-NRLF REATISE, Wt^ SHEWING THE Ik. INTIMATE CONNECTION THAT SUBSISTS BETWEEN (AGRICULTURE AND CHEMISTRY, ADDRESSED TO THE CULTIVATORS OF THE SOIL, TO THE PROPRIETORS OF FENS AND MOSSES, IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND; AND TO THE PROPRIETORS OF WEST INDIA ESTATES. BY THE EARL OF DUNDONALD. <' Let us cultivate the Ground, that the Poor, as well as the Rich, may be filled, and Happiness and Peace be established throughout our Border*," A NEW EDITION. lontron: PRINTED FOR JOHN MURRAY, 32, FLEET- SIR EET J j. HARDING, 3G, ST. JAMES'S-STREET; AND A. CONSTABLE, EDINBURGH. 1803. Price 10s. 6d. in Boards. I..* A^U IUM LIBRARY AGRIC. OBFT. HEADS, OR TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page EARTH, - n Calcareous do. . . - - - _ - j ^ Argillaceous do. - ----- Siliceous do. - - - - -- - - Magneslan do. - . - - - - - Earth of Iron, - - - - - - ' - Air, ------- -- Water, ----- _ - - Heat, -------- - Saline Substances, - - - - - - Vegetables, - - -- - - - Ammallzed Matter contained in Vegetables, - - 23 Vegetables analysed by F/'re, 25 Analysis of Vegetables by Putrcfatilvi, 28 Oxygenation, - - - - - - 29 Vegetable Matter or Peat, - - - - 3 2 - 37 . Charcoal, M555847 vi CONTENTS. Page Charcoal^ or the Coke Coal, - og Sulphureous Schyst, - - _ 4! Lime^ - - . - . -.. 42, Chalk) or Uncalcined Calcareous Matter, - 42 Particular effects resulting from the application^ of Lime and Chalk to Ground^ - Alkaline Salts, - Magnesia considered as a Manure, - - - ^ i Iron, - - 52- Vitriolic Acid, - 55 Nitrous Acid, - "59 Marine or Muriatic Acid^ - " 59 Phosphoric Acid, and Soreline or Oxalic Acid, - 61 ImeffiS) - - 6l Saline Substances with earthy Eases, - 62 !Ttf^ g/* /^f /&W/J - 64 Description thereof, - 65 Saline Substances .composed of Alkalis and Acids, So Table of these Salts, - V.* : -/ 8 1 Description thereof, *- - - 8z Stable, Farm-yard Dung and Composts, 90 Draining-, - - - 141 Fa //owing, .---. 144 Paring CONTENTS. vii Paring and Burning, Method of analysing or ascertaining the presence of different^ I CO Earths or Substances in different Soi/s, - ^ Argillaceous Soils, - - 160 Calcareous or Chalky do. - - 166 Sandy do. - - 1 70 Outfield and Infield Lands, - - 172 .FW Mosses, Fens, and poor barren Lands in their vicinity <, ' 180 Drainage of the Fens, - - . West India Islands. Benefit to their Culture from a attention to the Gxygenation of vegetable matter, and the subsequent solution of it by Alkalis and other sa- I line bodies^ - Cultivation of Sorel with a view to the production ) of other more valuable crops, j Conclusion, - -- - -. 2 ii Addenda, - - . 2 Ai Appendix, - - 243 ERRATA. ERRATA: page 7, 3d line from the top, for angusti read angusta . 9, zd line from the bottom, for qui read qua; 35, 6th line from the bottom, prefix power of to the word solution 40, 3d line from the bottom, read thereto instead of thereto 43, 6th line from the top, read elective instead of electric, 54, i jth line from the top, read colour instead of colou 7j,.uth line from the top,, read elective instead of electrive, an error continued, throughout the Work. 103,, loth line from the top, for OBConomies read oeconomics 115, 8th. line from the bottom, for produced lead occasioned. INTRODUCTION. THERE are at present a variety of obstacles to the advancement of Agriculture in these kingdoms, or to the produdion of the greatest quantity of food from the soil. Amongst this variety there are those of a nature not to be removed but by the arm of Government ; whilst there are others wjiich only require due exertions on the part of individuals. The slow progress which Agriculture has hitherto made as a science, is to -be ascribed to a want of education on the part of the cultivators of the soil, and the want of* knowledge, in such Authors as have written on Agricul- ture, of the intimate connexion that subsists between this science and that of Chemistry. Indeed there is no opera- tion or process, not merely mechanical, that does not de- A perjd 2 INTRODUCTION. pend on Chemistry, which is defined to be a knowledge of the properties of bodies, and of the effe&s resulting from their different combinations. In the following pages an attempt will be made to ex- plain, on established principles^ the processes that ac- company the cultivation and amelioration of the soil. This discussion will come forward with peculiar advan- tage at a time when provisions bear so high a price, and when individuals, awakening from the golden dreams of manufactures and of commerce, begin to see, and expe- rimentally to feel, that the prosperity of a nation cannot be permanent, nor its inhabitants quiet and contented, in their respe&ive situations, where Agriculture is ne- gle&ed, and an unwise preference given to marmfa&ures and to commerce ; occupations that produce very different effe&s on the bodies and minds of men, from those that arc attendant on the sober and healthful employment of husbandry. By the adoption of a new line of investigation, ex- emplified in the following Treatise, light has not only been been thrown on the action and efTe&s of the manures at present employed, but the uses of other substances, and methods of combining and preparing them, have been discovered ; from which there are just grounds to believe a valuable addition will accrue to the present stock of Agricultural Knowledge* It will appear that the saline, and other substances ca- pable of being applied to promote vegetation, are very nu- merous ; by far the greater part of them have escaped the notice of those who have made Agriculture their study, nor have any attempts even been made to explain on chemical principles the operation of the manures and substances now in use. Had such researches been prose- cuted to effed, they would have led to the discovery and application of other substances capable of being em- ployed, with equal, or perhaps superior advantages. The promoting of Agriculture is not solely to be con- sidered as creating a more plentiful supply of food, but it is to be regarded as morally and politically conducing to the true happiness of man, by giving to him the occu- A 2 pation 4 INTRODUCTION. . pation allotted to his first parents ; whence flow health, social order, and obedience to lawful authority ; conse- quences very different from those that are produced by the over-driven system of manufacturing, in which the industrious workman is often subje&ed to great inconve- niencies, not only by the flu&uation in the demand for the articles he manufactures, but likewise by a total sus- pension of trade by war or other causes. When evils, like these, which he has no power to avert, press hard upon him, he is frequently rendered desirous of assisting to bring about any political change, whereby he is tempted to believe that his situation may % be rendered more comfortable ; hence he becomes unquiet, and to so- ciety a less valuable member than the husbandman, whose occupation does not expose him to such distress, nor to the like temptations. Whilst the benevolent must feel for the hardships to which, at times, manufa&urers are liable, still they can- not but recoiled the restless spirit so frequently mani- fested by persons of this description, even in the mo- ment of the greatest prosperity; especially in towns and cities, 5 cities, where, for the interest and convenience of the masters, and not of the workmen, they are collected in great numbers. To this assemblage may be ascribed the dissemination of pernicious doctrines, by a few profligate persons, who are to be found in all societies, and who have it in their power to corrupt the good principles of the many. The well affe&- ed thus become the tools of the seditious and designing.. To such political evils there is but one remedy : That a preference to all other pursuits be given to Agriculture. That the establishment of such branches of manufac- ture, as it may be wise to encourage, be promoted only in scattered villages, resembling the townships in America. By this plan the diseases of the body and the mind would be rendered less contagious ; each individual might, at a moderate rent, be supplied not only with a sufficient ex- tent of ground, to enable him to keep a cow, and supply his his family with milk, an article indispensably necessary to the rearing of healthy children ; but also what more might be requisite for raising potatoes, and other vegeta- bles, cultivated at his leisure by the spade, affording an agreeable and healthful change to his confined and seden- tary occupation. The Legislature of these kingdoms all good men and all well disposed subjects, are earnestly called upon to unite in promoting the more complete cultivation of the soil ; being the only system by which the comforts and the happiness of the people can be advanced, and the future existence o this country, as a kingdom, be effectually secured against foreign foes and domestic incendiaries* PREFATORY PREFATORY ADDRESS. MANY experiments, much labour and thought,, a desire to be usefully employed, with the leisure afforded by a retired life, proceeding from the res angusti domi, have enabled the Author to present the following Trea- tise to the Public. The importance of such a Work, and the peculiar fitness of it at this jun&ure, have induced him of late to dedicate the whole of his time to its compilation and arrangement; acc mplished with much personal incon- venience, and to the apparent neglet of some, important duties and family concerns, which otherwise would have claimed his prior regard. The 8 PREFATOPvY ADDRESS. The Author flatters himself, that his labours will be found to open a field of experiment, of chemical rea- soning, and of the practically useful, applicable to Agri- culture, of which that science has hitherto been thought o incapable. In the prosecution of his researches to so desirable an end, he acknowledges the assistance he has derived from the labours and valuable discoveries of a PRIESTLEY and a CAVENDISH, under the heads of Air, orGasses, Composi- tion, and Decomposition of Water ; so true is the obser- vation, that there is no art or discovery that is not the parent or sister of some other. ^ Gratitude requires that he should likewise acknow- ledge the obligations he is under to his friend Mr. VAN- COUVER, for the time he has kindly dedicated, and the relief he has afforded the Author in the fatigue of this publication a work wherein accuracy of chemical ex- pression a variety of important matter attended with the difficulty of distinct arrangement, never completely to be attained in any work, where the subjects to be treated PREFATORY ADDRESS. 9 treated of are so conne&ed and interwoven the one with the other, has necessarily required much refle&ion. Great care has been taken, in the arrangement adopted, to lead the mind of the reader from the discussion of such substances as are simple, to those that are of a compound nature; the pradtically useful observations unfolding themselves as the work advances. Contrary to the system of modern oratory and book- making, perspicuity, and its constant attendant, brevity, have been uniformly adhered to, under the convi&ion, that clear ideas are best expressed by the fewest words. " Non asseveravi qu By a further, and more intense application of heat, ail the constituent parts of vegetables, excepting the D earthy, A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF earthy, mdy be changed into the gassious state, and re- solved into their simple principles. By combustion in the open air, grain, carrots, pota- toes, &:c. 8cc. yield much more alkaline salts, than? straw, hay, or wood. Neither starch, nor the animalized matter of grainy yield fixed alkaline salts, when burned separately ; hence it appears, that the union of these substances is equally requisite for the formation of fixed alkaline salts as for sacharine matter. This analysis of vegetables by fire, is far from shewing the true state of combination, in which the simple prin- ciples of these substances existed in vegetables. The acid phlegm, the empyreumatic oil, the vegetable alkali, or potash, vitriolated tartar, or other neutral salts, are compound matters, or new ^combinations, produced by the action of heat, and decomposition of water, and are substances not only very different from those juices which the plant originally imbibed, but likewise very different from those matters found in the vegetables, after having AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY^ 2? having undergone, by the vegetative process, their full degree of concoction and maturation : whence it is ob- vious, that neither the precise food of vegetables, nor their component parts, can be ascertained by any ana- lysis of them by fire ; at least it is not practicable with the several substances, resulting from such process, to recompose a juice, or fluid, similar to that by which the vegetable had originally been nourished. v It has been stated, that by an intense degree of hea^t all the component parts of vegetables, excepting the .earthy, may be resolved into permanently elastic fluids, or gasses ; and into the compound substance called water. By vegetables being thus reduced to their simple or elementary principles, they are found to be composed of gasses, with a small proportion of calcareous matter. Al- though this discovery may appear of small moment to the practical farmer, yet it is well deserving of his atten- tion and notice, as it throws great light on the nature arid food of vegetables, and proves that a large proportion of vegetables consist of the aery form, fluids or gasses. x> 2 28 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF ANALYSIS OF VEGETABLES BY PUTREFACTION. THE resolution or separation of the component parts of vegetables by putrefa6tion, must evidently appear far better adapted to answer the inquiries of the Chemical Agriculturist, than any analysis of them by fire. This process can take place only when attended with air, moisture, and a due degree of heat. Water is de- composed vital air absorbed heat disengaged, and new combinations formed, such as Gasses with soluble and insoluble matters. The gasses are Inflammable and azotic or phlogisti- cated air, forming volatile alkali and fixable air. The soluble saline matters consist of phosphoric, sore- line, or vegetable acid, combined with vegetable, mi- neral, or volatile alkali. The AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 29 The insoluble matters consist of phosphoric, soreline, or vegetable acid, combined with lime, of calcareous matter. These last mentioned substances may likewise be pro- duced from vegetables which have not undergone the putrefactive process, by the tendency which pure air, vital air, or oxygen, has to combine with such like, and all other inflammable substances; a process here called V OXYGEN ATION. BY the combination of pure air with inflammable sub- stances, particular acids are formed, with the peculiar bases of those acids contained in inflammable substances. The acids, as they are formed, combine either with the calcareous matter of the vegetables, or with other cal- careous matter in the soil, forming salts, which for the most part are very insoluble. The process of putrefaction is always accompanied by that of oxygen ation : but oxygenation may be, and is to a great extent, independent of putrefaction. To 5 o A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF To this process of oxygen ation, the continuance of ve- getable matter on the surface of the earth is principally to be ascribed ; as in the case of peat mosses, fens, and mo- Tasses, as well as in most soils, but more especially in such as have long been under cultivation. The inde- structible state of vegetable matters, under these circum- stances, and their constant accretion, may be referred to the insoluble compounds, produced by the action of pure air on these inflammable substances, The insolubility, to a certain degree, of this system, adopted by nature, is undoubtedly to be preferred to one more completely soluble ; for it is evident, that if putre- faction, or oxygenation, had possessed the power of ren- dering all the vegetable matter, by a speedy process, soluble in water, two pernicious consequences must have followed : The rains would have washed down such extracts, and soluble matters, as fast as formed, into the rivers and springs., contaminating the waters, and ren- dering them unfit for the existence of fishes, or for the use x)f terrestrial animals. The sea, in process of time, 4would thereby receive all the vegetable and animal pro :duce of the dry land> and the earth would ultimately be- come 'AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. sr come barren, consisting alone of the simple earths, with- out any admixture of vegetable matter; consequently there' could be no accumulation of this substance on the surface, as is the case to an immense degree at present. As such there cannot be a doubt, but that the present in- complete process of putrefaiion, oxygenaiion, or solution of organic bodies, has been established by the Great Creator of all things for wise and benevolent purposes ; especially when it shall be understood, that the apparent imperfections of this (to a certain degree) insoluble system are, as they respect agriculture and vegetation, to be remedied, when necessary, by the ingenuity and indus- try 0f man. A frequent exposure of fresh surfaces to theaftion of the air, as in the case of fallowing, will, by promoting oxygenation, increase the insolubility of vegetable mat- ters contained in the soil. INERT A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF INERT VEGETABLE MATTER OR PEAT. INERT vegetable matter, or peat, is, for the most part, formed of the remains of aquatic vegetables, or of those vegetables which generally grow in humid or moist situ- ations. Their nourishment and growth are promoted by atmospheric air, by the decomposition of water, and by the calcareous matter held in solution, and contained in most water. These substances alone, according to the analyses of vegetables already given, are sufficient to ac- count for the growth of such aquatic vegetables, and the accumulation on the surface of the earth of such matter forming peat mosses and fens. Trees of a considerable size have been frequently four d at the bottom of peat mosses, with the appear- ance of having been cut down, or in part a<5led on by fire. Hence it may be inferred, that the peat moss itself did not give birth to, or support the growth of such trees ; but on the contrary, that by the destruction of forests, in consequence of natural causes, fire or war, the AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 33 the trees had been thrown down, and causing a stoppage of the waters in their passage to the sea, the growth and decay of the aquatic vegetables already described, had formed those extensive peat mosses and fens, which, in their natural state, are of all soils the most unproduc- tive, but which are the most fertile when improved. Peat is very retentive of moisture, retaining it in a manner similar to that of a spunge. At no time, there- fore, in this humid and northern climate, can such soils be divested of their superabundant proportion of mois- ture with which they charge themselves in the autumn, spring, and winter, as well as during the periodical rains in summer. The sun's rays, or drying winds, during the summer season, are exerted in conveying away, by eva- poration, this surplus moisture; and as heat is known to be abstracted from bodies, and cold generated by eva- poration, hence effects will arise injurious not only^ to climate, but likewise to vegetation in general; but more especially so to such plants as require a greater degree of heat and nourishment, than soils of the above descrip- tion will admit of. There can be little doubt, that these injurious effects on vegetation will extend themselves E even 4 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF even to the drier lands in the vicinity of such fens or mosses. The draining, reclaiming, and cultivating, lands so circumstanced, must appear not only important, from the great value of such lands when reclaimed, but likewise from the effects that such, drainage would have on the climate, temperature, and vegetation of the adjacent country. Peat is an inflammable substance ; consequently ca- pable of combining with pure air, or oxygen, and of becoming oxygenated ; a process already explained in the preceding part of this Treatise. The surface of peat mosses, or what is most exposed to the action of air, is capable of becoming more oxygenated than the under stratum. The oxygenation of peat, and indeed the combination of pure air or oxygen with inflammable substances, renders such substances less inflammable, a process ana- lagous to that of combustion : in both cases saline com- pounds are formed, which are uninflammable. It AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 35 It is upon this principle that inflammable bodies when exposed to air lose their combustibility, it being evident, that such matters as had saturated themselves with a full proportion of vital air, or oxygen, are incapable afterwards of combining with a greater quantity, and consequently must be uninflammable. On this account, the upper stratum of peat mosses is generally thrown aside when peats are dug for fuel. The longer peat moss is kept exposed to air, the less soluble it becomes, and ultimately imparts no colour to water ; whilst peat newly formed, or in a less degree oxygenated, imparts a colour to water which will be found to contain the extractive saline matters of fresh or less decayed vegetables. It is owing to this solution in water that no alkaline salt is procured from the ashes of peat, decayed vegetables, or water soaked wood. In peat mosses there are frequently springs of mineral water, which contain in solution saline and ferruginous matters. Hence the ashes of peat, besides the earthy E 2, matter, 3 6 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF matter, (consisting for the most part of phosphat of lime?) contain likewise phospaht of iron, gypsum, Epsom salt, and green vitriol ; and these in different proportions, ac- cording to the nature of the peat, and circumstances under which it had been formed. Hence also the ashes of different kinds of peat will have different effects when used as manures, or top-dressings, to ground. The decayed remains of vegetables, called in this Trea- tise inert vegetable matter, abundantly contained in many soils, especially those which have been much manured, and long under cultivation, are in all respe&s similar to peat, and capable, like peat, of different degrees of oxygenation and insolubility ; a process promoted by fallowing, or the exposure of fresh surfaces to the action of air. A method of rendering these inert vegetable mat- ters conducive to vegetation, will be given in the sequel of this work, when the application of saline matters to different soils is discussed. FOSS1LE AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. FOSSILE COAL Is an inflammable substance, formed of the remains of antediluvian vegetables, animal juices, and mineral or metallic substances, combined or mixed with earthy matters. Like peat it loses its inflammability by expo- sure to air, and becomes oxygenated. Saline compounds are thence formed ; they consist of green vitriol, Epsom salt, phosphat of lime, phosphat of iron, together with earth of iron, and a proportion of the uncombined simple earths. Oxygenated fossile coal is likewise capable of solution by saline substances, and of producing the same good effects in promoting vegetation as oxygenated peat, when treated in a similar manner. Such coal as is most applicable for this purpose is found at the crop or outburst of most seams, particu- larly those which are of a soft tender nature, and easily aded upon by the joint influence of air and water. It will 3 8 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF will require many years before coal, (wrought at a con- siderable depth, and brought to the surface) will, by ex- posure to air, become oxygenated, and attain what coal at a less depth had acquired by the a&ion of air and water during many ages, 'JO "When coal is in a state capable of being rendered so- luble, it is soft and friable ; when rubbed between the fingers it appears like soot; when thrown into the fire it does not burn with any flame; and whilst consum- ing, emits a smell more like unto that from the com- bustion of peat than coal. Most fossile coal contains the bases requisite for form- ing, with a combination of pure air or oxygen, the fol- lowing acids, viz. the vitriolic or sulphuric, muriatic, phosphoric, The acid first formed is the sulphuric. As this is ge- nerated, it combines either with the earth of iron or the earth of magnesia, forming green vitriol and Epsom salt. These salts being very soluble, are readily washed away from the ,coal by rain or moisture ; after which, by a farther AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 39 farther supply of oxygen with their peculiar bases, the phosphoric and other acids are formed. These acids, as they are generated, combine with the calcareous mat- ter of the coal, now by full decomposition rendered ca- pable of being afted upon, and form salts that are nearly insoluble. Oxygenated coal, when it is not found in that state, may be procured by exposing the smaller refuse coal of a colliery alternately to air and moisture. This process may be much accelerated by previously grinding the coal to a fine powder. CHARCOAL, OR THE COKE OF COAL, Is a substance in an intermediate state between that of vegetables, wood, or fossile coal ; and that of their re- duction to ashes. The making of charcoal is best performed in close vessels, or by a smothered method of combustion. By 4 By the combustion of charcoal in the open air, and in consequence of the combination of vital air, fixable air is produced. Carbonaceous matter or charcoal is likewise resolved into fixable and inflammable air, by the alternate appli- cation of moisture and heat to charcoal, in close vessels, in which case water is decompounded. There is reason to believe that the solar rays are no where on the surface of the earth sufficiently powerful to form charcoal or coke from vegetable matters or fos- A sile coal. Vegetable substances contain the carbonaceous princi- ple, or what by heat may become charcoal or coke, but are not prior there to charcoal. Charcoal, by different processes, may be made to afford the carbonaceous principle to plants. BITU- AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. SULPHUREOUS SCHYST. THIS substance generally accompanies the strata of coal and limestone. For the most part it consists of clay and pyrites, /'. e. iron mineralised by sulphur, with a pro- portion of calcareous matter and magnesia, the whole tinged with a black, blue, or grey colour, by mineral tar or oil. By exposure to air vitriolic acid is formed ; this, by combining with lime, magnesia, earth of iron, or clay, forms gypsum, Epsom salt, green vitriol, or allum. Sulphureous schyst acts powerfully as a manure to soils containing much phosphat of lime, or calcareous matter. It is found, in the greatest abundance, in the East part of the North Riding of Yorkshire, and is there called allum rock. LIMJE. 