John Swett Cambriirge Courst of ELEMENTS OF ASTRONOMY BY W. J. ROLFE AND J. A. GILLET, TEACHERS IN THE HIGH SCHOOL, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. BOSTON: CROSBY AND AINSWORTH. NEW YORK: O. S. FELT. 1868. < I .' . . . QB4-3 P L& Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by W. J. ROLFE AND J. A. GILLET, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. fij^ O Cw >. J " < JiNi EDUCATION DEPT, UKIVERSITY PRESS : WELCH, BIGELOW, & Ca, CAMBRIDGE. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE method of treatment in this ASTRONOMY agrees with that adopted in other parts of the Course, so far as the nature of the subject will admit. The aim throughout has been to show the scholar from what facts of observa- tion, and by what processes of reasoning, astronomers have reached their present knowledge of the structure of the universe. The authors believe that the principles which lie at the bottom of the explanation of most astronomical phenom- ena are really simple, and, if rightly presented, capable of being understood by high-school scholars of ordinary ability. They do not assume, however, that the explana- tions given in this book are in all cases full enough to enable the teacher to dispense with oral instruction. The first part of the book treats of the motions and dis- tances of the heavenly bodies ; the second, of their physi- cal features ; and the third, of gravity, or the force by which they act upon one another. In this edition a fourth part, treating of the origin, transmutation, and conserva- tion of energy, has been added, since it forms a fitting conclusion to the Astronomy, and also to the whole Course. In no portion of the book is there assumed, on the part of the pupil, any knowledge of mathematics beyond that of the elements of plane geometry, and an ability to prove that in plane triangles the sines of the angles are propor- 541830 iv PREFACE. tional to their opposite sides. That it may not be neces- sary for scholars to study trigonometry before taking up this book, this last proposition is .demonstrated in an Appendix. In the Appendix, the principal constellations have been described, and illustrated by seventeen star-maps. These maps have been reduced by photography from the excel- lent charts in Argelander's Uranometria Nova. In order, however, that the maps in this reduced form might not be too crowded, all stars below the fourth magnitude have been omitted, as well as the circles of right ascension and declination. The dotted lines have been added by the authors to assist in tracing the leading stars in each con- stellation. The Appendix also contains an outline of the history and mythology of the constellations ; an account of the metric system and the calendar ; and various astronomical tables, In the preparation of the first and third parts of this book the authors have made free use of Airy's " Popular Astronomy" (London, 1866). In many instances material has been taken from this source with little alteration, ex- cept that it has been condensed and the language sim- plified. Yet the method of treatment which we have em- ployed is quite different from that adopted by Airy. The material of the second part of the volume has been drawn largely from the English translation of Guille- min's " Heavens " (London, 1866), Hind's " Solar System " (London, 1851), and Hind's "Astronomy" (London, 1863.) The division of labor in preparing the book has been the same as was explained in the Preface to Part First. CAMBRIDGE, March 5, 1868. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE MOTIONS AND DISTANCES OF THE HEAVENLY BODIES i THE SHAPE OF THE HEAVENLY BODIES ... 3 THE APPARENT MOTIONS OF THE STARS .... 5 THE APPARENT MOTIONS OF THE SUN . . . 21 TWILIGHT .' . . . .- . ... . 29 THE APPARENT MOTION OF THE MOON . . . 32 THE APPARENT MOTIONS OF THE PLANETS ... 34 THE PTOLEMAIC SYSTEM ; . " .. . '.. . . 35 THE SYSTEM OF TYCHO DE BRAKE . . . ', - . 38 THE COPERNICAN SYSTEM . . ' . . . . . 39 THE SYSTEM OF KEPLER ,)> . .' . . . . 40 SUMMARY. .' . .' ..:. . . . . ' . . 42 HOW TO FIND THE PERIODIC TIMES OF THE PLANETS . 45 SUMMARY. .' . . ."".' . . i " . 48 HOW TO FIND THE DISTANCE OF THE PLANETS FROM THE SUN . . . -, : . . . . . . . 49 SUMMARY . , ......... . 66 HOW TO FIND THE DISTANCE OF THE MOON ... 67 SUMMARY .'.'.. 74 A GENERAL SURVEY OF THE ORBITS OF THE PLANETS . 75 HOW TO FIND THE DISTANCE OF THE FlXED STARS 76 SUMMARY U- : ' '. . ' . '- * ' . . v . .- . 88 SYSTEMS OF SATELLITES AND SUNS . . ... 89 SUMMARY '. , ' . . ' .. '',. " . , * . . . 96 PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE HEAVENLY BODIES 97 THE SUN ' . . * . ' . ~ . " -. ; . . '' . 99 THE NATURE OF SUN-SPOTS . ', . . . . .. 113 SUMMARY . ' . '. ,: ' . .' . " ' . ' .- ... . 118 MERCURY ' . ' . . . . ' , .... 120 VENUS . ' . ' . " , ; " . ' . ' \ ' .. . . . 124 THE ZODIACAL LIGHT . ' . " . : i' ' .' . . 127 VI TABLE OF CONTEXTS. THE EA*TH . .... ... 09 THE MOON ..... . . . 129 BUUMJ& ...... - .. . . .142 SODCAKT or THE Moon AKD Jfimnu * . 152 '57 OF THE INNE* GROCP OF PLANETS . . 160 MDKML PLANETS 161 OF THE MINOT PLANETS 166 JUPTTE* 167 IT* t - - i?S ITS OF THE Ovm GEOCP OF PLANETS . . i So 181 1*4 THE Frrm STAIS 185 SUMMARY 197 GRAVITY. OR THE FORCE BY WHICH THE HEAV- ENLY BODIES ACT UPON ONE ANOTHER 199 THE LAWS OF MOTION 201 THE PENDCLUM ........ 210 SnOCAKY OF THE PEXDCT.UM 215 GRAVITY ACTS aajmij^x THE EAETH AND THE Mooar 216 GEATTTY ACTS BETWEES THE SUN AND PLANETS, AXD ^^L PLANETS AND THEZE MOONS . . . 21$ GlATITY ACTS !LllJm THE SUN AND COMTTS . . 225 GULYTTY ACTS AMDNG AH. THE HEAVENLY BODIES . 226 GXATTTY ACTS UPON THE PAKTICI-ES OF \LATTEX . 257 SnOLUtT .......... ^ HOW TO FIND THE WEIGHT OF THE HEAVENLY BODIES 247 SrXXATT .......... 3 ^ 1 GENTXJLL SnotAiY ........ 262 ORIGIN, TRANSMUTATION, AND CONSERYATION OF ENERGY ......... 271 SnotAiY . ....... . 299 AWESDLX .......... 301 aaaauoL ........ 307 METUC SYSTEM . . . . . . . .512 ASTMKOMJCAL TAMLES ..... - . . jxS CAMJI M APPENDIX THE CoacsnuuiTioxs TISBLE EACH MOCTH . 331 STAXS or THE Futsr MACXFTUBC . 332 THE HMBUM or THE CossrELunoffs . . . 332 THE MTTHOLOGT or IBB C0nu4XMMi . . 334 QugiMiM* PBK. ggjnnr ASP FYUfmanag - - 343 INDEX ........... 335 I. MOTIONS AND DISTANCES OF THE HEAVENLY BODIES. MOTIONS AND DISTANCES OF THE HEAVENLY BODIES. 1. AT the beginning of our study of Physics we came to the conclusion that matter is made up of insensible masses called molecules, and that these molecules are separated by spaces, which, though probably thousands of times greater than their own bulk, are yet insensibly small. We have also learned that many, and probably all, of these mole- cules are made up of yet smaller parts, called atoms. Hitherto we have been mainly occupied with the con- sideration of the forces which act upon these atoms and molecules through insensible distances. We now pass to the study of the earth and the heavenly bodies, and the forces which act upon them through the spaces by which they are separated. THE SHAPE OF THE HEAVENLY BODIES. 2. The Shape of the Earth. For several thousand years men supposed that the earth was a large platform, and that, if one went far enough, he would everywhere come to the edge, as one does at the sea-shore. As soon, however, as they began to make long voyages at sea, it was seen that the sea is not flat, but rounded like a low hill ; for wherever we go at sea, we always see the masts of ships a long way off before we can see the hull or body of the ship, though, so far as size goes, the latter would be ' 4 , - , ." ASTRONOMY. much easier to be seen. The sea cuts off the view just like a hill rising between the two ships. It was also found that the distance at which ships of the same height begin to be seen is everywhere the same, and as light is known to come in straight lines, the hill of sea between the two ships must be everywhere the same. This can be so only on a globe, that is, on a body whose surface is rounded equally in every direction. We see, then, that the surface of the ocean is spherical, and when we remember that about three fourths of the surface of the earth is covered with water, it seems prob- able that the whole surface of the earth is spherical. Again, in an eclipse of the moon, we always see a shadow with a round edge moving across its disc. This shadow has never any other shape, whether the eclipse be great or small, and whatever part of the earth be facing the moon at the time. Now this shadow is known to be the shadow of the earth, and a body which casts a round shadow in every position must be a sphere. The earth, therefore, must be a globe, or sphere. 3. The Sun, Moon, and Planets are Globes, The disc of the sun is always circular. The same is true of that of the moon, though at times we see only a part of its disc. The same is true of all the planets, which bodies always present sensible discs when viewed with the telescope. Now it is well known that these bodies do not always present the same side to the earth ; and, as a sphere is the only body that presents a circular outline from what- ever position it is looked at, we see that the sun, moon, and planets are also globes. The fixed stars present no sensible disc when viewed with the most powerful telescope, therefore we know noth- ing about the shape of these bodies. ASTRONOMY. THE APPARENT MOTIONS OF THE STARS. 4. If, on a clear night, we watch the eastern horizon through its whole extent from north to south, we see stars continually rising; and if we watch the western horizon through its whole extent from north to south, we see stars continually setting. We see, also, that the stars do not rise perpendicularly, but obliquely. Those which rise near to the north or near to the south rise very slantingly indeed. Those nearest to the east rise less obliquely. The same is true of their setting. Those near to the north or to the south set very obliquely ; those which set nearest to the west set with a sharp incline. If we trace the whole path of any one of these stars, we find that it rises somewhere in the east in the sloping direction al- ready described ; that it continues to rise with a path becoming more and more horizontal, till it reaches a cer- tain height in the south, when its course is exactly hori- zontal ; and that it then declines by similar degrees, and sets at a place in the west just as far from the north point as the place where it rose in the east. If we select a star that has risen near to the north, it takes it a long time to rise to its greatest height, which is very high in the south, and then an equally long time to set. Lastly, if we look to the north and observe those stars which are fairly above the horizon, we find them going around the Polar Star and describing a com- plete circle. These stars are called circumpolar. The Polar Star to an ordinary observer does not appear to change its place during the whole night. Whenever he looks out, he finds it in the same place. Careful observa- tion, however, shows that it does change its place and moves in a small circle. The stars 'of the Great Bear and of Cassiopeia turn in a circle considerably larger than the i* 6 ASTRONOMY. Polar Star, but they go completely round in it without descending below the horizon. Capella and Vega de- scribe still longer circles, of which the Pole Star is the centre. These stars pass below the horizon in the north, and pass nearly overhead when farthest to the south. Thus, if we fix a straight rod in a certain standard direc- tion, pointing nearly, but not exactly, to the Polar Star, we find that the stars which are close in the direction of this rod, as seen by viewing along it, describe a very small cir- cle ; the stars farther from it describe a larger circle ; oth- ers just touch the northern horizon ; whilst, in regard to others, if they do describe a whole circle at all, part of that circle is below the horizon ; they are seen to come up in the east, to pass the south, and to go down in the 1 west, and they are lost below the horizon from that place till they rise again in the east. 5. Are the Movements of the Stars such that they appear to describe accurate Circles about a Point of the Sky near the Polar Star as a Centre ? To answer this question we must use an instrument called the Equatorial. One form of this instrument is represented in Figure i. It turns round an axis A J3, which is placed in the direction which leads to the point of the sky around which the stars appear to turn, and which is not far from the Polar Star. This axis carries the telescope CD. As the instrument turns on its axis the telescope retains the same inclination to this axis unless another motion is given it at the same time. The telescope is, however, so arranged that another mo- tion may be given to it, so as to place it in different posi- tions, as C' D\ C"D" . It can thus be directed to stars in different parts of the heavens. If now the telescope is directed to any one star, it is found, by turning the instru- ment on its axis, that the telescope, without any alteration of its inclination to the axis, will follow that star from its rising to its setting. It is the same wherever the star may ASTRONOMY. Fig. 2. be, whether near the Polar Star or far from it. The tel- escope will follow the star by merely turning the instru- ment on its axis. The movement of the stars, then, is of such a kind that they appear to describe accurate circles about a point of the sky near the Pole Star as a centre ; for it is evident that the telescope, when the instrument is turned on its axis, describes such a circle, and, as seen, the telescope always points to the star to which it was directed. 6. The Stars move at a uniform Rate, and all describe their Circles in the same Time. The best equatorials are fur- nished with a toothed wheel attached to the axis, in which works an endless screw or worm, as seen in Figure i. By turning this worm the whole instrument is made to revolve. The worm is turned by an apparatus constructed especially for producing uniform movement. The one usually adopted, with some modification, is represented in Figure 2. The lower drum is turned by a falling weight, and its motion is regulated by the centrifugal balls A B, similar to those which are used to regulate the mo- 8 ASTRONOMY. tion of a steam-engine. It is well known that whirling the balls, by the rotation of the axis to which they are attached, causes them to spread out, and the more rapidly they are whirled the more they spread. When the speed has reached a certain limit, the spread- ing out of the balls causes their arms to rub against the fixed part, S H. This friction prevents further accelera- tion, and thus a uniform speed is produced with very great nicety. The spindle KL from this apparatus is attached to the screw which carries the equatorial. It causes the telescope of the equatorial to revolve around its axis uni- formly, and thus gives us the means of ascertaining with the utmost exactness whether or not the stars move with uniform speed. When the machinery is in operation the telescope is pointed to a star. Whether this star be near the pole or at a distance from the pole, it is found that it is constantly seen in the field of view of the telescope ; that is, the telescope turns just as fast as the star moves. Now as the telescope is moving with a uniform speed, it follows that all the stars are describing their orbits in the same time, and that each star moves with the same speed in every part of its orbit. The stars then move as though they were attached to a shell, which rotates at a uniform rate from east to west about an axis passing from a point of the sky near the Polar Star through the centre of the earth. This axis is therefore called the celestial axis, and the point of the sky near the Polar Star is called the north celestial pole. 7. Refraction. When a telescope of considerable power is attached to the equatorial, so that we can see a small departure from the centre of the telescope in the position of the star we are looking at, and when we trace the course of the star down to the horizon, we find it to be a universal fact that the star is not quite so near the horizon as we should be led to expect. This is due to refraction. ASTRONOMY. We have already learned that a ray of light in passing from a rarer into a denser medium is always bent toward a perpendicular to the surface of this medium. The earth is surrounded by an atmosphere, and we will suppose, at first, that this atmosphere has a definite boundary and a uniform density. Let Figure 3 represent a part of the earth covered by the atmosphere. Suppose a beam of light is coming from a star in the direction A B, and that it meets the atmosphere at B. In passing into this denser medi- um it is bent toward a line perpendicular to the sur- face of the atmosphere, and takes the direction B C. Consequently the star would be seen in the direction CB. This would be the case if the atmosphere had a defi- nite boundary and a uni- form density. But if the atmosphere has not a definite boundary and varies in density from stratum to stratum, becoming more and more dense as we near the earth, the ray of light would be bent as described above in passing from one stratum to the next. This condition of things is shown in Figure 4. The star would be seen in the position f, instead of its real position A. The effect of refraction is, then, to cause all the stars to appear nearer the zenith (the point directly overhead) than they really are. If a star were exactly in the zenith, its position would not be changed by refraction, since the ray of light coming from the star IO ASTRONOMY. would meet each stratum of air perpendicularly. The far- ther a star is from the zenith, the more is it displaced by refraction, since the light coming from it would meet each stratum more obliquely, and the more obliquely the ray of light meets the surface of the denser medium, the more is its direction bent. 8. Does the Celestial Sphere really rotate about the Earth from East to West? It was for a long time supposed that the starry heavens turned round the earth daily, and that the apparent motion of the stars was real. But when it was discovered that the earth is round, it was at once seen that the visible motion of the heavenly bodies could be explained as well by supposing that the earth rotates from west to east about an axis which has the same direc- tion as the axis about which the celestial sphere appears to rotate from east to west, as by supposing that this sphere does really rotate. The supposition that the earth rotates instead of the heavens is the simpler of the two, and the fact that the earth does thus rotate is capable of the following direct proof. It is found that when a heavy ball is suspended by a long and flexible string, at the equator, and made to vibrate, its vibrations appear to take place always in the same direction ; that is, if it is set vi- brating in a north and south direction, it will continue to vibrate in that direction; while if a ball similarly sus- pended is set to vibrating anywhere north of the equator, the direction in which it vibrates appears to be continually changing. Now we know that a body when once put in motion tends always to move in the same absolute direc- tion, and it is reasonable to suppose that the heavy ball, when once set swinging, will always vibrate in the same absolute direction, provided that nothing interferes with its motion. If the point from which the ball is suspended is twirled while the ball is swinging, its direction of vibra- tion does not change ; and if the point is moved forward ASTRONOMY. 1 1 in a straight line, or in the circumference of a circle, its directions of vibration are always parallel to one another. Suppose now that the earth be rotating from west to east, and that a ball be suspended at the equator ; the motion of the earth would carry the point of suspension around in a circle, and the same would be true were the ball sus- pended north of the equator. Suppose now that a ball at the equator, and one some way north of the equator, were both set swinging in a north and south direction; what would be the apparent direction of the vibration of the ball in each case, on the supposition that the earth rotates ? In each case, as we have seen, the vibrations of the ball would be parallel to one another. On the sup- position that the earth rotates on its axis from west to east, are the directions which at different times we call north and south parallel to one another, or not ? We must first see what we mean by north and south. Suppose that two straight rods are fastened to a terres- trial globe, one at the equator and the other some way north of the equator, close by the brass meridian and par- allel to it. These rods, of course, would point north and south to observers at these two points on the globe. Now rotate the globe, and the rod fastened at the equator is seen to remain parallel to the brass meridian, while the rod north of the equator begins to deviate at once from a direction parallel to the meridian, and deviates more and more till the globe has rotated through 90, when it be- gins again to approach this direction, and when the globe has rotated through 180 it is again parallel to the brass meridian. At the equator, then, on the supposition that the earth is rotating, the directions which an observer at a given place would at different times call north and south are parallel with one another; while at a place north or south of the equator the directions which an observer at different times calls north and south are continually chan- ging, although they appear to be always the same. 1 2 ASTRONOMY. If, then, the vibrations of the ball suspended as described above are always in the same absolute direction, and the ball be set swinging from north to south, its vibrations at the equator ought to appear to be always in the same di- rection while at a point north of the equator its plane of vibration ought to appear continually shifting in a direc- tion contrary to that in which the north and south direc- tion is really shifting. This is just what is found to be true on trial. The experiment was first made by Foucault at Paris in 1851, and has been often repeated with the same results. It was tried in this country some years ago, in the Bunker Hill Monument. The supposition, then, that the earth rotates on its axis from west to east must be true, and the starry heavens are really at rest. That the earth appears to be at rest and the heavens rotating, is not surprising when we re- member that, on looking out at the window of a railway car while the train is in rapid motion, we seem to be at rest, and the fences and trees to be shooting past us in the opposite direction. 9. The Direction of the Circles described by the Apparent Motion of the Stars is different in different Parts of the Earth. The circles described by the stars in their apparent daily motion are always perpendicular to the axis of the earth. In our latitude they are oblique to the horizon, sloping from the south. They are oblique to the horizon because the horizon here is inclined to the earth's axis.* At the equator the horizon is parallel to this axis, and the circles described by the stars are consequently per- pendicular to the horizon. South of the equator the hori- zon is inclined to the axis in a direction opposite to that in which it is inclined north of the equator, and the circles described by the stars are again oblique to the horizon, but sloping from the north. At the poles the horizon is perpendicular to the earth's axis, and the circles described * See Appendix, II. ASTRONOMY. Fig. by the stars are consequently parallel to the horizon. Those stars which are nearer to the elevated pole than the horizon is, are always in view; while those nearer the depressed pole than the horizon is, are always out of sight. At any point north of the equator, the north pole of the heavens is elevated above the horizon, and the south pole depressed below it. Hence north of the equator the north pole is the elevated pole, and the south pole the depressed pole. South of the equator, of course, it is just the reverse. 10. The Fixed Stars appear in the same Position in the Sky, from whatever Part of the Earth they are observed. It is necessary to find some way of describing the position of a star, as seen in the sky, in order to ascertain whether it is seen in the same position from different parts of the earth. I wish to describe the position of a speck, D (see Fig- ure 5), on a wall, so that any person could mark the posi- tion of the speck on a similar wall elsewhere. I could de- scribe the position of the speck by giving the horizon- tal distance, A C, from one end of the wall, and the ver- tical distance, CD, from the floor, or by giving the meas- ure of the distance A D from the corner A, and of the distance E D from the corner E. I might also give the measure of the distance A C, and of the inclination of the line A D to the horizon. It is thus seen that there are several ways of describing the position of the speck, but that in every case two meas- ures are necessary. The two measures which are neces- sary for defining the position of any point on a surface are called the co-ordinates of the point. Thus the distances A C and CD are co-ordinates of the point D. So also the 2 14 ASTRONOMY. distances A D and E Z>, and the distance A C and the angle D A C are co-ordinates of the point D. Suppose we wish to define the position of a point on a celestial globe. We could do it most conveniently by giving its distance from the pole of the globe measured in degrees, and the distance that the globe must rotate from a certain point before this point comes under the brass meridian. These two distances, both measured in degrees, would be the co-ordinates of the point. Suppose, for instance, there is a fixed point marked on every celestial globe, and I wish to tell some one at a dis- tance the position of a second mark, which I have found on my globe. I find that I must rotate the globe 23 to the westward from the fixed point to bring the mark under the brass meridian, and that the mark is 36 from the north pole of the globe. I send these co-ordinates to the dis- tant person, and he sets his globe so that the fixed point is under the brass meridian, and rotates it 23 westward. He now knows that the point is under the meridian. He next measures along the meridian 36 from the given pole, and he knows the exact position of the point. If the globe were stationary and the brass meridian movable, we could describe the position of the point equally well by giving its angular distance from one of the poles of the globe, and the angular distance through which the meridian must be turned from a fixed point, in order to bring the point under it. If now we suppose an imaginary arc of a great circle passing directly over our heads and through the celestial poles, and fixed to the earth in such a manner as to be carried around with it in its rotation from west to east, we can evidently describe the position of a star in the sky by ascertaining how far this imaginary meridian must sweep from a fixed point to bring the star under it, and by ascertaining its angular distance from one of the celes- ASTRONOMY. 15 tial poles when under this meridian. The angular distance of a star from a celestial pole, and the angular distance that an imaginary meridian must sweep over from a fixed point in order to bring the star under it, are the most convenient co-ordinates of a star. ii. The Measurement of the, Angular Distance that the Meridian must sweep over in order to bring the Star under it. The measurement of the angular space over which the meridian must sweep from a fixed point to bring the star under it is effected by means of a Transit Instrument. This instrument is- represented in Figure 6. It consists Fig. 6. of a telescope mounted on an axis, A JB, in such a way that when it turns around on this axis the line C D E prolonged to the sky will describe the imaginary meridian 1 6 ASTRONOMY. just spoken of. This curve must be perpendicular to the horizon, must divide the visible heavens into two equal parts, and must pass through the poles of the heavens. To meet the first condition, it is necessary that the axis A B be exactly horizontal. To meet the second condi- tion, it is necessary that the telescope CD be exactly square with its axis A B. The astronomer ascertains whether the telescope be exactly square with its axis or not, by looking at a distant mark, first, with the pivots A and B of the instrument resting on the piers a and , and then with the axis turned over so that the pivots A and B rest on the piers b and a. If the telescope points equally well to the mark in both positions of the axis, it is exactly square with its axis. The astronomer ascertains whether the instrument is so adjusted that the curve described by the line C D E pro- longed shall pass through the celestial pole, by means of the Polar Star. This star, as has already been stated, describes a small circle about the celestial pole as a centre. Let FGHIKL represent this circle. Sup- pose that in turning the transit instrument about its axis, the line CDE prolonged, traces the line G I or FK, as the case may be. The Polar Star in its revolution passes that line twice ; and if the line passes through the celes- tial pole, which is the centre of the circle, the arcs FHK and KL F must be equal, and as the motion of the star is uniform, it will take it just as long to pass from F to K y as from K to F. If these arcs are described in equal times, the instrument is properly adjusted. By means of the transit instrument objects can be viewed only when they come under the meridian. Some bright star, as Altair, is selected, and the time when it comes under the meridian accurately observed by means of the transit instrument and the clock. The time when it next comes under the meridian is also carefully ob- ASTRONOMY. 1 7 served, and the interval between these two transits of the star across the meridian is called a sidereal day. This day is divided into twenty-four equal parts called sidereal hours. The clock used in the observatory is called a sidereal clock, and is so constructed that it would de- scribe just twenty^four hours between two successive tran- sits of the same star, if its movements were perfectly accurate. In practice it is found impossible to construct a perfectly accurate clock. The rate at whicrr the clock gains or loses time is ascertained by observing the suc- cessive transits of the same star, and, this being known, it becomes easy to reduce every observation to true si- dereal time. The sidereal clock should beat seconds, and the beats should be very distinctly given. To facilitate the determination of the exact time when a star or planet comes under the meridian, a number of cob- web threads are strung across the focus of the telescope at equal distances, parallel to one another and to the mo- tion of the telescope as it is turned on its axis. These are called cross-wires. The observer notices a star approaching the meridian. He directs the telescope so as to observe the star when it actually crosses the meridian, and looks into the telescope. Just before the star begins to cross the wires, he looks at the face of the clock for the hours and minutes; he then listens to the beats of the clock, and thus finds the hour, minute, second, and fraction of a second when the star crosses each wire ; then, by taking the mean of these times, he finds the time at which the star passes the meridian. The same observations are made with star after star, as they approach the meridian, and when these observations have been corrected for the error of the clock, the interval of time which elapses be- tween the transit of a given star and the other stars ob- served becomes known. And as the apparent rotation of the celestial sphere is uniform, we thus find one of the 2* i8 ASTRONOMY. co-ordinates by which the position of a star is defined, that is, the distance that the imaginary meridian must turn from a given point in order to bring the star under it. Suppose the bright star Vega to be taken as the starting-point, and suppose we find that a given star is under the meridian two hours afterward. The meridian must then turn through 30 from Vega in order to bring the star under it. 12. The Mural Circle. The next thing is to ascertain the angular distance of the star from the pole of the heavens when it is under the meridian. This is ascer- tained by means of the Mural Circle. One form of this Fig. 7. instrument is represented in Figure 7. A is a stone pier which supports the axis of the instrument, and to which microscopes, a, b, c, d, e, and / are attached. The face of the pier which carries the microscopes fronts either the east or the west. The axis carries the circle B C ASTRONOMY. 19 and the telescope F G. The telescope is fastened to the circle, so that both must move together. This circle is graduated on its outside into degrees, minutes, and other subdivisions. The microscopes serve as pointers for ob- serving the exact position of the circle, and by their aid the space between the divisions can be subdivided with great exactness. We wish to know in any observation how far the tele- scope points above the horizon. This can be easily ascertained, if we know what is the reading of the circle when the telescope points horizontally. For example, if the reading of the circle is 5 15' when the telescope points horizontally, and 27 16' 25" when the telescope is pointing to the star, the telescope must point 27 16' 25" 5 15' = 22 i' 25" above the horizon. The read- ing of the circle when the telescope points horizontally is ascertained as follows. It is well known that a star seen by reflection from the surface of water or quick- silver appears just as far below the horizon as it is above it. The trough o is filled with quicksilver, and the tele- scope first directed to a star, S (see Figure 8), on the me- Fig. 8. S, 20 ASTRONOMY. ridian, and the reading of the circle observed ; the tele- scope is then turned so as to observe the star as reflected by the quicksilver, and the reading of the circle again ob- served. The horizontal reading of the circle is evidently midway between these two readings. The elevation of the north celestial pole must next be ascertained. This is done by observing the Pole Star. This star, as has already been stated, describes a small circle about the celestial pole as its centre. With the mural circle the angular elevation of this star above the horizon is observed at its highest and lowest points. These observations are corrected for refraction, and their mean gives the angular elevation of the pole above the horizon. The angular elevation of any body above the horizon is called its altitude, and its altitude when on the meridian is called its meridian altitude. 13. Polar Distance. By observing now the altitude of any star when under the meridian, we can easily as- certain its angular distance from the pole. This angular distance is called t\\e polar distance. If the star be north of the zenith, its polar distance is equal to the difference between its meridian altitude and the altitude of the pole. If the star is south of the zenith, its polar distance will be 1 80 minus the sum of the altitude of the pole and of the meridian altitude of the star. This is at once seen by a reference to Figure 9. Let A Z B represent the arc of the meridian above the horizon. It contains, of course, 180. Let P represent the position of the pole whose altitude we will suppose to be 42. Let S be a star north of the zenith, whose meridian altitude is 75 : its polar distance P S = ASTRONOMY. 2 1 75 42 = 33. Let s be a star south of the zenith, whose meridian altitude H s is 45: its polar distance P s = 180 -(42 + 45) = 93. It is often found more convenient to refer the position of the pole and of the star to the zenith rather than to the horizon. The angular distance of the pole or of a star from the zenith is evidently equal to 90 minus the altitude of the pole or star. 14. Summary. By means, then, of the transit instru- ment and the mural circle, we can determine the two co-ordinates necessary for describing the position of a star or planet on the surface of the sky. These co-ordi- nates for the fixed stars are found to be precisely the same, whether they are measured at Washington, Green- wich, or the Cape of Good Hope. This shows that the stars are seen in exactly the same position, from what- ever part of the earth they are observed. We have now learned that the starry heavens appear to rotate, all in a piece, from west to east, once in twenty- four hours, about an axis which passes through the centre of the earth to a point near the Pole Star ; and that the fixed stars, whether viewed from one part of the earth or another, always appear in the same parts of the heavens. THE APPARENT MOTIONS OF THE SUN. 15. The Sidereal and the Solar Day and Year. We have already defined a sidereal day as> the interval of time between two successive transits of the same star across the meridian. The solar or ordinary day is the interval between two successive transits of the sun across the meridian. This interval is ascertained by means of the transit instrument, in the same way as the interval between the successive transits of a given star. This interval is found to be a little longer than a sidereal day. 2 2 ASTRONOMY. If a bright star which can be seen with the telescope of the transit instrument at noonday comes under the me- ridian at precisely the same instant as the sun, when this star comes under the meridian the next day, the sun will be about a degree eastward of the meridian ; and the next day, when the star comes under the meridian, the sun will be about two degrees eastward ; and so on. In about 360 days after both came under the meridian to- gether, they will come under the meridian together a second time. When the sun and a given star come under the meridian together, they are said to come into con- junction. The interval between two successive conjunc- tions of the sun and a given fixed star is called a sidereal year. This year is about 2oJ- minutes longer than the ordinary year. The sun, then, appears to move entirely around the heavens, from west to east in a period of about one year. The fact that the sun is apparently moving eastward among the stars is evident without the use of the transit instrument. If we notice the position of the constellations above the western horizon night after night at the same time after sunset, we shall find that they come nearer and nearer the horizon, until many of them have disappeared below it, and we shall find, in _ about a year from the first observation, that these constellations occupy the same position in the heavens as at first. One of the co-ordinates of the sun's position in the sky is daily changing. This co-ordinate is the angular space over which the meridian must sweep, from a fixed point, in order to bring the sun on the meridian. 1 6. The Solar Days are of Unequal Length. Careful observation with the transit instrument shows that the sun is not only apparently moving around the heavens eastward, but that it is moving at unequal rates from day to day. The interval, therefore, between two successive passages of the sun across the meridian varies in length. ASTRONOMY. 23 The solar days are therefore of unequal length. The solar day, like the sidereal, is divided into twenty-four equal parts called hours. The solar hours are a little longer than sidereal hours, and of unequal length. An hour of ordinary clock time is the average length of all the solar hours; and the ordinary civil day, consisting of twenty-four hours of clock time, is the average length of the solar days. Hence ordinary clock time is called mean solar time. 17. The Polar Distance of the Sun is continually chang- ing. In midwinter the sun appears low in the south, and from that time till midsummer its meridian altitude gradually increases. It then begins to diminish, and goes on diminishing till midwinter again. Now, since at a given place on the earth's surface the altitude of the ce- lestial pole 1 remains the same, we must conclude that the second co-ordinate of the sun's position in the heavens, its polar distance, is continually changing. By means of the mural circle the least polar distance of the sun, which occurs in midsummer, is found to be about 66 1, and its greatest polar distance in midwinter is 113^. The circle described by the sun in its apparent journey round the earth, then, is not perpendicular to the earth's axis, but is inclined to that axis at an angle of about 66 J. The plane of the sun's orbit passes through the centre of the earth, and the circle formed by the intersection of this plane with the celestial sphere is called the ecliptic. When the polar distance of the sun is 90, it is directly overhead at midday at the equator of the earth. When its polar distance is 66 1, it is directly overhead at mid- day at any place 23 J north of the equator ; and when its polar distance is 113!, it will be directly overhead at midday at any place 23^ south of the equator. At every place, then, situated within about 23^ of the equator either north or south, that is, between the tropic 24 ASTRONOMY. of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn, the sun comes directly overhead at least once a year. This belt of the earth is called the Torrid Zane, ..'^ f 1 8. The Relative Length of Day and Night, and the Changes of the Seasons. The sun, of course, always il- lumines just one half of the earth ; and when the sun is just over the equator, the illumined part just reaches the north and the south poles. When the sun is directly over the tropic of Cancer, of course the illumined part of the earth reaches 23^ beyond the north pole, and only to within 23 J of the south pole. Hence an observer situated within 23^ of the north pole would see the sun during the entire rotation of the earth, while an observer within 2 3i f t ne south pole would not see the sun at all. When the sun is directly over the tropic of Capricorn, the illumined part of the earth reaches 23 J beyond the south pole, and only to within 23^ of the north pole. Hence a person situated anywhere within 23^ of the north pole would not see the sun at all during twenty-four hours, while any person situated anywhere within 23 J of the south pole would see the sun the whole 24 hours. At every place, then, which is situated within 23^ of the north or south pole, that is, north of the arctic Or south of the antarctic circle, there is at least one day in the year in which the sun does not come above the horizon at all, and one day in which the sun does not sink below the horizon at all. The belts of the earth betwen these circles and the poles are called the Frigid Zones. Just at the arctic and antarctic circles there is only one day in the year in which the sun does not rise above or sink below the horizon. But as you go nearer the poles, the number of days when the sun does not rise above or sink below the horizon increases. Between the arctic and antarctic circles and the tropics there is no place where the sun comes directly overhead, or where it does ASTRONOMY. 25 not rise and set every day. These belts of the earth are called the Temperate Zones. A moment's reflection will make it clear that, when the sun is directly over the equator, every place on the surface of the earth is illumined twelve hours and is in darkness twelve hours ; and as the sun is directly over the equator twice a year, the days and nights are equal in every part of the earth twice a year. When the sun is directly overhead at any place north of the equator, every part of the earth south of the equator is in the sun- shine a shorter time than it is out of it, while every place north of the equator is in the sunshine longer than it is out ; that is, in this position of the sun the days south of the equator are shorter than the nights, while north of the equator the days are longer than the nights. The farther a place is south of the equator, the shorter the day and the longer the night ; while the farther north of the equator a place is, the longer the day and the shorter the night. When the sun is directly over any place south of the equator, the relative length of the day and night is the reverse of that just described ; that is, the day north of the equator is shorter than the night, while south of the equator it is longer than the night. . When the sun's north polar distance is less than 90, it is summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern, since the northern hemisphere then receives more heat from the sun than the southern. When the north polar distance of the sun is more' than 90, it is winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern, since the latter then receives more heat from the sun than the former. The variation of the sun's polar distance, then, gives rise to the change of seasons and the varying length of day and night. If the axis of the earth were perpendic- ular to the plane of the sun's path among the stars, there 3 26 ASTRONOMY. would be no change of seasons and no variation in the relative length of day and night.* 19. Declination and Right Ascension. It is often 'con- venient to refer the position of the sun and stars to the celestial equator rather than to the celestial poles. The celestial equator is an imaginary circle perpendicular to the earth's axis, and dividing the celestial sphere into two equal parts. ' The angular distance of the sun or other heavenly body from the equator, is the difference between 90 and its polar distance. This angular distance is called decimation ; north declination when it is north of the equa- tor, and south declination when it is south of the equator. When the polar distance of the sun is 66J, its declination is 23^ north; when its polar distance is 1132? its decli- nation is 23^ south. The plane of the sun's apparent orbit is evidently in- clined about 23 -i to the equator, which it bisects. Twice a year the sun's declination is o. The points at which the plane of the sun's orbit cuts the equator are called equinoctial points, since, as we have already seen, the days and nights are equal in every part of the earth when the sun is at these points. The sun is at one of these points on the 2ist of March, and at the other on the 2ist of September. The first point is called the spring or vernal equinox, and the second the autumnal equinox. The Spring equinox is not far from Algenib, a bright star in the constellation Pegasus ; and the autumnal equinox is not far from Denebola, the bright star in the tail of Leo. The Spring equinox is usually taken as the fixed point on the celestial sphere from which the imaginary meridian is supposed to start in sweeping over the heavens, so as to bring a given star under it ; and the angular distance which * The change of seasons and of the relative length of day and night can be more clearly illustrated by means of one of the little globes made for that purpose than by any description or figures. ,? ASTRONOMY. the meridian must sweep over from this point to bring a star or planet under it is called right ascension. Right as- cension is, therefore, always measured eastward. 