LIBRARY OF THE University of California. 737 Class tjju 'Ml , w ~ ^ GENERAL dlfcoM odMo t Cu&or Stat&imilt %t?t& Wt)t $lap of tje Weaker By JOHN HEYWOOD Date of Earliest Known Edition, 1533 Date of this hitherto Unknown Edition, 1565 [?] Reproduced in Facsimile, 1908 GEJVEK4L Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER $Iaj> of tfje ®23eati)er By JOHN HEYWOOD - AN UNRECORDED EDITION (1906) Issued for Subscribers by T. C. & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVIII %\)t i^lag of fyt »eatf)er By JOHN HEYWOOD This unrecorded edition formed part of " the Irish find" of 1906 ; when brought to auction it was secured for the nation at a cost of £ 1 go (see Tudor Facsimile Texts — "King Darius" "Lusty Juventus," "Nice Wanton" "Wealth and Health" "John Evangelist" "Impatient Poverty" &c). The British Museum press-mark is C. 34, i. 23. The edition printed by Rastell in 1533 will be issued in facsimile at a later date. Mr. J. A. Herbert (Manuscript Department, British Museum) reports that, comparing this facsimile with the original, some portions are "slightly too heavily printed" otherwise " the photos are quite excellent. . . . It is not easy to strike the golden mean between being too faint and too heavy, so I . . . only call attention to the fault where it has gone so far as to blur letters . . . otherwise^ as I have said, the reproduction is admirable." These blurred letters occur on Sigg. B. ii., C. L, ii., D. iv., verso, and E. Hi., but in no case are they unreadable. The hole-marks on C. iv., recto and verso, top of pages, show the state of the original perfectly. It may not be out of place to record here the fact that, 166975 at length, the materials for an intelligent biography of John Heywood are gradually being collected. Much has already been accomplished — new facts brought to light, fresh dates fixed, and others verified, with new sources of research opened up and suggested. I hope in the course of the present year to publish a volume dealing, to some purpose, with the life, times, and writings of" the father of English comedy and tragedy." JOHN S. FARMER. x \i CtE&epiapeoftljc tocatljcr. C# ttetor anfc a berp merpr raftr^ ItiDeof ail manertoetbers maDebv 3^on %w fcoooDe. 0%) CC^plaTcrtnamrjj ^upfttratfaD. #eryrepotfttjebvce« 'SLtje (5etttlemati. ^6e ^atctjatne, ec. a Hose tfc leftc tyae can plaje. vf ^V- a fifiS il ^% Ptfrttmtto long agnotoetoeretor wee 3£V ^bataunctSteftntetoberinourCelfetjaueraimeb :: :: ::tobatbonour,tobat lawbegeuenb* ofberrtfgW tobat gl oiy toe baue bao Duel? tmfa^neD ®Ufyt cteatoivr tobicb oetot? batb conacasnefc £o* aboue all gobbe* tynce our fatl^cr^ (all toe Jnpttertoereeufrpzfncf pall. 3 1 toe Co baue bene as t rut b it f$ tn bebe J&eponb tbfccompaffeof all comparpfon tafyoe coulD puCuinc to (ftetoe fin anv mebe &>otbat it mpgW appear to buina?ncreafati tlDtpe \w tenotome toe ttanb in at tbis Cealcrc foi fiwce tyat beaucii and eartb toere fir a create &tobe toe neuer tnCuclj ttpuinp&ant eftate. . 3g toe notoeboWjeroftoetoyll report fyml) part h$ toe Cee mete to j tpme p lecenf - Cleave concerning ?oue prrpetuall comfort* Slfll tte tiding it CelCe fftaii pzoue in c rpcrvmeut Sfcbtcb btgbty Qiall btnbe vou on fcnees lotoi]? beat §>olv to bonoat out bPgbne? Day fcpDa? 3nb notoe to tbe matttcgcue rare and to e fl»U fnje. l&efoie our ptetence in our bye parliament 26otb goobtf a nD goDDefle$ of alt Degree* Ijatb late adembir b b? couimen affent jf oz tbe reojeffe of certapne enozmytvej* »xe D among tbem tbozotoe r jacemytYeg 3buCeb in ecbe to otber of ttjr in all -jftameit to purpofe in tWt mofte f pcctall. s 1 e>nt foppfcr U t\)tt feaf urn* anb $fjcbug Colu* anb $b*be tt>rfe fence br name WW* nature not onclv are (o facte confrarfoug 05ut aICo of malvee ecije ottjer to Defame i^aue long tyme abufeB rygbf far out of frame Cbe d ctoe coucCe af all tt)cir confleilatfonjaf Co fte great Damage of all eartbl? nation^. ® Wc*i toajel Defeat e & t n place Cav&c bef oze Sfln a ft eft as became out flatter molt auncient *WiV) beetle tobyte as ftiotoe bteioc&tfbotbcolb anb &ofe teatft eatreD fucb matters as f erueD bt0 intent )LauO?ng bi* fto 5 p manCpon in tbe firmament Co ayze anb eartb a? tb?ng$ mod p2f ctou$ 4 f&ourgpng all Rumour* tbat ace contagious ^otof be if be ailebgetb rtat of long fane pafte 'jUtte batb pzeua?lrt> biitfgreat DpMgence full oft bppon eartb bt* fa^e fcoft be baft cad 3311 tbf ngg burtfull to batvptye out of pzerence iBut pbcbujg entenbwge to kepe btm in fpirnce EDijen be b att) laboueeD all uygbt in bf * potme* 1&# glaring beamed marred all in ttuo l)o tojeg. mektif to ftf mabe no matter aunfbotr UDiierupon tbcp botb tbtn t^bebc DefreD €cbe in W parte lepb (n Ijer rrpzourug %\)nt by ber (bote je* fuperfi uou# tuey Wue f ryeb 3n all tbat ©e ma? tbeir poure* be DenyrD j@Dettinto i&bebe mabeaunCboere no mote C&en i^ebug to Aatnrne bab mabe before. ?»one bpott Coluj* all tyeft Dyb fl?e CPWpBW / Compiawug nt\t cff uftfe$e one a rofcoe anD Ca?be to compete none ton $ Co rapt a$ fje f oz toljcn be is DtfpoCeD l-is btnftf $ to blctoe fee f tiffrcfb neither Cunne (Dyne car ne no: Cnoboe Cben ecbe agajmit otber anO be agavnll all tbze C&U0 can t^eCe foure in ne mane t agre. t& bicb fene In tbetn fclueg ant fart bet confftetpng Cb* fame to rebzeffe teas cauTe of tljf ire aflfcroble 3nb alCo tbat toe euertmne bdnge 23 ttybe out putfant potoer of diet £Df toiCbome ano nature Co noble anb fee from all ettremityes tbe mesne oeuibpng Co peace au& plent?e ectje ttying attempering. Cbe? Ijatte in conclufion tobolp ftinbzeD 3fnto our banDB as tmube concerning 311 inane t toetbf rs b v tbem cnge ntueD Cbe full of tbeir potocts from terme euerlafting Co fet Cucb ozber a* ftaubetb tof tb our pleafpng tobicb Mng a* of our parte no parte requites &ut of all tbeire parte? rrs^t ^mnblp beffjeb Co f afce bpon W tobf rf o toe&tf) affettfe a nt> Co tn all t!)tng* tot