4 2 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF LIME Is produced from chalk, marble, limestone, coral, or shells, when submitted to a sufficient degree of heat to disengage the fixable air, or carbonic acid, with which, in a natural state, these substances are always united. Water has a great tendency to combine with lime; heat is disengaged, and there is reason to believe that the water is decomposed in the process. Newly made lime, from its power of destroying, or as it were burning vegetable and animal bodies, is termed caustic. When applied to or- ganic bodies, containing moisture, it rapidly destroys their adhesion, or continuity of parts, and disengages from them inflammable air, and azotic or phlogisticated air, forming volatile alkali. The residuum will be found to consist of charcoal, and of a combination of lime with the phosphoric and other acids, forming saline matters, which are nearly insoluble. The above effects are pro- duced by the application of lime to peat, or to soils con- taining AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 43 taming much vegetable matter ; part of which is dissipated in a gassious state, and part combines with the lime, form^ ing insoluble compounds, which cannot promote vege- tation, until brought into adion by other saline substances, either on the principle of superior affinity, or on that of the double electric attractions, as will be explained in the sequel of this work. CHALK, ORUNCALCINED CALCAREOUS MATTER. CHALK has not the same power as lime in destroying the texture of organic bodies, because it is saturated with fixable air: it has, however, an action on these sub- stances, or more properly speaking, these substances have an action on chalk, so soon as by oxygenation their respective acids are generated; in which case they will combine with the chalk, and form the nearly insoluble saline compounds, already described. By the action of F a these 44 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF these acids on chalk fixable air is disengaged. This gas is absorbed by the roots of vegetables, decomposed in the pro:ess of vegetation, affording the carbonaceous prin- ciple to vegetables ; whilst vital air, the other constituent part of fixable air, is thrown off by the respiratory power of vegetables. The different effects of lime and of chalk on vege- table and animal substances, shew, that when either of those materials is applied with a view to promote the fertility of the ground, they should be used according to circumstances, and the nature of the soil. PAR AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 45 PARTICULAR EFFECTS RESULTING FROM THE APPLI- CATION OF LIME AND CHALK TO GROUND. LIME is known to have a tendency to sink below the upper surface', and to form itself into a regular stratum between the fertile and the unfertile mould. After breaking up pasture ground that formerly had been limed on the sward, it is frequently observed in this situation : this has been generally ascribed to its spe- cific gravity, and to its acting in a mechanical manner. In gravelly, or sandy soils, there Can be no doubt but that the difFusibility and smallnessof the particles of lime will induce it mechanically to sink through the larger particles of the sand or gravel, and to remain at rest OH the more compact stratum which may resist its passage. When lands of this description have been limed, and kept constantly under annual crops, the greater mechani- cal process of the plough will operate against the lesser one of subsidence, and keep the lime diffused through the soil: but in clayey or loamy soils, which are equally diffusible 4j6 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF diffusible with lime, and nearly of the same specific gravity, the tendency which lime has to sink downwards, cannot be accounted for simply on mechanical principles. In lands of this description, under the plough, the lime is dispersed or mixed with the soil, until such time as these lands are laid down with grass seeds. After re- maining in this situation at rest for a certain number of years, on breaking up, a floor of calcareous matter will frequently be found lying immediately beneath the roots of the grass. This effect, contrarily to the general opinion of its being disserviceable, is of great utility, as the staple or depth of the soil is always increased and rendered less retentive of water in proportion to the distance which the lime penetrates downwards ; and thus by increasing the depth of the soil a greater scope is afforded for the ex- pansion of the roots and nourishment of vegetables. These effects of lime in soils, except in those that are gravelly or sandy, cannot be accounted for simply on mechanical principles, but may probably be explained on such as are chemical. Lime AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. ft Lime is capable of being dissolved in water, in six hundred times its own weight. Chalk, /. e. lime com- bined to a certain degree with fixable air, is insoluble ; but chalk is capable of solution by a greater proportion of fixable air, either in consequence of its disengagement from vegetable matters decaying in the soil, or from the changes which the carbonaceous matter therein con-^ tained may undergo. When chalk in this manner is ren- dered soluble, the solution will sink through the surface mould to a more compact stratum, through which it can- not pass : in this situation it will lose the superabundant proportion of fixable air by which it previously had be- come soluble, and will again return to the state of chalk, forming a stratum infinitely more pure and unadulterated than could possibly have been formed, had the process been merely mechanical : in which case, contrary to the fa6l, all the argillaceous, magnesian, siliceous, and ferru- ginous matters, of equal degree of attenuation or size of parts, would have sunk with the lime. * The * Chalk and clay are nearly of the same specific gravity, and sand of greater specific gravity than lime, 48 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF The abundant use of lime has undoubtedly occa- sioned the consumption of a large proportion of the vegetable and animal matters in the soils to which it has repeatedly been applied ; still the evil is not so great as at first it may appear. For although a considerable pro- portion of these matters has been disengaged in a gassious state, or othervvays made to contribute to the growth of plants, still the lime, or chalk, by entering into certain combinations, has formed' and accumulated a large stock jof insoluble matter, capable, by certain saline substances, of being again brought into action, and of being ren- dered -conducive to vegetation . ALKA- AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 49 ALKALINE SALTS ARE fixed, or volatile. The fixed are obtained by the combustion of marine and terrene plants. Mineral alkali is also to be procured from muriat of soda, or sea salt. The volatile is obtained from urine animal mat- ter -fossile coal soot and other substances. Alkaline salts combine with acids, forming neutral salts; with animal fat, and oil, and vegetable oils, they form soap, or a saponaceous matter, diffusible in water. Alkaline salts al upon and destroy the continuity of the parts of animal and vegetable substances : they acl: most power- fully on the latter, when oxygenated, forming therewith saline compounds, which, in a very high degree, pro- mote vegetation. Oxygenated vegetable matter, and oxygenated peat> when decomposed, and rendered soluble by alkaline salts, assume a brownish red colour, and are tasteless : hence the alkali must enter into combination, and be neu- tralized by an acid or acids. These will be found to G be be the phosphoric and soreline, or, as it is now generally termed, the oxalic acid, forming, according to the par- ticular alkali used, phosphat and oxalat of pot-ash phosphat and oxalat of soda, or mineral alkali phos- phat and oxalat of ammoniac, or volatile alkali. By exsiccation, the above-mentioned extract (which is very similar in its colour and effe&s on ground to the juice of dunghills) assumes the appearance of a darkish i brown gum, soluble at any time by the application of water. Alkaline substances adl in the same manner on oxygenated fossile coal, as they do on oxygenated vege- table matters or peat ; forming likewise a brownish red liquor, which equally promotes vegetation. The acids contained in oxygenated fossile coal, in a state of combi- nation with calcareous matter, will probably be found to be the phosphoric acid, the acid of borax, and that of sore], or the oxalic acid. MAG- AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. Is contained in steatities or soap rock, and in a variety of other earths and stones. It combines with acids, forming neutral salts, all of which are very soluble, and the greater part of them promote, in a very considerable degree, the growth of plants. Magnesian earths may be applied with peculiar advantage to soils generally, and not improperly called sour soils, containing green vitriol, arising from the decomposition of pyrites. It will decompose the metallic salt by superior affinity, and form with the acid, Epsom salt, known in a high degree to promote vegetation ; while the earth of iron will be separated in the state of an ochre, or iron com- bined with fixable air. G a IRON. 54 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF When alkalis, calcareous matter, or magnesia, are added to soils containing such metallic salts, they are decom- posed ; the acid combining with these substances in pre- ference to the earth of iron, which is separated in the state of yellow ochre^ or iron combined with fixable air. By the addition of animal, vegetable substances, or carbonaceous matter, to lands containing iron in this state, it is brought towards a metallic state, and fixable air is disengaged. Ground, containing much iron in the state of ochre, is of a yellowish tinge, or Colour; but as it receives dung or inflammable matter, the soil, together with the iron contained in it, will change to a brown or dark colou . Iron thus reduced to a metallic state is capable of com- bining with pure air or oxygen, in which case fixable air would be generated by the combination thereof with the carbonaceous matter of the iron. The fixable air thus generated, may fee disengaged from the earth of t iron by afresh application of inflammable matters. Nothing is at rest in this world ; all bodies are under- going successive changes from one .state to another. i On AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 55 On iron the changes are produced by the alternate action of inflammable matter, and pure air or oxygen : in the former case fixable air is disengaged ; in the latter, at- mospheric air is separated, or decomposed, by the abstrac- tion from it of pure air. Both the azotic or phlogisti- cated air, the other component part of atmospheric air, and fixable air, promote the growth of plants. VITRIOLIC ACID. THIS acid, in the new nomenclature, is called by the French chemists the sulphuric acid ; a name much more descriptive of its origin than that generally used. *" * J-i ' 4 4 WAl /^->.*.ljl..Wl'4.V^>--< 4 i'^ i- *-*- All acids, in the new nomenclature, are named from the peculiar bases or substances of which they are formed, by the combination of pure air, or oxygen ; the presence of which in all cases is necessary to constitute an acid. This process, under the head of oxygenation, has been frequently resorted to, and which, together with the insoluble saline compounds formed by the developement of 56 of certain acids from vegetable substances, and subse- quent combination of them with calcareous matter, con- stitute the most prominent feature in the present work. a due knowledge and attention to this very impor- tant process of nature, the most beneficial consequences may be derived. It being a process, which, as it respects agriculture, has not been noticed by any writer on that science. The vitriolic is the most powerful of all the acids. It disengages or expels other acids, when in a state of com- bination with metallic, earthy, or alkaline substances. When concentrated, it acts in a similar manner to that of alkaline salts, in the resolution or destruction of vege- table and animal substances, disengaging from them cer- tain gasses, and forming therewith certain saponace- jous and saline compounds. These solutions or extracts are of a reddish brown colour, similar to that produced by the action of alkaline salts on oxygenated peat. On the principles already stated, the vitriolic acid may be used beneficially to decompose, and to bring into action the AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 5 y the insoluble matter accumulated in soils, by the combi- nation of the phosphoric and soreline acids with calcare- ous matter. The vitriolic acid will join with the calca- reous matter, and form gypsum ; whilst the posphoric and soreline acids, in consequence of their disengage- ment, will combine with other matters in the soil, par- ticularly with magnesia, forming salts which are very soluble, and conducive to the growth of plants. But the endless series of processes adopted by nature, do not finish here ; for, on a supposition, that the phos- phoric and soreline acids had been fully disengaged from the calcareous matter, with which they had formerly been united, and that in the state of phosphat, and oxalat of potash, soda, ammoniac, or magnesia, they had expend- ed themselves in the .process of vegetation; still the gyp- sum remaining in the soil would, on a renewed applica- tion of dung, animal or vegetable matter, be brought from the state of gypsum, which is insoluble, to a state approaching to that of a hepar of lime, which is solu- ble ; and as the vitriolic acid and calcareous matter are con- gained in, and form a part of the compounded residuum H of S 8 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF of vegetable matters, it may hence be inferred, that these matters were not generated in, but were taken up, when in a state of solution, by the roots of plants. Thus may the good eflfedts of gypsum in America be accounted for. To these beneficial effects, from the combination of inflammable substances with gypsum, forming what is called a hepar or liver of sulphur, may be added the large share of nourishment, which trefoils, and plants of a certain formation of stem and leaf, receive, by the hepatic air 'disengaged from hepars, when they, by the process of oxygenation, are again returning to the state of neutral salts, of which such hepars had been formed by the combination of inflammable or carbonaceous matter. Thus by a thorough knowledge and application of chemistry to agriculture, the several substances in soils may be made to undergo a varied change of new com- binations, tending to promote the greatest of all objects, a more plentiful supply of food. NITROUS AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 59 NITROUS ACID. NITROUS acid is a compound of phlogisticated air or azotic gas with pure air or oxygen. This combination takes place under different circumstances, particularly by the putrefa6lion and decay of animal and vegetable substan- ces. As it forms, it combines either with calcareous matter or alkaline salts; forming saline substances, which are conducive to vegetation. The nitrous acid, in the table of affinities, is placed next to that of the vitriolic. MARINE, OK MURIATIC ACID. i THIS acid is next in affinity to the nitrous, and con- stitutes about one third of muriat of soda, or sea salt. It consists, like all other acids, of a combination of pure air or oxygen with a peculiar basis, which has not as yet H 2 been 6 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF been ascertained, but is supposed to be of an inflam- mable nature. Marine acid is contained in sea water, in salt rock, and in salt springs, combined with mineral alkali, or soda, and with the earth of magnesia. The disengagement and separation of this acid, from the alkaline basis with which it is united in sea or rock salt, may be accomplished by various methods ; one only has as yet been discovered and effected at an expence which can admit a manufactory of alkaline salts being established on an extensive scale. The accomplishment of this most desirable object, by a cheap and easy process, must appear, with respect to certain useful arts, as well as to the application of it to agriculture, to be one of the most important discoveries to which chemistry could have lent its aid. PHOS- AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY, 6 1 PHOSPHORIC ACID, AND SORELINE OR OXALIC ACID. THE origin, nature, and properties of these acids have previously been so fully discussed, that any further ex- planation is deemed unnecessary. INSECTS. INDEPENDENT of the various substances hitherto noticed, as being contained in soils, and affording their assistance in the production and nourishment of plants, the innumerable tribes of inserts which abound in rich soils, or soils long under cultivation, ought not to be everlooked. Some of these inserts are extremely noxious, whilst others are inoffensive to the vegetable kingdom ; but all, when destroyed, (as will hereafter directed) may be rendered serviceable in affording v^f a pro- 6a A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF a proportion of animal matter for the general uses of ve- getation. The common earth worm, which is inoffensive, may be made to rise to the surface, and to become useful for the domestic purpose of feeding poultry. -SALINE SUBSTANCES WITH EARTHY BASES. PURE clay, chalk or calcareous matter, magnesia, and the earth of iron, are capable of being dissolved by many acids, and of forming salts, which are more or less solu- ble. * As some one or more of these salts are contained in most soils, it is an object of great importance to agricul- ture, to ascertain what are the combinations which dif- ferent acids make with the earths above-mentioned; which of them are beneficial, and which injurious to ve- getation; as also how such injurious effects may be cor- refted. The * Siliceous matter is not included, being soluble only by the fluor acid. AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY 63 The following table will shew, the salts that may be formed, by the combination of the vitriolic nitrous muriatic phosphoric and soreline or oxalic acids, with clay, chalk, magnesia, and the earth of iron. To this a discussion more at large will be added on the respective properties of the several combinations thus formed, in promoting, or in retarding vegetation, agreeably to the following order. A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF TABLE. Vitriolic or Sulphuric acid Chalk do. Magnesia do. Earth of Iron do. Chalk Nitrous acid Magnesia do. Earth of Iron do. Chalk Marine or Muriatic acid do. do. - Phosphoric acid do. Magnesia Earth of Iron Chalk Magnesia Earth of Iron <5o. Chalk Soreline or Oxalic acid Magnesia do. Earth of Iron ,do. Sulphatof Argill or Allum. Sulphat of Lime or Gypsum. Do. of Magnesia or Epsom Salt. Sulphat of Iron or Green Vitriol. Nitrat of Lime. Nitrat of Magnesia. Nitrat of Iron. Muriat of Lime. Muriat of Magnesia. Muriat of Iron. Phosphat of Lime. Phosphat of Magnesia. Phosphat of Iron or Sederite. Oxalat of Lime. Oxalat of Magnesia. Oxalat of Jron. SUL- AGRICULTURE, WITH CHEMISTRY. 65 SULPHAT OF ARGIL OR ALLUM. ALLUM is a salt dissolvable in fifteen times its weight of water. It is produced in great quantities, by the de- composition of alluminous schyst or slate, on exposure to air, or by calcination. Dr. FRANCIS HOME* of Edinburgh, the first person who thought of making experiments with saline bodies in promoting the growth of plants, found no beneficial effects to result from the application of allum to garden mould, the soil on which his experiments were made. Allum is contained in many soils, and is daily forming by the decomposition of alluminous schyst. Where found in abundance, the soil is very properly denominated, by country people, a sour soil, on which few vegetables will grow. This sterility is to be correfted l?y lime, by earthy matters containing magnesia, and by i alka- * Vide Dr. HOME'S most valuable Treatise on that subject, published at Edin- burgh in 1756. 