. : CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY AND PALEO* OF THE WEST INBIES Prepared under the Direction of THOMAS WAYLAND VAUGHAN UC-NRLF PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OP WASHINQTI WASHINGTON, 1919 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES Prepared under the Direction of THOMAS WAYLAND VAUGHAN PUBLISHED BY THE CAENEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, 1919 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION No. 291 Copies of this BooX were first issued OCT 171919 PRESS OF GIBSON BROTHERS, INC. WASHINGTON, D. C. CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction by Thomas Wayland Vaughan 5 Tertiary Calcareous Algae from the Islands of Saint Bartholomew, Antigua, and Anguilla, by Marshall A. Howe 9 Fossil Foraminifera from the West Indies, by Joseph Augustine Cushman 21 Fossil Bryozoa from the West Indies, by Ferdinand Canu and R. S. Bassler 73 Tertiary Mollusks from the Leeward Islands and Cuba, by Charles Wythe Cooke 103 West Indian Tertiary Decapod Crustaceans, by Mary J. Rathbun 157 3 MG00046 INTBODUCTION. BY THOMAS WAYLAND VAUGHAN. INTRODUCTION. The series of memoirs contained in the present volume has resulted from a minor grant made to me by the Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington in the autumn of 1913 for the study of the stratigraphic geology and of the fossil corals and associated organisms in several of the smaller West Indian Islands and from the authority given me by the Director of the United States Geological Survey to make the investigations as a part of my official work. The objects of these studies were stated in my first progress report, 1 as follows : (1) To study the stratigraphic geology of the islands, and to make paleon- tologic collections with special reference to the stratigraphic occurrence of the fossils, so as to establish a proper basis for correlating the geologic formations in the islands with those of the southeastern United States and Panama. (2) To make additional collections of fossil corals in order to present a more comprehensive and exact account of the successive coral faunas antecedent to the living fauna than was possible with the material already available, and thus trace the history of the development of the coral faunas through Tertiary time up to and including the Recent fauna. (3) To study the physiography of the islands in order to get a basis for making deductions as to how the conditions were brought about under which the living coral reefs were formed. I left Washington during the latter part of January 1914, and spent the month of February and most of March in the islands of Antigua, Saint Bartholomew, Anguilla, Saint Martin, and Saint Christopher. While engaged in field work I received a great deal of help from the officials of the respective islands and will particularly mention Sir H. Hesketh Bell, then governor of the Leeward Islands, and T. L. Rox- borough, then administrator of Saint Christopher. Rather large collec- tions of fossils resulted from my efforts and they have now been com- pletely or almost completely described and illustrated. Five papers are herewith presented; my own account of the fossil coral faunas is almost finished ; Dr. Robert T. Jackson has nearly completed his memoir on the fossil echinoids; and Dr. Paul Bartsch intends to submit a paper on the fossil and living land Mollusca of the Leeward and Virgin Islands. The accompanying papers and those nearly complete supply the foundation for the correlation of the different geologic events in the West Indies, and they will be followed by descriptions of local geologic details and an account of the general development of the region, in correlation with the geologic events that were taking place in the southeastern United States and Central America. Most of the manu- script relating to local details and geologic interpretation is already written and might have been complete had the entrance of the United States into the World War not necessitated diversion to other duties. 1 Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book No. 13, p. 358, 1915. 7 8' INTRODUCTION. Since my return from the West Indies in 1914, I have either based several papers on the results of my work there or have utilized those results in connection with other papers. The following is the list: Papers by Thomas Wayland Vaughan containing results of his West Indian Expedition in 191 4. The platforms of barrier coral reefs. Am. Geog. Soc. Bull., vol. 46, pp. 426-429, 1914. Study of the stratigraphic geology and of the fossil corals and associated organisms in several of the smaller West Indian Islands [progress report]. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Year Book No. 13, 1914, pp. 358-360, 1915. Coral reefs and reef corals of the southeastern United States, their geologic history and their significance. Abstract, Science, new ser., vol. 41, pp. 508-509, Apr. 2, 1915; Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 26, pp. 58-60, 1915. Introductory remarks to symposium on the factors producing changes in position of strand line during Pleistocene and post-Pleistocene. Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., vol. 5, pp. 111-415, June 19, 1915. [Resume" of the present status of geologic correlation of the Cretaceous and Tertiary for- mations of the Antilles.] Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., vol. 5, p. 489, July 19, 1915. Memorandum on the geology of the ground waters of the island of Antigua, British West Indies. West Indian Bull, vol. 14, No. 4, 4J pp. and map, 1915. Imperial Department of Agriculture for the West Indies. Present status of the investigation of the origin of barrier coral reefs. Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 41, pp. 131-135, January 1916. Some littoral and sublittoral physiographic features of the Virgin and Northern Leeward Islands and their bearing on the coral-reef problem. Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., vol. 6, No. 3, February 4, 1916; Abstract, Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 41-45, March 1916. Study of the stratigraphic geology and of the fossil corals and associated organisms in several of the smaller West Indian Islands [progress report]. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Year Book No. 14, pp. 368-373, 1916. The corals and coral reefs of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. Read before Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., in cooperation with the Pan-American Congress. Abstract, Science, new ser., vol. 43, pp. 250-251, February 18, 1916. Study of the stratigraphic geology and of the fossil corals and associated organisms in several of the smaller West Indian Islands [progress report]. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Year Book No. 15, p. 359, 1917. The reef-coral fauna of Carrizo Creek, San Diego County, California, and its significance. U. S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 98-T, pp. 355-386, pis. 92-102, text-figs. 43-46, 1917. Abstract, Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 28, No. 1, p. 200, March 1917. Study of the stratigraphic geology and of the fossil corals and associated organisms in several of the smaller West Indian Islands [progress report]. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Year Book No. 16, p. 319, 1918. Correlation of the Tertiary formations of the southeastern United States, Central America, and the West Indies. Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., vol. 8, pp. 268-276, May 1918. Fossil corals from Central America, Cuba, and Porto Rico, with an account of the American Tertiary, Pleistocene, and Recent coral reefs. U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 103, pp. 189-523, pis. 68-152, 22 text-figs., 1919. The biologic character and geologic correlation of the sedimentary formations of Panama, in their relation to the geologic history of Central America and the West Indies. U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 103, pp. 547-612, 1919. Corals and the formation of coral reefs. Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rept., 1917, pp. 189-238 37 pis., 16 text-figs, 1919. I wish here to record my thanks to President Woodward, of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and to Dr. George Otis Smith, the Director, and Dr. David White, the Chief Geologist, of the United States Geological Survey, for the support they have given these inves- tigations. It also gives me pleasure to express my deep appreciation of the efforts of my scientific colleagues in making proper studies of the rather large collections that I was so fortunate as to assemble. I. TERTIARY CALCAREOUS ALGAE FROM THE ISLANDS OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW, ANTIGUA, AND ANGUILLA. BY MARSHALL A. HOWE. With six plates. TERTIARY CALCAREOUS ALGJE FROM THE ISLANDS OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW, ANTIGUA, AND ANGUILLA. BY MARSHALL A. HOWE. The present paper contains descriptions and illustrations of the fossil calcareous algae collected in February and March 1914, by Dr. T. W. Vaughan, in the Eocene St. Bartholomew limestone of the island of St. Bartholomew, the middle Oligocene Antigua formation of the island of Antigua, and the upper Oligocene Anguilla formation of the island of Anguilla. ALOE. Class RHODOPHYCE^:. Family CORALLINACE^E. Genus ARCH^OLITHOTHAMNIUM Rothpletz. Archaeolithothamnium affine, new species. (Plate 4, Figure 1; Plate 5.) The following is a description of this species: Thallus terete or slightly flattened, 3 cm. (or more?) long, 3.5 to 6.0 mm. in diameter (8 mm. at a dichotomy), somewhat divaricately dichotomous, more or less sinuous and nodose, the apices broad and rounded-obtuse or subacute; medullary hypothallium zonate, its cells mostly 16 to 30 M by 8 to 13 /x, transi- tion to the perithallium gradual; perithallium more or less distinctly zonate, its cells 8 to 26 /* by 8 to 13 /z, often about 14 \*. high and 12 /i broad; sporangial sori becoming overgrown and embedded, the sporangial cavities elliptic-oval in longitudinal section, 55 to 78 \L high and 27 to 46 ju broad. In the Carlisle marl pit (Oligocene, lower part of Antigua forma- tion), on slope just above the level of the central plain, Antigua, West Indies, T. W. Vaughan, station No. 6873 (type), February 10, 1914; also at McKinnon's (Oligocene, Antigua formation), Antigua, T. W. Vaughan, No. 6888, March 1914. The latter of the two specimens is partially embedded, but the former (plate 4) is free. The structure in both is well preserved and ground sections exhibit their structure nearly as well as would be the case with living or recent material. A. affine appears to be closely related to the living A. sibogce A. Web. and Fosl. 1 of the region of the Sulu Archipelago, Borneo, and Celebes, from which it seems to differ in its larger cells, especially of the peri- thallium, which are 8 to 26 ^ by 8 to 13 /z, while in A. sibogce they were described by Weber and Foslie as 5 to 12 /z by 5 to 8 M; in microtome 1 Foslie, M M Three new Lithothamnia, Kgl. Norsk. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. t 1901, No. 1, p. 3; Weber- van Bosse, A., and M. Foslie, The Corallinaceae of the Siboga Expedition, Siboga Exped. Monog. 61, 1904, p. 41, pi. vn. 11 12 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. sections made from decalcified material of authentic A. sibogce furnished by Madam Weber, the perithallic cells often seem larger than these measurements would indicate, yet the cells are rarely more than 13 ju long, while in our fossil plant most of the cells, in radio-vertical section, are more than 13 M long. Moreover, our sections of A. affine are mostly oblique and our measurements may not do full justice to the length of its cells. Numerous "minute square and oblique intermediate cells * * * 2 to 4 ju in diameter/ ' ascribed to A. sibogce, we have not observed in A. affine. The sporangial cavities are numerous and they appear in thallus sections sometimes in rows of 30 or 40. Some of the embedded sori are near the surface and others are so close to the medulla that two- thirds of the radius of the thallus-branch would lie external to them. Archceolithothamnium curasavicum (K. Mart.) Foslie, 1 a Cretaceous fossil from the island of Curagao, is described and figured as having a crustaceous rather than a terete fruticose thallus. Martin's figure 23, however, looks a little like a cross-section through an eccentric terete thallus, but it is described as a longitudinal section and is probably designed to represent the coralline as attached to and partially inclosing some foreign object, an explanation that gains support from the author's description of the plant. Of the hitherto described fossil species of Archceolithothamnium , A. affine is probably best compared with A. turonicum (Rothpl.) Fosl., 2 from the Turonian of Le Beausset, De"p. Var, France, but it is coarser, having branches 3.5 to 6 mm. instead of 3 mm. in diameter. Genus LITHOTHAMNIUM Philippi. Lithothamnium concretum, new species. (Plate 1, Figure 2; Plate 2.) ya ***vv/ A) A Agyiux/ " j * M*V\X **/ The following is a description of this species : Thallus forming irregularly hemispheric, subglobose, or ellipsoidal, solid or more or less hollow, concretionary masses, mostly 2 to 5 cm. in diameter, the surface exhibiting a few rounded, slightly pronounced irregular knobs or lobes, these usually 5 to 15 mm. broad and 5 to 8 mm. high; medulla irregularly oblong in section, 5 to 15 mm. broad, becoming hollow on exposure; weathered fractures of thallus showing numerous tortuous or irregularly plicate more or less concentric lamellae, these mostly 0.5 to 1.0 mm. thick, at length somewhat elevated or solute; cells of primary medullary hypothallia 8 to 13 /u broad; 3 secondary hypothallia infrequent, 100 to 170 /z thick, scarcely "coaxial," their cells 14 to 18 M (rarely 26 M) by 8 to 13 M; perithallium conspicuously, sharply, narrowly, and irregularly zonate, its larger cells 10 to 15 n by 8 to 12 /*, its smaller 8 M by 6 /u or subquadrate (8 to 11 p square) or occasionally broader 1 Lithothamnium curasavicum K. Mart. Bericht fiber eine Reise nach Niederlandisch West- Indien und darauf gegriindete Studien. II. Geologie, 1888, p. 26, pi. n, figs. 22 to 25. 1 Lithothamnium turonicum Rothpl. Zeitschr. deutsch. Geol. Ges. f vol. 43, 1891, pi. xvi, figs. 9, 13. [Plate is wrongly numbered xv.] 3 Not well shown in longitudinal view in the sections thus far made. TERTIARY CALCAREOUS ALG^3. 13 than high; tetrasporangial conceptacles numerous, becoming embedded, oblong or elliptic-oblong in radio-vertical section, 380 to 770 M in maximum width, 122 to 168 /* in height; roof of conceptacle flat or very slightly convex, its cells 6 to 10 M (rarely 13 n) high, only slightly higher than broad. Hodges Bluff, lower bed (Oligocene, middle part of Antigua forma- tion), Antigua, West Indies, T. W. Vaughan, No. 6862, 1 February 6, 1914. Lithothamnium concretum may deserve comparison with Lithotham- nium suganum Rothpl., 2 from the Tertiary ("Scio-Schichten") of Val Sugana, near Borgo in the Austrian Tyrol, but its perithallic cells appear to be often larger (8 to 15 ju by 6 to 12 ju as compared with 9 to 12 /* by 7 to 9 ju) and its conceptacles also are much larger (380 to 770 M by 122 to 168 ju vs. 250 M by 100 /*). We have seen no pub- lished figure or description of external form of L. suganum. Possibly Lithothamnium torulosum Giimbel 3 is a nearer relative. This was first found near Traunstein, in Bavaria, and was originally attributed to the Oligocene, but Rothpletz 4 reports it from other localities in Europe and thinks it belongs primarily to the Eocene. This forms rounded, slightly lobed or warted masses (specimen figured is about 3 cm. by 1.5 cm., with elevations about 5 mm. in diameter). Giimbel gives cell measurements as 8 /* by 6 ju, but Rothpletz makes the perithallic cells 7 to 12 JJL by 7 to 9 JJL, from which it would appear that those of L. concretum are a little larger. Giimbel did not describe or figure con- ceptacles, but Rothpletz states that they are 400 /z by 150/z, which prob- ably means that they are considerably smaller than in L. concretum. The plant is not closely related to any species of Lithothamnium now living in the West Indian region, so far as is known to the writer. In fact, it is not obvious with what living or recent species it may best be compared. Since the above was written, the writer has received (May 1919) an important paper by Madame Paul Lemoine on some fossil coralline algae of Martinique, 5 the distribution of which paper has possibly been somewhat delayed by war conditions. In this treatise several new species are described, one of which, Lithothamnium lacroixi Lemoine, based upon thin sections of pieces of calcareous rock thrown up by the volcano Mount Pelee and of uncertain geologic age, evidently shows a close affinity to L. concretum. It would, however, seem to be a more crustaceous and less massive plant than L. concretum, with cells of the 1 The sections shown in the micrographs, which may be considered the type material in a narrow sense, came from a fragment that has been labeled aa ; 6 is another alga, both from station 6862. 2 Zeitschr. deutsch. Geol. Ges., vol. 43, 1891, p. 319, plate xvn, fig. 4. Compare also Capeder, G., Malpighia, vol. 14, 1900, pp. 176, 177, plate vi, fig. 3. 8 Abhandl. mat.-phys. Cl. k. bayer. Akad. Wiss., vol. 11, abth. 1, 1871, p. 40, plate n, figs. 6a, 66. 4 Zeitschr. deutsch. Geol. Ges., vol. 43, 1891, p. 318. 5 Contribution a 1'etude des Corallinacees fossiles. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, ser. 4, vol. 17 1917, pp. 233-279. (Date of distribution, Dec. 1918; fide auct. in litt.) 14 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. perithallium in more manifest vertical rows; in radio- vertical sections of L. concretum it is the horizontal or concentric alignment of the peri- thallic cells that is the regular and obvious thing (see plate 2), while in L. lacroixi the vertical or radial alignment would often appear to be more manifest. Genus LITHOPHYLLUM Philippi. Lithophyllum homogeneum, new species. (Plate 1, Figure 1; Plate 3.) The following is a description of this species: Thallus massive or coarsely subfrutescent, forming concrescent masses 7 to 18 cm. (or more?) broad, the main branches or axes subterete, subtrigonous or irregularly flattened, 5 to 20 mm. in diameter; weathered fractures showing rather indistinct irregularly concentric lamellae, these 'ess than 1 mm. thick; cells of both hypothallium and perithallium in regular layers; secondary hypothallia of rare occurrence; cells of hypothallium 20 to 26 M by 8 to 13 M; perithallium for the most part obscurely, or now and then distinctly, zonate, rather homogeneous in structure, its cells mostly 13 to 20 M by 10 to 13 n, occasionally reaching length of 25 M; conceptacles unknown. Embedded in limestone (upper Eocene or lower Oligocene), above head of Governor's Bay, St. Bartholomew, T. W. Vaughan, station No. 6923, February 22, 1914. In its massive, coarsely subfrutescent habit, Lithophyllum homo- geneum may have borne some resemblance to the recent L. antillarum Foslie and Howe, 1 but it is very different in structure, having a gen- eral ground substance of much larger cells and failing to show (in sec- tion) the short rows of enlarged cells which characterize Foslie's genus or subgenus Porolithon. Among the fossil forms, a weathered section of one of the coarser branches of Lithophyllum homogeneum may bear a slight superficial resemblance to Lithothamnium concretum M. A. Howe (Antigua, Vaughan, No. 6862), but a prepared section shows a much more homo- geneous, less zonate structure, with larger cells. Conceptacles have not been identified with certainty, but the vegetative structure suggests that its place is with Lithophyllum rather than with Lithothamnium. A possible relative is the plant from Oligocene strata at "Astrup bei Osnabrtick," Germany, described and figured by Glimbel 2 as Litho- thamnium tuberosum and afterwards described by Rothpletz. 3 The specimens of the latter were apparently free, while Lithophyllum homogeneum is embedded, so that it is somewhat difficult to compare the two as to external form, but L. homogeneum is probably a more frutescent and less crustaceous plant, with branches, or some of them, 1 Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, vol. 33, 1906, p. 579, fig. 2 and plates 25, 26. 9 Abhandl. mat.-phys. Cl. k. bayer. Akad. Wiss., vol. 11, abth. 1, 1871, p. 39, plate i, figs. 5a, 56, 5c. Zeitschr. deutsch. Geol. Ges., vol. 43, 1891, p. 317, 318. TERTIARY CALCAREOUS ALG^J. 15 coarser (5 to 20 mm. in diameter vs. 8 to 10 mm.). Rothpletz refers to the thickening of the thallus by a repeated " Ueberwucherung " of the hypothallium a, character that is scarcely noticeable in L. homo- geneum, so far as is shown by the sections thus far obtained. No conceptacles were observed in Lithothamnium tuberosum, so the genus remains in doubt. The cell measurements as given by Giimbel are somewhat less than those obtained from our Liihophyllum homogeneum, while those given by Rothpletz from an " Originalstuck " are somewhat greater. Rothpletz often finds GiimbePs cell measurements too small and he intimates that Giimbel had made some error in calibrating his eye-piece micrometer. Lithophyllum (?) molare, new species. (Plate 4, Figures 2 to 4.) The following is a description of this species: Thallus masses 2 to 4 cm. (and more?) in height, composed of more or less fused or anastomosing flattened branches, these 4 to 10 mm. broad, 3 to 5 mm. thick, molariform or subspatulate, the obtuse, retuse, or sparingly corrugated apices sometimes free for 5 to 10 mm. ; perithallium and medullary hypothallium not clearly differentiated, cells of both in regular layers; cells of medullary hypothallium 20 to 26 ju by 10 to 13 M; perithallium rather obscurely or now and then distinctly zonate, showing occasionally 1 to 4 layers of short cells alternating with a subequal number of layers of long cells, the cells subquad- rate in section, the larger 15 to 18 ju in diameter, often 16 pi high and 13 /u broad, the smaller about 8 n in diameter, often broader than high; concepta- cles unknown. From bluff (Oligocene, middle of Antigua formation) on north side of Willoughby Bay, Antigua, T. W. Vaughan, b from station No. 6881. Another and evidently different coralline alga (a from station No. 6881), with subterete, intricately intertangled branches 1.5 to 3 mm. in diameter, was collected at the same time and place, but the two apparently do not occur intermingled. In general form and habit, Lithophyllum (?) molare resembles certain broad-branched forms of the recent Lithophyllum dcedaleum Fosl. & Howe, 1 originally described from Porto Rico, and also, in a less degree, the recent Lithophyllum platyphyllum Fosl., 2 from St. Martin, of the Leeward Islands. It seems, however, to differ from both of these in the thicker, more distinctly zonate perithallium and the relatively shorter and (in section) more quadrate cells. In both L. dcedaleum and L. platyphyllumj the larger cells of the inner perithallium or outer medullary hypothallium (the two tissue-systems commonly blend 1 Bull. N. Y. Bot. Garden, vol. 4, 1906, p. 133, plates 83, 84, and 85, f. 1. 8 Goniolithon platyphyllum Fosl., Kgl. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 1898, No. 6, p. 13; Lithophyllum platyphyllum Fosl., Kgl. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 1900, No. 5, p. 18. As was subsequently recognized by Foslie, this species has nothing to do with L. craspedium and L. africanum, between which it was placed in his "Revised Systematical Survey." 16 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. together very gradually) are usually about 26 JLI long and twice as long as broad; in L. (?) molare the corresponding cells are about 15 to 18 /z long and scarcely longer than broad. Our best sections of L. (?) molare are, however, somewhat oblique and may not do full justice to the length of the cells. In L. platyphyllum the much flattened branches are thinner and less massive, being only 1.25 to 2 mm. thick. Lithoporella melobesioides (Foslie) Foslie. (Plate 6.) Lithoporella melobesioides (Foslie) Foslie, Kgl. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., 1909, No. 2, p. 59. Mastophora melobesioides Foslie, Kgl. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Aarsber. for 1902, p. 24, 1903; Siboga Exped. Monog. 61, 1904, p. 75-77, figs. 30-32. Mastophora (Lithoporella) melobesioides Foslie, Kgl. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., No. 7, p. 19, 1908; op. tit., No. 2, p. 52, 1909. Mastophora (Lithoporella) atlantica Foslie, Kgl. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., No. 2, p. 27, 1906. Lithoporella atlantica Foslie, Kgl. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., No. 2, p. 59, 1909. Mastophora (Lithoporella) conjuncta Foslie, Kgl. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., No. 6, p. 30, 1907. Lithoporella conjuncta Foslie, Kgl. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., No. 2, p. 59, 1909. The following is a description of the fossil West Indian forms of this species: Monostromatic thalli occurring singly, or 2 to 8 of them irregularly, loosely, or now and then rather compactly superposed; cells (19) 23 to 57 /* high and 13 to 39 M wide, 1 to 3 (mostly 1.'5 to 2) times as high as wide, in a vertical section appearing for the most part distinctly rounded at the angles and occa- sionally suborbicular and submoniliform; conceptacles unknown. On and intercalated among other calcareous algae incrusting a fossil millepore (?), in "top bed" (upper Oligocene), Crocus Bay, Anguilla, T. W. Vaughan, station No. 6967 (plate 6, fig. 2); with millepore (?), Crocus Bay Hill (upper Oligocene), roadside, descent to Crocus Bay from valley, Anguilla, T. W. Vaughan, station No. 6893; intermingled with other calcareous algae from bluff (Oligocene, middle of Antigua formation) on north side of Willoughby Bay, Antigua, T. W. Vaughan, station No. 6881; and intercalated with Lithophyllum homogeneum in limestone (upper Eocene or lower Oligocene) from above head of Governor's Bay, St. Bartholomew, T. W. Vaughan, No. 6923 (plate 6, fig. 1), February 22, 1914. The description, as given above, is drawn from the fossil West Indian specimens cited, but it would require only very slight changes in the cell measurements to make it include all of the forms, recent and fossil, described by Foslie under the names cited above. On first meeting with this plant in one of the Anguilla specimens from station No. 6967, it was our impression that it might be considered specifically distinct from all of the forms described by Foslie in its shorter cells (19 to 42 fj, in the specimen cited), but the subsequent discovery of the other specimens showed both a great variety of forms and sizes of cells TERTIARY CALCAREOUS ALG.E. 17 in a single individual and also a complete intergrading with the cell characters of Lithoporella melobesioides, L. atlantica, and L. conjuncta, as described by Foslie. Form and size of the vegetative cells and size of the conceptacles are the characters relied upon by Foslie to dis- tinguish his proposed species in this genus. The following comparison will, we think, illustrate the difficulty of maintaining species based on these distinctions; the numbers in parenthesis denote occasional extremes : Cell dimensions of species, ace. to Foslie: L. melobesioides 1903, 30-60 n X 25 M- L. melobesioides 1904, 30-60 (75) jt X (12) 15-25 (30) M- L. melobesioides f. varians 1908, 40-54 M X (18) 25-43 M- L. melobesioides f. typica 1909, (25) 30-60 (75) M X 15-30 (40) /u. L. melobesioides f. varians 1909, (30) 40-60 (85) ju X (18) 25-43 (54) M. L. atlantica 1906, (32) 36-55 (60) n X 18-36 (40) /* L. conjuncta 1907, (25) 36-54 (65) M X 14-29 A*. Leeward Islands fossils (19) 23-57 /i X 13-39 M. Conceptacles of species ace. to Foslie: L. melobesioides 1903, 600-1000 /u. L. melobesioides 1904, 800-1000 /x. L. atlantica 1906, 500-800 M- L. conjuncta 1907, (400) 500-800 /z. From the above showing it would appear that, unless future researches should reveal conceptacles of a distinctive character, there is little or no ground for considering the Leeward Islands fossil specifically different from recent forms already described. Lithoporella melobesioides was originally described as a living species from the Maldives, but has since been reported also as a fossil from New Guinea. 1 L. atlantica and L. conjuncta, both recent species, were described from St. Jan in the Danish West Indies and the west coast of Africa, respectively. All of these were originally proposed under the generic name Mastophora, but in the typical species of Mastophora the thallus consists of several layers of thick-walled cells, which are very slightly or not at all calcified. Foslie's final establishment 2 of a genus Lithoporella to receive the monostromatic calcified forms that he had previously referred to Mastophora seems justified, though Madame Lemoine, in a recent paper, 3 prefers to consider Lithoporella a subgenus of Melobesia. Lithoporella pacifica (Heydrich) Foslie, 4 first described as a recent plant of the Hawaiian Islands, is said by Foslie to have cells that are 32 to 80 (110) M by 7 to 12 /*, which would make them considerably longer and narrower than those of any of the forms referred to above. Moreover, there are discrepancies of some importance between the descriptions of this plant as given by Heydrich and as given by Foslie, 1 Siboga Exped. Monog. 61, 1904, p. 75-77, fig. 32. a Kgl. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 1909, No. 2, p. 58. 8 In B0rgesen, Dansk Bot. Ark., vol. 3, 1917, No. 1, p. 174. 4 Melobesia pacifica Heydrich, Bot. Jahrb. vol. 28, 1901, p. 529; Mastophora (Lithoporella) pacifica Foslie, Kgl. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. 1909, No. 2, p. 53; Lithoporella pacifica Foslie, loc. cit., 59. 18 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. though both professedly examined the same material, preserved in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle of Paris. Foslie at first considered the plant to belong to the Squamariaceae. 1 In case that anyone should find adequate grounds for combining Lithoporella pacifica with the forms brought together above, it may be remarked that the name pacifica would appear to enjoy priority rights over melobesioides. However, there is a still earlier name of probable applicability that must be considered if a " broad" view of species is to be accepted and if the fossil and recent forms are to be looked upon as representing a single species. This is the Lithothamnium tenuiseptum of Capeder, 2 from the Pliocene of Monte Mario (near Rome?), Italy. Capeder's figure of the microscopic structure is rather diagrammatic and sketchy and we do not feel so confident that it represents our Leeward Islands fossil as we do in regard to FoshVs more convincing figures of his L. melobesioides. Capeder describes the cells as 60 M by 18 ju and figures them as 3 times as high as broad, a proportion that is of only occasional occurrence in L. melobesioides as we know it. Conceptacles are de- scribed as 404 jj, by 202 /z, but if two cavities shown in his detailed figure are the supposed conceptacles, and if the relations of the surrounding cells are correctly represented, it may be suspected that these cavities represent holes of boring animals or other fortuitous lacunae rather than conceptacles. The West Indian fossils that we are referring to Lithoporella melo- besioides, as is usual with the species of FoshVs subgenus Eulitho- porella, are very commonly overgrown by other calcareous algae, sometimes lying in alternating layers with such algae, and are not always visible in a surface view. The collections made in the Leeward Islands by Dr. Vaughan include several representatives of the Lithothamnieae in addition to the 5 species described and discussed in the foregoing report, but we have not felt justified in giving them names, owing to the limited quantity or unsatisfactory preservation of the material or to lack of success in obtaining sufficiently instructive sections. Deserving special mention among these specimens left undetermined is one, a, from station No. 6881, bluff (Oligocene) on north side of Wil- loughby Bay, Antigua, which has intertangled subterete branches 1.5 to 3.0 mm. in diameter. A specimen from station No. 6854, Rifle Butts (Oligocene), Antigua, shows one or more species of thin crustaceous Lithothamnieae closely adherent to old millepores or corals. In general habit these resemble the recent Goniolithon solubile Foslie and Howe, which now incrusts dead corals and millepores throughout the West Indian region. 1 Kgl. Norske Viclensk. Selsk. Skr. 1901, No. 2, p. 19. 2 Malpighia, vol. 14, 1900, p. 181, plate vi, figs, 17a, 17b. TERTIARY CALCAREOUS ALG^. 19 Specimen a from station No. 6856, from Friars' Hill (Oligocene), Antigua, includes an apparently sterile Lithothamnium which seems to be very close to Lithothamnium isthmi M. A. Howe from the Oligo- cene of the Panama Canal Zone (MacDonald and Vaughan, No. 6021) and may be identical with it. Specimen 6, from station No. 6862, Hodges Bluff, lower bed (Oligo- cene), Antigua, consists chiefly of one of the Lithothamnieae with rather elongate subterete branches 2 to 4 mm. in diameter. In general habit and in structure it seems to bear considerable resemblance to certain forms of the recent Goniolithon strictum Fosl. of the West Indian region. A specimen from station No. 6967, top bed (upper Oligocene), Crocus Bay, Anguilla, shows chiefly a millepore or other calcareous animal, but incrusting it, in addition to the Lithoporella melobesioides mentioned above, is a Lithothamnium that appears to be related to the recent L. syntrophicum Fosl. of the West Indian region, but probably differing hi having a thallus that is not always thin and crustaceous, but occasionally lifted into short knobs or wartlike excrescences. HOWE PLATE 1 FIG. 1. Lithophyllum homogeneum, n. sp. Photograph of all of the embedded material, from above head of Governor's Bay, St. Bartholomew (T. W. Vaughan, Station No. 6923). Natural size. FIG. 2. Lithothamnium concretum, n. sp.. Photograph of nearly free specimens from Hodge's Bluff, Antigua (T. W. Vaughan, Station No. 6862). Natural size. HOWE PL Lithothamnium concretum, n. sp. FIG. 1. Photograph of radio-vertical section (from same specimen as fig. 2), showing cell struc- ture, tetrasporic conceptacles, etc., enlarged 100 diameters. The surface of the thallus is toward the right. FIG. 2. Photograph of radio-vertical section, showing zonations, tetrasporic conceptacles, etc., enlarged 42 diameters. )WE PLATE 3 Lithophyllum homogeneum, n. sp. FIG. 1. Photograph of a radio-vertical section (from same fragment as section shown in fig. 2), showing secondary hypothallium, etc., enlarged 100 diameters. FIG. 2. Photograph of an obliquely transverse section of a part of a main axis, enlarged 42 diameters. HOWE PLATE 4 FIG. 1. Archceolithothamnium affine, n. sp. Photograph of the free type specimen, from Car- lisle marl pit. Antigua (T. W. Vaughan, Station No. 6873); slightly enlarged (V). FIGS. 2 to 4.Lithophyllum (?) molare, n. sp. (2) Photograph of all of material from north side of Willoughhy Bay, Antigua (T. W. Vaughan, b from Station No. 6881) ; slightly enlarged (f ). (3) Photograph of part of an obliquely transverse section of a large branch, enlarged 44 diameters. (4) Photograph of part of a radio-longitudinal section of same branch, showing perithallic cells, etc., enlarged 100 diameters. Archceolithothamnium affine n. sp. FIG. 1. Photograph of part of an obliquely transverse section (Antigua, T. W. Vaughan, Sta- tion No. 6873), from branch at left as shown in fig. 1, plate 4), enlarged 44 diameters. FIG. 2. Photograph of a part of an obliquely transverse section (Antigua, T. W. Vaughan, Sta- tion No. 6888), enlarged 72 diameters. HOWE PLATE 6 Lithoporella melobesioides (Foslie) Foslie. FIG. 1. Photograph showing irregularly superposed layers (near middle of field, appearing as rows of cells in section), Station No. 6923, St. Bartholomew, T. W. Vaughan. The cells in section are here mostly 1.5 to 3 times as high as wide. Enlarged 72 diameters. FIG. 2. Photograph of other specimens in section, likewise intercalated with various foreign organisms, from Anguilla, T. W. Vaughan, Station No. 6967. The cells in section here are mostly 1 to 2 times as high as wide. Enlarged 72 diameters. II. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. BY JOSEPH AUGUSTINE CUSHMAN. With fifteen plates and eight text-figures. 21 FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. BY JOSEPH AUGUSTINE CUSHMAN. INTRODUCTION. Very little has been known of the fossil Foraminifera of the West Indies, perhaps except Trinidad and Jamaica, and, although the present paper is based on collections from Cuba, Haiti, and Jamaica of the Greater Antilles, and from Antigua, St. Bartholomew, Anguilla, and St. Martins of the Leeward Islands, the area as a whole has still been scarcely more than touched. As the larger orbitoid genera were heretofore almost unknown from the Lesser Antilles, it is fortunate that the present collections are fairly rich in them, both in species and in individuals, because from a study of these it has been possible to make some general correlations with both continental America and with Europe. The smaller Foraminifera are at present less valuable for correlation purposes on account of the lack of the sharp discrimina- tion of the species representing them in adjacent regions. Some of the Miocene species, however, afford a basis for definitely correlating some West Indian exposures at least with Panama and the Coastal Plain of the United States, collections from both of which I have described in reports recently published. The smaller Foraminifera, because they are very liable to exhibit differences in faunal assemblage, accord- ing to different depths and different conditions of temperature, are of value in supplying information on the physical conditions under which sediments containing them were deposited. A summary statement regarding the collections and the general characters of the f oraminif eral faunas from the different islands will be given at once, so that the data may be available for the later discussion. LEEWARD ISLANDS. Collections, all made by T. W. Vaughan, in 1914, from four of the Leeward Islands, viz, St. Bartholomew, Antigua, Anguilla, and St. Martin, were submitted to me. Much of the material is more or less indurated rock, and although it is very rich, especially in specimens of large forms, the species present are comparatively few. Because of their being firmly embedded in a matrix, the smaller species may be discovered only by sections, which are necessarily more or less at ran- dom. These reveal that smaller Foraminifera are numerous; but as a rule they are very unsatisfactory as they do not allow surface charac- ters, on which specific characters so largely depend, to be studied; and from them it is usually possible to indicate little more than the genus 23 24 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. to which a specimen belongs. A few of the genera are noted here for later comparisons. In general the Foraminifera show the faunal sequence already pub- lished by Vaughan. 1 The presence in St. Bartholomew of two species of Orthophragmina and associated Nummulites seems undoubtedly to indicate upper Eocene as the age of the St. Bartholomew limestone. The presence in Antigua of abundant specimens of large species of Lepidocyclina, as large as or larger than any species hitherto described, and the absence of Orthophragmina seem clearly to indicate an Oligo- cene age; while Orbitolites (Sorites) duplex from Anguilla and St. Martin seems to indicate a still younger horizon. One of the species of Orthophragmina from St. Bartholomew appears to be close to a species already described from Marianna, Florida (0. mariannensis) , but none similar to the other has yet been found on the continent. Nearly all the larger species are believed to be undescribed and should furnish excellent means of correlation with other West Indian or continental geologic formations. The following table of species from the four islands contains the station numbers, the full data for which are given in the distribution of each species: List of species of Foraminifera from the Leeward Islands. Species. Station No. Species. Station No. From Saint Bartholomew: Globigerina 6921 From Antigua continued Lepidocyclina undulata, n. sp. 6863 Conulites americana, n. sp. . Carpenteria proteus, n. sp. . Nummulites antillea, n. sp. . Nummulites parvula, n. sp . . Lepidocyclina antillea, n. sp . 6902 6921 6924 6895 6924 6895 6897 6903 6924 6921 6897 Lepidocyclina undosa, n. sp. Lepidocyclina f avosa, n. sp . Lepidocyclina parvula, n. sp. From Anguilla: Textularia 6858 6880? 6881 6942 6869 6881 6862 6854 6894 68976 6902 Gypsina globulus (Reuss) . . 6966 6894 Orthophragmina antillea, n. 6903 Heterosteginoides antillea, n. so 6894 SD . 6895 6965 Orthophragmina marginata, n. sp. ig6924 Quinqueloculina 6966 6966 From Antigua: &=uJ Orbitolites duplex Carp. . . . Alveolina . 6894? 6966 Heteroategina antillea, n. sp. Lepidocyclina gigas, n. sp. . 6869 6854 6862 From St. Martin's: Spiroloculina 6949 6854 6857 Orbitolites duplex Carp. . . . Alveolina . 6949 6949 1 Vaughan, T. W. Study of the stratigraphic geology and of the fossil corals and associated organisms in several of the smaller West Indian Islands. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Year Book No. 13, pp. 358-360, 1914. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 25 SANTO DOMINGO. The collection containing fossil Foraminifera from Santo Domingo was placed in my hands for study in connection with the work of Dr. T. W. Vaughan on other groups of the same material. The collection is that of Dr. Carlotta J. Maury of Cornell University, and represents several horizons and different localities. Only those localities at which Foraminifera were found are mentioned here. Three localities with the following data have furnished the Foramin- ifera: Zone A, Rio Gurabo; Zone G, Rio Gurabo ; Zone H, Rio Cana ; Zone I, Rio Cana; Bluff 2, Cercado de Mao;Bluff3,CercadodeMao. In all, these localities have yielded 33 species of Foraminifera. As is usual in such material, a few species dominate while the others are obtained only after long and diligent search of the finer material and are too often represented by single specimens. For this reason the occasional scattered records of one species present in one locality and not in another when the general assemblage in the two is very much alike may mean that there are certain uniques which, if the search could be prolonged indefinitely, would be represented in the similar lot of material from which it now appears to be absent. Such an explanation is probably sufficient for most of the records of this sort in Zones H and I and Bluffs 2 and 3. It explains probably the two species of Polystomella which are represented at single localities by single specimens, while the third species is common and represented at all four of the stations. It does not account for the Orbitolites, however, which is almost if not quite the most abundant genus in the Bluff 3 material and is lacking in the others. This again may be accounted for in the possible slight difference in ecologic conditions. In the tropics especially, Orbitolites is very apt to occur in great num- bers under certain conditions. For example, about Montego Bay, Jamaica, Orbitolites is met with occasionally or even frequently in dredgings of several fathoms in the sand among the reefs, but about the Bogue Islands to the west of the bay, in a few inches of water, Orbito- lites becomes very abundant. The short Posidonia to which the young of Orbitolites attach themselves is here abundant in the comparatively quiet waters and the specimens of Orbitolites make up a large part of the deposit about the roots of Posidonia. Some such conditions prob- ably explain the very great abundance of Orbitolites and of Asteri- gerina and Amphistegina in certain of the other localities. The geological sequence seems to present three phases at least. Zone A is the youngest and is represented by but 2 species in the rather limited material at hand. Both of these species occur living at the present time and the bed containing the fossils can not be of any but late Tertiary age. Zone G is represented by a single species in considerable numbers unlike anything in the other beds, but generically like those of the lower members. Its age from this seems to be Miocene. 26 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Zones H and I, which may be considered with the material from Bluffs 2 and 3 as one unit as far as the Foraminifera are concerned, seem to be in general early Miocene, possibly upper Oligocene. The Distribution of fossil Foraminifera, Santo Domingo. List of species. Zone A, Rio Gurabo. Zone G, Rio Gurabo. Zone H, Rio Cana. rZone I, Rio Cana. Bluff 2, Cercado de Mao. Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao. Cercado de Mao. Textulariidse: Riilimina ovata d'Orb x Globigerinidae: Globigerina bulloides d'Orb x inflata d'Orb i x x x conglobata H. B. Brady x Orbulina uni versa d'Orb . . x x Rotaliidae: Discorbis orbicularis Terq x Truncatulina lobatula Walk. & Jac . . x haidingcrii d'Orb x Gypsina inhssrens Schultze. x x x globulus (Reuss ) .... x x Asterigerina carinata, n. sp ... x angulata, n. sp x x x x rotundata, n. sp x tuberculata n sp. x x Nummulitidae : Arnphistegina lessonii d'Orb., fiat var. x x evolute var. . . x x x Nonionina grateloupi d'Orb x x sloani d'Orb x x Polystomella sagra d'Orb x lanieri d'Orb x x x x striatopunctata F. & M. x Miliolidee: Quinqueloculina agglutinans d'Orb. . x x x cf. Q. kerimbatica H. All. AEarl... x x cuvieriana d'Orb. . . . x x auberiana d'Orb x x x pulchella d'Orb. . x x x x gualteriana d'Orb. . . x x ? Triloculina fichteliana d'Orb x Vertebralina cassis d'Orb x Biloculina sp x Peneroplis pertusus var. discoideus Fl. x var x Orbiculina adunca F. & M x x x x Orbitolites complanata Lam., var. . . . x evidence would seem to favor Miocene. Here is an assemblage of 31 species, several of which are represented by abundant specimens. The foraminiferal fauna is typical of shallow-water tropical conditions, while the few specimens of Orbulina and Globigerina do not occur in sufficient numbers to indicate any considerable depth. Their presence in very small numbers is only confirmatory of the shallow-water condi- tions which the more abundant species clearly indicate. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 27 It is interesting to note that many of the species fit much more closely the original figures and descriptions given by d'Orbigny in his Cuba paper (d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, 1839, "Foraminiferes") than they do any other later figures and descriptions, either of these same or other species. In fact, many of the d'Orbignyan species originally described in the above paper have since been changed by subsequent authors, so that the later figures assigned to such species are not at all specifically like the originals. After care- ful comparison it has seemed best to reestablish several of d'Orbigny 's species, such as Polystomella lanieri and others, as fitting the present material under consideration much more definitely than do the recent species under which they have been placed as synonyms. Similarly, in the matter of the genus Asterigerina d'Orbigny, it has seemed best to use that name here. While it is true that Discorbis has species which have "asterigerine" developments on the ventral side, and while Amphistegina also has similar characters, yet here are several species certainly not closely related to Discorbis nor yet with the highly developed characters of Asterigerina. Under such circum- stances, as they fit d'Orbigny's genus Asterigerina perfectly, that name is here applied to them. Only those specimens are figured which are believed to be new. For the others, a reference to figures, either to d'Orbigny or other authors, is given. A few species must be left in a questionable condition, either because they are uniques or are too worn or broken to give full details. A table is given showing the distribution in the different localities. JAMAICA. In his Geology of Jamaica, Hill 1 gives records of Foraminifera, identified by Dr. R. M. Bagg, from a number of localities and horizons. The collections available for the present work are limited to the Bowden marl from Bowden, Jamaica. In 1876 Jones and Parker, 2 gave a list of the species they found in the Bowden marl, and Brady, in the same volume (p. 309), described a new species from the same formation. The list given by Jones and Parker is as follows : Nodosaria raphanistmm Linne". Cristellaria italica Defrance. Dentalina acicula Lamarck. Tinoporus vesicularis Parker and Jones. Vaginulina striata d'Orbigny. Bulimina ovata d'Orbigny. Frondicularia complanata Defrance. Cuneolina pavonia d'Orbigny. Cristellaria rotulata Lamarck. Vertebralina (Articulina) striata d'Orbigny. cultrata Montfort. Lituola soldani Parker and Jones. calcar Linne". 1 Hill, R. T. The geology and physical geography of Jamaica. Study of a type of Antillean development. Based upon surveys made for Alexander Agassiz. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 34, pp. 147 et. seq., 1899. 'Jones, T. R., and W. K. Parker., Ann. Soc. Mai. Belg., vol. 11, Mem. pp. 91-103, 1876. 28 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Tinoporus pilaris was described by Brady. As lias already been noted in discussing the species from Santo Domingo, occasional specimens of rare species in fossil deposits are apt to be found again only after persistent search, as the chance of finding them in any definite amount of material depends upon their rarity. Therefore it is not surprising to find certain species, such as Cristellaria italica, which could hardly be mistaken for anything else, given in Parker and Jones's list from Bowden, but not seen since. A single specimen only was found, according to the original list. In his Geology of Jamaica, Hill gives a list of the Foraminifera identified by R. M. Bagg from Bowden. Except for changes in nomenclature, this list is very similar to that given by Parker and Jones. The list as identified by Bagg follows : Haplostiche soldanii (Parker and Jones). Gypsina globulus (Reuss). Textularia barrettii (Jones and Parker). vesicularis (Parker and Jones). trochus d'Orbigny. Cuneolina sp. Orbiculina adunca (Fichtel and Moll). pavonia d'Orbigny. compressa d'Orbigny. Vaginulina legumen (Linn6). Cristellaria cultrata (Montfort). Nummulites ramondi d'Archiac. cassis (Fichtel and Moll). Amphistegina lessonii d'Orbigny. calcar (Linne"). Each of these lists contains the names of 14 species, with probably 7 species in common, or a possible total of 21 species. In this work I have had, through the kindness of Professor E. W. Berry, of Johns Hopkins University, a considerable quantity of marl from Bowden, and persistent searching has added a number of species not previously recorded, and yet has not revealed certain species listed by earlier workers; 17 of these seem to be additions to the previous lists. Allowing for possible mistakes in identification or duplication of names, it seems fair to limit the present list to 31 species. A number of these are also found in the Miocene of Santo Domingo, Cuba, Panama, and the Coastal Plain of the United States. A few of the Bowden forms seem on critical examination to be undescribed. The Bowden marl is characterized by an abundance of large species of Haplostiche, Cuneolina, Cristellaria, etc., which do not occur in the collections from the other Miocene formations, already referred to, and in a way seems to be unique. It is a striking fact that the same species and varieties of Haplostiche and Cuneolina are found living off the Barbados in 100 fathoms. They may live at lesser depths in the same region, but are not present in very shallow water of the tropics, so far as records are available. Cuneolina is also abundant in similar or lesser depths in the colder water off the Atlantic Coast of the eastern United States, although no published records give this. The data above given, therefore, suggest that, if the depth were slight, the water conditions were cooler than at present. The presence of Orbiculina and other Miliolidse in very small quantities and a lack of Polystomella FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 29 also seem to indicate that the Bowden was deposited at a considerable depth, even if it was less than 100 fathoms. The revised list of Bowden species follows : List of species of fossil Foraminif era from Bowden, Jamaica. Psammosphaera fusca Schultze. Haplostiche dubia var. dubia v. Brk. Haddonia minor Chapman. Texularia barrettii Jones & Parker. Cuneolina pavonia d'Orb. Cuneolina pavonia var. angusta, n. var. Bulimina ovata d'Orb. Nodosaria vertebralis Batsch. Frondicularia alata d'Orb. Cristellaria calcar Linn. bowdenensis, n. sp. italica (Defr). gemmata H. B. Brady. Globigerina bulloides d'Orb. rubra d'Orb. sacculifera, H. B. Brady Globigerina subcretacea Chapman. Spaeroidina dehiscens var. immatura, n. var. Discorbis allomorphinoides (Reuss) . Truncatulina praecincta Karrer. Gypsina vesicularis (Parker & Jones). globulus var. pilaris (H. B. Brady). Pulvinulina sagra d'Orb. Amphistegina lessonii d'Orb. Quinqueloculina auberiana d'Orb. parkeri var. bowdenensis, n. var. Triloculina brongniartiana d'Orb. tricarinata d'Orb. Vertebralina striata d'Orb. Orbiculina compressa d'Orb. CUBA. The Cuban collections are mainly from about Guantanamo Bay, Santiago, and Matanzas. Most of the material obtained near Santiago is from the manganese mines, and contains a great number of individ- uals and several species of Orthophragmina, which seems clearly to be of Eocene age. The collections from near Guantanamo are rich in Lepi- docyclina and evidently represent deposits of Oligocene age. A richly fossiliferous, foraminiferal marl from near Matanzas, of Miocene age, yielded 30 species of smaller Foraminif era, a list of which is given. The table on page 30 shows the distribution at the different stations of the larger and more important species from the eastern end of the island about Santiago and Guantdnamo. Some of the Eocene species seem to be related to those of St. Bartho- lomew and the exposure near David, Panama. List of species from U. S. G. S. Sta. 3461, marl gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba. Textularia cf. T. candeiana d'Orb. Bolivina limbata H. B. Brady. punctata d'Orb. lobata var. cubensis, n. var. Verneuilina spinulosa Reuss. Virgulina punctata d'Orb. Gaudryina triangularis Cushman. Cassidulina subglobosa H. B. Brady. Uvigerina cf. U. canariensis. Globigerina bulloides d'Orb. subcretacea Chapman. Orbulina universa d'Orb. Pullenia obliqueloculata Parker & Jones. Anomalina. Truncatulina lobatula Walk. & Jac. Siphonina TetitHjlata (Czjzek). pulchra, n. sp. Pulvinulina. sagra d'Orb. Planorbulina retinaculata Parker & Jones. Discorbis saulcii d'Orb. Polystomella lanieri d'Orb. sagra d'Orb. Nonionina cf. N. asterizans F. & M. grateloupi d'Orb. sloanii d'Orb. Amphistegina lessonii d'Orb. Quinqueloculina sp. Biloculina cf. B. bulloides d'Orb. 30 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Distribution of other Cuban Foraminifera according to stations at which found. X CO t- 35 iO t~ s X s t^ 00 K o c<> cc X 10 o> s s ro s X 3 1 i co s t>. !0 X O5 i 8 S3 s 3 o Ortnophragiiiina cubensis^ V V V V V V V V V V V V subtaramellei 1 V x? V V V V V sculpturata 1 V crassa 1 V V V V x V V y pustulata* V V Lepidocyclina crassata* V V V V perundosa* V subraulinii* V V morgani 2 V V ? f V V schlumbergeri 3 . . V V V V V rnarginata' V ? V V V > V V sumatrensis* V V V V V V canellei var. yur- nagunensi s* V Linderina? sp.? V V V Carpenteria proteus 1 . V americana 1 V V V V V Conulites americana 1 V V Y X Textularia cf T agglutinata 5 V V V V V V 1 New species. 2 Lemoine and R. Douville. 3 Michellotti. 4 Brady. 6 d'Orbigny. ASTRORHIZID^:. Psammosphaera fusca F. . Schulze. Psammosphcera fusca F. E. Schulze, II Jahr. Comm. wiss. Unt. deutsch. Meer in Kiel, p. 113, plate 2, figs. 8 a to /, 1875; H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9. p. 249, plate 18, figs. 1, 5 to 8 (not 2 to 4), 1884. The following is a description of this species: Test spherical, composed of a single layer of sand grains held together by a grayish cement, exterior rough, aperture consists only of the interstitial spaces. Diameter up to 2 mm. Specimens from Bowden seem referable to this species. LITUOLID^E. Haplostiche dubia (d'Orbigny) var. intermedia (Vanden Broeck). (Plate 6, Figures 1 to 4.) Lituola soldanii Jones and Parker var. intermedia Vanden Broeck, Ann. Soc. Belg. Micr., vol. 2, p. 74, plate 2, figs. 1, 3, 4, 6, 1876. Lituola soldanii Jones and Parker, Ann. Soc. Mai. Belg., vol. 11, p. 98, 1876; Hill, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 34, p. 147, 1899. The following is a description of this variety: Test elongate, subcylindrical, tapering gradually from the broad apertural end to the almost pointed initial end, chambers numerous, 10 to 12, hemi- spherical, the proximal portion overlapping the preceding chamber, sutures excavated, chambers in a linear series with a straight axis or often curved or sharply bent toward the distal end ; wall composed of agglutinated sand grains with occasional tests of other Foraminifera; aperture terminal, central, usually somewhat dendritic; interior of chamber labyrinthic, in transverse section showing the subdivisions arranged in radial manner. Length up to 6 mm. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 31 This is one of the most conspicuous and commonest of the Foram- inifera of the Bowden marl. It was recorded by Jones and Parker as Lituola soldanii Parker and Jones, and it is in Hill's list as Haplostiche soldanii (Parker and Jones). The variety differs from the typical form of the species in its much more distinct chambers, more elongate tapering form, and in the curious tendency to a bending of the axis toward the apertural end. Vanden Broeck described this variety from recent material dredged in 84 fathoms off the Barbados. I have seen some of these specimens and they are apparently identical with those from Bowden. Haddonia minor Chapman. Haddonia minor Chapman, Journ. Linn. Soc., Zoology, vol. 28, p. 384, plate 36, figs. 1, 2, 1902. The following is a description of this species : Test attached at least by the earlier chambers, afterward growing erect or in a vermiform manner; the earlier chambers often triserial, later ones variable; wall roughened somewhat; aperture horseshoe-shaped. Length 2 to 4 mm. Two specimens from the Bowden marl seem very close to this species, described by Chapman from Funafuti Atoll. This is not a surprising distribution, as many things found in the Tertiary of the West Indies are represented by allied forms now living in the Indo-Pacific. TEXTULARHD^E. Textularia barrettii Jones and Parker. (Plate 6, Figures 5 to 7.) Textularia barrettii Jones and Parker, Report Brit. Assoc., Newcastle Meeting, p. 80 and p. 105, 1863; Ann. Soc. Mai. Belg., vol. 11, p. 99, woodcut, 1876; Hill, Bull. Mus. Comp. ZooL, vol. 34, p. 147, 1899. The following is a description of this species : Test broadly conical, circular or somewhat compressed in end view, the compression parallel to the line of union between the series of chambers, exterior smoothly finished, wall of fine arenaceous material with a grayish cement, sutures fairly distinct but not depressed, apertural end with the line between the last-formed chambers depressed, trough-like, nearly straight, the central third slightly excavated at the aperture, which is long and low; interior of the aperture often denticulate, showing slightly at the surface; chambers labyrinthic within, the divisions radially arranged in transverse section. Length of fossil specimens up to 3 mm. This species is recorded from Bowden by Jones and Parker and by Hill. It is rather a common and conspicuous species, but as far as I have seen does not reach the dimensions of recent specimens from the same general region. In HnTs list of species identified by Dr. R. M. Bagg is Textularia trochus d'Orbigny. I have failed to find specimens of this species, 32 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. although the younger specimens of T. barrettii often resemble T. trochus in contour, but the surface characters of the two are distinctive, as well as the size, T. trochus not usually exceeding a millimeter in length. The later chambers of T. barrettii also tend to assume a defi- nitely cylindrical shape which is also distinctive. Textularia species cf. T. candeiana d'Orbigny. Textularia candeiana d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba," Foraminiferes," p. 143, plate 1, figs. 25 to 27, 1839; Cushman, Bull. 71, U. S. Nat. Mus., part 2, p. 12, figs. 14 to 17, 1911. A single specimen from station 3461, marl, gorge of Yumurf River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan, seems to be the young of this species. The material of the test, however, has little agglu- tinated particles, consisting largely of clear shell material. The species was described by d'Orbigny from sands of Cuba, but it is common in shallow waters in the Indo-Pacific region. Textularia species. (Plate 5, Figure 7.) A single sectioned specimen of Textularia was found in a slide from U.S.G.S. No. 6894, southwest side of Crocus Bay, Anguilla. It is elongate, composed of about 25 chambers. It is apparently the microspheric form, as the early chambers are arranged in an irregularly spiral manner. In general its shape suggests T. agglutinata or some related species, but de- terminations based on the section alone are practically valueless. The occurrence of the genus, however, should be noted both for corre- lation work and in order that the species may be looked for by others working on the material from the same locality at a later time. A somewhat similar form occurs in the Cuban material from several stations. It is a form which is here figured. Textularia species cf. T. agglutinata d'Orbigny. (Figure 1.) There is a large species of Textularia that occurs in the thin sections of material from a number of the Cuban stations. It is made up evidently of rather coarse sand grains, elongate, somewhat decreasing in diameter toward the apertural end. In general characters it is like T. agglutinata d'Orbigny. As it is so large and striking a species, it has been used here to check up certain of the Cuban stations in the table. FIG. 1. Textularia cf. agglu- tinata d'Orbigny. Lon- gitudinal section. X 35. Specimen from station 7516, west end of Los M clones Mountain.Cuba. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 33 The species occurs in material from the following stations in Cuba, collected by O. E. Meinzer: 7512, Ocujal; 7513, orbitoidal limestone, outcrop where Palmer Trail joins Ocujal Trail; 7516, west end, Los Melones Mountain; 7521, limestone, top of Mogote Peak; 7543, lime- stone outcrop, east side of Yateras; and 7548, flexure, 2 miles south of Yurnaguna. This is very similar to the specimen figured, plate 5, figure 7, from Anguilla. Bolivina punctata d'Orbigny. Bolivina, punctata d'Orbigny, Voyage Amer. Merid., vol. 5, plate 5, "Foraminiferes," p. 63, plate 8, figs. 10 to 12, 1839; H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 417, plate 52, figs. 18, 19, 1884. One specimen was found in marl from station 3461, gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan. It is referred to this species, although the name Bolivina punctata has had so many different forms of smooth Bolivina placed under it that it means little until a close study can be made of some of the various species now passing under that name. This same species was found in the Miocene Gatun formation of the Panama Canal Zone. Bolivina lobata H. B. Brady var. cubensis, new variety. (Plate 14, Figure 1.) The following is a description of this variety: Test elongate, biserial, somewhat compressed, chambers of the earlier portion close, those of the later portions more distinct and somewhat separated, sutures deep and distinct, somewhat thickened, apertural end obliquely truncated; chambers with the walls more or less granular, the outer margin extended into elongate processes in most of the chambers, outline lobate; aperture elongate, oval, with a broad lip and a sharply defined border. Length, 0.50 mm. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328176) from station 3461, marl from gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan. The type form of the species was described by Brady from off New Guinea, and I have seen specimens of it obtained between Midway Island and Guam. The variety above described differs in its much more spinose appearance and its broader aperture with a flaring collar- like lip. Bolivina limbata H. B. Brady. Bolivina limbata H. B. Brady, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., vol. 21, p. 57, 1881; Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 419, plate 52, figs. 26-28, 1884. This species is represented by a single specimen from station 3461, from marl, gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan. As a recent species it is most abundant in the Indo-Pacific region, although widely distributed elsewhere in smaller numbers. 34 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Cuneolina pavonia d'Orbigny. (Plate 7, Figure 1.) Cuneolina pavonia d'Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Vienne, p. 253, plate 21, figs. 50 to 52, 1846; Cours 616m. Pal6ont., etc., vol. 1, p. 203, fig. 30, 1849; vol. 2, plate 2, p. 648, fig. 526, 1852; Carpenter, Parker, and Jones, Introd. Foram., p. 193, plate 12, fig. 17, 1862; Jones and Parker, Ann. Soc. Mai. Belg., vol. 11, p. 98, 1876; Schwager, Boll. R. Com. Geol. Ital., vol. 8, p. 26, plate, fig. 61, 1877; Hill, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 34, p. 147, 1899. The following is a description of this species : Test strongly compressed in a plane parallel to that of the junction between the chambers, which are biserially arranged, nearly as wide as long, the sutures appearing at the narrow sides of the test, outline from the flattened side triangular, the apertural end broad and slightly convex, initial end pointed, in side view test narrow with nearly parallel sides, chambers slightly inflated, sutures slightly depressed, wall arenaceous with an abundance of cement, smoothly finished exteriorly; aperture extending nearly the entire width of the test, divided into a series of smaller circular or elliptical openings by prolongations of the apertural wall. Length up to 4 mm. or slightly more; breadth equal to the length. This is one of the commonest and most striking of the Bowden species. D'Orbigny's figure shows a specimen fully as broad as long and from its early stages being very broad. In the Bowden material there are two forms which, although they vary somewhat, seem never- theless worthy of distinction. Cuneolina pavonia d'Orbigny var. angusta, new variety. (Plate 7, Figure 2.) The following is a description of this variety: Test differing from the typical in its much narrower form, the length usually twice the width, slightly thicker than the typical, the chambers occasionally showing a tendency toward an angle in the center. Length up to 5 mm. or more. This narrower variety is much more common than the broader typical form. Vanden Broeck did not record it from his material off Barbados, but it occurs in considerable numbers there in 100 fathoms with Haplostiche dubia var. intermedia Vanden Broeck and other species. It is also met with rather frequently off our eastern coast, although it is practically unrecorded as a recent species. Verneuilina spinulosa Reuss. Verneuilina spinulosa Reuss, Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 1, p. 374, plate 47, fig. 12, 1850; H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 384, plate 47, figs. 1 to 3, 1884. The species is represented by a single specimen, very typical in all its characters, from station 3461, from marl, gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, T. W. Vaughan, collector. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 35 Gaudryina triangularis Cushman. Gaudryina triangularis Cushman, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 71, part 2, p. 65, fig. 104, 1911. A single specimen from station 3461, marl, from gorge of Yumurf River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan, is very similar to this species described from the Pacific. It was found as a fossil in the lower part of the Culebra formation in the Panama Canal Zone. Bulimina ovata d'Orbigny. Bulimina ovata d'Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Bass. Tert. Vienne, p. 185, plate 11, figs. 13, 14, 1846. A single specimen from Bluff 2, Cercado de Mao, which is rather too elongate for this species, but in the absence of more material it is referred here questionably. Under this name Jones and Parker record a single specimen from the Bowden marl measuring 2 mm. in length. I have not been able to find it in the Bowden material I have examined. Virgulina punctata d'Orbigny. Virgulina punctata d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, " Foraminiferes," p. 139, plate 1, figs. 35, 36, 1839. This species, described by d'Orbigny in the Cuba monograph, has been referred to but once since. Specimens in the material from station 3461, marl from the gorge of the Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan, in their outline and form of the chambers are almost identical with the figure given by d'Orbigny. Cassidulina subglobosa H. B. Brady. Cassidulina subglobosa H. B. Brady, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., vol. 21, p. 60, 1881; Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 430, plate 54, figs. 17 a to c, 1884; Cushman, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 71, part 2, p. 98, figs. 152 a to c, 1911. A specimen that has an aperture like that of this species, but with the whole test somewhat more compressed, was found in the material from station 3461, marl from gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan. This species is practically unknown in the fossil state. LAGENID^:. Nodosaria vertebralis (Batsch). (Plate 7, Figures 3 to 5.) Nautilus (Orthoceras) vertebralis Batsch, Conch. Seesandes, p. 3, No. 6, plate 2, figs. 6 a, b, 1791. Nodosaria vertebralis H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 514, plate 63, fig. 35; plate 64, figs. 11 to 14, 1884; Flint, Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 312, plate 57, fig. 5, 1897 (1899) ; Cushman, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 71, part 3, p. 60, plate 32, fig. 1, 1913. The following is a description of this species : Test elongate, slender, somewhat tapering to the almost pointed initial end, straight or more often somewhat arcuate, chambers numerous, little inflated, sutures between the chambers of clear shell material appearing darker than the main, more opaque chamber walls; surface with a few longitudinal costae, 36 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. prominent, and little affected by the individual chambers, running uninter- ruptedly from one end of the test to the other; specimens, when complete, with a short spine at the initial end; aperture radiate, slightly produced. Length up to 7.5 mm. This species is a common one in the Carribbean and Gulf of Mexico at the present time and in the Pacific tropical regions as well. Its main characteristics are the clear sutural areas between the chambers and the slightly curved elongate test. Although by no means common, well-developed specimens are found occasionally in the material from Bowden. Jones and Parker record Nodosaria raphanistrum Linn6 from the Bowden marl, and probably this is the same as recorded here as N. vertebralis. In Hill's list of species identified by Bagg no Nodo- saria appears, but Vaginulina legumen (Linne"). Possibly this may have been a specimen of N. vertebralis. Jones and Parker also record single specimens referred to Dentalina acicula Lamarck and Vaginulina striata d'Orbigny. Both of these and their N. raphanistrum are given as 5.25 mm. in length, and it is a question if they are not perhaps all N. vertebralis. In all the material I have examined the only Nodo- sarian specimens I have seen may all be referred to N. vertebralis. Nodosaria species. (Figure 2, a and 6.) In the sections 2 specimens of Nodosaria occur, one showing 3, the other 4 chambers. They are small, of fairly uniform diameter, and may represent a small, few-chambered species or may be the young of some larger species, although if the latter the adults were not observed. FIG. 2. Longitudinal sections of either young or few-chambered speci- mens of Nodosaria. Figure a, four-chambered specimen from station 7519, drift near top of landslide next north of Los Melones Mountain, Cuba. Fig. b, three-chambered specimen from station 7513, lime- stone outcrop where Palmer Trail joins Ocujal Trail, Cuba. The stations are 7513, orbitoidal limestone, outcrop where Palmer Trail joins Ocujal Trail and 7519, from drift near top of landslide next north of Los Melones; both collected by O. E. Meinzer. Frondicularia alata d'Orbigny. (Plate 8, Figure 1.) "Nautili candiformes" Soldani, Testaceographia, vol. 2, p. 13, plate 1, fig. c, 1798. Frondicularia alata d'Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., vol. 7, p. 256, No. 2, 1826. Parker, Jones, and H. B. Brady, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 8, p. 161; plate 10, fig, 66, 1871; H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 522, plate 65, figs. 20 to 23; plate 66, figs. 3 to 5, 1884. Frondicularia alata d'Orbigny var. lanceolata Vanden Broeck, Ann. Soc. Belg. Micr., vol. 2, p. 117, plate 2, fig. 13, 1876. Frondicularia complanata Jones and Parker (not Defrance), Ann. Soc. Mai. Belg., vol. 11, p. 98, 1876. The following is a description of this species: Test flattened, in outline triangular, the chambers at the initial end form- ing nearly a straight base, apertural end bluntly pointed, chambers of nearly FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 37 uniform width throughout, initial end usually with several short, blunt, conical spines extending backward, usually best developed at the angles and near the proloculum. Length up to 7 mm. Jones and Parker recorded 2 specimens in their early list, "one elliptical, and another oval." In the material I have seen there are several specimens showing considerable variation. The most common form is that figured by Vanden Broeck as var. lanceolate and referred to above. In the fossil specimens spinosity of the basal margin is even more marked, in some cases as many as 3 short spines appearing from the proloculum alone and occasionally in pairs one behind the other in front view. These may appear at various parts of the basal margin. Besides this common form there are a few specimens more like Vanden Broeck's var. sagittula (e. c., plate 2, figs. 12, 14), and one at least which closely resembles the form described by him as F. complanata var. concinna (op. cit., plate 3, fig. 2). In general the series is not unlike that of recent material from the Carribbean and Gulf of Mexico. Cristellaria calcar (Linne) var. aspinosa, new variety. (Plate 6, Figure 8.) The following is a description of this variety: Test small, close-coiled, biconvex, umbonate, smooth, sutures not depressed, peripheral margin acute, with a distinct but very narrow carina with a very slight knob-like spine opposite each chamber. Diameter about 0.75 mm. Type specimen from the Miocene Bowden marl, Jamaica (U. S. N. M. No. 328177). This is very close to the typical form of C. calcar as figured (Cushman, Bull. 71, U. S. Nat. Mus., part 3, plate 32, figure 4), but the spines in the Bowden specimens are nearly obsolete. These are not broken spines, but are really shortened and knob-like or almost wanting. It is rare in the Bowden material. Cristellaria bowdenensis, new species. (Plate 8, Figure 2.) The following is a description of this species: Test comparatively large, much compressed, chambers long and narrow, broadening somewhat toward the periphery, sutures gently curved; peri- pheral margin with a thin keel of medium width prolonged at irregular inter- vals into a series of rowel-like spines, short, rounded near the base, and apparently having little relation to the chambers; surface of the chambers smooth, the sutures typically raised, limbate, with a series of tubercles run- ning from the umbilical area to the periphery; aperture somewhat back from the periphery in the last-formed chambers, really terminal in the young, and early chambers peripheral, stellate. Diameter up to 4 mm. 38 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Type specimen from the Miocene Bowden marl, Jamaica (U. S. N. M. No. 328178). This is a fairly common species at this locality and is the one from Bowden referred to by various authors as Cristellaria calcar. It is not typical C. calcar and seems to be distinctive in its size, form, and ornamentation. The nearest approach to it is perhaps the form described from the Carribbean by Goes (Kongl. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl., vol. 19, No. 4, p. 49, plate 3, figs. 3, 50, 51, 1888) under the name Nodosarina crepidula var. cassis (Fichtel and Moll). Cristellaria gemmata H. B. Brady. Cristellaria gemmata H. B. Brady, Quart. Journ. Micr. Soc., vol. 21, p. 64, 1881; Rep. Voy. Chatten^er, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 554, plate 71, figs. 6, 7, 1884. A single very typical specimen of this species was obtained from the Bowden marl, Bowden, Jamaica. Brady's records of its occurrence as a recent species include the Fiji Islands, Torres Strait, and the Philip- pines. Cristellaria italica (Defrance). Saracenaria italica Defrance, Diet. Sci. Nat., vol. 32, p. 177, 1824; vol. 47, p. 344; Atla3 Conch., plate 13, fig. 6. Cristellaria (Saracenaria) italica d'Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., vol. 7, p. 293, 1826. Cristellaria italica Parker, Jones, and H. B. Brady, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. 16, pp. 21, 31, plate 1, figs. 41, 42, 1865; Jones and Parker, Ann. Soc. Mai. Belg., vol. 11, p. 98, 1876; H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 544, plate 68, figs. 17, 18, 20, 23, 1884. Jones and Parker, in their list of species from the Bowden marl, record a single specimen of this species, measuring about 6 mm. in length. That is about the size of large recent specimens from this same general region. I have not found the species in the material I have examined from the Bowden, but it occurs in material from the Panama Canal Zone. Polymorphina species. (Plate 8, Figure 4.) In the sections from station 7664, north slope La Piedra, northeast of Jamaica, northeast of Quanta" namo, collected by N. H. Dart on, there are specimens of a large species of Polymorphina, with fairly thick walls. One of these is figured in the reference given above. GLOBIGERINIDJS. Globigerina bulloides d'Orbigny. Globigerina bulloides d'Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., vol. 7, p. 277, No. 1, 1826; in Barker, Webb, and Berthelot, Hibt. Nat. Isles Canaries, "Foraminiferes," p. 132, plate 2, figs. 1, 3, 28, 1839; Foram. Foss. Bass. Tert. Vienne, p. 163, plate 9, figs. 4, 6, 1846; H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 593, plate 77, plate 79, figs. 3 to 7, 1884. A few specimens of this common species occur in the Bowden, Jamaica, material, accompanied as usual by some specimens which FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 39 may be referred to variety triloba Reuss. A few specimens were also obtained in material from Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. This species occurs in the Miocene both of Panama and the Coastal Plain of Florida and Virginia. Globigerina rubra d'Orbigny. Globigerina rubra d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, 1839, Foraminiferes, p. 94, plate 4, figs. 12 to 14; H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 602, plate 79, figs. 11 to 16, 1884. A single specimen was found which seems referable to this common species so characteristic of the Caribbean region. It is from Jamaica, from the Bowden marl. Globigerina sacculifera H. B. Brady. Globigerina helicina Carpenter (not G. helicina d'Orbigny), Intr. Foram., plate 12, fig. 11, 1862. Globigerina sacculifera H. B. Brady, Geol. Mag., Dec. 2, vol. 4, p. 535, 1877; Rep. Voy. Chal- lenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 604, plate 80, figs. 11 to 17, plate 82, fig. 4, 1884. One or two specimens are very evidently this common species, so common in Globigerina ooze of recent ocean bottoms, but almost unknown as a fossil species. They occurred in the Bowden marl from Jamaica. Globigerina subcretacea Chapman. Globigerina cretacea H. B. Brady (not G. cretacea d'Orbigny), Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 596, plate 82, fig. 10, 1884. Globigerina subcretacea Chapman, Journ. Linn. Soc., Zoology, vol. 28, p. 410, plate 36, figs. 16 a, b, 1902. A single specimen of this species was obtained in the material from Bowden, Jamaica. Globigerina inflata d'Orbigny. Globigerina inflata d'Orbigny, in Barker, Webb, and Berthelot, Hist. Nat. lies Canaries, "Foraminiferes," p. 134, plate 2, figs. 7 to 9, 1839. A few specimens from Zone I, Rio Cana, and also from both Bluffs 2 and 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. It is also known from the Miocene of the Panama Canal Zone. Globigerina conglobata H. B. Brady. Globigerina conglobata H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 603, plate 80, figs. 1 to 5, 1884. A single typical specimen from Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. The species also occurs in the Miocene of the Panama Canal Zone. Globigerina species. (Plate 5, Figure 13.) A small species of Globigerina in the section illustrated, reminding one of G. cequilateralis, occurs at U. S. G. S. No. 6924 from limestone point on northwest side of St. Jean Bay, St. Bartholomew. As the sections do not give the entire form it is impossible to identify it specifically with any certainty. 40 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Globigerina species. (Plate 8, Figure 3.) A small species of Globigerina is very common in the sections of rock specimens from Cuba. It occurred at station 7513, orbitoidal limestone, outcrop where Palmer Trail joins Ocujal Trail; station 7516, west end, Los Melones; and station 7521, limestone, top of Mogote Peak; all collected by O. E. Meinzer. The figured specimen which seems to be the same is from station 7664, north slope La Piedra, northeast of Jamaica, northeast of Quanta" namo, collected by N. H. Darton. Orbulina universa d'Orbigny. Orbulina universa d'Orbigny, in Barker, Webb, and Berthelot, Hist. Nat. lies Canaries "Foraminiferes," p. 123, plate 1, fig. 1, 1839. Single specimens occurred in material from Zone A, Rio Gurabo, and Bluff 2, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. It is known also from the Miocene of the Panama Canal Zone. Sphaeroidina dehiscens Parker and Jones var. immature, new variety. (Plate 14, Figure 2.) The following is a description of this variety: Test exteriorly composed almost entirely of two visible chambers, with a small portion of a third sometimes slightly showing; chambers spherical, walls coarsely perforate, suture between the chambers very slightly fissure-like on opposite sides, otherwise closed and simply depressed. Diameter 0.4 to 0.5 mm. All of the specimens from the Bowden marl seem to belong to this species, but they are very constant in having the characters only slightly developed, the usual separation of the chambers being barely indicated and the division, instead of being a deep-cut fissure, is merely a simple cut in the central part of the sutural region at either side. The specimens also are very small, but are uniform in size and in general characters. A number of specimens were obtained. Pullenia obliqueloculata Parker and Jones. Pullenia obliqueloculata Parker and Jones, Philos. Trans., vol. 155, p. 368, plate 19, figs. 4 a, 6, 1865; H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 618, plate 84, figs. 16 to 20, 1884; Flint, Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1897, p. 324, plate 70, fig. 6 (1899); Cushman, Bull. 71, U. S. Nat. Mus., part 4, p. 22, plate 10, fig. 3; plate 12, figs. 2, 3, 1914. This species is very rare in the marl from station 3461, gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan. It is a very rare species in the fossil state. ROTALIIDJE. Discorbis orbicularis (Terquem). Discorbina orbicularis (Terquem), H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 647, plate 98, figs. 4 to 8, 1884. A single specimen was found in the material from Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 41 Discorbis saulcii (d'Orbigny). Rosalina saulcii d'Orbigny, Foram. Amer. Merid., p. 42, plate 2, figs. 9 to 11, 1839. Discorbina saulcii Parker and Jones, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. 28, p. 156, 1872; H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 653, plate 91, figs. 6 a to c, 1884. Most of the records for this species are from the Pacific. The specimens from station 3461, marl, gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan, are very similar to the published figures. Discorbis allomorphinoides (Reuss). Valvulina allomorphinoides Reuss, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 40, p. 223, plate 11, fig. 6, 1860. Discorbina allomorphinoides H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 654, plate 91, figs. 5 and 8, 1884. Several specimens from the Bowden marl, Bowden, Jamaica, are very close to Brady's figures, especially plate 91, figure 5 in the Chal- lenger report, referred to above. Reuss's material was from the Creta- ceous of Westphalia, and I am not at all satisfied that Brady was justified in referring the recent specimens from Torres Strait and the Philippines to Reuss's species. It seems more than likely that the Indo- Pacific recent specimens and those from the Miocene of the West Indies may be identical, as there are numerous other instances of West Indian Miocene species persisting in the living fauna of the Indo-Pacific. Planorbulina retinaculata Parker and Jones. Planorbulina retinaculata Parker and Jones, Phil. Trans., vol. 155, p. 380, plate 19, fig. 2, 1865. A single specimen with irregularly placed chambers, very coarsely perforate, and with the peripheral spinose character of the type figure, was found at station 3461, marl from gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan. The type specimens were from the tropics. Truncatulina lobatula (Walker and Jacob). Truncatulina lobatula (Walker and Jacob), H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 660, plate 92, fig. 10; plate 93, figs. 1, 4, 5, 1884. A single specimen was found in material from Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. The later chambers are somewhat irregular, as is often the case in attached recent specimens. The species also occurs in the Miocene of South Carolina and Virginia. Truncatulina haidingerii (d'Orbigny). Rotalina haidingerii d'Orbigny, Foram. Foss. Bass. Tert. Vienne, p. 154, plate 8, figs. 7 to 9, 1846. A single specimen from Bluff 2, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. Truncatulina praecincta (Karrer). Rotalia proedncta Karrer, Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien., vol. 58, p. 189, plate 5, fig. 7, 1868; Seguenza, Atti. Accad. Lincei, ser. 3, vol. 6, pp. 56, 64, 1897. Truncatulina prcecincta H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 667, plate 95, figs. 1 to 3, 1884. The following is a description of this species : Test free, biconvex, dorsal side slightly, ventral side strongly, peripheral margin bluntly rounded, chambers numerous, sutures on dorsal side oblique, 42 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. ventrally slightly curved, line between the whorls clearly marked by a raised rounded ridge of clear shell material, sutures ventrally marked in a similar manner, strongest toward umbilicus, where they often unite in a raised ring; aperture elongate, in the middle of the ventral side next to the previous whorl. Diameter about 1 mm. Several specimens of this species were found in the Bowden material from Jamaica. It is a species which as a recent one is practically con- fined to tropical and subtropical regions. It was described by Karrer from the Miocene of the Banat region of Hungary and has been recorded from the Miocene and Pliocene of Italy by several authors. Siphonina reticulata (Czjzek). Rotalina reticulata Czjzek, Haidinger's Nat. Abh., vol. 2, p. 145, plate 13, figs. 7-9, 1848. Siphonina reticulata Bronn, Lethaea Geognostica, ed. 3, vol. 3, p. 227, plate 35, figs. 23 a to c, 1853-1856; Cushman, Bull. 71, U. S. Nat. Mus., part 5, p. 43, fig. 48 (in text), plate 16, fig. 4, plate 28, fig. 3, 1915. Truncatulina reticulata H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 669, plate 96, figs. 5 to 8, 1884. There are a few specimens referable to this species in the marl from station 3461, gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan. It was recorded from the Miocene, Gatun formation, at Monkey Hill, in the Panama Canal Zone. Various forms or species are present in the Tertiary of America and need careful study and separation rather than the general lumping of all these under the one name of S. reticulata, as has been the usual procedure. The following species is very different and distinct. Siphonina pulchra, new species. (Plate 14, Figures 7 a to c.) The following is a description of this species : Test in front view nearly circular, rotaliform, composed of numerous cham- bers in several whorls, in end view much compressed, widest in the central region. Thence gradually tapering to the subacute periphery; chambers usually about 5 to each whorl, indistinct, except the last-formed chamber, which is somewhat more clearly defined by the slightly depressed suture, those of the other chambers being even with the surface and very indistinct; aperture exsert, with a short neck extending out from the periphery, passing into a broadly flaring lip with a distinct, extended border, aperture itself narrowly elliptical, several times as long as wide; wall of test of a darker gray with markings of a lighter color, those of the center rounded, those toward the periphery more linear; diameter about 1 mm. Type specimen from Cuba, station 3461, in marl from gorge of Yumuri River, near Matanzas. This is a much larger species than the other of the same genus that occurs with it and here referred to S. reticulata. S. pulchra has no fimbriated periphery and practically no keel, which with its larger size and peculiar ornamentation will serve to distinguish it. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 43 Conulites americana, new species. The following is a description of this species : Test conical, height about two-thirds the width at the base, apex broadly rounded, base slightly convex, peripheral angle subacute, the peripheral region standing out somewhat from the general conical mass of the rest of the test; early chambers spirally arranged, later ones annular, exterior of test in section tubular, central portion made up of irregularly curved chambers, more or less irregularly divided into labyrinthic subdivisions; surface fairly smooth. Diameter at base slightly less than 2 mm. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328179), section from station 6902, southeast section of southwest side of island near Negre Point, ele- vation 360 feet, St. Bartho- lomew, Leeward Islands. Sectioned specimens were also observed in material from the following stations in Cuba: 3448, limestone from hillside south of Panupo man- ganese mine, La Maya, near Santi- ago, collected by T. W.Vaughan;3478, Nuevitas, collected by A. C. Spencer; 7666, from Sierra Guaso, northeast of Guantanamo, collected by N. H. Darton. This is similar to the C. cegyptiensis Chapman from the Eocene of Egypt and Italy, but differs in its general proportions and in the flange-like extension of the peripheral border at the base. Gypsina vesicularis (Parker and Jones). Orbitolina vesicularis Parker and Jones, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. 6, p. 31, No. 5, 1860. Tinoporus vesicularis Carpenter, Introd. Foram., p. 224, plate 15, figs. 1 to 4, 1862; Parker and Jones, Ann. Soc. Mai. Belg., vol., 11, p. 98, 1876. Gypsina vesicularis Carter, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 20, p. 173, 1877; H.B.Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 718, plate 101, figs. 9 to 12, 1884; Hill, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 34, p. 147, 1899. Parker and Jones and also Hill record this species from the Bowden marl of Jamaica, but I have failed to find it in that I have examined. Parker and Jones mention a single specimen, 4.75 mm. in size. Gypsina inhaerens (Schultze). Gypsina inhcerens (Schultze) H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 718, plate 102, figs. 1 to 6, 1884. Specimens which are evidently of this species were collected at three stations: several specimens at Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao; rare at Bluff 2, Cercado de Mao; and Zone H, Rio Cana, Santo Domingo. FIG. 3. Conulites americana, new species. Vertical section show- ing coarser structure and outer layer with fine tubules. X 35. Specimen from station 6902, St. Bartholomew, Leeward Islands. 44 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Gypsina globulus (Reuss). (Plate 4, Figure 7.) Ceriopora gldbulus Reuss, Haidinger's Nat. Abh., vol. 2, 1847, p. 33, plate 5, fig. 7. Gypsina globulus H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 717, plate 101, fig. 8, 1884. In the material from U. S. G. S. No. 6966, southwest shore of Cro- cus Bay, Anguilla, occasional specimens occur which seem to belong to this species. A median section of a small specimen is shown here. There does not seem to be the definite radial arrangement of chambers that is usually the case in the fossil specimens of this species. I have the species in fossil condition from Santo Domingo. Two specimens were found at Bluff 2 and a single one at Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao. Gypsina globulus (Reuss) var. pilaris (H. B. Brady). (Plate 9, Figures 1, 2.) Tinoporus pilaris H. B. Brady, Ann. Soc. Mai. Belg., vol. 11, p. 103, 1876. Gypsina globulus Hill, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 34, p. 147, 1899. The following is a description of this variety: Test spherical, comparatively large, exterior appearing smooth, but when magnified showing an areolate surface due to the walls of the chambers; wall calcareous, perforate; chambers in radial columns increasing in diameter from the center to the periphery. Diameter up to 4 mm. or more. Brady described this variety as a species of Tinoporus from the Miocene of Jamaica. It is probably the most conspicuous species and is very abundant in the Bowden material. The variety differs from typical G. globulus mainly hi size, the typical having a much smaller test. Plate 9, figure 2, gives a general idea of the internal structure of the test. There are specimens from station 3446, first deep cutting on railroad east of La Cruz, near Santiago, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan, which in size, shape, and general characters seem very close to this variety. The internal structure, as far as it is preserved, seems also to be identical with the Bowden material. The geologic occurrence of these specimens is in the Miocene La Cruz marl. Gypsina species. Sectioned specimens from 3 stations in Cuba showed what seem to be sections of Gypsina. They are associated in each case with Lepidocy- clina and Carpenteria. The stations are 7513, outcrops where Palmer Trail joins Ocujal Trail; 7521, limestone in place, top of Mogote Peak; and 7522, also Mogote Peak; collected by O. E. Meinzer. Pulvinulina sagra (d'Orbigny). Rotalina sagra d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, "Foraminif feres," p. 77, plate 5, figs. 13 to 15, 1839. Specimens from the Bowden marl, Bowden, Jamaica, and from station 3461, marl from the gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan, seem to be identical with the species FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 45 described by d'Orbigny from Cuba in 1839. The exact proportions and relations of the chambers that are shown in d'Orbigny's figures are found in the fossil specimens. The species is known from the Miocene of Florida and Virginia, and probably occurs in Panama as well. It is a common species in the Indo-Pacific. Rotalia species. (Plate 8, Figure 6.) A small, close-coiled, rotaliform species with mimerous chambers in each volution occurs at a number of the Cuban stations, as follows: 7512, Ocujal; 7513, orbitoidal limestone, outcrop where Palmer Trail joins Ocujal Trail; 7516, west end, Los Melones Mountain; 7519, from drift near top of landslide next north of Los Melones; and 7543, lime- stone outcrop, east side of Yateras; all collected by O. E. Meinzer. Asterigerina carinata d'Orbigny. Asterigerina carinata d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist, Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, 1839, "Foramin- iferes," p. 118, plate 5, fig. 25, plate 6, figs. 1, 2. A very typical specimen came from Bluff 2, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. Asterigerina angulata, new species. (Plate 13, Figure 1.) The following is a description of this species : Test free, rotaliform, dorsal side very slightly convex, ventral side high, acutely angled at the peripheral edge but not carinate ; last-formed whorl with typically about 15 chambers; sutures on the dorsal side obliquely recurved, of clearer material than the chamber walls, occasionally with a slight bead- like enlargement on the inner border, earlier whorls slightly exposed and the umbonate region with a transparent clear area; ventral side with the sutures ending in an angle about midway between the center and the periphery, from which a secondary chamber is developed to the umbilical region, alternating with the main chambers; umbilical region solid, of clearer shell material; aperture rather long and narrow at the inner margin of the ventral face; surface granular or slightly papillate, especially about the aperture. Average diameter 1.5 to 2 mm. Specimens of Asterigerina angulata are frequent or abundant at the four stations Zones H and I, Rio Cana, and Bluffs 2 and 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. It is thicker species than A. carinata d'Orbigny; and it has an acute but not carinate angle and nearly double the number of chambers. Asterigerina rotundata, new species. (Plate 13, Figure 2.) The following is a description of this species : Test free, rotaliform, biconvex, dorsal side less convex than the ventral, peripheral angle broadly rounded; last-formed coil with 15 to 18 chambers; sutures on the dorsal side gently recurved, slightly limbate, earlier whorls exposed and forming nearly half the width of the dorsal side of the test 46 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. ventral side with the sutures very similar to those of A. angulata; the umbilicate region solid, with clearer shell material; surface of test granular throughout, opaque, causing the sutures on both sides to be indistinct; aperture ventral, elongate. Diameter, 1 to 1.25 mm. This species was found in considerable numbers at Zone G, Rio Gurabo, Santo Domingo. It differs from A. angulata in its rounded periphery, granular, opaque surface, broadly rounded ventral side, and inconspicuous sutures. Asterigerina tuberculata, new species. (Plate 13, Figures 3, 4.) The following is a description of this species: Test free, rotaliform, biconvex, becoming truncate and short cylindical, peripheral angle in young subangular, becoming rounded in the adult, outline regular in the early stages, in the adult becoming lobed, especially in the last few chambers; dorsal surface rather flat, slightly convex, conspicuously pitted or scrobiculate, last-formed coil narrow, making only the extreme peripheral portion in the adult on the dorsal side; ventral side with large tubercles or knobs developed near the peripheral border, remainder of surface with coarse granulations; in some specimens the height of the test equals its diameter and the ventral and dorsal sides are nearly parallel; the periphery high and flattened to make a short cylindical test; sutures as typical in the genus; aperture ventral, narrow. Diameter up to 2 mm. Specimens were obtained from Zone I, Rio Cana, and a single one from Zone 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. This is a peculiarly ornamented and shaped species, the change in outline during development being very marked, as is the very strongly tuberculate ornamentation. Carpentaria americana, new species. FIG. 4. Carpenteria americana new species. Transverse section of a specimen showing deeply- pitted surface of shell tissue surrounding chambers. X 35. From station 7518, south side, near west end, Los Melones Mountain, Cuba. The following is a description of this species : Test attached, composed of several subglobular chambers forming an irregular Globigerina-like mass, the base conforming to the object to which FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 47 it is attached, the rest of the test in an irregular rounded mass; chambers rounded, thick-walled, with numerous coarse, tubular perforations. Diameter 2 to 3 mm. Distribution. Specimens referable to this species occurred in the sectioned material from the following stations in Cuba: 7513, outcrops where Palmer Trail joins Ocujal Trail; 7518, south side near west end, Los Melones Mountain; 7521, limestone in place, Mogote Peak; 7522, also Mogote Peak, collected by 0. E. Meinzer; and at 7664, north slope La Piedra, northeast of Jamaica, north- east of Guantanamo, collected by N. H. Barton. Carpentaria proteus, new species. (Plate 5, Figure 3.) The following is a description of this species : Test composed of a few subglobular chambers, the smaller end attached, the later chambers larger and extending upward, forming a roughly club-shaped column, walls thick but rather finely perforate, the exterior comparatively smooth. Length 2 to 3 mm. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328180), section from station 6921, Governor's Bay, point between the bay and Grand or Ngre Point, St. Bartholomew, collected by T. W. Vaughan. It was also collected at 6924, from bed of limestone on point on northwest side of St. Jean Bay, St. Bartholomew, and 6895, spur on southeast side of cay northwest of St. Jean Bay, 170 feet above sea- level, both collected by T.W. Vaughan. In the last two stations it occurs in association with Orthophragmina. A similar form occurs in Cuba, sta- tion 7666, from Sierra Guaso, northeast of GuanUnamo, collected by N. H. Darton, again in association with Orthophragmina. It is also very similar to a specimen obtained at station 6512, Panama, limestone in river-bed at David, which specimen is also associated with Ortho- phragmina. Linderina species. (Plate 8, Figures 7 and 8.) A few sectioned specimens which seem to represent Foraminifera belonging to this genus occur in association with Conulites americana FIG. 5. Carpenteria americana, new sp. A longitudinal section through a well- developed specimen, longest part of figure representing basal portion of specimen. X 50. From station 7513, limestone outcrop where Palmer Trail joins Ocujal Trail. Cuba. 48 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. at the three stations in Cuba, as follows : Station 3448, limestone from hillside south of Panupo manganese mine, La Maya, near Santiago, col- lected by T. W. Vaughan; 3478, Nuevitas, collected by A. C. Spencer; and 7666, Sierra Guaso, northeast of Guantanamo, collected by N. H. Darton. It was also obtained at station 6125, railroad cut near San Nicolas manganese mine, west of San Luis, by C. W. Hayes. The two figured specimens give only a somewhat general idea of the sections. At each of the three stations there is an association of Linderinaf, Conulites, and Orthophragmina, three genera usually associated with the Eocene. Linderina is, so far as known, an Eocene genus, recorded from England and Belgium, from Celebes, Borneo, and the Loo Choo Islands. A somewhat similar form occurs at station 6512, Panama, river-bed at David. NUMMULITID^:. Nonionina grateloupi d'Orbigny. Nonionina grateloupi d'Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., vol. 7, p. 294, 1826; in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, "Foraminiferes," p. 46, plate 6, figs. 6, 7, 1839. Specimens identical with d'Orbigny 's figures were found in the Cuban material, station 3461, marl, gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, col- lected by T. W. Vaughan, and a single specimen in Doctor Maury's material from Santo Domingo, Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao. Nonionina sloani d'Orbigny. Nonionina sloani d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, "Foraminiferes," p. 46, plate 6, fig. 18, 1839. This species was found in the Cuban material, station 3461, marl, gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, collected by T. W. Vaughan, and a single specimen in Doctor Maury's material from Bluff 2, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. Nonionina species cf. N. asterizans (Fichtel and Moll). Nautilus asterizans Fichtel and Moll, Test. Micr., p. 37, plate 3, figs, e to h, 1803. Pulmnulus asterizans Lamarck, Tab. Encycl. et Method., plate 23, plate 466, figs. 10 a to d, 1816. Nonionina asterizans Parker and Jones, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. 19, p. 287, plate 11, figs. 20, 21, 1857. A specimen from station 3461, marl from gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan, has many of the charac- ters of this species, but differs in the smaller amount of the umbilical projections and rounder outline from the published figures. It is referred here provisionally. Nonionina species. (Plate 5, Figure 11; Plate 8, Figure 5.) Occasional specimens occur in the sections as shown in the figure, apparently sections of a small species of Nonionina. The specimen illustrated by plate 5, fig. 11, is from Anguilla, U.S.G.S. No. 6894, FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 49 southwest side of Crocus Bay. Sections, plate 8, fig. 5, which also seem to be Nonionina occur in the material from station 6117 from the band of limestone, hill east of railroad and south of Cristo, near Santiago, C. W. Hayes, collector. Polystomella sagra (d'Orbigny). Rotalina sagra d'Orbigiiy, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, "Foraminiferes," p. 77, plate 5, figs. 13 to 15, 1839. A single specimen very exactly fitting the figure given by d'Orbigny was obtained in material from Bluff 2, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. It was also found in the marl from station 3461, gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan. It was also found in the Miocene material from Panama Canal Zone. Polystomella lanieri d'Orbigny. Polystomella lanieri d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, "Foraminiferes," p. 54, plate 7, figs. 12, 13, 1839. Specimens showing very little variation and almost precisely like the figure given by d'Orbigny occur in both Zones H and I, Rio Cana, and Bluffs 2 and 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. Brady, in the Challenger Report, places this species as a synonym of Polystomella crispa Linne, but these fossil specimens are very different from the typical P. crispa and are exactly like the figure of P. lanieri given by d'Orbigny. In fact, most of our specimens might have been taken for the illustration, so close are the essential details. It certainly seems that this is a valid species and one common in the Tertiary and perhaps the recent seas of the West Indies. Very typical material was also obtained at station 3461, marl from gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan. Polystomella striatopunctata (Fichtel and Moll). Polystomella striatopunctata (Fichtel and Moll), H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 733, plate 109, figs. 22, 23, 1884. Two specimens, rather more compressed and rounded in side view than usual, are here assigned to this rather overworked species. It has become the habit to place under this species almost any Polystomella which has short and simple depressions close to the suture. The specimens are from Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. Heterostegina antillea, new species. (Plate 2, Figure 1, 6; Plate 5, Figures 1, 2.) The following is a description of this species : Test compressed, unequally lenticular, umbo excentric, somewhat thicker than the remainder of the test, surface over the septal lines slightly raised in a series of somewhat papillate ribs, area between granular; chambers regularly curved, divided into numerous chamber-lets. Diameter up to 6 mm. or more. Type specimens from U. S. G. S. No. 6869, Long Island, Antigua. The vertical sections, plate 5, figure 1, which are probably the same 50 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. species are from U. S. G. S. No. 6854, Rifle Butts, Antigua, and the horizontal section, plate 5, figure 2, from the same station. At this latter station the specimens are very numerous, making up a large proportion of the rock. It may be noted here that the material under No. 6854 is of two kinds, as some of the hand specimens are made up almost entirely of Heterostegina and are of a slightly pinkish tinge, while others are white and are made up almost entirely of Lepidocydina. Heterosteginoides antillea, new species. (Plate 5, Figures 5, 6.) The following is a description of this species: Test small, irregularly lenticular, surface somewhat papillate, in vertical section the central line of chambers slightly irregular, the lateral chambers piled in vertical rows in some specimens, in others variously placed. Diameter 2 to 3 mm. or more. Type specimens (U. S. N. M. No. 328181) from U. S. G. S. No. 6965, lowest 10 to 15 feet of fossiliferous marls, southwest shore of Crocus Bay, Anguilla. At this station the species is very abundant, making up a large part of the rock. Specimens also are numerous at 6966, same locality, 30 to 50 feet above sea-level, and at 6894, Anguilla. This is more regular than its relative, H. panamensis Cushman, from the Canal Zone, although the figured specimen, plate 5, figure 6, is more than usually regular. Amphistegina lessonii d'Orbigny. (Plate 7, Figure 7.) In the Bowden marl there are two distinct forms, possibly species, of Amphistegina. One of these is large, about 3 mm. in diameter, thick, the lower side very granular, the sutures very obscure. The other is about half the diameter, flatter, both sides fairly smooth, a few granules about the aperture, the sutures very distinct. Both these forms are abundant in the Bowden marl of Jamaica. Amphistegina lessonii d'Orbigny, variety. Specimens of a very thin, biconvex form of this species, with the last-formed whorl making the entire surface of the test, that is com- pletely involute, occur abundantly at Zone A, Rio Gurabo, Santo Domingo. Amphistegina lessonii d'Orbigny, evolute variety. A large evolute variety of Amphistegina is common at Zone I, Rio Cana, and both Bluffs 2 and 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. The status of the various species or varieties of Amphistegina is very unsatisfactory. They form a very common constituent of our Tertiary deposits and are often very decided and constant in their characters, especially in fossil material. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 51 Nummulities antillea, new species. (Plate 4, Figures 1, 2.) The following is a description of this species : Test large, much compressed, only partially involute, the last coil broad and thin, surface with the suture lines raised, evenly curved, with a trace of papillate ornamentation along the ribs, peripheral margin somewhat thickened and rounded. Diameter 15 to 18 mm. or more. Type specimens (U. S. N. M. No. 328182) fromU. S. G. S. station 6924, from bed of limestone at top of described section, point on northwest side of St. Jean Bay, St. Bartholomew, collected by T. W. Vaughan. At this station specimens are abundant. The sectioned specimen, plate 4, figure 2, which seems to represent a young or the central por- tion of this species, is from U. S. G. S. No. 6895, spur on southwest side of cay northwest of St. Jean Bay, St. Bartholomew, 170 feet above sea-level. It may be noted that Orthophragmina occurs at both of these stations, although not the same species. A few of the equatorial chambers of Orthophragmina, probably 0. antillea, may be noted in the upper right-hand corner of figure 2. This seems to be one of the larger of our American species of Num- mulites. Nummulites parvula, new species. (Plate 4, Figures 3 to 6.) The following is a description of this species : Test small, closely involute, increase in breadth of test slight with each coil, sutures simple, slightly curved, test rather evenly lenticular, biconvex, chambers thick-walled, usually consisting of 4 or 5 coils. Diameter up to 4 mm. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328183) from U. S. G. S. station 6903, 220 feet above sea-level, N. 67 E. from summit of Negre Point, across low saddleback of point, St. Bartholomew. The vertical sections may not represent this species, although they are very similar, but some- what smaller. They are all from St. Bartholomew; plate 4, figures 4, 5, from U. S. G. S. No. 6924, from bed of limestone top of section, point on northwest side of St. Jean Bay; figure 6 from 6921, point between Governor's Bay and Nigre Point. Nummulites species. In the Cuban material species of Nummulites occasionally occur, but are abundant at only one station. From station 3567, lowermost 100 feet of Tertiary running in above serpentine, northwest of Recreo, Matanzas Province, Cuba, collected by A. C. Spencer, Nummulites is very common, but the species have not been identified. This abun- dance with accompanying species of Orthophragmina and absence of Lepidocyclina would seem strongly to indicate the Eocene age of this particular material. 52 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Orthophragmina cubensis, new species. (Plate 9, Figure 3; Plate 10, Figures 2 to 4.) (riate y, Figure 6; nate lu, Figures z The following is a description of this species : I^/iO'f ow*oll 1^T"fc4' i siiil n > rtfi/Til m* />rf*\VY^fM"k'i*ri-f Trr^lir fV^ir*' Test small, lenticular, circular, comparatively thick, thickness in the center greatest, about three-fifths the diameter, circular, gradually thinning toward the periphery, but without a definite border, periphery rounded ; surface with numerous rather large papillae in the center, gradually growing smaller toward the periphery. Vertical sections showing the general shape of the test, which, due to the straightness of the slope from center to periphery, makes almost a diamond- shaped vertical section; pillars of the center very heavy, thick, increasing rapidly in diameter toward the surface, the peripheral ends projecting above the adjacent lateral chambers; equatorial chambers of the same height, the band hardly increasing in diameter from center to periphery, very small; lateral chambers in vertical columns, up to 20 or more in a column in the thickest central portion, the individual chambers at least 4 or 5 times as wide as high in section. Horizontal sections show the rectangular chambers of the equatorial region several times as long as wide, the lateral chambers forming an irregular net- work about the sections of the pillars, often several columns of vertical cham- bers between the pillars. Diameter 1.5 to 3.5 mm. Type specimens (U.S.N.M. No. 328184) from station 3475, Boston mine, near Santiago, Cuba, collected by A. C. Spencer. This seems to be a common Cuban species, occurring in material from several stations, as follows: 6117, boulder from the band of lime- stone, hill east of railroad and south of Cristo, near Santiago, Cuba, collected by C. W. Hayes, April 1901; 6118, limestone near railroad on trail to mines south of Cristo, collected by C. W. Hayes; 6119, Isabella and Boston manganese mine near Santiago, Cuba, collected by C. W. Hayes; 6120, loose material, Santiago Province, Cuba, exact locality unknown; 6122, greensand limestone, Boston manganese mine, 3 miles east of Cristo, Santiago Province, Cuba, collected by A. C. Spencer; 6123, resting on ore-bed 4 to 6 feet thick, Ponupo manganese mine, Santiago Province, Cuba, collected by A. C. Spencer; 6124, foraminiferal limestone, Ponupo manganese mine, Ponupo, Santiago Province, Cuba, collected by R. T. Hill; 6125, railroad cut near San Nicolas manganese mine, west of San Luis, Santiago Province, Cuba, collected by C. W. Hayes; 3448, limestone from hillside south of Ponupo manganese mine, La Maya, near Santiago, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan; 7666, from Sierra Guaso, northeast of Guantdnamo, Cuba, collected by N. H. Barton, 1916. The embryonic chambers of this species, so far as seen, are unequal in size and comparable to those seen in the subgenus Nephrolepidina of Lepidocyclina, the larger one kidney-shaped and partially embracing the smaller. In its general characters this species suggests 0. douvillei Schlum- berger, but differs in several essential details. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 53 Orthophragmina crassa, new species. (Plate 9, Figures 4 and 5; Plate 10, Figures 2 and 4.) ^naie y, ngures * ana o, jriate iu, figures The following is a description of this species : '"Poet rnvrMilav IcnrHmilaT ^ror^r fVnr>V in rr 1 mTiaT v icn'n Test circular, lenticular, very thick in comparison to the diameter, central portion broadly convex, thence straight or even slightly concave to the rather acute periphery; surface fairly smooth, with a few raised ends of pillars making the surface slightly papillate. Vertical section shows the general shape, in some specimens at least two- thirds as thick as the diameter, central portion broadly rounded, with numer- ous large pillars, increasing in diameter toward the surface, lateral chambers very numerous, about three times as wide as high, usually at least 2 columns between each two adjacent pillars even in the center; over 30 chambers in the center in some of the columns are indicated; equatorial chambers increasing very slowly in height toward the periphery, but more rapidly than in most species, so that the equatorial band at the periphery may be double the width near the center; embryonic chamber comparatively large, elongate in this section. Horizontal section shows the usual elongate, rectangular equatorial cham- bers; the pillars subpolygonal, largest in the center, thence smaller toward the periphery, intermediate lateral chambers irregularly polygonal. Diameter 3.5 to 5.5 mm. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328185) from station 6122, greensand limestone, Boston manganese mine, Santiago Province, Cuba, col- lected by A. C. Spencer. The species also appears to be present at the following stations: 6123, Ponupo manganese mine, resting on ore-bed 4 to 6 feet thick, Santiago Province, Cuba, collected by A. C. Spencer; 6124, foraminiferal limestone, Ponupo manganese mine, collected by R. T. Hill; 6125, railroad cut near San Nicolas manganese mine, west of San Luis, Cuba, collected by C. W. Hayes; 6118, fossil limestone near railroad, on trail to mines south of Cristo, and 6119, Isabella and Boston manganese mine, Cuba, collected by C. W. Hayes; 3475, Boston mine, near Santiago, Cuba, collected by A. C. Spencer; and apparently from 6117, bowlder from the band of limestone, hill east of railroad and south of Cristo, near Santiago, Cuba, collected by C. W. Hayes. Orthophragmina subtaramellei, new species. (Plate 10, Figure 2; Plate 15, Figures 1 to 3.) The following is a description of this species : Test stellate, usually with 5 arms, occasionally 6, arms well distinguished from the central body and extending outward freely; thickest in the central region, thence gradually sloping to the angles between the arms, and gradually merging into the median axis of the arms; the arms themselves thickest in the middle, thence sloping to the sides, which are thin and angled, ends of the arms round-pointed; surface with numerous granulations, more pronounced in the central portion. Vertical sections show the general shape, the equatorial band of chambers increasing slightly if at all from the center to the periphery, pillars well developed, especially in the central region, but not numerous, usually several columns of lateral chambers between them. Diameter 1.5 to 2 mm. 54 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328186) from Boston manganese mine, Santiago Province, Cuba. Besides the type station, according to the sections obtained, the species evidently also occurs at the fol- lowing stations: 6119, Isabella and Boston manganese mine, Santiago Province, Cuba, collected by C. W. Hayes; 6123, Ponupo manganese mine, Santiago Province, Cuba, resting or ore-bed 4 to 6 feet thick, collected by A. C. Spencer; 6124, foraminiferal limestone, Ponupo manganese mine, collected by T. R. Hill; 6125, railroad cut near San Nicolas manganese mine, west of San Luis, Cuba, collected by C. W. Hayes; 3475, Boston mine, near Santiago, Cuba, collected by A. C. Spencer; 7666, from Sierra Guaso, northeast of Guantdnamo, Cuba, collected by N. H. Darton. This species is very close to 0. taramellei Munier-Chalmas, but is decidedly smaller, all the species seen from Cuba being less than 2 mm. in diameter between the tips of the arms. The specimens from station 6120 are weathered out and are numer- ous, greenish in color. 0. taramellei was described from Villa Lady Bruce (Biarritz) ; Monte Spilecco (Vicentin) ; Schonegg, near Kressenburg. Orthophragmina sculpturata, new species. (Plate 9, Figures 8, 9.) The following is a description of this species: Test circular, somewhat sellseform, often very slightly so; central portion considerably thickened and occupying one-third to one-fourth the diameter of the test; peripheral portion much flattened and comparatively thin; exterior of central thickened portion, when well preserved, beautifully sculptured, with comparatively few raised papillae, between which the surface is depressed and reticulated as in 0. marthce Schlumberger; peripheral thin portion of the test usually smooth when the surface is well preserved. Vertical sections show thickening up to 1.5 mm. in the central portion, while the periphery is often but 0.25 mm. in thickness. Equatorial chambers small, increasing hardly at all in diameter from the center to the periphery, central embryonic chambers not well shown in the sections, but at least 6 to 8 times the diameter of adjacent equatorial chambers. Peripheral portion without pillars, central portion with very strong pillars, thick, with a diameter one-third to one-half their length and increasing very slightly in diameter toward the surface ; lateral chambers in columns between the pillars very thin compared to their breadth. Central portion of the outline decidedly undulate from the projecting ends of the pillars. Horizontal sections show very numerous equatorial chambers, elongate, several times as long as broad; lateral chambers in section appearing as polygonal lighter spaces surrounding in a single row the solid, opaque, circular, elliptical, or irregularly polygonal pillar sections, toward the periphery, where the pillars are wanting, forming an irregular network somewhat similar to the arrangement in 0. dispansa Sowerby (Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 4, vol. 3, plate 12, fig. 51). Diameter 5 to 7 mm. FOSSIL FORANIMIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 55 Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328187) from Nuevitas, Cuba, col- lected by A. C. Spencer. This species in general appearance resembles 0. marthce Schlum- berger, especially in its characteristic surface ornamentation, but the vertical section seems to be very different from that figured by Schlum- berger. Orthophragmina pustulate, new species. (Plate 9, Figures 6, 7; Plate 10, Figure 1.) The following is a description of this species : Test circular, lenticular, thickest in the middle, thence gradually thinning toward the periphery, which is without a carina or thinner portion, thickness about one-fifth the diameter; surface finely pustulose, papillae larger and more numerous near the central region, thence gradually decreasing in size and number toward the periphery. Vertical section shows the general form, equatorial band very thin, increas- ing hardly at all toward the periphery, pillars numerous, somewhat thickened toward the surface. Horizontal section shows equatorial chambers elongate, rectangular, length about three times the breadth, annuli irregular in width, pillars irregu- larly rounded, remote, largest in center, decreasing gradually in size toward the periphery, intermediate space filled with the irregularly polygonal lateral chambers. Diameter 3.5 to 5 mm. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328188), section from station 3567, lowermost 100 feet of Tertiary running in above serpentine, northwest of Recreo, Matanzas Province, Cuba, collected by A, C. Spencer. Specimens, also apparently of this species, were obtained at station 3448, limestone from hillside south of Ponupo manganese mine, La Maya, near Santiago, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan. This is a larger, flatter species than 0. cubensis and is easily distin- guished in the sections. Orthophragmina antillea, new species. (Plate 1, Figure 1; Plate 2, Figures 2 and 3; Plate 4, Figures 2 and 4.) The following is a description of this species : Test flattened, octagonal, surface with 8 raised ribs radiating from the central, somewhat raised umbo to the periphery, triangular areas between thin and flattened; umbpnal area raised and rounded, with definite pillars appearing as differences in coloration in the type, radial ribs with numerous raised areas and pillars scattered along their whole length; diameter about 12 mm. Vertical sections show the greater diameter of the equatorial chambers at irregular intervals and the irregular, almost serrate character of the dorsal and ventral surfaces due to the fine projections of the surface, especially along the ribs. Horizontal sections through the equatorial chambers were obtained only in small fragmentary bits, but enough to show the typical rectangular cham- bers of the genus. 56 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328189) from St. Bartholomew, Leeward Islands, U. S. G. S. No. 6895, spur on southeast side of cay northwest of St. Jean Bay, 170 feet above sea-level; T. W. Vaughan collector. Specimens are very numerous in this material; but a single specimen was obtained showing the surface conditions with the radiating ribs. Although it is specifically different, this species is closely related to Orthophragmina mariannensis Cushman, from Marianna, Florida. There appear to be from 5 to 8 layers of superimposed chambers at each side of the horizontal zone of chambers as shown in the sections. A few of the smallest specimens show the proloculum, but it is not well developed or not sufficiently well preserved to make out its characters clearly. The sections given on plate 2, figures 2 and 3, show the general characters of the vertical section. Occasional oblique sections show the rectangular equatorial cham- bers characteristic of Orthophragmina. This is the specimen mentioned by Vaughan as "Orbitoides sp., large, stellate form" (Vaughan, T. Wayland, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Year Book No. 13, p. 359, 1914). Orthophragmina marginata, new species. (Plate 1, Figure 2; Plate 2, Figure 4.) The following is a description of this species : TVio-f lon-f i^nlar* rit/>iilaT n/ir-fTol T\/~vi-f i/~vr o-f nrvnrrl-' Test lenticular, circular, central portion strongly raised and umbonate, regularly curved down to the broad peripheral flange, which is again thickened near the peripheral margin; surface comparatively smooth, very slightly granular, but not at all papillate. In vertical section the central portion is seen to be strongly biconvex, but not much wider than either part of the surrounding margin-like thinner portion, again thickening toward the extreme peripheral margin, which is rounded. Equatorial chambers small, in the center very narrow but increasing slightly but gradually toward the periphery, where they are not more than 0.1 mm. in height. The chambers are convex on the peripheral side, almost semicircular in some specimens. Lateral chambers very small and often difficult to distinguish, even with an enlargement of 20 diameters (plate 2, fig. 4). In the central portion there are many layers of these lateral chambers, often 30 to 40 layers on either side of the equatorial band. This number decreases as the convexity becomes less, and over the flattened margin there are but 6 to 8 layers of lateral chambers. At the border this number is some- what increased, but falls off again at the extreme outer margin. There are traces of pillars in the central umbonate region, but they are not prominent. Diameter of the type specimen 12 to 14 mm. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328190) from St. Bartholomew, Leeward Islands; U. S. G. S. No. 6924, from a bed of limestone on point on the northwest side of St. Jean Bay; T. Wayland Vaughan collector. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FEOM THE WEST INDIES. 57 Lepidocyclina canellei Lemoine and Douville var. yurnagunensis, new variety. (Plate 12, Figures 7, 8.) The following is a description of this variety: Test differing from the typical form of the species mainly in the form of the lateral chambers, which are somewhat broader, and with the upper wall decidedly arched; embryonic chambers either two, subequal or very unequal, or several, the equatorial chambers hexagonal or obscurely diamond-shaped. Type material from U. S. G. S. station 7348, from flexure 2 miles south of Yurnaguna, Cuba, collected by O. E. Meinzer. At this station the material is largely composed of this Species, as the section (plate 12, fig. 8) shows. None of these sections happens to be exactly vertical. The variety shows the embryonic characters of all three of Douvill6's subgenera : equal chambers, as in the type from Panama (Isolepidina) ; unequal, one small, the other partially encircling and kidney-shaped (Nephrolepidina)] and with two irregular large embryonic chambers and two or more small ones (Pliolepidina) . The latter condition is shown in plate 12, figure 7. In gross appearance, color, and general characters this material very strikingly resembles that from Bohio, Panama, the type locality for L. canellei. FIG. 6. Lepidocyclina canellei Lemoine and R. Douville var. yurnagunensis, new variety. X 50. o, embryonic chambers, several in number and irregular in size (Pliolepidina). b, showing embryonic chambers of a specimen where these chambers are equal in size (Isolepidind). Specimens from station 7548, 2 miles south of Yurnaguna, Cuba. Lepidocyclina schlumbergeri Lemoine and R. Douville. Lepidocyclina schlumbergeri Lemoine and R. DouvillS, Soc. g6ol. France, Pal6ont., vol. 12, Mem. 32, p. 14, plate 1, fig. 10; plate 2, fig. 6; 1904. The following is a description of this species: Test large, compressed, lenticular, thickest in the central region, from which it gradually thins out toward the periphery, somewhat flexuous and slightly saddle-shaped ; surface fairly smooth or somewhat finely granular, the granules 58 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. representing the ends of the small pillars; surface often uneven, due to the raised peripheral walls of the lateral chambers. Vertical section shows the general shape, thin, gently curving from the center to the periphery, slightly curved; the pillars numerous and compara- tively small, a very few larger pillars in the central region, vertical columns of lateral chambers with numerous low, flattened chambers making up each column. Horizontal section shows hexagonal chambers, but more numerous equa- torial ones with the outer wall convexly curved, walls rather thick. Diameter 25 to 35 mm. Lemoine and Douville* regard this as a mutation of L. dilatata. They record this species, especially from Spain at four localities in Anda- lusia, at Baena, and Pont du Guadalquiver (Puente Viejo), and at Sella and Peiiaguila, province of Alicante, stages not given. It was collected by O. E. Meinzer in Cuba at the following stations: 7512, Ocujal; 7518, south side near west end, Los Melones Mountain; 7522, Mogote Peak; 7543, limestone outcrop, east side of Yateras; and by N. H. Darton at 7664, north slope of La Piedra, northeast of Jamaica, northeast of Guantdnamo. Lepidocyclina parvula, new species. (Plate 3, Figures 4 to 7.) The following is a description of this species: Test lenticular, circular, central region thickened, gradually diminishing in breadth toward the periphery, which has a thin flange-like border, surface fairly smooth. Vertical section showing the general form of the species; equatorial chambers gradually increasing in size toward the periphery, where they may be 4 to 5 times as high as long; outer surface slightly convex, chambers of the central region in section nearly square; lateral chambers 8 to 10 in a vertical column in the central region, and thence gradually diminishing in number until near the periphery there may be but a single layer of the lateral chambers, central portion with definite pillars, largely confined to this region. Horizontal section shows the usual form of the equatorial chambers for this genus, the embryonic chambers either subequal or with one slightly larger than the other. In the section illustrated on plate 3, figure 4, a peculiar con- dition of these chambers is shown, where the two embryonic chambers have a series of chambers, apparently coiled about them. This is an unusual char- acter in this genus. Diameter 5 mm. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328191) from U. S. G. S. station 6862, from lower bed at Hodge's Bluff, Antigua, T. W. Vaughan, collector. It is very abundant in material from certain layers at this locality. This species also occurs at station 6854, Rifle Butts, Antigua. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 59 Lepidocyclina morgani Lemoine and R. Douville. (Plate 11, Figures 1 to 3; Text-fig. 7.) Lepidocyclina cf. marginata H. Douvill6, Soc. Geol. France Bull., ser. 3, vol. 18, p. 1001, 1900. Lepidocyclina morgani Lemoine and R. Douville, Soc. Geol. France, Paleont., vol. 12, Mem. 32, p. 17, plate 1, figs. 12, 15, 17; plate 2, figs. 4, 12; plate 3, fig. 2; 1904. The following is a description of this species : Test small, discoidal, much thickened in the central portion, from which it tapers rather rapidly to the subacute periphery; central protuberant portion with a series of large pustules ranging from 5 to 12 or more in number, of which one is usually central, surface reticulate between the pustules; the margins stellate; periphery of the test thin and slightly reticulated by the walls of the _ equatorial chambers. FlG< 7 .-. Lep i docyc ii / na morgani Le- Vertical sections show the general form moine and R. Douville. Embryonic and curvature of the surface of the test, the chambers. X 35. Specimen from few pillars in the central region rapidly in- station 7543 limestone outcrop, creasing in diameter toward the surface of east ade of Yateras ' Cuba ' the test; lateral chambers with the outer wall convex, averaging about three times as wide as high; in the central region with as many as 10 chambers in the vertical columns; equatorial chambers not increasing rapidly in height; height of those at the periphery not more than double that of those near the center. Horizontal sections show the embryonic chambers, which are unequal, the larger one partially surrounding the smaller, as in the subgenus Nephrolepidina of H. Douville" and the equatorial chambers more or less diamond-shaped, as in that subgenus. In other specimens the outer wall of the chamber is convex. Diameter 2 to 5 mm. Distribution. Specimens seemingly identical with this species were found at the following stations in Cuba: 7513, limestone, outcrop where Palmer Trail joins Ocujal Trail; 7516, west end, Los Melones Moun- tain; 7543, limestone outcrop, east side of Yateras; 7554, south of El Jigue, 5 miles above mouth of Yateras River on west side, collected by O. E. Meinzer. Specimens, the sections of which are imperfect, but probably belonging to L. morgani, were obtained by O. E. Meinzer at station 7519, limestone from drift near top of landslide next north of Los Melones, and 7522, Mogote Peak. The specimens whose exteriors are figured were obtained by N. H. Barton at station 7664, north slope, La Piedra, northeast of Jamaica, northeast of Guantdnamo, Cuba. Lemoine and R. Douville* record this species from four localities in Aquitaine (Abesse, Mimbaste, Saint-Etienne-d'Orthe, and Le Man- dillot), from four localities in Spain (Ba6na, Pont du Guadalquiver, Sella, and Peiiaguila), and from Madagascar. The stage is indicated as Aquitanian but not definitely given. It is a very distinctive species, and the Cuban specimens seem to differ in no essential characters from those figured by Lemoine and Douville'. 