20. The Precession of the Equinoxes. It is found that the path of the sun does not always cross the equator at exactly the same place from year to year. The equinoctial point shifts along the equator westward 50.1" yearly. This yearly shifting of the equinoctial point is called ti\t preces- sion of the equinoxes. < . 21. The Tropical Year. The interval between two suc- cessive conjunctions of the sun with the same fixed star is called, as we have seen, a sidereal year. The interval be- tween two successive appearances of the sun at the same equinoctial point is evidently a little shorter than the si- dereal year, since this point is continually shifting west- ward. This interval is called a tropical year. It is 20 J- minutes shorter than the sidereal year. The seasons are evidently completed in a tropical year, since they depend on the declination of the sun. Hence the tropical year is the year of common life, which is regulated by the change of the seasons. 22. Solstitial Points. When the sun has reached his greatest northern or southern declination, his declination scarcely changes for two or three days. He seems to halt a little in his journey toward the poles before he turns back toward the equator. These two points in his path are called solstices (sun-stands'). The one north of the equator, where the sun appears in midsummer, is called the summer solstice; and the one south of the equator, where the sun appears at midwinter, is called the winter solstice. 23. The Variation of the Sun's apparent Diameter. The angular diameter of the sun is about 32', but this diameter is continually changing. From a certain point it goes on gradually increasing for six months. It then begins to 28 ASTRONOMY. diminish, and continues to diminish for the next six months, when it becomes the same as at first. We must, therefore, conclude that the sun's distance from the earth is continually changing. It is obviously at the greatest distance from the earth when its diameter is least, and nearest to the earth when its diameter is greatest. It is a well-known fact that the angle subtended by any object di- minishes in the same proportion as its distance increases. If its distance is doubled, the angle which it subtends is diminished one half. Hence, by measuring the angular diameter of the sun from time to time we find out the relative distance of the sun from the earth at those times. 24. The Form of the Sun's apparent Path among the Stars. If we draw a straight line, E A, to represent the direction and distance of the sun at any time, and observe the sun's angular diameter and his right ascension at this time, we can, by observing his right ascension and angular diameter at any other time, find the length and direction of another line, E JB, which shall represent the direction and distance of the sun at the time of the second observa- tion. For the length of the line E B will be to the length of the line E A in the inverse ratio of the observed angu- lar diameters of the sun, and the angle which the line E B makes with E A will evidently be the difference of the ob- served right ascensions. In the same way the length and direction of the lines E C, E D, E F, E G, and E H, are de- termined at different times in the course of a year. Now if a curve be drawn through the ends of these lines, it will evidently represent the form of the ASTRONOMY. 2Q sun's path among the stars during a year. This curve is found to be, not a circle, but an ellipse. The earth is sit- uated at one of the foci of this ellipse. The nearer the sun is to the earth, the more rapid is his motion in right ascension. 25. Summary. We find, then, that the sun is con- tinually changing his position with reference to the fixed stars ; that he is travelling eastward among them at the rate of about a degree a day, thus making an entire cir- cuit of the heavens in a year. We find that the axis of the earth is not perpendicular to this path, but inclined to it at an angle of about 66 J ; and that the sun travels at unequal rates in different parts of his path. The plane of the sun's path passes through the earth's centre, and its intersection with the celestial sphere is called the ecliptic. The inclination of the earth's axis to the plane of the ecliptic gives rise to the change of seasons and the change in the relative length of day and night. TWILIGHT. 26. Darkness does not come on at once after sunset. Full daylight gradually fades away into the darkness of night, and in the morning the darkness gradually melts away into full daylight again. This gradual transition from daylight to darkness in the evening, and from darkness to full daylight in the morning, is called twitight. 27. Cause of Twilight. After the sun sinks below the horizon, it still shines upon the particles of air above the earth, and these reflect the light to the earth again. At first there is a large number of these illumined particles above the horizon, but as the sun sinks lower and lower they become fewer and fewer, and the light which they > re- flect to the earth feebler and feebler, until it becomes im- 3* 30 ASTRONOMY. perceptible when the sun has sunk 18 below the horizon. And again in the morning, when the sun has come within 1 8 of the horizon, it begins to shine- on the particles of air above the horizon, and they begin to reflect a feeble light to the earth. As the sun comes nearer and nearer to the horizon, more and more particles above the horizon become illumined, and the light which they reflect to the earth becomes more and more intense, till full daylight bursts forth at the rising of the sun. 28. Duration of Twilight. Twilight, then, lasts at night till the sun is 18 below the horizon, and begins in the morning when the sun has come within 18 of the hori- zon. Is twilight of the same length in different parts of the earth, and in the same parts of the earth at different seasons of the year? This is equivalent to inquiring whether the sun gets 18 below the horizon in the same time in different parts of the earth, or in the same part of the earth at different seasons. When we say that the sun is 18 below the horizon, we mean 18 measured on a ver- tical circle, that is, a circle perpendicular to the horizon and passing through the zenith. We will suppose the time to be the 2ist of March, and the place to be the equator of the earth. Here the circle described by the sun in his apparent daily motion is perpendicular to the horizon and passes through the zenith, that is, it is a vertical circle ; and when the earth has rotated through 18 after the sun has reached the horizon, he will be 18 below it, and twi- light will end. We will next suppose the time to be the same, but the observer to be either north or south of the equator. The circle described by the sun in his apparent daily motion is still a great circle, but it is inclined to the horizon, and so is not a vertical circle. The sun here will evidently not be 18 below the horizon when the earth has rotated 18 after the sun has reached the horizon. For the sun has gone down obliquely below the horizon, and ASTRONOMY. 3 1 he must descend more than 18 degrees in this oblique path in order to get 18 below the horizon; just as one in walking obliquely from a wall must ^walk more than ten feet to get ten feet from the wall. Hence when the sun is on the equator, twilight is shorter at the equator than at places north or south of the equator. The farther north or south of the equator, the more obliquely does the sun rise and set, and of course the longer the twilight. We will next suppose that the sun is at the summer or winter solstice, and that the observer is at the equator. The diurnal path of the sun is still perpendicular to the horizon, but does not pass through the zenith. It is not a great circle, but a small circle. When, therefore, the earth has rotated 18 after the sun has reached the hori- zon, the sun is not 18 below the horizon, since an arc of 1 8 on a small circle is shorter than an arc of 18 on a vertical circle, which is a great circle. Hence twilight at the equator grows longer as the sun passes north or south of the equator. Suppose now that an observer is north of the equator, and the sun is at one of the solstices. The plane of the horizon is now inclined to the axis of the earth's rotation, and is carried around that axis with a wabbling motion. This motion may be illustrated by passing a wire through the centre of a piece of cardboard, and fastening the card so that it will be inclined to the wire, and then rotating the wire. Let us first see what would be true of twilight, provided the horizon were rotating on an axis which coincided with its own plane. When the sun is either north or south of the equator, its daily motion is in a small circle, and as these small circles are all equally inclined to the 'plane of the horizon, twilight would grow longer as these circles become smaller ; that is, as the sun moves north and south from the equator. But by referring to the illustration of 32 ASTRONOMY. the wabbling motion of the plane of the horizon in conse- quence of its being inclined to the axis of the earth's rota- tion, it will be seen that to a person. north of the equator the portion of the heavens south of the east and west points is carried, as it rotates, bodily away from the stars as they sink below it ; while the portion north of those points is carried bodily towards the stars as they sink below it. Thus this wabbling motion of the horizon tends to increase the length of twilight in summer, and to shorten it in win- ter ; while the fact that the sun is moving in small circles at each of these times tends to increase the length of twi- light as well in winter as in summer. The tendency of this wabbling motion of the horizon to diminish the length of twilight in winter, in our latitude, almost exactly balan- ces the effect of the sun's moving in a small circle. The length of twilight varies but a few minutes from the au- tumnal to the vernal equinox ; while in midsummer in our latitude, twilight is half an hour longer than at the equi- noxes. At the poles the sun never sinks more than 23^ below the horizon, hence the twilight there lasts about two thirds of the long winter night. 29. Summary. The twilight at the equator is shortest when the sun is on the equator, and longest when the sun is farthest north or south of the equator. The short- est twilight at any time is at the equator. As you go from the equator either north or south, the twilight lengthens, and it is longer in summer than in win- ter. The shortest twilight at the equator is about one hour and twelve minutes ; in our latitude it is about an hour and a half. THE* APPARENT MOTION OF THE MOON. 30. The Lunar Month. The new moon is always seen near the western horizon soon after sunset. It is farther ASTRONOMY. 33 and farther from the horizon at sunset, night after night, until about a fortnight from new moon, when the moon becomes full and rises just as the sun sets. It then lags farther and farther behind the sun until it does not rise till just before sunrise. We see, then, that the moon is also moving eastward among the stars, and that it is moving more rapidly than the sun. When the moon and sun both rise or set to- gether, they are said to be in conjunction; and when the moon rises just as the sun sets, it is said to be in opposi- tion. The moon passes from conjunction to conjunction, or from opposition to opposition, in 29 J days. This period is the ordinary lunar month. The moon, like the sun, in her eastward journey among the stars, changes not only her right ascension from day to day, but also her declination. The points at which the moon's path cuts the ecliptic are called the nodes (knots). The point where its path cuts it from south to north is called the ascending node, while the other is called the descending node. 3 1. The Lunar Day. The interval between two succes- sive passages of the moon across the meridian is sometimes called a lunar day. This interval is nearly an hour longer than the solar day. The lunar days are found to be even more unequal in length than the solar days. 32. The Moon's Orbit is an Ellipse. By a method sim- ilar to that used in the case of the sun, the orbit of the moon is found to be an ellipse, which hasthe earth at one of its foci. When the moon is in that part of her orbit which is nearest to the earth, she is said to be in perigee (near the earth), and when in that part of her orbit farthest from the earth, she is said to be in apogee (away from the earth). The line joining these points of the moon's orbit is the major axis of an ellipse, and is called the line of apsides. The moon moves faster at perigee than at apogee. 34 ASTRONOMY. THE APPARENT MOTIONS OF THE PLANETS. 33. Venus. There is a conspicuous star sometimes seen in the west in the early evening, and sometimes in the east before sunrise. This star is familiarly known as the morn- ing and evening star. If it be watched for some time it will be seen, after it has ceased to be a morning star, close to the horizon in the west soon after sunset. Then night after night it will be seen to have moved farther and far- ther to the eastward from the sun, until its angular dis- tance from him is about 47. Venus, at this point, is said to be at its greatest eastern elongation from the sun. It then begins to approach the sun, and finally passes him and appears again on his western side as a morning star. It separates farther and farther from him to the westward, until its angular distance from him is again about 47, when it is said to be at its greatest western elongation from the sun. It then approaches the sun again, and passes by him to the eastward. The interval between two successive appearances of Venus at its greatest eastern or its greatest western elongation is about nineteen months. We see, then, that Venus is apparently carried on with the sun in his eastward journey among the stars, sometimes falling behind him an angular distance of 47, and again overtaking and passing beyond him a like distance. 34. Mercury. The movements of Mercury are similar to those of Venus, but his greatest elongation from the sun never exceeds 29, so that he sinks below the horizon too soon after sunset, and rises too short a time before the sun, to be often visible to the naked eye. Stars, like Mercury and Venus, which are thus continu- ally changing their position in the sky, are called planets (wanderers), to distinguish them from the fixed stars, which ASTRONOMY. 35 we have seen do not sensibly change their position in the sky. 35. Movements of the other Planets among the Stars. Besides the two planets, Mercury and Venus, there are three other planets, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, which are conspicuous to the naked eye ; and two large planets, Ura- nus and Neptune, which are so distant that they cannot be seen except with the telescope ; and a large number of smaller ones, called asteroids, which, though nearer, can be seen only with a telescope. If one of the most conspicuous of these planets, as Ju- piter, be watched for a series of years, it will be found to work its way gradually to the eastward among the stars, and to complete the circuit of the heavens in a longer or shorter time. This time is found to be always the same for the same planet ; but different for different planets. But this eastward motion of the planet is not regular and uniform. The planet advances quite rapidly at times, then halts and remains stationary, then actually goes backward or retrogrades, then halts and remains stationary again, and again advances. Fig. n. Figure n represents the apparent motion of Jupiter among the stars during the year 1866. THE PTOLEMAIC SYSTEM. 36. We have now seen that the sun appears to revolve about the earth from west to east once in a year in an orbit whose exact form is an ellipse ; that the moon ap- pears to revolve about the earth in the same direction and in an orbit of the same form once in a month-; that 36 ASTRONOMY. Mercury and Venus appear to swing backward and for- ward across the sun, while they are at the same time car- ried onward with him in his eastward motion ; and that the other planets also appear to move about the earth in longer or shorter periods and in very irregular paths. It seems improbable that any planet should really move in so irregular a path as Jupiter appears to move in. The ancient astronomers assumed that the planets all moved in circular orbits, and attempted to account for their apparent irregular motions by the combination of various circular motions. They supposed that the earth is fixed, and that the sun moves. They supposed that a bar, or something equivalent, was connected at one end with the earth, and that on some part it carried the sun ; and as they saw that the planet Venus is apparently sometimes on one side of the sun and sometimes on the other, they said that the planet Venus moves in a circle whose centre is on the same bar. Then if we suppose that Venus is re- volving around this centre at the same time that the bar is moving about the earth, we get a perfect representa- tion of the apparent motion of Venus and the sun as seen from the .earth. This is illustrated by Figure 12. Sup- Fig. 12. pose E to be the fixed earth ; E v S m n, a bar turning in a circle, having one end fixed at E ; S the sun carried by it ; v y the centre of the orbit in which Venus revolves ; ASTRONOMY. 37 V, the planet Venus, connected with v by a bar (real or imaginary), and thus describing a circle round v, while v itself is carried on the bar round the earth. It was supposed that Mercury revolved in another cir- cle, whose centre was also on the same bar, but perhaps beyond the sun, as at m. They did not pretend to say exactly where these centres were : all that they were cer- tain about was this; that the centre of motion of each planet was on the same bar that supported the sun. Now it is easy to be seen, on these suppositions, that both Mercury and Venus would appear, when viewed from the earth, at one time on the right and again on the left of the sun, and at the same time they would appear to be carried around the earth with him. With regard to Mars, they found out that its motion could be represented pretty well by supposing that this same bar carried another centre at n, around which Mars revolved as at Ma, carried by an arm long enough to project beyond the earth, so that its orbit completely sur- rounded the earth as well as the sun. In the same way the apparent motions of Jupiter and Saturn were ac- counted for. The motion of the planet Mars, however, still pre- sented some discordances, and there were some smaller discordances with regard to all the other planets. These led to the invention of those things known as epicycles, deferents, etc., the nature of which may be thus ex- plained. By the contrivance which we have already de- scribed, they found that the movement of the point Ma at the end of the rod n Ma would nearly, but not ex- actly, represent the motion of Mars. To make it repre- sent the motion more exactly, they supposed that another small rod, Ma N, was carried by the longer rod, jointed at Ma, and turning around in a different time. To make it still more exact, they supposed another shorter rod car- 4 38 ASTRONOMY. ried at JV, and that its extremity carried the planet Mars. The same complications were necessary for all the other planets. It will be thus seen that a combination of no less than five circular motions was necessary to account for the apparent irregularities in the motion of a single planet. Thus the joint n moved in a circle about E ; the joint 'Ma in a circle about n; the joint JV about Ma ; and the planet Mars about N. Of all the complicated sys- tems that man ever devised, there never was one like this Ptolemaic system. The celebrated king of Castile, Alfonso, the greatest patron of astronomy in his age, alluding to this theory of epicycles, said that " if he had been consulted at the creation, he could have done the thing better." THE SYSTEM OF TYCHO DE BRAHE. 37. If we suppose the earth fixed as at E (Figure 13), and Venus to be revolving around a centre situated somewhere in the line E , we may remove that cen- tre as far from the earth as we please, and yet get the same appearance, provided we enlarge the dimensions of the orbit of Venus in the same . proportion. For in- stance, suppose E to be the earth, the smaller circle to be the orbit of Venus, and the sun to be at S ; then, in revolving in her orbit, Venus will appear to go to a certain distance to the right and to the left of the sun. But we may take any other point on the bar, even the point S itself, as the centre of the orbit of Venus, provided we give Venus a larger circle to revolve in. If the larger circle in the figure represents the orbit ASTRONOMY. 39 of Venus, she will appear to move just as far to the right and to the left of the sun as when she moved in the small orbit. We may then fix the centre of the orbit of Venus where we please ; and so with the centres of the orbits of Mercury, Mars, and of each of the other planets, pro- vided we give proper dimensions to their orbits. By hav- ing all their centres at the centre of the sun, we have all the planets revolving about the sun, while the sun revolves about the earth, as shown in Figure 14. This system is much less complex than the Ptolemaic system, though the theory of epicycles and deferents is still re- tained. This modification of the Ptolemaic system was adopted by the great Danish astronomer, Tycho de Brahe. THE COPERNICAN SYSTEM. 38. Now, instead of supposing the sun to be travelling, and by some imaginary power causing the planets to re- volve about himself as their travelling centre, suppose we say that the earth revolves about the sun, and that the sun is a fixed, or nearly fixed, body, and that all the planets, including the earth, go around the sun ; that is, in Figure 14, instead of supposing S with the whole sys- tem of orbits to be travelling around , suppose Me, V, E. and Ma to travel in separate orbits about S, and the appearances of the planets, as viewed from the earth, will be represented exactly as well as before. 40 ASTRONOMY. This great step of assuming the sun to be the centre of motion of all the planets, including the earth, was taken by Copernicus. But he could- not get rid of the epicycles to account for the apparent irregularities in the motion of the planets. THE SYSTEM OF KEPLER. 39. Tycho de Brahe had employed a good part of his life in observing and recording the position of the heav- enly bodies. His pupil, Kepler, by examining carefully the observations which Brahe had made of the planets, and especially of the planet Mars, and comparing them with his own, ascertained that the whole could be repre- sented with the utmost accuracy by supposing that Mars moves in an ellipse, one of whose foci is occupied by the sun. It is difficult to explain in a few words how Kepler came to this conclusion ; generally speaking, it was by the method of trial and error. The number of supposi- tions he made to account for the motion of the planets is beyond belief: that the planets turned round centres at a little distance from the sun ; that their epicycles and deferents turned on points at a little distance from the ends of the bar to which they were jointed ; and the like. After trying every device he could think of with epicycles, eccentrics, and deferents, and computing the apparent place of Mars from these different assumptions, and comparing them with the places really observed by Brahe, he found that he could not bring them nearer to Brahe's observations than eight minutes of a degree. He then said boldly that so good an observer as Brahe could not be wrong by eight minutes, and added, " Out of these eight minutes we will construct a new theory that will explain the motion of all the planets." The theory thus constructed was, that all the planets move in ellipses ASTRONOMY. 41 which have the sun at one of their foci. This theory has been found to explain accurately all the seeming ir- regularities in the motion of the planets. The planets appear to advance and retrograde because they are seen from the earth, which is itself revolving about the sun. If they were seen from the sun, their advance would be steady and regular. To construct an ellipse, stick two pins into a board a little way apart; fasten to the pins the ends of a string somewhat longer than the distance between the pins ; then, keeping the string stretched by the point of a pencil, carry the pencil round. The curve described will be an ellipse, and the points where the pins are stuck into the board will be the foci of the ellipse. If the ellipse in Figure 15 be the orbit of a planet, 6* will be the place of the sun. The sun is at the focus of the ellipse described by every planet. Every planet describes a different ellipse. The degree of flat- ness of the ellipse is different for every planet, and the direction of the long diameter of the ellipse is different for every planet. There is, in fact, the greatest variety among the ellipses de- scribed by the different planets. 40. Kepler's First Law. The first great fact, then, that Kepler made out with regard to the motion of the planets is, that they all move in ellipses, which have the sun at one focus. This fact is usually called Kepler's first law. 41. Kepler's Second Law. The second fact made out by this astronomer is, that the planets move at unequal rates in different parts of their orbits. He found that each planet, when in its perihelion, that is, the part of its orbit which is nearest the sun, travels quickly, and when 4* 4 2 ASTRONOMY. in its aphelion, or the part of its orbit which is farthest from the sun, travels slowly. Kepler expressed this law of motion in this way : if in one part of the planet's orbit the lines S K and SL (see Figure 15) enclose a certain portion of the area of the ellipse, and in another part the two lines s k and s I en- close a space equal to that enclosed by S K and S L, the planet will be just as long in moving over the short arc k I as over the large arc K L ; that is, the planets describe equal areas in equal times. 42. Kepler's Third Law. Kepler made out another very important fact with regard to the motions of the planets compared with their distances from the sun ; namely, that the squares of the periodic times of the plan- ets are to each other as the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. SUMMARY. The earth, sun, moon, and planets are globes. The shape of the fixed stars is unknown. (2, 3.) The starry heavens appear to rotate in a piece from east to west about an axis which passes through the centre of the earth and a point near the Polar Star. This rotation is completed in twenty-four hours. (6.) The earth rotates from west to east once in twenty- four hours about an axis which passes through the cen- tre of the earth and a point near the Polar Star. This rotation of the earth causes the heavens to appear to rotate in the opposite direction. (8.) The stars describe accurate circles, though their paths are somewhat disturbed by refraction. (5, 7.) The circles described by the stars are differently in- clined to the plane of the horizon in different parts of the earth. (9.) ASTRONOMY. 43 The co-ordinates of a heavenly body are the angular distance of the body from the celestial pole, and the angular distance that the meridian must sweep over from a fixed point to bring the body under it. (10.) The latter of these co-ordinates is measured by means of the Transit Instrument ; the former, by means of the Mural Circle, (n, 12.) The co-ordinates of the fixed stars are always the same wherever they are measured. (14.) The co-ordinates of the sun ^.re found to change daily. He travels eastward among the stars and completes the circuit of the heavens once a year. The plane of his orbit passes through the centre of the earth, and is inclined to the earth's axis at an angle of 661. (15, 17.) The sun in his eastward journey describes an ellipse with the earth at one of its foci. (24.) The moon travels eastward among the stars more rap- idly than the sun. She completes a circuit of the heav- ens in a month, and describes an ellipse with the earth at its focus. (30, 32.) Venus and Mercury are seen to vibrate to and fro across the sun. At their greatest elongations, Venus is 47, and Mercury 29, from the sun. (33, 34.) The other planets describe very circuitous paths among the stars. They advance to the eastward for a time, then halt, and then even go backward. (35-) The ancient astronomers assumed that' the planets all moved in circular orbits, and attempted to account for their apparent irregular motion by the combination of various circular motions. They constructed a system of cycles, epicycles, and deferents. (36.) Tycho de Brahe simplified the Ptolemaic system by placing the centres of all the cycles at the centre of the sun. (37.) 44 ASTRONOMY. Copernicus simplified it further by making the earth revolve about the sun. (38.) Kepler was the first who did away with the complex system of cycles and epicycles by showing that all the planets move in ellipses, all of which have the sun at one focus. (39, 40.) He further showed that the planets describe equal areas in equal times, and that the squares of the periodic times of the planets are to each other as the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. (4% 42.) A sidereal day is the interval between two successive transits of a star across the meridian. The solar day is the interval between two successive transits of the sun across the meridian. (15.) The solar days are of unequal length. The ordinary civil day is the average length of these. (16.) The variation of the sun's polar distance gives rise to the change of seasons and the varying length of day and night. (18.) The circle formed by the intersection of the plane of the sun's? orbit with the celestial sphere is called the ecliptic. The celestial equator is a circle which is perpendicular to the earth's axis and which divides the celestial sphere into two equal parts. The points where the sun's orbit cuts the celestial equator are called the equinoxes. Angular distance measured north or south from the celestial equator is called declination. Angular distance measured from the vernal equinox eastward is called right ascension. (19.) The equinoxes slowly shift along the equator to the westward. This shifting is called the precession of the equinoxes. (20.) The interval between two successive conjunctions of the sun with the same fixed star is a sidereal year. ASTRONOMY. 45 The interval between two successive appearances of the sun at the same equinox is a tropical year. (21.) The points in the sun's path at which he gains his greatest northern or southern declination are called the solstices. (22.) Twilight is caused by the reflection of the sun-light from the clouds and the particles of air. It continues while the sun is within 18 of the hori- zon. It is shortest at the equator and longest at the poles. In our latitude it is longer in the summer than in the winter. (27.) HOW TO FIND THE PERIODIC TIMES OF THE PLANETS. 43. The Periodic time of the Earth determined by direct Observation. We have seen that the real motion of the earth about the sun causes the sun to appear to revolve about the earth. It is evident that the time that it takes the earth to revolve about the sun is the same as that which it takes the sun to make an apparent revolution around the earth. The periodic time of the earth is found by observing the interval between two successive appearances of the sun at the same equinox, or two suc- cessive conjunctions with the same star. 44. Synodic Period of a Planet determined by direct Ob- servation. 'The planets Venus and Mercury, as we have already seen, never appear in the part of the heavens opposite to the sun. Hence the orbits of these planets must lie wholly inside the orbit of the earth. When these planets come between the earth and the sun they are said to be in inferior conjunction, and when the sun is between them and the earth they are said to be in supe- rior conjunction. The planets whose orbits lie wholly 46 ASTRONOMY. within the earth's orbit are called inferior planets. Those whose orbits lie wholly without the earth's orbit are called superior planets. When a superior planet appears in the same part of the heavens as the sun, that is, when the sun is between the earth and planet, it is said to be in conjunction. When the planet appears in the opposite part of the heavens to that of the sun, that is, when the earth is between the planet and the sun, it is said to be in opposition. The interval between two successive oppositions of a planet, or between two successive conjunctions of the same kind, is called the synodic revolution of the planet. This interval is determined by direct observation. 45. Hoiv to find the Sidereal Period of an inferior Planet. The sidereal period of a planet is the time it takes to make a complete revolution about the sun. This time can be easily computed when we know the sidereal period of the earth and the synodic period of the planet. Let P be the sidereal period of the earth, S the sy- nodic period of Venus, and / the sidereal period of Venus. P and S are known by direct observation, and / is re- quired. We will suppose that Venus is at inferior conjunction ; then , V, and S will represent the re- spective places of the earth, Ve- nus, and the sun. If the earth were stationary as well as the sun, then Venus would come again into conjunction when it had just com- pleted a revolution about the sun ; but the earth is mov- ing in the same direction as Venus, hence Venus must make a complete revolution and then overtake the earth before it comes into inferior conjunction again. If two persons start together at some point on the circumference ASTRONOMY. 47 of a circle, and the first walks faster than the other, he must gain the whole length of the circumference before he comes up to the- second again. In the same way, after Venus has come into inferior conjunction, it must gain 360 upon the earth before it can come into inferior conjunction again. =~L. the angular space passed over by the earth in one day. ^-r- angular space passed over by Venus in one day. ^-T- ^p- =. the angular gain of Venus upon the earth in one day. But Venus gains 360 in S days, hence = daily gain of Venus. Hence 36 36 36 JLJLCllV^C ~ ~ ~ 'Divide by 360, and we have i _ __ _ / P~~ S' PSpS= . = 46. To find the Sidereal Period of a Superior Planet. The sidereal period of a superior planet can be found by a similar method. In this case the earth gains upon the planet. Let/ and -S" represent the sidereal and synodical period of a superior planet. Then ^ --- ^-^- = daily gain of the earth upon the planet: 360 _ 360 _ 360 P ' ' S ' 48 ASTRONOMY. 47. Synodical and Sidereal Periods of the Planets. The following table gives the synodical and sidereal periods of the principal planets : Synodical Period. Sidereal Period. Mercury 115.877 days 87.969 days or 3 months Venus 583.921 224.701 " 7! " Earth 365.256 " i year Mars 779.936 686.980 " 2 years Jupiter 398.884 4332.585 " 12 " Satlirn 378.092 " 10759.220 " 29 " Uranus 369.656 " 30686.821 " 84 " Neptune 367.489 60126.722 " 164 " SUMMARY. The sidereal period of the earth is found by observing the interval between two successive appearances of the sun at the same equinox, or two successive conjunctions of the sun with the same star. (43.) An inferior planet is one whose orbit lies wholly with- in the earth's orbit. A superior planet is one whose orbit lies wholly with- out the earth's orbit. A planet is in inferior conjunction when it lies in the same part of the heavens as the sun, and is between the earth and sun. A planet is in superior conjunction when it lies in the same part of the heavens as the sun, and is beyond the sun. A planet is in opposition when it lies in the opposite part of the heavens from the sun. The superior planets are never in inferior conjunction, and the inferior planets are never in opposition. The synodical period of a planet, is the interval between ASTRONOMY. 49 two successive oppositions of the planet, or between two successive conjunctions of the same kind. The synodical period is ascertained by direct observa- tion. (44.) The sidereal period of a planet is the time it takes the planet to make a complete revolution about the sun. The sidereal period of a planet can be computed when the sidereal period of the earth and the synodical period of the planet are known. (45, 46.) Fig. 17. HOW TO FIND THE DISTANCE OF THE PLANETS FROM THE SUN. 48. To find the relative Distances of the Inferior Planets from the Sun. We have now seen how to find the peri- odic times of the planets, which must have been known to Kepler before he could discover the simple relation which the periodic times of the planets bear to their mean dis- tances from the sun. We must next see how we can find the relative distances of the planets from the sun. We will begin with the inferior planets. Let ^ in Figure 17, represent the position of Venus at its greatest elon- gation from the sun ; S, the position of the sun ; and E that of the earth. The line E Fwill evidently be tangent to a circle described about the sun with a radius equal to the distance of Venus from the sun at the time of this great- est elongation. Draw the radius S V and the line S E. Since S V is a ra- dius, the angle at V is a right angle. The angle at E is known by measure- ment, and the angle at S = 90 the angle E. In the right-angled triangle 50 ASTRONOMY. E V S, we then know the three angles, and we wish to find the ratio of the side S V to the side S E. The ratio of these two sides may be found by construc- tion as follows : Draw any line, as A B (see Figure 18), and from the Fig ig point A draw the line A D at right angles to the line A B. From the point B G draw the line B C, making ^""^JD with the line B A an angle equal to the angle at ,5 in Figure 17. These lines will intersect at some point, as E, and E A B will be a right-angled triangle similar to E V S, and the side A B will have the same ratio to BE as V S has to S E. Measure now the two lines A B and BE by means of the scale and dividers, and the ratio of AB to BE, and consequently of V S to E S, be- comes known. The ratio of these lines may be found with greater ac- curacy by trigonometrical computation, as follows : VS \E S = sin SE F:(sin S VE= i).* Substitute the value of the sine of E V, and we have VS-.E =.723 : i. Hence the relative distances of Venus and of the earth from the sun are .723 and i. As Venus moves in an ellipse, and its greatest elonga- tion takes place in different parts of its orbit, the angle S E V will not always be the same. In order to get the mean distance of Venus from the sun, we must know the average value of its greatest elongation from the sun. This is obtained by observing a large number of such elongations. * See Appendix, T. i and 3. ASTRONOMY. 49. To find the relative Distances of the Superior Plan- ets from the Sun. Let S, e, and m, in Figure 19, repre- sent the relative positions of the sun, the earth, and Fig. 19. Mars, when the latter planet is in opposition. Let E and M represent the relative positions of the earth and Mars the day after opposition. At the first observation Mars will be seen in the direction e m A, and at the second observation, in the direction E M A. But the fixed stars are so distant that, if a line, e A, were drawn to a fixed star at the first observation, and a line, E B^ drawn from the earth to the same fixed star at the second observation, these two lines would be sen- sibly parallel ; that is, the fixed star would be seen in the direction of the line e A at the first observation, and in the direction of the line E B, parallel to e A, at the second observation. But if Mars were seen in the direc- tion of the fixed star at the first observation, it would ap- pear back, or west, of that star at the second observation by the angular distance B E A ; that is, the planet would have retrograded that angular distance. Now this retro- gression of Mars during one day at the time of opposi- tion can be measured directly by observation. This measurement gives us the value of the angle B E A. But we know the rate at which both the earth and Mars are moving in their orbits, and from this we can easily 52 ASTRONOMY. find the angular distance passed over by each in one day. This gives us the angles ESA and MSA. We can now find the relative length of 'the lines MS and E S (which represent the distance of Mars and of the earth from the sun) both by construction and by trigono- metrical computation. The relative length of these lines can be found by construction, as follows. Draw any line, Fig. 20. A B, then through the point A draw two lines, A C and A D, making with A B angles respectively equal to the angles MSA and J5SA, as found above. Through any point on the line A D draw the line E G, parallel to the line A B ; and draw E F> making with E G an angle equal to the angle B E A, as found by observation. The triangle A E F will evidently be similar to the triangle E S M, and the side FA will bear to EA the same ratio as MS bears to E S. This ratio can be found by measurement of the two lines A F and A E. This ratio can be determined with much greater accu- racy by the following trigonometrical calculation. Since E B and e A are parallel, the angle E A S is equal to B E A. S E A = 180 (E S A + E A S). ESMESA MSA. We have then MS : E S = sin S E A : sin E MS. ASTRONOMY. 53 Substituting the values of the sines, and reducing the ratio to its lowest terms, we have MS : E S = 1.524 : i. Thus we find that the relative distances of Mars and the earth from the sun are 1.524 and i. By the simple observation of its greatest elongation we are able to de- termine the relative distance of an inferior planet and the earth from the sun ; and by the equally simple obser- vation of the daily retrogression of a superior planet we can find the relative distance of such a planet and the earth from the sun. 50. The Relative Distances of the Planets from the Sun. In this way the relative distances of the principal plan- ets have been found to be as follows : Mercury 0-387 Venus 0.723 Earth i.oo Mars 1-524 Jupiter 5- 2 3 Saturn 9.539 Uranus' 19-183 Neptune 30.037 Knowing the periodic times of the planets and their relative distances from the sun, Kepler found the ratio which these bear to each other by the method of trial and error, which he had previously used in ascertaining the form of the orbits of the planets. 51. To find the Distance of the Earth from the Sun. We have now found the relative distances of all the planets, including the earth, from the sun. If now we can find the distance of the earth from the sun in miles, we can easily find the distances of all the planets from the sun in miles. Now it is evident that, when two straight lines cross 5* 54 ASTRONOMY. each other, the distances between these two lines at any two points are proportionate to the distance of these points from the intersection of the two lines. Thus, suppose the two straight lines A B and CD (Figure 21) cross each other at , and suppose the point Fig. 21. G be twice as far from E as F is from the same point ; the distance between the two lines will be twice as great at G as at F. Now it occasionally happens that Venus, at inferior conjunction, passes directly across the disc of the sun. In Figure 22 let V represent the position of Venus at Fig. 22. inferior conjunction, A B the position of the earth, and CD that of the sun. An observer at A would see Venus crossing the sun in the line CD, and an observer at B would see it cross the sun in the line E F. These two chords will be par- allel to each other, and the distance between them will ASTRONOMY. 55 be equal to the distance between the two lines A H and B G at the distance If from their intersection at V. This distance bears to the distance between the two lines at A the same ratio that the distance V H bears to the distance V A. But we have already found that the distance AH bears to the distance V H the ratio of i to .723. But V A = A H V H. Hence VA bears to VH the ratio 277 to 723. Then G H \ A B = 723 : 277. Hence, if we know the distance between the two ob- servers at A and B in a straight line in miles, we can find the distance G H in miles. Since Venus revolves about the sun from west to east, it will appear to us to be moving westward when it crosses the sun, while the sun is apparently moving east- ward. We however know the rate at which both the sun and Venus are moving. Hence, if we know the time that it takes Venus to cross the sun's disc, we can find what angular distance both have passed over in this time. And as they are moving in opposite directions, the sum of these distances will give the angular measure of the chord described by Venus across the sun's disc. Each observer, then, thus notices carefully the time that it takes Venus to cross the sun's disc. From this observed time each is able to find the angular value of the chord described by the planet. Let A B and CD (Figure 23) represent the chords described on the sun's disc by the passage of Venus. Draw the radii E F, E B, and E D. The radius E F is drawn perpendicular to the two chords, and therefore bisects them. The angular diameter of the sun can be found directly by observa- Fig. 23. 56 ASTRONOMY. tion. Hence the angular value of each of the radii E B and E D is known ; also the angular values of G B and H D, the halves of A B and CD.. Hence in each of the right-angled triangles E G B and E H D the angu- lar values of the hypothenuse and of one side are known, and the* angular value of the other side can be easily found. For ^~B* ^ 2 = ~G 2 and ~D 2 JT& ~ But G H= G E HE. The angular value of G If is then known, and also its linear value. Dividing the linear value by the number of seconds in its angular value, we find how long a line will subtend an angle of i" at the distance of the sun. Knowing this, we know how large an angle will be sub- tended by the earth's radius at the distance of the sun. In Figure 24, let S Flg-24 " represent the place of the sun, and C the centre of the earth. Draw the line S A tangent to the surface of the earth, and draw the radius A C. The triangle SAC will be right- angled at A. The comparative length of the lines A C and C S can now be determined either by construction, as in section 45, or by the following computation : C S : C A = i : sin C S A. Substituting the value of sin C S A, we find C S : C A = 23,750 (in round numbers) : i. Hence the distance of the sun from the earth is, in round numbers, 23,750 times the length of the earth's radius in miles. Now if we can find the length of the earth's radius in ASTRONOMY. 