tb one bopc* agreable tec baue cierety ft w8k& our fozCaybe parleament Co four great toeaitb tobicb ©all be fame anb Mble %tto to our honour farre i neftima We f oiCvnce tbeir poteer* a* our$ abbyb to our o tone tot?o can toe fare knotet \» *$ toe tyoulb be knotoen* isuf aetoe fo: ft ne ftc refit of our entenf tttyetf ojc a$ notof toe fo?t&cc are befcenbeb j ' of the _ v VJNWER sn 3# ottlv f o CattCfre anb content all in aner people tobicb baue ben offenbeb $? an v toeatljer mete to be a menueb tupon iwijofe complavnt* beclac?ng t^eir grfeft J©c ©all ©ape temeo? fojt&ffrrettefe, 31^ to geue ftnotoicDge fox t\)tit ftftet tttottt BDe tooulb tljt$ a foze pjtoda?mtb to be tlo all oar people b? tome one of tbw Cotf e 2Dbome toe l?tt to rtufc bete amongeft all re jflDJjerfoie ecbe man auaunce anb toe (bail tt l&tytt ofvou t* moft mete to be out ct?er. C$e re entretb <$er? repoite, C#cr?repoge. 55zotlircf)olD tip four toufcc a Itttie &?et iSbtoe J beCecbe vou rap Ioib loobe on me f irft 3 mitt roue loiD $?p Qi^li not ft? nbe me t&e tourS € Jupiter, toll? to&af art t&ou fta t app;oct)cft f o n?cr C#w?"Po:te # f jf ozfotl* anb pleare ?oue lozbQtpp it $ X C3!upiter. 311 tW toe fmotof tier? toeil,bu t tofat % WW 3*fome tm 3 am 3 perfe J. &Mtobatmanfe3foeuerbeJ. 3 affure ?our gooD lai&fbvpp 3 am 3* CJupitet. tfctjat maner tnanart tljou aetoe quickefte, C$£er?repojte, fttoid a pooze gentleman btoelletb Ijereb?. »gmflema!ittjftlfelw«nBrtU.tottn«H»jfc . i »ort In tWv$t bebauioue ant> mr J3ut tuljat art tbou caiieb tobere ttjou Bode tefozfe C^wwpozte. jfoaCot!) mploja master a^er? rcpozfe. Chapiter. tSDbou art no mete man tu our bntyneg j? o: tiftne apparance t? ef rnucb Irgbtnejef tD!?i? cannot pour lozD&ppp irfee mp oi&rr, fl?p apparell not mp name notl)cr* Clupfter. Co none of all toe tjaue Of uocfon: C^erprepojte. 3 piopet Ipkelpbofcc of pj opouion n&r ll ttian as toiCe a* pe ft mc to be £et can pe ce no totCbome in me 23 tit Cpnte pe Difpzarfe me fox Co Ipgbf an elfe 3 pia ve pou geue me leaue to pzapr e m v Cetfe $nb foz tbe fpzft part 3 topll begpnne In mp bfbauiour at my eo mmvng tn £ bertn 3 tbinke 3 Ijaiie litie offence D JFot Cure mp cuctec? coulD not be arnenbeD 3lnD a* fin mp Cute pour Ceruaunt to bee $9pgbt pit baue ben mpfte tot your boneftpe jf o j a# 3 be CaueD if J ©all not Ipe 3 cator no man Cetoe to* tbe office butt 3 feberfoie if pe tafce me not oi 3 go ^ J>e muft anone *»betben?e te^it oi no Iigbf ,f ojcb,KgW f Colore tr iinoyft 0*y baile raine troft Cnoto ligbtnfg tbudec Clouoy ,mtfty,t»yndy»tryKifotole aboue bead 0; bnbec Cemperate 01 diftemperate tebat ruer it be 3 pzomiCt your toxd&yp all 13 one to me Jupiter. Dell fonne confide ry tig tliine tnDtffetency 3nd partelr tbe reft of tby dcclaraeton Wt ma&e tbee our ieruaunt>and simncdiatl? MDe t»yii tbou d eparte and caufc proclamation l&ubii&ing out pleaftrce to euery natiod HDbf t& tbiag once done toitb all dyiygence tipatte tby retur ne agayue to tbvs pufenee. $ere to recede alfttoter* of ectje degree Itotf Ctu!*M»Werem* fottjee ktioS mefelp toe r»pll tbou b:png tbem b r f oze our tnmeftre 2nD fox tbr reft tbat be not Co booittjp fi^ake tbou re potte to tog r ffectuaiip £>o ttjat tor maye tore ecDe mftner Cute at large C&uj* Ce tljou oepat tc;a nt) loofcc upon tbP charge C^erprepotfe, #cboe goob m? iozb goD,our (aft? be tofty pe f renDe0a felorbrp let me go by pe Cnpnfr t pe 31 map ftatiD tbzu Hi ng among pou tym #ap bpgob 3 mutt tbzui* about otber gere. C^per? repozte goetbout. C* ft* *«& tftbt ftafe tbe gob baft a Conge p&pe& tn W ttont oz a?r cp repozte come in* #oto fence toe ftaue tints farre ret fbotf b our putpoCe 3 toljpie toe tepll aritbDzatoe out gobip pxeCeuce Co zirtnlfr all Curb tnoze plapnlp to DpCcloCe 3jtf bere topli attenb iti our fozCapbe pretence 3nD notoe awozDttig to pour obebtence ifceiopce pe in b* tout) top mod topfull? atno toe our Celte foaii top in our eume g!o?p ft SDerp repozte commetS in* C^n^repotte. Iftotoe (ptflf take beoe fo j bere cbminety gob$ feruaunfe 3uaunt rarterlp feeptpf eg auaunte tobp pe bionben bozefc 00 t»pll it not be JBppourfeptb&auependtbetcapnojknee 0ot one of pout battopll make curtefp 'Co me tbat am Cqupze f oz goDs pzecioug bobp t&egatbe pe notbpng tnpne autbozi tpe &o;*>ekome borne ,no? bobere baue pe Ito §0 to be it if pe ajceo 3 coulD not toeli tell, J ** OF THE UNIVERSITY OF Suf fttti 3 fyimht a ftoufanb mpie from \)t\l 3nb on my f^itl) J tbwbe on mp tonUtencr, 3 Ijaue tone from tjcauen,a$ farce as tjcaucu # !?cnce* at loum,at jtonDon,anD at TUtmbarfcv, at ©alDDche ,at &arfolD,anO at Earbaty. 3t Carrtf £ouentrre,an& at Co!o!je(Ict at 3D;mn»oift,at fl^elbecb^anD at mftfycfau St f ulbamat f alebo?ne,anbaf f cnlotoe, at i&att ngtatMt B&akefeiacanD at 1 alt amffoi*. %t ^Cat»con,at Cpptrc,anbat Cotnam, at <& 'oucetecat eylfoxMnb at fcotljam. m $acf did ,at ^art»ycbe,at ^arrotc on ft e fcrl> at ftutbecp,at ftoutWampten,an& at ft J)ootet$ & A 3ltaBalftngt)am,atliDit^ani,anOat ©arboicfce, at $oftan,at £aftoto,anD at Barb) tcfee. 9t £raurt*nb,anb at fclaftenberp J>nge<5mjjiaiia 3abterDf!)epatt(fcof#utCbenN CfjeDfiUl^tmlelte toitljoutmojeicaCute, CoalDrtot ftaur goneftalfete muc'a 3 am Cure* *3ut note J fcauefcoarneD t$tm let tljem euen ctjoofe, $oi in fa* ft 3 care not tofco to?n oi tooCe, £$ere fte gentleman before ty cotmnett) in Wotorftt)t*l Jupiter, jf ot tieipe of t^naes concerning m? recreation, ^ccozbmg to instate proclamation. ffljter? anb 3 am fte t^at tbi* imtft Cpceoe* ©ur find tel me toftat ?c be in becbe, C^emleraao. jfojtoot&goob friend 3 am a pl come to you b* anb b? agawe. #oto gracious eob,ffwitte*l to be, 3 pia? ?e let me Cpeake a fcooiD id tty *e. C3u2»itec. Q$t tonne Ca? on,let ** beare ft* mfnBe. C^ecTrepoit. ^loibrtetettanoettacuttteuen best betynbe, 3 gentleman in vonbet cojnet, 8,ff« 3*MW 'i j OF THE UNIVERSITY L\ OF 3 fyMttte i&nrib commeft to make you tpatfe, i ^ctooulDtnintafotoo.zttoavneoutoftW)5Cojt, , C^ereljepoyntett) tot&e tooman. 