60 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Lepidocyclina marginata (Michelotti). (Plate 12, Figures 1, 2.) Nummulites marginata Michelotti, Soc. Ital. Sci. Mem., vol. 22, p. 297, plate 3, fig. 4, 1841. Lepidocyclina marginata Lemoine and R. Douville, Soc. Geol. France, Paleont., vol. 12, Mem. 32, p. 16, plate 1, fig. 7; plate 2, figs. 7, 9, 11, 20; plate 3, figs. 3, 8, 9, 13; 1904. The following is a description of this species : Test of small or medium size, lenticular, thickest in the central region, thence tapering gradually to the periphery, which in the adult forms a thin flange around the thicker central portion; central portion with numerous prominent pustules, rather evenly placed and of good size, representing the outer end of the pillars; flange smooth, except for roughness caused by weathering. Vertical section shows the general shape already noted, the numerous pillars giving an undulate outline to the central thickened region, pillars rather crowded at the center, but separating toward the periphery, increasing very rapidly in diameter in the first quarter or third of their length, thence keeping about the same diameter to the surface; lateral chambers in single columns between the pillars, equatorial band of chambers rather narrow and thin, increasing in height toward the periphery. Horizontal section shows the equatorial chambers to be in general hexagonal, occasionally with the peripheral portion conyexly curved; the lateral chambers also hexagonal, especially in the central region, where they are compressed by the pillars. Diameter up to 12 or 15 mm., usually less. Distribution. Lemoine and R. Douville" record this species from Rosignano, Montferrat, Pie'mont, and Colli Torinesi, Turin, Italy, and from Pont du Guadalquiver and Bae"na, Andalusia, Spain, stage not given. It was collected at the following stations in Cuba by O. E. Meinzer: 7512, Ocujal; 7513 ?, orbitoidal limestone, outcrop where Palmer Trail joins Ocujal Trail; 7518, south side near west end, Los Melones Mountain; 7519, orbitoidal limestone, from drift near top of landslide next north of Los Melones; 7521, limestone, top of Mogote Peak; 7522 ?, Mogote Peak; 7543, limestone outcrop, east side of Yateras; and by N. H. Darton at station 7664, north slope of La Piedra, northeast of Jamaica, northeast of Guantdnamo. Lemoine and R. Douville* had only the microspheric form of the species, but the Cuban material has megalospheric specimens. The embryonic chambers are rather thick-walled and unequal in size. Lepidocyclina sumatrensis (H. B. Brady). (Plate 12, Figures 3, 4.) Orbitoides sumatrensis H. B. Brady, Geol. Mag., ser. 2. vol. 2, p. 536, plate 14, fig. 3, 1875; Jaarb. Mijn. Ned.-Oost.-Indie, vol. 7, pt. 2, p. 165, plate 2, fig. 3, 1878; Newton and Holland, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. 3, p. 259, plate 10, figs. 7 to 12, 1899. Lepidocyclina sumatrensis Jones and Chapman, in Andrews, A Monograph of Christmas Island, London, p. 244, plate 20, fig. 6, 1900; Newton and Holland, Journ. Coll. of Sci., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, vol. 27, art. 6, p. 11, plate 1, fig. 7, 1903; Lemoine and R. Douville, Soc. geol. France, Paleont., vol. 12, Mem. 32, p. 18, plate 1, fig. 14; plate 2, fig. 15; plate 3, fig. 6; 1904. The following is a description of this species: Test small, discoidal, thickened in the central portion, from which it tapers gradually to the subacute periphery, central protuberant portion more or less FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 61 pustulate throughout, but these protuberant spots of small size and covering the larger part of the area more or less evenly; surface otherwise smooth; periphery thin. Vertical sections show the general form and curvature of the test, pillars entirely lacking, lateral chambers with the outer surface convex, three or four times as wide as high; 6 to 10 chambers in a vertical column. Horizontal sections show the embryonic chambers, which are unequal, the larger curved about the smaller semicircular one; equatorial chambers irregu- larly hexagonal. Diameter 2 to 5 mm. Distribution. L. sumatrensis was obtained in Cuba by 0. E. Meinzer at the following stations: 7513, limestone outcrop where Palmer Trail joins Ocujal Trail; 7516, west end Los Melones Mountain; 7519, lime- stone from drift near top of landslide next north of Los Melones; 7543, limestone outcrop, east side of Yateras; 7554, south of El Jigue, 5 miles above mouth of Yateras River on west side; and by N. H. Darton at 7664, north slope of La Piedra, northeast of Jamaica, northeast of Guantanamo. This species was described by Brady from Sumatra. It is recorded elsewhere in the East from Formosa and the East Indies, and Lemoine and R. Douville* record it from Rosignano, Montferrat, Pi6mont, Italy; Ba6na, Pont du Guadalquiver, Pefiaguila, and Sella, Spain; and Saint-Etienne-d'Orthe and Mandillot, near Dax, France, probably Aquitanian in age. In the Cuban material it occurs usually in company with L. morgani, and in this connection it is interesting to note that both species are given by Lemoine and R. Douville from all four of the stations in Spain and from three of the four stations in France. This species may easily be distinguished from L. morgani by its lack of pillars. The pustulate appearance of L. sumatrensis is due to the convex surface of the lateral chambers, those of adjacent columns being of unequal height at the surface. Lepidocyclina crassata, new species. (Plate 11, Figures 4, 5.) The following is a description of this species : Test of medium size, lenticular, comparatively thick in the center, thence tapering toward the sides; central portion convex, changing to a concave curve toward the periphery; surface irregularly pustulate, especially where somewhat weathered. Vertical section shows the general shape, convex at the center and broadly rounded, thence thinning rapidly toward the periphery, where the surface is concave, to the rather poorly developed peripheral border; height or thickness of the test about one-third the diameter. Embryonic chamber large and very thick-walled, often showing 1 or 2 accessory chambers, also thick-walled and rather conspicuously perforate; young specimens show that for a time the embryonic chamber is the greater part of the test. Equatorial band of cham- bers rather large, even at the beginning, the outer wall convex and coarsely perforate. Lateral chambers comparatively thick-walled, several times as broad as high, somewhat lenticular in section, highest in the middle; thence 62 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. their height decreases toward the sides. A comparatively small number of pillars in the central part originating in the wall of the embryonic chamber and extending to the periphery. Horizontal section shows that the equatorial chambers are regularly hexagonal and fairly thick-walled, and that those of successive annuli are of very different sizes. Diameter up to 9 mm. ; height up to 3 mm. or more. :, Fio. 8. Sections of embryonic chambers of Lepidocyclina crassata, new species, showing variation in position of two or more divisions, and the comparatively thick outer wall. X 25. Specimens from limestone from drift near top of landslide next north of Los Melones, Cuba. Type specimen, section (U. S. N. M. No. 328192) from station 7513, orbitoidal limestone, outcrop where Palmer Trail joins Ocujal Trail, Cuba. Specimens are also numerous in material from 7512, Ocujal; 7519, orbitoidal limestone, from drift near top of landslide next north of Los Melones; 7521, limestone, top of Mogote Peak, Cuba. All the specimens were collected by O. E. Meinzer. L. crassata is very heavy and thick-walled and in section may be easily distinguished from any other Cuban or West Indian species of Lepidocyclina. Lepidocyclina subraulinii, new species. (Plate 11, Figures 6, 7; Plate 12, Figures 5, 6.) The following is a description of this species : Test circular, much thickened in the central portion, which occupies about one-third the diameter of the test; peripheral portion much flattened, thin; thick central portion irregularly papillate, peripheral portion smooth, showing almost no tendency to become saddle-shaped. Vertical section shows the general thickness, the central lenticular body, and the thin periphery; central portion with very numerous pillars, increasing in diameter toward the surface; lateral chambers crowded between the pillars, very numerous in the vertical columns and much wider than high ; equatorial chambers increasing in diameter toward the periphery, the outer margin convex and with a series of fine pores. Horizontal section shows the equatorial chambers, which are polygonal ; the outer margin strongly convex; pillars subpolygonal, with the lateral chambers making irregular polygonal meshes between them, toward the periphery the lateral chambers making up the entire test as the pillars decrease in number. Diameter up to 24 mm. ; thickness in center 4.5 mm. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328193) from station 3478, Nue- vitas, Cuba, collected by A. C. Spencer. Other specimens apparently this species occur at 7666, Sierra Guaso, northeast of Guantanamo, collected by N. H. Darton. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 63 In diameter and general shape L. subraulinii suggests L. raulinii Lemoine and R. Douville" from Saint-Ge*ours-en-Maremmes, Landes, France, and Columbres, Province of Santander in Spain, but it differs in that it has very definite pillars and a papillose surface at the center. The age of the European material of L. raulinii is not definitely given. Lepidocyclina perundosa, new species. (Plate 11, Figure 8.) ^riaie ii, ngure o.; The following is a description of this species: 'TVics-f tr\r>iT Tvi-i/-V niiv-\Tiir\ irt -frim rlifon'f.irmc! cr f.ViQ'f. Test very much curved in two directions, so that at points 180 from one another the two planes of each set are nearly parallel to one another and nearly at right angles to those of the other set, strongly "saddle-shaped/' surface smooth when well preserved, but usually somewhat cancellate, due to erosion. Vertical section difficult to obtain on account of the very much doubly curved shape of the test, but shows no pillars; the lateral chambers about three times as long as high; central chamber large; equatorial chambers increasing gradually in size toward the periphery, their height and breadth about equal. Horizontal section, which from the shape of the test can be at best only fragmentary, shows equatorial chambers roughly triangular, with the outer surface convexly curved. Diameter 8 to 12 mm. Type specimen, section (U. S. N. M. No. 328194), from station 3478, Nue vitas, Cuba, collected by A. C. Spencer. This is a very sellseform species about one-half the size of L. undosa Cushman from Antigua. Lepidocyclina antillea, new species. (Plate 3, Figure 3.) V-riaie o, rigure <>.; The following is a description of this species : TtfcQ'f' r*f\m r\ipiC2C!ir\ /*ii/filo i t fo-f rrkt Vr\TiiTr Vvi/>/"\T*TrriV 1 Test compressed, circular, rather evenly biconvex, lenticular, central portion highest, thence gradually thinning toward the periphery, central area strongly papillate, remainder of surface less strongly so. Vertical section shows equatorial chambers gradually increasing in height toward the periphery, those of the central region measuring less than 0.1 mm., those of the periphery as much as 0.5 mm. in height; outer wall of the equa- torial chambers very squarely truncated. Lateral chambers not numerous in the central thickened region, with only 6 or 7 chambers in a column, and this number is gradually reduced toward the periphery. Central region and the whole test in lesser degree marked by very heavy and numerous pillars, greatest width near the outer end, thence gradually tapering toward the center, outer ends rounded, forming the papillae of the surface. In the central region the surface area occupied by the pillars is greater than that taken up by the lateral chambers. In the horizontal section, or at least in the somewhat broadly oblique sec- tion, the equatorial chambers are of the curved Lepidocyclina form instead of the more typical hexagonal shape. Diameter of the test averages about 5 mm. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328195) from U. S. G. S. No. 6897, from St. Bartholomew, Leeward Islands, from conglomerate and sand- 64 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. stone below upper limestone bed, Anse Ecaille side of point between Anse Ecaille and Anse Lizard; T. W. Vaughan, collector; specimens apparently weathered out from the matrix are abundant. Also from 68976, point between Colombier Point and bay next to St. Jean Bay. Hand specimens showing sections of this heavy-pillared species are abundant in a hard cherty material, No. 6902, southeast section of southwest side of island near Negre Point, altitude 360 feet; and 6903, N. 67 E. from summit of Negre Point, across low saddle-back of point, elevation 220 feet. All the above are from St. Bartholomew. This species is related in many ways to Lepidocyclina macdonaldi Cushman from Panama, in the white limestone at David. The general vertical section is much more heavily pillared in L. antilka, although the figured specimen, not being exactly central, shows this much less strongly than in many of the weathered sections in hand specimens. Lepidocyclina gigas, new species. (Plate 1, Figures 3 to 5; Plate 5, Figure 4.) The following is a description of this species : Test large, flattened, somewhat lenticular, circular in outline, central por- tion slightly umbonate, thence gradually thinning toward the periphery, which is bluntly angular; surface generally flat and smooth, occasionally slightly undulating. Vertical section shows the equatorial chambers increasing somewhat in height from the central area toward the periphery, the peripheral end of each chamber slightly convex toward the exterior; lateral chambers broad and low, in vertical columns, usually from 7 to 10 chambers in each column in the central portion of the test outside the umbonal region, thence gradually decreasing in number toward the periphery. There are pillars developed at irregular intervals, but these are few in number and of very small diameter. Horizontal sections show the hexagonal equatorial chambers, the annular rows of which are very uneven in size. Diameter of largest specimens up to 80 mm. or more. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328196) from Antigua, Leeward Islands, U. S. G. S. No. 6862, from lower bed at Hodge's Bluff; T. W. Vaughan, collector. Specimens from this Locality are numerous and very fine. Poorer material, but apparently specifically the same, occurs at 6854, Rifle Butts, and 6857, southwest side of Wetherell Mill, both from Antigua. This species is very near to L. elephantina Munier-Chalmas, but the two early chambers in the two species do not seem to be at all alike, those of L. elephantina being very dissimilar in size and shape, while those of L. gigas, as far as made out, seem to be much more nearly equal, as is usual in American species of Lepidocyclina. This is a very fine, large species, abundant at the type station. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 65 Lepidocyclina undulata, new species. (Plate 3, Figures la, 2, 8, 9; Plate 15, Figure 5.) The following is a description of this species : Test of large size, slightly papillate, lenticular, the umbonate region scarcely if at all raised, whole test undulate or saddle-shaped, often bent nearly double. Vertical sections of this species show pillars very constant but of small diameter scattered throughout the central half of the test and a few toward the peripheral portion; equatorial chambers fairly high and with a series of 6 to 8 rather large perforations in the peripheral wall of each; lateral chambers thick-walled and rather large, comparatively few, usually not more than 6 in a vertical column. Diameter in the largest specimens apparently exceeding 100 mm. when complete. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328197) from Antigua, Leeward Islands, U. S. G. S. No. 6863, High Point, collected by T. W Vaughan. Specimens are abundant at this station. Other material from Antigua apparently referable to this species is from No. 6858, Wetherell Point ; 6874, Blizzard's Mill; (?) 6880, west side Otto's estate, west side of Golden Grove road; 6881, from bluffs on north side of Willoughby Bay; and 6942, bowlders on south side of Monk's Hill, Falmouth. This seems to be the largest known species of Lepidocyclina, being larger than L. elephantina. The material here figured (plate 3, figs. 1, 2; plate 14, fig. 5) from 6869 and 6881 are for the most part com- posed of other species, but a few large specimens apparently referable to this are shown with the others. Lepidocyclina undosa, new species. (Plate 2, Figure 1, a.) The following is a description of this species; I^OO'f' r\T YYI cn'i m 1-Yi crf~vW"fc < v\TVicioifH"^ o^- f^xr^rrlTT T Test of medium size, much compressed, strongly undulate or saddle-shaped, not at all umbonate, thin throughout, surface slightly granulate, otherwise smooth, where worn usually netted by the walls of the chambers. Vertical section showing apparently an entire absence of pillars throughout, equatorial chambers nearly square in section, walls straight, lateral chambers very numerous, low and broad, very thin-walled, 12 to 15 in a vertical column in the thicker portions of the test. Horizontal sections showing typical hexagonal equatorial chambers. Diameter up to 25 mm. or more. Type material (U. S. N. M. No. 328198) from Antigua, Leeward Islands, U. S. G. S. No. 6869, Long Island, Antigua. The species is very abundant in this material, making up a large proportion of the rock-mass. Specimens are associated with Heterostegina. This may be distinguished from other species of Lepidocyclina by its saddle-shaped test, the flat, non-umbonate center, the finely netted surface in worn specimens, and the absence of pillars in the vertical section with the thin-walled chambers. 66 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Lepidocyclina favosa, new species. (Plate 3, Figures 1, 2, 6; Plate 15, Figure 4.) The following is a description of this species : Test of medium size, compressed, strongly undulate or saddle-shaped, the central portion umbonate, much curved, thick; the remainder of the test thin and flange-like; central umbonate mass with an ornamentation of polygonal areas formed by raised ribs; remainder of test fairly smooth but irregularly eroded in most cases. Vertical section with numerous distinct pillars in the umbonate region, broad at the exterior and narrowing to a point near the equatorial chambers, flattened peripheral portion with few indistinct pillars. Diameter 15 to 18 mm. for typical specimens. Type specimens (U. S. N. M. No. 328199) from Antigua, Leeward Islands, U. S. G. S. No. 6881, from bluffs on north side of Willoughby Bay. This is a very strikingly ornamented species and hardly likely to be mistaken for any other, especially with its very strong saddle- shape in addition. It was not seen in any material from the other Antigua stations, but is very abundant at this station, as the photo- graph (plate 3, fig. 1) will show. MILIOLIDJE. Spiroloculina species (?). (Plate 5, Figures 9 and 12.) A section showing longitudinally a specimen of Spirolculina and an oblique section of a similar specimen are reproduced on plate 5, figure 9. This is from U. S. G. S. No. 6949, Simson Bay Point, St. Martin, Leeward Islands. In this material, in which specimens of Orbitolites are abundant, specimens of Spiroloculina are frequent, but as they show only in section, it is not possible accurately to determine them specifically. In a section from U. S. G. S. No. 6966, southwest shore of Crocus Bay, Anguilla, there is a transverse section of a Spiro- loculina with convex periphery and concave faces (plate 5, fig. 12), but whether it is the same species as that from St. Martin is prob- lematical. The associated species at each locality are very different, however, as the abundant genus in St. Martin is Orbitolites, while in Anguilla it is Heterosteginoides. Quinqueloculina agglutinans d'Orbigny. Quinqueloculina agglutinans d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, "Foram- iniferes," p. 195, plate 12, figs. 11 to 13, 1839. Occasional very typical specimens occur at Zone H, Rio Cana, and at Bluffs 2 znd 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. It may be noted that these specimens are almost exactly like the figures given by d'Orbigny rather than those of recent material given by later authors. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 67 Quinqueloculina cuvieriana d'Orbigny. Quinqueloculina cuvieriana d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, "Foram- iniferes," p. 190, plate 11, figs, 19 to 21, 1839. A few specimens with the typical ornamentation of the species occurred at Zone I, Rio Cana, and Bluff 2, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. These are almost exactly like the Cuban monograph fig- ures, but very different from the figures assigned to this species by later authors. Quinqueloculina auberiana d'Orbigny. Quinqueloculina auberiana, d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, " Foram- iniferes," p. 193, plate 12, figs. 1 to 3, 1839. Very typical specimens occur in material from Zone H, Rio Cana, and Bluffs 2 and 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. These are more closely like the original figures of the type than of later figures of other authors. Specimens are rare in the Bowden marl of Jamaica, but are very typical, like the Santo Domingo specimens, and like the original figures given by d'Orbigny in his Cuba monograph. Typical specimens also occur in the Miocene of the Panama Canal Zone and Virginia. Quinqueloculina pulchella d'Orbigny. Miliolina pulchella (d'Orbigny) H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 174, plate 6, figs. 13, 14, 1884. A few specimens with characteristic ornamentations occur at Zones H and I, Rio Cana, and Bluffs 2 and 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. Quinqueloculina gualteriana d'Orbigny. Quinqueloculina gualteriana d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, "Foram- iniferes," p. 186, plate 11, figs. 1 to 3, 1839. Specimens seemingly identical with this species as figured by d'Orbigny occur at Zones H and I, Rio Cana, and there are question- able specimens from Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo; but they are rare, two being the most from any one station. Quinqueloculina species cf. Q. kerimbatica (Heron- Allen and Earland). (Plate 13, Figure 5.) Miliolina kerimbatica Heron-Allen and Earland, Trans. Zool. Soc. London, vol. 20, p. 574, plate 43, figs. 13 to 23, 1915. Large specimens seemingly identical with the recent species described by Heron-Allen and Earland from the Kerimba Archipelago off the southeastern coast of Africa occur both at Bluffs 2 and 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. In their size, shape, and peculiar type of coarse, irregularly reticulate ornamentation these fossil specimens are strikingly like the recent African-Indian Ocean specimens. The same 68 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. species occurs abundantly in the recent Philippine material, and Millett records it from the Malay Archipelago under the name Miliolina parkeri. This is a rather interesting distribution, corresponding some- what with what Vaughan has shown for some genera of corals now extinct in the West Indies, but found living in the Indo Pacific. Quinqueloculina parkeri (H. B. Brady) var. bowdenensis, new variety. (Plate 14, Figure 6.) The following is a description of this variety: Variety differing from the typical mainly in the reduced amount of the ornamentation, which in the variety consists of several short obliquely trans- verse ridges confined to the periphery of the test, which is bluntly angled. Length 0.5 mm. Type specimen (U. S. N. M. No. 328200) from the Miocene Bowden marl, Jamaica. The typical form of the species is known from the East Indian region and the Red Sea. Quinqueloculina species (?). (Plate 5, Figure 8.) A single section of a portion of a specimen of Quinqueloculina was noted in a section from U. S. G. S. No. 6966, southwest shore of Crocus Bay, Anguilla, 30 to 50 feet above sea-level. From what is present this is apparently a smooth, angular species, but nothing further can be made of its specific determination. Triloculina tricarinata d'Orbigny. (Plate 14, Figure 4.) Triloculina tricarinata d'Orbigny, Ann. Sci. Nat., vol. 7, p. 299, 1826. Miliolina tricarinata H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 165, plate 3, figs. 17 a, b, 1884. A single specimen of this tricarinate species was found in the Bowden marl from Bowden, Jamaica. It is not sharply carinate, but the aperture is very characteristic. Triloculina brongniartiana d'Orbigny. Triloculina brongniartiana d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, "Foramin- iferes," p. 176, plate 10, figs. 6 to 8, 1839. A few finely striate specimens from the Bowden marl, Bowden, Jamaica, are very similar to the figures of this species given by d'Or- bigny from Cuba. In the Challenger Report, Brady refers this species with a question to the later name T. boueana of d'Orbigny, but the two seem to be distinct and the fossil specimens under consideration are certainly very close to T. brongniartiana. Brady's reference to their FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 69 being " young examples, in a Triloculine condition" is erroneous, as the young of Triloculina is quinqueloculine in the microspheric form at least, while the young of Quinqueloculina is quinqueloculine in both forms, microspheric and megalospheric. Our specimens, too, are larger than those figured by Brady as T. boueana. Triloculina fichteliana d'Orbigny. Triloculina fichteliana d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, " Foraminiferes," p. 171, plate 9, figs. 8 to 10, 1839. A single specimen referred to this species was found in the material from Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. Biloculina species. Two small specimens of Biloculina were found in the material from Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao, but are not in condition to identify them specifically. A single small specimen was also found in marl from station 3461, gorge of Yumuri River, Matanzas, Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan. Specimens referred to B. bulloides d'Orbigny were obtained from the Miocene of the Panama Canal Zone and from Florida. Vertebralina cassis d'Orbigny. Vertebralina cassis d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, ''Foraminiferes/ 1 p. 51, plate 7, figs. 14, 15, 1839. From the material from Zone H, Rio Cana, Santo Domingo, a single specimen was obtained. It is of the form figured by d'Orbigny as V. cassis and has the typical ornamentation, although somewhat eroded. Vertebralina striata d'Orbigny. (Plate 14, Figure 3.) Jones and Parker record this species in their list of Foraminifera from the Bowden marl, Jamaica. I have found a single specimen in my material, figured here. Peneroplis pertusus Forskal var. discoideus Flint. Peneroplis pertusus var. discoideus Flint, Ann. Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1897, p. 304, plate 49, figs. 1, 2, 1899. These specimens from Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo, are identical with this peculiar variety described by Flint from the shallow water of Key West Harbor, Florida. Peneroplis pertusus Forskal variety. A single specimen from Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao, has the typical form of Orbiculina adunca, but, as the chambers throughout seem to be undivided, the specimen is a true Peneroplis. 70 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Orbiculina adunca (Fichtel and Moll). Orbiculina adunca (Fichtel and Moll) d'Orbigny in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, "Foraminif feres," p. 64, plate 8, figs. 8 to 16, 1839. Specimens of this common West Indian species occur at Zones H and I, Rio Cana, and Bluffs 2 and 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. Orbiculina compressa d'Orbigny. (Plate 7, Figure 6.) Orbiculina compressa d'Orbigny, in De la Sagra, Hist. Fis. Pol. Nat. Cuba, " Foraminif eres," p. 66, plate 8, figs. 4 to 7, 1839; Jones, Parker, and H. B. Brady, Crag Foram., Pal. Soc., vol. 19, p. 21, plate 3, fig. 43, 1866; Hill, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 34, p. 147, 1899. The following is a description of this species: Test flattened, circular or elliptical in outline, early chambers spiral, soon extending back to make a crosier-formed test, after which by further elonga- tions the chamber ends meet and form annuli; wall calcareous, smooth, aper- tures circular openings about the peripheral wall. Diameter up to 3 mm. This species is not uncommon in the Bowden material from Jamaica, but is frequently broken, due to the thin, entirely calcareous test and the weakness that easily develops along the sutural lines. In Hill's list of the species identified by Doctor Bagg both 0. compressa and 0. adunca are given. Among the specimens I have seen there is none that is the typical thick form of 0. adunca; but all are thin, flattened, and develop annuli very early, and, therefore, are typical 0. compressa. Orbitolites (Sorites) duplex Carpenter. (Plate 5, Figures 9, 10.) The material from U. S. G. S. No. 6949, Simson Bay Point, St. Martin, numerous specimens of a medium-sized Orbitolites. Vertical sections of material from this station are shown on plate 5, figure 9. As a rule the specimens are much like 0. duplex in section. According to Douville", current conceptions of Orbitolites need much revision. The true Orbitolites, with 0. complanata as the type, from the Eocene of the Paris Basin, seems to be not found living at the present time. A portion of a horizontal section from U. S. G. S. No. 6894, southwest side of Crocus Bay, Anguilla, shows a few chambers in which the con- nections between the adjacent chambers seem much more like those in Sorites Ehrenberg, which, according to Douville*, includes the recent species 0. marginata and 0. duplex. The fossil Orbitolites need a careful revision from a study of carefully sectioned material. Specimens very similar to the above occur at the following stations in Cuba, collected by T. W. Vaughan: 3440, northeast part of Santiago, in marl on hillside; 3443, northeast part of Santiago, marl at foot of hills, and 3446, first deep cutting on railroad east of La Cruz, near Santiago. FOSSIL FORAMINIFERA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 71 Orbitolites complanata (Lamarck) variety. Orbitolites complanata (Lamarck) H. B. Brady, Rep. Voy. Challenger, Zoology, vol. 9, p. 218, plate 16, fig. 1, 1884. The form of 0. complanata) very abundant in a fine sandy material from Bluff 3, Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo, differs from the ordi- nary form of this species in being thinner, more like 0. duplex, but with the multiple chambers of 0. complanata; the apertures, however, occur in a very narrow band along the center of the, peripheral face. These characters are very constant. Alveolina species (?). (Plate 5, Figure 14.) A single specimen, apparently a longitudinal section of Alveolina occurs in sectioned material from U.S. G. S. No. 6949, Simson Bay Point, St. Martin, Leeward Islands. It occurs with abundant Orbitolites. CUSHMAN PLATE 1 1. Orthophragmina antillea, n. sp. Type specimen, X 4. Radiating ribs and central umbonal mass only shown. 2. Orthopragmina marginata, n. sp. Type specimen, X 4. Upper marginal portion of specimen broken away. 3. Lepidocydina gigas, n. sp. Type specimen, 0.8 natural size. Specimen incomplete. 4 and 5. Lepidocydina gigas, n. sp. Two smaller specimens from type locality, 0.8 natural size. CUSHMAN PLATE 2 1. Rock specimen, 0.8 natural size, made up largely of (a) Lepidocyclinaundosa, n. =p., and (6) Het- erostegina antillea, n. sp. 2 and 3. Vertical sections of Orthophragmina antillea, n. sp. X 16. 4. Vertical section of part of central umbonal portion and peripheral flange and thickened peri- phery of Orthophragmina marginata, n. sp. X 16. CUSHMAN PLATE 3 1. Rock specimen, 0.75 natural nze, made up largely of (a) Lepidocyclina undulata, n. sp., (b) L. favosa, n. sp. 2. Reverse of specimen shown in fig. 1. 3. Lepidocyclina antillea, n. sp. Vertical section. X 15 4. Lepidocyclina parvula, n. sp. Section somewhat oblique, showing two slightly unequal early chambers, with few chambers following a trace of a spiral arrangement. X 15. ' 5. 6, 7. Lepidocyclina parvula, n. sp. Vertical 01 slightly oblique sections showing equatorial and lateral chambers. Figs. 5 and 6, X 15; fig. 7. X 7.5. 8. Lepidocyclina undulata, n. sp. Portion of horizontal section. X 7.5. 9. Lepidocyclina undulata, n. sp. Portion of vertical section. X 7.5. *V-* CUSHMAN PLATE 4 1. Nummulites antillea, n. sp. Photograph of type specimen. X 5. Specimen somewhat eroded, showing traces of chamber walls,. 2. Section of portion on N. antillea, n. sp. X 20. At upper right hand are few equatorial cham- bers of Orthophragmina antillea, n. sp. 3. Nummulites parvula, n. sp. Accidental weathered specimen. X 8. 4. 5, and 6. Vertical section of N. parvula, n. sp. X 20. Figure 4 also shows a vertical section of a portion of Orthophragmina antillea, n. sp., through two radial ribs. 7. Gypsina globulus, Reuss. Transverse section. X 20. CUSHMAN PLATE 5 1. Heterostegina antillea, n. sp., vertical sections, one through the proloculum. X 20. 2. Oblique section of H. antillea, n. sp., showing some of the chamberlets. X 20. 3. Carpenteria proteus, n. sp., section through several chambers. X 20. 4. Lepidocydina gigas, n. sp., section through a por- tion of the hexagonal chambers. X 20. 5 and 6. Heterosteginoides antillea, n. sp. X 20. 7. Textularia sp. Longitudinal section. X 20. 8. Quinqueloculina sp. Incomplete transverse sec- tion. X 20. Spirolociilina sp. Section of two specimens, also vertical sections of Orbitolites (Sorites) duplex Carpenter. X 20. 10. Horizontal section through a few chambers of Orbitolites duplex Carpenter. X 20. 11. Nonionina sp. Section, X 20, from Station 6884, Anguilla. 12. Spiroloculina sp. Transverse section. X 20. 13. Globigerina sp. Section. X 20. 14. Alveolina sp. Section. X 20. CUSHMAN PLATE 6 1,2, and 3. Haplostiche dubia var. intermedia, n. var. X 15. 4. Haplostiche dubia var. intermedia, n. var.. horizontal section, showing divisions of the interior. X 20. 5. Textularia barrettii Jones and Parker, end view. X 20. 6. Textularia barrettii Jones and Parker, front view. X 20. 7. Textularia barrettii Jones and Parker, horizontal section, showing irregular labyrinthic interior. 8. Cristellaria calcar var. aspinosa, n. var. X 20. All specimens from the Bowden marl. CUSHMAN PLATE 7 1. Cuneolina pavonia d'Orbigny. X 12. 2. Cuneolina pavoniva var. angusta, n. var. X 12. 3. 4, and 5. Nodosaria vertebralis Batsch. X 12. 6. Orbiculina compressa d'Orbigny. X 12. 7. Amphistegina lessonii d'Orbigny. X 12. All specimens from the Bowden marl. CUSHMAN PLATE 8 1. Frondicularia alata d'Orbigny. X 13. From Bowden marl. 2. Cristellaria bowdenensis, n. sp. X 13. From Bowden marl. 3. Globigerina sp.? X 18. Cuba, Station 7664. 4. Polymorphinasv-t X 18. Cuba, Station 7664. 5. Nonionina sp.? X 18. Cuba, Station 6117. 6. Rotaliform species. X 18. Cuba, Station 7513. 7. Linderina sp.? X 18. Cuba, Station 3448. 8. Linderina sp.? X 18. Cuba, Station 7666. CUSHMAN PLATE 1. Gypsina globulus'var. pilaris H. B. Brady. Exterior X 15. From Bowden marl. 2. Gypsina globulus var. pilaris H. B. Brady. X 15. Section from Bowden marl. 3. Orthophragmina cubensis, n. sp. Vertical section. X 20. Cuba, Station 3448. 4 and 5. Orthophragmina crassa, n. sp. Vertical sections. X 20. Cuba, Station 6122. 6. Orthophragmina pustulata, n. sp. Exterior. X 20. Cuba, Station 3478. 7. Orthophragmina pustulata, n. sp. Slightly oblique section, showing equatorial chambers, pil- lars, and lateral chambers, X 20. Cuba, Station 3667. 8. Orthophragmina sculpturata, n. sp. Vertical section. X 20. Cuba, Station 3478. 9. Orthophragmina sculpturata, n. sp. Oblique section, showing rectangular, elongate, equatorial chambers, large pillars with a single series of lateral chambers, between. X 20. CUSHMAN PLATE 10 1. Orthophragmina pustulata, n. sp. Oblique section. X 16. Cuba, Station 3448. 2. Section of rock from Cuba, Station 6125, showing vertical sections of Orthophragmina crassa, n. sp. (large), O. cubensis (small at bottom), and O. subtaramellei, at right. X 16. 3. Section of rock from Cuba, sections of Orthophragmina cubensis. X 16. 4. Section of rock from Cuba, Station 3476, showing several sections of Orthophragmina cubensis, n. sp. on right and one of O. crassa, n. sp. on left. CUSHMAN PLATE 11 1. Lepidocyclina morgani Lemoine and R. Douville. 2. Lepidocyclina morgani Lenoire and R' Douville. 3. Lepidocyclina morgani Lenoire and R. Douville. 4. Lepidocyclina crassata, n. sp. Vertical section, X Exterior. X 6. Cuba, Station 7664. Vertical section. X 16. Cuba, Station 7664. Vertical section. X 16. Cuba, Station 7543. 16. Cuba, Station 7513. 5. Lepidocyclina crassata, n. sp. Vertical section, young. X 16. Cuba, Station 7521. 6. Lepidocyclina subraulinii, n. sp. Exterior. X 4. Cuba, Station 3478. 7. Lepidocyclina subraulinii, n. sp. Vertical section. X 8. Cuba, Station 3478. 8. Lepidocyclina perundosa, n. sp. section. X 8. Cuba, Station 3478. CUSHMAN PLATE 12 1 and 2. Lepidocydina marginata (Michellotti). Exterior. X 4. Cuba, Station 7518. 3 and 4. Lepidocydina sumatrensis (Brady). Vertical sections. 1 X 16. Cuba, Station 7516. 5. Lepidocydina subraulinii, n. sp. Portion of vertical section. X 16. Cuba, Station 7666. 6. Lepidocydina subraulinii, n. sp. Portion of oblique section, showing some of the equatorial and lateral chambers. X 16. Cuba, Station 7666. 7. Lepidocydina canvellei var. yurnagunensis, n. var. Portion of horizontal section, showing several embryonic chambers, a portion of equatorial chambers, and at the side the lateral chambers. X 16. Cuba, Station 7548. 8. Rock section showing numerous nearly vertical sections of Lepidocydina canellei var. yurna- gunensis, n. var. X 16. Cuba, Station 7548. CUSHMAN PLATE 13 1. Asterigerina angulata, n. sp. (a) Dorsal view; (6) ventral view. X 24. Rio Cana, Zone I . 2. Asterigerina rodundata, n. sp. Apertural view. X 24. Rio Gurabo, Zone G. 3. Asterigerina tuberculata, n. sp. (a) Dorsal view; (b) ventral view; (c) side view. X 24. Rio Cana, Zone I. 4. Asterigerina tuberculata, n. sp. Side view of a more truncate specimen from the same section. X 24. All specimens from Santo Domingo. CUSHMAN PLATE 14 1. Bolivina lobata var. cubensis, n. var. X 80. Matanzas, Cuba, Station 3461. 2. Sphceroidina dehiscens var. immature,, n. var. X 40. Bowden marl, Bowden, Jamaica. 3. Vertebralina striata d'Orbignj^. X 40. Bowden, Jamaica. 4. Triloculina tricarinata d'Orbigny. X 40. Bowden, Jamaica. 5. Quinqueloculina sp. cf. Q. kerimbatica Heron-Allen and Earland. X 24. Bowden, Jamaica. 6. Quinqueloculina parkeri var. bowdenensis, n. var. X 40. Bowden, Jamaica. 7. Siphonina pulchra, n. sp. (a) Dorsal view; (6) ventral view; (c) apertural view. X 40. Matan- zas, Cuba, Station 3461. CUSHMAN PLATE 15 1, 2, and 3. Orthophragmina subtaramellei, n. sp. 1, 2, more regular pentagonal specimens; 3, irregularly hexagonal specimen. X 32. Specimens from Boston manganese mine, Santiago, Cuba. 4. Lepidocydina favosa, n. sp., showing central pitted and thickened portion and the doubly curved test. X 6. 5. Lepidocydina undulata, n. sp. Fragmentary specimen, showing large size and undulate character of surface, 0.8 natural size. III. FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. BY FERDINAND CANU AND RAY S. BASSLEK. With seven plates. 73 FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. BY FERDINAND CANU AND RAY S. BASSLER. The paper here presented contains descriptions and illustrations of West Indian Tertiary Bryozoa submitted to us by Dr. T. W. Vaughan. The collection from Antigua and Anguilla was made by Doctor Vaughan; that from Bowden, Jamaica, was made by Messrs. J. B. Henderson and C. T. Simpson; and that from Santo Domingo was made by Dr. Carlotta J. Maury. The specimens from Costa Rica and Panama were obtained by Messrs. MacDonald and Vaughan. The fossil bryozoan faunas of the West Indies and Central America are of upper Oligocene and lower Miocene age. Distribution of Oligocene and lower Miocene Bryozoa of West Indies and Central America. Oligocene. Lower Miocene. 1 1 1 | 1 9 Recent. Species of Bryozoa. Antigua formation. "S < Emperador, lime- 1 stone. Bowden marl of Bowden, Jamaica. Bowden horizon at Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. Bowden horizon at Rio Cana, Santo Domingo, etc. 1 Gatun formation 1 of Costa Rica. x Membranipora vaughani, n. sp X X x Cupuladria canariensis Busk, 1859 X x X X x X Acanthodesia savarti forma texturata Reuss, 1847 Acanthodesia savarti forma monilifera, new form X Callopora dumerilii var. Jata, n. var x Callopora tenella Hincks, 1880 X X Ogivalina mutabilis, n. sp X X Nellia oculata Busk, 1852 X X x Floridina pyripora, n. sp X V X Floridina f usifera, n. sp Lunularia sp X x X x Hemiseptella grandicella, n. sp x Hemiseptella lata, n. sp XXXX Cupuladria umbellata Defrance, 1823 X X .... x X Corvnostylus labiatus, n. sp Corynostylus ellipticus, n. sp Thalamoporella granulata Levinsen, 1909 X X x Thalamoporella biperforata, n. sp X X X X Steganoporella parvicella, n. sp Labiopora miocenica, n. sp X Puellina radiata carolinensis Gabb and Horn, 1862 Schizopodrella mutabilis, n. sp X X X Schizopodrella unicornis Johnston, 1847 x X X X X X X Stylopoma spongites Pallas, 1766 x x X Stephanosella biaperta Michelin, 1842 Gemelliporella punctata, n. sp X Hippomenella infratelum, n. sp X X x Hippoporina lata Smitt, 1862 x Porella bella Busk, 1860 X Smittina (?) brevis, n. sp X Rhamphostomella laticella, n. sp x Rhynchozoon vaughani, n. sp X X Metrarabdotos colligatum, n. sp X X Metrarabdotos lacrymosum, n. sp Adeona porosa, n. sp X Adeona heckeli Reuss, 1847 x x x X 'x' Bracebridgia deformis, n. sp x Holoporella albirostris Smitt, 1873 X X X x X Stichoporina tuberosa, n. sp X X X X Idmonea milneana d'Orbigny, 1839 75 76 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Locality and faunal list. Oligocene (Emperador limestone) old quarry, one-third mile north of west of Empire, Panama Canal Zone (loc. No. 6016) : Ogivalina mutabilis, n. sp. Holoporella albirostris Smitt, 1873. Oligocene (Antigua formation), Carlisle marl pit, Antigua, Leeward Islands (loc. No. 6873): Calpensia impressa Moll, 1803. Oligocene (Antigua formation), Rifle Butts, Antigua, Leeward Islands (loc. No. 6854) : Floridina pyripora, n. sp. Hippoporina lata Smitt, 1862. Floridina fusifera, n. sp. Porella bella Busk, 1860. Puellina radiata carolinensis Gabb and Horn, 1862. Oligocene (Anguilla formation), southwest side of Crocus Bay bluffs, uppermost horizon, 125 feet above sea-level, Anguilla, Leeward Islands (loc. No. 6967) : Callopora dumerilli var. lata, n. var. Puellina radiata carolinensis Gabb and Floridina pyripora, n. sp. Horn, 1862. Oligocene (Anguilla formation), southwest side of Crocus Bay, Anguilla, Leeward Islands (loc. No. 6894) : Holoporella albirostris Smitt, 1873. Stylopoma spongites Pallas, 1766. Oligocene (Anguilla formation), along roadside, Crocus Bay Hill, descent to Crocus Bay from valley, Anguilla, Leeward Islands (loc. No. 6893) : Stephanosella biaperta Michelin, 1842. Ogivalina mutabilis, n. sp. Lower Miocene (Gatun formation), Banana River, Costa Rica: Cupularia umbellata Def ranee, 1823. Stichopoiina tuberosa, n. sp. Cupuladria canariensis Busk, 1859 Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica: Steganoporella parvicella, n. sp. Stylopoma spongites Pallas, 1766. Cupularia umbellata Defrance, 1823. Schizopodrella unicornis Johnston, 1847. Cupuladria canariensis Busk, 1859. Gemelliporella punctata, n. sp. Conopeum ovale, n. sp Rhamphostomella laticella, n. sp. Acanthodesia savarti forma texturata Metrarabdotos lacrymosum, n. sp. Reuss, 1847. Adeona heckeli Reuss, 1847. Callopora tenella Hincks, 1880. Bracebridgia deformis, n. sp. Hemiseptella grandicella, n. sp. Holoporella albirostris Smitt, 1873. Thalamoporella biperforata, n. sp. Stichoporina tuberosa, n. ap. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao (bluff 3), Santo Domingo: Membranippra vaughani, n. sp. Hippomenella infratelum, n. sp. Acanthodesia savarti forma monilifera, Schizopodrella (?) mutabilis, n. sp. new form. Smittina (?) brevis, n. sp. Nellia oculata Busk, 1852. Rhynchozoon vaughani n. sp. Cupuladria umbellata Defrance, 1823. Metrarabdotos colligatum, n. sp. Cupuladria canariensis Busk, 1859. Adeona porosa, n. sp. Steganoporella parvicella, n. sp. Idmonea milneana D 'Orbigny, 1839. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao (bluff 2), Santo Domingo: Cupularia umbellata Defrance, 1823. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Rio Gurabo (zone D), Santo Domingo: Lunularia species. Thalamoporella biperforata, n. sp. Cupularia umbellata Defrance, 1823. Labiopora miocenica, n. sp. Cupuladria canariensis Busk, 1859. Stichoporina tuberosa, n. sp. Thalamoporella granulata Levinsen, 1909. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Rio Cana (zone I), Santo Domingo: Stichoporina tuberosa, n. sp. Cupuladria canariensis Busk, 1859. Thalamoporella biperforata, n. ap. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Rio Cana (zone H), Santo Domingo: Metrarabdotos colligatum, n. sp. FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 77 Class BRYOZOA. Order CHEILOSTOMATA Busk. Suborder ANASCA Levinsen. Group MEMBRANrPORE Canu and Bassler. Genus CONOPEUM Norman, 1903. Conopeum ovale, new species. (Plate 5, Figure 6.) The zoarium incrusts shells. The zooecia are oval, elongate, distinct, separated by a deep furrow; the mural rim is wide, flat, almost smooth; the opesium is elliptical or oval. Measurements. 1 Opesium : ho = 0.30 mm., lo = 0.15 mm. ; zocecium : Lz = 0.35 mm., te = 0.25 mm. Affinities. The figured specimen is the only one that has been found and as it is incomplete it is impossible for us to present a detailed study of the species. The ancestrular zooecia are calcified. A small avicularium appears to be present between the mural rims of some zooecia. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica (very rare). Genus MEMBRANIPORA Blainville, 1834. Membranipora vaughani, new species. (Plate 2, Figure 1.) Cfr. Membranipora tuberculata Busk, Fossil Polyzoa of the Crag, Paleontographical Society, p. 30, plate n, fig. 1, 1859. Measurements. Opesium: /io = 0.32 to 0.36 mm., Zo = 0.22 to 0.24 mm.; zocecium: 1/2 = 0.40 to 0.44 mm., Zz = 0.32 mm. The figured specimen is the only one found. It incrusts a small, very convex mollusc which has deformed the zooecia by its shape. This is not the species of Busk, 1858, nor that of Bosc, 1830, which it resembles only in the presence of large interopesial tubercles, but we can not fully define a new species upon such a minute fragment. The figured specimen is really too large in its micrometric measure- ments to be compared with the species figured by Busk, 1859. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo. CUPULADRIA, new genus. Etymology. Modification of Cupularia. No ovicell. The zoarium bears vibracula. No gymnocyst. Genotype. Cupuladria (Cupularia) canariensis Busk, 1859. Range. Miocene-Recent. The genotype does not belong at all to the genus Cupularia as we now, understand this genus and as it is defined by its type species. There are neither opesiules nor cryptocyst. Previously, Smitt, in 1872, 1 In the citation of measurements, ho is the length and lo the width of the opesia, Lz and Iz simi- larly the length and width of the zooecia, Lv and Iv the same for the vibraculum, I/on and Ion for the onychocellaria, ha and la for the apertura, etc. 78 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. classified the genotype more correctly in Membranipora, as this genus was then understood. It can not, however, be maintained in Mem- branipora, since its significance has been more restricted. We have therefore been obliged to create a new genus characterized by the presence of vibracula, although these organs of zoarial adaptation may not logically furnish good generic characters. We only add a letter to the primitive term to modify the long synonymy of this species as little as possible. This genus differs from Heliodoma Calvet, 1907, in the absence of a gymnocyst. The absence of an endozooecial ovicell does not permit it to be confused with either Vibracellina Canu and Bassler, 1917, or Setosellina Calvet, 1907. Cupuladria canariensis Busk, 1859. (Plate 1, Figures 8 to 10.) Cupularia canariensis Busk, Monograph fossil Polyzoa of the Crag, Publications Paleonto" graphical Society, London, XIV, p. 87, plate 13, fig. 2, 1859. Membranipora canariensis Smitt, Floridan Bryozoa, collected by Count L. F. de Pourtales, Pt. I, Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, X, No. 11, p. 10, 1872. Cupularia canariensis Canu, Iconographie des Bryozoaires fossiles de L' Argentina, Premiere partie. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, tome XVII, p. 275, plate v figs. 8 to 10 (gives bibliography), 1908. Cupularia guineensis Norman, The Polyzoa of Madeira and neighboring islands, Journal Linnean Society London, Zoology, XXX, p. 289, plate 37, figs. 2 and 6, 1909. Cupularia canariensis Canu, Contributions a 1'etude des Bryozoaires fossiles, IV, Pliocene d'Alger, Bulletin Societe Geologique France (4), XIII, p. 124, 128, 1914. Cupularia guiniensis Osburn, The Bryozoa of the Tortugas Islands, Florida, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 182, p. 194, 1914. Cupularia canariensis Canu, Bryozoaires fossiles des Terraines du Sud-Ouest de la France, IX, Aquitanien, Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France (4), XVI, p. 137, plate m, figs. 4 to 6. This species may be considered as equatorial. In spite of its geologic extension, it has never left the tropical zone or its immediate latitudes. Like Membranipora tuber culata Bosc, 1802, it appears to have been carried to America by the equatorial current. It is comparatively rare in our fossils and has never been found north of southern Florida. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Bowden, Jamaica (rare); Rio Gurabo, Rio Cana, and Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo (rare); lower Miocene (Gatun formation), Banana River, Costa Rica (rare); Miocene (Choctawhatchee marl), Jackson Bluff, Ochlockonee River, 25 miles southwest of Tallahassee, Florida (rare) ; upper Pliocene (Caloosahatchee marl), Monroe County, Florida (rare). Geological distribution. Burdigalian of Bordeaux (collection Canu) ; Helvetian of France (Canu) ; of Spain (De Angelis) ; Tortonian of Austria-Hungary (Reuss); of Italy (Seguenza); Plaisancian of Italy (Manzoni) ; of England (Busk) ; of Spain (De Angelis) ; of Algeria (Canu); Astian of Italy (Neviani, Canu); Sicilian of Rhodes (Man- zoni); of Italy (Neviani); Quaternary of Italy (Neviani), of Argentina (Canu); Miocene of Australia? (Waters). FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 79 ACANTHODESIA, new genus. Greek: aKav6i65ris = full of bristles. The following is a description of this genus: No ovicell. The opesium is garnished laterally by small spinous processes and inferiorly by a serrate denticle. 15 tentacles. Genotype. Acanthodesia (Flustra) savartii Savigny-Audouin, 1826. Range. Lutetian-Recent. Another species of this new genus is Membranipora limosa Waters, 1908. Waters classified the genotype in the same group as Mem- branipora hians Hincks, 1885. This is incorrect, since Flustra savartii is deprived of opesiules and its large retractor muscle of the polypide inserted on the median axis of the zocecium assures the symmetry of the opesium; moreover, there is no ovicell. The spinous processes are of the same nature as those of the genera Hemiseptella Levinsen, 1909, and Cupularia Def ranee, 1821, but they are very inconstant; in fact they have not been noted on the recent specimens, nor are they very frequent on the fossils. On the contrary, the serrate denticle is rarely found in the fossil examples. Acanthodesia savartii forma monilifera, new form. (Plate 2, Figures 2, 3.) The following is a description of this form: The zoarium is a tube formed of 8 longitudinal rows of zocecia, incrusting the radicells of algae. The zooecia are distinct, much elongated, adjacent at their mural rims, almost rectangular; the mural rim is round, salient, orna- mented with large, regular beads, arranged like a collar around each zocecium. The opesium is elongate, elliptical or oval, surrounded and crenulated by large tuberosities. There is no cryptocyst developed. Measurements. Opesium: /io = 0.34 mm., Zo = 0.18 mm.; zocecium: 1/2 = 0.48 mm., Zz = 0.28 mm. This form differs from typical A canthodesia savartii Savigny-Audouin, 1826, which has analogous zocecia, in the presence of granulations on the mural rim. Often a large tubercle is developed in the interzooecial angle. But a single specimen of this superb form has been found. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo. Acanthodesia savartii forma texturata Reuss, 1847. (Plate 5, Figures 1 to 5.) Flustrellaria texturata Reuss, Die fossilen Polyparien des Wiener-Tertiarbeckens, Haidinger'a naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, II, p. 73, plate ix, fig. 1, 1847. Biflustra savarti Smitt, Floridan Bryozoa, collected by Count L. F. de Pourtales, Part I, Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, X, No. 11, p. 20, plate iv, figs. 92 to 95, 1872. Flustrellaria texturata Manzoni, I Briozoi fossili del Miocene d'Austria ed Ungheria, II Parte Denkschriften der math, natur. Classe der k. Akademie der Wissenschaften, XXXVII, 2 Abtheilung, p. 67, plate 13, fig. 43, 1877. 80 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. The following is a description of this form: The cryptocyst is developed on all the zocecia. No spinous processes. No tubercles. The zoarium is unilamellar and subcylindrical. Measurements. Opesia: /io = 0.35 mm., Zo = 0.20 mm.; zocecia: Lz = 0.50 mm., Zz = 0.28 mm. Variations. The zoarium incrusts fine algae at their bifurcation; it is therefore unilamellar and subcylindrical. The zocecia are elongated, ogival, distinct; the mural rim is striated, salient only in the distal portion; the cryptocyst is large and concave. The opesium is elliptical, very finely denticulated anteriorly; it often bears thin and short spinous processes. Smitt figured the serrate denticle on the recent specimens; it never persists on the fossil examples. On the inner face the zooecia are rectangular. Affinities. The presence of the spinous processes differentiates our specimens from Flustrellaria texturata from the European Tortonian, which, according to the figures, does not bear them. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Bowden, Jamaica; Pleistocene or Recent, Vero, Florida. Geologic distribution. Tortonian of Austria-Hungary (Manzoni); Recent off Florida (Smitt). Genus OGIVALINA Canu and Bassler, 1917. Ogivalina mutabilis, new species. (Plate 1, Figure 4.) The following is a description of this species: The zoarium is incrusting. The zocecia are elongated, oval, distinct, separated by a deep furrow; the mural rim is thin, smooth, rounded; there is often a small gymnocyst. The opesium is very large, irregular, more often oval. The ovicell is endozocecial, small, little convex. Sometimes there is a small interzocecial fusiform avicularium (?). Measurements. Opesium: /io=0.60 to 0.70 mm., = 0.30 to 0.45 mm.; zocecium: Lz=0.75 to 0.95 mm., Zz = 0.50 to 0.70 mm. The great irregularity of form and zocecial dimensions of this species justifies its name. There are some variations which recall those of Membranipora irregularis Manzoni, 1875, 1 which possesses a mural rim enlarged at the base and also some large interzocecial avicularia. The present species differs from the splendid Ogivalina eximipora (Canu and Bassler, 1917) from the middle Jacksonian in its smaller dimensions, in the absence of cryptocyst, and in the presence of a gymnocyst. The avicularium (?) is identical in form and position. Occurrence. Oligocene (Emperador limestone), old quarry, one-third mile north of west of Empire, Panama Canal Zone, D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors, 1914, loc. No. 6016. Oligocene (Anguilla formation), southwest side Crocus Bay Hill, Anguilla, Leeward Islands, T. W. Vaughan, collector, 1914, loc. No. 6893. 1 Briozoi del pliocene antico di Castrocaro, Bologna, p. 10, plate 1, figs. 5 and 8, 1875. FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 81 Genus CALLOPORA Gray, 1848. Callopora dumerilii var. lata, new variety. (Plate 1, Figure 1.) Membranipora dumerilii Canu, fitude des bryozoaires helvetiens de 1'figypte, M6moires de 1'Institut figyptien, VI, p. 196, plate x, fig. 7 (see for complete bibliography), 1913. Membranipora dumerilii Levinsen, Mosdyr, Zoologica danica, heft 9, p. 57, plate iv, figs. 22-25, 1894. Membranipora guernei Jullien, Resultats des campagnes scientifiques du Prince de Monaco, Fasc. XXIII, Bryozoaires provenant des Campagnes de 1'Hirondelle, XXIII, p. 4, plate v, fig. 3, 1903. Callopora dumerilii Norman, On the Polyzoa of Madeira and neighboring islands, Linnean Society's Journal, Zool., XXX, p. 287, 1909. This new variety is instituted for the form of this species in which a certain number of the zocecia have only a single avicularium placed in front of the opesium, as in the genus Ramphonotus. On these speci- mens, moreover, there is not a single opesium resembling its neighbor, but in general the elongated zocecia are less common. For this reason we have believed that the American Jacksonian and the Anguilla specimens should be separated as a variety. The differences from the recent type specimens are slight, the larger size of the opesium measur- ing 0.25 mm. in the species instead of 0.20 mm. in the variety, being too small a difference for the erection of a new species. American occurrence. Oligocene (Anguilla formation), southwest side Crocus Bay bluffs, uppermost horizon, 125 feet above sea-level, Anguilla, Leeward Islands, T. W. Vaughan, collector, 1914 (loc. No. 6967) ; middle Jacksonian, Wilmington, North Carolina. Callopora tenella Hincks, 1880. (Plate 5, Figure 10.) Membranipora tenella Hincks, Annals and Magazine Natural History (5), vol. 6, p. 25, plate xvi, fig. 7, 1880. Membranipora tenella Jelly, A synonymic catalogue of recent marine Bryozoa, p. 167, 1889. Affinities. This species is quite easily recognized by its very thin mural rim and especially by its small tubercles arranged more or less symmetrically on the gymnocyst. These tubercles appear to be hollow. The great geological distribution of this Recent species presupposes a considerable corresponding geographical distribution, which has not yet been observed. Osburn did not discover this species in the present Gulf of Mexico. The species may perhaps be confused with Callopora dumerilii Savigny-Audouin, 1826, in which the exterior aspect is quite similar; it differs from it in the presence of nodules instead of avicularia placed on the gymnocyst (and not between the opesia). Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica. Habitat. Florida (Hincks). 82 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Family FARCIMINARHD^E Busk, 1852. Genus NELLIA Busk, 1852. Nellia oculata Busk, 1852. (Plate 2, Figures 5 to 7.) Farcimia tenetta Lamarck, Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres, vol. 2, plate 2, figs. 26, 27, 1816. CeUaria tenella Lamarck, Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres, ed. 1, 11, p. 135, 1816, 1836. CeUaria tenetta Blainville, Manuel d'Actinologie ou de Zoophytologie, 1834. CeUaria tenetta d'Orbigny, Paleontologie Francaise, Terr. Cretaces, vol. V, p. 28, 1850-52. Nellia oculata Busk, British Museum Catalogue, I, p. 18, 1852. Nettia oculata Smitt, Floridan Bryozoa, Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, pt. XI, p. 3, 1873. Nettia oculata McCoy, Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria; decade V, p. 51, 1880. Nettia oculata Haswell, On some Polyzoa from the Queensland Coast, Proceedings Linnean Society New South Wales, V, p. 36, 1881. Membraniporina oculata Waters, Fossil Cheilostomatous Bryozoa from Muddy Creek, Victoria, Quarterly Journal Geological Society, tome XXXIX, p. 434, 1883. Nettia oculata Busk, Report of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, pt. XXX, p. 27, 1884. Nellia oculata Hincks, On the Polyzoa and Hydroida of the Mergui Archipelago: Journal Linnean Society, Zoology, XXI, p. 121, 1887. Nellia oculata MacGillivray, Catalogue of the Marine Polyzoa of Victoria, p. 15 and p. 34, 1887. Farcimia oculata Waters, Bryozoa from New South Wales, etc., 1, 11, 111, Annals and Maga- zine Natural History (5), XX, p. 92, 1887. Nellia tenella Jelly, A Synonymic Catalogue, p. 94, 1889. Farcimia oculata MacGillivray, A Monograph of the Tertiary Polyzoa of Victoria, Transac- tions Royal Society of Victoria, vol. IV, p. 50, plate 6, figs. 5 to 7, 1895. Farcimia tenetta Canu, Bryozoaires tertiares des environs de Paris, Annales de Paleontologie, tome III, p. 20, plate 2, figs. 36, 37, 1907. Nellia tenella Levinsen, Morphologic and Systematic Studies on the Cheilostomatous Bry- ozoa, p. 120, plate i, fig. 13 (ovicell), 1909. Farcimia oculata Waters, Marine Biology of the Sudanese Red Sea, Journal Linnean Society, Zoology, XXXI, p. 167, 1909. Farcimia oculata Canu, Les Bryozoaires helv6tiens de 1'figypte, Memoires de 1'Institut figyptien, VI, p. 191, 1912. Farcimia oculata Waters, Marine Fauna of British East Africa and Zanzibar, Proceedings Zoological Society of London, p. 489, plate LXVII, figs. 8, 9, 1913. Our small fragments are quite sufficient for the determination of this species. The dimensions of the opesium are not equal on the four sides, one of which is often larger than the other. The authors are not in accord as to the name which should be given to this species. We have adopted that of Busk. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo. Geological distribution. Lutetian of the environs of Paris (Canu); Helvetian of Egypt (Canu); Miocene of Australia (Waters). This species also occurs in the recent seas off Florida (Smitt) and the Isle of St. Thomas (Levinsen). Family OPESIULED^E Jullien, 1888. Genus FLORIDINA Jullien, 1881. Floridina pyripora, new species. (Plate 1, Figure 2.) Only two specimens of this species have been collected in the Lee- ward Islands. These are hardly sufficient for description of a new Floridina, for polymorphism is the rule in this genus; but we believe FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 83 more specimens will prove this to be a good species. The polypidian convexity is little salient; the opesiules are large and poorly defined; the lateral apophyses are very little salient; the general aspect of the opesium is pyriform. The ovicell is endozocecial, smooth, and salient. Measurements. Opesium (including opesiules): fto = 0.20 mm., Zo = 0.22 mm.; zooecium: Lz = 0.48 to 0.50 mm., Zz = 0.40 to 0.44 mm. Floridina antiqua Smitt, 1872, a Recent species in the Gulf of Mexico, is marked by large lateral denticles and with small opesiules; its aspect is quite different and its zoarium is not incrusting. Occurrence. Oligocene (Antigua formation), rare at the Rifle Butts, Antigua, Leeward Islands (loc. No. 6854), T. W. Vaughan, collector, 1914. Oligocene (Anguilla formation), rare along the southwest side of Crocus Bay, Anguilla, Leeward Islands (loc. No. 6967), T. W. Vaughan, collector, 1914. Floridina fusifera, new species. (Plate 1, Figure 3.) The zoarium is incrusting. The zocecia are hexagonal; the crypto- cyst is larger than the opesium; it is of little depth and is finely granu- lated; the opesium is trifoliate; the lateral apophyses are very salient; the opesiules are large and rounded; the polypidian convexity is very salient and convex. The onychocellarium is large, somewhat con- stricted laterally, and is provided with a very large orifice. Here and there are small fusiform avicularia. Measurements. Opesium: ho = 0.20 mm., Zo = 0.18 to 0.20 mm.; zooecium: 1/2 = 0.50 mm., Zz = 0.40 mm.; onychocellarium: opesium = 0.30 by 0.20 mm. ; zocecium = 0.60 by 0.36 mm. There are only four zocecia intact on the single zoarium obtained. The presence of small fusiform avicularia has appeared to us sufficient to justify the creation of this new species, this feature never having been observed in the genus. Occurrence. Oligocene (Antigua formation), rare at the Rifle Butts, Antigua, Leeward Islands (loc. No. 6854), T. W. Vaughan, collector, 1914. Genus LUNULARIA Busk, 1884. Lunularia species undetermined. (Plate 2, Figures 15, 16.) The figured specimen represents a zoarial fragment of a new species difficult to classify generically. On account of its perforated internal side it could be a Lunularia. The zocecia on the external side have indeed the form of that of Lunularia, but the interzocecial vibracula do not exist. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Rio Gurabo (zone D), Santo Domingo. 84 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Family CALPENSIID^ Canu and Bassler. Genus CALPENSIA Jullien, 1888. Calpensia impressa Moll, 1803. (Plate 1, Figure 11.) Eschara impressa Moll, Die Seerinde aus der Ordnung der Pflanzenthiere, Wien, p. 57, plate II, fig. 9, 1803. Eschara nobilis Michelin, Iconographie zoophytologie, p. 329, plate 79, fig. 1, 1847. Membranipora calpensis Busk, Catalogue of the Marine Polyozoa in the Collection of the British Museum, Cheilostomata, pt. 2, p. 60, plate 104, figs. 5, 6, 1854. Micropora impressa Waters, On the Bryozoa of the Bay of Naples, Am. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), III, p. 1230, 1879. Micropora impressa Calvet, Bryozoaires marines des cotes de Coise, Travaux de 1'Institut de Zoologie de 1'Universite de Montpellier, ser. 2, mem. 12, p. 17, 1902. Micropora impressa Canu, Bryozoaires fossils de terraines du Sud-ouest de la France, Bull. Soc. Geologique de France (4), X, p. 844, plate 16, fig. 6 (variety), 1910. Micropora impressa Mme. Guerin Guanivet, Contribution a 1'etude des Bryozoaires des cotes armoricaines, I, Travaux scientifique du Laboratoire de Concarneau, III, p. 5, plate 1, 1911. The discovery of this species in America was a great surprise, since it has heretofore been noted only in the Mediterranean area, where its zoaria occur in great abundance, especially on the African coast. Our determination is nevertheless an exact one, as we possess so many specimens for comparison that we should not be mistaken. The bibliography of this species given by Pergens, Jelly, and Waters is absolutely false, for they have confounded many distinct species; Canu noted five of them in 1911. In spite of its antiquity there are no undoubted references to the species other than those we have given above. The zoarium may be incrusting or Eschara-like. We have never observed an ovicell; it may have none. The species therefore belongs to a special family with Microporina Levinsen, 1909; Diplodidymia Reuss, Calpensia Jullien, 1888, and Hemiseptella Levinsen, 1909. Occurrence. Oligocene (Antigua formation), rare in the Carlisle marl-pit, Antigua, Leeward Islands, T. W. Vaughan, collector, 1914, Locality No. 6873. Geological distribution. Helvetian of Brittany, France (Michelin); Sahelian of Oran (collection Canu); Sicilian of Italy (Neviani). Habitat. Mediterranean, Gibraltar, Corsica, Tuscany, Naples, Adriatic, ^Egean Sea, Tunis, Algeria, Morocco, Atlantic off Brittany. It abounds at a depth of 25 to 30 meters and is very common at the depths of 75 to 100 meters. Genus HEMISEPTELLA Levinsen, 1909. Hemiseptella grandicella, new species. (Plate 5, Figure 11.) The following is a description of this species: The zoarium incrusts shells. The zocecia are large, elongate, ogival, distinct, separated by a furrow of little depth; the mural rim is narrow, little salient, round, finely granulated; the cryptocyst is large, flat, granulated; the opesium is elongated, elliptical, irregular, and non-symmetrical in the proximal portion. FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 85 Measurements. Opesium: fto = 0.40 mm., Zo = 0.25 mm.; zooecia: Lz = 0.65 to 0.70 mm., lz = 0.35 mm. Affinities. The group of inferior opesiular spines was certainly dissymmetrical; trace of the lateral spines is scarcely visible on our specimens. This species differs from Hemiseptella denticulata Smitt, 1872, in the absence of nodosities in the interzooecial angles and in the non-tri- foliate opesium. It differs from Hemiseptella tennis Desor, 1848, in the larger micro- metric measurements and in the more fragile and less numerous spines. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowdenmarl), Bowden, Jamaica (rare). Hemiseptella lata, new species. (Plate 2, figure 4.) The following is a description of this species : The zoarium incrusts Metrarabdotos. The zooecia are distinct, little elon- gated, wide, subrectangular; the mural rim is thin. The opesium is elliptical or orbicular, never symmetrical; the cryptocyst is short, little deep, irregular; the opesiular indentations are represented by two lateral dissymmetric con- cavities and are often separated by a wide and serrate denticle. Measurements. Opesium: /io = 0.30 mm., /o = 0.22 to 0.30 mm.; zooecia: Lz = 0.42 mm., Zz = 0.30 to 0.32 mm. Affinities. It is always difficult to characterize a species from the study of a single specimen. Exteriorly the zooecia have the form of certain zooecia observed in Acanthodesia savartii Savigny-Audouin, 1826; it differs from it in its non-symmetric opesium and in two ope- siular sinuosities. This species differs from Biflustra savarti Smitt, 1872, which is not its perhaps the species of Audouin, in the more constant development of cryptocyst and in the nature of its zoarium, which does not incrust algae. The proximal denticle has been clearly observed on these zooecia. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo. Genus CUPULARIA Lamouroux, 1821. Cupularia umbellata Def ranee, 1823. (Plate 1, Figures 5 to 7; Plate 2, Figures 17 to 21.) Discoporella denticulata Gabb and Horn, Monograph of the Fossil Polyzoa of the Secondary and Tertiary Formations of North America, Journal Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (2), V, p. 142, plate 20, fig. 25, 1862. Cupularia umbellata Canu, Iconographie des Bryozoaires fossiles de 1'Argentine, Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires, XVII, p. 275, plate v, figs. 4, 5, 1908. (See for complete bibliography.) Cupularia umbellata Canu, Bryozoaires fossiles du Sud-ouest de la France, Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France (IV), IX, p. 448, 454, plate xvi, figs. 16, 17, 1909. (Regional bibliography.) Cupularia lowei Norman, On the Polyzoa of Madeira, Journal Linnaean Society, XXX, p. 290, plate 37, figs. 7-12, 1909. 86 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Cupularia umbellata Canu, fitude compare des Bryozoaires Helvetians de 1'figypte avec les Bryozoaires vivants de la Mediterran6e et de la Met Rouge, M6moire de 1'Institut figyptien. tome VI, fasc. Ill, p. 205, 1913. Cupularia umbellata Canu, Contributions a 1'etude des Bryozoaires fossiles, Bulletin Societe Geologique France (IV), XIII, pp. 125, 126, 127, 1913. Cupularia lowei Osburn, The Bryozoa of the Tortugas Islands, Florida, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 182, p. 194, 1914. The fossils which are identified as above are rather well preserved and their determination is easy. The pores of the hydrostatic zooecia are not radicular. We are ignorant as to why Norman, who is a great lover of archaic names, has not preserved the name of Defrance. The figures published by this author and by d'Orbigny are excellent and leave no doubt as to the identity of the two species. The specimens from Santo Domingo are quite vigorous. They represent a variation that is remarkable in the size of the zooecia and in the aspect of the inner side. The latter does not show the usual tuberose ribs and the tuberosities are equally distributed on the zoarial surface. The ancestrula is not always visible; it is often covered over by a normal zocecium (fig. 19) or replaced by a special region in which the zocecia are arranged in contrary order (fig. 20). Measurements. Opesium: ho = 0.12 mm., to = 0.16 mm.; zooecium: 1/2 = 0.44 to 0.50 mm., fe=0.34 mm. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Gatun formation), Banana River, Costa Rica, D. F. McDonald, collector, 1911. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Bowden, Jamaico, Cercado de Mao (Bluffs 2 and 3) and Rio Gurabo, Santo Domingo. This species is almost always associated with Cupuladria canariensis Busk, 1859. Like the latter, it occurs in the lower Miocene (Alum Bluff formation) and also the later Miocene and Pliocene of the United States. Geological distribution. Aquitanian of Italy (Seguenza, Neviani), of Bordeaux (Canu) ; Burdigalian of Italy (Seguenza, Canu) of Bordeaux (Canu); Helvetian of Italy (Seguenza), of Touraine (Canu), of Bor- deaux (Canu), of Maryland (Ulrich), of Egypt (Canu); Tortonian of Provence (Canu), of Italy (Seguenza); Plaisancian of England (Busk), of Italy (Manzoni); Astian of Italy (Neviani, Canu), of Provence (Canu); Sicilian of Italy (Neviani); Quaternary of Italy (Seguenza), of Argentina (Canu). Habitat. Mediterranean, Atlantic, Canary Islands, and Florida. It is common hi the Gulf of Gascony in the Miocene, but it has now disappeared from this region. The species has been dredged at a depth of 11 to 48 meters in America and from 81 to 113 meters in Madeira. CORYNOSTYLUS, new genus. No ovicell. The opercular valve articulates on two condyles. The zooecia are club-shaped and provided with a gymnocyst. The zoarium is articulate. FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 87 Genotype. Corynostylus labiatus, new species. Lower Miocene. This genus has no recent equivalent; but its structure is easy to interpret. The two condyles serve as a hinge for the strongly chitinized opercular valve. The lower part of the opesium placed below served evidently as passage for the opesiular fibers attached to the ectocyst. The deep cavity of the cryptocyst served as a hydrostatic apparatus for the entrance and exit of the polypide. Like most of the articulated genera, this one probably was fastened on large mobile algae. Corynostylus labiatus, new species. (Plate 2, Figures 11 to 13.) The following is a description of this species : The zoarium is articulated and formed of long, regular segments. The segments are compressed, bilamellar, formed of three longitudinal rows of zocecia on each side. The zocecia are elongate, oval, distinct, rounded in front, narrowed behind, and are provided with a convex gymnpcyst with large pores; the mural rim is thick, regular, granular. The opesium is elongate, oval, provided with a proximal, salient lip placed between two rounded opesiular indentations. The two condyles are quite salient. The cryptocyst is deep and smooth. Measurements. Opesium : ho = 0. 12 mm. , lo 0. 10 mm. ; zocecium : Lz 0.50 mm., te = 0.26 to 0.28 mm. Affinities. The first zocecium of each segment is radicular; it gives rise to 3 polypidian zocecia. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo. Corynostylus ellipticus, new species. (Plate 2, Figures 8 to 10.) The following is a description of this species: The zoarium is articulated. The segments are formed of two longitudinal rows of zocecia placed only on one side of the zoarium. The zocecia are dis- tinct, club-shaped, with long, convex, and porous gymnocyst. The mural rim is thin and granular. The opesium is elliptical, elongate, surrounded by a salient rim; the two condyles are large and median. The cryptocyst is deep, smooth, and small. Measurements. Opesium: ho = 0.14 mm., lo Q.lQ mm.; zocecium: 1/2=0.50 mm., Zz = 0.20 to 0.22 mm. Affinities. This species differs from Corynostylus labiatus in its unilamellar segments with only two zocecial rows and in the absence of a salient lip proximal to the opesium. Only the fragments figured have been found; they are extremely fragile. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Family THALAMOPORELLIDjE. Genus THALAMOPORELLA Hincks, 1887. Thalamoporella granulata Levinsen, 1909. (Plate 2, Figure 14.) Thalamoporella granulata Levinsen, Morphological and Systematic Studies on the Cheilos- tomatous Bryozoa, p. 188, plate vi a, fig. 1, 2, plate vi, fig. 5, 1909. Thalamoporella granulata Osburn, The Bryozoa of the Tortugas Islands, Florida, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 182, p. 197, fig. 8, 1914. Measurements. Opesium: ho = 0.16 to 0.18 mm., Zo = 0.16 to 0.18 mm.; zooecium: Lz = 0.80 mm., te = 0.50 mm. Affinities. We possess only a small fragment consisting of two zooecia; we are not certain, therefore, of our determination, as this has been made almost entirely on the micrometric measurements. The opesium is oval, the point above; the cryptocyst is granulated; the mural rim has a width of 0.08 mm. and is granulated transversely. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Rio Cana, Santo Domingo. Habitat. Andaman or Nicobar Islands? (Levinsen); Tortugas Islands, Florida (Osburn). Thalamoporella biperforata, new species. (Plate 6, Figures 10 to 15.) The following is a description of this species: The zoarium is bilamellar. The zooecia are elongate, distinct, rectangular; the mural rim is thin, salient, beveled, and bears two hollow tubercles on each side of the aperture. The cryptocyst is deep, flat, ornamented with large, widely spaced pores and with numerous small pores closely placed together; the opesiules are very large, far distant from the aperture, placed symmetri- cally, but very unequal in size. The apertura is transverse, oval; the proximal border is always concave and the polypidian tube is limited by two small lateral indentations. The reticulocellarium is large, quite elongate; its cryp- tocyst is perforated by two opesiules; the opesium bears two lateral denticles serving as pivot to the corneous onychocellarium. Measurements. Opesium of zocecium: ho = Q.W to 0.12 mm., Zo = 0.14 mm.; zooBcium: La; = 0.54 to 0.60 mm., te = 0.34 to 0.40 mm.; opesium of onycho- cellarium: ho 0.24 mm., Zo = 0.12 mm.; onychocellarium: Lo = 0.90 mm., Zo = 0.30 mm. Affinities. The oral tuberosities are quite variable in size; they are often replaced by two fossettes. This species is characterized by its onychocellarium, which resembles that of Thalamoporella granulata Levinsen, 1909, figured by Osburn, 1914. It differs, however, in the very different oval form of its aper- ture and in the presence of oral tuberosities. In its tuberosities this species is quite close to Thalamoporella rozieri Savigny-Audouin, 1826. It differs from it in the form of its onychocellarium provided with two opesiules, which are not figured by Levinsen in the numerous drawings which he has given. FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 89 Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao and Rio Cana, Santo Domingo, and Bowden, Jamaica. Family STEGANOPORELLID^ Levinsen, 1909. Genus STEGANOPORELLA Smitt, 1873. Steganoporella parvicella, new species. (Plate 6, Figures 6 to 9.) The following is a description of this species : The zoarium is unilamellar, incrusting algae or bryozoa. The zooecia are distinct, elongate, separated by a shallow furrow; the mural rim is thin, salient, finely granular. The cryptocyst is finely porous; the opesium is irregular or semilunar, a little elongate; the polypidian tube forms a rect- angular surface, salient and excentric between the two dissimilar opesiular indentations. The large zooecia (B) are provided with a large distal floor, and the polypidian tube is almost median. Measurements. Opesium of small zooecia: ho = 0.34 to 36 mm., to = 0.16 to 0.30 mm.; small zooecia (a): Lz = 0.50 to 0.76 mm., Zz = 0.50 mm.; opesium of large zocecia (b): ho = 0.24 to 0.30 mm., Zo = 0.36 to 0.40 mm.; large zooecia (B): Lz = 1.00 to 1.10 mm., te = 0.44 to 0.56 mm. Affinities. The dimensions are quite variable, but they are always smaller than those of Steganoporella magnilabris Busk, which this species resembles in all its other characters. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo, and Bowden, Jamaica. Family ASPIDOSTOMDXaS Canu, 1908. Genus LABIOPORA Levinsen, 1909. No ovicell; distinct, raised margins; frontal wall of polypidian tube not quadrangular and not surrounded by projecting flanges. Polypide tube bila- biate, on either side connected with the lateral wall by a vertical calcareous lamina; multiporous septulse. Genotype. Labiopora crenulata Levinsen, 1909, Recent. Labiopora miocenica, new species. (Plate 6, Figure 1.) The following is a description of this species : The zoarium is unilamellar. The zooecia are elongate, distinct, rectangular; the mural rim is quite thin, round. The cryptocyst is little deep, flat, and formed of a tremocyst superposed on an olocyst perforated with corresponding pores. The opesium is transverse, terminal, or placed at the base of a funnel, formed by the much-developed vestibular arch. The polypidian tube is visible, wide, median. Measurements. Opesium: ho = Q.W mm., Zo = 0.24 to 0.28 mm.; zocecium: Lz = 0.50 to 0.64 mm., /z = 0.32 to 0.34 mm. Affinities. This new species differs from Labiopora crenulata Levin- sen, 1909, in the wide form of the zooecia and in its transverse opesium. The only fragment found has been figured. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Rio Gurabo, Santo Domingo. 90 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Family CRIBRILINID^: Hincks, 1880. Genus PUELLINA Jullien, 1886. Puellina radiata carolinensis Gabb and Horn, 1862. (Plate 1, Figure 12.) Reptescharella carolinensis Gabb and Horn, Journal Academy Natural Science, Philadelphia, 5, p. 136, plate 19, fig. 18, 1862. This variety is characterized by its smooth peristome, without tuberosities, and by the small canal of the avicularium, which is larger than in the type. In reality the spines have not disappeared; on the perfect specimens they are still visible; but they never have the size and importance of those which decorate the type. The zocecia are a little larger and have 16 costules. Occurrence. Jacksonian of South Carolina and Alabama; Vicks- burgian of Alabama; Oligocene (Anguilla formation), southwest side of Crocus Bay Bluff, 125 feet above sea-level, Anguilla (loc. No. 6967) ; Oligocene (Antigua formation), Rifle Butts, Antigua (loc. No. 6854), T. W. Vaughan, collector. Family ESCHARELLID^E Levinsen, 1909. Genus SCHIZOPODRELLA Canu and Bassler, 1917. Schizopodrella (?) mutabilis, new species. (Plate 6, Figures 3 to 5.) The following is a description of this species : The zoarium is unilamellar, tubular; it incrusts the fine radicells of algae. The zooecia are little distinct, elongate, elliptical; the frontal is little convex, surrounded by areolar pores and garnished with some large tremopores. The apertura is elongate, oval, with a wide rimule separated from the anter by two salient condyles. Measurements. Apertura: /ia = 0.18 to 0.20 mm., la = 0.12 mm.; zooecium: 1/2 = 0.70 mm., Jz = 0.34 mm. Affinities. The very thick incrustation of the tremocyst renders the aspect of the species quite changeable and sometimes absolutely un- recognizable. We have not discovered the ovicell, so the classification naturally remains doubtful. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo. Schizopodrella unicorn is Johnston, 1847. Lepralia unicornis Johnston, History of British Zoophytes, ed. 2, p. 320, plate 57, fig. 1, 1847. Schizoporetta unicornis Hincks, British Marine Polyzoa, p. 238, plate 35, figs. 1-5, 1880. Schizopordla unicornis Jelly, A Synonymic Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa, p. 236, 1889. (General bibliography.) Schizoporetta unicornis Canu, Bryozoaires fossiles des Terrains du Sud-ouest de la France, Bulletin de la Societ6 geologique de France, p. 516, 1906. (Bibliography.) Schizopordla unicornis Osburn, The Bryozoa of the Tortugas Islands, p. 205, 1914. (Ameri- can bibliography.) Schizoporella subquadrata Ulrich and Bassler, Maryland Geological Survey, Miocene, p. 420, plate 114, fig. 1; plate 118, figs. 5, 6, 1904. FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 91 This species may easily be confused with Stylopoma spongites Pallas, 1766; it is distinguished from it by the wide, proximal sinus of its aperture and by the quite different form of its ovicell. At Bowden we have found only a single specimen, but we are quite certain of its determination. This recent species, which is abundant throughout the European Tertiary, is on the contrary very rare in America; but its geologic distribution there appears to be almost identical. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica. Geologic distribution. In Europe since the Stampian; in America, Miocene of Maryland (Ulrich). We have also discovered it in the Miocene at Wilmington, North Carolina, and Muldrow's Mills, South Carolina. Habitat. Atlantic, Mediterranean. Genus STYLOPOMA Levinsen, 1909. Stylopoma spongites Pallas, 1766. (Plate 1, Figure 13.) Cellepora informata Lonsdale, Report on the Corals from the Tertiary Formations of North America, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, I, p. 505, fig. 0, 1845. Hippothoa spongites Smitt, Floridan Bryozoa, part I, Kongl. Svenska, Ventenskaps-Akade- miens Handlingar, X, No. 11, p. 42, plate vm, fig. 161, 162, 163, 1872. Schizoporella informata Ulrich and Bassler, Maryland Geological Survey, Miocene, p. 419, plate 114, figs. 6-10, 1904. Affinities and variations. The specimen from the Anguilla forma- tion certainly represents the narrow variation of this species. It is incrusting a sponge. At Bowden we have found only a single specimen. The apertura is quite characteristic ; the sinus is rectilinear and quite narrow; the tongue of the operculum which covers it is rigid. This species is one of the more common of the American species of the Miocene and Pliocene. Its geographic distribution was limited by the equator and 40 parallel. Like Callopora tenella, it is now living in the waters off Florida. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica (very rare); Oligocene (Anguilla formation), southwest side of Crocus Bay, Anguilla, Leeward Islands, T. W. Vaughan, collector, 1914, loc. No. 6894. Habitat. Florida (Smitt, Osburn). Genus STEPHANOSELLA Canu and Bassler, 1917. Stephanosella biaperta Michelin, 1842. (Plate 1, Figures 16 to 18.) Eschara biaperta Michelin, Iconographie zoophytologie, p. 330, 1842. Hippothoa biaperta Smitt, Floridan Bryozoa, pt. II, Kongl. Svenska, Vetenskaps-Akad. Handlingar, X, p. 46, plate vra, figs. 173-176, 1873. Schizoporella biaperta Robertson, The Incrusting Cheilostomatous Bryozoa of the West Coast of North America, Univ. California Pub. IV, No. 5, p. 287, plate 19, fig. 41, 1908. (General bibliography.) Schizoporella biaperta Osburn, Bryozoa of Tortugas Islands, Carnegie Inst. Wash., Pub.No. 182, p. 207, 1914. (Regional bibliography.) 92 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. The fossil specimens from Anguilla closely resemble Smitt's figures 173 and 175. American occurrence. Oligocene (Anguilla formation), rare along the roadside, descent to Crocus Bay from Valley, Anguilla, Leeward Islands, loc. 6893, T. W. Vaughan, collector, 1914. Geological distribution. Helvetian of Italy (Seguenza), of Sardinia (Neviani), of Touraine (Michelin); Zanclean of Italy (Seguenza); Sahelian of Oran (collection Canu); Plaisancian of England (Busk), of Italy (Manzoni); Sicilian of Italy (Neviani, Waters); Quaternary of Italy (Neviani) ; Miocene of Australia (Waters, MacGillivray) . Habitat. Very cosmopolitan, even to the polar regions. It has been dredged to a depth of 245 meters, but in Florida it lives at a depth of 15 to 97 meters. Genus GEMELLIPORELLA Canu and Bassler. Gemelliporella punctata, new species. (Plate 5, Figures 7 to 9.) The following is a description of this species: The zoarium is free, cylindrical, bifurcated. The zooecia are very little distinct, elongate, convex; the frontal is granular and surrounded with areolar pores and is sometimes covered with punctations of pleurocystal origin. The aperture is oval, elongate, formed of a large semilunar anter and of a wide proximal sinus. The ovicell is deeply embedded in the distal zocecium, little salient, closed by the operculum, ornamented by an orbicular and very fragile frontal area. Measurements. Apertura: Aa=0.17 mm., Za = 0.10 mm.; zooecia: 1/2 = 0.55 mm., Zz=0.40 to 0.45 mm. Afrnities. The punctations of the frontal are quire variable; there is not a single zocecium similar to another. In a better preserved state we think that each zocecium is surrounded with areolar pores irregular in size and spacing. The frontal is a thick and compact olocyst, covered by a pleurocyst which is granular or punctured with large pores which do not perforate the zocecial walls. Unfortunately we have not been able to confirm this exterior aspect by sections. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica (rare). Genus HIPPOMENELLA Canu and Bassler, 1917. Hippomenella infratelum, new species. (Plate 6, Figure 2.) The following is a description of this species : The zoarium is a narrow Eschar a borne on an expanded base. The zocecia are elongate, distinct, elliptical; the frontal is convex, surrounded by a line of small areolar pores and formed of a pleurocyst very finely granulated. The apertura is elliptical, elongate, with two very small cardelles. The avicularium is salient, elliptical, with pivot placed on the line of pores in the lower part of the zocecium. Measurements. Apertura: fca = 0.16 to 0.20 mm., Za=0.14 mm.; zocecium: 1/2 = 0.60 to 0.70 mm., Zz=0.40 to 0.50 mm. FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 93 Affinities. The only specimen found has been figured. The species is absolutely characterized by its elliptical avicularium placed inferiorly, a character which does not exist in the other species of the genus. We have observed a rather rare case of regeneration of a zocecium by an avicularium (zr). Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo. Genus HIPPOPORINA Neviani, 1895. Hippoporina lata Smitt, 1862. (Plate 1, Figure 14.) Gemellipora lata Smitt, Floridan Bryozoa, pt. I, Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlinger, X, No. 11, p. 36, plate 7, fig. 157, 1872. This Recent species was described from specimens from the Floridan waters and the species itself is confined to this region. A very mediocre fossil specimen of doubtful determination has been found in the strata of Antigua. Occurrence. Oligocene (Antigua formation), Rifle Butts, Antigua, Leeward Islands, T. W. Vaughan, collector, 1914, loc. No. 6854. Family SMITTINID^ Levinsen, 1909. Genus SMITTINA Norman, 1903. Smittina (?) brevis, new species. (Plate 2, Figure 22.) The following is a description of this species : The zoarium is bilamellar, with fronds somewhat compressed. The zooecia are little distinct, elongate, elliptical; the frontal is convex and very short, and it bears below a large salient avicularium with rounded beak. The apertura is elliptical and deep. The ovicell is globular, little salient, orna- mented by a fragile circular area; it opens into the peristomie. Affinities. This species is quite unique and difficult to classify. We have put it in Smittina because the ovicell opens into the peristomie formed by the thickening of the frontal walls; but it does not really belong to this genus, because it has no lyrula nor oral avicularium and because the apertura is not semilunar. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. Genus PORELLA Gray, 1848. Porella bella Busk, 1860. (Plate 1, Figure 15.) Lepralia bella Busk, Quarterly Journal Microscopical Science, VIII, plate xxvn, figs. 2, 3, 1860. Escharella landsborovi Smitt, Floridan Bryozoa, pt. II, Kongl. Seven. Vet. Akad. Hand., XI, No. 3, p. 60, plate x, figs. 201, 202, 1873. Smittia bella Hincks, British Marine Polyzoa, p. 352, plate 42, figs. 9, 10, 1880. 94 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. We are not certain that Busk's species is identical with that of Smitt, as the former author represents it, but evidently the characters of the Antigua fossil, although poorly preserved, are in harmony with Smitt's figures. The measurements of this fossil are : Apertura : ha 0. 16 mm. , Za = 0.20 mm.; zooecia; te = 0.90 mm., Zz = 0.70 mm. Occurrence. Oligocene (Antigua formation), Rifle Butts, Antigua, Leeward Islands. Habitat. Shetland Islands, waters off Florida (185 meters). Genus RHAMPHOSTOMELLA Lorenz, 1886. Rhamphostomella laticella, new species. (Plate 5, Figure 12.) The figured specimen is the only one found; it is unfortunately incomplete and worn and does not permit a detailed description. It incrusts a shell; the areolar costules are rare or little visible. The oral avicularium is quite large, oblique, the point directed towards the bottom. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica (very rare). Genus RHYNCHOZOON Hincks, 1891. Rhynchozoon vaughani, new species. (Plate 2, Figure 23; Plate 4, Figures 1, 2.) The following is a description of this species : The zoarium is unilamellar. The zocecia are large, distinct, hexagonal or claviform; the frontal is smooth, convex, surrounded by a line of small scat- tered areolar pores. The apertura is large, suborbicular, with a wide proximal rimule; the peristomie is deep and widened; the very irregular peristome bears some large tubercles; the false rimule is compressed between two large tuberosities, one of which bears an oral avicularium transversely arranged. Measurements. Apertura: fta = (?), la = 0.20 mm.; zocecia: Lz = 0.60 mm., Zz = 0.50mm. Affinities. This species differs from Rhynchozoon solidum Osburn, 1914, which it much resembles, in its much larger micrometric measure- ments and in the absence of the small frontal avicularium. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo (very rare). Family ADEONIDJE Jullien, 1903. Genus ADEONA (Lamouroux, 1816) Levinsen, 1909. Adeona porosa, new species. (Plate 6, Figures 22, 23.) The following is a description of this species : The zoarium is free, bilamellar. The zocecia are little distinct, very elongate, separated by a hardly visible, salient thread; the frontal is porous, little FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 95 convex, surrounded by areolar, parietal pores, of which one is larger than the others. The ascopore is large, orbicular, median. The apertura and peris- tomice are semilunar, with the proximal border somewhat concave. The goncecia have two very large symmetrical, areolar pores and irregular, oral gibbosities. The avicularian zooecia have their opesia arranged on the lower part of a pyriform area, calcified and deep. Measurements. Apertura: fta = 0.12 mm., Za = 0.12 mm.; zooecia: 1/2 = 0.60 mm., te = 0.30 mm. Affinities. As we possess only the figured fragment, the study of this species is necessarily incomplete. The species is very peculiar one, for there is no other one provided with a porous frontal and oral gibbosities at the goncecia. It is to be noted that this genus has disappeared from the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. In the family Adeonidse, only the genus Adeonel- lopsis has survived. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo. Adeona heckeli Reuss, 1847. Cellepora heckeli Reuas, Die fossilen Polyparien des Wiener Tertiar-beckens, Haidinger'a naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, II, p. 85, plate 10, fig. 10, 1847. Lepralia violacea Johnston, A History of the British Zoophytes, p. 325, plate 57, fig. 9, 1849. Multiporina umbilicata Gabb and Horn, Monograph of the Fossil Polyzoa of the Secondary and Tertiary Formations of North America, Journal Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (2), V, p. 145, plate 20, fig. 27, 1862. Microporella violacea Hincks, History of the British Marine Polyzoa, p. 216, 1880. Adeona violacea Osboin, The Bryozoa of the Tortugas Islands, Florida. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 182, p. 199, 1914. Of this species we have found only a single specimen in the Bowden marl which is moderately well preserved. This fossil, rather abundant in the European Miocene and Pliocene, is, on the contrary, quite rare in America. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica. Geological distribution. European Miocene and Pliocene; Miocene of North Carolina and Virginia ; Pliocene of Shell Creek, Florida. Habitat. Atlantic and Mediterranean. In Florida this species was dredged at a depth of 56 to 97 meters. Osburn collected it at a depth of 8 to 29 meters in the region of the Tortugas. Finally Verrill noted it from the Bermudas. Family HIPPOPODINID^E Levinsen, 1909. Genus METRARABDOTOS Canu, 1914. Metrarabdotos colligatum, new species. (Plate 4, Figures 3 to 12.) The following is a description of this species : The zoarium is free, bilamellar, attached to algae by a small, expanded base and bent upward like a crank; the fronds are large, bifurcated, but narrow. The zocecia are distinct, separated by a salient thread, long and narrow; the 96 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. frontal is smooth, convex, surrounded by a line of large areolar pores often separated by short costules. The apertura is suborbicular; the peristomice is oval with a proximal pseudorimule. There are sometimes two quite incon- stant, small, oral avicularia. The ovicell is endozooecial, enormous, borne by a considerably enlarged zooecium; the frontal is garnished with radiating and granulated costules. Measurements. Young zooecia: apertura, ha = Q.14 mm., la = 0.12 mm.; zooecia: Lz = 0.60 mm., Zz = 0.28 to 0.30 mm.; old zooecia: apertura, /ia = 0.24 mm., Za = 0.16 mm.; zooecia: 1/2 = 0.70 mm., Zz = 0.24 to 0.30 mm. Affinities. The genus Metrarabdotos contains more species in America than in Europe. The present species differs from Metrarab- dotos moniliferum Milne-Edwards, 1836, common in the French Miocene, in its granulated costules on the ovicell, in the absence of a pseudo lyrule at the peristomice, and in the absence of oral avicularia. It differs from Metrarabdotos grandis of the Vicksburgian, which also forms large fronds, in its greater zocecial width, and in much less deep intercostular spaces of the ovicell. The species is quite variable and we have figured the principal variations. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), and Rio Cana (Zone H), Santo Domingo. Metrarabdotos lacrymosum, new species. (Plate 3, Figures 1 to 10.) The following is a description of this species: The zoarium is free, bilamellar, bifurcated, narrow, with rectangular fronds, and fastened by a little expanded base. The zooecia are distinct, little elongate, rectangular, surrounded by large areolar pores more or less separated by the costules. The apertura is oblique, semielliptical, divided in front by a rounded and perforated sinus. The ovicelled zooecia are quite wide; the ovicell is endozooecial; it is little salient, finely punctate, and ornamented with inter- areolar costules. On each side of the apertura there are two large, triangular, salient avicularia with their point directed above. Measurements. Apertura: /ia = 0.18 mm., Za = 0.14 mm.; zooecium: 1/2 = 0.70 to 0.74 mm., Zz = 0.28 to 0.30 mm. Affinities. The characteristics of this species are the two large, oral avicularia which hang from each side of the aperture like two large tears. They are very irregular. This species differs from Metrarabdotos colligatum from the same geological horizon in its little-expanded and non-prehensile base, in its non-claviform fronds, and in the presence of large, oral avicularia. It differs from Metrarabdotos moniliferum Milne-Edwards, 1838, in its much less costulated ovicell and in the absence of a spine in the oral sinus. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica (common). FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 97 Genus BRACEBRIDGIA MacGillivray, 1886. Bracebridgia deformis, new species. (Plate 3, Figures 11 to 16.) The following is a description of this species: The zoarium is free, bilamellar, compressed, bifurcated. The zoceeia are distinct, elongate, separated by a deep furrow, claviform or elliptical; the peristomice is oval or elliptical; an oblique avicularium is buried in the peris- tomie; the apertura (visible only from the interior) is semilunar; the frontal is surrounded by areolar, parietal pores, and on the old zoceeia it bears a large pore which does not perforate the wall. Measurements. Peristomice: hpie = 0.l5 mm., lpie = Q.l2 mm.; zocecium: 1/2 = 0.45 to 0.60 mm., Zz = 0.25 to 0.30 mm. Affinities. This species has the exterior aspect of an Adeonellopsis. The large frontal pore, however, is not a perforated area ; it is invisible in the interior, and its nature is unknown. The few specimens which we have studied were, it is true, rather poorly preserved. The peristomial avicularium is rarely visible at the exterior; it is, on the contrary, quite constant in the interior. This interior is that of Bracebridgia; it is, therefore, indeed in this genus that it must be classified, but it is a deformed Bracebridgia. The presence of a large frontal pore clearly characterizes this species, and it clearly differentiates it from the other known species of the same genus. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica (rare). Family CELLEPORIDJE Busk, 1852. Genus HOLOPORELLA Waters, 1909. Holoporella albirostris Smitt, 1873. (Plate 1, Figure 19; Plate 7, Figures 9 to 14.) Discopora albirostris Smitt, Floridan Bryozoa, pt. II, Kongl. Svenska. Vetenskaps-Akade- miens Handlingar, XI, No. 4, p. 70, plate 12, figs. 233 to 239, 1873. Cellepora albirostris Jelly, A Synonymic Catalogue of the Recent Maiine Bryozoa, p. 45, 1889. (See for complete bibliography.) Holoporella albirostris Osburn, Bryozoa of Tortugas Islands, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. No. 182, p. 215, 1914. Of the two specimens of this species which have been collected at Panama and at Anguilla one corresponds to Smitt's figure 237 and the other to figure 238. This species is one of the more common among the American fossils. The Recent specimens are quite variable in aspect; the polymorphism of the fossils is also quite remarkable on account of alterations. The avicularian beak is not as complete and well-developed as on the immersed zoceeia. It is quite often absent on the superficial zoceeia. The interzooecial avicularium is spatulate; its distribution on the zoaria is very irregular. The frontal is an olocyst bordered with areolar pores. 98 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Occurrence. Oligocene (Emperador limestone), old quarry one-third mile north of west of Empire, Panama Canal Zone, D. F. MacDonald and T. W. Vaughan, collectors, 1911 (loc. No. 6016) ; Oligocene (Anguilla formation), southwest side of Crocus Bay, Anguilla, Leeward Islands, T. W. Vaughan, collector, 1914 (loc. No. 6894); lower Miocene (Bow- den marl), Bowden, Jamaica (common). Geological distribution. Miocene of Australia and New Zealand (Waters). Habitat. Atlantic off Florida; Pacific off Australia. Specimens have been dredged off Australia to a depth of 121 meters. Smitt in Florida has discovered them between 40 and 56 meters, but Osburn states that the species abounds at a depth of 24 meters. Family CONESCHARELLINIDJE Levinsen, 1909. Genus STICHOPORINA Stoliczka, 1862. Stichoporina tuberosa, new species. (Plate 1, Figures 20 to 23; Plate 6, Figures 16 to 19; Plate 7, Figures 1 to 8.) The following is a description of this species : The zoarium is free, conical, hollow, with very thick walls. The peri- stome is salient, ornamented with small tuberosities; it bears one or two small elliptical avicularia with bar or denticles. The apertura is elliptical, elon- gated, hidden at the base of a short peristomie ; it is formed of a large semi- elliptical anter and of a small concave poster, separated by two small, salient cardelles. The ovicell is large, somewhat salient, convex; it is hyperstomial and always closed by the operculum. A salient, elliptical avicularium, with two denticles serving as pivot, is placed at the base of each zocecium; it deforms the adjacent peristomes. The inner side is tuberose and bears very large pores arranged in quincunx. On the lower face there are large pores surrounded by very small ones. Measurements. Apertura :ha = Q. 14 mm. , la = 0. 10 mm. ; zocecium : Lz = 0.30 mm., Zz = 0.30 mm.; opesium of avicularium: /io = 0.10 mm., Zo = 0.06 mm;, avicularium: Z/at; = 0.20 mm., lav = 0.12 mm. This is a very elegant species characterized by its peristomial tuberosities. The ancestrula is visible only in the interior of the zoarium; it is covered exteriorly by the first zocecia. All the zocecia are separated from each other by small canals which appear to end in the large, inferior pores. The oral tuberosities are hollow. The pores of the internal cavity are avicularia of which the pivot is formed by two denticles; they are analogous with those of the external face (inferior). The internal face (and upper) bears also large cavities which we believe to be hydrostatic cavities; but it must be proved that the ectocyst is resistant enough to confine an equal amount of water. We must suppose also that these cavities are intended to counterbalance the irregularities of calcification and to assure the perfect equilibrium of the zoarial system. FOSSIL BRYOZOA FROM THE WEST INDIES. 99 This species must not be confounded with Mamillopora cupula Smitt, 1872. It differs from it in its ovicell, which is not bilobate, and in its ovarian zooecia, which are not larger than the others. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Gatun formation), Banana River, Costa Rica, D. F. McDonald, collector, 1911; lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Rio Gurabo (zone D), Rio Cana (zone I), and Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo; Bowden, Jamaica. Order CYCLOSTOMATA Busk. Family TUBULIPORID^ Johnston, 1838. Genus IDMONEA Lamouroux. Idmonea milneana d'Orbigny, 1839. (Plate 6, Figures 20, 21.) Idmonea milneana d'Orbigny, Voyage dans PAme'rique m6ridionale, V, pt. 4, p. 20, plate 9, figs. 17 to 21, 1839. Idmonea grateloupi d'Orbigny, PalSontologie francaise, Bryozoaires cretacees, p. 729, 1852. Idmonea milneana Smitt, Floridan Bryozoa, p. 8, plate in, figs. 14-19, 1872. Idmonea milneana Canu, Bryozoaires tertiares des environs de Paris, Annales de Pale"on- tologie, III, p. 125, plate 14, figs. 11-13, 1908. (Cites bibliography.) Idmonea milneana Canu, Bryozoaires du Sud-Ouest de la France, Bulletin de la Soci6t6 Geologique de la France (4), VIII, p. 386, I, p. 451, 1908. Our small specimen is not very well preserved, but we feel perfectly certain of it, because we know all its fossil variations.. It is evident, however, that such a determination is always subject to revision. Occurrence. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. Geological distribution. Ypresian of England (Gregory) ; Lutetian of Bavaria (Koschinsky) , of Paris (Canu), of the Ariege (Canu) ; Auversian of Biarritz (Canu) ; Latdorfian of Latdorff (Stoliczka) ; Stampian of Germany (Reuss) ; Tortonian of Austria-Hungary (Reuss) ; Sicilian of Italy (Seguenza); Quaternary of Italy (Seguenza). Habitat. Cosmopolitan in both hemispheres. In Florida it has been dredged between 26 and 109 meters. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE 1. FIG. 1. Cattopora dumerilli var. lota, n. var. Portion of the incrusting zoarium, X 20. Most of the zooecia have a single avicularium in front of the opesium. Oligocene (Anguilla formation). Southwest side Crocus Bay Bluffs, Anguilla, Leeward Islands. FIG. 2. Floridina pyripora, n. sp. Surface of the type, X 20, showing the large, poorly denned opesiules and the pyriform aspect of the opesium. Oligocene (Antigua formation), Rifle Butts, Antigua, Leeward jslands. FIG. 3. Floridina fusifera, n. sp. The type specimen, X 20, exhibiting large, rounded opesiules and prominent polypidian convexity in the few zooecia intact. Oligocene (Antigua formation), Rifle Butts, Antigua, Leeward Islands. FIG. 4. Ogivalina mutabilis, n. sp. The type specimen, X 20, with large irregular opesia, small ovicell, small gymnocyst, and one zooecium with a fusiform avicularium. Oligocene (Anguilla formation), Crocus Bay Hill, Anguilla, Leeward Islands. FIG 5-7. Cupularia umbettata Def ranee, 1823. (See also plate 2, figs. 17-21.) (5) Two zoaria, natural size; (6) celluliferous convex surface, X 20; (7) concave surface, X 20. Lower Miocene (Gatun formation), Banana River, Costa Rica. FIGS. 8-10. Cupuladria canariensis Busk, 1859. (8) Two zoaria, natural size; (9) celluliferous convex surface, X 20; (10) concave surface, X 20. Lower Miocene (Gatun forma- tion), Banana River, Costa Rica. FIG. 11. Cctipensia impressa Moll, 1803. Surface of an incrusting zoarium, X 20. Oligocene (Antigua formation), Carlisle marl-pit, Antigua, Leeward Islands. FIG. 12. Puellina radiata carolinensis Gabb and Horn, 1862. Gabb and Horn's illustration of this variety. Eocene (Jacksonian) of South Carolina. FIG. 13. Stylopoma spongites Pallas, 1766. Several zooecia, much enlarged (Smitt's figures of Hippothoa spongites). Recent, Gulf of Mexico. FIG. 14. Hippoporina lota Smitt, 1862. View of several zocecia much enlarged (after Smitt). Recent, Gulf of Mexico. FIG. 15. Porella bella Busk, 1860. Smitt's illustration of Escharella landsborovi. Recent, Gulf of Mexico. FIGS. 16, 17. Stephanosella biaperta Michelin, 1842. Two views of this species (after Smitt). Recent, Gulf of Mexico. FIG. 18. Photograph, X 20, of a specimen from Anguilla. Oligocene (Anguilla formation), Crocus Bay Hill, Anguilla, Leeward Islands. FIG. 19. Holoporella cdbirostris Smitt, 1873. (See also plate 7, figs. 9-14.) Several zocecia much enlarged (after Smitt). Recent, Gulf of Mexico. FIGS. 20-23. Stichoporina tuberosa, n. sp. (See also plate 6, figs. 16-19, plate 7, figs. 1-8.) (20) Two zocecia natural size; (21, 22) two views, X 20, of the convex, celluliferous side; (23) photograph of the concave side, X 20. Lower Miocene (Gatun formation), Banana River, Costa Rica. PLATE 2. FIG. 1. Membranipora vaughani, n. sp. Portion of the incrusting zoarium, X 15, showing th large interopesial denticles. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FIGS. 2, 3. Acanthodesia savarti forma monilifera, n. sp. The hollow cylindrical zoarium, natural size and X 20. The beaded structure of the mural rim is apparent. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FIG. 4. Hemiseptella lata, n. sp. Part of the incrusting type specimen, X 15, with some zocecia showing the characteristic inferior denticle. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FIGS. 5-7. Nellia oculata Busk, 1852. (5) Normal zocecia with tubercles complete, X 19; (6) fragment showing large zocecia, X 19, the tubercles are replaced by pores; (7) view of fragment, X 19, showing two sides of the zoarium. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FIGS. 8-10. Corynostylus ellipticus, n. sp. (8) Several fragments of the articulated zoarium, natural size; (9) anterior face of zoarium, X 19; (10) posterior face, X 19. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FIGS. 11-13. Corynostylus labiatus, n. sp. (11) Complete segment of the articulated bilamellar zoarium, natural size; (12) photograph of the same, X 19, the salient opesial lip is shown; (13) section, X 15, exhibiting the interior of the zocecia in the middle row and a longitudinal section in the outer rows. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FIG. 14. Thalamoporetta granulata Levinsen, 1909. Small fragment, X 15, identified with this Recent species. Lower Miocene, Rio Cana, Santo Domingo. 100 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. 101 PLATE 2 continued. FIGS. 15, 16. Lunularia species. Outer and inner sides of a fragment, X 15. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Rio Cana, Santo Domingo. FIGS. 17-21. Cupularia umbellata Defrance, 1828. (See also plate 1, figs. 5-7.) (17) Zoaria, natural size; (18) photographs of the inner tuberous side, X 25; (19) ancestrular region, X 19, in which the ancestrula is covered over by a normal zooscium; (20) ancestrular region of another zoarium, X 19 ; the zooacia are arranged alternately and in inverted order; (21) another view of the ancestrular region, X 19; here the ances- trula is a membraniporoid zocecium. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FIG. 22. Smittina ? brevis, n. sp. Surface of the bilamellar zoarium, X 15. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FIG. 23. Rhynchozoon vaughani, n. sp. (See also plate 4, figs. 1, 2.) A small fragment, X 15, Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. PLATE 3. FIGS. 1-10. Metrarabdotos lacrymosum, n. sp. (1) A group of fragments, natural size; (2) frag- ment, X 4.5, showing the little-expanded base; (3) another fragment, X 4.5; (4) a worn branch, X 15; the avicularia are absent or little apparent; (5) surface, X 15, showing salient peristomes and larger triangular avicularia; (6) worn zoarial fragment, X 20; (7) ordinary zocecia of a branch, X 15, with short, pointed, triangular avicularia; (8) ordinary zocecia, X 15, with long avicularia; (9) branch, X 15, with ovicelled zooecia; the ovicell is slightly costulated and its frontal is granulose; (10) ovicelled zooecia, X 15, with the ovicell not costulated. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica. FIGS. 11-16. Bracebridgia deformis, n. sp. (11) Fragments, natural size; (12) the usual aspect of the zocecia, X 15; the large frontal pore does not perforate the wall; (13) zocecia at the base of a zoarium, X 15; (14) zocecia, X 15, with the large frontal pore wanting; (15) zocecia, X 15, with the peristomial avicularium slightly visible; (16) interior of zocecia, X 15; the peristomial avicularium is visible, but the frontal pore does not perforate the zocecial wall. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica. PLATE 4. FIGS. 1, 2. Rhynchozoon vaughani, n. sp. (See also plate 2, fig. 23.) (1) The unilamellar zoarium, X 15, showing young condition in which the zocecia are distinct; (2) old condition of zoarium, X 15; the zocecia are indistinct and not oriented. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FIGS. 3-12. Metrarabdotos colligatum, n. sp. (3-5) Different aspects of the base of the zoarium, X 4.5; (6) three fragments, natural size, preserving base; (7) portion of zoarial sur- face, X 15, with two ovicells preserved; (8) broad zocecia, X 15, characteristic of the aged condition; (9) base of a zoarium, X 15, showing calcification and disappearance of the apertures; (10) narrow zocecia, X 15, of youthful condition; (11) normal zocecia, X 15; (12) longitudinal section, X 15, showing the interior of the zocecia. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. PLATE 5. FIGS. 1-5. Acanthodesia savarti forma texturata Reuss, 1846. (1) Fragments of the unilamellar, hollow cylindrical zoarium, natural size; (2) zocecia, X 15, with traces of delicate spines in the opesium; (3) inner side of zoarium, X 15, showing rectangular form of zocecia; (4) zocecia, X 15, with a distinct rim around the opesium; (5) another surf ace, X 15, showing the large size of the first zocecium of a new row. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica. FIG. 6. Conopeum ovale, n. sp. Ancestrular portion of the type specimen, X 15, incrusting a shell. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl) , Bowden, Jamaica. FIGS. 7-9. Gemelliporella punctata, n. sp. (7) Two fragments of the free cylindrical zoarium, natural size; (8) an example, X 15, showing the development of the tremocyst; (9) another fragment, X 15, showing the form of the aperture, ovicells (broken), and arrangement of the areolse. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica. FIG. 10. Callopora tenella Hincks, 1880. The incrusting zoarium, X 15, illustrating the thin mural rim and the small tubercles on the gymnocyst. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl) , Bowden, Jamaica. FIG. 11. Hemiseptella grandicella, n. sp. Surface of the incrusting zoarium, X 15. The largest zocecia commence a new row. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica. FIG. 12. Rhamphostomella laticella, n. sp. The incrusting zoarium, X 15. The areolar costules are scarcely visible. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica. 102 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE 6. FIG. 1. Labiopora miocenica, n. sp. Fragment of the unilamellar zoarium, X 15. The polypidian tube and the small pores of the tremocyst are visible. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Rio Cana, Santo Domingo. FIG. 2. Hippomenella infratelum, n. sp. Base of a bilamellar zoarium, X 15. The zooecium is regenerated, being replaced by an avicularium. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FIGS. 3-5. SchizopodreUa mutabUis, n. sp. (3) The tubular zoarium, natural size; (4) zoarium, X 15, with indistinct zooscia; (5) another portion of the same zoarium, X 15, show- ing the shape of the zooscia. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon) , Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FIGS. 6-9. Steganoporella parvicella, n. sp. (6) Fragments of the unilamellar zoarium, natural size; (7) zoarial fragment, X 15, showing the great irregularity in the zooecia; (8) the usual zooecia, X 15, with regular arrangement; (9) the most frequent aspect of the zooecia, X 15; the polypidian tube is very fragile and often broken or altered. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FIGS. 10-15. Thalamoporella biperforata, n. sp. (10) Fragments of the bilamellar zoarium, natural size; (11) specimen, X 15, exhibiting a well-preserved reticulocellarium ; (12) an example, X 15, showing the hollow tubules worn and replaced by pores; a reticulocellarium is here present; (13) drawing showing the real form of the aperture, X 60; (14) a specimen, X 15, with a deformed membraniporoid zocecium near the upper corner; (15) another similar example, X 15, with a primoserial membrani- poroid zocecium along the lower edge. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao and Rio Cana, Santo Domingo. FIGS. 16-19. Stichoporina tuberosa, n. sp. (See also plate 1, figs. 20-23; plate 7, figs. 1-8.) (16) Small fragments of the small free conical zoarium, natural size; (17) zoarial fragment, X 15, with large zocecia; (18) fragment, X 15, with small zocecia; the tubules are well developed; (19) inner side of zoarium, X 15. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Rio Cana, Santo Domingo. felGB. 20, 21. Idmonea milnea.no, d'Orbigny, 1839. Views of a fragment, natural size and X 9, referred to this species. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. FIGS. 22, 23. Adeona porosa, n. sp. Fragment of the free bilamellar zoarium, natural size and X 15. In figure 23 these gonoecia with their oral gibbosities are shown in the upper right-hand corner, an avicularian zooecium in the upper left-hand corner and ordinary zocecia with their ascopores, and small areolse in the rest of the photograph. Lower Miocene (Bowden horizon), Cercado de Mao, Santo Domingo. PLATE 7. FIGS. 1-8. Stichoporina tuberosa, n. sp. (See also plate 1, figs. 20-23; plate 7, figs. 16-19.) (1) Group showing the upper, lower, and edge views of the zoarium, natural size; (2) zoarium with weathered surface, X 15, illustrating that the tuberosities are hollow; (3) zooecia, X 15, with one preserving the ovicell, which is hyperstomial; (4) por- tion of a zoarium, X 15, with the tuberosities around the zocecial apertures well pre- served; (5) inner surface of zoarium, X 7.5; the tuberosities, avicularia, and hydro- static (?) cavities are visible; (6) portion of figure 5, X 15; (7) edge view of fractured zoarium, X 15, illustrating zooecia open; (8) similar view, X 15, but with the zocecia closed. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica. FIGS. 9-14. Holoporella albirostris Smitt, 1873, (See also plate 1, fig. 19.) (9) Fragment, X 15, showing zocecia without beak but with the typical form of aperture; (10) zooecia, X 15, showing interzocecial avicularia; the oral beak is incomplete and in process of formation; (11) interior of zocecia, X 15; (12) general aspect of the zocecia with ovicell, X 15; (13) marginal zocecia, X 15; the deep zocecia have a beak bearing a small avicularium which appears then as isolated; (14) zocecia, X 15', showing the different aspects of the beak when broken. Lower Miocene (Bowden marl), Bowden, Jamaica. PLATE 1 CANU AND BASSLER 14 CANU AND BASSLER PLATE 2 19 CANU AND BASSLER PLATE 3 15 CANU AND BASSLER PLATE 4 CANU AND BASSLER PLATE 5 CANU AND BASSLER PLATE CANU AND BASSLER PLATE 7 IV. TERTIARY MOLLUSKS FROM THE LEEWARD ISLANDS AND CUBA, BY CHARLES WYTHB COOKE. With sixteen plates. 103 TEETIARY MOLLUSKS FROM THE LEEWARD ISLANDS AND CUBA. BY CHARLES WYTHE COOKE. INTRODUCTION. The object of this paper is to describe some little-known Cenozoic Mollusca from the West Indies and to determine their stratigraphic positions with respect to the standard section of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain of North America. The great bulk of the material upon which this work is based was collected by Dr. T. Wayland Vaughan, in the islands of St. Bartholo- mew, Antigua, Anguilla, and Cuba, but several additional smaller collections made by various workers at scattered localities have also been studied. All of the fossils studied, except a small collection from Guajay, Cuba, are in the United States National Museum. The exceptions are in the American Museum of Natural History. The writer wishes to express his appreciation of the many courtesies extended to him throughout the course of the work by Doctor Vaughan, to whom he is also indebted for assistance in the final preparation of the manuscript. He wishes to thank Dr. W. H. Dall and Miss Julia A. Gardner for aid in the identification of doubtful species. He is indebted to the authorities of the United States National Museum for the use of the facilities of that institution and to the Director of the United States Geological Survey for permission to carry on this investigation as part of his official duties. FAUNAL SUMMARY. The species of mollusks and brachiopods described, with the stations at which they were found, are enumerated in the following lists: LIST OF STATIONS IN ST. BARTHOLOMEW. T. W. VAUGHAN, COLLECTOR. 6895. Spur on southeast side of bay northwest of St. Jean Bay, 170 feet above sea-level (aneroid reading) . 6897. Anse Ecaille side of point between Anse ficaille and Anse Lezard. From conglom- erate and sandstone below upper limestone bed. 6897a. Point between Anse ficaille and Anse Le"zard. 68976. Point between Colombier Point and bay next to St. Jean Bay. From a conglom- erate and shaly bed interbedded with limestone, below the main limestone and at top of the conglomerate series of beds. 6905. Northwest of St. Jean Bay, along sea-face. 6919. Governors Bay, from limestone picked up on slope. 6924. Point on northwest side of St. Jean Bay, from bed of limestone at top of described section. 6925. Fossils mostly from conglomerate bed below limestone at top of section, partly from lower limestone bed or from just above conglomerate. 6926. Anse Lizard, basal bed. 105 106 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Species from St. Bartholomew. Species. t^ e -0 I o i * 8 g 5 Remarks. Cypraea sp V Related to Ocala species. Jackson species. Hinnites now confined to Pacific fauna. Nearest relative is a lower Eocene species. Related to the Eocene V. planicosta. Cerithium sp V V Cerit.hhim sp, , V Ampullina sp V X Neretina? grandis, n. sp X X Ostrea cf . O. trigonalis Conrad Pecten (Hinnites) aratus, n. sp X X X V X X X X X X X X X Spondylus sp Venericardia vaughani, n. sp Venericardia globosa, n. sp V V Venericardia sp V Argyrotheca dalli, n. sp X X X Liothyrina vaughani, n. sp V The species from these localities constitute a compact fauna whose closest affinities are in the upper Eocene (Jackson stage) . 6854. 6858. 6861. 6862. 6865. 6866. 6869. 6874. 6856. 6875. 6881. LIST OP STATIONS IN ANTIGUA. T. W. VAUGHAN, COLLECTOR. Rifle butts. Wetherell Point. Hodge's Bluff, upper bed. Hodge's Bluff, lower bed. Two hundred yards east of Jackass Point, St. Johns Bay. Across street, north side of cathedral, St. Johns. Long Island. Blizzard Mill. Base and western slope of Friar's Hill. Friar's Hill, from white chalky limestone above the main coral-reef bed. From bluffs on north side of Willoughby Bay. Half a mile north of McKinnon's Mill. The exposures at all of these localities are of the Antigua formation, except 6861, the upper bed at Hodge's Bluff. The stratigraphic relations of the different fossiliferous exposures in Antigua can not satisfactorily be determined from the mollusks tabulated below, but according to Dr. Vaughan the corals indicate that all the stations in the table except one (station 6861) represent approximately the same horizon and that this is the equivalent of the coralliferous chert bed at Bainbridge, Georgia. The close relationship of the mollusks to the Tampa and Anguilla faunas is apparent. The single specimen of Epitonium antiguense from the upper bed at Hodge's Bluff (station 6861) probably represents a higher faunal horizon than the other mollusks in the table. To the small fresh-water fauna described by Brown and Pilsbry 1 from the tuffs and shales underlying the main Antigua formation, the Vaughan collection adds one new species, Hemisinus atriformis Cooke. The resemblance of this species to a form inhabiting rivers in British 1 Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia Proc., pp. 209-213, plate 9. 1914. TERTIARY MOLLUSCA. 107 Guiana is in accord with the similarity pointed out by Brown and Pilsbry between H. antiguensis and other South American species. The species now known from this fresh-water fauna are the following: Hemisinus antiguensis Brown and Pilsbry. siliceus Brown and Pilsbry. latus Brown and Pilsbry. atriformis, n. sp. Bythinella antiguensis Brown and Pilsbry Planorbis siliceus Brown and Pilsbry. Species from Antigua. Species. I GO iO % CD % (N 1 I I Tf< s I 10 1 r- 1 ! Remarks. Epitonium antiguense (Brown) V Turritella crocus, n. sp . . n V Anguilla. Turritella forresti Brown . V Also at Willoughby Bay Ampullinopsis spenceri, n. sp. . . y (Brown). Anguilla? close to Tampa Turbo antiguensis n sp V and Chipola species. Scapharca willobiana, n. sp V Ostrea antiguensis Brown. V V V V V V V V Pecten oxygonum Sowerby? V Santo Domingo and Bow- Pecten cf . P. oxygonum Sby . . . V den. Pecten nugenti Brown V Pecten willobianus, n. sp Y Pecten anguillensis Guppy V V V Anguilla; also Wetherells Pecten duplex n. sp. V Bay (Brown). Pecten perlineatus, n. sp. V Pecten nodosissimus, n. sp V Pecten sp V Amusium antiguense (Brown) V Spondylus bostrychites Guppy. V V V Anguilla, Tampa, Bow- Lithophaga nigra (d'Orbigny) . . Lithophaga sp X V den, Santo Domingo. Tampa and Recent, Cuba. Semele? sp V Antigona csesarina var. anguil- V Anguilla, Bainbridge?, lana, n. var. Chione spenceri, n. sp V Chipola (variety). LIST OF STATIONS IN ANGUILLA. T. W. VAUGHAN, COLLECTOR. 6893. Crocus Bay, hill, roadside, descent to Crocus Bay from valley. 6894. Crocus Bay, southwest side. 6964. Crocus Bay, southwest side; fossils from rubble above shore-line. 6965. Crocus Bay, southwest shore; fossils from lowest 10 to 15 feet of fossiliferous marls. 6966. Crocus Bay, southwest side, 30 to 50 feet above sea-level. 6967. Crocus Bay, bluff on southwest side, uppermost horizon, 125 feet above sea-level, mainly limestone. 6971. Slope about 100 feet above sea-level, between Little Harbor and Pelican Point. The mollusks from all the localities in Anguilla, with the possible exception of station 9664, which is beach rubble, appear to represent a single geologic horizon. The fauna includes species common to forma- tions of ages ranging from the middle Oligocene coral reef at Bain- bridge, Georgia, to the Bowden marl of Jamaica, but the number of 108 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. species common to other formations is not great enough to justify using the statistical method of correlation. The fossil horizon of Anguilla is evidently intermediate in age between the Oligocene deposits at Bain- bridge and the Bowden marl, and its stratigraphic position is probably not far from that of the Tampa limestone of Florida. Species from Anguilla. Species. :c "f I I I t^. O t^ Remarks. Conus sp V Y Tunis sp V Oliva 2 sp . Y Lyria vau.gh.ani, n. sp Y Related to Tampa and Chipola Cassidea? sp Y Dolium? sp V Cyprsea anguillana n sp V V Cyprssa sp V V Y Y Cuba CvDrsea so Y Strombus sp V Y Orthaulax pugnax (Heilprin) Cerithiuni herculeanum n. sp X Y Bainbridge, Tampa, Antigua, Panama. Cerithidea? anguillana, n. sp. . . . Y Turritella crocus, n. sp V V Y Antigua Turritella anguillana, n. sp Y Related to Tampa and Bain- Turritella dubiosa n sp Y bridge. Solarium sp Y Y Xenophora sp V Y Y Y Ampullina anguillana, n. sp V Y Y Y Cuba, related to Chipola. Ampullinopsis spenceri, n. sp Y Antigua. Sinuxn chipolanum (Dall) Y Chipola. Scapharca anguillana, n. sp Y Related to Panama. Pinna vaughani n sp Y Pecten perlatus n sp Y Pecten thetidis Sowerby Pecten perplexus, n. sp. ... .... V Y X Y X Y Y Cuba, Bowden, Santo Domingo. Pecten crocus, n. sp Y Y Y Pecten vaughani, n. sp V Y Y Y Pecten anguillensis Guppy V Antigua. Pecten gabbi Dall Y Antigua. Pecten sp. cf. P. crucianus, n. sp Pecten clevei, n. sp Amusium lyonii (Gabb) X V X X Y X Y Related to Cuba. Costa Rica, related to Chipola. Spondylus bostrychites Guppy Metis trinitaria Dall Cardium sp X X Y . X X X Y . Antigua, Tampa, Bowden, Santo Domingo. Cuba, Trinidad. Lucina sp . .... Y Phacoides (Here) sp Antigona csesarina var. anguillana, n. var. X X X Related to Tampa. Antigua, Bainbridge, Chipola (variety) . TERTIARY MOLLTJSCA. 109 LIST OF STATIONS IN CUBA. 3192. One-half mile inland from the pier of the Juragud Railroad on Santiago Bay or Harbor; Joseph Willcox, collector. 3435. Hillside about 2 miles from Santiago, on road to Morro Castle; T. W. Vaughan, collector. 3436. South side of city of Santiago, along trocha in small escarpment separating Terrace ' 1 from Terrace 2 of coastal shelf, 20-foot level; material brownish yellowish marl with masses of pyrites; T. W. Vaughan, collector. 3439. Juragud Railroad, La Cruz, below Terrace 3. First cutting on road; T. W. Vaughan, collector. ,3440. Northeast portion of Santiago; fossils in marl on hillside; T. W. Vaughan, collector. 3441. East of La Cruz, near railroad crossing of road to Morro Castle; T. W. Vaughan, collector. 3443. Northeast portion of Santiago; marls at foot of hill; T. W. Vaughan, collector. 3446. First deep cutting on railroad east of La Cruz, near Santiago; T. W. Vaughan, collector. 3447. Trocha de Santiago de Cuba, second exposure on north side of trocha east from water- front, stratum 3; T. W. Vaughan, collector. 3468. Gorge of Yumuri River below Iglesia Mte. Serrato, Matanzas Province ; T. W. Vaughan, collector. 3474. Consolacion del Sur, Pinar del Rio; collected by the Alcalde. 4290. Vento, Province of Habana; Thomas H. Wren, collector. 4291. Calabazar, Province of Habana; Thomas H. Wren, collector. 4292. Near E. C. A., Cuba [within 10 miles of Habana]; Thomas H. Wren, collector. 5255. Santiago de Cuba; Lieutenant Fred. P. Black, collector. Quarry near asylum near Guajay, 15 miles southwest of Habana; Barnum Brown, collector. Species from Cuba. Species. >b l. Soc. London, p. 530, 1876. TeUina sagrce Dall and Guppy, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 19, p. 329, 1896. (Not of d'Orbigny.) Metris trinitaria Dall, Trans. Wag. Inst., vol. 3, pt. 5, p. 1041, plate 46, fig. 24, 1900. The following is the original description of this species: " Shell anteriorly elongated and dorso-ventrally attenuated, the anterior dorsal slope rapid, the anterior end rounded ; the disk mesially constricted, the posterior end short, high, blunt, strongly folded; beaks high, surface sculp- tured with numerous small, sharp, slightly elevated concentric lamellae, which are closer towards the ends of the shell; interior with the pallial sinus larger and higher in the left valve, about half confluent below, deep and rounded in front. Lon. 52, alt. 41, diam. 19 mm., but reaching twice this size. "The peculiar anterior elongation and arcuate form of this species dis- tinguish it clearly from the other American species. Guppy erroneously identified it with a Miocene and also with a Pleistocene species, from both of which comparison shows it perfectly distinct." (Dall, 1900.) Localities. Santiago, La Cruz, and Vento, Cuba, stations 3192, 3441, 3439, 4290, and 5255, Willcox, Vaughan, Black; also Trinidad; Crocus Bay, Anguilla, stations 6894, 6966, Vaughan. Geologic horizon. Oligocene, ^Urc**xi^ . Types. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 115660. Figured specimen. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 167171. Cardium species. The genus Cardium is represented in the Anguillan fauna by casts which I have been unable to identify with any described species. Locality. Crocus Bay and Sandy Hill, Anguilla, stations 6894, 6963, 6967, Vaughan; also (probably different species) Calabazar, Cuba, station 4291, Wren. Geologic horizon. Oligocene. Lucina species. Large globose lucinas appear to have been rather abundant in the Tertiary seas, but are preserved chiefly as casts which exhibit few characters suitable for specific discrimination. Some of the localities are given below. Localities. Quarries west of Smithfield Mill, Friedericksted, St. Croix, station 6937; dimensions, alt., 100 mm.; long., 120 mm.; diam., 86 mm. ; Vaughan. Crocus Bay, Anguilla, stations 6894, 6966; dimen- sions, alt., 75 mm.; long., 84 mm.; diam., 60 mm.; Vaughan. Cala- bazar, Cuba, station 4291; dimensions, alt., 103 mm.; long., 110 mm.; diam., 70mm.; Wren. Also Vento, "E. C. A.," Fort Cabanas, Cuba, stations 4290, 4292, 3465; Wren, Vaughan. Geologic horizon. Oligocene. TERTIARY MOLLUSCA. 149 Myrtsea(?) asphaltica, new species. (Plate 14, Figures 7 a, b, 8, 9 a-c.) The following is a description of this species : Shell large, robust, transversely elliptical, lucinoid; anterior and ventral margins rounded, posterior margin truncated; beaks full, situated a little in front of the middle; surface sculpture of rough, crowded, concentric growth- lines and, on the umbones, equidistant, concentric ridges, becoming obsolete distally; dorsal areas obsolete; inner margins entire; anterior adductor scar lucinoid but rather short; lunule broadly lanceolate; escutcheon linear or nar- rowly lanceolate, depressed, bordered by a sharply angular keel; hinge with 1 right and 2 left cardinal teeth, 1 right and 2 left anterior laterals, and the same number of posterior laterals; left laterals feeble; ligament external but deeply depressed, preserved in the types. Alt. of a medium-sized specimen, 40 mm.; length, 49 mm.; diam., 25 mm. A larger specimen measures 57 mm. in altitude and 39 mm. in diameter. This exceedingly interesting species, undoubtedly a member of the family Lucinidse, is closely related to Myrtsea, but is very much larger than any hitherto described American species of that genus, and has weaker sculpture than is customary. It is separated at once from Lucina by its dentition and escutcheon; from Loripes by the escutcheon, external ligament, and dentition; and from the greater number of Phacoides by the absence of dorsal areas. Locality. Angela Elmira asphalt mine, near Bejucal, Cuba, stations 3652, 5312, Wiebusch. Geologic horizon. Oligocene? Type.U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 167186. Phacoides (Miltha) aff. Phacoides hillsboroensis (Heilprin). (Plate 15, Figures 3 a, b.) This species, which is known only from casts of the interior, resembles rather closely Miltha hillsboroensis , from which it differs in its more depressed posterior dorsal areas. Alt., 62 mm.; lat., 62 mm.; diam., 26 mm. Localities. Near Santiago, Cuba, stations 3192 and 5255, Willcox, Black. Qfa Geologic horizon. Oligocene. Figured specimen. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 167189. Phacoides (Here) species. (Plate 15, Figure 2.) The following is a partial description of this species : Right valve resembling P. wadssanus Ball but with straighter dorsal margin and more deeply impressed sulcus, which extends with undiminished depth to the beak; left valve with shallower sulcus. The specimens probably represent an undescribed species, but are too fragmentary to furnish a complete diagnosis. Locality. Crocus Bay, Anguilla, stations 6965, 6894, Vaughan. Geologic horizon. Oligocene. Figured specimen. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 167190. 