57 miles, and the distance in a straight line between the points A and B (Figure 22), we can find the distance of the earth and of each of the planets from the sun in miles. 52. To find the Length of the Radius of the Earth in Miles. We know that the circumference of a .circle is 3.1416 times as long as its diameter. Now, if the earth is an exact sphere, every meridian of the earth will evi- dently be an exact circle ; and if we can measure any known fraction of one of these meridians, we can easily find its whole length ; and from this the length of the diameter of the earth, which is of course the diameter of every great circle of the earth. 53. How to measure a known Fraction of a Meridian. Suppose two places, A and B (Figure 25), to be situ- Fig. 25. ated, the one, for instance, at Shanklin Down, in the Isle of Wight, and the other on the little island of Balta, in the Shetland Isles. We wish to know, first, what fraction of a whole meridian is the arc included between these two places ; and second, how long this arc is in miles. Any line which is perpendicular to a tangent to a circle at the point of contact is said to be vertical to the circle ; and, if two verticals be prolonged within the circumference of the circle, they will meet at the centre of the circle. The fraction of the circumference included between the two verticals depends upon their inclination to each other. If they are inclined to each other at an ASTRONOMY. angle of i, the arc included between them is ^^ of the whole circumference, and, if they are inclined to each other at an angle of 12, the arc included between them is -3*3- of the whole circumference. But a plumb-line is always vertical to a great circle of the earth ; hence, if we can find the inclination of a plumb line at A to one at B, we know what fraction of the whole meridian the arc included between A and B is. The angle which the directions of the plumb-lines at the two stations make with each other can be ascer- tained by means of the Zenith Sector. This instrument is shown in Figure 26. It consists of a telescope swinging upon pivots A B, Fig. 26. an( j having attached to it an arc CD , graduated into degrees and minutes. There is a plumb-line, B F, connected with the upper end of the telescope, or with one of the pivots. This plumb-line is a very fine silver wire supporting a weight, and kept' steady by hanging in water. It gives us the direction of the vertical. The zenith sector is taken to one of the stations, and the telescope directed to a bright star upon the meridian near the zenith. The number of degrees and minutes which the plumb-line hangs from the zero point at the centre of the telescope on the grad- uated arc is observed. The sector is now taken to the other station, and the same star is again observed when upon the meridian, and the number of degrees and min- utes that the plumb-line hangs from the zero point on the arc is again observed. Now, since the directions of the telescope at the two stations are sensibly parallel, the difference of the degrees and minutes that the plumb- line at the two stations hangs away from the telescope ASTRONOMY. 59 must be the amount by which the verticals at the two places are inclined .to each other. Suppose that this dif- ference amounts to 12, then the arc A B is equal to -fa of the whole circumference of the meridian. As these two stations are 700 or 800 miles apart, we cannot of course measure the distance between them by using only a yard-stick, though the distance between these stations must be calculated by means of a distance first measured by a yard-stick. 54. Triangulation. Such measurements are effected by means of a system of triangulation. Suppose that we have three places, , F, and G (Figure 27); the two nearest, E and F, on a plain, and perhaps six or eight miles apart ; a third, G, at a consid- erable distance, perhaps inac- cessible from E and F, at least in a straight line. The dis- tance of G from either E or F, which cannot well be measured, can be readily found by measuring the line F Fj and the angle which this line makes with lines drawn from E and F to the point G. For we may draw any line, E F, and from its extremities draw the lines E G and F G, making with the first line the angle de- termined by measurement, and by means of the scale and dividers the lines F G and F G can be measured. We can also find the length of the line by trigonometri- cal computation.* 55. The Measurement of a Base Line. For every system of triangulation one line must be measured. This line is called a base line. In extensive systems of triangulation, where great accuracy is required, the measurement of the base line is a very troublesome operation. It seems at first thought extremely easy to measure a straight line, * See Appendix, I. 5. 60 ASTRONOMY. but, in fact, there is nothing more difficult. In the first place what are we to measure it with? If we use bars of metal, they, as we have seen, expand when warmed and contract when cooled, and consequently are not al- ways of the same length. The line must be measured by the yard. But the yard is a certain definite length, and cannot therefore be the length of any rod whose length changes with the temperature to which it is ex- p3sed. A rod can be a yard long only at a particular temperature. Many base lines have been measured with rods and chains of iron or brass, but every precaution has been used in every part of the operation to screen them from changes of temperature, by covering them with tents ; putting perhaps half a dozen bars at a time in a row, with several thicknesses of tent over them, so as to protect them effectually from the sun and wind. Having taken this precaution to shield them from the effects of changes of temperature, thermometers are placed by the side of the bars, and their temperature thus as- certained. Knowing, then, their length at a given tem- perature, and how much they expand for a given rise of temperature or contract for a given fall of temperature, the length represented by the bars when used can be ascertained. Figure 28 represents another contrivance which has been used with great JE? success. It con- """VJA""" '"' KZB^F ^m^^^^^^^^^m^^f^ sists of a combina- tion of two bars ; one, A B C, of brass, and the other, D E F, of iron. These bars are connected at the middle, E B, and they have projecting tongues, ADG and C F H. These tongues turn easily on pivots at A, D, C, and F. The length G D, is just | of G A, and H F just % of If C. Now brass expands more than iron for the same rise of ASTRONOMY. 6 1 temperature. Suppose the rod A B C to remain of the same length, and the rod D E F to expand ; the points G and H would evidently be carried farther apart. But suppose the rod D E F to remain of the same length, and the rod A B C to expand ; the points G and .//"will come nearer together. Suppose now that both rods ex- pand together, but that the rod ABC expands just as much more rapidly than the other rod as the distance A G is greater than the distance D G ; the points .//and G will evidently remain at the same distance from each other. Now we know that brass expands if times as fast as iron, and the distance A G is i times the dis- tance D G. A number of combined bars like these are placed one after another, with a small interval between each two ; and then the question is, how is the interval between them to be measured ? It will not do to make one bar touch the other, because expansions may be going on in one of the series of bars, and it would jostle the others throughout the whole extent. This small distance is sometimes measured by means of microscopes mounted on the same principle as the bars, so that the measure which they give is not affected by temperature. In some cases, glass wedges have been dropped between the suc- cessive bars, in others sliding tongues have been used. The result of all this has been, that a distance of eight or ten miles has been measured to within a very small fraction of an inch. We have been thus minute in our account of the meas- urement of a base line, to give an illustration of the ex- treme care that must be taken in measuring lines and angles which are to be used in the computation of celestial distances. And we see the necessity of this great carefulness when we remember that this base line, which does not exceed eight or ten miles, is to be used, 6 62 ASTRONOMY. Fig. 29. first, in the computation of the radius of the earth, which is some 4,000 miles long ; then in computing the distance of the sun, which is some 24,000 times the length of the earth's radius ; then also in computing the distance of Neptune from the sun, which is some thirty times the distance of the earth from the sun ; and finally, as we shall see, in computing the distance of the fixed stars, which are thousands of times more remote than Neptune from the sun. It is like measur- ing a length of a hundredth of an inch on the wall in hair-breadths as a basis for computing the dimen- sions of a house in hair-breadths. A slight mistake in the measure of the first length would lead to an enormous error in the final result. 56. But the point B (Figure 25) is too distant to be seen from the extremities of our base line, one end of which may be at A. We must, therefore, approach it step by step with our triangles. The method by which this is accomplished, and the distance between the points finally deter- mined, is illustrated by Figure 29. Suppose we are to find the dis- tance between the points A and B. First measure the base line AC. The angle which this line makes with a north and south line is then ascertained. To do this, a transit instrument is set up at A, and its telescope so adjusted that ASTRONOMY. 63 it will point exactly to the north celestial pole. It is then turned down Jo the horizon, and a mark is set up at a distance in the direction of the north as thus found. A theodolite is then set up at A. This instrument consists of a telescope attached to a graduated circle which is ar- ranged so as to turn horizontally. When, therefore, the telescope of the instrument is turned horizontally, the graduate:! circle carried around with it shows how many degrees it has been turned. The telescope is first di- rected to the mark, and then turned around till it points to the station C. The number of degrees that the tele- scope has been turned, as indicated by the graduated circle, shows the angle which the line A C makes with the north and south line. A third station, D, is then chosen, which can be distinctly seen from both A and C, and a signal erected at this point. The telescope of the theodolite is again turned to C and then to D, and the number of degrees that the telescope is turned in passing from C to D gives the angle CAD. The line A D is then drawn so as to make this angle with A C. The the- odolite is next carried to C and pointed to A, and then turned till it points to D. The number of degrees it has to be turned gives the angle D C A. The line D C is then drawn, making this angle with C A. A fourth station, E, is now selected, which can be readily seen at C and D. Then E C D and E D C are measured by means of the theodolite, as before, and the lines C E and D E are drawn, making die angles at C and D equal to those measured. Thus we go on step by step, measuring the angles and drawing the triangles, till we reach the point B. The distance B A can then be measured by means of the scale and dividers, and compared with the length of the base line A C. The distance of the stations D, E, F, etc. from the preceding station, and the distance of B from A, can be more accu- 64 ASTRONOMY. rately determined by trigonometrical computation. In the first triangle, the side C A and 1^ie angles at C and A are known by measurement ; hence the other parts of the triangle can be readily computed. Then, in the sec- ond triangle, the side CD and the angles at C and D become known, and the other part of this triangle can be computed ; and so on to the end. Then, by drawing the dotted lines, a series of right-angled triangles is formed, in each of which the hypothenuse is known, and one of the acute angles can be readily found. For in the right-angled triangle A N D the angle N A D =. D A C N A C. In the right-angled triangle F M D, This may be shown by drawing a line through D par- allel to N S. The sum of all the angles at the point D will then be 180. But the angle formed by FD with the line supposed to be drawn will be equal to MFD, and the angle formed by A D with the same line will be equal to D A N. In a similar manner the angles F H L and H B K can be found. Hence the parts of these right-angled triangles can be computed, and the lengths of the sides AN, M F, L K, and KB can be found. But the sum of these sides is evidently equal to^the length of the line A B. 57. In this way it has been ascertained, that, if the two plumb-lines at A and B (Figure 25) are inclined to each other at an angle of 12, the length of the arc be- tween them in miles is about 830 miles. From this we conclude that we must pass over an arc 69^ miles long in order to find the distance of two places whose verti- cals are inclined one degree. 69^ X 360, then, gives the circumference of the earth, and this divided by 3.1416 gives the diameter of the earth, one half of which is the radius, which is thus found to be about 4,000 miles long. ASTRONOMY. 65 58. The Earth not a perfect Sphere. By measuring arcs of meridian in different parts of the earth, we find that the arcs included between two places whose verticals are inclined to each other one degree are not always of the same length in miles. It has been found that towards the poles two places must be farther apart than near the equator, to have their verticals inclined to each other one degree. The earth, then, cannot be an exact sphere. Since the arc between two places whose verticals are in- clined one degree is longer near the poles than at the equator, the curvature of the earth at the poles must be that of a larger circle than the curvature at the equator, and since the larger the circle the less rapidly does it curve, we see that the earth is slightly flattened at the poles. The polar diameter of the earth has been found to bear to the equatorial the ratio of 299 to 300. 59. Knowing the exact size and form of the earth, the distance between the two stations A and B (Figure 22) in a straight line can be computed. The transits of Venus, by which the sun's distance from the earth can be determined, occur in pairs at in- tervals of eight years separated by more than one hun- dred years. The last pair occurred in 1761 and 1769, and the next will be in 1874 and 1882. It is now supposed by many that there was an error in one of the observations of the last transit of Venus, so that the distance of the sun as computed from these observations is some 3,000,000 of miles 'greater than it really is. Hence the next transits of Venus are looked forward to with great interest. 60. The Mean Distances of the Planets. The follow- ing is a table of the mean distances of the most impor- tant planets from the sun, as computed from the last transit of Venus : 6* 66 ASTRONOMY. Mercury 37,000,000 miles Venus 69,000,000 " Earth 95,000,000 " Mars 145,000,000 " Jupiter 436,000,000 " Saturn 909,000,000 " Uranus 1,828,000,000 " Neptune 2,862,000,000 " SUMMARY. The distance of a planet from the sun compared with the earth's distance from the same is called its relative dis- tance from the sun. To find the relative distance of an inferior planet from the sun, its greatest elongation must be measured ; and the right-angled triangle which the earth, the planet, and the sun then form must be computed. (48.) To find the relative distance of a superior planet from the sun, the retrogression of the planet during one day, when it is in opposition, must be measured ; and the tri- angle which the earth, the planet, and the sun then form must be computed. (49.) The distance of the earth from the sun is found by means of the transits of Venus. To find this distance, we must determine the angle sub- tended by the diameter of the sun, and by two chords which Venus, as seen by two observers, one north and the other south of the equator, describes across the sun's disc ; the relative distance of Venus and of the earth from the sun ; and the size and shape of the earth. The angle subtended by the diameter of the sun is ascertained by direct measurement. The angle subtended by the chords described by Venus is ascertained by observing the transit of Venus. (51.) i ASTRONOMY. 67 The size and shape- of the earth are found by meas- uring known arcs of meridians on different parts of the earth. (53-56.) The actual distance of any planet from the sun can be found by multiplying its relative distance by the distance of the earth from the sun. HOW TO FIND THE DISTANCE OF THE MOON. 6 1. We have already ascertained the actual distance of the earth, as well as of all the other planets, from the sun, but as yet we do not know the distance of the moon from the earth. We have also seen that all the planets, though they appear to revolve about the earth, really revolve about the sun, but the moon's motion among the stars can be explained only on the supposition that she revolves about the earth. The ancients ascertained the distance of the moon with considerable accuracy by the observation of her eclipses. They knew that these phenomena were caused by the passage of the moon through the earth's shadow. Now the earth's shadow is not very much narrower at the dis- tance of the moon than at the surface of the earth, and the average length of time the moon takes to pass through that shadow is about four hours. The moon passes over a part of her orbit equal to the diameter of the earth in about four hours, and consequently she passes over a length of her orbit equal to six diameters of the earth in a day, and, as she completes a revolution in about thirty days, her whole orbit must be about one hundred and eighty times as long as the diameter of the earth. Consequently the diameter of the moon's orbit is about sixty times the diameter of the earth, and the distance of the moon about thirty times the diameter of the earth. 68 ASTRONOMY. 62. Parallax. The distance of the moon can now be measured by means si parallax. The following illustration shows that this is really the method by which we commonly estimate distance. If you place your head in a corner of a room or against a high-backed chair, and close one eye, and allow another person to put a lighted candle on a table before you, and if you then try to snuff the candle, with one eye still shut, you will find that you cannot do it : you will prob- ably fail nine times out of ten. But if you open the other eye, the charm is broken ; or if, without opening the other eye, you move your head sensibly, you are enabled to judge of the distance. In Figure 30 let A and B be the two eyes, and C an object which is first viewed with the eye A alone. This Fig. 30. eye alone has no means of judging of the distance of C. All that it can tell is that this object is in the direction of A C, but there is nothing by which it can judge of its distance in that line. Suppose now the other eye, , is opened and turned to C, then there is a circumstance introduced which is affected by the distance, namely, the difference of direction of the two eyes. While the object is at C, the two eyes are turned inward but very little to see it ; but if the object is brought quite close, .as at Z>, ASTRONOMY. 69 then the two eyes have to be turned inward considerably to see it ; and from this effort of turning the eyes we acquire some notion of the distance. We cannot lay down any accurate rule for the estimation of the distance ; but we see clearly enough in this explanation, and we feel distinctly enough when we make the experiment, that the estimation of distance does depend upon this differ- ence of direction of the eyes. Now, this difference of direction of the two eyes is a veritable parallax ; and this is what we mean by parallax, that it is the difference of direction of an object as seen in two different places. The two places in the above experiment are the two eyes in the head. The distance of the moon is found by precisely the same method. The two eyes in the head will be two telescopes, one in the observatory at Green- wich, and the other in the observatory at the Cape of Good Hope ; and the difference of direction of the eyes becomes the difference of direction of these two tele- scopes when ppinted at the moon. When this difference of direction becomes known the distance of the moon is easily computed. 63. How to find the Difference of the Direction of the two Telescopes when turned to the Moon. The difference of direction of the two telescopes when pointed at the moon is found by means of the mural circle. By means of this the zenith distances of the north celestial pole and of the moon are observed at Greenwich, and the sum of these distances gives the north polar 'distance of the moon as seen at Greenwich. By means of this same instrument the zenith distances of the south celestial pole and of the moon are also observed at the Cape of Good Hope at the same time that the observations were made at Greenwich. The sum of these zenith distances gives the south polar dis- tance of the moon. It is found, for instance, that the ASTRONOMY. north polar distance of the moon as obtained at Green- wich is 1 08, and that the south polar distance as ob- served at the Cape of Good Hope is 73^. The sum of these two polar distances is then i8i|. Suppose now that G and C in Figure 31 represent the position of the observatories at Greenwich and at the Fig. 31 Cape of Good Hope, and that G P and C P 1 represent the direction of the north and south poles of the heavens respectively from each of these stations. The line G P has of course a direction just opposite to that of the line C P'. The line G M represents the direction of the tele- scope at Greenwich when turned toward the moon, and the line C M represents the direction of the telescope at the Cape of Good Hope when turned toward the moon. Suppose now that the telescope at each observatory be turned toward the same fixed star. G S will be the di- rection of the telescope at Greenwich, and C S' the di- rection of the telescope at the Cape of Good Hope. Now when the north polar distance of any fixed star is measured at Greenwich, and the south polar distance of the same star is measured at the Cape of Good Hope, ASTRONOMY. 7 1 the sum of these polar distances always equals 180; that is, the angle S G P + S C P' = 180. Hence S G and S C must be parallel. For S G P + S G P' = 180. Therefore S' CP' SGP' ; that is, S G and S* C are parallel. We have found that M G P + M C P' = i8ij. The two lines M G and J/ C must then be inclined to each other at an angle of ij, for if these two lines were par- allel the two angles M G P + M C P' would be equal to 1 80. We have now found the difference of direction of the two telescopes when turned toward the moon. Now since the exact size and form of the earth are known, the length of the line G C and the angle M G C can be computed, and the distance M G can then be found by construction or by computation. 64. The Moon's Parallax. This gives the distance of the moon from each of the observatories G and C. It is convenient, however, to make all our calculations of the moon's place with reference to the centre of the earth. By reference to the above figure it will be seen that the direction of the moon is not the same when seen from the centre of the earth E as when seen from its surface at G or C. The difference of the directions of the moon as seen at Greenwich and as seen from the centre of the earth is called the moon's parallax at Greenwich. Thus the angle G ME is the moon's parallax at Greenwich, and the angle C M E is her parallax at the Cape of Good Hope. The sum of the moon's parallaxes at Greenwich and at the Cape of Good Hope is evidently equal to the angle G M C. The method by which the moon's dis- tance is actually found is as follows. From a knowledge of the earth's dimensions, the length of G is known with considerable accuracy. And though the plumb-line 72 ASTRONOMY. at G is not directed actually to the earth's centre, E, but in a slightly different direction, H' G J?, yet from know- ing the form of the earth, we can calculate accurately how much it is inclined to the line H , which is di- rected to the earth's centre. Then we know the angle H' G H y and we have observed the angle H' G M with the mural circle, and their difference is the angle H G M, which is therefore known. The difference between 180 and the angle H G M gives the angle E G M. Then we assume, for trial, a value of the distance E M. With the length E M, the length G E, and the angle E G M, it is easy to compute the angle G M E* The same process is used to calculate the angle C M E. We then add these two calculated angles together, and rind whether their sum is equal to the angle G M C, which we have found from observation. If their sum is not equal to this angle found from observation, we must try another assumption for the length of E M, and go through the calculation again ; and so on till the numbers agree. We supposed at first that the observations were made at the same instant at Greenwich and at the Cape of Good Hope. This is not strictly correct; but the dif- ference of time is known, and the moon's motion is well enough known to enable us to compute how much the angle P' C M changes in that time ; and thus we know what would have been the direction of the line C M, if the observations had been made at exactly the same in- stant as the observation at G. When now we wish to know the position of the moon at any observation as seen from the centre of the earth, its parallax must be computed and applied. By correct- ing the observed place of the moon for parallax, it has been found that the plane of the moon's orbit passes through the centre of the earth in the same way as the * See Appendix, I. 6. ASTRONOMY. 73 orbits of the earth and of the other planets pass through the centre of the sun. 65. Another Method of finding the Difference in the Di- rection of the two Telescopes pointed at the Moon. The method given above for ascertaining the difference of the direction of the two telescopes when turned towards the moon, is liable to only one error. Since the inclination of these lines is determined by observations made with the mural circle, it is necessary that every observation should be corrected for refraction, which, as we have seen, causes objects in every part of the heavens to ap- pear higher than they really are. Now this correction is very troublesome, since the amount of refraction changes with the altitude of the object and with the dif- ferent conditions of the atmosphere. Prof. Airy, the As- tronomer Royal of England, says that refraction is the very abomination of astronomers. It changes with the condition of the atmosphere in so irregular a manner that every correction made for it is liable to a slight error. There is another way of ascertaining the difference of direction of the lines G M and C M, which is liable to error from refraction to a much less extent. We have already seen that, if the telescopes at the two observatories are pointed to the same fixed star, their direction will be precisely the same. If, then, a fixed star, S, be chosen, which is quite near the moon, and which comes upon the meridian at nearly the same time, and the telescope of the mural circle at each station be first directed to this star, and then turned to the moon, we shall get the inclination of each of the directions G M and C M to the direction G S. The difference of their inclinations to this direction will evidently be their inclination to each other. Suppose, for instance, that at G the moon is seen two degrees below the star, and at 7 74 ASTRONOMY. C half a degree below it; the two lines G M and C J/ will evidently be inclined to each other ij. As the moon and star must be observed at- very nearly the same altitude, and under almost precisely the same conditions of the atmosphere, refraction can make no appreciable difference in their angular distance from each other. SUMMARY. The ancients ascertained the distance of the moon with considerable accuracy by the observation of her eclipses. (61.) The distance of the moon is now found by means of parallax. (62.) Parallax is the difference of direction of any body as seen from two different places. We really determine the distance of ordinary bodies by means of parallax. When a telescope at Greenwich and another at the Cape of Good Hope are pointed at the moon, their dif- ference of direction can be ascertained, either by meas- uring the polar distance of the moon at both observa- tories (63), or by measuring at both observatories the angular distance of the moon from a fixed star near her. (65.) The parallax of the moon is the difference of her direc- tion as seen from the centre and from the surface of the earth. When the difference of direction of two telescopes which have been pointed at the moon from the observa- tories at Greenwich and the Cape of Good Hope has been ascertained, the parallax of the moon is found by the method of trial and error. (64.) ASTRONOMY. 75 A GENERAL SURVEY OF THE ORBITS OF THE PLANETS. 66. The Inclination of the Orbits of the Planets to the Plane of the Ecliptic. We have now learned that the earth and all the planets revolve about the sun from west to east ; that each describes a curve called an ellipse, one of whose foci is occupied by the sun; and that the plane of this orbit always passes through the centre of the sun. Also that each planet moves at such a rate in dif- ferent parts of its orbit that a line joining the planet with the sun always sweeps over equal areas in equal times; consequently the planets all move faster in their orbits at perihelion than at aphelion. We have found, also, that the different planets move at such rates that the squares of their periodic times bear the same ratio as the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. We have learned, too, that these ellipses differ in form, some being .flatter than others ; also in the direction of their major axes, and in their inclination to the ecliptic. The orbits of the larger planets are, however, but slightly inclined to the ecliptic, as Figure 32 shows. E represents the plane of the ecliptic ; y t the plane of Ju- piter's orbit ; JV t Neptune's; V, Venus's ; M y Mercury's. P is the plane of the orbit of Pallas, one of the minor planets. 67. Nodes. As the orbits of all the planets are some- 76 ASTRONOMY. what inclined to the ecliptic, they must all intersect it. The points at which they intersect the ecliptic are called the nodes of their orbits. 68. Transits of Venus. The considerable inclination of the orbit of Venus to the ecliptic explains why the transits of Venus occur so seldom. This will be made clear by Figure 33. S represents the position of the sun ; Fig. 33- V V V", the orbit of Venus ; and E E' E", the orbit of the earth, that is, the plane of the ecliptic. Now it is evident from inspection of the figure that Venus will not be seen from the earth to cross the disc of the sun, unless the earth be very near one of the nodes of Venus's orbit, as at E' ', at the time of inferior conjunction. HOW TO FIND THE DISTANCE OF THE FIXED STARS. 69. We have already seen that two telescopes so far apart as those at the observatories at Greenwich and at the Cape of Good Hope do not sensibly differ in direc- tion when each is turned to the same fixed star ; so that we cannot estimate the distance of the stars by the method employed in finding the distance of the moon. It will be remembered that, in our first illustration of parallax (62), we were enabled to estimate the distance of the candle, either by turning both of the eyes upon it at the same time and so becoming aware of their difference of direction, or by using only one eye and moving the head, and so becoming aware of the amount by which ASTRONOMY. 77 the eye must change its direction for a given movement of the head, to be still turned toward the candle. The first method of estimating the distance of the candle was imitated in ascertaining the distance of the moon. Can we ascertain the distance of the fixed stars by imitating the second? In sweeping round the sun the earth, as we have seen, describes an ellipse, whose mean diameter is some 190,000,000 of miles. Can we, by using the tel- escope of the observatory at Greenwich as a single eye, estimate the distance of a fixed star by observing how much the direction of the telescope must be changed in order always to point to that star when on the meridian throughout an entire revolution of the earth ? Suppose that the north polar distance of a fixed star be measured by means of the mural circle at Greenwich, and six months from this time, when that observatory has moved away from its former position 190,000,000 miles, its north polar distance be measured again. If the polar distances of the star thus measured differ, their difference must be the diiference of direction of the telescope at the two observations. 70. Does the Earth's Axis always point in the same Di- rection? But since these observations are made at long intervals, it becomes necessary to know whether the pole of the heavens from which the angular distance of the star is measured remains unchanged during the year. It must be borne in mind that the pole of the heavens is that part of the heavens to which the axis of the earth points. Now we must ascertain whether the axis of the earth always points to exactly the same part of the heav- ens, or not ; that is, whether the axis of the earth always points in exactly the same direction. That the axis of the earth always points in very nearly the same direction is evident from the fact that the pole of the heavens does not sensibly change its position from year to year. But 78 ASTRONOMY. we have already noticed the fact (20) that the points where the equator cuts the ecliptic are slowly shifting along the ecliptic to the westward at the rate of 50" an- nually. It is also found by observation that the incli- nation of the celestial equator to the ecliptic does not change. Let us suppose that a top, with its upper sur- face perfectly flat, be spinning upon a perfectly level surface. After a time, the end of the handle of the top will be seen to describe a small circle, and the upper surface of the top will then be seen to be inclined at a certain angle to the floor. Suppose now that the top keep on spinning for a time, and that the inclination of the upper surface of the top to the floor remain the same. Conceive a plane parallel with the floor passing through the point of contact of the handle with the top. This plane may represent the ecliptic ; the upper surface of the top may represent the plane of the earth's equator ; and the points where the circumference of the upper sur- face of the top cuts this plane may be considered as the equinoctial points. Now as the top goes on spin- ning, the direction of its inclination to the floor is con- stantly shifting, though its amount remain unchanged. It is evident, then, that the points where the circumfer- ence of this surface cuts our imaginary ecliptic are con- tinually shifting, and that they will pass entirely around while the end of the top handle is describing a circle. In this experiment the top handle represents the axis of the earth. In Figure 34 let a b represent the ecliptic, and efh represent the position of the equator at one time ; then g k I must represent its position after the equinoxes have shifted from h to / and from e to g. The shifting of the equinoctial points, then, seems to be due to a shifting of the direction of the inclination of the earth's equator similar to that of the upper surface of the top in the above experiment. If this is really so, ASTRONOMY. 79 the end of the axis of the earth, C f, ought to describe in the mean time an arc, Pf, and eventually to describe a complete circle like the end of the top handle. Now observation reveals the fact that the pole of the heavens is actually describing a circle in the heavens whose ra- dius is an arc of 23^, and that it is describing this circle at the rate of 50" annually. It therefore describes a complete circle in about 26,000 years. The earth, then, as it spins on its axis in its journey around the sun, wab- bles like a spinning top, not several times a minute, but once in 26,000 years. Careful observation has also shown that the earth's axis, while describing this circle in 26,000 years, has a slight tremulous movement, swinging back and forth through a space of 18" in nineteen years. The effect of both these movements is to cause the pole of the heavens to describe in 26,000 years such a curve as is represented in 'Figure 35. The effect of the first move- ment of the axis is called precession ; that of the second, nutation. The polar distance of a star is not in any case changed more than 21" by pre- 8o ASTRONOMY. cession and nutation. But these are quantities so large that we must be perfectly acquainted with their laws and magnitude when we are dealing - with changes in the places of the stars not exceeding one or two seconds. 71. The Aberration of Light. In observing, then, the polar distance of our fixed star at an interval of six months, we must allow for precession and nutation. This can, however, be done with the greatest accuracy. Is there anything else that would make the star appear in a different direction at the end of the six months, except the change of position of the observer? On a rainy day, when the drops are large and there is no wind, if one goes out and stands still, he will see the drops of rain falling directly downwards. If he then walks for- ward, he will see the drops fall towards him ; and if he walks backward, he will see them fall away from him. Again, in Figure 36, let A be a gun of a battery, from which a shot is fired at a ship, D E, that is passing. Let A B C be the course of the shot. The shot enters the ship's side at B, and passes out at the other side at C. But in the mean time the ship has moved from E to e, and the part B where the shot entered has been carried to b. If a person on board the ship could see the ball as it crossed the ship, he would see it cross in the diagonal line b C. And he would at once say that the cannon was in the direction of C b. If the ship were moving in the oppo- site direction, he would say that the cannon was just as far the other side of its true position. Now we see a star in the direction in which the light coming from the star appears to be moving. When we e ASTRONOMY. 8 1 examine a star with a telescope we are in the same con- dition as the person who on shipboard saw the cannon ball cross the ship. The telescope is carried along by the earth at the rate of eighteen miles a second, hence the light will appear to pass through the tube in a slightly different direction from that in which it is really moving ; just as the cannon ball appears to pass through the ship in a different direction from that in which it is really moving. As light moves with enormous velocity, it passes through the tube so quickly that it is apparently changed from its true direction only by a very slight angle, but it is sufficient to displace the star. This apparent change in the direction of light caused by the motion of the earth is called aberration of light. Now as it is at once seen that the earth is moving in opposite directions at the beginning and the end of six months, it is clear that the observations must be corrected for aberration as well as for precession and nutation. This correction can, how- ever, be made with great accuracy, since we can compute the exact effect of this disturbance. There however re-- mains the correction for refraction, which in this case is more troublesome than usual, since stars which are on the meridian at twelve at night are, six months from that time, on the meridian during the day, and the atmospheric conditions which affect refraction are widely different by day and by night. 72. By this method the inclination of the directions of a telescope, when turned to a bright star in the con- stellation of the Centaur (Alpha Centauri) in the South- ern Hemisphere, has been found to be an angle of about two seconds (Airy). This inclination would make the distance of this star some 100,000 times the radius of the earth's orbit, which, as we know, is about 95,000,000 miles. An angle of two seconds is that which a circle of T 6 ers, we perceive on every part of the surface, even in the midst of the so-called oceans and seas, ring-like spots, evidently of volcanic character, with extensive chains of mountains and steep isolated rocks, presenting altogether a very rugged and desolate appearance. If we choose for observation the first or last quarter of the moon, the portions near the edge of the illuminated part appear eaten into cavities surrounded by circular walls, which cast shadows away from the sun, at one side towards the interior, and on the other towards the exterior of the cavity. Along the whole line which separates the light and dark parts of the moon, called the terminator, the interior of the ring-like cavities seems quite black, while here and there luminous points show themselves detached from the illuminated portion of the moon. These spots indicate mountain tops or ranges, which, according as we observe them at the first or last quarter, are receiving the rays of the moon's rising or setting sun while the lowlands are in the shade. Small spots of annular form, which are regarded as craters, are exceedingly numerous, and are seen to cover the whole visible surface of the moon. In some places 136 ASTRONOMY. they are thickly crowded together, small volcanoes hav- ing formed on the sides of the large one : in other re- gions they are comparatively isolated. Their dimensions are far greater than those of the largest volcanoes on the earth, the breadth of the chasm occasionally exceed- ing one hundred miles, while the sides of the mountains attain a very considerable elevation. The best time for viewing a crater is when it is 'just clear of the dark part of the moon, or when the sun is just above its horizon. We can then trace the shadows thrown by the side of the mountain upon its interior and exterior surface, and, by measuring these shadows, we may approximate to the true altitude of the mountain. Some of the steep isolated rocks throw their shadows for many miles across the plains surrounding them. Of course the angle subtended by the shadow can be directly measured, and since we know the angle sub- tended by the diameter of the moon, and the length of this diameter in miles, we can readily determine the length of the shadow in miles. It will evidently be the same fraction of the diameter in miles, as the angle which it subtends is of the angle subtended by the diameter of the moon. Knowing, then, the length of the shadow in miles, and the height of the sun above the horizon, we can easily ascertain the height of the mountain which casts the shadow. We have only to ascertain the length of the shadow cast by a mountain of known height on the earth when the sun is the same distance above the horizon. The height of the lunar mountain will be just as many times greater as its shadow is longer. 122. Tycho. One of the most remarkable of the lu- nar spots is that called Tycho , which is readily distin- guished in the southern part of the full moon by the number of luminous rays, or streaks of light, which di- ASTRONOMY. -37 verge from it in a northeasterly direction. Tycho is an annular mountain or crater, no less than fifty-four miles in diameter. The height of the western wall above the interior level is, according to Madler, 17,100 feet, and of the eastern borders somewhat more than 16,000 feet. A mountain nearly a mile high marks the centre of the crater. Tycho is surrounded by a great number of cra- ters, peaks, and ridges of mountains, lying so close to- gether that in some directions it is impossible to find the smallest level place. Figure 63 gives a view of the region to the southeast of Tycho, Fig. 63. This mountain, as we have already said, is the centre of a number of luminous streaks or rays, which extend therefrom over fully one fourth of the moon's disc. The brightest one branches off in a northeasterly direction, and there are others very conspicuous on the western side of the crater. These rays become visible as soon 138 ASTRONOMY. as the sun has risen From 20 to 25 above their horizon. Their color is perhaps a little whiter or more silvery than the general lunar surface. Many opinions have been advanced by Cassini, Schroter, Herschel, and others, re- specting the nature of these appearances, and they have been variously styled mountains, streams of lava, and even roads. There is nothing on the surface of the earth bearing the slightest analogy to them. Perhaps the most plausible theory is that first started by Mr. Nas- inyth, that they have been caused by a general volcanic upheaval of the moon's crust in former ages, which has produced an appearance on the lunar surface similar to that of a pane of glass broken by a sharp-pointed in- strument. The mere fact of their divergence from the great crater Tycho proves that it was the focus of this volcanic outbreak, whenever it may have occurred. 123. Copernicus. Another very beautiful annular moun- tain is that known as Copernicus, shown in Figure 64. The diameter of the crater is somewhat larger than that of Tycho, being rather more than fifty-five miles. The highest point is about 11,250 feet above the sur- rounding plains. It is readily discernible on the full moon, but is most favorably viewed when the sun's rays have just reached its eastern side, about the time of quadrature, or first quarter. The shadows of the west- ern side of the crater are then thrown on the interior level, that of the central peak on the same level towards the eastern side, while the shadow of this side of the mountain darkens for some distance the exterior plain on the rugged edge of the moon. Generally speaking, these shadows are extremely well defined. The diver- gent streaks of light from this mountain are best seen near the time of full moon. They vary in breadth from three to ten miles, the principal one branching off to- wards the northeast. ASTRONOMY. Fig. 64. 