3Bupitee. *©!#£ to euer fcy$ rot n&e be let Wm apppe are. #eryeeppjf. Bote soob tnatsei Joiner J p$ay you tome neare, Centleman. 3*m«of|0nerlinaue,3 torUrtoainoto ff, flurry report. 3rtOttgfttpet)a»,fott»l}enve^b!0tMtf, I^earD 3 neuecbootfonmafcefjojneio go, %% ler fe ye Kyft twite ar&a* Wall) my bole Co, Come on your tea? befeje t!je€»oD Jupiter, 3itf) t&ere fox your celfe ye malt be Cuter* d5entlemam ajJoftmtgltfr £:wce s anO a nkfttiiy, Jdaylp tafce payne toi uoeaitb of ti?e common fiockfi W^Vtb Diligent tf uDy altooay Of uf ?yi sg, Co fteepe ttjem in oz&er atib brittle, 3n peace to tabonc. tf)f tncreaCe of ftetr lyufng» MDbereby rc^e ma? piofper in plentte. HDIjec feze gooD <®oD tins is our txitiole redmn& tEbat f o: eafe or our payne* at tunc* nacaunb 3nourrecceationc!jfe&?eis bunting, 3ymt Pltafe you to CcnD tytiaeatijer plf aCamtf r £>*y anD not mi&y ,tye toyutfe calme ant) ftyU, ^^ wurc a n t e o ne q oot roef toUMttgfo merely rtjarpngtlje 33eareoucr oaleanD wu jtB Rearing w ma? follow anD temfoit tip ct? t Jupiter. 33?2W toil! toe Do peccetue pout totjole requeft, »bvcfc ©all not faple to reft in swmot? e> a^tfozeUjetorilpeCctrourfflfcat rrft» Wl toe Dane tjearb edje man matSecenttye* 2inD toe foal tafce furt ozbee btuuer&U?, 3C5 bed map ftanD to our honour infinite, fox turatt& tn rontons ed) mans angular pjoff f ♦ ©entleman. 3n &eauen anD eartb tHmouceD be rte name ^>< jup?ter,tobomef $*goft!r gooDnejf , ^ati) fet tbis matter in to gooDip frame , Ctjat cuerp totgt) t ftal Ijaue tjt* Df Ore Do utkf , 2>nD fir ft f o? bs noble* and gen tlemein, . 3 Doubt not in ty* tetfbome to puniiDt, ^uci)toeat^er,aj5snottr!mnttngnot» and ftett* IE* may iKitti tepfe anD rcceaue on aterv fvDe. l©#cl) ttflng once tjaD lot our fa?D recreation, ^tjai gtcati? pietmrte ?bu in preferring cur tje If & f 01 U)t)at tfrng inoie neeDeful ttjen our piefrruatio* Seeing ttje toeaic anD &eaDe0 of al common xselfy C^crr repose. 0ot» 31 brCect) pour maQjtp to&ofc tjead be rotu- Gentleman D'jote&eafcauiJMbf fteD^Wtaietttljou not» ii^ttv repute. #a^TeWmk**tbernrueCo©oDme fcelpei f oi 3 baue euer bene of a title tol^eipe, ^b ml of fanlfeai^arA in fa manpftWt &o man* ftnall waftmiWnD fo maof W 1 *'^ %>i»i€a^ OF T H E UN/v ERs JTV OF ■'FOl- fc&af euen &S J 8*tf> 3 pm #ob J be fteafr, ' 3f met J ttongtjt tijem al rncete foz m? Deab. »ut tvtfje 3 Ijaue one beab mo^e ttyfn 3 ftnetof , J&lame net mp ceto^fvi^ii^ lone alleges neDoe> 3nb fart it itf a treafure offte ab* to Ijaue ftoie. £>ne feate can 3 noto , ttjnt 3 ueuer couiD betec. Ceentieiuau. C#n*wpatfe; *3p Gtobftnceperaroelwtber, 3 can frt my beabanDmptapie together. C-^0 tjeab tyalfaue mon? bv favnt ^atp # jtcom ijencr toify 3 bwll fcaue no j&otecar? fox at al time* often fuc& tt?mge$ qui uuGer, fl$p neto Ijead ©all geue mpne oID fteab a glitter. 3nft after al tbtf tljen foal m? ijeab txmpte, Upon in? ta? le,ano rtrce ftanb at recede. fey* fox tbe reft 3 &># not not*? moue you, »ut if ioetiue,vf ©alCmelfcoto 3lauewi. SAnDfir tewfting pour lute fcere depart toljeti « plenfe dfo? be ve Cure an fane an 3 can 3 tori ear e ?ou. (von gentleman. Cfcn gene me tty tjanbe tbat piomf fe 3 take. 3nO it toi mv Cafce an? fate t ijo u Doe ft make, 3 pjoin^fe t!)F paine to be tequiteD, ^oje tajgel? tften net» fiall be rccttfD. 9£et?tepo2f. ,^9lianmvnecii«,c»oO0 pttp tobete W my fceab, »vCavtn 3ue 3 teare me 3 ©all be becb, 9nD if it U)cre,me t^tufee titer re no toonfcer, fertile m? fcaD an& m? bob? i* Co f arre a f unbct, ^aiitrr parfon teelcome by my ly fe, 3 PW sou \)m Ootft wy may Kwg row teyft* *J#arc&awnf, **i i..-. IDtytt* enfceft flje S^att&aunf . ipparc&aunf. C&f c fa j fge pjeft&ob a nD;tx>?fe tliat re allebge 31 re ye Cpea&e mo;c of Dotage tljen fenotoUDge 23uf let pade fyz 3 tecuiDe to ?ou be a Cuter ^obsrngmetfyecaBbefoiC 3upitee C^ec?tepojte* %t$ mm can 31, and to?ll &o it in beDe Cat? anb 3 (bail make toape fo; vour fpefce 3 u favttj fiooo lozuc ifit pleafe ?our gracious go&ftrfr 3 mud ijauc a toezb o? tmavnc toitl) roar lojDlfcrpe ^ ?: yonDer t ? another man i tt place • Wbot mahefb great e Cute to Cpeafee tatty raur grace Vour pleaCure once kno toen &e co turned br anD br. C1»P*tcr. 2D Jinj fcrw before our pjeCence foonc ijatDlf fttfpeerrepozte. *DJ>r tofcere be rou tyall 3 not fpnbe re , Come aaoar 3 pjar ©oo tbe acini bltoDe re. fL^artyaunt 9?o ft mlgljfr pjince anD & o# of kotff g all, i&ig&t fcumblr beCfcljetlj rour mateftrei ^our marctyauni men tljajoto tbe &02ID all, ^atttmaypleaCerouofrourbenignifie 3n fye Darlr Daungec of our goo 0$ anD lrfe jf ir ft to conCiDer tUe DeCerte of our reque (I , 1® bat toeaitt) toe bting.tbe reft to our great care $ drift 3nD then to retoatbe b? a# row (Dal ttjtnke bed. l&fyat toere t&e CurpluCage of eclje cammoDitie l»Wcl) grotoetlj anD tncreaCetij tn euerr lanD: Cjccrpteiccftaungebr Curt men a^ toe be, 7&y toar of eat ercour* : Vm \y& in fiur ijs nte a©e ftaugbt from Ijame ttynge* tofjerof tljere f g plenty 9 no fteme toe tying Cuctj t&rugtf a$ Vqtit be (cant 1W)0 I I II !■ ^ I 1 MM ' " UNIVERS UIDbo ffioutt) a fo2t btf marc^aunf e* accomfeb be/ foiwtt not toe,ttie tooUD 5>ouib totft an& toanfc 1 §]« m viv ri>tigeg£>tx)tjiclj noto (ftal lacfce tetjcarfal. &nb -oatrlye 10 conciuDe toe be Cec&e your Wg^neg, tE iiat ortUc bmeryt pzoclatmcD in general EDe jnay b? partah?rs foz common encreaCe, «3>tau;t l)iu3 toeatbrt tbu* pteafyng your grace, fe-onny hoz mtfty,tl)e totnoeg meafutable, <€bat Caifelv be may paiie from place to place, ISfariug out CaytegfozfpccDe molt saleable. 