EMUS ^r&refcs \Ti\Teme\s Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN MENUS MADE EASY. MENUS MADE EASY; OB HOW TO ORDER DINNER AND GIVE THE DISHES THEIR FRENCH NAMES. B7 NANCY LAKE, AUTHOR OP " DAILI DIJiXEBS." THE EIGHTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLAEGED. LONDON: FREDERICK WARNE & CO. AND NEW YORK. 1894. INTRODUCTION. THIS publication is a humble endeavour to afford some assistance to ladies in the daily difficulty of what to order for dinner, and how to describe it. Cooks are not generally gifted with fertile imagi- nations, and are inclined to get into a routine which is a source of annoyance to those who desire a variety of dishes, if not for themselves, at least for their friends. Ladies often wish to be ready with suggestions of a change in the proposals of the cook, and even when in some measure provided with these, a second difficulty arises What are these dishes to be called? What are the correct technical names for them ? The French of cookery is a language of itself, and those who are not learned in it are often entirely at a loss when suddenly called on to write out a correct French menu with no other assistance than that of a dictionary. In carrying out this a 3 1G97798 INTRODUCTION. idea, lists of various dishes have been given, arranged in courses, with the French names, as well as the English equivalent or description. It is not intended to give recipes, such as would be adequate for the preparation of the dishes in the kitchen ; the dishes are only so far described as to enable the mistress to recognize them, giving a general idea of their ingredients and of their appearance when sent to table, PEEFACE TO EE VISED EDITION, IN this edition a considerable number of dishes have been added, and such alterations made as are demanded by the changes of fashion. Dishes of a very elaborate character have, for the most part, been rejected. They are often merely (what a botanist would term) " sports " from well-established originals, differing from them, perhaps, only in some details of fantastic decora- tion, the fashions of which are very short-lived, and are quickly succeeded by some newer fancy. With regard to decoration, it is suggested that very fanciful effects should be avoided. In a zeal for originality in this respect, the object of all decoration viz. to render the dish attractive seems occasionally to be forgotten, and a contrary effect is produced. Dishes are presented more fit to adorn a confectioner's window than to appear at a gentleman's table. viii PREFACE TO REVISED EDITION. Compounds of preserves and ices have actually been made to represent, with painful accuracy, boiled legs of mutton, boars' heads, etc., etc It is a mistake, too, to give fantastic names to the dishes. A menu is intended to convey in- formation, not to mislead or confuse ; and few people care to bestow sufficient attention to the subject to enjoy a succession of "surprises." Neither is a dish more generally appreciated for bearing an extravagant name even when under such a name as Sastartees a la Malay are revealed the homely aspects of curried veal! One is re- minded of the old saying, " Fine feathers do not make fine birds." Names given to quenelles, creams, etc., often have reference to the fancy moulds in which they are dressed. For instance, Petites cremes au Chevalier are creams steamed or set in moulds made to represent little horseshoes. So petites cignes, petits chevanx, papillons, etc., refer to the moulds. Even petites langues, petits jambonneaux, petits poulets, do not necessarily imply something made of tongue, ham, or chicken. Very few such names are introduced in these pages. They are obviously only the passing fashion of the moment, and do more credit to the PREFACE TO REVISED EDITION. ix skill of the ironmonger than to that of the cook. From the number of dishes described, it is hoped that it will be found easy to select such as shall be suited to the occasion for which they are re- quired, whether for homely dinners, or for more elaborate entertainments. Complete menus of the former class will be found in the author's " Daily Dinners," which, with the assistance here given, may be enlarged or varied without difficulty. In planning a dinner, ladies are reminded not to be content with dishes individually excellent, without regard to the contrast they bear to one another. Variety is required, not only in the material, but also in the style of dressing, and in the accom- panying sauces and garnishes. Light and dark dishes should as far as possible succeed one another. The same sauce should not appear twice. Several sorts of pastry should be avoided. "When cold dishes form part of the menu, they should be interspersed judiciously among the others. The author has adhered to her original inten- tion of giving descriptions rather than recipes. They will probably be sufficient, in most cases, to enable the mistress to give directions which a X PREFACE TO REVISED EDITION. fairly competent cook may carry out without the aid of a detailed recipe. But should they be found insufficient, recourse may always be had to some of the excellent cookery-books now published. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION , , . , PREFACE TO REVISED EDITION , , CHAPTER I. HORS D'CEUVRES CHAPTER II. SOUPS OB POTAGES Clear and thick! 8 CHAPTER III. FISH OR POISSONS Different modes of dressi ng Fish; Shell- Fish and Fish Entrees . . . . . 17 CHAPTER IV. ENTREES Of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Lainb, Pork, Poultry, Game . . . . . . . . .46 CHAPTER V. REMOVES OR RELEVES Of Beef, Veal, Mutton, Lamb, Pork, Poultry, Game 106 CHAPTER VI. ROASTS, OB ROTS 136 xii CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. PAGE VEGETABLES, OR LEJUMES, AND SALADS . . . ,13!) CHAPTER VIII. EGGS AND OMELETTES . , . . . . , 1G1 CHAPTER IX. ENTREMETS Cakes and Pastry, Puddings, Fritters, Compotes of Fruit, Creams, Jellies . . . 1C6 CHAPTER X. SAVOUET ENTREMETS , , , , , , . 201 CHAPTER XL ICES, OB Gf-ACES, AND SORBETS , , , , .211 CHAPTER XII. SAUCES AND GARNISHES , , , , . , .218 INDEX . 227 MENUS MADE EASY. CHAPTEE I. HOKS D'CEUVKES. A LAKGE dinner may begin with one of the following hors d'oeuvres : Huitres au naturel. Oysters, served in the shells, with lemon, and slices of brown bread and butter. Saucisson de Bologne, de Lyons, etc. Thin slices of Bologna, Lyons, or other sausage, garnished with small salad. Sardines a I'huile. Sardines in oil ; aux tomates, in tomato sauce. A la Royale, they are served on shred celery, seasoned with oil and vinegar, and are garnished with strips of beetroot, gherkins, and white of hard-boiled egg. Anchois. Anchovies ; a la Diable, devilled. A la Burlington, small fillets, seasoned with oil and vinegar, are rolled and served on slices of hard-boiled egg, garnished with shred lettuce ; garnished with capers and anchovy butter, they are a la Victoria. MENUS MADE EASY. \ Olives. Olives ; farcies, stuffed. A la Metropole, they are stuffed with green butter, set in little moulds of aspic, and served on slices of Bologna or other sausage, garnished with green butter. Caviar sur croutes. Caviar spread on buttered croutes. Garnished with prawns, it is called aux crevettes. As Blini au caviar, it is spread on buttered crumpets, well seasoned with lemon juice. Lax sur croutes. Lax on buttered croutes. If more variety is required, many of the dishes given in the chapter on savoury entremets will be found suitable. Hors d'oauvres are usually served in very small fancy plates, one to each person. CHAPTER II. SOUPS OB POTAGES. SOUPS may be divided into two classes : 1st. Clear, transparent soups, or consommes, of meat, game, or poultry, varying according to the floating garnish added to them. 2ndly. Thick soups, including purees of game, vegetables, etc. At a large dinner, when there are two soups, one is thick and the other clear. Consomme a la Julienne has a floating garnish of vegetables cut in strips. a la Xavier has a garnish of threads of vegetables. a la Jardiniere is garnished with vegetables cut in small fancy shapes. a la Brunoise has vegetables cut in small dice. This is sometimes called Potage Faubonne. a la Printaniere, or Potage printanier, has early summer vegetables cut in small shapes, with green peas and asparagus heads. a la Kursel is Printaniere soup with lettuces. a la Chijfonade has lettuces stamped out with a cutter, and peas. MENUS MADE EASY. Consomme a la D'Esclignac has a garnish of turnips, and small squares of custard. a la Royale and a VImperiale have small shapes of custard, which may be white, or coloured red and green. Printanier a la Royale has the vegetables as in "a la Printaniere," and the little pieces of custard as in "a la Eoyale." a la Portugaise is garnished with shreds of leeks, and French plums. a la Franqaise has a mixed vegetable garnish. With the addition of rice it is called a la Fleury. a la Clermont has little slices of onion fried brown. a la Crecy is garnished with shreds of carrots. a la Prince has turnips cut into little balls. a la Russe has shreds of carrot, celery and leeks. a la Dustan has haricot beans. a la D'Artois, or a la Saint-Germain, has a garnish of peas. aux chouxfarcis has stuffed Brussels sprouts. aux pommes olives has potatoes cut in the shape of olives. aux trois racines is garnished with carrots, turnips and celery. aux pointes d'asperges has asparagus heads. Any vegetable or herb may be used as a garnish, and the soup is named accordingly. aux ceufs poches has poached eggs. SOUPS OR POTAGES. Consomme aux prqfiterolles has little baked balls of a light " choux " paste. aux quenelles has very small quenelles. a la Komaine has little quenelles made of bread- crumbs. a la Baviere has quenelles made of semolina. a la Florentine has cheese quenelles. This is sometimes called a la Venitienne. a la Parmentier has quenelles made of potatoes. aux epinards has quenelles made with spinach. auxpetitsjambonneaux'h&B little quenelles of ham. au macaroni has a garnish of macaroni; au vermicelle has vermicelli. Grated Parmesan should be served with these soups. aux nouilles has poached strips of German paste made of flour, eggs, butter, etc. aux pates d'ltalie, sometimes called Potage aux lazagnes, has pieces of Italian paste. a la semoule, au tapioca, and au riz are respectively garnished with semolina, tapioca, and rice. aux huitres is garnished with oysters. aux oeufs files is garnished with an egg custard in threads, made by passing it through a colander. a la Poissonniere is garnished with quenelles of fish. a la Montglas has quenelles made of liver farce. a la Sevigne has little shapes of chicken cream, a la Prince de Galles has little pieces of chicken enveloped in forcemeat, pieces of custard cut in the same shape, and asparagus points. MENUS MADE EASY. Consomme a la Colbert has a garnish of lettuce, celery, Jerusalem artichokes and button onions. a la Jerusalem, or a la Palestine, has Jerusalem artichokes cut into very small balls. a la macedoine is garnished with several kinds of vegetables. a la Nivernaise has vegetables cut in thin small shapes, Italian paste, and quenelles cut in slices. Another soup which bears the same name is garnished with quenelles made of a puree of carrots. a la Duchesse is garnished with little balls of a light cheese paste and small shapes of vegetables. a la Napoleon has tiny rissoles in paste boiled in the consomme, a la Lelie has shreds of chicken, almonds, carrot and tarragon. a I'lnnocent has shreds of chicken and almonds, with quenelles, and little shapes of custard. a la Pompadour has little shapes of vegetables and custard of several different colours, a la Bernhardt has little slices of marrow, tiny quenelles, and watercress. a la Grande Duchesse has little anchovy quenelles and cheese quenelles, and shreds of chicken and tongue. a V Alexandra has small round slices of chicken, and cherries. a la Christina is garnished with chestnuts and cherries. SOUPS OR POTAGES. Consomme a la Valetta has slices of Tangerine oranges and shreds of the peel. a la D' Orleans has little quenelles coloured green, red and white. a la Rachel has green, red and black quenelles, made with tarragon, lobster and truffle. Another soup of this name is garnished with little shapes of steamed white and yolk of egg, carrot, turnip and French beans. a la Eosiere has little cheese quenelles and ham quenelles. a la Chasseur has little quenelles of game. A clear game soup is also called by this name. a la Due de York is a clear game soup, garnished with quenelles of game, a la Princesse is a clear chicken soup, garnished with vegetables cut in fancy shapes. de poisson is a clear fish soup. a la Dufferin is a clear curried fish soup. It is served with rice and little round slices of fillets of soles. a rindienne is clear Mulligatawny soup. Potage Baraquine is garnished with tapioca, and strips of chicken and truffles. croutes au pot has toasted crusts. de riz au gras is Brunoise or Jardiniere soup with the addition of rice. Bouillon is gravy soup, or broth. It may be served au riz with rice, or a la Colbert with poached eggs. The following soups can be either clear or thick : Potage a la tortue. Turtle soup. MENUS MADE EASY. Potage a lafausse tortue. Mock turtle. aux abatis d'oie. Giblet. aux queues de bosuf. Ox-tail. Thick ox-tail soup is called queues de boeuf a VAnglaise. tete de veau. Calf's head. aux grouses. Grouse. aux perdreaux. Partridge. aux faisans. Pheasant. aux becasses. Woodcock. au lapereau. Rabbit. au levraut or a la lievre. Hare. a la venaison. Venison. Of the thick soups there are also : Potage queues de boeuf a VIndienne. A curry soup with pieces of ox-tail in it. Mulligatawny. Curry soup. With this and all soups "a 1'Indienne," rice is served on a separate dish. a la Hesse. Ox-cheek soup. aux rognons. Kidney soup. Ox-kidney soup is called Potage a la Sydney, queues de veau. Calf s-tail soup. A VIndienne, it is curried. aux pieds de veau. Calf's-feet soup. With the addition of barley, it is called a la Balmoral, tete de veau a VIndienne. Calfs-head soup, curried. aux queues d'agneau. Lamb's-tail soup. a Vanguille. Eel soup. a la Bisque. Crab soup. Bisque a la Normande. Shrimp soup. SOUPS OR POTAGES. 9 Potage Bisque de liomard. Lobster soup. a la bisque d'ecrevisses. Crayfish soup. aux liuitres. White oyster soup. Dupoise. Mussel soup. aux raviolis. Game stock with small pieces of forcemeat wrapped in paste. a la Victoria. White soup with barley or rice. a la Eeine, or a la Princesse. Chicken puree with cream, garnished with quenelles of chicken, or with dice of fried bread. a la chasseur. Game soup, garnished with pieces of the game. aux herbes printanieres. White soup with shred lettuces and other vegetables. a la Russe. Brown soup with vegetables and round balls of sausage meat. a Vltalienne. Fowl stock with puree from vege- tables, anchovies, etc., garnished with small pieces of the fowl, a la Regence is a game soup with barley, and hard-boiled yolks of eggs cut in small pieces. a la Frankfort is a chicken soup garnished with asparagus points. a la Prince de Galles is mock-turtle soup with quenelles. a la Castelaine is a brown soup made of beef. a VAurore is egg soup of stock with yolks of eggs- a VAndalouse is a fish soup with puree of onions and tomatoes, garnished with pieces of cray- fish or prawns. 10 MENUS MADE EASY. Potage a la Provengale or Bouillabaisse is a fish soup with shred Portugal onions, garnished with fillets of several kinds of fish. a la Comtesse. White soup of veal stock and sweetbreads, with dice of fried bread. a la Chanoincsse, White soup with quenelles of fish, and mackerel roe cut in small square pieces. a la Bonne Femme. White soup with yolks of eggs and shreds of green vegetables. a la Colbert. White soup with poached eggs. a la Milanaise is a white soup with grated cheese. It may be garnished with macaroni, or with vegetables cut in shreds. a la Hollandaise is a white soup with cream and yolks of eggs. a la Bomaine is a white soup garnished with little balls of rice. a la Duchesse is a white soup garnished with quenelles. a la Moderne is a white soup with shreds of fried lettuce. This is often called a I'Imperatrice. a la Maltaise is a rich white soup, garnished with slices of oranges, and shreds of capsicums, chillies and of orange peel. a la Florenza is a white soup with macaroni and grated cheese. Creme a la Eoyale is a white soup with little dice shapes of cheese custard. Creme a la Zingari is a white soup garnished with red, black and yellow quenelles. SOUPS OR POTAGES. 1L Potage Jardiniere a la Hollandaise is white soup with a Jardiniere garnish. Cockie leekie is made of pheasant or chicken with leeks. French plums may be added to it. a la Friar Tuck is a chicken soup, garnished with pieces of the chicken and shreds of leeks. au sagou is sago soup ; au tapioca tapioca soup. Garnished with strips of chicken, tongue and truffles, it is Potage a la Gouffe. vermicelle a la Hollandaise is vermicelli soup with cream and yolks of eggs. Pilau de riz is rice boiled in stock au mouton. Mutton broth served with the mutton in it. a VIrlandaise is mutton broth with potatoes, a I'Ecossaise. Scotch broth of mutton with barley, chopped parsley, and vegetables cut in dice. Sheep's-head soup is also called by this name. Hoche-pot. Hodge-podge soup, of mutton with vegetables. de riz a la Turque. Mutton broth served with rice. Pot-au-feu. Uncleared stock served with the vegetables in it. Livonien. Puree of vegetables and rice, with cream and yolks of eggs. Solferino. Stock with young vegetables, puree of tomatoes, chopped parsley, etc. a la Grecque. Pea soup and Jardiniere soup 12 MENUS MADE EASY. with pieces of braised mutton. Another Potage a la Grecque is a fish soup with tomatoes, garnished with oysters. Potage a la Bagration. White fish soup with curry powder, crayfish tails, chopped sole, and vegetables. anas filets de soles. Veal or fish stock with fillets of sole. a la Poissonniere, or Creme de poisson. White fish soup. Bisque au riz is a shellfish soup with rice. a la Nimoise. Fish stock with yolks of eggs. a la Brisse. Chicken soup with small shapes of vegetable cream, made of a puree of the vegetable with eggs. a la Marechale is a bread soup garnished with quenelles of crayfish or shrimps. a la Tyrolienne is barley soup garnished with carrots. a VAllemande is white sago or tapioca soup with Brunoise vegetables. a la Polonaise is a potato soup with cheese and macaroni, a la Pluche is a potato soup with shreds of carrots. a la Conservative is a puree of potatoes with cream and yolks of eggs, garnished with little red and white quenelles. It is sometimes made in the same way with a puree of carrots. a la Boston is made with tomatoes, potatoes, and okra. SOUPS OR POTAGES. 13 Potage a la Flamande is a white vegetable soup. a la Jiibile is made of a puree of tomatoes and mushrooms. a la Dauphine is a puree of peas and tomatoes, garnished with little strips of ham and of vegetables. a la Modena is a spinach soup with eggs. a la St. Louis is a puree of white vegetables with shreds of carrot. d'amandes a la Colbert is a white almond soup, garnished with poached eggs. au macaroni. Macaroni soup. With the ad- dition of rice, it is called a la Turque ; or with cream and yolks of eggs, a la Hollandaise. Garnished with little pieces of game, it is a la Chasseur. Besides these there are the Purees : Puree de gibier. Puree of game. Puree de lapereaux. Puree of rabbit. Puree de grouses. Puree of grouse. Puree de volaille. Puree of fowl. It may be served a la Milanaise, garnished with macaroni ; or a la Napolitaine, with the addition of pounded almonds, and a garnish of pieces of chicken and tongue. And the Vegetable Purees : Puree de pommes de terre. Potato puree. This is often called Potage Parmentier, on account of Parmentier having introduced potatoes into France. It may be curried and served a VJndienne; or aux quenelles, garnished with 14 MENUS MADE EASY. quenelles ; a la St. Germain, with peas ; a la Milanaise, with macaroni. Puree de petits pois or pois verts. Puree of green peas. This can also be called Potage a la D'Artois. Served with whole peas in it, it is Potage a la St. Germain. Potage a la Palestine. Puree of Jerusalem 'arti- chokes. Potage a la Crecy. Puree of carrots. Puree d'asperges. Puree of asparagus. It can be served a la Princesse with the addition of rice. Puree de celeris. Pure'e of celery. Puree de marrons. Puree of chestnuts. Potage a la Bretonne. Pure'e of turnips. As Puree de navets a la Frangaise, it is served with fried bread. Puree de choux-fieurs. Puree of cauliflower. This soup with the addition of tapioca is called Potage a la Chartreuse. Puree de concombres. Puree of cucumbers. Potage a la Soubise. Pure'e of onions. Puree d'epinards, or Potage vert-pre. Puree of spinach. Puree de tomates, or Potage a VAmericaine. Puree of tomatoes. Served a f la Mancelle, it is garnished with chestnuts. Puree de potirons. Puree of vegetable marrow. Potage a la Conde. Puree of red haricots. Potage Pomeranienne, or a la Dustan. Puree of white haricots. SOUPS OR POTAGES. 