66 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF alkaline salts. The neutral salts formed by such applica- tions will be gypsum, Epsom salt, sulphat of potash, sul- phat of soda, and sulphat of ammoniac, according to the species of alkali applied. Although no beneficial effects were found to result from the experiments made by Dr. HOME, yet they may with great probability be expected to arise by the application of allum to soils con- taining much calcareous matter ; especially to such as contain, beside this latter substance, a sufficient pro- portion of animal and vegetable matter. The allum will in this case be decomposed by the calcareous matter, on the principle of superior affinity, whilst the fixable air of the calcareous matter will be disengaged, and on being absorbed by the roots of plants, will afford them the car- bonaceous principle. SULPHAT AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 67 SULPHAT OF LIME, OR GYPSUM. GYPSUM exists in great abundance, in many soils. It is prodccedby the decomposition of alhiminous schyst, con- taining a due proportion of calcareous matter; with which the sulphuric acid will join, as it is formed in preference to the earth of allum or clay. It is likewise formed by the decomposition of pyrites, in such soils as contain a sufficiency of calcareous mat- ter for the sulphuric acid to combine with, in prefe- rence to the earth of iron, the other constituent part of pyrites : and it is found in immense quantities, constitut- ing not only the soil, but the substratum, of some countries, to a great depth. Gypsum is to be decomposed by alka- line salts ; the sulphuric acid forming with them sulphat of potash and sulphat of soda, according to the alkali used. It is a salt very insoluble, requiring upwards of five hundred times its weight of water to dissolve it : hence supposing it equally deleterious to vegetation, as allum hath been considered, which is soluble in only fif- teen times its weight of water, it must prove less inju- i a rious, 68 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION" OF rious, from its greater degree of insolubility : but gyp- sum, far from being hurtful to vegetation when applied to certain soils, promotes vegetation in a very high degree,, as is evinced by the use of it ia some, parts of the Conti- nent of Europe and of America ; and is further proved by the chemical analysis of vegetables, whose ashes are found to coatain a certain portion of the component parts of gypsum. For the particular explanation of its mode of afting on soils suited to it See Vitriolic Acid,. SULPHAT OF MAGNESIA, OR EPSOM SALT. SULPHAT of magnesia, or Epsom salt, is not to be found in such abundance as allum or gypsum : it is con- tained in sea water, and is to be procured in greater quan- tities by decomposing the muriat of magnesia, or the bitter refuse liquor of salt works, by the means of the vitriolic acid. Native Epsom salt is sometimes to be met with in the mineral strata, mixed with clay and siliceous matter. It is formed in soils containing alluminous schyst, or pyrites, and a due proportion of the earth of 2 magne- AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 69 magnesia : in which case, on the decomposition of the schyst, or pyrites, the vitriolic acid so formed, will, by superior affinity, join with the magnesia, and form Epsom salt, in preference to the argillaceous or ferruginous, matter of the above-mentioned substances. Epsom salt is very soluble, dissolving in about twice its weight of cold water. It is decomposed by lime and alkalis, forming therewith gypsum, vitriolated tartar, Glauber salt, or vitriolic ammoniac. By Dr. HOME'S experiments, Epsom salt has been found in a very high degree to promote vegetation* He states, that it made the garden mould he used for his experiments produce one fourth more grain. SULPHAT A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF SULPHAT OF IRON, OR GREEN VITRIOL. ' THIS salt is formed naturally, in many places in great abundance, by the process of oxygenation, from sulphu- reous or pyriteous substances. These matters are gene- rally found accompanying the coal strata, as well as in coal itself; particularly in such coals as are sulphureous. This salt is very soluble in water, and is in a high de- gree injurious to vegetation, when it abounds in soils consisting of poor clay and siliceous matter, without any admixture of vegetable or calcareous substances. It is decomposed by alkaline salts, forming therewith vitriolated tantar, Glauber salt, vitriolic ammoniac, gypsum, and Epsom salt. When added to soils containing calcareous matter, and a due proportion of animal and vegetable sub- stances, it has been found, when - not used in too great quantities, to have producect beneficial efFefts in promoting the growth of grass ; but experiments have not as yet been made, fully to ascertain its effefts on arable land. NITRAT NITRAT OF LIME. THIS saline substance is found in the rubbish of old buildings, and in those materials from which salt-petre is extradted : viz. animal and vegetable matters, which, with a due proportion of calcareous earth, have under- gone the putrefactive process, together with a subse- quent, sufficiently long, exposure to atmospheric air. According to Dr. HOME, it is likewise contained in what is commonly called hard water, which, by his experi- ments, was found to promote the growth of plants in a much higher degree than soft- water. Nitrat of lime is very soluble, and is deliquescent; it is decomposed by fixed alkalis, and forms therewith nitrat of potash or salt-petre, and nitrat of soda, or cu- bic nitre. NITRAT A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF ON this subject, with precision, little can be advanced, as no agricultural experiments have, as yet, been made with this compound ; it is a very deliquescent and soluble salt ; and there is reason to expect, that it will produce effects, in promoting vegetation, similar to those which may result from the application of the nitrat of lime. It is decomposed by alkalis and lime, and forms there- with nitrat of potash, nitrat of soda, and nitrat of lime. NITRAT OF IRON. As this salt is rarely presented by nature, its properties or effects, as they may apply to Agriculture, are not worthy of observation. MURIAT AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. MURIAT OF LIME. THIS salt is found in a small proportion, in sea water. It is very soluble, and when mixed with dung, its effects in promoting vegetation will probably be found similar to those of the next article, the muriat of magnesia. It is decomposed by fixed alkalis, forming therewith muriat of potash, or digestive salt of silvius, ancl muriat of soda, or sea-salt. Is found in great abundance in sea water, con- stituting upwards of one fourth of the saline matter it contains. It may be procured in great quantities from the bitter refuse liquor which at present runs to waste at the salt works. t It is a salt very deliquescent, and of difficult chrystalli- zation ; its acid is capable, in a great measure, of being K expelled 74 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF expelled by heat, and very considerable benefit has been experienced from its use, in promoting vegetation, when mixed with dung, or compost dung-hills. It seems to possess, when applied in moderate quantities, the septic powers of sea salt, and thus to promote the complete putrefaction of dung. It is decomposed by fixed alkalis and lime, forming therewith digestive salt of silvius, sea salt, and muriat of lime. With ammoniac, or volatile alkali, it forms & triplicate salt of easy chrystallization. MURIAT OF IRON, THIS salt seldom occurs in nature. It is highly inimical to vegetation. It is decomposed by fixed alkalis, lime, and magnesia, forming digestive salt, sea salt, muriat of lime, and muriat of magnesia. PROS- AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 75 PHOSPHAT OF LIME Is contained in animal matters, such as bones, urine, shells, Sec. Sec. in some sorts of limestone, and in vegetable substances, particularly in the gluten, or vegeto-animal matter of wheat or other grain. It is a saline compound very insoluble. There is reason to be- lieve, a very considerable proportion of this nearly inso- luble salt is contained in most fertile soils, especially those that have been long under cultivation. It is not to be decomposed by pure alkalis ; but this may be ef-' fectecl by mild vegetable and mineral alkalis, on the principle of the double electrive attractions ; in which case, carbonat of lime (or chalk) will be precipitated, and the phosphoric acid will join with the alkali, and form phosphat of potash, or phosphat of soda, according to the alkali applied. These alkaline phosphats will be found to promote vegetation in a very great degree : the substances of which they are composed, viz. alka- line salts and phosphoric acid, are found in the ashes of most vegetables. K 2 PIIOS- 7 6 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF PHOSPHAT OF MAGNESIA. '. N i THIS is a very soluble salt; celdom occurs in nature; promotes vegetation. It may be formed in soils con- taining phosphat of lime and uncombined magnesia, by watering ground, containing these substances, with water acidulated by the vitriolic acid, or by an acid py- riteous liquor; or the acid maybe applied, by moistening mould with water properly acidulated by the vitriolic acid, and then sowing, or spreading the mould on the ground. In this case the vitriolic acid will join with the calcareous matter of the phosphat of lime, and form gypsum ; whilst the phosphoric acid, thus disengaged, will join with the magnesia in the soil, and form phos- phat of magnesia. If phosphat of lime can be decomposed by sulphat of iron, (on the principles of the double ele6trive attrac- tions) and form sulphat of lime (or gypsum) and phos- phat of iron, the phosphat of iron may, in that case, be decomposed by magnesia, forming phosphat of mag- nesia. PHOS- Is to be decomposed by alkaline salts and mag- nesia. OXALAT OF LIME. OXALAT of lime is a very insoluble saline compound/ formed by the combination of calcareous matter with the oxalic, or soreline acid, with which acid calcareous matter has a greater affinity than have alkaline salts, The oxalic acid, or acid of sorel, is found in the plant of the same name, combined with the vegetable alkali, in the state of a superacidulated salt ; and it is likewise contained in many other vegetables. Oxalat of lime is to be produced, by adding calcareous matter to the ex- pressed juice, or salt of sorel. The calcareous matter will combine with the acid, and form oxalat of lime ; whilst 7 g A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF "Whilst the carbonic acid, or fixable air, will combine with the vegetable alkali, forming mild alkali, or carbonat of potash. Much of the oxalat of lime will be formed, by adding calcareous matter to ground abounding with plants of sorel, or other vegetables containing the soreline or oxalic acid j by which application, the vegetable alkali will be disengaged in a carbonated or mild state. From the in- solubility of oxalat of lime, it is not probable that it can -contribute, per se y to the food of plants. It cannot be decomposed by alkalis, on superior affinity, because its affinity is greater .with calcareous matter; but it may be decomposed by the vitriolic acid, in which case, gypsum will be formed, and the sojeline, or oxalic acid, thus dis- engaged, will be capable of entering into new combina- tions with fixed, or volatile alkaline salts^ or magnesia. These combinations are soluble, and, when not super- acidulated, promote vegetation in a high degree, Oxalat of lime may probably .be decomposed by certain neutral salts, on the principles of the double elec- AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 79 eleclrive attractions, especially if the neutral salts, used for that purpose, are superacidulated. . Oxalat of lime is decomposed by fire ; the acid is de- stroyed, and carbonic acid, or fixable air, is formed, and disengaged* OXALAT OF MAGNESIA; THIS is a soluble salt, and, when not superacidulated, promotes vegetation. It is formed, by adding magnesia, or earthy matters, containing magnesia, to the juice, or salt of sorel ; the superabundant acid of which will combine with the magnesia. It is probable, that that ; part of the juice of sorel, which is in a neutral state, will be decomposed by the greater affinity that magnesia has to the soreline or oxalic acid; and that the vegetable alkali will be disengaged in a mild state, in the same manner as if calcareous matter, or chajk, had been used. OXALAT go A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF OXALAT OF IRON. "NOTHING certain can be advanced on the subje6t of tihis salt, farther than that it is decomposed by lime, mag- ne^ia, and alkalis. SALINE SUBSTANCES COMPOSED OF ALKALIS AND ACIDS. THE nature of the simple earths, and the compounds they form with different acids, having been explained, it will now be proper to give a list of such neutral salts as may be formed by the combination of the acids al- ready mentioned with alkaline salts. 'These are stated in the following table, to which will 'be added, under each distinct ,head, the peculiar powers jof each, in promoting or retarding vegetation, &x. TABLE AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. TABLE. Potash Combined with Vitriolic or Sulphuric Acid Sulphat of Potash, or Vitriolated Tartar Soda Ammoniac Potash - Potash Soda Ammoniac Potash Soda Ammoniac Ditto Ditto Nitrons Acid Soda Ditto Ammoniac Ditto * Potash Marine Acid Soda Ditto Ammoniac Ditto - Phosphoric Acid Ditto Ditto Soreline, or Oxalic Acid - Ditto Ditto - Sulphat of Soda, or Glauber Salts Ditto of Ammoniac, or Vitriolated Ammoniac Nitrat of Potash, or Salt-Petre Ditto of Soda, or Cubic Nitre Ditto of Ammoniac Muriat of Potash, or Digestive Salt of Silvius Ditto of Soda, or Sea Salt Ditto of Ammoniac, or Sal Ammoniac Phosphat of Potash Ditto of Soda Ditto of Ammoniac Oxalat of Potash Ditto of Soda Ditto of Ammoniac SUL- A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF SULPHATOF POTASH, OR VITRIOL ATED TARTAR. THIS salt is soluble in fifteen times its weight of cold water, and has been found by Dr. HOME to promote vegetation in an extraordinary manner. The garden mould on which his experiments were made produced an increase of one-fourth more grain, in consequence of the application of this salt. Vitriolated tartar is to be had from most vegetable matters by combustion ; it forms at least one-third of the saline matter obtained by the lixiviation of their ashes. This is sufficient, a prior jy. to prove, (independently of Dr. HOME'S very satisfac- tory experiments) that vitriolated tartar is beneficial to vegetation. This substance is a. refuse article in some branches of manufacture but the quantity produced is a mere trifle, in comparison to the quantity that might advantageously be applied to the purposes of Agri- culture. SULPHAT AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRV, 83 SULPHAT OF SODA, OR GLAUBER SALT. 4 GLAUBER Salt is soluble in about two and one half times its weight of cold water. From experiments, it has been proved to promote vegetation in a very high degree. It is procured in small quantities, in -the pro- cesses for making the muriatic acid, and muriat of ammoniac, or sal ammoniac. The high price at present of this article precludes the use of it; but could it be made and sold at a cheap rate, it would prove a most valuable acquisition to Agriculture. SULPHAT OF AMMONI AC t)R VITRIOLIC AMMONIAC. THIS salt is very soluble, and promotes vegetation ; t>ut it is not to be had in such quantities as to render it an article of importance o Agriculture. 84 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF NITRAT OF POTASH, OR SALT-PETRE, Is a salt very soluble, formed by the putrefaction and complete decomposition of animal and vegetable sub- stances, when mixed with calcareous matter and wood ashes. It promotes vegetation, but its high price pre- cludes its being used as an article of manure. NITRAT OF SODA, OR CUBIC NITRE. THIS salt is likewise very soluble, but seldom natu- rally occurs. It is probable, that cubic nitre would pro- mote vegetation in an equal degree with nitrat of pot- ash or salt-petre. AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. NITRAT OF AMMONIAC. As this is a salt that cannot be procured in sufficient quantities, for the purposes of Agriculture, nothing need be observed on its nature or properties. MURIAT OF POTASH, OR DIGESTIVE SALT OF SILVIUS. DIGESTIVE salt of Silvius is soluble in about thrice its weight of cold water. As this salt does not often natu- rally present itself, and cannot be procured in large quantities, its effects on vegetation may be considered to be stated under the next article, which it very much resembles. MURIAT 86 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF THIS salt is soluble in about three and a half times its weight of cold water, and is to be had in unlimited quantities from sea-water, salt springs, and salt mines. It never yet has been fully ascertained, whether it is be- neficial or injurious to vegetation. Its fertilizing powers have been highly extolled by some, whilst others have positively denied their efficacy. It is probable, that any power it may possess, in promoting vegetation, depends on its septic quality, or power it has of assisting pu- trefaction, when mixed in small or due proportions with dung or vegetable substances ; though in large quanti- ties it is antiseptic, and prevents putrefaction. * ^ These different effects -of sea salt are the best explana- tion that can be given of the several opinions formed of this article as a manure, which, applied in small quanti- ties, may prove beneficial to certain soils,; whilst, in large quantities, it. must be injurious to all. Exclu- * Vide Sir JON PRINGLE'S Essays. AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. fy Exclusively of its septic effects, when used with dung, and animal or vegetable matters, it is destruc- tive to many different kinds of living insects, such as snails, grubs, slugs, worms, 8c. Sea salt is contained in great quantities in marine plants ; and as there is a variety of plants approaching more or less to those of a marine nature, its effe&s will be found greater in pro- moting the growth of certain classes of vegetables thart of others. Sea salt is extremely injurious to poor soils, and ought only to be applied to rich lands. MURIAT OF AMMONIAC, OR SAL AMMONIAC, NOTHING need be said on this subjeft, as the ex- pence of the article precludes the use of it in Agri- culture. PHOSPHAT OF POTASH OF SODA AND OF AMMONIAC. THE above salts having similar effects in promoting vegetation, the same description, as it respects Agricul- ture, will nearly apply to them all. They 8-8 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF 'They are found.in the greatest -quantities in urine ; the good effefts of which, on most soils, being well known, k may be presumed that similar salts to those contained therein must he equally efficacious. Phosphoric acid and alkaline salts are contained in the ashes of vegetables ; these salts, or their primary princi- ples, must necessarily have constituted apart of such ve- getables, from which it may be inferred, a priori, that alkaline phosphats are conducive to the growth of plants. Alkaline phosphats are to be obtained by the addition of alkaline carbonats, or mild alkaline salts, to oxygenated peat, or other oxygenated vegetable substances, forming therewith a reddish brown mucilaginous compound. OXALAT OF POTASH, OF SODA, AND OF AMMONIAC, THESE soluble salts very highly promote vegetation ; and may be had in great abundance by the addition of alkaline salts and other saline matters to oxygenated peat, and also to oxygenated fossile coal, forming there- with AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 89 -with a mucilaginous saponaceous compound, soluble in water, similar to that mentioned under the last article. The action of alkaline salts here stated to take place on oxygenated pear, a substance which previously has been observed to consist of the phosphoric and soreline, or oxalic acids, combined with calcareous matter, is un- doubtedly, as it may respect the aclion of alkalis on the oxalat of lime, contrary to chemical principles, as lime has a greater affinity with the soreline or oxalic acid than alkalis have ; but as peat, in the state here described, is mixed with other saline matters, and does not in all re- spects resemble the oxalat of lime, but contains also a large proportion of carbonaceous and inflammable mat- ter, the action of the alkali, in dissolving the peat, must be ascribed to the combination of the inflammable or other matters. M STABLE , 9 o STABLE, FARM YARD DUNG, AND COMPOSTS. WHEN CATO was asked what was the best system of farming, he thrice answered, that the best system of farming was to procure food for cattle ; a reply which refers to obvious consequences, and requires no explana*- tion. Although it is a common saying in Scotland, that te muck is the mother of the meal chest," still there is no country where the preservation of the urine of cattle, and the juices of dung-heaps, are so little attended to ; or where the farmers, in general, are at so little pains to procure the greatest quantity of an article so indispensa- bly necessary to the obtaining abundant crops. In England, the farmers are much more attentive to the making and collecting this species of manure, and their conveniencies of farm-yards, and other places for preserving dung, are better chosen. These are not only kept fully littered, but the lanes and hollow ways, in the vicinity AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. gt vicinity of the farm-yard, are frequently filled with, haulm, or inferior straw. The putrefaction of it is promoted by being trodden, and by receiving the urine of passing cattle, which would be much facilitated, were the place in which it is deposited overshaded with trees, and sheltered from the too great action of wind and In Scotland, a preference is generally given to a slop- ing bank or rising ground for the situation of farm- houses and offices; and, as there are but few instances, unless of a recent date, where an inclosed farm-yard is to be met with, the urine from the stables and cow- houses, as well as the juices from the dung heap, run off, or are washed away by the rains, and turn to no good account. The want of proper farm-yards and conveniencies is but one of the reasons why a less quantity of dung is made by the farmers in Scotland than by those of Eng- land. The principal one is, that as the greater part of 'Scotland is better adapted to the breeding of cattle than to the production of grain, the whole of the straw pro- M 2 duced 32 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION ( F duced from the arable land of each farm is eaten in the succeeding winter by the stock ; and, as few farmers have more than enough for their cattle, little or none can be afforded as litter for their stables and farm-yards-. In severe winters, of long continuance, a scarcity of straw for their cattle is frequently experienced. This proves that most farmers in Scotland keep a greater number of cattle during summer than they ought pru- dently to calculate on maintaining through the winter. It is very unusual in Scotland to grow hay but for the purpose of sale. The working horses are fed with oat straw until seed time ; when, as an article of luxury,, they are supplied with pease or bean straw, the barley straw being allotted to the cows and young stock. t There are many who rent small farms, still more (Economical in the consumption of their straw and fod- der^ The whole of the straw, of every kind, is by them given to their horses ; whilst their cows, and neat cattle, are exclusively fed with the coarsest parts of the straw reje&ed by the horses, broken and bruised by their feet, and well drenched by their urine ; a sort of food which does not appear very palatable, and which, although con- trary AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY, 93 trary to the first impression it makes, is certainly not to be attributed alone to scarcity, but to choice, as cows and neat cattle are frequently observed to forsake the best pro- vender,, and to pick up and eat the litter from horse- stables ; the state of the stomachs of these animals in- ducing them to seek and apply, as a stimulus, the volatile alkali contained in the urine of the horses, absorbed by the straw. The necessity that cattle are under of thus supplying themselves with the only stimulus or saline matter within their reach, and the well known salu- tary effects of salt, when given to cattle in other coun- tries, evidently point out the very important benefits that would arise, were cattle supplied from time to time with a due proportion of sea salt ; and, as such, it cannot but be regretted, that the duty on an article, so essential to the purposes of farming, and grazing, should so com- pletely operate as a prohibition to its use : and the more so, as Government has long since been in possession of suggestions which could not have failed, had they been duly attended to, to have insured the most important be- nefits, not only to agriculture, the feeding and health of cattle, but likewise to several branches of manufacture in these 94 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF these 'kingdoms, without a probability of causing any diminution in the public revenue. Did the conveniencies attached to a Scotch farm allow the industry of the tenant to be exerted in preserving rthe urine and dung of his cattle, by constantly bedding them with, or mixing their urine and dung with dry peat, or when this substance is not to be procured, with rich black mould, the consumption of all the straw by cattle would, in such .case, be found to be a practice highly conducive to the interest of the farmer. Mr. Bakewell and Mr. Chaplain, two very skilful breeders of stock in England, are said to pursue, very different modes in the feeding and maintenance of their horses and cattle. The one gentleman is said to supply them with hay, and to use all his straw for litter ; whilst the other consumes the whole produce of hay and straw from his farm in feeding and maintaining of cattle. A plat- form is constructed on which the cattle stand, sufficiently open in the seams to allow them being kept clean and -dry, without any bedding of straw. This method ad- mits AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 95; mits a greater number of cattle to be maintained, and a greater quantity of real dung to be procured, than when a less number of stock are kept and well littered. Food in its passage through, the bodies of animals be- comes mixed with animalized matter, and consequently more rich and more valuable, weight for weight, as a manure, than dung procured by littering cattle, although there must necessarily be much less in bulk or quantity, from the large proportion of the food of animals, which; goes off by breathing and insensible perspiration ; be- side which, without the utmost care, it is extremely difficult to prevent the urine and the valuable juices of the dung from sinking through the floors of cow-houses and stables, or the soil of farm-yards. Could these incon- veniencies be effectually provided against by a proper flooring of clay or chalk, a preference appears due to the consumption of the whole of the produce by cattle, pro- vided that attention be paid to the mixing daily a sufficient quantity of peat or mould with the dung and urine, so as completely to absorb and take up whatever may remain of these matters in a fluid state. By this process there can be no doubt that a greater quantity, and a still more valuable dung 96 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF dung may be obtained than by the other practice of keeping a less number of .cattle, and littering them with straw. When peat cannot be had, the richest and blackest mould should be procured, that the volatile alkali of the urine may acl: upon and dissolve, into a mucilagi- nous gummy liquor, the oxygenated inert vegetable matter contained in such mould. Peat, however, is .to be preferred, because it contains a more abundant propor- tion of oxygenated vegetable matter for the volatile al- kali to act upon. These are not to be considered as theoretical state- ments, but the result of actual experiments, attentively made in Scotland. The quantity of manure made in the same given time was much greater than if litter had t>een used ; and the manure procured was infinitely more rich and valuable. These experiments were not confined to the dung and urine of cattle, but the chamber-lye of the family was carefully preserved, and mixed also with a due proportion of oxygenated peat, which was found to produce a greater effect in dissolving the peat than the ,uri-ne from the cattle. The AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 97 The importance of making or obtaining the greatest -quantity of manure with the materials now generally known, and capable of being procured, is, in this prac- tical Dissertation, made to precede the preparation of all other manures or composts of a more expensive nature. Prudence