3nD alio tbe toy nDe to cbaunge anb to turne, eaft,toeft,*3o jtb anb feoutb,a$ brft may be fet > 3 ti any one place not to long to foioucne, jf oj ft e lengtl) of our biage may leece our inarbet. C Jupiter. ISigbt toe! b*ue ye CayD,anb toe accept if fo,' anb Co ©all &r retoarbe you toben toe go bence, J3u t ye mud take patience tyl tee baue tjeacb mt» Cba t toe may taWffetently geue fentente, Cbere may paiTe by ttf noCpot of negligence, 23 ut tuftly to tuoge ecbe tbtng Co bpjigbt, «batec$emanji part may ©tnetntbeCelftrigbfc Cfl?etytepojte. oto Cyz by your fayib if it (bouiD be Ct&ojne, Searb ye euer <5oD Cpeafee Co Cynce ye toere boiar* >e toift iy,Co gently by* tooibe* be Qotoeb* C#accbaunt . 3 tbanbe tyg gtace,«y Cute ts toel beftotoeb. C#eryrepojte, few tobat triage entenbe ye neict to go tOf Cd9mbnnt, 3 twft m MfMent to be at fcio. I ftov rten to&en re fcoril b# laDr re mar ffft 3nD let mt alone mt\) ity# be of gooD cbere £e mutt tturo a$ toe ti a* Meet foz t !)oug b ?e toere fro me a tljouCanD mr Je fpate 3 ioottfD Do a* muctje a* ?e U)f re tjere irv place if o*tf nee ttjat rcom ijence it is Co Carte timber 3 care not Wougti r*neuer came agarne ftrttjet e^arc^aunt. &Vi f f re remember me tobeu tpme ©all tome VQougt) 3 rebuke not ail 3 mail Off true Come C<£reat#acci)aiuit. C^wrepotf. 0oto fare re toeil and gob tt# oHf pou b? faint 3ton* 51 pzar Von tnarfcr tfte fatten of ttj?s boned man $e puttett) me in maze ttuft at bis mctrnoto Ctjii a feepe tbrtf to mpanp O#*r?repotf. 3 ti fa?t 5 rt be toelcome euen berp fcantlf &?* foz four couimrng toljat is t'je matter. Congee. 3 feoulD favne fpeafee u>) tbegob Jupffei C#srrrepoz?. ^ tE*jat tovli not be but re map Do tbrs Veil me rout mpnDe 3 am an efficcr offer* Changer. ©ere foanar? 3 tcpe r.ou mr re? Pour maifter arp map Car J am Cornel? ©at Cr n3 roar mpnD is to baue rrpoitrd tf&e caufe bo^cfoje 3 am jjo& reioztm CJ. . iMeaftQ & ;l £^ f&ieafr i\) your mayfterflftfppr fo'fo Da 3 come fo } my felfe anD Curb etbcr tno lingers anD fcepertf of cectayoe place* 3* fozeflefi(,patclte^ >p arletoes, anD ebacetf , U&beretoe be charged toitb all matter game & male i$ our piopfyet anD grea* tt eor blame m** fojt our femur? tobtt be toe tbe nere Wbat itffoity i&ylly ngs ox frue ma tfce a vert £S)any t^niffl? anD oft toben toe be flfttyng iOefpenD foztypenceapeceat affttyng &oto foz our toauntage tobtcb cbefely is tof uDfall Ctiat te tygbt naugfat tbere blotoetb no toinD at all MW$ it tbe tbtng toberein toe fmDe mod gttefe 3foiD caute of m v to mining to Cue foz relit fe tR?at tbe soD of pitye all tin 5 tbing hnotof nge SI£ay f end b2 gooD rage of bluftty ng anD Motof nff anD if toe cannot get goD fo Do COme gooD 3 tooulD b?ic t!)c Diuyll to tun lie tbo;otoe tbe toooDi tttje rootes to turne top,fte topped to bzy ngfcnDee % mifcfycefr bpon tbem anD a toilD tbunDet C^eryrepoite* tierytoeUCaytJeJfetbyyourrljartty* 3* mucb in * maner as by your boneftye 31 fball Cet you romto bat in rate a none pt ©all put : _ ■ ■ C8ffttgt£ I «Set! to jll J ledtte jou f uen*a 3 found you C^ervrepotf. ©0 tofcen ff to?ll no man bere ijatlj bcurft jw $e re entreft tbe mnf re wllcr, onto t\)$ t&angergoctty out; Ctt&atermTUer. JDUaf tb f Diuyl foottib W tbougb al! the tpotlD tone ftfitf in al! out ft>eafc?ng toe neuer be bntD (bum ©eccyeoiufozrapnettjeDeml fpebetyop topil come Wt toater inylleitf be noting *n regarbe #0 boater batte toe to grinb at an? ttva t fflDW cb kepetb our mplba m* as Dzre a* a fi ?nt • • . • ti&t are bntiotte toe gr?nO nolbvng at aU Cbe greater i% tbe pttpe a* tbinkc ft me £0 j t&baf auaylettj to ectje man W co?ne 3 Cillttfce grounb b?Cucb men a? toe be *Dbere£ i% tbe (ode if toe be fo?bo:«e Jox tout btug our felutf toe are but bmbgej* 3nD beep begget* Catie onel? our tole ) Wti$ it rpgbt Cmall,at it many gm&ge£ $t2grtSeefabu$eitogeuea quarttetolr jPet toere noteeperactoitftoemygbtbo toefe jDucmviaoatourtobeletoitb fyrr cogger 9 our fttftf) U>ur auogate our mtf pole our toater totjrle fl)ur bopper our eme our fpti Oyabei 3 n tbf * anb mucb m o>e Co greate i 9 our cbargt ttbat toe tooulb not recke tbougb no toater toere &aue onelp it toucbetb ecbe man (0 large Sift etytfoi our ntigtytow C&tfteby&Dertbtfeare OF THE UNIVERSITY OF tUFORt MDtjertoje mv confcfcuce Ijaft pjtcfceb me fyityl 3Jn ft? to fteto actoibpng to ft e ay fy, plenty ofcapae to fte gob 3[upttrr Co tsfaCc piefence 3 tovll go e &en bobelp f tfpesjsepozte. &?13 toubf noftpngrouraubaeftie 15 ut 3 feare me ? onlacfce capatitis if ot it n toece tovfe pe mfsbf toell efppe i)ot» rnDlytycme fromruletfofcurteCpe kobat j ecomc in teurlfng ant) eebeyring €u w a# a Imaue mrgij t go to a beat* baiting Ct&ater tnflier. 3ili pou beate recoibe tobat fauout 3 tjaue , $arfee l)o\» femptyacl p t)c calletb me fenaue 3Boiibtleg ft e gentleman i* ^niurcfal But matte fti* lefifon peulbauiD neuer call Pqm feloU) fcnaue no; pouc oxot^cr fcojfou ifoi nought can peget bp it totjen pe Ijaue Dent C#erp report, Cbou art noftet blotter no* f elo toe to me jf o 1 1 am gob* Ceruaunt mavtt ft on not it toouib re piefume to Cpcafee toift ft e great e gob jft ap Difctecian anb pou be to far ob 25 n iabr tbefe fenaue* Qiaii be;tpbe ©ozter & vi i tot)o let you i n,cpafee pou toift fte potfetf CMDatec mpllet. &ny bp in? ttouft no? tof tb none o ft e r man $)et 3 f atoe pou toell (often 3 firft began $otx> be ft Co belpe me gob ano bo ipbai u 3 toole pou f 02 a fenaue a* 3 am »ut marp no oj Cpwe 3 fcnotao tobat pe be 3 mutt anb totfl obep pout auftoittpe 3nDif3umpnot(peafeeu»ft3«Pto* 3btfeft# Z# in tW J tooill be four toell teller 9 perce me ? ou be a boater miller iinD four s)bole D elite a^ 31 tab* t&e matte r 11$ pie ntpof raine ftn ejureaCeef toater Cb* let toljerof pe affirm* Determinate!? 