139 124. Kepler. This is also a conspicuous ring-moun- tain, the focus of similar rays of light. The crater is about twenty-two miles in diameter, and the altitude of the eastern edge above the level of the interior is about 10,000 feet. Tycho, Copernicus, and Kepler are the principal cra- ters which form the radiating points of the luminous streaks which are so remarkable upon the surface of the full moon. 125. Eratosthenes. This is a very beautiful annular mountain situated at the extremity of the long range called the Apennines, which cover a surface of more than 16,000 square miles. The crater is not less than 14 ASTRONOMY. thirty ^seven miles in diameter, and in its centre a steep rock rises 15,800 feet above the level surface of the in- terior. The outside of the circular mountain is about 3,300 feet high on the western border, while on the eastern side its height is more than twice as great. The volcanic character of the lunar mountains is un- mistakable. All the crust of our satellite is pierced with craters which indicate an innumerable series of volcanic eruptions, some limited to a small space, others embrac- ing an immense area. The darkish portions of the moon are supposed to be large plains. 126. Are there Active Volcanoes on the MOOJI ? In 1787 Sir William Herschel announced that he had observed three volcanoes in a state of eruption in different parts of the moon ; and modern astronomers have repeatedly noticed luminous spots in the dark portion of the lunar disc, some of which were so distinct and striking that they might readily be taken for active volcanoes. The prevailing opinion among astronomers, however, is, that these appearances are due to the reflection of the " earth- light" (117) from certain mountain tops, which from their nature or their position have a greater reflective power than other parts of the moon. Recent observations, however, show that changes of some kind are still going on in lunar craters. In Oc- tober and November, 1866, Schmidt, the Director of the Observatory of Athens, noticed that the deep crater Linrie, whose diameter is 5.6 miles, had completely disappeared, and in its place there was only " a little whitish luminous cloud." He at once called the attention of other Euro- pean astronomers to the facts, and in December the lo- cality of the lost crater was carefully examined by many of them. All agreed with Schmidt, that Linne could not be seen at the time when it was most favorably situated ASTRONOMY. 141 for observation, and when smaller craters in its immedi- ate neighborhood were very distinct with the shadows within them. The obscuration, whatever may have been its cause, ap- pears to have ceased in the latter part of December, when the crater was distinctly seen by Dr. Tietjen at Berlin. It is said that one of Schroter's maps gives a dark spot in the place of Linne', and that the crater is not to be found on Russell's globe or maps of the year 1797; from which it may be inferred that the crater has previ- ously been obscured.* 127. The Moon has little or no Atmosphere. If there is a lunar atmosphere, it must be one of great rarity and of no great extent ; otherwise it would give rise to phe- nomena which could not fail to attract the attention of astronomers. The two main reasons for thinking that there is no atmosphere of any considerable density at the moon are, (i.) the sharpness of the line which separates the bright and dark portions of her disc, and (2.) the absence of refraction, as shown in the occultation of stars. (i.) It is well known that there is no gradual shading off from the illuminated parts of the moon's disc, as there appears to be in the case of Mercury and Venus, and as there is known to be in the case of the earth. There is, therefore, no perceptible twilight on the moon, and consequently no atmosphere, unless of great rarity. (2.) According to the well-known laws of refraction, if there were an atmosphere about the moon, the rays of light would be so bent that a star, on passing behind the moon, would be seen even after it was really be- hind the disc, just as the sun is visible after it is really below the horizon ; and so that it would become visible before it had really emerged from behind the disc, just * See Appendix, V. 142 ASTRONOMY. as the sun is visible before it is really above the horizon. It would then follow that a star would appear to be be- hind the moon a shorter time than that computed from the known rate of motion and angular diameter of the moon. Now it is found tliat the observed time of the occultation of any star by the moon is very slightly, if at all, shorter than the computed time. Airy has shown that, if the discrepancy of 2 "which he has found (118) between the angular diameter of the moon, as determined by observation, and as computed from the rate of the moon's motion and the time of the occultation of a star, is wholly due to refraction caused by a lunar atmosphere, the refractive power of that atmosphere is only ^oW part of that of the earth's atmosphere ; hence it must be of extreme tenuity. If there is no atmosphere at the moon, there can be no water on her surface; for the heat of the sun would cause that water to evaporate, and thus an atmosphere of aqueous vapor would be formed. , Furthermore, there has never been discovered any posi- tive evidence of the existence of clouds at the moon, which would be the necessary result of the existence of water there. Some astronomers have supposed that the side of the moon turned towards us may be a huge mountain, and that there may really be both air and water on the far- ther side, though not enough to rise above this moun- tain. Both Adams and Le Verrier have, however, shown that such a hypothesis is, to say the least, extremely improbable. ECLIPSES. 128. The Shadows of the Earth and Moon. The earth and moon are two spherical and opaque bodies, and the halves of both are constantly illuminated by the rays of ASTRONOMY. 143 the sun, while the other halves are in the shade. The illuminating body is itself a sphere of much greater size. Not only, therefore, have the earth and the moon always one of their hemispheres dark, but each of these bodies throws behind it, in a direction opposite from the sun, a shadow of conical form, the length and diameter of which depend upon the distance and diameter of the il- luminating body, and the diameter of the illuminated body. This cone of shade encloses all those parts of space where, by reason of the interposition of the opaque body, no rays of light from the sun can be received. Beyond the apex of this cone of pure shade, which is called the umbra, and in the direction of its axis, are situated those portions of space from which a part of the sun is seen in the form of a luminous ring bordering the obscure disc of the opaque body. Lastly, these two regions are themselves surrounded by what is called the penumbra; or those portions of space which receive light only from a part of the sun, one side of whose luminous disc, is obscured by the disc of the opaque body. The dark- ness of the penumbra at any point is more intense, in proportion as the point is nearer the umbra. The moon and the earth in their movements carry with them their cones of umbra and penumbra, and it is by projecting these total or partial shadows upon each other that they produce the phenomena of eclipses. ' These various cones are represented in Figure 65. 129. When Eclipses may Occur. On examining this figure, it will be seen at once why an eclipse of the sun can happen only at the time of new moop, and why, on the other hand, an eclipse of the moon is possible only at full moon. In all other positions of the moon, her cone of shade is projected into space away from the earth, and the 144 ASTRONOMY. errestrial cone of shade does not meet the moon. It does not follow, however, that there is an eclipse of the sun at every new moon, or of the moon at every full moon. This would be true if the orbits of the earth round the sun and of the moon round the earth were described in the same plane. Then at each opposition or conjunction the centres of the three bodies would necessarily lie in a straight line. But the orbit of the moon is inclined to the ecliptic ASTRONOMY. 145 at an angle of about 5, so that it often happens at the time of new moon that our satellite throws its cone of shadow above or below the earth. In like manner, at the time of opposition, the moon, in consequence of her. being out of the plane of the ecliptic, passes sometimes above and sometimes below the cone of the earth's shadow. In such cases there can be no eclipse. In order, then, that there should be an eclipse of the sun, new moon must occur when the moon is at or near one of the nodes (67) of her orbit; and in order that there should be an eclipse of the moon, full moon must occur when the moon is at or near one of her nodes. 130. Eclipses of the Sun. Solar eclipses are of three kinds. When the dark disc of the moon entirely covers the sun, the eclipse is total; when only a portion, large or small, of one side of the sun is covered by the moon, the eclipse is partial ' ; and when the disc of the moon is not large enough to cover the whole disc of the sun, and thus leaves a luminous ring visible around its own body, the eclipse is annular. As the moon is much smaller than the sun, it will be understood that it is her small relative distance that causes her disc to appear equal to or greater than that of the sun. This distance varies by reason of the ellip- tical form of the moon's orbit, and hence the lunar disc is sometimes larger, sometimes smaller than, and some- times equal to, that of the sun. This is the same as saying that the cone of the moon's real shadow, or umbra, sometimes reaches the earth and sometimes does not. If it reaches the earth there is a total eclipse of the sun to all parts of the earth within it, and a partial eclipse to all parts within the penumbra. This will be readily seen from Figure 66. If the cone of the lunar shadow does not reach the earth, there will be an annular eclipse in those places 7 J which are in the direction of the axis of the cone, and a partial eclipse to those which are only within the pe- numbra. This case is represented in Figure 67. Fig. 67. It will be seen, then, that the conditions under which a total eclipse of the sun is possible are the following: (i.) the moon must be in conjunction, or new ; (2.) she must at the same time be at or near a node ; (3.) her distance from the earth must be less than the length of her shadow. The same conditions, except the last, are necessary for an annular eclipse. The breadth of the cone of the moon's umbra at the distance of the earth seldom equals 160 miles. Hence a total eclipse is seen only over a very narrow tract ; but, owing to the rotation of the earth, this tract has con- siderable length. ASTRONOMY. 147 A total eclipse of the sun is a rare occurrence at best, and a total eclipse at any given place is rarer still. It will be seen from Figure 67 that even the penumbra of the moon's shadow traverses but a small part of the earth ; so that a partial eclipse of the sun is by no means visible to the whole earth. Hind thus describes the appearances during the total eclipse of the sun, July 28th, 1851, in Sweden: "The aspect of nature during a total eclipse was grand beyond description. A diminution of light over the earth was perceptible a quarter of an hour after the beginning of the eclipse, and about ten minutes before the extinc- tion of the sun the gloom increased very perceptibly. The distant hills looked dull and misty, and the sea as- sumed a dusky appearance, like that it presents during rain. The daylight that remained had a yellowish tinge, and the azure blue of the sky deepened to a purplish- violet hue, particularly towards the north. But, notwith- standing these gradual changes, the observer could hardly be prepared for the wonderful spectacle that presented itself when he withdrew his eye from the telescope, after the totality had come on, to gaze around him for a few seconds. The southern heavens were then of a uniform purple-gray color, the only indication of the sun's posi- tion being the luminous corona, the light of which con- trasted strikingly with that of the surrounding sky. In the zenith, and north of it, the heavens were of a pur- plish-violet, and appeared very near, while in the north- west and northeast, broad bands of yellowish-crimson light, intensely bright, produced an effect which no person who witnessed it can ever forget. The crimson appeared to run over large portions of the sky in these directions ir- respective of the clouds. At higher altitudes the pre- dominant color was purple. All nature seemed to be overshadowed by an unnatural gloom, the distant hills 148 ASTRONOMY. were hardly visible ; the sea turned lurid red, and per- sons standing near the observer had a pale, livid look, calculated to produce the most painful sensations. The darkness, if it can be so termed, had no resemblance to that of night. At various places within the shadow, the planets Venus, Mercury, and Mars, and the brighter stars of the first magnitude, were plainly seen during the to- tal eclipse. Venus was distinctly visible at Copenhagen, though the eclipse was only partial in that city; and at Dantzic she continued in view ten minutes after the sun had reappeared. Animals were frequently much affected. At Engelholm, a calf which commenced lowing violently as the gloom deepened, and lay down before the totality had commenced, went on feeding quietly enough very soon after the return of daylight. Cocks crowed at Hel- singborg, though the sun was there hidden only thirty seconds, and the birds sought their resting-places as if night had come on." 131. Eclipses of the Moon. Like the eclipses of the sun, those of the moon may be either total or partial, but they are never annular, since the breadth of the cone of the earth's shadow at the distance of the moon is al- ways much greater than the diameter of the moon's disc. The fundamental difference between the two phenom- ena is, that an eclipse of the sun is visible to only a part of the hemisphere which has him above the horizon, while an eclipse of the moon is visible from every part of the earth from which the moon herself is visible ; and an eclipse of the sun is seen at different stations succes- sively, as the umbra and penumbra of the moon's shadow traverse the earth, while an eclipse of the moon every- where begins and ends at the same instant. The reason of this difference is that the sun's disc is not really dark- ened, but only hidden by the obscure disc of the moon, so that the interposition is an effect of perspective, vary- ASTRONOMY. 149 ing according to the respective position of the observer, of the moon, and of the sun. The lunar eclipse is, on the contrary, produced by the real fading out of the moon's light, and the darkness consequent upon it is observed at the same instant wherever the moon is in view. When the moon passes through the centre of the earth's shadow the eclipse is total and central. The earth's shad- ow at the moon's distance is, however, so broad that an eclipse may be total without being also central. The magnitude of an eclipse, if partial, and the contin- uance of the obscuration, if total, depend upon the direc- tion of the moon's passage through the earth's shadow, which is sufficiently broad to allow of her being hidden by it one hour and fifty minutes, when she passes through its centre. It is not possible to ascertain, with any degree of accu- racy, the time when the moon first enters the penumbra, for the darkening effect upon her disc is so slight that some minutes must elapse before sufficient shade is pro- duced to attract attention. Neither does the time of contact with the umbra admit of exact observation, since the penumbra shades off into the umbra by imperceptible degrees. When the moon is totally immersed in the dark shad- ow, she does not, except on rare occasions, become in- visible, but assumes a dull reddish hue, somewhat like that of tarnished copper. This arises from the refraction of the sun's rays in passing through the earth's atmos- phere. In a total lunar eclipse in 1848, the spots on the moon's surface were distinctly seen by many observers, and the general color of the moon was a full glowing red. Her appearance was so singular that many persons doubted of her being eclipsed at all. Once in about eighteen years the earth, sun, and moon 150 ASTRONOMY. occupy the same relative positions. This is a fact which the ancients established by observation long before the theory of the celestial movement's had demonstrated its near approach to the truth. If, then, we start from the epoch of an eclipse of the sun or moon, that is to say, from a lunar conjunction or opposition coinciding with one of the moon's nodes, after 18 years the three bodies will be found in situations nearly identical. Hence the eclipses which succeeded one another in the first pe- riod follow again in the same order during the second period. This is the starting point in the calculation of eclipses, but the approximation is too rough for the ex- actness of modern astronomy. Now-a-days the time of eclipses is foretold to a second several years in advance of their occurrence. 132. O captations. The moon in traversing her orbit round the earth produces another kind of eclipse, to which the name of occultation has been given. A star or planet is said to be occulted when it passes behind the lunar disc. These phenomena have already been mentioned with reference to the question of the existence of an atmosphere on the surface of the moon (127). The occultations of the stars are calculated with the same precision as the eclipses, and as they are of fre- quejit occurrence they are of great use to navigators in determining their longitude. As the moon is very near the earth, compared with the distance of the stars and even of the planets, it follows that two observers at dif- ferent points on the earth do not see it projected at the same instant on the same part of the heavens. The oc- cultation of a star does not, therefore, take place to both of them at the same instant of time. By correcting these observations for refraction and par- allax, the exact time is found at which an occultation would take place to an observer at tne centre of the ASTRONOMY. 151 earth. Now the times at which the occupation of stars would occur to an observer situated at the centre of the earth are computed in Greenwich time and published in the Nautical Almanac. An observer at sea, then, finds by observation the time of occultation as seen from the earth's centre in his own local time, and he can then compare his own local time with Greenwich time, and find the difference between the two. He can then readi- ly determine the longitude of his place. As we have already seen, the meridian of a place sweeps over the whole heavens, from the sun around to it again, in twenty-four hours. Hence it will sweep over 15 in one hour, and i in four minutes; and when the sun is on the meridian of a given place, it will be 15 east of the meridian of a place 15 to the west of it. The sun will then come upon the meridian an hour later at the second place, and it will be one o'clock at the more east- erly place when it is twelve o'clock at the more westerly. Hence local time becomes an hour earlier as we travel westward 15. If, then, we know that Greenwich time is three hours later than our time, we know that we are 45 west from Greenwich ; and if Greenwich time is two hours earlier than our time, we know that we are 30 east of that place, or that we are in longitude 30 east. Not only is the time at which the occultation of the star would occur to an observer at the centre of the earth computed in Greenwich time and published in the Nautical Almanac, but also the time when the moon passes all the principal stars near her path is computed and published in the same manner, as well as the distance of the moon from these principal stars for every day dur- ing the year. Thus the heavens become a universal dial over which the moon sweeps as a minute-hand, marking, as she passes 152 ASTRONOMY. the fixed stars, Greenwich time to every part of the earth. But this hand moves with considerable unsteadiness, now faster and now slower, according as the moon is at perigee or apogee, and subject to various other fluctu- ations ; while by reason of parallax and refraction her real position in front of the dial is seldom what it ap- pears to be, so that it has required the patient observa- tion and study of years to learn to read this time aright. The learning to read time accurately by this clock of nature has been one of the greatest triumphs of astron- omy, and is a good illustration of the practical bearing of such scientific studies. SUMMARY OF THE MOON AND ECLIPSES. The mean distance of the moon is about thirty diameters of the earth; her mean angular diameter about 31'; the inclination of her orbit to the ecliptic about 5; her si- dereal period about 27 J days; and her sy nodical period about 29^ days. (114.) The phases of the moon depend upon the position of her visible with reference to her enlightened hemisphere. They repeat themselves after the interval of a synodical revolution. (115.) The moon completes a rotation on her axis in the same time that she completes a revolution about the earth. Her rotation on her axis is performed at a uni- form rate, while the rate of her revolution about the earth varies. This gives rise to libration in longitude. The axis of the moon is not quite perpendicular to the plane of her orbit. This gives rise to libration in latitude. We see the moon from a point about 4,000 miles above the centre of the earth. This gives rise to parallactic libra- tion. (116.) ASTRONOMY. 153 The earth presents to the moon phases similar to those which the moon presents to us. When it is new moon to us, it is full earth to the moon. (117.) The moon is nearest to us when she is in the zenith, but she appears largest when she is near the horizon. Owing to her brightness, the moon appears larger than she really is. (118.) The moon describes an epicycloidal path, every part of which is concave toward the sun. (119.) The least difference between two successive risings of the moon in our latitude is about twenty-three minutes. When this least difference occurs at the time of full moon, we have what is called the Harvest Moon. (120.) The surface of the moon is covered with steep iso- lated rocks, volcanic craters, and extensive mountain chains. The existence of these rocks and mountains is indicated by the shadows which they cast. By means of these shadows we can estimate the height of the ob- jects which cast them. (121.) The four most remarkable lunar mountains are Tycho, Copernicus, Kepler, and Eratosthenes. (122-125.) There is no evidence of active volcanoes on the moon, though changes of some kind are still going on within the lunar craters. (126.) That the moon has little or no atmosphere is shown by the sharpness of the line which separates the bright and dark portions of her disc, and by the absence of re- fraction. (127.) The earth and the moon cast conical shadows behind them. (128.) When the earth passes through the shadow of the moon, there is an eclipse of the sun, which may be partial, annular, or total. This can happen only at the time of new moon, and when the moon is near her node. As the moon's shadow barely reaches the earth, total 7* 154 ASTRONOMY. eclipses of the sun are of rare occurrence and of short duration. (129, 130.) When the moon passes through the shadow of the earth, there is an eclipse of the moon, which may be either partial or total. This can happen only at full moon, and when the moon is near one of her nodes. In an eclipse of the moon her light is extinguished, while in an eclipse of the sun his light is only hidden by the moon. (129, 131.) The planets and stars are occulted by the moon, and by their occultation longitude at sea is determined. The heavens are a universal dial, upon which the moon points Greenwich time to every part of the earth. (132.) METEORIC RINGS. 133. Shooting stars are those evanescent meteors which dart across the sky at night in all directions, and gener- ally leave behind them luminous trains visible some sec- onds after the extinction of the brighter part. The num- ber of the shooting stars varies greatly with the time of the year ; hence the distinction between sporadic meteors and the showers of shooting stars which appear in the sky in large numbers and generally periodically. During ordi- nary nights, the mean number of shooting stars observed in the interval of an hour is from four to five, according to some observers, and as high as eight, according to others. But at two periods of the year, about the loth of Au- gust and the i2th of November, these phenomena are much more numerous, and the number of shooting stars observed in the interval of an hour is often more than tenfold that seen on ordinary nights. The August show- ers used to be popularly known as " St. Lawrence's tears " ; the luminous trains being nothing else to the untutored ASTRONOMY. 1 55 people of Ireland than the burning tears of that martyr, whose feast fell on the zoth of August. The November shower is usually more brilliant than the August, and at intervals of about thirty-three years it is of extraordi- nary splendor. On the 1 2th of November, 1799, Humboldt, who was then at Cumana, relates that, between the hours of two and five in the morning, the sky was covered with innu- merable luminous trains, which incessantly traversed the celestial vault from north to south, presenting the ap- pearance of fire-works let off at an enormous height ; large meteors, having sometimes an apparent diameter of one and a half times that of the moon, blending their trains with the long, luminous, and phosphorescent paths of the shooting stars. In Brazil, Labrador, Greenland, Germany, and French Guiana, the same phenomena were observed. The shower of November i2th, 1833, was no less ex- traordinary. The meteors were observed along the east- ern coast of America, from the Gulf of Mexico as far as Halifax, from nine o'clock in the evening till sunrise, and in some places, even in full daylight, at eight o'clock in the morning. They were so numerous, and visible in so many parts of the sky at once, that in trying to count them one could only hope to arrive at a very rough ap- proximation. At Boston, Prof. Olmsted compared the shower, at the moment of maximum, to half the num- ber of flakes which one sees in the air during an ordinary snow-storm. When the brilliancy of the display was considerably reduced he counted six hundred and fifty in fifteen minutes,' though he confined his observations to a zone which was not a tithe of the visible horizon. He estimated that the number he counted was not more than two thirds of the number which fell ; making the whole number 866 in the zone observed, and some 8,660 in all the visible heavens. 156 ASTRONOMY. Now the phenomena lasted more than seven hours, and as the above estimate would give an average of 34,640 an hour, the number seen at Boston exceeded 240,000 ; and yet it must be remembered that the basis of this calculation was obtained at a moment when the display was notably on the decline. Again, on the morning of the i4th of November, 1866, an extraordinary display of meteors was seen in England. The display was very brilliant, but those who saw both, pronounced it much less splendid than the show of 1833. 134. The Probable Cause of these Phenomena. The great majority of the meteors of the November shower radiate in all directions from a point in Leo, called from this fact the radiant point ; while the radiant point of the August shower is in Perseus. These points are precisely those toward which the earth is moving at the time. Astronomers have therefore concluded that the appear- ance of shooting stars is caused by the passage of the earth through rings composed of myriads of these bodies, which circulate, like the larger planets, round the sun, and whose parallel movements, seen from the earth, seem to radiate from that part of the heavens which the earth is approaching. The appearance required by this theory is exactly that presented to us. Professor Newton, of New Haven, an astronomer who has given much attention to this subject, finds that the average number of meteors which traverse the atmosphere daily, and which are large enough to be visible to the naked eye on a dark, clear night, is no less than 7,500,000 ; and applying the same reasoning to telescopic meteors, the number will have to be increased to 400,000,000. It is now generally held, that these little bodies are not scattered uniformly throughout space, or collected into either one or two rings, but that they are collected into ASTRONOMY. 157 several rings round the sun ; and that, when the earth in its orbit breaks through one of these rings, or passes near it, her attraction overpowers that of the sun, and causes them to impinge on our atmosphere, where, their motion being arrested and converted into heat and light, they become visible to us as meteors, fire-balls, or shooting stars, according to their size. It has been suggested, not without some probability, that the earth's attraction may sometimes retain these meteors as permanent satellites. A French astronomer believes he has detected one of these bodies that revolves around our globe in a period of three hours and twenty minutes. The distance of this singular companion of the moon is 5,000 miles from the surface of the earth. Occasionally these meteors are drawn to the earth by its superior attraction, and fall to the ground as meteoric stones. MARS. 135. His Distance, Period of 'Revolution , etc. The next planet in the order of distance from the sun is Mars. He is consequently the first of those planets whose orbit encloses that of the earth, and which have therefore been called exterior or superior planets. ' Mars appears to the naked eye as the reddest star in the heavens. His mean distance from the sun is 145,000,000 miles, but, in consequence of the eccentricity or ^flattened form of his orbit, he is about 27,000,000 miles nearer the sun at perihelion than at aphelion. His sidereal period is somewhat less than two years, and his synodical period somewhat more than two years. The plane of Mars's orbit is inclined to the ecliptic at an angle of less than 2. The apparent diameter of the planet varies considerably, since his distance from the earth varies considerably. He must be the diameter 158 ASTRONOMY. of the earth's orbit nearer to us at opposition than at conjunction. When nearest the earth his diameter sub- tends an angle of more than 30", while at his greatest distance the diameter subtends an angle of only 4". The real diameter of this planet is about 4,500 miles. When examined with a telescope of sufficient power, the disc of Mars appears perfectly round at opposition and con- junction, while in every other part of his orbit the disc is more or less gibbous, according to the distance of the planet from quadrature, when the illuminated disc differs most from a circle. These phases prove that Mars, like Mercury and Venus, shines with light borrowed from the sun. At opposition and conjunction he turns the same face toward us and toward the sun, and hence we see the whole of his illuminated hemisphere ; while in other parts of his orbit he does not turn quite the same face to us and to the sun, hence he appears more or less gibbous. This planet is most favorably situated for observation at perihelion and opposition. Opposition occurs, as al- ready stated, once in a little over two years ; and opposi- tion and perihelion occur together once in about eight years. 136. The Physical Characteristics of Mars. When viewed under proper Optical powers, the surface of this planet presents outlines of seas and continents similar to those on our globe, and usually white spots are discerni- ble near the poles, which, from their alternate diminution and increase, according as one pole is turned to or from the sun, are conjectured to be masses of snow. The color of the continents is a dull red ; that of the seas greenish, as by contrast with the land it should be. It is this prevailing color of the land which gives the planet that ruddy light by which it is at all times readily dis- tinguished from the other planets and from the fixed stars. By observing the spots on the surface the time of the ASTRONOMY. 159 axial rotation of Mars has been determined to be about 24^ hours. His axis is inclined to the plane of his orbit at an angle of about 61. Consequently Mars experiences about the same changes of seasons as the earth, though each season is about twice as long. Mars, like the earth, is not perfectly spherical ; it is somewhat flattened at the poles, though the amount of the flattening is not yet accurately ascertained. It is quite certain that Mars has an atmosphere of con- siderable density, since small stars are obscured as they l6o ASTRONOMY. approach its disc. The existence of snow near the poles proves that there must be aqueous vapor in the atmos- phere of Mars ; and the existence of the aqueous vapor goes to prove that there are seas on the surface of the planet, as is also indicated by the greenish spots. Figure 68 shows the white spots, supposed to be masses of snow, and also the markings on the disc. It will be seen that the spots are not exactly at the poles. 137. The Inner Group of Planets. We now see that the four planets, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars, form a group of planets with certain resemblances. They all, so far as known, have an axial rotation of about twenty-four hours ; all have atmospheres ; they differ com- paratively little in size, and are all small in comparison with another group with which we shall soon become ac- quainted ; and only one of them, the earth, has a satellite. SUMMARY* OF THE INNER GROUP OF PLANETS. The first planet of this group is Mercury. He revolves about the sun in about three months, and rotates on his axis in about twenty-four hours. (102.) The orbit of Mercury lies wholly within that of the earth. His diameter is somewhat less than one half that of the earth. He presents phases like the moon. (103.) These phases are owing to the fact that Mercury shines by reflected light. (104.) Schroter thought he detected spots on the disc of Mer- cury which indicate the presence of mountains. By ob- serving these he decided that this planet rotates on its axis in about twenty-four hours. (105.) The existence of twilight shows that Mercury has an atmosphere. (106.) The second planet of this group is Venus. Her diam- ASTRONOMY. l6l eter is a little less than that of the earth. She completes a revolution round the sun in about yj months, and pre- sents phases like Mercury. (107.) Schroter detected slight irregularities in the terminator of Venus, which indicate the existence of mountains. By observing certain spots he concluded that Venus rotates on her axis in about twenty-four hours. Venus also has an atmosphere. (108.) She is believed to have no satellite. (109.) The next and largest planet of this group is the earth. This planet is attended by one satellite. (113.) The last planet of the inner group is Mars. His orbit lies wholly without that of the earth. He revolves about the sun in a period of somewhat less than two years. The diameter of Mars is a little more than half that of the earth. Mars often appears somewhat gibbous. (135.) His disc presents outlines of seas and continents similar to those which exist on the earth, and white spots near the poles, which are thought to be patches of snow. Mars resembles the earth in his change of seasons. He also has an atmosphere of considerable density. (136.) The four planets, Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars, have well-marked resemblances. They constitute what may be called the Inner Group of Planets. (137.) The Zodiacal Light (in, 112) and Meteoric Rings (133, 134) lie within the limits of this group. THE MINOR PLANETS. 138. Bodfs Law. Between the orbit of Mars and that of Jupiter, the next of the planets known to the ancients, there is an interval of 350,000,000 miles, in which no planet was known to exist before the beginning of the present century. Three hundred years ago, Kepler had pointed out 162 ASTRONOMY. something like a regular progression in the distances of the planets as far as Mars, which was broken in the case of Jupiter, and he is said' to have suspected the existence of another planet in the great space separating these two bodies. The question attracted little further attention until Uranus was discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1781, when several German astronomers re- vived the opinion held by Kepler, and, guided by a law of planetary distances published by Professor Bode of Berlin, even approximated to the period of the supposed latent body. According to this law, the distance of a planet is about double that of the next interior one, and half that of the next exterior one, and, roughly speak- ing, this rate of progression of the planetary distances is found to hold good with this exception. Mars is sit- uated at a distance about twice that of the earth, but very much less than half that of Jupiter ; and again, Ju- piter revolves at half the distance of the next exterior planet, Saturn, but considerably more than twice that of Mars. If, therefore, another planet existed between Mars and Jupiter, the progression of Bode's law, instead of being interrupted at this point, might perhaps be found to hold good as far as Uranus. For this reason, an association of astronomers was formed, and a regular plan of search was devised with a view to the discovery of the suspected planet. 139. The Discovery of Ceres. Professor Piazzi, Direc- tor of the Observatory at Palermo, repeatedly sought for a star numbered in Wollaston's Catalogue, but finding none in the position there assigned, he observed all the stars of similar brightness in the vicinity. On the ist of January, 1801, or about the time the search for the supposed body was begun, he determined the place of an object shining as a star of the eighth magnitude not far from the position of the missing one. On ,the fol- ASTRONOMY. 163 lowing night the place of this star was sensibly altered. Piazzi regarded this object as a comet, and announced its discovery as such on the 24th of January. On the publication of the whole series of positions observed at Palermo, Professor Gauss of Gottingen undertook the determination of the orbit of Piazzi's star, and announced that it revolved round the sun at a mean distance of 2.7 times the distance of the earth. This distance agree- ing so closely with that indicated by Bode's law for the planet supposed to exist between Mars and Jupiter, as- tronomers were very soon led to regard Piazzi's comet as in reality a new planet, fulfilling, in a remarkable man- ner, the condition, in respect to distance from the sun, which had been found to hold good for the other mem- bers of the planetary 'system. This new planet was named Ceres. Its minuteness has prevented any exact determination of its diameter. Sir William Herschel's measurement makes it one hundred and sixty-three miles in diameter. Observers have remarked a haziness sur- rounding the planet, which is attributed to the density and extent of its atmosphere. Ceres is generally just beyond the range of unaided vision, though it has been seen without the telescope. 140. The Discovery of Pallas. In order to find Ceres more readily, Dr. Olbers examined minutely the configu- ration of the small stars lying near her path. On the 28th of March, 1802, after observing the planet, he swept with his telescope over the north wing of Virgo, and was astonished to .find a star of the seventh magnitude, where he was certain no star was visible in January and February preceding. In the course of three hours he found that the right ascension and declination of the star had changed. On the follovring evening he found the star had moved considerably, and he became convinced t'iat it was a planet. He named this new body Pallas. Its orbit was 164 ASTRONOMY* soon determined by Professor Gauss, who found that its most remarkable peculiarity consisted in the great in- clination of its plane to the ecliptic. This inclination is 34, while that of Mercury, which is the greatest among the larger planets, is only 7. Its mean distance from the sun was found to be nearly the same as that of Ceres. Dr. Olbers showed that the orbits of the newly discov- ered planets approached very near each other at the as- cending node of Pallas, a circumstance which led him to make his remarkable conjecture as to the common origin of these bodies. He thought that a much larger planet had, in remote ages, existed near the mean dis- tance of Ceres and Pallas ; that, by some tremendous catastrophe, this body had been shattered ; and that the two small planets were among the fragments. This hy- pothesis seemed to be materially strengthened by subse- quent discoveries, though it is now generally admitted to be without foundation. The diameter of Pallas seems to be about 600 miles. 141. The Discovery of Juno. In 1804 Professor Har- ding, of Lilienthal, while preparing a chart of the small stars lying near the paths of Ceres and Pallas, with a view to assist the identification of these minute bodies, discovered a small object which he recognized as a planet by its movement. This planet he named Juno. 142. The Discovery of Vesta. Dr. Olbers, following up his idea respecting the origin of this zone of planets, con- sidered, from the fact that the orbits of the three already found intersect one another in Virgo and Cetus, that the explosion must have taken place in one or the other of those regions, and consequently that all the fragments should pass through them. Provided with an ordinary night glass, he examined every month the small stars of Virgo and of Cetus, according as the one or the other of these constellations was the more favorably situated ASTRONOMY. 165 for observation. In 1807 he discovered a small star in Virgo, where there had been none on a previous exami- nation, and he soon satisfied himself that the star was really in motion, and thus recognized it as a planet. This planet was named Vesta. Its diameter is about 300 miles. Dr. Gibers continued his systematic examination of the small stars of Virgo and Cetus between the years 1808 and 1816, and was so closely on the watch for a moving body, that he considered it highly improbable that a planet could have passed through either of these regions in the interval without detection. No further discovery being made, the plan was relinquished in 1816. 143. More Recent Discoveries of Minor Planets. After Dr. Olbers discontinued his search for planets, the subject appears to have attracted little attention until Hencke, an amateur astronomer, took up the search with a zeal and diligence which could hardly fail in producing some important result, and he was rewarded in 1845 by the dis- covery of a fifth planet, which was named Astrcea, and in 1847 by the discovery of Hebe. Since 1845 tne discovery of these bodies has been very frequent, and their number has now reached 95. 144. The Group of Minor Planets. There is, then, be- tween Mars and Jupiter, a group of minute planets, spread through a zone some 50,000,000 miles in diameter. Their orbits are generally more flattened than those of the larger planets, and their planes are more inclined to the ecliptic ; though they differ greatly in this respect, since the orbits of some of them nearly coincide with the ecliptic. There is good reason to suppose that many more will be dis- covered. These planets are often called asteroids (star-like bodies). 1 66 ASTRONOMY. SUMMARY OF THE MINOR PLANETS. Kepler suspected the existence of an unknown planet between Mars and Jupiter. The discovery of Uranus in 1781 led the German astronomers to undertake a syste- matic search for this suspected body. They were guided by Bode's law of planetary distances. (138.) In 1801 Pipzzi discovered Ceres, but supposed it to be a comet. Professor Gauss showed it to be a planet, and that it is at about the distance from the sun required by Bode's law. (139.) In 1802 Dr. Olbers discovered Pallas, The marked peculiarity of this planet is the great inclination of its orbit to the plane of the ecliptic. Since near the ascending node of Pallas the orbit of this planet and of Ceres very nearly coincide, Dr. Olbers was led to believe that Ceres and Pallas were the fragments of a broken planet. (140.) In 1804 Juno was discovered by Harding. (141.) Dr. Olbers now began a systematic search for other fragments of his broken planet. In 1807 he discovered Vesta. He continued his search till 1816 without further fruit. (142.) No more of these minute planets were discovered till 1845, when Hencke discovered Astraa. In 1847 ne dis- covered Hebe. Since that time these bodies have been discovered with considerable frequency. Their number now reaches 95. Astronomers do not now believe that these bodies are fragments of a broken planet. (143-) The Minor Planets form a well-marked group. (144.) ASTRONOMY. 167 JUPITER. 