and (Economy point out, that what is easiest and cheapest to be done, should always be first done ; and that recourse should not be had to other means, until that source of supply is exhausted, r '.' * In the former part of this Treatise, under the head of Oxygenation, a short remark was made, that stable dung, by long keeping, lost its more fertilizing saline parts, and became oxygenated, and insoluble. A heap of such dung, kept for some years, has been known to become inodo- rous, insoluble, and in all respects similar to, and was a true peat; hence the practical inference^ that dung should only be kept a certain time. When animal dung and vegetable matters are mixed to- gether, such as horse dung, urine, straw, and hay, a degree of heat is generated and disengaged by the absorption of vital air, or oxygen, and water is decomposed. N' As 98 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF As the process of putrefaction advances, ammoniac or volatile alkali, (a compound of inflammable and phlo- gisticated air) is formed, an d, in its tendency to escape from the heap, combines with such parts of the vegeta- bles and matters of the dung, as had advanced to the oxygenated state, forming therewith the saponaceous saline matter so often adverted to in this Treatise. The formation of this saponaceous matter, in the greatest possible quantity, will be promoted by mixing and cover- ing the dung with a due proportion of earth ; hence the dung of hotbeds is that which is most completely rotted, and most asimilated to the saline saponaceous state above described ; and in this state is more capable of promot- ing vegetation, than dung that had not arrived to an equally advanced state of putrefaction. Many farmers differ in opinion as to the propriety or the advantages which attend using long or fresh dung, or dung which is completely rotted. This disputed point seems capable of adjustment. Were the views of the farmer to promote only the next immediate crop of grass or grain, the dung, when applied, should be fully and completely rotted -, but if his views extend to subsequent crops, AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 99 crops, or the soil be of a nature to receive benefit by the fermentation and heat produced by the application of fresh dung, preference should undoubtedly be given to dung in a long state, provided it is immediately ploughed in, and totally covered, which is not easily accomplished with dung of this description. Long dung is always to be preferred in the culture of potatoes ; for dung com- pletely rotted frequently causes this crop to be watery and worm eaten. Many farmers only apply coarse straw or litter ; whence it might be imagined, that the benefit arising from such an application, must be more depen- dent on the straw mechanically keeping the ground open or loose, than in contributing, by any part of its own substance, to the growth of the potatoes, which cannot well be supposed ; as the straw, in digging up the pota- toes, is generally found in an tin decayed state. It is highly probable, that the atmospheric air contained in the intervals of the soil, thus made by the straw, may suffer a degree of separation, or decomposition in its (as it were) imprisoned state, by which means the pure air or oxygen may combine with the straw, and in- flammable or vegetable matter, in the soil ; whilst the azotic or phlogisticated air will contribute to the growth N2 of loo A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OK of the plants. This explication of the beneficial effects arising to vegetation by stagnated air, will also account for the benefit which plants of a certain construction of stemand leaf* and which very much overshadow and co- -1?er the ground, ultimately receive, by preventing a free circulation of air. The application of long or short dung to ground, must appear too material to the practical farmer to be overlooked. The preference, in most cases, is un- doubtedly to be given to such dung as has most com- pletely undergone the putrefactive process. Under this head it is necessary to notice, that dung and urine newly voided (unless when animals are diseased) are not in a putrescent state, The time of retention in the body of animals is of too short a continuance to allow that effect to take place. Such excrements are in a state advancing towards putridity, or in a small degree only putrid ; a process which, to a certain extent, is ne- cessary to stimulate the intestines to discharge the fxces. The further putrescency of excrements is promoted by a clue degree of heat and moisture, particularly when aided by certain saline matters. The most efficacious are neutral salts, containing the vitriolic acid ; such as vitrio- AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. IO i vitriolated tartar, Glauber salt, Epsom salt, and gypsum. These neutral salts, by being mixed with putrescent sub- stances, are changed to the state of hepars : hence the extremely offensive and putrid effluvia disengaged from clung, or other putrescent matters, to which such salts had previously been added. Similar effedts, in promoting the putrefaction of dung, have not been experienced when muriat of soda, or pure sea salt? has been used ; and as no salt made in Bri- tain, whether from sea water, rock salt,, or salt springs^ is free from gypsum and Epsom salt, there is reason to suspeft that the septic power of sea salt, when applied in small quantities (as stated by Sir JOHN PRINGLE and Dr. MACBRIDE) to animal and vegetable substances, may be owing in a great measure to the vitriolic salts contained therein, when not overpowered by too great a proportion of the muriat of soda, or pure sea salt, which is highly antiseptic, although considerably less so than other salts, such as sugar and salt-petre. Hence it is that sea salt of the greatest purity should exclusively be used for curing beef, pork, fish, cheese, and butter; whilst the more impure salt, /. e. such as contains a great 102 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF a great proportion of vitriolic salts, should be exclusively applied to dung or other substances, to promote their complete putrefaction. The purifying sea salt, or separating from it these other salts, would be attended with the two-fold advan- tage of improving the quality and taste of salted provi- sions, and of promoting the putrescency of dung, or other matters, by the application of such particular salts as are best adapted to their respective purposes. ( A Treatise on the Purification of Salt, and the Necessity of an Alteration in the Present Salt Laws, was given to the Public about ten years since. The present system how- ever is still continued, and individuals are content to make use of salt with all its impurities. The purifying of salt cannot take place, whilst the refuse bitter liquor, consisting of Epsom salt and muriat of magnesia, is not allowed to be -removed from any salt work, or employed in any way whatever, without its becoming liable to a duty of twenty pounds per ton on the chrystallized salt capable of being thence obtained. This duty is equal to /double that at present paid on sea salt, and -amounts to a complete AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. IO3 complete prohibition on its use, either as a medicine or as an article of manure. As a very large proportion of most sea salt consists of these bitter and septic salts, no salt manufacturer will be willing to incur a certain waste and loss, in the purification of salt ; whilst he cannot dis- pose of the refuse, and whilst the ignorance and inatten- tion of the consumer occasions as high a price to be paid for impure salt, as if it were of the best quality. A revi- sion and correction of the salt laws, at this time, would not only be extremely important to rural (Economies, but would be highly conducive to the health of our sea- men. These remarks on sea salt are of a nature not to be overlooked, and ought not to be deemed as too digressive from the subject of manures now under consideration. The procuring the greatest possible quantity of such matters, and in the highest state of preparation, should be the primary object of every farmer. The dung naturally arising from the annual produc- tion of hay, straw and grain, and consumed by cattle or otherways, being in few instances sufficient to insure abun- A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF abundant crops, from every part of a farm, every oppor- tunity should be embraced by the skilful and intelligent jfarmer to procure a further supply of stable, and other -dung, from large towns, as well as to provide himself with other ub stances, which, as manures, he may apply to improve, and bring into cultivation, his inferior lands. As the dung which is naturally produced on every farm anust be limited, recourse should be had to other articles --of manure, for the purpose of promoting the highest possible fertility of the soil, and thereby acquiring a greater return to the dung heap for the succeeding crops. Such adventitious aids or helps to a farm, are of a nature that answers a much better purpose as top-dres- sings to grass lands, than for lands which are constantly kept under the plough. The application of top-dressings has, perhaps, been too little attended to, in consequence of farmers being unacquainted with the resulting ad- vantages to ground, when converted from pasture to arable, by previously promoting the most luxuriant growth of perennial grasses. By assisting the vegetation, and increasing the vigour of perennial plants, their roots are made to strike deeper down, and improve the. staple r the management of farms in an alternate course of o tillage T0 6 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF tillage and pasture, is in general well understood in the highly cultivated parts of Scotland, from which system the crops of artificial grasses are infinitely more abun- dant than from any mode of cultivation in England. The articles most generally used as top-dressings are, lime mixed with rich black mould lime mixed with peat peat ashes coal ashes and soot. The refuse articles ift different branches of manufacture, when they are to be procured, are also attended with very beneficial ef- fects ; but as the quantity that can be obtained is very small, they cannot be regarded as substances to be gene- rally depended upon, though to lands in the vicinity of such manufactories, they may with great advantage be applied. The ashes procured from peat, in the neighbourhood of Reading in Berkshire, seem to possess a fertilizing power, infinitely greater than ashes obtained from most other peat. They certainly contain no alkaline salts; and in an hasty analysis made about nine years since, no sa- line matter is recollected to have been got from them, but a small proportion of Epsom salt. Had these ashes, however, AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 107 however, been analysed with more care, and when newly made, they probably would have been found to contain a hepar of lime, a salt which is soluble in water ; whilst gypsum, to which it reverts on exposure to air, is inso- luble. To this hepar may the fertilizing power of these ashes most probably be ascribed. As mineral springs are frequently found to arise in peat mosses, it necessarily follows, that the ashes of dif- ferent peat will contain very different saline and other matters. When a too large proportion of vitriol of iron, or green vitriol, is contained in peat, its ashes must of course be inimical to vegetation; but the injurious effefts of this salt are to be corrected by the addition of lime, magnesia, alkaline salts, or clung. Of these sub- stances, the preference is to be given to magnesia and alkaline salts; for, whilst they decompose the metal- lic salt, they form Epsom salt, Glauber salt, or vitrio- lated tartar, all of which are conducive to vegetation. The effe6l of dung on such ashes requires to be explain- ed in a different manner. The iron, in this case, is by the application of the dung changed into a metallic state; whilst the vitriolic acid combines with the .volatile alkali 02 of of the dung, and forms vitriolic ammoniac ; or by com- bining with the calcareous matter, and by the further aid of the inflammable or putrescent matter of the dung* it is changed into an hepar. The burning of peat, for the purpose of procuring its ashes, must undoubtedly appear a very wasteful and dis- sipating process, when it is considered that there is sel- dom i-2oth of its weight in ashes procured by combus- tion. This process throws into the air the remaining i9-2oths of peat, which might, by other preparations of it, be made to contribute, in a superior degree, to the purposes of vegetation. v ) ( O f The best preparation of peat, when intended for a top-dressing manure, is by the addition of alkaline salts or alkaline hepars, or by a mixture of glauber salt and hot lime with peat. As the soil cannot be injured by the application of alkaline salts, when mixed with a due proportion of peat, the quantity made use of will, in a great measure, be governed by the facility of procuring it, and the price of the article, and may, in some measure, be regulated by the quantity of alkaline salts capable of being AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY, being procured from the combustion of any crop pro- duced from an acre of ground. In no instance the quan- tity of alkaline salts obtained will be found to exceed one and a half cwt. unless from cabbages, turnips, and potatoes. No restriction nor nicety need, however, be attended to in the use of alkaline salts, except such as have reference to cost, and the comparative beneficial results from the increased produce of the ground. The scarcity and high price of the above saline mat- ters, in addition to a due want of knowledge of the proper state which peat should be in, when these substances are intended to be mixed together, have hitherto pre- cluded the use of alkaline salts for the improvement of the soil. The only substance of a caustic nature, and capable of destroying the organic texture of vegetable bodies, which in some places has been used, is lime, though not in so judicious a manner as to insure at all times, uniformly, good effects from its application, which can never be depended upon, if the proportions of each substance, and the particular state of them, are unattend^ ed to and neglected, as will appear by the following ob- servations. When 10 When hot, or newly calcined lime is broken into pieces of a small size, and mixed with peat, moderately humid, heat is disengaged, and that heat, by the slacking of the lime, when it is applied in too great a proportion, is so increased, as completely to reduce the peat to charcoal, and to dissipate, in a gassious state, all its component parts, excepting the ashes, part of the carbonaceous matter, and such a portion of fixable air, generated in the process, as is absorbed by the lime, by which that substance is made to return to the state of chalk. No benefit can, therefore, arise by this method of preparing peat with lime, the object not being to destroy and dissi- pate in a gassious state the component parts of the peat, but to make such a combination with the lime, and the gas generated in the process, as will, on the application of the mixture to ground, promote the growth of plants. i This object is best attained by mixing newly made, and completely slacked lime, with about five or six times its weight of peat, which should be moderately humid, and not in too dry a state. In this^ case, the heat generated will be moderate, and never sufficient to convert the peat Ill peat into carbonaceous matter, or to throw off, in the state of fixable air, the acids therein contained. The gasses thus generated will be inflammable, and phlogis- ticated air forming volatile alkali, which will combine, ss it is formed, with the oxygenated part of the peat that remains unacted upon by the lime applied for this espe^ cial purpose, in a small proportion. By this mode of Conducting the process, a soluble saline matter will be procured, consisting of phosphat and oxalat of ammo- niac, whose beneficial effects on vegetation have already been described. Inattention, or ignorance of these important facts, has probably, in many cases, defeated the wishes of the far- mer in the application of this preparation, which is par- ticularly recommended as a top-dressing to grounds un- der pasture. , The proportion of the lime to the peat here given, should be carefully attended to, and the mixing of the two substances together should be performed under cover, in a shed or out-house constructed for that pur- pose, as too much rain, or a too great exposure to air, will prevent a due action of the lime upon the peat. The IZ2 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF The success of most operations, but more especially of those of a chemical nature, greatly depends upon a regular and due observance of circumstances apparently trivial, -oThis preparation of lime and peat is in a peculiar man- ner conducive to the growth of clover, and of the short, and as they are called, sweet kinds of pasture grasses. The soil also, by the application of it, acquires such a predisposing tendency to promote the growth of such grasses, as to prevent its growing afterwards rank, coarse, or sour herbage. Notwithstanding that this preparation of lime and peat is certainly, when properly made, a valuable manure, yet the advantages that may be derived, by using alkaline salts instead of lime, are of much greater importance and general utility ; in as much as the peat, by alkaline salts, -is rendered completely soluble,.; whilst, by the ap- plication of lime, no greater proportion of.it is made capable of solution than what is equivalent to the quan- tity of volatile alkali, which may be generated in the processj besides which, a large proportion of the acids con- AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. contained in the vegetable matter, combine with that which is calcareous, and form insoluble compounds. What has been, and will be further stated on the different uses of peat, will, it is to be hoped, cause this valuable, and hitherto neglected article, to have a primary place in the farmer's calender, and teach him that nothing is useless, if man knew how to turn it to account. Many of the counties in England contain an abundant supply of peat, and it is still more generally, and in greater quantities, to be met with in Scotland and in Ireland* In some few parts of Scotland, peat, in a natural state, or mixed with too small a proportion of dung, is applied as a manure. The growth of sorel is the never failing consequence of such application to soils, which contain little or no calcareous matter; whence may be inferred, that the soreline acid produced in consequence of the oxygenation of the peat, gives- a predisposing tendency to the ground, on which it is applied, to promote the growth of sorel. Similar effe&s, in the produftion of sorel, have been observed to attend fossile coal, particularly at collieries where small coal has for a time been exposed to the action of air ; hence also may be inferred, that coal H 4 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF . coal consists of matters analogous to those of peat, and contains the basis requisite for forming the soreline acid. - The aptitude to receive and embrace useful and impor- tant ideas from small notices of things, must be acknow- ledged a faculty which is but seldom bestowed. In modern strictness of chemical theory and reasoning, this circuitous operation of nature, in promoting the growth of sorel, irnay probably be questioned ; but as the diligent and mi- nute attention of any individual, to any particular process which may have escaped the notice of others, ought rather to, induce communication, than create an apprehension of hazarding the resultsof such inquiries, the above obser- vation, like many others in this Treatise, is presented with no other view than that of calling attention to the minute circumstances daily presented by nature, and are too freqxiently overlooked. The promoting the- more complete solution of vegetable substances, is undoubtedly one of the principal objects of the present design ; still there are other circumstances of ;#jqaore mechanical nature^ which demand attention : such as "5 as the proper mixture, or addition to soils, of substances capable of retaining a due proportion of humidity, and affording to plants the necessary supply of moisture. This is to be effefted by a due application of decayed ve- getables, (or as called in this Treatise) inert vegetable matter. A superabundance of this substance will cause the soil to be too spungy and open, and, on the alternate change from frost to thaw, to spew or throw winter corn out of the ground, as well as to injure or destroy cabbage, green kail, and other plants, produced by the alteration, which the water undergoes in such spungy soils, from a liquid to a solid state, and vice versa.' Thus either chilling and rotting, or mechanically protruding or forcing the roots of the plants out of the ground. But to many stiff clayey soils, such vegetable matter may, in a . peculiar manner, be serviceable, and is easily procured, tfciu; -jom mra t ?vm3t> in different states of preparation, from peat mosses. -! The Ji6 The different preparations of peat which may be ap- plied to ground, for corre&ing particular defefts, or for rendering it generally more fertile, are, Peat - unmixed Peat - ditto oxygenated Peat - oxygenated, mixed with dung and urine Peat - ditto with alkaline salts Peat - ditto with alkaline hepar Peat - ditto with Glauber salt and lime Peat - mixed - with newly slacked lime ^ - and lime mixed with peat ashes. All these preparations may, according to circum stances, be used to advantage. The consuming by fin peat to ashes, is always to be considered as the least pro- duftive, and most unceconomical. The most beneficial and productive of these preparations will be found to be, Peat with dung and urine Peat with alkaline salts Peat with alkaline hepar Peat with Glauber salt and lime [_ And peat with lime. When AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 117 When the soil does not contain a due proportion of calcareous matter, a preference should always be given either to the last, or to the two last of the above prepa- rations, until it shall have received a sufficient supply of an article so # indispensably necessary as calcareous matter to the production of sweet herbage, liguminous plants, and grain. By the method heretofore recommended, of mixing peat with lime, in the proportion of five or six times the weight of the peat to the lime, no injury can arise by an overabundant use of this last-mentioned article. First, because the lime, when thus mixed with peat, meets proper matter to combine with, or to act upon ; and se- condly, the small proportion necessary to be used, when compared to the weight of the peat, will be considera- bly less than the quantity of lime only, usually given at one time to ground. The bulk, weight, and the ex- pence of the preparation, will direct the farmer in the quantity requisite to answer his intended purpose. An application of a moderate quantity of lime, from time to time, whether mixed or not with peat, is much to be pre- ferred * To soils containing a superabundance, or a sufficient quantity of vegetable 'matter, a preference is to be given to lime unmixed. Ii8 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF ferred to the generally prevailing pra&ice of laying lime at once, and in great abundance, upon ground, for these reasons : First, The purchase is attended with a considerable ad- vance of capital, and with great expence for labour and carriage. Secondly, From the distance of the kilns, or places whence it is fetched, and the time it commonly lies on the ground to slack, it for the most part becomes effettc, or in a great measure returns to its original state of chalk, before an opportunity offers for its being spread. And Lastly, When easily procured, and properly slacked with water, immediately spread on the ground, and ploughed in, if applied m great quantities it will occasion a too immediate dissipation, in agassious state, of the vegetable matters contained in the soil, from which the succeeding crop can only be benefited by the proportion it is able to receive during the dissipating process. Hence it is ma- nifest, that an ceconomical and frequent application of lime, in moderate quantities, either mixed with peat or other vegetable matter, or even by itself, is greatly to be AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. be preferred to those abundant dressings of lime usually given at one time, which cause an action on the soil more powerful and violent than is conducive to, or com- patible with a continued state of fertility. In short, lime should be considered in a chemical and medicinal point of view, when so applied, aUng as an alterative, corrector, and a decompounder ; a disen- gager of certain parts of the animal and vegetable sub- stances contained in soils, and as a retainer and a combi- ner with others.; and is not to be regarded by the prac- tical farmer as a substance fit for the immediate food and nourishment of vegetables, like dung, or decayed vegetable or animal matters. For, although calcareous matter, or lime, forms a component part of vegetable and animal bodies, still the quantity that can be obtained from the annual produce of most crops, from an acre of ground, will not exceed eighty pounds weight. This facT: has been well ascertained, and if proper