3? o net? ttje totnbe four mortal 1 eoemie CDater miller, Ctotb ft f * fox it bio toe tt Co a loft toe neuet baue cat ne oz at'ttje inott not off toberof 3 pxa?e vou put tf?e gob in minbe Clcrei? to? cner to banifoe tbe toinfco ft ©ere entrcttj ttje tttt nb millet $o,tt all ftetoeatber gone oi J come jfoj tbe pafften of gob fcelpe me to Come 3 am a toin& miller a* man? mo be #o tozetcb in tozctcbtorrce CO tozctcljeb ajai toe €be tofjole Cbzt of mv craft be all mart) at once tftje toinb is to tocabe it (tirretb not our done g 0oi Ctantlp can matter t!)e (bitten Caile Cbat bangctb (battering at a toouianf taile TOje raine neuer rcftetb Co long be fte tboto je* from tpme to beginning til fonre anb ttoentj JjotoKf 3nD enb toben it '(ball at njgbt oz at none 3n otter oegf nnctb a* (bene a? tbat i* bone &ucb reueii of raine ?e lino toe teel! tnougb &elfto?etb toinbe be it neuer to rougb tobee b? flnce our milled be come to ftill ftan&rng Aoto mar toe toinb millers go euen to bangpg 21 miller toftb a mozen anb a miCtfftft tobo tooulb be a m?Uer,a? gooo be a tbefc CM. ?rf» UNIVERSITY ) £etinfyme paft tofangryttDyttg toatfplenfye HDljo tame Co lyke gooD f do toe? a? t»e 210 f *8 a* sod maty coine toe mylf et# tnabe meale teDtcl> mffft^t not be foibojtne foj common toeal* 33«t let tl)i3 sere pafte J fcare cur pxyDe 3s cmife of tf>e enre totycl* goD Det^ U3 pzouyte 2Dl)«r^o:0 3 rulKiiitte me entencyng to fee IDijat cdnnozt ma? come by !; mnilftye ifiitD no oo at ttite time tt?f V CarDe tn t&e c rye %ty goD t£ come Dote tie to ©ape remeDyr. t^eryrepojt #o Doubt fie U &ere e ttcn t n r on D rr front JBut in four matter fje truftet!) me atone Wmw 3 Do percetue by your complaynt £>ppiei&)ii of rayne Dot!) mate t&e u>ynDe do faynf t r Cijat #e teinDuiyiierg be rieaue cag a t»aye CWinD miller, ^fjnpftetbelpe net it f* a* yon faye *3ut in fet»e tocuDejf to tell y ou rap my nD rounDi epon tft* conbtttc'ti 3 teculD be bontftt Sw of Day to Cay auc labye? Caul tee ©tot to titfj* tooilDe toetr no Drop of toatct jStoz ncuer ray tie but toynDi ron tinual! Cfcm ftotilbe tee teinfttnt l!ci# be loio ouer alf finery report. Come otianD affay* bote you ttoayne ran agiee 3 biotyec of four* a tnyllet a* ye be QmtttmiUn. *5y meaue of cur crafte i»i may be feofter* »ut tutXtU-B toe lyut tee (bait neuet be louerj* Wt be of one crafte but ndf of one hyn De J iyue by toater an* ft* Dy tfte tey nbe £fje#3(!fcrycrpo.rtgcfltyottt aw>fti $nb tfi *tf ?e Delate tofnbe ronf f mwB &a tooulti 3 baue ravne euermcze fjUM! ttigbt Ccloc ot neuer toget be i t*u *t fox of long as the tmnoe ruietb it tf plaint o to tie citimetb ttje ra vne and fettctb tbe tof nD at rett *5p tb# V * it toe cannot 1Mb obrapne 5foi ?e mud lacke toi nfte ox 3 mutt larfce tapnt B&berfote 3 tbintiegooa b?fo?i t\w auDieme tif baueberftnt* £*ott)Y"g mo;e reioyfe tb tbe mariner XEi)f n mea ne eoule* o f toiube au 3 ptentye of toattr jFot commonly tbe caufeof etiecy toiacke 3 s crcc fie of totnOe tobere toatet ootb lade 5 ti rage of tljeCe ftotiiie* tbe pertll is Cucb Ctjat better toere no totnbe tben fo fat; to mucb , fCQdtnbintiler. IBeli if m v tea (on tn tbi£ map not ftanbe ? turn fbjtfotse tb' fea a no leapt to lance n euf ry cburcb to bete gobs Cermce is ^Dbeotgatnjibearf burnt of balfctb*qufreftofjf , MD'iiib cauCrib tbc Count; of toa trt oi tumbe j^oitouer foi toinb tb?* tbyng J fynbe JFoi t'.je molt partall man^c tnynftrrlfp 23? m y nb t uey belyue r ttjeir Co un b e(;t r aye jf pll me a bagpipe of your toa ter full %? f toe etely Omtl it rounb a0 if tocr Onffen teftb tcottH C t©ater myllrr. fitotnv fattb 3 ftfofee tbc mo*ne beat tbefitiU , foi f ra utithe fanfiee be tuoft plentiful, W itcb are at tbe piibe o f tftctr f p jing in your &fb> .-^ f o fcwe from our matter be is noto flcb, 3s foi tbc toynb* in any inftrumenf , Jt id no pertel of our argument. ' eaeCpeakr of toyue tbat rommetb naf uraljy, * 3nbtbui9to?nbefo2cebartiitcially» MDbicb is not to purpoce, bu t if it toe re, Sub toatcr mtube rigbt nought coulb bo tbire. i ' - * - i ilia - '■ t iiri iibh imm+tn^ ■■ '•-■•■-— -^^ ^H mow (ball bzye tbat one calme bare in (dm wee - Cben fftautbofc tbie toinby base* tn tjoimn Upborne mil toe tbartte foz tty$ txrten all y bone? 1 1 UNI ' OF UNtVERSiTY Vtje'ft&Rlte t o Iwitotm? ftanfcecljff ffr ftefttmie* 3nD (o foi oioujtb if cozne tljetbr encreafr , ^firCumic Dort comfozt anD ripe at bowleg 3nD oft tbe tornoe To lamb ttie come <&0D ccof , fCfta t neuer after can it rrpe but rot. 3f Djougbt tooke place a? re Car>ret mar re &u JLttle belpetb tfte tornDe tit tbr$ commcDltie. But note fr? ^ Den?e rour pzintiple, 3f Dzougtlj euer toere,it toere impofftble <£o (jaue an? gtarne,foz it cannot 'groto, ^e mutt ploto pour lanD^artoto anD Cob?. x& tycb tori not be , etcepf re mar bane rarne, ■Co temper tbegjouno.lnb after agarne, $ oz CpMflStng an* plumming at maner of cozne, J3 et mud re tyaue toater ,o k z al to fozlczne. 3f re take toater fo? no cominobit?, £ et mud re tafte it foz tyingetfof neeefftf p, jf oz toa(&ing*fo j rcouiing,acD al frltb cienfing, fflDber toater lacfeet^tber i* be aftlr being. 3 n bzuing,* n baiting in DzefiK ng of meate 3f re lacke toater to bat coulb re D?infc oz eaf e ffljitbout toater coulD lrue nertber man no) bead •jf o i toater pzeft ruetb botb tnoft anD leafte $ oz toater coulD 3 rare a tboutonD tl}inge£ mo patting atf noto tbe trme torn not cerue CD 3nD a$ fbz tbat toinDe tbat rou Do Cue foz 3$ gooD fbz rour toinDmr U anD foz no moje ^r?CltbeaH tbr$ *« experience t* ttrDe 1 far tbe matter ftanbetb ctere on mr Cr$e CUNnimiillec. UDeil Cttce tw tor" not Cerue 3 tovil ^HeDge fte refit &r % foz rour mril 3 tw ww* # tbe befte «K MBttmn »all gff nbe mop cojne in an fc> we_ 'it Hen '/ fte mote tbea tbyne (Sou ID f n a to tjole pea re ftboumiabted baue a$ ttjou bad toytyeb i^cre #$z tbdit oetf red to baue e fceiCe of rayne iL^tclj to Are toere tbe toojt tbeu couiDeft obtayrie foi tft^ou Dtbbeft It toere a plaync inDuccteti Co make t bine o tone D eCyje tbiue otone DeHructtott f o } in rrcrOTe of ray ue at an y float) * £out myites mud ftanfc flyil tbe? can Do no goot) 3nD toben tbe toy nD bo til blotoe tbe bttet mod £>ut toinbmyUes toalke a may ne in me cy coa& Jf o? a* toe it tbe tomb in bt* eftaee Sue mobe r our Carle? after be Came rate feince our myites grsnD Co Carre fatter then ycurj 3nD alio ctje? may