145. Its Distance, Period, Size, etc. From the regions of space where we have just seen the smallest members of our system moving in their orbits, we pass abruptly to a group of planets of a very different order. The first planet of this group is Jupiter. To the naked eye, Jupiter appears as a Star of the first magnitude, the brightness of which is sometimes sufficient to cast a shadow. It is the most brilliant of the planets except Venus. The mean distance of this planet from the sun is 496,000,000 miles. He moves in an orbit which differs considerably from a circle, so that his distance from the sun at aphelion is about 48,000,000 miles greater than at perihelion. Of course the difference of his distance from the earth at conjunction and opposition is still greater. He completes a revolution in about twelve years. The plane of Jupiter's orbit very nearly coincides with that of the ecliptic, being inclined to it by an angle of a little over i. The diameter of Jupiter is about 89,000 miles, or about eleven times the diameter of the earth. The bulk, there- fore, of this immense planet is about 1400 times that of our globe. If seen at the distance of. our satellite, his disc would cover a space in the sky 1200 times that occupied by the disc of the full moon. Yet this mass is travelling through space with a velocity about eighty times that of a cannon ball. Jupiter, like the earth, is not a perfect sphere, but an ellipsoid flattened at the poles. This flattening is much greater than in the case of the earth. As has already been stated (77), Jupiter is accom- 1 68 ASTRONOMY. panied by four satellites. These appear in the telescope as so many points of light oscillating in short periods across the planet 146. Its Physical Characteristics. On examining the surface of Jupiter with a telescope, we see no appearance of regular continents or seas, as on the surface of Mars ; but daik streaks, or belts, are found to cross his disc, pre- senting some of the modifications of clouds in our own atmosphere. Occasionally these belts retain nearly the same form and position for months together, while at other times they undergo great and sudden changes, and, in one or two instances, have been observed to break up and spread themselves over the whole disc of the planet. Generally there are two belts much more strongly marked than the rest, and more nearly permanent in their charac- ter, one situated a little north and the other a little south of the planet's equator. The prevailing opinion among astronomers is that these phenomena are produced by dis- turbances in the planet's atmosphere, which occasionally render its dark body visible ; and as the belts are found to traverse the disc in lines uniformly parallel to Jupiter's equator, (see Figure 69,) we are naturally led to the conclusion that these disturbances are connected with the rotation of the planet on its axis, in the same way that the trade winds on the earth are connected with its rotation on its axis. In July, 1665, Cassini, of Paris, remarked a black spot of considerable apparent magnitude on the upper edge of the southern belt of Jupiter, which remained visible two years. This spot, or one supposed to be identical with it, has repeatedly appeared since that time, but at very irregular intervals. In 1834, a remarkable spot was discovered on the north- ern belt. It was black and well defined ; about two thirds of its breadth was above the belt, and one third upon it. ASTRONOMY. 169 Fig. 69. Shortly after this spot was first noticed a second distinct spot was discovered on the same belt. These spots re- mained wholly unchanged for nearly a year. Cassini no- ticed that the spot of 1665 appeared to traverse the disc of the planet from east to west. It was very conspicuous near the centre of the disc, but gradually faded away as it ap- proached the western limb. The motion seemed quickest when the spot was near the centre", and became slower towards the edge of the planet. Hence he inferred that the spot adhered to the surface of the planet, and was car- ried across the disc by the rotation of Jupiter upon his axis. This hypothesis would account fully for the ap- pearances observed. By closely watching the movements of the spot, Cassini ascertained that the time of rotation of the planet was 9 hours 56 minutes. By careful observations of the spots of 1834 the time of rotation was found to be about half a minute less. This enormous globe, whose diameter is eleven times greater than that of the earth, is therefore whirled upon 8 1 70 ASTRONOMY. its axis in less than ten hours. The axis of rotation is very nearly perpendicular to the plane of the orbit. 147. The Satellites of Jupiter. These bodies were dis- covered by Galileo in 1610. They shine with the bril- liancy of stars between the sixth and seventh magnitude ; but owing to their proximity to the planet they are invisi- ble to the naked eye. Their configuration is continually changing. Sometimes they are all situated on one side of the planet, though more often one at least is found on each side. In very rare instances all four have been invisible, as on the 2ist of August, 1867, when the planet appeared thus unattend- ed for one hour and three quarters. It is not a rare oc- currence to find only one satellite visible. Sir William Herschel, from a long series of observa- tions on the satellites, concluded that they rotate on their axis in the time of one synodical revolution around Jupiter, thus presenting an analogy to our own satellite. He was led to this conclusion on remarking the great changes in the relative brightness of the satellites in different positions, which were found to follow such a law as could be reconciled only with this hypothesis. 148. The Eclipses of these Satellites. If Jupiter were a self-luminous body, the satellites would disappear only when they pass behind him. But they disappear at other times and in such a way as to show that the planet must be an opaque, non-luminous body. This will be seen by reference to Figure 70. If Jupiter be non-luminous, he will cast a shadow di- rectly away from the sun, as shown in the figure. The satellites will then disappear, not only when they pass behind the planet (as in the case of the satellites m and m " when the earth is at E\ but also when they pass through the shadow of the planet (as in the case of m when the earth is at E') ; and this they are found to do. ASTRONOMY. Fig. 70. 171 When they disappear behind the planet they are occulted ; when they pass through the shadow they are eclipsed. The entrance of the satellite into the shadow is called its immersion, and its exit from the shadow its emersion. The shadow is sometimes so projected that both the im- mersion and emersion of the satellite can be seen, and at other times so that only one of them can be seen. Three of the satellites are totally eclipsed at every revolu- tion, while the fourth is often only partially eclipsed, or 172 ASTRONOMY. not eclipsed at all, since its orbit is inclined to the orbit of Jupiter by a greater angle than that of the others. When a satellite passes between -us and Jupiter it makes a transit across his disc. As seen by the rigure the shad- ow of the satellite, as m ', is often projected on the disc at a different place from the satellite itself. The shadow always appears as a round black spot upon the disc, while the satellite usually appears as a bright spot, often brighter than the general disc of Jupiter. They have, however, been observed as dark spots, a phenomenon which can be accounted for only by supposing that such spots really exist on the satellites themselves, for their illuminated face must be turned towards us at the time. SATURN. 149. Distance, Period, Size, etc. The next planet in the order of distance from the sun is Saturn, who per- forms his revolution in about 29^ years, at a mean dis- tance of 909,000,000 miles from the sun, in an orbit con- siderably flattened, and inclined to the ecliptic at an angle of about 2-J degrees. The diameter of Saturn is found to be about 73,000 miles, or about nine times that of the earth. The bulk of Saturn is consequently about eight hundred times that of the earth. Though belts are frequently observed with good tele- scopes on the surface of Saturn, they are much less dis- tinct than those of Jupiter. Spots are of rare occurrence. One was seen by Sir William Herschel in 1780 for several days, and another quite distinct was seen in 1847. In 1793, Sir W. Herschel saw a quintuple belt. By very frequent and careful examination of the appearance of this belt he ascertained that the time of rotation of Saturn is a little over ten hours. ASTRONOMY. 173 The axis of rotation is inclined to the plane of the planet's orbit at an angle of about 63. His seasons are therefore more diversified than those of Jupiter. 150. The Satellites and the Rings of Saturn. Though Saturn is smaller than Jupiter, his system is far more com- plicated. He is attended by eight satellites. While the satellites of Jupiter are known respectively as the first, second, third, and fourth, those of Saturn have mythologi- cal names. Their names in the order of distance are Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan, Hype- rion, and Japetus. Of these Titan is the largest. But the most interesting feature of the Saturnian system is his rings. When Galileo turned his newly constructed telescope upon Saturn, he saw that the figure of the planet was not round as in the case of Jupiter. At first he thought it to be oblong, but on further examination he concluded that the planet consisted of a large globe, with a smaller one on each side of it. Continuing his observation he re- marked that this appearance was not constantly the same, the appendages on each side of the central globe gradually diminishing until they vanished entirely, and left the planet nearly round, without anything extraordinary about it. He therefore concluded that he had been mocked by an optical illusion. Huyghens, who possessed telescopes of greater power than those of the Italian astronomer, was the first who gave a correct explanation of these varied appearances, and detected a luminous ring surrounding the globe of Saturn. In 1675, Cassini discovered a division separat- ing the ring into two concentric rings. This division had been detected ten years previously by two English ama- teurs. The ring of Saturn may be described as broad and flat, situated exactly in the plane of the planet's equator, 174 ASTRONOMY. an .1 consequently inclined to the ecliptic at an angle of about 28. It keeps this same inclination throughout the revolution of Saturn. The plane of the ring therefore intersects the ecliptic. It is owing to this inclination that the ring is sometimes observed as a broad ellipse, at other times as a straight line barely discernible with the most powerful telescopes, and that at other times the ring entirely disappears. These phases of the ring will be understood by reference to Figure 71. In two positions of the planet the plane of the ring is seen to pass through the centre of the sun, and of course ASTRONOMY. 1 75 only its edge is illumined. Now the ring is estimated to be about one hundred miles thick. This thickness, at the distance of Saturn, .would subtend an angle just about equal to that of a good-sized pin at the distance of two miles. Hence in these two positions the ring will appear as a line of light discernible only with the most powerful telescopes. Suppose that some time before the ring came into the position marked 1848 the earth was at A : then the plane of the ring would pass between the earth and the sun, and the unillumined side of the ring would be turned towards us, and the ring would of course disap- pear. So, too, if some time after the ring came into this position the earth were at B, the plane of the ring would again pass between the earth and the sun, and the ring would again disappear. At the positions marked 1855 and 1869, the ring would appear as a broad ellipse. More recent observations go to show that the two di- visions of Saturn's ring are further subdivided, so as to constitute a multiple ring. The most recent, and at the same time one of the most remarkable discoveries with reference to the rings of Saturn, is that of a dusky or obscure ring, nearer to the planet than the intensely bright one. This dusky ring seems to have been first noticed by Dr. Galle of Berlin, but this notice attracted but little attention till 1850, when the phenomenon was remarked by Prof. Bond, of Cam- bridge, Mass., and by Mr. Dawes, of England. The latter detected a division of the obscure ring. This newly discovered ring is quite transparent, allowing the disc of the planet to be seen through it. Fig. 72 represents Saturn with his system of rings. When the ring last appeared, as a mere line, in 1861 and 1862, singular appendages, like clouds of less intense light, were noticed lying on each side of the ring. The ring of Saturn has been supposed to be solid, and to be liquid; and able mathematicians have in turn de- monstrated that it can be neither. It is now held by some that it is composed of innumerable little satellites revolv- ing about the planet, in the plane of his equator. The system of rings seems to be increasing in breadth at the rate of about twenty-nine miles a year. URANUS. 151. Its Discovery. Previous to the year 1781, the only planets known, beside the one we inhabit, were Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. All of these are more or less conspicuous to the naked eye, and were recognized ASTRONOMY. 177 from the earliest antiquity as wandering bodies. Saturn was supposed to be the most distant member of the solar system, and very little suspicion of the existence of an exterior planet was entertained. The close examination of the heavens, begun by Sir William Herschel in 1781, led to a discovery which more than doubled the area of our system. On the i3th of March, 1781, while exploring with his telescope the constellation of the Twins, he observed a star, the disc of which attracted his attention. Perceiving, after a few nights of observation, that the new body moved, he at first mistook it for a comet ; but it soon became evi- dent that it was a new planet, outside the orbit of Saturn. 152. Its Period, Distance, Size, etc. This planet may just be discerned by a person of very good eyesight, without a telescope. Uranus revolves about the sun in a period of about eighty-four years, at a mean distance of 1,828,000,000 miles, in an elliptical orbit, whose plane is inclined to the ecliptic at an angle of less than i. Its diameter is about 36,000 miles. No telescopes hitherto constructed have succeeded in showing any spots or belts upon this planet, owing to its enormous distance and the consequent minuteness of its disc. The time of its rotation, and the position of its axis with respect to the plane of its orbit, are, therefore, unknown, and are likely to remain so. 153. Its Satellites. Sir William Herschel. thought he had detected six satellites of this planet, but it is now pretty well established that there are but four. It is a curious fact that the satellites of Uranus, unlike those of the earth, Jupiter, and Saturn, revolve in a retrograde direc- tion, that is, from east to west, and that their orbits are inclined at a very large angle to that of the planet. 8* L 178 ASTRONOMY. NEPTUNE. 154. Its Period, Distance, Size, etc. The next planet in the order of distance from the sun, and, so far as we know, the last of the solar system, is Neptune. He revolves around the sun in a period of 164 years, at a mean dis- tance of 2,862,000,000 miles, in an orbit inclined to the ecliptic at an angle of a little less than 2. His diameter is about 35,000 miles. No spots can be detected on his disc, and consequently nothing is known about his time of rotation or the inclination of his axis. He is certainly at- tended by one satellite, which, like those of Uranus, moves in a retrograde direction. 155. Its Discovery. Though we know so little of this most distant member of our system, yet the circumstances of its discovery give it an enduring interest. It will be shown, further on, that the planets, by their mutual action, disturb one another's orbits to a slight ex- tent, so that none of them describe exact ellipses. It had been noticed for many years that the motion of Uranus was not exactly what it was calculated it should be, after making allowance for all known causes of disturbance. Two young mathematicians, M. Le Verrier, of France, and Mr. Adams, of England, were led, unknown to each other, to inquire into the cause of this apparent anomaly, and both soon came to the conclusion that a planet of consid- erable magnitude must exist outside the orbit of Uranus. Their next object was to ascertain the position of the planet amongst the stars, with a view to its actual discov- ery in the telescope ; but the problem to be solved was one of excessive difficulty, so much so, in fact, that sev- eral of the most eminent astronomers had declared their conviction that the place of the latent planet could never be discovered by calculation. M. Le Verrier and Mr. ASTRONOMY. 179 Adams were of a different opinion, and finally succeeded in their researches, which assigned nearly the same position to the body whose influence had been so visibly exercised on the movements of Uranus. Mr. Adams, however, did not make his conclusions public through the press, and much of the first glory of this great discovery was conse- quently given to the French astronomer, who had an- nounced the position of the new planet to the Academy of Sciences at Paris in the summer of 1846. On the 23d of September, of the same year, Dr. Galle, of the Royal Observatory, Berlin, acting upon the urgent representa- tions of M. Le Verrier, contained in a letter which reached Berlin at this date, turned the large telescope of the observatory to that part of the heavens in which M. Le Verrier had informed him he would find the disturbing planet. Hardly was this done when a pretty bright tele- scopic star appeared in the field of view, at a point where no such object was marked in a carefully prepared map of that part of the heavens. This proved to be the pre- dicted planet, and the name Neptune was given to it by the common consent of M. Le Verrier, Mr. Adams, and the chief astronomers of Europe. In calculating the position of this planet, they had as- sumed, according to Bode's law, that it would be about twice as distant as Uranus. But the mean distance of Neptune is found to be considerably less than double that of Uranus ; hence this law, which led to the discovery of minor planets, and helped in the discovery of Neptune, has singularly enough been overthrown by these discoveries. 156. The Outer Group of Planets. The third outer group of planets comprises the large bodies outside the ring of telescopic planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune belong to this group. So far as known, they rotate in periods of about ten hours, and three of them at least are attended by a number of satellites. They have also a very slight density. l8o ASTRONOMY. SUMMARY OF THE OUTER GROUP OF PLANETS. The first and largest planet of this group is Jupiter. His diameter is about eleven times that of the earth. He completes a revolution in about twelve years, and is attended by four satellites. (144.) The disc of Jupiter is crossed by a number of parallel belts, which sometimes resemble clouds. The most strong- ly marked of these are situated near the equator of the planet. They are probably due to a disturbance in Ju- piter's atmosphere analogous to our trade winds. By ob- servation of certain well-marked spots Jupiter has been found to rotate on his axis in a little less than ten hours. (145.) The satellites of Jupiter were first discovered in 1610. They are occulted when they pass behind the planet ; eclipsed when they pass into its shadow ; and make tran- sits across the planet's disc when they pass between it and the sun. At rare intervals Jupiter is seen without satellites. (146, 147.) The next planet of this group is Saturn. He is not so large as Jupiter, his diameter being but nine times that of the earth. He completes a revolution in about 29 \ years. He has belts, but they are less marked and less perma- nent than those of Jupiter. He is found to rotate on his axis in about ten hours. (148.) Saturn is attended by eight satellites, and by a most re- markable system of rings. These rings are parallel to the plane of the planet's equator, and inclined to that of its orbit at an angle of about 28. It is owing to this in- clination that the rings sometimes appear as broad ellipses, and at other times as mere straight lines. The rings occasionally disappear entirely. Little is known of the ASTRONOMY. l8l physical constitution of these rings. They are certainly several in number, and appear to be slowly increasing in breadth. (149.) Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are the only planets visible to the naked eye, and up to the year 1781, they were the only ones known to exist In that year Herschel announced the discovery of a new planet, since named Uranus. (150.) Uranus is about twice as distant as Jupiter, and his diameter is about five times that of the earth. He com- pletes a revolution in about 84 years, but nothing is known about his rotation on his axis. (151.) He is attended by at least four satellites, all of which have a retrograde motion. (152.) The last member of this group, and, so far as we know, of our planetary system, is Neptune. His disc is about the same as that of Uranus. He completes a revolution in about 164 years, while nothing is known about his rotation. Neptune is attended by one satellite, which has a retrograde motion. (153.) A peculiar interest attaches itself to this remote body, owing to the circumstances of its discovery. (154.) The planets, so far as known, all rotate on their axes from west to east. They also revolve about the sun from west to east, while the satellites, with the exception of those of Uranus and Neptune, revolve about their pri- maries from west to east. The sun and moon also rotate from west to east. COMETS. 157. There is another group of well-known bodies called Comets, which differ in so many respects from the planets that they seem hardly to belong to the same system. 1 82 ASTRONOMY. These bodies are observed only in those parts of their orbits which are nearest to the sun. They are not con- fined, like the larger planets, to the zodiac, but appear in every quarter of the heavens, and move in every possible direction. They usually continue visible a few weeks or months, and very rarely so long as a year. Their ap- pearance, with some few exceptions, is nebulous or cloud- like, whence it is inferred that they consist of masses of vapor, though in a highly attenuated state, since very- small stars are often seen through them. The more conspicuous comets are accompanied by a tail, or train of light, which sometimes stretches over an arc of the heavens of 50 or upwards, but more fre- quently is of much less extent. The same comet may assume very different appearances during its visibility, according to its position with respect to the earth and sun. When first perceptible, a comet resembles a little spot of faint light upon the dark ground of the sky as it approaches the sun its brightness in- creases, and the tail begins to show itself. Generally the comet is brightest when it arrives near its perihelion, and gradually fades away as it recedes from the sun, until it cannot be seen with the best telescopes we possess. Some few have become so intensely brilliant as to be seen in full daylight. A remarkable instance of this kind occurred in 1843, when a comet was discovered within a few degrees of the sun himself; and there are one or two similar cases on record. The brighter or more condensed part of a comet, from which the tail proceeds, is called the nucleus ; and the nebulous matter surrounding the nucleus is termed the coma ; frequently the nucleus and coma are included un- der the general term head. Some comets have no nuclei, their light being nearly uniform. The tail of a comet is merely a prolongation of the neb- ASTRONOMY. 183 ulous envelope surrounding the nucleus, and it almost always extends in a direction opposite to that of the sun at the time. In some cases it is long and straight ; in others, curved near the extremity, or divided into two or more branches. A few comets have exhibited two distinct tails. The real length of this train has some- times exceeded 100 or 150 millions of miles ; that of the great comet of 1843 is sa id to have been 200 millions of miles long. Comparatively few of the many comets that visit our system are visible to the naked eye. Most of them are faint filmy masses, without tails, which can be seen only with the telescope. It is supposed that the general form of the orbits of these bodies is a highly elongated ellipse. 158. ff alley's and other famous Comets. Astronomers have ascertained with great precision the periods which certain comets require to perform their revolutions round the sun, and are able to predict the times of their reap- pearance, and their paths among the stars. This was first done by Dr. Halley, in the case of the comet observed in 1682, which he discovered to be the same that had ap- peared in 1456, 1531, and 1607, and hence concluded that its revolution is accomplished in about seventy- five years. He foretold its reappearance in 1759, which actually took place after a retardation of between one and two years. The same body appeared again in 1835, and will again visit our solar system about the year 1911. It may be traced in history as far back as the year n B. C. A comet called Encke's has a period of 3^ years; another, Bielcts^ of 6f years ; and several others perform their revolutions in from five to eight years. There are a few comets, besides the ones above men- tioned, which complete their journey round the sun in 184 ASTRONOMY. from sixty to eighty years ; but it is certain that by far the greater number require hundreds or even thousands of years to perform their revolutions. When this is the case, it becomes almost impossible to assign their exact periods. Remarkable comets appeared in 1680 and 1843, both of which approached so near to the sun as almost to graze his surface. The comet of 1811 has acquired great celebrity. It remained visible to the naked eye several months, shining with the lustre of the brighter stars, and attended by a beautiful fan-shaped tail. This body is supposed to require upwards of 3000 years to complete its excursion through space. The splendid comet of 1858, generally known as Dona- tfs y will long be remembered for the remarkable physical appearances it presented in the telescope, as well as on account of its imposing aspect to the naked eye. It is presumed to have a period of revolution of about 2100 years. Hardly less famous in future times will be the grand comet which appeared in 1861. This comet had a tail 100 degrees in length. Its period of revolution would appear to be much shorter than that of Donati's comet, probably not exceeding 450 years. It is probable that there are many thousands of comets belonging to the solar system, of which a large proportion never come sufficiently near the sun to be seen from the Earth. SUMMARY. The comets are a group of bodies quite unlike the planets. They are visible only when near the sun. They appear in every quarter of the heavens, and move in every possible direction. ASTRONOMY. 185 The largest comets consist of a nucleus, a coma, and a tail. Their trains are often of great length. A comet usually changes its appearance considerably during its visibility. Comparatively few comets are visible to the naked eye. (157.) Several of the comets are known to return to the sun at intervals of greater or less length. Some of the 'most famous comets are Halley's, which has a period of about seventy-five years ; EnckJs, whose period is about three and a half years; those of 1680 and 1843, which approached very near the sun ; that of 1811, which remained visible several months, and was attended by a beautiful fan-shaped tail ; Donati's, which is thought to have a period of about 2100 years; and that of 1861, noted for the splendor of its train. (158.) THE FIXED STARS. 159. We have already seen (78) that the stars are not absolutely fixed : many of them are known to be moving at the rate of several miles a second. It is only owing to their immense distance from us and from one another that their configurations do no{ appear to change. The most noticeable feature of the fix^ed stars is their scintillation or twinkling, which contrasts so strongly with the steady light of the principal planets. This twinkling, is an optical phenomenon, supposed to be due to what is termed the interference of light. Humboldt states that in the pure air of Cumana, in South America, the stars do not twinkle after they attain an elevation, on the average, of 15 above the horizon. Hence we must conclude that the twinkling of the stars is due to atmospheric conditions. 1 60. Their Number. The actual number of stars vis- ible to the naked eye, at the same time, on a clear, dark 1 86 ASTRONOMY. night, is between two and three thousand, though a person forming an estimate of their number from casual observa- tion is almost certain to make it very much larger. It is a well-ascertained fact that, in the whole heavens, the stars which can be distinctly seen without the telescope, by any one gifted with good sight, do not exceed six thousand. The telescopic -stars are innumerable. It has been con- jectured that more than twenty millions might be seen with one of Herschel's twenty-feet reflectors ; and if we could greatly increase the power of our telescopes, there is no doubt that the number actually discernible would be vastly augmented. 161. Magnitudes. The stars are divided, according to their degrees of brightness, into separate classes, called magnitudes. The most conspicuous are termed stars of the first magnitude : there are about twenty of these. The next in order of intensity of light are stars of the second magnitude, which are about fifty or sixty in number. Of the third magnitude there are two hundred or upwards, and many more of the fourth, fifth, and sixth. These six classes comprise all the stars that can be well seen with the naked eye on a clear night. Telescopes in common use will show fainter stars to the tenth magnitude inclusive, while the powerful instruments in observatories reveal an almost infinite multitude of , others, even down to the eighteenth or twentieth magnitudes. This classification of the stars is, to a great degree, arbitrary, so that it is not unusual to find astronomers dif- fering greatly in their estimates of brightness. 162. Constellations* For the sake of more readily dis- tinguishing the stars, and referring to any particular quar- ter of the heavens, they have been arranged into groups called constellations, each named from some object to which the configuration of its stars may be supposed to * See Appendix, VI. ASTRONOMY. 187 bear a resemblance. Many are figures 01 heroes, birds, and animals, connected with the fables of classical my- thology. This mode of grouping the stars is of very ancient date. There are twelve constellations in the zodiac (a belt of the heavens extending 8 on each side of the ecliptic, and including the paths of all the larger planets), and hence called the zodiacal constellations, viz. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricor- nus, Aquarius, Pisces. These are also the names of the twelve signs, or divisions of 30 each, into which the zodiac was formerly divided; but the effect of precession (20), which throws back the place of the equinox among the stars from year to year, prevents a constant agreement between these constellations and the corresponding signs. 163. Names of the Stars. Many of the brighter stars had proper names assigned to them at a very early date, as Sirius, Arcturus, Rigel, Aldebaran, etc., and by these names they are still commonly distinguished. The stars are now usually designated by the letters of the Greek alphabet, to which the genitive of the Latin name of the constellation is added, The brightest star is called a (alpha), the next /3 (beta), and so on. Thus, Al- debaran is termed a Tauri ; Rigel, Orionis ; Sirius, a Canis Majoris. 164. The Color of the Stars. Many of the stars shine with colored light, as red, blue, green, or yellow. These colors are exhibited in striking contrast in many of the double stars. Combinations of blue and yellow, or green and yellow, are not uncommon, while in fewer cases we find one star white and the other purple, or one white and the other red. . In several instances each star has a rosy light. The following are a few of the most interesting colored double stars : i88 ASTRONOMY. Name of star. Color of larger one. y (gamma) Andromedae, Orange, Color of smaller one. Sea-green. a Piscium, Cygni, 77 (eta) Cassiopeise, a- (sigma) Cassiopeiae, (zeta) Coronse, A star in Argo, A star in Centaurus, Pale green, Blue. Yellow, Sapphire-blue. Yellow, Purple. Greenish, Fine blue. White, Light purple. Pale rose, Greenish blue. Scarlet, Scarlet. Single stars of a fiery red or deep orange color are common enough. Of the first color may be mentioned Aldebaran, Antares, and Betelgeuse. Arcturus is a good example of an orange star. Isolated stars of a deep blue or green color are very rarely found. It is now a well-established fact that the stars change their color. Sirius was described as a fiery red star by the ancients. Some years ago it was pure white, while it is now becoming of a decided green color. Capella was also called a red star by the ancients ; it was afterwards described as a yellow star ; and is now bluish. Many other instances of change of color, though less decided, have been detected. 165. Variable Stars. Besides those stars which are known to undergo changes of color, there are many stars, not only among those visible to the naked eye, but also belonging tb telescopic classes, which exhibit periodical changes of brilliancy. These are called variable stars. Algol, or j3 (beta), in the constellation Perseus, is one of the most interesting of the variable stars. For about 2 d i3 h it shines as an ordinary star of the second magni- tude, and is therefore conspicuously visible to the naked eye. In somewhat less than four hours it diminishes to the fourth magnitude, and thus remains about twenty minutes ; it then as rapidly increases to the second, and continues so for another period of 2 d i3 h , after which ASTRONOMY. 189 similar changes recur. The exact period in which all these variations are performed is 2 d 2o h 48 m 55 s . Another remarkable star of this kind is o (omicron) in Cetus, often termed Mira, or the wonderful star. It goes through all its changes in 334 days, but exhibits some curious irregularities. When brightest it usually shines as a star of the second magnitude, yet on certain occa- sions has not appeared brighter than the fourth. Between five and six months afterwards it disappears altogether. Sometimes it will shine without perceptible change of brightness for a whole month ; at others there is a very sensible alteration in a few days. Its variability was dis- covered in the seventeenth century. The list of variable stars visible to the naked eye is pretty numerous. Among these are the following : 8 (delta) Cephei, goes through its changes in 5 d. 9 h. 77 Aquilae, " " 7*4 a Herculis, " " 66 days. A star in Aquila, " " 72 " A star in Corona Borealis, " 323 " A star near x (chi) Cygni, " 406 " 30 Hydrae, " 442 In some cases the periods extend to many years. 34 Cygni, a star whose fluctuations were noticed as long since as 1600, is supposed to complete its cycle of changes in about eighteen years. The bright star Capella, in the constellation Auriga, is believed to have increased in lustre during the present century, while within the same period one of the seven bright stars (delta) in Ursa Major, forming the Dipper, has diminished. Many instances of a similar kind might be mentioned. Telescopic variable stars are very numerous, and have lately excited much attention. I QO ASTRONOMY. 166. Irregular or Temporary Stars. In the present state of our knowledge, it appears necessary to distin- guish between the variable star's, properly so called, which go through their changes with some degree of regularity, and are either always visible or seen at short intervals, and those wonderful objects that have occasion- ally burst forth in the heavens with a brilliancy in some instances far surpassing the light of stars of the first magnitude, or even the lustre of Jupiter and Venus, re- maining thus for a short time, and then gradually fading away. This latter class are called irregular or temporary stars. The most celebrated star of this kind recorded in his- tory is one which made its appearance in 1572, and attracted the attention of Tycho de Brahe, the Danish astronomer, who has left us a particular description of the various changes it underwent while it continued within view. It was situated in Cassiopeia, one of the circum- polar constellations, was first seen early in the autumn of 1572, and afterwards dwindled down, until it became so faint, in March, 1574, that Tycho could no longer per- ceive it. During the early part -of its apparition it far surpassed Sirius, and even Jupiter, in brilliancy, and could only be compared to the planet Venus when she is in her most favorable position with respect to the earth. Persons with keen sight could see the star at noon-day ; and at night it was discernible through clouds that obscured every other object. It twinkled more than the ordinary fixed stars ; was first white, then yellow, and finally very red. Another temporary star became suddenly visible in Ophi- uchus, in 1604, and was observed by Kepler. Though somewhat inferior to Venus, it exceeded Jupiter and Saturn in splendor. Like Tycho's star, it twinkled far more than its neighbors, but was not characterized by ASTRONOMY. 19 1 successive changes of color ; when clear from the vapors prevalent about the horizon, it was always white. This object remained visible till March, 1606, and then disap- peared. Other stars, evidently of the same class, are mentioned by historians in remote times. One of a less conspicuous character was discovered by Anthelme, in 1670, not far from ft Cygni ; and another in April, 1848, in the constel- lation Ophiuchus, which rose to the fourth magnitude, and has now faded away to the twelfth, so that it cannot be seen without a good telescope. In May, 1866, a remarkable temporary star appeared in the constellation of Corona Borealis. At its greatest brilliancy it was somewhat above the second magnitude. It rapidly faded away and early in June was not above the ninth magnitude. It may be that these temporary stars are merely variable stars of long period. 167. The Via Lactea, or Milky Way. The Via Lactea, Galaxy, or Milky Way, as it is variously termed, is that whitish luminous band of irregular form which is seen on a dark night stretching across the heavens from one side of the horizon to the other. To the naked eye it presents merely a diffused milky light, stronger in some parts than in others ; but when examined with a powerful telescope it is found to consist of myriads of stars, of millions upon millions of suns, so crowded together that only their united, light reaches the unassisted eye. The general course of the Milky Way is in a great cir- cle, inclined about 63 to the celestial equator, and inter- secting it in the constellations Cetus and Virgo. The distribution of the telescopic stars within its limits is far from uniform. In some regions several thousands (or as many as are seen by the naked eye on a clear night over the whole firmament) are crowded together 192 ASTRONOMY. within the space of a square degree : in others a few glit- tering points only are scattered on the black ground of the heavens. It presents in some- parts a bright glow of light to the naked eye, from the closeness of the constitu- ent stars ; in others there are dark spaces with scarcely a single star upon them. A remarkable instance of the kind occurs in the broad stream of the Via Lactea, near the Southern Cross, where its luminosity is very con- siderable ; but there exists in the midst of it a dark oval or pear-shaped vacancy, distinguished by the early navigators under the name of the Coal-Sack. Similar vacancies occur in the constellations Scorpio and Ophi- uchus. From the results of a numerical estimate of the stars at various distances from the circle of the Via Lactea, it has been proved that the stars are fewest in number near the poles of that circle, and increase slowly at first, afterwards more rapidly until we arrive at the Milky Way itself, where their number is greatest. Hence it is inferred that the stars which cover our heavens are not uniformly distributed throughout space, but, as described by Sir John Herschel, " form a stratum, of which the thickness is small in comparison with its length and breadth." The solar system would appear to be placed somewhat to the northern side of the middle of its thickness, since the density of the stars is rather greater to the south than to the north of the plane of the Via Lactea. From these and other considerations, Sir William Herschel was led to regard our starry firmament as possessing in reality a form of which Figure 73 will convey some idea, one portion being subdivided into two branches slightly inclined to each other. The earth being placed at S (not far from the point of divergence of the two streams), the stars in the direction of b and b would appear comparatively few in number, ASTRONOMY. but would increase rapidly as the line of vision ap- proached e, e, or f, in which directions we should see them most densely crowded, the rate of transition from the poorer regions to those richest in stars being such as we have alluded to above. Near the intersection of the streams e and now find how much the moon's path is -m, M really deflected in one second of time. Let J5, in Figure 85, represent the position of the earth ; M, the position of the moon ; and Mm, the direction in which the moon is moving at the instant. Let Mm be the distance the moon would pass over in one second of time if nothing interfered with her motion. Then m JVwill be the distance the moon is drawn towards the earth in this time. Now, considering the moon as moving in a cir- cle whose semidiameter is her mean distance, E M is 238,800 ; .the whole circumference is 1,500,450 miles ; and her periodic time is 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes. Dividing the length of the whole orbit by the number of seconds in her periodic time, we find her velocity in any part of her orbit, as at M, is .6356 of a mile. This is the distance, Mm, that she would have travelled, had no force inter- fered with her motion. But E M m is a right-angled trian- gle, and we know the length of the sides E Mand Mm. By squaring these and extracting the square root of their sum, we find the length of the hypothenuse E m to be 2l8 ASTRONOMY. 238,800.0000008459 miles. But m TV is equal to m E mi- nus E N. Therefore m N is equal to .0000008459 of a mile, or .0536 of an' inch. This is found to be almost ex- actly the same distance that the moon ought to be drawn to the earth in a second of time, provided she is drawn downward by the same force which draws a stone to the earth, the intensity of the force having diminished as the square of the distance has increased. This slight differ- ence is exactly accounted for by disturbing causes which are known to exist. It is therefore certain that the attrac- tion of the earth which causes the stone to fall, and the attraction of the earth which bends the moon's path from a straight line to a circle, are really the same attraction, only diminished for the moon in the inverse proportion of the square of her distance. If we had taken the interval of an hour instead of a second, we should have found that the moon was drawn to the earth 10.963 miles ; and we should have found that a stone at the distance of the moon would have fallen through a corresponding space in the same time. GRAVITY ACTS BETWEEN THE SUN AND PLANETS, AND BETWEEN PLANETS AND THEIR MOONS. 191. The Paths of the Earth and of Jupiter are curved by the Force of Gravity. We will proceed to see whether the paths of the planets are curved by gravity. Let us first compare the spaces through which the sun draws the planets in one hour ; and, as an instance, we will take the earth and Jupiter. In Fig. 86 let E F be the path described by the earth in one hour, and E e the path in a straight line which the earth would have de- scribed in one hour if nothing had disturbed it ; and let J K be the path described by Jupiter in one hour ; and ASTRONOMY. 219 Jj the path Jupiter would have described in one hour if nothing had disturbed it. Then e F is the space through which the sun's attraction has drawn the earth in one hour, and / K the space through which the sun's attraction has drawn Jupiter in one hour. We wish to find the ratio of e F toy K. Taking C E as 95,000,000 miles, the circumfer- ence of the earth's orbit is 596,900,000 miles, which the earth describes in 365.26 days; and therefore the line Ee, which is the earth's motion in one hour, is 68,091 miles. Adding the square of C to the square of E e, and extracting the square root of the sum, we find that C e is 95,000,024.402 miles ; and there- fore e F, the space through which the sun draws the earth in an hour, is 24.402 miles. For Jupiter, C J is 494,000,000 miles ; the circumference of its orbit is therefore 3,104,000,000 miles; which is described in 4,332.62 days ; therefore Jj\ the motion in one hour, is 29,850 miles ; and the length of Cj t found in the same manner, is 494,000,000.9019 miles; and j K, the space through which the sun draws Jupiter in one hour, is 0.9019 miles. The distances through which these planets are drawn towards the sun are therefore in the ratio of 24.402 to 0.9019. But if we compute, from the rule of the inverse square of the distances, what would be the proportion of the force of the sun on the earth to the force of the sun on Jupiter, we find that it is the proportion of 24.402 to 0.9024. These proportions may be regarded as exactly the same, the trifling difference between them arising mainly from the circumstance that we have used only round 220 ASTRONOMY. numbers for the distances of the two planets from the sun. It is true, then, for these two planets that the strength of the sun's attraction is inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the attracted body from the sun. 192. The Paths of all the Planets and their Satellites are curved by Gravity. If we should compare any two plan- ets in the same way, we should arrive at the same conclu- sion. In fact it has been demonstrated that whenever the rule known as Kepler's third law (42) holds, namely, that " the squares of the periodic times of several bodies mov- ing round a central body are proportional to the cubes of the distances of the several bodies from that central body," then it will be found, by a process exactly similar to that which we have gone through, that the effects of the central body's attraction at the different distances are in- versely as the squares of the distances. Now, this law was discovered by Kepler, long before the theory of gravita- tion was invented, to hold in regard to the times and dis- tances of the planets in their revolutions round the sun. Moreover, in regard to the four satellites of Jupiter, the same law holds. For we are able without difficulty to observe their periodic times ; we are able also to ascertain their angular distance from Jupiter ; and from this, know- ing the distance of Jupiter from the earth in miles, we can compute the distance of each satellite from Jupiter in miles. We thus find that the squares of their times are proportional to the cubes of their distances. Consequently the attraction of Jupiter upon his several satellites is in- versely proportional to the squares of their distances from him. In like manner it is found that the attraction of Saturn upon his eight satellites is inversely proportional to the squares of their distances from him ; and, so far as we can examine, the same law holds with regard to the attraction of Uranus and Neptune on their satellites. ASTRONOMY. 