attention be paid to it, in regulating the conduit of the agriculturist, in the future application of lime, it will prove more sa- tisfaftory than all the chemical reasonings adduced in this Treatise. By I20 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF By an over-use of lime in many parts of Great Britain,, the soil at this day requires a mode of treatment dire6tty opposite to that practice. Some substance or substances ought to be applied to the soil, which would change the calcareous matter therein from its present state, or separate it from the insoluble combinations it has formed with the vegetable substances contained in the soil. This valuable improvement may be accomplished by a due application of acids, alkalis, and certain neutral salts, as before di~ rected> The effects produced on organic bodies by lime, clearly point out, that lime should never be mixed with dung, or with any substances which of themselves, or by the application of saline matters, would easily become putrid and rotten. Lime not only puts a stop to the putrefactive process, but disengages and throws ofi^ in a gassious state, a certain portion of the component parts of such sub- stances ; whilst, with those which remain, it forms inso- luble corrvpounds that are incapable of promoting vege- tation, until they are again decomposed and brought into action by other substances. In making of composts, rich surface mould is,, of all substances, that which is most proper AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 121 proper, when mixed in moderate quantities, to promote the dissolution and complete putrefaction of the dung. This process would be greatly accelerated by the further addition of a due proportion of the vitriolic neutral salts. Methods of manufacturing, at a cheap rate, the most efficacious of these salts, have been discovered, and farmers will soon be enabled to make the necessary ex- periments, and to satisfy themselves that such salts pos- sess the powers ascribed to them. The price will be re- gulated by the duty that may be charged on sea salt, and on the bitter refuse liquor of the salt works, whence these articles are to be made. But as it may happen, that much time may elapse be- fore any relief is granted, or any alteration made in the present salt laws, it becomes important to consider how a supply of salt, or what is still more valuable, how a supply of sea or salt \vater may be obtained for the use of cattle, and the purposes of agriculture, without being subjected to the present duties. Previous to this expla- 0_ nation, I2 a A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF nation, it is proper to state some further circumstances, more fully to impress on the mind of the farmer the effect which salt or sea water has in promoting the more full putrefa&ion of dung and vegetable matters. It is well known, that ships built of unseasoned tim- bers are at first very unhealthy. The exhalation of the vegetable juices of the fresh wood is not the sole cause. It is principally to be ascribed to the putrescent hepatic gas; generated by the mixture of the vegetable juices with the vitriolic neutral salts contained in sea water, forming what is called bilge water. The smell of it is no less offensive, than its effe&s are prejudicial to the health of the ship's company. When a new vessel hap- pens to be tight, and to make little water, it is the prac- tice with all intelligent seamen, to sweeten the vessel's hold and limbers, by daily letting in and pumping out a sufficient quantity of water. Certain gasses, which are injurious to the health of ani- mals, are favourable to the growth of plants: hepatic air is one of them ; and as hepatic air is formed in vessels i holds AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. holds by the action of sea water on the soluble matter of the wood, the same effect will be produced by the addi- tion of salt water to dung or to vegetable matters. The generation of the hepar is to be ascribed solely to the vitriolic salts contained in sea water, and there is some reason to suspect, that sea salt, or muriat of soda, may suffer a decomposition in this putrefactive process, and that the marine acid thereof may be decomposed. The putrefaction of sea water is not confined to the bilge water in vessels. The water of the sea itself, in certain southern latitudes, undergoes a material change, -emitting, during long calms, a putrid offensive smell; and water intended for the purpose of making salt, kept too long in the reservoirs during summer, will suffer such an alteration in its nature, as to be rendered incapable of yielding chrystals of sea salt. A month or six weeks of warm weather is in this latitude sufficient to produce the change, which is prevented by letting out of the re- servoir, every fourteen days, part of the old brine, and taking in a fresh supply of sea water, frequently very, inferior in concentration or strength to that which is obliged 124 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF obliged thus to be discharged. If this tendency to putre- faction take place simply in consequence of the smalP proportion of animal and vegetable matters contained in ; sea water, there is still greater reason (exclusive of ac- tual experiments) to conclude, that it will take place, in a much higher degree, on adding sea water to a larger pro- portion of such substances as of themselves have a ten- dency to the putrefa6Hve state. As any further proofs of the effects of the saline matters contained m sea water,, in promoting putrefaftion, may be deemed unnecessary, a method of procuring a supply, without incurring the expence of manufacturing them, or being liable to the- present duties, is an objeftof the greatest importance to ; the farmer and the grazier, particularly to those who are at a distance from the sea* In its vicinity, farmers and others may avail themselves:. of their situation, and procure sea water either to mix with dung, or for the other purposes to which the application of it has been recommended. A ton of sea water contains from a bushel to a bushel and a quar- ter of sea salt, beside a certain proportion of the vitriolic salts,. AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. salts. This quantity could not be purchased in England, including the duty, at an expence less than seven shillings, which farmers, situated as before described, may procure at the small expence of carriage* Sea water may be raised, where coal is cheap, by means of a fire engine, to such a height as, corresponding with the level of the inland country, would allow the water to be conveyed in small open canals, in wooden or in earthen pipes, to a considerable inland distance; eack farmer, or proprietor, receiving as it passes the necessary , supply. A fire engine of forty inches cylinder, with ten inch pumps, would raise to the height of 30 fathoms, 1000 tons of water per day, equal to 6000 tons per week, or 300,000 per annum. Admitting this water to contain I in 33 of salt, 9,636 tons would annually be procured ; and supposing each farmer, on an average, to receive such a quantity of sea water as would be equivalent to 33 tons of salt, 9,636 tons would be sufficient to supply 292 farms. Should the interest of the capital employed, and the 126 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF the charges attendant on the fire engine amount to 500!. a year, which is an abundant allowance where coal is cheap, and should the further interest on the sum en- gaged in conveying the water to distant places amount to 500!. more, the total expence for raising, conveying, and serving 292 farms with sea water, would amount to loool. per annum, or something less than 3!. xos. for 33 tons of salt contained in the sea water which each farm woiild receive. The prime cost of sea salt, exclusive of duty, could no where be less than il. in some places 3!. on an average it should not be reckoned at less than il. los, per ton, which on 33 tons would amount to 49!. ics. But, as to this must be added the present duty of jol. per ton, it would cost the farmer 379!. IDS. for the quantity v, hich, by these means, he may receive for about 3!. los. Admitting, however, that the expence of the fire engine, and of conveying the water, were to be double the sum above stated, and that instead of 3!. los. it were to amount to 7-1. .a quantity of salt water containing one ton of salt would, in .-this latter case, cost the farmer only 45. 3d. or at the rate of one penny farthing per bushel of salt of 561bs. -whilst the same quantity would now cost 6s. Farmers, who AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRT. 127. / who are situated near the sea, should lose no time in sa- tisfying themselves of the beneficial effects that may arise by a proper use and application of salt water ta dung heaps, compost mixens, and to other purposes: it would be highly praise worthy, were some intelligent persons, after carefully making such trials, to publish the result of their experiments for the information of others. . Should the advantages attendant on the application of salt water, induce its being generally made use of near the sea coast, there can be little doubt that cheap methods would soon be devised, for conveying from many places salt, or sea water, to very considerable distances. * Every plan or method whereby a greater quantity of dung may be made, should be carefully attended to. A considerable increase in the quantity of that article, as well as an ceconomical savine, and benefit in other re- < * ' spedls, will arise by feeding the working horses, and perhaps part of the neat cattle of a farm with . clover, A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF clover, tares, saint foin, and other green crops, in the stables, in out-houses, or in the farm-yard, in- stead of turning them out to pasture, as is the ge- neral practice. By this economical and judicious method, no part of the crop is spoiled on the ground, but .every part thereof is made to serve the intended purpose. A much larger quantity of dung will thus be made, of a richer and superior quality, in consequence the upper stratum is drained by the assistance of the mi- neral strata beneath it, through which the water is made to drop, and in this manner taken from the surface. Drain- ing is not only to be accomplished by these judicious methods, and by open drains, but lands are to be made dry by such a mechanical alteration in the component parts of the soil as render it less retentive of moisture. In stiff lands this may be effected by lime, chalk, marl, coal-ashes, brick-dust, or calcined clay, and by sand, when applied in large quantities, whilst the too great tendency in sandy or light soils to part with moisture is to be corrected by other applications. FAL- A TREATISE OK THE CONNECTION OF FALLOWING. IT has been frequently noticed in the preceding pages, that alkaline salts -act more powerfully on some kinds of peat and inert vegetable matters than on others, particularly on those which become oxygenated by being exposed to the aftion of air. ' This points out, that the practice of fallowing ground containing much vegetable matter, by repeatedly exposing fresh surfaces to the action of the .air, occasions the peat, or vegetable matter, to be more -easily dissolved, or acted upon by alkaline salts; but when no such application is made, the insolubility of the -vegetable matter is by fallowing increased, which, to certain grounds, may prove, instead of a benefit, a real injury* The putrefaction or .solution of vegetable substances is more readily promoted by a close or stagnated state of the air, than by a constant supply and addition of oxy- gen or pure air, as happens to vegetable substances w r hen subjected to .the operation of fallowing. Glover, AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. Clover, saint foin, cabbages, turnips, leguminous crops, hemp, and those plants which overshadow the ground, and cause a stagnation of air, prevent thereby the ex- cessive exhalation of moisture, and promote the putre- faction or decomposition of vegetable matters contained in the soil : such crops will therefore prove more cecono- mical and beneficial to subsequent crops, than the present system of fallowing. By fallowing, not only one year's rent and labour are lost, but likewise the vegetable matter contained iri the soil is thereby rendered less fit to promote the growth of sub- sequent crops. Fallowing should be practised but spar- ingly; its principal use is in altering the mechanical i arrangement of the soil, either by pulverising it, or making it more compact, (both of which effects, according to circumstances, are thereby produced) and in destroying root, seed weeds, or insects. These objects being attained, recourse should never be had to the same operation, unless it becomes requisite from the failure of crops, or other incidental causes, which are best provided against by sub- stituting the culture of drill crops instead of a fallow. To A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF To oils which contain much inert vegetable matter, it is probable that advantages would be derived from umbrageous green crops without fallowing, equal to those experienced, when hemp is made to precede a crop of wheat ; without which preparation this crop would not have answered the expeftation of the far- mer. It is therefore obvious, if ground receives benefit by being overshadowed, the same ground must re- ceive injury by a direct contrary mode of treat- ment. PARING' AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 147 PARING AND BURNING Is a comburatory dissipating process, whereby nine- teen parts out of twenty of the vegetable matter, the only substance the fire can act upon, is dissipated and thrown into the air. This process, no doubt, from its having been carried to excess, and so often repeated as to destroy all the ve- getable matter contained in the soil, has, it is said, been prohibited by the Legislature of Ireland, under a penalty of ten pounds per acre. Moors overgrown with ling or heath, peaty soils, or soils covered with a sward of coarse ^unprofitable her- bage, and containing a superabundance of vegetable matter, may, with due precaution, be subjected to this process with very beneficial effects. It may likewise be attended with advantages to strong clayey soils, from the effect that burned, or half burned clay has in rendering .such soils more open and less tenacious ; in which case T 2 the I4 8 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF the benefit arising from the mechanical arrangement of the soil will probably more than compensate for the dis- sipation of the vegetable matter of the sward. It would, however, be more ceconomical, when the soil is thus in- tended to be made more open, to calcine the clay in x" clamps or kilns, and to spread it afterwards on the ground, either by itself or mixed with lime. Paring and burning is the process, which, in the cul- tivation of peat mosses and fens, is made to succeed that of draining. Care should be had to burn only as much of the peat as will yield the proportion of ashes neces- sary to alter the arrangement of the parts of the soil : an efFeft which, with still more advantageous c<5nse- quences, is to be attained by lime, lime-stone gravel, or even by common mould or soil. It is only from the ashes of fresh or growing vegeta- bles, that saline substances or alkaline salts are to be obtained ; none can be got from peat or decayed vegeta- ble matter. The proportion of alkaline, or other salts$ produced by paring and burning, is so very small, that were the benefits immediately resulting from paring and burning AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. burning to be ascribed solely to these salts, the purchase of them at the market price might, perhaps, be more ceconomicaL The saline matter produced in the process of paring and burning, for the most part consists of vitriolated tartar the alkali of the burnt vegetables, combining with the vitriolic acid, which in different states of combination is contained in most soils. Vitriolated tartar has very'pow- erful effects in promoting vegetation; but as it is not to be procured in sufficient quantities to answer the pur- poses of agriculture, the deficiency is to be supplied by Epsom and Glauber salts, which produce effects equally beneficial when applied to ground. Although paring and burning has by many persons been much recommended, still it requires great limita- tions or restrictions. In some cases it may be proper; while, in the hands of the unskilful, it may be attended with the most pernicious consequences. If all the benefit that can be derived by this practice, may hereafter be attained by the application of lime, al- kaline 150 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF kaline salts, neutral salts, &c. &;c. without risk of any of the attendant disadvantages on the process of paring and burning, a decided preference of course will be due to methods that render this practice less necessary. THE simple earths, air, water, saline bodies, vegetable substances, 8cc. &:c. having thus been considered, as far as the properties of each relate to the present design, it is now become necessary, previously to any further discussion respecting the practical part, to give such di- rections to the cultivators of the soil, as may enable them to ascertain the nature and proportions which the com- ponent parts of it bear to each other ; and consequently the value of the surface rnould contained in the diffe- rent parts of their farms or estates ; and how, by this information, they may be enabled to apply with most advantage the several ameliorating substances herein re- commended. It has not been, nor would it be possible to avoid mak- ing use of chemical terms, consistently with the plan of a work AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. a work, which has for its object the making every far- mer, to a certain extent, a chemist, so that he may be enabled to understand the nature and properties of the several substances, in the management of which he is daily engaged ; and that in all his future attempts to im- prove the soil, the success of his operations may no longer depend on guess-work, or on chance, but be regulated by a proper knowledge of the materials he may have to work with how each may best be applied, or acted upon, and what effects will ensue from their different combinations. Cultivators of the soil should be able to distinguish, by chemical tests, the proportion of the following sub- stances in different soils, viz* Clay,, Chalk, Sand, Magnesia, Earth of iron, and Vegetable matter. They They should understand the properties and effects, and superior affinities of alkalis and acids; as well as the names, properties, and compounded eleclrive attractions attendant on the mixture of the different neutral salts, and their effects on vegetation. They should be well ac- quainted with the powers of lime, and should clearly and ^distinctly comprehend the putrefactive and oxygenating ^processes; as well as the consequences resulting from the action of fire on the vegetable matter contained in the soil. The first step that a cultivator of the ground should take, when possessed of the above information, is to ascertain by experiments, in what proportions chalk, clay, sand, magnesia, and vegetable matter exist in the soil, in the different parts of the farm he purposes to cultivate ; in order that he may, from such information, be enabled to administer t each part those particular substances that it may require, to constitute it rich ; and fertile mould. A soil of this description ought to contain a due proportion of the simple earths, and of the remains of vegetable and animal bodies, To enable him to make the requisite experiments, he AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. he should procure the following articles and ves- sels : Two se*s of small scales and weights, one to weigh a few pounds at a time, and another smaller and more accurate, for ounces and grains : some porcelaine glass, or stone- ware vessels ungiazea, such as are called Vajixhall ware : some muriatic acid, and mineral alkaline salt. These being provided,^:he method of proceeding to ascertain the dif- ferent proportions of the different substances in soils, is as follows : The presence of calcareous mattter is ascertained, by applying to the mould suspected to contain it, some marine acid diluted with water. If it contain calcareous matter^ an effervescence will take place, and a neutral salt, called muriat of lime, will be formed. This is to be sepa- jated from the earthy insoluble matter, by a due propor- tion of water, and is to be evaporated to a certain degree. Lastly, the calcareous matter is to be precipitated by mild mineral alkaline salt. When the calcareous matter thus precipitated shall be collected, washed, dryed, and weighed, the quantity contained in the soil will be ascertained by u the 154 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF 4p the proportion it may bear to the weight of the dry mould pn which the experiment had been made. The same process and the same acid will serve to show if magnesia be contained, and the proportion it may bear to the soil. Magnesia is not in general found in any very great proportion in surface mould, although there is more of it contained in ground than is generally ima- gined, It will, for the most part r be found accompanied by calcareous matter ; and as both these substances, when dissolved by the marine acid, are very soluble, and blend- ed together, a separation is to be effected by the follow- ing process.. The earths of magnesia and calcareous matter are to be precipitated by mild mineral alkaline salt. The pre- cipitate, or earthy residuum, when washed, is to be dis- solved by a due proportion of the vitriolic acid diluted with water. With the calcareous matter it will form gypsum, (a very insoluble salt) whilst with the magnesia it will form Epsom salt, a salt of great solubility. These salts are to be separated by priority of chrystallization, and their respective weights being ascertained, when deprived AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. deprived of the water of chrystallization, and brought to an equal degree of dryness, the quantity of calcareous matter and magnesia in each may be ascertained by BERG- MAN'S or KIRWAN-S tables of the proportion of acid, al- kali, earth, and water contained in different neutral salts. To those who are not provided with such tables, it may suffice to say, that Acid Cakar. Matter Water TOO parts of gypsum contain 48 34 18 Acid Magnesia Water 100 parts of Epsom salt contain 33 19 48 As both clay and sand, in different proportions con- stituting either a clayey or sandy soil, are distinguishable by the sight and touch, there is no occasion for giving any chemical test, to prove their presence. The pro- portion of the coarser parts of siliceous matter or sand, in soils or mould, may be ascertained by washing. The presence of vegetable or carbonaceous matter in sur- face mould, when in any considerable proportion, is ap- parent, either from its black colour, or from the vege- u 2 table A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF table matter, appearing in the soil in an undecayed state. Chemical tests, in either of these cases, are unneces- sary. When it may be requisite, however, to ascertain the presence or proportion of it in clayey or other soils, in which, from colour or extreme division of parts, it is less apparent, it is to be done in one or other of the following methods : By properly drying and weighing a certain weight of mould, and then submitting it to such a degree of heat .as will consume the vegetable or carbonaceous matter to ashes : at the same time, the heat must not be such as will disengage the fixable air from any calcareous matter or magnesia that may be contained in the mould or soil submitted to trial. The difference in weight between the dry mould, and that which is thus submitted to the action of fire, will be the proportion of vegetable or carbonaceous matter. It is likewise to be done by melting some salt-petre in an iron laddie, bringing the salt-petre to a red fusion, and then dropping into it, by little and little at a time, the earthy matter, taking care previously to dry it AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. thoroughly. The dropping in of the dried mould should be continued until the complete deflagration of the salt- petre is effected. The practical observation to be deduced from the above experiment, is, that the soil or mould which contains the most vegetable or carbonaceous matter will deflagrate the greatest quantity of salt-petre ; or, in other words, that it will require less mould to deflagrate a given weight of salt-petre, in proportion as that mould contains a greater proportion of inflammable matter* ; * . '. The presence and proportion of vegetable and inflam- mable matters in clay may, in some degree, be proved and ascertained by the degree of blackness in the colour, which the interior parts of the clay assume, when sub- jected in the fire to a certain degree of heat. The existence and proportion of most saline matters in soils are to be discovered by lixiviation, with warm water, and by subsequent chrystallization. Gypsum is to be detected by boiling the earth with al- kaline salts; in which case, the gypsum will be decompos- ed, J5 8 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF (especially if superacidulated) and by pyrituous and aluminous substances. Even green vitriol, which has hi- therto been considered as unfriendly to