grinb at all tyme $ and boute* 3 fay toe neDe no toater mylle* at all i o i tomb myites be Cuffirient to U rue all ffDatcrmylier. Cbou fpeafced of all anD cenCibereft tiot^alfe Jti boatt of tby gry d tbou art a* txtiCr a$ a calft jfoitbougbaboueWyour mylle* gryn&e farre fadec toobat belpe to t Do re from tobome ye be mucb farther 3nb of ttoo Cojtea if tbe tone ffioulD be conCetuefc 3 tntnke it inete tbe mod number be CerueD §n bale* ano toeibe* tobere mod cotmnobttye t% ttbere is mod people ye mull graun t me tby* On byiie* ano botone* tobf cb partr0 are mode barayne fCbere mud be fetoe it can no mo f uftayne 3 bare to r i i faye if it to ere trieD euen no toe ttbat tbere i% ten of b* to onr.'of you 3nb tobere ftoulD cbteftly anb neceffaryr < be »ut tbere as people are mod in plentye #o je realtor! tbat sou come Ceuen myle to m?U Bit* Cbeti ,^j ( UNIVERSITY , V OF . / «K)enaUtoeof fte tale ftouibdfnief&eWl 3f capnc came reafonable as 3 require it HEc ftoulD of your to inDmille* baue ueDe tto tol^f e, IL^ere enf reft #cr* repozf. C^^wpozt ft f op folifbt tmaue* ftn pour reaf oning i# f uft UCtjat ye ijaue reaConeb euen tnoug^j anb to muctj 3 IjarD all fte toojDeg ftat ye boft tjaue bad &>o ijelpe me gob fte fcnaue* be mo;e ft ni mad Bother of ft cm boft ftat Uatli topt no? grace Co prrceme ftat botfo unite* map ferue in place 33et toene boater anb totnde'ftere is no fuel) let 23 tit eft e mil! wap fyaue tpme to bf e !»# feate UDttft fting J can tel by experience fox 3 l)aue of mine etone not farce (rem fcence 3 n a comer together a couple of m i lie? ft auibvng ma marres betfcoene ttoo tjillc* *&otofi»ibzritauneebutbpm*toyfe ftSe is feofro in fte taple €02 tertne of (jet We Cb e one of boinb tbe ofter f boater anbof ftemboft 3 ftanfeegoD ttjereOanbeft noftet f 01 in a goo bout e be it fpofcen o$j. ft apery repose. Jf 3 ttmeatotfoa wottot&a W* JWtt. 3*P08» a* 31 toonlt) ye torn fttitt fte e itetf fit fte Dy?»e *j*ot»e be toe tyD of ttoo imaue $ at one cljauntr © V Catnt ^omai* it i% a fenauift ryDtraunce, C^e gentltooman entre tfe. Csmttefcioinan. &oto soob got) tetjat a fbHy t* tWt WW ©oulDe 31 Do to&ere Co muck* people W 3 fenotoe not ^otoe to paffe in to t \)t goD note*. ft apery report. &o but fte fma toes tjot» to paffe into you C&entletooman. 3 POT* rou let me i n at ttic bacWrtie ©flurry report. Pt* ©all J ro^ anD four fbtfrfte to toyfce liay not yet but Cs nee ye tone to tie alone mi ttemyne toilt into a corner anone iSut fir (I J pzay you come your toaye Wtfcet a«D let fys ttoayue cbat a totjylr togrt^ec C$f ntlrtoimiatf. fey* a* to you 3! fcaue litie matter Sgy commyng iff to fpf aite toitij Jupiter* CWfnpwpog. &fanb ye (tyll a toDyie anD 3 toyll go ptoue m bet tier tiiat tlje g oD toytl be biougbt in loue fi£y lozD iiotp note tooke bp iuftcly ©ere is a tactyng come fry faynt 9ntot*t 2MD if it be your pleafute to marry &peaftr quicfeely fox (fte inaye not tarry Jn fayft | tWnke ye maye txinne ftf r anone J ez tbt toouio ifceafce tot tt) your lot&tftyppc alone C3upiter. feonne ftat tt not the tWng at tW* tyme ment 3f&«futccor.temenoraufeofourWerreCozte f tbtn no man* Demfin g Could tot 8> tbe fclfcton of ra?ne to be Co gooo; #ot guying out like gutter? o f AoeS flooD, J5ut final Dzoppejs cpzinfclmg Coftly on tbe gtounb, ^bougb tbe? fal on a fponge t ty? teoulD geue no t ounft . «brt neto moo ne (Sal make a tfyngfpiing mo;e in tbW HD^e a olD moon (bat bottle ami ma? go a mile, (botylc 33 1? tb*t time tbe cfiofc batb al mate an enoe, |ie (ftaifee ijoto tfee boeatber w\ atnente. »p &int 3tme be goetb to too;be euen belDI?, 3 tbfrtfee tjimbotfe inougb>fo} be loobetb olDlft MDbetfoze ma?ftte$ be ve nob) of goob cbeare, Sax t&ougb in bt* pjefence ?e cannot appeaee, Cell me your mattecanb let me alone, 'HE UNIVERSITY {JEStentietooman. f o:fof ^ ftjc caufe of mp couun?ng t* t&r* 3 am a Uooman rvgtit forze as vc t e 3 n no creature mote beut? tljen tnniffsc 3iD finer 3 am fapze,favze toouio 3 fcepr me 23ut ttjr Cunne in rummer Co f oze Dotb burn tne 3« toint er tlje tof nt) on euerp rVoe me #o pact of tbe veare toete 3 totjere to turn me 23 ut euen f n m v boufe am 3 f ayne to bfve me SnD fo Do all otber tbat beutre da tie 3n t»!)of e name at t W tm* ttts Cute 3 mafet] ©eCecWng Jupiter to graunt tljat 3 craie 80qicu *2 &8t tt ma v pleafe \)i m fo i our tafee Co CenD t»j3 toeaftrr clofe and t( mprrate fio fuune (ftviw no frcd no; no toynfc to blotoe Cben teoulo toe tet ftreete* tcvm a* a laartat J3 c (&oulb fe tjote toe toouib fet our feifr to $* tec Cflfta? report. 3ef tofjereye topHjnjorce by Caiitt fiufntine J>e paffe rgt m all battj In rout otone couccrte act) «;?«* ftuclpue*ftrcttfDb?iJKr?outcfwcafure £> ne parte of rte bay of our appareling •3 not be i parte fo i eatfng anb D jinky ng 2SnD nil the reft tn 1trrete0 to be tealbwg ^svrv 02 in tlie boufe to paCe tyme totttjtaibynj ^ *i^er?repo#. gentlewoman. vr- B&&3 bo Itti) in fcertue are but batoejt t C^enfletooman, 3ti l3awnfnig anU ftnging ne fong baue3 foz ?ou Cucb as it i% *ttb if if toere better ?e ftouiD baue it bp g?£ Ce baue Don me pleatore 3 mafcc gob a bo tot £> nee in a n?gbt 3 long fcu Cucb a me jfoz long tym baue 3 ben bzougbt bp in if C^er? repose. £)ft ww$ i$ Teene botb in court a nD to tone JLottgbetoomenabjingingbpanbConebjougbf botofl do fete it is i (o mtt it is ,fo ntfe it is. ^ o ttrcfee it t.0,Co quiche it f $,Co toyCe if i$, 3 feare m? Prlfe except 3 ma? entceate bet /» * 3 am Co farce in loue 3 ©all fo:get ber $o toe goob miftre^ 3 pzay ?ou let me Mg ?e. ? Cf. ftsfftnt « a .v OF THE UNIVERSITY OF , , , , . . ♦ .