LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS INSECT ARTIZANS AND THEIR WORK PLATE i NESTS OF MASON-WASP. Frontispiece Odynerus tunnels into banks and provisions her cells with caterpillars. Whilst the work is in progress she constructs curved tubes of the excavated material to keep out the ruby-tailed wasp, which is a parasite. (See p. 7z.) Drawn by T. Can eras. INSECT ARTIZANS AND THEIR WORK BY EDWARD STEP, F.L.S. AUTHOR OF "WAYSIDE AND WOODLAND BLOSSOMS," "MESSMATES," ETC,, ETC. With &4 Illustrations on Art Paper NEW YORK DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION ..... ix CHAPTER I. SPINNERS AND WEAVERS i II. MINERS . . . . 19 III. MASONS .65 IV. CARPENTERS AND WOOD-WORKERS . 95 V. UPHOLSTERERS 125 VI. WAX- WORKERS . . . . 137 VII. PAPER-MAKERS . . . 159 III. TAILORS . . . . . 179 IX. HORTICULTURISTS .... 209 X. SANITARY OFFICERS .... 229 XL MUSICIANS . . . . .251 XII. BURGLARS ..... 277 . LAMP-BEARERS . . .' .301 INDEX 313 ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE 1. NESTS OF MASON-WASP . . . Frontispiece FACING PAGE 2. COCOONS OF A SILK-MOTH . . . .10 3. MIXERS OF SILK AND WOOD-FIBRE . . .11 4. SILKEN COCOONS ...... 14 5. SOME SCARABS ...... 15 6. MINERS ........ 54 7. NESTS OF A MASON-WASP .... 55 8. YELLOW-FOOTED MUD-DAUBER AND ITS NEST . 76 9. MUD-DAUBERS ...... 77 10. NESTS OF TERMITES OR " WHITE ANTS " . 86 11. TERMITES OR "WHITE ANTS" ... 87 12. NESTS OF CARPENTER-BEE .... 98 13. MINES OF ELM-BORING BEETLES . . .99 14. BORINGS OF A BEETLE GRUB . . . .118 15. THE TIMBERMAN . . . . . .119 1 6. A TIMBER BEETLE TRACK OF A DESTROYER . 122 17. HORN-TAILED WASPS . . . . .123 1 8. THE LEAF-CUTTER BEE . . . . .132 19. A HUGE HONEYCOMB AND ITS MAKER . . 133 vii viii ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE FACING PACK 20. HONEY-BEES COMB-BUILDING .... 146 21. HUMBLE-BEES' NEST ..... 22. THE RAW MATERIAL OF WASP-PAPER 23. COMB OF WASP ...... 24. STRANGE PORTABLE HOUSES .... 25. Two TAILORS ...... 26. CADDIS-FLY AND CADDIS-CASES 27. THE AGRICULTURAL ANT'S CLEARING 28. NEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL ANT . 29. MUSHROOM-GROWING ANTS .... 30. TERMITES' MUSHROOM GARDEN 31. SEXTONS ....... 32. THE BACON BEETLE ..... 33. BEE-LIKE DRONE-FLY GIRDLED DRONE-FLY . 34. THE CICADA'S MUSIC-BOX .... 35. GREAT GREEN GRASSHOPPER .... 36. THE FLYING GOOSEBERRY .... 37. A KATYDID ....... 38. Two ICHNEUMON-WASPS . . . 39. THE OIL-BEETLE AND THE SITARIS . INTRODUCTION No one who has devoted any considerable part of his open-air leisure to the observation of living insects can fail to be struck by the fact that each species has its own definite method of life, its own way of doing things, and, in the construction of a shelter for itself or its progeny, its own preference for materials and its own mode of using them. These are the methods and preferences not of the individual, but of the species ; and the individual needs no apprenticeship, but goes directly to work with the experience it has inherited from an enorm- ously long line of ancestors. In an earlier period of our civilization the son followed the vocation of his father, taught by him, and inheriting the secrets of the craft. Many of our surviving sur- names are due to this fact, the names of Smith, Taylor, Fletcher, Bowyer, and the like becoming permanently attached to the families pursuing these crafts and mysteries. In the case of the Insects, the parents cannot instruct their offspring, for as a rule they never see them. One marvels at the skill displayed by the bird in constructing its first nest ; but it may be said that the newly mature bird has at least a chance of watching a second- year matron of its kind building, and getting some hints that way. In the case of the Insects there is, as a rule, no possibility of such help. In the vast IX x INTRODUCTION majority of species the parent is dead long before the daughter comes to that stage of existence when the necessity for making provision for her progeny arises ; so the knowledge has to pass by way of transmitted memory. Somewhere in the minute speck of protoplasm constituting the egg of one of the Solitary Bees, there is an infinitesimal particle of nerve matter which contains the secret of how to cut accurate circles and ovals of rose-leaf so that a number of them will overlap and curve into a perfect cylinder. During the greater part of its life the creature that hatches out from that egg will have no need of the secret, but the germ of it will go on developing, and when the insect has attained to the complete bee form there is the idea in the memory cells ready to instruct the nerves that govern the action of wings and legs and cutting jaws. Here is a marvel which should make us keen to follow with interest the industries of these little creatures. It is only one example of the thousands of marvels that reward the inquirer into Insect Economics. With a view to awakening an interest in these matters, the following pages have been written; and the better to attract the attention of those to whom a more systematic treatment would be considered dry and uninteresting, the examples chosen have been grouped under headings borrowed from the human industries that most nearly correspond to the activities of these Insect Artizans. I SPINNERS AND WEAVERS SPINNERS AND WEAVERS FROM very early times man has been acquainted with, and has made use of, the spinning powers of insects. The Silkworm, that came originally from China or India, has been the principal source of the finest raiment with which the human species has clothed itself, but the faculty of producing silk is shared by many insects in a minor degree. In most of them it is utilized in the final stage of the grub state to make provision for the security of the chrysalis, but many caterpillars possess it already when newly issued from the egg. As an example of this we may cite the case of the young caterpillar of the Puss Moth (Dicranura vinula), which feeds upon the upper surface of the leaves of sallow, willow, and poplar. The last named are not only glossy, affording an insecure foothold, but are kept in a state of constant fluttering by the slightest movements of the air. The tiny caterpillars, looking like smuts that have clung to the leaf, and that might be detached by a breath, at once set to work to spin a little pad of silk on the leaf, in which the hooks of their feet may catch and so enable the 4 INSECT ARTIZANS AND THEIR WORK animated particle to feed in safety, no matter how violent the jerking of the leaf from side to side. Another simple, but highly useful, example o the spinning power is exhibited by leaf-rolling caterpillars (Tortrix) and the elongated caterpillars known as Geometers from their peculiar manner of progression, in which they appear to be care- fully measuring the distance traversed. Som< caterpillars of these two families, when the bough upon which they are feeding is rudely jerked, a1 once loose their hold and simultaneously spin a single thread by which they hang suspended in mid-air until the supposed danger has passed, when they ascend the thread and regain their former station. These same leaf-rollers depend largely upon their power of spinning threads for the skill with which they accomplish the neat leafy tube which is at once a house and a dining-table. If we walk, in May or June, through an oak wood, we shall see a number of these caterpillars hanging by silken threads which are only made visible to our sight by their reflecting the sun's rays. Tracing one of these gleaming threads upward, we shall see that it depends from the open end of an oak leaf that ha been rolled into a tube, and if we wait a few minute we shall see the wriggling larva after climbing up by its thread disappear into the green tunnel Plucking a rolled leaf, we find that the coils arc held in position by a great number of threads which stretch like tent-ropes from the curved to the SPINNERS AND WEAVERS 5 flat portions of the leaf. By pressing upon these threads with the weight of its small body, the caterpillar gives a further turn to the coil, and prevents its springing back by attaching a short new thread at an angle between the old thread and the leaf. Other threads are attached farther up the coil and farther out on the leaf, and these are shortened and tightened in a similar manner, until the little Green Tortrix larva has rolled up sufficient of the leaf for its purpose. If the young leaf has so far hardened that the midrib has too much spring in it, the caterpillar overcomes this tendency by reducing its thickness and its resistance with its jaws. In this tube the caterpillar lives, feeding upon the inner folds of its house, and when it has attained to its full develop- ment, as a larva, spins a slight cocoon and changes into the chrysalis condition, from which a little later it emerges as the beautiful little moth with pale green wings known as the Oak Tortrix (Tortrix viridana). This is the insect that in some years almost entirely defoliates our oaks before mid- summer, though apparently without inflicting any serious damage to the tree, which is soon well clothed again. Similar rolled leaves may be found upon many trees, the work of other species of Tortrix, which pursue their industry upon similar lines by the use of the simple silken thread. In some cases, however, the same end is attained in a more simple manner the edges of the leaf being spun 6 INSECT ARTIZANS AND THEIR WORK together before they expand, so that the result is a flat bag. Everybody who has grown rose- trees is familiar with examples of this use of the silk thread ; another common species treats the apple-leaf in similar fashion, and in other cases several leaves are spun together with the same object in view the hiding of the destructive caterpillar until it has developed into a moth. A most remarkable example of an insect that cannot make silk using another that can for its ends is afforded by an Asiatic ant (CEcophylla smaragdina). This ant haunts the foliage of trees, and is desirous of having shelters among the leaves ; but as it is not a spinning ant (there are such), it has brought what looks like intelligence to its aid, and got its desires satisfied partly by proxy. Ant- larvae have the power of spinning silk which is necessary for the construction of the cocoons in which they pass the chrysalis stage of their life- history. A party of ants hold together the edges of leaves which they have decided are to form the shelter, and whilst they are so held other ants come up from the nest, each with an ant-larva in its mouth. The desire of its adult relations is by some means conveyed to it, and it produces a sufficiency of fluid silk to connect the edges of the leaves together. Several Indian species of ants (Polyrhachis) build their nests on the upper side of leaves, or between two leaves. These consist of a single cell, and those that are fully exposed on the surface of the SPINNERS AND WEAVERS 7 leaf are covered with fragments of leaves and other vegetable matter to make it less obtrusive. But the point to which we desire to call attention is that the ant lines these nests with silk of its own manufacture, and of a texture similar to spiders' web. The chief spinners, however, are the caterpillars of the butterflies and moths, especially of the moths. As a rule the spinning of butterfly cater- pillars is restricted to the fabrication of a silken pad, into which the terminal hooks of the chrysalis become attached, and of a girdle around what we may