221 Thus, for every body which we know around which other bodies revolve, the force of attraction of the central body on the different bodies that revolve round it is inversely proportional to the squares of their distances. 193. Gravity causes the Planets and their Moons to move in Ellipses. Kepler also discovered that the planets do not move in circles but ellipses. Hence their distance from the sun varies. We have now found it true that the attraction of the central body upon the bodies revolving about it follows the law of the inverse squares of the dis- tances ; does this law hold in the case of each planet as its distance from the sun varies ? We have already seen that when a planet moves in an ellipse, the deflecting force must be directed to the focus of the ellipse, in order that a line drawn from that focus to the planet may describe equal areas in equal times. Since the planets are thus constantly pulled towards the sun, and since they at times really approach him, it would seem that they would be unable to recede from him again. 194. The Resolution of Forces. Before we show how it is that a planet can thus recede from the sun, we must explain what is called the resolution of forces. This may be illustrated by the apparatus represented in Figure 87. Fig. 87. Suppose A and B to be two pulleys, fixed upon an up- right frame, and suppose two cords to pass over them, 222 ASTRONOMY. carrying the two weights, C and Z>, at their ends ; and where they meet at E let a third cord be attached, carry- ing the weight -F; then the tension or pull produced by this one weight F, acting at the point , supports two tensions in different directions acting at the same point, namely, the tension .produced by the weight C acting in the direction E A, and the tension produced by the weight D acting in the direction E B. Thus we may say, that one pull in the direction E F exerts two pulls in different directions, A E and B E, for it keeps the two cords strained so as to support the two other weights. We may say, on the other hand, that these two outside weights, C and Z>, support the middle one. The three pulls of the cords keep the point E in equilibrium ; but they will sup- port it only in one position, according to the amount of weight which is hung to each cord. If we put another weight upon C, the position of the point E and the direc- tion of the cords will immediately change. Regarding the action of the two tensions in the directions E A, E B, as supporting the one tension in the direction E F, this may be considered as an instance of the combination of forces ; and regarding the one tension in the direc- tion E F, as supporting two in the directions A J5, E B, this may be considered as an instance of the resolution of forces, the one force in the direction E F being re- solved into two forces in the directions A E, BE, and producing in all respects the same effects as two forces in the directions A E, B E. Having, then, a force in any one direction, we may re- solve it into two forces acting in any two directions suited to the nature of the case, and we may use those two forces instead of the one original force. 195. We can now see how it is that when a planet has once begun to approach to the sun, it can recede again from it. Suppose, in Figure 88, a planet is moving from /, ASTRONOMY. 223 through M, towards L. The attraction of the sun pulls it the direction of the line MS. Upon the principle of in the resolution of forces, we may consider the force in the direction of MS to be resolved into two, one of which is in the direction of JVM, perpendicular to the orbit, and the other is in the direction of O M, parallel to that part of the orbit. Now that part of the force which is in the direction JVM, perpendicular to the orbit, makes the orbit curved. But that part which acts in the direction of O M, parallel to the orbit, produces a different ef- Fig. 8 9 . feet ; it accelerates the planet's mo- tion in its orbit. Thus, in going from / towards Z, the planet is made to go quicker and quicker. If the diagram (Figure 88) be turned in such a manner that MS is vertical, S being downwards, the planet is under the same circumstances as a ball rolling down a hill. If a ball is going down a hill, as at M, Figure 89, the force of gravity, which is in the direction MS, may be resolved 224 ASTRONOMY. into two parts, one of which acts in the direction IV M, perpendicular to the hillside, and merely presses the ball towards the hill ; the other acts in the direction O Af, making it go the faster down the hill. In this manner, as long as the planet goes from k through M towards Z, it is going quicker and quicker. It has been explained above (176), that the curvature of a planet's orbit, or the curvature of the path of a cannon-ball, depends upon two circum- stances ; one is the velocity with which it is going, and the other is the force which acts to bend its path. The greater its speed, the less its path is curved. Conse- quently, as the planet is going so fast in the neighbor- hood of K, its orbit may be very little curved there, even though the sun is there pulling it with a very great force. The effect of this is, that the planet passes the sun and begins to recede from it. But it does not recede perpet- ually. Suppose, for instance, that it has reached the point M' ; the force of the sun in the direction M'S may be re- solved into two, in the directions N'M', O M' , of which the former only curves the orbit, while the latter retards the planet in its movement in the orbit. Therefore, as the planet recedes from the sun, it goes more and more slowly, till at last its velocity may be diminished so much, that the power of the sun, reduced as it is there, is enabled to bring it back again. Thus the planet goes on in its orbit, alternately approaching to, and receding from, the sun. 196. In Figure 8, let KA and ka be the path in a straight line which the planet would describe in an hour in those parts of its orbit : then will A B and a b be the dis- tance which the planet is drawn towards the sun in an hour in each of those positions. Now, by a somewhat difficult mathematical investigation, it can be shown that the lines A B and a b stand in the inverse ratio of the squares of the distances S K and S k, and this is found to be true of the planet at any two positions in its orbit. We therefore con- ASTRONOMY. 225 elude, that when any body moves in an elliptical orbit round a certain body situated in the focus of this ellipse, the de- flecting force, exerted by the central body, varies in the inverse proportion of the squares of the distances between the two bodies. GRAVITY ACTS BETWEEN THE SUN AND COMETS. 197. The Parabolic Motion of Comets. There is, how- ever, another remarkable class of bodies of which we have already spoken ; namely, the comets. Can the curved form of their paths be accounted for on the supposition that they are drawn toward the sun by the same force as the planets ? A few of the comets, as has been stated (157), are now known to move in very long ellipses, and to return periodically to our sight. Of course their motion can be accounted for in the same way as that of the planets ; but, in Newton's time, the idea of a periodical comet was wholly unknown ; and it is now certain that many of the comets, after visiting the sun, never return to him again. But since curvature of the path of a planet depends both upon the force which draws it towards the sun and upon its velocity, we can readily see that the velocity of a planet might be so great that its path would never be bent around enough to bring it back to the sun. Newton showed, by an investigation similar to that made in the case of an elliptical orbit, that a body subject to the attraction of a central body (as the sun) might, if the Fig ^ force varied inversely as the square of the distance, describe the curve called the parabola; but no other law of force would account for the description of such a curve. The form of the para- bola is represented in Figure 90, C be- 10* o 226 ASTRONOMY. ing the sun ; and this curve, it is evident, possesses two of the peculiarities which distinguish the motions of comets ; it comes very near to the sun at one part, and it goes off to an indefinitely great distance at other parts. Now, when Newton had found out that the same laws of gravitation which were established from the consideration of elliptical motion would account for motion in a parab- ola, he began to try whether the parabola would not repre- sent the motion of a comet. It was found, that by taking a parabola of certain dimensions, and in a certain position, the motions of the comet which had been observed most accurately could be represented with the utmost precision. Since that time, the same investigation has been repeated for hundreds of comets ; and it has been found, in every instance, that the comet's movements could be exactly represented by supposing it to move in a parabola of proper dimensions and in the proper position, the sun being always situated at a certain point called the focus of the parabola. This investigation tends most powerfully to confirm the law of gravitation ; showing that the same moving body, which at one time is very near to the sun, and at another time is inconceivably distant from it, is subject to an attraction of the sun varying inversely as. the square of the distance. GRAVITY ACTS AMONG ALL THE HEAVENLY BODIES. 198. The Moorfs Perturbations. We \have seen that the sun attracts the earth. Does it also attract the moon ? If so, as these bodies are always either at different dis- tances from the sun, or lie in different directions from the sun, they will be differently attracted by him ; and hence their relative motions will be disturbed. We find that these motions are thus disturbed, giving rise to what are called perturbations. These perturbations were discovered from ASTRONOMY. 227 observation long before the theory of gravitation was in- vented. One of the first triumphs of the theory was their complete explanation. We shall attempt here to explain only the one which is called the Moon's Variation. In Figure 91, suppose E to be the earth, M' M" M'" M"" the moon's orbit, and C the sun. The sun, by the Fig. law of gravitation, attracts bodies which are near with greater force than those which are far distant from it. There- fore, when the moon is at M' the sun attracts the moon more than the earth, and tends to pull the moon away from the earth. When the moon is at M"' the sun attracts the earth more than the moon, and therefore tends to pull the earth from the moon, producing the same effect as at M' or tending to sep- arate them. When the moon is at M" the force of the sun on the moon is nearly the same as the force of the sun upon the earth, but it is in a different di- rection. If the sun pulls the earth through the space E e, and if it also pulls the moon through the same space M"m, these attractions tend to bring the earth and the moon nearer together, because the two bodies are moved as it were along the sides of a wedge which grows narrower and narrower. Thus, at M' and M'" the action of the sun tends to separate the earth and the moon, and at M" and M"" the action tends to bring the earth and the moon together. One might perhaps infer from this that the moon's orbit is elongated in the direction M' M'" -, but the effect is exactly the opposite. The fact really is, that the moon's orbit is elongated in the direction M" M"". And it can easily be shown that it must be so. The moon, we will suppose, is travelling from M"" to M'. All this time the 228 ASTRONOMY. sun is attracting her more than the earth, and therefore increasing her velocity till she reaches M' '. When she is passing from M' to M" the sun is pulling her back, and her velocity is diminished till she reaches M". From this point her velocity increases again till she reaches M'", and then diminishes again till she reaches M"" . Therefore, when the moon is nearest to the sun, and farthest from the sun, she is moving with the greatest velocity ; when she is at those parts of her orbit at which her distance from the sun is equal to the earth's distance from the sun, she is moving with the least velocity. We have learned that the curvature of the orbit depends on two considerations. One is the velocity \ and the greater the velocity is, the less the orbit will be curved. The other is the force ; and the less the force is, the less the orbit will be curved. Since, then, the velocity is greatest at M' and M"', and the force di- rected to the earth is least (because the sun's disturbing force there diminishes the earth's attraction), the orbit must be the least curved there. At M" and M"" the ve- locity has been considerably diminished ; the force which draws the moon towards the earth is greatest there (be- cause the sun's disturbing force there increases the earth's attraction), and therefore the orbit must be most curved there. The only way of reconciling these conclusions is by saying that the orbit is lengthened in the direction M" M"" ; a conclusion opposite to what we should have supposed if we had not investigated closely this remark- able phenomenon. It will easily be understood that the amount of this effect is modified in some degree by the change which the earth's attraction undergoes in conse- quence of the change of the moon's distance, (the earth's attractive force varying inversely as the square of the moon's distance,) but still the reasoning applies with per- fect accuracy to the kind of alteration which is produced in the moon's orbit. ASTRONOMY. 229 This particular inequality was discovered by Tycho de Brahe before gravitation was known ; and it was ex- plained by Newton as a result of gravitation. There are other perturbations, even more important than this, which were discovered before gravitation was known, and which were most fully and accurately explained by gravitation. 199. The Mutual Perturbations of the Planets. Again, it is found that there are disturbances in the motions of the planets generally ; and these disturbances can be ex- plained only by supposing that every planet attracts every other planet, and that therefore the motions of the planets are not exactly the same as if only the sun attracted them. These disturbances are exceedingly complicated. There is one kind, however, of which possibly some notion may be given. They are the most remarkable in Jupiter and Saturn. There are many books, written as late as the beginning of the present century, in which the motions of Jupiter and Saturn are spoken of as irreconcilable with the theory of gravitation. It was one of the grand discoveries of La Place that the great disturbances of those two planets are caused by what is called the "inequality of long period," requiring some hundreds of years to go through all its changes. Let Figure 92 represent the orbits of Jupiter and Sat- .urn. They are both ellipses, and the positions of their axes do not correspond. Now, the thing which La Place pointed out as affecting the perturbations of these planets is one which applies more or less to several other planets ; namely, that the periodic times of Jupiter and Saturn are very nearly in the proportion of two small numbers, 2 to 5. Inasmuch as these periodic times are in the proportion 230 ASTRONOMY. of 2 to 5, it follows that, while Saturn is describing two thirds of a revolution in its orbit, Jupiter is describing almost exactly five thirds of a revolution in its orbit. If, therefore, the two planets have been in conjunction, then about twenty years afterwards Saturn has described two thirds of a revolution, and Jupiter a whole revolution and two thirds, and the planets will be in conjunction again, but not in the same parts of their orbits as before, but in parts farther on by two thirds of a revolution. Thus, in Figure 92, suppose i i to be the place of the first conjunc- tion of which we are speaking. Saturn describes two thirds of his orbit as far as the figure 2. Jupiter goes on describ- ing a whole revolution and two thirds of a revolution, and arrives at the same time at the figure 2 in his orbit, and the planets are in conjunction at 2 2. Saturn goes on de- scribing two thirds of the orbit again, and comes to figure 3. Jupiter goes on describing a whole revolution and two thirds of another, and he comes to figure 3, and they are in conjunction there. The next time they are in conjunc- tion at figure 4, the next at figure 5, and the next at figure 6, and so on. These conjunctions occur in this manner from the circumstance that the periodic times are nearly in the proportion pf 2 to 5 ; there are three points of the orbit at nearly equal distances, at which the conjunctions occur. But we will suppose that they occurred exactly at three equidistant points, and that time after time they happened exactly at the same points. It is plain that in that case there would be a remarkable effect of the disturbances, particularly at those parts of the orbit i i, 2 2, 3 3, etc., where Jupiter and Saturn are nearer to each other than at other times. They are very large planets ; each of them larger than all the rest of the solar system, except the sun. They exercise very great attractive force each upon the other ; and therefore they would disturb each other in a ASTRONOMY. 231 very great degree, if their conjunctions occurred exactly "at the same place. Now, these conjunctions do not occur exactly at the same place. The periodic times are nearly in the propor- tion of 2 to 5, but not exactly in that proportion. Conse- quently their places of conjunction travel on, until after a certain time the points of conjunction of the series i, 4, 7, etc., would have travelled on until they met the series 3, 6, 9, etc. A period of not less than nine hundred years is required for this change. Now, so long as three conjunctions take place at any definite set of points, the effect on the orbits is of one kind. As they travel on, the effect is of another descrip- tion (because, from the eccentricity of their orbits, the dis- tance between the planets at conjunction is not the same), and so they go on changing slowly until the points of the series i, 4, 7, etc., are extended so far as to join the series 3, 6, 9, etc. ; and then the conjunctions of the two planets occur at the same points of their orbits as at first, and the effect of each planet in disturbing the other is the same as at first ; and thus we have the same thing recurring over and over again for ages. During one half of each period of nine hundred years, the effect that one planet has upon the other is, that its orbit has been slowly changing ; and then, during the other half, it comes back to what it was before. Suppose that, during half the nine hundred years, one planet has been causing the other to move a little quicker, and that, during the other half of that nine hun- dred years, it has been causing it to move a little slower ; although that change maybe extremely small as regards the velocity of the planets, yet, as that velocity has four hun- dred and fifty years to produce its effect in one way, and an equal time to produce its effect in the opposite way, it does produce a considerable irregularity. If the place of Saturn be calculated on the ' supposition that its periodic 232 ASTRONOMY. time is always the same, then at one time its real place will be behind its computed place by about one degree, and four hundred and fifty years later its real place will be be- fore its computed place by about one degree, so that in four hundred and fifty years it will seem to have gained two degrees. The corresponding disturbances of Jupiter are not quite so large. These are the most remarkable of all the planetary dis- turbances, their magnitude being greater than any other, fon account of the magnitude of the planets, and the eccen- tricity of their orbits. There are, however, others of the same kind. One of these depends upon the circumstance, that eight times the periodic time of the earth is very near- ly equal to thirteen times the periodic time of Venus. We have attempted to explain only one limited class of perturbations. There are some which may be described as a slow increase and decrease of the eccentricities of the orbits, and a slow change in the direction of the longer axes of the orbits ; but there are others of which no intelli- gible account can be given in an elementary book. 200. The Calculation of the Amount of these Perturba- tions. In order, however, to bring these theories into actual calculation, it is necessary to know not only the general tendency of the disturbances, but also their actual magnitude. In the perturbations produced by the earth, by Jupiter, and by Saturn, there is no difficulty in doing this. We have shown (191) that we can calculate the number of miles through which the earth's attraction draws the moon in one hour. We know also (179) that the earth's attraction draws every body at the earth's surface through the same space in the same time ; so that a ball of lead and a feather will fall to the ground with equal speed, if the resistance of the air is removed. We say, therefore, that the earth's attraction would draw a planet through the same space as the moon, provided the planet were at the ASTRONOMY. 233 moon's distance ; and, for the greater distance of the planet. we must, by the law of gravitation, diminish that space in the inverse proportion of the square of the distance. We have already learned (192) how to compute the space through which the sun draws a planet in one hour ; and therefore the problem now is, to compute the motion of a planet, knowing exactly how far, and in what direction, the sun will draw it in one hour, and also knowing exactly how far, and in what direction, the earth will draw it in one hour. In like manner we can, from observations of Jupiter's satellites, compute how far Jupiter draws one of his satel- lites in one hour, and therefore how far Jupiter would draw a planet at the same distance in one hour : and then by the law of gravitation we can compute (by the propor- tion of inverse squares of the distances) how far Jupiter will draw a planet at any distance in one hour ; and this is to be combined, in computation, with the space through which the sun will draw the planet in one hour. In like manner, by similar observations of Saturn's satellites, and similar reasoning, we can find how far Saturn will draw any planet in one hour, and we can combine this with the space through which the sun would draw it in one hour. Thus we are enabled to compute completely the perturbations which these three planets produce in any other planets. 20 1. Do the Planets' Motions, as computed with these Dis- turbances, agree with what we see in actual Observation ? They do agree most perfectly. Perhaps the best proof which can be given of the care with which astronomers have looked to this matter, is the following. The meas- ures of the distances of Jupiter's moons in use till within the last sixteen years, had not been made with due ac- curacy; and, in consequence, the perturbations produced by Jupiter had all been computed too small by about one fiftieth part. So great a discordance manifested itself 234 ASTRONOMY. * between the computed and the observed motions of some of the planets, that many of the German astronomers expressed themselves doubtful of the truth of the law of gravitation. Airy, the Astronomer Royal of England, was led to make a new set of observations of Jupiter's satel- lites, and discovered that these bodies were farther from Jupiter than was supposed, that the space through which Jupiter drew them in an hour was greater than was sup- posed, and that the perturbations ought to be increased by about one fiftieth part. On using the corrected per- turbations, the computed and the observed places of the planets agreed perfectly. The motions of our moon are sensibly disturbed by the planet Venus. An irregularity, which had been discovered by observation, and had puzzled all astronomers for fifty years, was explained a short time ago by Professor Han- sen, of Gotha, on the theory of gravitation, as a very curi- ous effect of the attraction of Venus. 202. The Theory of Gravitation holds good throughout the known Universe. We thus see that the theory of gravita- tion holds good as far as the solar system extends. We have learned, moreover, that the binary stars which have been observed to revolve about one another all move in elliptical orbits. Hence, they must act upon one another with a force which varies inversely as the square of the distance. Hence, the law of gravitation seems to hold, as far as we are able to extend our observations into space. SUMMARY. From the rotating of a wheel, and the vibrating of a free pendulum in a vacuum, we infer that a moving body will continue to move in a straight line and with a uniform velocity until it is acted upon by some force. (172.) By means of a projecting machine and Atwood's ma- ASTRONOMY. 235 chine, we find that a moving body, when acted upon by gravity alone, will, at any given time, be just as far from the point which it would have readied had it been left to itself, as it would have been had it been at rest at that point in the first place and been acted upon by gravity alone during the same time. (174, 175-) By the falling of bodies in a vacuum, and by the pendu- lum, we find that gravity acts upon a body near the earth with a force whose intensity varies directly as the mass of the body, and is sufficient to draw it from a state of rest one hundred and ninety-three inches in a second. (179, 1 88, 189.) The planets and their moons all describe curved paths. Hence they must be acted upon by some force. (173.) They all describe equal areas in equal time. Hence the force which curves their paths must, in the case of the planets, be directed toward the sun, and, in the case of the moons, toward the planet about which they revolve. (177-) At the distance of the moon, gravity, if its intensity di- minishes as the square of the distance increases, will cause a body to fall towards the earth .05305 of an inch. It is found by computation that, when allowance is made for disturbing causes which are known to exist, the moon is drawn toward the earth exactly this distance each second. Hence we conclude that gravity acts between the earth and the moon with a force whose intensity varies ^directly as the mass of the body acted upon, and inversely as the square of its distance. (190.) It is found by computation that, during a given time, all the planets are drawn toward the sun, a distance which varies inversely as the square of their distance from him. Hence they must be acted upon by a force which varies directly as their mass and inversely as the square of their distance from the sun. It is also found that the planets 236 ASTRONOMY. must be acted upon by such a force, in order that they may move in ellipses. From this we conclude that gravity acts between the sun and the planets. For a like reason we conclude that gravity acts between the planets and their moons. (191-196.) The comets describe elliptical and parabolic orbits. Hence they must be acted upon by gravity. (197.) The perturbations of the moon show that gravity must act between the sun and the moon, as well as between the sun and the earth, and the earth and the moon. (198.) The perturbations of the planets can all be exactly ac- counted for by supposing that each acts upon every other with a force -varying directly as the mass and inversely as the square of the distance of these bodies. Hence we con- clude that gravity acts among all the bodies of the solar system. (199-201.) The binary and multiple stars revolve about one another in elliptical orbits. Hence we conclude that gravity acts between stars and stars as well as among the members of our solar system. (202.) The planets not only describe ellipses which differ from one another in their eccentricity and their inclination to the ecliptic, but the path described by each planet is con- stantly undergoing changes in each of these particulars. These changes go on increasing in one direction for a certain length of time, when they again begin to diminish. It has been shown by mathematical investigations that these changes can in no case reach such a point as to break up the present order of our system, provided that system be acted upon by no external force, but that they all repeat themselves in cycles which are in some cases of enormous length. These changes of very long period are often called secular changes. ASTRONOMY. 237 GRAVITY ACTS UPON THE PARTICLES OF MATTER. 203. We have now learned that gravity acts upon all the heavenly bodies with a force varying directly as their masses, and inversely as the squares of their distances from one another. Does gravity act upon these bodies as wholes, or upon the particles of which they are composed ? 204. The Tides. If the force acting between the sun and the earth, and between the moon and the earth, acts upon the particles of which the earth is made up, those particles which are nearest the sun or moon ought to be pulled more strongly than those which are farther away, and, if they were free to move, they ought to be drawn away from those behind them. But the particles of water' have great freedom of motion among themselves. Are the waters of the ocean heaped up under the sun and moon, as they should be if gravity acts, not upon the earth as a whole, but upon the particles of which it is composed ? Now it is well known that tides exist in the ocean, and that the tidal wave follows the moon in her daily round. The particles of water nearest the moon are then drawn Fig- 93- 238 ASTRONOMY. away from those behind them, thus giving rise to the tides. It is only the mutual attraction among the particles of which the earth is composed, that keeps these particles from being drawn entirely away from the earth. On the side of the earth opposite the moon, the particles of the water are dra.wn less strongly than those of the solid ea*rth which are nearer the moon. For this reason the solid part of the earth is here drawn away from the water. This gives rise to a tidal wave also on the part of the ocean opposite the moon. The tides follow the moon generally, but not entirely. ASTRONOMY. 239 They do not follow the time of the moon's meridian pas- sage by. the same interval at all times ; and they are much larger shortly after new moon and full moon than at other times. From a careful examination of all the phenomena of tides, it appears that they may be most accurately rep- resented by the combination of two independent tides, the larger produced by the moon (as shown in Figure 93), and Fig. 95- the smaller produced by the sun. When these two tides are added together, they make a very large, tide (as shown in Figure 94), which is called a spring-tide; but when the high water produced by the sun is combined with the low water produced by the moon, and the low water produced by the sun is combined with the high water produced by the moon (see Figure 95), a small tide is produced, which is called a neap-tide. We conclude then that the force of gravity which acts between the sun and the earth, and be- tween the moon and the earth, does not act upon the earth 240 ASTRONOMY. as a whole, but upon each particle of which the earth is composed. 205. The Spheroidal Form of the. Earth. Another im- portant fact bearing upon the theory of gravitation is the spheroidal form of the earth. We have seen in Part First of this work (138) that the materials of the earth are evidently the result of burning. The heat developed by this combustion must have been sufficient to reduce the whole mass to the liquid state. It then slowly solidified at the surface, forming the rocks and soil. There is the best of evidence that the interior of the earth is still a molten mass. Portions of this molten matter are often poured forth from the craters of volca- noes, which act as so many safety-valves to relieve the pent-up forces within. Again, in deep mines the tempera- ture, as we descend, is found to increase at a rate which shows that a few miles below the surface the heat must be sufficient to fuse all known rocks. The earth was, then, without doubt, once a liquid mass ; and, obeying the tendency of all liquids, would have shaped itself into a perfect sphere, had nothing interfered with this tendency. But we have already seen that the earth is not a perfect sphere, but is flattened at the poles, and protrudes at the equator. How can this form be explained ? Fig. 96. When the hoop, in Figure 96, is made to rotate rapidly on its axis, it flattens in the direction of the axis, and bulges out in the direction at right angles to this axis. To ASTRONOMY. 241 understand why the hoop bulges out in this way we must remember the first law of motion, namely, that when a body is once put in motion it will move on a straight line if it can. No matter in what way the part of the hoop a is put in motion, it Las no tendency to move in a circle, but will move in a horizontal straight line, if this is possi- ble. By motion in a straight line, this part a would go far- ther and farther from the central bar. In order to keep it at the same distance from the central bar, a restraining force is necessary. The term centrifugal force has been used to express the tendency of the various parts of the hoop to get farther off from the central bar. This term is not a good one, since there is in reality no force. Cen- trifugal tendency would be less objectionable. The form that the hoop assumes depends upon this centrifugal tendency, and upon the restraining force of the hoop which keeps 'the parts from moving in a straight line.' The less this restraining force, and the greater the centrifugal tendency, the more flattened the hoop becomes. In the same way, the flattened form of the earth must be accounted for by the centrifugal tendency of its parts when in the liquid state, developed by its rotation on its axis, together with the restraining force which binds the particles of the earth together. Now, it has been found by careful investigation, that the present form of the earth can be accounted for by the action of the centrifugal tendency, on the supposition that every particle of the earth attracts every other particle with a force varying in the inverse ratio of the square of the dis- tance. We have, then, an evidence here, that every parti- cle of matter in a body attracts every other particle in the inverse ratio of the square of the distance ; and, in the case of tides, an evidence that the sun and moon attract every particle of the earth in the inverse ratio of the square of the distance. ii p 242 ASTRONOMY. 206. The Precession of the Equinoxes is caused by Gravity. The precession of the equinoxes has already been de- scribed (70). According to the theory of gravitation, the sun's attraction is stronger at A (Figure 97) than at C, since A is nearer than C. Hence the sun is always acting on A, the part nearest to it, as if it were pulling it away from the earth's centre. If it pulled the centre and the surface of the earth equally, it would not tend to separate them ; but since it pulls the former at A more than the latter, it tends to draw it away from the centre towards S. In like manner, as the sun pulls the centre more power- fully than it pulls B, it tends to separate them, not by pull- ing the opposite side B from the centre, but by pulling the centre from the opposite side B. The general effect of the sun's attraction, therefore, as tending to affect the dif- ferent parts of the earth, is this : that it tends to pull the nearest parts towards the sun, and to push the most dis- tant parts from the sun. If the earth were a perfect sphere, this would be a mat- ter of no consequence : it would produce tides of the sea, but it would not affect the motion of the solid parts. But the earth, as we have seen, is not a sphere ; it is flattened like a turnip, or has the form of a spheroid. Moreover, the axis of the earth is not perpendicular to the ecliptic; the earth's equator, at all times except the equinoxes, is inclined to the line joining the earth's centre with the sun. Let us now consider the position of the earth at the winter solstice, shown in Figure 97. The North Pole is away from the sun ; the South Pole is turned towards the sun. This spheroidal earth, at this time, has its pro- tuberance, not turned exactly towards the sun, but raised above it. As we have seen, the attraction of the sun is pulling the part D of the earth more strongly than it pulls the centre. The immediate tendency of that action is to bring the part D . towards #, supposing a to be in the plane ASTRONOMY. 243 Fig. 97. passing through the centre of the sun and the centre of the earth. This is because the force pulling D towards the sun is equivalent to two other forces : one in the direction of CD, tending to pull D from C; and the other acting at right angles to this direction, tending to carry D towards a. In like manner, as the sun attracts the centre of the earth more than it attracts the protuberance E, which amounts to the same thing as pushing the protuberance E away from the sun, there is a tendency to bring E towards b. The immediate tendency of the sun's pulling, therefore, is so to change the position of the earth that its axis will be- come more nearly perpendicular to the plane of the eclip- tic ; but this tendency to change the inclination of the axis is entirely modified by the rotation of the earth. Undoubt- edly, if the earth were not revolving, and if the earth were of a spheroidal shape, the attraction of the sun would tend to pull it into such a position that the axis of the earth would become perpendicular to the line S C ; or (if in the position of the winter solstice) it would beconte perpendic- ular to the plane of the ecliptic ; but, in consequence of the rotation of the earth, the attraction produces a wholly different effect. Let us consider the motion of a mountain in the earth's protuberance, which, passing through the point c on the distant side of the earth, would, in the semi- revolution of half a day, describe the arc c D e, if the sun did not act on it (c and e being the points at which this circle c D e intersects the plane of the ecliptic, or the plane 244 ASTRONOMY. of the circle a b that passes through the sun). While the protuberant mountain is describing the path c D e it is con- stantly nearer to the sun than the earth's centre is ; the dif- ference of the sun's action therefore tends to pull that mountain towards S, and therefore (as it cannot be sepa- rated from the earth) to pull it downwards, 'giving to the earth a tilting movement ; it will, therefore, through the mountain's whole course, from (generally about two' inches in diameter,) carried on a rod A C J3, suspended by a single wire D , or by two wires at a small distance from each other. By means of a telescope, the positions of these balls were observed from a distance. It was of the utmost consequence that the observer should not go near, not only to prevent his shaking the apparatus, but also because 'the warmth of the body would create currents of air that would disturb everything very much, even though the balls were enclosed in double boxes, lined with gilt paper, to prevent as much as possible the influence of such 252 ASTRONOMY. currents. When the position of the small balls had been observed, large balls of lead, F, G, about twelve inches in diameter, which moved upon a turning frame, were brought near to them ; but still they were separated from each other by half a dozen thicknesses of wooden boxes, so that no effect could be produced except by the attraction of the large balls. Observations were then made to see how much these smaller balls were attracted out of their places by the large ones. By another movement of the turning frame, the larger balls could be brought to the position H K. In every case, the motion of the small balls pro- duced by the attraction of the larger ones was undeniably apparent. The small balls were always put into a state of vibration by this attraction ; then by observing the extreme distances to which they swing both ways, and taking the middle place between those extreme distances, we find the place at which the attraction of the large balls would hold them steady. Suppose, now, the attraction of the large balls was found to pull the small balls an inch away from their former place of rest, what amount of dead pull does that show? In order to ascertain this we must compare the vibrations of the balls with those of an ordinary pendulum. We have seen that when a pendulum-ball is pulled aside and let go, it begins to vibrate. The force of gravity act- ing upon the pendulum-ball is resolved into two parts, one of which acts on the ball in the direction of the pendulum- rod, and the other sideways. The former of course does not affect the movement of the pendulum at all ; it is the latter which causes the pendulum to vibrate. This latter force increases with the distance the pendulum is pulled aside, and always bears the same ratio to the weight of the pendulum-ball as the distance the ball is drawn aside bears to the length of the pendulum. As a pendulum beating seconds is 39.139 inches long, the force which ASTRONOMY. 253 will pull it one inch sideways will then be re/Tire f i ts weight. In the case of the lead balls suspended by a wire, when they are pulled aside by the large balls, they begin to vi- brate. This vibration is caused by the torsion, or twist, of the wire. This torsion increases with the distance the balls are pulled aside, precisely as the force which causes the pendulum to vibrate increases, with the distance it is pulled aside. Hence the balls will vibrate exactly like a pendulum. If, then, the balls vibrate in one second, and are pulled aside one inch, the force which pulls them aside must bear the same proportion to their weight that the force which pulls a seconds pendulum one inch aside .bears to the weight of the pendulum-ball ; that is, it must be ^.T^ of their weight. Then it is known, as a general theorem regarding vibra- tions, that, to make the vibrations twice as slow, we must have forces (for the same distances of displacement) four times as small ; and so in proportion to the inverse square of the times of vibration. Thus if balls or anything else vibrate once in ten seconds, the dead pull sideways cor- responding to an inch of displacement is -5737? f their weight. So that, in fact, all that we now want for our cal- culation, is the time of vibration of the suspended balls. This is very .easily observed ; and then, on the principles already explained, there is no difficulty in computing the dead pull sideways corresponding to a sideways displace- ment of one inch ; and then (by altering this in the pro- portion of the observed displacement, whatever it may be) the sideways dead pull or attraction corresponding to any observed displacement is readily found. The delicacy of this method of observing and computing the attraction of the large balls may be judged from the fact that the whole attraction amounted to only about 2-ff, T? zy sin A = -.--. sin B = , and sin C = . t> a a BCA+BCP = 180. When the sum of two angles is 180, the angles are said to be supplements of each other. /? 7-* It will be seen that, in Figure 3, - - is the sine of both B C A and B C P. An angle and its supplement have the same sine. 3. The sides of a plane triangle are proportional to the sines of their opposite angles. In Figure i, we have c sin A. c B . A a sm A = -, a c sin c sin C. c sin A b c sin C whence sin A a sin A b sin B b sin B c sin C c sin C which, converted into proportions, give a sin A = b sin B a sin A = c sin C b sin B = c sin C and these, by transposi ng the mean s, give a b = sin A sin B a c = sin A sin C b c = sin B sin C In Figure 2, we have .* - CP < CP = b sin A whence b sin ^4 = a sin APPENDIX. 305 which, converted into a proportion, gives a : b = sin A : sin B. In Figure 3, we have sin A = ~, B P = c sin A sin C = , B P = a sin C a whence a sin C = c sin A which, converted into a proportion, gives a : c = sin A : sin C. By dropping a perpendicular from A upon Z? C produced, it can be found in the same way that b : c = sin B : sin C In both right and oblique triangles, then, the sides are pro- portional to the sines of their opposite angles, 4. It is shown in Geometry that two right triangles which have an acute angle of one equal to an acute angle of the other, have their corresponding sides proportional. Hence whatever the length of the sides b and c in the right triangle, Figure i, - and - will have the same values as long as the an- gles A and B remain the same. The value of the sine, then, depends wholly on the size of the angle. The value of the sines have been computed for every an- gle between o and 90, and these values have been arranged in tables called " Tables of Natural Sines." 5. By means of (3), the other parts of a plane triangle can be found when one side and two angles are given. To find the third angle, subtract the sum of the given an- gles from 1 80. To find ,the other sides, form a proportion as follows : As the sine of the angle opposite the given side is to the sine of the angle opposite the required side, so is the given side to the required side. Thus in the triangle ABC, Figure 2, given the side a, and the angles B and C. To find the angle A. 180 (B -4- Q = A. T 306 APPENDIX. To find the side b. sin A : sin B = a : b. Find the side c. Since one of the angles of a right triangle is always a right angle, the parts of such a triangle can be computed when one side and one acute angle are given. In the right triangle ABC, Figure I, given the side c and fthe angle A. Find the other parts. 6. By means of (3), the other parts of a plane triangle can !be computed when two sides and an angle opposite one of them are given. To find a second angle, form the following proportion : As the side opposite the given angle is to the side opposite the required angle, so is the sine of the given angle to the sine of the required angle. After the second angle is found the case becomes the same as (5). In the triangle A B C, Figure 2, given a and c and the an- gle A. Find B, C, and b. II. The horizon is the plane which at any point on the earth would separate the visible from the invisible part of the heav- ens, if the earth were everywhere level like the surface of the sea. It divides the celestial sphere into two equal parts, and its intersection with it forms the circumference of a great circle. Every part of this circumference is 90 from the zenith. At the equator the celestial poles are just 90 from the ze- nith, hence the horizon will pass through these, and its plane will coincide in direction with the earth's axis. As we go north from the equator, the zenith passes northward, and the horizon passes below the north pole and becomes more and more inclined to the earth's axis till we reach the pole, when the inclination becomes 90. As we go southward from the equator, a corresponding change takes place. APPENDIX. 