15 Potage a la Chantilly. Puree of lentils. Potage a la Stamboul. Puree of rice and tomatoes. Puree d'artichauts. Puree of artichokes. Puree d'oseitte. Puree of sorrel. Puree defeves. Puree of beans. Puree de pois. Puree of dried peas. Puree de chicoree. Puree of endive. Potage Crecy a la Chantilly. Puree of carrots and lentils. Puree de marram a la Mancelle. Puree of chestnuts with puree of game. When made with the addition of cream, these purees are often called Creme d'artichauts, etc., instead of Puree. Potage a la creme d'orge. Cream of barley soup. Garnished with quenelles of chicken, it is called a la Marie Louise, a la creme de riz. Cream of rice. With the addition of Parmesan, it may be called a la Milton. Garnished with asparagus heads, it is Potage a VArgenteuil. a la creme de tapioca. Cream of tapioca. a la creme d'avoine. Cream of oatmeal. When chervil is added to a soup, a la peluche, or a la chiffbnade, de cerfeuil may be appended to the name. With poached eggs, it is called a la Colbert, or with mixed vegetables, a la Paysanne. If maigre soups are required, Potage Julienne, and many of the vegetable soups, may be made without stock. The following are also sug- gested : 16 MENUS MADE EASY. Potage au lait d'amandes is made of rice milk and almond milk. aux noix de coco. Cocoanut soup. a la Paysanne. Mixed vegetable soup. a la Savoyards. Vegetable soup, poured over slices of bread sprinkled with grated cheese. a la Monaco. Milk with yolks of eggs, poured over toast. CHAPTEE III. FISH OR POISSONS. WHEN fish is plainly boiled, the French name for it is given on the Menu, with the name of the sauce served with it; as Turbot, sauce Hol- landaise, for boiled turbot served with Hollandaise sauce in a sauce-boat. BARBEL. Barbeau, or Barbillon, grille is broiled, and should be served with anchovy sauce; or sauce pi- quante, with piquante sauce. au Parmesan pieces of barbel with Bechamel sauce, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan, and browned. a Vetuvee is boiled in wine, and served in the sauce with flour and butter. au court-bouillon is boiled in a bouillon of wine and water with onions, cloves, herbs and lemon peel. BASS. Bar, sauce au beurre is boiled or broiled, and served with butter sauce. c 18 MENUS MADE EASY BREAM. Breme grille is broiled, and served with brown caper sauce. au vin blanc is boiled in white wine sauce. BRILL. Barbue aux cdpres is boiled and served with melted butter and capers ; a la Hollandaise, it is served with Hollandaise sauce ; sauce homard, with lobster sauce. a la puree de cdpres is served with a sauce of melted butter, puree of capers, gherkins and spinach. a VEspagnole served in a rich brown sauce. a la Sicilienne served in a white sauce with lemon juice, and shreds of lemon peel and tarragon. a la Ravigote baked, and served in green Kavi- gote sauce with capers. a la Conti cooked with oil, stock, white wine and herbs, a la Sainte-Menehould. Pieces of brill with white sauce, covered with breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan, and browned. Filets de larbue a la Juive. Fillets of brill cut in two or more pieces, breadcrumbed and fried. Served with Hollandaise sauce. a la Provenqale are fried fillets served in anchovy sauce, garnished with stuffed olives. FISH OR POISSONS. 19 Filets de barbue en matelote are fried fillets dressed on a border of mashed potatoes, with Matelote sauce. They are also dressed au gratin, a la meuniere, a Vlmperatrice, and in many of the ways given for turbot. CARP. Carpe/rife is split and fried. a la maitre d'hotel is grilled and served with Maitre d'hotel butter. a Vltalienne stewed in Italian sauce. aux fines herbes served in a brown sauce with chopped mushrooms and herbs. farcie stuffed and baked. It may be served with a brown sauce. a la biere boiled in beer with bacon, onions, carrots, etc. a la Marquise stewed, and served in a white sauce with whipped cream, chopped gherkins, and capers. a la Chambord larded, stuffed with forcemeat, boiled in court-bouillon and browned. a la Mariniere is saute with butter, breadcrumbs, chives, garlic, etc. au bleu is pickled. Coquilles de laitances de carpe is carp roe scalloped. Casserole de laitances. Carp roe stewed in stock with wine and herbs, and served in the sauce with butter, flour and lemon juice. 20 MENUS MADE EASY. CHAR. Ombre Chevalier en terrine is potted char. COD. Cabillaud a la Hollandaise is served with Hol- landaise sauce; a I'ltalienne, with Italian sauce. a la Victoria served in a Cardinal sauce with anchovies, a la Portugaise slices dipped in flour and fried ; served in tomato sauce with anchovy, etc. a la Grand Hotel slices cooked in wine with butter and lemon juice, and served in the sauce, garnished with shreds of parsnips and little sprigs of parsley. a VIndienne is fried or grilled, and served with curry sauce. a la Garonne pieces of cod with oil, chopped capers, anchovies and parsley; covered with breadcrumbs and browned. a la creme pieces of cod in Be'chamel sauce, covered with breadcrumbs and browned. farci stuffed and baked. grille a la Colbert broiled, and served on Maitre d'hotel butter, with Maitre d'hotel sauce. recrepi, sauce aux huitres crimped, and served with oyster sauce; aux moules, with mussel sauce. en fricassee a la Suede is a fricassee of cod in mayonnaise sauce with horseradish. It is FISH OR POISSONS. 21 served in an ornamental border of mashed potatoes. Filets de cabillaud a VAurore are little slices broiled and served with egg sauce. Served in a cheese sauce, they are a la Morny. Morue au beurre noir. Salt cod, boiled, and served with black-butter sauce. Served with egg sauce, it is called a la Capucine. au gratin. Pieces of salt cod, with a sauce of butter, flour and cream ; sprinkled with bread- crumbs, grated cheese and melted butter, and browned. Brandade de Morue. Salt cod, in small pieces, with oil, melted butter, parsley and garlic ; stirred to a cream. DABS. Served as Limandes /rites they are fried. EELS. Anguilles au soleil are cut up, stewed in wine and water with vegetables, etc. ; the pieces rolled in the sauce, breadcrumbed and fried. en ragout are stewed in the same way, and served in the sauce with the addition of wine. Served in oyster sauce, they are a la Parisienne. a la broche are larded and roasted. a, la minute boiled, and served with maitre d'hotel sauce and potatoes. a la Poulette stewed with broth, wine, butter, onions, mushrooms, etc. Served with yolks of eggs and lemon juice added to the sauce. 22 MENUS MADE EASY. Anguilles a I'Anglaise are small slices wrapped in paste, or dipped in batter, and fried. Served with anchovy sauce. a la Tartare small pieces, breadcrumbed and fried ; served in Tartare sauce. a la Suffren larded with strips of gherkins and anchovies, braised with vinegar and herbs, and served in tomato sauce. en mayonnaise a la Dieppe are pieces stuffed with forcemeat, rolled, covered with Mayonnaise sauce, and served on a border of green aspic with salad in the centre. en matelote stewed, and served in Matelote sauce. Filets d'anguilles en paupiettes are pieces stuffed, rolled, breadcrumbed and fried. a V aspic are pieces of stewed eels set in a mould of aspic. EEL-POUT. Lottes en matelote are stewed in wine with mush- rooms and herbs, and served in the sauce. a la Parisienne stewed, and served in white sauce with oysters. a I'ltalienne fried, and served with Italian sauce. a la Prussienne boiled in a sauce of stock, oil, champagne, etc. FLOUNDERS. Carrelets frits are fried. Served with tomato sauce, they are called a la Orly. grilles broiled. FISH OR POISSONS. 23 Souche de carrelets. A water souche of flounders boiled with strips of carrot and turnip, sprigs of parsley, etc. Tench, perch, eels, and many other fish are dressed in this way. GUDGEON, Goujons/n'te are fried. GURNARD. Grondin/arci aufour is stuffed and baked. Filets de grondins en matelote. Fillets cut in halves, breadcrumbed and fried ; served on a border, with Matelote sauce. a Vltalienne are saute, and served with Italian sauce ; a la Maitre d'hotel, with maitre d'hotel sauce. a la Venitienne are served in a white sharp sauce with chopped tarragon. HADDOCK. Merluche grillee is broiled. Served with tarragon butter, it is a I'estragon. a la Hollandaise served with Hollandaise sauce ; a la maitre d'hotel with maitre d'hotel sauce. sauce aux osufs boiled and served with egg sauce. farcie stuffed, baked, and served with brown gravy. a la Syrienne served in a brown sharp sauce with chopped gherkins, a la Viennoise served in a white saiice with chopped ham and tarragon. 24 MENUS MADE EASY. Filets de merluche a la tartare are fried fillets served with Tartare sauce. a I'Indienne are served with curry sauce. a la Eoyale are saute, and dressed in a crown, covered with anchovy sauce, and garnished with fillets of anchovies and hard-boiled egg. HAKE. Merlus a VIndienne is cut in slices, broiled, and served in curry sauce. HALIBUT. Fletan a la Morny. Small fillets served in a cheese sauce. Hake and halibut may be dressed like cod; but, as they are rather coarse fish, a highly seasoned sauce should be selected. HERRINGS. Harengs grilles, sauce moutarde, are broiled, and served with mustard sauce. a la creme boiled, and served with a sauce of cream, butter and lemon juice. a la Bohemienne are served in a brown sauce with red currant jelly. au jus d' oranges served with orange sauce. farcis are boned, stuffed and baked. en matelote are stewed with herbs, etc. en paupiettes are boned, rolled and fried. en caisses are baked in paper cases. au gratin baked with herbs and covered with breadcrumbs. FISH OR POISSONS. 25 Harengs a la Mariniere boned, rolled, boiled, and served on toast, with the roes cut in small pieces and fried. fumes a la Bruxelloise are fillets of smoked herrings broiled in a paper case with a layer of stuffing between them. Served with pieces of lemon. For Croquettes de harengs they are broiled, made into balls with mashed potatoes, and fried. They can also be made into little cakes, or petits pains, and served a la Tartare with Tartare sauce. JOHN DORY. Jean Dore, or Saint Pierre, en ravigote is served in Ravigote sauce. a la cremiere is boiled in milk and water, and served with a sauce of cream, butter and lemon juice. a la puree de crevettes served in a puree of shrimps with white sauce. a la bateliere served in white sauce with button onions, mushrooms and essence of anchovy. en matelote mariniere served in Matelote sauce with oysters. a V Orleannaise is stuffed with fish forcemeat, braised, and served in Cardinal sauce with tarragon vinegar, and slices of gherkins and beetroot. It is dressed au gratin, a la Vatel, a la Parisienne, etc., in the same way as turbot. 26 MENUS MADE EASY. LAMPREY. Lamproie a I'ltalienne is filleted, and stewed in wine with oil, onions, herbs and lemon juice. au supreme is cut up, saute, and served in a sauce of red wine with truffles. They are also dressed in many of the ways given for eels. MACKEREL. Maquereaux, sauce fenouil are boiled and served with fennel sauce. a la maitre d'hotel broiled, and served in Maitre d'hotel sauce. Fillets are also dressed in this way. aux censes are broiled, and served with cherry sauce. a la Normande are stuffed and baked. a la Flamande stuffed with chopped shallots and chives, butter and lemon juice; and broiled. grilles au beurre noir grilled, and served with black-butter sauce. aux groseilks vertes stuffed with green goose- berries, pieces of herring, etc. ; boiled, and served in green gooseberry sauce. Filets de maquereaux a la Venitienne fillets saute, and served in a rich brown sauce with chopped tarragon and truffles. a la Orly fried fillets served with tomato sauce. FISH OR POISSONS. 27 RED MULLET. Rougets en caisse are broiled in papers, sprinkled with chopped parsley and oil. en papillotes are baked in papers and served with Italian sauce. Served with white Eavigote sauce, they are called a la Eavigote. aux fines herbes cooked with butter, wine, Harvey sauce and anchovy. Served in the sauce with chopped mushrooms, parsley, shallot, and lemon juice. sauce verte served with green sauce. a la Claudine served in a brown sauce with anchovies, mushrooms and capers. a la Metropole stewed in white wine with herbs, and served in the sauce thickened with butter and flour. a la maltre d'hotel served in Maitre d'hotel sauce. They are dressed in this way in fillets. Filets de rouyets a la Montesquieu. Fillets cut in halves, saute in butter with wine, lemon juice, etc., and served in the sauce with melted butter and milk. GREY MULLET. Mulets au beurrefondu are broiled, and served with melted-butter sauce. They are also served an vert, with green sauce; or sauce pimcnt, with capsicum sauce. 28 MENUS MADE EASY. PERCH. Perches a VEspagnole are baked and served in a brown sauce. Filets de perches a la Homaine are fillets seasoned with oil and herbs, fried, and served with tomato sauce. They may be dressed in the same way as carp, tench, and trout ; and also in a water souche. PIKE. Brocket farci is stuffed and baked. Served with Matelote sauce, it is called en matelote. sauce au beurre d'anchois boiled, and served with anchovy sauce; aux cdpres, with caper sauce. au bleu pickled. a la Eusse is served with horseradish sauce. PILCHARDS. Pelamides are dressed in the ways suggested for herrings. PLAICE. Pile au gratin is baked in brown sauce, covered with breadcrumbs, a la Portugaise is stuffed and baked ; served in tomato sauce with slices of Spanish onions and tomatoes. a VAmericaine is stuffed with a tomato stuffing, baked, and served in tomato sauce. FISH OR POISSONS. 29 Filets de plie aux fines herbes are fillets served in fine-herbs sauce. a V Airibassade are fillets covered with a red fish sauce, sprinkled with Parmesan and browned. Petits filets de plie a la tartar e are little rolled fillets, fried, and served with Tartare sauce. They are also dressed in the same way as soles. SALMON. Saumon a VEcossaise is crimped and boiled. a la Hollandaise served with Hollandaise sauce. a la Beyrout slices broiled in papers, and served in anchovy sauce with vinegar, Harvey, chopped onions and mushrooms. a la creme d'anchois slices served in anchovy sauce. a la Cardinal. A whole fish stuffed with fish forcemeat, braised, and served in Cardinal sauce. a la Eegence. A small fish covered with force- meat, to which chopped trufHes are added ; served in Perigueux sauce. en matelote served in Matelote sauce. en kari a la Durand is curried and served with rice. Tranche, or Darne, de saumon grillee is a grilled slice of salmon. Filets de saumon a VIndienne are fried fillets/served with curry sauce. a la Marechale fillets saute, and served in 30 MENUS MADE EASY. Aurora sauce, garnished with shrimps or oysters. Filets de saumon a la Tartare are fried fillets, served with Tartare sauce; a la Eavigote, with Eavigote sauce. a la Maintenon fillets broiled in paper cases. a la Suede fillets baked in paper cases with tomato sauce, and garnished with cucumber, beetroot and tarragon. a la Eichelieu fillets served on a border of salmon forcemeat, masked with a puree of tomatoes, and garnished with crayfish and truffles. Mazarine de saumon is a steamed mould of salmon forcemeat. It may be garnished with prawns, or served with Cardinal sauce. As Pain de saumon a la Russe, it is served cold with horse- radish sauce. Mayonnaise de saumon. Pieces of cold salmon, with lettuce or other salad, and Mayonnaise sauce. Cotelettes de saumon en Mayonnaise are cutlet moulds of salmon forcemeat, served cold with salad and Mayonnaise sauce. Chaudfroid de saumon a la Tartare is cold salmon served in Tartare sauce. a V Alexandra. Little slices of salmon on croutes of fried bread or light pastry, dressed on a salad border with a whipped Mayonnaise cream in the centre. FISH OR POISSONS. 31 SHAD. Alose a la Maitre d'hotel is baked, and served with Maitre d'hotel sauce. It is also dressed in fillets, saute. SKATE. Raie a la Maitre d'hotel is boiled and served with Maitre d'hotel sauce; au beurre noir, with black butter sauce. a la Orly fried and served with tomato sauce. a la Hollandaise served with Hollandaise sauce. a la Genoise served in a brown sauce with anchovy and chopped parsley. a la noisette served in butter sauce with the pounded liver of the skate, and Tarragon vinegar. aux fines herbes cooked with milk, butter, flour, lemon, herbs, etc., and served with fine-herbs sauce. Skate is obtained crimped and filleted. It is never served whole. SMELTS. Eperlans a la Juive are breadcrumbed, fried, and served without sauce. Served with anchovy sauce in a sauce-boat, they are called a VAn- glaise ; or with tomato sauce, a la Orly. en ragout stewed in white stock with herbs and wine. au gratin baked with melted butter and dried herbs, covered with breadcrumbs. 32 MENUS MADE EASY. Buisson d'eperlans breadcrumbed and fried with their tails in their mouths. Melted butter should be served with them. SOLES. Soles frites a VAnglaise are breadcrumbed and fried. au gratin covered with brown sauce and bread- crumbs, and baked. a la Normande stewed and served in a rich brown sauce with oysters. a la Portugaise are dressed in the same way as plaice. a la creme d'anchois boiled and served in a white sauce, with anchovy and whipped cream. a Vaurore stuffed and baked ; served in a white sauce, with grated Parmesan and hard-boiled egg- a la Cardinal stuffed, baked, and served in Cardinal sauce. a la Colbert stuffed with Maitre d'hotel butter, and served with Maitre d'hotel sauce, a la Maitre d'hdtel served in Maitre d'hotel sauce. The same dish may be made with fillets. a la Trouville cut in two or three pieces, and cooked with butter, breadcrumbs, chopped onions and cider. Filets de soles au gratin. Fillets breadcrumbed and fried; covered with brown sauce and bread- crumbs, and baked, a Vltalienne are saute, and served in white FISH OR POISSONS. 33 Italian sauce. They are served a la Hoi- landaise, in Hollandaise sauce ; or en Ravigote, in Kavigote sauce. Filets de soles en matelote are cut in halves, bread- crumbed and fried; dressed in a crown, with Matelote sauce in the centre. a la Vienne are rolled, stuffed with fish force- meat, and served with anchovy sauce. If served in a white sauce, they are called a la Beine. a la Bohemienne are folded fillets served in a white sauce, garnished with truffle, hard-boiled egg, lobster coral, and chopped parsley. a la Due de Naples are served cold, masked alternately with green and white Mayonnaise aspic, on an aspic border with salad in the centre, and are garnished with cucumber and hard-boiled white of egg. a la Dauphine are rolled, stuffed, breadcrumbed and fried, and served with lobster sauce. If stuffed with oysters, etc., and served with oyster sauce, they are called a la RotJischild ; or stuffed with lobster sauce and served with tomato sauce, a la Chesterfield. a la Eouennaise are coated with whiting force- meat coloured with lobster spawn, and served with white Matelote sauce. They may also be served en caisses, in little cases ; or cold en Mayonnaise, with salad and Mayonnaise sauce ; or en aspic, set in moulds of aspic. D 34 MENUS MADE EASY. SPRATS. Esprots a VAnglaise are fried. au gratin are baked -with herbs and breadcrumbs. a la Diable are devilled. STURGEON. Esturgeon en fricandeau is cut in thick slices, larded, stewed with bacon and mushrooms, and browned. a la Eoyale tied up in the form of a bolster, covered with forcemeat, and ornamented with pieces, of truffle, tongue, etc. Darne d'esturgeon au four is a baked slice of sturgeon. braisee is larded and braised. grillee sauce piquante is broiled, and served with Piquante sauce. a la Bourguignotte is served with Bourguignotte sauce. TENCH. Tanche/rite is fried. sur le gril is grilled. au court-bouillon boiled in court-bouillon, and served with caper sauce. farcie stuffed and baked. TROUT. Truites au Ueu are turned blue with boiling vinegar, and foiled in it with wine and vegetables; served with oil and vinegar. frites are fried. FISH OR POISSONS. 35 Truites en ragout are stewed. a la Beyrout are dressed in the same way as salmon. a la Maitre d'hdtel served with Maitre d'hotel sauce. a la Chambord cooked in marinade sauce, and garnished with crayfish, quenelles of fish, and sweetbreads. a la hussarde stuffed with butter and herbs; broiled, and served with Poivrade sauce. a la Perigueux stuffed with a truffle stuffing, and served with Perigueux sauce. This is also called a la Rothschild. Filets de truites a la Mazarine are fillets saute, and served in a sauce of melted butter, yolks of eggs, lobster spawn, anchovy, etc. a Vaurore are covered with white sauce, grated Parmesan, and hard-boiled egg. a la Genevoise are served with Genevoise sauce. a V Alexandra are rolled, and served cold, garnished with green butter and little balls of cucumber. They are sometimes served in little paper cases. TUNNY. Them frit is cut in pieces and fried. It is served with Kemoulade sauce. TURBOT. Turbot a la Hollandaise is boiled, and served with Hollandaise sauce ; sauce homard, with lobster sauce. 