-:■ — 1 Sy^eqttoftakbyut ttmpet t&e coefceft > 3tebeyoubetoate»epicbenotyoutpotfeef ft>ucb yoie »?utt»yff $ do noto anb tban CMnfceaUt»elli3O0ne^atrteypicbefromama« Vet Cucb of tome men ©all baue moze fauour, Chan toe tbat fo? tb*m bay!? toy leonb labour U5ut 1 truft tbe gob boyll be fo inbf ttetenf Cbat fte ©all faile Come part of bet intent C^etyrepotf* Aoboubf elje toyll oeaie fo jearfowl? t&bat all fefte ©all be feme b indecently ftoto be it 3 tell tbe ttutb my office fc fucU WW 3 muft tepotf ecbe Cute eitbee Ittle o? iHucb B&betf o*e toitb tbe gob fince tbou can ft not fpeake SmeboWtwmteiWilnotfayleiftobjeaM CMttnbir. C&en leane not to muci) to yonbet gyllet :fozTjerbet#e contrary fomyncterrf 3 hi rb e by her tale foe teoulo bant fte ft e Cumse 3&nd tlien bocre toe pooie iaunberg al bnbone Ciccept the feu mie ftiiie that out clo theg mate b jye I© e can da xyg ht naught in our launbzy 91 net!** t maner loffetf toe ftoulbe mtg Chen of Cuch ntcebtcr tecs a* Qe t* C;<5cntictooman. 3 thf nfee if better that thou e nuy me <£hen 3 ftaulD Hand at teumrde oft^pff^e 3U te the guy eCe of fuel) grofe queues as tho u art H)ith fuch a$ 1 am euermozc to thtoare tfycauCe that no beutye ye can ebtayne Htyttt o je ye haue ty that be fayzc in diCdayne CJlaunbet. BT hen 3 toatf yong as thou art notoe 3 tea* totthin title as fayze as thou and Co mygw Jjaue kept me if 3 hat) toouide 3nd a* detely my youth 31 mygbt haue ColDe 3* the ttickeft and fayjeft of you all But 3 feared parrel* that after might fall JDherfoze Come bufine* "J ctD me pzoutde JLell bice myghttnter on eucry Cyde W jf cb hath f ce entry tnhere ydel neiTe both rapt* 3t 13 not the beauty that 3 difdayne »ut thine ydle lyft that thou haft rebearTed Ww j any gooo tooinauj* hart toculd haue pcreell jfoz 3 perceiueiti daunting and ft ngyng 3 it eatyng and dzinfey ng anD thyai apparattng 3a; all thy ioye toberetn thy hart is fet JSut nottght of all thy$ both thine ottm labour get jfoz habbeft then notbypg but of thyne ctcne tuwayle «hou mijfeteft go ag nafceb asmy nayie. CM. SptVUnU j 3nD paffe fyi flpme in feme ofter bufine* better to lefe comeparf e oftbv brutre f£t)en oft f o be tedbetD all thint tyoneftye But II ftin&e rafter ften ftcu tooulDeil Do Co tE tjou ijaDDcfl: leuer ijaue b# iyue tDeli? to 3itf) Co no Doubt toe (boul'o tf ftou ■mfgbtefl !jatta tCbeclere <6mnnebat«?&t a* ftau Dofl; rcaut Cben toere Doe iautiDers matD anD bnfb f iiee tDjine otone tequefl toere finale commoDt tye Jf oi of ftrfe ttoayne 31 ftf nfce it farre better %\n face toere Con* bwneD and t^ cJctbetf fteftcffci Ctjen ftaf fte Cunne from tbi mng iftoulD be tmttten "Co kepe ft? face fa?:e ano CftP Cmocke betyitten &P2 t^oto tyke ?c my ceacoti to |er rate. Cfl®ervrepD?f. £>ucf j a rapif tig fjoje bp fte Wv maffe fneuer ftarb irtatl in? tyfe f?l notoe nbeDe 3 lotiwgWtoell fte tone of ?oti Kut 02 31 toouid kepe ?ou boft bpgob* rooftee Che Deuil ftfttl ^aue fte one to fetft fte ofter CUun&er. l&iomffe me to fpeafce tbat fte ftutnt map ®?ne bj?$tt anDjWilbegonquidMrfbiasinraW C^er^repozt. 1 <5rf ym boft £ence 3 pzape battel? J£outCute$3i percetueanD torli report ftem ftuelf sutrto Jupiter at tbenejet letfure 9nD tu fte fame ftefyieio fcnotor W pleafure tu^tcH fcnotoleDfle bab mtn as be Doft imoft t f * jf rare ?e not time fnougl) re ©all feno toe it, C&cntlefcomatr. ^«irWK^wwemberine»tt ^^ r? Xatwberr «ben lit tW mebif ng m? part Ml be tfje toojtte $oto 1 bffcebe our kojb tlje bftoill f bf e brut* fc#;o mcblr tb toitb tnanf 3 boltce tytn a curft Cfjou boze can J me&Dle toll I; f ou botb at once C©P«t^ gentlewoman goetb fozfb. C&aunber. ISf tb^maffe fenaue 3 toooulb 3 bab botb tbf fton# 3fn mf purCe,tf tbou me&ble not inbiffcentlf e C&at bottj our matted in tffue maf e be ttcfcelf C^erfrepozt. Span? fcoozbas little matter anb to no purpoCe ftucb to tbe effect t&at tbou boa btftloCe %De moze ve bf b tbe moze ye bable €be rnoze f e babie tbe moze f e fable Cbe moze fe fable tlje moze b tillable HClje mojebnftable tbe mozebnnble 3 ti an? manner tttfng to bo anpgoob 0o butt t&ougt) be toere Itf ngeo bf tbe Ijolf f oobe, C&aunbet. tCbelede four Cflence tbe leffe four crebence * Cbeleffe four crebence tbe leffef our botteftfe <£tje lefTe four bonettf e tbe leffe four aSittence Cbe lenfe four accidence tbe ieffe four babilitf 3n f ou tobo ougbf toberfoje Co gob me fftue 0o burt in bangf ng Curb a twrp If ng bnaue. C^erfrepozt IDbaf mender i$ rbtt 3 n^ier barbe itotie fttcb jfoj loofee bote mucb mo;e 3 baue maoe ber to muctj 3tib Co farre at ieaft ©e b&tb mabe me to little. $)i)ete be f e kaunbefc^ tbtnbe in Come Cpfttle £t (ball teaqje me no gere foj feare of ftetff itg* €.tii. JIM* j OF • ?! one no H atmbetf mi ©»nfce mp gete to toett sag pzap ttyce go i?cnce anb let me be in left 3 unit Do t^tne erranb as 3 tb* nfee it bed C&aunoer. *aototomtlD 3 fl** m*teaueif 3 Wftftotoe %tyt \m%tt t tjou Ifueft tbe mo je fenaue tbou. 1£be lenger tbou irueft tbe pity tint great ft H\)z fotrer t u ou be ryb tlje tt&rnge* tbe bcttcc 3s not tW a Ctoete office tbat 3 tjauc Jftben euerpbiab ftail call me fcnaue euccp man & aotiortl) not tobat gob£ Cecnice i$ |$oi 3 m?feife!met»e it nofbefojetbf* 3£btn&egoDsCmumnt* ma?lvnebol?l? »ut tbe Diue Ifi ctruaunt* Irue cnoze mr reft c 3 knout not Mat gob gcuetb tn ft anftyng feetf »ut tfcebiuels Grruaunt* Sjaiw catt»aiter$ mnunfo* tb tpmegmo tbengobsmuaunftf &ane jFotftougb n be neutfo ftasfee a bnant 3£ft tacfee monr ttje biuvii torn bo boozfe mm fcwg you flrcvgbt to a notb« man* putft Cbe» tovit tbe bf ueii piomote you t>ejc in tlj#5 te o#be astoitaftut? tyct) it Dotb mod accotb jFitftpatmroftet quf eg in cells and ttjen n toll Cence tbe ftrete torfft roue belt* 'Cbr gecatrft, ftrobe ? oabane in frior ox totone S&t«nD?n$a typto ©alt not teatbe your crottm* C^bc bay coutiuetb tn tbe leaff ttiat can playe C^be^am? is tmn be by all lyfceiy bo&c ftfB Jptay* youbrnotrou tnayftergofc' ftOpetytepejte. &o in goaWaytb tonne ,but 3 may fay to ftee , j^MiftKOWv^^ataobma^tiot.mrffewe r m* tint to* ft f &e gob if ftcu foculfce ft fatte ougftfttti ^ell uie fty my n&e an& 3 (bail fflcfcur it fconc 25oye. tfojfoft fvi id? mynbe i* tbys at fetoe toozD^ 3111 my pleafure t£ in caffting of b?