150 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Antigona csesarina var. anguillana, new variety. (Plate 16, Figures 4 a, 6.) Cytherea ccesarina Dall, Trans. Wagner Inst. Sci., vol. 3, pt. 6, p. 1275, plate 53, fig. 5, 1903. Antigona (aff.) ccesarina Dall, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 51, No. 2162, p. 500, 1916. The following is a description of this variety. Shell orbicular, convex; sculpture of numerous low, flat, narrow, radial riblets, separated by slightly wider interspaces, and of elevated, reflexed, crenulated, concentric lamellae; lunule broad, cordate, extended anteriorly; escutcheon long, wider in the right valve, defined on each valve by a deep sulcus. Length of the specimen figured (broken at the posterior end), 53 mm.; height, 52 mm.; diameter of joined valves, 30.5 mm. The radial riblets are more prominent in the variety anguillana than in the typical A. ccesarina and the lunule is more extended in front. Perfect specimens might show other distinguishing characters. Antigona anguillana resembles A. tarquinia (Dall) from the Tampa "silex" bed, from which it may readily be distinguished by its more orbicular shape, greater inflation of the umbones, closer concentric lamellae, and much broader, cordate lunule. Its sculpture, as well as can be determined from the specimens at hand, is like that of the Recent and Pleistocene A. listen (Gray), from which it differs in the greater inflation of the posterior dorsal slopes, which, in the latter species, are flat or even slightly concave. A very closely related, perhaps identical, form from the base of the Chattahoochee formation near Bainbridge, Georgia, has been listed as A. (aff.) ccesarina by Dall. Localities. Crocus Bay, Anguilla, station 6893; Blizzard Mill, Antigua, station 6874; Vaughan. A fragment with similar sculpture is from the chert interbedded with tuffs at St. Johns, Antigua, station 6855. The type of A. ccesarina is from the Chipola Miocene at station 2212, Ten Mile Creek, Calhoun County, Florida. Geologic horizon. Oligocene. Type of A. ccesarina Dall. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 114754. Type of variety anguillana Cooke. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 167192. Chione spenceri, new species. (Plate 15, Figures 1 a, 6.) The following is a description of this species: Shell ovate, moderately convex, with low, prosogyrate beaks and a sharply defined, lozenge-shaped lunule with imbricating growth-lamellae; escutcheon lanceolate, flat or slightly concave, and with fine growth-lines; radial sculpture of minute, close, low, rounded ridges becoming obsolete at the anterior and posterior ends; concentric sculpture of erect, evenly spaced lamellae, 24 on the type specimen, smooth on the dorsal surface and on the upper part of the ventral surface, but with a row of beads, contiguous to the radial ribbing, at the base of the ventral surface. Length, 26 mm.; height, 23 mm.; diameter of joined valves, 15.5 mm. Localities. Antigua, Spencer (type); Willoughby Bay, Antigua, station 6881; Vaughan. Geologic horizon. Oligocene. Type.IJ. S. Nat. Mus. No. 163352. TERTIARY MOLLUSCA. 151 Venericardia globosa, new species. (Plate 15, Figures 4 a-c.) The following is a description of this species: Shell orbicular, highly inflated; ribs more than 20, with nearly equal inter- spaces; beaks medial, low; margins crenulated within. Alt., 33.5 mm.; Ion., 35.5, mm.; diam. of left valve, 19 mm. The species grew to be at least twice as large as the specimen measured. All the specimens of this species are so badly worn as to prevent accurate determination of the sculpture; 20 ribs can be counted on the type specimen, and it is probable that at least 5 more were origin- ally present. Where the ribs have been partly eroded they present a peculiar cellular structure, beneath which may be discerned concentric sculpture of close, wavy threads. This species, remarkable for its inflation, can not be confused with any other known American species. Venericardia bulla, which, per- haps, is as close to this species as any other, is less inflated, much longer, and has higher beaks. Localities. Point between Colombier Point and bay next to St. Jean Bay and point between Anse Ecaille and Anse Lizard, St. Bartholo- mew (stations 68976 and 6897), Vaughan. Geologic horizon. Eocene. Type.U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 167196. Venericardia vaughani, new species. (Plate 16, Figures 2 a-c.) The following is a description of this species: Shell subquadrate; beaks high, prosogyrate, situated near the anterior quarter; ribs about 17, broad, separated by nearly equally wide interspaces; ribs on the anterior third set with transversely elongated nodes, other ribs rounded, flattened, or acutish. Alt., 45 mm.; Ion., 47 mm.; diameter, about 30 mm. Locality. Point between Anse Ecaille and Anse Lezard, St. Bartho- lomew, station 6897, Vaughan. Geologic horizon. Eocene. Type.U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 167195. Venericardia species. (Plate 16, Figure 3.) A fragment of the left valve of a large species of Venericardia was found at station 6897, St. Bartholomew. It appears to be related to Venericardia planicosta, but possesses nodules on the anterior ribs and its lunule is not erect as in that species. Locality. Point between Anse ficaille and Anse Lezard, St. Bartho- lomew, station 6897a, Vaughan. Geologic horizon. Eocene. Figured specimen. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 167197. 152 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Argyrotheca dalli, new species. (Plate 16, Figures 5 a-c.) The following is a description of this species : Shell minutely punctate, with many simple, rounded ribs increasing in number by intercalation; dorsal valve flat; ventral valve inflated; cardinal areas high, triangular in ventral valve, linear in dorsal valve; delthyrium (probably) triangular; median septum of dorsal valve high in front, nearly meeting the opposite valve, very low at beak. Alt. of ventral valve, 13.3 mm.; alt. of dorsal valve, 10 mm.; width, 12.5 mm.; diam., 7 mm. Guppy 1 lists Argiope clevei Davidson from St. Bartholomew, but I have been unable to find any other reference to that species. It may be the form here described. Localities. Point between Anse Ecaille and Anse Lezard and point between Colombier Point and bay next St. Jean Bay, St. Bartholomew, stations 6897 a, b, Vaughan. Geologic horizon. Upper Eocene. Type.U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 167201. Liothyrina vaughani, new species. (Plate 16, Figures 1 a-c.) The following is a description of this species : Shell large, inflated, glabrous; dorsal valve suborbicular, ventral valve ovate, occasionally prolonged in a linguiform projection filling a corresponding emar- gination in the dorsal valve ; beak closely incurved ; foramen small, circular. Length, 43 mm. ; breadth, 36 mm. ; thickness, 18.5 mm. This species was identified as Terebratula carneoides Guppy by Cleve, 2 but the beak of Liothyrina vaughani is more closely incurved than that of any previously described species from the American Tertiary. Locality. Northwest side of St. Jean Bay, St. Bartholomew, station 6924, Vaughan. Geologic horizon. Upper Eocene. Type.U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 167202. BRACHIOPODS FROM TRINIDAD. For the sake of completeness, references are included to 3 species of Lio- thyrina from San Fernando, Trinidad. The types are in the collection of the U. S. National Museum. Terebratula trinitatensis Guppy, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 22, p. 296, plate 19, figs, la, 16, 1866. Terebratula carneoides Guppy, loc. tit., p. 296, plate 19, fig. 2, 1866. Terebratula lecta Guppy, loc. tit., p. 296, plate 19, fig. 3, 1866. 1 Guppy, R. J. L., Geol. Mag., Dec. 2, vol. 1, p. 443, 1874. a K. svenska Vet.-Akad., Handl. Bd. 9, No. 12, p. 26, 1871. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE 1. FIG. 1. Oliva sp. Ventral view. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. Page 111. FIGS. 2, 3 a-b. Levifusus? angelicus, n. sp. (2) Dorsal view. Bejucal, Cuba. X 1.5. (3a) Ventral view of smaller individual from same locality. X 3. (36) Dorsal view of same specimen. X3. Page 111. FIG. 4. Lyria vaughani, n. sp. Dorsal view. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. Page 111. FIGS. 5 a-6, 6 a-b. Conus sp. (5a) Apieal view of cast. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. (56) Ventral view of same specimen. X 1 .5. (6a) Apical view of cast of another individual, Crocus Bay. X 1.5. (66) Ventral view of same specimen. X 1.5. Page 110. FIG. 7. Cerithium herculeanum, n. sp. Ventral view. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. Page 116. FIG. 8. Epitonium (Sthenorhytis) antiguense (Brown). Dorsal view. Hodge's Bluff, Antigua. X 1.5. Page 112. FIGS. 9 a, 6. Cyprcea anguillana, n. sp. (9a) Ventral view. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. (96) Dorsal view of same specimen, X 1.5. Page 114. FIGS. 10 a, 6. Cyprcea semen, n. sp. (lOa) Ventral view. Bejucal, Cuba. X 3. (106) Dorsal view of same specimen. X 3. Page 114. PLATE 2. FIGS. 1, 2. Orthaulax inornatus Gabb. (1) Ventral view. Consolacion del Sur, Cuba. X 1. (2) Ventral view of fragment from same locality. X 1. Page 116. FIGS. 3, 4. Orthaulax pugnax (Heilprin). (3) Ventral view. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1. (4) Young individual. Antigua. X 1. Page 115. FIGS. 5 a, 6. Strombus sp. (5o) Ventral view of young individual. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1. (56) Dorsal view of same specimen. X 1. Page 115. PLATE 3. FIGS. 1 a, b. Hemisinus costatus, n. sp. (la) Ventral view of type. Bejucal, Cuba. X 3. (1Z>) Dorsal view of same specimen. X 3. Page 117. FIG. 2. Hemisinus bituminifer, n. sp. Ventral view of type. Bejucal, Cuba. X 3. Page 118. FIG. 3. Hemisinus siliceus Brown and Pilsbry. Ventral view. Dry Hill Point, Antigua. X 1.5. Page 119. FIGS. 4, 5. Hemisinus atriformis, n. sp. (4) Dorsal view of type. Dry Hill Point, Antigua. X 2. (5) Ventral view of anotherindividual from same locality. X 2. Page 118. FIGS. 6, 7, 8, 9. Hemisinus antiguensis Brown and Pilsbry. (6) Ventral view of smoother variety. Dry Hill Point, Antigua. X 1.5. (7) Ventral view. Dry Hill Point, Antigua. X 5. (8) Ventral view of young specimen. Dry Hill Point, Antigua. X 5. (9) Fragment from same locality. X 5. Page 118. FIGS. 10 a. 6, 11, 12 a, 6. Cerithidea? anguillana, n. sp. (lOa) Ventral view of young individual. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 5. (106) Dorsal view of same specimen. X 5. (11) Dorsal view of type. Same locality. X 5. (12a) Dorsal view of young individual. Same locality. X 5. (12b) Ventral view of same specimen. X 5. Page 117. PLATE 4. FIGS. 1, 2, 3. Turritella anguillana, n. sp. (1) Fragment. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. (2) Fragment from same locality. X 1.5. (3) Fragment from same locality. X 1.5. Page 120. FIG. 4. Turritella dubiosa, n. sp. View of type specimen. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. Page 120. FIGS. 5, 6, 7. Turritella forresti Brown. (5) Ventral view. St. Johns, Antigua. X 3. (6) Dorsal view of another specimen from same locality. X 3. (7) Dorsal view of another specimen from same locality. X 3. Page 121. FIG. 8. Turritella crocus, n. sp. Ventral view of type. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. Page 121. FIGS. 9 a, 6. Ampullina anguillana, n. sp. (9a) Ventral view of type. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. (96) Dorsal view of same specimen. X 1.5. Page 123. FIG. 10. Solarium sp. Fragment. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 5. Page 122. 153 154 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE 5. FIGS. 1, 2, 3. Amputtina (Ampullinopsis) spenceri, n. sp. (1) Ventral view of first cotype. Antigua. X 1. (2) Ventral view of second cotype. Antigua. X 1. (3) Ventral view of a larger specimen. Willoughby Bay, Antigua. X 1. Page 123. FIGS. 4 a-c. Turbo antiguensis, n. sp. (4a) Ventral view of type. Rifle Butts, Antigua. X 1. (46) Basal view of same specimen. XI. (4c) Dorsal view of same specimen. XL Page 125. FIGS. 5 a, 6. Margarita naticoides, n. sp. (5o) Ventral view of type. Bejucal, Cuba. X 1. (56) Dorsal view of same specimen. X 1. Page 125. FIGS. 6 a, 6. Sinurn chipolanum (Dall). (6a) Ventral view. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 2. > (66) Dorsal view of same specimen. X 2. Page 124. FIGS. 7, 8. Neretina? grandis, n. sp. (7) Dorsal view of type. Anse Lezard, St. Bartholomew. XI. (8) Dorsal view of large specimen. St. Jean Bay, St. Bartholomew. X 1. Page 126. FIGS. 9 a-c. Elmira comu-arietis, n. sp. (9a) Ventral view of type. Bejucal, Cuba. XI. (96) Apical view of same specimen. X 1. (9c) Dorsal view of same specimen. X 1. Page 123. FIGS. 10 a, 6. Scapharca anguittana, n. sp. (lOo) Exterior of right valve of type. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1. (106) Interior of same specimen. X 1. Page 127. FIGS. 11 o, 6. Scapharca willobiana, n. sp. (lla) Right valve of type. Willoughby Bay, Antigua. X 1. (116) Left valve of same specimen. X 1. Page 127. PLATE 6. FIGS. 1 a, 6, 2 o, 6. Ostrea antiguensis Brown, (la) Exterior of upper valve. Rifle Butts, Antigua. X 0.75 (16) Exterior of lower valve of same specimen. X 0.75 (2a) Ex- terior of lower valve. Same locality. X 0.75 (26) Interior of same specimen. X 0.75 Page 128. PLATE 7. FIGS. 1, 2. Ostrea haitensis Sowerby. (1) Interior of valve. Santiago, Cuba. XI. (2) Inte rior of lower valve of young individual. Santiago, Cuba. X 1.5. Page 129. FIG. 3. Pecten nodosissimus, n. sp. Right valve. Willoughby Bay, Antigua. X 1.5. Page 141. FIGS. 4 o, 6. Pecten waylandi, n. sp. (4o) Left valve of type. Santiago, Cuba. X 1.5. (46) Right valve of same individual. X 1.5. Page 131. FIGS. 5, 6. Pecten gardnerce, n. p. (5) Left valve. Santiago, Cuba. X 1.5. (6) Right valve of another individual. Santiago, Cuba. X 1.5. Page 134. FIGS. 7, 8. Pecten articulosus, n. sp. (7) Right valve, type. Guajay, Cuba. X 1. (8) Left valve of another individual. Guajay, Cuba. X 1. Page 136. PLATE 8. FIG. 1. Ostrea haitensis Sowerby. Exterior. La Cruz, Cuba. X 0.5. Page 129. FIGS. 2, 3, 4. Pecten vaughani, n. sp. (2) Left valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. (3) Right valve of type. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. (4) Right valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. Page 133. FIG. 5. Pecten oxygonum Sowerby? Right valve. Hodge's Bluff, Antigua. X 1.5. Page 137. FIGS. 6 o, 6, 7. Pecten vaughani var. flabellum, n. var. (6a) Left valve of type. Santiago, Cuba. X 1.5. (66) Right valve of type. X 1.5. (7) Right valve. La Cruz, Cuba. X 1.5. Page 134. FIGS. 8, 9, 10. Pecten perplexus, n. sp. (8) Right valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. (9) Left valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. (10) Detail of sculpture. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. Greatly enlarged. Page 138. PLATE 9. FIG. 1. Ostrea cf. O. trigonalis Conrad. Upper valve. St. Jean Bay, St. Bartholomew. X 0.75. Page 129. FIGS. 2 o, 6. Pecten crocus, n. sp. (2a) Right valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1. (26) Left valve of same individual. X 1. Page 135. FIGS. 3 a-c. Unio bitumen, n. sp. (3a) Right valve. Bejucal, Cuba. X 0.75. (36) Left valve of same individual. X 0.75. (3c) Dorsal view of same individual. X 0.75. Page 130. FIGS. 4 o, 6. Pinna vaughani, n. sp. (4a) Right valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1. (46) Left valve of same specimen, tilted to show ventral sculpture. X 1. Page 127. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. 155 PLATE 10. FIGS. 1 a, 6, 2. Pecten anguillensia Guppy. (la) Right valve of type. Anguilla. X 1.5. (16) Left valve of type. X 1.5. (2) Left valve. Willoughby Bay, Antigua. X 1.5. Page 132. FIGS. 3, 4. Pecten clevei, n. sp. (3) Left valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. (4) Right valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. Page 132. FIG. 5. Pecten perlineatus, n. sp. Type. Willoughby Bay, Antigua. X 1.5. Page 141. FIG. 6. Pecten nugenti Brown? Fragment. Hodge's Bluff, Antigua. X 1.5. Page 141. FIG. 7. Pecten cf. P. oxygonum Sowerby. Right valve. Willoughby Bay, Antigua. X 1.5. Page 138. FIGS. 8, 9 a, 6. Pecten crucianus, n. sp. (8) Right valve. La Cruz, Cuba. X 1.5. (9a) Interior of left valve (type). Santiago, Cuba. X 1.5. (96) Exterior of type. X 1.5. Page 139. PLATE 11. FIGS. 1, 2, 3. Pecten willobiamis, n. sp. (1) Right valve. Willoughby Bay, Antigua. X 0.9. (2) Right valve. Willoughby Bay, Antigua. X 0.9 (3) Left valve. Willoughby Bay, Antigua. X 0.9. Page 133. FIGS. 4, 5, 6. Pecten thetidis Sowerby. (4) Right valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 0.9. (5) Right valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 3. (6) Left valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 3. Page 138. FIGS. 7 a, 6, 8. Pecten jaccibianus, n. sp. (7a) Right valve of type. Santiago, Cuba. X 0.9. (76) Left valve of same specimen. X 0.9. (8) Detail of sculpture of left valve. San- tiago, Cuba. X 3.6. Page 139. FIG. 9. Pecten crocus, n. sp.? Left valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 0.9. Page 135. FIGS. 10 a, 6. Pecten duplex, n. sp. (lOa) Left valve. Long Island, Antigua. X 0.9. (106) Right valve of same specimen. X 0.9. Page 140. FIGS. 11 a, 6. Spondylus bostrychites Guppy. (lla) Lower valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 0.9. (116) Upper valve of same individual. X 0.9. Page 144. FIGS. 12 a, 6. Plicatula densata Conrad. (12a) Interior. Santiago, Cuba. X 0.9. (126) Exte- rior of same specimen. X 0.9. Page 145. PLATE 12. FIGS. 1 a, 6. Pecten ventonensis, n. sp. (la) Right valve. Santiago, Cuba. X 0.9. (16) Left valve of same individual. X 0.9. Page 130. FIGS. 2 a, 6, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Hinnites aratus, n. sp. (2a) Smaller valve of type. St. Bar- tholomew. X 0.9. (26) Larger valve of same specimen. X 0.9. (3) Larger speci- men. St. Bartholomew. X 0.9. (4) Another specimen. St. Bartholomew. X 0.9. (5) Posterior ear of left valve. St. Bartholomew. X 0.9 (6) Details of sculpture. St. Bartholomew. X 3. (7) Posterior view of type. X 0.9. Page 143. FIG. 8. Pecten gabbi Dall. Left valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 0.9 Page 140. PLATE 13. FIGS. 1 a, 6, 2. Amusium lyonii (Gabb). (la) Left valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 0.9. (16) Right valve of same individual as fig. 1. X 0.9. (2) Left valve, from same locality. X 3. Page 142. FIG. 3. Pecten perlatus, n. sp. Right valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 3. Page 131. FIG. 4. Pecten sp. Fragment. Willoughby Bay, Antigua. X 0.9. Page 142. FIG. 5. Pecten pittieri Dall. Right valve. Yumuri River, Cuba. X 0.9. Page 135. FIGS. 6, 7. Amusium antiguense (Brown). (6) Interior. Hodge's Bluff, Antigua. X 0.9. (7) Left valve from same locality. X 0.9. Page 143. FIGS. 8 a, 6. Pecten decorus, n. sp. (8a) Right valve. Guajay, Cuba. X 0.9. (86) Left valve of same individual. X 0.9. Page 137. PLATE 14. FIG. 1. Semelef sp. Left valve. Willoughby Bay, Antigua. X 0.9. Page 147. FIGS. 2 a, 6. Metis trinitaria Dall. (2a) Left valve. Near Santiago Bay, Cuba. X 0.9. (26) Right valve of same individual. X 0.9. Page 148. FIG. 3. Solemya sulcifera, n. sp. .Type. Bejucal, Cuba. X 0.9. Page 147. FIGS. 4, 5. Modiolus (Botuld) cinnamomeus Lamarck. (4) Right valve. Near Santiago Bay, Cuba. X 0.9. (5) Right valve of another specimen from the same locality. X 0.9. Page 145. 156 DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE 14 continued. FIG. 6. Lithophaoa nigra (d'Orbigny). Dorsal view. Friar's Hill, Antigua. X 0.9. Page 146. FIGS. 7 o, 6, 8, 9 a c. Myrtceaf asphaltica, n. sp. (7a) Left valve of young individual. Bejucal, Cuba. X 1.8. (76) Exterior of same specimen. X 3.6. (8) Interior of right valve from same locality. X 1.8. (9o) Right valve of larger individual from same locality. X 0.9. (96) Dorsal view of same specimen. X 0.9. (9c) Left valve of same specimen. X 0.9. Page 149. PLATE 15. FIGS. 1 a, 6. Chione spenceri, n. sp. (lo) Right valve of type. Antigua. X 1.5. (16). Left valve of same specimen. X 1.5. Page 150. FIG. 2. Phacoides (Here) sp. Right valve. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1.5. 'Page 149. FIGS. 3 a, 6. Phacoides (Miltha) aff. P. hillsboroensis (Heilprin). (3a) Right valve. Santiago, Cuba. X 1. (36) Left valve of same specimen. X 1. Page 149. FIGS. 4 a-c. Venericardia globosa, n. sp. (4a) Interior of left valve. Colombier Point, St. Bartholomew. X 1.5. (46) Ventral view of same specimen. X 1.5. (4c) Exterior of same specimen. X 1.5. Page 151. PLATE 16. FIGS. 1 a-c. Liothyrina vaughani, n. sp. (la) Ventral valve. St. Jean Bay, St. Bartholo- mew. XI. (16) Lateral view of same specimen. XL (lc) Dorsal view of same specimen. X 1. Page 152. FIGS. 2a-c. Venericardia vaughani, n. sp. (2a) Right valve of type. St. Bartholomew. X 1. (26) Anterior view of same specimen. X 1. (2c) Left valve of same specimen. X 1. Page 151. FIG. 3. Venericardia sp. Fragment of left valve. St. Bartholomew. X 1. Page 151. FIGS. 4 a, 6. Antigona caesarina var. anguillana, n. var. (4a) Right valve of type. Crocus Bay, Anguilla. X 1. (46) Left valve of same specimen. X 1. Page 150. FIGS. 5 a-c. Argyrotheca datti, n. sp. (5a) Lateral view. Near Columbier Point, St. Bartholo- mew. X 3.33. (56) Ventral view of same specimen. X 3.33. (5c) Dorsal view of same specimen. X 3.33. Page 152. COOKE PLATE COOKE PLATE 2 PLATE 3 COOKE PLATE 4 9b COOKE PLATE 5 lib COOKE PLATE COOKE PLATE 7 COOKE PLATE 10 COOKE PLATE 9 COOKE PLATE 10 COOKE PLATE 11 12a 12b COOKE PLATE 12 COOKE PLATI COOKE PLATE COOKE PLATE 15 COOKE PLATE 16 5b V. WEST INDIAN TERTIARY DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS, BY MARY J. RATHBUN. With nine plates. 157 WEST INDIAN TERTIARY DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS. BY MARY J. RATHBUN. Hitherto very little has been published on West Indian Tertiary decapod crustaceans. Two species only have been described, both belonging to the genus Ranina and occurring at Trinidad. The material upon which this paper is based comprises (1) specimens obtained at Anguilla and St. Bartholomew by Dr. T. W. Vaughan; (2) a collection made about half a century ago by Mr. W. M. Gabb hi Santo Domingo and now loaned by the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences at the instance of Dr. H. A. Pilsbry; (3) a collection made in the spring of 1916 by Dr. Carlotta J. Maury and party in Santo Domingo and transferred to the United States National Museum; and (4) the type specimen of Ranina porifera Woodward, probably from the upper Eocene, although described from the Oligocene of Trinidad, which forms part of the United States National Museum collection. The exact location of the Gabb specimens is not known. They are undoubtedly from some point or points in the lower half of the valley of the Yaqui del Norte River, which is near the middle of the northern part of Haiti, that is, in Santo Domingo. They were supposed to have come from the Oligocene series, but are now thought to be lower Miocene. Dr. Maury's expedition attempted to cover the same ground as that visited by Gabb. Crustaceans were found in two spots and of these only one species was taken also by Gabb. Aside from Petrochirus inequalis from the Amina River, the specimens came from " Bluff No. 3," which is near Cercado, on the Mao River, one of the southern tributaries of the Yaqui River. The bluff, according to Dr. Maury, is several hundred feet high, but the specimens were all obtained fairly near the base, not more than 30 to 50 feet above the river. The horizon is thought by Dr. Vaughan to be lower Miocene, but may be upper Oligocene. The specimens were almost entirely fingers or other small fragments to many of which it is inadvisable to assign even a generic name. No species is common to the Vaughan and Santo Domingo collec- tions, and the only genus represented in both is Callianassa. On the other hand, Callinectes declivis has been found in Costa Rica as well as Santo Domingo and is described in my bulletin on Panama fossils. 1 . U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 103, p. 162, pi. 66, figs. 1-3, 1918. 159 160 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Two of the Santo Domingan species are thought to be the same as Recent species, viz, Calappa flammea and Cycloes bairdii, the first also from the Pleistocene of Panama, as noted in the above-men- tioned bulletin. LIST OF WEST INDIAN TERTIARY DECAPODA. Family Cragonidae, gen. and sp. indet., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Family Eryonidse. gen. and sp. indet., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Callianassa anguillensis, n. sp., Anguilla, Oligocene (Vaughan). latidigita, n. sp., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). pellucida, n. sp., Anguilla, Oligocene (Vaughan). miocenica, n. sp., Santo Domingo, probably lower Miocene (Gabb). Family Paguridae, gen. and sp. indet., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Petrpchirus inequaBs, n. sp., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Ranina porifera Woodward, Trinidad, probably upper Eocene. cuspidata Guppy, Trinidad, "lower Miocene." Lyreidus fastigatus, n. sp., Anguilla, Oligocene (Vaughan). Calappa flammea (Herbst), Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Calappella (?) sp., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Cycloes bairdii Stimpson, Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Persephona prepunctata, n. sp., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Scylla costata, n. sp., Santo Domingo, probably lower Miocene (Gabb). Portunus gabbi, n. sp., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Gabb and Maury). Portunus tenuis, n. sp., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Portunus, sp. indet., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Callinectes declivis Rathbun, Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Callinectes, sp. indet., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Podophthalmus domingensis, n. sp., Santo Domingo, probably lower Miocene (Gabb). Zanthopsis bartolomseensis, n. sp., St. Bartholomew, Eocene (Vaughan). Pilumnus subequus, n. sp., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Archaeopilumnus caelatus, gen. and sp. new, Santo Domingo, probably lower Miocene (Gabb) . Panopeus, sp. indet., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Family Xanthidae, gen. and sp. indet., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Sandomingia yaquiensis, gen. and sp. new, Santo Domingo, probably lower Miocene (Gabb). Parthenope (Platylambrus) obscura, n. sp., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Parthenope, sp. indet., Santo Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). Mesorhoea mauryae, n. sp., Santo' Domingo, lower Miocene (Maury). TERTIARY DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS. 161 NOTES ON THE GENERA REPRESENTED. The genus Callianassa 1 ranges from the Jurassic era to the present day and contains very numerous species, fossil 2 and Recent, distributed in both hemispheres. Petrochirus* occurs in the waters on both sides of tropical America, and in the upper Tertiary of Panama. Ranina* is known from more than a dozen species distributed from the Cretaceous to Recent, the fossil forms 5 ranging from central Europe to Japan, and occurring isolated in Trinidad. Only one species is now living and that is confined to the Indo-Pacific region. Lyreidus 6 has been found in the Tertiary of Piedmont, Italy. Of its Recent species, one (L. bairdii) 7 inhabits deep water off the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America, while three others (L. tridentatus* L. elongatus, g and L. channeri) represent the Indo-Pacific region, the latter inhabiting the Indian Ocean at a depth of 200 to 400 fathoms. Calappa 11 has a range from Eocene to Recent (Zittel) . Calappella 12 Rathbun is known from the Oligocene of Panama. Cycloes up to now known only as Recent on both sides of the Ameri- can continent, the Bermudas, and the Indo-Pacific. Persephona 1 * hitherto recorded from the post-Tertiary of Celebes 15 (as Myra) and widely distributed in the warmer waters of the globe. Scylla a genus of swimming crabs, is known at the present tune from one living species only, which is widely distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific region. This species has also been found fossil on the coasts of Asia between the Red Sea and Japan, and in the Philippines; also in the island of Malta, at which place it is reported from the Oligocene or older Miocene. A second species, S. michelini, 11 occurs in the Miocene of Anjou. Portunus Weber 18 ( = Neptunus de Haan 19 ), a comprehensive genus, makes its appearance in the Eocene and is represented in the recent fauna also by numerous species in all temperate and tropical seas. 1 Leach, Edin. Encyc., vol. 7, p. 400, 1814. 2 See Bohm, Monatsber. deutsch. geol. Gesell., vol. 63, pp. 42-46, 1911. 3 Stimpson, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vol. 10, p. 233 [71], 1858. 4 Lamarck, Syst. Anim. sans Vert., p. 156, 1801. 6 See Woodward, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 22, p. 591, 1866. 6 De Haan, Fauna Japon., Crust., p. 138, 1841. 7 Smith, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 3, p. 420, 1881. 8 De Haan, Fauna Japon., Crust., p. 140, plate 35, fig. 6, 1841. 9 Miers, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 46, 1879. 10 Wood-Mason, Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Aug. 1885 (issued Nov. 2, 1885), p. 104. 11 Weber, Nomenclator entomologicus, p. 92, 1795. 12 Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 103, p. 157, 1918. 13 De Haan, Fauna Japon., Crust., pp. 67 and 68, 1837. 14 Leach, Zool. Misc., vol. 3, pp. 18 and 22, 1817. 15 De Man, Samml. Geol. Reichs-Mus. Leiden, ser. 1, vol. 7, p. 276, 1904. 16 De Haan, Fauna Japon., Crust., pp. 3 and 11, 1833. 17 A. Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sci. Nat., ser. 4, vol. 14, p. 136, plate 3, figs. 3, 3a, 1861. 18 Nomenclator entomologicus, p. 93, 1795. 19 Fauna Japon., Crust., pp. 3 and 7, 1833. 162 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Callinectes, 1 the genus of our common edible blue crab, i8 abundant in America and West Africa, rarer in the Indo-Pacific, and has been found fossil in the Virginia Miocene. Recent Podophthalmus 2 inhabit the Indo-Pacific region and one of the two living species occurs also in the post-Tertiary of Celebes and Java. Other fossil species placed in this genus have been later removed to different genera. Zanthopsis 3 is wholly a fossil genus and contains various species, beginning in the Cretaceous and distributed in Europe and Brazil. Pilumnus* is a Recent genus containing about 150 species and flourishes in nearly all temperate and tropical waters. It has not before been reported as fossil. The new genus Archceopilumnus is a near relative of Pilumnus. Panopeus* is said to occur from the Cretaceous to the present day. It is the principal genus of the mud crabs of our coasts, and occurs rarely in the eastern Atlantic. The genus Sandomingia is erected for a form allied to the fiddler crabs (Uca = Gelasimus) which to-day have an almost world-wide distribution, especially in warmer regions, and are also found fossil in southern Asia. Parthenope* ( = Lambrus 7 ) is a genus widely distributed in the sea, and dates from the Eocene. Mesorhcea* is rare in middle America and has not before been found fossil. NOTES ON THOSE FAMILIES REPRESENTED BY MATERIAL FOR WHICH IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DESIGNATE A GENUS. The Cragonidse originate in the Jurassic and are very abundant to- day. The telson described below is characteristic of the family, but of no one genus known. The Eryonidae are among the oldest decapods, going back to the Triassic. The West Indian specimen has the curious curved and bent form of the ischium of the large cheliped in that family. RELATIONS OF THE WEST INDIAN FAUNA. The greater number of the genera and families represented in the West Indian Tertiary fauna have to-day a wide distribution, as also have the genera most closely akin to the new or purely fossil genera, as Calappella, Archceopilumnus , Sandomingia, and Zanthopsis. A few 1 Stimpson, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 220, 1860. 'Lamarck, Syst. Anim. sans Vert., p. 152, 1801. M'Coy, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. 4, p. 162, 1849. 4 Leach, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 11, pp. 309 and 321, 1815. 8 Milne-Edwards, Hist. Nat. Crust., vol. 1, p. 403, 1834. 8 Weber, Nomenclator entomologicus, p. 92, 1795. 7 Leach, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 11, pp. 308 and 310, 1815. 3 Stimpson, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 2, p. 135, 1871. TERTIARY DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS. 163 other genera are distinctively American, viz, Petrochirus, Panopeus (rarely eastern Atlantic), and Mesorhcea. Otherwise the West Indian fossil decapods have a strong affinity with the present Indo-Pacific fauna, as evidenced by Ranina, Scylla (both Recent Indo-Pacific genera but fossil in Europe), Podophthalmus (wholly Indo-Pacific), and Lyreidus (typically and chiefly Indo-Pacific, partly western Atlantic, and fossil in Europe). Moreover, Portunus gabbi, described below, is related to recent Indo-Pacific species more than to those now living in the West Indies. DESCRIPTION OF THE MATERIAL. Order DECAPODA. Suborder NATANTIA. Tribe CARIDES. Superfamily CRAGONOIDA. Family CRAGONm^E. Genus and species indeterminable. (Plate 9, Figure 3.) Material. The telson of a single specimen, from the Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. The following is a description of this specimen: Telson high, narrow, horizontal; tapering for its proximal half, then the sides parallel, tip broken off. On either side a deep groove running the whole length; above, three ridges separated for the basal third by two deep grooves; not far from the base a fine groove begins on the median ridge and is continued nearly to the tip; it divides this ridge in two, each half further on uniting with the submedian ridge of its side; on the outer side of each submedian ridge near its base there is a short ridge, partly visible in dorsal view. Below, the telson is broadly and deeply concave, the concavity narrowing along the middle. All the ridges are smoothly rounded. Relationship. This specimen is not referable to any known genus, as, while the general appearance is that of a cragonid, the grooves of the telson are much deeper than in any of the living forms. Suborder REPTANTIA. Tribe PALINURA. Superfamily ERYONIDEA. Family ERYONIDJE. Genus and species indeterminable. (Plate 9, Figure 4.) Material. A fragment, representing seemingly the greater part of the ischium of the right cheliped of the first pair, from the Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. 164 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Description. This piece has the typical Eryonid form of the ischium of the first cheliped, that is, it is much flattened, distally widened, and proximally curved. While the segment is commonly unarmed, the fossil joint has a row of irregular and immovable spines along its inner margin; it has also numerous scattered puncta? arranged partially in lines. Tribe ANOMURA. Superfamily THALASSINIDEA. Family CALLIANASSID^. Genus CALLIANASSA Leach, 1814. Callianassa anguillensis, new species. (Plate 1, Figures 1 to 7.) Type locality. Anguilla: Crocus Bay, southwestern shore; from lowest 10 to 15 feet of fossiliferous marls; Anguilla formation; Oligocene series; T. W. Vaughan, collector; March 7, 1914; 6965; L. I. 100 a (1914). Holotype. One right manus and base of immovable finger. Cat. No. 166941, U. S. N. M. Additional material. One right manus (paratype a) and a separate piece of a finger (paratype b) from southwestern side of Crocus Bay, Anguilk; 30 to 50 feet above sea-level; Anguilla formation; T. W. Vaughan, collector; March 4, 1914; 6966; L. I. 100 b (1914). Cat. No. 166942, U. S. N. M. A right (paratype c) and a left manus (paratype d) and a piece of a finger (paratype e), 3 specimens in all, from southwestern side of Crocus Bay, Anguilla; Anguilla formation; T. W. Vaughan, collector, March 1914; 6894; L. I. 100 (1914). Cat. No. 166943, U. S. N. M. The following is a description of the holotype : The specimen is embedded in the rock so that the lower half of the outer surface is exposed and a portion of the upper margin. Length through middle of palm, 18.6 mm., width at posterior third, 16 mm. Lower margin a thin, raised rim set off by a groove. Inside and a little below the rim may be seen a row of rather large sockets opening distally. The margin is sinuous, deepest near the proximal third, whence it rounds convexly upwards toward the wrist and forms a gently sinuous curve to the base of the fixed finger. The surface of the palm is partially covered with blister granules, which are large just behind the finger and get smaller, lower, and fewer toward the proximal end; they are separated by a narrow, smooth area from a few granules on the distal margin along the cavity separating the fingers. Among the granules there are a few punctae or sockets of which 8 widely spaced ones form a row above the lower margin. The marginal rim soon fades out on the finger; the upper border of the finger is edged with flattened granules. The surface is chalky white. The white layer is broken off of the upper marginal portion of the palm; the surface thus exposed is blunt and transversely rugose, and on the inner side just below the margin and 3.7 mm. from the distal end there is a curved tubercle, pointing forward; also in the same line a spine at the distal extremity. TERTIARY DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS. 165 The following is a description of the paratypes: Paratype a, right manus, No. 6966. This is free from the matrix and is much worn and incomplete at the ends, width at posterior third, 17.4 mm. It agrees with the holotype as far as the characters are preserved. The shape is similar, also the thin lower edge with a row of sockets just inside, the granula- tion of the lower part of the outer surface, and the single tubercle just below and within the upper margin, and, in this instance, 5 mm. behind the distal end. Paratype b, finger, No. 6966. Lacks the tip and proximal end and is embedded in rock with its concave surface uppermost. Chalky white. Cross- section triangulate. Paratypes c and d, right and left manus, No. 6894. These specimens are too bruised to refer definitely to any species. They have the general shape of the holotype of C. anguillensis. The left manus has the thin lower and the thick rounded upper margin, the latter with the submarginal tubercle distal to the middle, but not so near the forward end as in the holotype; it lacks details of granulation, sockets, etc. The right manus is even less adequately preserved. Paratype e, finger, No. 6894. The distal portion of a finger embedded in rock, with convex surface partly exposed, should probably be referred here. Callianassa latidigita, new species. (Plate 9, Figures 10 and 11.) Type locality. The Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. Material. A movable and an immovable finger of the left chela; the latter is the holotype. Cat. No. 324470, U. S. N. M. This species has granulation on the palm at the base of the immov- able finger similar to that in C. anguillensis (compare plate 1, fig. 1, with plate 9, fig. 11) ; the finger itself is, however, broader at base and is subtriangular, while the finger of anguillensis tapers very gradually at base. The inferior, marginal rim is continued further toward the tip in the Cercado specimen, while the upper edge is furnished near the base with two shallow lobes which are lacking in anguillensis. The dactylus has the same general shape in the two forms, but both specimens are too incomplete for close comparison. Callianassa pellucida, new species. (Plate 1, Figures 8 to 13.) Type locality. Anguilla: Crocus Bay, from bluff on southwestern side; uppermost horizon, 125 feet above sea-level; Anguilla formation; Oligocene series; T. W. Vaughan, collector; March 4, 1914; 6967; L. I. 100 c (1914). One left movable finger (holotype) ; a portion of each of two right palms of very different sizes (paratypes). Holotype and paratypes. Cat. No. 166944, U. S. N. M. The following is a description of the holotype: The shape of the entire finger is shown, but the outer layer is almost all lacking. Upper margin arched, tip acute and strongly bent down; lower margin straight except near the tip and at the proximal end, where it is hoi- 166 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLQGY OF THE WEST INDIES. lowed out in a broad, shallow sinus. The general shape is subcylindrical, dis- tally tapering, but the lower edge of the outer surface is acute. There are a few scattered granules or small tubercles, but it is impossible to tell how much these affected the outer shell : on the outer surface above the lower edge there is a row of 4 distant granules; 4 near the proximal end of the upper surface, and 1 near the distal end; 1 on the inner surface behind the middle. Length, 20.4 mm.; greatest width, 5.3 mm.; thickness, 4.1 mm. The two palms (paratypes) are too incomplete to show their propor- tions. The lower edge is thin, translucent (to which the specific name alludes), in the larger specimen (paratype a) slightly sinuous, that is, rounded up at the proximal end and bending down toward the fingers ; below the true edge of the palm project the bases of sockets ranged in a row on the inner surface; there are about 17 of these sockets in the larger specimen. The cross-section at the base of the finger has the shape of a diamond very elongate below the angles (plate 1, fig 10). Callianassa miocenica, new species. (Plate 2, Figures 1 to 6.) Type locality. Lower half of the valley of the Yaqui del Norte River, in the northern part of Santo Domingo, Haiti; probably lower Miocene; W. M. Gabb, collector. Holotype. Left manus of large cheliped. Cat. No. 2264, Mus. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. Measurements. Length of manus measured from sinus between fingers, 21.2; width of manus near proximal end, 17.4; width of manus near distal end, 15.2; greatest thickness of manus, 7 mm. The following is a description of the left manus of this species : The upper margin is straight and at right angles to the proximal end, while the lower margin is slightly convex and oblique, being inclined upward toward the distal end and inward toward the proximal end. Outer surface very convex from top to bottom, but from end to end flat in the middle and bent inward at the ends. On the outer surface are 3 large pits far apart in a line below the middle; the pits increase in size distally, the largest one being near the articu- lation of the dactylus; one pit higher up and midway of the length of the seg- ment. Upper margin subacute in its proximal two-thirds; lower margin broken away. Inner surface uneven, concave in the lower distal portion; surface covered with small pits, visible without a lens, scanty near the distal end. Here there is a transverse curved line (concave forward) of 8 granules, just below the middle; the margin overlapping the dactylus is bordered with 15 tuberculiform teeth, the lowermost of which is the largest and much swollen and lies below the dactylus. Ten similar small teeth are visible on the distal end of the outer surface. Near the upper edge are 2 rows of large pits; one row consists of 5 pits and is wholly on the inner surface, bending downward distally; the other row shows 3 pits in a straight line which is slightly oblique. Relationships. From C. anguillensis this species differs in the smooth (non-granulate) surface of the manus; from C. pellucida in the straighter (viewed from below only) lower edge of the manus. TERTIARY DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS. 167 Superfamily PAGURIDEA. Family PAGURTD^). Genus and species indeterminable. (Plate 9, Figures 6 and 7.) Material. Dactylus of left cheliped, from the Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. Description. The upper surface of the dactylus is rounded from side to side, while the lower surface is narrower and flat and the inner surface oblique and sinuous (from end to end) , the two surfaces separated by a line of tuber- cles. Upper surface covered with unequal granules, except near the pre- hensile edge; thick outer edge also granulate; a few granules on flat surface; oblique surface smooth. Eight prehensile teeth with brown tips; a shallow sinus near proximal end of margin. Tip of finger broken off, but there is no evidence that the finger is excavated at the tip. While this is a left dactylus, it is not clear whether it belongs to a major or a minor cheliped. Genus PETROCHIRUS Stimpson, 1858. Petrochirus inequalis, new species. (Plate 9, Figures 13 to 15.) Type locality. The Amina River, Yaqui Valley, Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; May 22, 1916. Material. A pair of chelae partially embedded. Cat. No. 324467, U. S. N. M. Description. The proximal end of both palms is lacking. The chelae are very unequal, a similar cross-section of the palm of each showing that the width of the palm is two-thirds as great in the smaller as in the larger chela, while the inequality in the thickness of the two may be even more. Fingers of large chela broad at base, tapering gradually toward the tips, excepting that the dactylus has on its outer margin a sinus distad of the middle; measured on the prehensile edge, the dactylus is over twice as long as basal width, while the immovable finger is less than twice as long as basal width. The tip of the dactylus folds under the immovable finger and is apparently not so long. Fingers blunt-pointed. Most of the tubercles of the fingers are broken off, leaving the tessellated background formed by their crowded, many-sided bases. The tubercles which remain, especially those on the underside of the palm, trend slightly distad, each surrounded anteriorly by a few small tuber- cles, and the larger ones separated from one another by tubercles of medium size. Tubercles conical, tip subacute, defined by a line from the basal portion and easily broken off. The fingers of the small chela as they stand scarcely reach beyond the proximal third of the large dactylus, but the chelae may not be in their true relative position. The tubercles are similar to, but lower than, those of the larger chela. Relationships. This species has a smaller left chela than any Petro- chirus yet described. The fingers of the right chela are exceptionally 168 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. long. In its ornamentation it is nearest P. californiensis Bouvier 1 (Lower California to Ecuador), but in that species the tubercles have broadly rounded knobs at the summit, instead of pointed tips as in P. inequalis. Tribe BRACHYURA. Subtribe OXYSTOMATA. Family RANINTDJL Genus RANINA Lamarck, 1801. Ranina porif era Woodward. Ranina porifera Woodward, in Guppy, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 22, p. 572, plate 26, fig. 18, 1866; Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 22, p. 591, 1866. Type locality. Trinidad; San Fernando beds; geologic age not positively known, probably upper Eocene. Holotype. Carapace without appendages. Cat. No. 115405, U. S. N. M. Ranina cuspidata Guppy. Ranina cuspidata Guppy, Bull. Agri. Dept. Trinidad, p. 5, plate, fig. 1, 1909; Agricultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago, Paper No. 440, p. 14, 1911. Type locality. Trinidad; Machipur, near Montserrat, in the Tamana district; "lower Miocene". Genus LYREIDUS de Haan, 1841. Lyreidus f astigatus, new species. (Plate 3; Figure 1.) Type locality. Anguilla: Crocus Bay, southwestern side; 30 to 50 feet above sea-level; Anguilla formation; Oligocene series; T. W. Vaughan, collector; March 4, 1914; 6966; L. I. 100 b (1914). Holotype. Carpus joint of left cheliped. Cat. No. 166940, U. S. N. M. The following is a description of this species : The carpus is suboblong, about 11.6 mm. long by 5.6 mm. wide. The surface is crossed transversely by fine rugae. A blunt ridge runs longitudinally through the middle, following the axis of the segment, that is, slightly curved, the concavity of the curve facing the left or outer side; this ridge is inter- rupted at its distal end by a tubercle. On the inner margin at about its middle there is a slender, curved spine standing well out from the segment; further back at about the posterior fourth there is a smaller spine, broken off at its base. Near the posterior end of the left side of the dorsal surface there is a tubercle, or, it may be, a spine, the top being broken off. It is difficult to say anything further of the details, as the margin is considerably obscured; the segment appears to be strongly produced at its inner distal angle, and the adjacent inner margin shows a small tooth. Other species of the genus. Crema 2 has described a Lyreidus, L paronce, from the Tertiary of Piedmont. He had, however, no part of the chelipeds. 