36 MENUS MADE EASY. Turbot a la creme served with a sauce of cream, yolks of eggs and lemon juice. a la creme d'anchois served in a sauce of melted butter, anchovy butter, and cream, sprinkled with chopped gherkins and capers. a la Mazarine served in the same sauce as fillets of trout " a la Mazarine." a la Eusse served with horseradisla sauce. a la Napier served in a white sauce with mussels. a la Morny served in a cheese sauce. a la Eeligieuse served in Hollandaise sauce, sprinkled with chopped tarragon and {raffle, and garnished with hard-boiled egg. grille a la Vatel grilled, and served with mussel sauce, and crayfish or prawns. a la Parisienne stuffed and baked, and served with a white sauce. Served with white Matelote sauce, it is called a la Normande. au gratin, or a la Bechamel. Pieces of turbot in Bechamel sauce, covered with breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan, and browned. Dressed with shrimp sauce and served in scallop shells, it is called a la Beyniere. a la creme gratine. Alternate layers of pieces of turbot and of a sauce of milk, butter, flour, yolks of eggs, parsley, etc., sprinkled with bread- crumbs and grated Parmesan, and browned. au gratin a la Proven $ ale. Alternate layers of pieces of turbot and Provenale sauce, bread- crumbed and browned. FISH OR POISSONS. 37 Petit turbot a la Meuniere is a small fish crimped, grilled, and served in a sauce of melted butter, yolks of eggs and lemon juice. Filets de turbot a VImperiale are small fillets, masked alternately with red and white sauce, and served with Cardinal sauce. a I'Imperatrice are masked with white forcemeat, decorated with red forcemeat, and are served on a forcemeat border with a red sauce. WEAVERS. Vives au gratin are stewed, breadcrumbed, and baked. a la Normande larded with pieces of eel and anchovy; cooked in wine with butter and vegetables, and served in the sauce. If served with Italian sauce, they are called a la Borde- laise. a la Maitre d'hotel broiled, and served with Maitre d'hotel sauce. WHITEBAIT. Blanchailles are fried. They should be served with lemon, cayenne, and slices of bread and butter. a la Diable are devilled. WHITING. Merlans au gratin, or a VAnglaise, are bread- 38 MENUS MADE EASY. crumbed and fried with their tails in their mouths. Merlans a la Frangaise dipped in milk, floured, and fried ; served with anchovy or any other sauce. Filets de merlans a la Hollandaise. Fillets served with Hollandaise sauce. They may also be served with Italian, Bordelaise, Fines-herbes, and other sauces. a la Orly are floured, fried, and served with tomato sauce. a I'Aurore are served in an egg sauce with cheese. a la Vatcl are served in tomato sauce, garnished with strips of anchovies and gherkins. a la Comtesse are baked in paper cases, and garnished with forcemeat balls, and prawns or crayfish tails. a VExcellence are fried, and served in a rich white sauce with capers and anchovies. Petites cremes de merlans a V aspic are little creams of whiting, served cold, garnished with aspic. Souffle de merlan en surprise is a baked souffle of whiting with a ragout of lobster in the centre. WHITING POLLOCK. Colin frit is cut in slices, fried, and served with oil and lemon. FISH OR POISSONS. 39 SHELL FISH AND FISH ENTKEES. GRAB, i Coquille de crabe is scalloped crab, served in the shell. As Supreme de crabe aux tomates, it is dressed with tomato sauce and breadcrumbs, and served in the shell. Petites wquilles de crabe en mayonnaise are little shell moulds of crab forcemeat, served with salad and Mayonnaise sauce. It may also be dressed in little fried cakes, as Crepi&ettes de crabe, in a souffle, and in many of the ways suggested for lobster. CRAYFISH. Ecrevisses au court-bouillon are boiled in court- bouillon. If served in Bordelaise sauce, they are called a la Bordelaise. Aspic d'ecrevisses a mould of aspic with crayfish, and vegetables cut in shapes ; served with Mayonnaise sauce. Petits pates aux ecrevisses covered patties, filled with crayfish and quenelles of fish. Langouste a la broche. Sea crayfish roasted. LOBSTER. Homard au court-bouillon is boiled in court-bouillon, and served with lobster sauce, a la Bordelaise cut up and served in Bordelaise sauce. 40 MENUS MADE EASY. Homard au kari curried ; served with boiled rice. en aspic slices coated with white sauce, in a mould of aspic. en del is a cream made of pounded lobster with clotted or whipped cream, served in little cases. Cotelettes de homard are lobster cutlets. They may be served with Mayonnaise sauce. Miroton de homard a la Cardinal. Slices of lobster, half of them dipped in white sauce, and half in the same sauce coloured with lobster butter ; dressed on a salad with Mayonnaise sauce. Coquille de homard. Scalloped lobster, served in the shell. Croquettes de homard are croquettes of lobster, bread- crumbed and fried. Bissoles de homard is the same preparation folded in thin pieces of paste, breadcrumbed and fried. Petits vol-au-vents, or petits pate's, de homard are little puff paste patties filled with the croquette preparation of lobster. Bouchees de homard a la Bechamel are patties smaller than the vol-au-vents, filled with chopped lobster in Bechamel sauce. Mayonnaise de homard the lobster cut up and served with lettuces and Mayonnaise sauce ; ornamented with anchovies, olives and hard- boiled egg. Salade de homard a VIndienne cut in slices and served on a salad with Indian pickles and Mayonnaise sauce ; garnished with hard-boiled FISH OR POISSONS. 41 Gateau, or Pain, de homard is a mould of lobster forcemeat. Timbale moulds of this forcemeat may be served cold with salad and Mayon- naise sauce as Timbales de homard en Mayon- naise. Petits pains de homard a la Hollandaise are little moulds or cakes of lobster, served with Hol- landaise sauce. Quenelles de homard a la Russe are quenelles of lobster served with horseradish sauce. Served with Hollandaise or Mayonnaise sauce, they are called a la Belle Vue. MUSSELS. Moules a la poulette are cooked in butter with chives and parsley, and served in the sauce with yolks of eggs. a la Villeroi are masked with Villeroi sauce, breadcrumbed and fried. au gras stewed with bacon, stock, flour, mush- rooms, etc. Coquilles de monies scalloped ; served in scallop- shells. SCALLOPS. Potencies en coquilles are scalloped and served in the shells. OYSTERS. Huitres a la Villeroi. Large oysters, each coated with Villeroi sauce, breadcrumbed and fried. 42 MENUS MADE EASY. Huitres au Parmesan browned with breadcrumbs, grated Parmesan, chopped parsley, and wine. en papillotes rolled in oval-shaped pieces of a paste made of mashed potatoes, flour and butter, and baked. a la Diable are devilled broiled, seasoned with butter, lemon juice and cayenne. Slices of brown bread and butter are served with them. a VAmericaine are breadcrumbed and fried. a la Virginie are breadcrumbed and broiled; served with tomatoes and a brown sauce. Ragout aux huitres stewed with vegetables, butter, flour, etc. Served in the sauce with yolks of eggs. Coquilles aux huitres scalloped and served in scallop-shells. Petits pains aux huitres stewed with bread- crumbs and butter, and baked in very small rolls, from which the crumb has been scooped out. Croutes aux huitres pounded with cream and spread on small pieces of toast. Andouillettes aux huitres are small oyster sausages, made with suet, breadcrumbs, etc. Bouchees aux huitres are small oyster patties. Croquettes aux huitres are croquettes of oysters, breadcrumbed and fried. Kromeskys aux huitres are small pieces of oyster croquette preparation wrapped in thin slices of bacon, dipped in batter and fried. Rissoles aux huitres are made of the same pre- FISH OR POISSONS. 43 paration folded in paste, breadcrumbed and fried. With the addition of chopped truffles, they are called Rissoles a la Hollandaise. Timbale aux Imitres is a steamed or baked timbale mould of oyster preparation. It may be served with white or Cardinal sauce. Crepinettes aux Imitres are little fried oyster cakes. They may be served a la Hollandaise, or a la Tartare, with Dutch or Tartare sauce. Beignets aux huitres are oyster fritters. Oysters can also be curried, or dressed in a souffle, a vol-au-vent, or an omelette. SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS. These are dressed in Rissoles or Petits pates in the same way as lobster. They are called Rissoles or Petits pates, de crevettes of shrimps, de chevrettes of prawns. Friantines de crevettes are fritters of shrimps. The preparations of shellfish generally appear as entrees, but such dishes as crab or lobster, scalloped, in aspic, or as a Mayonnaise, may be substituted for a roast or dressed vegetable in the second course. Fish entrees can be made with almost any kind of fish. They may be prepared in any of the ways given for shellfish, and take their name from the fish of which the dish is composed ; or they may be called simply Petits pains, etc., de poisson. In addition to those already enumerated, the 44 MENUS MADE EASY. following are suggested. In each case the name of the fish used may be substituted for "poisson." Poisson au supreme. Pieces of fish with white sauce in a potato border, decorated with hard-boiled egg, etc. Pain, or Boudin, de poisson a la Turque is a steamed mould of fish dressed with rice, etc. A la Milanaise, it is dressed with macaroni. Gateau de poisson a la Palerme is a fish cake baked or steamed in a mould, and served in a brown sauce with lemon juice and shreds of lemon peel. The same preparation of fish steamed in little moulds is served as Petits boudins, or timbales, de poisson a la Cardinal with Cardinal sauce, a la Venitienne with Venetian sauce, a la Tartare with Tartare sauce. A Vaspic, they are served cold, set in aspic, or on a border of aspic with a salad garnish. Petits pains de poisson a la Mazarine are little fish cakes made with anchovy cream and served with anchovy sauce. Poisson en ballotines are little fish balls, poached or fried. Creme de poisson is a cream made of pounded fish with eggs, and cream or panada a preparation of butter, water, and flour. It is steamed in a mould, or in several small moulds. Cold fish creams, set in moulds, or served in little cases, are sometimes called Petites mousses de poisson. Cotelettes de poisson a la Bergen are cutlet moulds FISH OR POISSONS. 45 of fish cream, served cold on croutes of fried bread, garnished with a cucumber salad and aspic. A VAlexandra, they are set in red aspic, and are garnished with salad, and little moulds of tomato cream. Souffle de poisson glace is an iced fish souffle. Petits z&phyrs de poisson are a very light form of little steamed fish souffles. This name is also frequently given to quenelles of fish. Croustades de poisson are little cases of pastry, or of fried bread, filled with dressed fish. They are sometimes called Cassolettes. Talmouses ft VIndienne are tartlets of anchovy pastry filled with curried fish. Petites causes a la Pecheur are china or paper cases filled with dressed fish in white or red sauce, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and lobster coral, and browned. Pilau de poisson is a fish pilau dressed with rice, saffron, spice, raisins, etc. Pate de poisson a V Irlandaise is a baked shape of mashed potato filled with fish dressed in white sauce. 46 MENUS MADE EASY. CHAPTER IV. ENTBEES. BEEF. THE fillet, or undercut of the sirloin, is the part most used in the preparation of entrees. It is cut in little slices and dressed as Filets de bceuf a la Franqaise broiled, and served with Maitre d 'hotel butter and fried potatoes. a la Chateaubriand broiled, and served in Chateaubriand sauce. They may be served aux cerises or aux oranges with a compote of cherries or of oranges in the centre of the dish; a la Tartar -e with Tartare sauce ; or with any dressed vegetable, and are named accordingly. a Vltalienne floured, fried, and served in Italian sauce. a la Russe saute, and served with horseradish sauce. a la Perigueux served with tomatoes and Perigueux sauce. a la Pompadour served with a slice of tomato ENTRIES. 47 and a tiny pat of Maitre d'hotel butter on each fillet, and a garnish of Sparghetti macaroni with cheese in the centre of the dish. Filets de bceuf a la St. James spread with foie-gras or liver forcemeat, saute, and served with a garnish of mushrooms and cherries. a la Carlsbad served with a compote of cherries, and a brown sharp sauce with horseradish and currant jelly. a la Reforme covered with slices of bacon, bread- crumbed, with chopped ham mixed with the crumbs, and fried ; served with Eeform sauce. a la Nemours covered with forcemeat and slices of ham, breadcrumbed and fried ; served with a white sauce. a VOstende spread with an oyster sauce, bread- crumbed and fried ; served in a brown sauce with anchovy. au chasseur larded, soaked in marinade, and braised ; served with brown sauce and currant jelly. a la Grande- Bretagne larded, split, and stuffed with macaroni and horseradish sauce ; served with a brown sauce and potato chips. Petits filets de bceuf a la Riga are rolled fillets, stuffed with bacon and forcemeat, braised, and served with peas and a brown sauce, garnished with slices of tomatoes. Orenadins de bceuf a la Financiere are little fillets, larded, braised, and served with a Financiere garnish. 48 MENDS MADE EASY. Tournedos a la sauce poivrade. Slices of cooked fillet dressed in a crown alternately with fried slices of bread of the same size; Poivrade sauce in the centre. This may be served with olives or French beans, instead of Poivrade sauce ; and would then be called Tournedos aux olives, or aux haricots verts. Slices of the fillet served with Piquante, Hol- landaise or other sauce, are called after the sauce with which they are served. A la Naples, they are served with a cheese sauce ; aux pruneaux, with a compote of prunes. Mironton de bceuf are slices of cooked beef in a sauce of onions, butter, gravy, flour, etc.; covered with breadcrumbs and baked. This dish is often called Escalopes de bceuf au gratin. It may be served aux cdpres with a sharp sauce and capers, and a la St. Jacques with a garnish of mushrooms and cherries. Mironton de baeuf aux choux is the dish known as Bubble-and-Squeak. Olives, or Paupiettes, de bceuf are slices of beef spread with forcemeat, rolled, stewed, and served in the sauce. They may be garnished aux olives with olives, or aux tomates with tomatoes. Salade de boeufa la Chateau. Little rolled slices of beef served on an aspic border with a mixed vegetable salad in the centre. Bouilli en matelote. Slices of boiled beef in a sauce of stock, wine, onions, mushrooms, etc. ENTREES. 49 Entre-cotes de bceuf a la Bordelaise are thick slices of ribs of beef, broiled and served in Bordelaise sauce with pieces of beef marrow. Timbale de bceuf a la Milanaise is a mould lined with macaroni, filled with a preparation of minced beef. A mould of beef is served as Gateau, or Pain, de Iceuf, a la Naples with a cheese sauce, a la Milanaise with a garnish of macaroni. Cotelettes de bceuf a la Moltke are cutlet moulds of beef forcemeat, served with a Milanaise garnish and a rich tomato sauce. Dormers de bceuf are beef dormers the whites of hard-boiled eggs filled with a puree of beef. They are sometimes breadcrumbed and fried. Petits pains a la Menagert are little moulds of minced beef served with brown sauce and mushrooms. The same preparation may be made into little rolls or cakes, wrapped in pork caul and fried, and served as Crepinettes, or dressed in little patties, as Petites bouchees, a la Menagere. (Eufs a VEcossaise are hard-boiled eggs coated with minced meat or forcemeat, breadcrumbed and fried, and then cut in halves. If covered with crushed vermicelli instead of breadcrumbs, and served with a sharp sauce, they are called a la Garfteld. Curried beef is served as Kari de Iceuf, or Bceuf a llndienne ; a I 'Orient, it is garnished with olives and gherkins. 50 MENUS MADE EAST. Rissoles a VIndienne are curried rissoles. Rissoles a la Suisse are flat cakes of mince, served with gravy. Boulettes a la Franchise are little balls of minced beef with breadcrumbs, etc., served with gravy and fried potatoes. Chaudfroid a la Paysanne is a mould of aspic, decorated with vegetables, and filled with a puree of meat. Moelle de boeuf a la Orly. Beef marrow cut in long pieces, dipped in batter and fried ; served with tomato sauce in a sauce-boat. Quenelles a la moelle are quenelles of beef marrow with breadcrumbs, eggs, etc. Petites bo?nbes a la moelle are made of the same preparation, steamed in little bombe moulds. Bouchees a la moelle are small patties filled with marrow and a savoury sauce of cream, shallot, chives, etc. Petites croustades a la moelle are made of the same preparation put into little cases of fried bread, breadcrumbs strewed on the top, and browned. Friantines de moelle a la St. Marc are slices of marrow laid on slices of tomato, covered with forcemeat, and fried in batter. Vol-au-vent d'amourettes a la creme is a vol-au-vent of beef tendons with Bechamel sauce and mushrooms. Palais de boeuf a la Robert. Ox palates cut in round or oval pieces, and served with Robert sauce. This dish may be served with other ENTREES. 61 sauces instead of Eobert, changing the name accordingly. Palais de bosuf a la Lyonnaise, or a la Marseillaise, are served in soubise sauce. a la Eavigote. Oval pieces, dipped in -white sauce with shallot, parsley, etc., breadcrumbed and fried ; served with Eavigote sauce. a la Vivahdiere are dressed in the same way, but served in a brown sauce with onions, butter, port wine, etc. en papillotes. Oval pieces in white sauce with parsley and mushrooms, broiled in papers, and served with Italian sauce. For Croquettes de palais de baeuf, the palates are cut in pieces and rolled, with forcemeat in the centre of each, dipped in batter, and fried. They are also dressed in a vol-au-vent, or, if preferred, in several small ones, as Petits vol-au- vents de palais de boeiif. Ox-cheek, braised or stewed, and cut in small pieces, is served as Tete de boeuf a la St. Germain with green peas ; a la Portugaise with Spanish onions. a la Czarina is served in a sharp brown sauce with currant jelly, sultanas, and gherkins. Ox-tongue is served as Langue de boeuf an Parmesan. Slices cooked with stock, wine, and grated Parmesan. en papillotes. Slices wrapped in papers with slices of bacon and broiled, a la Napolitaine. Slices covered with cheese 52 MENUS MADE EASY. sauce and breadcrumbs, and served with macaroni and tomatoes. Turban de langue de bceuf a I'Ecarlate. Oval slices cut from two tongues, one pickled red, the other fresh; dressed in a crown alternately, with tomato sauce. a la Macedoine is dressed in the same manner, and served with a white Macedoine garnish in the centre, and white sauce. Bouchees a Vecarlate are little patties of tongue. Ox-tails are dressed as Queue de bceuf en haricot, or en ragout, cut in joints, stewed, and served in the sauce with onions, carrots and turnips cut in shapes. aux navets au brun stewed, and served with turnips cut into small balls, and brown sauce. a la jardiniere served with brown sauce, and vegetables cut in small shapes. en Jcari curried, and served with boiled rice. a la Milanaise stewed, and served in white sauce with macaroni. aux marrons served in brown sauce with braised chestnuts. a la Ste. Menehould served in a brown sauce, covered with breadcrumbs and browned, a la Marseillaise the pieces masked with a , puree of onions, breadcrumbed and fried; 1 served in a highly seasoned brown sauce. VEAL. Veal Cutlets are served as : Cotelettes de veau a la Russe fried, spread on ENTREES. 53 one side with a preparation of horseradish, and breadcrumbed with grated Parmesan mixed with the crumbs; served with thin tomato sauce. Cotelettes de veau a la Maintenon coated with a sauce of mushrooms, ham, eggs, etc., and baked or grilled in papers. This dish is sometimes prepared with little slices of veal fricandeau. enpapillotes soaked in oil with mushrooms, lemon juice, etc. ; wrapped in papers and cooked in the seasoned oil. a la Boulanger saute, and served in tomato sauce with a puree of apples in the centre. a la Talleyrand seasoned with chopped mush- rooms and shallots, cooked and served in a white sauce with lemon juice and chopped parsley. a la St. Clair served with slices of fried ham and tomato sauce. a la Drayton thickly coated with a rich brown sauce, breadcrumbed and saute. a la sans faqon breadcrumbed with chopped shallots and parsley mixed with the crumbs, broiled, and dressed round mashed potato. a la Marquise covered with a slice of ham and a coating of forcemeat, breadcrumbed and fried, and served in a white sauce with chopped ham. a la Reine breadcrumbed and broiled; served with truffles and mushrooms, and clear gravy. Cdtelettes de volatile a la Dauphine are made with the legs of fowls from which the thigh-bone has been removed. They are dipped in Alle- mande sauce, breadcrumbed and fried ; served with a dressed vegetable in the centre, and white sauce. Legs of fowls are also boned, stuffed with force- meat, and served as Cuisses de volatile, or poulardes, a la jardiniere, with a Jardiniere garnish; aux concombres, or aux petits pois, with dressed cucumber or peas. As Ballotine de volatile a la Kusse, the stuffed legs are cut in slices, and served with alternate slices of tomato, and a vegetable garnish in the centre. Cuisses de volaille au soleil are stuffed with force- meat, larded in rays, braised, and served on a pyramid of forcemeat, with mushroom sauce. a Vecatilere are stuffed with forcemeat and oysters, and dressed on a pyramid of force- meat, with oyster sauce. ENTREES. 