UC-NRLF SB SET 72D LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. luS,.! GIFT OF Class Issued October 10, 1910L U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WEATHER BUREAU. BRIEF LIST OF METEOROLOGICAL TEXT-BOOKS AND REFERENCE BOOKS. A SELECTION OF WORKS SUITABLE FOR GENERAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES IN THE UNITED STATES. SECOND EDITION. Prepared under the direction of WILLIS L. MOORE, Chief U. S. Weather BY C. FITZHUGH TALMAN, LIBRARIAN. v_ S . vO> -o3jCo-^ VuJ WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1910. INTRODUCTION. This compilation is designed, primarily, to guide the librarians of large general, scientific, and university libraries in the United States in selecting meteorological literature for their collections. It is also intended to provide a ready means of com- plying with the many requests received by the Weather Bureau from teachers, stu- dents, and others for the titles of books dealing with meteorology and its several branches. While there is, of course, room for much difference of opinion as to what should be included in a list of about one hundred and fifty works, selected from many thou- sand, the present compilation is the fruit of several years' experience in dealing with the literature of this subject, and will probably meet the requirements of the majority of American readers and students. Obviously, the limited scope of the list makes it necessary to exclude a great many important memoirs dealing with special topics and addressed to the specialist rather than the general student; also the innumerable periodical publications recording the results of observations at meteoro- logical observatories and stations throughout the world; and many scientific journals devoted wholly or partly to meteorology. Lastly, attention is called to the much more extensive bibliographical informa- tion to be found in such publications as the annual meteorological volumes of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, the Royal Society's Catalogue of Scientific Papers (a meteorological subject-index to which is in preparation), the annual Kosmische Physik volume of the Fortschritte der Physik, and, for the earlier literature on certain branches, the Bibliography of Meteorology published by the U. S. Signal Office in 1889-1891. (3) CLASSIFICATION. 1. Bibliography. 2. Meteorology in general. 3. Weather. Weather charts. Weather forecasts. 4. Atmospheric pressure and circulation. Dynamic meteorology. 5. Storms. Marine meteorology. 6. Economic effects of extreme temperatures (frost, etc.). 7. Clouds. 8. Atmospheric electricity. Thunderstorms. Lightning protection. 9. Atmospheric optics. 10. Instruments. Instructions to observers. 11. Tables. 12. Upper-air investigations. 13. Hydrology. Rivers and floods. 14. Phenology. Agricultural meteorology. 15. Physiological and medical meteorology. 16. Climatology. 17. Climatography. OF THE ( UNIVERSITY j OF BRIEF LIST OF METEOROLOGICAL TEXT-BOOKS AND REFERENCE BOOKS. 1. BIBLIOGRAPHY. * International catalogue of scientific literature ... F. Meteorology, in- cluding terrestrial magnetism. [Annual.] London. 1902-date. 8. Continues, in classified form, the Royal society catalogue of scientific papers. * Fortschritte der Physik . . . Dargestellt von der Deutschen physikalischen Gesellschaft. [Annual.] Braunschweig (formerly Berlin). 1846-date. 8. A classed catalogue of the physical literature of the year, with abstracts of the more important publica- tions. Now published in three annual parts, of which the third, " Kosmische Physik" (formerly " Physik der Erde"), contains the meteorological titles. Lists of current meteorological literature are also published regularly in the following periodicals: * Halbmonatliches Literaturverzeichnis der " Fortschritte der Physik." Braunschweig. * Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Braunschweig. * Monthly weather review. Washington. * Naturae novitates. Berlin. > * Quarterly journal of the Royal meteorological society. London. 2. METEOROLOGY IN GENERAL. / Abbe, Cleveland. The aims and methods of meteorological work, especially as conducted by national and state weather services. Baltimore. 1899. [219]- 330 p. 4. (Maryland. Weather service. Special publication, v. 1, pt. 3a.) *American meteorological journal. May, 1884-April, 1896. [Monthly.] v. 1, Detroit; 2-8, Ann Arbor; 9-12, Boston. 1884-1896. 8. AngotJ Alfred. Traite elementaire de meteorologie. 2d ed. Paris. 1907. vi, 417 p. 8. The leading text-book of the subject in French. Elementary and nonmathematical. Bebber, W7 J. van. Lehrbuch der Meteorologie fur Studierende und zum Ge- brauche in der Praxis. Stuttgart. 1890. xii, 391 p. 8. Intermediate. Contains abundant numerical data. Bornstein, R. Leitfaden der Wetterkunde; gemeinverstandlich bearbeitet . . . 2d ed. Braunschweig. 1906. xi, 230 p. 8. Elementary or intermediate. One of the most useful short treatises. Contains account of the national weather services of the world. Buchan, Alexander. Handy book of meteorology. 2d ed. Edinburgh, etc. 1868. x, 371 p. 12. Davis, William Morris. Elementary meteorology. Boston. 1894. xi, 355 p. 8. Intermediate rather than elementary. Special attention to theory. Greely, A. W. American weather. A popular exposition of the phenomena of the weather, including chapters on hot and cold waves, blizzards, hailstorms and tor- nadoes, etc., etc. New York. [1888.] xii, 286 p. 8. Hann, Julius. Lehrbuch der Meteorologie. Leipzig. 1901. xiv, 805 p. 4. Same. 2d ed. Leipzig. 1906. xi, 642 p. 4. An invaluable text-book and reference book. The first edition contains much fuller bibliographic ref- erences; the second is reduced in size but brought up to date; so that both are needed in a meteorological library. International meteorological committee. Codex of resolutions adopted at inter- national meteorological meetings, 1872-1907 . . . London. 1909. 80 p. 8. (Great Britain. Meteorological office. M. O. no. 200.) Digest of the decisions and recommendations adopted by the International meteorological congresses, conferences, and committee; also index to the reports and papers published as appendices to the general reports of meetings * Denotes serials. (5) *Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Jan., 1884-date. [Monthly.] Braunschweig (for- merly Berlin, thenWieii). 1884-date. 4. Issued during the first two years of its existence by the Deutsche meteorologische Gesellschaft; was then consolidated with Zeitschrift der Oesterreischer Gesellschaft fur Meteorologie (published from 1866) and has since been published by the Austrian and German societies jointly. General author and subject index to v. 1-25, Braunschweig, 1910. Mohn, H. Grundzuge der Meteorologie ... 5th ed. Berlin. 1898. xii, 419 p. 8. Elementary. Moore, Sir John. Meteorology, practical and applied. 2d ed. London. 1910 xxvii, 492 p. 8. Moore, Willis L. Descriptive meteorology. New York, etc. 1910. xviii, 344 p. 8. A nonmathematical summary of present knowledge. * Royal meteorological society, London. Quarterly journal of the Royal mete- orological society. Nov., 1871-date. [Quarterly.] London. 1873-date. 8. v. 1-9, "Quarterly journal of the Meteorological society." Continues Proceedings of the same society 1861-1871. General indexes, 1839-1881 and 1882-1900. Scott, Robert H. Elementary meteorology. 4th ed. London. 1887. xiv, 410 p. 12. (International scientific series.) Reprinted 1903, etc. Sprung, A. Lehrbuch der Meteorologie. Im Auftrage der Direktion der Deutschen Seewartebearbeitet . . . Hamburg. 1885. xii, 407 p. 8. "The best elementary mathematical statement of the subject." W. M. Davis. * United States. Weather bureau. Bulletin of the Mount Weather observatory. 