*t)ej5 3nb maftyng of Cnobobales anb t bibtoyng tfte fame #o; ft e totiict^urpoff f o bane C?t i n frame MDitb my gobf atijcr god J tnnui ft faync baue Cpofccn SDeCyzyng tyut to bane Cent me by Come tolscn 88bere J mygbt Ijaue Ijab great f coft ftn nip pf tfalitt 2lnD plenty of Cnotooe to make tup C tiotoe bailed «W$ once ftiD,i>oye0 lyue* be Cucij as no man lebbig fl> to fe in? f no to ball ^ lygbt en my fclotues ij cDDfs a tiD to beate fte byjbe* boto tbey fliefcer t tjeir uoynge £ 3fn fte pltftf e,3[ Car it paffetb a!! ftynge* feyj if ye be gobgCernaunt o? tiftf feinCmaa 31 Pjare you ijeipe m* in ft is if ye can 3U$ poozc bo y totio Cent fte &eft «*, C$oye, SB ljuntee ft boy e$ ft at ftoobe f ogeft ee iB&ete tbey bacD one (aye in a crye tCbat my gobf aft er gob almighty Wu$ come from beanen by bid one accoift %W night to Cappe t?ere toift my lozb anb farftec be Caybe come toboto tooull tEbep {bail cure bame tbeit bellye$full fl)f at! toeatbecg febo lift to craue anDbo?e& 2lnb all tbetr tute* are tn fanffc anb to?e$ $jf tbat tbete come no toyfe* after tbrtf cn?e 3 tof II to W ©ob ano mafce an enbtjutcbebpc ®pe0:3tftbataitvlmauetjere . . > :6eto?uv«gtoappeace jf oi Ujeatljer foule o: cleate ComembefoietbWfloc&e &nb be be toboleo: rickety ~*t» n Wg tale be not l?*elf J9e fcail ivcbe mr f a?le ip tt;r nocfce 311 ft f* f ?me 3 perprtur ^e foenf in toafte Co tooatf e fo^ mo futer* Ifee none make &aO tfDfte tfo je 3 torn »ei»e t fte godail tw p joce* 3nD be DelfuereD of m? ftinpie office £ofe> lozD accoiDfng to four commaunbemenf 3ftenD?ng fitter^ J ftaue ben Diligent 3nD at beginning as rour toill boa* 3 (&ouib 3 come notioe to enO to foe toe toftat ecbe matt tooutoe betn entlp tc»t)Ce four Dutf e Boubt re not toe ©all four fafetie pjcup De ^ our greue $ to? fcaue fcarD tofterfoze tor Cent fo i ft Co recetae aunf toer efle man tn t)ts Degree 3nO fitflt to content moft ceaftm tt t£ Clje ftclt man tljat Cuoe totierfoic marte f e tfcf £ tf)ft ©ail f eljanet&etoeatijet cl'ere anD 8f il Co &unt In foi recompence of f ourpaf ne 2Wo yout marcbaanteg (ball &aue mucb four to ill fox oftf me$ toijen no totabe on land Dot^ re maf ne Ptt on ttje fea pieafaunt cooled f ou ©all Gbtaf ne ainb Knee four fcuntfng maf reft fa tbe mgW ®£t mall tfte tof nbe ften rffe anD befeze oaf ifgW Jt ©all raflefcotone fte tooob to Curb cafe Cfjat all f e rangers tiie better if ue map 3nb f e toater m?l!ers ©all obtafne ttys Otate ajtetif tf we$ tlje raf ne to fall tn t&e fcalef MDljen at tip (elfe tftne$ on tjf lie* toe ©all puwef jrawtoeafttrfotfottt touibmflle* toittjfucij eooie* of 3$ in one f nftaut boft feinty* of miller maf grind (tot& 3»t> fez f e fofze tootnen ftat d of e toeattj* t tooulb tow UDe (ball pionfDet^atfe maf (uffuientlf $aue tf me to toaltte tn anD four beutf e faue 3nD fet ©all fe fcaue t&at If uetlj by launDzf t tElje Ijotefunne oft f nougfc four clottjr % to Dzf e 3l(o f e pjeaff cWD ©all yaiw bot tj froft anD Cno toe Uo toe marfte tbf$ conductor] toe charge f ou a rotoe * aput^better^auetoeno^eDeuifeofojfeaU tL fcbenpeail can percefae 01 coltlb fierce £cbe of four fate to \)%ut coattmial Aucb toeatljf r a$ bfceraft one!? Dotb require 911 toeatbntf in all place* if men al time? mrgWiftrt tobo could Ipue bv ot bee to bat i$ t Ws necligence 1W to attempt in fuel into mienir nee liotoeemfteotberftbe if toebabgraunfeb ^efullofttjefomeoneCuteanDnomo 3nb from all tbe reft tbe toeatfjet bab £ozb?D J&ef tobo fo bad obtavneb ,baD toonne bis o tone too Cbece i% no one craft can p:e feme man fo © uf b? otber crafted of neceffftte $e mud baue mncb parte of W cominobit re Sill f o terue at once anb one beffrope anotbee £>i eiie$ to feme one anb be Score all tbe reft |*otbertoi?lltoebo tbeone noz tbe otber tout feme ag man? o: a$ fetoe a* toe tbinfte bf ft 3nb tobere ox tobat f ?me to f er ue mod oj left iCbe bf action of tbat ooubtieg ©all ftanbe perpetually in tbe potoer of our b ano JEtyerfoze toe to?tl tbe tobole toojlb attend Ccbe fozte ottfucb toeatber a* foz tbm botb Ml iftotoe one notoeatber a^ tyfcetb M to fenb HDbo tbat batb it pi? it anb f erne toe Qmll too guibe tbe toeatber in courfe to ?ou all ^bat ecbe toitb otber ?e ©all tobole remain* 3n pleaftirt anb plentifuli toealtb certarne C^entletootnan. »le(feb tea* tbe ftme toberin toe toere bozne jfBS&jt^ Witwi ctyiunce of ?our goblpp>fence ^ OF TH£ UNIVERSITY OF lietf foi out tafctoa* ibet* ntuet matt befoje Cljat euecbarDCo excellent a tenteucc 3)81 roue grace batb geuen to b$ ail aratoe BDbert n your bigbnei* tjatl? (6 bounf efaiiy 3Dittrf buteo my pact tbat pr grace (bail fctioboe goucrelfcColcp0lTeffebofb«rte$ofalcbvuauit5 C^atcbaunf. 3Ly Ketoyfe tot marcbaunf $ ©all y elb e b£ toboly fl)nely tolaubetbe nameof juptter a $ gou of all sow you to f erue foiy f oz of euery t bins 3 fe you are no#Qtt (£!&angee« 0o doubt (f ft* Co fotCo to Jiotee fy n&e JDUerin your grace tog ranger* fo botb binbe Cbat toe ©ail geue you our barteg tottb one accotf* Hoi fenotolebgeio knotoe you ad our oneiy lojbe. Cfl&atee myllec, fiDell 31 can no tuoze but fo i out toaf er t&cc wa geue your lo jb(by p our iabye* fainter ILtfcytiDmyJler, d^ucb baue ye bounb b$ fo;a# J be fatieb ICe baue all ebtay neb better tb*n w ctaueb C^nttebooman* ^bat is tmt toberfoje your grace ©all trufe %\)t ba*teg of Cucb ad 31 am baue fureiy C&aunbcr. 3nb f ucb w 31 am tobo be ag goob a$ you *5# Wgbne* ftaibe Cuer on 31 make gob a botoe ut pzubence batb wabe peace bnf uecfalty SDbf cb tying toe far recojbetfc fyf as; principal! <3oD anb gouertiout of fceauen eatfyanb ail jftotoe bttf o tW beauen tot torll mod tetourrtt JDbete toe be glo^ifpeH mo& trtutnp^antly 9Mb tot to?U all ?e t&at on earty Cbtourne Since cauCe^euetb caafe to fenotoe b$ roue lojb ontlt 3nb notoe bete to Huge mod iotftUIf fWotff ng in bg anb in meant trme tot ©all 3fcenb into our trone celeSfall. 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