83 Cuisses de volaille truffees a la Perigord stuffed with truffles and Maitre d'hotel butter ; served with paper frills round the bones, and with truffle sauce. a la Bayonnaise the thigh-bone removed, they are cooked in oil with onions, and served in a white sauce, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and browned. farcies aux petits legumes are stuffed and braised ; dressed on a border, with carrots and turnips cut in shapes, and brown sauce. Chaudfroid de volaille. Cooked fowls cut in pieces, coated with white sauce and aspic, and served cold, dressed in a circle with alternate slices of tongue. A la Marie, the pieces are coated with a curry sauce, and served with rice and stuffed olives. En Mayonnaise, they are coated with Bechamel sauce, and served on a salad with Mayonnaise sauce, or with aspic whisked to a froth with Tarragon vinegar and oil. Mayonnaise de volaille. Pieces of fowl served on a salad, covered with Mayonnaise sauce, and garnished with olives, anchovies, etc. Salade de volaille a la Carlton. Pieces masked with Mayonnaise sauce with chopped ham, capers, etc. ; served with a vegetable mayonnaise, garnished with strips of cucumber and beet- root. Chaudfroid de fricassee is a fowl cut up and coated with a white sauce; served cold, garnished with aspic. Capolitade de volaille. Pieces of fowls served in 84 MENUS MADE EASY. Italian sauce with capers, or in brown sauce with wine, garnished with croutons of fried bread. Chartreuse de volaille is an ornamental mould of mixed vegetables, with pieces of chicken in the centre. Creme de volaille. A pure'e of fowl with cream, steamed in a mould decorated with truffles, tongue, etc. Petits souffles de volaille are made of a puree of fowl and beaten eggs, baked in little souffle cases, or steamed. Souffle glace de volaille. Minced chicken soaked in oil, vinegar, etc. ; put into a souffle* dish in alternate layers with aspic whipped to a froth, and iced. Aspic a la Royale is prepared with small round slices of fowl, slices of truffle, mushrooms and cocks' combs, with Bechamel sauce and aspic ; cut into oval pieces and dressed in a mould of aspic, ornamented with hard-boiled white of egg and truffles. Vol-aii-vent de volaille aux huitres is a vol-au-vent filled with shreds of chicken in white sauce with oysters. Small puff paste patties filled with minced chicken and white sauce, with tongue, mushrooms or truffles, are served as Petitcs louchecs, or Petits pates, a la Heine. This preparation of chicken is also dressed in little china or paper cases as Petites caisses a la ENTRIES. 83 Eeine ; or -with poached eggs on the top, a la Victoria. Petitcs caisses a la Belle Isle are filled with chicken or game in white sauce with chopped mush- rooms and ham, garnished with shreds of truffle and almonds. Bordure de riz a la Eeine is a round wall of rico filled with minced, or puree of, fowl. It is sometimes garnished with plovers' eggs round the edge. Minced chicken, with ham or tongue, can be made into croquettes, breadcrumbed and fried, or into rissoles, folded in thin paste and fried. The latter are sometimes coated with broken vermicelli, Croquettes de volaille aux trujfes are made with chopped truffles instead of ham or tongue, and are served with truffle sauce. Dressed with tongue and served in a white sauce with chopped tongue, they are called Croquettes de volaille a Vecarlate. Pclitcs bombes a la Eeine are little moulds of chicken forcemeat. They may be served cold, set in aspic, as Chaudfroid en aspic a la Eeine. Petites bombes a la Princesse are moulds made of chicken forcemeat with croquette preparation in the centre, and are served with white sauce and a vegetable garnish. Crepes a la Eeine are small pancakes folded over chicken croquette preparation, cut in halves and served in a crown. Dormers de volaille are chicken dormers the whites 86 MENUS MADE EASY. of hard-boiled eggs filled with chicken force- meat; served with spinach or any vegetable garnish, and a white sauce with chopped ham. Quenelles de volatile are quenelles of chicken force- meat. They are poached and served with a dressed vegetable, or dipped in white sauce, breadcrumbed and fried. Au Supreme, they are served with Supreme sauce. En demi deuil, half of them are rolled in chopped truffles ; dressed in a crown, with white sauce and chopped truffles. A Vecarlate, they are dressed alternately with glazed slices of tongue of the same size, and served with Supreme sauce. If a Eussian tongue is used, they are called a la Russe instead of a Vecarlate. Boudins de volatile a la Lucullus are quenelles of chicken forcemeat with a piece of puree of truffles in the centre of each; served in a croustade, or shape of fried bread, with Alle- mande sauce. Boudins de volatile a la Richelieu are oblong pieces of quenelle forcemeat, dressed in a crown with Perigueux sauce. Cigarettes a la Reine are made of chicken forcemeat with white sauce and chopped truffles ; pieces the shape of cigars, breadcrumbed and fried. Rissolettes de volatile a la Pompadour are diamond- shaped sandwiches of the preparation for chicken croquettes with truffles, between layers of chicken forcemeat ; dipped in batter and fried. ENTRIES. 87 Timbales a la Pahlen are small moulds lined with macaroni, filled with a white forcemeat veal or fowl and a black forcemeat of truffles, etc., in the centre. Ravioles a la Napolitaine are little pieces of chicken or game forcemeat wrapped in paste ; arranged in a circle with alternate slices of Parmesan cheese ; baked, and served with brown sauce. Croustades de beurre a la Due de York are little croustades of butter, thickly breadcrumbed and fried ; the butter removed, and the cases filled with a puree of fowl with dice of stewed cucumber; served with plovers' eggs on the top. Timbale de Nouilles is a mould lined with paste, filled with German paste, minced chicken, grated cheese, etc. Timbale a la Champenoise is filled with minced chicken, anchovies, gherkins, truffles, etc., with white sauce and wine. Foie gras a V aspic is a mould of aspic with pieces of foie gras in it. Foie gras can also be dressed with truffles in little patties, as Petite pates a la Montglas; or larded with pieces of truffle, braised, and served with truffle sauce as Foie gras a la Perigueux. DUCKS. Filets de canetons aux petits pois are fillets of roast ducks dressed in a circle, with stewed peas in the centre. A la Macedoine, they 88 MENUS MADE EASY. are served -with a vegetable Macedoine ; a la Bigarade, with Bigarade sauce. Filets de caneton farcis. A boned duck covered with forcemeat of fowl, cut in pieces the shape of fillets, and dressed in a crown with a vegetable garnish in the centre. Caneton a la DiaUe is a roast duck cut up and devilled served in a sharp sauce with mustard and cayenne. Aiguillettes de canetons aux oranges are slices cut from the breast, dressed in a circle with a compote of oranges in the centre, and orange sauce. The legs of roast ducks, in a sauce of stock and wine with shallots, etc., are served as Salmis de cuisses de canetons. Salmis de caneton a VAmencaine is a salmis of duck in a brown sauce with black currant jelly. Cotelettes de canetons a la Portugaise are cutlets made of minced duck, breadcrumbed and fried; served with a dressed vegetable and tomato sauce. Rissoles de caneton a la Careme are little round rissoles of duck in brioche paste. Timbale de caneton a la Valencienne is a steamed mould of minced duck, served in an orange sauce, garnished with slices of oranges. A la Milanaise, it is steamed in a mould lined with macaroni, and is served in a white sauce with grated cheese. ENTREES. 89 GOOSE. The legs of a roast goose are cut in pieces, fried with slices of onion, and served with Piquante sauce as Quartiers, or cuisses, d'oie a la Lyonnaise. Fricassee d'oie aux pommes is a fricassee of goose, served with a puree of apples in the centre. Chaud/roid d'oie a Vlndicnne is curried goose, served cold with rice. Ragout d' abatis a V Orient are stewed giblets, served with savoury rice, and a curry sauce with olives and gherkins. TURKEY. The pinions of a Turkey as Ailerons de dindon, or dinde, a la puree de celeris are boned, and served in a circle with a puree of celery in the centre. a la Ste. Menehould are boiled in stock with wine, etc., coated with the sauce, breadcrumbed and broiled. Escalopes de dinde en blanquette, or Blanquette de dinde, are slices cut from the breast of a roast turkey, served in white sauce with cream, etc. With the addition of slices of ham, it is called au jambon. Dressed with chestnuts, it is called a la Mancelle ; or garnished with poached eggs, a la Heine. Supreme de dinde a la Victoria. Little slices served in Supreme sauce, garnished with poached eggs and croutes of fried bread. 90 MENUS MADE EASY. Emince de dinde a Vltalienne are slices served with Italian sauce and gherkins. Chartreuse de dinde is an ornamental mould of mixed vegetables, filled with minced turkey and white sauce. Medallions de dinde a la Financiere are made with the legs of a turkey. They are boned, stuffed with forcemeat and braised; cut in slices, coated with a puree of chestnuts, and served with chestnut sauce or a Financiere garnish. This dish can also be made with slices of a galantine of fowl or turkey, and can be served cold with salad and aspic. Abatis de dinde a la Chipolata are the giblets stewed and served with Chipolata garnish. PIGEONS. Fillets of Pigeons are served as Filets de pigeons a la Duxelle coated with Duxelle sauce, breadcrumbed and fried; served with Provencale sauce and mushrooms. a la Parisienne spread with forcemeat, bread- crumbed and fried ; dressed on fried croutons of bread, with a brown puree of cucumbers in the centre. Served with brown sauce and a Macedoine garnish, they are called a la Duchesse. a la Moderne coated with liver forcemeat, breadcrumbed and fried; served with tomato sauce and dressed spinach. Cotelettes de pigeons a la Czarina are fillets ENTRIES. 91 breadcrumbed and fried, and a small piece of bone stuck in each to imitate cutlet bones ; served with Czarina sauce. This dish may be served a Vltalienne with Italian sauce, or with any vegetable garnish. Cotelettes de pigeons a la Mazarine are pigeons cut in halves, spread with forcemeat, bread- crumbed and fried; served with tomato sauce. They are also cut in halves and boned, with the exception of the leg bones, stuffed, bread- crumbed and broiled, and served as Cotelettes de pigeons a la Financiere, with a Financiere garnish. Compote de pigeons a VAlgerienne are pigeons cut up, stewed, and served with a savoury brown sauce and pickled plums. Chaudfroid de pigeons a la Castillane is made of pigeons, boned, stuffed with forcemeat, and braised ; cut in slices, masked with brown game sauce, and served cold with a compote of dried cherries, garnished with aspic. GAME. VENISON. Hachis de venaison is hashed venison. Venison Cutlets, saute and dressed in a crown, are served as Cotelettes de venaison aux olives with brown sauce and olives; aux champignons with mushrooms. 92 MENUS MADE EASY. Cotelettes de venaison a VAmericaine are served with a rich Espagnole sauce. au jus de groseilles with Poivrade sauce and red currant jelly. Eouelles de cerf a la St. Hubert are slices of fillet of venison, larded, and cooked in brown sauce with wine, slices of gherkins, etc. ; served with a compote of French plums. Cotelettes de chevreuil sautees are cutlets of roe- buck cooked in butter, with wine, stock, mush- rooms, etc., and served in the sauce. sautees sauce Poivrade are saute, and served in Poivrade sauce with pickled mushrooms. a la Bohemienne are soaked in marinade, bread- crumbed and broiled ; served in brown sauce with some of the marinade, currant jelly, etc. Civet de chevreuil is jugged roebuck. Slices from any joint are served in Piqtiante sauce with currant jelly, etc., as E 'mince de chevreuil. For Salmis de chevreuil a la Sultane, the meat is soaked in marinade, stewed, and served in a brown sauce with port wine and pickled sultanas. HARE. Lievre, or levraut, saute is cut in pieces, saute, and served in a sauce of broth and wine with mushrooms, etc. Civet de lievre is jugged hare; a la St. Hubert, it is served with a compote of cherries, and a rich sauce with wine and chopped truffles. Filets de lievre, or levraut, are fillets of hare fried ENTREES. 93 aiid dressed in a circle with a brown sauce. They are also piques larded and braised, and served with Poivrade sauce. Served with tomato sauce, they are piques sauce tomates. A la Bourguignotte, they are cut in halves, larded and braised ; dressed in a crown with a brown sauce, bacon cut in dice, young onions, etc. Cotelcttes de lievre a la Daupliine are slices cut from the fillets with a small piece of bone stuck in each, breadcrumbed and fried ; served with Piquante sauce and chopped olives. Arranged alternately with little cutlet shapes of rich hare stuffing, and served with a game sauce, garnished with mushrooms and button onions, they are called a la Chef. For Turban de lievre a la Peronne, the fillets are dressed in the same way, and arranged in a circle alternately with quenelles of forcemeat of hare ; white sauce with vinegar and pickled onions. Jjjudins de lih-re. Kolls of forcemeat of hare, breadcrumbed and browned. Aux cerises, they are garnished with stewed cherries, j RABBITS. Cut in joints, Babbits are served as Lapereau, or Lapin, saute aux fines herbes saute, and served in fine-herbs sauce. saute aux truffes with brown sauce and slices 94 MENUS MADE EASY. of truffles; or aux olives, substituting olives for the truffles. Lapereau, or Lapin, a la Venitienne larded, braised in oil and wine with veal and garlic, and served with the sauce. a la Suisse fried in batter. en kari, or a la Madras curried and served with rice. en gibelotte stewed with onions, bacon, wine, etc. ; served in the sauce with mushrooms. en papillate boned, coated with a stuffing of bacon, mushrooms, etc., and broiled in papers. The backbone with the fillets, cut in sections, larded, and braised, is served as Grenadins de lapin or lapereau, with brown sauce and spinach. Cotelettes de lapereau a la Soubise are made with the legs, cut in two, boned, spread with forcemeat and served with Soubise sauce. Filets de lapereaux aux concombres are fillets of roast rabbits in a white sauce with slices of cucumber. a la Valenciennes are dressed in a crown with white sauce, cream and mushrooms. With alternate pieces of ham, they are called a Vecarlate. They are also served a la Musulmane larded and braised ; dressed in a crown with curry sauce, and rice in the centre. Turban de lapereau a la Douariere is composed of small fillets larded and braised; served with ENTRIES. 95 quenelles of forcemeat of rabbit in the centre, and brown sauce with wine, etc. Lapereau en salade. Fillets of roast rabbits soaked in oil and vinegar; served cold on a salad, garnished with hard-boiled egg, beetroot, etc. Escalopes de lapereau au fumet. Fillets cut in oval slices, and arranged with a little slice of truffle on each piece; covered with a white sauce made of rabbit, and baked. Aux pointes d'asperges, the slices are served in a white sauce with asparagus. For Fricassee de lapereau the rabbit is cut up and cooked in a white sauce with mushrooms, etc. Supreme de lapereau a VIndienne is a white curry of rabbit. It may be served cold as a Cliaud- froid. Boudin de lapin is a poached roll of rabbit force- meat ; served with mushrooms or truffles, in brown sauce. It is also cut in pieces and dressed on a border. a la Bichelieu. A roll of forcemeat of fowl, truffles, etc., thickly covered with forcemeat of rabbit, breadcrumbed and broiled; served with Perigueux sauce. Cotelettes de lapereau a la Maintenon are cutlet shapes of minced rabbit, breadcrumbed and fried, and served in a brown sauce with wine. a la Duchesse Marie are cutlet moulds of rabbit cream, coated alternately with chopped ham and chopped truffles ; served with white sauce and a vegetable garnish. 96 MENUS MADE EASY. Petits cannelons de lapereau are little rolled pastry cases filled with minced rabbit. Chartreuse a la Mikado is a preparation of minced rabbit, steamed in a mould lined with force- meat and decorated with rings of different coloured vegetables. Timbales de semoule au chasseur are small moulds of semolina, breadcrumbed and fried, filled with forcemeat of rabbit and puree of mush- rooms. Many of the ways in which chickens are dressed are also suitable for rabbits. PHEASANT. A roast Pheasant, cut up, is served with Salmis sauce and mushrooms or truffles, as Salmis de faisan. Aux pruneaux it is garnished with stewed prunes. Faisan au veloute de gibier is served in a white game sauce ; a la puree de gibier in a puree of game sauce, a la Bohemienne is served in a rich brown sauce with chopped ham and mushrooms, a la bonne femme is cooked with square pieces of ham, slices of Portugal onions, etc. Fillets of pheasants are served as Filets de faisans piques aux legumes larded and braised ; dressed in a crown alternately with stewed pieces of cucumber of the same size ; Jardiniere garnish in the centre. a la Comte de Brabant larded and braised; ENTREES. 97 arranged alternately with slices of bacon round a pyramid of Brussels sprouts. Fumet of game sauce. Filets de faisans a la Marquise half of them larded and braised, and half breadcrumbed and fried ; arranged alternately, with cocks' combs in the centre, and white game sauce, a la Maintenon very small fillets coated with a white sauce with chopped mushrooms, etc. ; broiled in papers, and served with gravy. Chaudfroid de filets de faisans is a cold entree of small fillets of roast pheasants coated with a game sauce, and garnished with hard-boiled eggs. Gcdantine defaisan aux truffes is a pheasant boned, and stuffed with game forcemeat with truffles, etc. ; braised, and served cold with aspic. Boudins de faisan a la Richelieu are oval-shaped pieces of forcemeat of pheasant, breadcrumted and fried ; served with Eichelieu sauce. Quenelles of forcemeat of pheasant, dressed in a crown with game sauce and mushrooms or truffles, are called Quenelles defaisan en turban. PARTRIDGES. Perdreaux en ragout, or en gibelotte, are cut in joints, stewed and served in a rich game sauce. Roast partridges, cut up, are served as Salmis de chasseur in a sauce of oil, wine, lemon, etc. As Salmis chaudfroid de perdreaux, the joints arc masked with Salmis sauce and aspic jelly ; served cold with a garnish of aspic. H 98 MENUS MADE EASY. Filets de perdreaux aux petits legumes are fillets of roast birds, dressed in a crown, with young onions, carrots and turnips cut in shapes, and game sauce. For a Chaudfroid de filets de perdreaux, the fillets are dressed with alternate slices of tomato; garnished with aspic, and a puree of game in the centre. Cutelettes de perdreaux a la Bacchante are fillets with a piece of bone stuck in each, bread- crumbed and fried; served in a white game sauce with raisins, juice of grapes, etc. They are also served a la Douariere, with quenelles of partridge in the centre, and game sauce. Epigram/me de perdreaux aux champignons is com- posed of fillets, half of them saute, and half larded and braised; served with game sauce and mushrooms. For Epigramme de perdreaux a la Perigord, the fillets are dressed alternately with quenelles of par- tridge; served with chopped truffles in a game sauce. Escalopes (thin round or oval slices) cut from the fillets, are served as Perdreaux en escalopes, or Saute de perdreaux, in a white game sauce with mushrooms, etc. If truffles are substituted for the mushrooms, the dish may be called Saute de per- dreaux aux truffes. Chartreuse de perdreaux is an ornamental mould of vegetables, filled with larded and braised partridges, pieces of sausage, dice of bacon, etc. Pain de perdreaux is a puree of partridge steamed in a mould ; served with brown game sauce. ENTRIES. 