1908-date. [Quarterly.] Washington. 1908-date. 8. Includes memoirs on meteorological topics, addressed to somewhat advanced readers, and the results of observation and research at Mount Weather and elsewhere. * United States. Weather bureau. Monthly weather review. July, 1872-date. [Monthly.] Washington. 1872-date. 4. Prior to July, 1891, published by U. S. Signal service. Originally only a bulletin of current meteoro- logical conditions in the United States and Canada; was gradually enlarged to include the features of a general meteorological journal. Beginning July, 1910, it was further enlarged to include the data of observations at regular and cooperative stations formerly published in the "section reports" of the Clima- tological service, while its literary features were much restricted, part of them being transferred to the Bulletin of the Mount Weather observatory. Includes a running bibliography of meteorology, climatol- ogy, and seismology. Waldo, Frank. Elementary meteorology for high schools and colleges. New York, etc. [1896.] 373 p. 12. Brief but comprehensive course for beginners. Waldo, Frank. Modern meteorology; an outline of the growth and present condition of some of its phases. London. 1893. xxiii, 460 p. 12. (Contemporary sci- ence series.) For somewhat advanced students. Not a general treatise, but a presentation of certain branches, espe- cially apparatus and methods, and the dynamics of the atmosphere. Ward, Robert DeCourcy. Practical exercises in elementary meteorology. Boston. 1899. xiii, 199 p. 8. A laboratory method, especially designed for use in American grammar and high schools. 3. WEATHER. WEATHER CHARTS. WEATHER FORECASTS. Abbe, Cleveland. Preparatory studies for deductive methods in storm and weather predictions. Washington. 1890. 165 p. 8. (United States. Signal office. Annual report of the chief signal officer for 1889. Appendix 15.) Abercromby, Ralph. Principles of forecasting by means of weather charts. 2d ed. London. 1885. viii, 123 p. 8. (Great Britain. Meteorological office. Offi- cial, no. 60.) Abercromby, Ralph. Weather; a popular exposition of the nature of weather changes from day today. London. 1887 (5th impression 1902}. xix,472p. 12. (International scientific series.) Bebber, W. J. van. Anleitung zur Aufstellung von \yettervorhersagen fur alle Berufsklassen, insbesondere fur Schule und Landwirtschaft. 2d ed. Braun- schweig. 1908. vi, 38 p. 8. * Denotes serials. Bebber, W. J. van. Handbuch der ausiibenden Witterungskunde. Geschichte und gegenwartiger Zustand der Wetterprognose. Stuttgart. 1885-86. 2 v. 8. v. 1 is a history of weather forecasting from the earliest times; v. 2, an exposition of modern theory and practice. Chambers, George F. The story of the weather; simply told for general readers. London. 1897. 232 p. 24. (Library of useful stories.) Garriott, E. B. Long-range weather forecasts. Washington. 1904. 68 p. 8. (United States. Weather bureau. Bulletin 35.) Garriott, E. B. Weather folk-lore and local weather signs. Washington. 1903. 153 p. 8. (United States. Weather bureau. Bulletin 33.) Inwards, Richard. Weather lore; a collection of proverbs, sayings, and rules con- cerning the weather. 3d ed. London. 1898. xii, 233 p. 8. Appendix contains a bibliography of weather lore. Kassner, Carl. Das Wetter und seine Bedeutung fur das praktische Leben. Leip- zig. 1908. vi, 148 p. 12. (Wissenschaft und Bildung.) Chiefly noteworthy is part 3, on the relations of the weather to practical life; its effects on agriculture, commerce, transportation, communication, manufactures, health, mortality, crime, etc. Moore, Willis L. Weather forecasting; some facts historical, practical, and theoret- ical. Washington. 1899. 16 p. 8. (United States. Weather bureau. Bul- letin 25.) Repr. from The Forum, May, 1898. Scott, Robert H. Weather charts and storm warnings. 