307 III. THE CALENDAR. OLD AND NEW STYLE. THE solar year, or the interval between two successive pas- sages of the same equinox by the sun, is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 48 seconds. If then we reckon only 365 days to a common or civil year, the sun will come to the equinox 5 hours, 48 minutes, 48 seconds, or nearly a quarter of a day, later each year ; so that, if the sun entered Aries on the 2oth of March one year, he would enter it on the 2ist four years after, on the 22d eight years after, and so on. Thus in a comparatively short time the spring months would come in the winter, and the summer months in the spring. Among different ancient nations different methods of com- puting the year were in use. Some reckoned it by the revo- lutions of the moon ; some by that of the sun : but none, so far as we know, made proper allowances for deficiencies and excesses. Twelve moons fell short of the true year ; thirteen exceeded it : 365 days were not enough ; 366 were too many. To prevent the confusion resulting from these errors, Julius Caesar reformed the calendar by making the year consist of 365 days, 6 hours (which is hence called a Julian year), and made every fourth year consist of 366 days. This method of reckoning is called Old Style. But as this made the year somewhat too long, and the error in 1582 amounted to ten days, Pope Gregory XIII., in order to bring the vernal equinox back to the 2ist of March again, or- dered ten days to be struck out of that year ; calling the next clay after the 4th of October the I5th. And to prevent similar confusion in the future he decreed that three leap-years should be omitted in the course of every 400 years. This way of reckoning time is called New Style. It was immediately adopted by most of the European nations, but was not accepted 308 APPENDIX. by the English until the year 1752. The error then amounted to ii days, which were taken from the month of September, by calling the 3d of that month the Hth. According to the Gregorian calendar, every year whose num- ber is divisible by 4 is a leap-year; except that in the case of the years whose numbers are exact hundreds, those only are leap- years which are divisible by 4 after cutting off the last two figures. Thus, the years 1600, 2000, 2400, etc., are leap-years ; 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, etc., are not. Under this mode of reckoning, the error will not amount to a day in 5,000 years. THE DOMINICAL LETTER. The Dominical Letter for any year is that which we often see placed against Sunday in the almanacs, and is always one of the first seven in the alphabet. Since a common year consists of 365 days, if this number be divided by 7, the number of days in a week, there will be a remainder of one. Hence a year commonly begins one day later in the week than the preced- ing one did. If a year of 365 days begins on Sunday, the next will begin on Monday ; if it begins on Thursday, the next will begin on Friday; and so on. If Sunday falls on the ist of January, the first letter of the alphabet, or A, is the Dominical Letter. If Sunday falls on the 7th of January (as it will the next year, unless the first be leap-year) the seventh letter, G, is the Dominical Letter. If Sunday falls on the 6th of January (as it will the third year, unless the first or second be leap-year) the sixth letter, F, will be the Dominical Letter. Thus, if there were no leap-years, the Dominical Letters would regularly fol- low a retrograde order, G, F, E, D, C, B, A. But leap years have 366 days ; which, divided by 7, leaves 2 remainder. Hence the years following leap-years will begin two days later in the week than the leap-years did. To prevent the interruption which would hence occur in the order of the Dominical Letters, leap-years have two Dominical Letters ; one indicating Sunday till the 29th of February, and the other for the rest of the year. By Table I. below, the Dominical Letter for any year (New Style) for 4,000 years from the beginning of the Christian APPENDIX. 309 Era may be found ; and it will be readily seen how the Table could be extended indefinitely. To find the Dominical Letter by this Table, look for the hun- dreds of years at the top, and for the years below a hundred at the left hand. TABLE I. TABLE II. Centuries. A B C D E F G 100 200 500 600 300 400 700 800 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 900 1000 IIOO'l2OO Jan. 31. 8 9 IO ii 12 13 H Years less than One Hundred. 1300 1400 1700' 1800 2100 2200 2500 26OO I 5 00 1900 2300 2700 1600 2OOO 2400 2800 Oct. 31. 15 16 22 23 29 30 17 24 18 25 19 26 20 27 21 28 29003000 3IOO 3200 T 2 A 33003400 3700 3800 3500 3000 3 boo 4000 Feb. 28-29. 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii C E G BA March 31. 12 H ib 17 18 I 29 57 85 86 B D r' F G Nov. 30. 26 27 28 29 30 -4 3* .. 3 31 5Q 87 G B D E i 4 I 7 1^ 33 34 35 61 62 63 88 89 90 91 FE D C B AG F E D CB A G F DC B A G April 30. July 31 2 9 16 23 3 IO 24 4 ii 18 5 12 19 26 6 *3 20 27 7 H 21 28 8 15 22 29 \C, C P, ED FE 6^ 1 > February. j~ PS I |h rt >, 's > > ti 1 < September. October. 1 December. I ~9~ 9 17 17 II 19 2 17 - . . 6 H H 3 II 19 3 17 6 17 '.6 3 ii 19 8 *8 4 6 6 H H 3 . . ig 8 . . 16 H 3 ii n 19 8 16 6 H 3 14 3 19 16 5 5 7 3 3 ii ii 19 'i 16 13 8 ii 19 8 8 16 5 5 13 9 ii 19 ii 19 '3 2 10 19 8 | 16 1 6 5 13 2 IO ii 19 8 5 J 3 2 2 IO 12 8 16 's 16 16 5 10 18 13 . . 5 13 13 2 10 18 7 H 16 5 16 5 2 IO 18 is 7 15 5 5 13 13 2 7 15 16 !3 2 10 10 18 7 15 17 13 2 13 2 18 7 15 4 4 18 2 2 IO 10 18 15 12 19 IO . . 18 7 7 15 4 4 12 20 IO 18 IO 18 15 12 I I 21 18 18 7 7 15 4 12 9 22 7 15 4 4 12 I I 9 23 7 15 7 15 12 9 17 17 24 15 4 4 12 I 9 6 25 15 4 12 I 9 i? 17 *6 26 4 4 12 I 6 . . H 27 12 I I 9 9 17 '6 . . H 28 12 I 12 9 17 6 H H 3 3 29 I I 9 17 3 ii 30 17 6 'e 14 3 ii 31 9 9 H 3 ii 19 312 APPENDIX. EPACT. A solar year, as we have seen, is about 365 days, 6 hours ; a lunar year, of 12 lunar months, is about 354 days, 9 hours. The difference of nearly u days between the two is the An- nual Epact. Since the epact of one year is n days, that of 2 years will be 22 days ; of 3 years 33 days, or rather 3 days, be- ing 3 days over a lunar month. Thus, by yearly adding n, and casting out the 3o's, it will be found that on every igth year 29 remains ; which is reckoned a complete lunar month, and the epact is o. Thus the cycle of epacts expires with the lunar cycle, or that of the Golden Numbers ; and on every igth year the solar and lunar years begin together. By the epact of any year the moon's age (115) for the \st of January is shown. Table IV. gives the Golden Numbers with the corresponding Epacts till the year 1900. TABLE IV. Golden No. Epact. Golden No. Epact. Golden No. Epact. Golden No. Epact. Golden No. Epact. , O 5 H 9 28 13 12 17 26 2 II 6 25 IO 9 14 2 3 18 7 3 22 7 6 II 20 15 4 19 18 4 3 8 17 12 1 16 15 IV. THE METRIC SYSTEM. SINCE the measurement of length is required for almost every purpose of construction, as well as for every intelligible statement of the size of material objects and their distance from one another, it is indispensable that every community should fix upon some common standard, some well known unit, by whose repetition and subdivision length, distance, and size, whether great or small, can be expressed in words and numbers. APPENDIX. 3 13 The standards which almost all communities have taken for their unit of length, have been either some portion of the human body, such as the length of the arm, of the fore- arm (the ell or cubit), of the foot, of the breadth of the hand (span or palm), or the length of the ordinary step (pace) ; and for measuring smaller lengths, the length of certain cereal grains, such as those of rice or barley (the barley- corn}. Thus an old English statute defined an inch as the length of three barleycorns. But no part of the body of a full grown man has invariably the same length ; hence it became necessary for each com- munity to take the length of a particular fore-arm or foot for their unit. In this way the units fixed upon by different com- munities did not agree with one another. Thus we find the length of the Roman foot equivalent to 1 1.6 of our inches ; the English to 12 ; the Grecian to 12.1 ; the French to 12.8 ; and the Egyptian to 13.1. The English unit is the yard, which is said to have been in- troduced by King Henry the First, who ordered that the ulna, or ancient ell, which corresponds to the modern yard, should be made the exact length of his own arm, and that the other measures of length should be based upon it. In 1790, at the time of the French Revolution, that people undertook to establish a new metrical system, and sought for some natural object of invariable length upon which to base their unit of length. They chose the length of a meridian of the globe, and they called the ten- millionth part of a quadrant of the meridian a metre. They then set about measuring an arc of a meridian so as to compute exactly the length of its quadrant. A mistake was made in this computation, so that the French metre does not correctly represent the ten-millionth part of the quadrant of a meridian. As nations come into closer relations with one another, it becomes more and more desirable that they should have a common metrical system. Accordingly many governments, and among them our own, have enacted that the French metre shall be regarded as a legal unit of measure. 14 314 APPENDIX. There are, however, objections to this unit. It is true it is based upon the quadrant of a meridian, which is of invariable length, but it does not represent a ten-millionth of that quad- rant accurately. We have already seen that the radius or diameter of the earth is the natural unit with which we begin the measurement of the distance of the heavenly bodies. Hence it would be much more convenient that the unit of linear measurement should be based upon the diameter of the earth than upon the length of a meridian, and it would be a great objection to the French metre that it is not based upon the length of the earth's diameter, even if it represented accurately what it pro- fesses to do. Now, Sir John Herschel has called attention to the fact that if the English inch were made .001 longer than it now is, then 50 such inches would represent almost exactly a ten- millionth part of the polar diameter of the earth. He conse- quently proposes 50 such inches as the unit of measure, and would call it a module. This seems on the whole the most satisfactory unit that has been proposed. It has been proposed that the length of a pendulum beating seconds be taken as the unit of length. This unit would dif- fer but little from the metre. It has this advantage ; that it is much easier to measure the length of such a pendulum accurately than to measure the arc of a meridian. But the length of the pendulum beating sec- onds as a standard of length has the same disadvantage that the human foot has for the same purpose. It has already been seen that pendulums which beat seconds in different parts of the earth are not all of the same length. If then the length of a seconds pendulum is to be taken as a standard, it must be stated at what particular place the pendulum is to beat sec- onds. Having decided upon a unit of length it is necessary to decide according to what scale this unit shall be multiplied or divided. The French have multiplied and divided their metre on the decimal scale, as the following table shows. APPENDIX. 315 TABLE OF LINEAR MEASURE. 10 millimetres = I centimetre 10 centimetres* = i decimetre 10 decimetres == I metre 10 metres = i decametre 10 decametres = I hectometre 10 hectometres = i kilometre. The names of the higher orders of units, or the multiples of the metre, are formed from the word metre by means of pre- fixes taken from the Greek numerals : namely, deca-(io), hecto- (100), // 23 21 21 3 23 31 7,800! 0.912 0.883 0.97 The Earth 23 5 6 4 7,912 1 I.OOO I.OO Mars 24 37 22 i 5i 5 4,500! 0.183 0.132 0.72 Jupiter H 9 55 26 : i 18 40 88,000 1412.000 338.034 0.24 Saturn h 10 29 1712 29 28 73,000 770.000 101.064 0.13 Uranus o 46 30 36,000 ! 95 900 14.789 0.15 Neptune W i 46 59 35,000 s 89.500 24.648 0.27 THE PLANETS (continue^ Relative Name. Sidereal Period in Days. Relative Distance from Sun. Mean Distance from Sun in Miles. Li^ht ami Heat re- ceived from Sun. Mercury 87.969 0.387 37,OOO,OOO 6.67 Venus 224.701 0.723 69,000,000 I.9I Earth 365-256 I.OOO 95,OOO,OOO I.OO Mars 686.980 1.524 I45,OOO,OOO 0-43 Jupiter 4,332.585 5.203 436,000,000 0.037 Saturn 10.759.220 9-539 9O9,OOO,COO O.OII Uranus 30,686.821 19.183 I,828,OOO,OOO 0.003 Neptune 60,126.722 30.037 2,862,OOO,OOO O.OOI THE MOON. Mean Distance from the Earth 238,900 miles. Sidereal Period of Revolution 27 d 7 h 43 11.46'. Synodical Period of Revolution 29* I2 h 44 2.87'. Diameter 2160 miles. Inclination of the Orbit 5 8' 48". Density (the Earth = i) 05657. Mass (the Earth = i) ^. APPENDIX. 319 THE MINOR PLANETS. No. Name. Date of Discovery. Discoverer. Sidereal Rev. in Days. I Ceres 1 80 1, Jan. i 1680 2 Pallas 1802, March 28 Gibers 1682 3 Juno 1804. Sent i Harding . icq6 I Vesta 1807 March 29 Olbers 1 726 c Astrcea 1845, Dec - 8 Hencke ISI2 i Hebe. 1847, July I Hencke. . 1 770 7 Iris 1847 Aug 13 Hind M/y I 34.6 8 Flora 1847 ^ ct J 8 Hind I IQ7 q Metis 1848, April 25 Graham .... iA yj 1^4.6 IO Hygieia 1849, April 12 Gasparis . . 2O47 ii Pavthenope 1850 May ii Luther. I4O7 T- Victoria 1850 Sept 13 Hind 1 3O7 n E^eria i8co Nov 2 Gasparis 5VJ I C. 1 1 14 Irene 1851, May 19 Hind 1 J 1 1 I s IQ 1C Eunomia l8sl Tlllv 2Q Gasparis . I ^7O 16 Psvche 1852 March 1 7 Gasparis 1 D/v l828 17 Thetis 1852, April 17 Luther 1 42 1 18 Melpomene . . . 1852, June 24 Hind . . . 1271 IQ Fortuna 1832 Aug 22 Hind . . . 1 7Q7 2O Massilia 1852, Sept. 19 Gasparis 1 6V6 IT.OS 21 Lutetia 1852, Nov. 15 Goldschmidt 1388 22 Calliope 1852, Nov. 16 Hind . 1817 2"? Thalia 1852, Dec. 15 Hind jcc6 24 Themis 18^1, April ? Gasparis I DD" 2O7O 25 Phocaea 18^. April 7 Chacornac . I7C8 26 Proserpine .... 1857, May 5 Luther ii; 80 27 Euterpe 1853 Nov 8 Hind 28 Uellona 1854, March I Luther J j 1 j 1692 29 Amphitrite. . . . 1854, March I Marth 1 4.Q2 JQ Urania l8?4, Tulv 22 Hind 71 Euphrosyne . . . 1854, Sept. i Ferguson j^y 2048 72 Pomona 1854, Oct. 26 Goldschmidt r C2I 33 -24 Polyhymnia . . . Circe 1854, Oct. 28 1855, April 6 Chacornac 1^1 1778 35 Eeucothea .... 1855, April 19 Luther iuuy IQO7 36 Atalanta 18^, Oct. c Goldschmidt 1664 VJ Fides i8cc, Oct c Luther 38 Lecla i8c6 Jan 12 i j u y 70 Lsetitia 1856, Feb. 8 Chacornac lv b7 1684 40 4-1 Harmonia . . . Daphne 1856, March 3 1 1856, May 22 Goldschmidt 1247 1681 42 Isis 18^6, May 27 Pogson I 7Q2 43 Ariadne 1857, April 15 Pogson I iqc 44 Nysa i8c7 Mav 27 45 Eugenia 18^7 Tune 27 '379 1678 46 Hestia 1857, Aug. 16 Po"son I4.7O 48 Melete*...... Aglaia 1857, Sept. 9 1857, Sept. 15 Goldschmidt Luther 1529 1788 * Goldschmidt at first believed it to be Daphne (41), but, finding its period differ- ent, called it Pseudo-Daphne. It was not seen from 1857 to 1861, when Schubert rediscovered it and named it Melete. 320 APPENDIX. No. Name. Date of Discovery. Discoverer. Sidereal Rev. in Days. 49 Doris 18^7, Sept. IQ Goldschmidt 2OO7 CQ Pales i8c.7. Sent IQ Goldschmidt TQ7C CI Virginia 18^,7, Oct. 4 Ferguson ^y/j i ^76 C2 Nemausa 1858, Jan. 22 Laurent. . 1778 C7 Europa 1858, Feb 6 Goidschmidt i jj CA Calvpso 1858, April 4 Luther x yyj i^A8 t;S Alexandra 1858, Sept. 10 Goldschmidt 1674 5* Pandora 1858, Sept. 10 Searle "OT 1 l6?d. C7 Mnemosyne . . . 1859, Sept. 22 Luther 2O AQ 58 Concordia .... 1860, March 24 Luther 161 c. cq Danae i 860 Sept 9 60 Olympia (Elpis) 1860, Sept. 12 Chacornac l67A 6r Erato 1860 Sept 14 Forster 2O2" 1 62" Echo .... 1860 Sept 1 1 63 Ausonia 1 86 1, Feb. 10 Gasparis 1 OJ^ I 7 C C 64 Angelina 1 86 1, March 4 Tempel I 6bb 1601 *5 Cybele 1 86 1, March 8 Tern pel . . 2711 66 1861 April 9 Tuttle 1588 67 Asia 1 86 1 April 17 I 7C 68 Hesperia 1861 April 29 1 J/J 1807 69 Leto 1 86 1 April 29 Luther io yj 1601 7o Panopea . 1861 May 5 Goldschmidt I CA2 71 Feronia 1861 May 29 *M* 72 Niobe . . . 1861 Aucr. 1 1 Luther *245 1671 73 Clytie 1862, April 7 Tuttle . ICQO 74 Galatea 1862 Aug 29 Tempel 1691 75 Eurydice 1862, Sept. 22 Peters ICQ4 76 Freia 1862, Oct. 21 d'Arrest . 2080 77 Frierera. . 1862 Nov 12 Peters I ^06 78 Diana 1863, March 15 Luther. . . . ICC4 70 Eurynome .... 1867. Sept. 14 Watson 1 7QO 80 Sappho . 1864 May 2 Pogson I27O 81 Terpsichore . . . 1864, Sept. 30 Tempel 1607 8^ Alcmene 1864 Nov 27 Luther. . 1 6 CQ 8-? Keatrix . 186^ April 26 Gasparis 1781 84 Clio 1865 Aug. 26 Luther 1J01 I77Q 85 Jo 1865 Sept. 19 Peters . . jc87 86 Semele . 1866 Jan 4 Tietjen IQ87 87 Sylvia 1866 May 1 6 Pogson 2784 88 Thisbe 1866 June 15 Peters . . . j67C 80 Julia 1866, Aug. 6 Stephan 1472 9 Antiope 1866, Oct. ii Luther 2O7I 01 1866 Nov 4 Stephan Q2 Undina ... 186? Tulv 7 Peters 2086 07 1867, Aucr. 24 Watson 1669 Q4 1867 Sept 6 Watson (S 1867, Nov. 23 Luther. . . . p I APPENDIX. 321 The numerical order of the minor planets differs some- what in the lists of English and French astronomers. Of the first eighty-nine of these planets, the nearest to the sun is Flora, whose mean distance is 201,274,000 miles. The farthest from the sun is Sylvia, with a mean distance of about 319,500,000 miles. The least eccentric orbit is that of Europa, which is even nearer to an exact circle than the orbit of Venus. The most eccentric orbit is that of Polyhymnia, whose aphelion distance is rather more than double its perihelion distance. The orbit of Massilia has the least inclination to the eclip- tic, or o 41' ; that of Pallas the greatest inclination, or 34 42'. The brightest planet is Vesta, which appears at times as a star of the sixth magnitude. The faintest is Atalanta, which, under the most favorable circumstances, is scarcely above the thirteenth magnitude. The largest planet, according to some authorities, is Pallas. Lament makes its diameter 670 miles, but Galle only 172 miles. According to others, Vesta is the largest, with a diameter of 228 miles. The more recently discovered planets are all so small that it is impossible to tell which is smallest. The diameters of those numbered 5 - 39, as given by Chambers, range from 12 miles (Eunomid) up to in miles (Hygieid). Of these planets (up to the ninety-fourth inclusive), fifteen have been discovered in the United States, Euphrosyne, Vir- ginia, Pandora, Echo, Maia, Feronia, Clytie, Eurydice, Frigga, Eurynome, lo, Thisbe, and Undina, with the 93d and 94th, which are not yet (January, 1868) named. In several cases minor planets have been discovered inde- pendently by two or more observers, each knowing nothing of what the other had done. Thus, Irene 'was discovered by Hind, May 19, 1851, and by Gasparis, May 23; Massilia, by Gasparis, September 19, 1852, and by Chacornac, September 20; Amphitrite, by Marth, March I, 1854, by Pogson, March 2, and by Chacornac, March 3. 14* 322 APPENDIX. MOONS OF JUPITER. Moon. Sidereal Period of Revolution. Distance in Radii of Jupiter. Mean Distance in Miles. I. d. h. in. I 18 28 6.049 278,542 II. 3 13 IS 9.623 442,904 III. IV. 7 3 43 16 16 32 I5-350 26.998 706,714 I,20O,OOO MOONS OF SATURN. Moon. Sidereal Period of Revolution. Distance in Radii of Saturn. Mean Distance in Miles. I. d. h. m. 22 36 3-36I Il8,COO II. III. I 8 58 I 21 18 4.313 5-340 152,000 188,000 IV. 2 17 41 6.840 240,000 V. 4 12 25 9-553 336,000 VI. .15 22 41 22.145 778,000 VII. 21 12 28.000 94O,COO VIII. .79 7 55 64-359 2,268,OCO MOONS OF URANUS. Moon. Sidereal Period of Revolution. Distance in Radii of Uranus. Mean Distance in Miles. I. d. h. m. 2 12 17 6.940 119,994 II. III. IV. 4 3 28 8 16 56 13 ii 7 9.720 15.890 2I.27O 170,863 288,600 380,000 MOON OF NEPTUNE. Sidereal Period of Revolution 5* 2O h 5o m 45 s . Mean Distance from Neptune 236,000 miles. APPENDIX. 323 THE CONSTELLATIONS. 1. ALL the stars in the heavens have been divided into groups called constellations (162). Many of these were recog- nized and named at a very early period ; and some of them, as Orion, are mentioned in the Old Testament. The method of naming the stars in each constellation has been explained above (163). The characters and names of the Greek alphabet are as follows : a, Alpha. v, Nu. 0, Beta. , Xi. y, Gamma. o, Omicron. 8, Delta. IT, Pi- , Epsilon. p, Rho. , Zeta. , Omega. If a constellation has more stars than can be named from the Greek alphabet, the Roman alphabet is used in the same way ; and when both alphabets are exhausted, numbers are used. 2. Circumpolar Constellations. One of the most important constellations, and one easily recognized, is the Great Bear, or Ursa Major. It is represented in Plate I. at the end of this volume. It may be known by the seven stars forming "the Dipper," or " Charles's Wain," as it is* sometimes called. These stars are designated by the first seven letters of the Greek alphabet ; and the name and position of each should be carefully fixed in the mind, as we shall have frequent occasion to refer to them. The Bear's feet are marked by three pairs of stars. These and the star in the nose can be readily found by means of the lines drawn on the chart. It may be remarked here, that in all cases the stars thus connected by lines are the leading stars of the constellation, and should be thoroughly 324 APPENDIX. learned. The stars a and are called the Pointers. If a line be drawn from /3 to a, and prolonged about five times the dis- tance between them, it will pass near an isolated star of the sec- ond magnitude known as the Pole Star, or Polaris. This is the brightest star in the Little Bear, or Ursa Minor (Plate II.). It is in the end of the handle of a second and smaller "dip- per." The stars /3 and y of this constellation are quite bright, and are nearly parallel with e and of the other Bear. On the opposite side of the Pole Star from the Great Bear, and at about the same distance, is another conspicuous constel- lation, called Cassiopeia. Its five brightest stars form an irreg- ular W, opening towards the Pole Star (Plate II.). About half-way between the two Dippers three stars of the third magnitude will be seen, the only stars at all prominent in that neighborhood. These belong to Draco, or the Dragon. The chart will show that the other stars in the body of the monster form an irregular curve around the Little Bear, while the head is marked by four stars arranged in a trapezium. Two of these stars, and y, are quite bright. A little less than half-way from Cassiopeia to the head of the Dragon is the con- stellation Cepheus, five stars of which form an irregular K. These five constellations never set in our latitude, and are called circttmpolar constellations (page 5). 3. Constellations visible in September. We will now study the remaining constellations visible in our latitude, beginning with those which are above the horizon at eight o'clock in the evening, about the middle of September. At this time the Great Bear will be low down in the northwest, and the Drag- on's head nearly in the zenith. If we draw a line from to T; of the Great Bear and prolong it, we shall find that it will pass near a reddish star of the first magnitude. This star is called Arcturns, or a Bootis, since it is the brightest star in the con- stellation Bootes. Of its other conspicuous stars, four form a cross. These and the remaining stars of the constellation can be readily traced with the aid of Plate III. Near the Dragon's head (Plate IV.) maybe seen a very bright star of the first magnitude, shining with a pure white light. This star is Vega, or a Lyres. Of this and some of the other stars in the Lyre we shall have occasion to speak hereafter. APPENDIX. 325 If we draw a line from Arcturus to Vega (Plate III.)i it will pass through two constellations, the Crown, or Corona Bore- alts, and Hercules. The former is about one third of the way from Arcturus to Vega, and consists of a semicircle of six stars, the brightest of which is called Alphecca, or Gemma Coroncs, the gem of the Crown. Hercules is about half-way between the Crown and Vega. This constellation is marked by a trapezoid of stars of the third magnitude. A star in one foot is near the Dragon's head ; there is also a star in each shoulder, and one in the face. Just across the Milky Way from Vega (Plate V.) is a star of the first magnitude, called Altair or a Aquilce. This star marks the constellation Aquila, or the Eagle, and may be recognized by a small star on each side of it. These are the only important stars in this constellation. In the Milky Way, between Altair and Cassiopeia (Plate IV.), there is a large constellation called Cygnus, or the Swan. Six of its stars form a large cross, by which it will be readily known. a Cygni is often called Deneb. It forms a large isosceles tri- angle with Altair and Vega. Low down in the south, on the edge of the Milky Way (Plate VI.), is a constellation called Sagittarius, or the Archer. It may be known by five stars forming an inverted dipper, often called "the Milk-dipper." The head is marked by a small triangle. The other stars, as seen by the map, may be grouped so as to represent a bow and an arrow. Low in the southwest is a bright red star called Antares, or a Scorpionis. This constellation is described below (12). The space between Sagittarius and Hercules and Scorpio is occupied by the Serpent (Serpens] and the Serpent-bearer, or Ophiuchus (Plates VI. and VII.). The head of the Serpent is near the Crown, and marked by a small triangle. The head of Ophiuchus is close to the head of Hercules, and may be known by a star of the second magnitude. Each shoulder is marked by a pair of stars. His feet are near the Scorpion. The Ser- pent can be best traced with the aid of the map. Nearly on a line with Arcturus and y Ursae Majoris (Plate I.), and rather nearer the latter, is an isolated star of the third mag- nitude, called Cor Caroli, or Charles's Heart. This is the only 326 APPENDIX. prominent star in the constellation of Canes Venatici, or the Him ting Dogs. Cassiopeia is almost due east of the Pole Star. A line drawn from the latter through Cassiopeiae, and prolonged, passes through two stars of the second and third magnitude. These, with two others farther to the south, form a large square, called the Square of Pegasus. Three of these, as seen by the map (Plate V.), belong to the constellation Pegasus, or the Winged Horse, a. Pegasi is called Markab, and /3 is called Algenib. The bright stars in the neck and nose can be found by the map. The fourth star in the Square of Pegasus belongs (Plate VIII.) to the constellation Andromeda. Nearly in a line with a Pegasi and this star are two other bright stars belonging to Androm- eda. The stars in her belt may be found by the map. Following the direction of the line of stars in Andromeda just mentioned, and bending a little towards the east, we come to Algol, or /3 Persei, a remarkable variable star (165). This star may be readily recognized from the fact that, together with and y Andromedae and the four stars in the Square of Pegasus, it forms a figure similar in outline to the Dipper in Ursa Major, but much larger. If the handle of this great Dipper is made straight instead of being bent, the star in the end of it is a Per- sei, of the second magnitude. This star has one of the third magnitude on each side of it. The other stars in Perseus may be found by the chart. Just below 6 in the head of Pegasus (Plate IX.) are three stars of the third and fourth magnitudes, forming a small arc. These mark the urn of Aquarius, the Water-bearer. His body con- sists of a trapezium of four stars of the third and fourth magni- tudes. Small clusters of stars show the course of the water flowing from his urn. This stream enters the mouth of the Southern Fish, or Piscis Australis. The only bright star in this constellation is Fomal- haut, which is of the first magnitude, and at this time will be low down in the southeast. To the south of Aquarius is Capricornus, or the Goat. He is marked by three pairs of stars arranged in a triangle. One pair is in his head, another in his tail, and the third in his knees. APPENDIX. 327 Near Altair (Plate V.), and a little higher up, is a small-dia- mond of stars forming the Dolphin, or Delphinus. A little to the west of the Dolphin, in the Milky Way, are four stars of the fourth magnitude, which form the constellation Sa- gitta, or the Arrow. 4. Constellations visible in October. If we look at the heavens at ight o'clock on the I5th of October, we shall see that all the constellations described above have shifted some- what towards the west. Arcturus and Antares have set. In the east, below Andromeda (Plate X.), we see a pair of bright stars, which are the only conspicuous ones in Aries, or the Ram. About half-way between Aries and y Andromedae are three stars which form a small triangle. This constellation is called Triangulum, or the Triangle. Between Aries and Pegasus is the constellation Pisces, or the Fishes. The southernmost Fish may be recognized by a penta- gon of small stars lying below the back of Pegasus. There are no conspicuous stars in the other Fish, which is directly below Andromeda. The stars in the band connecting the Fishes may be traced with the help of the map. 5. Constellations visible in November. At eight o'clock in the evening on the 15th of November, we see at a glance that the constellations with which we have become acquainted have moved yet farther to the westward. Bootes, the Crown, Ophi- uchus, and the Archer have set ; Pegasus, Cassiopeia, and Andromeda are overhead ; while new constellations appear in the east. We notice at once (Plate XL) a very bright star in the north- east, directly below Perseus. This is Capella, or a Auriga. There are five other conspicuous stars in Auriga, or the Chari- oteer; and with Capella they form an irregular pentagon. Somewhat to the eastward (Plate XII.), and a little lower down, is a very bright red star. This is Aldebaran, or a Tauri. It is familiarly known as the Bull's eye. It will be noticed by the map that it is at one end of a V which forms the face of the Bull. This group is known as the Hyades. Somewhat above the Hyades is a smaller group, called the Pleiades, more com- monly known as the Seven Stars, though few persons can dis- tinguish more than six. The bright star on the northern horn, 328 APPENDIX. or /3 Tauri, is also in the foot of Auriga, and counts as y of that constellation. All the space between Taurus and the Southern Fish, and below Aries and Pisces (Plate XIII.), is occupied by Cetus, the Whale. The head is marked by a triangle of rather conspicu- ous stars below Aries ; the tail, by a bright star of the second magnitude, which is now just about as far above the horizon as Fomalhaut. On the body are five stars, forming a sort of sickle. About half-way between this sickle and the triangle, in the head, is o Ceti, also called Mira, or the wonderful star (165). 6. Constellations visible in December. At eight o'clock in the evening in the middle of December, we shall find that Her- cules, Aquila, and Capricornus have sunk below the horizon ; while Vega and the Swan are on the point of setting. The Great Bear is climbing up in the northeast. In the east we be- hold by far the most brilliant group of constellations we have yet seen. Capella and Aldebaran are now high up ; and below the former (Plate XII.) is the splendid constellation of Orion. His belt t made up of three stars in a straight line, will be recog- nized at once. Above this, on one shoulder, is a star of the first magnitude, called Betelgeuse, or a Orionis. About as far from the belt, on the other side, is another star of the first magnitude, called Rigel. There are two other fainter stars which form a large trapezium with Betelgeuse and Rigel. The three small stars below the belt are upon the sword. Below Orion (Plate XIV.) is a small trapezium of stars which are in the constellation of Lepus, or the Hare. The head is marked by a small triangle, as seen on the map. To the north of Orion, and a little lower down (Plate XII.), are two bright stars near together, one of the first and the other of the second magnitude. The latter is caJled Castor, and the former Pollux. They are in the constellation Gemini, or the Twins. A line of three smaller stars just in the edge of the Milky Way marks the feet, and another line of three the knees. Pollux forms a large triangle with Capella and Betelgeuse. 7. Constellations visible in January. At eight in the even- ing on the 1 5th of January, Vega, Altair, the Dolphin, Aquarius and Fomalhaut have disappeared in the west ; Deneb and the Square of Pegasus are near the horizon j while Capella and APPENDIX. 329 Aldebaran are nearly overhead. Two stars of exceeding bril- liancy have come, up in the west. The one farthest to the south (Plate XIV.) is the brightest star in the whole heavens. It is called Sirius, or the Dog-star ; and is in the constellation of Cam's Major, or the Great Dog, which can be readily traced by the lines on the map. The other bright star is between Sirius and Pollux (Plate XII.), and is called Procyon. It is in Cam's Minor, or the Lit- tle Dog. The only other prominent star in this constellation is one of the third magnitude near Procyon. Procyon, Sirius, and Betelgeuse form a large equilateral triangle. Orion and the group of constellations about it constitute by far the most brilliant portion of the heavens, as seen in our lat- itude. There are, in all, but about twenty stars of the first mag- nitude, and seven of these are in this immediate vicinity. 8. Constellations visible in February. If we look at the heavens at the same time in the evening about the middle of February, we shall miss Cygnus and Pegasus from the west. Auriga and Orion are nearly overhead. Southeast of the Great Bear (Plate XV.) is a red star of the first magnitude, called Regulus, in the constellation of Leo, or the Lion. There are five stars near Regulus, which together with it form a group often called the Sickle. The star in the tail is Denebola, which makes a right-angled triangle with two others near it. Between Leo and Gemini is the constellation Cancer, or the Crab. It contains no bright stars, but a remarkable cluster of small stars called Prasepe, or sometimes the Beehive. Below Regulus (Plate XIV.) is a bright red star of the second magnitude, called Cor Hydra, or the Hydra's Heart. The head of Hydra is marked by five small stars. The coils of the mon- ster can be traced by the map. A portion of the constellation is on Plate XVI. 9. Constellations visible in March. At the middle of March, the heavens will have shifted round somewhat towards the west ; but all the conspicuous constellations of the preced- ing month are still visible, while no new ones at all brilliant have come into view. 330 APPENDIX. If we draw a line from the end of the Great Bear's tail to Denebola, it will pass through two constellations, Canes Ve- natici, mentioned above ; and Coma Berenices, or Berenice's Hair, a large cluster of faint stars (Plate XV.). 10. Constellations "visible in April. At the middle of April, Aries and Andromeda have set ; Taurus, Orion, and Canis Major are sinking towards the west ; the Great Bear and the Lion are overhead ; Arcturus has risen in the northeast (Plate XVI.) ; and some way to the south of this is seen a star of the first magnitude, which forms a large triangle with Arcturus and Denebola. It is called Spica Virginis, and is the chief star in the constellation Virgo, or the Virgin. The stars on the breast and wings can be found with the aid of the map. South of Virgo is a trapezium of four stars, which are in the constellation of Corvus, or the Crow. 11. Constellations "visible in May. At the middle of May, Taurus, Orion, and Canis Major have set ; Vega has just come up in the northeast ; and between Vega and Arcturus we again see Hercules and Corona. Below Spica are two stars of the second magnitude, belonging to the constellation Libra, or the Balance. A star of the fourth magnitude forms a triangle with these, and marks one pan of the balance (Plate VII.). 12. Constellations visible in June.\n. June we shall find that Canis Minor, Perseus, Auriga, and Gemini have either set, or are on the point of setting ; Arcturus is overhead; Cygnus and Aquila are just rising. Ophiuchus is well up ; and low in the southeast we see again the red star Antares, in the constel- lation Scorpio, or the Scorpion (Plate VI.). There is a star of the third magnitude on each side of Antares, and several stars of the third and fourth magnitudes in the head and claws. The configuration of these stars is much like a boy's kite with a long tail. Scorpio is a very brilliant constellation, and is seen to bet- ter advantage in July and August. 13. Constellations visible in July and August. We have now described all the important constellations visible in our lat- itude. Those which are seen in July and August are mainly those described under the last two or three months, and under September. 14. Southern Circumpolar Constellations. There are a APPENDIX. 331 number of constellations near the South Pole of the heavens which never rise in our latitude, just as there are some near the North Pole which never set. These are called the soiith- ern circumpolar constellations , and are shown in Plate XVII. CONSTELLATIONS VISIBLE EACH MONTH. ffi^^ THE following table gives the constellations visible at 8 o'clock in the even- ing, about the middle of each month. The stars opposite the names of the constel- lations indicate those visible in the month designated at the top. Name of Constellation. ex >-, "3 *> < Bootes * * * * * Corona Borealis * * * * * Ophiuchus * * Sagittarius * \ Hercules * * * Lyra * * * Aquila * Delphinus * Capricornus * Cygnus # * * * Sagitta * * Aquarius * * Piscis Australis * * Pegasus * * Andromeda * * * * Perseus # * * # Aries * # * Pisces * Cetus * * Triangulum * * # * Auriga * * # * * * * Taurus Lepus * * * Orion * * # * Gemini # * * * Canis Major # * * " Minor # # * * Cancer * * * * Hydra * * # * Leo * * * * * Coma Berenices * * * * * * Canes Venatici Virgo * * *- * * Corvus * * * * Libra * * * * Scorpio * * * 332 APPENDIX. The following are the circiunpolar constellations which are visible all the year round: Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Draco, Cassiopeia, and Cepheus. STARS OF THE FIRST MAGNITUDE. THE following is a list of the stars of the first magnitude, in the order of their brightness : 1. Sirius, or a Canis Majoris. 2. 17 Argus ((variable}. 3. Canopus, or a Argus. 4. a Centauri. 5. Arcturus, or a Bootis. 6. Rigel, or /? Orionis. 7. Capella, or a Aurigae. 8. Vega, or a Lyrae. 9. Procyon, or a CanisJVlinoris. 10. Betelgeuse, or a Orionis. 11. Achernar, or a Eridani. 12. Aldebaran, or a Tauri. 13. (t Centauri. 14. a Crucis. 15. Antares, or u Scorpionis. 16. Altair, or a Aquilae. 17. Spica, or a Virginis. 1 8. Fomalhaut, or a Piscis Australis. 19. /? Crucis. 20. Pollux, or /* Geminorum. Some astronomers admit into this class only the first sev- enteen of the above list. Others add to the list Regulus, or a Leonis ; others, a Ursse Majoris and a Andromedas. THE HISTORY OF THE CONSTELLATIONS. THE question with respect to the time when the stars were first grouped into constellations has been much discussed, but cannot be said to have been settled. Some writers believe that the earliest division of the starry sphere into such figures dates back to fourteen hundred years before the Christian era; but the most ancient reference to them in literature is in Homer and Hesiod, some seven hundred and fifty or eight hun- dred and fifty years before Christ. These poets mention only a few of the more marked stars and asterisms, as Arcturus, Sirius, the Pleiades, the Hyades, Orion, and the Bear. There are references to certain stars or groups of stars in the Bible, Job ix. 9, xxvi. 13, xxxviii. 31, 32; Amos v. 8; but they are probably not more ancient than those in the Greek poets, and the translation of the passages is a matter of dispute. APPENDIX. 333 It is pretty certain that nearly four hundred years before Christ all the leading constellations had been formed ; for about that time Eudoxus, of Cnidus, wrote an account of them, which would appear to have become quite a popular work. It has not come down to our day, but we know that it was the basis of the famous " Phaenomena '* of Aratus, written about 270 B. C. This was the first attempt, so far as we know, to describe in verse the groups and motions of the stars, and, though it was by no means free from mistakes, it was received with the highest favor, and has been famous even down to our own day. It was translated and praised by Ovid, by Cicero, and by Germanicus. Manilius drew from it in the preparation of his Astronomica^ and Virgil himself borrowed from it in his Georgics. Ptolemy, about 140 A. D., enumerates forty-eight constel- lations, twenty-one northern, twelve zodiacal, and fifteen southern. We have described all the northern, except Equu- leus, the Little Horse, which contains only ten stars, all below the third magnitude, between the head of Pegasus and the Dolphin. The twelve zodiacal constellations are Aries, Taurus, Gem- ini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricor- nus, Aquarius, and Pisces. They are situated along the line of the zodiac (page 187), and have all been described above. Of the fifteen south of the zodiac, we have mentioned eight. The others are Eridanus, Argo Navis, Crater, Centaurus, Lu- pus, Ara, and Corona A us trails. Eridanus, or the River Po, winds in an irregular stream through some 130 of the heavens. The portion of it which is visible in the latitude of Boston lies between Orion and Cetus. Argo Navis, or the Ship Argo, is one of the largest and most brilliant of the southern constellations. It contains two stars of the first magnitude, four of the second, and nine of the third. Only a small part of it, containing none of the brightest stars, rises above the horizon in our latitude. Crater, or the Cup, is on the back of Hydra, south of the hind feet of Leo. It is made up of a few stars, only one of which rises to the third magnitude. Centaurus, or the Centaur, is a large and conspicuous con- 334 APPENDIX. stellation, but none of its brighter stars are visible in our lat- itude. Ara, or the Altar, does not rise above our horizon. Lttptts, or the Wolf, is directly south of Scorpio. It con- tains no conspicuous stars. Corona Australis, or the Southern Crown, is a small group of stars, only one of which is equal to the fourth magnitude, between the fore legs of Sagittarius and the Milky Way. Of the constellations described by us, two are modern, Coma Berenices, added by Tycho de Brahe, about 1603, and Canes Venatici, by Hevelius, in 1690. Fifty or sixty more have been added from time to time, some of which have been rejected by modern uranographers. The ancient constellations include all the brighter stars in the heavens, except in a small region about the south pole. The later ones are mainly made up of the small stars not in- cluded in these early asterisms, and, with very few exceptions, are not worth tracing. THE MYTHOLOGY OF THE CONSTELLATIONS. To the Greeks the starry heavens were an illustrated mytho- logical poem. Every constellation was a picture, connected with some old fable of gods or heroes. We shall give a brief sketch of the more important of these myths, with a few out of the many allusions to them in ancient and modern poetry. The two Bears have one story. Callisto was a nymph be- loved by Jupiter, who changed her into a she-bear to save her from the jealous wrath of Juno. But Juno learned the truth, and induced Diana to kill the bear in the chase. Jupiter then placed her among the stars as Ursa Major, and her son Areas afterwards became Ursa Minor. Juno, indignant at the honor thus shown the objects of her hatred, persuaded Tethys and Oceanus to forbid the Bears to descend, like the other stars, into the sea. Hence, Virgil speaks of the Bears as " Oceani metuentes aequore tingi"; and Ovid, as "liquidique immunia ponti." According to Ovid, Juno changed Callisto into a bear ; and APPENDIX. 335 when Areas, in hunting, was about to kill his mother, Jupiter placed both among the stars. Ursa Minor was also called Phcenice, because the Phoenicians made it th-eir guide in navigation, while the Greeks preferred the Great Bear for that purpose. It was also known as Cy no- sura (dog's tail} from its resemblance to the upturned curl of a dog's tail. The Great Bear was sometimes called Helice (winding), either from its shape or its curved path. Ovid says, as Aratus had said before him, " Esse cluas Arctos ; quarum Cynosura petatur Sidoniis, Helicen Graia carina notet." Bootes (the Herdsman} was also called Arctophylax and Arc- furtts, both of which names mean the guard or keeper of the bear. According to some of the stories, Bootes was Areas ; according to others, he was Icarus, the unfortunate son of Daedalus. The name Arcturus was afterwards given to the chief star of the constellation. Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Perseus, and Pegasus are a group of star-pictures illustrating a single story. Cepheus and Cassiopeia were the king and queen of Ethi- opia, and had a very beautiful daughter, Andromeda. Her mother boasted that the maiden was fairer than the Nereids, who in their anger persuaded Neptune to send a sea-monster to ravage the snores of Ethiopia. To appease the offended deities Andromeda, by the command of an oracle, was exposed to this monster. The hero Perseus rescued her and married her. Milton, in // Penseroso, alludes to Cassiopeia as " that starred Ethiop queen that strove To set her beauty's praise above The Sea-Nymphs, and their powers offended." According to one form of the story, it was her own beauty, and not her daughter's, of which the "Ethiop queen " boasted. Pegasus, the winged horse, sprang from the blood of the frightful Gorgon, Medusa, whom Perseus had slain not long before he rescued Andromeda from the sea-monster. Accord- ing to the most ancient account, Pegasus became the horse of Jupiter, for whom he carried the thunder and IH 336 APPENDIX. but he afterward came to be considered the horse of Aurora, and finally of the Muses. Modern poets rarely speak of him except as connected with the Muses. The Dragon, according to some of the poets, was the one that guarded the golden apples of the Hesperides ; according to others, the monster sacred to Mars which Cadmus killed in Boeotia. Virgil describes the dragon thus (G. i. 244) : " Maximus hie flexu sinuoso elabitur Anguis Circum perque duas, in morem fluminis, Arctos." The Lyre is said to be the one which Apollo gave to Orpheus. After the death of Orpheus, Jupiter placed it among the stars at the intercession of Apollo and the Muses. The Crown was the bridal gift of Bacchus to Ariadne, trans- ferred to the heavens after her death. Virgil speaks of it (G. i. 222) as " Gnosia stella Coronae," referring to the Cretan birth of Ariadne. Ovid also calls it (Fasti, iii. 457) "Coronam Gno- sida." Spenser refers to it as follows : " Look how the crown which Ariadne wore Upon her ivory forehead that same day That Theseus her unto his bridal bore, When the bold Centaurs made that bloody fray With the fierce Lapiths which did them dismay, Being now placed in the firmament, Through the bright heaven doth her beams display, And is unto the stars an ornament, Which round about her move in order excellent." Hercules is spoken of by Aratus as " An Image none knows certainly to name, Nor what he labors for " ; and again, in another part of the poem, as " the inexplicable Image." Ptolemy refers to it in somewhat the same way. Manilius calls it "ignota fades." When the name Hercules was given to it would appear to be uncertain. Aquila fs probably the eagle into which Merops was changed. It was placed among the stars by Juno. Some, however, make it the Eagle of Jupiter.. APPENDIX. 