TL 1)6 UC-NRLF SB Zflb CO CO GIFT OF AERIAL NAVIGATION PART I. THE COMPASS PART II. THE MAP ISSUED BY THE DIVISION OF MILITARY AERONAUTICS, U. S. ARMY WASHINGTON, D. C. -99- WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 t i AERIAL NAVIGATION. Part I. The Compass, Introduction , 5 The compass 7 True courses 8 Magnetic courses 10 Relation between true and magnetic courses 11 Compass courses 13 Relation between magnetic and compass courses 14 Relation between true and compass courses 15 Course setting with allowance for wind 19 To find direction and velocity of wind 20 Radius of action in a given direction 22 Bearings: Definition 23 Fixing position of a machine 24 Instruments: _ Bearing plate 25 Aircraft course and distance indicator 27 Illustrative problem 31 Checks 34 Technique 35 Compass adjustment -. 38 Deviation card 40 3 AERIAL NAVIGATION. PART II. The Map. Page. Introduction 43 Scales 46 Time scales , . 47 Metric system , 50 Conventional signs 52 Contours 52 Location of points 58 Coordinates 59 British maps 61 French maps 63 4 AERIAL NAVIGATION. PART I. THE COMPASS. INTRODUCTION, When a pilot travels by airplane from his aerodrome to a point beyond the horizon, he has need of navigation by means of map and compass. The problem of passing from one point to another is evidently one of distance and direction. In both respects the pilot is liable to go wrong. Without proper care he may go many miles out of the way either by going too far or by taking the wrong course. He may even land within the German lines; he may mistake a German aerodrome for his own; he may land at his own aerodrome and think that he is lost. At any rate, without proper care he is apt not to accomplish his mission. There are several sources of error which must be guarded against. For one thing, the influence of the wind; for another, the failure of the compass to point to true north; for another, failure on the part of the pilot to fly for a reasonable length of time. It is evident, for example, that a pilot proceeding on a course 30 miles in length at the rate of 90 m. p. h. in still air must not travel for anywhere near an hour. He must not go on and on in the hope of reaching his destination some time or other. The influence of the wind is felt by an airplane exactly as the influence of a current of water is felt by a boat. If a man rows a boat across a river, pointing the boat straight across, he is drifted downstream. If the current is swift the downstream drift is con- siderable. So a wind is a stream or current of air which drifts the airplane in the direction it is blowing. 5 6 AEP-IAL NAVIGATION. The 1 , ^y teat of the error which may be caused by the wind is illustrated as follows : FIG. 1. Suppose a ship has a speed of 60 m. p. h. and the desired course is true south, a distance of 30 miles. Suppose there is a west wind blowing at the rate of 30 m. p. h. If the pilot does not allow for this wind he will find himself, at the end of a half hour, 15 miles to the east of his destination and badly confused as to direction. If he tries to return to his own aerodrome by flying north, he will be 30 miles out of his way, supposing he has made no errors with respect to compass and watch. On page 31, a problem will be worked out in detail showing how a pilot lays out his course so as to fly from his aerodrome to a given des- tination. If desired, it may be read in this connection or it may be read in its place after the general discussion. Following the dis- cussion of this special problem will be found a paragraph showing how the pilot may check his course roughly for distance and direc- tion and another showing how he may develop technique necessary for navigation. These paragraphs may be read when desired, either before or after the general discussion. AERIAL THE COMPASS: The magnetic compass consists of three principal parts a bowl, a needle, and a card. The bowl is composed of nonmagnetic metal. In its center is a post or pivot, and on the top of this, which is jeweled to reduce friction to a minimum, is suspended a needle, or system of needles. These are attached to the lower side of a circular card. This card is free to rotate under the influence of the needles and take up a definite position with reference to the earth's magnetism. In aircraft com- passes the bowl is filled with a nonfreezing liquid, generally alcohol or kerosene, which takes some of the weight of the needle and card off the pivot and also serves to damp the oscillations and vibrations of the needle. On its outer edge the card is marked off into 360 degrees. Start- ing with north as the zero point, the figuring runs clockwise through east, south, and west, to north again. The value of the compass is that the needle gives us a fixed direc- tion (compass north) from which to measure the direction our ship is taking. The needle does not follow the changes in direction of the ship. On the contrary, the ship turns around the needle. The direction of the machine is shown by the lubber's line, which is a NAVIGATION. tc\the compass bowl or a line painted on the inside bt the "oowi. 1 ' ^he'lubfter's line and the center of the com- pass give the direction of the fore and aft axis of the machine. Since the needle points north, the angle from the needle to the lubber's line represents the course of the machine. This angle is measured in degrees on the card in a clockwise direction from north. Thus, if the lubber's line is opposite 90, the compass course is east; if the lubber's line is opposite 45, the course is northeast, etc. It is convenient to remember the number of degrees corresponding to each of the " cardinal" and "quadrantal" points of the compass. N. i \ 40 FIG. 6. The cardinal points N. E. S. W. correspond to 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees. The quadrantal points NE. SE. SW. NW. correspond to 45, 135, 225, and 315 degrees. With these points in mind, it is easy to S3e, for example, that 285 indicates a direction slightly north of west, and that 185 indicates a direction just west of south. TRUE COURSES. The problem of aerial navigation is to fly from one point to another. This may be divided into two problems one of distance and one of direction. The problem of distance will be discussed later under " Map reading." The direction of one point from another is fixed. In order to describe it- in an exact way we must measure the angle which this direction makes with another direction that is known in advance. In navigation problems this known direction is taken as north. AERIAL NAVIGATION. 9 The value of the angle which the given direction makes with north measuring clockwise from north is called the course from the point of departure to the destination. For example, if A and B are two points on the map, the course from A to B is the number of degrees in the angle NAB, where the direction AN is the direction of the meridians on the map. In the figure, the course from A to B is 40. Courses relative to the map are known as "true" courses. N )220 FIG. 4. Similarly, the statement "the course from A to B is 220" means that the angle NAB measures 220 in a clockwise direction and AN is the direction of true north from A. It is advisable to practice at once, laying off courses from one point to another, choosing a certain direction as North and measur- ing the number of degrees clockwise from this direction in order to get an idea of the values of different angles. FIG. 5. Example 1: If north is represented by the arrow, what is the course from A to B? Measure with protractor. 