term the waist of the chrysalis. There are exceptions, as we shall show. The fluid silk is produced by two large glands, one on each side of the body, whose ducts unite and are continued externally as the spinneret, which is a point on the middle line of the lip, differently developed in the various families and species. The glands are of simple structure, and vary in size according to the amount of silk-production required by the species. In some of the moth-caterpillars that elaborate thick cocoons their length and weight are con- siderable : the Silkworm, for instance, possesses a pair of silk-glands (sericteria) each measuring five times the full length of the body. This length is exceeded in some other species. In the full-grown Silkworm their weight equals two- fifths of the insect's total weight. This is not sur- prising when one considers the great length of thread that is produced in the weaving of the cocoon. 8 INSECT ARTIZANS AND THEIR WORK The average length of silk wound off from a single cocoon is 1,526 feet; but there is a difference between the produce from a cocoon containing female chrysalis and one containing a male sufficient to enable the silk-farmers to sort out the sexes by the weight of the cocoons. In agreement with thi result it is found that a Silkworm that is to develo] into a female moth has larger silk-glands than one that is to become a male moth. The history of the domestication of the Silk worm, like that of the Honey-bee, extends so fa back that its beginnings are hidden in the mist of antiquity. Silk is known to have been in genera use among the Chinese at a period compared wit] which the introduction of the insect to Europ may be spoken of as recent. Silk tissue reachec Europe from Asia long before anything certaii was known here as to its origin, " some supposing it to be the entrails of a spider-like insect wit eight legs, which was fed for four years upon a kind of paste, and then with the leaves of the green willow, until it burst with fat ; others that it was the produce of a worm which built clay nests and collected wax ; Aristotle, with more truth, that it was unwound from the pupa of a large horned caterpillar. " Nor was the mode of producing and manu- facturing this precious material known to Europe until long after the Christian era, being first learnt about the year 550, by two monks, who procured in India the eggs of the Silkworm moth, SPINNERS AND WEAVERS 9 with which, concealing them in hollow canes, they hastened to Constantinople, where they speedily multiplied, and were subsequently intro- duced into Italy, of which country silk was long a peculiar and staple commodity. It was not culti- vated in France until the time of Henry IV, who, considering that mulberries grew in his kingdom as well as in Italy, resolved, in opposition to the opinion of Sully, to attempt introducing it, and fully succeeded " (Kirby and Spence). There are several silk-producing moths of larger size of which great hopes in a commercial sense have been held, but, with the exception of certain Indian species which supply the Tussore silk and Eri or Arindy silk, the results have been somewhat disappointing. These big silkworms belong to a family different from that which includes the Silkworm. They are more closely related to our own Emperor Moth (Saturnia car pint), whose beautiful green-and-pink caterpillar spins an ela- borate cocoon that has long been famous among insect structures. The upper part of this cocoon is so contrived by the untaught caterpillar that its exit when it becomes a moth will be easy, whilst entry on the part of any intruder will be the reverse. At this upper part the cocoon is not closed, but tapers to a point formed by straight silken hairs con- verging. These may be pushed against from outside without yielding, but very slight pressure from within will serve to separate them and reveal the opening. At a little distance inside this structure io INSECT ARTIZANS AND THEIR WORK is repeated, so that the chrysalis reposes behind two puzzle-doors which oppose no obstruction to the moth. In a North American species of Silkworm (Platy- samia cecropia) this type of cocoon is improved upon. There are in fact two cocoons, one inside the other, with a packing of loosely spun threads between the two walls, which keeps the inner cocoon in place, and must protect the contained chrysalis from great changes of temperature. But this arrangement, though admirable for the chrysalis and the moth, is not appreciated by those who would convert its filaments into woven tissues. The open upper end of the cocoon makes it a difficult matter to unwind the silk, and so it does not appear to have a high commercial value, though it is said to have been successfully woven into stockings. As the cocoon is three inches or more in length and nearly an inch and a half broad, one would expect that the extra quantity of silk would make up for this defect. In California, however, a smaller species of the same family is reared for the sake of its silk much as the Silkworm of the Old World is. The Cecropia Moth, as may be supposed from the dimensions of its cocoon, is a large insect. When the moth spreads its beautifully ornamented wings, the distance between the tips of the forewings is about six inches ; and the caterpillar that spins the big cocoon is four inches long and nearly an inch in thickness. It is gloriously coloured with a PLATE 2 COCOONS OF A SILK-MOTH. Page 10 Three cocoons of the Cecropia-moth, theJowest example cut open to show structure and chrysalis. It will be seen that there are really two cocoons of firm texture with an intermediate packing of looser silk. The- provisiorrfor easy 'exit- of the moth is also evident. Photo by Author. 5 o -2 .a -a t ? fr I