99 Pctits pains de perdreaux a la Dauphine are little moulds of a puree of partridge with truffles ; served in a brown sauce with wine, mush- rooms and asparagus points. Fritot de perdreaux a la creme are fritters of a puree or cream of partridge fried in batter. Perdreaux en souffle, or Omelette soufflee de perdreaux, is made of a puree of roast partridges with eggs, etc., and is baked in a souffle dish or in small paper cases. GROUSE. Eoast grouse, cut up, are dressed as Grouse a la Ailsa covered with a game sauce, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and browned, a la Commodore the joints coated with force- meat of grouse, and dressed in a pyramid with a rich game sauce. For Salmis de grouse aux truffes they are served in a rich salmis sauce with slices of truffles ; a la St. Hubert, with cherries. Salade aux grouses the joints masked with salmis sauce and aspic ; dressed on a salad with Mayonnaise sauce, garnished with hard-boiled eggs, etc. The fillets are served as Filets de grouse a la Chanccliere, dressed in a crown, with small quenelles of veal in the centre, and game sauce. Black-game and Ptarmigan are dressed like grouse. 100 MENUS MADE EASY. DUCK. Boast wild ducks, cut in joints, are served as Canards, or Canetons, sauvages en salmis, with a salmis sauce. a la bigarade with bigarade sauce. a la Muette in a rich salmis sauce with wine and truffles. The fillets as- Filets de canetons sauvages au fumet de gibicr are served with fumet of game sauce. a Vessence served with a brown game sauce, port wine, shallots, etc. a la Syrienne dressed alternately with slices of fried bread spread in a dome shape with the livers with butter, etc. ; served with brown game sauce and olives. TEAL. Teal are dressed in the same way as wild ducks ; also as Sarcelles a la puree de chajnpignons cut in joints and arranged in a circle with a puree of mush- rooms in the centre ; served with a macedoine garnish, they are called a la macedoine. Filets de sarcelles aux anchois are fillets of teal with stock and grated Parmesan, a fillet of anchovy laid on each, sprinkled with bread- crumbs and Parmesan, and browned. a la Toulouse are dressed in a crown, with fumet of game sauce, pickled mushrooms, etc. ENTRIES. 101 Filets de sarcelles a la moderne are spread with forcemeat of game, and served with a brown game sauce. WOODCOCKS. Salmis de becasses the birds cut up and served in salmis, or fumet of game, sauce. an chasseur served in a game sauce with wine, mushrooms, etc. ; the insides spread on crou- tons, and arranged round the dish. Chaudfroid de becasses the joints masked with brown game sauce, and brown meat jelly ; served cold. Filets de becasses a la Lucullus. Fillets coated with forcemeat, and served on a border with a thick puree of woodcocks piled in the centre, and game sauce round. a la Talleyrand are dressed in a crown, with the insides spread on croutons of fried bread of the same size as the fillets. Fumet of game sauce with truffles. en canape are laid on croutons of bread and covered with a stuffing of the trail with bacon, etc. ; served with a game sauce. Crousiade de becasses a la Comtesse is a low oval croustade, or shape of fried bread, filled with a puree of woodcocks ; the fillets dressed on the top alternately with cocks' combs. SNIPES. Snipes are dressed in the same way as wood- 102 MENUS MADE EASY. cocks, but are cut in halves where woodcocks are filleted. They are also served as Becassines a la bonne louche, filled with a force- meat of foie gras and bacon; dressed on a forcemeat border, covered with forcemeat and baked ; served with truffle sauce. This is sometimes called a la Superlative. QUAILS. Cailles aux laitues are braised, and served with stewed lettuces. aux petits pois are'roasted with vegetables, and served with stewed peas in white sauce. aux truffles are stuffed with the livers, truffle, etc., and are served with Perigueux sauce. a la Beaconsfield wrapped in slices of bacon, braised, covered with a puree of peas, and served with mushrooms in a rich brown sauce. a la Lucullus boned, stuffed with foie gras and truffles, and baked in paper cases with truffle sauce. a la bonne bouche are stuffed with foie gras and braised. au delice are boned, stuffed with foie gras and braised; served cold, masked with a white sauce, and garnished with truffles and pista- chios. a la Financiere cut in halves and dressed on a border, with Financiere garnish in the centre. They are also served aux concombres, with stewed pieces of cucumber, and a puree of ENTREES. 103 cucumbers in the centre ; or as a Chaudfroid, masked with game sauce and served with aspic, and salad, or any vegetable garnish. For Compote de caillcs they are cooked in wine and stock with slices of sweetbread, ham, truffles, etc. ; garnished with croutons. They may also be dressed in a vol-au-vent with Toulouse garnish, as Vol-au-vent de cailles. PLOVERS. Plovers can be dressed in any of the ways that are suggested for woodcocks. The fillets of roast birds are served as Filets de pluviers aux champignons in, a circle alternately with croutons spread with the trail ; game sauce with mushrooms. LARKS. A salmis of larks is called Mauviettes en salmis. Mauviettes grillees are broiled ; served on slices of fried bread. a la chipolata are cooked with Chipolata garnish. en caisses are boned, stuffed with forcemeat and baked in paper cases. en cdtelettes are boned, spread with forcemeat and served with brown sauce. Turban de mauviettes a la Parisienne. The larks are boned, stuffed with game forcemeat and truffles, and braised ; dressed in a crown, with small quenelles of veal in the centre, and a game sauce. Dressed alternately with large 104 MENUS MADE EASY. quenelles of game forcemeat, they are called aux quenelles. Chaudfroid de mauviettes boned, stuffed with force- meat, coated with brown sauce and served with aspic. Set in little moulds of aspic, they are called en aspic. Croustade de mauviettes boned, stuffed, and baked in a croustade of fried bread with Perigueux sauce and mushrooms. Vol-au-vent de mauviettes boned, stuffed, and served in a vol-au-vent case with white game sauce and mushrooms. ORTOLANS. Ortolans a la Perigourdine are served in truffles, of which the centres have been cut out. en caisses are baked in small paper cases with Perigueux sauce. Blanquette de gibier aux champignons is composed of small pieces of game in a white sauce with mushrooms. Mayonnaise de gibier a V aspic is a mayonnaise of game, garnished with aspic. Quenelles a la Chasseur are quenelles of game, served in a white sauce with mushrooms or truffles. Creme de gibier is a puree of game, steamed in a mould, or in several small moulds. As Petites cremes a la Moderne, they are served in a white sauce with chopped truffles. ENTREES. 105 Boudins a la Chasseur are little moulds of minced game, or game forcemeat, served in a game sauce with mushrooms. P'etites bouchees de gibier are little patties of game. Pelits pates a la puree de gibier are patties filled with puree of game. Kromeskis a la ttusse are made with pieces of any kind of forcemeat or croquette preparation, wrapped in slices of bacon, dipped in batter, and fried. A la Nemours, a coating of a purea of mushrooms is substituted for the slices of bacon. Cassolettes de riz are patties of rice, breadcrumbed and fried; filled with forcemeat or croquette preparation. Timbale a la Milanaise is Milanaise garnish in a shell of paste. Another dish of the same name is composed of a preparation of minced game or chicken, steamed in a mould lined with macaroni. Fritot a I'Ecossaise are Scotch fritters of minced game with mushrooms, etc., dipped in batter and fried. Game is also dressed in a croustade, or raised pie, in souffles, chaudfroids, etc. 106 MENUS MADE EASY. CHAPTER V. REMOVES OB RELEVES. BEEF. A ROAST sirloin of beef is called Aloyau a la broche. For Aloyau de boeuf a la Provenqale the sirloin is larded and spread with a stuffing of marrow, anchovies, garlic, etc. ; roasted, and served with Piquante sauce. The upper part of the sirloin, boned and rolled, is served as Aloyau en cannelon roasted; sauce raifort, with horseradish sauce. braise a la royale larded and braised. a la Printaniere braised, and served with young vegetables. a la Portugaise larded and braised ; served with stewed Portugal onions and brown sauce. a la Godard braised, and served with slices of sweetbread, mushrooms, etc. The fillet, or undercut of the sirloin, is usually cut out and dressed as a separate dish. It is roasted and served as Filet de boeuf roti, and may have a vegetable garnish Macedome, REMOVES OR RELEVfi's. 107 Jardiniere, or Printaniere and be named accord- ingly. Aii jus & orange, it has orange sauce. Filet de boeuf au macaroni is garnished with macaroni. a la Napolitaine larded, roasted, and served in a savoury brown sauce with Tarragon vinegar, currant jelly, raisins and French plums. au jus de groseilles larded, soaked in marinade and roasted; served in a brown sauce with currant jelly. pique aux legumes printaniers larded, roasted and glazed ; served with young vegetables and brown sauce. a la Milanaise larded, roasted, and served in white sauce with macaroni, etc. Served with macaroni dressed with tomato sauce and grated cheese, it is a la Romaine. a la Toscane larded and braised; served with tomatoes and stuffed artichoke bottoms. a la Bohemienne larded, soaked in marinade, and roasted or braised ; served with fried slices of potatoes, and Poivrade sauce with pickled onions, pickled mushrooms, and olives; or cold, with tomato sauce, currant jelly, etc. Braised, it is served as Filet de boeuf braise; a la sauce Madere, it has Madeira sauce; a la Paysanne, it is garnished with vegetables. A Bound of beef as Rouelle de boeuf bouillie is boiled ; a VAnglaise it is served with carrots and turnips and small suet dumplings. 108 MENUS MADE EASY. The Brisket as Piece de bceuf a la Flamande is braised and garnished "a la Flamande." a la Bonne Femme is stewed. Served with fried onions, it is called a la Bourgeoise. Noix de boeuf braisee is a braised chump of beef. Bibs of beef, rolled and braised, are served as Cotes de boeuf braisees a la puree de tomates with tomato sauce ; or a la Milanaise with macaroni. aux ratines larded and served with carrots ; a la Portugaise with Portugal onions ; a UEspagnole with button onions. Piece de boeuf a la St. Florentin is rolled, and served with Bobert sauce. Beef or Bump Steak as Bifteck a la Frangaise is broiled, and served with fried potatoes. en ragout is stewed ; with onions, it is a la bonne bouche. Chateaubriand grille is a broiled fillet steak. A la Russe, it is served with horseradish sauce; a la Bruxelloise with a puree of Brussels sprouts. It is also served aux huitres with oysters ; au beurre d'anchois garnished with anchovy butter ; and aux pommes frisees with fried potato ribbons. As Filet de bceuf a la Mirabeau, it is larded, broiled, and served with Maitre d'hotel butter, anchovies, olives, and water- cress. As Cannelon de boeuf, it is stuffed, rolled, and braised. REMOVES OR RELEV^S. 109 Boiled beef is served with a Flainande garnish as Piece de boeuf bouillie a la Flainande. Garnished with sausages, bacon and cabbages, it is garni de cJioux. A la Macedoine, it is served with a Mace- doine garnish. Rosbif a VAnglaise is roast beef, served with horse- * radish and Yorkshire pudding. Boeuf braise aux haricots verts is braised beef served with French beans ; a la Jardiniere with Jardiniere garnish. a la Mode is stewed with vegetables. a la Hollandaise is rubbed with treacle, etc., salted, smoked and boiled. It is eaten cold. an chasseur is spiced beef. It may be served with Chevreuil or Poivrade sauce, or with currant jelly. froid aux Indes is served cold with Indian pickles ; a VAmericaine with a tomato salad. Fricandeau de boeuf is a beef fricandeau. It can be served with macaroni, a la Milanaise ; or cold, with salad, a la Jardiniere. Slices of a beef fricandeau can be dressed for an entree in a sharp brown sauce, with currants and sultanas, as Grenadins de boeuf a la Romaine. Pate de boeuf aux pommes de terre is a pie of minced beef and mashed potatoes, with a crust of mashed potatoes. Pate chaud de boeuf is a hot beef pie. Pate de bo3uf aux huitres is a beef- steak pie with oysters. 110 MENUS MADE EASY. Pate de tete de bceuf is an ox-cheek pie. This is also called Pate a la Hesse. Ox-tongue, or Langue de bceuf, boiled and glazed, is served a la prima donna with a border round it of quenelles of veal, and white sauce with Brussels sprouts. A la Princesse, it is covered with Mayon- naise sauce, and garnished with salad and cucumber. VEAL. A Fillet of veal is dressed as Rouelle de veau aux petitspois larded and roasted ; served with peas in white sauce. a la Pontoise stuffed, roasted, and served cold with Tartare sauce. a la potagere larded and roasted ; served with carrots cut in shapes, onions, cauliflower, and brown sauce. a la jardiniere stuffed with a piece of bacon, roasted, and served with a Jardiniere garnish. a la Princesse stuffed with forcemeat, mush- rooms, etc. ; roasted, and served with slices of tongue and bacon/and white sauce with cream. a la Versaillienne stuffed with a tongue and forcemeat ; roasted, and served with quenelles, slices of stewed cucumber and white sauce. en tlwn larded with fillets of anchovy, pickled, and cooked in oil. A Chump of veal, larded and braised, is served as Noix de veau a I'oseille, or aux epinards, on a puree of sorrel or spinach ; a la bourgeoise with brown sauce. REMOVES OR RELEVfs. Ill Noix de veau a la Trianon with a puree of chestnuts, and clear gravy. a la potagere is braised white, and served in a white sauce with peas and pieces of cauli- flower, a la Montpensier is larded with strips of truffles and bacon, and braised. It is also served a la puree de champignons, on a puree of mushrooms ; or aux petite legumes, with stewed young carrots, turnips and onions, and brown sauce. For Veau en fricandeau, veal is larded on one side with thick strips of bacon, on the other side with fine ones, and braised. The Loin as Longe de veau is roasted. Served a la Strasbour- gienne, it has slices of Strasbourg or other bacon round it, and Poivrade sauce. It is served cold au jambon, with oval slices of ham and croutons of aspic ; or a la dame blanche, with a sauce over it of Bechamel and aspic with Tarragon vinegar, etc., garnished with Indian pickles. This is sometimes called a la Princesse. Longe de veau a la Montglas is braised, and served with clear gravy or half glaze, garnished with strips of chicken, tongue, truffles, and mush- rooms. Larded and braised, it is served piquee braisee, or a la Eoyale ; a la macedoine de legumes with a vegetable macedoine. A la Cambaceres, it has a border round it of small slices of tongue, truffles 112 MENUS MADE EASY. and cucumber; white sauce with wine, chopped mushrooms, etc. The under part of a loin is roasted and dressed as Filet de veau a la cremiere, with poached eggs, and Bechamel sauce with cream, etc. Filet de veau a la Chipolata is a veal steak braised, and served with balls of sausage-meat, fried bacon, and tomato sauce. It is also served with capsicum sauce, sauce piment. A Neck of veal dressed as Carre de veau au naturel is stewed, and served in the sauce with chopped gherkins and vinegar. A la Bourgeoise, it is stewed with vegetables. A la Milanaise, it is braised, and served with a Milanaise garnish. Eoasted, it is served a la puree de celeris, with stewed celery, and celery sauce. A la St. Clair, with slices of fried ham and tomato sauce. A la Bruxellaise, with Brussels sprouts and white sauce. A la Printaniere, with spring vegetables. A Breast of veal as Poitrine de veau rotie is roasted ; a la Soubise, it is served with Soubise sauce. Boned, stuffed, rolled, and braised, it is served a la Jardiniere with young vegetables ; or a la Chipolata with Chipolata garnish. A Knuckle of veal as Jarret de veau a la Mancelk is stewed and served with chestnut*. REMOVES OR RELEVES. 313 Galantine de veau is a galantine of veal. It is served cold, garnished with aspic. Calf s head is served as Tete de veau au naturel, stewed, and garnished with the tongue and brains. farcie stuffed with forcemeat, etc., and stewed. Served in a white sauce with currants and sultanas, it is a I'Allemande. en tortuecni in pieces and boiled with vegetables and turtle herbs basil, marjoram, thyme, bay leaves, etc. ; served in the sauce with wine and mushrooms. Veal and ham pie is called Pate de veau aujambon. Pate a Vltalienne is a veal and ham pie, with yolks of hard-boiled eggs, and small balls of stuffing. Timbale a la Franqaise is a pie of layers of slices of larded veal, ham and forcemeat, in a shell of paste. Pate de pieds de veau a I'Ecossaise. A pie of calf s feet minced with suet and apples, with gravy and wine. Pate chaud de godiveau is a hot pie of veal or fowl forcemeat. MUTTON. Hanche de mouton is a roast haunch of mutton. It maybe served an jus de groseilles with brown sauce, currant jelly, etc. a la Bohemienne soaked in marinade, roasted, and served in a brown sauce with pickled onions, olives, currant jelly, etc. 114 MENUS MADE EASY. A leg or neck of mutton is also dressed in this way. A fore-quarter of Southdown mutton is called Quartier de pre-sale. Served with haricot beans, it is a la Bretonne. A Saddle of mutton as Selle de mouton a VAnglaise or en broche is roasted. au laver served with laver and a brown sauce. rdtie a lavenaison it is hung a fortnight, roasted, and served in a brown sauce with wine, etc. a la Mirabeau roasted, and served in Poivrade sauce with chopped gherkins and beetroot. a la Polonaise. The meat of a roast saddle is cut out, minced, and put back again with brown sauce, etc., keeping the shape by a wall of mashed potatoes ; it is sprinkled with bread- crumbs, and browned. Dressed in this way, with a puree of onions over the mince, and served with Soubise sauce, it is called a la Marseillaise. A Leg of mutton as Gigot roti is roasted ; a la Portugaise, it is served with Spanish onions. a la Russe roasted, and the cooking finished in burning brandy; served with the gravy and brandy. a la Provenqale garlic inserted into the leg; roasted and served with Bretonne sauce. en chevreuil larded, soaked in oil and roasted ; served with Poivrade sauce. REMOVES OR RELEVE*S. 115 Gigot a la Flamande boiled, and served with car- rots and mashed turnips. It is also served with caper sauce sauce aux cdpres. a la Eoyale is larded and braised; a la Jar- diniere with a Jardiniere garnish ; a la Napolitaine with macaroni and Neapolitan sauce ; a. la Soubise with Soubise sauce and potato croquettes. de sept heures is boned, and stewed for seven hours with vegetables. farci is boned, stuffed and roasted ; served with tomato or Soubise sauce. a la Bretonne is stuffed and braised, and served with Bretonne sauce and haricot beans. a la Polonaise is braised, cut in slices without severing them from the bone, and a stuffing put between each slice. A Neck of mutton as Carre de mouton is roasted; bouitti boiled; aux cdpres served with caper sauce ; a la Niver- naise with carrots and mashed turnips, and caper sauce in a sauce-boat. au riz cooked with rice, slices of onion and dice of ham. a VIrlandaise is braised and served with onions and potato croquettes. a la Dustan is served with a puree of haricot beans ; a la Jardiniere with a Jardiniere garnish; or with any dressed vegetable or puree, naming it accordingly. a la Provenqale spread with ^i pure'e of onioms. 116 MENUS MADE EASY. breadcrumbed and browned; served in a highly seasoned brown sauce. Carre de mouton a la SouUse larded, braised, and served with Soubise sauce. au chevreuil larded, soaked in marinade and braised ; served with Chevreuil sauce and potatoes cut in little balls. If stewed prunes are substituted for the potatoes, it may be called a VAllemande. a VAlgerienne larded, soaked in marinade and roasted; served in brown sauce with some of the marinade and French plums. Carres de mouton a la legumiere are two necks roasted, put together like a saddle, and the space between filled up with mashed potato, garnished with other vegetables. A Loin of mutton may be dressed in many of the ways suggested for necks ; also as Cannelon de mouton boned and rolled. A la Polo- naise, it is larded, rolled, and braised, and served with stuffed mushrooms. Carbonade de mouton boned, larded, and rolled with forcemeat in the centre, braised and glazed ; served with a dressed vegetable, Soubise or Piquante sauce, or a la Nivernaise with stewed carrots. A la Sultane, it has a rich savoury stuffing with raisins or sultanas, and is served in a brown sauce with orange juice and chopped ham. As Faux Canard, it has a duck stuffing of sage and onions ; apple sauce may be served with it, REMOVES OR RELEVES. 117 Poitrine de mouton aux cdpres is a breast of mutton braised, and served in Piquante sauce with capers. Boned, rolled, braised, and garnished with vegetables, it is called Cannelon de mouton a la Windsor. A shoulder of mutton boned, stuffed, and roasted or braised, is served with Piquante sauce as Epaule de mouton farcie. En ballon it is boned, larded, made into the shape of a balloon and braised. This is sometimes called en musette. A mutton steak, broiled or stewed, can be served as Filet de mouton a la Soubise with Soubise sauce ; a la Bretonne with haricot beans ; or with any dressed vegetable. Soaked in marinade and braised, it is served a la Polonaise with stuffed mushrooms. A mutton pie made with potatoes and onions, covered with potato paste, is called Pate de mouton a VIrlandaise. Pate a VEcossaise is a sheep's head pie. Boudin, or Casserole, de mouton is a mutton pudding in suet crust. Aux rognons, it is dressed with kidneys ; a la Milanaise with macaroni. LAMB. Hanche d'agneau is a roast haunch of lamb. It is sometimes called Bosbif d'agneau a la broche. The Fore-quarter as Quartier d'agneau a la broche is roasted. a Vhoteliere roasted, and served in a sauce of Maitre d'hotel butter with cream. 