1 *A good protractor for this work is made by a transparent piece of celluloid 4 or 5 inches square on which is marked a circle graduated in degrees. At the center of the circle a silk thread is attached which when stretched taut will give the course from the center to any desired point relative to the line joining the center of the circle and the point marked zero or 360. Practice with this protractor is valuable in giving a student a knowledge of the values oi angles. 77023 18 2 10 AERIAL NAVIGATION. Example 2: Choosing a certain direction as north, draw figures to represent the following: The course from A to B is 15 , 315, 175, 210, 0, 90, 270. Example 3: From any map -in your possession make up a number of examples to illustrate the course from one point to another and work them out. For example, given a map of the region about Paris, determine the true course from Nanteuil to Betz, from Nan- teuil to Senlis, from Meaux to Coulommiers. MAGNETIC COURSES. The magnetic course from A to B, like the true course, is the angle NAB measured clockwise from north, only in this case AN is the direction of magnetic north. N FIG. 6. VARIATION. The compass needle does not point to the geographic North Pole, but (when unaffected by local magnetism) to a point known as the- magnetic North Pole, situated near the northern extremity of the American Continent. The difference between the two directions of magnetic and true north is known as variation or declination. It is described as easterly or westerly, according as the compass needle points to the east or west of true north. It is measured in degrees 15 west, 8 east, etc. Variation on the east coast of the United States near Washington is about 8 west, and that in southern California is about 15 east. In northern France it is approximately 13 west. The variation as given on the Ypres sheet of the map of Belgium is 13 34', 1916. AERIAL NAVIGATION. 11 The date of the variation is usually given, for the reason that the variation changes from year to year, though generally not by more than a few minutes. RELATION BETWEEN TRUE AND MAGNETIC COURSES. In northern France, at present, the magnetic courses differ from the "true 1 ' courses by something like 13. If a pilot did not allow for this fact, he would be about 14 miles out of the way in a 60-mile flight, supposing that all his other calculations were correct. The variation of the compass presents two problems: (1) Given the true course and a certain variation to find the magnetic course; Variation 15W Variation 8E FIG. 7. FIG. (2) given the magnetic course and the variation to find the true course. In either case the angle is read from north (magnetic or true) in a clockwise direction. From figure 7 it is evident that if the variation is 15 west, a clockwise reading from AM will be 15 greater than a clockwise reading from AN. Therefore if the variation is west and the true course is given, say 45, to find the corresponding mag- netic course, add 15, getting 60 as a result. On the other hand, if the magnetic course is given, say 90, to find the true course subtract 15, getting 75 as a result. If the variation is east, the reverse holds, namely, add the varia- tion in. passing from magnetic to true; subtract the variation passing from true_to_magnetic. 12 AERIAL NAVIGATION. The difficulty in variation problems lies in the fact that they are so simple. It is necessary only to add or subtract a certain amount, but very frequently one adds this amount when he should subtract it, and vice versa. To reduce these errors to a minimum it is advisable to work out a large number of problems, taking care at the outset to make as few mistakes as possible in order that a correct habit may be formed and carrying on the practice over a long period of time. It is advisable at the outset to draw a figure in every case. From the figures it will be apparent that if the variation is west, the magnetic reading is greater than the true; and if the variation is east, the magnetic reading will be less than the true. This relation may be remembered by the words Variation WEST COMPASS BEST. Variation EAST COMPASS LEAST. In remembering these phrases the word "variation*' may be omitted if desired. The student should adopt that method of solving the problems which works best for him in practice. If possible he should visualize the angle NAM. The following examples are given by way of illustration: Example 1: The true course is 54 var. 13 W., then the magnetic course is 67. Example 2: Magnetic course is 300, var. 8 E. ; true course is 308 . Example 3: True course 10, var. 15 E.; magnetic course 355. Example 4: Magnetic course 15, var. 10 W.; true course 5. : AERIAL NAVIGATION. COMPASS COURSES. DEVIATION. 13 The compass in an airplane is affected by the iron and steel in the plane so that in general it does not point to magnetic north, but " deviates" from it slightly according to the course the airplane is heading. This means that the compass course, the angle the pilot must fly by, is different from both the true and magnetic courses. Delation 3* FIG. 10. M M represented 6y /lr, q /e M/t.C. FIG. 11. This deviation is similar to variation. As variation is divergence from true north, so deviation is divergence from magnetic north. It is described in the same way as variation, 3 E., 5 W., etc. The deviation of an airplane compass varies, both in magnitude and direction, for different positions of the airplane. It must be cor- 14 AERIAL NAVIGATION. rected by means of magnets placed near the compass in such a manner as to counteract the local influence on the needle. All compasses have receptacles for these correcting magnets. This process is known as "swinging the compass" and will be described later in more detail under "Compass adjustment." RELATION BETWEEN MAGNETIC AND COMPASS COURSES. Let us suppose for the present that the deviation corresponding to a given course is known. Two problems are presented: (1) Given the magnetic course and the corresponding deviation to find the compass course; (2) given the compass course and the corresponding deviation to find the magnetic course. A number of problems should be worked out, making as few mis- takes as possible at the outset and practicing over a long period of time. As with variation problems, a figure should be drawn at first in each case. The words Deviation WEST COMPASS BEST, Deviation EAST COMPASS LEAST, express the relation between magnetic and compass readings. That is, when the deviation is west, the compass reading is greater than the magnetic. When the deviation is east, the compass reading is less than the magnetic. In remembering these phrases the word "deviation" may be omitted if 'desired. A student should find the method which works best for him in practice and adopt it to the exclusion of any other method. The following examples are given by way of illustration: Example 1. Given magnetic 210, deviation 3 W.; compass is 213. (Compass best.) Example 2. Given magnetic 359, deviation 2 W.; compass is I 6 . (Compass best 361.) Example 3. Given magnetic 355, deviation 2 E.; compass is 353. (Compass least.) Example 4. Given compass 5, deviation 2 E.; magnetic is 7. (Compass least.) Example 5. Given compass 35, deviation 3 W., magnetic is 32. (Compass best.) AERIAL NAVIGATION. 