3d ed. London. 1887. vi, 229 p. 8. Shaw, W. N. Forecasts of weather. In preparation. 4. ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE AND CIRCULATION. DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY. Abbe, Cleveland. The mechanics of the earth's atmosphere. A collection of trans- lations. Washington. 1891. 324 p. 8. (Smithsonian miscellaneous collec- tions, 843.) Translations of papers by Hagen, Helmholtz, Kirchhoff, Oberbeck, Hertz, Bezold, and Margules, and reprints of papers by Rayleigh and Ferrel. Abbe, Cleveland. The mechanics of the earth's atmosphere. A collection of trans- lations. Third collection. Washington. 1910. iv, 617 p. 8. (Smithsonian miscellaneous collections, v. 51, no. 4.) Translations or reprints of papers by Hadley, Poisson, Tracy, Braschmann, Erman, Kerber, Sprung, Pockels, Gorodensky, Gold, Guldberg & Mohn, Bezold, Neuhoff, Bauer, and Margules. Bigelow, Frank H. Report on the international cloud observations . . . Washing- ton. 1900. 787 p. 4. (United States. Weather bureau. Report of the chief, 1898-99, v. 2.) Includes comparative study of the contributions of Ferrel, Oberbeck, Sprung, Hertz, Bezold, etc., and a proposed uniform system of fundamental constants and formulae. Brillouin, Marcel. Memoires originaux sur la circulation generale de Patmosphere. Paris. 1900. xx, 163 p. 8. Comprises translations and abstracts of the principal contributions of Halley, Hadley, Maury, Ferrel, Werner Siemens, M. Moller, Oberbeck, and H. von. Helmholtz. Ferrel, William. A popular treatise on the winds; comprising the general motions of the atmosphere, monsoons, cyclones, tornadoes, waterspouts, hailstorms, etc., etc. New York. 1889 (and later reprints] . vii, 505 p. 8. Ferrel, William. Recent advances in meteorology, systematically arranged in the form of a text-book ... Washington. 1886. 440 p. 8. (United States. Sig- nal office. Annual report of the chief signal officer, 1885. Appendix 71.) A deductive mathematical discussion of the dynamics of the atmosphere. A list of the rather numerous typographical errors in this work will be found in American meteorological journal, v. 4, July, 1887, p. 118. Hildebrandsson, H. Hildebrand, & Teisserenc de Bort, Le"on. Les bases de la me'teorologie dynamique. Historique Etat de nos connaissances. Paris. 1898. 3 v. 4. Comprehensive history of the development of dynamic meteorology and review of the data on which it is based. In course of publication. 8 5. STORMS. MARINE METEOROLOGY. Algue, Jose. The cyclones of the far east. 2d ed. Manila. 1904. 283 p. 4. (Philippine islands. Weather bureau. Special report of the director.) Allingham, William. A manual of marine meteorology for apprentices and officers of the world's merchant navies. London. 1900. xvi, 182 p. 12. (Griffin's nautical series.) 3Bigelow, Frank H. Storms, storm tracks, and weather forecasting. Washington. 1897. 87 p. 8. (United States. Weather bureau. Bulletin 20.) IDavis, William Morris. Whirlwinds, cyclones, and tornadoes. Boston, etc. 1884. 90 p. 24. ("Science" series.) 3Doberck, W. The law of storms in the eastern seas. 4th ed. Hongkong. 1904. 44 p. 8. (Hongkong observatory, no. 3.) lEliot, Sir John. Hand-book of cyclonic storms in the Bay of Bengal for the use of sailors ... 2d ed. Calcutta. 1900-1901. 2 v. 8. v. 1. Text. v. 2. Plates. jFinley, John P. Tornadoes. What they are and how to observe them; with prac- tical suggestions for the protection of life and property. New York. 1887. 196 p. 12. Crarriott, E. B. Storms of the Great Lakes. Washington. 1903. 9 p., 968 charts. 4. (United States. Weather bureau. Bulletin K.) Charts of all important storms of the Great Lakes during the 25 ,years 1876-1900. Crarriott, E. B. West Indian hurricanes. Washington. 1900. 69 p. 4. (United States. Weather bureau. Bulletin H.)