337 Cygnus or Cycnus, according to Ovid, was a relative of Phaethon. While lamenting the unhappy fate of his kinsman on the banks of the Eridanus, he was changed by Apollo into a swan, and placed among the stars. Sagittarius was said by the Greeks to be the Centaur Cheiron, the instructor of Peleus, Achilles, and Diomed. It is pretty certain, however, that all the zodiacal constellations are of Egyptian origin, and represent twelve Egyptian dei- ties who presided over the months of the year. Thus Aries was Jupiter Ammon ; Taurus, the bull Apis ; Gemini, the in- separable gods Horus and Harpocrates ; and so on. The Greeks adopted the figures, and invented stones of their own to explain them. Scorpio, in the Egyptian zodiac, represented the monster Typhon. Originally this constellation extended also over the space now filled by Libra. Thus Ovid (Met. ii. 195) says : " Est locus, in geminos ubi brachia concavat arcus Scorpios, et cauda flexisque utrimque lacertis Porrigit in spatium signorum membra duorum" Virgil also (G. i. 33) suggests that the deified Augustus may find a place among the stars, " Qua locus Erigonen inter Chelasque sequentes Panclitur." Erigone is Virgo, and Chela are the claws of the Scorpion. The poet goes on to picture the Scorpion as drawing himself into narrower space, to make room for the new-comer: " Ipse tibi jam brachia contrahit ardens Scorpios, et caeli justa plus parte reliquit." Ophiuchus represents /Esculapius, the god pf medicine. Ser- pents were sacred to him, " probably because they were a sym- bol of prudence and renovation, and were believed to have the power of discovering herbs of wondrous powers." Milton (P. L. ii. 709) speaks of " the length of Ophiuchus huge In the arctic sky." Aquarius, in Greek fable, was Ganymede, the Phrygian boy who became the cup-bearer of the gods in place of Hebe. 15 v 338 APPENDIX. Capricornus, the god Mendes in the Egyptian zodiac, is the subject of several Greek fables not worth recounting. There are various stories also with regard to Auriga. The star Capella takes its name from the goat which he bears on his shoulder. Aratus says (Dr. Frothingham's translation): " On his left shoulder rests The sacred Goat, said to have suckled Jove ; Olenian Goat of Jove the priests have named her." So Ovid (Fasti v. 112): " Nascitur Oleniae signum pluviale Capellae." Taurus, as has been staled above, was the Egyptian Apis. The Greeks made it the bull which carried off Europa. The Pleiades are usually called the daughters of Atlas, whence their name Atlantides. Milton (P. L. x. 673) speaks of them as " the seven Atlantic Sisters." The idea that only six of the seven can be seen is very ancient. Aratus says : " As seven their fame is on the tongues of men, Though six alone are beaming on the eye." And Ovid (Fasti iv. 167) : " Quae septem diet, sex tamen esse solent." According to one legend the seventh was Sterope, who be- came invisible because she had loved a mortal ; according to another, her name was Electra, and she left her place that she might not witness the downfall o/ Troy, which was founded by her son, Dardanus. Tennyson, in Locksley Hall, alludes to the Pleiades : " Many a night I saw the Pleiads, rising through the mellow shade, Glitter like a swarm of fire-flies tangled in a silver braid." The H jades, according to one of several stories, were sisters of the Pleiades. The name probably means the Rainy, since their heliacal rising announced wet weather. Hence Virgil speaks of them -as pluviae, and Horace as tristes. Cetus is said by most writers to be the sea-monster from which Perseus rescued Andromeda. Orion was a famous giant and hunter, who loved the daughter of CEnopion, King of Chios. As her father was slow to con- APPENDIX. 339 sent to her marriage, Orion attempted to carry off the maiden ; whereupon (Enopion, with the help of Bacchus, put out his eyes. But the hero, in obedience to an oracle, exposed his eye-balls to the rays of the rising sun, and thus regained his sight. The accounts of his subsequent life, and of his death, are various and conflicting. According to some, Aurora loved him and carried him off; but, as the gods were angry at this, Diana killed him with an arrow. Others say that Diana loved him, and that Apollo, indignant at his sister's affection for the hero, once pointed out a distant object on the surface of the sea, and challenged her to hit it. It was the head of Orion swimming, and the unerring shot of the goddess pierced it with a fatal wound. Another fable asserts that Orion boasted that he would conquer every animal; but the earth sent forth a scorpion which destroyed him. Aratus alludes to the brilliancy of this constellation : " What eye can pass him over, Spreading aloft in the clear night ? Him first Whoever scans the heavens is sure to trace." And again he speaks of him as " In nothing mean, glittering in belt and shoulders, And trusting in the might of his good sword." Ovid calls him " ensiger Orion," and Virgil describes him as "armatum auro." We have a vivid picture of him in Long- fellow's " Occultation of Orion " : " Begirt with many a blazing star, Stood the great giant Algebar, Orion, hunter of the beast ! His sword hung gleaming by his side, And, on his arm, the lion's hide Scattered across the midnight air The golden radiance of its hair." Cants Major and Minor are the dogs of Orion, and are pur- suing the Hare. The Twins, Castor and Pollux, the sons of Jupiter and Leda, are the theme of many a fable. They were especially worshipped as the protectors of those who sailed the seas, for Neptune had 34 APPENDIX. rewarded their brotherly love by giving them power over winds and waves, that they might assist the shipwrecked. Leo, according to the Greek story, was the famous Nemean lion slain by Hercules. Jupiter placed it in the heavens in honor of the exploit. The Hydra also commemorates one of the twelve labors of Hercules, the destruction of the hundred-headed monster of the Lernsean lake. Virgo represents Astraea, the goddess of innocence and purity, or, as some say, of justice. She was the last of the gods to withdraw from earth at the close of " the golden age." Aratus thus speaks of her : " Once on earth She made abode, and deigned to dwell with mortals. In those old times, never of men or dames She shunned the converse ; but sat with the rest, Immortal as she was. They called her Justice. Gathering the elders in the public forum, Or in the open highway, earnestly She chanted forth laws for the general weal." But when the age became degenerate, " Justice then, hating that generation, Flew heavenward, and inhabited that spot Where now at night may still be seen the Virgin." Libra, or the Balance, is the emblem of justice, and is usually associated with the fable of Astraea. Argo Navis is the famous ship in which Jason and his com- panions sailed to find the Golden Fleece. This slight sketch of the leading fables connected with the constellations will serve to show how completely the Greeks "nationalized the heavens." There have been various at- tempts to change into Christian titles the whole nomenclature of the skies. Julius Schiller, in 1627, urged such a revolution in his Coelum Stellatum Christianum, as Bartsch and others had done before him. According to these reformers of the heavens, the Great Bear becomes the skiff of St. Peter ; Cas- siopeia, Mary Magdalene; and Perseus with Medusa's head, David with the head of Goliath. The cross in the Swan is the APPENDIX. 341 Holy Cross ; the Virgin is Mary ; and the Water-bearer, John the Baptist. In the seventeenth century Weigel, a professor in the Uni- versity of Jena, proposed the formation of a collection of he- raldic constellations. In the zodiac he wished to place the escutcheons of the twelve most illustrious houses of Europe ; and Orion, Auriga, and other leading asterisms were metamor- phosed in the same way. Sir John Herschel says : " The constellations seem to have been almost purposely named and delineated to cause as much confusion and inconvenience as possible. Innumerable snakes twine through long and contorted areas of the heavens, where no memory can follow them. Bears, lions, and fishes, small and large, northern and southern, confuse all nomenclature. A better system of constellations might have been a material help as an artificial memory." But the habits of four thousand years are not easily changed. Men will still " Hold to the fair illusions of old time, Illusions that shed brightness over life, And glory over nature " ; and the starry heavens will continue to be for ages to come, as they have been for ages gone by, a picture-book of Greek fable. QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND EXAMINATION. MOTIONS AND DISTANCES OF THE HEAVENLY BODIES. I. WHAT was the earth once thought to be ? 2. What is the shape of the earth now known to be ? 3. How is this shown by observation of ships at sea? 4. How by the ob- servation of the eclipses of the moon ? 5. How do we know that the sun, moon, and planets are all globes ? 6. What is known of the shape of the stars ? 7. How do the stars rise and set ? 8. What are circumpolar stars ? 9. What is true of the motion of the Polar Star ? 10. What is true of the motion of the stars as we go from the Polar Star? n. How do we know that the stars describe accurate circles about the Polar Star as a centre ? 12. How do we know that the stars move at a uniform rate, and all describe their circles in the same time ? 13. How do we detect the existence of atmos- pheric refraction ? 14. What is the effect of refraction upon all the heavenly bodies ? 15. Explain this effect ? 16. Prove that the earth rotates from west to east in 24 hours ? 17. Do the heavens really rotate about the earth from east to west? 18. How do we know this? 19. State the direc- tion of the circles described by the stars, as compared with that of the horizon in different parts of .the earth ? 20. Do the stars as seen in different parts of the earth describe cir- cles which really have different directions ? 21. Show by an illustration that two co-ordinates are sufficient to define the position of a point on a plane surface ? 22. What two co-or- dinates serve to define the position of a point on the sur- face of a globe ? 23. Show that these co-ordinates will serve to define the position of such a point ? 24. What are the most convenient co-ordinates of a star ? 25. Which of these 344 QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND EXAMINATION. co-ordinates is measured by means of the transit instrument ? 26. Explain the adjustment of this instrument. 27. Explain how one of the co-ordinates of a star is measured with it. 28. What is a sidereal day? 29. Describe the mural circle. 30. Explain how the horizontal reading of the circle is found. 31. Explain how the altitude of the celestial pole is found. 32. Which co-ordinate of a heavenly body is found by the mural circle ? 33. Explain how. 34. Do the fixed stars ap- pear in exactly the same position in the heavens, from what- ever part of the earth they are observed ? 35. How do we know ? 36. What is the solar day ? 37. How is its length found, and h6w does it compare with that of the sidereal clay ? 38. What does the difference of length of these two days show as to one of the co-ordinates of the sun ? 39. By what other observation is this same thing shown ? 40. What is a sidereal year? 41. How do the solar days compare with one another in length ? 42. Why is ordinary clock time called mean time ? 43. What is the ecliptic ? 44. What is the in- clination of the ecliptic to the earth's axis ? 45. What belt of the earth is called the torrid zone ? 46. What belts are called the frigid zones ? 47. What belts are called the temper- ate zones ? 48. What is true of the sun's coming directly overhead, and of its rising and setting in each of these zones ? 49. Explain the changes in the relative lengths of day and night. 50. Explain the change of seasons. 51. What is the ce- lestial equator ? 52. Explain declination and right ascension. 53. What are the equinoxes ? 54. What is the precession of the equinoxes ? 55. What is the tropical year? 56. How does it compare with the sidereal year ? 57. Which is the year of common life ? 58. What are the solstices ? 59. What does the variation of the sun's apparent diameter prove ? 60. How can the form of the path descried by the sun among the stars be found? 61. What kind of a curve is it? 62. To what does the inclination of the earth's axis to the ecliptic give rise? 63. What is twilight? 64. What causes it? 65. It continues while the sun is within what distance of the hori- zon ? 66. When and where is twilight shortest ? 67. Explain why this is so. 68. In the latitude of Boston how does the twilight in the summer compare with that in the winter ? QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND EXAMINATION. 345 69. Explain why it is so. 70. Where is the new moon always seen ? 71. What is her motion? 72. When is the moon in conjunction ? 73. When in opposition ? 74. What is true of the moon's declination ? 75. What are the moon's nodes ? 76. What is a lunar day, and how does it compare with the solar day ? 77. How do lunar days compare with one another ? 78. What is the moon's orbit, and how can it be found ? 79. What is meant by the moon's being in perigee ? 80. What by her being in apogee? 81. What is the line of apsides ? 82. Describe the apparent motion of Venus. 83. The apparent motion of Mercury. 84. Why are these bodies called plan- ets ? 85. What is meant by the greatest elongation of these planets ? 86. Describe the apparent motion of the other plan- ets. 87. How did the ancients attempt to explain the ap- parent irregular motion of the planets ? 88. Give an account of the Ptolemaic system. 89. Explain what is meant by cycles, epicycles, and deferents. 90. What change did Tycho de Brahe introduce into this system? 91. How was this sys- tem further modified by Copernicus ? 92. Did he dispense with epicycles and deferents in his system.? 93. What three facts did Kepler discover about the planetary motions ? 94. Give an account of the method by which he discovered these facts. 95. Whose observations did he make use of? 96. What is the sidereal period of a planet ? 97. What is the synodical period of a planet ? 98. How is the sidereal period of the earth found ? 99. How is the synodical period of a planet found ? 100. What planets can be in inferior and superior conjunc- tion ? 101. What planets have conjunctions and oppositions? 102. What must be known in order to compute the sidereal period of a planet ? 103. Find the sidereal period of an inferior planet. 104. Find the sidereal period of a superior planet. 105. What must be observed in order to find the rel- ative distance of an inferior planet from the sun ? 106. Find the relative distance of an inferior planet from the sun. 107. What must be observed in order to find the relative dis- tance of a superior planet from the sun ? 108. Find the rela- tive distance of a superior planet from the sun. 109. When the relative distances of the planets from the sun are known, what must be found in order to ascertain their real distances 346 QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND EXAMINATION, from the sun? no. By means of what is the distance from the earth to the sun found? in. Find the distance in miles between the chords which two observers see Venus describe across the sun's disc, supposing that we know the distance be- tween the observers in miles. 112. What observation is ne- cessary to find the length of the two chords in degrees and minutes? 113. Explain how we find the length of these chords in degrees and minutes, and of the radius of the sun. 114. Find the distance between these two chords in angular measurement. 115. Find the angle which the radius of the earth would subtend at the distance of the sun. 116. Know- ing this angle, find the distance of the earth from the sun. 117. Explain how the length of the earth's radius can be found. 1 1 8. Explain how we find what fraction of a whole meridian the arc included between two places is. 119. Ex- plain how we can find the distance between two points by triangulation. 120. Give an account of the measurement of a base line. 121. Why is so great care necessary in the meas- urement of the base line? 122. Explain how a system of tri- angles can be constructed between two points, and how their parts can be computed. 123, Explain how the distance be- tween the two points can be found after the system of triangles has been constructed. 124. How do we know that the earth is not an exact sphere ? 125. Is the exact distance from the earth to the sun known ? 126. How can the real distance of the planets from the sun be found, after their relative distance and the distance of the earth is known ? 127. How did the ancients find the distance of the moon from the earth approx- imately ? 128. What is parallax? 129. Show that we real- ly judge of the distances of ordinary objects by means of par- allax. 130. In finding the parallax of the moon what takes the place of the two eyes? 131. Explain how the difference of direction of two telescopes, when pointed at the moon from different parts of the earth, can be found by measuring the moon's polar distance at each place. 132. Explain how the moon's parallax is found when the difference of direction of the telescopes is known. 133. Explain how this difference of direction can be found by measuring at each place the distance of the moon from a star near which she passes. 134. Why QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND EXAMINATION. 347 is the latter method preferable to the former? 135. Give a general account of the orbits of the planets. 136. What are nodes ? 137. Explain why the transits of Venus occur so sel- dom. 138. Explain how we estimate the distance of an ob- ject by using only one eye. 139. What is found to be true when a telescope is pointed to certain fixed stars at inter- vals of six months ? 140. What is one way of finding whether the direction of the telescope would be the same at both ob- servatories ? 141. Explain precession. 142. What is nuta- tion ? 143. What is aberration of light ? 144. What is its effect upon the position of a star? 145- Explain the second method of finding the parallax of a star. 146. What is true of the distance of the stars ? 147. Name some of the re- markable nebulae. 148. What has led astronomers to be- lieve that many of the nebulae are systems of stars ? 149. How did Herschel believe our sidereal system would ap- pear at the distance of the nebulae? 150. What is true of the motion of the planets and satellites of our solar system ? 151. Are the stars really fixed? 152. Show that our sun is moving through space. 153. Give an example of a double star. 154. What is the difference between a physically and an optically double star ? 155. Give an account of Theta Ori- onis. 156. Of Xi Ursae Majoris. 157. What is true of the length of the periods of the binary stars ? 158. What, of the dimensions of their orbits ? 159. Are the physically connect- ed systems of stars numerous ? 160. Show that the sun is a star. 161. What seems to be true of all the heavenly bodies? 162. How do the velocities with which the stars are moving compare with the earth's velocity in its orbit? PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE HEAVENLY BODIES. 163. Explain how we may find the diameter of the sun. 164. How does the sun compare with the earth in size ? 165. What are sun-spots ? 166. At what intervals are they most frequent ? 167. Give an account of the movements of these spots. 168. Show that these spots are not planets. 169. Show that the sun rotates on his axis in about 25 days. 170. Show that the sun's axis is not perpendicular to the 34 8 QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND EXAMINATION. ecliptic. 171. Describe the appearances of the spots. 172. What are tne dimensions of the sun-spots ? 173. Give an account of the changes which they undergo.- 174. Give an account of the faculae. 175. Give an account of the "pores" and "willow leaves." 176. Give an account of the corona. 177. Of the rose-colored clouds. 178. What were Wilson's observations and conclusions with reference to the sun-spots ? 179. What is Herschel's theory of the sun-spots ? 180. Give some account of the investigations of De La Rue, Stewart, and Loewy. 181. How have they shown that the faculae are elevations of the sun's photosphere ? 182. What do they consider to be the na- ture of the photosphere ? 183. What have they found to be the usual position of the faculae? 184. How do they think the spots and faculae are formed ? 185. How have they shown that Venus and Jupiter have an influence on the formation of the spots? 1 86. Why is Mercury seldom seen as a conspicuous object? 187. What is the shape of his orbit? 188. What is its inclination to the ecliptic? 189. How do we know that Mercury is an exact sphere ? 190. How does the diameter of Mercury compare with that of the earth? 191. Explain the phases of Mercury. 192. Is there any evidence of the existence of mountains on the planet ? 193. What led Schroter to think that Mercury rotates on his axis in about 24 hours ? 194. What did Schroter think to be the inclination of Mercury's axis to the plane of his orbit ? 195. What led him to this conclusion ? 196. Give an account of Mercury's seasons on the supposition that this inclination is correct. 197. Show that this planet has an atmosphere. 198. What is the second planet from the sun. 199. What is the form of her orbit ? 200. How does her di- ameter compare with that of the earth ? 201. By what names is Venus familiarly known ? 202. Explain her phases. 203. In what position is Venus most brilliant ? 204. What indicates that there are mountains on Venus ? 205. According to Schro- ter what is the period of her axial rotation ? 206. Has Venus an atmosphere ? 207. Has she a moon ? 208. Give an ac- count of the Zodiacal Light 209. What have been the suppo- sitions with reference to the nature of this light? 210. What is the third planet from the sun ? 211. What is the inclination of its axis to the ecliptic? 212. What is its diameter? 213. By QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND EXAMINATION. 349 what is the earth attended ? 214. What is the interval between two successive new moons ? 215. Give an account of the phases of the moon. 216. Explain the moon's libration in longitude. 217. Explain her libration in latitude. 218. Explain her paral- lactic libration. 219. Give an account of the earth's phases as seen from the moon. 220. When does the moon appear largest? 221. Show that the moon is nearer when in the zenith than when at the horizon. 222. What is true of the ap- parent size of the moon as compared with her real size ? 223. What kind of a path does the moon describe through space? 224. Give an account of the harvest moon. 225. Give an account of the surface of the moon. 226. Show how the height of a lunar mountain can be found. 227. Give an account of Tycho. 228. Of Copernicus. 229. Of Kepler. 230. Of Eratosthenes. 231. Are there active volcanoes on the moon? 232. Give an account of the crater Linne*. 233. Show that the moon has no atmosphere. 234. What have some thought to exist on the side of the moon turned from us ? 235. What is the form of the shadows of the earth and moon ? 236. What is the umbra, and what the penumbra, of these shadows ? 237. Explain when an eclipse may occur. 238. Explain each of the three kinds of eclipses of the sun ? 239. What are the conditions under which a total eclipse of the sun is possible ? 240. Do total eclipses of the sun often occur ? 241. Give Hind's account of the total eclipse of 1851. 242. How many kinds of eclipses of the moon may there be ? 243. What is the fundamental difference between eclipses of the sun and of the moon ? 244. When is a lunar eclipse central ? 245. Upon what does the magnitude of a lunar eclipse depend? 246. Does the moon become invisible during a total eclipse ? 247. After what intervals do the eclipses of. the sun and moon repeat themselves ? 248. What is an occultation ? 249. Ex- plain how longitude at sea is ascertained by the motion of the moon among the stars. 250. What are shooting stars? 251. At what season of the year are shooting stars most numerous ? 252. At what intervals is the November shower particularly brilliant? 253. Give an account of the shower of 1799. 254. What has led astronomers to attribute the August and November showers to the passage of the earth through 350 QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND EXAMINATION. meteoric rings at these times ? 255. Do these meteoric bodies ever fall to the earth ? 256. Why is Mars called an exterior or superior planet ? 257. How does the size of Mars compare with that of the earth ? 258. When is Mars situated most favorably for observation ? 259. What are the physical char- acteristics of Mars ? 260. Why does Mars experience about the same change of seasons as the earth? 261. How do we know that Mars has an atmosphere of considerable density ? 262. Which planets belong to the inner group, and what are ttheir resemblances ? 263. What led Kepler to suspect that a planet existed between Mars and Jupiter ? 264. What led to a systematic search for the suspected planet ? 265. What is Bode's law of planetary distances ? 266. Give an account of the discovery of Ceres. 267. Of the discovery of Pallas. 268. What led Dr. Olbers to think that Ceres and Pallas were fragments of a broken planet ? 269. When and by whom was Juno discovered ? 270. Give an account of the discovery of Vesta. 271. Give an account of the discovery of Astrasa. 272. What is this group of planets called ? 273. How many are now known to exist ? 274. How do their orbits differ from those of the larger planets ? 275. What is the first planet outside of this group ? 276. What is true of his brightness ? 277. How does his size compare with that of the earth ? 278. Is Jupiter a perfect sphere ? 279. Describe Jupiter's belts. 280. In what time does Jupiter perform his axial rota- tion ? 281. How was this ascertained? 282. How many moons has Jupiter ? 283. When and by whom were they dis- covered ? 284. What is true of their configurations and their axial rotations ? 285. Give an account of the occupations, eclipses, and transits of Jupiter's moons. 286. What is the planet next outside of Jupiter ? 287. How does the bulk of Saturn compare with that of Jupiter ? 288. How many moons has Saturn ? 289. Give an account of the discovery of Saturn's rings. 290. Explain the various appearances of these rings. 291. What is true of their number? 292. What are some of the conjectures PS to their nature? 293. Previous to 1781, what planets were known ? 294. What planet was discovered in that year? 295. Give an account of its discovery. 296. How does the size of Uranus compare with that of the earth ? QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND EXAMINATION. 351 297. Why do we not know the period of its rotation ? 298. How many moons has it ? 299. What is there peculiar about their motion ? 300. What is the most distant planet now known to exist? 301. Is its period of rotation known? 302. What is peculiar about its moon ? 303. Give an account of the dis- covery of Neptune ? 304. Which planets belong to the outer group, and in what do they resemble one another ? 305. What is common to the motions of all the planets and moons ? 306. Give a general description of the comets. 307. Give an account of some of the most famous comets. 308. To what is the twinkling of the stars due ? 309. What is the whole number of stars visible to the naked eye? 310. How many stars are there of the first magnitude ? 311. How many of the second magnitude ? 312. How many of the third ? 313. What is the number of the telescopic stars ? 314. What are the con- stellations ? 315. Name the zodiacal constellations. 316. Ex- plain the naming of the stars. 317. What is true of the color of the stars? 318. What are variable stars? 319. Give an account of Algol and Mira. 320. What are irregular or tem- porary stars? 321. Give an account of some of the most famous of these stars- 322. Give an account of the Milky Way. 323. What did Herschel believe to be the form of our side- real system ? 324. Mention some clusters of stars that are visible to the unaided eye. 325. Give an account of the tele- scopic cluster in Hercules, and that in Centaurus. 326. What are nebulous stars ? 327. Are the nebulae ever variable ? 328. Give an account of the Magellanic clouds. 329. By what other name are they known ? GRAVITY. 330. What is the first law of motion ? 331. How is this law established ? 332. Show that the planets and their moons are acted upon by some force. 333. What is the second law of motion ? 334. How is this law established ? 335. De- scribe Atwood's machine. 336. Show upon what the form of the curve described by a moving body depends. 337. Show that the force which curves the path of the planets is always directed towards the sun. 338. Show that gravity would 352 QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND EXAMINATION. cause all bodies to fall at the same rate, were it not for the air. 339. Describe the pendulum. 340. Describe the sim- ple pendulum. 341. What are the four laws of the pen- dulum ? 342. Establish each of these laws. 343. What is the formula of the pendulum ? 344. Describe the compound pendulum. 345. Show that the centres of oscillation and sus- pension are interchangeable ? 346. Explain the use of the pendulum in measuring the force of gravity. 347. Show that the intensity of gravity varies directly as the mass of the body acted upon. 348. Show that the moon's path is curved by gravity. 349. Show that the paths of the planets are curved by gravity. 350. Show that the paths of their moons are curved by gravity. 351. Illustrate and explain the resolution of forces. 352. Explain how it is that the planets can recede from the sun after they have approached him. 353. Show that the force which causes a planet to describe an ellipse must vary inversely as the square of the distance of the body from the sun. 354. In what kind of orbits do the comets move? 355. Show that the form of these orbits is the result of the action of gravity. 356. Explain the perturbation called the moon's variation. 357. Explain the mutual perturbations of Ju- piter and Saturn due to the inequality of long period. 358. Ex- plain how the amount of the perturbation of the planets can be calculated. 359. Do the observed motions of the planets agree with their computed disturbances ? 360. What do the per- turbations of the moon and planets prove? 361. Show that the theory of gravitation holds good throughout the uni- verse. 362. Give an account and an explanation of the tides. 363. Account for the spheroidal form of the earth. 364. Ex- plain the precession of the equinoxes. 365. What do the tides, the spheroidal form of the earth, and the precession of the equinox prove ? 366. Give an account of the Schehallien ex- periment, and show how the weight of the earth was deter- mined by it. 367. Give an account of the Cavendish experi- ment, and show how the weight of the earth was found by it. 368. Give an account of the Harton Coal Pit experiment, and show how the weight of the earth was determined by it. 369. Explain how the weight of the sun can be found? 370. Explain how a planet attended by a moon can be weighed ? QUESTIONS FOR REVIEW AND EXAMINATION. 353 371. How can a planet not attended by a moon be weighed ? 372. Explain how the weight of the moon can be found from the tides. 373. Explain how the weight of the moon can be found by means of the apparent displacement of the sun caused by the action of the moon upon the earth. 374. About what do all the systems of the heavenly bodies revolve ? CONSERVATION OF ENERGY. 375. Define and illustrate actual and potential energy. 376. Define mechanical, molecular, and muscular energy. 377. What are the forces that tend to convert potential into actual energy ? 378. Show that each of these forces tends to do this. 379. Show that mechanical energy may be con- verted into heat. 380. Describe Count Rumford's experi- ment. 381. Describe Sir Humphrey Davy's experiment. 382. What do these experiments show? 383. Into what is all mechanical energy ultimately converted ? Show this. 384. What is the mechanical equivalent of heat ? 385. Show how this equivalent is found. 386. Into what may heat be converted ? 387. Illustrate this. 388. Show that the same amount of heat, when converted into mechanical energy, always gives rise to the same amount of energy. 389. To what does the energy of affinity always give rise ? 390. Find how many foot-pounds of energy are developed by the burning of a pound of hydrogen. 391. Of a pound of carbon. 392. Show that the energy of affinity sometimes appears as muscular force. 393. Can energy be destroyed ? 394. What is the source of all the energy that appears on the earth ? 395. Show that this is so. 396. What is the amount of heat given out by the sun ? 397. How can it be found ? 398. .Why does it seem that the sun's heat cannot be developed by ordinary combus- tion ? 399. Give an account of the meteoric theory of solar heat. 400. Of the nebular hypothesis. 401. Of Helmholtz's theory of solar heat. 402. What is the relation between the theories of Mayer and Helmholtz ? w INDEX. 3T For concise statements of the leading topics of the book, see the SUMMARIES, which will be readily found by means of the Table of Contents. The references in this Index are only to the fuller treatment of subjects in the body of the work. A. Aberration of light, 80. Adams, and the discovery of Neptune, 178. Aldebaran, 188. 327. Algenib, 26. Algol, a variable star, 188, 326. Alpha Centauri, parallax of, 81. period of, 94. rate of motion of, 96. Alphabet, the Greek, 323. Altitude, 20. Andromeda, 326, 335. nebula in, 83. Angle, sine of, 303. supplement of, 304. Antares, 188, 325, 330. Aphelion, 42. Apogee, 33, 131. Apsides, 33. Aquarius, or the Water-bearer, 326, 337. Aquila, or the Eagle, 325, 336. Ara, or the Altar, 334. Aratus, 333. Arcturus, color of, 1 88. distance of, 83. proper motion of, 90. rate of motion of, 96. Argo Navis, or the Ship Argo, 333, 340. Aries, or the Ram, 327. Ascension, right, 26. Asteroids, 165 (see Minor Planets). Astrasa, discovery of, 165. Atoms, 270. Atwood's machine, 204. Auriga, or the Charioteer, 327. Axis, celestial, 8. of earth points always in the same direction, 77. B. Base line measured, 59. Bear, the Great, 5, 323, 334. Beehive, the (see Praesepe). Bode's Law, 161, 179. Bootes, 324, 335. Calendar, the, 307. the Gregorian, 307. Cancer, or the Crab, 329. Canes Venatici, or the Hunting Dogs, 326, 330, 334. Canis Major, or the Great Dog, 329, 339. Minor, or the Little Dog, 329, 339. Capella, change in brightness of, 189. color of, 1 88. rate of motion of, 96. Capricornus, or the Goat, 326, 338. Cassiopeia, 5, 190, 324, 335. Cavendish experiment, 251. Celestial axis, 8. poles, 8, 213, 276. Centaurus, or the Centaur, 333. cluster of stars in, 194. Centrifugal force, or tendency, 241. Cepheus, 324, 335. Ceres, discovery of, 162. Cetus, or the Whale, 328, 338. Changes of seasons, 24. , Coal-Sack, the, 192. Coma Berenices, or Berenice's Hair, 330, 334- Comet, Biela's, 183. Donati's, 184. Encke's, 183. Halley's, 183. Comets, 181. parabolic motion of, 225. of 1680, 1811, 1843, and 1861, 184. Conjunction, 22, 33, 46. inferior and superior, 45. Constellations, 186, 323. zodiacal, 187, 333. Co-ordinates of a heavenly body, 13. Copernicus, a lunar mountain, 123. system of, 39. Cor Caroli, 325. Corona.Australis, or the Southern Crown, 334- Corona Boreafis, or the Northern Crown, 3 2 5. 336. Corona in solar eclipse, 112. Corvus, or the Crow, 330. Crater, or the Cup, 333. Cycles and epicycles, 37. Cygnj, 61, parallax of, 82. period of, 94. proper motion of, 90. rate of motion of, 96. Cygnus, or the Swan, 325, 337. Day, length of, 24. lunar, 33. 356 INDEX. Day, sidereal, 17. solar, 21. Declination, 26. Delphinus, or the Dolphin, 327. Denebola, 26, 329. Distance of planets from sun, 49. of sun, 23. polar, 13. Dominical letter, the, 308. Draco, or the Dragon, 324, 336. Earth, the, 129. a molten mass, 240. as r seen from the moon, 132. heV density as found by Cav- endish experiment, 254. her density as found by Har- ton Coal Pit experiment, 257- .her density as found by Sche- hallien experiment, 250. her distance from 'sun, 53. path curved by gravity, -218. periodic time of, 45. rotation proved by experi- ment, 10. . : semi-diameter found, 57. spheroidal form of, 65, 240. unvarying direction of axis of, 77- weight of, 247. Eclipses, cycle of, 150. may occur when, 143. of moon, 142, 148. " " used to find her dis- tance, 67. of sun, 145. Ecliptic, the, 23, 29. Ellipse, construction of, 41. Ellipses of the planetary orbits caused by gravity, 2-21. Energy, actual, 273. mechanical, 273. converted into heat, 275, 278. molecular, 274. " converted into heat, *...'' 283. " converted into elec- 'tricity, 284. muscular, 274, 286. of affinity, 274, 284, 286. " cohesion, 274, 283. "gravity, '2 74, 291. potential, 273. source of, 287. transmuted, not destroyed, 286. Epact, 312. Epicycles, 37. Epicycloid, the moon's orbit an, 134. Equator, ce'estial, 26, 44. Equatorial, the, 6. Equinoxes, 26. precession of, 27, 78, 242. Equuleus, or the Little Horse, 333. Eratosthenes, a lunar mountain, 140. Eridanus, or the River Po, 333. Eudoxus, 333. F. Faculas, solar, no. Force, centrifugal, 241. curving the planetary orbits, 207. Forces, atomic, 270. resolution of, 221. Foucault's experiment, 12. G. Galaxy, the (set Milky WayX Gemini, or the Twins, 328, 339. Golden number, 310. Gravity, 202, 274. causes all bodies to fall at same rate, 209. causes bodies to fall 16 feet a second, 215. curves the moon's path, 216. varies as the mass of bodies, 216. II. Harton Coal Pit experiment, 210. Harvest moon, 134. Heat, converted into mechanical energy, 280. Count Rumford's experiments on, 275- Davy s experiments on, 277. from affinity, 284. " mechanical energy, 273, 278. " molecular " 283. mechanical equivalent of, 280. amount of solar, 289. Helmholtz's theory of solar, 295. meteoric ' 291. unit of, 280. Heavens, a dial, 151. Hercules, 325, 336. cluster of stars in, 194. motion of solar system to- wards, 91. Horizon, 30, 306. Hyades, the, 327. Hydra, 329, 340. Inequality of long period, 229. J. Juno, discovery of, 164 Jupiter, apparent motion of, 35. distance, period, size, etc. of, 167. moons of, 170, 233, 322. path curved by gravity, 218. perturbations of, 229. physical features of, 168. INDEX. 357 K. Kepler, a lunar mountain, 139. laws of, 41. system of, 40. Law, Bode's, 161, 179. Laws, Kepler's, 41. of motion, 201. of pendulum, 211. Leo, or the Lion, 329, 340. Lepus, or the Hare, 328, 339. Le Verrier, and the discovery of Nep- tune, 154. Libra, or the Balance, 330, 340. Libration of moon, 130. Light, aberration of, 80. interference of, 185. velocity of, 83. zodiacal, 127. Linne, a lunar crater, 140, 317. Lunar day, 33. month, 32. Lupus, or the Wolf, 334. Lyra, or the Lyre, 324, 336. Lyrae Epsilon, 91. M. Machine, Atwood's, 204. Magellanic clouds, 196. Mars, 37, 157- his distance, size, etc., 157. from sun found, 51, physical features of, 158. mass of, 258. Mercury, 37, 45, 120. apparent motion of, 34. atihosphere of, 124. distance, size, etc. of, 120. mass of, 259. ' phases of, 121. rotation of, 122. seasons of, 123. Meridian, measurement of, 57. Meteoric rings, 1 56; showers, 154. stones, 157. Meteors, 154. Metre, French, 313. Metric system, 312. Milky Way-, 191. distance of stars in, 83. Mira, a variable star, 189, 328. Month, lunar, 32. Moon, apparent motion of, 32. ' apparent size of, 1 18. atmosphere of, 141. Moon, cycle of, 280. . distance of, 129. " . found, 61. disturbed by Venus, 234. eclipses of, 142, 148. Moon, harvest. 134. her effect in precession, 246. libration of, 139. mass of, 260. of Neptune, 178, 322. orbit of, 33. - parallax of, 71. path curved by gravity, 216. period of, 130, perturbations of, 226. phases of, 130. rotation of, 131. shadow of, 142. size of, 129. surface of, 135. tides caused by, 237. variation of, 227. Moons, 89. of Jupiter, 170, 322. " Saturn, 173, 322. , " Uranus, 177, 322. Motion, curvilinear, 206. elliptical, 221. laws of, 201. parabolic, 225. Mural circle, 18. < ."- N. Nebula, crab, 86. dumb-bell, 86. in Andromeda, 83. ring, 86. Nebular hypothesis, the, 294. Nebulae, 83, 193. distance of, 87. number and nature of, 86, 88. variable, 195. Neptune, discovery of, 178. distance, size, etc. of, 178. Nodes, 33, 75. Nubeculae, 196. Nutation, 79. O. Occultation of stars by moon, 142, 150. Olbers on the origin of the minor plan- ets,. 164. Opposition, 33, 46. Ophiuchus, or the Serpent-bearer, 325, Orbits of planets inclined to plane of ecliptic, 75. Orion, 328, 338. . Orionis, Theta, 93. P. Pallas, discovery of, 165. Parabolic motion of comets, 225. Parallax, 68. of the fixed stars, 72, 73. " " moon, 71. Pegasus, or the Winged Horse, 326, 335. 358 INDEX. Pendulum, the, 12, 201, 210, 252, 255. compound, 213. formula of, 213. laws of, 211, 212. reversible, 214. simple, 211. used to measure force of grav- ity, 214. Perigee, 33, 131. Perihelion, 41. Period, sidereal, 46, 47. synodic, 46. Perseus, 326, 335. cluster of stars in, 194. variable star in (see Algol). Perturbations of the moon, 226. moons of Jupiter, 233. planets, 229. " how comput- ed, 232. Pisces, or the Fishes, 327. Piscis Australis, or the Southern Fish, 326. Planets, apparent motions of, 34. curved orbits of, 207. inclination of the orbits of, 75. inferior and superior, 46. inner group of, 160. mean distances from sun, 65. minor, 161, 319. move in ellipses because of grav- ity, 221. orbits curved by gravity, 220. perturbations of, 229. relative distances from sun, 53. secular perturbations of, 236. synodic periods of, 45. Pleiades, a cluster in Taurus, 193, 327, 338. Poles, celestial, 8, 213, 276. Praesepe, a cluster in Cancer, 193, 329. Ptolemaic system, 35. R. Refraction, 8, 73. in lunar eclipse, 149. Resolution of forces, 221. Retrograde motion defined, 177. Right ascension, 26. S. Sagitta, or the Arrow, 327. Sagittarius, or the Archer, 325, 337. Scorpio, or the Scorpion, 325, 330, 337. Serp'ens, or the Serpent, 325. Satellites 89 ( see Moons). Saturn, distance, period, size, etc. of, 172. moons of, 173, 322. perturbations of, 229. rings of, 173. Schehallien experiment, 247. Seasons, the, 25. Sector, zenith, 58, 248. Secular changes, 236. Shadow of the earth, 3, 142. Shadow of the moon, 142. Shape of the earth, 3. " sun, moon, and planets, 4. Sine of angle defined, 303. Sirius, 329. color of, 1 88. distance of, 83. name of, 187. proper motion of, 90. rate of motion of, 96. Solar system, motion of, 90. position of, 192. Solstices, 27. Star, Polar, 5, 16, 324. Stars, apparent motions of, 5. circumpolar, 5, 323. clusters of, 193. color of, 187. double, 91. periods of, 94. physical and optical, 92. revolve about common centre of gravity, 262. fixed, 185. ' distance of, 76. " proper motion of, 90, 95. magnitudes of, 186. names of, 187. nebulous, 195. number of, 185. of first magnitude, 332. temporary, 190. twinkling of, 185. variable, 188. Style, old and new, 307. Sun, apparent diameter of, 27. path of, 28. appearances in total eclipse of, in. as a fixed star, 95. axial rotation of, 103. distance of, 51. eclipses of, 145. Hind's description of total eclipse of, 147- planetary orbits curved towards, 207. "pores," "willow leaves," etc. on the, no. position of axis of, 104. revolves round centre of gravity of solar system, 262. size of, 99. spots, 101. ' appearances of, 105. " changes of, 108. 1 dimensions of, 107. " motion of, 102, 105. " nature of, 113. weight of, 257. System, metric, 282. of Copernicus, 39. " Kepler, 40. " Ptolemy, 35. " Tycho de Brahe, 40. T. Taurus, or the Bull, 327, 338. Theodolite, 63. INDEX. 359 Tides, 237. neap, 239. spring, 239. weight of moon found from, 259. Transit instrument, 15. Transits of Venus, 54, 65, 76, 126. Trial and error, method of, 40, 72. Triangle, right, 303. oblique, 303. computation of parts of, 304. Triangulation, 59. Triangulum, or the Triangle, 327. Twilight, 29. duration of, 30. Tycho, a lunar mountain, 136. U. Universe, gravity acts throughout the, 234. Uranus, discovery of, 176. distance, period, size, etc. of, 177. moons of, 177, 322. perturbations of, 178. Ursa Major, or the Great Bear, 323, 334. Minor, or the Little Bear, 324, 334. Ursae Majoris, Xi, 93. V. Vega, 6, 324. parallax of, 82. rate of motion of, 96. Venus, 36, 38, 45, 124. apparent motion of, 34. atmosphere of, 126. distance from sun, 124. disturbs our moon, 234. her distance from sun found, 49. Venus, mass of, 258. period of revolution and rotation, 125. seasons of, 126. size of, 124. transits of, 54, 65, 76, 126. Vesta, discovery of, 164. Via Lactea (see Milky Way). Virgo, or the Virgin, 330, 337, 340. Volcanoes, lunar, 135, 140. W. Weight of earth, 257. " moon, 259. " planets, 258. " sun, 257. Weights, metric system of, 282. Y. Year, civil, 307. Julian, 307. leap, 308. sidereal, 22, 27. tropical, 27, 308. Z. Zenith sector, 58, 248. Zodiac defined, 187. constellations of, 187, 333. signs of, 187. Zodiacal light, 127. Zone, torrid, 24. Zones, frigid, 24. . temperate, 25. THE END. Cambridge : Electrotyped and Printed by Welch, Bigelow, & Co. s \ . wv 35977 541830 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY