der COMPLEXEN ZAHLENSYSTEME, insbesondere der gemeinen imaginaren Zahlen und der HAMILTON'SCHEN QUATERNION EN, nebst ihrer geo- metrischen Darstellung, 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd Leipzig, 1867 810 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 16106 HAMMER (Ernst ; Prof. Geodesy, Stuttgart] LEHRBUCH der EBENEN und SPHARISCHEN TRIGONOMETRIE, 2. umgearbeitete Auflage ; with 164 diagrams and folding table, post 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 45 Qd (p. M. 7.40 sewn) Stuttgart, 1897 16107 DRITTE [NEUESTE] erweiterte Auflage [entitled : Lehr- und Handbuch] ; with 227 diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (nice copy), 8s 6d (p. M. 10.60 sewn) - ibidem, 1907 16108 HANUS (Paul Henry, Univ. Colorado) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the THEORY of DETERMINANTS, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copies], 5s (p. 8s 6d in cl.) Boston [Mass.] , 1886 or 1903 16109 HARNACK (Axel, Polytechnikmn, Dresden] INTRODUCTION to the STUDY of the ELEMENTS of the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, translated [and revised, with Notes and Index by GEORGE L. CATHCART] , with diagrams, large 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new], 6s Qd (p. 10s Gd in cl.) 1891 16110 HARTNER (Friedrich, Technische Hochschule, Wien], und Josef WASTLER, Technische Hochschule, Graz: HAND- und LEHRBUCH der NIEDEREN GEODASIE ; 9. Auflage, umgearbeitet und erweitert von EDUARD DOLEZAL ; with 16 folding plates (linen-mounted) and 918 text- illustrations, 2 thick vols. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (fine copy), 1. Is (p. M. 32 sewn) Wien, 1904-5 The best German work on surveying. 16111 HARTWIG (Theodor) SCHULE der MATHEMATIK zum SELBSTUNTERRICHTE ; with diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. cl., 6s 0>d (p. M. 11-.50) Wien, 1904-6 16112 HATTON (John Leigh Smeathman, Principal, East London Coll.) The PRINCIPLES of PROJECTIVE GEOMETRY applied to the Straight Line and Conic, with numerous diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 8s (p. 10s 6d nett in cl.) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1913 16113 HATTON (Richard G.) PERSPECTIVE for ART STUDENTS, with 208 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 5s) 1903 16114 HAUCK (Guido, Technische Hochschule, Berlin) LEHRBUCH der MALERISCHEN PERSPEKTIVE, niit Einschluss der Schattenkonstruktionen, nach hinterlassenen Aufzeichnungen bearbeitet von HEDWIG HAUCK ; with 6 plates and numerous diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), Is 6d (p. M. 9 sewn) Berlin, 1910 16115 HAYWARD (Robert Baldwin, F.R.S.) The ALGEBRA of COPLANAR VECTORS and TRIGONO- METRY, with numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 8s Qd) 1892 ' An attempt to supply the place of the Trigonometry and Double Algebra of De Morgan." Preface. 1611f) HEFFTER (Lothar, Univ. Kiel), und Karl KOEHLER, Univ. Heidelberg: LEHRBUCH der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE, I. [einziger] BAND : Geometric in den Grundgebilden erster Stufe und in der Ebene ; with 136 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 9s (p. M. 14) Leipzig, 1905 16117 HEGER (Richard, Dresden) ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE auf der KUGEL ; with 4 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. M. 4.40) Leipzig, 1908 16118 HEIS (Eduard, Prof. Mathematics, Milnster) SAMMLUNG von BEISPIELEN und AUFGABEN aus der allgemeinen ARITHMETIK und ALGEBRA, 90. -92. Auflage ; mit Kommentar und Schliissel von LUDWIG MATTHIESSEN, 3. vermehrte Auflage, 3 v. 4 vols. 8vo. red buckram, 12s (p. M. 20 sewn) Koln, 1894-83 16119 : RULAND (N.) AUSFUHRLICHE AuFLOSUNG der in ED. HEIS' ' Sainmlung von Beispielen ' enthaltenen Aufgaben, III. Teil : Kettenbriiche, Teilbruchreihen, Permutationen u. s. w., 2. [neueste] verbesserte Auflage; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 4s (\d (p. M. 6 sewn) Bonn, 1905 16120 - , und Thomas Joseph ESCHWEILER : LEHRBUCH der GEOMETRIE, Bd. II III (STEREOMETRIE, 4. vermehrte Auflage; EBENE und SPHARISCHE TRIGONOMETRIE, 3. A.) ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 4s Koln, 1881-8 Die HYPERBOLISCHEN FUNKTIONEN V. SOHNCKE, post. 16121 HELM (Georg, Technische Hochschule, Dresden) Die GRUNDLEHREN der HOHEREN MATHE- MATIK, zum Gebrauch bei Anwendungen und Wiederholungen ; with 337 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 10s (p. M. 13.40 sewn) Leipzig, 1910 16122 HELMERT (Friedrich Robert ; Director, Prussian Geodetic Inst., Potsdam) Die Aus- GLEICHUNGSRECHNUNG nach der METHODE der KLEINSTEN QUADRATE, mit Anwendungen auf die Geodasie, Physik und Theorie der Messinstrumente, 2. [neueste und vermehrte] Auflage, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), lls 6d (p. M. 16 in cl.) Leipzig, 1907 16123 HENRICI(J.), und P. TRETJTLEIN : LEHRBUCH der ELEMENTAR-GEOMETRIE (Bd. I 2. Auflage) ; with5lQ illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, 4s Leipzig, 1882-91 16124 DRITTE AUFLAGE (Bd. II und III 2. Auflage) ; with folding plate and 512 illustra- tions, 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 6s (p. M. 9 sewn) ibidem, 1897-1901 16125 ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. in one, buckram, 5s 16126 HENSEL (Kurt; Prof. Mathematics, Marburg) ZAHLENTHEORIE, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 8s Qd (p. M. 10 sewn) Berlin, 191 3 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 811 MATHEMATICS, continued : 16128 HEBMITE (Charles, de rinstitut) COURS [sur les INTEGRALES DEFINIES] a la Faculte des Sciences de Paris, redige en 1882 par H. ANDOYER ; 3 e Edition, revue par C. HERMITE ; neatly autographed on 266 pp., with numerous diagrams, 4to. cl. (scarce), 8s Qd 1887 16129 QUATRIEME [derniere] EDITION; autographed on 2Q3pp., with diagrams, 4to. buckram, 125 1892 16130 HERZ (Norbert) WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITS- und AUSGLEICHUNGSRECHNUNG ; with 3 folding tables, large cr. 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 5s (p. M. 8) Leipzig, 1900 16131 HESSE (Ludwig- Otto ; Univ. Heidelberg) VORLESUNGEN iiber ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE des RAUMES, insbesondere iiber Oberflachen zweiter Ordnung, 2. Auflage, 8vo. boards (o.p.), 6s Leipzig, 1869 16132 ANOTHER COPY, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, Is Qd ' By linear substitution, he reduced a form of curves of the third degree in three variables to one of only four terms. and was led to an important determinant involving the second differential coefficient of a form of the third degree called the Hessian . . . Many of the most important theorems of curves of the third order are due to Hesse.' Prof. Cajori. 16133 VORLESUNGEN aus der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE der GERADEN LINIE, des PUNKTES und des KREISES in der EBENE, 3 Auflage, revidiert von S. GUNDELFINGER, 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 5.20 sewn) ibidem, 1881 16134 VIERTE [NEUESTE] AUFLAGE, revidiert und erganzt von S. GUNDELFINGER ; with diagrams, 8yo. cl., 4s (p. M. 6) .ibidem, 1906 16135 HESSENBERGr (Gerhard Wilhelm ; Technische Hochschule, Breslau) GRUNDBEGRIFFE der MENGELEHRE ; with 6 diagrams, sq. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 5s (p. M. 7 sewn) Gottingen, 1906 16136 HILBERT (David, Univ. Gottingen) GRUNDLAGEN der GEOMETRIE ; with numerous diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g.,3s [Leipzig, 1899] Original form of this well-known work, as published in ' Festschrift zur Feier des Gauss-Weber Denkmals.' 16137 HILL (Micaiah John Muller, F.R.S., Astor Prof. Mathematics, London) The THEORY of PROPORTION, with 15 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. 8s Qd nett) 1914 16138 HILTON (Harold, Prof. Mathematics, Univ. London) HOMOGENEOUS LINEAR SUBSTITUTIONS 8vo. cl., 8s (p. 12s Qd nett) Clarendon Press } Oxford, 19 H 16139 INTRODUCTION to the THEORY of GROUPS of FINITE ORDER, with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 9s (p. 14s nett) apudeandem, ibidem, 1908 16140 HIME (Lieut.-Col. Henry William Lovett, R.A.) The OUTLINES of QUATERNIONS, with 46 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 6s 1894 16141 HIRSCH (Meier) SAMMLUNG von BEISPIELEN, FORMELN und AUFGABEN aus der BUCHSTABEN- BECHNUNG und ALGEBRA, 20. Auflage von H. BERTRAM, 8vo. red buckram, 2s Qd Altenburg, 1890 16142 : SACHS (S.) AUFLOSUNGEN der in MEIER HIRSCH, Sammlung von Beispielen u.s.w. enthaltenen Gleichungen und Aufgaben ; 13. vermehrte Auflage von G. VALENTIN, 8vo. red buckram, 3s (p. M. 5 sewn) ibidem, 1892 16143 HJELMSLEV (Johannes; Technical High School, Copenhagen) DARSTELLENDE GEOMETRIE ; with 3J5 illustrations, post 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 4s (p. M. 5.40) Leipzig, 1914 16144 HOBSON (Ernest William, F.R.S., Sadlerian Prof. Pure Mathematics, Cantab.) ' SQUARING the CIRCLE ' : a History of the Problem, with diagrams, large 8vo. cl., 2s. (p. 3s nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1913 16145 - The THEORY of FUNCTIONS of a KEAL VARIABLE and the THEORY of FOURIER'S SERIES, with diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 788), handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 16s Qd (p. 1. Is nett in cl.) apud eandem, ibidem, 1907 16146 TREATISE on PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, 2nd Edition, with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e.g., 5s (p. 12s) a. e., ib., 1897 16147 THIRD [LATEST] EDITION [enlarged], with diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl- sides (as good as new), 8s Qd (p. 12s in cl.) a. e., ib., 1911 16148 HOCHHEIM (Adolf) AUFGABEN aus der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE der EBENE(Bd. I 112. Auflage), 6 parts 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl, sides, 7s Qd (p M. 13 sewn) Leipzig, 1886-99 16149 HOFFMANN (Ludwig), und L. NATANI: MATHEMATISCHES WORTERBUCH : alpha- betische Zusammenstellung sammtlicher in die mathematischen Wissenchaften gehorender Gegenstiinde in erklarenden und beweisenden synthetisch und analytisch bearbeiteten Abhand- lungen ; with many hundred illustrations, 7 vols. 8vo. hf. cl. (NICE SET), 2. 2s Berlin, 1858-67 16150 HOFMANN (Fritz) METHODIK der STETIGEN DEFORMATION von ZWEIBLATTRIGEN RIEMANN'SCHEN FLACHEN ; with 76 illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 2s Halle, 1888 16151 HOLZINGEK. (F. S.) LEHRBUCH der POLITISCHEN ARITHMETIK, 2. unveranderte Auflage, post 8vo. hf. cl., 2s Qd Braunschweig, 1898 Not the art of imagining a majority, but insurance mathematics, lottery calculations, etc. etc. 16152 HORN (Jakob ; Darmstadt) GEWOHNLICHE DIFFERENTIALGLEICHUNGEN beliebiger Ordnung, large cr. 8vo. cl., 6s 60? (p. M. 10) Leipzig, 1905 16153 EINFUHRUNG in die THEORIE der PARTIELLEN DIFFERENTIALGLEICHUNGEN, large cr. 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. M. 10) ibidem, 191 812 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, AY. MATHEMATICS, continued : 16155 HOLZMULLER (G-ustav) EINFUHRUNG in das STEREOMETRISCHE ZEICHNEN, mit Beriick- sichtigung der Krystallographie und Kartographie ; with 16 plates, roy. 8vo. boards, 3s (p. M 4.40) Leipzig, 1886 16156 ANOTHER COPY, with the plates linen-mounted; hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 4s 16157 EINFUHRUNG in die THEORIE der ISOGONALEN VERWANDTSCHAFTEN und der CON- FORMEN ABBILDUNGEN, verbunden mit Anwendungen auf mathematische Physik ; with 26 folding plates, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new) ; SCARCE, 12s Qd ibidem, 1882 16158 ELEMENTE der STEREOMETRIE ; with 653 illustrations, including 2 folding plates (linen- mounted), 4 vols. large post 8vo. in 2, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 1. 5s (p. M. 34 sewn) ib., 1900-2 INHALT : I. Lehrsatze und Konstruktionen : II. Bereclmung einfach gestalteter Korper: III IV. Untersuchung und Konstruktion schwieriger Raumgebilde. 16159 DielNGENlEUR-MATHEMATlKinelementarerBehandlung; with 524 illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, 8s Qd (p. M. 11 sewn) ib., 1897-8 Vol. II has as sub-title : Das Potential und seine Anwendung. 16160 METHODISCHES LEHRBUCH der ELEMENTAR-MATIIEMATIK (Bd. I 3. Auflage) ; with 512 illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. M. 8.20) ib., 1898-4-5 16161 NEUESTE AUFLAGE (Bd. I 4. und Bd. II III 2. A.) ; with 625 illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. buckram (partly o.p.), 8s ib., 1904-1897-1903 16162 VOLLSTANDIGE DURCHFUHRUNG einer ISOGONALEN VERWANDTSCHAFT, die durch eine gebrochene Function zweiten Grades reprasentirt wird ; with 4 folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 32), cl. (scarce), 3s ib., 1881 16163 HOtfEL (Jules ; Univ. Bordeaux) COURS de CALCUL INFINITESIMAL ; with diagrams, 4 vols. large 8vo. hf. calf, 1. 10s (p. F. 50 nett sewn; 1878-81 16164 ESSAI CRITIQUE sur les PRINCIPES FONDAMENTAUX de la GEOMETRIE ELEMENTAIRE, ou Commentaire sur les XXXII premieres Propositions des Elements d'EucLiDE ; with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 2s 1867 16165 RECUEIL de FORMULES et de TABLES NUMERIQUES, 2 e Edition, roy. 8vo. cl., 3s 1868 16166 HOUSEL (Charles) INTRODUCTION a la GEOMETRIE SUPERIEURE ; r ith 8 folding plates, 8vo. buckram (scarce), Qs Qd 1865 16167 ANOTHER COPY, hf. maroon morocco neat (nice copy], Is Qd 16168 HUDSON (Ronald William Henry Turnbuli) RUMMER'S QUARTIC SURFACE, with frontis- piece and diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. 8s nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1905 The author had a brilliant mathematical career and became a Fellow of St. John's Coll., Cantab., but was killed in rock-climbing in Wales in his 29th year in 1904. 16169 HUEBNER (L.) EBENE und RAUMLICHE GEOMETRIE des MASSES in organischer Verbindung mit der Lehre von den Kreis- und Hyperbelfunktionen neu dargestellt, 2. [neueste] Ausgabe ; with 53 diagrams, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 3s Qd Leipzig, 1895 16170 HUL.ME (Frederick Edward, F.S.A.) MATHEMATICAL DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, and how to use them; 6th Edition, with 10 plates, post 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 2s Qd 1895 16171 HUN AUS(Georg Christian Konrad; Technische Hochschule, Hannover) Die GEOMETRISCHEN INSTRUMENTS der gesammten piaktischen Geometric, deren Gebrauch und Beschreibung ; with 290 woodcuts, including folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 690), hf. bound, 5s Hannover, 18(>4 16172 LEHRBUCH der PRAKTISCHEN GEOMETRIE, 2. [neueste] umgearbeitete Auflage ; with 211 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 3s Qd Leipzig, 1882 16173 HUNTINGTON (Edward Vermilye ; Harvard Univ.) Uber die GRUND-OPERATIONEN an ABSOLUTEN und COMPLEXEN GROSSEN in geometrischer Behandlung, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., Is (\d Braunschweig ', 1901 16174 HYDE (Edward Wyllys, actuary ; Univ. Cincinnati) GRASSMANN'S SP^CE ANALYSIS, 4th Edition, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 4s Qd nett) New York, 1906 16175 IGNATOWSKY (W. v., Univ. Giessen) Die VEKTORANALYSIS und ihre Anwendung in der theoretischen Physik ; with 41 diagrams, 2 vols. large post 8vo. sewn, 5s (p. M. 8.60) Leipzig, 1909-10 16176 ISSALY (Abbe Pierre Adolphe) PRINCIPES FONDAMENTAUX de la THEORIE des PSEUDO- SURFACES; with diagrams: La GEOMETRIE NON-EUCLIDIENNE et I'INSUFFISANCE des ses PRINCIPES: Memoire faisant Suite aux ' Principes fondamentaux ' 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 4s Qd (p. F. 7 nett sewn) IS 02 One of the few attacks on Non-Euclidean geometry. 16177 JABLONSKI (E.) COMPLEMENTS d'ALGEBRE, suivis de nombreux Exercices ; with 44 diagrams: THEORIE des EQUATIONS : Suite aux Complements d'Algebre 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. a. (as good as new) 9s (p. F. 14 nett sewn) [1888-91] HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 813 MATHEMATICS, continued : 16179 JACKSON (J. Stuart, Gains Coll.) GEOMETRICAL CONIC SECTIONS : an Elementary Treatise in which the Conic Sections are defined as the Plane Sections of a Cone, and treated by the Method of Projections, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 3s 1872 16180 JACQ,UIER (Edme) APPLICATION de la GEOMETRIE a la SCIENCE des NOMBRES : Interpreta- tion des Theoremes et des Discussions de FAlgebre e"lementaire au Moyen de la Geometric des Courbes ; with diagrams, large post 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s 1888 16181 JAHNKE (Eugen, Bergakademie, Berlin), und Fritz EMDE: FuNKTlONENTAFELN mit Formeln und Kurven; with 53 diagrams, roy. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. M. 6) Leipzig, 1909 16182 JANSON-DTJRVILLE (E., sous- Chef au Ministere des Finances] COURS de MATHEMATIQUES appliquees aux OPERATIONS FINANCIERES, roy. 8vo. hf. brown morocco neat (SCARCE), 12s 1887 'Bien que je me sois place a un point de vue absolument pratique, j'ai voulu que toutes les formules employees fussent demontrees avant leurs applications.' Preface. 16183 J A VARY (A.) TRAITE de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE, 4 e Edition; with numerous folding plates and diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. red buckram, 10s Qd (p. F. 17 nett sewn) 1893 16184 PROJECTIONS COTEES et SURFACES TOPOGRAPHIQUES ; with 54 illustrations, roy. 8vo.cZ., uncut, IsQd [1903] A supplement to the above work. 16185 JOACHIMSTHAL (Ferdinand, Univ. Breslau) ANWENDUNG der DIFFERENTIAL- und IN- TEGRALRECHNUNG auf die allgemeine Theorie der FLACHEN und der LINIEN DOPPELTER KRUM- MUNG ; 2. [letzte] Auflage von L. NATANI ; illustrated, 8vo. hf. cl. (o. p.), 4s (p. M. 6 sewn) Leipzig, 1881 16186 JOHNSON ("W. E., King's Coll., Cantab.) TREATISE on TRIGONOMETRY, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 8s Qd) 1889 With final chapter on the interpretation of V - 1> as an introduction to the study of quaternions. 16187 JOHNSON (William Woolsey, Prof. Mathematics, U. S. N. Academy) CURVE TRACING in CARTESIAN COORDINATES, with diagrams, postSvo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 4s Qd nett) New York, 1895 16188 The THEORY of ERRORS and METHOD of LEAST SQUARES, with diagrams, cr. 8vo buckram, 4s (p. 6s Qd nett) ibidem, 1912 16189 TREATISE on ORDINARY and PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 3rd [latest] Edition, large cr. 8vo. buckram, 10s (p. 15s nett) ib., 1910 Containing a development of the theta functions. 1 A geometrical theory of singular solutions [of differential equations] resembling the one used by Cayley was previously employed by W. W. Johnson.' Prof. Cajori. 16190 JOLY (Charles Jasper, F.R.S., Royal Astronomer of Ireland) MANUAL of QUATERNIONS, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., Is (p. 10s nett) 1905 'Although this book may be regarded as introductory to the works of Hamilton \_q. v. ante~\, it may also to some extent be considered as supplementing them.' Preface. 16191 JORDAN (Camille, de VInstitut) COURS d'ANALYSE de 1'EcoLE POLYTECHNIQUE ; 2 e Edition, entierement refondue ; with diagrams, 3 thick vols. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 1. 10s (p. F. 49 nett sewn) 1893-6 16192 TOME III 6 : EQUATIONS DIFFERENTIELLES ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 6s Qd (p. F. 17 nett sewn) 1887 16193 TRAITE des SUBSTITUTIONS et des EQUATIONS ALGEBRIQUES, 4to. handsomely bound in hf. crushed maroon morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (FINE COPY) ; VERY SCARCE, 3. 17s Qd 1870 A classic on the theory of substitutions, which was created by E. GALOIS. 16194 , et Raymond FIEDLER : CONTRIBUTION a I'ETUDE des COURBES CONVEXES FERMEES et de certaines Courbes qui s'y rattachent ; with diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd 1912 16195 JOTTFFRET (Esprit; Lieut.-Col. d' Artillerie) MELANGES de GEOMETRIE k QUATRE DIMENSIONS ; with 49 illustrations, roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s Qd (p. F. 7.50 nett sewn) 1906 16196 TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE de GEOMETRIE & QUATRE DIMENSIONS, et Introduction a la Ge'onie'trie a n Dimensions; with 65 illustrations, roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 5s Qd (p. F. 7.50 nett sewn) 1903 16197 JUBE (Eugene) EXERCICES de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE ; with 11 folding plates, 8vo. buckram, 3s 1866 16198 JTJRISCH (Etienne) QUESTIONS de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE ; ivith diagrams and numerous folding plates, 8vo. cl., uncut, 5s (p. F. 9.50 nett sewn) 1883 16199 KAISER (H.) EiNFUHRUNG in die NEUERE ANALYTISCHE und SYNTHETISCHE GEOMETRIE ; with 3 plates, and 83 woodcuts, 8vo. boards, 2s Qd (p. M. 6.70) Wiesbaden, 1887 16200 KARAGIANNIDES (A.) Die NICHTEUKLIDISCHE GEOMETRIE vom Alterthum bis zur Gegenwart : eine historisch-kritische Studie, large post 8vo. (pp. 44), cl. (scarce), 3s Berlin, 1893 16201 KARUP (W.) HANDBUCH der LEBENSVERSICHERUNG, 2. [neueste] Ausgabe [herausgegeben von JOHANN KARUP] , 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 6s Qd (p. M. 9 sewn) Leipzig, 1885 16202 KEMPE (Sir Alfred Bray, F.R.S. ; Chancellor of the Diocese of London) MEMOIR on the THEORY of MATHEMATICAL FORM [Phil. Trans.], with 72 diagrams, 4to. (pp. 70), cl., 4s 1886 814 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued: 16204 KELLAND (Philip, pr., F.R.S., Prof. Math., Univ. Edin.}, and Peter Guthrie TAIT ; F.R.S.E. : INTRODUCTION to QUATERNIONS, with numerous Examples, diagrams, post 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd (p. Is 6d) 16205 THIRD [LAST] EDITION, prepared by CARGILL GILLSTON KNOTT, ivith diagrams, post 8vo. buckram, 4s 6d 1904 The author, who was a member of Queens' Coll., Cantab., Senior Wrangler in 1834, and the teacher of James Clerk Maxwell, was the first Englishman with a wholly English education who was admitted to a chair in the University of Edinburgh, and was one of the founders of the Life Association of Scotland. 16201) KI.ffiS (J.) TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE, DERNIERE EDITION (I 8e et II 5 ), 2 v. ; with ATLASES, containing 81 plates, 2 v. 4 vols. 8vo. red buckram (nice copy ; v. II o.p.}, IZsGd 1881-2 16207 KIEPERT (Ludwig- ; Prof. Mathematics, Hannover) GRUNDRISS der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRAL-RECHNUNG, 9. (Bd. II 8.) vollstaudig umgearbeitete Aunage von MAX STEGEMANN ; ivith 314 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. piyskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 12s Qd (p. M. 24 sewn) Hannover, 1901-3 16208 KILLING (Wilhelm; Prof. Mathematics, Munster) EiNFUHRUNG in die GRUNDLAGEN der GEOMETRIE ; with 48 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 10s Qd (p. M. 14 sewn) Paderborn, 1893-8 16209 LEHRBUCH der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE in homogenen Koordinaten ; with 50 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy}, 8s (p. M. 9.60 sewn) ibidem, 1900-1 16210 Die NICHT-EUKLIDISCHEN RAUMFORMEN in analytischer Behandlung; ivith folding plate, 8vo, red buckram, 4s Qd (p. M. 6.80 sewn) Leipzig, 1885 16211 KING (Willford I., Univ. Wisconsin) The ELEMENTS of STATISTICAL METHOD, ivith 26 diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 6s d nett) New York, 1912 16212 KLEIN (Christian Felix ; Prof. Mathematics, Gottingen; F.R.S.) ANWENDUNG der DIFFEREN- TIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG auf die GEOMETRIE : eine Revision der Prinzipien : Vorlesung, 1901, ausgearbeitet von CONRAD MULLER ; neatly autographed on 484 pp., 'ivith numerous illus- trations, cr. 4to. buckram, Is Qd (p. M. 10 sewn) Leipzig, 1907 16213 - - ELEMENTARMATHEMATIK vom HOHEREN STANDPUNKTE aus : Voiiesungen, 1907-8, ausgearbeitet von E. HELLINGER (Bd. I 2. Aunage) ; neatly autographed on 1129 pp., with numerous illustrations, 2 vols. cr. 4to. in one, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), Us (p. M. 15 sewn) ibidem, 1911-9 16214- NICHT-EUKLIDISCHE GEOMETRIE: Vorlesungen, 1889-90, ausgearbeitefc von FR. SCHELLING; neatly autographed on 603 pp., with numerous illustrations, 2 vols. cr. 4to. in one, hf. German morocco (scarce), 14s Gottingen, 1893 16215 VORLESUNGEN liber das IKOSAEDER und die Auflosung von Gleichungen vom fitnften Grade ; original impression, with folding plate, roy. 8vo. red buckram, 6s Gd (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1884 16216 VORTRAGE liber AUSGEWAHLTE FRAGEN der ELEMENTARGEOMETRIE, ausgeaibeitet von F. TAGERT ; with 2 folding plates and 10 diagrams, 8vo. red buckram (scarce), 6s ibidem, 1895 A SOUND LIBRARY SET : 16217 KLEYER (Adolph) MATHEMATISCH - TECHNISCH - NATUIIWISSEN- SCHAFTLLCHE ENCYKLOPADIE, enthaltend die samtlichen DEFINITIONS, LEHRSATZE, FORMELN, REGELN u.s.w., sowie die denkbar mannigfaltigsten gelosten uud analogen ungelosten Beispiele und praktischen Aufgaben, in den saiutlicheu Zweigen der Rschenkunst, der niederen, hoheren und angewandteii Mathematik ; with many thousand illustrations, 83 vols. sq. 8vo. in 65, strongly and uniformly bound in red buckram, 12. (p. M. 458.50 sewn) Stuttgart, 1888 Bremerhavtn, 1909 INHALT : Akustik, 4 v. : Apollonisches Beriihrungsproblem : Astronomie : Ausgleichsrechnung : Bewegung fli'issiger K'irper, 3 v. : Determinanten : Differentialreclmung, 3 v. : Dynamik fester Korper : Elastizitiit i>*d Festigkeit : Elektro- dynamik : Elektromagnetismus : Elementargeometrie (Ebene), 8 v. : (Riiuinliche) : Funktionentheorie : Geoiuetrie der Ebene (Analytische), 2 v. : (Projektivische), 3 v. : Geschichte der Geometrie: Gleichungen des 1., 2., 3. und 4. Grades mit einer und mehreren Unbekannten, 5 v. : (Unbestimmte) des 1. Grades : Goniometrie : Grtindrechnung.s- arten, 3 v. : mit Buchstabengrossen, 2 v.: Induktionselektrizitat : Integralrechnung, 2 v. : Kartographio, 3 v. : Kombinatorik : Konstruktionsaufgaben (Planimetrische), 3 v. : Kontaktelektrizitiit : Kurperberechnungen, 2 v. : Lo- garithineu : Logarithmentafeln : Magnetisinus und Erdmagnetisnius : Masse uud Dimensionen (Absolute) : Nautik : Physik : Potenzialtueorie : Potenzen und Wurzeln : Progressionen (Arithmetische und geometrische) : Projektionszeichnen, 4 v. : Prozent- und Zinsrechnung : Reibungselektrizitat : Schluss- und Kettenrechnung : Statik fester und ttiissiger Korper, 2 v. : Tcigouometrie (Ebene und .sjjliari.sclie), 2 v. : Vermessungskunde : Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung : Zahlen (Iiuaginiire uud komplexe) : Zinseszins und Rentenrechnung. This is an all but complete set, including all the volumes now out of print, and only lacking Experimentalchemie, 2 v., Spezifisches Gewicht, and Per kussion fester Korper. 16218 LEHRBUCH der ARITHMETISCHEN und GEOMETRISCHEN PROGRESSIONEN der zusam- mengesetzten, harmonischen, Ketten- und Teilbruchieihen, nebst Aufgaben, large 8vo. buckram, 2s 3d (p. M. 4 sewn) Bremerhaven, 1884 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, S3PKAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 815 MATHEMATICS, continued : 16220 KLEYER ( Adolph) LEHEBUCH der GLEICHUNGEN des ITKN GRADES mit EINER UNBEKANNTEN : PRANGE (Otto) LEHRBUCH der GLEICHUNGEN des ITEN GRADES mit MEHREREN UNBEKANNTEN : SCHULER (W. Fr.) LEHRBUCH der UNBESTIMMTEN GLEICHUNGEN des ERSTEN GRADES (DIOPHANTISCHE GLEICHUNGEN), I. [einziges] Buch 3 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, Us Qd (p. M. 19.50) Bremerhaven, [1886-91] Ig221 - LEHRBUCH der GONIOMETRIE (Winkelmessungslehre), mit Sammlung von Aufgaben ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 7 sewn) ibidem [1886] 16222 - LEHRBUCH der KORPERBERECHNUNGEN, rnit Aufgaben (Bd.1. 2. Auttage); with diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (v. I o. p.), 9s (p. M. 13 ib - sewn) 16223 - LEHRBUCH der POTENZEN und WURZELN, nebst Sammlung von Beispielen, large 8vo. buckram (o. p.), 4s (p. M. 6 sewn) ib. [1883] 16224 - LEHRBUCH der EBENEN TRIGONOMETRIE, mit Aufgaben und Formelnverzeichnis ; with numerous illustrations, large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (o. p.), 12s (p. M. 18 sewn) * I 188 ?] - LEHRBUCH der ZINSESZINS- und RENTENRECHNUNG v. OLBRICHT, post. 16225 - , und August HAAS : LEHRBUCH der DIFFERENTIALRECHNUNG, nebst Sammlung geloster Aufgaben ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. sq. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pig- skin, cl. sides, 12s (p. M. 20 sewn) ib. [1888-94] 16226 - ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black marocco, cl. sides, 12s Qd 16227 -- : LEHRBUCH der INTEGRALRECHNUNG, nebst Sammlung geloster Aufgaben; with numerous diagrams, 2 v. : EINFUHRUNG in die FUNKTIONENTHEORIE von W. LASKA ; with diaqrams 3 vols. sq. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 12s (p. M. 20.50 sewn) ibidem [1889-99] 16228 - ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 12s Qd 16229 - , und J. SACHS : LEHRBUCH der EBENEN ELEMENTAR-GEOMETRIE (PLANIMETRIE), nebst Sammlung geloster Aufgaben ; with numerous diagrams, and large folding table (linen- mounted), 8 vols. large 8vo. in 2, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 1. Is (p. M. 37 sewn) ib. [1888-97] 16230 KLUGEL (Georg Simon; Univ. Halle) MATHEMATISCHES WORTERBUCH oder Erklarung der Begriffe, Lehrsatze, Aufgaben und Methoden der Mathematik, mit den notbigen Beweisen und literarischen Nachrichten, in alphabetischer Ordnung, mit Supplement von JoiiANN AUGUST GRUNERT ; with numerous folding plates, 1 thick vols. 8vo. contemporary sheep, 15s Leipzig, 1803-36 16231 KNESER (Adolf; Prof. Mathematics, Berlin) Die INTEGRALGLEICHUNGEN und ihre An- wendungen in der MATHEMATISCHEN PHYSIK: Vorlesungen, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s Qd (p. M. 6 sewn) Braunschweig, 1911 16232 - LEHRBUCH der VARIATIONSRECHNUNG ; with 24 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 6s Qd (p. M. 8 sewn) ibidem, 1900 'Seit rnehr als 30 Jahreu ist in Deutschland und Frankreich kein Buch 1'iber die Variationsrechnung erschienen.' VoTwort, 16233 KNOBLAUCH (Carl Friedrich Hermann Reinhold Johannes, Univ. Berlin) EINLEITUNG in die ALLGEMEINE THEORIE der KRUMMEN FLACHEN ; ivith diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1888 16234 KOESTLER (W.), und M. TRAMER : DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG (In- finitesimalrechnung) fiir INGENIEURE, insbesondere auch zum Selbststudium, I. Teil (soweit bisher erschienen) : GRUNDLAGEN ; with 2 folding plates and 221 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 10s (p. M. 13 sewn) Berlin, 1913 16235 KCEHLER (J.) EXERCICES de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE et de GEOMETRIE SUPERIEURE : QUESTIONS et SOLUTIONS ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 12s Qd (p. F. 18 nett sewn) 1886-8 16236 KOHLRATJSCH (F. L., K. Telegraphen-Versuchsamt, Berlin) EINFUHRUNG in die DIFFE- RENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG, nebst DIFFERENTIALGLEICHUNGEN ; with 100 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s Qd (p. M. 6 sewn) Berlin, 1907 16237 KOMMERELL (V. und K.) ALLGEMEINE THEORIE der RAUMKURVEN und FLACHEN ; with 36 diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. M. 10.60) Leipzig, 1903 16238 - SPEZIELLE FLACHEN und THEORIE der STRAHLENSYSTEME ; with 9 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. M. 4.80) ibidem, 1911 16239 KONIG (Gyula ; Budapest) EINLEITUNG in die ALLGEMEINE THEORIE der ALGEBRAISCHEN GROSZEN, aus dem Ungarischen itbertragen vom Verfasser, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 13s (p. M. 18 sewn) Leipzig, 1903 16240 - NEUE GRUNDLAGEN der LOGIK, ARITHMETIK und MENGENLEHRE ; with portrait, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 6s (p. M. 8 sewn) ibidem, 1914 816 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 16242 KCENIGS (Gabriel Paul Xavier, de la Sorbonne) La GEOMETRIE REGLEE et ses Applica- tions : Coordonnees, Systemes Lineaires, Proprietes infinitesimales du premier Ordre, 4to. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 4s 1895 16243 LECONS de I'AGREGATION CLASSIQUE de MATHEMATIQUES ; neatly autographed on 208 pp., 4to. buckram, 6s Qd (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1892 16244 KOTTER (Ernst, Technische Hochschule, Aachen) Die ENTWICKELUNG der SYNTHETISCHEN GEOMETRIE von MONGE bis auf STAUDT (1847), 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (nice copy), 14s (p. M. 18.80 sewn) Leipzig, 1901 Being Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Band V, Heft 2. 16245 KOWALEWSKI (Gerhard ; Prof. Mathematics, Prague) EiNFUHRUNG in die DETERMI- NANTENTHEORIE, einschliesslich der unendlichen und der Fredholmschen Determinanten, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new], 12s (p. M. 15 sewn) Leipzig, 1909 16246 Die KOMPLEXEN VERANDERLICHEN und ihreFUNKTiONEN: Fortsetzung der Grundziige der Differential- und Integralrechnung, zugleich eine Einfiihrung in die Funktionentheorie ; with 124 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 9s (p. M. 12 sewn) ibidem, 1911 16247 KRAFT (Ferdinand, Univ. Zurich) ABRISS des GEOMETRISCHEN KALKULS, nach den Werken von HERMANN GUNTHER GRASSMANN bearbeitet ; with diagrams, 8vo. red buckram, 4s Qd (p. M. 6 sewn) Leipzig, 1893 16248 KBIES (Johannes v., Univ. Freiburg i. B.} Die PRINCIPIEN der WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITS- RECHNUNG: eine logische Untersuchung, 8vo. buckram, 3s 6d (p. M. 6 sewn) Freiburg i. B., 1886 16249 KRUGER (Richard) LEHRBUCH des RECHNENS mit IMAGINAREN und KOMPLEXEN ZAHLEN, nebst Sammlung von Aufgaben ; with diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 5 sewn) Bremerhaven [1891] 16250 LACHLAN (R., Trinity Coll., Cantab.} ELEMENTARY TREATISE on MODERN PURE GEOMETRY, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 9s) 16251 LACROIX (Sylvestre Franqois ; de I'Institut) COMPLEMENT des ELEMENTS d'ALGEBRE, 7 e [derniere] Edition, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat (nice copy), 3s 16252 TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE de CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL et INTEGRAL, 7 e Edition, revue et augmentee de Notes par C. HERMiTEet J. A. SERRET ; with 5 folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. French morocco neat (nice copy), 7s Qd (p. F. 15 nett unbound) 1867 The final edition. 16253 TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE du CALCUL des PROBABILITES, 4 e Edition ; with plate, 8vo. buck- ram, 2s Qd 1864 16254 ANOTHER COPY, hf. maroon morocco neat (nice copy), 3s 16255 LA GOURNERIE (Jules de) TRAITE de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE (Parties I et III 3 e et II 2 Edition), 3 vols. : Atlas ; with 156 plates, 3 vols. 6 vols. 4to. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. crushed purple morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 1. (p. F. 30 nett sewn) 1880-1901 A well-known classic on the subject. 16256 LAISANT (Charles Ange) RECUEIL de PROBLEMES de MATHEMATIQUES, Tomes I III et V VI, 5 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy], 12s (p. F. 19 nett sewn) 1893-6 COKTENU: I. Arithmetique. Algebre elementaire. Trigonometric : II. Ge'ometrie et Geometrie descriptive: III. Algebre. Theorie des Nombres. Probabilites. Geom6trie de Situation : V. Geometrie analytique a trois Dimensions : VI. Geometrie du Triangle. 16257 LALANDE (Joseph Jer6me Le Fra^ois de ; de I'Institut, F.R.S.) TABLES de LOGARITHMES [a 5 D^cimales] pour les Nombres et pour les Sinus, avec Formules pour la Resolution des Triangles, par M. BAILLEUL, 18mo. polished purple calf (nice copy), 3s 16258 , e"tendues k 7 DECIMALES par F. C. M. MARIE, avec Instruction par le BARON REYNAUD ; nouvelle Edition, avec les Formules par M. BAILLEUL, 12mo. hf. French morocco neat, with Baron de Renter's auto., 3s 1872 16259 LALBALETTRIER(G.) TRIGONOMETRIE RECTILIGNE, suivie des Principejs de la NOUVELLE GEOMETRIE du TRIANGLE ; neatly autographed on 200 pp., with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 5s [Orleans, 1889] 16260 LAMARLE (Ernest, Univ. GAND) EXPOSE GEOMETRIQUE du CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL et INTEGRAL, precede" de la Cinematique du Point, de la Droite et du Plan, et fonde tout entier sur les Notions les plus elementaires de la Geometric Plane ; avec les APPLICATIONS du CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL ; with diagrams, 2 vols. large post 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy}, 6s Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 16261 LAMB (Horace, F.R.S. , Prof. Mathematics, Manchester) ELEMENTARY COURSE of the INFINITESIMAL CALCULUS [2nd and latest Edition] , with diagrams, thick cr. 8vo. buckram, li (p. 12s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1907 16262 LAM (Gabriel, de VInstitut) EXAMEN des DIFFERENTES METHODES employees pour RESOUDRE les PROBLEMES de GEOMETRIE ; edition- facsimile ; with 2 folding plates (linen-mounted), 8vo. c/.,5s [Re impression de] 1818 The author's first published work, and in the original edition excessively rare. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 817 MATHEMATICS, continued : 16263 LANDAU (Edmund Georg Hermann ; Prof. Mathematics, Gottingen) HANDBUCH der LEHRE von der VERTEILUNG der PRIMZAHLEN, 2 thick vols. large 8vo. in one, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 1. 5* (p. M. 34 sewn) Leipzig, 1909 Pp. 883-961 contain ' Quellenangaben und Literaturverzeichnis. ' 16264 LANDFKIEDT (E.) THEORIE der ALGEBRAISCHEN FUNKTIONEN und ihrer Integrate ; with 36 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. M. 8.50) Leipzig, 1902 16265 THETAFUNKTIONEN und HYPERELLIPTISCHE FUNKTIONEN ; with 5 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. M. 4.50) ibidem, 1902 16266 LARKMAN (A. E.) The CALCULUS for ENGINEERS and others, with 29 diagrams, large post Svo. cl., 3s (p. 45 Qd nett) Glasgow, 1904 ' The reason why Marine Engineers are not very keen on the Extra Certificate is their dread of the Calculus and Higher Mathematics generally. ' Preface. 16267 LASKA (Vaclav; Bohemian Univ., Prague] LEHRBUCH der SPHARISCHEN TRIGONOMETRIE, nebst Sammlung geloster Aufgaben ; with diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 2s 6d (p. M. 4.50 sewn) Bremerhaven [1890] 16268 ANOTHER COPY, also : LEHRBUCH der ASTRONOMIE und MATHEMATISCHEN GEOGRAPHIE, I. SPHARISCHE ASTRONOMIE, 2. Anflage; with numerous diagrams -2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 6s (p. M. 9.50 sewn) ibidem [1890-1906] 16269 SAMMLUNG von FORMELN der REINEN und ANGEWANDTEN MATHEMATIK ; with 3 folding plates, 8vo. (pp. 1086), hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 16s Qd (p. M. 26 sewn) Braunschweig, 1888-94 16270 LATOON(F.) On COMMON and 'PERFECT' MAGIC SQUARES, with Examples constructed by the Author ; also with his Sections of the Simple and Compound ' Perfect ' Square of the Mystic Number 666 (1 to 443556) ; with 3 large, folding tables (neatly linen-mounted), impl. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 6s 6d (p. 12s Qd) 1895 A mathematical study of the Number of the Beast printed in Athens. 16271 LAURENT (Hermann) La GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE GENERALE, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. F. 6 nett sewn) 1906 16272 TRAITE d'ALGEBRE ; 5 e [derniere] Edition, en Harmonie avec les nouveaux Programmes, revue par J. H. MARCHAND, 4 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 9s (p. F. 13.50 nett sewn) 1897-5 16273 TRAITE d' ANALYSE ; with diagrams, 7 vols. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (NICE SET), 2. 15s (p. F. 73 nett sewn) 1885-91 COKTENU : I. CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL. Applications analytiques : II. Applications geometriques : III. CALCUL INTEGRAL. Integrales definies et indefinies : IV. Theorie des fonctions algdbriques et leurs integrales : V. EQUATIONS DIFFERENTIELLES ordinaires : VI. Equations aux derivees partielles : VII. Applications geomefcriques de la theorie des equations differentielles. 16274 TRAITE du CALCUL des PROBABILITES, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s Qd 1873 1 Le present traite peut etre consider^ comme une veritable introduction au traite de Laplace.' Preface. It. includes a ' Liste des principaux Ouvrages ou Memoires public's sur le Calcul des Probabilites ' (pp. 14). 16275 LA VALLEE POUSSIN (Charles J. de, Univ. LOUVAIN) COURS d' ANALYSE INFINITE- SIMALS, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (fine copy), 12s (p. F. 20 nett sewn) LOUVAIN, 1903-5 16276 DEUXIEME EDITION, considerablement remanie'e, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1 (pp. 888), hand- somely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 19s (p. F. 30 nett sewn) ibidem, 1909-12 The Germans should have killed the Belgians before they were able to leave any scientific or literary monuments behind them. 16277 LAZZERI (Giulio ; Univ. Pisa), und Anselmo BASSANI, Livorno: ELEMENTS der GEOMETRIE (unter Verschmelzung von ebener und raumlicher Geometric), iibersetzt von P. TREUTLEIN ; with 336 illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 10s (p. M. 14 in cl.) Leipzig , 1911 16278 LE BESGUE (V. A.) EXERCICES d'ANALYSE NUMERIQUE: Extraits, Commentaires et Recherches relatifs k PAnalyse indeterminee et k la Theorie des Nombres, 8vo. buckram,^ 6d 1859 16279 INTRODUCTION k la THEORIE des Nombres ; avec PAPPENDICE : TABLES ARITHMETIQUES par J. HOUEL 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, cl. (partly o. p.), 4s Qd 1862-6 16280 LEBESaUE (Henri, Univ.Eennes) LEQONS sur 1' INTEGRATION et la Recherche des Fonctions primitives, roy. Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s 1904 16281 LECONS sur les SERIES TRIGONOMETRIQUES, roy. Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s 1906 16282 LEBON (Ernest) PROBLEMES de MATHEMATIQUES pour le Baccalaur^at, post Svo. buckram, 2s Qd 1898 16283 TRAITE de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE et COTEE (Tome I er 3 e [derniere] Edition) ; with 14 folding plates (all neatly LINEN-MOUNTED), and numerous diagrams, 2 vols. large Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 10s (p. F. 17 nett sewn) [1901-1882] 16284 LEG AT (Maurice) LECONS sur la THEORIE des DETERMINANTS a n Dimensions, avec Appli- cations k 1'Algebre, la Ge"ometrie, etc., large 4to. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 10s (p. F. 16 nett sewn) GAND, 1910 818 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued: 16286 LE COINTE (Igrnace Louis Alfred, s j.) LECONS sur la THEORIE des FONCTIONS CIRCU- LAIRES et la TRIGONOMETRIE ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat (as good as new), 3s 6d 1858 16287 LEFEBURE de FOURCY (Louis Etienne) LECONS d'ALGEDRE, 10 e [derniere] Edition, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cL sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 5s (p. F. 7.50 nett sewn) 1893 16288 - TRAITE de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE, avec Introduction renfennant la Theorie du Plan et de la Ligne Droite consideree dans 1'Espace, 8 e [derniere] Edition ; with 34 folding plates (all neatly LINEN-MOUNTED), Svo. handsomely bound in hf. blaik morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy) ; o. p., 8s Gd 1881 16289 LEGENDRE (Adrien Marie; F.R.S.), ELEMENTS de GEOMETRIE, avec Additions et Modifi- cations par A. BLANCHET, 39 e [derniere] Edition ; with numerous diagrams, Svo. buckram, 3s s. d. 16290 - THEORIE des NOMBRES, 3 e [LA MEILLEURE] EDITION [avec Appendice : Metliodes nouvelles pour la Resolution Approche'e des Equations Nuraeriques, etc. etc.] ; with folding plate, 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf gilt (NICE COPY) ; VERY RARE, 2. 15s Didot, 1830 THE BEST EDITION, NOW EXCESSIVELY SCARCE. 'The third edition, issue! in 1830, includes the results of his various later papers, and still remains a standard work on the subject. It may b^s said that he here carried the subject as far as was possible by the application of ordinary algebra. . . . The law of quadratic reciprocity, which connects any two odd primes, was first proved in this book. Gauss called the proposition ' the gem of arithmetic.' . . . The svork also contains the useful theorem by which, when it is possible, an indeterminate equation of the 2nd degree can be reduced to the form o:W. W. R. Ball. 16291 - ZAHLENTIIEORIE, nach der 3. Auflage ins Deutsche iibertragen von H. MASER, 2. wohlfeile Ausgabe, 2 vols. roy. Svo. in 1, buckram, 9s (p. M. 12 sewn) Leipzig, 1893 16292 LEJEUNE-DIRICHLET (Peter Gustav; Univ. Gottingen) VORLESUNGEN iiber ZAHLEN- THEORIE, herausgegeben v. R. DEDEKIND, 2. umgearbeitete Auflage, 8v. hf. cl., 3s 6d Braunschweig, 1871 16293 - - VlERTE [NEUESTE] UMGEARBEITETE UND VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE, 8vO. hf. red morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy) ; o. p., 16s ibidem, 1894 1 Of his original researches the most celebrated are that on the establishment of Fourier's Theorem, and that in the theory of numbers on asymptotic laws, i.e. laws which approximate more closely to accuracy as the numbers concerned become larger.' fF. W. R. hall. 16294 LEROY (Charles Francois Antoine, de I'rfcole Poly technique) TRAITE de GEOMETRIE DE- SCRIPTIVE, suivi de la Methode des Plans cotes et de la Theorie des Engrenages cylindriques et coniques ; 13 e Edition, revue et annote'e par E. MARTELET ; with Atlas, containing 1 1 plates, 2 vols. 4to. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new], 10s Qd (p. F. 16 nett sewn) 1888 16295 - TRAITE de STEREOTOMIE, comprenant les Applications de la Geometric descriptive a la Theorie des Ombres, la Perspective lineaire, la Gnomonique, la Coupe des Pierres et la Charpente ; l'2 e Edition, revue et annotee par E. MARTELET, avec SUPPLEMENT : Theorie et Construction de 1'Appareil he'licoidal des Arches biaises, par JULES DE LA GOURNERIE, redigees par ERNEST LEBON, 4to., with Atlas, containing 76 plates, folio 2 vols., hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 18s (p. F. 26 nett sewn) 1890 16296 LIE (Marius Sophus ; Prof. Geometry, Leipzig) GEOMETRIE der BERUHRUNGSTRANSFORMA- TIONEN, dargestellt von SOPHUS LIE und GEORG SCHEFFERS, I. [einziger] Band ; with diagrams, Svo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), 18s (p. M. 24 sewn) Leipzig, 1896 16297 - VORLESUNGEN iiber CONTINUIERLICHE GRUPPEN, mit geometrischen und anderen Anwendungen, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von GEORG SCHEFFERS ; with diagrams, large Svo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (fine copy), 18s (p. M. 24 sewn) ibidem, 1S93 16298 - , und Friedrich ENGEL; Prof. Mathematics, Greifswald: THEORIE der TRANS- FORMATIONSGRUPPEN, 3 vols. large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. red morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 2. 55 (p. M. 60 sewn) ib., 1888-93 'The finite continuous groups were first made the subject of general research by Sophus Lie, and applied by him to the integration of ordinary linear partial differential equations.' Prof. Cajuri. 16299 LIBBER (H.), und F. v. LtJHMANN : TRIGONOMETRISCHE AUFGABEN, 3. [letzte] Auflage ; with folding plate, Svo. red buckram, 3s (p. M. 4 sewn) Berlin, 1889 16300 LIEBLEIN (Johann) SAMMLUNG von AUFGABEN aus der ALGEBRAISCHEN ANALYSIS xum Selbstunterricht ; 2. [letzte] vermehrte Auflage, herausgegeben von W. LASKA, Svo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 4.50 sewn) Prag, 1889 16301 LIEBMANN (Heinrich, Univ. Leipzig) NICHTEUKLIDISCHE GEOMETRIE ; with 22 diagrams, large cr. Svo. cl., or, buckram, 4s (p. M. 6.50) Leipzig, 190 > 16302 LIQOWSKI (W.) TASCHENBUCH der MATHEMATIK : Tafeln und Formeln, 3. [neueste] vermehrte Auflage ; with woodcuts, post Svo. buckram, 2s Qd (p. M. 3 50) Berlin, 1893 Last edition of this excellent manual of mathematical formulae. 16303 LILIENTHAL (Franz Beinhold v. ; Prof. Mathematics, Miinster) GRUNDLAGEN einer KRUMMUNGSLEHRE der CURVENSCHAREN, roy. Svo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 5 sewn) Leipzig, 1896 16304 - \ r ORLESUNGEN iiber DIFFERENTIALGEOMETRIE, Band I und II. 1 [soweifc bisher erschienen] ; with diagrams, 2 vols. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g., Us (p. M. 23 sewn) ibidem, 1908-13 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 819 MATHEMATICS, continued : 16306 LIPSCHITZ (Rudolph Otto Siglsmund ; Univ. Bonn) LEHRBUCH der ANALYSIS (I. Grundla^en. II. Differential- und Integralrechnung), 2 vols. 8vo. hf. cl. (nice copy) ; SCAECE, 15s Bonn, 1877-80 16307 LISTING ( Johann Benedict ; Univ. Gottingen) VOESTUDIEN zur TOPOLOGIE ; with wood- cuts, 8vo. (pp. 68), sewn (scarce), 6s Qd Gottingen, 1848 ' Varioiis researches have been brought under the head of analysis situs. The subject was first investigated by Leibniz, and was later treated by Gauss, whose theory of knots has been employed by J. B. Listing.' Prof. Cajori. 16308 LOBATSCHEWSKY (NicoJai Ivanovitch) GEOMETRICAL RESEARCHES on the THEORY of PARALLELS, translated [with Introduction, and Appendix on Elliptic Geometry], by GEORGE BRUCE HALSTED, Univ. Texas, with 37 diagrams, roy. 8vo. cl., or, buckram (scarce), 10s Qd Austin, Texas, 1891 The only English translation of the author's celebrated researches on the theory of parallel lines the foundation of hyperbolic geometry. ' What Vesalius was to Galen, what Copernicus was to Ptolemy, that was Lobatschewsky to Euclid '.Professor Clifford. 16309 _ ETUDES GEOMETRIQUES sur la THEORIE des PARALLELES, traduit [avec Preface] par J. HOUEL, suivi d'un Extrait de la Correspondance de GAUSS et de SCHUMACHER ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 46), sewn (scarce), 6s [Bordeaux, 1866] The first French translation. v. ENGEL, ante. 16310 LOCK (John Bascombe, pr., Cains Coll.) TREATISE on ELEMENTARY and HIGHER TRIGONO- METRY; with Key to the Elementary Trigonometry by HENRY CARR, of Lagos, with diagrams, 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. and post 8vo. buckram, 8s (p. 16s) [1910] TREATISE on HIGHER TRIGONOMETRY [4th and last Edition, enlarged], with numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 2s 6d 1909 16312 -- ANOTHER COPY, also : TREATISE on ELEMENTARY TRIGONOMETRY, with illustrations 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 5s 6d (p. 9s in cl.) 1909-12 16313 LODGE (Alfred, Prof. Pure Mathematics, Cooper's Hill) DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS for BEGINNERS, with Introduction by SIR OLIVER JOSEPH LODGE, F.R.S., with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 4s 6d) 1902 16314 LONEY (Sidney Luxton, Roy. Hplloway Coll.) The ELEMENTS of COORDINATE GEOMETRY, 2nd (latest) Edition [revised], with diagrams, with the Solutions, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in one, hand- somely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 9s (p. 13s 6d nett in cl.) 1906 or '12 16315 - PLANE TRIGOMETRY, ivith diagrams, with Solutions, 2 thick vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, hand- somely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 11s (p. 18s in cl.) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1907-1896 16316 LONGCHAMPS (G. de) COURS d' ALGEBRE, 2 e [derniere] Edition ; with diagrams : SUP- PLEMENT (Trigometrie ; les Infiniment Petits ; les Quadratures ; Mecanique), 3 e [derniere] Edition, entierement refondue ; with numerous diagrams 2 thick vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (nice copy), 10s (p. F. 17.50 nett sewn) 1889-93 16317 - COURS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE a DEUX et TROIS DIMENSIONS ; with numerous diagrams, 2 thick vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (nice copy), JOs (p. F. 17.50 nett sewn) 1884 16318 - COURS de PROBLEMES de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. in 2, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. t. (as good as new), 16s 6d (p. F. 22.50 nett sewn) 1 898-9 16319 - VOLS. I AND II ONLY, with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, bucJcram, Is (p. F. 12.50 nett sewn) 1898-9 16320 LOK.ENTZ (Hendrik Antpon, Univ. Leyden) LEHRBUCH der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRAL- RECHNUNG, nebst Einfiihrung in andere Teife der Mathematik, mit bespnderer BeiiicksichtigiiDg der Bediirfnisse der Studierenden der Naturwissenschaften, unter Mitwirkucg des Verfassers iibersetzt von G. C. SCHMIDT, 2. [neueste] Auflage ; with 123 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 8s 60? (p. M. 12 sewn) Leipzig, 1907 16321 LORIA (Gino ; Univ. Genoa) Die HAUPTSACHLICHSTEN THEORIEN der GEOMETRIE in ihrer friiheren und heutigen Entwicklung, ins Deutsche iibertragen von FRITZ SCHUITE, mit Vorwort von R. STURM, 8vo. buckram, 3s Leipzig, 1888 16322 - SPEZIELLE ALGEBRAISCHE und TRANSCENDENTS EBENE KURVEN : Theorie und Geschichte, autorisierte, nach dem italienischen MS. bearbeitete deutsche Ausgabe von FRITZ SCHUTTE; with 17 folding plates ( finely LINEN-MOUNTED), thick 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 15s (p. M. 26 sewn) ibidem, 19C2 16323 - ZWEITE [NEUESTE] AUFLAGE ; with 20 folding plates (all neatly LINEN-MOUNTED), 2 vols. large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (fine copy), 1. 5s (p. M. 29 sewn) ibidem, 1910-11 16324 - VORLESUNGEN iiber DARSTELLENDE GEOMETRIE, autorisierte, nach dem italienischen MS. bearbeitete deutsche Ausgabe von FRITZ SCHUTTE, II. Teil : Anwendungen auf ebenflachige Gebilde, Kurven und Flachen ; with 146 diagrams, large 8vo. cl., 7s 6d (p. M. 12) ib., 1913 16325 LORMEATT (E.), et P. MEB.LET : PROBLEMES de GEOMETRIE, donne's aux Examens de Baccalaure"at, 1904-8 : ENONCES et SOLUTIONS ; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s [1909] 820 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued: 16327 LtfBSEN (H. B.) AUSFUHRLICHES LEHRBUCH der ARITHMETIK und ALGEBRA zum Selbstunterricht, 26. Auflage, 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 4 sewn) Leipzig, 1906 16328 AUSFUHRLICHES LEHRBUCH der ANALYTISCHEN und HOHERN GEOMETRIE zum Selbst- unterricht ; 15. Auflage neu bearbeitet von A. DONADT ; with 105 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 4 sewn) ibidem, 1908 16329 AUSFUHRLICHES LEHRBUCH der EBENEN und SPHARISCHEN TRIGONOMETRIE zum Selbstunterricht, 17. Auflage ; with 58 diagrams : AUSFUHRLICHES LEHRBUCH der ANALYSIS zum Selbstunterricht, 10. Auflage ; with diagrams 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 4s Qd (p. M. 6 sewn) ib., 1900-2 16330 EINLEITUNG in die INFINITESIMAL-RECHNUNG (Differential-und Integral-Rechnung) zum Selbstunterricht, mit Riicksicht auf das Notwendigste und Wichtigste, 8. Auflage ; with 54 diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 6s (p. M. 8 sewn) ib., 1899 16331 MATHEMATISCHE LEHRBUCHER, zum SELBSTUNTERRICHT mit Riicksicht auf die Zwecke des praktischen Lebens; with numerous diagrams, 4 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 12* (p. M. 18 sewn) ib., 1899-1904 INHALT : Ebene und spharische Trigonometric, 18. A. von A. DONADT, 1904 : Analytische und hohere Geometrie, 14. A., 1899 : Analysis, 10. A., 1902 : Infinitesmal-Rechung, 8. A., 1899. 16332 LUCAS (Edouard) RECREATIONS MATHEMATIQUES (Tome I 2e [derniere] Edition) ; with numerous illustrations, 4 vols. large cr. 8vo., 'PAPIER DE HOLLANDE' EDITION; red buckram, 1. 5s (p. F. 45.50 nett sewn) 1883-94 The best French modern work of the kind. 16333 THEORIE des NOMBRES, TOME I*r [ S eul paru] : Calcul des Nombres entiers et rationnels. Divisibilite arithmetique ; with illustrations, roy. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy], 10s Qd (p. F. 15 nett sewn) 1891 16334 LUROTH (Jakob; Univ. Freiburg i. B.) VORLESUNGEN liber NUMERISCHES RECHNEN ; with 14 diagrams, large Svo. buckram, 5s Qd (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1900 16335 LUTZ (Eugen) ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE der EBENE : elementares Lehrbuch ; with 132 diagrams, roy. Svo. cl., 6s (p. M. 9) Karlsruhe, 1909 16336 McATJLAY (Alexander; Univ. Tasmania) OCTONIONS ; a DEVELOPMENT of CLIFFORD'S Bi-QuATERNlONS, 8vo. c.,4s (p. 10s 6d) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1898 16337 McCLELLAND (William J.) TREATISE on the GEOMETRY of the CIRCLE, and some Extensions to CONIC SECTIONS by the Method of Reciprocation, with numerous Examples, numerous diagrams, large 12mo. buckram, 3s (p. 6s) 1891 16338 , and Thomas PRESTON, F.R.S. : TREATISE on SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, with Applications to Spherical Geometry, and numerous Examples, 3rd Edition (of Part I), with diagrams, 2 vols. cr. Svo. in 1, buckram, 4s (p. 8s Qd) 1890-86 16339 ANOTHER COPY (Pt. I 6th and Pt. II 2nd Edition), with diagrams, 2 vols. cr. Svo. in 1, cl., 5s (p. 8s Qd) 1900 16340 McDOWELL (J., F.R.A.S.) EXERCISES on EUCLID and in MODERN GEOMETRY ; 4 [last] Edition, with numerous diagrams, post Svo. cl., or, buckram, 3s 6d (p. Qs) Cambridge, 1892 16341 MAC^J de LEPINAY (A.) COMPLEMENTS d'ALGEBRE et NOTIONS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE, 4e Edition ; with 224 diagrams, Svo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 3s Qd 1898 18342 ClNQUlEME [DERNIERE] EDITION ; with 224 diagrams, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, 3s Qd s. d. 16343 ANOTHER COPY, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (nice copy), 4s 16344 MACH (Ernst, Univ. Vienna) SPACE and GEOMETRY in the Light of PHYSIOLOGICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, and PHYSICAL INQUIRY, from the German by THOMAS J. MCCORMACK, with 25 diagrams, large cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1906 16345 MAGNUS (Ludwig- Immanuel) SAMMLUNG von AUFGABEN und LEHRSATZEN aus der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE des RAUMES, cr. 4to. red buckram, 3s Qd Berlin, 1837 16346 MAILLET (Edmond Theodore ; Ecole des Fonts et Chaussees) INTRODUCTION a la THHORIE des NOMBRES TRANCENDANTS et des PROPRIETES ARITHMETIQUES des FONCTIONS, roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 7s Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1906 16347 MANGOLDT (Hans v. ; Prof. Mathematics, Danzig) ANWENDUNG der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG auf KURVEN und FLACHEN [aus Encyklopadie der mathematischen Wissenchaften] ; with diagrams, roy. Svo. (pp. 104), buckram, 3s [Leipzig, 1902] 16348 EINFUHRUNG in die HOHERE MATHEMATIK fur Studierende und zum Selbststudium ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g.(ftne copy), 1. 12s Qd (p.M. 40 sewn) ibidem, 1911-14 INHALT: I. Anfangsgriinde der Infinitesimalrechnung und aualytischen Geometrie: II. Difterentialrechnung : III. Integralrechnung. 16349 MANNHEIM (Col. Amedee, de VEcole Poly technique) PRINCIPES et DEVELOPPEMENTS de GEOMETRIE CINEMATIQUE, contenant nombreuses Applications a la The"orie des Surfaces ; ivith 186 diagrams, 4to. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 16s Qd (p. F. 25 nett sewn) 1894 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 82 MATHEMATICS, continued : 16352 MANNING (Henry Parker, Brown Univ.) GEOMETRY of FOUR DIMENSIONS, wt'tfi diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. 8s Qd nett) New York, 1914 16353 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY, ivith diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Boston [Mass.], 1903 16354 MANNOUBY (G., Univ. Amsterdam) METHODOLOGISCHES und PHILOSOPHISCHES zur ELEMENTAR-MATHEMATIK ; with diagrams, sq. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s Qd Haarlem, 1909 16355 MANSION (Paul, Univ. GHENT) ELEMENTS de la THEORIE des DETERMINANTS, avec de nombreux Exercises, 4e edition : CARNOY (Joseph, Univ. LOUVAIN) COURS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE : GEOMETRIE PLANE, 5e Edition ; with numerous diagrams 2 vols. 8vo. in IV buckram, 16* Qd 1883Louvain, 1891 16356 - - NOTICE sur les RECHERCHES de M. DE TILLY en METAGEOMETRIE [avec Notes biblio- graphiques], 8vo. (pp. 12), sewn (scarce), 4s s. I. [c. 1895] v. CARNOY, ante. 16357 MARC (Ludwig) AUFGABEN aus der HOHEREN MATHEMATIK, TECHNISCHENMECHANIK und DARSTELLENDEN GEOMETRIE bei der Vorprlifung an der K. Technischen Hochschule zu Miinchcn von 1901 ab, mit Losungen ; with 19 plates, besides diagrams, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. in 1, buckram, Qs (p. M. 8 sewn) Miinchen, 1907 16358 MABIE (Leon, actuaire de la Compaghie ' le Phenix ') TRAITE MATHEMATIQUE et PRATIQUE des OPERATIONS FINANCIERES ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 578), buckram (o. p.), 12s 189 16359 MARKOFF (Andrej Andrejevitch ; Univ. Petrograd) DIFFERENZENRECHNUNG, autorisierte* deutsche Ubersetzung von THEOPHIL FRIESENDORFF und ERICH PRUMM, rait Vorwort voni R. MEHMKE, roy. 8vo. buckram, 5s Qd (p. M. 7 sewn) Leipzig, 189& 16360 WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITSRECHNUNG, nach der 2. Auflage des russischen Werkes libersetztt von HEINRICH LIEBMANN ; with 7 diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cL, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 10s (p. M. 12 sewn) " ibidem, 1912 16361. MARTUS (Hermann C. E.) MATHEMATISCHE AUFGABEN, mit den ERGEBNISSEN und (JBUNGSBUCH, 11. und 2. Auflage ; with portrait, 4 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 12s (p. M. 19.40 in cl.) Dresden, 1903-6 16362 ANOTHER COPY (I II 12. A., Ill 3. A., IV 2. A.) ; with portrait, 4 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf.. black morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 14s (p. M. 19.40 in cl.) ibidem, 1906-13> 16363 BAND III und IV, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 4s 60? (p. M. 9.20) ib., 190L 16364 MATHEWS (George Ballard, F.R.S., Univ. Coll., Bangor) PROJECTIVE GEOMETRY, witfo diagrams, thick post 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. 5s) 1914 16365 THEORY of NUMBERS, Part I (all published), 8vo. cl., Qs (p. 12s) Cambridge, 1892: v. GRAY (A.), ante, and SCOTT (R. F.), post. 16366 MATTHEWS (Or. F.) MANUAL of LOGARITHMS, treated in Connexion with Arithmetic-,. Algebra, Plane Trigonometry, and Mensuration, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 189O 16367 MATTHIESSEN (Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig, Univ. Rostock) GRUNDZUGE der ANTIKEK und MODERNEN ALGEBRA der LITTER ALEN GLEICHUNGEN, 2. [neueste] Ausgabe, 8vo. (pp. 1017 K handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 7s Qd Leipzig, 1896 Pp. 964-1001 contain a valuable bibliography. 16368 MAUPIN (Georges) QUESTIONS d'ALGEBRE, avec Preface de C. A. LAISANT; with diagrams and large folding table, large 8vo. hf. roan, or, buckram (o.p.), 5s 1895- 16369 MELLOR (Joseph William, D.SC.) HIGHER MATHEMATICS for STUDENTS of CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS, with special Reference to Practical Work; 2nd [latest] Edition, enlarged, with 189 dia- grams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), 12s (p. 15s nett 'in cl.; 1905 A standard work on chemical mathematics, including an introduction to the Calculus. 16370 MERAY (Charles ; Univ. Dijon) LEQONS NOUVELLES sur r ANALYSE INFINITESIMALE et se& APPLICATIONS GEOMETRIQUES, 4 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 1. 5s (p. F. 40 nett sewn) 1894-8 CONTENU: I. Principes generaux : II. Etude monographique des principales Fonctions d'une seule Variable : III. Questions analytiques classiques : IV. Applications geometriques classiques. 16371 , NOUVEAUX ELEMENTS de GEOMETRIE, 3 e Edition : Reduction et Refonte partielle de 1' Edition de 1903 ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. F. 6 nett sewn) Dijon, 1906 16372 MEBBIMAN (Mansfield, Lehigh Univ.) The SOLUTION of EQUATIONS, 4th Edition, enlarged, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 4s Qd nett) New York, 1906 16373 TEXT-BOOK on the METHOD of LEAST SQUARES, 8th [latest] Edition, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 8s Qd nett) ibidem, 1907 16374 , and Robert Simpson WOODWARD, Carnegie Inst., Washington-. HIGHER MATHE- MATICS : a Textbook for Classical and Engineering Colleges, with diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new) ; o.p., 10s Qd ib., 1902 16375 METGER (Conrad) LEHRBUCH der GLEICHUNGEN 3. und 4. GRADES, nebst trigono- metrischer Auflosung der Gleichungen 2. Grades, large 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. M. 6 sewn) Bremer 'haven [1892JI 54 822 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued: 16377 MEYER (Antoine, Univ. LIEGE) EXPOSE ELEMENTAIRE de la THEORIE des INTEGRALES DEFINIES, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 6s Bruxelles, 1851 16378 VORLESUNGEN iiber WAHRSCHEINLICHKEITSRECHNUNG, deutsch bearbeitet von EMANUEL CZUBER, with diagrams, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 6s 6d (p. M. 12 sewn) Leipzig, 1879 ' Get ouvrage de Meyer est un resume tres-complet des plus importants travaux de Bernoulli, Moivre, Laplace, Poisson, "Gauss, Encke, Bienayme, etc., sur le calcul des probabilites; et Ton peut hardiment affirmer qu'il n'existe aucun traite aussi vaste sur la matiere, si Ton excepte la Theorie analytique des probabilites.' F. Folie. 16379 MEYER (Friedrich Wilhelm Franz ; Univ. Kdnigsberg) ALLGEMEINE FORMEN- und INVARIANTENTHEORIE, I. [einziger] Band: BINARE FORMEN, large cr. 8vo. cl., 6s (p. M. 9.60) Leipzig, 1909 16380 DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG ; with 49 diagrams, 2 vols. large cr. 8vo. cl., 12s (p. M. 19) ibidem, 1901-5 16381 DASSELBE (Bd. I 2. erweiterte Auflage) ; with 49 diagrams, 2 vols. large cr. 8vo. buckram, 13s (p. M. 19) ib., 1912-5 16382 tiber die THEORIE BENACHBARTER GERADEN und einen VERALLGEMEINERTEN KRUM- MUNGSBEGRIFF : eine Erganzung zu den Lehrbiichern iiber Differentialgeometrie ; with 5 dia- grams, roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 6s (p. M. 8 sewn^ ib., 1911 16383 MEYER (Gustav Ferdinand, Univ. Gottingen) VORLESUNGEN iiber die THEORIE der BESTIMMTEN INTEGRALS zwischen REELLEN GRENZEN, mit vorziigHcher Beriicksichtigung von P. GUSTAV LEJEUNE-DIRICHLET'S Vortragen iiber bestimmte Integrale; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy) ; SCARCE, 12s Leipzig, 1871 16384 MICHEL (Franqois) RECUEIL de PROBLEMES de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE : Solutions des Problemes donnas au Concours d'Admission a 1'Ecole Polytechnique, 1860-1900 ; with 70 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 4s (p. F. 6 nett sewn) 1900 16385 MILINOWSKI (A.) ELEMENT AR-SYNTHETISCHE GEOMETRIE der KEGELSCHNITTE ; with 195 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s 6d (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1882 16386 ANOTHER COPY ; also : der GLEICHSEITIGEN HYPERBEL ; with diagrams 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, buckram (' Hyperbel ' o. p.), 5s (p. 12.40 sewn) ibidem, 1882-3 16387 MILLET (L.) PRINCIPALES METHODEsdela GEOMETRIE MODERNE ; lithographed throughout, with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 5s Laval, 1870 16388 MILNE (John James, pr., St. John's Coll., Cantab.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on CROSS- RATIO GEOMETRY, with historical Notes, 129 diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 3s 6d (p. 6*) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1911 16389 WEEKLY PROBLEM PAPERS, with Notes, for the Use of Students preparing for Mathe- matical Scholarships, etc., with diagrams, 16mo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 4s 6d) 1891 16390 COMPANION to the WEEKLY PROBLEM PAPERS, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 4* (p. 10s 6d) 1888 16391 SOLUTIONS of the WEEKLY PROBLEM PAPERS, cr. 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 10s 6d) 1885 16392 , and R. F. DAVIS : GEOMETRICAL CONICS : the Parobola, and the Central Conic, with 103 diagrams, 2 parts cr. 8vo. cl., 2* 6d (p. 4s 6d) 1890-4 16393 MINCHIN (George Minchin: Cooper's Hill), and John Borthwick DALE, K.C.L. : MATHEMATICAL DRAWING, with 102 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 7s 6d nett) 1906 16394 MINIFIE (William) TEXT BOOK of GEOMETRICAL DRAWING, in which the Definitions and Rules of Geometry are familiarly explained, the practical Problems are arranged from the most simple to the more complex, etc. etc., with Essay on the Theory of Color: revised Edition, with 56 plates, roy. 8vo. cl., 10s (p. $4.00) New York, 1903 16395 MINKOWSKI (Hermann, Univ. Gottingen) DIOPHANTISCHE APPROXIMATIONEN : eine Einfiihrung in die Zahlentheorie ; with 82 diagrams, large 8vo. cl., 5s (p. M. 8) Leipzig, 1907 16396 - GEOMETRIE der ZAHLEN, large 8vo. buckram, 7s (p. M. 9 sewn) ib., 1910 16397 MOBITIS (August Ferdinand ; Prof. Astronomy, Leipzig) GESAMMELTE WERKE, I. Band, herausgegeben [mit Lebensbeschreibung (pp. 16)] von R. BALTZER ; with fine steel portrait and numerous diagrams, thick roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 12s Qd (p. M. 16 sewn) Leipzig, 1885 Including ' Der barycentrische Calcul. 16398 Der BARYCENTRISCHE CALCUL : ein neues Hiilfsmittel zur analytischen Behandlung der Geometric dargestellt und insbesondre auf die Bildung neuer Classen von Aufgaben und die Entwickelung mehrerer Eigenschaften der Kegelschnitte angewendet ; with 4 folding plates, 8vo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (SCARCE), 10s 6d ibidem, 1827 A classic of analytical geometry. 'His calculus is the beginning of a quadruple algebra, and contains the germs of Grassmann's marvellous system.' Prof. Cajori. 16399 MONTEIL (Lt.-Col. Parfait Louis) THEORIE du POINT : Geometric rectiligne et curvi- ligne, contenant les Solutions de la QUADRATURE du CERCLE, la TRISECTION de TANGLE, et la PROPOSITION de FERMAT, Edition nouvelle, considerablement simplified ; with folding plate (linen- mounted), 4to. buckram, 4s 6d 1912 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 823 MATHEMATICS, continued: 16401 MOIVRE (Abraham de ; deVInstitut; F.R.S., friend of Newton) The DOCTRINE of CHANCES ; or a Method of Calculating the PROBABILITIES of EVENTS in PLAY ; third Edition, fuller, clearer, and more correct than the Former, with medallion portrait by J. Dassier, and vignette, roy. 4to., LARGE PAPER ; old hf. calf (name cut off title], 1. 5s 1756 The last and best edition ; dedicated to Lord Carpenter, the victor over the Old Pretender. He introduced the principle that the probability of a compound event is the product of the probabilities of the single events composing it, and the whole subject, Todhunter remarks, 'owes more to him than to any other mathematician, with the single exception of Laplace'.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. ' His work on the theory of probability surpasses anything done by any other mathematician except Laplace. His principal contributions are his investigations respecting the Duration of Play, his Theory of Recurring Series, and his extension of the value of Bernoulli's theorem by the aid of Stirling's theorem.' Prof. Cajori. A very lull account of the above third edition will be found in Todhunter's History of the Theory of Probability . 16402 MONTESSUS [de BALLOBE] (Vicomte Robert de ; Univ. LILLE) LECONS EXEMENTAIRES sur le CALCUL des PROBABILITES ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 4s 6d (p. F. 7 nett sewn) 1908 16403 MONTFERRIER (Alexandre Andre Victor Sarrazin de) DICTIONNAIRE des SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES pures et appliquees [avec le SUPPLEMENT] ; ivith woodcuts and 80 plates, 3 vols. colombier 8vo. hf. French maroon morocco neat (SCARCE), 1. 1* 1835 40 ' Cette onvrage resume par ordre alphabetique 1'histoire de toutes les decouvertes faites dans ces sciences, leurs precedes actuels et leur application aux arts industriels, ainsi que la biographie des homines qui out aggraudi le cercle des connaissances positives '. Biogr. Gen. 16404 MOORE (Eliakim Hastings ; Univ. Chicago), Ernest Julius WILCZYNSKI, ejusdem Univ., and Max MASON, Wisconsin Dniv. : The NEW HAVEN MATHEMATICAL COLLOQUIUM: Lectures before the American Mathematical Society, roy. 8vo. cl., 9s (p. 13s 6d nett) New Haven, 1910 CONTENTS : Fundamental Closure and Dominance Properties of Classes of Functions of a General Variable : Funda- mental Composition Properties of Classes of Functions of a General Variable: Projective Differential Geometry: Selected Topics in the Theory of Boundary Value : Problems of Differential Equations. 16405 MORGAN (Augustus de ; F.R.S., Prof. Mathematics, Univ Coll., London} The DIFFEREN- TIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS, containing Differentiation, Integration, Development, Series, Differential Equations, Differences, Summation, Equations of Difterencies, CALCULUS of VARIA- TIONS, and Deh'nite Integrals, with Applications, and with ELEMENTARY ILLUSTRATIONS, 8vo. (pp. 869), hf. morocco neat, uncut, 10s 6d [1842] ' Still a standard work, and containing much that is original with the author.' Prof. Cajori. ' A work of great ability, and noticeable for the rigorous treatment of infinite series.' W. W. R. Ball. 1 The child of an artisan exercising any of the more ingenious manual arts, or of a savage in the state of life in which arts have made the progress which is possible without division of labour, mieht perhaps be considered as being most advantageously situated in this respect [of considerations connected with number and magnitude entering the mind in connexion with some application to the rough purposes of life] : but we think it beyond question that the children of the middle and upper classes in England, it may be throughout Europe, are in as unfavourable a position as any of their species '. Introduction. 16406 ESSAY on PROBABILITIES, and on their Application to Life Contingencies and INSURANCE OFFICES, with vignette by Finden, and diagrams, fcap. 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 4s [1838] A work of well-known excellence. ' The best popular, and at the same time most profound English work on the subject of probability is De Morgan's ' Essay on Probabilities '. Prof. Stanley Jevons. 1^407 TRIGONOMETRY and DOUBLE ALGEBRA, with frontispiece and diagrams, post 8vo. cl. (scarce), 10s 1849 'His ' double algebra ' was the forerunner of quaternions, and contained the complete geometrical interpretation of \/ -1 '. R.A.S. Monthly Notices. Sir W. R. Hamilton acknowledged the suggestions he received from the above work in inventing Quaternions in his Lectures on Qiuiternions. ' Double algebra means algebra in which each symbol stands for an object of thought having two distinct and inde- pendent qualities '. Preface. 16408 MOSNAT (E.) PROBLEMES de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE [avec les Solutions] (T. I 3 e et T. II III 2 e Edition) ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 15s (p. F. 21 nett sewn) [c. 1910] 16409 ANOTHER COPY, Tomes I et II, 2 e Edition; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 12s (p. F. 21 nett sewn) 1894-1905 16410 MOUCHOT (A.) Les NOUVELLES BASES de la GEOMETRIE SUPERIEURE (GEOMETRIE de POSITION) ; with 90 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 3s 6d (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1892 16411 MUIR (Sir Thomas, F.R.S. ; Supt.-Gen. Education, Cape Colony] The THEORY of DETERMIN- ANTS, in the HISTORICAL ORDER of DEVELOPMENT [to I860] , Vol. I in 2nd [latest] Edition, with 2 folding tables (linen-mounted), 2 thick vols. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g., 1. 7s 6d (p. 1. 14s nett in cl.) 1906-11 The only work on the history of determinants published in any language. 16412 TREATISE on the THEORY of DETERMINANTS, with Graduated Sets of Exercises, cr. 8vo. buckram (o. p.), 6s 1882 16413 MtJLLER (Aloys) Das PROBLEM des ABSOLUTEN RAUMES und seine Beziehung zum allge- meinen Raumproblem, large post 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 4 sewn) Braunschweig, 1911 16414 MULLER (E. R.) LEHRBUCH der PLANIMETRISCHEN KoNSTRUKTiONSAUFGABENgelostdurch geometrische Analysis ; with numerous diagrams, 3 v. : CRANZ (Heinrich) Das APOLLONISCHE BERUHRUNGSPROBLEM und verwandte Aufgaben ; with diagrams 4 vols. large 8vo. in 1, hand- somely bound in hf, black morocco, cl. sides, 10s Qd (p. M. 17 sewn) Bremerhaven [1890] 54 * 24 HfiN&Y SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 16416 MULLEB (Felix) MATHEMATISCHES VOKABULARIUM FRANZOSISCH-DEUTSCH und DEUTSCH- FRANZOSISCH, enthaltend die Kunstausdriicke der reinen und angewandten Mathematik, roy. 8vo. hf. pigskin (back worn), 14* (p. M. 20 in cl.) Leipzig, 1900 16417 MTJSSAT (E., des Fonts et Chaussees) RESUME des CONNAISSANCES MATHEMATIQUES neces- saires dans la PRATIQUE des TRAVAUX PUBLICS et de la Construction : Calcul infinitesimal ; Courbes du second Degre ; Mecanique rationnelle ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as neiv), Is (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1889 16418 ANOTHER COPY, hf. black morocco, 6s 16419 MTJTH (P.) GRUNDLAGEN der GEOMETRISCHEN ANWENDUNG der INVARIANTENTHEORIE, mit Begleitwort von M. PASCH, 8vo. buckram, '2s Qd Leipzig, 1895 16420 THEORIE und ANWENDUNG der ELEMENTARTHEILER, roy. 8vo. buckram, 6s (p. M. 8 sewn) ibidem, 1899 16421 NAVIEK. (Claude Louis Marie Henry ; de VInstitut) LEHRBUCH der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG, mit Zusatzen von J. LIOUVILLE ; deutsch herausgegeben, mit einer Abhandlung der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate von THEODOR WITTSTEIN, 4. [letzte] Aunage ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as goodasneiv), 6s Hannover, 1875 16422 LEHRBUCH der HOHEREN MECHANIK, deutsch bearbeitet von LUDWIG MEJER, mit Vorrede von TH. WITTSTEIN ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd ibidem, 1858 Forming a supplement to the foregoing work. 16423 MECHANIK der BAUKUNST (INGENIEUR-MECHANIK), mit Anhang von G. WESTPHAL und A. FOEPPL, iibersetzt von G. WESTPHAL, 2. Aunage ; with woodcuts, 8vo. bucJcram, 3s Qd ib. [1878] 16424 NERNST (Walter; Prof. Physical Chemistry, Berlin), und Arthur SCHOENFLIES ; Prof. Mathematics, Konigsberg : EINFUHRUNG in die MATHEMATISCHE BEHANDLUNG der NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN : kurzgefasstes Lehrbuch der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der CHEMIE, 5. Auflage ; with 69 diagrams, large 8vo. hand- somely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 6s Qd (p. M. 11 sewn) Berlin, 1907 16425 SECHSTE [NEUESTE] VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE ; with 84 diagrams, large 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, 10s (p. M. 14 in cl.) ibidem, 1910 Dedicated to the poor feckless Monistic jingo WILHELM OSTWALD who made such unlucky loud boasting in Sweden at the opening of the war. 16426 NETTO (Otto Erwin Johannes Eugen ; Prof. Mathematics, Giessen) Die DETERMINANTEN, large post 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd Leipzig, 1910 16427 ELEMENTARE ALGEBRA: akademische Vorlesungen ; with 19 diagrams, large 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. M. 4.40) ibidem, 1904 16428 GRUPPEN- und SUBSTITUTIONENTHEORIE, large cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. M. 5.20) ib., 1908 16429 LEHRBUCH der COMBINATORIK, roy. 8vo. cl., Qs (p. M. 9) ib., 1901 16430 VORLESUNGEN iiber ALGEBRA; with diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (fine copy), 1. Is (p. M. 28 sewn) ib., 1896-1900 16431 NEUBERG- (Joseph, Univ. LIEGE) COURS d'ALGEBRE SUPERIEURE [2 e et derniere Edition) ; with diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. F. 7.50 nett sewn) Liege, 1907 or '9 16432 COURS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE ; with 49 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 6s (p. F. 9 nett sewn) 190S 16433 NEUMANN (Carl Gottfried; Univ. Leipzig) Das DIRICHLET'SCHE PRINCIP und seine Anwendung auf die RIEMANN'SCHEN FLACHEN, 8vo. red buckram, Is Qd Leipzig, 1865 16434 VORLESUNGEN iiber RIEMANN'S THEORIE der ABEL'SCHEN INTEGRALS ; with plate and diagrams, 8vo. red buckram, 5s (p. M. 15 sewn) ibidem, 1865 16435 ZWEITE [LETZTE] VOLLSTANDIG UMGEARBEITETE UND WESENTLICH VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE ; with plate and diagrams, large 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 9s Qd (p. M. 12 sewn) ib., 1884 16436 NICOL (J.) COURS de GEOMETRIE COTEE a 1' Usage des Candidates a 1'EcOLE NAVALE ; 2 Edition ; with 198 diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 3s * 1900 16437 NIELSEN (Niels ; Prof. Mathematics, Copenhagen) HANDBUCH der THEORIE der CYLINDER- FUNKTIONEN, roy. 8vo. cl., 9s Qd (p. M. 14) Leipzig, 1904 18438 HANDBUCH der THEORIE der GAMMAFUNKTION, roy. 8vo. cl., 8s (p. M. 12) ibidem, 1906 16439 LEHRBUCH der UNENDLICHEN REIHEN, roy. 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., Ss (p. M. 11 sewn) ib., 1909 16440 THEORIE des FONCTIONS METASPHERIQUES : Cours professe a 1'Universite de Copen- hague, large 4to. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., Is Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1911 16441 NUNN (T. Percy, Prof. Education, Univ. London) EXERCISES in ALGEBRA (including TRIGONOMETRY), with the Answers, with frontispieces and diagrams, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. bud-ram, 6*6d(p. lls) 1913-14 16442 The TEACHING of ALGEBRA (including TRIGONOMETRY), with 158 diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 7s Qd) 1914 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 825 MATHEMATICS, continued : 16444 NIEWENGLOWSKI (B.) COURS d'ALGEBRE, 4 e Edition ; with diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo- hf. calf, 7s Qd 1897 16445 CINQUIEME EDITION, entierement refondue, avec le Supplement ; with diagrams, 3 vols. large 8vo. in 1 (pp. 922), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 10s Qd (p. F. 17.50 nett) 1902 16446 ANOTHER COPY, with the SUPPLEMENT (Vol. I 6e Edition), 3 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, Us 1902-8 16447 COURS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE ; with several hundred diagrams, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. in 2, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 17s Qd (p. F. 32 nett sewn) 1894-6 CONTENU: I. Sections Coniques : II. Construction dea Courbes planes. Complements relatifs aux Coniques : III. Ge'ometrie dans 1'Espace, avec Note sur les Transformations en Geometric par EMILE BOREL. 16448 DEUXIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. in 2, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 1. 4s (p. F. 33 nett sewn) 16449 NIXON (R. C. J., Peterhouse) EUCLID REVISED : the Essentials of the Elements as given in the first Six Books, with numerous Additional Propositions and Exercises ; 3rd [latest] Edition, with numerous diagrams: GEOMETRICAL EXERCISES from NIXON'S ' EUCLID REVISED,' with Solutions, by ALEXANDER LARMOR, Fellow of Clare 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), Qs Qd (p. 9s Qd in cl.) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1899-1901 16450 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. in 1, hf. pigskin neat, cl. sides, 5s Qd 16451 GEOMETRY in SPACE : containing Parts of Euclid's llth and 12th Books, and some Properties of Polyhedra and Solids of Revolution, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s apud eandem, ibidem, 1888 A supplement to the foregoing work. 16452 NOTH (Hermann) ARITHMETIK der LAGE: ein neues Hilfsmittel zur analytischen Behandlung der Raumlehre, mit Berlicksichtigung ebener geometrischer Gebilde erster und zweiter Ordnung ; with 20 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 2s Leipzig, 1882 16453 OCAGNE (Philbert Maurice d' ; Ecole Poly technique} CALCUL GRAPHIQUE et NOMO- GRAPHIE ; with 146 illustrations, post 8vo. buckram, 3s 1908 16454 COURS de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE et INFINITESIMALS ; with 340 illustrations, large 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 8s Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1896 16455 TRAITE de NOMOGRAPHIE: Theorie des Abaques. Applications pratiques; with folding plate (linen-mounted) and 177 illustrations, large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 10s (p. F. 14 nett sewn) 1899 16456 OLBRIGHT (Richard) LEHRBUCH der SCHLUSS- und KETTENRECHNUNG (der einfachen und zusammengesetzten Regeldetrie und des Reesischen Satzes), nebst Anwendungen, large 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd (p. M. 4.50 sewn) Bremerhaven [1891] 16457 ANOTHER COPY ; also : KLEYER (Adolph) LEHRBUCH der ZINSESZINS- und RENTEN- RECHNUNG, nebst Sammlung von Aufgaben 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, buckram, Qs (p. M. 10.50 sewn) ibidem [1893-85] 16458 OLIVIER (Theodore) COURS de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE, 7 v. ; with Atlases, comprising 238 plates (many finely LINEN-MOUNTED), 6 v. 13 vols. 4to. and roy. 4to. in 5, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (AS GOOD AS NEW), 2. 2s (p. F. 100 sewn) 1843-70 CONTENU : Cours de Geometric descriptive, 3e [derniere] Edition par E. ROUCHE, avec Additions, 3 v. : Developpe- ments de Geometric descriptive, avec Chapitre par M. SEERET: Complements de Geometric descriptive : Memoires de Ge'ometrie : Applications aux Ombres, a la Perspective. 16459 OSGOOD (William Fogg, Harvard Univ.] LEHRBUCH der FUNKTIONENTHEORIE, I. [einziger] Band ; with 150 illustrations, large 8vo. cl., 8s Qd (p. M. 15.60) Leipzig, 1907 16460 OSORIO (Antonio) THEORIE MATHEMATIQUE de I'ECHANGE, avec Introduction par VILFREDO PARETO, traduitpar JOSE d'ALMADA ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 5s 1913 16461 PAPELIER (G.) LECONS sur les COORDONNEES TANGENTIELLES, avec Preface de P. APPELL; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 7s (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1894-5 16462 PRECIS d'ALGEBRE, d' ANALYSE et de TRIGONOMETRIE ; 2 e Edition, mise en Harmonic avec le Nouveau Programme ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 4s Qd (p. F. 7.50 sewn) s. d. 16463 TROISIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g., 5s s. d. 16464 PRECIS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE ; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 7s (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1907 16465 PASCH (Moritz; Prof. Mathematics, Giessen) GRUNDLAGEN der ANALYSIS, ausgearbeitet unter Mitwirkung von CLEMENS THAER, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s Leipzig, 1909 16466 VORLESUNGEN iiber NEUERE GEOMETRIE ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd (p. M. 4.50 sewn) ibidem, 1882 826 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued: 16468 PASCAL (Ernesto ; Univ. Naples) Die DETERMINANTEN : eine Darstellung ihrer Theorie und Anwendungen mit Riicksicht auf die neueren Forschungen, berechtigte deutsche Ausgabe von HERMANN LEITZMANN.SVO. cl., Qs Qd (p. M. 10) Leipzig, 1900 16469 REPERTORIUM der HOHEREN MATHEMATIK (Definitionen, Formeln, Theoreme, Literatur), autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe nach einer neuen Bearbeitung des Originals von A. SCHEPP, 2 vols. post 8vo. cl., 12s (p. M. 22) ibidem, 1900-2 This edition contains portions not republished with the second. 16470 ZWEITE [NEUESTE] VOLLIG UMGEARBEITETE AUFLAGE der deutschen Ausgabe, unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Mathematiker herausgegeben von P. EPSTEIN and H. E. TIMERDING ; with diagrams, 2 vols. post 8vo. cl., 13? Qd (p. M. 20) ib., 1910 INHALT : I. i. Algebra, Differential- uni Inte^ralrechnung : II. i. Grundlagen der ebeuen Geometrie. 16471 Die VARIATIONSRECHNUNG, autorisierte deutsche Ausgabe von ADOLF SCHEPP, 8vo. cL,'2sQd ib., 1899 16472 PATJLY (Jean) NOTIONS ELEMENTAIRES du CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL et INTEGRAL, 2 e [derniere] Edition ; with, diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 5s (p. F. 8 nett sewn) 1909 16473 PEANO (Giuseppe; Univ. Turin) Die GRUNDZUGE des GEOMETRISCHEN CALCULS, autorisierte deutsche Ausgabe von ADOLF SCHEPP, 8vo. buckram, Is Qd Leipzig, 1891 16474 PERRON (Oskar ; Prof. Mathematics, Tubingen) Die LEHRE von den KETTENBRUCHEN, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 15s (p. M. 20 sewn) Leipzig, 1913 16475 PERRY (John, F.R.S. ; Roy. College of Science] The CALCULUS for ENGINEERS, 5th Impression [revised, with Appendix], with 106 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cL, 4s (p. 7s Qd) c. 1900 An excellent manual for those who have only an elementary knowledge of algebra and trigonometry. 16476 PESCHKA (Gustav Adolf V.,Technische Hochschule, Brilnn) FREIE PERSPECTIVE (CENTRALE PROJEKTION) in ihrer Begriindung und Anwendung ; 2. [neueste] vollstandig umgearbeitete Auflage ; with 29 plates and 30 diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo. original hf. morocco gilt (nice copy), 16s (p. M. 32) Leipzig, 1888-9 16477 PETERSEN (Peter Christian Julius ; Univ. Copenhagen) METHODES et THEORIES pour la RESOLUTION des PROBLEMES de CONSTRUCTIONS GEOMETRIQUES a plus de 400 Problemes, traduit par O. CHEMIN, 2 e Edition, large cr. 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd Copenhague, 1892 16478- METHODEN und THEORIEN zur AUFLOSUNG GEOMETRISCHER CONSTRUCTIONS - AUFGABEN, angewandt auf etwa 400 Aufgaben, ins Deutsche iibertragen von K. v. FISCHER- BENZON ; with diagrams, sq. post 8vo. red buckram, 2s Qd (p. M. 3.50 sewn) ibidem, 1879 16479 THEORIE des EQUATIONS ALGEBRIQUES, Traductiou par H. LAURENT ; with diagrams, 8vo. half black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 7s (p. F. 10 nett sewn) ib., 1897 16480 THEORIE der ALGEBRAISCHEN GLEICHUNGEN ; with diagrams, post 8vo. red buckram, 7s Qd (p. M. 10 sewn) ib., 1878 16481 PETIT BOIS (G-.) TABLES d'lNTEGRALES INDEFINIES, 4to. buckram, Qs Qd (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 19U6 16482 PFLIEGER (Wilhelm) ELEMENTARE PLANIMETRIE ; with 248 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cL, or, buckram, 3s (p. M. 4.80) Leipzig, 1901 The author was Direktor der Realschule zu Mtinster in Elsass, which may be expected to suffer a sea-change for the better before long. 16483 PICARD (Charles Emile, de VInstitut) TRAITE d'ANALYSE (Tome I er 2 e [derniere] Edition), 3 vols. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 1. 12s Qd (p. F. 49 nett sewn) ' 1901-1893 6 16484 - , et Georges SIMART : THEORIE des FONCTIONS ALGEBRIQUES de DEUX VARIABLES INDEPENDANTES, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, i.e. g. (fine copy], 18s Qd (p. F. 27 nett sewn) 1897-1900 16485 PICQ,UET (H., Capitaine du Genie) TRAIT de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE a DEUX DIMENSIONS ; with 127 diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 612), hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new], 10s (p. F. 15 nett sewn) 1832 10486 PIERPONT (James, Prof. Mathematics, Yale Univ.) LECTURES on the* THEORY of FUNC- TIONS of REAL VARIABLES, with diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 1. 10s (p. 2. nett in cl.) Boston [Mass., 1905-12] 16487 PILLET (Jules Jean) TRAITE de PERSPECTIVE LINEAIRE, precede du TRACE des OMBRES TTsUELLES (Rayon a 45) et du Rendu dans le Dessin d' Architecture et de Machines ; 3 e [derniere] Edition, considerablement augmentee ; with 449 illustrations, roy. 4to. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. Comets, etc., and of Matter projected from the Sun, with 161 diagrams, post 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 3s Qd (p. 10s Qd) 1878- 16503 PRUVOST (E.) LECONS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE al'Usage de la Classe des Mathematiques- speciales, 6 et 4e Editions ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 14s (p. F. 21.50 nett sewn) * * 16504 - , et D. PIERON: LECONS d'ALGEBRE (Tome I 2e Edition), 2 vols. thick 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t* e. g. (nice copy), 9s (p. F. 15 nett sewn) s. d. 1898 16505 PUCKLE (G. Hale, St. John's Coll., Cantab. ; Windermere Coll.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on CONIC SECTIONS and ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY, 4th Edition [revised, with a few Additions] , with diagrams, post 8vo. buckram (o. p.), 3s 60? (p. 7s Qd) 18 ?0 16506 PUND (Otto) ALGEBRA, mit Einschluss der ELEMENTAREN ZAHLENTHEORIE, large cr. 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 3s (p. M. 4.40) Leipzig, 1899 16507, RAFFY (Louis, de la Sorbonne) LECONS sur les APPLICATIONS GEOMETRIQUES de 1' ANALYSE (Elements de la Theorie des Courbes et des Surfaces) ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 5s (p. F. 7.50 nett sewn) 16508 RAUSENBERGER (Otto) LEHRBUCH der THEORIE der PERIODISCHEN FUNCTIONEN einer VARIABELN mit endlicher Anzahl wesentlicher Discontinuitatspunkte, nebst Einleitnng in die allgemeine Functionentheorie ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. cl., 6s (p. M. 10.80 sewn) Leipzig 1884 16509 REID (Legh Wilber, Haverford Coll.) The ELEMENTS of the THEORY of ALGEBRAIC NUM- BERS, with Introduction by DAVID HILBERT, Prof. Mathematics, Gottingen, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 11s (p. 15s nett) New York, \{ ' It has been my endeavor to' lead by easy stages a reader, entirely unacquainted with the subject, to an appreciation, of some of the fundamental conceptions in the general theory of algebraic numbers.' Preface. 828 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 16511 REIDT (Friedrich) SAMMLUNG von AUFGABEN und BEISPIELEN aus der TRIGONOMETRIE und STEREOMETRIE, mit den Auflb'sungen, 4. Auflage, neu bearbeitet von A. MUCH, 4 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 6s Qd (p. M. 9.80 sewn) Leipzig, 1894-7 16512 ANOTHER COPY, 4 vols. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), 7s 16513 VORSCHULE der THEORIE der DETERMINANTEN, Svo. cl. (scarce), 2s Qd ibidem, 1874 16514 Rl^MOND (A.) EXERCICES ELEMENTAIRES de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE a DEUX et TROIS DIMENSIONS, avec Expose des Methodes de Resolution, 2e [derniere] Edition ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. Svo. buckram, 9s (p. F. 14 nett sewn) 1891-8 16515 RESAL (Ame Henri, de Vlnstitut) EXPOSITION de la THEORIE des SURFACES ; with diagrams, Svo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 4s 1891 16516 REYE (Karl Theodor ; Univ. Strasbourg) Die GEOMETRIE der LAGE, 2. vermelirte Auflage ; with 6 folding plates, 2 vols. large Svo. in 1, hf. calf, 5s (p. M. 12 sewn) Hannover, 1877-80 16517 - DRITTE VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. large Svo. in 1, hf. polished maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), \2s Qd (p. M. 22 sewn) Leipzig, 1886-92 16518 - NEUESTE VERBESSERTE UND VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE (Bd. 1 5. und Bd. II III 4. Auflage) ; with 125 diagrams, 3 vols large Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy), 1. Is (p. M. 26 sewn) Stuttgart, 1907 Leipzig, 1910 One of the best text-books on synthetic geometry. 16519 RHEIMS ( J. F. H. de) FIRST PRACTICAL LINES in GEOMETRICAL DRAWING, with 68 plates, 8vo. cl. 3s (p. 9s) 1865 16520 BICE (John Minot, Prof. Math., U.S.N.), and William Woolsey JOHNSON, U.S. Naval Academy : ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, founded on the Method of Rates or Fluxions ; fourth Edition, with 80 diagrams, thick Svo. buckram, 8s (p. 18s) 1888 Discarding Lagrange's method of derived functions as objectionable, the authors improved on Newton's conception of rates and fluxions ' by deriving the differentials of the functions by an analytical method founded on the notion of rates, and entirely independent of the difficult conceptions of infinitesimal increments and of limiting ratios . . . resulting in a satisfactory method of obtaining the differentials of the simple functions ' (Preface). 16521 RICHARD (Jules Antoine) LECONS sur les METHODES de la GEOMETRIE MODERNE, nouvelle Edition, augmented ; with diagrams', large Svo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g. (o. p.), 6s 1900 16522 RICHARD (P. J.), et mile PETIT, actuaires : THEORIE MATHEMATIQUE des ASSURANCES' cr. Svo. buckram, 2s Qd . 1908 16523, RICHTER (Otto) KREIS und KUGEL in SENKRECHTER PROJEKTION ; with 147 diagrams, Svo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 3s Qd Leipzig, 1908 16524 RIEMANN (Georg Friedrich Bernhard, Univ. Gottingen) GESAMMELETE MATHEMATISCHE WERKE und wissenschaftlicher Nachlass, herausgegeben, unter Mitwirkung von R. DEDEKIND, von HEINRICH WEBER ; 2. [neueste] Auflage [mit Lebenslauf] , bearbeitet von H. WEBER ; with Jine steel portrait and illustrations, large Svo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 14s (p. M. 18 sewn) Leipzig, 1892 ' Like all of Riemann's researches, those on functions were profound and far-reaching. He laid the fouudation for a general theory of functions of a complex variable. The theory of potential, which up to that time had beeu used only in mathematical physics, was applied by him to pure mathematics.' Prof. Cajori. The above contains also his celebrated thesis, Grundlagen fiir eine allgemeine Theorie der Functionen einer veranderlichen complexen Grosse, ' which excited the admiration of Gauss to a very unusual degree ', and his famous memoir on the hypotheses on which geometry is founded. 16525 PARTIELLE DIFFERENTIALGLEICHUNGEN und deren Anwendung auf physikalische Fragen, bearbeitet und herausgegeben von KARL HATTENDORF ; 3. Ausgabe ; with 46 diagrams, Svo. red buckram, 4s Qd (p. M. 8 sewn) Braunschweig, 1882 16526 - VIERTE AUFLAGE, neu bearbeitet von HEINRICH WEBER ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound inhf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 13s Qd (p. M. 20 sewn) ibidem, 1900-1 16527 RiaUIER (Charles Edmond Alfred, Univ. Caen) Les SYSTEMES d'EQUATiONS aux DERIVEES PARTIELLES ; with diagrams, roy. Svo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 14s (p. F. 20 nett sewn) 1901 16528 RITT (Georges, Inspecteur general de instruction publique) PROBLEMES d'ALGEBRE et EXERCICES de CALCUL ALGEBRIQUE, avec les Solutions, 4^ Edition, Svo. hf. calf, 3s 1S56 16529 PROBLEMES d' APPLICATION de I'ALGEBRE a la GEOMETRIE, avec les Solutions developpdes ; 2e Edition ; with 7 folding plates, Svo. buckram (o.p.), 3s 1857 16530 PROBLEMES de GEOMETRIE et de TRIGONOMETRIE, avec la Methode a suivre pour la Resolution des Problemes de Geometric et les Solutions, 6 e [derniere] Edition ; with Q folding plates (linen-mounted), Svo. buckram (o. p.), 3s Qd 1873 ,16531 PROBLEMES de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE, avec les Solutions developpe"es, 2e Edition ; with 9 plates, Svo. cl., 3s 1859 16532 ROBERTS (Ralph Augustus, T.C.D.) TREATISE on the INTEGRAL CALCULUS, PART I (all pub.) : Elementary Account of ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS and APPLICATIONS to PLANE CURVES, with 34 diagrams, post Svo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g. (o.p.), 4s Qd (p. 10s Qd) Dublin, 1887 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 829 MATHEMATICS, continued : 16534 ROHN (Karl; Prof. Mathematics, Dresden), und Erwin PAPPERITZ; Prof. Mathe- matics, Freiberg: LEHRBUCH der DARSTELLENDEN GEOMETRIE, 3. umgearbeitete Auflage (Bd. I 2. Auflage) ; with 592 illustrations, 3vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (fine copy], 14s (p. M. 27 sewn) Leipzig, 1901-6 16535 ROUCHE, (Eugene ; de VImtitut), et Charles de COMBEROTJSSE : TRAITE de GEO- METRIE ; 6e Edition, augmentee ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, 7s (p. F. 17 nett sewn) 1891 16536 SEPTIEME EDITION, revue et augmentee par EUGENE ROUCHE ; with numerous diagrams, 2 thick vols. 8vo. in 1 (pp. 1272), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 10* (p. F. 17 nett sewn) 1900 16537 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols., hf. morocco neat, 9s 16538 , et Lucien LEVY : ANALYSE INFINITESIMALE a 1'Usage des INGENIEURS ; with 95 diagrams, 2 thick vols. roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new], 1. Is (p. F. 30 nett sewn) 1900-2 16539 RTJCHONNET (Charles, de Lausanne] EXPOSITION GEOMETRIQUE des PROPRIETES GENERALES des COURSES, 6 [derniere] edition, augmentee; ivith 1 folding plates (linen- mounted), 8vo. buckram, 2s 6d Lausanne, 1901 16540 RTJNGE (Carl David Tolme, Univ. Gottingen) ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE der EBENE ; with 75 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 6) Leipzig, 1908 16541 PRAXIS der GLEICHUNGEN; with folding plate, large cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. M. 5.20) ibidem, 1900 16542 THEORIE und PRAXIS der REIH EN ; with 8 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 4s Qd (p. M. 7) ib. t 1904 165 i3 RUSSELL (Hon. Bertrand Arthur Williani ; late Fellow of Trinity, F.R.S.) ESSAY on the FOUNDATIONS of GEOMETRY, 8vo. cl., uncut (o. p.), 7s Qd Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1897 This is by the person who has said that all the peoples allied or enemy giving up their lives in the War, while he lives at ease in Cambridge, are like dogs who fight one another because they dislike each other's smell. 16544 ESSAI sur les FONDEMENTS de la GEOMETRIE, Traduction par ALBERT CADENAT, revue et annotee par Louis COUTURAT ; with 11 diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 5s Qd (p. F. 9 nett sewn) 1901 16545 The PRINCIPLES of MATHEMATICS, Vol. I (all published), roy. 8vo. cl., uncut (o. p.), 12s Qd Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1903 This important work was continued by WHITEHEAD and RUSSELL'S PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA (q. v. post). 16546 RUSSELL (John Wellesley, Balliol Coll.] ELEMENTARY TREATISE on PURE GEOMETRY, with numerous Examples, numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 10s Qd) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1893 16547 NEW AND REVISED EDITION, with folding plate and diagram; with the Sequel and Solutions, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. cl., 14s (p. 1. 5s Qd nett) apudeandem, ibidem, 1905-8 1 Attempting to bring together all the well-known theorems and examples connected with Harmonics, Anharmonics, Involution, Projection (including Homology), and Reciprocation.' Preface. 16548 SACHS (J.) LEHRBUCH der PROJEKTIVISCHEN (NEUEREN) GEOMETRIE (synthetische neuere Geometrie, Geometric der Lage), nehst Sammlung von Aufgaben und deren Ergebnisse ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. sq. 8vo. in l,hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, 10s Qd (p. M. 19 sewn) Bremerhaven [1900] -7 16549 ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. in 2, buckram, 9s v. KLEYER, ante. 16550 SALMON (George, pr. ; F.R.S., Provost T. C. D.) LESSONS INTRODUCTORY to the MODERN HIGHER ALGEBRA, 4th [last] Edition [enlarged and rewritten] , 8vo. cl. (FRESH COPY) ; VERY SCARCE, 1. 10* Dublin, 1885 ' The investigations of Cayley and Sylvester [to whom the work is dedicated] into the invariants of qualities were beginning to attract attention ; and Salmon proceeded to apply their results to geometrical theory, the result being Lessons Introductory to the Modern Higher Algebra, in which he incorporated much original matter.' Abp. Bernard. ' No account of contemporary writings on higher algebra would be complete without a reference to the admirable text- books by G. Salmon, in his Higher Algebra, and by J. A. Serret, in his Cours d'algebre superieure [q. v. post], in which the chief discoveries of their respective authors are embodied.' W. W. R. Ball. 16551 TREATISE on the ANALYTIC GEOMETRY of THREE DIMENSIONS, 4th Edition [enlarged and rewritten], thick 8vo. hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy], 7s Qd (p. 15s in cl.) ibidem, 1882 16552 FIFTH [LATEST] EDITION, revised by REGINALD A. P. ROGERS, T.C.D., 2 vols. 8vo. hf. blaek morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 12s (p. 16s Qd in cl.) 1912-15 ' The sections on the general theory of surfaces are specially remarkable.' A bp. Bernard. 16553 TREATISE on CONIC SECTIONS, with Account of some of the most important Modern Algebraic and Geometric Methods, 5th Edition, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 12s) 1869 16554 SIXTH [FINAL] EDITION, with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 6s (p. 12s) 1S79 'Admirably arranged, and constructed with an unerring sense of the distinction between important principles and mere details, it exhibited more fully than any other book of the time at once the power of the Cartesian co-ordinates and the beauty of geometrical method ; and for half a century it was the leading text-book on its subject.' Abp. Bernard. 830 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 16556 SALMON (George, pr. ; F.R.S., Provost T. C. D.) TRAITE cle GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE (SEC- TIONS CONIQUES), contenant un Expose des Methodes les plus importantes de la Geometric et de 1'Algebre modernes, traduit par H. RESAL et V. VAUCHERET ; with 124 diagrams, 8vo. hf. morocco, Is Qd 1870 ' Nous esperons que cet ouvrage ne tardera pas a devenir classique en France, conime il Test deja en Augleterre.' Tradiicteurs. 16557 ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE der KEGELSCFINITTE, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der neueren Methoden, frei bearbeitet von WILHELM FIEDLER, 5. umgearbeitete Auflage; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. maroon morocco neat, cL sides (nice copy), 9s (p. M. 16.80 sewn) Leipzig, 1887-8 16558 TREATISE on the HIGHER PLANE CURVES: a Sequel to 'Conic Sections', 3rd [last] Edition, with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g. (VERY SCARCE), 2. 10s Dublin, 1879 'Embodying the chief discoveries of its author.' W. W. R. Ball. ' A subject of which little was then known, and which was introduced to the ordinary student by Salmon's labours.' Abp. Bernard. ' Salmon helped powerfully towards the spreading of a knowledge of the new algebraic and geometric methods by the publication of an excellent series of text-books.' Prof. Cajuri. ' Upon these four treatises his fame as a mathematician rests. . . . Salmon's methods made little use of the calculus, or of the quaternion analysis invented by his contemporary, Sir W. R. Hamilton; nor, again, did he ever handle the non-Euclidean geometry. His strength lay in his complete mastery of geometric and algebraic processes, and this, coupled with his indefatigable industry as a calculator, enabled him to produce original work of permanent value.' Abp. Bernard. The always striking fellowship of theology and mathematics has seldom had a greater example than in Dr. Salmon, and the weight it lent him was a source of strength to the Irish Church throughout the throes of disestablishment and reconstruction, as well as to Christian evidence. 16559 SANDEN (Horst v., Univ. Gottingen) PRAKTISCHE ANALYSIS ; with 30 diagrams, post 8vo. buckram, 3s Leipzig, 1914 16560 S ANTERRE (S.) PsYCHOLOGiE du NOMBRE et les OPERATIONS ELEMENTAIRES de I'ARITH- METIQUE, avec Preface par PIERRE JANET, roy. 8vo. cL, 3s 1907 16561 SAUERBECK (Paul) EINLEITUNG in die ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE der HOHEREN ALGEBRA- ISCHEN KURVEN nach der Methode von JEAN PAUL DE GUA DE MALVES : ein Beitrag zur Kurvendiskussion ; with 76 diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 6s (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1902 16562 SAUVAGE (P.) Les LIEUX GEOMETRIQUES en GEOMETRIE ELEMENTAIRE ; with 47 diagrams, large post 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd 1893 16563 SCHAFHEITLIN (Paul) Die THEORIE der BESSELSCHEN FUNKTIONEN ; with folding plate, post 8vo. stiff wrapper, 2s Leipzig, 1908 16564 SCHEFFERS (Georg Wilhelm; Prof. Protective Geometry, Charlottenburg) ANWENDUNG der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG auf GEOMETRIE ; with numerous illustrations, 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. crushed blue Levant morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 15s (p. M. 23 sewn) Leipzig, 1901-2 IKHALT: I. Einfiihrung in die Theorie der Curven in der Ebene und im Ramne : II. Einfiihrung in die Theorie der Fliichen. 16565 LEHRBUCH der MATHEMATIK fiir Studierende der Naturwissenschaften und Technik : Einfiihrung in die Differential- und Integral rechnung und in dieanalytische Geometrie, 2. [neueste] verbesserte Auflage ; with 413 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 740), hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 14s (p. M. 18 sewn) ibidem, 1911 16566 - - ANOTHER COPY, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 13s Qd 16567 SCHEFFLER (Hermann) Die MAGISCHEN FIG y REN : allgemeine Lb'sung und Erweiterung eines aus dem Alterthume stammenden Problems ; with 2 plates, 8vo. sewn, 2s Leipzig, 1882 16568 - Die POLYDIMENSIONALEN GROSSEN und die VOLLKOMMENEN PRIMZAHLEN : with 42 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 5.60 sewn) Braunschiveig , 1880 A German should have been above such a barbarism as ' polydimensional'. 16569 SCHELL (Wilhelm, Technische Hochschule, Karlsruhe) ALLGEMEINE THEORIE der CURVEN DOPPELTER KRUMMUNG in rein geornetrischer Darstellung, 2. [neueste] erweiterte Auflage ; with 58 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 5 sewn) Leipzig, 1898 16570 SCHENDEL (Leopold) ELEMENTS der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE der EBENE in TRILINEAREN COORDINATEN, large post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. M. 6 sewn) Jena, 1874 16571 GRUNDZUGE der ALGEBRA nach GRASSMANN'SCHEN PRINZIPIEN, 8vo. buckram, 2s Halle, 1885 16572 SCHLEGEL (Victor) SYSTEM der RAUMLEHRE, nach den Principien der GRASSMANN'SCHEN AUSDEHNUNGSLEHRE und als Einleitung in dieselbe ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 4s (p. M. 11 sewn) Leipzig, 1872-5 16573 - ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (nice copy), 5s 16574 THEORIE der HOMOGENEN ZUSAMMENGESETZTEN RAUMGEBILDE ; with 9 plates, roy.4to. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 6s (p. M. 12.50 sewn) Halle, 1883 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 831 MATHEMATICS, continued : 16576 SCHLESINGER (Ludwig 1 ; Univ. Klausenburg) EiNFUHRUNG in die THEORIE der DIFFE- RENTIALGLEICHUNGEN mit einer unabhangigen Variabeln, large cr. 8vo. buckram, 4s Qd (p. M. 8) Leipzig, 1900 16577 ZWEITE [NEUESTE] REVIDIERTE AUFLAGE, large cr. 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. M. 8) ibidem, 1904 16578 HANDBUCH der THEORIE der LINEAREN DIFFERENTIALGLEICHUNGEN ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. in one (pp. 1516), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. o., 1. 15 (p. M. 50 sewn) 6., 1895-8 16579 SCHLIMBACH (August) POLITISCHE ARITHMETIK, insbesondere Zinseszins-, Sparkassen-, Renten-, Anleihe-, Kurs- und Rentabilitats-Rechnung, nebst Faktoren-Zusammenstellung, rov. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (fine copy], 8s (p. M. 10 sewn) Frankfurt a. M., 1902 Before the war is over Imperial ' Political Arithmetic ' will be proving to an at last doubting but still docile people that thousands of women and children have been murdered by Zeppelins, and that the exchange value of the mark is at a premium. , 16580 SCHLOMILCH (Oskar) COMPENDIUM der HOHEREN ANALYSIS, 5. and 3. Auflage ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 10s (p. M. 18 sewn) Braunschweig, 1881-79 16581 LATEST EDITION (Bd. I 5. und Bd. II 4. Auflage) ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 14s (p. M. 18 sewn) ibidem, 1881-95 16582 HANDBUCH der ALGEBRAISCHEN ANALYSIS, 6. [neueste] Auflage, 8vo. hf. cl., Qs Qd (p. M. 9 sewn) Jena, 1881 16583 ANOTHER COPY, hf. black calf neat, cl. sides, 7s Qd Stuttgart, 1889 16584 GRUNDZUGE der WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN DARSTELLUNG der GEOMETRIE des MASSES, Heft 1-2 (Planimetrie und ebene Trigonometric), 7. und 6. [neueste] Auflage ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 3s Leipzig, 1888-3 16585 HANDBUCH der MATHEMATIK, herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung von F. REIDT und RICHARD HEGER ; with 12 folding plates and numerous diagrams, 2 thick vols. roy. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides, 16s Qd (p. M. 13.80 sewn) Breslau, 1879-81 16586 ZWEITE [NEUESTE] AUFLAGE, herausgegeben von R. HENKE und R. HEGER ; with 32 folding plates (linen-mounted}, and 696 diagrams, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pig- skin, cl. sides (FINE COPY), 2. 5s (p. M. 60 sewn) Leipzig, 1904 16587 UBUNGSBUCH zum Studium der HOHEREN ANALYSIS, 4. und 3. Auflage ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. maroon morocco neat, Is Qd (p. M. 13.60 sewn) ibidem, 1888-2 16588 NEUESTE AUFLAGE von E. NAETSCH und R. HENKE (Bd. I 5. und Bd. II 4. A.) ; ivith diagrams, 2 vols, 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (nice copy], 13s (p. M. 18 incl.) ib., 1900-4 16589 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), 14s 16590 SCHLOTKE (J.) ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE der EBENE ; with 97 diagrams, large Svo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. M. 6.80 sewn) " Dresden, 1891 16591 Die KEGELSCHNITTE und ihre wichtigsten Eigenschaften in elementar-geometrischer Behandlung ; with 129 diagrams, Svo. buckram, 2s Qd ibidem, 1903 16592 LEHRBUCH der DARSTELLENDEN GEOMETRIE (Bd. I 6. A., 113. A. und III 2. A.) ; with 2 plates and 034 text-illustrations, 4 vols. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morooco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 10s (p. M. 14.80 sewn) Leipzig, 1896-1905 16593 LEHRBUCH der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG ; with 106 diagrams, large Svo. buckram, Qs (p. M. 7.80 sewn) Dresden, 1903 16594 SCHMEHL (Chr.) Die ELEMENTE der DARSTELLENDEN GEOMETRIE ; with numerous diagrams* 2 vols. roy. Svo. in 1, buckram, 2s Qd (p. M. 5 sewn) Giesse'n, 1899 16595 SCHMIDT (E.) HANDBUCH zur DISCUSSION von CURVEN EINFACHER und DOPPELTER KRUMMUNG, Svo. buckram, 2s Qd Hamburg, 18S1 16596 SCHOENFLIES (Artur Moritz ; Prof. Mathematics, Konigsberg) EINFUHRUNG in die HAUPTGESETZE derzEiCHNERisCHENDARSTELLUNGSMETHODEN ; with 9$ diagrams, Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 2s Leipzig, 1908 16597 ENTWICKELUNG der MENGENLEHRE und ihrer Anwendungen : Umarbeitung des im VIII. Bande der Jahresberichte der deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung erstatteten Berichts, gemeinsam mit HANS HAHN herausgegeben, 2 vols. roy. Svo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 1. 2s Qd (p. M. 28 sewn) ibidem, 1913-8 Part I is in the 2nd, and Part II in the first and only edition, entitled ' Entwickelung der Lehre von den Puuktmannig- faltigkoiten,' which is now out of print and scarce. 16598 Die ENTWICKELUNG der LEHRE von den PUNKTMANNIGFALTIGKEITEN : Bericht erstattetder deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Svo. buckram (o. p.), 8s ib. t 1910 16599 La GEOMETRIE du MOUVEMENT : Expose synthetique, traduit par CH. SPECKEL ; Edition revue et augmentee par PAuteur, suivie de Notions geometriques sur les Complexes et les Congruences de Droites par G. FOURET ; with diagrams, large post Svo. red buckram, 4s (p. F. 6.50 nett sewn) 1893 832 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 16601 SCHNUSE (C. H.) Die GRUNDLEHREN der NEUERN GEOMETRIE, I. [einziger] Theil : Theorie des anharmorischen Verhaltnisses, der homographischen Theilung und Involution u.s.w., nach CHASLES frei bearbeitet ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd Braunschweig, 1856 16602 SCHOUTE (Pieter Hendrik, Univ. Groningeri) MEHRDIMENSION ALE GEOMETRIE ; with 155 diagrams, 2 vols. large cr. 8vo. cl., 12s Qd (p. M. 20) Leipzig, 1902-5 16603 SCHREIBER (Guide-) LEHRBUCH der PERSPEKTIVE, mit Anhang liber den Gebrauch geometrischer Grundrisse ; 3. [letzte] Auflage von A. F. VIEHWEGER und LUDWIG NIEPER ; with 13 plates and 180 woodcuts, impl. 8vo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 6s (p. M. 10 sewn) Leipzig [1886] 16604 SCHRODER (Ernst ; Prof. Mathematics, Karlsruhe) LEHRBUCH der ARITHMETIK und ALGEBRA, I. [einziger] Band: die SIEBEN ALGEBRAISCHEN OPERATIONEN, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1873 16605 VORLESUNGEN liber die ALGEBRA der LOGIK (EXAKTE LOGIK), Band I and II. i. Abteilung; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 15* (p. M. 28 sewn) ibidem, 1890 16606 SCHRODER (J.) DARSTELLENDE GEOMETRIE, I. [einziger] Teil : ELEMENTS ; with 326 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. M. 7) Leipzig, 11 16607 SCHRON (Ludwig- ; Jena Observatory) SlEBENSTELLiGE GEMEINE LOGARITHMEN der Zahlen von 1 bis 108000 und der Sinus, Cosinus, Tangenten und Cotangenten aller Winkel des Quadrates von 10 zu 10," 14. revidirte Stereotyp-Ausgabe, roy. 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 4s Braunschweig, 1875 16608 VIERUNDZWANZIGSTE REVIDIRTE STEREOTYP-AUSGABE, roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, 5s (p. M. 7.30) ibidem, 190 16609 ANOTHER COPY, hf. morocco, r. e., 4s Qd ' The most powerful and best printed ten -second -tables which I have seen.' Professor de Morgan. 16610 SCHROTER (Heinrich Eduard ; Prof. Mathematics, Breslau) THEORIE der OBERFLACHEN ZWEITER ORDNUNG und der RAUMKURVEN DRITTER ORDNUNG als Erzeugnisse projektivischer Gebilde, nach JACOB STEINER'S Prinzipien auf synthetischem Wege abgeleitet ; with 45 diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 12s (p. M. 16 sewn) Leipzig, 1880 16611 SCHRUTKA Edler v. Rechtenstamm'(Lothar, Briinn) ELEMENTS der HOHEREN MATHE- MATIK fur Studierende der technischen uud Naturwissenschaften ; with 136 illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 8s (p. M. 10 sewn) Wien, 1912 16612 SCHUBERT (Franz) Die DARSTELLENDE GEOMETRIE, Band I II ; with numerous illus- trations, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. piqskin, cl. sides, 6s (p. M. 9.50 in cl.) Mittweida [1899] 16613 SCHUBERT (Hermann Casar Hannibal) KALKUL der ABZAHLE^TDEN GEOMETRIE, 8vo. buckram, 5s Qd (p. M. 9.60 sewn) Leipzig, 1879 16614 - MATHEMATISCIIE MUSSESTUNDEN : eine Sammlung von Geduldspielen, Kunststiicken und Unterhaltungsaufgaben mathematischer Natur, GROSSE AUSGABE, 3. [neueste] Autlage, 3 vols. post 8vo. buckram, IsQd (p. M. 12) ibidem, 1907-9 16615 KLEINE AUSGABE, 3. [neueste] Auflage, 12mo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 5) ib., 1907 16616 - NIEDERE ANALYSIS, 2 vols. large cr. 8vo., cl., 4s (p. M. 7.40) ib., 1902 16617 SCHULZE (Edmund), und Franz PFAHL : MATHEMATISCHE AUFGABEN : Ausgabe fiir Realgymnasien u.s.w., 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 4s (p. M. 7) Leipzig, 1908 16618 SCHUR (Friedrich; Univ. Strasbourg) GRUNDLAGEN der GEOMETRIE ; with 63 illustra- tions, large 8vo. buckram, 4s Qd (p. M. 6 sewn) Leipzig, 1909 16619 - LEHRBUCH der ANALYTISCHEN GEOMETRIE, 2. [letzte] vermehrte Auflage; with 81 diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. M. 6.50 sewn) ibidem, 1912 16620 SCHURIG (B. E. Richard) LEHRBUCH der ARITHMETIK, 3 vols.Svo. hf. cl. (v. Ill buckram), 8s (p. M. 19) Leipzig, 1883-5 16621 - ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 9s INHALT: I. Spezielle Zahlenlehre (Zifferrechnen) .- II. Allgemeine Zahleulehre (Buchstabenrechnung) : III. Algebra, nebst Anwendung auf die Analysis. 16622 SCHURIG (Friedrich ; Prof. Geometry, Karlsruhe) LEHRBUCH der ANALYTISCHEN GEO- METRIE ; with 76 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s &d (p. M. 7) Leipzig, 1898 16623 SCHUSSLER (Rudolf, Technischc Hochschule, Graz) ORTHOGONALE AXONOMETRIE : ein Lehrbuch zum Selbststudium, large 8vo. cl. ; with Atlas, containing 29 plates, oblong 4to. buckram 2 vols., 4s Qd (p. M. 7) Leipzig, 1905 16624 SCHWARZ (Hermann) ELEMENTEder ZAHLENTHEORIE, allgemein fasslich dargestellt, 8vo. cl., 3s &d Halle.1855 16625 SCHWERING (Karl Maria Johann Gerhard) LEHRBUCH derKLEiNSTEN QUADRATE; with 3 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 2s Freiburg i. B., 1909 16626 - THEORIE und ANWENDUNG der LINIENCOORDINATEN in der ANALYTISCHEN GEO- METRIE der EBENE ; with 2 plates and diagrams, Svo. buckram, 2s Leipzig, 1884 HENRY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STKA1SD, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 833 MATHEMATICS, continued : 16628 SCOTT (Charlotte Angas, Girton Coll. ; Prof. Mathematics, Bryn Mawr Coll., Pa.} INTRO- DUCTORY ACCOUNT of CERTAIN MODERN IDEAS and METHODS in PLANE ANALYTICAL GEO- METRY, with 64 diagrams, 8vo. cl. (o. p.], 10* 1894 16629 SCOTT (Robert Forsyth ; Master of St. John's Coll., Cantab.} TREATISE on the THEORY of DETERMINANTS and their APPLICATIONS in ANALYSIS and GEOMETRY, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 12s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1880 16630 SECOND [LATEST] EDITION, revised by GEORGE BALLARD MATHEWS, F.R.S., 8vb. cl., 6s (p. 9s nett) apud eandem, ibidem, 1904 ' The principal novelty of the treatise lies in the systematic use of Grassmann's alternate units, by means of which the study of determinants is, I believe, much simplified.' Preface. 16631 SEEGER (H.) Die FUNDAMENTALTHEORIEEN der NEUEREN GEOMETRIE und die Elemente der Lehre von den Kegelschnitten ; with diagrams, large post 8vo. buckram, 2s Braunschweig, 1880 16632 SEGrUIER (Jean Armand de) THEORIE des GROUPES FINIS : ELEMENTS de la THEORIE des GROUPES ABSTRAITS, roy. 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 3s Qd (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1904 16633 ANOTHER COPY, also : THEORIE des GROUPES de SUBSTITUTIONS 2 vols. 8vo. in one, hand- somely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new}, 9s (p. F. 15 nett sewn) 1904-12 16634 SEIPP (H.) LEHRBUCH der RAUMLICHEN ELEMENTAR-GEOMETRIE (STEREOMETRIE), I. [einziger] TEIL : Die Lage von geraden Linien und Ebenen im Raum, nebst ISanmilung von Aufgaben ; with illustrations, large 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. M, 6 sewn) Bremerhaven [1892] 16635 SEUVANOV (Dmitrij Fedorovitch ; Univ. Petrograd} LEHRBUCH der DIFFERENZENRECH- NUNG, large 8vo. cl., 3s Leipzig, 1904 16636 SERRET (Joseph Alfred, de la Sorbonne ; de VInstitut} COURS d'ALGEBRE SUPERIEURE, 3 e Edition [refondue et augmentee] ; with diagrams, 2 vols. prize calf extra, 7s Qd 1866 16637 CINQUIEME EDITION, augmentee ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, uncut, t. e. g. (.fine copy), 16s (p. F. 25 nett sewn) 1885 One of the best text-books on the subject, ' embodying the chief discoveries of the author.' W. W. R. Ball. 16638 COURS de CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL et INTEGRAL, 3 e Edition ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, uncut, t.e.g. (fine copy; uniform with the above}, 15s (p. F. 24 nett sewn) 1886 FINAL EDITION of this invaluable work, containing the author's improvement of Cauchy's method of solving partial differential equations of the first order having any number of variables. 16639 LEHRBUCH der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRA.LRECHNUNG, nach AXEL HARNACKS Ubersetzung, 3. Auflage, neu bearbeitet von GEORG SCHEFFERS ; with 238 diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy}, 1. Is (p. M. 36 nett sewn) Leipzig, 1906-9 16640 TRAITE de TRIGONOMETRIE, 7 e Edition ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy}, 3s Qd 1888 16641 HUITIEME EDITION ; with diagrams, Svo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 3s Qd 1900 16642 NEUVIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION ; with diagrams, Svo. buckram, 3s 1908 16643 SERRET (Paul, College Ste. Barbe} GEOMETRIE de DIRECTION : Application des Coordonnees polyedriques. Propriete de 10 Points de I'Ellipsoide, de 9 Points d'une Courbe gauche du 4 e Ordre, de 8 Points d'une Cubique gauche ; with diagrams, Svo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new}, 6s Qd (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1869 16644 Des METHODES en GEOMETRIE ; with numerous diagrams, Svo. hf. morocco neat (scarce) , 8s Qd 1855 4 J'ai cherche a reunir ... la plupart des doctrines acquises a la geometric infinitesimale pendant la premiere periode de son histoire.' Preface. 16645 SIMON (Max ; Univ. Strasbourg) ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE der EBENE ; with 96 illustra- tions, large cr. Svo. cl., 4s (p. M. 6) Leipzig, 1900 16646 ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE des RAUMES; with 64 illustrations, 2 vols. large cr. Svo. cl., 5s (p. M. 8.40) ibidem, 1900-1 16647 SIMONY (Oscar; Univ. Vienna} GEMEINFASSLICHE, leicht controlirbare LOSUNG der Aufgabe : In ein RINGFORMIG GESCHLOSSENES BAND einen KNOTEN zu machen ' und verwandter merk- wiirdiger Probleme, 3. erweiterte Auflage ; with 4 plates and 42 woodcuts, Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s Wien, 1881 16648 SMITH (Charles, Master of Sidney Sussex Coll., Cantab.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on CONIC SECTIONS, ivith diagrams, with the Solutions, 2 vols. cr. Svo. in 1, buckram, 8s Qd (p. 18s) 1904-1898 16649 NEW EDITION, revised and enlarged, with diagrams ; with the Solutions, 2 vols. cr. Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 12s Qd 1912-10 16650 GEOMETRICAL CONICS, with diagrams, with the Solutions, 2 vols. cr. Svo. in 1, buckram, 7s (p. 12s) 1904 16651 TREATISE on ALGEBRA [5th Edition], with the Solutions, 2 vols. cr. Svo. cl., 9s (p. 18s) 1900-1889 834 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued: 16654 SMITH (William Benjamin, Univ. Mo^ INTRODUCTORY MODERN GEOMETRY of POINT, RAY, and CIRCLE, with 200 diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. 65) New York, 1893 16655 SNOWBALL (John Charles, St. John's Coll., Cantab.) The ELEMENTS of PLANE and SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY, with the Construction and Use of LOGARITHMIC TABLES [final Edition] , with diagrams, large 12mo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. Is Qd) 1885 16656 SOHNCKE (Ludwig- Adolf, Univ. Halle) SAMMLUNG von AUFGABEN aus der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG, herausgegeben von HERMANN AMSTEIN; 5. Auflage ; with 32 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. in one, red buckram, 5s Halle, 1885 15657 SECHSTE [NEUESTE] VERBESSERTE AUFLAGE, bearbeitet von MARTIN LINDOW ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, Ws Qd (p. M. 13 sewn) ibidem, 1903-6 Bcrand up with the above is : Die hyperbolischen Funktionen von E. HEI.S ; with 10 plates, Halle, 1875. 16658 ANOTHER COPY, 3 v., with its SUPPLEMENT (Formeln aus der Differential und Integral- rechnung von MARTIN LINDOW), 4 vols. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cL sides, WsQd ib., 1903-8 16659 SOMMER (Julius ; Prof. Mathematics, Danzig) VoRLESUNGEN liber ZAHLENTHEORIE : Einfiihrung in die Theorie der algebraischen Zahlkorper ; with 4 diagrams, Svo. buckram, 7s (p M. 11) Leipzig, 1907 16660 SOMMERVILLE (Duncan McLaren Young, Univ. St. Andrews] The ELEMENTS of NON- EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY, with 129 diagrams, fcap. Svo. cl., 3s 1914 16661 SONNDORFER (Rudolf), und Hermann ANTON : LEHRBUCH der GEOMETRIE, 3. und 2. Auflage ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. large Svo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 5s (p. M. 8 sewn) Wien, 1877-83 16662 SONNET (Hippolyte) DICTIONNAIRE des MATHEMATIQUES APPLIQUEES, comprenant les principales Applications des Mathematiques, et 1'Explication d'un grand N ombre de Termes techniques usites dans les Applications ; with 1900 woodcuts and diagrams, thick roy. Svo. (pp. 1475), hf. morocco neat (nice copy], 12s (p. F. 30 nett sewn) 1867 16663 , et G. FRONTERA : ELEMENTS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE, 7 e Edition ; with 2 plates and numerous diagrams, Svo. hf. maroon 'morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 4$ 1889 16664 - DIXIEME EDITION; with 2 folding plates and 237 diagrams, Svo. hf. black morocco, cl. sides (nice copy), 5s 1904 16665 ONZIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION ; with numerous diagrams, thick Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 5s Qd (p. F. 8 nett sewn) 1908 16666 SP ANTON (J.Humphrey, Instructor, H.M.S. Britannia) SCIENCE and ART DRAWING: COMPLETE GEOMETRICAL COURSE, consisting of Plane and Solid Geometry, Orthographic and Isometric Projection, Projection of Shadows, the Principles of Map Projection, Graphic Arith- metic, and Graphic Statics, with 366 illustrations, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. Is Qd (p. 105 nett in cl.) 1895 16667 SPEHR (Friedrich Wilhelm) VOLLSTANDIGER LEHRBEGRIFF der REINEN COMBINATIONS- LEHRE, mit Anwendungen derselben auf Analysis und Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, 2. Ausgabe, cr. 4to. buckram, 3s Qd Braunschweig, 1840 16668 SPITZ (Carl, Poly technikum, Karlsruhe) LEHRBUCH der ALLGEMEINENARITHMETIK; 3. und 2. vermehrte Auflage, mit ANHANG (Auflosungen) ; with diagrams, 4 vols. Svo. in 2, hf. bound, 4s Qd (p. M. 13.60 sewn) Leipzig, 1874-3 16669 VlERTE UND DRITTE [LETZTE] VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE, mit Anhang", 3 vols. Svo. in 1, hf. black calf neat, cl. sides (fine copy), Is (p. M. 14.40 sewn) ibidem, 1881-2 16670 - LEHRBUCH der EBENEN GEOMETRIE, nebst 800 Ubungsaufgaben, 10. Auflage ; with 25 plates and 256 diagrams : Die ERSTEN SATZE vom DREIECKE und die PARALLELEN, nach BOLYAI'S Gruudsiitzen ; with 43 illustrations 2 vols. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 45 ib., 1899-75 16671 - LEHRBUCH der STEREOMETRIE, nebst 350 Ubungsaufgaben, mit Anhang*, 6. vermehrte Auflage ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. Svo. in 1, buckram, 2s Qd ib., 1890 16672 - - LEHRBUCH der EBENEN TRIGONOMETRIE, nebst 630 Beispielen und Ubungsaufgaben, mit Anhang, 6. Auflage; with diagrams: LEHRBUCH der SPHARISCHEN TRIGONOMETRIE, 3. Auflage ; with diagrams 3 vols. Svo. in 2, hf. black calf neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 45 Qd ib., 1888-6 16673 STATJDACHER (Hans) LEHRBUCH der GRUNDRECHNUNGSARTEN mit BUCHSTABENGROSSEN (Elemente der Buchstabenrechnung) der Verhaltnisse und Proportionen, mit Sammlung von Aufgaben, 2 vols. large Svo. in 1, buckram, 5* Qd (p. M. 10 sewn) Bremerhaven [1890-1] 16674 LEHRBUCH der KOMBINATORIK : ausfiihrliche Darstellung der Lehre von den kombina- torischen Operationen, roy. Svo. buckram, 45 (p. M. 6 sewn) ibidem [1893] 116675 STEGGALL (John Edward Aloysius ; Prof. Mathematics, Dundee) QUESTIONS in PURE MATHEMATICS, proposed at the B. A. and B.Sc. Pass and Honours Examinations of the University of London, with COMPLETE SOLUTIONS, post Svo. cl., 3s Qd 1882 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 835 MATHEMATICS, continued : 16677 STAUDE (Ernst Otto ; Prof. Mathematics, Rostock} ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE des PUNKTES, der GERADEN LINIE und der EBENE : ein Handbuch zu den Vorlesungen und Ubungen liber analytische Geometric; with 387 illustrations, large 8vo. cl., 9s (p. M. 14) Leipzig, 1905 16678 ANALYTISCHE GEOMETRIE des PUNKTEPAARES, des KEGELSCHNITTES und der FLACHE ZWEITER ORDNUNG ; with 228 diagrams, 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1 (pp. 1014), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 1. 8s (p. M. 36 sewn) ibidem, 1910 16679 STATJDT (Karl Oeorg Christian v., Univ. Erlangen) BEITRAGE zur GEOMETRIE der LAGE, 3 parts 8vo. in 1, hf. black calf neat, cl. sides (nice copy] ; SCARCE, 10s Qd Niirnbera, [1856] -7 -[60] 16680 GEOMETRIE der LAGE, Original-Ausgabe, large post 8vo. half black calf neat, cl. sides (nice copy) ; SCARCE, 10s Qd ibidem, 1847 ' In his Geometrie der Laqe (1847) he constructed a system of geometry built up without any reference to number or magnitude, but, in spite of 'its abstract form, he succeeded by means of it alone in establishing the non-metrical projec- tive properties of figures, discussing imaginary points, lines, and plans, and even obtained a geometrical definition of a number : these views were further elaborated in his Beitrdge zur Geometrie der Lage. This geometry is curious and brilliant, and has been used by Cullmann as the basis of his graphical statics. >F. W. R. Ball. 16681 STEINER (Jacob) VORLESUNGEN iiber SYNTHETISCHE GEOMETRIE, 2. Auflage ; with 248 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. German morocco, 6s Qd (p. M. 20 sewn) Leipzig, 1875-6 16632 DRITTE [LETZTE] AUFLAGE ; with 244 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), \5s (p. M. 20 sewn) ibidem, 1887-98 INHALT :-- I. Theorie der Kegelschnitte in elementarer Darstellung, bearbeitet yon C. F. GEISER : II. Theorie der Kegelschnitte gestutzt auf projective Eigenschaften, bearbeitet von HEINRICH SCHROTER. v. SCHROTER (H.), ante. 16683 STERN (Moritz Abraham ; Univ. Gottingen) RESOLUTION des EQUATIONS TRANSCEN- DANTES, traduit par E. LEVY ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. cl., 2s Qd 1858 16684 STOFFAES (Abbe Eugene, Institut Catholique, LILLE) COURS de MATHEMATIQUES SUPERIEURES ; 2 ft Edition, entierement refondue ; with 191 diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cloth sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as neiv), Qs Qd 1904 166S5 STOLZ (Otto, Univ. Innsbruck) GRUNDZUGE der DIFFERENTIAL- und INTEGRALRECHNUNG ; with 78 diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, Us Qd (p. M. 24 sewn) Leipzig, 1893-9 16686 ANOTHER COPY, 3 vols. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), 18s Qd INHALT : T. Reelle Veranderliche und Functionen : II. Complexe Veriinderliche und Functionen : III. Lehre von den Doppelintegralen. 16687 DASSELBE, Band I und II ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, cl., uncut, 10s Qd (p. M. 16 sewn) ibidem, 1893-6 16688 VORLESUNGEN iiber ALLGEMEINE ARITHMETIK, nach den neueren Ansichten ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy) ; SCARCE, 165 ib., 1885-6 16689 , und Josef Anton G-MEINER ; German Univ., Prague : EINLEITUNG in die FUNKTIONENTHEORIE ; 2. [neueste] umgearbeitete Auflage der von den Verfassern in der ' Theoretischen Arithmetik ' nicht berucksichtigten Abschnitte der ' Vorlesungen iiber allgemeine Arithmetik'; with 21 diagrams, large 8vo. cl., 10s (p. M. 15) ib., 1905 16690 : : THEORETISCHE ARITHMETIK (Bd. I. 2. umgearbeitete Auflage) ; with 25 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. morocco, cl. sides, 8s (p. M. 11.60 sewn) ib., 1911-2 INHALT : I. Allgemeines. Lehre von den rationalen Zahlen : II. Lehren von den reellen und complexen Zahlen. 16691 STUDY (Eduard ; Univ. Bonn) METHODEN zur THEORIE der TERNAEREN FORMEN, im Zusammenhang mit Untersuchungen Anderer dargestellt, large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), 5s (p. M. 6 sewn) Leipzig, 1889 16692 Die REALISTISCHE WELTANSICHT und die LEHRE vom RAUME ; Geometrie, Anschauung und Erfahrung, large post 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. M. 4.50 sewn) Braunschweig, 1914 16693 SPHARISCHE TRIGONOMETRIE, ORTHOGONALE SUBSTITUTIONEN und ELLIPTISCHE FUNCTIONEN : eine analytisch-geometrische Untersuchung ; with 16 diagrams, impl. 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd Leipzig, 1893 16694 STURM (Jacques Charles Fra^ois, de VInstitut) COURS d'ANALYSE de 1'Ecole Poly- technique, 4e Edition, revue et corrige"e par E. PROUHET ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., Qs 1873 16695 ONZIEME EDITION, augmentee de la Theorie el6mentaire des Fonctions elliptiques par H. LAURENT, revue par A. DE 1ST. -GERMAIN, 2 vols. 8vo. buckram (nice copy) 8s Qd (p. F. 15 nett sewn) 1897 16696 QUATORZIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION, revue et mise au Courant du nouveau Programme de la Licence par A. DE ST. -GERMAIN ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 10* Qd (p. F. 15 nett sewn) 1909 836 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 16698 STURM (O. Fr. Rudolf, Univ. Breslau) ELEMENTS der DARSTELLENDEN GEOMETRIE, 2. [neueste] nmgearbeitete Auflage ; with 1 folding plates and 61 diagrams, large 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 35 Qd (p. M. 5.60) Leipzig, 1900 16699 Die GEBILDE ERSTEN und ZWEITEN GRADES der LINIENGEOMETRIE in synthetischer Behandlung, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. in 2, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides ( fine copy], 1. 12s Gd (p. M. 42 sewn) ibidem, 1892-6 INHALT : I. Der lineare Complex oderdas Strahlengewinde und der tetraed rale Complex : II. Die Strahlencongruenzeu 1. und 2. Ordnung : III. Die Strahlencomplexe 2. Grades. 16700 Die LEHRE von den GEOMETRISCHEN VERWANDTSCHAFTEN, 4 vols. large 8vo. cl., 2. 10s (p. M. 72) ib., 1908-9 INHALT : I. Verwandtschaften zwischen Gebilden erster Stufe : IT. Eindeutige lineare Verwandtschaften zwischen Gebilden zweiter Stufe : III. zwischen Gebilden dritter Stufe : IV. Nichtlineare und mehrdeutige Verwandt- schaften zweiter und dritter Stufe. 16701 SWINDEN (Jan Hendrick van ; Univ. Franeker) ELEMENTS der GEOMETRIE im AUSZUGE, iibersetzt von MAJOR DE NIEM; with 8 plates: BEWEISE und AUFLOSUNGEN sammtlicher LEHRSATZE und AUFGABEN von C. F. A. JACOBI zu den sieben ersten Biichern, bearbeitet von MAJOR DE NIEM ; with 74 plates, 2v. 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black calf neat, cl. sides, 6s Halle, 1868 16702 TAIT (Peter G-uthrie, F.R.S.E., Prof. Natural Philosophy, Edin.} ELEMENTARY TREATISE on QUATERNIONS, 2nd Edition, enlarged, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., uncut, 5s (p. 14s) Univ. Press, Cambridge [1873] THIRD [LATEST] EDITION, much enlarged, with diagrams, 8vo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy) ; o. p., 10s (id apud eandem, ibidem, 1890 Still the best working book on the subject for the student. 16704 TANNENBERG ("W. de, Univ. Bordeaux) LEMONS NOUVELLES sur les APPLICATIONS GEOMETRIQUES du CALCUL DIFFERENTIEL ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s (p. F. 6 nett sewn) 1899 16705 TANNERY (Jules ; de VInstitut) INTRODUCTION a I'ETUDE de la THEORIE des NOMBRES et de 1'ALGEBRE SUPERIEURE par J^MILE BOREL et JULES DRACH, d'apres des Conferences faites a 1'j^cole Normale supe"rieure ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), Is (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1895 16706 INTRODUCTION a la THEORIE des FONCTIONS d'une VARIABLE ; 2 e [derniere] Edition, entierement refondue, avec une Note de M. HADAMARD ; with diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 1. (p. F. 29 nett sewn) 1904-11 16707 , et Jules MOLK, Univ. Nancy : ELEMENTS de la THEORIE des FONCTIONS ELLIPTIQUES, 4 vols. roy. 8vo. in 2, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 1. 5s (p. F. 34 nett sewn) 1893-1902 The standard work on its subject. 16708 TARN (Edward Wyndham) PRACTICAL GEOMETRY for the Architect, Engineer, Surveyor, and Mechanic, with 164 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 2s 6d 1871 16709 SECOND EDITION, with Appendixes on Diagrams of Strains and Isometrical Projection, with 172 woodcuts, 8vo. cL, 4s (p. 9s) 1882 16710 TARNIER (E. A.) THEORIE des LOGARITHMES, 8vo. hf. calf, uncut, 2s Qd 1853 16711 TARTINVILLE (A.) THEORIE des EQUATIONS et des INEQUATIONS du Premier et Second Degre a une Inconnue, roy. 8vo. cl., 2s 1886 16712 TROISIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, 3s 6d (p. F. 6 nett) 1902 16713 TAYLOR (Charles) CURVES formed by the Action of the SINGLE and COMPOUND GEOMETRIC CHUCK, with 82 finely engraved figures on INDIA PAPER : of THREE GEOMETRIC CHUCKS, with 96 finely engraved figures on India Paper, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. calf gilt, g. e. (SCARCE), 2. 10s [privately printed] , 1874-5 16714 TAYLOR (Charles, D.D., Master St. John's Coll., Cantab.) The ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY of CONICS; 8th [latest] Edition, revised, with Chapter on Inventio Orbium, with diagrams, post 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. 5s) * Cambridge, 1903 16715 INTRODUCTION to the ANCIENT and MODERN GEOMETRY of CONICS : a Geometrical Treatise on the Conic Sections, with Collection of Problems, and Historical Notes and Prolegomena, with plate and numeroiis diagrams, 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 15s ibidem, 1881 ' Including a brief but masterly sketch of the early history of geometry. Here he lays special stress on the principle of geometrical continuity, usually associated with the name of Poncelet, and traces this principle back to Kepler.' D. N. B. 16716 THIEME (Hermann) Die ELEMENTE der GEOMETRIE ; ivith 323 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 6s 6d (p. M. 9 sewn) Leipzig, 1909 16717 THOMPSON (A. W. H., Trinity Coll., Cantab.) NEW ANALYSIS of PLANE GEOMETRY, FINITE and DIFFERENTIAL, with numerous Examples, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 7s nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1914 We may look upon Plane Co-ordinate Geometry as having points and lines for its fundamental elements ; in relations of which geometrical theorems are going to be expressed. Thus the equation y = mx + c may be looked upon as a line of co-ordinates (m, c). It is this view that we shall adopt.' Preface. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 837 MATHEMATICS, continued: 16719 THOMAE (Johannes ; Prof. Mathematics, Jena] ABRISS einer THEORIE der FUNCTIONED einer COMPLEXEN VERANDERLICHEN und der THETAFUNCTIONEN, 3. [letzte] erheblich vermehrte- Auflage: with plate and diagrams, 4to. red buckram, Is Qd (p. M. 10 sewn) Halle, 189Q> 16720 ELEMENTARE THEORIE der ANAL YTISCHEN FCJNCTIONEN einer COMPLEXEN VERANDER- LICHEN, 2. umgearbeitete Auflage ; with diagrams, large 4to. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 7s (p. M. 9 sewn) ibidem, 1898 16721 Die KEGELSCHNITTE in REIN PROJECTIVER BEHANDLUNG ; with Infolding plates (linen- mounted), besides diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 6 sewn) ib., 1891 16722 THOMAN (Eedor, du 'Credit Mobilier') TABLES des LOGARITHMES a 27 DECIM ALES pour lesr Calculs de Precision, roy. 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 10s Qd Imprimerie Imperiale, 1867" ' Le but de ces tables est de trouver par uii precede facile et simple, sans division, sans multiplication et sans formule le logarithme d'un nombre donne ou le nombre correspondant a uu logarithme donri6.' Introduction. 16723 THEORY of COMPOUND INTEREST and ANNUITIES, with Logarithmic Tables, 4th Edition^ fcap. 8vo. boards, 2s 1891 16724 THORNTON (A. G., manufacturer to Gfovt.) MATHEMATICAL DRAWING INSTRUMENTS and MATERIALS, etc., with plate and numerous illustrations, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd . [1906] 16725 TISSEBAND (Felix; de VInstitut) RECUEIL COMPLEMENT AIRE d'ExERCiCES surle CALCUL INFINITESIMAL; 2 e [derniere] edition, augmentee des nouveaux Exercices sur les Va riables Imaginaires, par P. PAJNLEVE; with 83 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides (a 1 } g ood as new), 6s (p. F. 9.00 nett sewn) 189fc 16726 TODHUNTEB. (Isaac, St. John's Coll., Cantab.; F.R.S.) ALGEBRA, with numerous Examples*, new Edition, with Key, 2 vols. post 8vo. hf. pigskin, Is Qd (p. 18s in cl.) 1889-94* 16727 HISTORY of the MATHEMATICAL THEORY of PROBABILITY, from the Time of PASCAL. to that of LAPLACE, thick 8vo. cl., uncut (VERY SCARCE), 2. 15s Cambridge, 1865- The only important history of the theory of probability extant, and like Dr. Todhunter's other historical wo rks y off great value also from a bibliographical point of view. 16728 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY, with numerous Examples, 6th Edition, with diagrams ; with Key, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 6s (p. 15s Qd) 1876-93 16729 NEW [FINAL] EDITION, revised by R. W. HOGG, with diagrams', with Key, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in half pigskin, cl. sides, 9s (p. 15s 60? in cl.) 1893-5 16730 NEW ISSUE (without the Key), cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s) 1905 16731 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY [final Edition], revised by J. G. LEATHEM, with numerous* diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 7s Qd) 190R 16732 TREATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, with numerous Examples, 6th [tinalp Edition, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 4s 60? (p. 10s Qd) 1873: 16733 NEW EDITION [unaltered] , with diagrams ; Key by H. ST. J. HUNTER, with diag rams 2 vols. post 8vo. in 1, buckram, 10s Qd (p. 1. Is) 1907-1888- 16734 TREATISE on the INTEGRAL CALCULUS and its Applications, with numerous Exam pies, 4th Edition, revised and enlarged, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 10s Qd) 1874- 16735 FINAL EDITION [enlarged], with diagrams; with Key by H. ST. J. HUNTER, with diagrams, 2 vols. post 8vo. in 1, buckram, 10s Qd (p. 1. Is) 1895-89' 16736 TREATISE on PLANE CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY as applied to the STRAIGHT LINE ancD the CONIC SECTIONS, with numerous Examples ; 5th Edition, with diagrams, post 8vo. buc kram, 3s (p. 7s Qd) 1874 16737 TOWNSEND (Richard; pr., F.R.S. , Prof. Natural Philosophy, T.C.D.) CHAPTERS on the MODERN GEOMETRY of the POINT, LINE, and CIRCLE, with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, cl., uncut, 10s Qd Dublin, 1863-& 16738 ANOTHER COPY, 2 vols. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t.e.g. (asgoodas new), 12$ ' A. treatise of great importance in the history of pure geometry.' D. N. B. 16739 TBESSE (A.), et A. THYBATJLT : COURS de GEOMETRIE ANALYTIQUE; with 2Q1 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 552), handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 8s Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 190 16740 TSCHEBYSCHEFF (Pafnutij Lvovitch ; Prof. Mathematics, Petrograd) ELEMENTS der ZAHLENTHEORIE (THEORIE der CONGRUENZEN), deutsch mit Automation des Verfassers herausgegeben von HERMANN SCHAPIRA ; neue Ausgabe, large post 8vo. buckram, 3s 60? Berlin, 1902 16741 VACaUANT (Charles),, et A. MACE de LEPINAY: COURS de GEOMETRIE ELEMENTAIRE, avec des Complements ; 7 e Edition ; with numerous illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 915), handsomely bound in hf. black morocc-o, cl. sides (as good as new), Qs Qd (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1904 16742 : LECONS d'A.LGEBRE ELEMENTAIRE; 15 e [derniere] Edition, avec Complement sur les Determinants ; with diagrams, 8vo. (pp. 789), handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 5s (p. F. 6.50 nett sewn) s. d. 16743 ANOTHER COPY ; also : COMPLEMENTS d'ALGEBRE et NOTIONS de GEOMETRIE AN ALY- TIQUE, par A. MACE DE LEPINAY, 5 e [derniere] edition ; with 224 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 8s (p. F. 11 nett sewn) *. d. 55 833 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MATHEMATICS, continued : 16745 VAHLEN (Karl Theodor ; Prof. Mathematics, Greifswald) ABSTRAKTE GEOMETRIE : Untersuchungen iiber die Grundlagen der euklidischen und nicht-euklidischen Geometric ; with numerous diagrams, large 8vo. cl., Ss (p. M. 12) Leipzig, 1905 16746 KONSTRUKTIONEN und APPROXIMATIONEN in systematischer Darstellung : eine Ergiinzung der niederen, eine Vorstufe zur hoheren Geometrie ; with 127 diagrams, 8vo. hand- somely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new] 9s (p. M. 11 sewn) ibidem, 1911 16747 VALLES(F., Inspecteur General des Fonts et Chaussees) Des FORMES IMAGIN AIRES en ALGEBRE ; v. II neatly autographed on 507 pp., with 3 folding plates (linen-mounted), 3 vols. 8vo. -and roy. 8vo. in 2, buckram, 10s 6d (p. F. 16 nett sewn) 1889-76 CONTENU : I. Interpretation en abstrait et en concret : IF. Intervention dans les Equations des cinq premiers Degres : III. Representation algebrique des Directions dans 1'Espace. 16748 VALLOIS (Edmond, architecte) COURS de GEOMETRIE DESCRIPTIVE ; with 410 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 5s (p. F. 7-50 nett sewn) 1909 16749 VEGA (Georg Freiherr v.) LOGARITHMISCH-TRIGONOMETRISCHES HANDBUCH [7 stellig] ; neue vollstiindig durchgesehene und erweiterte Stereotyp-Ausgabe von C. BREMIKER, 70. Aunage von F. TlETJEN, 8vo. original hf. morocco, 3s (p. M. 5.50) Berlin, 1888 16750 VENN (John, Caius Coll. ; F.R.S.) The LOGIC of CHANCE: an Essay on the Foundations and Province of the THEORY of PROBABILITY, with the especial Reference to its Logical Bearings and its Application to Moral and Social Science ; 3rd [latest] Edition, re-written and greatly enlarged, large cr. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), Is (p. 10s 6d in cl.) 1888 16751 SYMBOLIC LOGIC, with diagrams, large cr. 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 10s 6d) 1881 16752 SECOND [LATEST] EDITION, revised and re-written, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), Is (p. 10s Qd in cl.) 1894 16753 VIVANTI (Giulio, Univ. Pavia) Les FONCTIONS POLYEDRIQUES et MODULAIRES : Ouvrage traduit par ARMAND CAHEN ; with 52 diagrams, large Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. ff. (as good as new), Ss Gd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1910 16754 - - LECONS ELEMENTAIRES sur la THEORIE des GROUPES de TRANSFORMATIONS, traduites par A. BOULANGER, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 5s (p. F. 8 nett sewn) 1904 16755 VOGLER (Christian August ; Univ. 'Bonn) GRUNDZUGE der AUSGLEICHUNGSRECHNUNG, elemental' entwickelt ; with diagrams and folding tables, 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 6 sewn) Braunschweig, 1883 916756 VOGT (Henry; Prof. Mathematics, Nancy) ELEMENTS de ,MATHFMATIQUES SUPERIEURES a 1' Usage des PHYSICIENS, CHIMISTES et INGENIEURS, etc., 2 e Edition ; with numerous diagrams, large Svo. handsomely bound inhf. black 'morocco, cl. sides, 5s Qd (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1904 16757 CINQUIEME EDITION, large 8vo. (pp. ?16), hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g., 7s Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1909 16758 LECONS sur la RESOLUTION ALGEBRIQUE des EQUATIONS, avec Preface par JULES TANNERY, roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s 6d (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1895 16759 VOIGT (Andreas) THEORIE der ZAHLENKEiHENundder REIHENGLEICHUNGEN, 8vo buckram, 3s 6d Leipzig, 1911 16760 VONDERLINN (J.) LEHRBUCHdes PROJEKTIONSZEICHNENS, Band I III. 2 ; ioith numerous diagrams, 4 parts in 1 vol. large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 9s (p. M. 15.50 sewn) Bremerhaven [1888-91] 16761 WALLENBERG (Georg; Technische Hochschule, Charlottenburg), und Alf GULDBEBG, Univ. Christiania : THEORIE der LINEAREN DIFFERENZENGLEICHUNGEN ; with 5 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. t 8s (p. M. 10 sewn) Leipzig, 1911 16762 WALLENTIN (Franz) MATURITATSFRAGEN aus der MATHEMATIK, 9. Aunage; mit Auflbsungen, 5. Aunage ; with diagrams, 2 vols. Svo. in 1, buckram, 5s (p. M. 8) Wien, 1908-6 16763 WALTON (William, Trinity Coll., Cantab.} PROBLEMS in Illustration of the Principles of PLANE CO-ORDINATE GEOMETRY, with diagrams, Svo. cl. (damaged), 3s Qd Cambridge, 1851 16764 WEBER (Heinrich ; Prof. Mathematics, Strasbourg) ELLIPTISCHE FUNCTIONEN und ALGE- BRAISCHE ZAHLEN : akademische Vorlesungen, Svo. buckram, 7s (p. M. 13ewn) Braunschiveig, 1891 .16765 - LEHRBUCH der ALGEBRA, 2. [neueste] Aunage ; with diagrams,. 3 vols. Svo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e.g. (finecopy), 1. 15s(p. M. 42 sewn) ibidem, 1898-1908 Vol. Ill has as sub-title : Ellip'tische Funkti'onen und algebraische Zahlen. 36766 KLEINE AUSGABE ; with diagrams, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (asgood as new), 11s (p. M. 14 sewn) ib., 1912 16767 - -, und Josef WELLSTEIN; Prof. Mathematics, Giessen: ENCYKLOPADIE der ELEMENTAR- MATHEMATIK : ein Handbuch fiir Lehrer und Studierende ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. Svo. buckram, 12s Qd (p. M. 35.60) Leipzig, 1903-7 INHALT : T. Encyklopadie der elementaren Algebra und Analysis, von H. WEBER : II. der elementaren Geometric, von H. WEBER, J. WELLSTEIN und W. JACOBSTHAL : III. Angewandte Elementar-Mathematik, von H. und R. H. WEBER und J. WELLSTEIN. a6768 - - ZWEITE [VERMEHRTE] AUFLAGE ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. Svo. in 4, buckram, 1. 10s (p. M. 48) ibidem, 1906-12 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 839 MATHEMATICS, continued . 16769 WEICHOLD (G.) LEHRBUCH der DETERMINANTEN und deren Anwendungen, I. [einziger] Teil, roy. 8vo. buckram, 5s Qd (p. M. 10 sewn) Bremerhaven [Ib93] 16770 - ANOTHER COPY, hf. cl., 5s Stuttgart, 1893 16771 WEITZEL (C. G.) UNTERRICHTSBRIEFE fiir die BUCHSTABENRECHNUNG und ALGEBRA, sowie fiir EBENE GEOMETRIE (Planimetrie) und Anwendung der Algebra auf Geometrie, in Gesprachs- forni zum SELBSTUNTERRICHTE, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl, sicks, 10s Qd (p. M. 15 sewn) Wien [1910] 16772 fiir die HOHERE MATHEMATIK (Analysis, analytische Geometrie, Differential- und Integralrechnung) in Gespriichsform zum SELBSTUNTERRICHTE ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, 6s (p. M. 7.50 sewn) ibidem [1914] 16773 WEITZENBOCK (Roland) KOMPLEX-SYMBOLIK : eine EinfuhruDg in die analytische Geometrie mehrdimensionaler Kaume, cr. 8vo. cl., 3* (p. M. 4.80) Leipzig, 1908 16774 WELD (Laenas Gifford, Univ. Iowa) SHORT COURSE of the THEORY of DETERMINANTS, 3rd Edition, post 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. 8s nett) New York, 1903 16775 WENCK (Julius) Die GRUNDLEHREN der IIOHEREN ANALYSIS; with 140 diagrams, Svo. buckram (title soiled), 3s Qd (p. M. 6 sewn) Leipzig, 1872 16776 WERTHEIM (Gustav) ANFANGSGRUNDE der ZAHLENLEHRE ; with portraits of Fermat, Lagrange, Euler, and Gauss, 8vo. buckram, 6s Qd (p. M. 9 sewn) Braunschweig, 1902 16777 ANOTHER COPY, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), Is Qd 16778 ELEMENTS der ZAHLENTHEORIE, 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. M. 8.40 sewn) Leipzig, 1887 16779 ANOTHER COPY, hf. calf, 5s Qd 16780 WHITEHEAD (Alfred North, F.R.S. ; Prof. Applied Mathematics, Impl. Coll. Science) The AXIOMS of PROJECTIVE and DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY, with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. sewn, 3s Qd (p. 5s nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1906-7 16781 - - TREATISE on UNIVERSAL ALGEBRA, with Applications, Vol. I (all published), with diagrams, large roy. Svo. cl., uncut, 14s (p. 1. Is nett) apud eandem, ibidem, 1898 An important work on the foundations of mathematics, containing i. a. an extension of non-Euclidean geometry. 16782 , and the Hon. Bertrand Arthur William RUSSELL, F.R.S. : PRINCIPIA MATHE- MATICA, 3 vols. large roy. Svo. cl., 2. 15s (p. 3. 16s nett) a. e., ib., 1910-13 v. RUSSELL, ante. 16783 WHITTAKER (Edmund Taylor; F.R.S.; Prof. Mathematics, Edin.) COURSE of MODERN ANALYSIS : an Introduction to the General Theory of Infinite Series and of Analytic Functions ; with Account of the principal Transcendental Functions, large roy. Svo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., Qs Qd (p. 12s 60? nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1902 16784 WHITWORTH (William Allen, Vicar of All Saints', Margaret St.) CHOICE and CHANCE: an elementary Treatise on Permutations, Combinations, and Probability, with 640 Exercises ; 4th Edition, enlarged, cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 7* Qd) Cambridge, 1886 16785 FIFTH [LATEST] EDITION, much enlarged, with 1000 Exercises, cr. Svo. buckram, t.e. g., 4s (p. 7s Qd) ibidem, 1901 16786 - DCC EXERCISES, including Hints for the Solution of all the Questions in * CHOICE and CHANCE,' post Svo. red buckram, 3s Qd (p. 6s) ib., 1897 16787 TRILINEAR COORDINATES, and other Methods of Modern Analytical Geometry of Two Dimensions, with diagrams, Svo. cl., or, buckram, 5s (p. 16s) ib., 1866 Though Catholicminded people are intellectually wretched cretins, Prebendary Allen Whitworth must have had some brains once upon a time. 16788 WIELEITNER (Heinrich) GESCHICHTE der MATHEMATIK, von CARTESIUS bis zur Wende des 18. Jahrhunderts, I. Halfte (soweit erschienen) : Arithmetik, Algebra, Analysis, bearbeitet unter Benutzung des Nachlasses von ANTON V. BRAUMUHL ; with 6 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., s (p. M. 6.50) Leipzig, 1911 v. GUNTHER, ante. 16789 SPEZIELLE EBENE KURVEN ; with 189 diagrams, large cr. Svo. cl., Is Qd (p. M. 12) ibidem, 1908 16790 THEORIE der EBENEN ALGEBRAISCHEN KURVEN HOHERER ORDNUNG ; with 82 illustra- tions, large cr. Svo. cl., Qs (p. M. 10) ib., 1905 16791 WIENER (Christian, Technische Hochschule, Karlsruhe) LEHRBUCH der DARSTELLENDEN GEOMETRIE ; with numerous illustrations, 2 vols. large Svo. original hf. morocco (as good as new), 1. Is (p. M. 34) Leipzig, 1884 \_fs. 1906] -1887 16792 WILCZYNSKI (Ernest Julius; Univ. Chicago) PROJECTIVE DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY of CURVES and RULED SURFACES, large Svo. cl., Qs Qd (p. M. 10) Leipzig, 1906 16793 WILLIAMSON (Benjamin, T.C.D., F.R.S.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, containing the Theory of Plane Curves, with numerous Examples, 9th Edition, revised, with diagrams : on the INTEGRAL CALCULUS, containing Applications to Plane Curves and Surfaces, and Chapters on the CALCULUS of VARIATIONS, with numerous Examples, 8th Edition, enlarged, with diagrams 2 vols. cr. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copies), 13s (p. 1. Is in cl.) 1899-1906 16794 ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the INTEGRAL CALCULUS, with numerous Examples; 8th Edition, enlarged, with diagrams, post Svo. buckram, Qs (p. 10s Qd) 1906 55 * 840 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W, MATHEMATICS, continued: 16796 WILSON (Victor Tyson, Mich. Agricultural Coll.) DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY : a Treatise from a Mathematical Standpoint, with Exercises and Practical Applications, with 149 diagrams, large Svo. buckram, 45 (p. 65 Qd nett) Neiv York, 1909 16797 WILSON (W. N., Rugby School] GEOMETRICAL DRAWING, with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. post Svo. cl., 45 Qd (p. 9s) 1903 16798 WITHERS (John William) EUCLID'S PARALLEL POSTULATE: its Nature, Validity, and Place in Geometrical Systems, cr. Svo. cl., 45 (p. 65 Qd nett) Chicago, 1905 16799 WOLSTENHOLME (Joseph, Math. Prof., Cooper's Hill) MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS on Subjects for the Cambridge Mathematical Tripos Examination, 3rd [last] Edition, revised and corrected, Svo. cl., 105 6d (p. 185) 1S91 ' His fame rests chiefly on the wonderful series of original mathematical problems which he constructed upon prac- tically all the subjects that entered into the course of training of students. They form a curious and almost unique monument of ability and industry." A. R. Forsyth, F.R.S. 16800 WOODWARD (Robert Sijnpson, Pres., Carnegie Inst., Washington) PPOBABILITY and THEORY of ERRORS, with diagrams, Svo. cl., 3s (p. 4s Qd nett) New York, 1906 16801 WOOLHOTJSE (Wesley S. B., F.R.A.S.) ELEMENTS of the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS; 6th Edition, '74 : RUDIMENTARY TREATISE on the INTEGRAL CALCULUS, by Homersham Cox, '52: EXAMPLES of the INTEGRAL CALCULUS, by James Hann, '503 vols. fcap. Svo. in 1, buckram, 3s 6d 1850-74 16802 WORMS de ROMILLY (P.) Sur les PREMIERS PRINCIPES des SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES, roy. Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 25 1908 16S03 WRIGHT (R. H., pr., Trinity Coll., Cantab.) COLLECTION of PROBLEMS and THEOREMS, with Hints, Results, and occasional Solutions, forming Examples in the Methods of MODERN GEOMETRY, especially TRILINEAR COORDINATES, with diagrams, fcap. Svo. cl., 3s tid 1865 16804 WRIGLEY (Alfred, pr. ; Prof. Mathematics, Addiscombe ; F.R.A.S.) COLLECTION of EXAMPLES and PROBLEMS in PURE and MIXED MATHEMATICS, with Answers and Occasional Hints, 10th [last] Edition, with the Key, with 4 plates (linen-mounted), and diagrams, 2 vols. Svo. in 1, hf. black morocco gilt, cl. sides (as good as new), 75 6d (p. 195 in cl.) Cambridge, 1889-8 16805 WRONSKI (Hoene de, Officier d'Artillerie russe) INTRODUCTION a la PHILOSOPHIE des MATHEMATIQUES, et TECHNIE d'ALGORiTHMiE, 4to. hf. purple calf neat (nice copy), with auto, and MS. notes of Prince Salm, and some pp. underlined (VERY SCARCE), 1. 155 181.1 Dedicated to the Tsar Alexander the First. ' Novateur en religion, en politique et en mathematiques, il se disait a la fois le Messie et le Newton des temps nouveaux, et annongait la creation d'une theorie definitive des nombres, de la solution d'une theorie de la matiere dans ses trois etats.' Biogr. Gen. 16806 XAVIER (Agliberto) THEORIE des APPROXIMATIONS NUMERIQUES et du CALCUL ABREGE ; with diagrams, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), Is (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1909 16807 YOUNG (William Henry, F.R.S. ; Univ. Liverpool) The FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS of the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS, Svo. sewn, 2s Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1910 16808 , and Grace CHISHOLM, Girton Coll. : The THEORY of SETS of POINTS [with Biblio- graphy (pp. 14)] , Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 9s (p. 12s nett) apud eandem, ibidem, 1906 ' An attempt at a simple representation of one of the most recent branches of mathematical science.' Preface. 16809 ZEUNER (Gustav Anton, Polytechnikum, Zurich) ABHANDLUNGEN aus der MATHEMA- TISCHEN STATISTIK ; with 27 illustrations, large Svo. hf. broivn morocco neat, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy), 5s (p. M. 7 sewn) Leipzig, 1869 16810 ZINDLER (Konrad, Univ. Innsbruck) LiNiENGEOMETRlE mit ANWENDUNGEN ; with 111 diagrams, 2 vols. large cr. Svo. cl., 12s Qd (p. M. 20) Leipzig, 1902-6 16811 ZORETTI (Ludovic, Univ. Caen) LEMONS de MATHEMATIQUES GENERALES, avec Preface de PAUL APPELL ; with 206 diagrams, Svo. (pp. 769), hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 13s Qd (p. F. 20 nett in cl.) 16812 LsgoNS sur le PROLONGEMENT ANALYTIQUE, large Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s 1911 ASTRONOMY and GEODESY: 16813 ADAMS (John Couch, F.R.S. ; discoverer of Neptune) LECTURES on the LUNAR THEORY, edited by RALPH ALLEN SAMPSON, F.R.S., cr. Svo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 5s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1900 16814 AIRY (Sir George Biddell, F.R.S., Astronomer Royal) GRAVITATION : an Elementary Ex- planation of the principal Perturbations of the Solar System, 2nd [latest] Edition, ivith 50 diagrams, post Svo. cl. (o. p.), 5s 1884 First published in 1834. 16S15 ALLIATJME (Maurice ; Belgian Navy) ELEMENTS d'ASTRONOMiE ; with diagrams, Svo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 3s Gd LOUVAIN, 1913 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 84i ASTRONOMY and GEODESY, continued: 16817 AMBRONN (Leopold; Prof. Astronomy, Gottingen) HANDBUCH der ASTRONOMISCHEN INSTRUMENTENKUNDE : eine Beschreibung der bei as'tronomischen Beobachtungen benutzten Instrumente, sowie Erlauterung der ihrem Ban, ihrer Anwendung und Aufstellung zu Grunde liegenden Principien ; with 1185 illustrations, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1 (pp. 1286), handsomely bound in 'hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 2. (p. M. 60 in cl.) Berlin, 1899 The most important and copious work ever written on astronomical instruments. Pp. 1221-76 treat of the erection of observatories. 16818 ANDR^ (Charles, Directeur de V Observatoire de Lyon) Les PLANETES et leur ORIGINE; with % plates and 94 text-illustrations, roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 6s (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1909 16819 TRAITE d'AsTRONOMiE STELLAIRE ; with 5 folding plates (linen-mounted), and 103 text- illustrations, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy], 14s (p. F. 23 nett sewn) 1899-1900 16820 ARRHENIUS (Svante August; Director, Physico- Chemical Dept., Nobel Insi., Stockholm; F.R.S.) LEHRBUCH der KOSMISCHEN PHYSIK ; with 3 plates (2 folding and linen-mounted), and 304 text-illustrations, 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g.,l. 8s Qd (p. M. 38 sewn) Leipzig, 1903 16821 Das WERDEN der WELTEN, mit Unterstiitzung des Verfassers iibersetzt von L. BAM- BERGER ; with 60 illustrations, large 8vo. buckram, 4s ibidem, 1907 16822 BAILLAUD (Benjamin, de V Observatoire de Toulouse] COURS d'AsTRONOMiE ; with 130 diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy], 15s (p. F. 23 nett sewn) 1893-6 16823 BALL (Sir Robert Stawell, F.R.S. ; Eoyal Astronomer, Ireland) ELEMENTS of ASTRONOMY [enlarged Edition], with 130 illustrations, cr. 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. 6s Qd) 1903 An admirable elementary treatise, containing much useful bibliographical information. 16824 POPULAR GUIDE to the HEAVENS, 83 plates (mostly coloured or tinted), with explanatory Text and Index, cr. 4to. cl. gilt, t. e. g., 9s (p. 15s nett) 1905 16825 THIRD [LATEST] EDITION, with 83 plates, cr. 4to. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e.g., llsQd 1910 16826 TREATISE on SPHERICAL ASTRONOMY, with 122 illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 9s (p. 12s nett in cl.) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1908 16827 BARLOW (C. W. C), and George Hartley BRYAN, F.R.S. : ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICAL ASTRONOMY, with Examples and Examination Papers, 2nd [last] Edition [enlarged], with numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 8s Qd) [1892] or 1903 ' Probably no 'better description of the methods by which the marvellous structure of scientific astronomy has been built up could have been given.' Athenceum. 16828 BLACK (Frederick A., F.R.S.E.) PROBLEMS in TIME and SPACE: Essays relating to the Earth, physically and astronomically, and cognate Matters, with 10 plates and 55 text-illustrations, large cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 6s nett) [1910] 16829 BRINKLEY (John, Bp. of Cloyne ; F.R.S.) [ELEMENTS of PLANE] ASTRONOMY, revised and partly re- written, with additional Chapters, by JOHN WILLIAM STUBBS, D.D., T.C.D., and FRANCIS BRUNNOW ; with Examination Questions ; 3rd [last] Edition, enlarged, with 48 woodcuts, post 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. 6s) 1886 16830 BRUNNOW (Franz Friedrich Ernst; Director, Dublin Observatory) TRAITE d'AsTRONOMiE SPHERIQUE et d'AsTRONOMiE PRATIQUE : Edition fran9aise par E. LUCAS et C. ANDRE, avec Preface de C. WOLF ; with woodcuts and diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. brown morocco neat (nice copy) ; SCARCE, 1. Is 1869-72 ' La theorie des instruments, qui ne se trouve exposee dans aucun autre ouvrage didactique, forme ici une partio importante.' Preface. 16831 BURGEL (Bruno H.) ASTRONOMY for ALL, translated by STELLA BLOCH, with over 300 plates and other illustrations, thick 8vo. cl., t. e. g., 5s Qd (p. 10s Qd) 1911 16832 CAMPBELL (William Wallace, Director Lick Observatory) STELLAR MOTIONS, with special Reference to Motions determined by Means of the SPECTROGRAPH, with numerous portraits, plates, and other illustrations, 8vo. cl., 12s Qd (p. 17s nett) Yale Univ. Press, New Haven, 1913 16833 CLERKE (Agnes Mary ; Hon. M.R.A.S.) PROBLEMS in ASTROPHYSICS, with%\ plates of star photographs, and 50 text-illustrations, thick 8vo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 12s (p. 1. nett in cl.) 1903 ' Representing a sort of reconnaissance, and embodying the information collected by scouts and skirmishers regarding practicable lines of advance and accessible points of attack, with a view to annexing for the realm of knowledge some further strips and corners from the territory of ignorance.' Preface. 16834 The SYSTEM of the STARS ; 2nd [latest] Edition, with Opiates and 37 woodcuts, thick 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 14s (p. 1. nett in cl.) 1905 An excellent treatise on Sidereal Astronomy. 16835 , Alfred FOWLER; F.R.S., and John Ellard GORE, F.R.A.S. : The CONCISE KNOWLEDGE ASTRONOMY, with 102 plates and other illustrations, many from photographs by Loewy, Puiseux, G. E. Hale, etc., thick large cr. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, g. e., 3s 1898 Miss Agnes M. Clerke was the only honorary woman member of the Royal Astronomical Society besides Mrs. Somerville, Caroline Herschel, Ann Sheepshanks, and Lady Huggins. 842 HENRY SOTflERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, AV.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, \V. ASTRONOMY and GEODESY, continued: 16837 CHATJVENET (William, Washington Univ., St. Louis) MANUAL of SPHERICAL and PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY, with Appendix on the METHOD of LEAST SQUARES ; 5th [latest] Edition, revised and corrected, with 15 plates and numerous illustrations, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cl., uncut (fresh copy], \ls Qd (p. 1. 11* Qd) Philadelphia, 1889 ' The most complete and exhaustive treatise on the subject which has yet appeared.' Prof. Simon Newcomb. 16838 CHEYNE (Charles Hartwell Horne,pr., Westminster School) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the PLANETARY THEORY, 3rd [last] Edition, edited by A. FREEMAN, pr., F.R.A.s.,with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., uncut (o. p.), 5s 16839 DIEN (Charles) ATLAS CELESTE, rectifie et augmente de Cartes nouvelles : ,Etoiles doubles, multiples, colorizes, nebuleuses, et Groupes stellaires, Mouvements propres des Etoiles. etc. par CAMILLE FLAMMARION, 10 e Edition; with 29 plates (some folding), atlas folio, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 1. 5s (p. F. 40 nett sewn) 16840 FAYE (Herve, de Vlnstitut) COURS d'AsTRONOMiE de 1'Ecole Polytechnique ; with numerous woodcuts and diagrams, and map, 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, hf. red morocco neat, cl. sides (FINE COPY) ; SCARCE, 1. 55 1881-3 CONTENU : I. Astronomic spherique ; Description des Instruments ; Theorie des Erreurs ; Geodesic et Geographie Mathematique : II. Astronomic Solaire ; Theorie de la Lune ; Navigation. 16841 LECONS de COSMOGRAPHIE ; with 15 folding plates, 8vo. cl., 4s 1854 16842 FLOTOW (Albrecht v., Geoddtischer Tnstitut, Potsdam) EINLEITUNG in die ASTRONOMIE, large cr. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. M. 7) Leipzig, 1911 16843 FBJSCHAUF (Johannes ; Prof. Mathematics, Graz) GRUNDRISS der THEORETISCHEN ASTRONOMIE und der Geschichte der Planetentheorien, 2. [letzte] vermehrte AuHage ; with 2: illustrations, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e.g., 4s (p. M. 5 sewn) Leipzig, 1903 16844 GARGET (H.) LECONS de COSMOGRAPHIE, nouvelle Edition parCH. SIMON ; with 3 plates and 98 text-illustrations, Svo. buckram, 3s 1896 16845 GAUSS (Johann Karl Friedrich; F.R.S.) THEORIE der BEWEGUNG der HIMMELSKORPER welche in Kegelschnitten die Sonne umlaufen, ins Deutsche iibertragen von CARL HAASE, mit Anhang ; with photographic frontispiece of the Gauss Medal, view and fs., 4to. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides, 13s Hannover, 1865 The German translation of the Latin original of this classic work, which introduced the principle of curvilinear triaugulation. 16846 GODFRAY (Hugh, St. John's Coll., Cantab.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the LUNAR THEORY, with brief Sketch of the History of the Problem before Newton, 3rd [last] Edition, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s Qd) 16847 TREATISE on ASTRONOMY, for Colleges and Schools ; 2nd Edition [enlarged], with plates and numerous illustrations, Svo. buckram, 4s Qd (p. 12s Qd) 1874 16848 - - FIFTH [LAST] EDITION, with numerous illustrations, Svo. buckram, uncut, 7s (p. 12s Qd) 1S94 16849 GORE (John Ellard, M.R.I. A., F.R.A.S). ASTRONOMICAL ESSAYS, historical and descriptive, with 6 plates, cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) 1907 16850 The VISIBLE UNIVERSE : Chapters on the Origin and Construction of the Heavens, with 16 plates (many folding) of stellar photographs, etc., and other illustrations, Svo. cl., uncut, t. e. g., 7sQd(p.lQs) " 1893 ' A very good and lucid summary and discussion of the recent theory regarding the construction of the heavens.' Sonncnscheiji. 16851 GRETSCHEL (Heinrich) LEXIKON der ASTRONOMIE, mit Beriicksichtigung der astrono- mischen Instrumente, der Zeitrechnung und der hervorragendsten Astrononien ; with 133 illustra- tions, cr. Svo. buckram, 2s tid (p. M. 6) Leipzig, 1882 16852 GUNTHER (Siegrnund, Technische Hochschule, Miinchen) VERGLEICHENDE MONO- und ERDKUNDE ; with 4 folding plates (linen-mounted), and 23 text-illustrations, Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 4s (p. M. 5 sewn) Braunschweig, 1911 16S53 HALE (Georg Ellery, Director, Mt. Wilson Solar Observatory] The *STUDY of STELLAR EVOLUTION : an Account of some recent Methods of Astrophysical Research, with 104 fine plates of star photographs, astronomical instruments, etc., and views, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new], 12s Qd (p. 16s Qd nett in cl.) Chicago, 1909 ' Describing a connected series of investigations, laying special stress on the observational methods employed, in the hope of explaining clearly how the problem of stellar evolution is studied.' Preface. 16854 HEIS (Eduard, Univ. Milnster) ATLAS COELESTIS ECLIPTICUS, continens VIII Tabulas ad delineandum LUMEN ZODIACALE ; with 8 plates, oblong folio, buckram, 6s Colonicc, 1878 16855 - ATLAS COZLESTIS Novus : Stella? per Mediam Europam solis Oculis conspicuje secundum veras Lucis Magnitudines e Coelo ipso descript;u, post Svo., with Atlas, containing 12 large star-maps, oblong folio 2 vols. original hf. binding (rubbed) ; SCARCE, 1. Is ibidem, 1872 ' Besonders beiiihmt ist sein Atlas ccelestis novv.s, in welchem alle mit blossem Auge sichtbaren Sterne aufgenommen sind '.Lrockhan* s Konv.-L(.<:. ' While engaged on his great atlas, he attentively determined the change of magnitude of stars visible to the naked eye ; and by means of the naked eye the opera glass, and a small telescope, he amassed a large number of observations.'//. Macnherson. HENKY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STB AND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 843 ASTEONOMY and GEODESY, continued: 16857 HELMERT (Fried rich Robert ; Director, Geodetic Inst., Potsdam) Die MATHEMATISCHEN- und PHYSIKALISCHEN THEORIEN der HOHEREN GEODASIE, mit Untersuchungen liberdie mathe- matische Erdgestalt auf Grund der Beo bach tun gen ; original impression, with 2 folding plates (linen-mounted), and numerous text-illustrations, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (fine copy), 1. 15s Leipzig, 1880-4'r The original impression of this important work is becoming scarce, only an inferior anastatic reprinc having been obtainable before the War. 16858 HERPIN (A.) DICTIONNAIRE ASTRONOMIQUE, ou Expose, par Ordre alphabetize, des- Principes fondamentaux et des Lois generates de la Mecanique Universelle, avec leurs diverges- Applications aux Calculs des Phenomenes qui se produisent dans le Domaine du Monde physique ' r with 1 folding plates (linen-mounted), large 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new)!, Gs6d (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1875- 16859 HERSGHEL (Sir John Frederick William, F.R.S.) OUTLINES of ASTRONOMY ; llth [LAST] EDITION, with 9 plates, woodcuts, and diagrams, sq. 8vo. cl., Qs (p. 12*) 1871 16860 ANOTHER COPY, hf. brown morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 8s 1874 16861 THE SAME, hf. black morccoo neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy), Is 6d 1871 ' Perhaps the most completely satisfactory general exposition of a science ever penned.' Miss Agnes M. Clerke. 16862 HIM MEL und ERDE : unser WISSEN von der STERNENWELT und deni ERDBALL, herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung von Fachgenossen von J. PLASSMANN, J. POHLE, P. KREICH- GAUER und L. WAAGEN ; with 123 plates and maps (many folding and linen-mounted, or coloured), and 1215 text-illustrations, 2 vols. 4to. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 1. 5s (p. M. 36 in cl.) Mimchen [1908-9] A splendidly illustrated work, many of the illustrations being reproductions from contemporary prints, and others from photographs specially taken for the work. INHALT : I. Der Sternenhimmel : die Bewegungen und Eigenschaften der Himmelskorper : II. Unsere Erde : dec Werdegang des Erdballs und seine Lebewelt, seine Beschaffenheit und Hiillen. 16863 HINKS (Arthur Robert, Cambridge Observatory; F.R.S.) MAP PROJECTIONS, with coloure- frontispiece and 19 diagrams, Svo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 5s nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 191' 16864 MAPS and SURVEY, with 24 plates, besides diagrams, Svo. cl., 4s (p. 6s nett) apud eandem, ibidem, 191& 16865 HOUZEAU (Jean Charles, Directeur de V Observatoire de BRUXELLES) Le CIEL mis a la, portee de TOUT LE MONDE ; with 4 folding plates (linen-mounted) and text-illustrations, post 8vo.. cl., 5s Bruxelles, 1882' 16866 IDELER (Christian Ludwig) HANDBUCH der MATHEMATISCHEN und TECHNISCHEN CHRONO- LOGIE, aus den Quellen bearbeitet, 2 thick vols. post Svo. hf. buckram (nice copy) ; SCARCE, 1. 10s Berlin, 1825-6- THE SCARCE ORIGINAL EDITION of the author's most important work. ' An exhaustive and commendable work on the measures of time adopted in various countries, especially in ancient times.' Pro/. Simon Newcomb. 16867 JEANS (H. W., F.R.A.S. ; R.N. Coll., Portsmouth) NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY and NAVIGATION ;-. LATEST (Pt. I 3rd and Pt. II 5th) EDITION, with numerous diagrams, 2 parts in 1 vol. roy. Svo. cl. (o. p.), 8s (p. 14s) 1876-84 16868 KLEIN (Hermann Josef, Hitter des kgl. Serb. San-Sava Ordens) ASTRONOMISCHE ABENDE :: allgemein verstandliche Unterhaltungen liber Geschichte und Ergebnisse der Himmelserschei- nungen, 5. vollig umgearbeitete Autiage ; with 13 plates, large cr. Svo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 4s (p. M. 5.50 sewn) Leipzig, 1905- 16869 - - FUHRER am STERNENHIMMEL fiir Freunde astronomischer Beobachtungen ; with 7. plates (some coloured), and numerous woodcuts, post Svo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides, 4s (p, ML S sewn) ibidem [189*2] The author here announces himself as a Knight of the Royal Serbian Order of St. Sava, in the days before his country set out for the game of nationmurder. 16870 HANDBUCH der ALLGEMEINEN HIMMELSBESCHREIBUNG nach dem Standpunkte der astronomischen Wissenschaf t am Schlusse des 19. Jahrhunderts, 3. [neueste] vollig umgearbeitete Auflage ; with 10 plates (one coloured), and numerous woodcuts, Svo. original hf. morocco gilt, r. e. (nice copy), Is (p. M. 12.50) Braunschweig, 1901 16871 - - STERN-ATLAS fiir Freunde der Himmelsbeobachtung, enthaltend : Sammtliche Sterne 1. bis 6,5. Grosse zwischen dem Nordpol und 34 siidlicher Dekl., alle Nebelflecken und Stern- haufen, welche in Ferngliisern mittlerer Grosse sichtbar sind, sowie Specialkarten besonders interessanter Objecte; with 18 maps, sm. folio, original hf. morocco (nice copy), 5s (p. M. 16) Leipzig, .1888 16872 KLINKERFTJES (Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm, Gottingen) THEORETISCHE ASTRONOMIE, 2. neu bearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage von H. BUCHHOLZ ; with bad portrait and 67 diagrams? thick 4to. handsomely bound in hf. purple morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e.g. (as good as new), 1. Is (p. M. 34 sewn) Braunschweig, 1899 Including a valuable collection of Tables (pp. 829-928) as Appendix. 16873 KOBOLD (Hermann, Kieler Sternwarte) Der BAU des FiXSTERNSYSTEMS, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der PHOTOMETRISCHEN RESULTATE ; with 3 folding plates (linen-mounted), and 19 smaller illustrations, Svo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 5s (p. M. 6.50 sewn) Braunschiveig, 1906- 844 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. ASTRONOMY and GEODESY, continued: 16876 KBISCH (August) ASTRONOMISCHES LEXIKON, auf Grundlage der neuesten Forschungen, besonders der Ergebnisse der Spectralanalyse und der Himmelsphotographie zusammengestellt u nd bearbeitet; with 321 illustrations, rov. 8vo. original hf. morocco (rubbed), 6s Qd (p. M. 12.50) men [1902] J6877 LAPLACE (Pierre Simon Marquis de ; F.R.S.) (EuvRES ; handsomely printed inlarge type, 7 vols. 4to. handsomely bound in hf. olive morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (FINE SET), 3. 10s Imprimerie Roy ale, 1843-7 'CoNTENU : I V. Mecanique Celeste : VI. Systeme du Monde : VII. Theorie analytique des Probability's. It is a handsome edition, printed at the instance of King Louis Philippe. 16878 LASKA (Vaclav; Bohemian Univ., Prague) LEHRBUCH der SPHARISCHEN und THEORE TISCHEN ASTRONOMIE und MATHEMATISCHEN GEOGRAPHIE, nebst Aufgaben und Resultaten 5 with folding plate, and numerous diagrams, large 8vo. cl., or buckram, 3s (p. M. 6 sewn) Bremerhaven, [1889] 16879 LEHRBUCH der VERMESSUNGSKUNDE (GEODASIE), mit Sammlung von Aufgaben ; with n umerous illustrations, 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1, buckram, 6s (p. M. 10 sewn) ib. [1894] 16880 LIAIS (Emmanuel, Observatoire Imperial de Paris) TRAITE d' ASTRONOMIE appliquee h la GEOGRAPHIE et a la NAVIGATION, suivi de la GEODESIE PRATIQUE ; with 59 illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 5s 1867 16881 MeKBEADY (Kelvin) A BEGINNER'S STAR-BOOK: an Easy Guide to the Stars and to the Astronomical Uses of the Opera-Glass, the Field Glass and the Telescope, with 70 plates and smaller illustrations, 4to. cl., 6s (p. 9s nett) New York, 1912 16882 MAIN (Philip Thomas, St. John's Coll., Cantab.) INTRODUCTION to PLANE ASTRONOMY ; 6th [last] Edition, with illustrations, fcap. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 3s Cambridge, 1893 46883 MAIN (Bobert, pr., F.R.S. ; Radcli/e Observer [and Philip Thomas]) PRACTICAL and SPHERICAL ASTRONOMY, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 3s Qd (p. 14s) Cambridge, 1863 ' Including all the mathematical processes which will enable the reader to understand the operations of a modern Observatory furnished with the ordinary meridional and extrameridional instruments.' Preface. 16884 MABTTJS (Hermann C. E.) ASTRONOMISCHE ERDKUNDE : ein Lehrbuch angewandter M athematik, GROSSE AUSGABE, 3. neu durchgearbeitete Auflage ; with 100 illustrations, 8vo. ha ndsomely bound hf. black morocco, cl. sides (nice copy), 7s Qd Dresden, 1904 16885 VIERTE [NEUESTE] AUFLAGE, mit vielen Zusatzen ; with Opiates and 100 illustrations, large post 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 10s (p. M. 12.50sewn) ibidem, 1912 16886 MAUNDER (Edward Walter, F.R.A.S.) ASTRONOMY WITHOUT a TELESCOPE : a Guide to the Constellations, with Introduction to the Study of the Heavens with the Unassisted Sight, with 12 star-maps and 44 text-illustrations, 8vo. cl., with Sir Edward Clarke's bookplate, 3s (p. 5s nett) 1904 16887 MESSEB (Jacob) STERN-ATLAS flir HIMMELSBEOBACHTUNGEN ; 2. verbesserte und erganzte Auflage ; with 2 hemispheres (linen-mounted), 26 star-maps, and 45 other illustrations, oblong cr. 4to. cl., Qs Qd (p. M. 10) St. Petersburg [Petrograd], 1902 16888 MILHAM (Willis Isbister, Williams Coll.) How to IDENTIFY the STARS, with 16 plates and charts, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd New York, 1909 16889 MOTJLTON (Forest Bay, Univ. Chicago) INTRODUCTION to ASTRONOMY, with 201 illustra- tions, large cr. 8vo. hf. leather, 3s Qd (p. 7s nett) New York, 1906 16890 INTRODUCTION to CELESTIAL MECHANICS ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 7s Qd (p. 14s nett) ibidem, 1902 16891 SECOND [LATEST] EDITION, revised, with 62 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), lls (p. 15s nett) ib., 1914 16892 MULLEB (Aloys) ELEMENTARE THEORIE der ENTSTEHUNG der GEZEITEN ; with 21 illustra- tions, large 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 2s Leipzig, 1906 16893 MULLEB (Johann Heinrich Jacob ; Univ. Freiburg i. B.) LEHRBUCH der KOSMISCHEN PHYSIK ; 5. [neueste] umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage von C. F. W. PETERS ; with 25 plates (a few coloured), and 447 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 932) ; with Atlas, containing 60 plates (MANY COLOURED, and the folding ones neatly linen-mounted), cr. 4to. 2 vols., handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 1. (p. M. 26 sewn) Braunschweig, 1894 Forming a supplement to Muller-Pouillet's ' Lehrbuch der Physik ' (v. ^05.17147-8 post). 16894 NEISSEB (Karl, Wien) PTOLEMAUS oder KOPERNIKUS ? eine Studie iiber die Bewegung der Erde und iiber den Begriffder Bewegung, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 2s Qd Leipzig, 1907 16895 NEWCOMB (Simon ; U.S. Naval Observatory, F.R.S.) COMPENDIUM of SPHERICAL ASTRONOMY, with its Applications to the Determination and Reduction of Positions of the Fixed Stars, with 36 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 8s (p. 12s Qd nett) New York, 1906 ' Haying the double purpose of developing the elements of Practical and Theoretical Astronomy for the student, and of serving as a handbook of convenient reference for the use of the working astronomer in applying methods and formulae. ' Preface. 16896 The STARS : a Study of the Universe, with frontispiece and numerous text-illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 6s nefct) 1904 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 845 ASTRONOMY and GEODESY, continued: 16898 PARKER (George W., T.C.D.) ELEMENTS of ASTRONOMY, with numerous Examples and Examination Papers, 2nd [latest] Edition, with 84 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 5s Qd nett) 1900 16899 PECK (William, F.R.S.E., Director City Observatory, Edin.) POPULAR HANDBOOK and ATLAS of ASTRONOMY, with 44 plates, and numerous text-illustrations, 4to. cl., t. e. g., 10s (p. 1. Is) 1890 16900 PLASSMAN (Joseph Eduard Clemens Franz ; Univ. Miinster) HIMMELSKUNDE : Versuch einer methodischen Einfiihrung in die Hauptlehren der Astronomic, 2. und 3. [neueste] Auflage ; with coloured frontispiece, 282 illustrations, and 3 folding maps (linen- mounted), 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 8s Qd (p. M. 11 sewn) Freiburg i. B., 1913 16901 POINCARIJ (Henri Jules, de VInstitut ; F.R.S. ; cousin of the President of the French Re- public) LECONS de MECANIQUE CELESTE professees a la Sorbonne ; with 2 folding maps (linen- mounted), and numerous diagrams, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. in 2, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 1. Is Qd (p. F. 39 nett sewn) 1905-10 A well-known standard work. CONTENU : I. Theorie generale des Perturbations planetaires : II. 1. Developpement de la Fonction perturbatrice : II. 2. Thdorie de la Lune: III. Theorie des Marges, redigee par E. FICHOT. 16902 PORCHON (Paul) COURS de COSMOGRAPHIE, 5 e [derniere] Edition, revue; with Opiates (linen-mounted) and 188 text-illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd 1899 16903 PROCTOR (Richard Anthony, F.R.A.S.) STAR ATLAS for Library, School, and Observatory, showing all the Stars visible to the Naked Eye, and 1500 Objects of Interest, 14 double maps (in- cluding 2 coloured index-maps), with Introduction, folio, cl., with Adml. Sir Erasmus Ommanney's bookplate, 4s Qd (p. 15*) 1870 16904 THIRD EDITION, with 14 plates (as above), folio, cl., 5s 1874 16905 RESAL (Ame Henri, de VImtitut) TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE de MECANIQUE CELESTE ; with folding plate, 8vo. hf. French morocco neat, 46? 1865 16906 DEUXIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION [entierement refondue] ; with 26 diagrams, 4to. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 15s (p. F. 25 nett sewn) 1884 'Among valuable text-books on mathematical astronomy ranks Traite de Mecanique Celeste of H. Resal.' Prof. Cajori. 16907 RUDAUX (L.) How to STUDY the STARS : Astronomy with small Telescopes and the naked Eye, and Notes on Celestial Photography, translated by A. H. KEANE, with 69 plates and text- illustrations, large cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1909 16908 SCHEINER (Julius ; Prof. Astrophysics, Berlin) POPULARE ASTROPHYSIK ; with 30 plates and 210 text-illustrations, 8vo. cl., Is Qd (p. M. 12) Leipzig, 1908 16909 ZWEITE [NEUESTE] AUFLAGE, erganzt durch einige Nachtrage ; with 30 plates and 210 text-illustrations, 8vo. cl., 10s (p. M. 14) ibidem, 1912 An excellent semi-popular work on the subject. 16910ISCHWAHN (Paul, DireUor der Urania, Berlin) MATHEMATISCHE THEORIE der ASTRONO- MISCHEN FINSTERNISSE ; with 20 diagrams, post 8vo. stiff wrapper, 2s 6d Leipzig, 1910 16911 SGHWALBE (Bernhard Georg), und H. BOTTGER: GRUNDRISS der ASTRONOMIE, mit Lebensbild B. Schwalbes von E. SCHWALBE; with 13 plates (mostly folding and linen- mounted), 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 7) Braunschweig, 1904 16912 SECCHI (Angelo, s.J. ; Prof. Physics, Washington : Director, Osservatorio del Collegia Romano) Die STERNE : Grundziige der 'Astronomic der Fixsterne ; with 9 plates (some coloured), and 78 woodcuts, post 8vo. hf. black calf neat, 4s Qd (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1878 16913 SEELIGER (Hugo v. ; Director, Munich Observatory) BETRACHTUNGEN iiber die RAUM- LICHE VERTHEILUNG der FIXSTERNE, 2 parts 4to. in 1, buckram, t. e. g., 4s Munchen, 1898-1909 16914 VALENTINER (Wilhelm ; Prof. Astronomy, Heidelberg) HANDWORTERBUCH der ASTRO' NOMIE, unter Mitwirkung von E. BECKER, E. GERLAND, M. HAID, N. HERZ, H. KOBOLD, N. v KONKOLY, C. W. PETERS, E. v. REBEUR-PASCHWITZ, FR. RISTENPART, W. SCHUR, H. SEELIGER, C. STECHERT, W. WISLICENUS und K. ZELLER; with 11 plates and 489 text-illustra- tions, 4 vols. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides (FINE COPY), 2. 10s (p. M. 100 sewn) Breslau, 1897-1902 Forming part of the ' Encyklopadie der Naturwissenschaften.' 16915 WATSON (James C., Univ. Michigan) THEORETICAL ASTRONOMY, relating to the Motions of the Heavenly Bodies revolving around the Sun in Accordance with the Law of Universal Gravitation, roy. 8vo. cl., 1. Is (p. 2. 5s) Philadelphia, 1869 ' A systematic derivation of the formulae for the calculation of the geocentric and heliocentric places, for the deter- mination of the orbits of planets and comets, for the correction of approximate elements, and for the computation of spherical perturbations, with the theory of the combination of observations and the method of least squares.' It is one of the most valuable textbooks on mathematical astronomy. The author believed he had discovered the spurious intramercurian planet ' Vulcan ' as the result of his observations during the total solar eclirse of July 29, 1878. 16916 WEBB (Thomas William, pr., F.R.A.S.) CELESTIAL OBJECTS for COMMON TELESCOPES, 5th Edition, revised and greatly enlarged, by THOMAS HENRY ESPINELL COMPTON ESPIN, Vicar of Tow Law, F.R.A.S., with fine portrait, plates, and woodcuts, 2 vols. post 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. 13s) 1893 4 ' A work which has done more than any other to advance the cause of amateur observation.' D. N. B. It is one of the best books for the amateur astronomer " 846 HEJNKY SOTHEKAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. ASTRONOMY and GEODESY, continued: 15918 WEISS (Edmund; Prof. Astronomy, Vienna] BILDER- ATLAS der STERNENWELT, 2. \ermehrte Auflage ; with 39 plates (many coloured], besides text-illustrations, folio, original hf. cl., Is (p. M. 12) Esslingen, 1892 16919 WHITE (Charles Joyce, Harvard Univ.] The ELEMENTS of THEORETICAL and DESCRIP- TIVE ASTRONOMY ; 7th Edition, revised, with 84 illustrations, post 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 85 Qd nett) New York, 1905 16920 WOLF (Maximilian Franz Josef Cornelius ; Prof. Astronomy, Heidelberg) Die MILCH- STRASSE : Vortrag in der 79. Versammlung Deutscher Naturforschcr und Arzte ; with 10 plates and 53 text-illustrations, large 8vo. cl. boards, 2s Qd (p. M. 4) Leipzig, 1908 16921 STEREOSKOPBILDER vora STERNHIMMEL, I. SERIE ; with 12 fine stereoscopic vieivs* narrow 8vo. in hf. cl. portfolio, 3s (p. M. 5) ibidem, 1908 16922 WOLF (Rudolf, Univ. Zurich) HANDBUCH der ASTRONOMIE, ihrer GESCHICHTE und LITTER ATUR ; with very numerous illustrations, 2 vols. large 8vo. in 1 (pp. 1360), handsomely bound in hj . pigskin, d. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 1. 2s Qd (p. M. 32 sewn) Ziirich, 1890-3 Invaluable as a work of reference from the copious bibliographies of historical works added to each chapter, division, and sub-division. 16923 YOUNG (Charles Augustus, Prof. Astronomy, Princeton Univ.) TEXT-BOOK of GENERAL ASTRONOMY for Colleges and Scientific Schools, revised [latest] Edition, with frontispiece of the Lick telescope and 246 illustrations, 8vo. original hf. roan (as fresh as new), 7s Qd (p. 12$ Qd) Boston [Mass.], 1900 PHYSICS: 16924 AIRY (Sir George Biddell, F.R.S., Astronomer Royal] On SOUND and ATMOSPHERIC VIBRATIONS, with the Mathematical Elements of Music ; 2nd [last] Edition, with 2 plates, post 8vo. cl., uncut (o. p.), 5s (p. 9s) 16925 On the UNDULATORY THEORY of OPTICS ; new [last] Edition, with 2 folding plates, post 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 5s 1877 16926 AIRY (Osmund; LL.D.) GEOMETRICAL OPTICS, illustrated, large 12mo. cl. (o.p.), 3s 1870 16927 ALDIS (William Steadman, Prof. Mathematics, Univ. Coll., Auckland, N.Z.] A CHAPTER on FRESNEL'S THEORY of DOUBLE REFRACTION, with diagrams, 8vo. cl. cover, Is Qd Cambridge, 1870 16928 ANDRADE (Jules, Univ. Rennes] LECONS de MECANIQUE PHYSIQUE ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, uncut, Qs (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1898 16929 Le MOUVEMENT : Mesures de 1'Etendue et Mesures du Temps ; with 46 illustrations, 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 3s (p. F. 6 nett) 16930 ANGLAS (J.) PRECIS d'AcousTlQUE physique, musicale, physiologique ; with 122 illustra- tions, large 8v r o. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 8s Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1910 16931 ANTOMARI (Xavier) LECONS de CINEMATIQUE et de DYNAMIQUE, suivies de la Determina- tion des Centres de Gravite ; with diagrams : LECONS de STATIQUE ; with diagrams 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy], 5s 1902-1897 16932 APPELL (PaulEmile, de I'Institut] COURS de MECANIQUE, 2 e Edition, entierement refondue ; with numerous illustrations, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e.g., Is (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 16933 - TROISIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION, entierement refondue ; with 191 illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new], 8s Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 16934 - - LECONS sur 1' ATTRACTION et la FONCTON POTENTIELLE, redigees par M. CHARLIAT ; with 24 diagrams, roy. 8vo. red buckram (scarce), 4s Qd * 1892 16935 TRAITE de MKCANIQUE RATIONNELLE ; 2 e Edition, entierement refondue, avec Note par E. et F. COSSEKAT sur 1'Action Euclidienue ; with numerous diagrams, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy], 1. 10s (p. F. 60 nett sewn) 1902-9 CONTENT: I. Statique. Dynamique du Point: II. Dyiiamique des Systomes. Mecanique Analytique : III. Equilibre et Mouvenient dcs Milieux continus. 16936 , etT. DAUTHEVILLE, Univ. Montpellier: PRECIS de MECANIQUE RATIONNELLE : Introduction a 1'Etude de la Physique et de la Mecanique appliquee ; t0#A222 diagrams, roy. Svo. (pp. 729), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 16s (p. F. 25 nett sewn) 1910 16937 BALL (Sii Robert Stawell, F.R.S., Lowndean Prof. Astronomy and Geometry, Cantab.) TREATISE on the THEORY of SCREWS, with frontispiece and numerous diagrams, large roy. Svo. d., uncut, 12s Qd (p. 18$ nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 19 The standard work on its subject. Pp. 510-39 contain valuable ' Bibliographical Notes.' HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 84.7 PHYSICS, continued: 16939 BALY (Edward Cecil Cyril, F.R.S., Prof. Inorganic Chemistry, Liverpool) SPECTROSCOPY, with 163 illustrations, including 5 folding plates (linen- mounted), post 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. 10s Qd) 1905- 16940 BARNARD (Major-Gen. John Gross, U.S. Army) PROBLEMS of ROTARY MOTION, pre- sented by the GYROSCOPE, the PRECESSION of the EQUINOXES, and the PENDULUM, with diagrams, large 4to. red buckram, 4s [Washington, 1872} No. 240 of Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 16941 BARNETT (S. J., Leland Stanford Jr. Univ.] ELEMENTS of ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY, with 145 illustrations, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (nice copy), 9s (p. 125 Qd nett) New York, 190$ 'Trying to present in systematic and definite form a simple, rigorous, and thoroughly modern introduction to the fundamental principles of electromagnetic theory, with some of the simpler of their more interesting: and important non-technical applications.' Preface. 16942 BARTON (Edwin Henry, F.R.S.E., Prof. Experimental Physics, Nottingham) ANALYTICAL MECHANICS, comprising Kinetics and Statics of Solids and Fluids, ivith 241 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g., 8s (p. 10s Qd nett in cl.) 1911 16943 BASSET (Alfred Barnard, F.R.S.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on HYDRODYNAMICS and SOUND,. 2nd [latest] Edition, with diagrams, Svo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 8s) Cambridge, 1900- 16944 BATEMAN (Harry, Fellow of Trinity ; Johns Hopkins Univ.) The MATHEMATICAL, ANALYSIS of ELECTRICAL and OPTICAL WAVE-MOTION on the Basis of MAXWELL'S EQUATIONS, Svo. cl., 5s (p. 7s Qd nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1915 ' An introduction to some recent developments of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory which are directly connected with the solution of partial differential equations of wave motion.' Preface. 16945 BAYMA (Joseph, s.j., Stonyhurst) The ELEMENTS of MOLECULAR MECHANICS, with 3 fold- ing plates, Svo. cl. (o. p.), 6s 1866 ' A first endeavour towards ascertaining the laws of molecular action.' Introditction. 16946 BAYNES (Robert Edward, Dr. Lee's Reader in Physics, Oxon.) LESSONS on THERMO- DYNAMICS, with 52 illustrations and table, cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 5s Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1878 'A complete English mathematical introduction to the dynamical theory of heat. No such treatise exists at present. 'Intro 16947 BEER (August ; Univ. Bonn) EINLEITUNG in die ELEKTROSTATIK, die Lehre vom MAGNE- TISMUS und die ELEKTRODYNAMIK, nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben von JULIUS PLUCKER, large post Svo. hf. black calf neat (nice copy) ; o. p., 3s Qd Braunschweig, 1865 16948 EINLEITUNG in die HOHERE OPTIK, 2. [letzte] umgearbeitete Auflage von VIKTOR v. LANG ; with plate (inked), and 201 woodcuts, Svo. hf. cl., 4s (p. M. 9 sewn) ibidem, 1882 16949 ANOTHER COPY, hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 5s Qd 16950 EINLEITUNG in die MATHEMATISCHE THEORIE der ELASTICITAT oind CAPILLARITAT, herausgegeben von A. GIESEN ; with 4 plates, Svo. buckram, 2s Gd (p. M. 4 sewn) Leipzig, 1869 - v. CLEBSCH, post. 16951 BELANGER (Jean Baptiste) TRAITE de CINEMATIQUE ; with 5 folding plates, large post Svo. buckram (o. p.), Qs 1864 16952 . TRAITE de la DYNAMIQUE des SYSTEMES MATERIELS; with Infolding plates, Svo. buckram, 5s (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1866- 16953 - TRAITE de DYNAMIQUE d'un POINT MATERIEL; with folding plate, Svo. buckram, 2s (p. F. 4 nett sewn) 1864 16954 BERTRAND (Joseph Louis FranQois, de VInstitut) THERMODYNAMIQUE ; with diagrams? roy. Svo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 6s Qd (p. F. 10 nett sewn) 1887 16955 BESANT (William Henry, F.R.S. ; brother of Sir Walter) ELEMENTARY HYDROSTATICS, with Chapters on the Motion of Fluids and of Sound, with diagrams ; with the Solutions, 2 vols. cr. Svo. in 1, buckram, 5s Qd (p. 9s Qd nett) 1900-1899 16956 NOTES on ROULETTES and GLISSETTES, 2nd [last] Edition, with 5 folding plates, cr. Svo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 5s) 'Cambridge, 1890 16957 TREATISE on DYNAMICS, 3rd Edition, with numerous diagrams, post Svo. buckram, 4s (p. 10s Qd) 1902 16958 - - FIFTH [LATEST] EDITION, revised and enlarged by A. S. RAMSEY, Fellow of Magdalene Coll., Cantab., with numerous diagrams, Svo. buckram, Is Qd (p. 12s) 1914 16959 , and Arthur Stanley RAMSEY, Magdalene Coll., Cantab. : TREATISE on HYDRO- MECHANICS, 7th [latest] Edition, with numerous diagrams, 2 vols., 13s (p. 18s nett) 1911-13 16960 BJERKNES (Vilhelm; Prof. Geophysics Leipzig) Die KRAFTFELDER ; [with 28 illustra- tions, Svo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 5s Qd (p. M. 7 sewn) Braunschweig, 1909 1 Q9GI BLAKESLEY (Thomas Holmes, M.I.C.E.) PAPERS on ALTERNATING CURRENTS of ELEC- TRICITY, 2nd Edition, enlarged, with 29 woodcuts, post Svo. cl., 2s (p. 4s Qd) 1889 16962 BOEDDICKER (Otto) ERWEITERUNG der GAUSS'schen THEORIE der VERSCHLINGUNGEN, mit Anwendungen in der ELEKTRODYNAMIK; with illustrations, roy. Svo. sewn, 3s (p. M. 5.50) Stuttgart, 1876 16963 BOLTZMANN" (Ludwig ; Prof. Theoretical Physics, Vienna) VORLESUNGEN iiber die PRINCIPE der MECHANIK ; with 26 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in bf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 11s (p. M. 15 sewn) Leipzig, 1897-1904 848 HENRY SOTHErlAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, \V. PHYSICS, continued: 16965 BOUASSE (Henri, Univ. Toulouse) COURS de MECANIQUE PHYSIQUE, 2 e [derniere] Edition, completement transformed et considerablement augmentee ; with 307 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 695), hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 13s Qd (p. F. 20 nett sewn) [1912] 16966 - COURS de PHYSIQUE, conforme aux Programmes des Certificats et de 1'Agregation de Physique ; with numerous illustrations, 6 vols. roy. 8vo. in 5, buckram, 2. 2s (p. F. 66.50 nett sewn) [1907-9] CONTENU: I. Mecanique physique :. II. Thermodynamique. The'orie des Ions: III. Electrieite et Magnetisrae : IV. Optique. Etude des Instruments : V. Electroptique. Ondes hertziennes : VI. Etude des Symetries. 16967 BOUGH ARL AT (Jean Louis) ELEMENTS de MECANIQUE, 4 e [derniere] Edition: with 10 folding plates, large post 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 4s Qd 1861 16968 BOURLET (Carlo) ELEMENTS de STATIQUE GRAPHIQUE; with 90 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. F. 7. 50 nett) 16969 BOUSSINESQ, (Joseph, de VInstitut) LECONS SYNTHETIQUES de MECANIQUE GENERALE, publiees par MM. LEGAY et VIGNERON, roy. 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g. (o, p.), 4s 1889 16970 BOWSER (Edward Albert, Rutgers Coll.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on ANALYTIC MECHANICS, with numerous Examples, 18th Edition, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. hf. black morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), 5s New York, 1905 16971 BRIOT (Charles Auguste Albert) ESSAIS sur la THEORIE MATHEMATIQUE de la LUMIERE ; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. French olive morocco neat (nice copy) ; scarce, Qs Qd 1864 16972 LECONS de MECANIQUE ; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. hf. French morocco neat, 4s 1861 16973 BRISSE (Charles), et Charles ANDRE : COURS de PHYSIQUE a 1'Usage de la Classe de Math^matiques speciales, 3 e [derniere] Edition par CH. BRISSE et CH. RIVIERE ; with coloured spectrum plate and 562 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. pigskin neat, cl. sides, Is Qd (p. F. 15 nett sewn) 1894 16974 BROOKS (E. E.), and A. W. POYSER, T.C.D.: MAGNETISM and ELECTRICITY : a Manua 1 for Students of Advanced Classes, with 413 illustrations, large cr. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 5s Qd (p. 7s 60? nett in cl.) 16975 BURMESTER (Ludwig ; Technische Hochschule, Milnchen) LEHRBUCH der KINEMATIK, geometrisch dargestellt, I. Band : die EBENE BEWEGUNG, large 8vo. (pp. 962), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides ; with Atlas, containing 57 plates, 3 vols. oblong folio, hf. cl., 1. 18s Qd (p. M. 57 sewn) Leipzig, 1888 16976 BYK (Alfred, Univ. Berlin) EiNFUHRUNG in die KINETISCHE THEORIE der GASE, I. [einziges] Biindchen : die IDEALEN GASE ; with 14 illustrations, post 8vo. stiff wrapper, 2s Leipzig, 1910 16977 CAMPBELL (Norman Robert, Univ. Leeds) MODERN ELECTRICAL THEORY, 2nd [latest] Edition, 8vo. cl., Qs Qd (p. 9s nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1913 1 This volume, nominally a second edition, is really a new book.' Preface. 16978 CARMICHAEL (Robert Daniel, Indiana Univ.) The THEORY of RELATIVITY, large 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 4s Qd nett) New York, 1913 16979 CARONNET (Th.) PROBLEMES de MECANIQUE ; with numerous diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 16980 CARPENTER (William Benjamin, F.R.S.) The MICROSCOPE and its REVELATIONS; 8th [latest] Edition, in which the first seven and the 23rd Chapters have been Avholly rewritten, and the Text reconstructed, enlarged, and revised by W. H. DALLINGER, F.R.S. [Principal of Wesley College, Sheffield], with 22 fine plates (some coloured), and nearly 900 woodcuts, Svo. (pp. 1201), handsomely bound in hf. crushed purple morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 17s Qd (p. 1. 8s in cl.) 1901 The fullest and best English work on microscopy, edited by one of its greatest authorities. The plates include many micro-photographs taken by the editor, some with a Zeiss r T inch N.A. 1'CO objective. The work also includes a very interesting and fully illustrated history of the microscope. 16981 CELLERIER (Charles; Univ. Geneva) COURS de MECANIQUE; with numerous diagrams, roy. Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 8s Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1892 16982 CHARBONNIER (Lt.-Col. P.) BALLISTIQUE EXTERIEURE RATIONNELLE (Problemes principal et secondaries): BALLISTIQUE INTERIEURE; with numerous. illustrations, 3 vols. Svo. buckram, 8s (p. F. 15 nett) 1907-8 16983 CHEVALLIER (A. F.), et Achille MUNTZ: PROBLEMES de PHYSIQUE, avec leurs Solutions developpees ; 2e [derniere] Edition, augmented par CH. DE VILLEDEUIL; with illustra- tions, Svo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. F. 6 nett sewn) 1885 16984 CHRISTIANSEN (Christian, Univ. Copenhagen) ELEMENTS of THEORETICAL PHYSICS, translated by WILLIAM FRANCIS MAGIE, Princeton University, with 143 illustrations, Svo. cl., 8s (p. 12s Qd nett) 1897 16985 - , und Johannes J. C. MULLER : ELEMENTS der THEORETISCHEN PHYSIK, mit Vorwort von E. WIEDEMANN, 3. [neueste] verbesserte Auflage ; with 164 illustrations, Svo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t.e. g. (as good as new), 10s Qd (p. M. 13. 50 sewn) Leipzig, 1910 16986 COMBETTE (Eugene) COURS de MECANIQUE ELEMENTAIRE, suivi de Notions de Statique graphique, 6 edition ; with 250 diagrams, Svo. buckram, 3s (p. F. 5 sewn) 1899 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W, 849 PHYSICS, continued: 16988 CHWOLSON (Orest D., Univ. Petrograd) LEHRBUCH der PHYSIK, iibersetzt von H. PFLAUM and E. BERG, Band I III ; with 1329 illustrations, 3 thick vols. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, i.e. g. (nice copy), 1. 12s Qd (p. M. 46 sewn) Braunschweig, 1902-5 INHALT : I. Einleitung. Mechanik. Einige Messinstrumente und Messmethoden. Lehre von den Gasen, Fliissigkeiten und festen Korpern : II. Lehre vom Schall (Akustik). Lehre von der strahlenden Energie : III. Lehre von der Warme. 16989 CLASSEN (Johannes Wilhelm, physik. Staatslaboratorium, Hamburg) MATHEMATISCHE OPTIK; with 52 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. M. 6) Leipzig, 1901 16990 THEORIE der ELEKTRIZITAT und des MAGNETISMUS ; with 74 illustrations, 2 vols. large cr. 8vo. cl., 7s Qd (p. M. 12) ibidem, 1903-4 16991 CLAUDE (Georges) L'ELECTRICITE a la PORTEE de TOUT LE MONDE : Courants continu, variables, alternatifs simples et polyphases. Le Radium et les nouvelles Radiations; 7 e Edition, augmentee ; with 236 illustrations, large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g., Qs 1911 16992 CLAUSIUS (Rudolf Julius Emanuel ; F.R.S.) Die MECHANISCHE WARMETHORIE ; NEUESTE UMGEARBEITETE AuFLAGE (Bd. I 3. A. und Bd. II III 2. A.) ; with numerous woodcuts, 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 16s Qd (p. M. 22.40 sewn) Braunschweig, 1879-91 The author's great work, which first placed thermodynamics on a scientific basis. It contaiRS : I. Entwickelung der Theorie, soweit sic sich aus den beiden Hauptsiitzen ableiten lasst, nebst Anwendungen, 3. A., '87 : II. Die mechanische Behandlung der Electricitat, 2. A., '79 : III. Die kinetische Theorie der Gase, herausgegeben von MAX PLANCK und CARL PULFRICH, 2. A., '89-91. 16993 CLAUZEL (G-.) EFFETS GYROSCOPIQUES, GYROSCOPE : The"orie simplified ; with 46 diagrams, roy. 4to. (pp. 51), buckram, 2s Qd 1912 Gyroscopic monorail railways seem to have been postponed for the duration of the war ! 16994 CLEBSCH (Rudolf Friedrich Alfred ; Univ. Gottingen) THEORIE der ELASTICITAT FESTER KORPER, 8vo. hf. calf (SCARCE), 15s Leipzig, 1862 Bound up with the above is : Einleitung in die mathematische Theorie der Elasticitat und Capillaritat von AUGUST BEER, herausgegeben von A. GIESEN ; with Opiates, Leipzig, 1869. 16995 CLIFFORD (William Kingdon, F.R.S. , Univ. Coll., London) ELEMENTS of DYNAMIC : an Introduction to the Study of Motion and Rest in Solid and Fluid Bodies, Part I : KINEMATIC [Books I III], illustrated, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 7s Qd) 1878 In this work, which was never completed, Professor Clifford first introduced the graphical and geometrical methods of Mobius, Culmann, etc., as applicable to elementary mathematics. 16996 COLLIGNON (Edouard, Ingtnieur en chef des Fonts et Chaussees) TRAITE de MECANIQUE, DERNIERE EDITION (T. I et III 3 e , II 4 e , et IV V 2 e Editions) ; with 1154 woodcuts, 5 vols. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (FINE SET), 1. 7s Qd (p. F. 37.50 nett sewn) 1885-1903 CONTENU : I. Cinematique : II. Statique : III IV. Dynamique : V. Questions diverses, Complements, Table generate. 16997 TOMES I a III ; with numerous woodcuts, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. green morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (nice copy), 10s Qd(p. F. 22.50 nett sewn) 1873-4 16998 COTTERILL (James Henry, F.R.S.) APPLIED MECHANICS : an Elementary General Intro- duction to the Theory of Structures and Machines, 4th Edition, enlarged, with 11 plates and 213 other illustrations, 8vo. cl., Qs Qd (p. 18s) 1895 16999 , and John Henry SLADE, R.N. : LESSONS in APPLIED MECHANICS, with 377 illustra- tions, 12mo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 5s Qd) 1894 or 1902 17000 CBABTBEE (Harold, Charterhouse School) ELEMENTARY TREATMENT of the THEORY of SPINNING TOPS and GYROSCOPIC MOTION, with 3 plates, and 77 text-illustrations, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s Qd nett) 1909 17001 SECOND [LATEST] EDITION, with 5 plates and 100 text-illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. 7s Qd nett) 1914 The second edition contains articles on the gyro-compass and the monorail cars of Brennan and Schilowsky. 17002 GUMMING (Linnaeus, Rugby School) INTRODUCTION to the THEORY of ELECTRICITY, with numerous Examples ; 4th [last] Edition, with Additions, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 8s Qd) 1894 17003 CUNNINGHAM (Ebenezer, St. John's Coll., Cantab.) The PRINCIPLE of RELATIVITY, ivith diagrams, 8vo. cl., Qs Qd(p. 9s nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1914 ' No attempt has been made to present the highly speculative attempt of Einstein at a generalisation of the principle in connexion with a physical theory of gravitation.' Prejace. 17004 D ARIES (Georges, , Ingenieur de 'la Ville de Paris] i MECANIQUE, HYDRAULIQUE, THERMO- DYNAMIQUE ; 2 e [derniere] judition, entierement remaniee et tres-augmentee, cr. 8vo. (pp. 840), hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g., 6s (p. F. 12 nett) 1906 17005 DAVIS (George E., F.R.M.S.) PRACTICAL MICROSCOPY ; new [last] revised Edition, with coloured frontispiece, and 310 woodcuts, 8vo. d. t 3s Qd (p. 7s Qd) 1889 17006 DELAUNAY (Charles Eugene) TRAITE de MECANIQUE RATIONNELLE, 5 e Edition ; with 121 woodcuts and diagrams, 8vo. hf. French morocco neat (nice copy) ; o. p., Qs 1873 17007 DESSAU (Bernhard ; Prof. Physics, Perugia) Die PHYSIKALISCH-CHEMISCHEN EIGEN- SCHAFTEN der LEGIERUNGEN ; with 3 plates and 82 text-illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. M. 7 sewn) Braunschweig, 1910 850 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. PHYSICS, continued: 17009 DONKIN (William Fishburn, F.R.S., Savilian Prof. Astronomy, Oxon.) ACOUSTICS; Theoretical, Part I (all published), with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 7* 6d) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1870 ' Devoted to an enquiry into the vibrations of strings and rods, and giving evidence on every page of the combined musical and mathematical talents of the author.' Prof. W. J. Harrison. 17010 DRINCOURT (E.) COURS de PHYSIQUE a 1' Usage de 1'Ecole centrale des Arts et Manufac- tures ; with 367 illustrations, Svo. handsomely bound in hf. black marocco, cl. sides (nice copy), 6s Qd (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1896 17011 DRTJDE (Paul ; Prof. Physics, Berlin) LEHRBUCH der OPTIK, 2. erweiterte Auflage ; with 110 woodcuts and diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 9s (p. M. 12 sewn) Leipzig, 1906 ' Xo one who desires to gain an insight into the most modern aspects of optical research can afford to be unfamiliar with this remarkably original and consecutive presentation of the subject of optics.' Pro/. A. A. Michelson. 17012 DUHAMEL (Jean Marie Constant, de VInstitut) COURS de MECANIQUE ; 3 e [derniere] Edition [revue et augmentee] ; with 3 plates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. French morocco neat (nice copy] ; SCARCE, 15s 1862-3 'The influence of temperature ou stress was first investigated mathematically by Duhamel, who, assuming Poisson's theory of elasticity, examined the alterations of form which the formula? undergo when we allow for changes of temperature.' Prof. Cajori. 17013 DTJHEM (Pierre ; de VInstitut ; Univ. Bordeaux] Sur la CONTINUITE entre 1'ETAT LIQUIDE et 1'ETAT GAZEUX, et sur la Theorie generate des Vapours ; with 39 diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram (scarce), Qs Lille, 1891 Published by order of the Conseil General of a town now under the paw of the savages. 17014 - Les SOURCES des THEORIES PHYSIQUES : Les ORIGINES de la STATIQUE ; with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 14s (p. F. 20 nett sewn) " 1905-6 17015 La THEORIE PHYSIQUE: son Objet et sa Structure, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 5s (p. F. 8 nett sewn) 1906 I' Une simple analyse logique de la methode par laquelle progresse la science physique.' Introduction. 17016 - TRAITE d'ENERGETiQUE ou de THERMODYNAMIQUE GENERALE, 2 thick vols. roy. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 1. 4s (p. F. 36 nett sewn) 1911 CONTENU : I. Conservation de i'Energie. Mecanique rationelle. Statique generale. Deplacement de 1'Equilibre : II. Dynamique generate. Conductibilite de la Chaleur. Stabilite de 1'Equilibre. 17017 EARNSHAW (Samuel; pr., St. John's Coll., Cantab.) DYNAMICS, or a Treatise on Motion, with short TREATISE on ATTRACTIONS ; 3rd [last] Edition, revised, with diagrams : TREATISE on STATICS, containing the Theory of the Equilibrium of Forces ; 3rd Edition, enlarged, with 5 fold- ing plates 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. calf, 5s Cambridge, 1844-5 Professor Earnshaw was the first to take up the treatment of solitary waves. 17018 EMTAGE (William Thomas Allder; Director Public Instruction, Mauritius) INTRODUC- TION to the MATHEMATICAL THEORY of ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, 2nd [latest] Edition, with diagrams, cr. Svo. cl., 4s (p. 7s Qd) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1894 17019 - - LIGHT ; new Impression, with 231 illustrations, cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 6*) 1903 17020 ENGEL (F.), und K. SCHELLBACH : DARSTELLENDE OPTIK, 2. [letzte] Auflage, Svo. buckram, with Atlas, containing 21 fine copperplates (all neatly linen-mounted), oblong impl. folio, hf. brown morocco neat, buckram sides (FINE COPY) ; SCARCE, 3. 3s Halle, 1861 One of the finest works published on projective optics. 17021 EVERETT (James David, F.R.S. ; Queen's Coll., Belfast) VIBRATORY MOTION and SOUND, with 4 plates and 48 woodcuts, Svo. cl. (scarce), 6s 1882 ' The first English treatise dealing with vibratory motion as a special and separate subjecc '. Athenceum. 17022 EWERDING (Georg) LEHRBUCH der GRAPHOSTATIK, 2. [neueste] Auflage ; with 350 diagrams, sq. Svo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. M. 4.40 sewn) Stuttgart, 1912 17023 FERNET (Emile), et Charles Jules FAIVRE-DUPAIGRE : COURS de PHYSIQUE pour les Classes des Mathematiques speciales, 4 e Edition : Redaction entierement nouvelle ; with 758 illustrations, roy. Svo. (pp. 969), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e.g., 11s (p. F. 20 nett sewn) 17024 - - CiNQUiEME [DERNIERE] EDITION : Redaction entierement nouvelle ; with 951 illustrations, thick roy. Svo. (pp. 970), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 14s (p. F. 20 nett sewn) 1911 17025 FINGER (Josef, Technische Hochschule, Wien) ELEMENTS der REINEN MECHANIK als Vorstudium fiir die analytische und angewandte Mechanik und fur die mathematische Physik, 2. [neueste] Auflage ; with 210 diagrams, roy. Svo. (pp. 810), handsomely bound in hf. pig&kin, cl. sides, 15s (p. M. 20 sewn) Wien, 1901 17026 FLEMING (John Ambrose, F.R.S.) WAVES and RIPPLES in WATER, AIR, and AETHER, with frontispiece and 85 illustrations, post Svo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1902 An excellent elementary work on wave-motion. 17027 FOPPL (August, Technische Hochschule, Munchen) VORLESUNGEN ueber TECHNISCHE MECHANIK, 2. Auflage; ivith numerous diagrams, 4 vols. large cr. Svo. cl., 1. Is (p. M. 44) Leipzig, 1900-3 INHALT: I. EiLfiihrung in die Mechanik : II. Graphische Statik : III. Festigkeitslehre : IV. Dynamik. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 851 PHYSICS, continued: 17029 FOURIER (Jean Baptiste Joseph Baron, de Vlnstitut ; F.R.S.) The ANALYTICAL THEORY of HEAT, translated with Notes by ALEXANDER FREEMAN, 8vo. d. (SCARCE), 15s Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1878 The author's most important work, containing the celebrated theorem named after him, here applied to 'solve the transmission of heat. ' In this work he shows that any function of a variable, whether continuous or discontinuous can be expanded in a series of sines of mult' j-les of the variable ; a result which is constantly used in modern analysis.' W. W. B. Ball. 17030 FRANKLIN (William Suddards, Lehigh Univ.] ELECTRIC WAVES : an Advanced Treatise on Alternating-Current Theory, with numerous illustrations, 8vo. cl., 8s (p. 12s Qd nett) New York, 1909 17031 , and Barry MACNUTT : The ELEMENTS of ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, with portrait of Faraday and numerous illustrations, 8vo. cl.. 4s Qd (p. Is nett) ib., 1909 17032 : The ELEMENTS of MECHANICS ; with frontispiece and numerous illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. Qs Qd nett) ib., 1907 17033 : LIGHT and SOUND, with numerous illustrations, 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. 7s nett) ib., 1909 17034 , and R. B. WILLIAMSON : The ELEMENTS of ALTERNATING CURRENTS, 2nd Edition, rewritten and enlarged, with, 250 illustrations, 8vo. cl., Qs Qd (p. 10s Qd nett) ib., 1909 FROST (Percival, pr., F.R.S.) v. NEWTON, post. 17035 FUHRMANN (Arwed, Dresden) AUFGABEN aus der ANALYTISCHEN MECHANIK : Ubungs- buch und Literaturnachweis, 3. und 2. [neueste] vermehrte Auiiage ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. M. 7.80) Leipzig, 1904-1882 17036 GANOT (Adolphe), et Georges MANEUVRIER : TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE de PHYSIQUE ; 2l e Edition, entierement refondue; with 2 coloured plates and 1025 text-illustrations, post 8vo. (pp. 1211), hf. pigskin neat, cl. sides, 3s Qd 1894 17037 VINGT-TROISIEME EDITION, entierement refondue ; with coloured plate and 882 text- illustrations, post 8vo. (pp. 1031), hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 4s Qd 1905 17038 GARGET (H.) ELEMENTS de MECANIQUE, 2 e Edition, augmentee; with 128 illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 3s 1861 17039 GARNETT (William, Durham Coll., Newcastle-on-Tyne) TREATISE on ELEMENTARY DY- NAMICS; 5th [last] Edition, revised, with diagrams, post 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. 6s) Cambridge, 1889 17040 GAUSS (Johann Karl Friedrich ; F.R.S.) DIOPTRISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN (pp. 35): Knochenhauer (K. W.) Die UNDULATIONSTHEORIE des LICHTES ; with 5 plates (pp. 206) 2 vols. 4to. in 1, cl., 5s Berlin, IS4.].Gdttingen, '39 Gauss's memoir contains a simplified solution of the dioptrics of spherical surfaces. 170il GEHRGKE (Ernst, Univ. Berlin) Die ANWENDUNG der INTERFERENZEN in der SPEKTROS- KOPIE und METROLOGIE; with 73 illustrations, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 4s (p. M. 5.50 sewn) Braunschweig, 1906 17042 GIBSON (Charles R.) SCIENTIFIC IDEAS of TO-DAY : a popular Account of the Nature of Matter, Electricity, Light, Heat, etc. etc. in non-technical Language ; 3rd Edition, with 24 plates, besides diagrams, thick large post 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1909 17043 GILBERT (Philippe, Univ. LOUVAIN) COURS de MECANIQUE ANALYTIQUE, PARTIE ELEMENTAIRE, 3 e [derniere] Edition ; with 129 diagrams, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (as good as new) ; scarce, 15s 1891 17044 GLAZEBROOK (Richard Tetley, F.R.S., Director Nat. Physical Laboratory) ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, with 270 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. 7s Qd) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1903 17045 LAWS and PROPERTIES of MATTER, with 37 illustrations, post 8vo. cl., Is Qd 1893 17046 PHYSICAL OPTICS, 4th Edition, with 183 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. buckram,3s (p. 6s) 1898 or 1907 17047 , and Sir William Napier SHAW, F.R.S., Director, Meteorological Office : PRACTICAL PHYSICS, 4th Edition [greatly enlarged], with 134 woodcuts, thick post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 7s Qd) 1893 17048 GLEICHEN (Alexander) LEHRBUCH der GEOMETRISCHEN OPTIK ; with 251 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 12s Qd (p. M. 20) Leipzig, 1902 17049 GOODEVE (Thomas Minchin) The ELEMENTS of MECHANISM ; new Edition, rewritten, with 342 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd 1883 17050 GRAETZ (Leo; Prof. Physics, Munich) Die ELEKTRIZITAT und ihre Anwendungen, 10. vermehrte Auflage ; with 540 illustrations, large 8vo. hf. black calf, cl. sides, 4s (p. M. 7 sewn) Stuttgart, 1903 17051 GRAHAM (Robert Hudson, C.E.) GRAPHIC and ANALYTIC STATICS in their Practical Application to STRESSES in ROOFS, Solid Girders, Lattice, Bowstring and Suspension Bridges, Braced Iron Arches and Piers, etc. ; 2nd Edition, enlarged, with numerous plates (3 folding and linen-mounted), and diagrams, 8vo. buckram, uncut, 7s Qd (p. 16s) 1887 17052 GRAY (Andrew, F.R.S., Prof. Natural Philosophy, Glasgow) TREATISE on PHYSICS, Vol. I (all pub.) : DYNAMICS and PROPERTIES of MATTER, with 350 woodcuts, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 8s Qd (p. 15s in cl.) 1901 ' Providing a treatise which may serve for those who wish to have in one book an account of theoretical and experi- mental physics sufficient for most practical purposes of scientific and technical education.' Preface. It supposes, however, a knowledge of the calculus. 852 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. PHYSICS, continued: 17054 GREICHACHER (Heinrich ; Univ. Zurich] Die NEUEREN STRAHLEN : Radium (a-ft-y-) Strahlen, Kathoden-, Kanal-, Anoden-, Rontgenstrahlen, in leichtfasslichenEinzeldarstellungen ; with 66 illustrations, roy. 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 4 sewn) Stuttgart ,1909 17055 GRIMSEHL (E.) LEHRBUCH der PHYSIK, mit Anhang, enthaltend Tabellen physikalischer Konstanten und Zahlentabellen ; with 2 coloured spectrum-plates, and 1091 text-illustrations, thick 8vo. (pp. 1052), hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new], 10s Qd (p. M. 16 in cl.) Leipzig, 1909 One of the best shorter German treatises on phySics. 17056 GROTH (Hugo) PHYSIKALISCHE PRINZIPIEN der NATURLEHRE und ISAAK NEWTON'S mathematische Prinzipien, cr. 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 4 sewn) Kiel, 1912 17057 GUICHARD (C., de la Sorbonne) PROBLEMES de MECANIQUE et Cours de CINEMATIQUE, Redaction de MM. DAUTRY et DESCHAMPS ; with diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. F. 6 nett sewn) 1913 17058 GTJILLET (Amedee) PROPRIETES CINEMATIQUES fondamentales des VIBRATIONS, Notes de M. AUBERT ; with 103 diagrams, roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), Us (p. F. 16 nett sewn) 1913 17059 GTJILLOT (L.) COURS de MECANIQUE, Tome I er : Principes et Theoremes gene"raux ; Statique graphique ; Resistance des Materiaux; with 280 illustrations, sq. 8vo. cl., 5s (p. F. 10 nett) 1911 17060 HANDBUCH der PHYSIK, unter Mttwirkung von F. AUERBACH, E. BRODHUHN, F. BRAUN, S. CZAPSKI, K. EXNER, W. FEUSSNER, L. GRATZ, H. KAYSER, F. MELDE, 0. OBERBECK, J. PERNET, FR. STENGER und K. WAITZ herausgegeben von A. WINKELMANN ; with plate and 929 woodcuts, 3 vols. roy. 8vo. in 5, handsomely bound in hf. crushed brown morocco, cl. sides (FINE SET), 2. 2s (p. M. 105 sewn) Breslau, 1891-6 INHALT: I. Mechanik und Akustik : II. 1. Optik : II. 2. Wiirme : III. 1-2. Elektrizitat und Magnetismus. 17061 ZWEITE [NEUESTE] AUFLAGE, herausgegeben von A. WINKELMANN, Univ. Jena; with 2118 illustrations, 5 thick vols. roy. 8vo. in 6, uniformly and handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (FINE SET), 8. 8s (p. M. 221 sewn) Leipzig, 1905-9 INHALT: I. Allgemeine Physik : II. Akustik: III. Warme : IV. Elektrizitat und Magnetismus, 2 v. : V. Optik. It is the most complete and up-to-date treatise on physics in any language. 17062 HAUCK (W. Ph.) Die GRUNDLEHREN der ELEKTRICITAT, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf ihre Anwendungen in der Praxis, 3. [neueste] Auflage ; with portrait of Volta and 85 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 2s Qd (p. M. 4) Wien, 1896 17063 HATJGHTON (Samuel, pr., T.C.D., M.D., F.R.S.) PRINCIPLES of ANIMAL MECHANICS, 2nd [last] Edition, with 110 woodcuts and diagrams, 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 10s 6d (p. 1. Is) 1873 ' The object of this volume i3 to show that the muscular mechanism is so arranged that the work required of it is done with a less expenditure of muscular contraction than would result from any other configuration. This he calls ' the principle of least action.' 'D.N.D. 17064 HAVELOCK (Thomas Henry, F.R.S. , Armstrong Coll.) The PROPAGATION of DISTURBANCES in DISPERSIVE MEDIA [with Bibliography] , with 27 diagrams, 8vo. sewn, Is Qd (p. 3s Qd nett) 1914 17065 HEATH (Robert Samuel ; V.-P. Univ. Birmingham) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on GEO- METRICAL OPTICS; 2nd [latest] Edition, with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1897 17066 TREATISE on GEOMETRICAL OPTICS ; 2nd [latest] Edition, enlarged, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g. (o. p.), 12s Qd apud eandem, ibidem, 1895 The standard work on the subject. 17067 HELM (Georg; Technische Hochschide, Dresden) Die ELEMENTE der MECHANIK und MATHE- MATISCHEN PHYSIK ; with illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 3s Leipzig, 1884 17068 HELMHOLTZ (Hermann Ludwig- Ferdinand v. ; Univ. Berlin, F.R.S.) HANDBUCH der PHYSIOLOGISCHEN OPTIK, 2. umgearbeitete Auflage ; with 8 plates and 254 woodcuts, roy. Svo. (pp. 1353), handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 1. 8s Qd (p.M.. 53 sewn) Hamburg, 1896 The author's most important work, the first systematic treatise applying physical laws to the study of the physiology of the eye, and equally valuable for the original discoveries and the historical investigations it contains. 17069 - Die LEHRE von den TONEMPFINDUNGEN als PHYSIOLOGISCHE GRUNDLAGE fur die THEORIE der MUSIK ; 5. [letzte] Auflage [herausgegeben von R. WACHSMUTH] ; with fine photo- gravure portrait, and 66 text-illustrations, Svo. handsomely bound in hf. crushed maroon morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 10s (p. M. 12 sewn) Braunschweig, 1896 Latest edition of this great work, containing the author's numerous discoveries in physical and physiological acoustics. 17070 WlSSENSCHAFTLICHE ABHANDLUNGEN [mit Nachruf (pp. 2H) von G. WlEDEMANN] ', with 2 fine portraits, 8 plates, and text-illustrations, 3 thick vols. Svo. handsomely bound in hf. brown morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 2. (p. M. 58 sewn) Leipzig, 1882-95 17071 HENNEBERG (Lebrecht ; Prof. Mechanics, Darmstadt) Die GRAPHISCHE STATIK der STARREN SYSTEME ; ivith 394 diagrams, Svo. (pp. 747), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, t. e. g., 17s Qd (p. M. 24 in cl.) Leipzig, 1911 17072 HERRMANN (Gustav) The GRAPHICAL STATICS of MECHANISM, translated and annotated by A. P. SMITH ; 5th Edition, with 8 folding plates, cr. Svo. cl., 5s (p. $2) New York, 1904 17073 HEUN (Karl, Karlsruhe) KINEMATIK (Lehrbuch der Mechanik I. Teil), mit Einleitung in die elementare VEKTORRECHNUNG ; with 94 diagrams, large cr. Svo. cl., 5s (p. M. 8) Leipzig, 1906 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 853 PHYSICS, continued: 17074 HIRN (O-ustave Adolphe ; Colmar) EXPOSITION ANALYTIQUE et EXP^RIMENTALE de la THEORIE MECANIQUE de la CHALEUR ; 3 e [derniere] Edition, entierement refondue ; with woodcuts and diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. olive morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g., 14s (p. F. 24 nett sewn) 1875-6 The author first produced superheated steam, and laid the foundation of the theory of the mechanical equivalent of heat. 17075 H6FLER (Alois; German Univ., Prague), Eduard MAISS, und Friedrich. POSKE: PHYSIK, mit Zusatzen aus der angewandten Mathematik, Logik und Psychologic, mit 230 physikalischen Leitaufgaben ; with 12 plates (some coloured or linen-mounted), and 981 other illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 997), handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (as good as new), 10s Qd (p. M. 15 sewn) Braunschweig, 1904 17076 HOGG (Jabez; ophthalmic surgeon, F.R.M.S.) The MICROSCOPE: its History, Construction, and Application ; 15th [latest] Edition, rewritten, with 21 plates (some coloured), and 446 text- illustrations, 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 105 60?) 1911 17077 HOPPE (Fritz) LEXIKON der ELEKTRIZITAT und ELEKTROTECHNIK, unter Mitwirkung von Fachgenossen herausgegeben und redigiert ; with 747 illustrations, roy. 8vo. (pp. 966), original hf. morocco, Is (p. M. 12.50) Wien [1905] 17078 HORT (Wilhelm) TECHNISCHE SCHWINGUNGSLEHRE : Einfiihrung in die Untersuchung der fiir den Ingenieur wichtigsten periodischen Vorgange aus der Mechanik starrer, elastischer, fliissiger und gasformiger Korper, sowie aus der Elektrizitatslehre ; with 87 illustrations, post 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 5.60 sewn) Berlin, 1910 17079 HOSKINS (Leander Miller, Leland Stanford Jr. Univ.) The ELEMENTS of GRAPHIC STATICS ; revised Edition, with 8 plates and 77 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. 10s nett) New York, 1899 17080 HOUSTOUN (R. A,, Univ. Glasgow) INTRODUCTION to MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS; with 75 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 6s nett) 1912 17081 HOVESTADT (H.) LEHRBUCH der ANGEWANDTEN POTENTIALTHEORIE, mit Uebungsauf- gaben ; with diagrams, large 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 7 sewn) Bremerhaven [1890] 17082 IBBETSON (William John, F.R.A.S.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the MATHEMATICAL THEORY of PERFECTLY ELASTIC SOLIDS, with short Account of Viscous FLUIDS, with 65 illus- trations, 8vo. cl., 10s (p. 1. Is) 1887 17083 JAMIESON (Andrew, M.I.C.E.) TEXT-BOOK of APPLIED MECHANICS and MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ; 4th Edition, enlarged, with plates, and numerous text-illustrations, 2 thick vols. large cr. 8vo. cl., 10s (p. 1. Is) 1903-5 17084 JAMIN,( Jules Ceiestin, de VInstitut) COURS de PHYSIQUE de PEcole Poly technique ; 4 9 [derniere] Edition, augmentee et entierement refondue par EDMOND BOUTY ; with 14 folding plates (2 coloured), and 1587 woodcuts, 4 vols. in 5 : Supplements I>r & Hie, pa r E. BOUTY ; with 2 plates and 193 woodcuts, 3 vols. in 2 8 vols. 8vo. in 7, hf. miroon morocco neat, cl. sides (FINE SET), 3. (p. F. 87 nett sewn) 1885-1906 The standard French work on physics. 17085 JAUMANN (Gustav, Brunn) Die GRUNDLAGEN der BEWEGUNGSLEHRE, von einem modernen Standpunkte aus ; with 124 woodcuts, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., Is Qd (p. M. 11 sewn) Leipzig, 1905 17086 JELLETT (John Hewitt, D.D., Provost, T.C.D., p. R.I. A.) Die THEORIE der REIBUNG, deutsch bearbeitet von J. LiJROTH und A. SCHEPP; with 30 illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 6 sewn) Leipzig, 1890 ' Some of the principles contained in the present treatise are believed to be here enunciated for the first time.' Preface to English Edition. These include the theory of spinning tops, afterwards completed by Lord Kelvin. 17087 JOHNSON (William Woolsey, U.S.N. Academy, Annapolis, Md.) THEORETICAL MECHANICS ; an Elementary Treatise, with 115 diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 8s (p. 12s Qd nett) New York, 1910 17088 JTJLLIEN (Michel Marie, s.j.) PROBLEMES de MECANIQUE RATIONNELLE, disposes pour servir d'Applications aux Principes enseignes dans les Cours ; 2 e [derniere] Edition [augmentee] ; with numerous ivoodcuts, 2 vols. 8vo. red buckram (SCARCE), 18s 1866-7 17089 KAHL (Emil) MATHEMATISCHE AUFGABEN aus der PHYSIK, nebst Auflosungen ; 2. [letzte] ganzlich umgearbeitete Auflage ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 5) Leipzig, 1874 17090 KAYSER (Heinrich ; Prof. Physic*, Univ. Bonn) HANDBUCH DER SPECTROS- COPIB; with plates and numerous text-illustrations, 6 vols. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. crushed black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (FINE SET), 11. (p. M. 298 sewn) Leipzig, 1900-12 The standard and most complete work on spectroscopy by one of its greatest living authorities. 17091 LEHRBUCH der PHYSIK, 3. vermehrte Auflage ; with 336 illustrations, large 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 5s Qd (p. M. 11 sewn) Stuttgart, 1900 17092 VIERTE [neueste] verbesserte AUFLAGE ; with 344 illustrations, large 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 8s Qd (p. M.10 sewn) ibidem, 1908 4 Bins der am meisten benutzten kiirzereu wissenschaftlichen Handbiicher der Physik.' F. Dannemann. 56 854 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. PHYSICS, continued: 17094 KALAHNE (Alfred, Technische Hochschule, Danzig) GRUNDZUGE der MATHEMATISCH- PHYSIKALISCHEN AKUSTIK: ; with 76 illustrations, 2 vols. large post 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 7s (p. M. 8.60 sewn) Leipzig, 1910-13 17095 KELVIN (Sir William Thomson, Lord; P.R.S.), and Peter G-uthrie TAIT, F.R.S.E. : ELEMENTS of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, PART I (all published), with numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 9s) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1873 17096 KIELHATJSER (Ernst A.) Die STIMMGABEL, ihre Schwingungsgesetze und Anwendungen auf die Physik : eine auf fremden Untersuchungen fussende Monographic ; with 94 illustrations, 8vo. cl, 4s (p. M. 6) Leipzig, 1907 17097 KLIMPERT (Richard) LEHRBUCH der AKUSTIK, mit Sammlung von Aufgaben und deren Resultaten ; ivith many hundred illustrations, 3 vols. large 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 17s Qd (p. M. 26 sewn) Bremerhaven, 1904-[7 ] INHALT : I. Periodische Bewegungen, insbesondere Schallwellen : II. Die verschiedenen Tonerreger : III. 1. Die Fortpflanzungserscheinungen und die zusammengesetzten Schwinguogsbewegungen : III. 2. Praktische Aku&tik. 17098 KOHLRAUSCH (Friedrich ; F.R.S.) LEHRBUCH der PRAKTISCHEN PHYSIK; 10. vermehrte Auflage des Leitfadens der praktischen Physik ; with numerous illustrations, Svo. buckram, 4s 6d (p. M. 9) Leipzig, 1905 A standard work. It was translated into English as ' Introduction to Physical Measurements.' 17099 KOLBE (Bruno, Prof. Physics, St. Anne's School, Petrograd) An INTRODUCTION to ELECTRICITY : a Translation of the 2nd German Edition, with Corrections and Additions by the AUTHOR, by JOSEPH SKELLON, with 160 illustrations, Svo. buckram, 5s (p. 10s Qd nett) 1903 17100 KCEN1GS (Gabriel, de la Sorbonne) LECONS de CINEMATIQUE professees a la Sorbonne, aveo des Notes par G. DARBOUX, et F. COSSERAT ; CINEMATIQUE THEORIQUE ; with numerous diagrams, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 10s (p. F. 15 nett sewn) 1897 17101 LAGRANGE (Joseph Louis Comte ; de V Institute F.R.S.) MECANIQUE ANALYTIQUE, 4 e [derniere] Edition, contenant les Notes de 1'Edition de JOSEPH BERTRAND, publiee par GASTON DARBOUX, 2 vols.4to. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. crushed purple Levant morocco, uncut, t. e.g. (FINE COPY), 1. 7s Qd (p. F. 40 nett sewn) 1888-9 ' His great work in which he lays down the law of virtual work, and from that one fundamental principle, by the aid of the calculus of variations, deduces the whole of mechanics, both of solids and liquids.' W. W. R. Ball. ' A kind of scientific poem.' Sir W. R. Hamilton. 17102 LAMB (Horace, F.R.S., Prof. Mathematics, Manchester) DYNAMICS, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 7s (p. 10s Qd nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1914 ' This book is a sequel to a treatise on Statics (infra), and has a similar scope.' Preface. 17103 HYDRODYNAMICS, with diagrams, thick Svo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 10s (p. 1. in cl.) apud eandem, ibidem, 1895 17104 THIRD [LAST] EDITION [enlarged and partly rewritten] ; with numerous diagrams, roy. Svo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e.g. (fine copy}, 16s (p. 1. nett) a. e., ib., 1906 17105 STATICS, including HYDROSTATICS, and the Elements of the Theory of ELASTICITY, with numerous diagrams, Svo. cl., Is (p. 10s Qd nett) a. e., ib., 1912 ' Differing from many academical manuals in the prominence given to geometrical methods, and in particular to those of graphical statics.' Preface. 17106 LAMONT (Johann v. ; F.R.S. ; Director, Munich Observatory) HANDBUCH des MAGNETISMUS ; with 281 woodcuts, roy. Svo. hf. brown morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy) ; scarce, 6s Qd Leipzig, 1867 The author, a Scotsman, discovered the decennial magnetic period, and the ' earth-current.' 17107 LAUE (Max v. ; Univ. Zurich) Das RELATIVTTATSPRINZIP ; with 14 illustrations, Svo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 6.50 sewn) Braunschweig, 1911 17108 LATJENSTEIN (R.) Die GRAPHISCHE STATIK : elementares Lehrbuch, 8. Auflage ; with 285 illustrations, roy. Svo. buckram, 3s 60? (p. M. 6) Stuttgart, 1904 17109 LAURENT (Hermann) TRAITE de MECANIQUE RATIONNELLE, 3 e [derniere] Edition ; with diagrams, 2 vols. Svo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new), 10* 1889 17110 LECORNU (Leon)DYNAMlQUE APPLIQUEE; with 113 diagrams, post Svo. buckram, 2s Qd 1908 17111 LEHMANN (Otto ; Prof.Electrotechnics, Dresden) MOLEKULARPHYSIK, mit Beriicksichtigung mikroskopischer Untersuchungen und Anleitung zu solchen, sowie Anhang liber MIKROSKOPISCHE ANALYSE; with 10 plates (6 coloured), and 624 woodcuts, 2 thick vols. large Svo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 1. 10s (p. M. 42 sewn) Leipzig, 1888- Still a standard work on molecular physics by one who first introduced the microscope in its service. 17112 LEVY (Maurice, deVInstitut) La STATIQUE GRAPHIQUE et ses APPLICATIONS aux CONSTRUC- TIONS, 2 e Edition ; with numerous diagrams, 4 v., and Atlas, containing 44 folding plates (all neatly linen-mounted), 8 vols. roy. Svo. in 3, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 2. (p. F. 69 nett sewn) 1886-8 The standard work on its subject. CONTEND : I. Principes et Applications de Statique graphique pure : II. Flexion plane. Lignes d 'Influence. Poutres droites: III. Arcs. Ponts suspendus. Corps de Revolution: IV. Ouvrages de Magonnerie. Systemes reticulaires ;'i Lignes surabondantes. Index alpha be tique. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 855 PH YSICS, continued: 17114 LONEY (Sidney Luxton, Boy. Holloway Coll.] ELEMENTARY TREATISE on the DYNAMICS of a PARTICLE and of RIGID BODIES, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 7s (p. 12s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1909 17115 - ELEMENTARY TREATISE on STATICS, with numerous diagrams, 8vo. cl., 7s (p. 12s) apud eandem, ibidem, 1912 17116 -- The ELEMENTS of HYDROSTATICS, with illustrations; with the Solutions, 2 vols. large 12mo. in 1, buckram, 5s (p. 9s Qd) a. e., ib., 1904-2 17117 - The ELEMENTS of STATICS and DYNAMICS, with numerous diagrams; with the Solutions, 3rd Edition 2 vols. cr. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 7s Qd (p. 15s) a. e., ib., 1904-2: 17118 - TREATISE on ELEMENTARY DYNAMICS, with diagrams; with the Solutions, 2 vols *- cr. 8vo. in 1, buckram, 7s Qd (p. 15s) a. e., ib., 1904-1892, 17119 LOBENTZ (Hendrik Antoon, Univ. Ley den) LEHRBUCH der PHYSIK, zum Gebrauche bei akademischen V"orlesungen, nach der 4. von H. A. LORENTZ und L. H. SIERTSEMA bearbeiteten Auflage und unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers iibersetzt von G. SIEBERT ; with 493 illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 13s (p. M. 18 sewn) Leipsig, 1906-7 One of the best modern text-books by the founder of the Electron Theory. 17120 - SICHTBARE und UNSICHTBARE BEWEGUNGEN, unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers aus dem Holliindischen iibersetzt von G. SIEBERT ; with 40 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd Braunschweig, 1902 17121 - , A. EINSTEIN ; Zurich, und Hermann MINKOWSKI ; Gottingen : Das RELA- TIVITATSPRINZIP : eine Sammlung von Abhandlungen, nrit Anraerkungen von A. SOMMERFELD- und Vorwort von O. BLUMENTHAL ; with portrait of Minkowski, roy. 8vo. sewn, 2s (p. M. 3) Leipzig, 1913 17122 - ANOTHER COPY, buckram, 3s The three original articles on which the Principle of Relativity was based. 17123 LOVE (Augustus Edward Hough, F.R.s. ; Sedleian Prof. Nat. Phil., Oxon.) SOME PROBLEMS of GEODYNAMICS (Adams Prize Essay, 1911), impl. 8vo. cl., 8s (p. 12s nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1911 17124 - THEORETICAL MECHANICS: an Introductory Treatise on the Principles of Dynamics, with Applications and numerous Examples ; 2nd [latest] Edition, with 87 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new], 8s (p. 12s in cl.) apud eandem, ibidem, 1906 17125 - TREATISE on the MATHEMATICAL THEORY of ELASTICITY, 2nd [latest] Edition, with diagrams, large roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy], 14s (p. 18s nett in cl.) a. e., ib., 190$ 17126 LUBSEN (H. B.) EINLEITUNG in die MECHANIK, zum Selbstunterricht mit Riicksicht auf die Zwecke des practischen Lebens, 4. [letzte] Auflage ; with 163 illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. M. 7.60 sewn) Leipzig, 1876 17127 MACH (Ernst; Univ. Vienna} Die MECHANIK in ihrer ENTWTCKELUNG, historisch-kritisch dargestellt ; with 257 illustrations, post 8vo. hf. black calf neat, el. sides (nice copy),^ 5s Qd (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1901 The well-known classic of the history of mechanics. 17128 MACLEAN (Magnus, F.R.S. E.) EXERCISES in NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, with Indications how to answer them, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 4s Qd) 1900 17129 MAKOWER (Walter, Univ. Manchester] The RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES : their Properties and Behaviour, with 34 illustrations, cr. 8vo. 2s Qd (p. 5s) 1908 17130 MANVILLE (O.) Les DECOUVERTES MODERNES en PHYSIQUE : leur Theorie et leur Role dans FHypothese de la Constitution electrique de la Matiere ; with illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1908 17131 MASCABT (Eleuthere, de I'lnstitut) TRAITE d'OpTiQUE ; with 2 plates and 395 woodcuts ,. 3 vols. roy. 8vo. in 4, handsomely bound in hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., with ATLAS, containing 3 copperplates (1 coloured), oblong folio, sewn (FINE COPY), 2. 7s Qd 1889-93 17132 - , et J. JOUBERT : LEgoNS sur I'ELECTRICITE et le MAGNETISMS, 2 e [derniere] Edition,. entierement refondue par E. MASCART ; with 286 illustrations, 2 thick vols. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy], 1. 7s Qd (p. F. 45 nett sewn) 1896-7 17133 MATHIEU (Emile, Univ. Nancy) DYNAMIQUE ANALYTIQUE; with diagrams, 4to.hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 9s (p. F. 15 nett sewn) 1878- 17131 - TRAITE de PHYSIQUE MATHEMATIQUE ; finely printed with wide margins, with numerous illustrations, complete in 7 vols. 4to. in 4, hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (FINE SET), 2. 17s Qd (p. F. 81 nett sewn) 1873-90- CONTENU: I. Cours de Physique mathematique [avec les Methodes d' Integration], '73 : II. Theorie de la Capillarite, '83 : III IV. Theorie du Potential, et ses Applications a 1'Electrostatique et au Magnetisme, 2 v., 'S5-6 : V. Theorie de- 1'Electrodynaraique, '88: VI VII. Theorie de 1'Elasticite des Corps solides, 2 v., '90. 17135 MICHAELIS (Leonor, Univ. Berlin) DYNAMIK der OBERFLACHEN : eine Einftihrung in. biologische Obernachen-Studien ; with illustrations, roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g.. 3s Qd 56 356 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. PHYSICS, continued: 1.7137 MAXWELL (James Clerk, F.R.S., first Cavendish Prof. Experimental Physics, Cantab.) THEORY of HEAT, tenth [Final] Edition, with Corrections and Additions by LORD RAYLEIGH, F.R.S., with 41 diagrams, 12mo. cL, 2s (p. 4s 60?) 1891 Pp. 296-9 contain an addition on Superficial Viscosity by the Editor. 17138 NEW IMPRESSION [with INDEX], with 41 diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd 1902 17139 TREATISE on ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, 3rd [last] Edition [revised and enlarged by SIR J. J. THOMSON, F.R.S.], with20 plates and 107 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 1. Is (p. 1. 12s) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1892 ' The great modern classic on the subject.' Prof. Knott. This edition contains Maxwell's method of determining the self-induction of a coil, reprinted from his paper on the ' Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field.' 17140 MICHIE (Peter Smith, U.S. Military Academy, West Point) ELEMENTS of ANALYTICAL MECHANICS, 4th [last] Edition, with 109 illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (o. p.), 10s Qd New York, 1905 17141 ELEMENTS of WAVE MOTION relating to SOUND and LIGHT, 3rd Edition, revised, with 104 illustrations, large 8vo. cl., 10s Qd (p. 17 nett) ibidem, 1901 17142 MIE (Gustav; Prof. Physics, Greifswald) LEHRBUCH der ELEKTRIZITAT und des MAG- NETISMUS : eine Experimentalphysik des Weltiithers fur Physiker, Chemiker und Elektro- -techniker ; with 361 illustrations, roy. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), Us (p. M. 18.60 sewn) Stuttgart, 1910 ' Ich habe in dem vorliegenden Buch den Versuch gemacht, das ganze Lehrgebiiude des Elektromagnetismus aus den Tatsachen, Stein fur Stein, aufzubauen.' Vorwort. 17143 MILLER (William Hallowes, F.R.S., Prof. Mineralogy, Cantab.) The ELEMENTS of HYDROSTATICS and HYDRODYNAMICS ; 4th [last] Edition, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd Cambridge, 1850 17144 MINCHIN (George Minchin, F.R.S. ; R. I. E. Coll., Cooper's Hill) TREATISE on STATICS, with Applications to Physics (Vol. 1 5th and v. II 4th Edition), with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 15s (p. 1. 12s in cl.) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1896-89 17145 MONCKHOVEN (Desire van) PHOTOGRAPHIC OPTICS, including the DESCRIPTION of LENSES and ENLARGING APPARATUS, with 5 plates and 87 woodcuts and diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl. (scarce), with Baron de Renter's auto, and bookplate, 5s 1867 17146 MOLLER (Johann Heinrich. Jacob ; Univ. Freiburg i. B.) MATHEMATISCHER SUPPLE- MENTBAND zum GRUNDRiss der PHYSIK und METEOROLOGIE, 3. vermehrte Auflage ; with 8 plates and 240 woodcuts: AUFLOSUNGEN der AUFGABEN; with diagrams 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hand- somely bound in hf. pigskm, cl. sides, 4s Qd (p. M. 7.60 sewn) Braunschweig, 1875 17147 1 un ROUTH, Fellow of Peterhouse, F.R.S. : ANALYTICAL VIEW of SIR ISAAC NEWTON'S PRINCIPIA,. with diagrams, 8vo. cl. (scarce), 6s Qd 1855 1 Explaining the connexion of the various parts of the Principia with each other, and with the preceding and sub sequent! progress of the science.' Preface. 17159 : WRIGHT (John Martin Frederick, Trin. Coll., Cantab.) COMMENTARY on NEWTON'S- PRINCIPIA; with a SUPPLEMENTARY VOLUME, diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. calf neat (nice copy), 7s 6d 1833 17160 NICHOLS (Edward Leamington, Cornell Univ.), and William Suddards FRANKLIN r The ELEMENTS of PHYSICS : Mechanics and Heat ; Electricity and Magnetism ; Light and Sound, with portrait of Faraday and numerous illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. cl., 14s (p. 1. 2s 60? nett) New York, 1896-1908- v. FRANKLIN, ante. 17161 OETT1NGEN (Arthur v. ; Prof. Physics, Dorpat [Jurfew]) Die SCHULE der PHYSIK, be- sonders fiir das Selbststudium ; with coloured spectrum-plate, and 454 illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco gilt, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 8s (p. M. 10 in cl.) Braunschweig, 1910 The counterpart of Professor Ostwald's ' Schule der Chemie.' 17162 OLSHAUSEN (Johannes) GESCHWINDIGKEITEN in der ORGANISCHEN und ANORGANISCHEN WELT bei Menschen, Tieren, Pflanzen, Maschinen, Fahrzeugen, Geschossen, Gasen, Fliissigkeitenr u. s. w., post 8vo. cl., 4s (p. M. 10) Hamburg, 1903 17163 OTT (Karl v., deutsches Polytechnicum, Prag) Das GRAPHISCHE RECHNEN und die GRAPHISCHE STATIK ; 4. [neueste] ganzlich umgearbeitete Auflage ; with 3 folding plates (linen-mounted), and 282 text -illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (nice copy), 15s (p. M. 20 sewn) Prag, 1879-85 17164 PAINLEVE (Paul, de VInstitut) LECONS sur le FROTTEMENT, et Applications ; neatly autographed on 111 pp., with diagrams, Ho" buckram (? title missing], 4s (p. F. 6 nett sewn) [1895J 17165 PABINATJD (Henri) STEREOSCOPIE et PROJECTION VISUELLE ; with 26 illustrations, roy* 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 2s Qd 1904 17166 PARKINSON (Stephen, D.D. ; St. John's Coll., Cantab.; F.R.S.) TREATISE on OPTICS, 3rd Edition, revised, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. 10s 6d) 1870 17167 FOURTH [LAST] EDITION, revised, with diagrams, post Svo. buckram. 4s 6d(p. 10s 6d) 1884 Professor Parkinson was Senior Wrangler in 1845 when Lord Kelvin was second. 'In the 18 years of his tutorship nearly a thousand pupils passed under his care, and 'Parkinson's side' was an important factor in the prosperity of St. John's College.' D. N. B. The retable in the new Chapel is in his memory. 17168 PABTINGTON (James Biddick) TEXT-BOOK of THERMODYNAMICS, with special Reference to CHEMISTRY, with 91 diagrams, Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy) 10s (p. 14s nett in cl.) 1913; 17169 PEIBCE (Benjamin Osgood, Harvard Univ.) ELEMENTS of the THEORY of the NEWTONIAN POTENTIAL FUNCTION ; 3rd Edition, enlarged, with 134 illustrations, Svo. buckram, 7s (p. 12s) Boston {Mass.'], 1902 17170 PELLAT (Henri, de la Sorbonne) COURS d'ELECTRlclTE ; with 443 illustrations, 3 vols. roy.. Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e.g. (fine copy), 1. 4s (p. F. 38 nett- sewn) 1901-8 CONTENU : I. Electrostatique. Lois d'Ohm. Thermo-Electricite : II. Electrodynamique. Maguetisme. Induction. Mesures magneto-electriqtaes : III. Electrolyse. Electrocapillarite. Ions et Electrons. 17171 PENDLEBTJBY (Charles, F.R.A.S. ; St. Paul's School) LENSES and SYSTEMS of LENSES, treated after the Manner of GAUSS, with 24 diagrams, Svo. cl., 2s Gd (p. 5s) Cambridge, 188* 17172 PETEBSEN (Julius ; Univ. Copenhagen) LEHRBUCH der STATIK FESTER KORPER, deutsch von R. v. FISCHER-BENZON ; with diagrams, post Svo. cl., 2s Kopenhagen, 1882* 17173 LEHRBUCH der DYNAMIK FESTER KORPER, deutsch von R. v. FISCHER-BENZON ; with diagrams, post Svo. cl., 3s ibidem, 1887 17174 BOTH THE ABOVE WORKS : also, KINEMATIK, deutsch von R. v. FISCHER-BENZON ; with diagrams, '84 3 vols. post Svo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (as good as new], 8s ib., 1882-1 858 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. PHYSICS, continued: 17176 PLANCK (Max, Univ. Berlin) ACHT VORLESUNGEN iiber THEORETISCHE PHYSIK an der Columbia University, New York, in 1909 ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 3s Leipzig, 1910 17177 POINCARliJ (Jules Henri, de VInstitut ; F.R.S. ; cousin of the President of the French Re- public) ClNEMATIQUE et M.ECANISMES POTENTIEL et MECANIQUE des FLUIDES : Cours professe" a la Sorbomie, redige par A. GUILLET; with 279 illustrations : FIGURES d'EQUlLiBRE d'une MASSE FLUIDE: Lesons rediges par L. DREYFUS; with 36 illustrations -2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, hand- somely bound in hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 15s (p. F. 22 nett sewn) 1899-1902 17178 ELECTRICITE et OPTIQUE : la Lumiere et les Theories electrodynamiques ; 2 e [derniere] Edition, revue et completee par JULES BLONDIN et EUGENE NECULCEA ; with 62 diagrams, roy. 8vo. (pp. 651), handsomely bound in hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 16s (p. F. 22 nett sewn) 1901 17179 _ LECONS sur la THEORIE MATHEMATIQUE de la LUMIERE, redigees par J. BLONDIN, M. LAMOTTE et'D. HURMUZESCU ; with 88 diagrams, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy) ; SCARCE, 2. 5s 17180 LECONS sur la THEORIE de I'ELASTICITE, redigees par EMILE BOREL et JULES DRACH ; with diagrams : THEORIE des TOURBILLONS : Lecons redigees par M. LAMOTTE ; with 44 dia- grams 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy). 9s 1892-3 17181* Les OSCILLATIONS ELECTRIQUES: Lemons redigees par CHARLES MAURAIN ; with 81 diagrams: THEORIE ANALYTIQUE de la PROPAGATION de la CHALEUR : Lemons redigees par MM. ROUYER et BAIRE ; with 33 diagrams 2 vols. roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 15s (p. F. 22 nett sewn) 1894-5 17182 TITERMODYNAMIQUE : Le9ons redigees par J. BLONDIN; with 41 illustrations, 8vo. hf maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 10s 60? (p. F. 16 nett sewn) 1892 17183 THEORIE du POTENTIEL NEWTONIEN : Lemons redigees par EDOUARD LE ROY et GEORGES VINCENT ; with 88 diagrams : CAPILLARITE : Lemons redigees par J. BLONDIN ; with 68 diagrams 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. maroon morocco, cl. sides (fine copy), 12s Qd (p. F. 19 nett sewn) 1899-5 17184 ANALYSE de ses TRAVAUX SCIENTIFIQUES [faite par lui-meme] ; with fine portrait, 4to. finely bound in crushed crimson Levant morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g. (CHOICE COPY), with inscr.from Prof. Mittag-Leffler to Baron de Reuter, 1. 5s Uppsala, 1913 17185 POISSON (Simeon Denis, de , VInstitut ; F.R.S.) RECHERCHES sur le MOUVEMENT des PROJECTILES dans 1 s AIR, en ayant Egard a leur Figure et leur Rotation, et a I'lnfiuence du Mouvement Diurne de la Terre, 4to. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides, uncut (nice copy), 6s 1839 17186 TRAiTEde MECANIQUE, 2 e [derniere] Edition, considerablement augmented ; with 1 folding plates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 6s Qd 1833 The best known of the author's works, and long the standard work on the subject. ' The knowledge of mathematical mechanics of solids attained by the great mathematicians of the XVIII. century may be said to be summed up in Lagrange's Mecanique analytique [q. v. ante] and Poisson's Traite de Alt-can/ n/n- '. W.W. R. Ball. 17187 PONCELET (General Jean Victor ; de VInstitut; F.R.S.) COURS de MECANIQUE appliquee aux MACHINES, public par X. KRETZ ; with 2folding plates and 228 text- illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. brown morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy) 15s (p. F. 24 nei,t sewn) 1874-6 ' Production remarquable par la riguenr de 1'esprit qui en a trace la rnarche et par les simplifications operees pour rendre moins diilicilement appliquables a la pratique des calculs reserves, pour la plupart, a des speculations transren- dantes.' Charles Dupin. 17188 POTTER (Richard, Prof. Astronomy, Univ. Coll., Lond.) ELEMENTARY TREATISE on HYDROSTATICS, illustrated, 8vo. cl. , 2s 6d Camb ridge, 1859 17189 POYNTING (John Henry, F.R.S., Prof. Physics, Birmingham) , and Sir Joseph John THOMSON, F.R.S. : TEXT-BOOK of PHYSICS [VOL. I] : PROPERTIES of MATTER, 4th Edition, with 168 illustrations, sq. 8vo. cl., 5s Qd (p. 10s Qd) 1902 17190 [VOL. II] : SOUND, 4th Edition, revised, with 85 illustrations, sq. 8vo., cl., 4s (p. 8s Qd) t 1907 17191 [VOL. Ill] : HEAT, 2nd Edition, revised, with 193 illustrations, sq. 8vo. c.,7s6d(p. 15s) 1904 A text-book of well-known excellence, ' intended chiefly for the use of students who lay most stress on the experi- mental part of physics, and who have not yet reached the stage at which the reading of advanced treatises on special subjects is desirable.' Preface. 17192 POYSER (Arthur William, T.C.D.) [ADVANCED] MAGNETISM and ELECTRICITY [with Examination Papers and Answers] ; new Edition, with 321 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1904 17193 PRATT (John Henry, Fellow of Caius; F.R.S. ; Archdn. of Calcutta) The MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES of MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY, and their Application to the THEORY of UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION, 2nd [last] Edition, revised and improved, with 5 folding plates, thick 8yo. hf. cl., 6s Cambridge, Macmillan, Barclay, and Macmillan, 1845 This work was largely made use of by Prof. Todhunter in his ' Analytical Statics.' This verbatim reprint of the second edition was one of the first books issued by Daniel Macmillan, after he began publishing at Cambridge. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 859 PHYSICS, continued: 17195 PRESTON (S. Tolver) PHYSICS of the ETHER, with 8 diagrams, 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 10s 6d 1875 Interesting as an early work on molecular physics. ' The first part contains an argument designed to prove that the allied theories of ' action at a distance ' and 'potential energy' are inadmissible.' Preface. 17196 PRESTON (Thomas ; T.C.D. ; R.U.I. ; F.R.S.) The THEORY of LIGHT, 3rd Edition by CHARLES JASPER JOLY, with25l diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 9s (p. 15s nett in cl.) 1901 ' An accurate and connected account of the most important optical researches from the earliest times up to the most recent date.' 17197 RAIBAUD (Jules, Capitaine d* Artillerie) INSTRUMENTS OPTIQUES d'Observation et de Mesure ; with 144 illustrations , cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. F. 5 nett) 1910 17198 RANKINE (William John Macquorn, F.R.S.), and Edward Fisher BAMBER, C.E. : MECHANICAL TEXT-BOOK ; or Introduction to the STUDY of MECHANICS, 3rd Edition, revised, with 158 diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, i.e. g., 4s (p. 9s) [1884] ' Rankine was one of the little group of thinkers to whom, after the wondrous Sadi Carnot, the world is indebted for the pure science of modern thermodynamics. But his services to applied science were relatively even greater. By his admirable teaching, his excellent text-books, and his original memoirs, he has done more than any other man of recent times for the advancement of British Scientific Engineering.' Prof. Tait. 17199 RAUSENBERGER (Otto) LEIIRBUCH der ANALYTISCHEN MECHANIK, 2. [letzte] Ausgabe, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound inhf. black morocco, cl. sides (fine copy) ; o. p., Ss Leipzig, 1893 17200 RAYLEIGH (John William Strutt, 3rd Lord, F.R.S. ; Nobel Laureate) The THEORY of SOUND ; 2nd [latest] Edition, revised and enlarged, with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 17s Qd (p. 1. 4s nett) 1894-6 The best treatise on mathematical acoustics in any language, including a novel treatment of vibrations of systems. 17201 RESAL (Ame Henri, deVInstitut) TRAITE CINEMATIQUE PURE; with diagrams, 8vo. red buckram (o. p.), 4s 1862 17202 - TRAITE de MECANIQUE GENERALE, comprenant les Lesons professees a 1'Ecole Poly- technique ; with chromolithographs, and hundreds of woodcuts and diagrams, 7 vols. 8vo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides (NICE SET), 2. 2s (p. F. 84.50 nett sewn) 1873-89 17203 TOMES I et II : Cinematique. Theoremes gene"raux de la Mecanique. De I'Equilibre et du Mouvement des Corps solides; du Mouvement des Systemes mate'riels et de ses Causes. Thermodynamique ; with diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 5s 1873-4 17204 LES MEMES, 2 e [derniere] Edition, entierement refondue ; \with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, hf. black calf neat, cl. sides (fine copy), QsQd (p. F. 9.50 nett sewn) 1895 The only two volumes published of a new atd greatly shortened edition. 17205 TRAITE de PHYSIQUE MATHEMATIQUE, 2 e [derniere] Edition, augmentee et entierement refondue ; with 65 diagrams, 2 vols. 4to. in 1, hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 17s6^(p. F. 27 nett sewn) 1887-8 CONTENU : I. Capillarite, Elasticite, Lumiere. II. Chaleur, Thermodynamique, Electrostatique, Courants elec- triques, Electrodynamique, Magnetisme statique, Mouvement desaimants etdes courants. 17206 RICHARDSON (Owen Willans, Prof. Physics, King's Coll., London) The ELECTRON THEORY of MATTER, with 58 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), 14s (p. 18s nett in cl.) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1914 17207 RIECKE (Eduard ; Prof . Physics, Gottingen) LEHRBUCH der PHYSIK zu eigenem Studium und zum Gebrauche bei Vorlesungen, 3. vermehrte Auflage ; with 789 illustrations, 2 thick vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 14s (p. M. 24 sewn) Leipzig, 1905 17208 FUNFTE [NEUESTE] VERBESSERTE UND VERMEHRTE AUFLAGE ; with 808 illustrations, 2 thick vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (fine copy), 1. 2s 6d (p. M. 26 sewn) ibidem, 1912 17209 RIEMANN (Georg Friedrich Bern hard ; Univ. Gottingen) SCHWERE, ELEKTRICITAT und MAGNETISMUS, nach den Vorlesungen bearbeitet von 'KARL HATTENDORFF ; with 50 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. German morocco, 3s (p. M. 7.50 sewn) Hannover, 1876 17210 RIEMANN(Ludwig-, Essen) POPULARE DARSTELLUNG der AKUSTIK in Beziehung zur Musik ; with illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd Braunschweig, 1896 211 RITTER (August ; Aix-la-Chapelle) LEHRRUCH der ANALYTISCHEN MECHANIK, 3. [neueste] Auflage ; with 224 diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1899 17212 ROUTH (Edward John, F.R.S., Fellow of Peterhouse) The ELEMENTARY and ADVANCED PART of a TREATISE on the DYNAMICS of RIGID BODIES ; 6th (v. II 5th) Edition, enlarged, with numerous diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. piqskin, cl. sides, t. e. a., 15s (p. 1. 8s inch) 1897-2 'A masterly elementary treatise.' D. N. B. It was translated into German, with a preface by Prof. Klein. ' His dynamical treatises constitute an encyclopaedia and bibliography on the subject which have no equal either here or abroad.' D. N. B. A distant kinsman of Dr. Martin Joseph Routh, he was the chief mathematical coach at Cambridge lor thirty years, and produced twenty-eight Senior Wranglers and forty -two Smith's Prizemen. 17213 RTJSSNER (Johannes, Chemnitz) LEHRBUCH der PHYSIK; with coloured spectrum-plate and 776 illustrations, large 8vo. buckram, 3s 6d (p. M. 5.60) Hannover, 1903 860 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. PHYSICS, continued: 17216 BITTER (W., Polytechnikum, Zurich) ANWENDUNGEN der GRAPHISCHEN STATIK, nach PROF. C. CULMANN bea'rbeitet ; with 1C folding plates (linen-mounted), and 368 text-illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g., 18s 60? (p. M. 26.60 sewn) Zurich, 1888-1900 INHALT : I. Die im Inneren eines Balkens \virkenden Krafte : II. Das Fachwerk : III. Der kontinuierliche Balken. 17217 ST. -GERMAIN (A. de, Univ. Caen) RECUEIL d'ExERCiCES sur la MECANIQTJE RATIONNELLE with diagrams, 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 4s 17218 DEUXIEME [DERNIERE] EDITION, entierement refondue; with diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 6s Qd (p. F. 9.50 nett sewn) 1889 17219 SARAZIN (Cesar) COURS d'ELECTRiciTE aux Ecoles d'Arts et Metiers, 4 e Edition, augmentee ; with 751 full-page and other illustrations, impl. 8vo. (pp. 850), cl., 12s (p. F. 20 nett sewn) 1910 17220 SATJSSTJRE (Rene de) THEORIE GEOMETRIQUE du MOUVEMENT des CORPS (Solides et Fluides) ; with 2 folding plates (linen-mounted), and 43 diagrams, 3 parts roy. 8vo. in 1, buckram, t. e. g., 8s (p. F. 13 nett sewn) Geneve, 1902-10 17221 SCHAIK ("W. G. L. van) WELLENLEHRE und SCHALL : autorisierte deutsche Ausgabe, bearbeitet von HUGO FENKNER ; with 176 illustrations, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 6s (p. M. 8 sewn) Braunschweig, 1902 1/222 SCHLOTKE (J.) LEHRBUCH der GRAPHISCHEN STATIK, 2. [neueste] vermehrte Auliage ; with 156 illustrations, large 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. M. 4.80 sewn) Dresden, 1902 17223 SCHMIDT (Gerhard Karl; Prof. Physics, Minister) Die KATHODENSTRAHLEN ; with 50 illustrations, 8vo. cl., 2s Qd Braunschweig, 1904 17224 SILBERSTEIN (Ludwig ; Univv. Berlin and Rome) The THEORY of RELATIVITY, with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 6s Qd (p. 10s nett) 1914 17225 VECTORIAL MECHANICS, ivith diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 5s (p. 7s Qd nett) 1913 17226 SLOA.NE (Thomas O'Connor) The STANDARD ELECTRICAL DICTIONARY : a popular Ency- clopaedia of Words and Terms used in the Practice of Electrical Engineering ; 2nd Edition, with Appendix to date, frontispiece and 393 illustrations, cr. 8vo. (pp. 681), cl., 3s (p. 7s Qd) 1898 17227 SOGTHALL (James Powell Cocke, Alabama Polytechnic Inst.) The PRINCIPLES and METHODS of GEOMETRICAL OPTICS, especially as applied to the THEORY of OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS, with 170 diagrams, thick sq. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 18s (p. 1. 5s nett in cl.) New York, 191 One of the few treatises in English on practical geometrical optics. 17228 SPITTA (Edmund Johnson, F.R.M.S., F.R.A.S.) MICROSCOPY: the Construction, Theory and Use of the Microscope, with 17 fine plates of micro-photographs taken by the author as test- objects, and 241 text-illustrations, thick 8vo. cl., Is (p . 12s Qd nett) 1907 17229 [SECOND AND LATEST EDITION, enlarged], with 17 plates and 243 text-illustrations, thick 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 10s 1909 An excellent treatise, especially valuable for its full descriptions of the modern microscope and its parts, and giving valuable hints on the choice of objectives. 17230 STARKE (Hermann, Univ. Greifswald) PHYSIKALISCHE MUSIKLEHRE : eine Einfuhrung in das Wesen und die Bildung der Tone in Instrumentalmusik und Gesang ; with 82 illustrations, large post 8vo. buckram, 3s Leipzig, 1908 17231 STEWART (R. Wallace) The HIGHER TEXT-BOOK of MAGNETISM and ELECTRICITY, 2nd Edition, with 385 illustrations, cr. 8vo. (pp. 750), buckram, 3s Qd (p. 6s Qd) 1909 17232 STURM (Jacques Charles Franqois, de Vlnstitut) COURS de MECANIQUE, revu et corrige par E. PROUHET ; 5 e [derniere] Edition, suivie de Notes et Enonces de Problemes, par A. DE ST.-GERMAIN ; with 189 diagrams, 2 vols. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 10s (p. F. 14 nett sewn) 1905 17233 SWINBURNE (James; F.R.S., M.I. C.E.) ENTROPY; or Thermodynamics from an Engineer's Standpoint, and the Reversibility of Thermodynamics, with illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s (p. 4s Qd nett) 1904 17234 TAIT (Peter Guthrie, F.R.S.E., Prof. Natural Philosophy, Edin.) DYNAMICS, with 70 diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 7s Qd) 1895 17235 LIGHT ; 3rd [last] Edition, further revised, with 54 illustrations, cr. 8vo. buckram, 4s (p. 7s Qd) 1900 17236 PROPERTIES of MATTER ; 2nd [latest] Edition, enlarged, with diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 3s Qd (p. 7s Qd) Edin., 1885 ' These [above three works] are written in a forcible style and with a masterly touch which characterises all his productions. Tait has a great power of treating abstruse questions in a simple, direct manner.' 17237 SKETCH of THERMODYNAMICS, 2nd Edition, extended, large post 8vo. cl., 3s Edin., 1877 17238 , and William John STEELE, Fellow of Peterhouse : TREATISE on the DYNAMICS of a PARTICLE, with numerous Examples ; 4th Edition, carefully revised, with diagrams, post Svo. cl., 5s (p. 12s) 1878 v. KELVIN, ante. HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W, 861 PHYSICS, continued : 17241 TESAR (Ludwig ; Vienna) Die MECHANIK : eine Einf iihrung mit einem metaphysischen Nachwort ; ivith 111 illustrations, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 3s Leipzig, 1909 17242 THOMPSON (The late Silvanus Phillips, F.R.S., Principal, Finsbury Technical Coll.) ELEMENTARY LESSONS in ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM [new and final Edition, rewritten], with 2 charts, and 291 woodcuts, 12mo. cL, 2s (p. 4s Go?) 1900 17243 POLYPHASE ELECTRIC CURRENTS, and ALTERNATE-CURRENT MOTORS ; 2nd [latest] Edition, enlarged, with 8 folding plates and 358 woodcuts, large 8vo.cZ. (scarce), 12* (p. 1. Is) 1900 With Appendix containing a schedule of British patents on polyphase and alternating current motors, 1878-99. 17244 The ROSE of the WINDS : the Origin and Development of the COMPASS-CARD, with 6 plates (5 coloured), and 3 text-illustrations, roy. 8vo. sewn, 2s 6d (p. 4s nett) [1913] 17245 THOMSON (Sir Joseph John, F.R.S. ; Cavendish Prof. Experimental Physics, Cantab. ; Nobel Laureate) APPLICATIONS of DYNAMICS to PHYSICS and CHEMISTRY, cr. 8vo. cl., 3s Qd(p. IsQd) 1888 17246 ELEMENTS of the MATHEMATICAL THEORY of ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM ; 3rd Edition [enlarged], with 133 diagrams, post 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 10s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1904 17247 NOTES on RECENT RESEARCHES in ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, intended as a Sequel to PROF. CLERK-MAXWELL'S TREATISE on Electricity and Magnetism, with 144 illustrations, 8vo. cl. (VERY FRESH COPY) ; VERY SCARCE, 2. 15* Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1893 Containing : I. Electric Displacement and Faraday Tubes of Force (pp. 1-52). II. Passage of Electricity through Gases (pp. 53-207). III. Conjugate Functions (pp. 208-50). IV. Electric Waves and Oscillations (pp. 251-387). V. Electro- magnetic Waves [including Hertz's Experiments] (pp. 388-508). VI. Distribution of Rapidly Alternating Currents (pp. 510-23). VII. Electromotive Intensity in Moving Bodies (pp. 534-58). VIII. Electrolysis of Steam (pp. 559-70). 17248 TREATISE on the MOTION of VORTEX RINGS, with 8 diagrams, 8vo. cl. (VERY SCARCE), 17s Qd 1883 1 In this essay, in addition to the set subject: 'a general investigation of the action on each other of two closed vortices in a perfect incompressible fluid ', I have discussed some points which are intimately connected with it, and I have endeavoured to apply some of the results to the vortex atom theory of matter.' Preface. It was awarded the Adams Prize of Cambridge University. Written under the segis of the Helmholtz-Kelvin Vortex Theory, when the indestructible ether vortex, moving in an absolutely frictionless medium, was supposed to be the last word in the question of the constitution of matter, it yet bids fair to contribute towards its explanation even under the spell of the Electron Theory. v. POYNTING, ante. 17249 THORNTON (Arthur, F.R.A.S.) THEORETICAL MECHANICS: SOLIDS, including Kinematics, Statics, and Kinetics, 4th Edition, with 220 diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd 1905 17250 TIMERDING (Heinrich E., Braunschweig) Die THEORIE der KRAFTEPLANE : eine Einfiihrung in die graphische Statik ; with 46 diagrams, 8vo. stiff wrapper, 2s Leipzig, 1910 17251 TODHUNTER (Isaac, St. John's Coll., Cantab., F.R.S.) HISTORY of the THEORY of ELASTICITY and of the STRENGTH of MATERIALS, from Galilei to the present Time ; edited and completed by KARL PEARSON, F.R.S., with plates and woodcuts, 2 thick vols. 8vo. in 3, cl., uncut, 1. 10s (p. 2. 15s) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1886-93 The only great history of its subject published in any language. This book was issued by the Cambridge University Press with the absurd lettering on its cloth binding, ' A History of the Elasticity and Strength of Materials '. 17252 MECHANICS for BEGINNERS, with numerous Examples [final Edition], with diagrams, 12mo. buckram ; Key, cr. 8vo. cl. 2 vols., 4s (p. 11) 1890 17253 TREATISE on ANALYTICAL STATICS, with numerous Examples ; 5th [last] Edition, edited by J. D. EVERETT, F.R.S., with diagrams, cr. 8vo. cl. (o. p.), 6s (p. 10s 60?) 1887 17254 TUMLIRZ (Ottokar ; Univ. Innsbruck) Das POTENTIAL und seine Anwendungzur Erklarung der ELEKTRISCHEN ERSCHEINUNGEN ; with 108 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. M. 4) Wien, 1884 17255 POTENTIAL and its Application to the Explanation of Electrical Phenomena popularly treated, translated by D. ROBERTSON, with 108 illustrations, post 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd 1889 17256 TUNZELMANN (George William de, M.I.E.E. ; Prof. Physics, H.M.S. Britannia) TREATISE on ELECTRICAL THEORY and the PROBLEM of the UNIVERSE, considered from the Physical Point of View, with Mathematical Appendixes, with illustrations, large crown 8vo. (pp. xxxi + 654), hf. blackmorocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (asgoodas new), 11s (p. 15s nett in cl.) 1910 One of the fullest works applying the Electrou Theory to the Phenomena of the Universe. Pp. 506-632 contain Mathematical and other Appendixes. It is dedicated to the memory of Professor Clifford. 17257 TURPAIN (Albert, Univ. Poitiers) La LUMIERE ; with 130 illustrations, large impl. 8vo. cl. extra, g. e., 5s Qd (p. F. 10 nett) [1913] 17258 VILLIE(E., Univ. LILLE) TRAITE de CINEMATIQUE; with 134 illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 5s (p. F. 7.50 nett sewn) 1888 17259 VIOLLE (Louis Jules Gabriel; deVInstitut) COURS de PHYSIQUE ; with 1005 illustrations, 4 vols. large 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 1. 5s (p. F. 47 nett sewn) 1883-92 CONTENU : I. Physique moleculaire, 2 v. : II. I. Acoustique : II. 2. Optique. 17260 VOIGT (Woldemar ; Prof. Physics, Gdttingen) ELEMENTARE MECHANIK als Einleitung in das Studium der theoretischen Physik ; 2. umgearbeitete [neueste] Auflage ; with 56 illustrations, roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 12s Leipzig, 1901 17261 THERMODYNAMIK ; with folding plates and 87 diagrams, 2 vols. large cr. 8 vo. cl., 12s Qd (p. M. 20) ibidem, 1903-4 v. MINERALOGY and CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, post. S62 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. PHYSICS, continued : 17263 VOLK.MANN (Paul, Univ. Konigsberg) EINFUHRUNG in das STUDIUM der THEORETISCHEN PHYSIK, insbesondere in das der ANALYTISCHEN MECHANIK, mit Einleitung in die Theorie der physikalischen Erkenntniss : Vorlesungeu ; with diagrams, roy. 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, 6s 6d (p. M. 14 sewn) Leipzig, 1900 17264 - ZWEITE [NEUESTE] MEHKFACH UMGEARBEITETE AUFLAGE ; with23 diagrams, large 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 10s Qd (p. M. 13 sewn) ibidem, 1913 17265 WALKER (Gilbert Thomas, F.R.S., Director -Gen. of Observatories, India) OUTLINES of the THEORY of ELECTROMAGNETISM : Lectures before the Calcutta University, ivith diagrams, 8vo. cl., 2s (p. 3s nett) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1910 17266 WALLON (Etienne) LECONS d'OpxiQUE GEOMETRIQUE ; with 169 illustrations, roy. 8vo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 6s 6d (p. F. 9 nett sewn) 1900 17267 WALTON (William, Trinity Coll., Cantab) COLLECTION of PROBLEMS in Illustration of the Principles of THEORETICAL HYDROSTATICS and HYDRODYNAMICS, with 3 folding plates, 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s Cambridge, 1847 17268 - COLLECTION of PROBLEMS in Illustration of the Principles of THEORETICAL MECHANICS ; 3rd [last] Edition [with numerous additional Problems] , with 1 folding plates, thick 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., Is (p. 16) ibidem, 1376 17260 WAND (Theodor) Die PRINCIPIEN der MATHEMATISCHEN PHYSIK und die POTENTIAL- THEORIE, nebst ihren vorziiglichsten Anwendungen ; with 8 diagrams, 8vo. cl., 2s Leipzig, 1871 17270 WANGERIN (Albert, Univ. Halle) THEORIE des POTENTIALS und der KUGELFUNKTIONEN, I. [einziger] Band ; with 36 diagrams, large cr. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. M. 6.60) Leipzig, 1909 17271 WATSON (Henry William; pr., F.R.S.) TREATISE on the KINETIC THEORY of GASES, 2nd [last] Edition, post 8vo. cl., 2s 6d (p. 4s 6d) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1893 17272 WATSON (William, F.R.S., Roy. College of Science) TEXT-BOOK of PHYSICS, including a Collection of Examples and Questions ; 4th Edition, with 579 illustrations, thick large post 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), Is (p. 10s 6d in cl.) 1905 17273 WEBER (Ernst Heinrich ; Prof. Physiology, Leipzig, und Wilhelm Eduard ; Prof. Physics, Gbttingen) WELLENLEHRE auf EXPERIMENTS GEGRUNDET, oder iiber die Wellen tropf- barer Fliissigkeiten, mit Anwendung auf die SCHALL- und LICHTWELLEN ; with 18 .fine folding plates on copper, and2 folding tables, thick post 8vo. cl. (nice copy) ; RARE, 1. Is Leipzig, 1825 This classic on wave-motion, which is dedicated to Chladni, first demonstrated the interference of sound-waves by the tuning-fork, the existence of transverse waves in fluids, interference and reflexion of waves, and the formation of stationary waves. ' The subject of stationary waves was first experimentally treated by the Messrs. Weber, in their excellent researches on Wave-motion.' Prof. Tyndall. 17274 WEBSTER (Arthur Gordon, Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass.) The THEORY of ELECTRICITY and MAGNETISM, being Lectures on Mathematical Physics, with 101 illustrations, 8vo. cl., Is 6d (p. 15.9 nett) 1897 17275 WEILER (W.) ELEKTRICITAT und MAGNETISMUS, 2. verbesserte Auflage ; with 445 TINTED ILLUSTRATIONS, 8vo. cl., 5s Esslingen [1905] To tint the illustrations in a treatise on electricity is a helpful idea which seems to have occurred to the author of the above book alone. 17276 - - WORTERBUCH der ELEKTRICITAT und des MAGNETISMUS: ein Hand- und Nachschlage- buch zur Erklarung, Erliiuterung und Beschreibung der elektrischen und magnetischen Ausclriicke, Gesetze, Vorgange, Apparate, Instrumente und Maschineu nebst Hiliswissenschaften und Anwendungen ; with 816 illustrations, large roy. 8vo. hf. pigskin, cl. sides (back worn), Is (p. M. 12 sewn) Leipzig [1898] 17277 WEINSTEIN (Bernhard ; Univ. Berlin) THERMODYNAMIK und KINETIK der KORPER ; with diagrams, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 2. 10s (p. M. 64 sewn) Braunschweig t, 1901-8 IXHALT: I. Allgemeine Therinodynamik und Kinetik und Theorie der idealen und wirklichen Gase und Diimpfe : II. Absolute Tern peratur der Fliissigkeiten ; die Flussigkeiten ; die festen Korper ; thermodyuamische Statik und Kinetik der (nicht verdlinnten) Losungen : III. Die verdiinnten Losungen ; die Dissociation ; Therinodynamik der Elektricitiit und des Magnetismus : Elektrochemie. 17278 WEISBACH (Julius, Bergakademie, Freiberg) LEHRBUCH der THEORETIS'CHEN MECHANIK, mit den nothigen Hiilfslehren aus der Analysis ; 5. [letzte] vervollstandigte Auliage, bearbeitet von GUSTAV HERMANN; with over 1000 woodcuts, 8vo. (pp. 1340), handsomely bound in hf. pig- skin, cl. sides, Us 6d (p. M. 26 sewn) Braunschweig, 1896 17279 MANUAL of the MECHANICS of ENGINEERING, and of the Construction of Machines, with Introduction to the Calculus, Vol. I : THEORETICAL MECHANICS, translated from the 4th German Edition by ECKLEY B. COXE, with 902 woodcuts, thick 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy), Ss6d(p. 1. Ssincl.) 17280 WHETHAM (William Cecil Dampier, Fellow of Trinity, F.R.S. ; eugenist) The RECENT DEVELOPMENT of PHYSICAL SCIENCE, with portraits, plates, and woodcuts, large post 8vo. cl., 3s 6d (p. Is 6d nett) 17281 WHITTAKER (Edmund Taylor, F.R.S.; Prof. Mathematics, Edin.) The THEORY of OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS, with diagrams, 8vo. sewn, 2s Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1907 SOTHEHAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, \V. 863 PHYSICS, continued: 17283 WERNICKE (Adolf) LEHRBUCH der MECHANIK in elementarer Darstellung, mit An wen - dungen und Ubungen aus den Gebieten der Physik und Technik, I. Teil : MECHANIK FESTER KORPER von ALEXANDER WERNICKE, 4. [neueste] vollig umgearbeitete Auflage; with very numerous illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. in 2 (pp. 1635), hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy], 15s (p. M. 20 sewn) Braunschweig, 1900-3 17284 DASSELBE, I. TEIL, ABTEILUNG 1-2 (Einleitung, Phoronomie, Lehre vom materiellen Punkte ; Statik und Kinetik des starren Korpers), 4. [neueste] Auflage und II. TEIL (Fliissig- keiten und Gase) ; with very numerous illustrations, 3 vols. 8vo. in 1 (pp. 1210), hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, 10s Qd (p. M. 15 sewn) ibidem, 1900-1 17285 WILLIS (Robert, pr., F.R.S., Jacksonian Professor, Cantab.} PRINCIPLES of MECHANISM, 2nd [last] Edition [enlarged and rewritten], with 374 woodcuts and diagrams, 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 125 18 ? ' In this work he reduced the study of what he called pure mechanics to a system. It, is the earliest attempt to develop, with anything like completeness, the science of machines considered from the kinematic point of view, without reference to the forces which are at work or to the energy which is transmitted.' D. N. B. Professor Willis, like Dr. Whewell, was one of the rare exam pies of a mathematician who cared for Pointed Architecture, however natural, on its constructional side, such an interest might seem. His study however went far beyond Dr. Whe well's, and he was, with Mr. Freeman, one of the ablest amateur authorities on English architecture, and his advice was of much value in the restoration of many of the Cathedrals. WINKELMANN (A., Univ. Jena) HANDBUCH der PHYSIK v. HANDBUCH, ante. 17286 WOOD (De Volson, C.E.) The ELEMENTS of ANALYTICAL MECHANICS : Solids and Fluids, 7th Edition, illustrated, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy], 8s Qd (p. 12s Qd nett in cl.) New York, 1900 17287 WOOD (Robert Williams, Prof. Experimental Physics, Johns Hopkins Univ.) PHYSICAL OPTICS ; new [2nd and latest] and revised Edition, with 11 plates (some coloured), and 399 text- illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g., 16s Qd (p. 1. 2s nett in cl.) New York, 1911 1 In the present volume especial stress has been laid on the experimental side.' Preface. It includes accounts of numerous original experiments by the author, and is the most up-t o-date text-book on its subject. The last chapter deals with the Principle of Relativity. 17288 WOODS (Arthur T., Washington Univ.), and Albert W. STAHL, Constructor, U.S.N. : ELEMENTARY MECHANISM ;.15th Edition, with 198 illustrations, cr. 8vo. cl., 4s Qd (p. $2.) New York, 1905 17289 WORTHINGTON (Arthur Mason, F.R.S.) DYNAMICS of ROTATION : an elementary Intro- duction to Rigid Dynamics, 6th Edition, with numerous illustrations, cr. 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd (p. 4s Qd) 1906 17290 WULLNER (Adolph) LEHRBUCH der EXPERIMENTALPHYSIK, 5. vielfach umgearbeitete und verbesserte Auflage ; with hundreds of icoodcuts, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 1. 10s (p. M. 56 sewn) Leipzig, 1895-9 The most extensive work on experimental physics extant, but containing much speculative matter. Vols. II IV are in the latest edition. 17291 ZEGH (P. v.) AUFGABEN aus der THEORETISCHEN MECHANIK, nebst Auflosungun, 2. [letzte] Auflage, unter Mitwirkung von C. CRANZ ; with diagrams, 8vo. buckram, 2s Qd (p. M. 4.20 sewn) Stuttgart, 1891 17292 ZETJNER (Gustav Anton ; Polytechnikum, Zurich) GRUNDZUGE der MECHANISCHEN WARMETHEORiE, mit Anwendungen auf die der "Warmelehre aEgehorigen Theile der Maschinen- lehre, insbesondere auf die THEORIE der calorischen Maschinen und DAMPFMASCHINEN, 2. [neueste Auflage]; with 56 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. black calf neat, cl. sides, 5s (p. M. 13 sewn) Leipzig, 1877 17293 ZIWET (Alexander, Univ. Michigan) ELEMENTS of THEORETICAL MECHANICS : revised Edition of ' Elementary Treatise on Theoretical Mechanics', with 191 diagrams, 8vo. hf. black morccco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (as good as new), 12s Qd (p. 17s nett in cl.) New York, 1908 17294 , and Peter FIELD, ejusdem Univ.: INTRODUCTION to ANALYTICAL MECHANICS, with numerous diagrams, cr. 8vo. buckram, 4s Qd (p. 7s nett) ibidem, 1912 CHEMISTRY; 17295 ARRHENTTJS (Svante August ; Director, Physico-Chemical Dept., Nobel Inst.) LEHRBUCH der ELEKTROCHEMIE, vom Verfasser durchgesehene und vermehrte deutsche Ausgabe, iibersetzt von HANS EULER ; with 57 illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 4s Qd (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1901 17296 BAUR (Emil ; Prof. Physical Chemistry, Zurich) CHEMISCHE KOSMOGRAPHIE : Vorlesungen an der Technischen Hochschule zu Miinchen, 1902-3 ; with 21 illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. M. 4.50 sewn) Miinchen, 1903 17297 BISCHOFF (Carl A. ; Prof. Chemistry, RIGA) HANDBUCH der STEREOCHEMIE, unter Mit- wirkung von PAUL WALDEN 'herausgegeben ; with portraits of Pasteur, Le Bel, and van t'Ho/, and 250 illustrations, 8vo. (pp. 1076), hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 1. 5s (p. M. 34 sewn) Frankfurt a. M., 1894 Still the standard work on the subject. It must have been a great disappointment to German professors not to have Louvained the University of Riga. 864 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. CHEMISTRY, continued : 17299 BIEHBJNGER (Joachim, Technische Sochschule, Braunschweig) EINFUHRUNG in die STOCHIOMETRIE, oder die Lehre von der quantitativen Zusammensetzung der Korper und ihren mit dieser zusammenhiingenden Eigenschaften, mit Rechenbeispielen ; with folding plate and 18 woodcuts, 8vo. buckram, Qs Qd (p. M. 9. sewn) Braunschweig, 1900 17300 CARNEGIE (Doug-las, Caius Coll., Cantab.) LAW and THEORY in CHEMISTRY : a Companion Book for Students, with illustrations, post Svo. cl. (o. p.), 3s (p. 6s) 1894 17SOI FREMY (Edmond, de Vlnstitut, Directeur du Museum d'Histoire naturelle) ENCYCLOPEDIE CHIMIQUE, publiee par une Reunion d'anciens Sieves de 1'Ecole poly technique, de Professeurs et Industriels, et notamment de MM. H. BECQUEREL, M. BERTHELOT, BOURGOIN, AD. CARNOT, CLOEZ, DEBIZE, DEBRAY, DITTE, DUCLAUX, DUQUESNEST, GrAUDIN, L. GfiUNER, JOLY, JUNGFLEISCH, LiEMOINE, LODIN, MALLARD, MARGOTTET, MOUTIER, NIVOIT, HOLLAND, SCHLAGDENHAUFEN, SCHLOJJSING, TERQDEM, TERREIL, URBAIN, YIEILLE, etc. etc. ; with many hundred plates (some coloured), and thousands of text-illustrations, 85 vols. 8vo. in 44,; handsomely and uniformly bound in If. maroon morocco, cl. sides (FINE SET), 16. 16s (p. P. 1680 nett sewn) 1882-99 COXTKNU : Tome I. INTRODUCTION. CONNAISSANCES PHYSIQUES applicables a la Chimie ; complete, 4 v. in 3: Tome II : METALLOIDES ; complete, 7 v. in 4: Tome III: METAUX ; wanting ' Osmium et Ruthenium', and 'Palladium, Iridium, lihodium' ; 19 v. in 6 : Tome IV : ANALYSE CHIMIQUE ; complete, 5 v. in 3 : Tome V : PRODUITS et INDUSTRIES CHTMIQUKS ; wanting ' Metallurgie du Zinc'', 'Exploitation et Traitement des Minerais auriferes' ; ' Traitement des Minerals auro- argentiferes ' ; 'Metallurgie du Nickel et du Cobalt ', 13 v. in 5 : Tomes VI VIII : CHIMIE ORGANIQUE ; complete, 16 v. in 14 : Tome IX : CHIMIE PHYSIOLOOIQUE ; complete, 8 v. in 3 : Tome X : APPLICATIONS de CHIMIE ORGANIQUES ; wanting ' Con- servation des Substances alimentaires' ; ' Teinture et Apprets des Tissus de Colon' ; 'Fabrication des Couleurs', 12 v. in 5 : TABLE ALPHABETIQUE. The missing volumes can 6e supplied new for 4. nett sewn. 17302 G-ABBETT (Albert Edward, F.R.A.S.) The PERIODIC LAW, with diagrams and folding tables (linen-mounted], cr. Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s (p. 5s) 1909 With interesting historical account of early attempts at classification, and of the work of Newlands, de Chancourtois, Mendelejeff, Lothar Meyer, and Carnelley. 17303 GORE (George, F.R.S.) The ART of ELECTRO-METALLURGY, including all known Processes of Electro-Deposition [with History, Bibliography, List of Patents, etc.], 7th Impression, illus- trated, large 12mo. buckram, 3s (p. Qs) 1900 17304 HALLIBURTON (William Dobinson, F.R.S., Prof. Physiology, King's Coll., London) The ESSENTIALS of CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, 5th Edition, with coloured plate and 83 other illustrations, Svo. cl., 3s (p. 5s nett) 1904 17305 KAY (William Jay, Univ. Michigan) The CALCULATIONS of GENERAL CHEMISTRY, with Definitions, Explanations, and Problems ; 2nd [latest] Edition, revised, post Svo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 45 6d) , 1910 17306 HOFF (Jacobus Hendrik van't; Prof. Physical Chemistry, Berlin; F.R.S.) ETUDES de DYNAMIQUE CHIMIQUE ; with illustrations, roy. Svo. red buckram, 5s Amsterdam, 1884 In this work the author is 'striving to found a theory of equilibrium and chemical kinetics.' Prof. E. v. Meyer. 17307 STEREOCHEMIE, nach ' Dix Annees dans 1'Histoire d'une Theorie,' unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers nen bearbeitet von W. MEYERHOFFER : with diagrams, Svo. red buckram, 3s (p. M. 5) Leipzig, 1892 17308 VORLESUNGEN liber THEORETISCHE und PHYSIKALISCHE CiiEMlE (Bd. I 2. Auflage) ; with numerous illustrations, 3 parts in 1 vol. Svo. handsomely bound in hf. crushed dark purple Levant morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 10s 60? (p. M. 14 sewn) Braunschweig, 1899-1901 INHALT : I. Chemische Dynamik : II. Statik : III. Beziehungen zwischen Eigenschaften und Zusammensetzung. 17309 JOHNSTON (James Finlay Weir, F.R.S.) ELEMENTS of AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY and GEOLOGY; 17th [latest] Edition, from the Edition by SIR CHARLES ALEXANDER CAMERON, M.D., revised and in great part rewritten by C. M. AIRMAN, ivith woodcuts, post Svo. cl., 3s Qd Edin., 1894 'Johnston successfully sought to give recent scientific discovery a practical application to agriculture and manufactures. Most of his numerous writings attained great popularity.' D.N.B. 17310 KEANE (Charles Alexander, Princ., Sir John Cass Technical Inst.) MODERN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, with 29 illustrations, cr. Svo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. 6s) 1909 17311 KONIG (Josef, Univ. Milnster) CHEMIE derMENSCHLiCHEN NAHRUNGS- und GENUSSMITTEL, 4. [neueste] verbesserte [und stark vermehrte] Auflage, Band I. II. III. I; with numerous illus- trations, 3 very thick vols. Svo. original hf. morocco gilt, 3. (p. M. 94) Berlin, 1903-10 The standard work on the chemistry of food and drink. INHALT : I. Chemische Zusammensetzung der menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, 1903 : II. Die menschlich en Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, ihre Herstellung, Zusammensetzung und Beschaffenheit, nebst Abriss iiber die Era iih- rungslehre, '04 : III. i. Untersuchung von Nahrungs-, Genussmitteln und Gebrauchsgegenstiinden, '10. 17312 LAAB. (J. J. van, Univ. Amsterdam) LEHRBUCH der MATHEMATISCHEN CHEMIE, mit Einleitung von H. W. BAKHUIS-ROOZEBOOM ; with 28 diagrams, Svo. buckram, 5s (p. M. 7 sewn) Leipzig, 1901 17313 MAMLOCK (L.) STEREOCHEMIE: die Lehre vender raumlichen Anordnung der Atom e im Molekiil ; witb 58 illustrations, Svo. cl., 3s (p. M. 5) Leipzig, 1907 17314 MELLOR (Joseph. William, D. sc.) CHEMICAL STATICS and DYNAMICS, including the Theories of Chemical Change, Catalysis, and Explosions, with 50 diagrams, cr. Svo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. 7s 6rf) HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 865 CHEMISTRY, continued^ 17317 MENDEL "EEFF (Dmitri Ivanovitch ; Prof. Chemistry, Petrograd ; F.R.S.) The PRINCIPLES of CHEMISTRY, translated from the Russian (5th Edition) by GEORGE KAMENSKY, edited by A. J. GREENAWAY, F.I.C., with 97 woodcuts, 2 vols. large 8vo. cl., 10s Qd (p. 1. 16s) 1891 17318 THIRD [LATEST [ ENGLISH EDITION, translated from the Russian (7th Edition) by GEORGE KAMENSKY, and edited by THOMAS H. POPE, F.I.C., with 110 woodcuts, 2 vols. large 8vo. cL, 1. 2s Qd (p. 1. 12s nett) 1905 A well-known standard work by the founder of the Periodic System. 17319 MEYER (Lothar Julius, Univ. Tubingen) GRUNDZUGE der THEORETISCHEN CHEMIE, 4. [neueste] Auflage, neu bearbeitet von E. REINBACH ; with folding plate (linen-mounted), and diagrams, 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. #.,4s (p. M. 5 sewn) Leipzig, 1907 Latest edition of this classic of physical chemistry. 17320 MEYER (Oskar Emil, Univ. Breslau) Die KINETISCHE THEORIE der GASE, in elementarer Darstellung mit mathematischen Grundsatzen, 2. umgearbeitete [neueste] Auflage, 8vo. hand- somely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 9s (p. M. 12 unbound) Breslau, 1899 Latest edition of one of the best modern text-books on the subject. 17321 NERNST (Walther, Univ. Berlin) The THEORY of the SOLID STATE, illustrated, post 8vo. cl., Is Qd 1914 Perhaps the author's national ' solid State ' will prove to have more or less liquescent tendencies before the war is over. 17322 OSTWALD (Wilhelm ; Prof. Chemistry, Leipzig ; Monist and jingo) GRUNDRISS der ALLGEMEINEN CHEMIE, 4. [neueste] vollig umgearbeitete Auflage; with 67 illustrations, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), 15s (p. M. 20 sewn) Leipzig, 1909 17323 LEITLINIEN der CHEMIE: sieben gemeinverstandliche Vortrage aus der GESCHICHTE der CHEMIE, cr. 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 4s Qd (p. M. 6.60 sewn) ibidem, 1906 Professor Ostwald with his country's punishment in sight must now remember with fury the never to be realised boasting he gave way to in Sweden ineunte bello. Cf. Lord Grey's speech on October 21st, 1916. 17324 REYCHLER (Albert ; Univ. Libre de BRUXELLES) Les THEORIES PHYSICO-CHIMIQUES, 3 e [derniere] Edition, entierement refondue et comple'tee ; with numerous illustrations and folding table, 8vo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy) \o.p., 12s Qd Bruxelles, 1903 17325 ROTTGER (H.) LEHRBUCH der NAHRUNGSMITTEL-CHEMIE, 3. vermehrte Auflage ; with plate and 22 illustrations, thick 8vo. (pp. 915), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, 10s Qd (p. M. 16 sewn) Leipzig, 1907 17326 STEWART (Alfred Walter, Univ. London) STEREOCHEMISTRY, with 87 illustrations, thick post 8vo. buckram, 5s Qd (p. 10s Qd) 1907 17327 TILDEN (Sir William Augustus, F.R.S., Prof. Chemistry, Roy. Coll. Science) INTRODUCTION to the STUDY of CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY : the Principles of Theoretical and Systematic Chemistry ; 10th Edition, completely revised and rearranged, with 5 illustrations ; with ANSWERS to the PROBLEMS, cr. 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. 5s Qd) 1901 17328 WALKER (James, Prof. Chemistry, Edin., F.R.S.) INTRODUCTION to PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, 4th Edition [enlarged] , with 53 illustrations, 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 6s (p. 10s nett in cl.) 1907 17329 EINFUHRUNG in die PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE, nach der 2. Auflage des Originals unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers uflbersetzt und herausgegeben von H. V. STEINWEHR ; with 48 illus- trations, 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. M. 7) Braunschweig, 1904 17330 WERNER (Alfred ; Prof. Chemistry, Zurich ; Nobel Laureate) NEUERE ANSCHAUUNGEN auf dem Gebiete der ANORGANISCHEN CHEMIE, 2. vermehrte Auflage ; with folding table (linen- mounted), 8vo. buckram, Qs (p. M. 9 sewn) Braunschweig, 1909 17331 WURTZ (Charles Adolphe, de Vlnstitut) DICTIONNAIRE de CHIMIE PURE et APPLIQUEE, avec Discours preliminaire : Histoire des Doctrines chimiques depuis LAVOISIER, 5 v. : Supple- ment, 2 v. : Deuxieme Supplement, par CH. FRIEDEL et C. CHABRIE, 7 v. in all 14 vols. roy. 8vo., with numerous illustrations ; handsomely bound in hf. crushed brown morocco, cl. sides (FINE SET), 6. 6s (p. F. 250 nett unbound) 1874-1908 The magnum opus in chemistry of French Natural Science, containing contributions by the foremost French chemists of the day. ENGINEERING: 17332 BACH (Karl v., Technische Hochschule, Stuttgart] Die MASCHINEN-ELEMENTE : ihre Berech- nung und Konstruktion, mit Riicksicht auf die neueren Versuche, 9. vermehrte Auflage ; with 3 plates and 799 text-illustrations, and ATLAS, containing 59 folding plates, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. original hf. morocco gilt, 18s (p. M. 38) Stuttgart, 1903 A well-known standard work on the subject. 17333 BLTTCHER (H.) MODERNE TECHNIK: die wichtigsten Gebiete der Maschinentechnik und Verkehrstechnik, allgemeinverstandlich dargestellt und erlautert durch ZERLEGBARE MODELLE, herausgegeben unter Mitwirkung von B. ALBRECHT, H. HAGMANN, C. KLUG, M. PRUSSING, P. REINIGER, E. SCHEWE, W. STRECKER, G. WISLICENUS und A. WITT; with 1391 illustrations; with Atlas, with 15 fine COLOURED PLATES with SUPERPOSED SLIPS, 2 vols. folio, original buckram, 1. 6s Qd (p. M. 40) Leipzig, 1912 An excellent work, showing the composition and working of various machines by means of superposed and movable slips. They include a Krupp submarine, a Rumpler-Taube aeroplane, and a Parseval airship. 836 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. ENGINEERING, continued. 17335 COR.BIN (Thomas W.) ENGINEERING of TO-DAY : a popular Account of its present State in non-technical Language, with 39 plates and diajrams, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 3>- (p. 5s nett) 1911 17336 DAVEY (Henry, M.I.C.E.) The PRINCIPLES, CONSTRUCTION, and APPLICATION of PUMPING MACHINERY (Steam and Water Pressure), with practical Illustrations of Engines and Pumps applied to Mining, Town Water Supply, Drainage of Lands, etc. ; also Economy and Efficiency Trials, with 6 plates and 253 other illustrations, large 8vo. cl., Ss (p. 1. ]s) 1900 17337 DREIHA.B.DT (C.) Der SCHRAUBENPROPELLER (Schiffsschraube) : Konstruktion und Berechnung desselben; with 6 folding plates (linen -mounted), and 59 text-illustrations, large 8vo. buckram, uncut, t. e. g., 3s Berlin, 1906 17338 EWING (Sir James Alfred, K.C.B., FR.S.; Director of Naval Education] The STEAM- ENGINE, and other HEAT-ENGINES, 3rd [latest] Edition, with 2 large folding plates (linen- mounted and in pocket], and 274 text-illustrations, thick 8vo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 10s (p. 15s in cl.) Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1910 17339 FLEMING- (John Ambrose, F.R.S.) The WONDERS of WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY explained in simple Terms for the non-Technical Reader, with 55 illustrations, post 8vo. cl., 2* Qd 1913 17340 GOODEVE (Thomas Minchin, Roy. School of Mines] TEXT-BOOK on the STEAM ENGINE ; with Supplement on GAS ENGINES, and Part II on HEAT ENGINES ; llth Edition, enlarged, with numerous illustrations, post 8vo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 6s) 1891 17341 GORDON (H. A.) REPORT of the DEPARTMENT of MINES on the GOLDFIELDS of NEW ZEALAND for 1893-4, with numerous plates and coloured folding maps, folio, half roan, Is Qd Wellington, 1894 17342 GRIFFITHS (William) TRUSSES of WOOD and IRON, with complete Working Drawings, 12 plates, oblong 12mo. cl., 2s Qd 1886 17343 HIS OOX (Gardner D.) MECHANICAL MOVEMENTS, POWERS, DEVICES, and APPLIANCES, com- prising illustrated Description of Mechanical Movements and Devices used in Constructive and Operative Machinery and the Mechanical Arts, heing practically a MECHANICAL DICTIONARY ; 10th Edition, enlarged, with 1800 illustrations : MECHANICAL APPLIANCES, MECHANICAL MOVE- MENTS, and NOVELTIES of CONSTRUCTION : an Encyclopaedia, with numerous illustrations 2 vols. roy. 8vo. in 1, hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides (fine copy), 12* Qd (p. 1. 5s nett in cl.) 1905 17344 HOOHBATJKUNDE (ALLGEMEiNE) des HANDBUCHES der ARCHITEKTUR, I. Teil, 3. Auflage ; with 1 plate and 490 illustrations, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides ( fine copy], 18s Qd (p. M. 30 sewn) Stuttgart, 1905-1899 INHALT : I. E uleitung (theoretische und geschichtliche Ubersicht) von. A. v. ESSENWEIN. Die Technik der wich- tiger*n Baustoffe von W. F. EXNER, H. HAUENSCHILD, G. LAUBOECK, H. KOCH und E. SCHMITT: II. Die Statik der Hochbau-C jnstructionen von THEODOR LANDSBERG. 17345 HOLMES (Sir Charles Vincent, K.C.B. ; Crewe Works; Sec. Inst. Naval Architects) The STEAM ENGINE, with frontispiece and 212 woodcuts, thick cr. 8vo. cl., or, buckram, 3s (p. 6s) 1894 or 1902 17346 KNIGHT (Edward Henry) PRACTICAL DICTIONARY of MECHANICS, including the History of Inventions, Technological Vocabulary, etc. ; and Supplement, with Index Keferences to Technical Journals, 1876-80, with 131 plates and 9,944 woodcuts, 4 thick vols. impl. 8vo. hf. roan (backs rubbed), and Suppt. in cl., 15s (p. 4. 4s) [1877-84] 17347 LONGBIDGE (Capt. Cecil Clement, M.I.M.E.) HYDRAULIC MINING, Parts I (3rd enlarged E Jition) and III : Ditches, Flumes, Tunnels ; Reservoirs, Monitors, Elevators, Sluices, Classiiic- ation, Test and Valuation of Allnvials, Water Power, etc., with plates and other illustrations, 2 vols. 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 8s Qd) 1901-2 17348 LOW (David Allan), and Alfred William BEVIS, MM.I.M.E. : MANUAL of MACHINE DRAWING and DESIGN, new Edition, enlarged, with 804 woodcuts, 8vo. cl., 4s (p. 7s Qd) 1903 17349 OUDIN (Maurice A., M.Am.i.E.E.) STANDARD POLYPHASE APPARATUS and SYSTEMS; with 159 illustrations, large cr. 8vo. cl., Qs (p. 15s) 1900 17350 PBEECE (Sir William Henry, F.R.S. ; G.P.O. ; inventor, on the Flat Holm, of wireless telegraphy), and Sir James SIVEWRIGHT, G.P.O. : TELEGRAPHY, new Edition [greatly enlarged], with 285 wooduts, post 8vo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. 7s Qd) 1905 ' An excellent manual '.Prof. Silvanus Thompson. 17351 BANKINE (William John Macquorn, F.R.S.) MANUAL of CIVIL ENGINEERING ; 20th Edition, thoroughly revised by W. G. MILLAR, C.E., with 302 illustrations, thick cr. 8vo, cl., 6s6rf(p. 16s) 1898 17352 - MANUAL of the STEAM ENGINE, and other PRIME MOVERS; 14th Edition, revised by W. J. MILLVR, C.E., with 2 folding plates, and nearly 200 woodcuts and diagrams, thick cr. 8vo. cl., 5s (p. 12s Qd) 1897 The first treatise on the steam-engine which was based on the mechanical theory of heat, and still one of the best text- books on the subject. 17353 REULEAUX (Franz. Gewerbe-Akademie, Berlin] The KINEMATICS of MACHINERY : Out- lines of a Theory of Machines, translated and edited by SIR ALEXANDER B. W. KENNEDY, C.E., F.R.S., with 451 woodcuts, thick 8vo. cl. (SCARCE), 1. Is 1876 A well-known classic on kinematics, which was translated into nearly every European language, and in which the author introducer 1 a new treatment of the theory of machinery. 17354 Der KONSTRUKTEUR : ein Handbuch zurn Gebrauch beim MASCHINEN-ENTWERFEN, 4. [neueste] umgearbeitete Auflage; with 2 folding tables (linen-mounted], and over 1200 woodcuts, roy. 8vo. (pp. Ixxi + 1197), handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides (nice copy), 17s Qd (p. M. 25 sewn) Braunschweig, 1899 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. 867 ENGINEERING, continued: 17356 TAYLOR, (David Watson, Naval Constructor, U.S. Navy] RESISTANCE of SHIPS and SCREW PROPULSION, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 6s Qd (p. 10s nett) New York, 1907 A standard work on the subject, ' containing a good deal of original matter ' (Preface). 17357 UNWIN (William Cawthorne, F.R.S.) The ELEMENTS of MACHINE DESIGN, new Edition, revised and enlarged, with 614 illustrations, 2 vols. large 12mo. buckram, 65 (p. 135 Qd) 1903-2 17358 VOLKERT (Christophe) La MACHINE a VAPEUR, Distribution avee Tiroir a Detente, Systeme Meyer: La LOCOMOTIVE: MOTEUR a GAZ : La DYNAMO: Modeles d&nontrables, avec Descriptions ; with 4 large coloured plates, ivith superposed and movable slips, and numerous text- illustrations, 4 vols. oblong folio in 1, buckram, 8s (p. F. 12 nett sewn) 1898-1900 Excellent models for self-instruction or school use, 17359 WELLS (Sidney Herbert; Director-General of Technical Education, Egypt] TEXT-BOOK of ENGINEERING DRAWING and DESIGN, including^ Practical Geometry, Plane and Solid, and Machine and Engine Drawing and Design ; 4th Edition, with numerous illustrations, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. cl., 45 Qd (p. 9s) 1905 17360 WHITE (Sir William Henry, F.R.S., Chief Constructor, R.N.) MANUAL of NAVAL ARCHI- TECTURE, for Officers of the Royal Navy, Officers of the Mercantile Marine, Shipbuilders, Ship- owners, and Yachtsmen, 3rd Edition, enlarged, with 176 woodcuts, thick roy. 8vo. cl., Is Qd (p. 1. 45) 1894 17381 WILLIAMS (Archibald) LET ME EXPLAIN, with coloured frontispiece, and over 150 illus- trations, 8vo. cl., 35 (p. 65) [1913] A popular account of modern engineering. MINERALOGY and CRYSTALLOGRAPHY: see also BIBLIOTHECA REUTERIANA, Part IV, Nos. 646-685. 17362 BATJERMANN" (Hilary, F.G.S.) TEXT-BOOK of SYSTEMATIC MINERALOGY, with 373 ivood- cuts, cr. 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. 6?) 1903 17363 TEXT-BOOK of DESCRIPTIVE MINERALOGY, with 237 woodcuts, cr. 8vo. buckram, 35 (p. 65) 1902 17364 BAUMHAUER (Heinrich; Prof. Mineralogy, Freiburg i. Ue.) DARSTELLUNG der 32 MOGLICHEN KRYSTALLKLASSEN auf Grund der Deck- und Spiegelachsen, nebst Beschreibung von Achsenmodellen znr Demonstration der Symmetrieverhaltnisse der Krystalle ; with folding plate and 32 illustrations, large 8vo. cl., 2s Leipzig, 1899 17365 Die NEUERE ENTWICKELUNG der KRISTALLOGRAPHIE ; with 46 illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 3s (p. M. 4 sewn) Braunschweig, 1905 17366 GOSSNER (Balthasar ; Univ. Munich) KRISTALLBERECHNUNG und KRISTALLZEICHNUNG, mit Betonung der graphischen Verfahren, sowie der analytischen und zonalen Beziehungen ; with plate and 109 diagrams, roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 65 Qd (p. M. 8 sewn) Leipzig, 1914 17367 GROTH (Paul v.; Prof. Mineralogy, Munich) PHYSIKALISCHE KRYSTALLOGRAPHIE und Einleitung in die krystallographische Kenntniss der wichtigsten Substanzen, 3. neubearbeitete Auflage ; with 3 coloured plates and 702 woodcuts, large 8vo. (pp. 801), handsomely bound in hf. dark purple morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy], 12? (p. M. 18 sewn) Leipzig, 1895 A well-known standard work. 17368 KARSTEN (Hermann, Univ. Rostock) LEHRBUCH der KRYSTALLOGRAPHIE ; with 113 woodcuts, 8vo. hf. brown morocco neat, cl. sides (nice copy], 35 60? Leipzig, 1861 17369 KIRCHMAYR (Heinrich) Die ANALYTISCHE BERECHNUNG REGULARER KRYSTALLE ; with 31 illustrations, large 8vo. cl., Is Qd Berlin, 1908 17370 LINCK (Gottlob ; Prof. Mineralogy, Jena] GRUNDRISS der KRISTALLOGRAPHIE, 2. umgear- beitete Auflage ; with 3 coloured plates, an d 604 illustrations, roy. 8vo. buckram, 65 Qd (p. M. 11 sewn) , Jena, 1908 17371 LION (G.) TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE de CRISTALLOGRAPHIE GEOMETRIQUE; with 131 diagram?, roy. 8vo. buckram, t. e. g., 3s Qd (p. F. 5 nett sewn) 1891 17372 MILLER (William Hallowes, F.R.S., Prof. Mineralogy, Cantab.) TRACT on CRYSTALLO- GRAPHY, with diagrams, 8vo. cl., 3s Qd Canibridae, 1863 An enlargement of the author's contributions to Phillips's Mineralogy, with new theorems from the Philosophical Magazine, 1857-9. 17373 TREATISE on CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, first edition, with I0plates,8vo. hf. cl., uncut (scarce), 65 Qd ibidem, 1839 ' Miller developed a system of crystallography which was far more simple, symmetrical, and adapted to mathe- matical calculations than any which has yet been devised. Miller's system was published in 1839 ; it quickly obtained favour, and has more than maintained its ground with mineralogists.' Prof. Bonney, pr., F.E.S. ' His system gave expressions adapted for working all the problems that a crystal can present, and it gave them in a form that appealed at once to the sense of symmetry and appropriateness of the mathematician . . . He thus placed the keystone into the arch of the science of crystallography.' Prof. Story- Maskelyne, F.R.S. 17374 RTJTLEY (Frank, F.G.S.) The STUDY of ROCKS : an Elementary Text-Book of Petrology, 9th Impression, with 90 woodcuts, 12mo. buckram, 2s Qd 1904 17375 SAUER (Adolf; Prof. Mineralogy, Stuttgart) MINERALKUNDE als EINFFHRUNG in die LEHRE vom STOFF der ERDRINDE : ein Abriss der reinen und angewandten Mineralogie ; with 26 beautiful COLOURED PLATES, containing several hundred specimens, and 281 text-illustrations, roy. 4to. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, t. e. g. (fine copy), Us (p. M. 13.60 in cl.) Stuttgart [1908] 17376 SGHENCK (Rudolf; Prof. Physical Chemistry, Breslau) KRISTALLINISCHE FLUSSIGKEITEN und FLUSSIGE KRISTALLE ; with 86 illustrations, 8vo. buckram, 3s Leipzig, 1905 868 HENRY SOTHERAN & CO., 140, STRAND, W.C., AND 43, PICCADILLY, W. MINERALOGY and CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, continued: 17378 SCHOENFLIES (Arthur ; Univ. Konigsberg) KRYSTALLSYSTEME und KRYSTALLSTRUCTUR ; with 73 diagrams, Svo. handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides (nice copy], 8s (p. M. 12 sewn) Leipzig, 1891 17379 SOMMERFELDT (Ernst; Prof. Mineralogy, Tubingen) GEOMETRISCHE KRISTALLOGRAPHIE ; with 31 plates and 69 text-illustrations, roy. Svo. cl., 5s Qd (p. M. 7 sewn) Leipzig, 1906 17380 Die KRISTALLGRUPPEN, nebst ihren Beziehungen zu den Raumgittern ; with 14 stereo- scopic and 50 other illustrations, Svo. buckram, 2s Qd Dresden, 1911 17381 STORY- MASKELYNE (Mervyn Herbert Nevil, F.R.S., Prof. Mineralogy, Oxon.) CRYS- TALLOGRAPHY : a Treatise on the Morphology of Crystals ; with 8 plates and 398 woodcuts, thick post Svo. cl., Qs Qd (p. 12s Qd) Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1895 17382 TUTTON (Alfred Edward Howard, F.R.S., Pres. Mineralogical Soc.) CRYSTALLOGRAPHY and PRACTICAL CRYSTAL MEASUREMENT, with 720 illustrations, Svo. (pp. 960), handsomely bound in hf. black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 1. 2s Qd (p. 1. 10s nett in cl.) 1911 1 In this book an endeavour has been made to presentatthe same time both a guide to practical work in crystallography and all the essential theory on the subject, not only as regards crystal morphology but also with respect to the physical properties of crystals.' Preface. 17383 CRYSTALS, with 24 plates (1 coloured], and text-illustrations, cr. Svo. cl., 2s Qd (p. 5s) 1911 17384 VOIQT (Woldemar, Univ. Gottingen) Die FUNDAMENTALALEN PHYSIKALISCHEN EIGEN- SCHAFTEN der KRYSTALLE in elementarer Darstellung ; with 52 illustrations, large post Svo. cl., 3s 6d (p. M. 5.60) Leipzig, 1898 17385 LEHRBUCH der KRISTALLPHYSIK (mit Ausschluss der Kristalloptik) ; with 213 illustra- tions and folding table, thick Svo. handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 1. 2s Qd (p. M. 30 sewn) ibidem, 1910 17386 WILLIAMS (George Huntingdon, Johns Hopkins Univ.) ELEMENTS of CRYSTALLOGRAPHY; 3rd Edition, enlarged, with folding plate and 383 illustrations, cr. Svo. cl., 3s (p. 6s) 1899 METEOROLOGY and PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY : see also BIBLIOTHECA REUTERIANA, Part IV, Nos. 686-706. 17387 BORNSTEIN (Richard ; Prof. Meteorology, Berlin) LEITFADEN der WETTERKUNDE, gemeinverstandlich bearbeitet, 2. umgearbeitete Ann" age ; with 22 charts and maps (mostly coloured and linen-mounted), and 61 text-illustrations, Svo. buckram, 3s Qd (p. M. 6 sewn) Braunschiveig, 1906 Luke Howard's classification of clouds as used by the above author will now have to be verboten in Germany. 17388 DAVIS (William Morris, Harvard Univ.) ELEMENTARY METEOROLOGY, with 106 illus- trations, Svo. cl., 4s (p. 10s Gd) Boston [Mass.], 1894 17389 Die ERKLARENDE BESCHREIBUNG der LANDFORMEN, deutsch bearbeitet von A. RUHL ; with 13 plates and 212 text-illustrations, thick Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides, t. e. g. (nice copy), 8s Qd (p. M. 11 sewn) Leipzig, 1912 17390 GUNTHER (Siegxnund, Technische Hochschule, Miinchen) HANDBUCH der MATHEMATISCHEN GEOGRAPHIE ; with 155 illustrations, large cr. Svo. (pp. 810), original hf. morocco gilt, 10s 60? (p. M. 18) Stuttgart, 1890 17391 HANN (Julius; Univ. Vienna) LEHRBUCH der METEOROLOGIE ; with 8 plates, 111 text- illustrations, and 15 maps (mostly folding and linen-mounted), roy. Svo. (pp. 819), handsomely bound in hf. crushed black morocco, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 17s Qd (p. M. 30 sewn) Leipzig, 1911 The best modern German work on meteorology. 17392 HILDEBRANDSSON (H.), Albert RIGGENBACH ; Univ. Basel, and Leon TEIS- SERENG de BORT: INTERNATIONAL CLOUD-ATLAS, published by Order of the [International Meteorological] Committee (in French, English, and German), with 14 fine coloured plates, impl. 4to. buckram, t. e.g., 8s (p. F. 14 nett sewn) Paris, 1896 Illustrating from nature all the typical combinations of Luke Howard's Cirrus, Cumulus, and Stratus. 17393 KAYSER (J.) PHYSIK des MEERES ; 2. [neueste] Auflage, neubearbeitet von CARL FORCH, mit Beitrag liber die leuchtenden Meeresorganismen von PAUL ZENETTI ; with 39 illustrations, Svo. buckram, t. e. g., 5s (p. M. 6.60 sewn) Paderborn, 1911 17394 MOORE (Willis Luther; Chief of U.S. Weather Bureau) DESCRIPTIVE METEOROLOGY, with 45 charts (many coloured), and 81 text-illustrations, sq. roy. Svo. cl., 8s (p. 12s Qd nett) New York, 1910 A valuable text-book, including the latest researches. 17395 PENCK (Albrecht ; Prof. Geography, Vienna) MORPHOLOGIE der ERDOBERFLACHE ; with 67 illustrations, 2 vols. large post Svo. in 1, handsomely bound in hf. pigskin, cl. sides, uncut, t. e. g. (fine copy), 1. Is (p. M. 32 sewn) Stuttgart, 1894 17396 PESCHEL (Oscar) PHYSISCHE ERDKUNDE, nach hinterlassenen Manuskripten selbsst.andig bearbeitet und herausgegeben von GUSTAV LEIPOLDT, 2. [neueste] vieflach verbesserte Auflage ; with 193 illustrations, 2 vols. large Svo. hf. maroon morocco neat, cl. sides, 1. (p. M. 30 sewn) Leipzig, 1884-5 17397 RUDZKI (Maurycy Th. P. v. ; Univ. Cracow] PHYSIK der ERDE; with 5 plates and 60 text- illustrations, large Svo. hf. black morocco neat, cl. sides t uncut, t. e. g. (as good as new), 10s Qd (p. M. 14 sewn) Leipzig, 1911 INDEX. 869 For the sake of completeness, such works, translations, or editions in Messrs. Sotherans Catalogue of Science and Technology, Nos. I and II, as are not contained in the Bibliotheca Chemico-Mathematica, have been added to the Index. They are distinguished by having S and SS prefixed to the numbers. The numbers within brackets are the running numbers of the catalogue. ABACUS : [1413] Frend. 1806. [12780] Ocagne. 1891. [16455] Ocagne. 1899. (LOGARITHMIC) : [12866] Ott. 1874. ABEL'S THEOREM : [6-7. 5611-12] Abel. 1839-81. [5943] Baker. 1897. [14532] Rowe. 1881. ABERRATION (ASTRONOMICAL) : [1358] Fontaine des Crates. 1744. [2798] Manfredi. 1729. [5580] Zach. 1812. [10215] Klinkerfues. 1867. [10948] Loewy et Puisseux. 1891. [12760-1] Nyren. 1883-8. [14367] Robison. 1788. [S1493] Hooke. 1674. [S 2394] Walker. 1900. (CHROMATIC) v. Achromatism. (SPHERICAL) : [8157] Fresnel. 1866-70. [8502] Gompertz. 1824. [10980] Logan. 1739-41. [S 1677-8] Bacon. 1614. [SS 1061] Divini. 1666. ABIOGENESIS (CHEMICAL) : [6622] Burke. 1906. [1Q666] Ledue. 1910. [13268] Phipson. 1861. [13327] Pilla. 1817. ABSORPTION, LAWS OF : [8926] Harper's Scientific Memoirs. 1901. ACCOUNTING : [1591] Gordon. 1763-5. [1828-9] Hayes. 1733-64. [3429-32] Pacioli. 1494-1523. [3434] Pagani. 1591. [3486] Passerini. 1875. [3546] Peri. 1697. [3632] Pietra. 1586. [4720] Taddei. 1839. [4722-3. 4725] Tagliente. 1525-33. [5013] Unicorno. 1598. [5048-9] Venturoli. 1662-6. [5734] Aloardi. 1817. [6007] Barnes. 1877. [6353] Bornaccini. 1838. [7028] Cory. 1840. [7291] Dicksee. 1892. [7982] Flori. 1677. [8268] Garatti. 1686-8. [8378] Ghebelino. 1568. [8545] Graaf. c. 1730. [8589] Grattaroli. 1680. [9013-14] Hatton. 1726-34. [9650] Imhooff . 1786. [9292] Jackson. 1901. [9857] Jones. 1796. [10515] La Porte. 1799. [10613] Lawn. 1904. [11304] Mainardi. 1646. [11342]Manelli. 1659. [11994] Mondini. 1894. [12912-14] Pacioli. 1494-1523. [13020] Pathway of Knowledge. 1596. [13174] Potri. 1591. [14754] Schuere Meenenaer. 1643. [15494] Webster. 1752. [S 3878] Tap. c. 1620. [SS791] Rocha de Gerona. 1564-5. , HISTORY or : [612] Brown. 1905. ACCUMULATORS( ELECTRICAL): [4196] Salomons. 1893. [5278] Webb. 1862. [7326] Dolezalek. 1904. [9470] Hospitalier. v.y. [11142] Lyndon. 1903. [12186] Morse. 1911. [13388-90] Plants. 1879-83. ACETYLENE : [2578] Lewes. 1899. [9476] Hospi- talier. v.y. [10673] Leeds and Butterfield. 1910. [14122] Reuter. 1892. [S 3076] Lewes. 1900. [SS 3271] Jahrbuch fur Acetylen und Carbid. 1900-2. v. Calcium Carbide. ACHREMATITE : [11314] Mallet. 1875. ACHROMATISM : [1073] Dollond. 1834. [1655] Gregory. 1735. [7333-4] Dollond. 1762-1808. [8656] Gregory .1713. [8725] Grunert. 1846-51. [13564-5] Powell. 1834-5. [14712] Scherffer. 1764. [S 1949] Gregory. 1715. [SS 1661] Euler. 1762. [SS 1664] Euler. 1750. [SS 1739] Gregory. 1695. [SS 2060] Scherffer. 1762. ACIDS : [531] Boyle. 1676. [2304] Kirwan. 1787. [3796] Priestley. 1788. [10199. 10202] Kirwan. 1787-9. [10589] Lavoisier. 1783. [12789] Odling. 1860. [14188] Richards. 1898. [14223] Richardson. 1863-7. [SS 1583-4] Boyle. 1675. ACOUSTIC FIGURES : [786] Chladni. 1787. [1288] Faraday. 1859. [6872] Chladni. 1787. [7769] Faradav. 1859. INSTRUMENTS v. Ear Trumpet. Megaphone. Musical I. Phonograph. Speaking Trumpet. Speaking Tube. Telephone. Tuning Fork. PROBLEMS: [9031] Hautefeuille. 1788. [13945] Rayleigh. 1884. ACOUSTICS (ELEMENTARY) : [54] Airy. 1868. [292] Basset. 1888. [2932] Mayer. 1879-81. [3868] Radau. 1867. [5698] Airy. 1871. [6041] Basset. 1890. [11872] Millikan and Mills. 1908. [16924] Airy. 1871. [16930] Anglas. 1910. [16943] Basset. 1900. [17033] Franklin and Macnutt. 1909. (EXPERIMENTAL) : [785-6. 6871-2] Chladni. 1787-1802. [S 1800] Chladni. 1817. [SS 1613. 1616-17] Chladni. 1809-21. v. Flames (Singing). (GENERAL) : [723] Catchpool. 1900. [1075] Donkin. 1870. [5005-8] Tyndall. 1867-8. [7328] Donkin. 1870. [9220. 9231. 9237] Herschel. 1830. [13472] Poisson. 1808. [13587- 8] Poynting and Thomson. 1899-1909. [15403] Violle. 1886. [17009] Donkin. 1870. [17021] Everett. 1882. [17097] Klimpert. 1904-7. [17190] Poynting and Thomson. 1907. [S 1687] Barton. 1908. v. Music. Sound. (HYPER-) : [S 1858] Dxmk. 1916. (PHYSIOLOGICAL): [1853] Helmholtz. 1885. [5186-7] Wallis. 1674-1727. [9111-12] Helrn- holtz. 1870-5. [9720] Jago. 1856. [17069] Helmholtz. 1896. [SS 1953] Ott. 1670-1. -(POPULAR): [11665] Mayer. Riemann. 1896. 1879. [17210] (THEORETICAL): [13951] Rayleigh. 1877-8. [17094] Kalahne. 1910-13. [17200] Rayleigh. 1894-6. [17221] Schaik. 1902. [S 2058] Lamb. 1910. v. Sound. Vibration of Rods. , EARLY WORKS ON : [2300-1] Kircher 1650-73. [11782]Mersenne. 1644-7. [14742] Schott. 1657. ACTINIC RAYS : [4231*] Schaeberle. 1893. [6087] Becquerel. 1840. [8110] Frankland. 1853. [9211] Herschel. 1840. [14444. 14447] Roscoe. 1860-74. [14817] Senebier. 1783. [SS 2811] Melloni. 1839-40. ACTION (LEAST), PRINCIPLE or v. Least A. AT A DISTANCE : [3256] Newton. 1713. [7352] Dove. 1845. [12442] Neumann. 1896. [12503- 5] Newton. 1713. [12842] Ostwald. 1891. [SS 1485-6] Aepinus. 1759. 57 870 INDEX. ADDRESSES TO LEARNED SOCIETIES : [1881] Herschel. 1827. [4971-2] Tyndall. 1868-74. [7204] Davy. 1827. [11109]Lyell. 1864. [11300] Main. 1875. [13061] Pedler. 1896. [13428] Playfair. 1885. [13610] Preece. 1898. [13949] Rayleigh. 1884. [13974] Reddie. 1867. [14333] Roberts-Austin. 1900. [14846] Siemens (C. W.). 1869. [14855] Siemens (E. W.). 1892. N HARP : [2300. 10168] Kircher. 1650. AERATION : [1739] Hales. 1756. - v. ' Soda ' Water. AERIAL NAVIGATION : [2394] La Landelle. 1863. [5154] Walker. 1902. [11958] Moederbeck. 1895. [13178] Pettigrew. 1874. [15429-30] Walker. 1902-10. [S 37841 Maxim. 1908. [S 3789] Moederbeck, etc. 1907. [S 3836] Zahm. 1911. -- v. Ballooning. - - - , HISTORY OF : [5033] Valentine. 1902. [8026] Fonvielle. 1910. AERODYNAMICS : [5914] Baden-Powell. 1909. [9471] Hospitalier. v.y. [10459] Lanchester. 1907. [15631] Eiffel. 1914. [S 3752] Greenhill. 1912. v. Birdflight. Pneumatics. AEROLITES v. Meteors. AEUOMETRY : [5457] Wolf. 1709. AEROPLANES : [2394] La Landelle. 1863. [5914] Baden-Powell. 1909. [9280] Hildebrandt. 1908. [9524] Hubbard, etc. 1911. [9756] Jane. 1909. [12413] Xeilson. 1910. [13173] Petit. 1911. [S 3733] Duchene. 1910. [S 3763-4] Lanchester. 1915-16. AEROSTATION: [2421] Lana. 1670. [4670] Sturm. 1685-1701. [5413-18] Wilkins. 1648-91. [5505-6] Worcester. 1663-1825. [6792] Cavallo. 1803. [10457] Lana. 1670. [10741] Leslie. 1815 [14747-9] Schott. 1664-87. [15161-3] Sturm. 1676-85. [15555-63] Wilkins. 1640-91. [SS 142] Schwenter und Harzdorffer. 1636-92. v. Ballooning. Parachute. AFFINITY (CHEMICAL) : [339-40] Bergman. 1785. [364-7] Berthollet. 1803-4. [2860] Martin. 1905. [2936-7] Mayow. 1674-81. [3402] Ostwald. 1896-1902. [6163] Berthollet. 1804. [7509] Eliot. 1782. [8824] Hall. 1888. [9840] Johnston, etc. 1906. [11512] Martin. 1905. [11697] Mayow. 1907. [11758] Menschutkin. 1890. [12848] Ostwald. 1911. [13632-3] Prevost. 1818. [14001-3] Reichenbach. 1850-1. [14726] Schnaubert. 1803. [15506] Wenzel. 1782. [S 2624) Bergman. 1788. [SS 2480] Demachy. 1774. [SS 2627] Swedenborg. 1847. AIR (COMPRESSED) : [865] Copperthwaite. 1905. [9921] Joule. 1845. [14173] Richards. 1898. - v. Compressed Air Locomotive. - (LIQUID): [6929] Claude. 1903. [9325] Hiscox. 1902. [12758] Norwicki und Mayer. 1906. -- , EXPERIMENTS ON : [537-44. 548] Boyle. 1660- 84. [3797] Priestley. 1785. [6418. 6424-5. 6429] Boyle. 1662-92. [9161] Henshaw. 1677. [10589] Lavoisier. 1783. [14698-9] Scheele. 1780-5. [14743] Schott. 1657. [SS 1768] Hauksbee. c. 1735. [SS 2443] Boyle. 1673. [SS 2617] Scheele. 1781. - v. Pneumatics. -- , IMPURITIES or : [4975] Tyndall. 1881. [7524] Ellis. 1807-11. [14598] Russell. 1885. [14948. 14950] Smith. 1852-9. -- , PROPERTIES OF : [8302] Gaudio. 1735. [S 2684] Cavallo. 1781. [SS 2369] Taglini. 1736. - v. Oases, Physical P. of. Pneumatics. -- , RESISTANCE OF : [338] Benzenberg. 1804. [9317] Him. 1882. [15631] Eiffel. 1914. AIR, TENSION OF : [14029] Renard et Guye. 1907. ANALYSIS: [5193] Wanklyn and Cooper. 1890. [6575] Buchan. 1891. [8079] Fox. 1878. [8100] Frankland. c. 1860. [14172] Richards and Woodman. 1900. v. Eudiometry. CURRENTS : [1988-92] Hopkins. 1852-4. [2189] Jordan. 1877-8. [2916] Maury. 1851. [6496] Brillouin. 1900. [8097] Frankenfield. 1899. v. Winds, Theory of. PUMP : [537-44] Boyle. 1660-84. [1698-9] Guericke. 1672. [3166] Musschenbroek. 1739. [4273] Schott. 1657. [4331] Senguerd. 1685. [4427] Smeaton. 1814. [4670] Sturm. 1685- 1701. [6424-5] Boyle. 1662-9. [6522] Brook. 1789. [7239-40] Desaguliers. 1717. [8730] Guericke. 1672. [9430] Hooke. 1678. [11470] Martin. 1766. [14743] Schott. 1657. [14916] Smeaton. 1814. [15161-3] Sturm. 1676-85. [SS 1642] Desaguliers. 1719. [SS 1965] Papin. 1687. (MERCURIAL) : [4813] Thompson. 1888. ALBUMEN AND ALBUMINOIDS : [4287-8] Schulz. 1901-3. [6870] Chittenden. 1882. [6979] Cohnheim. 1904. [10837] Liebig. 1847. [14478] Rosenberg. 1883. [S 2619] Bechamp. 1884. v. Proteids. ALCHEMY: [219] Bacon (R.). 1620. [287-8] Basilius Valentinus. 1676-1700. [858] Comtes. 1678. [1333] Figuier. 1856. [1556-65. 1569] Glauber. 1651-67. [1685] Grosman. 1766. [2298-9] Kircher. 1665-78. [2636] Limojon de St. Didier. 1723. [3450-3] Paracelsus. 1581-1894. [4098] Rothweiler. 1665. [4179] Sala. 1622. [4328-9] Sendivogius. 1650-71. . [4806] Thibaut. 1672. [5035] Valerius de Valeriis. 1589. [5067] Vigenere. 1618. [5146] Waite. 1888. [5286] Webster. 1671. [5317] Welling. 1784. [5439] Wilson. 1721. [6031-4] Basilius Valentinus. 1646-1893. [6082] Becher. 1755. [6148] Bernard de Treves. 1624. [6265] Blancard. 1700. [6314] Boni. 1602. [6408-9] Boyle. 1682. [6989] Collectanea Chemica. 1893. [7273] Dewar. 1884. [7591] Erbe. 1737. [7737] Fabre. 1645. [8466-7. 8469] Glauber. 1651-94. [9105-6]Helmont. 1685. [9398] Hollandus. 1773 [9654] Ingegnere. 1606. [9951] Jugel. 1766. [10165-7] Kircher. 1665-78. [10274] Kopp. 1886. [10857-8] Limojon de St. Didier. 1699- 1723. [11086-7] Lullius. 1567-73. [12253] Muir. 1894. [12759] Nuisement. 1620-1. [12839] Osten. 1771. [12940-3] Paracelsus. 1650-1894. [13517-24] Porta. 1558-1658. [14504] Rothscholz. 1727-8. [14814-16] Sendivogius. 1639-82. [15396] Vigenere. 1642. %[15497] Wedel. 1706. [15578] Wilson. 1709. [S 2612] Barchusen. 1718. [SS 2409-10] Albineus. 1653-73. [SS 2431] Birelli. 1601. [SS 2432] Birrius. 1668. [SS 2487] Eirenseus Philalethes. 1694. [SS 4 2489] Fabre. 1632. [SS 2500] Figulus. 1893. [SS 2543] Johnson. 1657. [SS 2545] Kelly. 1893. [SS 2553] La Fontaine. 1618. [SS 2566] Libavius. 1613-15. [SS 2612] Rosicrucians. Saec. XVIII. [SS 2615-6] Salmon. 1695-1741. [SS 2629-30] Theatrum Chemicum. 1613-61. [SS 2634] Tractatns. 1647. ALCOHOL v. Distilling. (SYNTHETIC) : [1865. 9140] Hennell. 1828. [10832] Lieben. 1867-9. [14137] Reynolds. 1873. , ACTION OF ELECTRICITY ON : [7002] Connell. 1835. RADICALS v. Alkyl. INDEX. 871 ALCOHOLOMETRY : [6054] Baumhauer en van Moorsel. 1861. [6256] Blagden. 1790-2. v. Excise Tables. ALGEBRA (DOUBLE) : [3095] Morgan. 1849. [9064] Hayward. 1892. [12131] Morgan. 1849. [16115 Hayward. 1892. [16407] Morgan. 1849. (ELEMENTARY) : [491] Boucharlat. 1804. [561] Brancker. 1668. [582] Bridge. 1838. [676] Capel. 1887. [787] Choquet. 1849. [797] Clairaut. 1768. [842] Colenso. 1859-66. [956]Davies. 1860. [1100] Dubourguet, 1802. [1924-5] Hind. 1839-41. [2127] Jaraieson. 1830. [2233] Kelland. 1839. [2353-4] Lacroix. 1836- 71. [3731] Potts. 1879. [5169] Wallace. 1828. [5557] Young. 1844. [5746] Amiot. 1872. [6365] Bossut. 1808-9. [6382] Bourdon. l'828. [7564] Emerson. 1764. [7826] Fennell. 1831. [8543] Gorse. 1907. [8590] Gravesande. 1752. [8711] Gross. 1884. [10133] Kinckhuy sen. 1661. [10372] Lacroix. 1849. [10517] Lardner. 1827. [10565]Lauremberg. 1643. [10670] Lees. 1826. [10677] Lefebure de Fourcy. 1850. [13020] Pathway of Knowledge. 1596. [13041] Peano. 1902. [15381] Venema. 1794. [15456] Ward. 1698. [15679] Andre. s. d. [15883-5] Combette. 1896-1901. [15926-7] Desboves. 1892. [16031- 2] G.-M. 1907-9. [16054] Girocl. s. d; [16079] Gross. 1874. [16093] Hall and Knight. 1902-3. [16251] Lacroix. 1863. [16327] Liibsen. 1906. [16427] Netto. 1904. [16462] Papelier. s. d. [16742-3] Vacquant et Mace. s. d. (GENERAL): [373] Bertram!. 1866-7. [460] Bombelli. 1572. [587] Briggs. 1898. [594] Briot et Goursat. 1896. [684] Cardano. 1545. [912] Crousaz. 1726. [1062-3] Diophantus. 1621-70. [1541] Girard. 1884. [2758-60] Maclaurin. 1748-96. [3504-6] Peacock. 1830-45 [3913] Recorde. 1557. [3966] Renaldini. 1655. [4403-5] Simpson. 1745-82. [4605] Stifel. 1554. [4875-6] Todhunter. 1866-85. [5099-5100]Visconti 1581. [5189-90] Wallis. 1685. [5285] Weber. 1895-6. [5710] Aldis. 1887. [6309] Bombelli. 1579. [6325] Bonnycastle. 1820. [6454] Brasser. 1663. [6766] Cataldi. 1618. [6880-2] Chrystal. 1886-1906. [7300-2] Diophantus. 1621-70. [7926] Fischer and Schwatt. ' 1898. [11224-30] Maclaurin. 1748-96. [12912-14] Pacioli. 1494-1523. [13080] Peletier. 1560. [13174] Petri. 1591. [14028] Renaldini. 1655. [14421] Ronayne. 1727. [14881-2] Simpson. 1755-67. [15453] W T allis. 1685. [15735-7] Bertrand et Garcet. 1873-1904. [15869-70] Ohrystal. 1898-1910. [16272] Laurent. 1895-7. [16287] Lefebure de Fourcy. 1893. [16316] Longchamps. 1889-93. [16444-6] Niewen- glowski. 1897-1908. [16506] Pund. 1899. [16604] Schroder. 1873. [16651] Smith. 18"89- 1900. [16726] Todhunter. 1889-94. [16765-6] Weber. 1898-1912. [16771] Weitzel. 1910. [S 529] Cardano. 1570. [S 1203] Smith. 1893. [SS 802] Salignac. 1580. (GEOMETRICAL): [16180] Jacquier. 1888. v. Geometry (Algebraic). (HIGHER) : [4184-5] Salmon. 1859-76. [4337] Serret. 1866. [7518] Elliot. 1880. [8813-4] Hall. 1894-6. [14644-5] Salmon. 1859- 85. [14821-3] Serret. 1854-79. [15667] Amigues. 1890. [15750-1] Bocher. 1907-12. [15839] Carnoy. 1900. [15880] Comberousse. 1887-1904. [15948] Dronke. 1872. [16095-6] Hall and Knight. 1889-96. [16177] Jablonski. 1888-91. [16341-3] Mace de Lepinay. 1898. [16431] Neuberg. 1907-9. [16550] Salmon. 1885. [16636-7] Serret. 1866-85. [16705] Tannery. 1895. (HINDU) : [4G33] Strachey. 1813. [S 588] Colebrooke. 1817. ALGEBRA (INDUCTIVE) : [4524] Sparkes. 1881. - (NEW) : [15716] Barnard and Child. 1909-10. (SYMBOLIC) v. Mathematical Symbols. (UNIVERSAL): [16781] Whitehead. 1898. , ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLES OF : [505] Bourdon. 1834. [1247-50] Euler. 1774-1828. [1412] Frend. 1796. [2371] Lagny. 1697. [3080] Morgan. 1835-7. [3184] Napier. 1839. [3236-9] Newton. 1707-69. [3381]Olney. 1885. [4210. 4213] Sauiiderson. 1740-92. [6488] Bridge. 1831-6. [6883-4] Chrystal. 1898-1905. [6984-5] Colenso. 1849-52. [7682-5] Euler. 1774-1840. [8871] Hammond. 1764. [12102-3] Morgan. 1835-7. [12554-63] Newton. 1707-69. [12861. 12863] Oughtred. 1667-94. [12887] Ozanam. 1702. [14670. 14674] Saunderson. 1740-71. [15871] Chrystal. 1905. [S 845] Kersey. 1673-4. , HISTORY OF : [7032] Cossali. 1797-9. [8871] Hammond. 1764. [15453] Wallis. 1685. [15997] Fine. 1907. , LECTURES ON : [15719] Bauer. 1910. [15788-9] Briot. 1891-7. [15800] Briot et Goursat. s. d. [16430] Netto. 1896-1900. [16504] Pruvost et Pieron. 1898. , LOGIC OF: [15919] Davis. 1894. , NUMBER SYSTEM OF : [15997] Fine. 1907. : PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES : [432-3] Bland. 1841-9. [1939]Hirsch. 1827. [4021] Ritt. 1856. [4444] Smith. 1890. [10619] Lea. 1807. [15926- 7] Desboves. 1892. [16034] G.-M. 1901-8. [16118-19] Heis. 1886-1905. [16141-2] Hirsch. 1890-2. [16368] Maupin. 1895. [16441] Nunn. 1913-14. [16528] Ritt. 1856. , SYLLABUS OF : [3510] Pearson. 1834. , TEACHING OF: [16442] Nunn. 1914. AND GEOMETRY COMPARED : [1166] Ellis. 1874. [7049] Gournot. 1847. [7522] Ellis. 'l874. ALGEBRAIC DEVELOPMENT : [2132] Jarrett. 1831. ALKALIS: [531] Boyle. 1676. [2286] Kingzett, 1877. [6248] Black. 1777. [8906] Hare. 1840. [9885] Jones 1902. [10150] Kingzett. 1877. [11099] Lunge and Hurter. 1891. [11980] Moissan. 1905. [14223] Richardson and Watts. 1863-7. [15542] Wiegleb. 1781. [15620] Edinburgh Essays. 1770-1. [SS 1583-4] Boyle. 1675. v. Chloride Process. Soda Industry. ALKALOIDS : [1697] Guareschi. 18961 [2292] Kippenberger. 1895. [4259] Schmidt. 1900. [8549] Graham. 1848. [8729] Guareschi. 1896. [9505] How. 1854. [9933-43] Jowett. 1897- 1905. [14582] Runge. 1820. [15568] Winterstein xmd Trier. 1910. v. Caffeine. Coniine, Mudarine. Ptomaine. Pyridine. Quinine. ALKYL: [8103] Frankland. 1877. [11758-9] Menschutkin. 1890-5. [14613] Sabatier et Senderens. 1905. ALLorHANE : [12732] Northcote. 1857. ALLOTROPISM : [7 789] Faraday. 1853. ALLOYS v. Metallic Alloys. ALLUVIUM: [5545] Yates. 1831. ALMANACS: [3077] Morgan. 1907. [8086] Francceur. 1830. [12089. 12099] Morgan. 1845-71. [12155-6] Morland. 1673. v. Calendar. Chronology. Ephemerides. ALTITUDE AND AZIMUTH TABLES : [438] Block. 1875. [S 3715] Ball. 1907. ALUM: [4516] Sorel. 1902. [11419] Marggraf. 1767-8. 57* 872 INDEX. ALUMINIUM : [14170-7] Richards. 1887-96. [14438] Roscoe. 1889. v. Cryolite. Mica. AMALGAMATION PROCESSES : [5108] Vivian. 1825. [6339-42] Born. 1786-91. [14202] Richards. 1906. AMIDO-COMPOUNDS AND AMINES : [11758-9] Menschutkin. 1890-5. [13749] Przyluska. 1909. [14542] Rowney. 1855. AMMONIA AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [163] Arnold. 1889. [3790-1] Priestley. 1774-7. [5092] Vincent. 1884. [5704] Alberti. 1780. [5836] Arnold. 1889. [6521]Bronn. 1905. [8717] Grossmann. 1906. [9006] Hatchett. 1796. [9160] Henry. 1809. [9989] Kane. 1839. [11095] Lunge. 1887. [12666] Nicol. 1882. [13261] Phipson. c. 1863. [14475] Rose. 1834. [SS 2804] Lunge. 1900. v. Sal Ammoniac. Saltpetre. AMYL: [8114] Frankland. c. 1851. [11712] Medlock. n. d. ANALYSER: [5690] Airy. 1832. v. Polariscope. ANALYSIS (CHEMICAL) v. Chemical Analysis. (COMBINATORY) : [3316] Nicholson. 1818. [9300] Hindenburg. 1796. [11806] Meyer. 1838. [16429] Netto. 1901. [16667] Spehr. 1840. [S 1081] Pfaff. 1797. [SS 626] Macmahon. 19-16. v. Combinations and Permutations. (DiOPHANTlNE) : [6998] Collins. 1858. (FACTORIAL) : [4754-5] Tate. 1845. (INDETERMINATE) : [4239] Scheffler. 1854. [16278] Le Besgue. 1859. [SS 273] Cataldi. 1618. ., . (MATHEMATICAL) : [859] Condorcet. 1768. [1140] Eokhardt. 1833. [1254] Euler. 1797. [2186] Jordan. 1882-3. [2370] Lagny. 1733. [2486] Laurent. 1885-91. [3964-5] Renaldini. 1665. [4551] Stainville. 1815. [5090] Vilant. 1798. [5225] Waring. 1762-85. [6179] Bertrand 1867. [6774] Cauchy. 1821. [7384] Duhamel. 1847. [7689-94. 7700] Euler. 1748-97. [9894] Jones. 1706. [9903] Jordan. 1887. [10693] Lehmus. 1838-42. [11764] Meray. 1894-7. [12408] Navier. 1840. [15390. 15394] Viete. 1591-1646. [15655] Villie. 1885-98. [15664-5] Adhemar. 1908-13. [15687] Appell. 1905. [15848] Catalan. 1870. [15858] Cesaro. 1904. [15899] Crefcceur. 1902-8. [15925] Demartres. 1892-6. [16065-6] Goursat. 1902-11. [16191] Jordan. 1893-6. [16329] Liibsen. 1902. [16370] Meray. 1894-8. [16462] Papelier. s. d. [16465] Pasch. 1909. [16483] Picard. 1893-1901. [16580-3] Schlomilch. 1879-95. [16616] Schubert. 1902. [16694-6] Sturm. 1873-1909. [16783] Whittaker. 1902. [SS 950-3] Waring. 1762-85. v. Mathematics (Higher). . PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES: [724] Cauchy. 1840-7. [1071] Dodson. 1748. [5076] Villie. 1885-90. [7332] Dobson. 1748-55. [10693] Lehmus. 1838-42. [11764] Meray. 1894-7. [15694-5] Aubert et Papelier. 1908-10. [15982] Fabry. 1913. [16273] Laurent. 1885-91. [16587-9] Schlomilch. 1882-1904. f THEORIES OF : [S 450] Baire. 1907-8. (PRACTICAL [MATHEMATICAL]) : [16559] Sanden. 1914. . (RESIDUAL): [2423] Landen. 1758-64. v. Functions (Analytic). SITUS : [2644] Listing. 1848. [10695] Leibniz 1768. [10888] Listing. 1848. [14241] Riemann 1876. [16307] Listing. 1848. v. Knots, Theory of. ANALYTICAL THEOREMS : [10061] Kelvin. 1845 [11182] Macfarlane. 1893. ANALYTICAL AND GEOMETRICAL METHODS COMPARED : [5488] Woodhouse. 1802. ANAMORPHOSES (OPTICAL) : [14740-1 ]Schott. 1657-9. ANCHOR: [13106] Pering. 1819. ANEMOMETERS : [3492] Pastorelli. c. 1875. [5457] Wolf. 1709. [6126] Bennet. 1792. [12483] Newman. 1840. [14360-1] Robinson. 1850-80. [15522] Whewell. 1837. ANGLES (CONTIGUOUS) : [10727] Leotaud. 1663. [15453] Wallis. 1685. [SS 926] Viviani. 1674. ANGULAR SECTIONS, ANALYSIS OF : [S 3866] Poinsot. 1825. ANILINE AND ITS DERIVATIVES : [9376] Hofmann. 1862. [12649] Nicholson. 1847. [13504-5] Pope. 1892-5. [14011] Riemann. 1868. [14413] Romburgh. 1900. [S 3018] Grace -Calvert. 1878. v. Rosolic Acid. ANNUITIES v. Interest Tables. Mathematical Tables. Mathematics (Insurance). ANTHRACENE : [5875] Auerbach. 1877. [SS 2412] Auerbach. 1880. ANTIMONY AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [288. 6031-3] Basilius Valentinus. 1646-1893. [8369] Gesner. 1599. [11052] Lowig. 1850. [13047] Pearson. 1791. APOLLONIAN PROBLEM : [15897] Cranz. 1890. APPROXIMATION, METHODS OF : [15743] Biermann. 1905. [16395] Minkowski. 1907. [16746] Vahlen. 1911. [16806] Xavier. 1909. ARCHES AND VAULTS : [2048] Huttoh. 1801. [8077] Fox. 1881. [8764-5] Gwilt. 1811-26. [9065] Heaford. 1883. [9606] Hutton. 1772. [10448] Lame et Clapeyron. 1823. [11295] Maillard. 1817. [14279-80] Ritter. 1879-86. [14792] Seaward. 1824. ARGAND BURNER : [14724] Schmidt. 1810. ARGON : [3137] Mugdan. 1896. [13952] Rayleigk and Ramsay. 1895. [14802] Sedgwick. 1896. ARITHMETIC (' AUTOMATIC ') : [4227] Sawyer. 1878. (COMMERCIAL) : [2741 Barreme. 1740. [286] Bartjens. 1683. [476] Borgo. 1509. [866] Corachan. 1719. [1828-9] Hayes. 1733-64. [2108] Jackson. 1899. [2596] Leybourn. 1685. [3989] Ricci. 1659. [4208] Sarava. 1561. [4724-5] Taglienti. 1527-70. [4744-5] Tartaglia. 1556-93. [5013] Unicorno. 1598. [5600] Zuchetta. 1600. [5771] Angeli. 1776. [6528] Brooks. 1832. [6699] Campolini. 1700. [6705] Cantone. 1599. [6728] Carey. 1818. [8546] Graaf. 1661. [8701] Grirninelli. 1670. [9013-14] Hatton. 1726-34. [10463-4] Lando. 