vegetation, will, when in a proper manner applied to soils like this, con- siderably improve and promote the growth, of pasture grasses. It 1 68 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF It is earnestly wished, that this season may not pass over without a series of experiments, as above recom- mended, being instituted by the intelligent farmers on chalky soils, and that the result of them be communi- cated to the Board of Agriculture, for the general infor- mation of the country. The principal disadvantage attending chalky soils, is that of their being too dry and parched at certain sea- sons; but possibly this defeft, when they are under pas- ture, may be counter-balanced by the more early grass they produce in the spring, as well as the luxuriant her- bage that succeeds the autumnal rains. These observations are offered with deference to the opinion of others, who may have had more oppor- tunities of making remarks on such soils, and of draw- ing the necessary conclusions. Chalky soils are peculiarly well adapted to the growth of saint foin, especially when coal ashes can be had as an article of manure. But as in most situations they are not to be procured in sufficient quantities, and as it is probable that AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. that such ashes owe their fertilizing powers to the vitri- olic salts they contain, it may be a matter of prudence and ceconomy to apply the salts themselves, as a few hundred weights will suffice for an acre of ground. By discoveries which have been made in preparing these salts, they could be afforded at a cheap rate, were the present high duties on sea salt, and the refuse liquor of salt works, taken off, so far as might relate to --these purposes. A regulation of such infinite consequence to the improvement and more complete cultivation of the lands in Britain, is of itself a sufficient apology for call- ing the attention of the Legislature a second time to so im- portant an object of relief and encouragement to the agri- culture of these kingdoms. Should measures so essential to the future prosperity of the country be disregarded, the inhabitants of this Island ought not to be surprized if France should hereafter take the lead in the cultivation of the earth as she has lately done in other valuable im- provements ; to effect which, the total abolition of the gabelle, or duties on salt, has, or more properly speaking, will give her agriculture great advantage over the rest of Europe. Y SANDY I 7 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF SANDY SOIL. THERE is no soil so naturally barren or unfruitful, tmt that it may be ameliorated by the industry of man. The very extensive improvements made on the barren sands of Norfolk, prove the truth of this assertion ; the present advanced state of these lands has been owing to the consolidating of the surface by a due proportion of clay, or of a marly clay, which generally is to be found att no great distance from the surface. On this practice (as it were) of making a soil, it is necessary to state, that much less expence is incurred, and more benefit re- ceived, by adding clay to a sandy soil, than adding sand to a clayey soil. It would require, perhaps, from six to ten times the quantity of sand to diminish the adhesion of the latter, than it would require of clay to consolidate the former. The great difference, in point of expence, must be obvious. Sand added to a clayey soil, in a less proportion than would produce the effeft required, i would be materially injurious to the staple ; because sand, when thus applied, never fails, at certain seasons, to ren- der the clayey soil more untra&able and unmanageable ; for AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. I7 i for which reason burned clay, or brick dust, has in pre- ference been recommended, as an article to be added to stiff clayey soils. There are some soils consisting almost exclusively of sand and sea shells, which are astonishingly fruitful ; small shells may therefore be used where clay is not to be had, although it is very seldom that sand is not accompanied by clay at a greater or less depth. In situations, where the clay lies at too great a depth for open work, and where props or pit timber are to be procured at a cheap rate, it may be wrought by shafting and under-ground mining. This idea is a novel one, but in some situations it probably might be carried into exe- cution with advantage. As shells consist of calcareous matter, lime-rubbish, or eff'ette-Yim^ would, for the same reason, be of service to sandy soils ; although lime opens a stiff soil, it is found to have an opposite effeft on a loose sandy soil : still there is not any application to suck a soil, so proper or so fitted as marl, with the assistance of proper dunging, in the rotation of the farm; care being had not to injure such forced or artificial soils by a too frequent and an improper use of the plough, the bad effects of which are beginning to be felt in the County of Norfolk. Y2 IN- T72 , A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF OUTFIELD AND INFIELD LANDS. THE arable land in Scotland formerly consisted of out- field and infield. The infield, in the treatment it re- ceived, and in its quality, resembles the inclosed culti- vated lands in England ; while the outfield was similar to the uninclosed common field lands in this country. There is reason to believe that this distinction, prior to the date of inclosures, was likewise general throughout England. It is wearing out fast in Scotland, from the same cause. That part of the farm, called the outfield land, never receives any manure. After taking from it two or three crops of grain, it is left in the state it was in at reaping the last crop, without sowing thereon grass-seeds, for the production of any sort of herbage. During the first two or three years, a sufficiency of grass to maintain a couple of rabbits per acre is scarcely produced. In the course of some years it acquires a sward, and after having been depastured for some years more, it is again sub- AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. submitted to the same barbarous system of hus- bandry. The other division of the arable land consisted of the infield or croft land, to which the whole dung produced on' the farm was exclusively applied. By this mode of treatment, these last mentioned lands were made fertile at the expence of the others ; and by a repetition of this practice for many centuries, a superabundance of vege- table matter has therein been accumulated. Too great a proportion of inert vegetable matter causes ground of this description to be too loose and open for most kinds of grain ; particularly for winter corn, which, by the alternate changes from frost to thaw, and vice versa, is liable either to be destroyed or spewed out of the ground. Black infield mould of this description, especially when it contains a due proportion of calcareous matter, pro- duces a rich and luxuriant herbage : it should therefore be kept in a proper rotation of pasture and tillage, and not in tillage alone, as is still the prevailing practice in many parts of Scotland. By I 7 4 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF By the dung, and still more so by the urine of cattle, lands of this nature, after having been depastured fora certain number of years, will be found to have received considerable benefit, and to have become more fitted for the production of crops of grain. This is prin- cipally to be ascribed to the effect which the volatile : alkali of the urine has, in dissolving a proportion of the superabundant oxygenated inert vegetable matter <:on- -tained in the soil. "It has been stated in the preceding part of this Work, -that stable-yard dung, by long keeping and exposure to air, loses its saline fertilizing powers, and becomes in all respects similar to peat. The same effect, in part, will take place on stable-yard dung when applied to. ground. Un- der the -article of Putrefaction it has been observed, that the soluble and saline part of the dung bears but a small proportion to what is insoluble. By the repeated dung- ings, during so many centuries, there has been accumu- lated in the infield lands of Scotland too large a propor- tion of vegetable matter. This surplus, however, may, H>y the judicious application of lime, alkalis, and other -saline substances, be dissolved, and thus made to pro- duce 175 duce abundant crops of grass, hay, and corn; which articles (from the superabundance of vegetable matter the infield lands contain) should be returned in the state of dung to the outfield lands, for the most part as deficient of vegetable matter, as the infield lands contain a superabundance. From the example here adduced 'on the situation of the infield lands in Scotland, as well as from facts and chemical reasons, it must appear, that the alternate application of dung, or vegetable composts, and saline matters, to ground, is the most judicious method to pre- serve the soil in a state of fertility, and to prevent too great an accumulation of unproductive vegetable matter, It has, in several instances been remarked, that infield land, when under pasture, and not eaten down or suffi- ciently cropped by cattle, (as sometimes happens on such grounds) or when converted into plantations, ceases to produce the same kind of grasses or herbage it would have produced if it had remained under pasture; and this is observed in young plantations, before the effe6l produced, can be ascribed to the action of the trees in over- I7 6 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF over-shadowing the ground. Were an experiment on some rich infield land made, by preventing it from being cropped or eaten down by cattle for a certain number of years, a thickness of some inches of turf or peat would he superinduced ; and the land would not again be fitted for .the production of grain, or sweet pasture grasses, without paring and burning, or the application of lime or saline substances, to act upon, or dissolve part of the accumulated vegetable matter. Hence it is that ground should contain only a certain proportion of vegetable anatter to constitute it rich and fertile mould. A considerable extent of ground, of this description, .(formerly under a high state of cultivation) 'has been ob- served in some of the southern Counties of Scotland, the cultivation of which ground had probably been dis- continued from -the frequent wars between the two nations. By fallowing, and the. application of lime, such a soil may be made fit for. the production of grain. By deep ploughing, .part . of the ,under-stratum, containing less vegetable matter,. may be brought up and mixed with the AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 177 the surface mould ; by which means not only the staple will be deepened, but the soil will, by the admixture, be rendered more compacl and close; whilst the spungy inert vegetable matter contained therein will be decom- posed, and brought into less volume by the action of the lime. On these accounts, fallowing and liming consoli- date a soil of this description, although they might at first be considered to produce contrary effects* Whilst these, or other operations, are going forward, for the purpose of making the infield land give out either in grass, hay, or corn, the surplus proportion of vegetable matter, the farmer should apply the greater part of the dung made on his farm to his outfield land, abolishing, as far as may be, the distinction formerly made. The former system of management, however much it may now be disapproved of, and made a subject of reproach to our ancestors, was nevertheless the only one suited ta their means. At a remote period, there were neither a sufficient number of men, horses, nor extent of capital, in Scotland, to admit the adoption of a different system ;; z and I7 8 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF and probably at a still more distant period, causes equally efficient operated in England against improving the whole of the surface. Our forefathers, therefore, acted more wisely, by the application of the whole of the dung, to bring part of the land into a high state of cultivation, than if they had divided or applied it over the whole extent of the farms they cultivated, whence little benefit could have accrued to themselves or to posterity : where- as, by .bringing certain portions only, into a high state of fertility, a stock of materials has been accumulated, and left for their descendants to work upon, capable of repay- ing to the exhausted outfield lands, with abundant inte- rest, the vegetable matters originally borrowed. Poor lands, made highly fertile in former times, by the addition of dung, vegetable, and animal mat- 'ters, have received such a mechanical arrangement of their parts, as well as chemical qualities, that they never .can return again to their original state. They may, as far as the production of grain -is concern ed 9 be exhausted for a time by injudicious cropping; yet .they will always produce grass when not overrun by hurt- AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. hurtful weeds, and will recover the power of producing abundant crops of grain, by being for some years under pasture. Soils of this description can never be completely injured but by paring and burning, which would dissi- pate and throw into the air the vegetable, animal, and saline matters therein contained. i8o A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF PEAT MOSSES, FEfsTS, AND POOR BARREN LANDS IN THEIR VICINITY. THIS subject follows, with peculiar propriety, the de- scription of infield and outfield lands ; and, as the diffe- rence which subsists between these lands depends upon the larger proportion of vegetable matter which the in- field land contains, in a state very similar to that of peat, it is obvious that peat mosses may be rendered of very great utility in improving the poor barren lands, which are generally found in their vicinity. Peat, or vegetable matter, should be carried from the peat moss to the poor soil, and the surface mould from the poor soil to the peat moss. By these means two bene- ficial purposes may at the same time be effected. The quantity of such like, or other earthy matter necessary to be added to a peat soil, to alter the mechanical arrange- ment of its parts, is to be ascertained by proper trials ; and, on the other hand, the quantity of peat requisite to be applied to poor soils will be regulated by the quan- tity AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. j8i tity of vegetable matter which such soils may already ^contain. The most efficacious method of applying peat to poor barren soils, is to mix it with the urine and dung of cattle; on failure of these articles, with alkaline and other salts ; and, lastly, with lime. Experience can only determine the number of loads or weight of these different preparations, which should be given to an acre of ground. From such experiments as have already been made with the preparation of alka- line and some other salts, there is reason to believe that the quantity necessary to be given at one time would not exceed that of a proper dunging, and that equally bene- ficial effects would be produced. If this, on general experience, should be proved, the peat mosses in Great Britain and Ireland will not only af- ford an inexhaustible supply of manure for the poor lands in their vicinity, but may themselves, by the application of alkaline and other salts, be brought to the highest state of fertility. Peat 182. A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF Peat soils, which acquire an undtuous rich clammi- ness, by the application and a6tion of dung, urine, al- kaline salts, &:c. in partly dissolving the peat, are the fittest of all soils for the growth of hemp. The culture of this plant would be a source of employment to the in- habitants in the winter, in preparing the hemp for market, when prevented by frost and bad weather from working without doors ; and would furnish an internal or home supply of an article so indispensably necessary to a maritime state. The cultivation.of hemp * on peat mosses thus improved, 'Would be found to be an excellent preparation for wheat. Peat mosses and fens have, hitherto, generally been considered either as nuisances, when in an unimproved state, or as soils of the greatest fertility, when cultivated. These different states regard only the peat moss or fen itself, and have no reference to any consequences that might arise by the application of peat, or of any prepa- ration of it to the neighbouring lands. But as peat has been * Were hemp cultivated on an extensive scale in this country, the expressed oil from its seed might advantageously be applied to the manufacture of soap, of a superior quality to that which is now made of tallow ; for which purpose large quantities are annually imported from Russia, and other countries. AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 183 been discovered to be capable of being converted into the most valuable of all manures, the importance of the peat mosses in Great Britain and Ireland cannot, there- fore, be too much impressed on the minds of the laud- ' owners and occupiers of these countries. From experiments made with alkaline salts and peat, it can be asserted, that the effects of such mixture, weight for weight, are equal, if not superior to those of dung. "The usual quantity of dung given to an acre of ground, -when it is intended to manure it effectually, is about eighteen tons. This it may, perhaps, receive once in five years. It will require a farm to be well managed, and in i. high cultivation, to admit of one-fifth of it to be annu- ally so manured. The best cultivated land, by the return of its own ma- nure, unless when a quantity of vegetable matter has been accumulated, as described under the article of In- .field Land, can do no more than keep itself in hearf: -t>f course, nothing can be spared for the amelioration or improvement of poor or waste lands. The rendering the inert vegetable matter of peat mosses and fens service- able to this purpose, though effe&ed at a greater expence than 184 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF than is at present incurred by any application or dressing to ground, could not fail to answer the expectation of the farmer, and must be considered as one of the most va- luable improvements that has hitherto occurred in the annals of husbandry.. The primary step towards improving a peat moss, is- to take off by proper channels the great feeder of water... This is to be effected by conducing one or more princi- pal drains through the moss, and by water courses on the solid or dry land, immediately above the level of the moss, so that it shall not be inundated by the surface water or springs of the surrounding higher lands, and* shall afterwards only require to be freed from the water that shall fall on its superficies. This being accomplished, . the intermediate parts of the bog should be drained, partly by open and partly by covered drains ; care being taken, that they are not made so deep as to lay the moss or bog too dry ; by which the peat, becoming oxygenated^ and thence insoluble, would be incapable of yielding food to vegetables. By the opposite extreme, unprofitable ^^j. grasses and aquatic vegetables are produced. It is there- fore an objedt.of great importance, in effecting the drain- age,, AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 185 age, to preserve a full command of the water, that it may be regulated at pleasure. Should a moss or bog be so circumstanced, as to ad- mit of its being drained through a country which might be improved by a supply of vegetable matter, it would be prudent, previously to making the great or leading drains through the adjacent country or moss, to concert measures for making a proper communication by a ca- nal, so that the remote lands might be supplied with peat from the moss, and the moss supplied with Hme, marl, clay, earth, sand, shells, and other materials, from the distant country. X 4. .' As shell-marl is frequently found tinder peat mosses, they should be bored in different places, to ascertain if they possess this valuable substance ; or if they contain tinder the moss a rich clay or limestone gravel: for, in the event of these being found at a moderate depth, the moss or bog may be improved at a much less expence, as the distant carriage of these necessary articles, and the difficulty of carting and laying them on so loose and spungy a surface, would thereby be diminished. A a The I&6 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF The burning a part of the upper surface may, in some cases, be requisite, to afford* when it is otherwise too dif- ficult to be procured, a due proportion of earthy matter. Peat ashes will, in such cases, act in making a different mechanical arrangement in the soil : but, near the sides of the bogs where surface mould is to be had, a prefe- rence should be given to it.. The alteration in the mechanical arrangement of the soil being effected, the next object is the application of such substances as will bring the peat, or inert vegetable matter, into aclion, These substances are lime and alka- line salts, which contribute in different ways to the pro- posed improvement. Improved peat mosses, bogs, or reclaimed fen lands> are the soils the most productive of luxuriant vegetation, although from this cause they do not in general yield, in this northern and humid climate, heavy and well filled grain. Such soils should be principally dedicated to pas- ture, and should only be ploughed when, notwithstand- ing the utmost endeavours, the ground produces coarse or rank grass ; but this is in a great measure, or perhaps entirely,. AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. entirely, to be prevented by due attention to the follow- ing directions : To keeping the water in the ditches at a proper level : To stocking the ground with a due proportion of neat cattle, sheep, and horses ; as the one animal will eat the grass which springs up from the dung of the other, and which otherwise would produce tufts of coarse grass : To folding of cattle on different parts of each field : To using of heavy rollers : To top-dressings of alkaline salts, and other saline substances ; and also to top-dressings of lime, either by itself, or when mixed with peat or fen mould. The pasture should always be eaten quite close before winter, excepting such portions of it as are intended for winter food, which likewise should be eaten close off, before the spring vegetation commences: after which A a 2 time, A'TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF time, it should not be depastured until the grass be- sufficiently advanced to allow of a good bite. As all plants^ receive nourishment two^ ways, by their stems and leaves as well as by their roots, the growth of young vegetables must necessarily be much retarded, when deprived, by being constantly eaten down, of one of their sources of subsistence- As the consolidating the soil of peat mosses Is an objeft of the first consideration, It is obvious, both on chemical and mechanical, principles, that much cropping, and the consequent exposure of fresh surfaces to the action of air, are improper : and that after a few crops are obtained, the ground should be laid down with meadowgrasses and white clover, and depastured with as much stock as it will carry. By these means, not only the soil will be consolidated and compressed, and particular grasses or herbage promoted according to the cattle so depastured, but the urine andi dung of the cattle, by carefully folding them,, will be laid on in such quantities, as will perform rapidly, and at once, ; the effect required ;. whereas, if the same quantity were divided over fifty or a hundred times the surface so folded upon, its operation would scarcely be perceptible, and the: application AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY, application of each year's manure so subdivided, would either be washed away, or its beneficial effefts lost, before the further quantity necessary could, in a series of fifty of a hundred years, be added to it. Hence a system of under-dunging, or manuring land, may be said to be nearly equal to no dunging at all : on which account the preference, with great reason, has been given, under all circumstances, to the ancient mode of cultivating the in- field lands of Scotland, Folding in a proper manner, is particularly recom- mended for fen lands and peat mosses, as the immediate effect: produced by urine, is that of dissolving into muci- laginous saponaceous matter the oxygenated peat. Indeed* in all businesses, it is well known, that what is once well done is not to do again. By this judicious mode of pro- ceeding, the chemical qualities and mechanical arrange- ment of the soil are so altered, that, without the grossest mismanagement, it is impossible it should return again to its former unproductive state. If this be properly at- tended to, the pasture will never grow coarse, or require breaking up, but will continue to improve the longer it is suffered to remain in that state. There are other rea- sons 190 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF sons for continuing such lands in pasture, viz, the diffi- culty, from the softness of the soil, of conveying dung from the farm-yard to the fields ; and likewise the ten- dency which such soils have, by exposure to air, to be- come oxygenated, and consequently incapable of yielding the food requisite for the support of vegetables. In the mode of stocking such pastures, it is further recommended to keep the fat, the half fed cattle, and the lean or young stock, in different inclosures, as is the praClice in Ireland, and where grazing is well understood in England. The fat cattle should only top the grass, the half fed 'should succeed those, and lastly, the lean or store cattle should follow on the same pasture, and eat the herbage close down ; repeating this practice as often zs the fresh growth of grass will permit. DRAIN- AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY* DRAINAGE OF THE FENS. THE loss sustained by individuals and by the public, from the late breaking of the banks, and consequent inundation of the cultivated fens in Cambridgeshire and other Counties, necessarily calls the attention of the pro- prietors of fen estates, and the Legislature of this coun- try, to a more judicious and complete system of general drainage of that great level. The late destruction of the banks, and loss sustained, may probably be the means of uniting, in one natural and judicious plan for their mutual advantage, the hitherto distinct and opposite interests of individuals and of neighbouring communities. This is most likely to be accomplished by adopting the method of drainage recommended in the Appendix to the very able Report of the Agricultural Survey of the County of Cambridge ; by which plan there is reason to believe that the fens might be wholly, instead of being partially, drained : an objeft of too great importance to be over- looked, or to be thwarted by the confined or mistaken plans of any class of men, or the interested motives of any A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF any particular place or borough, with a view to make such place, or borough, the mouth or outlet, and conse- quently the shipping port to the fens so drained. To such objects, the general interest of the many, and the nation in general, are too frequently sacrificed. It is not those who propose the best plan of a general drain- age, line, and direction of a canal, or rendering a river or rivers navigable, who carry their point; but it is those who can procure most friends in the two Houses of Par- liament. Many judicious plans of canals, and of render- ing rivers navigable, have been rejected, and the inte- rest of proprietors of an established ditch of a canal> has been allowed, to prevent the cutti.ag of canals of much more general utility and importance. The late accidents which have happened to the fens, by the breaking of the banks, should lead to an impartial survey, and consideration of the most judicious method of draining this valuable country at the lowest possible level, so as to avoid the raising of the water, as has hi- therto been the case, to a much higher level than is said Q be necessary. On AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 193 On this subject it is proper to remark, that exclusively of the main central drain, or drains, carried at the lowest ..level, and according to the natural and old established course of the waters, sufficient drains or water courses should be made to skirt or surround the wjaole of the fens cut on the dry or solid land above their level. It is obvious, that by thus guarding the fens from their great and principal feeders which come from the upland coun- try r there would then require to be drained, or to be raked from the fens, only that proportion of water which may fall on their superfices. The Agricultural Surveyor of Cambridgeshire seems to be of opinion, that the gene- ral bed of the fens is sufficiently elevated above the level of the sea to drain itself. This fa6l is of too impertan ta nature not to be fully and minutely inquired into, as in the event of its being established, not only the fens lately under cultivation, and now drowned, might in future be .more securely and effectually drained, but an addition of 150,000 acres of undrained and unreclaimed fen land, in the County of Cambridge alone, would accrue to the agriculture, or the cultivation of this country. Should the fens not be capable of being drained completely .by any sea level, and that the water .should require B b to 194 A TREATISE ON* THE CONNECTION OF to be raised, the most judicious method of proceed- ing would be still to conduct the water to the lowest level, and which will be found to be Nearest to the sea,, and then by a sufficient number of windmills, or other engines, to lift it over the great sea bank. Some well constructed fire engines would at certain times be of ma- terial service to the drainage. Fire engines employed in the accomplishment of & great and national object, should be exempted from duty on the coal required to work them. The expence of fuel might still farther be diminished, by making use of the refuse small coal made at Newcastle in working the larger and more valuable sorts. This refuse coal may there be had at two shillings and three-pence per London ehaldron of thirty-six Winchester bushels, and of which, about 100,000 such chaldrons are annually brought from the pits for the purpose of clearing the under- ground workings, and are allowed to decay, and perish on- bank. Were this quantity of refuse coal allowed to be applied, duty free y to such like, or to other important national, objects, many beneficial consequences would thence arise ; the public revenue could not suffer by ex- empting; AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY, 195 erupting this at present waste or refuse article from duty for the working of fire engines, or the burning of lime ; still any limited or partial exemption from so in- judicious a tax as that on water borne coals, would be far short of the advantages, which, by a total repeal of the duties, would ensue to agriculture, manufactures, mines, machinery, navigation, or extent of shipping, and the health and comforts of the great body of the people in this humid and northern climate. An exclusive duty on coals carried coastways, may be deemed a prohibition to the rearing of seamen, and a bounty on the breeding of horses. It is truly astonishing that so glaring an absurdity has not hitherto been co rrefted. The late requsitions, and very strong but necessary steps taken by Government^ to procure seamen to defend our Island from foreign in- vasion, show whether it is to horses or to seamen we are now to be indebted for our Defence. In Scotland, the duty on coals is repealed, and an additional duty on spirits substituted in its stead. In this respect, the in- habitants of South Britain would do well to promote a similar plan of commutation. B b 2 The T96 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION (OF- The draining, inclosing-, and properly cultivating the fens and peat mosses in Britain, would, by rearing and feeding a greater number of cattle of all descriptions^ allow a greater proportion of the higher and drier lands to be kept in tillage; whence would be produced a greater quantity of grain and animal food. The present inhabitants of Great Britain would be more reasonably and plentifully fed and cloathed, and a considerable surplus would be left either for exportation, or for the maintenance of an augmented number of people. Population would increase as plenty is secured. The additional produce of the earth would not only feed a greater-number of inhabitants, but would provide them ^with constant employment in the manufacturing of wool, hides, hemp, and flax, the internal productions of our own 1 Island, instead of relying upon a precarious supply of some of these necessary articles from foreign States; and lastly, emigration, the' constant attendant on scar- would, no longer- rob- these kingdoms of their only defence. WEST AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY, WEST INDIA ISLANDS; BENEFIT TO THE CULTURE OF THE ISLANDS FROM A DUE ATTENTION TO THE OXYGENATION OF VEGETABLE MATTER, AND THE SUBSEQUENT SOLUTION OF IT, BY ALKALIS AND OTHER SALINE BODIES. THESE Islands, when first known, were covered with wood j the lands have since been cleared, and the soil has- been brought under the culture of the sugar* cane, indigo, and cotton. The crops of sugar, for many years, after clearing and cultivating the ground, were very great. At length, by repeatedly cropping and ex- hausting the soil, the planters are now under the necessity either of manuring for sugar crops, or of substituting others of a less exhausting nature for a certain number of years, until the ground shall recover. The very abundant crops of sugar at first produced, were undoubtedly owing to the accumulation of vegetable matter, in consequence of the Islands having been co- vered with wood for many centuries previous to th,eir ' settlement and cultivation .. The A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION. OF There can be no doubt that the vegetable matter in a small part only been expended in producing those abundant crops, and that by far the greater part has become oxygenated and insoluble by the exposure of renewed surfaces to the aclion of the atmospheric air, in consequence of the frequent stirrings and boeings which the ground has received. No soil can, in any climate, continue to produce in abun- dance, sugar, grain, or other exhausting crops, without receiving back in return such a proportion of vegetable matter, in the state of dung or otherwise, as would be equal to the weight of the vegetable matter afforded by the soil to each crop. By this, it is not meant, nor would it be possible, that there should annually be returned to the ground as great a weight of vegetable matter as shall be qual to the weight of the preceding crop, it being only necessary to return as much as would be equal to the proportion of the vegetable matter furnished by the soil. By much the greater part of the vegetable matter now existing or remaining on the surface of the earth is in- debted to the aery form fluids or gasses, and to the de- compo- AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. composition of water in the process of vegetation, for the matter of which it principally consists. To these two causes the accumulation of vegetable matter on the surface of the earth is principally to be ascribed. It would not be an easy task to ascertain the different proportions of the food of plants supplied from the soil, or from the air, and the decomposition of water. It must be admitted, that the constituent principles of the vegetable substances con- tained in ground long under cultivation, have, in a great measure, been supplied to such vegetables, when growing* by air and water. This must be evident from the large proportion of vegetable and animal matter (under all states or systems of cultivation or cropping) annually takea from the soil, consisting of grain, or animal sub- stances, such as flesh, milk, butter, and cheese; the dung and urine of cattle dropped on the roads, (where it is totally lost) and the large proportion of the food of animals, thrown off by insensible perspiration and breathing: to all which must be added the quantity of extractive soluble matter annually washed away by the rains, and carried into the sea. - Had not the benevolent Creator of all things established processes for supplying sucli an unavoidable waste of veetable or other matters , the A TREATISE ON THE CONNECf ION < the surface or soil of all countries would, in process of time, have become barren and unfertile. On the whole, there can be -little risque in. asserting, that the quantity of vegetable matter in soils under a proper system of cultivation and dunging, is, notwithstanding, the -above abstractions, probably on the increase. The great quan- tity of saccharine and other matter yearly taken away^ without being returned to the soil, and the unfitness of the hard or woody part of the sugar-cane for the food of cattle, evidently prove that the sugar plantations must suffer annually a considerable degree of cjeterioralion -, and that from so great an abstraction, as well as from the process of oxygenation, the soil must at length cease to produce crops of sugar. Such effects have in part been already experienced in Barbadoes, and in the Islands first settled and cultivated. It is apprehended, that the less productive power of the soil of some of these islands, is more to be ascribed to the state in which the vegetable matter is now in, than to its having been exhausted by cropping. Should this conjecture prove well founded, and that the soil still con- tain a large proportion of oxygenated vegetable matter, the AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. ' 2O I the surface may again, for a time, be rendered fertile by the application of alkaline salts and other saline matters : repeated applications would undoubtedly exhaust any soil, and as such these should only be applied alternately with clung or vegetable matters. Every judicious planter keeps a sufficient number of live stock for the purpose of making manure, and sets apart a due proportion of his plantation for producing proper food for their main- tenance. It is necessary that cattle should be kept in great numbers, to provide in some measure for the waste an- nually incurred in the sugar grounds, still there will be a deficiency of manure from the stock so kept, to pre- serve the sugar-cane lands in high condition. An idea is here suggested of supplying that deficiency, founded on the principles and facts already mentioned, towards which the following, as it respe6ls the cultivation of the sugar-cane, is offered as a more full explanation. An acre of ground under canes is generally reckoned to produce an hogshead or about twelve cwt. of sugar, besides the molasses, 8cc. The tonnage of ships neces-> sary to convey such bulky articles to Britain, must be c c very 202 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF very considerable. Those exported, consisting chiefly of valuable manufactured goods, are of small weight when compared with the weight of the sugar, &c. imported ; and of so little value is the freight of outward-bound ships, that they are frequently either entirely laden with bricks, lime, &c. or partly so by way of ballast: in which last situation most of our West Indiamen perform their outward-bound voyage. As dung is also said to be sent from Britain to the West Indies, this circumstance, (together with the chemical re- marks and observations on the nature of peat) has 'pointed out peat as an article capable of being sent in certain states of preparation to the West India Islands, with a view to supply the annual consumption and deficiency of vegetable matter, which may take place in the soil by the cultivation of the sugar- cane. Thifs idea originated from knowing that the soreline acid, the acid most abundantly contained in peat, and the acid of sugar, were identically the same. There AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 203 There can be no doubt, that when peat is rendered completely soluble, and thus fitted to promote the growth of plants, it will, when applied to the culture of the sugar- cane, afford those substances which constitute sugar; when these, by the process of vegetation, are afterwards combined and united in due proportions. To send cargoes of peat in an unprepared state to the West Indies, would be the height of folly and absurdityy as no vessel could carry enough of so light a substance even to ballast her. But as peat, when dissolved by alka- line salts, and afterwards dried, may be brought to the consistency of a solid dry gum, equal in weight perhaps to forty or fifty Ib. per cubic foot, the objection to its lightness would thus be remedied, and it might be ex- ported to the West Indies at a low return freight, or as ballast. If there be any accumulated masses of vegetable mat- ter, or peat, in the West India Islands, this manure might certainly be prepared there, at a cheaper rate than in Britain or Ireland. c c 2 The 204 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF The improvement here suggested by the application of peat as a manure to sugar plantations, is perfeclly new, and as such, with a certain set of men, (whose opinions are not worthy of attention) the proposal may be sub- jefted to the epithet of a scheme r , an appellation now gene- rally bestowed on all designs, whether the discovery be valuable or useless. Mankind seem at this moment to detest all alterations, excepting in such matters as are the most difficult and dangerous, viz. the laws, the form of government, religion, and the scheme of society of a country, in which the most subordinate ranks feel themselves as competent to alter or amend, as a GROTIUS or a MONTESQIJIEU. " ' CUL* AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. CULTIVATION OF SOREL, WITH A VIEW TO THE PRODUCTION OF OTHER MORE VALUABL E CROPS. IT does not appear that any farmer has cultivated, or that any writer .has recommended the growth of those plants to be promoted, which seem indigenous to any particular soil, with intention of rendering such plants of use in the future production of grain, or the rich herbage upon which cattle feed. It is no uncommon practice to sow buck wheat, tares,, and other green crops, for the sole purpose of ploughing them in ; thus providing the ground with a proportion of fresh vegetable matter, at times when other manure cannot be procured, and also promoting the dissolution of the inert vegetable matter contained in the soil by the stagnation of air, and by the retention of humidity, occasioned by the close cover and shade these crops af- ford. Judicious as this process in many cases may be, of. en- couraging the growth of certain vegetables, with a view of .of promoting, by their subsequent destruction, the future growth of others, yet the beneficial effefts of this system of cultivation, by due attention to the vegetables which certain soils have a tendency to produce is to be extended much further than most farmers are aware of. To attempt making such soils produce, without che- Linical acids, other vegetables more serviceable to men and cattle, would be premature, as it would be an endeavour .to force nature to productions for which she is not as yet prepared. not calcareous, containing much inert vegetable ^matter or peat, have a tendency to produce wild sorel, a plant considered in general as an indication of the want of fertility in the soil. This is certainly correct, if the fer- tility of the soil is only to be estimated by the use or value. at market of the crop, but not as it respects vege- tation itself ; for a soil of the above description often pro- ^duces a most plentiful crop of sorel. In this case, as it. applies to the further improvement of the land, the growth, of sorel should ,as much as possible be encouraged, -even by sowing the seed for this especial purpose. The jvegetation of this plant is .no doubt promoted in the AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 207 the soil by the oxalic or soreline acid, formed by the com- bination of oxygen, or pure air, with the basis of the so- reline acid contained in the vegetable matter of the soil"; and so long as the vegetable matter remains in a state- fit to become oxygenated, it will have a tendency to promote the growth of sorel. It has been stated that the juice or salt of sorel is a superacidulated neu- tral salt, consisting of the vegetable alkali and the oxalic acid. This superabundant acid is inimical to the growth of grain, or of such vegetables or grasses as con- stitute the food of most animals: but which tendency in the soil, and injurious consequences, are to be correct- ed by the application of different substances, viz. by lime, by chalk, by magnesia, by alkaline salts, and by paring and burning. Lime will combine with the acid of the sorel, and form an oxalat of lime, which is insoluble : as such it should only be applied in such small quantities as will neutralize the acid in the soil, or the superabundant proportion of acid contained in the sorel; so that the other component part of sorel, viz. the oxalat of potash, may not be decom- posed by the superior affinity which the oxalic acid has to lime; A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION On the whole, a tax of one shilling per head on neat cattle, seems but a trifling objett to those who may pay it, when the benefits from the indulgence granted shall be considered, And here the remarks on this subject will conclude, by recommending the making of such proper AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY, proper trials of the comparative benefit of the use of malt and unmalted grain, as will fully establish the ad- vantages attending the former pradice, It may be said, that according to this plan, the pre- sent malt-tax will be evaded, and that persons would supply themselves for brewing with the malt prepared for feeding their horses and cattle ; but this is to be pre- vented by allowing oats, peas, and beans * only to be so malted, in a barn entered for that purpose, under the survey of the Excise Officer of the district, attaching a high penalty, with forfeiture of the grain, for malting any other kinds than such as by law are so allowed. Neither from peas nor beans can a proper palatable fermented liquor be made, and the use of oats would be extremely un- ceconomical, from the small weight of kernel in propor- tion to the weight and price of the grain, L-astly, Should these arguments and reasons not be thought sufficient to induce the adoption of the arrange- pf merits * Perhaps the malting of peas and beans may not be found so requisite, or so ad- vantageous as the malting of oats, aud that all the purposes for feeding of cattle uiay be obtained by breaking and crushing them in a mill, especially when given mixed with maked oats. 22 6 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF ments here proposed, a total abolition of the present malt-tax seems the only alternative, adopting in part the* substitutes already mentioned, and in lieu of the present tax upon malt, an additional tax upon the brewer, with an equivalent tax on all families who brew for their own use, and an additional tax on spirits. Having stated thus much on a subject, which appears of such importance, and which is likely to be earlier at- tended to in France * than in this country, a few words may be proper on a plan for the purpose of entirely doing away the present salt duties, and substituting such others as shall fall on individuals in proportion to the benefit they may receive by the use of salt ; par- ticularly on those, who, from the high price of it, are now debarred its use in agriculture, the feeding of cattle, and in manufactures. It is believed that Government would willingly allow the exemption of duty on salt used for these purposes, provided the revenue were not to suffer by the appli- cation of such duty-free salt for domestic consumption. Here is the difficulty which has stopped the progress of Mi- nisters * A tax on malt made no part of the former system of taxation in that country. AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 227 nisters and others on this important alteration, whilst to the Author it appears capable of an easy adjustment. The first objeft to consider, is the duty per ton which could be afforded, or which would be reasonable to exact for salt applied to the three purposes above mentioned. This duty should not exceed one pound per ton, er sixpence per bushel, which should be all the tax exafled on the commodity itself. The Author gives it as his opinion, that the extended consumption of salt for the purposes already mentioned, as soon as tlie benefits de- rived from the use of it were generally known, would, at a duty of one pound per ton, be fiilly equal to the duties now colletted ; but as it may not be prudent to trust to speculations, defuturis contmgentibu^ it is suggested, that the deficiency of duty which would arise on its present con- sumption, be made up by a tax on those who should re- ceive a benefit by the unrestrained use of it, such as farmers, feeders, and owners of cattle, and certain other classes of consumers of salt. Householders should only pay for domestic consumption the 6d, per bushel, by which means they would be supplied with salt 45. 6d. a bushel cheaper than they are at present. At this rate, the F f 2 duties 22 8 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF duties on salt for domestic purposes would not exceed 6o,oool. a year ; but the difference is to be made up by a similar tax to that recommended under the article of Horses and Cattle, together with a duty of 3d. in the pound on the rent paid by each farmer or occupier of ground, and los. a ton on the salt rock exported to fo- reign countries : according to which plans, the salt duties would amount to as follow : To tons of salt for domestic consumption, at il. per ton - To tons of rock salt exported to Ireland and abroad, at los. per ton To duty on horses, To duty on neat cattle, To 3d. in the pound on rent of land Which sum would exceed by the whole net amount of the salt revenue of Britain. But the increase of the revenue would not stop here, for as soon as the valuable application of salt for agricul- ture, and the feeding of cattle, was generally known and AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. > 229. and practised, the annual consumption of salt, for these purposes only, would at least amount to tons more. So that the whole revenue, from salt would amount -to Should this be a greater sum than Government would choose to exact, they may limit, or - do away all the duties now mentioned, excepting the duty of 2os per ton, as soon as the consumption of Britain for all the different purposes shall, at the duty of aos. a ton* amount to the net revenue at present collected. The tax upon water-borne coals now claims attention* Some remarks have already been made on that subject in page 194, but not so fully as the importance of the subject merits. . The coasting coal trade of Britain is said to employ vessels, on an average, each of tons, navigated by* seamen, most of whom are apprentices ; as such the coal trade is reckoned the principal nur- sery for British seamen. There is no coasting or carry- ing trade in the world, of which the cargoes, or articles carried, * For the reasons already given, this blank, ' with those which precede it, are left to be filled up by the reader. 230 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF carried, are so disproportionate, or of so small a value, when compared with the freight 1 capital employed in shipping ; consequently there is no trade which employs so many seamen in proportion to the value of the car- goes. Profitable or judicious branches of trade should by every means be encouraged, especially those in which the persons employed are the protectors and defenders of their country. No person, who has the prosperity and defence of this Country at heart, but must wish, that that trade should be increased which promotes ends so truly to be desired. It must be obvious that such objects are rot to be at- tained by laying duties on an article when water-borne, of which the carriage by sea should as much as possible be promoted. To what further extent the coasting coal trade might be carried, is not an easy matter .at -present to predict; it is capable not only of being increased to a very great degree, by taking off the present duties, but may be in- creased in a much greater degree, by the extended culture AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 2 3I 1 culture, and consequent population of the kingdom : objects, which, from necessity^ are now in a very strong manner awakening the attention of individuals. The Author does not think he hazards an opinion, when he says, that the coasting and export coal trade of Bri- tain may be doubled within ten years from the present date ; but this is not to be effected without a total repeal of the duties on coal carried coast ways. It is not an easy matter to find a substitute for this tax, at least such a one as would meet with general ap- probation. DweDing-housesare already taxed in several ways; first, in all the materials of which they are built ; and, secondly, by the land-tax, window-tax, and tea commutation tax: still were there any other tax which could with propriety be levied on that spe- cies of property, it would be the coal tax, from the necessity all persons are under in this northern climate of making use of fuel. One of the many advantages attending such a com- mutation would be, that it would embrace and include inhabitants of the counties where coal is wrought, who 232 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF who at present, in that respect, contribute nothing to theexi- gencies of the state, and who in general, from the saving of carriage, freight, ^nd duties, are supplied with coal at i a third or a. fourth of the price paid in other parts by the -subjects- of the same kingdom, than which nothing can. _bc more partial, unwise, and unjust. 'To a general tax, or regulation of this kind, the inha- bitants of the coal countries could not with reason object ; -nor could any objections be made on the part of the great consumers of coal in different branches of manufacture; because these, as well as fire engines, would be exempted. To make the proposed tax bear equally in proportion to the wealth of individuals, it should be in proportion to the number of windows or chimneys contained ia each house. All who consume coals should bear their pro- portion : none should be exempted but those who re- ceive assistance from the parish, or of whom the Church- wardens certify that they are persons in indigent cir- cumstances. As the Author is not furnished at present with the amount of the window-tax, nor the commuta- tion AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 333 tion tax on tea, he cannot on this head, enter into further detail ; and will only add, that were the tax to fall heavier on that species of property than he is aware of, it might be proportion ably diminished, and the deficiency of the tax be made up by an additional ohe on ardent spirits, or on some other proper object of tax- ation. Having concluded the suggestions towards the repeal of the three taxes which are the most repressive of in- dividual and national exertion, reference will now be had to Mr. EDWARDS'S description of the soils best adapt- ed for the culture of the sugar-cane, in his History of the West Indies, wherein he confirms the opinion of the Author, that soils may receive considerable injury by too frequent ploughings, stirrings, or exposure of renewed surfaces to the aftion of air and sun, especially where the sun's rays are so very powerful as they are in the West Indies. By these Extracts it will appear, that (with few exceptions) the soil in the West Indies, ""<*&* bestlSfepted for the culture of the sugar-cane, is a rich, deep, black mould. There is no soil of that colour that does not contain carbonaceous or vegetable matter. Such G g soils 234 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF soils are peculiarly fitted for the application of alkaline salts, that the vegetable matter which had become oxy- genated and inert, by frequent culture and exposure of fresh surfaces to the air, may by these means be dis- solved. Notwithstanding the fertility of this black soil, it still requires the aid of manure or urine, as appears by Mr. EDWARDS'S observations on the soil of Barbadoes ; and in his remarks on the soil of Jamaica, he says, "the urine of cattle is the best of all manures ;" which practi- cally corroborates the Author's theory on the action which the 'volatile alkali, contained in urine, has in dis- solving oxygenated peat, or oxygenated vegetable matter, and of which, so large a proportion is contained in many of the soils in the West Indies. The prevalence of this black, or vegetable soil, supercedes the necessity of sending to the West Indies the preparations of peat formerly re- commended, this soil requiring only alkaline salts as a sub- stitute for the urine of cattle, which is by no means to be had in such quantities as the ground would require, to in- sure abundant crops. Mr. EDWARDS'S remarks are very judicious as to sub- stituting coal for boiling the sugar, and the distillation of AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 235 of rum instead of the cane trash now used zsfuel: this cane trash, by being kept a due time in heaps, and after- wards mixed with alkaline salts, might be returned 'to the land as manure, instead of being dissipated or thrown into the air by combustion. The different extracts from Mr. EDWARDS'S work here alluded to, are subjoined in the Appendix. The Author hopes, that by candid readers allowance will be made for the imperfections necessarily attendant on all works of this or any other kind, when sent to the press as composed, without due time having been taken either to revise the composition, or to correct typogra- phical errors, several of which occur in this work, and a list of which is subjoined to the Table of Contents. The public are requested to view the preceding Trea- tise more in the light of suggestions and hints, than a full and complete treatise on the different subjects. The Author requests permission to correct an expression which had very inadvertently crept into the Preface, page 8, wherein he says, " The Author flatters himself G g 2 " that 236 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF *' that his labours will be found to open a field of expe- " riment, of chemical reasoning, and of the practically " useful, applicable to agriculture, of which that science " had hitherto been thought incapable." His meaning- was, and it should have been so expressed, " of which " that science has to too many appeared incapable : " for persons of reflection and understanding must admit, that chemistry, defined in the Introduction to this Work, " to " be a knowledge of the properties of bodies, and of the " effects resulting from their different combinations," cannot but be necessary to the proper understanding and bringing to perfection, any art, science, or occupation, wherein matter is to be operated upon." Attacks upon the theories and opinions of other writers have been carefully avoided, the Author's view r s not being to court argument or dispute, but to convey such information as appeared to him might be useful ; nor would he have departed from this line of conduct in the following remarks respecting the a6tion of lime, had he not considered it as being conducive to the interest of individuals, and to agriculture in general, to combat an erroneous theory, to wjrich many have subscribed, on the AGRICULTURE WtTH CHEMISTRY. 237 the authority of others who have written on this sub- ject. By these writers it is asserted, that dung contains 0/7: and to this oil the application of lime is recommended, with a view to render it soluble in water. No expressions in chemistry or in agriculture have been so injudiciously made use of as those of sulphur and of oil. By the word sulphur, brimstone is to be understood ; and by the word oil, those smooth unctuous substances capable of being inflamed or burned, produced in the bodies of animals by the process of animalization, and in the seeds and kernels of fruits and plants by the process of vegetation. To which are to be added bituminous oils, and empyreumatic oils, obtained by the distillation of animal, vegetable, and some mineral substances, such as fossile coal, &c. to none of which the juice of dung or dung-hills bears the smallest resemblance ; on the con- trary, it will be found to be a mucilaginous neutralized saline extractive liquor, whence no oil, either from it or from dung, can be procured but by distillation, or the ap- plication of fire ; in which case oil cannot be said to be disen- 238 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF disengaged, but is really formed in the process, in Jie same 1 ^manner as oil is procured by distillation from mucilage or gum. Attempts have been made to classify manures, earths, and other substances, under the term of adtive and pas- sive. Lime is termed aftive, /. e. it is said to possess a power of afting upon other substances, and of making "these substances produce or give out to vegetables their proper food. By such theories the effedts of lime are carried still further, by ascribing to them the power of rendering oil soluble in water. These oils are termed passive, and are supposed to be contained in dung. That such oils do not exist in dung, must be maintained, until a true inflammable oil is procured from dung by expression, or by some process different from that of fire. What sort of oil is meant, the Author is really at a loss to discover ; it cannot well be supposed to resemble sallad oil, nor any oil to be had from perfumers, apothecaries, nor the oil shops ! It is known to every well informed chemist, as well as to soap-boilers, that hot lime does not produce, with ani- mal fat or oil, or with the expressed oil from vegetable seeds AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 239 seeds or kernels of fruits, a permanent soap, or sapona- ceous emulsion ; for although such a sapo seems to be formed, still it keeps only in that state until the lime sa- turates itself with fixable air, after which a separation takes place, and the oil comes again to the surface of the liquor. This proves that lime is not endowed with those powers ascribed to it, in rendering oil soluble in water. Admitting, however, (which is not the fact) that the sapo made by lime and oil was a true and a permanent one, still the oil, strictly speaking, could not be considered as in 1 solution, being only mechanically separated and di- vided in the water, and not chemically united therewith, as is apparent by its colour ; for liquors wherein chemical union exists are colourless. The only effeft that lime has upon gross oil is to deprive it of that principle which constituted it such, and to reduce it to the state of. an oil more fluid, and more resembling animal or other oils attenuated by frequent distillations. Lime certainly does no more than deprive the gross oil of the acid, on which depend its thickness and consistency, the lime combining with the acid in the same manner as in the 240 A TREATISE ON THE CONNECTION OF the process of soap-making : a part of the caustic alkali combines with the sebaceous acid of the tallow, forming sebat of potash or sefoat of soda saline matters to be found, with other neutral salts, in soap-makers spent lyes. So far from lime rendering dung more soluble, it im- pedes that process, by forming with the dung insoluble salts, and it otherwise injures the dung by disengaging and throw- ing into the air the ammoniac or volatile alkali, that other- wise would have combined, and have formed neutral soluble salts, with the phosphoric or oxalic acids of the dung, or other vegetable or animal matters. The mixing of hot lime 'with dung has been highly disapproved of in the preceding part of this Work; and the Author must now conclude, by observing, that the application of it, for the purpose of dissolving the imaginary oil contained in dung, is too injudicious a practice, as well as, in a chemical point of light, too erroneous a theory, to have been permitted to pass without notice. ADBENDA. AGRICULTURE WITH CHEMISTRY. 24 1 ADDENDA. IT has been neglected, under the article Peat and Peat Mosses, to state, that their waters are very injurious to the health of cattle ; and that such bad effects may be prevented by collecting the rain water that may fall on the roofs of the dwelling-house and offices, into tanks properly constructed, and having no communication with the soil. Should not the buildings be conveniently placed for affording to the cattle a supply of water from the tank, or should the extent of such roofs be insuffi- cient to collect the quantity of rain water that may be required, sheds or hovels, covered with tile, should be erected in a central field, conveniently situated for secur- ing to the cattle their daily supply. A farther benefit will ensue by the shelter and protection that such sheds or hovels will afford the cattle. This method of collecting rain water (and which is practised in many countries) may with great advantage be adopted in the upland, chalky, or gravelly soils, or in the marshes near the sea shore, where the springs either are at a great depth, or H h where 242 A TREATISE, & c . where the water is brackish. In upland situations, water may be collected into tanks in great abundance, during the rainy seasons, by leading the surface water into such re- ceptacles, without incurring the expence of sheds or hovels; but in fens, morasses, peat mosses, and marshes or flat grounds, near the sea shore, where the soil is full of vegetable and animal matter, or where the water is brackish, a supply of water can only be obtained by the assistance of the roofs above recommended* APPEND A PP E N D I X. EDWARDS's HISTORY OF THE WEST INDIA ISLANDS. BARBADOES. VOL. I. BOOK III PAGE 345. " THE soil in the low lands is black^ somewhat reddish in the shallow parts, on the hills of a chalky marl, and near the sea generally sandy ; of this variety of soil, the black mould is best suited for the cultivation of the cane, and with the aid of manure has given as great returns of sugar in favourable seasons, as any in the West Indies, the prime lands of Saint Kitts excepted." ISLAND OF GRENADA. VOL. I. BOOK III PAGE 376. " To the north and the east the soil is a brick mould, the same or nearly the same as that of which mention has been made in the History of Jamaica. On the west $ide it is a rich black mould on a substratum of yellow clay. H h 2 To 244 APPENDIX, To the south, the land in general is poor, and of a reddish hue; and the same extends over a considerable part of the interior country." / ISLAND OF SAINT CHRISTOPHER. VOL. I. BOOK III PAGE 429* " The interior part of the country consists of many rugged precipices and barren mountains. Of these, the loftiest is Mount Misery (evidently a decayed volcano) which rises 3711 feet in perpendicular height from the sea. Nature* however, has made abundant amends for the sterility of the mountains, by the fertility she has bestow- ed upon the plains. No part of the West Indies, that I have Seen, possesses even the same species of soil that is found in Saint Christopher's ; it is in general a dark grey loam, so light and porous as to be penetrable by the slightest ap- plication of the hoe, and I conceive it to be- the produc- tion of subterraneous fires, the black ferruginous pumice of naturalists, finely incorporated with a pure loam of virgin mould. The under stratum is gravel, from eight to twelve inches deep. Clay is no where found except at a considerable height in the mountains. By what process of nature the soil which J have mentioned, becomes more APPENDIX. more especially suited to the production of sugar than any other in the West Indies, it is neither within my province or ability to explain." PAGE " I am informed, however, that the planters of Saint Christopher's are at a great expencefor manure" ISLAND OF NEVIS, VOL. I. BOOK III PAGE 434. " The SDil is stony ; the best is a loose black mould on a clay. In some places, the upper stratum is a stiff clay*. which requires labour ; but properly divided and pulve- rized, repays the labour bestowed upon it." ^J^^ ISLAND OF ANTIGUA. VOL. I. BOOK III PAGE 446. " This' Island contains two different kinds of soil; the one a black mould on a substratum of clay, which is naturally rich, and when not chequed by excessive droughts, ta which Antigua is 'particularly subject, very produ&ive. The APPENDIX. The other is a stiff clay on a substratum of marl ; it is much less fertile than the former, and abounds with an inirradicable kind of grass, in such a manner, that many estates consisting of that kind of soil, which were once very profitable, are now so impoverished and over-grown with this sort of grass,* as either to be converted into pas- ture land, or to become entirely abandoned. Exclusive of such deserted land, and a small part of country that is altogether unimprovable, every part of the Island may be said to be under cultivation," ISLAND OF JAMAICA. VOL. II. BOOK V.o PAGE 204. " It may be supposed, that a plant thus rank and succu- lent requires a strong and deep soil to bring it to perfection, and as far as my own observation has extended, I am of opinion that no land can be too rich for that purpose. " The very best soil, however, that I have seen or heard of, for the production of sugar, of the finest quality and in * Perhaps the tendency which this soil has to produce this kind of grass, might be corrected by lime, alkaline or neutral salts. APPENDIX. 247 in the largest proportion, is the ashy loam of Saint Chris- topher's, of which an account has been given in the His- tory of that Island. Next to that is the soil which, in Ja- maica, is called brick-mould ; not as resembling a brick in colour, but as containing such a due mixture of clay and sand as is supposed to render it well adapted for the use of the kiln. It is a deep, warm, and mellow hazzle earth, easily worked ; and though its surface soon grows dry after rain, the under-stratum retains a considerable degree of moisture in the driest weather ; with this ad- vantage too, that even in the wettest weather it seldom requires trenching. Plant-canes in this soil, (which are those of the first growth) have been known in very fine seasons to yield two tons and a half of sugar per acre ; after this may be rekoned the black mould of several va- rieties. The best is the deep black earth of Barbadoes, Antigua, and some other of the Windward Islands ; but there is a specks of f bis mould in Jamaica that is but little, if any thing inferior to it, which abounds with lime- stone and flint on a substratum of soapy marl. Black mould on clay is more common -, but as the mould is generally shallow, and the clay stiff and retentive of water, this last sort of land requires great labour, both in ploughing and 24 8 APPENDIX. and trenching, to render it profitable. Properly pulve- rized and manured, it becomes very productive, and may be said to be inexhaustible". J?AGE 206. <" It is remarkable, however, that the same degree of ploughing or pulverization, which is absolutely necessary to render stiff and clayey lands productive, is here not only unnecessary but hurtful ; for though this soil is deep, it is at the same time far from being heavy, and it is naturally dry. As, therefore, too much exposure to the scorch- ing influence of a tropical sun destroys its fertility, the system of husbandry on sugar plantations, in which this soil abounds, is to depend chiefly on what are called ratoon canes,'' (or sprouts of the canes formerly planted) these continue to be cut, and to produce sugar for some years : as they decay they are replaced by /ra plants. By "this" method the planter, instead of stocking " or digging up " his ratoons, suffers the stoles to continue in the ground, '" instead of stocking, or digging up his ratoons, and holeing and planting the land anew." PAGE 208. <" In the cultivation of other lands (in Jamaica espe- cially) the plough has been introduced of late years, and in APPENDIX. 249. in some few cases to great advantage; but it is not every soil or situation that will admit the use of the plough,, some lands being much too stoney and others too steep. And I am sorry I have occasion to remark, that a practice commonly prevails in Jamaica, on properties where this auxiliary is used, which would exhaust the finest land in the world. It is that of ploughing, then cross ploughing, round ridging, and harrowing the same lands from year to year , or at least every other year, without affording manure. Accordingly it is found, that this method is utterly destruttive of the ra- toon, or second growth, and altogether ruinous. It is in- deed astonishing, that any planter of common reading - or observation, should be passive under so pernicious a system" PAGE 215. " Hitherto I have saicV nothing of a very important branch in the sugar-cane planting : I mean the method of manuring the lands. The necessity of giving even the best ^//occasional assistance, is universally admitted '; and the usual way of doing it in the West Indies, is now to be described. " The manure generally used, is a compost, formed, "First, Of the coal and vegetable ashes drawn from the fires of the boiling-house and still-house. x i "Secondly, APPENDIX. :o " Secondly, Feculences discharged from the still-house, .mixed up with the rubbish of buildings, white lime, &:c. " Thirdly, The refuse or field trash, i. e. the decayed leaves, and the stems of .the canes, so called in contra- distinction to cane trash reserved for fuel, and hereafter to be described. "Fourthly, Dung obtained from the horse and mule stables, and from moveable pens, or small inclosures made by posts and rails, occasionally shifted upon the lands intended to be planted, and into which the cattle are turned at night. " Fifthly, Good mould collected from gullies and other waste places, and thrown into the cattle pens." PAGE 217. " But the chief depmdance of the Jamaica planter, in ma- nuring Tiis lands, is on .the moveable pens, or occasional inclosures; not so-much for the quantity of dung collected by means of those inclosures, as for the advantage of the from the Cattle (the best of all manures) and the labour 'is saved by this system. I believe, indeed, there are APPENDIX. 251 are a great many overseers who give their land no aid of any other kind than that of shifting the cattle from one pen to another, on the spot intended for planting, during three or four months before it is ploughed or holed." Note. " This, however, is by no means sufficient on plan- tations that have been much worn and exhausted by cultivation ; and, perhaps, there is no branch in the planting business wherein attention and systematic arrangement, as saving both time and labour, are more necessary than, in collecting and preparing large quantities of dung from the sources and materials before described." PAGE 218. " The young sprouts are at the same time cleared of weeds, and rhe dung which is spread round them, being covered with cane trash^ that its virtue may not be exhaled by the sun, is found, at the end of three or four months, to be soaked into and incorporated with the mould." 4. Such is the general system of preparing and manur- ing the land in Jamaica, I have been told that more attention is paid to this branch of husbandry in some APPENDIX. some of the Islands to windward ; but I suspect there is; in all of them very great room for improvement ', by means of judicious tillage and artifia 'al assistance" Note. " It should have been observed, that it is sometimes a custom, after a field of canes has been cut, to set fire to the trash. This is called burning off, and there are managers and overseers who consider it as one of the best methods of meliorating the land. I confess that I am of a different opinion. Perhaps, indeed, in a moist, stiff, and clayey land, it may do no harm ; and this negative phrase is the only merit I can allow it. From the usual and prevalent nature of the soil best adapted for sugar, I am persuaded that nine times in ten it is a mischievous prattice? FINIS. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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