15 RELATION BETWEEN TRUE AND COMPASS COURSES. ORDER OP PROCEDURE. We have found the relation (1) between true and magnetic, (2) between magnetic and compass. A combination of these two enables us to find the relation (3) between true and compass. This relation between true and compass is determined by the relation which each bears to magnetic. Thus, magnetic is an auxiliary con- necting true and compass. Whether we pass from compass to true or from true to compass, we must pass through magnetic. The order is either true, magnetic, compass; or compass, magnetic, true. There is no other order. This means that when we pass from true to compass we apply variation first and deviation second ; when we pass from compass to FIG. 12. true we apply deviation first and variation second. A failure to observe this order of procedure might result in large errors. The following examples are given by way of illustration with the deviation given for each course. The explanation is made quite full for the sake of review. A number of similar examples should be worked out. Given true course 35, variation 15 N., deviation 3 E., find compass. The angle NOX, 35, is the true course of the ship. It is evident that if we wish to obtain the magnetic course of the ship, which is MOX, we must add the 15 variation, the angle NOM. This gives us 50 magnetic course. Again, if we wish to obtain the compass course of the ship (that is, the angle its direction makes with the 16 AERIAL NAVIGATION. compass needle, the angle it must fly by), we must subtract from MOX the angle MOC, our 3 deviation, which gives us 47, compass course. It will also be clear that if the line OM lay to the right (east) of the line ON, that is, if our variation were 15 east instead of 15 west, we should have to subtract MON from NOX, in order to find MOX. In that case the' result would be 20, magnetic course. Similarly, if OC lay to the west of OM instead of to the east of it, we should have to add the angle COM to MOX in order to obtain COX, the compass bearing, which in that case would be 23. -Q) 2fs ' FIG. 13. Suppose, with reference to above figure, the compass course, 47, COX, is given us, and we wish to find the true course, NOX. In that case, we shall have to add our 3 easterly deviation to find the magnetic course, 50, and then subtract our 15 westerly variation from that to get true course, which will be 35. Example. Given true course 255, variation 8 E., deviation 2 W. To find compass course. Until the thing is thoroughly understood, it is always well to draw a diagram. NOX, our true course, is 255. To find MOX we must subtract 8, which gives us 247, magnetic course. To find COX we must add 2, which gives us 249 , compass course. AERIAL NAVIGATION. 17 Example: Given compass course 357, deviation 2 W., variation 5 E. To find true course. Start out by drawing the angle we know, COX, 357. FIG. 14. The deviation being 2 west, the C line must be 2 to the left, or west of the M line. Then draw the M line 2 to the east of the C line. M C M 357 FIG 15. To find magnetic course, MOX, subtract the 2 westerly deviation. This gives 355, magnetic course. But the variation being 5 east, the N line must be drawn in 5 to the left, or west, of the M line. This makes it identical with the 7702318 3 18 AERIAL NAVIGATION. X line, the direction in which our ship is heading. In other words, we add 5 easterly variation and get 360, true bearing. The ship is headirg exactly true north, though according to the compass it is heading 3 to the west of north. It should always be borne in mind that a course is a clockivise angle from north. In all cases, what it is desired to find is the ang^.e which the X line, the direction of the ship, makes with one of the three lines around north, the N, M, or C lines. Variation and deviation are sometimes referred to as plus or minus quantities, e. g., 13, +4. Deviation cards are frequently made out in this way. It is always well to beware of such signs, for their meaning is relative to something variable. Whether we should add or subtract westerly deviation, for example, depends entirely on which way we are going, from true to compass or compass to true. Deviation, it must be remembered, is always considered with reference to magnetic, never with reference to true. We have no concern with the ang'e NOG. . Remember, therefore, when working from true to compass, to apply variation first, then deviation. Conversely, when working from compass to true, apply deviation first, then variation. This would not be necessary if deviation were a constant quantity for every point of the compass. It actually varies considerably, often between quite closely adjacent points, so that a deviation correction applied to a direction representing a true course might differ radically from the deviation which should be applied for that course with the appropriate variation added or subtracted. For example, compass course 240, variation 15 W., deviation for 240, 2 E. To find true course. Suppose we correct for variation first and subtract our 15 westerly variation, getting 225. Then, desiring to apply correction for deviation and looking at our deviation card, we might discover, especially if the compass had not been particularly well adjusted, that the proper deviation for 225 was 4 W., instead of 2 E. It is clear that the result would be different from that obtained by following the proper order. In the former case it would be 221, in the latter 227. In the following examples the table, page 41, is used. Example 1: Given true course equals 230, variation 13 W. "Find compass. Magnetic is 243, corresponding deviation is 4 E. Compass is 239. AERIAL NAVIGATION. 19 Example 2 : Given true 47, variation 10 E. Find compass. Magnetic is 37, corresponding deviation 4 W. Compass is 41. Working from compass to true we proceed as follows: Example 3: Given compass 255, variation 13 W. Find true. Corresponding deviation is 2 E., magnetic 257. True 244. Example 4: Given compass 44, variation 8 E. Find true. Corresponding deviation 4 W., magnetic 40. True is 48. COURSE SETTING WITH ALLOWANCE FOR WIND. In actual practice, it is generally not sufficient to set a course from the map as described above. It is necessary to make due allowance for the wind, which, if blowing with any considerable velocity, will deflect the airplane from its course and take it in a direction far from the desired one. The problem is difficult as the wind varies in velocity and direction with time and altitude. However, once the direction and velocity of the wind are known, it is not difficult to map out one's course so as to allow for its influence. Suppose, for example, we wish to fly a course which we find to be 25 true, in a machine whose air speed is 60 m. p. h. The wind at the height at which we wish to fly is blowing at 20 m. p. h. from 300 true. On the map itself, or on a separate sheet of paper, draw a line connecting the points of departure and destination, AB, at an angle ' of 55 from true north. Then from A, the point of departure, plot out a line directly down wind, proportionate in length to the number of miles the wind blows per hour, AC. 20 AERIAL NAVIGATION. From C, swing a line equal in length to the air speed of the machine, in miles per hour, till it cuts the line AB. Mark this point D. The line CD gives the course to be steered and air speed, AD gives the course to be made good ('"track") and ground speed, while AC gives the speed and direction of the wind. The line AD is evidently the "resultant" of the "components" AC and CD. From A draw a line parallel to CD, any convenient length, AB'. The direction of this line will give the course to be steered. In this case, it is 38 true. Then correct for variation and deviation, in the usual way. The machine will fly over the course AB, but it will be headed ("crabbing") in the direction AB X . The divergence of this from the course to be made good ("track") will just counteract the side- ways drift caused by the wind. For the return journey a new course must be set and a new figure drawn. It will not do to fly back over the reverse of the outward course. The course must also be altered in the air if it is discovered that the wind has changed much in direction or velocity. This can be done in the air by the process described above, but it is generally easier to use the course and distance indicator. (See page 30.) The line AD represents the ground speed of the machine in miles per hour. It is often desirable to find this, in order to get some idea of how far you can fly on your supply of petrol . It is easily found on the drawing by measuring it off on the same scale as that used in drawing the lines AC and CD. In this case it is about 67 miles per hour. The scale used on the above drawing is one-sixteenth inch to a mile, or sixteen miles to an inch; this will be found to be a conve- nient scale when working in miles . When working under the metric system, the scale of 1 millimeter to a mile is convenient. It will be noted that in the above drawing the ground speed is greater than the air speed. This is because the wind is blowing more from behind the machine than from in front of it, and is conse- quently pushing it forward rather than back. If the wind tends to blow the machine back, the ground speed line will of course be shorter than the air speed line. TO FIND DIRECTION AND VELOCITY OF WIND. In the foregoing problem it is assumed that the force and direction of the wind are known. In practice these data are often furnished to the airdrome by an adjacent meteorological station, but this is not ' always the case. It is sometimes necessary for a pilot to go up, fly AERIAL NAVIGATION. 21 over a short known course, and from the data thereby obtained work out on pap?r the desired information. This is done by a process similar, or rather converse to, the one just described. AB represents the bearing between the two known points, such as two prominent buildings, for example; if the course is flown at night, two srarchlights are used. The bearing AB is 55 true. Starting over A and keeping the point B always in sight, the pilot flics toward it in as straight a line as possible. If there is a wind blowing, he will find himself "crabbing;" that is, in order to fly over the prescribed track, he will have to alfcr the direction or course of his machine. In this case we will call the course AC, 38 true. Naturally the pilot can not take true readings from his compass, but will have to correct his compass reading for deviation and variation FIG. 17. in order to get a true reading. We will suppose that this has been done, and that the true course thus found is 38. It is also n?cessary to have the air speed and ground speed of the machine. The air speed is read from the air speed meter; suppose in this case it is 80 m. p. h. For obtaining the ground speed a stop watch is necessary. By it the pilot discovers the number of seconds it takes him to fly a known distance on his track. Suppcse he traverses 1 mile in 55 S3conds. To turn this into miles per hour, it is only necessary to divide 3,600 (the number of seconds in an hour) by 55. This gives 65 and a fraction. Now the pilot lays off a unit of length proportional to his air speed on his course, and a corresponding unit representing his ground speed on his track. A line joining the two will give the direction and velo- city of the wind, in miles per hour. This is the line DE, which on being measured is found to be pro- portional to 25 miles in length, with a true bearing of 350. 22 AERIAL NAVIGATION. (The measurements in the diagram are on a scale J inch equals 10 miles. Any scale will do, regardless of the length we draw AB, so long as the same scale is used for all measurements concerned.) Remember that the direction of a wind is always given as true; also that its "direction" means the direction it blows from. Similarly, if the course steered, the air speed and the force and direction of the wind are known, the track and ground speed can be obtained. For example: Course 112 true; wind, 20 m. p. h. from 60 true; air speed 90 m. p. h., find track and ground speed. FIG. 18. On AB, drawn at an angle of 112 from the meridian, lay off a dis- tance representing 90 m. p. h. air speed, AC. From C lay off, down wind, at an angle of 60 from the meridian, a distance equal to 20 miles, on the same scale. Join A and D; measure the distance between them and the angle AD makes with the meridian, and you have the ground speed of the machine and the true bearing of the track. In this case they are 80 m. p. h. and 125 RADIUS OF ACTION IN A GIVEN DIRECTION. The supply of fuel in an airplane is necessarily limited. A cer- tain amount of gasoline will supply the plane with fuel for a certain time. In making a long trip in a certain direction, it is desirable to consider in advance whether the objective falls within the plane's "radius of action." The radius of action in a given direction is the distance that a plane can fly in that direction and still return, using a certain amount of fuel that is, flying for a certain time. The radius of action may be found as follows : Given the air speed of the machine, the direction and speed of the wind, and the number of hours' fiight possible with the supply of gasoline known: AERIAL NAVIGATION. 23 (1) Compute the ground speed out and the ground speed in as heretofore. (2) With these values known, the radius of action will he the number of hours times the product of the ground speeds, divided by the sum of the ground speeds. For example, if the ground speed out is 50 m. p. h. and the ground speed in is 64 m. p. h. and the number of hours' flight possible with a given supply of fuel is 5 hours, the radius of action is =140 miles. The proof for finding the radius of action is not given. For one hour's flight the radius of action is the product of the ground speeds divided by the sum of the ground speeds. An allowance of 25 per cent should be made for changes in the wind, etc. BEARINGS. N FIG. 19. DEFINITION. The bearing of a point B from a point A means the angle NAB measured clockwise from north. Thus the true bearing of B from A is the same as the true course from A to B, the magnetic bearing of B from A is the same as the magnetic course from A to B. The compass bearing of B from A, however, requires special consideration. When the airplane is in flight steering a given course, the com- pass bearing of points along the course is the same as the compass course steered. It is often useful, however, for the sake of fixing one's position to take bearings of points off the course that one is flying, say, the bearing of B from A when the course is AC. When reckoned from the course AC the compass bearing of B from A is 24 AERIAL NAVIGATION. not the same as the compass course from A to B. The reason is that deviation depends on the direction that the airplane is head- ing and not on the direction that the pilot is looking. The deviation corresponding to the bearing above is the deviation for course AC and not for course AB. FIG. 20. FIXING THE POSITION OF A MACHINE. The pilot may fix the position of his machine at a given time by its position relative to two known points. This is easily established by takmg the bearings of the two points from the machine. Since both bearings can not be taken at once and the machine is rapidly changing its position, it is advisable to choose the first object well on the bow and as far away as possible in order that its bearing: may change as little as possible before the bearing of the second object is taken. The time of the observation is the time when the second bearing is taken. If the objects are chosen in this manner the "fix" of the machine is accurate enough for most purposes. The course of the machine must remain unchanged during this process. To illustrate, suppose for convenience that the machine is flying north. At 2 o'clock take the bearing of a distant object A well on the bow, bearing 15 say, and at 2.01 take the bearing of a nearer object B, bearing 100 say. Then the position of the airplane at 2.01 is found by the intersection of two lines bearing 195 from A and 280 from B. These last bearings may be found, if desired, AERIAL NAVIGATION. 25 by drawing from A and B lines parallel to ON to represent north at these points. In general, given the bearing of B from A, the bearing of A from B is found by adding 180. In case the resulting angle is more than 360, subtract 360 from it. For example, the bearing of B from A is 350. Then the bearing of A from B is 530, which is the same as 170. This gives the same result as if one had sub- tracted 180 from the first bearing and so one might follow the rule to add 180 to the first bearing, unless the result is greater than 360, and if this is the case, subtract 180 from the first bearing. FIG. 21. INSTRUMENTS. BEARING PLATE. The bearing of an object from the machine is taken conven- iently by means of the bearing plate, a description of which follows. This instrument consists of a fixed plate open in the center with two arrows arranged so that it can be set in the fore and aft line of the machine. On this is set a movable flat ring marked off for each 5 from to 360 in a clockwise direction with numbers placed at the marks 10, 20, etc. (fig. 22). Fixed to the outer plate is a movable framework with wires stretched across and capable of being rotated around the plate. At either end of this framework are placed up- right pointers to facilitate sighting. The chief use of the instrument is to take the compass bearing of an abject. 7702318 4 26 AERIAL NAVIGATION. To do this, read the compass course of the machine and set the movable ring so that the number opposite the forward arrow is exactly the same as the compass course. We see from the figure FIG. 22. FIG. 23. FIG. 24. that the bearing plate will then have its zero mark in exactly the same direction as the compass north, and, as long as the course remains the same it can be used as the compass for observing the AERIAL NAVIGATION. 27 direction of any object. The compass itself can seldom be used for this purpose as the field of view around it is often restricted. The movable framework can be placed so that the sights or pointers and center drift wires (the wires being called drift wires, as will be seen later) are aligned on the object. FIG. 25. The reading of the point B will give the bearing of the object as read from compass north. Of course, the horizontal bearing is given, but as the position of the machine is relative to the ground all bearings are those of the point vertically above the object. Now, having found the bearing of any object from the compass, it will require to be corrected for deviation from the course and variation. This will give the true bearing of the object. For example: Compass course 200, var. 13 W., dev. 7 E., compass bearing of an object is 120. Find its true bearing. CB 120 Dev. 7 E MB 127 Yar. 13 W TB 114 taken from the compass course. This gives the true bearing of the object from the machine to be 114, and therefore the bearing or direction of the machine from the object is 180 plus 114 equals 294. AIRCRAFT COURSE AND DISTANCE INDICATOR. The aircraft course and distance indicator (C. D. I.) makes possible the solution of certain problems during flight without the use of pencil, parallel rulers, dividers, etc. 28 AERIAL NAVIGATION. DESCRIPTION. This instrument consists of (1) an outer ring marked every 5 from to 360; (2) a central rotating disk whose radius is marked to represent 120 miles, the disk itself being squared, each side of a square representing 10 miles; (3) two arms A and B pivoted at the* center of the disk, marked to the same scale as the disk with two movable pointers, one on each arm; (4) a central clamp hold- ing the instrument rigid when set. PRINCIPLE OF INSTRUMENT. The instrument is made to apply the following principle: A force l represented in amount and direction by AM (equals CD) plus a force represented (in amount and direction) by MB is equal to the force represented (in amount and direction) by AB. In this case AB is called the " resultant" of the two " component" forces AM and MB. For example, if the line AM is 1 inch in length, and represents a wind of 40 m. p. h. blowing from A, and the line MB is 2 inches in length and represents an air speed of 80 m. p. h. in the direction MB, the resultant speed is about 60 m. p. h. in the direction AB. In the following problems we shall have to do with these quantities: (1) Speed and direction of the wind. (2) Ground speed and track (course to be made good). (3) Air speed and course (true). It may be noted that the ground speed is always along the track, and the air speed is always along the course (here taken as "true"). The direction of the wind is given relative to true north, and rep- resents the direction from which the wind blows; for example, a north wind is blowing from the north. RULES FOR USING INSTRUMENT. The following rules for using the instrument are given, as it is hoped that by paying strict attention to them confusion may be avoided: i Or a velocity. AERIAL NAVIGATION. 29 (1) Arm A should when possible represent your own course and air speed. (2) Always keep the general lines of the situation in your head. (3) Check each example by the idea more or less; for example, the ground speed will evidently be greater than the air speed if the wind favors the pilot on his course. FIG. 27. 30. Problem I: To find the speed and direction of the wind, given the track and ground speed, course (true) and air speed. Examples: Machine steers 300 at 50 miles. Track observed to be 260 at 70 miles. Find the speed and direction of wind. (a) Set arm and pointer A to course steered (true) and air speed 300 and 50. 30 AERIAL NAVIGATION. (6) Set arm and pointer B to course made good and ground speed 260 and 70. (c) Set disk so that arrow is parallel to line AB. jfrrow points to direction in which wind is blowing, 215, there- fore wind blows from 35. Length of AB is speed of wind, 44 m. p. h. Problem IT: To find what li allowance to make for a wind." Given speed and direction of the wind, airspeed, and track desired, to find course (true) and ground speed. Example: Wind NE., 40 miles. Machine air speed, 70 mile, 6 ". Pilot Dishes to make good a path W. What course must he steer? ( 8- in 60 M/A/LfTIS 2.00, 60 50 .^ ^ a* &* 49 50 AERIAL NAVIGATION. finds that the corresponding distance on the scale shows the speed of 65 m. p. h. It follows that his ground speed is 130 m. p. h. In examples of this sort the idea "more or less" must be kept in mind; for example, if the time is less to go a certain distance, the speed is more, and so on. Other examples similar to the above should be worked out. METRIC SYSTEM. An aviator should be familiar with the metric system, since this system is used on French and Italian maps. Paragraph 2 of General Orders No. 1, January 2, 1918, reads as follows : "The metric system has been adopted* for use in France for all firing data for artillery and machine guns, in the preparation of operation orders, and in map construction. * * * Instruction in the metric system will be given to all concerned * * *." For quick and fairly accurate results the following relations suffice to connect the metric system with the English : 1 centimeter =f inch. 5 centimeters =2 inches. 10 centimeters=4 inches. 1 meter =1 "long" yard. 100 yards =90 meters. 200 meters=220 yards. 1 kilometer=| 10 kilometers =6 miles. 10 miles=16 kilometers. More exact relations are as follows: 1 inch=2.54 centimeters. 1 centimeter =0.4 inch. 1 yard =0.9 meter. 1 meter =1.1 yards. 1 mile=1.6 kilometers. 1 kilometer=0.62 mile. A good way to familiarize one's self with the metric system is to construct geometrical figures, such as circles, squares, etc., of known dimensions in inches and then change the dimensions to centimeters. Another way is to measure with a meter stick ordinary objects in a room, such as desks, chairs, tables, etc. It is often useful also to pace off a distance previously measure^ in meters. AERIAL NAVIGATION. 51 The following examples are given for practice on scales with English and metric systems: Examples. (1) If a map is made on a scale of 6 inches to the mile, give the R. F. of the map. (2) Construct a graphical scale of miles for a map whose R. F. is 1/200,000. (3) The distance between two towers on the map is 10 inches. If the R. F. of the map is 1/200,000, what is the actual distance in kilometers on the ground? (4) Two points on the ground are 10.5 kilometers apart. What is the distance between them in inches on a map whose R. F. is 1/100,000? (5) Two points are 6 inches apart on a map whose R. F. is 1/40,000. Give the distance on the ground in miles. (6) (a) The scale of a map is 3 inches to the mile. Give its R. F. (6) To what French map does it correspond? (7) The distance between two trees is measured and found to be 500 yards; on the map they show to be 2 inches apart. What is the R. F. of the map? (8) If two points are 6.7 inches apart on a map whose R. F. is 1/100,000, find the distance in miles (kilometers). (9) The scale of the map is 1/20,000. 2.7 inches on that map equal how many miles on the ground? (10) Express the scale 1/10,000 graphically in terms of yards. (11) A map is 48 inches square. If the R. F. is 1/200,000, what is the area of the country represented in square miles? (12) Traveling at the rate of 150 m. p. h. ground speed, what would be the map distance in inches for a 20-minute flight given a 10-minute time scale and a 1/200,000 map? (13) Traveling at the rate of 120 m. p. h. ground speed, what would be the map distance in inches for a 20-minute flight and a 1/200,000 map? (14) Two points on the ground are 10 kilometers apart. Find the distance in inches on a 1/200,000 map. 52 AERIAL NAVIGATION. CONVENTIONAL SIGNS. Conventional signs should fulfill two requirements: (1) They should be as simple as possible; (2) they should suggest the objects represented . The number of these signs in use is large; a few of the most im- portant ones appearing on military maps are presented here. Prac- tice with the map should be given until the student is perfectly familiar with them. Standard abbreviations of letters or groups of letters are often used in connection with conventional signs. No attempt will be made to present these here, as the student will soon be accustomed to those in use upon the maps with which he is working. It should be remembered that the list of conventional signs given below is general, and that any particular map must be studied care- fully with a view to the signs which appear on that map. CONTOURS. The earth looks quite flat to an aviator at any considerable distance above it. He is unable to tell whether it is sloping up or down or whether he is passing over a hill or a valley or le\ ; el country. For this reason the contour lines on his map are of special value. Contours are lines obtained by cutting the earth's surface by horizontal planes at certain distances from each other. These distances are taken at convenience. The contours are marked on the map to show their distances above a certain plane of reference (datum) usually taken as mean sea level. A system of contours may be illustrated by considering an island in the center of a body of water. (See figs. 3 and 4.) The shore line is a contour. Imagine the surface of the water to be raised a distance of 10 feet. The shore line thus formed is a contour whose elevation is 10 feet above the first. Successive contours representing equal increases in ele- vation can be secured in a similar manner. These contours when projected upon a single plane represent a contour map. (See figs. 5 and 6.) The vertical distance between the successive elevations is known as the contour or vertical interval (abbreviated to V. I.). The distance measured on the map between two successive contours is called the map distance. CONVENTIONAL SIGNS BRITISH J \J U W V/ I j i Infantry, moving in column of route L^L Any trench organized for fire L^-T- Cavalry, moving in column of route Approximate line, reported by zr -= Artillery, moving in column of route . - observers and not yet confirmed [J] Post by photographs J* Patrol X XXXX Wire entanglements CJ lH 1 l|l Holding line in action ^SiSi) Ground cut up by artillery fire oooo Gun emplacements O Battery of guns, inactive _,_.._._,_ Enemy tracks Buried pipe line or cable V_y O O O Single guns, inactive Air line T Battery of howitzers, active A Supply depot *4 Single howitzers, active Observation post At ' Doubtful battery, active g Dugout ^^ Doubtful guns or howitzers, active 9 Earthwork ^^ Hedge, fence, or ditch Q* orM.G. Machine gun emplacement ^^^D^ Ditch, permanent water orT.M. Trench mortar emplacement "V ^ - 3= =o= ^ Woods LorLP. [ istening post O * Mine crater, unfortified Orchard "== = = "sJ^'rs 11 Brushwood or undergrowth Mine crater, fortified 1 1 1 M 1 1 n rt^T Faults in chalk country O ooo Organized shell holes Embankment m-rrmnrrrr 0r Anti-aircraft gun 4- Cutting Hutments O Church ."" Aerodrome Wind mil! fn? 1 Airship shed -0- Water mill f Balloon ^^r ^/frTTft Y/////)( Houses, standing Houses, ruined A Barge F e"Cd Unienced Roads, 1st class Roads, 2d class p Fire Roads 3d class Railhead . Railways, double r"H- Mechanical transport, moving ' t^ Railways, single Pg-v Mechanical transport, stationary , , ( Narrow gage railway Trench railway .| j * Horse transport, moving .^erry ^^ Ferry | i Horse transport, stationary ^^^ Railway over river Marsh CONVENTIONAL SIGNS FRENCH German I:;;;;; National road loopholes *$!* R ep j rtmenta , . . , . h |l| ^E|O 7> jPSW Trenches Path, cleared line -S3 eS Standard gage single track R.R. ssJornsJ- **-~-*-CT^ Narrow gage R. R. Trenches, from report 8 ^I>r' d6e ^W^B^? Large stream Trenches, abandoned K ^ -)f- Small stream Isolated ' ' I \ Batteries 11 1 ' Canal painP -*-*--* 1 Towpath Anti-aircraft gun P nd Camp. o Spring ^^ Camps, Wa g"P arks Well s Munition depots Err: UKa^ Inundated land J~- rv -^^v ^S"*-^r- \ Wall Works C V^vrx~X o- -0----0--- o Hedge xxxxxx Wire entanglements r T Iron wire fence m/mmm Abatis i i i i i i i I i i i i i i \ I Earth embankment or fill IZIadZb Shelters ^^/2^ oob. ap.c Screened gun pits Observation, post commanders ^^^m Vi " age o Shell or mine craters Steeple + i Wayside cross AM &B Machine guns, bombthrowers 6 <) Chapel XCR \ Revolving cannon l*tt| Cemetery Standard gage, R. R. Narrow gage, R. R. {J Water mill French O Smokestack - .. ,,jni.^ Advanced line W'/A Vines m Infantry ^jjitil [''''.| Gardens and orchards & Cavalry squadron ^?^;S/?6-:^ Woods r |^ A ^/j Fir or pine thicket B Cavalry regiment & ;:^v '-' Brush m Field battery, occupied o^o o o o | so)ated trees ti Field battery, prepared -i^~> ^r*. Marsh or swamp ICXDl Aero squadron /^^[iej^n Contours and elevations ICXDj Aero park >* /^? >^!3 O Sand dunes vJ Balloon I^<7\ ^^ Quarry P ^ Automobile service ,IM..,,,mi..-rr g^gp s | p es AERIAL NAVIGATION. 53 FIG. 3. FIG. 4. FIG. 5. 54 AERIAL NAVIGATION. In general, a contour is quite irregular in shape although every point of it is at the same distance above mean sea level. To make the matter clearer, let us illustrate by a square pyramid placed on a table. Let the surface of the table be the datum. Let the vertical interval, V. I., be taken as 1 inch. Imagine the pyramid cut by a horizontal plane 1 inch above the table top. The line of intersec- FIG. 6. tion (contour) is a square, every point of which is 1 inch above the table. This square might be called "the 1-inch contour." If we pass another plane through the pyramid 2 inches above the table, we have a smaller square every point of which is 2 inches above the table. This square is "the 2-inch contour." FIG. 7. If we replace the pyramid by a circular cone and pass horizontal planes as before, the contours will be circles. If we replace the cone by a triangular pyramid the contours will be triangles, and so on. By means of contours on a map it is possible to form a fair idea of the general appearance of ground we have never seen. For example, AERIAL NAVIGATION. 55 we can tell that one object must be higher than another because it is on a higher contour. We can tell that a slope is steep because the contours are close together, or that it is gentle because the contours are far apart, or that there is very little change in elevation on the ground because the contours are not a prominent feature of the map. So far we have been considering elevations. Contours serve equally well to show depressions. For a downward slope proceed- ing in a certain direction the elevation of the contours becomes less and less as we go along. For example, if the vertical interval is 10 meters, the contours along the slope might be numbered 150, 140, 130, etc., while evidently for an upward slope they would be num- bered in the "reverse order. If the contours are not numbered at the place on the map which we are studying, it may be possible to determine whether the ground is sloping up or down by the appearance of rivers or streams, which branch toward their sources and not in the direction they are flowing. FIG. 8. It follows that the point A in figure 8 is higher than point B, although the contours are not marked. The more irregular the country which we wish to represent, the closer together should be the contours; that is, the smaller should be the contour interval in order that small irregularities may be shown. The scale and size of the map are also factors of importance in determining what contour interval shall be taken. The following facts about contours should be well noted: (1) Contours are continuous closed lines (for example the circles, squares, and triangles referred to above). If a contour does not close upon itself within the limits of the map, it means that the map is not large enough to show the entire contour. 56 AERIAL NAVIGATION. (2) All points on a contour are at the same elevation, because the contour lies in a horizontal plane . (3) Contour lines do not branch. A branch or spur projecting from a contour would indicate a ridge the top of which is an abso- lutely level " knife-edge." This, of course, is never found in nature. FIG. (4) Contours of different elevations do not cross each other except in the case of an overhanging cliff, and this case is so rare that any case of crossed contours may be considered an error. Contours at different elevations may approach each other closely, and in fact may appear as one line in the case ot a vertical cliff. / $/0/>e FIG. 10. (5) When the contour interval is constant (as it is on most maps) the spacing of the contour lines indicates the degree of the slope; that is, the nearer together the contours, the steeper the slope; the farther apart, the gentler the slope; if the contour lines are equally distant the slope is regular. AERIAL NAVIGATION. 57 (6) Contours are usually drawn as brown lines. (7) Dotted contours are sometimes inserted at odd elevations to show special features of the country; for instance, a 33-foot contour dotted might be inserted between the 30-foot and the 40-foot contour. FIG. 11. (8) It is customary to break contours when crossing roads, rail- roads, etc., continuing them on the other side. FIG. 12. Examples. The following examples are given to illustrate the principles of conventional signs and contours: (1) Illustrate by means of 10-foot contours: (a) A hill of 75 feet elevation, rising for the first 30 feet gradually and being very steep for the last 45 feet; (b) a hill of the same elevation rising steeply for the first 30 feet, gently the last 45 feet; indicate a stream on the last hill. (2) Would you expect to find a small contour interval or a large contour interval on a map of a very rugged country? Give your reasons.- 58 AERIAL NAVIGATION. (3) Represent the following by contour sketches: Valley, hill, depression, ridge, steep slope, flat slope, gorge. (4) Make a sketch showing two streams joining, a ridge between the streams and rising from them, steep ground on one side, gently sloping ground on the other. (5) Using the conventional signs of the map of Belgium, draw a map of a southward sloping plain 5 kilometers square, maximum elevation 20 meters, with an elongated ridge rising 30 meters above its north edge. A stream flows down the south slope to the sea. A single-track railroad follows the south base of ridge and crosses under a first-class road along which are houses, a church, windmill, and several trees. A footpath leads from a house to a depression near by. (6) Imagine you are standing at the intersection of the roads shown at point 21395-29410, map of Belgium. Describe briefly the topog- raphy of the surrounding country within a circle of radius 2 kilo- meters with your position as the center, the description to be based upon the contours and conventional signs shown within the territory mentioned. Which, if any parts of this country would not be visible from your position, and why? (7) Imagine you are walking down the Hazebeek stream from point 21350^28840 to its junction with an unnamed stream at point 21522-29130. Describe what you can see on each side as you walk, judging from the contours and conventional signs on the map. (8) Imagine you are riding on the rai'road from Walkrantz station, point 22285-29575, to the depot at point 22323-29160. Describe the country within view on each side as you ride along, judging from the contours and conventional signs on the map. (9) Imagine you are flying in a straight line from the town of Dickebusch to the town of Elverdinghe. Describe the country over which you fly, judging from the conventional signs and contours as shown on the map. LOCATION OF POINTS. It is not only in long flights that accurate navigation is necessary. Short flights often require special precision because of the nature of the objective. A machine-gun emplacement or an ammunition dump carefully camouflaged is invisible from the air unless the .aviator knows in advance exactly where to look for it. This precise knowledge is furnished him on maps drawn to a larger scale than those used for cross-country flights, bombing raids, and the like. AERIAL NAVIGATION. But no matter what map is used the principle of locating a point is the same. It consists of inclosing the point first, within a large square designated by a number or a letter; then (British system) within a smaller square inclosed by the first, and so on. Finally there comes a time when this method of inclosure within squares has been carried as far as it is practical. The British use three inclosing squares; the French only one. COORDINATES. The last square, however, be it large or small, represents an area and not a point. A point is fixed by its relation to the western and southern boundaries of the square. Perpendicular distances from these boundaries will fix the point exactly. N M FIG. 13. Suppose, for example, that the square given in the figure is 10 units on a side and that ON gives the direction of north. The point A is 3 units to the east of the western boundary and 5 units to the north of the southern boundary. These distances are called the ' coordinates of the point A. Instead of fixing the position of the point by distances from the boundaries, we may fix it by distances along the boundaries measured from the southwest corner of the square as a point of reference. For example, the point A might be fixed by (1) the distance along the southern boundary from O to a point M directly south of A (in this case 3 units), and (2) the distance from M to A (equal to the distance along the western boundary from to a point directly west of A, in this case 5 units). 60 AERIAL NAVIGATION. When stating these distances it has become conventional to state first the distance along the southern boundary (from the western boundary) and to state second the distance along the western bound- ary (from the southern boundary), just as in geometry we always state the x coordinate first and the y coordinate second when locating a point. Exercises. N FIG. 14. (1) Give the "pin-point" location of the points A, B, C, D, E, assuming the same square as given above. FIG. 15. (2) Without changing the position of the page "pin-point" F, G, H, I, K. (3) Drawing a certain square and taking points O and N as above, locate the points whose coordinates are 5-5, 3-3, 0-0, 6-4, 9-2, 1-9. It is conventional never to use the coordinate 10 because a per- pendicular distance of 10 from the boundary of one square carries us to the boundary of another square. For example, the northeast AERIAL NAVIGATION. 61 corner of a given square would not be located as 10-10 with reference to that square, but as 0-0 with reference to an adjacent square lying northeast of the first. BRITISH MAPS. Let us take the ordnance map of Belgium, 1/20,000 as an example of British maps. This map, which is part of a system of maps, represents a section 13,500 yards in width by 11,000 yards in height. For convenience in locating points the maps in the system are divided into a series of squares, the first row being lettered A, B, C, D, E, F; the second row being lettered G, H, I, J, K, L, with G under A, II under B, etc. On this map only the squares A, B, G, H are found. On the adjoining map to the east we should find square C matching up with B and I with H. FIG. 16. Each lettered square is subdivided into 30 or 36 smaller squares. Always there are six squares from west to east and five or six squares from north to south. 1 The large squares lettered A, B, C, etc., are 6,000 yards wide and 5,000 or 6,000 yards high. The smaller squares which make up the large squares are numbered from 1 to 30 or 36 (fig. 17). Each small square is 1,000 yards in width and in height. These numbered squares are divided into four minor squares whose sides measure 500 yards. These minor squares are considered as lettered a, b, c, d, but only squares numbered 6 are actually so lettered, to avoid unnecessary confusion on the map. 1 In converting the French and Belgian maps, laid out according to the metric measurements, to the English system of map squaring in yards, etc., the grid lines do not coincide, and this discrepancy in the English map is compensated for by making some lettered squares contain 30 squares and others 36. 62 AERIAL NAVIGATION. To locate a point within a small square, consider the sides divided into 10 parts (fig. 18) and define the point by taking so many tenths from west to east along the southern side first, and then so many tenths from south to north, the southwest corner always being taken as the origin. If square c belongs to square 14 in big lettered square H (fig. 18), then the designated points would be located as follows J atH!4c60. K at H14d05. L at H14c05. NatH14cOO. R at H14c67. 19- -2J5- .3-. --2-1- -7- T30- b- -3f. 5v- -3-0 T FIG. 17. It will be noted that a point is not designated as 10, since 10 is the of the next square. If a point is on the upper horizontal line of the square, it is zero of the square above, and if the point occurs on the right line of the square it is zero of the square to the right. Thus the point Z would be located as H14a40, Q would be H14bOO, and K would be H14d05. Since each small square represents 500 yards, more accurate locations may sometimes be desired , and in such cases the sides of the small lettered squares may, in imagination, be divided into 100 parts instead of 10 parts. This would necessitate the use of four figures instead of two as before. Thus point G would be located at H14c3565 and X would be located at H14c0847, de- noting 08 parts east and 47 parts north of origin. Use 0, but not 10; use either two or four figures, but do not use fractions, as 8J, 4J, etc. AERIAL NAVIGATION. 63 R I !_ f * * V ^ ,N J FIG. 18. FRENCH MAPS. The method of locating a point on a French military map is by ref- erence to grid lines, which are 1 kilometer apart each way. These lines are approximately N.-S. and E.-W., though not exactly so. They are designated by numbers reading from west to east and from south to north, as in the following figure. C. FIG. 19. Assuming each of these squares divided into 10 spaces from west to east and 10 spaces from south to north, the point A, figure 19, would be designated as 2165-2925, point B as 2173-2931, and point C as 2178-2904. Under certain circumstances there is no confusion caused by drop- ping the first two figures, making the location of point A read 65-25, point B 73-31, and point C 78-04. It must be remembered, however, if the first two numerals are dropped, that every 10 kilometers north, south, east, and west, there will be points designated by the same numbers. Whenever there is danger of confusion three figures are used, as 165-925. In actual work on the front the lines of the grid are given letter designations, which may be changed from week to week. Point A 64 AERIAL NAVIGATION. might be called U5-S5 one week and Q5-K5 the following week. In this way the enemy is kept from knowing the zone to which wireless messages may refer. Various keys of letters are in use, and from time to time orders are- issued substituting one for another. In using this letter system repetition of the same letter would occur every 25 kilometers along the whole front (the number of letters in the French alphabet). Exercises. The following exercises are given to illustrate the practical use of compass and map: Example 1: Fly from the church in Elverdinghe to the church in Boesinghe, to the church in Brielen, and back to the starting point. Make a diagram of the course, giving the magnetic bearings and the names of the places with the pin-point location under them. Let an arrow indicate the direction of each flight. Example 2: Fly from the church in Ypres to the church in Voor- mezeele, to the church in Dickebusch, to the church in Vlamertinghe, and back to starting point. This will make a four-sided diagram. State the magnetic bearing of each line, give the pin-point location of the corners of the course under their names, and estimate the length of each course in kilometers. Example 3: Fly from Goed Moet Mill near Ouderdom to the church in Reninghelst, to the lower church in Poperinghe, to the crossroads in Busseboom, to the church in Vlamertinghe, and back to starting point. Indicate on the diagram the magnetic bearing of each line, the name and pin-point location of each corner of the course, and the length of each course in kilometers. Example 4: From your aerodrome at 2175-2885 course 45 (mag. bearing) fly to a point 4.5 kilometers away. Give pin-point of the end of the course. Example 5: From your aerodrome at 2175-2885 fly 3.5 kilometers course 60 (mag. bearing), then 4 kilometers course 300, then back to starting point. What is the length and magnetic bearing of the last course? Pin-point the other two corners of the course. Example 6: From church in Reninghelst course 10 33 X fly for a distance of 3.5 kilometers and from there fly to churcl} in Vlamer- tinghe. From that point fly back to starting point. Make diagram showing all magnetic bearings, pin-point corners of course to five places, let arrows indicate direction of flight, and give distance in kilometers from corner to corner of course. o I M UOC I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST BATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. SEP. 22 1932 MAR id 1947