1604-40. [10817-19] Leybourn. 1693-1772. [13116] Peri. 1672-3. [13478] Pollastri. c. 1785. [13596] Pratica. s. a. [13963-9] Recorde. 1605-68. [14811] Selden. 1694. [SS 488-9] Hatton. 1712-26. (DUAL): [6650. 6654] Byrne. 1863-7. (ELEMENTARY): [114] Annet. c. 1750. [185] Ayres. 1730. [274] Barreme. 1740. [987] Deidier. 1839. [1543] Girdlestone. 1892. [1928-9] Hind. 1842-5. ^[2462] Lardner. 1836. [2766] Macmillan. 1811. [3081-4] Morgan. 1830-46. [3732] Potts. 1876. [4203] Sang. 1856 [4341] Serret. 1852. [4491] Soave. 1796-7. [5166] Walkingame. 1781. [5333] Weston. 1736. [5656] Adhemar. 1834. [6383] Bourdon. 1838. [6529] Brook-Smith. 1877-82. [6965-7] Cocker. 1712-67. [7084] Crivelli. 1728. [7242] Denza. 1871. [7299] Dilworth. 1773. [7335] Donn. 1769. [7924-5] Fisher. 1748-84. [10483] Langley. 1895. [10535] Lardner. 1834. [10670] Lees. 1826. [11424] Mariani. 1876. [12104] Morgan. 1850-6. [12984] Parsons and Wastell. 1703. [15490] Webster. 1740. [15546] Wilkens. 1719. [16327] Liibsen. 1906. v. Ready Reckoner. INDEX. 873 ARITHMETIC (GENERAL) : [2786] Malcolm. 1730. [7545] Emerson. 1763. [9283-5] Hill. 1721-61. [10171] Kirkby. 1735. [11313] Malcolm. 1730. [11487-8] Martin. 1735. [13038-9] Peacock. 1826. [13041] Peano. 1902. [15107] Stolz. 1885-6. [15202] Tannery. 1894. [15988] Farber. 1911. [16604] Schroder. 1873. [16620-1] Schurig. 1883-5. [16668-9] Spitz. 1873-82. [16673] Staudacher. 1890-1. [16'688] Stolz. 1885-6. [16771] Weitzel. 1910. (HIGHER) v. Numbers, Theory of. (PRACTICAL) : [1634] Gray. 1864-5. [2948] Merrifield. 1872. [3446] Panizza. 1894. [4533-4] Spinucci. 1778. [6936-9] Clavius. 1585-1613. [7765] Fantucci. 1749. [8032] Forestani. 1682. [8268] Garatti. 1686-8. [8795] Halbert. 1789. [9047-50] Hawney. 1730-75. [11075] Lugo. 1754. [11523] Martino. 1786. [12048] Mora. 1786. v. Mercantile Tables. Ready Reckoner. , BIBLIOGRAPHY OF : [3075-6] Morgan. 1847. , EARLY WORKS ON (TO 1700) : [151] Archimedes 1784. [476]Borgo. 1509. [686] Cardano. 1539. [732] Catani. 1546. [791] Ciacchi. 1675. [815]Clavius. 1671. [83 1-3] Cocker. 1688-1713. [1054] Digges. 1579. [1502] Gemma Frisius. 1567. [1515-17] Ghaligai. 1548-52. [1808] Hatton. 1699. [2005]Hostus. 1582. [2371]Lagny. 1697. [2516]Lefevre. 1536. [2585-6] Leybourn. 1660-1700. [2894] Mather. 1695. [3066] Moore. 1660. [3397] Ortega. 1552. [3408] Oughtred. 1652. [3429-32] Pacioli. 1494-1523. [3434] Pagani. 1591. [3459] Paris da Montefano. 1652. [3562] Peuerbach. 1534. [3566] Peveron*. 1558. [3872] Raeymaker. 1634. [3886-8] Ramus. 1565-99. [3912] Recorde. 1648. [4124] Rudimenta. 1688. [4249] Scheubelius. 1545. [4351-4] Sfortunati. 1534-68. [4677] Suevus. 1593. [4716]Tacquet. 1665. [4724] Tagliente. 1570. [4744-5] Tartaglia 1556-93. [4939] Trenchant. 1618. [4951] Tunstall. 1538. [5013] Unicorno. 1598. [5048-9] Venturoli. 1662-8. [5051] Veronese. 1626. [5052] Venusti. 1561. [5099-5100] Visconti. 1581. [5449] Wingate. 1694. [5600] Zuchetta. 1600. [5820] Archimedes. 1676. [6035-7] Bassi. 1645- 1765. [6207-8] Beveridge. 1669-1705. [6279- 81] Blundeville. 1597-1636. [6292-5] Boethius. 1488-1546. [6344-51] Borgo. 1484-1517. [6673] Calandrelli. 1518. [6705] Cantone. 1599. [6720] Cardano. 1539. [6725] Care. 1688. [6767] Cataldi. 1602-17. [6771] Catani. 1546. [6892] Ciacchi. 1675. [6936-9] Clavius. 1585- 1613. [6965-7] Cocker. 1712-67. [7736] Faber. 1507. [7887-90] Figattelli. 1664-99. [8032] Forestani. 1682. [8268] Garatti. 1686-8. [8299] Gattici. 1613. [8334] Gemma. 1567. [8376-7] Ghaligai. 1552. [8378] Ghebelino. 1568. [8545] Graaf. 1661. [8701] Griminelli. 1670. [9011] Hatton. 1699. [9348] Hodder. 1681. [9820] Johnson. 1655. [10463-4] Lando. 1604- 40. [10496-7] Lapazzaja. 1566-9. [10565] Lauremberg ( J. W.). 1643. [10569] Lauremberg (P.). 1636. [10630-9] Lazesio. 1518-1629. [10724-6] Leonardo Pisano. 1854-62. [10803] Leybourn. 1678. [11028] Lossius. 1595. [11342] Manelli. 1659. [11380] Manzoni. 1553. [11552] Masterson. 1592-4. [11646] Maurolico. 1575. [11801] Metius. 1611. [12861. 12863] Oughtred. 1667-94. [12912-14] Pacioli. 1494- 1523. [13020] Pathway of Knowledge. 1596. [13116] Peri. 1672-3. [13174] Petri. 1591. [13886] Ramus. 1599. [13963-9] Recorde. 1605- 68. [14026] Reisch. 1512. [14250] Riese. 1605. [14660] San Giovanni. 1686. [14754] Schuere Meenenaer. 1643. [14811] Selden. 1694. ARITHMETIC, EARLY WORKS ON (TO 1700), continued : [14833] Sfortunati. 1534. [15081] Stevinus. 1625. [15084] Stifel. 1544. [15093] Stockman. 1648. [15194-5] Tacquet. 1665-80. [15213] Taylor. 1816. [15371] Valla. 1611. [15589-95] Wingate. 1652-1760. [S 486] Boetius. 1867. [S 514] Bronkhorst. 1539. [S 588] Colebrooke. 1817. [S 642] Diophantus. 1890. [S 3878-9] Tapp. c. 1620-58. [SS 177-80] Baker. 1591- 1659. [SS 265] Cardinael. 1674-8. [SS 297] Chauvet. 1640. [SS 3 16-26] Cocker. 1697-1767. [SS 328] Coets. 1698. [SS 347] Dansie. 1627. [SS431] Forestani. 1603. [SS 562] Lantz. 1621. [SS 577] Le Gendre. 1682. [SS 587] Leybourn. 1657. [SS 791] Rocha de Gerona. 1564--5. [SS 802] Salignac. 1580. [SS 906] Tunstall. 1529. v. Mercantile Tables. Ready Reckoner. , HISTORY OF : [2566-8] Leslie. 1817-20. [3732] Potts. 1876. [8834. 8839] Halliwell- Philiipps. 1839. [12085-6. 12119] Morgan. 1847-50. [13038-9] Peacock. 1826. [15997] Fine. 1907. , PRINCIPLES AND ELEMENTS OF : [2566-8] Leslie. 1817-20. [3081-4] Morgan. 1830-46. [6354] Borne. 1795. [7056] Cox. 1885. [10748] Leslie. 1820. [11022] Lorenz. 1803. [12104] Morgan. 1850-6. [16015] Frege. 1893-1903. [16240] Konig. 1914. , PSYCHOLOGY OF : [16560] Santerre. 1907. OF POSITION : [16452] Noth. 1882. WITH 16 TO THE BASE : [3356] Nystrom. 1862. ARITHMETICAL MEANS, METHOD OF : [12446] Xeu- mann. 1887-8. v. Means (Arithmetico- Geometrical). PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES : [16118-19] Heis. 1886-1905. [16141-2] Hirsch. 1890-2. [S 706] Fitz-Patrick et Chevrel. 1900. RECREATIONS: [6647] Butler. 1838. [8071] Fourrey. 1899. [16014] Fourrey. 1904. [S 947] Lucas. 1895. TRIANGLE: [3477] Pascal. 1665. [4744] Tartaglia. 1556-60. [12997] Pascal. 1665. v. Numbers (Trigonal). ARMATURE REACTION : [9044] Hawkins, n.d. ARMATURES OF DYNAMOS : [5835] Arnold. 1896. [9170] Hering. 1887. [12982] Parshall and Hobart. 1895. ARSENIC AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [8558-9] Graham. 1833. [12801] Odling. n.d. [13098] Penny and Wallace. 1852. [14697] Scheele. 1786. , ACTION ON FERMENTATION BY : [13069] Pedersen. 1902. ARTILLERY v. GUNNERY. As, MATHEMATICAL TREATISE ON THE : [S 455] Glareanus. 1551. ASBESTOS : [15268] Thomson. 1831. ASPHALT : [5850] Asphalte. 1887. [7224] Delano. 1893. [10752] Letouze et Loyeau. 1897. [11325-6] Malo. 1866-86. v. Bitumen. ASSAYING : [1497] Gay-Lussac. 1832. [2278. ] Kerl. 1883. [3016-17] Mitchell. 1873-88. [3417] Overman. 1854. [4178] Sage. 1780. [5770] Anfrye et d'Arcet. 1813. [6143] Beringer. 1898. [6175] Berthier. 1834. [6823] Chaudet. 1835. [7062] Cramer. 1764. [7592] Ercker. 1629. [10114] Kerl. 1883. [11938-41] Mitchell. 1873-88. [12731] North. 1874. [13179-82] Pettus. 1683-6. [13402] Plattner. 874 INDEX. ASSAYING, continued : 1849. [14233] Ricketts. 1880. [14624] Sage. 1780. [15378] Vauquelin. 1812. [S 3188] Budge. 1825. [S 3209] Cramer. 1754. [S 3232] Furman. 1899. v. Bloivpipe Analysis, ASTROLABE : [951-2] Danti. 1569-78. [2320] Kobol. 1594. [4022] Hitter. 1613. [4057*] Roias. 1551. [4614-15] Stoefler. 1535-94. [6279-81] Blundeville. 1597-1636. [7168] Danti. 1569. [8335] Gemma. 1567. [11803] Metius. 1632-3. [14026] Reisch. 1512. [15095] Stoffler. 1553. [S 3716] Blundeville. 1594. [SS 496] Henrion. 1621. [SS 936] Vols. 1718. ASTROLOGICAL CLOCK : [4478] Smyth. 1848. ASTROLOGY : [670] Camerarius. 1536. [685] Cardano. 1555. [3419-20] Oxley. 1834-48. [4653] Struve. 1860. [5335-6] Wharton. 1683. [8199] Galgemair. 1616. [8251] Gallucci. 1593. [9455] Hopton. 1616. [9672] Institutions. 1643. [11281. 11283-6] Magini. 1582-1630. [11955-6] Mizauld. 1551-5. [11996] Moleti. 1563. [12147] Morin. 1661. [12686] Nifo. 1614. [12781] Oderico. 1653. [13717] Proctor. 1875. [13762] Ptolemseus. 1646. [13909] Rantzau. 1625. [14026] Reisch. 1512. [14669] Satler. 1605. [14690] Savonarola. 1582. [SS 980] Albumasar. 1489. [SS 990] Argoli. 1638. [SS 1020] Cattan. 1567. [SS 1110] Gallucci. 1589. [SS 1151] Kalendar. 1522. [SS 1220-1] Origanus. 1609-45. [SS 1283] Salmasius. 1648. [SS 1293] Savonarola, 1581. [SS 1346] Zoboli. 1619. v. Meteorology (Astrological). (JUDICIAL) : [953] Dariot. 1653. [1478] Gassendi. 1659. [2320] Kobel. 1594. [4729-30] Taisnier. 1562. [7916] Firmicus Maternus. 1499. [11283] Magini. 1582-1616. [12147] Morin. 1661. [13516] Porta. 1616. [SS 1045] Colombe. 1606. [SS 1220] Origanus. 1645. [SS 1267-8] Regiomontanus. 1584. ASTROMETRY : [7988] Foerster. 1888. ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATIONS : [2842-3] Martin. 1765-73. [10420] Lalande. 1762. CORRESPONDENCE : [6157] Bernoulli. 1771. DECLINATIONS (MEAN) : [12463] Newcomb. 1896. [12764] Nyren. 1893. ESSAYS : [445] Bode. 1793-7. [2764] Maclear. 1851. [3814-15. 3818-19. 3822-7. 3829. 3838-9] Proctor. 1872-92. [4702] Sylvester. 1866. [8536] Gore. 1888. 13699-702. 13711-14. 13717. 13724] Proctor. 1872-89. [16849] Gore. 1907. FORMULA : [232] Baily. 1827. [3554] Peters. 1871. INSTRUMENTS: [557] Brahe. 1602. [751] Challis. 1879. [1996] Horrebow. 1740-1. [2387] La Hire. 1735. [2716] Ludlam. 1769. [3911] Recorde. 1551. [5790-1] Apianus. 1532-3. [6439] Brahe. 1602. [6729] Carl. 1863. [7367] Dreyer. 1881. [8504] Gompertz. 1824. [10418] Lalande. 1771-81. [10453] Lamont. 1851. [10713] Le Monnier. 1774. [11130] Lupicini. 1582. [11272] Magellan. 1780. [11642-3] Mauro. 1550. [11646-7] Maurolico. 1575. [12854] Oudemans. 1865. [12924] Padovani. 1563. [13512] Porro. 1858. [16817] Ambronn. 1899. [S 1353] Apianus. 1533. [SS 1046] Colombe. 1608. [SS 1202-3] Metius. 1626. v. Astrolabe. Astronomical Ring. Circle(Repeating). Cosmolabe. Dipleidoscope. Equatorial. Globe Making. Gnomon. Heliometer. Horizontal I. Longitude Scale. Meridian Circle. Meridian Dial. Mesolabe. Orreries. Quadrant. Quadrant (Mural). RepsoWs Universal I. Siderostat. Telescope. Theodolite. Transit Circle. Transit Instrument. ASTRONOMICAL JOURNALS : [175] Astronomical Society. 1863-77. [598] British Astro- nomical Association. 1891-8. [2611] Lick Observatory. 1887. [2647] Liver- pool Astronomical Society. 1883-9. [3056-7] Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 1867-1900. [3362-3] Observatory. 1877-1905. [5776] Annales de 1'Observatoire de Paris. 1855-61. [5854-6] Astronomical Register. 1863-86. [5857-60] Astronomi- cal Society. 1822-1909. [6894] Cincinnati Observatory. 1869. [7066-7] Crawford. 1876-85. [7445] Edinburgh Royal Observatory. 1902. [8404-5] Gill. 1886-1909. [9729] Jahresbericht der Nicolai-Hauptsternwarte. 1864. [10824-9] Lick Observatory. 1887-1908. [11000] Longitudes (Bureau des). 1897. [11268-71] Madras Observatory. 1887-99. [12160] Morrison Observatory. 1887. [12776] Observatory. 1888-96. [13511] Popular Astronomy. 18948. [15616] Astronomical Society. " 1822-1909. [8 19] Astronornische Gesellschaft. 1891-5. [S 49] Cordoba Observa- tory, 1881-1914. [S 51] Dunsink Observatory. 1870-1900. [S 72] Erdmessung (Internationale). 1897-1906. [S 77] Geodatisches Institut (Preuss). 1872-1908. [S 87] Gradmessung (Europaische). 1882-95. [S 88] Gradmessungs- Bureau. 1889-1907. [S 114] Lick Observatory Bulletins. 1901-16. [S 209] Washburn Observ- atory. 1882-93. [S 211] Yerkes Observatory. 1900-3. [SS 1343] Zach. 1800-5. LECTURES : [60] Airy. c. 1850. [2229-31] Keill. 1725-60. [3116] Moseley. 1839. [4211] Saunderson. c. 1730. [4321]'Segner. 1775-6. [5382] Whiston. 1715. [5677-8. 5696-7] Airy, c. 1850-6. [10022-7] Keill. 1718-69. [12198- 200] Moseley. 1846-54. [14671] Saunderson. c. 1712. [15525. 15529] Whiston. 1707-28. MEMOIRS AND PAPERS : [1175] Encke. 1888-9. [2212] Kaiser. 1836-72. [2643] L'Isle. 1738. [4471] Smyth (C. P.). 1872. [4474] Smyth (W. H.). 1851. [10715-16] Le Monnier. 1781-8. [11054] Loys des Cheseaux. 1754. [11237] Maclear. 1853. [15349-50] Turner. 1902-14. MICROMETRY v. Micrometry (A.). MYTHS : [429. 6261] Blake. 1877. [7943] Flammarion. 1877. [13431] Pluche. 1740. [13708-9] Proctor. 1878-89. v. Constellations. OBSERVATIONS : [174] Astronomical. 1838-77. [387] Bianchini. 1737. [416] Biot. 1821. [424] Bishop. 1852. [445] Bode. 1793-7. [558] Brahe. 1666. [638] Bugge. 1784. [707-8] Carringtoii. 1855. [712] Cassini. 1693. [1350] Flamsteed. 1725. [1359] Fontana. 1646. [1902] Herschel. 1847. [1904] Herschel and South. 1825. [2541] .Le Monnier. 1741. [2716] Ludlam. 1769. [2882] Maskelyne. 1765. [3617] Picard. 1731. [3700] Pond. 1815-19. [3871] Radcliffe Observatory. 1858-80. [4137] Riimker. 1829. [4470-2] Smyth. 1858-77. [4627] Stone. 1877. [5578] Zach. 1784. [5973] Barclay. 1870-8. [6670] Calandrelli. 1860. [7515] Ellery. 1866-84. [7876] Feuillee. 1714-25. [7949-50] Flamsteed. 1725. [7999] Fontana. 1646. [8318] Geelmuyden. 1900. [8648-9] Greenwich Observations. 1875-1910. [10714] Le Monnier. 1741. [11268-71] Madras Observatory. 1887-99. [13386] Plana. 1828. [13821] Radcliffe Observatory. 1885-1910. [13852] Bambaut. 1900. [15137] Streete. 1710. [15461] Washington Astronomical and Meteorological Observations. 1878-85. [S 49] Cordoba Observations. 1881-1914. [S 51] Dunsink Observatory. 1870-1900. [S 114] Lick Observatory Bulletins. 1901-16. [S 209] INDEX. 875 ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS, continued : Washburn Observatory. 1882-93. [S 211] Yerkes Observatory. 1900-3. [S 1411] Cohn. 1909. v. Chronometrical O. Lunar O. Planetary O. , COMBINATION OF : [3216] Newcomb. 1880. v. Observations. -OBSERVATORIES: [1964] Holden. 1896. [2501] Lawson. 1844. [3613] Piazzi. 1792-4. [5675] Airy. 1845. [6241] Bishop. 1852. [8420-6] Gill. 1887-1906. [10554] Lassell. 1867. [10615] Lawson. 1844. [13801] Quetelet. 1831. [S 1613] Struve. 1845. PARADOXES : [1703] Gumpach. 1863. [1792] Harris. 1876. [3746] Pratt. 1863. [3755-6] Prescot. 1803-23. [3930] Reddie. 1865. [5969] Bamfield. 1764. [5970] Banks. 1829. [12163] Morrison. 1868. [13708-9] Proctor. 1878-89. [13975. 13977] Reddie. 1862-3. v. Astronomy (Cometary) P. FlatEarthP. Lunar Rotation P. Planetary Theory P. Solar P. PHOTOGRAPHY v. Photography (A.). PROBLEMS : [5076] Villie. 1885-90. [12473] Newcoinb. 1898. [14879] Simpson. 1730-58. REDUCTIONS : [14265] Ristenpart. 1902. REFRVCTION v. Refraction (Atmospheric}. RING : [5787-9] Apianus. 1550-74. [SS 200] Beausard. 1553. - SPECULATIONS : [3744] Pratt. 1894. [5444] Wilson. 1856. STANDARD SCALE : [5934] Baily. 1836. TABLES : [90] Alphontius. 1483. [232] Baily. 1827. [996] Delambre. 1806-17. [1374] Forster. 1869. [1584] Goldmayr. 1639. [1753-5] Halley. 1749-52. [2276] Kepler. 1627. [2387] La Hire. 1735. [2393] Lalande. 1771. [2431] Lansberg. 1632. [3193] Nautical Almanac. 1770-1876. [3554] Peters. 1871. [3926] Regiomontanus. 1557. [4368] Sheep- shanks. 1846. [5735] Alphonsus. 1545. [5915] Bagay. 1829. [5919-20] Baily. 1827. [6197- 6200] Bessel. 1818-30. [6298] Boileau. 1850. [6760-1] Cassini. 1740-56. [7408] Dunn. 1784. [8827] Halley. 1749. [10104] Kepler. 1627. [10413] La Hire. 1755. [11143-4] Lynn. 1827-43. [11286. 11288] Magini. 1583-5. [11348] Manginus. 1626. [12148] Morin. 1675. [13058] Pearson. 1824. [13760] Ptolemaeus. 1605. [14014] Reinhold. 1554. [14030] Renieri. 1647. [15626] Bauschinger. 1901. [SS 999] Bartsch. 1624. [SS 1004] Bianchini. 1495. [SS 1223] Pearson. 1824-9. [SS 1265. 1267-8] Regiomontanus. 1496-1585. [SS 1271-2] Riccioli. 1651. v. Altitude and Azimuth T. Ephemeride-s. Horary T. Lunar T. Nautical T. Planetary T. Polar Distances. Refraction T. Solar T. Zenith Distances. THESES : [4340] Serret. 1847. [7106] Croppet. 1598. [14378] Roche. 1844. [14379] Roche- more. 1769. [14382] Rodrigues de Passes. 1853. VORTEX THEORY v. Vortex Theory (A.). WORKS (COLLECTED) : [2661] Lockyer. 1868-90. [9190] Herschel. 1912. [15614] Adams. 1896-1900. [16877] Laplace. 1843-7. ASTRONOMY (CHINESE AND OLD JAPANESE) : [410] Biot. 1862. [4251-2] Schlegel. 1875. [5424] Williams. 1871. [7367] Dreyer. 1881. [10233] Knobel. 1905. v. Astronomy (Oriental). ASTRONOMY (COMETARY) : [1188] Englefield. 1793. [1259]Euler. 1744. [1447] Galilei. 1623. [1653-4] Gregory. 1726. [1707-8] Guillemin. 1875-7. [1753-5] Halley. 1749-52. [1930-1] Hind. 1852-7. [1936] Him. 1889. [1999] Horrocks. 1678. [2264] Kepler. 1619. [2313] Klinken- berg. 1755. [2400] Lambert. 1761. [2543-4] Le Monnier. 1743. [2710] Lubbock. 1832. [3256-69] Newton. 1713-1871. [3374] Oppolzer. 1880-2. [3380] Olbers. 1797. [3638] Pingre. 1783-4. [3781] Prince. 1883. [3867] R. (J. A.). 1873. [4447] Smith. 1744. [4654. 4658] Struve. 1859-68. [5216] Ward. 1654. [5388] Whiston. 1716. [5424] Williams. 1871. [5806-7] Arago. 1833-61. [5907. 5909] Backlund. 1881-92. [6759] Cassini. 1681. [7143] Damoiseau et Pontecoulant. 1835. [7584] Engstrom. 1881. [7810] Faulhaber. 1619. [7886] Fievez. 1881. [8221-2] Galilei. 1623. [8311] Gautier. 1888. [8381]Ghisilieri. 1737. [8585-7] Grassi. 1619-26. [8654-5] Gregory. 1715-26. [8726-7] Gryiiaeus. 1580. [8767] Gylden. 1884. [8848] Hamilton. 1772. [9057] Hayn. 1889. [9294-5. 9298] Hind. 1848-57. [9432]Hooke. 1705. [9528-9]Huggins. 1882. [9776] Jelinek. 1848. [9958] Julius. 1867. [10217] Klinkerfues. 1880. [10255] Koerber. 1887. [10270] Konig. 1891. [10305-6] Kreutz. 1882-1901. [10762] Leveau. 1877. [10943] Loewy. 1858-9. [11237. 11239] Maclear. 1853-60. [11636] Maxtpertuis. 1742. [11 754-5] Merfield. 1899-1901. [11821] Meyer. 1882. [11893] Milne. 1828. [11943-5] Miscel- lanea Curiosa. 1708-27. [11966] Mohn. 1861. [11998-9] Moller (A.). 1862-73. [12002] Moller (J.). 1901. [12279] Miiller. 1619. [12501-24] Newton. 1687-1871. [12773] NiissJer. 1719. [12856. 12860] Oudemans. 1857-9. [13348-9] Pingre. 1783-4. [13446-7] Plummer. 1883-94. [13494] Ponthseus. 1681. [13675] Prince. 1883. [13830-1] Ragona. 1854-8. [13853] Rambaut. 1910. [14240] Riem. 1896. [14393] Rohde. 1797. [14668] Santucci. 1611. [14960] Snell. 1619. [15149] Struve. 1853. [15530] Whiston. 1716. [S 324] Hooke. 1678. [S 1450] Galle. 1894. [SS 1017] Brahe. 1610. [SS 1027] Cassini. 1665. [SS 1034] Cometes. 1770-80. [SS 1040]Clairaut. 1760. [SS 1054-5] Cysat, 1619. [SS 1127-8] Guiducci. 1619. [SS 1184] Manzini. 1665. [SS 1218] Olbers. 1847. v. Encke's Comet. Orbits (Planetary and Comet- ary). Perturbations. : PARADOXES: [10382] Lacy. 1779. [12162] Morrison. 1860. [13742] Prusol. 1879. (ELEMENTARY) : [252] Ball. 1880. [1605] Gore. 1890. [1932] Hind. 1853. [2343-5] La Caille. 1755-64. [2542] Le Monnier. 1746. [2665] Lockyer. 1883-6. [3247-8] Newton. 1728-31. [4058] Rolfe and Gillet. 1868. [5271] Watts. 1752. [5485] Woodhouse. 1812. [5703] Aiasson de Grandsagne. 1835. [5977-8] Barlow. 1822. [6319-24] Bonnycastle. 1786- 1822. [6506] Briot. 1878. [7223] Delambre. 1813. [8289-91] Gassendi. 1653-83. [8671] Gregory. 1808. [8702-3] Grimthorpe. 1876-83. [9296] Hind. 1863. [10359-60] La Caille. 1750-64. [10953-4] Lockyer. 1868-89. [12328] Mylne. 1819. [14830] Settele. 1818-19. [16815[ Alliaume. 1913. [16823] Ball. 1903. [16842] Flotow. 1911. [16889] Moulton. 1906. [16898] Parker. 1900. [16911] Schwalbe. 1904. (FIELD) v. Explorer's Science. Geographical Determination of Places. (GENERAL) : [227] Baillaud. 1893. [755-6] Chambers. 1877-90. [994] Delambre. 1814. [1582] Godfrey. 1866. [1891-9. 1903] Herschel. 1837-78. [2311] Klein. 1871-2. [2390-1] Lalande. 1764-71. [2454-5] Lardner. 1853-67. [2508] Leadbetter. 1735. [2686-8] Long. 876 INDEX. ASTKONOMY (GENERAL), continued: 1742-84. [2802] Manfredi. 1749. [3839-40] Proctor and Ranyard. 1892. [4095] Rost. 1726. [4638] Streete. 1710. [5078] Vince. 1797-9. [5394] Whiting. 1828. [5463] Wolf. 1870-2. [5489]Woodhouse. 1818-23. [5548-50] Young. 1889-99. [6286] Bode. 1844. [6726-7] Carey. 1825-42. [6760-1] Cassini. 1740-56. [6817-19] Chambers. 1861-77. [7817] Faye. 1881-3. [8494] Godfray. 1886-94. [8654-5] Gregory. 1715-26. [9069] Heath. 1760. [9226-30. 9240-2] Herschel. 1833-78. [10418] Lalande. 1771-81. [10521] Lardner. 1867. [10998-9] Long. 1742-84. [13725-7] Proctor and Ranyard. 1892. [16822] Baillaud. 1893-6. [16835] Clerke, etc. 1898. [16840] Faye. 1881-3. [16847-8] Godfray. 1874-94. [16859-61] Herschel. 1871-4. [16862] Himmel und Erde. 1908-9. [16870] Klein. 1901. [16900] Plassmann. 1913. [16922] Wolf. 1890-3. [16923] Young. 1900. (GREEK AND LATIN): [154] Aristarchus. 1688. [157] Aristoteles. 1601. [2804-8") Manilius. 1566-1767. [3788] Proclus. 1536. [3846-52] .Ptolemseus. 1515-1816. [4803] Theon Smyr- nseus. 1849. [5825-6] Aristarchus. 1572. [5827-9] Aristoteles. 1631-1870. [5853] Astronomica Veterum. 1589. [6542] Brown. 1899-1900. [7916] Firmicus Maternus. 1499. [10785] Lewis. 1862. [13695] Proclus. 1540. [13760-2] Ptolemaeus. 1548-1646. [S 1362] Autolycus. 1885. [S 1545] Manilius. 1786. [SS 890-2] Theodosius. 1558-86. [SS 1277] Roberval. 1644. (MATHEMATICAL) : [266-7] Barlow. 1892. [1610] Goiiye. 1688. [1624] Grant. 1850. [1652-4] Gregory (D.). 1702-26. [1666] Gregory (O. G.). 1802. [2440-5] Laplace. 1798-1878. [2768-9] Maddy. 1826-32. [3420] Oxley. 1848. [3703-4] Pontecoulant. 1829-60. [3975] Resal. 1865. [4508-9] Somerville. 1831. [4769] Taylor. 1841. [6005] Barlow. 1819. [6498-6501] Brink- ley. 1836-74. [6711]Capello. 1733-7. [7563] Emerson. 1769. [10500-3. 10507-9] Laplace. 1798-1829. [10624] Leadbetter. 1735. [11266] Maddy. 1832. [11961] Moebius. 1843. [13491-3 Pontecoulant. 1829-46. [14084] Resal. 1884. [14366] Robison. 1804. [14497] Rost. 1727. [15588] Wing. 1651. [15655] Villie. 1885-98. [1682 7] Barlow and Bryan. 1892-1903. [16529] Brinkley. 1886. [16882] Main. 1893. [16890-1] Moulton. 1902-14. [16901] Poincare. 1905-10. [16905-6] Resal. 1865-84. [S 1449] Frisi. 1768. [S 1574] Poincare. 1892-9. (MlLTON's) : [3385] Orchard. 1896. (NAUTICAL) : [2002] Hosier. 1809. [2090] Inman. 1849. [2134] Jeans. 1868-70. [2238-9] Kelly. 1801-13. [2863] Martin. 1888. [2908] Maupertuis. 1743. [2949] Merrifield. 1886. [2950-1] Merrifield and Evers. 1868. [3395] Orr. 1860. [3891] Raper. 1849. [5567] Young. 1855. [6653] Byrne. 1875. [7818] Faye. 1880. [8429] Gill. 1898. [10010] Kater. 1822. [10047] Kelly. 1796. [10112] Kerigan. 1845. [11520] Martin. 1888. [13913-14] Raper. 1857-82. [14238-9] Riddle. 1824-42. [15026] Stebbing. 1896. [15511] West. 1838. [15634] Nunez. 1592. [16867] Jeans. 1876-84. [16880] Liais. 1867. (ORIENTAL): [80] Al-Fergani. 1669. [231] Bailly. 1787. [410] Biot. 1862. [5940] Bailly. 1787. [6542] Brown. 1899-1900. [10234. 10236] Knobel. 1895-1908. [S 433] Apianus. 1532. [S 1390] Brennand. 1896. [S 1508] Kugler. 1900. [SS 980] Albumasar. 1489. ASTRONOMY (PHYSICAL): [412-13] Biot. 1810-57. [650] Burr. 1865. [1425] Frisi. 1768. [1610] Goiiye. 1688. [1626] Grant. 1852. [1656] Gregory. 1893. [5603] Abbatt. 1870. [6227] Biot. 1841-57. [8262] Gamaches. 1740. [8579] Grant. 1852. [9231] Herschel. 1827. [116940 Mayer. 1848. [14884-5] Simpson. 1757. (POPULAR) : [55-56] Airy. 1866-83. [135-6] Arago. 1855. [254-6] Ball. 1887-92. [513] Bouvier. 1856. [624] Bryan. 1799. [1042] Dick. 1861. [1316-20] Ferguson. 1757-1821. [1346] Flammarion. 1885. [1606-7] Gore. 1888-94. [1710-12] Guillemin. 1865-76 [1788] Harris. 1729. [2133] Jeans. 1856. [2435-7] Laplace. 1813-35. [2535] Leitch. 1863. [2771] Maedler. 1849. [2809] Mann. 1845. [3012-13] Mitchel. 1858-60. [3213. 3217-18] Newcomb. 1878-1903. [3308. 3310] Nichol. 1838-9. [3620] Pictures. 1857. [3733] Pouchet. 1870. [3813-19. 3822-27. 3829. 3833. 3838-9] Proctor. 1868-92. [3878] Rambosson. 1875. [4059] Rollwyn. 1871. [4283] Schubert. 1804-10. [4345-6] Serviss. 1888-95. [5692] Airy. 1868. [5852] Aspin. 1825. [5956-60] Ball. 1885-1900. [6394] Bouvier. 1856. [6570-1] Bryan. 1799-1805. [7281. 7283-4] Dick. 1838-52. [7363] Drew. 1845. [7406-7] Dunkin. 1869-79. [7838-43. 7867] Ferguson. 1756-1811. [7939. 7942] Flammarion. 1875-84. [8384] Giberne. 1887- 91. [10500-3] Laplace. 1809-24. [10527] Lardner. 1856. [10891] Littrow. 1866. [11903] Milner. 1846. [11947-9] Mitchel. 1848-60. [12462. 12472] Newcomb. 1878- 1903. [16831]Burgel. 1911. [16865] Houzeau. 1882. [16868-9] Klein. 1892-1905. [16899] Peck. 1890. [16916] Webb. 1893-4. [16918] Weiss. 1892. v. Globes, Use of the. (PRACTICAL) : [751] Challis. 1879. [767] Chauvenet, 1868. [1043] Dick. 1845. [1079] Doolittle. 1885. [2693-4] Loomis. 1865-72. [2780] Main. 1863. [3395] Orr. 1860. [4089] Ross. 1735. [4225] Sawitsch. 1879. [4872] Todd. 1900. [5089] Vince. 1790. [5233] Warren. 1879. [5279-81] Webb. 1859-94. [5918] Baikie. 1906. [6833] Chavivenet. 1871 [7170] Darby. 1864. [9768] Jeans. 1856 [11013-15] Loomis. 1855-83. [11302] Main. 1863. [12353] Narrien. 1845. [13058] Pear- son. 1824. [14984] Souchon. 1883. [16830] Brunnow. 1869-72. [16837] Chauvenet. 1889. [16880] Liais. 1867. [16883] Main. 1863. [16884-5] Martus. 1904-12. [SS 1223] Pearson. 1824-9. v. Astronomical Tables. Refraction Tables. Stargazing. (PRE -NEWTONIAN) : [500] Boulliau. 1645. [557-8] Brahe. 1602-66. [867-8] Copernicus. 1543-66. [1439-43. 1447] Galilei. 1632-1710. [1473-6] Gassendi. 1647-83. [1999] Horrocks. 1678. [2221] Kaufmann. 1676. [2260-1. 2270-2] Kepler. 1609-35. [2429-31] Lansberg. 1632-63. [2689] Longomontanus. 1622. [2737] Luyts. 1692. [2966] Metius. 1630-3. [3303] Newton (John). 1657. [3331] Nierop. 1658. [3910] Recorde. 1556. [5335-6] Wharton. 1683. [5411-12] Wilkins. 1640-84. [6279-81] Blundeville. 1597-1636. [6376] Boulliau. 1657. [6439-41. 6443] Brahe. 1602- 1901. [7017] Copernicus. 1617. [7106] Croppet. 1598. [7272] Deusing. 1643. [7289] Digges. 1573. [8205-11] Galilei. 1632-1710. [8289-91] Gassendi. 1653-83. [8730] Guericke. 1672. [10013] Kaufmann. 1676. [10099- 10133] Kepler. 1618-22. [10162] Kircher. 1660. [10494] Lansberg. 1631. [11002] Longomont- anus. 1622. [11287] Magini. 1589. [11803] Metius. 1632-3. [12346] Naibod. 1580. [12631] Newton. 1657. [13962] Recorde. INDEX. 877 ASTRONOMY (PRE -NEWTONIAN), continued: 1556. [14164-5] Riccioli. 1651-65. [14437] Rosaccio. 1604. [15136-7] Streete. 1663-1710. [15555-8] Wilkins. 1640-84. [15588] Wing. 1651. [S 1416-17] Copernicus. 1873. [S 1559] Neander. 1561. [S 3716] Blundeville. 1594. [SS 1017] Brahe. 1610. [SS 1057-8] Deusing. 1643. [SS 1271-2] Riccioli. 1651. [SS 1332} Walker. 1684. v. Cosmography. (PTOLEMAIC): [119-20] Apianus. 1550-75. [819] Clavius. 1602. [2774] Magini. 1589. [3332] Nifo. 1508. [3561] Peucer. 1553-4. [3564-5] Peuerbach. 1515-51. [3625-9] Piccolomini. 1540-79. [4017] Ringelbergh. 1535. [4085] Ross. 1646. [4170-4] Sacro Bosco. 1488-1629. [4268] Schreckenfuchs. 1556. [4614] Stoefler. 1535. [5744] Amico. 1537. [6070] Beati. 1662. [6610] Buonin- contro. 1491. [6944-5] Clavius. 1570-96. [7908] Fine. 1538. [8251] Gallucci. 1593. [8336] Gemma Frisius. 1553. [8732] Guilelmus. .1531. [11642-3] Mauro. 1550. [12232] Moya. 1573. [13090] Pemble. 1630. [13165] Petau. 1630. [13191] Peuerbach. 1557. [13296-9] Piccolomini. 1540-68. [13515-16] Porta. 1614-16. [14026] Reisch. 1512. [15095-6] Stoffler. 1534-53. [15370] Valla. 1502. [15634] Nunez. 1592. [S 1487] Hill. 1599. [S 1678] Bacon. 1614. [SS 1110] Gallucci. 1589. [SS 1240] Pighius. 1522. [SS 1262] Ricci. 1521. v. Primum Mobile. (SIDEREAL) : [825] Clerke. 1890. [1044] Dick. 1850. [2321] Kobold. -1906. [2400] Lambert. 1761. [4475-7] Smyth. 1844-81. [4648] Struve. 1847. [6951] Clerke. 1905. [8989-90] Harzer. 1901-10. [9072] Heath. 1905. [9769- 70] Jeans. 1848-68. [10246] Kobold. 1906. [11629. 11637] Maupertuis. 1742-68. [11815] Meyer. 1887. [12959-60] Parkes. 1887-8. [13302] Pickering. 1880. [16819] Andre. 1899-1900. [16833-4] Clerke. 1903-5. [16853] Hale. 1909. [18873] Kobold. 1906. [16896] Newcomb. 1904. [16908-9] Scheiner. 1908-12. [16912] Secchi. 1878. [16913] Seeliger. 1898- 1909. [S 1499] Kippax. 1914. v. Stellar. (SPHERICAL) : [623] Briinnow. 1851. [736] Cavalieri. 1690. [767] Chauvenet. 1868. [1424] Frisi. 1744-5. [2238-9] Kelly. 1801- 13. [2780] Main. 1863. / [6562-5] Briinnow. 1851-72. [6833] Chauvenet. 1871. [10047] Kelly. 1796. [11302] tyain. 1863. [12465] Newcomb. 1906. [16268] Laska. 1906. [16826] Ball. 1908. [16830] Briinnow. 1869- 72. [16837] Chauvenet. 1889. [16878] Laska. 1889. [16883] Main. 1863. [16895] New- comb. 1906. [S 1559} Neander. 1561. [SS 890-2] Theodosius. 1558-86. (THEORETICAL) : [2068] Hymers. 1840. [4284] Schubert. 1822. [5248] Watson. 1868. [5490] Woodhouse. 1821-3. [9639-40] Hymers. 1840. [10216] Klinkerfues. 1899. [16843] Frischauf. 1903. [16872] Klinkerfues. 1899. [16878] Laska. 1889. [16915] Watson. 1869. [16919] White. 1905. [S 1506] Klin- kerfues. 1912. , BIBLIOGRAPHY or: [2011] Houzeau et Lan- caster. 1882-9. [4655] Struve. 1860. [9497] Houzeau et Lancaster. 1882-9. [10423] Lalande. 1808. [13764] Pulkowa Observatory. 1845. [16922] Wolf. Houzeau. 1882. 1890-3. [SS 1138] -, CYCLOPEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES OF : [1180] Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. 1848. [1604] Gore. 1893. [1922] Hill. 1768. [14164-5] Riccioli. 1651-65. [16851] Gretschel. 1882. ASTRONOMY, CYCLOPAEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES or, continued : [16858] Herpin. 1875. [16876] Krisch. 1902. [16914] Valentiner. 1897-1902. [SS 1271-2] Riccioli. 1651. , HISTORY or : [228-31] Bailly. 1775-87. [429] Blake. 1877. [823-4] Clerke. 1885-93. [874] Costard. 1767. [995] Delambre. 1817-27. [998] Delambre. 1810. [1002] Delaunay. 1867. [1626] Grant. 1852. [2435-7] Laplace. 1813-35. [2541] Le Monnier. 1741. [2580] Lewis. 1862. [2664] Lockyer. 1894. [2695] Loomis. 1856. [2770] Macpherson. 1906. [3176] Narrien. 1833. [4490] Snyder. 1907. [4957] Turner. 1901. [5122] Voiron. 1810. [5304] Weidler. 1741. [6261] Blake. 1877. [6542] Brown. 1899-1900. [6950] Clerke. 1893. [7033] Costard. 1767. [7368] Dreyer. 1880. [7943] Flammarion. 1877. [8579] Grant. 1852. [9359] Hoefer. 1873. [10022-7] Keill. 1718-69. [10502. 10504] Laplace. 1824-63. [10714] Le Monnier. 1741. [10785] Lewis. 1862. [10885] L'Isle. 1738. [11016] Loomis. 1851. [12245] Macpherson. 1906. [11803] Metius. 1632-3. [12350-2] Narrien. 1833-50. [14164] Riccioli. 1651. [15347. 15351] Turner. 1901-4. [16922] Wolf. 1890-3. [S 1373] Berry. 1898. [S 1392] Bryant. 1907. [S 1523] Lebon. 1899. [SS 1271-2] Riccioli. 1651. [SS 1332] Walker. 1684. , PHILOSOPHY OF : [7001] Comte. 1844. AND THEOLOGY : [295] Baxter. 1740. [4199] Salusbury. 1661. [5345-7] Whewell. 1834-52. [5383] Whiston. 1725. [6812] Chalmers. 1854-6. [7235] Derham. 1741. [7857] Fer- guson. 1775. [11617-18] Maunder. 1909. [12685] Nieuwentyt. 1729. [15526] Whiston. 1717. [SS 2025] Rheita. 1645. ASTROPHYSICS v. Astronomy (Sidereal). Physics (Cosmic). ATMOSPHERIC ABSORPTION : [10484-5] Langley. 1884. HYPOTHESIS OF EPIDEMICS : [14589] Russell. 1892. PRESSURE v. Barometry. PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF : [6158] Bert. 1878. REFRACTION v. Refraction (Atmospheric). TEMPERATURE : [2025] Humboldt. 1817. [3738] Powell. 1825. [5864] Atkinson. 1825. [7298] Dyk. 1876. [7429] Dyer. 1856. [9317] Hirn. 1882. [11395] Marcet. 1861. [11943-5] Miscellanea Curiosa. 1708-27. [13471] Poisson. 1837. [13637] Prevost. 1792. [13796. 13805-6] Quetelet. 1836-45. [14755] Schumacher. 1843. [14841] Six. 1788. [15550] Williams. 1806. [S 2508] Dove. 1852. v. Heat (Solar). Isotherms. Radiation (Terres- trial). Temperature (Mean). TRANSPARENCY : [14587] Russell. 1902. ATOMIC DISINTEGRATION : [14972] Soddy. 1909. - TABLES : [14467] Rose. 1850. THEORIES : [4332] Sennart. 1664. [4407^ Simpson. 1675. [4941] Trouessart. 1854- [4971] Tyndall. 1874. [7821] Fechner. 1864- [9271-2] Higgins. 1814. [11804] Meusel. 1902- [11818] Meyer. 1895. [12253] Muir. 1894- [12305] Murray. 1901. [13187] Petty. 1674- [13578] Power. 1664. [13756] Puschl. 1869- [14181. 14185. 14191] Richards. 1901-11- [14802-3] Sedgwick. 1882-96. [14814-16] Sendivogius. 1639-82. [14819] Sennert. 1637. [15110] Stoney. 1891. [15257] Thomson (J. J.). 1904. [15269] Thomson (T.). 1825. [15611] Wollaston. 1814. [S 360] Masson. 1884. [S 1730-1] Boscovich. 1759-63 878 INDEX. ATOMIC THEORIES, continued : [S 2668-70] Boyle. 1661-80. [SS 1664] Euler. 1746. [SS 2627] Swedenborg. 1847. v. Corpuscular Theory. Matter, Theories of. Front's Hypothesis. Vortex Theory. THEORY (DALTOX'S) : [613] Brown. 1858. [933-4] Dal ton. 1808-27. [954] Daubeny. 1831. [1917] Higgins. 1814. [4078] Roscoe and Harden. 1896. [4835] Thomson. 1813-18. [4840] Thomson. 1807. [5533-5] Wurtz. 1879-92. [7153-5] Dalton. 1808-27. [11733] Meldrurn. 1911. [11887] Mills. 1871. [14452] Roscoe and Harden. 1896. [15265-7. 15279] Thomson. 1807-26. v. Avogadro's Law. Chemical Combinations. Chemical Equivalents. WEIGHTS : [809] Clarke. 1897. [1933] Hin- richs. 1901. [4568] Stas. 1894. [6190] Berzelius. 1835. [9714] Jacquerod et Bogdan. 1905. [9858] Jones. 1905. [10038] Reiser. 1888. [10286-7] Kothner. 1903-4. [11317. 11319-20] Mallet. 1856-92. [11404] Marchand andScheerer. 1850. [11811] Meyer (J.). 1903. [11812-14] Meyer (L. J.). 1872-88. [13371-3] Plaats. 1885^-93. [13427] Playfair. 1860. [13870] Ramsay. 1881. [14187. 14190-4. 14197. 14201. 14203. 14211. 14213] Richards. 1891-1910. [15020-1] Stas. 1860-94. [15119] Stoney. 1902. [15281. 15287] Thorpe. 1908-10. [15476-7] Watts. 1903-4. [S 2609] Atomic Weights. 1891-1908. [S 2682] Brauner. 1908. [S 2686] Clarke. 1882. [S 2689] Crookes. 1874. [SS 2626] Stas. 1865. v. Chemical Proportions. Molecular W. Periodic Law. Front's Hypothesis. ATOMS, COMBINING POWER or : [9370. 9373] Hof- mann. 1865-6. , MOVEMENT or : [1771] Hansemann. 1871. ATTRACTION, THEORY or : [131] Appell. 1892. [524] Boyle. 1674. [1137] Earnshaw. 1844. [2188] Jordan. 1866-7. [3342] Xobili. 1818. [3750] Pratt. 1871. [6429] Boyle. 1674. [8379] Gherardi. 1841. [8908] Hargreave. 1841. [9895] Jones. 1762. [9906] Jordan. 1867. [10070] Kelvin. 1844. [10500-1] La- place. 1813. [12702] Xobili. 1818. [13602] Pratt. 1871. [14544] Rowning. 1767. [14808] Seguin. 1861. [16934] Appell. 1892. [17017] Earnshaw. 1844. [S 581] Chasles. 1845. [SS1701] Gerdil. 1754. [SS 1892] Michel. 1802. v. Electric A. Gravitation. Magnetic A. , HISTORY OF THE : [4884-5] Todhunter. 1873. OF ELLIPSOIDS : [2710] Lubbock. 1831. [5731] Allman. 1853. [6996] Collins. 1854. [11055] Lubbock. 1835. [S 579-80] Chasles. 1838-46. OF MOUNTAINS : [2124] James. 1856. [2880-1] Maskelyne. 1776. [3783] Pringle. 1775. OF VESSELS : [8048] Foster. 1824. ATTRACTIVE POWERS, RESOLUTION OF : [5230] \Varing. 1789. ATWOOD'S MACHINE : [180. 5869-70] Atwood. 1784. AURORA BOREALIS : [570] Bravais. 1847. [930-2] Dalton. 1793-1834. [2782] Mairan. 1754. [3677] Pointer. 1738. [4493] Snow. 1842. [4667] Sturgeon. 1848. [4940] Trom- holt. 1882. [6799] Cavendish. 1790. [7148- 52] Dalton. 1793-1834. [8445] Glaisher. 1870. [8619] Greely. 1881. [8848] Hamilton. 1772. [8907] Hare. 1836. [9577] Hutchinson. 1787. [10540] La Rive. 1862. [11307-8] Mairan. 1733-54. [12077] Morgan. 1847. [13027] Paulsen. 1894. [13335] Pigott. 1789. [14533-4] Rowell. 1840-87. [S 1621] Trom- holt. 1902. [S 2542] Lernstrom. 1886. [SS 1289] Schickhard. 1631. AUTOGRAPH LETTERS OF SCIENTISTS : [5892] Bab- bage. 1864. [7792] Faraday. 1828. [9246] Herschel. 1824. AVOGADRO'S LAW : [S 2611] Avogadro. 1837-41. BACTERIAL, DECOMPOSITION : [7536] Emmerling. 1902. BALANCE : [9496] Houten. 1827. [11069] Ludlam. 1766. [15432] Walker. 1887. [S 1739] Brauer. 1909. v. Hydrostatic B. Torsion B. BALATA : [4790] Terry. 1907. BALL-BEARINGS : [14527-9] Rowe. 1734. BALLISTIC CHRONOGRAPH : [6030] Bashforth. 1866. [12715-16] Noble. 1868. [S 1692-5] Bashforth. 1870-1900. PENDULUM : [4044-5] Robins. 1805. [12065] Mordecai. 1845. [14345] Robins. 1761. BALLISTICS : [607] Brown. 1777. [875] Cotes. 1770. [893] Cranz. 1896. [1058] Didion. 1860. [1445] Galilei. 1638. [1845] Helie. 1865. [3681] Poisson. 1839. [3809] Projectiles. 1836. [4044-5] Robins. 1805. [4536] Spitz- geschosse. 1864. [4567] Starrat. 1746. [4746-9] Tartaglia. 1546-62. [4916] Torri- celli. 1644. [5795] Apollonius Pergaeus. 1779. [6029] Bashforth. 1907. [6313] Bond. 1888. [6539] Brown. 1777. [7037] Cotes. 1770. [7829] Fenwick. 1859. [8212-13] Galilei. 1638-1730. [70333] Kummer. 1875. [11006-7] Longridge. 1889. [11782] Mersenne. 1644-7. 12058] Moose. 1813. [14345] Robins. 1761. 14393] Rohde. 1797. [14422-4] Ronca. 1901. 14580] Rumford. c. 1782. [14886-8] Simpson. 1752-1810. [15322-3] Torricelli. 1644. [16982] Charbonnier. 1907-8. [17185] Poisson. 1839. [S 1692-5] Bashforth. 1870-1900. [S 2003] Ingalls. 1912. [S 2510] Ferrel. 1860. [SS 1954] Peyre. 1809. [SS 2110] Tartaglia. 1537. v. Galvanometer (Ballistic). Gunnery. Mathe- matics (Artillery). BALLOONING : [183] Augustin. 1806. [1127] Dupuis-Delcourt. 1850. [1306-10] Faujas. 1783-4. [1364] Fonvielle. 1882. [1371] Forster. 1832. [1547-50] Glaisher, etc. 1870-2. [1681] Grimaldi. 1788. [2369] La Garenne. 1852. [2729-37] Lunardi. 1784-6. [2885] Mason. 1838. [3634] Pilatre de Rozier. 1785. [4176] Sadler. 1812. [4177] Sadler. 1817. [4918] Tournachon. 1864. [4927] Treille et Meyer. 1852. [4953] Turgan. 1851. [4961] Tumor. 1865. [5107] Vivenair. 1783. [5453] Wise. 1850. [5657] Aerostate. 1784. [5659] Aereo-Statica. 1804. [5660] Aeronautical Society of Gt. Britain. 1866-70. [5661] Aerostatics. 1802. [5662] Aerostation. 1808. [5663] Aerostation Displayed, c. 1802. [5912] Bacon. 1907. [5952] Baldwin. 1786. [6266] Blanchard. 1785. [7227] Deminne. 1865. [7806-8] Faujas de St.-Fond. 1783-4. [8027] Fonvielle. 1877. [8448-50] Glaisher, etc. 1870-1. [9280] Hildebrandt. 1908. [11089-92] Lunardi. 1784-6. [11428^-9] Marion. 1867-70. [11584] Mathieu. 1799. [12327] Muzzi. 1839. [13343] Pilatre de Rozier. 1786. [13501] Poole. 1838. [13548] Potain. 1824. [15311] Tissandier. 1878. [15353] Tumor. 1865. [S 3732] Coxwell. 1889. [S 3837-8] Zambeccari. 1803. [SS 3184] Para du Phanjas. 1786. [SS 3197] Serrati. 1787. v. Aerial Navigation. Aerostation. BARIUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [970] Davy. 1808. [13364]Pisani. 1876. [14189. 14210] Richards. 1893-4. [14707] Scheerer und Drechsel. 1873. BAROMETER ( ANEROID ): [7234] Dent. 1852. [14013] Reinherz. 1887. BAROMETRICAL TABLES : [SS 2354] Schlogl. 1787. INDEX. 879- BAROMETRY AND THE BAROMETER : [537-44] Boyle. 1660-84. [929] Dalence. 1688. [1698-9] Guericke. 1672. [1832] Hazen. 1882. [1991] Hopkins. 1854. [2714-15] Luc. 1772. [3011] Miscellanea Curiosa. 1705-7. [3476] Pascal. 1663. [3692] Poleni. 1709. [4209] Saul. 1735. [4307] Scott. 1871. [4914-15] Torricelli. 1715. [5435] Willsford. 1658. [5714-6] Alence. 1688-1753. [6326] Bontadosi. 1781. [6522] Brook. 1789. [7060] Crahay. 1835. [7350] Dove. 1826. [7450] Eeles. 1771. [7934] Fitzgerald. 1859. [8730] Guericke. 1672. [9431] Hooke. 1665. [9515] Howard. 1850-4. [10715-16] Le Monnier. 1781-8. [11059] Luc. 1784. [11138-9] Luz. 1784. [11272] Magellan. 1780. [11943-5] Miscellanea Curiosa. 1708-27. [12484] Newman. n.d. [14671] Saunderson. c. 1712. [14747-9] Schott. 1664-87. [14893] Sinclair. 1669. [15161-3] Sturm. 1676-85. [15320-1. 15325] Torricelli. 1715-1908. [SS1477- 81] Accademia del Cimento. 1667-91. [SS 1516] Bartoli. 1678. [SS 1588] Buat. 1816. [SS 1642] Desaguliers. 1719. [SS 2285] La Brosse. 1717. [SS 2306] Magellan. 1779. [SS 2334] Ramazzini. 1710. [SS 2369] Taglini. 1736. [SS 2990] Dobrzenski. 1659. v. Hypsometry. Sun's Influence on Air. , PARADOXES ox : [8801] Hale. 1675. [13769] Purshall. 1707. [14505] Roubais du Tourcoin. 1721. BAROSCOPE : [5133-4] Vossius. 1663. [7016] Cooper. 1839. [15161-3] Sturm. 1676-85. BASALT: [3902] Raspe. 1776. [6094] Beddoes. 1791. [7809] Faujas de St.-Fond. 1784. [13917-18] Raspe. 1776. [SS 2226] Aubuisson de Voisin. 1814. v. Greenstone. BATHOMETER : [14848] Siemens. 1876. BEAUTY, MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF : [9107] Hel- bing. 1897. v. Ornament, Geometrical Law of. BECQUEREL RAYS: [11407] Marckwald. 1904. [15146] Strutt. 1904. BEECH OIL : [1920] Hill. 1715. BELEMNITE : [6384] Bourguet. 1762. BELL-RINGING : [15539] White. 1677. BELLS : [1682] Grimthorpe. 1860. [8949] Harrison. 1831. BELTING : [7015] Cooper. 1883. [9482] Hospitalier, v. y. BEN OIL, CHEMISTRY or : [3142. 12247] Mulder 1847. BENZENE (BENZOL) AND ITS DERIVATIVES : [1288. 7769. 7784] Faraday. 1825-59. [9379] Hof- mann. 1845. [9712] Jacobson und Honigs- berger. 1903. [11359] Mansfield. 1849. [11951-3] Mitcherlich. 1834-47. v. Aniline. Cam,phors. Indigo. Mesitylene. Phenol. Picric Acid. Retene. Terpenes. Toluene. BENZOIC ACID AND BENZOATES : [5067] Vigenere. 1618. [13506] Pope. 1895. [13776] Pyman. 1904. [14697] Scheele. 1786. [15396 1 Vigenere. 1642. BESSEMER PROCESS : [383] Bessemer. 1905. [1748] Hall. 1857. v. Blast Furnace. BIBLIOGRAPHY or SCIENCE : [3668] Poggendorff. 1863-1904. [10759] Leuchs. 1841. [10988] London. 1658. [12598] Newton. 1888. [12943] Paracelsus. 1890-3. [14548-50] Royal Society of London. 1839-83. [SS 141] Royal Society's Catalogue. 1867-94. v. Accounting, B. of. Astronomy, B. of. Cata- logues. Chemistry, B. of. Electricity, B. of. Engineering, B. of. Geometry (Euclidean), B. of. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SCIENCE, continued : Magnetism, B. of. Mathematics, B. of. Meteoro- logy, B. of. Physics, B. of. Telegraphy (Electric),. B. of. Vitruvius, B. of. BILLIARDS, MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF : [870-1 T Coriolis. 1835. [9127] Hemming. 1899. [S1981I Hemming. 1904. BINOMIAL THEOREM : [6-7] Abel. 1839-81. [141J Arbon. 1844. [352] Bernoulli. 1713. [1247- 50] Euler. 1774-1828. [2875. 2877] Maseres. 1791-1807. [3234-5. 3249-50. 3254-5] Newton. 1704-40. [4744] Tartaglia. 1556-60. [51 89-90 J Wallis. 1685. [5611-12] Abel. 1839-81. [6149 -50] Bernoulli. 1713. [7682-5] Euler. 1774- 1840. [9609] Hutton. 1786. [11533. 11535J Maseres. 1795-1807. [12506. 12534-6. 12543-7. 12572-3] Newton. 1704-40. [13384] Plana. 1837. [13845-6] Ralphson. 1702. [14335J Robertson. 1795. [15453] Wallis. 1685. [S 1081] Pfaff. 1797. v. Arithmetical Triangle. Series (Infinite). BIOCHEMISTRY v. Chemistry (Physiological). BIOGRAPHIES, NOTICES, AND CORRESPONDENCE OP- SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS : [198] Babbage. 1864. [383] Bessemer. 1905. [448-9] Boer- haave. 1743-6. [559] Brahe. 1890. [621J Brunei (I. K.). 1870. [622] Brunei (Sir M. I.). 1862. [693] Cardano. 1898. [714) Cassini (J. D.). 1851. [728] Cauchy. 1878. [737] Cavalieri. 1844. [742-3] Cavendish. 1851. [935-7] Dalton. 1854-95. [1029-32] Descartes. 1700-1905. [1061] Diogenes Laertius. 1533. [1121] Dumas. 1880. [1300-4] Faraday. 1868- 84. [1327] Ferguson. 1870. [1366] Forbes* (J. D.). 1873. [1389] Fowler. 1900. [1491J Gauss. 1860. [1855-6] Helmhpltz. 1897-1906. [1878] Hero Alexandrinus. 1854. [1879] Her- schel (Miss). 1879. [1963] Hofmann. 1888.. [1999] Horrocks. 1859. [2143] Jenkin. 1887. [2157] Jevons. 1866. [2475] La Rive. 1877. [2631-3] Liebig. 1844-1906. [2674] Lodge. 1893. [2928-9] Maxwell. 1882-1901. [3096] Morgan. 1882. [3178] Nasmyth. 1883-5. [3189-91] Napier. 1787-1834. [3279. 3284J Newton. 1850-5. [3478-9] Pascal. 1848-1902. [3490-1] Pasteur. 1896-9. [3550] Perry. 1890. [3808] Pritchard. 1897. [3866] Quetelet. 1875. [3957] Reis. 1883. [4080] Roscoe. 1906. [4175]SacroBosco. 1562. [4383] Siemens. 1893. [4409] Simson. 1812. [4439-41] Smiles. 1862- 74. [4576] Stephenson (G.). 1857-8. [4578]! Stephenson (R.). 1864. [4589] Stevinus. 1842. [4757] Taylor. 1793. [4793] Tesla. 1894. [5072] Vignoles. 1889. [5165]. Walker. 1862. [5253-63] Watt. 1824-1904. [5379-80] WhewelJ 1876. [5507-8] Worcester. 1865. [5613] AbeL 1906. [5805] Arago. 1857. [5891-2] Babbage. 1864. [5937] Baily. 1845. [6165] Berthollet. 1844. [6444-7] Brahe. 1655-1890. [6474-5J Brewster. 1846-70. [6494] Bright. 1908. [6559] Bruno. 1846-7. [6724] Cardano. 1898. [6800-1] Cavendish. 1851. [6923] Clarke. 1825. [7018] Copernicus. 1876. [7110] Crosse. 1857. [7156-8] Dalton. 1854-1906. [7205-8] Davy. 1831-62. [7217] Dee. 1842. [7265-6] Descartes. 1880-93. [7348] Douglass. 1900. [7473] Edison. 1894. [7597] Ericsson. 1890-2. '[7708] Euler. 1783. [7758-9] Fairbairn. 1877. [7796-7801J Faraday. 1868-73. [7868] Ferguson. 1867. [7931] Fitzgerald. 1901. [8069] Fourier. 1833. [8074] Fowler. 1900. [8183-4] Colden. 1817. [8225-39] Galilei. 1778-1886. [8309] Gauss. 1884. [8403] Gilbert. 1891. [8528] Gordon. 1877. [8575] Grandi. 1744. [8950] Harrison. 1882. [8964-8] Harrison. 1835-82. [91161 Helmholtz. 1899. [9146] Henry. 1880. [9188} Herschel. 1876. [9372. 9384-5] Hofmann. 80 INDEX. BIOGRAPHIES, NOTICES, AND CORRESPONDENCE or SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS, continued : 1888-1902. [9543] Hull. 1910. [9758] Jannet- taz. 1892. [9765] Jeffcock. 1867. [9774] Jeffreys. 1855. [9931] Joule. 1892. [10045] Kekule. 1898. [10082-4] Kelvin. 1908-10. [10107-9] Kepler. 1804-31. [10212] Klijnsma. 1861. [10479] Langdon. 1908. [10851-2] Lie- big. 1876-91. [10938] Locke. 1862. [11127] Lyell. 1881. [11463-4] Martin. 1764. [11524] Alarum. 1899. [11682-3] Maxwell. 1882-4. [11762] Menschutkin. 1908. [11820] Meyer. 1897. [12133] Morgan. 1882. [12290] Murchi- son. 1875. [12335] Napier(D.). 1912. [12343-4] Napier (J.). 1787. [12363] Nasmyth. 1883. [12409] Navier. 1837. [12475-6] Newcomb. 1903-10. [12495] Newton(H.A.). 1896. [12592-6. 12607. 12615] Newton. 1748-1885. [13013-15] Pasteur. 1885-98. [13343] Pilatre de Rozier. 1786. [13440] Pliicker. 1872. [13625] Prest- wich. 1899. [13673] Priestley. 1806. [13736] Prony. 1839. [13794] Quet. 1873. [14080] Rennie. 1875. [14293 j Roberts. 1911. [14371] Robison. 1815. [14443] Roscoe (Pasteur). 1889. [14581] Rumford. 1875. [14700-1] Scheele. 1886-93. [14801] Sedgwick. 1890. [14836] Sharp. 1889. [14852-3] Siemens (C. W.). 1888. [14856] Siemens (E. W.). 1893. [14937] Smee. 1878. [14981] Sopwith. 1891. [15022-4] Stas. 1891-9. [15038-9] Stephenson (G.). 1857-64. [15043] Stephenson (R.). 1864. [15071] Steven- son(R.). 1878. [15079] Stevimis. 1846. [15208] Taylor. 1793. [15221] Telford. 1838. [15316] Topley. 1894. [15324-5] Torricelli. 1864-1908. [ 15334] Trevithick. 1872. [15659] Acta Mathe- matica. 1913. [17184] Poincare. 1913. [S 418] Abel. 1885. [S 643] Diophantus. 1885. [S 777] Hamilton. 1882-9. [S 1642] Airy. 1896. [S 1777]Cauchy. 1868. [S 1890] Dumas. 1868. [S 1979] Helmholtz. 1906. [S 2077] Lesage. 1805. [S 2160] Newton, s.d. [S 2332] Stokes. 1907. [S 2643] Berzelins. 1901. [S 2894] Priestley. 1831-2. [S 3665] Watt, 1839. [SS 15] Archimedes. 1737. [SS 1724] Gilbert. 1903. v. Correspondence of Scientists. BIOMETRICS : [2825] Marey. 1878. [SS 3222] Bio- metrica. 1901-6. v. Evolution, Mathematical Theory of. BIRDFLIGHT, THEORY OF : [10046] Keller. 1911. BISMUTH : [6738] Carnot. 1878. [7776] Faraday. 1849. [13057] Pearson. 1856. [13550] Pott. 1753. BITUMEN : [9008] Hatchett. 1804. [10244] Knox. 1823. v. Asphalt. BLAST FURNACE : [1694] Gruner. 1873. [10120] Kerpely. 1884. [14721] Schinz. 1870. BLASTING: [4155] Rziha. 1866. [5764] Andre. 1878. [8761] Guttmann. 1892. [S 3219] Drinker. 1878. BLEACHING : [363] Berthollet. 1841. [3396] O'Reilly. 1804. [4290] Schiitzenberger. 1882. [53341 Westrumb. 1819. [5610] Abel. 1905. [6162.' 6164] Berthollet. 1791-1841. [9270] Higgine. 1799. [9418] Home. 1756. [12920-1] Pajot des Charmes. 1798-1800. [14611] Ryan. 1852. [15044] Stephenson. 1808. [S 3060] Hiibner. 1912. [SS 2719] Berthollet. 1824. [SS 28 17] Partridge. 1823. BLOOD, CHEMISTRY OF : [535] Boyle. 1684. [1744-6] Hales. 1731-40. [5496] Wooldridge. 1893. [8684] Grew. 1679. [8806] Hales. 1731-3. [13671] Priestley. 1776. v. Globulin. BLOWPIPE ANALYSIS : [3119] Moses and Parsons. 1895. [3652-5] Plattner. 1845-75. [4090] Ross. 1884. [6185-7] Berzelius. 1822-45. [6606] BLOWPIPE ANALYSIS, continued : Bunsen. 1886. [7088] Cronstedt. 1788. [10342] Kupferschlaeger. 1860. [13402-6] Plattner. 1845-75. [14487] Ross. 1880. [14705] Scheerer. 1851. [S 2641] Berzelius. 1821-37. v. Oxyhydrogen Blowpipe. BOILER DEPOSITS : [13251] Phipson. 1868. EXPLOSIONS : [839] Colburn. 1860. [7320] Dodd. 1818. [8973] Hartig. 1867. [11457-8] Marten. 1869-72. [13124] Perkins, c. 1840. TESTING: [13126] Perkins. 1881. BOILERS (MARINE): [369] Bertin. 1906. [6167] Bertin. 1896. [6717] Caralp. 1896. [8440] Girard. 1897. (STEAM) : [3516-17] Peattie. 1888-92. [4921-2] Traill. 1890-6. [5163] Walker. 1908. [5831] Armstrong. 1839. [6008] Barr. 1899. [6116] Bellens. 1895. [7986] Foden. 1900. [9477] Hospitalier. v. d. [13125-6] Perkins. 1877-81. [14965] Snow. 1899. [15295] Thurs- ton. 1888. [S 3421] Donkin. 1898. [S 3505] ' Kent. 1915. v. Injectors. Valve. BOILING POINT : [11408] Marckwald. 1888. [13453] Pohl. 1850. [14753] Schroder. 1844. [15367] Urriola. 1908. [15464-6] Watson. 1791-1800. BOMBS AND GRENADES : [4628] Stone. 1645. [SS 2806] Malthus. 1650. [SS 2845] St.-Remy. 1707-41. v. Gunnery and Artillery. Pyrotechnics. BOROLANITE : [9460] Home and Teall. 1892. BORAX v. Boron. BORING AND DRILLING : [2895] Mather. 1864. [4786] Tecklenburg. 1886-96. [8997] Haskoll. 1846. [11188]McGuire. 1896. [S 3219] Drinker. 1878. BORON AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [970] Davy. 1808. [3968] Rennewald. 1745. [6267] Blane. 1787. [8314-15] Gay-Lussac et Thenard. 1811. BOYLE-MARIOTTE'S LAW v. Oases, Laws of. BRACHISTOCHRONE : [353] Bernoulli. 1742. [1873] Hermann. 1716. [6151-2] Bernoulli. 1742. [9171] Hermann. 1716. v. Curves (Isoperimetrical). BRASS, METALLURGY OF : [3539] Percy. 1861. [10545] Larkiii. 1887. [13111] Percy. 1861. BREADMAKING : [2114] Jago. 1886. [7336] Donovan. 1830. [7447]Edlin. 1805. [14411] Rollet, 1846. [SS 2708] Accum. 1821. v. Cereals, Chemistry of. BREWING : [27] Accum. 1821. [225] Bailey. 1889. [294] Baverstock. 1826. [427-8] Black. 1844- 75. [562] Brande. c. 1825. [569] Braungart. 1901. [780-1] Child. 1797. [854-5] Combrune. 1762-1804. [1369] Ford. 1862. [1983] Hooper. 1882. [2575-6] Levesque. 1845-53. [3107] Moritz and Morris. 1893. [3528] Peltz und Habich. 1876. [3645] Piti. 1859. [3741] Prac- tical Brewing. 1879. [3996] Richardson. 1805. [4361] Shannon. 1805. [4572] Steel. 1881. [4836] Thomson. 1849. [4864] Tizard. 1845-6. [4948] Tuck. 1822. [5636] Accum. 1820. [6250] Black. 1835. [6469] Brewer (Compleat). 1760. [6470] Brewer (London and Country). 1737-8. 1 6471] Brewer's Monitor. 1824. [7336] Donovan. 1830. [8780] Hagecius. 1585. [8846-7] Ham. 1822-3. [9061]Hayman. 1819. [9433] Hooper. 1882. [10302] Krebs. 1887. [10777] Levesque. 1847. [11042] Lovibond. 1883. [11334] Malt- Liquors, c. 1740. [11725] Meibom. 1668. [12150] Moritz and Morris. 1891. [12165-7] Morrice. 1819-34. [13392-3] Plat. 1653. [13934] Rawlinson. 1807. [13979] Reddington. 1780. [14220] Richardson. 1777. [14318-19] INDEX. 881 BREWING, continued : Roberts. 1837-47. [14432] Ronna. 1869. [15270] Thomson. 1849. [SS 2723. 2725-7] Brewer (London and Country). 173550. [SS 2730] Combrune. 1758. v. Malting. Saccharometer. , BACTERIOLOGY OF : [3487-8. 13007-9] Pas- teur. 1876-9. v. Fermentation. , CHEMISTRY OF : [S 3150] Windisch. 1895. BRICK MAKING: [7316] Dobson. 1850. [13082] Pelouze. 1828. BRIDGE BUILDING : [100] Anderson. 1818. [630] Buck. 1857. [1084-5] Douglas. 1816-32. [1492] Gauthey. 1809-16. [1812]Haupt. 1864. [2021] Humber. 1870. [2141] Jenkin. 1876. [2389] Laissle et Schuebler. 1871. [2833] Mar- quand. 1749. [2897] Matheson. 1873. [2921] Maw and Dredge. 1872. [2952] Merrill. 1870. [43 25] Temple. 1776. [4429-30] Smeaton. 1812- 14. [6587-8] Buck. 1839-80. [7229] Dempsey. 1850-6. [7741-4] Fairbairn. 1849-70. [8181 -2] Fulton. 1796. [9028] Haupt. 1862-73. [9065] Sleaford. 1883. [9350] Hodges. 1860. [9536] Hughes, c. 1852. [9550-1] Humber. 1861-70. [9615] Hutton. 1891. [9790] Jenkin. 1876. [10125] Ketchum. 1908. [10561-2] Latham. 1858. [11445] Marquand. 1749. [11578] Matheson. 1873. [11696] Maynard. 1868. [11771] Merrill. 1870. [11776] Merriman and Jacoby. 1894-7. [12062] Morandiere. 1874-82. [12403] Navier. 1823. [13140-1] Perronet. 1788-94. [13318] Pictet. 1823. [13503] Pope. 1811. [13730] Prony. 1832. [14064-5] Rennie (J.). 1736-1823. [14276] Ritter. 1879. [14425] Rondelet. 1836. [14792] Seaward. 1824. [14806-7] Seguin. 1824-6. [14927-30] Smeaton. 1767-1814. [15142] Struckel. 1906. [15342] Turnbull. 1841. [15387] Veranzio. c. 1595. [15426] Waddell. 1884. v. Arches. Caissons. Chains (Suspension). Girders. Joints (Riveted). RooJ's. Trusses. Via- ducts. p IEBS : [12488] Newman. 1893. RIBS: [8076] Fox. 1849. [10937] Locke. 1849. BRIDGES, THEORY OF: [2048. 9606. 9610-11] Hutton. 1772-1812. BROCARD'S FIGURES : [15973] Emmerich. 1891. BROMINE AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [250] Balard. 1826. [14179. 14209] Richards. 1890-7. -PROCESS: [6853] Chevalier. 1841. BUBBLE FORMATION : [13813] Quincke. 1894. BUILDERS' GUIDES : [639] Builder. 1734. [1006] Dempsey. 1857. [3314] Nicholson. 1845. [4195] Salmon. 1752. [6400] Boyers. 1807. [6601] Builder's Practical Director. 1856-8. [6628] Burn. 1870. [7191-3] Davy. 1839-41. [12643-4] Nicholson. 1812-45. [12985] Parting- ton. 1825. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION : [87] Allen. 1900. [264] Barberot. 1906. [640] Building. 1883. [3688] Pole. 1872. [4312] Scott-Moncrieff. 1897. [4377] Shields. 1877. [5510-11] Wray. 1872-80. [6021] Bartholomew. 1840. [6495] Brightmore. 1908. [6602-3] Building Construction. 1875-85. [6605] Bulloch. 1854. [6640] Burrell. 1895. [6641] Burri. 1873. [6810] Chabat. 1881. [7317] Dobson. 1856. [7742-4] Fairbairn. 1857-70. [8077] Fox. 1881. [8174] Fryer. 1876. [10227] Knight. 1889. [11441] Marks. 1901. [11551] Masonry. 1847. [13935] Rawlin- son. 1858. [14427] Rondelet. 1842-3. [15143] Strukel. 1906. [17344] Hochbaukunde. 1899- 1905. [S 3340] Andrews. 1913. [S 3376-7] Building Construction. 1879-1908. [S 3491] Innocent. 1916. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, continued : v. Concrete (Reinforced). Grain Magazines. Hospital C. Lighthouses. Masonry C. Roofs. Sheds. Steel Structures. Structural Design. Structures. Theatre C. Towers. ESTIMATES : [176] Atchley. 1868. [13185] Pewtner. 1870. [S 3585] Rea. 1913. v. Engineering Costs. Quantity Surveying. - LAW : [5974] Fletcher. 1896. MATERIALS: [5621] Abney. 1876. [9544] Hull. 1872. [12281] Munby. 1909. [13003] Pasley. 1838. [13345] Pincot. 1770. v. Brick Making. Cement. Concrete. Granite. Mortar. Timber. Wood. BUTYRIC ACID : [13272] Phipson. n.d. [14274] Ritsert. 1890. CABLE TESTING : [5942] Baines, 1903. TRANSPORT : [2326] Kool en Siedenburg. 1871. v. Tramways (Wire). Wire Rope. CABLES (CHAIN) : [6069] Beardslee. 1879. [6560] Brunton,etc. 1814-15. [13106] Pering. 1819. (SUBMARINE) : [13609] Preece. 1862. CADMIUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [9662] Ingalls. 1903. [10478] Lang et Rigaut. 1899. [14202. 14206] Richards. 1898-1906. [S 3255] Ingalls. 1906. CAESIUM : [13358] Pisani. 1864. CAFFEINE: [12648] Nicholson. 1847. [14582] Runge. 1820. CAISSONS : [7218-19] Deeble. 1827-8. CALCIUM : [970] Davy. 1808. [12794] Odling. 1859. [14187. 14203] 'Richards. 1902-10. CARBIDE : [13319] Pictet. 1896. v. Acetylene. MONOXIDE : [6248] Black. 1777. [6928] Classen. 1733. [7444] Edinburgh Essays. 1754 -71. [9459] Hornby. 1821. [15620] Edinburgh Essays. 1803. PHOSPHIDE : [3509] Pearson. 1792. CALCULATING MACHINES AND DEVICES : [190-1. 198] Babbage. 1864-89. [2395] Lalanne. 1840. [3188] Napier. 1617. [3692] Poleni. 1709. [3973] Reuleaux. 1862. [4809] Thomas. 1865. [5891. 5896] Babbage. 1843-64. [7321] Dodd. 1853. [12155-6] Morland. 1673. [12339-42] Napier. 1617-22. [12768] Nystrom. 1852. [SS 871] Suardi. 1752. v. Abacus. Counters. Napier's Bones. Scale (Mathematical). Slide Rule. CALCULATION, PRINCIPLES OF : [752] Challis. 1869. [7543] Emerson. 1770. [12084. 12087] Morgan. 1843-9. [15860] Challis. 1869. [16334] Liiroth. 1900. CALCULUS : PHILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE : [347-8] Berkeley. 1734-5. [700] Carnot. 1839. [1367] Forbes. 1837. [1822] Hawkes. 1823. [2207-8] Jurin. 1734-5. [2604] L'Huilier. 1787. [3378] Ohm. 1843. [3442] Paman. 1744. [3560] Petvin. 1750. [4041-2] Robins. 1735-40. [4344] Serret. 1855. [4913] Torelli. 1758. [5196-7] Walton. 1735. [5486-7] Woodhouse. 1803. [6056] Bayes. 1736. [6144-5] Berkeley. 1734-54. [6741-2] Carnot. 1801-39. [6972] Coddington. 1825. [8028] Forbes. 1837. [9344] Hobson. 1902. [9963] Jurin. 1734. [12684] Nieuwentyt. 1695. [14134] Reynau. 1708. [14345] Robins. 1761. [14672-3] Saun- derson. 1756. [14761] Schwarz. 1853. [15838] Carnot. 1860. [15999] Fleury. 1899. [16048] Genocchi. 1899. [16260] Lamarle. 1861-3. [16807] Young. 1910. v. Continuity. Infinity. Limits, Method of. Maclaurin's Theorem. 382 INDEX. Caissons. Drainage. Fascine Works. Harbour Works. Irrigation. Pile Driving Engines. Water Supply E. Waterworks. EXPERIMENTS: [299] Beaufoy. 1834. [666] Caligny. 1883. [4273] Schott. 1657. [6072-3] Beaufoy. 1834. [11830-1] Michelotti. 1767-71. [14143] Reynolds. 1883. [S 3414] Cunningham. 1880-1. MOTORS AND MACHINERY : [666] Caligny. 1883. [1268] Ewbank. 1870. [1270] Fabre. 1783. [6287] Bodmer. 1895. [6684] Cambray- Digny. 1766. [7403] Dunkerley. 1907. [7724-5] Ewbank. 1851-70. [10414] La Hire. 1695. [10768] Leupold. 1724. [14356] Robinson. 1893. [15501] Weisbafeh. 1882. [S 3359] Bjorling. 1894. v. Fire Engines. Pressing Machinery. Pumps. Turbines (Water). Water -raising Machinery. Water Wheels. PRESS : [12662] Nicholson. 1797-1802. PROBLEMS : [4581-2] Stevinus. 1667-8. [S 3402] Coffin. 1897. RAM: [7730-1] Eytelwein. 1805. [S3704] Wrede. 1815. TABLES : [3212] Neville. 1860-1. [6065-6] Beardmore. 1852. [7484] Ekin. 1908. [8278] Garrett. 1909. [9697-8] Jackson. 1875-83. [12453-4] Neville. 1853-61. [13734] Prony. 1825. [S 3694] Williams and Hazen. 1911. v. Hydrographical T. INDEX. 917 HYDRAULICS : [1093-4] Downing. 1861-75. [5018] Unwin. 1907. [5872] Aubuisson de Voisins. 1840. [6067] Beardmore. 1862. [7354] Downing. 1855. [7402] Dunkerley. 1907-8. [7996] Fontana. 1696. [9697-8. 9701] Jackson. 1875-85. [9962] Jurin. 1732. [10488] Langsdorf. 1794. [11430-5] Mariotte. 1686-1740. [11774-5] Merriman. 1898-1901. [12004] Mollet. 1810. [13148] Pessuti. 1789. [13486] Poncelet. 1832. [14125] Revy. 1874. [14910-11] Smeaton. 1796-1813. [15384-5] Venturoli. 1817-33. [15501] Weisbach. 1882. [17004] Daries. 1906. [S 1727] Boulanger. 1909. [S 3582] Raccolta (Nuova). 1823. [SS 1587-8] Buat. 1786-1816. [SS 1754-5] Guglielmini. 1697-1739. [SS 3064] Raccolta. 1821. v. Liquids, Resistance of. HYDRINDONE : [10154] Kipping. 1894. HYDROCARBONS : [1288. 7769] Faraday. 1859. [12790] Odling. 1855. HYDROCHLORIC ACID : [968] Davy. 1811. [3159] Murray. 1818. [3790-1] Priestley 1774-7. [6206] Bevan. 1903. [6840] Chenevix. 1802. [9150] Henry. 1812. [13669-70] Priestley. 1772. [15514] Westrumb. 1785-7. HYDRODYNAMICS : [292] Basset. 1880. [350] Bernoulli. 1738. [803] Clare. 1737. [3692] Poleni. 1717. [4425] Smeaton. 1799. [4562] Stanley. 1881. [4916] Torricelli. 1644. [5988-9] Barlow. 1818-22. [6041-2] Basset. 1888-90. [6156] Bernoulli. 1738. [6901-2] Clare. 1747-1802. [10066] Kelvin. 1882-1911. [10489] Langsdorf. 1787. [12768] Nystrom. 1852. [15322-3] Torricelli. 1644. [16943] Basset. 1900. [17103-4] Lamb. 1895-1906. v. Friction (Hydraulic). Jets. (MATHEMATICAL) : [10432] Lamb. 1879. [S 1954] Hadamard. 1903. HYDROGEN : [3343] Nodier. 1823. [3800] Priestley. 1791. [14860] Sigaud de la Fond. 1779. - FLAME: [277] Barrett. 1865. [7470] Ehrmann. 1787. - v. Oxyhydrogen F. HYDROGEN ATION : [14613] Sabaticr et Senderens. 1905. HYDROGEOLOGY : [10430] Lamarck. 1802. HYDROGRAPHICAL TABLES : [5915] Bagay. 1829. HYDROMECHANICS : [68. 74-5] Alembert. 1744- 70. [382] Besant. 1867. [495] Bouguer. 1757. [2352] Lacroix. 1775. [2993-4] Miller. 1835- 43. [5713] Alembert. 1770. [6369] Bouguer. 1757. [8160] Frisi. 1777. [9635-6] Hydro- Mechanics. 1885. [11879] Miller. 1850. [12205- 6] Moseley. 1830. [16959] Besant and Ramsey. 1911-13. [17143] Miller. 1850. [17177] Poincare. 1899-1902. -v. Liquids. -: PROBLEMS : [5199. 17267] Walton. 1847. HYDROMETRY AND HYDROMETERS : [6343] Bordier- Marcet. 1812. [8439] Gilpin. 1794. [11507-8] Martin. 1759-62. [13877] Ramsden. 1792. - v. Alcoholometry. HYDROSTATIC BALANCE (PICARD'S) : [3617] Picard. 1731. - EXPERIMENTS : [SS 1768] Hauksbee. c. 1735. - FIGURES : [17177] Poincare. 1902. - PARADOX : [4585. 15082-3] Stevinus. 1586. HYDROSTATICS : [152] Archimedes. 1565. [534J Boyle. 1666. [877-8] Cotes. 1738-47. [2150J Jessop. 1687. [2466-7] Lardner. 1836. [2512] Lecchi. 1765. [2830] Mariotte. 1718. [3657 Plateau. 1673. [3727] Potter. i859. [4416-18^ HYDROSTATICS, continued : Sinclair. 1672. [4585] Stevinus. 1586. [4748-9 ]Tartaglia. 1546-54. [5290-3] Webster. 1835-47. [5821-2] Archimedes. 1565. [6192-3] Besant. 1883-91. [6419-20] Boyle. 1666. [7040-4] Cotes. 1738-75. [8472] Glaze- brook. 1895. [8616] Greaves. 1902. [8640] Greenhill. 1894. [10537] Lardner. 1831. [12971] Parkinson. 1789. [13401] Plateau. 1873. [14671] Saunderson. c. 1712. [15082-3] Stevinus. 1586. [15515] Wetherald. 1760. [16955] Besant. 1899-1900. [17116] Loney. 1902-4. [17188] Potter. 1859. [S 2684] Cavallo. 1781. [SS 1598] Castelli. 1615. [SS 1706-8] Galilei. 1612. [SS 1732] Grazia. 1613. v. Floating Bodies. Pascal's Law. (MATHEMATICAL) : [8629] Green. 1832. HYDROXYLAMINE : [10196] Klein und Trechmann. 1877. HYGROMETRICAL TABLES : [1544] Glaisher. 1863-6. HYGROMETRY AND HYGROMETERS : [182] August. 1830. [555] Boyle. 1674. [929] Dalence. 1688. [2714-15] Luc. 1772. [4066] Ronketti. 1842. [4134] Rumford. 1787. [4219-20] Saussure. 1783. [5714-16] Alence. 1688-1753. [6430-1] Boyle. 1674-90. [7165] Daniell. 1823. [8097] Frankenfield. 1899. [9587-8] Hutton. 1792. [10749-50] Leslie. 1813. [11059-60] Luc. 1784- 91. [14281] Riva. 1725. 114681-4] Saussure. 1783-8. [14893] Sinclair. 1669. [1491G] Smeaton. 1814. [15161-3] Sturm. 1676-85. [S 2500] Daniell. 1820. [S 2516] Foucher. 1686. [SS 1636] Dalton. 1802. [SS 1642] Desaguliers. 1719. [SS 2241] Bunsen. 1830. [SS 2282-3] Lambert. 1774-5. [SS 2990] Dobrzenski. 1659. HYPERBOLA: [2396] La Loubt-re. 1651. [4916] Torricelli. 1644. [6004] Barlow, c. 1820. [8689] Griffin. 1879. [15322-3] Torricelli. 1644. [16386]Milinowski. 1883. v. Landen's Theorem,. HYPERDETERMINANTS : [4704] Sylvester. 1851. HYPOCHLORITES : [5610] Abel. 1905. HYPOPHOSPHITES : [9932] Jowett. 1898. HYPOSULPHITES : [SS 2460] Children. 1819. HYPSOMETRICAL SURVEYING : [4158] Sabine. 1824. [5014] U.S. Geographical Surveys. 1877. TABLES: [6225] Biot. 1811. HYPSOMETRY : [3869] Radau. 1881. [4416-18] Sinclair. 1672. [5952] Baldwin. 1786. [6730] Carlini. 1823. [7917] Fischer. 1895. [9519] Hewlett. 1859. [10282] Koristka. 1858. [10326] Kiihnen. 1908. [11059] Luc. 1784. [11138-9] Luz. 1784. [13607] Prediger. 1860. [SS 1531] Benzenberg. 1831. [SS 2306] Magellan. 1779. HYSTERESIS : [9480] Hospitalier. v.y. ICE: [4977] Tyndall. 1872-85. [10411-12] La Hire. 1694. [11305-6] Mairan. 1749-56. [11430-3] Mariotte. 1717-40. AGE v. Climatology (Geological). MAKING MACHINES : [10665] Ledoux. 1893. ICELAND SPAR," PHYSICS OF THE : [2067] Huygens. 1690. [2841. 11475] Martin, n. d. [S 1689] Bartholinus. 1670. [SS 1530] Beccaria. 1764. IKOSAHEDRON : [16215] Klein. 1884. [S 851] Klein. 1888. ILLUMINATION : [6109] Bell. 1902. [13060] Peclet. 1827. [14577-8] Rumford. 1797-1802. v. Acetylene. Argand Burner. Carriage Lighting. Coal Gas. Drummond Light. Electric Lamps. Electric Lighting. Gas Lighting. Gas Lighting (Incandescent). Lamps. Lighthouse I. 60 918 INDEX. INCLINATIONS, PROBLEM OF : [127. 129] Apollonius. 1770. [5795. 5799-5800] Apollonius. 1607- 1779. INCOMMENSURABLES, THEORY OF : [15081] Stevinus. 1625. [15084] Stifel. 1544. INCREMENTS, METHOD OF v. Calculus of Finite Differences. INCUNABULA SCIENTIFICA : [90] Alphontius. 1483. [1199]Euclides. 1482. [1552] Glanville. 1491. [3429-30] Pacioli. 1494. [4170-1] SacroBosco. 1488-99. [6293-5] Boethius. 1488-99. [6344- 5] Borgo. 1484-8. [6438] Bradwardine. 1495. [6610]Buonincontro. 1491. [6702] Canon. 1481. [7618-19] Euclides. 1482. [7619] Firmicus Maternus. 1499. [12912] Pacioli. 1494. [15373] Valturio. 1483. [SS 980] Albumasar. 1489. [SS 1004] Bianchini. 1495. [SS 1265] Regio- moiitanus. 1496. INDIA RUBBER : [4790] Terry. 1907. [8879] Han- cock. 1857. [9292] Himly. 1835. [9652] India Rubber. 1909. [S 3129] Rubber Industry. 1915. [SS 2759] Dubosc and Luttringer. 1918. INDICATOR DIAGRAMS AND PRACTICE : [2749] McGib- bon. 1906. [9126] Hemenway. 1886. [9451] Hopkinson. 1875. [13605] Pray. 1896. INDIGO : [14441] Roscoe. 1881. [SS 2849] Scheffer. 1803. INDIVISIBLES, METHOD OF : [735] Cavalieri. 1653. [3477] Pascal. 1663. [6015] Barrow. 1678. [6781] Cavalieri. 1653. [8652] Gregorius a Sto. Vincentio. 1647-9. INDUCTION COILS : [89] Allsop. 1896. [3040-2] Moncel. 1856-9. [3337] Noad. 1861. [6315] Bonney. 1892. INDUSTRIAL CURIOSITIES : [9763] Japp. 1860. HYGIENE : [4446] Smith. 1873. [4467] Smith. 1896. INFINITES, ARITHMETIC OF : [1169] Emerson. 1767. [7541] Emerson. 1767. [15451] Wallis. 1656. INFINITESIMAL CALCULUS v. Calculus (Infinitesimal). INFINITY (MATHEMATICAL): [2273] Kepler. 1615. [8885] Hanke et Binder. 1751. [12113] Morgan. 1865. [13845-6] Ralphson. 1702. [15758] Boflzano. 1889. [15893] Couturat. 1896. [15999] Fleury. 1899. [16045] Geissler. 1902. INJECTORS: [13766] Pullen. 1900. [14359] Robinson. 1860. INKS : [3582] Phillip. 1596. [6257] Blagden. 1787. [123 15] Murray. 1829. [SS 2446] Boyle. 1667. [SS 2757-8] Dossie. 1758-64. INLAND NAVIGATION- v. Canal Engineering and Navigation. River Navigation. INSTRUMENT (UNIVERSAL) : [12895-6] Ozanam. 1688-1769. INSTRUMENTS (SCIENTIFIC) : [573] Brewster. 1813. [2094] Instruments de Precision. 1900. [2966] Metius. 1633. [4181] Salleron. 1864. [4298] Scientific Apparatus. 1876. [5590] Zeitschrift. 1881. [6756] Casella. 1871. [8189] Furtenbach. 1644. [8330] Geissler. 1792-8. [12735] Nollet. 1787. v. Acoustic I. Astronomical I. Cartographical I. Chemical Apparatus. Copying I. Electric Machines. Geometrical I. Levelling I. Magnetic I. Mathematical I. Measuring I. Meteorological I. Musical I. Nautical I. Optical I. Physical I. Surveying 7. OF PRECISION : [12063] Morandotti. 1886. INSURANCE MATHEMATICS v. Mathematics (Insur- ance). INTEGERS, THEORY OF : [15776] Bowden. 1903. INTEGRAL, REDUCTION OF THE : [14320] Roberts. 1900. CALCULUS y. Calculus (Integral). INTEGRALS (ABELIAN) : [16434-5] Neumann. 1865- 84. (DEFINITE) : [2526] Legendre. 1825-8. [6215] Bierens de Haan. 1867. [8456] Glaisher. 1876. [12196] Moseley. 1837. [12937] Paoli. c. 1832. [13380. 13383] Plana. 1818. [14595] Russell. 1854. [15740] Bierens de Haan. 1867. [16128-9] Hermite. 1887-92. [16377] Meyer (A.). 1851. [16383] Meyer (G. F.). 1871. [S 923] Lejeune-Dirichlet. 1904. (ELLIPTIC): [471] Booth. 1851. [3224] Newman. 1889. [6335-6] Booth. 1851-77. [14227] Richelot. 1837. [14289] Roberts. 1871. [14709] Schellbach. 1864. [16532] Roberts. 1887. [SS 576] Legendre. 1825-8. v. Landen's Theorem. (FOURIER'S) : [15721] Beau. 1885. [15846] Carslaw. 1906. v. Series (Fourier's). (HYPERGEOMETRICAL) : [13433] Pochhammer. 1870. (INDEFINITE): [10977] Loffler. 1859. [16481] Petit Bois. 1906. , TABLES OF: [397-8] Bierens de Haan. 1858-67. [1546] Glaisher. 1870. [1941-3] Hirsch. 1810-23. [2526] Legendre. 1825-8. [6212-13] Bierens de Haan. 1858-67. [9320] Hirsch. 1823. [15740] Bierens de.Haan. 1867. [16481] Petit Bois. 1906. AND DIFFERENTIALS, RELATIONS BETWEEN : [8892] Hansen. 1865. INTEGRATION : [16280] Le Besque. 1904. INTEGRATORS (MECHANICAL) : [5609] Abdank- Abakanowicz. '1886. INTEREST TABLES : [2285] King. 1866. [2750] Macgregor. 1904. [3112-13] Morris. 1735. [3275-6] Newton. 1731-42. [3577-9] Philippes. 1656-76. [4420-1] Smart. 1726. [5211] Ward. 1710. [5672-3] Agucchia. 1613-1765. [8741] Gumersall. 1851-2. [9674] Inwood. 1859. [9886] Jones. 1843. [10143] King. 1804. [10625] Leases. 1735. [10879] Lintern. 1872. [12586-7] Newton. 1742-58. [13203] Philipps^ 1721. [13966-9] Recorde. 1632-68. [14750] Schottel. 1754-6. [15400] Vintejoux. 1905. INTERFERENCE, PRINCIPLE OF v. Light, I. of. Sound, /. of. METHODS: [11832] Michelson. 1903. [17041] Gehrcke. 1906. INTERPOLATION, METHOD OF : [4607] Stirling. 1764. [5183] Wallis. 1693-9. ['5504] Woolhouse. 1865. [14159] Rice. 1899. [15087-90] Stirling. 1730-64. v. Differential Method. FORMULAE : [7717] Everett. 1900. INVARIANTS, ALGEBRA OF : [15934] Dickson. 1914. [16063] Grace and Young. 1903. , THEORY OF : [5520] Wright. 1875-9. [6806] Cayley. 1889-98. [8041-2] Forsyth. 1888-1903. [8523] Gordon. 1885-7. [8696] Griffiths. 1901. [15874] Clebsch. 1872. [16062] Gordon. 1885-7. [16379] Meyer. 1909. [16419] Muth. 1895. [SS 170] Aronhold, 1858. v. Covariants. Forms. Quantics. Transforma- tions. INVENTIONS v. Discoveries. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION : [3315] Nicholson. 1820. INDEX. 919 IODINE AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [7195] Davy. 1814. [8114] Frankland. c. 1851. [8757] Guthrie. 1857. [9816] Johnson. 1877. [10287] Kothner und Aeuer. 1904. [11318] Mallet. 1879. [13095] Penny. 1852. IONS, THEORY OF : [4854] Tibbies. 1908. [98G8] Jones. 1904. [15532-3. 15537-8] Whetham. 1892-1900. IBIDBSCENCE : [527-9. 6415] Boyle. 1664. [15111] Stoney. 1887. v. Clouds, I. of. IRON (CAST AND WROUGHT) : [4931-4] Tredgold. 1822-46. [6069] Baardslee. 1879. [9351-2] Hodgkinson. 1846. [9980] Kalakoutsky. 1888. [13067] Pellet et Allart. 1877. [13077] Peirce. 1910. [15005] Spretson. 1892. (PiG): [11699-700] Meade. 1882. , CHEMISTRY OF : [10341] Kupferschlaeger. 1860. [13115] Percy. 1873. . CORROSION OF : [5974] Barff. 1877. [S 3212] Cushrnan and Gardner. 1910. [S 3231] Friend. 1911. [S 3253] Hudson. 1913. , ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE OF : [11459] Martens. 1845. [14198] Richards. 1906. , METALLURGY OF : [327] Bell. 1884. [907] Crookes. 1869. [3398] Osborn. 1869. [3416] Overman. 1854. [3541] Percy. 1864. [4412] Skelton. 1891. [4565] Stansbie. 1907. [4946] Truran. 1862. [4959] Turner. 1895. [5730] Alleyne. c. 1872. [6093] Beddoes. 1791-2. [6108] Bell. 1884. [6461] Bresson et Gruner. 1889. [6918] Clark. 1835. [7381-3] Dudley. 1612-1794. [7477-8] Eisenhiit ten wesen. 1902-6. [7747-9] Fairbairn. 1861-9. [8397] Gillot. 1873. [8644] Greenwood. 1900. [9299] Hide. n.d. [9307-8] Hiorns. 1895-1903. [9973] Jiiptner v. Jonstorff. 1885. [10120] Kerpely. 1884. [10545] Larkin. 1887. [10662] Ledebur. 1884. [12319] Mushet. 1840. [12840] Overman. 1850. [13113] Percy. 1864. [13345] Pisani. 1864. [13496] Ponthiere. 1897. [14388] Rogers. 1858. [14686] Sauveur. 1912. [15377] Vattier. 1890. {S 3198] Campbell. 1904. [S 3226] Flachat. 1851-2. [S 3247] Hassenfratz. 1812. [S 3253] Hudson. 1913. [S 3257] Iron. 1873-99. [S 3262) Jars. 1774-81. [S 3332] Wedding. 1901. [SS 2627) Swedenborg. 1847. [SS 2961] Turner. 1908. v. Recalescence Curves. Vivianite. , OVERSTRAINS IN : [12252] Muir. 1899. , PERCHLORIDE OF: [11871] Miller, etc. 1860. , PRESERVATION OF : [S 3212] Cushman and Gardner. 1910. , PROPERTIES OF : [15166] Styffe. 1869. [S 3198] Campbell. 1904. AT HIGH TEMPERATURE : [9448] Hopkinson. 1889. ALLOYS : [8310] Gautier. 1889. ANALYSIS : [5845] Arth. 1897. [6258] Blair. 1906. [13067] Pellet et Allart. 1877. INDUSTRIES : [2135] Jeans. 1878. [4858] Timmins. 1866. [4946] Truran. 1862. [5851] Aspin and Ryberg. 1883. [6107] Bell. 1886. [6764] Casson. 1908. [7026] Cort. 1855. [11699- 700] Meade. 1882. [13332] Pig-iron Industry. 1908. ORE : [15006] Spurr. 1894. PIPES (WROUGHT) : [10889] Litten. 1906. SMELTING, CHEMISTRY OF : [S 3172] Bell. 1872. IRRADIATION : [13399-13400] Plateau. 1834-9. IRRIGATION: [2180] Johnstone. 1814. [6270] Bligh. 1907. [6543] Brown. 1907. [9702] Jacob. 1867. [11208] Mackenzie. 1910. [11439] Markham. 1867. [11644]Mawson. 1904. [14758] Schuyler. 1905. [14956] Smith. 1806. [15205] Tatham. 1801. [15547-9] Willcocks. 1889-1911. [15582] Wilson. 1906. ISOGONAL RELATIONS, THEORY OF : [9415] Holz- muller. 1882. [16157. 16162] Holzmuller. 1881-2. ISOMERISM : [356] Berthelot. 1865. [13505] Pope. 1895. [14023] Remsen. 1896. [14122] 1892. v. Metamerism. ISOMETRICAL DRAWING : [3320] Nicholson. 1837. [14980] Sopwith. 1834. ISOMORPHISM: [8549] Graham. 1848. [11951-3] Mitscherlich. 1834-47. [12670] Nickles. 1856. [14702-3. 14706] Scheerer. 1748-51. ISOPERIMETRICAL PROBLEMS v. Calculus of Varia- tions. ISOTHEP.MS : [2025] Humboldt. 1817. [6503] Brink- man. 1904. [8620] Greely. 1881. [10203] Kirwan. 1787. JAPANNING : [4554] Stalker and Parker. 1688. [SS 2757-8] Dossie. 1758-64. v. Lacquers. JETS, THEORY OF : [13401] Plateau. 1873. JOINTS (RIVETED): [10090-1] Kennedy. 1881-5. JOURNALS (SCIENTIFIC) : [1144] Edinburgh Journal of Science. 1824-9. [1145-7] Edinburgh Philo- sophical Journal. 1819-44. [2096-8] Intellectual Observer. 1862-71. [2196] Journal de 1'Ecole Polytechnique. 1795-1862. [2199] Journal of Science. 1816-27. [2200] Journal (Quarterly) of Science. 1864-80. [2772] Magazine of Science. 1840-6. [3047] Monatsbericht (Bibliograph- iecher). 1892-1906. [3180] Nature. 1870-1904. [3181] Naturwissenschaf tliche Rundschau. 1894- 1905. [3325-6] Nicholson. 1802-13. [3600-2] Philosophical Magazine. 1814-95. [3706] Popular Science Review. 1862-81. [3969] Repertory of Arts. 1715-21. [3977] Revue de Genie militaire. 1887-1902. [4292-3] Science for All. 1877-82. [4294-5] Science Gossip. 1886- 1900. [4299] Scientific Opinion. 1869-70. [4835] Thomson. 1813-18. [6512] British Almanac. 1833-60. [7455] Edinburgh Philo- sophical Journal. 1819-26. [7891] Figuier. 1858-73. [8272] Garnett. 1801. [8431] Gill. 1822-30. [9910-12] Journal of Science. 1816-30. [9914] Journal de la Societe des Sciences physiques et chimiques. 1834-6. [12365] Natural History Review. 1854-60. [12370-1] Nature. 1870-1909. [12662-5] Nicholson's Journal. 1797-1812. [13247-50] Philosophical Magazine. 1798-1900. [13779] Quarterly Journal of Science. 1867-76. [14082-3] Reper- tory of Arts. 1794-1823. [14545] Royal Institu- tion. 1802. [15265-7] Thomson. 1813-26. [S 52] Edinburgh Journal of Science. 1824-39. [S 121] London Journal of Arts and Sciences. 1820-39. [SS 3223] British Almanac. 1833-60. [SS 3330] Science Progress. 1894-8. v. Astronomical J. Chemical J. Electric J. Engineering J. Geological J. Learned Societies. Mathematical J. Meteorological J. Microscopical J. Mining and Metallurgical J. Naval J. Optical J. Photographic J. Physical J. Techno- logical J. JUPITER (PLANET) : [999] Delambre. 1789. [1448] Galilei. 1653. [8223] Galilei. 1610. [12679] Niesten. 1879. [13152] Perry. 1880-4. [SS1061] Divini. 1666. .-..,; 60* 920 INDEX. JUPITER'S SATELLITES : [8217. 8223] Galilei. 1610 -13. [SS 1012-13] Borelli. 1666. [SS 1134] Hirzgarter. 1643. [SS 1375] Derham. 1700. KALEIDOSCOPE : [574. 6481] Brewster. 1819. [12429] Netto. 1843. KEPLER'S LAWS : [2260-1. 2272. 10100-1] Kepler. 1609-19. [8454] Glaisher. 181 [9517] PROBLEM : Howe. n.d. KERAMIC INDUSTRIES v. Pottery. KINEMATICS: [320] Belanger. 1864. [844] Collignon. 1873. [3972] Reuleaux. 1875. [3974] Resal. 1862. [4512] Somoff. 1878. [5433-4] Willis. 1841-70. [9482]Hospitalier. v.y. [9767] Jau- mann. 1905. [10253] Kcenigs. 1897. [11186] Macgregor. 1887. [14402]Rohault. 1716. [15655] Villie. 1885-98. [16931] Antomari. 1902. [16951] Belanger. 1864. [16975] Burmeister. 1888. [17057] Guichard. 1913. [17073] Heun. 1906. [17085]Jaumann. 1905. [17 100] Kcenigs. 1897. [17174] Peterseu. 1887. [17177] Poincare. 1899. [17201] Resal. 1862. [17258] Villie. 1888. [S 2143] Minchin. 1882. v. Machinery, Mechanics of. Mechanism. KINETIC THEORY OF GASES v. Gases, K. T. of. KINETICS : [4424] Sraeaton. 1794. [9310] Him. 1887. [17220] Saussure. 1902-10. [17277] Weinstein. 1901-8. v. Dynamics. KNOTS, THEORY OF : [16647] Simony. 1881. [16962] Boeddicker. 1876 v. Analysis Situs. KRYPTON : [10387] Ladenburg uad Kriigel. 1900. KYANETHENE : [10268] Kolbe and Frankland. 1847. LAC : [9007] Hatchett. 1804. LACQUERS : [5765] Andres. 1882. [12419] Neri. 1668. [SS 2728] Buonanni. 1786. v. Japanning. Varnishes. LACTIC ACID : [14697] Scheele. 1786. LAGRANGE'S METHOD : [10406-8] Lagrauge. 1808- 26. [S 1937] Gilbert. 1884. LAKES, ORIGIN OF : [10498] Lapi. 1781. LAMPS (ANCIENT) : [10823] Liceti. 1621. (PERPETUAL) : [13291] Phosphorus. c. 1720. , MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENTS IN : [S324] Hooke. 1677. LINDEN'S THEOREM : [2425-6. 10460] Landen. 1780-9. LATHES v. Turning. LATITUDE, DETERMINATION OF : [2482] Latitude. 1830-90. [2983] Millar. 1903. [4356] Shadwell. 1854. [5143-4] Waddington. 1763-70. [7066] Crawford. 1876-85. [7140] Dam. 1715. [9811- 12] Johnson. 1867-84. [10548] La Rue. 1875. [11198-11201] Mackay. 1793-1810. [12416] Nell. 1884. [13070fPeirce. c. 1845. [13139] Perrier. 1877-80. [13321] Pidoux. 1900. [13336-7] Pigott. 1786-90. [14094] Respighi. 1877. [14238-9] Riddle. 1824-42. [14489-90] Rossel. 1815. [14493] Rosser. 1862. [S 1349] Albrecht und Wanach. 1903-6. v. Polar Hei'jhts. , VARIATIONS OF : [12766] Nyren. 1893. LEAD, CHEMISTRY AND METALLURGY OF : [3542] Percy. 1870. [3860] Pulsifer. 1888. [5243-4] Watson. 1784-96. [7277] Dibbit?. 1874. [9387] Hofmari. 1904. [13114] Percy. 1870. [13365] Pisani. 1876. [14482] Rosenhain and Tvicker. 1908. [14625] Sage. 1769. [15464-6] Watson. 1791-1800. [S 3201] Collins. 1899-1900. LEAD (MILLED) : [1737] Hale. 1691. MIXING: [1373] Forster. 1821. [2008] Hough- ton. 1681. [6992] Gombet. 1875. [15439] Wallace. 1861. [S 3284] Moissenet. 1866. [S 3302-3] Pryce. 1778. LEARNED SOCIETIES, PUBLICATIONS OF THE : [39] Agricultural Society. 1840-92. [178] Atti della Ace. dei Lincei. 1880-8. [179] Atti della Ace. di Torino. 1884-1903. [596] British Asso- ciation. 1833-1902. [598] British Astronomical Association. 1891-8. [641]Buletinul. 1897-1903. [642] Bulletin. 1883-93. [769-70] Chemical Society. 1841-1904. [795-6] Civil Engineers. 1836-1905. [1148] Edinburgh Royal Society. 1881-1900. [1338] Fire Prevention Com- mittee. 1898-1900. [1469] Gas Institute. 1877-1902. [1505] Geological Society. 1845- 1905. [2092-3] Institut de France. 1861- 1904. [2938] Mechanical Engineers. 1847- 1905. [2942-3] Memoires de Mathematique;- et de Physiques. 1692-1776. [2944] Memoire^ de la Societe des Sciences de Bordeaux. 1866- 1903. [2957-9] Meteorological Society. 1861-1906. [2960] Meteorological Society (Scottish). 1864-1905. [2979] Microscopical Society. 1853-92. [3046] Monatsbericht der kgl. preuss. Akademie der Wissenschafteu. 1882-1903. [3056-7] Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 1867-1900. [3172] Nachrichten der kgl. Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften zu Gottingen. 1888-94. [3195] Naval Architects' Institution. 1860-1906. [3384] Opuscule Omnia. 1740-1. [3603-4] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 1665-1869. [3608] Photographic Society of London. 1857- 82. [3610-11] Physical Society of London. 1874-1905. [3862] Queckett Microscopical Club. 1868-91. [4122-3] Royal Society of Canada. 1883-99. [4469] Smithsonian In- stitution. 1861-82. [4494-5] Society of Arts. 1783-1906. [4526] Specola Vaticana. 1891- 3. [4683] Surveyors' Institution. 1868-96. [4788] Telegraph Engineers. 1872-1905. [6513- 14] British Association. 1833-1908. [6802] Cavendish Society. 1848-70. [6839] Che- mische Gesellschaft (Deutsche). 1896-1901. [6842-4] Chemical Industry (Society of). 1882- 1908. [6848-50] Chemical Society of London. 1868-1907. [6896-9] Civil Engineers (Institu- tion of). 1836-1908. [7446] Edinburgh Royal Society. 1878-1907. [7488-91] Electrical Engineers (Institution of). 1872-1910. [7495] Electrical Society (London). 1843. [7502] Electriciens (Societe Internationale des). 1884- 1906. [8280] Gas Engineers (Institution of). 1891-1910. [8281] Gas Engineers (Association of). 1883-1909. [8282] Gas Institute. 1870- 92. [8344-9] Geological Society. 1811-1911. [8350] Geological Society (Manchester). 1841- 1901. [8354] Geographical Society (Royal). 1855-1910. [9655] Ingenieurs (Kon. Ned. Instituut van). 1848-1908. [9656. 9679-80] Iron and Steel Institute. 1871-1911. [9671] Institution (Royal). 1851-92. [9677-8] Irish Academy (Royal). 1836-86. [10566] Lausanne (Societe des Sciences physiques de). 1784. [10901] Liverpool Geological Society. 1861- 85. [11336] Manchester Geological Society. 1841-1901. [11337-9] Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. 1785-1898. [11564] Mathematical Society (London). 1865-1913. [11704-5] Mechanical Engineers (Institution of). 1847-1912. [11780] Metals (Institute of). 1909. [11792-6] Meteorological Society. 1861-1913. [11913] Mineralogische Gesellschaft zu St. Petersburg. 1866-71. [11919] Mining and Mechanical Engineers (North of England Institute of). 1852-91. [11920] Mining and Metallurgy (Institution of }. 1906-8. [1 192 l INDEX. 921 LEABNED SOCIETIES, PUBLICATIONS OF THE, continued: Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers (Chester- field and Derbyshire Institute of). 1871-89. [119247] Mining Engineers (Institution of). 1890-1912. [11928-9] Mining Engineers (American Institute of). 1891-1912. [12040] Montpellier (Societe Royale des Sciences de). 1766. [12372-3] Naval Architects' Institution. 1860-1912. [13244-5] Philosophical Society of Glasgow. 1867-1912. [13278-9] Photo- graphic Society of London. 1854-9. [13751] Public Analysts. 1876. [14546-7] Royal Society of London. 1665-1912. [14897] Sitzungs- berichte. 1896-1910. [14969-71] Society of Arts. 1783-1909. [15616] Astronomical Society. 1822-1909. [S 3] American Philo- sophical Society. 1771-93. [S 19] Astro- nomische Gesellschaft. 1891-5. [S 28] Cam- bridge Philosophical Society. 1822-1916. [S 92] Ingenieurs (Kon. Ned. Instituut van). 1848-1908. [S 183-4] Royal Institution. 1851-1913. [S 3867] Radio Engineers. 1916. [S 3869] Rontgen Society. 1904-17. [SS 3229] Cambridge Philosophical Society. 1891-1911. [SS 3257] Engineers and Shipbuilders (North- East Coast Institution of ). 1885-1918. [SS 3266] Irish Academy (Royal). 1893-1917. [SS3269] Iron and Steel Institute (Staffordshire). 1907-19. LEAST ACTION, PRINCIPLE OF : [2376-8] Lagrange. 1811-55. [2907] Maupertuis. 1756. [7703-5] Euler. 1753-72. [10399-402] Lagrange. 1788- 1815. [1163 7] Maupertuis. 1768. SQUARES, METHOD OF : [767] Chauvenet. 1868. [876] Cotes. 1722. [1488] Gauss. 1855. [2439] Laplace. 1814-18. [2953-4] Merriman. 1877- 86. [3197] Navier. 1848-9. [6833] Chauvenet. 1871. [7038-9] Cotes. 1722. [7294] Dienger. 1857. [8305] Gauss. 1855. [9104] Helmert. 1872. [10272] Roll. 1901.' [10505-6] Laplace. 1814-25. [11772] Merriman. 1877. [15749] Bobek. 1890. [15849] Catalan. 1878. [15868] Chauvenet. 1880. [16039] Gauss. 1855. [16122] Helmert. 1907. [16130] Herz. 1900. [16168] Johnson. 1912. [16373] Merriman. 1907. [16625] Schwering. 1884. [16755] Vogler. 1883. [S 1636] Wright. 1906. v. Errors, Theory of. LECTURES ON SCIENCE : [827} Clifford. 1879. [1192] Essays. 1874. [1851-2] Helmholtz. 1873-81. [1885-7] Herschel. 1857-67. [2792] Manchester Science Lectures. 1866-79. [2835] Martin. 1743. [4296] Science Lectures. 1878- 9. [6961] Clifford. 1886. [9113-15] Helmholtz. 1873-84. [9217] Herschel. 1867. [10071-2] Kelvin. 1891-4. LEIDENFROST'S PHENOMENON : [6390] Boutigny. 1857. LENGTH AND WEIGHT, STANDARDS OF : [6311] Bond. 1887. [11832]Michelson. 1903. [118771 Miller. 1857. v. Measures.* Metrology. LENSES : [458] Bolas and Brown. 1902. [773] Cherubin. 1671. [1073] Dollond. 1834. [1639] Grebel. 1843. [1695] Grunert. 1847. [6360] Boscovich. 1785. [11379] Manzini. 1660. [11518] Martin. 1868. [S 1829] Croullebois. 1882. [SS 1061] Divini. 1666. [SS 1418-19] Maignan. 1648. [SS 1438] Otia Mathematics. 1719. [SS 1623] Coddington. 1830. [SS 1822] Kohlhans. 1663. [SS 1846] Leonori. 1754. v. Achromatism. Photographic L. , SYSTEMS OF : [450] Bohn. 1880. [3530] Pendlebury. 1884. [7834] Ferraris. 1879. [15027- 8]Steinheil. 1891. [17171] Pendlebury. 1884. [SS 1547] Bischoff. 1772. v. Microscopic Objectives. LEONIDS : [15131-2] Stoney and Downing. 1899- LEVELLING : [2120-1] James. 1861. [3817] Picard. 1731. [4389-92] Simms. 1837-56. [6252] Blackett. 1838. [6765] Castle. 1847. [11436] Mariotte. 1672. [11767-9] Merrett. 1881-93. [12425-6] Nesbit. 1868-75. [13293] Picard. 1692. INSTRUMENTS : [4564] Stanley. 1901. [5743] Amici. 1829-37. [SS 1837-8] Lambert. 1769. LEYDEN JAR : [9450] Hopkinson. 1877. [15602-3] Winkler. 1746. [S 1720] Bohnenberger. 1784. LICHTENBERG'S FIGURES : [SS 1850] Lichtenberg. 1778-9. LIFE, PHYSICO-CHEMICAL THEORY OF : [10666] Leduc. 1910. [11590] Matteuci. 1847. v. Abiogenesis (Chemical). LIFE-BOATS : [6463] Bremner. 1809. [108551 Life- Boat Models. 1851. LIFE-SAVING APPARATUS : [5708] Aldini. 1830. [14584] Ruscelli. 1583. [SS 3019] La Chapelle. 1775. v. Rocket- Apparatus. LIFTING MACHINERY v. Hoisting M. LIGHT, ABSORPTION OF : [4617] Stokes. 1877. [9999] Kapteyn. 1909. , ANOMALOUS REFRACTION OF : [9960] Julius. 1908. , CHEMICAL ACTION OF v. Actinic Rays. , CONICAL REFRACTION or : [8869] Hamilton. 1827-34. [10909] Lloyd. 1833. , CURIOSITIES OF : [392] Bidwell. 1899. , DIFFRACTION OF : [4650] Struve. 1882. [8157] Fresnel. 1866-70. [12046] Moon. 1849. [13639] Prevost. 1798. [13681] Pritchard. s. d. [SS 1742-4] Grimaldi. 1665. [SS 1868-9] Marat. 1780-8. v. Diffraction Gratings. , DISCOVERIES ON : [2816] Marat. 1780. [SS 1869] Marat. 1788. , DISPERSION OF : [2822] Marci de Kronland. 1648. [3243-4] Newton. 1729. [3716] Porta. 1593. [7894] Filon. 1907. [12551-3] Newton. 1729. [13497] Ponton. 1859. [SS 1742-4] Grimaldi. 1665. v. Achromatism. Dispersion (Atmospheric). Rainbow. , DOUBLE REFRACTION OF : [2067] Huygens. 1690. [3251-5] Newton. 1718-70. [8157] Fresnel. 1866-70. [11164] McCullagh. 1833-6. [11782]Mersenne. 1644-7. [12539-47] Newton. 1717-40. [16927] Aldis. 1870. [S 1689] Bartholinus. 1670. [SS 1530] Beccaria, 1764. [SS 1866] Malus. 1810. v. Iceland Spar. , ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY OF : [1854] Helm- holtz. 1897. [2923. 2925-7] Maxwell. 1868-92. [3671] Poincare. 1901. [4950] Tumlirz. 1892. [6308] Boltzmann. 1891. [7124] Curry. 1905. [7775] Faraday. 1846. [9075] Heaviside. 1893. [11679-81] Maxwell. 1873-81. [12445] Neumann. 1863. [13056] Pearson and Lee. 1899. [13457-8] Poincare. 1890-1901. [16941] Barnard. 1903. [16944] Bateman. 1915. [17178] Poincare. 1901. [S 308] Gibbs. 1906. [S 1857] Duhem. 1902. [S 1879] Foppl. 1907. v. Electric Waves. Zeeman Effect. : ANTICIPATIONS : [13025] Paulian. 1768. , EMISSION (OR CORPUSCULAR) THEORY OF : [3249-53] Newton. 1704-30. [11386] Marat. 1784. [12046] Moon. 1849. [12534-53] Newton. 1704-87. [SS 1545] Biot. 1814. [SS 1627-8] Courtivron. 1752. [SS 1642] Desaguliers. 1719. [SS 1869] Marat. 1788. 022 INDEX LIGHT,' INTERFERENCE OF: [3287] Jordan. 1799. [5572-3] Young. 1807. [8157] Fresnel. 1866-70. [1357 1-2] Powell. 1848. [15118] Stoney. 1901. [15612] Young. 1801. [SS 1651] Dufet. 1900. [SS 1869] Marat. 1788. v. Coloured Shadows. Colours of Thin Plates. Films. Interference Methods. Iridescence. Newton's Rings. PowelVs Bands. Talbofs Lines. -, MECHANICAL ACTION OF : 1875-6. [7098] Crooke* -, POLARISATION OF : [411] Biot. 1818. [2067] Huygens. 1690. [2841] Martin, n. d. [3205] Neumann. 1863. [3254-5] Newton. 1706-40. [3545] Fereira. 1854. [4544] Spottiswoode. 1874. [7776] Faraday. 1849. [8157] Fresnel. 1866-70. [9236] Herschel. 1820. [10909] Lloyd. 1833. [11475] Martin, n. d. [12445] Neumann. 1863. [15001-4] Spottiswoode. 1874-9. [S 1900] Foussereau. 1893. [SS 147] Societe d'Arcueil. 1807-17. [SS 1543] Biot. 1846. [SS 1866] Malus. 1810. - v. Analyser. Iceland Spar. Microscope (Polaris- ing). Optical Activity. Pulariscope. -, PROPAGATION OF : [4850] Thiimmig. 1727. [15125] Stoney. 1861. [SS 1664] Euler. 1746. -, REFLEXION OF : [835] Coddington. 1829. [2779] Maignan. 1648. [5132] Vossius. 1662. [6535] Brougham and Vaux. 1796. [6973] Coddington. 1829. [8869] Hamilton. 1827-34. [13639] Prevost. 1798. [S 1677-8] Bacon. 1614. [SS 1599] Caus. 1612. [SS 1742-4] Grimaldi. 1665. [SS 1789-90] Huygens. 1690. - v. Aberration (Spherical). Anamorphoses. Catoptrics. Caustics. Kaleidoscope. Mirror. -, REFRACTION OF : [835] Coddington. 1829- [2405] Lambert. 1758. [3243-5] Newton. 1728-9. [6535] Brougham. 1796. [6973] Coddington. 1829. [7256] Descartes. 1637. [7721] Everett. 1903. [9431] Hooke. 1665. [10097] Kepler. 1604. [10981] Logan. 1739. [13634] Prevost. 1821. [17040] Gauss 1841. [S 1677-8] Bacon. 1614. [SS 1418-19] Maignan. 1648. [SS 1742-4] Grimaldi. 1665. [SS 1789-90] Huygens. 1690. [SS 1838] Lam- bert. 1772. [SS 2136] Vossius. 1662. - v. Aberration (Spherical). .Caustics. Dioptrics. Mirage. Refraction (Atmospheric). -, THEORIES OF : [3379] Oken. 1808. [4407] Simpson. 1675. [5132. 5135-6] Vossius. 1662-6. [5300] Wedgwood. 1791. [6310] Bompass. 1817. [6377] Boulliau. 1638. [7566] Engel. 1800. [8874] Hands. 1879. [943 1-2] Hooke. 1665-1705. [11261] Macvicar. 1833. [11386] Marat, 1784. [11648] Maurolieo. 1613. [11967. 11969] Moigno. 1847-73. [13692] Proclus. 1825. [14810] Seguin. 1865. [15498] Wedgwood. 1791-2. [15612] Young. 1801. [S 1793] Cherbuliez. 1863. [SS 1530] Beccaria. 1764, [SS 1601] Chesnecopherus. 1593. [SS 1652] Duhamel. 1660. [SS 1658-9] Euclide. 1573. [SS 1664] Euler. 1746-51. [SS 1851] Linguet. 1787. [SS 1895] Montalto. 1606. [SS 1972-4] Peckham. 1504-42. [SS 2125-6] Venturi. 1814. v. Vision, Theory of. : PARADOXES v. Optical Paradoxes. : SPECULATIONS : [14001-3] Beichenbach. 1850-1. , TREATISES ON v. Optics (General). , VELOCITY OF : [13950] Rayleigh. 1883. [S 291] Foucault. 1878. [S 2432] Young. 1881. [SS 1375] Derham. 1700. -, WAVE THEORY or : [62] Airy. 1866. [2067] Huygens. 1690. [2438] Laplace. 1810. [2649- 51] Lloyd. 1841-73. [2816] Marat, 1780. LIGHT, WAVE THEORY OF, continued : [5686. 5700] Airy. 1842-66. [8157] Fresnel 1866-70. [8922]' Harper's Scientific Memoirs. 1900. [9218-20. 9243] Herschel. 1827-33. [10060] Kelvin. 1904-5. [10097] Kepler. 1604. [10905-6. 10908] Lloyd. 1841-73. [11164] McCullagh. 1833. [13568] Powell. 1841. [15 125] Stoney. 1861. [16925] Airy. 1877. [17040] Knochenhauer. 1839. [S 1776] Cauchy. 1815, [S 2038] Kelvin. 1884. [S 2292] St.-Venant. 1872. [SS 1664] Euler. 1750. [SS 1742-4] Grimaldi. 1665. ' v. Rays, Systems of. WAVES: [11832] Michelson. 1903. LIGHTHOUSE ILLUMINATION : [1298-9] Faraday. 1860- 1. [5707] Aldini. 1823. [6006] Barlow. 1837. [7022] Cornaglia. 1874. [7787-8] Faraday. 1861. [8157] Fresnel. 1866-70. [9408] Holma'n. c. 1863. [15051. 15054-6] Stevenson (A.). 1835- 50. [15064-5] Stevenson (D.). 1859-60. [15075] Stevenson (T.). 1859. [15176] Swan. 1868. LIGHTHOUSES : [4428] Smeaton. 1793. [4579-80] Stevenson. 1848. [5641-2] Adams. 1870-91. [7459] Edwards. 1882. [11936] Mitchell. 1848. [14917-22] Smeaton. 1791-1812. [15050. 15052-3. 15056] Stevenson (A.). 1833- 5Q. [15067. 15072] Stevenson (R.). 1806-24. [15199] Talbot. 1913. LIGHTING v. Illumination. LIGHTNING : [2709] Lozeran du Fesc. 1727. [4558] Stanhope. 1779. [6127] Bennet. 1789. [8024- 5] Fonvielle. 1868-9. [8125-8] Franklin. 1754-74. [8760] Gtttle. 1804. [12005] Molloy. 1888. [12008] Moncel. 1875. [14863] Silbe'r- schlag. 1784. [15011-12] Stanhope. 1779-81. [15602-3] Winkler. 1746. r. Electric Oscillations. CONDUCTORS : [102-3] Anderson. 1879-85. [179S] Harris. 1843. [2635] Lightning Rod Conference. 1882. [2672] Lodge. 1892. [3468] Parnell. 1882. [4558] Stanhope. 1779. [4866] Toaldo. 1778. [5756] Anderson. 1885. [8125- 8] Franklin. 1754-74. [8760] Giitle. 1804. [8944-6] Harris. 1843-8. [9131] Hemmer. 1786. [9764] Jarriant, 1884. [10474] Lan- driani. 1784. [11741] Melsens. c. 1863. [1189 1-2] Mills. 1770-3. [12005] Molloy. 1888. [12316] Murray. 1830. [12318] Musgrave. 1779. [14861-2] Sigaud de la Fond. 1785. [15011-12] Stanhope. 1779-81. [15300-1] Toaldo. 1778. [15345] Turnbull. 1853. [15574] Wilson. 1777. [15620] Edinburgh Essays. 1770-1. [SS 2016] Rabiqueau. 1753. v. Electric Conductors (Pointed). LIME v. Calcium Monoxide. INDUSTRY : [S 3041] Gillmore. 1902. LIMESTONE : [8004] Forbes. 1857. [14495] Rossi. c. 1865. t LIMITING VALUES : [10466] Landau. 1910. [10792- 3] L'Hospital. 1716. LIMITS, METHOD OF : [5349] Whewell. 1838. [8085] Franchini. 1794. LINE GEOMETRY : [16810] Zindler. 1902-8. [S 504] Brianchon. 1817. LINES, INFINITESIMAL PROPERTIES OF: [12051] Moore. 1911. OF FORCE (MAGNETIC) r. Electromagnetic Field of Force. LINKAGES : [2254] Kempe. 1877. [4265] Schooten. 1646. [10054] Kempe. 1877. [12438] Neuberg. 1886. [14736] Schooten. 1646. LIQUIDS, COMPRESSIBILITY OF : [S 1813] Colladoa 1837. v. Water, Compressibility of. INDEX. 923 LIQUIDS, CONDUCTIVITY or : [15329] Tower. 1905. . EXPANSION OF : [6022] Bartoli. 1884. [SS 1636] Dalton. 1802. , PRESSURE OF: [725] Cauchy. 1826-30. [3476] Pascal. 1663. , RESISTANCE OF : [S 1652] Alembert, etc. 1777. [1852] Duchemin. 1842. , THEOKY OF : [S 2759] Keen. 1888. , THERMAL EFFECTS OF : [2043] Kelvin and Joule. 1853-62. LITHIUM: [10722] Leonhard und Vogel. 1818. [11319] Mallet. 1856. [12794] Octling. 1859. LITHOGRAPHY : [2019] Hullmandel. 1835. [3905] Raucourt. 1832. [4634] Straker. 1867. [6458] Brcgeaut. 1827. [9548-9] Hullmandel. 1824-33. [13930-2] Raucourt. 1820-32. [14229] Rich- mond. 1880. [14710-11] Schenck. 1850-7. [14818] Senefelder. 1819. LITHOLOGY: [7034] Cotta. 1866. [7144] Dana. 1888. [7178] Daubree. 1859. [7325] Doelter. 1906. [101311 Kinahan. 1873. [11167] Macculloch. 1821. [11212] McMahon. 1897. [11770] Merrill. 1897. [12748] Northampton. 1821. [13264] Phipson. 1857. [13550] Pott, 1753. [14501] Roth. 1883-7. [14607] Rutley. 1879. [17374] Rutley. 1904. Loci: [6958] Clifford. 1878. [9508] Howard. 1798. [12892] Ozanam. 1687. [14734-5] Schooten. 1657. [S 437] Apollonius. 1749. LOCK AND SAFE, MAKING : [790] Chubb. 1850. [8704] Grimthorpe. 1857. [10617] Lawton. 1825. [13647] Price. 1856. [SS 144-6] Schott. 1666-7. [SS 2966-7] Bramah. 1787-1815. [SS 2980] Chubb. 1875. LOCOMOTIVE COMPOUNDING : [8196] Gairns. 1907. ENGINES : [2670] Locomotive Tests. 1905. [3443-4] Pambour. 1836. [4323] Sekon. 1899. [4642] Stretton. 1893. [5482] Wood. 1838. [5655] Adcock. 1839. [5831] Armstrong. 1839. [6001-2] Barlow. 1836-51. [6019] Barry and Bramwell. 1876-82. [6387] Bourne. 1846. [6980] Colburn. 1871. [8246] Galloway. 1834. [8524] Gordon. 1836. [8612-13] Gray. 1825. [9078-9] Hebert. 1837. [9255] Heusinger v. Waldegg. 1882. [9349] Hodge. 1849. [10495] Lapage. 1889. [10942] Locomotive. 1904. [11582-3] Mathias. 1844. [12925-8] Pambour. 1836-40. [13889] Rankine. 1828. [14234] Ricour. 1869. [14408] Rolland. 1889. [15334] Trevithick. 1872. [17358] Volkert. 1898-1900. [S 3458] Gouin et Le Chatelier. 1845. v. Valve Gears. (COMPRESSED AIR) : [11353] Mann. 1830. LOGARITHMIC CURVE : [1617] Grandi. 1701. [12676] Nicholas. 1696-7. TRANSCENDENTS : [14993] Spence. 1809. LOGARITHMS: [876] Cotes. 1722. [1165] Elliot. 1855-72. [2222] Kaufmann. 1668. [2844-5] Martin. 1740-72. [2877] Maseres. 1791-1807. [3066] Moore. 1660. [3182-3. 3185-7] Napier. 1614-1889. [4527]Speidell. 1688. [5181] Walms- ley. 1879. [5214-15] Ward. 1740-62. [5473] Wolstenholme. 1888. [6335] Booth. 1873-7. [6354] Borne. 1795. [6676] Caldani. 1782. [7038-9] Cotes. 1722. [7519-20] Elliot. 1872-3. [7523] Ellis. 1881. [8323] Gehler et Ludwig. 1776. [8453] Glaisher. 1873. [9096] Hellins. 1788. [9601-3] Hutton. 1785-1811. [11478- 80] Martin. 1740-72. [11534-5] Maseres. 1760- 1807. [11592] Matthews. 1890. [11943-5] Miscellanea Curiosa. 1708-27. [12336. 12338] LOGARITHMS, continued : Napier. 1658-1889. [14750] Schottel. 1754-6. [15437-8] Wallace. 1808-23. [15596] Wingate. 1648. [15888] Compton. 1904. [16366] Matthews. 1896. [16655] Snowball. 1885. [16710] Tarnier. 1853. [S 1026. 1028] Napier. 1620-1915. v. Differential Method. (ANTI-) : [1070] Dodson. 1742. [1635] Gray. 1876. [7329] Dodson. 1742. [7893] Filipowski. 1849. [8610-11] Gray. 1865-76. (LOGISTIC) : [10982] Logarithms. c. 1780. [15136] Streete. 1663. v. Sexagesimal Tables. (NATURAL): [3185-7] Napier. 1614-1889. [5465] Wolfram. 1788. [5994-6004] Barlow. 1814-20. [9095] Hellins. 1796. [S 1026. 1028] Napier. 1620-1915. [SS 472] Gudermann. 1833. [SS 550-1] Lambert. 1770-98. , TABLES OF : [200-1] Babbage. 1831-44. [224]Bagay. 1829. [395] Bierens. 1873. [585- 6] Briggs. 1628-33. [619] Bruhns. 1870. [667] Callet. 1829-43. [927] Dale. 1905. [1464] Gardiner. 1742. [1635] Gray. 1876. [2106] Jackson. 1881. [2262-3] Kepler. 1624-5. [2392] Lalande. 1844. [2409] Lambert. 1770. [2678] Logarithms. 1750. [2903] Matthews. 1890. [4205] Sang. 1871. [4269] Schron. 1865. [4362] Sharp. 1717. [4559] Stanley. 1849. [4777- 8] Taylor. 1792. [5021] Ursin. 1827. [5043-5] Vega. 1794-1840. [5450] Wingate. 1633. [5585] Zech. 1863. [5894-5] Babbage. 1834- 41. [6491-2] Briggs. 1624-8. [6549] Bruhns. 1900. [6682] Callet, 1821-51. [7213] Decker. 1626. [7805] Farley. 1859. [8270] Gardiner. 1770. [8610-11] Gray. 1865-76. [9695] Jack- son. 1881. [10256] Kohler. 1862. [10421-2] Lalande. 1802-39. [12770-2] Norwood. 1667- 96. [14835] Sharp. 1717. [14992] Speidell. 1628. [15720] Bauschinger. 1910-11. [15833] Callet, 1861. [16257-8] Lalande. 1872-6. [16607-9] Schron. 1875-1900. [16722] Thoman. 1867. [16749] Vega. 1888. [SS 350] Decker. 1626. [SS 432-3] Forti. 1863. [SS 550-1] Lambert. 1770-98. [SS 818-19] Scheutz. 1857-8. [SS 826] Schulze. 1778. [SS 915] Vassal. 1872. [SS 918] Vega. 1896. v. Mathematical Tables. Trigonometrical Tables. LOGIC : [982] Day. 1876. [2151. 2155] Jevons. 1864-74. [2295] Kircher. 1669. [3778] Prideaux. c. 1645. [4843-5] Thomson. 1854- 75. [9802-7] Jevons. 1864-83. [10164] Kircher. 1659. [13294] Piccolomini. 1552. [13955] Read. 1878. [15448] Wallis. 1763. [15613] Zabarella, 1608. [SS 347] Dansie. 1627. v. Syllogism. (FORMAL) : [465] Boole. 1854. [2281] Keynes. 1887. [3089] Morgan. 1847. [7324] Dodgson. 1887. [10126] Keynes. 1894. [11183] Mac- farlane. 1879. [12108-9. 12127] Morgan. 1847-50. [15383] Venn. 1894. [15761] Boole. 1847. [16605] Schroder. 1890-1. [16751-2] Venn. 1881-94. V: Algebra, Logic of. OF SCIENCE : [1110] Duhamel. 1865-70. [2152-4. 9803-4] Jevons. 1874-83. [13547] Poste. 1850. [15645] Jevons. 1879. [15648] Natorp. 1910. [16240] Konig. 1914. LOGICAL INSTRUMENTS : [15015] Stanhope. 1879. LONGITUDE, DETERMINATION OF : [239] Baily. 1824. [896] Crisp. 1827. [1411] French. 1715. [1952] Hobbs. 1714. [2187] Jordan. 1885. [2846] Martin. 1768-9 [2934-5] Mayer. 1770. [2983] Millar. 1903. [3650] Plantamour et Hirsch. 1864. [5143] W T addington. 1763. [5384] Whiston. 1738. [5726] Alimari. 1715. [5786-9] 924 INDEX. LONGITUDE, DETERMINATION OF, continued : Apianus. 1533-74. [5861] Astronomisch-geoda- tisehe Arbeiten. 1895. [5932] Baily. 1824. [6039] Baudet. 1875. [6085] Becker uiid Valentiner. 1906. [6201] Besson. 1569. [7053] Courtanva.ux. 1768. [7066] Crawford. 1876-85. [8049] Foster. 1826. [8336] Gemma Frisius. 1553. [8567] Gould. 1869. [8624-5] Green. 1877-80. [8891]Hansen. 1836. [8953] Harrison (T. and J.). 1788. [8955-6. 8962. 8965-6] Harrison (J.). 1737-1869. [7811-12] Johnson. 1867-84. [10047] Kelly. 1796. [10548] La Rue. 1875. [11 143-4] Lynn. 1827-43. [11198-201] Mackey. 1793-1810. [11477] Martin, n. d. [11542-4. 11549-50] Maskelyne. 1767-1802. [11690-1] Mayer. 1770. [12416] Nell. 1884. [12723-5] Norie. 1807-16. [12832] Orff. 1888- 94. [13139]Perrier. 1877-80. [13200] Phillippes. 1674. [13336-7] Pigott. 1786-90. [13451] Pog- son. 1884. [13739] Proposals. 1719. [14106] Respighi e Celoria. 1882. [14238-9] Riddle. 1824-42. [14391] Rogers and McLeod. 1886. [ 14489-90] Rossel. 1815. [14493] Rosser. 1862. [14530] Rowe. 1725. [14631] St. Leger. 1776. [15101] Stone. 1766. [15418] Vossius. 1685. [SS 1375]Derham. 1700. [SS 3162] LaCoudraye. 1785. n. Chronometer. : PARADOXES: [4548-9] Squire. 1742-3. [13769] Purshall. 1707. [14505] Roubais de Tourcoin. 1721. SCALE : [4822] Thomson. 1823. LOOM (PNEUMATIC) : [12882. 12918] Page. 1864. LOXODBOMIC TABLES : [4484] Snell van Royen. 1624. [15077] Stevinus. 1608. LUBRICANTS : [S 3009] Carpenter. 1895. LUNAR ECLIPSES : [7837] Ferguson. 1767. [14497] Rost. 1727. v. Eclipses and Occupations. OBSERVATIONS : [57] Airy. 1848-59. [6222] Binkes. 1861. RADIATION : [4472] Smyth. 1858. -ROTATION PARADOX : [2488] Laurie. 1847. [4967] Tyerman. 1885. [7847] Ferguson. 1748. [13130. '13134] Perigal. 1846-91. TABLES: [889-90] Cowper. 1766. [2842] Martin. 1765. [2934-5] Mayer. 1770. [3146] Muliers. 1611. [4357] Shadwell. 1860. [4772-3] Taylor. 1834. [5581-2] Zach. 1809. [6711] Capello. 1737. [7699] Euler. 1772. [8893] Hanseri. 1857. [9069] Heath. 1760. [11054] Loys des Cheseaux. 1754. [11690-1] Mayer 1770. [12468] Newcomb. 1876. [12859] Oudemans. 1859. [15251] Thomson. 1867. [SS 1048] Damoiseau. 1828. [SS 1664] Euler. 1746-51. THEORY : [35] Adams. 1900. [604] Brown. 1896. [1258] Euler. 1772. [1580-1] Godfray. 1859-85. [1652] Gregory. 1702. [1772-3] Hansen. 1838. [1913] Hevelius. 1647. [1999] Horrocks. 1678. [2710] Lubboek. 1833. [2940] Melanderhjelm et Frisi. 1769. [3219-20] Newcomb. 1878. [3256-69] Newton. 1713-1871. [3647] Plana. 1832-57. [4398-9] Simpson. 1757. [4602] Stewart. 1761. [5651] Adams. 1853. [5691] Airy. 1886. [5762] Andoyer. 1902. [6440] Brahe. 1648. [7703-5] Euler. 1753-72. [8491-3] Godfray. 1853-71. [9257] Hevelius. 1647. [11692] Mayer. 1767. [12476- 7] Newcomb. 1878-1909. [12501-24] Newton. 1687-1871. [13387] Plana. 1832-57. [13491] Pontccoulant. 1829-46. [14884-5] Simpson. 1757. [16813] Adams. 1900. [16846] Godfray. 1871. [S 1402-3] Clairaut. 1765. [S 1508] Kugler. 1900. [SS 981] Alembert. 1754-6. [SS 1038] Clairaut. 1752. [SS 1271-2] Riccioli. 1651. v. Three Bodies, Problem of. MACHINE DRAWING AND DESIGN : [4312] Scott- Moncrieff. 1897. [5015] Unwin. 1886-8. [5436] Wilme. 1846. [6223] Binns. 1869-71. [8794] Haindl. 1852. [9343] Hobbs. 1907. [9755] Jamison. 1905. [9827] Johnson. 1860. [9883-4] Jones. 1899-1902. [9900] Jones and Jones. 1893. [10640] Le Blanc. 1830. [11044-5] Low. 1896-1906. [14008] Reid. 1898. [14938] Smith and Marx. 1905. [15359-61] Unwin. 1877-1909. [17348] Low and Bevis. 1903. [17357] Unwin. 1902-3. [17359] Wells. 1905. v. Marine Engineering Design. Steam, Engines, Design of. ELEMENTS : [9327] Hiscox. 1900. [9482] Hospitalier. v. y. [17332] Bach. 1903. v. Mechanism. GUNS : [10417] Lake. c. 1896. [12709] Norden- felt. 1884. SHOP PRACTICE : [2257] Kennedy. 1907. TOOLS : [6123] Benjamin. 1895. [6580-1] Buchanan. 1842-52. [14169] Richard. 1895-6. [SS 3092] Van Dervoort. 1904. v. Mining Machinery and Tools. Steel (Tool). Tool Making. MACHINERY (AGRICULTURAL) : [8243] Gallo. 1572, [13561] Pouillet. 1834. v. Silos. (EARLY): [289-90] Bate. 1634-54. [444] Bockler. 1662. [560] Branca. 1629. [672-3] Camus. 1722. [677] Capra. 1678. [729] Caus (I. de). 1659. [730] Cans (S. de). 1615. [1875-7] Hero Alexandrinus. 1575-1601. [3714. 3717] Porta. 1601-6. [3881-2] Ramelli. 1588-1620. [4273. 4277] Schott. 1657-64. [4581-2] Stevinus. 1668. [5101-6] Vitruvius. 1567-1800. [5413- 18] Wilkins. 1648-91. [5505-6] Worcester. 1663-1825. [5596-8] Zonca. 1607-56. [5599] Zucchi. 1649. [6043-4] Bate. 1634. [6203-4] Besson. 1582. [6284] Bockler. 1662. [6700] Camus. 1732. [6777] Cans. 1704. [8244] Gallon. 1735-77. [8708-9] Grollier. 1719. [9175-81] Hero Alexandrinus. 1575-1866. [10767] Leupold. 1724-1802. [13533-4] Porta. 1601-6. [14747-9] Schott. 1664-87. [15387] Veranzio. c. 1595. [15409-11] Vitruvius. 1511-1649. [15559-63] Wilkins. 1648-91. [S 3419] Dobrzenski. 1657. [SS 3024-5. 3032] Hero Alexandrinus. 1592-1601. (MINING) v. Mining Machinery. , GENERAL WORKS ON : [132] Appleby. 1863. [226] Bailey. 1772. [1726-7] Hachette. 1809- 1819. [3895] Rankine. 1869. [6001] Barlow. 1836. [6352] Borgnis. 1818-23. [7228] Dempsey. 1852-6. [8244] Gallon. 1735-77. [8794] Haindl. 1852. [9826] Johnson. 1856. [13561] Pouillet et Le Blanc. 1834. [13899] Rankine. 1873. , ECONOMY OF : [192-3] Ba*bbage. 1832. v. fuel Economy. , LOST WORK IN : [15296] Thurston. 1898. , MECHANICS OF : [2256] Kennedy. 1886. [3121] Motte. 1727. [5310-13] Weisbach. 1847-1901. [8772] Hachette. 1811. [9651] Imison. 1794. [10089] Kennedy. 1886. [12074] Morgan. 177. [13983] RedteAbacher. 1852. [14113-14] Reuleaux. 1876. [14907-11] Srneaton. 1794- 1813. [15196-7] Taffo. 1835-9. [17187] Poncelet. 1874-6. [17353] Reuleaux. 1876. v. Kinematics. Mechanics (Engineering). , OSCILLATIONS OF : [S 3512] Leaute. 1885. , THEORY OF : [5599] Zucchi. 1649. [12203 Moseley. 1841. - v. Mechanics (Theoretical). INDEX. 925 MACHINERY CONSTRUCTION : [2450] Lanz and Betan- court. 1820. [3971] Rouleaux. 1872. [5221-2] Warr. 1851. [12405-7] Navier. 1826-64. [14112] Reuleaux. 1875. [17354] Reuleaux. 1899. REPAIB AND MAINTENANCE : [S 3345] Barber. 1895. MACHINES (RELATIONAL AND DIFFERENTIAL) : [14936] Smee. 1851. MACLAURIN'S THEOREM : [27613] Maclaurin. 1742. [4607] Stirling. 1764. [11231-5] Maclaurm. 1742-1801. [15087-90] Stirling. 1730-64. MAGDEBURG HEMISPHERES : [1698-9. 8730] Guericke. 1672. MAGIC LANTERN : [2294] Kircher. 1671. [3782] Pringle. 1899. [10161] Kircher. 1671. [12009] Moncel. 1855. v. Optics (Projective). SQUARES AND CUBES : [5096] Violle. 1837-8. [5768] Andrews. 1908. [11406] Marci. 1744. [15567] Willis. 1909. [15681] Andrews. 1908. [15690] Arnoux. 1894. [16023-4] Frolow. 1884-6. [16270] Latoon. 1895. [16495] Portier. 1902. [16567] Scheffler. 1882. MAGNE-CRYSTALLIC ACTION : [4997] Tyndall. 1870. [13136] Pliicker. 1854. MAGNESIUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [970] Davy. 1808. [4232] Schaffer. 1774. [6248] Black. 1777. [7444] Edinburgh Essays. 1754-71. [11404] Marchand und Scheerer. 1850. [11419] Marggraf. 1767-8. [12794] Odling. 1859. [14211] Richards and Parker. 1896. [15268] Thomson. 1831. [15620] Edinburgh Essays. 1770-1. MAGNETIC ATTRACTION : [5982-4] Barlow. 1823-4. CIRCUIT : [453] Bois. 1896. [6300-1] Bois. 1894-6. CLOCK : [SS 1835] Leotaud. 1668. DISTURBANCES : [13028] Paulson. 1892. [SS 2294] Lefroy. 1855. FIELD v. Electromagnetic Field of Force. INDUCTION v. Electromagnetic Induction. INFLUENCE OF SOLAR RAYS : [6877] Christie. 1826. - INSTRUMENTS : [14237] Riddell. 1844. - MEASUREMENT : [9480] Hospitalier. v.y. [14410] Roller. 1907. [S 2408] Weber. 1853. -MEDIA: [9321] Hirst. 1855. NEEDLE : [1314] Fenwick. 1822. [6126] Bennet. 1792. [7830] Fenwick. 1861. [10880] Lintern. 1887. [15180-1] Swinden. 1784. v. Compass (Mariner's). - OBSERVATIONS : [49] Airy. 1843-50. F[2654] Lloyd. 1849. [3208] Neumayer. 1867. [4159- 66] Sabine. 1843-53. [5781-2] Antarctic Ex- pedition. 1840-1908. [6541] Brown. 1893. [6816] Chambers. 1881-3. [6873] Chree. 1903. [8308] Gauss and Weber. 1837. [8648-9] Greenwich Observations. 1875-1910. [9420] Hoogewerff. 1890. [9705] Jacob. 1884. [10910] Lloyd. 1849. [11452] Marsh. 1895. [12431] Neumayer. 1867. [13026. 13029] Paulsen. 1892-6. [1423 7] Riddell. 1844. [14556] Royal Society of London. 1840-2. [14618-19] Sabine. 1837-41. [14794] Secchi. 1860. [S 2477] Brown. 1849. [SS 2294] Lefroy. 1855. - PERMEABILITY : [13075] Peirce. 1910. - POLARITY : [15160] Sturgeon. 1832. MAGNETIC SURVEYS AND CHARTS : [7517] Elliot. 1851. [12219-20] Moureaux. 1886-90. [12430] Neumayer. 1891. [14565-6] Riicker. 1889-90. [SS 1906-7] Musschenbroek. 1729. [SS 2294] Lefroy. 1855. TABLES : [6298] Boileau. 1850. [15434] Walker. 1794. - TESTING : [13076] Peirce. 1910. VARIATION: [1314] Fenwick. 1822. [2700-1] Lorimer. 1795. [3011] Miscellanea Curiosa. 1705-7. [8339] Gellibrand. 1635. [9668] Innes. 1894. [10715-16] Le Monnier. 1781-8. [11049] Lovett. 1766. [11198-201] Mackay. 1793-1810. [11943-5] Miscellanea Curiosa, 1708-27. [15434-5] Walker. 1794. [SS 1652] Duhamel. 1660. MAGNETISM (ANIMAL) v. Electro -Biology. (ELEMENTARY) : [1799] Harris. 1850. [6005] Barlow. 1820. v. Electricity and Magnetism (Elementary). (EXPERIMENTAL) : [5984] Barlow. 1824. [6091]Becquerel. 1834-40. [6126] Bennet. 1792. [SS 2071-2] Sigaud de la Fond. 1775-84. (GENERAL): [61] Airy. 1870. [312] Becquerel. 1855-6. [740] Cavallo. 1795. [1111] Duhem. 1888. [2244-6] Kelvin. 1872^84. [2418] Lament. 1867. [2656] Lloyd. 1874. [2700-1] Lorimer. 1795. [3532] Penrose. 1753. [4303] Scoresby. 1839. [6795] Cavallo. 1787. [10074- 5] Kelvin. 1872-84. [10210] Kleyer. 1885. [13288] Pianciani. 1840. [15156-7] Sturgeon. 1850. [15434-5] Walker. 1794. [16947] Beer. 1865. [17106]Lamont. 1867. v. Diamagnetism. Electricity and Magnetism (General). (POPULAR) v. Electricity and Magnetism (Popular). (PRACTICAL) v. Electricity and Magnetism (Practical). (ROTATORY) : [6000] Barlow. 1825. [6878-9] Christie. 1825. (TERRESTRIAL): [270] Barlow. 1824. [425] Black. 1905. [1289-92] Faraday. 1839-55. [1985] Hopkins. 1851. [5982-4 5998] Barlow. 1823-31. [6246] Black. 1905. [7777- 81] Faraday. 1839-55. [8399-8402] Gilbert. 1600-1901. [10163] Kircher. 1654. [10210] Kleyer. 1885. [11581] Mathias. 1897. [12220- 2] Moureaux. 1886-9. [13783. 13786-7] Quet, 1882-4. [13808-10] Quetelet. 1840-1. [14533- 4] Rowell. 1840-87. [14616-17. 14620] Sabine. 1838-62. [14755] Schumacher. 1843. [S 1480] Hecker. 1908. [S 1921] Gauss. 1833. [S 2597] Walker. 1866. [SS 1835] Leotaud. 1668. v. Compass. Electricity (Atmospheric). Geology and T. M. Magnetic Influence of Solar Rays. M. Needle. M. Variation. , BIBLIOGRAPHY OF : [SS 1901] Murhard. 1797. [SS 2039] Ronalds. 1880. -, DICTIONARIES OF v. Electricity and Magnetism, Dictionaries of. -, EARLY WORKS ON (TO 1700): [659] Cabeo. 1629. [928] Dalence. 1687. [1526-8] Gilbert, 1600-1893. [2218] Kast. 1683. [2296-7] Kircher. 1641-67. [3544 Peregrinus. 1902. [5038] Vallemont. 1692. [8399-8402] Gilbert. 1600-1901. [10 163-4] Kircher. 1654-9. [13105] Peregrinus. 1906. [13517-24] Porta. 1558-1658. [13578] Power. 1664. [15198] Taisnier. 1562. [SS 1583-4] Boyle. 1676. [SS 1593-4] Cabeo. 1629. [SS 1719] Gilbert. 1628. [SS 1742-4] Grhnaldi. 1665. [SS 1760] Hale. 1695. [SS 1835] Leotaud. 1668. [SS 2443] Boyle. 1673. 926 INDEX. MAGNETISM, EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ox : [925] Curie. 1895. [6875] Christie. 1825. , HISTORY OF : [311] Becquerel. 1858. [15544] Wilcke. 1764. , MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF v. Electricity and Magnetism, Mathematical Theory of. : PARADOXES : [6924] Clarke. 1818. [15047-8] Stevenson. 1846-9. [SS 2000] Peart. 1791. -: SPECULATIONS : [14001-3] Reichenbach. 1850- 1. , THEORIES OF : [3767] Prevost, 1788. [5998] Barlow. 1831. [9480] Hospitaller, v. y. [12703] Xobili. 1822. [SS 1664] Euler. 1751. AND ELECTRICITY COMPARED : [13171] Peletin. 1802. [15180-1] Swindeii, 1784. [SS 1484. 1486J Aepinus. 1758. [SS 1592-4] Cabeo. 1629. OF CRYSTALS : [13436] Plucker. 1854. - OF GASES : [13436] Plucker. 1854. OF IRON SHEPS v. Compass Deviation. or METALS : [7773] Faraday. 1839. [14795] Seebeck. 1828. MAGNETS AND MAGNETIZING : [9480] Hospitalier. v. y. [11827] Michell. 1751. [12671] Nickles. 1855. [SS 1792-6] Ingenhousz. 1782-9. [SS 1906-7 Musschenbroek. 1729. MALIC ACID : [14697 Scheele. 1786. MALTING : [1369] Ford. 1862. [2575-6] Levesque. 1845-53. [3528] Peltz und Habich. 1876. [3645| Pitt. 1859. [4572] Steel. 1881. [4629] Stopes. 1885. [10458] Lancaster. 1908. [10777] Levesque. 1847. [10783] Levy. 1899. [10875- 6] Ling. 1902-8. [14149-50] Reynoldson. 1808-9. v. Brewing. MANGANESE AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [8175] Fuchs. 1791. [9905] Jordan. 1878. [11951-3] Mitscher- lich. 1834-4"7. [14697] Scheele. 1786. MANOMETERS AND MANOMETRY : [16989] Guericke. 1672. [6502] Brinkman. 1904. [8730] Guericke. 1672. [13933] Ravenek. 1884. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES : [1637] Great Indus- tries. 1878-80. [28 14] Manufacturing Industries. 1877. [6001] Barlow. 1836. [9660] Industrial Arts. 1876. [11371] Manufacturer. 1780. MANURES (ARTIFICIAL) v. Fertilisers. MANUSCRIPTS ON SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS : [426] Black. c. 1770. [8214. 8218. 8233] Galilei, n. d. [8955. 8957. 8960-2. 8966] Harrison. 1710-1869. [10738] Lesow. 1713-14. [11372-7] Manuscript. Scec. xv. c. 1760. [11378] Manuscripts. Scec. xvii. [12611] Manuscript. Scec. xvm. [12624] Saunderson. 1742. [14671. 1 4676] Saunder- son. 1712-42. [14879] Simpson. 1730-58. [ISO'Ol] Spottiswoode. v. d. MARINE ENGINEERING : [3924] Redman. 1877. [5195] Wannaii. 1898. [6616] Burgh. 1867. [11654-5] Maw. 1884. [12381] Marine Engi- neering. 1893-1910. [14612] Ryder. 1852. [14791] Seaton and Rounthwaite. 1894. [14978] Somerscales. 1909. [15313-14] Tompkins. 1904-14. [15545] Wilda. 1901. [S 3738] Engineering Congress. 1894. v. Boilers (Marine). Electric Ships. Screw Propeller. - DESIGN : [4519] Sothern. 1908. ENGINES : [2427] Langmaid and Gaisford. 1893. [2749] McGibbon. 1906. [4333-5] Sennett. 1885-1900. [5862] Atherton. 1851. [9661]Industriel. 1826. [10486] Langmaid and Gaisford. 1893. [11303] Main and Brown. 1855. v. Turbines (Steam). MARS (PLANET) : [1359] Fontana. 1646. [3584] Phillips. 1865. [5684] Airy. 1858. [6596] Bugge. 1789. [7999-8001] Fontana. 1646. [10863] Lindenau. 1811. [11050-1] Lowell. 1896. [12680] Niesten. 1878. [S 1527] Lowell. 1908. [SS 1134]Hirzgarter. 1643. v. Atmospheres (Planetary). MARSH GAS v. Methane. MASONRY CONSTRUCTION : [246] Baker. 1890. [7316-17] Dobson. 1849. MAST MAKING : [7900] Fincham. 1829. [8034-5} Forfait. 1788. [11553] Masts. 1797. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION v. Building Materials. MATHEMATICAL CONGRESSES : [S 600] Congress. 1913. CORRESPONDENCE LESSONS : [15815] Burck- hardt und Blank, c. 1900. [16111] Hartwig. 1904-6. [16771-2] Weitzel. 1910-14. CURIOSITIES :' [11639] Maupin. 1893. [16013] Fourrey. s. d. CYCLOPAEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES : [78] Alembert. 1784-5. [271] Barlow. 1814. [958] Davies and Peck. 1855. [1183] Encyclopaedia Metropolitan. 1848. [2045-7] Hatton. 1796- 1815. [3122] Moxon. 1692. [3422] Ozanam. 1691. [4270-1] Schott, 1661-77. [4623] Stone. 1726. [5109] Vitale. 1690. [5992-3] Barlow. 1814. [7568] Encyclopaedia of Pure Mathematics. 1848. [7569] Encyklo- piidie der mathematischen Wissenschaften. 1898-1909. [9597-600] Hutton. 1795-1815. [10224] Kltigel. 1803-36. [12029] Montferrier. 1845. [12225-7] Moxon. 1679-1701. [12388] Handbuch der Mathematik. 1879-81. [12933] Pappiani. 1747. [13750] Psellus. 1647. [13847] Ralphson. 1702. [15099-100] Stone. 1726-43. [15442] Walter. 1762. [15844] Carr. 1886. [15917] Davies. 1857-75. [16149] Hoffmann, und Natani. 1858-67. [16217] Kleyer. 1883- 1909. [16230] Kliigel. 1803-36. [16403] Montferrier. 1835-40. [16416] Miiller. 1900. [16585-6] Schlomilch. 1879-1904. [16662] Sonnet. 1867. [16767-8] Weber und Wellstein. 1903-12. [SS 377] Enclylopadie der mathema- tischen Wissenschaften. 1898-1914. DRAWING: [11909] Minchin and Dale. 1906. [16155-6] Holzmiiller. 1886. [16393] Minchin and Dale. 1906. v. Geometrical Drawing. ESSAYS : [1847] Hellins. 1789. [1962] Hoffmann. 1838. [2211] Kaestner. 1771. [2398] Lambert. 1765-72. [2423-4] Landen. 1755. [3918] Rebiere. 1893. [4397-8] Simpson. 1740. [4690]Suzzi. 1723. [6835] Chelini. 1881. [7335] Donn. 1769. [9096] Hellins. 1788. [14728] Schubert, 1898. [14876-8. 14880] Simpson. 1740-3. [15513] West. 1762. [15920] Da vison. 1915. [16404] Moore and Wilczynski. 1910. FORMULAE : [4415] Smalley. 1862. [5833] Arnett, 1873. [6523] Brboks. 1829. [10865] Linders. 1905. [16165] Houel. 1868. [16269] LAska. 1888-94. [16302] Ligowski. 1893. [S 1182] Seaver. 1907. INSTRUMENTS : [162] Arnold. 1832. [406-7] Bipn. 1723-58. [1055] Digges. 1625. [1716-19] Gunter. 1636-73. [1841] Heather. 1877. [2595] Leybouru. 1672. [4037] Robertson. 1747. [4392] Simms. 1844-50. [4560-1] Stanley. 1868-88. [5295] Webster. 1768. [5644. 5647- 9] Adams. 1787-1803. [6203-4] Besson. 1582. [9073] Heather. 1849. [ 11465-7] Martin. 1745- 1819. [11 765] Meredith. 1791. [11803] Metius. 1632-3. [12227] Moxon. 1701. [12819] Olyver. 1601. [14338-41] Robertson. 1747-75. [14774] Scott, 1733. [15491-3] Webster. 1739-68. [15637] Dyck. 1892-3. [15639] Galle. 1912. [15641] Heather. 1888-92. [16170] Hulme. INDEX. 927 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, continued: 1895. [16724] Thornton. 1906. [S 433-4] Apianus. 1532-41. [S 3354-5] Bessoii. 1578. [SS 431] Forestani. 1603. [SS 512-14] Hulsius. 1603-15. v. Calculating Machines. Compass of Pro- portion. Copying I. Cross Staff. Dividing Engines. Geometrical I. Gunter's Line. Instru- ment (Universal). Mecometer. Panorganon. Parallel Ruler. Perspective Drawing I. Quadrat (Universal). Quadrant of Proportion. Ring (Mathematical). Scale. Sector. Slide Rule. Square. Surveying I. JOURNALS : [388] Bibliotheca. 1891-3. [668] Cambridge Mathematical Journal. 1839-41. [1134] Eagle. 1858-1903. [2197] Journal de Mathematiques elementaires et speciales. 1877- 88. [2198] Journal des Mathematiques pures et appliquees. 1848-63. [2889] Mathematician. 1845-50. [2890] Mathematiciens. 1896. [5740] American Journal of Mathematics. 18915. [5741] American Mathematical Society. 9057. [6685-8] Cambridge Mathematical Journal. 1841-54. [6689] Cambridge and Dublin Mathe- matical Journal. 1846. [9673] Intermediaire des Mathematiciens. 1894-9. [9915] Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathemntik. 1859-70. [11558] Mathematical Journal. 1846- 52. [11559] Mathematical Magazine. 1761. [11561-2] Mathematical Questions. 1872-96. [11564] Mathematical Society (London). 1865- 1913. [11565-6] Mathematician. 1847-56. [11567] Mathematiciens (Intermediaire des). 1894-1902. [11568-9] Mathematics, Quarterly Journal of. 1857-1902. [11571-2] Mathematik, Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der. 1868-1900. [11573] Mathematiques, Nouvelles Annales de. 1854-60. [11783-4] Messenger of Mathematics. 1878-99. [ 141 24] Revue Semestrielle. 1893-1910. [S 129] Mathematical Gazette. 1901-14. [S 130] Mathematical Monthly. 1859. [SS 3278-9] Mathematische Annalen. 1869-1904. [SS 3285] Mathematical Questions. 1872-1917. LECTURES : [2308] Klein. 1894. [2375] Lagrange. 1898. [8737] Guglielmini. 1815. [10398] Lagrange. 1898. [12054] Moore, etc. 1910. [16243] Kcenigs. 1892. MEMOIRS AND PAPERS : [745] Cayley. 1889-98. [1049] Diderot. 1748. [1866] Henrion. 1613. [2241] Kelvin. 1882-90. [2383] La Hire. 1694. [2942-3] Memoires de Mathematiques. 1692- 1776. [3865] Quetelet et Gamier. 1825-38. [4555] Stancari. 1713. [6806] Cayley. 1889-98. [6957] Clifford. 1882. [6969] Cockle. 1864-7. [10411-12] La Hire. 1694. [11054] Loys des Cheseaux. 1754. [11742] Memoires. 1750-86. [12683] Nieuport. 1794-9. [S 362] Memoirs. 1832-98. [S 3862] Mathematical Papers. 1867- 87. MISCELLANIES: [7557] Emerson. 1776. [8051-2] Foster. 1659. [13325] Pierce. 1891. [S 545] Catalan. 1868-88. [SS 348] Dary. 1669. [SS 421] Faulhaber. 1622. PARADOXES : [336] Benson. 1868-79. v. Circle Squaring. Duplication of the Cube. Geometrical P. Trisection of an Angle. PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES : [204] Bachet. 1624. [669] Cambridge Problems. 1821. [725] Cauchy. 1826-30. [862] Caraccioli. 1755. [1040] Diarian Repository. 1774. [1193] Etten. 1627. [1428] Frost. 1849. [1503] Gent. 1734-5. [1551]Glaisher. 1879. [1595] Goodwin. 1862-3. [2041] Button. 1775. [2161] Joannet et Dauriac. 1847. [2583] Leybourn. 1806-17. [2886] Mathematical Problems. 1837. [2887] Mathematical Questions and Solutions. 1888. [3232] Newth. 1861. [4401-2] Simpson. 1792- 1810. [4795] Tbacker. 1743. [5242] Watson and Routh. 1860. [5474-6] Wolstenholme, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES, continued: 1878-91. [5521-2] Wrigley. 1852-83. [6690-3] Cambridge Problems. 1821-57. [6874] Christie. 1866. [7059] Coytier. 1811. [7274] Diarian Repository. 1774. [7874] Ferrers and Jackson. 1851. [8167] Frost. 1849. [8352] Gentleman's Mathematical Companion. 1824. [8460] Glaisher. 1879. [8519-21] Goodwin. 1847-62. [8639] Greenhill. 1876. [9318-19] Hirsch. 1827-46. [9741] Jameson. 1851. [10391] Ladies' Diaries. 1705-73. [10392] Lady's and Gentleman's- Diary. 1844-6. [10654] Le Cointe. 1685. [10693] Lehmus. 1838-42. [10802] Leybourn, 1817-18. [11560] Mathematical Problems. 1836. [11561-3] Mathematical Questions. 1872-96. [11897-9] Milne. 1885-8. [11946] Miscellanea Curiosa. 1734-5. [12269] Muller. 1736. [12903] Palladium. 1770-6. [14374] Robson. 1889. [14734-5] Schooten. 1657. [14879. 14886-8] Simpson. 1730-1810. [15352] Turner. 1750-2. [15357] Unger. 1830-4. [15772] Bouasse et Turriere. 1912. [15983-4] Fabry. 1910-13. [16044] Geigen- muller. 1907-8. [16256] Laisant. 1893-6. [16282] Lebon. 1898. [16357] Marc. L907. [16361-3] Martus. 1901-6. [16389-91] Milne. 1885-91. [16617] Schulze und Pfahl. 1908. [16675] Steggall. 1882. [16762] Wallentin. 1906-8. [16779] Wolstenholme. 1891. [16804] Wrigley. 1888-9. [S 942] Lonchampt. 1865. [S 1112] Radford. 1915. [SS 348] Dary. 1669. [SS 496] Henrion. 1621. v. Algebra, P. and E. Arithmetical P. and E~ Calculus : Applications and Examples. Geometri- cal P. and E. Geometry (Analytical), P. and E. Mechanics, P. and E. Pillow Problems. Trigono- metrical P. and E. PSYCHICS : [7443] Edgeworth. 1881. [15947] Drobisch. 1850. RECREATIONS : [204] Bachet. 1624. [1193] Etten. 1627. [1722-3] Guyot. 1769-86. [1809] Hatton. 1728. [1867] Henrion. 1659. [1962] Hoffmann. 1838. [1978-9] Hooper. 1774-87. [2049] Hutton. 1814. [2597] Leybourn. 1694. [3170] Mydorge. 1630. [3424-5] Ozanam. 1708-1803. [4004] Riecke. 1867-73. [5963] Ball. 1892. [7604-8] Etten. 1628-69. [8798] Halcken. 1767. [9012] Hatton. 1728. [9434-7] Hooper. 1774-94. [9607-8] Hutton. 1803-44. [10770-4] Leurechon. 1630-74. [12888-90] Ozanam. 1708-1803. [14728] Schxibert. 1898. [15661-2] Ahrens. 1901. [15705-7] Ball. 1892-1911. [15709] Bachet de Meziriac. 1874. [16332] Lucas. 1883-94. [16614-15] Schubert. 1907-9. [SS 232] Boissiere. 1556. [SS 872] Suardi. 1764. v. Arithmetical R. Magic Squares. SPECULATIONS : [330-1] Benedetti. 1585-99. [5607] Abbott. 1884. SYMBOLS AND NOTATION : [460] Bombelli. 1572. [1716-19] Gunter. 1636-73. [3408] Oughtred. 1652. [3429-32] Pacioli. 1494-1523. [39l3]Recorde. 1557. [3927-8] Regiomontanus. 1533-61. [4584-5] Stevinus. 1608-84. [4605] Stifel. 1554. [5063-4] Vieta. 1646. [5886] Babbage. 1826. [11806] Meyer. 1838. [12113] Morgan. 1865. [13963] Recorde. 1605. [14028] Renaldini. 1655. [14250] Riose. 1605. [15084] Stifel. 1544. [15390. 15394] Viete. 1591- 1646. [15678] Andre. 1909. TABLES: [272] Barlow. 1875. [486] Bottomley. 1890. [561] Brancker. 1668. [608] Brown. 1830. [1434] Galbraith. c. 1860. [2042-4] Hutton. 1785-1822. [2751] Mackay. 1804. [4227] Sawyer. 1878. [4362] Sharp. 1717. [4375-6] Sherwin. 1717-61. [5566] Young. 1839. [5994-9] Barlow. 1814-40. [6710] Cape. 1847. [6814] Chambers. 1897. [7075] Crelle. 1897. [7121] Cunningham. 1900. [7330-1] 928 INDEX. MATHEMATICAL TABLES, continued: Dodson. 1747. [7347] Douglas. 1809. [8197] Galbraith and Haughton. 1860. [8378] Ghebe- lino. 1568. [8525] Gordon. 1896. [9252] Hartzer. 1864. [9407] Holman. 1896. [9601-5] Hutton. 1785-1860. [9674] In wood. 1859. [9706-7] Jacobi. 1839. [10112] Kerigan. 1845. [14835] Sharp. 1717. [14997] Spinola. 1562. [15657] Wrapson and Gee. 1898. [16165] Hoiiel. 1868. [S 618] Dale. c. 1910. [S 753] Guldin. 1635. [S 827] Hutton. 1781. [S 1339] Zimmermann. 1904. [SS 253] Brown. 1718. [SS 337-8] Crelle. 1857-99. [SS 352-3] Degen. 1817-24. [SS 509] Hiilsse. 1849. [SS 826] Schulze. 1778. v. Difference Tables. Engineering Aid-Hook and T. Factor Tables. Fractions (Vulgar) as Decimals. Functions, T. of. Hydraulic T. Integrals, T. of. Interest T. Logarithms, T. of. Mercantile T. Metric T. Multiplication T. Percentage T. Heady Reckoner. Roots, T. of. Sexagesimal T. Squares and- Cubes, T. of. Surveying T. Traverse T. Trigonometrical T. TERMINOLOGY (GREEK) : [3149] Miiller. 1860. TRACTS : [50-3] Airy. 1831-58. [603] Brougham. 1860. [1172] Emerson. 1793. [1175]Encke. 1888-9. [2050-1] Hutton. 1812. [4398-9] Simpson. 1757. [4602] Stewart. 1761. [5520] Wright. 1875-9. [5685-9] Airy. 1826-58. [6106] Bell. 1834. [6536] Brougham and Vaux. 1860. [9609-11] Hutton. 1786-1812. [14345] Robins. 1761. [S 254] Cambridge Tracts. 1905-16. [SS 496] Henrion. 1621. WORKS (COLLECTED): [6-7] Abel. 1839-81. [67] Alembert. 1780. [280] Barrow. 1860. [351] Bernoulli (Jacques?). 1744. [353-4] Bernoulli (Jean). 1742. [720] Catalan. 1840-7. [814] ClavMi?. 1612. [1168] Ellis. 1863. [1328] Fermat. 1679. [1519-20] Giannini. 1773. [1641] Green. 1871. [1660] Gregory. 1865. [1716-18] Gunter. 1662-73. [2419] Lamy. 1734. [2832] Marolois. 1633. [2888] Mathe- matici Veteres. 1693. [2915] Maurolycus. 1575. [3448-9] Pappus. 1588-1660. [4714-15] Tacquet. 1669. [5063-4] Viete. 1646. [5183-5] Wallis. 1656-99. [5611-12] Abel. 1839-81. [6013] Barrow. 1860. [6151-2] Bernoulli (Jean). 1742. [7527] Ellis. 1863. [7906-7] Fine. 1587. [8627] Green. 1871. [8745-9] Gunter. 1653-80. [10724] Leonardo Pisano. 1857-62. [11442] Marolois. 1628. [11646-7] Maurolico. 1575. [11932] Minkowski. 1911. [12938-9] Pappus. 1660-1871. [14241] Riemann. 1876. [15390] / Viete. 1646. [15451] Wallis. 1656. [16331] Liibsen. 1899-1904. [16397] Mobius. 1885. [16524] Riemann. 1892. [S 833] Jacobi. 1846- 51. [S 1204] Smith. 1894. [SS 151] Tacquet. 1707. [SS 230] Borchardt. 1888. [SS 463] Grassmann. 1894-1902. [SS 483] Hesse. 1897. [SS 519] Jacobi. 1881-4. [SS 652] Mobius. 1885-8. [SS 813] Schwarz. 1890.] MATHEMATICIANS (GREEK AND ROMAN) : [122-30] Apollonius Pergceus. 1566-1896. [143-52] Archimedes. 1544-1897. [154] Aristarchus Samius. 1688. [1062-3] Diophantus. 1621-70. [1 194-1242] Euclides. v.y. [2888] Mathematics Veteres. 1693. [2946] Menelaus. 1707. [3448- 0] Pappus. 1588-1660. [3786-7] Proclus. 1792. [4409]Simson. 1812. [4800-3 ] Theon Smyrnseus. 1644-1892. [51 12-14] Viviani. 1659-1701. [5183] Wallis. 1693-9. [5794-800] Apollonius Pergseus. 1607-1779. [5813-22] Archimedes. 1565-1807. [5825-6] Aristarchus Samius. 1572. [6292-5] Boethius. 1488-1546. [7300-2] Diophantus. 1621-70. [7609-7707] Euclides. v.y. [11751] Menelaus. 1758. [12938-9] Pappus. 1660- 1871. [13688-93] Proclus. 1560-1875. [15213] Taylor. 1816. [15229-30] Theodosius MATHEMATICIANS (GREEK AND ROMAN), continued: Tripolita. 1558-86. [15686] Apollonius. 1896. [S 437] Apollonius. 1749. [S 480] Boetius. 1867. [S 637] Diophantus. 1893-5. [S 1075] Pappus. 1876-8. v. Geometry (Greek). Mathematics (Greek). MATHEMATICS (APPLIED) : [16662] Sonnet. 1867. (ARTILLERY) : [389] Bezout. 1800. [1909] Herttenstein. 1737. [2510] Le Blond. 1748. [2891-2] Mathematics. 1853. [6195] Bezout. 1797. (CHEMICAL) v. Chemical M. (ELEMENTARY) : [374] Bertrand. 1778. [1010] Denison. 1840. [[1592-4] Goodwin. 1853-66. [1629] Gravesande. 1727. [2346] La Caille. 1770. [2717] Ludlam. 1785. [2857] Martin 1736. [2893] Mathematiques. 1725. [3618] Pickering. 1710. [4671-3] Sturm. 1695-1709. [5212-15] Ward. 1719-62. [5555-6] Young. 1861-2. [8259] Galtruchius. 1668. [9416] Holznuiller. 1894-5. [10965] Lodge. 1905. [11071-2] Ludlam. 1785-90. [14135] Reynau. 1714. [14282] Rivard. 1765. [15164-5] Sturm. 1702. [15458-9] Ward. 1713-34. [15499] Weidler. 1736. [15504] Wells. 1723-31. [15998] Fischer. 1891. [16160-1] Holzmiiller. 1894- 1904. (ENGINEERING): [15967] Egerer. 1913. [16159] Holzmiiller. 1897-8. [16417-18] Mussat. 1889. [16756-7] Vogt. 1904-9. - v. Calculus (Infinitesimal) for Engineers. (FINANCIAL) : [760] Charloii. 1869. [7372] Dubost. 1818. [15861-2] Charlon. 1878. [16080] Grossmann. 1886-1900. [16151] Holzinger. 1898. [16182] Janson-Durville. 1887. [16358] Marie. 1890. [16579] Schlimbach. 1902. [16723] Thoman. 1891. v. Wealth, Mathematical Theory of. (GENERAL) : [325-6] Belidor. 1725-57. [503] Bourdin. 1661. [671] Camus. 1768. [715] Castel. 1728. [719] Catalan. 1857-8. [749] Ceulen. 1615. [804] Clark. 1682. [1038] Deschales. 1690. [1054] Digges. 1579. [1081] Doria. 1722. [1272] Fagnano. 1750. [2037-40] Hutton. 1820-49. [2217] Kaschube. 1718. [2225] Keckermann. 1621. [2283] Kimber. 1864-5. [2592] Leybourn. 1690. [2795]Mandey. 1729. [289 1-2] Mathematics. 1853. [3068]Moore. 1681. [3091-3] Morgan. 1835-6. [3319] Nichol- son. 1823. [3393] Orr. 1854. [4274] Schott. 1668. [4322] Segner. 1756-68. [4774] Taylor. 1687. [5036] Vallejo. 1840. [5459-60] Wolf. 1730-41. [5463] Wolf. 1870-2. [6708-9] Cape. 1847-50. [6746] Carr. 1880. [7909] Fine; 1556. [8514-18] Goodwin. 1846-66. [9594-6] Hutton. 1837-49. [10009] Kastner. 1790-1801. [100 15] Keckermann. 1661. [10129-30] Kimber. 1865-83. [10254] Koenigsberger und Zeuner. 1876-9. [10371] Lacroix. 1802-6. [10796-7] Library. 1836. [11489] Martin. 1759. [12057] Moore. 1681. [12885] Ozanam. 1712. [15836] Capito. 1913. [15914-15] Daries. 1905. [15985- 6] Fabry. 1909-11. [16811] Zoretti. 1914. [SS 936] Vols. 1718. [SS 972] Wolff. 1746-54. - (GREEK) : [S 745] Gow. 1884. (HIGHER) : [6134] Bergbohm. 1891. [12998] Pascal. 1898-1900. [15741] Biermann. 1895. [15746] Blutel. 1914. [15816] Burg. 1832-3. [15968] Egerer. 1908. [16020] Fricke. 1900. [16044] Geigenmiiller. 1907-8. [16088] Haag. 1914. [16092] Hagen. 1891-1905. [16121] Helm. 1910. [16348] Mangoldt. 1911-14. [16374] Merriman and Woodward. 1902. [16469-70] Pascal. 1900-10. [16611] Schrutka. 1912. [16684] Stoffaes. 1904. [16756-7] Vogt. 1904-9. [16772] Weitzel. 1914. v. Analysis (Mathematical). INDEX. 921) MATHEMATICS (INSURANCE): [235-8] Daily. 1808-64. [1830] Hayes. 1746. [2183] Jones. 1843. [2876] Maseres. 1783. [3001] Milne. 1815. [3099] Morgan. 1779. [3774-7] Price. 1772-1812. [4394] Simpson. 1742. [4420-1] Smart, 1726. [4808] Thoman. 1878. [5925-9] Baily. 1808-66. [6058] Baylis. 1844. [6519] Broggi. 1907. [8503] Gompertz. 1825. [8525] Gordon. 1896. [8905] Hardy. 1840. [9669] Institute of Actuaries. 1882. [9850-2] Jones. 1843-4. [10916] Lobatto. 1864. [11902] Milne. 1837. [11983] Moivre. 1752. [12080-2] Morgan (W.). 1791-1821. [12092] Morgan (A. de). 1839-41. [13648-50] Price. 1772-1812. [14170] Richard. 1911. [14871] Simpson. 1773. [16081] Gross- mann. 1902. [16151]Holzinger. 1898. [16201] Karup. 1885. [16522] Richard et Petit. 1908. [16723] Thoman. 1891. [S 850] King. 1887. [SS 158-9] Actuaries. 1882-7. [SS 491] Hayes. 1727. [SS 662] Moser. 1839. v. Statistics (Vital). -(JAPANESE): [14941] Smith and Mikami. 1914. (MODERN), MYSTICISM IN : [S 467] Berkeley. 1910. (PHYSICAL) v. Physics (Mathematical). (PRACTICAL): [203] Babinet. 1857. [1124-5] Dnpin. 1827-54. [2004] Hoste. 1769. [5294] Webster. 1730. [7057] Cracknell. 1900. [7895] Filonzi. 1775. [8673] Gregory and Law. 1862. [14691] Saxelby. 1905. [15848] Weber, etc. 1907. [15985-6] Fabry. 1909-11. [16497] Practical Mathematics. 1903. (PURE) : [1395-6. 8089] Francceur. 1829-34. [10301] Krebs. 1889. [14729] Schultz. 1790. [S 780] Hardy. 1908. (SEXAGESIMAL) : [12337] Napier. 1839. - v. Logarithms (Logistic). Sexagesimal Tables. . BIBLIOGRAPHY OF : [393]Bierens. 1883. [3985] Riccardi. 1887-93. [4497] Sohncke. 1854. [SS 219] Beughem. 1688. [SS 664] Miiller. 1821-3. v. Geometry (Euclidean), B. of. , HISTORY OF : [259-60] Ball. 1888-9. [388] Bibliotheca. 1891-3. [394] Bierens. 1878-87. [482-3] Bossut, 1803-10. [516] Boyer. 1900. [665] Cajori. 1894. [675] Cantor. 1880. [998] Delambre. 1810. [1512] Gerhardt. 1877. [2609] Libri. 1838-41. [2827] Marie. 1883. [3060-1] Montucla. 1799-1802. [3786-7] Proclus. 1792. [3887-8] Ramus. 1569-99. [4182] Sallustj. 1846. [4767] Taylor. 1881. [4886-90] Tod- hunter. 1861-5. [5131] Vossius. 1650. [5461] Wolf. 1731. [5593] Zeuthen. 1902. [5964-5] Ball. 1888-1901. [6209] Bibliotheca Mathe- matica. 1887-93. [6364] Bossut. 1803. [6706] Cantor. 1880-1901. [8084] Franchini. 1821-4. [8373] Gerhardt. 1877. [8835-8] Halliwell- Phillipps. 1839-41. [8886] Hankel. 1869. [9362] Hoefer. 1879. [10007-8] Kastncr. 1796- 1800. [10822] Libri. 1838-41. [11421-2] Marie. 1883-8. [12042-3] Montucla. 1799-1802. [12116] Morgan. 1842. [14941] Smith and Mikami. 1914. [15099-100] Stone. 1726-43. [15338] Tropfke. 1902-3. [15835] Cantor. 1900-8. [16086] Gunther. 1908. [16727] Todhunter. 1865. [16788] Wieleitner. 1911. [S 424] Allman. 1889. [S 745] Gow. 1884. [S 1338] Zeuthen. 1903. [SS 479] Gunther. 1876. [SS 494-5] Heilbronner. 1742. [SS 938] Vossius. 1650. v. Algebra, H.'of. Arithmetic, H. of. Calculus of Variations, H. of the. Geometry, H.of. Mechanics, H. of. Probabilities, Theory of, H. of the. , METHOD IN : [1315] West. 1886. [3091-4] Morgan. 1836-98. [15916] Dauge. 1896. [16354] Mannoury. 1909. v. Porisms. MATHEMATICS, PHILOSOPHY AND PRINCIPLES OF : [957] Davies. c. 1850. [1381] Foucher. [1758} [1 456-7 ] Galtruchius. 1661-8. [1765] Hamilton. 1853. [2234] Kelland. 1843. [14761] Schwarz. 1853. [15711] Baltzer. 1879-83. [15724] Berkeley. 1910. [15754] Bois-Reymond. 1882. [15894] Couturat. 1905. [16213] Klein. 1909-11. [16354] Mannoury. 1909. [16545] Russell. 1903. [16775] Wenck. 1872. [16782] Whitehead and Russell. 1910-13. [16802] Worms. 1908. [16805] Wronski. 1811. [SS 938] Vossius. 1,650.. v. Algebra, E. and P. of. Algebra, Logic of. Arithmetic, P. and E. of. Arithmetic, Psychology of. Calculation, Principles of. Calculus, Philo- sophical Principles of. Geometry, Axioms of. Geometry, E. and P. of. Infinity (Mathematical), Mechanics, P. and E. of. Negative Quantities. , ROMANCE ' OF : [8872] Hampson. 1886. , TEACHING AND STUDY OF : [4782] Teaching. 1902. [4877] Todhunter. 1873. [9368] Hofler. 1910. [10128] Killing and Hove- stadt. 1910. [10373] Lacroix. 1816. [12122-3] Morgan. 1831-3. [13162] Perry. 1901. [S 1336] Young. 1908. v. Algebra, Teaching of. , USES OF: [284] Barrow. 1734. [911] Crousaz. 1715. [957] Davies. c. 1850. [4645] Strong. 1723. [4914-15] Torricelli. 1715. [7335] Doiin. 1769. AND THEOLOGY: [1622-3] Grandi. 1710-13. [2105] Jack. 1747. [5888-9] Babbage. 1838. [6864] Cheyne. 1715. [SS 462] Grandi." 1710-13. MATTER, PROPERTIES OF : [4736] Tait. 1885. [8608] Gray. 1901. [13586] Poynting and Thomson. 1902. [17045] Glazebrook. 1893. [17052] Gray. 1901. [17189] Poynting and Thomson. 1902. [17236] Tait. 1885. , STATES OF: [108] Andrews. 1869. [533] Boyle. 1668. [10789-90] Lewis. 1763. [17013] Duhem. 1891. v. Boiling Point. Colloidal State. Crystalloid State. Electrotonic State. Evaporation. Freezing Point. Phase Rule. Solid State. Spheroidcl State. State, Change of. Vaporization. Volati- lization. , THEORIES OF: [279] Barlow. 1885. [421] Birks. 1862. [1072] Dolbear. 1892. [1122] Duncan. 1905. [2673] Lodge. 1903. [6239] Birks. 1862. [6906] Clark. 1907. [7398} Duncan. 1907. [8874] Hands. 1879. [10060. 10071-2] Kelvin. 1891-1905. [10892] Liveing. 1885. [10970] Lodge. 1903. [11408] Marck- wald. 1888. [11584] Mathieu. 1799. [12211] Mossotti. 1836. [13756] Puschl. 1869. [14767J Schyanoff. 1868. [14802-3] Sedgwick. 1882- 96/ [15257] Thomson. 1904. [S 2074-5} Larmor. 1900. [S 2611] Avogadro. 1837-41. v. Atomic Theories. Corpuscular Theory. Electron Theory. Vortex Theory. AND ENERGY : [4991] Tyndall. 1873. [6260] Blaise. 1902. [10452] Laming. 1851. MAXIMA AND MINIMA: [895] Cresswell. 1817. [3880] Ramchundra. 1859. [5114] Viviarii. 1659. [9508] Howard. 1798. [14873-4] Simpson. 1747-60. [15513] West. 1762. MAXWELL'S THEORY OF ELECTRICITY v. Light, Electromagnetic Theory of. MEANS (ARITHMETICO -GEOMETRICAL) : [SS 230] Borchardt. 1888. v. Arithmetical Means. MEASURES (STANDARD) : [5396] Whitworth. 1858. [S 3687] Whitworth. 1872. . v. Length and Weight. Metrology. 930 INDEX. MEASURING (TECHNICAL) : [8571] Gramberg. 1905. AND VALUING : [837-8] Coggeshall. 1729-85. [2036. 2052-3] Hutton. 1770-1812. [4501] Solski. 1688. [5846] Artificer's Work. 1843. [7318-19] Dobson. 1852-8. [7543] Emerson. 1770. [7827] Penning. 1772. [9047-50] Hawney. 1730-75. [9467] HorntJii. 1862. [9592-3. 9612-14] Hutton. 1770-1812. [10963] Lodge. 1905. [11340-1] Mandey. 1727. [11577] Matheson. 1893. [12425-6] Nesbit, 1868-75. [12645] Nicholson. 1827. [13092] Penna. 1643. [13203] Phillipps. 1721. INSTRUMENTS : [4261-2] Schneitler. 1848-52. [11801]Metius. 1611. [SS 296] Chauvet. 1585. v. Balance. Bathometer. Dynamometer. Gaug- ing Rod. Goniometer. Hydraulic Current Meter. Hydrostatic Balance. Instruments of Precision. Micrometer. Pedometer. Saccharometer. Sensito- metry. Tachometry. Telemeter. MECHANICAL DRAWING v. Machine Drawing. ENGINEERING : [2638] Lineham. 1904. [2862] Martin. 1818. [8799] Haldane. 1890. [10869- 71] Lineham. 1894-1904. [12642] Nicholson. 1825. [14033. 14040] Rennie (G.). 1825-60. [14978] Somerscales. 1909. [17083] Jamieson. 1903-5. v. Machinery. Planes (True). - NOTATION : [5887] Babbage. 1826. - PARADOX : [7845] Ferguson. 1764. PARADOXES : [3745] Pratt. 1862. [13978] Reddie. 1862. - THESES : [4340] Serret. 1847. MECHANICS (AMATEUR) : [2719] Lukin. 1872. [4539] Spon. 1886. [11076-8] Lukin. 1870-80. (ANALYTICAL) : [727] Cauchy. 1868. [1255] Euler. 1736. [1873] Hermann. 1716. [2302] Kirchhoff. 1877. [2376-8] Lagrange. 1811-55. [2446-8] Laplace. 1814-21. [3522] Peirce. 1855. [3685-7] Poisson. 1833-42. [3747-9] Pratt. 1836-45. [3843-4] Prony. 1800-15. [4668] Sturm. 1861. [5477] Wood. 1884. [7697-8. 7706-7] Euler. 1736-1853. [9171] Hermann. 1716. '[10399-402] Lagrange. 1788-1815. [10510-11] Laplace. 1814-32. [10693] Lehmus. 1838-42. ![13353] Piola. 1825. [13474-6] Poisson. 1833-42. [13597-601] Pratt. 1836-45. [16422] !Xavier. 1858. [16942] Barton. 1911. [16970] Bowser. 1905. [17035] Fuhrmann. 1882- 1904. [17043] Gilbert. 1891. [17101] Lagrange. 1888-9. [17140] Michie. 1905. [17193] Pratt. 1845. [17199] Rausenberger. 1893. [17211] Ritter. 1899. [17263-4] Volkmann. 1900-13. [17286] Wood. 1900. [17294] Ziwet and Field. 1912. [S 2144] Moigno. 1868. (ANIMAL) : [473] Borelli. 1710. [2752] McKendrick. 1892. [2781] Mairan. 1741. [2826]Marey. 1895. [2936-7] Mayow. 1674-81. [4573] Stensen. 1667. [9021-2] Haughton. 1863-73. [11416-18] Marey. 1874-95. [13178] Pettigrew. 1874. [17063] Haughton. 1873. [SS 1557] Borelli. 1686. (APPLIED): [853] Combes, etc. 1867. [883] Cotterill and Slade. 1891. [2778] Mahistre. 1858. [3196] Navier. 1833-8. [3893] Rankine. 1885. [5718] Alexander. 1880. [6352] Borgnis. 1818-23. [7035-6] Cotterill. 1892-5. [9482] Hospitalier. v. y. [12207-8] Moseley. 1834-9. [13154-5] Perry. 1897-1909. [13896-7] Rankine. 1873-91. [16998-9] Cotterill. 1894- 1902. [17083] Jamieson. 1903-5. [S 3367] 1865-8. -(ELEMENTARY): [462] Bonnet. 1858. [485] Bossut. 1763. [573] Bresson. 1842. [1394] Francoeur. 1800. [2777] Magnus. 1885-9. MECHANICS (ELEMENTARY), continued: [3103-4] Morin. 1855-60. [3230] Xe\rth. 1879. [3463-4] Parkinson. 1861-3. [3573] Phear. 1850. [3728] Potter. 1848-59. [4485] Snowball. 1845. [4920] Trabaud. 1741. [5160] Walker. 1830. [5350-8] Whewell. .1819-47. [5880] Aveling. 1888. [5990-1] Barlow. 1818. [6744-5] Carpenter. 1843-57. [8332] Geldard. 1893. [8472] Glazebrook. 1895. [10524] Lardner. 1863. [10966] Lodge. 1904. [11874] Millington. 1830. [12107] Moseley. 1839. [13555] Potter. 1846. [137671 Pullen. 1902. [13906] Rankine and Bamber. 1875. [15384-6] Venturoli. 1817-33. [15414- 15] Voigt. 1889-1901. [16967] Boucharlat. 1861. [16986] Combette. 1899. [17004] Daries. 1906. [17032] Franklin and Macmitt. 1909. [17038]Ga,rcet. 1861. [17049] Goodeve. 1883. [17067] Helm. 1884. [17126] Liibsen. 1876. [17241] Tesar. 1909. [17252] Tod- hunter. 1890. [17260] Voigt. 1901. (ENGINEERING) : [5310-13] Weisbach. 1847- 1901. [5369] Whewell. 1841. [6889] Church. 1894. [7414-15] Dupin. 1822-6. [11773] Merriman. 1901. [12201-2] Moseley. 1843-55. [13484-5. 13488-9] Poncelet. 1839-45. [15501- 3] Weisbach. 1882-97. [16357] Marc. 1907. [16423] Navier. 1878. [17027] Foppl. 1900-3. [17279] Weisbach. 1877. [S 3456] Goodman. 1912-13. [SS 2049] Sarrau. 1903. v. Machinery, M. of. (EXPERIMENTAL): [253. 5955] Ball. 1871. [SS 1768] Hauksbee. c. 1735. (GENERAL) : [703] Carpenter. 1857. [807] Clark. 1764. [988] Deidier. 1741. [1106-8] Duhamel. 1845-63. [1621] Grandi. 1739. [1667] Gregory. 1826. [2219] Kater. 1833-5. [5041] Varignon. 1725. [5514] Wright. 1890. [6595] Buff. 1871-3. [7385-6] 'Duhamel. 1845-54. [7554] Emerson. 1769. [8160] Frisi. 1777. [10011-12] Kater and Lardner. 1830-7. [10744-6] Leslie. 1823-9. [12970-1] Parkinson. 1785-9. [14085] Resal. 1878-81. [14368-70] Robison. 1822. [15836] Capito. 1913. [16932-3] Appell. 1905-12. [16969] Boussinesq. 1889. [16981] Cellerier. 1892. [16996-7] Collignon. 1873-1903. [17012] Duhamel. 1862-3. [17023-4] Fernet et Faivre- Dupaigre. 1904-11. [17059] Guillot. 1911. [17186] Poisson. 1833. [17198] Rankine and Bamber. 1884. [17202-4] Rosal. 1873-95. [17232] Sturm. 1905. [17283-4] Wernicke. 1900-3. v. Dynamics. (MOLECULAR) : [297. 6060. 16945] Bayma. 1866. (PHYSICAL): [16928] Andrade. 1898. [16965] Bouasse. 1912. (PRACTICAL): [1325] Ferguson. 1773. [1586-7] Goodeve. '1883-92. [2796-7] Mandey and Moxon. 1698. [3100M] Morin. 1858-64. [3117-18] Moseley. 1834-43. [3126-9] Moxon. 1677-1703. [3313] Nicholson. 1825. [4753] Tate. 1853. [4964-6] Twisden. 1863-86. [5050] Venturoli. 1823. [5321] Wells. 1902. [6651] Byrne. 1872. [7861-2] Ferguson. 1778-90. [8188] Furtenbach. 1662. [12991] Partington. 1825. [15386] Venturoli. 1822-3. [SS 3042-3] Mandey and Moxon. 1696-9. (PRE -NEWTONIAN) : [158] Aristoteles. 1812. [251] Baliani. 1638. [330-1] Benedetti. 1589- 99. [1445] Galilei. 1638. [4273] Schott, 1657. [5188] AVallis. 1670. [10414] La Hire. 1695. [12034-5] Monte. 1577-81. [14743] Schott. 1657. [15449-50] Wallis. 1670-1. (RATIONAL): [1003-4] Delaunay. 1856-66. [2206] Jullien. 185. [3557] Petrovitch. 1906. [5068] Vieille. 1851. [5433-4] Willis. 1841 -70. INDEX. 931 MECHANICS (RATIONAL), continued : [5802-31 AopelL 1893-6. [9969-72] Jullien. 1855-67. [16935-6] Appell. 1902-10. [17006] Delaunay. 1873. [17025] Finger. 1901. [17088] Jullien. 1866-7. [17109] Laurent. 1889. [17217] St. Germain. 1877-89. - (STATISTICAL) : [1924] Gibbs. 1902. (THEORETICAL) : [475] Borgnis. 1821. [2109] Jackson. 1827. [5311] Weisbach. 1872. [5594- 5]Ziwet. 1893-4. [7558-61] Emerson. 1758-94. [9771] Jeans. 1906. [11037] Love. 1897. [15655] Villie. 1885-98. [17087] Johnson. 1910. [17124] Love. 1906. [17249] Thornton. 1905. [17268] Walton. 1876. [17278-9] Weisbach. 1877-96. [17291] Zech. 1891. [17293] Ziwet. 1908. v. Machinery, Theory of. (VECTORIAL) : [17225] Silberstein. 1913. , CYCLOPAEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES or: [711] Cassell. 1900. [1182] Encyclopaedia Metro- politana. 1848. [2316] Knight. 1877-84. [4537-8] Spon. 1869-81. [10229] Knight. 1877-84. [17343] Hiscox. 1905. [17346] Knight. 1877-84. , HISTORY OF: [10481] Lange. 1886. [11189] Mach. 1893. [17127] Mach. 1901. [S 2105] Mach. 1904. , LECTURES ON: [5572-6] Young. 1807-45. [12404] Navier. 1841. [14671] Saunderson. c. 1712. [16972] Briot. 1861. , PRINCIPLES AND ELEMENTS OF : [5073] Vig- noli et Jacquier. 1774. [8848] Hamilton. 1772. [9248-9] Hertz. 1892. [9994] Kant. 1746. [10481] Lange. 1881. [13895] Rankine. 1856. [16963] Boltzmann. 1897-1904. [17285] Willis. 1870. [S 2147] Morin. 1855. [S 2386] Vieille. 1882. v. Vis Viva. : PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES : [3108] Morland. 1685. [5076] Villie. 1885-90. [5198. 5200-3] Walton. 1842-76. [5951] Balassi. 1768. [6666] Calandrelli. 1789. [7005] Conti. 1838. [9969- 72] Jullien. 1855-67. [12157-8] Morland. 1685. [12644] Nicholson. 1812. [16979] Caron- net. 1898. [17035] Fuhrmann. 1882-1904. [17057] Guichard. 1913. [17088] Jullien. 1866-7. [17217-18] St.-Germam. 1877-89. [17268] Walton. 1876. [17291] Zech. 1891. MECHANISM: [7404-5] Dunkerley. 1905-7. [14759] Schwamb and Merrill. 1904. [17288] Woods. 1905. [17343] Hiscox. 1905. [S 3353] Benjamin. 1892. v. Machine Elements. MKCOMETER : [S 796-7] Henrion. 1630-77. MEGAPHONE: [2383. 10411-12] La Hire. 1694. MENSURATION v. Measuring. MERCANTILE TABLES : [3483-4] Pasi. 1521-40. [4724] Tagliente. 1570. [5706] Alciato. 1532. [6026] Bartoli. 1866. [8134] Frazioni Decimali. 1811. [8268] Garatti. 1686. [11380] Manzoni. 1553. [11425] Mariani. 1567. [11541] Mas- kelyne. 1800. [12834] Oriani. 1801. [13000] Pasi. 1503. [13020] Pathway of Knowledge. 1596. v. Metric Tables. Ready Reckoner. MERCURY, CHEMISTRY AND METALLURGY OF : [7469] Egleston. 1887-90. [13062] Pedler. 1889. [14195] Richards. 1902. , CONGELATION OF : [6255] Blagden. 1784. , SPECIFIC RESISTANCE OF : [9888] Jones. 1891. (PLANET) : [10775) Le Verrier. 1843. [14900] Smeaton. 1787. [SS 1134] Hirzgarter. 1643. v. Transit of Mercury. MERIDIAN CIRCLE : [8988] Harzer. 1905. CONFERENCE (INTERNATIONAL) : [1938] Hirsch et Oppolzer. 1883. [11766] Meridian Conference. 1884. - DIAL : [5468] Wollaston. 1793. MEASUREMENT: [997] Delambre. 1799. [1000] Delambre et Mechain. 1806-21. [2349-50] La Condamine. 1751-4. [3617] Picard. 1731. [3619] Pictet-Turretini. 1791. [11630-5] Maupertuis. 1738-42. [SS 1015] Bouguer. 1749. [SS 1150] JuanyUlloa. 1773. OBSERVATIONS : [1537] Gill. 1884. [1880] Herschel. 1826. MESITILOLE : [9371] Hofmann. c. 1848. MESITYLENE : [9421] Hoogewerf. 1868. MESOLABE : [4419]Sluze. 1668. [8653] Gregorius a Sto. Vincentio. 1668. METABOLISM: [7397] Dumas. 1842. [13030-1] Pavy. 1894-5. METALLIC ALLOYS : [1934] Hiorns. 1890. [2333] Krupp. 1889. [8734] Guettier. 1865. [11136] Lutschaunig. 1878. [11600-2. 11604. 11606] Matthieson. 1857-61. [14322-4. 14326-7. 14334] Roberts-Austen. 1884-99. [14482] Rosen- hain and Tucker. 1908. [14779] Scoffern. 1857- 66. [17007] Dessau. 1910. [SS 2900] Brannt. 1896. v. Iron Alloys. SURFACES : [5396] Whitworth. 1858. METALLOGRAPHY : [8497] Goerens. 1911. METALLURGICAL INDUSTRY : [14643] Saladin et Charpy. 1906. LABORATORIES: [14480] Rosenhain. 1908. PROCESSES : [14180] Richards. 1898. METALLURGY : [36-8] Agricola. 1550-1621. [418-20] Biringuccio. 1540-59. [906] Crookes and Rohrig. 1868-70. [1970] Holland. 1831-4. [3538] Percy. 1861-80. [3585-7] Phillips (J. S.). 1852-74. [3591] Phillips (J. A.). 1873. [3995] Richardson. 1790. [4031] Roberts-Austen. 1898. [4302] Scoffern, etc., 1857. [5098] Virlet. 1837. [5286] Webster. 1671. [5664-6] Agricola. 1556-1621. [6228-36] Biringnccio. 1540-1678. [7104-5] Crookes and Rohrig. 1868-9. [7314] Ditte. 1891. [7592] Ercker. 1629. [8333] Gellert. 1758. [8466-7] Glauber. 1689-94. [8568] Gower. 1888. [9397] Holland. 1831-4. [10115] Kerl. 1852. [10165-7] Kircher. 1665-78. [10983-4] Lohneyss. 1619-90. [13110- 14] Percy. 1852-70. [13179-82] Pettus. 1683-6. [13221-3. 13225-8. 13230] Phillips. 1852-87. [14704]Scheerer. 1848. [14725] Schnabel. 1898. [14779] Scoffern. 1857-66. [14845] Siemens. 1889. [15309] Tomlinson. 1859. [S 3157] Agricola. 1657. [S 3164] Balling. 1885. [S 3165-7] Barba. 1738-40. [S 3184] Birin- guccio. 1572. [S 3262] Jars. 1774-81. [S 3316] Sexton. 1911. [SS 2883] Barba. 1674. [SS 2940] Phillips. 1891. [SS 2944] Percy. 1864-7. -. v. Amalgamation Processes. Assaying. Electro- Metallurgy. Fuel. Furnaces. Ore Dressing. Re- fractory Materials. Smelting. METALS (CANADIAN) : [14325] Roberts-Austen. 1898. , DIFFUSION OF: [14329] Roberts-Austen. 1896. , ELECTRODYNAMIC QUALITIES OF : [10064] Kelvin. 1856. , STRUCTURE OF : [12837] Osmond and Roberts- Austen. 1896. -, THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF : [SS 1792-6] Ingenhousz. 1782-9. , WORKING OF: [S 3217] Demuth. 1907 932 INDEX. METAMERISM: [1560-1] Wisliceuus. 1889. v. Isomerism. METAMORPHISM : [7178-82] Daubree. 1858-9. [10144] King. 1881. [10239] Knop. 1873. [14502] Roth. 1890. [15375] Van Hise. 1904. MKTEORITIC HYPOTHESIS : [266G. 10956] Lockyer. 1890. v. Nebular Hypothesis. METEOROLOGICAL ATLAS : [S 2459] Bartholomew and Herbertson. 1899. CORRESPONDENCE : [6782] Cavalli. 1785. [9132] Hemmer. 1780-7. CYCLES : [2753] Mackenzie. 1821. [4868-9] Toaldo. 1770-97. [9513] Howard. 1842. [11205-6] Mackenzie. 1818-29. [14260] Rijcke- vorsel. 1908. [15302-8] Toaldo. 1770-97. ESSAYS : [930-2. 3011] Miscellanea Curiosa. 1705-7. [7148-52] Dalton. 1793-1834. [7162-6] Daniell. 1823-45. [8828-30] Halley. 1708-27. [11943-5] Miscellanea Curiosa. 1708-27. [14685] Saussure. 1796-1803. [15299] Toaldo. 1802. [SS 2358-60] Stancari. 1713. INSTRUMENTS: [2570] Leslie. 1813-20. [3194] NegrettiandZambra. 1864. [4309] Scott. 1875. [9740] James. 1860-1. [10742] Leslie. 1820. [14594] Russell. 1895. [SS 2277] Hemmer. 1782. v. Anemometers. Rarometry. Hygrometry. Rain Gauge. Thermometry. JOURNALS : [2957-9] Meteorological Society. 1861-1906. [2900] Meteorological Society (Scottish). 1864-1905. [2961] Meteorological Record. 1881-92. [4705-9] Symons. 1867-99. [11791] Meteorological Record. 1882-1909. [11792-6] Meteorological Society. 1861-1913. [15183-7] Symons. 1863-1913. LECTURES : [9516] Howard. 1843. [9986] Kamtz. 1840. OBSERVATIONS : [49] Airy. 1843-50. [930-2] Dalton. 1793-1834. [2125] James. 1860. [2147] Jenyns. 1858. [2962-3] Meteorological Observations. 1864-80. [3034] Moles worth. 1880. [3208] Neumayer. 1867. [3871] Rad- cliffe Observatory. 1858-80. [3908] Read. 1791-2. [5781-3] Antarctic Expedition. 1840- 1908. [5975] Barker. 1785-9. [6129] Bent. 1804. [6600] Buijs Ballot. 1872-3. [6816] Chambers. 1881-3. [7054] Cowe. 1889. [7148- 52] Dalton. 1793-1834. [7162-6] Daniell. 1823-45. [7475] Eiffel. 1900. [7936-7] Fitzroy. 1857-9. [8448-50] Glaisher, etc. 1870-1. [8648-9] Greenwich Observations. 1875-1910. [9510-12] Howard. 1818-33. [9560] Hum- boldt. 1814-29. [9740] James. 1860-1. [9775. 9777] Jolinek. 1850-69. [9785] Jenyns. 1858. [11138-9] Luz. 1784. [11753] Mennell, etc. 1858-73. [11758-90] Meteorological Observa- tions. 1880-1903. [11992] Molesworth. 1880. [12838] Osservazioni Meteorologiche. 1880. [13808-9] Qnetelet. 1841. [13821] Radcliffe Observatory. 1885-1910. [13956] Read. 1792. [14096] Respighi. 1875. [14237] Riddel!. 1844. [14288] Roberts. 1886. [14498-9] Rotch. 1887-9. [14555-8] Royal Society of London. 1788-1842. [15299] Toaldo. 1802. [15317] Toronto Magnetical Observatory. 1864. [15461] Washington Astronomical arid Meteorological Observations. 1878-85. [S 141] Meteorological Observations, Sydney. 1867-77. [S 2477] Broun. 1849. [SS 1906-7] Musschenbroek. 1729. [SS 2256] Dalton. 1802. OBSERVATORIES : [2501-2] Lawson. 1844-6. TABLES : [4202*] Sandeman. 1857. [6298] Boileau. 1850. v. Hygrometrical T. Hypsometrical T. METEOBOI.OGY : [138] Arago. 1855. [626] Buchan. 1868. [947] Daniell. 1845. [1347] Flammarion. 1873. [1372] Forster. 1823. [1720] Giinther. 1889. [1752] Halley. 1705. [1889] Herschel. 1862. [2457] Lardner. 1841-4. [2713-15] Luc. 1772-87. [2783] Majocchi. 1824. [1031] Miscellanea Curiosa. 17057. [3111] Morris. 1866. [3150-1] Muller.Pouillet. 1898. [3395] Orr. 1860. [3734] Pouillet. 1856. [4040] Robertson. 1808. [4308] Scott. 1883. [4867-9] Toaldo. 1770-97. [5150] Waldo. 1893. [6092] Becquerel. 1847. [6573] Buchan. 1868. [6668] Calandrelli. 1785. [6697] Campbell. 1865. [7046] Cotte. 1774. [7162-6] Daniell. 1823-45. [7364] Drew. 1855. [8018] Forbes. 1841. [8039-40] Forster. 1815-23. [8444] Glaisher. 1869. [8645] Greg. 1855. [8983] Harvey. 1833. [9224-5] Herschel. 1861-2. [9554]" Humboldt. 1843. [9581-2] Hutchinson. 1835. [9983-4] Kamtz. 1831-45. [10428-9] Lamarck. 1806-8. [10526] Lardner. 1853. [11017] Loomis. 1868. [11057-8] Luc. 1787. [11447] Marriott. 1904. [12059] Moore. 1910. [12168] Morris. 1866. [12262-3] Miiller. 1847-62. [13740] Prout. 1834. [13958] Reclus. 1873. [14594] Russell. 1895. [14722] Schmid. 1860. [15252] Thomson. 1849. [15299. 15302-8] Toaldo. 1770-1802. [17387] BSrnstein. 1906. [17388] Davis. 1894. [17391] Hann. 1911. [17394] Moore. 1910. [S 2502] Davy. 1866. [S 2507] Dove. 1837. [S 2546] Loomis. 1885-9. [SS 1906-7] Musschenbroek. 1729. v. Air. Atmospheric. Barometry. Climatology. Clouds. Dew. Fog. Frosts. Hail. Halos. Hygro- metry. Lightning. Moon's Influence on Weather. Oceanography. Rain. Thermometry. Thunder. Weather. Wind. (ASTROLOGICAL) : [8490] Goad. 1686. [12686] Nifo. 1614. [12781] Oderico. 1653. [15299. 15302-8] Toaldo. 1770-1802. (DYNAMIC) : [S 2449] Abbe. 1910. [S 2510] Ferrel. 1860. v. Air Currents. Storms. Winds. (OCEAN) : [2188-92] Jordan. 1866-85. [7905] Findlay. 1887. [9162] Hepworth. 1907. [9906. 9908] Jordan. 1867-77. [11347] Mangin. 1870. [11651-2]Maury. 1860-1. [15330-1] Toynbee. 1872-82. v. Oceanography. (POPULAR) : [1521] Giberne. 1891. [3842] Prout. 1834. [7940-1] Flammarion. 1872-3. [8383] Giberne. 1890. (TOPOGRAPHICAL) : [6277] Bloxam. 1860. [6576] Buchanan. 1899. [6604] Buist. 1843. [6815] Chambers. 1878. [12192] Mossman. 1896-1902. [13265] Phipson. 1857. , BIBLIOGRAPHY OF : [9097] Hellmann. 1883. , EARLY WORKS ON : [140] Aratus. 1828. [155. 157] Aristoteles. 1505-1601. [472] Borelli. 1670. [670] Camerarius. *1536. [3333] Nifo. 1540. [4276] Schott. 1697. [4693] Swan. 1665. [4850] Thummig. 1727. [5435] Willsford. 1658. [5810] Aratus. 1880. [5827-9] Aristoteles. 1562-1870. [6418] Boyle. 1692. [6442] Brahe. 1876. [8490] Goad. 1686. [9167] Herbi:iius. 1678. [9902] Jonston. 1632. [11706-9] Medina. 1555-1609. [12686] Nifo. 1614. [12781] Oderico. 1653. [12931] Panarolo. 1642. [13513] Porta. 1610. [14108] Resta. 1644. [14744] Schott. 1662. [15389] Vieri. 1582. [S 1941] Gilbert. 1651. [S 2456-7] Aristoteles. 1562-1631. [SS 1151] Kalendar (Deutscher). 1522. [SS 2223-5] Aristoteles. 1522-51. , HISTORY OF : [10428] Lamarck. 1806. [11446] Marriot. 1903. [SS 2369] Taglini. 1736. AND CHOLERA : [8446] Glaisher. 1855. INDEX. 933 METEORS : [137] Arago. 1865. [3605] Phipson. 1867. [3879] Rambosson. 1869. [4407] Simpson. 1675. [5793] Apjohn. 1837. [6166] Bertholon. 1787. [6226] Biot. 1803. [6244] Bjorn. 1816. [7179-80] Daubree. 1866-8. [7833] Ferrari. 1873. [8241]Galle. 1868. [8907] Hare. 1836. [9186] Herschel. 1867. [9302] Hinrichs. 1905. [9928] Joule. 1848. [11238] Maclean. 1840. [11451] Marsh. 1863. [11547] Maskelyne. 1783. [11800] Meteors. 1895. [12026] Montanari. 1676. [12190]Moschick. 1909. [12364] Xatural History Museum. 1881-5. [12494] Newton. 1888. [13357] Pisani. 1864. [13445] Plummer. 1901. [13448] Poey. 1864. [13795] Quetelet. 1839-41. [13856-7] Rammelsberg. 1870-9. [14281] Riva. 1725. [14590] Russell, 1894-5. [14883] Silberschlag. 1764. [15114. 15126] Stoney. 1879-1902. [SS 1346] Zoboli. 1619. [SS 2377-8] Troili. 1766-7. v. Leonids. , ELECTRICITY OF : [368] Bertholon. 1787. METHANE AND ITS DERIVATIVES : [5130] Volta. 1778. [5878] Austin. 1789. [9151] Henry. 1821. v. Paraffin. METHOD OF SCIENCE : [2152-4] Jevons. 1874-9. [2964] Method. 1906. [9803-4] Jevons. 1874- 83. [14957] Smith. 1770. [15141] Strong. 1906. [15645] Jevons. 1879. [S 375-6] Poin- care. 1909-14. v. Chemical M. Geometrical M. Mathematics, M. in. Universal Science. METHYLENE (POLY-) SERIES: [11761] Menschutkin. 1906. METRIC SYSTEM : [1000] Delambre et Mechain. 1806-21. [9483] Hospitalier. v. y. [9699] Jack- son. 1882. v. Decimal System. (EGYPTIAN) : [9182] Hero Alexandrinus. 1851. TABLES : [1092. 7353] Bowling. 1864-72. METROLOGY : [784] Chisholm. 1877. [1149] Edser. 1899. [5717] Alexander. 1850. [7079] Cristiani. 1760. [7349] Doursther. 1840. [8118] Franklin Institute. 1834. [9016] Hassler. 1832. [9212. 9244] Herschel. 1863. [9699-700] Jackson. 1876-82. [10039] Keith. 1791. [11541] Maske- lyne. 1800. [11782]Mersenne. 1644-7. [14628- 9] Saigey. 1834. [SS 1990] Poids et Mesures. 1881-8. v. Decimal Measures. Interference Methods. Length and Weight. Magnetic Measurement. Measures. Mercantile Tables. Scales of Equal Parts. Torsion Meters. MEZZOTINT ENGRAVING : [6836] Chelsum. 1786. [SS 2757-8] Dossie. 1758-64. MICA : [13855] Rammelsberg. 1880. MICROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS : [315] Behrens. 1899. [6102-3] Behrens (H.). 1895-6. [6104] Behrens (T. H.). 1881. [10209] Element et Renard. 1866. MICROMETER : [2062] Huygens. 1659. [3617] Picard. 1731. [5923] Baily. 1824. [5966] Balthasar. 1710. [6790-1] Cavallo. 1791-3. [11482] Martin. 1740. [13512] Porro. 1858. [15608] Wollaston. 1813. [SS 1837-8] Lambert. 1769 [SS 2198] Chaulnes. 1768. [SS 2219] Weickert. 1811. MICROMETRY (ASTRONOMICAL) : [13341-2] Pihl. 1891-3. [13746] Przybyllok. 1908. MICRO-PHOTOGRAPHY v. Photography (Micro-). MICROSCOPE (THE) AND MICROSCOPY : [244-5] Baker. 1742-53. [304] Beck. 1865. [773] Cherubin d'Orleans. 1671. [1359] Fontana. 1646. [1981] MICROSCOPE (THE) AND MICROSCOPY, continued : Hooke. 1745. [2836. 2847] Martin. 1742-86. [2902] Matthews and Lott. 1889. [3037] Molyneux. 1692. [3545] Pereira. 1854. [5236] Watkins. 1754. [5646] Adams. 1787-98. [5966] Balthasar. 1710. [7114] Cuff. 1743. [7999-8001] Fontana. 1646. [8725] Grunert. 1846-51. [9286] Hill. 1752. [9389-90] Hogg. 1867. [9431] Hooke. 1665. [10223] Klugel. 1778. [1 1352] Mann. c. 1750. [11490-1.11495] Martin. 1759-70. [12006] Molyneux. 1709. [12191] Moser. 1839. [13578] Power. 1664. [13679-80] Pritchard. 1838-45. [13780] Quekett. 1852. [15161-3] Sturm. 1676-85. [16980] Carpenter. 1901. [17005] Davis. 1889. [17076] Hogg. 1911. [17228-9] Spitta. 1907-9. [S 324] Hooke. 1678. [S 1949] Gregory. 1715. [S 2437-8] Zahn. 1685-1702. [SS 1555] Borel. 1655-6. [SS 1618] Ciampini. 1686. [SS 1822] Kohlhans. 1663. [SS "2067-9] Selva. 1787. [SS 2185-7] Adams. 1746-71. [SS 2192-3] Baker. 1743-4. [SS 2195] Brewster. 1837. [SS 2196-7] Buonanni. 1699. [SS 2198] Chaulnes. 1768. [SS 2199] Dollond. c. 1765. [SS 2202] Grundel. 1687. [SS 2207-8] Hooke. 1667. v. Water, M. of. - (POLARISING) : [S 2964] Cloizeanx. 1864. v. Analyser. Polariscope. (SOLAR) : [5966] Balthasar. 1710. [6451] Braiider. 1767. [7114] Cuff. 1743. [11352] Mann. c. 1750. [SS 2185-7] Adams. 1746-71. [SS 2200] Dollond. c. 1775. [SS 2210] Martin. 1774. - (ULTRA-) : -, HISTORY OF [SS 2188] Adams. 1787. 1699. [7047] Cotton et Mouton. 1906. THE : [14151] Rizzi. 1852. [SS 2196-7] Buonanni. , THEORY OF THE v. Optics (Microscopical). MICROSCOPIC JOURNALS : [2979] Microscopical Society. 1853-92. [3862] Quekett Microscopical Club. 1868-91. [1183 6-7] Microscopical Journal. 1869-77. [11838-40] Microscopical Society. 1878-1910. [11841] Microscopical Science. 1853-68. [13781] Quekett Microscopical Club. 1868-70. OBJECTIVES: [1802] Harting. 1898. [SS 1061] Divini. 1666. v. Lenses, Systems of. OPTICS v. Optics (Microscopical). VISION : [15121] Stoney. 1896. [SS 2184] Abbe. 1904. MICROSCOPY (CHEMICAL) : [3901] Raspail. 1833 (TECHNICAL) : [2637] Lindner. 1901. [2744] Macdonald. 1875. [2902] Matthews and Lott. 1889. [2965] Mez. 1898. [S 3045] Hanausek. 1907. MICRO-SPECTROSCOPY v. Spectroscopy (Micro-). MICROTOMY : [2515] Lee. 1893. MILITARY SCIENCES : [1054] Digges. 1579. [5037] Valturio. 1532. [5046-7] Vegetius. 1532-1607. [6012] Barret. 1598. [14375] Robson. 1763. [15373-4] Valturio. 1483-1532. [15379-80] Vegetius. 1585. v. Ballistics. Fire Arms. Fortification. Gun- nery and Artillery. Gunpowder. Mining (Military). Surveying (Military). War Engines. MILK AND ITS ANALYSIS : [2146] Jensen. 1903. [2569] Pfeiffer. 1887. [4142] Russell. 1899. [8684] Grew. 1679. [11656] May and Rothen- fusser. 1908. [15280] Thorpe. 1909. MILKY WAY: [4648] Struve. 1847. [5516-17] Wright. 1750. [8223] Galilei. 1610. [16920] Wolf. 1908. 61 934 INDEX. MILL ENGINEERING : [627] Buchanan. 1841-50. [1270]Fabre. 1783. [1276] Fairbairn. 1864-5. [3895] Rankine. 1869. [4423-5] Smeaton. 1760-96. [4599] Stewart, 1767. [4588] Stevinus. 1884. [5601-2] Zyl. 1761-70. [6577. 6579] Buchanan. 1814-50. [7712] Evans. 1853. [7750-1] Fairbairn. 1864-78. [12641-2] Nicholson. 1825-30. [13899] Rankine. 1873. [14068] Lambert. c. 1784. [14411] Rollet. 1846. [14906-12. 14916] Smeaton. 1760-1814. [15171] Sutcliffe. 1818. [15387] Veranzio. c. 1595. [SS 1363] Camus. 1806. [SS 3000] Faulhaber. 1617. v. Machinery (Early). MILLS, THEORY OF : [3493] Paucton. 1768. MINE ACCOUNTS AND MANAGEMENT : [6540] Brown. 1899. [10613] Lawn. 1904. [14525] Roy. 1876. -DRAINAGE: [11828-9] Michell. 1881-99. v. Drainage. ENGINEERING : [1647-8] Greenwell. 1870-89. [3736]Poussigue. 1900. [8642] Greenwell. 1855. [14116]Reumaux. 1889. [S3211]Curr. 1797. v. Cornish Pumping Engine. Pit Props. Tunnelling. Winding Machinery. EXPLOSIONS : [1972] Holmes. 1816. Garforth. 1909. [10257] Kohler. 1886. Lamprecht. 1901. [15286] Thorpe. [S 3324] Stuart. 1894. - v. Safety Lamp. [8271] [10455] 1892. SURVEYING : [602] Brough. 1888. [1314] Fenwick. 1822. [2008] Houghton. 1681. [6532-3] Brough. 1899-1902. [7830] Fenwick. 1861. [10879-80] Lintern. 1872-87. [11131] Lupton. 1902. [15500] Weisbach. 1873. [S 3187] Brough. 1913. VALUATION : [9468] Hoskold. 1905. VENTILATION: [1739] Hales. 1743. [1972] Holmes. 1816. [3069] Moore. 1859. [3556] Petit. 1900. [4306] Scott. 1868. [5138] Wabner. 1903. [5481] Wood. 1853. [14525] Roy. 1876. [15238] Thomas. 1878. - WATERS : [13230] Phillips. 1874. MINERAL ANALYSIS : [6739] Carnot. 1904. [13251] Phipson. s. d. [14625] Sage. 1769. [15273. 15278] Thomson. 1831-6. [SS 2658] Accum. 1808. [SS 2660] Bergman. 1784. - DEPOSITS: [13361-2] Pisani. 1864-70. [15364] U. S. Geological Survey. 1883-94. v. Ore Deposits. - INDUSTRY : [9653] Industrie Minerale. 1883. [11910] Mineral Industry. 1893-4. [12721] Nordenstrom. 1883. [14898] Skalkovsky. 1878. - VEINS, FORMATION OF : [6637-8] Burr. 1836-7 [15508] Werner. 1802. [15551] Williams. 1810. WATERS (MEDICAL) : [6747] Carrere. 1785. [9882] Jones. 1816. [10201] Kirwan. 1799. [11394] Marcet. 1811. [11937] Mitchell. 1913. [12692] Noad. 1844. [13220] Phillips. 1873. [14892] Simpson. 1670. [S 2671] Boyle. 1685. v. 'Soda' Water. MINERALOGICAL COLLECTIONS : [10898] Lobanoff. 1897. [12364] Natural History Museum. 1881-5. [15424] Wagner. 1818. GLOSSARY : [5719] Allan. 1808. [6511] Bristow. 1861. MINERALOGY : [36-8] Agricola. 1550-1621. [45] Aikin. c. 1820. [378] Berzelius. 1814. [631] Bucldand. 1858. [830] Cloizeaux. 1862-74. [845] Collinr. 1776. [939-41] Dana. 1857-82. [991] Delafosse. 1867. [1105] Dufrenoy. 1844- 5. [1820]Hauy. 1822-3. [2298-9f Kircher. 1665-78. [2303] Kirwan. 1794. [2307] Klap- roth. 1801. [2930] Mawe. 1816. [2997] Miller. 1857-60. [3015] Mitchell. 1864. [3119] Moses MINERALOGY, continued : and Parsons. 1895. [3394] Orr. 1860. [3417] Overman. 1854. [3597] Phillips. 1852. [3916] Readwin. 1867. [4947] Tschermak. 1884. [5329] Werner. 1846-50. [5664-6] Aericola. 1556-1621. [6047-8] Bauerman. 1881-4. [6139] Bergman. 1783. [6188-9] Berzelius. 1814-19. [6194] Beudant. 1830-2. [6278] Blum. 1866. [6520] Brongniart. 1807. [6527] Brooke. 1830. [6584] Buckland. 1836. [6851] Chemistry. 1810-43. [7088] Cronstedt. 1788. [7144-5] Dana. 1855-88. [7809] Faujas de St. Fond. 1784. [8755] Gtirich. 1899. [8977] Hartmann. 1843. [9694] Jackson. 1849. [9742-5] Jameson. 1816-20. [9757. 9759-60] Jannettaz. 1874-1910. [10127] Kidd. 1809. [10165-7] Kircher. 1665-78. [10199-200] Kirwan. 1784-96. [10250-1] Kobell. 1838-41. [10263] Kokscharow. 1857. [10343-5] Kurr. 1858-60. [11689] Mayer. 1839-40. [11865] Miller. 1906. [12050]'Moor. 1909. [12366-7] Naumann. 1871-7. [12389] Handworterbuch der Mineralogie. 1882-7. [13239-42] Phillips. 1818-52. [13326] Pilla. 1841. [13359. 13366] Pisani. 1875-6. [13920] Rath. 1873-4. [14713] Schmeisser. 1794. [14812] Selle. 1878. [15278] Thomson. 1836. [15629] Cesi. 1636. [17362-3] Bauerman. 1902-3. [17375] Sauer. 1908. [SS 2659] Allan. 1834. [SS 2660] Bergman. 1784. [SS 2661] Beudant. 1824. [SS 2663] Boetius de Boot. 1647. [SS 2665] Brard. 1824. [SS 2667] Dana. 1872. [SS 2672. 2677] Jameson. 1817-21. [SS 2690] Mawe. 1818. [SS 2693] Schmidt. 1855. v. Diallage. Lithology. Oryctognosy. (CHEMICAL) : [13860] Rammelsberg. 1841-53. (TOPOGRAPHICAL) : [510] Bournon. 1823. [1305] Farey. 1815. [2645] Liversidce. 1888. [3845] Pryce. 1778. [6677-8] California. 1888- 1899. [8003] Forbes. 1854. [9081] Heddle. 1901. [9125] Helwing. 1717. [9394] Holds- worth. 1857. [10056] Kendall. 1816. [10057] Kenngott. 1866. [10264] Kokscharow. 1861-9. [10903] Liversidge. 1882. [12883] Palachi. 1909. [SS 2689] Manual. 1828. , SYSTEMS OF: [15509] Werner. 1817. [SS 2660] Bergman. 1784. [SS 2661] Beudant. 1824. MINERALS (ARTIFICIAL) : [506] Bourgeois. 1884. [141 38] Reynolds and Ball. 1878. v. Gems (Artificial). MINES (SUBMARINE): [6594] Bucknill. 1889. [SS3152] Fulton. 1812. MINING : [36-38] Agricola. 1550-1621. [959-61] Davies. 1880-8. [1378] Foster. 1903. [1715] Gumpertz et Lebrun. 1805. [2008] Houghton. 1681. [2028] Hunt. 1884. [2279] Kern. ITT-'. [2298-9] Kircher. 1665-78. [2660] Lock. 1892. [2679] Lohneyss. 1690. [3399] Osborn. 1888. [3417] Overman. 1854. [3591] Phillips. 1873. [3914] Raymond. 1871. [4094] Rossler. [4393] Simonin. 1868. [4515] Sopwith. [4775] Taylor. 1829. ^5170] Wallace. [5664-6] Agricola. 1556-1621. [6611] Burat. 1871-4. [6636-7] Burr. 1835-7. [6956] Clifford. 1873. [7183-6] Davies. 1886-92. [7339] Dorion. 1893. [7537] Emmons. 1882-3. [8501] Goldmann. 1895-6. [8786-7] Hague. 1870-8. [9440] Hoover. 1909. [[9469] Hoskold. 1863. [9494] Houghton. 1699. [9569] Hunt, 1884. [10116] Kern. 1772. [10165-7] Kircher. 1665- 78. [10547] Larnach. 1887. [10862] Linden. 1750. [10983-4] Lohneyss. 1619-90. [11862] Miller. 1897. [11918] Mining. 1900. [12457] New Zealand. 1887. [12836] Osborn. 1888. [13205] Phillipps. 1858. [13232] Phillips and Darlington. 1857. [15139] Stretch. 1900. [S 3157] Agricola. 1657. [S 3188] Budge. 1825. [S 3195] Barrow and Thomas. 1893. [S 3196] Caillaux. 1875. [S 3197] Gallon. 1876-86. 1700. 1833. 1890. INDEX. 935 1891-1905. [3007] Engineers (North of 1871-1904. [3008] [3978] Revue Univer- [7477-8] Eisenhutten- MINING, continued : [S 3203] Combes. 1845-7. [S 3210] Crane. 1910. [S 3229-30] Foster. 1904-10. [S 3246] Hardy. 1762. [S 3262] Jars. 1774-81. [S 3302-3] Pryce. 1778. v. Blasting. Coal M. Mineral Deposits. Ore Deposits. Prospecting. Quarrying. (CORNISH) : [881] Cornwall. 1855. [3845] Pryce. 1778. (HYDRAULIC) : [17347] Longridge. 1901-2. (MILITARY) : [6988] Collado. 1586. [10462] Landmann. 1815. [11356] Manningham. 1752. [12193] Mouze. 1804. [12268] Muller. 1747. v. Explosives. Tunnelling. , ELECTRICITY IN: [5 162] Walker. 1907. [10821] Libert. 1900. ' : , HISTORY OF : [13183-4] Pettus. 1670-1706. ACCIDENTS : [S 3156] Abel. 1889. [S 3313] Sawyer. 1886. CONGRESSES : [11916] Mines. 1900. GEOLOGY : [12954] Park. 1906. [S 3302-3] Pryce. 1778. v. Mineral Deposits. Mineral Veins. Ore Deposits. MINING AND METALLURGICAL JOURNALS : [2099-2100] Iron and Steel Institute. 1869-1905. [3005] Mineral Industry. 1893. [3006] Mining Engi- neers (Institution of). Mining and Mechanical England Institute of). Mining Magazine. 1872. selle des Mines. 1876-7. wesen. 1902-6. [9656. 9679-80] Iron and Steel Institute. 1871-1911. [9913] Journal des Mines. 1794-1830. [11780] Metals (Institute of). 1909. [11910] Mineral Industry. 1893-4. [11911-12] Mineral Resources. 1906-8. [11919] Mining and Mechanical Engineers (North of England Institute of ). 1852-91. [11920] Mining and Metallurgy (Institution of ). 1896-8. [11921] Mining and Quarries. 1905. [11922] Mining, Civil, and Mechanical Engineers (Chesterfield and Derbyshire Institute of ). 1871-89. [11924- 7] Mining Engineers (Institution of). 1890- 1912. [11928] Mining Engineers (American Institute of). 1891-1912. [11930-1] Mining Students. 1879-1912. [S 147] Mining and Smelting Magazine. 1862-4. [S 181] Reports of the Inspectors of Mines. 1882-91. [S 189] School of Mines Quarterly. 1880-91. [S 3257] Iron. 1873-99. [S 3280] Mineral Industry. 1893-1902. [SS 3269] Iron and Steel Institute (Staffordshire). 1907-19. [SS 3280] Mineral Industry. 1893-1907. LAW : [3591] Phillips. 1873. [9494] Houghton. ,1699. [11218] MacSwinney. 1884. [13183-4] Pettus. 1670-1706. [14986] Spon. 1673. [S 3165-7] Barba. 1738-40. LECTURES : [3920. 13973] Records. 1852-3. MACHINERY AND TOOLS : [5763] Andre. 1877-8. [6262] Blake. 1871. [10931] Lock. 1890. [12138] Morgans. 1871. ROYALTIES : [14982] Sorley. 1889. - AND METALLURGICAL TERMS : [2008] Hou^hton. 1681. [3845] Pryce. 1778. [5666] A^ricolo. 1558. [9494] Houghton. 1699. [13179-82] Pettus. 1683-6. [13953] Raymond. 1881. [S 3165-7] Barba. 1738-40. [S 3246] Hardy. 1762. MIRAGE : [1696] Grunert. 1849. [4272] Schott. 1677. [13628-9. 13636] Prevost. 1832-4 [14740-1] Schott. 1657-9. MIRRORS (CONCAVE) : [150. 5817] Archimedes. 1807. [11282] Magini, 1611. [13761] Ptolemams. 1548. [SS 1822] Kohlhans. 1663. [SS 1862] Magini. 1628. MIRRORS (PARABOLIC): [7055] Cowper-Coles. 1904-5. MIXTURES, NATURE or : [8684] Grew. 1679. MNEMONICS : [2722] Lullius. 1517. [9432] Hooke. 1705. MOLECULAR THEORY : [10060. 10066. 10068. 10071- 2] Kelvin. 1882-1911. [11259-60] Macvicar.. 1861-75. [13143] Pearson. 1843. [S 2038} Kelvin. 1884. v. Chemistry (Molecular). Crystals, Molecular- Tactics of. Current within Liquids. VOLUMES (ORGANIC): [11027] Lossen. 1889. [13177] Petterson. 1873. [14752] Schroder. 1843-4. - WEIGHTS : [13911-12] Raoult. 1894-8. MOLYBDENUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [9006] Hatchetfc. 1796. [13322] Pierce. 1909. [14697] Scheele. 1786. MOON : [1783] Harley. 1898. [1913] Hevelius. 1647. [3177] Nasmyth. 1874. [3198] Neison. 1876. [3820] Proctor. 1873. [4257] Schmidt. 1878. [4279. 4281] Schroter. 1791. [7063] Crampton. 1863. [7214] Decuppio. 1840. [8223] Galilei. 1610. [8912] Harley. 1886. [9193] Herschel. 1787. [9257] Hevelius. 1647. [10105] Kepler. 1898. [10947. 10949] Loewy. 1897-1904. [10985] Lohrmann. 1892. [11267] Madler. 1839. [12360] Nasmyth and Carpenter. 1874-1903. [12414] Neison. 1876. [13314] Pickering. 1903. [13411] Plutarch. 1911. [13703-5] Proctor. 1873-8. [13748] Przybyllok. 1908. [15554-8] Wilkins. 1638-84. [SS 1002] Beer und Madler. 1837. [S 1134] Hirzgarter. 1643. v. Lunar. (HARVEST) : [7846] Ferguson. 1747. , METEOROLOGICAL INFLUENCE OF THE : [2913] Maurice. 1732. [4868-9] Toaldo. 1770-97. [8443] Glaisher. 1867. [9578] Hutchinson. 1782. [10428] Lamarck. 1806. , OPTICAL PHENOMENA OF THE : [14543] Rown- ing. 1737. [15418] Vossius. 1685. AND EARTH COMPARED : [16852] Giinther. 1911. HOAX: [1908] Herschel. 1836. [13708-9] Proctor. 1878-89. LORE : [1784] Harley. 1885. MORTAR: [10393-4] La Faye. 1777-8. [11823] Micha61is. s. d. [13082] Pelouze. 1828. [S 3041] Gillmore. 1902. [SS 2776] Hassenfratz. 1825. MOTION : [1072] Dolbear. 1892. [3482] Pascoli. 1723. [3724] Porzio. 1704. [8874] Hands. 1879. [11427] Marini. 1804. [11888] Mills. 1873. [14767] Schyanoff. 1868. [15001] Spottiswoode. n. d. " [16929] Andrade. 1911. v. Dynamics. Force. Kinetics. Velocities. : PARADOXES: [11864] Miller. 1781. [13742] Prusol. 1879. [13769] Purshall. 1707. (ACCELERATED) : [180] Atwood. 1784. [338] Benzenberg. 1804. [875] Cotes. 1770. [1445] Galilei. 1638. [2064] Huygens. 1673. [4746-9] Tartaglia. 1546-62. [5869-70] Atwood. 1784. [6665. 6667]Calandrelli. 1779-85. [7037] Cotes. 1770. [8212-13. 8224] Galilei. 1638-1730. [9628] Huygens. 1673. [12074] Morgan. 1770. [15322-3] Torricelli. 1644. [15449] Wallis. 1670-1. [SS 1557] Borelli. 1686. [SS 2110] Tartaglia. 1537. (RECTILINEAR): [180. 5869-70] Atwood. 1784. (ROLLING) : [12204] Moseley. 1851. (ROTARY) : [180] Atwood. 1784. [3675-6] Poinsot. 1834-51. [4411] Sire. 1862. [5869-70] Atwood. 1784. [8081] Francais. 1813. [8319] Geer. 1872. [9019] Haughto-. 61* 936 INDEX. MOTION (ROTARY), continued: 1849. [10395] Lafon. 1860. 13461-3. 13465-7] Poinsot. 1834-61. [14851] Siemens. 1866. [14906-11] Smeaton. 