1 Bull. Mua. Hist. Nat., Paris, p. 6, 1895. 8 Atti R. Accad. Sci. Torino, vol. 30, p. 671, plate, fig. 11 (carapace), 1895. TERTIARY DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS. 169 Of recent species of Lyreidus, one, L. bairdii Smith 1 has been found in deep water off the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. Its carpus is less elongate and lacks the longitudinal ridge present in our fossil form; the principal spine of the inner margin is also further forward. Family CALAPPID-ffi. Genus CALAPPA Weber, 1795. Calappa flammea (Herbst). Cancer flammeus Herbst, Natur. Krabben u. Krebse, vol. 2, plate 40, fig. 2, 1794; vol. 3, pt. 3, p. 19, 1803. Material. Three dactyls of right or major chelae; also a specimen showing the proximal half of both fingers of the right chela and their attachment to each other. From the Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. Range. Recent specimens range from North Carolina, or occasion- ally farther north, to Colombia and Venezuela; also at Bermudas and Cape of Good Hope. Fossil fingers have been taken in the Pleistocene of Panama. Genus CALAPPELLA Rathbun, 1918. Calappella (?), species. (Plate 9, Figure 12.) Material. A piece of the right manus and 4 loose spines, from the Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. The following is a description of this species: The specimen figured is a fragment showing a portion of the outer and of the under surface broken from the middle of the right manus of a species allied to Calappa. The specimen is rather closely granulated except above, and bears two tubercles, the larger and more distad conical, the smaller one more obtuse at end. Four single, elongate-conical, slightly curved spines, from 3 to 4.5 mm. long, are thought to belong to the same species; two of the spines belong at an articulation, probably at the lower distal angle of the merus of the chelipeds (right and left); another spine appears to have come from the proximal end of the manus. Relationship. The genus Calappella was erected for a species from the Oligocene of Panama. The type specimen shows only the carapace, which is armed with elongate, curved spines. On account of the spines the Santo Domingan fragments are referred tentatively to the same genus. Genus CYCLOES de Haan, 1837. Cycloes bairdii Stimpson. (Plate 9, Figure 8.) Cyclois bairdii Stimpson, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 7, p. 237, 1860. Material. The lower distal portion of the outer surface of the left or secondary manus, with propodal finger. So far as can be judged 1 Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 3, p. 420, 1880. 170 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. from this small fragment, it is the same as Recent specimens. From the Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. Range. Recent specimens range from Bahamas and west Florida to the West Indies; also Cape St. Lucas, Lower California, to Panama. Family LEUCOSIID^;. Genus PERSEPHONA Leach, 1817. Persephona prepunctata, new species. (Plate 9, Figure 5.) Type locality. The Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. Material. About 30 arm-joints, mostly incomplete. One of the best is made the holotype (Cat. No. 324425, U. S. N. M.). Relationships. In shape these specimens approach the correspond- ing segments of P. punctata (Linnaeus) 1 but the granules are much more numerous and crowded than in punctata, resembling more those of P. townsendi (Rathbun), 2 from the west coast of tropical America. Subtribe BRACHYGNATHA. Superfamily BRACHYRHYNCHA. Family PORTUNIDJ2. Genus SCYLLA de Haan, 1833. Scylla costata, new species. (Plates 4 and 5; Plate 6, Figures 3 to 5.) Type locality. Lower half of the valley of the Yaqui del Norte River, in the northern part of Santo Domingo, Haiti; probably lower Miocene; W. M. Gabb, collector. Holotype. Male. Cat. No. 2267, Mus. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. Measurements. Length of carapace (approx.) 82 mm.; width of carapace 128 mm.; length of propodus of larger cheliped, above, 42 mm.; below (approx.) Ill mm.; height of same 41.3 mm. Description. Regions of carapace separated by very shallow depressions; no evidence of transverse, granulate ridges; the outer layer of shell is almost entirely lacking. The margin of the front is embedded in the matrix. Inner edge of orbit raised, marginate; outer tooth large, its outer margin oblique but almost longitudinal. The antero-lateral teeth are probably 9 and are alter- nately large and small, at least the sixth and the eighth are small, the second and the fourth are not visible. The teeth are curved forward at the end; the third, fifth, seventh, and ninth teeth dim nish in basal width in the order named. Chelipeds very strong, unequal. Three spines are visible on the inner or anterior margin of the merus beyond the edge of the carapace; the most distal one is strong, conical, sharp; the most proximal one is smaller and more 1 Syst. Nat., ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 630, 1758 (part). * Myra townsendi Rathbun, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 16, p. 255, 1893. TERTIARY DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS. 171 slender; no spine visible on outer or posterior margin, but there is a transverse depression, which may indicate a tooth further down, in the matrix. The carpus is short and squarish; spine not visible. The propodus has a very con- vex lower margin; the manus is costate, having 3 blunt costae on the outer surface ; the middle one is the most prominent, straight, and directed toward the middle of the interdigital sinus, but stops short of it; the upper costa begins at the tooth at the articulation with the carpus, is slightly concave upward, and ends in a distally projecting lobe just above a large protuberance at the lateral articulation with the dactylus; the lower costa begins proximally near the middle costa, from which it gradually diverges and fades out near the middle of the immovable finger. A spine on inner surface near distal end, at least in major chela. On either side of the manus at its articulation with the dactylus there is a large, smooth, rounded protuberance, which is bounded proximally by a deep, narrow furrow; below this protuberance and distal to it there is, on the outer surface at least, a thick, subacute lobe, overlapping the dactylus. The prehensile teeth are very unequal, smoothly rounded, dark- colored; in the larger chela the basal tooth of the dactylus is very large and directed obliquely backward, and the fingers gape moderately. Only the basal half of the first 3 ambulatory legs is present. The sternum and abdomen are visible, the latter being oblong-triangular and unusually wide for a male; the third, fourth, and fifth segments are fused; the sixth has rapidly converging sides; the seventh is wider than long. Paratype. Portion of a right cheliped, comprising the carpus, manus, and a small basal piece of each finger. Cat. No. 2258, Mus. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. Measurements. Length of manus above, excluding spine, 33 mm., length at middle of outer surface 44 mm., height of manus to base of superior spine 34 mm. The following is a description of the paratype: This cheliped shows some features better than the holotype. The carpus has 4 nearly equal sides ; the inner spine is visible, though broken off near its base; also a cross-section of a smaller spine at the distal outer angle which is broken off quite at the base; there is a longitudinal obtuse ridge on the proxi- mal half of the segment terminating bluntly not far from the middle; if con- tinued, it would cross the distal upper angle. The manus is much flattened on the inside. At the distal end of the inner upper margin there is a spine pointing distad and a little upward and inward ; its tip is broken off. Costae of outer surface much lower and flatter than in the holotype; the upper costa fades out altogether proximally. The large lobe at the articulation with the dactylus is broken away, but the lobe below it is large and projects distally well over the dactylus. On the inner surface of the manus, half-way up and at one-fifth the distance behind the distal end, there is a slender spine (with tip broken off) pointing inward and slightly distad. A similar spine has been partially uncovered on the major chela of the holotype. The dactylus has one large, low, dark-colored molariform prehensile tooth at its base (which shows that the cheliped is the minor one of the pair), and on the inner side a small crescentic, blackish, articulating knob. The corresponding protuberance on the manus has been broken off. 172 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Relationships. This species differs, it will be seen, from typical Scylla by having the hands costate. One sees in Scylla serrata 1 the vestige of a costa in the same place where the middle costa ends distally in S. costata. In other respects this is a true Scylla, as shown by the smooth carapace with 9 lateral teeth, the posterior of which is not elongate, and by the massive chelipeds. The large distal protuber- ances on the outer and inner surfaces of the hand are similar to those of serrata. Genus PORTUNUS Weber, 1795. Portunus gabbi, new species. (Plate 3, Figures 2 to 7; Plate 6, Figures 1 and 2.) Type locality. Lower half of the valley of the Yaqui del Norte River, in the northern part of Santo Domingo, Haiti; probably lower Miocene; W. M. Gabb, collector. Holotype. Female. Cat. No. 2256, Mus. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. Measurements. Length of carapace, median, 45 mm., width of carapace in front of lateral spines 76 mm., width between outer angles of orbits 43 mm., length of manus above, 26.3 mm., distal height of manus 22.2 mm. The following is a description of this species : The carapace of the holotype is broken in the middle, whence a crack extends to the left margin between the fourth and fifth teeth; the large lateral spines are both broken off at their base. Carapace very convex; the two areoles at the inner angle of the branchial region are strongly marked. The granules, which are large and numerous on the more elevated portions, are scanty toward the second to fifth lateral teeth, inclusive, and along the postero-lateral margins, and are very small and flat behind the front and on the intestinal region. The anterior of the gastric ridges can be made out and is very irregular, the posterior ridge is obscured by the break. The four frontal teeth are sub- triangular, blunt, those of the middle pair wider than those of the outer pair, and definitely more advanced; median sinus V-shaped, lateral sinuses U-shaped. The lateral teeth of the carapace (to be seen best on the left side) appear conical in dorsal view, their sides being straight; tips all broken off. Base of lateral spine granulate and lacking an axial line of granules. The right chela is the only one remaining; its manus has the four customary longitudinal ridges on the outer surface, but these are so broken away that one can not tell if they are granulate; the distal extremity of the second ridge (counting from the top) is smooth and punctate. The development of the double lobe at the outer articulation with the dactylus indicates that this is the larger of the two chelipeds. The fingers are covered with such a fine granulation as to be smooth to the naked eye, and have a triangular gape between them; the molariform teeth are unequal and dark-colored; the end of the fixed finger has the same dark color; the terminal fourth of the dactylus is missing. The female abdomen is very broad, as in adult Portunus; there is a blunt trans- verse ridge on the middle half of the fourth and fifth segments; outlines not well shown,, but the sides of the sixth segment converge gradually. 1 See Alcock, Jour. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, vol. 68, p. 27, 1899. TERTIARY DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS. 173 Paratypes. (a) A male taken at the type locality, much larger than the holotype. It lacks chelipeds. The lateral teeth of the carapace are narrower than in the smaller specimen, their sides somewhat concave. A curved transverse line of granules is seen on the branchial regions leading toward the lateral spine. Enough of the abdomen is exposed to show the sex and generic relation. Cat. No. 2566, Mus. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. (6) A right chela, also from the type locality; the fixed finger is broken off not far from the base, the dactylus near its middle. Resembles in shape the chela of the holotype, but is much larger, having a maximum height of 32 mm. No other difference is apparent, excepting the slightly greater height of the middle intercostal space of the outer surface. The lobe at the distal end of this space is broken off. Cat. No. 2254, Mus. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. Additional material. A dactylus of left cheliped, from the Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. This finger is of much smaller size (about 16 mm. long) than those of the holotype and paratype (b) ; its grooves are more strongly marked, the deepest grooves being one on the upper half of the outer surface and one on the lower half of the inner surface; a short, shallow groove is at the proximal end of the lower half of the outer surface. (See plate 3, figs. 6 and 7.) Relationships. Although the genus Portunus ( = Neptunus of authors) is represented in the West Indian region by several Recent species of moderate size, our Tertiary species suggests none of them, but is allied to the large Indo-Pacific species. It resembles especially P. pelagicus 1 in the configuration of the carapace and the shape of the female chela and abdomen; it differs from pelagicus in lacking the posterior of the transverse granulate gastric ridges, in the chela not being quite so deep at the base of the fixed finger, and in the sixth segment of the abdomen in both sexes having less rapidly convergent sides. The abdomen of the male in gabbi is nearest that of P. trituber- culatus, 2 the sides of the coalesced (third to fifth) segment being even less convergent than in that species. While the fossil species, owing to its wide male abdomen and feeble dorsal ridges, is a true Portunus, it has some features which link it with the genus Callinectes; e. g., the four median frontal teeth are related to those of C. bocourti? in bocourti the outer frontal teeth are larger than the inner, and are about as advanced or even more so; while in gabbi the inner teeth are larger and more advanced. The lateral teeth also resemble those of bocourti much more than they do any of the Portunus species. Portunus tenuis, new species. (Plate 7, Figure 7.) Type locality. The Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. 1 Cancer pelagicus Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 626, 1758. 8 Neptunus trituberculatus Miers, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 17, p. 221, 1876. 8 A. Milne-Edwards, Crust. Reg. Mex., p. 226, 1879. 174 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Material. Two immovable fingers, both of the right side. The larger is holotype. Cat. No. 324478, U. S. N. M. Description. Finger slender, except at the base; grooves 5, 2 outside, 2 inside, 1 below; all are deep except the upper one on the outside; intervening ridges blunt, with a narrow longitudinal strip of squamiform granules along the middle. Prehensile teeth uneven, the large teeth as a rule alternating with 2 or 3 small ones. Relationship. This finger resembles that of P. spinicarpus, 1 except in shape, as in the latter it widens regularly from the tip to the palmar end. Portunus, indeterminable species. Material. Two fingers incomplete, one a right major dactylus, the other larger and probably also a dactylus; if so, from the left side. From the Yaqui Valley at Cercado d'e Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. Description. The right finger has 3 deep grooves, 2 outside, not far apart, and 1 inside; in addition there is a very shallow groove just above the teeth, both inside and out. The left finger has the same number of grooves, the middle one of the outer surf ace fading out distally, and the grooves near the teeth almost imperceptible. In both fingers there is a line of punctse but no furrow on the upper margin. Genus CALLINECTES Stimpson, 1860. Callinectes declivis Rathbun. (Plate 9, Figures 1 and 2.) Callinectes dediris Rathbun, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 103, p. 162, plate 66, figs. 1-3, 1918. (Type locality, Miocene of Banana River, Costa Rica; type, Cat. No. 324262, U. S. N. M.) Material. Seven fingers, mostly with the proximal end broken off, as follows: 2 right dactyls, 2 left dactyls, 2 right immovable fingers, 1 left immovable finger. From the Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. The following is a description of these specimens : The dactyli have a deep groove above the middle both outside and inside and a shallower groove on both sides a little way from the teeth; above there is an impressed line of numerous punctse. The holotype, which is the sole type, lacks a dactylus and its pro- podal finger is much larger than any of the Yaqui specimens, but allowing for size, the specimens from the two places agree. Callinectes, indeterminable species. Material. A piece of a left dactylus or movable finger, with both ends, broken off. From the Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maurv, collector; 1916. 1 Achelous spinicarpus Stimpson, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol.. 2, p. 148, 1871. TERTIARY DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS. 175 The following is a description of this species: The dactylus has the characteristic grooving common to small specimens of most of the Recent species of Callinectes. Further than the genus it is impossible to identify the specimen. The grooves are as follows: 3 outside, about equally spaced, and the lowest very shallow; 1 above, fading out dis- tally, but the punctse are continued; 3 inside, the upper groove very short, proximal, the middle one deep. Genus PODOPHTHALMUS Lamarck, 1801. Podophthalmus domingensis, new species. (Plate 2, Figures 7 and 8.) Type locality. Lower half of the valley of the Yaqui del Norte River, in the northern part of Santo Domingo, Haiti; probably lower Miocene; W. M. Gabb, collector. Holotype.C&i. No. 2265, Mus. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. Measurements. Length of carapace exclusive of rostrum 38.3 mm. ; length including rostrum 42.4 mm. ; width between tips of outer spines of orbits 66 mm.; width between tips of spines at middle of carapace 72.2 mm. ; approximate length of propodus of cheliped 62 mm. ; distal height of manus exclusive of spine 24 mm. ; length of dactylus measured from external articulation with manus 40.2 mm. The following is a description of this species : Carapace transversely oblong, armed with a strong spine at the antero- lateral angle or outer angle of the orbit and a shorter spine at the lateral angle of the carapace, from which a transverse ridge bearing a single line of granules extends inward across one-third of the carapace; a blunt transverse ridge across the gastric region, and a rounded elevation on the inner part of the branchial region; surface granulate except near the posterior and postero- lateral margins and a narrow strip behind the anterior margin and occupying half the width of the carapace. The margins, so far as visible, have a single line of granules; the anterior margin, exclusive of the T-shaped front is straight and transverse for more than half the width of the carapace; it then curves rapidly backward, forming a deep sinus within the antero-lateral spine and is interrupted by a slight notch at the inner end of the sinus; the antero-lateral spine projects forward and very little outward and is less advanced than the anterior margin; the lateral spine projects obliquely outward and forward; the margin between the spines is embedded in the matrix. Frontal projection T-shaped, limits of the cross-piece ill-defined. The long eyes characteristic of the genus are not exposed in the unique specimen. Chelipeds slightly unequal. Their brevity would seem to indicate that the specimen is a female. The distal half or more of the merus is lacking; there appear to be granules on the margins and also in longitudinal bands; on the anterior or inner margin there is an erect compressed spine which, when the merus is horizontally placed, is situated close to the end of the antero-lateral spine of the carapace. Of the carpus only the long inner spine shows on the left side (fig. 7) ; it is transversely placed when the cheliped is flexed and is convex above with the point turned downward. The chelae are flattened externally and the outer shell, so far as preserved, is smooth, excepting on the obliquely longitudinal ridge, which leads from the distal articulating condyle, and on the upper margin of the dactylus and the lower part of the inner sur- 176 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. face of the palm. There is the base only of a good-sized spine at terminal end of upper margin of manus. On the outer face of the dactylus at the articula- tion there is a small, black, horny, outstanding knob. Prehensile edges of fingers furnished with very unequal, stout, rounded teeth with dark brown, horny caps. Tips of fingers acute. Relationships. The carapace of this species is considerably like that of P. vigil (Fabricius), 1 which to-day inhabits the East Indian region and is found also in the post-Tertiary of Celebes, but in the latter the anterior margin is arched, the antero-lateral spine projects strongly sideways, and the chelae are not externally flattened. The smooth, flattened fingers of P. domingensis are suggestive of Euphylax dovii? the podophthalmid which inhabits the west coast of tropical America. I have placed the new species in Podophthalmus rather than in Euphy- lax, by reason of the shape and distinct areolation of the carapace and the strong lateral spines. Family XANTHID^E. Genus ZANTHOPSIS M'Coy, 1849. Zanthopsis bartholomseensis, new species. (Plate 8, Figure 3.) Material. Represented by a single carapace, the margin of which is largely incomplete. Holotype.Csit. No. 166945, U. S. N. M. Type locality. St. Bartholomew: Orient Point; picked up at base, but probably from limestone at top, of the section; Eocene; T. W. Vaughan, collector; February 21, 1914; 6915; L. I. 72 (c) (1914). The following is a description of this species: Carapace approximately one-fifth wider than long, posterior half fairly level, anterior half curving strongly downward toward the front and antero- lateral margins. Mesogastric, protogastric, and cardiac regions well delimited. The mesogastric region becomes suddenly wide behind the narrow anterior part; this broad posterior pentagonal portion is elevated and smoothly rounded; on each protogastric region there is a pair of tubercles forming a transverse line of 4; in front of the inner tubercle of each pair, but a little further from the median line, there is another tubercle; the cardiac region is covered by an elevation smaller than that on the mesogastric region but similar, that is, its anterior slope is shorter and steeper than its posterior. The most conspicuous elevation is that on the branchial region at the widest part of the carapace; it consists of two large transverse tubercles placed one directly behind the other, or rather resembles a single elevation deeply bisected transversely; there is a low swelling on the branchial region opposite the gastro-cardiac suture. So far as can be made out, the antero-lateral margin is unarmed. Postero-lateral margins strongly convergent. Along these margins just behind the lateral angle there is a curved row of 3 upstand- ing tubercles; further back there is a lower, smaller tubercle, and between it and the posterior of the large tubercles there is still another, but minute, tubercle. 1 Portunus vigil Fabricius, Entom. Syst., Suppl., p. 363, 1798. Podophthalmus vigil Leach, Zool. Misc., vol. 2, p. 149, plate 118, 1815. J Stimpson, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vol. 7, p. 226, plate 5, fig. 5, 1860. TERTIARY DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS. 177 The width across front and orbits is about two-fifths of the entire width of the carapace. The orbit is narrow, about one-third as wide as the front and is probably subcircular. Only the upper margin of the left orbit remains and its characters are obscured by cracks in the carapace. Edge of front lacking. Of the various species of Zanthopsis described, this one most resem- bles Z. leachii (Desmarest), 1 which also is very uneven. The nodules, however, are very differently disposed in the two forms. The marginal tubercles are antero-lateral in leachii and postero-lateral in bartolo- mceensis. Genus PILUMNUS Leach, 1815. Pilumnus subequus, new species. (Plate 9, Figure 9.) Type locality. The Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. Material. Dactylus of right and major cheliped. Cat. No. 324484, U. S. N. M. The following is a description of this species : A dactylus of small size, dark-colored, stout, strongly curved, with about 5 lines of punctse, and above at the proximal end 4 granules. Prehensile teeth few (4 large and 1 small), shallow, sub triangular. A common type of dactylus among the numerous recent species of Pilumnus; the basal granules or spinules are, however, usually more numerous. ARCHJEOPILUMNUS, new genus. The following is a description of this genus: Near Pilumnus. 2 Carapace subquadrilateral, the penultimate tooth of the side margins most prominent; surface rough and deeply sculptured, posteriorly as well as anteriorly. Front bilobed, lobes concave, their outer angle pro- duced but not dentiform. Orbit and basal antennal segment as in Pilumnus. Chelipeds stout, rough, unequal; fingers elongate, deflexed. This genus is distinguished from Pilumnus chiefly by the fingers, which are long instead of short and stout; by the posterior part of the carapace being deeply sculptured, which is usually not the case in Pilumnus; and by the outer angle of the front not being separated from the remainder of the front. Archaeopilumnus caelatus, new species. (Plate 6, Figures 6 and 7; Plate 7, Figures 10 to 13; Plate 8, Figures 4 to 7.) Type locality. Lower half of the valley of the Yaqui del Norte River, in the northern part of Santo Domingo, Haiti; probably lower Miocene; W. M. Gabb, collector. Holotype.Male. Cat. No. 2261, Mus. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. Compare fig. 1, plate 1, of Bell's Monograph of the Fossil Malacostracous Crustacea of Great Britain, part 1, 1857. 'Leach, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 11, pp. 309 and 321, 1815. Type, P. hirtellus (Linnaeus, 1761). 178 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Paratypes. The para types are from the same locality as the holo- type: a, male, Cat. No. 2260; b, female, Cat. No. 2262; c, male, and d, female, Cat. No. 2263; all in Mus. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. Measurements. Length of carapace of holotype on median line 34.3 mm., width of carapace 45.2 mm., width of front 13.2 mm., width between outer angles of orbits 25.3 mm. The following is a description of this species : The regions are surrounded by deep furrows and are more or less sub- divided. The epigastric lobes are separated from the protogastric, and the crescentic urogastric lobe from the mesogastric; the hepatic lobe is separated from the dentate lateral border, while the branchial region is divided into an epibranchial lobe, which incloses the penultimate lateral spine, a mesobran- chial lobe, which is divided in three, and a metabranchial lobe which is separated partly from the cardiac region by a sharp, thumb-nail impression, while it is anteriorly confluent with that region by a narrow connecting eleva- tion; cardiac region truncate behind and longitudinally grooved in its anterior two-thirds; the elevation occupying the intestinal region is continued laterally across the branchial region; the frontal region is separated from the edge of the front by a shallow depression. The surface of the carapace is rough, except in the furrows and on the epigastric lobes, the roughness consisting of (1) subacute, somewhat imbricating, white-tipped tubercles, most evident on the sides and posterior half, and (2) a mixture of blunter tubercles and erosions on the middle of the anterior half. Antero-lateral teeth 5, thick, subconical; the first one, at the outer angle of the orbit, is small, little advanced; first interspace the greatest of all; fourth tooth largest, third tooth next in size, fourth and fifth curved. Above the posterior margin a row of fine bead granules. The marginal lobes of the front are bordered by 12 or 13 granules, the lobes are more advanced at the inner angles, the outer angles are slightly advanced, but not isolated, intermediate space concave, median sinus V-shaped. Margin of orbit granulate, upper margin raised, edge biemar- ginate, the notches continued backward in a furrow; a larger notch below the outer angle; lower margin more advanced than upper, furnished with 2 stout, granulated teeth, one of which is within the outer angle and the other at the inner angle, next to the antennal segment. This segment touches with its outer angle the bent-down edge of the front; it has a longitudinal granulated ridge. A piece of the eyestalk shows a few small granules above at the base. The chelipeds are unequal, the smaller palm about four-fifths as high as the larger. Merus very broadly triangulate, not much longer than the distal width, outer surface sparsely covered with sharp granules and tubercles; upper margin with 3 spines, the distal one much the largest. Carpus rough with short spines; the spine at the inner angle is large and bears a spinule on its posterior margin. Manus armed with spines on the outer surface except near the fingers, the spines arranged mostly in 6 or 7 irregular rows. The lower edge of the propodus is sinuous, the distal half of the finger being strongly deflexed; the dactylus is longer than the upper margin of the palm; fingers with a few irregular teeth, a large tooth at the base of the dactyl in the larger chela; fingers not gaping; dactylus spinulous on the basal third of its upper margin; the dark color extends the full length of the prehensile edges, but elsewhere in the larger chela it spreads over all but the very base of the dactylus, in the smaller chela not so far; on the fixed finger the color extends about three-fifths the length on the lower edge. The anterior surface of the merus of the ambulatory legs and the posterior surface of the last leg are granulate, the upper margin spinous; remaining joints of legs not visible. TERTIARY DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS. 179 Abdomen (male) subtriangular, 7 segments separate, diminishing suc- cessively in width from the third to the seventh; fifth segment longest, seventh triangular. Females: In the female the cheliped (only one is present) is smaller, the propodus and dactylus more spinous, the fixed finger more horizontal. In the male, the spines and tubercles of the manus disappear toward the lower margin, in the female they become more numerous but smaller. In the female there is not only a row of spines on the upper margin of the dactylus, but a row of tubercles or granules on the outer surface. Abdomen of female oblong-oval, second segment narrower than first and third, sixth segment longer than fifth, seventh longer than sixth. Variations. In comparing the 5 specimens at hand the areoles of the carapace appear more sharply cut in the small specimens than in the large ones. Genus PANOPEUS Milne-Edwards, 1834. Panopeus, indeterminable species. Material. Distal end of the right immovable finger. From the Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. The following is a description of this specimen: This fragment might belong to any one of 3 common Recent species, viz, P. americanus, 1 occidentalism or herbstii. 3 There is a deep groove on either side not far above the lower margin, the grooves ending at the sinus above the terminal tooth; below there are 2 shallow grooves; not far from the pre- hensile teeth there is on either side a row of deep punctse. Teeth unequal, only 10 preserved, and in general alternating large and small. Genus and species indeterminable. Material. Distal end of a dactylus or movable finger. From the Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. The following is a description of this specimen : The fragment is not bent sideways, so that it is not clear whether it is a right or left finger; it is bent strongly downward toward the blunt, distal end, has no grooves, but a few punctae arranged in lines; occupying less than half of the prehensile edge, at its proximal end are 4 tuberculiform teeth (2 large, 2 small, alternating) which are situated one side of the middle. Family OCYPODID^. SANDOMINGIA, new genus. The following is a description of this genus: Carapace wide, wider at the antero-lateral than at the postero-lateral angles; anterior margin moderately arcuate, emarginate at the outer fourth. Front a narrow lobe, less than one-twelfth as wide as carapace. A lateral tooth behind the orbital tooth. 1 Saussure, Rev. Mag. Zool., ser. 2, vol. 9, p. 502, 1857. 2 Saussure, loc. cit. * Milne-Edwards, Hist. Nat. Crust., vol. 1, p. 403, 1834. 180 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. Orbits long, shallow trenches, extending the whole width of the carapace except for the front, and bordered above except for the outer third by a narrow surface of varying depth, similar to that in Uca ( = Gelasimus) . Sandomingia seems to be nearest Uca Leach, 1 the genus of fiddler crabs. Uca has the same shape of carapace, with similar depressions, orbits occupying nearly the whole width of carapace, with a thickened, bimarginate upper edge. On the other hand, in Sandomingia the antero-lateral angle is bidentate, there is a definite notch in the upper margin of the orbit, the orbit is very shallow, and the chelipeds are large and equal. The equality in the chelipeds suggests the possibility of this crab being a portunid allied to the long-eyed forms, Podophthalmus and Euphylax, but the latter have the orbits deeply hollowed at the outer ends to hold the cornese and lack the facet-like upper margin of the orbit. Sandomingia yaquiensis, new species. (Plate 8, Figures 1 and 2.) Type locality. Lower half of the valley of the Yaqui del Norte River, in the northern part of Santo Domingo, Haiti; probably lower Miocene; W. M. Gabb, collector; 1 specimen. Holotype.C&t. No. 2257, Mus. Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. Measurements. Length of carapace, exclusive of rostral lobe, 23 mm., width of carapace at antero-lateral angles (approximate, because tips of teeth are broken off) 42 mm., width of frontal lobe at base 3 mm. The following is a description of this species : Carapace flat in the middle, sloping rapidly down to the anterior and lateral margins; surface smooth and a little uneven; a shallow furrow defines the gastric region. Anterior margin finely granulate, granules not in a single row; lower edge of flat supraorbital space or " eyebrow" having a single row of granules; "eyebrow" very narrow, height about one-fifteenth of its length in a transverse direction, inner end at base of frontal lobe. Surface of orbit smooth and shallow. Antero-lateral tooth an equilateral triangle; it and the tooth behind it are separated by a U-shaped interspace and project about equally sideways; the tips are broken off, so that it is impossible to tell exactly about this. Chelipeds equal; only a portion of the merus or arm-joint of each is visible; it is stout, triangular in cross-section, upper surface concave and smooth, posterior and inferior margins blunt and granulate, anterior margin subacute and furnished with tubercles of varying size arranged in two irregular rows. Superfamily OXYRHYNCHA. Family PARTHENOPIDJE. Genus PARTHENOPE Weber, 1795. Parthenope (Platylambrus) obscura, new species. (Plate 7, Figures 5 .and 6.) Type locality. The Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3); Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. 1 Edinb. Encyc., vol. 7, p. 430, 1814. TERTIARY DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS. 181 Material. Dactylus of right cheliped, holotype. Cat. No. 324487, U. S. N. M. The following is a description of this species: The distal portion of the dactylus is lacking. The proximal end of the upper surface is broad and flat and inclosed by 5 irregular granulated knobs; sides compressed, in the middle slightly concave, and unevenly granulate, granules most numerous on the inner surface. Prehensile teeth very low and flat, the proximal tooth more than twice as large as the next one. Relationships. In its general characters resembles the dactylus of the recent P. (Platylambrus) serrata (Milne-Edwards), 1 which has a shorter finger, prominences at proximal end above more spiniform, sides not concave. Parthenope, indeterminable species. (Plate 7, Figures 8 and 9.) Material. Dactylus of right cheliped, from the Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. The following is a description of this species : Resembles the preceding, but less curved and more slender, sides flat but not concave, outer side more granulate than inner, and having an uneven, longitudinal line of coarse granules not far above the fingers on the proximal half; upper surface flattened along the proximal half, and bordered by stout spines and spinules; one of these spines projects outward above the condyle articulating with the palm on the outer side, and is seen at the top of figure 8 at the left-hand end; the condyle is broken off and shows in cross-section; prehensile tubercles 10, the proximal pair confluent; tuberous low but better developed than in the preceding species. Upper part of distal end of finger missing. Genus MESORHCEA Stimpson, 1871. Mesorhcea mauryse, new species. (Plate 7, Figures 1 to 4.) Type locality. -The Yaqui Valley at Cercado de Mao (Bluff 3), Santo Domingo; lower Miocene; C. J. Maury, collector; 1916. Material. Two specimens, a right manus with propodal finger attached (holotype) and a right manus of smaller size, without fingers but with carpus attached (paratype). Cat. No. 324489, U. S. N. M. Measurements. Length of holotype on outer margin, this being the most complete, 8 mm. ; greatest height, measured on inner surface, 4 mm. The following is a description of this species : The holotype has 8 teeth on the upper margin, 13 on the outer and 10 on the inner margin; teeth of outer and inner margins short, those of the outer margin the smallest, those of the inner margin intermediate in size. The inner surface widens greatly from the proximal to the distal end, lower surface 1 Lambrus serratus Milne-Edwards, Hist. Nat. Crust., vol. 1, p. 357, 1834. 182 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE WEST INDIES. of equal width throughout, outer surface a little wider in middle third than toward ends. Propodal finger short, slender, directed strongly inward and distad but scarcely downward. It does not, however, reach distad beyond the line of the upper margin of the palm. The carpus has 5 low ridges which are finely tuberculate or granulate. Relationship. These short hands short for the family Partheno- pidae belong without doubt to the genus Mesorhcea, having consider- able resemblance to the Recent species, M . sexspinosa Stimpson, 1 of the Florida Keys and West Indies. In the latter the palms are a little longer and slenderer and the inner and outer surfaces are concave. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WEST INDIAN TERTIARY DECAPODA. 1866. GUPPY, R. J. LECHMERE. On the relations of the Tertiary formations of the West Indies; with a note on a new species of Ranina, by Henry Woodward, Esq., F. G. S.; and on the Orbitoides and Nummulinae, by Prof. T. Rupert Jones, F. G. S. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 22, pp. 570-592, plate 26, 3 text-figures. Name only, Ranina porifera, listed by Guppy on p. 572; locality indicated (p. 571) as San Fernando beds, "lower Miocene," Trinidad, in "irregular dark-blue limestone, containing numerous fossils generally converted into calcspar, or replaced by semi- liquid asphalt." 1866. WOODWARD, HENRY. (See above under Guppy.) Note on a new species of Ranina (R. porifera) from the Tertiary strata of Trinidad. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 22, pp. 591-592, plate 26, fig. 18. List of the known species of Ranina (p. 591). Description of R. porifera (p. 592) and figure on plate 26, fig. 18. 1909. GUPPY, R. J. LECHMERE. Preliminary notice of a discovery of fossils in the Tamana Dis- trict, Trinidad. Bull. Agric. Dept. Trinidad, pp. 5-6, 1 plate. Describes the new species, Ranina cuspidata, and gives one figure (fig. 1) on the plate. From Tamana beds, "lower Miocene," Trinidad. 1911. GUPPY, R. J. LECHMERE. On a collection of fossils from Springvale, near Couva, Trini- dad. Papers Agric. Soc. Trinidad and Tobago, No. 440, laid before the Society Dec. 20, 1910, pp. 1-15. Ranina caspidata listed (p. 14), with a reference to its original description. >Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 2, 136, 1871. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE 1. FIGS. 1 to 7. Callianassa anguillensis, n. sp. FIGS. 8 to 13. Callianassa pellucida, n. sp. 1. Holotype, outer side of right manus 8. Paratype (6), outer side of right X 1.4. manus, X 2.8. 2. Paratype (a), inner side of right 9. Paratype (a), outer side of right manus, X 1.4. manus, X 2.8. 3. Paratype (a), outer side of right 10. Paratype (a), distal view of right manus, X 1.4. manus, X 5. 4. Holotype, upper edge of right manus, 11. Paratype (a), lower edge of right X 1.4. manus, X 2.8. 5. Paratype (d), outer side of left manus, 12. Holotype, upper view of left movable X 1.4. finger (tip broken off), X 2.8. 6. Paratype (6), finger, X 1.4. 13. Holotype, outer and slightly ventral 7. Paratype (a), lower edge of right view of left movable finger, X manus, X 1.4. 2.5. PLATE 2. FIGS. 1 to 6. Callianassa miocenica, n. sp. FIG. 5. Holotype, distal end of left manus, 1. Holotype, outer side of left manus, X 1.8. X 1.9. 6. Holotype, upper edge of left manus, 2. Holotype, proximal end of left manus, X 1.9. X 1.9. 7, 8. Podophthalmns domingensis, n. sp. 3. Holotype, inner side of left manus, 7. Holotype, dorsal view, nat. size. X 1.9. 8. Holotype, anterior view, nat. size. 4. Holotype, lower edge of left manus, X 1.9. PLATE 3. FIG. 1. Lyreidus fastigatus, n. sp. Holotype, FIG. 4. Paratype (a), cT, dorsal view, slightly dorsal view of carpus of left cheliped, reduced. X 3. 5. Paratype (6), outer view, slightly re- 2 to 7. Portunus gabbi, n. sp. duced. 2. Holotype, 9, ventral view, slightly 6. Dactylus of left chela, inner view, reduced. X 2. 3. Holotype, 9 , dorsal view, slightly 7. Same, outer view, X 2. reduced. PLATE 4. Scylla costata, n. sp. FIG. 1. Holotype, cf, dorsal view, X 0.85. FIG. 2. Holotype,