118 MENUS MADE EASY. Quartier d'agneau farci a stuffing put between the neck and shoulder, roasted and served with brown sauce. I Cotes d'agneau a la Chanceliere is a roast fore- quarter, the shoulder cut out, and the meat of it minced with ham, truffles, etc., mixed with white sauce, and put into the space the shoulder was cut from ; breadcrumbed, browned, and served with white sauce. Selle d'agneau rotie is a roast saddle of lamb. It is served a VIndienne with Indian sauce and Indian pickles; and a la bonne fermiere with lamb's fry, breadcrumbed and fried, and mint sauce. braisee a V Allemande boned, stuffed and braised; served with Allemande sauce and any vegetable garnish. a la Villeroi is dressed in the same way, covered with Allemande sauce, and sprinkled with breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan. a la Menagere is dressed like saddle of mutton a la Polonaise, with a white instead of a brown sauce, and the meat cut in small square slices. A Leg of lamb may be dressed the same as a leg of mutton ; also as Gigot d'agneau bouilli aux epinards boiled and served on spinach; or a la Palestine with a puree of Jerusalem artichokes. The Loin is roasted, or dressed en Canndon, in the same way as mutton. REMOVES OR RELEVES. 119 The Breast as Poitrine d'agneau auxpetits pois is stewed with peas. a la Turque is boned, rolled and braised, and served with rice cooked in stock with saffron, currants and sultanas. The Neck as Carre d'agneau au cresson, is roasted, and served with watercress; aux legumes printaniers with spring vegetables. a la BruxeUaise is braised and served on a puree of Brussels sprouts. aux cerises is served with cherry sauce. a la Douairiere is braised, and served in a white sauce with cocks' combs, and braised lambs' breads cut in slices. The Shoulder, or Epaule d'agneau, is roasted; served a la Maitre d'hotel with Maitre d'hotel sauce; or aux pointes d'asperges with asparagus heads and white sauce. Boned, larded, braised and glazed, it is served cold as glacee. a la Montmorency boned, stuffed with force- meat, larded and braised; served with Tou- louse garnish. It is also dressed a la Polonaise in the same way as a saddle of mutton. Pate cliaud d'agneau is a hot pie of lamb cutlets, with potatoes, white sauce, etc. PORK. Selle de pore frais is a roast saddle of pork. A la Eobert it has Robert sauce. MENUS MADE EASY, A Leg of pork as Gigot de pore bouilli is boiled with the carrots, turnips and parsnips with which it is served. a la Piemontaise is roasted and served in a highly seasoned brown sauce, with Chili vinegar and olives. a VAllemande is pickled, boiled, and served with stewed red cabbage and pickled cabbage, carrots and turnips, and Poivrade sauce. Echinee de pore rotie is a roast chine of pork. Cotes de pore is a spare-rib of pork. A la Diplomate, it is braised and served in a brown sauce with sausages and stuffed potatoes. Carre de pore a la Remoulade is a roast neck served in Remoulade sauce with chopped Indian pickles. a VAlsacienne is braised and served with pickled cabbage, potato croquettes, and sausage balls. a la Eusse braised, and served in orange sauce with sultanas. Longe de pore rotie is a loin roasted. A la Soiibise, it is served with Soubise sauce. Pate a la Leicestershire is a pork pie in a crust made with lard. Pate a la Devonshire is a pie of layers of slices of pork, bacon and apples. Croustade a la Chipolata is a raised pie filled with sausage-meat, bacon and chestnuts, and brown sauce. Salt pork boiled and served with cabbages and other vegetables, is called Petit sale aux choux, REMOVES OR RELEVES. 121 or a la Fermiere ; aux panais, it is served with parsnips. Cochon de lait is a sucking pig. It is plainly roasted; or stuffed with truffles, etc., a la Perigueux ; or with chestnut and sausage- meat stuffing, and served with Chipolata garnish, a la Chipolata. a la Savoyarde stuffed with sausage-meat, rice, etc., and roasted ; served with little sausages, and a white sauce with wine and mushrooms. en galantine is a braised galantine of sucking Pig- Pdtefroid de cochon de lait is a cold sucking pig pie. A Ham as Jambon a la broche aux epinards is roasted, and served with spinach. If a York ham is used, the dish is called Jambon d'York a VAnglaise. braise is braised. Served with sausages and peas puddings, it is called a la Polonaise. aux cerises is braised, and served in a brown sauce with wine and stewed cherries. a la Maillot is braised in wine; served with vegetables and Madeira sauce. glace a la Jardiniere is glazed, and garnished "a la Jardiniere." It is also served a la Mace- doine, aux petits pois or aux haricots verts, with a garnish of Macedoine, green peas or French beans. Fromage de cochon is brawn. A haunch of boar, or Cuissot de sanglier, may be served a la Eouale, larded, and braised in wine and 122 MENUS MADE EASY. water with vegetables, etc. Aux cerises, it is served with cherry sauce. Filet de sanglier au chasseur is a fillet of boar, soaked in oil, etc., and braised ; served with Poivrade sauce. Hure de sanglier is a boar's head. POULTRY. A capon boiled in stock with bacon, onions, etc., is served in the sauce as Chapon au gros sel. Stuffed with truffles, etc., and roasted, it is served a la Perigueux, with Perigueux sauce ; or a la Piemon- taise, with tomato sauce and raviolis. A fowl boiled and served with Bourgeoise sauce is called Poule au pot. A fat pullet, or poularde, is roasted, and served a la Financiere with Financiere garnish ; or aux legumes printaniers with stewed young vegetables and brown sauce. A la Grimod de la Reyniere, it is filled with a stuffing of the liver with truffles, mushrooms, etc., and roasted in slices of bread and ham. A I'Anvers, it is larded, roasted, and served with a compote of apples, and balls of forcemeat, and brown sauce. A la Eegence, it is stuffed and braised, and served with truffle sauce. A la Lucullus, it is stuffed with liver forcemeat with truffles, roasted, and served with a garnish of tomato rice with cheese, and truffle sauce. A la Montmorency, it is larded, stuffed with liver forcemeat, braised and glazed. REMOVES OR RELEVE*S. 123 A la Guillaume Tell, it is boned, stuffed and braised ; set in a mould with the stock, garnished with truffles, and served cold. For Pilau de poularde it is cooked with spice, onions, rice, etc. ; masked with the rice, and garnished with hard-boiled eggs. Poulet a la sauce is a boiled chicken served with white sauce. It may be au celeri with celery sauce, au macaroni with macaroni, or with any vegetable garnish. Served cold, covered with a white sauce and garnished with strips of tongue and truffles, it is called a la Belle Vue. au riz is boiled with rice. A la Turque, the rice is dressed with saffron, currants and sultanas. a la Genoise is boiled, and served in a white curry sauce with cheese and macaroni. a la Chivry is cooked in mirepoix with slices of bacon, and served in Eavigote sauce. a la Mona cooked with wine, tomato sauce, Portugal onion and bacon. a la d'Escars larded, and braised in stock and wine with bacon, vegetables, etc. roti a la peau de goret has a crackly skin from melted lard having been dropped on it while roasting. a la Milanaise stuffed, roasted, and served with Milanaise garnish. a la Hambourgeoise stuffed with butter, chopped parsley, etc., and roasted. 124 MENUS MADE EASY. Poulet a Vestragon has a stuffing made of the liver, bacon, tarragon, etc. ; it is roasted, and served in a white sauce with chopped tarragon. a la Eoyale is stuffed and braised. a la Chevaliere is larded, braised, and served in a rich white sauce with mushrooms. a la Carmelite the back and breast bones re- moved, it is stewed and served in rich brown sauce with button onions, olives, and artichoke bottoms cut in slices. a la St. Cloud is larded with strips of truffle and bacon, braised, and served in brown sauce with wine. a Vltalienne filled with a stuffing of the liver with bacon, mushrooms, etc. ; roasted, and served in a white sauce with oil, wine, tarra- gon, etc. a la sauce tomates is stuffed, braised, and served with tomato sauce ; aux champignons with mushroom sauce. Petits poulets a I'Indienne are young chickens stuffed with rice, breadcrumbs, curry powder, etc. ; braised, and served with rice and Indian sauce, garnished with Indian pickles. Petits poussins are very young chickens. They are larded and braised, and served a la Veni- tienne in a white sauce with wine, cocks' combs, chopped mushrooms, truffles, etc. ; or a la Chevaliere, in white sauce with button onions and mushrooms. REMOVES OR RELEVES. 125 Pate chaud de volatile au jambon is a hot chicken and ham pie. Pdtefroid de volatile aux truffes is a cold chicken pie with forcemeat and truffles. Galantine de poulet is a galantine of chicken. DUCKS. Ducks are roasted and served au jus d'orange, with orange sauce ; or braised and served aux petite pois, or aux champignons, with stewed peas or mushrooms. Canards, or canetons, a la Mancelle are braised and served with chestnuts. aux groseilles vertes are roasted or braised, and served with green gooseberry sauce. au Pere Douillet are braised in wine and stock, and served in the sauce. a la St. Michel braised in wine and broth, and served with mushrooms, etc., in the sauce. a VEspagnole braised with vegetables, oil, and garlic ; served in a brown sauce with olives, a puree verte are stewed, and covered with a puree of green peas. a la Provence stewed and served with mush- rooms and olives. en surprise the breasts are cut out, minced, and put back again with highly seasoned brown sauce ; sprinkled with breadcrumbs and browned. a I'Andalouse are boned, stuffed with sausage 126 MENDS MADE EASY. meat and braised ; served with slices of toma- toes, and artichoke bottoms. They are also served aux navets, aux choux, au celeri, or aux olives, with stewed turnips, cabbages, celery, or olives. With a puree of turnips, they are a la Nivernaise. Au vert pre, they are stewed with green herbs. GOOSE. Oie rotie is a roast goose, served with apple sauce in a sauce-boat. a la Mount Vernon is served with baked apples, and brown sauce with currant jelly. braisee a la Jardiniere is braised, and served with brown sauce and Jardiniere garnish. a la Chipolata served with Chipolata sausages. a la puree d'oseille served with Sorrel sauce. a I'orange with slices of oranges and orange sauce. rotie, farcie de marrons stuffed with the liver, chestnuts, etc., and roasted. a la Portugaise stuffed with slices of Portugal onions, etc., roasted, and served with stewed Portugal onions and a brown sauce, a- VArlesienne stuffed with onions, truffles, chest- nuts, etc., braised in mirepoix, and [served in tomato sauce. a la Dauphinoise stuffed with chestnuts, etc., braised, and served in brown sauce with orange juice and shreds of orange peel, a la Royale boned, stuffed and braised, and REMOVES OR RELEVES. 127 served in a brown sauce with anchovy and port wine. Oie en daiibe is stuffed and braised, and is served cold covered with the sauce. Pate aux abatis d'oie is giblet pie. Casserole aux abatis is a giblet pudding. TURKEY. Dinde rotie is a turkey roasted, and garnished with sausages. rotie parfaite is stuffed with sausage-meat, chest- nuts and truffles, and roasted. a la St. James is stuffed with sausage-meat and roasted. It has a brown sauce, and is served with currant jelly. a la imree de celeris boiled, and served with celery sauce and slices of fried bacon ; aux marrons with chestnut sauce. a la Chipolata stuffed with sausage-meat and chestnuts, roasted, and served with Chipolata garnish. iniffee stuffed with forcemeat and truffles, roasted, and served with gravy and chopped truffles. a la Provencale stuffed with onions, bread- crumbs, etc., roasted, and served with truffle or tomato sauce. en daube larded and stewed; served cold, covered with the sauce. a. la Yorkshire the legs are cut off, it is boned and stuffed with forcemeat and a tongue ; 128 MENUS MADE EASY. braised, and served with white sauce and vegetables. Dinde a la Sultane the breast-bone removed, it is larded, roasted and glazed ; served in a brown sauce, with sausages, balls of stuffing, and tomatoes. A young turkey, roasted, is served as Dindonneau a la Duchessc, with a puree of cucumbers, garnished with quenelles, small pieces of tongue, and French beans. Galantine de dinde is a braised galantine of turkey ; it is served cold. Aux foies gras, it has fat livers of fowls added to the forcemeat. PIGEONS. Pigeons stewed in stock, with bacon, mushrooms, onions, etc., are served in the sauce as Pigeons en compote. Pigeons a la Crapaudine are ^breadcrumbed and broiled ; served with Piquante sauce. en ragout d'ecrevisses, or a la Mcrveilleuse, are stewed, and served in a rich white sauce with mushrooms and crayfish. a I'Algerienne are stewed and served with French plums. a la Princesse are stuffed with foie gras and mushrooms, stewed, and served with Espagnole sauce. aux petits pois, or a la St. Germain, are stuffed, and stewed with green peas. A la Nivernaise, they are served with mashed turnips. REMOVES OR RELEV1SS. 129 Pate chaud de pigeons, or pigeonncaux, is a hot pigeon pie. Pate de pigeons a VAnglaise is a pigeon pie with collops of beef steak. GAME. VENISON. The haunch of venison, or Hanche de venaison, ranks first among removes. Dressed a la Corinthienne, it is larded, soaked in marinade and roasted ; served in a brown sauce with port wine, currants, currant jelly, etc. Quartier de venaison is a fore-quarter of venison. Gigot de cerf, or venaison, is a leg of venison. Filet de cerf, or venaison, is a fillet of venison. Epaule de cerf, or venaison, is a shoulder of venison. Carre de cerf, or venaison, is a neck of venison. The fore-quarter of a roebuck is served as Quartier de chevreuil; the leg, as Gigot de chevreuil; the saddle, as Cimier de chevreuil. Dressed a la St. Hubert, it is soaked in marinade, larded, braised, and served in a rich brown sauce with prunes. A venison pasty is called Pate de venaison. HARE, Lievre, or Levraut, sauce Poivrade, is larded, roasted, and served with Poivrade sauce, au jus de groscilles larded, roasted, and served in brown sauce with currant jelly and olives. K 130 MENUS MADE EASY. Lievre, or Levraut, rotie a la Finnoise larded, roasted, and served in a sauce of stock, vinegar, sour cream, etc. a la Matanzas soaked in marinade, stuffed -with a forcemeat of fowl, and braised. en daiibe is boned, and stewed in a jar with bacon, veal, game stock, etc. ; it is served cold, in the jar. liable de lievre roti is a baron of hare, larded and roasted. A la St. Denys, it is stuffed, braised, and served with truffle sauce. Pate de lievre a VEcossaise is a pie of hare stewed with wine, etc. Pain de lievre a la Yorkshire is a pie of layers of slices of hare, ham, and hard-boiled eggs, with game jelly ; it is served cold. RABBITS, Lapereaux a VAnglaise are stewed, and served with Soubise sauce. grilles are flattened and broiled j served with butter and chopped parsley* a la sauce are boiled, and served in white sauce. aux petits pois are cooked in a white sauce with onions, green peas, etc; If mushrooms are substituted for the peas, they are called a la Tavcrniere. a la Jardiniere are cooked in white sauce, with young onions, carrots and turnips cut in little balls, and peas. REMOVES OR RELEV12S. 131 Lapereaux a la villagcoise stuffed, roasted, and served in melted butter sauce with shallots, etc. aux groseilles vertes are roasted or stewed, and served with green gooseberry sauce. Galantine de lapin is made of rabbit boned, stuffed, and braised. It is served cold, garnished with the sauce in a jelly. Rabbit pie is served as Pate chaiid de lapereaux. If made in a raised pie dish, it is called Lapereaux en terrine. PHEASANTS. Faisans a la Soubise are braised pheasants covered with Soubise sauce ; aux marrons with chest- nut sauce. a la puree de gibier are larded, braised, and served with puree of game sauce. a la Fontaincblcauihe breasts are larded in a square ; they are braised in white stock with lettuces, sausages, etc., and served with the lettuces and sausages, and brown sauce. a la Gitana stewed with bacon, slices of Portu* gal onions, tomatoes, wine, etc. a la Flamande stewed with bacon, sausages, cabbages, etc. ; served with the cabbages pressed and cut in shapes, carrots and turnips, and Poivrade sauce. a Vetouffade larded and stewed; served with game sauce. a la Beauharnais braised, and served in truffle 132 MENUS MADE EASY. sauce, with mushrooms, artichoke bottoms, and asparagus points. Paisans a la Victoria stuffed with a forcemeat of oysters, bacon and herbs, stewed, and served with oyster sauce. auxfoies gras stuffed with foie gras, ham, truffle, etc., and roasted. truffles a la Piemontaise stuffed with truffle stuffing, roasted, and served with a sauce of aspic and wine with slices of truffles. a la Bohemienne stuffed with foie gras, truffle, etc. ; cooked in mirepoix, and served in the sauce with truffles and foie gras. (1 la Connauglit stuffed with chestnut stuffing, roasted, and served with a watercress salad. a la Saint-Cloud boned, filled with a stuffing of the livers with partridge, truffles, etc. ; roasted, and served on toast with Italian sauce and truffles. Pate chand defaison aux truffes is a pie of pheasant with forcemeat and truffles. PARTRIDGES. Partridges braised in stock with bacon, cabbages, etc., are served as Perdreaux aux choux, with the cabbages and slices of bacon. Perdreaux braises are larded and braised. a Vetouff'ade larded, and stewed in stock and wine with onions, etc. a la Parisienne cooked in a brown sauce with wine, and served in the sauce. REMOVES- OR RELEvSs. 133 Perdreaux a VAnglaise stuffed with the livers and butter, and roasted. A stuffing of shallots, breadcrumbs, etc., is inserted under each joint, and they are served in a sauce of stock and wine. truffles a la Perigord stuffed with truffle stuffing and roasted; served in a white sauce with truffles. a la Mecklenlourg stuffed with chopped French plums, game forcemeat, etc. ; braised in stock and wine, and served in the sauce with tomato sauce and currant jelly. a la Sarbarie stuffed with truffle stuffing, and larded ornamentally with truffles ; braised, and served with Financiere sauce. a la Pompadour stuffed with foie gras and truffles, larded, braised, and served with truffle sauce. 11 la Cussy boned, with the exception of the leg bones, and stuffed with a forcemeat made of sweetbread, truffles, mushrooms and cocks' combs ; braised, and served with truffle sauce. (i la Victoria the breast bones removed, stuffed with game forcemeat, larded and braised; served with brown sauce, wine, etc. Pate de perdreaux au chasseur is a pie of partridges with veal and bacon, mushrooms, and game sauce. GROUSE. Grouse are dressed like pheasants a la Piemon- 134 MEN.US MADE EASY, taise. A la Kinnaird, they are stuffed, roasted, and served with Financiere garnish, Pate de grouse a I'Ecossaise is a pie of grouse with beef steak, etc. Grouse en timbale is a grouse pie baked in a French raised pie mould. BLACK GAME. As Coqs noirs, or Coqs de bruyere, a la royale, blackcocks are larded, braised, and served with a white sauce and little rissoles of game. A la Rob Roy, they are stuffed, roasted with sprigs of heather and whiskey, and served with melted-butter sauce. Grouse are also dressed in this way. SNIPES. Snipes cut in halves, baked on layers of bacon, w r ith butter, are served cold as Becassines en terrine a VIrlandaise. Boudin de becassines a VEpicurienne is a pudding oi snipes, with mushrooms, truffles, etc., and wine, in suet crust. Quails, Plovers, and Larks, may be dressed in hot pies, and served as Pates cJiauds de cailles, pluvicrs, or mauvicttes ; or in cold pies, as Pates froids. Any small birds may be used for these pies. Pate de mauviettes a la Melton Mowbray is a lark pie with veal and bacon, mushrooms, truffles, etc. Pate de mauviettes a la Moderne is a raised pie of boned larks stuffed with beef forcemeat. REMOVES OR RELEVE's, 135 Larks or other small birds are dressed as Boudin a la Chipolata, with Chipolata garnish in suet crust. Pate froid de gibier is a cold pie made of the meat of several kinds of game. Pate a la Yorkshire is composed of goose, hare, grouse, and snipes, with spices, sausage-meat, and slices of ham. 136 MENUS MADE EASY. CHAPTER VI. BOASTS, OB BOTS. BLACK Diver Macreuse, Dressed an chocolat, they are served covered with chocolate. Black game Coqs noirs, or Coqs de bmyere. A la Stockholm, they are larded on one side, and barded with vine leaves on the other side. Bustard Outarde canepetiere. A la Russe, they have a slice cut in the breast and a stuffing inserted, and are served with brown sauce. Capon Chapon. Served with watercress, it is called au cresson. Chicken Poulet. A la Forrester, it is covered with watercress leaves, mustard and cress, etc. Barde, it is barded roasted with a slice of bacon over the breast, and served with the bacon on it. Roti a la Stael, it has a white crust from being sprinkled with flour during the roasting. Spring chickens Petits poulets. Young chickens Petits poussins, Duck Canard. nOASTS, OR ROTS. 137 Duckling Cancton. Served with orange sauce, it is called an jus d' orange or a la bigarade. Goose Oie. Green goose Oison or Oisillon. Grouse Grouse. A la bonnie lassie, they are served on brown bread toast with melted-butter sauce. Guinea fowl Pintade. Piquee, they are larded ; bardee, barded. Hare Lievre. Hazel hen Gelinottc. A la Victoria, they are stuffed and larded, and are served with a brown sauce. Lapwings Vanneaux. Larks Mauvicttcs. Leveret Levra itt. Ortolans Ortolans. Partridges Perdrix or Perdrcaux. "Perdrix" is usually applied to older birds. A brace of par- tridges is Accolade de perdreaux. Perdreaux de Russie are Russian partridges. Peahen Paon ne. Pheasant Faisa n . Pigeons Pigeons. Young pigeons Piyconneaux. Bardes aufcnillcs de rignes, they are roasted with vine leaves and slices of bacon over the breasts. Pintail Pilet. Plovers Pluviers. Prairie birds Ponies dc Prairie. Fat Pullet Poularde. 138 MENUS MADE EASY, Quails Cailles. They are bardees aux feuilles de vignes in the same way as pigeons. Rabbit Lapin. Young rabbit Lapereau. A brace of young rabbits Accolade de lapereaitx. Shovellers Rouges de riviere. Snipes Becassines. Teal Sarcelle. They are served au cresson with watercress; and a la Biyamde, with Bigarade sauce. Turkey Dindon (m.), or Dinde (f.). Turkey poult Dindonneau. They are pique, larded; barde, barded; and farci, stuffed with forcemeat and truffles. Widgeon Canard siffieur. They are sometimes called Macreuses. Wild Duck Canard, or Caneton, sauvage. Woodcocks Bccasses. Served a, la Picmontaise, they have game sauce ajid slices of truffles, ( 139 ) CHAPTER VII. VEGETABLES, OR LEGUMES, AND SALADS. ARTICHOKES. ARTICHOKES plainly boiled are served with butter sauce in a sauce boat as Artichauts sauce au leurre, or with Dutch sauce, sauce Hollandaise. Artichoke bottoms as Artichauts a la "bonne femme are boiled and served with white sauce. a la Bmxcllaise are cut in quarters, cooked in white sauce, and arranged in a border with Brussels sprouts and Maitre d'hotel sauce in the centre. auveloute are dressed in the same way, and served in the sauce with cream and yolks of eggs. a la Lyonnaise cooked in butter and served in brown sauce with onions, etc. a Vltalienne cooked in stock, wine, etc., and served in Italian sauce, /arm stuffed, and cooked with oil and bacon, etc. a V essence de jambon stuffed, braised, and served covered with a puree of ham. 140 MENUS MADE EASY. Artichauts a la Valentine stuffed with braised chestnuts and white sauce, covered with whipped white of egg and baked; served on croutons with tomato sauce. a la Marquise stuffed with chopped mushrooms, ham, herbs and breadcrumbs, and cooked in wine and stock. a la Barigoule stuffed with chopped bacon, mushrooms, etc., braised and served with Italian sauce. farcis a I'ltaliennc the stuffing is made of onion, breadcrumbs and grated cheese, a la Hollandaisc stuffed with a puree made from the leaves, and served with Hollandaise sauce. en mayonnaise served cold, coated with Mayon- naise sauce and sprinkled with chopped parsley. Creme d'artichauts is a puree of artichokes with cream, steamed in a mould ; served with cream sauce. JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES. Topinambours a Vltalicnne are cut in fancy shapes, cooked wdth butter, stock, etc., and glazed ; served with Italian sauce. They are also sautes in thin slices. A puree of Jerusalem artichokes with cream, sprinkled with grated, Parmesan and browned, is called Topinambours au gratin. ASPARAGUS. Plainly boiled, they are called Aspcrgcs en branches. VEGETABLES, OR LEGUMES, AND SALADS. 141 They are served a la sauce with white sauce ; an beurre with butter sauce ; a I'huile with oil and vinegar; a la Tartarc, or a la Hollandaise with Tartare or Hollandaise sauce. Asperges a la Piemontaise are served in white sauce with grated cheese. a VEspagnole are served with poached eggs sprinkled with chopped herbs, and tomato sauce. This is also called a la Colbert. c,i Mayonnaise are served cold in Mayonnaise sauce. tit la Nigoisc are served cold in a sauce made of hard-boiled yolks of eggs with oil and vinegar. Cut up small, they are dressed en petits pois stewed and served in a white sauce; as Pointcs d'aspcrges an jus stewed in stock; or a la creme served in Bechamel sauce ; a la Pompadour in a sauce of butter, yolks of eggs, vinegar, etc. FRENCH BEANS. Cut in strips and boiled, they are served as Haricots verts a VAnglaise with butter and chopped parsley. a la Maitre d' hotel with Maitre d'hotel sauce. a la Poulette with Poulette sauce. an beurre noir with black-butter sauce. aux fines herbes in a butter sauce with chopped parsley and shallots. sautes are saute in butter with chopped parsley. HancotspanacliesaUMaUred'hotd are French beans and haricot beans with Maitre d'hotel sauce. 142 MENUS MADE EASY. HARICOT BEANS. White haricot beans, boiled, are served as Haricots blancs a la Maltre d'hotcl, or a la Bretonne with Maitre d'hotel or Bretonne sauce; au leurre de piment with capsicums pounded with butter; a la moelle with beef marrow, etc. aujus are stewed in stock. They are also served en puree with stock ; or as Puree de haricots a la creme a puree with cream. Haricots rouges a la Bourguignonne are red haricot beans cooked in stock with onions, wine, etc. Flageolets may be dressed au jus stewed in stock ; a la Poulette boiled and served in Poulette sauce ; and in many of the ways suggested for peas. BROAD BEANS. Peves de marais a I'Anglaise are boiled, and served with parsley and butter. a la creme are boiled in milk with chopped parsley ; served in the sauce with cream, etc. a la Eomaine are stewed, and served with a puree of tomatoes. a la Mentone are served in Soubise sauce, gar- nished with little rolls of bacon breadcrumbed and fried, and croutons sprinkled with grated cheese. Puree defeves is a puree of beans. BEETROOT. Cut in slices, beetroot is served as Betteraves a la creme boiled in a white sauce. VEGETABLES, OR LEGUMES, AND SALADS. 143 Betteraves a la Poitevinc served in brown sauce with onion, spice, etc. a la Chartreuse. Sandwiches of a slice of onion between slices of yellow beetroot, dipped in batter and fried. Broccoli is dressed in the same way as cauli- flower. BRUSSELS SPROUTS. Choux de Bruxelles a la Maitre d'hotel are boiled, and served in Maitre d'hotel sauce. Sautes, they are saute in butter with lemon, etc. A la Frangaise, they are dressed with alternate layers of a white sauce with cream and grated cheese, covered with breadcrumbs and hard- boiled yolk of egg, and garnished with croutons. CABBAGE. Choux farcis the heart is cut out, and a stuffing of sausage-meat, etc., put between each leaf j it is braieed, and served in the sauce. en surprise the heart cut out, it is filled with sausage-meat and boiled chestnuts, and stewed* CARDOONS. Boiled cardoons are served an veloute in white sauce; a VEspagnole in brown sauce; or augratin covered with breadcrumbs, sprinkled with melted butter, and browned. If grated cheese is mixed with the breadcrumbs, they are called a Vltalienne. Gardens au jus are stewed, and served in brown sauce with beef marrow. Garnished with 144 MENUS MADE EASY. pieces of toast spread with beef marrow, they they are called a la mo'elle. A puree of cardoons with cream, etc., garnished with croutons, is served as Puree cle cardons aux croutons. CARROTS. Boiled and cut in shapes, carrots are served as Garottes a la Bechamel, in Bechamel sauce, garnished with croutons ; or a la poulette glazed, and served in Poulette sauce. a la Flamande are served in a tomato sauce, garnished with pieces of cooked tomatoes on croutons. a la menagere are cut in slices and served in a white sauce with wine, herbs, etc. aux pctits pois cut in dice and served with peas in a white sauce. au sucre mashed, and dressed with milk, sugar, eggs, etc., the top sprinkled with sugar. a VIndienne served in a curry sauce with a border of rice, a la Maiden are stewed, and served in a vol-au- vent with slices of beef marrow, capers, and a rich brown sauce. Young carrots stewed in white sauce are called Petites carottes, or Garottes nouvelles, a la sauce blanche. Stewed and glazed, they are glacees ; or a VAllc* inande, served with Allernande, or brown sauce. CAULIFLOWERS. Chouxfleurs au gratin are masked with a white VEGETABLES, OR LEGUMES, AND SALADS. 145 sauce with grated Parmesan, breadcrumbed and browned. They may also be called an Parmesan. Chouxfleurs sauce au leurre are served with butter sauce ; a la sauce with white sauce. a la Eeine served in a rich white sauce with chopped ham. a la Piemontaise served in a white sauce with grated cheese. Pieces of cauliflower, masked with white sauce, dipped in batter and fried, are called Marinade de chouxfleurs. Souffle de chouxfleurs a la Baronne is composed of pieces of cauliflower in layers with slices of raw tomato, covered with cheese souffle mixture, and baked. CELERY. Celeri aujus is stewed in stock. a la mo'elle is stewed, and served on toast with brown sauce and beef marrow. a la creme stewed, and served in a white sauce with cream. a I'Espagnole stewed, and served in Espagnole sauce. a la Chetwynd stewed with onions, and served on toast with the onions, and Bechamel sauce with cream, etc. a la Genevoise stewed, covered with white sauce, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and grated cheese, and browned. L 146 MENDS MADE EASY. Celeri a la Villeroi masked with Allemande sauce, breadcrumbed and fried. Beignets de celeri are fritters of celery fried in batter. They are sometimes served -with tomato sauce. Celery roots are served with butter sauce as Celeri-rave a la sauce au beurre ; stewed and served an jus ; or glazed a la deini glace. They are also dressed as a Puree de celeri-rave. CHESTNUTS. Though properly a fruit, a puree of chestnuts cooked with stock and wine may be served as a vegetable, and called Puree de marrons. They are also dressed as a souffle. CUCUMBER. Slices of cucumber cooked with cream, butter and flour are called Concombres a la creme. Concombres a la poulctte cut in pieces, and cooked with butter and sugar ; served in white sauce with cream, chopped parsley, etc. farcies a la creme the centres scooped out, they are stuffed and stewed; served in Bechamel sauce with cream and sugar. a VEspagnole cut in short lengths, stuffed, stewed, and served with brown sauce. Served in white sauce with grated cheese, they are a Vltalienne. ft la moelle the stuffing is made of breadcrumbs, beef marrow, etc. ; they are served with a brown sauce; VEGETABLES, OR LEGUMES, AND SALADS. 147 EGG PLANT. Aubergines farcies are cut in halves, the centres chopped, and put back into the skins with oil, brown sauce, etc. ; sprinkled with breadcrumbs and browned. ENDIVE. Chicoree aujm is stewed in stock. a la creme is chopped, and dressed with cream, white sauce, etc. ; garnished with croutons. Garnished with slices of hard-boiled eggs, it is a la Theodora. If the cream is omitted, it should be called en puree. LEEKS. Poireaux an jus are stewed in stock. a la Mediterranee are braised, stuffed with sausage- meat, breadcrumbed and fried, and served with slices of cooked tomatoes. LENTILS. A puree of lentils with stock, garnished with croutons, is served as Puree de lentilles aux croutons. Boiled and served in ^white sauce, they are en fricassee. LETTUCE. Lettuce is served an jus, stewed ; or as Laitues farcies, the centres cut out, filled with forcemeat and braised. MORELS. Morilles aux croutons are stewed and served on buttered toasti 148 MENUS MADE EASY. Morilles a Vltalienne are served in Italian sauce. a I'Andalouse are cooked with oil, "wine, hani, etc., and served in the sauce. MUSHROOMS. Champignons a la sauce are stewed, and served in white sauce. a la Superlative are laid on pieces of toast spread with Devonshire cream, and the cream piled on the top ; and are cooked in a covered dish. a la Milanaise are seasoned with oil and vinegar, dipped in beaten eggs with grated cheese, and fried. a la Bordelaise are soaked in oil, broiled, and served in the oil with chopped parsley, etc. farcis or au gratin are filled with stuffing, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and baked. They may be served with brown sauce. a la Napolitaine filled with a stuffing made of the stalks with herbs, breadcrumbs and grated cheese ; baked, and served with gravy. For Crodtes aux champignons they are broiled and served on toast. En fritot, or as Beignets de champignons, they are fried in batter with slices of bacon. Cut in slices, they are dressed en ragotit with broth, chopped parsley, etc. ; or a la creme with butter, cream, etc. For Puree de champignons they are chopped, and served with butter, gravy, etc., garnished with croutons. VEGETABLES, OR LEGUMES, AND SALADS. 149 Pctites gelees aux cliampignons are little mushroom jellies, served with a garnish of aspic and salad. ONIONS. Stewed Portugal onions are served as Oignons an jus. Stewed in a white sauce with puree of ham, they are en ragout. For Oignons farcis the centres are cut out, they are stuffed, and braised. Small onions served in Poulette sauce are a la poulctte. An sirop dore they are stewed with butter, sugar, etc., and are served in the sauce. A puree of onions with stock is called Puree (Voignons a la Bretonne. It is garnished with croutons. PARSNIPS. Panais a la Hamelin are dressed in a puree with a rich white sauce, covered with green peas. PEAS. Petits pois a VAnglaise are boiled, and served on a lump of butter. a la Franfaise are stewed, and mixed with flour and butter. a la Parisienne boiled with onions, butter, sugar, etc., and served with the sauce. aujus stewed in stock. aux laitues stewed with lettuces. 150 MENUS MADE EASY. Petits pois a Vancienne mode stewed, and served with cream and yolk of egg. a la Venitienne are served in an onion sauce, garnished with slices of tomatoes. en cosscs are boiled in their shells. They are also served au lard stewed in stock with dice of bacon, etc. ; or au janibon with dice of ham, young onions, etc. Creme a la D'Artois is a cream of green peas. Cotclettes de pois a la Comte de Paris are cutlets of peas with Soubise sauce, breadcrumbed and fried ; served with Soubise sauce, and peas in the centre. POTATOES. Pommes de terre en chemise are boiled in their skins. Boiled and cut in slices, they are served a I'Anglaise with butter ; a la Maitre d'Jwtel in Maitre d'hotel sauce ; a la creme in white sauce ; au lard in white sauce with dice of bacon. Au gratin, they are dressed with white sauce and grated Parmesan, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and browned ; a la Norvegienne, they are served in a cheese sauce. a la Parisienne are cooked in butter and water, with onions, etc. melangees are cut in slices and stewed with slices of apples. a, la Lyonnaise cut in slices and saute in butter with shallot, etc. If oil is used instead of butter, they are called a la Provencals. Served VEGETABLES, OR LEGUMES, AND SALADS. 151 in Soubise sauce, sprinkled with chopped parsley and grated cheese, they are a la Turque. Pommes de terre Chateau are cut in oval shapes and fried. sautees cut in slices and fried. a la Macaire are fried potato trimmings. frisees are fried potato ribbons or curls. pailles are fried potato straws, the size of matches. farcies, or a la Beaufort the centres are scooped out, and filled with forcemeat or minco pre- paration ; they are baked and served with gravy. soujftees baked in their skins ; the potatoes mixed with butter, grated Parmesan, eggs, etc., put into the skins and browned. These souffles may be served in little cases, and called Pctits souffles de pommes a laNapolitaine. A la Christina, they are made with the addition of cream and chopped parsley, etc. a Vltalienne are dressed in the same way, but the potato pulp is mixed with rice, grated Parmesan, etc. They are served in the skins. nouvclles a la creme are young potatoes boiled in cream with chopped parsley, etc. Croquettes de pommes de terre are potato croquettes, breadcrumbed and fried. This paste saute in small shapes, and dressed in a crown with white sauce, is called Pommes a la Duchesse. It is also made into quenelles. 152 MENUS MADE EASY. Croquettes de pommes a la BecJiamel are potato croquettes with Bechamel sauce. A puree of potatoes as Puree de pommes gratinee is sprinkled with breadcrumbs and browned. Mixed with white sauce, it is called a la Maria. A la Theo- dora, it is garnished with little balls of cucumber. In writing a menu, Pommes de terre is usually curtailed to Pommes. PURSLANE. The stalks of Purslane with cinnamon, etc., dipped in batter and fried, are called Pourpier en friture a la Milanaise. SALSIFIS. Salsifis a la creme is boiled and served in a white sauce ; a la Bechamel, in Bechamel sauce. a la moelle stewed, and served with beef marrow spread on pieces of toast, and brown sauce. a la poulette served in white sauce with cream, mushrooms, etc. frits soaked in oil, etc., breadcrumbed and fried. If the pieces are dipped in batter and fried, they are called Beignets de salsifis. Coquilles de salsifts is scalloped salsifis served in scallop shells. Fondues de salsifis are made of a puree of salsifis with eggs, baked in little cases, sprinkled with chopped parsley and breadcrumbs. SEA-KALE. Boiled sea-kale served on toast with butter sauce is called Choux de mer a la sauce ; a VEspagnole, VEGETABLES, OR LEGUMES, AND SALADS. 153 it is served in Espaguole sauce ; a la Hollandaisc, with Hollandaise sauce ; ait jus, it is stewed and served with gravy. SPINACH. Spinach is served a I'Anglaise with butter or cream ; a la Franpaise with butter, stock, etc. Epinards a VAllemandc dressed with butter, cream, breadcrumbs, etc. a Vltalicnnc dressed with anchovy butter and raisins, garnished with croutons. an veloute with veloute sauce, a la cremc with cream and sugar. ait, jus is served with gravy, garnished with glazed croutons. au sucre cooked in butter and mixed with sugar, etc. aux ceitfs is served with poached eggs. This is often called a la Colbert. Beignets aux epinards are spinach fritters. It is also dressed as a souffle and as a cream. TOMATOES. Tomates/araes or au gratin the centres are cut out, they are stuffed, sprinkled with bread- crumbs and baked. a la Provenpale the centres are mixed with oil, chopped onions, etc., put back into the skins and baked. farcies aufromage are stuffed with cheese mixture. These are frequently called a la Napolitaine. a la Cardinal are stuffed with anchovy sauce. 154 MENUS MADE EASY. Tomates a la Graham are stuffed with a puree of potato. a la Caroline are stuffed with savoury rice with grated cheese. a la, St. Jacques are stuffed with button mush- rooms in mushroom sauce. a la Toscane are stuffed and braised, and served with truffle sauce. a V Americaine are raw tomatoes stuffed with Mayonnaise sauce with chopped olives, an- chovies and tarragon, and garnished with aspic. en surprise are little round moulds of tomato jelly, filled with forcemeat or mince in white sauce. Tomatoes may be cut in slices, and served a la crime, with cream sauce ; or as Cotelettes de tomates, breadcrumbed and fried, and served with broiled mushrooms and Tartare sauce. Souffle de tomates is tomato pulp with eggs, baked in small souffle cases. TRUFFLES. Truffes a. la serviette are cooked in wine and broth, and served on a napkin. sous la ccndre wrapped in slices of bacon and paper, and broiled in hot cinders. au vin de champagne cooked with bacon, veal, mushrooms, champagne, etc., and served in the sauce. a la Piemontaise cut in slices, fried in oil with VEGETABLES, OR LEGUMES, AND SALADS. 155 garlic, etc., and served on buttered toast with Italian sauce. Truffes demi Piemontaise are dressed in the same way, substituting a highly seasoned tomato sauce with wine for Italian sauce. a la Dino. Truffles dressed " au vin de cham- pagne " are used for this dish ; the centres chopped with forcemeat, etc., put back into the shells, braised, and served with truffle sauce. For Croutes aux truffes, they are cut in slices, cooked in brown sauce with wine, and served on toast. TURNIPS. Navets au jus are stewed in stock and served in the sauce. glaces au sucre cooked with butter, sugar and stock, and glazed. farcis a la creme are stuffed, stewed, and served in cream sauce, a la Poulette cut in shapes and cooked in white sauce. They are also dressed in a puree, garnished with croutons, as Puree de navets, and in a souffle. VEGETABLE MARROW. Potirons, or Giraumons, a la Hollandaise are cut in pieces, baked, and served in Hollandaise sauce. a la Provenqale are cut in halves, fried, and filled with a stuffing of onions, breadcrumbs, oil, etc. 150 MENUS MADE EASY. Potirons, or Giraumons, au gratin a puree of vegetable marrow with cream, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and browned. YAMS or SWEET POTATOES. Patates au beurre are cooked, cut in slices and served with butter, a la Frangaise are cut in pieces, and served in a sauce of butter, flour, cream, etc. For Beignets de patates they are cut in pieces, soaked in brandy, dipped in batter and fried. SALADS. Salade a la Macedoine is composed of separate heaps of vegetables, with oil and vinegar. de pommes de terre slices of potatoes and beet- root, with chopped parsley, etc., oil and vinegar. de cresson aux pommes watercress and slices of potatoes, with oil and vinegar. de tomates slices of raw tomatoes with chopped shallots, etc., oil and vinegar. de choux rouges a la Russe red cabbage, with sauce of sour cream, hard-boiled yolks of eggs, etc. aux concombres slices of cucumber with oil and vinegar. aux betteraves slices of beetroot, with chopped Portugal onions, oil and vinegar. de ckicoree a la Franpaise endive, with oil, vinegar and garlic. a la Fran$aise lettuce, or any one kind of salad only, with oil, vinegar, etc. VEGETABLES, OR LEGUMES, AND SALADS. 157 Salade a VAnglaisc lettuce, celery, beetroot, endive, etc., with oil and vinegar. a VAllemande slices of potatoes, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and celery, with oil, vinegar, etc. a ritalienne several kinds of salad and vege- tables, with meat or fish, anchovies, olives, etc., and Tartare sauce. a I'Indienne lettuce and mustard and cress, with a sauce of claret with chutney, vinegar and spice ; in a border of plovers' eggs, or hard- boiled eggs cut in halves. It may be gar- nished with curried shrimps and slices of lemon, and is served with brown bread and butter. a la Flamande Dutch herrings, or any dried fish, pickled shrimps, apples, beetroot, potatoes, etc., with oil and vinegar. a I'Espagnole a border of slices of tomatoes, and pickled onions with Mayonnaise sauce in the centre. a la Russe carrots, parsnips and beetroot cut in shapes, pieces of fowl or game, anchovies, olives, caviar, etc., with oil, vinegar and mustard. Another form of Russian salad is a mould of vegetables with yolks of eggs, cream, puree of spinach, etc. a la Suede pickled herrings, beef, apples and potatoes, cut in dice, with chopped herbs, gherkins and capers, oil and vinegar ; garnished with anchovies and olives. 158 MENUS MADE EASY. Salade a la Vienne lettuce with shreds of ham, tarragon and chervil, oil and vinegar, etc. a VAnvers lettuce with shreds of chicken, ham and capsicums, in a Mayonnaise sauce with curry powder, garnished with slices of potatoes. a la Napolitaine a border of slices of hard-boiled eggs and Bologna sausage, and a salad with Tartare sauce in the centre. a la Rachel shreds of celery and hard-boiled whites of eggs, in Tartare sauce with chopped herbs ; garnished with the yolks of eggs and sausages cut in slices. This is sometimes called a la Reine. a la Cazanova dice of ham and fish, with celery, hard-boiled whites of eggs, etc. Mayonnaise sauce with powdered yolks of eggs. a la Tartare lettuce, with pickled cucumbers, onions, etc., herrings cut in dice, oil and vinegar. a la Demidoff slices of potatoes and truffles, with oil and vinegar, young onions, etc. a Madame lettuce, with sauce of oil, vinegar, yolk of egg, etc. a V Adeline salsifis with Mayonnaise sauce, in a border of tomato mayonnaise with aspic ; garnished with strips of cucumber and tomato. d'Estrees endive and celery in Mayonnaise sauce, with a border of slices of potato and beetroot. a la Pompadour pieces of cauliflower in Mayon- naise sauce with cheese^ in a border of slices VEGETABLES, OR LEGUMES, AND SALADS. 159 of potatoes, carrots and leeks. Savoury cream sauce. Salade a la Jardiniere fine strips of vegetables, with oil, vinegar, etc. Cerises a la vinaigrette is composed of stoned cherries, fillets of anchovies, young onions, chopped bacon, etc., \vith oil, vinegar, mustard and spice. Mayonnaise a la Macedoine, or a la Jardiniere, is composed of mixed vegetables with Mayonnaise sauce. Mayonnaise a la Bretonne shreds of lettuce and of fish, with anchovies and olives, and green Mayonnaise sauce. Mayonnaise de tomates a Vaspic chopped tomatoes with Mayonnaise sauce in a border of aspic ; garnished with tarragon and olives. Mayonnaise de tomates a la Couronne chopped tomatoes in Mayonnaise sauce with aspic, set in little paper cases. Salade a la Duchessc de Fife is a mould of tomato puree with aspic and Mayonnaise sauce, decorated with hard-boiled egg, and served with salad. Tinibale a la Macedoine is a mould of aspic, decorated with egg, and filled with a vegetable Macedoine in Mayonnaise sauce. Petites cremcs a la Jardiniere are little moulds of mixed vegetables in Mayonnaise sauce with aspic. Chartreuse de legumes is an ornamental mould of 160 MENUS MADE EASY. mixed vegetables, filled with chopped vegetables stewed in brown sauce. Kan de legumes is a curry of vegetables. It may be served hot or cold. Crepes a la Jardiniere are pancakes made with chopped vegetables. Crepes aux fines herbcs are made with chopped herbs. Puree de legumes a la Eomaine is a puree of mixed vegetables, garnished with little moulds of cheese custard breadcrumbed and fried. CHAPTEE VIII, EGGS AND OMELETTES. THESE are specially useful for luncheon, and for dinner when maigre dishes are required. Some of them are suitable for savouries. At luncheon they are usually served first, as at a foreign dejeuner, but they are sometimes introduced as second- course dishes. This does not, of course, apply to the sweet omelettes. Poached eggs, or (Eufs pockes, may be served au jus, with brown gravy, garnished with fillets of anchovy placed crosswise on each egg ; or au jainbon, on oval slices of fried ham, with Poivrade sauce. So-called " buttered " eggs cooked with butter, etc. are served as (Eufs brouilles. CEufs brouilles aux pointes d'aspergcs, aux cham- pignons, aux truffes, or au jainbon, are dressed in the same way, with the addition of asparagus cut up, chopped mushrooms, truffles, or ham. brouilles a I'Indienne are cooked with butter, chopped onion, curry powder, etc. M 162 MENUS MADE EASY. CEufs au beurre noir fried, and served in black- butter sauce. la Suissc are baked in a dish lined with slices of cheese, covered with cream and sprinkled with grated cheese. au kari, or a VIndienne, are poached in a sauce of milk, butter, onions, curry powder, etc. an miroir are baked with butter, etc., in the dish in which they are served. aux pistaches mixed with cream, pounded pis- tachio nuts, etc., and baked. a la bonne femme baked with chopped onions and vinegar. au soleil poached, dipped in batter and fried. These are sometimes called cnfritot. a la matelote poached, and served on croutons, garnished with strips of anchovies and gher- kins, with fine herbs sauce. a la Portugaise poached, and served on croutons, covered with half tomatoes filled with savoury stuffing. ala neige spoonfuls of whipped whites poached in milk, etc. ; served in the milk with yolks of eggs. en caisse cooked in little souffle cases half filled with breadcrumbs. au bouillon steamed with stock in little moulds ; served with gravy. a la Provenpale cooked in small moulds with brown sauce, chopped onions, etc., and served with brown sauce. a la Florentine are lightly boiled, shelled, and EGGS AND OMELETTES. 163 served on a pure"e of fowl, garnished with fried pastry straws. CEufs a la Bechamel are hard-boiled, cut in halves, and served in Bechamel sauce. 2 pudding, 177 Bream, 18 Brill, 18 Brioches, 167 cheese, 202 Broccoli, 143 Broth, 7 mutton, 11 Scotch, 11 Brussels sprouts, 143 Bubble-and-squeak, 48 Bustard, 136 Cabbage, 143 red, salad, 156 Cabinet pudding, 179 Cakes, 166 cheese, 203 fish, 25, 39, 41, 43, 44 little, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173 CalPs brains, 58 ears, 59 feet, 60 pie, 113 soup, S head, 113 entrees of, 57 soup, 8 kidney, 59 liver, 59 tail, 60 soup, 8 tongue, 59 Canape's, savoury, 202, 204, 210 Capon, removes of, 122 roast, 136 Caramel ice, 214 pudding, 179 Cardoons, 143 Carp, 19 Carrots, 144 pudding, 179 soup, 14, 15 Cases, savoury, 203, 208 Castle puddings, 183 Cauliflower, 144 soup, 14 Caviar, hors d'oeuvrcs, 2 savoury, 210 Celery, 145 soup, 14 Chautilly basket, 195 cream, 193 Char, 20 Charlottes, 195 fruit, 188, 189, 190 Chartreuse of fruit, 186, 188, 189, 191 game, 96, 98 meat, 56, 68 poultry, 84, 90 vegetables, 159 Chaudfroidofflsh, 30 game, 95, 97, 98, 101, 103, 104 meat, 50, 57, 66 poultry, 81, 83, 89, 91 Cheese omelette, 164 INDEX. 229 Cheese savouries, 201 Cheese-cakes, 175 Cherry ice, 215 jelly, 196 mould, 190 salad, 159 tart, 175, 176 tartlets, 174 Chestnuts, 146 compotes, etc., 190 cream, 192 ice, 215 pudding, 178 savouries, 207 soup, 14, 15 Chicken, entrees of, 78 omelette, 164 removes of, 122 roast, 136 soup, 7, 9, II, 12, 13 young, 124, 1H6 Chipolata boudiu, 135 croustade, 120 garnish, 225 Chocolate cakes, 1G7, 168 cream, 191, 194 ice, 215 pudding, 178, 182 souffle', 198 Choux pastry, 172 cheese, 202 Cinnamon water ice, 216 Cocoanut meringues, 195 pudding, 17S soup, 16 Cod, 20 salt, 21 Coffee cake, 167 cream, 192 custard, 194 ice, 215 pastry, 174 pudding, 179 souffle, 198 College puddings, 183 Compotes of fruit, 186, 187, 189, 190 Consommes, 3 Cruh, 39 soup, 8 Cranberry ice, 215 Crayfish, 39 sea, 39 soup, 9 Creams, 191 fish, 38, 40, 44 fowl, 84 game, 104 ham, 78 iced, 196 savoury, 202, 206, 210 veal, 56 vegetable, 140, 150, 159 Crepinettes of eggs, 104 fish, 39, 43 meat, 49, 77 Croustades, chicken, 87 fish, 45 game, 101, 104 meat, 50, 56, 58, 63. 68, 7t, 77, 120 savoury, 210 sweet, 177, 183 Cioutes, fruit, 186, 187, 189, 191 mushroom, 148 oyster, 42 savoury, 202, 204, 208 truffle, 155 Cucumber, 146 salad, 156 soup, 14 Curasao jelly, 197 souffle, iced, 200 Currant fritters, 184 ice, 215 tart, 175 black, ice, 215 jelly, 196 mould, 190 tart, 175 Custard, 193, 194 fritters, 184 pudding, 178, 182 savoury, 202, 210 I Da>s 21 230 INDEX. Damson mould, 187 Forcemeat pie, 113 Darioles, 169 Fowl, 122 D'Artois, 173 pure'e of, 13 Dates, 191 Frangipane tart, 175 pudding, 178 tartlets, 174 Dauphines, 174 Fricandeau, beef, 109 Dormers, beef, 49 veal, 111 chicken, 85 Fritters, 184 Duck, entrees of, 87 brain, 58 removes of, 125 egg, 164 roast, 13G fish, 43 wild, entre'es of, 100 game, 99, 105 roast, 138 savoury, 202, 206 Duckling, 137 souffle', 185 Dumplings, 177 vegetable, 146, 148, 152, 153, 156 Eclairs, 172 Fruit compotes, etc., 186 savoury, 202 creams, 192 Eel-pout, 22 croutes, 186, 187, 189, 191 Eels, 21 fritters, 184 soup, 8 gateaux, 187, 188, 189, 190, Egg-plant, 147 191 Eggs, 161 ices, 215, 216 canape's of, 210 jellies, 196 plovers', 164 macedoine, 191 Scotch, 49 sorbets, 217 soup, 4, 5, 9 souffle's, 199, 200 Elderflower fritters, 184 tartlets, 174 Endive, 147 tarts, 175, 176 salad, 156 soup, 15 Galantine of fowl, 125 Epigrammes, lamb, 72, 73 pheasant, 97 mutton, 66 rabbit, 131 partridge, 98 turkey, 128 veal, 113 Fauchonettes, 174 Game entrees, 91, 104 Fig compote, 190 omelette, 164 mould, 191 pies, 134, 135 pudding, 178 soups, 7,8,9, 13, 15 Fish entre'es, 43 Garnishes, 225 savouries, 204-207 Gaufres, 172 soups, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Genoese cakes, 167 Flageolets, 142 pastry, 167 Flounders, 22 Giblets, 89, 90 Foie-gras, 87 omelette, 165 Fondues, cheese, 201 pie, 127 salsifis, 152 pudding, 127 Forcemeat, liver, 59 soup, 8 INDEX. 231 Ginger cream, 102 Iced creams, 196 ice, 216 pudding, 182 pudding, 178 souffle's of cbicken, 84 souffle', 199 of fish, 45 Goose, entrees of, 89 of fruit, etc., 199 removes of, 126 of ham, 78 roast, 137 Ices, cream, 214 Gooseberry cream or fool, 192 Neapolitan, 216 ice, 215 water, 215, 216 pudding, 177 Irish stew, 66 St. Honore', 190 tart, 175, 176 Jam fritters, 184 Grape ice, 215, 216 omelette, 165 jelly, 198 puffs, 173 tart, 175 roll, 177 Greengage croutes, 187 souffle', 199 tart, 175 tartlets, 174 Grenadins, beef, 47 Jellies, aspic, with eggs, 164 veal, 54 fish, 22, 33, 39, 40, 44 Grouse, entre'es of, 99 foie-gras, 87 removes of, 133 fowl, 84 roast, 137 larks, 104 soup, 8, 13 meat, 57, 74 Gudgeon, 23 sweetbread, 62, 75 Guinea fowl, 137 fruit, etc., 196 Gurnard, 23 mushroom, 149 savoury, 205, 207 Haddock, 23 tomato, 154 Hake, 24 John Dory, 25 Halibut, 24 Ham croutes, 204 entrees of, 77 omelette, 164 removes of, 121 Hare, entre'es of, 92 Kabobs, Indian, 69 Kidney, calf's, 59 omelette, 165 sheep's, 69 SOHD 8 removes of, 129 Kiselle, 198 roast, 137 Kromeskies, 42, 105 soup, 8 Haricot of mutton, G3 of veal, 55 Lamb, brains, 75 Haricot beans, 142 breast of, 119 soup, 14 cutlets, 71 Hazel bens, 137 Herrings, 24 ears, 75 entrees of, 71 savouries, 206, 209 feet, 74 Hodge-podge soup, 1 1 Honey pudding, 179 Hors d'ceuvres, 1 lorequarter of, 117 haunch of, 117 leg of, 118 232 INDEX. Lamb, loin of, 118 neck of, 119 pie, 119 removes of, 117 saddle of, 118 shoulder of, 119 sweetbreads, 75 tails, 74 soup, 8 tongues, 75 Lamprey, 26 Lapwing, 137 eggs, 164 Larks, entrees of, 103 pies, 134 roast, 137 Lax, 2 Leeks, 147 Lemon ice, 215 jelly,'196 pudding, 178 souffle', 198 Lentils, 147 soup, 15 Lettuce, 147 Leveret. 137 Lobster, 39 croutes, 209 soup, 9 Macaroni, 211 pudding, 177 soup, 5, 13 Macedoine, fruit, 191 garnish, 225 jelly, 197 omelette, 165 salad, 156, 159 soup, 6 Mackerel, 26 Madeleines, 169 Maraschino blancmange, 191 cream, 192 jelly, 197 souffle', 198, 199 Marinade, 221 Marmalade pudding, 179 Marrow, 50 Marrow croutes, 209 Mayonnaise, eels, 22 fowl, 83 game, 104 lobster, 40 salmon, 30 soles, 33 vegetable, 159 Medlar jelly, 197 Melon ice, 216 Meringues, 194 cheese, 203 fruit, 183, 185, 187, 188, 190 tart, 176 Mince pies, 173 Mirepoix, 222 Mirlitons, 174 Mock-turtle soup, 8, 9 Morels, 147 Mulberry jelly, 197 Mullets, grey, 27 red, 27 Mulligatawny soup, 7, 8 Mushrooms, 148 croutes, 148, 209 omelette, 164 Mussels, 41 soup, 9 Mutton, breast of, 117 broth, 11 carbonade, 67, 116 chops, 66 cutlets, 63 entre'es of, 63 fillets, 67, 68 haunch of, 113 leg of, 114 loin of, 116 neck of, 115 pies, 117 pudding, 117 removes of, 113 saddle of, 114 shoulder of, 117 Southdown, 114 steak, 117 INDEX. 233 Noisettes of lamb, 73 Pancakes, vegetable, 160 of mutton, 67 Parfait, 196 Nougat, 191 Parmesan omelette, 164 Noyau cream, 192 savouries, 201 ice, 215 Parsnips, 149 jelly, 197 Partridge, entrees of, 97 removes of, 132 roast, 137 Oatmeal soup, 15 soup, 8 Olive hors d'ceuvres, 2 omelette, 165 Pastry, almond, 169 choux, 172 savouries, 204 Olives, beef, 48 Genoese, 167 puff, 170-172 veal, 56 Omelettes, 164 soufflees, 165 rolled, 173 Pasty, Cornish, 69 venison, 129 sweet, 165 Onions, 149 Patties, beef, 49 cheese, 203 soup, 14 chicken, 84> Orange compotes, etc., 190 crayfish, 39 cream, 192 fritters, 184 foie gras, 87 game, 105 ice, 215, 216 kidney, 70 jelly, 196, 198 lobster, 40 ineringne, 183 marrow, 50 pudding, 178 mutton, 69 tart, 176 Orange-flower cream, 192 oj>ter, 42 shrimp, 43 ice, 214 Ortolans, entre'es of, 104 tongue, 52 veal, 57 roast, 137 Ox cheek, 51 Peach, compotes, etc., 180 fritters, 184 pie, 110 ice, 215 soup, 8 tarts, 175, 176 kidney soup, 8 palates, 50 Peahen, 137 Pears, compotes, etc., 189 tail, 52 custard, 194 soup, 8 fritters, 184 tongue, 110 tart, 175, 176 entrees of, 51 Peas, 149 Oysters, 1, 41 _ omelette, 165 soup, 14, 15 Perch, 28 savouries, 206 Pheasant, entre'es of, 96 soup, 5, 9 removes of, 131 roast, 137 Pancakes, 185 soup, 8 cheese, 202 Pies, beef, 109 chicken, 85 calf's feet, 113 234 INDEX. Pies, chicken, 125 forcemeat, 113 game, 134, 135 giblet, 127 grouse, 134 hare, 130 lamb, 119 lark, 134 mutton, 117 ox-cheek, 110 partridge, 133 pheasant, 132 pigeon, 129 pork, 120 rabbit, 131 sheep's head, 117 sucking pig, 121 veal, 113 Pig's ears, 78 feet, 78 Pigeon, entre'es of, 90 removes of, 128 roast, 137. Pike, 28 Pilau, fish, 45 fowl, 123 mutton, 68 of rice soup, 11 veal, 55 Pilchards, 28 Pineapple cream, 192 fritters, 184 ice, 215 jelly, 197 mould, 190 pudding, 178 Pintail, 137 Pistachio cake, 166 custard, 194 ice, 215 Plaice, 28 Plover, entre'es of, 100 pies, 134 roast, 137 Plovers' eggs, 164 Plum compotes, etc., 187 jelly, 196 pudding, 177 Plum tart, 175 tartlets, 174 Pomegranate ice, 216 jelly, 197 Pork, chine of, 120 cutlets, 76 entrees of, 76 fillets, 77 leg of, 120 loin of, 120 neck of, 120 pies, 120 removes of, 119 saddle of, 119 salt, 120 sausages, 77 spare-rib of, 120 Potatoes, 150 salad, 156 soup, 12, 13 Prairie birds, 137 Prawns, 43 Profiteroles, 173 soup, 5 Prunes, 187, 191 Ptarmigan, 99 Puddings, 177 cold, 179, 181, 182, 183 fruit, 177, 178 ice, 182 game, 134, 135 giblet, 127 little, 182, 183 mutton, 117 plum, 177 rice, etc., 177 Puffs, jam, 173 Pullet, removes of, 122 roast, 137 Punch, 216 cream, 192 ice, 216 jelly, 197 Pure'es of fowl, 13 game, 13 rice, barley, etc., 15 vegetables, 13 INDEX. 235 Purees, dressed vegetable, 142, Sago pudding, 177 144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 152, soup, 11, 12 155, 160 Salads (see also MAYONNAISES), Purslane, 152 156 beef, 48 Quails, entrees of, 102 cheese, 201 pies, 134' cherry, 159 roast, 138 fowl, 82, 83 Quenelles, cheese, 202 grouse, 99 cream, 183 orange, 190 fish, 41, 45 Salmon, 29 fowl, 86 Salsifis, 152 game, 104 Sandwiches, savoury, 211 ham, 78 Sardines, hors d'ceuvrea, 1 marrow, 50 savouries, 204 pheasant, 97 Sauces, 218 potato, 151 Sausages, Bologna, 1 semolina, 184 oyster, 42 veal, 57 pork, 77 Quince jelly, 197 veal, 56 and apple tart, 175 Savarin, 167 Savouries, cases, 203, 208 Rabbit, entre'es of, 93 cheese, 201 removes of, 13 J creams, 210 roast, 138 croutes, 202, 201, 20S soup, 8, 13 fish, 204 Ramequins, 201 jellies, 205, 207 Raspberry cream, 192 macaroni, 211 custard, 194 rice, 212 ice, 215 sandwiches, 211 jelly, 197 souffles, 201,207 meringue, 190 vegetable, 204, 207 Ratafia ice, 214 vermicelli, 212 Rhubarb ice, 215 Scallops, 41 tart, 175 Scotch broth, 11 Rice cake, 167 collops, 55 cream, 192 eggs, 49 fritters, 184 woodcock, 208 moulds, etc., 183 Seakale, 152 pancakes, 185 Semolina cake, 107 pudding, 177 croquettes, 18iJ savoury, 212 pudding, 177 souffle', 199 quenelles, 184 soup, 5, 7, 11, 15 soup, 5 Roe, 19 Shad, 31 savouries, 207 Sheep's brains, 70 Roebuck, entrees of, 92 head pie, 117 removes of, 129 eoup, 11 236 INDEX. SIieep'8 feet, 70 kidneys, 69 soup, 8 tails, 70 tongues, 70 Shovellers, 138 Shrimps, 43 savouries, 206 soup, 8 Skate, 31 Smelts, 31 Snipes, entre'es of, 101 pies, etc., 134 roast, 138 Soles, 32 soup, 12 Sorbets, 216, 217 Sorrel soup, 15 Souche' of fisb, 23 Souffle's, 198 cheese, 201 fish, 38, 45 fowl, 84 game, 99 iced, fish, 45 fowl, 84 ham, 78 sweet, 199 meat, 57, 78 savoury, 207 vegetable, 145, 151, 154 Soups, chicken, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 clear, 3-8 fish, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 game, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15 maigre, 15, 16 purees of fowl, 13 game, 13 rice, etc., 15 vegetables, 11, 12, 13-16 thick, 7-16 Sparghetti macaroni, 212 Spinach, 153 croutes, 209 soup, 13, 14 Sponge cakes, 168 pudding, 179 Sponge, orange, 190 Sprats, 31 Strawberry chartreuse, etc., 183 creams, 192, 194, 195 fritters, 184 gateau, 170 ices, 215 jelly, 197 omelette, 165 souffle, iced, 200 tartlets, 174 tarts, 175, 176 trifle, 195 Straws, bloater, 206 cheese, 203 potato, 151 tomato, 207 Sturgeon, 34 Sucking-pig, 121 Sue'doises, 172 Sultana pudding, 178 Sweetbread, 60 lamb's, 75 Swiss roll, 168 Tapioca cream, 192 pudding, 177 souffle', 199 soup, 5, 11, 12, 15 Tartlets, 174, 176 curried fish, 45 savoury, 203, 205 Tarts, 175 open, 175, 176 Tea cream, 192 ice, 214 Teal, entre'es of, 100 roast, 138 Tench, 34 Tipsy cake, 169 Tomatoes, 153 omelette, 164 salad, 156, 159 savouries, 207 soup, 12, 13, 14 Tongue, calf s, 59 croutes, 204 lamb's, 75 ox, 51, 110 INDEX. 237 Tongues, sheep's, 70 Vegetable curry, 160 Trifle, 195 mayonnaise, 159 Trout, 34 omelette, 165 Truffles, 154 pancakes, 160 omelette, 164 pure'es, 13, 160 Tunny, 35 Vegetable marrow, 155 Turbot, 35 soup, 14 Turkey, entre'es of, 89 Venison, entre'es of, 91 removes of, 127 hashed, 91 roast, 138 haunch of, 129 Turnips, 155 removes of, 129 soup, 14 soup, 8 Turtle soup, 7 Vermicelli croquettes, 183 pudding, 177 Vanilla blancmange, 194 savoury, 212 cream, 192 soup, 5, 11 ice, 214 pudding, 178 Wafers, 172 souffle', 198, 200 "Watercress salad, 156 tartlets, 174 Weavers, 37 Veal, breast of, 112 Welsh rare-bit, 210 chump of, 110 Whitebait, 37 cream of, 56 Whiting, 37 cutlets, 52 Whiting pollock, 38 entre'es of, 52 Widgeon, 138 fillet of, 110 Wild duck, entrees of, 100 knuckle of, 112 roast, 138 loin of, 111 Wine jelly, 197 neck of, 112 Woodcocks, entre'ee of, 101 pies, 113 roast, 133 removes of, 110 soup, 8 steak, 112 tendons, 54 Yams, 156 Vegetable chartreuse, 159 PRINTED BV WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BECCLES. 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