1760-1813. [15001] Spottiswoode. n. d. [15523] Whewell. 1823. [16940] Barnard. 1872. [17289] Worthington. 1906. [SS 3042-3] Mandey and Moxon. 1696-9. (VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE): 17120] Lorentz. 1902. [2696. , GEOMETRY OF : [16349] Mannheim. [16599] Schoenflies. 1893. 1894. or POINTS : [14484] Rosochatius. 1877. [14507] Rouche. 1854. [14568] Rudio. 1886. [14661] Sandeman. 1850. OF SYSTEMS : [13461-3] Poinsot. 1842-61. MOTIVE POWERS : [6307] Bolton. 1895. JMoTOR VEHICLES : [3529] Pemberton. 1907. [6075] Beaumont. 1906. [6077] Beavan. 1903. [8744] Gum. 1910. [10230] Knight. 1902. [12024] Montagu of Beaulieu. n. d. [S 3382] Butler. 1912. [S 3396] Clark. 1911-17. [S 3554] Page. 1916. - v. Cycles (Motor). MOTORS (SMALL) : [9093] Hall. 1878. (THERMO-) : [9477] Hospitalier. v. y. MOUNTAINS, DEGRADATION OF : [5811] Arcet. 1776. MUDARINE : [7393] Duncan. 1831. MULTIPLICATION TABLES : [13596] Pratica. s. a. MULTIPLICITY, THEORY OF : [15834] Cantor. 1877. [16598] Schonflies. 1910. MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING : [2931] Maxwell. 1904. [6379-80] Boulnois. 1883-92. [11685] Max- well and Brown. 1910. Music, MATHEMATICAL Prevost. 1862. THEORY OF [13627] , PHYSICAL THEORY OF : [1853] Helmholtz. 1885. [2300] Kircher. 1650. [3853-4] Ptole- mseus. 1682. [4461-2] Smith. 1749-59. [4588] Stevinus. 1884. [4780] Taylor. 1883. [5830] Aristoxenus. 1562. [6268] Blaserna. 1883. [6292] Boethius. 1546. [7702] Euler. 1739. [8961] Harrison, c. 1770. [9111-12] Helmholtz. 1870-5. [9314] Him. 1878. [10168] Kircher. 1650. [11646-7] Maurolico. 1575. [11726-7] Meibom. 1652. [11782] Mersenne. 1644-7. [12088] Morgan. 1858. [13759] Ptolemseus. 1682. [14026] Reisch. 1512. [15248] Thompson. 1890. [17069] Helmholtz. 1896. [17230] Starke. 1908. [S 480] Boetius. 1867. : SPECULATIONS : [10100-3] Kepler. 1619-22. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS : [2300. 10168] Kircher. 1650. [SS 1613] Chladni. 1821. [SS 2055] Schneider. 1834. v. JEolian Harp. Bell-ringing. Electric Harpsicord. Organs. Phonograph. , TEMPERAMENT OF : [6794] Cavallo. 1788. [15116] Stoney. 1883. NAPHTHA BASES : [9369] Hofmann. 1844. NAPHTHALENE : [261] Ballo. 1870. [1288. 7769. 7783] Faraday. 1826-59. [10573] Laurent. 1843. NAPIER'S BONES: [3188] Napier. 1617. [5031] Ursinus. 1623. [12339-42] Napier. 1617-22. [SS 347] Dansie. 1627. [SS 546] Lambert. 1772. [SS 671] Napier. 1623. [SS 831] Schott. 1668. NAUTICAL CALCULATION : [1702] Guilhaumon. 1891. EXPERIMENTS : [299. 6072-3] Beaufoy. 1834. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS : [5147-8] Wakely. 1741-59. [9979] Kaiser. 1880-3. [11825] Micheli. 1776. [SS 871] Suardi. 1752. v. Compass. Horizon (Artificial). Longitude Scale. Quadrant. Sextant. SURVEYING v. Surveying (Nautical). TABLES AND RULES : [314] Bedford. 1888. [2905] Matthies. 1897. [3193] Nautical Almanac. 1770-1876. [3351-2] Norwood. 1631-85. [4015-16] Rios. 1805-9. [5147-8] Wakely. 1741-59. [10112] Kerigan. 1845. [11194] Mackay. 1804. [11549] Maskelyne. 1802. [13200] Phillippes. 1674. [14262] Rios. 1801. v. Astronomical T. Ephemerides. Horary T. Hydrographical T. Loxodromic T. Traverse T. TERMS AND NAVAL DICTIONARIES : [117] Anstruther. 1894. [1278] Falconer. 1771. [1774]Harbord. 1883. [4051] Roding. 1794-8. [4479] Smyth. 1867. [7763] Falconer. 1830. [10735] Lescallier. 1777. [12878] Paasch. 1894. [S 3720] Bonnefoux et Paris. 1848. NAVAL ARCHITECTURE v. Shipbuilding. DICTIONARIES v. Nautical Terms and Naval Dictionaries. ENGINEERING v. Marine Engineering. JOURNALS : [12372-3] Naval Architects' Insti- tution. 1860-1912. [12385] Naval Science. 1872-5. [S 3822] Societe Maritime de Paris. 1844. [S 3829-30] United Service Institution. 1858-1908. TACTICS: [820] Clerk. 1790-7. [3110] Morogues. 1768. [6153] Bernoulli (Jean). 1742. [7340] Douglas. 1858. [12720] Noel. 1874. NAVIGATION AND SEAMANSHIP : [177] Atkinson. 1718. [495-7] Bouguer. 1746-57. [515] Boyd. 1860. [843] Collier. 1729. [847] Collins. 1659. [849-50] Colson. 1749-64. [1113] Dulague. 1849. [1257] Euler. 1749. [1277] Fairfax. c. 1690. [1501] Gellibrand. 1695. [1611] Gower. 1808. [1797] Harris. 1730. [1805] Haselden. 1784. [1888] Herschel. 1859. [1956] Hodgson. 1706. [2090] Inman. 1849. [2134] Jeans. 1868-70. [2252] Keith. 1810. [2514] Ledieu. 1877. [2788] Malham. 1795. [2846] Martin. 1768-9. [2863] Martin. 1888. [2950-1] Merrifield and Evers. 1868. [2966] Metius. 1624. [3154] Murdoch. 1741. [3162] Murray. 1765. [3221] New-House. 1708. [3306] Nichelson. 1792. [3327] Nicholson. 1784. [3348] Norie. 1868. [3891] Raper. 1849. [4036] Robertson. 1805. [4138] Riimker. 1850. [4198] Saltonstall. 1636. [4484] Snell vanRoyen. 1624. [4675-6] Sturmy. 1679-1700. [4860] Tinmouth. 1845. [5139] Wagenaer. 1588. [5144] Waddington. 1770. [5567] Young. 1855. [5737-8] Alston. 1860-1902. [6279-81] Blundeville. 1597-1636. [6369-71] Bouguer. 1746-57. (13653] Byrne. J875. [7215] Dee. 1577. [7390-1] Duhamel du Monceau. 1747-69. [7409] Dunraven. 1908. [7701] Euler. 1749. [8188-9] Furtenbach. 1644-62. [8429] Gill. 1898. [8693] Griffiths. 1824. [8995] Haselden. 1759. [9069] Heath. 1760. [9432] Hooke. 1705. [9947-8] Juan. 1771-83. [10040-1] Keith. 1820-45. [10066. 10071-2] Kelvin. 1882-1911. [10112] Kerigan. 1845. [10650-2] Lecky. 1881-1904. [11520] Martin. 1888. [11614] Mauduit. 1772. [11649] Maury. 1854. [11706-9] Medina. 1555-1609. [11782] Mersenne. 1644-7. [11875] Miremont. 1905. [12216] Mountaine. 1761. [12292] Murdoch. 1741. [12317] Murray. 1765. [12411] Navigation. 1772. [12724-5] Norie. 1810-16. [12770-1] Norwood. 1667-96. [13200] Phillippes. 1674. [13375] Pitot. 1743. INDEX. 937 NAVIGATION AND SEAMANSHIP, continued : [13913-14] Raper. 1857-82. [14238-9] Riddle. 1824-42. [14419] Romme. 1787. [14491] Rosser. 1879. [15026] Stebbing. 1896. [15457] Ward. 1742. [15634] Nunez. 1592. [16867] Jeans. 1876-84. [S 3716] Blundeville. 1594. [S 3721] Bouguer. 1706. [S 3757] Kelvin. 1876. [SS 1202-3] Metius. 1626. [SS 3124] Atkinson. 1749. [SS 3139-41] Colson. 1711- 16. v. Compass. Latitude. Longitude. Pilotage. Higging. Sailing Directions. Sailmaking. Ships, Speed Measurement of. (SUBMARINE) : [5413-18] Wilkins. 1648-91. [6621] Burgoyne. 1903. [8194] Gaget. 1901. [15312] Tornassi. 1817. [15559-63] Wilkins. 1648-91. [SS 31351 Castera. 1810. [SS 3145] Diving Vessel, c. 1775. XEBULJE AND STAR CLUSTERS : [7514] Ellery. 1885. [8223] Galilei. 1610. [8566] Gould. 1897. [9195-6. 9202] Herschel (Sir William). 1786-91. [9235] Herschel (Sir John). 1847. [10304] Kretz. 1900. [10308] Krueger. 1865. [10554] La.sell. 1867. [14295-7] Roberts. 1894-1902. [14488] Rosse. 1844. [S 1598] Roberts. 1894-9. v. Milky Way. Orion N. XEBULAR HYPOTHESIS (KANT-LAPLACE) : [2435-7] Laplace. 1813-35. [4563] Stanley. 1895. [6820] Chambers. 1845. [10500-3] Laplace. 1809-24. v. Meteor itic Hypothesis. XEGATIVE QUANTITIES : [2874] Maseres. 1758. [5234] Warren. 1828. [11532. 11536-7] Maseres. 1758-1800. XEPTUNE (PLANET) : [2574] Le Verrier. 1848. [3309] Nichol. 1848. [5650] Adams. 1846. [8382] Gibb. 1909. [10614] Lawson. 1847. [ 107 76] Le Verrier. 1846. [12636] Nichol. 1848. XEWTON'S DISCOVERIES, COMMENTARIES ON : [3280] Castel. 1743. [3283] Domckius. 1730. [3285- 6] Gordon. 1719. [3287] Jordan. 1799. [3288- 92] Maclaurin. 1748-75. [3293] Martin. 1754. [3294] Parkes. 1804. [3295-7] Pemberton. 1728. [3300] Rosenberger. 1895. [3301] Voltaire. 1738. [11220-2] Maclaurin. 1748-75. [11492. 11494-6. 11502-4] Martin. 1747-88. [11629] Maupertuis. 1742. [12590] Algarotti. 1737. [12591] Bloch. 1908. [12600] Domcke. 1730. [12603] Fragmens. n. d. [12605] Hartsoeker. 1722. [12606] Home. 1753. [12608-10] Maclaurin. 1748-55. [12617-20] Pemberton. 1728. [12625] Voltaire. 1738. [12626] Wilson. 1754. : PARADOXES : [6993] Cominale. 1754-6. [11864] Miller. 1781. [12163] Morrison. 1868. [12604] Gordon. 1719. [12612] Mercier. 1806. - PRINCIPIA AND ITS COMMENTATORS : [1171] Emerson. 1770. [1631] Gravcsande. 1728. [2754-5] Maclaurin. 1748-75. [3256-74] Newton. 1713-1871. [3278] Ball. 1893. [3281] Clarke. 1730. [3299] Rigand. 1838. [3302] Wright. 1833. [5388] Whiston. 1716. [6538] Brougham and Van x. 1855. [6927]Clarke. 1730. [12501-33] Newton. 1687-1880. [12501-33] Newton. 1687-1880. [12597] Brougham and Routh. 1855. [12600] Doracke. 1730. [12608-10] Maclaurin. 1748-55. [12617-20] Pemberton. 1728. [12622] Rigaud. 1838. [12624] Saunderson. 1742. [12627] Young. 1787. [12629-30] Wright. 1833. [15530] W T histon. 1716. [17056] Groth. 1912. [17150-9] Xewton. 1777-1900. - RINGS : [5693] Airy. 1832. XICKEL AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [3027] Moissan et Ouvrard. 1896. [8007] Forbes. 1853. [11993] Mond. 1891. [14201] Richards. 1897-9. [14330] Roberts-Austen. 1898. [6798] Cavendish. XiTRAGiN : [7209] Dawson. 1899. NITRATES : [6356] Bortier. 1863. [8554] Graham. 1837. [11834] Mignot de Montigny. 1776. [12001] Moller. 1904. - v. Saltpetre. NITRIC ACID PRODUCED FROM AIR 1788. - OXIDE : [13669-70] Priestley. 1772. NITROGEN : [4516] Sorel. 1902. [4532] Spiegel. 190b. [9004] Hasselberg. 1885. [9714] Jacquerod et Bogdan. 1905. [13870] Ramsay. 1881. [14698-9] Scheele. 1780-5. - v. Ammonia. - (ATMOSPHERIC) ABSORBED BY PLANTS : [5074] Ville. 1853. [6393] Boussingault. 1838. [SS 2639] Ville. 1857. -DIOXIDE: [3790-1. 3798] Priestley. 1774-7. -- MONOXIDE: [3790-1] Priestley. 1774-7. [7202] Davy. 1800. - COMPOUNDS : [2351] Lacote. 1880. [S 3092] Martin and Barbour. 1915. v. Nitrates. Saltpetre. NITROGENOUS ORGANIC COMPOUNDS : [7456] Edinger. 1892. NOBEL PRIZES : [12700] Nobel. 1905-11. NOMOGRAPHY: [12780] Ocagne. 1891. [16453. 16455] Ocagne. 1899-1908. NUCLEATION (ATMOSPHERIC) : [6027-8] Barus. 1906- 7. NUMBERS (ALGEBRAIC) : [16509] Reid. 1910. [16764] Weber. 1891. (AMICABLE) : [SS 1664] Euler. 1750. - (COMPLEX) : [10328-31] Kummer. 1860-70. [10704] Lejeune-Dirichlet. 1844. [16104] Hankel. 1867. [16249] Kriiger. 1891. (GEOMETRICAL) : [14732-3] Schoner. 1614. - (GOLDEN) : [6098] Bedford. 1743. (GREAT), LAW OF: [3682. 16492] Poisson. 1837. - (IMAGINARY) : [13149] Pessuti. 1777. [16249] Kriiger. 1891. - (MYSTIC): [461] Bongo. 1591. [3726] Potter. 1642. [13554] Potter. 1677. [SS 421] Faulhaber. 1622. - (PERFECT) : [721] Cataldi. Mersenne. 1644-7. 1603. [11782] (POLYGONAL) : [S 642] Diophantus. 1890. (PRIME) : [477] Bork. 1885. [1997] Horsley. 1773. [14121]Reuschle. 1875. [16263] Landau. 1909. [16568] Scheffler. 1880. (PROPORTIONAL) : [SS 347] Dansie. 1627. (TRANSCENDENTAL) : [16346] Maillet. 1906. (TRIGONAL) : [2182] Joncourt. 1762. , GEOMETRY OF: [11933] Minkowski. 1896. [16396] Minkowski. 1910. , NATURE AND MEANING OF : [15921-2] Dedekind. 1909-11. , PARTITION OF : [5209] Warburton. 1847. , THEORY OF : [268] Barlow. 1811. [572] Brennecke. 1840. [1062-3] Diophantus Alex- andrinus. 1621-70. [1245] Euler. 1849. [1328] Fermat. 1679. [1414] Frenicle. 1676. [2525] Legendre. 1830. [2538] Lejeune-Dirichlet. 1863. [2610] Libri. 1820. [2819] Marchand. 1877. [2875] Maseres. 1795. [3085] Morgan. 1836. [3477] Pascal. 1665. [4465] Smith. 1835. [4744] Tartaglia. 1556-60. [5903-5] Bachjnann. 1872-4. [6220] Billy. 1643. [6775] 938 DEX. NUMBERS, THEORY OF, continued : Cauchy. 1830. [7300-2] Diophantus Alex- andrinus. 1621-70. [8306] Gauss. 1807. [10682] Legendre. 1830. [10705] Lejeune- Dirichlet. 1863. [11213. 11215-7] MacMahoii. 1890-1907. [11718. 11720-1] Meissel. 1884-8. [11782] Mersenne. 1644-7. [14760] Schwarz. 1855. [15108] Stolz und Gmeiner. 1900-2. [15213] Taylor. 1816. [15701-4] Bachmann. 1872-1910. [15828] Cahen. 1900. [15867] Chatelet. 1913. [15921] Dedekind. 1901-9. [16040] Gauss. 1807. [16126] Hensel. 1913. [16278-9] Le Besgue. 1859-62. [16290-1] Legendre. 1830-93. [16292-3] Lejeune- Dirichlet. 1871-94. [16333] Lucas. 1891. [16365] Mathews. 1892. [16506] Fund. 1899. [16624] Schwarz. 1855. [16659] Sommer. 1907. [16690] Stolz und Gmeiner. 1911-12. [16705] Tannery. 1895. [16740] Tschehyscheff. 1902. [16759] Yoigt. 1911. [16776-9] Wertheiin. 1887-1902. [S 727] Gauss. 1801. [S 911] Legendre. 1808. [S 3866] Poinsot, 1845. [SS 208] Bentz. 1621. v. Congruences. Diophantine Problem. Dirichlefs Principle. Divisors. Equations (Indeterminate}. Forms. Magic Squares. Residues. Series. Variables. , PRINCIPLES or THE : [S 1085] Poinsot. 1845. NUMERICAL TABLES, ADJUSTMENT or : [5504] Wool- house. 1865. NUTATION v. Precession. OBSERVATIONS, ERRORS or v. Errors, Theory of. , MEAN RESULTS OF : [2652] Lloyd. 1849. [5515] Wright. 1884. [14884-5] Simpson. 1757. OCCLUSION (CHEMICAL) : [14207. 14210. 14212] Richards, etc. 1893-1901. OCCULTATIONS v. Eclipses. OCCULTISM IN SCIENCE : [3171] Mythographi Latini. 1681. [4276] Schott. 1697. [4729-30] Taisnier. 1562. [5843-4] Artemidorus. 1584-1603. [6414] Boyle. 1691. [10706] Lemnius. 1628. [11086] Lullius. 1567. [13517] Porta. 1558. [14640] Salverte. 1846. [14744] Schott. 1662. [14819] Sennert. 1637. [SS 128-31] Porta. 1558-60. v. Alchemy. Divining Pod. Supernatural in Nature. Superstition and Science. OCEAN CHARTS : [5139] Wagenaer. 1588. v. Wind and Current C. TEMPERATURES : [13624] Prestwich. 1874. OCEANOGRAPHY: [1752] Halley. 1705. [2188-92] Jordan. 1866-85. [2916-19] Maury. 1851-81. [3011] Miscellanea Curiosa. 1705-7. [3053] Montanari. 1715. [3967] Rennell. 1832. [4791] Telesio. 1570. [8828-30] Halley. 1708-27. [9906. 9908] Jordan. 1867-77. [11347]Mangin. 1870. [11456] Marsigli. 1725. [11650-2] Maury. 1856-61. [12025] Monta- nari. 1715. [13958] Reclus. 1873. [14031] Rennell. 1832. [14848] Siemens. 1876. [15068] Stevenson. 1816. [17393] Kayser. 1911. [S 2465] Boguslawski und Krummel. 1884-7. [S 2510] Ferrel. 1860. v. Bathometer. Coast Erosion. Meteorology (Ocean). Saltness of the Sea. Tidal. Tides. Wind and Current Charts. : PARADOXES : [SS 2231] Berga. 1579. OCTONIONS : [m57. 16336] Me Aulay. 1898. OHM'S LAW: [3372-3. 12809-11] Ohm. 1827-87. [15517] Wheatstone. 1843. OIL PAINTING: [3903] Raspe. 1781. OILS v. Fats and Oils. OILS (ESSENTIAL) : [1529] Gildemeister and Hoff- mann. 1900. [2287] Kingzett. 1888. [9987] Kane. 1838. [10396] La Garaye. 1745. [12977] Parry. 1899. [13392-3] Plat. 1653. [14412] Romburgh. 1900. [SS 2619] Senebier. 1782. v. Eucalyptus. Perfumery. Terebenes. Terpenes. Volatile Organic Bodies. OPERA GLASSES : [2306. 10189] Kitchiner. 1824. OPERATIONS, CALCULUS OF v. Calculus of Opera- tions. (ANALYTICAL), THEORY or : [12300] Murphy. 1837. - (SYMBOLIC) : [8457] Glaisher. 1878. OPTICAL ACTIVITY : [8976] Hartley. 1873. [9236] Herschel. 1820. [12852] Oudemans. 1872. [13021] Patterson and Stevenson. 1910. [13508] Pope and Read. 1908. [14381] Rodger and Watson. 1895. [S 2807] Landolt. 1899. [SS 1651] Dufet, 1900. v. Crystallography (Chemical). CONTROVERSIES : [2209] Jurin. 1739. [12826] Optical Convention. - - CONVENTIONS : 1913. DISTURBANCES, PROPAGATION OF : [17064] Havelock, 1914. EXPERIMENTS : [SS 1768] Hauksbee. c. 1735. INDUSTRIES : [5874] Auerbach. 1903. INSTRUMENTS : [3-4] Abbe. 1874-86. [400] 1894. [773] Cherubin. 1671. [1329] Ferraris. 1877. [2006] Houdaille. 1894. [2534] Leiss. 1899. [2848-9] Martin. 1740-70. [3389] Orford. 1896. [6855] Chevalier. 1848. [7132] Czapski. 1893. [7551] Emerson. 1768. [7834] Ferraris. 1879. [9492] Houdaille. 1894. [10223] Kliigel. 1778. [12833] Orford. 1896. [13556] Potter. 1847. [17197] Raibaud. 1910. [17227] Southall. 1910. [17281] Whittaker. 1907. [S1839] Czapski. 1904. [SS 420] Faulhaber. 1610. [SS 1623] Coddington. 1830. [SS 2067-9] Selva. 1787. v. Analyser. Camera Lucida. Diorama. Heliometer. Kaleidoscope. Lenses. Magic Lantern. Microscopic Objectives. Microscope. Mirrors. Photographic Objectives. Polariscope. Reflector (Prismatic). Searchlights. Spectacles. Stereoscope. Telescope. JOURNALS : [12826] Optical Convention. 1913. [12827] Optical Journal. 1901-2. LECTURES: [3243-5] Newton. 1728-9. [4995-6. 4999-5004] Tyndall. 1870-85. [12551-3] Newton. 1729. [14671] Saunderson. c. 1712. [SS 2022-3] Rampinelli. 1760. MEMOIRS AND PAPERS : [578] Brewster. 1822-45. [11969] Moigno. 1847-50. [13S50] Rayleigh. 1883. [S 2189-201] Optical Papers. 1831-99. PARADOXES : [1792] Harris. 1876. Clarke. 1818. [7450] Eeles. 1771. Kirby. 1757. [10346] Kyan. 1838. Muston. 1830. [13742] Prusol. 1879. Purshall. 1707. [13960] Reade. 1818. Sedgwick. 1882. [15190] Symes. 177 [6924] [10160] [12324] [13769] [14803] PROJECTION v. Optics (Protective). PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS : [SS 1651] Dufet. 1899. RESEARCHES : [1089-90] Dove. 1853-9. [2033-4] Hunt. 1844-54. [8725] Grunert. 1846-51. THEORIES v. Light, Theories of. OPTICS (ARTISTIC ) : [13482] Pollock. 1903. INDEX. 939 OPTICS (ELEMENTARY) : [834] Coddiiigton. 1825. [1174] Emtage. 1896. [1572] Glazebrook. 1894-5. [3729] Potter. 1851. [4618-19] Stokes. 1884-7. [4735] Tait. 1884. [4919] Trabaud. 1753. [5995-6. 6005] Barlow. 1819-23. [6971] Coddington. 1825. [7458] Edser. 1902. [7551] Emerson. 1768. [8473] Glazebrook. 1883. [10525] Lardner. 1856. [11872] Millikan and Mills. 1908. [13103] Percival. 1899. [13556] Potter. 1847. [14543] Rowning. 1737. [14830] Settele. 1818-19. [15433] Walker. 1679. [17019] Emtage. 1903. [17033] Franklin and Macnutt. 1909. [17046] Glazebrook. 1898-1907. - (GENERAL): [576-7] Brewater. 1831-5. [1655] Gregory. 1735. [1675-6] Griffin. 1838-42. [2869] Mascart, 1889-93. [3024] Moigno. 1847-50. [3243-5. 3249-55] Newton. 1704-40. [3465-7] Parkinson. 1866-84. [4459-60] Smith. 1738-67. [10361] La Caille. 1808. [10568] Laurance. 1908. [11482] Martin. 1740. [11 734-53] Newton. 1740-87. [13824] Radicke. 1839. [17011] Drude. 1906. [17131] Mascart. 1889-93. [17166-7] Parkinson. 1870-84. [17196] Preston. 1901. [17235] Tait. 1900. [S 1949] Gregory. 1715. [SS 1627-8] Courtivron 1752. [SS 2067-9] Selva, 1787. v. Light. (GEOMETRICAL): [1838-9] Heath. 1887-95. [5701] Airy. 1870. [6263] Blakesley. 1903 [8489] Gleiohen. 1902. [8659] Gregory. 1663. [9070-1] Heath. 1887-97. [9168] Herman. 1900. [12014] Mongiardini. 1759. [13199] Phelps. 1835. [16926] Airy. 1870. [17048] Gleichen. 1902. [17065-6] Heath. 1895-7. [17227] Southall. 1910. [17266] WaUon. 1900. [SS 1358] Bonhomo. 1758. [SS 1547] Bischoff. 1772. [SS 1601]Chesnecopherus. 1593. [SS 1658- 9] Euclide. 1573. [SS 2047] Santini. 1645. (HIGHER): [6099-6100] Beer. 1853. [11349] Mann. 1902. [16948-9] Beer. 1882. - (MAGNETO-) : [S 2440] Zeeman. 1913. v. Light, ElectromagneticTheoryof. Zeeman Effect. (MATHEMATICAL): [591-2] Briot. 1864. [1655] Gregory. 1735. [6505] Briot. 1864. [8656] Gregory. 1726. [15027-8] Steinheil und Voit. 1891. [16971] Briot. 1864. [16989] Classen. 1901. [17179] Poincare. 1889-92. [SS 1545-6] Biot. 1814. [SS 1739] Gregory. 1695. v. Bays, Systems of. (MICROSCOPICAL) : [4] Abbe. 1886. [13697] Proctor. 1862. [SS 2184] Abbe. 1904. v. Microscopic Vision. (PHOTOGRAPHIC): [841] Cole. 1899. Miethe. 1893. [3020] Moessard. 1898. Monckhoven. 1867. [4518]Soret. 1891. Johnson. 1909. [11083] Lummer. [11833] Miethe. 1896. [14404] Rohr. [17145] Monckhoven. 1867. (PHYSICAL): [306] Becquerel. 1867-8. [402-3] Billet. 1858-9. [1573] Glazebrook. 1886. [1779] Hardy. 1856. [1907] Herschel. 1829-33. [2681] Lommel. 1888. [5055] Verdet. 1869. [6088] Becquerel. 1867-8. [6218-19] Billet. 1858-9. [8473] Glazebrook. 1883. [9218-20. 9231. 9243] Herschel. 1827-33. [10986] Lommel 1875-88. [13557] Potter. 1856. [17011] Drude. 1906. [17046] Glazebrook. 1898-1907. [17257] Turpain. 1913. [17287] Wood. 1911. [S 1698] Basset. 1892. - (PHYSIOLOGICAL) : [16] Abney. 1897. [31] Adams. 1789. [187] Ayscough. 1755. [1025] Descartes. 1662. [1850] Helmholtz. 1867. [2213] Kaiser. 1872. [4547] Stammeshaus. 1877. [5171-2] Wallace. 1836-50. [5326] Wells. 1792-1818. [5572-7] Young. 1793-1845. [7173] Darwin. 1786. [9110] Helmholtz. 1867. [9720] Jago. 1856. [9814] Johnson. 1901. [-2981] [3045] [9815] 1900. 1899. OPTICS (PHYSIOLOGICAL), continued : [9893] Jones. 1851. [11648] Maurolico. 1613. [13398-9] Plateau. 1829-34. [13564-5] Powell. 1834-5. [14718] Scheiner. 1619. [17068] Helmholtz. 1896. [S 1971-2] Helmholtz. 1867. [S 2294] Schemer. 1869. [S 2792] Kiihne. 1878. [S 3841-2] Aguillon. 1613. [SS 1623] Coddington. 1829-30. [SS 1895] Montalto. 1606. [SS 1953] Ott. 1670-1. v. Colour 'Vision. Colours, Physiology of. Microscopic Vision. Spectacles. Telescopic Vision. Vision, Theory of. (POPULAR): [2933. 11665-6] Mayer and Barnard. 1878. [15247] Thompson. 1897. (PRACTICAL) : [2848-9] Martin. 1740-70. [8474-5] Glazebrook and Shaw. 1885-94. [10568] Laurance. 1908. [11482] Martin. 1740. [17227] Southall. 1910. [15027-8] Steinheil und Voit. 1891. (PROJECTIVE) : [17020] Engel und Schellbach. 1861. [17165] Parinaud. 1904. [SS 1972] Peckham. 1504-42. v. Magic Lantern. (THEORETICAL) : [3762] Preston. 1890. [8656] Gregory. 1713. [10223] Kliigel. 1778. [10907] Lloyd. 1849. [13620-1] Preston. 1890-5. [17179] Poincare. 1889-92. [17196] Preston. 1901. [S 1851 ] Drude. 1902. [S2298] Schuster. 1904. , EARLY WORKS ON : [43-4] Aguillon, 1613. [82] Alhazenus. 1572. [283] Barrow. 1669. [773] Cherubin. 1671. [1023] Descartes. 1662. [2067]Huygens. 1690. [2265-6] Kepler. 1611-53. [2293-4] Klrcher. 1646-71. [2822] Marci de Kronland. 1648. [3009] Mirami. 1582. [3037] Molyneux. 1692. [3169] Mydorge. 1639. [3716] Porta. 1593. [4272] "Schott. 1677. [5132] Vossius. 1662. [7256] Descartes. 1637. [7614. 7626] Euclides. 1557-8. [8659] Gregory. 1663. [9340] Hobbes. 1658. [10097-8] Kepler. 1611-53. [10161] Kircher. 1671. [11379] Manzini. 1660. [11648] Maurolico. 1613. [12006] Molyneux. 1709. [14718] Scheiner. 1619. [14740-1] Schott, 1657-9. [15405] Vitellio. 1535. [15433] Walker. 1679. [15628] Caus. 1612. [S 1677-8] Bacon. 1614. [S 1689] Bartholinus. 1670. [S 1866] Euclides. 1604. [S 2437-8] Zalm. 1685-1702. [SS 1504] Ango. 1682. [SS 1601] Chesnecopherus. 1593. [SS 1649] Dominis. 1611. [SS 1652] Duhamel. 1660. [SS 1658-9] Euclide. 1573. [SS 1739] Gregory. 1695. [SS 1742-4] Grimaldi. 1665. [SS 1822] Kohlhans. 1663. [SS 1891] Mersenne. 1651. [SS 1895] Montalto. 1606. [SS 1953] Ott. 1670-1. [SS 1972-4] Peckham. 1504-42. [SS 2017] Ramus. 1606. [SS 2025] Rheita, 1645. [SS 2047] Santini. 1645. [SS 2061] Scriptores Optici. 1 823. v. Catoptrics. Dioptrics. , HISTORY OF : [3805-6] Priestley. 1772. [5406] Wilde. 1838-43. [13620-1] Preston. 1890-5. [13664-5] Priestley. 1772. [14740-1] Schott. 1657-9. [SS 1658-9] Euclide. 1573. [SS 2125-6] Venturi. 1814. ORBITS (PLANETARY AND COMETARY) : [1489-90] Gauss. 1809-57. [3374] Oppolzer. 1882-80. [8307] Gauss. 1857. [12823] Oppolzer. 1886. [15625] Bauschinger. 1906. [S 263] Darwin. 1911. v. Astronomy (Cometary). Planetary Theory. ORE DEPOSITS : [882] Cotta, 1870. [1872] Hen- woed. 1843. [2555] Leonhard. 1826. [3590] Phillips. 1896. [6612] Burat, 1870. [6638] Burr. 1836. [10052] Kemp. 1893. [10123] Kerr and Hanna. 1893. [13183-4] Pettus. 1670-1706. [13218] Phillips (J.). 1837. [13231] Phillips (J. A.). 1884. [13544] Posepny. 1893-4. [14232] Ricketts. 1883. [S 3287] Ore Deposits. 1896-1903. v. Mineral Deposits. Mineral Veins. Pyrites. 940 INDEX. ORE DRESSING: [3639] Pini. 1779-80. [10931] Lock. 1890. [14178] Richards. 1905. [S 3233] Graetschmann. 1864-72. [S 3305] Rittinger. 1867-71. [SS 2950] Richards. 1905-9. ORGANS : [9306] Hinton. 1909. [10788] Lewis. 1911. ORGANIC COMPOUNDS, PREPARATION OF : [7918] Fischer. 1907. -- , DECOMPOSITION or : [5471] Wollny. 1897. RADICALS v. Radicals (0.). ORGANO-METALS : [8104. 8108-9. 8111] Frankland. 1852-60. ORION NEBULA: [4657] Struve. 1862. [6312] Bond. 1867. [9534] Huggins. 1865. [SS 1054-5] Cysat. 1619. ORNAMENT, GEOMETRICAL LAW OF : [6216] Billings. 1851. [9053] Hay. 1843. v. Beauty, Mathematical Theory of. Phyllotaxis. OROGRAPHY : [9553] Humboldt. 1843. ORRERIES : [1732] Hagelganss. 1736-44. [1788] Harris (John). 1729. fr [1793-6] Harris (Joseph). 1731-57. [2 145] Jennings. 1747. [2837]Martin. 1771. [6489-90] Bridges. 1763-73. [7237]Desagu- liers. 1734-44. [7844. 7846. 7861-2. 7865-6] Ferguson. 1746-90. [8051-2] Foster. 1659. [8790] Hahn and Mylius. 1791. [8934-6] Harris. 1732-68. [9762] Janvier. 1812. [9781] Jennings. 1766. [9896-9] Jones. 1784-99. [11469. 11471] Martin. 1762-71. [13333] Pigeon. 1714. [SS 979] Adams. 1741. [SS 1000] Bausse. c. 1110. [SS 1642] Desagu- liers. 1719. ORYCTOGNOSY : [10721] Leonhard. 1826. OSCILLATION : [875] Cotes. 1770. [2064. 9628] Huygens. 1673. [13072] Peirce. 1908. v. Electric Oscillation. TRANSFORMERS : [7958] Fleming. 1905. OSMOSIS: [1744-6. 8806-7] Hales. 1731-40. [10786] Lewis. 1908. [12169-84] Morse, etc. 1906-11. [S 1932] Graham. 1854. v. Dialysis. Diffusion. Endosmosis. Solution. OVALS (DESCARTES'S) : [14308] Roberts. 1870. O VOIDS : [10655] Leconte. 1890. OWENS COLLEGE, MANCHESTER : [12876-7] Owens College. 1852-93. OXALIC ACID AND ITS SALTS : [8554] Graham. 1837. [8976] Hartley. 1873. [14348] Robinson and Jones. 1912. [14697] Scheele. 1786. OXIDIZATION: [545] Boyle. 1674. [7581] Engler und Weissberg. 1904. [9877] Jones. 1910. [9991] Kappers. 1872. OXYGEN : [3161] Murray. 1893. [3421] Oxygen. 1785. [3790-6. 3800] Priestley. 1774-91. [4134] Rumford. 1787. [4229. 4231] Scheele. 1785-6. [10038] Keiser. 1888. [11241] McLeod. 1886. [12309-10] Murray. 1890-4. [13654. 13658] Priestley. 1775-9. [14697-9] Scheele. 1780-6. (LIQUID): [10894] Liveing. 1895. - GIVEN OFF BY PLANTS : [2084-7. 9665-6] Ingenhousz. 1779-90. OXYHYDROGEN BLOWPIPE : [8756] Gurney. 1823. FLAME: [1153-4] Ehrmann. 1786-7.* [3421] Oxygen. 1785. v. Hydrogen F. OZONE : [955] Daubeny. 1867. [7773. 7789] Faraday. 1853-9. [8078] Fox. 1873. [10386] Ladenburg. 1901. [14727] Schonbein. 1840. [14784] Scoutetten. 1856. v. Eudiometry. Oxygen. TT (VALUE OF) : [748] Ceulen. 1619. [4359] Shanks. 1853. [6768] Cataldi. 1612. [8458] Glaisher. 1874. [9894] Jones. 1706. v. Circle. Circle Squaring. PAINTS AND COLOURS : [1701] Guignet. 1888. [4009] Riffault, etc. 1874. [14614] Sabin. 1906. [14945] Smith. 1723. PALAEONTOLOGY: [11365-6] Mantell. 1850-1. [11454-5] Marsh. 1878-80. [11842] Middleton. 1732. [11935] Minnesota Geological and Natural History Survey. 1895. [12287] Murchison. 1840. [12389] Handworterbuch der Mineralogie, etc. 1882-7. [12650-1] Nicholson. 1878-9. PALLADIUM: [8557] Graham. 1869. [14332] Roberts- Austen. 1869. PANAMA CANAL : [5] Abbot. 1905. [S 3343] Baken- hus, etc. 1915. PANCRATIC TUBE : [2306. 10189] Kitchener. 1824. PANORGANON (LEYBOURN'S) : [10820] Leybourn. 1672. PANTOGRAPH : [4241-2] Schemer. 1631. [14719-20] Scheiner. 1653. [15336] Troili. 1683. PAPER MAKING : [3447] Paper. 1898. [5546] Yates. 1843. [9185] Herring. 1855. [9388] Hofrnann. 1873. [123 15] Murray. 1829. [13729] Proteaux. 1866. [14894] Sindall. 1908. [S 3021] Cross and Bevan. 1916. [S 3068] Lalande. 1761. MATERIALS : [14522] Routledge. 1875. [S 3022] Cross, etc. 1911. v. Cellulose. PARABOLA : [810] Clarke. 1852. [4916] Torricelli. [5034] Valerio. 1606. [6335] Booth. 1873-7. [8689] Griffin. 1879. [12074] Morgan. 1770. [13761] Ptolemaras. 1548. [15322] Torricelli. 1644. [SS 2121] Valerio. 1660. PARACHUTE: [15387] Veranzio. c. 1595. PARADOXES OF SCIENCE : [3078] Morgan. 1872. [731 1-12] Dircks. 1869. [12090--1] Morgan. 1872. [13233-4] Phillips. 1818-21. [15633] Morgan. 1915. v. Astronomical P. Astronomy (Cometary) P. Barometry P. Capillarity P. Chemical P. Circle Squaring. Cohesion P. Colour Theory P. Com- bustion P. Cosmogonic Hypothesis P. Duplication of the Cube. Dyes and Dyeing P. Dynamical P. Earth's Rotation P. Earth's Theory P. Electricity, P. on Theories of. Electrolysis P. Energy, Con- servation of, P. on. Ether Theories,P on. Flat Earth P. Geography (Mathematical and Physical) P. Geological P. Geometrical P. Gravitation P. Heat Theories P. Longitude P. Lunar Rotation P. Magnetism, P. on. Mathematical P. Mechanical P. Motion P. Newton P. Oceanography P. Optical P. Perpetual Motion. Perspective P. Philosophy of Science P. Physics, Principles of, P. on. Planetary Theory P. Solar P. Tides, Theory of, P. on. Trisection of an An^gle. Vision, Theory of, P. on. Water, Composition of, P. on. PARAFFIN : [9885] Jones, 1902. [14737-8] Schor- lemmer. 1872-80. [15291] Thorpe and Young. 1872. v. Methane. PARALLAXES (DOUBLE) : [1177] Encke. 1850. (STELLAR): [1535] Gill. 1893. [2883-4] Mas- kelyne. 1765-74. [4648] Struve (F.G.W.) 1847. [4652] Struve (L.) 1883. [4656] Struve (O. W.) 1859. [6669] Calandrelli. 1806. [7510] Elkin. 1880. [7539] Encke. 1842. [8414] Gill. 1893. [8427] Gill and Elkin. 1884. [9136-7] Henderson. 1839-42. [10001 Kapteyn. 1888. [10370] Krueger 1863. [11301] Main. 1840. [12480] Newkirk. 1902. [12858] Oudemans. 1889. [13379] Plana. 1858. [13682-3] Pritchard. 1889-92. [15102] Stone. 1758. [15151-3] Struve. 1850-9. INDEX. 941 PARALLAXES OP THE SOLAR SYSTEM : [154] Arist- archus. 1688. [889-90] Cowper. 1766. [1176] Encke. 1822-4. [1324] Ferguson. 1761. [1533-4. 1539]Gill. 1881-98. [2422]Landen. 1771. [4600] Stewart. 1763. [5825-6] Aristarchus. 1572. [5865] Atkinson. 1824. [7066] Crawford. 1876- 85. [12291] Murdoch, c. 1750. [S 1479]Harkness 1891. [SS 1271-2] Riccioli. 1651. v. Transits. PARALLEL RULER (DOUBLE) : [S 374] Dolland. c. 1780. PARALLELISM: [7216] Dee. 1573. [9254] Hessel. 1853. PARALLELOGRAM or FORCES : [4583-5] Stevinus. 1586-1684. [5041] Varignon. 1725. [11611] Matzka. 1856. [12020] Monge. 1846. v. Triangle oj Forces. PARALLELS, THEORY OF : [2026] Hume. 1853. [4151] Ryan. 1866. [ 8885 ]Hankeet Binder. 1751. [10911] Lobatschewsky. 1892. [12481] Newman. 1841. [15755] Bolyai. 1896. [15940] Dodgson. 1895. [15974] Engel und Stackel. 1895. [16000] Flye Ste-Marie. 1871. [16308-9] Lobatschewsky. 1866-91. [16670] Spitz. 1875. [16798] Withers. 1905. [SS 663] Muller. 1826. v. Geometry (Non-Euclidean). PARGASITE : [464] Bonsdorff. 1816. PASCAL'S LAW : [3476] Pascal. 1663. PATENTS AND PATENT LAW : [2163] Johnson. 1890. [4030] Roberts. 1903. [6389] Bousfield. 1884. [7306. 7310. 7313]Dircks. 1869. [8773]Haddan. 1911. [9818-19] Johnson. 1884-90. [11093] Lunge. 1910. [13017] Patent Journal. 1846-7. [13018] Patents. 1849. PEARLS : [10337] Kunz. 1750. 1890. [SS 2678] Jeffries. PEDOMETER : [SS 512] Hulsius. 1615. PEDRAIL : [7303] Diplock. 1902. PENDULUM : [1445] Galilei. 1638. [2064] Huygens. 1673. [3329] Nicolai. 1772. [4868] Toaldo. 1770. [5509] Worms. 1862. [5930] Baily. 1824. [7037] Cotes. 1770. [8029] Fordyce. 1793. [8212] Galilei. 1638. [8957] Harrison, n.d. [9628] Huygens. 1673. [10039] Keith. 1791. [13368] PisatiePucci. 1883. [ 14286] Robert, s.d. [16940] Barnard. 1872. [SS 1549] Bessel. 1828. - CLOCK : [2064. 9628] Huygens. 1673. OBSERVATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS : [1998] Horsley. 1774. [3617] Picard. 1731. [3649] Plantamour. 1866-72. [4157] Sabine. 1825. [5676] Airy. 1856. [5924] Baily. 1832. [ 10327] Kiihnen und Furtwangler. 1906. [10975] Loesch. 1902. [11950] Mitford. 1851. [12331] Nagaoka, etc. 1902. [12831] Off. 1883. [13088] Pendulum Observations. 1879. [13169] Peters. 1880-1. [13381] Plana. 1859. [14766] Schwerebestimmungen. 1895. [S 291] Foucault. 1878. [SS 1477-81] Accademia del Cimento. 1667-91. v. Earth, Density of the. PENTATHIONIC ACID : [7212] Debus. 1887. PERCENTAGE TABLES : [7832] Fergusson. 1901. [S 702] Fergusson. 1912. PERCUSSION : [474] Borelli. 1667. [4424] Smeaton. 1794. [4914-15] Torricelli. 1715. [10414] La Hire. 1695. [11430-3] Mariotte. 1717-40. [14907-11. 14916] Smeaton. 1794-1814. [15320-1] Torricelli. 1715. [15449] Wallis. 1670-1. [SS 1557] Borelli. 1686. v. Billiards. PERFUMERY : [3631] Piesse. 1855. [4014] Rimmel. 1868. [4193-4] Salmon. 1685-1701. [8317] Gauthier. 1819. [9464] Hornot. 1788. [12977] Parry. 1899. [13329-30] Piesse. 1855-91. [14695] Sawer. 1892. [SS 2753] Dejean. 1759. v. Oils (Essential). Smell, Chemistry of. PERIODIC LAW : [2971-2] Meyer. 1883-8. [3222] Newlands. 1884. [8279] Garrett. 1909. [9020] Haughton. 1888. [9858] Jones. 1905. [11812-14] Meyer. 1872-88. [12481] Newlands. 1884. [17302] Garrett. 1909. [S 2932] Venable. 1898. PERMUTATIONS v. Combinations and P. PERPETUAL MOTION PARADOX : [444] Bockler. 1662. [682] Caraccioli. 1755. [729] Caus. 1659. [1064] Dircks. 1861. [2864] Martin. 1821. [5413-18] Wilkins. 1648-91. [6211] Biehringer. 1875. [6284-5] Bockler. 1662. [6777] Caus, 1704. [7237] Desaguliers. 1734-44. [7307-9] Dircks. 1861-70. ^[7427] Dye. 1895. [8242] Galli. 1694. [8394] Gillard. 1804. [14747-9] Schott. 1664-87. [15559-63] Wilkins. 1648-91. [S 3419] Dobrzenski. 1657. PERSPECTIVE : [481] Bosse. 1665. [888] Courtonne. 1725. [1101-3] Dubreuil. 1679-1765. [1315] Ferguson. 1803. [1918] Highmore. 1763. [2113] Jacquier. 1755. [2401] Lambert. 1759. [2420] Lamy. 1701. [2984] Miller. 1759. [3130-1] Moxon. 1670. [3531] Pennethorne. 1878. [3801] Priestley. 1780. [4003*] Rider. 1836. [4116] Roy. 1756. [4153] Ryff. 1665. [4263-4] Schooten. 1659-60. [4758-61] Taylor. 1715-49. [5604] Abbott. 1853. [6433] Bradley. 1834. [7244] Desargues. 1686. [7375-6] Dubreuil. 1726-39. [7410] Dupain-Montesson. 1750. [7420-1] Diirer. 1605. [7551] Emerson. 1768. [7663] Euclides. 1662-3. [7804] Farish. 1820. [7836] Ferguson. 1778. [8591-2] Gravesande. 1711-24. [8857] Hamilton. 1738. [10014] Keatinge. 1812. [10159] Kirby. 1755. [10361] La Caille. 1808. [11329] Malton. 1778. [11648] Maurolico. 1613. [12019] Monge. 1827. [12228] Moxon. 1670. [12578] Newton. 1748. [12646] Nicholson. 1841. [12713] Noble. 1771. [13144] Perspective. 1828-30. [13204] Philips. 1786. [13477] Polak. 1907. [13590-1] Pozzo. 1707. [13659-60] Priestley. 1770-80. [14026] Reisch. 1512. [15209-10] Taylor. 1715-49. [15419] Vrede- man. 1633. [15628] Caus. 1612. [16047] Gennerich. 1865. [16113] Hatton. 1903. [16114]Hauck. 1910. [16476] Peschka, 1888-9. [16487] Pillet. 1901. [16603] Schreiber. 1886. [S 1677-8] Bacon (R.). 1614. [SS 161] Alberti. 1568. [SS 239-40.] Bosse. 1648. [SS 366] Diirer. 1532. [SS 548-9] Lambert. 1768-74. : PARADOXES : [4109] Rowbotham. 1864. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS : [13040] Peacock. 1785. [15336] Troili. 1683. [SS 161] Alberti. 1568. [SS 366] Dxirer. 1532. PERTURBATIONS, THEORY OF : [47-8] Airy. 1834-85. [1009] Denison. 1842. [5683] Airy. 1834. [5908] Backlund. 1884. [2710] Lubbock. 1832. [8766] Gylden. 1871. [10868] Lind- stedt. 1883. [11961] Moebius. 1843. [12021] Monnichmeyer. 1893. [12471] Newcombe. 1891. [14583] Runkle. 1855. [15132] Stoney and Downing. 1899. [16814] Airy. 1884. [S 1382] Bohiin. 1896. [SS 1661] Euler (J. A.). 1762. [SS 1664] Euler (L.). 1746-51. PETROLEUM, FLASHING POINT OF : [10004] Kast. 1896. [10926] Lobry de Bruyn. 1896. INDUSTRY: [4811] Thompson. 1904. [8367-8] Gesner. 1861-5. [8674] Gregory. 1835. [11884] Mills. 1877. [13059] Peckham. 1885. [13984-5] Redwood. 1894-6. [15253] Thomson and Redwood. 1901. 942 INDEX. PFAFF'S PROBLEM : [S 1081] Pfaff. 1797. PHAKOLITE : [5760] Anderson. 1842. PHASE RULE : [2860] Martin. 1905. [4070] Rooze- boom. 1901-4. [7902] Findlay. 1904. v. Chemical Equilibrium. PHENOL : [6683] Calvert. 1867. [8162] Fritzsche. 1857. [12782] Odermatt, 1878. v. Picric Acid. PHENOMENA (NATURAL) : [6245] Black. 1906. [10237] Knoll. 1786-8. [13799] Quetelet. 1835. [14808] Seguin. 1861. PHILOSOPHY AND PRINCIPLES OF EXACT SCIENCE : [155-8] Aristoteles. 1505-1812. [196-7] Babbaare. 1837-8. [210-15] Bacon. 1629- 1878. " [396] Bierens. 1863. [532] Boyle. 1686. [567] Braniss. 1858. [1026-7] Descartes. 1644-58. [1072] Dolbear. 1892. [1095] Draper. 1887. [1122] Duncan. 1905. [1477] Gassendi. 1668. ri665] Gregory. 1792. [1901] Haranhel. 1830. [2022-4] Humboldt. 1845-65. [2152-4] Jevons. 1874-9. [2528] Le Grand. 1694. [2554] Lesage. 1770. [3513] Pearson. 1892. [3559] Petty. 1674. [3672] Poincare. 1902. [4791] Telesio. 1570. [5097] Virginio. 1784. [5121] Vogt. 1901. [5366. 5368. 5371-4] Whewell. 1847-62. [5748] Ampere. 1834-43. [5827-9] Aristotle. 1562-1870. [6410. 6417] Boyle. 1686-8. [6554-8] Bruno. 1582-91. [6959] Clifford. 1885-98. [7255-6] Descartes. 1637-54. [7290] Dickinson. 1702. [7398] Duncan. 1907. [8461] Glanvill. 1665. [8668-70] Gregory. 1796-8. [9105-6] Helmont. 1685. [9232] Herachel. 1830. [9453-4] Hoppus. 1827. [9495] Houllevigue. 1909. [9502] Hovenden. 1909. [9803-4] Jevons. 1874-83. [9995] Kant. 1794. [10661] Le Dantec. 1904. [13053] Pearson. 1892. [13187] Petty. 1674. [14767] Sehyaiioff. 1868. [14798] Sedgwick. 1850. [14967] Snyder. 1903. [15117. 15127-8] Stoney. 1885-99. [15638] Enriques. 1910. [15648] Xatorp. 1910. [15649-50] Pearson. 1900-11. [S 258] Case. 1888. [S 261] Clifford. 1879. [S 273-4] Descartes. 1649-68. [S 375] Poincare. 1912. [S 1941] Gilbert, 1651. [SS 16-19. 21-22] Aristoteles. 1549-81. [SS 23] Bacon. 1620. [SS 51-3] Descartes. 1650-64. [SS 1293] Savonarola. 1596. v. Action at a Distance. Algebra, E. and P. of. Analytical Theorems. Arithmetic, P. and E. of. Astronomy, P. of. Calculus, P. of. Causality. Classification of S. Correlation (Physical). Continuity. Descartes and Newton reconciled. Free Will. Geometry, Axioms and Hypotheses of. Geometry, Elements and Principles of. Horror Vacui. Infinity. Logic of S. Mathe- matics, P. and Principles of. Matter, Theories of. Mechanics, P. and E. of. Physics, Principles of. Relativity, Theory of. Space. Universal Science. : PARADOXES: [7417] Duran. 1847. DEMONSTRATED : [10702] MATHEMATICALLY Leibniz. 1728. PHLOGISTON THEORY AND CONTROVERSY : [303] Becher. 1738. [1916] Higgins. 1786. [2304] Kirwan. 1787. [3206-7] Neumann. 1759. [3796. 3799] Priestley. 1788-9. [4550] Stahl. 1746-7. [5328] Welt, 1701. [6084] Becher. 1738. [6411] Boyle. 1673. [6572] Bucci. 1783. [8030] Fordyce. 1792. [8055-7] Fourcroy. 1785. [9264] Higgins (B.). 1786. [9270] Higgins (VV.). 1799. [9587-8] Hutton. 1792. [10202] Kirwan. 1787-9. [10589] Lavoisier. 1783. [12452] Neumann. 1773. [13317] Pictet. 1701. [13549] Pott, 1738. [14715] Scheffer. 1779. [15009] Stahl. 1723. [SS 2530] Harrington. 1804. v. Chemistry (Phlogistic). PHONETICS, MECHANISM OF: [1857] Helmont. 1667. [SS 1816] Kempelen. 1791. PHONOGRAPH: [3760] Prescott, 1878. [8680-1] Gretschel. 1878-83. [15516] Wheatstone. 1879. PHOSPHATES : [4516] Sorel. 1902. [7181] Daubree. 1868. [8554. 8558-9] Graham. 1833-7. [13604] Pratt, 1868. PHOSPHIDE OF SODIUM, CHEMICAL ACTION OF : [10756] Letts and Collie. 1881. PHOSPHINES : [S 2782-3] Hofmann. 1861. PHOSPHORESCENCE : [3160] Murray. 1826. [3606] Phipson. 1862. [5437] Wilson. 1775. [6088] Becquerel. 1867-8. [10190] Klatt und Lenard. 1889. [11590]Matteuci. 1847. [12313] Murray. 1826. [13094] Penny. 1855. [13259. 13266-7] Phipson. 1858-75. [13291] Phosphorus, c. 1720. [13676] Pring. 1850. [15572] Wilson. 1775. [S 2618] Beccari. 1768. PHOSPHORESCENT SULPHIDES : [10720] Lenard etc. 1909. PHOSPHORUS AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [4523] Spal- lanzani. 1796. [5437] Wilson. 1775. [6407-9] Boyle. 1680-2. [11419] Marggraf. 1767-8. [12055] Moore and Zepharovich. 1885. [13270] Phipson. 1856. [13291] Phosphorus, c. 1720. [13640] Prideaux. 1911. [14474] Rose. 1833. [14585] Russell. 1908. [15289-90] Thorpe and Tutton. 1890-2. [15572] Wilson. 1775. [S 2618] Beccari. 1768. v. Calcium Phosphide. Hypophosphites. - -BETAINES : [10753] Letts. 1881. PHOTOGENIC DRAWING : [15201] Talbot. 1839. PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS : [2509] Leaper. 1891. DICTIONARIES : [4^88] Sutton. 1858. [4689] Sutton and Dawson. 1867. [9089] Heighwey. 1880-4. JOURNALS : [3607] Photographic News. 1863-75. [3608] Photographic Society of London. 1857-82. [6694] Camera. 1887-9 [13275] Photographic Journal (Liverpool and Manchester). 1857-8. [13276] Photographic News. 1862-75. [13277] Photograpic Notes. 1856-60. [13278-9] Photographic Society of London. 1854-9. LENSES AND OBJECTIVES : [945] Dallmeyer. 1899. [2006] Houdaille. 1894. [4057] Rohr. 1899. [5178] Wallon. 1891. [7138] Dallmeyer. 1876. [9492] Houdaille. 1894. [14404] Rohr. 1899. MANIPULATIONS : [3773] Price. 1858. PLATES : [851] Colson. 1897. [4214] Sassi. 1899. PRINTING : [9066] Hearn. 1874. PROCESSES: [2033-4] Hunt, 1844-54. [4374] Sheppard and Mees. 1907. [9211] Herschel. 1840. [9572-3] Hunt. 1844-54. [10051] Kemp. 1863. [10688] Le Gay. 1853. [11461] Martin. 1852. [12276] Mullet. 1856. v. Bromine P. Calotype. Collodion P. Daguerreo- type. Emulsion P. Ferrotype. Heliochromy. Photogenic Drawing. Photogravure. Photolitho- graphy. Platinotype. Retouching. Silver Printing. Telautography. - RECEIPTS : [4215] Sassi. 1899. PHOTOGRAPHY: [11. 14-15] Abney. 1897-1905. [91] American. 1896-1902. [118] Anthony. 1898- 1902. [430] Bland. 1863. [601] Brothers. 1899. [605-6] Brown. 1900-1. [620] Brunei. 1896. [661] Caffln. 1902. [1001] Delamotte. 1853. [1059] Dillay. 1899. [1189] English. 1901. [1542] Gioppi. 1893. [1955] Hodges. 1901. [2029-30] Hunt. 1853-7. [2088] Inglis. 1897. [2165-6] Johnson and Chatwood. 1895. [2683] INDEX. 943 PHOTOGRAPHY, continued : Londe. 1896. [4046] Robinson. 1869. [4517] Soret. 1894. [4859] Tindall. 1901. [4861-2] Tissandier. 1874-6. [4944] Trutat. 1879. [5118-19] Vogel. 1876-8. [5167] Wall. 1896. [5301] Wedgwood. 1903. [5483] Woodbury. 1896. [5618-20. 5622. 5624] Abney. 1874-82. [5752] Anderson. 1872. [6059] Bayly. 1906. [6644] Burton. 1887. [7452] Ecler. 1884-6. [9090] Heighwey. 1879. [9570-3] Hunt. 1841-54. [9854] Jones. 1891. [10146] Kleffel. 1863. [10309] Kriiger. 1858. [10357] La Blanchere. 1860. [10686-8] Le Gray. 1850-3. [10997] Long. 1854. [11969] Moigno. 1847-50. [13280] Photography. 1866. [13686-7] Prit- chard. 1882-3. [14350-5] Robinson. 1879-96. [SS 2697] Belloc. 1855. [SS 2722] Bradley. 1855. [SS 2738] Chevalier. 1854. v. Actinic Rays. Camera Obscura. Chemistry (Photographic). Colour P. Daguerreotype. Electricity (Photo-). Optics (Photographic). Photogenic Drawing. Retouching. Telauto- graphy. Telephotography. (ASTRONOMICAL) : [10549] La Rue. 1860. [10945-6] Loewy. 1893-1902. [11410] Marcuse. 1896. [13315] Pickering. 1895. [13850] Rambaut. 1896. [14296] Roberts. 1894. (INSTANTANEOUS) : [11417-18] Marey. 1894-5. [14354] Robinson. 1889. (MICRO-): [1513] Gerlach. 1863. [2789] Malley. 1885. [2898] Mathet. 1899. [3204] Neuhauss. 1890. (STEREOSCOPIC) : [1077] Donnadieu. 1892. [2899] Mathet. 1899. [4472] Smyth. 1858. [5639] Ackland. 1859. , CHEMISTRY OF v. Chemistry (Photographic}. , HISTORY OF : [9572-3] Hunt. 1844-54. [10309] Kriiger. 1858. PHOTOGRAVURE : [1008] Denison. 1894. PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY : [SS 2697] Belloc. 1855. PHOTOMETRY : [494. 498] Bouguer. 1729-60. [610] Brown. 1883. [1041] Dibdin. 1889. [1803] Hartley. 1879. [2404] Lambert. 1760. [2707] Lovibond. 1893. [3437] Pilaz. 1894. [4131] Rumford. 1794. [6100] Beer. 1854. [6109] Bell. 1902. [6366-7] Bouguer. 1729. [6540] Brown. 1883. [7097] Crookes. 1868. [7279] Dibdin. 1889. [8192] Fyfe. 1842. [10097] Kepler. 1604. [10424] Lambert. 1760. [11041] Lovibond. 1893. [13306] Pickering. 1882. [14144] Reynolds. 1876. (STELLAR): [2321] Kobold. 1906. [10861] Lindemann. 1884. [13307-8] Pickering. 1881-5. [13684-5] Pritchard. 1885. v. Stellar Luminosity. PHYLLOTAXIS, GEOMETRY OF : [6885] Church. 1904. v. Trefoil (Mathematical). PHYSICAL CONGRESSES : [S 1820] Congres Inter- national de Physique. 1900. CONSTANTS : [809] Clarke. 1897. [7133] Czogler. 1889. [7594] Erdmann und Kothner. 1905. [7719-20. 7722] Everett. 1875-91. [S 340] Kaye and Laby. 1911. v . Units. ^ ESSAYS : [341-2] Bergman. 1788. [603] Brougham. 1860. [1962] Hoffmann. 1838. [2111] Kaestner. 1771. [2708] Loys de Cheseaux. 1743. [5638] Achard. 1784. [6140-1] Bergman. 1781-91. [7444] Edin- burgh Essays. 1754-71. [10594-7] Lavoisier. 1776-1801/ [15514] Westrumh. 1785-7. EXPERIMENTS v. Physics (Experimental). FORMULA : [44151 Smalley. 1862. [10049] Kelsey. 1901. PHYSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS : [2530] Lehmann. 1885. [2570] Leslie. 1813. [6482] Brewster. 1813. [11272] Magellan. 1780. [12735. 12745] Nollet. 1738-87. [SS 2071-2] Sigaud de la Fond. 1775-84. v. Air Pump. Hydrometers. Manometers. JOURNALS: [3610-11] Physical Society of London. 1874-1905. [5775] Aimales de Chimie et de Physique. 1836-47. [8045] Fortschritte der Physik. 1852. [10566] Lau- sanne (Societe des Sciences physiques de). 1784. [11743] Memoires. 1807-17. [13281-3] Physical Laboratory (National). 1905-11. [13284-7] Physical Society of London. 1874- 1913. [14768-71] Science Abstracts. 1898- 1912. [S 6] Annalen der Physik und Chemie. 1873-1914. LABORATORIES : [3609] Physical Laboratories. 1906. LECTURES : [1321-3] Ferguson. 1799-1825. [1860-1] Helsham. 1739-43. [2232] KeilL 1733. [4914-15] Torricelli. 1715. [5387] Whiston. 1726. [5572-6] Young. 1807-45. [6822] Chappuis et Berget. 1899-1900. [7239- 40] Desaguliers. 1717. [7850-6] Ferguson. 1764-1823\ [9 123-4] Helsham. 1739-43. [9322] Hirst. 1853. [10028-30] Keffl. 1719-41. [11184] McGauley. 1840. [13419] Playfair. 1812-14. [15320-1] Torricelli. 1745. MEMOIRS AND PAPERS : [107] Andrews 1889- [2241] Kelvin. 1882-90. [2383] La Hire. 1694. [2492-3] Lavoisier. 1774-1801. [2643] L'Isle. 1738. [2653] Loyd. 1877. [2942-3] Memoires de Mathematiques et de Physique. 1692-1776. [3865] Quetelet. 1825-38. [4492] Societe Chimique. 1889-92. [10411-12] La Hire. 1694 [10715-16] Le Monnier. ' 1781-8. [11742] Memoires. 1750-86. [11743] Memoires. 1807- 17. [12877] Owens College. 1893. [15203] Templeman. 1753-4. [S 406] Thomson. 1912. [S 2207] Physical Memoirs. 1891. [S 2208-10] Physical Papers. 1870-1902. [S 2211] Physical Phenomena. 1885-98. [S 3863] Physical Papers. 1822-63. OBSERVATIONS : [416] Biot. 1821. [3617] Picard. 1731. [5781-2] Antarctic Expedition. 1840-1908. [7876]Feuillee. 1714-25. [14555-6] Royal Society of London. 1840-2. PHENOMENA: [1713-14] Guillemin. 1868-77. [ 10865] Linders. 1905. [S 2211] Physical Pheno- mena. 1885-98. RECREATIONS v. Mathematical Recreations. RESEARCHES : [12R8] Faraday. 1859. [1613] Graham. 1876. [7769] Faraday. 1859. [8548] Graham. 1876. [13281-3] Physical Laboratory (National). 1905-11. SPECULATIONS: [330-1] Benedetti. 1585-99. [531] Boyle. 1676. [3934. 14001. 14003] Reichenbach. 1850. [14767] Sehyanoff. 1868. TABLES : [10470-1] Landolt und Bornstein. 1883-1905. [15657] Wrapson and Gee. 1898. [S 1945] Gray. 1896. THEORIES : [17014] Duhem. 1905-6. [17324] Reychler. 1903. TRACTS : [4602] Stewart. 1761. [6106] Bell. 1834. [6536] Brougham and Vaux. 1860. [7997-8] Font-ana. 1784. [9609-11] Button. 1786-1812, [10472-3] Landriani. 1781. PHYSICS (AGRICULTURAL) : [6392] Boussingault. 1843-4. [10141] King. 1878. [15445] Wallerius. 1766. (ARISTOTELIAN) : [155-8] Aristoteles. 1505- 1812. [218] Bacon (R.). 1859. [687-92] Cardano. 1550-80. [3333] Nifo. 1540. [3494] 944 INDEX. PHYSICS (ARISTOTELIAN), continued : Paulus Venetus. 1525. [3711-12] Porta. 1585-1644. [3886] Pvamus. 1565. [4086] Ross. 1645. [4746-9] Tartaglia. 1546-62. [5827-9] Aristoteles. 1562-1870. [5913] Bacon (R.). 1750. [6554] Bruno. 1588. [6702] Canon. 1481. [6721-3] Cardano. 1654-80. [8288] Gassendi. 1649. [10989] Lones. 1912. [11728] Melanch- thon. 1550-4. [13517-24] Porta. 1558-1658. [14026] Reisch. 1512. [S 387] Reisch. 1508. [SS 16-19. 21-2] Aristoteles. 1549-81. [SS 128- 30] Porta. 1558. [SS 140] Reisch. 1599. (CosMic) : [2022-4] Humboldt. 1845-58. [2310] Klein. 1870. [3148] Miiller. 1872. [9557-8] Humboldt. 1845-65. [10066] Kelvin. 1882-1911. [14148] Reynolds. 1903. [16820-1] Arrhenius. 1903-7. "[16833] Clerke. 1903. [16850] Gore. 1893. [16893] Mtiller. 1894. - (ELEMENTARY) : [164-7] Arnott. 1827-76. [296] Bayle. 1703. [1033-7] Deschales. 1873. 1901. [1321-3] Ferguson. 1799-1825. [1461-3] Ganot. 1890-1901. [1540] Giorgius. 1707. [1818-19] Haiiy. 1803-7. [2560-2] Leslie. 1823-9. [3014] Mitchell. 1864. [3164-5] Musschenbroek. 1734-44. [3231] Newth. 1872. [3323-4] Nicholson. 1782-90. [3521] Peddie. 1892. [4594] Stewart, 1870. [5711] Aldous. 1900. [5784] Anthony, etc. 1897. [5839-41] Arnott. 1833-67. [7570] Enfield. 1809. [8193] Gage. 1902. [8265-6] Ganot. 1883-90. [8671] Gregory. 1808. [9041-2] Haiiy. 1806-7. [9855] Jones. 1893. [9992] Karsten, etc. 1869. [10522-3] Lardner. 1856-63. [10936] Locke. 1750. [12262-3] Miiller. 1847-62. [12323] Musschenbroek. 1734. [12639] Nichols and Franklin. 1896. [12659-61] Nicholson. 1787-96. [12990] Partington. 1828. [15599] Winkler. 1757. [17036-7] Ganot. 1894-1905. [17160] Nichols. 1896-1908. [17161] Oettingen. 1910. [17213]Russner. 1903. [S 1646] Aldous. 1907. (EXPERIMENTAL): [32] Adams. 1799. [414-15] Biot. 1816-29. [549-53] Boyle. 1663-71. [1017-18] Deaaguliera. 1734-44. [1288] Faraday. 1859. [1698-9] Guericke. 1672. [1811] Hauksbee. 1709. [1982] Hooke. 1726. [1986] Hopkins. 1890. [2337] Kundt. 1903. [2530] Lehmann. 1885. [2851-2] Martin. 1738-65. [3167-8] Musschenbroek. 1729-56. [3311] Nichols. 1894. [3346] Nollet. 1743-8. [3694] Poliniere. 1734. [3734] Pouillet, 1856. [5307-8] Weinhold. 1875-81. [5524-6] Wiillner. 1874-99. [5626] Abraham. 1904. [6414. 6427] Boyle. 1664-91. [6792] Cavallo. 1803. [7239-40] Desaguliers. 1717-44. [7468] Egger. 1829. [8159] Frick. 1878. [8728] Guadagni. 1764. [8730] Guericke. 1672. [9023-7] Hauksbee. 1709-19. [9172] Hermstadt. 1786. [9443] Hopkins. 1890. [9982] Karntz. 1839. [10335] Kundt. 1903. [12217] Mousson. 1879-82. [12735. 12739-45] Nollet. 1738-87. [13303] Pickering. 1874. [13663] Priestley. 1794. [14859] Sigaud de la Fond. 1787. [15008] Stahl. 1731. [15162-3] Sturm. 1676-85. [15182] Swinden. 1786. [17290] Wiillner. 1895-9. [SS 1477-81] Accadernia del Cimento. 1667-91. [SS 1640. 1642] Desaguliers. 1719- 45. [SS 1900] Miiller. 1721. [SS 1906-7] Musschenbroek. 1729. [SS 2071-2] Sigaud de la Fond. 1775-84. (GENERAL) : [414-15] Biot. 1816-29. [946] Daniell. 1884. [1185] Enfield. 1783. [2130] Jamin. 1863-9. [2248-50] Kelvin. 1867-95. [2456] Lardner. 1855-6. [3150] Miiller-Pouillet. 1897-1902. [3166] Musschenbroek. 1739. [3662-4] Playfair. 1812-19. [4114] Rowning. 1772. [414&-50] Rutherforth. 1743-8. [4604] Stewart. 1899-1903. [5250] Watson. 1899. [5463] Wolf. 1870-2. [7146-7] Daniell. 1884-95. PHYSICS (GENERAL), continued: [7267-70] Deschanel. 1886-1903. [8185] Funke. 1804-6. [8608] Gray. 1901. [8800] Handbuch der Physik. 1905-8. [8883] Hand- worterbuch. 1842-50. [9753-4] Jamin. 1882- 1906. [9945] Jude. 1899. [10078-81] Kelvin. 1867-83. [10214] Klimpert. 1889. [10436] Lame. 1837-8. [10798-800] Library. 1829-38. [11494-501] Martin. 1735-88. [12390-1] Handbuch der Physik. 1891-4. [13586-9] Poynting and Thomson. 1899-1909. [13799] Quetelet. 1835. [14544] Rowning. 1767. [14859] Sigaud de la Fond. 1787. [16966] Bouasse. 1907-9. [16973] Brisse et Andre 1894. [16988] Chwolson. 1902-5. [17010] Drincourt, 1896. [17052] Gray. 1901. [17055] Grimsehl. 1909. [17060-1] Handbuch der Physik. 1891-1909. [17075] Hofler, etc. 1904. [17084] Jamin. 1885-1906. [17091-2] Kayser. 1900-8. [17119]Lorentz. 1906-7. [17147-8] Miiller-Pouillet. 1897-1909. [17207-8] Riecke. 1905-12. [17259] Violle. 1883-92. [17272] Watson. 1905. [S 1802-4] Chwolson. 1909-10. (HIGHER) : [10348] Kunzek. 1856. (MATHEMATICAL) : [724] Cauchy. 1840-7. [750] Challis. 1873. [903] Crookes. 1879. [1627-8. 1630] Gravesande. 1731-46. [2747] Macfarlane. 1885. [3256-74] Newton. 1713-1871. [8593-6] Gravesande. 1721-60. [8707] Grinwis. 1867. [9163]Herapath. 1847 ; [10626] Leatham. 1905. [10865] Linders. 1905. [11585] Mathieu. 1873. [12501-33] Newton. 1687-1883. [14086] Resal. 1887-8. [14378] Roche. 1844. [15767] Borel. 1914. [15771] Bouasse. 1911. [16369] Mellor. 1905. [16424-5] Nernst. 1907-10. [16565-6] Scheffers. 1911. [16756-7] Vogt. 1904-9. [17067] Helm. 1884. [17080] Hous- toun. 1912. [17134] Mathieu. 1873-90. [17146] Miiller. 1875. [17150-7] Newton. 1777-1900. [17205] Resal. 1887-8. [17269] Wand. 1871. [S 254] Cambridge Tracts. 1905-16. [S 362] Memoirs. 1832-98. [SS 1906-7] Musschenbroek. 1729. [SS 1910. 1930-1]. Newton. 1687-1759. (MEDICAL): [1332] Fick. 1858. [5839-41] Arnott. 1833-67. [7146-7] Daniell. 1884-95. [7509] Eliot. 1782. [15486] Weber. 1780. (MOLECULAR): [2317] Knight, 1748. [3341-2] Nobili. 1818-19. [3559] Petty. 1674. T3657] Plateau. 1873. [3892] Rankine. 1881. [4974] Tyndall. 1872. [12211] Mossotti. 1836. [13187] Petty. 1674. [13401] Plateau. 1873. [13890] Rankine. 1881. [14181] Richards. 1911. [15401-2] Violle. 1883-4. [17111] Lehmann. 1888-9. [17195] Preston. 1875. [S 1860] Edser. 1911. [S2611] Avogadro. 1837-41. v. Dynamics (Molecular). Films. High Vacua. Leidenjrosf s Phenomenon. Matter, Properties of. Mechanics (Molecular). (NEW): [1122] Duncan. 1905. [4373] Shen- stone. 1906. [5341] Whetham. 1904. [7398] Duncan. 1907. [8978] Hartmann. 1902. [12368] Naville. 1884. [17130] Manville. 1908. [17280] Whetham. 1904. -(PICTORIAL): [1441] Eckhardt. 1882. (POPULAR): [625] Bryan. 1806. [1246] Euler. 1795. [1787] Harrington. 1774. [2204] Joyce. 1821-4. [2818]Marcet, 1820. [2855-6] Martin. 1772-82. [3458] Paris. 1833. [5192] Wandelaincourt. 1778. [7246] Desbeaux. 1891. [11398]Marcet, 1858. [11510] Martin. 1772. (PRACTICAL) : [278] Barrett and Brown. 1892. [1 704-6] Guillemin. 1874-7. [2322] Kohlrausch. 1873. [2850] Martin. 1747. [3403] Ostwald. 1894. [4289] Schuster. 1896. [4595-6] Stewart INDEX. 945 PHYSICS (PRACTICAL), continued: and Gee. 1885-1904. [4647] Stroud. 1899. [5249] Watson. 1904. [5402] Wiedemann undEbert. 1899. [6926] Clarke. 1903. [7875] Ferry and Jones. 1908. [8474-5] Glazebrook and Shaw. 1885-94. [10258-62] Kohlrausch. 1884-1905. [11856] Miller. 1903. [12843] Ostwald. 1890. [17047] Glazebrook and Shaw. 1893. [17098] Kohlrausch. 1905. (PRE-NEWTONIAN) : [1020-2] Descartes. 1664- 92. [1698-9] Guericke. 1672. [3933] Regnault. 1729-31. [4053-5] Rohault. 1672-1729. [4117] Roy. 1661. [4272. 4276-7] Schott. 1664-97. [4331] Senguerd. 1685. [4332] Sennert. 1684. [4670] Sturm. 1685-1701. [7262-4] Descartes. 1664-77. [8730] Guericke. 1672. [8987] Harvey. 1663. [10653] Le Clerc. 1705. [13998] Regnault. 1731. [14397-401] Rohault. 1671-1729. [14740-2] Schott. 1657-9. [14819] Sennert. 1637. [15161-3] Sturm. 1676-85. [S 1941] Gilbert. 1651. v. Physics (Aristotelian). (THEORETICAL) : [2247-50] Kelvin. 1867-95. [5123] Volkmann. 1900. [10076-81] Kelvin. 1867-83. [15416] Voigt. 1895-6. [16984-5] Christiansen. 1897-1910. [17095] Kelvin and Tait. 1873. [17176] Planck. 1910. [17263-4] Volkmann. 1900-13. , BIBLIOGRAPHY OF : [5572-6] Young. 1807- 45. , CYCLOPAEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES OF : [8321-2] Gehler. 1825-45. [14740-1] Schott. 1657-9. [14857] Sigaud de la Fond. 1781-2. , HISTORY OF : [512] Bouty. 1882. [1846] Heller. 1882-4. [2827] Marie. 1883. [3669] Poggendorff. 1879. [3739] Powell. 1834. [3932] Regnault. 1734. [4733-4] Tait. 1876. [5341] Whetham. 1904. [7823] Fechner. 1832. [9363] Hoefer. 1872. [10885] L'Isle. 1738. [1142 1-2] Marie. 1883-8. [13449] Poggendorff. 1879. [13569-70] Powell. 1824. [14278] Ritter. 1806. [14368-70] Robison. 1822. [15099-100] Stone. 1726-43. [15534] Whetham. 1904. [S 2299] Schuster. 1911. v. Mathematics, H. of. Physics (New). , PRINCIPLES AND ELEMENTS OF : [181] Atwood. 1784. [766] Chatelet. 1741. [2190] Jordan. 1885. [3256-74] Newton. 1713-1871. [3364-5] Ode. 1726-7. [3514] Peart. 1789. [5084] Vince. 1793. [8978] Hartmann. 1902. [8982] Hart- socker. 1706-10. [9432] Hooke. 1705. [9895] Jones. 1762. [9959] Julius. 1880. [10645] Leboullenger. 1824. [10878] Lind. 1795-7. [12501-33] Newton. 1687-1883. [17056] Groth. 1912. [S 1826] Crew. 1910. : PARADOXES : [8630] Green. 1712. [11048-9] Lovett. 1766-74. : PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES : [14756-7] Schuster. 1901-5. [16983] Chevallier et Miintz. 1885. [17089] Kahl. 1874. [17128] Maclean. 1900. [17146] Miiller. 1875. , TEACHING OF : [4442] Smith and Hall. 1902. AND THEOLOGY : [5345] Whewell. 1834. [6412-13] Boyle. 1674. [6864] Cheyne. 1715. [9893] Jones. 1851. PHYSIOGRAPHY v. Geography (Physical). PICOLINE : [13872] Ramsay. 1876-7. PICRIC ACID : [8161] Fritzsche. 1857. PILE-DRIVING ENGINES : [7439] Eassie. 1866. PILLOW PROBLEMS : [15940] Dodgson. 1895. PILOTAGE : [496] Bouguer. 1753. [9685] PIN MAKING : [S 3068] Reaumur. 1761. PINE, CHEMISTRY OF THE V. Terebenes. PIONEER ENGINEERING : [7315] Dobson. 1877. PIT PROPS : [4796] Thelu. 1878. PLANES (TRUE) : [S 3687] Whitworth. 1882. PLANETARIUM v. Orreries. PLANETARY ATMOSPHERES : [427980] Schroter. 1792-5. [15109] Stoney. 1897. DISTURBANCES v. Perturbations, Theory of. OBSERVATIONS: [58] Airy. 1845. [11998] Moller. 1870-3. SYSTEMS : [7366] Dreyer. 1906. TABLES : [6711] Capello. 1733-7 Iwanow. 1899. [15587] Wing. 1700. v. Ephemerides. Lunar T. -THEORY: [492] Bouguer. 1748. L . . . _, Cheyne. 1862-70. [1259] Euler. 1744. [1489- 90] Gauss. 1809-57. [1999] Horrocks. 1678. [2504] Leadbetter. 1729. [3308] Nichol. 1838. [3628] Piccolomini, 1568. [5075] Villemot. 1707. [5216] Ward. 1653. [6596] Bugge. 1789. [6862] Cheyne. 1870. [6981] Colden. 1751. [8307] Gauss. 1857. [9685] Iwanow. 1899. [10663] Ledger. 1882. [11779] Merz. 1862. [12631] Newton (John). 1657. [12635] Nichol. 1838. [13295] Piccolomini. 1568. [14393] Rohde. 1797. [14884-5] Simpson. 1757. [15515] Wetherald. 1760. [15520] Whewell. 1820. [16838] Cheyne. 1883. [16843] Frischauf. 1903. [16845] Gauss. 1865. [SS 981] Alembert. 1754-8. [SS 1012-13] Borelli. 1666. [SS 1014] Boscovich. 1756. [SS 1017] Brahe. 1610. [SS 1067] Euler. 1760. [SS 1661] Euler. 1762. [SS 2025] Rheita. 1645. v. Orbits (Planetary). Perturbations. Three Bodies, Problem of. : PARADOXES: [10382] Lacy. 1779. [13775] Tye. 1766. PLANETOIDS: [5906] Backlund. 1892. [11997. 12000] Moller. 1870-9. [12021] Monnichipeyer. 1893. [13850] Rambaut. 1896. [15421-2] Wackerbarth. 1866. PLANETS (ULTRA-NEPTUNIAN) : [8009] Forbes. 1880. , FIGURE OF THE : [14378] Roche. 1844. , ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF THE : [8682] Grew. 1911. [16818] Andre. 1909. PLANISPHERE: [247] Baker. 1686. [499] Boxilanger. 1650-1. [951-2] Danti. 1569-72. [1732] Hagelganss. 1736-44. [2131] Janvier. 1812. [3419] Oxley. 1830. [3856] Ptolemraus. 1558. [4771] Taylor. 1853. [7168] Danti. 1569. [10431] Lamb. 1673. [12036] Monte. 1579. [12819] Olyver. 1601. (TERRESTRIAL) : [6658] Busby. 1827. PLANTS, CHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF : [17446] Hales. 1731-40. [2084-7] Ingenhousz. 1779-86. [3143] Mulder. 1849. [5074] Ville. 1853. [5584] Zallinger. 1769. [6393] Boussingault. 1838. [8371] Genbel. 1845. [8806-7] Hales. 1731-5. [8810] Hall. 1905. [13102] Pepys. 1843. [13136-7] Perrault. 1721. [14968] Snyder. 1903. [SS 2619] Senebier. 1782. PLATINOTYPE : [3646] Pizzighelli and Hiibl. 1886. PLATINUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [1297. 7785-6] Faraday. 1861-5. [8364] Gerhardt. 1850. [10789-90] Lewis. 1763. [14715] Scheffer. 1779. [15609] Wollaston. 1828. [SS 2899] Bossi. 1791. (SPONGY) : [9149] Henry. 1824. PL&CKER'S EQUATIONS : [13438] Plilcker. 1839. 946 INDEX. PLUMBING : [1848] Hellyer. 1900. [6574] Buehan. 1883. [9101-3] Hellyer. 1882-7. [10586] Lawler. 1896. [1 1276] Maguire. 1890. [S 3639] Sutcliffe. 1907. PLURALITY OF WORLDS : [1362] Fontenelle. 1702. [2065-6] Huygens. 1698-9. [3515] Peat. 1856. [3823-4] Proctor. 1870-82. [4347] Serviss. 1902. [5168] Wallace. 1904. [5375-6] Whewell. 1853-4. [5411-12] Wilkins. 1640-84. [6476-7] Brewster. 1854-70. [7283] Dick. c. 1845. [7944_5] Flammarion. 1864-5. [8023] Fonte- nelle. 1737. [9629-34] Huygens. 1698-1722. [11866] Miller. 1883. [13712-14] Proctor. 1872-86. [15553-8] Wilkins. 1638-1708. [S 1527] Lowell. 1908. [SS 1080. 1083] Fonte- nelle. 1733-60. PNEUMATIC DISPATCH TUBES : [3635] Pilbrow. 1844. v. Railways (Atmospheric). MACHINES : [6854] Chevalier. 1847. TROUGH : [13669-70] Priestley. 1772. PNEUMATICS : [877-8] Cotes. 1738-47. [1875-6] Hero Alexandrinus. 1575. [2466-7] Lardner. 1836. [3714]Porta. 1601. [4273] Schott. 1657. [5997] Barlow. 1823. [7040-4] Cotes. 1738-75. [8484] Gmelin. 1784. [9175-9] Hero Alexan- drinus. 1575-1851. [10537] Lardner. 1831. [11782] Mersenne. 1644-7. [13533] Porta. 1601-6. [14893] Sinclair. 1669. [15515] Wetherald. 1760. v. Aerodynamics. Aerometry. Air. POETRY OF SCIENCE : [13172] Petit. 1876-9. POINTS, THEORY OF : [16399] Monteil. 1912. [16808] Young and Chisholm. 1906. 7812] Faust. 1906. 1885. POISONS (ANIMAL) : [1312. POLAR DISTANCES : [12466] Xewcomb. c v. Zenith Distances. EXPLORATION : [5781-3] Antarctic Expedition . 1840-1906. [12306] Murray. 1901. [15035] Steen. 1887. - HEIGHTS : [12765] Nyren. Rahnenfuhrer. 1908. 1873. [13832] POLARISCOPE : [10468] Landolt. 1882. [10551] Lasaulx. 1878. [14407] Rolfe. 1905. v. Analyser. Microscope (Polarising). Optical Activity. POLARITY, CAUSES OF : [1045] Dickson. 1859. [6906] Clark. 1907. POLARIZATION v. Heat, P. of. Light, P. of. POLARS (RECIPROCAL) : [15989-90] Ferrers. 1861-90. [16493-4] Poncelet. 1862-6. v. Duality. POLYATOMIC COMPOUNDS : [2703] Louren9O. Bradwardine. POLYGONS (STAR) : [15945] Dostor. [6438] 1880. 1863. 1495- 4ND POLYHEDRA : [4362] Sharp. 1717. [10887] Listing. 1862. [15810] Bruckner. 1900. [15963] Eberhard. 1891. [16493-4] Poncelet. 1862-6. [SS 274] Cataldi. 1620. POLYTROPE: [4411] Sire. 1862. POPULAR SCIENCE : [1450] Gall. 1895. [2861] Martin. 1822. [3592-4] Phillips. 1833-73. [5152 Walker. 1799. [6468] Brewer. 1872. [7859 Ferguson. 1823. [9916] Joyce. 1840. [13101 Pepper. 1869. [13432] Pluche. 1740. PORCELAIN: [431] Blancourt. 1699. [2336] Kunckel. 1679. [3721] Porter. 1832. [S 2998] Asch. 1913. [S 3066] Blancourt. /*. of 1699. [S 3168] Neri, etc. 1752. [SS 2757-8] Dossie. 1758-64. PORISMS : [1585] Gompertz. 1850. [3448-9] Pappus. 1588-1660. [4601] Stewart. 1746. [6376] Boulliau. 1657. [12938] Pappus. 1660. [13418] Playfair. 1792. [15866] Chasles. 1860. [SS 840] Simson. 1812. [SS 860] Steiner. 1832. POROSITY OF BODIES : [530. 539. 6416] Boyle. 1684. PORTRAITS OF SCIENTISTS : [3723] Portraits, c. 1680. [5315] Weld. 1860. [7793-4] Faraday, n. d. [8019] Forbes, n. d. [8877-8] Hanbury. n. d. [8963] Harrison, n. d. [9117-18] Helmholtz. n. d. [9619-21] Huxley, n. d. POTASSIUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [1498. 8314-15] Gay-Lussac et Thenard. 1811. [8718] Groth. 1902. [11135] Lupton. 1876. [13094] Penny. 1855. POTENTIAL (ELECTRIC) : [4336] Serpieri. 1884 [4949] Tumlirz. 1889. (THERMODYNAMIC) : [7392] Duhem. 1886. , THEORY OF THE : [1642. 8628] Green. 1828. [10283] Korn. 1899-1901. [12447] Neumann. 1877. [14241] Riemann. 1876. [14377] Roch. 1862. [ 15147] Strutt. 1900. [16078] Grimsehl. 1905. [16524] Riemann. 1892. [17081] Hove- stadt. 1890. [17254-5] Tumlirz. 1884-9. [17269] Wand. 1871. [17270] Wangerin. 1909. [S 1807] Clausius. 1870. [S 2138] Mathieu. 1865-6. v. Function (Potential). POTENTIOMETER : [1344] Fisher. 1897. POTHENOT'S PROBLEM : [8374] Gerling. 1840. POTTERY, TECHNICS OF : [2336] Kunckel. 1679. [5812] Arcet. 1766. [8576] Granger. 1905. [8739] Guignet. 1899. v. Enamelling. Porcelain. POWELL'S BANDS : [13571-2] Powell. 1848. POWER GAS PRODUCTION : [14376] Robson. 1908. PLANTS : [9586] Hutton. 1906. PRODUCTION : [1590] Goodrich. 1904. TRANSMISSION : [9482] Hospitalier. v. y. [10121] Kerr. 1902. [15358] Unwin. 1894.. v. Belting. POWERS (MATHEMATICAL) : [16223] Kleyer. 1883. PRECESSION AND NUTATION : [70] Alembert. 1749. [776] Cheyne. 1867. [3360] O'Brien. 1840. [4398-9] Simpson. 1757. [5085] Vince. 1787. [5540] Ximenes. 1776. [5580] Zach. 1812. [6861] Cheyne. 1867. [7444] Edinburgh Essays. 1754-71. [10000] Kapteyn. 1901. ' [11670] Maxwell 1857. [12466-7. 12469] Newcomb. 1885-98. [12762-3] Nyren. 1872-6. [12774] O'Brien. 1840. [13167] Peters. 1843. [14267] Ristenpart. 1892. [14884-5] Simpson. 1757. [15150] Struve. 1842. [16940] Barnard. 1872. [S 2491] Darwin. 1877-89. [SS 981] Alembert. 1754-6. v. Polar Distances. Spinrfing Top. PRECIOUS METALS : [9704] Jacob. 1831. STONES : [1817] Hatiy. 1817. [2137] Jeffries. 1871. [2930] Mawe. 1815. [4097] Rothschild. 1890. [4639] Streeter. 1877. [7425] Dutens. 1777. [9018] Haudicquer de Blancourt. 1718. [9040] Haiiy. 1817. [10337-40] Kunz. 1890- 1903. [15629] Cesi. 1636. [SS 2663] Boetius de Boot. 1647. [SS 2664] Boyle. 1672. [SS 2666] Brard. 1808. [SS 2668] Emanuel. 1867. [SS 2678] Jeffries. 1750. v. Diamond. Garnet. PRECIPITATION, MECHANICAL CAUSES OF : [SS 1583- 4] Boyle. 1675. PRESSING MACHINERY : [S 3403-4] Colyer. 1881-92. v. Hydraulic Press. INDEX. 947 PRIESTLEY'S RINGS : [13668] Priestley. 1769. PRIMUM MOBILE : [13844] Raimondo. 1589* [SS 1240]Pighius. 1522. [SS 1262] Ricci. 1521 PRINCIPLES or SCIENCE v. Philosophy of Science. PRINTING AND PRINTING MACHINERY : [10252] Koenig. 1883. [S 3069] Legros. 1916. [S 3695] Wilson and Grey. 1888. PROBABILITIES (GEOMETRICAL) : [15905] Czuber. 1884. , THEORY OF : [352] Bernoulli (Jacques). 1713. [371]Bertrand. 1889. [885] Cournot. 1843-64. [1328] Fermat, 1679. [2363-4] Lacroix. 1883- 64. [2439] Laplace. 1814-18. [2607] Liagre. 1879. [2711] Lubbock and Bethune. 1830. [3029] Moivre. 1756. [3086-7] Morgan. 1838. [3477] Pascal. 1665. [3682] Poisson. 1837. [3864] Quetelet. 1835. [4400] Simpson. 1792. [4535] Spinoza. 1884. [4886-7] Todhunter. 1865. [6149-50] Bernoulli (Jacques). 1713. [6210] Bicquilley. 1805. [6566] Bryan. 1897. [6916-17] Clark. 1758. [7048] Cournot. 1843. [8250] Galloway. 1839. [9852] Jones. 1844. [10379] Lacroix. 1822. [10499. 10505-6] Laplace. 1814. [10575] Laurent. 1873. [10795] Liagre. 1879. [11805] Meyer. 1874. [11984-8] Moivre. 1718-56. [12106. 12121. 12127. 12129-30] Morgan. 1836-50. [13456] Poincare. 1896. [13802-3. 13811] Quetelet. 1846-53. [14734-5] Schooten. 1657. [15382] Venn. 1876. [15700] Bachelier. 1912. [15727] Bernoulli. 1899. [15732] Bertrand. 1889. [15748-9] Bobek. 1890. [15762] Boole. 1862. [15765-6] Borel. 1909-10. [15854] Carvalla. 1912. [15891-2] Cournot. 1843-9. [15899] Crefcoeur. 1902-8. [15909-10] Czuber. 1903-10. [16091] Hagen. 1882-4. [16130] Herz. 1900. [16248]Kries. 1886. [16253-4] Lacroix. 1864. [16274] Laurent. 1873. [16360] Markoff. 1912. [16378] Meyer. 1879. [16401] Moivre. 1756. [16402] Montessus. 1908. [16406] Morgan. 1838. [16489] Poincare. 1896. [16492] Poisson. 1837. [16727] Tod- hunter. 1865. [16750] Venn. 1888. [16784-6] Whitworth. 1886-1901. [16800] Woodward. 1906. [SS 353] Degen. 1824. [SS 709] Parisot. 1810. v. Combinations and Permutations. Errors, Theory of. Games of Chance. Least Squares. Numbers (Great), Law of. Wealth, Mathematical Theory of. PROBLEMS AND QUESTIONS IN SCIENCE : [436] Bland. 1830. [9824] Johnson. 1735. [15638] Enriques. 1910. [S 392] Scientia. 1899-1914. PRODUCER GAS : [7355] Dowson and Larter. 1906. [14826] Sexton. 1903. PROGRESSIONS (ARITHMETICAL AND GEOMETRICAL) : [16218] Kleyer. 1884. PROJECTION (ORTHOGRAPHIC) : [6223] Binns. 1869- 71. (STEREOGRAPHIC) : [14338-41] Robertson. 1747-75. , THEORY OF : [15989-90] Ferrers. 1861-90. [16184] Javary. 1903. [SS 860] Steiner. 1832. PROPORTION (DUPLICATE) : [3559. 13187] Petty. 1674. , COMPASS OF v. Compass of P. , RULE OF v. Rule of P. , THEORY OF : [329] Belli. 1573. [1167] Ellis 1877. [2821] Marchetti. 1695. [6121-2] Belli 1573-95. [6649] Byrne. 1841. [7550] Emerson 1763. [16137] Hill. 1914. [16169] Huebner 1895. [SS 926] Viviani. 1674. v. Numbers (Proportional). PROSPECTING (MINERAL) : [96] Anderson. 1889 [11862] Miller. 1897. [15139] Stretch. 1900. [S 3207] Cox. 1912. 'ROTEIDS, CHEMISTRY OF : [3142. 12247] Mulder. 1847. PROUT'S HYPOTHESIS : [4833] Thomson. 1825. [4835] Thomson. 1813-18. [13236] Phillips. 1839. [15021] Stas. 1860. [15265-7. 15269] Thomson. 1813-26. [SS 2626] Stas. 1865. PSYCHIC MEASUREMENTS : [2641] Lipps. 1906. PSYCHOLOGY OF EXACT SCIENCE v. Arithmetic, P. of. Free Will, Mathematical Theory of. Mathematical Psychics. Space and Time, P. of. PTOMAINES : [7024] Corput. 1855. v. Toxines. PUMICE STONE : [10245] Knox. 1822. PUMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY : [1875-6] Hero Alexandrinus. 1575. [2853] Martin. n.d. [3108] Morland. 1685. [5398-9] Wicksteed 1841. [6242-3] Bjorling. 1902-5. [6769] Castelli. 1808. [7327] Donaldson. 1883. [8242] Galli. 1694. [8785] Hague (C. A.). 1907. [8788] Hague (J.). 1837. [9175-9] Hero Alex- andrinus. "1575-1851. [11505] Martin, c. 1767. [12157-8] Morland. 1685. [13148] Pessuti. 1789. [15503] Weisbach and Hermann. 1893. [17336] Davey. 1900. [S 3248] Hauer. 1879. [S 3358] Bjorling. 1890. v. Air Pumps. Cornish Pumping Engine. Fire Engines. Water-raising Machines. PYRANOL SALTS : [13123] Perkin, etc. 1908. PYRITES : [S 3249] Henckel. 1757. PYROMETRY : [2406] Lambert. 1779. [3168] Musschenbroek. 1756. [4431] Smeaton. 1754. [5299] Wedgwood. 1786. [9473] Hospitalier. v.y. [10425] Lambert. 1779. [10489] Langsdorf. 1787. [14902. 14916] Smeaton. 1754-1814. v. Calorimetry. PYROTECHNICS : [289-90] Bate. 1634-54. [418-20] Biringuccio. 1540-59. [3071] Morel. 1818. [3549] Perrinet d'Orval. 1757. [5873] Audot. 1825. [5898-9] Babington. 1635. [6043-4] Bate. 1634. [6228-36] Biringuccio. 1540-1678. [6987-8] Collado. 1586-1641. [7604-8] Etten . 1628-69. [8188-9] Furtenbach. 1644-62. [9890-2] Jones. 1766-76. [10770-4] Leurechon. 1630-74. [11328]Malthe. 1640. [12069] Morel. 1800. [12188-9] Mortimer. 1824-n.d. [12888- 9] Ozanam. 1708-50. [14416] Remain. 1611. [14865-8] Simienowicz. 1651-1729. [ 15135] Stovesandt. 1757. [15539] White. 1677. [SS 30] Bate. 1631. [SS 98. 103] Leurechon. 1653-72. [SS 2751] Cutbush. 1825. [SS 2806] Malthus. 1650. [SS 2831] Perrinet d'Orval. 1745. [SS 2838] Ravichio de Peretsdorf. 1824. [SS 2861-3] Smith. 1740-99. [SS 2873] Thy- bourel et Hanzelet. 1620. PYROXYLIC ACID : [7003] Connell. 1837. PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM : [9367] Hoffmann. 1821. [12330] Naber. 1908. QUADRANT : [846. 848] Collins. 1658-9. [849-50] Colson. 1749-64. [1055] Digges. 1625. [1271] Fabri. 1598. [1716-19] Gunter. 1636-73. [1729-31] Hadley. 1750-61. [2547] Leoni. 1699. [3355] Nuis. 1686. [5448] Wing. 1700. [5484] Woodford. 1756. [5778] Angles. 1897. [5790-1] Apianus. 1532-3. [6704] Cantone. 1670. [6995] Collins. 1658. [8051-2] Foster. 1659. [8199] Galgemair. 1616. [8214. 8218] Galilei. n.d. [8745-50] Gunter. 1636-80. [8777-8] Hadley. 1734-50. [10134] Kinck- huysen. 1643. [10249] Kobel. 1563. [10630- 9] " Lazesio. 1518-1629. [10809. 10820] Leybourn. 1672-1771. [11070] Ludlam. 1790. [11272] Magellan. 1780. [11331] Mampieri. 1856. [11509] Martin, n.d. [11530] Mascheroni. 1803. [11548] Maskelyne. 1772. [12422-4] Nesbit. 1847-77. [12722] None. 1796. [12786] Oddi. 1625. [14660] San Giovanni. 1686. 948 INDEX. QUADRANT, continued : [14905] Smeaton. 1788. [15587] Wing. 1700. [SS 512-14] Hulsius. 1603-15. [SS 1358] Bonhomo. 1758. [SS 1361] Brown. 1671. [SS 1369-70] Collins. 1659-1710. [SS 1387] Foster. 1675. [SS 2174] Woodford. 1756. v. Sextant. (FLUID) : [14530] Rowe. 1725. (HORIZONTAL) : [993] Delamaine. 1631. OF PROPORTION : [11026] Lorgna. 1768. v. Compass of Proportion. QUADRANTS (MURAL): [6238] Bird. 1768. [6439] Brahe. 1602. QUADRAT (UNIVERSAL): [4611-12] Stirrup. 1655. [S 434] Apianus. 1541. [SS 512-14] Hulsius. 1603-15. v. Square. QUADRATURE (GEOMETRICAL) : [14281] Riva. 1725. - (MECHANICAL) : [14159] Rice. 1899. OF THE CIRCLE v. Circle Squaring. QUALITIES, CHEMICAL DOCTRINE OF : [531] Boyle. 1676. QUANTICS : [6808] Cayley. 1854-78. [15971-2] Elliott. 1895-1913. v. Invariants. QUANTITIES (COMPLEX) : [9493] Houel. 1867-74. (POLYDIMENSIONAL) : [16568] Schemer. 1880. , THEORY OF: [16135] Hessenberg. 1906. [16173] Huntrngton. 1901. [16239-40] Konig. 1903-14. [16597] Schoenflies. 1908-13. QUANTITY SURVEYING : [10607] Learning. 1886. [11767-9] Merrett. 1881-93. [15040] Stephen- son. 1910. QUARRYING : [1378] Foster. 1903. [S 3229-30] Foster. 1904-10. QUARTZ: [11289] Malaise. 1866-8. [13922] Rath. 1872. [14119]ReuschundRath. 1873. QUATERNIONS : [1762-4] Hamilton. 1853-66. [2181] Joly. 1905. [2237] Kelland and Tait. 1873. [2388] Laisant. 1877. [2742] McAulay. 1893. [3031-3] Molenbroek. 1891-3. [4731-2] Tait, 1867-73. [8867] Hamilton. 1853. [8887] Hankel. 1867. [9291] Hine. 1894. [9842] Joly. 1902. [10035-6] Kelland and Tait. 1873-82. [10416] Laisant. 1881. [13391] Plarr. 1874. [15001] Spottiswoode. n.d. [16070] Graefe. 1883. [16103] Hamilton. 1899-1901. [16104] Hankel. 1867. [16140] Hine. 1894. [16190] Joly. 1905. [16204-5] Kelland. 1873- 1904. [16702-3] Tait. 1873-90. [S 451] Baker. 1911. [S 779] Hardy. 1881. v. Algebra (Double). Complex Quantities. Octonions. Vector Analysis. , BIBLIOGRAPHY OF: [11181] Macfarlane. 1904. QUININE AND ITS SALTS : [3142] Mulder. 1847. [7278] Dibbits. 1873. [12247] Mulder. 1847. RADIATION (TERRESTRIAL) : [13630-1] Prevost. 1809. AND RADIANT MATTER : [487] Bottone. 1898. [902-3] Crookes. 1873-8. [1096] Draper. 1878. [2079] Hyndman. 1898. [2101] Isenthal and Ward. 1901. [7090-1. 7101-2] Crookes. 1873- 84. [8920. 8926] Harper's Scientific Memoirs. 1900-1. [10340] Kunz. 1903. [10692] Leh- mann. 1898. [13825-6] Radiology. 1905-6. [17054] Greichacher. 1909. [17149] Neesen. 1904. [S 1828] Crookes. 1877. [S 3867] Radio Engineers. 1916. v. Becquerel Rays. Cathode Rays. Electron Theory. Electrons. Heat (Radiant). X-Rays. RADICAL THEORY : [1397] Frankland. 1877. [1674] Griffin. 1858. [10266] Kolbe. 1859. [10573] Laurent. 1843. RADICALS (ORGANIC): [8105. 81 14] Frankland. 1849- 51. [11052] Lowig. 1850. RADIOACTIVITY AND RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES : [4147] Rutherford. 1905. [10066] Kelvin. 1882-1911. [11407] Marckwald. 1904. [14601- 4] Rutherford. 1904-6. [14973] Soddy. 1904. [15257] Thomson. 1904. [17129] Mackower. 1908. [S 1639] Abraham et Langevin. 190.3. [S 1836] Curie. 1904. [S 2914] Soddy. 1911-14. v. Atomic Disintegration. Radium. RADIOMETER: [902-3. 7090-1. 7096] Crookes. 1873- 8. [14144] Reynolds. 1876. [S 1828] Crookes. 1877. RADIUM : [9858] Jones. 1905. [15146] Strutt. 1904. [15281] Thorpe. 1908. [15476] Watts. 1904. RAILROADS : [8181-2] Fulton. 1796. RAILWAY (MONORAIL) : [12922] Palmer. 1824. ACCIDENTS : [4643] Stretton. 1887. [12816] Oliver. 1846. BRAKES : [9399] Holleman. 1891. [9478] Hospitalier. v. y. BRIDGES v. Bridge Building. CARRIAGES : [8036] Forney, etc. 1884. [8246] Galloway. 1834. v. Carriage and Coach Building. CURVES : [4390-1] Simms. 1846-56. [5946-7] Baker. 1848-51. [6765] Castle. 1847 [10779] L'Eveille. 1847. [12816] Olivier. 1846". v. Curve Tracing. ENGINEERING : [29-30] Acworth. 1889-90 [220] Badiiall. 1833. [249] Baker. 1848. [571] Brees. 1837. [1007] Dempsey. 1847. [1392] Foxwell. 1889. [1806] Haskoll. 1863-4. [3543] Perdonnet. 1865. [3874] Railways. 1840. [3877] Railway Structures. 1881. [4324] Sekon, 1895. [4542-3 ]Spooner. 1871. [4741] Tanner. 1840. [4935] Tredgold. 1835. [5017] Unwin. 1869. [5072] Vignoles. 1889. [5277] Weale. 1844-9. [5381] Whishaw. 1837. [5482] Wood. 1838. [5652-3] Adams. 1837-62. [5772] Angell. 1853. [5808] Arcana. 1831. [5885] Baader. 1829. [5946-7] Baker. 1848-51. [6018-19] Barry. 1876-82. [6077] Beavan. 1903. [6838] Chemins de Fer. 1879-80. [6982] Cole. 1890. [7229] Dempsey. 1850-6. [7762] Fairlie. 1872. [7947] Flachat-Mony et Bonnet. 1835. [8077] Fox. 1881. [8366] Gerstner. 1842-3. [8386] Gibon. 1845. [8524] Gordon. 1836. [8612-13] Gray. 1825. [9078-9] Hebert. 1837. [9535] Hughes, 1846. [9738] James. 1861. [9967] Jullien. 1845. [10048] Kelly. 1847. [10649] Le Chatelier. 1845. [10658] Lecount. 1839. [10664] Ledoux. 1874. [10976] Loeweund Meyer. 1898. [11191] Mackay. 1896. [12015] Monkswell. 1911. [12400-1] Navier. 1835. [12422] Nesbit. 1847. [12821] Oppermann. 1873. [12922] Palmer. 1824. [12968] Parkin. 1836. [12969] Parkinson. 1902. [13562] Poussin. 1836. [13603] Pratt arid Alden. 1898. [13833] Railway. 1823. [13834] Railway Magazine. 1835-9. [13837-8] Railways. 1835-40. [13889] Rankine. 1828. [14035] Rennie (G.). 1836-50 [14071] Rennie (Sir J.). c. 1837. [14657] Sampite. 1888. [15333] Tratman. 1901. [S 3211] Curr. 1797. [S 3385] Camp. 1904. v. Channel Railway. Dam Construction. Earth- work. Electric Railways. Locomotive. Tramways. $% A large collection of such works will be found in Messrs. Sotheran's Bibliotheca Viatica. SCHEMES : [8570] Grainger and Miller. 1828. [10900] Liverpool and Manchester Railway. 1826. [13104] Perdonnet, etc. 1832. [13835] Railway Prospectuses. 1830-6. [13836] Rail- ways. 1837. [14805] Seguin. 1826. [15037] Stephenson and Bidder. 1838. INDEX. 949 RAILWAY SIGNALLING : [3633] Rigg. 1898. [7012] Cooke. 1839. [13579] Power. 1855. [13608] Preece. 1874. [13915-16] Rapier. 1874. [15333] Tratman. 1901. [SS 2986] Cooke. 1842. SURVEYING : [9405] Holliday. 1838. [S 3519] Lavis. 1908. RAILWAYS (ATMOSPHERIC): [3635] Pilbrow. 1844. [4201]Samuda. 1842. [4577] Stephenson. 1844. [5277] Weale. 1844-9. [7370] Dubern. 1846. [8386] Gibon. 1845. [9901] Jones. 1845. [9968] Jullien et Valerio. 1845. [14663-4] Samuda. 1841-2. [15041-2] Stephenson. 1844. v. Pneumatic Dispatch Tubes. (ELECTRIC) v. Electric R. (UNDERGROUND) : [13838] Sub-Railways. 1835. , DICTIONARY or : [12898] Palaa. 1864. , HISTORY, WORKING, AND MANAGEMENT or : [1082] Dorsey. 1887. [1334] Findlay. 1889. [1683] Grinling. 1905. [3376] Ogan. 1855. [3873] Railway. 1853. [4643] Stretton. 1887. [6118] Belpaire. 1847. [8095] Francis. 1851. [8875] Haney. 1908. [10188] Kirkman. 1903. [10534] Lardner. 1850. [10685] Legoyt. 1845. [12983] Parsloe. 1878. [13087] Pendleton. 1894. [14269] Ritchie. 1846. [14285] Roads and Railroads. 1839. [14428] Roney. 1868. [1 4464-6] Roscoe and Lecount. 1838-9. [14632] St. Leon. 1845. [15328] Tourasse et Mellet. 1828. , INFLUENCE or : [14809] Seguin. 1839. RAIN, THEORY OF : [1988. 1992] Hopkins. 1852-4. [2054] Hutton. 1792. [4113] Rowell. 1859. [4450] Smith. 1872. [5953] Baldwin. 1786. [8848] Hamilton. 1772. [9587-8] Hutton. 1792. [13839] Sogno Filosofico. 1753. [14533-5] Rowell. 1840-87. [SS 2228-30] Barlow. 1715- 22. v. Droughts. Nucleation (Atmospheric). RAINBOW : [2347] Chambers. 1650. [2822] Marci de Kronland. 1648. [3243-4] Newton. 1729. [4535] Spinoza. 1884. [6869] Chiminello. 1803. [7256] Descartes. 1637. [11648] Maurolico. 1613. [12074] Morgan. 1770. [12534-53] Newton. 1704-87. [15389] Vieri. 1582. [15405]. Vitellio. 1535. [S 1677-8] Bacon. 1614. [SS 1601] Chesnecopherus. 1593. [SS 1649] Dominis. 1611. [SS 1742-4] Grimaldi. 1665. [SS 1869] Marat. 1788. [SS 2060] Scherffer. 1761. RAINFALL : [4705-7] Symons. 1867-99. [13674] Prince. 1886. [15183-5] Symons. 1863-1913. RAIN GAUGE : [10472-3] Landriani. 1781. RANCIDITY v. Butyric Acid. RANGE-FINDER v. Telemeter. RARE EARTHS : [14334] Roberts- Austen. 1895. [S 3066] Johnstone. 1915. RATIOS, ALGEBRA OF : [615] Browning. 1849. [3239] Newton. 1769. RAYS, SYSTEMS OF : [8869] Hamilton. 1827-34. [16238] Kommerell. 1911. RAZORS: [10148] Kingsbury. 1806. [14152] Rhodes. 1809. READY RECKONER : [42] Agucchia. 1613. [274-6] Barreme. 1703-40. [2594] Leybourn. 1727. [5672-3] Agucchia. 1613-1765. [6009-11] Barreme. 1673-1752. [6715] Capuano. 1621. REAGENTS (CHEMICAL) : [25] Accum. 1818. [4320] Seelig. 1892. [10298-9] Krauch. 1902-7. [SS 2403-5] Accum. 1816-20. [SS 2551] Lassaigne. 1839. v. Colour Reactions. RECALESCENCE CURVES : [14481] Rosenhain. 1908. RECEIPTS (PRACTICAL) : [8093] Francis. 1854. v. Workshop Receipts. RECIPROCAL FIGURES : [15903] Cremona. 1885. [S 2125] Maxwell. 1870. POLARS : [3698-9] Poncelet. 1822. [6335] Booth. 1873-7. [11516] Martin. 1860. v. Duality, Principle of. RECIPROCITY, PRINCIPLE OF v. Duality. RECREATIONS (SCIENTIFIC) : [2] Abat. 1763. [204] Bachet de Meziriac. 1624. [1193]Etten. 1627. [4863] Tissandier. 1885. [5395] Whiting. 1797- 8. [5538] Wylde. 1861. [5901] Bachet de Meziriac. 1884. [6472-3] Brewster. 1832-3. [7604-8] Ellen. 1628-69. [8198] Gale. 1797. [9434-7] Hooper. 1774-94. [10237] Knoll. 1786- 8. [10770-4] Leurechon. 1630-74. [12947- 49] Paris. 1842-61. [13928] Rational Recreations. 1825. [15539] White. 1677. [15559-63] Wilkins. 1648-91. [15658] Wright. 1892. [SS 97-8. 103] Leurechon. 1626-71. [SS 142] Schwenter. 1636-92. [SS 144-6] Schott. 1666-7. v. Arithmetical R. Chemical R. Mathematical R. REFLECTOR (PRISMATIC) : [5742] Amici. 1836. REFRACTION (ATMOSPHERIC) : [82] Alhazenus. 1572. [2332] Kramp. 1799. [3716] Porta. 1593. [4762] Taylor. 1715. [5864] Atkinson. 1825. [8191] Fuss. 1872. [10289] Kowalski. 1878. [10872] Linemann. 1634. [10948] Loewy et Puisseux. 1891. [12979] Parry, etc. 1826. [13386] Plana. 1828. [13850] Rambaut. 1896. [14880] Simpson. 1743. [SS 1287] Scheiner. 1615-1 7.J8 v. Halo&^foainbow. Sun (Elliptic). Twinkling. TABLES :T1 12] Jacoby. 1890. REFRACTIVE ANALYSIS : [7119] Cunaeus. 1899. [8375] Gerrits. c. 1905. INDICES : [8881] Handl und Weiss. 1858. [10468] Landolt. 1882. [10477] Lang. 1881. [1 1848] Miers and Isaac. 1906. [13812] Quincke. 1879. [15177] Swan. 1844. [SS 2198] Chaulnes. 1768. v. Crystallography (Chemical). Optical Activity. REFRACTORY MATERIALS : [3540] Percy. 1875. [4350] Sexton. 1897. [8577] Granger. 1910. [13112] Percy. 1875. REFRIGERATION : [1523] Giffard. 1875. [2697] Lorenz. 1896. [5177] Wallis-Tayler. 1902. [5755] Anderson. 1908. [11557] Masters. 1844. [S 3407] Cooper. 1905. [S 3430] Ewing. 1908. v. Cryometry. Freezing Mixtures. Ice-making Machines. REGISTERING APPARATUS (MECHANICAL): [7730-1] Eytelwein. 1 805. RELATIVITY, EINSTEIN-MINKOWSKI THEORY OF : [11832] Michelson. 1903. [16978] Carmichael. 1913. [17003] Cunningham. 1914. [17107] Lane. 1911. [17121-2] Lorentz, etc. 1913. [17224] Silberstein. 1914. [S 2074-5] Larmor. 1900. v. Space and Time. REPSOLD'S UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT : [3414] Oude- mans. 1852. RESEARCH (SCIENTIFIC), METHOD OF : [3780] Priest. 1905. [8532-3] Gore. 1878. [12258] Muir. 1884. [S3 70] Gore. 1878. , REFERENCES TO : [S 306] Fernald. 1903. RESIDUES, THEORY OF : [2485] Laurent. 1865. [2525. 10682] Legendre. 1830. [SS 69] Gauss. 1870-1906. [SS 519] Jacobi. 1881-4. [SS 937] Lindelof. 1905. v. Numbers (Theory of). RESPIRATION, PHYSIOLOGY OF : [2936]Mayow. 1674- 81. [4330] Senebier. 1807. [11399. 11401] Marcet. 1890-7. [11697] Mayow. 1907. [13671 j Priestley. 1776. RETENE : [8164] Fritzsche. 1860. 62 950 INDEX. RETOUCHING : [6643] Burrows and Colton. 1876. v. Photography. REVOLVER : [5779] Anquetil. 1854-5. RIGGING OF SHIPS : [1370] Forfait. 1780. [2556-7] Lescallier. 1791. [2573] Lever. 1808. [8034-5] Forfait. 1788. [10733-4] Lescallier. 1791. ' [11553] Masts. 1797. [14256] Rigging. 1806. v. Sailmaking. RING (MATHEMATICAL) : [992] Delamaine. 1630. RIPPLES: [7971] Fleming. 1902. [9323] Hirst. 1861. RIVER NAVIGATION AND IMPROVEMENT : [4027] Rivers. 1888. [4060] Romano. 1815. [4360] Shannon. 1839. [5059] Vernon-Harcourt. 1882. [5732] Allnutt. 1805. [7080] Cristiani. 1795. [7516] Ellet. 1853. [7870-1] Feroni. 1732. [7996]Fontana. 1696. [8735] Guglielmini. 1739. [11257]Maganzini. 1877. [11351] Mann. 1881. [12025] Montanari. 1715. [12136] Morozzi. 1762-6. [12999] Pascoli. 1740. [13153] Perry. 1721. [13541] Porter. 1799. [14057- 61. 14066] Rennie (J.). 1809-18. [14075-7] Rennie (Sir J.). 1837-9. [14125] Revy. 1874. [14349] Robinson. 1848. [14574] Ruffner. 1886. [14864] Silberschlag. 1769. [14901. 14927-31] Smeaton. 1767-1814. [15057-8. 15060-1] Stevenson (D.). 1845-72. [15207] Tatham. 1803. [S 3582] Raccolta (Nuova). 1821. [SS 3002] Frisi. 1818. [SS 3045] Michelini. 1664. [SS 3064] Raccolta, 1821. [SS 3118-19] Yarranton. 1677. . ** A large number of such wojlts will be found in Messrs. Sotheran's Bibliothet^^fiatica. RIVERS, CHEMISTRY OF : [11063] Jlftes. 1908. , ORIGIN OF : [285] Bartholinus. 1703. [4977] Tyndall. 1872-85. [5135] Vossius. 1666. [8643] Greenwood. 1866. [13940-1] Ray. 1693-1721. [14864] Silberschlag. 1769. [SS 2254] Dalton. 1799. v. Lakes, O. of. Springs, O. of. ROAD MAKING : [3994] Richardson. 1905. [6378] Boulnois. 1895. [6648] Byrne. 1892. [7418] Durand-Claye et Mars. 1885. [7454] Edgeworth. 1813. [7947] Flachat-Mony et Bonnet. 1835. [8395] Gillespie. 1874. [8438] Gillmore. 1876. [8929] Harris and AVakelam. 1909. [9419] Homer. 1767. [10559] Latham. 1903. [10611- 12] Law and Burnell. 1850-82. [11151-4] McAdam. 1820-3. [11326] Malo. 1886. [12398- 9. 12402] Navier. 1830-3. [13483] Polonceau. 1844. [14944] Smith. 1909. [15070] Stevenson. 1824. [SS 2983-4] Congleton. 1833. [SS 2992] Edgeworth. 1817. [SS 3003] Fry. 1820. v. Asphalt. Gates and Wickets. *, * A large collection of such works will be found in Messrs. Sotheran's Bibliotheca Viatica. TRACTION AND TRANSPORT : [3350] Norris. 1906. [7303] Diplock. 1902. [7412] Dupuit. 1837. [7978-9] Fletcher. 1891. [ 10618] Layriz. 1900. [12729] Norris. 1906. [14285] Roads"and Railroads. 1839. ROCKETS AND ROCKET APPARATUS : [11335] Manby. 1812. . [12030] Montgery. 1826. [12058] Moore. 1813. [S 3730-1] Congreve. 1814-27. ROCKS v. Lithology. (VOLCANIC) : [8910] Harker. 1889. , FOLIATION OF : [8002] Forbes. 1855. ROOFS : [2897] Matheson. 1873. [5016] Unwin. 1868. [6642]Burri. 1849. [7029] Cosatti. 1743. [7229] Dempsey. 1850-6. [8077] Fox. 1881. [10737] Le Seur, etc. 1743. [11578] Matheson. 1873. [11776] Merriman and Jacoby. 1894-7. [14276] Ritter. 1879. [S 3664] Walmisley. 1888. ROOTS (IMAGINARY) : [3236-9] Newton. 1707-69. [8187] Furstenau. 1867. [12554-63] Newton. 1707-69. [2182] 1635, 1812. 10956] ROOTS (MATHEMATICAL) : [722] Cataldi. 1613. [8334] Gemma. 1567. [10921] Lobatto. 1842. [109391 Lockhart. 1821. [13293] Picard. 1692. [16223] Kleyer. 1883. [SS 222] Beyer. 1603. (SQUARE AND CUBE), TABLES OF : Joncourt, 1762. [5898-9] Babingtoii. [9721] Jahn. c. 1845. [SS 224] Boebert. ROPE MAKING : [9525] Huddart. 1815. ROSOLIC ACID : [14946] Smith. 1857. ROTATION v. Motion (Rotary). APPARATUS : [9091] Heinen. 1857. v. Polytrope. ROULETTES, GEOMETRY OF : [381. 6191. Besant. 1870-90. ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON : [199] Babbage. 1830. [417] Birch. 1756. [4546] Spratt. 1734. [4838] Thomson. 1812. [5314-15] Weld. 1848-60.] [5893] Babbage. 1830. [6016] Barrow. 1849. [6237] Birch. 1757. [7716] Everest, 1839. [8293] Gassiot. 1870. [8582] Granville. 1836. [9288] Hill. 1780. [9533] Huggins. 1.)U. [14548-56] Royal Society of London. 1784-1901. [15276] Thomson. 1812. RULE (CARPENTER'S) : [1055] Digges. 1625. [6205] Bevan. 1832. [14732-3] Schoner. 1614. [S 647-50] Digges. 1556-1656. v. Slide Rule. OF PROPORTION : [15597] Wingate. 1645. [16456-7] Olbricht, 1891-3. SACCHARIC ACID : [15514] Westrumb. 1785-7. SACCHARINE : [7740] Fahlberg. 1887. SACCHAROMETER AND SACCHAROMETRY : [3996] Richardson. 1805. [9061] Hayman. 1819. [11968] Moigno. 1853. [13584] Poynting. 1880. [14220] Richardson. 1777. v. Sugar. SAFETY LAMP (MINER'S) : [977] Davy. 1825. [7203] Davy. 1818. [12485] Newman. 1835. [15036] Stephenson. 1817. [S 3214] Davy. 1816. SAILING DIRECTIONS : [12726] Norie. 1829. [13375] Pilot, 1743. [14342] Robertson. 1855. SAILMAKING: [1370] Forfait. 1780. [6825] Chapman 1794. [10158] Kipping. 1851. [14630] Sail- Making. 1796. [SS 3158] Heathcote. 1824. v. Rigging of Ships. SAL AMMONIAC: [8564] Gottling. 1782. [11957] Model. 1758. SALT WORKS: [6547] Brownrigg. 1748. [6684] Cambray-Digny. 1766. [7399] Dundonald. 1785. [7825] Fehling. 1847. SALTNESS OF THE SEA : [555. 6430-1] Boyle. 1674-3 90. [14437] Rosaccio. 1604. SALTPETRE : [6374] Botte de Toulmon et Riffauli des Hetres. 1813. [6404-6] Boyle. 1661-9., [11834] Mignot de Montigny. 1776. [14868] Simienowicz. 1676. [15485. 15487] Weber. 1779-80. [S 2687] Clarke. 1670. [SSi'fill] Reuss. 1783-6. *, v. Ammonia and its Compounds. Gunpowder*! Nitrates. SALTS (CRYSTALLIZED), DEHYDRATION OF : [14184] Richards. 1897. , THEORY OF: [1567] Glauber. 1659. [4329] Sendivogius. 1669-71. [6384] Bourguet. 17152. [10247] Koene. 1854. [11361] Mansfield. 1865. [12789] Odling. 1860. [14223] Richardson and Watts. 1863-7. [15009-10] Stahl. 1723-71. [15192-3] Tachen. 1669-71. [15396] Vigenere. 1642. SANDSTONE (RED) : [9590] Hutton. 1830. SANITARY ENGINEERING AND SANITATION : Hellyer. 1900. [2480] Latham. 1873. Vernon-Harcourt, 1907. [5231-2] 1867-76. [5823] Armellini. 1859. : [1848] [5058] Waring. [6373] INDEX. 951 SANITARY ENGINEERING AND SANITATION, continued : Boston. 1899. [6379-80] Boulnois. 1883-92. [6821] Chapin. 1901. [7019] Corfield. 1885. [7241]Denton. 1877. [8252-4] Galton. 1880-93. [8360-2] Gerhard. 1884-99. [9101-3] Hellyer. 1882-7. [9783-4] Jensen. 1901-8. [10555-8] Latham (B.). 1873-8. [10560] Latham (F.). 1898. [11276] Maguire. 1890. [12053] Moore. 1898. [12302] Murphy. 1883. [14007] Reicl. 1892. [14952] Smith. 1854. [S 3542] Moore. 1909. [S 3639] Sutcliffe. 1907. v. Bacterial Decomposition. Disinfectants. Plumbing. Sewage Disposal. Sewer Gas. Smoke Abatement. Ventilation. SATURN (PLANET) : [999] Delambre. 1810. [2062] Huygens. 1659. [3828] Proctor. 1905. [5516- 17]"\Vright. 1750. [6597] Bugge. 1786. [9204. 9206-8] Herschel. 1790-4. [11629] Maupertuis. 1742. [11673] Maxwell. 1859. [12857] Oude- mans. 1888. [13715-16] Proctor. 1865-82. [SS 1054-5] Cysat. 1619. [SS 1060] Dionis du Sejour. 1776. SCALE (DIAGONAL) : [SS 1370] Collins. 1710. (GUNTER'S) : [1716-19] Gunter. 1636-73. [8745-50] Gunter. 1636-80. (MATHEMATICAL): [14990-1] Speidell. 1616-17. (PLANE): [4610] Stirrup. 1651. [13954] Rea. 1717. [15098] Stone. 1728. [SS 3138] Collins. 1659. v. Sector. SCALES OF EQTTAL PARTS : [1973. 9411-12] Holtz- apffel. 1838. SCENERY, GEOLOGICAL CAUSES OF: [11209] Mackin- tosh. 1909. SCIENCE (NEW) : [3616] Picard. 1905. [15636] Duncan. 1909. [17042] Gibson. 1909. v. Chemistry (New). Physics (New). , XEGLECT OF : [13158] Perry. 1900'. , PLEASURES OF : [6537] Brougham and Vaux. 1860. SCIENTIFIC MEMOIRS AND PAPERS : [2143] Jenkin. 1887. [3921] Recueil des Pieces. 1752-77. [9794] Jenkin. 1887. [11744-5] Memoirs (Scientific). 1837-53. [11746] Memoirs of Science. 1798. [14772] Scientific Memoirs 1837-52. [14854-5] Siemens. 1892-5. [17070] Helmholtz. 1882-95 [S 394] Scientific Memoirs. 1795-1838. TERMS : [4630] Stormonth. 1879. SCREW (ARCHIMEDEAN) : [3493] Paucton. 1768. [10242] Knowles. 1871. CUTTING TABLES : [7065] Crawford. 1878. PROPELLER AND PROPULSION : [508] Bourne. 1867. [4571] Steam Navigation. 1858. [6385-6] Bourne. 1855-67. [6618] Burgh. 1869. [7402J Dunkerley. 1907-8. [8172] Froude. 1877 [9684] Isherwood. 1859. [10145] King. 1875. [10242] Knowles. 1871. [12768] Nystrom. 1852. [12946] Paris. 1855. [13034] Peabody. 1912. [13890] Rankine. 1881. [13937] Rawson. 1851. [ 14790] Seaton. 1909. [17337] Dreihardt. 1906. [17356] Taylor. 1907. THREADS : [5396] Whitworth. 1858. [9773] Jeffcott. 1907. [S 3687] Whittaker. 1882. SCREWS, THEORY OF : [5962] Ball. 1876. [169371 Ball. 1900. SEA-BREEZE : [962] Davis. 1890. SEAMANSHIP v. Navigation. SEARCHLIGHTS : [12421] Nerz. 1907. SECRETS (SCIENTIFIC) : [3711-12] Porta. 1585-1644. [5296-7] Wecker. 1651-60. [13517-24] Porta. 1558-1658. [15496) Wecker. 1662. [SS 30] Bate. 1631. [SS 66] Fioravanti. 1564. [SS 128 -31] Porta. 1558-60. v. Chemical Secrets. Steel Manufacture, S. of. SECTION (GEOMETRICAL) : [128] Apollonius Pergseus. 1706. [5796-9] Apollonius Pergseus. 1706-73. [14958] Snell. 1608. (GOLDEN) : [3568] Pfeifer. 1885. SECTOR: [1716-19] Gunter. 1636-73. [3067] Moore. 1673. [8745-50] Gunter. 1636-80. [13954] Rea. 1717. [14338-41] Robertson. 1747-75. [15098] Stone. 1728. [S 764-5] Gunter. 1623. v. Scale (Plane). SEDIMENTATION : [9846] Joly. 1901. SEISMOLOGY: [1351] Flamsteed. 1750. [1738] Hales. 1750. [2001] Horton. 1750. [2331] Krakatoa. 1888. [2646] Little. 1829. [2941] Meldola and White. 1885. [2978] Michell. 1760. [3508] Peacock. 1882. [3719] Ponton. 1888, [3906] Ray. 1692. [4407] Simpson. 1675. [4665] Stukeley. 1750. [4791] Telesio. 1570. [8598] Gray. 1796. [9432] Hooke. 1705. [10241] Knott. 1899. [10293-4] Krakatoa. 1888. [11826] Michell. 1760. [11895] Milne. 1886. [12806] Oldham. 1890. [12907-8 Palmieri. 1872-3. [13498] Ponton. 1888. [13940-1] Ray. 1693-1721. [14570] Rudzki. 1899. [15155] Stukeley. 1750. [15354] Turner. 1792. [15584] Winchilsea. 1669. [S 2556] Mallet. 1846. [S 2598] Walker. 1913. [S 2607] Zurcher and Margolle. 1868. v. Volcanology. SELENIUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [11951-3] Mitscher- lich. 1834-47. SEMAPHORE v. Signalling. SENSITOMETRY : [11713] Mees und Sheppard. 1904. SERIES : [2690] Longfield. 1872. [3030] Moivre. 1730. [3988*] Riccati. 1756. [4754-5] Tate. 1845. [10461] Landen. 1781-3. [11024-5] Lorgna. 1779. [11989-91] Moivre. 1750. [12128] Morgan. 1865. [13487] Poncelet. 1833. [15852] Catalan. 1860. [16057] Godefroy. 1903. [16542] Kunze. 1904. v. Binomial Theorem. Differential Method. (FOURIER'S) : [655] Byerly. 1893. [1388] Fourier. 1822. [8068] Fourier. 1878. [8496] Godfrey. 1900. [15824] Byerly. 1893. [15846] Carslaw. 1906. [16145] Hobson. 1907. (GAUSS'S) : [14242] Riemann. 1857. [SS 69] Gauss. 1870-1906. (INFINITE) : [352] Bernoulli (Jacques). 1713. [501] Boulliau. 1682. [1169] Emerson. 1767. [1254] Euler. 1797. [1616. 1618. 1622-3] Grandi. 1699-1713. [1629] Gravesande. 1727. [4781] Taylor. 1823. [5082] Vince. 1791. [5184-5] Wallis. 1657. [5224] Waring. 1791. [6149-50] Bernoulli (Jacques). 1713. [9609] Button. 1786. [12579-83] Newton. 1736-40. [13845-6] Ralphson. 1702. [15805-6] Brom- wich. 1908. [16439] Nielsen. 1909. [16783] Whittaker. 1902. [S 1041] Newton. 1737. , SUMMATIONS OF : [4607] Stirling. 1764. [5504]Woolhouse. 1865. [14880] Simpson. 1743. [15087-90] Stirling. 1730-64. (LAGRANGE'S) : [14508] Rouche. 1861. [S 1081] Pfaff. 1797. (SELF-REPEATING) : [5209] Warburton. 1854. (TRIGONOMETRICAL) : [10919] Lobatto. 1827. [15721] Beau. 1885. [16281] Lebesque. 1906. SEWAGE ANALYSIS : [8073] Fowler. 1902. DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT : [869] Corfield. 1887. [1590] Goodrich. 1904. [4001-2] Rideal. 1901-6. [4222] Savage. 1895. [6020] Barwise. 1899. [6623] Burke. 1873. [6976] Coffy. c. 1800. [7020-1] Corfield. 1871-87. [7528] Ellis. 1862. [7990] Folwell. 1898. [8103] Frankland. 1877. [9383] Hofmann and Frank- land. 1859. [11355] Manning. 1864. [11684] Maxwell. 1898. [11763] Menzies. 1865. 62* 952 INDEX. SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT, continued: [12800] Odling. 1858. [13771] Purvis. 1907. [13828] Rafter and Baker. 1894. [14357-8] Robinson. 1882-96. [15460] Waring. 1891. [S 3413] Crimp. 1890. [S 3506] Kershaw, 1915. [S 3597] Robinson. 1905. [S 3661] Wardle. 1893. v. Bacterial Decomposition. Deodorisers. Sani- tary Engineering. SEWER GAS : [3983] Reynolds. 1876. [14147] Reynolds. 1872. [14385] Roechling. 1898. SEWING MACHINERY : [5028] Urquhart. 1881. SEXAGESIMAL TABLES : [4776] Taylor. 1780. [6154] Bernoulli (Jean). 1779. v. Logarithms (Logistic). SEXTANT: [1729-31] Hadley. 1750-61. [2776] Magnaghi. 1875. [3637] Pinar. 1867-95. [5742] Amici. 1836. [8778] Hadley. c. 1750. [11070] Ludlam. 1790. [11275] Magellan. 1775. [11477] Martin, n.d. [12722] Norie. 1796. [14536] Rowland. 1834. [SS 1837-8] Lambert. 1769. v. Quadrant. SHEDS (STEEL-FRAMED) : [S 3615] Spencer. 1915. SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL [U.S.A.]: [11034] Lounsbury. 1879. SHIPBUILDING: [497] Bouguer. 1746. [757] Chapman. 1781. '[1257] Euler. 1749. [1737] Hale. 1691. [1915] Heywood. 1637. [2352] Lacroix. 1775. [2736] Lutschaunig. 1885. [3162] Murray. 1765. [3536] Pepys. 1690. [3695]PoliniereetDudebout. 1890-4. [3696-7] Pollock. 1884-1905. [3909] Read. 1847. [4143] Russell. 1864-5. [4378] Shipbuilding. 1866. [4553] Stalkart. 1781. [5390] White. 1882. [5454] Witsen. 1671. [5837] Art de Batir. 1719. [6251] Blackburn. 1836. [6370-1] Bouguer. 1746. [6754] Carson. 1880. [6824] Chapman. 1781. [7356] Doyere. 1895. [7388- 9] Duhamel du Monceau. 1752-8. [7414. 7416] Dupin. 1822-55. [7449] Edye. 1832. [7508] Elgar. 1907. [7574] Engineering. 1893. [7678-80. 7701] Euler. 1779-90. [7899-7901] Fincham. 1821-52. [7923] Fishbourne. 1874. [8188-9] Furtenbach. 1644-62. [8529] Gordon. 1784. [8569] Gower. 1811. [8768] Haack. 1900. [8984] Harvey. 1834. [9034-5] Hauser. 1886. [9947-8] Juan. 1771-83. [10369-70] Lacroix. 1775. [10733-4] Lescallier. 1791. [11174] McDermaid. 1911. [11211] Mackono- chie. 1805. [12023] Montagu. 1852. [12303-4] Murray (A.). 1861-3. [12317] Murray (M.). 1765. [12374-9] Naval Architecture. 1792- 1865. [12967] Parkin. c. 1800. [12992] Partington. 1826. [13481] Pollard et Dudebout. 1890-4. [13987] Reed. 1869. [14032-3. 14042] Rennie (G.). 1818-60. [14762] Schwarz und Halle. 1902. [14780-1] Scott. 1874-81. [14804] Seguier. 1848. [14838-9] Shipwrights' Vade-mecum. 1805. [15172-3] Sutherland. 1717-29. [15232] Thevenard. 1800. [15344] Tupinier. 1830. [17360] White. 1894. [S 3738] Engineering Congress. 1894. [S 3753] Griffiths. 1850. [S 3821] Simpson. 1904. [S 3824] Steele. 1917. [SS 3127] Blackburn. 1817. [SS 3154] Griffiths. 1856. [SS 3161] Knowles. 1822. [SS 3202] Sutherland. 1784. [SS 3331] Ship- builder. 1906-18. v. Anchor. Copper Sheathing. Life-Boats. Marine Engineering. Mast-making. Rigging. Sailmaking. Tonnage. Ventilation of Ships. Warships. Yachts. , HISTORY OF : [7896-8] Fincham. 1851. [14426] Rondelet, 1820. SHIP'S LIGHTS : [10095] Kenward. 1893. SHIPS (IRON) : [1275] Fairbairn. 1865. [3925] Reed. 1869. [7754] Fairbairn. 1865. [7986] Foden. SHIPS (IRON), continued : 1900. [8294] Gatewood. 1886. [12900] Paixhans. 1822. [12945] Paris. 1863. v. Warships. - (SAILING) : [3427*] Ozanne. Laas. 1908. c. 1780. [10349] (UNSINKABLE) : [6695] Campbell. 1873. [15463] Watson. 1827. [15539] White. 1677. , ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONS ON : [14386] Roedder. 1903. v. Electric Ships. , RAISING OF SUNKEN : [2999] Milne. 1828. [4748-50] Tartaglia. 1746-54. [S 3839] Zusto. 1789. , RESISTANCE OF : [7402] Dunkerley. 1907-8. [17356] Taylor. 1907. , RIGGING OF v. Rigging of S. , ROLLING OF : [6177] Bertin. 1877-80. , SPEED MEASUREMENT OF : [4223] Saverien. 1750. [4422] Smeaton. 1754. [14899. 14916] Smeaton. 1754-1814. , STABILITY OF : [5867] Atwood. 1796. [12201- 2] Moseley. 1843-55. OF ALL TIMES AND NATIONS : [873] Coronelli. 1687. [4484] Snell van Royen. 1624. [5916] Baif. 1541. [12383-4] Naval Mobilization. 1889. [14716-17] Scheffer. 1654. [15418] Vossius. 1685. [S 3795-6] PAris. 1841-84. [SS 3143]Deslandes. 1768. SHIPS' BOATS : [6955] Clifford. 1855. BOTTOMS : [10862] Linden. 1750. v. Copper Sheathing. SIDEROSTAT: [13441-2. 13444] Plummer. 1901. SIGNALLING: [8263-4] Gamble. 1795-7. v. Railway Signalling. SILICATION: [10319] Kuhlmann. 1858. SILICON AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [8789] Hahn. 1874. [9847] Joly. 1901. [12797] Odling. 1859. [13550] Pott. 1753. [14372] Robison and Kipping. 1908. [S 2998] Asch. 1913. SILK : [3722] Porter. 1831. [5217] Wardle. 1908. [7422-3] Dusuzeau. 1881-3. [12061] Morand. 1891. [14343-4] Robinet, 1843-56. [S 3117] Paulet. 1763-89. - (ARTIFICIAL) : [S 3142] Siivern. 1900. - FINISHING : [9566] Hurst. 1892. SILKWORMS, DISEASES OF : [13010-11] Pasteur. 1870. SILOS : [13559] Potter. 1886. SILURIAN SYSTEM : [12285-6. 12288-9] Murchison. 1839-72. SILVER, METALLURGY OF : [478] Born. 1791. [2338] Kiistel. 1868. [3589] Phillips. 1867. [4679] Suess. 1893. [6339-42] Bom. 1786-91. [7469] Egleston. 1887-90. [13229] Phillips. 1867. [3165-7] Barba, 1738-40. [S 3201-2] Collins. 1899-1900. [SS 883] Barba. 1674. v. Assaying. , POROSITY OF : [SS 1477-81] Accademia del Cimento. 1667-91. PRINTING : [5625] Abney and Robinson. 1881. [5849] Ashman. 1888. [10854] Liesegang. 1881. i'. Photographic Processes. SINGULAR SOLUTIONS : [2374. 10397] Lagrange. 1806. [10695] Leibniz. 1768. [11265] Madison. 1898. [16189] Johnson. 1910. [S 621] Darboux. 1883. v. Equations (Differential). Equations (Partial Differential). SLIDE RULE : [386] Bevan. 1822. [837-8] Cogges- hall. 1729-85. [1379] Foster. 1652. [1716-193 Gunter. 1636-80. [1944] Hoare. 1875. [3407J INDEX. 953 SiiDE RULE, continued : Oughtred. 1633. [6698] Campbell. 1886. [6977] Coggeshall. 1732. [7714-15] Everard. 1721-7. [8745-50] Gunter. 1636-80. [10814. 10816] Leybourn. 1676-98. [11195-7] Mackay. 1799-1802. [11472] Martin. n. d. [11802] Metius. 1626. [12995] Partridge. 1692. [14395] Roget, 1828. [14708] Scheffelt. 1699. [14811] Selden. 1694. [14838-9] Shipwright's Vade- mecum. 1805. [14840] Shirtcliffe. 1740. [15098] Stone. 1728. [S 830] Hunt. 1697. [88 -103] Everard. 1684. v. Gunter' s Line. Rule (Carpenter's). SMELL, CHEMISTRY OF : [8684] Grew. 1679. v. Perfumery. SMELTING: [1153-4] Ehrmann. 1786-7. [3052] Monnet. 1775. [5812] Arcet. 1766. [7470] Ehrmann. 1787. [10862] Linden. 1750. [11598] Matthey. 1892. [SS 2998] Borchers. 1897. v. Iron Smelting. SMOKE ABATEMENT : [5423] Williams. 1841. [14951] Smith. 1857. SMOKELESS POWDER : [2691] Longridge. 1891. SNOW CRYSTALS : [2275] Kepler. 1611. LINE : [2025] Humboldt. 1820. SOAP BUBBLES : [6435-6] Boys. 1890-2. [13401] Plateau. 1873. v. Bubble Formation. Films. MAKING : [3737] Poutet. 1828. [8295] Gathmann. 1899. [9567] Hurst. 1907. [S 3009] Carpenter. 1895. [S 3098] Morfit. 1871. SODA INDUSTRY : [S 3085] Lunge. 1909. v. Alkalis. Chlorate Industry. SODA' WATER: [2773] Magellan. 1783. [3789] Priestley. 1774. [7411] Duplais. 1858. [9477] Hospitalier. v.y. [11137] Luz. 1784. [11273-4] Magellan. 1777. [11937] Mitchell. 1913. [13652-4. 13669-70] Priestley. 1772-4. v. Aeration. Mineral Waters. SODIUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [1498] Gay-Lussac etThenard. 1811. [4260] Schneeberger. 1562. [6922] Clarke. 1820. [8314-15] Gay-Lussac et Thenard. 1811. [13255] Phipson. c. 1863. [13504-5] Pope. 1892-5. [13640] Prideaux. 1911. SOLAR ECLIPSES : [1142] Eclipse Expedition. 1870-1. [1545] Glaisher. 1858. [2466] La Rue. 1862. [3614] Piazzi. 1789. [3692] Poleni. 1717. [3890] Ranyard. 1879. [4207] Santini. 1872. [4498-9] Solar Eclipses. 1880-1906. [4871] Todd(D.P.). 1880. [4873]Todd(M. L.). 1894. [5184-6] Wftffis. 1657. [5541] Ximenes; 1781. [5935-6] Baily. 1811-21. [7030] Cossali. 1791. [7535] Emanuelli. 1910. [7837] Ferguson. 1767. [9192] Herschel. 1794. [9297] Hind. 1870. [10715-16] Le Monnier. 1781-8. [10962] Lockyer and Schuster. 1878. [11162] McClean, etc. 1908. [11619. 11623-4] Maunder. 1898- 1900. [12474] Newcomb. 1879. [12853. 12855] Oudernans. 1871-2. [13164] Perry. 1889. [13910] Ranyard. 1879." [14095. 14099] Res- pighi. 1872. [14497] Rost. 1727. [15148] Struve. 1861. [S 1546] Maunder. 1901. [SS 1158] Kepler. 1605. PARADOXES : [3439] Palmer. 1798. [6531] Brothers. 1801. [7086] Croes. 1858. [13775] Pye. 1766. PARALLAX v. Parallaxes of the Solar System. PHYSICS : v. Sun. RESEARCHES : [9274] Higgins. 1852. SPECTRUM v. Spectrum (Solar). SYSTEM v. Planetary Theory. TABLES : [889-90] Cowper. 1766. [2842] Martin. 1765. [2934-5] Mayer. 1770. [3146-7] Muliers. 1611. [5583] Laplace. 1809. [5680] Airy. 1827. [6711] Capello. 1737. [9069] SOLAR TABLES, continued : Heath. 1760. [10548] La Rue. 1875. [11054] Loys des Cheseaux. 1754. [11690-1] Mayer. 1770. [SS 1664] Euler. 1746-51. THEORY : [2966] Metius. 1633. [6440] Brahe. 1648. [8215-17] Galilei. 1613. [10000] Kapteyn. 1901. [11803] Metius. 1632-3. &[SS 1708 Galilei. 1612. SOLENOID : [13788-90. 13792-3] Quet. 1883-4. [14435] Rosa, 1907. SOLID STATE, THEORY OF THE : [17321] Nernst. 1914. SOLUBILITIES (CHEMICAL), DICTIONARY OF : [15103] Storer. 1864. SOLUTION, THEORY OF : [170] Arrhenius. 1887. [7137] Dalfsen. 1904. [8548] Graham. 1876. [8758] Guthrie. 1875-6. [8916] Harper's Scientific Memoirs. 1899. [9253] Herz. 1903. [9575] Hunt. 1854. [9859. 9862-3. 9869] Jones. 1893-1912. [9975] Kahlenberg. 1898. [10317] Kuenen. 1911. [10669] Lee. 1900. [11018] Loomis. 1893-4. [11134] Lupton. 1891. [11140] Lyle and Hosking. 1902. [11722] Melcher. 1909. [11760] Menschutkin. 1900. [12254] Muir. 1877. [12666-7] Nicol. 1882-3. [12847] Ostwald. 1891. [13021] Patterson and Steven- son. 1910. [13312] Pickering. 1886. [13814] Quincke. 1901. [14186. 14195. 14214] Richards. 1902-11. [14642] Sakurai. 1908. [15533. 15535-6] Whetham. 1895-1902. [S 2656] Buchanan. 1912. v. Cryoscopy. Osmosis. SOMBRERITE : [13271] Phipson. n. d. SOUND, DISSIPATION OF : [3665] Plessner. 1885. , DYNAMICAL THEORY OF : [S 2058] Lamb. 1910. , INTERFERENCE OF : [13948] Rayleigh. 1902. , PITCH OF : [13782] Quesneville. 1879. v. Tuning Fork. , PROPAGATION OF : [4794] Testa. 1787. [9438] Hoorweg. 1876. [14406] Roiti. 1877. [SS 1664] Euler. 1750. , VELOCITY OF : [3036] Molk en Beck. 1823. [8672] Gregory. 1824. [9929] Joule. 1847. [10433] Lamb. 1898. [14545] Royal Institution. 1802. [15470] Watson. 1748. [S 1813] Colladon. 1837. v. Acoustics. AND COLOUR, ANALOGIES OF : [2745] Mac- donald. 1869. WAVES : [5698] Airy. 1871. [6025] Bartoli 1680. SPACE (ABSOLUTE) : [16413] Miiller. 1911. - (HYPER-) : [16002-3] Fontene. 1892. AND GEOMETRY: [16344] Mach. 1906. [16562] Sauvage. 1893. [16692] Study. 1914. AND TIME, PSYCHOLOGY OF : [15635] Cyon. 1908. , THEORIES OF : [1936] Him. 1889. [ 1346 1-3 ]Poinsot. 1842-61. [13706-7] Proctor. 1883-6. [13845-6] Ralphson. 1702. [15001] Spottiswoode. n. d. [15646-7] Lechalas. 1896- 1909. [15653] Robb. 1914. [15656] Warrain. 1907. [16828] Black. 1910. v. Relativity, Theory of. ANALYSIS (GRASSMANN'S) v. Grassmann's S. A. SPEAKING TRUMPET : [2294] Kircher. 1671. [3053] Montanari. 1715. [10161] Kircher. 1671. [12025] Montanari. 1715. v. Ear Trumpet. Megaphone. TUBE : [10770-4] Leurechon. 1630-74. SPECTACLES : [187-8] Ayscouzh. 1750-5. [2306] Kitchiner. 1824. [2841] Martin. 1758. [4435] Smee. 1854. [6852] Chevalier. 1841. [10189] Kitchiner. 1824. [10568] Laurance. 1908. [11476] Martin. 1757. [S 2294] Schemer. 1869. 954 INDEX. SPECTRA or ELECTRIC LIGHT: [14365] Robinson. 1862. OF GASES : [14339] Pliicker and Hittorf. 1864. SPECTROMETRY : [2517] Lefevre. 1896. SPECTROSCOPY (ASTRONOMICAL) : [4059] Rollwyn. 1871. [5773] Angstrom. 1868. [7357-60] Draper. 1879-84. [9529. 9531-2. 9534] Huggins. 1865-81. [10139] King. 1909. [10178-80] Kirchhoff. 1861-6. [10955. 10957. 10961] Lockyer. 1878-1903. [11084] Lunt. 1900. [11163]McClean. 1908. [11622] Maunder. 1886. [13304] Pickering. 1890. [14088. 14100-2] Respighi. 1870-85. [15110] Stoney. 1891. [16832] Campbell. 1913. (CHEMICAL) : [13770. 13772] Purvis. 1907-9. [15178] Swan. 1856. [15481-2] Watts. 1873- 1906. [S 1664] Angstrom et Thalen. 1875. (GENERAL): [616] Browning. 1882. [679] Capron. 1877. " [903] Crookes. 1883. [2224] Kayser. 1883. [2518] Lefevre. 1896. [2667. 2669] Lockyer. 1873-8. [3831] Proctor. 1888. [4071-5] Roscoe. 1869-85. [4243-6] Schellen. 1871-85. [5272-3] Watts. 1872-89. [6546] Browning. 1882. [6714] Capron. 1877. [7102] Crookes. 1884. [7276] Dibbits. 1863. [8783] Hagenbach et Konen. 1905. [8914] Harper's Scientific Memoirs. 1898. [9004-5] Hasselberg. 1878-85. [9865-6. 9874-6. 9878-9] Jones. 1907-12. [9974] Kahlbaum. 1888. [10136-8] King. 1908-9. [10178-80] Kirchhoff. 1861-6. [10893-6] Liveing. 1895-1901. [10958. 10960] Lockyer. 1873-94. [11869-70] Miller. 1862-3. [12978] Parry. 1885. [13260. 13262] Phipson. 1869. [13499] Ponton. 1860. [14104] Respighi. 1886. [14448-50] Roscoe. 1870-85. [15223-5] Thalen. 1868-85. [15476-82] Watts. 1872- 1906. [15620] Edinburgh Essays. 1770-1. [16939] Baly. 1905. [17090] Kayser. 1900-12. [S 1699] Baur. 1907. - v. Frauenhofer's Lines. Optics (Magneto-}. Zeeman Effect. (MICRO-) : [4680] Suffolk. 1873. [7099] Crookes. 1869. SPECTRUM (SOLAR) : [2822] Marci de Kronland. 1648. [3249-55] Newton. 1704-40. [7444] Edinburgh Essays. 1754-71. [12534-53] Newton. 1704-87. v. Frauenhofer's Lines. Light, Dispersion of. , CHEMICAL EFFECT OF THE: [1143] Eder. 1883. SPECULATIONS (SCIENTIFIC) : [14802-3] Sedgwick. 1882-96. [15140] Stromeyer. 1911. v. Astronomical S. Crystallization, S. on. Elec- tricity, Theory of, S. on the. Ether Theories. Fourth Dimension. Gravitation, Hypotheses of. Light, Theory of, S. on the. Magnetism, S. on. Heat, Theory of, S. on the. Mathematical S. Music, Theory of, S. on the. Physical S. Polarity, Cause* of. Space and Time. SPHERE, GEOMETRY OF THE : [4916] Torricelli. 1644. [9508] Howard. 1798. [14129] Reye. 1885. [15229-30] Theodosius Tripolita. 1558-86. [15322-3] Torricelli. 1644. [15831] Calinon. 1888. [15991] Fielder. 1882. [16117] Heger. 1908. [SS 890-1] Theodosius. 1558. (CELESTIAL), DOCTRINE AND USE OF THE : [499] Boulanger. 1650-1. [952] Danti. 1572. [2914] Mauro.' 1550. [3910] Recorde. 1556. [5456] Witty. 1734. [7948] Flamsteed. 1680. [10099] Kepler. 1618. [11469] Martin. 1762 [11642-3] Mauro. 1550. [11646] Maurolico. 1575. [12346] Naibod. 1580. [13693. 13696] Proclus. 1536-73. [14284] Rivard. 1804. [14379] Rochemore. 1769. [15096] Stoffler. 1534. [15457] Ward. 1742. [S 1362] Autolycus. 1885. [SS 1011! Blundeville. 1597. [SS 1016] Boulenger. 1628. [SS 1032-3] Cavalieri. 1682-90. [SS 1185] Micalori. 1626. [SS 1341] Wright, 1613. [SS 1357] Blaeu. 1652. v. Cosmography. SPHERE (EIGHTH CELESTIAL), MOTION OF THE v. Primum Mobile. , PROJECTION OF THE : [3088] Morgan. 1836. [7552. 7562] Emerson. 1749. [10040-1] Keith. 1820-45. [10360] La Caille. 1750. [12107] Morgan. 1836. [12353] Narrien 1845. [15352] Turner. 1750-2. [16523] Richter. 1908. v. Dialling. SPHEROIDAL STATE : [6390] Boutigny. 1857. SPINNING: [5705] Alcan. 1864-5. [6755-6] Carter. 1904-7. [10684] Leggatt. 1893. [1 1150] M. (J.). 1832. [12031] Montgomery. 1836. [13576] Powell. 1661. [15171] Sutcliffe. 1816. [S 3145] Walmsley. 1893. v. Carding. Cotton. Silk. Textile Fibre*. JENNY : [5596-9] Zonca. 1607-56. TOP, THEORY OF THE : [10195] Klein und Sommerfeld. 1897-8. [11670] Maxwell. 1857. [13160] Perry. 1890. [17000-1] Crabtree. 1909-14. v. Gyroscope. SPIRAL (LOGARITHMIC) : [4916] Torricelli. 1644. [12676] Nicolas. 1696-7. [15322-3] Torricelli. j 1644. SPIRALS : [6376] Boulliau. 1657. [10491] Lankeren Matthes. 1857. [13196] Pfaff. 1832. v. Helicoidal Apparatus. SPODUMENE : [9966] Julien. 1879. SPRINGS (HOT) v. Thermal S. , ORIGIN OF : [285] Bartholinus. 1703. [4977] Tynclall. 1872. [13940-1] Ray. 1693-1721. [SS 2228-30] Barlow. 1715-22. [SS 2254] Dalton. 1799. v. Lakes, O. of. Rivers, 0. of. SQUARE (CARPENTER'S) : [14732-3] Schoner. 1614. (GEOMETRICAL) : [1055] Digges. 1625. [3563] Peuerbach. 1516. [4275] Schott. 1009. [8051-2] Foster. 1659. [S 647-50] Digges. 1556-1656. [SS 496] Henrion. 1621. [SS 512-14] Hulsius. 1603-15. [SS 648] Merliers. 1579. [SS 3069] Schuler. 1622. v. Quadrat. [272] Barlow. [7319] Dobson. [SS 220] Blater. SQUARES AND CUBES, TABLES OF 1875. [5994] Barlow. 1814. 1858. [10564] Laundy. 1856. 1888. [SS 627] Magini. 1592. STAR ATLASES AND MAPS: [173] Astronomical Diagrams, c. 1870. [1051] Dien. 1877. [1080] Doppelmayer. 1742. [1349] Flamsteed. 1776. [1840] Heath. 1903. [1844] Heis. 1872. [1902] Herschel. 1847. [1904] Herschel and South. 1825. [2171] Johnston. 1856. [2312] Klein. 1893. [2785] Malby. 1859. [2831] Marsh. 1833. [3812. 3821. 3830. 3832-3.] Proctor. 1867-79. [5019] Urania's Mirror, c. 1830. [5824] Argelander. 1843. [6063] Bazley. 1878. [68091 Cellarius. 1660-1708. [7045] Cottam. 1889. [7337-8] Doppelmayer. 1742. [7406-7] Dunkin. 1869-70. [7951] Flamsteed. 1795. [11179] McEwan. 1910. [13710. 13718] Proctor. 1896-1908. [15348] Turner. 1912. [15617-18] Bayer. 1603. [16824-5] Ball. 1905-10. [16839] Dien. 1897. [16854-5] Heis. 1872-8. [16871] Klein. 1888. [16881] McKready. 1912. [16887] Messer. 1902. [16888] Milham. 1909. [16899] Peck. 1890. [16903-4] Proctor. 1870-4. [S 1419] Cottam. 1891. [S 1445] Flamsteed. 1781. [S 1473] Hagen. 1899-1908. [S 1582] Proctor. 1896. [S 1610] Sternkarten. 1859. [SS 1001] Bayer. 1654. v. Planisphere. Star Maps (Early). CATALOGUES : [59] Airy. 1862-76. [90] Alphontius. 1483. [233-4. 240-1] Baily. 1827-45. [595] Brisbane. 1835. [1350] Flamsteed. 1725. [1525] Gilliss. 1895. [1530-2] INDEX. 955 STAR CATALOGUES, continued : Gill. 1883-1902. [1538] Gill and Kapteyn. 1896-7. [1609] Gould. 1879. [2091] Innes. 1899. [3214] Xewcombe. c. 1880. [3612] Piazzi. 1903. [3847-52] Ptolemseus. 1515-1816. [3870] Radcliffe Catalogue. 1870. [4139] Riimker. 1843-4. [4475] Smyth. 1844. [4520] South. 1826. [4624-6] Stone. 1873-81. [5469] Wollaston. 1789. [5543-4] Yarnall. 1870-8. [5921] Baily. 1845. [6441] Brahe. 1666. [6510] Brisbane. 1835. [7513] Ellery. 1874. [7711] Evans, c. 1900. [7949-50. 7952-3] Flamsteed. 1729-1837. [8051-2] Foster. 1659. [8186] Furness. 1905. [8406-13] Gill. 1883- 1906. [8428] Gill and Kapteyn. 1896-1903. [8578] Grant. 1883. [8650] Greenwich Ob- servations. 1904-8. [8826] Halley. 1679. [9086] Hedrick. 1905. [9235] Herschel. 1847. [9823] Johnson. 1835. [10419] Lalande. 1847. [11271] Madras Observatory. 1899. [12464] Newcomb. 1881. [13822] Radcliffe Observatory. 1894-1906. [13851] Rambaut. 1887. [14090-1] Respighi. 1880-5. [14225] Richardson. 1835. [14266] Ristenpart. 1906. [14362. 14364] Robinson. 1878-86. [14390. 14392] Rogers. 1882-6. [15214] Taylor. 1844. [15627] Burnham. 1906. [S 1357-8] Argelander. 1835-86. [S 1364] Auwers. 1903. [S 1383] Boss. 1910. [S 1605] Searle. 1912. [S 3559] Groombridge. 1838. [SS 1305] Snell. 1618. v. Astronomical Tables. CLUSTERS v. Nebulas. COLOURS v. Stellar Chromatics. - CONSTANTS : [4627] Gill. 1877. -- CORRECTION TABLES : [7910] Finlay. 1895. GUIDES : [6915] Clark and Sadler. 1886. [16824-5] Ball. 1905-10. [16869] Klein. 1892. [16881] McKready. 1912. [16886] Maunder. 1904. [16888] Milham. 1909. [18907] Rudaux. 1909. - MAPS (EARLY) : [3625-9. 13296-9] Piccolomini. 1540-79. [15617-18] Bayer. 1603. MEASUREMENT v. Astrometry. - NAMES : [88] Allen. 1899. v. Constellations. PHOTOGRAPHS : [14295-6] Roberts. 1894-8. [16921] Wolf. 1908. [S 1598] Roberts. 1894-9. STARCH : [5971] Baranetzky. 1878. [7023] Corput. 1857. [8096] Frankel. 1881. [13258] Phipson. 1855-6. STARGAZING: [2138] Jenkins. 1869. [2668] Lockyer. 1878. [2906] Maunder. 1902. [10959] Lockyer. 1878. [13235] Phillips. 1809. [13698] Proctor. 1896. [168S6] Maunder. 1904. v. Astronomy (Popular). Astronomy (Practical). STARS (CIRCUMPOLAR) : [8186] Furness. 1905. (DOUBLE) : [909] Crossley. 1879. [1518] Giacomelli. 1890. [1686] Grossmann. 1892. [2091] Innes. 1899. [2110] Jacob. 1846. [5544] Yarnall. 1870. [6241] Bishop. 1852. [6530] Brothers. 1867. [6632] Burnham. 1880. [7066-7] Crawford. 1876. [8476-7] Glasenapp. 1889-99. [8512] Goos. 1908. [9194] Herschel. 1784. [11653] Maw. 1892. [12682] Niesten. 1879. [13151] Perry. 1880-4. [13746] Przybyllok. 1908. [15123] Stoney. 1900. [S 1393-4] Burnham. 1881-1906. [S 1615] Struve. 1878-1901. (FLAMSTEED'S, ' OBSERVED BUT NOT EXISTING ') : [13168] Peters. 1885. - (NEW) : [2274] Kepler. 1606. [7289] Digges. 1573. [SS 1017] Brahe. 1610. [SS 1045-6] Colombe. 1606-8. [SS 1346] Zoboli. 1619. (SHOOTING) v. Meteors. STARS (VARIABLE): [153] Argelander. 1844. [2274] Kepler. 1606. [8508] Goodricke. 1785. [9200. 9205] Herschel. 1796. [10860] Lindemann. 1852. [13305. 13308] Pickering. 1881. [13338-9] Pigott. 1784-6. [S 1473] Hagen. 1899-1908. (ZODIACAL): [5922] Baily. 1827. [9086] Hedrick. 1905. STATE, CHANGE OF: [13580] Poynting. 1881. [13874] Ramsey and Young. 1884. [14328] Roberts- Austen. 1886. STATES or MATTER v. Matter, States of. STATICS : [1138] Earnshaw. 1845. [3003-4] Minchin. 1884-9. [3673-4] Poinsot. 1848-61. [4585] Stevinus. 1586. [9171] Hermann. 1716. [9822] Johnson. 1903. [11904-8] Minchin. 1880-6. [11962] Moebius. 1837. [12033] Monte. 1588. [13460-4] Poinsot. 1824-77. [15082-3] Stevinus. 1586. [16931] Antomari. 1897. [17017] Earnshaw. 1845. [17105] Lamb. 1912. [17144] Minchin. 1889-96. [17172. 17174] Petersen. 1882. ?. Mechanics. (ANALYTICAL): [4101-2] Routh. 1891-1902. [4898-9] Todhunter. 1858-66. [5344] Whewell. 1833. [8547] Graham. 1883. [14514] Routh. 1891-2. [17051] Graham. 1887. [17253] Todhunter. 1887. . (ELEMENTARY) : [484] Bossut. 1772. [2867] Martino. 1727. [3051] Monge. 1835. [4458] Smith. 1869. [8617-18] Greaves. 1886-8. [12020] Monge. 1846. [17115. 17117] Loney. 1904-12. [SS 1805] Jordanus. 1533. (GRAPHIC) : [746] Chalmers. 1881. [3406] Ott. 1888. [4464] Smith. 1889. [6055] Bau- schinger. 1871. [6925] Clarke. 1880. [7078] Cremona. 1890. [8547] Graham. 1883. [9822] Johnson. 1903. [10784] Levy. 1874. [11669] Maxwell. 1876. [12865] Ott. 1885-91. [14297- 80] Ritter. 1879-86. [16968] Bourlet. 1910. [17022] Ewerding. 1912. [17051] Graham. 1887. [17071] Henneberg. 1911. [17072] Herrmann. 1904. [17079]Hoskins. 1899. [17108] Lauenstein, 1904. [17112] Levy. 1886-8. [17163] Ott. 1879-85. [17222] Schotke. 1902. [17250] Timerding 1910. [S 1775] Cathcart and Chaffee. 1911. [S 1833] Culmann. 1880. [S 1859] Eddy. 1878. [S 3476] Hess. 1915. v. Calculus (Graphical). Dynamics (Graphical), Graphic Methods. : (APPLICATIONS): [17216] Ritter. [S 3393] Chalmers. 1881. [16211] King. 1912. 1888-1900. STATISTICAL METHOD : STATISTICS (MATHEMATICAL) : [15778] Bowley. 1907. [16809] Zeuner. 1869. (VITAL): [4870] Toaldo. 1787. [12415] Neison. 1845. [12489] Newsholme. 1889. v. Mathematics (Insurance). STEAM (SUPERHEATED) v. Superheating. , CONDENSATION OF : [6617] Burgh. 1871. [9477] Hospitalier, v.y. , EXPANSIVE FORCE OF : [S 2533] Kamtz. 1826. [SS 1636] Dalton. 1802. , TENSION OF : [12210] Mossotti. 1837. , USE OF : [4712] Tack. 1834. BOILERS v. Boilers (Steam). CARRIAGES: [4935] Tredgold. 1835. [5551] Young. 1860. [7978-9] Fletcher. 1891-1904. [8246] Galloway. 1834. [8524] Gordon. 1836. [11525] Mary. 1833. [15334] Trevithick. 1872. [SS 3014-15] Gordon. 1834. [SS 3084] Steam Carriages. 1831. %* A collection of such books will be found in Messrs. Sotheran's Sibliotheca Viatica. 05G INDEX. STEAM ECONOMY : [13124] Perkins, c. 1840. v. Fuel Economy. ENGINE, ELEMENTARY WORKS ON THE : [1588-9] Goodeve. 1879-91. [5163] Walker. 1908. [9409] Holmes. 1887-8. [9748] Jamieson. 1892. [10486] Langmaid and Gaisford. 1893. [10529] Lardner. 1848. [11798] Metcalf. 1905. [13161] Perry. 1904. [17345] Holmes. 1894- 1902. , HISTORY OF THE : [3472] Partington. 1822. [4659-63] Stuart. 1824-9. [6629-30] Bum. 1854-60. [7724-5] Ewbank. 1851-70. [7803] Farey. 1827. [8245-6] Galloway (E.). 1827-34. [8249] Galloway (R. L.). 1881. [8771] Hachette. 1830. [11588-9] Matschoss. 1901-8. [11874] Millington. 1830. [12987-9] Partington. 1822-38. [15293-4] Thurston. 1879-83. , LECTURES ON THE : [5017] Unwin. 1868. [12986] Partington. 1826. , PRACTICAL WORKS ON THE : [2999] Milne. 1830. [4012-13] Rigg. 1878. [5655] Adcock. 1839. [8888] Hann and Gener. 1854. [10145] King. 1875. [11737] Melville. 1890-1902. [11894] Milne. 1830. [12752-3] Xorthcott. 1877-89. [14141-2] Reynolds. 1881-98. , THEORY OF THE : [3445. 12929-30] Pam- bour. 1839-44. , THERMODYNAMICS OF THE : [13035] Peabody. 1906. [SS 2020] Regnault. 1847. , TREATISES ON THE : [509] Bourne. 1862-6. [1751]Hallauer. 1878-81. [1954] Hodge. 1849. [3474] Partington. 1822. [3896] Rankine. 1885. [4852] Thurston. 1893-4. [4937-8] Tredgold. 1838-53. [5655] Adcock. 1839. [6387-8] Bourne. 1846-61. [6629-30] Burn. 1854-60. [6909] Clark. 1890-1. [7728] Ewing. 1894. [8825] Hallauer. 1878-81. [9349] Hodge. 1849. [9749-52] Jamieson. 1888-1906. [10530-3] Lardner. 1836-51 [12987-9] Parting- ton. 1822-38. [13733] Prony. 1790-6. [13900] Rankine. 1874. [14263] Ripper. 1899. [14592] Russell. 1841. [14966] Snow and Leland. 1908. [17338] Ewing. 1910. [17340] Goodeve. 1891. [17352] Rankine. 1897. v. Governor (Steam). Heat. Indicator Diagrams. Locomotive. Marine E. Vapour. ENGINEERING : [12767] Nystrom. 1876. [13768] Pullen. n.d. [14987]Spangler, etc. 1903. ENGINES (EARLY) : [289] Bate. 1634-54. [560] Branca. 1629. [730] Caus. 1615. [1017- 18] Desaguliers. 1734-44. [1875-6] Hero Alexandrinus. 1575. [3714. 3717] Porta. 1601-6. [4047-8] Robison. 1822. [4427. 4429-30] Smeaton. 1812-14. [4599] Stewart. 1767. [5257-60] Watt, 1854. [5505-8] Worcester. 1663-1825. [6043-4] Bate. 1634. [6684] Cambray-Digny. 1766. [6777] Caus. 1704. [7237] Desaguliers. 1734-44. [9175-8] Hero Alexandrinus. 1575-1647. [10489] Langsdorf. 1787. [11296-7] Maillard. 1783-4. [12911] Papin. 1682. [12932] Papin. 1698. [13533-4] Porta. 1601-6. [14368-70] Robison. 1822. [14688-9] Savery. 1698-1880. [14916] Smeaton. 1814. [15335] Triewald. 1734. [S 3419] Dobrzenski. 1657. [S 3673] Watt. 1818. [SS 30] Bate. 1631. [SS 2968] Bramah. 1797. [SS 2987] Craddock. 1847. [SS 3014-15] Gordon. 1834. [SS 3083] Sorbitre. 1666. (HIGH-PRESSURE): [13125-6] Perkins. 1877-81. (SPECIAL TYPES) : [3636] Pilbrow. 1841. [13991] Reech. 1844. [17358] Volkert. 1898- 1900. , DESIGN OF: [9343]Hobbs. 1907. HAMMER : [4282] Schryver. 1882. STEAM NAVIGATION, EARLY HISTORY OF : [2019] Hull, mandel. 1835. [2824] Marestier. 1824. [4010] Rigaud. 1838. [4087-8] Ross. 1828. [4224] Savery. fs. of 1698. [4571] Steam Navigation. 1858. [6582] Buchanan. 1816. [6946] Claxton. 1845. [7320] Dodd. 1818. [7753] Fairbairn. 1831. [8246] Galloway. 1834. [8802] Hale. 1868. [9425] Holt. 1878. '[9684] Isherwood 1859. [114 13] Marestier. 1824. [11863] Miller. 1825. [12335] Napier. 1912. [12986-9] Partington. 1822-38. [13606] Preble. 1883. [13834] Railway Magazine. 1835-9. [13990] Reech. 1844. [14485] Ross. 1838. [14592] Russell. 1841. [14688-9] Savery. 1698-1880. [14793] Seaward. 1841. [15200] Talbot, 1912. [15328] Tourasse et Mellet. 1828-9. [15334] Trevithick. 1872. [S 3833] Woodcraft. 1848. TABLES : [14940] Smith. 1913. [SS 2020] Regnault, 1847. TURBINES v. Turbines (Steam). STEEL (STRUCTURAL) : [SS 2901] Campbell. 1896. - (TOOL): [S3169] Brearley. 1911. , CORROSION OF : [S 3212] Cushman and Gardner. 1910. [S 3231] Friend. 1911. [S 3253] Hudson. 1913. , METALLURGY OF: [327] Bell. 1884. [1406] Fraxno. 1850. [2136] Jeans. 1880. [3398] Osborn. 1869. [3416] Overman. 1854. [3541] Percy. 1864. [3917] Reaumur. 1722. [4412] Skelton. 1891. [4565] Stansbie. 1907. [5287] Webster. 1856. [5730] Alleyne c. 1872. [6108] Bell. 1884. [7441] Ede. 1863. [7477-8] Eisen- huttenwesen. 1902-6. [7745] Fairbairn. 1869. [8644] Greenwood. 1900. [9299] Hind. n.d. [9307-8] Hiorns. 1895-1903. [9518] Howe. 1904. [9772] Jeans. 1880. [9849] Jones. 1911. [12319.] Miishet. 1840. [12840] Overman. 1850. [13113] Percy. 1864. [13138] Perret. 1779. [13971-2] Reaumur. 1722. [14331] Roberts- Austen. 1889. [14686] Sauveur. 1912. [S3198] Campbell. 1904. [S 3237] Grenet, 1911. [S 3245] Harbord. 1905. [S 3247] Hassenfratz. 1812. [S 3253] Hudson. 1913. [S 3262] Jars. 1774-81. [S 3336] Woodworth. 1903. [SS 2919] Giolitti. 1914. [SS 2957] Schafhautl. 1847. v. Bessemer Process. Blast Furnace. Furnace (Regenerative Gas). Tungsten. , PRESERVATION OF : [S 3212] Cushman and Gardner. 1910. , PROPERTIES OF: [10183-7] Kirkaldy. 1862- 1870. [15166 jStyffe. 1869. [S 3198] Campbell. 1904. MANUFACTURE, SECRETS OF: [13961] Recken. 1839. v. Razors. *- STRUCTURES : [3547] Perisse. 1884. [9141] Henrici. 1866. STELLAR CHROMATICS : [4480-1] Smyth. 1864. [9200. 9205] HeYschel. 1796. LUMINOSITY : [6462] Brester. 1888. MOTIONS: [9205] Herschel. 1796. [16832] Campbell. 1913. PARALLAXES v. Parallaxes (S.). PHOTOMETRY v. Photometry (S.). STEREOCHEMISTRY v. Chemistry (Stereo-). STEREOSCOPE (THE) AND STEREOSCOPY : [614] Brown. 1903. [4435 ]Smee. 1854. [5338-9] VVheatstone. 1852-79. [6478-80] Brewster. 1856-70. [10146] Kleffel. 1863. [10886] Lissajous. 1738. [11011] Lonie. 1856. [13626] Prevost. 1843. [15516] Wheatstone. 1879. [17165] Parinaud. 1904. v. Photography (Stereoscopic). INDEX. 957 STEREOTOMY : [480] Bosse. 1643. [1420] Frezier. 1737-8. [2553] Leroy. 1844. [3630] Pierre de S'-Marie Magdelaine. 1680. [7316-17] Dobsoii. 1849. [11551] Masonry. 1847. [16295] Leroy. 1890. STOICHIOMETRY : [3401] Ostwald. 1891. [13861] Rammelsberg. 1842. [15506] Wenzel. 1782. [17299] Biehringer. 1900. [S 2955-6] Young. 1908. STONE CUTTING v. Stereotomy. STORM WARNINGS : [4310-11] Scott. 1876-87. STORMS, THEORY OF : [71] Alembert. 1747. [221] Baddeley. 1860. [452] Bohun. 1671. [1091] Dove. 1862. [1313] Faye. 1897. [1337] Finley. 1885. [2859] Martin. 1852. [3054] Hontanari. 1694. [3621-2] Piddington. 1860-9. [3949-54] Eeid. 1838-50. [4318] Sedgwick. 1852. [4914- 15] Torricelli. 1715. [5133-4] Vossius. 1663. [5910-11] Bacon. 1653-62. [6296-7] Bohun. 1671. [6712] Capper. 1801. [7131] Cyclone Memoirs. 1890-3. [8125-8] Franklin. 1754-74. [8907] Hare. 1836. [10715-16] Le Monnier. 1781-8. [11012] Loomis. 1859. [11511] Martin. 1852. [12027] Montanari. 1694. [13320] Piddington. 1869. [14009] Reid. 1838. [14492] Rosser. 1876. [14533-5] Rowell. 1840-87. [15332]Toynbee. 1882. [S 2504] Dove. 1873. - - v. Meteorology (Dynamic). Winds, Theory of. STRAIGHT LINE, DRAWING OF A v. Linkages. - LINES: [12332] Xagel. 1882. [15831] Calinon. 1888. STRAINS (STRUCTURAL) : [694] Cargill. 1873. [4369] Sheilds. 1861. [4620] Stoney. 1873. [6299] Bois. 1890. v. Iron, Overstrains in. STRENGTH OF MATERIALS : [101] Anderson. 1872. [243] Baker. 1870. [273] Barlow. 1837. [319] Belanger. 1862. [2164] Johnson. 1897. [4931-4] Tredgold. 1822-46. [4955] Turnbull. 1831. [5221-2] Warr. 1851. [5479] Wood. 1871. [5985. 6002] Barlow. 1826-51. [6069] Beardslee. 1879. [6363] Bosscha. 1857. [7729] Ewing. 1903. [8731] Guest. 1900. [9351-2] Hodgkinson. 1846. [9782] Jenny. 1878. [10182-7] Kirkaldy. 1862-91. [11823] Michaelis. s.d. [12146] Morin. 1857. [12407] Navier. 1864. [13369] Pisati e Saporito. 1877. [14123] Revere. 1910. [14807] Seguin. 1826. [15343] Turnbull. 1832. [15362] Unwin. 1888. [S 3341] Andrews. 1915. [S 3365] Bovey. 1900. [S 3366] Box. 1893. [S 3381] Burr. 1915. [S 3496] Johnson. 1905. v. Elasticity. Engineering Testing. : HISTORY OF THE THEORY : [4891-2. 17251] Todhunter and Pearson. 1886-93. STRESSES, THEORY OF : [5016] Unwin. 1868. [5431] Williamson. 1894. [S 2037] Kelvin. 1856. [S 3635] Stoney. 1886. STRONTIUM : [970] Davy. 1808. and Francis. 1910. [15287] Thorpe STRUCTURAL DESIGN : [109] Anglin. 1891. [S 3476] Hess. 1915. [S 3608] Scott-Moncrieff. 1897-8. STRUCTURES, EQUILIBRIUM OF : [5221-2] Warr. 1851. - , THEORY OF : [S 3365] Bovey. 1900. STUDY AND TEACHING OF SCIENCE : [5426] William- son. 1870. [9358] Hodson. 1909. [15318] Torraca. 1784. - v. Algebra, T. of. Chemistry, T. of. Mathematics, T. of. Physics, T. of. STURM'S THEOREM : [5565] Young. 1841. [8380] Ghijben. c. 1836. STYRACINE : [13841] Ramdohr. 1857. SUBSTITUTION THEORY (CHEMICAL) : [2483-4] Lau- rent. 1854-5. [7394] Dumas. 1840. [10571-3] Laurent. 1843-55. SUBSTITUTIONS, THEORY OF : [2156] Jevons. 1869. [9904] Jordan. 1870. [16138] Hilton. 1914. [16193] Jordan. 1870. [16428] Netto. 1908. [16693] Study. 1893. v. Groups of Substitutions. SUCCINIC ACID : [11688] Mayer. 1898. [13272] Phipson. n.d. SUCCINPHENYLAMIDE : [3422] Hoogewerf en van Dorp. 1890. SUGAR: [1429-30] Fruhling. 1903. [2640] Lippman. 1895. [2815] Maquenne. 1900. [3523] Peligot. 1838. [3720] Porter. 1830. [4011] Rigby. 1788. [4140] Rumpler. 1898. [4300] Scoffern. 1849. [4599] Stewart. 1767. [4681] Sugar. 1828. [5270] Watts. 1893. [5401] Wiechmann. 1890. [5512] Wray. 1848. [7377] Dubrunfaut. 1825. [7713] Evans. 1847. [9856] Jones. 1832. [9889] Jones and Scard. 1909. [10582] Lawes. 1898. [10877] Ling and Rendle. 1905. [10933] Lock, etc. 1882. [11384] Maquenne. 1900. [11419] Marggraf 1767-8. [11740] Melsens. 1849. [12195] Moseley. 1800. [13539- 40] Porter. 1830-43. [13545] Post et Neumann. 1910. [14432] Ronna. 1869. [S 3081] Lippmann. 1904. v. Glucose. Saccharometry. MACHINERY : [6620] Burgh. 1863. SULPHATES : [8554] Graham. 1837. SULPHIDES (METALLIC) : [6089] Becquerel. 1840. (PHOSPHORESCENT) v. Phosphorescent S. -AS FUEL: [9406] Hollway. 1879. SULPHUR: [4328-9] Sendivogius. 1650-71. [4516]Sorel. 1902. [12357] Nasini e Costa. 1891. [13367] Pisati. 1877. [14814-15] Sendivogius. 1639-50. SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN : [13254] Phipson. n.d. [14697-8] Scheele. 1780-6. SULPHURIC ACID : [10032] Keir. 1787. [11097-8] Lumre. 1888-1903. [13310] Pickering. 1892. [14563-4] Riicker. 1891-2. [15464-6]" Watson. 1791-1800. [SS 2657] Wuttig. 1815. [SS 2805] Lunge. 1903. SULPHUROUS ACID : [3790-1] Priestley. 1774-7. v. Hyposulphites. SUMS AND DIFFERENCES, RELATIONS BETWEEN: [8892] Hansen. 1865. . SUN : [257-8] Ball. 1893. [2469] La Rue, etc. 1854-8. [2662-3] Lockyer. 1874-87. [3834-6] Proctor. 1871-6. [43^16-17] Secchi. 1870-7. [5547] Young. 1882-3. [5961] Ball. 1893. [9201] Herschel. 1794. L 10951-2. 10957] Lockyer. 1874-87. [11715] Meibauer. 1866. [12359] Nasmyth. 1861. [13502] Poor. 1905. [14092. 14097-8. 14100. 14105] Respighi. 1870-85. [14436] Rosa. 1874. [14847] Siemens. 1883. [S 1342] Abbot. 1912. v. Solar. Zodiacal Light. (ELLIPTIC^: [SS 1287] Scheiner. 1615-17. SPOTS: [706. 6748] Carrington. 1863. [7529] Ellis. 1906. [8215-17] Galilei. 1613. [9235] Herschel. 1847. [9530] Huggins. c. 1867. [10951] Lockyer. 1887. [11620-1] Maunder. 1904-5. [SS 1288] Scheiner. 1612. [SS 1706-8] Galilei. 1612. SUN'S INFLUENCE ON AIR : [2913] Maurice. 1732. ROTATION v. Solar Theory. SUPERHEATING: [1815] Hauvel. 1880. [8196] Gairns. 1907. v. Boiler Explosions. Steam. SUPERNATURAL IN NATURE : .[11440] Reynolds. 1878. 958 INDEX. SUPERSTITION AND SCIENCE : [11312]Maitland. 1855. v. Occultism in Science. SURFACE (RUMMER'S) : [2013, 16168] Hudson. 1905. [SS 230] Borchardt. 1888. TENSION : [13817] Quincke. 1901. v. Bubble Formation. Capillarity. Films. Soap Bubbles. SURFACES (ALGEBRAIC) : [S 619] Darboux. 1872. (PSEUDO-) : [16176] Issaly. 1902. (RECIPROCAL) : [4183] Salmon. 1857. (RIEMANN'S) : [15688] Appell et Goursat. 1895. [16150] Hofmann. 1888. [16433] Neumann. 1865. (SYMMETRICAL) : [S 867] La Gournerie. 1867. . (VIBRATING ELASTIC) : [1288. 7769] Faraday. 1859. (TOPOGRAPHICAL) : [16184] Javary. 1903. (TRAJECTORY) : [S 968] Mannhein. c. 1873. , DIVISION OF: [11190] Machometo Bagdedino. 1570. [SS 615] Machometus. 1570. -, DYNAMICS OF : [17135] Michaelis. 1909. -, THEORY OF : [3436] Painvin. 1866. [7169] Darboux. 1889-96. [9779] Jellett. 1853. [10332] Rummer. 1863. [10446-7] Lame. 1843. [10657] Lecorne. 1887. [11165] McCullagh. 1844. [12017] Monge. 1807. [12704] Noether. 1888. [13066] Pellet. 1878. [14307. 14309-11] Roberts. 1870-3. [14646-8] Salmon. 1865-82. [15718] Basset. 1910. [15747] Blythe. 1905. [15831] Calinon. 1895. [15876] Clebsch. 1875-91. [15904] Cremona. 1870. [15913] Darboux. 1887-96. [15969] Eisenhart. 1909. [16004] Forsyth. 1912. [16041] Gauss. 1870. [16185] Joachimsthal. 1881. [16233] Rnoblauch. 1888. [16237-8.] Kommerell. 1903-11. [16507] Raffy. 1897. [16515] Resal. 1891. [16610] Schroter. 1880. [16792] Wilczynski. 1906. [SS 341] Cremona. 1870. [SS 483] Hesse. 1897. [SS 860] Steiner. 1832. - v. Curvature. SURVEYING: [291] Bartoli. 1564. [897] Crocker. 1806. [1055-7] Digges. 1625-91. [1339] Firebrace. 1871. [1522] Gibson. 1768. [1671] Gribble. 1891. [1767] Hammond. 1731. [1804] Hartner e Wastler. 1894. [1870] Henry. 1895. [1975] Holwell. 1678. [2588-91] Leybourn. 1653-1722. [2705-6] Love. 1715-68. [2793-4] Mandey. 1717-27. [2947] Merett. 1897. [3018] Mitchell. 1827. [3904] Rathborne. 1616. [3943] Reid. 1859. [4413] Skrimshire. 1901. [4587] Stevinus. 1618. [5393] Whitelaw. 1906. [5442] Wilson. 1732. [5447-8] Wing. 1666-1700. [5539] W T ykL 1769. [5948] Baker. 1875. [6023-4] Bartoli. 1564-1614. [6049] Bauernfeind. 1890. [6122] Belli. 1595. [6456] Breed and Hosmer. 1906. [6633] Burns. 1771. [6765] Castle. 1847. [6770] Cataneo. 1608. [6772-3] Catini. 1559. [7286-8] Digges. 1571-91. [7542] Emerson. 1770. [7877] Fiammelli. 1605. [8242] Galli. 1694. [8396] Gillespie. 1875. [8686-7] Gribble. 1891-7. [9183]HeroMechanicus. 1572. [9405] Holliday. 1838. [9456] Hopton. 1611. [9469] Hoskold. 1863. [9696] Jackson. 1880. [9821] Johnson. 1900. [10249] Kobel. 1563. [10708] Leigh. 1578. [10805-8] Leybourn. 1653-74. [11207] Mackenzie. 1908. [11438] Markham. 1878. [11486] Martin. 1766. [11767-9] Merrett. 1881-93. [12422-4] Nesbit. 1847-77. [13092] Penna. 1643. [13203] Philipps. 1721. [13293] Picard. 1692. [13331] Pifferi. ' 1695. [13541] Porter. 1799. [13925-7] Rathborne. 1616. [14569] Rudorf. 1813. [14734-5] Schooten. 1657. [14751] Schriften. 1848-52. [15046] Stevenson. 1810. [15581] Wilson (H.). 1755. SURVEYING, continued : [15583] Wilson (H. M.). 1902. [15587] Wing. 1700. [16110] Hartner und Wastler. 1904-5. [SS 205] Belli. 1570. [SS 251] Burckhard. 1687. [SS 580] Leigh. 1592. [SS 742] Pomodoro. 1599. v. Geodetic Surveys. Levelling. Mine S. Quantity S. Railway S. (MILITARY): [9688-9] Jackson. 1838-60. [11853] Militar-geographisches Institut. 1884-1902. (NAUTICAL) : [323] Belcher. 1835. [980] Dawson. 1833. [4050] Robson. 1834. [5337] Wharton. 1909. [5737-8] Alston. 1860-1902. [10563] Laughton. 1872. [15063] Stevenson. 1842. [S 3820] Shortland. 1890. . (PHOTOGRAPHIC) : [1039] Deville. 1895. [10667] Lee. 1899. [13016] Pate. 1862. [15583] Wilson. 1902. (TRIGONOMETRICAL): [2123. 2126] James. 1858-68. [2791] Malortie. 1820. [3134-6] Mudge, etc. 1799-1811. [3440] Palmer. 1873. [4118-20] Roy. 1785-90. [4956] Turnbull. 1849. [5157-8] Walker. 1863-6. [7596] Ergebnisse. 1901-6. [8165-6] Frome. 1850-62. [12245] Mudge. 1799-1811. INSTRUMENTS : [713] Cassini. 1792. [1055] Digges. 1625. [1382] Foullon. 1564. [1680] Grigby. 1807. [2790] Malombra. 1630. [4564] Stanley. 1901. [5448] Wing. 1700. [5790-1] Apianus. 1532-3. [7832] Ferguson. 1901. [7877] Fiamelli. 1605. [8053-4] Foullon. 1564. [9456]Hopton. 1611. [9688-9] Jackson. 1838-60. [11130]Lupicini. 1582. [11527]Marzari-Pencati. 1811. [13925-7] Rathborne. 1616. [13992]Reeves. 1910. [14746] Schott, 1660. [14765] Schwenter. 1616-18. [15587] Wing. 1700. [S 647-50] Digges. 1556-1656. [S 764-5] Gunter. 1623. v. Instrument ( Universal). Levelling I. Mathe- matical I. Quadrant. Sextant. Theodolite. TABLES: [7975] Fletcher. 1895. [11194] Mackay. 1804. SYLLOGISM : [12120-1. 12124-7] Morgan. 1847-63. TACHOMETRY : [3391] Orlando. 1896. TALBOT'S LINES : [4651] Struve. 1883. TALC v. Magnesium and its Compounds. TANGENCIES, PROBLEM OF : [129] Apollonius. 1607. [3448-9] Pappus. 1588-1660. [4409] Simson. 1812. [5063-4] Vieta. 1646. [5739] Alvord. 1853. [5798-9] Apollonius. 1771. [12938-9] Pappus. 1660-1871. [15390] Vieta. 1646. TANGENTS (GEOMETRICAL) : [280-3] Barrow. 1670- 1860. [1023-4] Descartes. 1649. [1067] Diverses Ouvrages. 1693. [1328]Fermat. 1679. [2531] Leibniz. 1768. [3234-5. 3277] Newton. 1711-45. [4419] Sluze. 1668. [6013-14] Barrow. 1735-1860. [7259-61] Descartes. 1659-1886. [10695-6] Leibniz. 1768-1884. [12572-3.12579-80. 12588]Newton. 1711-45. [15999] Fleury. 1899. TANKS v. Pedrail. t TANNIC ACID : [966] Davy. 1803. v. Galls. TANNING: [966] Davy. 1803. [11161] McCann. 1883 [SS 2870-1] Tanning. 1774-80. v. Gallic Acid. TANTALITE : [10722] Leonhard. 1818. TARTARIC ACID AND TARTRATES : [858] Comtes. 1678. [1570] Glauber. 1655. [3976] Reuss. 1743. [4229] Scheele. 1786. [4234] Scheffer. 1742. [7027] Corvinus. 1780. [14697] Scheele. 1786. TAYLOR'S THEOREM : [2381] Lagrange. 1813. [4762] Taylor. 1715. [6776] Cauchy. 1840-4. [10403-5] Lagrange. 1797-1813. [13537] Poselger. 1835. v. Calculus of Functions. TEACHING OF SCIENCE v. Study and Teaching of Science. INDEX. 959 TECHNICAL WORK, SYSTEM OF : [10292] Kraft. 1902. TECHNOLOGICAL DICTIONARIES v. Dictionaries of Science and Technology. JOURNALS : [2116] Jahrbuch (Technisch- chemisches). 1885-7. [5774] Annales des Arts et Manufactures, 1800-15. TECHNOLOGY (MECHANICAL) : [9521] Hoyer. 1878. TEETH OF WHEELS : [4204] Sang. 1852. [6223] Binns. 1869-71. TELAUTOGRAPHY : [2328] Korn. 1907. TELEGRAPHY (ELECTRIC) : [900-1] Culley. 1863-78. [1919] Highton. 1852. [3010] Miriel. 1873. [3025] Moigno. 1852. [3705] Pope. 1871. [3753-4] Preece and Sivewright. 1876-1903. [3758] Prescott. 1860. [4063-5] Ronalds. 1823. [4291] Schwendler. 1878. [4787] Telegrafie. 1860. [5153] Walker. 1850. [5338] Wheatstone. 1879. [5754] Anderson. 1872. [5941] Bain. 1843. [6068] Beardmore. 1862. [6467] Brett and Little. 1847. [7009] Cooke (T.F.). 1868. [7010-12] Cooke(W.F.). 1839-56. [7115-17]Cxilley. 1874- 85. [7 790] Faraday. 1858. [8480] Gloesener. 1853. [9074] Heaviside. 1892. [9164-5] Herbert. 1897-1906. [9276-8] Highton. 1848-52. [10285] Koten. 1855. [10518] Lardner. 1878. [11970-1] Moigno. 1849. [12038] Montillot, 1889. [12697] Noad. 1857. [13613-15] Preece and Sivewright. 1876-1901. [14420] Ronalds. 1871. [14623] Sabine. 1867. [14696] Scharn- weber. 1880. [14834] Shaffner. 1854-5. [15029] Steinheil. 1850. [15345] Turnbull. 1853. [15369] Vail. 1845. [15427] Walker. 1850. [15516. 155 18] Wheatstone. 1855-79. [17350] Preece and Sivewright. 1905. [S 2148-9] Morse. 1867-9. [S2380]Vail. 1847. [S3643] Telegraphy. 1900-1. [SS1875]Mariani. 1767. [SS 2986] Cooke. 1842. v. Railway Signalling. , BIBLIOGRAPHY OF : [SS 2039] Ronalds. 1880. , HISTORY OF : [1273] Fahie. 1899. [11824]Michaud. 1853. (SUBMARINE) : [589] Bright. 1898. [2143-4] Jenkin. 1873-87. [4145] Russell. 1865. [6464] Brett. 1858. [6493] Bright (C.). 1898. [6494] Bright (C.T.). 1908. [7885]Field. 1866. [9794-5] Jenkin. 1873-87. [10059] Kelvin. 1866. [1 10 10]Longridge and Brooks. 1858. v. Cables. -(WAR): [6834] Chauvin. 1884. (WIRELESS) : [1355] Fleming. 1906. [2675-7] Lodge. 1894-1900. [3480] Partheil. 1902. [4349] Sewall. 1904. [4962] Turpain. 1902. [7964-5. 7967] Fleming. 1903-9. [10086] Kennelly. 1909. [10971-3] Lodge. 1894-1900. [13324] Pierce. 1911. [ 1 4258] Righi und Dessau. 1903. [14832] Sewall. 1903. [15355] Turpain. 1902. [17339] Fleming. 1913. [S 2441-2] Zan- neck. 1905-11. [S 3426] Erskine-Murray. 1909. [S3442]Flenvng. 1915. [S3525] Marchant. 1914. v. Telephony (Wireless). , HISTORY OF : [2675-7] Lodge. 1894-1900. [7739] Fahie. 1899. [10971-3] Lodge. 1894- 1900. [14832] Sewall. 1903. TELEMETER: [13331] Pifferi. 1695. [13884] Rand. 1799. [SS 862] Stengel. 1767. TELEPHONY: [3701] Poole. 1891. [3752] Preece and Maier. 1889. [3757. 3759-60] Prescott. 1878- 84. [3957] Reis. 1883. [5733] Allsop. 1891. [8680-1 ]Gretschell. 1878-83. [9074] Heaviside. 1892. [9166] Herbert. 1898. [9444] Hopkins. 1893. [10941] Lockwood. 1882. [12039] Montillot. 1893. [12135] Morgan-Brown. 1877. [13159] Perry. 1893. [13593] Prescott. 1879. [13612] Preece and Maier. 1889. [13616] Preece and Stubbs. 1893. [14261] Rijke. c.1878. [!5235]ThiessandJoy. 1912. TELEPHONY (WIRELESS) : [10086] Kennelly. 1909. [14576] Ruhmer. 1907. TELEPHOTOGRAPHY : [945. 7139] Dallmeyer. 1899. TELESCOPE (THE) AND ITS PARTS : [401] Biese. 1895. [479] Boscovlch. 1767. [617] Browning. 1872. [1432] Fuss. 1778. [2306] Kitchiner. 1825. [3751] Prechtl. 1828. [3816] Proctor. 1868. [4056] Rohr. 1907. [4278] Schroter. 1796. [4348] Servus. 1886. [4459] Smith. 1738. [4650] Struve. 1882. [5466] Wollaston. 1785. [5966] Balthasar. 1710. [7333-4] Dollond. 1762-1808. [7448] Edwards. 1782. [8724] Grubb. 1881. [8725] Grunert. 1846-51. [9198] Herschel (Sir William). 1795. [9239] Herschel (Sir John). 185Q. [10223] Kliigel. 1778. [11485. 11490-1. 11495] Martin. 1759-70. [12239] Mudge. 1777. [12662] Nicholson. 1797-1802. [13199] Phelps. 1835. [14367] Robison. 1788. [14712] Scherffer. 1764. [15030] Steinheil. 1858. [15122] Stoney. 1894. [S 1729] Boscovich. 1771. [S 1949] Gregory. 1715. [SS 1375] Derharo. 1700. [SS 1648] Dollond. c.1770. [SS 1846] Leonori. 1754. [SS2060] Scherffer. 1762. [SS2067-9]Selva. 1787. v. Achromatism. Equatorial. Opera Glasses. Pancratic Tube. Transit Instrument. , EARLY WORKS ON THE : [773] Cherubin d'Orleans. 1671. [1056-7] Digges. 1571-91. [1359] Fontana. 1646. [1913-14] Hevelius. 1647. [2265-6] Kepler. 1611-53. [3035] Moll. 1831. [3037] Molyneux. 1692. [7286-8] Digges. 1571-91. [7999-8001] Fontana, 1646. [8659] Gregory. 1663. [9257] Hevelius. 1647. [10097- 8] Kepler. 1611-53. [11379] Manzini. 1660. [11782] Mersenne. 1644-7. [12006] Molyneux. 1709. [13518-19] Porta. 1589. [15161-3] Sturm. 1676-85. [S 2437-8] Zahn. 1685-1702. [SS 1061] Divini. 1666. [SS 1332] Walker. 1684. [SS 1418-19] Maignan. 1648. [SS 1555] Borel. 1655-6. [SS 1618] Ciampini. 1686. [SS 1649] Dominis. 1611. [SS 1822] Kohlhans. 1663. [SS 1992-3] Porta. 1593. [SS 2025] Rheita. 1645. [SS 2082] Sirtori. 1618. TELESCOPIC VISION : [15129] Stoney. 1908. TELLURIUM : [10286] Kothner. 1903. TELPHERAGE : [2143] Jenkin. 1887. [5438] Wilson. 1907. [7210]Dawson. 1899. [9478-9]Hospitalier. v.y. [9794]Jenkin. 1887. [11513] Martin. 1902. TEMPERATURE (ATMOSPHERIC) v. Atmospheric T. (MEAN) : [8442] Glaisher. 1858. -, LEAKAGE OF : [13073] Peirce. 1910. TENSION : [8082] Franceschinis. 1784. TEREBENES : [9256] Heusler. 1896. [10151] King- zett. 1884. TERPENES: [10155] Kipping. 1887. [11053] Lowry 1898. [15440] Wallach. 1909. v. Oils (Essential). TEXTILE FIBRES : [5546] Yates. 1843. [S 30931 Matthews. 1904. v. Cotton. Silk. INDUSTRIES: [8572-4] Grandgeorge. 1890-9. THALLIUM : [903. 7092-3. 7095-7100] Crookes. 1861-72. [11869] Miller (W. A.). 1863. [11880] Miller (W.H.). 1865. [S 2689] Crookes. 1874. THEATRE CONSTRUCTION : [6591] Buckle. 1888. THEODOLITE : [1056-7. 7286-8] Digges. 1571-91. [9456] Hopton. 1611. [9469] Hoskold. 1863. [13146-7] Pessuti. 1794. [SS 1062] Dollond. c. 1772. THEOLOGY AND SCIENCE : [295] Baxter. 1740. [584] Bridgewater Treatises. 1833-7. [1095] Draper. 1887. [4597-8] Stewart and Tait. 1875. [4971]Tyndall. 1874. [5498] Woodward. 1726. [6359] Bosanquet. 1845. [6534] Brougham and Vaux. 1839. [6812-13] Chalmers. 1853-4. [6820] Chambers. 1845. [6864] Cheyne. 1715. 960 INDEX. THEOLOGY AND SCIENCE, continued: [7236] Derham. 1732. [7282] Dick. 1842. [7290] Dickinson. 1702. [7361] Draper. 1875. [7735] Extra Physics. 1878. [8180] Fullom. 1856. [9509] Howard. 1875. [10033] Keir. 1807. [10967] Lodge. 1908. [12685] Nieuwentyt, 1729. [13846] Ralphson. 1710. [15167] Sullivan. 1794. [88 1705] Galilei. 1636. [SS 1760] Hale. 1695. - v. Astronomy and T. Copernican System and T. Geology and T. Mathematics and T. Physics and T. THERMAL SPRINGS : [5900] Bacci. 1571. [9565] Hunter. 1787. [12432] Newbold. 1844. THERMOCHRONOMETER : [10312] Krusper. 1873. THERMODYNAMICS (ANALYTICAL) : [1388] Fourier. 1822. [1937] Him. 1862-76. [2415] Lame. 1861. [8068] Fourier. 1878. [9311-13] Hirn. 1875-6. [10440-1] Lame. 1861. [17029] Fourier. 1878. [17074] Hirn. 1875-6. - (ELEMENTARY) : [2924] Maxwell. 1871-2. [3460] Parker. 1891. [4737] Tait. 1877. [6061]Baynes. 1878. [11675-8] Maxwell. 1871- 94. [12956-7] Parker. 1891-6. [16946] Baynes 1878. [17004] Daries. 1906. [17237] Tait. 1877. - (EXPERIMENTAL): [1937. 93 11-1 3] Hirn. 1862-76. [ 13890] Rankine. 1881. [17074] Hirn. 1875-76. - (GENERAL) : [372] Bertrand. 1887. [592] Briot. 1869. [701] Carnot. 1824. [811-13] Clausius. 1867-79. [1608] Gouilly. 1877. [4128-30. 4136] Rumford. 1796-1876. [4169] St. -Robert, 1865. [5056] Verdet. 1868-72. [6567] Bryan. 1894. [6931-2] Clausius. 1876- 93. [8715] Gross. 1898. [8918] Harper's Scientific Memoirs. 1899. [9473] Hospitalier. v.d. [10066] Kelvin. 1882-1911. [13024] Pazienti. 1869-77. [14954] Bertrand. 1887. [16992] Clausius. 1879-91. [17168] Partington. 1913. [17182] Poincare, 1892. [17261] Voigt. 1903-4. [17277] Weinstein. 1901-8. [17292] Zenner. 1877. [S 308] Gibbs. 1906. [S 2034. S 2036] Kelvin. 1849-51. [S 2357] Thermo- dynamics. 1858-78. [S 2443] Zeuner. 1869. -- v. Atoms, Movement of. Carnof s Cycle. Energy. Potential (Thermodynamic). - - (PRACTICAL) : [4942] Trowbridge. 1874. - , HISTORY OF : [370] Bertin. 1867. THERMOGENE : [9477] Hospitalier. v.y. THERMOMETER (DIFFERENTIAL) : [4670] Sturm. 1685-1701. THERMOMETRY AND THE THERMOMETER : [929] Dalence. 1688. [1833] Hazen. 1885. [2383] La Hire. 1694. [2502] Lawson. 1846. [2714-15] Luc. 1772. [2741] McAdie. 1891. [2854] Martin. 1772. [2865] Martine. 1780. [3692] Poleni. 1709. [3964-5] Renaldini. 1665-70. [4696] Swinden. 1778. [5243-4] Watson. 1784-96. [5714-16] Alence. 1688-1753. [6115] Bellani. 1841. [6679] Callendar. 1899. [8097] Frankenfield. 1899. [8447] Glaisher. 1870. [9171] Hermann. 1716. [9473] Hospitalier. v.y. [10411-12] La Hire. 1694. [10425] Lambert, 1779. [10885] L'Isle. 1738. [11059] Luc. 1784. [11138-9] Luz. 1784. [11272] Magellan. 1780. [11305-6] Mairan. 1749-57. [11521] Martine. 1772. [13309] Pickering. 1886. [13534] Porta. 1606. [14199. 14205] Richards. 1899-1911. [14537] Rowland. 1880. [14755] Schumacher. 1843. [14841] Six. 1788. [15161- 3] Sturm. 1676-85. [15179] Swinden. 1778. [SS 1477-81] Accademia del Cimento. 1667-91. [SS 1575-6] Boyle. 1665-83. [SS 1588] Buat. 1816. [88 16494 Desaguliera. 1719. [SS 1750-2] Guericke. 1672. [SS 2267] Gaussen. 1789. [SS2307] Magellan. 1780. [SS2316] Martine. 1792. - v. Calorimetry. Cryometry. Pyrometry. THERMOSIPHON : [4804] Thermosiphon. 1844. THETINES:[ 10754] Letts. 1878. THREE BODIES, PROBLEM OF : [67] Alembert. 1780. [859]Condorcet, 1767. [7703-5] Euler. 1753-72. [8991] Harzer. 1886. [S 1573] Poincare. 1905- 10. [SS 519] Jacobi. 1881-4. THTJNDER, CAUSE OF : [7450] Eeles. 1771. [8024-5] Fonvielle. 1868-9. [15602-3] Winkler. 1746. THUNDERSTORMS: [1798] Harris. 1843. [6561]Brydone. 1787. [8945-6] Harris. 1843. [15014] Stanhope. 1787. v. Electricity (Atmospheric}. Lightning. TIDAL FRICTION : [7172] Darwin. 1898. [9996-7] Kant, 1802-17. [11694] Mayer. 1848. [S 2485] Cosmogony. 1909. [S 2491] Darwin. 1877-89. - WAVES : [1612] Graham. 1861. AND CURRENT OBSERVATIONS: [11202]Mackenzie. 1884. [14125] Revy. 1874. [15063] Stevenson. 1842. TIDES, THEORY OF THE: [2189-91] Jordan. 1877- 85. [2710] Lubbock. 1831. [3011] Miscellanea Curiosa. 1705-7. [3262] Newton. 1739-42. [3512] Pearson. 1881. [5133-4] Vossius. 1663. [5340] Wheeler. 1906. [5572-6] Young. 1807-45. [5608] Abbott, 1884. [6355] Borro. 1561. [7172] Darwin. 1898. [9167] Herbinius. 1678. [9906] Jordan. 1867. [10066] Kelvin. 1882-1911. [10418] Lalande. 1771-81. [11055] Lubbock. 1830. [11231-5] Maclaurin. 1741-1801. [11943-5] Miscellanea Curiosa. 1708-27. [12066] Moret. 1665. [12291] Murdoch, c. 1750. [12512-14] Xewton. 1739-60. [13049] Pearson. 1881. [13513] Porta. 1610. [13844] Raimondo. 1589. [14437] Rovaccio. 1604. [14880] Simpson. 1743. [15198] Taisnier. 1562. [15389] Vieri. 1582. [15521] Whewell. 1848. [16892] Muller. 1906. [S 2473] Brancas-Ville- neuve. 1749. [SS2025] Rheita. 1645. [SS2228-30] Barlow. 1715-22. [SS 2348] Sagri. 1574. : PARADOXES: [5725] Alexandre. 1726. [5953] Baldwin. 1786. [7130] Cuthbert. 1811. [10113] Kerigan. 1844. [10160] Kirby. 1757. [12223] Moxley. 1899. [14505] Roubais de Tourcoin. 1721. [SS 2239] Bryanston. 1683. 4 TIMBER: [5985] Barlow. 1826. [6038] Baterden. 1908. [10621] Lea, 1850. v. Dry Rot. TIME, DETERMINATION OF v. Chronometry. AND SPACE v. Space. TIN, CHEMISTRY AND METALLURGY OF : [13097] Penny. 1851. [13238] Phillips. 1814. [14482] Rosenhain and Tucker. 1908. [S 3284] Moissenet. 1858. [S 3302-3] Pryce. 1778. v. Brass. MINING : [3845] Pryce. 1778. [13238] Phillips 1814. [14132] Rayer. 1881. TITANIUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS : [10140] King. 1909. [13322] Pierce. 1909. [13363] Pisani. 1864. [15607] Wollaston. 1822. TOLUENE : [10157] Kipping and Russell. 1895. TONNAGE, ADMEASUREMENT o*-: [12060] Moorsom. 1852. TOOLS AND TOOL MAKING : [4466] Smith. 1883. [10228] Knight. 1879. [12677] Xicolson. 1904. [14953] Smith. 1882. v. Machine Tools. Steel (Tool). TOPOLOGY v. Analysis Situs. TORPEDOES (SUBMARINE) : [6594] Bucknill. 1889. [SS 3152] Fulton. 1812. TORSION BALANCE : [884] Coulomb. 1884. [14272] Ritchie. 1830. [SS 1770] Haiiy. 1787. - METERS : [8390] Gibson. 1908. TOURMALINE, ELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF : [15575] Wilson. 1752. [SSI 483. 1485-6] Aepinus. 1759-62. v. Electricity (Pyro-). TOWERS: [11141] Lynde. 1890. TOXINES : [1194]Gautier. 1896. INDEX, 961 TRAMWAYS : [6077] Beavan. 1903. [6910-11] Clark. 1878-82. [8581] Grantham. 1874. [S 3400] Clark. 1894. (ELECTRIC) v. Electric Railways and Tramways. (WiRE): [2326] Kool en Siedenburg. 1871. v. Cable Transport. Wire Rope. TRANSFINITE QUANTITIES : [6706] Cantor. 1899. TRANSFORMATIONS (INFINITESIMAL) : [SS 608] Lie. 1891. -(MECHANICAL): [3106] Morin. 1861. THEORY or: [2388] Laisant. 1877. [8696] Griffiths. 1890. [14314. 14317] Roberts. 1857-72. [15001] Spottiswoode. n. d. [15942] Doehlemann. 1902-8. v. Covariants. Groups of Transformation. Invariants. TRANSIT CIRCLE : [5467] Wollaston. INSTRUMENT : [2608] Liagre. 1793. 1845. Clark. 1882. "[10714] Le Monnier. [11046] Low. 1881. [14089] Respighi. [SS 1375] Derham. 1700. TRANSITS or MERCURY : [4789] Tennant. [6288] Boe. 1879. [8826] Halley. [13340] Pigott. 1786. or VENUS : [6913] 1741. 1871. 1879. 1679. 1835. 1875. [14259] Rignano. [46] Airy. 1881. [632] Budd. [1176]Encke. 1822-4. [1999] Horrocks. 1678. [2314] Klinkenberg. 1761. [2843] Martin. 1773. [3215] Newcomb. 1890. [3781] Prince. 1883. [3837] Proctor. 1874. [4789] Tennant. 1877. [5695] Airy. 1877. [7371] Dubois. 1873. [7840] Ferguson. 1764. [8010] Forbes. 1874. [8580] Grant. 1874. [9002] Hasselberg. 1877. [11546]Maskelyne. 1783. [12470] Newcomb. 1880. [13563] Powalky. 1864. [13675] Prince. 1883. [13720. 13722] Proctor. 1874-82. [15102] Stone. 1758. v. Parallaxes of the Solar System. TRANSPIRATION (LIQUID) : [S 2749] Graham. 1861. TRANSPORT OF MASSES : [9981] Kammerer. 1907. [S 3374] Buhle. 1908. v. Carriage Traction. TRANSVERSALS, THEORY OF : [698-9] Carnot. 1806. [SS 860] Steiner. 1832. TRAVERSE TABLES : [1152] Edwin. 1871. [4380] Shortrede. 1864. [6765] Castle. 1847. [10879] Lintern. 1872. [11033] Louis and Caunt. 1901. TREFOIL (MATHEMATICAL) : [6517] Brocard. 1891. v. Phyllotaxis. TRIANGLE OF FORCES : [4585. 15082-3] Stevinus. 1586. v. Parallelogram of Forces. TRIANGLES, GEOMETRY OF : [8240] Gallatly. 1910. [10616]Lawson. 1773. [16496] Poulain. 1892. TRIGONOMETRICAL PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES : [518] Bramer. 1614. [1471] Gaskin. 1847. [4206-7] Santbech. 1561. [7248] Desboves, 1872. [8287] Gaskin. 1847. [15694-5] Aubert et Papelier. 1908-10. [15930-2] Desboves. 1872- 84. [16029-30] G.-M. s. d. [16299] Lieber und Luhmann. 1889. [16441] Nunn. 1913-14. [16511-12] Reidt. 1894-7. [16530] Ritt. 1873. [88 738-9] Pitiscus. 1600. TABLES : [586] Briggs. 1633. [733] Cavalieri. 1632. [927] Dale. 1905. [1468] Garrard. 1789. [1716-19] Gunter. 1636-73. [1866] Henrion. 1613. [2432-3] Lansberg. 1591-1631. [3305] Newton (John). 1658. [3353] Norwood and Bond. 1664. [3644] Pitiscus. 1630. [3928] Regiomontanus. 1561. [4483] Snell van Royen. 1626. [4635] Strauch. 1700. [5115-16] Vlacq. 1633-1742. [5462] Wolf. 1744. [5915] Bagay. 1829. [6279-81] Blundeville. 1597-1636. [6337] Borda. 1804. [6779-80] Cavalieri. 1632-43. [7106] Croppet. 1598. [8340] Gelli- brand. 1633. [8745-50] Gunter. 1636-80. [11556] Massaloup. 1847. [12770-2] Nor- wood. 1667-96. [12891] Ozanam. 1697. TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, continued : [13192] Peuerbach. 1541. [13370] Pitiscus. 1612. [13993] Regiomontanus. 1561. [15017] Stade. 1581. [15136] Streete. 1663. [15677] Andoyer. 1911. [S 765] Gunter. 1623. [S 1058- 9] Oughtred. 1657. [S 3716] Blundeville. 1594. [SS737-9] Pitiscus. 1600-20. [88781-3] Rheticus. 1596-1613. [SS 912]Ursinus. 1625. [SS 1267-8] Regiomontanus. 1584. [SS 1384] Fidati. 1636. v. Logarithms, T. of. Mathematical T. TRIGONOMETRY (ANALYTICAL) : [2712] Luby. 1834. [3383] Oppel. 1746. [11857] Miller. 1906. [SS 425] Ferroni. 1782. (ELEMENTARY) : [1926] Hind. 1828. [1976] Holwell. 1685. [1993] Hopkins. 1833. [2365-7] Lacroix. 1799-1863. [2577] Levett and David- son. 1892-6, [2858] Martin. 1736. [4486-9] Snowball. 1837-63. [4823-4] Thomson. 1858. [5216] Ward. 1654. [5699] Airy. 1827. [6508] Briot et Bouquet. 1877. [7552-3] Emerson. 1749-64. [10031] Keill. 1806. [10040-1] Keith. 1820-1. [10676] Lefebure de Fourcy. 1853. [12411] Navigation. 1772. [15794-8] Briot et Bouquet. 1873-1908. [15843] Caronnet. 1912. [15087]Combette. 1907. [16094] Hall and Knight. 1912. [16310. 16312] Lock. 1910-12. [16462-3] Papelier. s.d. [SS469]Grienberger.l630. (GENERAL) : [662-3] Cagnoli. 1808. [733] Cavalieri. 1632. [876] Cotes. 1722. [1014] Deparcieux. 1741. [1824] Hawney. 1725. [2252] Keith. 1810. [2432-3] Lansberg. 1591- 1631. [2452] Lardner. 1828. [2593] Leybourn. 1704. [3305] Newton (John). 1658. [3351-2] Norwood. 1631-85. [3643-4] Pitiscus. 1600-30. [3927-8] Regiomontanus. 1533-61. [4406] Simpson. 1765. [5030] Urquhart. 1645. [5088] Vince. 1810. [5443] Wilson. 1724. [5492-3] Woodhouse. 1813-22. [5561] Young. 1835. [6663-4] Cagnoli. 1786. [6779-80] Cavalieri. 1632-43. [7038-9] Cotes. 1722. [7083] Cristoforo. 1720. [8505] Gooden. 1704. [8509-11] Goodwin. 1886-1901. [8823] Hall. 1848. [9545] Hume. 1636. [9644-5] Hymers. 1841-58. [9825] Johnson. 1889. [10112] Kerigan. 1845. [10935] Lock. 1893. [12772] Norwood. 1678. [12869] Owen. 1764. [13192] Peuerbach. 1541. [13370] Pitiscus. 1612. [13993] Regiomontanus. 1561. [14511] Rouche etLacour. 1857. [14825] Serret. 1875. [14889- 91] Simpson. 1748-79. [15882] Comberousse. 1907. [16061] Goodwin. 1907. [16106-7] Hammer. 1897-1907. [16186] Johnson. 1889. [16310-12] Lock. 1909-12. [16329] Liibsen. 1900. [16488] Pionchon. 1904. [16640-2] Serret. 1888-1908. [16655] Snowball. 1885. [SS 7 3 8-9] Pitiscus. 1600. [SS912] Ursinus. 1625. (IMAGINARY) : [11989-91] Moivre. 1730. (PLANE) : [580-1] Bridge. 1810-22. [710] Casey. 1888. [1770] Hann. 1849. [1866] Henrion. 1613. [2078] Hymers. 1841. [2775] Magini. 1592. [3409] Oughtred. 1657. [4266] Schooten. 1683. [4342] Serret. 1880. [4893-4] Todhunter. 1879-84. [5181] Walmsley. 1879. [7519-20] Elliot. 1872-3. [10992-3] Loney. 1896-1900. [11534] Maseres. 1760. [11614] Mauduit. 1772. [12690] Nixon. 1892. [13037] Peacock. 1817. [15774] Bourlet. 1905. [15847] Carslaw. 1913-15. [16146-7] Hobson. 1897- 1911. [16224] Kleyer. 1887. [16259] Lai- balettrier. 1889. [16315] Loney. 1896-1907. [16672] Spitz. 1888. [16728-30] Todhunter. 1876-1905. [S 1058] Oughtred. 1657. (SPHERICAL) : [2078] Hymers. 1841. [2946] Menelaus. 1707. [4483] Snell van Royen. 1627. [4896-7] Todhunter. 1859-78. [5332] West. 1838. [6652] Byrne. 1835. [6758] Casey. 1889. [11173] McClelland and Preston. 1887. [11615-16] Mauduit. 1768. [11751] Menelaus. INDEX. TRI<;< >xi IMETRY (SPHERICAL), continued : 1758. : 1 I'll lot Moriran. 1830. i 14989] Speidell. .ALGEBRA OF: [10115; Hay\vard. 18H2. . ELEMENTS OF: [3os5. 3o;>5 Morgan. 1837-49. [lOOSl. 10083] Legendiv. 1824-76. TiusE'-TK'X OF AX AXGT.E : |ls9. [2819 Bosanquet. 1870. [3919] Reeortlon. 1805. [5110] Viviani. 1077. [6716] Caracciolo. 1790. [7909] Fine. 1556. [8933 ] Harris. J 884. [16399] j ' v. Conchoid." TROCH._>ID v. Cycloid. TRUSSES: [8099. 17342] Gril'tit hs. 1880. TUNGSTEN: [11315] Mallet. 1875. | J 4226] Riche. 1857. TUNING FORK : [13947] Hayleii:h. 1883. [15013] Stanhope. 18oO. [17096] Kielhauser. 1907. TUNNELLING AND EXCAVATING : 1 1S13] Haupt. 1867. [4156]Rziha. 1807-72. [4385-8] Simms. 1844-77. | [4569]Stauffer. 19oo. [51 04 j Walker. 1888. [0589] ! Buck. 1880. [1)5201 Hudson. 19o2. [S 3219] i Drinker. 1878. '. Blasting. JJorin;/ ami Drill in;/. Earthwork. TUXXEL.- 'SUBAQUEOUS) : [ 865 ! ( 'opperthwaite. 1905. j [120721 Xickles. 1858. [S 3409] Copperthwaite. [ -r l Channel Railway TURBINES (STEAM) : [4613] Stodola. 1906. [5163] j Walker. 1908. [7295] Dietrich. 1900. [8390] Gibson. 1908. [9484] Hospitalier. v. y. [9944] ! Jude. 19oO. [15236] Thomas. 1906. [S 3594] Richardson. 1911. [S 3705] Zahikjanz. 1906. /. ^Marine En/jinex. (WATER): [5478] Wood. 1895. [6287] Bodmer. j 1895. "73271 Donaldson. 1883. [8273] Garnett. : 1908. [13005] Passot. 1839. [14575] Riihl- j maim. 1846. [S 355OJ Orten- Roving. 1910. TURNING AND THE LATHE : [1974] Holtzapffel. 1840. j -S4. ! 2080] Ibbetson. 1 83o. | 4900 ] Turning. 1859. [6062] Bayley. 1878. [0130] Bergeron. 1S10. [753'l] Elphinstone. 1872. [7580] j Engleheart. 1807. ) 7709-1 ! Evans. 1889-1904. j [9413-14] Holtzapffel. 1846-84. [ 9401 ] Horner. j 1893. [9640-7] Ibbetson. 1830." [11070-81] j Lukin. 1870-88. [120781 Xicolson and Smith. 1908. [12754-5] Xorthcott. 1808-70. [13135] Peri gal. n.d. [16713] Taylor. 1874-5. [S3521] Lukim 1871. |S 3500J Pliimier. 1749. T \VIXKI.IXG OF STARS : [9431 j Hooke. 1005. [14103] Kf-spiylii. isti.s. [15405] Vitellio. 1535." TYPES, CHEMICAL THEORY OF : I 739 t \ Dumas. 1840. | >539' < loriip-Bcsaney.. iSlio. [9378. 9382] '< Holmann. 1H4S-50. L'XDULATORY THEORY /.'. /,/;////, \\'(li-e TleortJ of. UNITS. C. G. S. SYSTEM OF : [7719-20. 7722 ] Everett. I 1875-91. UNIVERSAL SCIENCE, SYSTEM or : |5495| Woodward. I 1816. URAXUS M'LAXET) : [5650] Adams. IslO. |'.H91. ',1199) Hersehel. 1787-8. 1 9896-9] Jones. 1784 99. [1O776] Le \'errier. IMO. URINE, CHEMISTRY OF: [85] Allen. 1895. [11203] Maeviear. 1870. USES OF SCIENCE : [349-53] Uoyle. HJIJ3 -71. r. of. VACUUM TUBES, EXPERIMENTS \vrra: [4197] Salomons. 1903. VALENCY. THEORY OF: [8lo3. 8108-!t] Frankland. 1852-77. [12:548-1)] Xaquet. 18(37-8. VALLEYS, FORMATION OF : [Ioi32] Kinahan. 1875. VALUES (CORRESPONDENT) : [5227] Waring. 1789. VALUING v. Mea*uring and I*. VALVE (SAFETY) : [ 1 2'.tllj Papin. 1082. - (Si. IDE; : [001!*] Burgh. 1870. GEARS : [ 5592 j Zenner. 1809. VANADIUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS: [13273] Phipson. n.d. VAPORIZATION LIMIT: [1295] Faraday. 1826. VAPORIZERS : [9477] Hospitalier. v.y. VAPOUR DENSITIES: [1115. 7395] Dumas. 1838. [13429) Playt'air and Wanklyii. 1861. - PRESSURE : [9985] Kamtz. 1820. [13127] Per- man. 1905. [1 3874] Ramsay and Young. 1884. VARIABLES (COMPLEX) : [8887] Hankel. 1807. [10246] Kowalewski. 1911. (IMAGINARY): [5076. 15055] Villie. 1885-98. \"ARIATIO.NS, CALCULUS OF v. Calculus of I". VARXISHES AXD VARNISHING : [4554] Stalker and Parker. 1H88. [5705] Andres. 1882. [11409] .\lareucci. 1810. [11917] Aliniatura. 1755. [14014] Sal>in. 1900. [SS 2728] Buonanm. 1780. [SS 2757-8] Dossie. 1758-04. v. Japan/tin;/. Lacquers. VAULTS v. Arches and Vault-?. VECTOR ANALYSIS : [9142] Henrici and Turner. 1903. | 15812-14] Burali-Forti et ^hu-eolongo. 1910-13. [15879] Col'lin. 1909. [10038] Gans. 190i. [10175] Ignatowsky. 1909-10. [17073] Heun. 1900. |S 308] Gibl-v. 1900. v. Grassmann'a Space A^nalysis. Mechanics ( I'cctorial). Quaternions. VECTORS ((,'OPLANAR), ALGEBRA OF : [16115] Hay- ward. 1892. VEGETABLE ]\IOULD, FORMATION OF : [5471] Wollny. 1897. VELOCITIES (ORGANIC AND INORGANIC): [17162] Olshausen. 1903. (VIRTUAL): [5O50] ViMituroli. 1823. [14907- 1 1] Smeaton. 1 794-1813. VENTILATION AND HEATING: [108] Arnott. 1855. | "404 1 Billings. 1884. [1151] Edwards. 1868. [1481-4] Ganger. 1713-36. [1739.1742. 1747] Hales. 1743-50. [1977] Hood. 1879. [3936] Reid. 1844. [3993] Richardson, 1837. [4570] Steam Healing Problems. 1886. [481 ] Thomas. 1900. [4936] Tredgold. 1821. | 5472 | Wolpert. 1890. [5842] Arnott. 1838. |0400| Buyers. 1807. [0575] linelian. 1891. [7004] Constan- tine. 1HSI. [7374) Drysdale and Hayward. IS72. [7460-1] Edward's. 180881. [8255] Galton. 1S81. [8303] Ganger. 1713. [9426-9] Hood. I8H 85. [101721 Kittredge. 1892. [10074] Leeds. 1.S76. | 1 3274 j I "nipson. l.",59. [13595) Prat. 1898. [14270] Kite-hit'. 1802. | 14346| I'vobins. 1885. v. Ch'inntcyvandXtoi-ex. Mine I'. Smoke Abatement. OF SHIPS : | 4686 ] Sutton. 1749. \"I-:NUS (PLANET): [4278-80] Schroter. 1792-6. | (i596 | liungr. 1789. 1 9203 1 Mersclu-l. 1793. [10864] Lindenau. ISlo. | 12(58] | Xiesten. 1891. [SS 1 134] Hir/garler. 1043. v. Transit* of \'cnn*. VIADUCTS: |11<596| ."\Iaynard. 1808. [12002] .Morandiere. 1871-82. ATION- OF I'MDS AM) SrRiVfJS : [3980-7 I Kiceati. 1707. [4970] Tyndall. 1800. [12944] Paradisi. 1800. [14154-5] Kiec-ati. 1767-84. INDEX. 963 VIBRATORY MOTION : [7723] Everett. 1882. [8392] Gilbert. 1823-5. [9445] Hopkinson. 1910. [17021] Everett. 1882. [17058] Guillet. 1913. [17078] Hort. 1910. [17141] Michie. 1901. v. Waves, Theory of. VINEGAR: [1112] Dujardin. 1892. [3489] Pasteur. 1868. [4361] Shannon. 1805. [5871] Aubergier. 1825. [10751]LeSourd. 1892. [13082] Pelouze. 1828. Vis VIVA: [2781] Mairan. 1741. [5587] Zanotti. 1752. [9994] Kant. 1746. [SS 1487] Alembert. 1743. [SS 1600] Chatelet-Lomont. 1741. [SS 1787-8] Huygens. 1673. [SS 1863-4] Mairan. 1741. [SS 2183] Zanotti. 1752. VISCOSITY : [903] Crookes. 1881. [9869-70] Jones. 1904-5. [14642] Sakurai. 1908. [S 2390] Viscosity. 1850-87. VISION, THEORY OF : [872] Cornelius. 1861. [3716] Porta. 1593. [5326-7] Wells. 1792-1818. [5577] Young. 1793. [6410] Boyle. 1688. [6586] Buchner. 1753. [7820] Fearn. 1837. [8015] Forbes. 1845. [10097] Kepler. 1604. [11640-1] Maurice. 1823-5. [15605] Wollaston. 1824. [SS 1658-9] Euclide. 1573. [SS 1742-4] Grimaldi. 1665. [SS 1895] Montalto. 1606. [SS 1953] Ott. 1670-1. v. Colour V. Microscopic V. Telescopic. V. : PARADOXES : [13960] Reade. 1818. VITRUVIUS, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF : [SS 3057-8] Poleni. 1739-41. VIVIANITE : [12673] Nickles. 1855. VOLATILE ORGANIC BASES : [9378. 9382] Hofmann. 1848-50. VOLATILIZATION : [13875] Ramsay and Young. 1884. [SS 1583-4] Boyle. 1675. VOLCANOLOGY : [1761] Hamilton. 1773. [2018]Hull. 1892. [34411 Palmieri. 1873. [3508] Peacock. 1882. [3902]" Raspe. 1776. [3906] Ray. 1692. [4313-14] Scrope. 1858-62. [5877] Auldjo 1633. [6338] Borkowski. c. 1810. [6990] Collini. 1781. [7176-7] Daubeny. 1835-46. [7809] Faujas de St. Fond. 1784. [8858-66] Hamilton. 1772-95. [9260] Hibbert-Ware. 1832. [9553] Humboldt. 1843. [9950] Judd. 1881-8. [10170] Kircher. 1669. [10922-3] Lobley. 1889-98. [11124] Lyell. 1859. [11324] Mallet. 1872-4. [11392] Maravigna. 1838. [11747] Menard de la Groye. 1815. [11882] Mills. 1790. [12037] Monticelli et Covelli. 1822. [12828] Ordinaire. 1802. [12907-8] Palmieri. 1872-3. [13219] Phillips. 1869. [13917-18] Raspe. 1776. [14163] Ricciardi. 1883. [14785-7] Scrope. 1825-62. [15584] Winchelsea. 1669. [S 2446-7] Anderson. 1903. [S 2501] Daubeny. 1826. [S 2607] Zurcher and Margolle. 1868. v. Seismology. Thermal Springs. VORTEX RINGS : [14243] Riemann. 1879. [15263. 17248] Thomson. 1883. THEORY (CARTESIAN) : [1020-2] Descartes. 1664-92. [1363] Fontenelle. 1752. [3693] Poleni. 1712. [5075] Villcmot. 1707. [7262-4] Descartes. 1664-77. [9507] Howard. 1700. [SS 1652] Duhamel. 1660. v. Descartes and Newton. OF MATTER: [13891] Rankine. 1850. [15263] Thomson. 1883. [17180 ]Poincare. 1893. WALTENHOFEN PHENOMENON : [13074] Peirce. 1911. WAR ENGINES : [1499] Gaya. 1678. [2642] Lipsius. 1596. [4168] St. Julien. 1706. [4301] Scoffern. 1852. [5046-7] Vegetius. 1532-1607. [9181] Hero Alexandrinus. 1866. [9183] Hero Mechanicus. 1572. [9787] Jervis. 1859. [15373- 4]Valturio. 1483-1532. [15379-80] Vegetius. 1585. v. Fire Arms. Gunnery and Artillery. WARSHIPS : [3428] Ozanne. c. 1760. [5866] Atwood. 1904. [7362] Dredge. 1892. [8986] Harvey. 1824. [10142] King. 1878. [10486] Langmaid and Gaisford. 1893. [11381] Marchal. 1876. v. Ships (Iron). WATCH BALANCES, VIBRATIONS OF : [5868] Atwood. 1794. WATER: [4977] Tyndall. 1872-85. [6986] Coles- Finch. 1908. [14503] Rotherham. 1770. , CHEMICAL ACTION OF : [13096] Penny. 1855. , COMPOSITION OF : [742-3] Cavendish. 1851. [3796] Priestley. 1788. [5252-4] Watt. 1839-46. [6800-1] Cavendish. 1851. [9563] Humboldt et Gay-Lussac. 1805. : PARADOXES: [15047] Stevenson. 1849. , COMPRESSIBILITY OF : [SS 1477-81] Accademia del Cimento. 1667-91. , DENSITY OF : [2714-15] Luc. 1772. [9930] Joule and Playfair. 1846. , DISTILLATION AND PURIFICATION OF : [555] Boyle. 1674. [1739-42] Hales. 1739-56. [4003] Rideal. 1897. [6430-1] Boyle. 1674-90. [7932-3] Fitzgerald. 1683-4. [8561] Graham and Miller. 1851. [8683] Grew. 1684. [8804-5] Hales. 1739. [12728] Normandy. 1855. [14513] Roulet. 1851. [14692] Scacchi. 1622. , ELECTROLYSIS OF : [5126-9] Volta. 1793-1816. [SS 2579] Marum. 1798. v. Water, Composition of. , EXPERIMENTS ON : [3797] Priestley. 1785. , MICROSCOPY OF: [8117] Frankland. 1894. [15524] Whipple. 1899. , SPECIFIC HEAT OF : [SS 2020] Regnault. 1847. ANALYSIS : [2280] Kershaw. 1907. [2744] Macdonald. 1875. [2965] Mez. 1898. [5194] Wanklyn and Chapman. 1896. [6259] Blair. 1890. [8079] Fox. 1878. [8103. 8115] Frank- land. 1877-80. [8441]Giulianelli. 1701. [10974] Loeffler, etc. 1896. [11711] Medlock. 1857-8. [12905] Palmer. 1911. [14171 -2] Richards. 1900-8. FILTRATION W T ORKS : [S 3448] Fuertes. 1904. GAS: [4853]Thwaite. 1889. [5060] Verver. 1858. [6275]Blondeaii. c. 1840. [12392]Naumann. 1881. v. Producer Gas. GLASS: [8176] Fuchs. 1861. [10319] Kuhlmann. 1858. LINES : [13901] Rankine. 1864. RAISING MACHINES : [729] Caus. 1659. [1268] Ewbank. 1870. [3102] Morin. 1863. [3108] Morland. 1685. [5101-6] Vitruvius. 1567-1800. [7724-5] Ewbank. 1851-70. [8242] Galli. 1694. [10475] Landriani. 1782. [12144] Morin. 1863. [12157-9] Morland. 1685-97. \ v. Fire Engines. Hydraulic Ram. Pumps. - RESERVOIRS : [14758] Schuyler. 1905. SUPPLY ENGINEERING: [651] Burton. 1894. [3692] Poleni. 1718. [5061] Vescovali. 1858. [5303] W T egmann. 1896. [6117] Beloe. 1872. [6306] Bolton. 1888. [6645] Burton. 1898. [7991] Folwell. 1901. [8112] Frankland. 1896. [8188] Furtenbach. 1662. [8781]Hagen. 1869- 70. [9552] Humber. 1876. [10974] Loeffler, etc. 1896. [11246] Me Pherson. 1900. [11358] Mansbergh. 1882. [11596-7] Matthews. 1835. [11843]Middleton. 1903. [12456] NewYork. 1900. [12640] Nichols. 1888. [14758] Schuyler. 1905. [1 5409-1 1] Vitruvius. 1511-1649. [S 3436] Fan- ning. 1906. [S 3609] Scott-Moncrieff. 1896. v. Wells (Artesian). GEOLOGY: [3765] Prestwich. 1851. [4355] Shadwell. 1899. [4540] Spon 1885. [5780] Ansted. 1878. [13622] Prestwich. 1851. [13883] Ranee. 1882. [14950]Smith. 1852. [15368] Uzielli. 1899. 964 INDEX. WATER WHEELS : [13352] Piobert et Tardy. 1840. [13486] Poncelet. 1832. [14575] Riihlmann. 1846. v. Turbines (Water). WATERWORKS : [289-90] Bate. 1634-54. [324] Belidor. 1737-53. [651] Burton. 1894. [729] Caxis (I. de). 1659. [730] Caus (S. de). 1615. [4700-1 ]Switzer. 1729-34. [5944] Baker. 1897. [6043-4] Bate. 1634. [6105] Belidor. 1737-53. [6645] Burton. 1898. [6777] Caus. 1704. [9000] Haskoll. 1868. [9058] Hazlehurst. 1901. [9538] Hughes. 1872-82. [12159] Morland. 1697. [SS 30] Bate. 1631. v. Hydraulic Engineering. WAVES, THEORY or : [1266] Everett. 1882. [5283-4] Weber. 1825. [5340] Wheeler. 1906. [6568] Bryan. 1889. [6893] Cialdi. 1856. [7971] Fleming. 1902. [8759] Guthrie. 1875. [9019] Haughton. 1849. [10434] Lamb. 1898. [11039] Love. 1903. [13401] Plateau. 1873. [13434] Pochhammer. ]863. [13890. 13893. 13903] Rankine. 1863-81. [15113. 15125] Stoney. 1861-97. [16944] Bateman. 1915. [17026] Fleming. 1902. [17221] Schaik. 1902. [17273] Weber. 1825. [S 1776] Cauchy. 1815. [S 1954] Hadamard. 1903. [S 2283] Russell. 1885. v. Electric Waves. Light, Wave Theory of. Hippies. Sound Waves. Vibratory Motion. , THERMODYNAMIC THEORY OF : [13903] Rankine. 1870. W T AXES : [2582] Lewkowitsch. 1898. [6518] Brodie. 1849. [13048] Pearson. 1794. [S 3033] Fryer. 1917. [SS 2757-8] Dossie. 1758-64. (SEALING): [5765] Andres. 1882. [8994]Harzer. 1848. WEALTH, MATHEMATICAL THEORY or : [887] Cournot. 1838. WEATHER : [9] Abercromby. 1887. [3677] Pointer. 1738. [5435] Willsford. 1658. [5615-16] Abercromby. 1887-96. [7934. 7937-8] Fitz- gerald. 1859-63. [9578]Hutchinson. 1782. [11205 -6] Mackenzie. 1818-29. [11891-2] Mills. 1770-3. [13468-9]Pointer. 1723-38. [14594] Russell. 1895. . , TYPES OF: [2753] Mackenzie. 1821. CHARTS: [1455] Galton. 1863. [4310-11] Scott. 1876-87. FORECASTING: [140] Aratus. 1828. [3019] Mizauld. 1554-8. [5810] Aratus. 1880. [7013] Cooper. 1890. [9129] Henderson. 1841. [9455] Hopton. 1616. [11777-8] Merry weather. 1851. [11891-2] Mills. 1770-3. [12298] Murphy. 1837. [14594] Russell. 1895. [15212] Taylor. 1814-20. v. Storm Warnings. REPORTS : [2956] Meteorological Office. 1872-94. RULES : [800] Claridge. 1827. [6903-5] Claridge. 1714-1827. WEAVING : [5546] Yates. 1843. [6076] Beaumont. 1712. [12882. 12918] Page. 1864. [13576] Powell. 1661. [S 3145] Walmsley. 1893. v. Loom (Pneumatic). Textile Fibres. Textile Industries. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES v. Metrology. WELLS (ARTESIAN) : [8275] Gamier. 1826. WHEATSTONE'S BRIDGE : [15516-17] Wheatstone. 1843-79. WHEELS (CARRIAGE): [914]Cumming. 1799. [14527- 9]Rowe. 1734. v. Ball-Bearings. Carriage and Coach Building. Pedrail. WIND AND CURRENT CHARTS : [3011] Miscellanea Curiosa. 1705-7. [10653] Le Clerc. 1705. [11649-52] Maury. 1854-61. [11943-5] Mis- cellanea Curiosa. 1708-27. [14031]Rennell. 1832. v. Ocean Charts. WINDING MACHINERY : [13109] Percy. 1880. ': 1] WINDS (TRADE) AND MONSOONS : [3011] Miscellanea Curiosa. 17057. .THEORY OF: [452. 6296-7]Bohun. 1671. [7450] Eeles. 1771. [9587-8] Hutton. 1792. [11434-5] Mariotte. 1686-1700. [11943-5] Miscellanea Curi- osa. 1708-27. [15320-1] Torricelli. 1715. [SS2228- 30] Barlow. 1715-22. [SS2285]LaBrosse. 1717. v. Air Currents. Meteorology (Dynamic). Sea Breeze. Storms, T. of. WINE : [305] Beckwith. 1868. [758] Cliaptal- 3807. [1012] Denman. 1875. [1112] Dujardin- 1892. [2639] Lippe. 1894. [3202] Xessler. 1894. [3582] Phillip. 1596. [3715] Porta. 1583. [3922-3] Redding. 1851-60. [4361] Shannon. 1805. [4366] Shaw. 1863. [4849] Thudichum and Dupre. 1872. [5094] Vintners. c. 1750. [5637]Accum. 1820. [5871] Aubergier. 1825. [6017] Barry. 1775. [6657] Busby. 1825. [6737] Carnell. 1814. [6826-7] Chaptal. 1801. [6829]CharpentierCossigny. 1807. [7187]Davies. 1822. [7336] Donovan. 1830. [8762] Guyot. 1876. [9331] Hoare. 1841. [10302] Krebs. 1887. [10751] Le Sourd. 1892.. [11159-60] McBride. 1793. [11168-9] Macculloch. 1816-7. [11628]Maumene. 1890. [11638] Maupin. 1799. [11725]Meibom. 1668. [12075] Morgan. 1898. [13012] Pasteur. 1875. [14287] Robert. 1897. [14559-60] Rozier. 1772. [14692] Scacchi. 1622. [15404] Vispre. 1786. v. Chaptalising. Cider. Fermentation. , CHEMISTRY OF : [3144] Mulder. 1857. [871 Griinhut. 1897 [14625] Sage. 1769. WIRE ROPE : [1935] Hipkins. 1896. WOOD, CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF : [761 Charpentier. 1890. [5091] Vincent. 1873. [S3217] Demuth. 1907. , PRESERVATION OF: [S3146]Wallis-Tayler. 1917. v. Dry Rot. WOOD-ENGRAVING : [12910] Papillon. 1766. -WORKING MACHINERY : [3889] Ransome. 1895. [3992] Richards. 1873. [14174-5] Richards. 1872. WORKSHOP RECEIPTS : [1736] Haldane. 1890. [2658-9] Lock. 1885-9. [4541] Spon. 1888. [8000] Haldane. 1906. [10932] Lock. 1885. v. Receipts (Practical). ' WRITING GEOMETRICALLY DEMONSTRATED : [1823] Hawkes. 1747. X RAYS : [487] Bottone. 1898. [3115] Morton and Hammer. 1896. [3596] Phillips. 1898.. [4067] Ro'ntgen. 1896. [4068] Rontgen Ray Society (American). 1905. [4812] Thompson. 1896. [5182] Walsh. 1899. [6659] Biittner und Muller. 1897. [8740] Guillaume. 1896. [8915] Harper's Scientific Memoirs. 1899. [9077] Hebert. 1897. [12412] Neesen. 1904. [14433] Rontgen. 1896. [15239] Thompson. 1896. [S 3869] Rontgen Society. 1904-17. YACHTS: [10324] Kunhardt. 1887. [11415] Marett. 1856. ZEEMAN EFFECT : [10140] King. 1909. [S 2440] Zeeman. 1913. ZENITH DISTANCES : [11411] Marcuse. 1902. v. Polar Distances. ZINC, CHEMISTRY AND METALLURGY OF : [3539] Percy. 1861. [5243-4] Watson. 1784-96. [6992] Combet. 1875. [7055] Cowper-Coles. 1904-5. [8752]Giinther. 1904. [9662-3 ]Ingalls. 1902-3. [ 10341 ] Kupferschlaeger. 1860. [13111] Percy. 1861. [14202. 14206. 14213] Richards. 1895-1906. [15272] Thomson. 1831. [15464-6] Watson. 1791-1800. [S 3255] Ingalls. 1906. ZIRCONIUM : [13363] Pisani. 1864. ZODIACAL LIGHT : [4258] Schmidt, 1856. [9186] Herschel. 1867. [14789] Searle. 1883. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY TEL. NO. 642-3405 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 21969 6S LD LD21A-60m-6,'69 (J9096slO)476-A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley -