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No minister's study has been deemed to be properly furnished without possessing a copy of this treasured book. No one who, in however humble a manner, undertakes the exposition of the Word of God, whether as Ordained Minister, Lay Preacher, Evangelist, Scripture Reader, City Missionary, or Sunday School Teacher, should be without the assistance of a good Concordance — one which, by its complete- ness, shall enable them, with the smallest amount of labour, and in the shortest time, to collect together all the Scripture passages that serve to illustrate and enforce their subject. This, doubtless, is the main use of a Concordance. But such a work has also a very special value to every true Christian, and to every Bible-reader who seeks to know the full meaning and teaching of the Word of God. A comparatively uneducated Christian will, by thus diligently " comparing spiritual things with spiritual," obtain large enlighten- ment and extended comprehension oi the things of God. "It is incredible," writes Bisiior Horsley, "to any one who has not made the experiment, what a proficiency may be made in that knowledge which maketh wise unto salvation, by studying the Scriptures with reference to the parallel passages, without any other Commentary or Exposition than what the different parts of the Sacred Volume mutually furnish for each other." After having recommended the purchase of a good Bible, D. L. Moody says, " Next I would advise you to get Crudcns Concordatice, and a Scripture Text Book. These books will help you to study the Word of God with profit. If youiiave not got them, get them to-morrow, for every Christian ought to have them." THE SPECIAL FEATURE in this Edition is the New Translation, and Revision, of the Proper Names of the Old and New Testaments, with thcnr meanings in the Original Languages, by the Rev. Alfred Jones, M.A., who has devoted great attention to diis subject. This portion of the work is strictly copyright, and cannot be introduced into any other Edition. '^0<>i>r>78 CEUDEN'S CONCORDANCE TO THE #Iti antr Bt\Jo Cts'tament ^fnptuiT£) (COIWtPLKXIC). With the Table of Propee Names entirely revised, and the mistranslations in the Meanings corrected. KoTE. — The t denotes that the Ihference is to a marginal reading. ABASE. lOBiO. II. Sfnold every one proud, and a. him '' liC. 31. l. as the lion will not a. himself £«*. 21. SC. and a. him that is high Dan. 4. 37. that ^-alk in pride, is able to a. ABASED. Tta. 32. t 19- »nd the city shall be utterly a. Mat. 23. 12. and whosoever shall exalt himself shall be a. |1 Luke 14. 11. |1 18. 14. P/iil. 4. 10. I know how to be a. and how to abound ABASING. 2 Cor. 11. 7. have I committed an olTcnce in a. ABATED. myself Cen. 8. 3. after 150 days the waters were a. b. 1 1. I^v. 27. IC. it shall be a. from thy estimation Dent, %%. 7. nor was Moses' natural force a, /udg. 8. 3. (hen their anger was a. toward him ABBA. Mart 14.36. a. Father.all things are possible to thee Rom. 8. 15. the Spirit, whereby we cry, a. Father Go/. 4. 6. sent Spirit into your hearts crying a. ABHOR. Father SiRnifies [11 To loath or ::ttest, Deut. 32. IQ. Job 42. O. [2] To deiphe or neglect, Psal. 22.24. Amos 6. 8. [3] To leject or catt off, Psal. 89. 38. lycv. 26. 11. and my soul shall not a. you 15. or if your soul a. my judgments .30. I will destroy, and my soul shall a. you 44. nor will I a. them, to destroy them utterly P(r«r. 7.26. thoushalt utterlya.it, acursed thing 23. 7. sbalt not a. an Edomite, not a. an Egyptian 1 fiam. 27. 12. he bath made his people to a, him. Jiih 9- 31. and my own clothes shall a. me .30. 10. they a. me, they flee far from me 42. 6. I a. myself, and repent in dust and ashes 7'ja/. 5. 6. the Lord will a. the bloody man 119. 163. 1 hate and a. lying, but love tliy law Prov. 24. 24. him people curse, nations shall a. him Jer. 14. 21. do not a. us for thy name's s,ike Amo> 5. 10. they a. him that s])eal'eth upriglitly 6. 8. I II. the excellency of Jaroli, hate his palaces jVir. 3. 9. hear, ye that a. judgment, and pervert Horn. 12. a. 7. 16. the land that thou a. .shall be forsaken Horn. 2. £2. thou that a. idols, dost thou commit AlUIORRETII. A>i 53 20. so th.at his life a. bread, and bis soul Psal. 10. 3. blesseth the covetous.wjiom the Lord a. .id. 4 he acvispth mischii f onhisbed.hew. not evil 107. 18. their soul a. all manner of me^it Im. V^-I. to him whom the UatiOD a. to n servant ABI ABHORRING. ha. 66. 24. and they shall be an a. to all flesh ABIDE. Signifies, [1] To stay or tarry. Gen. 22. 5. [2] 'To ditel! or lite in a place. Gen. 29. 19. Psal. 15. 1. [.3] To bear or endure, Jer. 10. 10. Joel 2. 11. [4] To be. Gen. 44. 33. [5] To continue, Eccl. 8. 15. John 14. 16 [6] To vait for. Acts 20. 23. [7] To rest. Prov. 19. 23. [8] To liie, Phil. 1. 24. [9] To stand Jirm, Psal. II9. 90. 123. 1. [10] To rule or govern, Psal. 61. 7. Ofn. 19. 2. but we will «. in the street all night 22. 5. a. you here with the ass, and I and the lad 24. 55. let the damsel a. with us a few days 20. ig. it i.s belter I give her to thee, a. with me 4i. 33. let thy servant a. instead of the lad t-itd. 16, eg. a. ye every man in his place 1.CV.8. 35. therefore a. at the doorof the tabeniacle 19. 13. the wagej .« him hired shall not a. with thee yum. .SS. 25. shall a. to the death of the high-priest Puih 2. 8. but a. here fsst by my maidens 1 Sam. 1.22. appear before the Lo'rd, .ind a. forever 5. 7. the ark of God of Israel shall not a. w ith us 22. 23. a. thou with me, fear not, for he that seeks .30. 21. whom they had made to a. at brook Besor 2 .Sam. 16. 18. his will I be, and with him will I «, ./«4 24.13.they rebel.nora. inthe paths of the light 38. 40. and a. in the covert to lie in wait .39. 9- «ill the unicorn be willing to a. by thj crib Pial. 15. 1. Lord, who shall a. in thy tabernacle .> 61. 4. I will a. in thy tabernacle for ever 7. he shall a. before God for ever 91. 1. shall a. under the shadow of the Almighty Prov. 7. 11. she is loud, her feet a. not in her house ig. 23. and he that hath it shall a. satisfied J ccl. 8. 15. for that shall a. with him of his labour Mr. 10. 10. nations not able to a. his indignation ■fcr. 42. 10. if ye a. in this land I will build you 49. 18. no man shall a. there, 33. | 50. 40. JJos. 3. 3. thou shalt a. for me many days 11.6. and the sword shall a. on his cities .loel 2. 11. the day is terrible, who c.in a. it? Mic. 5. 4. they shall a. for now shall he be great .\ali. 1. 6. who can a. in the ficrccnessof his anger • -Va/. 3. 2. but who may a. the day of his coming ' .Ua/. 10. 11. there a. il/arX C. 10. I.uie 9. 4. y.ii/f ig. 5. fo'- to-day I must //. at tby house 24. 29. a. with us, for it is towards evening Jo/i)i 12. 46. believes on me, should not a. in dark- 14. 16. give another comforter that he may a. 15. 4. a. in me and 1 in you, except ye a. in me, 7. 6. if a man a. not in me, he is cast forth 10. ye .shall a. in n.y love, and a. in his love yhl.v 15. 34. it pleased Silas to a. there still 16. 15. come into my house and a. there 20. 23. saying, that boudi and altlictions a. me 27. 31. except these a. in ship, ye cannot be saved 1 Cor. 3. 14. if any man's work a. he .shall receive 7. 8. it is good for them if they a. even as I 20. let every man a. in the same calling 40. she is happier if she so j. al'ier my judgment Pliil. 1 . 24. to a. in the flesh is more needful for you 25. I know that I shall a. with you all 1 'J'im. I. 3. 1 besought thee to a. at I'.phesus 1 Jo/in 2. 24. let th.ita. in you which ye have heard 27. ye shall u. in him {| 28. children a. iu him AIJIDKIII. 2 fkiin 10. 3. Ziba said, beliolil hva. at Jerusalem Pi^il. 49- 12. njui being m honour a not, he is S ABL Psal. 55. 19. God shall liBar, even he that a. of old 119. 91). thou hast established the earth, and it a 125.1. shall be as mount Zion, which a. forever Prov. 15. 31. heareth reproof, a. among the wise JCccl. I. 4. another Cometh, buttheeartha. forevet Jer.il. 9. he that a. in this city shall die by sword Jo/iK 3. ;i6. but the wrath of God a. on him 8. 35. the servant a. not, but the son a. for ever 12. 24, except a corn of wheat die, it a. alone 34. we have heard that Christ a. for ever 15. 5. he that a. in me bringeth forth much fruil 1 Cor. 13. 13. now a. faith, hope, charity 2 Tim. 2. 13. if we believe not, yet he a. faithful JI:b. 7. 3. Melchizedec a. a priest continually 1 Pet. 1. 23. by the word of God which a. forever 1 Jo/in 2. 6. he that saith he a. in him ought to walk 10. he that loveth his brother a. in the light 14. ye are strong, and the word of God a. in yon 17. but he that doth the will of God a. for ever 27. the anointing a. in you and teacheth you 3. 6. whosoever a. in him sinneth not 1 Jo/it 3. 14. that loveth not his brother a. in death 24. and hereby we know that he a. in ns 2 Jt.hri g. whoso a. not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God, he that a. hath the Father aud the Son ABIDING. Xum. 24. 2. Balaam saw Israel a. in his tents 1 ■Snm. 26. ig. from B. m the inheritance of the Lord 1 Chron. 29. 15. days as a shadow, there is none a. Luke 2. «. inere were shepherds a. in the field John 5. .38. and ye have not his word a. in you 1 John 3.15. no murderer hath eternal life a, in him ABJECTS. Psal. 35. 15. the a. gathered together against me ' AblLITY. Lev. 27. 8. to his a. that vowed, priest shall valu« T.zra 2. dg. they gave after their a. to the work AVA. 5. 8. we after our a. redeemed our brethren Dan. 1. 4. as had a. to stand in the king's palace Mat. 25. 15. he gave to each according to Ids a. Acts 11.29. according to his a. determined to send I Pet. 4. 11. let him do it as of the a. God givetb ABLE. P.xoJ. 18. 21. provide out of all the people a. men I.(v. 14. 22. two pigeons, such as he is a. to get, 31. A«m. 1. 3. all that are a. to go to war, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, .34, 3(3, 38, -JO, 42, 45. | 26. 2. 13. 30. go up for we are well a. to overcome it Deut. 16. 17. every man shall give as he is a. Josh. 23. 9. no man hath been a. to stand before you 1 AV/w.6.20.who is a. to stand before this holy God 1 Kuigs 3. 9. w ho is a. tojudge so great a people 2 Chrmi. 2. 6. but who is a. to build him an hoos* 20. 6. so that none is a. to withstand thee 25. 9 the Lord is a. to give thee much mnrc J'b 41. 10. who then is a. to stand before me ? Pro-.i. 27. 4. but who is a. to stand before envy ? y.zek. 46. 1 1 . the ofl'ering shall be as he is a. to give Van. 3. 17. our God whom we serve is a. to deliver 6. 20. thy God is ./. to deliver thee from the liona Mat. 3. g. God is a. of these stones to raise up children to Abraham, Luke 3. 8 9. 28. believe ye ihat I am a. to do this.' 10. 28. fear bioi a. to destroy soul and body in hell ig. 12. he that is a. to receive it, let him rereivo 20.22.arc ye a. to drink of the cup I shall drink of? 22 46. no man was a. to answer him a word Mark 4. 33. spake he, as thi-y were a. to hear it John 10. Sg. no man is a. to pluck them out of my ^'U \i, JO. a joke p^iy ffttherj nar wco, to be* ABO dels 20. 32. word of his grace, a. to build yoa 25 5. which ainonx you area, go down with mer Born. 4. 2L he haU promised, he was a. to perlorin 11 23 for (iod is a. to gratl tliem in again 14 4. for God is a. to malie Iniu stand 15 14. ye ace a. also to admonish one another 1 Cor 3. 2. ye were not a. nor yet now are ye a. 10 13 not suffertobetcmptedabovetli.it ye area. a Cot: 3. 6. who hath made us a. ministers oi ne w t. 9. 8. God Is o. to make all grace abound towards Uph. 3. 20. to him that Is a. to do abundantly above J'hil 3 21. he is a. to subdue all tilings to himsel 2 Tim. 1 12. he is a. to keep that I have committed 3 7 never a. to come to the knowledge of truth 15. holy scriptures a. to make wise to salva- Ueb 2 18. he Is a. to succour them that are tempted fi 7 to him that was a. to sare him from death 7 "5 he Is a. to save to the uttermost all that come 11 19. accounting that Ood was a. to raise him U|i Jam 1 21 tlie word which is a. to save your souls 3 2. is a. also to bridle the whole body 4 12. there is one lawgiver a. to save and !■ destro.v Jude 24. to him that is a. to keep you from falllni. JUv. 5. 3. na man was a. to open the book nor look 13. 4. who is a. to make war with tlie beast .' 15. 8. no mail was a. to enter into the temple. Be ABLE. Lev. 25. 26. and himself 6e a. to redeem it J)eut. 7. 24. there shall no man be a. to stand, 11. Jj. Josh. 1. 5. not any man be a. to stand betore thee 14. 12. if the Lord be with me I shall be a. to drive 1 Sam. 17. 9. if he be a. to fight with me and kill me 1 Chron 29.14. that we should bea. to offer willingly 2Chron. 32. 14. that your God should bea. to deUver Jsa 47. 12. if so be thou slialt be a. to profit £iek. 33. 12. nor shall the rishteous be a. to live Luke 14. 31. whether he be a. with 10,000 to meet Rom. 8. 39. be a. to separate us from love of God 1 Cor. 10. 13. that ve may be a. to bear it £p/i. 3. 18. may be a. to comprehend with all •^ saints 6. 11. that ye mav be a. to stand against the devil 16. faith, wherewith ye shall be a. to quench 2 Tim. 2. 2. who shall be a. to teach otiiers also THl. I. 9. may be a. by sound drctrine to ixhort 2. Pel. 1. 15. that ye may be a. after my decease Seu. 6. 17. wrath is come, and who shall be a. to stand Not be ABLE. 2 Kings 18. 29. not be a. to deli veryou /sa. 36. 14. Psal. 36. 12. cast down, and shall not be a. to rise £cc!. 8. 17. yet shall ho not be a. to find it Jsa. 47. 11. thou Shalt not be a. to put it oflT Jer. 11. 11. not be a. to escape || 49. 10. 7tot be a. to hide Ezek. 7. 19. gold shall not be a. to deliver thera Luke 13. 24. seek, not 6e a. |1 21. 15. not be a. to gainsay Kot ABLE. Lev. 5. 7. and if he be 7tot a. to brine; a lamb .Num. 1,1.31 we be not a. to go up against the people 14. l6. because the Lord was net a, Deut. Q. C8. 2 Chron. 20. 37. ships were itot a. to go to J'arshish Etra 10. 13. we are not a. to stand without Neh. 4. 10. so that we are not a. to build the wall Vsal. 18. 38. wounded that they were not a. to rise 21. 11. device which they are not a. to perform 40. 12. hold on me, so that I am wo/ a. to look up Amos 7. 10. the land is tiol a. to bear all his words iMie 12. C6. if ye be not a. to do the thing is least 14. 29. laid foundation, and is not a. to finish John 21.6. they were Twt a. to draw it for the fishes Acts d.lO.aud they were not a. to resist the wisaoui ABOARD. Acts 21 . 2. a ship sailing, we went a. and set forth ABODE, .Substantive. 2 Kin^s 19. 27. but 1 know thy a. Jsa. 37. 28. Etra 9. + 8. to give us a sure a. in his holy place Jo/m 14.23. we will come and make our a with him ABODE, Verb. Gen. 29.14. Jacob a. with him the space of a month 49. 24. but his bow a. in strength, and the arms Eiod.li.-lQ. the glory of the Lord a. on Sinai JVum. 9. 17. where cloud . 27. an unjust man is an a. to the just, and he that is upright in the way, is a. to the wickea Tsa. 3. 33. incense is an a. to me, the new-moon* 43. 24. ail a. is he that chooseth you 44. 3(|. shall I make the residue thereof an a f 66. 17. eating swine's flesh, and tlie a. and mouse Jir. 2. 7. ye entered, ye made my heritage ana 6. 35. ashamed when tliey committed a. 8. 12. 32. 35. that they should Qo this a. to cause Judah Eti-k. 16. 50. they were haughty and committed a, 18. 32. lifted up his eyes to idols and committed a 22. 33. committed a. with his neighbour's wife 3Z. 26 ye stand on your sword and ye work a Dan. 11. 31. shall place thea that makc'th desolato 12. 11. and the a. that maketh desolate set up .Vol. 2.11. and a is committed in Israel and Jerus .Viir. 24. 35. ye see a. of desolation, Mark 13. 14. Eiike 16. 35. esteemed among men is a. with God Rev. 21. 27. shall in no wise enter that worketh a. ABOMINATIONS. Dnit. 38. 9- not learn to do after the a. of nations 32. 16. with a. provoked they him to anger 1 Kings 14. 24. did according to all a. of nations 2 Kiu^s l6f3.thro' fire according to a. 2 Chr. 28.3 21. 2. Manasseh did ev.i in the sight of the Lcr>.l after the a. of the heathen, 2 Chron. 33. k 23.24. a. spied did Josiah put away, 2 Chr. 34. 33. 2 Chron. 36. 8. acts of Jehoiakim and his a. he did 14. people transgressed after all a. of the heathen Prov. 26. 25. for there are seven a. in his heart Jer. 4-1-. 22. the Lord could not bear for the a. E:ck. 6. 11. alas for all the evil a. of house of Israel 8.6. scest thou the great a. of Israel, but turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater a. 13, 15. 9. behold the wicked a. that they do here 17. is it a light thing to commit j. here .' 0. 4. t*nat sigh and cry for all the a. that be donA 33. 18. take away all thea. thereof from t'uencf 14. 6. turn away your faces from all your a. 16. 2. son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her a, 18.24. when the righteous doth according to all a. 20. 4. cause them to know the a. of their fathers 7 . cast ye away every man the a , of his eyes 8. they did not cast away the a. of their eyes 22. 2. yea thou shalt shew her all her a. ."6. 33. and shall loathe yourselves for all yonro. 44. 6. O Israel, let it suffice you of all your a. 7. they have broken my covenant for all your a, Dan. Q. 27. and for the overspreading of a. Zech. 9.7. will take his a. from between his teeth Rev. 17. 4. a golden cup in her hand full of a. 5. the mother of harlots and a. of the earth Their ABOMINATIONS. 77( M. 20. 38. teach you not to do after all rheir a, 29. 17. and ye have seen their a. and their idols E-.raQ. l.the people doing according to Meir a. 11. with their a. which have filled the land }>a. 66. 3. and their soul delighteth in their a. /<) .7.30.havesct iheir a. in the house called 32.34, E:ck. 6. 9- for the evils committed in all iheir a, 7. 20. but they made the imnges of their a. 11. 21. whose heart w.alketh after their a. 12. 16. that they may declare all their a. 36. 47. yet hast thou not done after their a. 20. ;30. and commit ye whoredom after their a, 23. .36. yea, decUire to them their a. 33. 29. the land desolate because of all their a. 43. 8. they have defiled my holy name by their a, 44. 33. they shall bear their shame and their a. Ilos. 9. 10. their a. were according as they loved These ABOMINATIONS. Lev. IC. 26. ye shall not commit any of these a. 27. all these a. havi the men of the land done 29. whosoever shall commit any of these a. /5i'n<.1^.12.bccause o( these a. the Lord hath driven 2 A;«|i 23, 31. Manasseh hath done these a. Ezra y. 34. join in aflinity with people oi these a. Jrr. 7. 10. we .are delivered to do all these a. J>e/I:.18.13.he hath done all these a. shall surely die Thine oTthy ABOMINATIONS Xr. 4. 1. ifthou wiitput away MuitJa. out of sight V3. 27. I have seen ihine a. on the hills Erek. 5. 9. do what 1 have not, because of ihitie a. 3 1 . thou hast defiled my sanctuary with thy a, 7. 3. I will recompense on thee all thine u. 4, 8,9. 16. 22. all thiuc a. thou hast not remembered .■f6.with all the idols of thine a. and by the blood 4.3. not commit this lewdness above all thine a ABO Er/''. 3. 14. the serpent is cursed a. at! cattle Num. 12. 3. Moses was very meek a. all the men Deut. 7. 14. thou shall be blessed a. a// people 10.15.he chose you a. 0// people, as it is this day 14. 2. chosen thee a. o// the nations, 26.19. \ 28. 1 1 Kings 14. 9. done evil a. all that were before thee 22. provoked a. all that their fathers had done 16. 30. Ahab did evil a. «// that were before him 2 yvi«£;,5 21. 11. donewiciedly a. a// the Amorilesdid 1 Chron. Cy. 3. over and a. all I have prepared 11. and thou art exalted as head a. all 2 Cliron. 11. 21. he loved Maacah a. a// his wives Neh. 8. 5. for Ezra was a. all the people J:.sih. 2. 17. king loved Esther a. all the women Psal. 97- 9. thou Lord art high a. all the earth 99. 2. he is high a. all people, 113. 4. 138. 2. magnified thy word a. ail thy name Prov. 4. t 23. keep thy heart a. all keeping Eccl. 2. 7. a. a/.' that were in Jerusalem before me Jer. 17.9- the heart is deceitful a. all things Ezek. 16. 43. not commit this lewdness a. all 31. 5. his height was exalted a. all the trees yjan. 11. 37. for he shall magnify himself a. all Lnke 3. 20. Herod added yet this a. all 13. 2. these sinners a. all the Galileans, 4. John 3. 31. he that cometh from heaven is a. all Jph. 1. 21. far a. all principality and power 3. 20. a. all that we ask || 4. 6. one God a. all 6. 16. a. all taking the shield of faith to quench Col. 3. 14. a. all these things put on charity 2 Thess. 2. 4. exaltetha. all that is called God Jam. 5. 12. a. all things, my brethren, swear not 1 I'et. 4. 8. a. all things have fervent charity 3 John 2. 1 wish a. all things th.it thou prosper AnovEu//GoD8 ; jccGods. Atio\e heaven ; see Heaven. Stood AnovR ; see .Stood. Above 7/ie, him, them, see iiiM, me, them. ABOUND. Prov. 58. 20.the faithful man shall a. with blessings /la. 2. t 6. they a. with the children of strangers Mat. 24. 12. because iniquity shall a. love of many Pom. 5.20.the law entered that the offence might a. 6. 1. shall we continue in sin, that grace may a. .' 15. 13. that ye may a. in hope thro' the power 2 Cor. 1. 5. as sufferings a. so consolation abounds 8. 7. as ye a. in every thing, see that ye a. 9. 8. God is able to make all grace a. to you Phil. 1. 9. 1 pray that your love may a. more 4. 12. 1 know how to a. both to a. and suffer 17. but I desire fruit that may a. to your account 18. but 1 have all and a. I am full 1 Thess, 3. 12. Lord make you to a. in love one 4. 1. so ye would a. more and more 2 Pet. 1. 8. for if theie things be in you and a. ABOUNDED, EXH, IMG. Prov. 8. 24. when no fountains a. with water 29. 22. and a furious man a. in transgression Porn. 3. 7. for if the truth of God hath more a. 5. 15. grace by Jesus Christ hath a. to many 20. but where sin a. grace did much more a. 1 Cor. 15. 58. always a. in the work of the Lord 2 Cw.8.2. deep poverty a. to the riches of liberality Pph. 1. 8. wherein he hath a. toward us in wisdom Col. 2. 7. a. therein with thanksgiving 2 Thesi. 1. 3. the charity towards each other a. ABOUT. Gen. .38. 24. a. three months after was told Judah 41. 25. (iod shewed I'haraoh what he is a. to do 42. 24. he turned himself a from them and wept 46. 34. thy servant's trade hath been a. cattle Pxod. 11. 4. a. midnight will I go out into Egjpt 13. 18. God led the people a. thro' the way 19- 23. set bounds a. thembunt, and sanctify it 32. 28. there fell that day a. 3000 men Lev. 6. 5. all that a. which he hath sworn falsely Anm. 16. 24. from a. the tabernacle of Korah Deut. 32. 10. he led him a. and instructed him Josh. 10. 13. sun hasted not to go down a. a day Judg. 17. 2. the silver a. which thou cursedsl Pnth 2. 17. and it was a. an ephah of barley 1 Sam. 1. 20. when the time was come a, Hannah 5. 8. let the ark of God be carried a. to (iath 9. 26. it came to pass, a. the spring of the day 21.5. women have been kept from us a. three days 2 Sam. 14. 20. to fetch a. this form of speech 1 Kings 2. 15. the kingdom is turned a. and become 22. .36. a. going down of the sun, 2 Chron. 18. 34. 2 Kings ■i. 16. a. this season according to the time 2 Chron. 2. 9- the house which 1 am a. to build P,zra 10. 15. were employed a. this nuitter Joh 20. 23. when he is a. to fill his belly Prov. 3. 3. bind them a. thy neck, 6. 21. 20. 19. he that go^ih a. as a tale-bearer Cant. 7. 2. like a heap of wheal set a. with lilies Isa. 5. + 2. built a tower, and made a wall a. it 50. 11. that compass yourselves a. with sparks Jer. 2. .36. why paddest thou a. so much to change 31. 22. how longwilt thou go a. O thou 41. 14. all the people cast a. and returned JPs. 7. 2.now their own doings have beset them a. Mat. 20. 3. he went out a. the third hour Mark 3. S. ao DOt so much as a. the door ABU Mark 12. 1. set an hedge a, it, and digged a plaV Cnke 2. 49. I must be a. my Father's business 3. 23. Jesus began to be a. thirty years of age 12. 35. let your loins be girded a. and lights John 3. 25. there arose a question a. purifying 7. 19- w'hy go ye a. to kill me ' Acts 4. 4. the number of the men was a. 5000 18.14. and when Paul was a. 10 open his mouth 27. 30. as they were a. to Hee out of the ship Pom. 4. 19. when he was a. 100 years old 10. 3. going a. to establish their own righteousness 1 Cor. 9. 5. have we not power to lead a. a suster 2 Co;. 4. 10. always bearing a. in the body the dying Eph. 6. 14. having your loins girt a. with truth 1 Tim . 5. 13. wandering a. from house tc house Heh, 8. 5. when he was a. to make the tabernacle Pev. 8. 1. silence a. the space of half an hour 10. 4. I was a. to write, and I heard a voice See Gone, him, mb, thee, them, roi;nd, sxoon THIS, TIME, WENT. ABROAD. Exod. 12. 46. shall not carry ought of the flesh O. Lev, 13. 12. and if a leprosy break out a. in'theskia 18. 9- whether she be born at home or a. Vent. 23. 10. then shall he go «. out of the camp 13. when thou wilt ease thyself a, shall dig Judg. 12. y. look daughters from a. for his sons 2 Kings 4. 3. go, borrow thee vessels a. of neighbour- 2 Chron. 29- I6. Levites took it to carrj- it out a. 31. 5. as soon as the commandment came a. Esth. 1. 17. this deed of the queen shall come rt. Joh 15. 23. he wandereth a. for bread, saying Psal. 41. 6. when he goetli a. he telleth it I'rov. 5. 16. let thy fountains be dispersed «. Isa. 44. 24. that spreadeth a. the earth by myself Jer. 6. 11. I will pour it out on the children a. Lam, 1. 20. a. the sword bereaveth, at home death Mark 1. 45. he began to blaze a. the matter 4. 22. nor kept secret, but that it should come a. Luke 1, 65. these sayings were noised a. through. out all the hill-country of Judex 2. 17. made known a. the saying about this child Acts 2. 6. when this was noised a. the multitude Pom. 5. 5. the love of God is shed a. in our hearts 16. ly. for your obedience is come a. to all men See Cast, spueao, stand, scatter, went. ABSENCE. Luke 22. 6. to betray him in a of the multitude Phil. 2. 12. but now much more in my a. work 00 J ABSENT. Gen. 31. 40. when we are a. one from another ' Cor. 5. 3. for I verily as a. in body, but present in 2 Cor. 5. 6. at home in body are a. from the Lorri 8. willing rather to be a. from the body, present 2 Cor. 5.y. whether present or a. may be accepted 10. 1. but being a. am bold toward you 11. as we are by letters when we are a. such will 13. 2. and being a. now I write to them, 10, I'hil. 1. 27. whether I come, or else be a. Col. 2. 5. for tho' 1 be a. in the flesh, yet am I with ABSTAIN. .-lets 15. 20. that they a. from polliitioHS of idols 29. that ye a. from meats offered to idols 1 'l\ess. 4. 3. that ye should a. from fornication 5. 22. a. from all appearance of evil 1 Tim. 4. 3. commanding to a. from meats 1 Pet. 2. 11. a. from fleshly lusts which war against ABSTINENCE. Acts 27.21. after long a. Paul stood forth in midst ABUNDANCE. />H^. 28.47. thou servedsl not God for the a. of all 33. 19. they shall suck of the a. of the seas 1 Sam. 1. 10. out of the a. of my complaint 1 Kings 10. 10. came no more such a. of spices 27. as the sycamore trees for a. 2 Chron. 1. 15. 18. 41. for there is a sound of a. of rain 2 Chron. 9. 9. she gave the king, of snices great «. Jo/> 22. 11. and a. of waters cover thee. .38. 3t Psal. 72. 7. in his days shall be a. of peace Eccl. 5. 10. nor he that lovcth a. with increase 12. the a. of the rich will not suffer him to sleep Jsa. 7. 22. for a. of milk he shall eat butter 15. 7. therefore tho a. they h-\ve gotten 47. 9. for the great a. of thy inchanUnents Co. 5. the a. of the sea shall be converted to tbeo 66. 11. he delighted with the a. of her glory Jer. 33. 6. I will reveal to them a. of peace /.'rcX .16.49. "■ o' idleness was in her and daughters 26. 10. by reason of the a. of his horses Xcch. 14. 14. gold, silver, and apparel in great a. Mat. 12. 34. out of ihea.of lheheart,Lii*(;6. 45. 13. 12. .and he shall have more a. 25. 29- Murk 12. 44. they cast in of thcira. Ltikj 21. 4. Pom. 5. 17. more they which receive a. of grace 2 Cor. 8.2. the a. of their joy abounded to the riches 14. your a. a supply, their a. a supply for want 12. 7" be exalted thro' the a. of the. revelations Pev. 18. 3. waxed rich tliro' the a. of herdelicacioa Jn ABUNDANCE. 2 5am 12.34) David brotisht spoil of the city «n a ACG 1 King! I. 19. Adonijah hafli slain oxen in a. C5. I C/iron. it. 3. David prepared brass lu a. 14. i. also cedar-treex in a. marble lu a. '.'9. -. 15. there are workmen with thee in a. hewers !9. 21. they offered sacrifices in a. for all Israel 2 Chron. 2. 9. even to prepare me timber in a. 4. 18. Solomon made all these vessels in great a. 9. 1. Queen o.' Sheba brought gold in a. 11. 2.1. Rehoboam gave his sons victuals I'li a, 14. 15. Asa carriMl away sheep and camels in a. li. 9. for they fell to Asa out of Israel in a. 17. 5. all Judah brought presents to Jehoshaphat, and he had riches and honour in a. IK. 1. 18. S Ahab killed sheep for Jehoshaphat in o. SO. 25. Jehoshaphat found spoil in a. 24. 11. thus they gathered money in a. 29- 35 and also the burnt-offerings were in a. 31. 5. children of Israel brought in a. first-fruits 32. 5. llezekiah made dart^ and shields in a. 29. he provided him cities and possessions in a. \eh. 9. 25. they took vineyards and fruit-trees i« a. Est/t. 1. 7. they gave them royal wine in a. Jot 36. 31. he giveth meat in a. Pial. 37. 11. delight themselves in a. of peace fC. 7. but trusted in the a. of liis riches 105. 30. the land brought forth frogs in a. Lute 12. 15. man's life consistelh not in a. S Cor, ti. 20. that no man blame us in this a. ABUNDANT. EroJ. .14. 6. Lord God a. in goodness and truth I'ror. 12.+2ti. the righteous more a. than neighbour Isa. 56. 12. shall be as this day, and msch more a. Jer. 51. 13. O thou Babylon, a. in treasures 1 Cor. 12. 23. on these we be.stow more a. honour 24. having given more a. honour to that part 2 Cor. 4. 15. that the a. grace might redound 7. 15. his inward affection is more a. toward you 9- 12. for the administration is a. by many 11. 23. in labours more, a. in stripes above measure Phil, 1. 26. that your rejoicing maybe more a. 1 Ti>n, 1.14. the graw;e of our Lord was exceeding a. ■Pel, 1.3. according to his a. mercy hath begotten ABUNDANTLY. Cen. 1. 20. let the waters bring forth a. 21. 8. 17. that they may breed a. in the earth 9- 7. multiply, bring forth a. in the earth Juxod. 1. 7. the children of Israel increased a, 6. 3. the river shall bring forth frogs a. A'«m.20.11. Moses smote and the water came out a. t Cliron, 12. 40. brought oil, oxen, and sheep a. S2. 5. so David prepared a. before his death 8. thou hast shed blood a. and made great wars tC/tron. 31.5. tithe of all things brought they in a. Jot 12. 6. into whose hand God bringcth a. S6. 28. the clouds drop, and distil upon man a. Aa/. .36. 8. they shall be a. satisfied with fatness 65. 10. thou waterost the ridges thereof a. 132. 15. 1 will a. bless her provision 145. 7. shall a. utter the memory of thy goodness Caul. 5. 1. O friends drink, yea drink a. O beloved Jta. 15. 3. every one shall howl, weeping a. 35. 2. it shall blossom a. and rejoice with joy 43. t "i. nor hast ihou a. moistened with the fat 55. 7. and to our God, for he will a. pardon Jo/in 10. 10. that they might have life more a. 1 Cor. 15. 10. I laboured more a. than they all S Cor. 1.12. conversation, and more a. to you-wards 5. 4. might know the love 1 have more a. to you 10. 15. shall be enlarged according to our rule a. 12. 15. tho' the more a. I love you, the less £p/t. 3. 20. to him that is able to do exceeding a. 1 j('/i«j. 2. 17. endeavoured more a. to see your face Tit. 3. 6. which he shed on usa. thro' Jesus Christ /ifA.6.17. God willing more a. to shew to the heirs 8/Vt.l.ll.forso an entrance be mihistered to you a. ABISK, ED. Z^v. 19. 1 20. who lieth with a bonil-maid a. by any Judg. 19. 25. and a. her all the night till morning 1 Sum. 31.4.lestHncircumcised a. me, 1 CAr. 10. 4. 1 Cor. 9. 18. that I a. not my power in the gospel ABU.StR.S, 'ING. 1 Cor. C. 9. nor a. of themselves with mankind 7. 31. and they that use this world as not a. it AtCLl'T. Signifies, [1] To receive J'aiourailv, Mai. 1. 10, 13. 2<;or. 11.4. [2] To take fleasiire in, Kzek. 20. 40. [3] 'J'o/.i;?iic, Gen.4. 7. Job42. 9. [4] To respect partially. Job 13. 10. | 30. 21. Prov. 18. 5. [5] To Le regarded or lalued, 2 Cor. 8. 12. [6] To be l/eloiedor lii«hlu esteemed, Luke 4.24. [7] To be received into grace and J'aiour, Acts 10. 35. Lph. 1, 6. Gen, 32. 20. peradventure he will a, of me tJod. 22. 11. and the owner .shall a. thereof Lev. 26. 41. and thoy a. of the punishment, 43. Veut. 33. 11. bless and a. the work of his hands iSam. 26. 19. let him a. an offering 2.Sj»i. 24.23. Araunah said, the L. thy God a. thee Jti 13.8. will ye a. his person .' will ye contend 10. will reprove, if je do secretly a. persons ACC 32. 21. let me not a. any man's person 42. 8. Job shall pray for you, for him wtil I a. Pial. 20. 3. and a. thy burnt-sacrifice 82. 2. and a. the persons of the wicked 119. 108. a. I beseech thee the free-will-offerings Prov. 6. t 35. not a. the face of any ransom 18. 5. not good to a. the person of the wicked Jer, 14. 10. therefore the Lord doth not a. ttiem 12. when offer, 1 will not a. them, Amos 5. 22. Ezek. 20. 40. there will I a. them, and require 41. 1 will a. you with your sweet savour 43. 27. and 1 will a. you, saith the Lord A/a/. 1. 8. will he be pleased, or a. thy person.' 10. nor will I a. an offering at your hand 13. should I a. this of your hands? Acts 24. 3. we a. it always, and in all places ACCEPTABLE. Lev. 22. 20. for it shall not be a. for you Dent. 33. 24. let Asher be a. to his brethren Psal. 19. 14. let the meditation of my heart be a. 69. 13. my prayer is to thee, O Lord, in ana. time Prov. 10. 32. lips of the righteous know wh.-it is a. 21. 3. to do justice and judgment is more a. llccl. 12. 10. the preacher sought out a. words Isa. 49. 8. in an a. time have I heard thee 58. 5. wilt thou call this an a. day to the Lord ? 61. 0. to proclaim the a. year of the Lord Jer. 6. 20. your burnt-offerings are not a. Dan. 4. 27. O king, let my counsel be a. to thee Luke 4. 19. to preach the a. year of the Lord Rom. 12. 1. bodies a living sacrifice, holy, a, to God 2. what is that good and a. will of God 14. 18. is a. to God aud approved of men 15. 16. offering up of the Gentiles might be a. Eph. 5. 10. proving what is a. unto the Lord Phil. 4. 18. a sacrifice a. well-pleasing to (led 1 Tim. 2. 3. for this is a. in the sight of God 5. 4. for that is good and a. before God 1 Pet. 2. 5. sacrifices a. to God by Jesus Christ 20. if ye take it patiently, this is a. with God ACCEPTABLY. Heb, 12. 28. whereby we may serve God a. ACCEPTANCE. Isa. 60. 7. they shall come up with a. on mine altar ACCEPTATION. 1 Tim, 1.15. this is a saving worthy of all a. 4. 9- ACCEPTED. Ocn. 4. 7- if ihou dost well, shall thou not be a. 19. 21. see, 1 have a. thee concerning this Ezod. 28. 38. that they may be a. before the Lord Lev. 1. 4. the offering shall be a, forhim, 22. 27. 7. 18. it shall not be a. I9. 7. | 22. 23, 25. 10. 19. should it have been a. in sight of the Lord 22. 21. an offering shall be perfect, to be a, 23. 11. he shall wave the sheaf to be a. 1 Sam. 18. 5. he WtLSa. in the sight of all the people 25. 35. David said, see I have a. thy person 2 Kings 5. f 1. Naaman was a. with hi; master Esth. 10. 3. a. of the multitude of his biethren Job. 22. t 8. the a. for countenance dwelt in it 42. 9. the Lord also a. Job Isa. 56. 7. their sacrifice shall be a. on mine altar Jer. 37. 20. let my supplication be a. before thee 42. 2. let our supplication be a. before thee A/a/. 2. t 9. but ye have a. faces in the law Luke. 1. t 28. hail thou that art graciously a. 4. 24. no prophet is a. in his own country Acts 10. 35. he that worketh righteousness is a. Pom. 15. 31. my service may be a. of the saints 2 Cor. 5. 9. labour, absent or present, we liiay be a. 6. 2. heard thee in a time a. now is the a. time 8. 12. it is a. according to that a man hath 17. for indeed he a. the exhortation 11. 4. or another gospel which ye have not a. Eph, 1. 6. he hath made us a. in the beloved ACCEPTE.ST. Luke 20. 21. neithera. thou the person of any ACCEI'TETII. ./u*.34. 19. to him that a not persons of princes l.cc/. g. 7. eat with joy, for God now a. thy works IJos. it. 13. thoy .sacrifice, but the Lord a. them not (jal. 2. fi. God It. no man's person Accepting. See Deliverance. ACCE.SS. Pom. 5. 2. by whom also we have a. by faith Eph. 2. 18. thro' him we both h.i.va a. to the F.itlier 3. 12. in whom we have boldness and a. by faith Accompany. See Salvation. ACCUMPANIED. Acts 10. 23. certain brethren from Joppa a. him 11. 12. moreover these six brethren a. me 20. 4. Sopater of Bcrca a. Paul into Asia 38. and they a. him to the ship ACCOMPANYINC. .Sif AUK o/" Corf. ACCU.MPLISII. Signifies, [l] 'Jo perform, ^finish, or fulfil, Jer. -44. 25. Dan. 9. 3. Luke 2. 6. Acts 21.5. [2] To yield or condescend to, lKm^% 5. 9. [3] Ubtainedor brouiht topast,Vrov.\Z.ig. I,tv. 22. 21. offered* sacrifico toa. his vow ACC 1 King! 5. 9. sHalt a. my desire ia giring food Job, 14. 6. till he shall a. as an hireling his das Psal. 64. 6. they a. a diligeut search Isa, *5. 11. but it shall a. that which I pleaso Jer, 44. S5. ye will surely a. your vows Exek. 6. 12. thus will I a, my fury upon them 7. 8. now will I a. mine anger upon thee 13. 15. thus will I a. my wrath upon the wall 20. 8. I will potir out my fury to a. my anger, 21 Dan. 9. 2. that he would a. seventy years Luke y. 31. which he should a. at Jerusalem ACCOMPLISHED. 2 Chron, .36. 22. the word by Jeremiah might be a. Est/i. 2.12. days of purification were a. Luke 2. SST Job 15. 32. it shall be a. before his time /Vor. 13. 19. the desire a. is sweet to the soul Isa, 40. 2. cry unto her, that her warfare is a Jer. 25. 12. when seventy years are a. 29. 10 .34. for the days of your dispersions area. 39. 16. my words shall be a. before thee Latn. 4. 11. the Lord hath a his fury 22. the punishment of thine iniquity is a: Eiek. 4. 6. when hast a. them, lie on thy right side 5. 13. thus shall mine anger be a, Dan. 11. 36. shall prosper, till the indignation be a. 12. 7. a. to scatter the power of the holy peopk Luke 1.23. the days of his ministration were a. 2.6. the days were a. that she should be delivered 21. when eight days were a. for circumcising 12. 50. and how am I straitened till it be a. 18. 31. concerning the Sonof man, shall be a 22. 37. that is written, must yet be a. in me John 19. 28. knowing that all things were now a. -•IfCj 21 . 5. when we had a. those days, we departed! 1 Pel. 5. 9. same afflictions are a. in your brethren Accomplishing. See .Skrvicb. ACCOMPLISHMENT. Acts 21. 26. to signify the c. of days of purification ACCORD. Lev. 25. 5. groweth of its own a. shall not reap Joih. 9. 2. to fight with Israel with one a. .lets 1.14.these all continued with one a. in prayer 2. 1. they were all with one a. in one place 46. they continuing daily with one a. in temple 4. 24. they lifted up their voice to God with oiiec. 5. 12. were all with one a. in Solomon's porch 7. 57. and ran upon Stephen with one a, 8. 6. people with one a. gave heed to these thingS^ 12. 10. the gate opened to them of his own a. 20. but they came with one a. to him 15. 25. being assembled with one a. to ::nJ 18. 12. the Jews with one a. made insurrection 19. 29. they rushed with one a. into the the.^t^e 2 Cor, 8 17. but being more forward of his own a: Phil.Z, 2. being of one a. of one mind ACC-ORDING. Cen. 27. 19. I have done a. as thou hadest me 41. 54. dearth began to come a. as Joseph said Eiod, 12. 25. the Lord will give a. as he promised A'7(;«. 14. i7.be great, a. as thou has spoken Dent. 10. 9. his inheritance a. as God promised 16. 10. a. as the Lord thy God hath blessed tliej 1 hin^s 3. 6. a. as he walked before thee in truth Job, 34. 11. and cause every man to find a. to his ways, Jer. 17. 10. | 21. 14. | 32. I9. 42. 9. went and did a. as the Lord commanded Psal. 7. 8. judge me, O God, a. to my righteousness 17. I will praise the Lord a. to his righteousnes- 25. 7. a. to thy mercy remember thou me, 51. 1 . | 106. 45. I 109. 26. I 119. 124. 28. 4. give them a. to their deeds, and a. to the 33. 22. let mercy be on us a. as we hope in thee 35. 24. judge me, O God, a. to thy righteousness 48. 10. a. to thy name, so is thy praise 62. 12. for thou renderettto every man a. to his work, Prov. 24. 12, 2;^|. 79. 11. a. to the greatness of thy power 90. 11. a. to thy fear, so is thy wrath 103. 10. nor rewarded usa. to our iniquities 119. 25. a. to thy word, 28,41, 58. 65,76, 107, 116. 154, 160, 170. 1.5g. quicken me a. to thy kindness, Isa. 63.7. 150. 2. praise him a. to his excellent greatness Isa. 8. 2U. if they speak not a. to this word 9. 3. they joy a. to the joy in harvest 63.7. a. to all that the Lord heis bestowed on us Jer. 50. 29. recompense her a. to her work Dan. 11.3. that shall rule, zinddoa. to his will llos, 3. 1. a. to the love of the Lord toward Israel. ] 2. 2. the Lord will punish Jacob a. to his way.s A/if.7.15. a. to the days of thy coming out of Egypt Mat. 9. 29. a. to your faith be it unto you 16. 27. he will reward every man a. to his work* Pom. 2. 6. 2 Tim. 4. 14. Pev. 2. 23. Luke 12. 47. nor did a. to his will, shall be beaten John 7. 24. judge uot a. to the appearance Acts 4. .35. made to every man a. as he had need Pom. 1. .'). made of the seed of David a. to the tW.fh 8. 28. who are the called a. to his purpose 12. 6. gifts differing a, to the grace given tons ACC Rttn. 15. 5. to be Kkc-minJed a. to Christ Jesus 1 Cor. 15. 3. Christ died a. to the scriptures, 4. 2 Cor .9-7 .e^'ery man a. as he purposeth in his heart 11. 15. whose end shall he a. to their works Gal. 1. 4. who Rave himself a. to the will of God ^ 3. 29. Abraham's seed, and heirs a. to the promise £pA. 1. 4. n. ais he hath chosen us in him, hefore 5. a. to good pleasure || 7. «. 'o riches of his grace '. 11. being predestinated u. to the purpose of him 3. 20. a. to the power that worketh in us P/iil. 3. 21. a. to the working whereby he is able 4. 19. God shall supply our need a. to his riches B Tim. 1. 9. who hath called us not a. to our works Ti/.3.5. but a. to his mercy he saved us by washing Hei. 8. 9- "ot a. to the covenant that 1 made witlr 1 Pet. 1.3. a. to his mercy hath begotten us again 4. 6. but live a. to God in the .Spirit 2 Pel, 1. 3. a. as his divine power hath given us 3. 13. we a. to his promise look for new heavens R«'. 20. 12. dead were judged a. to their works, 13. 2S. 12. 1 come to give a. as his work shr.ll be AfcoRDiNC to all. See All. ACCORDING tot/iat. Gen. 27. 8. obey my voice a, to that I command Judg. 11. .36. do to me a to that which proceeded E Kings 14. 6. slew not a. to that which is written 2 Chron, 35. 26. a. to that which was written Ezra 6. 13. Tatnai did a to that Darius had sent Rom. 4.18. a. to that which was spoken, thy seed be S Cor. 5. 10. a. tc that he hath done, good or bad 8.12.a.ro that a man hath, not a.lo that he hath not Accordingly. See Repay. ACCOUNT. Exod. 12. 4. shall maJie your a. for the lamb 8 Kings 12. 4. of every one that passeth the a I Chron. 27 24. nor was the number put in the a. i Chron. 26. 11. according to the number of their a. J0633. 13. for he giveth not a. of his matters Psal. 144. 3. or the son of man that thou caakest a. Eccl. 7. 27. counting one by one to find out the a. Dan. 6. 2. that the princes might give a, to them Mat. 12. 36. give a. thereof in the day of judgment 18. 23. which would take a. of his servants LMke 16. 2. give an a. of thy stewardship Acts 19. 40. whereby we may give an a. of this Horn. 9. + 28. he will fiuish the a. 14. 12. every one shall give a. of himself to God Phil. 4. 17. desire fruit that may abound to your a. Philem. 18 if he oweth thee, put that on mine a. Ilei. 13 17. they watch as they that must give a. 1 Pet. 4. 5. Mfho shall give a. to him that judgeth ACCOUNT, ED. Deut. 2. 11. which also were a. giants 20. that also was a. a land of giants 1 Kings 1. 21. I and Solomon shall be a. offenders 10. 21. silver was nothing a. of, 2 Chron. 9- 20. fxal. 22. 30. be a. to the Lord for a generation Jsa. 2. 22. for wherein is he to be a. of? Mark 10. 42. which are a. to rule over Gentiles L'lie 20. 35 be a. worthy to obtain that world 22. 24. which of them should be a. the greatest Pom. 8. 36. we are a. as sheep for the slaughter 1 Cor. 4. 1. let a mcin so a. of us as ministers Oal. 3. 6. it was a. to him for righteousness C Pet. 3. 15. a, that the long-suffering of the Lord ACCOUNTING. Jleh. 11. ig. a. that God Wtis able to raise him up ACCUR.SED. Signifies, [1] Devoted to destruction. Josh. 6. 17. [2] Separated from the church, Rom 9. 3. [3] Cursed eternally from (Jod, 1 Cor. 16. 22. Gal. 1. 8, 0. Deut. 21. 23. he that is hanged, is a. of God Josh. 6. 17. the city shall be a. it and all therein 18. any wise keep from the a. thing 7. 1. trespass in the a. thing ; Achan took of a. Jl. for they have even taken of the a. thing 12. turned (heir backs, because they were a. except ye destroy the a. from among you 13. there is an a. thing in the midst of thee 15. he that is taken with the a. thing 22. 20. did not Achan commit trespass in a. thing 1 Sim. 3. + 13. his sons made tliemselves a. I Chron. 2. 7. who transgressed in the thing a. Jsa. 65. 20. the sinner an 100 years old shall be a. Horn. 9. 3. for 1 could wish myself a. from Christ 1 Cor. 12. 3. no man by the Spirit, calleth Jesus a. Oal. 1 8. preach any other gospel, let hira be a. 9. ACCUSATION. £tra 4. 0. wrote they to him an a. against Judah Mat. 27. 37. set over his head his a. Mark 15. C6. Luke 6. 7. that they might find an a. against him 19. 8. if I have taken any thing by false a. John 18. 29. what a. bring ye against this man ? 'lets 25. 18. they brought no a. as I supposed 1 'J'iin. 5. 19. against .an elder recfive not an a. '■i f'et. 2. 11. brmg not a railing a. against them •fuje 9. Michael durst not bring a railing a. ACCUSE. Prov. 30 10. e. not a servant to hit mastei ACR Mat, 12. 10. that they might a. hira. Mar. 3. 2. Jjike 11. 54. Luke 3. 14. nor a. any lalsely, and be content 23. 2. and they began to a. him, saying 14. touching those things whereof ye a. him John 5. 45. that I will a. you to the Father 8. 6. that they might have '.o a. him Acts 24. 2. Tertullus began to a. him, saying 8. take knowledge of all things whereof we a. 13. nor can they prove things whereof they a. me 25. 5. let them go down with me, and a. this man 11. if there be noneof those whereof these a. me 28. 19. not that I had ought to a. my nation of 1 Pet. 3. 16. falsely a. your good conversation ACCUSED. Dan. 3. 8. Chaldeans came near, and a. the Jews 6. 24. they brought them which had a. Daniel 3Iat, 27. 12. when he was a. he answered nothing Mark 15. 3. priests a. him many things, Luke 23.10. Luke 16. 1. was a. that he had wasted his goods jlcts 22. 30. the certainty wherefore he was a. 23. 28. have known the cause whereof they a. him 29. perceived to be a. of questions of their law 25. 16. before he which is a. have the accusers 26. 2. answer, touching things whereof I am a. 7. for which hope's sake I am a. of the Jews Tit. 1 . 6. faithful children, not a. of riot, or unruly Pev. 12. 10. accuser, who a. them before our God Accu.sER. See cast down. ACCUSERS. John 8. 10. woman, where are those thine a. ? Acts 23. 30. I gave commandment to his a. also 35. I will hear thee when thine a. are come 24. 8. commanding his a. to come to thee 25. 16. before he have the a. face to face 18. against whom, when the a. .«tood up 2 Tim. 3. 3. without natural affection, false a. Tit. 2. 3. not false a. not given to much wine ACCUSETH. ING. John 5. 45. there is one that a. you, even Moses Rom. 2. 15. their thoughts a. or excusing Accostcmed; see Do Evil. Acelda-Ma ; see Field. ACKNOWLEDGE Signifies, [1] To ou:n, or confess. Gen. 38. C6. Psal. 32. 5. [2] To observe, or take 7wtice of, Prov. 3. 6. Isa. 33. 13. [3] To esteem and respect, Isa. 61. 9. 1 Cor. 16. 18. [4] To approie of, 2 Cor. 1.13. Philem. 6. [5] To worship, or make pro- fession of, Dan. 11. 39. Deut. 1. t 17. ye shall not a. faces in judgment 21. 17. he shall a. the son of the hated 33. 9. nor did he a. his brethren nor children Psal. 32.5.1 a. my sirj || 51. 3. I a. my transgression Prov. 3. 6. in all thy ways a. him, he shall direct /ta. 33. 13. ye that are near, a. my might 61. 9- a-11 'hat see them, shall a. them 63. 16. thou art our father, tho' Israel a. us not Jer. 3. 13. only a. thine iniquity that thou hast 14. 20. we a. O Lord, our wickedness 24. 5. so will I a. them that are carried away Dan. 11. 30. with a strange god whom he shall a. Hos. 5. 15. I will go, till they a. their offence 1 Cor. 14. 37. let him a. the things that I write 16. 18. therefore a. ye them that are such 2 Cor. 1. 13. what you a. and I trust shall a. ACKNOWLEDGED. Gen. 38. 26. Judah a. them, and said she hath been 2 Cor, 1. 14. also you have a. us in part ACKNOWLEDGETH. 1 John 2. 23. he that a. the Son hath the Father ACKNOWLEDGING. 2 Tim, 2. 25. repentance to the a. of the truth Tit. 1. 1. to the a. the truth which is after godliness Philem. 6. by the a. every good thing in Christ ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Col. 2. 2. to the a. of the mystery of God ACQUAINT, ED, ING. Job 22. 21. a. thyself with him and be at peace Psal. 139. 3. thou art a. with all my ways F.ccl. 2. 3. yet a. my heart with wisdom Isa. 53. 3. a man of sorrows, and a. with grief ACQUAINTANCE. 2 Kings 12. 5. let priests take it, every man of his a. 7. therefore receive no more money of your a. Job 19. 13. mine a. are estranged from nie 42. 11. then came all that had been of his a. Psal. 31. 11. I was a reproach and a fear to mine a. 55. 13. it was thou, mine equal, and mine a. 88. 8. thou hast put away mine a. far from me 18. lover put from me, and my a. into darkness Ijuke 2. 44. they sought him among their a. 23. 49. all his a. stood afar off, beholding things Acts 24. 23. he should forbid none of his a. to come ACQUIT. Job 10. 14. thou wilt not aTme from mine iniquity Nah. 1. 3. the Lord will not at all a. the wicktd ACRE, S. 1 Sam. 14. 14. 20. men within h.alf an a. of land Isa. 5. 10. ten c, of vineyard shall yield one bath ADJ ACT. Isa. 28. 21. and bring to pass his a. his strange o, 59. 6. and the a. of violence is in their hands Joh}i 8. 4. was taken in adultery, in the very a, ACTS. Deut. 11. 3. and his a. wnich he did in Egypt 7. your eyes have seen the great a. of the Loul Jndg. 5. 11. rehearse the righteous a. of the Lord 1 Sam. 12. 7. reason of all righteous a. of the Lord 2Sam. 23. 20. and Beuaiah the son of Jehoiad^ who had done many a. 1 Chron. 11.2^ 1 Kings 10. 6. it was a true report I heard of thy a. 11. 41. the a. of Solomon, are they not written in the book of the a. of Solomon '. 2 Chron. 9. 5. 2 Kings 10. 34. thea. of Jehu, and all that he did 23. 19. according to all the a. he had done 28. the a. of Josiah and all that he did are writteq 1 Chron. 29. 29. the a. of David, first and last 2 Chron. 16. 11. behold the a. of Asa, first and last 20. 34 the a, of Jehoshaphat, first and last 33. 32. thea.of Ilezekiah,2 Kings 20. 20. Esth. 10. 2. all the a. of his power and might Psal. 103. 7. his a. to the children of Israel 106. 2. who can utter the mighty a. of the Lord 145. 4. and shall declare thy mighty a. 6. 12. 150. 2. praise him for his mighty a. praise him ACTIONS. 1 Sam. 2. 3. and by the Lord a. are weighed ACTIVITY. Gen. 47. 6. if knowest any man of a. among them ADAMANT. Ezek. 3. 9. as an a. have I made thy forehead Zech. 7. 12. they made their hearts as an a. slo ADD. Signifies. [1] To join, or put to, Deut. 4. 2. Acts 2. 41. 2 Pet. 1.5. [21 To increase, Prov. I6. 23. [3] To giie, or besto-j:,Cien.3Q.'Zi. Mat. 6. 33. ■^41 Tomake-uisc hyii/istncction, G3\.Z.6.[S\ 'la utter, Deut. 5. 22. Geyi. 30. 24|.thc Lord shall a. to me another son Lev.£. 16. ne shall a. a fifih part thereto, 6. 5. 27. 13, 15, 19, 27, 31. Sum. 5. 7. A'iim. 35. 6, to cities of refuge a forty-two cities Dent. 4. 2. ye shall not a. to the word, 12. 32. 19. 9. thou shall «. three cities more of refuge 29. 19. to a. drunkenness to thirst 2 Sam. 24. 3. the Lord thy God a. to the people 1 Kings 12. 11. and now Rehoboam said, 1 will a. to your yoke, 14. 2 Chron. 10. 14. 2 Kings 20. 6. 1 a. to thy days 15 years. La. 38. 5. 1 Chron. 22. 14. and t'hou mayest a. thereto 2 Chron. 28. 13. ye intend to a. more to our sins Ptcl. 6g. 27. a. iniquity to their iniquity Prov. 3.2. long life and peace shall they a. to thee 30. 6. a. thou not to his words, lest he reprove thee Isa. 29. 1. a. ye year to year, let them kill sacrifices 30. 1 . that they may a. sin to sin il/ar.6.27.cania. one cubit to his stature, LukeXi.Q^. Phil. 1.16. supposing to a. afliiction to my bonds 2 Pet. 1. 5. beside this a. to your faith virtue liev. 22. 18. if any a. God shall a. 10 him plagues ADDED. Deut. 5. 22. with a great voice, and he a. no morn 1 Sam.1'1. 19. we have a. to all our sins this evil J-:r. 36. 32. there were a. besides many like words 45. 3. the Lord hath a. grief to my sorrow Dun. 4.36. and excellent majesty w.s a. tome Mat. 6. 33. all these shall he a. to you, Luke 12. 31. Luke 3. 20. Ilerod a. yet this above all, he shut up 19. 11. as they heard, he a. and spake aparabl* Acts 2. 41 . the same day there were a. .'JOOO souU 47. and the Lord a. to the church daily such 5. 14. believers were the more a. to the Lord 11. 24. and much people was a. to the Lord Oal. 2. 6. seemed to be somewhat, a. nothing to 3. 19. the law was a. because of transgressions ADIJETII, ING. Job 34. 37. for he a. rebellion to his sin J'lov. 10. 22. and he a. no sorrow with it 16. 23. the heart of the wise a. learning to his lips Oal. 3. 15. no man disannulleth or a, thereto ADDER. Gen. 49. 17. Dan shall be an a. in the path J'sal. 58. 4. they are like the deaf a. that stops 91. 13. thou shalt tread on the lion and a. 140. 3. a. poison is under their lips Prov. 23. 32. wine at last stingeth like an a. ADDICTED. 1 Cor. 16.15. a. themselves to the ministry of sain tt ADDIIION, S. 1 Kings 7. 29. certain a. were made of thin work 30. undersetters molten at the side of every u. 30. he graved cherubims, and a. round about ADJURE. Signifies, [1] To bind under the penalii/ of a J'evr- ful curie. Josh. 6. 26. [2] To charge caiue'tly by •■^ord or oath, 1 Kings 22. I6. Mat. 26. 63. 1 Kings 22. I6. thekinc said, how many tinu'sshiU I a. thee to till nie nothing, i C/uon. lU. 15. Mat. 26. 63 J a, thee by the living God, ADV ADV ifarkS.T. Id.theebyGod.thoatormfntmenot .J«* 10.13. saying, we «. yon by Jesus, whom Paul ADJURED. Josh. 6. S6. Joshua a. them at that time 1 Sam 14. S*. f"r Saul had a. the people ADMINISTRATION, S. J Car. 12. 5. there are differences of a. 2 Cot 9. 12. for the a. of this service supplieth ADMINISTKRED. 2 Cot-. 8. 19. a. by us to the Rloryof the same Lord iX) in this abundance which is a. by us ADMIKATION. Judt 16. bavin;; men's persons in a. Hev. 17. 6. I saw her, I wondered with great a. AD.MIRl'.D. 2 Then 1 10 to be a. in all them that believe ADMONISH, ED. Eccl. 4. 13. a foolish king who will no more be a 12. 12. and further by these, my son, be a. Jer. 42. IQ. know certainly that I have a. you Acts 27. 9. the fast was now past, Paul a. them Horn. 15. 14. ye are able also to a. one another Col. 3. iC. a. one a/iother in psalms and hymns 1 Thess. 5. 12. that are over you in Lord, and a. you Z'l'hess.Z. 15. not an enemy, but a. him as a brother iieb. 8. 5. as Mosrs was a. of God, when he was ADMONITION. 1 Cot. 10. 11. they are written for our a. Eph. 6. 4. brinnj ih'em up in the a. of the Lord Tit. 3. 10. after the first and second a. reject ADO. Mark 5. 39. he saith. why make ye this a. and weep ADOPTION It an action ihereliti a /nan takes a person into his familu, in order to make him part of it, achioie- ledgei him for his son, and receives him into the number, and gives him a right to the privileges of his children. Pharaoh's daughter adopted young Moses, and Mordecai Esther, Exod. 2. 10. isther 2.7, 15. Ife are not acquainted how far the privileges of adoption extended : but it may he presumed that 'theu sere much the same xith those mentioned tn the Roman laas : The adopted cAiV- dren shared in the estate with the natural children; they assumed the name of the person vho adopted them, and became subject to his paternal potier who received t-hem into his familu. And God doth adopt his children, uhen he graciousli/ admits strangers and enemies, as all the fallen race of Adam are by nature, into the state and relation of children thro' Jems Christ ; he becoming their J ether in him, ac- cording to the great promise of the new covenant, Kph. 2. 11,12,13. 1 John 3.1. Gal. 4. 5. Eph. 1.5. Jer. 31.33. 2 Cor. 6. I6, 18. The adopted are true believers in Christ ; they relying upon his biood and suretu-righteousness for pardon andre- eoiuiliation Kith God ;for to as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. Theyaie regenerated hy the Spirit, ojirf are justi- fied freely by grace, through the redemption that is in Jesus Christ, and are brought through the Spirit's operation to an affectionate obediential frame o'" spirit toxcards God as their reconciled rather John 1. 12. 13. Kom. 3. 24, 25. Zech. 12.10. Isa. 63. 18. Gal. 4. 5, 6. Tit. 3.5,6. 1 John.2. 29. Many and great are the privileges of God s adopted children ; some of which are, his fatherly protection from temporal and spiritual evils, and his provi'sion of all needful things both for soul and bodu ; his fatherly correction of them ; audience and return to their prayers ; and a sure title to the heavenly inheritance : for, if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ, Horn. U. 17. Vsal. 34. 10. and 121. 7. Bib. 12. 6. 1 John 5. 14, 15. True believers are said to be put into this state, [1] By election, jEph 1 5. [2] Bv manifestation and assurance, Koni. 8. 15. Gil. 4. 5, 6. [3] By perfect re- demption and glory, at the general resurrection, Ilom. 8. 23. o , c. • • <• Jtam. 8. 15. but ye have received the Spirit ol a. 23. wailing for' the a. the redemption of our body 9. 4. to whom pertaineth the a. and the glory Gal. 4. 5. th.-il we mipht receive the a. of sons £>//•. 1. 5. predestinated us to the a. of children ADORN. ED, ETH, ING. Tsa. 61. 10, as a bride a. herself with her jewels Jer' 31. 4. thou shall be again a. with tabrels Luke 21. 5. the icmple was a. with goodly stones 1 Tim. 2. 9. that women a. in modest apparel Ttt. 2. 10. a. the doctrine of God our Saviour 1 I'et. 3. 3. whose a. let it not be that outward a. 5. women who trusted in God a. themselves Jiev 21. 2. prepaied as a bride o. for her husband ADVANCED. 1 5am. 12.6 it is the Lord that a. Moses and A aron £tlh. 3. 1. Ahasuerus a. llaman the Agagite 5. 11. Haman told them how he had a. him 10. £. the greatness whereto the king a. Mordecai ADVANTAGE. ED, ETH. Job 35. 3. thou saidst, what a. will it be to thee [.uke 9 25. what is a man a. if he gain the world ft.m 3. 1. what a. then hath the Jew, or what 1 Cor. 15. 32. what a. it me if the dead rise not > 2 Cor. 2. 11. lest Satan should get an a. of us Jade 16 men's persons in admiration, because of u. ADVENTURE, ED. Deut. 28. 56. note, to set the sole of her foot Judg. 9. 17. my father sought and a. his life tar 'Ids 19 31. that he would not a. into the theatre ADVERSARY. Exod. 23. 22. I will be an a to thine adversar-^s Aum. 22. 22. the angel stood for an a. against Balaam + 32 behold, I went out to be an a. to thee 1 Sam. 1. 6. and her a. also provoked her sore 2". 4. lesfrn the battle he be an a. to us 1 Xings 5. 4. there is neither a. nor evil occurrent 1 1 14 the Lord stirred up an a. to Solomon, 23. 25. was an a. to Israel all the days of Solomon F-ith .7. 6. the a. and enemy is this wicked Ilaman Jcbl.i 6. and the a. came also among them 31. .35. and that my a. had written a book Psal. 74. 10. how long shall the a. reproach ? 109. + 6. let an a. stand at his right hand Isa. 50. 8. who is mine a. let him come near to me Ijim. 1. 10. the a. hath sjiread out his hand 2. 4. he stood with his riRht hand as an a. 4. 12. that the a. should have entered the gates Amos 3. 11. an a. shall be round about the land Zech. 3. + 1. shewed me an a. standing to be his a. Mat. 5. 25. agree with thine a. quickly, \est at any " time the a. deliver thee to the judge Luke 12. 58. when thou goest with thine a. 18. 3. a widow, saying, avenge me of mine a. 1 Tim. 5. 14. give no occasion to the a. to speak 1 Pet 5. 8. your a. the devil as a roaring lion ADVERSARIES. Deut. 32. 27. lest their a. should behave strangely 43. he will render vengeance to his a. Josh. 5. 13. art thou for us, or for our a. ? 1 Sam. 2. 10. the a. of the Lord shall be broken 2. Sam. 19. 22. that ye should this day be a. tome L:ra4. 1. when a. of Judah and Benjamin heard A>/(. 4. 11. our a. said, they shall not know Psal. 38. 20. that render evil for good, are my a. 6(). 19. mine a. are all before thee 71. 1.3. be confounded that are a. to my soul 81. 14. have turned my hand against their «. 89. 42. thou hast set up the right hand of his a, loy. 4. for my love they are my a. but I prayer 20. let this be the reward of my a. from Lord 29. let my a. be clothed with shame Isa. 1. 24. saith the Lord, I will ease me of my a. ') 11. the Lord shall set up the a. of Rezin 11. 13. and the a. of Judan shall be cut off 59. 18. he will repay fury to his a. (i.-J. 18. our a. have trodden down thy sanctuary 64. 2. to make thy name kno«-n to thine a. Jer. 30. 16. all thine a. shall go into captivity 46. 10. that he may avenge him of his a. 50. 7. and their a. said, we offend not \ Lam. 1. 5. her a. are the chief, her enemies prosper 7. the a. yaw her, and did mock her sabbaths 17. that his a. should be round about him 2. 17. he hath set up the horn of thine a. Mic. 5 9. thy hand shall be lifted up upon thy a. Sail. 1. 2. the Lord will take vengeance ou his a. Luke 13. 17. all his a. were ashamed 21. 15. all your a. shall not be able to gains,iy 1 Cor. 16.9. a door is opened, and there are many a. Phil. 1. 28. and in nothing terrified by your u. lie'' ' 10 27. indignation which shall devour the a. ADVERSITY, lES. 1 Sam. 10. 19. who himself saved you out of all a. 2 Sam. 4. 9. who redeemed my soul out of all a. 2 CAroii. 15. 6. for God did vex them with all n Psal.lQ.fi.\ic said in his heart, 1 shall never be in a. 31. 7. thou hast known ray soul in a. 35. 15. but in my a. they rejoiced 94. 13. mavest give him rest from the days of a. I'rov. 17. 17. and a brother is bom for a. 24. 10. if ihou faint in day of a. thy strength sniull Lxcl. 7. 14. but in the day of a. consider />«. 30. 20 tho' th" I^rd g'lvc you the bread of a. Ueb 13 3. remember them which suffer a. ADVERTISE. Num. 24. 14. I'll a. thee, what this people shall do Ruth i. 4. I thought to a. thee, saying, buy it ADVICE. Judg. 19. .30. take a. and speak your minds SO. 7. give here your a. and counsel 1 .Sam. 25. 33. blessed be thy a. and blessed be thon 2 .Vim. 1<). 4.3. that our n. should not be first had 2 f.'Ar. 10". g.what a. give ye, that we may answer !♦. answered them after the a. of young men 25. 17. King Amaziah took a. and sent to Joash Prov.20. IB. and with good a. make war 2 Cor. 8. 10 and herein 1 give mj- a- AFA ADVISE. ED. 25flm.?4.13.a.ajid see what inswer, 1 Chron. 81.18 1 Kings 12. 6. how do ye a. ihat 1 may answer pea Piov. 13. 10. but with the well a. is wisdom [pie Acts 27. 12 the more part a. to depart thence also ADVISEMENT. 1 Chron. 12. IQ. the lords upon a. sent hini away ADULTERER. S. Lev. 20. 10. the a. shall surely be put to death Job. 24. 15. the eye of the a. waiteth for twilight Psal. 50. 18. thou hast been partaker with a. Isa. 57. 3. draw near ye seed of a. and the whore J«r.9.2. for they be all a.an assembly of treacherouj 23. 10. for the land is full of a. for swearing lios. 7. 4. they are all a. as an oven heated Mai. 3. 5. I will be a swift witness against the a. Luke 18. 11. I am not as others, extortioners, a. 1 Cor. 6. 9. be uot deceived, neither a. shall inheri Ueb. 13. 4. whoremongers and a. God will judge Jam. 4. 4. ye a. know ye not that the friendship ADULTERESS. ES. Lev. 20. 10. the a. shall surely be put to death Prov. 6. 26. the a. will hunt for the precious life Ezek. 23.45. righteousmenshalljudge them asa. JIos. 3. 1. go yet, love a woman, yet an a. Horn. 7. 3. so that she is no a. tho' she be married ADULTEROUS. Prov. .30. 20. such is the way of an a. wonian Mat. 12. 39. ana. generation seeketh a sign, ]6. 4. Mark 8. 38 whoso shall be ashamed in this a. ADULTERY, lES. Is twofold, [1] Natural, Mat. 5. 28. Mark 10. 11. [2] Spiritual, which is idolatry, }eT. 3. 9 Ezek. 23. 37. Exod. 20. 14. thou shall not commit a. Deut. 5. 18 Mat. 5. 27. I 19. 18. Rom. 13. g. lev. 20. 10. the man that committeth a. even he that committeth a. shall surely be put to death Proi.6.32.whoso commits a. lacketh understanding Jer. 3. 8. when backsliding Israel committed a. 9. committed a. with stones and with stocks 5. 7. when I fed them, then they committed a. 7. 9. will ye steal, murder, and commit a.T IZ. 27. I have seen thine a. and neighings 23. 14. they commit a. and walk in lies 29. 23. because they have committed a. Ezek. 16. 32. but as a wife that committeth a. 23. 37. with their idols have they committed a. 43. then said I to her that was old in a. IIos. 2. 2. put away her a. between her breasts 4. 2. by lying and sommitting a. they break out 13. and vour spouses shall coBimita. 14. I'll not punish them when tbey commit a Mat. 5. 28. hath committed a. in his heart 32. whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth a. 19. 9- ■^"*« 1". 18 15. 10. out of the heart proceed a. Mark 7. 21. Mark io. 11. w'nosoever shall put away his wile and marry another, committetha. Lnke I6. 18. 19. do not commit a. Luke 18. 20. Jam. 2. 11. JohuQ. 3. brought unto him a woman taken inc. 4. Rom. 2. 22. sayest, a man should not commit a. Gal. 5. 59. the works of the flesh are manifest, a. 2 Pet. 2. 14. having eyes fuJl of a. not cease from sin Rev 2 22 I will cast theni that commit a. with ADVOCiVfE. 1 John. 2. 1 . we have an a. with the Father, Jesus Christ the rightaous ATAKjvined with OFF Signifies, [1] The distance between place and place. Gen. 37. 18^ [2] To eslrange one's self from. another, Psal. 38. 11. [Jj To be xtbsent, Psal. 10. 1. [4] 'To he stra igers, or not of the visible chu'ch, Eph. 2. 13, 17. Gen. 22. 4. Abraham saw the place a. c^ .37. 18. when his brethren ^aw Joseph a. off Exoil. 24. 1. come up, and worship ye a. off 3! 7. pitch the tabernacle a. off from the camp Num. 9. 10. be unclean, or be in a journey a. off 2 liings 4. 25. when the man of God saw her a. off^ Ezra 3. 13. shouted, and the noise was heard a. 0/ Neh. 12. 43. the joy of Jerusalem was heard a. off Job 36. 3. 1 will ft'tch my knowledge from a. 25. a man may see it, a man may behold it a. off 39. 29. seeks herprev, andher eyes behold a off Psal. 65. 5. and of them that are a. off on the se» 138. 6. but the proud he knoweth a. off 139. 2. thou understandesl my thoughts a. off Prov. 31. 14. she bnngcth her food from a. Isa. 23. 7. her own feel shall carry her a. off 66. ig. those that escape to the isles a. a/f Jer. 23.23. ami God at hand, and not a God a. oj?/ 30. 10. I will save thee from a. 46- 27. 31. t 3 the Lord appeared from a. unto me 10. and declare it tn the -sles a. off 49. 30. flee, gtt yoa a. off dwell deep 51. 50. go away, rememcier the Lord a. off Mic. 4. 3. he shall rebuke strong nd(ion$ a off Mat 26. 58. but Peter followed hin> a. oj, and wea; p, Mttrk 14. 64. Luks SS. 54 AFF Mat. 27. 55. women beholding a. off. Mart 15. 40. Mark 5. 6. but when he saw Jesus a. off, he ran II. 13. and seeing a fig-tree a. ojf with leaves £«i. 11. 13. having seen the promises a. off S Pet. 1. 9. is blind, and cannot see a. off See Fah, Stand, ''>od. AFFAIRS. 1 Citron. C6..32 pertaining toGod, and a. of the king Psat. 112. 5. he will guide his a. with discretion Dan. 2. 49. he set Shadrachovera, of the province 3. 12. Jewswhomthou setovera. of the province Eph. 6 21. but that ye also may know my a. 22 I have sent, that ye might know our a. P/iil. 1. 27. or l)i; absent, I may hear of your a. B Tim.i. 4. entangleth himself with tlve a. of life AFFECT, ED, ETH. Lam 3. 51. mine eye a. my heart, because of aH Acts 14. 2. their minds evil a. against the brethren Gal. 4 17. zealouslyn. you, that ye might a . them 18. it is good to be zealously a. in a good thing AFFECTION. 1 Chran. 29- 3. have set my a. to the hotsse of God Rom. 1. 31. without natural a. 2 Tim. 3. 3. 9 Cor. 7 15. his inward a. is more abundant to you Col. 3. 2. set your a. on things above, not on things 5. mortify therefore fornication, iiKxrdinate a. AFFECTIONS. Ko7«.l 26. for this cause God gave them uptovile a. Gal. 5. 24. have crucified the flesh with the a. AFFECnONATELY. 1 T/iess. 2.8. so being a. desirous of you, wiHing' AFFECTIONED. Rom. 12. 10. be kindly a. one to another AFFINITY. 1 Kittys 3. 1. Solomon made a. ^vith Pharaoh 2 Chron. 18. 1. Jehoshaphat joined in a. with Ahab Ezra 9. 14. shouW we join in a. Avith the people AFFIRM Signifies, [^] To maintain the truth of a thiyi^, Acts 25. 19. Tit. 3. 8. r2] To teach, 1 Tim. 1.7. Rom. 3. 8. and as some a. that we say, let us do evil 1 Tim. 1. 7. what they say, nor whereof they a. Tit. 3. 8. these things I wiH that thou a. constantly AFFIRMED. Luke 22. 59. about an hour after another a. Acts 12. 15. but Rhoda constantly a. that it was so 25. 19. and of Jesus, whom Paul a. to be alive AFFLICT, EST. Gen. 15. 13. and they shall a. them 400 years 31. 50. if thou shalt a. my daughters, or take Eiod. 1. 11. set over them task-masters to a. them 22 22. ye shall not a. any widow or fatherless 23. if thou a. them in any wise, and they cry 23. t 22. I will a. them that a. thee Lev. 16. 29. ye shall a. your souls, 31. | 23. 27, 32. Num. 29. 7. Num. 24. 24. ships from Chittim shall a. Ashur 30. 13. and every binding oath to a. the soul Jiida. 16. 5. that we bind him to a. him 6. wherewith thou mightest be bound toa. thee 19- she began to a. him, and his strength went 2 Sam. 7. 10. nor children of wickedness a. them 1 Kings 11. 39. 1 will for this a. the seed of David 2 Chron. 6.26. turn when thou dost a. 1 Kings 8. 35. Ezra 8. 21. that we might a. ourselves before God Jcb .37.23. touching the Almighty, he will not a. Psal. 44. 2. how thou didst a. the people and cast [ 55. 19. God shall hear and a. them, even he 89. 22. nor the son of wickedness a. him ^4. 5. O Lord, they a. thine heritage 143. 12. and destroy all them that a. my soul Jsa. 9. 1. afterv'ard did more grievously a. her 31 . 23. put it into the hand of them that a. thee 58. 3. a day for a man to a. his soul ? 64. 12. O Lord, wilt thou a. us very sore ? Jer. .'il. 28. as I watched to destroy and to a. Lam. 3. 33. for the Lord doth not a. willingly Amos 5. 12. they a. the just, they take a bribe 6. 14. they shall a. you from liemath Nah. 1. 12. have afflicted, I will a. thee no more /.eph. 3. 19. behold, I will undo all that a. thee AFFLICTED. Ezod. 1.12. the more they a. the more (hey grew Lev. 23. 29. the soul that shall not be a. that d.iy yum. 11 . 11. wherefore hast thou a. thy .servajit .' Dcut 26. 6. the Egyptians a. us and laid on us Ruth 1. 21. and the Almighty hath a. me iSam. 22. 28. and the a. people thou wilt save 1 Kittgs 2. 26. a. in all wherein my father was a. 8 Kings 17.20. the Lord rejected Israel ami a.thera Job 6. 14. to him that is a. pity should be shewed 30. 11. he h,ath loosed my cord, and a. me 34. 28. and he heareth the cry of the a. Psai. 9. t li. he forgetteth not the a. 10. t 12. arise, O Lord, forget not the a. 18. 27. for thou wilt »ave the «. people AFF Psal. 22. 24. nor abhorrrd the affliction of the a. 25. 16. have mercy on me, tor I am desolate and a. 82. 3. do justice to the a. and needy 83 7- thou hast a. me with all thy waves 15. I am a. and ready to die from my youth 90. 15. according todays wherein ihou hast a. us 107. 17. fools, because of their iniquities, are a. 116. 10. I was greatly a. || II9. 67- beiore I was a. 119. 71. it is good for me that I have been a 75. and that thou in faithfulness hast a. me 107. I am a. very much, quicken me, O Lord 129. 1. many time have they a. me from youth, 2. 140. 12. Lord will maintain the cause of the a. Pfov. 15. 15. all the days of the a. are evil 22. 22. neither oppress the a. in the gate 26. 28. a lying tongue hateth those that are a. 31. 5. lest they pervert the judgment of the a. ha. 9. 1. when at first he lightly a. the land of Zeb. 49. 13. the Lord will have mercy on his a. 51. 21. hear now this, thou a. and drunken 53. 4. did esteem him smitten of God and a. 7. be was oppressed, and was a. yet he opened not 54.11.0 thou a. tossedwith tempest, not comforted 58. 3. wherefore have we a. our souls? 10. and if thou satisfy the a. soul, thy light 60. 14. tlie sons of them that a. thee shall come 63. 9- in all their affliction he was a. .ami angel Lam. 1. 4. her priests sigh, her virgins are a. 5. enemies prosper, for the Lord hath a. her 12. my sorrow wherewith the Lord hath a. me Mic. 4. 6. and I wiM gather her that I have a. Aa/<. 1. 12. tho' I have a. I will afflict no more Zeph. 3. 12. I will leave in thee an a. people Mat. 24. 9. they shall deliver you up to be a. 2 Cor. 1. 6. whether we be a. it is for consolation 1 Tim. 5. 10. if she have relieved the a. Ilei. 11. 37. being destitute, a. and tormented Jam. 4. 9. be a. and mourn, and weep 5. 13. is any among you a. ? let him pray AFFLICTION Signifies, [1] Adversity, trouble, or distress. Job 5. 6. [2] Outward oppression, Exod. 3. 7. | 4 31. [3] Persecution for religion, Mark 4. 17 Heb. 10. 32. [4] Correctionfrom God, Jonah 2.2 Gen. 16. 11. because the Lord hath heard thy a 29. 32. surely the Lord hath looked ujion vxy n 31. 42. God hatli seen mine a. and labour 41. 52. caused me to be fruitful in the land of a. Lxod.Z.t.X have seen the a.of mypeople. Acts 7.. '34. 17. I will bring you out of the a. of Egypt 4. 31. and that he had looked on their a. Deut ^. 3. thou shalt eat ever. thebreaeak e%'il of dignities Hi AntAID. Deui. 1. 29. dread not, neither />e a. of them, .*1. 6. 1 Sam. 23. 3. behold we it a. here in Judah S.Sam. 22. 4C. i' a. out of close places, Psal. 18. 45. Ke/i. 6. 13. was he hired that I should 6e a. Job 5. CI nor shall thou be a. of destruction ig. 29. be ye a. of the sword, for wrath bringeth /'ja/.27.1.L. is my strength, of whom shall I he a. ; ha. 8 12. nor fear ye their fear, nor be a. 44. ii. 19. 17. that maketh mention, shall be a. in himself 51. IC. thou, that thou shouldest be a. of a man Mom. 13. 4. if thou do that which is evil, be a. A'or be AlKAID. Denl. 1. 17. you shall nol be a. of the face of man 7. 18. thou shall tuu be a. of them, 18. 22. J'jal. 3.6. I will nil be a often thousands of people 5'>. 11. 1 will n^t i^< a. what man can do 10 me 91.5. thou shall not be a. for the terror by ni^ht il2 7. he shall rwt be a. of evil tidings, his he-irt 8. his heart is established, he shall not he a. Prov. 3. 84. when thou liest down, shall not be a. Jia 12.2.God my salvation, I will trust and nol be a. 31. 4. he will tut be a. of their voice, nor abase Amoi 3. 6. a trumpet be blown, and people not be a. liom. 13.3. wilt thou then not be a. of the power ' Be not AFRAID. Deul. 20. 1. be not a. of them. Josh. 11 6. Xeh. 4. 14. Jer. 10. 5. Etek. 2. 6. Luke 12. 4 1 Sam. 28. 13. Saul said, be nol a what sawest thou 2 Kin^s 1. 15 artgel said, go down, be not a, of him Psal. 49. 16. be mi< a. when one is made rich Pror. 3 25. be 7iot a. of sudden fear nor desolation Isa. 40 9 lift up thy voice, lift it up, be nol a. Jer. l.B.he nol a. of their facf s, for I am with thee JCzek. 2 6. and thou son olmanbe not a. of them Mat.U. 27 it is I, be not a. Mark 6. 50. John 6. CO. 17.7. Jesus touched them iind said, arise, be not a. CD. 10. he not a. go tell my brethren that they so JiJarkS. 36.saith to the ruler, he not a. only believe Actf\&.g.be nol a. but speak, and hold not thy peace 1 /V/.3 14. i< nuf a. of their terror, nor be troubled Sore AIRAID. Gen. 20, 8. told these things, and men were sore a. Eiod.li. 10. Ezj-ptians marched, they were Jure a. yum. 82. 3. Moab was sore a. of the people foth. 9 24. therefore we were sore a. of our lives ISim 17 24. fled from Goliath, and were jore a. CB.CO Saul fell along on the earth, and was sore a. 31. 4 his armour-bearer was wrc a. 1 Chr. 10. 4. Ke/i C.2. nothing but sorrow, and was very sore a. ilark 9.6. wist nol what to say, for ihey were sore a. Luke 2. 9. shone about thein, and they were sore a. Jlas AIRAID. Cen 3. 10 I heard thy ' oicc, and I uas a. IS 15 saying, I laughed not, for .she cax a. 3C. 7. then Jacob uas ^irratly a. and distressed Ezoil.3.6 Moses hid hi's face, uat a. U look on God Dent. 9. 19. I "OS a. of ihe anger and displeasure Rnth 3. 8. at midnight the man -uas a. and turned 1 Sam. 18 12. Saul uas a. of David, 15. | 21. 1. Ahimelech V!as a at the meeting of David 28. 5. Saul saw the host of Philistines, he aas a. SSam.G.g Ua\-idaa/r.of the Lord, 1 Chr. 13. 12. 1 ('/iron. 21. ?C David could not go, for he r^ai a. /t* 3. 25 that which I i^as a. of, is come to me 32 6 I teas a. and durst nol shew uiy opinion Je,- 2fi 21. when Urijah beard it, he uas a. iJan.S.l'J when he came, uas a. and fell on my face IJa/i. 3 2 O Lord, 1 heard thy speech, and lai a. Jilal. 2. 5 he .'eared me, and uas a. before my name Mat 2 22. Joseph uas a. to go thither 14. .30 when he saw the wind boisterous, t-aj a. 25 C5 I iai a. and hid thy talent in the earth John ly B whc.T I'ilate heard, he teas the more a. Acts 10. 4. when Cornelius looked, he icat a AKRE-SIT. l/'//.6.6.they crucify the Son of God a. and put him AlTtR. C-ni. 18. IS saying, s. 1 am waxed old, shall I "8. 24. al-out three months a. it was told Judah yum. 15. 39. that ye Mek not a. your own heart Dat 6. 14. ye shall not go a. otncr gods Jo'h 10. 14. no day like that before it, or a. it 1 Sani, 15. 31. Samuel turned agiin a. Saul 8 AOA I Sam. 84. 14. a. whom is the king come out ' a. a dog 1 A'in»/ 17. 13. and a. maie for thee and thy son Sih. 13. 19. not be opened till a. the sabbath ./iM 10. 6. that thou iiiquirest a. mine iniquity .30. 5. they cried a. them, as a. a thief Psal. 28. 4. give them a. the work of their hands />f/. 1. 11. with those that shajl come a. 111. 11. 3. he sh.^ll nol judge a. the sight of eyes F.zek. 4(5. 17. a. it shall return to the prince //('/. 11. 10 they shall walk a. the Lord Mat. £6. 32. a. I am risen again, I will go before Mark 16. 14. which had seen him a. he was risen 19. so then a. the Lord had spoken to them Luke 6. 1. on the second sabbath a. the first 22. 58. and a. a little while another saw him .^9. about ihe space of an hour a. another 83. CO. that he might bear it a. Jesus John 13. 27 a the sup Satan entered into him Aets 5. 7. about the space of three hours a. Gal. 3. 17 the law which was 430 years a. 2 Pet. 2. 6. to those that a. should live ungodly AFl'ER that F.iod. 3. 20. and, a. that he will let you go Dent. 24. 4. shall not take her a. that she is defiled JHrf».15.7.I will be avenged, and a. thai Iwill cease 2 .yam.21.14. a. that God was intrealed for the land Job 21. 3. a. that I have spoken, mock on Lccl. 9. 3. and a. that they go to the dead Jer. 31. 19. a. that I was turned, I repentod Luke 12. 4. a. that have no more that they can do 13. 9. then a. that thou shall cut it down 15. 4. a. that which is lost, until he iiud it Acts'!. T. a. that shall they come forih ami serve me 1 C'ur.15 6. a. f/ia/ he was seen of above 500 at once Rev. CO. 3. and a. that he must be loosed a lillle AFTER this. Gen. 23. 19 o. this Abraham buried Saran his wife 2 6am. 2. 1. a. this David enquired of the Lord Acis\5. 16. a. this I will return, and build again AFTERNOON. Judg. 19. 8. thev tarried till a. and did cat AFTERWARD, S. Esod. 11. 1. a. he will lei you 50 hence yum. 31. C. a. shall thou be galliered to thy people Judg. 7. 11. a. shall thy hawds be strengthened 1 Sam. 9. 13. he blessed the sacrifice, a. they eat 24. 5. a. David's heart smote him Job. 18. 2. mark, auid a. we will speak Psal. 73. 24. guide me, and a. receive me to glory Prov. 20. 17. bread of deceit is sweet, but a. 24. 27. prepare thy work, and a. build thy house 28. 23. a, shall find more favour than h» that 29. 11. but a wise man keepelh it in till a. Ifos. 3. 5. a. shall the children of Israel return Joel 2. 28. a. I will pour out my Spirit upon all Mat. 4. 2. fasted, he was a. an hungered, Luke 4. 2. CI. 32. ye when ye had seen it, repented not a. Johyi 5. 14. a. Jesus findeth him in the temple 13. 36. but thou shall follow me a. 1 Cor. 15.C.J. a.they that are Christ's at his coming Ual. 3. C3. the faith that should a. be revealed JJeb. 4. 8. would not a. have spoken of another day IC. 11. a. it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of right. 17. a. when he would have inherited the blessing Jude 5. a. destroyed them that believed not AGAIN. Gen. 8. CI. I will not a. curse, nor a. smite 15. l6. but they shall come hither a. .30. 31. I will a. feed and keep ihy flock 38. 26. Judah knew her a. no more Eiod. 10. 29. said, I will see a. thy face no more 14. 13. ye shall see them a. no more for ever C3. 4. thou siiall surely bring it back to hin> te, -V;/m.32.l5.will yet a. leave them in the wflcferness Josh. 5. 2. and circumcise a. the children of Israel C S^m. 16. 19 and a. whom should I serve 1 Kings i7.CC.the soul of the child came into him a, 2 Kings 19. 30. shall yet a. take root downward Ezra g. 14. should we a. break thy commandments A'tA. 13.21. if ye do so a. I will lay hands on you »/u4 14. 14. if a man die, shall he live a. .' l*sal. 85 6. wilt thou not revive us a. ifiaUth/ 107. 39. a. they are minished and brought low 140. 10. into deep pits, that they rise not up a. Prov. 2. 19,, none that goto her return a. ig. 19. if thou deliver him, thou must do it a. Fxcl. 8. 14. a. there be wicked men to whonl Ezek. C6. 21 . yet shall thou never be found a. Amos 7. 8. I will not a. pass by them, 8. 2. 8 14 they shall fall, and never rise up a. Zech 2 12. the Lord shall choose Jerusalem a. John 4. 13. drinkelh of this water shall thirst a. Eom.8. 15. nol received spirit of bondage a. to fear 9. t 20. who art thou that answerest a. .' Phil. 4. 4. rejoice in the I>ord, a. I say, rejoic* IJeb. 1 . 5. a. I will be to him a Father, and he shall 2. 13. and a. 1 will put my trust in him 1 Pel. 1 3. hath begotten us a. to a lively hope See EoR.N, Brinc, Bkouobt, Cons, Ti;bn, Turned AUR AGAINST Gen. 16. 12. his hand will be a. every mafl Ejod. 7. 15. stand by the river's brink a. he come /.*r.20.S. I'll set my face a that man, Deul 89.4- 2 A'm;> l6.ll.so Urijah made it a. king AhazcaiuO ig. 22. a. whom hast thou exalted thy Toice ? lia. 40. t 10. the Lord will come a. the strong haiid Jrr. 25. 13. which I have pronounced a. it Ezek. 13. 20. behold, 1 am a. your pillows Mat. 10. 35. to set aman a. his father, Luke li. 53 12. 30. he that is not with me, is a. me Luke 2. 34. for a sign which shall be spoken a. 14. 31. that Cometh a. him with 80,000 to Acts 19. 36. these things cannot be spoken a. 28. 22. this sect is every where spoken a. &^«Another,God, IIi.m,Jeri'salkm,Isbabc, Lord, Me, Ovir, Thee, Thk.u, Us, You. AGATE, S. Exod. 28. 19. third row, an a. an amethyst, 39. 14> Jsa. 54. 12. I will make thy windows of a. Ezek. C7. 16. Syria occupied in thy fairs with a. AGE Signifies, fl] The uhole continuanc$ of a man't life. Gen. 47. 28. [2] Timet past, present, or to come, Eph. 2. 7. | 3. 5. [3j A lime apt for conception, Ileb. 11. 11. Gen. 47. 28. the whole a. of Jacob was 147 yeari 48. 10. the eyes of Israel were dim for a. yum. 8. 25. from the a.^pf 50 years cease waiting 1 Sam. 2. .33. «hall die in the flower of their a. 1 Kings 14.4.Ahijah's eyes were set by reason of a 1 Chro}t. 23. 3. Levites numbered from the a. of 30. 24. from the a. of twenty years and upward 2 Chron. 36. 17. or on him that stooped for a. Jc'b 5. C6. shait come to thy grave 'n a full a. 8. 8. enquire, 1 pray thee, of the former a. 11. 17. thy a. shall be clearer than noon-day Psal. .39. 5. my a. is as nothing before thee Isa. 38. 12. my a. is departed and removed Zich. 8. 4. every man with his staff for a. jVar* 5.42. she was of the a, of 12 years, LukeQ.ii Luke i, 36. Anna a prophetess was of a great a. t 52. Jesus increased in wisdom and a. 3. 23. Jesus began to be about 30 yean ef a. Johii 9. CI. he is of a. ask him, 83. Acts 13. + 36. David had in his own a. served God 1 Cor. 7. 36. if she pass the flower of her a. 14. i 20. in understanding be of 1 ripe a. Eph. 4. + 13. till we come to a. of fulness of Christ Jieh. 5. 14. strong meat belongs to them of full a. ii. 11. Sarah was delivered when she was past a. See Old, Stricken. AGES. Psal. 145. t 13. thy kingdom a kingdom of all a. Isa. C6. i 4. in the Lord Jehovah is the rock of a. Eph 2. 7. that in the a. to come he might shew 3. o. which in other a. was nol made known 21. to him be glory in the church through all » Col. 1. CC. mystery which hath been hid frcm a. AGED. 2 Sam. 19. 3C. Bar.Tl'.lai was a very a. man Job IC. CO. he taketh away the understanding 01 a. 15. 10. the grey-headed and very a. men eg. 8. and the a. arose and stood up 3C. 9. neither do the a. understand judgment Ji'i'. 6. 11. the a. with him that is full of days I'l.'. C. 2. that the a. men be sober, grave, sound 3. the a. women, that they be in behaviour Pliilem. 9 being such an one as Paul the a. AGO. 1 Sam. 9. CO. the asses that were lost three days a. C Kings 19. C5. thou jiot heard long a. ha. 37. '.?ft Ezra. 5. 11. house thatwas builded many years^ Jsa. CC. 11. rcspoct to him that fashioned it long a. .1/af.ll.Cl would have repented long a. /,i()U 10.1.1 Mark 9. CI. how long a. since this came to him Acts 10.30. 4-days a. I was fasting until this hour ]5«17. ye know how tlial a good while a C Cot: 8. 10. bur also to be forward a year a, 9. C. that Achaia was ready a year a. IC. 2. I knew a man above fourtean years a, AGONE. 1 Sam. 30. 13. because three days a I feU sick AGONY. Luke 22.44.being in an a. he prayed more earnestly AGREE Signifies, [l] 7'i> bargain uilh. Mat. SO. 8, 13 [C] To approve, or give consent to. Acts 5 40. [3] To be like, Mark l4. 70. [4] To cotupire, or resoltc, John. 9. 82. AGREE, ED, ETII. Amos 3. 3. can two walk together except they be a. Mat. a. 25- a. with thine adversary quickly 18. 19. if two ot you shall a. on earth, louchiDi* 20. 8. when he had a with labourers for a penny 13. didst thou not a. with me for a penny .' Mark 14. 56 their witness a. not togalher, 69. 70. art a Galilean, and thy speech a. thereto Jjiikt 5_36. taken out of the new, a. not with old John 9, 22 the Jews had a. already if aaj mko ALI AcU 4. 9. how is it that ye hav« a. to tempt 40. and to him they a. and when they had called 13. 15. and to this a. the words of the prophet S3. 20. the Jews have a. to desire thee to bring S8. 25. when they a. not among themselves 1 Join 5. 8. spirit, water, blood, these a in one Rev. 17. 17. a. to give tiieir kingdom to the beast AGREEMENT. 8 iTix^i 18.31. make ana. by a present, Isa. 36. 16. Isa. 28. 15. ye have said, with hell arc we at a. 18. and your a. with hell shall not stand Daji. 11 6. to the king of the north, to make an a. tCor, 6. 16. what a. hath the temple of God with At; ROUND. Acit 27. 41. two seas met, they ran the ship a. AGUE. Lev. C6 16. I will appoint terror and the burning a All. Psal, 35. 25. nor say, a. so would we have it /fa. 1.4.a. sinful nation, apeople laden with iniquity 24. a. I will ease me of mine adversaries Jer. 1. 6. then said 1, a. Lord God, I cannot speak 4. 10. a. Lord God, thou hast deceived this people 14. 13. a. Lord God, the prophets say to them 22. 18. a. brother, a. sister, a. Lord, a. his glory 32. 17. a. Lord, thou hast made the heaven 34. 5. they will lament thee, saying, a. Lord Ezei. 4. 14. a. Lord, my soul hath not been polluted 9.B.a.Lord, wilt thou destroy the residue of Israel 11. 13. a. Lord, wilt thou make a full end of the 20. 49. a. Lord, they say of me, doth he not speak il. 15. a. the sword is made bright, it is wrapt up Mark 15. 29. a. thou that destroy est the temple AHA. Psal. 35. 21. they said, a our eye hath seen it 40. 15. let them be desolate, that say unto me a. 70. 3. let them be turned back that say a. a. Tsa. 44. 16. a, I am warm, I have seen the fire Eze/r. 25. 3. saidst a. against my sanctuary 26. 2. because Tyrus hath said, a. she is broken 36. 2. a. the ancient places are ours AIDED. Judg. 9. 24. a. him in the killing of his brethren AILED, Elil. Gen. 21. 17. what a. thee, Ilagar? fear not Jiii/g. 18. 23. they said to IMicah, what a. thee ' 1 Sam. 11.5. Saul said, what a. the people to weep ? S Sam. 14. 5. the king said, what a. 2 A (?(;'* 6 i8. Psal. 114. 5. what a. thee, O sea, that thou ii>;dst .' iia.22. 1. what a. thee now, that thou art gone up AIR. 2 Sam. 21. 10. nor birds of the a. to rest on them Job 41. 16. that no a. can come between them Prov. 30, 10. the way of an eagle in the a. Eccl, 10. 20. a bird of the a. shall carry the voice Mat. 8. 20. and the birds of the a. have nests 13. 32. the birds of the a. come and lodge in the branches thereof, Mark 4. 32. Luke 9. 58. Acts a. 23. and as they threw dust into the a. 1 Cor.Q. 26. so fight I, not as one that beateth the a. 14. 9- for ye shall speak into the a. Ep/i. 2. 2. the prince of the power of the a. i T/iess. 4. 17. caught up to meet the Lord in the a. Rev. 9. 2. th2 sun and the a. were darkened 36. 17. the angel poured out his vial into the a See Fowls. ALARM. Num. 10 5. when ye blow an a. then the camps, 6 7. you shall blow, but shall not sound an a. 9. atid if ye go to war, then ye shall blow an a. i Cliron. 13. 12. truijipets to cry ana. against you Isa. 16 + 9. a. is fallen on thy summer-fruits Jer. 4. 19. thou hast heard, O my soul, the a. of war 49 2. the day is come, I will cause an a. of war Joel 2. 1. ajid sound an a. in my holy mountain 2^ph. 1. 16. a day of a. against the fenced cities ALAS. Num. 12. 11. Aaron said to Moses, a. my lord 24. 2.^. a. who shall live when God doth this ? Josh. 7. 7. Joshua said, a. O Lord, why hast thou Jud^. 6 22. a. because I have seen an angel 11. 35, a. daughter, thou hast brought me low 1 Ai«gj 13 30. mourned over him.a. my broihtr C Kiv^s 3. 10. a. that the Lord hath called these 6. 5. he cried a. master, for it was borrowed 15. servant said, a. my master, how shall we Jo .' Jer. 30. 7. a. for that day is great, none is like it £:ei.6. 11. stamp with thy foot, and say a. Joel 1. 15. a. for the day, for the day of tlie Lord Amos 5. l6. they shall sciy in the highways, n. Rev. 18. 10. a, a. that great city, Uabylou.'lC. 19. ALBEIT. Etei. 13. 7. the Lord saith, a. \ have not spoken Philem. IQ. a. I say not, how thou owest to me ALIANT. Job 19- 15. T am an a. in their sight Psal. 6'). 8. I am an a. to my mother's children ALIEN, S. Etoi. IC. 3. I have been an a. in a strange laud Heul. 14. 21. nr thou mavest lel' it to an a, 9 AU Iia. 61.5. sons of the a. shall be your plowmen Zxim. 5. 2. and our houses are tamed to a. B'.ph. 2. 12. a. from the commonwealth of Israel Heb. IL 34. who turned to flight the armies of a ALIENATE, ED. Isa. 1. + 4. have foKaken the Lord, they are a. Eiek. 23. 17. her mind was a. from them 18 my mind was a. from her as from her sister 22. thy lovers from whom thy mind is a. 28. 48. 14. they shall not a. the first fruits of the land Eph. 4 18. a. from the life of God thro' ignorance Col. 1. 21. and you that were sometimes a. enemies ALIKE Signifies, [1] Without any difference, P.om. 14.5. [2] After one and the same manner, Psal. 33. 15. [3] Equally troublesome, Prov. 27. 15. Deut. 12. 22. unclean and clean cat a. 15. 22. 1 Sam. 30. 24 that tarrieth, they shall part a. Job 21. 26 they shall lie down a. in the dust Psal. 33.15. he fashioneth their hearts a. considers 139. 12. darkness and light are both 0. to thee Pror. 20. 10. both are a. abomination to the Lord 27 15 dropping and a contentious woman are a Led. 9. 2. all things come a. to all, one event 11. 6. whether they both shall be a. good Rom. 14. 5. another esteemeth every day a. ALIVE Is taken [1] Naturally, Gen. 43.27 [2] Super. naturally, being raisedfrom the dead, Luke 24. 23. [3j Spiritually, when a person is made alive to God by his special grace, and the powerful opc- ratioti of his .'Spirit, working with the word of God, Luke 15. 24, 32. [4] Opiuionalively, wheiipenoyu apprehend themschcs to be righteous, although in truth they aie not, Rom. 7. 9. \b\ Eternally, Rev. 1. 18. Gen. 7. 23. >Joah only remained a. and they in ark 12. 12. they will kill me, and save thee a. 50. 20. as it is this day, to save much people c. Eiod. 1. 17. but saved the men-children a. 11. 22. and every daughter ye shall save a. 22. 4. if the theft be found in his hand a. Lev 10. 16. he was ancrry with Aaron's sons left a, 14. 4. command to take two birds a. andclca.i 16 10. the scape-goat shall be presented a. 26. 36 are left a of you, I will send a faintness Num. 16 33. thej- went down a into the pit 21 35. smote Og, till there was none lei'c a. 22 33. I had slain thee, and saved her a. 31. 15 have ye saved all the women a. T Deut. 4. 4. are a every ore of you this day 5. 3. who are all of us c. here this day 6. 24 that he might preserve us a. at thisdjiy 20. 16. shall save a. nothing that, breatheth 32. 19 I kill, and I make a. 1 Sa/n. 2. Cm. Jofh. 2. 13. that ye will save a. my father 6. 25. Joshua saved Rahab the harlut a. 8. 23. and the king of Ai they took a. 14. 10 the Lord hath kept me a. as he said Judg. 8. 19. if ye had saved them a. I would not. £1. 14. gave them wives wTiich they had saved a. 1 Sa'ii. 15. 8. he took Agag the kingof Anialek a. 27. 9 David left neither man nor woman a. 1 h'i7igs 18. 5. to save the horses and mules a. 20. 18. whether come for peace or war take them a. 21. 15. for Naboth is not a. but dead 2 Kings 5. 7. am I God, to kill and make a.? 7. 4. if they save us a. we shall live 12. when they come out we shall catch them a. 10. 14. he said take them a. and they took them o. 2 Cliron. 25. 12. and other ten thousand left a. Psal. 30. 3. O Lord, thou hast kept me a. that I Prov. 1. 12. let us swallow them up a. as the grave Jer 49. 11. the fatherless I will preserve a. Eiek. 13. 18. will ye save the souls a. that come 19. to save the souls a. that should not live 18. 27. doth what is right, he shall save his soul a Dan. 5. 19. and whom he would, he kept a. Ilab. 3. t 2. O Lord, preserve a. thy work Mark 16 11. when they heard that he was a. Luke 15 24. for this my son was dead and isa. .32. 24. 23. they had seen angels who said he w.is a. Acts 1. 3. he shewed himself a. after his passion 9. 41. had called the widows, presented her a. 20. 12. and they brought the young man a. 25. 19. Jesus, whom I'aul affirmed to be a. Pom. 6. II. but a. to God through Clirist our Ixird 13. to God, as those that are a. from the dead 7. 9- for I was a. without the law once, but when 1 Cor. 15. 22. so in Christ shall all be made a. 1 I'hess. 4. 15. that wc which arc a. and remain, 17. 2 Tim. 2. t 26. who are taken a. by hiir. at his will Rev. 1. 18. and oehold I am a. for evermore 2. 8. the first and la.st, which was dead, aiid is «. 19. 20. these were both cast a. into a lake of fire Keep A L 1 T E ; see K £ E !• Yet ALIVE. Gen. 43. 7. asking us, saying, is your father v<"< a. ? 27. is he vera..' |l 28. he is well, he is yet a. 45 26. they told lum, .saying, Joseph ',i yet a. S8. ALL Oen. 46. 30. now let me die, because thon arty«f • Exod. 4.18. let me go and see whether they beyrt «. Deut. 31. 27. while I zxa yet a. with you this day 2 Sam. 12. 18. while the child wasyeta. 21, 22. 18. 14. while he wasye/ a. in the midst of the 02ik 1 Kings 20. 32. is he yet a. .' he is my brother EJrcl. 4. 2. more thjin the living which are yet a Eiek. 7. 13. which h sold, altho' they were _vt^ a. Mat. 27 63. this deceiver said, while he was veitt, ALL Signifies [1] Every creature, Prov. 16. 4. Psal. II9. 91. [2] Every man, or person, 2 Cor. 5. 10. [.3] Plentiful, or perfect, Rom. 15. 13. 1 Cor. 1.3^ 2. [4] Sime of all nations and degrees,!. Tim. 2. 4. Tit. 2. 11. [5] Many,or the greatctt part. Mat. 3. 5. Phil. 2. 21. [6j TA^se tlia( believe, John 12. 32. Gen. 20. 7. thou shalt surely die, thou aniCt tjiine 24. 36. to htm hath he given a. that he haA 31. 43. Laban said, a. that thou seest is mine 37. 3. Jacob lovedjoseph more than a. his children .39. 3. the Lord made a. he did to prosper 42. 11. we are a one man's sons, we are true mett 45. 11. lest thou and a. thou hast come to poverty 48. 35. the God which fed me a. my life long i.'xo them a. 10. 33 we are a. here present before the Lord 11. 23. he exhorted them a. to cleave to the Lord 16. 28. do thyself no harm, we are a. here 22. 3. zealous toward-s God, as ye a. arc this day 26. 29. but also a. that hear me this day, were both 27. 35. Paul gave thanks ir; pr^-.sencc of them a. Rom. 1.8. I thank God thro' Jesus Christ for you a. 8. 32. but delivered him up for us a. how shal' he 1 Cor. 3. 22. a. are your's, and ye are Christ's 15. 10. but 1 laboured more abundantly than they a Gal. 3.S2. the scripture hath concluded a. urdei sij» Phil. 4. J8. bi;.! I havs c. and ^ibouud, I aai f-.iU ALL £ TTitss. 2. 12. that they a. might be damned, who i Tim. 3. 11. out of them a. the I-ord delivered me > Hei. 1. 14. are they not a. niinisterinc; spirits, sent ]£. 8. chastisement, whereof a are partakers 1 Pel. 3. 8. finally, be ye a. of ona uiind S Pel. 3. 9. that a. should come to repentance 1 Ju/in E. 19. manifest that they were not a. of us. .iJioi.e All; see'ARO\E. According to ALL. Coi.G.SCNoahdidaf to a. God commanded,?. 5. Eaod. 31. 11. according to a. the Lord commanded, 36.1. I ."jg. 32, 4'J. I 40. Iti. Akot. C. 34. 1 8. 20. I 9. 5. 1 29. 40. Deut. 1. 3, 41. Josh. 11. 2.J. took the land «<-. lo a. the Lord said 1 Kings 8. 56. given rest ac. to a. that he promised 11. 37. shalt reign ac. to a. that thy soul desireth "'•.53.ac. to a. his father had done, C Kings 83. .'52, 37. I 24. 9, 19. 2 Chron. C6. 4. | 27. 2. 2 A7>!»j 10. 30. done ae. to a. that was in my heart 18.3. ac. to a. David his fatherdid, 2 CVirew. 29. 2. 1 Chron. I7. 15. ar. Wa. these words, ac. to a. this 2 Chron. 2 1 16. we will cut wood ado a. thy need AVA.o.ig.think on me for good, ac. toa.l have done Jer.1l. 2. deal with us ac. to a. his wondrous works 42.20. ac to a. that the Lord shall say, will w»do 50. 29. ac. to a. that Babyiuu Iiath done, do to her £.-eX . 24. 24. ac. to a. that he haih done, shall ye do Dau.g.lQ.acjoa. thy righteousness, 1 beseech thee After ALL. Deut. 20. 18. not to do after a. their abominations £C/j)OH.34.21 . have not kept the word to do after a. I-zraQ. 13. after a. that is come on us for our deeds £.zek. 16.23. after a. thy wickedness, wo, wo to thee Mat. 6. 32 after a. (hes'e things do the Gentiles seek P/iil.l.iQ. for he !on2;ed afttr vou a. and was full of At ALL. Exod. 5. 23. nor hast delivered thy peojile ai a. 22. 23. if thou afllict, and they cry at a. to Lev. 27. 13. but if h^ will at a. redeem it i^i«i.22.38. have I now any power at a. to say any Deut. 8. 19. if thou do ai a. forget the Lord 1 Ham. 20. 6. if thy father at a. miss me, then say 1 Kings 9.6. if ye shall at a . turn from following me Jer. 11. 18. but tFicy shall not save them at a. il'.ei. 20. .32. cometh in your mind shall not be at a. JJos. 11 . 7. most High, none at a. would exalt him Mic. 1. 10 weep ye not at a. roll thyoelf in dust .^ah. 1.3 Lord will not at a. acquit the wicked Jo/in 19. 11. thou couldst have no power at a. 1 Cor. 16. 12. but his will was not at a. to come 2 John 1. 5 and in him is no darkness al a. J'ev. 18. 21. Babylon shall be found no more at a. 22 the sound shall be heard no more, at a. in thee Before ALL. p«j.23.18. before a. that went in at the gates of city Lev. 10. 3. before a. the people I will be glorified 2C/iruH.33.7. Jerusalem which I have chosen bef.a. Jer. 33.9 .shall be to me an honour before a. nation^ Ala! 26 70. but he denied before them assaying Gal. 2. 14. I said to I'eter before them a. 1 Tim. 5. 20. them that sin rebuke before a. that Jlor ALL. Num. 8. 18. I have taken Levites/ur a. firsl'born Veut.m.d.for a. that do so are abomination, 25.10. 31.18. hide my face in that day /or a. the evils Psal.10.5. 03 for a. his enemies, he pufTeth at them 78. 32. /or a. this they sinned slill, believed not 1 16. 12. what render to the hard for a. his benefits Eccl. 5. 9. the profit of the earth is for a. 11. g. for a. these God will bring thee to judgment Isa. 40. 2. she hath received double/ur a. her sins P.zelc.6. 11. alas/.ira. the evil abominations 20.43..-jid ye shall loathe yourseIves/«r e.tlie evils J-'an.4.21. fniit was much, and in it was meat /uc a. Luie 3. ig.for a the evils Herod had done 20.38. God of the living, /u; a. live unto him liom. 3. 23. for a. have sinned and come short of S Cor. 5. 14. if one died/or a. then were all dead ■''{"'■ 2.21 for a. seek their own, not the things 1 'Jim. 2. 0. who gave himself a ransom fir a. Ileb. 8. 11. for a shall know me, from the least JO. 10 offering of the body of Christ once/w,- a. I'rom ALL. Gen. 48. 16. angel who redeemed me from a. evil Let- 10. 30. that ye may be clear /V« a. Jude 15. to execute judgment upon a. and convince iiVr.S.lO.lhe hour of temptation shall come iijion a. Over ALL. 2 Sam. 3. 21. th.at thou mayest reign over a. 1 C'Aron.29.12.and thnu reignest over a. in thy hand /'.jfl/. 103. 19. his kingdom ruleth over a. Mai. 24. 47. make him ruleroifca. Luie 12. 44. John 17- 2. as thou hast given him power cxrr a. Horn. 9. 5. who is r»rr a. God blessed for < ver 10. 12. the same Lord over a. is rich to all ALL these. Gen. 15. 10. he took to him a. theie and divided 42. 36. Jacob said, a. these tilings are against nie 4Q. 28. a. these are the twelve tribes of Isr.iel Exod. 20. 1. God spake a. jAt'ie words, saying .Tot 12. 0. who knoweth not that in a. these \Jer. 9. 26. fora. these nations are uncircumcised Ilab. 2. 6. shall nM a. these take up a par.al)le il/ar.6.33.a.M^jffshalU)e added to you, Luke\'i.3\. 24. 8. a. .rtf If are the beginning of sorrows Markl. 23. a. these evil things come from within Acts 2 '! . are not a. these which speak Galileans ? I Cor. 12. 1 1 . a. these worketh that self-same Spirit Col. 3. 8. but now you put off a. these, anger, wrath Ileb. 11. 13. a. these died in faith, not having n^ ALL this. [ccivcd Gen. 41. 39. as God halh shewed thee a. this Deut. 32. 27. and the Lord hath not done a. this Jiidg 6. 13. why then is a. this befallen us ? 1 Sam. 22. 15. thy scrv.ant knew nothing of a. this 2 Snm. 14. 19- is not thchandof Joab in a. this ? 1 Chron 28.1^). a. //i;.> the Lord made me understand 2 Chron. 21. 18. after a. «'/i* the Lord smote him 2g. 28 a. this continued till the burnt-offering Ezra 8. 35. a. this was a burnt-ofTcring to the Lord Seh. 9 38. because of a. this we make af/. 7 23. a. this have I proved by wisdom 8. 9 a. this have I seen, and applied my heart to 9. 1. a. this I considered in my heart, to declare [a. this 7/«.5. 25. fora. //ii'i his anger is not turned awav 0. 12, 17, 21, 1 10. 4. 48. 6. tliou ha.st hcani, see a. this Dan. 4. 28. a. this came upon Nebuchadnezzar 5. 22 hast not humbled, tho' thou knewest a. ibis 7. 16. 1 came and asued him the truth o( a.thii Ilos. 7- 10 do not return, nor seek him for a. this M)c. 1. 5. for the transgression of Jacob is a. //ill I Mal.l . 22. a. th'S was done that the prophets mi^ht | be fulfilled, 21. 4. | 2G. M. Luke 16. 26 besides a. this there is a gulph fixed I ALM Luke 24. 21. besides a. Ms to-day is the kbihl'dil^ ALL that he had. Gen. 12. 20. Pharaoh sent him and a. that lie had 13.1. Al ram went out of Egypt, and a. that he had 25. S. and Abraham gave a. that he had to Isaac 31. 21. Jacob Bed with a. thai he had, and rose up 39. 4. a. thai he had he put into Joseph's hand, 6. 5. the blessing of the Lord was on a. thai he had 3/af. 18.25.be sold, a. that he had, payment be made J/a;*5.26.she spent a.tltal she had. nothing bettered 12.44.of her want cast in a. thai she Aai/,Luke21.4. To or Unlo ALL. Psal. 145. 9- the Lord is good to a. and his mercies £ff/.2.14. one event happenelh roa. them.g. 3, 11. 9. 2. all things come alike to a. one event to right. Isa. 36. 6. so is Pharaoh to a. that trust in him Mark 13.37. what 1 say to you, I say unlo a. watch Luke 12.41.speakest thou this to us, or even to a. ! Acts 2. 39. the promise is to a. that are afar off 4. 16. manifest to a. that dwell in Jerasalem i^|«l.^0.12.the Lord isrich««/wa. that call on him 13. 7. render therefore lo a. their dues 1 Cii; . 9. 19. I made myself a servant unlo a. 1 Tim. 4. 15. that thy profiting may appear lo a. With ALL. iVwrn. l6. 30. Kith a. that appertain to them Deut. 6. 5. thou shalt love the Lord with a. thy heart, with a. thy soul, 11. 13. Mat. 22. 37. 2 Chron. 25. 7- with a. the children of Ephraim Prov. 4. 7. ai'/i a. thy getting, get understanding Wr/jl0.2.lhat feared God leitli a. hishouse, 16. 34. 1 Cor. 1. 2. a»Aa. that in every place call on Jesus /'/;//. 1. 25. I shall abide and continue -ditli you a. 5. 17. if offered, I joy and rejoice withyoMa. ALL the -uhile. 1 Sam. 22. 4. a. the uhile David was in the hold 25. 7. nothing missing a. ihe uhile they were in Car. 27.11. so will be his maimer a. the uhile hedwell- Job 27. 3. a. the uihite my breath is in me [eth ALL ve. Isa. 48. 14. a. ye assemble yourselves, and hear 50. 11. behold a. ye that kindle a fire, that compass 66. 10. be glad with her, a. ye that love her Jer. 29. 20. hear the word, a. ye of the captivity .taw. 1.12. is it nothing to you, a. ye that pass by .' Mat. 11. 28. come to me, a. vf that labour and are 23. 8. one is your master ; and a. yf are brethren 26. 31. a. y/ shall be offended, Mark 14. £7. Acts 2. 14. a. ye thjt dwell at Jerusalem, hear See farther other usual Substantives : CoNGr.E- OATION, D.\Y, Earth, Israel, JIe.v, I'eo- PLE, Things. &c. ALLEGING. Acts 17. 3. a. Christ must needs have suffered ALLEGORY. Gal. 4. 24. which things are an a. for these are ALLELUIAH. Ilev.V). 1. I heard a great voice, saying, a. 3, 4, 6, ALLIED. Xeh. 13. 4. Eliashib the priest wjis a. to Tobiah ALLOW. Luke 11. 46. that ye a. the deeds of your fathers AclsCi.l5. which they themselves also a. that there liom. 7. 15. for that which I do, I a. not ALLOWED, ETII. Rom. 14 22. himself in that thing which he a. 1 Thess. 2. 4. but as we were a. of God to be put ALLOWANCE. 2 Kings 25. 3Ck his a. was a continual a. given him Prov. 30. + 8. feed me with food of my a. Luke S.ili. be content with vour a. ALLUiU.." Ilos. 2. 14. I'll a. and bring her into the wildemess 2 Pel. 2. 18. they a. through the lusts of the Hesh ALMS. Mat. 6. 1. that yo do not your a. before men 2. therefore when thou dost thine a. do not sound 4. that thine a. may be in seciet, and thy Father I^ke 1). 41. give a. of such things as you have 12. 33. sell that ye have, and give a. provide bagj Acts 3. 2. they laid, to ask a. of them that entered 3. who seeing I'eter and John, asked an a. ID. they knew that it was he which sat for a. 10. 2. Cornelius g,ivc much a. to the people 4. thine a. are conic up for a memorial, 31 24.17. I came to bring a to mv nation and oficr. ALMS-DEEDS. Acts 9. 36. Dorcas full of a.. 23. if thou return to the a. thou shalt be built 25. yea, the a shall be thy' defence, thou shall 26. then shalt thou have thy delight in the a. 23. 16. my heart soft, and the a. troubleth me i4. 1. why, seeing times are not hid from the a. 27. 2. and the a- who hath vexed my soul 10. will he delight him.self in tha a. ? 11. what is with the a. will I not conceal 13. which they shall receive of the a. SQ. 5. when the a. was yet with me 31 2. what inheritance of the a. from on high ? 35 my desire is, that the a. would answer me 32. 8. inspiration of the fl. givtth understanding 33. -i. and the breath of the a. hath given me life 31. 10. far be it from then, to commit iniquity IC neither will the a peri-ert juagment 35. 13. surely the a. will not regard vanity 37 23. touching the a. we cannot find him out 40. 2. shall he that contendeth with the a. instruct I'sal. 68. 14. when the a. scattered kings in it 1)1. 1. he shall abide under the shadow of the a. la. 13. 6 shall come ns destruction from the o. I'.zek. 1. 24 I heard as the voice of the a. 10. 5. Dan. 11. t 38. for the a. God he shall honour Joel 1. 15. as destruction from the a. shall it come S! Cor. 6. 18. shall be my .sons, saith the Lord a. licv. 1 8. which IS, was, and is to come, the a. 4. 8 the Lord God a. which weis, and is, 11. 17. li. 3. Lord a. just a-nd true arc thy ways, If). 7. 16. 14. the battle of that great day of God a, 19. 15. treadeth wine-press of wrath of the a. God £1. £2. God a. and the Lamb are the temple of it ALMOND, S Gen. 43. 11. carry spices, myrrh, nuts, and a Lrod. 25. 33. made like to a. 34 | .37. I9, 20 i\\tm. 17.8. the ro4 of Aaron fon- Levi yielded a. Eccl. 12. 5. when the a. tree shall flourish Jer. 1. 11, and I said, I see a rod of an a. tree ALMOST. Etoil. 17 4. they be a. ready to stone me I'sal. 73. 2. as for me, my feet were a gone 94. 17 my soul had a. dwelt in silence 119. 87. they had a consumed me upon earth Prer.5.14. 1 was a. in all evil in themidstof congre- Acts 13.44. came a. the whole city together [gation 19. 26. only at Ephcsus, but a. through all Asia 21. 27. and when the seven days were a. ended £0. 28. a. thou persuadest nie to be a Christian 29. were both a. and altogether such as I am lieb. 9. 22 a. all things by the law are purged ALMUG-TREES. 1 Kini^s 10.11. brought from Ophir plenty of a.-«/. 8fi. lO, 1 Chron. 29. 1. Solomon, whom a. (Jod hath chosen Euh. 3. 6. scorn to lay hands on Mordecai a. Joh 1.15 I only am escaped a. to tell, 16, 17, I9. 9. 8. God who a. spreadeth out the heavens lot \!}. 19 to whom a. the earth was given 31. 17. or have I eaten my morsel myself a. .' Psal. 83. 18. thoi whose name a. is Jehovali •102.7.Iwatchandam as a sparrow a. on thehouse- l?^j. 4. to him who a. do'h great wonders [top 14ti. 13. for his Dame a is excellent 11 ALS Eccl. 4. 8. there is one a. and there is not a second 10. but wo to him that is a. when he falleth ha. 2 11. Lord a. shall be exaUed in that day, 17. 14. 31. none shall be a. in liis appointed times 51. 2. for I called him a. and blessed him 63. 3. I have trodden the wine-press a. Lam. 3. 28. he Mtteth a. and keepeth silence /toi. JO. 7. and I Daniel a. saw the virion llos. 8. 9. gone to Assyria, a wild ass a. by himself Mat. 4. 4. man shall not live by bread a. Snke 4. 4. 14. 23. evening was come, he was a. Luke 9. 18. 18. 15. tell his fault between thee and nim a. Mark 4. 34. when they were a. he expounded 0.47. ship was in midst of sea, and he a. on the land Luke 5 21. who can forgive sins but God a,? 6. 4. not lawful to eat, but for the priests a. 9. 18. it came to pass, as Jesus was a. praying 36. when the voice was past, Jesus was found a. 10. 40. that my sister hath left me to serve a. John 6. 15. he departed into a mountain a. 22. but that his disciples were gone away a. 8. 16. for I am not a. but I and the Father, I6, 32. 17. 20. neither pray I for these a. but for them Acts 19. £6. ye see and hear that not a. at Ephesus Rom. 4. 23. it was written for his sake a. Gal. C. 4. he shall have rejoicing in himself a. Hell. 9. 7. went the high-priest a once every year Jam. 2. 17. faith if it hath not works is dead, being a. Left ALONE. Gen. 32. 24. Jacob left a. and there wrestled a man 42. 38. his brother is dead, and he is left a. 44. 20. 7,ia.4y.21. I was/e/V a. these where had they been .' IJaii. 10. 8. 1 was left a. and saw this great vision Jo/ni 8. 9. and Jesus was left a. and the woman 29 the Father hath not If I me a. for I do always Ixom. 11. 3. I am left a. and they seek my life Let ALONE. Exod. 14. 12. let us a. that we may serve Egjptians 32. 10. let me a. that my wrath may wax hot Dent. 9. 14. let me a. that I may destroy them Jndg 11. 37. /tv mea IV.-0 months, thati may go 2 .Sam. 16. 11. /£< him a. let him curse, L. h-as bidden 2 lyings 4. 27. let her a. her soul is vexed in her Ezra 6. 7. let the work of this house of God a. Job 10. 20. and let me a. that I may take comfort 13. 13. hold your peace let me a. that 1 may speak Ilos.i. 17. Ephraim is joined to idols, /fi him a. Mat. 15. 14 let them a. they be blind, leaders Maik 1. 24. let us a. what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth ? Luke 4. 34. 14. f). Jesus said, let her a. why trouble ye her.' 15.P.I]. let a. let us see whether Elias will come Ln/.e 13. 8. Lord, let it a. this year also, till I dig J<'lin 11. 48. if we let him a. all men will believe 12 7. let her «. against the day of ir.y burying Acts 5. 38. refrain from these men, let them a. ALONG. Num. 21, 22. we will go a. by the king's highway 1 Sam. 6. 12. the kine went a. the highway, lowing 28. 20. then Saul fell all a. on the earth 2 Sam. 3.]Q. her husband went with her a weeping 16. 13. Shimei went a. cursing, and threw stones Jer. 41.0. Ishmael went, weeping all a. as he went ALOOF. Psal. 38. 11. my friends stand a. from my sore Aloud; see Cry, Cried, Sing. ALPHA. iijfz). 1.8. 1 am a. and Omega, 11. | 21.6 1 22. 13. ALREADY. Etod. 1. 5. for Joseph was in Egypt a. Eccl. 1. 10, it hath been a. of old time, before us Mai, 2. 2. your blessings, yea, 1 have cursed them a. Mat. 17. 12. I say unto you, Elias is come a. John 3. 18. he that believcth not is condemnid a. 1 C/. ^. Z. but present in spirit, have judj,ed a. Phil. 3. iS. whereto we have a. attained 1 'i'im. 5. 15. some are a. turned aside after Satan Rev. 2. C5. but that which ye have a. hold fast ALSO. Gen. 6. 3. strive with man, for that he a. is flesh Ah;h. 16. JO. and seek ye the priesthood a.? 1 Sam, 14. 4-1. Saul answered, God do so and more a. 2 Smn. 3. 35. | I9. 13. 2 King! 7.4. and if we sit still here, we die a. I\uil. 68. 18. gifts, yea, for the rebellioas a. /va. 7. 13. but will ye weary my God a. ? Zcrh. 8 21. to seek the Lord of hosts I will go n. Mat. 6. 21. there will your heart be a. Luke 12. 34. 2d. 73. surely thou art a. one of thtni Mark 1 38. that I may preach there a. 2. 28 Son of man is Lord a. of sabbalh, Lvke&.t. l.nke 11 45. thus saying, thou reproachest us a. John 5. 19. what he iloth, these a. doth the Son 12. 26. where 1 am, there shall a. my servant be 14. 3. that where I am, there ye may be a. .']cts 12. S he proceeded to take Peti'r a. Rom. 16. 2. succourer of many, ar.d/> 7. 16. 1 loathe it, 1 would not live a. 2". 10. will he a. call upon God? Psal. 16. 8. I have set the Lord a. before me 103. 9- h' will not "• chide, nor keep his anger 119. 112. inclined to perform thy statutes a. Prav. 8. 30. I was by him, rejoicing a. before him Jsa. 57. 16. neither will 1 be a. wroth JMa/.C8.C0.I am with youa. totheend of the world Jilaii U. 7. but me ye have not a. J.ilin 12. 8. Jo/in 8. 29. I do a. those things that please him 11. 42 1 know that ihou hearest me a. ^cts 10. 2. Cornelius prayed lo God a. t C'r. 2. 14. God, who a. causcth us to triumph P/iil. 1. 4. a. in every prayer of mine for you 20. as a. so now also, Christ shall be magnified 2. 12. as yc haven, obeyed, not in my presence 4. 4. rejoice in the Lord a. and again rejuice 1 Thcss. 2. 16. to fill up their sins a. for wrath 2 Pet. 1. 13. to have these a. in remembrance I AM, I AM that I AM. Eiod. 3. 14. / am that 1 am hath sent me to you J^uyn 11. 21. the people amongst whom / am A';A. 6. 11. who is there that being as / am Job 9. 32. he is not a man as I aj», that I should Psal. 35. 3. say to my soul, I am thy salvation 39. 4. that 1 may know how frail 1 am 50. 7. O Israel, i am God, even thy God 143. 12. destroy them, for /am thy servant [11. 7ia.41.6 /a»ithe first, /am the last',48.12.i\Vr. 1. 47. 8. J am, and none else besides me, Zcpli.1.\j. 58. 9. thou shalt cry, and he shall say, here 1 am Mat. 16. 13. whom do men say that J the .Son of man am .' Markh.i't. Luke>).W. Lnlte C2. 70. art the .Son of God, yc say that I urn John 6. 35. Jesus said, / am the bread of life 8. 12. saying, I am the light of the world 58. I say to you, before Abraham was, 7a"i 12. 26. where lam there shall my servauts be 17.24.1 will, thatthey may be with me where lam Acii 26. 29. almost and altogether such as / am 27 .23. angel of God, whose lam, and whom I serve 1 Cor. 15. 10. by the grace of God I am what 1 am Gal. 4 12. brethren, be as 1 am, (or I am as you are P/iil. 4 11. for I have learned in what state 1 am Jiez. 1. 18. lam he that livelh, I am alive forever 19. 10. see thou do it not, lam thy fellow -servant AM I. ■ Gen. 4. 9. T know not, am I my brother's keeier ' 30. 2. am I in God's stead, who hath withh.'ld S Ai'ifj 5. 7. am 7 God, to Kill and to make alive ? 18.25. iim /come up without the Lord, ]sn.rA').10. ler. 2;J. 23. am 1 a. God at hand, saith the Lord Mat. 18. 20. there am 1 in the midst of them Jo/in 7. 33. yet a little while am /with you 1 Cor. 9. 1, am / not an apostle ? am 1 not free ? 2 Cor. 12. 10. when I am weak, then a>n I strong Here AM I, or Here I A.M. A^i the Hebrew is, the God amen. rind it is used tn the end if prayer in testimony of an earnest :.ish, desire, or a^vurance to he heard ; amen, so be it, so shall it be. The liord amen is used in many languages. \um. 5. 22. and the woman shall say a. a. IJeut. 27. 15. all the people shall say a. to the end 1 htngs 1.36. Benaiah answered a. the Lord say so 1 Chron. 16.36. people said a. and praised the Lord Fia/.41.13.from everlasting; to everlasting ; n.anda. 7'-. ly earth filled wilh his glory ; a. and a. 8y. 52. blessed be the Lord for evermore, a. 106. 48. and let all the people say a. [and a. Jtr. C8. 6. even the prophet Jeremiah said a. .Mat. 6. 13. the power and the glory forever, a. 1 Cor. 14. 16. the room of the unlearned, say a. 2 Cor. 1. Co. tje promises in him are yea and «. Itev. 1. 18. behold, I am alive for evermore, a. 3. 14. write these things, saith the a. the faithful 5. 14. and the four beasts said a. 19. 4. C2. 20. surely I come quickly, a. even so, come A. MEND. [Lord Jesus .ler. 7. 3. a. ways, and doings, 5. | 20. 13. | 35. 15. Jo/m 4. 52. the hour when he began to a. AMENDMENT. .Mat. 3. t 8. bring fruits answerable to a. of life AMENDS. Lev. 5. 16. he shall make a. for the harm do;.e A.MEUCE. Deut. CC. 19. they shall a. him in an IcO shekels Amethyst; see Acate and Jaci.nth. AMIABLE. Psal. 84. 1. how a. are '.hy tabernacles, O Lord AM1.SS. 2 Chron. C. 37. we have sinned, wc have done a. Dan. 3. C9. speak any thing a. against the (iod Luke 23. 41. but this man hath dune nothing a. Jam. 4. 3. ask and receive not, because ye ask a. AMONG. Xum. 14. 14. heard that thou. Lord, art a. them Lzra 10. 18. a. the sons of the priests were found Af/i. 13. 26. yet a. many nations was no kii:g Job 33. 23. if an interpreter, one a. a thousand 36. 14. and their life is a. the unclean Eccl. 6. 1. there is an evil common a. men 7. 28. one u 1,000, but a woman a. all those Cant. 5. 10. the chiefcst a. ten thousand Jer. 5. 26. a. my people are found wicked men Mic. 7. 2. and there is none upright a. men Luke 1. 28. blessed art thou a. women 10. 3. I send you forth as lambs a. wolves John 6. 9. but what are they a. so many r Cul. 1. 1 18. a. all he might hav^fhe pre-eminence ANATHEMA. 1 Cor. 16. CC. let him be a. maran-atha ANCESIOUS. Lev. C6. 45. remember the covenant of their a. ANCHOR. Acts 27. 30. as.though they would have cast a. Heb. 6. 19. which hope we have as an a. of the soul ANCIENT Signifies, [1] Old, of former lime, 1 Chron. 4. 22. [2] yeryvld »/ie of as his minittert to execute the orders of providence, I'.ev. 22.8. [2] To Christ, uho it the Mediator and Head of the church, Zech. 1. 12. Hev. 10. 1. [3] To mi- uisters if the gospel, uho are ambassadors for Christ, Uev.-i. 1.(3. 1, 7. [4] To stick uhom God employs to execute his jndsments, llev. 15. 8. I 10'. 1. [5J To devils. Mat. 25. 41. 1 Cor. 6. 3. GcH.CC.ll.fl.of the Lord said, Abraham, Abraham 24. 7. he shall send his a. before thee, 40. 48. 16. the a. who redeemed me from all evil ijurf.C3.20.senda. before thee, 23. J 32.34. | 33.2. Num. 20. 16. sent an a. and brought u.« out of Egypt Ji'dg. 13. 19. and the a. did wonderously 2 Csain. 24. 16. the a. stretched out his hand, the a. that destroyed the people, 1 Chron. 21. ii . 17. David spake when he saw the a. that smote 1 Kings 13. 18. a. spake to me by the word of Lord 19. 5.^an a. touched Elijah and said, arise and eat 1 C7;r.21.15.(iod sent an a. to Jerusalem to destroy 20. and Oman turned back, and saw the a. 27. the Lord commanded the a. and he put up 2 C/ir<)«..32.21. the Lord sent an a. which he cut off Eccl. 5. 6. nor say before the a. it was an error /.;u. 63. 9. the a. of his presence saved them Va7i. 3. 28. God who haih sent a. and delivered 6. S2. my God hath sent his a. and shut up llos. 12. 4. yea, he had power over the a. /.cch. 1. 9. the a. that talked •ith me said. 4. .5. 13. Lord answered the a. that talked with me 14. the a. that communed wilh me said 19.1 said to the a. that talked, 4.4. | 5. 10. | 6.4. 2. 0. the a. that talked went out, and another a. 3. 3. with lilthy garuiems, and stood before the a 5. 5. the a. ttat talked with me, went forth 6. 5. the a. answered, these are the four spirits .Mat. 28. 5. the a. answered the woman, fear not Luke 1. 13. the a. said, tear not, Zacharias 19. the a. answered and said, I am Gabriel id. in the sixth month the a. Ciabriel was sent 30. the a. said to her, fear not, Mary 35. a. answered. Holy Ghost shall come on thee 2. 10. iho a. said to the shepherds, fear not 13. suddenly there was with the a. a multitude 21. so named of the a. before he w?.s conceived S2. 43. there appeared an a. strengthening him Ji'hn 5. 4. an a. went down at a certain season 12. 29. others siiid, an a. spake to him Acts 6. 15. as it had been the face of an a. 7-. 35. by hands of the a. that appeared in the bush .38. in the wilderness with tne a. which spake 10. 7. when the a. which spake to Cornelius 22. was warned from God by an holy a. to send 11. 13. how he had seen an a. in his house !2.8. the a. said to I'eter, bind on thy sandals 9. that it was true which was done by the a. 10. and forthwith the a. departed from him 11. the Ix)rd hath sent his a. and delivered m« 15. Rhoda affirmed, then said they, it is his a 23. 8. the Sadduces say, neither a. nor spirit 9. if a spirit or an a. hath spoken to him 2 Cor. 11. 14. is transformed into an a of light Gal. 1. 8. though wc or an a. from heaven preac'l Kev. 1. 1. and he signified it by his a. to John 2. 1. unto the a. of the chur^^, 8. 12,18. j 3.1,7,1* 5.2. I saw a strong a. proclaiming with loud voice 7. 2. I saw another a. ascending from the east 8. 3. and another a. came and stood at the altar 4. ascended before (jod out of the a. hand 5. the a. look the censer, and filled it with firo 7 the first a. sounded | 8. second a. | 10. third a 12. fourth a. | 9. 1. filih a. ] 13.sixlha. sounded 8. 13. i hoard an a. Hying thro* midst of heaven 9. 11. which is the a. of the bottomless pit 14. saying to the sixth a. loose the four a. 10. 1. I saw another a. comedown, 18. 1. | 20. 1 5. and the a. which I saw stand on the sea 7. but in the days of the voice of the seventh a, 8. go and take the book in the hand of the a. 10.1 took the book|lll. 1. and the a. stood, saying 11. 15. seventh a. sounded, and tnere were voices liev. 14. 6. 1 saw ajioiher a fiy in midst of Ueavea ANG ft;r. ti. 8. another a. followed, sayirjg, Babylon is i). third a. tollowed ll 15. another a. came, 17. 18. ly. and the a. thrust in his sickle in the earth Itj. 2. a. poured out his vial, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 17. .5 and I heard the a. of the waters s^ay 17. 7. the a. said, ^vhercfore didst tliou marvel ? 18. 21. and mighty a. took up a stone like a great 19. 17. and I saw an a. standing in the sun El. 17. the measure of a man, that is of the a. S.2. 8. fell down to worship before the feet of a. 1(). I Jesuj have sent mine a. to testify to you ANGEL of Cod. Ejod. 14. 19' "• of God who went before removed Judg. \7i. 6. like the countenance of an a, of God 1 Sam. '.'9. 9. art good in my sight, as an a. of God t Sam. 14.17. as an a. of God, so is my lord, I9. 27. 20. wise according to the wisdom of an a. of God Acts 27. 23. stood by me this night the a. of God •Gal. 4. 14. but received me as an a. of God ANCJEL of the Lord. Gen. 16. 7. o. of the L. found Hagar by a fount.ain 9.thea.o/"Mei(?rrfsaidtoher, 10. 11. | 22. 11. ii. 32, 35. Judg. 13. 18. 2 /u«?f 1. 3, 15. 22.11 n. ttf the L. called to him (-ut of heaven, 15. ^nm. 22. 23. ass saw th» a. of L. standing, 25. 27. 24. o. of L. stood in a path''of the vineyards, 20. 31. IJalaam saw a. of the L. standing in the way 34. and Balaam said to a. of the L. I have sinned 35. a. of the L. said to Balaam, go with the men JiiJg.i.l.a. o/X.cameup, 1 A'i«gi I9.7. Actsl'Z.T . 4. when a. of the L. spake these words to Israel 5. 23. curse ye Meroz, said the a. of the Lord fi. 11. came an a. of the L. and sat under an oak 12. a. of L. appeared to Gideon, and said to him 21. the a. of the L. put forth the end of the staff 22. when Gideon perceived he was an a. of the L. 13. 3. a. of the L. appeared to the woman, and said 16. Manoah knew not he was ana. of the i., 21. 20. a. oftheL. ascended in the flame of the aU.ar 8 6u/«.24.l6.a.(j/i. was by threshing, 1 Ch. 21. 15. 2 Kings 19. 35. a.of L. smote in camp, ha. 37. 3d. 1 C7(/««.21.12.a.o/'/.. destroying throughout coasts 18. a.of the L. commanded Gad to say to David 30. afraid, because of the sword of a. of tlie Ij>rd I'ial.34.7. a.of L. encampeth round them that fear 35. 5. let a. of L. chase them || C. persecute them Zech.l.ll. they answered the a. of the L. that stood 12. a. ofL. answered, wilt thou not have mercy 3.5. a. ofL. stood by .Joshua || 6. a. ofL. protested 12. 8. house of David as the a. of L. before them ^Jat. 1. 20. a. of L. appeared in a dream, 2. 13, ly. 24. Joseph did as the a. of the L. had bidden him 28. 2. for the a. of the L. descended from heaven Lnie 1.11. there appeared to Zacharias an a. of L. 2. 9. a. ofL. came upon them, and glory of Lord Acts 5. 19. a. of L. by night opened theprison-donrs 8. 26. a.of the Lord spake to I'hilip, saying, arise 12. S3, a. ofL. smote Herod, because he gave not ANGELS. Gen. 19. 1. there came two a. to Sodom at even 15. when the morning arose, the a. hastened Lot I'sa/. 8. 5. a little lower than the a. Jleb. 2. 7, 9- ()8. 17. the chariots of God are thousands of u. 78. 25. man did eat a. food, he sent tUem meat 4y, and trouble, by sending evil a. among them Mat. 4. 11. a. came and ministered to, Maii 1. 13. 33. 39. end of the world, tile reapers are the a. 49. the a. shall come forth and sever the wicked 18. 10. their a, always behold the face of God 24. 36. no man, not the a. inheaven, Mark 13. 32. 25. 31. Son of man, and all the holy a. with him S6. M. give me more than twelve legions of a. MaTk 8. ,38. when the Son of man cometh in the glory of his Father, with the holy a. Lukef> 4. 18. and his a. he charged with folly /'.la/.yi.ll.give/iif a. charge, MatA.6. Luke-i.10. lo.i. 20. ye /lis a. which excel in strength 104. 4. who maketh his a. spirits, Heh. 1. 7 . 148. 2. praise ye him all his a. praise ye him J\J:it. 13. 41. the Son of man shall send forth his a, J 6.27. come in the glory of his Father with his a. 24.31. send /i!i a. with a great sound, 3.'ari 13. 27 25. 41. fire prepared for the devil and his a. liev. 3. 5. will confess before my Father and his a. 12. 7. Michael and his a. the dragon and his a. y. ths great dragon was cast out, and his a. ANGER, Verb. Rom. 10. ly. by a foolish nation I will a. vou ANGER. Gen. 27. 45. till thy brother's a. turn away 44. 18. and let not thine a. burn against me 45. t 5. neither let there be a. in your eyes 49. 7. cursed be their a. for it was fierce Eiod. 32. 19. saw the dancing, Moses' a. waxed hot 22. Aaron said, let not the a. of my loni wax hot Dent. 9. 19. I was afraid of the a. and displeasure 1 3.17 . Lord may turn from the fierceness of his a. 29. 24. what meaneth the heat of this great a..' Josh.7. 26. Lord turned from the fierceness of his a. Judg. 8. 3. then their a. was abated toward him Ksth. 1. 12. Ahasuerus his a. burned in him Joi 4. + 9- by his a. are they consumed 9- 13. if God will not withdraw his a. the proud J'sol. 21. 9. as a fiery oven in the time of thine a» 30. 5. for his a. endureth but a moment 37. 8. cease from a. and forsake wrath, fret not 38. 3. no soundness in my flesh because of thine a. 69. 24. let thy wrathful a. take^oid 01 them 74. 1. why doth thy a. smoke against th'; sheep 78. 21. and a. also came up again.;! Israel 38. many a time turned he his a. away 49. he cast on them the fierceness of his a. 50. he made a way to his a. he spared them not 85. 3. hast turned from the fierceness of thine a. 4. and caase thine a. towards us to cease 5. wilt thou draw out thine a. to all generations ? yo. 7. for we are consumed by thine a. 11. who knoweth the power of thine a.T 103. 9- nor will he keep his a. for ever,. Ar. 3. 5. J'roz'. 15. 1. but grievous words stir up a. ly. 11. the discretion of a man deferreth his a. 21. 14. a gift in secret pacifieth a. 22. 8. and the rod of his a. shall fail 27. 4. wrath is cruel, and a. is outrageous IJcl. 7. 9- "■ resteth in the bosom of fools lit 10. therefore remove a. from thy heart Jsa. 5. 25. for all this his a. is not turned away, 9. 12, 17, 21. I 10. 4. 7. 4. fear not, for the a. Oi" liezin with .Syria 10. 5. O Assyrian, the rod of mine a. and staff 25. shall cease, and my a. in their destruction 12. 1. though thou wast angry, thine a. is turned 13. 9- tbe day of the Lord cometh with fierce a. 13. and in the day of his fierce a. Lam, 1. 12. 30.27. name of tlie Lord cometh burning with a. 30. the Lord shall shew the indignation of his a. 42. 25. therefore he poured on him the fury of a. 48. 9. for my name's sake will I defer mine a. C)'>. t 5. these are a smoke in mine a. fit). 15. Lord will con-.e to render his a. with fury Jtr. 2. 35. surely his a. shall turn from me 3.12. I will not cause mine a. to fall on you, I am merciful, and 1 will not keep mine a. for ever 4. 26. all the cities were broken down by his a. 7. 20. mine a. shall be poured on this place 18. 23. deal with them in the time of thine a. 25. 38. the land is desolate becau.sc of his a. 32. 31. city iiath been as a provocation of mine a. 36. 7. great ii the a. the Lord hath prono-.inccd 42. 18. as mine a. hath been poured on Jerusalem 44. 6. wherefore mine a. wa? poared forth ANG Jer, 49. 37. I will bring evil on them, my fierce • Xa;n.2.1. remembered not his footstool in the day« fi. Lord hath despised in ihe indignation of his a 21. thou hast slai-n them in the day of thine a. 22. in the day of the Lord's a. none escaped 3. 43. thou hast covered wiih a. and persecuted oi 4. 11. he hath poured out his fierce a. Lzek. 5. 13. thus shall mine a. be accomplished 7. 3. and I will send mine a. upon thee 8. and accomplish mine a. on thee, 20. 8, 21. 25. 14. shall do in Edom, according to mine a. 35. 11. I will even do according to thine a. Dan. 9. 16. let thine a. be turned away JIos.ll. 9. will not execute the fierceness of mine a . 14. 4. for mine a. is turned away from him Amos 1. 11. his a. did tear perpetually, and kept Jo7ia/i 3. 9. if God will turn from his fierce a. Mic. 7. 18. he retained not his a. for ever iVa/i. 1. 6. who can abide the fierceness of his a. f liab. 3. 8. was thine a. against the rivers.' Zeph. 3. 8. to pour upon them all my fierce a. Mark 3. 5. when he had looked on them with a. Eph. 4. 31. let all a. be put away, Col. 3. 8. ANGER of the Lord. Num. 25. 4. fierce a. of the Lord may be turned 32.14. to augment the a. of the Lord asfiiust Israel Dent. 29. 20. the a. of the y.«irf shall smoke against Ju(/^.2.14. a. t/iorrf against Isr. 20. | 3. 8. | 10.7. 2 Kings 24. 20. thro' the a. of the Lord it came to pass, Jer, 52. 3. Jer .4. 8. the fierce a. of the Lord is not turned away 12.13. because of the fierce a. of the I^rd, 25.37. 23. 20. the a. of the LordshM not return, 30. 24. 51.45. deliver his soul from the fierce a. of the X. Lam. 4. 16. the a. of the Lord hath divided them /ie/)/i.2.2.before the fierce a. of the L. come on yon 3. it may be ye shall be hid in thcday of a. of L. /» ANGER. Gen. 49. 6. for in their a. they slew a man Eiod. 11. 8. he went out from Pharaoh in a Dent. 29. 23. which the Lord overthrew in a 28. the Lord rooted tiiem out of the land im a. 1 Sam. 20. 34. Jonathan rose from the table in a. 2 Chron. 25. 10. they returned home i« great a. Job 9. 5. which overturneth them in his a. 18. 4. he teareth himself i« his a. 21. 17. God distributeth sorrows i'k his a 35.15. because it is not so, he hath visiied iwhisa, Psat.6.1. Lord, rebuVe me not in thy a. Jer. 10. 2*. 7. 6. arise, O Lord, in thine a. lift up thyself 27. 9- put not thy servant away m a. 56. 7. in thine a. czist down the people, O Lord 77. 9. hath he in a. shut up his tender mercies ! 7j«.13.3. I have also called my mighty ones in a. 14. 6. he that ruled the nations in a. Cii. 3. for I will tread them in mine a. 6. Jer.lX. 5. I will fight against you, e^en »« a. 32. 37. whither 1 have driven them in mine a. 33. 5. whom I have slain in mine a. and in my fury Lam. 2. 1. Lord covered Zioii with a cloud in his a. 3. he hath cut off in a. all the horn of Israel « 3. C6. persecute and destroy them in a. Ezek. 3. + 14. and I went in hot a. 5.15. when I shall execute judgments in thee in a. 13. 13. shall be an overflowing shower in mine a. 22. 20. so will I gather you in mine a. and fury 43. 8. wherefore I have consumed them in mine a 7.>iin.ll.20. be destroyed, neither in a. nor in battle llos. 13. 11. I gave thee a kiug in mine a. Jl/j>. 5. 15. and I will execute vengeance in a. liab. 3. 12. thou didst thresh the heathen in a. ANGER kindled. Gen. 30. 2. a. of Jacob was kindled against R.ichel Etod. 4.14. the a. of the Lord was <•. against MoseJ Man. 11. 1. a. of the L. was k. 10. | 12. y. | 22. 22. 22. 27. Balaam's a. was k. and he smote the ass 24. 10. Balak's a. was kindled against Balaam 25.3. the a. of the Lord was kinJled ag.ainst Israel 32. 13. JdjA. 7. 1. 2 6a;rt.24. 1. 2 Kings U. 3. .•)2. 10. the laird's a. was kindled Ihe same time 2>fn<.6.15.1estthea. of the Lord be k. against thei 7. 4. so will the a. of the Lord be *. against you 29. 27. the a. of the Lord was k. against this land 31. 17. mine a. shall be kindled in that dav. Josh [23. 18. 32.22. for a fire is kindled in mine a. Jir. 15. 14. Jiidg. 9. 30. Zebul'sa. was kindled against (Jaal 14.19. Samson's a. *. and he went up to his fathcr'3 1 6'ain.ll.6. when Saul heard, hisa. was*, greatly 17.28.Eli.ab'3a. was*, against David, and he said 20. 30. Saul's a. was kindled against Jonathan 2 .Sain. 6.7. a. of L. k. against Lzzah, 1 Chr. 13. 1(X 12. 5. l)avid's a. was kindled against the rnan 2 Ai»5J23. 26. the wrath wherewith his a. was *. 2 Chron. 25. 10. theira. was Undled agaiu.tt Judat 15. a. of the Lord was kindled against Amaziah Isa. 5. 25. the a. of the l.ord *. against his peopla Jer. 17. 4. for ye have kindled a fire in mine a. Hos. 8. 5. mine a. is kindl. against them, how long \ Xech,lO.S Qiiaea WM Aind^, agwui tu« sbspbtrL ANG Pr(noke or Proroked to ANOER. Deut. 4. 05. to jiTovole him to a. p. 18. | 31. 29. Kings 17. 17. I 21. 6. | C3. KJ. 2 Chr. 33. 6. 32. 16. with abdminations ;ir«oitf(/ they him to a. 21. they havepr. me to a. I will pr. them /u a. Judg. 2. 18. they bowed to them, and/"-, the L. r./oa.l5.30. IS.made their groves ;/r. tlie Lord /oa. I6. 7, 13. iC.S.tofr.me /o a.with their sins, 2 A'ingj 17.11. Jer. 11. 17. I 32. 29, 32. £:ek. 16.26. 33. Ahab did more to vr.the Lord 10 a. than all ?1. 22. wherewith thoa hast provoked me to a. 22. 53 Ahaz pr. to a. the Lord God of Israel 8 Kings 21. 15. they have proioked me /o«. since the day 22. 17. forsaken mc, that they might proioke me to a. 2 CJinm. 34. 25. Jer. 25.7. S Chron. 28. 25. ;)r. ro a. the L. God of his fathers AWi. 4. 6. havepr. thee .'p a. before the builders Psal. ;«. 58. pr. him ro a. with high places, 106. 29. Proi. 20. 2. whoso /)r. him /» a. sinneth against J>a. 1. 4. they have /ir. the Holy One of Israel to a. 65. 3. h people that provoke me ^0 a. contmuallj Jer. 7. 18. that they vas-y provoke me fo a. \pr.to a. 19. do they pr. me to a. |] 8. I9. why have they 25. 6 ;>r.me not /o a. 1132.30. Israel have ;:oW ANGER. Iveh, 9. 17. thou aGod ready to pardon, slow to a Psal. 103. 8. i/i)stf/o a -plenteous in merer, 145. 8. Prov. 15.18. he that is s/owto a, appeaseih strife 16. 32. he that is sloui to a. better than the mighty Joel 2. 13. slosa toa.oi great kindness, JtDiah 4. 2. i\a/(. 1. 3. the Lord^ is slo^iVo a. ;ieat jn power ANGERED. 1 •^Vrm. 1. 1 6. and her adversary also «. her sore Pial. 106. 32. they a. him at the wateis of strife ANGLE. Jsa. 19. 8. and all 'hey that cast a. shall lalneat Jlab. 1. 15. tl.ey take up all of them wilh the a. ANGRY. Gen. 18. 30. let not the Lordbea. I'll speak, 32. 45. 5. be not a. with yourselves t"liat ye sold me Lev. 10. 16. and Moses was a. with Eleazar and Deut. 1. 37. the Lord was a.with me for you.d- 21 9- 8. Lord was a. with you to have destroyed you 20 the Lo^d^vas ve^- a. wit"h Aaroif, I prayed Jtidg. 18. 25. lest a. fellows nfti upon thee C .bam. 19. 42. wherefore be ye a. for this matter 1 hings&.i6. and thou bea. w'iih thtni,ilC7(. 6. 36. 11. 9. and the Lord was a, with Solomort J^iecause 2 Kings 17. IB. therefore the L. was a. with Israel Eira 9. 14. wouldst thou not be a. with us till thou JV«/i. 5. 6 1 was verj- a when 1 heard their cry Psal. 2. 12 kiss the Son, lest hi»"bea. and ye perish 7. 11. Cod is a. with the wicked every day 76. 7. who may stand when Cnce thou art a. .' 79- 5. how long wilt thou be a ? C0«. 4. | 85. 5 Prov. 14. 17 he that is soon a. dealeth foolishly 21. 19.ilwell ill wilderness, than with ana.woman 22. 24. make no friendship with an a man 25. 23. so doth an a. countenance a backbiting 29 22. a. man stirreth up strife, and a furious man Keel. 5.6. whi-refore should God be a at thy voice- 7. 9. be not hasty in thy spirit to be a. Cant. 1. 6. my mother's children were a wilh me Isa. 12.1. thoagh thoawasta with me, thine anger Ezek. 16. 42. 1 will be quiet, and will be no more a. Dan. 2. 12. for this cause the king was a Jonah 4. 1. itdispleased Jonah, and he was verya 4. the Lord said. Dost ihou well to be a. T l) 9. he said, 1 do well to be a. even unto death Mat. 5. 22. whosoever is a. with his brother Ijuke 14.21 the master of the house being a. 15. 28 and he was a. and would not go in John 7 23. are ye a . at me because I have made £;i/i.4.26.be a. and sin not, let not the sun gi down Ttt. 1.7. a bishop must be blameless, not soon a. JS/if. 11. 18. the nations were a. thy wrath is come ANGUISH. Gen. 42.21. gsilty.in that we saw the a of his soul Eioii. 6. 9. butibey hearkened not to .Moses for a. Deui. 2. 25. tremble, and be in a. because of thee S Sam. 1 . 9, slay me, for a. is come upon me Job 7. 1 1. I will speak in the a. ofmy spirit 15. 04 trouble and a. shall make him afraid Pia/.liy. 143. (rouble and a. have taken hold on me Prov. 1, 27. when distress and a. come upon you Jsa. 8. 22. look to the earih,and behold d imness of a 30. 6. into the land of trouble and a. from whence Jer. 4. 31. the a. as of her that bringelh forth child 6. 24. a. hath taken hold of us, 4M. 24. | 50. 43 John 16.21. she remembereth no more her a. forjoy Jif<»n.2. 9. tribulation and a. upon every soul of man SCiir.2.4. for out of much a. of heart 1 wrote to you ANISE. iiat S3. SS. ye pa; tithe of mint, a aLdcuiDDin 14 ANO ANOINT Signifies, [Ij Twj'our »i7i(;/.m,Gen, 28. 18. | 31.13. [2] To consecrate and set one apart to an ojfice ; anointing being generalltf practised amon^ the Jews on that occasion, to denote the person's being endited uith the gi/is and giaces ii'(/.28.41.shaUa.and consecrate, 30.30. J 40. 15. Oy. 7. take anointing oil and a. him, 40. 13. 06. thou shall a. the altar to sanctify it, 40. 10. 30. 26. thou shalta. tl'.e tabernacle, 40. 9. 40. 11. thou shah a. the laver and his foot I^fv 16. 32. and the priest whom he shall a. Veut, C8. 40. but thou shalt not a. thyself wilh t'il Judg. g. 8. the trees w eiit to a. a king over them 15. if in truth ye a. me king over you l!uth3. 3. wash thyself therefore and a. thee 1 Sam.Q.l6. shalt a. him 10 be captain over Israel 15. 1. the Lord sent me io«. thee king over Israel 16. 3. thou shalta. him whom I name unto thee 12. the Lord said, arise, a. him, this is he QSam. 14. 2. a. not thyself with oil, but be as 1 Kings 1 . 34. let Zaduk a. him king over Israel 19. 15 a. ilazael king |1 16. a. Jehu, a. Elisha Isa. 21. 5. arise ye princes, and a. the shield Van. 9. 24. seal up the vision, and a. the most Holy 10. 3 neither did I a. myself at all, till weeks ylmos 6. 6. a. themselves with the chief ointments Mc. C. 15. shalt tread the olives, "but not a. thee iljfl^. 6. 17. when thou fastest a. tliine head Mrcrk 14.8. she is come to a. my body to the burying 16. 1. had bought spices that they might a. him Luke 7. 46. my head with oil thou didst not a. Kev. 3. 18 and a. thine eyes with eye-salve ANOINTED. F.xod. 29-29- garm. be Aaron's sons after him, to a. Lev. 4. 3. if the priest that is a do sin according to 6. 20. the offering of Aaron, when he is a. 7. 36. in the day that he a. them, by a statute 8. 10. a. the tabernacle |i 11 a. the altar, Xum.T.l 12.1Moses poured oil on Aaron's head, and a. him A'i«n.3.3.namesof the sons of Aaronwhich were a. 7. 10. the princes offered after it was a. 84, K8. 1 -SVim.lO 1. the Lord a thee captain|115.17.a. Saul 16. 13. a David,e&.---i. 2.4,7. |£.3,17. j 12. 7. 2 A'ing,c9. 3, 6, 12 iCAroM.n. 3. I 14. 8. 2 Sam. 2. 7. the house of Judahhave a. me king 3 39. 1 am this day weak, though a. king, the sons 12. 20. David arose from the earth, and a. himself 23 1. David the a. of the God of Jacob said Psal. 2. I 6. yet have I a. my king on Zion /.la.Cl.l.the Lord hath a. me to preach, Luke i. IS Ezek C8 14 thou art the a. cherub that covers Luke 7. 38. she kissed his feet and a them 4G. but this woman hath a. my teel with ointment John 1 t 41. we fot:".d the Messiah, which is the a. 9 6 he a. tlie eyes of the blind man with clay 11. Jesus Blade clay, and a. mine eyes 11 2 it was that. Mary which a. the Lord 12.3 then took Mary ointment and a. feet of Jesus Acts 4 27. holy cnild Jesus, whom thou hast a. 10. 38. how Goda. Jesus of Nazareth with holy 2 Cor. 1. 21. he which hath a us is God ANOINTED Ones. Zech. 4. 14. these are the two a. ones which stand JJis ANOINTED. ISam.C. 10. give strength, and exalt horn of //!> a. 12. 3. witness against me before the Lord and his a. 5. the Lord and his a. is witness this day Sam. 22. 51. thcweth mercy to his a. Psal.lB.50. Psal. 2. 2. against the Lord, and against his a. 20. 6. now know I that the Lord saveth his a. 28. 8. and he is the saving strength of his a. Isa. 45. 1. thus saith the Lord to his a. to Cynis /xTrf'j ANOINTED. 1 Sam. iC. 6. surely the Lord's a. is before him 24.6. I should do this to my master, the Lord's a. 10. put my h.-ind against my lord, for he is L. a. 26. 9. stretch his hand .-"gainst L.a.and be guiltless 16. to die, because ye have not kept the Lord's a. 2 5am. 1.14. wast thou not afraid todestroy the L.a.' 19' 21. put to death because he cursed the L's. a. L./m. 4. 20. the a. of Lord was taken in their pits ANS Mine ANOINTED. 1 Sam. 2. 35. he shall walk before mi«? a. I'orfver 1 Chron. 16. »2. touch not mine a. I'sal. 105. 16 l^sal. 132. 17- I have ordained a lamp for mint a- ANOINTED uiih Oil. yum. 35. 25. death of high priest a. with holy ciZ iSani. 1. 21, as though he had not been a. tcith oil 7'iu/. 45.7 -God a. thee tjiMoi/of gladness, /yei.l. 9. 89. 20. Kith my holy oil have I a. him 92. 10. my horn exalt, I shall be a. nith fresh oil Thine ANOINTED. 2 Chron. 6.42. O Lord God, turn not away the facw of Ihme a. Psal. I.i2. 1ft Psal. 84. 9- behold. O God, look on f, ce of thine a 80. 38. thou hast been wroth with :hine a. 51. they have reproached the footsteps oi thine a IJai. 3.13. wenlest even for salvation w ith ihine a ANOINTEDST. Gen. 31 . 13. 1 am the God of Beth-el where thou a Psal. 23. 5. a. my head with oil, my cup 1 t-uneth ANOINTING. Eiod. 40. 15. their a. be an everlasting priesthood /-a. 10. 27. yoke shall be destroyed because of the a 1 John 2. 27. but the a. which ye have received of him, as the same a. teacheth you all things ANOINTING Oil. [cense Eicd. 37. 29. he made the holy a. oil and pure in. Lev. 8. 12. he poured of the a. 01/ on Aaron's head 10. 7. ibr the a. oil of the Lord is upon you 21. 10. on whose head the a. 01/ was poured .^!(m.4.l6. to the office of Eieazarpertaineth a. 01/ Jam. 5, 14. «, him with oil in the name of the ANON. [Lord Jilai. 13. 20. heareth, and a. with joy receiveth it AJari 1. 30. mother lay sick, and a. they tell him ANOTHER. [of her Gen. 4. 25. appointed me a. seed instead of Abel 30. 24. the Lord shall add to mc a. son 43. 7. the man asked us, have ye a. brother' Z-.Vprf.22.9.1ost thing, which a. challcngeth to be his Lrv. 18. -t 18. thou shalt not take one wife to a. Ai/7H. 14. C4. Caleb, because he had a s-.iiit Jut/g. 2. 10. a. generation that knew not me Lord 16. 7. then shall I be weak, and be as a. man 1 Sam. 10. 6. and shalt be turned into a. man 9- and it w-as so, that God gave him a. heart 2 Chron. 20. t 22. and they smote one a. Lsth. 1. 19. let the king give her royal estate to a. Job ig. 27. whom mine eyes shall behold and not a. Psal. ing. 8. let a. take his office, Acts 1. 20. Prov. 25. 0. and discover not a secret to a. 27 2. let a. praise thee, and not thy own n:o>;tb Isa. iC. 8. my glory will I not give to c. 48. 11. 4-1. 5. a. shall call himself by the name of Jacob 57. 8. thou hast discovered thyself to a. than me 65. 15. and shall call his servants by a. name C6. + 17 and purify themselves one after a. lios. 3. 3. and thou shalt not be for a. man 4. 4. yet let no man strive nor reprove a. Mat. 11. 3. art thou he, or do we look for a. f Mark 14. 19. began to say, is it I .' a. said, is it I f LukelO.T. then said he to a. how- much owcst thou 12. if not faithful in that which is a. man's 2 Cor 11. 4. a. Jesus, a. Spirit, or a. gospel Gal. 1. 7. which is not a. but there be some 6. 4. then have rejoicing in himself, and not in a 1 Tim. t).l5. callings one of a. destitute of the trutn i/fi 3.13. exhort one a. while called to day, 10.25. 4. 8 ht would not have spoken of a. day One Another, See Love. One agninst ANOTHER. 1 .S'am.2.25. if one man sin against a.the jodge shall ■Ur. 13. 14. I will dash them one against a. 1 Cor. 4. 6. no one of you be puffed up one against a , Jam, 6. 9. grudge not one against a. brethren One for ANOTHER. 1 Cor. 11. 33. when ye come to eat, tarry oncfor c, 12. 25. members should have same care one for ar. Jam. 5. 16. pray one for a, that ye m.iy be healed. A"NSWER Signifies, [1] To reply to a question, Vziv. 26. 4. [2] To begin to spenk, !chen no (juestion is asked, Dan. 2. 26. Acts 5. 8. [3] To uiincss. Gen .30. 33. [4] To obey, Isa. 65. 12. Jer. 7. 1.3. [5] To grant ztUat one desires in prayer, Psal. 27. 7. I 86. 7. Isa. 65. 24. [6] To give account. Job 9. 3. I 40. 2. [7] To punish, Ezek. 14. 7. Geri. 41.16. God shall give Pharaoh an a. of peaco Deut. 20. 11. if the city make thee ana. of peace C Sam. 24. 13. see what a. I shall return to him E'th 4. 15. Esther bade them return Mordecai thisa Jib ig.l6.I called my .servant,and he gave me no a 32. 3. because they had found noa. and conderoiKd 35. 12. there they cry, but none giveth a, Prov. 15. 1. a soft a. turneth away wrath 23. a man hath jry by the a. of his montb 16. ] . the a. of the tongue is from the Lord 24. 56. shall kiss his lips that giveth a right a,- Cant. 5. 6. I called him, but he gave me noa. Mic. 3. 7. cover the lips, forther* is no a of GoJ ANS /.uke 20. 46. and they marvelled at his a. Sohn 1.22 that we may give a. to them that sent us ig. 9. whence art thou .' Jesas gave him no a. Rom. 11. 4. but what saith the a. ot'God to him r 1 Cor 9- 3. mine a. to them that do examine me is 2 Cor. 1. + 9- but we had the a. of death in ourselves 2 Tim. 4. 16. at my first a. none stood with me 1 Pet. 3. 15. and be ready to give ana. to every 21. but the a. of a good conscience towards God ANSWERS. /al 21. 3i. seeing in your a. remaineth falsehood 34. 36. because of his a. for wicked men Luie 2. 47 . and all were astonished at his a. ANSWER, reri Den. 30. 33. so shall my righteousness a. forme Deul. 27. 15. all the people shall a. and say amen 1 Kings 18. 1 26. they called, saying, O Baal a. us 29. there was neither voice, nor any to a. Job 13.22. call thou, and I will a. and a. thou me 23. 5. 1 would know the words that he would a. me 31. 14. when he visiteth, what shall I a him ? 33.12. will a. thee, God is greater than man, 35. 4. 40. 8. he that reproveth God, let him a. Psal. 2". 7. have ir.ercy also on me, and a. me 65. 5. by terrible thicks in right, wilt thou a. \vj SC.7. will call on thee, for thou wilta. me,38.+lo. 102. 2. in the day when I call a. me speedily 108. (<. save with thy right hand, and a. mc 143. 1. O Lord, in thy faithfulness a. me Prov. 15. S8. heart of the righteous studieth to a. 22. 21. that thou mightest a. the words of truth £6. 5. a. a fool according to his folly, lest he be 2sa. 14. 32. what shall one then a. the messengers 50. 2. when I called was there nont to a. .' 66. 4. 58. 9- then shalt thou call, and the Lord will a. Dan. 3. 16. are not cartful to a. thee in this matter JoelC. 19- yea the Lord will a. and say to his people Hai. 2. 1. what I shall a. when I am reproved Mat. 22. 46. no man was able to a. him a word Mark 11. 30. was it from heaven or of men .' a. me 14. 40. neither wist they what to a. him laifce 11.7. and he from within shall a. and say 12. 11. how or what thing ye shall a. or say 13. S5 he shall a. I know you not whence you are 21. 14. not to meditate before what ye shall a. S Cor. 5. 12. that ye may have somewhat to a. them Col. 4. 6. may know how ye ought to a. every man /a'/// ANSWER. /oM3.22.call, J Kii// a. 14. 15. Ps. 91. 15. Jer.33 3 Isa. 65. 24. come to pass, before they call 1 u-iU a. Exek. 14. 4. /the LordrnV/a. him that Cometh, 7. Net ANSWER. Cieri. 45. 3. Joseph's brethren could not a. him llxod. 23. t 2. shalt 7iot a. in a cause to deiline 2 Sam. 3. 11. he could not a Abntr a word 2 Kings 38. 30. king's command, was, a. ?wt, Tsa. Job 9 3. he cannot a. him one of athousand [30. 21. Prov. 1. 28. they shall call, but I will not a. 26. 4. a. 7iot a fool according to his folly, lest thou 29. 19- for though he understand, he wiU not a. Isa. 65. 12. because when I called, ye did 110/ a. Jer. 7. 27. thou shalt call, but they will not a. thee Luke 14. 6. they could not a. him again to these 22. 68. if I ask you, you will not a. nor let me go ANSWERABLE. -Exod. 38. 18. a. to the hangings of the court Mat. i. t 8. bring forth fruit a. to amendment ANSWERED. /i/rfg.8.8.men of Penuel a. as the men of Succoth a. 1 6'am.3.4.the Lord called, and he a. here am 1,16. 18. 7. the women a. one another as they played 2 &r»».19.42.the men of Judah a.the men of Israel 1 Kiri^s 2. 30. thus said Joab, and thus he a. me 12.13. the king a. people roughly, 2 C'/iro«.10.13. 1 A"iH5il8.26.l)iit there was no voice, noranyth.at a. i C/iron. 25. 9- the man of God a. the Lord is able Job 11. 2. sho'ild not the multitude of words be a. .' Ezei. 37. 3. I fl. O Lord God, thou knowest J)a)i. 2. 14. IJaniel a. with counsel and wisdom Mic. 6. 5. what Balaam the son of Beor a. him Mat. 27.12. when he was accused he a. nothing, 14. Mark 14. 6I I 15. 3, 5. Luke 23. 9. Mark 12. 28. perceiving tliat he had a. well 34. when Jesus saw that he a. discreetly Jlcts 15. 13. after they held their pe.ice, James a. 22. 8. I a. who art thou. Lord ? and he said to me 25. 8. while he a. for himself, 26. 1. ANSWERED, meant 0/ God. Cen. 35. 3. who a: me in the d.ay of my distress £xoi/ ig.iy.Moses spake, and God a. him by a voice 1 Ham. 7. t 9- Samuel cried, and the Lord a. him 3 Sam. 21. 1. and the Lord a. it is for Saul ICAroH. 21. C6 he a. him from heaven by fire 28. when David saw that the Lord had 'a. him P.ta/. 81. 7- 1 "• thee in the secret place of thunder 99- 6. they called on the Lord, and he n. them 118.5. tnu Lord a. me, and set me in a large place Jsa. 6. 11. he a. till the cities be wa.sted without ./er. 2:i 35. what hath the Lord a. and spoken, 37 . Bad. 2. 2. the Lord a, me, write the visiuu APO ZecA. 1. 13. the I/>rd a. the angel that talked Afai. 20. 13. he a. one of them and said, friend 25. 26. his lord a. and said, thou wicked servant ANSWERED not. 1 Sani. 4. 20. she a. not, iror did she regard it 14. 37. but he a. him not that day, 28. 6. 2 Sam. 22. 42. looked, but a. them not, Ps. 18. 41. 1 Kings 18. 21. and the people a. him 710/ a word, 2 Kings 13. 36. Isa. 36. 21. Jer. 7. 13. and I called you, but ye a. tioi, 35. 17. Mat. 15. 23. but he a. her not a word ANSWERED and said. Eiod. 4. 1. INIoses a. and said, will not believe they 2A"ingf7.13.one ofhii'seirantsa. anrfiairf, let some lieh. 2. 20. then a. I them a7id said unto them Jol,■i.^,a.anis.6.1. \ 9.1. | 12.1 | I6.I. | I9.I. 7fa.21.9.he a. and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen Jer. 11. 5. then a. I and said, SO belt, O Lord ANSWEREDST. Psal. 99. 8. thou a. them, O Lord our God, thou 138. 3. in the day when I cried thou a. me ANSWER EST. 1 Sam. 26. 14. David cried, a. thou not, Abner ' Job 16. 3. what cmboldeneth thee, that thou a. .-' -L'l/. 26. 62. a. thou nothing ? Mark 14. 60. | 15 4. >in 18. 22. a. thou the high-priest so? iio/rt 9. 1 20. who art thou that a. against God '. ANSWER ETII. 1 Sam. 28. 15 God is departed and a. me no more 1 Kings 18. 21-. let the God that a. by fire, be God Job 12. 4. who calleth on God, and he a. him Pro-o. 18. 13. that a. a matter before he he.ireth 23. the poor intreat, hut the rich a. roughly 27. 19. as face a. to face, so the heart of man Eccl. 5. 20 God a. him in the joy of his heart 10. 19. wine maketh merry, but money a all things iV/a/.2.tl2.Lord ^rillcut oft him that waketh and a. Gal. 4. 25. and a. to Jerusalem that now is ANSWERING Luke 23. 40. but the other a rebuked him Tit. 2. 9- servants be obedient, not a. again ANX, S. Prov. 6. 6. go to the a. thou sluggard, consider 30. 25. the a. are a people not strong, yet prepare ANTIQUITY. Isa. 23. 7- joyous city, whose a. is of ancient davs ANVIL. Isa. 41. 7- encouraged him that smote the a. ANY. Exod. 11. 7- against a. of the children of Israel Lev, 4. 2. if a soul shall sin against a. of the coni- mandracnts, 13. 22, 27. { 5. 17 6. 3. lieth, in a. of all these that a man doth W<;Hf.32.39. nor a. iha; can deliver out of my hand 2 Sam. 7.7. spake I a word with a. 1 Cliron.'vi . 6. 9. 1. is there yet a. left of the house of Saul .' 1 Kings 18. 26. was no voice, nor a. that answered Job 33. 27. he looketh, and if a. say. I have sinned Psal. 4. 6. many say, who will shew us a. good : 5. + 9- "o faithfulness in the mouth of a. of ihcm Prov. 30. 30. a lion turneth not away for a. Isu.H 8. there is no God, I know not a. Amos 6. 10. he shall say, is there yet a. with thee .- Marka 26. nor go nor tell it to a. in the town 11. 25 forgive, if ye have ought against a. Luke 8 43. had spent all, nor could be healed of a. Acts 9 2. if he found a. of this way, men or women 1 Cor 6.12. I will not be brought under power of a Ja?n. 1. 5. if a. lack wisdom, let him ask of God 2 Pet. 3. 9- not willing that a. should perish 2 Ji)/ml0.if therecome a. and bring not this doctrine See FimTHEK,GoD, Wan, MouE,Tui.NG,T'.Mr., Wise. Any lolule, see Dead. APACE, see Flee, Tled. AI'ARP. Erod. 13. 12. shalt set a. all that open the matrix Lei'. 15. 19 she shall be put a. seven days 18. 19. thou shalt not approach, as long as she is a. Ne/i. 12. +47. set a. holy things to the Levites Psal. 4. 3. the Lord hath .set a. him that is godly Zec/t. 12. 12. every family rf. their wives c. 14 " AJat. 14. 13. Jesus departed into a desert place a. 23.he went up into a mountain a. 17.1. Luke 9.28. 17. 19- 'ben came the disciples to Jesus a Mark 6. 31. and he said, come yc yourselvesji. Jam. 1. 21. wherefore lay a. all fdthiness AvES,see Peacocks. APIECE. Krim. 3. 47. thou shalt take five shekels a. by poll 7. 86. the golden spoons weighing ten shekels ft. 17 . 6. every one of their primes gave him a rod a. 1 Kings 7- 15. two pillars eighteen cubits high a. L7tke 9. 3. neither take money, nor have two coals a. John 2. 6. containing two or three firkins a. Apollyon, see GiiJiEK.. APOSTLE Signifies, A messenger sent tipon ajty special errand, Rom. 16. 7. 2 Cor. 8. 23. It is applied [1] To Christ Jesus ; :v/io :^as sent from heaven to assume eur naluri, and worn out salvation, uith uuihorily APP to execute his prophetical and all his offices, an4 to send forth his apostles lopublisA the goipel,lleh.3, 1. [2] To a minister immediately tent by Christ la preach the gospel, Mat. 10. 2. &al. 1. 1. Pom. 1. 1. Paul called to be an a. 1 Cor. 1. 1 11. 13. inasmuch as I am the a. of the Gentiles 1 Cor. 9. 1. am I not an a. .' am I not free ? 2. 15. 9. that am not meet to be called an a. 2 Cor. 1. 1. Paul an a. of Jesus Christ, I^h. 1. 1. Col. 1. 1. 1 Tim. 1. 1. 2 Tim. 1. 1. Gal. 1. 1. 12. 12. the signs of an a. were WTought among yoo 1 3'n.2.9 thatwomen adorn themselves in modesta. Jam. 2.5. it a man come in goodly a. and a poor 1 Pet. 3. 3. not of wearing gold, or putting on a. See Royal. APPARELLED. 2 Sa7». 13. 18. the king's daughters, virgins, were, a. Lukel. 25. behold thcv which arc gorgeously a. APPEAL, ED. [21. Acta 25. 11 no man deliver me, I a. unto Cesar, 20. 32. been set at liberty, if he liad no. a. to tIJesar 28. I9. 1 was constrained to a. to Cesar APPr.AR Signifies, [Ij To be in sight. Gen. 1. 9. Ileb. 11. 3. [T*! To come k£ore, Exod. 34.23. Acts 22. 30. [«. 4. 1. Abraham, our father, as a to the flesh 16 APF APPETITE. Job S8. 39. wilt thou fill the a. of the young liens .' Prov. 23. 2. to thy throat, if thou be a man given to a. />f/. 6. 7. all labour for mouth, yet a. not filled Jsa. 29. 8. but he awakcth, and his soul hath a. 56. T 11. they are strong of a. nut satisfied APPLE of' the eiie Dent. .32. 10. ne kept him as the a. of his eye Psal. 17. 8. keep me as the a. oj the eye, hide me Prov. 7. 2. keep my law as the a. oJ' thine eye I.am. 2. 18. let not the a. of thine eye cease Zech. 2. 8. toucheth you, toucheth the a. of his eye APPLI>TREE. CaJi/.2.3.as the a.-tree among the trees of the wood 8. 5.1 raised thee up under the a.-tree, thy mother Joel 1. 12. the palm-tree and a.-tree are withered APPLES. Vrov. 25. II. like a. of gold in pictures of silver Cant. 2. 5. comfort me with a. for 1 am sick of love 7.8.brea5ts asclusters.and smell of thy nose like a. APPLY. Psal. go. 12. that we may a. our hearts to wisdom Prov. 2. 2. and a. thine heart to understanding 22.17. hear words, a. thine heart to my knowledge 23. 12. a. thine heart to instruction, and thine ears APPLIED. £((■/. 7. 25. 1 a. my heart to know and seek wisdom 8. 9. I a. my heart to every work that is done 16. when 1 a. mine heart to know wisdom llos. 7. t 6. they have a. their heart like an oven APPOINT Signifies, [1] To constitute or ordain. Josh. 20. 9. [2] To asiign or allot. Numb. 4. 19. [3] To set over. Gen. 41.31. Lev. 26. 16. [4] To decree. Acts 17. 31. lleb. y. 27. [5] To jivryoie or re- solve. Acts 20. l.i. [6] Tofiromise, Luke 22. 2y. [7] To noniina/e or yrtjii. Acts 28. 23. [8] To coinniandor order, 2^d.m, 15.15. [9] Toestahlish or settle, Prov. 8. 29. [10] To set, or place, 2 Kings 10. 24. Neh. 7. 3. [H'j Tolimit, 1 Sam. 13. 11. [12] To ordain or set apart for an office, Acts 6. 3 Gen. 30. 28. a. me thy wages, and I will give it 41. 34. let Pharaoh a. olhcers over the land Lev. 2ti. Ifi. I will a. over you terror, consumption A'kw.4. 19. Aaron andhis sons a. everyone to service 2 .bawl. 6. 21. to a. me ruler over the people of Lord 7. 10. 1 will a. a place for my people Israel, and Job 14. 13. that thou wouldest a. me a set time Isa. 26. 1. salvation will God a. for walls and bul- 61. 3. to a. them that mourn in Zion, to give [warks Jcr. 15. 3. 1 will a. over them four kinds, saiih L. 49. ly. and who isa chosen man ^hat I may a. over her .• who will a. me the time .' 50. 44. 51. 27. will the kingdoais a. a captain against her Eiek. 21. ly. a. these two ways || 20. a. a way that Uos. 1. 11. they shall a. themselves one head Mat, 24.51. a. him his portion with the hypocrites Luke 12. 46. a. him his portion with unbelievers 22. 29. I a. you a kingdom, as my Father unto me Acts6. 3. seveu men whom we a. over this business APPOINTED. Oen.Ql. 14. be she that thou hast a. for thy servant .\;i»i.y.2. Israel keep the passover in a. seasons, 3. 7. may not offer an ofl^ering, but at an a. season 13. because he brought not offering in a. season Josh. 20. 9- these were the cities a. for refuge ^«i/?. 20. 38. there was an a. sign between Israel and 1 Ham. 13. 11. thou camest not within the d.ays «. ly. 20. Samuel standing as a. over them, the .Spirit 2 .iaHi.17. 14. the Lord had a. to defeat the counsel 1 Kings 1. 35.1 have a. him to be ruler over Israel 2o. 42. let go a man whom I had a, to destruction Aeh. 6. 7. thou hast a. prophets to preach of thee 9.17. in their rebellion a. a captain to return, but Jo/i 7- 3. and wearisome nights are a. to me 1 1. 5. thou hast a. his bounds, that he cannot p,ass £0. 29. and the heritage a. to him byCiod 2l'. S3, to death, and to the house a. for all living ^'iu/. 44. 11. thou hast given us like sheep a. for meat 78. 5. a. a law in Israel, which he commanded 79- 11. preserve thou those that are a. to die 102. 20. to loose those that are a. to death Prov. 7- 20. he will come home at the day a. 8. 2y. when he a. the foundations of the earth 31.8. in cause of all such as area, to destruction }sa. 1. 14. new-morns and your a. feasts my soul 47. 7- and who, since I a. the ancient people Jcr. 5. 24. he reserveth the a. weeks of the harvest 47. 7. against the sea-shore, there haih he a. it Lze/c. 4. 6. 1 have a. thee each day for a year Mic. 6. 9- hear ye the rod, and who hath a. it Mat, 27. 10. gave for the pouer's field, as the L. a. Luie 3. 13. exact no more than what is a. you 10. 1. after these the Lord a. other seventy 22.29. to you a kingdom, as my lather hath a. me Acts 1. 23. they a. two. Joseph and Maithi.os 17. 31. he hath a. a day in which he will jtidge 1 CW.4.9. God hath set us apostles last, a. to death 1 Then. 2. 3. for you know that we area, thereto APP 1 ThfSS,5,g,Goi hath not a. us to wrath, but ol^laln ■2 Tim.1,11, whereunto I am a. a preacher, apostli Tit. 1. 5. and ordain elders in every city, as 1 a Ihi 3. 2. who was faithful to him that a, him 9. 27. and as it is a. to men once to die, but i.'^ier 1 /"c/. 2. 8. disobedient, whereunto also they were a APPOINTED time and time.. Gen. 18. 14. at the time a. will I return to thee Eiod 9-5. the Lord a. a set time, saying, to-morrow 23. 15. thou shalt eat unleavened bread in time a. 1 Ham. 13. 8. according to the set time Samuel a. 20 35. Jonathan went into the field at (he time a. 2 6am, 20.5. tarried longer than the set time a. hint P.\ih. 9. 27. according to their a. time every yeas Joh 7. 1. is there not an a. lime to man on earth' 14. 14. all the days of my a. ^i//;« will 1 wait till Psal. 81. 3. blow up the trumpet in the time a. Isa. 14. 31. and none shall be alone in hisa. times 40. t 2. cry, that her a. time is accomplished Jer, 8. 7. the stork in heaven knoweth her a. timet 46. 17. Pharaoh, he h.ith passed the time a. Van. 8. ly. for at the ti?ne a. the end shall be 10. 1 . the thing was true, but the time a. was long 11. 27. f»r yet the end shall be at the time a. 29. at tlje lime a. shall return, and come south 35. time of the end, because it is yet for a time a, Ilai, 2.3. the vision is ydt for an a. time, wait for il .lets 17. 26. God hath determined limes before a. G«/.4.2.under tutors, until the ^iwiea.of the f.ither API'OINTETII. I'sal, 104. 19. he a. the moon for seasons, the sun Dan, 5, 21. he a. over it whomsoever he will APPOINTMENT. Xum. 4.27. at the a. of Aaron and his sons shall be .fosh. 11. t 5. when kings were assembled by a. Ezra 6. 9. wheat, salt, according to a. of the priests 2 .Va«(.13.32.by the a, of Absalom this determined Joi 2. 11. they had made ana. together to come APPREHEND Signifies, To seize, or take prisoner, Acts 12. 4. That 1 may apprehend that for which also i am apprehended of Christ Jesus, I'hil. 3. 12. That J may obtain that prize, for the obtaining tcheieof I :cas laid hold on by Christ, converted and brought into the uay of salvation, uhen X ;cas running nu to desliuclion, 1 Kings 18.140. a. the prophets of Baal, and let none 2 Cor. 11. 32. with a garrison desirous to a. me Phil, 3. 12. 1 may a. that for which also 1 am appt APPREHENDED. Acts 12. 4. when he a. Peter, he put him in prison Pull. ;',, 12. for which I am a. of Christ Jesus 13. brethren, I count not myself to have a. but APPROACH Signifies, [ll To draw nigh, or come near, S Sam. 11, 20. [2] Jo draw near to Ood in the duties of hia Korship, Psal. 65. 4. Isa. 58. 2. [3] To fu>*. tract marriage aith. Lev. 18. 6. [4j To hasten, or dia-ui on. Deut. 31. 14. Lev. 18. 6. none of you shall a. to any near of kin 21. 17. not a. to offer the bread of his Goa, in Veul. 20. 3. yea. this day to battle against enemies 31. 14. behold, thy days a. that thou must die Jub 40. ly. can make his sword to a. to him /v. 65. 4. blessed is the man whom thou causeth to a. Jer, 30. 21. he shall a. to me, for who is tnis that engaged his heart to a. to me, saith the Lord? 1 Tim.6. 16. dwelling in the light no man can a. unto APPROACHED. 2 Sam. 11. 20. wherefore a. ye so nigh the city ? 1 Kings 20. i 13. there a. a prophet to Ahab 2 Kings 16. 12. the king a. to the altar and ottered- J'sal. 27.12. when my enemies a. they stumbled Isa. 8. t 3. I a. to the prophetess, she bare a soo APPROACHETH, ING. La. 58. 2. they take delight in a, to God Luke 12. 33. where no thief a. nor molli corrupte.'h liti. 10.25. and so much more as ye see the day- a. APPROVE Signifies, To like or commend, Psal. 49- 13. Ajipi'oved of God, Acts 2. 22. Demonstrated, and bcvnd any contradiction proved, to be the Messiah Psal. 49. 13. yet their po.«.terity a. their sayings 1 Cor. 16. 3. whom you shall a. by your letters Phil. 1.10. that ye niav a. things that are excellent APPROVED. Acts C. 22. Jesus, a man a. of God among you liiim. 14. 18. is acceptable to God, and a. of'^men' 1(3. 10. salute Appellesa. in Christ, salute Aristob. 1 Cdr.ll.ig.they that are a. may be made manilcJt 2 Cor. 7. 11. in all things you have a. yourselves 10. 18. not he that commendeth himself isa. 13. 7. not that we should appear a. but that ye 2 'Tim, 2. 15. study to shew thyself a. unto God APPROVEST, EIH. Lam. 3. 36. to subvert a man, the Lord a. not Rom, 2. 18. a. the things that are more excellent APPROVING. 2 Cor. 6. 4. but in all things «. ourselves as mi- 'niitert ARl APRON, S. Gtn.S-T.ihty sewed fig-leaves together, and made a. Rta/i 3. 1 15. brin? the a. thou hast, aod hold it ^clslQ.li from his body were brought to the sick a. APT. 2 Kin^.t 21. l6. a. for war, king of Babylon brought 1 J7m..^.2.abishop must be a. to teach, 2 ^iwi.2.24. ARCHANGEL. 1 1'/iessA. iG. shall descend with the voice of the a. V uJe 9. llichael the a. when contending with devil ARCHER, S. Gfn. 21. 20. Ishmael grew and became an a. 49 23. the a. have sorely grieved him, and shot 1 dam. 31. 3. and the a. hit him, 1 Chron. 10. 3. Job 16. 13. his a. compass me round about /la. 22. 3. thy rulers (led, they are bound by the n. Jer. 51.3. against him that bendeth let a. beni bow ARCHES. Eiek. 40. 16. there were narrow windows to the a. ARE Signifies, [1] To be of great value arid esteem amons men, 1 Cor. 1. 28. [2] 2- have autliorUyfrom. 1 John 4. 1. [3] Reputed, judged, esteemed, 1 Cor. 7. U. [4] liepresettt, 01' betoken, Gen. 41. 26, 27. Rev. 1. 20. Things which are not, 1 Cor. 1. 28. Which are of so small esteem, as if thetf had iio beiug. Oen. 18. 24. for the fifty righteous that a. therein 31. 15. a. we not counted of him strangers .' 42. 36. Jacob said, all these things a. against me Biod. 8. 21. and also the ground whereon they a. iV/im. 15. 15. as ye a. so shall the stranger be Deut.i 11. a thousand times so many more as yea. 1 Kings 8. 8. and there they a. to this day Job. m. +24. a. exalted for awhile, but a. not 38.35. that they may go and say to thee, here we a. Psal.Ga.i^f). bless ye God, ye that a. of the fountain 107. 27. they stagger, and a. at their wit's end Lam. 5. 7. our fathers have sinned, and a. not AmosQ. 1 . a. yet not as children of Ethiopians to me Na/i. 3. 17. the place is not known where they a. J\fat. 2. 18. not be comforted, because they a. not 6.26. fcwlsof air, a. ye not much better than they V2. 39. but a. as the angels of God in heaven Jl/a-i 6. 3. and a. not his sisters here with us .' Luie 13. 25. I know not whence you a. 27. 18. 11. God, I thank thee, I am not as other men a. Johji 17. li. given me, that they may be one, as we a. Ji^m. 15. 27- andtheirdebtors they a. for if Gentiles 1 Ccr. 1. 28. things which a. not, things that a. 2 Cor. 11. 22. a. they Hebrews r a. they Israelites r a they the seed of AbrahaD< ' so am I JTeb. 4. 15. tempted like as we a. yet wi'hout sin liev. 1. 19. write the things which a. and shall be •4. 11. for thy pleasure they a. and were created 10. 6. created heaven and things which therein a. ARGUING. Job 6. 25. but what doth j'our a. reprove ♦ ARGUMENTS. Joi 23. 4. I would fill mv mouth with a. ARIGHT. Psal. 50.m. to him that ordereth his conversationa. 73. 8. a generation that set not their heart a. I'rov. 4. + 26. all thy ways shall be ordered a. 15. 2. the tongue of the wise useth knowledge a, '2Z' 31. the wine, when it moveth itself a. Jer. 8. 6. I hearkened, but they spake not a. ARISE Signifies, [1] Tj take rise, or proceed from. Acts 20. 30. [2] To repevt, Eph. 5 14. [3] To be raised and comfo-led, Amos 7-2. It is like- iciie a word of encouragement, to excite one to do a Ming, Josh. 1. 2. Acts 22. 16. Gen. 31. 13. now a. get thee out of this land 35. 1. a. go up to Beth-el, and dwell there Veut, 13. 1. if there a. among you a prophet 17. 8. then shalt thou a. and get thee up to the Josh. 1. 2. now therefore a. go over this Jordan Judg. 5. 12. a. barak, lead thy captivity captive S6'am.2.14. let the young men a. and play betore us 3. 21. I will a. and gather' all Israel to my lord 11. 20. and if so be that the king's wrath a. 1 Kinp 3. 12. nor after thee shall any a. like thee 2 Kings 9. 2. make Jehu a. from among his brethren 1 Chron. 22. iC. a. be doing, the Lord be with thee Neh. 2. 20. therefore we his servants will a. and build Esth. 1. 18. thus ihall there a. too much contempt 4. 14. then shall enlargement a. to the Jews Job 7. 4. when shall I a. and night be gone ? •11. t 17- thy age shall a. above noon-day 25. 3. and upon whom doth not his light a. t Psal. 3. 7. a. O Lord, save me,0 mv God, for t«gj 2. 26. because thou barest the a. of theLord 8. 9. was nothing in the a. save the two tables 1 Chron. (). 31. after that the a. had rest 13. 3. let us bring again the a. of our God to us 9. Uzza put forth his hand to hold the a. 13. 1. Daviil prepared a place for the a. of God 2 CA/-.6.41. thoua-nd a. of thy strength, iV. 132.8. 8.11. places arc holy whereunto the a. hath come Mat. 24. 38. till Noah entered the a. Luke I7. 27. Ileh.Vl-T.hy faith Noah warned of God prep. ana. 1 Pet. 3. SO. God waited while the a. was preparing Rev. 11. 19. and there was seen in his temple the a. Before the ARK. F.xod.40.5. .hou shalt set alt-ar of gold before the a. yoj/i. 4.7. waters of Jordan were cut o(f btfore ihea. 7. 6. Joshua fell to the earth on his face betore the a. 1 Sam. 5. .3. Dagon was fallen on his f. before the a. 1 C'/jr.l().37.1eft before the a. Asaph and hLs brethr. 2 C7ir.5.6.Solom.and congr. assembled before the a. ARK of the Covenant. Num. \0.33. a.of covtna\it 01 Lord went before them Deut.M.26. put book oi law inside o( a.of covenant J(«/i.4.7.ihewaterswtr', cut off before a.of covenant Judg. 20. 27. a. of cocenant of God was there in 1 Sam. 4. 3. let us telch the a. of the covenant of 2 6'am. 15.24. Levites Learing a. of covenant of God 1 Chr.\1 .1. a. ofcovenint remaiued under curtains Jer. 3. 16. shall say no more, the a. of the covenant H«i.9.4.labcrnaclewh\.A had the a.ifihe covenant ARK of Cod. 1 Sam. 3. 3. in the temple where the a. of God was 4. 1 1. the a. of Cod was taken, 17. 22. 6. 3. if ye send away the a. c/'f'ot/, se«d it not empty ,2 Sum. 6. 7. there he died l.elore the a. of God. ARM 2 Sam. 7- !. tnt the ». of Gid dwellet'n within [c'lTtiim 15. 25. carry back the a. of God into the city 1 Vlir. 13.12. how shall I bring the a.of God home 15. 2. none ought to carry the a.of God but Levites AR.M Signifies, [1] Tliai part of the body so called, 2 Sam. I. 10. [2] Outward strength, and all the instru. menis of cruelty and mischief used by the wicked, Fsal. lb. 15. [3] God's infinite power in creating the viorld, Jer. 27. 5. | 32. 17. [4] The mighff power of God making the gospel effectual to the conversion of sinners, Isa. 53. 1. John 12. 38. I'.xod. 15. 16. by greatness of thine a. they shall be L>e>tt. 33. 20. he teareth the a. with crown of head 1 Sam. 2.31. behold the days come when I will cnt off thy a. and the a. of thy father's house 2 Sam. 1. 10. I took the bracelet that was on his a. 2 Chron. 32. 8. with him is an a. of flesh, with ui Ezra 4. t 23. made tliem to cease by a. and power Job 26. 2. savest thou the a. that hath no strength 31. 22. let my a. fall from my shoulder-blade 35. 9. cry out by reason of the a. of the mighty 38. 15. and the high a. shall be broken 40. 9. hast thou an a. like God r or canst thunder I'sal. 10. 15. break thou the a. of the wicked 44. 3. nor did their own a. save them, but thy a 71. t 18. I have shewed thy a. to this generation 77. 15. thou hast with thy a. redeemed thy people 8y. 13. thou hast a mighty a. strong is thy hand 21. mine a. also shall strengthen him 98. 1. his holy a. hath gotten him the victory Cant. 8. 6. set me as a seal on thine a, Isa. 9. 20. they shall eate^ery man the ftesh of his a. 33.2. be thou their a. every morning, our salvatior: 40. 10. God will come, and his a. shall rule for him. II. he shall gather the lambs with his a. 51. 5. mine a. shall judge the people, the isles sh.all wait upon me, and on my a. shall they trust 9. put on strength, O a. of the Lord, awake 52. 10. the Lord hath made bare his holy a. 53. 1. who hath believed our leport? and to whom is the a. of the Lord revealed '. John 12. .'58 59. 16. therefore his a. brought salvation, 63. 5. 62. 8. Lfiru hath sworn by the a. of his strength. 63. 12. that led them with his glorious a. Jer. 17. 5. cursed be he that maketh flesh his a 21.5. I will fight against you with a strong a. Kzek, 4. 7. and thine a. shall be uncovered 22. i 6. were in tnee to their a. to shed blood 30. 21. 1 have broken a. of Pharaoh king of 1 gjl'f 31. 17. they went down into hell that where his a. Dull. 11. 6. she shall not retain the power of the a. Zech. 11. 17. sword be on his a. his a. be dried up £11^1; 1. 51. he hath shewed strength with bis u. Acts 13. 17. with an high a. brought he them out SlretchCil-out ARM. Exod.6.6. 1 will redeem you with a sirelched-out a Deut. 4. .34. assayed to take nation with jrr.-'um. 31. 5. of tribe, twelve thousand a, for war 32. 17- but we ourselves will go re.idy a. ,'iC'. Veul. :i. 18. ye shall pass over a. Josh. 1. 14. Josh. 4. + 13. about 40,000 a. for war passed over f). 7- let him that is a. pass on before the ark £ Chron. C8. 14. so the a. men left the captives Job 39. 21. he goeth on to meet the a. men Psal. "(i. 9. the children of I'.phraim being a. Prov. 6. 11. and thy want as an a. man, 24. 31. Luke 11. 21. when a strong mana.keepeth the house AK.MV. Dent. 1!. 4. what he did to the a. of the Egyptians Judg. 8. 6. that we should give bread to tliinc a. 9. 29. he said, increase thine a. and come out ISam. 4.12. there ran a man of lienjaminout of a. 17. 21. and the Philistines had put a. against a. 1 Kings 20. 25. number thee an a. like the a. lost 8 C/iroH.20.21.that they should praise before the n. 25. 7- O king, let not the a. of Israel go with thee j\eh. 4. 2. he spake before his brethren, and the a. Job 29. 25. sat chief, I dwelt as a king in the a. Psal. 68. t 11- great was the a. that publisht d it Cant. 6. 4. terrible as an a. with banners, 10. Jer. 37. 11. was broken up for fear of Pharaoh's a. hiei. 29- 18. caused his a. to sene a great service 37. 10. there stood up an e.vceeding great a. i'aK. 4. .35. according to his will in the a. of heaven Joel 2. 11. Lord shall utter his voice before his a. 23. locust, my great a. which I sent among you Zec/i. 4. t 6. saying, not by a. nor by power 9. 8. will encamp about my house ,becanse of the n. Acts 23. 27. then came I with an a. and rescued iUv. 9- It), the number of the a. of horsemen 19. 19. against him that sat on horse and his a. See Clui.DEANS. AKMIES. Eiod.7.i.\Ay hand on Egypt, and bring forth my ». 12. 17. same day 1 brought your a. out of Egypt l^'um. 33. 1. w?nt forth with their a. under Moses Veut. 20. 9. they shall make captains of then, to [lead 1 Sam. 17. 10. said, I defy the a. of Israel this day 26. that he should defy the a. of the living God 45. come in the name of the Godof the a.of Israel joi 25. 3. is there any number of his a. .' Psal. 41. 9. thou goest not forth with our a. 68. 12. kings of a. did tlce ap.ace, she tliat tarried Cant. 6. 13. as it were the company of two a. Isa. 3i. 2. and his fury upon all their a. Dan. 9- t 27. with abominable a. make desolate Ala;. 22. 7. he sent forth his a. and destroyed Luie 21. 20. ye see .lernsalem compassed v/ith n. Heb. 11. 34. who turned totlight thea. of the aliens Rei<. 19. 14. and thea. in heaven followed him 19. the kings of the eanh and their a. gathered ARMOUR Signifies,[l] JVeayons or insiriiminlsofviar,! Sam. 17-54. [2] The strong and powerful lusts of .Kill, ignorance, error, and profaneness, ahicli are the armjiir. jihercbv the devil keeps np his power and dominion tn the hearts of men, Luke 11. 22. [3] Spoil, 2 Sain. 2. t 21. [4] Suc/i graces and tpirilual ueapons as are for the defence of the soul, and v:hereby ue may be enabled to combat v'ilh our spiritual enemies, Horn, 13. 12. Eph. 6. 11. [5] A good conscience, u/iich being alunys attended Tilth vprighlness of life, is a defence against all temptations, eiiUar from prosper ilti or adversity, 2 Cor. 6. 7- 1 Sam. 17. 54. David put Goliath's a. in his tent 2 Sam. 2. 21. turn thee aside and take thee his a. 1 Kings 22. 38. they washed his a. according to 2 Kings 3.21. they gathered all able to put on a. 10. 2. seeing ye have a fenced city also and a. SO. 13. Ilezekiah shewed his precious things, silver and gold, the house of his a. Isa. 3y. 2. Job 39- t 21. he goeth on to meet the a. Isa. 22. 8. didst look in that day to a. of the house JUiiJce 11. 22. he takelh his a. wherein he trusted licm. 13. 12. and let us put on the a. of light 8 Cor. 6. 7- approving by the a. of righteou.sness Eph. C. 1 1 . put on the a. of God to stand ag. devil 13. tjJie to you the wh'jle a. of God to withstand ARMOUR-KEARER. Judg. 9. 5t. Abimeiech called his a.-bearer, saying J'^am. 14. 7- a.-b. said, do all that is in thine heart 16. 21. Saul loved David, and he became his a.-b 31. 6. Saul died, his three sons, and his a.-bearci AR.MOl RY. Cant. 4.4. like the tower of David builded for au a Jer. HO. 25. the Lord hath opened his a. AROSE. Cm. IJJ. 35. ne perceived not when sbo a, 18 ARR Gen. 37. 7. and io my sheaf a. ajid stood upright Esod. 1. 8. now there a. up a new king over Egj-pt who knew not Joseph, ActsT. 18. Judg. 2. 10. a. a generation that knew not the Lord 5. 7. tilt I Deboraha. till la. a motlier in Israel 20. 8. all the people a. as one man, saying 1 Sam. 9. 26. and they a. early, Isa. 37. 36. 17. 35. when he a. against me, 1 slew him 2 Kings 23. 25. neither after him a. there any like 2 Chron. 36. 16. till the wrath of the Lord a. Job 29. 8. young men hid, aged a. and stood up J'sal. 76. 9- when Ciod a. to judgment, to save the />f/. 1. 5. the sun hasteth to his place where he a. Dan. 6. 19- the king a early and went to the den iVat. 2. 14. he a. and took the young child, 21. 8. 15. she a. and ministered to them, Luie 4. ."ill. 26. he a. and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there wasa great calm, 7l/arX4.39. LnkeS.'ii. 9. 9. and he a. and followed him, I9. Marii. 14. 25. he took her by the hand, and the maid a. 27. 52. and many bodies of saints which slept a. Mark 9. 27. but Jesus lifted him up, and he a. Lnie 6. 48. when the flood a. the stream beat 15. 20. he a. and came to his father, he kissed him WiVill.ig the persecution which a. aboutStephen 19. 23. there a. no small stir about that way 23. 7 when he so said there a. a dissension, 10. See Rose. ARObE and Kent. 1 53771.3.6. Samuel a. aKf/weJi/ to Eli, and said, here 23 .l6..Iouathan a. and went to David into the wood 25. 1. David a. a7irf a>£7i/ to the wilderness of Paran 1 Kings 19. 21. Elisha a. and u-ent after Elijah Jonah 3. 3. so Jonah a. and uent to Nineveh Acts 9- 39. then Peter a. and uent with them ARRAY Signifies, [1] Toputonapparel,'En)i.(i.g. Rev. 7. 13. [2] To put an army tn a Jit posture to fight, 2 Sam. 10. 9. The terrors of God set themselves in array against me, Job. 6. 4. His judgments are like a numerous and veil-ordered army, under the conduct of an irresistible general, u/to designs and directs them to invade me on every side. Est/i. 6. 9- that they may a. the man withal Job 40. 10. and a. tiiyself with glory and beauty Jer. 43. 12. shall a himself with the land of Egypt 1 Tim. 2. 9- that women adorn, not with costly a. ARRAY. 1 Sam. 4. + 2. they slew of the a. in the field 9 &I77J. lo.9-.loab put the choice in a. against Syrians Job 6. 4. the terrors of God set themselves in a. Jer. 50. 14. out yourseves in a. against Babylon See Battle. ARRAYED. Gen. 41. 42. Pharaoh a. Joseph in fine linen 2 Chron. 28.15. took the captives, with spoila. them Mai. 6. 29. was not a. like one of these, Xu^? 12.27. -iL«Xe23. 11. Herod and his men of war a. Christ /Ids 12. 21. Ucrod a. in royal apparel sat on his Ixev.T . 13. what are these that are a. in white robes? 17. 4. the woman was a. in purple and scarlet colour 19. JJ. to her was granted to be a. in fine linen ARRIVED. LukeS.QG. they a. at the country of the Gadarenes Acts 20. 15. and the next day we a. at Samos ARROGANCY. 1 Sam. 2. 3. let not a. come out of your mouth Prov. 8. 13. pride and a. and the evil way do 1 hate Isa. 13. 11. 1 will cause the a.of the proud to cease Jer.-i8. 29. heard pride of Moab, his loftiness, his a. ARROW Signifies, [1] A dart used for pleasure or in war, 1 Sam. 20. 20. Jer. 51.11. [2] Inward terrors from God, Job 6. 4. Psal. 38. 2. [3] Wicked intentions, Psal. 11. 2. [4J Abusive or slander- ous words, Psal. 64. 3. [5] The judgnutits of God, such as thunder, lightning, tempe\ts^ famine, Ac. 2 Sam. 22. 15. Ezek. 5. I6. llab. 3.11. [6] The word of God, 7ihich is sharp and powerj'ul tn piercing and turning the hearts if sinners, Psal. 45. 5. 1. Sam. 20. 36. Jonathan shot an a. beyond him 2 Ai«?f 9. 24. and the a. went out at his heart 13. 17. a. of lord's deliverance from Syria 19.32. nor shall he shoot an a. there. Via. 37-33. Job 34. + 6. my a. is incurable without transgresiion 41. 28. the a. cannot make him flee, sling stones Psal. 11. 2. they make ready their a. on the string 64.7. with an a. suddenly shall they be wounded 91. 5. nor afraid for the a. that fleeth by day Prov. 25. 18. that beareth false witness is a sharp a. Jer. 9- 8. their tongue is as an a. shot out /.077I. 3. 12. he hath set me as a mark for the a. iiech. 9. 14. ciud his a. shall go forth as lightning ARROWS. Sum. 24. 8. he shall pierce them thro' with his a. Deut. 32. 23. I will spend mine a. upon them 42. I will make mine a. drunk with blood 1 Sam. 20. 20. I wiU shoot three a. on \uk side AS 3 Sam.ii.li. the Lord thundered, and he sent out a and scattered them, Psal. 18. 14 2/irinjjl3.15. take bow aad a. took to him bow andoi 18. take the a. and smite upon the ground Job 6. 4. the a. of the Almighty are within me Psal. 7. 13. he oraainetna. against the persecutors 21. 12. shalt make ready thine a. against them. 38. 2. for thine a. stick fast in me, and thy hand 45.5. thine a. are sharp in the heart of enemies 57.4. sons of men, whose teeth are spears and a 58. 7. when he bendeth his bow to shoot his a 64. 3. bows to shoot their a. even bitter words 76. 3. there brake be the a. of the bow, the shield 77. 17. clouds poured, thine a. also went abroad 120.4. sharp a. of the mighty, with coals of juniper 127. 4. as a. are in the hand of a mighty man 144. 6. shoot out thine a. and destroy them I'rov. 26.18. as amadman whocastetha. and death Isa. 5. 28. whose a. are sharj' and their bows bent 7. 24. with a. and bows shall men come thither Jer. 50. 9. their a. shall be as of an expert man 14. shoot .at Babylon, spare no a. she hath sinned 51. 11. make bri.;ht the a. gather the shields i.a77i. 3.13. halh caused thea. of his quiver to enter Ezek. 5. 16. I shall send the evil a. of fan>ine 21. 21. he made his a. bright, he consulted images 39. 3. I will cause thy a. to fall out of thy hand 9- Israel shall go forth, and burn bows and a. Hab. 3. 11. at the light of thine a. they went ART, J'eib Gen. 3. 9- God said to Adam, where a. thou? 13.14. Lord said, look from the place where thou a. 24. 23. he said whose daughter a. thou ? 47. 27. 24. and he said a. thou my very son Esau? 32. 17. whose a. thou? whither goest thou^ 39. 9. kept back but thee, because thou a. his wife 41.39 there is none so discreet and wise as thou a. 46. 50. now let me die because thou a. yet alive Exod. 4. 26. she said, a bloody husband thou a. Josh. 5. 13. a. thou for us, or our advei'saries? Judg. 8. 18. they answered as thou a. so were they 12. 5. the men said to him, a. thou an Ephraimite? 13.11. a. thou the man that spakest tu the woman ? 1 •!>'««;. 19. 3. I will gooutandstandby where thou a. 1 A;Hrxl3.18. he said, 1 am a prophet also as thou a. 22.4.Jehoshaphatsaid, I am asthoua. 2Kings 3.7. 2 C7i7-o7j.20. 7. a. not thou our God, who didst drive Job 35. 8. wickedness may hurt a man as thou a. Isa. 14. 10. a. thou also become weak as we ? a. like Jer. 14. 22. a. not thou he, O Lord our God, we LukeT . 19- a. thou he that should come, or look we Jij/(7il.49. Rabbi, thou a. the Son of God, King of Is. ^'if^?21. 38. a. not thou that Egyptian made uprojir 22. 27. the captain said, tell me, a. thou a Roman ' liev. 11. 17. a. and wast, and a. to come, 10. 5. ART, S, Substantive. Eiod. 30.25. anointm. after the a. of the apothecary 2C/ni)n.l6.14. divers spices prepared by a. of apoth. .-Jc/j- 17 .29. the Godhead not like stones graven by a 19. 19. many also of them which used curious a. ARTIFICER. Gen. 4. 22. Tubal-cain an instructor of every a. Isa. 3. 3. take away the captain and the cunning a ARTIFICERS. 1 Chron. 29. 5. for all manner of works made by a. 2 Chron. 34. 11. to a. and builders gave thev money ARTILLERY. 1 Sam. 20. 40. Jonathan gave his a. to the lad AS Signifies, [1] Like, 1 Pet. 3. 8. [2] Tr^iVe, Acts 20. 9. [3] For, Mat. 6. 12. [4] Because, John 15. 12. I 17. 2. [5] After the manner of Job 31. 33. Itsheweth, [\] Likeness in quality but not in quantity. Mat. 5. 48. [2] Equally. Johns. 23. [3] 'Jhe likeness oj' a thing, but nef the truth of that thing, Jlat. 26. 55. [4l Tht likeness and truth of a thing, Heb. 12. 7. Gc7i.2. + 18. 1 will make him an help a. before hini 3. 5. ye shall be a. gods knowing good and evil 22. behold the man is become a. one of us 1 Sam. 16. 7. the IjOtA secth not a. man seeth 2 Kings 8. 27. he did evil a. did the house of Ahab 24.13. had made in the temple, a. the Lord had said Ezra 10. 12. a. thou hast said, so must we do Psal.lZa.S.a. for such a. turn aside to crooked ways /Vot).24.29. say not, I will do to him a. he hath done Isa. 24. 2. a. with the people, a. with the servant ilia/. 10. 25. disciple a. his master,servant a. his Lord 19. 19. shall love thy neiglib. a. thyself, ^0777. 13.9. John 1. 14. beheld the glory a. of the only-begotten Ads 7. +37. the Lord raise up a prophet a. myself 51.yeresistII.Ghost,a.your fathers did, so do ye 2 Cor. 2. 17. but a. of sincerity, buto.of God, speak Ga/.4.12.brcthren, be a. I am, for I am a. yc are Col. 2. 6. a. ye have received Christ Jesus, so walk Even AS. 1 Cor. 3. 5. even a. the Lord gave to every man Eph. 5. 33. every one so love his wife evena.MmstM Col. 3. 13 even a. Christ forgave you, so do ye liev. 2. 27. evin a. L received of my Father ASR ASCEND Signifies, [1] To get rr climh up. Josh. G. 5. [2] 1'a go up to heaeen, Eph. 4. 9, 10. Wco shall asceiul into tfte hill of the Lord ? Psal. 2i. .T. K'/w ihall be admitted atid accovntcd a true member of the churc'i, aiul enjoy the favour and ilessing of God T Ko man hatu ascended up to heaven, John 3. l."?. ^■j man hath attained the perfect knoicledge of t>eavenlit things, so as to hwx the secret will and cototjiels of God, Josh. 6. 5. the people shall a. up every man straight J'sal. 2i. 3. who shall <2i into the hill of the Lord, and shall stand in his holy place ? liom. 10. 6. 135.7.he causeth vapours to o.Jcr. 10.13. | 51.16. 139. 8. if I a. up into heaven, thou art there Isa. 1-1. 13. thou hast said, I will a. to heaven, 14. £zek. 38. 9. thou shall a. and come like a storm Mm 6. (52. i> ye shall see the Son of man a. up SJ0.17.I a. to my Father, and your Father, my God Itev. 17. 8. beast shall a. out of the bottomless pit ASCENDED. Judg. 13. CO. the angel of the Lord a. in the flame J^sal. C8. 18. thou hast a. up on high, thou hast led Prov. .30. 4. who hath a. up into heaven, or descend. John 3. 13. no man hath a. to heaven, but he tliat 20. 17. touch me not, I am not yet a. to my Father Acts 2. 3-1. David is not yet a. into the heavens £fr. 7. 14. if I have boasted any thing, I am not a. 2 Tim. 1. 12. I suffer, nevertheless I am not a. 16. Onesiphorus was not a. of my chain Ht/'. 2. 11. he is not a. to call them brethren il. 16. God is not a. to be called their God AsUAMEU and confounded ; see CoM'OUNDKD. /;e"ASlIA.Mi:D Ven. 38. 23. let her take it to her, lest we ie a. Psal. 6. 10. let all my enemies be a. and sore vexed 25. 3. yea, let none that wait on thee be a. let them be a. who transgress without cause 31. 1. in thee do I put my tnjst, let me never be n. 17. let me not be a. let the wicked be a. 35. 26. €9. 6. iet not them that wait be a. for my s.-ike 36. 17. they which haie me, may see it and be a. 109. 28. when they arise, lai them be a. but lat 19 ASK Pja/.119.78.letproudJca.fortheydcaltpen-erst'iy /■a. 1. 2<.). for they shall ie a. of the oaks which yo 23. 4. be thou a. O Zidon, the sea hath spoken 26. 11. they shall see and be a. for their envy 42. 17. they shall ie greatly a. thattrust in images 44. 9. they see not nor know, that they may be a. 11. all his fellows shall be a. shall be a. togethei 45. 24. all that are incensed against him shall be a. GiT 13. my servants rejoice, but ye shall be a. 66. 5. shall appear to your joy, and they shall be a. Jer. 2. 36. thou shaltie a. of Egypt, as a. of Assyria 3. 3. and hadst a whore's forehead, refusedst to be a. 12. 13. and they shall be a. of your revenues 17. 13. O Lord, all that forsake thee shall be a. 20. 11. my persecutors shall stumble and be a. 48. 13. Moabshalliea.of Chemosh,as Israel was 50. 12. your mother that bare you shall be a. Kzek. 16. 61. shalt remember thy ways, and bea. 43. 10. shew Israel,they may 4e a. of their iniquities 11. and if they be a. of all that they have done IJos. 4. 19. they shall he a. because of their sacrifices I(>. 6. and Israel shall be a. of his own counsel ■ lie/ l.ll.bc ye a.O ye husbandmen, howl for wheal 2. 26. and my people shall never be a. 27 Ztc/t. 9. 5. for her expectation shall be a. 13.4. the prophets every one be a. of his vision A/a)X-8.38.shall be a. of me and mywords./j7i/-f9.26. 2 Cor. 9. 4. we (th.it we say not, you) should be a. Phil. 1. 20. that in nothing I shall be a. but with 2 7'/ie.sj.3.14.no company with him, that he may /'ga. 'J'it.2. 8. he that is on the contrary part may be a. 1 Pet. 3. 16. may dea. thai falsely accuse your good Xot be, or Be not, ASHAMED. Xnm. 12. 14. should she ytot be a. seven days f /'.;^s 13. 3. altar shall be rent, and a. poured out 20. 38. the prophet disguised himself with a. Kuh.'i. 1. Mordecai put on sackcloth with a. 3. and many lay in sackcloth and a. Jab 2. 8. Job sat down among the n. 13. 12. your remembrances are like to a. your 30. 19. into mire, I am become like dust and a. 42. 6. I abhor myself, and repent in dust and a. Psal. 20. t 3. and turn to a. thy burnt-sacrifice 102. 9. for I have eaten a. like bread, and mingled 147. 16. he scattereth the hoar-frost like a. /«4i44. 20. he feedethona. a deceived heart turned .')8. 5. and to spread sackcloth and a. under him 61. 3. to give them beauty for a. the oil of joy .li-r. 6. 26. O daughter, wallow thyself in a. l,am. 3. 16. he hath covered me with a. lizck. 28. 18. I will bring thee to a. on the earth Van. 9. 3. I set my face to seek in s.ackcloth and a. Jonah 3. 6. king covered with sackclolh,and sat in a. I/a/. 4. 3. the wicked shall be a. under your feet Mar. 11.21. if works were done, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and a. I.nkc 10.13. Ileb. 9. 13. if the a. of an h<;ifers.anctifieth to the 2 Pet. 2.6. and turning the cities of Sodom into a. ASIDK. 2 Kings 4. 4. said, thou shalt set a. that which is full Job 1. t 19. came a groat wind from a. wilderness Mark 7. 33. he took him a. from rhe multitude .lohn 13. 4. he riseth and laid a. his g.arment lleb. 12. 1. let us lay a. every weight, and sin that See Go, Gone, Turn, Wbnt, Lay. [doth ASK Signifies, [1] To enquire. Gen. 32. 29. Mark 9. 32. [2] To ret/nire. or demand. Gen. 34. 12. Dan. 2. [3] To seek counsel, Isa. 30. 2. Hag. 2. 11 ASK frerl, Luke 12. 18. [6] To salute, 1 Sam. 25. t 5, 2 Sam. 8. t 10. [7] To lay to ont's thaige, I'sal. 35. + 11. C(?7j. 32.29. wherefore dost thou a. aft^.Tmy name? 31. 12. a me never so much dowry and gift, I givo Veul. 4. 32. for a now of the days that are past 13. 14. shall a. diligently, and if it be trutli 32. 7. a. thy father, and he will shew thee Josh. 4. 6. when your children o. their fathers, 21. Judg. 18. 5. a. counsel, we pray thee, of God 1 Sam. 10. + 4. and they will a. thee of peace 12. 19. we have added this evil to a. us a king 25. +5. a. him in my name of peace, 2 .bam. 8. +10. 28. 16. why dost thou a. of me, seeing the Lord 2 Sam. 14. 18. hide not from me the thing I a. 1 Kings 3.5. a. whit Ishallgive thee, 2 C/jra. 7. 11. a. thee a sign of Lord, a. it of the depth 12. I will not a. nor will I tempt the Lord 45. 11. saith the Lord, a. me of things to come 58. 2. .'hey a. of me the ordinances of justice Jer. 6. 6. a. for the old palJis, and walk therein 15. 5. who shall go aside, to a. what thou dost 18. 13. a. ye now amo.vg the heathen who heard 30. 6. a. and see whether a man iloth travail 38. 14. 1 will a. thee a thing, hide nothing from me 41',. 19. a. liim that fleelh, and her that escapeih 50.5. they shall a. the way toZion with their faces /.am. 4.4. the young children a. bread, and no man IJan. 6. 7. who shall a. a petition of any God, 12. IJos. 4. 12. my people a. counsel at their stocks Hag. 2. 11. a. now the priests concerning the law /ech. 10. 1. a. ye of the Lord rain in time of latter .Mat. 6. 8. what ye have need of, before ye a. him 7. 7- a. and it shall be given you, Luke 11. 9. 9. what man of you, if his son a. bread, Lukell.ll. 11. shall give good things to them that a. him 1 4.7 . promised to give her whatsoever she would a. IB. 19. agree touching any thing they shall a. 20. 22. ye know not what ye a. ^Jark 10. 38. 2 1 .22. whatsoever ye a. in prayer,believing,ye shall 22. 46. nor durst any man a. him more questions, Mark 12. 34. Luke 20. 40. Mark 6. 22. a. what thou wilt, I will give thee, 23. 9. .32. they were afraid to a. him, Luke 9- 45. Luke 6. 30. taketh thy goods, a. them not again 11. 13. give the Holy Spirit to them that a. him 12. 48. much committed, of him they will a. more John 1. 19. when the .lews sent priests to a. him 9- 21. we know not, he is of age, a. him, 23. 11. 22. whatsoever thou wilt a. of God. he will !3. 24. Peter beckoned to him that he fhould a. 14. 13. whatsoever ye a. in my name, 15. I6. 14. if ye a. any thing in my name I will do it 15. 7. if ye abide in me, a. what ye will, it shall lie II). 19. Jesus knew that they were desirous to a. 23. and in that day ye shall a. me nothing 24. a. and ye shall receivc,that your jo\nn.iybe full 30. and needest not that any man should a. thee 18. 21. a. them which heard me what I said .-lets 10. 29. I a. therefore for what intent ye sent 1 Cor. 14. 35. let them a. their husbands at home I I'h. 3. 20. to do above all that we can a. or think Jiim. 1. 5. if any lack wisdom, let him a. it of God 6. but let him a. in faith, nothing wavering 4. 2. yet ye have not, because ye a. not 3. ye a. and receive not, because ye a. amiss I John 3. 22. whatsoever we a. we receive of hlra 5. 14. if we a. any thinp according to his will 15. if we know he heareth us, whatsof'ver we a. 16. sin a .<>iu which is not unto de&th, he shall a. See Cot.NSEL.. ASKED. Gen. 32. 29. Jacob a. him and s.ajd, tell me thy name 43. 7. the man a. us straitly of our kindred Josh. 19. 50. they gave him tlte city which he a Jndg. 5. 25. he a. water, she pave him milk 13. 6. but I a. him not whence he w.is IH. + 15. a.himof pc.ice, 1 i.a»i. 17- *22. | 30.(21 1 Sam. 1. 17. God grant the petition thou ha.« a. +20. she called bis name Samuel, that is a. of ( iod 27. the Lord haih given me my petition I a. 1 Kings 3.11. because thou a. this thing and not «. 2 Kings 2. 10. he said, thou hast a. a hard thing /ira 5. 10. we a. their n.imes to certify thee .AiA21 . 29. h.ive ye not a. tiiem that goby the way I'sal. 21. 4. he a. life of thee, thou gavest him 35. + 11. they a. me things th,it 1 knewsnot 105. 40. the people a. and he brought quails y.ta. 30. 2. and have not a. at my mouth 41 . 28. when I a. of tho'n, could answer a word 65. 1. I am sought of them th.it a. not for me Dan. 1. 10. there is no .Ving that a. such things 7. 16. I came and a. him the truth of all this .1/aM6.13.hca.hisdisciplfs..V.rr|8.27./-u'te918 [4] To pray, John 15. T. Jam. 1.6. [5] To M-l2?.23.i)adduccesa. 11. 12. he shall a. the outcasts of Israel AST E,ti 44. 24. thev shall keep my laws in all ndflc a Amos 5 -J. 1 will not smell in your solemn -. ASSENT, ED. , . . , C Chron. 18. 12. declaxt good to the ki.g ^'^ °" " Luke "3 124. Pilate a. it should be as riiey requi.'J J ,/"4 9. jews also a. that these things were so ASSIGNED. Gen 47 "2. for the priests had a portion a. them Josh. 20. 8. they a. Bezer a city of reluge 2 6am. 11. 16. he a. Uriah to a place he knew ASSIST. nom. 16.2. that ye a. her in whatsoever busmes* ASSOCIATE. /.a.B.Q.a.yourselvesand ye shall be broken in piecf-s Van. 11. 10. at the end of years they shall a. AS SOON. Eiod. g. 29. a. as 1 am gone out of the city " Chrou 31. 5. a. as the commandment came abroail }'^al 18 44 /■• as they hear of me, shall obey mo La tJ6 8 a. as Zion travailed, she brought lorth Ltilel 44 a. as the voice of thy salutation soundeU 8. 6. a. as it was sprung up it withered away J../i« 18 6. a. as he said, 1 am he. they went back ■ . as 1 was sent for 's^.- ^;r^- ^s?^--+-i2:?-KS^;;-.^ 48. 14. all ye a. yourselves and hear Jer. 4 5 a. yourselves, and let us go into the cities 8. U why do we sit still? a. yourselves, let us L-ei 11 17. I will a. you out of the countries ■J\).il. a. Yourselves, gather to my sacrihce IJos 7 14 they a. themselves for corn and wine Joel\. 16. a. the elders, gather the children 3. 11. a. yourselves and come, all ye heathen Imoi 3 9 a yourselves on the mount of Samaria 1uk-.2.12. i will surely a. O Jacob, all of thee 4. 6. saiih the Lord I will a. her that halteth Zeph. 3. 8. I'll a. the kingdoms to pour indignation ASSEMBLED. Exod. 38.8.women which a. at the door of the taber 1 6am. 2. 22. they lay with the women that a. Job 20. 14. his meat is the gall cf a. withm him jj c/"run 'l5"4 I )Iviii"a. the children of Aaron I6.he shall suck the poison of a. the v-iper s'o"E"« ^ cl „"' 30 13 a nuich people to keep the feast Jsa. 11.8. the Child shall play - ^^^^i^'^^Vtr Iva 9 4 then a to me ever^' one that trembled Hvm. 3. 13. the poison of a. is under their Ups ^^ J ^^^^ ^^^_^ ^^^ p^^^.^^_ ^^^^^ ^ , !„„ ASSAULf ED j^^ cVMv^n of Israel a with fasting £sr/..8. 11. tocausetoper.sh all that woulda then, y ^,^^^ ^ passed-by ActsU.b. when there was an a. made of the Oen lies '"'•*«• •»• j^ .^„,ie\e a. who can declare this 17 5 they a. the house of Jason, and sought to ASSAY, ED, ING. X>«i/. 4. 31. hath God a. to go and take a nation 1 6a/«.17.39.David a. to go, for he had not proved Job 4 2. if we a. to commune with thee, wilt thou Actsg. '-'6. Saul a. to join himself to the disciples 16. 7. they a. to go to Bilhynia, but the Spirit lleh. 11 29. the Egyptians a. to do, were drowned ASS. <;tn.2S.3.Abraham rose up early.and saddled hisa. 5 abide you here with the a. and 1 and the lad 49. 14. Issaihar is a stronj a. couchin? between Ejod. 13. 13. every firstling of an a. redeem with . 4. if thou meet thine enemy's a. going astray ha. 43. 9. let the people be a. who can declare th Jer. 5. 7. a. themselves by troops in harlots houses Dan 6 11 these men a. and found Daniel praying .Vat. 28. 12. when they a. they gave large money John 20 19. the disciples a. for fear of the Jews Acts 1. 4. being a. commanded them not to depart 4.31. the place was shaken where they were a. 11 26 a whole year they a. with the church 15 S5 it seemed good to us a. with one accord ASSEMBLING. Ihb 10 25. forsake not the a. yourselves together ASSEMBLY. Gen. 28. < 3. that thou mayestbe an a. of people 49 6 to their a. mine honour be not thou umied 3. 4. if thou mee't thine enemy's a. going astray J- ■ ^ ^^^^^ 1^^ j^ ;„ ^l^g ^y^^ 12.shaltrest; that thine ox and th.ije a. may rest i-'."- 1-0^ tne^^.^ ^^.^^^j^ ^ .„.i,h hunger hum. 16. 15. 1 have not taken one a from them • _■ ^^^ ^ ^^ ^.^^ ^^^^ ,1^^ ^^^ of the a 22. 23. th« a. saw the angel stancling .5. .7. ^J^;_ -^^ j, ^pj make 2 trumpets for calling the 28. the Lord opened the mouth of the a 30. the a. said to Balaam, am not 1 thine a. Deut 22 10 not plow with an ox and a. together /<«A15.18. and Achsahlighted off hera. Caleb said, what wilt thou ? JuJg. 1 . 14. 1 &»i. 2j .3. Jurf?. 15. 16. w:-.h the jaw-bone of an a. heaps 1 a'i'i"* 13. 23. the lion had not torn the a. 2 h.n's 6 25. until an a. head sold for 80 pieces Job'Zi. 3. they drive away the a. of the . • -. 1' 18 a as it wa.s day there was no small stir /I'fi' 10 10 a as 1 had eaten it, my belly was bitter 1" '4 for to devour the child a. as it was born ASSLHANCE. Dent "8 66. thou shalt have none a. of thy lite Isa 3" 17.andtheefl"ect of righteousness, a. Acts 17. 31. whereof he hath grena. to all men Col 2.2. to all riches of the full a. of understandinj 1 Thess. 1. 5. our gospel came in much a. Jleb. 6. 11. to the lull a. of hope to the end 10 "^ let us draw near in lull a. of faith ASSURE. 1 John 3. 19. and shall a. our hearts before hiw ASSURED. Lev 27.19. add the fifth, and it shall be a. to him Jer. 14. 13. I will give you a. peace in this place 14 t5 l^t everyone be fully a. in his mind " Tim 3. 14. continue in things thou hast been a. AbSUREDLY. 1 6am. 28. 1. know a. thou shall go out ^vUh me I Am.'.t 1.13.a.Solomonthy son shall reign, 17,30. Jer 3' 41. 1 will plant them in this land a. 38. 17. if thou a. go forth to the king of Babyloa 49 12 they have a. drunken, and shalt thou go Act's 2. 36. let all the house of Israel know a 16 10. a. gathering that the Lord had called us ASSWAGE, ED Gen. 8. 1. over the earth, and the waters were a Jo/, 16. 5. moving of my lips should a. your grief 6. though 1 speak, yet my griel is not a. ASIONIED. Ezra 9. 3. plucked off the hair, and sat down a. Job 17. 8. upright men shall be a. at this 18 20. they that come after him .shal be a. Eze'k. 4. 17. that they may be a. one with another Van 3.24. Nebuchadnezzar was a. and rose m hast. 4. 19. then Daniel was a. for one hour 6 0. his countenance was changed, his lords a. ASTONISHED. Lev. 26. 32. and your enemies shall be a. 1 A.«i.9.8.-everyone tj'at Passeth by shall be a Jer. 18. 16. i 19- 8- I *9. 17- I 50. 13 Job "611. the pillars of heaven tremble aiid are a Jsa. 52. 14. as many ^^'"e a. at thee, his visage Jer 2 12i be a. O ye heavens, at this 4 '9 "the heart of the priests shall be a. 14 q_why shouldest thou be as a man a. / -ekS 15. 1 remained a. among them seven day) 26, 16.' shall tremble at every moment, and be a ■-U 19 thev that know thee shall be a. at thee « 27 I Da'niel was a. at the vision .Iir. 6. 11. 1 will pour il on the a. 9. 2. for they be an a. of treacherous men 15. 17. 1 sat not in the a. of the mockers Lam. 2. 6. he hath destroyed the places of the I.iek. 13. 9. they shall not be in the a. of my people ■?jl-'t;. ^.;v.;s:r 4.i.;» iUaVi 1.22. I 6. 2. 111. 18./^-^^ 4. 34 Mark 5 42. thev were a. with great astonishment 7 37 and were beyond measure, a. If ■ -0. li) 24. the disciples were a. at his words :«;!r3.9.lhey5haUnotbeinthea.ofmypeoi.le 1 ■ ^- 1 understknding and answers :3. 24. shall come against Alio ibahw.th an a /-^-. 47^- ^ ^_ ^^ ^^^ -;j. --J. snail cuiuc .n^.nt.o^ .. — Acts 19. 32. the a. was confused, and part knew not 39 It shall be determined in a lawlul a. 41. he had thus spoken, he dismissed the a. Heb. 12. 23. to the general a. of the first born Jam. 2 2. if there come to your a. a man Solemn ASSEMBLY. Lev. 23. 36. on tht eighth day it is a ■'^/'•''""'- f '"" 29. 35. J>i.i Ilatach whom he appointed to a. her 21 AUN P>nt. 17. 1. Lord, a. to my cry, 61. 1. 1 142. 6. 5.'). 2. a. tome, hear me, 1 mourn and makeauoise I'sal. 86. 6. and a. to the voice of my supplication Prov. 4. 1. hear and a. to know understanding 20. my son, a. to my words, incline thine ear ,7. 24 5. 1. my son, a. to my wisdom, and bow thine ear 1 Cur. 7 . 35. may a . on the Lord without distraction AirENDANCE. 1 Kiii^s 10. 5. saw the a. of his ministers, 2 CAr. 9.4. 1 Tim. 4. 13. till I come, give a. to reading lleb. 7. 13. of which no man gave a. at the altar ATTENDED. Job 32. 12. I a. to you, none of you convinced Job Pull. C6. 19. be hath a. to the voice of my prayer Ads 16. 14. she a. to the things spoken by I'aul ATTENDING. iiu»).13.6.ministersa.continually on this very thing AITENT. 2 Citron. 6. 40. let thine ears be a. to the prayer 7. 15. mine ears shall be a. at the prayer made ATTENTIVE. AVi. 1. 6. let thine ear now be a. 11. Psal. 130. 2. 8. 3. the ears of the people were a. Luke I9. 48. ATTI^NTIVELY. Job 37. 2. hear a. the noise of his voice and sound ATTIRE, ED. /.(?!'. 16.4. with the linen mitre shall Aaron be a Prov. 7.10. met him a woman with a. of an harlot Jer. 2. 32. can a bride forget her a. ? yet my people Lzek. 23. 15. exceeding in dyed a. on their heads ATiRlBUTED. Job 1. t 22. Job sinned not, nor a. folly to God AVAILETH. Esih. 5. 13. yet all this a. me nothing so long as I see Oal. 5. 6. in Christ circumcision a. not, 6. 15. Jam. 5. 16. the prayer of a righteous mau a. much AUDIENCE. GV«.23. 13. Abraham spake to Ephron in a. of people Eioit. 24. 7. took book of covenant, and read in a. I iiam. 25. 24. let thine handmaid speak in thy a. 1 CiiroK. 28. 8. in the a. of our God keep and seek Nell. 13. 1. they read in the book of Moses in the c. Lnie"! .1. ended all his sayings in the a. of the people 20. 45. in a. of the people he said to his disciples Acts 13. 16. Israel, and ye that fear God, give a. 15. 12. then all the multitude gave a. to Barnabas 22. 22. »jjd they gave him a. to this word AVENGE. Lev. ig. Ih. mou shalt not a. nor bear grudge 26. 25. that shall a. the quarrel of my covenant -Vkw. 31. 2. a. Israel of the iMidianites, 3. Ueul. 32. 43. he will a. the blood of his servants 1 ■Sam. 24. 12. the Lord judge and a. me of thee 2 A'lHjtg. 7.smiie the houseof Ahab, that I may a. l:ji/i. 8. 13. Jews a. themselves on their enemies La. 1. 24. I will a. me of mine enemies .ler. 46. 10. a day of vengeance that he may a JJos. 1. 4, I will a. the blood of Jezreel on Jehu Lurn jH. 3. saying, a. me of mine adversary 7. .shall not God a. his own elect, who cry day 8. I tell you that he will a. them speedily Rom. 12.19. beloved, a. not yourselves, but give Rev. 6. 10. how long dost thou not a. our blood AVENGED. Gen. 4. 24. if Cain should be a. seven-fold, Lamech Exod. 21. +20. and he die, he shall be surely «. Jos/i, 10. 13. sun and moon stayed till people had a. Jiidg. 15.7. tnough ye have done this, yet 1 will b 16. 28. may be a. on Philistines for my two eyes 1 '"Sam. 14. 24. that eateth any food, that I may be a IS. 25. an hundred foreskins, to be a. of enemies 25. 31. or that my Lord hath a. himself 2 H,im. 4. 8. the Lord hath a. my lord the king 18. 19. how the Lord hatha, him of his enemies 31. the Lord hatki a. thee this day of them Jir. 5. 9. my soul be a. on such a n.ation, 29. | 9. 9. .lets. 7. 24. Woses a. him that was oppressed Rev. 18. 20. rejoice, for God hath a. you on her lO- 2. hath a. blood of his servants at her hand AVENGER. A'Hm.35.12. cities for refuge from the a. Juj/i.20.3. Utut. 19. 6. lest the a. of blood pursue the slayer 12. the elders deliver him into the hand of the a. Joih. £v). 5. if the a. of blood pursue after him 9. not die by the hand of the a. till he stood Pinl. 8. 2. thou niightest still the enemy and a. 44. 16. by reason of the enemy and a. 1 'J'/tess. 4. 6. because the Lord is the a. of all .such AVENGETII. Q.Sam. 22. 48. it is God that a. me, Psal. 18. 47. AVENGING. Jiid^. 5. 2. praise the Lord for the a. of Israel 1 Ham. 25. 26. Lord hath withholden thee from a. 33. blessed be tlioti who kept me from a. AVEKSE. ^Jic. 2. 8. pass by securely, as men a. from war AUGMENT Sum. 32. 14. ye are risen to a tlie fierce anger 1 AUNT, AWA AVOVCHED. Deal. 26. 17. hast this day a. the Lord to be thy God 18. the Lord hath a. thee to be his people AVUID. Prov. 4. 15. a. it, pass not by it, turn from it Rom. 16. 17. mark them that cause divisions, and a 1 Cur. 7. 2. to a. fornication, let everj- man have bi) 2 'Jim. 2. 23. foolish and unlearned questions a. ■lit. 3. 9- <•■ foolish questions and genealogies AVOIDED, ING. 1 Sam. 18 11. Uavid a. out of his presence twice 2 Cor, 8. 20. a. this, that no man should blame us 1 Tim. 6. 20. a. profane and vain babblings AUSTERE. Ltde 19. 21. I feared, because thou art an a. man AUTIIUR; Ari.<3. i 15. and killed the a. of life 1 Cor. 14. 33. God is not the a. of confusion Ildb. 5. 9. he became the a. of eternal salvation 12. 2. looking to Jesus, the a. and finisher of faith AUTHORITY Signifies, [1] Power, rule, or dignity, Prov. 29. 2. Luke 19. 17. [2] A convincing ejicacv and power, Alat. 7. 29. [3] A warrant, order, or authentic permission. Mat. 21.23. Acts9. 14. I^th. 9. 29. Esther and Mordecai wrote with a. Prov. 29. 2. when rig'^teous are in a. people rejoic4 Mat.t.ug. taught them as one having a. Mark 1.22. 8. 9. for I am a msm under a. and say, Lvke 7. 8. 20.25. they that are great exercise a. Mart 10.44 21. 23. by what a. dost thou these f Mark 11. 28. Mark 1. 27. for with a. commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they obey him, XiiXe4. 36. 13. 34. left his house, and gave a. to his 5er\'ants Luke 9.1 . he gave them power and a.over all devils 19.17. been faithful, have thou a. over ten cities 20. 20. might deliver him to a. of the governor 22. 25. that exercise a. are called benefactors John 5. 27. hath given him a. to execute judgment AcisS. 27. eunuch of great 1. under Candace queen 9. 14. here he hath a. to bind, 26. 10, 12. 1 Cor. 15. 24. when he shall have put down all a 2 Cor. 10.8. should boast somewhat more of our a. I Thess. 2. t 6. when we might liave used a. 1 Ti?n. 2. 2. supplication for kings and all in a. 12. I suffer not a woman to usurp a. over the mao Til. 2. 15. exhort and rebuke with all a. 1 Pet. 3. 22. angels and a. made subject to him Rev. 13. 2. the dragon gave him power and great a AWAKE Signifies, [1] To come out of natural sleep,l.nkeg.i'i. [2] To rouse up out of spiritual sleep, by a vizoTout eien ise of gi uce, by leaiing off all sinful clwses, and setting about the performance of duties re- guired. Mom. n. 11. Eph. 5. 14. [3] To raisa from the dead. Job 14. 12. John 11. 11. [4] To give present help after it hath Lng been keyi from us, as though God had forgotten us, Psal. 7.6. Isa. 51.9. Awake not my love till he please. Cant. 2. 7 Give my beloved Saviour no occasion ofojfence or departure ; neither inlerrvpt that pi ace 1 enjoy in him, so long as he is i leased to continue it Judg. 5. 12. a. a. Deborah, a. a. utter a song, arise Job 8. 6. surely now he would a. for thee 14. 12. till heavens be no more, they shall not a 19. + 26. I shall a. thoujili this body be destroyed ./'.>"/. 7. 6. a. for me to the judgment, 35. 23. 17. 15. be satisfied when I a. with thy likeness 44. 23. a. why slecpest thou, O Lord .' arise 57. 8. a. my glorj', 1 myself will a. early, 108. 2 59.4. they prepare, a. to help me, and behold 5. O Lord (.iod, a. to visit all the heathen Prov. 23. 35. when shall I a. I will seek it yet again Cant. 2. 7. not a. my love till he please, 3. 5. | 8.4 4. 16. a. O north wind, and come thou south La. 26. 19. a. and sing ye that dwell in the dust 51. 9. a. a. put ou strength, Oann of the Lord, a. as in the aJicient days, 52. 1 17. a.a. stand up, O Jerusalem, whilh hastdnmli Jer. 51. 57. sleep a perpetual sleep, and not a. Ihin. 12. 2. many that sleep in the dust shall a JoeJ 1.5. a. ye drunkards, weep and howl all jc Uab. 2. 7. shall they not a. that shall vex thee 19. ^>'oe to him that saith to the wood, a. Zech. 13.7 . a. O sword, against my Shepherd, smite Mark 4. .38. he was asleep, and th>-y a. him Ijikc 9. 32. when they were a. they saw his glory John 11. U. 1 go that I may a. him out of sleep Rom. 13. 11. it is high time to a. out of sleep 1 Cor. 15. 34. a. to righteousness, and sin not A/M.5.14.a. thou that sleepest, and arise from dead t t 26. may a. themselves out of the sn.are ' AWAh ED. Oen, 28. I6. Jacob a. out of his sleep, and said v/i(i/^. 16.14. Samson a. and went away with the pig 1 Sam. C6. 12. no man saw it aor knew it, neither a, hings 18. 27. he slcepeth and must be a. 2 A'i«g/4.3l. Gebajii told him, the child is not IjCv. 18. 14. nor approach to his wife, she is iby a. | /'fa/. 3. 5. I a. for (he Lonl .suitained nie BAC Ptal. 78. 65. then the Lord a. as one out of sleep Jtr. 31. 26. upon this I a. and beheld, and my sleep AV/AKESr. Pn/. 73. 20. when thou a. shalt despise their image J'loc. 6. 22. when thou a. it shall talk with thee AWAKETH, ING. Psal. T-l. 20. as a liream when one a. so, O Lord //a.29.8. hem. 2. 20. instructor of foolish, a teacher of A. 1 Cor. 3. 1. as to carnal, even as unto A. in Christ 1 Pet. 2. 2. as new-bom A. desire the sincere milk of BACK. Eiod. 18. 2. Zipporah, after he had sent bcr b. 23. 4. or ass going astray, thou shalt bring it A. yum. 22. 34. if it leua thee. I will getmc A 22 BAD Num. 24. 11. the Lordhalh kept thee A. from honour Jos/i. 8. 26. Joshua drew not his hand A. till he had Jiutb 2. 6. the Moabitish damsel that came 4. 2 Sam, 15. 20. return, and take A. thy brethren 19. 10. why speak ye not of bringing iheking A. .' 1 Kings 13. 22. but earnest A. and hast eaten bread 22. 26. and carry him A. to Amon the governor 2 Cliron. 13. 14. when Judah looked A. behold 25. 13. but the soldiers that Amaziah sent A. ./.'* 26. 9- he holdeth A. the face 0/ his throne Jer. 46. 5. they are fled apace, and look not A. llos. 4. It). Israel slideth A. as a backsliding heifer Sah. 2. 8. stand, shall they cry, none shall look A. .l/«r. 24. 18. nor let him tUat is in field return A. 28. 2. angel rolled A. the stone from the door LukeH. 37.went into the ship, and returned A. again 9. 62. put his hand to plough, and looking A. noi 17. ."1. let him likewise not return A. 6ie DR.tw, Go, Bbi.sg, Keep, Kept, Turn, We. NT. BACK, Substantive. 1 Sam. 10. 9. he turned his A. to go from Samuel 1 Kings 14.9.hastcastmebeliindthy A. £'re*.23.35. Psal. 21. 12. thou shalt make them turn their A. 129. 3. tlieplowers plowed on my A. made furrows Proi-.IQ. 13. a rod for the A. ofhim, 19.29. | 26.3. ha. 38. 17. thou hast cast my sins behind thy A. 50. 6. I gave my A. to the smiters, and my cheeks Jer. 2. 27. they have turned their A. to thee 18. 17. I will shew them the A, and not the face 32. 33. they have turned to me the A. and not face 48. 39. how hath .Moab turned the A. with shame Dan. 7. 6. which bad on the A. of it four wings Rom. 11. 10. not see, and bow down their A. alway l^iACK-BONE. Le-o.S.Q. the rump shall he take ofThard by the A.-A. BACK-PA HXS. £xurf .23.23.away my hand, thou shalt see my b.-p. "BAfKS. Neh. 9. 26. they cast thy law behind their A. Ezek. 8. 16. men with their A. towards the temple 10. 12. their whole body and A. full of eyes See TuR.NED. BACKBITERS. Rom. 1. 30. A. haters of God, despiteful, proud BACKBITETII. Psal. 15. 3. he that A. not with his tongue BACKBITING. Prov. 25. 33. so an angry countenance, a A. tongue 2 Cor. 12. 20l lest there be debates, strifes, A. BACKSIDE. £rod.3. 1. Mosesledthefiocktothe A. ofthedesert 26. 12. the half-curtain shall hang over the A. Rev. 5. 1. on the A. sealed with seven seals BACKSLIDER. Prov. 14. 14. A. in heart be filled with his ways BACKSLIDING, S. Jer. 2. 19. 2nd thy A. shall reprove thee 3. 6. hast thou seen what A. Israel hath done? 8. causes whereby A. Israel committed adultery Jer. 3. 11. the A. Israel hath justified herself more 12. return thou A. Israel, saiih the Lord 14. return O A. children, saith the Lord, 22. 5. 6. because their transgressions and A. increased 8. 5. this people slidden back by a perpetual A. 14. 7. for our A. are many, we sinned against thee 31. 22. how long go about, (.) A. daughter, 4y.4. JIos. 4. IC. Israel slideth back, as a A. heifer 11. 7- niy people are bent to A. from me 14. 4. I will heal their A. I will love them freely Zccli. 7. 1 11. they gave a A. shoulder and stopped BACKWARD. Gen. 9. 23. went A. and their faces were A. 49. 17. t)an a serpent, so that his rider shall fall A. lSam.4. 18. Eli fell from off the seat A. by the gate 2 Kings QO. 10. let the shadow return A. Isa. 38. 8. Job S3. 8. and A. but I cannot perceive him Pial. 40. 14. let them be driven A. that wish me evil 70. 2. let them be turned A. that desire my hurt Jsa. 1. 4. they provoked, and are gone away A. 28. 13. that they might go and fall A. be broken 44. 25. that tumeth wise men A. and maketh their 50. 14. judgment is turned away A. and justice Jer. 7. 24. but they went i. and not forward 15. 6. thou art gone A. theriiforc I will destroy I^m. 1. 8. Jerusalem sighcth and tumeth A. Ju/in 18. 6. they went A. and fell to the ground BAD. Gen. 24. 50. we cannot speak to thee A. or good 31. 24. speak not to Jacob good or A. 29. Lee. 27. 10. a good for a A. or a A. for a good 12. the priest value it, whether it be good or A. 14. estimate the house, whether it be good or A. 33. he shall not search whether it be good or A. Sum. 13. 19. the land they dwell in, if good or A. 24. 13. to do either good or A. of my own mind 2 Sam. 13. 22. Abs.alom spake neither good nor A. 14. 17. so is my lord the king to discern good or A. 1 Kings 3 9' a heart that I may discern good and i. Exra 4. 18. building tha rebellious and A. city BAL Jer. 24. 2. the figs could not be eaten, they were so b. Mat. 13. 48. gathered the good but cast the A. away 22. 10. good and A. and the wedding was furnished ■2 Cor. 5. 10. that he hath done, whether good or i. BADNESS. Gen. 41. 19j never saw in the land of Egypt for A. BADE, ESI". Gen. 27. 19. I have done accordin-j as thou A. me 43. 17. and the man did as Joseph A. and brought F.zod. 16. 24. laid it up till morning, as .Moses o. .\um. 14. 10. all the congregation A. stone them Joih 11. 9. Joshua did to them as the Lord A. him RuiA 3. f). to all that her mother-in-law A. her 1 Sum. 24. 10. some A. me kill thee, but I spared 'i Sam. 1. 18. David A. them teach Judah the use 14. ly. for thy servant .loab he A. me, and he put 2C/iron. 10. 1". came on the third day .as the king A. Esi/t. 4. 15. Esther A. them return this answer .Mai. 16. 12. how i.u i. them not beware of leaven Liiie 14. 9. and he that A. ihee and him, come, 10. 16. a certain man made a supper and i. many Acts 11. 12. and the Spirit A. me go with them 18. 21. but A. them farewell, saying, I must keep 22.24. A. that he should be examined by scourging BADGI.RS'-SKINS. F.zod. 25. 5. take of them b.-skins and shittim-wood 20. 14. and a covering forthetent aboveof A.-jiini 35. 7- rams' skins dyed red, A.-ii. and shittim wood 23. with whom were fo.ind skins of rams, and A. -i<. 30. 1 9. and he made a covering of b.-sk. above that Si(?n. 4. 10. put it within a covering of b.-skins Lztk. l6. 10. and I shod thee with b.-skin: BAG Signifies, A sack or pouch, Deut. 25. 13.1 Sam. 17 .40 Bags which wax not old, Luke 12. 33. Heaienlf treasures 'uhich perish not, as eartldv things do. Earneth wages to put into a bag with hnfcs. Hag. 1. 6. II hat he gets or labours for, does him no manner uf ieri ice, but a secret curse consumes it. Dcui. 25. 13. not have in thy A. divers weights 1 Sam. 17. 40. smooth stones, and put thcni in a A. Job 14. 17. ray transgression is sealed up in a A. Prov. 7. 20. he hath taken a A. of money with him Prov. 16. 11. all the weights of the A. are his work /-a. 46. 6. they lavish gold out of the A. and weigh ."^lic. 6. 11. and with the A. of deceitful weights Hag. 1. 6. he earneth wages to put in a A. with holes John 12.6. because he was a thief, and had the A. 13. 29 some thought, because Judas had the A. BAGS. 2 Kings 5. 23. and he bound two talents in two A. 12. 10. they put up in A. and told the money Luke 12. 33. provide yourselves A. that wax not old BAKE. Gen. 19. 3. Lot did A. unleavened bread, they eat Ezod. 16. 23. A. that wliich you will i. to-day Lev. 24. 5. take flour and A. twelve cakes thereof 26. 26. ten women shall A. your bread in one oven 1 Sam. 28.24. woman at Endor did A. Vinkav. bread 2 Siim. 13. 8. Tamar took tiour and did A. cakes Lzek. 4. 12. thou shalt A. it with man's duna 40. 20. the place where they shall A. uitat-oflerlng BAKED. Ezod. 12. 39. they A. unleavened cakes of dough -N"«(. 11. 8. and A. it in pans, and made cakes of it 1 Chron. 23. 2y. and for that which is A. in the pan B.4KE..MEATS. Gen. 40. 17. all manner of b.-meats for Pharaoh BAKEN. Lev. 2. 4. meat-oflfcring A. in the oven, 5,7. | 7. 9. 6. 17. it shall not be A. with leaven, it is most holy 23. 17. two wave-loaves shall be A. with leaven 1 Kings 19. 6. behold, a cake was i. on the coals BAKER. Gen. 40. 1 . the butler and A. had offended the king 20. lifted up the head of the chief butler and i 22. he hanged the A. as Joseph interpreted 41. It), and put in ward both me and ihe chief i llos. 7.4. they are as an oven heated by the A 6. their A. sleepeth all the night, it burneth BAKERS. Gen. 40. 2. was wroth against the chief of the b. 1 Sam. 8. 13. he will taxe your daughters to be*. Jer. 37. 21. gave Jeremiah bread out of A. street BAKETll. Isa. 44. 15. he A. bread, yea, he maketh a god BALD. Lev. 13. 40. he is A. yet is he clean, 41 2 Kings 2.23. go up thou A. head, go up thou A.hea« Jer. 10. 6. nor make themselves A. for them 4R 37. every head shall be A. and beard dipt Ezek. '21 .31. they shall make themselves utterly A. 29. 18. every head was made A. and shoulder peeled Mic. 1. 16. make thee A. and poll thee for childreo BALD-LOCUST. Lev. 11. 22. ye may eat the b.-locvst after his kind BALDNESS Signifies, [1] IVant of hatr on the head. Lev. 21.5k [2] A sigii of mmtratng, Isa. 15. 2. Jer. 47- 6- Ltv. 21.5 they shall not make A on tltcir bead BAN 'I>tta. 14. I. nor make any 6. between your eye*; Isa. 3. 84. and instead of well-set hair, b. 15. 2. on all tlieir hRr;d5 h. and every beard cut 22. 12. the Lord did call to weeping and to i. Jer. 47. 5. b. is come upon Gaza, Ashkelon cut off Eiek. 7. 18. and b. on all their heads, /Inwi (S. 10. Mic, 1. ]6. poll thee, enlarge thy b. as the eagle BALANCE. Job 31. 6. let me be weighed in an even b. Psal. 6l. g. laid in the b. are altogether vanity Prov. 11. 1. a false b. is abomination, CO. 23. 16.11. a just weight, and b. are the Lord's lia. 40. 12. who weighed the hills in a b. ? 15. nations counted as the small dust oi" the b. 46. 6. lavish gold, and weigh silver in the b. BALANCES. Lev. 19. 30. just b. a just ephah, Ezek. 45. 10. Job 6. 2. and my calamity laid in the b. together Jer. 32. 10. I weighed him the money in the A. Szek. 5. 1. take b. to weigh, aud divide the hair 2Jan. 5. 27. thou art weighed in the b. and wantmg Jlos. 12. 7. the b. ot deceit are in his hand Amos 8. 5. and falsifying the b. by deceit Mic. f>. 11. shall I count them pure with wicked b. ? liet. 6. 5. lie that sat on them, had a pair of b. JiALANCINGS. Job 37. 16. do;t thou know the b. of the clouds? BALL, S. Isa. 3. + 19. the Lord will take away their sweet b. 22. 18. he will surely turn and toss thee like a b. BALM. Gen. 37. 25. Ishmaelites bearing b. aud myrrh 43. 11. take in your vessels a little b. and honey Jer. 8. 22. is there no b. in Gilead .' is there no physician r 46. 11. go up to Gilead, and take b. O virgin 51. 8. howl for her, take b. for her pain 2i,zek. 27 . 17 . J udah traded in honey, and oil, aud b BAND, .S Signifies, [1] A company of soldiers. Acts 10. 1 . [2] Material chains, Luke 8. 29. Acts I6. 2(j. \'i.'\ Arguments or instances of lov^, which might draw and enzage persons to their dutu, llos. 11.4. ['ii]Govern7nent and laws, which, like fetters, re- strain men from wicked practices, Psal. 2. 3. Zcch. 11. 7, 14. [5] Faith and love, which at- tract the soul to Christ, Col. 2. I9. Exod. 39. 23. a b. round that it should not rend Xep. 2(). 13. I have broken the b. of your yoke Judg. 15. 14. and his i. loosed from off his hands S Kings 23. 33. I'haraoh put Jehaihaz in b. Job 38. 9. I made darkness a swaddling b. for it 31 .canst hind the Pleiades,or loose the i. of Orion.' 39. 5. or who hath loosed the b. of the wild assr 10. canst thou bind the unicorn with his b. f Psal.1.Z.\e\ us break their b. asunder.and cast away 73. 4. for there are no b. in their death 107. 14. and he brake their b. in sunder Eccl. 7. 26. woman whose heart snares, hands as b. Isa. 28. 22. be not mockers, lest b. be made strong t>'i. 2. loose thyself from the b. of thy neck 58. 6. this the fast, to loose the b. of wickedness Jer. 2. 20. I have broken thy yoke, burst thy b. Ezek. 3.25. son of man, they .shall put b. on thee 4. 8. and behold I will lay b. upon thee 34. 27. when I have broken the b. of their youth Dan 4. 15. even with a b. of iron and brass, 23. llos. '1.4. I drew them with b. of love, and I was Zech. '1. 7. I took me two staves, beauty and b, 34. then I cut asunder mine other staff, even b. LukeR. 29. he brake b. and was driven of the devil Acts iG. 26. and every one's b. were loosed 22. 30. the centurion loosed Paul from his b. Col. 2. 19. the head, from which all the body by b. Hee Bonds. BAND, S. Gen. 32. 7. .Jacob divided the camtls into two b. 10. I passed over, and now I am become two b. 1 Sam. 10. C(). and there went with him a b. of men 2 Sam. 4. 2. Saul's son had two men, captains of b. 2 Kings 6. 23. so the b. of Syria came no more 13. 20. and the b. of the Moabites invaded the land 21. as they were burying a man, they spied a b. 24.2. the Lord sent against him A. of Chaldeans, b. i Chrcji.l . 4. with them were*, of soldiers for war 12. 18. David m.-ide them captains of the b. 21 . they helped David against the b. of the rovers A':ra8. 22. I was ashamed to require of the king ai. Job 1. 17. tlie Chaldeans made out three b. and fell Psiil. 119. 61. tlie b. of the wicked have robbed me Prov. 30. 27. the locusts go forth all of them by b. Vsek.M.li. 1 will scatter all his 4. and draw sword .18. 6. Gomer and all his b. Togarmah his b. 22. I will rain upon him and upon his b. 59. 4. fall on mountains of Israel thou and thy *. A/«f . 27. 27. gathered to him whole b. AJarkl5. I6. Jii/iii in. 3. Judas having received a b. of men 12. the b. and captain and officers look .Jesus .3cts iO. 1. a ceiXurion of the i4. called the Italian i, 81. 31. tidings came to tlw cUief captain of the b. 23 BAV Acts 27. 1. to Julius a centurion of Augusms BANDED. Acts 23. Is. certain of the Jews b. together BANK Signifies, [I] The side, or brink of a river. Gen 41. 17. [2] A monut, or heap of eaith raised to cover besiegers, while they batter the walls of a city, or shout at those who defend them, 2 Sam. 20. 15. [3] A place where there is a great sum of money taken in, and lei out to use, Luke 19. 23. Gen. 41. 17. behold I stood on the b. of the river Deut. 4. 48. from Aroer which is by the b. of the river Anion, Josh. 12. 2. | 13. 9, 16. 2 Sam. 20. 15. they caii up a b. against the city 2 Kings 2. 13. Elisha stood by the b. of Jordan 19.32. the king of Assyria not cast ab. Isa. 37.33. Ji^zek. 47. 7. at the b. of the river were many trees Dan. 12. 5. one on this side of the b. of the river, the other on that side of the b. of the river Liike 19. 23. gavest not thou my money into the b. ? BANKS. Josh. 0. 15. Jordan overfloweth all his /;. 4. 18. 1 Chron. 12. 15. Jordan had overflowed his b. Isa. 8.7. the king of AssjTria shall go over all hisi. Dan, 8. Id. 1 heard a man's voice between the b. BANNER .Signifies, A standard, or ensign, Isa. 13.2. 'I nou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, Psal. 60. 4. An army of men united under one banner, with ability to defend theinsehes and con- quer their enemies ; a banner being a sign of victory, as well as of battle and vinion. His banner over me was love. Cant. 2. 4. The love of Christ displayed, like- a banner, in the gospel, conducted, ettcouragcd, and engaged me to come to him. Exod. 17.. t 15. called the altar, the Lord my b. Psal. 60. 4. hast given a b. to them that fear thee Catit. 2. 4. to banquet, and his i. over me '.vas love Isa. 13.2. lift ye up a b, on the high mountain BANKERS. Psal. 20.5. in the name of our God we set up our i. Cant. 6. 4. thou art terrible as an army with b. BANISHED. 2 Sam. 14. 13. the king doth not fetch home his b. 14.he doth devise means that his i. be not expelled BA^'ISH.MENT. Ezra 7. 26. whether it be to death or to b. Lam. 2. 14. have seen false burdens juid causes of b. BANQUET. [5, 8. F.sth. 5.4. let the king and Haman come to the b. 6. the king said to Esther at the b. of wine, 7.2. Job 41. 6. shall the companions make a b. of him : Amos 6. 7. the i. of them that stretched themselves BANQUET-HOUSE. Dan. 5. to. now the queen came into the i. -house BANQUETING, S. Cant. 2. 4. he brought me into the .i. -house 1 I'et. 4. 3. we walked in lusts, rovtllings, b. BAPTIS.M Signifies, [1] J^ie ouf.rard ordinance, or sacramjnt, wherein the washing with water represents the cleansing of the soul from sin by the blood uf Christ, Luke 7. 29. 1 Pet. 3. 2i. [2] Inward spiritual washing, whereby the gifts and graces of the Spii it, signified by the outward sign, are really and actually bestowed. Mat. 3. 11. [3] The sufferings of Christ, whereby he was consecrated and prepared for his entrance upon his kingly office, Wat. 20. 22. Luke 12. 50. [4] So much of the goipel as John the Baptist taught his disciples vhen he baptized them. Acts 18. 25. Mil/. 3. 7.when he saw the Pharisees come to his i. 20. 22. and to be baptized with the b. Mark 10. 38. 21. 25. the b. of John, whence was it, from heaven orof men.' Mark \l. 30. Luke20..i. Mark 1. 4. John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the b. of repentance, Eukc 3. 3. Luke 7. 29. publicans baptized with the b. of John 12. .iO. I have a.b. to be baptized with, and how am Acts 1. 22. beginning from the 4. of John to that day lO.37.lh.at word, alter the A. which John preached 13.24. John preached the A. of repentance to Israel 18. 25. Apollus knowing only the b. of John 19. 3. were ye baptized >' they said unto John's i. 4. John baptized with the b. of repentance Horn. (). 4. we are buried with him by b. into death I'/ih. 4. 5, there is one Lord, one faith, one b. ('•il. 2. 12. buried with him in b, ye are risen with llrb. 6. 2. of doctrine of b. and laying on of bands 1 I'et. 3. £1. the like figure whereuuto, even b. doth BAPTl.SI'. Mat. 3. 1. in those days came John b. preaching 11. 11. among them born ot women there hath not risen a greater than John the 0. /-«X« 7. 28. 11. 12. from the days of John the A. till now 14. 2. this is John the 4. he is risen from the dead 8. said, give me John the A. head in a charger 16.14 some say thou art John the A. iUur A U 28. BAR Mat. 17.13. understood that be spake of John tnei. Marl 6. 14. John the A. was risen from the deaa 25. give me in a charger the head of John ihe 6. Luke 7. 20. John the A. hath sent us to thee, xayiog 33. John the A. came neither eating nor drinkinj 9- 19. they answering said, John the A. BAPllZK. Mat. 3. 11. 1 3. you with water, he shall A. you with the M.Ghost, ,Ua;X 1.8. Lukc3.l6. Jo/ml. 26. Mark 1.4. John did A. in the wilderness, and preach John i . 33. he that sent me to b. said unto me 1 Cor. 1. 17. Christ sent me not to A. but to preacb BAPTIZED. Mat. 3. 6. were A. of him in Jordan, Mark 1 . 5. 13. then cometh Jesus to .lohn to he A. of him 14. I have need to be A. of thct, and comest thou 16. Jesus, when he was A. went up out of water Mark 1. (J. Jesus was A. of John in Jordan 10. 39. the baptism I am A. withal, shall ye Im A 16. 16. he th.at believeth and is A. shall he saved Luke 3. 7. said to the multitude that came to be A 12. then came the publicans to be A. 7. 29. 21. Jesus being A. and praymg, heaven was opened 7. 30. Pharisees and lawyers, being not A. of hiii John 3. 22. there he tarried with them and A. 23. much water there, and they came and were* 4. 1. Jesus made and A. more disciples than John 2. t.hough Jesus himself A. not, but his disciples 10. 40. into the place where John at first A. .icts 1. 5. for John truly A. with water, but ve shall be A. v.ilh the Holy Ghost, 11. 10, 2. 33. repent, be A. every one of you in tha name of Je.su.s 41. they that gladly received his word were 6 8.12. they were A. both men and women 13. Simon believed also, and when he was A. 16. only they were A, in the name of Jesus 36. here is water, what doth hinder me to Le A. .' 38. went down Philip and eunuch, and he A. him 9. 18. Saul received sight, and arose and was A. 10.47. can any forbid.that these should not be A. 48. Peter commanded them to be A. 16. 15. Lydiawhenshe wasA. and her household 33. jailer was A. and all his straightway 18.8. many of the Corinth, believed, and were 4 19- 3. he said to them, to what then were ye A. .' 5. when they heard this they were A. 22. id. arise, and be A. and wash away thy sins Horn. d. 3. were A. into Jesus, were A. into his dtiith 1 Cor. 1. 13. were ye A. in the name of Paul r 14. thank God that I A. none of you, but Crispus Id. 1 A. household of Stephanas, not A. any other 10. 2. anil were all A. to Moses in the cloud 12.13. for liy one Spirit are we all A. intoonebodj 15. 29. else what shall they do who are A. for the dead, why are they A. for the deaU > Gal. 3. 27. as many as have been A. into Christ BAPTIZEST. John 1. 25. why A. thou, if thou be not the Christ ? BAPTIZETH. John 1 . 33. the same is he who A. with the H. Ghost 3. ',6. behold, the same A. all men come to him BAPTIZING. Mat. 28. 19. go ye and teach all nations, A. them John 1. 28. done beyond Jordan, where John was A 31. therefore am I come A. with water 3. 23. and John was also A. in Enou.nearto Salim BAR, RED. Keh. 7. 3. let tliem shut the doors, and A. them Cant. 4. t 12. a garden A. is my sister, my spouse BAR, Subitantive. Exod. 26. 28. the middle A. in midst of the boan'/. .36. 33. he made the middle A. to shoot through iNKffi. 4. 10. and they shall put it upon a A. 12 Judg. 16. 3. took doors of the city, posts, A. and all .imos 1. 5. 1 will break .also the i. of Damascis BARS Signify, [1] That bv which doors and gales ate made fast, Neb.' 3. 3, d. [2] That uhich 11 made OS a rafter to J'astcn beards uuto, Exod. 26. 21). [3]'l{ocks in the sea, Jonal> 2. 6. [4] 'The boundary if the uai/es of the sea. Job. 38. 10. Exod. 2d. 26. ihou shalt make A. of shittim-wnoi for the bo.irds of the tabernacle, .3d. 31 !^um. %. 36. uixltr the charge of thesousof .Merari, shall be the boards and A. of lhetabcrnacle,4.31 Dent. 3. 5. all these cities were fenced with gatei and A. 1 Kings 4. 13. 2 Chron. 8. 5. | 14. 7 1 Sam. 23 entering into a town that hath A. Sih. 3.3. set up locks thereof and A. 6, 13, 14, 15. Jrb. 17. Id. they shall go down to the A. of the pit 18. t 13. it shall devour the A. of his skin .■;8. 10. and set I. and doors for the sea 40. 18. Behemoth, hi; bones are like A. of ira.45.2. 147. 13. be hath strengthened the A. of thy gates I'rov. 18. 19. contentions are like the A. of a castlo Isa. 43. t 14. I hare brought down all their A Jer. 49, 31, nation which liuvc neither gales nor u. BAR Jtr.SO. 1 36. a sword apon her i. shall be dismayed 31. 30. they have Babylon, her *. are broken Lam. £. 9. ae hath drscruyed and broken her i. Eitk. 38. 11. and having neither gales nor ». Jonah 2. 6. the earth with her i. was about me ^ah. 3. 13. gates open, the 6re shall devour thy b. BARBARIAN. 1 Cor. 14.11. shall be to him a i. and he a b. to me Col. 3. 11. where there is neither Greek nor Jew, b. BARBARIANS. Acts CR. 4. when the b. saw the venomons beast Kom. 1.14. 1 am a debtor both to the Ureeks and b. BARBAROUS. Acts C8. 2. the b. people shewed no little kindness BARBKD. Job 41. 7- canst thou fill his skin with b. irons • BARBl.R. Eiek. 5. 1. son of man, take thee a b. rasor BARE. Gen. 7. 17- «• the ark, Uent.2\.Q,'ii. Josh. 3. 15. 4.10. I 8.33. 2 6HiV.f BARE rule. 1 Kings 9.23. the chief officers that b. r«/e over the people that wrought in the work, 2 CViron. 8. 10. l^eh. 5. 15. their senants b. rule over the people 15ARE uitness, and record. Mark 14. 56. IT any b. false sntness against him, 57. Luke 4. 22. all b. him uilness, and wondered Jolm 1. 15. John b. Ktlness of him, 32, .34. 5. 33. John A. uiiness to the truth 12. 17. the people that was with him b. record 19. 35. he that saw it i. record, and his record is true Acts 15. 8. knoweth the hearts, b. them Kiincss Rev. 1. S. who b. record o( the word of God BAREST. 1 King! 2. 2(). because thou b. the ark of the Lord //a. 63. 19. thou never b. rule over them Jolm 3. 26. he to whom thou b. witness, taptizeth BARE, Adjective Signifies, [1] Xoked, or i.neocered, Lev. 13. 45. Isa. 32. 11. [2] I'tain.or real, 1 Cor. 15. .37. IS) Deprived oj outvard com/orts, Jer. 49. 10. [4] Violeiiili/ taken auay, Jer. 13. t 22. Made bare his holy arm, l>a. 52. 10. Hath dis- covered and put forth nis great pover, uhich /or e, but A. gruu BAS BARDKOOT. 2 Sam. 15. .30. he went A. and the people with him Isa. 20.2. Isaiah did so, walking nsiked and A. 3. 4. led the Egyptians prisoners, naked aiid A. BARK. ha. 56. 10. they are dumb dogs, they cannot A. BARKEU. Joel I. 7. laid my vine waste, and A. the fig-tree BARLEV. Eiod. 9. 31 . the A. was smitten, for A. was in the ear Lev. 27. 16. an homer of A. seed shall be valued -Vum. 5. 15. the tenth part of an ephah of A. meal Deiit.H.B.a. land of wheat, and A. vines, and fig-trees Judg. 7. 13. lo a cake of A. bread tumbled into the Uuth 1. 22. came in the beginning of A. harvest 2. 17- she h.id gleaned about an ephah of b. 23. so she kept, fast to the end of A. harvest 3. 2. behold Boaz winnoweth A. to-night 15. he measured six measures of A. and laid it 2 6'awi. 14. 30. Joab's field is near, he hath A. there 17. 28. B.-xrzillai brought beds, A. and flour 21.9. Saul's sons were hanged in A. harvest 1 Kings 4. 28. A. also and straw for the horses 2 Kings 4. 42. brought the man of God 20 loaves [of A. 7. 1. two measures of A. for a shekel, I6, 18. 1 Cliron. 11. 13. a parcel of ground full of b. 2CAron. 2. 10. I will give 20,000 measures of A. 15. wheat, and A. the oil, and wine, let him send 27. 5. Amnion gave 10,000 measures of A. Job 31. 40. and let cockle grow instead of A. Isa. 28. 25. the principal wheat, and appointed A. Jer. 41. 8. we have treasures of wheat and A. Ezek, 4. 9. tal-.e to thee wheat, and A. and beans 12. thou shalt eat it as A. cakes, and bake it 13. ig. will ye pollute me for haiidfuls of A. 45. 13. sixth part of an ephah of an homer of A. Ilos. 3. 2. bought her for an homer of A. and half Joel 1. 11. O husbandmen, howl for wheat and A. John 6. 9- a lad here which hath five A. loaves 6. 13. with the fragments of the five A. loaves liei. 6.6. a voice say, 3 measures of A. for a penny BARN Si'^ni{ies,['i'] A reppsitori/ for any sort nf grain, Luke 12. 24. [2] Heaven, Mat. 13. 30. 2 Kings 6. 27. shall I help thee out of the A. (loor .' Job 39. 12. and g.ither thy seed into the A. Ilag. 2. 19. is seed yet in A. vine not brought forth .Vat. 13. 30. but gather the wheat into my A. Lnie 12. 24. which have no store-house nor A. BARNS. Dcut, 28. 1 8. the Lord shall command the blessing upon thee in thy A. and in all thou dost I'rov. 3. 10. so shall thy A. be filled with plenty Joel 1. 17. the A. are broken down, and withered .1/17/. 6. 2(5. the fowls sow not, nor gather into A. Luke 12. 18. I will pull down my A. and build BARREL, S. 1 Kings 17.12. but a handful of meal in a A. and oil 14. the A. of meal shall not waste, nor oil fail 18. 33. fill four A. with water, and pour it on BARREN. Gen. 11. 30. but Sarai was A. she had no child 25. 21. Rebekah was A. |1 29. 31. Rachel w.is A. I.ind. 23. 26. nothing shall cast young nor be A. Dcut. 7. 14. there shall not be male or female A. Judg. 13. 2. Manoah's wife was A. and bare not, 3. 1 Ham. 2. 5. so that the A. hath born seven 2 A'ingj 2. 19. the water is naught, and the ground A. 21. shall not be from thence death, or A. land Jam. 11.1. when kings go forth to A. 1 Chron. CO. I 15. set Uriah in the forefront of the hottest A. 19. 10. Absalom whom we anointed is dead int. 1 Kings 8.44. if thy people go out to A. against cnciry 20. 39. thy servant went out into midst of the K 22. 4. wilt thou go with me to A. .' 2 Kings 3. 7.. 1 CJiron. 5. 20. for they cried to God in the A. 12. 8. of the Gadites, men of war fit for the A. 19. 17. David came upon them, and set A. in array against the Syriaiis, 2 Chrtn. 13. 3. | 14. 10. 2 Chron. 25. 8. if thou wilt go, do it. be strong fori Job 15. 24. shall prevail, xs a king ready to the b 39. 25. aiid he smelleth the i afax off BE Joh 41. 8. remember the *. do no more i**"/. 18. 39. thou hast girded me with strength to h. 24. 8. the King of glory, the Lord mighty in b. 55. 18. he hath delivered my soul from the b. 76. 3. he brake the shield, the sword, and the b. 89. i.'S, and h&st not made him to stsoid in the b. £cc/.g.il,iiLce not to the swift, nor b. to the strong Ita. g, 5. every *. of the warrior is with noise 13,4. the Lord mustereth the host of the b. 2i!. S. thy slain men are not dead in b. 27. 4. who set briars and thorns against me in b. 28.6. strength to them that turn the b. to the gate 42. 55. he hath poured on him the strength of the b. Jer. 8. 6. turned as the horse msheth into the b. 38. 21. let their young men be slain oy sword in h. 45. 3. order buckler and shield, draw near to b. 49. 14. come against her, and rise up to the b. Jtr. 50. S2. a sound ofb. is in land, and destruction 43. put in array, like a man to i. against thee Etei. 7. 14. have blown, but none goeth to the b. 13. 3. to stand in the *. in the day of the Lord Hot. I. 7. I will not save them by bow nor by b. 2.18.1 will break the bow and b. out of the earth ■ lO. 9. i. in Gibeah ; did not overtake them Jjil 3. 5. as a strong people set in b. array Obad. 1. let us rise up against Edom in b. Zec/i. 10. S. made them as his goodly horse in the *. 5. which tread down their enemies in the b. 14. 2. gather all nations against Jerusalem to b. 1 Car. 14. 8. who shall prepare himself to the b. 7 Rev. 9.7.shapes of locusts like horses prepared to b. 9. sound of chariots of many horses running to h. 16. 14. to gather them to the A .of the great day ,20.8. Day of BATTLE. 1 Sam. 13. £2. so it came to pass in the dauofb. that Jab 38. 23. 1 reserved against the day of b. and war Pial. 78. 9. Ephraim turned back in the day of b. 14. 7. thou hast covered my head in the day tf b. P;or.21.31.the horse is prepared against thcdayofb. //wt.10.14. Shalman spoiled Belh-arbel iad,:y of b. Amos 1. 14. devour with shouting in the day of b. Zech. 14. 3. as when he fought in the day of b. Battle-Ax, see Ax. BATTLE-BOW. Zech. 9. 10. and the b.-bow shall be cut off 10. 4. out of him came forth the b.-l/oio BATTLES. ] Sam. 8. 20. may go out before us and fight our //. 18. 17. only be valiant, and fight the Lord's b. 25. 28. my lord fighteth the *. of the Lord 1 Chron. 26. 27. out of the spoils won in b. dedicate 2 Chron.Z'i. 8. but with us is God, to fight our h. Jsa. 30. 32. and in b. of shakings will he light with BATTERED. S Sam. 20. 15. the people with Joab b. the wall BATTERING. Ezek. 4. 2. and set b. rams against it round about SI. 22. to appoint b. rams against the gates BATTLEMENT, S. Deal. 22. 8. thou shalt make a b. for thy roof Jer. 5. 10. take away her b. they are not the Lord's BAY. Zed. 1. + 8. behind him red horses, b. and white 6. 3. in the fourth chariot grizled and b. horses 7. and the 6. went forth and sought to go BAY-TREE. Ptal. 37 35. wicked spreading like a green b.-tree BDELLIUM. Oen. 2. 12. in JIavilah there is b. and onyx stone Num. 11. 7. the colour of manna as the colour of i. BE Signifies, [1] To exist, or have a beiti^, Rom. 4. 17. [2] To be made or become, Jer. 32. .38. Mat. IQ. 5. [3] To be /mown and opparenlly see7i, Rom. 14. 9- [4] To consecrate and set apart to, Judg. 11.31. Gen. 2. 18. it is not good that man should be alone 27. 21. whether thou ie my very son Esuu, or not Veiu. 10. 5. there they be as the Lord commanded Jjuls,. 6. 13. if the Lord he with us, why is all this iSani. 18.32. thine enemies be as that young man is 2 Kin^s 6.16. fear not, for they that be with us, are more th^^n they that be with them 2 Chr. 36. 23. Lord his God be with him, Ezra 1.3. Rira 6. fi. be ye far from thence, let the work alone Job 10. 15. if I A< wicked, wo tome ; if I Ac righteous 19.4. and be it indeed that I have errcd.mine error Psal. 139- 24. see if there be any wicked w.iy in me Cant. 8. 9- if sbe be a wall, if she be a door Isa. 6.13. let him be your fear.let him be yoiir dread 41. 2C. let them shtw former things what tln'y he Jer. .36. 19- go hide,ai:d let none know where you be 47. 6. how long will it be ere thou be quiet ? Van. 12. 13. but go tliou thy way till the end be i/oj.8.5.how long will it be ere they attain to innoc. ? Mat. 4. 3. if thou be the Son of God, 6. | 27. 40. 7. 13. and many there be that go in thereat iC. 83. for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but thosp • hat i5e of men, Mark 8. 33 18. 17- let him be to thee u a heathen man or a Bfi Mat. 19. 9- shall ptit away, except it be for fomic Luke 10. 6. and if the son of peace be there, your John 3.9.Nicodemus s?id, how can these things be ? Acts 19-2. not heard whether there be any H. Ghost 24. 21. except it be for this one voice, that I cried Rom. 4.17. who caUetli those things which be not as 8. 31 . if God be for us, who can be against us 14. 9. that he might be Lord of the dead and living 1 Cor. 15. 28. under him, that God may be all in all 16. 22. love not, let him be anathema maran-atha 2 Cor. 5. + 17. if ia Christ let him be a new creature 8. 12. if there j«fint a willing mind, it is accepted Gal. 3. 9- they which be of faith are blessed with 4.12. 1 beseech you, be as I am, for I am as ye are 5. 10. shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be Phil. 2. 5. let this mind be in you that was in Christ Heb. 12. 8. but if ye b» without chastisement 1 Pei.2.3. if so be ye have tasted that L. is gracious 3. 17. for it is better, if the will of God be so Kev. 18. 22. craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be 22. 11. he that is mijust, let him be unjust still ; he who is filthy, let him be filthy .still Jfu BE. Gen. 23. 8. if it be your mind that I bury my dead 25. 22. and she said, if it be so, why am I thus ! Ejod.1.16. if it be a son kill him, if it be a daughte- 2 fiingslO.lo. if it be, give me thy hand.and he gave ZecA.ii.6. if it be mar^-ellous in the eyes of remnant Mat. 14. 28. if it be thou, bid me come on the water Acts 5. 39. if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it 18. 15. but if it be a question of words and names G«. 28. 22. As ye «o^ mockers, lest hands [71. 12. Zech.^.W. 1 will not be to the residue of this people Luke 13. 33. for it can not be that a prophet perish 14. 26. hate his life, he can 7101 be my disciple, 33. John 1 . 25. if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias ln. 12. 16. be tiot wise in your own conceits 1 ( W. 2. \ 5. your faith not be in the wisdom of men 9- 2. if I be not an apostle unto others, yet to you 14. 20. be not children in understanding, but in i Cor. 0. 14. he not unequally yoked together (jnl. 1. 10. 1 should 7int be the servant of Christ I pit. 5.7- he 7101 therefore partakers with them 17. he ye 7iot unwise, but understanding what Til. 3. 14. good works, that they he tioi unfruitful Pli'lem. 14. thy benefit sliould 7iot he of necessity lleh. 8. 4. if he were on earth, should not he a priest 1 Pet.?t.7>.\i\. '\\.7iot Afth.-it outward adorning of hair Let there BE. G«M.1.3./e///«'r«Aelight | ()./«( (). pay ox for ox, and the dead jA/i// Ac his own Lev. 13.4(3. without tlie camp shall his h.iliitation A« 20. 2(). ye shall he holy to me, ye shall he mine Ueitt.W. 4-t. hefAn/ZAchead, and'ihou shall be tail 32. 20. hide my f.icc, I see what their end shall be 1 ilam. 17. 36. this uncircumciscd I'hil. shall he as 1 /w?i(;A20.40.the king said, so shall thy judgment he 2 Chro7t. 19. 11. the Ixird shall be with the good .fob 20. 22. in fulness he shall be in straits 22. 25. yea, the Almighty shall be thy defence K(a/.128.C. happy jA.-i/( thou he, it shall he weW with 141. 5. my prayer also iAa// Ac in their calamities Eccl. 1. g. that hatk been, is that wliich shall ie 10. 14. a man cannot tell what (hail ig BEA Ecel. 11. 3. where the tree falleth, there i( shall ie Isa. 6. 13. so the holy seed shall h» the substaoM 58. 8. the glory of the Lord shall be thy rero-w»r(J Jtc 9. 41. John 14. 17. he dwelleth with you, and shall be in 19. 24. but cast lots for it, whose it shall be /lets 27. 25. that it shall be even as it was told me 1 Cor. 15. 37. thou sowest not that body that shall be 1 John 3.2. It doth not yet appear what we shall b» Rev. 16.5. O Lord which art, and wast, and shall bt 22. '2. to give every man as his work ehall be Shall not, or shall not BE. Gc;i. 15. 4. saying, this shall 7iot be thine heir Eiod. 22. 25. thou shalt 7101 be to him as an usurer i'c«r.28.13. be above only,thou shall not be beneath 2 Kings 2. 10. if thou see me not, it shall not be so JobT.^X . shalt seek me in morning, but I shall not be 8. f22. the dwellingplaceofthe wicked j/5'j//hu/ Ac ^*.37.10.iti/i.M.Ac,Je;.48.30.L>aH.11.29..ti/;i.7.3,6 Hos. 3. 3. thou shall 7iot be for another man JlVar. 16.22 .be it far from thee.this shall 7101 be to the* 20.26.«'j.7j.Aesoamongyou,.'tfar.l0.43.i.ii*.22.26. To BE. Gen. 17. 7. to be a God to thee and thy seed after .'{9. 10. he hearkened not to her to be with her Lev. 22. 33. brought you out to oe your God, 25, 38 t'rov, 24. 1. '.either desire to he with them ImtcI. 3. 15. that which is to be hath already been Luke 15 14. when he spent all.he began to be in want 1 Cor. 7. 26. 1 say it is good for a man so to be 2 Cor. 12. 6. above that which he seeth me to b* Phil. 1. 23. ha^ong a desire to be with Christ Ja7n. 3. 10. these things ought not so to be Z J'et. 3. 11. what manner of persons ought ye to b$ mil BE. Gc».l6.12. Ishmael w(7/ Ac a wild raan,his hand «i// Acagainst every man, and everj- man's ag. him 17. 8. 1 uillbe their God, Exod. •:y.i5.Jer. 24. 7. I 32. 38. 2 Cor. 6. If). 26.3. I ::ill be with thee, and will bless thee, 31.3. Exod. 3. 12. JtiJg. 6. 16. 1 A'in« 11. 38. 28. 20. if God »i7/ Ac with me, and will keep me 34. 15. if ye hi// Ac as we be, circumcised Aeh. 4. 12. from all places they uillbe upon you Psal. 18. 14. he will be our guide, even unto death Jer. 7. 23. obey my voice, I -.cill he yourGod, 30.22. E.zek. 11. 16. 1 aiV/ Ac to them as a little sanctuary 20. 32. that ye say, we will he as the heathen' Hos. 13. 14. 1 will redeem them ; O death, 1 uiU Adhy plagues, O grave, 1 wiY/Ac thy destruction 14. 5. 1 ueiu. 1. 31. God bare thee as a man dolhi. his son S Ham. 18. I9. let me run and b. the king tidings 2 kings 18. 14. which thou puttest on me, I will b. Psai. 75. 3. I b. up the pillars of the earth 89. 50. how I do b. in my bosom the reproach 91. 12. they shall b. thee up, Mat.i. 6. Luke -i. 11. 144. + 14. that our oxen be able to b. burdens Prov. 9. 12 if thou scomest, thou alone shalt b. it 18. 14. but a wounded spirit who can 6. T 30. 2i. and for four which it cannct i. Jsa. 1. 14. your feasts, I am weary to b. them 4(). 4. 1 have made and I will i. you, even carry 7. they b. him upon the shoulder, they carry him 52. 11. be ye clean that A. the vessels of the Lord Jtr. 10. 19. truly this is a grief, and I must b. it 17. 21. b. no burden on the sabbath-day, 27. 31. 10. because I did b. the reproach of my youth 44. 22. so that the Lord could no longer b. Lam. 3. 27. it is good to b. the yoke in his youth Jizek. 12. 6. in their sight shalt thou b. on shoulders 12. the prince shall A. upon his shoulder in twilight 14. 10. they shall b. punishment of their iniquity iri. .52. A. thou thine own shame for thy sins, 51. 32.30.andA. their shame with them, 36.7. I 44.13. £:f*.34.29-norA. the shame of the heathen, 36. 15. Amos 1. 10. the laiid is not able to A. his words Mic. 6. 16. ye shall A. the reproach of my people 7. 9- I will A.the indignation of the I>ord, I sinned Uag.i. 12. if one A. holy liesh in the skirt of his Zech.b. 10. whither do these A. the ephah ? (J. 13. he shall A. glory, and shall rule on his throne .1/u<. 3. 11. whose shoes I am not worthy to A. 27. 32. they found .Simon, they compelled him to b. his cross, Mark 15. 21. Luke 23. 26. Luke 14. 27. and whosoever doth not A. his cross 18. 7- avenge his elect, tho' he b. long with them .' Ji'An 16. 12. manythings, but ye cannot A. them now Alis 9. 15. he is a chosen vessel to b. my name 15. 10. a yoke, our fathers nor we were able to A. 18. 14. O Jews, reason would I should A. with you it'm. 15. 1. we ought to A. infirmities of the weak 1 Vor. 3. 2. hitherto ye were not able to A. it, nor 10. 13. a way to escape, that ye may be able to A. it 15. 49. we shall also A. the image of the heavenly J Cor. 11. 1. would to God ye could b. with me 4. have not accepted, ye might well A. with him Gal. 6. 2. A. one another's burdens and so fulfil 5. for every man shall A. his own burden 17- I A. in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus 7/(A. 5.<2. who can reasonably A. with the ignorant Jam. 3. 12. can the fig-tree A. olive-berries? Kev. 2. 2. thou canst not A. them that are evil Bear />?«/, see Fruit. BEAK ini'jiiity. Excd. 28. .38. Aaron may A. iniquity of holy things 43. Aaron and his sons, that they A. not tniiptiiv £<.•;'. 5.1. he shall A. his ini7Ki/y,17. | 7.1B. | 17-I'i- I 19. 8. I 20. 17. 10.17. hath given to you to b.iniquity of the cong. l'i.22. the goat snail b. upon him all their inirpiitti 20. 19. they shall A. their iniquity. Sum. 18. 23 f-.-.ek. 44. 10, 12. 22.10. or suffer them to A iniiinity of their trespass yum. 5. 31. this woman shail A. her iniquity 14. 34. ye shall A. your iniquity even forty years lU. 1. Aaron and his sons A. iniquity uf sanctuary .30. 15. alter he heard, then he shaU'A.herimV^nrtf ita. 53. 1 1 . my right. sen-ant shall 4. their iniquity /■.'j«*.4.4.nnniberof days.thou shalt i. their i»iy.5,tT. 18. 19. why doth not son A. iniquity of the father.' 80. the son shall not 6. the iniquity of the father 2b BKA BKAK judgment. [Israel Exod. 28. 30. Aaron .shall A. judg. of children of Gal. 5. 10. he that troublelh you shall A. hii judg. Be.\u record, ste RECORD. BEAR rule. Esth. 1 . 22. every man should A. rule in his house Prov. 12. 24. the hajidof the diligent shall A. rule Jer. 5. 31. the priests b. rule by their means trek. 19. 11. had strong rods for them that A. rule Dan. 2. 39. a kingdom of brass which shall A. rule BEAR sin. Jiev. 19. 1 17. rebuke, that thou A. not sin for him 20. 20. they shall A. their sin, they shall die 22. 9. lest they A. sin for it, and die, therefore 24 15. whosoever curseth his God, shall A. his sin Aum. 9.13. shall be cut off, that man shall A. his si, 18. 22. not come nigh, lest they A. sin and die 32. ye shall A. no sin when ye heaved the best of it I'.zek. 23. 49. and ye shall A. the sin of your idols IJci. 9. 28. so Christ was once oft'ered to A. sin BEAR uitness. Exod. 20. 16. shou shalt not A. false witness against thy neighb. Deut. 5. 20. Mat. I9. 18. Rom 13.g. 1 Kings 21. 10. set two men sons of Belial to b. uit. Mark 10. 19. do not A. false witness, Luke 18. 20. Z.wX-ell.48. trulyyeA. u'l7,19,21. | 25. 13. | 29.8. Zejih. 1.3. 27. 5. I have made man and b. that arc on ground 31. 27. I will sow Judati with seed of tnan and h. 32. 43. ye say, it is desolate without man or b. 33. 10,12. I .36. 29. I 51.62. to. 3. they shall depart, both man and b. Ezek. 36. 11. I will multiply upon you man and b. Jonah 3. 7- let not tnan nor b. taste any thing Unclean BEAST. Lev. 5. G. or if a soul touch any unclean b. "• 21. 27.ll.if it be unc.'.i. of which they do nm offer, ?7- mid BEAST. S Kings 14. 9- there passed by a tiild b. of Lebanon, and trod down the thistle, 2 Chron. 25. 18. JoA 39. 15. forgetteth that wild b. may break them Psal. 80. 13. the uild b. of the field doth devour it Hos. 13. 8. the uild b. shall tear them BEASTS. Gen. 3i. 3g. that which was torn of A. Exnd. 22. 31. Lev. 7. 21. I 17. 15. I 22. 8 +54. then Jacob killed b. upon the mount 36. 6. Esau took all his b. and his substance 45. 17. lade your b. and go to the land of Canaan Eiod. 8. +21. I will send a mixture of noisome b 11. 5. all the first-born of b. shall die Lev. 11. 2. these i. ye shall cat, Deut. 14. 4. BEA litB.i.^.vraen those ft.give glory and honour to him 5.6.iR midst of the throne and four i. stood a Lamb 14. the fouri. said Amen, and the 24 elders fell 6. 1. one of the fouri. saying, come and see, 15,7. 7.11. angels stood about the throne and the four b. 14. 3. a new song before the throne and four b. 19. 4. the 24 elders and four b. fell down to worship BEA.STS ef the Earth. Dent, 28. 26. carcase shall be meat to all b. of earth 1 Ham. 17. 46. carcases of Philistines to b. of earth Job 5. 22. nor shalt thou be afraid of the b. of earth .35. 11. who teacheih us more than the b. of earth I'sal. 79. 2. the Hesh of thy saints to the i. of earth ha. 18. 6. they shjU be left to the b. if the earth Jer. 7. 33. the carcases of the people meat for b. of the earth, I6. 4. | 19-7. | 34. 20. 15. 3. 1 will appoint overthem b. ofearth to devour .■J(-fil0.12.alI manner offour-foott-d A. o/"«arM, 11.6. llev. 6. 8. kill with hunger, and with the b. ofearth BEASTS of the Held. £ro<■/. 3. 11. hath made everything 4. in his time e Chron. 15. +6. n.ition was 4. in pieces of nation Cant. 6. 4. thou art 4. O my love, as Tirzah 31. 7. when he had 4. graTin images to powder 1 7. 1. how 4. are thy feet with shoes, l)rince3 BED Isa. i. t lu ihit day shall tne oraiich of Lorti It j. BEE On my bed, Ctuil. S. 1. viliile J uci in a nciire 52. 1. O Zion, pul on ihy b. garmtnts T'. howi. the feet of them thatbnag, ii'w. 10. 15. 64. 11. our holy and b. house is burnt up Jer. l.l. 2J. where is the Hock, thy b. (lock .' 48. 17. how is the staff broken, and the h. rod Lzek. 16. 12. I put a 4. crown upon thine head 13. thou wast exceeding b. and didst prosper 23. 42. the Sabeans put b. crowns on their heads Mat 23. 27. whited sepulchrei, which appear b. jicts 3. 2. at the gate of the temple called b. 10. b EC A. ML. Cen.i 7. the breath of life, and man 4. alivinpsoul 19. 20. Lot's wife looked back and*, a pillar ol salt 49. 15. Issachar b. a servant to tribute Biod. 4. 3. it i. a serpent 1| 4. 4. a rod in his hand 36. 13. he coupled it, so it 4. one tabernacle 1 Sam. 25. ."57 . N abal's heart died, he b. as a stone 1 Kings 12. 30. and this thing 4. a sin, 1,3. ."i-t. Dan. 2. 35. the stone b. a great mountain, and filled 1 Cor. 9. 20. to the Jews 1 4. a Jew, to gain the .lews lltb. 7. 26. such an High Priest 4. us, who is holy 10. 33. whilst ye 4. companions of them so used lUv. 16. 3. the sea 4. as the blood of A. dead mau hUC.A.MESr. 1 Chron. 17. 22. and thou, Lord, 4. their God Etek. 16. B. 1 sware unto thee, and thou 4. mine BECAUSK. I Gen. 3 + 1. ^. God hath said, ye shall not eat 14. said to the serpent, 4. thou hast done this Iav. 26. 4;l. 4. «ven 4. they despised my judgments Veut. 7. 1 12. 4. ye hearken to these judgments 8 Ham. 12. 6. 4. he did this, 4. he had no pity Prov. 1. 24. 4. I have called, and ye refused Jsa. 7. 1 9. do ye not believe, 4. ye are not stable K:ek. 13. 10. 4. even 4. they seduced my people 36. t 3. 4. for 4. they have made you desolate Idal. 26. 31. all ye shall be offended 4. of me Mark. 9. 41. give you water, 4. ye belong to Christ John 6. 26. ye seek me, not 4. ye saw the miracles, but 4. ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled 8. 43. even 4. ye cannot hear my word 10. 13. the hireling Heeth, 4. he is an hireling 14. 19. but ye see me, 4. 1 live, ye shall live also Kom. 8. 10. the Spirit is life 4. of righteousness til. quicken your mortal bodies 4. of his Spirit Eph. 5. 6. 4. of "ihese comeih the wrath of God Ueb. 4.12. not profit, 4. not united by faith to them 6.13.4. he could swear by no greater, he sware by 1 John 3.14. from death to life, 4. we love brethren 4. 19. we love him 4. he first loved us BECKONED. Lnke 1. 22. ZecharLis 4. and remained speechless 5. 7. they 4. to their partners in the other ship Jvhn 13.24. Peter 4. to him that he should ask Acts 19. 33. Alexander 4. with his hand, and would 21. 40. Paul stood on stairs, and 4. with the hand 24. 10. Paul, after the governor had 4. answered BECKONING. /lets 12. 17. Peter 4. unto them with the hand 13. id. Paul stood up, and b. with his hand, said BECOME. Gen . 3 . 22 . man is 4. as one of us, to know good and 17. + 16. I will bless her, and she shall 4. nations 37. 20. we will see what will 4. of his dreams 38. t 23. let her take it, lest we 4. a contempt Eiod. 15. 2. the Lord is my strength, and is h. my salvation, Fial. 118. 14. ha. 12.2. 32. 1. for as for this Moses that brought us up, we wot not what is 4. of him, 23. Ads'. 40. Deut. 27. 9. O Israel, thou art 4. the people of God 1 Sam. 28, I6. seeing the Lord is 4. thine enemy Jonah 4. 5. he might see what would 4. of the city Mat. 21. 42. the same is 4. the head of the corner, Mark 12. 10. Luke 20. 17- -icis 4. 11. John 1. 13. he gave power to 4. the sons of God i Cor. 5. 17. in Christ, behold, all things are 4. new Hev. 11. 15. are 4. the kingdoms of our Lord BECO.METH. Psal. 93. 5. holiness 4. thy house, O Lord, for ever Prov.lQ.i. he 4. poor that dealeth with a slack hand 17. 7. excellent speech 4. not a fool, much less do 18. a man void of understanding 4. surety Eccl. 4. 14. he that is born in his kingdom 4. poor Mat. 3. 15. thus it 4. us to fulfil all righteousness 13. 22. the dcceiifulness of riches cboketh the word, and he 4. unfruitful, Mark 4. I9. 32. greatest among herti..«/ 4.4. commune with your own heart on your 4. 30. 4. he deviseth mischief on his 4. •11.3. thou wilt make all his 4. in his sickness 63. 6. when I remember thee upon my 4. and Psal. 132. 3. nor go up into my 4. till 1 find a place 139. 8. if I make my 4. in kell, thou art there Prov. 7. 16. I have decked my 4. with tapestry, 17. 22. 27. why should he take thy 4. from underthee r 26. 14. on hinges, so doth the slothful on his 4. Cant. 1. 16. fair, yea pleas.-int, also our 4. is green 3.1. by night on my 4. 1 sought him whom my soul 7. beliold, his 4. which is Solomon's, valiant men ■) 9. Solomon made himself a 4. wood of Lebanon /,v(i.'28. 20. the 4. is shorter than a man can stretch 57. 7. on a lofty mountain hast thou set thy 4. .Imos 3. 12. Israel taken out in the corner of a 4. .Ua/. 9. 6. Jesus saith, take up thy 4. and walk, Mark':.. the God of my father hath 4. with me Deut. 2. 7. the Lord thy'CJod hath 4. with thee 1 Sam. 14. 38. see wherein this sin hath 4. this day 2 Chron. 15. 3. Israel hath 4. without the true God Eccl. 3. 15. that which hath 4. is now, and that which is to be hath already 4 Signifies, [V That uhereon persons sleep in the . . , . „ „.„„,.„, «,«AM Sam. 19. 13. [C] A cou^h torts, on Isa. 28. t 10. for precept hath 4. upon precept J the da,. 2 Sam. 4. 5.' [.3] Pain, torment. •^^^- 22- 21- this W 4. thy mariner from thy vouth er irtbulatioH, Rev. 2. 22. [4] Ihe grave, :./,ich ii as a sleeping hMise .for the righteous, Isa. 57. 2. [5] The lawful use o/uedlock. lleb. 13. 4. as Joel 1 2. hath this 4. in your days or your fathers John i r. 39. for he hath ». dead four days Horn. n. 34 or who hai6 4. his couosellor .' BEF Huve BEEN. 1 Sam. 4. q. not Servants to Hebrews as they Aawi. 1 Chr. 17. 8. have 4. with thee whither thou walkedst Ezra 9. 7. since the days of our fathers /lace we b. Job 10. 19. 1 should have 4. as if 1 had not 4. Psal. 25. 6. thy tender mercies have 4. ever of old 37 .25.Aai< 4.young,and now old, yet have not seen 42. 3. my tears have 4. my meat day and night /ta.l.9.should have 4. as Sodom,/iate 4.asGomorrall 26. 17. so have we 4. in thy sight, O Lord 18. have 4. with child, have 4. in pain, as it wer« 66. 2. all those things have 4 saith the Lord y«r. 2. 31. have 1 4. a wilderness to Israel ? 28. 8. the prophets that have 4. before me Jlos. 5. 2. though I have b. a rebuker of them al) Mai. 2. 9. but have 4. partial in the law Mark 8. 2. they have 4. with me three days Luke 1.70. which Aat* 4. ."'nee the world began John 14. 9. have i 4. so long time with you r 15. 27. because ye hare 4. with me from the begin. Acts 20. 18. after what manner I have 4. with you 2 Cor. 11. 25. a night and day have 1 4. in the deep Oat. 3. 21. righteousnesi should have 4. by the law Sot BEEN. Ezod. 9. 18. to rain hail such as hath not 4. in Egypt 1 Kings 3. 1 13. 7Wl 4. among the kings like thee 14. 8. yet hast not 4. as my servant David Job 3. 10. as an hidden untimely birth I had >iot b, 10. 19. 1 should have been as tho' I had not 4. Psal. 124.1. ifjit ha'd not 4. the Lord on our side,8. Eccl. 4.3. better than bothiis he that hath not 4. Ubad. 16. they shall be, as though they had not 4. Mat. 26. 24. good fo;- that man he had not 4. born Luke 16. 11. if therefore ye have not 4. faithful, 12 beetl'e. Lev. 11.22. these of them ye may eat, the 4. BEEVES. Lev. 22.19. offer at your own will of the 4. of sheef 21. whosoever ofl'ers a free-will-offering in 4. ynm. 31. 28. levy a tribute to the Lord of the 4. 38. the Lord's tribute of 4. threescore and twelve BEEAL. Gen. 42. 4. lest peradventurc mischief 4. him 38. if mischief 4. him by the way then, 44. 29. 49 1. that 1 may tell you what shall 4. you in the last days, Deut. 31. 2^. Han. 10. 14. Veut. 31. 17. many evils and troubles shall 4. them I'sal. 9) . 10. there shall no evil 4. thee, nor plague Acts 20. 22. not knowing things that shall 4. me BEFALLEN. Lev. 10. 19. and such things have 4. rae Sum. 20.14. thou knowest all travail that hath 4.u» Deut. 31. 21. when many troubles arc 4. them Jtidg. 6. 13. if Lord be with us, why is all this 4. us f 1 Sam. 20. 26. he thought something had 4. him Esth.H. 13. Haman told everything that had 4._ -Uar. 8.33. and what was 4. to the possessed of devils BEFALLETH. Eccl. 3. 19. for that which 4. the sons of men, 4. beasts, even one thing 4. them BEF EL. 2 Sam. 19. 7. will be worse th?.n all that 4. thee .Mark 5.16. told how it 4. to him that was possessed ■lets 20. 19. 4. me by the lying in wait of the Jews BEFORE Signifies, [1] In sight of. Gen. 43. 14. [2] Rather than, 2 Sam. 6. 21. [3] Eree to one's view and choice. Gen. 20 15. [4] At, Kev. 3. 9. [r-] Not being sent, or commissioned by, John 10. 8. [6] Eirst,[l\ In order of time, Isa. 43. 13. ['.1 In order if place. Josh^ 8. 10. Luke 22. 47. [3J In order of diaiily, John 1. 15,27. Gen. 20. 15.'behold my land is 4. thee, dwell where 24.45. 4. I had done speaking in my heart 31. 2. his countenance was not toward him as 4. 43. 14. the Lord give you mercy 4. the man 48. 20. and he set Ephraim 4. ^Ianassch Eiod. 16. 34. Aaron laid it up 4. the testimony Sum. 6. 12. but the days that were 4. shall be lost Josh. 4. 18. Jordan flowed over his banks as 4. 10. 14. there was no day like that 4. it, or after it Judg. 3. 2. at least such as 4. knew nothing thereol 16^20. said, 1 will go as 4. and shake myself 2 :>«»n.6.21. chose me 4. thy father, and 4. his house 10 9 Joabsawthe battle was against him 4. and behind, 1 Chon. 10. H'. 22. +25. according to my cleanness 4. his eyes 1 Kings 13. 6. the king's hand became as it was b 2 Chron. 13. 14 tlie battle was 4. and behind 33. 19. Manasseh his trespass 4. he was hvunbled Job 3.24. for my sighing cometh 4. I eat 10. 21. 4. I go, whence 1 shall not return 42. 10. Lord gave Job twice as much as he had Psal. 31. 22. I am cut off from 4. thine eyes 39. 13. spare me 4. 1 go hence and be no more 80. 9. thou preparedst room 4. it, and didst cause 119. 67. 4. 1 was afflicted I went astray, but IJ'-V 139. 5. thou hast beset me behind and 4. aiid laid Eccl. 7. 17. why shouldest thou die 4. thy time - Isa 9 12. Syrians 4. and «iie Philialinos behiaa BEG lia. IT. !*• ^'"J beheld, b. the morning he is not 4S. IS. t. the day was, I am he, and there is none C5. 24. that />. they call I will answer and hear Jer. 1.5. b. 1 formed thee in the belly, 1 knew thee Kick. 44. 12. they ministered to them b. their idol.'s 22. they shall take a widow that had a priest 4. Jliis. 7. 2. their own doings, they are b. my face Amos 4. 3. every cow zx that which is b. her A/a/. 2.5. he feared me, and was afraid b. my name 4. 5. I will send Elijah the prophet b. the couiin; Mat.\.l&. b. they came together, she was wilh child . 6. 8. knoweth what things ye need b. ye aik 8 29. art thou come to torment us 0. the time .' 24. 25. behold, I have told you b. LukeZ. 26. not see death b. he had seen the Lord 23. 12. for b. they were at enmity between ihcms. ■/oAwfi. 6C. see the Son of man asce. where he was 4. 7. 51. doth our law judge any man b. it hear him r 13. 19. now 1 tell you b. it come, li. 2y. Acts 2. 31. he seeing this b. spake of the resurrection 4. 28. to do thy counsel determined b. to be dune 10.41. but to witnesses chosen 4. of God to us 2 Cor. 8. 10. who have begun 4. not only to do Gal. 5. 21. of which I tell you 4. as I told you /;;;/i.3. + 3. as I wrote a little b. Phil. 3.13. re.iching forth to those things that .-ire4. Col. 1. 5. whereof ye heard 4. in the word of truth 1 'I'hess. 2. 2. but even after that we had suflered 4. 3. 4. when we were with you, we told you b. 1 Vim. 1.13. who was 4. a blaisphemer, apersecutor lleb. 7. 18. dissmnuUing of the command going 4. 10.15. for after that he had said 4. this is covenant 2 Pet. 3. 2. mindful of words spoken 4. by prophets 17. seeing ye know these things b. beware lest Kev. 3. 9. mate them to worship 4. thy feet 4. 6. were four beasts, full of eyes 4. and behind Come BEFORE. Eiod. 22. 9- both parties shall come 4. the judge I'sut. 100.2. come b. his presence with thanksgiving Mic.f).6. wherewithal shall I comeb. the Lfjid r £ Tim. 4. 21. do thy diligence to come 4. winter BE 10 RE lU people. t>V)j. 23. 12. Abraham bowed h.the people of the land Exod. 13. 22. nor the pillar of fire from 4. the people 37.5. the Lord s.iid to Moses, goon 4. ;//(;;)c'i7;/£ 34. 10. 4. all thy people I will do marvels .7i«A.8.10.Joshua and elders went h.ihe people to Ai 1 .Sam. 18.13. he went out, and came in 4. the people jMark 8. G. gave disciples, did set tliein 4. the people Luke 20.26. not take hold of his words, 4. the people lieu. 10. 11. thou must prophesy 4. many peoples BEFORE lihom. ''5 34. .'i. while young .losiah 4. to seek after tiod Kzek. 9. 6. liien they 4. at the ancient men Mat.i. 17. from that time Jesus 4. to preat h and say Mark 14. t 72. he 4. to weep when he thought l,uie 1. 70. which have been since the world 4. 14. 30. this man 4. to build and was not able John 4. 52. enquired the hour when he 4. to amend 9- 32. since the world 4. Acts 3. 21. Horn. 16. 25. Ac/s 12. + 1. Herod 4. to vex certain of the church S Tim. l.Q. in Christ before the world 4. Tit. 1. 2. H«4.2.J.salvatioir at first 4 to be spoken by the Lord BEGAT. Prov. 23 ez. he&rkeo to th; faihrr that i thee BEG Jer. 16. 3. concerning their fathers that 4. them Dan. 11.6. she shall be given up, and he that 4. her Zech. 13. 3. his father and mother that 4. him Jiim. 1. 18. of his own will 4. he us wilh the word 1 John 5.1. every one that loveth him that 4. loveth BEtiET. Gen. 17. 20. twelve princes shall he 4. I will make Diut. 4. 25. when tlTbu shalt 4. children, children's 28. 41. thou shalt 4. sons, but shalt not enjoy thein 2 Kittys 20. 18. of thy sons which thou shalt 4. shall they take and make eunuchs, Im. 39. 7. Feci. 6. 3. if a man 4. 101) children, and live many Jer, 29. 6. take wives, and 4. sons and daughters E:ek. 18. 10. if he t. a son that is a robber 14. if he b. a son that seeth all his fathers sins BEGETiEST. Gen. 48. 6. issue which thou 4. shall be thine I;a. 45. 10. that saith to his father, what 4. thou ? BEGETTETH. Proi'. 17. 21. he that 4. a fool, doeth it to his sorrow 23. 24. he that 4. a wise child shall have joy Eccl. 5. 14. he 4. a son, and nothing in his hand BEG. Psal. 109. 10. let his children be vagabonds and 4. /Voir. CO. 4 therefore shall the .sluggard 4. in harvest Luke 16. 3. 1 cannot dig, to 4. 1 am ashamed BEGtiED. Mat. 27. 58. and 4. the body of Jesus, Luke 23. 52. John 9. 8. is not this he that sat and b. ? BEGGAR. 1 Sam. 2. 8. he liftcth the 4. from the dunghill Luke 16. 20. snd there was a 4. named Lazarus 22. the 4. died, and was carried by the angels BEGGARLY. Gal. 4. 9- tow turn ye again to the 4. elements BEGGING. Psal. 37. 25. I have not seen his seed 4. bread Maik 10. 46. Bartimeus sat b. Luke 18. 35. BEGIN. Gen. 11.6. this they 4. to do, and now nothing Dent. 2. 25. this day I 4. to put the dread of you Josh. 3. 7. this day will I 4. to magnify thee 1 Sam. 3. 12. when I 4. I will also make an end 22. 15. did 1 then 4. to inquire of God for him ? A>/i. 11. 17. Mattaniahto 4. the thanksgiving Jer. 25. 29. I «. to bring evil on the city called A';e^. 9. 6. slay old and young, and 4. at my sanctuary Uos. B. + 10. they shall 4. a little for the bnrden Luke .'i. 8. and 4. not to say within yourselves 13. 26. thon shall he 4. to say, we have eaten 14. 29. all that behold it, 4. to mock him 21. 28. when these things 4. to come to pass 2 Cor. 3. 1. do we 4. again to commend ourselves ' 1 Pet. 4. 17. the time is come, that judgment must b. at the house of God, and if it first 4. at us BEGINNER. Ihb. 12. ■( 2. Jesus the 4. and finisher of our faith BECJINNING. Signifie-S [1] Tliut tohich is the first, Exod. 12. 2. [2] The creation. Gen. 1. 1. [3] Jr the fini, I'rov. 20. 21. Isa. 1. 26. [4] That uhilh i: 1 Pet. 1. 3. who hath 4. us again to a lively hope 1 John 4. 9. sent bis only b. Son, that we might live 5. 1, that begat, loveth him aUo that is 4. of him 18. he that is 4. of (iod kocpcth himself FlRsr-BEGOlTEN, lleb. 1, 6. when he briiigeth \nfirst-b. into ^vorId liev. 1, 5. from Jesus, who is tlie_/l>i<-4. of the dead BEGUILE. Col. 2. 4. lest any man 4. you with enticing words 18. let no mail 4. vou of your reward BEGl'lLKU, INCi. Gen. 3.13. woman said, serpent 4. me, ,-uid I did eat 29. 25. wherefore then hast thou 4, ine .' Sum. 25. 18. they have 4. you in the matter of Pcor Joih. 9. 22. saying, wherefore have yc 4, us.' 2 Cor. 11.3. but 1 fear lest as the serpent 4, Eve 2 Ptt.'Z. 14. cannot cease from sin, 4. unstable sotil* BEGUN. Num. 16, 46. the plague is 4. |(47. the plague was b. Deut. 3. 24. tliou h.ist 4. to shew thy greatness Esth. 6. 13. before wlinm thou hast 4. to fall y. 23. tlic Jews undertook to do as they had 4. Mat. 18. 24. anil when he had 4. to reckon 2 Cor, 8. (). as he had 4. so he would also finish 10. this is expedient for you who have 4. before Gal. 3. 3. are ye .so foolish, having 4. in the Spirit Phtl. I. 6. he which hath 4. a good work in you 1 Tim. 5, 11. when they have 4, to wax wanton BEHALF, Kiod.91 .i\. a statute on 4. of the children of Isr.iel 2 Sam. 3. 12. Abner sent to David oa his 4. 2 Chron. lO. 9. shew himself strong in 4. "f them .A'4 36. 2. shew that I have yet to speak on 'iod'j 4 Uan. 1 1. Itt, bat a priace for his o«-ii 4. bh&]lcuii.s9 BEH ^om. 16. 19. I am giad therefore on >oar i. 1 1 Cor, 1. 4.' I thank my God always on your i. iCor. 1.11. thanlts may be given by many on your i. 5. 12. but give you occasion to (jlorj- on our k. Vhil. l.sy. to you it is given in i.ol Clirist, not only I fet. 4. 16. let mm glorify God ou this b. BUIAVE. X>««f.32.27. lest adversaries A. themselves strangely 1 C/iron. ly. 13. let us A. ourselves valiantLy Jiti 41. t 5.S. who A. themselves without fear i'iiil. 101. 2. I will 6. wisuly in a pcrleci way yju.3.5.the child shall A. himself proudly ag. ancient 42.tl3. the Lord will A. himself mightily 1 Cor. 13. 5. chanty dotli not A. itself unseemly 'J'im. 3. 15. howlhououc;litt-sltoA. iu house of God BEHAVED. 1 Sam. 18. 5. David A. himself wisely, 14, 15, .30. J^sal. 3J. 14. I A. as though he had been my friend 131. 2. 1 have A. myself as a child that is weaned IJos. 12. t3. Jacob A. himself princely A/iV. 3. 4. as they have A. thcm.'clves ill in doings 1 T/iess. 2. 10. how unblameably we A. ourselves 9 T/ujs. 3.1.6. not ourselves disorderly among you BEllAVETll. 1 Cor, 7. 36. if a man think he A. uncomely to his BEliAViOUH. 1 Sam. 21. 13. Uavid changed his A. before them '1 Tim. 3. 2. a bishop must be sober, of good A. Jil. 2. 3. aged women in A. as becometh holiness BKHEAUED. X>cw/.21 .6. elders shallwash hands over the heifer A. 2 Sam, 4. 7. they smote Ish-bosheth, and A. him Mai, 14. 10. i. Johij, Alari 6. 10, 27- Luie t). 9. Jiev. 20. 4. I saw the souls of them that were A. BEHELD. J\'«OT. 21. 9. when he A. the serpentof brass, he lived 23. 21. he hath not A. iniquity in .lacob 1 Chi on. 21. 15. as he was destroying, the Lord A. Job 31. 2d. if 1 A. the sun when it shmed, or moon I'lal. 119. 158. 1 A. transgressors, and was grieved 142. 4. 1 A. but there was no man would know me i^rm. 7. 7. and A. among the simple ones, I discerned JUcl. 8. 17. then 1 A. all the work of God Isa. 41. 28. 1 A. and there was no man, Jer, 4. 25. Jer, 4. 23. 1 A. the earth, and it was without form Mark 15 47.MarjMagdaleii,and Mary the mother of Joses, A. where he was laid, Luke 23. 55. Luke 10.18.1 A. Satan as lightning fall from heaven ly. 41. he A. the city, and wept over it John 1. 14. and we A. his alory, the glory as ef Acts 1. y. while they A. Jesus was taken up 17. 23. as I passed by and A. your devotions liei'.b.6. 1 A. and lo, in midst tl the liirone a Lamb 11. 12. they asctnded, and their enemies A. them BEUEMOIH. Job 40. 15. behold now A. which J made with thee BEHIND Signifies, [1] Bachcards, Judg. 20. 40. [2] After, 2 Sam. 3. I6. [3] Remaining, Lev. 25. 51. [4] Past, Phil. 3. 13. [5] Lnexpecled, Isa. 30. 21. [6] Disregarded, I'sal. bO. 17- £jod. 10. 20. there shall not an hoof be lift A. X.«c.25.51.if there be yet many years A. according Jiidg. 20. 40. the Benjamites looked A. tkem 1 Sam. 3d. 9. where those that were left A. stayed 8 Sum. 3. 16. her husband went weeping A. h(?r 1 Kings 14. y. hast cast me A. thy back, /.wi.23.35. X\e/i. 4. 16. the ruifrs were A. the house of Judah 9.26.they rebelleU and cast thy law A. their backs Cant. 1. 9. behold, he staiidethA. our wall, lookelh Isa. 38. 17. thou hast cast all my sins A. thy back Auiosl, 1 15. the Lord took me from A. the (lock Mark 5. 27 she came in the press A. and touched Luke 2. 43. the child Jesus tarried A. in Jerusalem 1 tVr.1 .7. so that ye come A. in no gift, waiting for C Cor. 11. 5. 1 was not a whit A. the chiefest, 12.11. Vhil. 3. 13. forgetting those things which are A. Col. 1. 24. fill up what is A. of artliciions of Christ Setfuither,'&hvov.t., IIim,\Vk,1 11 tt,lUEM,L's. BEHOLD Signifies, [1] Admiration, Isa. 7- 14. [2] Joti and gladness. Mat. 21.5. [3] Obedience, 1 San: £2. t 12. Isa. f). t U. [4] Asseveration, Gen. eu. 15. [5] Exhortation to a yioiident cere, John 19. 27. [6] Cuiisideialion, or observation, Ltlke 24. 39. John 1. 29. [7] Suddenness, or tmeiyectedness, Kev. 16. 15. | 22. 7- [8] Cer- tainty, Mat. 23. 38. Luke 1. 20. Gen. 28. 15. A. I am with tliee, and will keep thee 31. 51. A. this heap, A. this pill.ir I have cast 40.6. Joseph looked on them, and A. they were sad 48. 1. A. thy father is sick |l£l. Israel said, A. 1 die tjod. S. 2. and A. the bush burned with lire ;6. 4. A. 1 will rain bread from heaven for you 23. 20. A. I send an angel l»eforc thee to keep thee 24. 8. Moses said, A. the blood of the covenant Nam. 20. 16. A. we are in Kadesh in the utmost 1 Sam. 12. 13. A. the king whom ye have chosen '2 Sam. y. 6. and he answered, A. thy servant 1 Uings 13.2. A. child shall be 00m to bouse of Dav. 30 BEH 2 A'inji 13. 21. that 4. they spied a band of men 22. 10. A. I will bring evil upon this place and the inhabitauU thereof, 2 Chron. 34. 24. 2 ChroH. 20. 11. A. I say, how they reward us Job 1. 12. A. all thai he hath is in thy power 28. 28. A. the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom 33. 12. A. in this thou art not just, 1 will answer 3ti. 5. A. God is mighty, and despiseth not any, 2(5. 40. 4. A. I am vile, what shall 1 answer thee .' I'sal. 33.18. A. eye of the Lord is on them that fear 51. 5. A. 1 was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did 73. 12. A. these are the ungodlywho prosper in world Psal. 78.20. A. he smote the rock, the waters gushed 139. 8. if 1 make my bed in hell, A. thou an there Cant. 1. 15. A. thou art fair, my love, A. 10. | 4. 1. ha. 7. 14. A. a virgin shall conceive. Mat. 1. 23. 8.18.A.land the childrenwhom theLord,yitrA.2.13. 22. they shall look to the earth, and A. trouble 12. 2. A. God is my salvation, 1 will trust, and not 29. 8. a hungry man dreameth, and A. he eateth 40. 9. say to the cities of Judah, A. your tiod 41. 27. the first shall say to Zioii, A. A. them 42. 1. A. my servant ■» horn 1 uphold, mine elect 43. 19. A. 1 wril do a new thing, it shall spring 48. 7. lest thou shouldest say, A. 1 knew them 05.1. 1 said, A. me, A. me, to a nation not called by Je: .8. 15. we looked for peace, and A. trouble, 14. I9. '-'0. 14. A. 1 am in vour hands, do with me as seems Lam.l.VZ.b and see if any sorrow be like my sorrow Ezek. 30. 9. A. I am for you, and will turn to you Zech. 3. 8. A. I will bring my servant the Branch 6. 12. A. the man whose name is the Branch 9. 9. A. thy King Cometh, ,Uo<. 21.5. John VI. 15. Mai. 3.1. A. 1 will send my messenger ond he shall prepare the way, 4. 5. Mat. 11. 10. Mark 1.2. Mat.l.i. and A. a beam is in thine own eye 24. 26. A. he is in th» desert, A. he is in the secret Mark 16.0. is risen ft Hie'place where they laid him Luke 24. 39. A. my bands and my feet, that it is 1 49. A. 1 send the promise of my 1 ather upon you Johti 1. 29. A. the Lamb of God, which taketh, 30. 47. A. an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile 19.5. Pilate saith unto them. A. the man ■ Uis y. 11. Saul of Tarsus, fur A. he prayeth 2 Cor. 6. 9. as dying, and A. we live, as chastened 1 John 3. 1 . A. what manner of love the lather liev. 3. 2U. A. 1 stand at the door and knock 16. 15. A. 1 come as a thief, blessed is he that 22.7 .A. 1 come quickly ,bles5ed is he tliat keeps, 12. BEllULD It is. Oen. 16. 14. A. it is between Kadesh and Bered 34. 21. for the land, A. it is large enough for them Exud. 32. 9- and A. it is a stift-necked people Josh. 9. 12. but now A. it is dry, it is mouldy Juiig. 18. 9. I have seen the land, A. it is very good ./ja.5'-.t).know that 1 am he that doth speak,*. ir is I L^ek.l.lQ. A. the day, A. it is come,morijiiig is gone 39. 8. A. It IS come, and it is done, saith the Lord i\oui HEUGLD, or BEllULD 7wu'. 1 Sam. 12. 2 noa A. the king walketh before y»n 2 AiHji 18.21. now A. ihoutrustest on stall of Egypt Job 10. ly. also no-ji A. my witness is in heaven Jer. 40. 4. now A. I loose thee this day from ciiains .Vat.'Zt). 65. notu A. ye have heard his blasphemy .-lets 13. 11. nou A. the hand of the Lord is on thee 20. 22. now A. 1 go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem 2 Cor. 6. 2. A. now is the accepted time, A. now is day Beholu tt lias, BtHuLU there was, see Was. BEllULD, Verb, Signifies, [1] To look on a thing tiiM our eyes. Gen. 31. 51. [2] To think over a thuig in our minds, Lam. 1. 12. Rom. 11. 22. Sum. 12. 8. and the similitude of the Lord shall he A. 23. 9. 1 see hiui, and from the hills I A. him 2i.l7.seehim,but not now.shall A.bim,but not nigh IJeut. 3. 27. A. It with thine eyes, thou shalt not go 1 Sam. 22. 1 12. A. me, Isa. 6. i 8. JoAiy. 27. mine eyes shall A. and not another 20. y. nor shall his place any more A. him 23. y. where he doth work, but 1 cannot A. him 34. 2y. when he hideth his face, who can A. .' 30. 24. that thou magnify his work, which men A. I'sal. 11.4. his eyes A. his eye-lids try tlie children 7. his countenance doth A. the upright 17. 2. let thine eyes A. the things that are equal 15. I will A. thy face in rigttteousness 27. 4. to A. the beauty of the Lord and enquire 37.37. mark the perfect man, A. the upright 40. 8. come, A. the works of the I^onl 3). 4. they prepare, awake to help me, and A. 66. 7 . lie ruletli for ever, his eyes A. the nations 81). 14. look down from heaven, A. and visit yi. 8. only with thine eyes shalt thou A. and see 102. ly. Irom heaven did the l.ord A. the earth 113. (). he humbleth himself to A. the things 119. 18. open thou mine eyes, that I may A I'rov. 23. 33. thine ejes shall A. strange women Led. 11. 7- and a pleasant thing it is to A. the sun Isa, 26. 10. he will not A. the majesty of the l^rd 38.11.1 said,I shall A.iBan no more with the inhab. BEL Isa.il .23. do good or evil, that we may A. it together 63. 15. A. from the habitation of thy holiness Jer. 20. 4. and thine eyes shall A. thy terror 29. 32. nor A. the good 1 will do for my people 32. 4. and his eyes shall A. his eyes, 34. 3. 42. 2. we are left but a few, as thine eyes do A. us Lam. 1. 18. hear all people, and A. my sorrow 3. 50. till the Lord look down and A. from heaven 5. 1. O Lord, consider and A. our reproach Ezei. 8. 9. A. the wicked abominations they do 28. 17. lay thee before kings that they may A. 18. bring thee to ashes in sight of all that A. 40. 4. son of man, A. with thine eyes, 44. 5. Van. 9. 18. open thine eyes, and A. our desolation Ubad. t 12. do not A. the day of thy brother iUjc.7.9. me tolight, and I shall A. his righteousness 10. she that is my enemy, mine eyes shall A her Ilab. 1. 3. why dost thou cause me to A. grievances ? 13. thou art of purer eyes than to A. evil, caiisl Mat. 18.10. tueirange'? alway A.face of my lather Luie 14. 29. all that i. it begin to mock him 21. 6. as for these things which ye A. the days will John 17. 24. be with me, that they may A. my glorj ■lets'! . 31. as he drew near to A. it the voice came 32. then Moses trembled, and durst not A. 2 Cor. 3. 7. Israel could not A. the face of Moses 1 Pet. 2. 12. your good works which they shall A. 3. 2. while they A. your chaste conversation Rev. 17. 8. when they A. the beast that was, is not BEllOLDEKS. Job 34. t 26. God striketh them in the place of A. BEHULDEST. Psal. 10. 14. thou A. all mischief to requite it Mat, 7. 3. why A. thou the mote ? Luke (j. 41. Luke 6. 42. A. not the beam that is in thine own eye BEHOLDETH. Job 24. 18. he A. not the way of the vineyards Psal. 33. 13. the Lord A. all the sons of men Jam. 1. 24. for he A. himself and goeth his way BEIIULDING. Psal. 119. 37. turn away mine eyes from A. vanity A'r(>r.l5.3.Lord in every place, A. the evil and good I'.cel. 5. 11. saving the A. of them with their eyes .Ufl/. 27.55. many women were there,A. LukeH^.tQ ■Mark 10. 21. Jesus A. him, loved him, and said Luke 23. 35. people stood A. and rulers derided him 48. A. things done, smote their breasts and returned Acts 4. 14. and A. man which was healed could say 23. 1. and Paul earnestly A. fhe council, said 2 Cor. 3. 18. with open fare A. as in a glass the glory Col.'Z. 5. withyouinspirit,joying,andA. your order Jam. 1. 23. a man A. his natural face in a glass BEHOVED. Luke 24. 46. and thus it A. Christ to suffer and ri«e Ucb. 2. 17. A. him to be made like to his brethren BEING. Gfn.24.27. 1 b. in the way, the Lord led me to house i'.xod. 22. 14. the owner thereof not A. with it A 18. 6. kut whoso shall offend one of the«e little ones which 6. in me, Mark y. 4'J. 21. 32. repented not afterward that ye might*, him 2". 42. let him come down, and we will i. him Mart 1. 15. repent ye, and i. the gospel 5. 36. he saith, be not afraid, only i. Luke 8. 50. O. 23. if thou canst b. all things are possible 24. Lord, I b. help mine unbelief, yo/i« y. 38. 11. 23. but shall b. those things he saith shall come 24. i. ye receive them, and ye shall have them 15. 32. let him descend, that we may see and b. 16. 17. these signs shall follow them which b. Luke S 12. devil tziketh away the word, lest they b. 13. ihese have no root, which for a while *. 24. 25. O fools, ajid slow of heart to b. all that John 1. 7. that all men through him might b. 12. sons of God, even to them that b. on his name 3 12.howshallyeA.if I tell you of heavenly things • 4. 21. woman, b. me, the hour cometh when vc [shall 42 . and said, now we b . not because of thy saying 5. 44. how can ye b. which receive honour one of 47. if not his writings, how shall ye b. ray words ■ 6. 2y. workof God, that ye A. oa him he hath sent 7. 5. for neither did his brethren b. in him 3y..Spirit,which theythat A. on him should receive 9. 35. dost thou *. on the Son of God r .iS.hesaiid.who is he, Lord.that 1 might A. on him 10. 38. b. the worlcs, that ye may know and b. 11. 15. I was not there, to the intent ye may A. 27. 1. *• that thou art the Christ, the Son of God 40. said 1 not to thee, if wouldst b. thou shouldst 42. that they may b. that thou hast sent me 48. if we let him alone, all men will b. on hira 12. .36. while ye have light, b. in the light 13. ly. when it is come to pass, ye may b. I am he 14. 1. not troubled, ye b. in God, b. also in me 11. A. I am in the Father, or b. for the work'ssake 2y. that when it is come to pass ye might b. 16. .30. by this we b. thou earnest forth from God 31. Jesus answered them, do ye now b ! 17. 20. I pray for them also which shall b. on me 21 . that the world may 4. thou hast sent me ly. 35. he knows that he saith true, that ye might i. 20. 31. these are written that ye might b. Acts 8. 37. I *. that Jesus Christ is the Son of God 13.3y.by him all that b. are justified from all thingb 41. 1 work a work which you shall in nowise b. 15.7. that the Gentiles by me should hear and b. 11. we A. thro' grace we shall be saved, as they 16.31. i. on the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt he saved iy.4. should b. on him that should come after him Bl .20. thou seest how many Jews there are which b. 25. as touching the Gentiles which b. have writ. 27. 25. 1 b. God that it shall be as it was told me iiom. 3. 22. righteousness of God on all them that b. 4. 11. he might be father of all them that b. 24. to whom it shall be imputed, if we b. on him 6. 8. if dead, we b. that we shall also live with him 10. y. and shall *. in 'hy heart that God raised him 14. how shall they b. in him of whosi not heard ? 1 Cor. 1. 21. by preaching to save them that b. 11. 18. I he.\r there be divisions, and I partly b. it 14. 22. tongues are for a sign, not to them that b. but prophesying serveih for them which b. 9 Cor. 4. 13. we also b. and therefore speak Cal. 3. 22. promise might be given to them that b. Eph. 1. ly. the greatness of his power to us who b. Phil. 1. 2y. to us it is given not only to b. on him 1 Then. 1. 7. ensamples to all that b. in Macedonia 2. 10. we behaved ourselves among you that b. 13. word which effectually worketh iti you that b. 4.14. if we b. that Jesus died and rose again 2 ihess.l.lQ. come to be admired in all those that i 2. 11. send delusion that they should b. a lie 1 Tim. 1. 16. for a pattern to them that should*. 4. 3. received with thanksgiving of them that b. 10. Saviour of all men, especially of those that b. neb. 10. .3y. but of them that b. to saving of sonl 11. (). he that Cometh to God must *. that he is Jam. 2. ly. the devils also b. and tremble 1 fei. 1.21. whoby him do i. in God that raised him 2. 7. to you therefore which b. he is precious 1 John 3. 23. is his commandment that we should b. 5. 13. I h.ave written to you that b. that ve may b. BLLIKVE not, or not BELlliVE. Ecod. 4. 1. behold, they will not b. me, nor hearken 8. it shall come to pass, if they will not b. thee, y . Dent. 1. 3C. yet in this ye did not b. the Lord 2 Kings 17. 11. like their fathers did not b. in Lord /o*9- 16. yet would 1 not b. that he had hearkened fVw. 86. 25. whea ha speaketh fair, b. him not 31 BEL Isa. 7. 9. if ye Will not b. ye shall not be established Jer. 12. 6. b. not them, tho' they speak lair word Hab. 1. 5. which ye will not b. though it be told you A/ar. 21.25. why then did ye not b. him r Mark 11.31. 24.23. lo, here is Christ, A. itne.',26. MarkVi.Q.1. /,iiXe22. 67. he said, if 1 tell you, you will«-.ir4. John 3. 12. if I told earthly things, and ye b. not 4. 48. except ye see signs and wonders ye willwo^i. 5. 38. for whom he hath sent, him je b. not 47. if ye b. not his writ, how shall ye A. my words.' 6. 36. 1 said to you, ye also have seen me and A. not 64. but there are some of you which A. not 8. 24. if ye b. not that I am he, ye shall die in sins 45. because I tell you the truth, ye A. me not id. if I say the truth, why do ye not b. me f 10. 26. ye A. not, because ye are not of my sfteep 37. if 1 do not the works of my Father, A. me not 38. if I do, though j-e A. not me, believe the works 12. 3y. they could not A. because Isaiah said again 47. if any hear words, and A. «t>r, I judge him not 16. y. reprove of sin, because they A. not on me 20. i.'5. thrust my hjmd into his side, I will not A. Horn. 3. 3. what if some did not A. shall unbelief 15. 31. I rfiay be delivered from them that do not A. 1 Cor. 10. £7. if any th*t b. not bid you to a feast 14.22. tongues are for a sign to them that A. not 2 Cor. 4. 4. bath blinded minds of them that A. nui 2 I'tm. 2. 13. if we A. not, he abideth faithful 1 John 4. I. A. not every spirit, but try the spirits BFLIEVEU. Gen. 15. 6. he A. in the Lord, and he counted it for righteousness, Rom. 4. 3. Gal. 3. 6. Jam. 2. 23. Eiod. 4. 31. >\aron spake, and the people A. 14. 31. they A. the Lord and his servant Moses 1 ^am. 27. 12. and Achish A. David, saying, he hath t'sal. 27. 13. 1 had fainted, unless I had A. to see 106. 12. then A. they his words, they sang his praise 116. 10. i A. therefore have 1 spoken, 2 Cor. 4. 13. ny. 66. teach me, for I have A thy commandments Isa. 53. 1. who hath A. our report, to whom arm of the Lord revealed f John 12. 38. Rom. 10. I6. Dan.&. 23. no hurt on him, becau.se he A. in his God Jonah 3. 5. so the people of Nineveh A. God Mat. 8. 13. as thou ha3t A. so be it done to thee 21. 32. but the publicans and harlots A. him Mark 16. 13. went and told it, neither A. they them Lnke 1. 1. of those things which are most surely A. 45. blessed is she that A. for there shall be a perforn Johul. 11. his glcry, and his disciples A. on hiio 22. they A. the scripture and the word Jesus said 4. 50. the man A. the word that Jesus had spoken 53. the father himself A. and his whole house 5. 4ti. had ye A. Moses, ye would have A. me 7 . 48. have any of rulers or Pharisees A. on him r 8. .31. then said Jesus to the Jews that A. on him 11.45. who had seen the things Jesus did, A. on him 12.11. many of the Jews went away and A. on Jesus 16.27. the Father loveth you, because you have A. 17 • 8. and they have A. that thou didst send me 20. 8. then went that other disciple and saw and A. 2y. thou hast A. have not seen and yet have A. .lets 2. 44. all that A. were together, had things 4. 4. many of them which heard the word A. 32. multitude of them t-hat A. were of one heart 5. t 36. as many as A. Theudas were scattered 8. 12. but when tlty A. I'hilip preaching things 13. then Simon himself A. also and was baptized 10. 45. they of circumcision who A. were astonished 11. 17. (iod gave them like gift as to us who A. 21. a great number A. and turned to the Lord 13. 12. then deputy A. being astonished at doctrine 48. as many as were ordaineu to ctenial life A. 14. 1. a multitude of both Jews and Greeks A. 23. commended ihem to the Lord on whom thej- A. 17.4. some of them A. and consorted with Paul 34. howbeit certain men clave to him and A. 18.8. Crispus chief ruler of the synagogue A. on L. 27. helped them much which had A. thro' grace ly. 2. received ye the Holy Ghost since ye A. .' 22. ly. I beat in every synagogue them that A. 27. 11. the centurion A. the master of the ship 28. 24. some A. the things spoken, and some A. not Rom. 4. 18. who against hope A. in hope, might 13. 11. our salvation is nearer than when we A. 1 Cor. 3. £. but miiiislersby whomye A. as the I>ord 15. 2. ye are saved, unless ye have A. in vain 11. whether 1 or they, so we preach, and so ye A. Gal. 2. 16. even we have A. in .lesus Christ that we Eph. 1. 1.3. in whom after ye A. ye were sealed 2 Then. 1. 10. our Icstimnny among you was A. 1 !/'im.3. 16. A. on in the world, received up into glory 2 Tim. 1. 12. for I know whom I have A. he is able lit. 3. 8. they which have A. in God. be careful to lleb. 4. 3. we which have A. do enter into rest 1 John 4. 16. we have A. the love of God to us Many BELIEVED. John 2. 23. at the pasSover mnny b. in his n.amc 4. 3y. many of the .Samaritans A. on him 11.45. many of the Jews which came to M ary A. on 12. 42. among the chief rulers also many 6. oa him BEL Acts 18. B. rr.nny of the (Jorinlhiant hearing ly. 18. maiiyihatA.cameaud confessed thciriJeeds BELIEVED «» 11. 25. he that A. though he were dead yet shall live 26. whosoever liveth and A. in me shall never die 12. 44. he that A. on me, A. not on me, but on him 46. whoso A. on me, should not abide in darkiiesj 14. 12. he that A. on me, the works that I do .■icts 10. 43. who A. in him receive remission of sins Hom.l. 16. it is the power of God to every one that A. 3. 26. and the justifier of him that A. on Jesus 4. 5. but to him that worketh not, but A. on him y. 33. whosoA. onhimshajluot be ashamed, 10.11. 10. 4. Christ is the end of law to every one that A. 10. for with the heart man A. to righieousnesr 14. 2. for one A. that he may eat all tilings 1 Cor. 7. 12. if any brother hath a wife that A. not 13.7. love A. all things, hopelh all things, endurelb 14. 24. and there come in one that A. not 2 C<;r. 6. 15. what part hath he that A. with iMfide) 1 'Jim. 5. 16. it any man that A. have widows 1 I'et. 2. 6. he that A. shall not bo confounded 1 John 5. 1. whoso A. Jesus is the Christ, is of God 5. who is he that overcometh, but he that A. 10. he that A. on the Son of God ; he that A. not God, because he A. not llie record BELIEVING. Mat. 21. 22. ask in prayer, A. ye shall receive John 20. 27. said to I homas, be not faithless but 4. 31. that A. ye might have life through his name Arts 16. 3t. rejoiced, A. in God with all his house 24. 14. A. all things which are written in the law Rom. 15. 13. fill y0(/. 28.33. A. of gold bctw. pomegranates, .3y. 25 34. a goblen A. and a pomegranate, 3y. 26. Zech. 14.20. upon the A. of horses, holmcssto Lord Bellow, see Bulls BELLOWS. Jer. 6. 29. the 4. are burnt, the lead is consumed BELLY Signifies, [1] That fmri of tkeboiiiuhtch contamt «JU eotueii. Mat. 13 17. [~] !>'* voml, Jer. 1. 5. [3J The tntraiit, Rrv. 10. 9, 10. [4] 'Jhe heart, John 7. 3B. [5] The -j-hole man. 'J it. X. 12. [6] Carnal pleasure, Horn. IC. 18. Gen. 3. It. oa tbjr i. shalt ibou go, and du5t eat i^r. 11. 42. goeth on the i. b« an abomination Aim. 5. 21. thy thigh to rot, and thy i. to swell •2i. U. thrust man of Israel and woman thro' the i. X>eut. 28. f 11. plenteous in the fruit of thy i. t 53. and thou shalt eat the fruit of thy i. JvJg. 3. 21. the dagger, and thrust it in his i. I Ain;<7.20. had pomegranates over-against the i. J*i 3. 11. give op ghost when 1 came out of the i. 15. 2. and fill his 3. with the east-wind .15. brinjj vanity, and their 6. prepareth deceit Ji)i 19.tl7. intreated for childrens' sake of my 6. 20. 15. God shall cast them out of his i. 20. surely he shall not foel quietness in his i. 23. when about to fill his i. God shall cast fury SC. t 18. the spirit of my i. constraineth me 19. behold my i, is as wine which hath no vent Pial. 17.14. whose i. thou fillest with thy hid treas. 22. 10. thou art my God from my mother's i. 44. 25. soul bowed down, our 6. cleaveth to earth 58. t3. they go astray from the i. 132. til. of the fruit of thy i. I will set on frov. 13. 25. but the i. of the wicked shall w.^nt 18. 8. go into innermost parts of the i. 26. 22. 20. a man's i. shall be satisfied with fruit 20. 27. se.ircl^jug all the inward parts of the i. 30. so do stripes the inward parts of the i. C2. 1 18. is a pleasant thing, if keep them in thy 6. Cant. 5. 14. his A. is as bright ivory overlaid with 7.2. thy 6. is like an heap of wheat set about with ha. 46. 3. which are born by me from the i. Jer. 1. 5. before I formed thee in thei. I knew thee 61. 34. he hath filled his 6. with my delicates £j»i. 3. 3. he said, son of man, cause thy i. to eat Dan. 2. 32. this image's i. and his thighs of brass Jonah I. IT. .lonahwasini.ofthefish, Alat. 12.40. 2.2. out of the i. of hell cried I, and thou hearjst Jl/ic. 6. t7. fruit of my i. for the sin of my soul llai. 3. Ifi. when I heard, my i. trembled, my lips lUat. 15. 17. whatsoever entercth in at the mouth goeth into ihe i. and is cast out, MarkT. ly. Luke 15. 16. fain have filled his b. with the husks John 7 . 38. out of his i. shall flow rivers of water iv'«'n.l6.18. they serve not our Lord but their own b. 1 f-V-r. 6. 13. nie.its for the b. and the b. for meats P/iiV. 3.iy. whose God is their i. and glory in shame Hev. 10. y. eat it up, and it shall make thy b. bitter 10. as soon as I had eaten it, my b. was bitter BELLI K.S. 1'ii. 1. 12. the Cretians are always liars, slow i. liKLONG. Gen. 40. 8. do not interpretations b. to Gnd? /.ft;. 27. 24. in jubilee return to whom it did b. .')eiit. ^g. 29. secret things b. to God, revealed b. /'>al. 4.7. 9. for the shields of the earth b. to God 68. 20. to our God b. the issues from death Prov. 24. 23. these things also b. to the wise J.':c*. 21.tl3. .shall they not b. to the despising rod? ]>an. 9. y. to the Lord our God d. merries Mark 9. 41. in my name, because ye b. to Christ J,iiie 19. 42. the things which b. to thy peace 1 Ciir. 7. 32. caretli for things that^. to the Lord liKLONGKU, ESr. 1 Sam. .^0. 13. to whom b. thou, whence art tlion - 1 hings 1.8. and the mighty men, which A. to David 2 A'lnijj 7. 1 2. a lord which i. to the king answered Luke "3. T. as he knew he b. to Herod's jurisdiction BELONGETIl. Deiit. 32. 35. tome b. vengeance and recompense, Vsal. 94. 1. Jieb. 10. 30. Jtidt;. 19. 14. Gibeah which b. to Benjamin, CO. 4. i:zra 10. 4. arise, for this matter b. to thee I'sal. 3. 8. salvation b. unto the Lord 02. 11. twice have I heard, power t. unto God 12, also unto thee, O Lord, i. mercy Van. 9. 7. O Lord, righteousness b. to thee 8. to us b. confusion of face, to our kings Uei. 5. 14. strong meat b. to them of full age BELONGING. Kum. 7. 9. the service of the sanctuar-y *. to them RiithZ. 3. to light on a part of a fieUl b. to Bo.iz Prov. 26. 17. meddleth with strife *. not to him Luke^. 10. he went into a desert*, to Uethsaida BELOVED /! applied, [1] To Christ, Mat. 3. 17. Mark 1. 11- I 9- 7. [2] To Ihe Church, Jer. 11. 15. Jlom. 9. 25. [3] To particular taints, Neh. 13. 26. Dan. g. 23. [4] To zcife and children, Deut. 21. 15. IIos. 9. 16. fS] To the h'et^ Jerusalem, Kev. CO. 9. Deuj. 21. 15. two wives, the one b. the otherhated 3.!. 12. the *. of the Ixird shall dwell in safei J: Sam 12. + 25. Jedidiah, that is b. of the Lord Neh. 13. 26. .Solt^mon, who was b. of his God r'at. 60. S. that thy I,, m.iy be delivered, 108. 6. 1£7. 2. for so he givcth kis b. sleep 32 - BEN Prov. 4. 3. and only b. in the sight of my mother Cant. i. 1. eat, O friends, drink abundantly, U b, 9. what is thy 4. more than another b. I 6. 1. whither is thy b. gone, O thou fairest ? 8. 5. who is this that come'.h leaning on her b. ? Dan. 9. 23. for thou art greatly t. 10. 11, I9. Jloi. 3. 1. go yet, love a woman b. of her friend 9. 16. I will slay the b. fruit of their womb .lets 13.25. chosen men with b. Barnabas and Paul Kom. 1. 7. to all that are in Rome, b. of God 9. 25. I will call her *. which was not *. 11. 28. they are i. for the Father's sake 16. 12. salute j. I'ersis who laboured much in I^ord Pfh. 1.6. he hath made us accepted in the b. 0. 21. I'ychicus a i. Brother and minister, Co/. 4.7. Col. :i. 12. put on as the elect of God, holy and b. 4. 9. with Onesimus, a faithful and b. brother 14. Luke the 6. physician and Demas greet you 1 Thess. 1. 4. knowing b. your election of God 1 Tim. 6. 2. do them ser>'ice, bfccause they are i. P/iilem. 16. but above a servant, a brother b. lleh. 6. 9. b. we are persuaded better things of you 2 I'tt. 3. 8. b. be not igncrant of this one thing 15. even as our b. brother Paul hath written 1 Juhn 3.2. b. now we are the sons of God, it doth 21. b. if our heart condemn us not, then have 4. 1. i. believe not every spirit, but try the spirits 7. b. let us love one another, for love is of God 11. b. if God so loved us, we ought also to love 3 John 11. b. follow not that which is evil, but [good Jude 20. but ye b. building up yourselves in faith liev. 20. 9. and they compassed the b. city Dearly Beloveu, see Dearlv. My BELOVED. Cant. 1.14. myb. is to ine a cluster of camphire 16. behold thou art fair, my 6. yea pleasant 2. 3. as the apple-tree, so is n?y b. among the sons 9- my b. is like a roe or a young hart IS. my i. is mine, and I am his, he feedeth, 6. 3. 17. turn my b. and be thou like a roe or a hart 4. 16. let my b. come into his garden and eat 5. 2. it if the voice of my 6. that knocketh, 2. 8. 5. I rose up to open to my b.\\6. I opened to myb. 10. my b. is white and ruddy |j 16. this is my b. 6. 2. myb. isgoiie[j3. 1 aniCTj/ 4. and my b. mine, [7.10. 7. 13. which I have laid np for thee, O mi/ b. T\a. 5. 1. a song of my i. touching his vineyard Jer. 11. 15. what hath my b. to do in my house .Vat. 3. 17. this is my S. Son, I7. 5. Mark 1. 11. I y. 7. J."Jie 3. 22. i 0. 35. 2 Pet. 1. 17. 12. 18. behold my b. in whom my soul is pleased Luk-! CO. 13. I will send my b. son, it may be they Horn. Id. 8. greet iimplias my b. in the Lord 1 Cor. 4. 14. but as my b. sous I warn you 17. I sent Timothy my b. son, 2 Tim. 1. 2. Jam. 1. 16. do not err, mu b. brethren BELIE, BELIED. Prov. 30. 1 9. lest I be full and b. thee Jer. 5. 12. they have b. the Lord, and said, it is not BE.MOAN, ED, ING. Job 42. 11. they b. Job, and comforted him Jer. 15. 5. who shall b. thee, O Jerusalem .' 16. 5. neither go to lament, nor b. them 22. 10. weep ye not for the dead, nor b. him 31. 18. I have surely heard Ephraim b. himself 48. 17. all ye that are about him b. him .Va/i. 3.7.1^ ineveh is laid waste, who will b. her r B EN CUES. Ezek. 27. 6. the Ashuritcs made thy b. of ivory BEND. Psnt. 11. C. for lo, the wicked b. their bow ()4. 3. who b. their bows to shoot their arrows Jer. 9. 3. they b. their tongue like a bow for lies 46. 9. the Lydians, that handle and b. the bow 50. 14. all ye that b. the bow shoot at her 20. 51. 3. against him that bendeth, let the archer b. Ezek. 17. 7. behold, this vine did 6. her roots BENDETH, ING. Psal. 58. 7. when he b. hi^ bow to shoot arrows ha. 60. 14. that afflicted thee shall come *. to thee Jer. 51. 3. against him that b. let the archer bend BENEATH. Eiod. 20. 4. or that is in the earth b. Deut. 5. 8. .32. 19. he brake the tables b. the mount Dcut. 4. 3y. on the earth b. there is none else 28. 13. thou shalt be above only, and not be b. 33. 13. blessed, for the deep that coiicheth b. E:ra Q. t 13. hast withheld b. our iniquities Job 10. 16. his roots shall be dried up b. Prov. 15. 24. that ye may depart from hell 4 Isa. 14. 9. hell from 4. is moved for thee 51 . 6. lift up your eyes, look on the earth b. Jtr. 31. 37. if foundations can be searched b. John 8. 23. ye are from 4. 1 am Irom above BENEl'ACTOR.S. 2^ul«22.25.tLey that exercise authorityare called 4 BE.NEEIT. Jer. 18. 10. repent p(good wherewidi I 4. them BKS BENEFIT, S. Signifies, Tl , Tiie gifts and fai-ourt of God 11 mttl 2 Chron". 32. 25. Psal. 68. 19. W Th4favovr of God to others, 2 Cor. 1. 15. Philem. -4. [3] God's righteoxu acts, 1 Sam. 12. t 7. [4] Salvation, 1 lira. D. 2. [5] favour, gract, cr spiritual blessings, Psal. 103. 2. [6] Toprofit, or do good, Jer. 18. 10. 1 Sim. 12. t 7. reason with you of all the 4. of L 2 (-'/i;.32.25. Hezekiah rendered not according to t. Psal. 6jV 19. Lord who daily loadeth us with 4. 103. 2. bless the Lord, and forget not all bis 4. 116. 12. what shall I render to Lord for allhis t. f 2 Cor. 1. 15. that you might have a second 4. 1 Ttm. 6. 2. faithful and belovfd partakers of the*. Philem. 14. that thy 4. should not be of ueceMity BENEVOLENCE. 1 CffT. 7.3. let the husband render to the wife due 4. BENT. Psal. 7. 12. he hath b. his bow, Lam. 2. 4. | 3. 12 . 37. 14. have i. their bow to cast down the poor Jsa. 5.28.whose arrows sharp, and all their bows 4. 21. 15. for they fied from the swords and 4. bow Hot. 11. 7. my people are 4. to backsliding from men Zech. g. 13. when I have 4. JudaU for me BEREAVE. DeiU. 32. t 25. swcril and terror shall 4. young men Eccl.i.R. forwhom I labour and 4. my soul of good Jer. 15. 7. I will 4. them of children, 18. 21. Ezek. 5. 17. send evil beasts, and they shall 4. thee 14. + 15. if I cause noisome beasts to 4. the land 36. 12. no more henceforth 4. them of men, 14. Hos. g. 12. bring up children, yet will I 4. them BEREAVED. Ct'71.42. 36. Jacob said, me ye have 4. of my children 43. 14. if I be 4. of my children, I am 4. Ez^k. 36. 13. thou land hast 4. thy nations //w. 13. 8. 1 will meet them as a bear 4. ofherwhelp.l BEREAVETH. Lam. 1 . 20. abroad the sword 4 . at home is as death BERRIES. Isa. 17. 6. two or three 4. in the top of the bough Jam. 3. 12. can the fig-tree bear olive 4. a vine figs ? BERYL. Dan. 10. 6. his body also was like the 4. and faco Hev. 21. 20. eighth loundation was 4. ninth a topaj BESEECH. Exod. 33. 18. he said, I 4. thee shew me thy glory Kum. 12. 13. heal her now, O Lord, I 4. thee Psal. 80. 14. return, we 4. thee, O God of hosts 116. 4. O Lord, I 4. thee deliver my soul 118.25. save I 4.0 Lord, I 4. thee, send prosperity liy. 108. accept, I 4. thee, free-will offerings Jer. 38. 20. obey, I 4. thee, the voice of the Lord .Imoi 7. 2. I said, O Lord God, forgive I 4. the* Jonah 1.14.they said, we 4. thee, O Lord, we 4.theo 4. 3. O Lord, take, I 4. thee my life from me Mai. 1. g. 4. God, that he will be gracious to us Luke 8. 28. Jesus, I 4. thee, torment me not y. 38. saying, master, I 4. thee look on my son Acts C6. 3. wherefore 1 4. thee to hear me patiently Rom. 12. 1. I 4. you by the mercies of God 1 Cor. 4. 16. I 4. you, be ye followers of me 2 Cor. 2.8. 1 4. you, confirm your love toward him 5.20. as though God did 4. you by us, we pray yon 6.1. we 4. you receive not the grace of God in vain 10. 1. I Paul 4. you by the meekness of Christ (■ial. 4. 12. I 4. you, be as I am, for I am as ye are Eyh. 4.1. I the prisoner of the Lord 4. you to walk Philem. 9. yet for love's sake I rather 4. thee 10. 1 4. thee for my son Onesimus, whom I hav« Heb. 13. 19. but I 4. you the rather to do this 1 Pet. 2. 11. I 4. you as strangers and pilgrims 2 John 5. now I 4. thee, lady, not as though I wroM See Brethren. BESEECHING. Mat. 8. 5. there came a centurion 4. him, Luke 7. 3. Mark 1. 40. there came a leper to him, 4. him BESET. Jud^. ig.22. sons of Belial 4. the house round, 20.5 Psal. 22. 12. strong bulls of Bashan have 4. ma 139. 5. thou hast 4. me behind and before llos.T. 2. their own doings have 4. them about lleb. 12. 1. lay aside sin which doth so easily 4. us BESIDE, BESIDES. Gen. 19. 12. hast thou here any b. bring them out 2u. 1. there was a famine 4. the first famine l^v. 18. 18. 4. the other in her life-time 23. 38. 4. sabbaths, b. your gifts, b. vour vows 4 your free-will oflerings, which ye give to Lord Num. 5. 20. man has lain with thee 4. thy husba«d 6. 21. law of Nazarite, 4. that his hand shall get 11.6. there is nothing at all 4. this manna 28. 23. ofler these 4. the burnt-offering, 2p. 6. Deut. 29. 1. 4. the covenant ne made in lloreb Josh. 22. 19. in building an altar, A. the altar, S9 Judg. 6. 37. if it be dry on all the earth 4. 1 1 . 34. 4. her Jephthah had no son nor daughter 1 Sam. ly. 3. I will go out and stand 4. my father 1 Kiugs 10. 13. 4. that which Snlonon gave bet BET 1 Kings 2^. ~ not a prophet of ihe I.. d.iCArim.lB.6. S Kings 21. J6. a. his sin, wherewith he niaJe Jadah Psal. 23. £. he leadeth me b. the still waters Cant. 1. 8. feed thy kids b. the shepherds' tents Isa. 32. 20. blessed are ye that sow b. all waters 56. 8. I will gather others to him b. those that huke l6. 26. b. all this, between us and you a gulf 24. 21. b. all this, to-day is the third day since I'hilem. IQ. thou owest to me thine owuself t. BESIDE. Mark 3. 21. his friends said, he is *. himself /Jf/j 26. 24. Paul, thou art *. thyself, learning 8 Cor. 5.13. whether we be *. ourselves, it is to God BESIEGE. Dent. 28 52. he shall b. thee in thy gates 1 Kings&. 3". if their enemies b. them, 2 Clir. 6. 28. isa. 21. 2. go up, O Elam, b. O Media BESIEGED. ? A'in5jl9.24.withthe sole of my feet I have dried up all the rivers of b. places, l.ra. .'i?. 25. Ercl. Q. 14. came a great king against it and b. it Jio. 1. 8. the daughter of Zion is left as a A. city Lzek. 6. 12. he that is b. shall die by the famine BESOM Isa. 14. 23. I will sweep it with tne o.ol Qestrnction BESOUGHT. ■(itH. 42. 21. when he b. us, and we would not hear Exvd. 32. 11. Moses b. the Lord, Deut. 3. 23. 2 Sam. 12. l6. David b. God for the child 1 Kings 13. 6. and the man of God b. the Lord 2 Kings 1. 13. third captain fell on his knees and b. 13. 4. Jehoahaz b. the Lord, the Lord hearkened i Chron. 33. 12. Manasseh in atfiiction b. the Lord Exra 8. 23. so we fasted and b. our God for this Esth.H. 3. 4. him with tears to put away the mischief Jer. 26. I9. did not Hezekiah fear, and b. the Lord Mat. 8. 31. so the devils b. him, Mark 5. 10, 12. LnkeS. 31,32. 34. saw him, they *. him to depart, LukeH. 37. 18. t26. ser\ant b. him. Lord, have patience Mark 5. 23. Jairus b. him greatly, Luke 8. 41. John 4. 40. Samaritans b. that he would tarry 4T. the nobleman of Capernaum A. him to come 19. 38. b. Pilate that he might take tlie body ./4cr.5l3.42. Gentiles b. that these words be preached 16. 15. Lydia b. us, saying, if ye have judged me 39. magistrates b. them, and brought them out ■21. 12. we b. him not to go up to Jerusalem 2 Cor. 12. 8 for this thing I b. the Ix)rd thrice BEST. G*n. 43. 11. take of the *. fruits in the land 47. 6. in *. of the land make thy father dwell, 11. Bjod. 22. 5. of b. of his own field make restitution ^um. 18. 29. every heave-offering shall be of the b. 36. 6. let them marrj- to whom they think b. Deux. 23. 16. he shall dwell where it likes him 6. 1 Sam. 8. 4. he will take the b. of your vineyards 15.9. Saul 2ind the people spared the i. of sheep, 15. 2 Sam. 18. 4. what seemeth you b. I will do t KingsiO. 3. look out the A. of your master's sons Psal. 39. 5. every man at his b. staJe is vanity Cant. 7. 9. tlie roof ol thy mouth like the b. wine Mic. 7.4. the 6. of them is as a brier, most upright Luke 15. 22. bring forth the b. robe and put it on 1 Cor, 12. 31. but covet earnestly the i. gifts BESTEAD. Isa. 8. 21. they shall pass thro' it hardly b. hungry BESTIR. 2 Sam. 5 24. when hearest the sound then i. thyself BESTOW. Eiod. 32.29- that he may b. on you a blessing Veiit. 14. £6. b. money for what thy soul lusts alter S Chron. 24. 7. the things they did b. on Baalim Ezra 7. 20. which thou shall have occasion to b. it out of the king's treasure-house Lnke. 12. I7. I have no room where to b. my fruits 18. and there will 1 b. all my fruits and goods 1 Cor. 12. 23. on these we b. more abundant honour 13. 3. though I b. aH my goods to feed the poor BESTOWED. 2 Kings 5. 24. Gchazi b. them in the house 1 Chron. 29. 25. Lord b. on Solomon royal majesty Isa. 63. 7. according to all the Lord hath b. on us John 4. .38. to reap that whereon ye t. no labour Horn. 16. 6. greet Mary, who b. much labour on us 1 Cor. 15. 10. his grace b. on nie was not in vain S Cor. 1.11. for the gift A. on us by means of many 8. 1. doyouto witofthegrace A on the cliurche"^ Oal.i. 11. lest I have A. on you labour in vain 1 John 3. 1. what manner of love lather A. on us BEl'AKE. Isa, 14. 1 32. poor of his people 6. themselves to it BETHINK. 1 KingsR. 47. if they shall A. themselves in the land whither were carried captives, 2 Chrun. 6. 37. BETIMES Signifies [1] Earli/, Gen. 26.31. [2] Seasonally, m due and proper time. Prov. 13. 24. [3] Con- tinMally, end carefulli/, 2 Chron. 36. 15. Ocn 26. 31 rose up b, and sware one to another 33 BET 2 CArcn. J6. 16. God sent by his messengers rising A. Job 8. 5. if thou wouldst aetk unto God A. 24. 5. as wild asses go thsy, rising A. for prey ProD, 13. 24 he that loveth him, chastcneth him A. BETKAV. 1 Citron. 12. 17. if ye be come to A. me to enemic-s M^t. 24. 10. and shall A. one another and haie 26. 16. from that time he sought opportunity to A. him, Mark 14. 11. Luke 22. 6. 21. I say unto you, that one of you shall A. me, Mark 14. 18. .John 13. 21. 46. behold, he is at hand and doth A. me Mark 13, 12. brother shall A. brother to death JohnQ. 64. Jesus knew who should A. him, 13. 11. 13. 2. the devil put into the heart of Judas to A. him BETllAYED. Mat. 10. 4. Ju-ias Iscariot who A. him, Mark 3.19. 17. 22. Son of man shall be A. into the hand of men, 20. 18. | 26.2,45. Mark\4. 41. 26. 24. wo to that man by whom the Son of man ii A. Mark 14. 21. Lnke 22. 22. 48. he that A. gave them a sign Mark 14. 44. 27. 4. I have sinned, in that I A. innocent blood Lukell. Hi. and ye shall be A. both by parents and John 18 2. Judas which A. him knew the place 1 Cor. 11. 23. same night he was A. he took bread BETKAYERS. Acts 7. 52. just One, of whom ye have been the A. BEIRAYEST, ETH. Mark 14. 42. let us go, lo, he that A. me is at hand Lnke 22. 21. the hand of him that A. me is with me 48. Judas, A. thou the Son of mau with a kiss' John 21. 20. Lord, which is he that A. thee ? BETROTH. i)i'«r.28.30.shall A. a wife, another shall lie witn her Hts. 219.1 w ill A. thee to me for ever in righteous. 20. 1 will A. thee to me in faithfulness, shall kiiow BEIROTHED. E;rjd. 21. 8. if she plezise not her master who A. her 22. 16. if a man entice a maid not A. Dent. 22. 28. Lev, 19. £0. whosoever lieth with a woman A. Deut. 20. 7. who hath A. a wife, and not taken her 22. 23. if a man finda virgin A. and lie with her 27. A. damsel cried, and there was none to save BETTER Signifies, [1] More valuable, or preferable, Eccl. 9. 4, 16, 18. [2] More acceptable, 1 Sam. 15. 22. [3] More able, Dan. 1. 20. [4] More conienient, 1 Cor. 7. 38. [5] More easy. Mat. 18.6. {&"[Moreadvantagemts,V'si\\.\.i-i. [7] Mote Iwlu, 1 Cor. 8. 8. [8] More safe, Psal. IIH. 8. [9] More comfortable, Prov. 15. I6, 17. [10] More precious, Vtov.Vi. 11. A better hope, Heb. 7. 19. 'I'he new coieitant, or Chrxst and his priesthood, and the promises oj the gospel depending therrupcn ; uihich give hope to lost itimers of obiatutng reco7tciliationzt;iLh (jod, and aJjorJ more clear and solid grounds to eipeci the Jull pardon of their sins, and eternal life, than could be discovered from the dark sliadout under the legal dispensation. Might obtain a better resurrection, Heb. 11. 35. W resurrection to a Jar better life than they could hat enjoyedon earth ; Jor though they might have been preserved for a while from death now threaten- ed, uihichuas a kind of Tesuirectioii, yet teas it not to be compared uith the resurrection to eternal life, glory, bliss, and pleasure, to be enjoyed by them uith Uod in heaven, -uhich uiould abundantly recompense them for all their sufferings. Better sacrifices, Heb. 9. 23. The sacrifice of Christ himself, Xihich is of more value, a7id comprises all the virtue, benefit, and signiUcation of the legal sacrifnes. It is expressed in the plural number, both to answer the opposite term, and to set out its BET Eiik. 36. 11. 1 wUI settle you, and do h. to yott i>a>i. 1 20. in all matters he found them ten times 9. Hos. '2. 7. then was It 6. with me than now , A. than silver and gold 27. 5. open rebuke is A. than secret love i!.'t'c/.6. 3. an untimely birth is A. than he 7. 1. a good name is A. than precious ointment 3. sorrow it A. than laughter, for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made A. 8. the patient in spirit is A. than the proud in spirit 9. 4. a living dog t; A. than a dead lion 16. then said 1, wisdom is A. than strength 18. wisdom is A. than weapons of war. Cant. 1. 2. for thy love is A. than wine Luke 5. 39. for he saith, the old is A. Phil. 1. 23. and to be with Christ, which it far i. It is BEITER, or BE 11 ER it it. excellency ; being far above all olhert, and the very\Oen. 29. 19. it is b. I give her to thee than another substance of them. Gen. 29. 19. A. 1 give her to thee thau to another Liod. 14. 12. A. for us to have served ihe Egyptians Aum. 14.3. were it not A. for us to return to l.gypt .' Jiulg. 8. 2. gleanings of Ephraim A. than vintage 11. 25. nor art thou any thing A. than Balak 1 Sam. 1. 8. am not 1 A. to thee than ten sons? 27. 1. nothing A. than to go to the Philistines 1 Kings 1. 47. (Jod make the name of k. Solomon A. 2. 32. who fell upon two men A. than he, and slew 19. 4. Elijah said, I am not A. than my fathers 21.2. I will give thee for it a A. vineyard than it 2 Kings 5. 12. rivers of Damascus A. than Jordan 2 Chron. 21. 13. hast slain brethren A. than thyself I'sal. 69. 31. this shall please the LordA. ihananox /.'cf/.2. 24. nothing A. for a man than to eat aiiu drink 3.22. there is nothing A. thau to rejoice in his works 4. 3. A. is he than both tliey, which have not been 9. two are A. than one||6. 11. what is man the A. .' 7. 10. that the former days were A. than these: 1 1 1. wisdom is as good a.s an inheritance, yea A. too 10. 11. the serpent will bite, and ababbler is no A. Isa. £6. 5. give a name A. than of sous and daughters l4im 4. y. ibev that b« slain with the sword are A. c 2 Sam. 18. 3. it is A. ihou succourus out of the city I'sal.lia.&.itis A. to trust in the Lord than to put, 9. J'rov. 16. ly. A. it is lo be of an humble spirit 21.9.it i> A. to dwell iuacorner of the house, 25.24, 19. It IS A. to dwell in the wilderness tliau with 25. 7- A. it IS that it be saidtu thee, come uphiiher Led. 5. 5. A. 1/ is that thou shouldesl not vow 7. 2. tl is A. to go to ihe house ot mourning than 5. it is A. to bear the rebuke ofthe wise iLan Jonah 4. 3. 1/ is i. for me to die than to live, 8. Mat. 18. 8. it IS A. for thee to enter into lil'e hall or maimed, than to be cast, 9. Mark 9. 43, 45, 47 1 Cor. 7.9. lor It IS A. to marry than to burn 1 Pet.S.n. It is A. that ye sufl'er for well doing than HE I 1 EKED. .Mark 5.26. she was noiUiiig A. bul rather grew worie BE 1 WEEN. Gen. 1.14. God divided A. ligtit and darkness i 14. to divide A. light and darkness 3. 15. 1 will put enmity A. ihy seed and her seed 9. 16 the covenant A. God and everj- creature 15. 17. a burning lamp passeth A. those places 4^1. 10. nor a lawgiver from A. his tetl, tnl Shiloil Ljro4. tt. S3 1 wl>l put a «Utuxki i. ai; i>«ople BID tJ9d. U.lfl. kill it 6. the two evenings. Num. Q.tS. IS. 9. and it shall be for a si^ to thee.and a memo- rial A. thine eyes. It). Dew. 6. 8. I 11. 18. 18. 16. (hey come, and I judge b. one and another S6. S3, the vail shall divide i. holy and most holy Hum. 11. 33. while the flesh was b. their teeth tU. i 4. the other lamb offer i. two evenings D€ui. 17. 8 t. blood and blood, b. plea, b. stroke 33. 12. and he shall dwell b. his sboulders jMd%. 4. 5. Deborah dwelt b. Kaniah and iipth-el I &>n.7.14. there was peace b. Israel and Amorites iSam. 19.35. discern b. good and evil, 1 Kings 3.9- I Kings 18. 21. how long halt ye b. two opinions? Prm. 18. 18. the lot parteth b. the mighty Jrr. 34. 18. they {as.'ed b. parts of the calf, I9. £ui. 34. 17. 1 judge b. cattle and cattle, b. rams Hot. 2. 2. and ner adulteries from b. her breasts Je$IZ. 17. the priests weep b. the porch and altar Zerh. 11. 14. break the brotherhood b. Jvidah Mat. 23. 35. ye slew b. the temple and thetaltar JoMn 3. S5. a question b. .lohn's disciples ana Jews Jiett 13. t42. might be preached the sabbath S. Hem. 10. 12. no difference b. the .lew and Greek 1 Cor.7. 34. there is difference A. a wife and a virgin 1 TiiR. 2. 5. there is one Mediator b. God and men BETWIXT. Job 36. 32. not to shine by the cloud that cometh b. Cant. 1. 13. he shall lie all night b. my brea,sts PAii. 1. 23. 1 am in a strait b. two, having a desire liblWAIL. Ln. 10. 6. J. the burning the Lord hath kindled iitui. 21. 13 and h. her father and mother a month fyig. 11.37- thai I may go and b. my virginitj-, 38. Isa. 16. 9. 1 w'li *■ *'^ the weeping of Jazer £ Cpr. 12. 21 . that 1 shall b. many who have sinned Rtv. 18. 9- shall b. her, whennthey see tlie smoke BLW AILED, Kill. ler. 4. 31. the daughter of Zion that b. herself luikt 8.52. and all wept and b. her, but he said S3. 27. of women also who b. and lamented him BEWARE Sgnifies, [^1] To take care, I'rov. 19. 25. [2] To have a singular and special regard to, £xod.23.21 "Vft must beware [IJ Uf Jorgetting Ood, Deut. tf 12. 18. 11. [2] Of evil ihatiehts, De.it. \p. 9. [3] Of thing! forbidden, Judg. 13. 4, 13. [4] Of dsngtrtforelotd. 2 Kings 6. 9. Job 3S. 18. [5] Of God's wrath. Acts 13. 40. [6] Of false teachers, Mat.7. 15. I 16.6,11. [7] U/men, Mat. 10.17. [8] Of evil u^rkers, Phil. 3. 2. [9] Of the error of the Kicked, 2 I'el. 3. 17. [10] Of covetomness, tuke 12. 15. I 20. 46. Otti. 24. 6. b. that thou bring not my son thither EioJ. 23. 21. b. of him and obey his voice Dent. 6. 12. then b. lest thou forget the Lord, 8. 11. 15. o. b. there be not a wicked liought in thy heart Jtuig. 13. 4. *. 1 pray thee, and drink no wine, 13. S Sam. 18. 12. b. that none touch the young man i A iiuj 6. 9. saying A. that thou pass not such a place Jeb 36^ 18. b. lest he take thee away with his stroke Prov. 19. 25. smite a scorner, and the simple will b. Jia. 36. 18. b. lest liezekiah persuade you, saying Miat.T. 15. b. of false prophets |1 10. 17. *. of men 16. 6. take heed and b. of the leaven of the Pbari- sees,ll. Mark&. 15. Liutel2. 1. jlf«r* 12. 38. *. of the scribes, Luke 20. 46. ImH 12. 15. take heed and A. of covetousness Acts 13. 40. b. lest that come which is spoken PAil.3.i. A. of dogs, A. of evil workers, A. of concision Col. 2. 8. A. lest any man spoil you thro' philosophy 2 Pel. 3. 17. A. lest ye also, being led away with Bi: Witched. [error Acts 8. 9. Simon A. the people of Samaria, 11. Cat. 3. 1. U foolish Galatians, who hath A. you.' BEWUAY. Xta. 16.3. hide the outca.sts,A.not him that wzindereth BLWRAVEIll. Prn. 27. 16. the ointment ot his right hand i. itself 29. 24. he heareth cursing, and A. it not Hat. 26. 73. thou art one of them, thy speech i. thee BEYOND. Kum. 22. 18. Balaam said, 1 cannot go A. the word of the Lord my God, to do less or more, u vow, or promise. Num. 30. 2,9. 13. [5] 'i'o confirm, or ratify. Mat. I6. I9. [6] Juduious/i/ to declare, or pronounce a person's sins unpar- doned, according to the directions of God's word, and to inflict any church censure upon him fur the same. Mat. 16. I9. [ 18. 18. [7] To distress, or trouble, Luke 13. 10. [8] To restrain. Job 28. 11. [9] To be under a marriage tie, or ob- ligation to perform the duties incumbent on a person in that relation, Rom. 7. 2. 1 Cor. 7- .■^y. [10] Pouierfutli) to persuade, injluence, or cSiistrain, Acts 20. 22. They bind heavy burdens on men. Mat. 23. 4. Thei) impose many strict injwution.s, over and above what the law requires, and severely eiacl obedience thereto from others. Exod. 28. 28. they shall A. the breast-plate by rings Num. 30. 2. if a man swear an oath to A. his soul Deut. 6. 8. thou shalt A. them for a sign on thy hand 14. 25. shalt A. up the money, and go to the place Joih. 2. 18. thou shalt A. this line 111 the window Judg. 15. 10. to A. Samson zire we come up 12. they said, we are come down to A. tliee 13. no, but we will A. thee fast, and deliver thee 16. 5. that we may A. Samson to atflitt him Job 31. 36. 1 will A. it as a crown to me 34. tl7. shall even he that hateth right A..' Job 38.31. canst A. the sweet inlluences of Pleiades r 39. 10. canst thou A. the unicorn with his band > 40. 13 hide them, and A. their faces in secret 41. 5. Wilt thou A. Leviathan for thy maideiis.' Psal. 105 i2 'oA. his princes at his pleasure 118. 27. 0. the ^jicrifice with cords to the altar 149.8. to A. their kings with chains and nobles Prov. 3. 3. A. them about thy neck, write ttiem 6. 21. A. them continually upon thine heart 7. 3. A. them on thy fingers, write them on thy heart Isa. 8. 16. A. up the testimony, seal the law 49. 18. and A. them on thee as a bride doth 61 1. he hath sent me to A. up the broken-hearted Eztk. 34. 16. I will A. up what was broken Dan. 3. 20. he ccmmandtd most mighty men to A llos. 6. 1. he hath smitten us. and will A. u^ up 10. 10. when they A. themselves in two furrows Mic. 1. 13. A. the chariot to the swift beast Mat. 12. 29. except he first A. the strong man, and then he will spoil hi.s house, Mark 3. 27 13. 30. A. the tares in bundles to burn them 16. ly. whatsoever tnou shalt A. on earth, 18. 18. 22. 13. A. him hand aid foot, take a-nd cast hira 23. 4. A. heaTy burdens grievous to be borne Mark 5. 3. 10 man could *. him with chiiins Acts 9. 14. authority to A. all that call on hy name 12. 8. ajigel said, gird thy.<,eU, A. on thy saudals BIR Act»i\.\\. so shall the Jews A. the man that ownefl BINDETH. Job 5. 18. hemaketh sore and A. up, he woundeth 26. 8. he b. up the waters in his thick clouds 28. 11. he A. the floods from overflowing 30. 18. it A. me about as the collar of my coat 56. 13. hypocrites, they cry not when h<; A. llieu P.io/. 129. 7. nor he that A. sheaves, his bosom 147. 3. he healeth the broken in heart, and A. up Prov. 26. 8. as he that A. a stone in a sling, so is he Isa. 30. 26. in day Lord A. up breach of bis people BINDING. Gcn.37.7.we were A. sheaves in field.my sheaf aroso 49. 11. A. his foal to the vine, and his ass's colt Num. 30. 13. every A. oath to afflict the so-jl Acts 22. 4. b. and delivering into prisons men BIRD Signifies, [1] A foul, small or large. Jam. 3. 7 [2] Cyrus, uho came swiftly from Persia to destroy Babylon, Isa. 46. 11. [3] The Chal- deans, or other neighbours that persecuted and ajiicied the Jews, Jer. 12. 9- [4] The polluted and corrupt inhabitants of Babylon, Rev. 18. 2. Gen. 7. 14. every A. of every son went into the ark Lev.14.52. shall cleanse the house with the living A Job 41 . 5. wilt thou play with him as with a A. 'f Psal. ll.l.lomy soul, fleeasaA. to your mountain 124. 7- our soul is escaped as a A. out of the snare Prov.1.17 .in vain the net is spread in sight of any A. 6. 5. and as a A. from the hand of the fowler 7. 23. as a A. hasteth to the snare, knows not 26.C.asthe A. by wandering, so the curse causeless C7.8.asaA.that wanderelh from her nest, so a man Eccl. 10. 20. the A. of the air shall tell the matter 12. 4. he shall rise up at the voice of the i. Isa. 16.2. as a wandering A. cast out of her nest 46. 11. calling a ravenous A. from the east Jer. 12. 9. my heritage is to me as a speckled A. Lam. 3. 52. mine enemies chased me like aA. Hos. 9. 11. their glory shall flyaway like a A. 11. 11. they shall tremble as a A. out of Egypt Amos 3. 5. can a A. fall where no gin is for him ? Rev. 18. 2. a cage of every unclean and hateftil i. BIRDS. Gen. 15. 10. but the A. divided he not 40. 17. the A. did eat them out of the basket 19- the A. shall eat thy flesh from off thee Lev.M.i. priest shall command to take two A. aliv« Deut. 14. 11. of all cleafl A. ye shall eat 2 Sam. 21. 10. suffered not the A. to rest by day Psal. 104. 17. where the A. make thoir nests 148. + 10. praise the Lord, ye A. of wing Eccl. 9. 12. as A. that are caught in the snare Cant. 2. 12. the time of the singing of A. is come Isa.31 .5. as A. flying, so will Lord defend JerusjiJtm 4. 25. and all the A. of the heaven were fied Jer. 5. 27. as a cage full of A. so are their housts 12. 4. the beasts are consumed and the A. 9. the A. round about are against her, come ye Ezek. 39. 4. I will give thee H the ravenous A. Dan. 4. 33. his nails were grown like A. claws Mat. 8. 20. the i. of the air have nests, Luke 9. 58 , 13. 32. the A. lodge in the branches thereof Rom. 1. 23. into an image like to A. and beasts 1 Cor. 15. 39. another of fishes, another of A. Jam. 3. 7. tvery kind of bea»ts and A. is tamed BIR in Is [1] Natural, Exod. 28. 10. [2] Abortive, or un. limely. Job 3. I6. Psal. 58. 8. Eccl. 6.3. [3^ Supernatural, as uas the birth of Christ. Mat. 1. 18. Luke 1. 14. [4] Figurative, for heavy ok- gni'A and distress,^ Kings \g. 3. Isa. 37-3. [5] lor deliverarue at lUind, Isa. 66. 9. [6] I'or a natural state in sin, Ezek. I6. 3. [7] for regene- ration. Tit. 3. 5. [8] Pot earnest desire for the good of souls. Gal. 4. I9. 1 he children are come to the birth, 2 Kings I9. 3. lie have begun a happy reformation, hut are hiudered by this insolent Assyrian,// om bringing it to perfection. Tby birth is of the land of Canaan ; Ezek. 16. 3. y 'hy root whence tlwu didst spring, the rock whence thou wast cut, the place where thou greuest up, the company and commerce thou didst use, all were of the land of Canaan , thy original is no belter than the wor^t of nations, thou hast their iicioia nature, manners, and practices, and art as vile and obnoxioiLt to my curse as they are. 2 Kings 19. 3. children are come to theA./.fa.. 37-3 Job 3. if), as .111 hidden untimely A. 1 had not been Psal. 58. 8. let them pass like the untimely A. Eccl. 6. 3. an untimely A. is better than he 7. 1 day of deah is better than day of one's Isa. 66. 9. shall 1 bring to the A. not cause to bring Eiek. 16. 3. thy A. and nativity is of Canaan llos. 9. 11. glory of Ephraim shall fly from the - Mat. 1. 18. the A. of Jesus Christ was on this wiso iMke 1. 14. and many shall rejoice at liis A. Jolm 9. 1 . he saw a man who was blind trom his i. Oai- 4. 19. my children of wImib I tnTail.io b. err Rtt. IS.C andibecned.traTailiiig m i. and passed BIRIH-DAY. G«»t.4O.80.the third d»y .which was Pharaoh's i.-d. Mai. 14.6. when Herod's ff.-rf.wasUepi,iMar* 6 £1. BlRlIl-RlGirr. Oen 25.31. Jacob said.sell me this day thy b.-right 33. and he sware, and sold his b.-right to Jacob 31. thus Esau despised his b.-righc 27.36. took away my b.-right, and now my blessing 43. 33. sat. the first-born according to his b.-right I Cluon. 5. i. Reuben's i.-r. given to sons of Joseph \Ub. 12. 16. Esau for one morsel sold his b. -right BISHOP, S Signifies, [1] Spiritual ottnttrs that have the charge of touii, to instruct and rule them by the word, 1 Tim. 3. 1.2. ActsSCV 28. [2] Chritt hirmelj , I Pet. 2. 85. PAiV.l.l.to all saints at Philippi.with i.and deacons I Tim. 3. 1. if a man desire the ofRce of a b. 2. a b. then must be blameless. Tit. 1. 7. 1 Pit. 2. 25. now returned to the b. of your souls BISHOPRIC. Acte 1. 20. and his b. let another take BIT, S. Ptal. 32. 9. whose mouth must be held in with i. Jam. 3. 3. behold we put b. in the horses' mouths BIT. Num.21. 6. Lord sent fiery serpents, they *. people Amot 5. 19- leaned on a wall, and a serpent b. him BITE. Eccl. 10.8. breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall b.him 11. the serpent will b. uathout enchantment J»r.S.n. I will send serpents, and they shall b. you Amos 9. 3. I will command serpent, and he shall b. Alic. 3. 5. the prophets that b. with the teeth Hab. 2. 7- shall they not rise up that shall b. thee ? Oal. 5. 15. but if ye b. and devour one another BITETH. Gen. 49. 17- Dan an adder, that b. the horse-heels Prov. 23. 32. at the last it b. like a serpent Birr EN. Nnm. 21. 8. every one that is b. when he looks on 9. came to pass, that if a serpent had b. any man BirrER. Gen. 27. 34. Esan crie"^ »ith an exceeding b. cry £xod. 1. 14. the Egyptians made their lives b. 12. 8. with *. herbs shall ye eat it, Num. 9. 11. 15. 23. not driuk of the waters, for they were b. Daut. 32. 24. shall be devoured with b. destruction 32. are grapes of gall, their clusters are 6. Xudg. 18. t 25. lest fellows b. of soul run on thee Ruth I. t 20. call me not Naomi, but b. 1 Sam. 1. i 10. Hannah was b. of soul and prayed 22. +2. every one b. of soul gathered to him 30. f 6. spake of stoning, the peoples' soul was b. 2 Sam.l1.i8. father's men be mighty, and b. of soul 2 Kings 4. 1 27. let her alone, her soul is *. in her 14. 2o. Lord saw affliction of Israel that it was i. £fM.4.1.Mordecai cried with a loudvoiceandi.cry Job 3. t 5. terrify it, as those who have a b. day 20. and why is life given to the b. in soul ^ 13. 26. thou wri.est b. things against me S3. 2. even to-day is my complaint *. 27. t 2. the Almighty who hath made my soul b. Psal. 64. 3. to shoot their zirrows, even b. words Prov. 5 4. but her end is b. as wormwood 27. 7- to the hungry soul every b. thing is sweet 31. t 6. give wine to those that are b. of soul JEccl. 7. 26. I find more b. than death the woman Jta. 5. 20. that put b. for sweet, and sweet for b. 22. 1 4. look from me, I will be b. in weeping 24. 9- strong drink shall heb. to them that drink Jer 2. 19. it' is an evil thing and b. that thou 4. 18. this is thy wickedness, because it is *. 6. 26. make most b. lamentation as for a son 31. l.'i a voice was heard in Ramah, b. weeping Eiei. 3. 1 14. Spirit took me away, and I went b. 27. 31. shall weep for thee with b. wailing Amos 8. 10. and the end thereof, as a i. day Ilab. 1 . 6. Chaldeans, that b. and hasty nation Col. 3. ly. love your wives, be not b. against them Jam. 3. 14. if ye have b. envying and strife Aev. 8. 11. men died of waters because made b. 10. 9. eat it up, and it shall make thy belly b. 10. as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was b. BllTER-WATER. Num. 5. 18. the b.-aaier that causeth the curse Jam. 3. 11. doth a fountain send sweet s>. iaiib.r BIITERLY. Judg. 5. 2J. curse y« 4. the inhabitants thereof Ruth 1. 20. the Almighty hath dealt b. with me Ita. 22. 4. look away from me, I will weep b. 33. 7 the ambassadors of peace shall weep b. Eitk. 2;. 30. the pilots of Tyre shiU cry 4. Htt. 12. 14. Ephraim provoked him most b. Ztph. 1. 14. the mighty man shall cry b. Vat. 26. 75. Peter went out, wept b. Luke 22. 63. BITPERN. Isa. 14. 23. make it a possession for the b. 34. 11. Zifh. 2. 14. the i. shall lodge in the upp«r liDt«li 35 BLA BITTERNESS Signifies, [1] Thmt which 11 opposed h ttnitntti, Kxod. 15. 23. [2] Deep lorroa and heaviness of spirit. Job 7. 11. Prov. 14. 10. [3] A thvig most pernicioiu, or that produces dreadful effects, 2 Sam. 2. 26. [4] Fitilettt inuard displeasure agiinist others, Eph. ^31. [5] Great impiety. Acts 8. 23. The gall of bitterness. Acts 8. 23. In a stale most ojfensive and distasteful to God ; under the power if corruption, hypocrisy, and ambition. A root of bitterness, Heb. 12. 15. Any scandalous sin, dangerous error, or schism, lending to dram pet sons to apostasy, the end ahereof will be bitter. Gen. 26. + 35. which were b. of spirit to Isaac Esod. 15. t 33 the name of it was called b. Ruth 1. t 13. I have much b. for your sake 1 Ham. 1. 10. Hannah was in b. of soc! and prayed 15. 32. surely the b. of death is past 2 Sam. 2. 26. the sword will be b. in the latter end Job 7. 11. I will complain in the b. of my soul 9. 18. to take my breath, but filleth me with b. 10. 1. I will speak in the b. of my soul 21. 25. another dleth in the b. of his soul Prov. 14. 10. the heart knoweth his own b. 17. 25. a foolish son is b. to her that bare him lia. 38. 15. go softly all my life in *. of my soul 17. behold, for peace I had great b. Lam. 1. 4. her virgins are afflicted, and she is in b. 3. 15. he hath filled me with b. he hath made Ezek. 3. 14. Spirit took me away, and I went in b 21. 6. and with b. sigh befon; their eyes 27. 31. they shall weep for thee with b. Hos. 12. tl4. Epliraim provoked him with b. Zech. 12. 10. be in b. for him as one that is in b. for .■ids 8. 23. I pertteive thou art in the gall of b. Rom. 3. 14. whose mouth is full of cursing and 4. Eph. 4. 31. let all b. be put away from you lleb. 12. 15. lest any root of b. springing up BLACK Signifies, The colour so called, which it opposite to white. Mat. 5. 36. It is applied, [1] To the church, whose outward beauty is often eclipsed by reason of infirmities, scayidals, reproaches, and persecutions. Cant. 1 5. [2] To the Jews, whose eoJintenence changed and turned black, like persons ready to be stranrjed, being struck with terror at the ap yroach of God's judgments, Joel 2. 6. Nah. 2. 10. [3] To hell, the place of extreme darkness, horror, and misery, Jude 13. Lev. 13. 31. and that there is no b. hair in it 37. and there is b. hair grown up therein 1 Kings 18. 45. the heaven was 4. with clouds Jiib 30. 30. my skin is*, upon me, my bones burnt Piov. 7- 9- in the evening, in the 4. and dark night t'a;;<.l .5. I am 4. tut comely, O daughters of Jerus. 6. look not upon me, because 1 am b. 5. 11. his locks are bushy ani 4. as a raven Jer. 4. 28. for this the heavens shall be 4. 8. 21. for the hurt of my people I am hurt, I ami. 14. 2. the gates thereof languish, they are 4 Lam. 5. 10. our skin was 4. like an oven Etek. 31. i 15. I caused Lebanon to be 4. for him Zech. 6. 2. in the second chariot 4. horses 6. 4. horses go forth into the north country 717a/. 3. t 14. what profit that we walked in b.f Mat. 5. 36. canst not make one hair white or 4. Rev. 6. 5. and 1 beheld, and lo a 4. horse 12. the sun became 4. as sackcloth of hair BLACKER. Lam. 4. 8. their visage is 4. than a coal BLACKISH. Job 6. 16. which are 4. by reason of the ice BLACKNESS. Job 3. 5. let the 4. of the day terrify it Isa. 50. 3. I clothe the heavens with 4. Lam. 4. t8. their visage is darker than 4. Joel 2. 6. all faces shall gathei 4. Nah. 2. 10. Heb. 12. IB. ye are not come to 4. and darkness Jude 13. to whom is reserved b. of darkness BLADE. JuJg. 3. 22. the haft jUso went in after the i. Job 31.22 then let my arm fall from my shoalder-4. A/a;. 13.26. when the 4. was sprung up, Marki. 28. BLAINS. Ejcod. 9. 9. a boil breakmg forth with 4. 10. BLAMt Gen. 45 9. then let me bear the 4. for ever. 44. 32. 2 Cor. 8. 20. avoiding that no man should 4. us Eph. 1.4. holy and without 4. before him in love BLAMED. 2 Cor. 6. 3. no offence, thait the ministry be not 4. Gal. S. 11. withstood him, because he was to be 4. BLAMELESS. Gen. 44. 10. he shall be my servant, ye shall be 4. Josh. 2. 17. we will be 4. of this thine oath J'ldg. 15. 3. now shall I be more 4. than Philistines Mat. 12.5. the priests profane sabbath, and are 4. Lttke 1. 6. wiilkuig in ordinances at th« Lord 4. D t BLA 1 Cor. 1 . 8. tliaC ye may b« 4. In ih« dav of the Lord Phil. 8. 15. that ye may be 4. and harmless 3. 6. touching the righteousness of the law e. 1 Thest. 5.13. spirit, soul, and body, preserved ft. 1 Ttm. 3. 2. a bishop then must be 4. Tit. 1. 7. 10. Dse the office of a deacon, being found 4. 5. 7. give in charge, that they mray be 4. Tit. 1. 6. if any be 4. the husband of one wife 2 Pet. 3. 14. y« may be found without spot and i. BLASPHEME Signifies, [1] To speak evil of God, Rom. 2. 24. Tit. 2. 5. [2] To rail agaimt and deny the work of the Holy Spirit out %/ malice. Mat. 12. 31. 2 Sam. 12. 14. occasion the enemies of the Lord to i. 1 Kings 21. 10. thou didst 4. God and the king, 15. Psal. 74. 10. shall the enemy 4. thy name for ever? Mark 3. 28. wherewith soever they shall 4. 29. but he that shall 4. against the Holy Ghost Acts 26. 11. and I compelled them to 4. 1 Tim. 1. 20. that they may learn not to 4. Jam. 2. 7- do not they 4. that worthy name Rev. 13. 6. to 4. his name and his tabernacle BLASPH E.MED. Lev. 24. 11. the Israelidsh woman's son 4. 2 Kings 19. 6. with which the servants of the kiag of Assyria have 4. me, 28. Isa. 37. 6, 23. Psal. 74. 18. the foolish people have 4. thy nasa Tsa. 52. 5. my name continually every day is 4. 65. 7. have burnt mcense, and 4. me on the hills Eiek. SO. 27- in this your fathers have 4. me Acts 18. 6. when they opposed themselves and 4 Rom. 2. 84. for the name of God is 4. through you 1 Tim. 6. 1. name of God and his doctrine be not 4. Tit. S. 5. that the word of God be not 4. Rev. 16. 9- tnen were scorched with heat, and 4 11.4. the God of heaven because of their pains 21. men 4. God because of the pl^ue of hail BLASPH EMEST, ETH. Lev. 24. 16. whoso 4. the Lord, be pat to deatt Psal. 44. 16. for the voice of hun that 4. Mat. 9. 3. certain of the scribes said, this man 4. John 10. 3d. whom the Father sanctifieth, thou 4. BLASPHEMING. Acts 13 45. spoken of Paul, contradicting and 4 BLASPHEMER, S. Acts 19. 37. which are not 4. of your goddess 1 Tim. 1. 13. who was before a 4. and a persecutor 2 Tim. 3. 2. in the last days men shall be 4. BLASPHEMY. 2 Kings 19- 3. this day is a day of 4. Isa. 37. 3. Mat. 12. 31. all manner of 4. shall be forgiven, bm 4. against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven 26. 65. he bath spoken 4. behold, now ye have beard his 4. Mark 14. 64. Mark 7- 22. out of the heart of men proceed 4. Ja/m 10. 33. we stone thee not, but for 4. Col. 3. 8. but now ye also put off malice, 4. Rev.i.Q. I know 4. of them that say they are Jews 13. 1. and upon his heads is the name of 4. 6. and he opened his mouth in 4. against God BLASPHEMIES. Eick. 35. 12 know that I have heard all thy 4. .Vat. 15. 19. out of the heart proceed thefts, 4. Mark 2. ?• why doth this man thus speak 4. .' 3. 28. and 4. wherewith they shall blaspheme Luke 5. 21. who is this which speaketh 4. f Rev. 13. 5. was a mouth given him speaking 4. BLASPHEMOUS. .lets 6. 11. we have heard him speak 4. words 13. this man ceaseth not to speak 4. words BLASPHEMOUSLY. Luke 22. 65. many other things t. spake they BLAST Signifies, [I] Ji'ind and frosli that immediately Jollow rain, and are very destructive to fruits Gen. 41. 6. 1 Kings 8. 37- [2] A blowing b. in Absalom Dan. 1. 4. children in whom was no b. Eph. 5. 27. that it should be holy and without 4. 1 Pit. 1. 19. as of a lamb without 4. and spot BLE.MISHF.S. Lev. 22. 25. b. in them, they shall not be accepted t Pel. 2. 13. spots thev are and 4. sporting BLKSS Is referred, I. To Cod; and signifies, [I] To teslttw plenty of temporal good things upon fierson, and make hit affairs prospercnts and niccessful. Gen. 30. 27. j 39. 5. [2] To beslou both temporal and spinluul blessings upon a person. Gen. 12. 2. | 24. 35. Eph. 1.'3. [3] To make one perfectly happy in the full enjoyment of hivuelf in heaven, llev. 14. 13. [4] To conse- crate and set apart any thins; for an holy and laered use. Gen. 2. 3. Exod. 20. 11. [5] To give pczcer of procreation and fruitf nines s, so as the creatures might multiply their kiyid. Gen. I. 22. [6] To endue one icith an heroic spirit, singular valour, miraculous strength of body, and all other gifts and graces necessary to his calling, Judg. 13. 24. II. To Christ; and signifies, [1] To give thanks to God the Father in a spe- cial manner, and pray for his blessinz, thereby paying the homage of hri human nature to his lather. Mat. 14. I9. Mark 6. 41. [2] To commend others to God in prayer, as he teas man, Mark 10. I6. [3] Poutrfully and effec- tually to uork on men for their conversion, so as to save them from their tins. Acts 3. 26. HI. To men; arid signifies, [1] To extol and praise God, for the infinite eicellencies and perfections of his nattire, Psal. lOt. 1. | 145. 1, 2. [2] To give thanks to God for his mercies and benefits to us, Psal. 16. 7. | 103. 1, 2. [3] To pronounce a solemn, eitraor- dinary, and prophetical benediction vpiin a person, uhereby the holy patriarchs, by God's appoint- ment, and with his concurrence, did declare and constitute one of their sons as heir, not only of their inheritance, but of the promises arid blessings of the coienant uhich God made uiih them and their fathers ; both praying for, and foretelling those blessings uhich God would confer 'upcn them. Gen. 27. 4, 25, 30. [4] To salute persons, to with them peace and prosperity. Gen. 47. 7. 1 Sam. 13. t 10. I'sal. 129. 8. [5] Tv pray to God in behalf of others, that he may bestoic his blessing upon them. Num. 6. 23,24. 2Sam. 6. 18. I.uke 6. 28. [6] To account and reckon one's self happy in having God for his God, Isa. 65. 16. Jer. 4. 2. [7] To applaud one's self as a wise and happy person, taking ouivcard prosperity for an argument of God's love and favour, I'sal. 40. 18. [8] To flatter one's lelf with the hopes of impunity, as if God did not lake notice of sin, and either could not, or vmild not, punish sinners, Deut. 29. 19. God hath promised to bless, [1] Such as put their trust in him, Psal. 2. 12. [2] Such as fear him, and walk in his ways, Psal. 128. 1. [3] Such as God chooses and causes to draw nigh to him in the duties of his worship, Psal. 60. 4. [4] Such as have the saving kno-uledie of Jesus Ghrist wrought in them by the Spirit of God, Mat. I6. 17. [5] Such as mourn for their sins and spirit- ual uanfs, M«. 5. 4. [6] Such at are humble and lo-.ily in mind, affection, and contersation. uho are sensible of their lost and undone con- dition in themselves, and of their oan inability So help themselves. Mat. 5. 3. [7] Such as are penile, patient, and qviet~spiriied ; wlu) murmur aoi against God, but submit to all his corrections ; and wlio quarrel not with, nor revenge themselves *f those that wrong them. Mat. 5. 5. [8] Such tt hunger and thtrst after Christ and /iit bene- (tt ; mfter freedom from sin, and luitinc of life. Hat 5. 6. [9] Snth vho, being inxardi} affected 86 BLE aith the miteries of ethers, do rtlieit them according to their ability, JIat. 5. 7- [10] Such at love and labour for peace among all that are at odds, 1 hcther with God, viik themselves, or one with another. Mat. 5. 9- [H] Such at are sincere, u/u/te /learlt and course m. I. 25. than the Creator, who is b. for ever 9 5. C'hrist, who is over all, God b. for ever 2Cof, ll.31.is4. for evermore, knoweth I lie not Eph. I. 3. b. be the Fatherof our Lord, 1 Pet. 1.3. Ttm. 1. 11. the glorious Gospel of the b. God 6. 15. who is the b. and only I'otentate BLESSED arc llieu. Psal. 2 12. b. are they that put their trust in him 81. 4. b. are they that dwell in thy house 106. 3. b. are they that keep judgment at all times 119- 2. b. are they that keep his testimonies Prov. 8. 32. for * are ihey that keep my ways Jsa. 30. 78. b. are they that wait for him Mat. 5.4. ♦. are they that niourn shall be comforted b.arr Ihey who hunger|| 10. who are [lei-seculed /i« he that watcheth, and keepelh 20.6.4. is he that hath part in the first resurrection 22. 7. 4. is he that keepeth sayings of the prophecy BLESSED is the man. Psal.\.l. b. is the man that walketh Hot in counsel 32. 2. 4, it the man to whom the Lord imputcth not iniquity. Pom. 4. 8. 34. 8. 4. t> man thattrustelh in him,84.12.j£T.17.7 40. 4. !>. is the mayi that maceth tlie Lord his trust 65.4. 4. i> the man whom thou choosest, andcausest 84. 5. 4. is the man whose strength is in thee 94.12. 4. is the man whom thou chastenest, O Lord 112.1.4. «i //le ma« that feareth Lord, that delights Prov. 8.34. b.istlie man that heareth me, watching Isa.i&.i.b.is the man that doth this, and son of man Jam. 1. 12. b. is the man that endureth temptation BLESSEDNESS. Kom. 4. 6. even as David describeth the 4. 9. comefo this 4. on the circumcision on Gal. 4. IS. where is then the 4. ye spake BLESSEST. Num. 22. 6. 1 wot that he whom thou 4. is blessed 1 C'/(r.l7.27. thou 4. O Lord, and it shall be blessed Pia/. 63. 10. thou 4. the springing thereof BLESSETH. Gen. 27. 29. blessed is he that 4. thee, Num. 24. 9. Dent. 15. 6. thy God 4. thee as he promised Pial. 10. 3. 4. covetous whom the Lord abhorreth 107. 38. he 4. them so that they are multiplied Proi: 3. 33. but he 4. the habitation of the just 27. 14. he that 4. his friend with a loud voice Isa. 65. 16. he who 4. himself in the earth BLESSING Signifies, [1] The favour, kindness, and goodness vf God, making jchat his people do to succeed and prosper, Psal. 3. 8. [2] Alt good things, gif'S, graces, a?id privileges, uhich God bestows upon his people, uhether spiritual or temporal, tiliether they respect the soul, or the body, this present life, or that tvhick is to come, Deut. 28. 2. Fsal. 24. 5. Isa. 44. 3. Eph. 1. 3. [3] The means of conveying a blessing to others, Isa. 19- 24. Thus the Jews are called a Blessing, because Christ was to be born of them, and the gospel- church and ordinances were first established among them, and by them conveyed to the Gentiles. [4] IVishtng, praying for, and endeavouring the good of our enemies, 1 i'et. 3. 9- [5] ^llms, bounty, or liberality, 2 Cor. 9. -I 5. [6] A gift, or present. Gen. 33. 11. 2 Kings 5. 15. Thou shalt be a blessing. Gen. 12. 2. Thou shalt be a means oj' conveytng blessedness, [1} To thy posterity, who shall be blessed for thy sake. [2] To thy friends and servants, who shalt be blessed by thy instruction and example. [3] To all the 7i'ortd, by being the progenitor of C;hrist, and an eminent pattern vf faith and holijicss to all. Leave a blessing behind him, Joel 2. 11. lieserve some of the J ruin of the earth from the common destruction, for their support, and hts oirn uorship. The blessing of Abraham, Gal. 3. 14. The bless- iug conferred on Abraham, namely, justification and reconciliation with God, through faith in the blood of Christ. Gen. 12. 2. 1 will bless thee, thou shalt be a 4. 22. 17. that in 4. 1 will bless thee, Hefi. 6. 14. 27. 12. 1 shall bring a curse on me, and not a 4. 35. thy brother hath taken away thy A. 38. i'jau said, hast thou but one 4. my father f 28. 4. (iod give thee the 4. of Abraham 33. 11. take, 1 pray thee, my 4. that is brought 39. 5. the 4. of the Lord was on all that he had 49- 28. every one according to his 4. he blessed I'.xod. 32. 29. then he may bestow on you a 4. J^v. 25. 21. then will 1 command my 4. on you Ucut. 11. 26. behold, 1 set before you a 4. 3u. ly. 27. a 4. if ye obey the commandments of the lx)rd 29. thou shalt put the 4. on mount Gerizim 12. 15. according to the 4. of the Lord, 16. 17. 23. 5. the Lord turned the curse into a 4. 28.8. Lord shall command 1 4. on store-house 33. I. this IB th« 4. wherewith Moses Me.ssed, 7 BLI />««<. 3.3.16. let the 4.come upon the head of JoMlO) 23. Naphtali full with the 4. of the Lord Josh. 15. 19. answered, give me a 4. Judg 1. 15 1 i'.im. 25. 27 this 4. thy handmaid hath broaght 30. -t 26. behold a 4. for you from the spoil 2 Sam. 7. 29. with thy 4. let my house be blessed 2 Kings 5. 15. I pray thee take a 4. of thy servant 18. t31. make w.tli me a4. and come out to m^ ajid eat of his own vine, Isa. 36. 1& Neh. 9. 5. which is exalted above all 4. and praise 13. 2. our God turned the curse into & 4. Job 29. 13. the 4. of him that was ready toperidl Psal. 3. 8. thy 4. is upon thy people 24. 5. he shall receive the 4. from the Lord 109. 17. as he delighted not in 4. let it be far 129. 8. the 4. of the JmtiI be upon you 133. 3. there Lord commanded the 4. even life Prov. 10. 22. the 4. of the Lord maketh rich 11.11. by the 4. of the upright the city is exalted 1 25. the soul of 4. shall be made fat 26. but a b. on the head of him that selleth it 24. 25. a gooa 4. shall come on them that rebuke Isa. 19. 24. even a 4. in the midst of the land 44. 3. and 1 will pour my 4. on thy offspring 65. 8. destroy it not, for a 4. is in it Ezek. 34. 26. I will make them and the placej about my hill a 4. there shall be showers of b. 44. 30. he may cause the 4. to rest in thy houK Joel 2. 14. if he will leave a 4. behind him Zich. 8. 13. I will save you, and ye shall be a 4. Mai. 3. 10. open heaven, and pour you out a 4. Lnke 24. 53. in the tem]ile praising and 4. God Hi>m. 15. 29. in the fulness of the 4. of the gospel 1 Cor. 10. 16. the cup of 4. which we bless Gal. 3. 14. that the 4. of Abraham might come 2 Cor. 9. 1 3. make up beforehand your 4. Jleb. 6. 7. for the earth receiveth 4. from God 12. 17. when he would have inherited the 4. »7a/n.3.10.ofthe same mouth proceeds 4. and cursing 1 Pet. 3. 9. but contrariwise 4. knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye shou.d inherit a 6 Rev. 5. 12. worthy to receive honour, glory, i. 13. 4. to him that sittcth on the throne 7. 12. 4. and glory to our God for ever and ever BLESSINGS. Gen. 49. 25. Almighty who shall bless thee with 4. of heaven above, 4. of the deep, 4. of the breasts 26. 4. of thy father prevailed above the 4. of my Deut. 28. 2. all these 4. shall come on thee, li [hearken Josh. 8. .34. afterwards he read the 4. and cursings Psal. 21. 3. for thou preventesl him with the 4. t 6. thou hast set him to be 4. for ever Prov. 10. 6. 4. are upon the head of the just 28. 20. a faithful man shall abound with 4. Mat. 2. 2. 1 will send a curse, and will curse your 4. Eph. 1. 3. who hath blessed us with all spiritual 4 BLEW, I'eib. Josh. 6. 8. priests passed on before the Lord and 4 Jiidg. 3. 27. Ehud 4. a trumpet in the mount 6. 34. Spirit come ou Gideon, and he 4. a trumpet 7- 19. they 4. the trumpets and brake, 20. 22. 1 Sam. 13. 3. Saul 4. saying, let the Hebrews .leat 2 Sam. 2. 28. Joab4. a trumpet, 18. I6. | 20. 22. 20. 1. Shebaa Benjamite 4. a trumpet and said 1 Kings 1. 39. they 4. the trumpet, people said, Go. and beat on that huuse, 27- John 6. 18. the sea arose by a great wind that 4. Acts 27. 13. whei. ine south-wind 4. 28. 13. BLIND Signifies, [1] Such as are deprived ef natural sight, John 9. 1. y\cts 13. 11. [2] Such wlnne judg- ments are so corrupted by taking of gifts, that they cannot, or wilt not discern between right and wrung, Exod. 23. 8. Deut. 16. 19- [3] *'""/' <" are u ilfully and obstinately ignorant, in matters that concern salvation. Mat. 15. 14. [4] Si.rli as thrmtgh simplicity and ignoiance are enstly misled and seduced by the pcrnicioia cvKusel of others, Deut. 27. 18. Mat. 15. 14. It is applied, [1] To igroroKt ministers, Is.t. 56. 10. [2] To deceitiul teachers, who arf- blinded 4;/ their oun inieresi ai:a>r.jl anv con- viction, Isa. 42. 19. Vat. £3.' 6. [3) To an iinorant people. Mat. 15. 14. Kom. 2. I9.. [4] 'To such as reject the knowijdge and J'aith of Christ, uoiwithstaudiug the clear diacoveriet of the way of salvation in the gospel, 2 Cor. 4. 4. [5] To such ,'S live in hatred, 1 John 2. 11. [9] To such as are self-conceited, being pujcdup with an high opinion of their quol^ficaiions tcsii. attainments, Kcv. 3. 17. Exi'd. 4. 11. who maketh the seeing or the t. Lev. ly. 14. not put a sti/.iil>ling block bifore 4. 21. 18. a h or lame man shall not oflir 8C. 22. not oflr.T the ft. to tho Lord, Deut 15 21. Dnit. 27. 13. curRod thot maketh t'lo ft to watider 28. 29. urope at nonndny, %."< 6 gropoth in darkiieaa 2 Sam 0. fl. except thou talto away the 6. and lame BLO BLO 2So« S 8. amlt^th the lame and 6. hated of DavW, a,e » and the lame shall not come into house Joi 7B 15. I WW eyes to the 6. feet to the lame P.al 14« 8- »he Lord openeth the eyes of theft. In 29 18. the eyes of the b. shall see, 3.i. 5 13.7 pvetheetor»Ughttoop€nthe6.eye3 8 I wiU bring the 6. by a way they kni'w not 18. h«u- ye deaf, look, ye 6. thit ye may spe 19 who is k. but my servant ? who ii 6. as he that U p»rfect, and 4. as the Lord's servant . 4J. 8 bring forth the ». people that have eyes 56. 10. his watchmen are 6. they are all ignorant 53 10 we grope for the wall like the b. Jw. 31. 8 I WiU gathor with them the b. and lame /.am 4 U. they wandered as i. men in the streets Z*y/>. I. 17. that they shall walk like i. men Alal. I .» if ye offer the A. for sacrifice is it not evil - JUa«. 9. e?. twoA. men followed him, crying, CO. .30 11. 5. the o receive their sight, 12.22. Luie~.'Z^- 15 14. they be*, leadersof the *. if the 4. lead the 6. both shall fall into the ditch. Lute 6. 3t). £3. 16 wo to you, ye *. guides, which say 17. ve fools and 6. whether is greater, I9. e6. thou i. Pharisee, cleanse first within Ma't B. 2.3. and he took the 6. man by the hand 10. 46. 6. Bartimeus sat by the way side begging Luiei. IH. to preach recovery of sight to the 6. 7. 21. to many that were 6. he gave sight 14. 1.3. when thou makest a feast, call the *. John 5. 3. in these lay a great multitude of A. g. 1 . he saw a man that was A. from his birth 3Q. that they which see might be made A. 40. are we A. also ? U 41. if ye were A. 10. 21. can a devil open the eyes of the A. .' Acltl^. 11. thou shall be A. not seeing the sun Ht>m. 2. 19. art confident thon art a guide to the A. 8 Pet. 1. 9. he thai lacketh these things is A. Rev 3 17. and knowest not that ihou art A. BLllSD, yeii. Deiu. 16. 19. a gift doth A. the eyes of the wise 1 Sam. 12. 3. of whom received 1 a bribe to 4. BUNDED, ETH. Extd. 23. 8. take no gift, for a gift A. the wise Jer. 52. t 11. then he A. the eyes of Zedekiah Jjhn 12. 40. he hath A. their eyes, and hardened Jicm. 11. 7. election hath obtained, the rest are A 2 Cor. 3. 14. but their minds were A. 4. 4. in whom god ofthis wordhathA. the minds 1 Jchii 2. 11. because darkness hath A. his eyes BLINDFOLDED. Lute 22. 64. when they had A. him, they struck BLINDNESS. Gen. 19. 11. smote the men at the ooor with A. Deui. 28. 28. the Lord shall smite thee with A. 2 Kinss 6. IR. Elisha prayed, smile this people, I pray thee, with A. and he smote them with A. Zech. 12. 4. I will smite every horse with A. Mark 3. + 5. being grieved for their A. of heart Horn. 11. 25. A. in part has happened to Israel ilf/i. 4. 18. because of the A. of their heart Block. Hee Stumbling. BLOOD Sijcnifies, [l] j/] uarm red liquor or Immour circu latine thratigh the :c/iole ioJv, Exod. 29. IC. [2] Death, slaughter, or nnader, together -jiUh the guilt fotliming upon it. Gen. 4. 10. Mat. 27. 24. ["i] 'ITie yuntshnicttt or ie)igeance due for the shedding of hlood. Mat. C7. 25. [4] Thai which mas bought or jmrchased -.eith the price of blood. Acts 1.19- [5] Wealth, goods, or money got bit laktng aaay the liies of the innocent, and then seizing upon their estates, Nah. 3. 10. Hab. 2. 12. [fi] 'J'he guilt and punishment of sin. Acts 18. 6 [71 Fallen nature. Ezek. I6. 0. John I. 12. [8] The first man Adam, rcho was the rivt er stuck front nhich all mankind de tctnded, Acts 17' 2C. [9] Human season or, KJi.rrfom, Mat. Ifi. 17. flO] The juice of grapes, Gen. 49. 11. [11] A sacramental symbol and repreientation of the bloodof Christ, Mat. 26. 28. [12] 7»« death and sufferings of Christ, Koni. 3. 25. I 5. 9- Eph. 1. 7. The blood of the covenant, Heb. 10. 29. The blood of Christ, u hereby the new covenant or tes- tament was confirmed a)id ratified. Where mark'd uil'h f 1/ is in the Or!gi«a/, BLOODS. Can. 4. t 10. the voice of thy brother's A. cneth O. 4. the life whirh is the A. shall you not eat "5. surely your h. of your lives, I will require 37. 31 . they killed a kid and dipped the coat in A. Etod. 4. 9. water shall become A. on the dry laud 7. 17. and the waters shall be turned into A. 12. 13. the A. shall be lor a token, when 1 see A. £3. 18. shall not offer the A. with leaven, 34. 25. 29. 21. thou shall lake of he A. upon the altar ZjCv. 10. 18. the A. of it wM not brought m 15. 19. and if the issue in h'.r fieA shall be A. 17. 4- b shall be imputed unto that man II. I'ur it is tiie A. that maketh an atonement 19. 16. out staoa Bgauut lb* t. of iby oejghbour ^^um. eS. V4. and drink the A. of the slain 35.3S.not cleansed but by the A. of him that shed it Deul 17.8. matter between A. andA. 2 thron.l\).lo. 21. 8. and the A. shall be forgiven them 22. 8. make a batilemei.t, that ihou bnng not A. 3" 43 he will avenge the A. of his servants Jud" 9 24. and their A. be laid upon Abimelech I 6,1m. C6. 20. let not my A. fall to the earth " .■iam 1. 16. David said, thy A. be upon thy head 22. from the i. of the slain, from the fat 3 t 28. I and my kingdom guiltless from the «. If, * 7. come out, come out. thou roan of A. 8 the Lord hath returned upon thee all the A. "0 1". Amasa wallowed in A. in the high-way 23. 17. is not this the A. of the men.' 1 Chr. 11. UJ- 1 hings2. 5. and put the A. of war on his girdl* .37 thy A.shall be on thy head, Ezei. 33. 4. 18. 28. till the i. gushed out upon them ! Kings. 3.22. the Moabitessawlhe watersredasA. 23. they said, this is A. the kings are surely slain 9 t 26. 1 have seen the A. of N abolh,A. of his sons Job 16 18. O earth, cover not thou my A. 39. 30. the eagles' young ones also suck up A Psal. 30. 9. what profit is there m my A. / 50. 13. or will I drink the A. of goals .> 58 10. righteous wash his feet in the 3. of wicked 6k. 23. foot may be dipped in the A. of thy enemj 72. 14. precious shall theii A. be in his sight Prov. 28. 17. that doth violence to the A. of any Isa. 1. t 15. your hands are full of A. 4. 4. the Lord shall purge the A. of Jenisaleni Q. 5. with noise, and garments rolled in A. wash ye 15. 9. the waters of Dimon shall be full ol A. 26. t 21. the earth shall disclose her A. 33 + 15. that sfoppeth his ear from hearing A. 34. 3. the mountains shall be melted with their A. Jer.Q. 34. is found the A. of the poor innocents 18. 21. pour out their A. by the force of the sword 48. 10. cursed be he that keepelh his sword from A. 51. 33. my A. be on the inhabitants of Chaldea Lam. 4. 14. they have polluted themselves with A Eiei. 5. 17. pestilence and A. pass through thee 9. 9. the land is full of A. and the city is full ot 14. 19. or if I pour out my fury upon it in A. 16 6. Isaidtotheewhenthouwasiinthy A. live f 9. I thoroughly washed away thy A. from thee 38. I will give 'thee A. in fury and jealousy 18. 10. if he" beget a son that is a shedder of A. + 13. he shall die, his A. shall be upon him 19. -0. thy mother is like a vine in thy A. 21. 32. thy A. shall be in midstof lhelaud,22. 12. 22. 3. the city sheddeih A. in the midst of it 23. 37. and a". is in their hands, 45. 24. 8. I have set her A. on the top of a rock 28. 23. for 1 will send A. into her streets 32. (i. I will also water with thy A. the land 35. 6. saiththe Lord, I will prepare thee loA.lhou hast not haled A. even A. shall pursue thee 44 7 when ve offer mv bread, the fat and the A. 15. Uos. 1.4. fo"ryel I will avenge the A. of .lezreel 4. +2. they break out. and A. toucheth A. Ji'e/2. 30. A. fire, and pillars of smoke, /Jf« 2. I9. 31. the moon shall be turned into A. Actsl. SO 3 21.1 will cleanse their A.that I have not cleansed i:,ph. 1. 17. their A. shall be poured out as dust Mat. 9. W. behold a woman diseased with an issue of A. twelve years, Mark 5. 25. Lukeii. 43. 16. 17 /lesh and A. hath not revealed it to thee 23. 30. not partakers in the A. of the prophets 35. from the A. of righteous Abel, Luke 11. 51. 26. 28. my A. of the new testament, Mark 14.21. 27 6.1101 to put into treasury ,because it is price cf A. 8. was called the field of A. to this day,/Jfri 1.19. 24. I am innocent of the A. of this just person /,KXrl3.1.whoseA. Pilate had mingledwith sacrifices 22.20. the new testament in my A. 1 Cor. 11.2 j. 44. his sweat was as great drops of A. fal'in? John 1. 13. which were bom not ot A. nor of flesh 6. 54. who eateth my flesh and drinkelh my A. 56. 55. my flesh is meal, and my A. is drink indeed 19. 34. forthwith came thereout A. and water .lets 5. 28. ye intend to bring this man's A. on us 15. 20. that they abstain from A. 29. \ 21. 25. 17. 26. and hath made of one A. all nations 18. 6. your A. be on your own heads, I am clean 20. 26. I am pure from the A. of all men 1 Cor. 1 1 . 27 . gu il ty of the body and A . of the Lord 15. 50. flesh and 'a. cannot inherit the kingdom Efih. 6. 12. we wrcsile not against flesh and A. Col. 1. 20. having made peace thro' A. of his cross //«/'.2.14. thechi-ldren are partakers of Hesh and A 9. i . not without A. which he offered for himself 12. nor by the A. of goats, but by his own A. 13. if the A. of bulls and goats sanctifieth 20. this is the A. of the testament God enjoined 22. without shedding of A. there is no remission 10. 19. to cnier into the holiest by the A. of .Tesus 11 . 28. he kepi the passover, and sprinkling of A 12.4. ye have not yet resisted unto A. striving 24. to the A. of sprinkling that spe akeih better BLO !M IS 1 1 . whose ». is brought into the sanctnai 1 1 Pel I. 2. and spriukling of the A. of Jesus Chritt 1 John 1. 7. the A. of Jesus Christ cleanseth usfpoij. 5. 6. this is he that came by water and A. 8. three in earth, the Spirit, the water, and *. Rev. 5. 9. thou hast redeemed us to God by thy » 6. 10. how long dost thou not avenge our A. .' 12. the sun was Mack, and the moon became as A. 7. 14. made them white in the A. of the Lamb 8. 8. the third part of the sea became A. 16. 3. 11. 6. have power to turn ihe waters into A. 12. 11. they overcame him by the A. of the Lane • 14. 20. and A. came out of the wine-press 16. 6. and thou hast given them A. to drink 18. 24. in her was found the i. of the prophet- 19. 2. he hath avenged the A. of his servants 13. he was cloathed with a vesture dipped in 4 See AvENCER, Rkvenger. BLOOD be upon. Lev. 20.9.that curseth his father, his A. A< upon him 11. incest |1 13. sodomy, their A. be upon them 16. bestiality H 27. wizard, their A. be vyon them Deut.lQ. 10. innocent 4. be shed, and so be ufwn tht»! Ezek. 18. 13. done abominations, his A. Ae u;)on hin» 33. 5. took not warning, his A. shall be upon hu)-. BLOOD uith bullock. £xorf. 29.12.takeA.ofA;,//of*,iea. 4.5. | 16.14,18 Lev. 4.7. pour A. of bullock at bottom of the altar 16. 15. do with that as he did with 4. oilhebullod Isa. 1. U. 1 delight not in A. of bullocks or of lamb- BLOOD of Christ. 1 Cor.10.16. isit not communion of the b.of Christ J i>A.2.13.were far off, are made nigh by A. ofChrii t lleb. 9.14.how much more shall A. of Christ purge ■ 1 Pf/.I .ig.butwith precious A.o/'CAri.Kasof a lamb 1 John 1 .7 . the A. 0/ Christ cleanseth us from all sii> BLOOD of Ihe Covenant. Exod. 24. 8. Moses said, behold the A. of the covenan : Zech.g. n. as for thee also by the A. of thy coienair lleb. 10. 29. hath counted 4. ifcov. an unholy thin;: 13. 20. through the 4. of the everlasting covenar. : BLOOD, with tat. \Lev. 3. 17. a statute that ye eat neither fat nor A. I 7.26. yeshall«ornomannerof4.of towlorbeasi. 27. I 17. 14. LhiU. 12. le, 23. I 15. 23. 27. that A Co/. 1.14 lleh. 9. 12. but by his own A. he entered in once 13. 12. that he mightsanctify the people with AwA. Lev. 1. 5. and washed u» from our sins in his A. Innocent BLOOD. Deut. 19. 10. that innor- BLO iKinfiS.S. whom he slew and s/ied i. of war in peace lOlrow.Ce.S. becausp thou hast s/ied A.muchA.28.3. fta/.79.3. their b.ilted like water rounii Jerusalem 10. known by revenging b, of thy servants shed Ttov. 1. 16. they make haste tOi/ted i. Rom. 3. 1 J. Lam. 4.13. prophets that have i/zcrf the i. of the just £»«*.l6.38.judge thee as women that i/ied i. 23.45. Se. 4. art become guilty in thy i. thou hast s/ied 6. the princes in thee to their power to s/ied b. £3. 45. after the manner of wom?n that shed b. 33. 25. ye sited b. and shall ye possess the laind .- S5.5. becausethouhastj/i^rf 4. of children of Israel 36. 18. poured fury on them for the b. they s/ied Mat. 23. .35. on you come all the riubieous b. shed Mark 14.24. this is my A. which is ^Acrf, Luke""."ti. I/iJce 11. 50. i. of all the prophets which was s/ied Acts 22. 20. when the i. of Stephen was s/ied Rev. 16. 6. for they have shed the b. of the saints Sprinkle BLOOD. Xjrorf. 29.16. take the ram's A. 3.nA sprinkle it on altar iirorf. 29. 20. shall sprinkle b. on altar round about Uv. 1. 5, 11. I 3. S, 8, 13. I 7- 2. I 17.6. I t. Niim. 19. 4. sprinkle of the b. before the tabernacle t Kings 16.15. sf-'inkle on it the b. of burnt-ofi'ering Ezek. 43. 18. when make an altar to spr. b. thereon BLOOD sprinkled. £jrorf.24.6.half ofi.iMosesj;;r.onaltar,L«r.8.]9,24. 8. Moses took the b. and sprinkled on the people i«i'.6.27.when there is sprinkled b. on any garment «. 30. Moses took of the b. and sprinkled on Aaron 9. 12. Aaron's sons presented him b. he sprinkl. 18. !h'ingsQ.33. someof Aihaliah'si.j/inHW^rfon wall 16. 13. Aha.z sprinkled the b. of his peace-ofi'ering 2 Citron. 29. 22. spriitkled xhe b. of bullocks, 30. 16. 35.11. the priests sprinkled the b. from their hands Jsa. t)3.3. their b. shall be sprinkled on mj- garment Heb. 9. 91. he sprinkled with b. the tabernacle Huh BLOOD. £rod. 30. 10. Aaron shall make atonement ::iilt b. Lev. 14. 52. cleanse the house wi/A b. of the bird 19. 26. ye shall not eat any thing jvith b. A A'!Hgj2.9.hishoary head bring thou down wiih b. Psal. 106. 38. and the land was polluted ■.unit b. Zra.34.6.swordof Lord filled aii//i *.Tr.ade {^Ltnith b. 7. and their land shall be soaked 7t'ith b. 49. C6. they shall be drunken zoiilt their own b. 59. 3. for your hands are defiled with b. Jer. 19. 4. filled this place -.cith the *. of innocents 46. 10. it shall be made drunk -aitli their b. Lam. 4. 14. they have polluted themselves uith b. Eiek. 38. 82. 1 will plead against him tatth b. Has. 6. 8. Gilead is a city polluted with b. -1/ir.3.10.they build up Zion uiih b. and Jerusalem Hab. 2. 12. wo to him that buildeth a town -.I'lth b. Gal. 1. 16. immediately I conferred not with h. Heb. 9. 22. all things are by the law purged with h. Rev. 8. 7. followed hail and fire, mingled with b. 17. 6. saw the woman drunken with b. of the saints B LOO U-G U I LT 1 N ESS. Psal. 51. 14. deliver me from b.-emltiness, O God Bl.OOD-TllIKSfY. Prov. 29. 10. the b.-thirstu hate the upright BLOODY. Etod. 4.25. surely a b. husband art thou to me, C6 2iiam. I6. 7. Shiniei said, come nut, thou b. man 21. 1. the famine is for Saul, and his h. house Paol. 5. 6. the Lord will abhor the b. man ?6. 9. gather not my life with b. men 54. 23. b. men shall not live out half their days 5y. 2. deliver me,^nd save me from b. men 139. 19. depart fVom me therefore ye *. men £:c*. 7.23. for the land is full of A. crimes 22. 2. son of man, wilt thou judge the b. city ? 24. 6. wo to the *. city, 9. Nah. 3. 1. Acts 28. 8. father of Publius lay sick of a b. flux BLOOiMED. Num. 17.8. Aaron's rod h. blossoms and almonds BLOSSOM Signifies, [\] A Jloner of a tree or plant. Gen. 40. JO. [2] To yni Jorth tnto th.ters or blossoms, ^'um. 17. 5. Ilab. 3. 17." [S] 'Jo increase, foiirtih, and prosper, Isa. 'J7. 6. | 35. 1, 2. Their root shall be as rottenness, and their blos- som shall go up as dust, i>«. 5. 24. that is, Uiier dest'vclivn shall seite upon them ; they shall be deilrouvd both root and branch. The rod hatti blossomed, E-.ek. 7. 10. The in- strument iltal ('I'd will make use of for yonr correction is reailii made and prepared. Gen. 40. 10. her b. shot forth, and the clusters Jsa. 5. 24. and their A. shall go up as dust BLOSSO.M, 1. 1). A'um. 17- .5. the man's rod whom I choose shall b. ha. 27.6. Israel shall b. and bud. ai there are many things in niture, particularly the wind, which are evident in their effects, yet no man can give a clear and full account of them, man's reason cannot reach to know from 7i>hence the wind rises, from hour great a distance it comes, or how Jar tt goes ; so is this spiritual cliaugc 7i'rought freely, where, in whom, when, and in what measure, the Spirit pleases ; and also power- fully, so as to make an indent, iCnsihle change ; though the manner thereof be incomprehensible. It IS known Ay the ejjects. 1 did blow upon it, iJag. 1. 9. / did blast it, that tt did yon no good. A fire not blown, Job 10. 96. '^ome heavy judg meni that coma no man knows how. Psal. .39. 10. 1 am comsumed by the A. of thy hand Jer. 14. 17. people is broken with a grievous A. BLOW, rerb. Exod. 15. 10. thou didst A. wiih thy wind A'»m.i0.6.when ye A. an alarm, camps shall go, 0. 9. then ye shall A. an alarm with trumpets Jndg. 7. 18. when 1 A. with a trumpet, then A. ye I'ftil. 78. 26. he caused an east-wiml to A. in heaven 147. 18. caused his wind to A. and waters How Cant. 4. 16. come, thou south, A. upon my garden J'a. 40. 24. he shall also A. upon them, shall wither Etek. 21. 31. 1 will A. against thee. 22.21. ll*s. 5. 8. A. ye the cornet in C>iDeab, cry aloud HOD Hag. 1. 9- when ye brought it, I did A nooo 11 Luke 12. 55. wheo ye see the south-*ind A. Rev. 7. !• that wii d should not A. on the earth See Trumpet. BLOWETH. Tsa. 40. 7. because the Spirit of the Lord A. on it 54. 16. I have created the smith that A. the coaU John 3. 8. the wind A. where it listeth, thou hearea BLOWN Job 20. 26. a fire not A. shall tonsume him AJal. 1 1 13. whereas ye might have A. it away BLUE. £xDrf.25.4. A. purple, scarlet, 26. 1,31,36. | ^7.16 28. 31. make the robe of the ephod of A. .39. 22. .39. 3. they cut gold into wires 10 worK it in the i. Num. 15. 38. put on the fringes a ribband of A. 2 Chron. 2. 7. send a man cunning to work in A. 14. Esth. 1. 6. A. hangings, a pavement of A. m;irble 8. 15. Mordecai went in a royal apparel of 4. Ezek. 23. 6. the Assyrians were clothed wiih 4. See Purple, Cloth, Lace, Loops. BLUE NESS. Prov. 20. 30. A. of a wound cleanseth away evil BLUNT. Eccl. 10. 10. if iron be 6. and he do not whet it BLUSH. Ezra g. 6. I A. to lift up my face to thee, my God Jer. 6. 15. not ashamed, nor could they A. 8. 18. BOAR. Psal. 80. 13. 4. out of the wood doth waste it BOARD, S. Eiod. 26. 29. shalt overlay A. with gold, 36. 34. 27. 8. hollow with A. shalt thou make i:, 36. 3i. 3(1. 30. under every A. were two socket" A7(/«. 3. 30. under custody of Merari shall be A. Cant. 8. g. we will enclose her with A. of cedar Acts 27. 44. the rest, some on A. came to land BOASr, Substantive. I'uil. 34. 2. my soul shall madie her A. in the Lorn Horn. 2. 17. art a Jew, and makest thy A. of God 23. thou that makest thy A. of the law BOAST, Ferb. 1 Kings 20. 11. not 4. as he that putteth it ofl C ( hron. 25. ig. thine heart lifteth ihee up to A I'sal. 44. 8. in God we A. all the day long 49. 6. and A. themselves in their riches yi. 4. the workers of iniquity A. themselves 97.7- confounded be they that A. of idols h'rov. 27. 1. A. not thyself of to-morrow ha. 10. 15. shall the ax A. itself ai;aiDsl him that 61. 6. in their glory shall you A. yourselves J'"m. 11. 18. A. not against branches, if thou '• 2 Cor. g. 2. for which I A. to them of .Macedoni.\ 10. 8. for though 1 sliould A. somewhat more 13. we will not A. of things without our measure 16. and not to A. in another man's line 11. 10. receive me that 1 may A. myself a little Eph. 2. g. not of works lest any man should A. BOASTED. Erek. 35. 13. with mouth ye have A. against nie 2 Cor. 7. 14. if 1 have A. any thing to him. BOASl'ERS. Horn. 1. 30. proud, A. inventors of evil things 2 iim. 3. 2. covetous, A. proud, blasphemers BOASIKST, Elll. I'sal. 10. 3. the wicked A. of his heat's desire 52. 1. why A. thou thyself in mischief? I'rov. 20. 14. when he is gone his way, then he *i 25. 14. whoso A. himself of a false Rift Jarn. 3.5. tongue a little member, and A. great thingt liOASllNG, Participle, .lets 5. 36. rose rheudas,4. himself to be somebody 2 Cor. 10. 15. not A. of things without our measur« BOA.STINC;, Substantiit. Horn. 3. 27. where is A. then > it is excluded 2 C'cir.7 .14. even so our A. before I iius is found truth 8. 24. shew ye to them the proof of our A. g.3. lest our A. of you should be in vain in this behalf 4. we should be ashamed in the same confident A. 11. 10. no man shall stop me of this A. in Achaia 17- but .IS it were foolishly in ihiscoiifidenceof 4. Jarn. 4. I6. but now ye rrjoice in your A. HOA 1, S. John6. 22. the people «aw there was no other A, there, and that Jesus went not into the i. 23. there came other A. from Tiberias Acts 27. if), had much work to come by the 4. .30. when they had let down the A. into the son 32. the soldiers cut off the ropes of the i. BODY Signifies, fl] The material part of man, 1 Cor. 15. 44. [2] ihn whole man, I'.o'm. 6. IS. | IC. 1 [3] 'J'he substance of a shadote or ceremonu, t'ol. 8. 17. [4] The church cf OoJ ftrriily rniitii to CItrtal and among ihemsthes, by ih* Spirit, faith, !ore,):icraments, word, ana ministry, i^hirh, like the rettti and arteries in lie A.irff scne to join them wu-* Christ, and arr.ori;; ckrrn- selves, ar,i also 10 coiiPty I'.tiuence andnour .♦/» ment from iM l>tan to every particular member BOD of this mystical body, 1 Cor. 10. 17. Eph 4. 16. Col. 1. 18. [5] Thi tuman nature of Chrul. lleb. 10. 5. [6] The unrenewed pari vj vum, $uch as the ieiunive powers, carnal ajjfic- lions, and siiifui iruiinalions, 1 Cor. tj. 27. This is my body, AJat. 26. 26. T/tis bread is a sign or representation, and is hereajier to be a memorial also, of mf body, and of my t^tfferings m it ; and also a teal and pledge, whereby I make over to you all the benefits I haie pur- chased I liar e by : Or, ihis taking and eating is a holy rite of commemorating my death, and a means of making all worthy receivers partakers of the benefits thereuf. The body of this dealh, liom. 7. 24. Vm cor- ruption of nature, acting chiefly by the body, ahici tends to, and binds me over to death. Fjrnd. 24. 10. as the £. of heaven in its clearness 1 Sam. 31. 12. took the *. of SaiU, 1 Chron. 10. 12 Job 19. 17 . for the children's sake of my own b. 26. though after my skin worms destroy lliis b. 50. 25. it is drawn and Cometh out of the b. Psal, 1.39. 1 15. my b. was not hid from thee Prov. 5. 11. when thy flesh and b. are consumed I:a. 10. 18. and shall consume both soul aiid b. 51. 23. and thou hast laid thy b. as the ground Ezek. 10. 12. their whole b. was full of eyes Dan.l .5. 1 was grieved in spirit in midst of my i. Mat. 5. 29. that thy whole 6. be cast into hell, 30. 6.22. thelight of the b. is the eve, Luke 11. 34. thy i. shall be full of light, Luke 11. 34, 36 23. thy whole 4. shall be full of darkness 25. take no thought for your b. Luke 12. 22 and the b. more than raiment, Luke 12. 23 10. 28. fear not them that kill the b. Luke 12. 4. 14. 12. John's disciples came and took up the b. 26. 12. she hath poured this ointment on my b. 26.Jesus took bread and said, take, eat.this is my b. Mark 14. 22. Luke 22. I9. 1 Vor. 11. 24. 27. 58. Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate, and begged the b. of Jesus, Mark 15. 43. Luke 23. 52. jkfar* 5. 29. she felt in her b. that she was healed 14. 8. she is come aforehand to anoint my b. 51. having a linen cloth cast about his b. 15. 45. Pilate gave the b. to Joseph, Mat 27 58 Luke 17. 37. where the b. is, thither the eagles 24. 3. they found not the b. of the Lord Jesus John 20. 12. where the b. of Jesus had lain "Rom. 6. 6. that the b. of sin may be destroyed 7. 4. become dead to the law by the b. of Christ 24.who shall deliver me from the b. of ihis death • 8. 10. Christ in you, the A. is dead because of sin 13. if ye thro' the Spirit mortify deeds of the b. 23. forthe adoption, the redemption of our b. 1 C9r.6.13.now the b. is not for fornication, but for the Lord, and the Lord for liie b. 18. evp.ry sin a man doth is without the b. 6.19 yjur a. is the temple of the Holy Ghost 7. 4. the wife hatn no power of her own b. 9. 27. but I keep under my 4. aud bring it to subjec. 10. 16. the communion of the b. of Christ ■1 . 27 . be guilty of the A. and blood of the Xjot\ 29. eats damnation, not discerning the Lord's b. 12. 14. forthe b. is not one member, but many 13. is it therefore not of the *. .' IC. 17. if whole b. were an eye, where were hearing .' 19. where were the b. .'Jl 20. yet but one b. 27. now ye are the b. of Christ, and members 13. 3. tho' I give my b. to be burned, and have not 15. 35. and with what b. do the dead come.' 37. thou sowest not that b. that shall be 38. but God giveth it a i. as it hath jjleased him 44. it is sown a natural b. raised a spiritual b. 2 Cor. 5. 8. willing rather to be absent from the b, Eph. 3. 0. Gentiles be ftUow-heirs of the same b. 4. 12. for the edifying of the b. of Christ 16. from whom the whole b. fitly joined together 5. 23. and he is the .Saviour of the b. Pliil. 3.21 . who shall change our vile *. own A. 2 Cor. 5. 10. may receive the things done in his 4. Eph. 1. 23. which is his 4. fulness of him that tills Phil. 3. 21. may be fashioned like to his glorious 4. Col. 1. 24. for his 4. sake, which is the church 1 Pet. 2. £4. who bare our sins in his A. on the tree Jh BODY. Lam. 4. 7- they were more ruddy in 4. than rubies Rom. 0. 12. let not sin reign in your mortal 4. 1 Cor. 5. 3. I verily as absent «» 4. have judged 6. 20. therefore glorify God i» your 4. and spirit 7. 34. that she may be holy in 4. and in spirit 12. 18. God hath set members every one in the 4. 25. that there should be no schism in the A. 2 Cor. 4. 10. bearing about in the 4. the dying of our Ld.that life of Jesus might be manifest in our A. 5. 6. knowing; that whilst we are at home in/. 12. S. whether in b. or whether out of the 4. Cal. 6. 17. I bear in 4. the marks of the Lord Jesus Phil. 1. 20. Christ shall be magnified in my 4. Col. 1. 22. reconciled in 4. of his flesh thro' death Heb. 13. 3. as being yourselves also in the t. Otie BODY. Rom. U. 4. as we have many members in one A. 5. we being many are rae A. in Christ, 1 Cor.lO 17. 1 Cor. 6. 16. he that is joined to an harlot, Isoti* 4. 12. 12. jis the 4. is one, and hath razny members 13. we are baptized into one 4. whether Jews 20. now are they many members, yet but one A. Eph. 2. 16. he might reconcile both to God in one A. 4. 4. there is one 4. and one Spirit, as ye are called Coi. 3. 15. to which ve are also called in one A. BODIES. Gen. 47. 18. not ought left, but our 4. and lands 1 Sam. 31. 12. took A of Saul's sons, 1 Chi. 10. 12 Ae/i. 9. 37. theyhave dominion over our 4. and cattle Job 13. 12. your 4. are like unto 4. of clay Ezek. 1. 11. two wings covered their 4. 23. Dan. 3. 27. on whose A. the fire had no power 28. yielded their 4. that they might not serve Mat. 27- 52. many 4. of saints which slept, arose John 19. 31. the k. should not remain on the cross Rom.l.U. gave them up to dishonour their own A. 8. 11. shall quicken your mortal 4, by his Spirit 12. 1. that ye present your 4. a living sacrifice 1 Cor. 6. 15. your A. are members of Christ 15. 40. there are celestial 4. and A. terrestrial Eph. 5. 28. to love their wives as their own 4. Heb. 10. 22. and our 4. washed with pure water 13. 11. the 4. of beasts, whose blood is brought Rev. 18. 1 13. the. merchandise of 4. and souls Dead BODIES. 2 Chrori. 20. 24. behold they were dead 6. fallen 25. they found with dead b. precious jewels Psal. 79. i.deadb.ol thy Servants given to be meat 110. 6. he shall fill the places with the dead A. Jer. 31. 40. whole valley of dead A. shall be holy 33. 5. but it is to fill them with dead 4. of men 34. 20. their deadt. shall be for meat to the fowls 41.9. the pit wherein Ishmael cast rf^arf 4. of men Amos 8. 3. shall be many dead b. in every place R^v. 11.8. their i/«arf4. shall lie in the street of city 9. nations see their deadb. three days and an half, nor suffer their dead 4. to be put in graves BODILY. /.«*(! 3. 22. the Holy Ghost descended in a*, shape 2 Cor. 10. 10. but his 4. presence is weak Col. 2. 9. in him all the fulness of the Godhead b. I Tim. 4. 8. for A. exercise profiteth little BOIL. [See also BOYL.j Ln. 8. 31 . A. the flesh at the door of the tabernacle J0A4I. 31. he maketh the deep to 4. like a pot Isa. 64. 2. the fire canseth the waters to A. Eiek. \.i. 5. bum the bones, acd make it 4. well 46. £0. the place where the priests shall 4. 24. BOILED. >. Kirgx IQ. 81 , ^ took a yok* of oxan and 4. them SOfi 2 Kin^sG. 29- 10 we 4. my son. and dideathiia 'n4 30. 27. my bowels A. and rested not BOILETII, ING. Psal. 45. 1 1. my heart A. up a good m?tter Ezek. 46. 23. made with A. places under the nms BOISTEROUS. Mat. 14. 30. when he saw wind b. he was afraid BOLD. Prov. 28. 1 . but the righteous are A. as a lioa Acts 13. 46. Paul and Barnabzis waxed A. /v'om. 10.20. Esaias is very A. andsaith, 1 was found 2 Cor. 10. 1. but being absent, am A. towards yott 2. I may not be A. wherewith I think to be 4. 11. 21. howbeit, wherein any is A. I am A. also Phil. 1.14. by my bonds, are much more i. tospeak 1 'lhess.S.2. we were 4. in our God to speak to you Philem. 8. though 1 might be much 4. in Christ BOLDLY. Gen. 34. 25. Simeon and Levi came on the city 4. Mark 15. 43. Joseph came, and went in 4. to Pilate John 7. 26. he speaketh 4. and they say nothing ActsO. 27. how he preached 4. at Damascus 29. he spake 4. in the name of the lord Jesus 14. 3. long time abode they, speaking A. in the Lord 18. 26. ApoUos began to speak A. in the synagogue Acts 19. 8. spake A. for the spzice of three months liom. 15. 15. 1 have written the more A. to you Lph. 6. 19. given me, that 1 may open my aouth A 20. that 1 may speak A. as 1 ought to speak Heb. 4. 16. let us come A. to the throne of grace 13. 6. that we may 4. say, the Lord is my helpel BOLDNESS. Eccl. 8. 1. and the A. of his face shall be changed Acisi. 13. when they saw the 4. of Peter and John 29. that with all 4. they may speak thy word 31. and they spake the word of God with 4. 2 A. 4. 3. the unity of the Spirit, in the A. of peace Col. 3. 14. put on charity, the 4. of perfectness BOND. 1 Cor. 12. 13. baptized into one body, 4. or free See Ereb. BONDS. I^'ttm. 30. 5. not any of her vows or i. shall staid 7. A. wherewith she bound her soul shall staaS 14. he established all her A. which are on her y.'A 12. 18. he looseth the A. of kings Psal. 1 16. 16. O Lord, thou hast loosed my A. Jer. 5. 5. have broken the yoke, and burst the 4 27. 2. make thee A. and yokes, and put on thy [neck 30. 8. I will break his yoke, and burst thy A. Sah. 1. 13. and 1 will burst thy 4. in sunder Acts 20. 23. that A. and afflictions abide me 23. 29. done nothing worthy of death or A. 26. 31. 25. 14. there is a certain man left in A. by Telix 26. 29. altogether such as I am, except these *. Eph. 6. 20. for which I am an ambassador in i. Phil. 1. 7. in 4. ye are all partakers of my grace 13. so that my A. in Christ are manifest 14. the brethren waxing confideni by my 4. 16. supposing to add aSliction to my A. Col. 4. 3. for which 1 am in 4.||18. remember m'f/j. 2 Tim. S. 9. wherein I suffer troohle, eTen u> b, BOH philem, 10. whom I have hegfotten in my h. 13. haveministerefi tomeintheft. ofthegospfl Beb 11. 34. \p had oompaKsion of me in my 6. '.1. 36. others had trial of b. and imprisoimient IS. 3. remember them that are in b. as bound BONDAGE Signifies, [1] Outward slavery and oppression, Exod. 6. 5. Ezra Q. 8, y. [2] Spiritual sub. jection to sin and Satan, lleb. 2. 15. [3] Sub- jection to the yoke of the ceremonial la;v, Gal 2.4. I 4. 9. [4] Servile fear, Rom. a. 15. [5] Corruption arid deal /i, Kom. 8. 21. The one gendereth to bondage, Gal. 4. 24. Be- gets children to bondage ; that is. They who ad. hered to the old coienaM, or legal dispetisation, . 1 Kings 9. 22. but of Israel Solomon made no b. i Kinfs 4. 1 . is come to take my two sons to be b. SChron. 28.10. to keep the children of Judah fori. EtTa 9. 9. we were b. yet God hath not forsaken £M/i.7.4.if wehad been sold fori, and bond-women Jer. 34. 13. I brought them out of the house of b. BOND-SERVANT. Lev. 25. 39- shalt not compel him to serve as a b. BOND.SERVICE. 1 Kings 9- 21. Solomon did levy a tribute of i BOND-WOMAN. G*M. 21.10. cast out this b. and her son, for the .1011 of the b. shall not be heir. Gal. 4. 30 12. let it not grieve thee because of the b. 13. of the son of the *. will I make a nation Cel. 4. 23. son of the b. was born after the flesh 31. we are not children of the b. but the free BOND-Wo.MEN, See Bonu-Mk.n. BONE Signifies, [1] That part of the body uhite and hard, affording support to the whole fabric, .loti 10. 11. [2] I1te dead body, 1 Kings 13. 31. f3j Thi wlich vum. Job. 20 11. Psal. 35. 10 41 BON Thebones which thou hast broken. Pm.'. Sl.S i My heart, which hath been sorely icoitndrd and I terrified by the dreadful mi'ssnge ne.ntby Nathan, \ and by the dismal sentence of thy /cw, de- nounced against such sinners as I am. This is bone of my bones, and fiesh of my flesh, Gen. 2. 23. God hath provided me a meet help and wife, not out of the brute creatures, but of mine own body, and of the same nature with myself. We are members of his flesh and bones, Eph. 5. 30. All that grace and glory which the church hath is from Christ, 1 Cor. 1. 30. Eph, 2. 10. (as the woman was taken out oj thi, viun. Gen. 2. 23.) and she has r-'ie same graces and glory that Christ hath, John 1. 16. | 17. 22. Gf«.2.23.this is A. of my bones, and flesh of my flesh 29. 14. surely thou art my b. and my fiesh I.xod. 12.46. neither shall ye break a A. Snm.g.H. Sum. 19. 16. toucheth a A. of a man, be unclean Judg. 9. 2. remember that I am your A. and flesh ISam. 5..1. behold we are thy A. 1 Chron. 11. 1. 19- 13. art thou not of my A. and of my flesh ? Job 2. 5. touch his A. and flesh, ani^ he will curse 19. 20. my A. cleaveth to my skin, and to my flesh 31.22. let my arm be broken from the A. I'luv. 25. 15. a soft tongue breaketh the A. Ezek. 37. 7. the bones came together, A. to his A. 3y. 15. when any seeth a man's A. then set up JohnlQ. 3ti. a A. of him shall not be broken BONES. Exod. 13. 19. Moses took the A. of Joseph with Josh. 24. 32. the A. of Joseph buried in Shechem Jndg. ig. 29- divided his concubine with her A. 2 Sam. 21. 12. took the A. of Saul, A. of Jonathan 14. b. of Saul and Jonathan buried in Zelah 1 hings 13. 2. men's A. shall be burnt uj.on thee 2 Kings 13. 21. touched the b. of EUsha, he revived 23. 14. he filled the places with the A. of men 16. and took the A. out of the sepulchres 20. and he burnt men's A. upon the altars 2 Chion. 34. 5. he burnt the A. of the priests Job 10. 11. thou hast fenced me with A. and sinews Psal. 51. 8. the A. thou hast broken may rejoice 53. 5. Godscat'creth the A.ofhimthatenc.impeth 141. 7. our A. are scattered at the grave's mouth Pruv. 3. 8. fear Lord, it shall be marrow to thy A. 14. 30. but envy the rottenness of the A. 15. 30. a good report maketh the A fat 16. 24. pleasant words are health to the A. 17- 22. but a broken spirit drieth the A. Eccl. 11. 5. nor how the A. do grow in the womb Isa. 58. 11. the Lord shall make fat thy A. 66. 14. your A. shall flourish like an herb Jer. 8. 1. bring the A. of the kings, and A. of the priests, A. of prophets, and A. of inhabitants Ecek. 6. 5. I will scatter your A. about your altars 24. 4. fill it with the choice A. |l 5. burn A. 10. 37. 1. valley full of A. ||3. can tliese A. live? 4. prophesy upon these A. and say, O ye dry A. 11. these A. are house of Israel, our A. arc dried Amos 2. 1. because he burnt A. of the king of Edom 6. 10. thatburneth him, to bring out the A. Zcph. 3. 3. they gnaw not the A. till the morrow Mat. 23.27. but are within full of dead men's A. Luke 24. 39. for a spirit hath not flesh and A. His BONES. 1 A7«jj 13.31.when I amdeadlay my A.beside /(u A. 2AiH?.(23.18.1etnoman move/i!,sA.so they let AuA. Job CO. 1 1 . //!> A. are full of the sin of his youth 21. 24. his A. are moistened with marrow 33. 19. the multitude of his A. with strong pain 21. and hit A. that were not seen, stick out 40. 18. his A. as pieces of bra.ss, his A. as iron I'sal. 34. 20. he keepeth all his b. not one is broken 109. 18. so let it come like oil into his A. /Vy;i. 12.4. makes ashamed is as rottemiess in his t. Jer. 50. 17. Nebuchadnezzar hath broken his A. Eph. 5. 30. we are members of his flesh ana of Ai.v A. IJeb. 11. 22. and gave command concerning his A. My BONES. Gen. 50. 25. ye shall carry up my A. Exod. 13. 19- 2 Sam. 19. 12. ye are my A. and my flesh 1 Kings 13.31. when I am dead my A. beside his A. Job 4. 14. trembling made all my A. to shake 7. f 15. my soul chooseth death ratherihan my A. 30. 17. mi/ A. arc pierced in me in the nicht 30. my skin is black, .and my A. burnt with heat Psal. 6. 2. O Lord, heal me, for my A. are vexed CC.14. all mv A.are out ofjointpT.I may tell my A 31 . 10. my A. are consumed||3C 3 my A. waxed old 35. 10. all my A. shall say. Lord who is like to thee 3(!. 3. neither is there any rest in viy A. 42. 10. as with a sword in my A. enemies reproach 102.3. daysconsumed, mi/A.are bunit as an heanh 5. by reason of groaning my b. cle.ave to my skin Isa. .38. 13. as a lion, so will he break all my b. Jer. CO. 9- as a burning fire shut up in my b. 23.9. my heart is broken, all my A. shake I^m. 1. IS. be hath teat fire into rny i. BOO Lam 3.4. my fleBh ho madoold.hc hath broken I/ab. 3. 16. rottenripss entered into my 6. liny b Thiir BONES. iV7/»i.24.8. Israel shall break their b. andpioTCs 1 &7rn.31.13.took their b. and buried them at Jabesh 1 Vhr. 10.12. buried their A. under an oak at Jabesb r.am. 4. 8. their skin cleaveth to their A. Ezek. 32. 27. their iniquity shall be on their b. Dan- 6. 24. the lions brake all their A. iu pieces Mic. 3.2. pluck oft' their skin and flesh from their 6, 3. they break ihetr A. and chop them in piecei BONNEIS. Exod. 28. 40. for Aaron's sons thou shalt make 6. 29. 9. thou shalt put the A. on them, Lev. 8. 13. 3y. 28. they made goodly A. of fine linen Isa. 3. 20. the Lord will take away the i. Ezek, 44. 18. they shall have linen A. on their heads BOOK Signifies, [1] A register wherein things are written, (Jen. 5. 1. Esth. 6. 1. [2] The holy scriptures, I'sal. 40. 7. Rev. 22. 19. [31 The consciences of men, Dan. 7. 10. Rev. CO. 12". [4j God's counsel and purpose, Psal. 13y. I6. [5] His omniscience, or careful remembrance of the services and ajlictions of his people, Psal. 56. 8. Mai. 3. lf>. [6] JJis election to life eternal. Rev. 21. 27. Lxod. 17. 14. write this for a memorial in a A. 3C. 3C. if wilt not forgive, blot me out of thy A. JS. who hath sinned, him will I blot out of my i. Num. 5.23. !iie priest shall write these cursss in a A 21. 14. it is said in the A. of the wars of the Lord Deut. 17-18.shall write him acopyof ihislaw in aA. 31. 24. made an end of writing this law in a A. Josh. 10. 13. written in theA. of Jasher,2^n).l. 18. 18.9- the men described it into seven parts in a A. 1 Sam. 10. 25. Samuel told, and wrote it in a 6. 1 Kings 11. 41. written in the A. of acts ol Solomon 2 Kings i-2. 8. Ililkiah gave the A. to Shaphan 10. HilkiahdeliveredraeaA. 2CAron..34. 15,18. 16. I'll bring evil, even all the words of the Ir. 23.24. might perform the words written in the A. 1 Citron. 9. 1. were written in the A. of the kings 29. 29. are written in the A. of Samuel the seer 2 Chron. 9- 29- acts of Solomon in the A. of Nathan 12. 15. acts of Rehoboam in the A. of Shemaiah 20. .34. the acts of Jehoshaphat in the A. of Jehu 34. 16. Shaplian carried the A. to the king 21. concerning the words of the A. that is found 24. all the curses that are written in the A. Ezra 4. 15. search may be made in A. of recon!.* fy. 28. let them be blotted out ol A. of the living 13y. 16. in thy A. all my members were written Jsa. 29. 11. as the words of a A. that is sealea 12. A. is delivered to him that is not learned 18. the deaf shall hear the words of the A. 30. 8. now go and note it in a A. that it may b« 34. 16. seek ye out of the A. of the Lord, and read Jer. 30. 2. write the words I have spoken iu a i. 32. i 10. I wrote in the A. the evidence 12. witnesses that .subscribed the A. of the purchase 36. 2. take a roll of a A. |1 10. read in ilic A. 45. 1. written ttie words in a A. from Jeremiah 51. 60. so Jeremiah wrote in a A. all the evil Ezek. 2. 9. and lo, a roll of a A. was tlierein Dan. 12. 1. every one found written in the i. 4. O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the i. An/;. 1.1. the A. of the vision of Nahum Mai. 3. 16. a A. of remembrance was written Mai. 1.1. the A. of the generation of Jesus Luke:i.4. as it is written in the A. of Esaias 4. 17. there was delivered to Jesus the A. of Ibe prophet I'saias, and wheii he had opened the A. 20. he closed the A. and gave it to the minister 20. 42. in the A. of the Psalms, Acts 1. 20. .IctsT. 42. it is written rii the A. of the Prophets lleb. 9. ly. he sprinkled Che A. and the people Kev. 1. 11. what thou secst, write in a A. 5. 1. a A. written within, on the backside sealed 2. who is worthy to open the A. .and to loose seals > 3. and no man was able to open the A. 10. 2. and he had in his hand a little A. open 8. go and take the little A. which is open 9. give me the little A. |{ 10. 1 took the little A. 20. 12. another A. was opened, the A. of life 22. 19. if any take away from the words of the A. See CovEXANT. BOOK of the Late. l)nil.QB.6l. every plague not written in i.o/" tlie laai 29. 21. according to the curses in this A. 0/ the laa 30. 10. to keep his statutes written in this 4. of la-j 31. 26. take this b. of the law and put it in tlie ark Josh. 1. 8. this A. of the law shall not depart out o( 8. 31. written in A. (;/■/«& of Moses, 2 King: 14. C 2 Ki »<, s 22. 8. 1 have found b. of the /«v in the botuc Nti. 8. 8. 50 they read in the *. o/ eht law d. stinctly Gal. S. 10. tJiat are written in *. of laa to do them BOOK of Life. Phil. 4. 3. whose names are written in tt A. :flife Rev. S. 5. I will :ioi blot his name out of 6. of life 13.8 names are not written in the b. of life, 17.8. 20. 14. another 4. opened, which is Ihei. of life 15. was not found writter in the b. of life was cast 21. C7. which are written in the Lamt's b. of lift 22. 19. shall take away his part out of the b. of life BOOK of Moses. 2 Chron. 'Ib.i. but did as it is written in b. of Moses 35. 12. to offer as it is written in the b. of Moses Ezra 6. 18. set priests, as it is written in b. of Moses Ae/i. 1.3. 1. on that day they read in the b. of Moset Mark 12. 26. have ye not read in the b.of Moses ! This BOOK. fien. 5. 1. this is the b. of the generation of Adam Dent. 28. 58. do all written in this h. 2 Chron. 34.21 . 29. 20. the curses that are written in this b. 27. £ A I'ligj 22. 1 3. inquire concerning the words of MiVi. fathers have not hearkened to the words of //ivji. 23. 3. to perform the words written in this b. Jer.aS. 13. I'll bring all that is written in this h. 51. 6.3. when hast made an end of reading thii b. John 10. 30. signs which are not written in this b. Kev. 22. 7. the sayings of the prophecy of this b. 9. of them which keep the sayings of this 6. 10. seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this i. 18. heareth the words of the prophecy of this b. if any add, add to him plagues written in this b. 19. his part from the things written in this b. BOOKS. Ezra 6. 1 1. search was made in the house of the 4. Eecl. 12. 12. of making many b. there is no end Dan 7. 10. and the b. were opened, l!ev. 20. 13. pouer of God was seen in the production of Isaac, en- abling Abraham to beget, and Sarah to conceive and bear him, -uhen both their bodies aere as dead. Gen. 17. 17- Rom. 4. I9. Heb. 11. 11. [3] Carnally, so was Ishmacl born, according to the ordinary course of nature, and not by promise, as Isaac was. Gal. 4. 23, 29. [4] Spiritually, such as are regenerated and renewed by the power and grace of the Spirit of God, in the ministry of the word, afid so arc made like God, by partaking of a divine nature, John 1. 13. | 3. 5, 6. 2 Bet. 1. 4. 1 John 3 9. BORN again. J^/i«3.3.exceptamanbe4 a. 5.||7. ye miistbe b. a 1 Pet. 1. 23. being b. again, not of corruptible seed See FiusT-BoRN, Witness BORN, for brought forth. Gen. 1". 17 a child 4 to him 100 years old, 21. 5. 21. 7. I have 4. him a son in his old age 24. 15. Rebekah came, who was 4. to Bethucl 29. 34. because 1 have 4. him three sons 30. 20. because I have 4. him six sons 31. 43. what do to the children which they have 4..' iLiud. 1. 22. every son 4. ye shall cast into the river Lev. 12. 7. this is the law of her that hath 4. a male 19. 34. tha stranger shall be as one b. among you 23. 42. all that are Israelitesi. shall dwell in booths Aw/n. 15.2 J. one law for him that is b. and stranger Josh. 5.5.4. in the wilderness had not circumcised 8. 33. as well the stranger, as he that was 4 Judg. 13.8. what do to the child that shall be b. 18. 2y called city after the name of Dan b. to Isr. liuth 4. 15. for thy daughter-in-law hath 4. him 1 Sam. 2. 5. so that the barren hath 4 seven 4. 20. the women said, fear not, thou hast 4. a son 2 Sam. 12. 14. the child 4. to thee shall surely die 1 Kings 13. 2. a child shall be 4. to the house of Dav. 1 Chron. 7.21. the menof Gath4. in that land slew 20. + 6. he also was b. to the giant 22. 9 behold a son shall be 4. to thee Job 3. 3. let the day perish wherein 1 was 4. 5. 7. yet man is 4. to trouble as sparks fly upward 11. 12. though man be 4. like a wild ass's colt 1.5. 7. art thou the first man that was 4. .■" 38. 21. knowest thou it, because wast then 4. .' i'ia/.2i. 31. shall declare to apeople that shall be4. 58. 3. they go astray as soon as they be i. 78. 6. even the children that siiou'ld be 4. 87. 4. this man was 4. there, 6. |{ 5.. that man 4, Piuv. 17. 17. a brother is 4. for adversity Eccl. 3. 2. a time to be 4. || 4. 14. 4. in his kingdom J.'a. 9. 6. for unto us a child is 4. tons a son is given 66. 8. or shall a nation be b. at once ? Jer. 15. 9. she that hath 4. seven languisheth 10. wo is me, that thou hast A. me a man of strife 16.3. concerning sons and daughters 4. in this place 20. 14. cursed be the day wherein I was 4. 22. 26. where ye wred not b. there shall ye die E:ek. 16. 4. in day thou wast b. thy navel not cut 5.to the loathing of thy person in day thou wast b. 20. hast taken thy sons whom thou hast 4. to me Hos.C 3. lest I set her as in the day that she was 4. .Viil 2. 2. where is he that is 4. king of the Jews : 4. Herod demanded where C:brist should be 4. 19- 12. there are some eunuchs which were so 4. 26. 2 J. good if he had not been A. Mark 14. 21. {.ukc 1 . 35. that holy thing that shall be 4. of thee 2. 11. to you is A. this day in the city of David John 3. 4. how can a man be b. when he is old f 5. except a man be 4. of water and of the Spirit C.that A. of tiesh is flesh, that 4. of Spirit is spirit 8. so is every one that is A. of the Spirit 8. 41. they said to him, we be not 4. of fornication 9. ■? master, who did sin, that he was 4. blind .' ."4. wast altogether 4. in sins, and dost teach us r lf>. 21 . for joy that a man is 4. into the world 18. 37. to this end wa& I 4 and for this cause BOS j^t f/ 2.B.bear in our own tongue wherein ve vrert9t 7. 20. in which time Moses was 4. and was fair 18.2.PaulfoundaJew named Aquila A. in ponnj» 24. a Jew named ApoUos 4. at Alexandna 22. 3. I am a Jew 4. in Tarsus || 28. 1 was free 6. Horn. 9. 11. for the children being not yet 4. 1 Cor. 15. 8. seen of me, asof one A. out of due tima Gal. 4.23.ofbond-woman,was4. after the flesh, 29 HeA. 11. 23. by faith Moses when A. wais hid 1 Ptv.2.2.asnewA.babes desire sincere milk of word 1 John 2. 29. that doth rightrousness, is4. of him i^ev. 12.4. to devour the child as soon as it wa* 4. BORN of God. John 1. 13. which were 4. not of blood, but of God 1 J«/ih3.9. A.o/"(/orfdothnotcommitsin,because4. 4.7 . every one that loveth is 4. of God, and knoweth 5. I. whobelieveih that Jesus is Christ is4. of God 4. whatsoever is 4. 0/ Oorf overcometh the world 18. whosoever is 4. of God sinneth not BORN IB the house. Gen. 14. 14. armed his trained servants 4. inhis/toitrt 15. 3. to me no seed, one 4. in my house is my heir 17. 12. A. i« Me /lojue shall be circumcised.l 3,23,27- Lev. 22. 11. A. in the priest's house eat of his meai Eccl. 2. 7. I had servants 4. in my houtt BORN in the land. £rorf.l2.19noleaven,whetherstrangerorA. in larui 48. the stranger shall be as one A. in the land Lev. 24. 16. A. in land that blasphemeth put to death Au«i.9.14. one ordinance for stranger and A. in lard 15.30. doth ought presumptuously, whether A, in !. BORN of' a woman, or women. JoAli. 1. man thatisA. of a woman is of few days 15. 14. that isA. ofa a. that he should be righteous ■' 25. 4. how can he be clean that ii b. of a woman ? ^Uar. 11. 11. among them that are 4. e/'o w.Lukel.'iA. BORN. Cf«.50.+23.children of Machir4. on Joseph's kuee» E,iod. 25. 14. that the ark may be 4. with them 28. that the table may be A. with them At/^. 16.29. the pillars on which the house was A. iJ|j ha. 46 3 which are 4. by me from the belly 66.12. ye shall be 4. upon her sides and be dandlaii Jer. 10. 5. they must be 4. because they cannot ga Amos 5. 26. ye have A. the tabernacle of Moloch Markl.Z. bringing one sick of palsy, was 4. of foui JohnlO. 15. if thou hast A. him hence tell me Acts1\. 35. so it was that he was 4. of the soldiers 1 Co'. 15.49. ^ we have 4. the image of the earthlv BORNE. J"A 34.31. to be said to God, I have 4. chastisement Pia/.55.12.it was not an enemy,then I could have 4. 69 7 because for thy sake I have 4. reproach />a. 53.4 surely he hath A. griefs, carried sorrows Lam. 3. 28. because ho hath 4. it upon him 5. 7. fathers sinned, and we have 4. their iniquitie.s V^tek. 16.58. thou hast b. thy lewdness and abomin, 32. 24. they have A. their shame, 06. 6. | 39- 26>. Mat. 20. 12. which have 4. burden and heat of da^ 23.4. heavy burdens, grievous to be 4. Luke 11. 4U Rev. 2. 3. has 4. and hast patience, and not fainted BORROW Cx(i(f.3.22.every woman shall 4. of neighbour, 11. C, 22. 14. if a man 4. ought, and it be hurt or die Dent. 15. 6. thou shalt lend, but shalt not A. 28. l^C 2A'inj.v4.3.Elishasaid, goA.vesselsabro.,A. not fem Mat. 5.42. him that would 4. of thee, turn not awa? BORROWED. E.iod. 12. 35. they 4. of Egyptians jewels of silver 2 hings6. 5. he cried, alas, master, for it was 6. Ae/i. 5. 4. we have 4. money for the king's tribute BORROWER. Prov. 22. 7. and the 4. is servant to the lender La. 24. 2. as with the lender, so with the 4. BORROW ETH. Pjal. 37. 21. the wicked A. and payeth not again BOSOM Signifies, [1] That part of the body which in closes the heart, Exod. 4. 6. [2] 'i'he armt^ Psal. 129. 7. The Son which is in the bosom of the Father, John 1. 18. who is one with the Lather, entirelf beloved by him, and intimately acquainted with all his counsels and will. Render into their bosom, Psal. 79. 12. Punish them sensibly, so as it may come home to them, and fall heavily upon them m their own persons. He shall carry them in his bosom. La. 40. II He shall perform all the offiies of a tender and faithful shepherd toward his people, carrying Aim self fi/tth great wisdom, condescension, and com.- pasiton to every one of them, according to their seveial capacities and infirmities. Abraham's bosom, LitU 16. 23. Lazarvs was in a place of re.tt, where he had communion with the saints, and enjoyed the same feliciiy witli Abraham the friend of God ; and this place wot heaven. Gen. j6. i. Sarai said, I have given myoiaid into Exod.i.i. put Doiwtby handlntoihyA." [thy b. EOT Num. 11.12. that shouldst say, carry thtm in thy*. Veiit. 13.0. if the wife of thy 6. entice thee secretly 36.54 his eye evil toward the wife of his i. 56. her eye evil toward the htisliajid of her i. Jiirf/i4.l6.^aomjtook the child and laid it in her i. i&im. 12. 3. drjink of his cup, and lay in his *. 8. I gave ihee thy master's wives into thy i. 1 Kings 1. 2. a young virgin, let her lie in thy 4. 3.20. she arose and took my son, and laid it in her 4. and laid her dead child in my i. 17. 19. Elijah took him out of her i. ?2. t 35. the blood ran into the i. of the chariot lab 19. t 27. (hough my reins be consumed in my 6. 31. 33. by hiding mine iniquity in my i. Ptal. 35. 13. my prayer returned into my own i. 74. 11. pluck iby right hand out of thy 6. 79. 12. and render seven-fold into their i. 89. 50. how I do bear in my 6. the reproach of all 129. 7. nor he that bindeth sheaves, his 6, I^rov. 5. 20. wilt thou embrace the d. of a stranger- 6. 27. can a man take fire in his i. J 17. 23. a wicked man taketh a gift out of the b. 19. 24. a slothful man hideth his hand ini. 26. 15. 21. 14. a reward in the b. pacifieth wrath Efc/. 7. 9. for anger resteth in the b. of fools /fa. 40. 11. he shall carry the lambs in his *. 49. +22. they shall bring thy sons in their i. 65. &. will recompense, even recomp. into their b. 7. I will measure their former work into their*. ley. 32. 18. iniquity of fathers into the i. of childr. l,am. 2. 12. their soul was poured into mother's 4. Eztk. 43. 1 13. *. of the altar shall be a cubit Mic. 7. 5. keep from her that lieth in thy b. Luke 6. 38. good measure men give into your b. 16. 22. was carried by the angels into Abraham's*. 23. seeth Abraham, and Lazarus in his b. John 1. 18. which is in the b. of the Father 13. 23. now there wa-s leaning on Jesus' A.a disciple BUSSES. Jvi 15. 26. upon the thick 4. of his bucklers BOTCH. Veul. 28. 27. Lord will smite thee with the b. 35. Boni. C>f;i.2.25. were4.naked|j3. 7. the eyes of*, opened 19.36. thus were b. the daughters of Lx)t with child 21. 27. and b. of them made a covenant £2. 8. so they went b. of ihem together 27.45.whyshould I bedeprivedof youi.inoneday.' 31. 37. that they may judge betwixt ns b. Eiod. 22. 9- cause of i, shall come before judges 11. then shall an oath if the Lord be between b. Lev. 20. 11. 4. of them surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon ihem, 12. Deui. 22. 22. Xum. 12.5. called Aaron and Miriam, they b. came 25. 8. Phinehas went after ana thrust b. through IJetit. 19. 17. b. the men shall stand before the Lord 1 Sam. 2. 34. in one day they shall die b. of them 9. 26. went out b. of them, ha and .Samuel, abroad 90. 42. forasmuch as we have sworn b. of us Jii4 9.33.any days-man that might lay his hand on b. Prop. 17. 15. b. are abomination to the Lord, 20.10. 20. 12. the Lord hath made even 6. of them 24. 22. and who knoweth the ruin of them i. ! Eccl. 4. 3. better than b. is he that hath not been /fa. 1 . 31. they shall b. burn together, none quench 7. 16. the lL Etoi. 15. 5. they sank into the 4. as a stone 29. 12. thou shah pour blood beside the 4. of the altar, Lev. 4. 7, 18, 25, 30. | 5 9. | 8. 15. | 9 0. Job 36. 30. behold, God covereththe 4. of ihe sea Cant. .3. 10. he made the 4. thereof of gold itek. 36. + 4. thus saith the Lord to hills and 4. Dan. 6. 24. or ever they came at the 4. ^of the den Amos g. 3. tho' they be hid from my sight in the 4. Jounh 2. 6. 1 went down to the 4. of the mountains iiech. 1 . 8. he stofid among myrtle-trees in the 4. Mat. 27. 51. vail rent from top to 4. Mark 15. 38. BOllOiMLESS. Rev. 9. 1. to him was given the key of the 4. pit 2. he opened the 4. pit, and there arose smoke 11. had a king, which is the angel of the 4. pit 11. 7. the beast that ascendeth out of the 4. pit 17. 8. the beast shall ascend out of the 4. pit 20. 1. an angel having the key of the 4. pit 3. and cast him into the b. pit, and shut him up BOUGH. Gen. 49. 22. Joseph is a fruitful 4. even a fruitful b. by a well, whose brzinches run over the wall Judg. 9.48. Abimelech cut down a 4. from the trees 49. the people cut down every man his 4. Isa. 10. 33. the Lord shall lop the 4. with terror 17. 6. two or three berries in top of uttermost 4. 9. in that day his strong cities be as a forsaken 4. BOUGHS. Lev. 23. 40. 4. of goodly trees, b. of thick trees Deut. 24. 20. thou shall not go over the 4. again 2 Sam. 18. 9- tte mule went under the b. of an oak Job 14. 9. and brought forth 4. like a plant Psal. 80. 10. the*, were like the goodly cedar-trees 11. she sent out her 4. to the K^, branches to nvcr Cant. 7. 8. I will take hold of the i. thereof Isa. 27. 11. when the i. thereof are withered 30. 1 17. till ye be lelt asatree bereft of*. Ezek. 17. 23. it shall bring forth *. and bear fruit 31. 3. his top was among ihe thick *. 14. 6. tive fowls made their nests in his 4. Dan. 4.12. BOUGHT. 1 Sam. 25. i 2Q, in the midst of the 4. of a sling BOUGHT. Gen. 17. 12. circumcised every man-child bom in house 4. with hismoney, 13, 23, 27. Ezod. 12. 24. 33. 19. Jacob 4. a parcel of a field. Josh. 24. 32. 39. 1. Potiphar 4. Joseph of the Ishmaelites 47. 14. Joseph gathered money for the com they *. 20. Joseph *. all the lamd of Egypt, 23. 49. 30. which Abraham *. 50. 13. ActsT. 16. £«i.25. 28. shall remain in the hand of him that *. it 30. shall be established for ever to him that * it 50. he shall reckon with him that 4. him 25. 51 . give out of the money that he was 4. for 27. 22. sanctify to the Lord a field that he 4. 24. in jubilee return to him of whom it was *. Dcui. 32. 6. is he not your father that 4. thee .■' Ixuth 4. 9. I have 4. all that wjis Elimclech's 2 Sam. 12. 3. one little ewe-lamb which he had 4. 24.24. so David 4. the threshing-floor and oxen 1 AiH^f 16.24. Omri 4. the hill Samaria of Shenier Xeh. 5. 16. I continued in work, nor 4. we any land Jer. 32.9. I 4. the field of Ilanamecl my uncle's son 43. and fields shall be *. in this land Ilos. 3. 2. so 1 4. her to me for 15 pieces of silver Mai. 13. 46. he sold all that he had, and *. that field 21. 12. Jesus cast out all them that sold and *. in the temple, Mark 11. 15. Luke I9. 45. 27. 7. took counsel, and *. with them potters" field ■t y. whom they *. of the children of '"srael Maik 15. 46. Joseph*, fine linen and took him down 16. 1. had *. sweet spices to come and anoint him Luke 14.18.1 have 4. apiece of ground.and go see it 19.1 have *. five yoke of oxen, i goto prove them IT . 28. the V did ea'., they drank, they 4. and sold 1 Cor. 6. 20. for ye are *. with a price, 7.23. 2 Pel. 2. 1. even denying the Lord that *. them llev. 14. + 4. these were *. from among men BOUND, acmWy. G«n.22.9. 4.1saac his son, and laid him on the altar 38. 28. the midwife *. on his hand a scarlet thread 42. 24. took .Simeon and *. him before them Lev. 8. 7. he 4. the ephod with the curious girdle t 13. be 4. bonneis on Aaron's sons Nunt. 30. 4. she had 4. her soul, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9. 10, 11. Josh. 2. 21. ihc *. a Mulat line in the window BOU J}idg. 15. 13. they 4. Samson with two new corJs 16.8. 4. with withsl|12. ropes y 21. fetters 2 Ki^igs 5.23. he 4. two talents of silver in two bag! 17- 4. he shut up Iloshea and 4. him in prison 23. 7. they 4. Zedekiah with fetters of brass 2 Chron. 33. 11. 4. Manasseh|i.36. 6. 4. Jehoiakiw Prov. 30. 4. who hath 4. the waters in a garment Ilos. 7.15.tho'I have 4. and strengthened their arms .1/a/.14.3. Herod i.John and put in pris. .UarX 6.17. 27.2. they had 4. Jesus, TUar* 15. 1. John 18. 12, Luke 13. 16. this daughter whom Satan hath 4. Acts 21. 11. Agabus *. his own hands and feet 22. 25. as they *. Paul with thongs he said, 29, 23. 12. 4. themselves under a curse, 14, 21. Kev. 20. 2. he *. .Satan a thousand years BOUND, pnssively. r^fn.3O.20.a place where the king's prisoners are 4, 40. 3. into the prison where Joseph was 4. 5. the butler iind baker which were *. in prison 42. tl6.ye shall be *. in prison to prove your words 19. let one of your brethren be *. in prison Num. 19. 15. vessel which hath no cover 4. on it Judg. 16. 6. wherewith thou mightest be *. 10, 13. 1 Sam. 25. 29. the soul of my lord shall be *. 2 .Sam. 3. 34. thy hands were not *. nor feet Job 36. 8. and if they be *. in fetters and holden Psal. 107. 10. being *. in affliction and iron Prov. 22.15. foolishness is *. in the heart of a child Isa. 22. 3. are *. by the archers, all are *. together 61. 1. the openingof the prison to them that are* Lam. 1. 14. the yoke of my transgressions is *. Dan. 3. 21. *. in tfleir coats || 23^ fell down //. 24. did not we cast three men *. into the furnace ? Mat. 16. 19. bind on earth, be 4. in heaven, IS. 13 23. + 18. he that sweareth by the gift, he is *. Mark 15.7. lay 4. with them Uiat made insurrection John 11. 44. 4. hand and foot, his face was 4. 18. 34. Annas had sent faim 4. to Caiaphas,t 13. /icrj 0. 2. that he might bring them 4. 21. | 22.5. 12.6. Peter 4. with chains || 24. 27. left Paul 4. 20. 22. behold I go i. in the Spirit to J«rusalem 21. 13. I am ready not to be 4. only, but to dia -'^o»i.7.2.is 4. by the law of her husband, 1 Cor.7.3g. 1 Cor. 7. 27. art vhou *. unto a wife, seek not to be 2 Jhess. 1. 3. we are *. to thank God always, 2. 13. 2 Tim. 2. 9. but the word of God is not *. Ihb. 13. 3. them that ar? in bonds, as *. with them Kev, 9.14. loose the angels*. in the river Euphrates BOUND with chains. 2Chr. 33. + 11. Manassehff..|l36.-tfi.Jehoiakim». Psal. 68.6. God bringeth out those which are b.w.e. Jer. 39. 7. 4. Zedekiah- 52. ll.|140. 1. Jeremiah*. Aa/i. 3. 10. all her great men were *. uith chaint Mark 5.4. because he had been often 4. uith chain* Luke 8. 29. he was kept 4. uith chains, in fetters Acts 21 .33.commjinded Paul to be b.uilh two chain* 28. 20. for hope of Israel I am 4. uith this chai> BOUND up. Gen. 44. 30. his life is *. up in the lad's life 2 Sam. 20. +3. they were *. up living in widowhood 2 kings 12. + 10. which *. up, silver in bags Isa. 1. 6. they have not been closed neither *. up Jer. 30. 13. none to ple.id, that thou mayst he *. up Ezek. 30. 21. it shall not be *. up to be healed ."4. 4. nor have ye *. up that which was broken IJos. 4. 19. the wind hath A. her up in her wings I'i. 12. the iniquity of Ephraim is *. up Luke 10. 34. he *. up his wounds, pouring iu oil BOUND, Subsimtive. Gen. 49. 26. to utmost 4. of the everlasting hillt Job 38. 20. thou shouldest take it to the 4. thereof I'sal. 104.9. to waters set a 4. thatthey may notpa.^ Prov. 22. + 28. remove not the ancient *. 23. 1 10. Jei 5.22. have placed the sand for the A of the .<«» Ilicx. 40. 1 12. the *. before the little chambers lios. 5. 10. the princes like them that remove the 4. BOUNDS. Eiod. 19. 12. thou shalt set 4. to the people round 23. set *. .about the mount, and sanctify it 23. 31. I will set thy 4. from the Red sea to sea of Deut. 32. 8. he set the 4. of the people by nunibet Job 1 4. 5. hast appointed his 4. that he cannot pass 26. 10. he hath compassed the waters with *. ]sa. 10. 13. I have removed the 4. of the people Acts 17.26. hast determined the 4. of their habitation BOUNTY. 1 h'inr,t 3. -t 6. thou hast shewetl to David great * 10. 1?. which .Solomon f;avc her of his royal 4. I'rov. 20. t6. most men will proclaim their own * 2 Cor. 9. 5. and make up beforehand your 4. thai the same might be ready as a matter of * BOUNTIFUL. Psal. 1 15. t 17. the Lord is *. in all his works Proz. 22. 9. he th.at hath a 4. eye shall be blessed Isa. 32. 5. nor ."^hall the chnri be said to be A. UOU NT! FULNESS. 2 Cor. 9- 11. being enriched in every thing to all /•. BOUNTIFULLY. Psal. 13.6. because he hath dealt 4. with me 1)6. 7. for the Lord hath dealt t Willi tUce BOW Psal. 119. 17. deal i. with tliy servant that I may Hi. 7. for thou shall de^il i. with nio iCor. 9, 6. he which soweth d. shall reap i. BOW 8i)^ifies, [1] An insiiumenl for lAooiin; arrores, Gen. 27. 3. 2 Kings 9. 24. [2] 'ilm u-hoie fur- ntiuie for war, 1*311. 44. 6. [3] Sirencr/i, Job 2y. 20. [4] 'J7ie ram-tow, the si;n of Hull's covenant tn the cioud, zihich, thouzh naturathj a *i?M of rain, yet /ii/ God's appoiutnicitt rais turned tnfo an assurance^ that there should iit uo more such overflcwmz rain as then had deen. Gen. Q. 13, 14. '[5] //iv promise and help, Ilab. 3. 9. [6] iaxlh and patience. Gen. 49. 24. If he turn not, he hath bent his bow, Psal. ". 12. ll' lie leare not his wicked co'une, then dad hath prepartd, and will speedily esecuie /lis judgment. 071 him. His bow abode in strength, Gen. 49. 24. His in nocence, patience, temperatice, his faith and hujie in God, continved firm, whereby he resisted and vanquiihed all the temptations and difficulties he met with, so that his enemies couid neither defile nor destfOy him. Gen. 9. 1:$. I do set my b. in the cloud for a token 14. that the 6. shall be seen in the cloud, 16. 27. 3. take, I pray thee, thy quiver and thy A. 48.22. I took of t)ie Amorite with my sword .iiid h. 49. 24. his b. abode in .strength, and arms of hands Josh. 24. 12. but not with thy sword nor thy b. 1 Sam. 18. 4. Jonatlian gave David his sword, h. iSam. 1.18. bade them teach J udah the use of the*. 22. the b. of Jonathan turned not back 1 Kings il. 34. a certain man drew a i(. at a venture and smote the king of Israel, 2 Chron. 18. .I.'i. 8 Kin^s 6. 22. smite those taken with sword and b. 9. 24. Jehu drew a b. with his full strength 13. 15. take b. and arrows, he took b. and arrows 16. put thy hand upon the b. he put his hand 1 Chron. 5. 18. valiant men, able to shoot witli h. 12. 2. armed with b. and shooting arrows out of h. Job 29 20. my b. was renewed in my hand Psal. 44. 6 I will not trust in my b. nor sword 46. 9- he breaketh the b. and cutteth the spear 76. 3. there brake he the arrows of the />. 78. 57. they were turned aside like a deceitful b. Isa. 41. 2. he gave them as stubble to his b. 66. 19. that escape to the nations that draw the b. Jer. 6. 23. they shall lay hold on *. and spear 49. 35. behold. I will break the b. of Klam 50. 42. they shall hold the b. and the lance Ijim. 2. 4. he hath bent his b. like an enemy Eiek. 1. 28. as the appearance of the b. in the cloud 39. 3. I will smite thy b. out of thy left hand Uos.l.S.l will break*, of Israel in valley of Jczreel 7. I will not save them by b. nor by sword S. 18. I will break the b. and the sword 7.16. not to most High, they are like adeceitful*. Amos 2. 15. he that handlelh b. not deliver himself JIab. 3. 9. thy b. was made quite naked, thy word Zecli, 9. 13. when I filled the *. with liphraim Hev. 6- 2. he that sat on the white horse had a b. See Benu, Hent, Battle-Bow. Bow-siior. Cen. 21. 16. sat over-against him as it were a b. BOWS. 1 Sam. 2. 4. the b. of the mighty are broken 31. t 3. and men with b. bit hiin, 1 Chron. 10. 3. lCArn«.12.2.they were armed with b. and could use i Chron. 14. 8. army out of Benjamin that drew b. 26. 14. Uzziah prepared for them b. and slings A'p/i. 4. 13. I even set the people with their b. 16. the other half of them held both spear" and b. Psal. 37. 15. and their *. shall be broken Isa. 7. 24. with arrows and b. shall men come 13. IK. their i. shall dash young men to pieces 81. t 17. the number of b. shall he diminished Jer. 51. 56. every one of their b. is broken £xci. 39. 9. they shall burn the b. and the arrows BOW. Josh. 23. 7. neither make mention, nor ser\'e, nor A. yourselves to their gods, 2 h'ini;i 17. 35. 2 Kincis 5. 18. I b. myself in the house of liinmion Job .39. .■?. they b. themselves, they bring forth I'sal. 22. eg. all that go down to the dust, shall b. 72. 9. that dwell in wilderness shall b. before him 78. ♦ 31. wrath of G. made to*, down chMen men 144. 5. b. thy heavens, O Lord, and come down frcv. !>. 1. and b. thine ear, to my understanding 14. 1') evil b. before the good, wicked at gates of Erel. 12. 3. the strongmen shall b. themselves Mic. (). 6. and *. my.v>lf before the high God ? Ha«.3.6.the perpetual hillsdid A. his ways everlast. tiph. 3. 14. for this cause I *. my knees to Father BOW down. Ggn. 27. 29. nations b. down, mother's sons b. down 37. 10. shall I, thy mother, and brethren b. down 49. 8. father's children shall b. do:iin before me Exo4. 11.8. these thy servants shrdl b. down to me 80.5 bhaltnoti.aownthyseirtoihcm, /;««/. 5.y. BOW Eiod. 23. 24. thou shall not b. down to their gods Lev. 26. 1 . neither set up any image to b. do7on to it Jud^.Z. JO. in following other gods to b. do-un 2 h'ines 5. 18. when ! b. down in house of Riuimon 19. 16. L. *. . 12. ye shall all *. down to the slaughter Rom . 1 1 . lO.eyes darkened ,*. down their back alway BOW hiee. Gen.4\ . 43. and they cried before him b. the inee Isa. 45. 23. to me every inee shall b. Horn. 14. 11 /■'/'/(. 3.14. I b. my (uee to Katherof our Lord Jesus Phil. 2. 10. at the name of Jesus every knee shall b. BOWED. Gen. 33. 6. the handmaidens and theirchildren b 7. Leah also with her children b. Rachel b. 43. 2G. .lospph's brethren b. themselves to him 49. 15. Issachar b. his shoulder to bear, became a Josi'i. '23. 16. transgressed the covenant, served other gods, and b. yourselves to them, Judg. 2. 12, 17 Judi;. 5. 27. at her ft-et he b. where he b. he fell liuth 2. 10. she fell on her face and b. herself 1 Sam. 4.19.Phinehas' wife b. herself and travailed 20.41. David b. himself|l 25. 23. Abigail «. 41. 2 .Saj/i.l9.14.David A. the heart of the men of Judah 22. 10. he b. he.avens and came down, Psal. 18. 9. 1 Kirictl. 16. Bath-sheba A. and did obeisance, 31. 19. 18.knees which have not b. to Baal,Kow!. 11.4. 2 Kin^s 1. 1 13. the third captain i. before Elijah 2. 15. the sons of the prophets b. before Elisha 4. 37. b. herself to ground, and took up her son 2 Chron. 7 . 3. b. themselves upon the pavement 29.29. the king and all presents, themselves Esth. 3. 2. b. to Ilaman {| 5. Mordeeai b. not Lam. 3. + 20. and my soul is b. in me Mat. 27. 29. h. the knee before him, and mocked Liuke 13. 11. a spirit of infirmity, and was b. BOWED down. Gen. 23. 12. Abraham b. down before the people 42. 6. Joseph's brethren came and b. down, 43. 28, Num. 25.2. people did eat, and b. dotott to their gods .fudei. 7. 6. rest of the people b. down on their knee: 2 Kings 9. 1 24. Joram b. down in his chariot 2 Chr. 25. 14. set them up to be his gods, and b.down Psal. 35.14. 1 b. down heavily as one that mourneth 33. 6. I am b. down greatly, I go mourning all day 42. 1 5. v/hy art thou b. down, O mv soul ? hope in God 4V. 25. our soul is b. down to the dust, our belly 57. 6. my soul is i. do7in, they have dig;ed a pit 145.14. raiseth up all those that be b. down, 146.8. Isa. 2. 11. the haughtiness of men shall be b. down 17. and the loftiness of man shall be b. down 21. 3. I was b. down at the hearing of it Lnke 24.5. they were afraid and b. down their faces BOWED head. Gen. 24. 26. man b. his head and worshipped, 48. 43. 28. they b. their head.\ and made obeisance £j-orf.4.31 . then they 6. their heads and worshipped, 12.27. AV/i. 8.6. 34. 8. Moses made ha.<;te and i. his //far/ to earth A«m.22.31 . Balaam b. his Aearfand fell fl.at on face + Balaam b. down his head, and b. himself 1 Chron. 29. 20. b. down their /leorfand worshipped 2 Chr. 20. 18. Jehoshaphati.his/iefli/tothe ground 29. .30. they sang praises and b. their heads John 19. 30. Jesus b. his head and gave up the ghost BOWED himself. Gen. 18.2. Abraham b. h. 23.7, 12.||19. 1. Lot b. h. 33. 3. Jacob *. himself, 47. 31 .||48. 12. Joseph *. //. Jndi^. 16. 30. Samson b. himself with all his might 1 Sam. 24. 8. David stooped to Saul and b. himself 28.14. .Saul perceived it was Samuel and h.himself 1 Sam. 9. 8. Mephibosheth b. himself to David 14.22. Joab *./(»m.i.to Davidl|33. Absalom b.hims. 18.21. and Cushi b. himself to Joab, and ran 24.20. Araunah A. A. before the king, 1 Chr. 21.21. 1 Aiji?j1.23. Nathan a. h. || 47. the king A. A. on bed 53.Adnnijah came and A. Ai/n.vc//'to king Solomon 2. 19. Solomon rose and A. himself to his mother BOWETM. Judz. 7. 5. every one that A. on his )(iiees to drink Isa. 2. 9. the mean man A. t 46. 1. Bel A. down B(;WING. Gen. a. 52. Eliezer A. himself to the earth Job 4. t 4. thou has strengthened the A. knees P\al. 17. 11. set their eyes, A. down to the earth 62. 3. as a A. wall shall ye be, and a tottering fence Mark 15. I9. 'hey did spit upon him, A. their knees BOWMEN. Jer. 4.29 the city .shall flee from the noise of the i. BRA BOWELS Signify, [1] The entrai!.'. Job 20. It. Acta 1. 18. [2] The heart, 2 Cor. 6. 12. Philem. 7. [3] 31m womb. Gen. 25. 23. [4] Piti/, or compaititm, Isa. 63. 15. Jer. 31.20. [5] One gret:tly beloved whom a person loves as his own soiU, Phileca 12 [6] Tender mercies, Vi,3\.i5.\G. Prov. 12.tl0. Gen. 15. 4. out of thine own A. shall be thy heir 25. 23. two manner of people shall be from thy 6. 43. 30. for his b. did yearn upou his brother Num. 5. 22. this water shall go into thy A. "Sam.T. 12. thy seed which proceed out of thy A. 16. 11. behold my son which came forth of my A. 20. 10. Joab shed out Amasa's A. to the ground 1 A ings 3. 26. for her A. yearned upon her son 2 Chron. 21. 15. great sickness by liiseaseof thy A. 18. Lord smote him in his A. {| I9. his A. fell out 32. 21. they that came forth of his own A. slew him Job 20. 14. yet his meat in his A. is turned 30. 27. my A. boiled, and rested not Psnl. 22. 14. it is melted in the midst of my A. 25. t 6. remember, O Imti\, thy A. auid kindncMM 40. + 8. thy law is in the midst of my A. 71. 6. art he that took me out of my mother's A. 109. 18. let it come into his A. like water Prov. 12. t 10. the A. of the wicked are -cruel Cant. 5. 4. and my A. were moved for him Isa. 16. 11. my A. .shall sound like an harp 48. 19. the offspring of thy A. like the gravel 49. 1. from the A. of my mother he made mentioc 63.15.whereisthe soundingof thy A. and mercies? Jer. 4. 19. my A. my A. I am pained at my heart 31. 20. therefore my A. are troubled for him Z,o»i. 1.20. behold O Lord, my A. are troubled, 2.11. Ezek. 3. 3. fill thy A. with this roll I give thee 7. 19. not satisfy their souls, nor fill their A. Jonah 1. f 17. Jonah was in the A. of the fish Lnie 1.(78. through the A. of the mercy of our God Acts 1. 18. Judas burst, and all his A. gushed ou 2 Cor. 6. 12. ye are straitened in your own A. 7. +15. 'litus, his A. are more abundant Phil. 1. 8. 1 long after you in the A. of Christ 2.1.if consol. in Chr. if there be any A. and mercies Col. 3. 12. put on A. of mercies, kindness, meekness, Philem. 7. the A. of the saints are refreshed by thee 12. therefore receive him that is my own A. 20. yea, brother, refresh my A. in the Lord 1 John 3. 17. and shutteth up bis A. of compasgioo BOWL. Xnm. 7. 85. each A. weighing seventy shekels ■Iiidg. 6. 38. and wringed tiie dew, a A. full of water Eccl. 12. 6. or ever the golden A. be broken Zerh. 4. 2. a candlestick of gold with a A. on il S. two olive trees one on the right side of the i. BOWLS. Eiod. 25. 29. thou shalt make A. to cover, .37. 16. iVi(;«.4.7. spread a cloth of blue, dishes and A. + 14. 1 A iH»f 7. 50. A. and snuffers of pure gold,lC/ir. 28. 17, 2 Chron. 4. + 8. .Solomon made an 100 A. of gold hnos6. 6. that drink wine in A. but not grieved for Zech. 9. 15. shall be filled like A. tis corners of altar 14. 20. the pots in the Lord's house shall be like l>. BO.V. 2 Kmzs 9. 1. take this A. of oil in thine hand, 3. .Milt. 26. 7. having an ahabaster A. Mark 14. 3. .Mark 14.3. she brake the A. and poured,£K*e 7. 37 BO.X-TREE. ha.il. 19. I will set in the desert the pine and A. 60. 13. tlie glory of Lebanon shall come, the A. BOY, S. Gen. 25. 27. the A. grew, and Esau was a hunter Joel 3. 3. they have given a A. for a harlot Z«f/(.8. 5. streets shall be full of A. and girls playing BOYL, S ; or BOIL, S. Eiod. 9. 9- 't shall be a A. with Mains on man 10. it became a A. breaking forth with blains 11. the magicians could not stand.bccause oftheB, Lev. 13. 18. the flesb also in which was a A. 2 Ai«:;j^0.7. took figs and laid on the A. Isa. S8.21 Job 2. 7. so Satan smote .lob with sore A. BRACELET, S. Gen. 24. 30. when he saw A. on his sister's handf .38. 18. thy signet, thy A. and thy staff, 25. Eiod. 35.22. were willing, brought A. A'uot. 31. 60 2 .Sam. 1. 10. the A. on his arm 1 have brought Isa. 3. 19. I will take away the chains, A. Ezek. 16. 11. and I put A. upon thine hands BRAKE. Eiod. 9. 25. the hail A. every tree of the field 32. 3. the people A. off the golden ear-rings 19. he cast the tables and A. them, DeiU. 9. 17. Jiidg. 7. 19. they A. pitchers in their hands, 20 9. 53. cast a piece of a millstone to*, his scull 16. 9. A. the withs as a thread, || 12. b. new ropffi 1 Sam 4. 18. Eli fell backward and his neck A. 2 6'jm.23. 16. three mighty men A.thro' 1 C/ir.11.18 1 Kings 'i'). 11. a strong wind A. in pieces the rocks 2 hinss 11. 18. Baal's image A. they in pieces 18.4. A. images, A. brazen serpent Moses had made 23. 14. Josiah A. the images, 2 Chron a*. ♦. BRA 2 VHren- 21. 17- Ara'jians came ard i. into Jadah 31 .t 5. as soon as the commaudment 6. forth JoiSg.ill.l 6. the jaws of the wicked 38. a. who shut up the sea when it 6. forth ? 10. and i. up for it my decreed place, and set bars i'sni. 76. 3 there i. he the arrows of the bow J05. l6. moreover, he i. the whole staff of bread 33. he smote their vines, 6. trees of their coast lot). 29. and the plague i. in upon them 107. 14. out of darkness he 4. their bands in sunder Isa. 59. +5. as if there i. out a viper Jtr. 28. 10. took the yoke from Jeremiah and A it 31. 32. my covenant they 4. tho' 1 was a husband E:ek. 17.16. whose oath he despised, and cov he 4. liaii. 2. 1. spirit troubled and sleep 6. from him :H, smote the image on his feet, and 4. them, 45. '3. 24. the lions 5. all their bones in pieces 7.7. the fourth beast devoured and 4. in pieces 8. 7- goat smote the ram, and 4. his two horns Hal. 14. 19. he blessed aiid 4. and gave the loaves 15.36. I 26.26. I A/ar* 6.41. I 8.6. I ii.K.Laie •J. 16. I 22. 19. I 84. 30. 1 Cor. 11. 24. Mali 8. 19. when I A. the five loaves among 5000 14. .^. she 4. the box and poured it on his head Luie 5. 6. their net 4. |1 8. 29. he 4. the bauds John 19. 32. the soldiers 4. the legs of the first 33. and saw that he wsis dead, they 4. not his legs BRAKE doijn. t Kings 10.27. *. rfoK'nimageof Baal,2C/ir.23.17. 11. 18. people went and 4. down the house of Baal 14. 13. kii^ of Israel 4. down wall of Jerusalem 2 C/iron. 25. 23. | 36. 19- Jer. 39. 8. | 52. 14. 23. 7- he 4. dourt the houses of the Sodomites 8. he 4. dotcn high pjjicts || 10. 4. diiau altars, 15. iCbron. 14. 3. Asa i.iftian images, cut down groves 26. 6. Uzziah 4. down the wall of Gath 34. 4. they 4. doan the altars of Baalim BRAKEST. £i-(jrf.34.1 .words in the first table thou b. Dejil. lO.C. Piul. 74. 13. thou 4. the heads of the dragons, 14. Jsa. 9. t4. when thou 4. the yoke of his burden E:ck. £0. 7. when they leaned on thee, thou 4. BRAMBLE, S. Jttd^. 9. 14. then said all the trees to the i. 15. the. 4. said, let fire come out of the 4. Jsa. 34.13. nettles and 4. shall come up in fortresses J^uied. 44. nor of a 4.-bush gather they grapes BRANCH Signifies, T/ie Bough 0/ a tree, Psal. 101. 12. To which are compared, [1] Jesus Christ i/ie Messiah, uho teas born of the ruijal hoti^e of IJavid, at that time Zihen it ivai m an afflicted and contemptible co7idition, like a tree cut doten, ■and uhereof nothing is left but a stump or root tinder ground, Isa. 11. 1. Jer. 23. 5. Zech. 3. 8. 1 6. 12. [2] True believers uho are in- grafted into Christ the true vine; viho is the Toot, fountain, and head of influence, whence hii people and members derive life, grace, fiuilfuhiess, and all good ; as JruititU branches derive conti- nual influence from the vine, John 15. 5. [3] Karthly kings descended ot royal ancestors, as branches spring frorn the root, Ezek. I7. 3. Dan. 11, 7. [4] Children of posterity. Job 8. 10. I 15. 32. JS-xod. 25. 33. a knop and a Hower in one 4. 37. 19. iVr(m.l3.23.cuitdown a 4.with one cluster of grapes Job 8. 16. his 4. shootelh forth in his garden 14. 7- and the tender 4. thereof will not cease 15. 32. and his 4. shall not be preen V&. \&. and above shall his 4. be cut off 29. ly. and the dew lay all night upon my 4. Psal. 80. 15. the 4. thou iiiadest strong for thyself Proo. 11. 28. the rigbieous shall flourish as a 4. i>a. 4.2. in that day shaH 4. of the Lord be beautiful 9. 14. the Lord will cut off 4. and root in one day 11. 1. and a 4. shall grow out of his roots 14. 19. thou art cast out like an abominable 4. 17. 9- strong cities shall be as an uppermost 4. left 19- 15. nor any work which A. or rush may do 25. 5. the 4. of terrible ones shall be brought low 60. 21. the*. of my planting, the work of my hands Jer. 23. 5. I wiR raise to David a righteous 4. 33. 15. 1 wiH cause the 4. of righteousness grow £i«*. 8. 17. and lo, they put the 4. to their no.se 15. 2. what is the vine tree nwre than the b.t 17- 3. an eagle came, and took the highest 4. 22. l^an. 11. 7. out of a 4. of her roots shall one stand Zech. 3. 8. I wiH brinij; forth my servant the 4. I 6. 12. behold the man whose name is the 4. Mai. 4. 1. it shaft leave them neither root nor 4. Mat.1\. 32. when his 4. is yet tender, -Ua'^* 13. 28. iMke 1. + 78. the 4. from on high hath visited jo/i» 15.2. every 4. that beareth not, b. that beareth 4. as tne 4. cannot I. fruit itself, except it abide 6. if he abide not in me, he is cast forth as a 4. BRANCUE.S. Gen, 40. 10. and in the vine were three 4. 12- Joseph said, the three 4. ore three days 49>22. a boiuih, whose 4. roD over the wall 46 BRA Ejod. 25. 32. six h. ciime out of the sides uf the candlestick, three 4. out of one side, 37. 18. 21 Lev. '1%. 40. shall take 4. of palm trees, Neh. 8. 15 Job 15. 30. the flame shall dry up his 4. Psal. 80. 11. she sent out her 4. to the river 104. 12. the fowls which sing among the 4. Isa. 16. 8. Moab's 4. are stretched out 17. 6. four or five in the utmost fruitful 4. thereof 18. 5. he shall take away and cut down the 4. 27. 10. there shall he lie and consume the 4. 30.tl7. till ye be left as a tree bereft of 4. Jer. 11. 16. !uid the 4. of it are broken Ezek.X' .6. became a spreading vine whose 4.tdmed 19.10 she was fruitful and full of 4. 14. fire is gone out of a rod of her 4. 31.8. the chesnut-trees not like the Ajsyrian's 4. 36. 8. O mountains of Israel, ye shaL shoot b. Dan. 4. 14. hew down the tree, cut off his 4. ilos. 11.6. the sword shall consume Ephraim's 4. 14. 6. his 4. shall spread, and his beauty as olive Joel 1.7. my vine waste, 4. thereof are made white Neh. 2. 2. the empliers have marred their vine 4. Zech. 4. 12. 1 said, what be these two olive 4. .' Mat. 13. 32. the birds lodge ir. the 4. Luke 13. 19. 21.8.otherscutdown4. Mark. U.S. John 12. 13. Mark 4. 32. greater than all herbs, shooteth out 4. John 15. 5. 1 am the vine, ye are the 4. Rom. 11. 16. if the root be holy, so are the 4. 17- if some of the 4. be broken off, 19. 18. boast not against the 4. but if thou boast 21. for if God spared not the natural 4. take heed BRAND, S. Judg. 15. 5. and when he had set the 4. on fire Zech. 3. 2. is not thb a 4. plucked out of the fire ? BRANDISH. £36^.32. 10. when shall I 4. my sword before them r BRASS Is a sort of metal, Exod. 31. 4. and denotes, [1] A people impudent in sin, Isa. 48. Jer. 6. 28. Ezek. 22.18. [2J Ihe infinite pouier of Christ, Rev.1.15. A kingdom of brais, Dan. 2. 39. 7'he Grecian monarchy under Alexander the Great, said to be of brass, because of their many wars, andj're- quen: use uf arms, which acre gerurally made of brass. I will maie thy hoofs brass, Mic. 4. 13. I will give thee strength to tread underfoot, and break the power of thine enemies into pieces, that it shall never be repaired. It is a metaphor, taken from their manner of threshing corn, which wns by the treading of oxen, wlwse hoofs were shod with iron or brass, Deut. 25. 4. Ilos. 10. 11. Mountains of brass, Zech. 6. 1. denote the immove- able decrees of God, his steady execution of his counsels, and the insuperable restraints that are upon all empires and counsels, which God keeps within the bairiers of such impregnable moun- tains, that nut one can start till he open the way. I'zod. 25. 3. the offering, take gold, silver, 4. 35. 5. 26.11. make tachesof 4.36.18. | .30. 18. laverof4. 37. thou shall cast five sockets of 4. for them, 27. 10, 17, 18. I 36. 38. I S8. 11, 17, 19. £7. 2. shall overlay the altar with 4. (). | 38. 2. 4. net work of 4. I 19- pins of the court of 4. 31. 4. to work in gold, silver, and 4. 35. 32. 38. 5. rings of b. |{ 6. overlaid the staves with 4. 29. the 4. of the offering was seventy talents 39. 39. the braaen altar, and his grate of 4. Aii/«. 21. 9. made a serpent of 4. and put it on a pole, when he beheld the serpent of 4. he lived Deut. 8. 9. out of whose hills thou mayest dig 4. 28. £.i. the heaven over thy head shall be 4. Judg. 16. 21. Samson bound with fetters of 4. 1 ^m. 17. 5. fioliath had an helmet of 4. 38. 6. and he had greaves of 4. on his legs 2 Sam. 8. 8. king David took much 4.1 Chron.\iS.Z. 1 Kings 7. 14. Iliram was a worker in 4. 15. fur he cast two pillars of 4. 2 Kings 25. 13. 16. chapiters of 4. 2 Kings 25. 17. Jer. 52. 22. 27.basesof 4. || 30. plates || 38. lavers,2 C'Ar.4.l6. 45. the pots and shovels were ot bright 4. 47. weight of the 4. was not found, 2 Chron. 4. 18. 2 Kings 25. 7. bound Zedekiah with fetters of 4. 13. carried the 4. to Babylon, Jer. 52. 17. 1 Chron. 15. 19. to sound with cymbals of 4. 22. 3. David prepared 4. in abundance, 29. 7. 29. 2. 1 have prepared the 4. for things of A. 2 Chron. 12. 10. Rehoboam made shields of A. Job 0. 12. the strength of stones, or is my Hesh 4. f 40. 18. his bones are as strong pieces of 4. 41.27. Leviathan esteemethA. as rotten wood Psal. 107. 16. he hath broken the gates of 4. Isa. 45. 2. I will break in pieces the gates of A. 60. 17. for wood I will bring 4. for 4. gold y-;eA.24. 11. that the 4. of it may be hot and burn i><:n.'2. 32. his belly and his thighs were of 4. 39. shall arise another lliirU kingdom of 4. 7. 19. the fourth beast, whose nails were of 4. 10. 6. his feet like in colour 10 polished 4. AIic. 4. 13. will make thine bom iron, and hoofs 4. fiRE Zech. 6. 1. the mountains were mountains of 4. Mat. 10. 9. provide neither gold nor silver, nori. 1 Cor. 13. 1. 1 am become as sounding 4. or cymlial Kea. 1. 15. and his feet like to fine A. 2. 18. 9. 00. that they should not worship idols of 4. Iron and BRASS. Gen. 4. 22. Tubal-cain, instructor in 4. atid iron Lev.26.\'J V\\ make your heaven iTOi,yourear,:h4 i\n«i. 31.22. A. and iron which may abide the fire /.'eiir.33.25. thy shoes snail be iron and 4. as thydays JfjA. 20.8. return with B.and it>«,and much raiment 1 Chron. 22. 14. prep. b. and iron without weight,l6 2 Chron. 2. 7. a cuxming man to work in 4. and iron 14. sent a cunning man to work in 4. and iron 24. 12. hired such as wrought in iron a?uf 4.tomend Job 28. 2. iron taken out of the earth, and A. ijij. 48.4.and thy neck is an iron sinew.anrf brow 6. 60. 17. for 4. I will bring gold, for iron silver Jer. 6. 28. they are 4. and iron, A'le*. 22. 18. Ezei. 22. 20. as they gather iron and 4. into furnace* Dan. 2. 35. then was «n7n,clay,4.brok. to piece.<,45 . 4. IS.withaband of iri;;i u«rf 4.in tender gras3,23. 5. 4. they praised gods of silver, b^nd iron, wood Vessels of BRASS. £xorf.27.3. make all veeselsof b. \\ 38. 3. made v.ofb. Josh. 6. 19. all vessels of b. sure consecrated to the L. li.vesKls u/A.and iron they put into the treasury 2 6a«i.8.10.Joram brought vessels ofb.l Chr.Vi.lO. 2 Kings 25.14.i'eM£/ic/ 4.tooktheyaway,J«r.52.18 16. which Solomon had made.the 4. of all these vessels was without weight, Jer. 52. 20 £sra8.+27. two veisels 0/" yellow or shining 4. Eiek.i'. 13. theytradedinvessebof 4. i<*B.18 12. BRAZEN. £ji?rf.27.4.make. 4. rings || 35. l6.4. grate, 38. 4 38. 8. f A. glasses |l 10. their 4. sockets twenty Lev. 6. 28. the sin^jffering sodden in a 4. pot i\'um. 16. 39. 4. censers II lKingf4. 13.4. bars 1 Kings 7. 30, 4. wheels || 14. £7. made i. shields 2 Kings 16. 17. 4. oxen IJ 18. 4. brake the 4. serpent 25. 13. the 4. sea did C'haldeesbreak,^*.-. 52. 17. 2 Chron. 6. 13. Solomon had made a 4. scafibid. Job 6. 1 12. strength of stones, or is my flesh 4. .• Jer. 1. 18. 1 have made thee thb day 4. walls 15. 20. I will make thee a fenced 4. wall 52. 20. the 4. bulls || Mark 7. 4. 4. vessels ■See Altak. BRAVERY. Isa. 3. 18. the Lord will take away their 4. BRAWLER, S. 1 Tim. 3. 3. a bishop must be no 4. |' Tit. 3. 2. to b« BRAWLING, S. [no e Prov.25. 24. with A. woman in wide house, 21. 19. Jam. 4. t 1- from whence come wars and 4. t BRAY, ED. Job. 6. 5. doth the wild ass 4. when he hath grass ? 30.7. amongthe bushes they 4.they were gathered Ps.il. 42 t 1. as tlie hart 4. after the water-brooks Prov. 27 . 22 . tho' thou shouldest 4 a fool m a mortar BREACH Signifies, [1] The ruin of a well made by warlike engines, Ezek. 26. 10. [2] The altering, or not performing one's promise. Num. 14. 34. [3] Afracture, or bruise, Lev. 24. 20. [4] Decayti or ruined places Isa. 58. 12. f5] Jiu/gment,or punishment, 2 .Sam. 6. B. [6] Confusion and animosities, Psal. 60. 2. Had not Moses stood iu the breach, Psal. I06. 23. God had made an hedge, or wall about them; bus they had made a gap or breach in it, by their sin<, at which God, who was now justly become their enemy, might enter to destroy tkem ; which he would have done, had not Moses interceded for them. Ge«. 38.29. the midwife said, this 4. be upon thee t therefore his name was called a 4. Lev.2i. 20. 0. for 4. eve for eye, tooth for tooth S'um. 14. 34. ye shall know my 4. of promise Judg. 21. 15. the Ixird hath made a 4. mlhe tribes : Ham. 5. 20. broken forth as the 4. of waters 6. 8. Lord made a 4. on L'zzah, 1 Chron. 13. 11. 2 Kings 12. 5. wheresoever any 4. shall be fuunrf 1 Chr. 15. 13. the Lord our Goe of oiled 4. and a wafer 32. what remaineth of the 4. ye shall bum «1 .6. the 4. of their God they do offer, 8, 17, 21,22. 22. 25. nor from a stranger shall ye offer 4. 23. 18. ye shall offer with the 4. seven lambs 26. 26. ten women shall bake your 4. in one oven Num. 4. 7. and the continual 4. shall be thereon 14. 9. the people of the land, they are 4. fpr us 21 .5. no 4. nor water, our soul loatheth this light 4. 28. 8. my 4. for my sacrifices shall ye observe Dtm. H. 3. that he might make thee know that man doth not live by 4. only. Mat. 4. 4. LuU4. 4. £3. 4. they met you not with 4. and water 29. 6. ye have not eaten 4. nor drunk water yMA.9.5.all4.ol theirprovision was dry and mouldy 12. this our 4. we took hot for our prorision Judg. 7-13. acake of barley 4. tumbled into the host 8. 6. that we should give 4. to thy army, 15. 19. 5. comfort thy heart with a morsel of 4. 19. and there is 4. and wine also for me R«irA 1 . 6. Lord visited his people in giving them 4. 1 Ham. i. 5. they hired out themselves for 4. 36. shall eome and crouch to him for a morsel of i. 9.7. for the 4. is spent in our vessels, not a present 16. 30 Jeiw took kd aw laden with 4. and bottle 40 BEE 1 •SiMR.21.4. but there bhaUowed4.p 5. i.iseoaimon 6. prie.st gave him hallowed 4. tn put hot b. 111 day 22. 13. thou hast given him 4. and a sword 25. 11. shall I take my 4. and my water to give 28. 22. let me set a morsel of 4. before thee 30. 11. they found an Lgyptian and gave him 3 2 Sam. 3.29. let not fall from J oab one that lacketh b. 35. if I taste 4. or ought else till the sun be down 6. 1 9- he dealt to every one a cake of 4. and piece of I Kings 4. t22. Solomon's 4. for one day was (^irty 13. 22. but earnest back and hast eaten 4. and drunk 23. after he had eaten 4. and after he had drunk 1 Kings 17.6.ravens brought 4 and flesh in evening ll.oring me, I pray thee, a morsel of 4. 18. 4. atd fed them with 4. and water, 13. 2 Kings'* 42. and brought the man of God 4. 1«. 32. till I take you to a land of 4. Jsa. 36. 17 1 Chr 12. 40. they of Zabulon brought 4. on asses Neh. 5. 14. have not eaten the 4. of the governor 9. 15. and gavest them 4 from heaven for hunger 13. 2. because they met not Israel with 4. and water Job 15.23.waiidereth abroad for 4. saying.where is it 22. 7. thou ha.« withholden 4. from the hungrj- 27. 14. his offspring shall not be satisfied with 4. 28. 5. as for the earth, out of it comrth 4. 33. 20. his life abnorreth 4. and soul dainty meat Pja/. 37.25. nor have I seen his seed begging b. 78. 20. can he give 4. .' || 102. 9. eaten a.ihes like 4. 80. 5. thou feedest them with the 4. of tears 104. 15. and 4. which strenetheneth man's heart 105. 40. and satisfied them with the 4. of heaven 109. 10. let them seek their 4. out of desolate places 132. 15. I will satisfy her poor with 4. /'/•»f.917. stolen waurs swcet,4. eat. secret is pleas. 12. 9. he that is despised and hath a servant is better than he that honoureth himself and lacketh 4. 11. tilleth land shall be satisfied with 4. 28. I9. 50. 13. open thy eyes, thou shalt be satisfied with b. 17. 4. of deceit is sweet to a man, but afterward 22. 9. for he giveth of his 4. to the poor 31. 27. she eateth not the 4. of idleness Eccl. 9. 11. 1 saw race is not to swift, nor 4. to wist 11. 1. <^astthy 4. upon the waters, for shalt find it Isa 3. 1. Lord doth take away the w'aole stay of 4. 7. for in my house isjieither 4. nor clothing 21.14. they prevented with their 4. him that fled 30. 20, tho' the Lord give you the 4. of adversity 33 16 his 4. shall be given him, his waters be sure 44. 15. he baketh 4. on the coals thereof, 19. 51 . 14. should not die, nor that his 4. should fail 55. 2. why spend money for that which is not 4. .' 10. that it may give seed to the sower, 4. to eater 58. 7. is it not to deal thy 4. to the hungry > ier. 11. t 19. let us destroy the stalk with his 4. 42. 14. we shall see no war, nor have hunger of 4. 44. -f 17- for then had we plenty of 4. Lam. 1. 11, all her people sigh, they seek 4. 4. 4. young chi dren ask 4. no man breaks it them 5. 6. given hand to F^yptians to be satisfied with 4. 9. we gat our 4. with the peril of our lives Ettk. 4. 15. thou shzJt prepare thy 4. therewith 17. that they may want 4. and water and consume 16.49. pride, fnlnes$of4.and abundance of idleness 18. 7. but hath given his 4. to the hungry, 16. 44. 7. brought strangers when ye offer my 4. Hos. 2.5.1 will go after my lovers that give me 4. 9 4. their sacrifices shall be as the 4. of mourners Amos 4. 6. given you want of 4. in all your places 8. 11. not a famine ol 4. but of hearing the word Hag. 2. 12. if one with his skirt do touch 4. or wine Mai. 1. 7. ye offer polluted 4. upon mine altar MatA.i. command these stones be made4./^uX-*4.3. 6. 11. give nsthisday our daily 4. Luke 11. 11. 7. 9- if his son ask 4. will he give him a stone ? 15.26. not meet to take the children's 4. A/ar* 7. 27. 33. whence should we have so much 4. fMark 8.4. 16. 5. they had forgotten to take 4. Mark 8. 14. 11. that I spake it not to you concerning 4. 12. he bade them not beware of tlie leaven of 4. 26. S6. Jesus took 4. and blessed it, Mark 14. 22. Luke 7. 33. John Baptist came neither eating 4. 9- 3. take nothing for your journey, neither 4. 15. 17. servants of my father's have 4. enough 22. 19. took 4. gave thanks and brake it, 24. 30. 24. 35. how he was known of them in breaking 4. John 6. 5. two hundred penny-worth of 4. is not suff. 32. Moses gave yon not that 4. from heaven, my Father giveth yon the true 4. from heaven 33. the 4. of God is he || 34. Lord, give us this 4. 35. Jesus said to them, 1 am the 4. of life. 48. 41. I am the 4. which came down, 50, 58. 58. he thai eaielh of this 4. shall live for rttr 13.18. he that eateth 4. with me hath lift hisbrel 21. 9' tbey saw a fire and fish laid thereon and 4. 13. Jesus then taketh 4. and giveth them Acts 2. 42. they continued in breadting ol 4. 2. 46. and breaking 4. from house to house 20. 7. when the disciples came to break 4. 11. when 'oe had broken 4. and eaten, and talked 97. SA. ha took 4. and gave thanki to God BRE 1 Cor. 10. 16. 4. we break, is it not the communion 17. for we being many are one 4. and one bodv 1 1 .23. have received of Lord, that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took 4 2 Cor. 9. 10. both minister 4. to your food See Affliction. BREAD-CORN. Jsa. 28. 28. 4. -«/■ o/' 4. with ram of consecraxioD Judg. 8. 5. give loaf of b. to people ihal follow me 1 Sam. 10. 3. another carrying three loaves of 4. 4. they will salute, and give thee two loaves of b, 21. 3. give me five loaves ofb. in my hand 2 Sam. 16.1. and upon aisestwo hxman^ loaves of b. lCAfo.16.3 he dealt to every one of Israel a loaf of b. No BREAD. G«x.47. 13. there was no b. in all the land Sum. 21. 5. there is no 4. and our soul loatheth 1 Sam. 81. 4. there is no common 4. under my hand 6. for there was no 4. there, but shew-bread 28. 20. Saul had eaten no 4. all the day nor night 30 12. the Egyptian had eaten no b. three days 1 Kings 13. 9. eat>u>4. nor drink water. 17. 22. 21. 4. turned away his fate, and would eat na 4. 9.why thy ipirit to sad, mat thob eatest no b. 't BUE ( KV»j;«25.3.there was no i.for the peopte^rthem iron and steel r Id. t7. neither shall men i. bread for them 17. 1 18. b. them with a di'nble breach 19. 10. *. the bottle, so will I *. this people, 11. 2K. 4. I will b. yoke of king Babylon, 11. | 30. 8. 54. 13 he shall b. the images of Beth-shemesh 48. 12. I will send wanderers and i. Moab's bottles 49. 35. saiththe Lord, I will b. thebowof Elam i'2«t.4. 16. 1 will 4. the staff of bread, 5.1 6. | 14.13. 16. 38. judge thee as women that b. wedlock 23. 34. thou shalt *. the shreds thereof 2y. 7. when they took hold of thee thou didst *. 30. 18. when I shall *. the yokes of Egypt 22. and I will b. Pharzwh's arms, 24. Hos. 1. 5. I will i. the bow of Israel in Jezreel 2. 18. I will b. the bow, the sword and battle lO.ll.Judahshallplow, andJacob shall i.hisclods Joel 2. 7. they shall march and not b, their ranks Amos I. 5. I will b. the bar of Damascus iliic. 3. 3. who flay their skin, and b. their bones Nah. 1. 13 now will I b. his yoke from off thee Zech. 11. 14. that I might b. the brotherhood Mat. 5. 19. i. one of these least commandments 9. 17. else the bottles b. and the wine runneth Acts 20. 7. the disciples came together to b. bread 21. 13. what mean ye to weep and to i. my heart r 1 Cor. 10. 16. the bread which we *. is it not BREAK covenant. i^*p.26.l5.bnt that ye *.my e. || 44. 1 will not i.my r. Deul.3\. 16. this people will b. laj cov. I made, 20. Judg. 2. 1. I said, I will never*, my eov, with you Psal. 89. 34. my e. will I not *. nor alter the thing Jer. 14. 21. remember, *. not thy covenant with us 33. 20. if you can b. my cov. of the day and night Eiek. 17. 15. shall he *. covenant and be delivered ? Zech. 11. 10. that I might *. my cov. which I made BREAK down. Exod. 25. 24. quite 4. doum their images, Deut. 7. 5. Lev. 14. 45. and he shall *. down house, the stones Deut 12. + 3. ye shall b. down their altars Judg. 8. 9- when I come again, I will *. doum tower Neh. 4. 3. if a fox go up, he shall *. doan stone wall Psal. 74. 6. now they *. dozen the carved work Ea:cI. 3. 3. a time to b. doan and a time to build /(a. 5. 5. I will b. tloun the wall of the vineyard Jer. 31 . 28. as I have watched over them to b. doan 45. 4. that which I have built will X *. down Ezek. 13. 14. so will I b. down wall ye have daubed 16. 39. they shall b. down thy high places 26. 4. they shall b. down the towers of Tyrus 12. and they shall b. down thy walls Hos. 10. 2. he shall *. down their altars, and spoil BREAK forth. Eiod. 19. 22. lest the Lord b. forth upon them, 24. /ia. 14.7 they*/, intosire. 44.23. | 49.13. | 54.1. 52.(J. b.forih into joy.sing together, ye waste places 54. 3. for thou shalt //.forth on the right hand 55. 12. hills shall b. forth before you into singing 58. 8. then shall thy light b. forth as the moniing .fer. 1. 14. out of the north an evil shall A. forth Gal. 4. 27. b.foUh and cry, thou that travailest not BREAK off. Gen. 27. 40. thou shalt *. his yoke o^thy neck Eiod. .32. 2. *. 0/ the golden ear-rings, 24. Dan. 4. 27. O king, *. n^ thy sins by righteousness BREAK OH/. £'rof*x pillars of brass Jib 19. 2. how long wii. ye*. me in pi#«fwithwords 34.24 shall b.inpieces mighty men without number Ptal. 70. 4. he shall *. in pieces the oppressor 94. 5. they *. in pieces thy people, O Lord I\a. 45. 2. I will i. in pieces the gates of brass Jer. 1. t 17. lest I *. thee in pieies before them 51. 20. with thee will I *. in pieces the nations 21. with thee*, inpieces horse and rider, chariot 22. with thi'c *. in p. man, woman, old and young ZJa«.2.40.shall it *. in p. and bruise kingdoms, 44. 7.23. tJie fourth beast shall *. in pieces whole earth BREAK throueh. Eiod. 19.21. lest they *. thru' to the Lord to gaze 24. let not the priests and people * ihrougk BRE 2 Kings 3. 26. to i. thro' to tht king of Edom Mat. 6. 19. thieves*. (Aro'||20. Uueres>. ootdir* BREAK up. i Chron. 32. 1 1. Sennacherib thought to i. themnp Jer. 4. 3. *. up your fallow ground. Hot. 10. 12. BREAKER. Eiei. 18. 1 10. if he beget a son, a *. up of a hoiue M1C.2. 13. *. iscomeup||iC«m.8.25. ifa*. ofUn BREAKERS. i2om. 1. 31 without understanding, covenant-^. BREAKEST. Psal.4ii T thou *. ships of X'arshish with east-wind EREAKETH. Gen. 32. 26. he said, let me go, for the day *. Job 9. 17. for he *. me with tempest and miiltipli** 12. 14. hr i. down, and it cannot be Wit agzuu 16. 14. he *. me with breach upon breach 28. 4. the blood *. out from the inhabitants Psal. 10. 1 10. he *. himself, that the poor may fall 29. 5. A. the cedars || 46. 9. he *. the bow 119. 20. my soul *. for the longing that it hath Prov. 25. 15. and a soft tongue *. the bone Ecct. 10. 8. whoso b. an edge, a serpent shall bite Isa. 59. 5. which is crushed *. out into a viper Jer.ig.ll.as oneA.a potter's vessel, not made whol* 23. 29. is not my word like hammer that *. rock * Lam. 4. 4. children ask bread, and no man *. it Dan. 2. 40. forasmuch a3 iron *. in pieces all theM BREAKING. G(#i. 32. 24. there wrestled a man till th» * of day £j-orf. 9. 9. shall be a boyl b. forth with Uains, 10. '2. 2. ifa thief be found *. np, and be smitten Judg. 7.t 15. Gideonheard the dream, and*.ther«of 2 Kings ll.t6.keepthewatchofthehousefrom*.np 1 Chron. 14. 11. on enemies, like*, forth of waters Job 30.14. come upon me as a wide *. in of water* 41. 25. by reason of*, they purify themselves Psal. 144. 14. that there be no *. in nor going ou* Isa. 22. 5. *. down walls, and of crying to mount 30. IS.whose *. cometh suddenly at an instant 14. shall break it as the *. of the potter's vessel £i«i. 16.59. despised the oath in *. covenant, 17. IB. 21. 6. sipih, son of man, with *. of thy loins Hos. 13. 13. not stay long in place of*, forth of chil. Luke 24. 35. he was known of tliem in *. of bread John 7. t 23. without *. the law of Moses Actsi. 42 . they continued m A . of bread and prayers 4§. in the temple, *. bread from house to house Rom. S. S3, through *. the law, dishonourest God BREAST. Eiod. 29. 26. take the *. of the ram of consecratio* 27. shall sanctify the *. of the wave offering Lev. 7. 30. *. raaj be waved, the fat with the *. 31. but lL« *. shall be Aaron's and his sons' 34. the wave-*, and heave-shoulder have I taksn 8. 20. Mosestookthe*. and waved it for an offering 10. 14_. the wave-*, shall ye eat in a clean place Num. 6. 20. is holy to the priest, with the ware-*. 18. 18. 2is wave-*, and right shoulder are tbiod Job 24. 9. they pluck the fatherless from the *. Isa. 60. 16. thou shalt suck the *. of kingi Lam. 4. 3. even the sea monsters draw out the *. Dan. 2. 32. head of gold, his *. and bis arms of Luke 18. 13. the publican smote upon his *. saying John 13. 25. he then lying on Jesus' *. saith, 21. 20 BREASTS. Gen. 49. 25. bless with blessinp of the *. and womb Lev. 9. 20. put fat on the *. || 21 . *. Aaron waved Job 3. 12. or why the *. that 1 should suck 21. 24. his*, full of milk, and his bones moistened /'jo/. 22.9. make me hope when I was on mother's A. Prov. 5. 19. let her*, satisfy thee at all times Cant. 1 . 13. he shall lie all night betwixt my *. 4. 5. thy two *. are like two young roes, 7. 3- 7.7. thy *. are like two clusters of grapes 8. thy b. shall be as clusters of the vine 8. 1. my brother that sucked the *. of my mother 8. we have a little sister, and she hath no *. 10. I am a wall and my A. like towers Isn. 28. 9. are weaned from the milk drawn from t 66. 1 1 . be satisfied with (he *. of her consolations Ezek. 16.7. thy *. are fashioned, and hair grown 23.3.there were their *. pressed, there they bruiseo 8. and they bruised the *. of her virginity 34. and thou shalt pluck off thine own *. Hos. 2.2. put away her adulteries frombetw. her 4 9. 14. give them a miscarrying womb and dry *. Joel 2. 16. and gather those that suck the *. Nah. 2.7. as with voice of doves tabring on theirA. Luke 23. 48. the people smote their * and returned Rev.l5.6. having their *. girded with golden girdles BREAST-PLATE Was a pieca of embroidery of ahout ten tHCites sipusre, of very rich work, which the high-priest of the Jews wore u/vn his breast, and witch war set with four rows of precious stones, upon every one of which was engraven the nam* of ont of rhe tribes of Israel : It was double, or maJt oj two pieces folded one upon the other, like a ktm^ of purse or bag, that it might thi titttT suppar BRE tht prteuiu tlonti. and that it might reeeire the CiliE and Thcimniim, t A. and said, child is not 38. 11. for he said, lest he die also as hit b. did 44. 33. and let the lad go up with his A. 47. 12. Joseph nourished his father and his A. ('€H. 49. 26. that was separate from his A. Dent. 33.16. hxod. 1 .6. Joseph died, his A. and all that generation 2. 1 1 .Moses went out to his b. and looked on their burdens, and spied an Egypt, smiting one of .'dj A. Lev. 21. 10. and he that is high-priest amoni; Am A. 25.48. after he is soM, one ofAi.( A. may redeem hint !\uni. 25. 6. brought to his A. a Midianitish woman 27. 9- then shall ye give his inheritance to his A. Dent. 10. 9. I-evi hath no part with his A. 17. 20. that his heart be not lifted up above his A. 18. 7. he shall minister as all his b. the Levites do 20. 8. lest Ills A. heart faint as well as his heart 2t. 7- if a man be found stealing any of /i« A. 33. 9. nor did he acknowledge his A. nor knew 24. let Asher he blessed auid acceptable \o hit A Jndg^ 9- 5. Abimelech slew his A. being 70 persons 26. (iaal came with his A. and wtnt to Shecheia. 5<5. which he aid to his father in slaying his 70 A 11.3. .lephthah fled from his b. and dwelt in Tob liiith 4. 10. name of the dead l)e not cut off from Aij A 1 6'<;m. 16. 13. Samuel anointed him in midst of Au A 22. 1. when his A. and father's house heard it 2 Kings 9. 2. make him rise up from among his b. 1 Chron. 4. 9. Jabez more honourable than his A. 5. 2. for Judah prevailed above his A. 7 .22. Ephraim mourned, hisb. came to comfort him 25. 9- with his A. and sons were twelve [Ho to the end of the chapl.r. 2 CAron. 21.4. Jehoramslew allAi/A. with the swcrd K\ili. 10.3. .Mordecai the Jew was accepted of Ai<6 Hot. 13. 15. though he be fruitful uno(>( hit 6. BRE Aric.a.'.Hie remnant of /i(> 6. sliall return to Israel Hlot. IC.46. hismolherand Alii, stood without, de- siring to speak with him, MariS. 31. LuieS. I9. Jo/i>i 7. 5. for neither did /lis b. believe in him Acts 7- 13. Joseph was made known to h\s b. 23. it came into MoseV heart to visit his b. 25. for lie supposed his b. vould have understood 1 Cor. 6. 5. no not one able to judge between his b. tieb. 2. 17. it behoved him to be made like to his b. Men and BRETHREN. Acts\. iQ.menandb. this scripture must be fulfilled 2. 29- fen and b. let me freely speak to you of D. 37. to Fcter and rest, wenanrfA. what shall we do? 7.2. and he said, men, b. and fathers, hearken V6l5.men and b. if ye have any word of exhortation 26. men and b. children of the stock of Abraham 38. be it known to you, men and b. thro' this man 15.7. men and i.ye know G. made choice among us 13. James answered, men and b. hearken unto me S2. 1. men, b. and fathers, hear my defenca S^.l.me?tand b. I have lived in all good conscience G.ynenand b.l am a Pharisee.thesonofa Pharisee £3. 17. men and b. tho' I haTe committed nothing My BRETHREN. Gen. 29. 4. Jacob said to (hem, my 4. whence be ye : 31.37. set it here before ffiy i. and thy brethren 37. 1(). I seek my b. tell me where they feed Hocks 46.31.;nyi.and father's hou.se arecome to me, 47-1. JCiod. 4. 18. let me go and return to my b. in Egypt Josh. 2.13. they will save alive my father and tny b. 14. 8. my b. made the heart of the people melt Judg. 8. 19. Gideon said, they were 7«y b. 19. "^.niyb. I pray you, do not so wickedly 1 &rffi. 20. 29. let me getaway, I pray, and see my 4 30. 23. then David said, ye shall not do so, iny b. 2 Ham. 19. 12. ye are niu b. my bones, and my ilesh 4 1 Chr. 28. 2. David said, hear me, my b. and people A«/i. 1. 2. Ilanani, one oi my b. came and men 4. 23. I nor my b. nor guard put off our clothes 5. 10. I and my b. might exact of them money 14. I and my b. have not eaten bread of governor Job 6. 15. my b. have dealt deceitfully 19.13. he hath put myb. far from me, and acquaint. /*ja.'.22.22.Iwill declare thyuanietOOTj/4.iit'i.2.12. 69. 8. I am become a stranger to my b. an alien 122. 8. for my b. and companions' sake, I will say A/fl/.12.48.he'saidtohim,whoarem^i..'.1/ari3.33. 49. behold my mother and v\y b. Marl 3. 3i. 25. 40. ye have done it to the least of these mv b. '28. 10. go tell my b. that they go into Galilee ZiiieS.Hl. myb. are these which hear word of God John £0. 17. go to my b. and say to ihem, I ascend ii«m. 9. 3. myself were accursed fromC^hrist ioT?ny b. Jam. 5.10. take my b. the prophets who have spoken 12. but above all things, mii b. swear not Ottr BRETHREN. G«n. 31. 32. before o//r i. discern what is thine, take it J\um. 20. 3. when onr b. died before the Lord Denl. 1. 28. our b. have discouraged our hearts 2&im. 19.41. why have our b. stolen thee away? 1 Chr. 13.2. let us send abroad to oar A. every where Neh. 5.5. yet now our ilesh is as the fiesh of our b. 8. after our ability have redeemed (i!U-i. the Jews Acls 15.36. let us go again visit 07ir b. in every city 2 Cor. 8. 23. or mir b. be inquired of, are messengers Hev. 12. 10. for the accuser of our b. is cast down Their BRETHREN. Num. 8. 26. but shall minister with their 6. in taber. Veut. 18.2. Leviteshave noinlierit. among ijieir b. 18. 1 will raise a propliet from among their b. Judg. 20. 13. not hearken to the voice of their b. 21. £2. when rheir b. come to us to complain 2&m. 2. 26. bid people retumfrom following ^/iCi'r*. 2 Ki)tgs 23. 9- Jiil lat uiilcav. bread among their b. 1 Chr. 0. 32. these dwelt with their b. in Jerus.y.3B. 12. 32. all their b. were at their commandment 39. drinking, for their *. had prepared for them 2 C/ir. 28. 15. brought them to their b. to Jericho AVA.5. 1. was a great cry against //(«(> A. tlie Jews 13. 13. their office was to distribute to their b. Job42. 15. father gave them inherit, among 14. whether i; be well with thy 6. and the flocks 48.22 1 have given to thee one portion abore thy b. 49- 8. thou art he whom thy b. shall praise Dmt. 15. 7- if a poor man of thy b. be within gates 17- 15. from among thy b. shalt thou set king over 18.15. 1 will raise up a prophet of rAy b. like to me 24. 14. not oppress the poor of thyb. or stranger Josh 2. 18. thou shall bring thy b. home unto ihie Jiuig. 14.3. no woman among daughters of thyb. 1 Sam. 17. 17. take for thy b. run to camp to tliy b. 18. look how thy b. fare, aoa taJie their pledge BRI 2 Sam. 15. CO. return, take back thy b. wiih liiee 2 Chron. £1. 13. hast slain iky b. better than thyself Jer. 12.6. thy b. have dealt treacherously with thee Eiek. 11. 15. thy h. even tliyl. men of thy kindred Mat. 12. 47. behold, thy mother and tliy b. stand without, Mark 3. 32. Luke 8. 20. Luke 14 12. call not thy b. lest they bid thee agaisi 22. 32. when thou art converted strengthen thy b. Rev. 19. 10. see thou do it not, I am ot thy b. 22. y Your BRETHREN. Gen. 42. ig. let one of your i. be bound in prison 33. leave one of your b. here with me Lev. 10.4. carry your b. from before the sanctuary 6. let your b. bewail the burning the Lord kindled 25. 46. over your b. ye shall not rule with rigour Num. 18. 6. behold I have taken your 4. the Levites 32. 6. shall your A. go to war and shall ye sit here.' Dent. 1. 16. hear the causes between your i, 3. 18. pass over armed before your 4. Jcj/i. 1. 14 20. till Lordhathgivenrestto »o?/r 4. Jo.(/i. 1.15. Josh. £2.3. ye have not \eftyour b, these many days 4. and now the Lord hath given rest to your i. 8. divide the spoil of your enemies wi;h your i. 1 Kings 12. 24. not fight against vot/ 4. 2 Chr. 1 1. 4. 2 Chiun. 19. 10. what cause shall come to you of your b. and so wrath come upon you and yowr b. 28. 11. deliver captives ye have taken ol your b. 30. ". be ye not like your 4. which trespassed 9. if ye turn, your b. shall find compassion ^eh. 4.14. and fight for your i. your sons and wives 5.8. will you even sell yo?ir 4. or shall they be sold- ha. 66. 5. yojir 4. that hated you, that cast you out 20. they shall bringyoKf 4. for an offering to Lord Jer. T .15. cast you out as I have cast out all your 4, H0S.Q..I. say to your 4. Ammi, to sisters, Ruhamah .i17a/.5.47.if ye salute yo?e- strainit of lain, humanity, or modesty, uhereby yeojile are kept in ane. Job 30. 11. and (2) lor the restraining potcer and yrcvidence of GcJ, 2 Kings 19. 28. Isa. 30. 28. 2 Kings 19.28.1 will put my 4. in thy lips, Jja. 37.20. Jo430. 11. they have let loose the 4. before me 41. 13. who can route U) hiiu with his double 4. f BRI Psal. 32.9. wnose mouth mt;st be helJ in wil}. a J. ? Zg. 1. I will keep my mouLh with a 4. Prov. 26. 3. a 4. for the a-ss, a rod for the fool'shnrk Jsa. 30. 28. there shall be a 4. in jaws of the people /iech. 14. t 20. on the b. holiness to the Lord yH»i.l.26.if any seem religious and 4. not histongoe 3. 2. and able also to 4. the whole body Jiev. 14.20. blood came out of wine-press to horse 4 BRIEFLY. Jiom. 13. g. it is 4. comprehended in this saying 1 /'e<.5.12.by Sylvanus a brother 1 have written S, BRIER Is a prickly hurtful sort of plant, Isa. 5. 6. To which are compared, [1] An euemi/, the .issi^ rian army, that molested the children of Israel Isa. 10. 17, [2] Misehreious and hurllul per- sons, Ezek. 28. 24. [.i] iiins, huts, and con cp lions, ahich spring from a slony and unregene- rated heart, lleb. 6. 8. Jsa. 55.13. instead of ihe b. come up the myrtle-tree Lzek. 28.24. shall be r:o more a pricking 4. to IsvhoI Mic. 7. 4. the best of them is as a 4. BRIERS. Judg. 8. 7. then I will tear your fiesh with > 10. he took the elders of the city and 4. Isa. 5. 6. there shall cume up 4. and thorns 7. 23. it shall even be for b. and thorns 24. because all land shall become 4. and thorns 25. not come thither the fear of 4. a'ld thorns 9- 18. wickedness shall devour the 4. and thorns 10.17. it shall devour his 4. and thorns in one day 27. 4. would set 4. and thorns against me in battle 32. 13. on the land shall come up b. and thorns Ezei. 2. 6.sonofmaii,tho'4. and thorns be with thee iie4.6.8. that which beareth 4. and thorns is rejected BKIGANDINE. Jer. 46. 4. furbish the spears and put on the 4. 51. 3. against him that lifteth up himself in his 4 BRIGHT. Lev. 13.2. when a man shall have a 4. spot, 24, 38. 4. if the 4. spot be white in the skin of his Ilesh £3. if 4. spot stay in his place and spread not, 2>J 14. 56. this is the law for a stab and for a 4. spot 1 Jiiugs 7. 45. all the vessels Hiram made for the. house of the Lord were of 4. brass, 2 C7j;oh.4.16. Job 37. 11. he scattered his b. cloud 21. now men see not the 4. light in the cloutis Cfl?ic. 5. 14. belly is as 4. ivoryoverlaid with sapphires Jer. 51. 11. make4. the arrows, gather the shields E:ek. 1. 13. tlie firt wai i. and out of fire lightning 21. 15. the swotd is made 4. it is wrapt up 21. for the king of Babylon made his arrows i 27. 19. i. iron and cassia were in thy market .'i2. 8. 4. lights I will make dark over thee Kah. 3. 3. the horseman lifteth up the 4. sword Zeeh. 10. 1. so the Lord shall make b. clr.ud.s ■Mat. 17,5. behold a 4. cloud overshadowed them Luke il. 36. as when the 4. shining of a candle Acts 10. ,30. a man stood before me in 4. clothing Iiev. 22. 16. I am the 4. and morning star BRIGHTNESS Signifies, [1] Light, or lucidness, Isa. 59. 9. Amos 5. 20. [2] Aalural form and beauty, Dan. 4k. 36. [3] Royal dignity, glory, atid splendour,. Ezek. 28. 7. 2 Ham. £2. 13. through the 4. before him were coals of fire kindled, I'sal. 18. 12. /o4 31. 26. or beheld the moon walking in i. I'sal. 89. +44. thou madest his 4. to ceaie Jya. 5y. g. we wait for 4. but we walk in darkness OO. 3. and kings shall come to the 4. of thy riiing 19. nor for 4. shall the moon give light tu thee 62. 1. till the righteousness thereof go forth as 4. 6t). -t 11. be delighted with the 4. of her glory Ezik. 1. 4. and a fire and a 4. was about it, 27. 28. so was the appearance of 4. round about 8 2. as the appearance of 4. as the colour of anilicr 10. 4. the court was full of 4. of the Lord's glory 28. 7. behold, strangers shall defile thy 4. 17. thou hast corrupted by reason of thy 4. Dan.C.3\. this great image, whose 4. was excellent 4. 36. my honour and b. returned unto me 5. t 6. then the king's 4. was changed, 1 9. 12.3. the wise .shall shine as the 4. of the firmament Wmo.i5.S0. d.ay of Lord shall be very dark and no 4. JJab. 3.4. his 4. w,is as the light, he had hums Acts 26. 13. light from heaven above 4. of iJie sun 2 Jhess.CU. shall destroy with the 4. of his comiiug JJeb, 1. 3. t»ho being the 4. of his glory and ia>ag» BRIM. Josh. 3. 15. feet of the priest dipped in 4. of watri 1 A'iH»/7-26. 4. wrought like #. of acup,2 C>tr.4.S 2 Chron. 4. 2. he made a molten sea from 4. to 4 John 2. 7. and tlirv filled them up to the i. .BRIMSTONE. Cm. 19.24. rained on Onm. >. and fire, L«i« 17.29 Ueut. 2y. 23. the whole land thereof is 4. andsait Job 18. 15. 4. ^hall be senttered on bis babitrttio^ I'tat. 11. 6. upon wicked he shall rain •Dare.s. fird/ and 4 and aa horrible tenptii. £ui.3i).1ii BRI Isa. 30. SS breath of the Lord like a stream of i. M. 9- VI ^c dx^c thereof turned into 6. Ii«t>. 9- 17- .>at of their mouths issued fire and 6 ta. the third part of men was killed by the i. 14. 10. he shall be tormented with fire and 6. I9.20.cas1 into a lake of fire, burning with i. 20.10 Kev. 21. 8. whoremongers, and all liars, shall have thtir part in lake which burneth with fire and i. BRING. Geu. 6. 17. I do 4. a flood of waters on the earth IQ. two of every sort shall thou *. into the ark g. 14. when I *. a cloud over earth, the bow seen 18. If). Abrahajn did i. them on their way 19. Lord may *. on Abraham what he hath spoken 27. 4. and 6. it to me that I may eat, 25. 5. i. me venison || 12. I shall *. a curse on me 42. 20. i. your youngest brother to me, 34. 37. if I 4. him not to thee, 4.3. 9. | 44 32, 43. 16. 6. these men home, slay and make ready 45. 19. take wagons and 4. your father, and come 48. 9. 4. them 1 pray to me, and I will bless them lirod. 10. 4. else to-morrow I will 4. the locusts SI. 1. yet will I 4. one plague more on Pharaoh 13. 5. it shall be when the Lord shall 4. thee, 11. 18. 19. that thou mayest />. the causes to God ^1. 6. his master shall 4. him to the judges 'M. 13. if it be torn in pieces, 4. it for witness 23. 4. thou shalt surely 4. it back to him again 19. first of first-fruits of thy land shalt 4. 34. 26, 20. I will send an Angel to 4 thee into the place 35. 5. whoso i3.j)f a willing heart, let him 4. !6. 3. the people 4. much more than enough Xjfv. 5.7. if he be not able to 4. a lamb, U. | 12.8. 8. and he shall 4. them to the priest, 12. 16. 12 shall 4 fire and incense within the vail 17. 3. that Israel may 4. their sacrifices to the L. Num. 8. 9 and thou shalt 4 the Levites, 10. 14.8. if the Lord delight in us, then ne will i us 16. because the L. was not able to 4. Deut.Q 28. 24. my servant Caleb, him will I 4. Into the land Iti. 17. 4. before the Lord every man hi'* censer 20. 12. ye shall not 4 this congregation into laud sa. 5. give this land, and 4 usnot.over /tordan liiau. 1. 17. the cause too hard foryou,4. it tome 7. 1. when the Lord shall 4. thee into the land 21. 12. then thou shalt 4 her home to thy house 23. 2. then thou sha't 4 it unto thine qvvd house 30. 12. 4. it to us, that we may hear ana do, 13. 33. 7. hear. Lord, and *■ Judah to hispeopie 1 ■'iam 1.22. till child 6e weaneri, then ) will 4. him 9- 7. then said Saul what shall we b. the man 23. 4. the portion I gave thee, of which I said 11. 12. 4. the men, that we may put them to death M. 8. for why shou'.dest thou 4. me to thy father t Sam. 3.12. my hand with thee, to 4. Israel to thee 13. except thou 4. Michal whemhou comest W.IO whosoever saith aught to thee, 4. him to me 19. 11 why are ye last to 4. the king tack ? I icings 3. 24. and the king said, b. me a sword A. .32 the wicked, to 4. his way on his head t47. if 4 back to their heart, 2 C/ifwi. 6. 1 37. 13 18 4 him back with thee to tBine house 17 11. 4. me a morsel of bread in thine hand 20. S3 then he said, go ye 4 him £ Kings 2 CO. 4. me a new cruse, and put salt 4. 6. 4. yet a vessel K 41 4. meal and cast it •J. 19. 1 will 4 you to the man whom ye seek I Chron 13. t 3 let us 4. about the ark of our God 16. 29 i an offering and come before him 21 . 2 the number of them to me, that I may 2C4fffK.31.10 since the people began to 4 offerings Xeh. 13. 18. did not our God 4. tk.j evil on us ? /a4 6. 22 did I say 4 unto mt, or give a reward 10. 9. wilt thou 4. me into the dust again > 14.4. who can 4 a clean thing out of an unclean? 18. 14. it shall 4 him to the king of terrors 50. 2^ for I know thou wilt 4. me to death S3. 3C. to 4. back his soul from the pit >'»a/. 43 3. let them 4. me to thy holy hili So. 9. who will 4 me into strong city ? 108 10. 72. 3. the mountains shall 4 peace to the people >i. 23. he shall 4. on them their own iniquity Ptov. 29. 8. scornful men 4. a city into a snare Fxd. 3. 22. who shall 4. hhn to see what shall be .' 11. 9. know that God will 4. thee into judgment 15. 14. God sh*ll A. every work into judgment Cam. 8. 2. I woul3 4 thee into my mother's house /io. 7. 17. Lord shall A. on thee and my people 14. 2. the people shall 4. them to their place l."*. 9. for I will 4 more upon Dimon, lions on hin. 16. t 3. 4. counsel, erecate judgment, make tl.y -5. 12. thall he 4. to the ground, even to the 45. 21. tell ji ami 4. them near, let them take 40. 1 3. I 4. near my righteousness, it not be far off 56. 7. even tl.em will I 4. to my holy mountain 36. 7. and that thou 4. the poor to thy house 60. 1". for brass I will 4. gold, for iron 4. silver 66. 4. I will i. their fear upon them Jtr. S. 14. I will take you and 4. you to Zion 10. 8*. not in anger, lest thou 4. me to nothing BRI Jer.W. 8.1 will 4. on fuem all the words of this cot. 17. 18. 4. upon them, day ot evil and destroy them 31. H. 1 will 4. them from the north country 32. 42. so 1 will 4. on them all the good promised 3). 6. behold I w.!l 4. it health and cure 1 1 .them that shall 4. sacrifice of praise into house 49. 5. behold, 1 will 4. a fear upon thee Lam. 1. t"l6. that should 4. back my soul is far Ezsk. 6. 3. I, even I, will 4. a sword upon you 11.9. 1 will 4. you out of the midst thereof CO. 15. that I would not 4. them into the land 21. 2y. I will 4. on the necks of them that are slain 23 22. I will 4. them ag.iinst thee on every side .34 13. I will4. themtotheirland,.36. 24 | 37.T:i. 38. 17. that I would 4. thee against them }los. 2. 14. I will allure and 4. her to wilderness .Irnos 4. 1 . 4 and let usdrink || 4. 4. your sacrifices A/'- 1. 15. yet will I 4. an heir to thee Zee/,. 8. 8. I will 4. them, and they shall dwell JUal. 1 ^ 7. ye 4. pofluted bread to mine altar 3. IC 4. all the tithes into the store-house Mat. 2. 13. be thou there till 1 4. thee word 5. 23. therefore if thou 4. tny gift tc the altar 17. 17. 4. him riixher to me, Mark 9 I9. 21.2.yeshal('find an ass and a* olt,loose them and 4 them to we, Mark 11.2. Litke ly. 30. Markt 32. and they 4. to him one that was deaf Liike 2. 10. for I 4. you good tidings of great joy 8. 14 choked with tares, and 4 no fruit to perfect. 12. 11. when they 4. yon into the synagogues Ji-/in 10. 16. other sheep, them also 1 must 4. 14. 2S. and 4 all things to your remembrance 18. 29. Pilate said, what accusation 4 you : 21. 10 4. of the fish which ye have now caught. Acis 5. 28 ye intend to 4. this man's blood on us 7 6. that they should 4. them into bondage 9. 2. lie might 4. them bound to Jerusalem, 21 22. 5. X went to Damascus to 4 them bound 23. 10. commanded to 4. Paul into the castle 17. 4. this young man to the chief captain 1 Cvr 1 19. I will 4. to nothing the understanding 28. things that are not,4 to nought things that are 4. 17 shall 4. you into remembrance of my ways 9 27 keep under my body, I 4 it into subjectioi),; 16.6. that ye may 4.meonmy journey whither I go 2 Cor. 11.20. ye suffer, if a man 4. you into bondage Cial. 3. 24. our school-master to 4. us to Christ 1 T/tesi. 4. 14. them that sleep will God 4. with him 2 7'im. 4 11. take Mark and 4. him with thee 1 Pee. 3 18. suffered that he might 4. us to God 2 Jo/in 10 if any come and 4. not this doctrine 3 John 6. whom if thou 4. forward on their journey lUv. 81. 24 and kings do 4 their glory to it 26. they shall 4. the glory of nations into it &!e Home, Hither. BRING again. Gen. 24. 5 must I 4. thy son again to the land ? 6. beware thou, that thou 4. mit my son again, 8. 28 15 I will 4. thee ajain into this land, 4«. 21. 37 14. if well with brethren, and 4 word agatn 42. 37 deliver him, and I'll 4 him to thee again Eiod 23 4. shalt surely 4 it back to him again Knm. 17. 10. 4. Aaron's rod flf am before tes;imony 22. 8 lodge this night, and I'll 4 you word again Deut 1.22.4 us word o^am what way we must go 22. 1. in any case 4. them again to thy brother 28. 68 the Lord shall 4. thee into Egypt again Jiutg 11 9 if ye 4. me home again to fight 19 3 her husband arose, and went to 4. her a»(7i« 2 ''iam. 12 23. can I 4 him again, I shall go to him 14. 21 4. the young man Absalom again 15 8. if the Lord shall 4 me again to Jerusalem 25 he will 4. me again and shew me it [6. 25. 1 A iugs 8 34. forgive and 4. them again, 2 Chron. 12. 21. he assembled J udah against Isr. to 4. king- dom again to Rehoboam, 2 Chron. 11.1 i Chron 13 3. let us 4 of a in the ark of our God 21. 12 advise what word I shall 4. again to him 2 Chron. 24. I9 he sent prophets to 4. them again Xeh. 9 29. that mightest 4 them again to thy law /'ia/.68.22 Lord said, I will 4. again from Bashan, I will 4. again my people from the depths of sea Prov 19.24. not so Much as 4. it to his mouth again 26 15 grieveth him to 4 it asam to his mouth 1-a 38. 8 I will 4. again the shadow of the degrees 4/) 8 4 it a^ain to mind, '. ye transgressors 49 5. saith the Ixjrd, to 4 Jacob again to hiin 5J 8 shall see when the Lord shall 4. again Zion Jer 12 15 1 will return and 4. them a;ain,5u. ly. 15 19. if thou wilt return, then will 14. iheea^-vii; ltl.l5 I will 4. them a?. to Iheir land, 24.6. | 32.37. 23 3 I will 4. them again into their folds 28. 3 in two years I will 4. again the vessels 4. I will 4 again to this place Jeconiah, 6. 30.3 I will 4. tfgaift captivity of my people Isr nd Judah. 18. I 31 £3. i'lek. 3y. 25. Aniot 9. I4. 48. 47. yet will I 4. again the captivity of Moab 4y .6.4. a?ain the captivity of Amnion |1 39 if Klam Ljf*. 16.55 when I 4. aj. their captivity, 1 will4.og. 2y. 14. I will 4 again the captivity ot Lgypt BRI EMelt.H. It. I will 4. again that which wms driven iieph. 3. 20 at that time I will 4. you again Zech. 10. 6. I will 4. them again to place them 10. I will 4. them again out of land of Egypt Mat. 2. 8. 4. me word again that I may worship iSee Captivity. BRING down. Gen. 42. 38. 4. down my grey hairs, 44. 29, 31. 43. 7 he would say, 4 your brother down, 44. 2X. 45. 13. ye shall haste and 4. do-j.n my father Dent 9. 3. he shall 4. them down before thy face Judg.1 .4.4. them dojen to the water and 1 will try 1 -bum. 30. 15. canst 4. me dojL-n, I will 4. thee dozon 2 .bizm. 22. 28. eyes on the haughty to 4. them do-ant 1 hing\ 1. 33 Solomon 4. him dovn to Gihon 2. 9. his hoary head 4. thou doain with blood Psal. 18. 27. wilt save afHicted, 4. down high looks 55. 23. shalt 4. them doan to pit of destruction Isa. 25. 5 thou shalt 4 dojvn the noise of strangers 1 1 .he shall b.duun their pride together with spoils 12. the high fort of thy walls shall he 4. down 63 0. I will 4. doan their strength to the earth Jer.ii^.lQ. \ will 4. thee doa-n from thence, Obad. 4. 51. 40. I will 4. them dozen like lambs to slaughter Lzek. 26. 20. when I shall 4. thee doan with them 28. 8 they shall 4. thee down to pit, and shalt die Has 7. 12. I will 4. them down as fowls of heaven Joel 3.2. 4. them dovin to the valley of J ehoshaphat + 11. the Lord shall 4. dosn thy mighty ones Amos 3. 11. he shall 4. do:cn thy strength from thee 9-2 tho' climb to heaven, thence will 4. them down Obad. 3. saith in his heart, who shall 4. me down ? Acts 23. 15. that he 4. him doj.n to you to-morrow 20. the Jews desire tho" wouldst 4. doan Pau< Horn. 10 6 that is to 4. Christ down from above See Evil BRING forth. Gen. 1.11. let earth b.forth,Z\. || 20.waters4./or 14.9. it will bud and b.forth boughs like a plant 15. 35 they conceive mischief, and b.forth vanity 38.32 canst thou b.forth Mazzaroth in his season ' 3y 1. knowest thou when wild goats 4./orM.i' 2,3. 40. CO. surely the mountains 4. hira forth food PsaL'ib. i 15. he shall b.forth my feet out of the act 37. 6. he shall 4. forth thy righteousness as light 92. 14. they shall still b.forth fruit in old age 104. 14. that he may b.forth food out of the earth 144. 13. that our sheep may 4. forth thousands Prov. 8.t 35. whoso findeth me shall b.forth favour 27. 1. thou knowest not what a day mz.y b.forth Isa. 5. 2. he looked that it should b.forth grapes, 4. 23 4. saying. I travail not, nor 4. forth children .33.1 1. ye shall conceive chaff, an(J b.forth stubble 41. 21. b.forth your strong reasons, saith the King £2. let them b.forth and shew what shall happen 42. 1. he shzdl b. forth judgment to the Gentiles 3. he shall 4. forth judgment unto truth 43.8. b.forth Wind people that have eyes, and deaf 9- let them b.forth their wit"esses that they may 4.').8.let earth open, and let them b.forth salvatioa 55. 10 waterefh the earth, and maketh it b.forth 5y.4. they conceive mischief, and b.forth iniqiiity 65. 9. and I will 4. forth a seed out of Jacob 23. not labour in vain, nor b.forth for trouble 66.8. shall the earth be made to b.forth in one day ' 9. shall I bring to birth, and notcause to b. forth? Jer. 12.2. they grow, yea they b.forth fruit 51 .44. I'll b.forth out of mouth what he swallowed Ezek. 12. 4. thou shalt b.forth thy s' uft by day 17. 23. anJ .t shall b.forth boughs a'ld bear fruit £0. 6. to 4. them/or(/( of the land of Egypt 38. I will 4. ihitm forth out of the country 28. 18. therefore will 1 b.forth afire in the midst 01 3a. 4. I will 4. Haee forth thy army and horsemen 47.12. shall b.forth newtruit according to raontb BRI Hot. 9. 13. bnt Epbraim shall h. forth his children ifi.tho' they b. forth, yet will I slay beloved fruit Mid. 10. be in pain and labour to b. for-tli, O Zicn 7 9- he will b me forth to the light Zepli. 2. 2. before the decree b. forth, the day pass Zech. 3. 8. I will b. forth my servant the Branch 4. 7. shall 4./urr/j the head-stone with shoutings 5. 4. *. forth a curse, and it shall enter the house Mat. 1.23. behold, a virgin shall b. forth a son, 21. 3. 8. b. forth fruit meet lor repentance, Luke 3. 8. 7 18.goe hy sail 16. they occupied in thy fairs with 4 work 24. thy merchants in blue clothes and 4 work 1 Tim. 2. 9- ibat women adorn, not with i. hair BROILED Luie 24. 42. they gave him a piece of a 4. fish BROKEN. Gen. 17 14. he hath 4. my covenant, Psal. 55 20 Isa. 24.5. I .33 8. Jer. 11. 10. /. 19. 10. they shall be 4. in the purposes thereof 21. 9. all graven miages he hath 4. to the ground 28. 13. that they might fall backward and be 4. .33.8. he hath 4 ihe covenant, be regardcth no mau 20 nor shall any of the cords thereof be 4. 30. 6. lo, thou trustest in the st.iff of this 4. reed 42. 1 4. he shall not fail nor be 4. till he have s»t Jer. 2. 13. hewed out 4. cisRTns that bold no wat<-r 16. the children have 4. the crown of thy head 20. of old I have 4. thy yoke, and burst bands 5. 5. the.^e have 4. thy yoke, and burst thy bond? 10. 20. all my cords are 4. mj children gone 11. 16. kindled a fire, and the branches of it are 4 14. 17 . for the virgin daughter of niy people is A. 22. 28. is this man C'oniah a despii^ed 4. idol ' 23. 9. mine heart is t. because of ihe proptMi 28. 2. 1 biva 4 the Toka of iha kinc ol Ba«n^ BRO Irr. 28. 13. Ilananiah, thoa n,\st *. the yokes of i3. SI. then may also my covenant be j.with David 4o. 17. ho'A- is the strong staff*, and beautiful rod C5. the arm of RIoab is b. saith the Lord 3cl. for 1 have h. Moab like a vessel, wherein is no 50.17. this Nebuchadnezzar hath 4. Israel's bone: 2S. the hammer ol whole earth cut asunder andi 31. 5l>. Babylon, even- one of their bows is b. 58. the broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly b Ijim. C. y. he hath destroyed and b. her bars 3.4. he hath b. my boiies|| 16. he hath b. my teeth i.":e/t.6.4.your altars, and your images shall be b. 6. 9. because I am b. with their whorish heart 17. ly. and ray covenant th.it he hath b. ly. VI. her strong rods were h. and withered ^.C aha, she is b. that was the c,ates of the people 27. C6. the east-wind hath b. thee in the seas 34. the time when thou shalt be k. by the seas S0.21 . 1 have b. the arm of I'haraoh king of Kgypt 22. I will break the strong and that which was b. 31. \". his boughs are b. by all the rivers of land VI. CH. be b. in the midst of the uncircumcised 34. 4. nor have ye bound up that which was b. V\. and I will bind up that which was b. C7. when I have b. the bands of their yoke 44. 7. and they have b. my covenant Van. 2. 42. SO kingdom partly strong, and partly b. 8. 8. when he was strong, the great horn was b. 22. now that being b. whereas four stood up for it 25. but he shall be b. without hand 1 1 . 4. his kingdom sh.ill be b. and shall be divided 22. with the arms of a flood be overflown and b. J{ui. 5.11. Ephraim is oppressed and i. in judgment Jonah 1.4. so that the ship was like t" be *. Ztch. 11. 11. and it was b. in that day, and so poor 16. a .sliepherd shall not heal that which is b. Mat. 15. 37. took up of the h. meat, Mark K. 8. 21. 44. fall on this stone, shall be b. Luke 20. 18. Luke 12. 3y. not have sufl'ered his house to be b. Ji-hti 5. 18. because he had not only b. the sabbath 7. 2.1. that the law of Moses should not be b. 10. 35. word of God came, and scripture cannot be b. ly. 31. Jews besought Pilate their legs might be A. 36. scripture fulfilled, a bone of him shall not be 4. 21. 11. for all so many, yet was not the net b. Acts 10. 11. had h. bread and talked a long while 27. 35. gave thanks, when he had b. it he began to 41. but the hinder part was b. with the waves I Cor. 11. 24. this is my body which is b. for you iitv. 2. 27. as vessels of a potter shall they be b. BROKEN down. Ltv.ll.Zo. oven or ranges*, d. for they are unclean 1 A'iMjf 18.30. repaired altar of Lord that was i. d. i Kings 11.6. keep the watch, that it be not b. d. i C/iroit. X\. 3. built high places Hezekiah had b. d. 34.7. Josiah had b. down the altars and groves VM.C5. 12. cast them fromrock, were A. in pieces Pfa/.8y.l0. thou hast A.Rahab in pieces z^ one slain isa. 8.9. associate ye people, ye shall be b. in pieces 30. 14. break it as apotter's ves.sel thatisA.i>i;>i><-« Jfr.SO.1. Merodach is A. in pi«c«,her images b.inp. Pun. 2. 35. brass, 5ilver,gold, A. topiects together //o>;. 8.6. but the calf of .Samaria shall be A. in piecis iliri 5. 4. had beet hound, and fetters been A. m p. BROKEN up. ^tn. 7.11. all the fountains of the great deep A. up '/. h'ines 25.4. city Jerusalem A.t//> Jfr.3y.2. j 52.7. £ CAr»n. 2 4. 7 sons of Athaliah had b.iip house of God Prop 3. 20. by his knowledge the depths are A. up JtT. 17. 1 1 .when the army of Chaldeans was A. up \fk, S. 13. they have 6, up and passed the gate 5i DRO I .''/i?^ 24. 4.S. not have suffered h'.s house to be A. up Mvk 2.4. when they had A. roof up they let down .■ids 13.4.'!. when the congregation was A. up BKOKEN-llEARlED. ha. 61.1. Lord sent me to bind up the h. hearted Litke-i. 18. tohealA.-/(fnr/«rf, to preach deliverance BRoon. Luke 13.34. as a hen gathers her A. under her wings BROOK. Gen. .32. 23. he took them and sent them over the A. Lev. 2.i. 40. take willows of the A. and rejoice Aum. l.t. 23. came to A. 1-^licol and cut a branch 24. called, A. Eshcol because of cluster of grapes Deut.Q. 13. get over the A. Zered, went over A. 14 y. 21. and cast the dust thereof into the A. 1 Ham. 17.40. those tive smooth stones out of the A 30. 9- Uavid and 600 men came 'o the A. liesor 2 Ham. 15. 23. the king pas.sed over the A. Kidron 17.20. they be gone over the A of water 1 AiM^i 2.37. be on the day ihon pa.s5est over the A. 15. )3. idol burnt by the A. Kidron, 2 C/ir. 15. 16. I". 3. get hence, hide thyself by the A. Cheiith 5. 6. the ravens brought bread, he drank of the A. 18. 40. Elijah brought them to the A. Kishon 2 hiu^s 2.i. 6. he burnt the grove at the A. Kidron 12. cast dust into the A. Kidron, 2 Chron. 30. 14. 2 Chron. 20. I6. ye shall find them at end of the A. 29. ]6. the Levites carried it to the A. Kidron 32. 4. much people gathered and siopt the b. y'eh. 2.15. went up by the A and viewed the wall J.'A 6. 15. my brethren dealt deceitfully as a A. 40. 22. the willows of the A. compass him about Psal. 8.I.9. do to them asto Jabin at the A. Ki.son 11 0.7. he shall drink of the A. in the way, therefore I'lov. 18. 4. well-spring of wisdom as a llowing A. JO.t 17. the r.T.veu3 of the A. shall pick it out l.\a. 15. 7. shall carry away to the A.of the willows Jer. 31. 40. all fields to A. Kidron be holy to Lord Joh>hlii. 1. went with his disciples over A. Cedron BROOKS. .V;(w).21.14.what he did in Red-sea and A.of Arnon 1 5. and at the stream of the A. that goeth to Ar Dent. 8. 7. to a land of A. of water and fountains 2 is:m. 2.1. 30. of the A. of Gaash, 1 Chron. 1 1. 32, 1 Kings 18. 5. Ahab said, go unto all A. of water Job 6. 15. and as the stream of A. they pass away 20. 17. he shall uot see the 4. of honey and butter 22. 24, then shalt lay up gold as stones of the A. Psat. 42. 1. as the hart panteth after the water-4. /ia.19.6. 4. of defence shall be emptied and dried up J.the paper-reeds by the 4. by the mouth of the A. and every thing sown by the A. shall wither 8. all they that cast angle into the A. shall lament BROTH. Jud^. 6. 19. Gideon put the A. in a pot, brought it 20. the angel said, pour out the A. and he did so Isa. 65. 4. A. of abominable things is in their vessels BROTHER. See Signification on Brethren. Gcn.g.S.athaiidof every man's A.will 1 require life 24. 20. Rebekah had a A. whose name was Laban 53. gave also to her A. and mother precious things 2;!. 12. Jacob told Rachel he was her father's A. 43.6. why dealt you so ill with me, as to tell ye had a A. the man asked, have ye another A. .' 44. ly. Dent. 25. 5. her husband's 4. shall go in to her Jiid^. (J. 24. their blood laid c". Abimelech their A. 21.6. Israel repented them for Benjamin their A. Job 1. 13. were eating in their elder A. house, 18. 30. 29. I am a A. to dragons, a companion to owls Prov. 17. 17. and a A. is born for adversity 18. 9. he that is slothful is A. to him that is a waster ly. a A. offended is harder to be won than a city 24. there is a friend that sticketh closer than a A. 27. 10. better a neighbour near than a A. far off I'ccl. 4.8. yea he hath neither child nor A. y«r. 9-4. trust not in any A. for every A. will supplant Kzek. 44. 25. for 4. they may defile themselves Mai. 1.2. was not Esau Jacob's 4. .' saith the Lord Mat. 10. 21. 4. shall deliver up the A. Jl/«r/( 13. 12. liJark 12. ly. if a man's A.die and leave, LukelO.QO. John 11. 2. Mary, whose A. Lazarus was sick 19. Jews came to comfort them concern, their A. .■lets 9. 17. A. Saul, receive thy sight, 22. 13. 12.2. he killed James the A. of John with the sword 21.20. thou seest, A. how many thousands believe Horn. 16. 23. and Quartus a A. salutelh you 1 Cor. 5. 1 1 . if any man called a A. be a fornicator 6. 6. A. goeth to law with 4. before unbelievers 7. 12. if any A. hath a wife that believeth not 15. a A. or sister is not under bondage in such cases 8.11. thro' thy knowledge shall the weak A. perish 2 Cor. 8. 18. and we have sent with him the A. 2 Thess. 3. 6. that ye withdraw from every A. 15. count not an enemy, but admonish him aisa A. Philem. 7. bowels of saints are refreshed by thee, A. 16. but above a servant, a 6. beloved to me Jlis BROTHER. Ofn. 25. 26. and after that came his A. out 7.H 0. lest that he should give seed to his A. BRO Cf?{.42..18 his A. is dead, and he is left a]otw>, 4^.30 Eiod. 32. 27. slay every man his A. miO companion lev. 21.2. for his father or his A. he may be deiiieil A'liOT. 6.7. shall not make himselfuncleuii for his A Dent. 15. 2. not e.xact it of his neighbour or his A. ly. 19. as he had thought to have done to his *. 25. 6. the first-born shall succeed in name of his i, 28. 54. his eye shall be evil towards his i. yHrfj.y.21.Jotham lied for fear of Abioieleih Aij b. 2 Sam. 3. 27. smote him for blood of Asahel his A 1 kings 1. 10. but Solomon his A. he called not Seh. 5. 7. you exact usury every one of his A. Psal. 49. 7. none can by any means redeem his i. Isa. 3. 6. when a man shall take hold o( his A. y. 19. people be as fuel, no man shall spare his ii, 19. 2. they shall fight every one against his A. 41. 6. every one said to his 4. be of good courage Jer. 13. t 14. I will dash a man against hu 4. 31 .34. teach uo more every man his A. Uei. 8. 11. 34. y. that none serve himself of a Jew his b. 14. let ye go every man his 4. an Hebrew 17. in proclaiming liberty every one to his A. Eiek. 18. 18. because he spoiled his 4. by violence 3.'i. 30. speak every one to his 4. saying, come //D.t.12.3. Jacob took his b. by tlie heel in the womb .iiiios 1.1 1. because he did pursue his 4. with sword Mic. 7.2. they hunt every man his 4. with a net llaf. 2. 22. every one by the sword of his A. ZcLth. 7.9. and shew mercy every man to his b. 10. let none imagine evil against his 4. in heart .V«/. 2. 10. why deal treacherously against his 4. .' JMat.a.ll. whoso is angry and sayelh Raca to his A. 18. 35. my I'alherdo also to you if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone Aii A. their trespasses 22. 24. raiseseedtoAifA. A/ar>H2.19.XHj(e20.Sf. 25. having no issue, left his wife to his A. John 1. 41. he findeth his A. Simon, and saith to Lim Uom. 14. 13. or an occasion to fall in his A. *ay 1 'i/jeij.4.6.that no man defraud his A. in any m.itter Jam. 4. 11. speakethevil oihis A. andjudgeth/iij A. 1 John 2. 9. in the light, and hateth his A. 11. 10. he that loveth his A. abideth in tlie light 3. 10. neither he that loveth not his n. 14. 12. no: as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his A. because Ai.f A. works were righteous 15. whoso hateth his A. is a murderer, 4. 20. 1 John 4. 21. he who loveth God, love his A. also 5. 16. if any see hit A. sin a sin not to death My BROTHER. Gen. 4. 9. Cain said, I know not, am I my A. keeper' 20. 5. herself said, he is my A. 13. 1 Kings 20. 32. C7.41. Esau said, then will I slay my A. Jacob £9.15. Laban said to Jacob,because thou art my A, Judg. 20. 23. to battle against Benjamin my A. 28. 2 Sam. 1. 26. distressed for thee, my A. Jonathan 13. 12. nay my A. do not force me, do not this 1 Kings 13. 30. they mourned, saying, alas my i. Psal. :i5.li. I behaved as though he had been myi. Cant. 8.'1. O that thou wert as my b. tliat sucked Jer. 22. 18. they shall not lament, saying, ah my A. Mat. 12. 50. same is my A. and sister, Mark 3. 35. 18. 21. Ixjrd, how oft shall my A. sin against me ? lAike 12. 13. spezik to my b. that he divide inherit. John 11.21. if hadst been here, my *. had not died 1 Co;-. 8. 13. if meat make my A. to offend, eat no flesh 2 Cor. 2. 13. because I found not Titus my A. Onr BROTHER. Gen. 37. 26. what profit is it if we slay our 6. t 27. for he is our A. and our flesh, Ji.dg. 9. 3. 42. 21. we are verily guilty concerning our A. 43. 4. if thou wilt send our A. with us, we will go 2 Cor. 8. 22. and we have sent with them cur A Philem. 1. and Timothy our A. to Philemon Thy BROTHER. Cen. 4. 9. Lord ST.irl to Cain, where is Abel thy h. 10 the voice of th.y b. Ijlood crieth unto me 27. 40. live by thy sword, and shalt serve th\i 6. .IS. S. RO in to My 6. wife and raise up seed to thy 6. Eroit. 4. 14. is not Aaron the Levite thy b f i3. I. take to thee Aaron thy b. and his sons Lfr. 19 17. thou shilt not hate Mv b. in thine heart 2.'). 3G. fear thy God that thy b. m*y live with theo A'um. 27. 1.1. as Aaron thy b. was gathered, Df uf. 32.50. VeMt. l:i. 6 if thy b entice thee secretly, saying 1.) II. open thy hind wide to Ihv b to thy poor 12. if thy b. an Hebrew be sold to thee and serve 22. 1. in any case brinR them ai?ain to thy b. .1 in like manner with all lost things of thy b. 23. 7. not abhor an Edomlte. for he is lh]i b. ID. thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy b. 2 Sam 2. 22. how hold up my face to Join Ihij b. 13 20. hold thy peace, my si«tei-, he is llmj h. \ Kivps 20. .^'5 and they said, thy b Benhadad Job 22 6. haat taken a jiVidee from thy b. for nought P'lU M 20. thou fittest and speakest against thy b. Prnv. 27. 10 nor go into My b house in calamity Ohad 10. for thy violence against Ciy 6 Jacob 12. shouldst not have looked on the day of th'j b. .Ifaf. 5.23.rememberestthat(*v6 hathou^htanainat 21. first be reconciled to thy b. then offer th j gift BRO Mjtt.t. 5. behold, mote in 25. 35. David received what Abigail had b. him 30. H. they found and b. an Egyptian to Uavid tSam. 1. 10. crown and bracelet, i. them to my lord 7. 18. who am I, O Lord God ? what is my house, that thou hast 4. me hitherto? 1 Chron. 17.16. I A'wof 9.9. Lord 4. on them this evil, 2 Chron.l.l'Z. 10. 25. they b. each his present, 2 Chron. 9. 24. 17. 20. hast thou also b. evil upon the widow ? ^2. 37. so the king died, and weis b. to Samaria 2A"iHgy5. 20. spared Naaman.innot receiv.whathe*. 17.4. HosheaA. no presents to the king of Assyria 27. carrj- thither the priest ye b. from thence 20. 11. he b. the shadow ten degrees backward 24. 16. craftsmen the king *. captive to Babylon 1 Vhron. 11. I9. with jeopardy of lives they b. it 14. 17. the Lord b. fear of him on all nations 8 Chr. 13. 18. the children of Israel were b. under 17- 5. all Judah b. to Jehoshaphat presents 22.9. b. Ahciziah to Jehu, and when had slain 28. 5. the king of Syria b. Israel to Damascus 15. b. captives to Jericho to their brethren 32. S3, many b. gifts to the Lord to Jerusalem Eira 8. 18. they b. us a man of understanding 10. 1 10. ye have b. back strange wives VWi. 4. 15. God had b. their counsel to nought 8. 16. the people b. them and made them booths 9. 33. thou art just in all that is b. upon us 13. 12 Judah b. tithe of com and new wine hsth. 6. 8. let the royal apparel be *. the king useth •). 11. number of slain in Shushan b. to the king Job 4. 12. now a thing was secretly b. to me 21. 32. yet shall he be b. to the grave and tomb Psal. .15. 4. let them be b. to confusion, 2tJ. 45. 15. with gladness and joy shall they be b. 71.24. they are b t) .'hame that seek my hurt Prur. 6. S6. a man is ». to a piece ol bread Cowr. 2. 4. he b. me to the banqneting-house Isa. 16. 1. Ar. b. Kir of Moab is b. to silence 23. 13. b. the land of the Chaldeans to ruin 29- 20. for the terrible one is b. to nought 43. 23. thou hast not b. small cattle to mc, 24. 48. 15 yea, 1 have called him, I h.-\ve //. him ■'i3, 7. be is j. as a lamb to the slaugm^r 53 BKO i/a.59. 16. therefore his arm b. .salva'.ion. 6j. 6 60. 11. and that iheir kings may be b. 62. 9- they that b. it shall drink it in the courts Jer. 11. ly. as an ox that is b. to the slaughter 15. 8. I have b. on them a spoiler at noon-day 32. 42. as 1 have b. all this evil on this people 40.3. now Lord hath b. it and done as he said Eiek. 14. 22. be comforted concerning the evil I b. 23. 8. nor left she her whoredoms b. from Egypt 2y. 5. thou shalt not be b. together nor gathered 40. 4. that I might shew them, art thou b. hither 47. 3. he b. me through the waters to the ancles, 4. Dan. fi. 18. nor instruments of music b. before him 7. 13. b. him near before the ancient of days 9. 14. Lord watched on the evil, and i.it on us 11. 6. she be given up, and they that 4. her Hug. 1 . 9- when ye b. it home I did blow on it MjI. 1. 13. ye b. what was torn, and lame, and sick Mat. 10. 18. ye shall be*, before kings for my sake, for a test, agamst them, Mark 13. 9. Lukell . 12. 12. 25. kingdom is A. to desolation, Ltike \l .IT . 14.11. she b. John Baptist's head to her mother 17. 16. I A.him to thy disciples, could not cure him 18. 24. one was b. that owed him 10,000 talents ly. 13. werei.tohim little children, Mark 10. 13. Mark 4.21. a candle b. to be put under a bushel 6. 27. the king commanded his head to be b. 10. 13. the disciples rebuked those that b. them Lukel, 22. b. him to Jerusalem to present him 7. 37. a woman b. an alabaster-box of ointnieiA 10. 31. b. him to an inn and took care of him John 7. 45. they said, why have ye not b. him ? Acts 5. 2 1 . and sent to the prison to have them b. 9. 27. Bamabas*.himto the apostles and declared 15. 3. and being b. on their way by the church 16. 16. who b. her masters gain by soothsaying 20. b. them to the magistrates, saying, those men 19. 12. from his body were b. to the sick, aprons 19.*. their books, and burned them before all men 24. Demetrius b. no small gain to the craftsmen 37.ye4. hitherthese men, no robbers of churches 20. 12. and they b. the young man alive 21. 5. they all b. us on our way, with wives 25. 6. the next day commanded Paul to be b. 27.24. fearnot,Paul,thoumustbei>. before Caesar Rom. 15. 24. to be b. on my way thither by you 1 Cor. 6. 12. 1 will not be b. under the power of any 2 Cor. 1. 16. of you to be b. on my way to Judea 2 Tim. 1. 10. hath b. life and immortality to light 1 Pet. 1. 13. for the grace that is to be b. to you 2 Pet. 2. 19. of the same is he b. in bondage BROUGHT again. Gen. 14. 16. AbramA.<7?ai>i his brother Lot and goods 43. 12. and the money that was b. again in sacks Exod. 10. 8. Moses and Aaron b. again to Pharaoh 15.19. Lord b. again the waters of the sea on them Deiit.l .25. b. us word ag. and said, it is a good land Josh. 14. 7. I b. him word ag. as it was in my heart I'liih 1. 21. the Lord hath b. me home ag. empty 1 Sam. 6. 21. the I'hilistines b. ag. ark of the Lord 2 Sam. 3. 26. b. ag. Abner from the well of Sirali 2 Kings 22. 9. Shaphan the scribe came and b. the king word ag. 20. 1 Kings 20. 9. 2 Chron. .34. 28. 2 Chr. 33.13. Lord b. Manasseh again to Jerusalem Neh. 13. 9. thither A. I ag. the vessels of the house Jer. 27. 16. the vessels shall shortly be b. again Ezek. 34. 4. ye have not b. again what was driven 3y. 27. when I have b. them ag. from the people Mat. 27. 3. repented and b. ag. 30 pieces of silver Heb. 13.20. God of peace that b. ag. from the dead BROUGHT back. Gen. 14. ifi. Abram b. back all the goods and Lot A'uwi. 13.2t). b. back word to them and congregation IKings 1.'}.23. fortlie prophet whom he had b. back 2 Chr. 19. 4. Jehoshaphat b. them back to the Lord /^.>v//.85.1. thou hast 4. iar* thecaptivity of Jacob Ezek. .'iU. 8. come into land b. back from the sword BHOUGHT down. Gen. 39. 1. and Joseph was b. down into Egjpt J"ilg. 7.5. he b. down the people to the waters It). 21. the Philistines b. iomi Samson to Gaza l.!>V/;H.30.1t). whenhehadA.Kimrf.thcy were spread 1 Kings 1 .53. they *. Adonijah iloTcn from the altar 17. 23. Elijah b. the child d. out of the chamber 18. 40. b. them d. to brook Kishon and slew them Psal. 20. 8. they arc b. d. and fallen, bnt we arc ri.sen 1117. 12. he b. domi their heart with labour Isa. 5. 15. and the mean man shall be b. doan 14. II. thy pomp is b. down to the grave 15. thou shalt be b. down to hell, to sides of pit 2y. 4. thou shalt be h. d. and speak out of ground 43. 14. for your sake 1 have b. d. all the iiol)lu5 Lam.i. 2. he hath b. them down to the ground Ezek. 17. 24. I the I.ord have b. d the high tree 31. 18. shall be *. doam with the trees of Eden ZecA. 10. 11. the pride of Assyria shall be b. douii Mat. 11.23. thou Capernaum be *. do:.n to hell Acts y. 30. the brethren ^. im down to CVsarea B H OUGHT /aih-day Psal. 78. £'5. by his power he A. in the south wind Dan. 5. 13. then was Daniel A. in before the king Mat. 14. 11. John's held was 4. in in a charjter .-ii7.i 7. 45. A. in with .lesus into possession of Cieniiles Gal. 2. 4. false brrthren A. in to spy our lilierty Heb. 9. t 16. must be A. in the death of the testator BHOIGII 1 tnto. Num. 16. 14. not b. us into a land that flowcth Deut. ("). 10. when the Lord hath A. thee inrn, 31 .20. 1 Sam. 5.2. A. the ark in^ff Dagon'i house and sit it 9 22. 4. them in/u the p.irlour, and made th>-in sit 211.8. A. thy servant into a covenant with thee 2 Ar.iM 12.16. sin-money uot 4. into house of Lori /'.<]/. 22. 15. hast 4. me into the dust of death font. 1. 4. the king hath A. me into his chambers Jer. 2. 7. I 4. you in(i> ?. plentiful country to eat l^m 3. 2. hath A. me inro darkness, but nut light Lzfk. 27- 26. thy rowers hwe 4. thee into waterd 4t. 7. ye have A. inn> mv sanctuary strangers Alls 9- 8. they led him ana 4 him into DaniA.sc.us 21. £8. b. Greeks rn>':> the temple, and jiolluted It BRO I Ttm. 6. 7. for we *. nothing inio this world titi. 13 11 whose blood is *. into the sanctuary BROLGIir lo:a. Judg. 11.35. daughter, thou hast A. me very ha iC/iron. 28. ly. Lord A. .ludah /ii;r, because of Ahaz Jod 14. 21. thej- are i. low,hul he perceiveth it not 24. 24. wicked are gone and *. loa, they are taken J'sal. 79-8. let mercies prevent us, for we are A. /uii ■ 106.4.1. and were i. low for their iniquity 107. 3y. they areA./oa, thro' oppression and sorrow 1 16. 6. I was *. low, arid he helped me 142. 6. attend to my cry, for 1 am b. very loza Jiecl. 12. 4. all daughters of music shall be b. lo-j> Jaa.l.li. upon every one lifted up, he shall beA. low 55.5. the branch of the terrilple ones shall be b. low lathe 3.5. every mountain and hiU b. low, ha. 40.4. B HO UGH J out. Gen. 15. 7. that *. thee out of Ur of the Chaldees 41. 14. tliey b. him hastily out of the dungeon 43. 23. and he b. Simeon out unto them tCjwI. 13. 3. for by strength of hand the Lord b. you out from this place, 9, 14, 16. Deut. 6. 21 . 20. 2. I am the Lord thy God, which b. thee out, /-«>. 19.36. iViOTi.lS n. Detit.5.6. i*>a/.81.10. i>r.23.43.when 1 i.themo:(rol Egypt.l AingtO.Cl. Dent. 5. 15. remember that I^rd b. thee out thence 9 28. *. them out to slay them in the wilderness Joi/i. 6.23. young men b. out Rahab and all she had 24. 5. plagued Egypt, and afterward I b. you out 2 &im. 13. 18 servant b. her out, and bolted the door 2 Kin^s 23. 6. he b. cut the prove from house of L. 1 CAm. 20. 3. he *. out the people that were in it SC/iron. 23. 11. then they i. out the king's son £g. 16. priests*, out all uncleanness they found Ptal. 78. 16. he b. streams also out of the rock fiO. 8. thou hast i. a vine out of Kgypt 107. 14. he i. them out of darkness, and brake 130. 11. and b. out Israel from among them Jer. 7. 22. in the day 1 b. them o^it of Egypt Dan. 5.12. whom the kin^ u.y father 4 out of Jewry Hot. IS. IS. by a prophet the Ix)rd b. Israel out Acts 7. 40. this Moses, which b. us out of Kgypt 12.17. declared how the Lord b. him out of prison 13. 17. with an high arm b. them out of Egypt l6.30.A.OT((, and said, what must I do to be saved ' 39. they came and besought them, and b. them out BROUGHT to pass. 9 Kings 19. 25. DOW 1 have b. it to pass, Isa. 37. C6. Eitk. 21. 7. it Cometh, and shall be b. to pais lC«r. 15. 54. then shall be b. to pass the saving BROUGHT up. /^xerf.l7.3.whereforehast(houA.ust(^ f A^am.Cl.5. 32. 1. as for Moses, the man that b. as up, C.t. 4.these thy gods which i.thee up,S.l h'itigs 12.28. 33. 1. thou and the people which thou hast. A. up Num. 13. 32. they *. up an evil report of the land 16. J 3. is it a small thing that thou hast A. Msup ? 30. 4. why have ye A. up the congregation of Lord ? Deut. CO. ] . the Lord is with thee, which b. thee up 22. 19. because he A. up an evil name on a virgin Josi. 24. 17 . he It is that A. ui up and our fathers 32. bones of Joseph A. up, they buried in Shechem Judg. 6. 8. I A. yoti up from Egypt, 1 Sam. 10. 13. 15. 13. A. Samson «^ II I6. 31. A. him ;(;>and buried 1(). 8. the lords A. up to her seven green wiihs J Ham. 2. 14. all the tleshhook A. »//) the priest took 8. 8. since the day I A. Uiem up, £ Sam. ~. 0. 1 CAron. 17. 5. 12. 6. Lord that A. your fathers up out of I'gypt 2 Sam. 6. 12. David went and A. up the ark of (iod, 15. 1 Kings 8. 4. 1 C7,r. 15. 28. 2 C/ir. 1.4. 2] 8. A.k;; for Adriel II 13. A. 7//> the bones of Saul 2 A'ln?/ 13.1. to them that A up Ahab's children, (i. 17. 7. Israel sinned against Lord who A. them tip 36. the Lord whoA. you up, him fear and worship 25.6. A. up /edekiah to king of Babylon, J«r. 39. 5. S CAr. B 11. Solomon A. up the daughterof Pharaoli 10. 8. counsel with young men A. up with him, 10. Etra 1.11. all these vessels A. up from Babylon 4. 2. Fjar-haddon king of Assur A. us tip hither .\rA.9.18.thisisthyGod that A. thee ?(; Israel out of Egypt, 23.7. IS.the I>ord that b.up Israel from the north,23.8. Ziani.2 22.those I A. up bath my enemy consumed 4. 5. that » ?re A. up in scarlet embrace dunghills £ut.l9 3. she A. uponeof her whelps, a young lion 31. t 4. the deep A. him up on high with her rivers 37. 13. when 1 have A. you up nut of your graves Amti. 10. It. you up, 3.1. > 9.7. Mic.C.i, 34 BTJC Jonah 2. 6. yiit hast b. up my li[e from comiplicn Nah. 2. 7- she shall be b.vp, and her maids !ead her Luke 4. 16. to Nazareth, where she had been A. up Acts 13. 1. had been A. up with Herod the tetrarch 22.3. yet A. up in this city at the feet of Gamalii-l 1 Tim. 5. 10. a widow, if she have A. ?// children BROUGHTEST. Exod. 32. 7. thy people thou A. out have corrupted Num. 14. 13. thou A. up this people in thy might Deut. 9. 28. lest the land whence thou b. us out say 29. thy inheritance thou A. out, 1 Kiu^s 3.51. 2 Sam. 5.2. wast he that b in Israel, 1 Chron. 11.2. 1 Ktns^s 8.53. when thou A. our fathers out of I'.gypt AWi 9. 7. b. him forth out of Ur of the Chaldees 15. thou A. forth water for them out of the rock 23. A. them into the land thou hadst promised Psitl. 66. 11. thou A. tis into the net, thou laidst 12. but tliou A. us out into a wealthy place BROW. Tsa 48 4. thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy A brass l^uke 4. 29. they led him to the 4. of the hill BROWN. Geti. 30. ,■52. all A. cattle among fhe sheep, ."iS. 40. o.J.every one thatis not A.shallbe account, stolen BRUISE, Subslcntive. lia. 53. +5. and with his b. we are healed Jer. 6. + 14. they healed the 6. of my people slightly .30. 12. thus suith the Lord, thy A. is incureable iVa/i.3.19.th€re isnohealingof my A. wound griev. BRUISES. Tsa. 16. no soundness, btit wounds, and A. and sores Ezei. 47. 1 12. the leaf thereof for A. and sores BRUISE Signifies, [1] To crmA, injure, or oppress. Gen. 3. 15. Dan. 2. 40. [2] To ptmisA, c'lastist, ur correct, Isa. 53. 10. It is spoken, (1) Corpo. really, »/■ Me body, Luke 9. 39. (2) Spiritually, of doubts and troubles. Mat. 12. 20. (3) .Mu- rally, of corruptions, Isa. 1. 6. (4) Politically, of a weak decaying nation, 2 Kings 18. 21. A bruised reed shall he not break, Isa. 42. 3 CArist wilt tiot deal rotighly and rtgorotisly with tAose tAat come to Atm, but will use all gentle- ness and tenderness to lAem ; passing bt/ their greatest sins, bearing aitA tAeir present mfir ties, cAenshing, and encouraging tAe smallest beginnings of grace, and comforting and Aeatim wounded consciences. To bruise the teats, Ezei. 23. 3. 21. To eommi bodily wAoredom ; or idolatry, which is spiritual wAoredorn. Gen. 3. 15.it shall A. thy head, thou shall A. his heel Isa. 28. 28. nor will he A. it with his horsemen 53. 10. yet it pleased the Lord to A. him Dan. 2.40. as iron shall it break in pieces and A. Horn. 16. 20. the God of peace shall A.Satan shortly BRUISED. Lev. 22. 24. ye shsJl not offer to the Lord what is A. 2 Kings 18. 21. trusteth on the staff of this b. reed Jia. 42. 3. aA. reed shall he not break, .Ui/f. 12. 20 53. 5. he was A. for our iniquities.the chastisement Esei. 23. 3. there they A. the teaU of their virginity 8. and they i. the breasts of her virginity Ltiie 4. la. sent me to set at liberty them that are A. BRUISING. Ezei. 23. 21. in b. thy teats by the Egyptians Lulceg. 39. the spirit A. him, hardly departeth from BRUIT. Jer. 10. 22. behold, the noise of the A. is come .Xah. 3. 19. all that hear the A. of thee, shall clap Brute ; see Beasts. BRUTISH. P.-al. 49. 10. the fool and the A. person perish 92. C. a A. mankiioweth not, nor a fool understand 9*. 8. understand, ye A. among the people I'm: 12. 1. but he that hateth reproof is A. 30 2. surely I' am more A. than any man Jia. 19. 11. the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become A. Jer. 10. 8. they are altogether A. and foolish 14 every man 15 A. 51. 17. ||21. pastors are A. Eiei. 21. 31. deliver thee into the hand of A. men BUCKET, S. A'um. 24. 7. he shall pour the water out of his A. Jsa. 40.15. the nations are as a drop of a A. and dust BUCKLER Is a piece of defensive armour, 1 Chron. 5. 18. God is often called the Buckler, or iihield of lin people, Psal. 18. 2. Prov. 2. 7. He will protect and save tAem from that mticAief and rtiin which will befal alt wicked men. And in Cant. 4. 4. the faith of tAe church, or of believers, whereby they are united to Christ, is compared to the tower of David, whereon hang a thousand bucklers ; noting, Aoie strong and invincible faith it, which fumiiAes wtlk ueapcmt out of CArist'a fulness, and abundanily difendt from all tpirituat ene- miet, Eph. 6. 16. 2 Sam. 22.31 . a A. to all that trust in him. Pa. 18.30. 1 CAroH. 5. IB mcD «ble to bear A. and aword BUI ICiron. 12 e.Gadites that could handle shield ami? Psal. IB. 2. Lcrd is my God, my A. my high tov.fr 35. 2. take hold of shield and A. stand up for he!v 91. 4. his truth shall be thy shield and A. Prov. 2. 7- he is a A. to them that walk uprightly Jer. 46.3. order ye the A. and shield, and draw near Ezek. 23. 24. shall set against the A shield, and 26. 8. he shall lift up the A. against thee [belmt t BUCKLERS. 2 C/;r.23 9. Jehoiada delivered spears, A. and shield* Job 15. 26. runneth upon the thick bosses of his A. Cant. 4 4. whereon there hanged a thousand A. Ezek. 38. 4. a great company with A. and shields 39. 9. they shall set on fire shields, A. and bows BUD, Substantive. Job 38. 27. cause the A. of the tender herb to spring Isa. 18. 5. afore the harvest, when the A. is perfect Ol. 11. for as the earth bringeth forth her b. Ezek. 16.7. caused thee to multiply as A. of the field Hot. 8.7. A. shall yield no meal, stranger swallow ji BUD, ^«rA. Cen. 3. 1 18. thistles shall it cause to A. to thee Job 14. 9. yet through the scent of water it will i. Psal. 132. 17. 1 Will make the horn of David to A. Cant 7. 12. let us .see if the pomegranates A. fort); Isa.-Z' .6 Israel shall blossom andA. and fill thewoilc' 55. 10 maketh the earth to bring forth and A. Etek. 29. 21. cause the horn of Israel to A. forth BUDS. Num.^^^ S.A.tron'srod brought forth A. and bloomed BUDDED [foi-tL Cen. 40. 10. the vi;-,e was as though it A. and shot Num. 17. 8. Aaron's rod for the house of Levi A Cant. 6 11. to see whether the pomegranates b. tzek 7. 10. the rod hath blossomed, pride hath A. an. g. 4. the ark wherein was Aaron's rod that i. BUFFET. 2 Co'. 12. 7. the messenger of Satan to A. me BUFFETED. A/a/. 26.67. spit in his face and A. him, Mark 14.65 1 Cor. 4. 11. even to tL s present hour we are A 1 Pet. 2. 20. if when ye be A. for your faults BUILD Signifies, [1] To erect, or make houses, &:c. Deut. 28 30. [2] To strengthen and increase know ledge, faitA, love, and all other graces, Acts2(.i. 32. [3] To cement and knit together spirituallv , thus believers are united to Christ by faith, and among themselves by love, Eph. 2. 22. [4] 'J, preserve, bless, and prosper, Psal. 127. 1. Jer. 24. 6. [5] To settle and establisA, 1 Sam. 2. 35. Who did build the house of Israel, Ruth 4. 11. JVAo did irurease Ais family by a uumeroiu progeny. I will iiuild up thy throne, Psal. 89. 4. / will perpetuate the kingdom to thy posterity. Shall build the old wastes, Isa. 6l. 4. n. Gentiles, who Aave been long destitute of th- true knowledge of God, and like a uildernea overgrown with briers and thorns, shall be brout^hi. by the ministry of the word, to know and sent the true God. BUILD referred to God. 1 •Sjm.fi.35. I will raise up a priest, and will A. him a sure house, 2 Sam. 7. 27. 1 Kings 11. 'Jii. 1 Chron. 17. 10. that the Lord will A. thee an houM 25. hast told that thou wilt A. him an house Psal. 28. 5. he shall destroy, and not b. them up 51. 18. do pood toSion, A. the walls of Jerusalem 69. 35. for God will A. the cities of Judah 89. 4. and A. up thy throne to all generations 102. 16. when Lord shall A up Zion, will appear 127. 1. except Lord A. house, they labour in vaiii 147.2. Lord doth A. up J erusalem.gathers outcast* Jtr. 18. 9- I speak concerning a nation to A. it 24. 6. I will A. and not pull them down, 31 . 28. 31. 4. again I will A. thee, O virgin of Israel 33. 7. I will A. Judah and Israel as at the fi^^l 42. 10. if ye will abide in this land I will A. you Ezek. 36.36. that I the Lord A. the ruined places :imos9. 11. 1 will A. it a& in the days of old Mat. 16. 18. on this rock will I A. my church 26.61 . I am able to A. it in three days, Markli.K. Acts 15. 16 I will A. again the tabernacle of Daviil BUILD altars. Eiod. 20. 23 shalt not A. an altar of hewn stone A'um.23.1 . Bidaam said, A. me here seven altars, iti Deut. 27.5. there thou shalt A. an altar to the Loin 6. thou shalt A. altar of the Lord of whole ston«. ■ Jm/i.22.29. God forbid, we rebel audA. an ettur See Began. BUILD joined with house. Deut. 25. 9. man that will not A. his brother's kouit 28.30. shalt A. an Aoute, not dwell in it, ZepA.i.ll Huth 4. 11. which two did A. the house of Israel 2 Sam. 7. 5. shalt thou A. me an Aottte to dwell in ".spake I, $aying,why A. ye not me an A. ofceflar- 13. thy seed shall A. an hoiae for my namt^ 1 Kinet 5. 5. | 8. 19. 1 CAr. 17. 12. | 22. 10. 1 Kiitfs 2. 30. A. thte an A. in Iwualein, and dwell BUI l/Ttn^fS.S. David could aoti. ia h. for wars about 5. 1 purpose to b. an h. to Lord, 2 C/ir.2.l. [jhiai f< l6. I chose no city to b. an hovje, 2 Chron. o. 5. 17 . it was in heart of David my father to 4. an A. for God of Israel, 1 Chr. 28. 2. 2 Chr. 6. 7. 1 C.ir. 17. 18. he shall b. me an Aoiu«, 2 C/ir. 6. y. i2. 8. shall not b. an A. because thou shed blood 11. my son, b. the A. of Lord, as he said of thee JS. 6. Solomon shall b. my house and my courts i Chr. 2. 4. behold, I i. an Aofue to Lord my C;od 5. the house I b. is grtat, for great is our God 6. who is able to b. him an liouse ? that I should b. an hunse !6.23.he hath charged me to i. him an A. Ezra 1.2. i^ira 1. 3. go to Jerusalem and b. the Aoiueof Lord i. 3. who hath commanded you to 4. this house.' g. 6. 7. let the governor of the .lews A. this home Psal. 127. !• they labour in vain that b. the house Prov. 24. 27. prepare, and afterwards b. thy house Jsa. 65. 21. they shall b. houses and inhabit tUem W. 1 . where is the house that ye b. unto me "^.22. 14. 1 will A. me a wide A. and large chambers ■39- 5- *• houses and dwell in them, and plant, Cli. 15. 7- neither shall ye 4. house nor sow seed >j»*. 11. 3. which say, it is not uear.let us b. homes ^. 20. they shall dweU .safely, and shall A. houses Hag. 1 . 8. go to the mountain, bring wood, A. house /■ech. 5. 11. to A. it an house in the land of Shinar Acts 7.49. what house will ye A. me, saith the Lord BUILD. ' -en. II. 4. go to, let us b. us a city and a tower 8. and they left off to A. the city Sum. 32. 10. we will A. sheep-folds for our cattle 24. A. cities for your little ones.and folds for sheep .?>?«/. 20. 20. thou shaltA. bulwarks against the city t ATmjr g. 19. all the cities of store, and that which Solomon desued to A. in Jerusalem, 2 Chr. 8. 6. 24. Pharaoh's daughter came up, then did A.Millo ! 1 . 7. Solomon did A. an high place for Chemosh 16.34. inAhab'sda)» lliel the BetheliteA. Jericho 1 Chr. 22. 19. A. ye the sanctuary of the Lord God ^9- 19- g'^* 'o Solomon au heart to A. the palace 2 Chron. 14. 7- let us A. these cities and make walls jSsra 4.2 let us A. with you, we seek your God ». t4. what are the men that A. this building ? yeh. 2. 17. let us A. the wall || 18. let us rise and A. 20. therefore we his servants will rise and A. 1. 3. which they A. if a fox go up.he shall break down 10. so that we are not able to A. the wall J'ecl. 3. 3. atime to break down, and a time to A. up ('8. 12. they shall A. the old waste places, 6l. 4. )0. 10. the sons of strangers shall b. up thy walls is. 82. they shall not A. and another inhabit Jer. 1.10. have set thee over nations to A. and plant J'tek.i. 2. lay siege, A. a fort against it, 21. 22. t9. + 15. then shall ye A. up a sign by Ijhe bone Dan. 9. 25. to restore and A. Jerusalem to Messiah Amot 9. 11. I will A. it as in the days of old 14. Israel shall A. the waste cities and inhabit them Mic. 3. 10. they A. up Zion with blood, and Jerus. /.ech. 6. 12. he shall A. the temple of the Lord, 13. 15. that are far off shall A. in the temple of Lord ).3.Tyrus didA. herself a strong hold, heaped sih«r Mai. 1.4. they shall A. but I will throw down -Wa^. 23. 29. ye A. tombs of prophets, L«*« 11. 47,48 i.'ike 12.18. Iwill pull down my barns and A.greater 1 1. 28. which of you intending to A. a tower ' 30. this man began to A. and not able to finish .ids 20.32. to the word of his grace, able to A. you up Horn. 15. 20. lest I A. on another man's foundation 1 Cor. 3. 12. if any A. on this foundation, gold.silver Gal. 2.18.iC 1 A. again the things which 1 destroyed BUILDED. {fen. 2. t 22. of the rib the Lord A. a woman 4. i7. Cain A. a city, and called it Eiioeh i. 20. Noah A. an altar to the Lord, and offered 10. 11. AsherA. Nineveh, Rehoboth, and Caleb 1 1 .5. Ld. came to see the tower children of men A. 12. 7. Abram A. an altar to the Lord, 13. 18. 16. + 2. it may be I may be A. by her, 30. t 3. l6. 25. Isaac A. an altar, || A'xorf. 24. 4. Moses A. Josh. 22. 16. in that ye have A. you an altar ; Aring,i8.27.how mueh less this house I have A. 43. 15. 22. the stones wherewith Baa.sha had A. 1 Kings 23. 13. Solomon had A. for Ashtoreth I Chron. 22.5. the house to be A. must be magnifical Ktra 4. 1. when the adversaries "ueard that they A. 13. be it known, that if this city be A. 16. 21. give commandment that this city be not A. 5. 8. we went to the house of great God which is A. Il.we build the house that was A. many years ago 15. let the house of God be A. in his place, 6. 3. 6. 1.4. elders of the Jews A. and they prospered iV«A.4.18. everyone had hisswoid girded, and so A. ^ASO. 19- he hath taken away an house he A. not Psal. 128 3. Jerusalem is A. a city that is compact -'T00.9.X' Wisdom bath A. her botise, hewn oat pill. £6 BUI Prav. 24. 3. through wisdom is an house 4. and establbhed Eccl. 2. 4. I A. me houses, I planted vineyr-rds Cant 4. 4. thy neck like tower of D. A. for armoury Jer. 30. 18. the city shall oe A. on her own heap /.rfiOT. 3.5. he hath A. against me, and compassed me Ezei. 36. 10. and the waste shall be A. 33. Luiel'i .28.they bought,they sold,they plant. they A E//h. 2. 22. in whom ye are A. together foi habitat JJeb. 3. 3. he who A. the house hath more honour 4. for every house is A. by some man, he that built BUILULST. Ueut. 6. 10. to give thee goodly cities thou A. not BUILDER, S Is spoken, [1] Of such as erect hoiues, &cc. 2 King 22. 6. [2] U/ God, the great Architect, aAu created the heavem and the earth, and all th III them, lleb. 11. 10. [3] 0//atthJul miniuers of the gospel, wh.i like wise master-builders oui^hi jirst to lay the foundation, and then build upon It ; first to acguaint such as they have the charge of, with the fundamentals of religion, shewing them that Christ it the onlu way to salvation, and then to make t/ieir superstructure upon this foundation, 1 Cor. 3. 10. 1 Kings 5. 18. Solomon's and Hiram's A. did hew 2 /v'ihoj12.H. laid money out to the A. that wrought 22. 6. give it to carpenters and A. 2 Chr. 34. 11. Ezra 3. 10. when A. laid foundation of the temple Neh. 4.5. have provoked thee to anger before the A. Pifl/. 11 8. 22.stonewhichA.refus. become head-stone, Mat.ZlAi. Mark ll.m. Luke lO.l'i . Acts i.ll. 127. 1 1. they labour in vain that are A. in it Ezek. 27. 4. thy A. have perfected thy beauty 1 C'o;.3.10.asawisemaster-A.I have laid foundation /y «A.l 1.10. looked for a city whoseA. and maker isG. 1 Pet. 2. 7. the stone which the A. disallowed BUILDEST. D«Kr.22.8.whenthouA. a new house, makebattlem. A'e/i. 6. 6. for which cause thou A. the wall Ezek. 16. 31. in that thou A. thine eminent place Mat. 27. 40. thou that destroyest the temple and A. it in three days, save thyself, Mark 15. 29 BUILDETH. Jo^h. 6. 26. cursed be the man that A. this city J.'h 27. 18. he A. his house as a moth, basket with the t. 11. shalt kill the A. before lord, /-f p. 1.6. | i,.ia I^c. 4. 4. oring the A. to the door of ibe taberuacto A'um. 15.9. bring withtht 4. a meat-offering, 29 -^F. BUIl BUR BUR Diiit.i7A.ni3t sacrifice to Lord any *. with blemish 1 2 /riBj,t8.y.IIazaelbroii;!i(.rortj-camels'i. to Elisha 33. 17. liis glory is like the firstling of a A /«^. 6. 25. take the young i. the second d. C6. 1 iViBjj 18. 23. and let them choose one A. 25. 33. Klijah cut i. in pieces, and laid him on wood Ptal. 50. g. I will line no A. out of tliine house 69. .31. better than a i. that hath horns and hoofs Ira. 65. 25. the lion shall eat straw like the A. Jer. 31. 18. as a i. unaccustomed to the yoke BULLOCK with sin-offering. Etod. 29. 36. offer every day a A. for a sin-ofering Lev. 16. 6. shall offer his A. of the lin-offerinz Ere*. 45. 22. shall prepare a A. for a sm-offeiing ■See 15 1.00 u. Young HULLOCK. I>r.4.3. if priest sin, bring i young 6. Eiek. 43. IQ. 14. congregation shall offer ay. A. Xum. 15. 24. 1§. 3. Aaron come into holy place with a t/ouiig A. yiim. 7- 15. one voting A. one ram, one lamb, 21. 27, .33, "3y, 45, 51, 57. 63, 69, 75, Bl. iCftrott. 13. y. to consecrate himself with a-voungh. Er-ek. 45. IH. take a.yomig A. and cleanse the sane. 46. 6. ill Uie day of the new moon a young A. BULLOCK.S. Nvm. 29- 2.3. on the fourth day fen A. two rams 1 CAriui. 29.21. they offered a thousand A. for Israel EcraG. 17. they offered at the dedication 100 A. Pstl. 51. 19- then shall they offer A. on thy altar 66. 15. I will offer unto tliee A. with goats Isa. 1. 11. I delight not in the blood of 4. or lambs 34.7- the A. with the bulls sh.ill come down Jer. 46. 21. her hired men are like fatted A. 50. 27. slay all her A. let them go down to slaughter £zei. 39. 18. ye shall drink the blood of goats, of A. lios. 12. 11. are vanity, they sacrifice A. in Gilgal .See .'■'EVE.N. BULHU.SII, ES Exod. 2.3. she took for him an ark of A. and daubed Iro.lB.2..send ambassadors by the sea in vessels of A. 58. 5. is it to bow dou-n his head like a A. .' BULWARKS. Dei(t. CO 20. thou shalt build A. acainst the city t Cliron. 26. 15. Uzziah made engines on the A. Psal. 48. 13. mark well her A. consider her palaces £ee/. 9. 14. a great king came and built A. against it Zra.26.1. salvation will G. appoint for walls and A. BUNCH, ES. EsoJ. 12.22. take a A. of hyssop and dip it in blood 2 Sam. 16.1. Ziba meet him with 100 A. of raisins JC/iro'(.12.40.Zebulun brought A. of raisins and wine Zrfl.3().6.will carry their treasures upon A. of camels BUNDLE, S. Gen. 42. 35. every man's A. of money in his sack 1 Sam. 25. 29- the soul of my lord bound in A. of life Cant. 1. 13. a A. of myrrh is mj- well-beloved to me ha. 58. 1 6. this is the fast, to undo A. of the yoke Amos 9. t 6. he hath founded his A. in the earth Bint. 13. .30. bind the tares in A. to burn them Acii 28. 3. when Paul had gathered a A. of sticks BUUDEN SigDifies, [1] A load, or ueighl of any thing, a\ much as a man. horse, (tc. can :iell carru, 2 Kings 5. 17. Jer. 17. 27. [8] Labour and lerviiude. Exod. 2. 11. I'sal. 81. 6. [3] A burdensome prophecu, a heavy doom, or a prophecy deliiered in heavy and ihieaieniug words, Isa. 13. 1. Nah. 1. 1.' [4] Ajfiictwns, crosses, cares, tr fears, I'sal. 55. 22. [5] Imperfections, fail- itigs, and infirmities, uitU uhich persons are ioaded or grieved, G3.\. ft. ^. [6] Toil and f/iigue, Mat. 20. 12. [7] Tribute, or tares, II05. H. 10. [8] The office of a magistrate, Exod. 18. 22. •9] Human traditions, or strict injuncrtout o^er nnd above nhat the tare requires. Mat. 23. 4. ^10] .SVrt, ichich IS the erealest slavery and Ah;- rfen, i'sal..38. 4, lleb. 12. 1. \ll] The lading, or cargo of a th'ip. Acts 21. 3. Tie doctrine, or commands of Christ are called a burden, .Mat. 11. 30. Sothing makes them so, but our corruption, which flows from the depra- vity of OUT nature ; to the unrenewed perso?t thev are a grievous burden: yrt this burden is liglii, '1) Jn comparison of the service of sin, the coie- naut of works, and the ceremonial la:c. (2) To them 'that love dod, 1 John 5. 3. (3) 'Jo such as are regenerated, so far at they are rejteiLcd, Rom. 7. 22. It is light 10 such, tecaiue (1) 'J'/it laij it Kriiien in their hearts, I'.sal. 37. 3!. (2) They are endued uiih faiih, Mark y. 23. <3) Thev are tirengihtued, and enabled by Christ, Phil. 4.' 13. B^rrf.lB. 22. shall beir the A.with thee, 2S'um.ll.l7. £3 5. the ass of him that haiethtliee lying under A. Mum. 4. 19. Aaron shall appoint each to his A. il. 11. thou layest the A. ot all this people on me bent. 1. 12. how can I myself alone bear your A. / iSam. 15. 33. then thou shadt be a A. to me 10.35. why should thy scr\-ant be a A. to my lord r 1 Kings 11. t 28. leroboam ruler over A. of Joseph tAingtb. 17. tothT»«rv»jittwotnules' A. of earth 56 2 Chr. 35. 3. it shall not be a A. on your shoulders AVA. 13. 19. no A. be brought in on the sabbath Job 7. 20. as a mark, so that 1 am a A. to myself Psal. 38.4.iniquil. as a A. they are too heavy forme 55.22. cast thy A. on the Lord, he w-\l sustain thee 81. 6. 1 removed his shoulder from the A. txcl. 12. 5. and the grasshopper shall be a A. Isa. 9. 4. for thou hast broken the yoke of his A. 10. 27. his A. shall be taken from ofi thy shoulder 14. 25. his A. depart from ofi their shoulders 30. 27. name of the Loid, the A. thereof is heavy 46. 1 . your carriages are a A. to the weary beast Jer. 17. 21. bear no A. on the salibath-day, 2£ 27. Zcph.3. 18. to whom the reproach of it was a A. Mat. 11. 30. my yoke is easy, and my A. is light 20.12.which have borne the A. and heatof theday .J(-/jI5.28.' seemed good to lay on you no greater A. 21. 3. for there the ship was to unlade her A. Hev. 2. 24. I will put upon you none other A. BURDEN. 2 Kings g. 25. the Lord laid this A. upon him Isa. 13. 1. the A. of Babylon which Isaiah did see 14. 28. the year king Ahaz died, was this A 15. 1. the A. of iAIoaull 17, 1. the A, of Damascus 19. 1. the A. of Egypt ||23. 1, the A, of Tyre 21.1. the A. of the desert of the sea, as whirlwinds 11. the A. of Dumah II 13. the A. upon Arabia 22. 1. the A. of the valley of vision, what aileth 25. the A. that weis upon it shall be cut off 30. ti. the A. of the beasts of the south 46. 2. they could not deliver the A. are gone into Jer. 23. 33. what is the A. of the Lord > what A. ? 36. the A. of the Lord shall ye mention no more 38. but sith ye say, the A. of the Lord Ezek. 12. 10. this A. coiicerneth the prince in Jerus. Wi«.8.1o. sorrow a little for the A. of the king of pr. Art/i. 1. 1. tne A. of Nineveh, the book of the vision Hab. 1.1. A. which Habakkuk the prophet did see Zech.'Ji.l. the A. -if the word of the Lord in lladrach 12. 1. the A. of die word of the Lord for Israel Mai. 1. 1. the A. of the word of the Lord to Israel Gal. 6. 5. for every man shall bear his own A. BURDEN, ED. Zech. 12. 3. all that A. themselves be cut in pieces 2 Vor. 5. 4. in this tabernacle we groan being A. 8. 13. I mean not that others be eased, and you A. 12. lb. but be it so, Idid not A. you, caught wiili BURDENS. Gen. 4g.l4. Issachar couching down between two A. Eiod. 1. 11. task-masters to afflict them with their A. 2. 11. Moses went out and looked on their A. 5. 4. the king of Egypt said, get you to your A- 5. you make them rest from their A. 6. 6. I will bring you from the A. of Egyptians, ". .\>OTi. 4.27. ye shall appoint to them all their A. Ac/i. 4. 10. the strength of the bearers of A. decayed 17 -they that bare A. with other handheld a weap. I 13. 15. all manner of A. brought in on the sabbath l>a. 58. 6. this is the fast, to undo the heavy A. ham. 2. 14. the prophets have seen for thee false A. Amos o. 11. ye lake from the poor A. of wheat Mat. 23. 4. they bind heavy A. Luke 11. 46. Gal. 6. 2. bear ye one another's A. and so fulfil BURDEN.SOME. Zech. 12. 3. I will make Jerusalem a A. stone 2 Cor. 11.9. 1 have kept my.self from being A. to you 12. 13. excejit it be that 1 myselfwasiiot A. to you 14. the third time I come, 1 will not be A. to you 1 'Thess. 2.6. when we might have been A. as apostles BURIAL. Eccl. 6. 3. and also that he have no A. Isa. 14. 20. thou .shalt not be joined with thein in A. Jer. 22. I9. he shall be buried with the A. of an jiss Mat. 26. 12. poured ointment, she did it for my A. Acts 8. 2. devout men carried Stephen to his A. BURY Signifies, To inter a dead body. Gen. 23. 4. lo be buried with Christ in baptism, Rom. 6. 4. To have communion nith htm in his death and burial. Baptism doth not only represent our niortijicalion and death to sin, by which we have communion with Christ in his death , but also oitr progress and perseverance in mortification, by which we have communion with him in hn burial alto ; burial implies a continuing under death, to IS mortification a continual dying to tin. Gen. 25. 4. that 1 may A. my dead out of my sight 6. in choice of our j-epulchres A. thy dead, 11, 15. 47. 29. A. me not, 1 pr.iy thee, in Egypt, 4y. 2y. 50. 5. let me go and A. my father, 1 will come ag 2 Kings 9-35. they went to A. her, but foand only the Psal. 79- 3. and there was none to A. them [scuU Jer. 7. 32. for they shall A. in Tephet, I9. 11. 14. 16. and they shall have none to A. them £:el:.39.11.there shall theyA.Gogandhismultitnd* 13. yea. all the people of tne land shall A. them IIos. y. 6. Egypt gather up, Memphis shall A. them Mat. 8. 21. sufier me to go A. my father, LukeQ. 59. 22. and let the dead A. their dead, Luke 9. 60. 27. 7. bought the potter's field to A. strangers ia John IQ. 40, as the manner of the Jews is to A. BURIED. [wife Gen. 25. 10. there was Abraham A. and Sarah his 49. 31. there they A. Abraham and Sarah his wife Isaac and Rebekah his wife, and there 1 A. Leab A»«i. 11. 34. there they A. the people that lusted 20. 1. Miriam died there, and was A. there 33. 4. for the Egyptians A. all their first-born Veut. 10. 6. there Aaron died, and there he waa i. Josh. 24. .32. the bones of Joseph A. they in Sbechem liuih 1.17. where diest 1 wiUdie.and there will beA 2 Ham. 4. 12. they took head of ish-boshtth and A. it 21.14. bones of Saul and Jonathan they A. in Zelah 1 Kings 13.31. bury me where the man of God is 6, Eccl. 8. 10. and so I saw the wicked A. [33. Jer. 8. 2. not be gathered nor A. I6. 6. | 20. 6. ) 25. 16. 4. they shall not be lamented nor A. 22. ly. he shall be A. with the burial of an ass Ezek. 3y. 15. set up a sign, till buriers have A. it Mat. 14. 12. his disciples took the body and A. it Luke 16. 22. the rich man also died and was A. Acts 2. 29. the patriarch David is both dead and A. 5. 9. the feet of them which A. thy husband 10. carrying her forth, A. her by her husband Horn. 6. 4. we are A. with him by baptism into death 1 Cor. 15. 4. that he wjis A. and rose again third day Col. 2. 12. A.with him in baptism, wherein are risen BURIED him. Dent. 34.6. he A. him in a. valley, in the land of Moa* 2 iam. 2. 6. blessed Iv; ye that have A. Saul 1 Kings 14. 18. they A. him, all Israel mourned him 2 C/ifuM.21.20. they A. Jehoram in the city of David 24. 16. A. Jehoiada in city of David, among kings 25. ihey A. him not in the sepulchres of the kingu Acts 5.C. the young men carried nim out, and b.him BURIED in. Gen. 15. 15. and thou shalt be A. in a good old age 1 Kings 2. 10. David was A. m the city of David 3 1.. Joab A. IK his own house in the wildcmes.« 2 K tugs 21 . 18. .M anasseh was b.in garden of his house 26. Anion was A. dj sepulchre, in garden of Uziali Job 27. 15. those that remain shall be A. in death BURIED with his fathers. 1 Kings\\.Z\. Rehoboam||15.24.AsaA.wiV/< A«f/. 22.50. .lehoshaphatll IKings 8.24. JoraniA. withf. 12.21.JoashA. withf. ||14. 20. AmaziahA. withf. 15.7. Azariah||.36. Jothamll 16.20. Ahaz A. wilhj. BURIERS. Etek. 39. 15. shall set up a sign till A. have buried BURYING. Ge«.23.4. apossess.ofaA.place,9. I 49.30. | 50. la Judg. 16. 31. buried Samson in A. place of Mano»h 2/ii)igjl3.21.cLstheywereA.aman,theyspiedabancl £:e^.3y.l2. seven months shall Israel be A. of them Mark 14. 8. she is come to anoint my body to the A JoJin 12.7. against day of my A. hath she kept this BURN Signifies, [1] To coiu-ume, or destroy withfire. Josh. 11. 13. [2] To he inflamed with just anger and indignation. Lam. 2. 3. [.3J To be perpetually haunted with violent, lustful desire', 1 Cor. 7. 9. [4] To be filed with an holy lealfor ihe gloiy 0) God, and the good of others, 2 Cor. 11. 29. The bush burned, and was not consumed, Ltod. 3 2. 'Ihis repreiented the condition of the church and people <>/ Israel, who were then in Ihtfirt of a>)iiction;yetsoas tliat Godwaspreteni with them, and that they should not be consumed in it, uhereoj this I ision was a pledge. the spirit of burning, isa. 4. 4. The Holy Spirir oj God, who IS compaied to flre. Mat. 3. 11. j» cause he doth burn ufi and consume the dross whuh IS in the church, and in the minds and hearts of men, and inflames the souls of believen with loie to God, and zeal J or his glory. Gen. 44. 18. Judali said, let not thine anger A. Liod. 1:7.20. command tnat they bring pure olive-oil to cause the lamp to A. alway. Lev. 24. 2. 29. 13. shalt take caul, liver, and kidneys, and A upon the altar, 18, 25. Lev. 1. U, 15. | 2. 2,9, 16 I 3.5,11,16. I 5.12. I 6 15. I 9. 17. Au/n.5.26 6. go up and A. thy fatlur, as he made thee swear ] ^"'- 4.iy. priest shall take fat and A. upon the altar t>(•«^ 21. 23. thou shalt in any wise A. him that day 1 Kingt 2. 31. go and fall upon Joab and A. him 11. 15. when Joab was gone up to A. the slain 26,31. I 7.31. I 16. 25. I 17.6. '^'um. 18. 17. .\um. ly. 5. one shall A. the heifer in his sight Josh. 11. l.V save Hazoronly, that did Joshua A. 13. 2y. the old prophet came loni'iurn and A. him 1 -iwrn. 2. I6. let them not fail lo A. th« fat presently when 1 am dead, A. me in the sepulchre 14. 13. Israel shall mourn for him and A. h 2 Chron. 2. 6. save only to A. sacrifice before them 13. il. and they A. to the I^rd every morning 2 Kings y. 10. and there shall be none to A. Jezebel ' ^"- 1- 31 . they shall both A. together, none quench a. go Kc Dr>v this cursed woioan, and A her | 10. 17. it ihiXl A. and dcrour his thorns usd biierg BUR Jia.VtA.l would go thro' them, ar.d i.them together ♦0. i6. Lebanon is not sufficient to?, nor the beasts -U. 15. then shall it be for a man to u. he will take Ter. 7. 20. my fury shall 6. mi not be quenched 34. 5. so shall they i. odours for thee, and lament 30. 25. that the king would not 6. the roll Etei. 24. 5. i. also tlie bones under it, make it boil 11. that the brass of it may be hot and may 6. 39. 9. they shall set on fire and 6. the weapons 43. 21. he shall 6. bullock in the appointed place NaA. 2. 13. I will 3. her chariots in the smoke Mai. 4. 1. the day cometh that shall d. as an oven njai. 13. 30. bind the tares in bundles to d. them Luie 3. 17. but chaffhe will i.with fire unquenchable 24. 32. they said, did not our heart 6. within us > 1 Cor. 7. 9- for it 's better to marry than to 6. 2 Cor. 11. 29. who is offended, and I i. not ? BURN, joined vriHiJire. Exod. 12. lO.that which remaineth of it till morning ye shall*, whhjire, 29. 34. Lev. 8. 32. X.e)i. 13. 57. i. that wherein the plague is with/iie 16. 27. i. with fire their skins, flesh, and dung Deui. 5. 23. for the mountain did A. wiihjire 7.5. 4. their ima^s v/ithjire, 25. || 12. 3. i. groves 32. 22. a^fire shall *. to the lowest hell, Jer. I7. 4. /osh. 11.0. thou shalt 6. theit chariots with_Sre JuJg. 9. 52. went to the tower to A. it with_^r« 12. 1. will 6. thine house with f. \\ 14. 15. *. thee/. Psal 79- 5. how long shall thy jealousy 6. like_^r< .' 89.46. how long. Lord, shall thy wrath 6. like fire ? Xsa. 47.14. shall be as stubble, \.\\^fire shall*, them Jer. 4. 4. my fury come forth WV^fire and*. 21. 12. 7. 31. to *. sons and daughters in they're, ig. 5. 21. 10. Nebuchadnezzar shall *. this city withy. 32. 29. I 34. 2, 22. | 37 . 8, 10. | 38. 18. Eiek. 5. 2. *. wither* a third part in midst of city 16. 41. they 6. thine house withj^re, 23. 47. Hal. 3. 12. he will gather his wheat, but he will *. up the chaff with unquenchable^r?, LttieS. 17. Htv. 17. 16. shall eat her flesh and *. her v/ithjire BURN iticense. Exod. 30.1. thou shalt make an altar to *. incenseon 7. Aaron shall 4. thereon sweet inc. every morn.8. 1 Kings 13.1. Jeroboam stood. by the altar to i.inc. 2 Kings 18.4. the children of Israel did 6. inc. toil 1 Chron. 23. 13. he and his sons for ever to 4. inc. 2 Chron. 2. 4. I build an house to b. sweet incense 13. 11. 4. every morning sweet incenst to the Lord 26. 16. Uzziah went into temple to 4. incense, I9. 28. 25. in Judah Ahaz made high places to 4. inc. 2y.ll.my sons, the Lord hath chosen you to 4. «kc. 3',;. 12. worship before one altar, and 4. inc. on it Ser. 7. 9. will ye steal and 4. incense to Baal ? 11.13. 44. 17. we will 4. incense to the queen of heaven Hos 4.13. they 4. «Kc«nj« upon the hills under oaks Hah. 1. 16. therefore they 4. !««;«« to their drag Lnke 1. 9- Zacharias his lot was to 4. inc. in temple BURNED. Jjxod. 3. 2. bush 4. with fire, and was not consumed 3. I will turn and see why the bush is not 4. Deui. 9- 15. I came down, and mount 4. with fire 32. t 22. a fire kindled and hath 4. to lowest hell Sosh. 7.25. 4. them with fire, after they stoned them S Chron. 25. 14. Amaziah 4. incense to the gods 34. 25. have forsaken me, and 4. incense to gods Esth. 1.12. the king was wroth, and anger 4. in him Vsal. 39. 3. while 1 was musing the fire 4. /fa. 24.6. therefore the inhabitants of the earth are 4. 42. 25. it b. him, yet he laid it not to heart Lam. 2. 3. he 4. against Jacob like a flaming fire John 15. 6. withered branches are gathered and 4. Acts 19. 19- many brought their books and 4. them fioffi. 1. 27. 4. in their lust one towards another 1 Ccr. 13. 3. and though I give my body to be b. Ueb. 6. 8. is rejected, whose end is to be b. 12. 18. for ye are not come to the mount that 4. .VuF. I. 15 his feet like brass, as if 4. in a furnace 16. t 9. and men were 4. with great heal BURNETU. Lev. 16. 2R. he that 4. them shall wash his cloihes and bathe his flesh in water, AVn. ly. 8. ■/'ta/.46.9. he breaketh the bow and 4.chariot in fire 83. 14. as the fire 4. wood, and as the flame setteth 97. 3. a fire 4. up his enemies round about /w. 9. 18. for wickedness b. as the fire 41-. 16. he 4. part thereof in fire, he warms himself 62. 1. the salvation thereof as a lamp that 4. 64 2. .13 when the melting fire b. the fire causeth 65.5. these are a smoke and fire that 4. all the day 66. 3. he that 4. incense, as if he blessed an idol Jer. 48. .35. cause to cease that 4. incense to his gods Jiv/2.3. a fire before them, behind them a flame 4. JUv. 21.8. shall have part ia lake which 4. with fire BURNING. Cen. 15. 17. a 4. lamp p?-«ert between the pieces lev 6. 9. the fire of the altar shall be 4. in it, 12,13. 26. 16. I will appoint over you the 4. ague Deut. 28.22. Lord shall smite thre with extreme I. .^2.24. they shall be devoured wiih 4. heat i/ti 5.i7. as sons of the i. coal lift up to fljr 67 BUR BUR 704 41. 19' of his mouth go 4. lamps, Sparks of fire j3 Kings l.\i Tfr; from heaven 4.up the two captaini Psal. 11. + 6. on wicked he shall reign a 4. tempest 140. 10. let 4. coals fall upon them, cast into fire Prov. 16. 27. in his lips there is as a 4. fire 26. 21. as coals are to 4. coals, and wood to fire 23. 4. lips and a wicked heart are like a potsherd Isa. 30.27. name of Lord comtth far, b. with anger 34. 9. the land diereof shall become 4. pitch Jer. 20. 9. his word was in my heart as a 4. fire Kiek. 1. 13. their appearance wm like 4. coals 21. t31. I will deliver into the hand of 4. men i>a».3.6.shall be cast into midst of a 4. furnace, 11. 17. is able to deliver us from the 4. furnace 20. to cast them into the 4. fiery furnace, 21, 23. 26. Nebuchadnezzar came near the 4. furnace 7.9. his throne like flame, his wheels were as 4. fire Ilab. 3. 5. and b. coals went forth at his feet Luke 12.35. let your loins be girded, and lights*. John 5. 35. John was a b. and a shining light Uev. 4. 5. there were seven lamps 4. before throne 8. 8. and as it were a great mountain 4. with fire 10. there fell a great star b. as it were a lamp 19. 20. they both were cast alive into a lake 4. BURNING. Gen. 11. t 3. and let us burn the bricks to a 4. Exod. 21.25. b. for 4. wound for wound, stripe for Lev. 10. 6. bewail the 4. which the Lord kindled 13. 28. if the spot stay, it is a rising of the 4. Au/rt. 11. 1 3. he called the name of the place a 4. Deut. 29.23 . the whole land is brimstone, salt, and 4. 2 Chron. I6. 14. they made a very great b. for him 21. 19. people made no 4. like the 4. of his fathers Isa. 3. 24. there shall be b. instead of beauty 4. 4. purged blood of Jerusalem by the spiritof 4 9- 5. but this shall be with b. and fuel of fire 10. 16. under his glory, kindle 4. like 4. of Sre 32. t 13. b. shall come upon all houses of joy 33. 12. the people shall be as the b. of lime Aynosi. 11. even as a firebrand plucked out of the 4. lUv. 18. 9- when they shall see the smoke of her b. BURNINGS. Josh. 11. t 8. they chased them to the 4. of waters lia. 33. 14. who shall dwell with everlasting 4. ? Jer. 34 5. with 4. of thy fathers the former kin BURNISHED. Eiek. 1.7. they sparkled like the colour of *. brass BURNT. Oen. 38.24. Judah said, bring her forth, let her be 4. Ltv. S. 12. for tney shall not be 4. on the altar 6. £2. meat-offering shall be wholly b. 23. | 8. 21. 10. 16. Moses sought the goat, and it was 4. h'um. 10 ■)!-). Eleazar the priest took the brazen censer.s, wherewith they that were b. had offered Dent. 32.24. shall be 4. with hunger, and devoured li'am.S 15. before they 4. fat, priest's servant came 2 Sam. 5. 21. David and his men b. their images 1 hings 13. 2. mens' bones shall be 4. upon thee 15.13. Asa 4. her idol by the brook, 2 Chr. 15. 16. 2 Kings 23. 6. he 4. the grove at the brook Kidron 15. she 4. the high place, and stampt it small 16. he took bones out of sepulchres and b. them 25. 9. 4. the house of L. 2 Chr. 36. 19. Jer. o2. 13. J'lb 30. 30. and my bones are 4. with heat Psal. 102.3. my skin black, bones are 4. as an hearth J'rov. 6. 27. take fire, and his clothes not be b. 28. can one go on coals and his feet not be b.? Jer. 2.15. his cities are 4. || 6. 2y. the bellows are 4. 36. 28. iathe roll which Jehoiakim hath 4. 51.25. and I will make thee a 4. mountain Ezei. 20. 47. and all faces shall be 4. therein 24. 10. kindle the fire, and let the bones be i. Joel 1.19. the flame hath 4. all the trees of the field Amos 2. 1. because he 4. the bones of king of Edom A'a/i. 1.5. and the earth is 4. at his presence 1 Cor. 3. 15. if any man's work be 4. shall sutler loss Heb. 13. 11. those beasts are 4. without the camp BURNT, joined with/re Num. 11.1. theyire of the Ijord 4. among them, 3. Dent. 4.11. ye came near, the mountain 4. with /ire 12. 31 . their sons .ind daughters they 4. in the^ir* .Tosh 6. 24. they 4. Jericho with/r? and all therein 7. J 5. it shall be, he that is taken with the accursed thing shall be 4. with.fire, he and all he hath 11.9- Joshua b. their chariots vi'nhjire 11. and he took Hazor and 4. it with.^r* Jtulg. 15. 6. they 4. her and her father with.(fr« 14. the corda became as flax that was b. with_fi>« 18. 27. they came to Laish and 4. it with /ir« 1 .Sam. 30. 1. the Amalekites*. Ziklag with/r* 2 ^am. 23. 7- they shall be utterly A. with/r* 1 Knics 9. 16. for I'haraoh had 4. Gezer witbrtre 16. 18. Zimii A. the king's bouse with fi't 17. 31. the Sepharvites 4. their children with_;S;« 23. 11. and 4. the chariots of the sun with Jirt 25 9- every great man's house *. he with/i;* 1 Chron. 14. 12. their gods were b. with/[>« 2 Chron. 28. 3. Ahaz 4. his children in theyS;« Neh. 1. 3. the gates thereof are 4. yiiCiJire, 2. 17 Psal. 80. 16. it is 4. with_fire, it is cut down Isa. 1.7. your cities are 4. wi:h./ire 43. 2. when walkest thro'.rire thou shalt not be*. Cl. ] 1 . our holy and beautiful house is 4. wiihyS;* Jer. 38. 17. this city shall not be 4. withyire 23. thou shalt cause this city to be 4. withyiV* 49. 2. and her daughters shall Le 4. withy»>« 51. 32. and the reeds they have *. -viatijire 53. Babylon's high gates shall be *. with fire .Vic. 1.1. the hires thereof shall be 4. with ihe/ire Uev. 18.8. she shall be utterly *. with /re BURNT intense. Exod. 40. 27. *. sweet inc. thereon, as commanded 1 Kings 3. 3. only Solomon *. inc. in high places 9- 25. Solomon 4. inc. upon the altar before L. 12. 33. Jeroboam offered on the altar and*, inc 22.43.people*.i«c.2A'i;,?<12.3. | 14.4. | 15.4,35 2A'in5iT6.4.Ahaz4.i>iC.inhighplacej,2C/i;-.28.3,4 2 Chion. 2y. 7- put out lamps and have not *. inc ha. 65. 7- which have *. inc. on the mountains Jer. 18. 15. my people have 4. i/ic. to vanity 44. 15. men which knew that their wives had 4. inc Hos. 2. 13. the days wherein she 4. inc. to them 11.2. they sacrificed and 4. inc. to graven images BURNT-OITERING. Gen. 22. 7. but where is the lamb fora b.-offering ? 8. my son, (iod will provide a lamb for a b.-off. 13. he offered him for a b.-ojjering instead of Isaac Exod. 18. 12. and Jethro took a b.-offering for (iod 29. 18. the ram is a b.-offering unto the Lord Lev. 1.4. he shall put his hand on head of 4. -o^erin* 4. 2y. he shall slay the sin-offering in the place ol the 4.-<).^eMnj, 33. | 6. 25. | 7- 2. | 14. 13 6.9. saying, this is the lawof the 4.-(;/re''<"j. 7.37. 7.8. the priest shall have the skin of the b.-offering 9. 2. take thee a ram fora 4.-o/f. 16. 3, 5 I 23. 18. 5. take a calf and a lamb for b.-off. 12.6. | 23. 12 A';(ff». 7. 15. one lamb of the first year for a b.-off. 21, 27, 33,39, 51, 57, 63,09, 75, ai. Eiek. 45. 15. 23. 3. stand by thy b.-offering and I will go, 15. 28. 10. this is the b.-oj/ering of every sabbath 13. for a,b.-oJ. of a sweet savour unto the Lord 14. this is the b. -offering of every month 29. 6. beside the meat-oflering juid the daily b.-off. Josh. 22. 26. to build us an altar not fur a.6.-o[lering Jndg. 13. 23. not have received a4.-<)J/. at ourhanils 1 Sam. 7. 10. as Samuel was offering up 3,b.-oJering 13. 12. I forcea mystlf and offered a b.—Jtermg 2 Kings 3. 07. offered him for a 4.-0^'. on the wall 2 Chr. 7.1. fire came down and consumed th« b.-off. 29. 24. thtb.-offering should be made for all Israel P.>at. 40. 6. b.-offc'ings hast thou not required 51. 16. for thou delightest not in b.-offering ly. shalt be pleased with 4.-<^'. and whole b.-cf Isa. 40. 16. nor the beasts thereof for a l.-iffering 61. 8. for I the Lord hate robbery for b.-offering Ezek. 44. 11. they shall slay the *.-<)/.and sacrific* 45. 17. princes shall prepare the b.-off. for Isr. 40. 2. the priest shall prepare the prince's b.-off. 13. thou shalt daily prepare a i.-off. to the Lord Continual BURN 1-OIT-ERlNG. Eaod. 29. 42. a continual b.-ofcriiig, Num. 28. 3, 6, 10, 15, 24, 31. I 2Q. il, 16, 19. 22. Eirs 3. 5. Neh. 10. 33. Ezek. 46. 15. Offer B URN T-UFFE RING. C««.22.2.take I'saac and oj'er him there for a b.-off. Lev. 9. 7. go to the altar and oj/er thy b.-iffenng AiiOT.28. 11. in beg'.niirigs of months .j/irr a b.-of 23. ye shall o£er these besides the b.^ifiering JiiUg. 11. 31. I will offer it up lur a b.-opering 13. 16. if thou offer a b.-ff. 1 Kings 3. 15. Solomon stood and offered * ojfeniigt 8. 64. middle of the court, there he offered b.-off. 1 Chron. 29.21,. they offered b.-oferings to the Loiil a C/tron. 3. 4. behold, 1 build an house for b.-off. ' ■ 7. brazen altar was not able to receive 4. off 29. 7. hare not offered b.- BUS 2C^r(m.30.l5.T,evites were aLshamed,broughti.-<>^'. i5. 14. sons of Aaron busied in offering b.-off. Ezra 3. 4 offered the daily i.-offerings by number 6. 9- that which they have need of for b.-offermc;! Toi 1. 5. offered i. -offering! according to thu number Psal. 50. 8. I will not reprove thee for thy i.-off. o6. 13. 1 will go into thy house with i.-cfferirigi Jsa. 1. 11. I am full of the i.-vfferincs of rams 43. 23. nor brought me small cattle of thy i.-off. 36. 7 . iheir t.-vff. shall be accepted on mine altar Jer. 6. 20. your i.-offerings are not acceptable 3. 21. put your i.-offeringt to your sacrifices 22. spake not to your fathers concerning A.-ojf. i7. 26. shill come from the south, bringing A. (i^. 19. 5. to bum their sons for i.-offerings to Baal Exei. 45. 17. be the prince's part to give i.-cfferings Hoi. 6. 6. the knowledge of God more than i.-off. Mic. 6.6. shall I come before him with i.-offerings T Mart 12.33. to love neighbour is more than i.-off. Hti. 10.6.in i.-cff. for sin thou hast had no pleasure Offer BURNl-OFFEHINGS. 1 &im.l0.8. I will comedown to thee to offer b.-off. S Sam. 24. 24 nor will I offer i.-offerings of that which doth cost me nothing, 1 Citron. 21. 24. 1 Kings 3. 4. a thousand i.-off. did Solomon offer §. 25. three times a year did Solomon offer i.-». 1. 9. the priest shall bum all to be aA.-,t. 3. 5. J^um. 23.6. lo, he stood by his i.-s. and the princes Deut. 33. 10. shall put whole b.-s. on thine altar £ Sam. 24. 22. behold, here be oxen for b.-sacrijice 1 Kings 18. .38. fire fell and consumed the b.-sacriJice '2 Kings 16. 15. on the great altar burn the king's*.-/. Psal. 20.3. remember thy offerings, accept thy b.-t. BURNT-SACRIFICES. 1 Chron. 23. 31. to offer all i.-s. in the sabbaths 2 Chron. 13. 11. bum morning and evening i.-s. Psal. 66. 15. I will offer to thee i.-s. of failings BURNT up. Jtidg. 15 5. the foxes i. up the shocks and com 2 Kings 1.14. fire came down, jind A.u/ithetwocapt. Job 1. 16. the fire of God hath i. up the sheep Psal. 74. 8. they have i. up all the synagogues 106. 18. fire was kindled, flame i. up the wicked Jsa. 3. 1 14. for ye have i. up the vineyard 61. 11. our holy and beautiful house is b. up .Jer. 9. 10. b. up that none can pass thro' them, 12. Mat. 22. 7. the king sent and i. up their city 2 Pet. 3. 10. earth, and works therein shall be b. up tier. 8. 7. they were cast on the earth, and tlie third part of trees was i.u;;.and all green grass was A.«/) BURST. .Tob .32. 19. it is ready to b. like new bottles J'rov. 3. 10. thy presses shall be b. with new wine /«r.2.20. 1 have A.thy bands, 5.5. | 30.8. AaA.1.13. Marki. 22. else new wine doth i. bottles, X,uie 5. 3?. Acts 1.18. he A. asunder in midst, bowels gushed out BURSTING. Isa. 30. 14. not be found in the b. of i*. a sherd BUSH, ES. Eiod. 3. 2. in a flame of fire in the *. Acts 7. 30. 4. God called to him out of the midst of the b. Deia. 33. 16. the good-will of him that dwelt in b. Job 30. 4. who cut up mallows by the b. for meat 7. among the b. they brayed, under the nettles J'a. 7. 19. they shall come and rest upon all b. .Mark 12. 26. how in the i. God spake to him Jjike 6.44. nor of a bramble b. gather they grapes 20. 37. that dead are raised, Moses ..hewed at liie b. Acts 7. 35. the angel which appeared in the b. BUSHEL. Mat. 5. 15. nor do men lightacandle and put itunder a*, butonacandlestick, Marki. 21. Lukell.Zi. BUSHY. Cant. 5. 11. bis locks are b. and black as a raven BUSY-BODY, lES. C 7%rd 6. i. it is the same God which worketh all in all 2 Cor. 2. 5. he hath not grieved me 4. in part 4. 17. our light affliction, which is 4. for a moment Oal. 1. 12. 4. by the revelation of Jesus Christ But the end. See End. BUl^ER. Gen. 18. 8. Abraham took 4. and milk, and the calf Deut. 32. 14..4. of kine, milk of sheep, fat of lambs Judg. 5. 25. she brought forth 4. in a lordly di.'h 2&im.l7.29.Barzillaibrougbthoneyand 4.forDav. Job 20. 17. shall not see the brooks of honey and 4. 29. 6. when I washed my steps with 4 . rock poured Psal. 55. 21. words of his mouth smoother than 4. Prov. 30. 33. churning of milk bringeth forth 4. ha. 7. 15. b. and honey shall he cat, 22. BUTLER, S. Gen. 40. 1 . the 4. of the king of Egypt offended 9. the chief 4. told his dream to .loseph 21. he restored his chief 4. to his butlership 41. 9. the chief 4. szdd, I remember my faults BUTTOCKS. 2 &;?!. 10.4. cut off garments to their 4. 1 Chr.ig.i. Isa. 20. 4. with b. uncovered to the shame of Egypt BUY' Signifies, [1] To frrocure any commodity by price, 2 Sam. 24. 21. [2] To receive, by such -.vays and means as God has directed, those spiritual blessings which are freely offered in the gospel, even Christ and all his benefits, Isa. 55. 1. Rev. 3. 18. Cen. 42. 2. get you down to Egypt and 4. for us 7. said, from land of Canaan to 4. food, 43. 20. 47. 19. b. us and our land forbread, we be servants Ezod. 21. 2. if thou 4. an Hebrew servant Lez). 22. 11. if the priests 4. any soul with money 25. 15. after the jubilee 4. of thy neighbour 44. of them shall ye 4. bondmen and maids, 45. Deut. 2. 6. ye shall b. meat of them for money 28. 68. ye shall be sold, and no man shall 4. you liulA 4. 4. 4. it before the inhabitants, before elders 5. thou must 4. it also of Ruth the Moabitess 2 Sam. 24. 21. David said, to 4. the threshing-floor, and build an altar to the Lord, 24. 1 Chr. 21. 24. 2 Kings 12. 12. gave it to masons to 4. timber, 22. 6. \eh. 10. 31. we would not 4. it on the sabbath Isa. 55. 1. come, 4. and eat, 4. wine and milk Jer. 32. 7. b. thee my field that is in Anathoth 44. men shall 4. fields for money and subscribe Mat. 14.15. may 4. themselves victuals, A/ar* 6.36. 25. 9. go to them that sell, and 4. for yourselves 10. while they went to 4. the bridegroom came Mark 6. 37. shall we go and i. 200 pennyworth ' Luke 9- 13. except we 4. meat for all this people 22. 36. let him sell his garment and 4. one John 4. 8. his disciples were gone to 4. meat 6. 5. whence shall we 4. bread that these may eat •■ 13. 29- *. those things that wt have need of 1 Cor. 7 . 30. they that 4. us tho' they possessed not Jam. 4. 13. and we will 4. and sell, amd get gain ii'fi'.S. IB. I counsel thee to 4. of me gold tried in fire 13. 17. no man 4. or sell, save he that had the mark BUY com. Gen. 41. 57. all countries came to.Toseph to4. corn 42. 3. Joseph's brethren went down to i. corn AWi. 5. 3. we have mortgaged our lands to 4. corn BUY poor. Amos 8. 6. that we may 4. the poor for silver BUY truth. Prov. 23. 23. 4. the truth and sell it not.also wisdom BUYER. Prov. CO. 14. it is naught, it is naught, saith the 4. Isa. 24. 2. as with 'he 6. so with the seller E:ek. 7. 12. let not the 4. rejoice, nor seller mourn BUYE.ST Lev. 25, 14i {tad if thou sell ooght, (ff i, oogbt CAL Rush 4. f . what day thou 4. the field of N^aonil BUYETH. Prov. 31. 16. she coiisidereth a field, and i. it ■Mtii. 13.44 eselleth all he h.ith, and 4. that fie! J hev. 18. 11. no man 4. her merchandise any moiv BY and BV. Alat. 13. 21. *1 en persecution, 4. anif 4. is^ffendel Murk ft. 25. give me 4. and b. in a ci^arger the he;.. I Luke 17.7.willsay to him4. afuf4. sit down tome. 'i 21. 9. come to pass, but the end is not i. and f BY-WAYS. JuJg. 5.6. ajid the travellers walked throtighf. BY-WORD. [iio,.:i Deiu. 28. 37. thou shalt become a i. among all n. 1 A'inf/9.7. Israel shall be a 4. among all thepeopi* 2 Chron. 7. 20. make this house a proverb and a *. Job 17.6. he hatli made me a 4. of the people 30. 9. and now am 1 their song, yea, I am their t. Psal. 44. 14. thoumakest usa4. among the heathen Joeli-llT. why heath, should use a 4 againetthem' c. CABINS, Jer. ,'>7. 16. when Jeremiah was entered into thf c CAGE. Jer. 5. 27 . as a *. is full of birds, so are their hous< •» full of deceit, therefore they are become gre..' Rev. 18. 2. Babylon is a c . of every tinclean bivil CAKE, S. Exod. 12. 39. they baked unleavened e. of thedoug b Lev.l. 12. with sacrifice of thanksgiving, unleav. . . 24. 5. take fine flour, and bake twelve c. thereil Num. 15. 20. offer up a c. of the first of your dongi> Judg.T. 13. and lo, ac. tumbled into host of Midialt c. to them, but they will not answer thee Hoi. 2. 16. and thou shalt c. me no more Baali Jiel i:.3'2. in the remnant whom the Lord shall c. /l/noj5. 16. theyjAa/Zc.the husbandmen tomonrning 20. 9. save. Lord, let the king^ear us when we c.\^^'^^'^-^-9.'/'<'ll cod my name and I will hear them 49.11. theyc. their lands after their own names' ''''''•••4.they*Aa//c them theborders of wickedness] 55. 5. thou shalt c. a nation that thou knowestiiot N''^'"'* 10. 49. Jesus commanded him to be c 58 9- then iAa// thou f. and the Lord shall answer 1-1.72. Peter c. to mind the word that Jesus said Lvke I. 61. none of thy kindred is c. by this uaaia 62. they made signs how he would have him c. 15. 19. 1 am no more worthy to be c. thy son, SI 19. 15. he commanded the servants to be c. C3. 33. when come to the place that he. Calvary John I. 48. before that Philip f. thee I saw thee 4. 25. 1 know Messiah cometh, who is c. Christ 9- 1 1 .a man /-.Jesus made clay and anoint my eye* .■ictsg. I Igo i-ito the street c. Straipht.for oner .Saul 11. 20. disciples were c. Christians first at Anlioch 13.7.who c.for Barnabas and Saul, desired to hear 9. then Saul.c. Paul, filled with the Holy Ghost 15. 17. all the Gentiles on whom my name is c. 19. 4u. to be c. in question for this day's uproar 77. 6. I f. to remembrance my song in the night' 3. 12. and ail nations lAaZ/c. you blessed 1 c , ■ • ■ ■ • 86.5. and plenteous in mercy to all that c. on theel "^o'- 1-21. thou shalt c. his name Jesus, shall save 23. 6. 1 am c. in question by you this day, 24. 21 "" ■ I -. -- . . ...,-.,... 18. Paul the prisoner c. and prayed me to bring /film. I.I. Paul c. to be an apostle, I dr. I.I. 6. among whom are ye also the c of Jesus 99. 6. Samuel among them that c. on his name 10.25. how much more j/ia//c. them of household? 2. in the day when I e. answer me speedily •^"^^ !• 13. and thou jAa/» f. his name John 145.18. the Lord is nigh all them thate. on him 48. behold, all generations shall c. me blessed Pr«£i.8.4.toyon,Omen,lc.myvoiceistosonsofmen '^'^'■*2. 39. as many as the Lord our God fAn// c. 9.15 to f. passenger* who go right on their ways LKum. 10.14. how then shall theyc. on him in whom 31. 28. her children arise, and c. her blessed fri// CALL. J/a. 3. tl2. O my people, they who c. thee blesscdK'*"- 24. 57. we ai//c.the damsel and inquire at her cause thee to err, and destroy thy paths, 9,+l6. 30. 13. for the daughters will c. me blessed 5.20. woe to them that c. evil aood, and good evilll'Sam. 12.17. I will c. unto Lord, and he shall send S2. 12. in that day did the Lord c. to weeping 45. 3. 1 the Lord which c. thee by thy name 48. 2. for they c. themselves of the holy city l:i. when I c. to them they stand up together 55. 6. c. ye upon him while be is near 58. 5. wilt thou c this a fast to the Lord ? 1.3. <-. the sabbath a delight, holy of the Lord 65. 15. and c. his servants by another name 24. it shall come.that before they c. I will answer JtT. 9.17. consider andc. for the mourning women 33. 3. c. unto me, and I will answer thee ham. 2. 15. is this city men c. perfection of beauty lies. 1. 4. the Lord saiJ, c. his name iezreel 6. God said onto him, c. her name Lo-ruhamah 9.C. his name Lo-ammi, for ye are not my people 7. U. they le,Iwill deliver 91. 15. he shall c. upon me, and 1 will answer him Prov. 1. 28. shall f. u;«)»m<, but 1 will not answer Jer. 29. 12. shall ye c. upon me and I will hearken CALLED. Gen. 11.9. therefore is the name of it c. Babel £1. 17. the angel of God c. to liagarout of heaven 22. 11. the angel f. to Abraham out of heaven 35 10. thy name shall not bee. anymore Jarob 18. e. him lieo-oni, but his fathere. him Benjam 39. 14. she e. to the men of her house, and spake Esod. 1. 18. the King of Egvpt e.for ihemidwives 8 8.1'har.c.forM. 25. | 9 27- I 10.16,24. | 12 31 iVam.l3.l6. Mosese. Osheason of Nun.Jehoshua L»e«f.5.I.Mosese. all Israel, and said tothem,29.2. l5.2.notexact it,becamseitise. the Lord's release 28. 10. shall see thou arte, by name of the Lord Joih. 21 .19. gave tkese cities here e. by name Judg.Vl.W. the men of Ephraim weree. together 14. 15. have ye e. us to take what we have ' 15. 17. he cast away the jaw-bone, ande. the place i. Cor. 1. £3. 1 c God for a record upon my soul 18. Samsoa was wre athirst, and e. on th* Lord 7 . to them that are e. to be saints, I Cor, 1.2. 2. I", thou art e. a Jew, and reiitest in the law 8. 28. who are the e. according to his purpose 1 Cor. 1. 9. by whom ye weree. to the fellowship 24. to them which are e. both Jews and Greeks 26. not many mighty, not many noble, are e. 5. II. if any man e. a brother be a fornicator 7. 18. is any man e being circumcised ? is any e. 21. art thou c. being a servant ? care not for it 24. let every man wherein he is c. therein abido Gal. 1 . 6. so soon removed from him that e. you . 13. for, brethren, ye have been e. to liberty Eph.'i. II. who are e. uucirciimcisionby thate. 4. I. walk worthy of vocatmn wherewith ye are c. 4. even as ye aree. in one hope of your calling Col. 3. 15. to the which ye are c. in one body 4. 1 1. Jesus, which ise. Justus, saluteth you 2 J'hess. 2. 4. who exalteth above all that is e. God 1 Tim. 6. 12. eternal life, whereto thou arte. 20. avoiding oppositions of science, falsely so e. Heb. 3. 13, but exhort daily while it is e. to-day 9. 8. the tabernacle whii h is e. the sanctuary 15. they that are ... might receive the promisa 11. 16. God is not ashanicil to be e. their God 24 Moses refused to be e.son of I'haraoh'sdaught. Jafn.2.7. blaspheme that name by which ye are e. 1 Pet. 2.9. of him who hath e. you out of darknesi SI .for hereunio were ye e.beoouse Christ suffered 3. 9. knowing that ye are thereunto c. to inherit 2 Pet. I. 3. that hath e. us to glory and virtue I John 3. I. that we should be e. the sons of Qo Jude l.tosanciified,pre5erved in JesusChrist.andr. /{er.B.ll. the name of the starts e. wormwood 1 1. 8. city which spiritually ise. Sodom and E(;yp( 12. 9. that old serpent e the Devil, and Satan 17. 14. they that are with him. are e and chosen 19. 9. blessed that are e. to the marriage supper CALLED, joined with God, or Lord. Gen. I. 5. God c. light day, darkness he e. night 8. and God e. the firmament. Heaven 10. God c.dry-laod Earth, the waters c. he Sua.> CAL Ccn.f .2 God blessed them, and r.their nameAdam Er<>rf.3.4.God e. to him out of the midst of the bush 19. 3. the Lord c. to him out of the mountain CO. the Lord c. Moses up to the top of the mount 35. 30. see, the Lord hath c. my name Bezaleel Sum. 12. 5. and the Lord e. Aaron and Miriam 1 Sam. 3. 4. the Lord c. Samuel, 6, 8, 10. eAV«gf3.]0.alas,Lord,hatlir.these three kings. 13. 8. 1. for the Lord hath e. for a famine on the land P.'ff/.SO.l.Lord hath c. the earth from rising of sun Ita. 41. 2. the Lord raised, andf. him to his foot 42. (J. 1 the Lord have e. thee in righteousness 49- 1- the Lord hath e. me from the -nomb 54. 6. the Lord hath c. thee as a woman forsaken Jtr. 11. 16. Lord c. thy name a green olive-tree 20. 3. the Lord hath not c. thy name I'ashur Amoi 7. 4. the Lord God c. to contend by fire /icis lO. 10. gatherini; that the Lord had c. us 1 Cor. 7. 15. but God hath c. us to peace 17-as the Lord hath c. every one, so let him walk Gal. 1. 15. it pleased (Jod, who c. me by his grace 1 Tliess. 2. 12. who c. you to his kingdom and glory 4. 7. for God hath not e. us to luicleanness 8 Thess. C. l-i. whereunto God c. you by our gospel 2 Tim. 1. 9. who hath c. us with a holy calling Htb. 5. 4. but he that is c. of God, as was Aaron 10. c. of God an high-priest afterorder of Melchis. I Ptt. 5. 10. the God of all grace, who hath e. us //* CALLED. Oen. 51. 31. wherefore At c. that place Beer-sheba 26. 18. fif e. their names as his father called them 55. 10. thy name is Jacob, he c. his name Israel Ktod. 24. 16. the Lord e. to .Moses out of the cloud Judg. 6. 32. on that day he c. him Jerubbaal iSam. 1.7. when he looked /;« saw me and r. tome 13.1". then he c. his servant that ministered to him 1 A'(n».t 1.10. but Solom.his brother A« r.not, ig.26. 9. 13. he e. them land of Cabul to this day 2 Kings 4. 36. and he c. to Gehazi, so he c. her 18. 4. he brake brazen serpent, hec. it ISehushtan Ptal. 105. 16. he c. for a famine on the land Jer. 42. 8. then c. he Johanan and all the captains Lam. 1. 15. he hath c. an assembly against me Etek. g. 3. he c. to the man clothed with linen Mq/. 10. 1. he c. the twelve || 15. 10. he c. multitude Mark 1. 20. straightway hec. them, and they left Luke 13. 12. when .lesus saw her, he c. her to him John 10. 35. if /(« c. them tiods, to whom the word Acts 9. 41. when he had c. the saints and widows 10. 23. then c. he them in, and lodged them 16. £9. then he c. for a light, and sprang in 19. 25. whom he c. toget^ier with the workmen 23. 23. he c. unto him two centurions, saying Vom. 8. 30. them he also c. whom he c. he justified 0.24. even us whom /i^hathc . not of Jews only 1 Pet. 1. 15. but as he which hath c. you is holy See Called the name. I CALLED, or, / hate CALLED. Sum. 24. 10. / c. thee to curse mine enemies Jndg. 12.2. when 1 c. you, ye delivered me not 1 Sam. 3. 5. Eli said, 1 c. not, lie down again, 6. "S.\5.I haie r.thee,thoumayest make known tome 2 6am. 22. 7. in my distress Ic. Ptal. 18. t). | 118.5. jNV/i. 5. 12. I c. the priests, and took an oath of them J06 9. 16. if 1 had c. and he had answered me 19. 16. / f. my servant, and he gave me no answer Ptal. 17. 6. 1 kare c. on thee, for thou wilt hear 3 1.1 7. let me not be ashamed, for 1 hare r.uponthee 88. 9- Lord, / hare c. daily upon thee 116. 4. then e. I upon the name of the Lord Prov. 1. 24. because / have c. and ye refused Cant. 5. 6. I c. him, but he gave me no answer lia. 13. 3. / hare e. my mighty ones for mine anger 41. 9- 1 hare c. thee from the chief men thereof 43.1. le thee by tliy name, thou art n.ine, 45. 4. 48. 15. yea, 1 hare c. him, 1 have brought him 50. 2. when / c. was there none to answe.- ? 51. 2. for I c. him alone, and blessed him 65. 12. wVicn I c. ye did not answer, Jer. ~. 13. 66. 4. because when / c. none did answer J*r. 35. 17. because / /tare c. to them, but they not Lam. 1.19./ f. for my lovers, but they deceived me 3. 55. / c. on thy name out of the low dungeon 57. thou drewest nea' in the day / c. upon thee J/oj. 11.1. then 7 f. my Son out of Egypt. ;Vo/,2.15 Itag. 1.11. and I c. for a drought upon the land Zech. 11. 7. one /f. Beauty, theoiher y f. Bands John 15. 15. not ser\-ants, but 1 hare e. you friends Acts 13.2. for the work whereto 1 havec. them 28. 20. for this cause hare 1 c. for you to see CALLED 6v my name. tChrcn.T .M. my people who are f. Ay myn.humble J.ta. 43. 7- bring, even every one that is c. by my n. 65. 1. behold, to a nation that was not c. bu mi/ n. /rr. 7. 10. housef.iymy?.. 11,14,30. | 32.34. ] 34".15. 25. 29 to bnng evil on the city which is f. by mv n. iimoi 9.12. remnant ofheathen which are c.iy my n. CALLED by thy name. 1 A'riifj8.43.house 1 build'edisc.*y rAy n.2CA.6.33. //C.4. 1 .let u!" btc.bg ihv n to take awaf our reproach 60 CAL i>a.43.1.I have c.thee by thy n.thou artmine.45.4. 63. 19. we are mine, they were not c. by thy n. Jer. 14. 9. O Lord, we arer . by thy n. leave us not 15. 16. for I am c. by thy n. O Lord God of hosts Van. 9. 18. and behold the city which is c. bv ihy n. ig.defernot, forthycityandpeople are c.bythyn. CALLED his name. Gen. 35. 10. thy name is Jacob, he c. his n. Israel 18. she c. his n. Benoni, but his father Benjamin 1 Chron. 4. 9- bis mother c. his n. Jabe«, saying 7.16. sher. his n.Peresh||23.and htc.his K.Beriah -Vat. 1.25. her first born sou, and he c. his n. Jesus Hev. 19. 13. and his iiame isr. the Word of God CALLED the name. G?n. 28. 19. e.then. of the place Both-el,35. 15. Eiod. 16. 31. and Israel c. the n. thereof, manna 17. T. he 0. the «. of the place .Massah and Meribah 15. Moses f. the n. of the altar jEHOVAH-nissi Jndg. 15. 19. Samson e. the n. thereof En-hakkore 2 Sam. 5. 20. c. the n. of that place Baal-perazim 1 hini^sT. 21. e.then. thereof Jachin, 2 Chr. 3.17 Job 42. 12. and he c. the n. of the first, Jemima Sent and CALLED. Gen. 27. 42. she sent and c. Jacob her younger son 31.4. Jacob j«H/anrff. Rachel and Leah to the field 41. 14. then Pharaoh tent and c. Joseph Josh. 24. 9. Balak sent and e. Balaam to curse you Jndg. 4. 6. she smt a7td e. Barak out of Kadesh 16. 18. she sent atid c. the lords of the Philistines 2 Sam. 12. 25. he se7il and c. his name Jedidiah 1 Kings 2. 3tj. the king sent and c. for Shimei, 42. 12. 3. they sent and c. Jeroboam, 2 Chron. 10. 3. Esth.5. 10. Ilaman sent and c. for his friends Acts 20. 17. he sent to Ephesus, and c. the elders Shall be CALLED. G«».2.23..?Aa//iec.woman,becausetakenout ofmaii 17. 5. thy lame shall bee. Abraham, for a father 21. 12. hearken to Sarah's voice, for in Isaac shall thy seed *«c. Rom. 9. 7. Heb. 11. 18 32. 28. name shall be c. no more Jacob, but Israel 48. 6. thy issue shall be c. after their brethren Deut. 25. 10. his name s/iall be c. in Israel, house of Proc. 16. 21. the wise in heart shall be c. prudent 24.8.deviseth evil, .f/ja//A«f .a mischievous person /jrt. 4.3. that remaineth in Jerusalem j/ia//<5«c. holy 9.6. and his name shall be c. Wonderful, Counsellor 19. 18. one shall be c. the city of destruction 32. 5. the vile person shall no more be c. liberal 35. 8. and a way, and it shall be c. way of holiness 54. 5. the God of the whole earth shall he be c. 56.7. house shallbec. house of prayer, Mat.il.XZ Jer. 7. 32. it shall no more be c. Tophet, IQ 6. 23.6. he shall be c. Lord our Righteousness,33.36 Zech. 8. 3. Jerusalem shall be c. a city of truth Mat. 1. f 23. and his name jAa// fi(r c. Emmanuel 2. 23. it might be fulfilled, shall he e. a Nazarene 5. 9. peace-makers shall be c. the children of God 19. he shall he f .the least in the kingdom of heaven Luke 1. 32. and he shall be c. the Son of the Highest 35. also that holy thing shall be e. the Son of God 60. his mother said, not so ; but he shall bee. ^o\lti 2. 23. every male shall be c. holy to the Lord luim.T. 3. ifshe be married, j/io//i^. God c. tc Abimelech in a dream by iii^ht 27. .35. brotherc. with sulitilty and taken blessiii; 31.24.God c.to Laban the Syrian in dream by ni^ht 32.6. c. to thy brother Esau, he cometh to meet thee 39.i6.sne laid up his garment until his lord f. home yitm. 13. £7. f. to the land whither thou sentest us 19. 2. a red heifer, upon which never c. yoke 22. 9. God c. to Balaam at ni^ht, and said, 20. 24. 2. Sp. ofGodc.onhim../^Hi/5.3.10. l&j?«. 10.10 Deut. 1. 19. and we c. to Kadesh-baniea 33.2. the Lord c. from Sinai, and rose up from Seir Josh. 15. 18. as she f. to him she moved, Jurf^. 1. 14 Judg. 5. 19. kings c. and fought, kings of Canaan 7. 13. thscake of bread c.toa tent and smote it 9.25. they robbed all that f .along that way by them 57. upon them e. curse of Jotham son of .lerubb. 11. 18. but c. not within the border of Woab 13. to. the man that c. to me the other day 11. Manoah arose and c. to the man, and said 19. 22. bring forth the man that c. into thy house 20.48. Israel smote Benjamin, all that c to hand iiMh 2. 6. it is the Moabitish damsel thatf. back 1 Sam. 2. 13. customwai, the priest's servant, c. 15 14. so they did to all Israelites thatc. thither 27. t^iere c. a man of God to Eli, and said to him 4. 1. and the word of Samuel c. to all Israel 7. 13. they c. no more into the coast of Israel 9- 15. Lord told Samuel in his ear before Saul re nie, even to his oars 27. 2. when my foes c. upon me they stumbled 78. 31. wrath of God c. upon them, anil slew them 105.19. tintil time that his word c.word tried thein 31. he sjiake, and there c. divers sorts of tlies 34. he spake, and locusts c. and cateq)illars Eecl. 5. 15. to go as he f. and take nothing, Ifi. Jta. 20. 1. ia the year that Tartan e. to Ashdod 30.4. and his ambassadors c. to Ilanes 41.5. ends of earth were afraid, drew near and c. Jer. 7. 31. nor r. it into my mind, 19. 5. | 32. ,"5. 8. 15. we looked for peace, but no good r. 44.21. incense yoa burnt, c. it not into bis mind ? £:fil.4.14.norc. there abominable flesh into mouth 17. 3. c. to LebaBon, and took the highest branch 61 CAM Eztk. 33.22. afore he that ewxpcd e. opened mouth 37. 7. the booes c. together, bone to '.\is bone 10. breath f. into them, they lived and stood up 43. 2. the glory of God of Israel c. from the east i>a7z.29.t 2. thoughts c. up into thy mind on thy bed 4. 28. all this con the king Nebuchadnezzar 7. 13. one like Son of Man c. with clouds of heaven 22. till the ancient of days c. and judgment given .'Irnos 6. 1. to whom the house of Israel c. Jonah 3. 6. for word c. to the king of N ineveh Hab. 3. 3. God c. from Terman, and the holy One Hag. 1. 9- ye looked for much, and lo it c. to little 2. 16. when one c. to the press-fat to draw out Zech.T . 12. c. a great wrath from the Lord of hosts 14. 16. of all the nations that c. against Jerusalem HJat.Z. 1. there c. wise men from the east to J erus. 9. till it came and stood over where the child was 3. l.In those days c. John the Baptist preaching 7 .25. and the rains descended, and the floods c . 27 . 9- 1. he passed over and r. into his own city 20. a woman c. behind, touched hem of hisgarm. 28.come into the house, the blind men c. to Jesus 20.28 Son of Man c. not to be ministered to 21. 28. c. to the first and said, son, go work to day .30. he f. to the second, and said likewise 32. John c, to you in the way of righteousness 25. 10. they went to buy, the bridegroom c. .16. I was in prison, and ye c. to me 26. 49. forthwith he c. to Jesus and kissed him 6o.!hough false witnesses c. yet found they none 28.13. his disciples c by night, and stole him away AJari 3.8. heard what great things he did, c. to him 9 21. how long h it ago since this c. to him 12. 28. one of the scribes c. and asked him 42. c. a certain poor widow threw two mites Liiie 1.57. now Elisabeth's full time c. tobedthv. 9- 34. there <•. a cloud and overshadowed them 35. and there c. a voice out of the cloud, say. 15. 17. when he c. to himself, he said, how many 20. and he arose and c. to his father John 1. 7. the same c. to bear witness of the light 11. he f. to his own, andhisown receiy. him not 17. but grace and truth c by Jesus Christ 3.2 the same c. to Jesus by night, 7. 50. | 19. SQ. 23. and they c. and were baptized 4. 27. upon this c. his disciples, and marvel, that 10. 35. if he called gods to whom word of God c 12.30. the voice c. not because of me, hut for you 20. 19. at even c. Jesus, and stood in the midst /lets 8.40.preached in all cities, till he r .to Cesarea 9.21. c. hither for that intent, to bring them bound 10.45. as many as e. with Peter were astonished 11 5.. the vessel descended, and it c. even to me 23. when he c. and had seen the grace of (Jod 19. 18. and m.inythat believed c. ;aid confessed 28.21. nor brethren that c. spake any harm of thee Uum. 5. 18. judgment c. the free gift c on all men 7. 9- when the commandment c. sin revived 9- 5. of whom, as concerning the flesh, Christ c. 1 Cor. 15.21. since by man c. death, by man c. also Oal. 2. 12. for before that certain c. from James 3. 23. before faith c. we were keptunderthe law Eph. 2.17. andc. and preached peace to you afarofi" 1 'J'hess. 1. 5. our gospel c. not in word only but in 1 'I'im. 1.15. that Christ c. to save sinners [power 2 'Jim. 3. 11 .persecutions which c. to me at Antioch 2 Pet. 1. 17. when there c. such a voice to him 18. this voice which c. from heaven we heard 21. prophecy c. not in old time by the will of man 1 Johtt 5. 6. this is he that c. by water and blood 3 John 3. when brethren c. and testified of the truth lUv. 16. 19. and great Babylon c. in remembrance Hee Spirit of the Lord. CAME a^am. Jiidg. 13.9. angel c. again to the woman as she sat 15. 19. his spirit c. again to him, 1 Satn. 30. 12. 21. 14. and Benjamin c. again at that time 1 Kingsll. 22. the soul ofthechildcintohim agnin 19. 7. the angel of the Lord c.agninlhe second time 2 AiK«5.14.hisfleshc.ncai«like the flesh of a child 7. 8. lepers c. again, and entered into another tent I.zra2.1 .these c. again to .1 udah and .1 erus. A'?/i.7 .0. F.Kth. 6. 12. Mordecai c. again to the king's gate Dan. 10. 18. c. again and touched me one like a man /Cech. 4. 1. the angel c. again and waked me Liiie 8. 55. herspir.c.ffj. and she arose straightway John 8. 2. and early he c. agnin into the temple CA.ME doitm. Oen. 11.5. Lord r. rfuw« to see the city and tower 15. 11. when the fowls r. dotcn on the carcases 43. 20. O Sir, we c. down at first to buy food F.iod. 19. 20. the Lord c. do:in upon mount Sinia 3i. 29. when Moses c. down from mount Sinai f,ro. 9.22. and Aaron c.doun from offering Nrim. 1 1 25. the Lord c. dovn in a cloud, 12. 5. 14. 45. then Amalekues r. doun and smote ibeni Judg. 5. 14. out of Machir c. do:;n the povrrnors 2. SViwi. 22. 10. bowed heavens and c,/,iixM, /'jo/. IH'.I. 2 Kings 1.10. there c.donm fire from lieavcn. 12.14. XC/iron.7 21. men of GatU c. d. to take their cattle CAM 2 Chron. 7. 1 made an end ot praying, fire c. i. 3, Lam. 1. 9- therefore she c. doie-n wonderfully Van. 4. 13. an holy one c. doxcn irom heaven Mic. 1. 12. evil c. do-cn from the Lord to the gate Mat. 17. 9- a^ they c. d. from mountain.. Vnri 9 g. Lake 10. 31. there c. ioxn a certain priest that way 19. 6. he made haste and c. down and received luni John 3. 13. he that c. dovin from heaven. Son of Man 6. 38. I c. d. from heaven, not to do mine own wiH 41. the bread whi<;hf. down from heaven, 51, 58, Acts 15. 1. men which c. down from Judea taught 21. 10. therec. down from JuJea acertain propbel A'ci>. 20. 9. fire c. d. from God and devoured them CAMEfoith. Esod. 13.8.Lorddidtome when 1 c.f. out of Egypt Num. 11. 20. wept, saying, why c. f. out of Egj'pi? 12. 5. Aaron and Miriam, they Doth c. forth JJeiil. 23. 4. met you not with water when ye c.f Jofh. 9. 12. our bread hot on day we c. forth to you Jiidg. 14. 14. he said to them, out of the eater c. '. meat, and out of the strong c. f. sweetness 2 Sam. 16. 5. Shimei c.f. and cursed as he came 11. son which <;._/'. of my bowels seeketh my life 1 Kings 22.21. c.f. a spirit, and stood before Lord 2 Aings 2. 23. e.f. little children and mocked him 24. c forth two she-bears and tare 42 childrtc 21. 15. their fathers e.f. out of Egypt, Jer. 7. 25. 2 C/jriiM.32.21. that c.joiih of his bowels slew hiic Prov. 7. 15. therefore c. 1 forth to meet thee Eccl, 5. 15. as he c. forth naked, shall he return Jer. 20. 18. wherefore c. I forth out of the womb Dan. 3. 26. they c. forth of the midst of the fire 5.5. c. forth fingers and wrote on plaster of wall 7. 10. a fiery stream e. forth from before him 8. 9- out of one of them c. forth a little horn 9. 23. the command c.f. anal am come to shew iiech. 10. 4. out of him c. forth the corner, the naiC jVari 1.38. that I may preach, for therefore c. I /' John 11.44. and he that was dead c. forth bound 16. 28. I c. forth from the Father into the world 19. 5. Jesus c. forth wearing the croivn of thorni 1 CAME. Gen. 24. 42. and Ic this day to the well, and said 30. ."^O. for it was little thou hadst before 1 c. 48. 5. which were born before 1 c. into F.cj^jt 7. when I c. from I'adun, Rachel diea by me £r«rf.5.23. since I do speak to I'haraoh in thy name Dent. 22. 14. when 1 c. to her found her not a maiJ Judg. 20. 4. Levite said, /*. into Gibeah of Benj. 1 Kings 10. 7. I believd not till 7 c. 2 Chron. 9. 6. AV(. 6.10. afterwards Ic to the house of Shemaiab 13. 6. I. c. to the king and obtained leave 7. I c. to Jerusalem and understood of the evil ha. 50. 2. wherefore, when Ic. was there no maj Eiek. 3. 15 then 1 c. to them of the captivity 43. 3. when 1 c. to destroy the city Mat. 10. 34. / f. not to send peace, but a sword Merkl. 17. Ic. nottocall the righteous, LuUb.'M. John 8. 14. I know whence I c. and whither I go 42. 1 c from God, norc. 1 of myself, he sent me 12. 27. but for this cause / c. to this hour 47. for 1 c. not to iudge the world, but to save 18.37. for this cause c- J into the world, that I bear Acts 10. Cy. therefore*:, 7 as soon as I was sent for £0. 18. ye know. from tne first day Ic. into Asia 22. 11. being led by the hand, 1 c. into Dama.-icuj 23. 27. then c. I with an army and rescued him £4. 17. if, to bring alms to my nation, and offerings 1 C1IJ-, 2..]., when I c. to you I e. not with excelleiuy 2 Cor J. £3 4liat to spare you /<:. not as yet lo Corinth 2.3. lest when Ic. 1 should have sorrow from tliem 12. when I c. to Tioas to preach Christ's gospel Gal. 1. 21. afterwards I c. into the regions of Syria CAME in. Gen. 6. 4. the .sons of (jod e. in to daughters of men 19-5. where are the men that c. in to thee this night 38. IK. J udah c. in unto her, and she conceived 39. 14. he c. in to lie with me. and 1 cried loud Eiod. 21. 3. if he c. in by himself, he shall go out Joih.0.1. none went out, and none c. in to Jericho 1 6um. 18. 13. went out and r.in before the people, J6 2 **l. 2. 4. who.f . in privily to spy out our liberty CAME near, den. 19.9-'hey pressed.and c.wm' to break the donr Eiod. 14. 20. the one e. not near the other all night CAM F*o4. 40.32.irneo fhey e.n to the altar.they washed Hur:. 31. 48. officers and captains c. ntar to Moses 36. 1. thecbief of Joseph c. »<<»/• before Moses Dtui. 1.22 yr c. near tome everyone of you, 5.23. Josh. 10. 24. c. near and put your feet on the necks 17. 4. they c. near before Eleazar thf priest, 21.1. 1 Kings 18. 36. at the time of the offering of the evening-sacrifice. Elijah r. wfai' and said 2 King' 4. 27. Gehazi c. near to thrust her away i ChroH 18. 23. Zedekiah c. n. and smote IMicaiah Jur 42. 1 from the least even to the greatest c.near Dan. 3 8 Chaldeans c. near and accused the Jews 26- Neliuchadn -zzar c. near to the furnace /lc//9.3. he c. near to Damascus, there shined light CAMK nigh. Exod. 32 19. as soon as he c. nigh he saw the calf 34. 32. afterward all the children of Israel c. nigh i Sam. 15 5. when any c. nigh to do him obeisance Mai 15. 21). Jesus c. nigh to the sea of Galilee Mark 11 1 when they c. nigh to Jerusalem LukeT. 12. when he c. nigh to the gate of the city CAME oier. Joth. 4. 22. Israel c. over this Jordan on dry land Jnig 19. 10. the Levite c. over against Jebus Mark 5. 1 they c. over to the other side of the sea CA.ME out. Gen. 24. 15. Dehold Rebekah c. out with her pitcher 25. 25. first c.out red.all over like a hairy garment 38. 28. the midwife said, this c. out first 46. 26. all the souls which c. out of his loins Eiod 13. 3. remember the day in which ye e. out, 4. Lev. 9. 24. a fire e. out from the Lord, N}im. I6. 35. Num. 12. 4. the L. spake suddenly, they three.c .oa/ 16.27. Dathan and Abiram c. out and stood 20. 11. he smote rock, and water c. out abundantly Dent. 11. 10. not as land of Egypt whence je c. oui Josh. 5. 4. all that c. out were circumcised, 5. 6. till all that e. out of Egj-pt were consumed Judg. 4. 22. Jael c. out to meet him, and said, come 1 Sam. 4. IC. the man said to Eli, I am he that c. out of the army, I fled to-day out of the army 21.5. about th^se three days since I c. out 2 Sam. 2. 23. the spear c. our behind him,and he fell 6. SO. Michael c. out to meet David and said 11. 23. the men prevailed against us and c. out 18. 4. and all the people c. out by hundreds and by 1 A'jiigf 8. 9. when the Lord made a covenant with Israel when they c. out of Egypt, 2 C/ir. 5. 10 20.19. these young men princes of provinces c. out 2 Chron. 20. 10. not Israel invade, whitD they c. out Job 1. 21. naked c. I out of my mother's womb 3. 11. why died I not from the womb ? why did I not give up the ghost, when I c. out of the belly Jer. 17. 16. that which c. out of my lips was right £zek. 1. 4. a whirlwind c. out of the north, a cloud Hai. i. 14. they c. out as a whirlwind to scatter me Zech. 5.9. c.out two women,and wind in their wings Mat. 8. 34. the whole city c. out to meet Jesus 12. 44. return to house whence I c, out, Luke 11.24. 27.32. as they f o7ir they found Simon of Gyrene 5>. and e. out of the graves after his resurrection Jilark 1.26. unclean spirit bad cried, he c. out, 9.26. 6. 34. when he e. out he saw much people 9. 7. a voice c.out of the cloud, saying, this is my Lvke 1.22. when hec.ouf he could not spesik to them 4. 35. and he c. out of him, and hurt him not 15. 28. therefore f . out his father and intreated John 16. 27. because ye believed I c. out from God 17. 8. tliey have known that I c. mtt from thee 19. 34. his side, forthwith c. out blood and water Acts 8.7. for unclean spirits c.oi« of many possessed 16. 18. and the spirit c. out the same hour 1 Cor. 14.36. c. word of God out from you, or to you Hei. 3. 16. not all that c. out of Egypt by Moses lU". 7. 14. these c. out of great tribulation and washed 14. 15. another angel c. out of the temple, 17. 18. another angel c. out from the altar 15. C. the seven angels c. out of the temple 19. 5. a voice c. out of the throne, praise our God CAME to pass. Liod.li.ii. and it <-.iey e. he lay on bed,they slewhi;ii 1 Ai«i'i 1.32.Zadokand Nathan, r/ieye. before king 2. 7. so they c. to me, when I tied from Absalom 13.25.Mey c. and told it in city,where old prophet 2 Kings 2. 4. I will not leave, so they c. to Jericho 6. 4. when they c. to Jordan, they cut down wood 20.14. these men whence c. they to thee. La. 39.3. 2 C/i)t)i». 20. 4. outof all Juda/Aeyc. to seek Lord 29. 17 . on eighth day c. they to the porch of Lord Eira 2. 68. some when they e. offered freely A'eA. 13. 21. from that time forth c. they no more Job 6. £0. they c. thither and were ashamed 30. 14. theyc. upon me as a wide breaking in Psiil. 88. 17. Ihey c. round about me like water Jer. 14. 3. they c. to the pits and found no water 43. 7. thus c. they even to Tahpanhes E.zek. 23. 40. a messenger was sent, lo they c. Dan. 2. 2. Mey c. and stood before the king 6. 24. or ever they c. at the bottom of the den Mat. 1. 18. before they c. together she was found 14. 34. they c. into the land of Genuesaret 18.31. thei/c. and told their Lord all, Luke 14.21 26. 73. after a while c. they that stood by Mark 1. 45. Mey c. to hrm from every quarter 3. 13. hecalled whom he would, and /Aeyc. to him Luke 2. 16. they c. with haste and found Mary 24. 23. they c. saying, that they had seen a vision John 12. 9. and Miev c. not for Jesus' sake only Acts 8.36. Mey c. unto acertain water, eaimch said 12. 10. Mey c. to the iron gate which opened 20. they e. with one accord and desired peace 17. 13. Mey c. thither also and stirred up the people 23. 14. Mey c. to the chief priests and elders 33. who when theyc. to Cesarea, presenteu Paul Rev. 7. 13. what are these, and whence c. iheyf Word of the Lord CAME. Gen. 15. 1. word of Lord c. to Abram in a vision, 4. 1 Sam. 15. 10. uord 0/ Lord c. to Samuel, saying 2 Sum. 24. 11. c. the uordof I^rd to Gad, David's 1 Kings 6. 11. aord of Lord c. to Solomon, saying 16.1. tcorrfc/i^c. to Jehu against Baasha,saying,7. 17. 2. the word 0/ I^rd c. unto Elijah, 8. | IB. 1. I 19.9. I 21. 17,28. 18. 31. whom aordof L. c. saying, Israel thy name S KingsiO. 4. xhewordof L. c. to Isaiah, Isa. .38. 4 1 Chr. 17.3. ttorrf 11/" /-.e. to Nathan II 22. 8. to David 2C7i. 11.2. a'.o/'L.f.toShemaiah, 12.7. | lAiKgjl2.22 Jer. 1 2. uordo/ihe Lorde. to Jeremiali,4. | 2. 1. I 14. 1. I 29.30. I 33.1.19. Dan.g.i Eiek. 1. 3. uord of L. c. expressly to Kzekiel, 3. 16 llos. \.l. aordof L.c.\.o llosea|| Joe/ 1. I.e. to Joel Jonah 1. 1. w. of L. to Jonah, 3. 1. 1 Mic. 1. 1 Micah 2e;vA.l.l.B>.o/'L.e. toZeph.ll /fa?, l.l.e.byllaggai Zech. 1.1. toZechariah||7.4.c.of hoststome,8. 1. CAMEL. Gen. 24. 64. Rebekah saw Isaac, lighted of the c . I^ev. 11. 14. these ye shall not eat, thee. i)eu/.14.7. 1 Sam. 15. 3. but slay infant, ox, and e. and ass Zech. 14. 15. so shall be the plague of thee, and ass il/c/. 19.24. it is easier for a c. to go thro' the eye of a needle, Mark 10. 25. Luke 18. 25. 23. 24. which strain at a gnat and swallow a c. CAMELEON. I These 3.4. wen as it c. to pass and ya Vnow '[ Ltv. 1 1 . 30. these shall be unclean, the«. the lizard C3 CAM CAMELS. G«n. 12.l6.Abram had sheep, oxen, (he-uie3,8nd>jjj 10.2. Caere to Jerusalem withe. 2CAr.9.1. 2 KingsS. 9. Ilazael took a present forty c. burden 1 C/jT-un. 5.21. the Reubenites tookaway ofe. 50,000 11. 40. they of Zebulun brought bread on c. 27. 30. over the c. also was Ubil the Ishmaelite Ezra £. 67. their c were 435. iVeA. 7. 69. /•J/A. 8. 10. he sent letters by post on mules, c. 14 J>'i 1. 3. his substance also was three thousand c. 17 the Chaldeans fell on the c. and carried tliem Isa 21. 7 he saw a chariot of asses and of c. 30.6. will carry their treasures on the bunches of c 60. 6. the multitude of c shall cover thee Jer. 49 29. they shall take to themselves their c. 32. their c. shall be a booty, and their cattle Ezek 25 5. I will make Rabbah a stable for c. Mat. 3. 4. John had raiment of c hair, Mark I. 6. CAM EST. Gen. 16. 8. Ilagar, Sarai's maid, whence c. thou » 24 . 5. bring again to the land from whence thou c. 27. 33. and I have eaten of all before thou c. Exod. 23. 15. for in it thou c.out from Egypt, 34. 18 jViuM. 22. 37. wherefore c. thou not unto me ? Deut. 2. 37 to the land of Ammon thou c. not 16. 3. remember the day thou c. thou c. in haste 1 Sam. 13. 11. thou c. not within the days appointed 17.28. Eliab said, why c. thou down hither' 2 Sam. 11. 10. c. thou not from thy journey? 15. 20. whereas thou c. but yesterday, should I 1 Kings 13. 9. not return by the way thou c. 17 14. art thou the man of God that c. from Judah ' 2 Kings 19. 28. I will turn thee back by the way by which thou c. Isa. 37. 29. Neh. 9. 1.3. thou c. down also on motint Sinai Isa. 64.3. thou c. down the mountains flowed Jer. 1. 5. before thou c. forth, I sanctified thee Ezek. 32. 2. and thou c. forth with thy rivers Mat. 11. 12. friend, how e. thou in hither not having John 6. 25. they said. Rabbi, when c. thou hither ' 16. 30. we believe that thou c. forth from God .'!cts. }Sam. 1^ 17. spoilers came out ofe. of Philistines tSam. 1 2. behold, a mzin came out ofc. from Saul 3. he said to him, out ofc- of Israel am I escaped Round atout the CAMP. Meflt.ll.Sl.qnails fell, spread them rounrfai. c. 32. , Twrff. 7. 21. stood every mail in place round ai. c. mthmu i/ie CAMP. Kred. 0S. 14. the flesh of the bullock shah thou bum uicMoui the c. Lev. 8. 17. ! 9. 11. | l6. 27. 33.7. pitched tabern. sought Lord, went uithmii c. Lev 6. 11. and shall carry forth ashes uil/tout the c. 13. 46. thzU hath the plague shall dwell uithout e. Num. 5. 3. every leper shall be put out K«Mo«//A?f. 15 35. gatherer of sticks shall be stoned withmu c. 19. 3. briug the red heifer viithouc c. and slay her 31. 19. and do ye abide witliout the c. seven days :0eiit.i3. 12. thou shall have a place ziso zoii/iout c. Joii. 6. 23. Rahab left her kindred without the c. Hei.13.11 .bodies of those beasts are burnt aithovt c. 13. let us go forth to him tinthout c. bearing his CAMP. Isa. 39. 3. I will e. against thee round about Jer. 50. 29. all ye that bend the bow c. against it Natt. 3. 17. which c. in the hedges in the cold day CAMPED. Eiod. 19. 2. and the*^ Israel c. before the mount CAMPS. Gen. 32. t2. he called the name of that place two c. Num.5. 3 leper put out, that they defile not their r. 10. 2. make two trumpets for journeying of the c. Amos 4. 10. I have made stink of your c. to come up CAMPIIIRE. CoTit. 1. 14. my beloved is to me as a cluster of c. 4.13. thy plants are an orchard of c. with spikenard CAN. G«i.41.S0 Phara. said,*. we find suchaone as this ? Deut. 31. 2. I e. no more go out and come in SSam. 12.23. he is dead, e. 1 bring him back again ' 19. 35. c. I discern, c. 1 hear voice orsinsing-nienr Joi 6. 6. c. that which is unsavoury be eaten ? 8. 11. c. the rush grow without mire ) c. the flag ? S2. 2. c. a man be profitable to God ? 13. c. he judge through the dark cloud ? 36. 29. c. any understand the spreading of clouds ' Piai, 78. 19. they said, c. God furnish a table .' SO. c. he give bread also ? c. he provide fiesh .' C9. 6. who c. be compared ' e. be likened to Lord > Prov 6 27. c a tnssi take fire in his bosoro ? 28. c. one go on hot coals and not be burnt .' Isa 4'^-7. one .shall cry, yet c. he not answer 49. 1" c. & woman forget her sucking child ? Jlfr.2.32./. a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride ^3. 24. c. any hide himself in secret places that I AnofS 3.<;. two waU.^ igeiher except they be agreed' ». o. a bird fall in a snare where no gin is for him' 8. Lord God hath spoken, who c. but prophesy Mat.l'i 25. whof.be saved? Afar/HO.26. Xa/ielB.'Jti. 27. ()5. go your way, make it as sure as yon c. Maiki. 19. c. the chUdreQ of bride-thamher fast r 9. 29 this kind c. come forth but ty prayer 10. .18 c. y? drink of the cup that ^ drink of.' LukeQ. 39 spanc a parable, <;. the bhnd lead blind .' John 1.46. c, any good come out of Nazareth ? 6 60 this is an hard saying, who c hear it 10. 21 c a devil open the eyes of the blind .' 15. 4 no more c ye, except ye abide in nie Acts 10. 47 c. any man forbid water, that these Rom 8. 7- mindisnotsubjecttolaw.norinileedc. be Jam. 2 14. and have not works, c' faith save him ? 3. 12. c. the fig-tree bear olive-barries ? a vine figs lUw CAN, "Deut- 1 12. hoa c. 1 aknei.beaTyonr cnmbrance 1 Sam.l&.'i.how c. I go, if Saul hear, he will kill m Eslh 8 6 /iimc. 1 endure o see evilordestructi»>. Job 25 4 hoToc. a man be jjustified with God ? Prov 20 24. hoa c. a man understand his way.' £ecl 4 11. but how c one be wann alone > Jer 47. 7.^a'<;.it be quiet seeing Lord given charge ihuncavsl thOu be quiet seeing Lord given charge J^ai 12. 34. how c ye being evil speak good things ■ loHn 3. ♦ hoK c. a man be born when he is old .' 9. N icodemus said, ho-v c. these thin;;b be .' 6. 52. how c. this man give us nis nesn to eat i 14.5. Thomas said. Lord, how c. we know the way : jltts 31 how c. I except some man guide me .' CANNOr. Jsa 1 13. the calling of assemblies 1 f. away with 29 11 . read this , he saith, 1 c. for it is sealed Jer 5 22 yet the waves c. prevail, e pass over 18. 6 c. 1 do with you eis this potter, saith Lord ? Van. 2. 27. secret kuigdemanded.f astrologers shew JIdai 16. 3. e. ye discern the signs of the Uitjcs ? .Luh l.T.S.'J.itf be that a prophet perish out of. lerus It) 1:6 which would pa^s Irom hence to you c. 1 Cor 11. t20 ye c. eat the lord's supper Het. Q 5. of which we c. now speak particularly CANST txtd, 33.K&0 (hoo «. not MC wj face and live CAN Dettt. 28. 27. with itch, whereof thon e. not be healed JoA , l.'J. 5. if thou f. answer me, set thy words in order i\lal. 8. 2. Lord, if thou wilt, thou c. make me clean .'MnriQ.'^l. if thou r. do any thing, have compassion Acts 21.37 .chief captain said, c. thou speak Greek • CANDLE Is a long roll or cy/inder made of tallow, aai, ^c. for giving tight, Jer. 25. 10. Luke 15. 8. To which are compared, [1] The reasonahU soul, which is as a light set up in man hy God, and as his deputy to observe and judge our actions, and to inform and direct us, Vtov.ZO. IT . [2] Minis- ters, or the gifts and graces which Ood bestota on men, which are not given I hem only for their own sakes, but for the good of olhtn also ; as when men light a candle, they are not to hide tl under a bushel, but to put it on a candlestick that it may communicate tts light to all in the house. Mat. 5. 15. [li] The favour and blessing of God, which both direct and comfort the soul. Job. 29. 3. They need no candle, Ret. 22. 5. Light, in its rrutaphorical jiotion, signifies knowledge, or com- fort : The saints in heaven shall have no need of any created beings to help them to either of these ; God and Christ shall there fll their souls with kno:i ledge and joy Jiot to be erpressed. Job 18. 6. his c. shall be put out with him 21. 17. how oft is the c. of the wicked put out ? 29. 3. when his c. shined upon my head A'ja/. 18.28. for thou wilt ligbtmy c. the Lord my G. Prov. 20. 27 . the spirit of nmn is the < . of the Lord 24. 20. the c. of the wicked shall be put out .31. 18. her c. goeth not out by night Jer. 25 10. and from them the light of tne e. Mat\ 5. 15. nor do men light a e. and put it under a bushel, Marki. 21. Luke 8. 16. | U. .3.3 Luke 11. .36. when bright shining of ac . giveth light 15.8. doth not she light a c. and sweep the house Rev. 18.23. light of a c. shine no n.ore in thee 2. 5. and they need no c. nor light of the sun CANDLES. ZepA. 1. 12. I will search Jerusalem with c. CANDLESITCK. In Exod. 25. 31, 32, &:c. we read of the candle stick of gold with six branches, 7ihich Moses made hy the command of God to he pnt into the tabernacle: It was of hammered ^old, a talent in weight : It had one foot of thcsuine yneial, and a stock with the blanches adoincd at equal dis- tances with SIX fowers like lilies, with as many bowls and knops placed alternately : C'pon the stock and six branches of the candlestick were the golden lamps which were immoieuble, wherein thete was put oil and cotton. It was placed on the south side in the holy place, and senedio illumi naie the ullnr of perfume, and the table of shew bread, which were in the same plaie. The seven golden candlesticks represent the church, Kev. 1. 20. enlightened by the Spirit of (iuil with his seven-Jotd, or various opemlions, Hev I. 4. And a candlestick may be an emliUn of the church, which has no' the light II shew; from Itself, but onlii holds it forth from Christ. Lxod. 25. 31. make c.of pure gold, 37.17. A;(»i. 8.4 33 SIX branches that came out of the c. 37. HJ 34. in the c. shall be four bowls, 3". 20. 26. 35. thou shall set the f. over against the table 40. 24. put the c. in the tent of the congrec^ation L.ev. 24. 4 he shall order the lamps on the c. Sum. 3 31 their charge shall be the ark and c 4. 9. shall take a cloth and cover the c. of the light 8. 2. the lamps shall give light over against the c. 2 Kings'i.XO let us setforhimthere abed,at>ible,af 1 C!ir. 28. 15. lampsof gold, by weight for every c 2 Chr. 13. 11 also set they in order the c. ot gold Dan. 5. 5. and wrote over against the c. on plaister Zech.4.Z. 1 looked, and behold a c all 'f gold II. tv/o olive-trees on the right side of fhe c. Mat 5. 15. but on a c. and it giveih light to all in the house, Lnkcii. 16. | 11. 3, Mark 4 21. is a candle brought not to be set on a r. .'' Iteb. 9. 2. the first, wherein wastliec. and the table Hev. 2.5. repent, else I will come and remove Ihy c CANDLESllCKS 1 A'in».t 7. 49. made the c. of pure gold, 2 Chr. 4 7. 1 Chron. 28. 15. even the weight for the c. of gold Jer. 52. ly. he took away the f. spoons, and rnps Rev. 11. 4. the two c. standing beiore the Lord See Seven. CANE. Isa. 43. 24.'nastbought me no S'"eet c. with money Jer. 6. 20. aud Ihe sweet e- from a far country CANKER, ED. 2 Tim 2 17 and their word will eat as doth a c Jam. 5. 3. your gold and silver is c and the rust CANKER-WORM. ].Toel 1. 4. hath c. eaten, and whatc. loft, 2.25. -Va/i. 3. 15. shall eat thee like r. make thyself &3c I ]6 th« c. spoiletb, aai flielh away CAP CAPTAIN , Is a name applied, [1] To the king, or prince 5. 1. Naanian, c. of tne host of the king of Syria 9. 5. he said, I have an errand to thee, O c. 15.25. but Pekah.ar.of his, conspired against hiin 18.24. will turn away the face of one i-. 7xa. 36. y. 20. 5. and tell Ilezekiah the c. of my people 25.8. came Nebuzar-adan,c. of guard, Jer. 52. 12. 1 19. took away scribe ofc. of host, Jer. 52. + 25. lCAron.11.21. more honourable, for he was their c 19. 18. killed Shophachc.of the host, 20Sam.lO.lH. 27. 5. the third c. Benaiah |17. fourth <;. Asahi-1 8. the fifth c. Shamhuth||9. the sixth c. Ira 2 Chron. 13. 12. God himself is with us for our i . /'a. 3. 3. the Lord doth take away the c. of fifty Jer. 37. 13. ac. of the ward Irijah took Jeremiaii 40. 2. the c. of the gu2U^ took Jeremiah, and sain 5. e. gave victuals and a reward, and let him go 51. 27. call together, appoiiic a e against her Hag. 1. 1 1. word came to Zenibbabel, c. of Judak J >hn 18. I'J. then the band and the c. took Jesus .'lets 5. 26. then the c with officers went and brougtn Lleb.",Vi. to maker, of their salvation perfect thro' CAPTAINS. £jro(/.l5.4.hi»criosen c.also are drowned in Red-sea Num. 31.14. Moses was wroth withe, of thousands Deut. 1. 15. 1 made wise men c. ov«r thousands 20. 9. shall make c of the army to lead the people 1 Sam. 8. 12. he will appoint him c over thousands 22.7.willsonof .lesse make you all r.o' thousand*. 2 Sam. 18. 5. when the king gave all the c. chargp 23. 8. that sat in the seat chief among the c. t 13. the three c. came to the cave of Adullam 1 Kings 2. 5. thou knowest what Joab did to the c 9. 22. they were his pnnces, and c aiid nilers 20. 24. take kings away, and put c. in their roonw 22. 33. when the c perceived lliat he w;is not llie king of Israel, they turned back, 2 Chron. 18. 32. 2 l\iugs 11.15. Jthoiada commanded f. of hundreds 1 Chi on. 4. 42. hiivingforr. Pclatiah and Neari;d» 11. 15. now llHTie of the 3t c. went down to Daviil 12. 34. of Naphtali a thous.ind c and witli them 2 Chron. 21 9. .lehoram smote the lUlomites and c. 33. 11. Lo'.d brought in iht ni thi- c. of llie host Neh. S. 9. the king had sentc. of the army with me Job 39. 25. the thund-r of the c and the shouting Jer 13. 21. for thou hast taught them tc be c 51.23. with thee will 1 break in pieces c. and rulers 57 I will make drunk her e. and her rulers L.tek. 21. 22. e. to open the mouth in thu slaughter 23.6. f . and rulers all desirable young men, 12,23. /'aH. 3. 27. llu' f. saw these men on whose bodies (). 7. the c. havf consulted to establish a statute Nah. 3. 17. and thy c. as the great grassl^oppcrs .l/«rX6 21.11er3d on birth-day mad'' supp(/the people of Damascusf. to Kir 1 C/iruii 5. 6. whom the kini; of Assyria carried c. SCurna 25. 12. other 10,000 did Juilah carry c. 98. 5. they carried away a peat multitude c. 8. Cf.rried c of their brethren 200,000 Psai. 106. 46. be pitied of those that carrieJthem c. 137.3. thoy that f umVrf us c. lequired of us asoiit; Jer. l.l. 17. because the Lord's Hock is carried c. 19. .luJah shall be wholly carried away c. 20. 4. he shall carry them c. to I?abylon, and slay S4. 5. 1 will acknowledge them that arc carried c. 27. 20. took not when he carried c. Jeconiah 29. 4. sailh th? Lord to all that are carried c. 14. I will briiii; you a!;aiu into ihe place whence I caused you to be carried away c. 40 1 . .ludah which were carried away c. 52. 27 . 7. of ihem that were not carried c. to Babylon 41.10. Ishmael carried away c. all the residue '13.12.shallfflrrythe Ei;}^)tians r and array himself 52.29. Neb cari-iVrff. from Jerusalem 832 persons 30 carried away c. of the Jews 745 persons faw. 4. t 23. he will carry thee c. for thy sins t'zei. fi 9 nations, whither they shall be carried c. Van 118. and shall also carry c. into Egypt Amos 1 . 6. because they carried c. the captivity Oiad. 1 1. in the day that strani;ers carried c. his Carrying CAPiiVl',. Jer. 1.3 to the carrvin; away of Jerusalem c. Lead, or led CAPTIVE. J«rf5.5.12./earftny c;iptivity r.thou son of Abinoam 1 A'lM^t 8.48. in land of their enemies who led them c. 2 Chrun 30. 9. compassion before them that lead c. Psal.()H 18. thou liast led captivity c. Kph. 4. 8. Jer 22. 12. die in place whither they led i.im c. Aniot 7.11. Israel shall be tedc. out of their Kind yjali.l.t . Iluzzab shall be /irfc.her maids shall lead Luke 21. 24. shall be led away e. into all nations 2 Tim. 3. 6. lead c. silly women laden with sins CAPTIVES. Ntjn 31.0. Israel took all the women ofMidian c. 12. they brought the c || I9. purif, your c. Dent 21 11. seest amon? the c. a beau'iful woman 32. 42 mine arrows drunk with the blood of the c. 1 Sam 30 5. David's two wives were taken r. 2 Kings 24 14. he carried from Jerusalem 10,000 c. 8 C/zroK. 28 11 hear m«, and deliver the c a;;ain 1 3. and said, ye shall not brint; in the c hither Isa 14. 2. shall take them c whose e they wore 20 4 lead away the I'.thiopians e young and old 45.13. he shall let go my c. not for price nor reward 49 23. the c of the mighty shall be taken away 61. 1. to proclaim liberty to the c. Ltikei. 18 Jer. 48 46. thy sons and daughters are taken c 50 33 and all that took them c. held them fast Ejek.l.l.zs I was among the c. by the riverChebar 16. 53. I will bring a;.;ain thecaptiviiy of thy c- Van. 2 23. I have found a man of the e.mf Judah CAPTIVITY. Cod generally fmnisJied the vices ^nd infidelities of hit jieople by different caplnilie.t or tertitvdes a:tiereinio lit permitted them to J/i/l. .After the deliverance of the Israelites out of Egypt, there are reckoned six bondages or capiitities during the government of Judges: The first under Chu- shan-rishathaim, king of Mesopotamia, zchich lortttnned about eight yea'^s, Judg. 3.8. 'J'he second under Cglon, king of Mo ib, from nhich they cere delivered by I^hud, Judg. 3. 14, 15. llic third under the Philistines, out of zcJuch they vere rescued by Sham gar, Judg. 3. 31. The iirurth under Jabin, king of Ilazor, from ahich ihey vere delivered by l)eborah and Barak, Jiidg.i. 22, 23. The fifth under the Midianites, fnm zrhich (iideon )'reed them, Judg. 6. 2, 12. 'Jhe siiih under the Ammonites and Philis- tines, during the judicatures of Jephliiaii, Ibzan Elai, Abdon, Eli, .Samson, Samuel. Tlie greatest and most remarkable captivities of the Hebrews, TT^rff those u^ Judah and Israel, a/dc/i ttppened tender the kings of each of these king- aomt. ITjlath-pileser, king cf Assyria, «n the year of ;V vorld S26l, cook several cities belowing to ■ic kingdom rd Jesus Christ, the head of the church, ly his ascension and victory ovec death, Satan and sin, conquered and triumphed over them and all vur sfiiritunl enemies. iS'um. 21. 29. he hath given his daughters into c. Ueut.Zl .13. he shall put the raiment off. from her 30.3. Lord will turn thy c. and have compassion Judg. 18. 30. till the day of the c. of the land 2 hings 24. 15. those carried he into c. to B.ibylon 25. 27. in thirty seventh year of thee. Jer. 52. 31. 1 Chr. 5. 22. they dwelt in their steads until the c. 6.15. lehoadak went into c. when the Lord carried 2C/iro«.6. 37. if they pray to thee in the landofc. .38 if iliey return to thee in the land of their c. 29. 9. our sons and our wives are m c. for this Kzra 9. 7. have been delivered tor. and to a spoil Aeh. 1. 2. the Jews which were left of the c. 4. 4. give them for a prey in the land of their e. I'.sih. 2. 6. Mordecai carried away with the c. Job 42. 10. and the Lord lunied the c. of Job /•".(I?/. 14.7whenthe Lord bringeth back the c. 85.1. 78. tjl. and he delivereih his strength into e. 126.1. when the Lord turned again the c. of Zion 4. turn again our r. U Lord, as streams in south Isa. 5. 13. therefore my people are gone into c. 20. t 4. so Assyria shall lead away the c. of Egypt 22. 17. Lord will carry thee .%way witli a mighty c 46. 2. but themselves ,ire gone into c. 49. f 25. c. of the mighty .sh:Jl be taken away Jer. 13. 2. such as are for the e. to the c. 43. 11. 24. 1 5. as good figs, so will I acknowledge the c. 29. 14. i vrill turn away your , saith the Lord, 30. 3. I %! 44. I 33. 1, 11. 26. CAR Jer. 29 20. hear ye, all yo of j. ('28 this*, is lone 22. shall be taken up a curse by all the c. of Judah 31. send toall theniof the c.saying.thus saith Lord 30.10. and thy seed from the Kuidof their c. 46.27 48. 11. Moab is at ease, nor hath he gone into c. 1 46.woe tothee,0 Moab.thy sons are taken into c La/H. 1.3. Judah is gone ictoc. because of affliction 5. her children are gone into c. before the enemy 2.14. they have not discovered, to turn away thy c. 4. 22. he will no more carry thee away into e Lzek. 1. 2. was the fifth year of Jehoiachin's c. 3. 11. get to them of the c. and speak to them 15. then I rame to them of the c. 11. 24. 11. 25. I spake to them of the c. all things 12. 7- I brought forth my stuff, as stuff for c. 16. 53. when 1 shall bring again their c. the c. of Sodom, and the r. of Samaria, and her daugh. 25. 3. when thou went into c. thou saidst, Aha 33. 21. in the twelfth year of the c. one escaped 39. 23. that Tne house of Israel went into c. 40. 1. in the five and twentieth year of our c. Dan. 6. 13. Daniel which is of the c. of Judah 11. 33. shall fall by c. and by spoil many day« IJos. 6. 11. when I return the c. of my people .iw;ui-4.t 10. slainyoung men withe, of your horses Ubad. 20. the c. of this host, the c. of Jerusalem Mic. 1. 16. for they are gone into c. from thee \ah. 3. 10. No went into c. her children dashed Had l.)7. from them shall proceed the c. of these 9. and they shall gather the c. as the sand Zeph.Z.T. the Lord shall turn away their c.JJ. 20. Zech. 6. 10. take of them of the c. even of Heldai Horn. 7. 23. and bringing me into c. to the law of sio 2 Cur. 10. 5. briuging-nVo c. every thought to obed See Captive. Bring CAPTIVITY. Ezra 1.11. he did bring up with them of the c Psal. 53.6. when GoAbringeth back c. of his people Jer .30.18. I will bring again the c. of Jacob's tents 31.23. when I shall bring again their e. 48. 47. yet will I bring again the c. of Moab 49- 6. 1 will bring again the c of Ammon 39. 1 will Arinsagainthee. of Elam, saith the L. Ezei. 2y. 14. I will bring again the c. of Egj-pt 39. 25. now will I bring again the c- of Jacob Joel 3. 1. when I bring again the c. of Judah AmjtQ. 14. I will i;i«g again thee, of my people Children of CAPTIVITY. Ezra 4.1. heard that chiidr. (/e.builded the temple 6. 16. the rest of children efc. kept the dedication 19. the child, of c. kept passover on the 14th day 20. killed passover for children ofc. and brethren 10. 7. they made proclamation to the children of c. 1 6.the children ifc.AxA so, and all were separated Du«.5.13. Daniel which art ofchildr. o/"c. of Judah Go into CAPTIVITY. Dew. 28.41. thy sons and daughters shall eo intoc. Jer. 20. 6. thou and jill in thine house shall go in. c. 22. £2. eat thy pastors and thy lovers shall go in. c 30.l6.adversaries,every one of them shall go in. 46. 19. O daughter, furnish thyself to go into c 48.7 -Chemosh go i)«oc. (|49.3. their kings go intoc Ezek. 12. 4. shall go forth, as they Uhat go into c 30. 17. and these cities shall go into c. 18. as for Egypt, her daughters shall go intoc. /Jmoil.5.the.people of .Syria shall go info e.untoKir 15. their king shall go into c. he and his princes 5. 5. for Gilgal shall surely go into c. and Beth-el 27. therefore will I cause ydu to go into c. beyond 7. 17. Israel shall surely go intoc. forth of his land 9-4. and though they go into c. before their enemies iCech. 14. 2. and half of the city shall go into c. Rev. 13. 10. he that leadeth into e. shall go intoc Out of CAPTIVITY. Ezra 2. 1. now the.se went up out of c. Neh. 7. 6 Etra 3.8. all that were come upout ofc. Neh. 8.17 6,21 . the children of Israel which were come again out ofc. kept the feast with joy 8. 35. were come out if c. offered to God of Israel CARBUNCLE. S. Erod. 28. 17. the first row shall be a c. 39. 10. lia. 54. 12. and I will make thy gates of c. Ezek.Qti. 13. the topaz and c were thy covering CARCASE. Leo. 5. 2. touch e. of unclean thing, is unclean 7. t24. fat of the c. may be used, but not eaten 1 1. 8. their e. ye shall not touch, Veiu. 14 8 17. 1 15. every soul that eateth a e. shall wash /Jew. 28. 26. thy e. shall be meat unto fowls of air Josh. 8. 29. that they shoula take his e. down Jude. 14. 8. to see the e. of the lion, honey in the c 1 E'tngs 13.22. thy e. shall not come to the sepulcUrc 24. his e cast in the way, a lion stood by tne c 2 Kings 9. 37. the e. of Jezebel shall be as dung isa. L4. 19. cast out as a e. trodden under feet Mat. 24. 28. where the c. is, there will the eaglesb CARCASES. Gen. 15. 11. when the fowls came down on thee. Lev. 1 1 . 1 1 .yc shall have their e. in abomination, 26 26 30. 1 will catt TBw c. on thf. a. cf your idol* Car iViim. 14. C9- y"'"" '■• shall fall in the wilderness 1 ■^m. 1". 40. I will sive the c. of the Pliilistines ha, 5. 25. their f. were torn in midst of the streets 5i. 3. their stink shall come up out of their e. 6fi. C4. look on c. of them that have transjressi-d i/ir. 1.33. and the e. of this people shall be meat for the fowls of heaven, 1 6. 4. | li).7. 16.18. they have filled mine inheritance with the c. (izti. 6. 5. 1 will lay the c. of Israel before idols 43.7. my name no more defile by c. of their kings y. let them put the c. of their kings far from me .Vtut. n 32. a land which the Lord thy God c. for \Sam. 9. 5. lest thy father leave c. for the asses Mat. 22. 16. thou art trae, nor c. thou for any man Mark 4. 33. MaRter, c. thou no' that we perish ? as CAR Mark 12.14. know thou art true, and c. for no man John 10. 13. because an hireling f. not for the sheep 1 Cor. 7. 32. that is unmarried c.for tb^ things, .34 33. that is married, c. lor tilings of the world, 34 1/V(. 5.7. casting yourcar.; on him, for he c.for you CARNAL Signifies, Belonging to the fesh, fleshly, ot sensual. 'I his word is applied, [1 ] To such as are in a na- tural unregeneruted slale,who are enemies to God, and giv97ito sensual pteasurss, John 3. 6. Rom. 8. 7. [•] To one -xlto is in part renewed by the grace of Ood, yet so as that there are remainders ofsni and corr^iption, which oppose and . CARRIAGE, S. Num. 4. + 24. this is the c. of the Gershonites Judg. 18. 21. the Danites, and the c. before them 1 Ham. 17. + 20. David came to the place of the c. 22. David left his c, with the keeper of the c. lia. 10. 28. at Michmash he bath laid up his c. 4t5. 1. your c. were heavy laden, they are a burd. Acts 21. 15. we took up our c. went up to Jerusalem CARRY Signifies, [1] To bear, or remove, 2 Sam. 15. 29. [2] To protect and keep safely, Isa. 46.3,4. [3] 'To lead, or drive. Gen. 31. IB, [4.] 'To make to ride, 1 Chron. 13. 1 7. Gf».37.25.Ishmaelites going to c. spicery to Egypt 42. 19. go ye, c. corn for the famine of your houses 43. 11. c. the man a present, a little balm, honey 12. the money brought, c. it again in your hand 44. 1. fill the sacks with as much as they can c. 45. 27. he saw wagons Joseph sent to c. him, 46.5. 50. 25. ye shall c. up my bones, Exod. 13. I9. Exod.yS.Xi. thy presence go not, c. us not up hence Lev. 10. 4. c. your brethren out of the camp iV;;OT. 11. 12. should say, c. them in thy bosom Deut. 14. 24. so that thou art not able to c. it Josh. 4. 3. c. the twelve stones over with you 1 Sam. 17. 18. c. these ten cheeses to the captain 20.40. Jonathan said, go, c. them to the city 2 Sam. 19. 18. a ferry-boat to cover king's house. 1 Kings 18. 12. the Spirit of the Lord shall c thee 2 Kings 4. I9. his father said, c. him to his mother 9. 2. and c. Jehu to an inner chamber 17. 27. saying, c. thither one of the priests 1 Chron. 10. 9. sent to the Philistines to c. tidings 15. 2. none ought to c. ihe ark but the Levites 23. 26. the Levites shall no more c. the tabernacle 2 Chr. 2. 16. thou shalt c. the wood up to Jerusalem 36. 6. bound him to c. him to Babyloi., Jer. 39. 7. Ezra 5. 15. c. these vessels into the temple at Jerus. 7.15. c. thesi.ver and gold freely offered to God of Keel. 10. 20. a bird of the air shall c. the voice /ja. 23 .7. her own feet shall c.her afar off to sojourn 30. 6. they will c. their riches on young asses 40. 11. he shall c. the Iambs in his bosom 46. 4. and even to hoary hairs will I c. you 7. they c. him and set him in his place Jer. SO. 6. will I take them and c. them to Babylon 39. 14. that Geduliah should c. Jeremiah home Ezek. 22. 9- in thee are men c. tales to shed blood Mark 6. 55. and began to c. about in beds the sick 11. 16. not suffer any to c. a vessel thro' the temple Luke 10. 4. c. neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes John 5. 10. it is not lawful for thee to c. thy bed CAR /o/jn21. 18. andc. thee whither thou vroulde.it nor CARRY away. 2 Kings 18. 11. king of Assyria dirf e. arcay \sTatt\ 25. 11. the fugitives did Nebu^ar-adan c.a-sat/ 2 Chron. 20.25. found more than they could c. aaa) Job 15. 12. why doth thine heart c. thee away? Pia/. 49.17. when he dieth he shall c. nothing aaaj Eccl. 5. 15. nothing left which he may c. a. in hand Ita. 5. 29. they shall c. the prey away safe 15. 7. which they have laid up, shall they c. awa/ 22. 17. behold the Lord will c. thee a\ay 41. 16. fan them, and wind shall c. them away, 57. li Lam. 4. 22. he will no more c . thee away, U Zioii Ezek. 38. 13. art thou come to c. away silver .' Acts 7.43. and I will c. you aaay beyond Babj Ion See C.\PTIV£. CARRY back. 2 Sam. 15. 25. c. back the ark of God into thecity 1 Ainj<22.26. t. Micaiah b. to Amon, 2 C/jr.18.25 CARRY forth. £«(/. 12.46. shalt note, forth aught of the passover 14. 11. dealt thus with us to c. us/, out of Egypt Lev. 4. 12. even the whole bullock shall be c. f.2l. 6.11.C./. ashes without the camp, 14.45. || l6.27. 2 Chr. 29. 5. c. forth the filthiness out of holy place Jisr. 17.22. noTc. forth a burden on the sabbath-day Ezek. 12. 6. in their sight, c. il forth in the twilight CARRY out. Gie hulti oil, tohieh uas to be wade use of for anoitiltiig the tarred vessels of Iht laiernacfe,' V.x. 30. 21 . The I lebrew ealli If Kiiii .and ihe Sepluagmt \T'\ii. This an is laid 10 be the bark of a tree very like cinnamon, and crtius i» (he Indies miMuiir cultivation. End. ?ii.C4. 'ake of c. 500 shekels for the oil J'sal. 45. H. all thy garments smell of aloes and r Etek. £7- 19- c. and calamus were in thy market CAST. Euke 22. 41. he was withdrawn about a stone's c. CAST Signifies, [1] To fing.or ihrim;T)in. 3.6. [2] To miscarry, or bring forth before the rime. Gen. 31 38. Exod.23 26. [3] 'Jo melt, make, or frame, Exod. 25. 12. They cast him out, John 9. 34. They put him out of the synagogue, or eicommunicaied him. Thou hast ra.st me behind thy back, 1 Kings 14. 9. Thou hast despised, disregarded, a)id forsaken me, and my c.*tn*nands and Konhip, as men do things uhich they cost behind their backs. Etod. 38. 27. of talents of ihe silver were c. sockets Job 18. 8. for he is c. into a net by his own feel Psal. 22. 10. I wasf. upon thee from the womb It. 6. chariot and horse are c. into a dead sleep 140. 10, let him be c. into the lire, into pits Prov. 16. 33. the lot is c. into the lap, but the Ist.li 7. the face of the covering e. overall peopb Jtr. 22.29. arer. into a land which they know not 38. II. and took thence old c. clouts and rags K. put now the.se old c. clouts under thy arm £tf*. 15. 4. the vine-tree is c. into the fire for fuel Van. 3. 6. be c. into the midst nf a fiery furnace 3.21 ihese were r .inio the audst of the furnace 6. 7- he shall be c. into the den of lions, Ki. Jmah 2. 4. then I said, I am c. out of thy siiht Mat. 4. 12 Jesus heard that John was « into prison 66 CAS AfA. 9. 26. and c. thy law behind their backs Esth.Z.1. they c. Pur, that is, the lot.before Tlaman 9. 24. Ilaman had c. Pur, that is, the lot Job 20.23. God shall c. the fury of his wrath on him 27. 22. God shall c. upon him, and not spare 29. f 17. I c. the spoil out of his teeth 30. 19. he hath c. me into the mire and am become 40. 11. c. abroad the rage of thy wrath Psal. 55. 3. they c. iniquity on me, and hate me 22. f .thy burden on the I^rd, he shall sustain thee 74. 7- they have c. fire into thy sanctuary 78. 49. he c. on Ihem the fierceness of his wrath Proii. 1. 14. c. in thy lot among us, let us all have i.tf/. 11. I.e. thy bread on the waters, for shall find i.-a. 2. 20. a man shall c. his idols to the bats 38. 17. thou hast c. all my sins behind thy back Jit. 26.23. f. Urijah's body into the graves of people 36. 23. e. it into the fire that was on the earth 38. 6. they c. Jeremiah into the dungeon, 9. 41. 7. Islimael slew, and c. them into the pit Ijim. 3. 53. cutoff my life, andc . a stone upon me l.iek. 7. 19. they shall c. their silver in the streets II 16. altho' I have c. them far ofl among heathen 23. 35. because thou hast c. nie behind thy back 28. 17. I wilU . thee to ihe ground. 1 will liy ihee Den. 3. 20. and toe. them into the fi;ry furnace 24. did not we c. three men bound into the fire ? 6.24. e. them into the den of lions, their children Jonah 2.3. for thou hadst c. nie into the deep .Vic. 4. 7. I will make here, off, a strong nation 7. 19. thou wilt e. all their sins into the sea A'jA. 3. 6. I will c. abominable filth on thee Zcrh. 5. 8. c. it into the rphah, c. the weight 11. 13. c. It to the potter, c. them to ihe potter .Mai. 3. 11. nor vine r. her fruit before time in field Mat. 3.10. is hewn down and c. into the fire, 7. 19 5.29. pluck it out and c. it from thee, 30. | IC.8,9 7. 6. nor c. your pearls before swine, lest they 1 5.26. cliildreos" bread, and e. it to dogs, Afari: 7 .27 . CAS .l/a/.17.27.c.anhook,and take up fish first toroeth ijo 18. 30. c. him into prison, till l>e pay the deM 22. 13. e. him into outer darkness, 25. 30. 27. 44. the thieves c. the same in his teeth Markg. 22. oft-times it hath c. him into the fire 11. 7. c. their garments oil him, Luke 19. 35. 12. 4. another servant, and at him they c. stonr>3 41. c. money into the treasury, Luke 21. 4. 43. this poor widow hath c. more in man all, 44 Luke 12. 5. who hath power to c. into hell, fearhiia 19- 43. thy enemies shall c. a trench about thee Jif/mR. 7. let him first c. a stone at her 21. 7. Peter did e. himself into the sea Acts 12. 8. c. thy garment about thee, follow mp 16. 23. they c. Paul and Silas into prison 27.43. who could swim e. themselves first into sea 1 Cor. 7. 35. not that 1 may c. a snare upon you Kev. 2. 10. devil should c. some of you into prison 14. who taught Balak to e. a stumbling-block 22. I will c.her into a bed, and them that commit 4. 10. the elders c. their crowns before the throne 18. 21. lilc; a mill-stone and c. it into the sea CAST a'cay. Lev, 26. 44. I will not e .them aaay, nor aiihor them Judg. IS. 17. e. aicny the jaw-bone out of his hand 2 Sam, 1. 21. the shield of the mighty is c. away 2 A'mf J7.15.vesse4s the Syrians had c.auay in haste 2 Citron. C9.19.^"t"el5 Ahaz in his reign did c.auay Job 8. 4. have c. them away for their transgression CO. behold God will not c. aicay a perfect man Psal. 2. 3. let us c. away their cords from u» 51. 11. <•. me not oviay from thy presence tlccl. 3. 5. a time to c. away stones, and gather, 6. ha. 5. £4. because they have c. a:cay the law 30. 22. shall c. them away as a nienstruous cloth 31. 7. every man shall c. auay his idols of silver 41. 9. I have chosen thee, and not c. thee a-uay Jer. 7.29. cut thy hair, and c . itatruy, O JerusaleiE 33. 26. then will J c. away the seed of Jacob Lzek.V&.yV .c.away h .«m you all your transgression* 20. 7. c. awayex-ery man abominations ot his eyo« 8. they did not e. away the abominations of eyes IIos. 9. 17. my God will c. them away, because Mat. 13. 48. gathered the good, but c. the bad auay Luke 9. 25. if a man lose himself, or be c. aaav Horn. 11. 1. hath God c. on ay his people, God forbid 2. God hath not c. auay his people, he foreknew IJeb. 10. 35. c.not auayyoui confidence which baib CAST-AWAY. 1 Cor.9.27. lest that I myself should be a cafZ-anoy CAST dorm. Exod. 7. 10. Aaron e. down his rod|| 12. they c.dovn Josh. 10. 11. Lord c. down great stones upon thenu Judg. 6. 28. altar of Baal was <:. down and the grove 1 Kings 18. 42. Elijah c. himself duun on the earth 2 Chron. 25. 8. God hath power to help and e. do-j •» 12. and c. them down from the lop of the rock A'«A.6. 16. they were c. down in their own eyes Job 18. 7. his own counsel shall c. him down 22. 29. when men are e, dotcn, then say, lifting up 29. 24. light of my countenance they c. not down 41. 9- shall not one be c. down at the sight of him ? Psal. 17. 13. O Lord, disappoint him, c. him down 36. 12. they are c. down and shall not be able to risft 37. 14. bent their bow to c. d. poor and needy 24. though he fall, he shall not be utterly c. rtoui. 42.5. why art thoue. down, O my soul,ll. | 43.5. 6 O my God, my soul is c. dowti within me 56. 7. in thine anger e. down the people, O Lord C2. 4. consult to e. him down from his excellency 89. 44. thou hast c. his throne down to the ground 102. 10. thou hast lifted me up, and c. me down. Prov. 7. 26. for she hath e. down many wounded Isa. 28. 2. the Lord shall c. down with his hand Jer. 6. 15. time I visit, they shall be c. down, 8.12- Lam. 2. 1. c. down to the earth the beauty of Israel Liek. 6. 4. 1 will c.down your slain before your idols 19- 12. thy mother was c. doom to the ground 31. 16. when I c. the Assyrian down to hell 32. 18. wail for Egypt, and c. herrf. and daughters ZJon.7. 9. I beheld till the thrones were c.down 8. 7. the he-goat e. dojcn the ram to the ground 10. it c. down some of the host, and of the stars 11. sanctuary was c.d.\\ IC. c.d. truth to ground 11. 12. he shall e. down many ten thousands -I/a/. 4. 6. if the Son of God, r. thyself*/. i,ic*«4.9. 15 30. c. them down at Jesus' feet, and he healed 27. 5. he c. rfoan the piecesof silver in the temple Luke 4. 29. they might e. Jesus down headlong 2 Cor. 4. 9. we are c. domt, but not destroyed 7. 6. God that coniforteth those that are c. dowv 2 Pel. 2. 4. but c. the angels down to hell liev. 12. 10. the accuser of our brethren ise. d. CA^T forth. Neh. 13. 8. I c.f. all the household stuff of Tobias I'sal. 144. 6. c. forth lightning, and scatter them Jer. ^2. 19. Jehoiakim c. forth beyond the gates I'.zek. 32. 4. 1 will c. thee forth upon the open field JJos. 14. 5. he shall c. forth his roots as LebanOD Jonah I, t 4, the iMXi vUl (, fiirih s. great wioJ CAS Jon. 1. 5. marinerse./thewrireainshipintothespa 13. c ine/ into the sea. so shall thp sea be crvlrii 15. they took Jonah and e. him/or/A into the sea Mark 7. 20. would c. forth devil out of her daughter John 16. 6. he is c. forth as a branch and withered CAST lots. Lev. l6. 8. Aaron should *. Ion on the two goats Josh. 18. 10. Joshua c. lots for them in Shiloh 1 Ham. 14. 42. c. lots between me and Jonathan 1 Chron. Co. 13. they *•. lots as well small as great P/a/.22.18. they part my garments and c. I. ts upon my vesture, Mat. 27. 35. John 19. 24. lia. 34. 17. he hath e. the lot (or them Joel 3. 3. and they have e. lots for my people Oka J. 11 . in the day foreigners c. lots upon Jems. Jonah 1 .7. come and let us c. lots that we may know A'a/i. 3. 10. and they c. lot\. for her honourable men CAST off. 8 Kings 23. 27. T will c. off this city Jerusalem 1 Chron. 28. 9 if forsake, he will e. thee offior ever 2 Chr. 11. 14. for Jeroboam andsonshad ctheni.i/' Job 15. 33. and shall c. cjfhis flower as the olive Psal. 43. 2. why dost thou c. me oft whv go 1 .' 44.9.thouhast<:.o/;60. 1,10.-39.38. flOB.ll. 23. awake, O Lord, arise, c. us not off for ever 71. 9. c. me not off in the time of old age 74. 1. O God, why hast thou c, us off for ever r 77. 7 . w-ill the Lord c. off for ever ? 94- 14. Lord will note p/'his people, Xflwi. 3. 31. Jer. 28. 16. I will g the vapour Pial. 50. 10. the c. upon a thousand hills is mine 1&4. 14. he causeth the grass to grow for the c 148. 10. beasts and all e. praise the Lord Eccl.2.'. had great possessions of great suidsmallc lia. 7. 25. and for the tread ng of lesser c. 43. 23. thou hast not brought me the small c. 40. 1. their idols were upon the beasts smd the c. Jer. 9. 10. nor can men hear the voice of the t. Ezek. 34. 17. I judge between c. and c. 20. 22. Hag. 1 ' 1. I called for a drought upon land and e Zech. 2. 4. for the multitude of men and c. therein 13. 5. men taught me to keep c. from my youth Luke 17.7 having serv-ant feeding c will say to him John 4. i2. Jacob, his children drank, and his c. Mtuh CAT! LE. Gen. 30. 43. Jacob increased and had much e. Eiod. 12. 38. Isr. went out of Egypt with much c Deut. 3. 19. for I know that ye have much c. .Josh. 22. 8. return to your tents with very much c. 2 Chron. 26. 10. Uzziah had much c. in the plains Jonah 4. 11. spare Nineveh, wherein is much c Our CAT ILE. Eiod. 10. 26. our c. also shall go with us 17.3. to kill us, our children, and our c. with thirst .^HOT.20. 4. that we and our c. should die there 32. 16. we will build sheepfolds here for our e. 26. all our c. shall be there in the cities of Gilt ad Josh. 21. 2. give us cities with suburbs for out e. -N e/i. 9. 37 . have dominion over our bodies and our c 10. 36. to bring also first-born of our sons and our e . Their CATTLE. Gen. 34.23. shall not their c. and substance be o-ars iVum.31.9. slewMidianites,ar]d took spoil oi their c. 35. 3. the suburbs shall be for iheir c. Josh. 14. 4 Judg. 6. 5. the .Midianitcs came up with their e. l.Sa/n.23.5. Uavid fought, and brought aw.iy r/ieir e. 1 Chron. 5. 9- because their c. were multiplied 7.21.becausetheycamcdownto take awavf/irirc. Psal. 78. 48. he giive up their c. also to the bail 107. 38. he suffered not their c. to decrease Jer. 49. 32. their camels a booty, their c. a spoil Thy CATILE. Gen. 30. 29. thou knowest how ihyc. was with me 31. 41.1 sen'ed thee six years for thy e. /:.j-orf. 9.3. hand of the Ixird uuu thy c. in the 6el(l 19. send therefore now and gather ihy e. 20. 10. servant ncr/Avf. do any work, Deul.5.H 34. 19. every firstling among thy c. is mine Lev. 19.19. let not thy c. ponder with a diverse kind 25. 7. sabbath of the land shall be meat for th^^ e. Deut. 11. 15. 1 will send grass in fields (nrihu c. 28. 4. ble.'sed shall be the fruit of thy c 1 1 . | 30. 9 51. he shall eat the fruit of thy c. and thy land /jr//iijf. Hezekiah and Isaiah pray. Dan.2.\'Z.for this f.the king was angry and furious Mat. 19. 5. for this c. shall a man leave father and mother, and cleave to wife, MarkW.t. Eph.5.3l. Juhn 12. 27. but/or thisc. came I unto this hour 18. 37. and_/<>r this e. came I into the world Rom.1.^6. for this e.G. gave them up to vile affect. 13. 6. for thts c. pay ye tribute also 15. Q. for thisc. I will conf. to thee among the gent. 1 Cof. 11 . 30. for this c. many are weak and sickly Eph. 3. 14. /or this c. I bow my knees to the I'ather 1 T/iess. 2.13. for this c. thank God without ceasing 2 Thess.'i.Wfor this e.G. shrill send strong delusion 1 lim. 1. 16. howbeit,/or this e. I obtained mercy Hei.g.l5fi/r this c. he is the mediator of new testa 1 Pet. 4.6. for this c. was the gospel preach, to them nuhmit CAUSE. I&im.l9 S.wilt thou sin.to slay David without ar. .' Jo4 2.3.thoumovedst me to destroy him if iMour ac. 9- 17. he multiplieth my wounds aiihout e. Psal. 7. 4. I delivered him that v. c. is my enemy 25. 3. let them be ashamed that transgress w. c. 35.7. fi. c. they hid forme a net, digged apit^.r. 19. that hate me -utthout e. 69.4. John 15. 25. 109. 3. and they fought against me without a c. 119-78. the proud dealt perversely with me ». a c. 161. princes have persecuted me uiihout c. Prov. 1. 11. let us lurk for the innocent without c. .■'.. 30. strive not with a man w. c. if he have done 23. 29. who hath sorrow who hath wounds u>. c. 24. 28. be not w itness against neighbour without c. Isa. 52. 4. the Assyrian oppressed them without c. Lam. 3. 52. mine enemies chased me sore without c. Ezek. 14. 23. have not done w. c. all I have done Mat. 5. 22. whoso is angry with his brother w. e. CAUSE. Gen. 7. 4. 1 will c. it rain on the earth forty days 45. 1. he cried c. every man to go out from me Ejod. 8. 5. r. frogs to come up on the Ijind of E^^-pt 21. 19. and shall c.him to be thoroughly healed Le-j. 19. 29- thy daughter, to c. her to be a whore 26. 16. consume the eyes, and c. sorrow of heart Num. 8. +7. c. 3. razor to pass over the Levites 16. 5. who is holy, the Lord will c. him to come Deut. 1. 38.encouragehim, for he shall c. Israel to inherit it, 3. 28. | 31.7. Josh. 1. t(i. 12. 11. God shall choose to e. his name to dwell 24. 4. and thou shalt not c. the leind to sin which 2B. t6l. them will Lord c. to ascend till destroyed J'lrfg. 6. til. Gideon threshed wheat to c. it flee 2 Sam. 13. 13. whither shall I c. my shame to go ) 1 Kin^s 8. 31. an oath laid on him to c. him swear iKinss 19.7. will e. him to fall by sword, Isa.ZI .' . Seh. 13. 26. him did outlandish women r. to sin Esth. 3. 13. f. to perish all the Jews, 7. f 4. | 8. 11. 5. 5. c. Ilaman make haste to do as Esther sjiid 6. + 9- <■• him to ride on horseback through the city Job 6. 24. c. me to undorstsuid wherein I have erred t 27. yea, ye c. to fall upon the fatherless 3i. 1 1 . f . every man to find according to his ways 38.'t37 .who can c. to lie down the bottles of heaven Psal. 10. 17. thou wilt c. thine ear to hear 67. 1. and <■. hit face to shine upon us, 80. 3, 7,19. 76. 8. thou didst c. judgm. to be heard from heav. 90. -t 12. we may c. our hearts to come to wisdom 143. 8. c. me to hear, r. me to know the way Prov. 4. 16. sleep taken away, unless c. some to fall 19. i 18. let not thy soul spare tor. him to die 23. 1 5. wilt c. thine eyes to Hee on what is not ? Ecet. 5. 6. suffer not thy mouth tor. thy flesh to sin Cant. 8. 13. hearken to thy voice, r. me to hear it Isa. 3. 12. they wholfad thee c. thee to err, 9. 16. 27. 6. he shall c. them of Jacob to take root 28. 12. this is the rest ye may c. the weary to rest 30. 30. the Lord c. his glorious voice to be heard 42. 2. nor c. his voice to be heard in the streets 58. 14. I will f. thee to ride upon the high places 61.11. so Lord will c. righteousn ss to sprins forth 66.9- shall I bring to birth, and not e. bring forth ? Jer. 3. 12. I will not c. mine anger to fall on you 7. 3. I will c. you to dwell in thisplac-, 7. 12. t 9. c. beasts of the field to come and devour 13.16 give glory to the Lord before he c. darkness 15, 11. 1 will f, ;be en«uy w entieit the« well CAU Jer. 23. VI. who think to c. my people forget 25. ♦ 10. I wi!l c. to perish the voice of mirth 31. 2. even Israel, when 1 went to c. him to rest 9. I will r. them to walk by the rivers of waters 32. 44. I will c. their captivity to return, 33. 26 Lam. 3. 32. tho" he c. grief, yet will he have coicp Ezek. 20. 37. I will e. you to pass under the rod 24. 8. that it might c. fury to come to vengeance 34. 15. I will c. them to lie down, saith the Loril 36. 12. 1 will e. men to walk on you, even Israel Dan. 8. 25. he shall c. craft to prosper in his haod 9.17. O our God, c, thy face to shine on sanctuary tl8. we do not c. to fall our supplication 11. t 32. shall he <-. to dissemble by tiatteries JIos. 4. f 9. I will c. to return for their ways Joel 3. 11. thither e. thy mighty ones come down Amoi.6. 3. and e. the seat of violence to come neai 8. 9. I will e. sun to go down at noon and darkeu 9. t9- '• to move Israel among all nations .\'aii. 2. i 8. stand, but none shall c. th«m to turn Jlab. 1.3. why dost thou c. me to behold grievance Mat. 5 + 29. if thy right eye c. thee to offend 6. + 2. c. not a trumpet to be sounded 10.21 . children rise up against parents and r. th( m to be put to death, Mark 13 12. LhX('21. It}. /?OOT.l6.17.maTk them who f.di visions andoffemes Col. 4.I6.C. that it be read in church of Laodiceaui Cause to cease. See CE.tsE. CAUSED. Gen. 2. 21. God c. a deep sleep to fall on Adam. 20. 13. God c. me to wander from my fathers Ejod. 14. 21. the Lord e. the sea to go back Akbi. 31. 16. these r. Israel to commit whoredom Deut. 34.4. this is the land, 1 have c. thee to sec it 2 Sam.T. 11. c. thee to rest from thine enemies 22. f 40. hast thou c. to bow, Psal. 18. i 39. 1 Kin^s 2.19. c.a. seat to be set for the king's mothel 2 Chr. 34. 32. he call present in Jerus. to stand it Ezra l.+l. CjTuscavoicetopasslhro'hiskingdona 6. 12. the God that hath c. his name to dwell iVirA.8.7. Levitesf. people to understand the law, 8. Esth. 5. 1 10. Haman sent and c. his friends to COU14 14. Hamcm c. the gallows to be made Job 31. 16. if I have c. eyes of the widow to fail Pf a/. 66.12. thou haste, men to ride over our heads 78. 13. he divided the sea,andf. them to pass thro 26. he c. an east-wind to blow in the heaven 115. 49. word on which thou hast c. me to hope Prov. 7. 21. with fair speech she c. him to yield Isa. 6. t 7- f. it to touch my mouth, and said to 19. 14. they have c. Egypt to err in every work 43.23. I have not r. thee to serve with an offering Isa. 47. + 10. thy wisdom e. thee to turn away 63. 14. the Spirit of the I/)rd c. him to rest Jer. 3. 1 18. to the land I c. your fathers possess 12. 14. which I have c. my people Israel to inherit 13. 11. I have c. to cleave to me house of Israel 29. 31. Shemaiah e. you to trust in a lie 32. 23. therefore thou hast c. all this evil to come 34. 11. after they c. the servants to return, 16. 48. 4. her little ones have c. a cry to be heard Ezek. 16. 7. I have c. thee to multiply as the bud 24. 13. till I have c. my fury to rest on thee 29. 18. Nebuch. c. hisarmy to serve against I yruj .■i2. 23. which c. termr in the land, 24, 25, 26. Dan. 9. 21. Gabriel being c. to fly swiftly, touches IIos. 4. 12. the spirit of whoredoms c. them to err .■Imos 2. 4. and their lies c. thttn to err, after which 4. 7. I c, rain on one city, I r. not to rain on Zceh. 3. 4. I have c. thine iniquity to pass from the* Mai. 2. 8. ye have c. many to stumble at ihe law John 11. 37. have c. this man should nothave died Acts 15. 3. they c. great joy to all the hrehren 2 Cor. 2. 5. butif any have t. grief, hath grieved pa:"! Iiev.\3.l6.c.aX\ to receive a mark in their right-haiid CAUSES. EzoJ. 18. 19. that thou mayest bring c. to God 26. the hard c. they brought to Moses Deut. 1. l5. hear the c. between your brethren Jer. 3. 8. all the e. whereby backsliding Israel "^m 2. 14. but have seen for thee c, of banishment 3.58. O Lord, thou hast pleaded thee, of my soul Acts 26.2i.for these f. the Jews caught me ictemp'e CAUSEST. Job 30. 22. thou c. me to ride on the wind Psal. 65. 4. blessed is man thou c. approach to thee CAUSETII. Num. 5.18. the water that e. the cirse, 19, 22,2-1,27. Job 12. 24. he c. them to wander in a wilderne.-^ where there is no way, P»ot. 107. 41). 20. 3. the spirit of understanding c. me to answer 37. 13. he c. it to come hither for correction P.tal. 104. 14. he c. the grass to crow for the cattle 135.7.hef.vapourstoascend,J 52. 15. the captaiu carrivJ awa^ c. of poor CMA ZM.8. C7. ! Dlliiel fainted and wis MsV r. days 11. 13. th* king of north shall come after c. years tdal. 18. 2>. kingd. of heav. likened tor. kir.ii.CC.C. 20. 20. she and her sons desiring a e. thing of him Idari 12.42. there catneac. poor widow, Luktil 2. i4. 57- arose r. and bare false witness against him LuJit 5. 12. it caane topasi when ne was in a e. city 8. 20. told him by c. thy mother stands to see thee 10. 38. as he went into a e. village, 17. 12. 11. 27. a c. woman lifted up her voice and said 37. a r. Pharisee besought him to dine with him 18. 9. this parable to c. who trusted in ihenisekes 23. 19. who for a e. sedition and for murder 24. 22. f .women also made us aatonished, who were 24. c. of them with us went to the sepulchre John 5. 4. an angel went down at a c. season Actt 9- 19- Saul was e. days with the disciples 10. 48. they prayed I'eter to tarry c. days 32. 1. llerod th • king to vex e. of the church 15. 24. c. which went from us, have troubled us 17. 2«. aj e. of your own poets have said, for we iiinn. 15. 26. to make a contribution for e. saints at Oai. 2. 12. for before that c. came from James /Je6. 2.6. but one in a r. place testified, what is man 4. 4. he spake in a c. place of 7th day on this wise 7. be liaiiteth ac. day, saying, in David, to-day 10. 27. but ac. fearful looking for of judgment Judt 4. for there are c men crept in unawares CERTAIN. Defil. 13. 14. if it be truth and the thing r. 17. 4. 1 AiHff 2.37. know for c. thou shah surely die, 42. Jtr. 2t). 15. know for c. if ye put me to death Van. 2. 45. the dream is r. and interpretation sure Acts 25. 26. I have no c. thing to write to my lord X Cor. 4. 11. we have no e. dwelling-place 1 Ttm. 6. 7. it is e. we can carry nothing out CERTAINLY. Oen. 18. 10. he said, 1 will c. return to thee 26. 28. we saw c. the Lord was with thee 43. 7. could we c. know he would say, bring your 44. 15. wot ye not such a man as I cane, divine > 50. 15. will c. requite us all the evil we did to him £.'od. 3. 12. c. I will be with thee, this be atoken 22. 4. if theft be c. found in his hand alive Lev. 5. 19. he hath c. trespassed against the Lord 24. ifl. all the congregation shall c. stone him JcfA. 9. 24. because it was c. told thy servants Mid^. 14. 12. if ye can e. declare the riddle to me 1 Sam. 20. 3. thy father c. knoweth I have found 9- if I knew c. evil were determined by my father 23. 10. f. heard that Saul will come to Keilah 25. 28. Lord will e. make my lord a sure house 1 Kh'gt 1.30. even so will I c. do this day 2 Kings 8.10. go, say to him, thou mayest c. recover 2 CAr.l8.27. Micaiahsaid, if thouf. return in peace Prov. 23. 5. for riches f. make themselves wings Jer.8. 8. we are wise,"lo, c. in vain made he it 13. 12. do we not c. know every bottle be filled 25. 28. thus saith the Lord, ye shall c. drink 36. 2y. king of Babylon shall c. destroy this land 40. 14. dost thou r. know that Baal is sent? 42. 19. know e. I have admonished you this day 22. e. ye shall die by the sword and by famine 44. 17. c. do what thing goeth out of our mouth Lam. 2. 16. c. this is the day that we looked for iJan. 11. 10. one shall c. come and overtiow, 13. Hecli. 11. 1 11. poor c. knew it was word of the L. Luit 23. 47. saying, c. this was a righteous man CERTAINTY. JosA. 23. 13. know fore. Lord will no more drive 1 Sam. 23. 23. come ye again to me with the e. Prov. 22. 21. make known the e. of words of truth Dan 2. 8. I know of c. ye would gain the time Luke 1. 4. thou mightest know the c. of those things Acls'il. 34. he could not know the c. for tumult 22. 30. because he would have known the c. why CERTIFY, I ED. 2 S.59.5.t»rrible oies shall be as r.that passeth away 33. 11. ye shall conceive c. and bring forth stubble 41. 15. thresh mountains, and make the hills as c. Jer. 23. 28. what is the c. to the wheat ? saith Lord Dan. 2.35. became like the c. of the threshing floor Hos. 13.3. as the e. which is driven with whirlwind ZepA. 2. 2. before the decree, before day pass as c. .Ua*. 3.12. will bum up the r. with fire, LuktZ. 17. CHAIN Signifies, [I] Links of iron, gold, or silver, one •uil/iin another, uhich uere (1) Sacred, thoT. Jer. 14. 4. because ground isr. there was no rain CIIARA.SIII.M. 1 C/iron. 4. 14. Joab the fatlier of the valley of r. CIIARCJE Signipp'!, [1] To eommaud, Kxod. 1. CC. [C] To pro/iiiii, ur intirdicl. Gen. C8 1, [3] 'I'o adjure, or bind liti a solemn oaili, 1 Sam. 14. C". [i] To load, or iiwden, Ueut. C4. 5. 1 riin'''5. 16. [5] To exhort, 1 Ihess. C. 11. [6] An ofUe, or em- ploy. Num. 8. C6. To lay any thing to one's charge, i.i to accme liim of It, and proiecute and funiih him for it, Psal. 35. n. To have the charge of any thing, to lie intnisted uiih It, or to have the oitrsi^hl and mrinngewent of ii. Acts K. C7. Cfn."f>. 5 Abraham kept my r. and my statutes 2(1.6. Isaac(ave Jacob a r. saying, not take a wife 71 CHA Eiod. 6. 13. the Lord gave Moses and Aaron a c. :\!tm. 4. 31. this isthc c. of their burdtn in tabern. K.Cfi. ihusshnlt doiDihe Levites. touching their c. 9. 19. then Israel kept the r of the Lord, C3. C7.C3. Moses gave .loshua a r. Heiii. 31. C.3. Dent. CI. 8. l.iy not iniuvent blood to people's r. Joth. CC. 3 Reubeniies have kept r. of the Lord C Ha'". 17. tC3. Ahilhophel cave r. conieriiing 18.5. the king paver, concerning Absaton 1 h'iugf 1 1.C8. .leroboam made ruler over all iliec. C h'iii^s 7. 17. the lord to have ther. of the gale 1 C/iri»/i. y. 27. because ther. was upon them CO. t30. of Ilebroniles 1700 over the r. 2 C//<-.:W.17. Levites had the r. of killing passovers iVrA. 7. C. I gave llanaiii r. over Jerusalem Euh. 3. 9. of those that had r. of the business JoliM.\:i. wlio luitli given him a r. over the earth' /'sal. .35. 11. they laid to my r. tilings 1 knew not loy. i a. let another take his r. Aits 1. ♦ 20. Jer.titJ. 1 1. king of Bab. gave r. concerning .leremiah 47. 7. Lord haih given it a r. against Ashkelon Ezet. 9. 1. cause tliem that have r. over the city 44. 8 ye have not kept the r. of my holy things 15. the priests that kept the r. of my sanctuary 48. 11. priests kept my r. who went not astray Alts'. 60. Lord, lay not this sin to their r. U. 27. an eunuch, who had r. of all her treasure 12. t25. when Barn.abasand Saul fulfilled their r. 10. 24. received such a r. thrust them into prison 23. 29. nothing laid to his r. worthy of death Jit 5. 43. Lii/r9. -'• 12. Ifi. Jesusr. not lomakehim known, lUn/X 3. 12. .'»/«r/7..'J0.r.nottotell,8.3O. | 9.9. /.Hiiro. 14. | B.oO. 10. 48. many r. him that he should hold his peace Horn. 3.(9. we have r. Jews and (ieniiles under si I Ihess. 2. 11. we r. every one of you as a father 1 7i«i. 5. 16. and let not church be r. that it mav CHARGED.Sl'. Exod. 19. 23. thou e. us, saying, set bounds about CIIARtJER, S. Snm.'i. 13. his oflering was one silver r. 19. 25. 31. 37, 43, 40, 61. 07. 7:t. 79. 84. this was the dedication of the aliar, twelve r. CIIA Num. 7. 85. each r. of silver weighing nOBhekcll Ezra 1 . 9. this is number of theui, one thousand r. A/u< 14.U.give Jolin ISapt. head in a r. Silaii U.S5. CHAIUil'.S. 2 Chron. B. 14. he appointed the Levites to iheirr. 31. 17. from CO years in their r. by courses 3o.C.hesetpriesis in their r. and eneou raged iheiB .li/\ 21. 24. ihcm tal>e, and be at r. wiili ilieni 1 Cor. y. 7. who gueth .1 warfare at his own r./ CHARGESr. 2 Sa?n. 3. 8. thou r. n e to day wilh a fault CHARGING. Alts 16. 23. r. the jailor to keep ihem safely 2 'J'im. 2. 1 4. r. ih.il iliey strive not about words CIIARIOr Signifies, [I] .} sort of li:;hi loach. Gen. 40. 29. [2] Chano/3 of ::ar, out oj uliirh some of the nniicnis Jou«ht, thcii were nrmtit uiih jaielnit and sctiihes in sevenit places, ivhii/i lore everp ihinf tlieii met leiili to pieces, Exod. 14. 7. .losh. 11.4. [3.] Hosts, or urmiti, Psal. iM. 17. [4] llnmun, ur uorldly ihinss, uherein men it- pine their confidence, I'sal. 20. 7. Elij.ih is called t/ie chariot of Israel and horse. men ihereoj, 2 Kin^s 2. 12. that is, Ij-j his ei- ainple, his coumcls, hit prayers, ami poxer tiVA ('od, he did more J'or the dejence and preserva- tion oj' Israel, than all their chariots and horses, and other -.cariike proiin'ons. .Solomon made a chariot of ihe wood of Lcbanou, C.inl. 3. 9. Christ, oJ whom .Solomon uai a cxye, establiihed for the nlory of hi\ ^roee ihe new to tenant, or the gospel, aihereby believers are carrs4d to heaven; uhich it of an iierlasling nature lleb. 13. 20. Rev. 14. (T. Cen. 41. 43. he made him to ride in the second r. /.ri.(/. 14. 25. the Lord took ofl" their r. wheels 1 l\ings 7.33. the wheels like the work of a r. wheel 18. 4t. prepare thy r. and gel thee down Co. 25. number thee r. for r. and we will fight 33. he caused him to come up into the r. 2'.'. 35. the blood ran into the midst of the e. .38. one washed the r. iu the pool of Samaria 2 Kings 2.11. there appeared a < . of fire and liorses 12. cried, my father, ihe r. of Israel, 13. 14. 5. 21. he lighted from the r. to meet Guhazi 9. 16. Jehu rode in a r. |C7. smite him in the c. 28. servants carried him in ar. to Jerus. 23. .30. 1 Chron. 28. 18. gave gold for the pallern of the r. 2 Chiott. 35. 24. his servants took him out of the r. Psal. 46. 9. he burnetb the t. in the fire 76. 6. r. and horse arc cast into a dead sleep Cant. 3. 9. made a r. of the wood of Lebanon Isa. 21.7. he saw a r. wilh horseinen, a c. of asses y. here coa;elh a r. of men with horsemen 43. 17. who briiigeth forth the r. and horse Jer. 51. 21. will I break in pieces the r. and rider ■Mic. 1. 13. bind the r. to the swift beast Zech. 6.2. first r. red horses, second r. blark horses 9. 10. 1 will cut off the c. from Ephraim Acts 8. C9. said, go near and join thyself 10 hisr. 38. he commanded the r. to stand siill his CHARIOT. Oen. 46. 29. Joseph made ready hii c. and went Exod. 14.6. Pharaoh made ready his c. .nnd look Jitdg. 4. 15. Sisera lighted oS his <■. and fled aw .-vy 5. 2U. why is his c. so long in coming ? why tarry 1 Kings 12. 18. king made speed to/n'jr.e C'f/.IO.IB. 22. .34. I'.e said to the driver o( his r. turn thy nano .35, Ahab was stayed up in his c. and died at even 2 Kings 5. y. Naamaii came with his r. and stood C6. when the man turned again from his c. 9.21. /lis c. was made ready,went out each in hue. 21-. sniolc Jehoram, and he sunk down in his c. 10. 16. so they made him to ride in his c. I'iol. 104. 3. who makelli ihe clouds his c. Jer. 4. 13. his c. shall be as a whirlwind .Uls 8. 28. silling in /in r. read I'.saias the prophet CHARIOr-CiriES. 2 Chr. I. 14. horsemen which he placed in c.-ciiies 2CAfii;i.8.(). Solomon built e.-eilus, and store cities 9. 25. bestowed in the c.-ciiies and with the king CHA RIOI -HORSES. 2 .Snwi.H.4. David houghed all c. -hones, \ C/ir.l8.-t ; Kings'i. 14. thev took therefore Iwo c.-horse% CHARIOl'MAN. 2 Chr. 18. 33. he said to the c.-matt, liirn ihy haad c:iiARU)rs. Gen. 50.9. there went up wiili Joseph r. and horse Exod. 14. 7. Pharaoh look 6OO r. and all the r. 17.1 will gel honour upon his c. and horsemen 28. the waters covered all the r. and all ihe host lo. 4. Pharaoh's r. and host lialh he cast inu)sea 10. for the horse of Pharaoh went in wilh his c. .losii. 17.16. have r. of iron, VS.Jiidg. 1. I9. I 4.3. Jiulg. 4 15. Lord discomfited Sisera and all his c 5. 28. she cried, why tarry ilic wheels of his c.t 1 Sam. 8. 11. the king will appoint thein for his r. 13.5. Philistines, to fight againsl f si ael , .■W,>X>0 e "iSam. 1 6 ihc r.and Uorsemeu followed after Saul CHA '2Snm.\0. 18. D. slew the men of 700 c of Syrians 1 Kiiigsin. 2(i. Solomon had 1400 c. li.WJOhursemtt Ifi. 9. Zimri captain of half his c. conspired a. 32. when the capti. of the c. saw Jehoshaphat S Kings 13. 7- left but ten c. and fifty horsemen llt.C4. how put thy trust on Egypt fore. ha. 36.9. J'tal. 68. 17. the c. of God are twenty thousand Cdyil. 6. 12. my soul like the rj« and jumping c. Halt. 3.8.didst ride on thy horses and c.of salvation Hev. 18 13. no man buys their horses and c. CHARITABLY. Mom. 14. 15. brother grieved, now walkest not r.ll.4.not eat of them that f. the cud, Deul. li.7. CHEWED. Num. 11. 33. ere the flesh was c. ^VTath was kindled CHEWETH. Ltv.ll 4. because he f. the cud, 5, 6. Dait.M 6. 7. yet the swine e. not the cud, Deiu. l-i. 8. CHICKEKS. Mat. 23.37. gathered even as a hen gatherethherc. CHIDE. Etod. 17. 2. the people did c. why c. you with me ? Judg.8. 1. the men of Ephraim did c.withGideon Psal. 103. 9. he will not always c. nor keep anger CHIDING. Etod. 17 7. called Meribah. because off. of Israel CHIEF Signifies, [1] I'/ie principal person of a faniilti, con- gregation, tribe, army, dc. Num. 3. 30. Dent. "1. 15. 1 Sam. 14. 38. 2 Sam. 5. 8. [2] The best, or most raliiable, 1 Sam. 15. 21. [3] 1'he highest, or uppermost. Mat. 23. 6. [4] The dearest, *r most familiar, Prov. I6. 28. [5] The greatest, Psal. 137. 0. [6] Most in esteem and reputation, Luke 14. 1. 2 Cor. 12. 11. [7] Most forward and active, Ezra 9. 2 [8] Most remarkable and wonderful. Job 40^ 19. Oen. .37 i 36. they sold Joseph to a c. marshal 40 9 the c butler told his dream to Joseph Ci .he restored the c. butler to his butlership again 22. but hanged the c. baker as Joseph interpreted A»m. 3. 32. Eleazar shall be c. over c. of Levites Veut. 1. 15. I took the c. of your tribes, wise men 1 Sam. 15 21. the people took thee, of the things 8 .S<7m.23.18.Abishai brother of Joabr. among three 1 Kings 9. 23. these were the c. of the officers 1 Chron. 5. 2. for of Judah came the c. ruler 116. whosoever smiteth the Jebusites first shall be c. and captain, Joab went first and was c. J8. 17. the sons of David were f. about the king 26. 10. tho' not first-born, his father made him c. £tra 9- 2. the rulers have been c. in this trespass NeA. 11. 3. these are c. of the province that dwelt Job 12. 24. he taketh away heart of c. of people 29. 25. I chose out their way, and sat c. dwelt as 40. 19. behemoth is the c. of the ways of God Psal. 78. 51. he smote e. ol their strength. 105. 36. 137 6 if I prefer not Jerusalem above my <. joy Prov. 1 21. Wisdom crieth in c. place of concourse 8. f 26. nor had made f.part of the dust of the world •6. 28. a whisperer separateth e. friends Cant. 4. 14. an orchard with all the c. spices Jsa. 14. 9' h* stirreth up the c. ones of the earth Jer. 13. 21. thou hast taught them as c. over thee 31.7. sing and shout among the c. of the nations 50. f 36. a sword is upon their c. stays, shall dote 51. i 5Q. this Seraiah was a c. chamberlain Xam. 1.5. her adversaries are the c. enemies prosper /.'«*. 4. 1 2. set c. leaders against Jerusalem round 20. t40 there will I require c. of your oblations 44. t 30. c. of the first fruits shall be the priest's Van. 2. ■( 14. Daniel answer. Arioch the c. marshal 11. 41. the c. of children of Ammon shall escape /imos6. 1. which are named c. of the nations 6. drunk and anoint themselves with c. ointments Mat 20. 27- whosoever will be e. among you, let 23 6. they love the uppermost rooms at feasts and e. seats in the synagogues, Mark 12. 39. Mark 6. 21. Herod made a supper to hisf. estates CAtke 11. 15. casteth out devils thro' c. of the oevjls 14. 1. he went into house of one of the f. Pharisees 7 . he marked how they chose the c. rooms, 20.46. 22. 26. and he that is c. as he that doth serve iohn 12.42. among c. rulers many believed on him Jr/j 14. 12. because Paul was the c. speaker 17 4. some believed, and of c. women not a few £»A.2.20.Je.s«is Christ the c.corncr-stone,l f e/.2.6. I y'im.l.l5.Jesus came to tave sinners, of whom I c. 1 /-"^/.S. 4. when r. Shepherd shall appear,shallreceive CHIEF captain. 2 .Sam. 5. 8. who smiteth he shall be r. and<-a;>c«i« Wffj21.31. tidings came to the r. captain of band 32. when they saw ther. captain they left beating 23. 17. Paul 5aid,bring this youngmar.tof. fo;jY5 answered, we have no king but Cesar Acts 9- 14. he hath authority from c priests, 26. 10. 22. JO. commanded the r . p. and council to appear CHIEF prince, or princes. 1 Chron. 5. + 2. and of Judah came the c. prince 7. 40. were children of Asher, <-. of the princes Ezek. 38. 2. Gog c. prince of Mesech, 3. | 39. 1. Dan. 10. 13. Michael one of the e. princes came CHIEF singer, or singers. Neh. 12. 46. in days of David were c. of the singers liab. 3. 19. to the e. singer on my instruments CHIEF EST. 1 Sam. 2.29. to make yourselves fat with r. offerings 9. 22. Samuel made them sit in the c. place 21. 7.Doeg an Edomite, e. of the herd-men to Saul 2 Chr. 32. 33. Hezekiah buried in e. of sepulchres Cant. 5. 10. my beloved is the e. among 10,001) Mark 10. 44. who will be c. shall be servt. of all 2 Cor. 11. 5. not a whit behind c. of apostles, 12.11. CHIEFLY. Rom. 3. 2. c. because to them were commit. oracles Phil. 4. 22. c. of they that are of Cesar's househ. 2 Pet. 2. 10. but c. them that walk after the Hesh CHILD Signifies, [1] One t/o^mg in years, 1 Sam. 1. C2. [2] Um weak in knowledge, Isa. 10. I9. 1 Cor. 13. 11. [3] Such as ure young in grace, 1 John 2. 13. [4] Such as are huvibh and docile. Mat. 18.3,4. [5j Whatsoever IS dear to a perso:i,\ Jer. 15. 7. Child, Children, or Sons, are talen differ- ent ways in Scripturt. J he descendants of a man, how remote soever they may be, are called sons, or children. For example : the children of Edom, the children of Moab. the children of Israel. These expressions , the children of light, the children of darkness, arc used to signify those who follow light, and those who remain in darkness: the children of the king- dom, those who belong to the kingdom. Per- sons who are almost of age, are often called children. For example: Josiph is called n child, though he was at least sixteen years old. Gen. 37. 30. and Henjamin of the age of above thirty, is still called a little child, Cen'.W. 20. Likewise men of full age have often the name of children given them. Is?.. 65. 20.' The child shall die an hundred years old ; that is, men shall die at the age of an hundred years ; theie shall be uo more untimely deaths seen. CllIl.DRL.v, or Sons of God. By this name angels are sometimes described, as, }o\*\.^. | 2. 1,'1'here was a day when the sous of God came to present themselves before the J^ird, Good nun, in op- CHI \ positipn to the wicked, are lUewise called by tht name ; the children of Selh'^ family, in opposition to the race p/Cain, Oen. 6. 2. '1 he sons ofGoci saw the daughters of men. Judges and magis- trates are likewise termed children of God, Psal. 82. 6. 1 have said, you are gods ; and all si you are the children of the Most High. In the Xew Testament, Believers are cemmoHly called the children of God, by virtue of iheii adoption, and the prerogatiies which Christ pur- chased for them by the merits of his death and sufferings. John 1. 12, He hatn given us power to become the sons of God: and elsewhere ; stt Rim. 8. 14. Gal. 3. 26. Children, or .Sons of men. This name is given to the men of Cam'a family, who lived before tha deluge; and in particular to the giants^ thos» violent and corrupt men, who before the deluge had corrupted their ways, ana drew down the most ter- rible ejjects of God's anger upon the earth. Af- terwards the impious, the wicUd Israelites uert catled the sons of men, Psal. 4. 2. O ye sons of men, how long will ye love vanity ? .See Psal. 12. 1. I 57. 4. But very often, by sons of mcn» mankind are to be understood, without any odious notion, as, Psal. 8. 4. What is the son of man. that thou visitesthira? Psal. W.-i. | 145.12. GtH.2 1 . 15. Hagar Ceist the f .under one of the shrub 16. she said, let me not see the death of the c. 37. 30. the c. is not, and I, whither shall I go i' 42. 22. spake I not, do not sin against the c. ? Kxod. 2. 8. the maid went, and called the <■. mother 22. 22. ye shall not afflict any fatherless c. Judg. 1 1 . ."U. Jephthah's daughter was his only c 13. K. and teach us what we shall do to the c 1 Sam. 1. 25. and they brought the c. to Eli 3. 8. Eli perceived tb" Lord had called the 1 2 Sam. 12. 14. the c. that is bom to thee shall die 15. Lord struck the c. that 'Jriah'swife bare 16. David t'nerefore besought God for the c 19. David perceived that the c. was dead 1 Kings 3. 25. he said, divide the living c. in two 14.3. he shall tell thee, what shall become of the c. 17. 22. the soul of the c. came into him again 2 Kings 4. 31. he told him, the c. is not awaked. 35. the c. neesed, and the c. opened his eyes Piov.QS. 13. witlihold not correction from thee. Led. 4. 8. yea, he hath neither c. nor brother 15. with second c. that shall stand up in his steal'' Isa. 3. 5. the c. shall beh.ave himself proudly 7.16. for before the c. shall know to refuse the evil' 8. 4. before the c. shall know to cry, my father 11.8. the weaned f. put hrsh.\nd on cockatrice deu 65. 20. the r. shall die an hundred years old Jer.4.:i\. as of her that hringeth forth her first c. 3] . 20. is Ephr.-um my son ? is he a plea.sant c. ? 44. 7. to cut off from you man, woman, and c. Mat. 10. 21. the father shall deliver the c. to ileatli 17. 18. the f . was cured from that very hour 23. 15. ye make him twofold more the c. of hell Luke 1.59. on eiiihth day they came to circumcise c. (Hi. saying, what manner of c. shall this be .' 76. thou f.shalt be called Prophet of the lligheii 80. the c. grew, and waxed strong in spirit, 2. 40. 2. 27. when the parents Ivrought in the c. Jcsuj 9. 38. Master, look on my sou, he is my only c. 42. Jesus healed c.and delivered him to his fatUei- John 4. 49. sir, come down ere uiy c. die 16. 21 . hut as soon as she is delivered of the c. .'Ids 4. 27. of a truth against thy holy c. Jesus 30. that signs may he done by name of thy c Jesu 13. 10. Saul said, tiiou c. of tht devil, thou en«my Rev. 12. 4. to d.v,,ur here, as soon as it was born 5. htr (. was ta^.ght up to God and to his throne A CHILD. Gen. 18.13. shall I of a surety bear a f. who am old? 4-V.20. a father, and a c. of his old age. a little one Kiod. 2. 2. she saw he was a goodly c. Jleb. 1 1 2:U I Sam. 2.18. Samuel, a c. girded with a linen epUod 1 Kings 3. 17. wast delivered of a c.with her in house 13.2. a. c. shall be bom to house of David, Josialt Job 33. 25. his flesh shall be fitshcr than a c. I'^al. 131.2. I quieted myself as af. as a weaned o I'roo. 20. 11. ever, a c. is known by his doines 20. 6. train op a c. in the way he should go 15. foolishness is bound in the heart of c <-. 29. 15. but a c. left to himself bringeth to shame 21. he that bringeth up his .VTvant from a e. Kcil. 4. 13. better is a wise c than a foolish king 10. 16. wde to ihee, U land, when thy king is a c. Isa. 9. 6. for to us a c. is born, to us a son is given 10. 19. trees shall be few, that a c. may write them Jer. 1 . 6. behold I cannot speak, for i am a r. 7 20. 15. tiding*., saying, a man c. is born to ihee Ilos. U. 1. »hrn Israel was a c. then I loved hin» .l/f .my name, receives /I'n/i CHILD. Gen.l6.ll.the ange! said, Hagar, thou art nii/i c. 19.36. daught. of Lot were tvith c. by their father 38.24.Taniarthy daughter is uiili c. by whor-dom 25. by the man whose these are, am I uiil. c. £rorf. 21.22. if men strive and hurt a woman air/i f. 1 •Sam.4.19.hisdaughter,rhineha3'wife,was:j'ir/'i c. 2A'am.ll.5.Bath-shebasent and said, I amuiM c £ A'l'wjf 8. 12. wilt rip up their women wi//i f. 15.16. £(■<■/. 1 1 .5. bones grow in womb of her that is uiih c. Isa. 26.17. like a woman uitU c. that draweth near 18. we have been z^ith c. we have been in pain 54. 1. sing, O barren, that didst not travail aiV/i c. JtT.M. 6. see whether a man doth travail uit/i c. ■Tl. 8 1 will bring forth from north women xiih c. JIos. 13. 16. their women u'itli c. shall be ripped up Amos 1.1 3. because they ripped up the women wit he. Mat. 1.18. she was found uit/i c. of the lUly Ghost 23. a virgin shall be ai'.'S c . and bring forth a son 24.19 woe to them that are Kith c. and to them give suck in those days, Mtirk 13. 17. Lide 21. 23. Luke i. 5. to be taxed with Mary, being great tcith c. 1 7/(e,ij. 5. 3. as travail upon a woman kiVA r. Rev. 12. 2. and she being nith c. cried, travailing roimg CHILD. 1 Sam. 1. 24. she brought him, and the r. was VJoij Mat. 2. 8. go and search diligently for the »o»«» c. 13. take the young c. and his mother, and ttee 14. he took the uo7i,ic: c. and his mother by night ClilLD-BEAUlNO. 1 3Vm.2.15. Dotwithstand.she shall be saved in c.-i. CHILDHOOD. 1 Sam. 12.2.1 have walked before you from my c. Job 33. t 25. his flesh shall be fresher than c. £ccl. 11. 10 for r. and youth are vanity CHILDISH. 1 Cot. 13. 11. when a man, I put away c. things ClllLDLi:SS. Gen. 15. 2. what wilt thou give me, seeing I go c. ? f,«r.20.20.lheyshall bear their sin, they shall die c. 1 &»!. 15.33. Samuel said, as thy swonl liath niade women c. so shall thy mother be c. among women ^er. 22. 30. sailh the Loril, write you this man c. Luke 20.30. the second took her to wife, and died c. CHILDIUIN. Gen. 3. I6. in sorrow shall thou bring forth c. 16. 2. it may be that I may obtain e. by her 25. 22. the r. struggled together within her 29.* 1. Jacob came into land of the c. of the east 30. I. Karhael said to.lacob, give me cor I die 33. .5. the c. which God hath given thy servant 49.8. thy father's r. shall bow down before thee £tiI!.'. 12.37 .journeyed about600,0lX) mcn.besidesc 20. 5. a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of ihe fa- thers upon the c. 34.7. iViim. 14. 18.' De7it.C>.[). 21. 4. the wife and her c. shall be her master's Num. 13. 28. and we saw the r. of Anak there 17. ♦ 10. for a token against the r. of rebellion 26. 11. notwithstanding the c. of Korah died not Deut. 2. g. 1 have given Ar to the c. of Lot, I9, 9. 2. who can stand before the c. of Anak .' 13. 13. the e. of Belial are gone out from you 14. 1. ye are the c. of the Lord your God 81. 15 have born him e. bolh beloved and hated S3.H 'be c. begotten ol'theni shall enter into cong. S4.!6.the fathers shall not be put to death for the r. nor Ihe e. for the fathers, 2 Chnm. C5. 4. 'ii. 20 they are (. in whom there is 00 faith I 74 CHI D«tt/.33.C4.of Asher he said.let Asher b« K.5M*d c. Josh. 22. 9. c. of Reuben and Gad, hall tribe »• Ma- nasseh, returned and built there an altar, 10, 1 1 . Judg. 4. 6. take 10,000 men of the c. of Naphtali 8. 18. each one resembled the c. of a king 14. 16. thou ha-st put forth a riddle to e. of people 20. 13. now deliver us the men, the c. of Belial 1 Sam. 2. 5. she that hath many c. is waxed feeble 10.27. c of belial said.howshall this man save us .' 2 6Vjm.3. t 34. as a man falleth before c. of iniquity 7.10. neither shall ihec. of wickedness afflict them any more as before time, 1 Chton. 17. 9- 1 Kinzs^l. 13. there came in two men, e. of Belial 2 Kings 2. 24. two she-bears came and tare 42 c. 9. 1. Elisha called one of the c. of the prophets 10. 13. to salute the c. of the king, e. of the queen 14. 6. but the c. of murderers he slew not, as is written in the law of IMoses, 2 Chron. 25. 4. 17. 34. nor do as Lord commanded the c. of Jac. ly. 3. for the c. are come to the birth, Isa. 37. 3. 1 Chron. 2. .30. but Seled died without c. 32. and Jether died without c. 4. 27. but Shiuiei's brethren had not many e. 16. 13. O ye c. of Jacob his chosen, Psal. 105. 6. 2 Chron. 13. 7. gathered to Jtroboam e. of Belial 25. 7. the Lord is not with all the c. of Kphraim 11. Amaziah smote of the c. of Seir 10,000 Eira 2. 1. these are c. of the provmce, A'al. 17. 14. they are full of c. and leave the rest 34.11. come, ye c. hearken tome, I will teach you 6y. 8. I am become an alien to my mother's c. 72. 4. he shall save the c of the needy *;;. 6. the c. which should be horn might know 82. 6. and all of you are c. of the most High 8.). 8. they have holpen the c. of Lot. Selah 102. 28. the c. of thy servants shall continue 113. 9. makes the barren to be a joyful motheroff. 127. 3. lo c. are an heritage of the Lord 4. as arrows in the hand, so are thee, of youth 137.7- remember, O Lord, the c. of Ldom UH. 12. let old men and c. praise the Lord 149.2. let the c. of Zion be joyful in their king Pnii'.4.1.hear, yec. instruclion,5.7. | 7. 24. | 8.32. 17. 6. and the glory of c. are their fathers 31. 28. her c. arise up and call her blessed Eecl. 6. 3. if a man beget 100 c. and live years Cant. 1. 6. my mother's c. were angry with me ha. 1. 2. 1 have brought up c. and they rebelled 4. ah sinful nation, c. that are corrupters 2. 6. they please themselves in the c. of strangers 3.4. and I will give c. tobelheit princes, and babes 12. as for my people, c. are their oppressors 8.18. I andr. whom Lord hath given me, i/f A. 2. 13. 13. 18. shall have no pity, their eye not spare c. 21. 17. mighty men of r. of Kedar be diminished 23. 4. saying, I travail not, nor bring forth c. 30. 1 woe to the rebcllous e. saith the Lord 9. lying f.f. that will not hear the law of the L. 38. 19 father to the c. make known thy truth 47.8. neither shall 1 know the loss off. 9. I ome in one day the loss of c. and widowhood 49- 20. the c. which thou sha'.t have, shall say 54. 1 . sing, O barren, for more are e. of the deso- late than c. of the married wife, Val. 4. 27. 57.4. are ye note, of transgre.vsion.aseedoffalseh. 5. slaying thee, in the valleys nnderclills of roeks 6 f. 8. they are my people, r. that will not lie 66.8. as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth r. Jer. 3. 14. turn, U backsliding c. saith the L. 22. 19. I said, how shall I put thee among the c? 4. 23. for my people is foolish, they are sottish r . 6. 11. I will pour it out upon the c. abroad 7. 18. thee, gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire 9.21. for death entered to rut off c from without 15.7. I wiH fai: them, I will bereave them of r. 31. 15. Uachel weeping for her c. .^Int. 2. 18. 29. the c. teeih are set on edge, hzek. 18. 2. 48. < 45. shall devour the crown of the c. of noise /.aw. 2. 20. shall the women eat r. of a .vpan long ? 5. 13. young men to grind, c. fell under the wood /.':M.2.4. for tliey are impudent c. and stiff-hearted 20. 21. the e. rebelled against me, they walked 23. t 17. c. of Babel came lo her into bed of love 33.30. the c. still arc talking against thee by walls 44. t*. brought into my sanctuary c. of a stranger 47. 22. to strangers th-t .shall beget c. among you Van. 1.4. c. in whom was no blemish, but skilful 15. their countenances fairer and fatter than all c 1.7. a.s for these fouri. (indgave them knowledge 2.4 25. found a man of ibe c. of the captivity 12. 1 . Michael shall stand for the c. of thy people llos. 1. 2. take unto lliee c. of whoredoms 2.4. I will not have mercy on iierr. lor they be r. li). 0. Ihe battle against the r . of iniquity did not 14. the mother was dashed in pieces upon her c. CHI ' Hot. 11. 10. then the e. shall tremble from the w«U 13.13. not stay long in place of breaking forth of «• Joel 2 16. gather c. and those that suck the breasts 23. be glad then ye c. of Zion, and rejoice in L jimosQ. 7. are ye not as c. of the Ethiopians to mt. Mic. 1. 16. make bald, and poll thee for delicate e. Zeph. 1. 8. 1 will punish the princes and king's < Mal.i.6. he shall turn the heart of fathers to thee, and the heart of c. to their fathers, Luke 1 . \^ Mat. 2. 16. Herod slew all the c. in Bethlehem 3. 9. able of these stones to raise up c. Luke 3. 8. 5.45. that je may be thee, of your Father inheav. 8. 12. but the e. of the kingdom shall be cast out 9.15. Jesus said, can e. of bride-cham. mourn whil« bridegroom with them > Mark 2. I9. Luke 5. 34. 10. 21. e. shall rise against parents, Jt/ar*13. 12. 11.19. but Wisdom is justified of her e. Luke't.Z^ 13. 38. the good seed are the e. of the kingdom, but the tares are the e. of the wicked ona 15. 26. not meet to take the e. bread, Mark 7. 27 17. 26. Jesus saith to him, then are the e. free 19.29. forsaken wife ore. for my sake, Mark IO.29. 20. 20. then came the mother of Zebedee's e. 21.15.priests and scribes saw thee, crying in temp. Mat. 13. 31. ye are e. of them that killed prophets iliari 7. 27. Jesus said to her, let the e. iirst be filled 28. the dogs under the table eat of the e. crumbs 9- 37. shall receive one of such e. in my name, 41. Luke 6. 35. be great, ye shall be the c of the High. 16. 8. for e. of this would ire wiser than e. of light 20. 29. the first took a wife, and died without e. 34. the e. of this world mar-y, and are given in John 8.39. if ye were Abraham's e. would do works 21. 5. Jesus saith to them, e. have ye any meat .' .■Ids 3.25. ye are the e.of the prophets and covenant Rom. 8. 17- if e. then heirs, heirs of God, joint-heiri 9. 7. because the seed of Abraham are they all e 11. for e. being not yet born, nor done good or evil 1 Ciir.14.20. be not e. in understanding, in malice, e. 2 Cor. 12. 14. for the e. ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the c Gal. 3. 7. of faith, the same are the c. of Abraham 4. 3. so »e, when we were e. were in bondage 25. Jerusalem, which is in bondage with here. 31. we are not c. of bond-woman, but of the free Eyh. 1.5. having predestinated us to adoption off. 2. 2. the spirit that worketh in e. of disobedience 3. were by nature e. of wrath, even as others 4. 14. we be henceforth no more e. tossed to and fro 5. 1. be ye therefore followers of God as dear e. 6. WTath Cometh on e. of disobedience. Col. 3. 6. 6. 1 . e. obey your parents in the Lord, Col. 3. 20. 1 Ttm. 5. 4. but if any widow have e. or nephews 10. if she hath brought upe. if she hath lodged 14. I will that the youngcrwomen marry, bear e. Heh. 2. 14. as thee, are partakers of Hesh and blood 12. 5. exhonation which speaketh to you as to e. 1 }'et. 1 14. as obedient e. not fa.shioniiig by lusts 2 Fet. 2. 14. having eyes full of adultery, cursed e. 1 John 3. 10. e. of God manifest, and c. of the devil 2 John 1. the elder to the elect lady and her e. 13. the • o'lhy elect sister greet thee Ret. 2. 23. I will kill her e. with death, churches See .AxMON, CAi'Tivirr. CHI LDK I'.N of tienjamtn. .Yi/m.l .36. of the e . of B. by their" genealogy 35, 400 Judg. 1. 21. e. of li. did not drive out tlie .lebusites 0. 13. the e. of IS. would not hearken to brethren 2 Sam. "2. 25. e. of li. gathered together after Abner 1 CAr.g. 3. in Jeiusalem dwelt of e. (1^" /)'. Ae/(.11.4. IC. 16. there came of e. of li. to the hold to David ^tT. 6. 1. O ve e. of lien j. gather yourselves lo flee Children's CHILDREN. Gen. 45. 10. shall be near tome, thou and thy c/i. e. /-riirf. 34. 7. visiting iniquity of fathers on childr. c. Deru. 4. 25. when thou shall beget e. and childr. c. 2 h'ings 17. 41. served images both their e. and ch. e. Psal. 103. 17. and his righteousness unto childr. c. 128. 6. shall see ihy childr. c. and peace on lsrae.t Prov. 13. 22. leaveth an inheritance to bis childr. c, IT .6. childr. c. are crown of old men, glory of e. Jer. 2. 9- ami witli your children's c. will I plead /:;it*.37.25. shall dwell, and their childr. e. for ever latherless CHILDREN, /".ta/iog 12.nor let therebe any to favour/aMer.e. Jer. 49.1 1. If i.vetby father, c. I will preserve them CHILDREN .;/• God. Mat. 5. 9. pe.ice-makers shall be called the e. 01' G. l.iike 20. .36. are thee. ofG, being e. of resurrection John 11 . 52. should gather together in once, of God Uom. 11. IC. beareth w'lness that we are the e. ofG. 21 . delivered into the glorious liberty of c. of God 9. 8. the e. of the flesh, these are not the e. of God 26. there shall they be called e. of ihe living God Gal, 3. 26. ye are all e. of God by faith in Christ 1 John 3. 10. c. of God manifest, and e. of the devil 5. 2. by this we know that we love the e. of OtU Hi.' CHILDREN. fieu. 18. 10. 1 know Abraham will command his c, 37. 3. Israel loved Joseph more than all his c, , CHI Deut. n. 20. may prolong his days, he and his c. yz. b. corrupted, their spot is not the spot of Ais c. + they ure not his c. that is their blot 33. 9. neither acknowledce, nor knew /its own c. \ Sam. .10.22. save to every man his wife and his c. 'i Harn. 12. .3. a little ewe-lamb, it grew up with his c. 1 kings 8. 19to give him aiway s a light, and to his c. 2 Chr. 2«. 3. burnt hisc. in fire after the heathen ;33. 6. he caused his c. to pjiss thro' the fire Joi 5. 4. his c. are far from safety, and are crushed 17.5. tven the eyes of his e. shall fail £0. 10. /lis e. shall seek to please the poor 21. 19. God layeth up his iniquity for Ait c. 27. 14. if Ai.» e. be multiplied, it is for the sword Psal. 89. 30. if his e. forsake my law, and walk not 103.13. like as a father pitieth hue. so Lord pities 109. 9- I^t />" '■ be fatherless, his wife a widow 10. let /lis c. be vagabonds, and beg bread Prov. 14. 26. his e. shall have a place of refuge SO. 7. the just man, his c. are blessed after him //a. 14. 21. prepare slaughter for Aixc. for iniquity of 29- 23. when he seeth his c. in the midst of him Hos. 9. 13. but Ephraim shall bring forth /lis c. Johni. 12. his c. and cattle drank thereof iThess. 2. 11. we charged you as a father doth /ii> c. 1 I'im. 3.4. having his e. in subjection with gravity CHILDREN of Israel. Gen. 50. 25. Joseph took an oath of the e. of Israel Exod.X.T .thit c. oflsrael were fruitful and increased 12. they were grieved because of the e. of Israel 2. 23. c.of Is. sighed || 25. God looked on e.of Israel 4. 31. when they heard Lord had visited e.of Israel 6.5. I have also heard the groaning of the e.of Isr. 13. to bringc.o/'/ir.out of Egypt, 26,27. | 12.51. 9. 4. shall nothing die of all that is the e. of Israel 12. 37. c. of Isr. journeyed about 600,O00 on foot 29. 43. and there I will meet with the e. of Israel 31.17.it is a sign between me and c. of Isr .ioT ever Lev. 17.13. whosoever he be, f. 0/" Israel or stranger 25. 55. for to me the c. oi of Israel are servants Num.\i.\ii. glory of Lord appeared before c.of Isr. Josh. 7. 12. c. of Isr. could not stand before enemies 16'am.ll.8. when numbered c, of Isr. were .300,000 2 Sam. 21.2. the Gibeonites were not off. of Israel iKings 17. 24. and placed them instead off. of Isr. Neh. 8. 17. to thatday had not the e. of Isr. done so Psal. 103. 7. he made known his acts to c. of Israel 148. 14. even of the c.of Israel,3. people near to him Jja. 27. 12. shall be gathered one by one,0 ye c.of Isr. Etek. 4». 15. when e. of Israel went astray, 48.1 1. Amos i.ll. is it not even ttus, O yec. of Israel? 4. 5. this liketh you, Oje e.of Isr. saith the Lord Z«l:«l.l6. many of the r..hy blood of /Ay e. thou didst give them IIos.i.6. forgotten the law, I will also forget ihv e Mat. 23.37. how often would I have gathered thy e as a hen gathereth her chickens ! Luke 13. 34. Luke 19. 44. they shall lay thye. within thee 2 John 4. that I found of lAv e. walking iu truth Your CHILDREN. Erod. 12. 26. when your c. shall say unto you 22.24. wives be widows, and yourc. be fatherless f^v. 25. 46. take them as inheritance for i/our c. 26. 22. said, wild beasts shall rob you of vourc. Xum. 14. 33. your c. shall wander in the wilderness Deut. 1. 39. yourc. shall go in thither and possess I i . 2. 1 speak not with your c. who have not known 19. these my words, ye shall teach themyoi/r f. 21. that days of your f . be multiplied in th* land 29. 22. the generation to come oiyour c. shall say 32. 46. which ye shall command your e. to obser\a Josh. 4. 6. when your c. ask their fathers, 21. 22. then ye shall \etyour c. know, saying, Israel 1 Kings 9. 6. if yoKr c. turn from following me 1 Chron. 28. 8. for an inherit, to your f . Etra. 9. 12. 2 Chroji. 30. 9. yowr r. shall find compassion before /^ja/.115.14.the Lord shall increase you andyourr. Jer. 2. 30. in vain have I smitten your c. Mat. 7. 11. to give good gifts to your r. Ijtkg 11.13. 12. 27. by whom do your e. cast them out.' Luke 23. 28. but weep for yourselves and your c. Acts 2. .39. for the promise is to you and your c. 1 Cur.7.14.else were yoitrt. unclean, but now holy Eph. C. 4. provoke not vowr f . to wrath. Col. 3. 21. Young CHILDREN. Job ig. 18. yea, young c. despised me, they spake Lam. 4. 4. the iloung c. ask bread, no man breaketh h'ah.3. 10. her young e. were dashed in pieces Mark 10.13. brought young e. to him to touch them Ads 7. 19. so that tliev cast out their young c. CHIMNEY. Hos. 13. 3. they shall be as smoke out of the e. CHODE. Gen. 31. 36. Jacob was wroth, and f. with Laban Num. 20. 3. the people f . with Moses and spake CHOICE. Gen. 23. 6. in f . of our sepulchres bury thy dead 49. 11. binding his ass's colt to the f. vine Deut. 12.11. thither shall bring all yourf. vows 1 Sam. 9. 2. S.T.ul a f . young man and a goodly 2 Sam. 10. 9. hechose off. of Israel, 1 Chr. ly. 10. 2 Kings 19. 23. cut down thee, fir-trees, Ita. 37.24. 2 Chron. 25. 5. he found them 3i)0,000 e. men \eh. 5. 18. now prepared for me daily six r. sheep I'rov. 8. 10. and knowledge rather than e. gola 19. and my revenue is better than f . silver 10. 20. the tongue of the just is as f . silver Cant. 6. 9. she is the c. one of her that bare her Jer. 22. 7. they shall cut down thy f . cedars •48. 1 15- the f.' of .Mo.ab arc gone down to slaugntet Ktek. 23. t7. comraitii'cl whored, with f. of Aslier 24.4. set on a pot, fill it with the r. bones 5. take the c. of llie flock and burn the bono .lets 15. 7. God made f. among us, that the Gentiie* CIldlCESl. Isa. 5. 2. and planted the vineyard with the f. vino 22. 7. thy f . vallev shall be full of chariots 'choke. Mat. 13. 22. the care of this world and the deceiu fulness of riches e. the word, Mark 4. 19. CHOKED. Mat. 13. 7. thorns c. them, Mark 4. 7. Luke 8. 7 .Vark 5. 13. and were e. in the sea, LukeH. 33. Luke 8. 14. go forth and are c. with cares and richei CHOLER. Dan. R. T. an he-|!oat moved with e. smote the ran 11. 11. lh« king of th* toatl ikall b« iroved wit>' c CHO CHOP. Hi;. 3. 3. break their bones and e. them m pieces CHOOSE ■Sic^i.ifies, [11 To select, or make choice of, Exod. 17.9. Tsal. C5. 15. [2] To renew a choice, or 10 choose ai^ain, [sa. 14. 1. | 48. 10. [3] To follow, imitate, or practise, Prov. 3 31. 7t is spoken (1) Of persons, as, [1] Of Christ, :c/i.i lias chosen and set apart from eternity by Ood the Father for the office of Mediator, Isa. 4'3. 1. [C] Of tvch :i/iom Gvd from all eternity elected and separated from among the children of men, to deliver them from tin and hell, and by h Spirit xtorking in them to unite them by faith la •Christ, the Head of the church, and to sanctify ftnd tare them by him, Mark 13. 20. Eph. 1. 4 i[3] Of the Jews, w/io acre set apart as Cod\ peeuliar people, Deut. 7. 6. Psal. 105. 6. [4] Of persotis chosen to office, John 6. 70. (I [) ()/ thivgt, \ta.. 58. 6. (HI) Of places, 2 Chr. 6. 38. CirOOSK, as an act of Ood. ■Num. l6. 7. the man the Lord doth e. shall be holy 17. 5. the man's rod whom I shall c. shall blossom Jfenr. 7. 7. the Lord did not c. you because more 12. 5. the place which Lord shall c. 11, 14,18, 26. I 14. 23, 24, 25. I 15. 20. | 15. 2, 6, 7, 15, If). I 17.8, 10. I 18. 6. I 26.2. I 31. 11. Josh.g.Tl. 17.15. shall set him king, whom the Lord shall c. I Siim. 2. 28. did I <•. him out of all tribes of Israel S Sam. 16. 18. whom the Ix)rd and his people c. 21 6. will hang them inGibeah whom Lord did c. 1 Kings 14. 21. the city which the Lord did c. ?>eh. p. 7. ihou art the God who didst e. Abram Psal. 25. 12. him shall he teach in way he shall c. 47. 4. he shall c our inheritance for us J.am. 17. 8. c. you a man for you, let him come 2 Sam. 17. 1. let me f. 12,000 men, and 1 will pursue 19. + 38. what thou shalt c. that will I do for thee 24. 12. 1 offer three, c one of them, 1 CAr. 21. 10. I l\in!;s 18. 23. let them e. one bullock, 25. Job g. 14. c. out my words to reason with him 34. 4. let us c. to us judgment, let us know .■53. whether thou refuse, or whether thou c. Vs. 84. 1 10. 1 would e. rathcrto sit at the thre.shold rrnv. 1 . 99. and did not c. the fear of the Lord 3. 31. the oppressor, and c. none 01 his ways l:.,t.'! . 15. may know to refuse evil, and c. good, 16. ST). 4. to the eunuchs that c, things that please me (>5. 12. and did c. that wherein I delighted not r.:el. 21. 19. c. aplare,f. it at the head of the way iViil. 1.22. vet what I shall c. I wot not CJIOOSEST, ETII. ING. /c* 7- 15. so that my soul c. strangling and death 15. 5. and thou e. the tongue of the crafty '•»«/. 65. 4. blessed is the man whom thou c. Jsn. 40. 20. he f. a tree that will not rot 41.24. an abomination is he thatr. you lleb. 11. 25. c. rather to suffer affliction with people CHOSE. <"'>»». 6. 2. they took them wives of all which they c. 13. 11. then Lot c. him all the plain of Jordan /'■rod. 18. 25. Moses f. able men, and made heads ■Oent. 4. .37. he c. their seed after them, 10. 15. Jnsh. 8 3. Joshua rrf/«7/Af. Jacob Jcr. 33. 24. the two families which the Lord hath c Zech. 3. 2. Lord that hath c. Jerusalem rebuke thee I'jih. 1.4. according as he hath c. us in him CHOSEN men. Jndg. 20. 16. seven hundred c. men left-handed 1 A1H5JI2.21. of Judah 180,000 f. men, 2C/,r. 11. 1. 2 Chron. 13. 3. Abijah set the battle in array with 400,000 e. men, Jeroboam with 800,000 c. men Psal. 78.31 . wrath smote down the c. men of Israel Acts 15.22. to send c. men of their company, 25. CHRIST. The anointed of Cod ; the same Kith the Hebrew Messiah, Psal. 45. 7- Isa. 6I. 1. The eternal Son if God, the second J'erson of the gloriofis Trinity, Mat. 28. 19. 1 John 5. 8. Jn his divine nature he is ejnal uiih the Father, and over all. Cod blessed for ever ; but in his human nature, niiordmate and inferior to the lather, being like to men in all things, sin eicepied. lioih natures are united in the person of Christ, tliiit he might be our prophet, priest, und i>'ig, and the author of a complete, perfect, all-suf- ficient, and eternal salvation, lie ever lives to intercede J'or all tliat come to him, lleb. 7- 25. 7)1 Christ all the types, prophecies, and promises centre. He is the most suitable object for the sinner to look to, tnut in, and expect all iis hopes, joys, and consolations frovi, as by him alone life and salvation are procured. He is the head of principalities and youers, the bright- ness if his Father's glory ; and the express image of his per.ton, Heb. 1. 3 the glory of all uorljs, and the r*)ul'ent iunniarynf tie univene, John CHR 1. 9- 'Ae inexhaustible fountain of all the irtti. sures of nattue, grace, and glory, Jer. 2. 13. and the matchless, incomparable Redeemer of all that come to ■a.-n, John 6. 37. Christ aas the grand subject of all the apostles' ministry, Acti 8. 5. and, indeed, a sermon without Christ is life a cloud without ivater, or a .•hadoiv Ziithoit substance. One moment's communion with Christ is of mo'e Korth than ten thousand worlds ; hit person most glori-^iu, and he is altogether lovely. Cant. 5. 16. The ancient Hebrews, being instructed by the pro pheit, had very clear notions of the Messiah: but they Kere changed by little and little, so that uiheu Christ afipeared in Jutlea, i.iey had enter- tained a veiy wrong notion of the Alessias, et- peeling a temporal monarch and conqueror, that should bring the uhole -xorld under subjection. From tchence it came to pass, that they were much scandaliied at the outaiaid appearance, the humility, and seeming aeakness of our Saviour. Zi'hich hindered them from acknowledging him as the Christ vhom they expected. The ancient prophets had foretold, that the Messiah should betjod and Man, exalted and abased, Master and Servant, Priest and ytclim. King and Sub- ject, mortal, and a conquerer of dtath, rich and poor, a king, a compurer, glorious, yet a man of griefs, involved in our infirmities, in a state cf great humiliation. Alt these seeming contrarie- ties acre to be reconciled in the person of the Messiah, as they did really meet in the person of Christ. It was known that the JMessiab was « be born of a virgin, of the tribe of Judah, of tht race of liavid, m the i illage of Beth-Iehem : thcl he was to continue for ever, that his name should be continued as long as the sun, ihat he was Ihe great prophet promised in the law, that he was both the Son and Lord of David, that he was to perform great miracles, that he should restoie all things, that he should die and rise again, thai Llias should be the forerunner of his appeaiance, that a proof of his coming should be, the cure tf the lepers, life restored to the dead, and the gospel preached to the poor: tliat he should not datroy the laic, but should perfect andfulril it ; that ht should be a stone ofojence, and a stumbling-block, against which many should bruise themselves i that he should suffer oppositions and contradic- tions, and that a strange people should come and submit themselves to his discipline. Ilheti Christ appeared, these notions af him were still common among the Jews. Our Savtoui herein appeals even to themselves, and asks them if these were not the characters of the Messiah, and if they do not see the completion of them in himself. The Evangelists take care to put ihcm in mind of them, to prove thereby, that Jesus IS the Christ whom they expected. The Liangelist Luke says, that our Saviour enter- ing into a synagogue at Nazareth, there opened the book of the prophet Isaiah, where he read, '1 he Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gc^spel to the poor, Luke 4. 18. After which he shewed them that this prophecy was accomplished in his person And St. i'eter and the other believers being as- sembled together. Acts 4. 24, i5,^e. say to God from, I'sal. 2. 1,2, \Vhy did the heathen rage, Jjc. and apply this prophecy to Christ, verse 27. And in Acts 10.38. Veter, speaking to Come lius the centurion, and to those that were with him, tells them that the Lord had sent peace to men, iy Jesus Christ, whom God had anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power. So that when Christ, or his disciples, are said to be anointed, it is to be understood of the spiritnal and internal unction of graie and of the Holy Ghost, of which the outward and sensible unction, with which they anciently anointed kings, priests, and prophets, was but the figure arut symbol. See MEF.SIAH. Christ i> taken for the mystical body of Christ;, both himself the Head, and the church as his members, which make but one body, 1 Cor. 12. 12. Likewise for the doctrine of Christ, or the rule 0/ life prescribed by him, Eph. 4. 20. And for the Spirit, and spiritual gifts and graces of Christ Horn. 8. 10. Mat. 2. 4. he demaiided where C. snould be boro 16. 16. thou art C. the Son of the living God 23. 8. for one is your Master, even C. 10. 24. 5. many shall come, saying, I am C. and shall deceive many, Mark 13. 6. Luke 21. 8. 26. 68. prophesy to us, thou C. who smote thee Mark g. 41. in my name because ye belong to ( . 15. 32. let C. descend now from the cross I,uie2. 26. should not die, before he had seeu C, 4. 41. the devils, they knew that he was C. 23. 35. save himrelf, if be be C. liic chcxer. of Ood CHB Jj.ike iJ3.?9.sayi]ig, if thou be C save thyself and us 9.^ 26. ought not C. to have suffered these •16. thus it behoved C.to suffer and rise from dead Jo/m 4. 25. the Messias conieth, which is called C 7. 27. when C. cometh no man knoweth, 28. Jl. when C. cometh, will he do more miracles 41. but some said, shall C come out of Galilee 42. said, that C. cometh of the seed of David 9. 22. that if any man did confess that he was C 12. 34. we have heard that C abideth forever ticts 2. 30. he would raise up C. to sit on his throne 36. God hath made that Jesus both Lord and C .■{.IS.God had before shewed that C. should suffer 8. 5. Philip went and preached C. to them 9. 20. ami straighuway he preached C. in synago. 17. 3. alleging that C. must needs h.ave sufl'ered 26. 23. that C. should suffer, and rise first from d Horn. 5 6. in due time C. died for the ungodly 8. in that while we were yet sinners Cdied for us. (V. 4. like as C. was raised up from the dead by I), knowing that C being raised, dieth no more 1 . 4. ye are become dead to law by the body of C. 8. 9. if any have not Spirit of C he is none of his 10. if C be in you, the body is dead because of sin 11. he that raised up C. from dead shall quicken 9. 3. I could wish myself were accursed from C 5. of whom C. came, who is over all, God blessed SO. 4. C. is the end of the law for righteousness 6. that is, to bring C down from above 7. that is, to bring up C. again from the dead 14. 9. for to this end C died, and rose, and revived 15. destroy not him with meat for whom C. died 18. for he Uiat in these things serveth C.is accept. 15.3. foreven Cpleased not himself, but reproach. 7. as C. also received us, to the glory of God 18. of things which C. hath not wrought by nie 20. I strived to preach, not where C was named 16. 5. Epenetus the first-fruits of Achaia to C. 1 Cor. 1. 23. but we preach C. crucified, to the Jews 24. C the power of God, and the wisdom of God S. 23. and ye are C. and C. is God's 5. 7- even C. our passover is sacrificed for us 8. 11. the weak orother perish, for whom C. died 9. 21. but under the law to C. that I might gain 10. 4. all drank of that rock, and that rock wzis C. 9.nor let us tempt C.as some of them also tempted 15. 3. I delivered to you, how C died for our sins 12. if C. be preached that he rose from the dead 16. if the dead rise not, then is not C. raised 17. and if C. be not raised, your faith is vain ■23. every man in his own order, C the first-fruits Z Cor. 3. 4. such trust have we thro' C. to God-ward 5. 16. yea, the' we have known C. after the flesh 6. 15. and wnat concord hath C with Belial ? 11.2.1 may present you as a chaste virgin to C. ■Oal. 2. 20. I live, yet not I, but C. liveth in me 21. if right, come by law, then C died in vain 3.13.C.hath redeemed us from the curse of the law 24. the law was our schoolmaster, to bring us toC. 29. if ye be C.then are Abraham's seed, and heirs •4-. 7. if a son, then an heir of God through C. 19. of whom I travail, till C. be formed in you 6. 1 . the liberty wherewith C. hath made us free 2. if ye be circumcised, C'.shall profit you nothini; 4. C. is become of no effect unto you, if justified by law 24. that are C.have crucified the flesh with affect. E/ph. 2. 12. at that time ye were without C. 5. 17. that C. may dwell in your hearts by faith 4. 15. may grow in him which is the head,evenC. '..'0. but ye have not so learned C .5. 2. as C. also loved us, and hath given himself for 14. arise from thedead,andC.shall give thee light 23. husband is the head of the wife, as C. is the head of the church 24. as the church is subject to C. so let wives bf 25. love your wives, as C. also loved the church 32. but I speak concerning C. and the church 6.5. obedient, in singleness of your heart as to C. iPAi/. 1.15. some indeed preach C of envy and strife 16. the one preach C. of contention, net sincerely 18. C. is preached, and I therein do rejoice 20. so now C. shall be magnified in my body 3. 8. I count them but dung, that I may win C. 4.13.1 can do all through C who strengtheneth nie Cci. 2. 8. after rudiments of world, and not after C. 1. 1. where C. sitteth on the right hand of God '4. when C. who is our life shall appear, then shall 11. bond nor free, but C. is all and in all 13. even as C forgave you, 10 also do ye 24. receive the reward, for ye serve the Lord C. Heh. 3. 6. but C. as a son over his own house £.5. so alsoC.glorified not himself to be an hi(;h pr. 9. 11. but C. being come an high-priest of good 24. C. not entered into holy place made with hands 28.C.wasonce offered to bear the sins of many J /'«<.2. 21. because C. also suffered forus, ar. exam. 3. 18. C. hath once suffered f»rsins,just for unjust 4 l.asC. suffered for us in the flesh.arni yourselves Htv, 11. 15. the kingdouis of our Lord and hisC. 77 CHR Rit.lZ. 10. now iscomekingd. ol G. power of his C. A^amse CHRIST. Actsi. 26. kings and rulers gathered against his C. 1 Cor. 8. 12. when ye sin against the brethren ye sin against C, 1 3'«m.5.11.wax wanton against C.Oiey will marry By CHRIST. 2 Cor. 1.5. so our consolation aboundeth it/ C. Gal. 2.17. but if while we seek to be justified Sy C. £p/t. 3. 21. to him be glory in church iy C. Jesus For CHRIST. 1 Cor, 1. 17. for C. sent me not to baptize, but to 4. 10. we are fools for C. sake, but ye are wise in C. 2 Cor. 5.20. now we are ambassadors/or C. we pray 12. 10. I take pleasure in distresses /or C. sake £pA. 4. 32. as God /or C sake hath forgiven you P/til. 3. 7- gain to me, those I counted loss/or C. 2 Thess. 3. 5. L. direct to the patient waiting/or C. //ei.ll.t 26. esteeming reproach/or Cgreater rich Jesus with CHRIST. .l/V/f.l.lC.wjisbom J««tr, who is called C.27. 17. 22 Jolin 1. 17. but grace and truth came by Jtsus C. 17. 3. know thee, and Jesus C. whom thou sent Actsl. 38. be baptized in the name oi Jesus C. 3. 6. in the name of Jesut C. rise up and walk 20. shall send Jesus C. who was preached to you 4.10. by the name of Jesus C. doth this man stand 5.42. and daily they ceased not to preach Jesus C. 8. 12. when they believed Philip preaching thing concerning name of Jesus C. they were baptized 37. I believe that Jesus C. is the Son of God 9. 34. Eneas, Jtsia C. niaketh thee whole, arise 10.36.preaching peace by Jrd Jesus C. f). 23. gift of God is eternal life thro' our L. J. C. 8.39. separate from love of God in C. Jesus out L. 13. 14. put ye on L. J. C. and make not provision Ifi. 20. grace of L. J. C. be with vou,24. 2. Cor. 13. 14. Gal. 6. 18. e Thess. 3. 18. Pev. 22. 21. 1 Cor. 1.7. waiting for the coming of Z.orrfJ«.na C. 8. 6. but to us one L. J. C. by whom are all thincs 1 5. 57 .G od piveth ui the victory thro' our L. J. C. CHR 1 Cor. l6. 22. if any man love not the I.. Jisut C. 2 Cor. 1.2. grace and peace from God, and from the L. J. C. Ga>. 1. 3. Eyh. 1.2. Cot. 1 S 8. 9. for ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus C. Gal. 6. 14. glory save in the cross of our L.J.C, £/)A. 1.3. blessed be the Patherof our Lord JesusC 17. God of our L. J. C. gi>e youSpirit of wisdom 1 Thess. 1. 3. your patience of hope in our L. J. C 2. 19. ye are ourjoy in presence of our L. J. C. 3. 13. may establish you at coming of our i. J. C. 5. 23. be preserved unto coming of •iir L. J. C 2 Thess. 2. 1. we beseech you by coming of Z,. J. C. 16. now our L. J. C. hath given us consolation, 1 'iim. 5.21. I charge thee bef. L. J. C. 2 'Jim. 4.L 2 'Jim. 4. 22. the L. J. C. be with thy spirit, ame» ": Pet. 1. 11. an entrance into kingdom of L. J. CI 3. 18. grow in grace and in knowledge of L. J. C In CHRIST. Acts 24. 24. heard him concerning the faith inC. Jiom. 9. 1. 1 say the truth in C I lie not, my cfcns, 12. 5. so we being many are one body i» C. 16. 7. are of note, who also were m C before me 9. salute Urbane, our helper in C. and Stachys 10. salute Apelles approved m O. salute Aristo. 1 Cor, 3. 1. I speak to you, even as unto babes irt C, 4. 10. we are fools, but ye are wise in C. 15. tho' ye have 10,000 instruct, m C. not many 15. 18. they that are fallen asleep in C. are perish. 19. if in this life only we have hope in C. 22. even so in C. shall all be made alive 2 Cor. 1.21. he whichstablishethuswithyoutn C. 2. 14. God who causeth us to triumph in C. 17. as of God, in the sight of God speak we in C. 3. 14. vail untaken away, vail is done away inC 5. 17. if any man be in C he is a new creature 19- that God was in C. reconciling the world 20. we pray you in C. stead, be reconciled to G 12.2. 1 knew a man in C above fourteen years ago 19. we speak before God, in C. we do all things Gal. 1. 22. unknown to the churches of Judea in C. 3. 17. the covenant confirmed before of God in C, 27. as many as have been baptized inio C Eph. 1. 3. blessed us with spiritual blessings in C. 10. he might gather in one all things in C. 12. should be to his glory, who first trusted in (X 20. which he wrought in C. when he raised him 3. 6. partakers of his promise i« C. by the gospel Phil. 1.13. so that my bonds in C. are manifest iq 2. 1. if there be any consolation in C. if comfort Col. 2. 5. beholding stedfastness of your faith in C, 1 'J'hess. 4. 16. and the dead in C, shall rise first 1 'Jim, 2. 7. I speak the truth in C. and lie not 1 Pet, 3. 16. accuse your good conversation in C Js CHRIST. Mat. 24. 23. if any say, lo, here is C, Mark 13. 21. Mark 12.5. that C. is the son of David, Lide 20.41 . Luke 2. 11. is born a Saviour who is C. the Lord 23. 2. saying, that he himself is C. a king John 7.41. others said, this ii the C. some said Acts 9. 22. Saul increased, proving this ix very C. 17. 3. that this Jesus whom I preach you is C. Eom.8. 34.it is C. that died, yea rather risen again 1 Cor. 1. 13. is C. divided ? was Paul crucified for 7. 22. he that is called, being free, is C. servant 11.3. know that the head of every mjui is C. 12. 12. members being many are one body, so 1/ C. 15. 13. if dead rise not, then is C. not risen, 16. 20. but now is C. risen from the dead, and first 2 Cor. 10. 7. if any man trust that he is C. Gul. 2. 17. is therefore C. the minister of sin? 3. 16. but as of oue, and to thy seed, which is C, Phil. 1. 21. for me to live is C. but to die is gain Col. 1. 27. which is C. in you, the hope of glory Of ciiRisr. Mat. 11.2. John ht ard in prison the works of C. 22. 42. what think you cf C. f whose .son is he.' Horn. 8. 9- if -uiy man have not the Spirit of C. .'i5. who shall separate us from the love of C .' 14. 10. we shall all stand before judgment seat of J 1 Cor. 1. 17. lest cross o/C. be made of none effect 2. 16. but we have tne mind of' C. 6. 15. know ye not your bodies are meml>ers<><'C'. 10. 16. cup, is it not the communion of blood o/'C. the bread, is it not the communion of body of C 11.1. be ye followers of me, even as I aKoamc/C 3. head of woman is man, the head 0/ C. is God 12. 27. now ye are the body ofC. and members 2 Cor. 1. 5. as the sufferings of C, abound in u« 2. 10. for you forgave it in the person of C, 15. for we are to God a sweet savour e read m tlie c, of Laodicea Of the CHURCH. Acts 8. 3. as for Saul, he made havock of the e. 11. 22. tidings from Antioch came to ears o/"M liieaise put for the Jews, Tiho were circumcised, as uncircumcision is put for the imcircumcised Gentile.!, Gal. 2.7,8, 9,- ■^^"'^ for such as are spiritually circumcised, uho are the true spiritual seed of Abraham, uho have the thing signified by that sign, or ceremony, and perform that uhich circumcision uas designed to engage unto, Phil. 3. 3. , John"!. 22. Moses therefore gave unto you e, 23. if a man on the sabbath-day receive e. are y«. Rom. 2. 25. for c. profiteth. if lliou Keep the law; if thou break the law, thy c. is made uncircumcisioti 28. nor is that e. which is outward in the flesh 29. and c. is that of the heart, in the Spirit 3. .30. one CJnd, who 'hall justify the c. ly faith 4. 9. conjcth this blessedness then on the r. only? 10. how was it reckoned.when he wa.'* in i:..'uot in t err 1 Cot. 7. 19. e. is the keeping of the commandments Gal. 2. 9. and t'lat they shonld go unto the e. 5. 6 for in Jesus Christ neither f. availeth, 6. 15. 11. and I, brethren, if I yet preach 0. why do I yit Ep/i.2. 11. by that which is called cne c. in the flesh PAil. 3. ."}. we are the e. which worship G. in spirit Col. 2 Jl. with r. without hands, by c. of Christ 3. 11. there is neither c. noruncircum. but Chr. is O/" CIRCUMCISION. Exod. 4. 26. a bloody husb. art thou, because of c. /IctsT . 8. he gave Abraham the covenant 0/ e. 10. 45. they of c. which believed were astonished 11. C. they that were o/the c. contended with Pet. if lira. 3 1. what profit is there ii/'c..' much everj- way 4. 11. he received the sigoo/'c. a seal of righteous. 12. a father of c. to them who are not of the c. 15.8. .les. Chr. was a minister o/'c. for truth of (1. Gal. 2.7. as the gospel ofe. was committed to Pet. 8. he that wrought in Peter to apostlesh. of (he c. Col. 4.11. Marcus and Justus who s.Ttof c. sal. you 7'i/. 1.10. for there many unruly, especially theyo/'f. CIRCUMSPECT. - £jui/.C3.l3.in all thinesthat I have said to you,ber. CIRCUMSPECTLY. Epk. 5. 15. seethat ye walkf . not as fools but as wise CISTERN Signifies, [1] A vessel of lead 10 Iwlduaier for hoitse- hold uses, 2 Kings 18. 31. [2] /hit/ i/iing i/iat persons put their trust in besides (lod, lehelliei in idols, powerful neighbours and alltei, frieniis, traditions, merits, iV' • u'hich are lnu broken cis tenis, Jer. C. 13. [3] The left ventricie of the heart, Eccl. 12. 6. 2 Kings X^. 31. drink ye every one waters of his c. Proi\ 5. 15. drink waters out of thine own c, Eccl. 12.fi. or the wheel broken at the c. Isa. .36.16. drinkevery one the waters of his own f CISTERNS. 2 Chron. 26. -f 10. Uzziah cut out many c. »/). 9. + 25. jiossessed houses full of goods and c Jer. 2. 13. my people have hewed out c. broken e CITY Signifies, [1] A walled town for people to dwell in. Josh. 6. 3. [2] I'he inhabitants of cities. Gen. .35. 5. Isa. 14. 31. Jer. 26. 2. [3] Theehurch of God upon earth. Cant. 3. 2, 3. Rev. 11. 2. [4] The church triumphant all united in glory. Rev. 21. 2. I 22. IQ. [5] Heaven, the eternal inheritance of all believers, Ileb. 11. 10, I6. [6] 'Ihal uherein a man puts his trust and confi- dence, Prov. 10. 15. Cen. 4. 17. Cain builded a c. and called it Enoch 11.4. let us build us ac. and a tower, whose top 5. Lord came down to see the tower, whose top 8. Ld. scattered them, and they left off to build c 18.26. if I find in Sod. fifty righteous within ther. 28. wilt thou destroy all the c. for lack of five ? 54.13. the daughters of thee, come to draw water 34. 24. hearkened all thatwent out of thegate ofc. 25. came upon the c. boldly, and slew the males JVi/;n. 21. 28. a flame is gone out from c. of Sibon 22. f 39. Balaam came to a e. of streets Deut. 2. 36. there was not one c. too strong fortis 3. 4. there was not one c. we took not from them 13. 15. shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that c. 21. 3. c. nextto slain man shall take a heifer, 6. Josh. 3. 16. on an heap very far from the e. Adam 6. 3. ye shall compass c. and go round six days, 7. 24. they btirtit the c. with fire and all therein, Dent. 13. 16. Josh. 8. 8, 19. Jndg. 1. 8. | 18. 27. 8. 2. lay thee an ambush for the c. behind it 17. they left the c. open, and pursued after Isr. 20. the smnke of the c. ascended up to heaven 11. 19. was not a f. made peace, save the llivites Josh. 15 13. to Caleb the c. of Arba, which r. isof 19. 50. they gave Joshua the c, which he asked 20. 4. he shall stand at the entry of the gate of c. Judg. 6. 27. because he feared the men of the c. 8. 17. and Gideon slew the men of the c. 9- 15 and beat down the <•. and sowed it with salt 51. all they of the c. fled, and shut it to them 20. 40. the flame of the c. ascended up to heaven /luth 1. 19. that all the e. was moved about them 3. 11. for all thee, of my people know that thou 1 Sam. 1.3. this man went out of c. yearly to wors. 4. 13. when the man told it, all the r. cried out 5. 11. there was a deadly destruction thro'all the f 8. S2. Samuel said to Israel, go ye every man to his c. 1 Kings 2^.36. Ezra^.l. AW. 7. 6 28. 3. Israel buried him in Ramah, his own r. S Sam. 12. 1. two men in oneu. one rich, other poor 15.2. then Absalom called, of what «. art thou ' 19. 37. I may die in mine own c. and be buried 20. 19. seekest to destroy ar and mother in Israel 1 Kings 1. 45. rejoicing, so that the c. rang again 11. 32. for Jerusalem's sake, e. I have chosen, 36. 2 Kings 6. 19. neither is this the c. follow me 11. 20. the people rejoiced, and the e. was in qui-t 24. 10. the (. Jerusalem v/as besieged, 25. 2. 3 Chr. 15.6.was destroyed off forG. did vex them 79 CIT 8 Chr. 19. 5. and he set judges in the land e. by c.\ 30. 10. so the posts passed from e. to c. 32. 18. to trouble them that they might take the c. Ezra 4. 12. the Jews are building tne rebellious c. \eh. 2. 3. why not sad, when the c. lieth w.iste, 5. 11.9. Judah sonof .Senuah was second over the c. Esth. 3. 15. but the c. Shushan was perplexed 8. 15. the e. of Shushan rejoiced and was glad Psal. 48. 2. the c. of the great King, Mat. 5. 35. 59. 6. and they go round about the c. 14. 72. 16. they of c. shall flourish like grass of earth 107.4. they wandered, they found no c. to dwell in 122. 3. Jerusalem is builded as a c. compact 127. 1. except Lord keep the c. watchmen in vain Prov. 8. 3. Wisdom crieth at the entry of the c. 10. 15. rich man's wealth is his strong c. 18. 11. 11. 10. when it goeth well with the righteous, the c. rejoiceth, and shouting when wicked perish 11. by blessing of the upright the c. is exalted 16. .32. ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh ac 25. 28. is like a c. broken down without walls 29. 8. scornful men bring a c. into a snare E.ccl. 9. 14. there was a littlt c. and few men in it 15. and the poor wise man delivered the c. Isa. 1. 2fi. called c. of righteousness, faithful c. 21 14. 31. howl, O gate, cry, O c. whole Palestina 17. 1. Damascus is taken away from being a c. 19. 2. shall fight, c. against e. kingd. against kingd 24. 10. the c. of confusion is broken down 25. 2. thou hast made of a e. an heap, to be no c. 3". 20. look on Zion, the c. of our solemnities 60. 14. they shall call thee the c. of the Lord 62. 12. thou shall be called a c. not forsaken Jer. 3. 14. I will take you one of a<;. two of a tribi 4. 29. whole c. shall flee from noise of horsemen 19. 12. thus will I do, even make this c. as Tophet 25. 29. to bring evil on the t. called by my name 32. 24. they are come to the e. and the c. is given 39. 2. the f. was broken up, men of war fled, 52. 7. 46. 8. I will destroy the e. and the inhabitants 49. 25. how is the f. of praise not left, the c. of joy Lam. 1.1. how doth e. sit solitary, full of people ! 2. 15. is thisf. that men called perfection of beauty? Ezck. 4. 1. pourtray on it the c. even Jerusalem 7. 23. make a chain, for the e. is full of violence 9. 1. cause them that have charge over the c. 4. go through the midst ofc. Jerusalem set a mark 9. land full of blood, thef. is full of perverseness 10. 2. and scatter the coals of fire over the c. 27. 32. what c. is likeTyrus in midst of the sea ? 33. 21. one came to me, saying, the c. is smitten 48. 35. name of the c. shall be, the Lord is there Dan.Ci. 18. behold the c. called by thy name, I9. Uos. 6. 8. Gilead a c. of them that work iniquity Amos 4.7. I caused to rain on one c. not on another 5.3.the c. that went out by a thousand shall leave Mic. 6.9. Lord's voice crieth 10 the c. hear the rod //ai. 2. 12. woe to him that stablisheth a r.by iniqui. Zeph. 3. 1. woe to the filthy and polluted,oppressiiigf. Zech. 8. 3. Jerusalem shall be called a c. of truth 5. streets of the c. shall be full of boys and girls 14. 2. the f..-er e. ye shall enter, inquire 15. than for that c. ^ark 6. 11. Luke 10. 12. 21 . 10. all the c. was moved, saying, who is this .' 22. 7. the king sent and burnt up their c. 23.34. and persecute them from c. to c. Mark 1.33. all the c. was gathered together at door 5. 14. they that fed swine, told it in c. Luke 8. 34. Ltike 2. 3. went to be taxed, everj- one to his own c. 7. 12. and much people of the c. was with her 19. 41. he beheld the c. and wept over it 23. 51. Joseph was of Arimathea, a c. of the Jews John 4. 39. many of that c. believed on him Acts 8. 8. and there was great joy in that e 13. 44. came together almost the whole c. to hear 16. 12. we were abiding in that c. certain days 17. 5. and set all the c. in an uproar and assaulted 19. 29. the whole c. wa.s filled with confusion 21 . 30. all the c. was moved, and the people ran lleh.^^^.^O. he looked for a <■. that hath foundations 16. for he hath prepared for them a c. are come to 'he c. of the living God 12. 22. ye a 13. 14. for here we have no continuing c. hut seek ./17m. 4. 13. we will go into such a c. buy and sell Hev. 20,9. they went aid compassed the beloved c. 21. 14. the wall of tfte f. had twelve foundations 18. the c. was pure gold, like to clear glass 23. the c. had no need of the sun nor moon Bloody CITY. E.Tck.lZ.'i.ion of man.wilt thou judge the bloody c. ? 24. C. woetothei/uorfv*. to thei)Ot,9. Hah. 3. 1. Vefenced CITY. Jsa. 25. 2. thou h,i.st made of a itftnced c. a ruin 27. 10. yet the defenced e. sba'il'be desolate Jer. 1, 18 I have made thee iliis day a difintidc. CIT CITY of Datii. 2 Sam. 5. 9. called it the e. of David, 1 Vhr, Jl, ' 6. 10. would not remove the ark into c. of tJitti 12. brought up the ark into the c. of David, ifl. 1 Kings 2. 10. David was juried in the c. ofDaci 3. 1. Solomon brought her into the c. of David 8. 1 . bring the ark out of c. of David, 2 Chr. 5. 2, 11.41. Solomon buried in e.of D. 2 Chr. Q. 31. 14. 31. Rehoboam buned inc. of D. 2 CAr.l2.lfi. 15.8. they burieu Abijam in c.n/Z). 2 CAr.14.1. 22. .'O. Jehoshaphat buried in c. of D. 2 Chr. 21. t. 2 A'iHfj8.24. Joramburiedinc.o/"D.2 CAr. 22.20. 9. 28. Ahaziah was buried in the c. (/David 12. 21. Jehoaih buried [nc.ofD. 2 Chron. 24. 25. 14. 20. Aniaziah |115.7. Azariah buried in e.of D. 15. 33. Jothan was buried in c. of D. 2 Chr. 27. 9. 16. 20. Ahaz was buried in the c. of David 2 Chron. 24. 16. they buried Jehoida in the c.ofD ha. 22. 9. seen the breaches of the c. of David 29. 1. woe to Ariel, the e. where Darirf dwelt Liike 2.4. Joseph also went into the c. of David 11. to you is bom in the c. of David a Saviour Elders with CITY. Deut. 19. 12. the elders of his c. shall fetch him 21. 6. the elders of that e. next to the slain man 20. say to the elders of his t. our son is stubborn 22. 17. spread the cloth before the elders of the c. 25. 8. then the elders of his e. shall call him Josh. 20. 4. declare his cause to the elders of that e. Judg. 8. 16. Gideon took the elders of the c. litithi.i. Boaztook ten men of the c/rfecj of the c. Eira 10. 14. and with them the eldeit of every e. Every CITY. Judg. 20. 48. smote as well the men of every e. 2 Kings 3. I9. ye shall smite every fenced c. 2 Chron. 11. 12. in every c. Rehoboam put shields 28. 25. in every c. of Judah he made high places 31. 19. of sons of Aaron which were in every c. ycr.4.29. every c. shall be forsaken, not a man dwell 48. 8. and tte spoiler shall come upon every c. Mat. 12. 25. and every c. divided against itself Luke 10. 1 . sent them two and two into every e. Acts 15. 21. hath in every c. them that preach him 36. let us go and visit our brethren in every e. 20. 23. the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every c. that 2iV. 1.5. that thou shouldest ordain elders in eitrye. Eenced CITY. 2 Kings 10. 2. with you a/«nc«rfc.also and armour 17. g. from the tower of watchmen toihe fencede. 2 C'AriiH.l 1.23. he dispersed of all his children thro' Judah and Benjamin unto e\eryfe>xeJc. CITY of God. P.fa/. 46. 4.the streams shall make glad the c.ofG. 48. 1. Lord greatly to be praised in c. of omt God 8. the c. of God, God will establish it for ever 87. 3. glorious things spoken of thee, O e. of God Heb. 12. 22. ye are come to the c. c/"ihe living Giirf Itev. 3. 12. write on him the name ofc. of my God Great CITY. Gen. 10.12. Ashur builded Re5en,samc hagrealc. Josh. 10. 2. feared, because G ibeon was a great c. .VirA.7.4.now thee, was large ixnii great, but people Jer. 11. 8. why hath Lord done thus to this great e. f Jonah 1. 2. arise, go to Nineveh, that great e. 3.2. 3. 3. now Nineveh was an exceeding great c. 4. 11. should I not spare Nineveh that great c.t /ffr.l 1.8. dead bodies lie in the streets of tlie great c. 14.8. Babylon faUen,thater<-a/c. 18.10, 10,19,21. 16. 19. the great c. was divided into three parts 17. 18. the woman thou »awest, is that great c. 21. 10. he shewed me that jica* c. holy Jerusalem Holy CITY. A'fA.n.l.cast lots to dwell in Jerusalem the holy$. 18. all the Levites of the holy c. were 2»t Isa. 48. 2. they call themselves of the holy c. 52. 1. put on thy beautiful garments, O holy c. Uan.g. 24. seventy weeks determined on thy holy Mat. 4. 5. the devil t.iketh him up into the holy c 27. 53. went into the holvc and .ippeared to many lUv. 11.2. the holy c. shall they tr>-.id under foot 21.2.1 John saw the Aii/vccoming down from God 22. 19. God shall take his part out of the holye. In, or Into tlie CI I'Y. Cen. 19. 12. whatsoever thou hast in the c. bring Dent. 20. 14. all that is in the e. take to thyself £8 3. blessed shalt thou be in thee, and in the field 16. cursed .slialt Ihou be iii the c. and in the field Josh. 6. 20. so that the people went into the c. 21. they utterly destroyc'd all th.-it was lu the c H. 19. they entered into the c. and set it on fire Judz. 1 . 24. shew us the entrance into the c. 8. 27. Gideon put the ephod 111 his c. in Uphrah 1 Sam.i. 13. when the man came into (A c. 15. I will bring upon ihitc. and towns all the evil CO. 5. I will deliver all the strength of this c. 21.0. he that ahideth in ///ijf.shuU die by the .sword 10. 1 set my fare against this f .for evil and not cood CC. 8. why hath the Lord done thus unto this c. ? 26. 6. I will make this c. a. curse to nations of earth 15. ye shall bring innocent blood on this c. C". 17- wherefore should this c. be laid waste.' .32. 3. I will give this e.to Chaldeans, 28. | 34.2. 31. this e. hath been to me as a provocation 33.5.for\vickedness 1 have hid my face from this c. 34. 22. command and cause them to return to thtsc. 38. 17. this e. shall not be burnt with fire ;3. thou shalt cause this e. to be burnt with fire ?9. ]6. \ will bring my words on .'/jit c. for evil Eiek.\ 1.2. these men eive wicked counsel in this e. 3. this e. is the caidron, and we be the flesh, 7- 1 1 .Mi.ff.sha-. not be yonrcaldron, nor ye the flesh Mat. 10. 23. when they persecute you in this e. flee Acts 18. 10. for I have much people in this c. 22. 3. I wasbrouehtup in this cat feet of Gamaliel Without CITY. Gen. 19. l6. and the men set him rcithmil the c. l^v. 14.40. into an unclean place ai(/joi.\ 1. he answered, till c. be wasted, and houses 14. 21. nor fill the face of the world with c. I9.l8.in that day shall five c. in the land of Egypt 33. 8. he hath despised the e. he rcgardeth no man 64.10. thy holy ^. are awildem. Zion isawildcm. Jer.i, 15. they made his land waste, his f. are burnt 28. according tc the number of thy f. 11. 13. 13. 19. c. of south be shut up, and none ^all open 20.l6.that manbe as the e. which Lord overthrew 31.21 .turn again, O virgin of Israel, to these thy e. 49. 13. all the e. thereof shall be perpetual wastes 50. 32. I will kindle fire in his e. it shall devour Eiek. 26. 19. lil(e the e. that are not inhabited, 30. 17. !Uid these c. shall go into captivity 35.9-thy e. shall not return, know that I am Lord lios.D.lt. I will send fire upon hisf. it shall devour 11.6. the SAvord shall abide on his c. and consume /imos 4. 8. two or three c. wand, unto one for water Mic. 5. 11. and I will cut off the c. of thy land 14. pluck up groves, so will I destroy thy e. Zffih. 3.6. their c are destroyed, there is no man Z. 25. then will I .".prinkle c. water on you Mat. 8. 2. a leper came, saying. Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me c. Mn/k 1.40. iMke 5. 12. 3. I will, be thou c. Mart. 1.41. Luke 5. 13. 3. 25. for ye make c. the outside, XiiAe 11. 39. Luke 11.41." behold, all things are c. unto you John 13. 11. therefore said he, ye are not all c. 15. 3. BOW ye are r.thro'word I have spoken to you Actsia.Q. your blood be on your own heads.I am c. Rev. 19.8. she be arraved in fine linen, c. white, 14. CLEAN hands. Job 9- ^0. if I make my hands ever so c. 17. 9. he that hath e. hands shall be stronger Psal. 24. 4. he that hath c. hands and a pure heart CLEAN heart. Psal. 51. 10. create in mea«c heart, O God, renew 73. 1. God is good to Isr. and such as are of a c. h. Prov. 20.0. who can say, 1 have made my heart c.f Is CLEAN. Lev. 13. 13.hei>c. 17,37,39. pO.ytt ;s he r.41. 15. 8. that hath the issue spit on him that is c. Num. 9. 13. a man that «jf. not on a journey, I9. 9- Psal. 19. 0. fear of the Lord isc. enduring for ever Prov. 14. 4. where no oxen are, the crib is c. John 13. 10. to wash his fret, but is c. every whit Pronounce CLEAN. Lev. 13. 6. the priest shall pronounce him c. 14. 7. Shall be CLEAN. Lev. 11. 36. a fountain wherein is water i/zo/Zipr. 12. 8.she.f.l5.28. |] 13.58.it-c.14.53. Num. 31.23. 14. 9. he shall wash his flesh in water,he .i^a// be c. 20. I 15. 13. I 17. 15. I 22. 7. Num. 10. 12, I9, Num. 31. 24. and ye shallh^ e. Etek. 36. 25. Psal. 51. 7. purge me with hyssop, and I shall bee. CLEANNESS. 2 Sam. 22. 21. according to the c of my hands hath the Lord recompensed me, Psal. IB. 20. 2.1. according to my c .in his eye-sight, P/a/. 18.24 Amos 4. 6. I have also given you c. of teeth in cities CLEANSE. Eiod. 29. 36. thou shaltf. the altar. Lev. 16. 10. Lev. 14.49. shalt take to c. the house, two birds, 52 Num. 8. 6. take the Levites and c. them 2 Chron. 29. 15. to c. the house of the Lord, 16. Neh. 13. 22. that the Levites should r. themselves Psal. 19. 12. e. thou me from secret faults 51 . 2. wash me thoroughly, and c. me from my sli 119. 9. wherewith shall a young man c. his way > Jer. 4. 11. a dry wind not to fan nor to e. 33. 8. I will e. them from iniquity, Erek. 3". 23. Erek. 36. 25. from all your idols will I e. von 39. 12. burying, that they may c. the lani!, I6. 43. 20. thus shalt thou c. and purge it 45. 18. take a young bullock, and c. the sanrt-iary Joel. 3.21. I will c. their blood I have not cleansed Mai. 10. 8. heal the sick, r. lepers, raise the dead 23. 26. c. first that which is within the cup 2Cor.7.Llet use. ourselves from all filthiness of flesh Eph. 5. 26. might c. it with the washing of water Jam. 4. 8. e. your hands, ye sinners, purify hearts 1 John 1.9. to c. us from all unrighteousness CLEANSED. Lev. 11. 32. be unclean until even, so shall it be c. 12.7. she shall he c. from the issue of her blood 14. 4. to take for him that is to be c. I9. 31. 14. the ear of him that is to be c. 17 , 1 B, 25, 28. Num. 35. 33. the land cannot be e. of the blood Jofh. 22.17. from which we are not c. till this day 2 Chron. 29. 18. we have e. all the house of the L. 30.18. for many had not c. themselves, yet did eat 19. that prepareth his heart, though he be not c. 34. 5. Josiah c. Judah and Jerusalem Neh. 13. 9. I commanded, and they c. the chambers .30. thus I c. them from all strangers Job ,35. 3. what profit, if I be c. from my sin ? P.tal. 73. 13. verily I have c. my heart in varn ^517. 3. ♦ 26. she being c. shall sit on the ground Eiei. 22. 24. thou art the land that is not r. 44. 26. after he is c. reckon to him seTen days Van. n. 14. then shall the sanctuary be c. Joel. 3. 21 c. their blood I have not c. Mat. 8 3. -.mmediately his leprosy was c. 5. the lepers are c. the deaf hear, Luie 7. 22 2 A'i«?j 5. 10. thy flesh come again.and thou be c. 14. 1 .Unr*]. 42. the leprosy departed, and he was r 12. may no^ I wash in them and be c. T J3. when be saith to thee, wa.a. CH. 24. doth plowman break c. o( his ground r i/.'J.10.11.Judah shall plow,Jacob shall bnakhisf. Joel I. 17. seed is rotten under their c. the garners CI.OKK. Iin. 59. 17. he was tlad with zeal as a <■. Mai. 5.40. if take thy coat, let liiui have thy f. also J.ul!e6. 29. him that takeih thy c. forbid no't to take John 15. 22. now they have no c. for their sin 1 Ihess. 2. 5. nor used we a r. of covetousness a Tim. 4. 13. the r. I left at Iroas Lrin^wiih thee 1 Pet. 2. 16. not usinp liberty for at. of malicious. CLOSi:. Kum. 5. 13. and it be keptr. from her husband 2&t/«.22.4fi. be afraid out off. places, Pml. 115.45. 1 Chron. 12. 1. while David yet kept himself r. J'«i2R. 21. and kept r. from the fowls of the air 41. 15. his scales shut up together as with a e. seal Jer.4". ifi. famine follow r. after you into Kgypt Dan. li.7. and I saw him come c. to the ram Amos^. 11. and c. tip the breaches thereof Luieg. ."ifi. they kept it c. and told no man in those Atts 27. 13. loosing thence, they sailed c. by Crete CLOSr.D. 6'a. 1. 6. they have not been c. nor bound up 29. 10. for the Lord hath e. your eyes J)aii. 22.9. for the words are c. up and sealed Jonalii.S. the depth c. me round about, weeds wrapt Mat. 13. 15. their eyes they have c. yJca 28. 27. J.uie4. 20. he c. book, and gave it to the minister CLOSLK. I'ruv. 18. 24. there is a friend that sticketh e than a brother CLOSEST. Jtr, 22. 15. thou reign, because c. thyself in cedar CLOSET, S. Joeli. 16. let the bridb grj out of her e. Mat. 6. 6. when thou prayest, enter into thy c. Ijtie 12. 3. what ye have spoken in the ear in c. CLOllI. AVn. 4.8. they shall spread on them a c. of scarlet 12. take insti iieiits and put them in ne. of blue Deut.i1. 17. sh-.li spread the c. before the elders 1 .Sam. 19. 13. ."Michal covered the image with a c. CI. 9. the sword of Goliath, it is wrapt in a e. 8 •Sam. CO. 12. removed Am.isa.andcast ac. on him 2 A'iii'j 8. 15. Ilazael took a thick c. and dipt it yio.30.22. shall cast them away as a menstruons c. Mat. g.lft. putteth a piereof new r. Mark 1.11. 27. 59. taken the body, he wrapped it in a linen c. Mark 14. 51. having a linen e. about his body CLOlllE. £xorf. 40. 14. shalt bring his sons and c. with coats Eiih.4. 4. she sent raiment to c Mordecai I'sal. 132. 16. I will e. her priests with salvation 18. his enemies will I c. with shame, but on hims. Prev. 23. 21. drowsiness shall c. a man with ra;s //a.22.21. I willf him with thy robe and strength. 49. 18. thou shalt surely e. tbce with them all 50. 3. I t. the heavens with blackness, and make Eiek. 26. 16. shall c. themselves with trembling 34. 3. ye eat the fat, and e. you with the wool i/flf . 1. 6. ye e. you, but there is none warm i*rA. 3. 4. I will e. thee with change of raiment Jla/.6.30.if G. so r. grass of held, shall he not much mor» c. you, O ve of litile faith ' Luke 12. 28. CLOnilT) ■Ctn. 3. 21. L. God made coats of skins and e. them L4V.K.T. Mosesr. Aaron with robe, and put ephod Judf. 6. ♦ 34. the Spirit of the Lord c. Gideon iSam. J7. ♦ 5. Cioliath was c . with a coat of mail ♦ 38. Saul e. David with his clothes S in linen, how long i^fii. 15.6.f.in pure and white /iM^'d, 18. 1(j. I 19. 14 a/inll he CLOTHED. Joh 8. 22 they that hate thee ihnll be c. with shame L'.zek. 7. 27. the prince shall be e. with desolation Don. 5.7. read this writing, shall be c with scarlet Mat. 0. 31. or wherewithal shall we he c. ? liev. 3. 5. he that overconieth shaU be c. 4. 4 CLOTHES. Gen. 49. 11. he washed hisr. in the blood of grapes Lioi. 12. 34. their troughs bound up in their c. 35. 19. the tl his c. 6. 30. 2 A'lHfj 11.14. Athaliah rrji/herc . 2CAr. 23. 13. 19.1. when Ilezekifthheardher«i/hisf./.ta.37.1. /.. 11. 25.shall rrnj/i his f. 40. | 13.6. | 14.8.9,47. I 15.5.8,11.22. I l6.2fi.28.AVm. 19.10.19. Xum. 19. 7. then the priest shall uash his r . 8, I9. 31. 24. ye shall wash your e. on the seventh day Hashed CLOTHFii. F.ioit. 19. 14. and the people washed their e. Kum. 8. 21. Lcvites purified and abashed iheir e. 2 Sam. 19. 24. Mephibosheth -cashed not his c. CLOJ I1E.ST. /cfr. 4. 30. though thou c. thyself with crimson CLO CLOTHING. Job 22. 6. thou hast stripped the naked of their t, 24. 7. they cause the naked to lodgu without e* 10. they cause him to go naked without c. 31. 19. if I have seen any perish for want of lu Pial. 35. i3. but as lor me, niv c. waa •)ai kclotb 45. 13. kin|;'s daughter, her i. is of wrought golo the lambs are for thy r. and goats . 13. king f. 27. 26. 31. 22. the virtuous woman's c.is silk and purple 25. strength and nonouraieherr she shall rejoice Isn. 3. 6. saying, thou hast e. be ttiou ou. ruler 7. for in my house is neither bread nor c. 23. 18. her merchandise shall be for durable c. 59. 17. he put on the garnioiiis of vengcam e lor c. Jcr. 10. 9. blue and purple is llicir e. are the work Mat. 1. 15. in sheep's e.\\ 11.8. that wear soft r. Mark 12. 38. the scribes that love to go in long c. .Ids 10. 30. a man stood before n.e in bri'.;lit r. James 2. 3. respect to him that wcareth the gay c. CLOUD Signifies, [1] A congeries chiefly of ualeru ]> irli- cles, draun or sent out oj' the earth in la/'ours, into the middle region of' the air, 2 Sam. 22. 12. [2] T/ie heuxens, I'sal. 36. 5. I 68. 34. [.ij A great number, Heb. 12. 1. [4] Aj'o^.or mi.it, Hos. 6.4. The scriylure rcpre-tentj the clouds as consenaio- ries at' Kaler, or rain, uhich are scnite'ed ^ijvn the earth at dod's command. Job 26. 8. Ill bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds. 0,4, conjines the ^caters in the clouds, as in a bottle : he scatters them ajtcrzcards upon the ear'ii, as it tcere through a natering'/tot. Job sjitakms; of Ihe mutter of the Chaos, tchich covered the vho'le earth at ilie be^inniu^ of the tcorld, says, that God had hemmed in the sea, or the waters, as it Here wiV/i « cloud, and covered xt uiih darknest, as a child is tciajiped up in swaddling-cloihet. Job 38. 9. IVhen the sacred writers sftuk oj the second coming of Christ, thea describe him to vt as descending upon "» ''" thurth to the flight or quick motion of a cloud; noting that they should come in great multitudes, and :ciih great speed and eagerness, Isa. 60. 8. St. Peter compares seducers to clouds that are carried with a tempest, 2 Pet. 2. 17. By ichich comparison he sets forth both the incon- stancy of these seducers, that, like clouils driven Kith the Kind, they are tossed to and fro J'roin one doctrine to another ; and likexise their de- ceitj'ulness, that they make a shett of uhat they have not, as clouds do of rain, and yet are scattered tcilhout yielding any. And Solomou compares the infirmities of old age,Khich ante successively one after another, to clouds return, iiig after rain, Eccl. 12. 2. Il'hen the Israelites departed out of Eg)-pt, God gave I hem a pillar if cloud to direct them in their march. This pillar Kas commonly in the JronI of Ihe Israelitish army; but uhen they vere come to the lied Sea, and the Egyptian army appeared lo them, Ihe pillar of cloud uhich stood before Ihe camp of Israel, placed ilself be- ticeen that and the camp of the Egyptians, so thai the Egyptians could not come uear the Israelite* all night, Exod. 14. I9, 20. But in the morn- ing about break oJ day, teeing the cloud moving on toKord the sea, and folloaing the Israelites tcho had passed through its channel, uhich B'o.i lift dry for ihtm in the night lime, ihe l::4;ypti- ans, resolved upon pursuing them, and uere all covered Kith the Katers of the Ked Sea, uhich returned upon them and destroyed them This cloud continued alicays from that lime to attend the Israelites in the uilderness. It teas deal and bright during the night, in order lo give them light uhen it greu dark ; and in the day- lime It aas thick and gloomy, the better lo defend them from the excessiie htals of the Araidaii de- serts, through lehich they performed their journey. The same cloud by its motions gave likewise iho signal 10 the Israelites, either to encamp or to decamp ; so that u.'iere thai tiayed, ihe people stayed till it rose again ; then they broke up their ramp, and J'olloaed it till it stopped. Ji nas called a Pillar, iy reason of its form, uhich Kas high and elevated, as it icere a pile and heap of fogs. This cloud not only enlightened tlia Israelites, but also protected them, and uas a conlinxal pledge of God'e presence, }io:ier, and protection. 'Jo this the prophet Isaiah alludes, uhen he says. The Lord will create upoi' every dwelling-place of mount Zion, and npon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the schilling of a (laming fire by night, Jta. 4. 5. that is. That God mould be the director, protectai, end glory of hit church. CU) Gtn. S. 13. 1 do set my bow in the e. for a token 14. «hat the bow shall lie seen in the c. !<;. Esod. 14. no. it was c. and darkness to tlieni iS.lO.behold, the glory of the L. appi^arcd in the c. 10. 9- Lord said, lo, 1 come unlo thee in a thick c. 24. 15. -Moses went up, and a f. covered the mount l6. and the r.cwcred it six days, and seventh day God called to flloscs out of the nnidst of the c. 18. Moses went into the midst of the c, 3-i. 5. the Lord descended in the c. \um. 11. C5. 40. 34. a c, covered the tent of the con(;;re'j;ation 38. the c. of Lord was on the tabernacle by day Lev. l6. '2. I will appear in the c. on mercy-seat aV«m. 9. 19. when the r. tarried long on tabernacle 10. .14. the f. of the Lord was upon them by day X Kings 8. 10. priests came out of holyplacc-s.thec filled house of Lord, C C/iron. 5. 13. £iei: 10. 4 18. 44. there ariseth a little e. like a man's hand Ju6 3. 5. that day be darkness, let a c. dwell upon it CC. 13. how God know ? can he judge ihro'dark c.i' 30. 15. and my welfare passeth away as a c. 38. 9- when I made the c. the garment thereof Pi«/. 78. 14. in the day-time he led them with ac. 105. 39. he spread a r. for a covering, and fire to J'rov. 16.15. his favour is as ac. of the latter rain Jsa. 4. 5. Lord will create on her assemblies a f . J8. 4. like a c. of dew in the heat of harvest 19- 1. behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift c. 44.2c. Ihave blotted out as a thick r. thy transgres- sions.and as ar.ihy sins,return,l have redeem. ihee 60. 8. who are these that Hee as a f . as the doves .- Lam. C. 1. covered the daughter of Zion with a c. .'<. 44. thou hast covered thyself with a c. Liek. 1.4. a great c. and a fire infolding itself 28. as the appearance of the bow that is in the c. 8. 11. and a thick e. of incense went up 10. 4. and the house was filled wiih the e. SO. 18. as for her, ar.shall cover her ,her daughters 3C. 7. I will cover the sun with ar. and the moon 38. 9. ihou shalt he like a c. to cover the land, 16. .>Va<.17.5. c. overshadowed. Mark 9. 7. L^ikeg.'iX. behold, a voice out of thee, said, Luke'^. 35. Liike IC. 54. when ye see a c. rise out of the west 21. 27. shall see the Son of Jlan coming in a c. Acts 1. 9- a c. received him out of their sight 1 Cot. 10. 1. all our fathers were under the c. 2. and were all baptized 10 Moses in the c. iiev. 10. 1. a mighty angel came clothed with a c. 11. 12. they ascended up to heaven in a c. 14. 14. white c. and upon iher. one sat, 15. I6. CLOUD abode. £iod. 40. 35. because the e. abode thereon Xvm. 9.17. where c. abode there pitched their tents 18. as long as c. abode they rested in the tents Mornhif CLOUD. Uos. 6. 4. for your goodness is as a morning e. 13. S.they shall be as the morning c. and early dew Pi/lar 0/ CLOUD Exod. 13. 21. went before them byday in up. ofc. 2C. he took not away \.\\ep. of c. by day, nor fire 14. 24. Lord looked on Egj-ptianslhro';«iu.31.15.L.appearedin;j.o/V. and;), off. stood Xeh. 9. 19. the pillar ofc. departed not from ihem CLOUt) taken up. Ezod. 40. 36. when the c. was lakeyi vp. Num. 9.I7. 37. if the r. were not taken up, they jounieyed not A'io«. 9. 17. f. was taken i/ufrom tabernacle.lO.ll. n/iite CLO'JD. iiev. 14. 14. behold a a/iiie c. and on the c. one sat CLOUD of uiines^es. //«i.l2.1. we are compassed with so great a c. ofw. CLOUDS. Dent. 4. 11. with darkness, e. and thick darkness Jud^. 5. 4. heavens dropped, r. also dropped water S Ham. 22. 12. about him thick e. of the skies 23. 4. he shall be as a morning without c. 1 A'lHijj 18. 45. the heaven was black with e. Job 20. 6. though his head reach to the e. 22. 14. thick r. are a covering that he seeth not C6. 8. he bindeth up the waters in his thick c. 36.29. can any uudersland the spreadingsofthef..' .37. 16. knowest thou the balancings of the c. t 30. 37. who can number the c. in wisdom ? J'ial. 36. 5. thy faithfulness leacheih to the c. 57. 10. and thy truth reachcih to the c. 108. 4. 68. 34. and his strength is in the f . 7". 17. c. poured out water, skies sent nut a sound 78. 23. iho' he had commanded the c. from above 97- 2. e. and darkness are round about him 104.3. f. his chariot II 147 .8. covers heaven withf. iVoi-. 3. 21). and the r. dropped down the dew & 28. when be established the e. above S5. 14. is like c. and wind without rain Eccl. 11.4. he that ret;ardelh the e. shall not reap 12. 2. nor the c. return after the rain I'a.S. 6. 1 will connuand the c. that they rain not 14, 14. I will ascend above the height of the c. ^'.4. 13. behold be shall come up as <-. and chariots Den. 7. 13. Sod of Mao com* With tbec. of beaveD 83 COA Joe! 2. 2. a day of e. and dfj-kness, Zep/i. 1.19, \afi. 1. 3. and the e. ari' the dpi,diiefcltyorMaccdOBiA,and«. COM COLOUR. tn. 19. 95. if the pUgue aave not changed bis r. y-.tm, 11. 7. the c. thereof as the e, of bdellium Eith, 1. 1 C. alabas'er and stone of blue c. ^r.T. 23.31. when the wine giveth his <•. in the cup Stek. 1. 4. out of the midst thereof as the cof amber 7. sparkled like c. of bumished brass, Dan. 10.6. 1 . l6. the wheels like unto f . of a berjl, 10. g. S2. the hmian.eni was as the c. of the crystal Utv. 17. 4. woman was arrayed in purple andscar- CO LOURED. [let f . Riv. 17. S. I saw a woman sit on a scarlet c. beast COLOURS. 0«».37.3. Jacob made a coat of many <•. for Joseph /wrf?. 5. 30. to Sisera a prey of divers c. meet for 2 Sum. 13. 18. Tamar had a garment of diverse. 1 C/tron. 23. 2. I have prepared stones of divers c. Isa. 54. 11. I will lay thy stones with fair c. Ete.k. l6.1(i. deckedstthy high places with diverse. 17 ■ 3. an eagle with divers c. came to Lebanon CX)LOUR. Ads it. SO. underc.astho'they would cast anchor COLT, S. G«n. 32.15. thirty milch camels with their e. forty 49- 11. binding his asses' c. to the choice vine Jtid%. 10. 4. Jair had 30 sons that rode on 30 ass's c. lC.14.Abdon's sons and nephews rode on70as's's<-. Job 11. 12. though man be bom like awild ass's c. ZecA.Q.g. riding upon a c. Mat. 21. H.JoAnlS. 15. .il/a/.2l.2.Jesussanttwodisciples,saying,go,ye shall findasstied, c. with her, Mari 11.2. j-ule 19. 30. 7.brousht ass and c. and set thereon, Mark 11.7. War/til. S.whcst do you loosing thee. ? Luke l^.Z'i. Lukt 19.35. cast garm. on c. and set Jesus thereon CO.ME Signifies, [1] To drau nigh, or approach, Exod. 34. 3. [21 To proceed from, 1 Chron. 29. 14. [3] To befal, Ezra 9. 13. Job 4. 5. [4] To believe, John 5. 40. ) 6. 37. [5] To attain to. Acts 26.7. [6] To join with. Proverbs 1. 11. [7] To touch, Lzek. 44. 25. [8] To be married to, Dan. n. 6. [9] 7') Ue carnalli/ zcilh. Gen. 38.16. [10] To intade, Gen. 3i.i5. [11] To arise. Num. 24. 7. Cen. 6. 20. two of every sort shall c. to keep alive 7. 1. c. thou, and all thy house into the ark 8. t 9- he caused her to c. to him into the ark 19. 32. c. let us make our father drink wine £6. 27. wherefore c. ye to me, seeing ye hate me > 31. 44. c. let us maJce a covenant, I and thou 37. 10. c. let us slay him, and cast into some pit 41. +21. when they had c. to inward parts of them 42. 7. he said to them, whence c. ye > Josh. 9.8. 45. 19. take wagons, bring your father and c. 49- 10. sceptre not depart from Judah till Shiloh c. Eiod. 19 9- l0i I e. to thee in a thick cloud 20.24. where I record my name I will c. and bless 23. 27. destroy all people to whom thou shall c. JVum. 10. 29- c. thou with us we will do thee good 22. 6. e. 1 pray thee, curse me this people, 11. 24.i9.out of Jacob shall e. he that shall have domi- nion, and shall destroy him that rcmainethofcity Dent. 18, 6. if a Levitec. and c.with desire of mind 2H.2.all these blessings shall c. on thee, overtake 15. all these curses c. on thee, overtake thee, 45. ■ fud^. 13. 5. no razor e. on his head, 1 Ham. 1. 11. l.ya/n.2.34.that shall c. on thy two sons in one day 9. 13. for the people will not eat till he c. because 10. 8. seven days thou shalt tarry, till I c. to thee 17. 45. but I c. to thee in the name of the Lord '^0. 21. then c. thou, for there is peace to thee £ Ham. 6. 9. how shall the ark of the Lord c. to me ? 15. t 2. when any c. to the king for judgment 17.2. I will r.on him while he is weary and weak 19- 33. c. thou ov^r with me and I will feed thee 1 kings 8. 31. and the oath c. before thine altar 20. .33 observe.if any thinr; would e. from him 22. 27. feed this fellow until I c. in peace t Kings 5. 8. let him c. now to me, he shall know 6. 1 19- this is not the way, c. ye after me 18. .12. till I c. and take you away, Isa. j(i. 17. 1 Chron. 29. 12. both riches and honour c. of thee 14. all things c. of thee, and of thine have we £ Chron.?,. 11. holy, whereto the ark of Lord hathc £j/^. 1.1 2. queen Vashti refused to cat king's com. .'). 1 10. Haman caused his friends to c. 8. 6. how endure to see evil c. to my people '. Job 3. 7. let no joyful voice c. therein 13. 13. that I may spe.ak, let e. on me what will 14. 14. all my time will 1 wait till my change c. 21. his sons c. to honour, and he knoweth it not 37. 13. he caused it toe. for correction on land 38. 11. hitherto shalt thou r. b-ut no further Psal. 40. 7. then said I, lo. I e. Heb. 10. 7, 9. 42.2. when shall I e. and appear before God? 30. 3. our God shall e. and not keep silence fiS.S. that nearest prayer, unto thee shall all Hesli e 8(1. 2. stir np thy strength, and e. and save us 66. 9. all nations shall e. and worship thee S!0. 1 12. we may c»ase our heart to c. to wisdom COM P«/.101.2.O when wHt thonc.untome, I will walk 109. 17. as he loved cursing, so let itr. unto him 119. 41. let thy mercies e. unto me, O Lord, 77. Prov. 6. 11. so shall thy poverty e. as one, 24. 34. 10. 24. the fear of the wicked shall e. upon him 26. 2. so the curse causekss sh-11 not e. I'.ceHJ. 2. all thingse.alike to all, there is one event Cant. 2. 10. rise up, my love, and r. away, 13 4.8. e. with me from Lebanon, my spouse, with me 16. and e. thou south, blow upon my garden Isa. 5. 19. let the counsel of the holyOne of Israel 13. 5. they c. from a far country, even the Lord 6. the day of the Lord, it shall e. as destruclioo 21 . 12. if ye will inquire, inquire ye ; return, e. C6. 20. e. my people, enter into thy chambers 27. 6. cause them that e. of Jacob to take root 35. 4. your God will c. with vengeance, he will c. 40. 10. the Lord will e. with a strong hand 41. 25. I have raised up one, and he shall e. 44. 7. I appointed things coming, and shall e. 45. 20. assemble your.>^elves, and c. draw near 24. even to him shall men e. and all that are 51. 11. the redeemed shall e. with singing to Zion 55. I.e. ye to the waters, c. ye, buy, e. buy wine 3. e. unto me, hear, and your soul shall live 59. 20. and the Redeemer shall e. to Zion (iO. 3. and the Gentiles shall e. to thy light, 5. 66. 15. behold. Lord will e. with fire and chariots Jer. 2.31. why, say they, we will c. no more to thee 3. 22. behold, we e. to thee, for thou art our God 9. 17. call the mourning women, that they may e. 13.22. wherefore e. these things upon me? 17. 15. where is the word of the Lord r let it c. 27 .7. shall serve him till theverylime of his land e. 31. 9. they shall c. with weeping and with supplic. 58. 25. if the princes hear, and e. to thee, and say 40.4. if it seem good to c. if it seem ill to c. forbear 46. 18. and as Carmel by the sea, so shall he be c. 49- 4. that trusted, saying, who shall e. unto me f Lam. 1. 4. ways of Zion mourn, none c. to solemn 22. let all their wickedness e. before thee [feasts Ezek. 12. 16. declare abominations whither they e. 13. 18. will ye save the souls alive that e. to you ? 21.19. two ways that the sword may e. 20. I 32.11. 27. shall be no more, till he e. whose right it is 33. 3. Avhen he seelh the sword c. on the land, 6. 31. they c. to thee as the people cometh 33. lo it will c. then shall know that a prophet 36. 8. to my people Israel, they are at hand to c. IIos.6.1.e.\el us return to the Lord, for he hath torn ■i. and he shall e. to us, as the rain to the earth 10.12. it is time to seek the Lord till he e. and rain 7D«/1.15.day of the Lord, as a destruction shall itc. 2. 31. before the terrible day of the Lord e. Jonah 1.7. e. let us cast lots, that we may know .Vie. 4.8. to thee shall it e. the kingdom shall e. Hob. 2. 3. because it will surely r. and not tarry Zeph. 2.2. before the fierce anger of Lord e. on you Zech. I. 21 . then said I, what e. these to do .' 14. 5. God shall e. and all the saints with thee Mai. 3. 1. the Lord ye seek shall e. to his temple 4. 6. lest I e. and smite the earth with a curse Mat. 2. 6. for out of thee shall c. a Governor 5. 24. first be reconciled, then e. and offer thy gifl 6.10. thy kingdom e. thy will be done, /^u/t* 11.2. 7. 15. false prophets e. to you in sheeps' clothing 8. 7- Jesus saith to him, I will e. and heal him 8. 1 am notworthythou shouldest e. under mjToof 9. and to another c. and he cometh, Lvke 7. 8. ll.many shall e. from east and west, and sit down 11.3. art thou he that should c? Luke 7. I9, 20. 28. e. all ye that labour and are heavy laden 16 24. if any man will e. after me, let him deny 1710. why say the scribes, Elias must firste..' 11. 19.21. go, sell that thou hast, and e. Luke 18. 22. Aya/.22.4.all things are ready, e. unto the marriage 24. 11. gospel shall be preached, then shall end c. 42. ye know not what hour your Lord ooth e. 25.34.e. ye blessed of my Father, inherit kingdorn A/ant8.34.ifanywille.afteiB>e,Z.K*e9.23. | 14.27. 10. 14. suffer Utile children to c.tome, Luke IS.I6. 21. and e. take np the cross, and follow me 12. 7. this is the heir, c.let uskill him, Luke 20.14. Ltike 10.1. ever}- place whither he himself would e. 13. 7. three years I e. seeking fruit on this fig-tree 14. there are six days, in them e. and be healed 17. 20. when the kingdom of God should c. 19- 13. he said nnto them, occupy till 1 c. 2«). 16. he shall e. and destroy these husbandmen 22. 18. fruit of vine, till kingdom of God shall e. John 1. .39. he saith unto them, e. and see 3. 26. the same baptizeth, and all men c. to him 5. 14. sin no more, lest a worse thing e. to thee 40. ye «i'il not e. to me, that ye might hive life 6. 37. all that the Father giveth me shall e to me 44. no man can c. to me, except F. draw him, 65. 7. J4. arid where I am, tnither ye cannot e. .37. if any man thirst, let him e. to me and drink 8. 14. ye cannot tell whence I e. and whither I go 13. 19. now I tell you before itc. that when it i^e. COM John 14.18.1 will not leave you comfortiess,Iwill'f, 23. and we will e. unto him, and make ourabodd 17.11. but these are in the world, I c. to thee, 13. 21.22.if I will he tarry till I c. what to thee > 23. Acts 1.11. this J. shall so c.as ye have seenhim go 2.20. before that great and notable day of Lord 3. 19. sins blotted sut, when times of refreshing 7. 34. and now e. I will send ihee into Egypt 8. 24. pray that none of these things e. upon us 9. 38. that he would not delay to e. to them. 13. 40. lest that e. on you that is spoken in propL 16. 9. saying, e. over into Macedonia, and help us 19.4. believe on him that should e. after him 24. 23. should forbid no acquaintance to c. to him 26. 7. to which promise our twelve tribes hope to c 22. no other than proph. and Moses say should c. Horn. 3. 8. that we say, let us do evil, that good c. 9- 9. the word of promise, at this time, will I c, 1 Cor. 4. 5. judge nothing till the Lord e. who will 11. 26. ye do shew the Lord's death till he e. 34. the rest will I set in order when I e. 15. 35. the dead, and with what body do they e. .' 16. 2. that there be no gatherings when I c. 10. if Timothy e. see he be with you without fear 12. as to ApoUos, I desired him to e. to you 2 Cor. 1. 15. I was minded to e. to you before 12.20.for I fear, lest when I e. I shall not find you such Jis I would, and be to you as you would not Gal. 2. 21. if righteousness e. by the law, then is 3. 14. the blessing of Abraham might e. onGentila 1 9. it was added, till the seed should e. to whom 2 Thess. 1 . 10. when he shall e. to be glorified in saints 2. 3. not e. except there e. a falling away first 1 7'im. 4. 8. the life that now is, and of that to c 13.till I e. give attendance to reading, to doctrine 2 Tim. 3. 1. in last days perilous times shall c 4. 3. time will e. will not endure sound doctrine Til. 3. 12. be diligeot to e. to me to KicapoLis Jleb. 4. 16. let us e. boldly to the throne of grace 7. 25. he is able to save them that c. to God by him 10. 37. he that shall c will e. and not tarry Jam. 4.1. whence e. wars, e. they not of yourlusts 5. 1. weep for your miseries that shall e. on you 2 Pet. 3. 9. but that all s.hould e. to repentance lO.dayof L.wille.asathief, A>D. 3.3. | lg.15, 1 John 2. 18. as ye have heard, antichrist shall c 3 John 10. if I e. I will remember his deeds Rev. 2. 5. repent, or else I will e. to thee quickly 25. thatwhich ye have already, hold fast till \a, 3 11. behold, I e. quickly, hold that fast, 22. 7, 2a 6.1. one of the four beasts.saying, e. and see, 3.5,7. 18. 10. for in one hour is thy judgment c. 22. 17. and let him that is athirstc. whoever will COME again. Gen. 28. 21. so that I e. again to my father's house Ezod. 14.26. that waters may e. again on Egyptians Ler. 14. 43. if the plague c. again and break out Juiig. 8. Q.vheB I e. again in peace I will break down 13.8. let man of God e. again to us, and teach us 1 A'ingj2.41.Shiniei had gone toGath.ani wasc. a. 12. 5. depart for 3 days, and -hen e. a. i Chr.lQ.5. 17.21.0 Lord, I pray, let this child's m ui e.aja»» Ezra 6. 21. children of Israel e. again, h'eh. 8. 17- Psal. 126. f . he shall c. again with rejoicing Proj. 3.28. say not to thy neighbour, go anAc. again Jer. 37. 8. the Chaldeans shall e. again and fight Lam.i. +11. given for meal to make their soul c. a. Luke 10. 35. whf n I e. again 1 will repay thee John 14.3. 1 will e. again and receive you to myself 28. ye have heard how I said, I go away and e.a. 2 Cor. 2.1. that I would not e. again in heaviness 12. 21. lest, when I e. ogam, God will humble nc 13. 2. I write, that if 1 c. again I will not spare COME dorm. Gen. 45.9. thus saith Joseph, e. rf. tome, tarry noli Eiod. 3. 8. 1 am e. d. to deliver and bring them up 19. 11. the Lord will c. down on Mount Sinai Slim. 11. 17. I will e. d- and talk with thee there Peut. 28. 24. from heaven it shall e. down on thee Jiidg. 7. 24. saying, c. down against the Midianites 15. 12. they said, we are r. down to bind thee 1 Sam. 6. 21. e. down and fetch the ark up to you 23.11. will Saul e. d. T the Lord said, he will c. d. 20. e. down, according to the desire of thy soul 2 Kings 1.4. thou shalt not e.rf. from that bed, 6.16. 9. thou man ofGod,e.rf. || 10. let fire e. d. 11,12. A'eA.6.3. I am doing a great work. I cannot e. doun /'ja/.7.l6.hisdealing shall e. doun on his own pate 72. 6. he shall e. down like rain on mown grau 114. 5. bow the heavens, O Lord, and e. down Ua. 34. 5. my sword, it shall e. down on Idumea ■17- e. down,s\i. in the dust, O virgin daughter 64. 1. oh. that thou wouldesl c.doun, that mount. Jer. 13. 18. your principalities shall e. down 21. 13. which say, who shall e. down against us 48. 18. e. down from thy glory, and sit in thirst i.zek. 26. 16. the princes of the sea shall e down 27. 29. all pilots shall e. dojon from their ships 30. 6. the pride of her power shall .•. doun I Dan.S'.i 20.hardeneo in pride, he waa roatje toc.d COM Ji€l 3 11 c&ase thy mighty ones to e. down Hal. 24.17. not cJ. lo take any thing out of house S7. 40. c. doan from the cross, 42. Mark 15. 30. Luke 9-54. wilt thou that we coramaaJ fire to c. d.? 19. 5. Jesus said, Zaccheus, make haste and c. d. John 4. 49. saith, Sir, c. down ere my child die dcts 14. 11. the gods are e. down to us like men liev. 12. 12. devil ise. do-xn to you, having wrath 13. 13. maketh fire c. down from heaven on earth 20. 1. angel c. d. having the key of bottomless pit COME/or/A. Gen. 15. 4. he that shall c. forth out of thy bowels ISam. 14. 11. Hebrews f./orM out of their holes 1 A'ln^x 2. 30. Benaiah said, thus saith the k. c. f. e Kin^s 10. 25. go in and slay them, let none c. f. hh 23. 10. when tried, I shall c. forth as gold 9sal. 17.2. let my sentence c.f. from thy presence 88. 8. 1 am shut up, and I cannot c. forth Eccl. 7. 18. that feareth God shall c.f. of them all Isa. 11.1. shall c.f. a rod out of the stem of Jesse 48. 1. and art e. forth out of the waters of Judah J«r. 4. 4. lest my fury c. forth like fire and burn 37. 5. Pharaoh's army was c.f. out of Egypt, 7. 46. 9. let mighty men c. forth, the Ethiopians 48. 45. a fire shall c. forth out of Ileshbon Etek. 21. 19. both twain shall c.f. out of one land Dan. 3. 26. ye ser\-ant3 of the most high God, c.f. 9. 22. O Daniel, I am c. forth to give thee skill .^oe/3.18. a fountain shall c. forth of house of Lord Mic. 5. 2. out of thee shall c.f. that is to be ruler Zech. 2. 6. c.f. and flee from the land of the north Mat. 13. 49- angels shall c. forth and sever wicked 15. 18. c. forth from the heart, and defile the man Mark 9. 29. this kind c. forth by nothing but prayer iMke 12. 37. and will c. forth and serve them John 5. 29. shall c. forth, they that have done good U.43. he cried with aloud voice, Lazarus, !>« 11. 46 will c. lit a day when be loolteth not for b'im 14. 23. go ot.t, and compel them toe. in, that my 16. 28. lest they c. into tlui place of torment JoAn 5.43. I am c. in my Father's name, ye receive me not, if jinother c. in his own name ye receive C.14.prophet that should c. into the world, 11.2* .■Jf/.t 16.15. Lydia, saying, e. »n^o house, abide there Jiom. 11. 25. till the fulness of Gentiles be c. in 1 Cor. 14. 23. there c. in those that are unlearned 24. if there c. in one that believeth not Jam.2.i. there c. in also a poor man in vile raiment liev. 3. 20. I will c. in to him, and sup with him COME near. Gen. 12. 11. Abrani was c. near to enter into Egj-pt 20. 4. but Abimelech had not c. near her Eiod. 12. 48. then let him c, near and keep it 16. 9- say unto Israel, c. near before the Lord 28. 43. or when they c. near to the altar, 30. 20. iNum. 16. 5. and will cause him to c. near to him 40. that no stranger c. near to offer incense Josh. 10. 24. c. near, put your feet on the necks 1 Sam. 10. 20. had caused all the tribes to c. near Psal. 32. 9- be held in, lest they e. near unto thee 119- 169. let my cry c. -near before thee Isa. 41. 1. let us c. near together to judgment + 21. cause to c. near your cause, saith the L. 48. 16. c. ye neaf unto me, hear ye this 30. 8. who is mine adversary ? let him c. near me £je^.l8.6.nor hath c. near to a menstruous woman 40.46. which c.nearto the Lord to minister to him 44. 15. they shall c. near to me to minister to me 16. they shall c. near to my table to minister to me .'ImDiS.S.which cau>ie the seat of violence to c.near Mai. 3. 5. and I will c. near to you to judgment Luke i9.4i.when he was c. near, he beheld the city ^efi23.15.eind we.orhe c.near.a.x& readyto kill him COME nigh. Eiod. 34. 30. but they were afraid to e. nigh him Lev.lO.Z. I will be sanctified in all thate. nigh me 21.21. no man that hath blemish shall e. ni^A, 23. Num. 18. 4. a stranger shall not e. ni^A to you i'eii/.20.2.when you are c.nigh to battle, the priest Luke 10. g.ltingdom of God re e. nigh unto you, 11. COME not. Exod. 19. 15. be ready, e. 710/ at your wives 24. 2. but they shall not c. nigh, nor the people Num. 14. 30. ye shall 710/ e. into the land 1 sware l6.12.DathanandAbiram said,wewill nei c. to the feast r 15. 22. if I had not c. they had not had sin 16. 7- if I go not away, the Comforter will not c. 1 Cor. 4. 18. as thongh I would not c. to you COME out. [.stanrs Gen. 15. 14. afterwards shall c. mit with great sub- 17. 6. and kings shall e. out of thee, 33. 11. 24. 13. the d.iughters of city e. oitt to draw water I.ev. 16. 17. till he e 011/ and have made atonement A MOT. 11. 20. shall eat till it e. out at your nostrils 12. 4. e. out ye three untotaDer.iadeof conprcgat. 20. 18. lest 1 c. 01'/ against thee with the swnrd C2.6. tJiere isa people e. out ot Egypt, 11. 33. 38. Aaron died fortieth year after Israel e. oiii COM Deut. 28. 7. e. oui one way, and ilee seven vevn Judg. 9. 15. if not, let fire e. out of tae bramble 29. he said, increase thine army and e. our 1 Sam. 2. 3. let not arrogancy e. out of your month 11. 3. to-morrow we will c. out unto thee, 10. 24 14. after whom is the king of Israel e. out ? 2 •Sam. 16. 7. c. out, c. out, thou bloody man 1 A'in^x 6.1. in the 480th year after Isr. weree.oul 20. 17. saying, there aie men e. out of Samaria 2 Kings 5. 11. he will e out to me, and lay his hand 18. 31. make an agreement and e. out, Isa. 36. 16. 19- 9- behold, he is e. out to fight against thee Psal. 14. 7. O that salvation were e. out of ZioEl 68. 31. princes shall c. out of Egj-pt, Ethiopia Prov. 12. 13. but the just shall e. out of trouble Isa. 34. 3. their stink shall e. out of their carcaies A'aA. 1. 11. there is one e. out that imagineth evil Mat. 5. 26. by no means e. out till thou nast paid 26. 35. are ye e. out as against a thief with sword* and staves to take me '. Mark 14. 4«. Luke 22. 32 Mark 1.25. hold thy peace, e.our of him, Lukei.M. 5. 8. said, e. out, thou unclean spirit, L'ike 8. 29. John 1.46. can any good thing e. out of Nazareth ' 7. 41. some said, shall Christ e. out of Galilee ' Acts 16. 18. in the name of Jesus to e. out of her /ifm.11.26. there shall e. out of Zion the Deliverer 2 Cor. 6. 17. wherefore e. out from among them //ei.7.5. though they e.out of the loins of Abraham /i!ey. 16. 13. saw spirits e. out of the mouth of dragon 18. 4. a voice saying, e. out of her, my people COME to pass. Exod.4.8.it shall c. to pass if they will not believe.9. iVhwi.11.23. whether my word shall e. a/{ or not 17. 5. e. loyass the man's rod I choose shall blossom i'ea<.7.12.shalle./o;)aii ilyeheark.il. 13. | 28.1. 13. 2. eind the sign or the wonder e. to pass Josh. 23. 14. all are e. to pass, no good thing failed Judg. 13.12. Manoah said, let thy words e. to past 17. when thy sayings e. to pass ve may do honour 21. 3. O Lord, why is thise. topast in Israel, that 1 Kings 13. 32. the saying shall surely e. to pas Isa. 7. 7. It shall not stand, nor shall it e. to pas 14. 24. as I have thought, so shall it e. :o pass 42. 9. behold, the former things are e. to pass 7er. 17.24. it shall e. topass if ye diligently hearken 32. 24. what thou hast spoken is c. to pass Eiek. 12. 25. the word that I speak shall e. to past 24. 14. I have spoken, it shall e. topass, 1 will do it Dan. 2.29. maketh known to thee what shall e.**? p. Jlos. 1. 5. c. to pass thdit I will break the bow of Isr. Joel 2. 32. e. topass that whosoever shall call on L. AmosH. 9. c. to p. I will cause sun go down at noon Zech. 6. 15. thisshall e. /k;». if ye diligently obey 7.13. therefore it is c. to pass, that as he cried 71/s«. 24. 6.all these thingsmust e. ic pass.ead not yet Mark 11. 23. things which he saith shall c. 10 pats 13.29. when ye shall see these e. to p. Luke 21. 31. Luke 2. 15. and see this thing which ise. to pass 2 1 . 7 . what sign when these things shall e. 10 p.'iS 24.12. wondering in himself at what was e. r(>;>a.(« 18.hast not known the things which are e. to pass John 13.19- when it is e. top. ye may believe, 14. 29. lew 3.23. c. to p. that every soul that will not hear Hev. 1. 1. to shew thingsmust shortly e./o/i. 22. 6. COME jAorr. /iom.3.23.allhave sinned and e. iAorrof glory of G. /iei. 4.1. lest any of you .should seem toe. shortodt COME together. Job g. 32. and we should e- together in judgment 19-12-hi5 troops e. fog« . 20. 16. behold, they'c. up by the cliflfof Ziz loiT .^. thatgoeth'o the grave, shall c. up no more Prop. C5. 7. bettei Dat it be said, c. vp hither tsa. 5. 6. but there shall c. up briers and thorns B. 7. and he shall c. up over all his channels 14. 8. since laid down no fellow is c. up against us tiO.7. they shall c. up with accept, on mine altar Jer. 9- 21. for death is e. up into our windows 49. 19. behold, he shall c. up like a lion, 50. 44. 22. behold, he shall c. up and fly as the eaijle 51. 27. cause the horses to c. up as caterpillars 42. the sea is c. up upon Babylon, she is covered Lam. 1. 14. are wreathed, and c. up upon my neck £t«*. C4. 8. that it might cause fury to e. up to take 37. 12. and cause you to c. up out of your graves 38. IC. thou shall c. up agamst my people Israel 47. t 12. on the bank shall c. up all trees Hot. 1. 11. and they shall c. up out of the land 10. 8. the thistle shall e. up on their altars 13. 15. the wind of Lord shall c. up from wildem. Joil 2.20. his stink and ill savour shall e. up 3. 9- let all men of war draw near, let them c. up 12. letheatheo c. up to the valley of Jehoshaphat Amosi. 10. I made the stink of your camps to cup Oittd. 21. saviours shall f. k;; on mount Zion to judge Jonah 1. 2. their wickedness is e. up before me 4. 6. the Lord made a gourd toe. up over Jonah Jlfif. C. 13. the breaker c. up before them JVaA. 2. 1. he that dasheth in pieces is c. up Ztch. 14. 17. it shall be, that whoso will not c. up 18. if the family of Egypt go not up, c. not Acts^.'i\. he desired Phil, to cup and sit with him .39. when they were c. up out of the water 10. 4. Cornelius, thy alms are c up before God Hiv.i. I. cup hither, and I will shew thee, 11. 12. COME, Passive. Gen. 6. 13. the end of all flesh is c before me IB. 5. for therefore are ye c to your servant 21. according to the cry which is c to me 42. 21. therefore is this distress e. upon us Exod. 3.9. cry of the children of Israel is c to me 20. 20. fear not, for God is e. to prove you Aum. 22. 11. there is a people c out of Egypt Deui. 31.11. when all Isr. is f . to appear before L. Jos/i. 5. 14. as captain of the host of Lord am I c. Judg. 16. 2. it was told, Samson is e. hither 1 Sam. 4. 7. for they said, God isc. into the camp 9. 16. looked on my peop. because their cry is c.to me SSam. 1.9. slay me, for anguish is e. upon me 19- 11. the speech of all Israel is c to the king £ Kings 4. 1. the creditor is c. to take my sons 5.6. when this letter is r. to thee, I sent Naaman 8. 7. told him, saying, the man of God is c hither Etra\). 13. and after all that is c. upon us Job 3. 25. the thing I greatly feared is c 4. 5. Psal. 44. 17. all this is c. upon us, yet we have not 53. 6. O that the salvation of Israel were c 55. 5. fearfulness and trembling are c upon me 69. 2. I am c. into deep waters, floods overflow me 102. 13. time to favour Zion, yea the set time isr. Jsa. 10. 28. he is c to Aiath,he is passed toMigron 56. 1. formysalvat.isneartoc. and my righteous. 60. 1. arise, 3hine,forthy lightisc. and glory of L. 63.4. and the year of my redeemed is c Jer. 40. 3. have sinned, therefore this is c upon you 47. 5. baldness is e. on Gaza, Ashkelon is cutoflT 30. 27. woe to them, fur their day is c. the time of 31, thy day is c the time that 1 will visit thee 61.13. that dwellest on many waters, thy end is c. l.am. 4. 18. our days are fulfilled, our end is c. 5. 1. remember, O Lord, what is c upon us Ktek. 7. C. an end, the end is c. upon the land, 6. 5. thus saith L. an evil, an only evil, behold is c. 7. the mom. is c. upon thee, O thou that dwellesc 10. behold the day, behold, it is c 39. 8. 17. 12. the king of Babylon is c. to Jerusalem 21. 25. thou wicked prince whose day is c 29. Van. 9. 13. as it is written, all this evil isr. on us Amos^. 2. the end is c. on my people of Israel A/ic.l.g.he is c to gate of my people, to Jerusalem Atat. 3. 7. who warned you to flee from wrath tor..' 12. 28. the kingdom of God is c. unto you 4-1. when he is c he findeth it empty, swept 18.1 1 .Son of Man is c to save that which was lost tlark 1. 24. art thou c to destroy us ? Luke 4. 34. 4.29. he puts m the .sickle.because the harvest is c 14. 8. she is c. aforehand to a-ioint my body 41. sleep on now, it is enough, the hour is c Luke' . 34. the Son of .Man isf . eating and drink. 15.27 .thybrother is <■. father hath killed tatted calf 19 9. this day is salvation c to this house 10. the Son of Man is c to seek and to save lost l>hn 3. 19. thit light is c into the world, men ioved 4. 2i. when he is <•. he will tell us all things 11. 28. the Master rs c and calleth for thee 12.23. the hour is f. Son of Man be gloriBed, 17. 1. 15. 26. when the Comforter is c. whom I will send 1 8.8. when he is c he will reprore ftie world of sin 13. when the Spirit of iimh i* e. h« will euide 86 COM John 16.21. a woman hath sorrow because hour is c Rom. 11. 11. salvation is c imto. the Gentiles 16. 19. for your obedience is c abroad among all 1 Cor. 13. 16. when that which is perfect is r. then li^l. 3.25. but after that faith is e. we are no longer Co/.l .6. which gospel is c.to you.as it is in all world 1 John 4. 2. that Jesus Christ is c in tne flesh 3. every spirit that confcsseth not that Jesus Christ isc. in the flesh is not of God, ^ John '. 5. CO. we know that the Son of God is c and given Rev. 6. 17. for the great day of his wrath is c 11. 18. and thy wrath is c and time of the dead 12.10.nowisf.salvat.and strength, andking. of G. 14. 7. fear God, for the hour of his judgment isr 18. 17 . in one hour, so great riches is c to nought 19 7. for marriage of the Lamb is c and his wife I am COME, oram / CO.ME. F.Tod. 18.6. / thy father- Ji-law am c to thee yum. 22. .38. Balaam said, lo / am c to thee /Vk<.26.3. I am c. into the country the Lord sware 1 Sam. 16. 2. / am c to sacrifice to the Lord, 5. 2 iiim.l4.15.now that I em c. to speak of this thing 32. to tay, wherefore am I e. from Geshur .' 19. 20. I am c. first to meet my lord the king Ps. 69. 2. I am c into deep waters where the floods F.ccl. 1. 16. I communed, lo, I am c. to great estate Cani.5.\. lame, into my gar. my sister, my spouse Dan. 9. 23. and T am c to shew thee, 10. 14. 10. 12. thy words were heard, I am c. for thy w. Mat. 5. 17! think not / am c to destroy the law 9. 13. 1 am not c to call the righteous but sinners 10.34. think not that / am c. to send peace on earth 35.1 am e. to set aman atvariance against father Luke 12.51. suppose ye that /am c. to give peace John 1.31. therefore am I c baptizinj with water 5.43.ZaOTf.inmyFather's name.ye receive me not 7.28. /am not f. of myself, he that sent me is true 9. 39. Jesus said, forjudgm. I am c into this world 10.10. /am f. that they might have life, and abund 12.46. 7am f. a light into the world, whoso believes 16. 28. / am e. into the world, again I leave world COME joined with time. Gen 30.33. shall my righteous. answer in time to e. Exod. 13.14. when thy son asketh thee in time to c saying, what is this ? Dent. 6. 20. Josh. 4. 6, 21 J<)j/i.22.-24.in time\o f.yourchildr. might speak,28 1 Sam. 1. 20. rim,- was c after Hannah conceived Psal. 102.13. time to favour Zion, the set time is c. Prov. 31 . 25. she shall rejoice in time to e. [tie Ca«/.2.12. time of singing of birds isc. voice of tur- /,ta. 13.22. her time is nearto c. her days shall not 30. 8. note in a book that it may be for time to c. 42. 23. who will hearken and hear for time to e. E:ek. 7.7. the time is c the day of trouble is near IIa,^.\.'2. the time is not e. the Lord's house be built Luke'j.5\, the lime w'as c.he should be received up Oal. 4. 4 but when the fulness of time was c 17VOT.6.19.1ayingup good foundat. against time toe 1 Pet. 4. 17. the lime is c that judgm. must begin Yet COME. Dent. 12. 9. for y* are not as y«/ e. to rest L. giveth Johni. 4. Jesus saith .woman, my hour is not yif^c. 7. 6. Jesus said to them, my time is not vet c 8. 30. because his hour was not yet c 8. 20. 11. 30. Jesus was not yet c into the town Rev. 17. 10. five are fallen, the other is not vet e. COMELY. 1 Sam. l6. 18. David, a son of Jesse, a e. person J06 41. 12. I will not conceal his c. proportion Psal. 33. 1. praise is c for the upright, 147. 1. J'rov. 30. 29. yea, four are c in going Ecc/. 5. 18. it is <•. for one lo eat, drink, and enjoy Cam. 1. 5. I am black but c O daughters of Jerus. 10. thy cheeks are e. with rows of jewels 2.14. thy voice is sweet, and thy countenance is c 4. 3. thy lips are like scarlet, thy speech is c. (5.4. thou art f .Only love, as Jerusalem, terrible as La. 4. 2. fruit of the earth shall be excellent and c Jer. 6. 2. I likened daughter of Zion to a c. woman 1 Ciir. 7. 35. but I speak for that which is c. 11. 13. is itc.that a woman pray to God uncovered? 12. 24. for our <•. parts have no need, but God COMELINESS. Tsa. 53. 2. he hath no form nor c. nor beauty, that Ezek. 16. 14. for it WES perfect through my <-. 27. 10. they of Persia and Lud set fort'n thy c Dart. 10. 8. my c was turned in me into corniption 1 Cor. 12. 23. our uncomel v parts have more ab\ind c COMERS. Ht/>. 10. 1. can never make the c.thereunto perfect COME.ST. Gen. 10. 19. was from Sidon as thou c to Gerar 13. 10. like the land of Egypt, as thou Job ^. 7. whence c. thou '. Satan answeri d, 2. 2. Jer. 51_, 61. when thou c. to Babylon and stialt see Jonah 1 . 8. what thy occupation > whence c. thou ? Mat.S.li.to be baptized of thee, and c. thou to me i Luke 23. 42. rememb. me w hen c. into thy kingdom COMETH. Gen. 37. 19. they said, behold this dreamer e. Lev. 11. 34. on which such water c. is unclean Deut. 18. 8. beside what f. of sale of his patrimony 23. 13. turn backward cover that which c.from thee 1 Sam. 4. .". when ark c. among us, it may save us 9.6. all that the man of God saith c surely to pass 20. 27. wherefore e. not the son of Jesse to meat' 29. therefore he c not to the king's table 1 Kings 14. 5. for when she c in will feign herself 2 A'iN»x9.18.came to them, but he c . not again, 20 11. 8. be ye with the king as he c. in, 2 Chr. 23. 7 Jui 3. 21. which long for death, and it c not C8. 20. whence c wisdom, where understanding ? Psal. 30. 5. weeping for night, but joy c. in morning 62.l.mysoul waiteth on God, from him c.my salv. 75. 6. promotion c. not from the east nor west 06. 13. bclore Lord, lor he c to judge the earth 1 18. 26. blesiid is he that c in name of the Lord 121. 1. my ejes to hills, from whence c my help 2. my help c. from the Lord who made heaven Prov. I. 26. I will mock when your fear e. 27, when your dfttruction c. as a whirlwind 11.2. when pride <•. thenc. .shame, but with lowly 18. 3. Avher. tne wicked c then c. contempt £r<-/.6.4 he c. in with vanity, departeth in darkness ll.a.if amanlive many years, all that c. is vanity Cant. 2. 8. he e. leaping upon the mountains Isa. 13 9. the day of the Lord m.4.9.f thisblessednesson the circumcision only i0.i7.so then, faith c. by hearing, hearing bv word 1 Cor. 15.24. then e, the end when be sbtil liare COM COM SCor. 11.88. besides that which c. ov me daily Epk. 5. 6. for tiiese tnings e. the wratt of God upon the cbildien of disobedience, Col. 3. 6. 1 Thets. 5. 2. day of the Lord so f.asathiefin night //<*.11.6.he that c. to Ciod must btlieve that he is lude 1+. the Lord c. with 10,000 of his saints Rev. 1.7. he c. with clouds, every eye shall see him 17. 10. when he c. he must continue a short space COMETH do:on. Ita. 55. 10. as the rain c. lie-wn from heaven Johi fi. 33. bread of Ijod is he which c. douii, 50. James 1.17. every good and perfect gift c. do:f>t liev, 3.12. new Jerusalem whicbc. doicn from God COM I 111 forth. Gen. 24. 43. when the virgin c. forth to draw water Etod. 4. 14. also behold he c. forth to meet thee 8. 20. before Pharaoh, lo, he c. forth to the water Judg. 11. 31. whatsoever c. forth of the doors 1 Sam. 11. 7. whosoever c. not forth after Saul Job 5. 6. though affliction c. nor. forth of the dust 14. 2. he c. forth like a (lower, and is cut down ha. 28. 29. this also c. forth from the Lord Eiek. 35. 30. hear what words c. forth from Lord Mic. 1.3. behold, the Lord r. forthont of his place COMEITI 'nigh. Num. 1. 51. Levites set up tabernacle, the stranger tbatr.HijA shall be put to death, 3.10,38. | 18.7. COMLTil oxtt. Etod.lZ. 35. be heard when he e. out, that he die not Num. 12. 12. flesh is half consumed when he c.out Deut.W. 57. her eyes evil toward young that c. out I Kings &. 41 .a stranger that c. out of a far country Joi 20. 25. it is drawn, and c. out of the body 37.22.fair weather f.OTt/ of the north, withGod is Cant. 3. 6. who is this that c. out of the wilderness ? Isa. 26. 21. the Lord c. out of his place to punish 42. 5. spread forth earth, and that which c. out of it /(jr. 46. 20. destruction cometh, it c. out of the north £«*.4. 12. shall bake it with dungthat c. oh/ ofman Mat. 15. 11. but that which c. out of the mouth, this defileth a nian, Mar/c 7. 20. 24. 27. for as the lightning c, out of the east COMEni up. 1 5am.28.14.andshe said, an old man c. «;> covered Cant. 8. 5. who is this that e. up from wilderness /.lo. 24. 18. and he that c. up out of midst of the pit Jer. 46. 7- who is tiiis that c. up as a flood > 50. 3. out of north there c. up a nation against her 7/ai.3.l6.when he c. up to people, will invade them Tdal. 17. 27. cast a hook, take up the fish first c. vp COMEORT, Suistantive Joi 6. 10. then should I yet have c. yea, I would 10. 20. let me alone, that I may take c. a little Pm/. 11 9. 50. this is my c.in my affliction, thy word 76. let thy merciful kindness be for my c. Ita. 57- 6. should I receive e. in these? Eiek. 16. 54. in that thou art a c. to them Mat. 9. 22. daughter be of good c. Luke 8. 48. Mart 10. 49. be of good c. rise, he ralleth thee Acts 9. 31. walking in the e. of the Holy Ghost i^om. 15. 4. through patience and r. of the scriptures 1 Cor. 14. 3. speaketh to men to exhortation and c 2 Cor. 1. 3. blessed be God, even the God of all c. 4. by the c. wherewith we are comforted of God 7. 4. great is my glorying of you, I am filled withe. 13. therefore we were comforted in your c. 13. 11. brethren, be perfect, be of good c. Phil. 2. 1. if there be therefore any c. of love 19. that I may also be of good c. when I know Col, 4. 11. these only, which have been a e, to me COMI OliT, l^'ert. C .•>2. 46. ye shall e. your children to observe to do Josh. 1 1. 15. so did Mosese. Joshua, and so be did /'ra/. 42.8. the Lord will r. his loving. kindness 44. 4. art my king, O God.e. deliverance for Jacob 7ja.45.11. concerning the work of my hands, e. me Jer. 27. 4. e. them to say to their misters l.am.l. 10. heathen didst r. they should not enter Mrit.4. 3. e. these stones be made bread, Luke 4. 3. 1 1). 7. why did Mosese. to give writing of divorce in . 27.64. r. therefore that sepulchres be made sure Mark 10. 3. be said to them,what did Moses :. you ? Luke 8.31. that he would not e. them to go into deep 9. 54. will thou we e. fire to come down from heaven .■lets 5. 28. .«aying, did not we straitly e. you l.''. 5. and to e. them to keep the law of Moses 2 '7V/e.>i.:i.4.ye both do.and will do things wee. jou 6. we e.you, brethren, in name of our Lord lesus 12. that are such we e. and exhort by our Ld. J, 1 Tim. 4. 11. these things e. and teach. ; COM.MAND. Krol. 7 2 shall Bpcalc all that / e tho", Jer. ]. 7. IT. .Tl 11 ohserve ttiou what / c. thee, Deui. 12. 28. Irr. '.'.'i 21 then / will c. my blesslnic upon you Veitt 4, 2. ye bhall not add to the word I c. yoa COM Djnl.7.ll. ihalt keep command Tt.ihte this day, dothem^S.ll. | 10.13. | 11.8,27. | 13.18. | 30.8. S4. 16. therefore / c. thee to do this thinj;, 2C. 30.16. J c. thee this day to love the Lord thy God Jsa. 5. 6. / will c. the clouds that they rain" not Jer. 11. 4. obey my voice, and do all which le. you 34. 22. behold, 1 xrill c. saith the Lord, and cause .4m«J9.3.thencewill i f. serpent, he shall bite them 4. thence / c. the sword, and it shall slay them 9. 1 will e. and I will sift the house of Israel JeAn 15. 14. ye are my friends, if ye do what I r.you 17. these things /r. you, that ye love one another tictt 16. 18. / e. thee in the name of }esus Chri.st 1 Cor.T. 10. to the married le. yet not I, but Lord COMMANDED. C«i.45.19.now thou art e. this do ye, take wagons 50. 12. Joseph's sons did to him as he e. them txorf. 1. 17- midwives did not as king of K<:ypt c. Lei'. 10. 13. cat it in the holy place, for so I Lm e. t)CTm.3.2.because to them were c. the oracles of God 1 Co; .9.17. dispensation of gospel isc.to me,7'i/.1.3. 10. 8. nor let us commit fornic. as some of them c. C Cur. 5. 19. hath e. to us the word of reconciliation 12. 21. and lasciviousness which they have e. Gal. 2. 7- gospel of the uncircumcision was c, tome as gospel of circumcision to Peter, 1 Tim. 1.11. 1 Tim. b. 20. O Timothy, keep what is c. to thee 2 Tim. 1.1 2. he is able to keep that which I c. to him Jam. 5. 15. if he have c. sins, they shall be forgiven 1 /^«^2. 23. e. himself to him that judgcth righteously yw 15. are not to be c. to wisdom, 8. 11. Cant.l.^.l have c.thee, O my love, to a company Isa.AiO. 18. or what likeness will ye c. to him .' 46.5.to whom will ye c. me, that we may be like ? I\om. 8. 18. .are not worthy to be e. wjth the glory 1 Cor. 2. 13. c. spiritual things with spiritual 2 C'i'r.10.12. c. ourselves with some that commend, andc. themselves amongst themselves, are not wise CO.MPARl.SON. Jiidg. 8. 2. what have I done now in e. of you ? 3. //*40. 22. the ^inllows of the brook c him aboat Psal. 5.12. with favour wilt thou c. him as a shield 7.7. the congregatioT of the peoole r. thee about 17- 'J. from my deadly enemies who c. nie about 26.6. wash my hands, so will 1 c. thine altar, O L. 32. 7. shalt c. me about with songs of deliverance 10. trusteth in the J,d. nii-rcy shall c. him about 49. 5. the iniquity of my heels shall c. me about 140. 9. as lor the head of those that c. me about 142.7.the righteous shall c. uie al.out for shalt deal Prov. 4. 1 9- she shall c. thee with a crown of glory Isa. 50. 11. that c. yourselves about with sparks Jer. 31. 22. a new thing, a woman shall c. a mao Hab.l.i, for the wicked dothc, about the righteou! Mat. 23. 15. woe to you, for ye c. sea auid land Lukt 19. 43. thine enemies shall c. thee roiind COMPASSED. Gen. 19. 4. the men of Sodom c. the house round Deut. 2. 1. and we c. mount Seir many days Josh. 6. 11. so the ark of the Lord c. the city Judg. 11. 18. then they c. land of Edom and Moah 16.2. theyc. Samson in, and laid wait all night 1 Sam. 23. 26. Saul and his men c. D. and his men 2 .Sam. 22. 5. waves of death c me,Pf.l8 4. | 116.3. 2 Kings 6. 15. beheld an host c. the city with horses 2 CAron. 21. 9- smote the Edomites which c. him in Job 19. 6. know that God hath c. me with his net 26. 10. he hath c. the waters with bounds Psal. 17. 11. they have now c. us in Our steps 22. 12. many bulls c. me || 16. for dogs have c. nft Eccl. 7. + 25. I and my heart c. to know wisdom Lam. 3. 5. he hath c. me with gall and travail Zech. 14. t 10. all the land shall be c. as a plain Luke 21. 20. when ye shall see Jerus.c. with armies IIeb.5.".[oT that he hixself also is c. with infirmity COMPASSED about. Deut.32.^ 10. in howlingwilderness he c.them abou) 2 Sam. 18. 15. ten young men c. Absalom about 22. 6. the sorrows of hell c. me about, Psal. 18. 5. 2 Kings 6. 14. Syrieins came by night and c. city a. 8. 21. Joram smote Edomites which c. him about 2 Chron. 18. 31. they c. about Jehoshaphat to fight Psal. 40. 12. innumerable evils have c. me about 88. 17. they c. me a. together, 109.3. j 118.11,12 118. 10. all nations c. me about, but in the name /onaA 2.3. floods f. me a. thy billows passed over me Ileb. 11. 30.walls of Jericho fell, after c. a. 7 days 12. 1. c. about with such a cloud of witnesses Rev. 20. 9. they went up and c. camp of saints aiout COMPASSEST, ETH. Gen. 2. 11. e. Havilah || 13. c. the land of Ethiopia Psal. 73 .6. therefore pride c.them about as achaio 139. 3. thou c. my path and my lying down //o/.11.12.Ephraim c.me about with lies.aud Israel COMPASSION. 1 King.i 8. 50. give them c. before them who carry 2 Chr. 30. 9- your children shall find c. before them Mat. 9. .36. Jesus moved with c. 14.14. Mark6. 34. 18. 27. the lord of that servant was moved with c. Mark 1. 41. Jesus moved withe, put forth hishana 1 Pet. 3. 8. be of one mind, having cone of another 1 John 3. 17. shutteth up his bowels of c from him lull of CO.MPASSION. Psal. 78.38.he being/i c. to them who are in Christ 1 Cor. 11. 34. that ye come not together to c. 2 Cor. 3. 9. if the ministration of c. be clorioui 1 Tim. 3. d. lest he fall into the c. of the devil Jam. 3. 1. knowing we shall receive the greater <•. 5. 12. let your n.iy be nay, lest ye fall into c Jude 4. who were of old ordained to this e. CONDEMN. Eiod. 22. 9. whom the judges shall e. he shall paj Diut 25.1. judges may judge tbem, and c. the wicii» CON Jst'}. 90. if r justify myself, my moath shall c. me iO.i. I will say to G. do not c. me, shew me why 34. 17- and wilt thou e. him that is most just ' 40 8. wilt thou c. me, that thou mayest be righte. Vsal. 37.33. not leave him, aore. hitn when judged 94. 21. and they e. the innocent blood 109. 31. to save him from those that c. his soul Prov. 12. 2. a man of wicked devices will he c. ha. 50.9 L.will help me.who is he that shall c. me- 54. 17. every tongue that shall rise ag. thee shall f. Mat. 12. 41. and shall <-. it because, Luke 11. 3C. 42. queen of the south shall rise up in judgment and r. it, Luke 11. 31. 20. 18. they shall c. him to death, Mark 10. 33. /k<«6. 37. c. not, and ye shall not be condemned Jo'tii 3. 17. God sent not his Son to e. the world 8. 11. neither do I e. thee, go and sin no more t Cor. 7. 3. I speak not this to e. you, for I said 1 Ji>hn 3. 20. if our heart c. us, God is greater than 21. if our heart f. us not, then have we confidence CONDEMNED. ^Chron.i&.i. andf. the land in 100 talents of silver Job 32. 3. they found no answer, yet had e. Job Pial. 109. 7. when he shall be judged, let him be e. 4m0s 2.8. drink the wine off. in house of their god 4/a». 12. 7. J'e would not have e. the guiltless 37. and by thy words thou shalt be c. 27. 3. Judas, when he saw that he was c. repented Mart 14. (>4. ihey all c. him to be guilty of death Luke 24. 20. how the rulers delivered him to be e. Jvhn 3. 18. he that believeth on him is not c. hut he that believeth not is e. already, because not believed 8. 10. Jesus said, woman, hath no man c. thee r Horn. 8. J. sending his Son, for c. sin in the flesh 1 Cor. 11. 32. we should not be e. with the world Tie. 2.8. sincerity, sound speech that cannot be c. 3. 11. sinneth, being e. of himself is subverted Heb. 11.7. an ark, by the which he e. the world Jnm. 5. 6. ye have e. and killed just, not resist you 9. judge not one another, brethren, lest ye be c. t I'tt. 2. 6. God r. them with an overthrow CONDEMNESr, ETH, ING. 1 Kiurs c. 32. and judge thy servants c. the wicked Job 15. 6. thine own mouth e. thee, and not I Proii. 17 .15. he that c. the just, is abomination to Ld. dels 13. 27. they have fulfilled them in c. him Horn. 2. 1. wherein judgest another thou c. thyself 8. 34. it is God that justifieth, who is he that r . .' 14.22. that c. not himself in that thing he alloweth CONDESCEND. Rom. 12 16. not high things, but c. to men of low CONDITION, S. 1 5am. 11. 2. on thisf. I will make acoven. with you Dart. 11. t 17. set his face to enter with equal c. Luke 14. 32. he sendeth and desireth c. of peace CONDUCT, ED. 2&7m.l9.15.Judahcame to eking over Jordan, 31. 40,.%11 the people of Judah c. the king and Israel Acts 17. 15. they that r.Paul brought him to Athens 1 Cur.l6.11.but f. him forth in peace to come to me CONDUIT. 2 Kings 18.17-theycame and stood by <. Iia. 36.2. 20. 20. Ilczekiah, how he made a pool and a e. ha. 7. 3. go forth to meet Ahaz at the end of the c. Litk. 31 . t 4. sent out her c. to the trees of the field "CONFECTION. Eiod.iQ.i5. shalt make a c. after art of apothecary CONFECTIONARIES. I Sam. 8. IS. he will take your daughters to be c. CONFEDERACY. Isa 8. 12. say ye not, a e. to whom people say a e. Vbad.7.i.\\ men of thy f. brought thee to the border CONFEDERATE. Gen. 14. 13. and these were c. with Abram Psat.Si. 5. have consulted, they are c. against thee ha. 7-2. it was told, Syria is r. with Ephraim CONFERENCE. Gal. 2. 6 for thev in c. added nothing to me CONFERRED. 1 Kings 1. 7. Adonijah r. with Joab and Abiathar ilc«4.15.they e. among them what do to these men 25. 1£. Festus, when he had c. with the counsel Oal.l.lQ. immediately I r.not with flesh and blood CONFE.SS Signifies, [1] Publielt/ to oicn and aekno-j.ledge as his ouii : Thus Christ uill con/ess the faith- ful m the day of judgment, LiiVe IQ. B. [2] Tv •>u-n and pro/ess the truths 0/ Christ, end to nbey hit commandments, and that in spite 0/ all opposition and danger from enemies. Mat. 10. 32. Whosoe^-er shall confess me before men. l3] To utter, or speak forth the praises of God, or to give him thanks, Ileb. 13. 1 15. Offer to Ciod the fruit of your lips, confessing his name ; that is, acknowledge his benefits, and give him thanks for them. J4] To oari, and lay open our tins and offences, either unto God in private, or yuilic eon)esiion.t : or to our neighbour whom we have wronged : or to some godly persons, at whose hands wc look i» leeeite eomr.jrt and spiritual 92 COX instruction ; »r to the whole cmigregarion, when ourtauH ispnilic, Psal. 32. 5. -Mat. 3. 6. Jam. 5. 16. 1 John l.g. [5] To achwUedge a crime before a judge. Josh. 7. 19- L^j To own and nrofess the gospel of Christ, and pay obedience to it, Luke 12. 8. We ar« to make confession, (1) To God, whom we haie offended, who knows our sins, cnn pardon us, or else will punish its if we 'efuse to confess, Psal. 32. 5. Prov. 28. l.'j. (2} To our neighbour hurt by us, who otherwise complaining to God, shall have him to revenge his quarrel ; and thus man can and ought to for- give so much of the offence as is done against him, if his adversary lepent and confess, and seek pardon. Mat. 5. 23, 21. Luke 17- 4. (3) Jo the minister of God, or to sojue godly person, that' pitying the sinner^ s case, can and will give Aim spiritual advice against his sin, and pray for him. Job 33. 23. Confession to God is made by a man for himself, Psal. 32. 5. A father for his children. Job 1.5. A magistrate for those under his autho- rity, Neh. 1. 6. Ajtd must be viilU know- ledge of sin, Jer. 2. 23. Conside ation of thai which is done, Jer. 8. 6. Humiliation, 2 Chron. 7. 14. Accepting of punishment for sin. Lev. 26. 41. A parliculaiiiing of sins. Lev. 5. 5. 1 Sam. 12. 19. Prayer, Exod. 32. 32. And forsaking of sin, Prov. 28. 13. Lev.5.5. he shall c. that he hath sinned in that thing 3fi.21. Aaron shall c. over live goat all the iniquit. 26. 40. if they shall c. their iniquity and fathers' A«m. 5. 7- they shall c. their sins they have done 1 AiH^'j8.33.Isr.<:.thy name and pray, 2 Chr. 6.24. 35. c. thy na-ne and turn from sin, 2 Chron. 6. 26. Xeh. 1. 6. and c. the sins of the children of Israel Job 40. 14. I will c. that thy hand can save thee Psal. 18. + 49. I will c. to thee among the heathen 02.5. I said, I will r .my transgressions to the Lord Alat. 10. 32. whosoever stall c. me before men, him will I c. before my Father in heaven, Luke 12.8. John 9. 22. if any man did c. that he was Christ 12.42.rulersdidnotf.him.lestbeputout of .synag. Acts 23. 8. say no resurrection.but Pharisees c both 24. 14. this I e. that after the way they call heresy liom. 10. 9. shalt f. with thy mouth the Lord Jesus 14.11. every knee bow, every tongue shall c. toG. 15.9. I will e. to thee among the Gentiles and sing Phil. 2. 11. that every tongue shall e. Jesus is Lord Jam. 5. 16. c. your faults one to another and pray 1 John 1.9. if we c. our sins, he is faithful to forgive 4. 15. whoso shall c. that Jesus is the Son of God 2 John 7. who c. not that Jesus Chr. is come in flesh Rev. 3. 5. but I will c. his name before my Father CONFESSED, EI II, ING. Etra 10,1. when Ezra had e. weeping and casting A'e/1.9.2. Isr. stood andc. their sins, a fourth parte. Prov. 28. 13. but whoso r. and forsaketh them shall Van. 9-20. while c. my sin and the sin of my people ^tJt.3.6.^xeTe baptized of him injordan.c.their sms John 1. 20. John c. that I am not the Christ .■3f/xl9.18.manycameand c. and shewed theirdeeds HcA.ll.lS.thesec. that theywere strangers on eartl 13. i 15. the fruit of our lips, c. to his name 1 Jo/in4.2.everj- spirit thatc.Christ is come in flesh S.every spirit that r .not that Jesus Christ is come CONFESSION. Josh. 7. 19. give glory to God and make e. to him 2 Chr. 30.22. offering peactj-ofTerings and making c. F.tra 10. 11. now therefore m.\ke c. to the Ld. God Dan. 9. 4. I prayed to the Ld. my God and made c. liom. 10.10. with the mouth c. is made to salvation 1 'Jim. 6. 13. who before Pilate witnessed a goodc CONFIDENCE Signifies, [1] Assurance, 2 Cor. 8. 22. [2] Bold- ness, or coiirageousness, Acti ZB. il. [3] Tnat, or hope. Job 4. 6. [4] That wherein one trust- eth, Jer. 48. 13. [5] Huecour, or help,2 Kings 18. 19. [6] Safety, or security, Ezek. 28. 20. [7] A due resolution, 2 Cor. 10. 2. [8] A free and bold profession of Christ and the gospel, lleb. 10. 35. [9] /] well-gionnded persuasion of audience and acceptance, Eph. 3. 12. Jfdg. 9. 26. men of Shechem put their e. in Gaal 2 A'in^<18.19. 'lius saith the great king of Assyria what c. is this wherein thou trustesl '■: Jsa. 3b. 4. Job 4. 6. is this not thy fear, thy c. thy hope .' 18. 14. hisf. shall be rooted out of his tabernacle 31 . 24. if I have said to fine gold, thou art my c. I'sal. 65. 5. who art the e. of all ends of the earth 118.8. better to trust in Ld. than to put c. in man 9. better to trust in lx)rd than to put c. in princes Pros. 3. 26. for Ld. shall be thy e. and keep thy foot 14. 26. in the fear of the Lord is strong c. 21. 22. casteth down the strength of the c. thereof 25. 19. f. in an unfaith. man is like a broken tooth lia. 30. 15. in quietn. and c. shall be your strength Jer. 48. 13. as Isr was ashamed of Beth-el theirc. Eick. 28. 26. plant vrneya. they shall dwell with <:. 29- 16- £gypt iliaJl be no more the c. of b. of Isr. CON ■Mi:. 7. 5. trust not a friend, put ye not f. in a guide .lets 28. 31. preaching the kingd. of G. with all e. 2 Cor. 1. 15. in this c. I was minded to come befom 2. 3. having f. in you all, that my joy isjoy of you 7. 16. I rejoice that I have c. in you in all thingi 8. 22. diligent on iiie great r. which I have in you 10. 2. with that e. wherewith I think to be boH 11. 17. but as It were foolishly in this c. of boast Gal. 5. 10. I have e. in jou through the Lord Eph. 3. 12. in whom access withe, b^- faith in him Phil. 1. 25. having this c. I shall abide with you all 3. 3. we rejoice in Chr. J««. and have nor. in flesh 4.though 1 might also have c.in flesh, if any other 2 J'hess. 3. 4. we have c. in the Lord touching you Philem.21. havingc.inihyobedience.I wrote to you JJeb. 3. 6. if we hold fast the e. and hope to the end 14. if we hold beginning of our c. stedfast to end 10. 35. castnotaway therefore, your f. which hath 11. 1 1. faith is the c. of things hoped for 1 John 2. 28. when he shall appear, we may have c. 3.21. if heart condemn not, then have c. toward G. 5. 14. and this is the c. that we have in him CONFIDENCES. Jer. 2. 37. the Lord hath rejected thy c. not prospet CONFIDENT. Pja/.27.3.though war should rise,in this will I bet. Prov. 14. 16. but the fool rageth and is c. y^om.2.19. art c.thou thyself art a guide of the blind 2 Cor. 5. 6. therefore we are always c. knowing 8. we are c. willing rather to be absent from body 9-4. we should be ashamed in this same r. boasting f /n7.1.6.beingf.of this very thing, who hath begun 14. many of the brethren waxing c. by my bonds CONFIDENTLY. 1 Ai«fj4. 125. Judah and Isr.dweltc. under his Wne Psal. 16. t 9. my flesh shall dwell c. in hope Ezek. 38. •( 11. I will go to them that dwell c. 39. 1 6. I will send a fire among them that dwell c. Luke 29.59. another c.aSirmed, this fellow was with CONFIR.MATION. Phil. 1 . 7. in defence andr. of the gospel partakers /ie£.6.l6.anoathof r. istolhem an end of all strife CONFIRM Signifies, [1] To strengthen, settle, or establish, 1 Chron. 14. 2. Acts 14. 22. [!] To give neia assurance of the truth and certainlu o' any thing, 1 Kings 1. 14. 2 Cor. 2. 8. [3]' fo ratify, or make sure, Ruth 4. 7. [4] To refresh, Psalto 68. 9. [5] To continue to perform, Deut. 27. 26. [6.J J'o fulfil, accomplish, or make good, Horn. 15. 8, To confirm the promises made to tne fathers. To make it evidently appear unto men, that God who promised to send his Son unto the Jews, was faithful and true, iecausa >u the fulness of time he did send him. The promises of God are in themselves most firm and stable, as heaven and earth, so lluy are immoveable and constant : they are said to be co)(/irmeJ in respect of men, whose faith being weak and full of doubts, had need to be helped and strength- ened ; not God's promises, but men's belief is feeble. Confirmation is a work of the Spirit of God, strengthening faint and weak minds in faith and obedience unto the end, 1 Pet. 5. 10. The God of all grace confirm and strengthen you. God confirmet/i as the author or efficient cause of strength ; the word, sacraments, and ministers, confirm as instruments or helps, Luke 22. 32, When converted, strengthen thy brethren. And a man confirnu himself when he takes heart and courage to himself in a good cause, upon hope and confidence of God's help, 1 Cor. 16. 13. Bui David encouraged himself in the Lord his God, 1 Sam. 30. 6. Ruth 4. 7. this was the manner for toe. all things 1 Kings 1. 14. I will come in after andr. thy word* 2 Kings 15. I9. to c. the kingdom in his hand ij/7i. 9.29. Esth. wrote to c. second letter of Purim 31. to c. these days of Purim in their times Psal. 63. 9. didst c. thine inheritance when weary Iia. 35.3., strengthen weak hands andc. feeble knees Ezek. 13. 6. to hope that they would i Gal. 3. 15. yet if it be e. no man disannuUetb it 17. the covenant that was c. before of Gud CON HuS. 2. 3. was e. to ns by them that heard him 0. 17. immutability of counsel, he e. it by an oath CONFIRMETir, ING, Kitm. ?0. 14. bonas which are on her, he e. them Dtui. 27- "6. cursed be he that <■. not all the words Isa. 44. 26. that e. tne word of his sen-ant Mart 16.C0. preached, e.word with signs following <4f«14.22. c. souls of the di>«iples, exhorting them 15.41.weat thro' Syria and Cilicia e. the churches CONFISCATION. Ezra 7.26.1et judgm. be executed to c. or imprison. CONFLICT. Psal.5Q410.\ am consumed by the c. of thine hand /'AiV. 1. .TO. having the same c. which ye saw in me l.'ol.S. I. that ye knew what great c. I have for you CONFOR.MABLE. /'Ar/.3.10.maT know him, being made f.to his death CONFORMED. Horn. 8.29. predestinate to be c. to image of his Son 12.2. be not c. to this world, but be ye transformed CONFOUND Signifies, [1] To disorder, mingle, or jumble toge- ther, Genesis U.7. [2] To baffle, or confute. Acts 9. 22. [3] To be ashamed by reason <>/ some disappointment, Joh 6. iO. [4] Jo destroy, or break in pieces, Jcrem. 1. 17. 2ech. 10.5. [5] 'Jo be amaied, astonished, or foubied in mind. Acts 2. 6. It is said, 1 Pet. 2. 6, lie that believelh shall not be confounded; that ti, he ihull not be disap- pointed of his erpectation of salvation ; the scripture referred to by the apoitlr is, Isa. 28. I6, lie that believeth shall not make haste: thai IS, he shall not hastily and greedily catch at anu ttiayof escaping his danger, whether it be right or Wong: but shall patiently wait upon God for deliverance and salvation in his way. Gen. 11. 7- let us go down and c. their language, 9. y«r. 1.17. be not dismayed, lest I r.ihee before them 1 Co.'-.1.27.tOf.the wise, to f. things that are mighty CONFOUNDED. 2 Kings 19. 26. the inhabitants were e. Isa. ."57. C*. Job 6. 20. they were r. because they had hoped J'sal. .15. 4. let them be c. that seek after my soul 6g. C. let not those that seek thee be r . for my sake 71 .13.1et them be f. that are adversaries to my soul 24. for they are c. that seek my hurt 83. 17. let them be c. and troubled for ever 97. 7. r. be all they that serve graven images 129.5. let them all be f. turned back that hateZion Jja.1.29. shall be c. f«r gardens that ye have chosen 19. 9- they that weave net-works shall be c. S/. 27. their inhabitants were dismayed and e. Jer. 9. 19. greatly f. because we have forsaken land I'J. 14. every founder is f. by graven image, 51. 17. 17. IB. let them be r. that persecute me, let not me 46. 24. daughter of Eg\-pt c. || 4!!. 20. Moab is c. 49. 23. Hamath is c. U 50. 2. Babylon taken, Bel c. 5o. 12. your mother shall be sore c. be ashamed 51.4". Babylon, her whole land shall bee. 51. we are c. because we have heard reproach Ezek. 16.52. be thou <•. and bear thy shame, 51. ()3. Alic,'. Id. nations shall see and be r. at their might i^cih. 10. 5. and the riders on horses shall lie c. .'lets 2. 6. the multitude came together and werec. y. 22. Saul e. the Jews who dwelt at Damascus Ashamed oHrfCONFOUNDED. PsalAO.\i.asha.andc.\.\\M seek after my soul, 70. C. Isa. 24. 23. the moon shall lie c.aud the sun ashamed 41. 11. incensed against thee shall be asham. and c. 45.16. idol-makers shall be nsha.audc. all of iliera 54. 4. thou shalt not be ashamei/,ucil\\er be thou c. Jer. 14. 3. nobles and little ones were nshani.aiid c. 15.9. that hath bom seven haih been asham. and c. 22. 22. surelj- then shall thon be ashnmed and c. 31.19. I vidSasham yea. and e. because I did bear Etet. 36. 32. be ashamed and c. for your own ways flfiV .3.7. then shall seers be ashamed aHidiviners c. Ao/ CONFOUNDED. Psal. 22. 5. our fathers trusted, and were not c. Jsa. 45. 17. not ashamed nor c. world without end 50. 7. God will help, therefore shall 1 tiot be c. 1 J'el. 2. 6. he that believeth on him shall not be e. CONFUSED. Isa. 9. 5. for every battle ofwarrior is with e. noise Acts 19. 32. some cried, for the assembly was c. CONFUSION. Gen. It. + 9- therefore is the name of it called c. Lev. 18. 23. a beast to lie down thereto, it is c. 20.12. surely be put to dcath,they have wrought c. 1 Ham. 20. .30. liasi chosen David to thy c. and tor. £zra 9-7. been delivered toe. of face, as at this day Job\0. 15. 1 am full off. therefore see mine afflict. (^ Ps. 35. 4. let them be brought to e. devise my hurt 44. 15. my c. is continually before me and shame 70. 2. let them he put to c. that desire my hurt 71. 1. O Lord, let me never be put to c. log. 29- let them cover thems. with their own f. Isa.H. 10. the city of c. is broken down 20.3. and ihe trust in the shadow gf Egypt yourc. 94 CON ha. 34.11. he shall stretch out upon it the line off. 41. 29. their molten images are wind and e 45. 16. makers of idols shall go to c. together 61. 7. for e. they shall rejoice in their portion Jer. 3. 25. we lie in shame and ourc. covereth us 7.19. do they not provoke thems. toe. of iheirfaces 20.11. their everlasting c. shall never be forgotten Dan. 0. 7- but to us belongeth c. of face, 8. Acts 19. 29. the whole city was filled with c. 1 Cor. 14. 33. for God is not author cf f . but peace yawi.3.16. for where envying and strife is, there is c. CONGEALED. Ejod. 15. 8. the depths were c. in heart of the sea CONGRATULATE. 1 Chron. 18. 10. to inquire of his welfare and e. him CONGREGATION. Lev. 4. 21. it is a sin-offering for the e. 10. 17. God hath given ityou to bear iniquity of f. 16.33. he shall make an atonement for all the c. Xum. 1. 16. these were the renowned of the c. 10. 7. but when e. is to be gathered you shall blow 14. 27. how long shall I bear with this evil c. ? 15. 15. one ordinance shall be fore, and stranger 16. 21. separate yourselves from c. that I may cons. 45. get you up from among ihisr.that I may cons. 47. Aaron took and ran into the midst of the c. 19. 20. that soul shall be cut off from among thee. C7. 16. let the Lord set a man over the c. .35.12. cities of refuge that manslayer die not, till he stand before the c. for judgment. Josh. CO. 6. Josh. 9. 27. made them drawers of water for the e. Jk^j. 20.1. the f. was gathered as one man from Dan 21. 5. that came not up with the c. to the Lord 1 A ings 12. 20. they sent and called Jerob. to the c. 2 Chr. 30.24. 1 lezekiah did give to c. 1000 bullocks Eya 10. 8. and himself separated from the c. AeA. 13.1. the Moabite should not come into the c. Job 15.34. for the c. of hypocrites shall be desolate 30. 28. I stood up and cried in the c. Psal. 1. 5. nor sinners in the c. of the righteous 22. 22. in the midst of the c. will I praise thee 26. 5. I have hated the r. of evil doers 58. 1. do ye indeed speak righteousness, O c? 74. 2. remember thy c. thou hast purchased of old 19. forget cot the c. of thy poor for ever 75. 2. when 1 receive the c. I will judge uprightly 82. 1. God standeth in the c. of the mighty 89. 5. thy faithfulness also in the c. of the saints 107. 32. let them exalt him also inr. of the people 111. 1. I will praise the Ld. in the assembly and e. Prov. 5. 14. I wa5 almost in all evil in midst off. 21 . 16. the men shall remain in the e. of the dead Isa. 14. 13. 1 will sit upon the mount of the c. Jer. 6. 18. and know, O c. what is among them 30. 20. their c. shall be established before me Lam. 1. 10. that they should not enter into thy c. Jlos .7.12.1 will chastise them as their r. hath heard Joel 2. 16. gather the people, sanctify the c. Acts 13. 43. now when the c. was broken up All the CONGREGATION. £ez'.(l.3. gather all the c. together to door oftabern. 16. 17. make atonement for all the c. of Israel 24. 14. let all the c. stone him, 16. iVjim. 15. .15. Atim. 14. 10. all the c. bade stone them with stones 16. S. seeing all the c. are holj-, every one of iheui 22. shall one sin, wilt thou be wroth with all c. ? 20. 27. they went up in sight of ail the c. 25. 6. 27. 19. set him before Eleazarand all the c. £2. Josh. 8. 35. which Joshua 'ead not before «// /Ae c. 9- 18. all the c. murmured against the princes 22. CO. wrath fell on all the c. of Israel 1 Kings a. 14. the king blessed «/////<■ c of Isr. 55. 1 Chron. 29.20. alt thee, blessed the Lord (iod 2 C/ireK.23.3. all the c. made a covenant with the k. 29. 28. all the f .worshipped and the singers sang AVA. 5.13. all the c. said, amen, and praised tlie L. 8. 17. all the c. that were come again made booths Elders of the CONGREGATION. Lev. 4. 15. elders of the c. shall lay their hands Judg.'^l.lti.eld. ofc. said.how shall we do for wivesr Great CONtJREGATlON. 1 Kings 8.65. at that lime Solomon held a feast, all Israel withhim.affrea/r. 2 C^ro>j. 7.8. | .30.13. I'.cra 10. 1. asscmldedlohim out of Israel a great c. /'j(i/.22.C5.my praise shall be of thee in the great c. 35. 18. 1 will give thie thanks in the great c. 40.9. I have preached righteousness in the great c. 10. I have not concealed thy truth from great c. CONfillEGAITON of J-tracl. Exod.\2. 6. f. of Israel i\\M kill it in the evening 19. that soul shall be cut of? from the c. of Israel 47. all the c. of Israel shall keep the passover /.li,^i.l1 CON Veut. SS. 1. shall notenterioto the «. «<(/>( T.J.J 1 Chron. an. 8. in sight of r. cri.. keep commandm, -l/if .2.5. that shall cast a cord bv lot in the r. o/" X Tabernacle of the C(J NG REG ATION. Exod. 29. 10. bullock brought before the tab. of c 44. 1 will sanctify /. of c. \\ 30. C6. anoint t. of c 33. 7. called it the t. of c. went out to the /. of c. Lev.3.8. kill it bef.O^e.13. ||4.5. bringit to/, p/ c. 10.7. ye shall not go out from the door of /. of e 9. drink no wine when ye go into the tab. of c. 16. 16. so do for/. 0/ f. 1133. atonement for/ ^j-f, Xutn. 4. 3. work of the /. ofc. 23. 25, 30, 35, .*y, 43. 8. 9. tnou shalt bring the'Leviies before tab. of c'. 12. 4. Lord spake, come out ye three to tab. of c. 14. 10. glory of the Lord appeared in the /^i. ofc. 17.4. lay up in t.ofc. H 18.4. keep charge of/, of e. 25. 6. Israel weeping before the door of tab. of c. Deut. 31. 14. present yourselves in tabern. of the c. Josh. 18. l.atShiloh, and set up the tab. of e. ther« 1 Kings 8. 4. they brought up/aA. ol'c. i'Chr. 5. 5. 2 Chron. 1. 3. for there was ths tab. of e. of G;«4 Hee Door. Tent of the CONGREGATION. Exod. 39. 32. /. of c. finished || 40. 2. set up t. cf c, 40. 22. tabic in /. of e. || 24. candlestick in /. of e. 26. and he put the golden altar in xbetentof c. 34. then a cloud covered the tent of c. 35. Moses was not able to enter into the tent of c. Whole CONGREGATION. Exod. 16. 2. the whole c. of Israel murmured Num. 3. 7. they shall keep the charge of the ir. c. Josh. 22. 18. to-morrow he will be wroth with u. c. Judg. 21 . 13. the whole c. sent to speak to Benjamix 2 Chron. 6. 3. the king blessed the whole e. of Israel Etra 2. 64. the whole c. was 42,360, Seh. 7. 66 Prov. 26. CC. wickedness be shewed before whole c CONGREGATIONS. Psal. 26. 12. in the c. will I bless the Lord 68. 26. bless ye God in the c. even the Lord 74. 4. thine enemies roar in the midst of thy e. CONQUER. Rev. 6. 2. he went forth conquering and to c. CONQUERORS. Ram. 8. 37. in all these things we are more than e. CONSCIENCE Is the testimony and secret judgment of the soul, which gives its approbation to actions that it thinks good, or reproaches itself with those whicS it believes to be evil : Or, it is a jiarticular know- ledge which ice have with us of our own deeds, good or evil, arising out of the general inoio- ledge of the mind, which shews us what is good, or evil ; and Conscience tells us when we have done the one, or the other, Rom. 2. 15. Ji iV either (I) Good, 1 lira. 1. 5. And this u called. [1] A conscience void of offence towaid God and men ; which does not accuse a versoit for any wilful offence, either against God, or men. Acts 24. I6. [2j A conscience bearing a person witness in the Holy Ghost, that is, bf the conduct and guidance of the Holy Ghost, who cannot lie, Rom. 9. 1. [3] Pure and good, deing jatrified by the bloL'd of Christ, lleb. 9. 14. 1 Tim. 3. 9. [4] Purged from dead works ; that is, freed from that sentence of death which it receives by reason of sin, Heb.'i). 14. [5] A conscience not troubled with a sense of guili Ileb. 10. 2. [6] A conscience checking and condemning persons, when they have gone against their light, and approving and justifying ihem, when they have conformed to it, Rom. 2. 15. Or, (U) Evil, llcb". 10. 22. when it is defied with vicieiu habits, so that it does not perform its office aright. It is catted, \\] A conscience seared with a hot iron ; that is, quite extinct and cut off, or uilerly hardened, which has lost all sense and feeling, 1 1 im. 4. 2. [2] A de- filed conscience ; whenil is blinded and perieri. cd, to that it cannot judge of lis own actions, lit. 1. 15. 'J'his evil conscience is sometimet quiet, sometimes stirring and troubled : It ae cuseth when ti should excuse, and excuseih when it should accuse. The conscience «/», even of the best, u nov and it-en erroneouc and doubtful. The apostle Paul permits the faithful to go and eat at the houses of the ('•eutilts, if they were invited tliither, and 10 I'aj-taie of every thing which ,taj served up at their tablet, aiihout maiing pertt- cular inquiries out of any scrupulosity of ma science ; asking no questions for conscience' s&k^ 1 Cor. 10. £7, ic. But if any out says to ihem, this has been sacrificed to idols ; do tut tat of if, says he, lor his sake kIu gave you this inl'orma- lion ; and likewise lest ye wound not i/our own. but another's conscience : Conscience, I say, nut ihine own, but of the other's. Jf he who givet you this notice is a Christian, and twtwiihstaMd- inj the information so given you forbeari not /.i tat : tie utii condemn jcu in iij iitarl, or wiii CON tot of it mfttr yimr iiamplt a^aiml Ait «zsn mueitnet, and k> the •xtUt of his tin teill it imimted to you. Ij he n an Heathen, wht thui adrtrlijts you, and he sect you eat of it, he uitl conceit e a contempt for y>>u and your reh^ion. In another place the jarre Aposllt requirei Christian! to 6e suimisme to aecilor power, not only for wTath, but a'.so for conscience' sake. Ham. 13.5, that is, not only for /ear o/ punish- ment from the magistrate, tut more especially out of conscxe'ue of duty, both to God, uho is the ordainer of him to that special ministry, tinder himstlf; and to the magistrate, ahose due it is, in respect of his office. Eeel. lO.tSO. curse not the king, no, not in thy e. John 8.9. being convicted by their own e. went out Acts 23. 1. Paul said, I have lived in al) good c. S-l.lO.to have a r.void of offence tovard God and toward men ilom. 2. IS.fheirf. also bearing witness, and thoughts Q. 1. my e. bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost 13. 5. ye must be subject also for c. sake 1 Cor. 8. 7- for some with e. of the idol to this hour eat it, and their e. being weak is defiled 10. shall not the weak e. be emboldened to eat ? 12. but when ye wound their weak e. ye sin against Christ 10 25. that eat, asking no question fore, sake, C7. SO.eat not, for his sake that shewed it, for c. sake 29. e. I say, not thine own, but of the others S Cur. 1.12. our rejoicing is this, testimony of our f. 4. 2. commending yourselves to every man's c. 1 Tim. 1. 5. out of a pure heart, and of a good c. 19. war a warfare, holding faith and a good c. 3. 9- holding the mystery of faith in a pure c. 4. 2. having their c. seared with a hot iron 2 Tim. 1. 3. I thank God, whom I ser\'e with e. Tit. 1. 15. but even their mind and e. is defiled Jlei. 9. 9- make perfect, as pertaining to the c. 14. purge e. from dead works to serve living God 10.2.wor3hippers should have had no more c. of sins £2. having onr hearts sprinkled from an evil <-. 13. 18. we trust we have a good c. in all things 1 ^^^.2.19. if a man fore, toward God endure grief 3. 16. having a good e. as they speak evil of you 81. but the answer of a good c. towards God CONSCIENCES. C Cor.5.11.1 trust also are made manifest in your c. CONSECRATE. To consecrate, is to offer, or devote any thin^ to Cod's ttorship and service. In the Old lesta- ment, God ordained that all the first-born, both of man and beast, should be consecrated, Exod. 13. 2, 12, 15. lie consecrated the whole race ef Israel particularly to his uorship, Exod. 19. O. And liiemise he devoted the tribe of Levi, and the family of Aaron, in a more especial manner to his service. Num. 1. 49. | .T. 12. Besides these consecrations, uhich God thus or- dained by his ozi'n absolute and sovereign autho- rity, there uere others --hich depended on the good aill of men, u/io consecrated themselves, or the things belonging to them, or the persojis de- pending on them, to the service of God, for tter, or for a lime only. Hannah, Samuel's mother, offered her sun to the Lord, to serve all his life-lima in the tabernacle, 1 Sam. 1. 11, 82. Some of the Nazarites consecrated them- illvit to the Lord only for a certain time. Num. fi. 13. And the Hebrews sometimes devoted their fields, or cattle to the J^rd ; after uhich they uere no longer in their poucr. Lev. £7. 28. In tht New Testament all the faithful are ecmseerated to the Lord ; they are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation. a peculiar people, 1 Ptt. 2. 9- £jorf. 28. 3. f. Aaron ||41. anoint a.ndr. Aaron ssons 29, 9. thou shall c. Aaron and his sons, 30. 30. 35. seven days shah thou c. them. Lev. 8. 33, 32. 29. Moses said, f. yourselves this day to the L. Nwn. 6.12. shall c. to L. the days of his'separation 1 Chron. 29.5. to c. his ienice this day to the Lord 2 Chron. 13. 9. to f . himself with a young bullock J!:riA.6. 19. vessels of brass and iron, are f. to the L. Judg. 17.5. M icah e. one of his sons for his priest, 12. 1 Kings 13. 33. whosoever would, Jeroboam c. him S Chr. 29. 31. now ye have e. yourselves to th'' L. 31. 6. the tithe of holy things" which were c. to L. Eira 3.5. of all the set feasts of I.ord that were e. Iltb. 7. 28. maketh the Son, who is e. for evermore 10. 60. by a new and living wav which he hath c. CONSKCRATKD. C Chr. £9. 33. e. thinqs were 60O oxen, 3000 sheep CONSKCRATION, S. Esod. 29. 82. shalt take of ram, for it is a r.im o(c !4. if ought of (be flcah of Ih* c. remaiji »4 CON Ltv. 7-37. this is the law of the e, and tacri6ee 8. 28. they were e. lor a sw;et savour to ths Lord 31. eat it with the bread that is in the basket of r 33. till the days of your c. be at an end y.'um. 6. 7. because the e. of bis G. is upon hii head 9. and he hath defiled the bead of bis e. CONSENT, ED, ING. Gen. 34. 15. but in this will we c. unto yon 23. only let us c. to them, they will dwell with os Deut. 13.8. shalt not e. to him, nor hearken to him Judg. 11. 17. sent to king of Moab.but would note. 1 A'in;i20.8. elders said, hearken not to him, norc. 2 Kings 12.8. the priests e. to receive no more mon. Psal. 50. 18. when sawest a thief, thou e. with him Prov. 1. 10. if sinners entice thee, c. thou not Dan.X.yt. so he c.tolhem,and proved them ten days Luke 23 . 51 . the same had not c. to the deed of them ActsS. 1. and Saul wasc. toStephen'sdealh,22.20. 18.20. desired to tarry longer with them, he e. not llcm. 1.^32. not only do the same, but e. with them 7. 16. what I would not, I e. to law that it is good 1 3'i»i. 6. 3. if any man c. not to wholesome words CONSENT. 1 Sam. 11.7- and they came out with one 2. 3. I'sal.Zl.'.l will be glad, for thou haste, my trouble Prov. £4. 32. then I saw and c. it well Led. 4. 1. I e. all the oppressions that are done 4. again I e. ill travail and every richt work 9. 1. for all this I c. in my hi-art to declare this Jer. 33 £4. c. not what this people have spoken Dan. 7. 8. c. the horns, and behold there came up \Mat. 7. 3. c. Dot the beam tb;a is iu thiae own eye CON Mart 6. S2. they e. not iHe miracle of the loavei Acts 12. 12. when PKerhad c. the things a* came liam. 4. 19. he c. not his own body now deau CONSIDERETH, ING. Ps. 33. 15. f2i5hion. hearts alike,he call their work; 41.1. blessed is he thatr. the poor,Lord will deliver Prov. 21. 12. righteous man c. house of the wicked t 29. but as for the upright, he e. his way 28. 22. and c. not that poverty shall come on him £9. 7. the righteous e. the cause of the poor 31.16. shee.a field, and buyethit,plants vineyards Isa. 44.19. none e. in his heart to say, I have burnt 57. 1. none c. that the righteous is taken away Ltek. 18. 14. and e. and doth not such like,2H. Dan. 8. 5. as I was c. behold, an he-goat cams Gal. 6. 1. c. thyself, lest thou also be tempted Heb. 13.7- e, the end o( their conversation CONSIST, ETII. Luke 12. 15. a man's lifee. not in the abundance Co/. 1.17. he is before all things, by him all things e. CONSOLATION Is that inward spiritual ref I eshing and strengthen- ing of the heart, by the consideration and eipe- rience of God's gracious promises in Christ, 2 Cor. 1. 5. The Holy Ghent is the worker ef comfort, and is therefore called the Comforter, John 16. 7. The promises of the word are the grounds of comfort, 1 Thess. 4. 18. ; and godlti ministers and the J'aiihful, are the helpers oj our comfort and consolation, 2 Cor. 7. 6, 7. Waiting for the consolation of Israel, Luke 2. 25. He waited for Christ to comfort them against their troubles, both spiritual and cutuard. 'The prophets used to comfort the people of God amonr the Jews, against all their sad tidings the; brought them, with tlie prophecies of the cominr and kingdom of Chiist, Isa. 66. 12, 13. Hirtit , Simeon shewed the truth of his piety and devc tion, that he believed, and waited lor the com- ing of Christ. Jer. 10. 7. nor shall men give them the cup of e Luke £. £5. Simeon, waiting for the r . of Israel 6. 24. woe to you rich, for ye have received your e Ads 4. 36. which is, being interpreted, the son of c. 15. 31. which when read, they rejoiced fcr the e. ifom.l5.5.thcGodof c. grant you to be like-minded 2 Cor. I. 5. so our c. also aboundeth by Christ 6. alilicted, for your c. and sal. comf. for your t 7. of sufferings, so shall ye be partakers of the e 7. 7. but by the c. wherewith he was comforted PAi/.2.1. if there be any c.in Christ.fulfil ye my joy C Thess. 2. 16. who hath given us everlasting c. Philem. 7. we have great joy and c. in thy lore IJeb. 6. 18. we might h.ive a strong c. who have fled CONSOLATIONS. Job 15. 11. are the c. of God small with thee ? £1. £. hear my speech, and let this be your c. ija. 66. 11. and be satisfied with the breasts of her e CONSORTED. Acts 17. 4. some of them c. with Paul and Silas CONSPIRACY. Sam. 15. 12. and AbszJom's c w.is strong 2 Kings 12. 20. his serv. made a c. juid slew Joash 14. 19. they made a e. ag. Amaziah, 2 Chr. 25.27 15. 15. acts of Shallum and hise. which he made 30. Hoshea made a e. against Pekah 17. 4. the king of Assyria found c. in Hoshea Jer. 11. 9. a e. is found among the men of Judah Lzek. £2. 25. is a c. of her prophets in midst thereof .■ids 23. 13. more than forty who had made thise. CONSPIRATORS. 2 5am. 15. 31. Ahkhophel is among c. with Absalom CfJNSPIRED. Gen. 37. 18. theyc. against Joseph to slay him 1 Sam. 22. 8. that all of you have c. against me 13. why have ye c. ag. me, thou and son of Jesse 1 Kings 15. 27. Haasha son of Aoijah c. ag. Nadab 16. 9. Zimri c. against Klah and slew him, 16. 2 Kings 9. 14. Jehu son of Nimshi c. against Joram 10. 9. 1 f. against my master and slew him 15. 10. .Shallum e.against Zachariah,andsmotehim 25. Pekah c. against Pekahiah, and smote him 21. 23. the servants of Amon c. against him 24. slew all that e. against Amon, 2 dr. 33. 25. 2 Chron. 24. £1. and they e. against Jehoiada £5. the servants of Joash c. against him, 26. AeA.4.8.c. all of them together, and come and fight Amot 7. 10. Amos hath c. against thee in Israel CON,STAN 1, LV. 1 Chron. £8. 7. if he be c. to do my contnandments Lira 9. i 8. to give us a c. abode in his holy place Psal. 51. + 10. and renew a c. spirit within me Prov. 21.28. but the man that heareth.spcakethe. .lets 12. 15. Rhoda c. affirmed that it was even sc lit. 3. 8. these thines I will that thou affirm c. CONSCELLATIONS. £ A inrj£.3 .45.pul down those that burnt incense to g. Isa. 13. 10. the c. thereof shall not give their light CON. SI RAIN. Gal. 6. 12, they c. you to be ci^umciied, onlj lest CON CONSTRAINED, ETII. 2 Kirtj»4.8.the woman of Shunem c. him to cat bread Job 32. 18. full of matter, the spirit within me c. me JL'ar. 14. 22. Jesus e. his disciples, J\Jari 6. 45. I.uke 24. 29. but they c. him, sayinf;, abide with us Aecs 16. 15. Lydia c. us to come into her house 28. 19. I was c. to appea. to Caesar 2 Cor. 5,14. for ioveof Chr. f. us, because wejudge CONSTUAINT. 1 Pet. 5. S. taking oversight, not bye. but willingly CONSULT. rsisl.62.i. only ar/f<;nc4 rf. 17. and on thefourteenth rf.of the same rested they Acts 07.33. this ^fourteenth rf.ye continued fasting Fifteenth DAY. £ro(/.1 6.1. came to wildern. of Sinaion^/«n//( d. Lev. 03. 6. and onfifteenth d. is feast. Num. 08. 17. 34. the fifteenth d. of tlie seventh month, 39. Num. "ig. 12. Ezek. 45. 25. Num. 33. 3. departed from Hamases onfifteenth d. 1 Kingt ]0.32.heordjuned a feast on_(f/V«)jf A d.33. /jM .9. 18. the Jews onfifteenth d. rested yearly.Ol. £«*.30.17. onfifteenth d. word of L.came to Eze.k. Sixteenth DAY. 2 Chr. 29. 17. and in sixteenth d. they made an end Seventeenth DAY'. Cen. 7. 11. on seventeenth d. were fount, broken up 8. 4. ark rested on seventeenth d. on mount Ararat Tirentieth DAY. Num. 10. 11. on twentieth d. the cloud was taken up Ezra 10. 9. on twentieth d. people sat in the streets Tuenty- first DAY. Exod. 10. 18. eatunleaven. bread till luentu-first d. Hag. 2.1. in twenty-first ^. came the word to llaggai 'J'lcenty-tiiird DAY. 2 Chron. 7. 10. t.-t. d. Solomon sent people to tents Etih.H.g.on /.-/.(/.written asMordecai commanded Tuenlyfovrth DAY. \eh. 0. ]. on t. fourth d. Isr. assembled with fast. Pan. 10. 4. on t. fourth d. 1 was by river lliddekel //aj. 1.15. in t. fourth d. Ld. stirred up Zeruhbabei 2.10. in the t.-fourth d. word came to Ilagiai.OO. 18. consider from the t. fourth d. of ninth month Zeek.X.T.ot^ t\iet. -fourth rf.came word to Zechari.-Uj 'liccnty-fiflh DAY Neh. 6.15. the wall was finish, in the ticenty-fifthd. Jer. 52. 31 on t.-fifth d. Evil-merodacli lifted head DAT Tuenty-serenlh DAY. Gen. 8. 14. on the t.-sevemh d. was the earth drierf 2 Kings 9i.Tl.oat.s.d. Evil-merodach lilted head Good DAY. 1 Sam. 25. 8. we come in a good d. give to David Esth. 8. 17. Jews had gladness and a good d. 9. I9. 9. 02. was turned from mourning into a good d^ Great DAY. Jer. 30. 7. alas, that d. is great, none is like it Hot. 1. 11. for great shall be tne d. of Jezrasl Joel 2. 11. the d. of the Lord is great and terrible- Si. sun to darkness, moon to blood, before the g and terrible d. of the Lord come, Wc/i 2. 20 /.eph. 1 . 1 J. the great d. of the Lord is near Mai. 4. 5. before the coming oi great d. of the Lordi John 7. 37. tXiM great d. of the feast. Jesus crieu Jude 6. reserved unto the judgment of the great a. Rev. 6. 17. for the great d. of his wrath is come 16. 14. to gather to the battle of th» great d. In the DAY. Gen. 0. 4. in the d. that the Lord msuie the earth 17. in the d. thou eatest thereof thou shalt die 3. 5. in the d. ye eat, your eyes shall be opened 31. 40. thus 1 was, in the d. drought consumed me 35. 3. "vho answered me in the d. of my distress Eiod. 30. 31. nevertheless m the d. when 1 visit Lev. 6. 5. in the d. of his trespass-offering 20. offer in the d. when he is anointed, 7. 36. 7, 35. in the d. he presented them to minister 14.0. law of leper in //«rf. from earth 24. \U.H pray tbee send me good speed this rf. 25. 31. he said, sell me this rf. thy birth-right 33. swear to me this rf. and he sware unto hiui 41. 9- I do remember my faults Mm rf. 48. 15. God who ted me all my life long to this rf. Exod. 11. 14. this rf. shall be for a memorial 17- therefore observe this rf. in your generations 13.3. remember this rf. m which ye came out, 4. Deut. 1. 10. you are this rf. as the stars of heaven 2. 25. this rf. will 1 begin to put the dread of thee 4. 4. are alive every one of you this rf. 5. 3. 5. 24. seen this rf. that God doih talk with man 6. 24. as it is at this rf. 8. 18. Etra 9. 7- 7 11 the statutes whicJi 1 commanded thee ihi' rf, 4. 40. I 6. 6. I 8. 1, 11. 1 10. 13. I 30 2, » 8. 19. I testify against you this d. ye shall penph 118 commaiidiuents which 1 command you ihii rf. 13.18.1 15.5. I 19. 9- | 27. 1, 4 32. statutes which 1 have set before you »Aij u 12. 8. not do after all tilings \c do here this rf. ','(). 17. avouched this rf. the Ixird to be thy God 27. 9. thiK rf. thou art become the people of the '.''). 4. hath not given you ears to hear to this rf 10. ye stand thii d. all of you before the Lijrd 18. whose heai-tturneth away ihiid. from the L. 3(1. 15. I .«et liefore ihce rAi/rf.life and death, ly. Ifi. 1 cx)niinandcd thee this rf. to love the I^ordl 31. 27. while I am yet alive with you this rf. 34. 6. no man knoweth his sepulchre to this d. .1 'ih. 3. 7. this rf. will I begin to magnify thee 4. g. the tvv.^lve stones are there unto this d. 7. 25. the Lord .^hall trouble thee ( 'j» rf. ;4. 10. and now 1 am ihii rf. ei^Uity.five years cW 1 1 . 1 aiii a^MroLg this rf. as wuen .Muses sent sxiu '."~ ifi. 10 turn away this rf. from fuUowii:^ Lur 1 DAY Jtih. S3. 17. which we are not clezinsed till thts d. 8S. If It be in rebellion, save us not this d. 33.8. cleave to the Ld. as ye have done unto this d 54. 13. choose you this d. whom ye will serve ludg. 1. 36. Luz is the name thereof unto (An d. 10. 15. deliver us only, we pray thee, this d. 19. 30. since Israel came up out of the land of Egypt to this d. 1 Sam. 8. 8. 2 Sam. 7. 6. 2 Am?* 21. 15. 1 Chron. 17. b.Jtr. 7. 25. Hutk 4. 9- Boaz sziid, ye are witnesses this d. 10. 1 Sam. 10. 19 ye have this d. rejected your God 11. 1.1. there shall not a man be put to death thitd. 14. 45. Jonathan hath wroaght with God this d. 13. 28. Lord hathretc kingdom from thee this d. 17. 10. I defy the eirmies of Israel this d. 18. 21 thou shalt thtt d be my son-in-law 21.5. though it were sanctified this d. in the vessel 24.8. my servant to lie in wait as at thisd. 13. 25. 32. the Ld. which sent thee this d. to meet me 33. who kept me this " holiiie'is before him alllhei.oi our life See Uis Life, TAy Life. DAYS come. ha 7 17 shall bring ou thee rf that have not com* J,r's3.5.hehoUthed.come.7. | 30.3. | 31.27.31,3B Aniffi 4. 2. the d. Edom revolted,2 Chr. 21. 8. 12. 2. Jchoash did what was right all his d. 15. 18. he departed not all his d. from the sins 1 Chron. 22. 9. and quietness to Israel in his d 2 Chron. 34. 33. all his d. they departed not from Jol> 14. 5. seeing hisd. are determined, his months 15. 20. wicked man travaileth with pain all hts d. 24.1. why do they that know him not see his d.t Psal. 72. 7. in his d. shall the righteous flourish 103. 15. as for man, his d. are as grass, as flower 144. 4. his d. arc as a shadow that passeth away froi.'M.lf). that hateth covetousness prolong his d. £c.-i. 2. 23. for all his d. are sorrows, his travail 5. 17. all his d. also he eateth in darkness 8.12. and though his d. be prolonged, yet I know 13. the wicked shall not prolong his d. ha 63. CO. nor old man that hath not filled his d. Je'. 17. 11. shall leave them in the midst of hisd 22. 31). write, a mzin thit shall not prosper in hisd S3. 0. in his d. Judah shall be saved, Israel dwell 77. the DAYS. Cen. 30. 14. Reuben went in the d. of wheat-harvest Judg. 5. 6. in the d. of Shamgar, in the d. of Jael 8.28. was in quietness 40 years in the d. of Gideon 1 Ham. 17. 12. went for an old mo:; in the d. of Saul 8 Sam. 21.1. there was a famiL* in the d. of David 9. Ihey were put to death in the d. of harvest, in the first d. in beginning of barley harvest 1 Kings 10. 21 silver was nothing accounted of m the d. of Solomon, iChron. 9 20. 22.46. Sodomites which remained mthed. of Asa 1 Chrin. 4. 41. these came in the d. of Hcrekiah 13. X we enquired not at it in the d. of Saul t C'ArD7i.26.5. he sought God in the d. of Zechariab 32. 26. came not on them in the d. of Piezekiah Job 29. 2. as in the d. when God preserved me 4. as I was in the d. of my youth, when the secret Pial. 37. ig. in the d. of famine shall be satisfied 4a. 5. wherefore .should I fear in the d. of evii • h:cl. 2. 16. tn the d. to oome shall be forgotten 11.9. let thy heart cheer thee in the d. of youth 12. 1. remember thy Creator in the d. of youth Jer. 26. 18. Micah prophesied in the rf .of Hezekiah Lam. I.? .lerus. remembered in ^/lerf. of her afflict. l-ttk. 16.60.1 will remember my covenant in the d. 22. 14. or hands be strong in the d. I shall deal Dan. 2. 44 in the d. of these kings shall God set up i.ll.inthe d. of thy father, light was found in him Hos. 2. lo. she shall sing as in the d. of her youth 9. 9- have deeply corrupted as in the d. of Gibeah 12. 9. to dwell, as in the d. of the solemn feast Joel 1. 2. hath this been in the d. of your fathers ' Mat. 2. 1. when.Iesus »as born in //'lerf. of Herod 23. 30. if we had been in the d. of our fathers 24. 38. for as in the d. that were before the flood JWar/t 2.26. into the house of God ind. of Abiathar Luke 1. 25. thus hath Lord dealt with me in the d. 4. 25. many widows were in the d. of tlias 17. 26. as in the >. of Noe |1 28. in the d. of Lot ^cls 5. 37. rose up Judas in the d. of the taxing 11 . 28. came to pass in the d. of Cl.iudius Cesar iiei. 5.7 .who in the d. of his flesh, when he ofl^ered JP«».3. 20. long-suffer. G. waited tnthed. ofNoah Hev. 10. 7. in the d. of the voice of seventh angel 11.6. that it rain not in ih' d. of their prophecy In those DAYS. Cm. 6. 4. there were giants in the earth in those d VnU. 17. g. come to the judge in those d. 19. 17. 96. 3. go to the priest that sha.1 be in thoie d. 115 DAY Jud" 17. 6. »n those d. there was no king in Israel, 18. 1. I 21. 25. 20. 27. for the ark of God was there in those d. ISam. 3. I. the word of L. was precious in those d. 2 Ham. 16. 23. which he counselled in those d. 2 Ain"t 20. 1 in t/u>sed. was Ilezekiah sick unto death, 2 Ckron. 32. 24. Isa. 38. 1. Jer. 33. I6. in those d. shall Judah be saved 50. 4. in those d. Israel shall go up and seek God 20. in those d. iniq. shall be sought for, and none Joel 2. 29. in those ri.will pour out my Spirit on the servants and on the handmaids. Acts 2 18. Mat. 24.19. woe to them that give suck in iliose d. Mark 13. 17. Luke 21. 22. Luke 1. 39. and Mary arose in those d. and went CO. 1 . ou one of those d. as he taught the people Acts'. 41. they made a calf in those d. and offered Hev. 2. 13. hast not denied my faith in t/iose d. 9. G. in those (/.shall men seek death and not find it Latter DAYS. Num. 24.14. people do to thy people in the latter d. Deut. 4 30. in latter d. if thou turn to the Lord 31. 29. and evil will befal you in the latter d. Jer. 23.20. in latter d. consider it perfectly, 30. 24. 48.47. yet will 1 bring again the captivityof Moab in the latter d. saith the Lord 49. 39. the captivity of Elam in the latter d. i.';e>t.38.l6. come against my people in the latter d. Oa/i. 2. 28. makelh known what shall be in latter d. 10. 14. what shall befal thy people in the latter d. Hos. 3. 5. and shall fear the Lord in the latter d. Many DAYS. Gen. 37. 34. Isiael mourned for his son many d. 47. + 8. how many are the d. of thy life .' Jiiih. 22. 3. nor left your brethren these many d. 2 Ham. 19. t34. Bazillai said to the king, how many d. are the years of my life ' 1 A'injs 2. 38. Shimei dwelt at Jerusalem many d. 3. + 11. and hast not asked for thyself many d. 17.15. she, and he, and her house, did eat many d. 1 Chron. 7. 22. and Ephraim mourned many d. Psal. 34. 12. what man is he that loveth many d ? 119. 84. how mayty are the d. of thy servant .' Eccl. 6. 3. so that the d. of his years be many 11. 1. for thou shalt find it after many d. /jfl.24.22.afterOT.«i/. 16. 13. observe the feast of tabeniacles j^rfwrf. yiu/?.14.12.il ye can declare it to me within seien d. 17. and she wept before him the seven d. 1 Sam. 10. 8. teven d. shall thou tarry till I come 11. 3. tJie elders said, give Mi seven d. respite 13. 8. he tarried seven d. according to the time 31. 13. and they fasted seven d. 1 Chron. 10. 12. 1 A'j«?i8.65. So'lom.held a feast before L.sttend. 16. 15. Zimri did reign seven d. in Tirzah £ Chran. 7.9. they kept dedication of altar seven d. 30. 21. the children of Israel kept the feast of un- leavened bread seven d. 35. 17. Ezra 6. 22. 23. assembly took counsel to keep other f«t«« 'ai 11. 21. thiA yuur d. maybe multiplied Jer. 16. 9. I will cause to ceaue iayour d. mirth 35. 7. but ill your d. ye shall dwell in tents Ktek.\i.2a.\ny. d. will I say word, and perform it Joel 1.2. hath this l>een in y//i, 3.4. when they spake rf. hearkened not to them Psal. 13. 2. having sorrow in my heartrf. how long 42.10. while they say rf. to me, where is thy God r 56. 1. be merciful, he fighting rf. oppresseth me '.:. mine enemies would rf. swallow me up 61. 8. I will sing, that I may rf. perform my vows 68. 19. blessed be the Lord who rf. loadeth us 72. 15. he shall live and rf. shall he be praised 74. 22. how the foolish man reproacheth thee rf. 86. 3. I cry to thee rf. || 88.9. I called rf. upon thee 88. 17. they came round about me rf. like water I'rov. 8. 30. and I was rf. his delight, rejoicing in 34. that heareth me, watching rf. at my gates Ita, 58. 2. yet they seek me rf. and delight to know Jer. 7- 25. rf. rising up early and sending them 20.7. I am in derision rf. everyone mocketh, 8. Hzek. 30. 16. and Noph shall have distresses rf. IJan. 1, 5. the king appointed them a rf. provision 8. 11. he magnified himself, and by him the rf. sa- crifice was taken away, 11. 31. | 12. 11. ff''*.12.1.F,phraim rf.increaseth lies and desolation 3/af.6.11.give us this day our rf. bread, Luke 11.3. 26. 55. 1 sat rf. with you teaching in the temple, ^Jark 14. 49. Luke I9. 47. | 22. 53. Ltile9.C3.1ethimtakeuphis cross rf.aud follow me Acts 2. 46. continuing rf. with one accord in tempW 47. Lord added to the church rf. such to be saved 6. 1. widows were neglected in the rf. ministration 16. 5. the churches increauied in number rf. 17. 11. the noble Bereans searched the scriptures rf. 1 Cor. 15. 31. I die rf. \\ Heb. 3. 13. but exhort rf. lleb. 7. 27. who needeth not rf. to offer sacrifice /om.2.15.if asister be naked,and destitute of rf.food DAYS-MAN. Job 9. 33. neither is there any rf. betwixt us DAY-SPRING. Job 38. 12. caused the d. -spring to know his place Z.uXi;1.78. whereby d.-spring from on high visited us DAY-STAR. 2 Pet. 1. 19. and the d.-ttar arise in yourhearts DEACON, S. Phil. 1. 1. to the saints with the bishops and rf. 1 7inj.3.8.the rf. must be grave, not double-tongued 10. then let them use the office of a rf. 13. 12. let the rf. be the husband of one wife DEAD Signifies, [1] Chiew/iose tml is separated from his body, either by a natural or violent death, Kuth 1. 8. .lob. 1.19. [2] Such as are in a state of spiritual death, being void of grace, lying un- der the povier of sin, and as unable to do anv thing that is spiritually good, or to convert and Tr.ise themselves, as a dead body >s to quicken it- self, Eph. 2. 1. 1 Tim. 5. 6. [3] Such at have no being at all, but are citinct, both bod^ and soul ; Mat. 22. 32, God is not the God of the dead, tlutt is, of such as are finally and irreco- verably perished, without any possibility of livino again, as the Sadducees thought ; but he is the God of the living ; that is, of such whose souls da live and are in being, and whose bodies, though no-ji dead, shall be made alive again. [4] Such as were like dead persons, as the Jews, viho seemed to be lost in Babylon, of whom there was no more hope that they should return and live in their own land, than that a dead man should rise 10 life. Isa. 26. 19, Thy dead men shall live. [5] n thee. [6] Dead idols or images, Isa. 8. 19. [7] Impotent or unable for generation, according to the course of nature, Rom. 4. 19- [8] Such as are drcai/ed in grace, Kev. 3. 1. |9] Tree from sin, and the law, as to eipeclation of eternal lije thereby. Gi\. 2. ig. [loj 'Jhe yiate of the dead, Kom. 8. 11. [U] 'The resurrection of the dead, 1 t'or. I j. 29. Gen. 20.3. God said to Abim. thou art but arf.man 23. 3. and Abraham mood up from before his rf Kiod. 4. 19- the men area', which sought thy life 9. 7. there was not one of the Israelites' cattle rf. IC. .30. was not a house where there was not one rf. 33. the l^yptians said, we be all rf. men 14. 30. Israel saw the Kgj-ptians J. on the shore 21.31. and the rf. be.ast shall be his, 36. .35. and the rf. ox also they shall divide Lev. 22. 4. toncheth any thing unclean by the rf. .\um. 5. 2. and whosoever is defile! by the rf. 12. iC. let her not be as one rf. of whom the Hesh is ]6. 48. he stood between the rf. and the living Deui. 25. 5. the wife of the rf. not marry a stranger JuJg. 3. 25. behold, their loni was fallen down rf. 4. 22 when he came in, behold, Sisera lay rf. 16. 30. rf. Samson slew at his death was more th.xn Kuih 1. 8. as ve have 'n//i« (/.should mean ? Luke lG.30.uay, but if one went to them/rwm the d. 31. not be persuaded, though one TOitJrom thed. 44. 46. to rise/r»m the d. the third day, Johyi 20. 9. Acts 10.41. drink with him after he rose/rom the d. 86. 23. be the first that should rise/I'm the d. lUim. 6. 13. 2is those that are a.\ive from the d. 10. 7. that is, to bring up ChrL". agam/rom the d. 11. 15. receiving of them be but liie/iiroi the d. ICV.15.12. if Chr.be preached that tam from thed. I'.ph. 5. 14. arise from the d. Christ shall give thee Col. 1. 18. who is the first-born /rom thed. [light iieb. 11. 19. God was able to raise him/rom the d. J 3. 20. brought Jigain/rom the d. our Lord Jesus Stt Kaiseu, Risen. U DEAD. Oe«. 42.38. for his brother it d. and he left, 44.20 Deut. 25. C. in the name of his brother that li- d. Josh. 1. 2. Moses my servant is d. arise, go over Judg. 20.5. my coucubine they forced that she if d « Sam. 2.7.Saul it d. 4. 10. || 11. 21. Uriah li d.li. 12.18.thechild«jrf. 19. || 13. 32. Amnononly tsd. 14.5.1 am a widow and my husb. isd.1 Kin%si.\. 18. 20. no tidings because the king's son is d. 19. 10. Absalom is d.\\ Kmgi. 21.14. N aboth is d. i'e«/(-. 44. 31. priests shall not eat that iid. of itself ./J/a<.9.1(!.mydaughterif m. 6. 7. for he that is d. is freed from sin 8. 10. if Christ be in you, body is d. because of sin fJd/. 2. 21 . if righteous, by law, Christ is d. in vain J Tim. 5. 6. livelh in pleasure, »* from d. enemies who compass £eek. 30. 24. with groanings of a d. wounded man Hark 1(1. 18. if drink d. thing, itshallnot hurt them /am. 3. 8. tongue is an unruly evil, full of d. poison f.ev. 13. 3. uvl bis d. wound was healed, 12. DEADNESS. Item. 4. 19. neither yet the d. of Sarah's womb DEAF. Etod. 4. 11. or who maketh the d. or the seeing ! Lev. 19. 14. thou sUalt not (Mirse the d. nor put I Sam. 10. t 27. Saul was as though he bad been d. Psal.3S.l3.hMl I asai/.mao heaid not, 1 was dumb 58. 4. they are like the d. adder that stoppeth /ta. 29. 18. in that day shall the 1/. bear the words 35. 5. and the ears of the d. shall be unstopped 42. 18- hear, ye << look, yeblina, tnat ye may see 19. who is d. as my messenger that I sent? in DEA 7)0.43 8. bring forth blind, and the d. that nave ears AJic. 7. 16. their ears shall be d. shall lick the dust Mat. 11.5. the<<. hear, dead are raised, £.it<« 7. 22. Mark 7. 32. they brought to bim one that was d. 37. he maketh the d. to hear, the dumb tospezik 9. 25. thou dumb and d. spirit, come out of bim DEAL. Gen. 19. 9. now will werf. worse with thee thaui 24. 49. BOW if you will d. truly with my master 32.9.Lordsaid, return, and I will d. well with thee 34. 31. should he d. with our sister as an harlot - Etod. 1. 10. come on, let us d. wisely with them 21. 9. d. with her after the manner of daughters 23. 11. in like manner d. with thy vineyard Let. If). 11. ye shall not steal, norrf. falsely, nor lie \um. 11. 15. if thou rf. thus with me, kill me Ueut. 7. 5. but thus shall ye d. with them, ye shall 2 C/irffn.2.3. Solomon sent to Huram, as thou didst d. with David my father, even so d. with me JuhiZ. 8. lest I d. with you after your folly Psi/. 75. 4. I said to the fools, d. not foolishly 119. 17. d. bountifully with thy servant, 142. 7. 124. d. with thy servant according to thy mercy Prnv. 12. 22. but they that rf. truly are his delight /to. 26.10. in land of uprightness he will d. unjustly 52. 13. behold, my servant shall d. prudently 58. 7. is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry ' J«r.l8. 23. o. thus with them in time of thine anger 21. 2. if so be that the Lord d. with us according E:ek.H. 18. therefore will I also d. in fury, my eye 16. 59. I will d. with thee as thou hast done 22. 14. or hands be strong in days I d. with thee 23. 25. and they shall d. furiously with thee 31. 11. he shall surely d. with him, I have driven Dan. 1. 13. and as thou seest d. with thy servants 5. t20. his mind W2is hardened to d. proudly 1 J. 7. and shall d. against them and shall prevail 2 Cor. 2. t 17. d. deceitfully with the word of God ike Treacherously. DEAL. Ejod. 29. 40. a tenth rf. of flour mingled with oil, I^v. 14. 21. A'«m. 15. 4. | 29. 4. A'K7n.28. 13. a several tenths. 21,29. | 29. 10,15. AlarkT. 36. so much more a great , 9, 14. 28. 20. three tentb d. to a bullock, 28. | 29. 3, 9,14. DEALER. Isa. 21. 2. the treacherous rf. dealeth treacherously DEALERS. Isa. 24.16. treacherous rf.have dealt treacherously DEALEST. Ezod. 5. 15. wherefore d. thus with thy servants r Isa. 33. 1. woe to thee that spoilest and d. treacb. DEALETH. Jtji/;. 18. 4. thus and thus d. Mirah with me 1 60m. 23. 22. it was told me that he d. subtilly /Vol. 10.4.hebecometh poor that iaiiasseh (/.with familiar spirits andwizard t Chr. CO. 3. so d. David with the cities of Amnion 2 Chi . 6. 37. we have done amiss, and d. wickedly 11. 43. Rehob.(/. wisely, and dispersed children 33.5. Manas, d. with a familik/ spirit and wizards »/(. 1,7. we hav* d, yeiy tBrruptiT »#»ifi*t ti»«« DE.% iV«A. 9, 10. thou laewest that they d. promlly. 16,29 Joi 6. 15. my breth. have d. dec*itfully, as a brook Fsai. 13. 6. the Lord hath d. bountifully with me 44. 17. nor have we d. falsely in thy covenant 78. 57- and d. unfaithfully like their fatners 103. 10. he hath not d. with us after our sins 116. 7. the Ix)rd hath d. bountifully with thee 119. 65. thou hast d. well with servant, according 78. they d. perversely with me without a cause 147. 20. he hath not a. so with any nation /io. 24. 16. the treacherous dealers have (/.verytrea- cherously, Jcr. 3. 20. | 5. 11. | 12.6. Lam. 1.2. Ezek. 22. j. in thee have they d. by oppression 25. 12. because that Edom hath d. against Judah 15. because the Philistines have d. by revenge ilos.5.1 . they have d. treacherously against the L 6. 7. there have they d. treacherously against me Joel 2. 26. name of your G. that hath AcisT. 19. the same d. subtilely with our kindred 25. 24. the multitude of the Jews have d. with ma liom. 12. 3. according as G. hath d. to every man DEAR. Jer. 15.+ 7. I w'ill bereave them of what is d. 31. 20. is Eph. my d. son, is he a pleasant child ' Luke 7.2. a centurion's servant, who was d. to bim Acts 20. 24. neither count I my life d. ta myselt Ejih. 5. 1. be ye followers of God as d. children Phtl. 2.120. 1 have no man so d. to me Ci^/.1.7. ye learned of Epaphras our (/.fellow-servt. 13. hath translated us into kingdom of his(/. Son 1 Thest. 2.8. our ovra souls, because ye were d.to uj DEARLY beloved. Jer. 12. 7. I have given d.b. of my soul to enemies Rom. 12.19. d. beloved, avenge not yourselves 1 Cur. 10. 14. my d. beloied, Phtl. 4.1 2 7(^.1.2. 2 t«r.7. 1. d. beloied, 12. I9. 1 Pel. 2. 11. Philem. 1. \'3U.\, unto Philemon our temporal death. [3] A separntioii of soul and body from God's fa- tour in this life, which is the stale of allunrx- generated and unrenewed yersons, who are ailh. out the light of knowledge, and the (ptickening power of grace] Luke 1, 79. T/iis is spiritual death. |3] 'J'he perpetual separation of the aholt man from God's Jkeacenty presence and glory, to be tormented J'or ever uiih the devil and hit angels, Hev.2. 11. This is the second death, or eternal death. To all these kinds of death, Adam made himself and his fiosterity liable, by trans^resiing the commandment of CUd in eating the Jaibiddenj'niil, Gen. 2. 17. [4] Some /^i- sonous deadly thing, 2 Kings 4. 40. [5] Immt nent dangers of death, 2 Cor. 11. 23. [6] Tht pestilence of contagious diseases, }vr. 15. 2. Lly the gales of death, the giave is signijitd, and 'the stale of the dead after this life. Job 38. 17- Ilave the gates of death been opened unto thee' llast thou seen, or dosi tlnm perfectly knoti, the place mud stale if the dead; the depths and b^uels of thai ear'lh. in -jihich the geneitUily oj dead men are buried; or the sex eial ways and methods of deain ; or the states and a'nditions iif men after death f And the Psalmist says, 1 hou liftest me up from the sates of death, Psal. 9. 13. Thou didst bung me back from tht brink or mouth of the gran, into which J uas ready to drop, being at near death as n man it to tht city thai it corns to the very gates of it. liy the 111 Mruments of death, dangerous and diadlit uea- pons are meant, Psal. 7. 13. Love is strong .a death. Cant. 8. 6. 'J'he spiritual lott oJ tht church to Christ 1/ siiong as death, which ovtf comes the itrongeil man, Psal. 89.48. Gen. 21. 16. let me not see the d. of the child 24. 67. Isaac was comforted after his mother's d. 25.11. after the (/. of Abraham, God blessed Isaao 27.7. that 1 may eat, and bless thee before my d, 10. that he may bless thee before bis d. Etod. 10. 17. that he may take from me this d. only A'uin. 16. 29. if these mm die common d. of all men 23. 10. let me die d. of righteous, and my last enl 35. 25. the slayec shall abide iu it uato tlHj om rf. Psat. 33.19. to deliver their soul from rf. keep alive 56.13. thou hast delivered my soul/rum rf. II6.8. 68.20. to the Lord belong the issues /rem rf. 78.50. he spared not their soul/rom rf. but gave Prov. 10. 2. righteousness delivereth /rom rf. 11.4. IIos. 13. 14. I will redeem thee/roOT rf. O death John 5.24. but is passed/ri'm rf. to life, 1 JoA«3.14. lltb. 5.7. to him that was able to save him />om rf. Jam. 5. 20. know that he shall save a iov.\ from rf. Gaits of DEATH. Job 38.17have the gates of rf. been opened to thee .' Psal. 9. 13. thou that liftcst me up from ^ates of rf. 107. 18. and thev draw near to the laies of d. Put to DEATH G«n.26.11.that toucheth this man, shall hvfmt tod. Erod. 2 1 . 29 ox stoned, his owner also l>e pitt to rf. 35. 2. whosoever work on sabbath, shall be yut to d. Let. 19. 20. shall not bepu/ tod. because not free 20. 11. both of them shall surely be fntt to rf. 24. 21. that killeth shjill be put to rf. Ai/m. 35. 30. iVu/n. 1 .51 . Leviies shall set up tabernacles, stranger l!natcometh nigh shall be ;>u< (orf.3.10,;i8. | 18.7. Du» to d. for children, nor children^; to rf. for fathers, 2 Kin^s 14. 6. /o/A. 1.1 8. rebel against thy commandm.be|m( to rf. Judg. 6. 31. ne that plcadeth for Baal hi ptu to rf. DEB Judg.ZO. 33. we may our them tod. 1 Sam. 11. 13 1 Sam. 11. 13. not a man baput to rf. 2 Sam. 19. ii 2 .S'tm. 8. 2. with two lines measured he to put to d 19. 21. shall not Shimei be put to rf. for this .' 21 . 9. were put to rf. in the days of barley-harvest 1 Ktn^s 2.8. 1 sware saying, I will not put thee to d, 24. Adonijah shall be put to rf. this day 26. but I will not at this time put thee to rf. 2 Chr. 15. 13. not seek the Lord should be put to d 23. 7. cometh into the house, shall be put to rf. Esth. 4. 11. there is one law of his to^< him to d Jer. 18.21. wives be widows, their men be put to d 26. 15. know for certain, that if ye put me to rf 19. did king and all Judah put him at all to d.t 21. king Jehoiakim sought to put Urijah to rf. 38. 4. we beseech thee, let this man be put to d. 15. Jer. said, wilt thou not surely put me to rf. .' 16. the king sware, I will not put thee to rf. 25. 43. 3. hands of Chald. that they might p«( us to d 52. 27. smote them and put them to rf. in Riblah Mat. 10. 21. childr. shall rise up ag. parents, cause them tobe put to rf. Mark 13. 12. Luke 21. 16. 14. 5. when he would put him to rf. he fear. mult. 26.59.the chief priests sought false witness against itsn%'.oput him tod. 2*. 1. Mark 14. 55. Mark 14. 1. how to take him by craft and put to rf. Luke 18. 33. they shzdl scourge and put him to rf. 23. 32. there were two malefact. led to be;iT// to d John 11. 53. they took counsel to put him to rf. 12. 10. that they might put Lazarus also to rf. 18. 31. it is not lawful for us to put any man to rf. .icts 12.19. Herod command, keepers to be ;<«/ tod. 20. 10. when they were puf /orf.Igavevoice ag.them 1 Pet. 5. \&.put /orf.in flesh, but quickened by Spirit See Surely. Shadow of DEjVTH. Job 3. 5. let darkness and the shadow of rf. stain it 10.21. to land of darkness and the thadoa of rf. 22. 12. 22. and bringeth out to light the shadow of rf. 16. 16. and on my eye-lids is the shadu:r of rf. 24. 17. morning is to them even as shadow of d. 28. 3. he searcheth out darkness and shaJox of rf. 34. 22. is no shadow of d. where sinners may hide .38.17. or ha-st thou seen doors of the shado-j. of rf. .' Psal. 23. 4. tho' I walk thro' valley nlshado-x of d. 44. 19. tho' thou hast covered us with shadu-j of rf. 10*. 10. such as sit in darkness, and shadow of d. 14. brought them out of darka. and shadau of rf. Isn. 9. 2. that dwell in the land of the shadow of rf. Jer. 2. 6. that brought us thro' land of shadow of i. 13. 16. ye look for light,he turn it into shadowof i. Amos 5. 8. turneth shtiow of rf. into the momicj Mat. 4. 16. peo. ikat sat in region and shadow of 4. Luke 1. 79- give light to them that sit iashadou^' 4, Ways of DEATH. Prov. 14. 12. the end thereof are mays of i. I6. SS. With DEATH. Isa. 28. 15. we have made a covenant with rf. 18. your covenant with rf, shall be disannulled Rev. 2. 23. and I will kill her children with rf. 6.8. and power was given to them to kill with i. Worthy of DEATH. Deut. 17- 6. that \i worthy of d. shall be put to d. 19. 6. slay him, whereas he was not worthy of d. 21. 22. a man have committed a sin worthy of d 22. 26. there is in the damsel no sin worthy If rf. 1 Aingf 2.26.said to Abiathar, thou art worthy ofd. LukeQS. 15. lo, nothing worthy of rf. is done to him ArtsC3. 2y. nothing laid to his charge worthy of d. 25. 11. if I have committed any thing worthy of d. 25. found he had committed nothing northy of d, 26. 31. this man doth nothing worthy of d. Rom. 1.32. who commit such things are worthy ofd, DEATHS. Jer.\^.i. they shall die of grievous rf. not be buried £:f^.28.8.shaltdie rf. of them that are slain in seas 10. tliou shalt die the rf. of the uncircumcised 2 Cor. 11. 23. in prisons more frequent, in rf. oft DEBASE. Isa. 57. 9- '"id didst rf. thyself even tinto hell DEBATE, Verb. Prov.QS.Q.d. thy cause with thy neighbour himself /4a.27.8.in measure, thou wilt rf.with it, he stayeth DEBATE, S. Tia. 58. 4. behold, ye fast for strife andrf.and to smite y^om.l.Cy.fuU of envy, murder, rf. deceit, malipiity 2 Cor. 12. 20. I fear lest there be rf. wrath, strife* DEBT Is what is due by one man to another, Keh. 10. 31. Sinsore by resemblance called dehls, Mat. 6. 12. As a debt obliges the debtor to payment, so sio rf»«A the sinner to punishment. And as the cre- ditor hath a right to eraet the paymmt from tht debtor, so Cod hath a right to inflict punishment on the guilty. Thus men are debtors to Ond. by trespassing against him ; and to their rui^h/ours, when thev wrong, injure, or offend them. Mat. 6. le. The apostle Paul says, Rom. 1. 14. I am a debtor both to the Qrukt and liarbariant. J am bound i^ my ofie* 10 prtaeh the gospel M DEC all nations, wheth*T more citnlized, 9f more rude. And speaking oj ttuh as looked upon circumci' Iton ai neetisari/ to their justification and sal- vation, he satfs, I testify to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law, Oal. 5. 3. lie obliges himself to Jteep the whole law, as the condition of life, and to virtually disclaims all pardon bi/ Christ. 1 Sam. il.I.ey try one that was in d. went to David tKingsi.l .he said,go,sell the oil.pay thy rf.and live V. 5. saying, I am Christ, rf.many, 11. Mark 13. 6. 24. that, if possible they shall rf. the very elect lets 5. + 3. why hath Satan filled thy heart to d..' Rom. 16. 18. by fair speech rf the hearts of simple 1 CW.3.18. let iiotnanti. himself, if any man seems I'.ph. i. 14. craftiness whereby they lie in wait to rf. 5. 6. let no maurf. you, 2 Thess. 2.3. 1 John 3 7. 1 Johnl.ii. if we say we have no sin, we rf. ourselves liev. 20. S. that he should rf. the nations no more 8. go to rf, nations in four quarters ot the earth .UECEIVABLENESS. 2 Thcss. 2. 10. and with all rf. of unrightecusness DECEIVED. Gen. 31.7. fath. hath rf.me and changed my wage.i Les. 6. 2. or if a soul sin, or hath rf. his neighbour Ueut. 11. 16. take heed that your heart be not rf. 1 tiam. 19. 17. why hast thou rf. ine so; 28. 12 2 .Sam. 19. 26. my lord, O king, my scrvani rf. me Jobli. 16. the rf. and the deceiver are his 15. 31. let not hiin that is rf truAt in vanity 31.9- if mine heart have been rf. by a woni.in 7{a.l9 13. the princes of Noph arerf. seduced Egypt 44.20. a rf.heart hoXh turned hun aside that citnngt DEC Jer. 4. 10. surely thou hast grently a. this people 20. 7. O Lord, thou h.ist rf. me, and 1 WS3 rf. 49. 16. thy terriblen.hata rf.thee and pride of hetrt Lam. 1.19. I called for my lovers, but tliey rf. mo Ezek. 14. g. if the prophet be rf. 1 have rf. him Obad^ 3. the pride of thine heart hath rf. thee 7. men that were at pecice with thee have rf. thee Luke 21. 8. he ssdd, take heed that ye be .lOt rf. JohnT. 47. the Pharisees answered, are ye alsorf.' Rom. 7.11. for sin taking occasion by coma., rf. me 1 Cor. 6. 9. be not rf. 15. 33. Gal. 6.7. 1 Tim. 2.14. Adam was not rf, but woman being rf. 27'iwi.3.13.waxworseandworse,deceiv.and being rf Tit. 3. 3. we were foolish, rf. serving divers lusts Rev, 18. 23. by thy sorceries all nations were rf. 19. 20. he rf. them that had received mark of beast 20. 10. aevii that rf. them was cast into lake of fire DECEIVER. Geyi. 27. 12. and I shall seem to my father as a rf. Job 12. 16. the deceived and the rf. are his Mai. 1.14. cursed be rf. who hath inhisf.ock a male Mat. 27.63. rememb.thatthatrf. said, after 3 days 2Ji^A» 7. confess not Jes. this is a rf.and an antichrist DECEIVERS. "iCor. C.8 by evil and good report.asrf. and yet true Tit. 1. 10. many rf. especially of the circumcision 2 John 7. for many rf. are entered into the world DECEIVETH. 2 /v'i«jjl8.t32.hearken not to Hezekiah when he d Prov. 26. 19. so is the man that rf. his neighbour John 7. 12. others said, nay, but he rf. the people Gal. 6. 3. to be something when nothing, he rf. hinis. Jam. 1.26. rf. his own heart,this man's relig. isvain Wep. 12.9. that old serpent, called the devil, which rf. 13. 14. and rf. them that dwell on the earth DECEIVING. Isa. 3. t 16. daughters of Zion rf. with their eyes 2ii»i.S.l3.evil men wax worse,rf. and being deceiv. Jam. 1.22. and not hearers only, rf. ^our own selves DECEIVINGS. 2 Pet. 2.13. sporting themselves with their own d DECENTLY. Rom. 13. 1 13. let us walk rf. asm oay, not in rioting 1 Cor. 14. 40. let all things be done rf. and in order DECIDED. 1 Kings 20. 40. the king said, thyself hast rf. it DECISION. /o«/3.14.multitudesin valley of rf. for day of T»rd DECK. Job 40. 10. rf. thyself now with majesty and excell. Jer, 10. 4. they rf. it with silver and with gold DECKED Prot/. 7. 16. 1 haverf. my bed with cover, of tapestry Isa. 63. t 1. who is this that is rf. in his apparel ! Ezek. 16. 11. I rf. thee also with ornamenis 13. thou wast thus rf. with gold aiid silver Ihs. 2. 13. and she rf. herself with her ear-rings i^«». 17.4. the woman was arrayed and rf. with gold 18. 16. alas, alas, that great city thai was rf. DECKEDST. Ezek. 16. 16. didst take garm and rf. high-places 23. 40. didst wash and rf. thyself with ornameDls DECKE.ST, ETII. /i«. 61.10. as a bridegroom rf himself with ornam. Jer.i. 30. tho' thou rf. thee with ornaments of gold DECLARE. Oen. 41. 24. there was none that could rf it to me Vent. l.b.m land of Moab began Moses to rf. this law Joj/i. 20.4. shall rf. his cause in ears of elders of city Judg. 14.12. if ye can rf.it me within the seven days 1 A ini'j22. 13. prophets rf.good to Vm^.iChr 18.12. IChron. I6. 24. rf. his glory among the heathen, his marvellous works among all nation*, Pial. 96.3. Eslh. 4. 8. to shew llie copy and rf it to lather Job 12. 8. the fishes of the sea shall rf unto thee 21. 31. who shall rf. his way to his face ? 28. 27. then did he see it, and rf it, he prepared it 31. 37. 1 would rf. to him the number of my steps 38. 4. found, ol earth, rf. if thou hast undirstandin* 18. the bre,idth ol earth, rf. it thou knowest it aU 40 7. 1 will demand of thee, rf thou to me, 42 4. Psal y. 11 rf. among the people his doings 19. 1. the heavens rf. the glory ol (;od 22.31.shall come anda.hisrichteous.50.6 | 97.^ 30. 9. shall dust praise thee, shall itrf. thy truth 40. 5. if 1 would rf..-uid speak of them.they arc more 50 16 wh:ii h.ist thou to do to rf. my statutes ■ 64 9 all men shall fcai anU rf the work of God 73 28 my trust 111 L that 1 may rf. all thy works 75 I thy name 1$ near, thy wonderous works rf. "B. 6 should ans« and rf. them to their children 102. 21. to rf. the name of the Lord m Zion 107 22. and rf. his works with rejoicing Hit 17 hut live and rf. the works ol the I^rd 145 4 one generation shall rf thy mighty acts Iccl.ij i 1 considered in my heart even to d all thl^ La 3 9. they rf their sin as Siidora, they hide not 12.4 shall ye say, rf. his doinifs among tht people Si. 6. set a watchman, let him rf what he sccttft 41 22. or let them J. :o ui things lor to com« DEC ItaAt.Q.^rtd new things do I J. before they spring 12. and let them d- his praise in the i^Iands 43. 9. who among them can d. this, and shew us 26. Aeis 8. 33 66. 19- they shall .8.toi/. to Jacob his transgression, and Israel Zech. 9. 12. even to-day do I d. that I will render Hal. 13. .16. d. unto us this parable of tares of field 15. 15 then s.iid Peter, d. unio us this parable £eti 13. 32. and we d. unto yo>i glad tidings 41. shall in no wise believe, tho' a manrf. it to you 17. 23. whom ye ignorantlyworship.him d I to you 20.27. not shunned to d. to you the counsel of (iod Rom. 3. 25. set forth to *■'•' y. 27. he d. to them how he had seen the Lord 10. 8. when he had d. all these things to them 12. 17. he rf.how L.had brought him out of prison Ifi. 4. d. all things that Goe the Son of God with power 9. 17. thai my name might be d. through the earth 1 Cor. 1 . 1 1 . for it hath been d. to me of you 2 Cof.S.S.ye are manifestly d.lo be the epistle of C. Jol. 1.8. w ho also d. to us your love in the Spirit l\€v. 10. 7 ■ the my.stery of God be finiihed a he d. DECLAKETII, ING. J:a. 41. 26. vea, there is none that d. that beareth *<>. 10. d. tLe end from the bcginiUng, and from /i.'r.4.15. a *oice d. fr:>» Dan, pablishcth afHictioD ISO DEE IIos. 4. 12. my people, their staff d. «nto them ^moj4.13.1o,he that d to man what is his thoughts Alts 15. 3. d. the conversion of the Gentiles 12. d. what miracles God hath wrought by them 1 dr. 1.\. d to you the testimony of God DECLINE. Etod. 23 C. nor speak in a cause, to d. after many Deut. 17. 11. thou shalt notrf. from the sentence /'*o/.119.157. yet do I :'.ot d. from thy testimonies Prov. 4. 5. neiiherrf. from the word of thy mouth 7. 25. let not thine hearti/.to herways.go not astray DECLINED, EJU. Jnrff. 19. ^ 8. they tarried till the day d. ' Chr. 34. 2. d. neither to the right-hand nor left Job 23. 11. his way have 1 kept and not /(. 6. 19. also they reported his good d. before me 13 14. wipe not out of my good d. that I have done Psai. 28. 4. gave them according to their d. ha. 59. 18. according to their (/. he will repay Jer 5. 28 they overpaiss the (/. of the wicked 25. 14. will recompense them according to their (J. Liiie 1 1 . 48. that ye allow the d. of your fathers 23.41. we receive the due reward of ourrf. JuAn 3. 19. loved darkness,because their (/. wereevB 20. to the light, lest hisd. should be reproved 21 that his d may be made manifest, that they 8. 41. Jesus saith, ye iothed. of your father -c'.» T. 22. Moses was mighty in word and in d. 9. 36. Dorcas was lull of alms-(/.which she did 19. 18. many confessed, and shewed their d. 24.2. seeing by thy providence wortJiy d. are done Rom 2. 6. render to every man according to his d. 3 CO. by the d. of the law shall no flesh ^ justified 28. is justified by faith without the d. of the law 8. 13 if ye mortify the d. of the body ye shall live 2 Cor. 12. 12. were wrought in signs and mighty a. Col 3. 9. ye have put off the old man with his d. 2 Pel 2.8. Lot vexed his soul with their unlawful d. 2 John 1 1 for he is partaker of his evil d. 3 John 10. 1 will remember his d. which he doth Jvde 15. to convince them of their ungodly d. Kev. 2. C. thou hatest the d. of the >i icolaitaus 22. great tribulation.exceptthey repent of their J, 16. 11. and thev repented not of their d. DEEMED. Acts 17. 27 the shipmen d. that they drew near DEEP •Signifies, [1] That tthick it a great way from iht surface to the bottom, Ezek. 32. 24. [2] Th* tea. Job 41. 31 [3] Any great and tmmhuni danger, Psal. 69. 15. [4] Strange, or uitlmou-H, Isa."'33. 19. [5] hidden, or secret. Job IS. 22. Dan. 2. 22. [6] hiconeeiiahle, or incomyrthen- sible, Psal. 92. 5. [7] Hell, Luke 8. 31. Kev. 20.3. [8] The Chaldean, or Nebuchadnezzar's army, Ezek. 26. 19- .•] -uise mans words ere compared 10 deep wafers, I'rov. 18. 4. They are full 0/ deep uisdom and prudent a^niseli. And the apostle situs, Rom. 8. 39, that neither height nor depth shall be able to seoarate us from the love of God. Neiihtr the most exalted height, a prospect of adtanet- ment in the highest slalton, nor the loniest de- gree of adversity and distress. To revolt or sin deeply, dtneitt a lonfj habit tj crimes, and obstinate course of idolatry ; »t tit* a profound and very great iniqvily, a crime thai has taken deep root in the soul by limg and inret- erate custom ; they have deeply corrupted tliemselves as in the days of Ctbeah, Kos. 9.9. T/iey have carried on their uickedness to tuei o pitch, as to imitate the ancient crimes of the in- habitants of Gibeah, which are recorded in Judg. 19. 22, SfC. And Isaiah says. Turn ye unto hitD from whom the children of Israel have deeply revolted, namely by neglecting and forsaking him, and seeking to Egypt for help, Isa. 31. 6. Gen.1.1. and darkness was upon the face of the d. 7. II. the fountains of the (/. were broken up 8. 2. the fountains also of the d. were stopped 49.25. who shall bless thee with blessings of the d. Veut. 33. 13. and for the d. that coucheth beneatb Job. ?g. 30. and the face of the d. is frozen 41.31. he makcth the d. to boil like a pc« 32. one would think the d. to be hoary Psal. 36. 6. thy judgments are a great d. 42. 7. d. callethto d. at noise of thy water-spotit* 6;l. 15. neither let the d. swallow me up 1()4.6. thou coveredst it with the d. as with gann, 107. 24. and these see his wonders in the d. Prov. 8. 28. he strengthens the fountains of the d. Isa. 44. 27. that saith to the d. be dry, 1 will dry 51. 10. thon not it which dried waters cf great «J » DEP ba. (Ji.lS. that led thpm thro' the d. as an horse Eiei. 26. 19. when I shall bring up the d. on thee 31. ■*. ihe -ts 8. 31. would not command them to go into the d. Horn. 10. 7. or who shal,l descend into the d. t 2 Cot. 11. 23. a night and day I have been in the d. DEKP, Adjective. Job 12. 22. he discovereth d. things out of darkness Psal. 64. 6. the inward thoHght and the heart isrf. 69.2. 1 sink ill d. mire, where is no standing, 1 am come into d. waters where floods overflow me 14. let me be delivered out of the (•/. 7. 12 for wisdom is a rf. and money is a rf. Jsa. 4. 5. for upon all the glory shall be a rf. 19. 6. the brooks of rf. shall be emptied and dried 33.l6.hi5 place of rf. shall be the munition of rocks Nah. 2. 5. and the rf. shall be prepared Acts 19. 33. would have made hisrf. to tlie people 22. 1. hear my rf. which I make now unto you Phil. 1.7. in my bonds and in the rf. of the gospel 17,knowing that I am set for the rf. of the gospel DEFENCED. ^uh. 11. t 2. for the rf. forest is come down Set CiTT, Cities. DEFEND. Judg. 10. 1. Tolah son of Puah arose to rf. fsrael 2 Kings 19.14. 1 will rf,city,20 6.lta.37.Si. | 38.6 121 DEP Psal. 20. 1. the name of the God of Jacob rf. thee 59. 1. rf. me from them that rise up against me 82.3. rf. the poor and fadierless, do justice to needy Isa. 31. 5. so will the Lord of hosts a. Jerusalem Zech.Q. 15 the Lord of costs shall rf. them 12.8 in that day shall Lord rf.inhabitantsof Jerus. DEFENDED. 2 5am. 23. 12. Shammah stood and d the ground Acts 7. 24. he rf. them and avenged the oppressed DEFENDEST. Ptal. S.ll.evershout for joy, because thou rf. them DEFENDING. Isa. 31. 5. rf. Jcpjs. he will deliver anrf.22.29. thou shalt not rf.tojjffer the first4"ruit3 32. 1 . the people saw that Moses rf. to come down Pittl. 119. 60. rf. not to keep thy commandmenis Mnt. 24 48. my lord rf. his coming, Luke 12. 45. Acts 9. .38. that he would not rf. to come to them DELAY, Substantive. Acti 25. 17. without anyrf.I sat on thejudgmcnt-.^e^ DELECTABLE. Isa. 44. 9. aud their rf. things shall not profit DELICACIES. Hev. 18. 3. the merchants are rich through her rf DELICATE. i)*H/. 28. 54. the rf. manor woman among you, 56. Jja.47-l.thou shalt no more be called tender and rf. Jcr. fi. 2. likened Zion to a comely andrf. woman yiic. 1 16. make thee bald for thy rf. children DELICATES. Jcr. 51. 34. he hath filled his belly with my rf. DELICATELY. 1 ia»i.]5.32. bring Agag, and Agagcamc to himrf. Prov. 29. 21. he thatrf. bringeth up his sen put Xflwi.4.5.they that did feed rf.are desolate in streets Luke',. 25. they that live rf. are in kings' courts 1 Ji«i.5.t6. she that liveth rf. is dead while she liv. DELICATENESS. htut. 28. 36. to set lier foot on the ground for rf. DELICIOUSLY. Rtv. 10.7. how she glorified herself and lived rf.'). DELIGHT, Substantive. Gen. 34. I9. .Shechem had rf in Jacob's daughter X><«f. 10.15. L. had a rf. in th.y fathers to love them 21. 14. and it shall be if thou havx; no rf. in her 1 Sam. 15. 22. hath the L. as great rf. in offerings i" 18. 22. and say, behold, the king hath rf. in thee C Sam. 15. 26. if he thus say, 1 have -jo rf. in thee Ji'i 22. 26. then shalt thou have rf. in the Almighty Psnl. 1. 2. but his rf. is in the law of the Lord 16. 3. and to the excellent, in whom is all my rf. 27. t 4. to behold the rf. of the Lord, and enquire 1 1^.24. thy testimonies also are my rf. and counsel 77. that I may live, for thy law is my rf. 174. i'/-oi'.8..30.1 was daily hisrf. rejoicing always in the 11. i. but a just weight is the Lord's rf. 20. such as are upright in their way are his rf. 12. 22. but thoy that deal truly are his rf. 15. 8. but the prayer of the upright is his rf. 16. 13. righteous lips are the ./. offings 18. 2. a fool hath no rf. in understanding 19- 10. rf. is not seemly for a fool, much less for 24. 25. but to them that rebuke him shall be rf. 29- 17. yea, he shall give rf. unto ihy soul Jrc/.K.tlO. preacher sought to find out words of rf. Cant. 2. 3. 1 sat under his shadow with great rf. Isa. 58. 2. they take rf. in approaching to God 13. if thou call the sabbath a rf. the holy of Lord 62. 1 4 thou shalt be called, my rf. is in her Jer. 6. 10. they hare no rf. in the word of the I.ord Dan. 11.+ 41. he shall enter into the land of rf. 1 45. shall plant tabernacle in the mount of rf. DELIGHT. Verb JNi««.11.8.if L. rf. in us, will bring us info this land S Sam. 24. 3. why should the king rf. in this thing .^ Job 27. 10. will he rf. himself in the Almighty? .34. 0. that he should rf. himself with (;od Psal. 22.) 8. let him deliver nim, if he rf. in him 37.4.rf. thyself also in the Lord, he shall give thee 11. the meek shall rf. in the abundance of peace 40. 8. 1 rf. to do thy will. O my God, thy law is 49.< 13. yet their po.iter tr rf. in their month j 62.4.they rf.in lieslj f'8..3,).'the people that rf.in war Isa. 1. U 1 rf. not in the blood of bullocks 55. 2. and let your soul rf. itself in fatness 58. 2. yet they seek me, and rf. to know my ways 14. then shalt thou rf. thyself in the Lord Jer. 9. 24. in these things I d saith the Lord Mai, 3. 1. messenger of the covenant whom ye rf. in Itom.T . 22. I rf. in the law of Cod after inward man DELIGHTED. 1 Sam. ig. 2. Jonathan rf. much in David 2 Sam. 22. 20. because he rf. in me, Psal. 18. 19 1 fiings 10. g. the L. who rf. in thee, 2 CAr. 9. 8 Xeh. 9'. 25, and rf. themselves in tliy great goodness ijth. 2.14. she came no more, except kingrf. in her Psal. 22. b. let him deliver him, seeing he rf. in him joy. I'J. as he rf. not in blessing, let it be far from Cant. 2.ta. I rf. and sat down under his shadow Jsa. 65. 12. did choose that wherein I rf. not, 66. 4. 66. 11. be rf. wiiL the abundance of her glory DELIGHTESr. /'j«/.5Llfi. not sacrifice, thoa rf. not in burnt-offer. DELIGHTETH. F.uh. 6. 6. whjm the king rf. to honour, 7,9. 11. Psnl. 37.23. are ordered l^y L. and he rf. in his way 112. 1. thatrf. greatly in his commandments 147. 10 he rf. not in ihe strength of the horse Prou. 3» 12. as a fatlier the son in whom he rf. /'«. 42.1. behold mine elect, in whom my soul rf. 62. 4. called Hephzi-bah, for the Lord rf. in thee 66 3. and their soul rf. in their abominations .V/c 7-18. retainetli not anger, because rf. in mercy jUM intomy hand, I will brioghim to thee i.xod. 21. 13. but God will rf. /nm into his hand Deut. 2. 30. that he might rf. him into thy hand 3. 2. I will rf. him and his people into thy hand I9.i2.rf. him into the hand of the avenger of blood 24. 13. in any case thou shalt rf. him the pledge Judg.i.' . I will draw Sisera and d.him into thy hand 1 -Sa/n. 23. 20. our part shall be to d.him into thy hand 2 Sam. 14. 7- said, rf. him that smote his brother 20. 21. rf. htm and I will depart from the city Job 33. 24. rf. him from going down to the pit Psal. 22. 8. that he would rf. him, let him rf. htm 41. 1. the Lord will rf. him in time of trouble 2. thou wilt not rf. him to the will of his eoemiet 71. 11. and take him, for there is none to rf. him yi.l4. have set his love on me. tberef.will I rf. him 15. 1 will be with him,will d.him, and honor him Prov. 19. 19. if thourf. him, thou must do it again Jer. 21. 12. rf. him that is spoiled from the oppress. £.:e<-.33.12. righteous, of righteous shall uotrf. him Dan. 6. 14. the king set his heart on Dan. torf. /.im Jonah 4. 6. might be a shadow to rf. him from grief Alat. 20. 19. and shall rf. him to Gentiles to crucify him, Mari 10 33. Luie 20. 20. Acts 21. 11. 26. 15. what will ye give, and 1 will rf. him to you 27. 43. let him rf. him now, if he will have him DELIVER me. Oen.3'2.1l.d. me I pray thee from the hand of Esau 1 Sam. 17- .?7. he will rf. me out of hand of Goliath 23 11. will fhe men of Keilah rf. me up ? 12. 24.15. the lA. be judge, andrf. m< out of thy hand 26. 24 and let him rf. me out of all tribulatiou 30. 15. nor rf. me into the hands of my master 2 6'ff«i. 3. 14. Dav. sent, saying, d.me my wife Michal 1 hiyigs 20. 5. thou shaft rf. me the silver and gold Job 6. 23. rf. me from enemies. J's. 31. 15. | 59. 3. Psnl. 7. 1. O Lord, save me from them and rf. mt 25. 20. keep my soul, and rf. me, for I trust iu thee 27. 12. rf. me not over to the will of mine enemies 31. 2. bow down thine ear to me, rf. me speedily 39. 8. rf. me from my transgressions, make me not •40. 13. be pleased to rf.mc ||70.1.makehaJle torf.m« 43. 1. O rf. me from the deceitful and unjust man 51. 14. rf. me from blood-guiltiness, O God jy. 2. rf. me from the workers of iniquity, save me 69. 14. rf.m«out of the mire, and let me not sink 18. draw nigh to my sot.l, and redeem it,rf. me 71. 2. rf. wne, O my God, out of hand of the wicked 109. 21. because thy mercy is good rf. thou mu Uy. 1.34. rf. >ne from the oppression of man 153. consider mine affliction, and rf. me 154. plead my cause, and rf. >«f, quicken me 170. rf. me according to thy word ItO. 1. d.me O Ld.from the evil man, preserve me 142. 6. rf. me from my persecutors, for they are 143. g. rf. me from mine enemies, I flee unto thee 144. 7. rid me, and rf. me out of great waters 11. rf. me from the hand of strange children Tsa. 44. 17. he saith, rf. me, for thou art my God Jcr. .38. 19. 1 am afraid of the Jens, lest they rf. me Acts 25. 11. noman may rf. me to them, I appeal tiom. 7.24. who shall rf. me from the body of death 2Tim.4.18.the Ld shall rf. we from every evil work DEL DELIVER th$t, Deut. 7 . 16. the people which the Lord shall d. thee 23. 14. Ld. waiketh in miditof thy camp to d.ihee Jude. 15. 12. to bind thee, that we may d. thee, 13. 1 Sam. 17. 46. the Lord will d. thee into mine hand 2S. 12. and the Lord said, they will d. thee up i Kin'S 18. C3. I will rf. thee two thousand horses 20. O. and I will d. thee and this city, Isa. 38. 6. Job 5. 19. he shall d. thee in six troubles, in seven 36. 18. beware, then a great ransom cannot d. thee Pt. 50. 15. I will d. thee, and thou shalt glorify me 91. 3. he shall i.thee from the snare of the fowler Proc- 2. IC.torf. M<< from the way of the evil man \6.lo d.thee from the strange woman.the stranger Xfa.57.13.when thoocriest.let thycompanies d.thee Jer. 1.8. 1 am withthee torf. /A«, 19. | 15. 20, 21. 38. 20. but .leremiah said, they shall not d. thee 39. 17. I will d. thee in that day, saith the Lord IB.Iwill surely rf.M«,thou shalt not fall bysword Euk. 21. 31. d. thee into the hand of brutish men 23. 28. I will d. thee to them whom thou hatest 25.4.1 vi'\\\djhee to men of the east for a possession 7. I will d. thee for a spoil to the heathen Van. 6.16. thy God whom thou servest will d. thee 20. is thy God able to d. thee from the lions' Hos. 11. 8. how shall I d. thee, Isr. how shall I > Mat. 5. 25. judge d.thee to the officer, Luke 12. 58. DELIVER them. Exod. 3. 8. I am come down to d. them. Acts 7. 34. Z)ew.7.2.whcnthe Lord thy God shall J.Mem, 23. Joth. 11.6. to-morrow will I d. them up all slain Judg. 11. 9- and if the Lord d. them before me 20. 28. to-morrow I will d. them into thine hand 1 &jm.l4.37.wiltthourf.rd saved them by a gi;e:it rf. i Chron. 12.7- but I will grant them some rf. t'tra g. 13. and hast given us such a rf. as this EifA. 4. 14. then sball there rf. arise to the Jew* 1>3 DEL Psal. 18.50.great J. givetb he to his king, to David 32.7. thou ihalt compass me about with songs of rf. Zf«. 26.18. we have not wrought any rf. in the earth Joel 2. 32. in Zion and in Jerusalem shall be rf. Oiad. 17. but upon mount Zion shall be rf. Luke 4. 18. he sent me to preach rf. to the captives Heb. 11. 35. others were tortured, not accepting rf. DELIVERANCES. Pio/.44.4.thouartmy King, command rf. for Jacob DELIVERED. (Jen. 9.2. on every beast, into your hand are they rf. 14. 20. God who rf. thine enemies into thy hand 25. 24. when her days to be rf. were fulfilled Erod. 1.19. are d. ere the midwives come to them 5. 23. neither hast thou rf. thy people at all 12. 27. he smote the Egyptians, and rf. our houses 18. 10. who hath rf. people from under Egypt Vent. 2. .36. the Lord our God rf. all unto us 3. 3. God rf. into our hands the king of Bashan 9. 10. the Lord rf. unto me two tables of stone 31. 9. and Moses rf. the law unto the priests Jorf.21.44.the Ld. rf. their enemies into their hand Judg. 1. 4. herf. the Canaanites into their hand 3. 31. after him was Shamgar, he also rf. Israel 5. 11. they that are rf. from the noise of archers 8.7. when L. hath rf. Zebah and Zalmunna 11. 21. the Lordrf. Sihon into the hand of Israel 16. 23. our god hath rf. Samson our enemy, 24. 1 Sam. 4. 19. Phinehas' wife was near to be rf. 17. 35. I smote him and rf. it out of his mouth 30. 23. who rf. the company that came against us 2 Sam. 21. 6. let seven of Saul's sons be rf. to us 1 Kings 3. 17. and T was rf. of child with her 18. third day after I was rf. this woman was rf. 2 Kings 19. 11. and shalt thou be rf. f Isa. 37. 11. 1 Chr. 11. 14. rf. that parcel and slew Philistines 16. 7. then on that day David rf. this psulm 2 Chr. 23. 9. Jehoiada rf. to the captains shields 34. 9. they rf. money was brought into house of G. 15. and Hilkiah rf. the book to Shaphan Ezra 5. 14. the vessels were rf. to Sheshbazzar 8. 36. and they rf. the king's commissions Jvba. 30. it is rf. by the pureness of thine bandj 23. 7. soshould I be rf. for tver from my judge 29.i2.becauselrf.the poor that cried, and fatherless Psal. 22. 5. they cried to thee, and were rf. 33. 16. a mighty man is not rf. by much strength 55. 18. he hath rf. my soul in peace from battle 56.13.hastrf. my soul' from death, 86. 13. I IIS.8. 60. 5. that thy beloved may be rf. 108. o. 69. 14. let me be rf. from them that hate me 78. 61. fsnd rf. his strength into captivity Prov. 11. 8. the righteous is rf. out of trouble 9- but through knowledce shall the just be rf. 21. but the seed of the righteous shall be rf. 28. 26. but whoso waiketh wisely shall be rf. Ecct.{). 15. poor wise man by wisdom he rf. the city Isa. 20.6. forhelptobe rf. from the king of Assyria 29. 12. the book is rf. to him that is not learned 36. 19. and have theyrf. Samaria out of my hand .' 38. 17. thou hast rf. it from the pit of corruption 49. 24. or shall the lawful captive be rf. .' 25. and the prey of the terrible shall be rf. 66. 7. before fain came, she was rf. of a man-child Jer. 7. 10. \;e are rf. to do all these abominations CO. 13. for he hath rf. the soul of the poor 32. 16. now when 1 had rf. the evidence to Baruch Ezek. 3. 19. but thou hast rf. thy soul, 21. | 33.9. 14. 16. as I live, they only shall be rf. 18. 17- 15. or shall he break the covenant and be rf. .' 31. 14. for they are all rf. unto death to the earth .32.20. she is rf. to the sword, draw her mtdtitudcs Dan. 3. 28. and rf. his servants that trusted in him 6. 27. v.ho rf. Daniel from the power of the lions 12. I. at that time thy people shall be rf. Joel 2. 32. shall call on name of the I^rd shall be rf. /Imos 9. 1. and he that escapeth shall not be rf. Mic. 4. 10. go to Babylon, there shalt thou be rf. Ilab. C. 9. that he may be rf. from the power of evil /1/a/. 3. 15. yea, they that tempt God are even rf. AJat.i 1.27. all things are rf. to me of my Father, no man knoweth Son but the Father, Luke 10. 22 27. 58. Pilate commanded the body to be rf. Mark 7 • 13. thro' your tradition which ye have rf. 10.33.tbeSonofnian shall be rf. to the chief priests 15. 15. released Barabbas,and d.}es\\s,Lnke 23. Luke 1. 57. time came that she should be rf. 2. 6. 4. 6. that is rf. to me, and to whom 1 will, 1 give it 17. there was rf. to him the book of Esaias 9. 44. Son of man shall be rf. into hands of men 12. 58. give diligenfc that thou maycst be rf. 18. 32. for he shall be rf. unto the Gentiles John 16. 21. but as soon as.nhc isrf. of the child 18. 36. that I should not be rf. to the Jews Ai-ts 2. 23. him being rf. by the counsel of God 15. 30. Judas and Silas carne to Ant. and rf. epistle 23. 33. and they rf. the epistle to the governor 27. 1. they rf. Paul to one Julius, a centurion 28. 17. yet was I rf. prisoner from Jerusalem Horn. 4.S5. was «. for our offences and im^cdagain DEL i?i»n.7.0^owwearerf from the law.ihstbeine dead 8.21. the creature itself shah be rf.fram corru(l:on 15. 31. I may be rf. from thsm that do noi briievo 2 Cor. 4.11. are alway rf. to death for i^'^'J»' i.ike 2 Thess. 3. 2. we may be rf. from unreasoiial'l'' men 1 Tim. 1.50. whom I have rf.to Satan, that they I'arii 2 Tim. 4. 17. I was rf. out of the mouth of iiie lion Heb. 11. 11. by faith Sarah was rf. of a child 2 Pet. 2. 7- and rf. just Lot, vexed with the filihy 21. to turn from the commandment rf. to them JudeS. for the faith which was once rf. to the saiuU Jiev. 12. 2. travailing in birth, and pained to be rf. 4. before the woman which was ready to be rf. See Hand, IUnds. DELIVERED Aim. Gen. 37. 21. Reuben rf. him out of their hand.s Lev. 6. 2. in that which was rf. him to keep, 4. Deut. 2. 33. the Lord our God rf. Aim before us 1 Kings 13.26.therefore the Lord d.him to the lion 17. 23. and Elijah rf. him unto his mother Psal. 7. 4. yea, I have rf. him that is mine enemy Mat. 18. 34. the Lord rf. him to the tormenters 27. 2. and rf. him to Pontius Pilate, Mark 15. 1. 18. that for envy they had d.him, Mark 15. 10. 26. he rf. him to be crucified, John 19. 16. LukeT. 15. and Jesus rf. him to his mother 9.42. Jesus healed the child and d.him to hisfathef 24. 20. how our rulers rf. him to be condemned Joh7t 18. 30. we would not have rf. him to thee Aclsl. 10. God rf. him out of all his afflictions 12.4. Herod d.him to four quaternions of soldieri DELIVERED me. Eiod. 18. 4. God rf. me from the sword of PharaoU Judg. 12. 3. and when I saw that ye rf. me not 1 Sam. 17.37. the Lord that rf. me from the lion 2 Sam. 22. 18. he rf. me from my strong enemies 20. he d.me because delighted in me, Pxfl/.18.19. 49. thou hast d.me from violent man, /'j(i/.18.48. 2 Kitip 22.10.nilkiah the priest hath rf. me 3. book Job lb. 11. God hath rf. me to the ungodly Psal. 18. 17. he rf. me from my strong enemifs 43. hast rf. me from the strivings of the people 34. 4. the Lord heard and rf. me from all my fear* 54. 7. for he hath rf. me out of all trouble John 19. 11. he that rf. me to thee hath greater sia 2 Tim. 3. 11. but out of them all the Lord rf. m4 DELIVERED thee. 1 Sam. 24. 10. the Lord rf. thee to-day into mj- hand 2 Sam. 12. ~. and I rf. thee out of the handot Siul Psal. 81. 7. thou calledst in trouble, and I d.thee Ezek. 1(5. 27. I rf. f/jce to will of them that hate tbe« John 18. 35. the chief priests rf. t/iee unto me DELIVERED them. Eiod. 18. 8. Moses told how the Lord rf. them Pent. 5. 22. in tables of stone, and rf. them to mo Judg. 3. 9. Lord raised up a deliverer, who rf. them 2 Kings 19. 12. gods of nations rf. them, Isa.ST. 12. 2 C7ir.29.8.hath rf. r/i«/.35.10.whorf. poor from him that spoileth him Mic. 6. 14. what thou rf. will I give up to the sword Mat. 25. 20. I^rd, thou rf. unto nic five talent" 22. and said. Lord, thou rf. unto me two talents DELIVERER. Jiid:. 3. 9. the Lord raised np a rf. to Israel, 15. 18. 28. there was no rf. S Sam. 14. t 6. Pial. 7.»2. S .Sum. 22.2. the Lord is my rock and rf. Ptal. 18.i Psal. 40. 17- thou art my help aod mj d, 70. 6. DEN Psal. 144.S. my fortress, my hign tower, and my <} J AcU 1. 35. the same did Ood send to be a rf. Horn il. U!6. there shall come out of Sioo the J. DELIVEREIH. lob "56. 15. he i. the poor in his affliction, opens cars J'lal. 18. 48. he d. me from mine enemies 34 7. about them that fear him, and d. them 17. the Lord d. them out of all their troubles, 19. 97. 10. he d. them out of the hand of the wicked 141. 10. who d. David from the hurtful sword Prov. 10. 0. rishteousness d. from death, 11. 4. 14. 25. a true witness d. souls, but a deceitful ,31. 24. and she d. girdles unto the merchant Jfa. 42. 22. they are for a prey, and none d. Dan. 6. 27. God !>(? 22.5*. Ju//H IH. 25.2*. l.ukeO. 45. when all rf. that ihey touched him 12. 9. who denies shall berf.before the angels of G. J<'/.nl.20. John confessed, and rf.not.I am not Christ 13. 38. shall not crow, till ihou hasirf. me thrice Acts 3. 13. whom ye rf. in the presence of I'ilaie 14. but ye rf. the holy One and the just 1 Tim. 5. 8. he hath rf. the faith, and is worse than yf«r. 2. 13. boldest fast my name, and notrf.my faith 3. 8. hast kept my word, and hast notrf. my name DENIETII, ING. Luke 12. 9- l>ut he that rf. me before men, be ienied t Tim. 3.5. having a form of godliness, but rf. power Til. 2.1c. teaching us, that rf. ungodliness and lusts 2 / >/. 2 . 1 . even rf. the Lord that bought them 1 John 2. 22. is a liar, that rf. Jesus is Christ 03. who rf. the Son, the same hath not the Father JuJi 4. rf.the only Lord God, and cm XjnA Jesus 124 DKP DENOUNCE. I>^u«. 3.1.18. 1 rf.inisday.that ye shall surelyperish DEPART. Gen. 13. y. if thou rf. to the nght.hand. I will go Etod. 18. 27 Moses let his father-in-law rf. 33. 1. rf. thou and the people thou hast brought up jVum. 10.30. I will rf. to mine own land and kindred Deiii.g. 7 from the day thou didst rf. out of Egypt y<«A.24.28.so Joshua let the peoplerf.to inheritance Judg. ig. 5. the Levite rose up to rf. 7. 8,9. 1 ^m. 22.5. and God said, abide not in the hold, rf. 29. 10. as soon as ye be up and have light, a. 1 1 . David and his men rose up to rf. in the mom. 30. 22. that they may lead them away and rf. iivim. 11. 12. and to-morrow I will let tliee rf. 15 14. make speed to rf. lest he overtake us 1 Kings 12.5. rf. for three days, then come ag. to me Job 20. 28. the increase of his house shall rf. J.'a. 11. 13. the envy also of Ephraim shall rf. 52.11. rf. ye, rf. ye, go out from thence, iam.4.15. 5t. 10. for the mountains shall rf. and the hills Jer. 50. 3. they shall rf. both man and beast il/iV. 2. 10. arise ye, and rf. this is not your rest Zeeh. 10. 11. the sceptre of Egypt shall rf. away AIai.S.3i. would rf. out of their coasts, Mark 5.1'. 10.14. when ye rf. out of that house or city, shake off the dost of your feet, Mark 6. 1 1. Luke 9. 4. Luke 2. 29. now lettest thou thy servant rf. in peace 13. 31. rf. hence, for Herod will kill thee 21. 21. let them which are in the midst rf. out of il Jo/iH 7. 3. they said rf. hence and go into Judea 13.1. when Jesus knew he should rf. out of world ifi. 7. but if I rf. I will send him unto you Acts 16. 36. now therefore rf. and go in peace 39. and desired them to rf. out of the cily 20.7. Paul preach, to (hem ready to rf. on morrow 22.21. rf. for I will send thee to the Gentiles 25. 4. that he himself would rf. shortly there 27. 12. the more part advised to rf. ihence also 1 Cor. 7. 11. but if she rf. let her remain unmarried 15. but if the unbelieving rf. let him rf. PAil. 1. 23. a desire to rf. and to be with Christ Jam. 2. 16. say to them, rf. in peace, be ye clothed DEPART /ram. Lxod. S. 1 1 . and the frogs shall rf. from thee 29. that the swarms of flies may rf./rom Pharaoh 21 .22. hurt a woman, so that her fruit rf. from her f.^!'. 25. 41. and then shall he d.from thee yum. 16. 26. d.from the tents of these wicked men Dent. 4. 9. take heed, lest they rf. from thy heart Jud;.'.3. who is fearful, let him rf. yVcm Gilead 1 irim. 15. fi. rf. /rum the Amalekites, lest I destroy 2 6em. 12. 10. the sword shall never rf/rem thy house 20 21. deliver Sheba, and I will d.j'rom the city 1 A'lHfv 15.19. that he may rf./roni me, 2 C/ir.lti.3. 2 Ckr. 18. 31. and God moved iheni to rf. from him Job 21. U. they say to God, d.from us, 22. 17. 28. 28. and to d.from evil is understanding Psal. 0.8. d from me, all ve workers of iniquity, .Va/. 7. 23. Luke 13.27. 34. 14. rf. from evil, and do good, .37- 27. 101.4. a f'roward heart shall d.from me 119- 115. rf. /rom me, ye evil doers, for I will keep 139. 19. d.from me therefore, ye bloody men Prov. 3. 7. fear the Lord, and d. from evil 13 14. to rf. /rum the snares of death, 14.27. 19. but it is abomination to fools to d.from evil 15. 24. that he may rf. /rimihcll beneath 16. 6. by the fear of the Lord men d. from evil 17. the highway of the upright is to rf. from evil /'(7. 14. 25. his burden d.from off iheir snoulders Jer. 6. 8. be instructed, lest my soul rf. frvm thee 17.13. thatrf./niin me shall be written in the earth 31 .36. if those ordinances d. from before me .37. 9- t^e Chaldeans shall surely rf. from us Lick. )6. 42. my jealousy shall d.from thee llos. 9- 12. woe also to tliem when I rf. from them .Va».25.41 .d.from me ye cursed, intoeverlasiing fire Mark 6. 10. there abide, till ye rf. from that place Luke 5.8. d.from me,for I aui a sinful man, O Lord 8. .37. Gadarencs besought him to d.from them Acts 1. 4. that they should not d. from Jerusalem 18. 2. commanded all the Jews to d. from Rome 1 Cor. 7. 10. let not the wife d.from her husband 2C.>r.l2.8.1 besought Lord that it might rf./rimi me 1 7tm.4.1.in latter times some shall d.from the faith 2 Tim. 2. 19. that nameth Christ d.from iniquity Aw DEPARf. Oen. 49. 10. the sceptre shall net rf. from Judah Joih. 1.8. this book of the law shall not rf. meditate Juig. 6. 18. rf. not hence, I prav lhe«, till I come 2.S(rf. from thine eyes, 4, 21. !>. 7. hear me, and rf. not from words of my mouth , 17.13.«Til fn» food, tvil shall n»t rf.from lu» hous* DEP Proi. jC. 6. when he is old he will not d. from 27. 22. yet will not his foolishness rf. from hin; Jst. 54. 10. but my kindness shall not rf. from thee 59.21. my COY. my Spirit, and words, shall not d Jer.32.40.put my fear,that they shall not rf.from me 37. 0. the Chaldeans, for they shall not rf. Mai. 14. 16. thev need not rf. give ye them to eat Luke 4. 42. stayed him, that should not rf.from then 12.59. ihoislislt n/rf. thence, till thou hast paid DEPARIED. Gen. 12. 4. so Abraham rf. as the Lord had spoken 14. 12. they took Lot and rf. |j21.14. Hagarrf. 24.10. Eliezer rf.H 26.17. Isaac rf.| 31 .55. Labon A 37. 17. and the man said, they are rf. hence 42. 26. they laded their asses with com and d. 45. 24. he sent his brethren away, and they rf. Num. 12. 9. anger of the L. was kindled, and he d- 22. 7. and the elders of Moab and Midian rf. Josh. 2. 21. she sent the spies away, and they rf Judg. g. 55. rf. every man to his place,8'Siim.6.19. 18. 7. then the five men rf. and came to Laish, 21 19. 10. the Leviterf. |121. 24. Israel rf. thence 1 Sam. 6. 6. did they not let Israel go, and they rf' 20.42. David rf. 22. 1.5. 112 Aam. 12 15.soNath.rf. 2 Sam. 19.24. nor washed from the day the king rf, 1 Kings 12. 5. and the people rf. 2 Chron. 10. 5. 14. 17. and Jeroboam's wife arose and rf. to Tiraa 19. 19. Elijah rf. and found Elisha, 2 Ktnes 1. 4 20. 9. the messengers rf. and brought word agaic 38. so the prophet rf. and waited for the king 2 A'i«!;.f5.5.Naam.rf.|| 10.12. Jehu arose and rf. 15. 19. .'(i. so Sennacherib rf. and went, Isa. 37. 37. I C/ir. 16. 43. all people rf. every man to his house 21. 4. wherefore Joabrf. and went through Israel : CliT. CI. 20. Jehoram rf. without being desired Psal. 105. 38. Egypt was glad when they rf. ha. 38. 12. mine age is rf. and removed from me y Phil. 15. for perhaps he therefore rf. for a season Rev. 6. 14. and the heaven rf. as a scroll rolled DEPARTED /rtfm. Gen. 26.31 they arose and rf. from Isaac in peace 31. 40. iImis was I, my sleep d.from mine eyes Ejod. 19. 2. they were rf./. Rephidim, A'Kin.33.15. .35. 20. all Israel d.from the presence of Moses Lei'. 13. 58. if the plague be d.from ihem, then -Viim. 10 33. they d.from the mount of the Lord 12. 10 the cloud d.from off the tabernacle 14. 9- their defence is d.from them, fear not 3.3. 3. they d.from Kameses | 6. d.from Siiccolh 8. d.from Pi-hairoth || 13. d.from Dophkah All their dejmrturei set down to verse 49 Dent. I 19. andwhen werf./;v«i lloreb, we went Judg. 16. 20. he wist not that Lord wasrf./. him 1 Sam.i.ll. saying, the glory is d.from Israel, 22. 10. 2. when thou art d.from Die, ihou shalt find 15. 0. Kenites rf. from among ihe Amalekites lO. 14. the .Spirit o'f llie Lord d.from Saul, 18. 1£. 23. was refreshed, and the evil Spirit d.from him 28. 15. God is d.from me, and answereth menat 16. ask of me, seeing ihe Lord is d.from thee 1 Kings 20. 36. as soon as lliou art rf. froiH me 2 Kings 3.27. they rf. />i>m him to their own lao 5. 19. so he d. from Elisha a liiile way, 8. 14. 19. 8. Sennacherib d.from Lachish, Ita. 37. 8. 2 Chron. 24. 25. and when they were rf. from hits /."tr«,8. 31. then we d.from ihe river Ahara Psat. 18.21. and have not wickedly rf./rom my O /ifl. 7- 17. from the day that Ephraim rf. from Jod. Jer. 29.2. and the smiths were d.from Jenisaleai 37.5. the Chaldeans heard they rf./rffm Jerusalem f.'tfi. 6.9. their whorish heart which uath d.from me 10. 18. the glory of the Lord rf./rom the threshold Van. 4. 31. O king, ihe kingdom is d. frtm thee llos. 10. 5. for the glory of Samaria is rf fiom i t Mat. 15. 29. and Jesus d.from thence, and came 19. 1. had finishedthesesayings,herf./ro« Galilee S0.29.asthey rf.from Jericlio,a multitude follo'nvd S4 1, Jesu« went oat wA rf. froia the temvle DEP Mint. S3. 8. they i qaickly/rom the sepulchre ilaik 1. 42. the leprosy il. frnm him, Luke 5. 13 Lukt I. .IB. and the angel d. from .Mary 4. 13. the devil d.Jrom hiin for .1 ieason 9. 33. as they d. Jyom him, I'cter said to Jesus Ads 5.41. they J. from the presence of the council IS. 10 and ."onhwith the angel d.jrom h 13. 14. they came when ihey had d. from I'erga 15. 3^1. John d.jrom them from Pamphylia 17 -TJ. Paul i>»/ them, 18.1. | I9.9. PhUA.Vo 19.1 S.diseases d.from thcm.aixl evil spir. went out lUiAti. 14. and the fruits that thy soul lusted after are d.from thee, and all things dainty arc i>iii the sins of Jeroboam, who made Israel to sin, to wit, golden calves, 31. I 13. 6, n.'l 14.24. 1 15.9, 18. I 17.22. IK. o. llezekiah d. hoi from following the Lord 2C/;,-. 8.15. d. no/ /ro«i commandment of the king 20. 32. Jehoshaphat rf. uot from the way of Asa 34. 33. they d. iwt j'rom following the Lord Keli. 9. 19. the cloud d. not Jrom them by day Vtut. 119. IOC. 1 have «iX d.from thy judguients Lukel.'i'. Anuarf. Tta\.from the temp. but servedG. DEPAIITED out. Ceil. 12.4. was75 years old whenherf. on/of Ilaran Deul. 24. 2. and when she is d. out of his house Judg. 6. 21. angel of the Lord d. out of his sight 17.8. the Levite d. out of Beth-lehem-Judah 1 Ham: 23. 13. David and his men d. out of Keilah 2 ■'tiam. 11.8. and Uriah d. out of the king's house Hal.Q.S. ye are rf. out of the way, ye have corrupt. Alat. 17. 18. rebuked the devil, and he d. out 01 hiiu DEPARTED uot 01,1. Exod. 33. 11. Joshua d. not out of the tabernacle A'lun. 14.44. the ark and Mos. rf. ;io<«h/ of the camp DEPARTEIH. Joi 27 21 . the wind carrieth him away, and he rf. Prov. Il.t22. so is a fair worn, who rf.from discret. J4. 16. a wise man feareth, and rf. from evil £cc/. 6.4. he Cometh in with vanity, and rf. in dark. /ja.,'59.15. he that rf. from evil maketh hiais. a prey y?r.3.20. as a wife treacherously rf. from her husb. 17- 5. cursed be the man whose heart rf. from L. A'o/i. 3. 1. woe to the bloody city, the prey rf. not ijiiie 9. 39. and bruising him. hardly rf. from him DEPAKllNG. Coj.35.18 ashersoul wasin rf. she called his name £rod. 16. 1. after their rf. out of the land of Iv^ypt Js/i. 59. 13. in lying and rf. away from our CJod JJnn.g.S.we havesinned.by rf.from thy precepts,! 1 . Jlos, 1. 2. have committed whoredom rf. from Lord AJari 6. .33. the people saw them rf. and knew him 7- 31. and rf. from the coast of Tyre and Sidon Arts \3. 13. John rf. from them, returned to Jems. 20. 29. I know after my rf. shall wolves enter in Hei. 3. 12. an evil heart, in rf. from the living God 11. 22. Joseph made mention of the rf. of Israel DEPAIMUUE. Etei. 96, 18. the isles shall be troubled at thy rf. 8 Tim. 4. (i. and the time of my rf. is at hand DEPEND. Jet 22. -t 2. doth his good success rf. thereon DEPO.SED. Dan. 5. 20. lie wasrf. from his kingly throne DEPRIVED. Oeu. 27. 45. why should I be rf. of both in one day ? Joi 39. 17- because God hath rf. her of wisdom Jsa. 38. 10. I am rf. of the residue of my years DEPRIVING. Ptal.35.il". me evil for good, to the rf. of my tout DEPTH. Jot 28. 14. the rf. saith it is no< in me, and sea saith 38. ifi. or hast thou walked in search ot the rf. ? Pial. 33. 7. he layeth up the rf. i" store-houses 69. t 2. 1 sink m the mire of rf. where there is no Piot'.ti. 27. when he set a compass on face of the rf. 25. 3. heaven for height, and the earth for rf. /ja . 7 . 1 1 ' ask it either in the rf. or in the height Jtnah 2. 5. the rf.rlosed me round about.weeds wrapt A/«/. 18.0. better he were drowned in the rf.ofihe sea Alark 4. 5. because ;l had norf. of earth.it withered Rtm. 8. 39. norrf. separate us from the love of CJod 11. 33. <) therf. of the riches both of the wisdom Efh. 3. 18. what is breadth and rf. of love of Christ DEPTHS. Etod. 15.5. the rf. hare covered them, they sank 8. the i were congealed in the heart of the sea r>tnt. 8.7 the rf. thcrt spring out of valleys and hills I'utl. 68. 22. bring my people from the rf. of the sea 71 . 20. shall bring me up from the rf. of ihe earth 77.l6.the waters were afraid, therf. were troubled 78. 15.be gave them drink as out of the great rf. 106. 9. he led them thro' the rf. astliro* wilderness 107. 26. they motintnp, they go down again torf. 130.1. oat oftberf. have 1 cried to thee.O Lord Prov. S. SO. ly hii knowledge the rf. are broken up e. S4. when tbcrt werf so rf. 1 wa» bronght funh 136 DES Prer.9.18. and that her guests are in the rf. of hell Ua. 51 . 10. that halh made the rf. of the sea a way Lz.ek. 27. 34. thou shalt be broken iu rf. of waters .1/if. 7. 19. will cast their sins into the rf.ofihe sea liet>. S. 24. which have not known the rf. of Satan DEPUTED. 2 &j«i. 15. S. but there is no man rf. of the king DEPUTV. 1 Kiu;s 22. 47. was no king in Edom, a rf. was king .J<7J 13.7. fc sorcerer Barjesuswho was with therf. 8. seeking to turn away the rf. from the faith li!. 12. and when Gallio was the rf. of Achaia DEPUTIES. £jM.8.9.it was written to rf.and rulers of provinces 9. 3. and the rf. and officers helped the Jews ^IctJ 19.38. there are rf.let them implead one another DERIDE. //«/;. 1.10. they shall rf.every strong hoM.heap dust DERIDED. Luke 16. 14. Pharisees heard these things, and rf.him 23. 35. the rulers also with the people rf. him DERISION. Jul 30. 1. that are younger than I, have me in rf. /^i/>/. 2.4. the Lord shall have ihem in rf. 44 . 13. a rf. to them that are round about us, 79. 4 59. 8. thou shall have all the heathen in rf. 119. 51. the proud have had me greatly in rf. Jer. 20. 7. 1 am i^ rf. daily || 8. was made a rf. daily 4«. 26. and Moab also shall be in rf. 39. 27. for was not Israel a rf. unto the'; > Lam. 3.14. I was a rf. to my people and song all day £:elc. 23. 32. thou shalt drink and be glad in rf. 36. 4. to cities which became a rf. to the heathen iyDi.7.16. this shall be their rf. in the land of Egypt DESCEND. Xuin. 34. 11. the border shall rf. and reach to sea 1 isam. 26. 10. he shall rf. into battle and perish Psa/. 49. 17. his glory shall not rf. after him 60. 1 10. thou causest rain rf. into the furrows 104. + 8. the mountains to ascend.the valleys rf. 10. Etei. 26. 20. with them that rf. into the pit,'31. 16. Mnri 15. .32. let Christ rf. now from the cross .■Ids 11.5.1 saw vision, certain vessel rf. great sheet i^aw. 10. 7. or who shall rf. into the deep ? 1 'J'/iess.i. 16. Ld. shall rf. from heaven with a shout DESCENDED. Eiod. ig. IB. because the Lord rf. on Sinai in fire .33. 9. the cloudy pillar rf. || ,34. 5. rf. in a cloud Dent. g. 21. the brook that rf. out of the mount Jos/i. 2. 23. so the two nien rf. from the mountain Psa!. 133. 3. as dew that rf. on mountains of Zion Prov. 30. 4. who hath ascended up to heaven, or rf..' Mat. 7. 25. the rain rf. and the Hoods came, 27. 28. 2. for the angel of the Lord rf. from heaven Licit 3. 22. the Holy Ghost rf. in a bodily shape ylcis 24.1. Ananias the high-priest rf.wiih the elders Efi/i. 4. iO. he Ihat rf. is the same that asceiided DESCENDETII. Ja»;.3.15.lhiswis4lom rf.not from above.but sensual DESCENDING. Gfn.28.12.top of ladder reached to heaven.and the angels of God ascending and rf. Ju/nt 1. 51. Tsut lusted uid tempted God in the rf. 7j/i.l3.21.but wild beasts of rf. ./<7<-*, .Mat. 14. 15. Luke 9. IS. Ljike 9. 10. he went aside nrivately into a rf. ylaet Di:.SERTS. /fa.48.21 . thirsted not when he led them through A Jer. 2. 6. the Lord that led us through a land of rf. 5. t 6. a wolf of the rf. shall spoil ihetn Ezek. 13. 4. thy prophets are like foxes iu the rf. Lukel.ao. John was in therf. till his shewing lolsr. lUi. 11. 38. they wandered in rf. and in mountainj DESERT. Pfn/.28.4.after work of hands, render them their rf. DESERTS. Exek. 7,27. according to their rf. will I judge them DESERVE. Ezra 9.13. hast punished less than our iniquities rf. DESERVETH. JoS 11.0. God cxacteth less thhn thy iniquity rf DESERVING. Jud^. 9,lf).done tohim according torf. of his hands DESIRE Signifies, [1] Longing, or aishing, 1 Sam. 23. 2&. [2] 'J'/ie prayer, requtit, or longing of tke soul, for some spiritual, or iodily good iltin;s, uhereal it feels a 7iaut, Psal. 145. I9. [3] L,ive, oraf J'ection, Cant. 7. 10. Dan. 11. 37. [4] Hopt or expectation, 1 Sam. 9. 20. [5] An ineltmi. lion to, or delight in tin pleasures of life, Eccl 12.5. [6] Autfe, called tbe desire of the eyes, Ezek. 24. 16. [7] Sinful lusts and afftc- liam, liph. 2. 3. Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee, Gen. 3. 16. 'J'/iy deures, or re- ijuesls shall be referred, or submiiied 10 ihy hu*- baud's will and pleasure, 10 grant, or deny them, as he sees fit. Thou shall be obliged to Such a tubjeclioH, as shall be many limes trgatust thy •.i'ill, and be uneasy to ihet. Gen. 3. t 6. saw that the iree was a rf. to the eyes l6.lhy rf. shall be to thy husband, he shall rule 4. 7. to thee shall be his rf. thou shall rule over liim Dunt. 18. 6. and come with all the rf. of his mind 21. 11. and hast arf. to her, to have her to wife 1 6'(7(H.9. 20. a»il on whom is all therf. of Israel • 23.20. come down accord, to all the rf. of thy sou! 2 Ham. 23.5. this is all iny salvation, and all my rf. 1 Kings 5. 8. 1 will do all thy rf. concerning timber 9. thou shalt accomplish my rf. in giving food 10. according to all Solomon's rf. 9. II. 9.1. Solomon had finished building, and all his rf. f 19. the rf. of Solomon which he desired 10.13. king Solomon gave to the queen of Slieba all herrf. whatsoever she asked, 2 Chron. 9. 12. 2 Chron. 15. 15. and sought him with their whole rf 21. i 20. Jehoram departed without rf. 32. <27. he made treasures for instruments of J 3(1.+ la he look the vessels ofrf. to Babylon Job 9. 1 26. my days are passed aw.-»y as .ships of 14. 15. thou will have a rf. to work of thine hand.-* 31. 16. if 1 have withheld the poor from tbeir^ 35. my rf. is that the Almighty would answenno 33. t 20. so that his soul abhorreth meat of rf. 34. 36. my rf. is that Job may be tried to the end I'ial. 10. 3. the wicked bo.-»5inh of his heart's rf. 17. Lord, thou hasiheanl ihe rf. of the humble 21 2. thou hast given his heart's rf. nol withheld 38. 9. Lord, all my rf.is before iliee, my groan. 54.7 .eye bath seen his rf. on mine enemies, 92. II 59. lO.Gnd shall let me see my rf.on mine enemies 7«. 29. were filled, for he gave ihem their own rf. 92. 1 1 . mine ears shall hear my rf. of the wickeil 106. 124. yea, ihey despised a land of rf. 112. 8. nol afraid, till he see hisrf. on his enemies 10. ihe rf. of the wicked shall perish 1 l8.7.therefore shall 1 .see my rf.on them hate me 145. 16. ih«a saiisfiesl therf. of every livingthiiip 19. he will fulfil the rf. of ihem that feai him Pror. 10. 24. the rf. of righteous shall be granted II. S3, the rf. of the righteous is only food 13. IS. but when rf. cometh, it is a tree of lila 19. the rf. accomplished i> sweet to the soal 19. SS. tbe rf. oX • maa ia his fcindmn DES Pnt. 11 . %5. the ^. of the slothful killeui htm £e*/.6.9.the si?ht of the eyes than wandering of rf. 12.5. J. shall fail, because man goeth to long home Cam. 7. 10. my beloved's, and his rf. is toward me Jja.S. +10. the day of the Lord on all pictures of irf is rf. because of his anger 32. 43. in this lend whereof ye say it is rf. 50. 3. a nation which shall make her land d. Eiek. 6. 14. and make the landd. yea more rf. 12. 19. her /anrf may berf. from all that isthcreiQ 20. the cities laid waste, and the lajid shall be rf. 14. 16. but the land shall be rf. Mic. 7. 13. 15. 8. and I will maxe the landd. saith the Lord 19. 7. the land was rf. and the fulness thereof 29.0. the land of Eg^-pt shall be rf. they shall know "that I am the "Lord, 10. 12. | 30. 7. 1 32. 15. 33. 28. for 1 will lay the /anrfmost rf. pomp cease 29. that I am L.when I have laid the /«nrf most rf. 36. 34. the d.land shall be tilled, whereas it lay rf. 35. the land that was rf. is like the garden of Eden Joel 2. 20. I will drive him to a land barren and rf. 2fc/i.7. 14. /anrf was rf. for they laid pleasant landd, DESOLATE places. Job 3. 14. which built rf. places for themselves /'jvi/.lOg.lO.let ihem seek bread alsooutof rf.p/awi /.■a.49.19.thy waste andrf.p/af« shall be too narrow ."jg. 10. we stumble, we are in rf. places as dead men /:;:r/t.6.6. cities laid waste.and high ///«<:« shall btrf 26. CO. when I sh all set thee in places rf. of old 38. 12. to turn thine hand upon the rf. places .imns 7. 9. the high places of Isaac shall be d Mul 1 4. we will return, and bnild the rf. placet 'shall he, or shall he DESOLATE. 7.f!'. 26. 22. wild beasts.and your highways i/.a//*«rf. 33, your land thaU it rf. and your citie» waste DES fai 15. J4. for coogre;atioii of hypocrites thall bed. Psal. 34. 21. they that hate the righteous shall be d. 2C. none of them that trust in him ihall be d. ha 5. 9. of a imth many houses ihall be d. 15. (i. for waters of Nimrim shall be d.Jer. 48. 34. C7. 10. yet the defenced city jAaZ/ierf. and forsaken Jer. 26. 9. this city shall be d. without inhabitant 33. 10. in this place which ye say shall be d. 46. 19. Noph shall bed. without an inhabitant 48. 9. Moib, for the cities thereof shall be d. 49. 2. Rabbah of Ammonites shall be a d. heap 50. 13. but Babylon shall be wholly d. 51. 26. thoa shall be d. for ever, saith the Lord £:e*.6.4.youraltarsjA 13.13. whoso rf. the word shall be destroyed 14. 2. but he that is perverse in his ways rf. him 21. he that rf his neighbour sinnelh, but he that 15. 5. a fool rf. his father's instruction, but he thai 20. a wise son, but a foolish man rf. his mother 32. he that refuscth instruction rf. hit own soul 19. 16. but he that rf. his ways shall die 30. 17. the eye that rf. to obey his mother, raven.t Isa. 33. 15. he that rf. the gain of oppressions 49. 7. thus saith the Lord to him whom man rf. Etek. 21.U0. it is the rod of my son, it rf. every trea Luie 10.16. rf. you, rf. me; rf. me,rf. him that sent m« 1 Thess. i.ii.ht therefore that rf. rf. not man but God DESPISING. E:ek. 21. 1 13. shall not they belong to the rf. rod* Heb. 12. 2. who endured the cross, rf. the shame DESTITE. Neh. 4. t 4. hear, O our God, for we are a rf. Ezek. 25. 6. with thy rf. against the land of Judab Heb. 10.29. and hath done rf. to the Spirit of grace DESPITEFUL. Ezek. 25. 15. have taken vengeance with a rf. heart 36. 5. with rf. minds to cast it out for a prey Rom. 1. 30. haters of God, rf. proud, boasters DESPITEFULLY. Mai 5.4i.pray forthem that rf. use you, inie 6.28. Acts 14. 5. an assault was made to use them rf. DESTITUTE. G«i.24.27.whohath not left rf. my master of mercy Psal. 102. 17. he will regard the prayer of the rf. 141. 8. in thee is my trust, leave not my soul rf. Pfoii. 11. + 12. rf. of heart, despiseth his neighbour 15. 21. folly is joy to him that is rf. of wisdom Ezek. 32. 15. shall be rf. of that whereof it was full 1 'Tim. 6. 5. men of corrupt minds, rf. of the truth i/ /lieu-he to calltd, because At rnatet death wore lormidnhle to sinners, iv /lei^nteniii; iheir guillu J'eais ol dud's iriiwiai ; andlhii liiie iiinii also ti^Hilii Im lormmiiii; din- ners ^iih iitireloiiin; cnieliy i« /,«■//. u/nr/i u ti'ie secouJ de'iih, 'I'/iese /leuul ei its u/iuA ^aimi »'i'ijj tiyon maniind, are u;ion ihe arciniiil ol' uiir ditodedieiire ; and his inifnia /louer in ici'i/'ia- lion is from our in-uard lomipiioii. The l,i>ril Jesus by hu death haih taken auay the giiill and poaer of sin: the guili, in enduring the rune oi I he Inn-, iherehy aaiKl'i/in; the injuied justice or' rf.Jews,13. | 4.7,8. | 9.24, f 9- lei it be written to rf. them, and I will p.ij Job 2. 3. thou movedst me lo rf. him without caujf 6. 9- even that it would pltase Cod 10 rf. me I'sal. 40. 14. that seek after my soul 10 rf. it. 63. 9 1 19- 95. the wicked hare wailed for me to rf. me Isa. 10. 7. but it is in his heart to rf. and cut otf 13. 5. they come from far to rf. the whole land 23. 11. the Lord haih given acommandnieut /iirf 32. 7. he deviseih wicked devices to rf. the po^M 51. 1.3. as if the oppressor were ready 10 rf. 54. 16. behold, I have created the waster 10 d. Jer. I. 10. 1 have set thee to rf. 18. 7. | 31. 2K. 15. 3. I will appoint the beasts of the earth i« rf. 51. 11. his device is against liabylon to rf. it l.am. 2. 8. the Lord hath purposed to rf.the wall Lzek.5. 16. famine, which I will send to rf. you 22. 27. and to rf. s mis, to get dishonest gain 25. 1 5. with a despiteful heart /o rf.il for old hatre.J 30. II. the nations shall l>e brought tod. the lajid 43. 3. the vision I saw when I came to rf. Ihe citj Uan. 2. 12. 10 d. all the wise men of Babylon, 24. 7- 26. and to rf. his dominion unto the end 1 1. 44. he shall go forth with great fury to rf. IJos. 1 1.9. I will not return to d. Ephraini,I am (<. iiech. 12. 9- that I will seek to rf. all the natiom Mat. 2. 13. Herod will seek young child tod. him 5. 17- think not that 1 am come 10 4. the law or the prophets, I am not come to rf. but to fulbi 10. 28. rather fear him who is able to d. both 26. 61 . this fellow said, I am able to rf. the tcmpla Mark 1 . 24. art thou come to rf. us ? Luke 4. 34. L«Xe6.9isil lawful on sab.daystosave life ot tod. 9. 56. the Son of man is not come lo rf. men's lives 19- -^T- the chief of ihe people sought lo rf. him John 10. 10. the thief cometh not but to rf. ./ani.4. 12. there isonelawgiv.able tosave and to rf. DE.STROYED. f^fw. 13. 10. before the Ld. rf. Sodom andGomorrah 19- -9- when God rf. the cities of the plain Ezod. 8. + 24. the land was rf. by the swaim of fliej 10. 7. knowest thou not yet that Egypt is rf. .' Dent. 2. Ql. but the Lord rf. them before them, 4. 3 I 11. 4. 2 Kings 21. 9. 2 Chron. 33. 9 7- 23. with a mighty destruction, till they be rf. 24. no man be able to stand till thou have rf 9. 8. the Lord wzis angry with you to have rf. yoo 12. 30. after that they be rf. from before '.bee 28. 20. until thou be rf. 24,45,51,61. 4)5. shall put a yoke on thy neck till he have rf. Josh. 24. 8. and I rf. them from before you Judg.5. ♦ 27. where he bowed, there he fell down rf 20.21. Benjamin rf.of Isr.22,000mcnthat day, £5 35. children of Israel rf.25,100of Benjamin, 42. 2 aam.'il. 5. man that devised that we should be rf. 24. 16. he said 10 the angel that rf. 1 Chron. 21.15 1 Kings 15. 13. Asa rf. her idol and burnt it 2 Kings 3. 1 23. this isblood, the kings are surely rf 10. 28. thus Jehu rf. Baal out of Israel 11.1. Athaliah arose and rf. all the seed royal 19. 18. therefore they have rf. them, Ita. 37. W 1 Chron.5.25. the people whom Godrf. before them 2 Chron. 14. 13. for they were rf. before the Lord 15. 6. nation was rf. of nation, city of city 34.11. the houses which the kings of Judah had rf. Lira 4. 15. for which cause was this city rf. 6. t 11. whoso alters this word, lei hiui be rf. Esih. 3. 9. let it be written, that they may be rf. Joiltj.\0.he hath rf.me on every side, and I am gone t 26. though this body be rf. yet shall 1 see God I'sal.g.5. thou hast rf. the wicked || 6. hast rf. cities 73. 27. thou hast rf. all them thai go a whoring 78. 45. he sent frogs among them, which rf. them 47.he rf.their vines with hail, and sycamore-trees 137. 8. O daughter of Babylon, who art to be rf. /Vdi. 13.23. there is that isrf for want of judgment /ii.l4.20.because thou hast rf. land, and slain peo 2'j. 14. therefore hast thou visited and rf. them Jer. 12. 10. many pastors haverf. my vineyard 4H. 4. Moab is rf. H 51. 8. Babylon is suddenly rf 5 1 .55. Lord hath rf.oul of Babylon the great voic ! l.am. 2. 5. the Lord hath rf. his strong holds 0. he hath rf. his places of the assembly 9. he hath rf. and broken her bars, her king Ktek. 27. 33. Tyrus, like the rf. in the midst ol .sta 43. t 3. to prophesy that the city should be rf. Dan. 7. 11. the beast was slain, and his body d //w.13.9.0 Isr.lhou hast rf. thyself, but u me help .-Inios 2. 9. yet rf. I the Amorite, I rf. his fruit .Waj.22.7.he sent his armies andrf.those murderrrs Luke 17. 27. and the Hood came, and rf. them all 29. it rained fire from heaven and rf. them all Acitg.il. is not this he thairf them that called 13 19. wh«ube haJrf. .seven nationa in CbAiiua DES dcM iVJ- "7. aim her niaenificence should be i. horn. h. (5. that the Imily of sin might be d. 1 Cor. 10. 9. d. of serjiiriis |i 10. d. oCthc ileslroyer tJa/. I.e.'!. now preachuh ihe I'aith which once ht ('. '.'. 18 if I biiiM a'.;aiii the things which I d. lid. II. 28. lest he that d. the first-born toiith tlieni 5 I'et. C. 12. as natural brute beasis made to be d Judet. the L. afterward d. them that believed no; Hev.Z. 9. and the third part of the ships were d. Are DE.STROYliD Judz- 21 • l6. the women are d. out of Bcniamin Joh^. 20. they are d. from morning to night .14-. 05. he overturned them so that th'-y are d. ha. Q. l6. and they that are led of tlieni are d. Jer. 22. 20, and cry, for all thy lovers are d. lilts. 4. fi. my people are d. for lack of knowledge Zevh. 3. 6. their cities are d. there is no inhabitant Not DIlSrilOYKl). C Chron. 20. 10. but they d. tbi m not, Pial. 78. .Ill Dan. 7 1 i. his kingdom which shall iwt be d. 2 Cur. 4. 9- l"'' ""' forsaken ; oast down, but not d. ^Imll be DESlROYF.n Cen. 34. .10 and I shull be d. 1 and my hou<;e F.ith. 4 14. ihon and thy father's howie shall in d . Psat.V! .^V: but the transgressors ,\/;«//,6«rf. together 92. 7. it is that they s-hnll be d. for ever Pt-'V 13. 1.3. whoso despiseth the word shall be d 20. but a companion of fools shall be d. 29. 1. he that hardeneth his neck shull be d. Jsa. 10.27. the yoke shall bed. because of anointing /«r .48.8. the valley shall perish.the plain shrill be d. Etst.liO.S. and when all her helpers shall be d. Dan.C.ii. a kingdom which shall never be d. 6. 2(i. 11. 20. but within few days he shall be d. Jios. 10. 8. places of Aven.thesiiiof Isr. shall bed. Acts 3. C.i. he that will not hear shall be d. 1 Cur.15.26. the last enemy that jAn// be d. is death Vlterly DESTROYED £jod.i2.20. he that sacrificeth to any god, save un- to the Lord only, he shall be uiterlv d. JVi/OT. 21. 3. they ur/erly d. the Canaanites Dent. 2. 34. we utterit/ d. Sihon and his people 3. 6. we ulterlif d. the cities of Og, Josh 2. 10. 4.2fi. it ye corrupt yourselves ye shall be 7({rcr/y rf. iosh. 6. 21. .lerioho'll 8. 26. Ai ulierlu d. 10. 1. 10.28. Wakkedah || 35. Eglon N 37." Hebron ut. d. ;?9. Dehir II 40. he utterly d. all that breathed 11. 12. Joshua «//er/i/rf. them with cities, 21. Jiidg 1.17 Judah and Simeon )(//er/» rf. ilephath 1 Ham. 15. 8. Saul nllerly d. all the people 9. he would not vtterlu d. the best of the sheep 15. to sacrifice, and the rest we have niierlti d. 20. he said, I have iiiterly d. the Amakkites SI. things which should have been niter ly d. 1 Chron. 4. 41. the inhabitants of Gedor ntteily d. iChron. 31. 1. Ilezckiah utterly d. the iniaRes 32. 14. gods those nations my father uiierli/ d. Isa. 34. 2. the Lord hath vlterly d. all nations DESTltOYER. £iod. 12. 23. will not suffer rf. (0 come into houses Jjidc. 16. 24. hath delivered the d. of our country Job 15. 21. in prosperity the d. shall come Psal. 17. 4. I have kept me from paths of the d. Ptov. 28. 24. the same is the companion of a d. Jer. 4. 7 the d. of (he Gentiles is on his way 50. t 9. their arrows shall be as of a mighty d. 1 Cor. 10. 10. and were destroyed of the ii. }iev. 9- + II- kintt over them hath his name a d. DESlROYEIiS. Job 33. 22. and his life draweih near to the d. J:it. 49. 17. thy d. shall go forth of thee ilrr. 22. 7- and I will prepare d. against thee 50. 11. because ye rejoiced, O rf. of my heritage DE.SIROVEST, I'.JU. Jhnt. 8. 20. as the nations wliich the Lord d. 7"/' 9- 22. he d. the perfect and the wicked 12. 23. he increaseth the nations, and d. them 14. 19. and thou d. the hope of man T'.\nl. 18. t47 it is God that d. people under me Prov. t). 32. he that doth it, d. his own sniil 11.9. an hypocrite with his mouth rf. his neighbour 31. 3. give not thy ways to (hat which d. kings Eecl. 7. 7. opprcs. m.ikflh mad, and a gift d. heart g. 18. wisd. better than war, sinner i/. much good Jer. 51. 25. O mountain, which d. all the earth Mat. 27. 4. thou that d. the temple, Mark 15. CO. DK.STROY1NG J C/,ri>«.21.12. the angel of the Lord rf. thro' Israel 15. and as he was d. the I.onl rcpcnied him Prov.la. + 24. the same is ihe companion of man d. /ffl.28.2. the Lord hath a strong one, as a d. storm Jer. 2 .30. your sword devoured like a d. lion l:>. 1 14. I will not have mercy from d. them 51. 1. I will raise against B.ibylon a a. wmd 25. I am against thee, O d. mouni.-iin, said Lord Lam. 2. 3. he hath not withdrawn his hii'id from d. £zek. 9. 1. every man with his d. weapon in iiis hand W. 17. min* eye soared them from d them ' Hee Utteblv 120 DKS DESIRl'CTION. Ejod. 12. + 13. plague shall not be on yon for ad. .V(/m. 21. + .1. and he called that place, uUer d. 24. t 20. but his latter end shall be even to d. Ueiit.l 23. L. shall destroy them withamightyrf. 32 24. they shall be devoured with bitter d. 1 Ham. 5. 9. L. was against the city with a great d. 11. for there was a deadly d. thro' the city 1 Kings 20.42. a man whom 1 appointed to utierrf. 2 ChioH. 20. t 23. one helped for the d. of another 22. 4. for they were his counsellors to his d. 7. (/.of Ahdziah w;is of CJod, by coming to.loram 20. 16. when strong bis heart was lifted up to hisrf. l'..Mh. 8. fi. how endure to see the d. of my kindred ■ 9. 5. the Jews smote their enemies with d. Job 5. 21. neither shak thou be afraid of d. 22. at d. and famine thou shah laugh 18. 12. and d. sh:ill be ready at his side 21. 17 and how oft cometh their rf. upon them .' 20. his eyes shall see hisrf. and he shall drink .'fO. the wicked is reserved to the day of d. 26. 6. hell naked before him, d. hath no covering 28. 22. d. and death say, we have heard the fan:e .'!(). 12. they raise against me the ways of their <7. 32. 7. he (leviselh wicked rf. to destroy the poor 66. t 4. I also will choose their rf. and bring fears Jer 11 19. that they had devised rf. against me 18 12. no hope, but we will walk after our own rf. 18. come and let us devise rf. against Jeremiah /)«M.11.24.yea,and he shall forecast hisrf.foratime 25. for they shall forecast rf. against him 2 Cor. !;. 11. for we are not ignorant of his rf DEVIL, .1 most ji'ici*d an^el, the tmplacahU enemy atiK temfiier if the human race, tsyfcially belinen, uhoni he desires lo devour, 1 Pet. 5. 8. He %s called, Abaddon im llebreic, Apollyon it (hce/i, that I/, destroyer. — Rev. 9. 11, Aueil ol' Ihe boliomless pit. — Prince of the world, jcihii 12. 31.— /'rijud of darknesi, Eph. 6. 18 — .1 roaring J.ion, and an Adversary, 1 Pel. !). 8. — .1 iiniier from the ieeinntng, I John 3. 8. — Iliel-.ctiib. Mat. Ii.i4.— Accuser, Rev. 12.10 — Pclial, 2 Cor. 6. \5.—Decener, Rev. 20. It; — Oiocon, Rev. 12. T.—I.iar, John 8. 41.— l.eiiaihaH, Isa. 27. I. — Lucifer, Isa. 14. 1-'.— AJurderer, John 8. 44. — Serpent, Isa. 27. 1 — Satan, Job 2. 6. — Tormenier, Mat. 18. 31,-y The god ol i/us uerld, 2 Cor. 4. 4 DEV He i» lompareJ to a Dog, Psal. i1. 16. — Foals, >»»t 13. i.—A Fo-Mer, PsaJ 91. Z.—Li^ht- ni«;, Lu&c 10. IH.— Locusts, Rev. Q. 3. — i Kv'lf. iohn 10. XZ.—An Addtr Psal. Ql. LI. These 7iames are s,>ien to '.ke prince of the DeiAis, vho, perhaps, uas the first and leader i» thai grand rebellion against God, -uherelii/ they all felt into a rooted enmity against holiness, and into endless horror, blackness, ind despair, J ude 6. Vnil is put for, [1] Idols, I'sal. 10(). 37. 2 Cliroij. 11. 15. [S] A uicked man, John 6. 70. [3] Persecutors, Rev. 2. 18. 77>is teord comes from the Greek, Diabolos, aiAich lignifies a Calumniator, or Accuser, %iho ac- cuscth us before Ood day and night, Rei\ 12. 9. 10. Hence he is called. The accuser of th* brethren. Rev. 12. 10. lie hath cast off all tiedietue to God ; and likewise called belial, vhich IS an Hebrew xcord, and signifies one kIio is good for nothing, a libertine, one that is ex- tremely Kicked. 2 Cor. 6. 15, What concord hath Christ with lieliat/ Also Satin, -uhirh signifies an Adversary, or an Accuser, in a court of justice. Job 2. 1, Satan came also among them. lie is likeuise called the old Serpent, liev. 12. 9- Because he conveyed him- self into the serpent, when he templed Eve ; and in respect of his serpentine disposition ; his poi- son is always ready, as in a fountain ; and run- neth continually as in full streams, iolh against Christ and against all his members for his sake: He is also crafty, wise, and subtle, as a serpent ; concerning whose siiiiilty, see Serpent. The most subtle of these spirits contrived a tempta- tion, which might be most taking and dangerous to man in his exalted and happy state : He at- tempts him with art, by propounding the lure of knowledge and pleasure, to inveigle the spiritual and sensitive appetites at once. And that he might the better succeed, he addressed the wo- man, the weakest and most liable to seduction. Jle hides himself in the body of a serpent, which before sin was not terrible milo her, and bu this instrument insinuates his temptation. lie first allured with the hopes of impunity. Ye shall not die ; then he promised an universal knowledge of good and evil. By these pretences he ruined in- nocence itself. For the woman, deceived bu these epecious attractives, s-.catlowed the poison of the serpent ; and, having tasted death, she persuaded her husband, by the same motives, to despise the law of their Creatn. Thus sin entered, and trough! confusion into the world TiCan, since his fall, is wider the tyranny and slavery of Satan, who is called the goJ of this world, 2 Cor. 4. 4. because he rules in wicked men. His old enmity and hafed asainst the souls of men continue : It is anuher hell to him to see them restored to the favour of God, and- his glorious iiTiife Ti-cngraien on them. He is a jealous jailor, and, if possible, will not line any of his captives. The scripture represents him as a strong and subtle adversaiy ; a roaring lion that goes about seeking whom he may de- Tonr, 1 Pet. 5. 8. His title, the Tempter, Mat. 4. 3. implies his constant practice. He bribes some with profit, and allures ethers with plea- sure. He IS surprisingly subtle ; his strength is superior to ours : his malice is deadly ; his acii- litv and diligence are equal to his malice ; and he has a mighty number of principalities and powers under his command. Semetimes iie\i\ is taken foi a wicked man, a liber- tine, a treacherous person, John 6. 70, Have not I chosen you twelve, and oje of you is a devil ? It IS taken also for idols, 2 Chron. 11. 15. so called, because the devil is euiinenily served in the worship of them ; and the spirits which were supposed to inhabit them, were evil spirits or devils : and become in and bu them the devil oftentimes manifested himself la men, and gave them anisuers, onj received their wor- ship. Their wo-ship ii an invention of the devil ; Jor lehat other deity besides the devil could require human victims, like those that .cere sa- crificed to Moloch ? Devil is likewise taken for persecutors, tlu.se instnuncnts -.chick he makes use of in executing his wicked designs against the godly. Rev. C 10. Lest he fall into the condemnation of the devil, I '1 im. 3. 6. Lest he become guilty of the sin for which the devil was conaemned, and so receive the same punishment which was intlicted upon him. itat. 4. 1. Jesus was led to be tempted of the d. 5.d. takelh him up to holy city|]U.rf.leaveth him 8. the d. taketh him up to an hijh mountain 9. 3C. a dumb man possessed with a d. 12. 22. 11. 18. and they say he hath a d. Luke 7. 33. 13. 39. the enemy that sowed them is the d. Hal. 15. C2. daughwr is gnevously vexed with a d. 130 DEV ilfar.l7.18.JesQsrtbukedrf. he departed out of him 25. 41. fire, prepared for the d. and his angels .Mark S.lD.him that was possessed witKsherf.16,18. 7. 29. the d. is pone out of thy daughter, 30. Luke 4. 2. Jesus being forty days tempted of the d. 3. the d. said to him, G.jl 5. the d. taking him up 13. when the d. had ended all the temptation 33. a man which had a spirit of an unclean y cunning pretences u defiiud others of that which is theirs, JIat. 23. 14. [4] ll'ith cruel fierceness to tear, auj spoil spiritually the souls and bodies of men, 04 a linn devours his prey. 1 Pet. 5. K. '1 he d» vil walketh about, seeking whom he may dt» vour. [5] To kill, or destroy, 2 Sam. 18. H. [6] 'Jo convert to one's cwn private use that which is dedicated to God, Prov. 20. 25. Oen. 49. 27. in the morning he shall rf. the prey Deut. 32. 42. arrows with Hood, and sword rf. llesb 2 .J'Vi«i.2.26.Abner said, sh.iU the swordrf. forever? 18. t8. and the wood multiplied to rf. the people 2 Chron. '■ 13. if I command the locusts to rf. Job 18. 13. first-born of death shall rf. his strength I'stil. 80. 13. the wild beasts of ihe field doth rf. it Prov. 30. 14. and their jaw-teeth as knives to rf Isa. 1.7. your land strangers rf. it in yout presence 9. 12. they shall rf. Israel with openuiuah 18. for wickedness shall rf. the briers and morn- 31. 8. the sword, not of a mean man, shall rf. him 42. 14. I will cry, T will destroy and rf. at once 55. 9- all ye beasts of the field come to rf. yea, all ye beasts in the forests, Jer. 12. 0. | 15. 3. Jirf.2.3 that rf. Israel shall oflfenii.evil come on them 12. 12. the sword of the Lord shall rf. 40. 10, 14. 30. 16. and all that rf. thee shall be devoured 48. 45. a flame shall rf. the corner of Moab Ezek. 7. 15. famine and pestilence shall rf. him .■i4. 28. neither shall the beasts of the land rf. ."5. t 12. the mountains, they are given us to <4 3(>. 14. therefore shalt thou rf. men no more l)a>t, 7. 5. arise, rf. much flesh |j 23. rf. whole earth IIos. 5. 7. now shall anionth rf. them with portions 11. 6. and the sword shall rf. his branches 13. 8. there will I rf. them like alion,shall tearthem .Imos 1. 4. fire shall rf. the palaces, 7. 10, 12. Oiad. 18. they shall kindle in iheni, and rf. them ,\'ah. 2. 13. the sword shall rf. the young lion5 llab. 3. 14. their rejoicing was as to rf. poor secretly /itch. 9. 15. they shall rf. and subdue with stones 12. (). they shall rf. all the people round about Mat. 23. 14. woe unto you, h%-pocrites, for ye rf. widows' houses, Mark 12. 40. Luke 20. 47. 2 Cor. 11. 20. for ye suffer, if a man rf. you Gal. 5. 15. but if ye bite and rf. one another Ileb. 10. 27. indigna. which shall rf. the advjrsanes 1 /'('/. 5.8. walketh about, seeking whom he mayrf. Rev. 12. 4. to rf. her child as soon as it was born Fire DEVOUR. Jitdg. 9. 15. let//« rf. the cedars of Lebanon 20.1et_/?rf rf. the men of Shechem. and Abimelech Psal 21.9. shall swallow up, and /:>c shall rf. thero 50. 3. God shall come, afire shall rf. before him ^.<• shall rf. you Ezek. 15. 7. and another /r? shall rf. them 23. 37. to pass for them through the /f.-e to rf. them .Imos 5. 6. lest he break out like fire and rf. it Nah. 3. 13. the gates open, Ktiefire shall rf. thy bars 15. there shall ihe fired, thee, sword cut thee off Zech. 11.1. O I^banon, \.\\z.lfire may rf. thy cedar« It shall DEVOUR. Job 18. n. il shall rf. the strength of his skin l.'a.lO.Vi. il shallhnn and rf. his thorns and briers Jfr.5.14.I will make my wordsfire, itslnttd. them 17-2". I will kindle afire and it shall d. the palaces of Jerusalem, and not be quenched, .'Imo > 2. 5 21. 14. it shall d. all things round about, 50. 32. E:ek. 20. 47- it shall rf. every green tree 28. 18. it thall rf. and I will bring thee to ashes //"». 8. K. and 1^ ihaU rf. the palaces of Judah Imos. 1. H. it thall d. the palaces o" Kabbah •i. i. send a fire, it shall rf. the palaces of Karioth DEVOURED. often and willingly suffer such inconvcntencis for their hopes and desires of ejijoymg their beloved, and signifies his sufferings for the church's good : elsewhere, for a man to be wet with the dew of heaven, is a sign of misery, Dan. 4. 25. So drops, or droppings, signify troubles, Amos 6. t 11. But dew and rain upon the land make it fruitful ; so is Christ Jy his doctrine to his church, Deut. 32. 2. Gen. 27. 28. God give thee of the d. of heaven, S9. Ezod. 16. 13. in the morning d. lay round the host 14. and when the d. that lay was gone up Num. 11.9. when the d. fell on the camp in night ZJeu/. 32. 2. my speech shall distil asrf. zis small rain 33. 13. blessed is Joseph's land for d. and for deep 28. also his heaven shall drop down d. Judg. 6. 37. Gidewi said, \id. be on the fleece only 39. on ground let there be d. {I 40. there was d. 2 Sam. 1. 21. let there be norf. nor rain upon you 17. 12. we will light on him as the d. falleth 1 Amjf 17.1 .there shall iiot be d.nox rain these years Job 29. 19. the d. lay all night on my branch 38. 28. or who hath begotten the drops of d. ? Psal. no. 3. thou hast the d. of thy youth 133.3. as the d. of Hermon, and as the d. that Prov. 3. 20. and the clouds drop down the d. 19- 12. but his favour is as d. upon the grass Cant .5. 2. open to me, for my head is filled with d. I'^a. 18. 4. like a cloud of rf. in the heat of harvest 2(3. 19. for thy rf.is as the rf.of herbs, ecirth cast out Dan. 4. 15. let it be wet with the d. of heaven, 23. 25. they shall wet thee with the d. of heaven 33. and his body was wet with the d. 5. 21. //ot. 6. 4. goodness is as early rf.it goeth away, 13.3. 14.5.1 will be as d. tc Israel, he shall grow as lily Mic. 5. 7. Jacob shall be as the d. from the Lord Hag. 1.10. the heaven over you is stayed from d. Zech. 8. 12. and the heavens shall give their d. DIADEM. Job 29. 14. my judgment was as a robe and a d. /.va. 28. 5. and forarf. ofbeauty to residue of his peo. 62. 3. and a royal d. in the hand of thy God E:ek. 21. 2(3. remove the d. take oflf the crqwn DIAL. 2 AVH5j20.ll.gone down in the rf.of Ahaz,7fa.30.8. DIAMOND. Ezod. 28. 18. and the second row a rf. 39. 11. Jer. 17. 1. sin of Judah is written with point of ar/. Ezek. 28. 13. the rf.tlie beryl, was covering of 'J^■ru^ DID. 1 Sam. 30. +21. David asked them how they d. 1 Kings 11. 25. besides the mischief that Iladad d. 2 Kings Iti.S.d. ri^jht according to all that David d. Xeh. 2. 1(3. knew not whither 1 went or what I d. /;jM.2.11.Mordecai walked to know how Estheri/. Mat. 12. 3. have ye iKit read what David d. ! 21. 15. when they saw wonderful things that he d. Mark 3. 8. they heard what great things he d. John C. 23. they saw miracles which he d. 6. 2, 14. 4. 29. who told me all things that ever I d. 3'J. 9. 2(). then said they, what d. he to thee .' 15.24. done the works which none other man d. .•If/.t 3.17.thro' ignorance yerf. it, asrf. your rulers 26. 10. which thing I also d. in Jerusalem 2 Cor. 8. 5. and this they d. not as we hoped 1 Pet, 2.22. who d. no sin, nor was guile found DID joined with as. Gen. 21. 1. the Lord rf. to Sarah «j he had spoke 43. 17. the man d. as Joseph bade, andbrougiit men 56. 1 2 . hi.« sons rf. to him aj he commanded them Exod. 7.(5. d. as the Lord commanded, 10, 20. | IC. 28,50. I 39. .32. Lev. 8. 4. | 1(). 34. I 24. 23. Mnm. 1. 54. | 2. .34. | 20. 7. | 27.22^ i 31.31. Lev. 4.20. ashe d. willi the bullock, 1(). 15. Num. 23. 2. Calak d. as Balaam had spoken, .30. D nmiiih, ej'joiir drnchiiis in laliie ; ihai he should lake il, and gift il lo ihe reef iters of ilns Iniuie Jar loth of iliem. UIK. See nil Uk4Ii aiiJ Dijath. Gen. 6. 17. i'\ cry miii!; llial is in the earlli shnll d. S:i. i:{. il' men overdrive ihcin, all ihc llo,.k will d. 44. U. lei him d. || C'.'. liis father would d, 4fi. ."to. now let nic d. |147. Cy. that Israel must i.3fl.ll.rorhe said. lest he rf. as his brethren diii em-\ 44.31.wheiiheseellilhe lad is not with us,//^\villrf. ■/,,iii Eicd. 21. 12. he that smiuih a man, so ihai he rf. (HI, I 14.shall take him from mine altar, thai he may rf. 20. smite his servant, and he rf. under his li.ind 2. 2. if a thief be found and smitten thai he rf. «,«i. .35. iC. if he unite him so that /,<>rf.C0.Cl.C:i. Deui. 13. 10. I ly. 5. U. I CI. 21. 17. wherewith he may rf. 18. 2.t. Dent. 10. 12. Vcui. 20. 5. let him return, Ust lit rf. in baiile, 6.7. Judz. 6. 30. bring out thy sou that lie may rf. 2 Ham. II. 15. retire Ironi him that he may rf. 1 Kiuzs 1.52. if wickedness be in him, //« shall rf. 2.1. thedavs of David drewiiii^h that A^ should rf. iy.4. Klijaii requested for himself that he might rf. CI . 10. carry out and stone him that he may rf. l'>al. 41.5. when shall he rf. and his name perish ' /';or.5.C3.//^ shall rf. without instruction, goaslray 15. 10. and he that haielh reproof shall rf. ly. 16. hut he that dfspiselh his w.tys shallrf. Jer. 22. 12. he shall rf. whither they led him captive .18. 10. lake up .lerem. out of dungeon before he rf. /L:fi.3.iy.if thou warn the wickeil.//S shall rf.in his iniquily,20. | 18. 18,24,26. | ,33.9, 13. 18. 12. 13. he shall not see il, though //« shall rf. tlK'ie 17. 16. in the midst of Habylon he shall rf. Ji;/;«lC.33.siguifyiiig what death /it' should rf.l8..3C 1 OIK. Cien. 19. 19. lest some evil take me, and \ rf. C6. 9. Isaac said, because 1 said, lest / rf. for her C7. 4. that my soul may bless thee before I rf. .30. 1. Uachel said give me children, or else 1 rf. 45. 28. I will go and see him before 1 rf. 48. 21. Israel said to .loseph, behold. Id. 50. 5. lo, / rf. II 2i.. loseph said to his brethren J d. Deui. 4. 22. but 1 must rf. in this land, I must not go Judf. 15. 18. now shall Id. for thirst, and fall into liuih 1. 17. where ihoudiest will / rf. and be buried 1 Sam. 14. 43. I did but taste, and lo, / must rf. 2 Ham. ly. .37. that 1 may rf. in mine own city 1 /w)/5i2. 30. he said, nay, but /will rf. here Ji'hCT .5. that 1 sh. jiiblily you ; till /rf.not remove 2y. 18. then I said,/ .shall rf.in my nest and multiply I'rov. M.' .<\yo things, deny me them not before / rf. Jir. 37. 20. cause nic not to return, lest 1 rf. iheie .1/«/.26.35. iho' I should rf. with thee,.VrtrX 14. 31 . 1 Cor. 15. 31. I protest by your rejoicing, / rf.daily AW UIK. (';fH.42.2.that wemay liveaiid «ri/ rf.4.t.8. | 47.19. 20. so shall your words be verified, ye shall noi rf. Eiod. 21. 18. and he rf. tiol, but keepelh his bed 28. 35. his sound shall be heard, that he rf. uot 30. 20. shall wash with water, thai they rf. hii.',2I . Lev. 8. 35. keep the charge of the Lord that ye d.uol 15. 31. that they rf. uol, Xiim. 4. 19, | 17. 10. 16. 2. that he come not at all limes, that he rf. uol 13. the cloud cover the mercy-seal, that he d.ui'i A»m.35. 12. that the manslayer rf. not. Josh. CO. y. Ueiit. 18. 16. nor let me see this file, that I rf. ueiv.es in rf by famine DIE /'.»(//. 79. II. preserve those il-.at are .ippointed to rf, ilure yu«n//4. 3. for it isbetur for me M rf than loliv e.p. 8. Jonah fainteil, and wished in himself '.• rf. f.uie'. 2. ihe c';iilurion"s servant was ready 10 i. John 19. 7. have a law, and by our law he onghl .Ma. .■IrtsQ[. l.t. 1 am ready also 10 rf. at Jerusalem 25. II. if worthy of death I refuse not ij rf. 16. not the mannerof lioma lis 10 deliver any .Mrf A'o«(.5.7. for a good man some won Id even da re /no 1 Cu.O. 15. for il veie better for me 10 rf. ilaii C Cor. 7. 3. you arc in our hearts 10 rf. and 'ive /'/(//. 1.21. for me live is C:hrisl and /o rf. is gain llei. y. 27. as it is r.ppoinied 10 men once /o rf. '.ut lieo. 3. 2. things thai remain, tb.at ire reaily tod. y. 6. men shall "iesire 10 rf. and death shall llee l\e UIK. Oeu. 47. 15. why should we rf. in thy presence ? '1. Exod. U . IC. than that ue should rf. in the wilil-rne'^'' CO. ly. let not (iod speak, test av rf. Oei'i. "> 'J.?. .Vhwi. 17 . IC. behold, ue rf. we perish, we all peri'^'t CO. 4. that :ee and our cattle should rf. there 1 Sam. IC.19. pray for thy servants, lliat :.<• rf. not C •!>'«/«. 14. 14. for :i< must needs rf. and are is water I A7/(f.t 17. 12. I dress it, that ne "uay eat it and o, C A'(Hi;i7.3. ihey said, why sit we here till n-e rf. .'4, 4. and if they kill us, :ie sli:.ll but rf. /irt. 22.13. for to-morrow :ee shall rf. 1 Cr'r. 15. 3C. John 11. 16. let us go that ue may rf. with him ICom. 14. 8. and whether ue rf. .•i<' rf. unto the I.ord )e DIK. Oeu. 3. 3. neither shall ye Kmch il, lest ye rf. Leu. 10. 6. neither rend your clothes, lest ye rf. 7. ye shall not go oui from the door, lest ve d. \um. 18. 32. nor pollute holy things, lest i.r rf. I'sal. 1)2.7. but ve shall rf. like men, and fall I ike one />«.CC.14. surely this iniqui. not be purged uWyeif. Jer.Q2. C6. aiioth. couniry, there shall ued. 42. 16; C7. 13. for why will ye rf .' J.ui. 18. .31. | 33. 11, 42. CC. know that yj shall rf. by the sword John 8. CI. shall seek' me, and ye shall rf. in sins, Ci. How. 8. 13. if ye live afier the llesVi ue shall rf. DIK I). 6'fH.7.21. all flesh rf. C2. || 11.28. andllaiai. rf. 1 1.32. lerah rf. || 23. 2. Sarah rf.!|C5.8 Abraham i 25. 17. Ishmael rf. || .35. 11. Deborah the nurse rf .35. 18. Kachel rf. I9. | 48. 7. P 35. 29. Isaac rf. :)(). 3.1. P.ilah rf. II -.H. Johab rf. || .35. llushnm rf. 36. 36. Iladad rf. 1 Chr. 1. 51. || 36. 37. Samlah rf 31). 38. Saul rf. 11.39. liaal-hanau son of Achborrf. 38. 12. Judah'swiferf.ll 46.12. Kr.Onan rf. Canaan 50. 16. Jacob rf. ||C6. Joseph rf. Etod. 1. 6. Exod. 2. 23 the king of I'.gypt rf. || ". 21 . the fish J. 8. 13. the frogs rf. |1 9. 6. "the cattle of Kgypi rf. 16. 3. would to God we had rf. by the hand of the Lord in I'.gypt, A'«w. 14.2. 1 20. 3. | C6. li,i. /.ci'.lO.C.Nadab'aiid Abihii rf. before the Lord. Hi. 1. A'kw. 3. 4. I C6. 61. 1 CJiron. C4. 2. A'i(»i.l4. 37. the searchers of ihe land rf. bv plague CO. C8. Aaron rf. 33, .38, 39. Deui. 10. 6. | 32. SO. 16. 49. now they that rf. beside them thai rf. CO. 1. Miriam rf. II 21. 6. much people of Israeli/. 25. y. those ihal rf. in the plague were C4.000. C6. 1 1 . noiwilhsiand. the children of Korah rf. tiol C7.3.daughiersof Zelophehadsaid.our father rf.in wilderness, but rf. in his own sin, and had no sons Of«/.31.5..Mo5esrf. II 7. he was ICO years when he ir. Joih. 5. 4. even all ths men of war rf. by the way 10. II. they were more which rf. wilh hailstone* C4. cy. Joshua the son of Nun rf. Jnd^. C. 8. 33. Kle.izar the son of Aaron rf. 1 Chron. 23.22 Jiid!. 1. 7. /\donibe7.ek rf. |i ;i. 11. Olhniel rf. 8. 3C. Cibeon rf. || 10. 2. Tola rf. jj 5. .lair rf. y. 49. all the men of the lower of Shtvhem rf. ic. 7. .leplhah judged Israel six years, then rf. 10. Ibzan rf. || IC. I'.lon rf. || 15. Abdon rf. Unih 1. 3. Klimelech rf. || 5. .Mahlon, Chilion rf. I Sam. 4. t 1 1. i;li"ssons, Ilophni and I'liinehas, rf 5. IC. that rf. were net smiiien with the en>eroil: 25.1. Samuel rf. I| 37. MabaTs heari rf. within hiO 31 .5. Saul was (lead, his armour-beanr fell on hii sword and rf. with him, 6. 1 Chron. 10.5, 13 C Sam. 2. C3. Asahel rf. || 3. 33. rf. Abner as a fool 6. 7. there he rf. before the Lord, 1 Chron. 13. 10 2.s««i.l0.1.kingofchild.of Ammonrf.l t7-n>K.19.l, 18. Shobach rf. || 11. 17. l.'riah ihe lliiiite rf. ' 12.18. on seventh day child rf. feared to tell Ddvid 17. 23. Ahithophel "haiiced himself and rf. 18. 3.3. would loCioii 1 hadrf. for thee, () Absalom 19. 6. and all \>e had rf. thisday, it h.id pleased the 24. 15.thererf.of people, even from Dan 10 I'.eersh 1 Ai«j»3 19 this woman's child rf. in the nigh 14.17. whenshecame in ine inreshr.ld ihe childd 16. 18. Zimri rf. \\ 22. libiii rf. 22. 3.5. Ahab rf, 37 2 A inf J 4. 20. he sal on her knees till noon auUthen^/. DIF 2 ATirj jj 9.27 . Ahaziah fled to Megi Juo and J. (h*re 13. 14 F.lisha d. 20. || 24. llazael k. ol J>.vriarf. 23. 34. Jehoahaz came to ICgypi and d. there 1 CAron. 2. 30. but Seled d. without children 32. and Jelher d. || 2 Cfiron. 10. 13. Asa d. 2CAri>«.24.l5.Jchoia4a wasfull of days when he d. 22. when he d. he said, the Lord look on it /kA 3. 1*1. why d. 1 not from the womb ? 42. 17. so Job d. being old and full of days /j«. 6.1. in the year that king I'zziah d. I saw Lord 14. 2K. in the year that king Ahaz d. was ihishunl. Jer. 2K.17. llananiahrf. || Ezet. 11. 15. Pelaiialirf. i,i«/t.24.18.I spake in mom. and at even my wife d. Uos. 13. 1. but when he offended in Baal, he d. Mai. 22. 27. seven brethren deceased, and last of all the worn. d. also, Mark 12. 22. Luke 20. 32. Luki If). 22. the beggar d. the rich man also d. John 11.21. if had been here, my brother not rf. 37. 37. caused that even this man should not have etween Egyptians and Is. Lev. 10. 10. may put a d. between holy and unholy 11. 47. to make a d. between unclean and clean 20. 25. r"t a d. between clean beasts and unclean Lzek. 22.26. they have put no d. they shewed no d. 44. 23. they shall teach my people the d hetw. holy .ills 15.9. and put no d. between us ar;dthem Horn. 3. 22. on them that believe, for there is no d. 10. 12. there is no d. between the Jew and Greek 14. t23. he that pulteth a d. between meats 1 Cor.T . 34. there is d. between a wife and a virgin Jude 22. of some have compassion making a d. DIFFERENCES. 1 Cor. 12. 5. there are d. of administrations DIFFERETH. 1 Cor. 15. 41. one star d. from another in glory ('■a/.4.1.heir when a child rf.nothing Irom a servant DIFFERING. Rom. 12. 6. gifts d. according to the grace given DIFFICULT. Zech. 8. + 6. if it be d. in the eyes of this people DIG. I'rod. 21. 3.3. if a man d. a pit, .ind not cover it Ltcnt. 8. 9. out of whose hills thou mayestrf. brass 23. 13.tliou .sh-ilt have a paddle, and d. therewith Jn.5.6. it.«hall not be pruned nor i/.come up briers 7.25. and on all hills be d. with the mattock 51. 1. look to the hole of the pit whence ye are hortly to me, 21. lien. 6.11. that every one of you shew the same d. 2 Pet. 1.5. giving all k rf. and if it be truth 24. 8. take heed that thou observe rf. and di 1 *am.20.t 19. then thou shah go down rf. and come 1 Kittss 20. 33. now the men did rf. observe whether Lira 7. 23. let it be rf. done fur the house of God Job 13. 17. hear rf. my speech and declaration, 21.2. Pm /.37. 10. shalt rf consider his place, it shall not be 119. 4. hast commanded us to keep thy precepts rf. Prni. 7. 15. I came forth rf. to seek thy face II. 27. he that rf. seeketh good, procurelh favour 23. 1. consider rf. what is before thee l\a. 21 7. he hearkened rf. with much heed 55. 2. he,\rkenrf. to me, and eat that which is good Jer. 2. 10. consider rf. see if there be such a thing 12 16. if they will rf. learn the ways of my people /.ich. 6. 15. if ye willrf. obey the voice of the I-.u-d .Mat. 2. 7. he inquired rf. when the star appeared 8. 1 1 erod said.go and search rf.for the young child 16. which he had rf. inquired of the wise men -'l/«r*7.t 3. except they wash hands rf. they eat not Luke 15.8. sweep house and seek rf. till she find it .ids 18. 25. he taught rf. the things of he I.-ird 1 V'im.5.10.if she have rf. followed every good work 2 '/'//«. 1.17. in Rome he sought me rf. and found mo I'tt. 3. 13. bring Zenas the lawyer and Ap.ilbis ':c their journey rf. that nothing be wanting to them lleh. 11.6. a rewarder of them that rf. seek him 12. 15. looking rf.lest any man fail of grace of Cod 1 Pet. 1. 10. of which the prophets searched rf. DI.MINISll, ED. Exod.5.R.yon shall not rf. ought thereof.they be idle 11. not ought of your work shall be rf. I9. 21. 10. her duty of marriage shall he not rf. 30. ♦ 15.the rich shall notnruhiply, the po'irnot d. Lev. 25. 16. according to the years thou shalt a. Sum. 26. i 54. to few rf. his inheritance, .\3. f ,i4. Deut. 4. 2. nor shall yon rf. ought from it, 12. 'dl. Prov. 13. 11. wealth gotten by vanity shall be rf. Isa. 21. 17. the mighty men of Kedar shall be rf. Jer. 10. 1 24. correct not in anger, lest thou rf. me 26. 2. speak what I command thee, rf. not a word 29. 6. that ye may K- increased and not rf. 48. t .37. every head bald, and every beard rf. E:tk.S.\l.\\zsi defiled, therefore will I .ilsorf. iheo 16. 27. behold, I have rf. thine ordinary food 29. 15. I will rf. them, they shall uo more rule Dl.MlM.SlllNG. Rom.'il. 12. rf. of them be the riches of the Gentiles DIM. r:en. 97. 1. when Isaac was old and his eyes rf. 48. 10. now the eyes of Israel were rf. for age Deut. 34. 7. Moses' eye was not rf.nor force abated 1 .y««i. 3. 2. Eli's eyes began to wax rf. 4. 15. Job 17. 7. mine eye also isrf. by reason of sorrow Isa. 32. 3. the eyes of them that see shall not be rf. /.nm. 4.1. how is gold become rf.' fine sold chanced! 5. 17. for these things our eves are rf.our heart faint DI.MNE.SS. ha. 8.22. and behold trouble darkness rf. of anguish 9. 1. rf. shall not be such as was in her vexation DINE, D. Oen. 43. I6. for these men sli.ill rf. with me at noon Luke II. .37. a I'harisec besought him to rf.with him John 21. 12. Jesus sailh to them, come anil rf 15. so when they had rf. .lesus saith to .Simon DINNI.R. Prov. 15. 17. better is a rf. of herbs where love Is Milt. 22. 4. behold, 1 have prepared my J. my oxen Luke 1 1..38. that he had not first washed bebire rf 14. 12. when uiakest a rf.or supper, call not friends 1)1 1'. Eiod. 12. 22. rf. it in the blood that is in the basin Uv. 4. 6. Uie priest shall rf. his finger, 17 14. I6. 1 1.6. rf. the cedar wood and the living bird, .M. Sum.V) 18. clean person should rf. hyssop 11. witel Deut. .13. 24. Moses said, let Asher rf his foot in oO liuih 2.14.IJoaz said 10 Kuth, rf. morsel in vineg.-u l.uke 16.24. send Lazarus thai he may rf. Uisfingei DII'I'El), Elll. Geu.X!. 31. ar.d they rf. tl e coat in the hloo.1 y ••/i.3.15. the priesLs' feel were rf. ip brim of wolcf 2 l\ini;i!t. 14. Naaman rf. in Jordan veven limes Ptiil.M. 23. that thy fool be rf. in blooa AJa<.S6i.23.he that rf! his hand wi'Ji me '\ the dish the saue siiaH betray me Maik 14. SO DIS John 13.26.to whom I give a sop, when I have d. it ; wbcD he had i. the sop, be gave il to Judas DIFr. Ln. 9. 9. Aaron d. his finder in the blood 1 ^m.l4.C7he d. the end of rod in an honey-comb 2 ATin;^ 0. 1 5. Hazael took a cloth and 1/. it in water •Rw.19. 13. was clothed with a vesture d. in blooJ DIHKCT. C01.46. C8.he sent Judintorf.his face to Goshen Psal. 5. 3. in the niorning will I d. my prayer Prov. 3. 6. acknowlfdce him, he shall d. thy paths 11. 5. the righteousness of the perfect sh»ll d. Ecel. 10, 10. but wisdom is profitable to d. /fa.45.13 have raised him up, I will rf.all his ways ^1.8. I will d. their way in truth, and make /«r.lO.S3.it is not in man that walketh to d.his steps 1 7'i4*jj.3.11.our I>. Jesus Christ rf.our way to you 2 Thtis.Z. 5. Lordrf. our hearts into the love of G. DIRECTED. Job 32. 14. he hath not d. his words against me Ptal. 119. 5. O that my ways were d. to keep stat. 141. + 2. let my prayer be rf.as incense, and lifiinc i«a.40. 13. who hath d. the Spiiit of the Lord .' DIRECTETII. Jot 37. 3. he d. it under the whole heaven Ptoi. 16.9. his ways, but the Lord d. his steps 2J. 29. as for the uprieht he d. his way DIRECTION Num. 81. 18. printf 5 judged it by d. of the Iawj;iver Pial. 19. 1 4. their d. is gone out through the earth DIRECILY. yum. 19. 4. sprinkle blood d. before the tabernacle Eiek. 42. 12. even the way d. before the wall DIRT. Judg. 3. 22. the fat closed, and the d. cane out Pial. 18.42. I did cast them out as d. in the streets ha. 57. 20. whose waters cast up mire and d. DISALLOW, r.D. Num. 30. 5. because her father d. her not 8. but if her husband d. her || 11. he I Kin^s 3. 9- that I may d. between good and bad ll.tliou hast asked unilerstanding to rf. judgment Ezra 3. 13. the people could not rf. the noise of joy Jc/'4. 16. but 1 could not rf. the form thereof 6. 30. cannot niv taste rf. perverse things ? Ezek.Ari. 23. cause them rf. betw. unclean and clean ionah 4. 1 1. cannot rf. between right hand and left hlal. 3. 18. rf. between the righteous and the wicked J/a<.l6.3. ye can rf. the faceof tlie sky, /^(X? 12.56. Heb. 5. 14. their senses exercised to i^.good and evil DISCERNED, ETII. yJen. 27. 23 he rf. him not, his hands were hairy 1 KmgslO. 41. and the kingof Israel rf. him Nth. 13. '24. they rf. not to speak in Jews' language Prov. 7. 7- I rf. among the youth a young man Tltcl. 8. 5. a wise man rf. time and judgment 134 ' '' DIS Rem. 14.+2S.thal rf. between meats isdamned,if«at iCor. 2. 14. not know .because they are spiritually rf. 1 15.hethat is spiritual rf.all things.yet he himself is rf. of no man, for who hath known DISCERNING. 1 Cor 11. 20. eateth unworthily, not rf.Lord's body 12. JO. to another is given rf.of spirits, to another Dl.SCERNER. Heb. 4. 12. word is a rf. of the thoughts of the heart DLSCIIARGE, D. 1 King! 5. 9. and will cause them to be rf. there Eccl. 8. 8. day of death, there is no rf. in that war DISCIPLE The word Disciple, absolutely taken, signifies, in the Xew Testament, a believer^ a Christian, a scholar, a follower of Christ, or his .-Iposrles ; as in Acts 0. 1, When the number of the rfn- ciples was mul'iplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily minis- tration. And in Acts 9. 1, Haul yet breath- ing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, that is, against the fol- lowers of Christ. 'J'he name of Disciple is often set down for that of Apostle ; particularit/ in the Gospel, Mat. 5. 1. I 8. 23. I 10. 1. but in other plates the Apostles are distinguished from Disciples. The Apostles were chosen particularly by Christ out of the number of his disciples, to be the stewards of his most secret mysteries, and the principal ministers for propagating and establishing the Christian religion. They were twelve in num- ber. Mat. 10. 2. Luke 6. 13. But the Disciples who followed oiir Saviour from the beginning and are called simply Disciples, were seventy in number. The precepts and admo- nitions which our Saviour gave them, when he sent them to preach in the cities of Judea, are recorded in Luke 10. from the beginning to verse 17- Mat. 10. 24.rf. is not above his master, Luke 6. 40. 25. enough for the rf. that he be as his master 42. whoso shall give a cup of cold water to a rf. 27.57. Josephof Arimathea himself was Jesus' rf. John 9. 28. thou art his rf. we are Moses' disciples 18. 15. and so did another rf. thatrf. wa.s known 16. then went out that other rf. that was known 19. 26. the rf. standing by, whom Jesus loved 27.thensaithhe to that rf. behold thy mother,and from that hour that rf. to-yk her to his own home 38. being a rf. but secretly, for fear of the Jews 20. 2. the other rf. whom Jesus loved, 21. 7,20. 3 Peter went forth, and that other rf. and came 4. the other rf. did out run Peter, and came first 8. then went in also that other rf. and he saw 21. 23. this saying, that that rf should not die 24. this is the d. that teslifieth these things Acts 9. 10. there was a certain rf. at Damascus 2(). but they believed not that he was a rf. 36. now there was at Joppa a rf. named Tabitha 16. 1. a certain rf. was there, named Tiniotheus 21. 16. an old rf. with whom we should lodge My DISCIPLE. Luke 14. 26. if he hate not his life, cannot ^e my rf. 27. whoso doth not bear his cross,cannot be mu rf. 33. that forsaketh not all, he cannot be my rf. DISCIPLES. Mat. 9.14. then came to him th€ rf. of John, saying 10. 1. when he had called unto him his twelve rf. 11. 1 . he had made an end of commanding his rf. 14. 26. when the rf. saw him walking on the sea i7.fi. when the rf. heard it they fell on their face 19. 13. and the rf. rebuked »hem, Mark\0. 13. 20. 17. Jesus took the twelve rf. apart in the way 21. 1.. Jesus sent two rf.saying, go into theviUage 22. 16. the Pharisees sent unto him their rf. "IS. 26. Jesus took bread, and gave it to the rf. .35. I will not deny thee, likewise also said the rf. 5(i. then all the rf. forsook him, and fled Mark 2. 18. why do the rf. of John and of the Ph.a- risees fast, but thy rf. fast not .' Luke 5. 33. 8. 14. now the rf. had forgotten to take bread Luke 19. 37. the rf. began to rejoice and praise G John 3. 25. between some of John'srf. and the Jews 4. 1. that Jesus baptized more rf. than John 9. CH. thou art his disciple, but we are Moses rf. 13.5.he began to wash the rf.feet, and to wipe them 18. 17. art not thou also one of this man's rf. .' 20. 18. Mary told the rf.that she had seen the Lord .icli 9. I.Saul breathing out slaughter against the rf, 2IJ. Saul essayed to join himself to the rf. 1 1.20. the rf. were called Christians first iiiAiitioch 19.1 • Paul came to Ephesus, and finding certain rf. 30. Paul would have entered, rf. suffered him not 20. 7. first day of weekrf.came together break bread .30. men speaking, to draw away rf. alter them His DISCIPLES. Mat. 8. 25. his rf. cajne and awoke him, saying i 9- 19- Jesus arose and followed, and so tiid his d. DIS .1/i»r.28.7.SO,aiid tell his rf.he is risen from the dead 13. say ye, his rf. came by night and stole him Mark 10. 10. in the house his rf. asked him again Luke 5. 30. the Pharisees murmured against his rf 6. 20. he lifted up his eyes on his rf. and said 11. 1. teach us to pray, as John taught his rf. John 2. 11. his glory, and his rf. believed on him 4. 2. though Jesus himself baptized not, but his rf. 27. upon this came his rf. and marvelled that he 6. 3. up to a mountain, and there he sat -.vuii his rf. 22. but his rf. were gone away alone 9. 27. why would ye hear it again? will ye be his rf. 11 . 12. then said his rf. L. if he sleep shall do wel! 18. 1. he went with /ii> rf. over the brook Cedron 2. for Jesus often resorted thither willi his rf. 20.26. again, his d. were within, Thomas with them Of his DISCIPLES. .1/aM1.2.when John had heard works of Christ, he senttwo<)/"/u>rf..¥ar*ll.l. | 14.13. iH*e ly.29. Mark 7. 2. some of his rf. eat with uiiwashen hands John 6. 66. from that time many of his rf. went back 18. 19. the high-priest "asked Jesus of his d. 25. art not thou also one of his rf. .' he denied 21. 12. anne of his rf. durst ask him, who art thou ? To his DISCIPLES. Mat. 14. 19. blessed, and gave the loaves to his d. Mark 4. .34. he expounded all things to his d. Luke 10. 23. he turned himself to his rf. and said JiiArt 21.14.third time Jesus shewed himself /o^y rf. My DISCIPLES. ha. 8. 16. bind up testimony, seal law among my d .Uar26.18.mastersaith,I will keep the passover at thy house with my rf. Mark 14. 14. Luke 22. 11. John, 8. 31. then are ye my rf. indeed, 33. 35. 15. 8. that ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be my rf. 'Thy DISCIPLES. il/rt/.p. I4.why do wc fast, thy rf.fast not, Mark^.lS. 12.2. thyd. do that which is not lawful on sabbath 15. 2. why do thy rf. transgress the tradition .' 17.16.1 brought him to thyd. they could not cure iUa;it7.5.why walk not //lyrf. according to tradit. ? 9 18. I spake to thy rf. to cast him out, Luke 9 40. Luie 19. 39. the Pharisees said,Master.rebuke^/;yrf, JohnT. 3. ihalthi/d. may seethe works thou doe.sc . "DISCIPLINE. Job 36. 10. he openelh also their ears torf. andcom. DISCLOSE. Isa. 26. 21. behold, the earth also shall rf.her blood DISCOMFITED. Erod. 17. 13. Joshua rf. Amalek and his people .'•.'/(«. 14. 45. smote and rf. them, even to IIormaL fosh. 10.10. Lord rf.them before Isr. and slew them Jiidg. 4. 15. the Lord rf Siseraand his chariots 8. 12. Gideon pursued them, and rf. all the host 1 6Vz7n.7. 10. thundered onthe Philistines.andrf. them 2 Sam. 22. 15. lightning, andrf. (hem, Psal. 18. 14 ha. 31. 8. shall Hee, and his young men shall be rf. DI.SCOMFITURE. 1 Sam. 14. 20. and there was a very great rf. DISCONTENTED. 1 5./m.2C.2. every one that was rf gathered to Dav, DISCONTINUE. Jer. 17. 4. and thou shalt rf. from mine heritage DISCORD. Prov. 6. 14. he deviseth mischief, he soweth rf. 19. and him that soweth rf. among brethren DISCOVER. Deut. 22. 30. a man shall not rf. his father's skirt 1 ■!)'«»i. 14. 3. and we will rf. ourselves to them Job 41. 13. who can rf. the face of his garment ? Prov. 18. 2. but that his heart may rf. itself 25. 9- thy cause, and rf. not a secret to another ha. 3. 17. the Lord will rf. their secret parts Jer. 13.26.1 will rf.thy skirts on thy face, AaA.3.5 Aflffi.4.22.0 daughter of Edom, he will rf. thy sins Kzek. 16. 37. I will rf. thy nakedness to them Jlos. 2.10. 1 will rf. her lewdness in sight of lovers .U/f. 1.6. the stones, I will rf. the foundation thereof Dl.SCOVERED. Ezod. 20. 26. that thy nakedness be not rf. thereon Lev.Q0.18. he hath rf. her fountain, she uncovered 1 Sam. 14. 11. both rf. themselves to the garrison 22. 6. when Saul heard that David was rf. and man 2 Sam. 22. 16. the foundations of the world were rf. at the rebuking of the Lord, Psal. 18. 15 ha. 22. 8. and he rf. the covering of Judah 57. 8. for thou hast rf. thyself to another than mc Jer. 13. 22. for thine iniquity are thy SKirts rf. Liim. 2. 14. and they have not rf. thine iniquity Lzek. 13. 14. so that foundation thereof shall be d- 16. 36. thy nakedness rf. through thy whoredoms 57. before thy wi( kedness was rf. as at the time 2 1 .24.saith Lord, in that yourtransgressions are rf. 22. 10. in thee have they rf. their father's nakednes* 23. 10. these rf. nakedness, they took her sons 18. she il. her whoredoms, and rf. her nakedness 29. the nakedness of thy whoredoms shall be d. Has. 7.1. then the iniquity of Ephraim was tf. Acts il. 3. now when we had rf. Cyprus, we left 27. 39. bat they rf. a certain creek with a there DIS DISCOVERETH. Jci 18 "1. he d. deep things out of darkness Pttl. 29. 9. the voice of the Lord d. the forest DISCOVERING. Hoi. 3. 13. by d. the foundation to the neck DISCOURAGE. Num. 32. 7. why d. ye the hearts of the people DISCOURAGED. Num. 21. 4. the soul of the people was much d. 32. 9- they d. the heart of the children of Israel Dent. 1. 21. go and possess it, fear not, nor be d. 28. our brethren have d. our heart, saying Tta. 42. 4. he shall not fail nor be d. till he set Co^.3.21.provoke not your children, lest they be d. DI.SCREET. Cen.41.33.1ct Pharaoh look out a man d. and wise 39. there is none so d. and wise as thou art Tit. 2. 3. that the aged teach young women to be d. i 6. young men likewise exhort to be d. DISCREETLY. Mari 12.34. when Jesus saw that he answered d. DISCRETION. Pial. 112. 5. he will guide his affairs with d. Prov. 1.4. to the young man knowledge and d. 2.11. d. shall preserve thee, understand, keep thee 3. 21. my son, keep sound wisdom and d. 5. 2. thou mayest regard d. and keep know-iedge 11. 22. so is a fair woman who is without d. 19 11. the d. of a man deferreth his anger ha. 28. 26. for hi* God doth instruct him to d. Jei . 10. 12. he stretched out the heavens by his d. DISDAINED. ISam. 17. 42. when Goliath saw David, he t Sarah, the mje of Abraham, forcibly away, but he was threatened with deaJi, Gen. 2r;. 3, 4. Er and Onaii, the sons of Ju- dah, were carried off by unknown diseases, for having committed actions of an infamous and detestable nature. Gen. 38. 7, 10. A?id the Philistines were smitten with an igncminious dtseaae, for not treating the ark with that res- pect that it deserted, 1 Sam. 5. 12. There are a great number of diseases recorded in scrip- ture, which were sent by God in the way of punishment for sins. The diseases of Eiypt, from which God promised to defend his people, Exod. 15. 26 ; and which he threatens, in case of their disobedience, to tiiflict upon them, Deut. 28. 60. These diseases are either the plagues with which God afiiicttd Egypt before the departure of the Israelites, or the diseases which were must common in the country, such as blindness, ulcers in the legs, consumptions, and the leprosy, called Elephan- tiasis, which was peculiar to this country, as Pliny observes, .Egypti peculiare hoc malum Elephantiasis. 2 Kings 1. 2. inquire, whether if I shall recov. of rf. 8. 8. saying, shall 1 recover of this d. ? 9. 2 Chr. 16.12. Asadiseased till his d. was exceeding great, yet in his d. he sought not to the Lord 21.15. shall have great sickness by (f. of thy bowels 18. the Lord smote him with an incurable d. Job 30. 18. by force of my d. is my garment chang. Psal. 38. 7. my loins are filled with a loathsome d. 41. 8. an evil d. say they, cleaveth fast to him Eccl. 6. 2. this is vanity, and it is an evil d. .Mat. 4. 23. healing all manner of ('!((, 31,8,he ^ViU uot fail nor forsake tbee,fear not, nis nor be d. Josh. 1. 9. | 8. 1. | :o. 25. 1 Ch .22, 13. I 28. 20. 'iChron. 20. 15, 17. | 32. 7. 1 6'«/«.17.11.they were(/.2 Kings iy.26./ja.37.S7 Isa. 21. 3. 1 was bowed down, d. at the seeing of i1 41.10. fear not, be not d. Jer. I.I7. | to. 2. | 23.4. 30. 10. I 46. 27. Ertk. 2. 6. | 3. y. 23. that wc may be d. and behold it together Jer. ii.Q. the wise men ar.e d. and taken, 10. '.l. 17. 18. let them be . 3. for we ourselves also were sometimes d. Ilth. 11. \ 31. Rahab perished not with the d. 1 i'et.l.T. but to them which be d. the stone which 8. 10 them who stumble at the word, being d. 3.20. lo spirits in prison, which sometimes were d, DISOBEYED. 1 Kings 13. 21 . as thou hast d. ihe mouth of the L DISORDERLY. 1 Thess. 5. 14. brethren, warn them that are d. 2 'J/uss..i.6. withdraw from a brother who walks d, 7. we behaved not ourselves d. among you 11. there are some who walk among you d. DISPATCH. Eiek. 23. 47. they shall d. them with their swords DISPATCHED. Ezra 10. f 14. let tkem come, till the matter be d. DISPENSATION. I Cor. 9. 17- a (/. ot the gospel is committed to me Eph. 1. 10. in tlie d. of the fulness ol times 3. 2. ye liave heard of the d. of the grace of God Col. 1. 2a. a minister according to the d. of God DISPERSE. 1 ■S'(i/«.14.3-t.Saul said, (/.yourselves among people Prov. 15. 7. the lips of the wise d. knowledge Ezek. 12. 15. when I shall scatter them and (i.them in the couulries, 20. 23. | 'iy. 12. | 30. 23, 26 22. 15. and 1 will d. thee in the couulries DISPERSED. 2 Chron. 11. 23. Rehoboam (i^of all his children Esth.3.8. there is a certain people d. among people Psal. 112. 9. be halh (/. hv hath given, 2 Cor. y. 9. Prov. 5. 16. let ihy fountains be d. abroad Jsa. 11. 12. he shall gather together the d. of Judah tzik. 36. 19. they were (/. through the countries Zejih. 3. 10. the daughter of my d. shall bring John 7 . 35. will he go 10 the a. 69. 15. itc/. him iliai very sjre d. witli heathen atea^e \ for 1 was but aliille d. ihey lielpeil forward alfliclioii A/a». CI. 15. when tlie scril>ei saw, they were U. Uiik 10. 14. when Jesus saw it, he was uiueh d 41. they began 10 be luucb i/.with J antes and J ohn Acti IS.VO.lierod wa.s hii;hivr 5. 1. if our house of this taiieinacic were d. i^Pti. 3. 11. seeing ihdt all these things shall berf. 12. wherein the heavens l.eing on 6ie shall be a. lJl&.SULVESr. J^b 30. CC. aim Ujiu d, mv substance 1S6 DTT Psal. 65. ♦ 10. thou d. the earth witn showers 'USSOLVhSG. Dan. 5. 12. ana a. of doubts was found in Daniel Ulsl Al-K. /Voi.31.19.tothe spindle, and her hands hold therf. Dl.si ANCES. /ia.33. t 17. they shall behold the land of farrf. bis I ANT. L.iod. 36. 22. one board had two tenons equally d. uisriL. Deiit.SQ.C.my speech shall d. as dew, as small rain Joi 36. 28. the clouds d. on man abundantly UISi INCHON. 1 Cor. 14.7. except they give a d. in the sounds UlSilNGUISIIElH. 1 Cor. 4. t7. for who d. thee from another? DISUNCi LV. \eA. O.B.they read in the book of the law of God d. UlSlkAClED. Psa/. 88. 15. while I suffer thy terrors, 1 am d. UISI KACTIUN. I C'i;r.7.35-you may attend on the Lord without d. UISI HESS. Goi. 35.3. God who answered me in day of my d. 42. 21. therefore is this d. come upon us Judg. 11.7. ye come to me now, when ye are in d. 1 A'am.CC.C.every one that viais in d.ca.me to David 2 Ham. C2.7>in my d. I called on the Lord, and cried to my God, Psa/.' 18. (i. | 118. 5. | 120. 1 1 h'lites 1. 29. that redeemed my soill out of all d. 2 Chion. C8. 22. in his d. Ahaz trespassed more AV/i. 2. 17. I said, ye see the d. that we are in y. 37. they have dominion and we are in great d. I'iol. 4. 1. thou hast enlarged nie when I wa5 in d. Prov. 1. 27. I will mock when d. cometh upon you Isa. 5. \ 30. if one look to the Und, behold d. 25. 4. thou hait been a strength to the needy in d. 53 t 8. he was taken away by d. and judgment Lam. 1 20 behold, O Lord, lor 1 am in d. Ubad. 12. norshouldest spoken proudly in day of (/. 14. nor shouldest delivered up those in day of d. Ztpli. 1. 15. that day is a day of trouble and d. 17. I will bring d. upon men, they shall walk Luke 21. 23. there shall be great d. in the land 25 on the earth d. of nations, with perplexity Kom. 8.35. shall d. separate us from love ot Christf 1 Cor 7. 26. that this is good for the present d. 1 T/ieis.3.'!.ve were comforted over you in your d. DISIKESS, ED. Gen. 32. 7- then Jacob was greatly afraid and d. A'h;«. 22.3. Moali wasrf.ll j!;rf».2. 15. Isr d.\0 9. Ueut. 2. 9 d. not the Moabites|l 19. Ammonites 28. 53 wherewiili enemies shall d. thee, 55,57. 1 .Sam. 13 6. for people were d. did hide themselves 14. 24. men of Israel were d. ||28. 15. Saul wasrf. 30. 6. David was greatly d. for the neo[.le spake 2 .Sn/;;. ! . 26. I am J. forthee, my brother Jonathan 2 Chr. 28. St), king of Assyria came and d. Ahaz Isa. 2^. 2. yet 1 willrf. Ariel, there shall be .wrrow 7. ihatrf. her shall be as a dream of night vision Jer. 10. 18. 1 will d. the inhabitants of the land 2 Cor, 4.8 we are troubled on every side, yet not rf. D IS IK ESSES. Psal. 25. 17. O bring thou me out of my d. 107.6. and he delivered them out of their rf. 13. and he saved them out of their d. I9. 28. and he bringeth them out of their d. Ezek. 30. 16. and Noph shall have d. daily 2 Cor. 6.4. approving ourselves in necessities, in d. 12. 10. 1 taike pleasure in d. for Christ's sake DISIKIBUTE. Josh 13.32 which Jloses did rf.for inherit, in Moab 2 Chr. 31 . 14. hore to d. the oblations of the Lord AV/i. 13. 13. their oflice was to d to their brethren /.uXe 18. 22. sell all thou hast, and d to the poor i-ph. 4. ♦ 28. he may have to d. to him that needetn 1 Tim. 6. 18. charge the rich to be ready to d. DISIKIBUIED. Josh, 14. 1. Eleazar and Joshua 6.11.Jesus gave thanks and d. to the disciples 1 (cr. 7. 17. but as God hath d. to every man 2 CV. 10. 13. according to the rule G. halli d. to us DlSTKIBlTETIi, ING. Job 21. 17. God iussaith L.make this valley full of d. DIVEKS. Lev. 19. 19. nor let thy cattle gender with d. kindj Deut.'l'i. 9. not sow thy vineyard with d. kinds 11. thou shah not wear a garmjr.tof d. sorts 25. 13. thou shalt not have in thy bag d. weighUi 25. 1-S. in thy house d. measures, great and small Jud«. 5. 30. to Siseraaprey of (/.colours, a prey of rf. colours o' ueedle-work, en both sides 2 Sa/n. 13. 18. iamarhad agarm. o(d. colours,19. 1 C/iio»».29.2. prepared glistering stones of (/.colors 2 ChroH. 10.14. they laid Asa in the bed which was filled with odours and d. kinds of spices 21. 4. Jehorara slew d. of the princes of Israel 30. 11. d. of Asher humbled themselves Lsih. 1. 7. the vessels bemg d. one from another 3. 8. their laws are d. from all people P^at. 78. 45. he sent d. sorts of Hies among theai 105. 31. he spake, there came d. sorts ol Hies Prov. 20.10. (/.weights and (/.measures abomination 23. d. weights are an abomination to ilie Ixird i«(/. 14.7, Ai(/«. 31. 27. and d, the prey into two parts 33. 54. ye shall d. the land by lot, 34. 17, 18, 29. Ueut.xg.i.d. the coasts of thy land into three parts Joih. 1. 6. d. for an inheritance, 13. 6, 7. | J8. 5. 22. 8. d. the spoil of your enemies with brethren 2 'iam. 19. 29. 1 said, thou and Ziba. d. the land 1 Kings :i. 25. d. the living child in two, 26. Ae/(. 9. 11 and thou didst (/. the sea, Ptal. 74. 13. 22. and thou didst d. them into corners Job 11. 17. the innocent shall d. the silver Psat. 55. 9. destroy, O Lord, and d. their tongues Prov. 16. 19. than to d. the spoil with the proud ha. 9. 3. as men rejoice when they d. the spoil 53. 12. he shall d. the spoil with the strong Kzek. 5. 1. take the balances and d. the hair 45. ]. ye shall d. the land by lot, 47. 21, 22. 48. 29. this is the land which ye shall d. Dan. 11. 39. and he shall d. the land for gain LnliC 12. 13. that he d. the inheritance with me 22. 17. take this, and d. it among yourselves /aiV/ DIVIDE. G«;j.49.7. Iwill (/.them in J acob and scatter in Isr Liod. 15. 9. the enemy said, 1 aill d. the spoil Ps 60. 6. / -xill d. Shechem, and mete out, 108. 7 . Isa. 53. 12. therefore will 1 d. him a portion DIVIDED. Gen 1. 4. God d. the light || 7. God d. the waters 10. 5. by these were the isles of the Gentiles d. 25. in his days was the earth d. 1 Cliron. 1. 19- 32. by these were the nations d. after the flood 14. 15. and Abrom d. himself against them 15. 10. Abram(/. them in midst, the birds (/. he not 32. 7. Jacob d. the people that was with them 33. 1. he d. the children to Leah and Rachel Lxod. 14. 21. the sea dry land, and waters were d, .\nm. 26.53. to these the land shall be (/.for inherit 56. by lot shall the possession of the land be d. 31. 42. which Moses d. from men that warred llent. 4. 19. which the Lord thy God hath d. 2y. 1 26. gods who had not a. to them any portion 32. 8. when the most High d. to the nations ./ujA. 14.5. they (/.the Iand,'l8. 10. | I9.51. | 23. 4. J^dg. 5.30. have they not d. the prey, to every man 7- 16. he(/. the 300 men into three companies 9. 4l. Abimelech d. them into three cumpanies 19. 29. Levite d. her with her bones into 12 pieces 2 Ham. 1, 23. and in theii deatti Utej W«(« Wi d- 1 JTi'nj/lS. 21. then were the people of Israel i. J8.6. Ahab and Obadiah d. the land between ihem 8 Kings 2. 8. the waters were //. hither and thii her 1 C/ir. 23.fi. Daw d. them into courses amont; Lev. 24.4. chief men, thvis were they d. by lot, 5. S diron 3j. 13. they d. other offerings speedily Jnb .38. C5. who hath d. a water^course for waters ? Vsal. (18. 12. she that tarried at home d. the spoil 78. 13. he rf. the sra and caused them to pass 55. d. them an inheritance by line. Am 13. IC). 13d. 13. to him which d. the Ked sea into parts Isa. 33.23. then is the prey of a great .spoil d. 34. 17. his hand hath d. it to them by line 51. 15. 1 am the Lord thy God that d. the sea Lvm. t. It), the anger of the Lord hath d. them i.f;k. 1. + 11. their wings were d. above 37. 22. nor shall they be d. into two kingdoms Dan. 2. 41. kingdom shall be rf. but stren'.;lh of iron 5- 28. 'hy kingdom is d. and given to the Medes 11. 4. his kingdom shall be rf. toward the four wind llos. 10. 2. their heart is d. now shall be fonn3vli diviners, astrologers, and other persons of this kind. lie commanded them to be stonid, uiho pretended to have a familiar spirit, or the tpirit of divination. Let. 20. 27. And in Deut. 18. 0, 10, 11, 15. he says. When thou an come into the land which the Lord thy (iod giveth thee, thou shall not learn to do af- ter the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his uaHghter to pass through the fire, or that uselh dtvinaiion, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch : Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits. or a wizard, or a necroniancer. God will raise up unto thee a Prophet, from the midsi of thee, of thy brethren like unto me ; unio him ye shall hearken. The uiritinis ot the pro- pheli are full of inie.tivcs u«ai»st the Israelites, who consulted diviner i, and against the false prophets, uho set up to foretcl things Juiiire, and by this means seduced the people, Jer. 14. 14. Ezek, 13.6, 7. There iccre several sorts of divinations, namely, by Water, frc, earth, air ; by the flight of birj.\\ and their singing ; by lois, by dreams, by the ttaff, or Hand, by the enlruils of lictims, and by cups The hentheiu ustd many divination leinf excited thereto by distrust of Gad, and ihd temptations of the devil, liho had a great hand in many of their ansvicrs. Acts 16. IG 137 DIV Joseph's cup, mentioned in Gen. 44. 5, v/ucA teas concealed in Henjamin's sack, the younger bro- ther of this I'atria'ch, is the subject of many different conjecture' founded on the tiords of Joseph's officer, I? not this the cup in which my lord iirinketh, auid whereby he divineth r '^ome /question uhether Joseph did indeed make use of this cup in forettlling uhat uas to come ; whether his people believed so, or uheiher this uas said hy them, according to the common opi- nion of the Egyptians, -.cho held Joseph for a great magician ; or uhether they said so to inti- midate Joseph'.s brethren, making them believe, that Joseph, tvhom as yet they kneu) not to bt their brother, was a man very expert in the art of divining, and had discovered the theft which they had committed, by virtue of this art. All these several opinio?is have their defenders. It is certain, that the ancients had a soit of di- iinatmn by cups. The eastern people say, thn' old king Giamschid, -^ho is the Solomon of ,he Persians, and Alexander the Great, had cups, bv means whereof theu kne:o thnigs natural, atid sometimes even snpernntnrol. The ancient, speak of certain divining cups full of « ine, or oihei li'tuors, which were pivred out vith ceremony from the side where the handle was, and that from thence theu drew presages of what -uas to come. Pliny speaks of divinations with water and basins, in lib. XXX. caix 2. Jhe manner of divining bv the Goblet :■ as this: Little plates oj gold, or Sliver, or some precious stones, with cer- tain characters engraved upon them, were thrown into it ; and after some tnvocations, and super- stitions ceremonies, the Demon was consulted. He answered 1 t several ways ; sometimes by ar- tiiulate sounds ; sometimes he made the charac- ters in the Geblet appear upon the snperfces of the water, and formed his answer by the order in which they stood. Sometimes he traced the images of the person on whose account he was interrogated. At other times a ring was fast- ened to a thread, and held suspended over the tcater in the cup: the ring, by iis different per- cussions, shewed the several things which were inquired after. But as to Joseph it is not to be believed, that he 7ised his cup in divinations : he teas too wise and religious to practise any thing so vain, and so contrary to religion, as divinations, of what nature soever they might be. lie was certainly very skilful in the science of foretelling things to come ; but this knowledge was 7iot acijuirtd ; It was no curious and diabolical art, but some supernatural faculty uhich God had communi- cated to him, whereby he procured that high consideration he was in throughout Egypt. It is not incredible that the Egyptians, and per- haps some of his own people, might think him to be truly a masictan, and might have spoken of him according to this prejudice ; but it does not follow, that he used a cup in divining. The Ilebrtw text of Genesis will bear another Cinslrutiion. Is not this the cup wherein my lord drinks, and searches for so carefully ' Or, Is not this the cup wherein my loid drinks, and by which he has tried you :• JJe will try whether von aie as acknowledging as yon ought to be, for the particular jawurs he has shewn yi'U. This cup will serve to give a prooj of your ingratilnde and mndelity. Divination by the wand is taken notice of in l^zek. 21. 21, i!2. and in llos. 4. 12. The king of liahylvn stood at the parting of the way, to use divination ; he made his arrows bright. Kither writing on these arrows the names if cities, and countries, then put ling thim into a qiiiier, and fuixing them, and thence drawing them out, and conctuding according as the names Here, i.hich weie on the arrons : Gr, by shoot- ing the arrous, and judging by their Jlight ; or casting them tip in tlie air, "and divining by their Jail. In the same passage, divination by the entrails of victims is taken notice of; Me con.-uhed with images, he looked into the liver. I'rom the position and colour of the liver, they used 10 judge oj' Juiuie prosperous, or un- prospereus events. A?(wi.22. 7. with the rewards of rf. in their hand 2:>. 23. neither is there any d. against Israel Deut. 18. 10. or that useth d. 2 Kings 17. I7. 1 .>./»!. 15. ♦ 23. rebellion is as the sin oi d. I'rov. 16. 1 10. d. is the lips of the king .ler. 14. 14. they projihesv unto you visions and d. Ezek. 12. 24. nor flattenng d. in Israel 13. 6. they have seen vanity, and lying rf. 7. and have ye not spoken a lying d. ! 21.21. the king of ISabylon stood to u«e n. 22. at his right hand was the d. of Jerusalem 23. it shall be to them as a faUe d. in their si^jht DIV \Acts\(>. 16. a damsel possessed with a spirit of rf, DIVKNATIUNS. Ezck. 13. 23. ye shall see no more divine d. DIVINE Gen. 44.15. wot ye not that such a man as I can i. 1 Sam. 28. 8. d. to me by the familiar spirit Ezek. 13. 9. my hand on l!.e prophets that d. lies 23. ye shall see no more vanity, or d. oivinatioes 21. 29. whiles they d. a lie unto thee to bring thee Mic.%.^. it shall be dark to you, that ye shall notd 11. and the prophets thereof d. for money DIVINE, Adjective. Protj. 16. 10. a d. sente:ice is in the lips of the king lleb. 9.1. first coven. nt had ordinances of (^.service C Pet. 1 .3. as his d. power hath given to us all things 4. that ye might be partakers of the d. nature DIV I. NEK, S. Deut. 18. 14. for these nations hearkened to d. Josh. 13.t22. Balaam the d. did I.orael slay 1 Sam. 6. 2. the Philistines called for the d. Isa. 44. 25. that turneih, that maketh d. mad Jer. 27. 9. therefore hearken not to your d. 29. 8. let not your prophets and d. deceive you i\Jic. 3. 7. seers be a5;.aii.eil, and the d. confounded iiech. 10,2. the d. have seen a lie, told false dreions DIVINEIII. Gen. 44 5. is not thi.s it whereby indeed he d. T DIVINING. Ezek. 28. 28. seeing vanity, and d. lies to them Alic. 3. t 6. it shall be dark unto you from d. DIVISION. Erod. 8. 23. I will put a oj Moses, Khich it could not bear, in eonsittetiey with the lavi of God. Our Satiour adds, that Aloses because of the hardness of your hearts, sufl'er- ed you to put away your wives ; but from the beginning it was not so ; thnt is, Moses gate you no positive command in the case ; he could not mate a iaa directly opposite to the law of God. But teeing yovir aided and malicious disposilim. that you would turn av:ay your wives withovt any just and warrantable cause, and to restivin your extravagancies if cruelly to your wivet, or disorderly turning them ojf upon anv occasion, he made a judicial, politi- cal, or civil law, whereby, upon reason of state, namel'j, to prevent a greater civil mischief, he did so far allow r 21. 14. high-priest shall not take a d. woman 22.13. but if the priest's daughter be a-widowor ;f. yum. .30. 9. every vow of her that is d. shall stand Mat. 5. 32. whosoever shall marry her that is rf. DIVORC.F.MENT. Deut. 24. 1. then let him write her a bill of d. 3. ha. 50. 1. where is the bill of your mother's rf..' Mark 10. 4. Moses suffered to write a bill of d. See WuiTlNC. DO. Gtn. 16.6. Abram said, do to her as it pleaseth thee 18.25. shall not the Judge of all the earth rfo right : 31.16. now then what God hath said to thee, do 12. 12. thou saidst, I will surely do thee good 41. 25. G. hath shewed what he is about to do, 28 £xle 32.25.tliyscrvants willdoas my lordcommandeth Deut. 5. 1 1- that ye may learn, and keep to do them 7. 11. keep ihe commandments to do them, 1L22. 17. 10. shalt do according to the sentence, 11. 19. 19. then sliall ye do to him as he thought to do 80. l.'i. thus Shalt thou do to all the cities 27. 26. all the words of this law to do them 80. Vi. that we may hear it and do It, 13. Jl. 4. the Lord shall do to them as he did to Sihon 82. 6 do ye thus requite the U O foolish people ? Joili.C.3. round the city, thus shalt thou do six days 7. 9. and what wilt thou do to thy great name? la 2j. thus shall the Lord do to your enemies Ci 24. what have ye to do with the God yl Israel? IW DO /ojA.23.6.torfo all that is written in the book of the law of Moses, that ye turn not aside there- from. 1 Chron. 16. 40. 2 CAron. 34. 21. Jiidg. 7. 17. it shall be, that as I rfu so shall ye do 8. 3. what was 1 able to do in comparison of you : | 10. 15. do to us whatsoever seemeth good to thee 18. 14 consider therefore what ye have to do 18. then said the priest uuto them, what do ye ? Kuth 3. 4. he will tell thee what thou shalt do 1 Sam. 16. 3. 1 will shew thee what thou shalt rfu 22. 3. till 1 know what God will do for me 2(5. 25. thou shalt do great things, and still prevail 2 Sam. 3. 18. now then do it, the Lord hath spoken 15. 4. oh that 1 were judge, I would do him justice 2tj. here 1 am, let him do to me as seemeth good 21. t 4. it is not silver we have to do with Saul 24'. 12. that I may do it tottiae. 1 Chron. 21 10. 1 Kings a. 6 do therefore according to thy wisdom 31. 'do as he hath said, and fall upon him 8. 32. then hear, and do, and judge thy servants 39. he.ir in heaven, forgive, and do, 2 CAr (J. 23. 11. 33. . Joel 3. 4. what have ye to do with me, O Tyre ? Amos 3. t 6. and shall not the Lord do somewhat 7. the Lord will do nothing, but he reveaieth Jonah 4. 9. 1 do well to be angry, even unto death .Uir. 6.8. but to • 5G, 4. 1 Will not tear what flesh can ilo to me, 11. DO Ps. 118. 6. 1 will not fear Whatman can do to me Scc/.S.lC.what can n'.an do that conieth after king f Jer. 38. 5 that co^t du any tiling against you J/jriy.CC. if f«7u« rfo anything, have conip. onus I/uke 12. 4. after that have no more they can do John 3.2. for uo man can rftf these miracles thou dost 6. 19. the Son can do nothing of himself, 30. 15. .''. for without me ye can do nothing 2 Cor. 13. 8. we can do nothing against the truth Phil.i.ti.l can do all things thro'Ch. strengthen. me See Do Commandments DO with evtl. .FjfO'^.Cj.C.thou shalt not follow a multitude to do e. 4je»;.5.4.ir asoul swear to do evil or good, or do good Deut. 4. 25. shall do evil in the sight of the Lord 31. 29. because ye will do evil in sight of the Lord 1 Sam. 20. 13. if it please my father to rfff thee evil 2Sam. 12. 9."'ly despised L. to do evilin his sight S KingsH. 12. because I know the evil thou wilt do 17. 17. sold themselves to do evilin sight of Lord 21. 9. Manasseh seduced them to do more en.' AV/i. 9- + 28. they returned to do evil before thee Ptal. 34.16. the face of L. against them that do evil .17.8. fret not thyself in any wise to do evil Prov. 2. 14. who rejoice to do evil, and delight in 24. 8. he that deviseth to do evil shall be called Eccl. 5. 1 . for they consider not that they do evil 8. 11 . the heart of men fully set in them to do evil 12. though a sinner do evil an hundred times Jsa.\. 16. wash ye, make you clean, cease to do evil 41. 23. do good or ejiV, that we may be dismayed Jer. 4. 22. my peo.are wise to do evil, but to do good 10. 5. be liw afraid, for they cannot do evil 13. 23. then may ye that arc accustomed to do evil 18. 10. if it do evil ia my sight, that it obey not Kzei. fi. 10. that I would do this evil unto them Hhc. 7 3 that they may do evil with both hands Zep/i.l.l2. say, Ld. not do good, nor will he do evil Mark 3. 4. is itlawful to do good or do evil.' Luke 6.9. yf()m.3.8. that wc say. let us do evil that good may 13. 4. but if thou do that which is evil, be afraid 2 Cur. 13. 7. now I pray to God that ye do no evil 1 /V/. 3. 12. face of Lord is against them thai do evil DO joined with good. Gen. 19. 8. do ye to them as is good in your eyes 27.4fi. Rebekah said, what 5. shall my life do me ? Lev. 5. 4. if a soul swear, pronouncing to do good J\'Hm.l0.29.conie with us, and we will do thee good 24. 13. to do either joorf or bad of my own mind Deuf 1.14. thing thou hast spoken is g. for us to do 8. Ifi. prove thee, to do thee good at the latter end 28. 63. the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good 30. 5. and he will do thee good, and multiply thee Jitdg. 17. 13. now know I the Lord will do me good 19. 21. do with them what seemeth good to you 1 i'a»i.l.23.Elkanah said to Hannah, do what seem- eth thee good, 14. 36, 40. 2 Sam. I9. 27, .37. 3. 18. Eli said, it is the Lord, let him do what seemeth him good, 2 Sam. 10. 12. 2 Kings 10. 5. do that which is good in thine eyes 1 Cliron.ig.lS. let the L.rfo what is good in his sight 21 .23. lest the king da that which is good in his eyes Nell. 5. 9. also I said, it is not good that ye do Psal. 34. 14. do good, .37. 3, 27. | 51. 18. | 125. 4. Mat. 5. 44. Luke 6. 9. 35. 36. 3. he hath left off to be wise and to do good Prov. 31. 12. she will do him good and not evil Eccl. 3. 12. but for a man to do good in his life Isrr. 41. 23. yea do good or do evil, that we may be Jer. 4. 22. but to do cood they have no knowledge 10. 5. cannot do evil, nor is it in them to do good 13. 23. then may ye do good that are accustomed 26. 14. rfo with me as seemeth good and meet to you 29. .32. nor behold the good I will do for my people 32.40. 1 will not turn away from them to rfothem g. 41. I will rejoice over them to do them good 33. 9. which shall hear all the good 1 do to them Mic. 2. 7. do not my words do good to the upright Zcp/i. 1. 12. that say, the Lord will not do sood Mark 3.4. .lesus saith to them, is it lawful to do aood on the sabbath-days, or to do evil .' Luke 6. 9 14.7. the poor, when ye will, ye may do them good Luke it. 33. if ye do good to them that do good Ui you Horn.'. 19. for the good that I would, I do not 21. when I would i/iigrtorf evil is present with me 13. 3. do what is good, and thou shall have praise Gfl/.6 lO.Iet us(//iij(i.irf to all men.especiallyto ther 1 Tim. 6; 18. charge the ricb, that they do good Heh. 13.16. torfo good and communicate, forget not Jam. 4. 17. that knoweth to this thing before Israel 18. 4. what seemeth you best 7 aill do, I9. 38. 21. 3. said to Gibeonites, what .s/ia// I do for you .' 4. what you shall say, that will I do for you 1 lyings 5. 8. / will do all thy decire for timber of 20. 2: all thou didst send for at first, / will do ■i Kings 2.9.Elijah said, ask what I shall do for thee 4. 2. Elisha said to her, what shall Ida for thee .' I'.sth.i. ^.I will do to-morrow as the king hath said Johl . 20. what shall Ida to thee, O thou preserver 31. 14. what then shall I do when God riseth up 34. 32. if I have done iniquity, 1 will do no more Prov. 24. 29. / will do so to him as he hath done lin. 5. 5. I will tell what / will doto my vineyard 42.16. these things will I do, and not forsake them 43. 19. I will do a new thing, now it shall spring 4(>. 10. my counsel stand, I will do all my pleasure 11. I have purposed it, J will also do it 48. 11. even for mine own sake 7vill J do it Jer.t. 14. therefore will I do unto this house called 9. 7. how shall I do for daughter of my people ■ 19. 12. thus will J do to this place, saiih the Lord 25. 6. provoke me not, and I will do you no hurt 29. 32. the good that / will do for my people 51. 47. 7 auV/rfo judgment on the graven images Ezek. 5. 9. 7 will do in thee what I have not done 7. 27. 7 will do unto them after their way C2.14.7have spoken, and i/'iV/rfo it, 24.14. | ,36..36. 35. 11. I will even do according to thine anger 36.1 1.7 wi7/rf« better to you than at the beginning Hos. 6, 4. O Ephraim, wh.a.tshall I dounM thee ? .-Imos 4. 12. thus will I do unto thee, O Israel Mat. 19. 16. Master, what good thing shall J do? 27. 22. Pilate saith, what j/m// 1 do with .lesus r Z.«/-<;12.17.what .thall I do, because I have no room 16. 3. what shall I do? 20. 13. Ads 22. 10. John 14. 13. whatever ye shall ,ask, that will I do 14. if ye shall ask anything in my name 7!:!. doit 2 Cor. 11. 12. but what I do, that I will do Phtlem. 14. without thy mitid would I do nothing See JllUGM.F.NT. .Must DO. Erod. 18. 20. shalt shew the work that they must d. .Xum. 23. 26. all the Lord speaketh, that I mu.st do Prov. 19. 19. if thou deliver, thou mwjf (/oil again .lets 16. 30. jailer said, what must I do to be savedr DO joined with no, or 7tot. Gen. 18. 29. he said, I Avill not do it for forty's sake 30. he said, I will 710; rfo it if I find thirty there 19.22. I cannot do any thing till thou come thither 34. 19. the young man deferred not to do the thing Exod. 20. 10. is the sabbath of the Lord thy God, in it thou shalt noi .,32.31./fa.65.8.i;:«V.35.lS. 15. 1 'i.so shall he do to every one accord. to niimbec 22. 30. was I aver wont to do so unto thee ? 32. 23. if ye will not do so ye have sinned ag. 1.. Deut. 3. 21. so shall the Lord do to all the kings 12. 4. ye shall not do so to the Lord yourCJod, 31. .30. how did these nations serve their gods? iold» 18. 14. Lord thy G. hath not suffered thee soto4t 22. 3. and so sh.alt thou do with his raiment 5. all that rfi) Jii are abomination to Lord thyCiod ludg. 7. 17. it sh.all be, that ivs I do. so shall ye/. 11! 10. if we rf.' not so according to thy words 14. 10. for JO used the young men to do 19. 21. but to this man do not so vile a thing Hulh 1. 17.tlie Lord do so to nie, 1 Sam. 14. 4i 1 Sum. 3. 17. (iod do so to thee anil more also 8. 8. have served other gods, .<■> do ihey also to thet 20. 13. Lord do so and much more to Jonatliao 25. 22. so and more also do G. to enemies of DaviJ 30. 23. David said, ye shall not do so, my brethrci, 2 Sam. 3.9. sodo God to Abner, even so 1 doto hia 35. God do so to me and more also, I9. IT 1 Kings 2. 23. | 20. 10. 2 Kitigs (). 31. 9. 11. then said Ziba, so shall thy servant do I Kings I. 30. even so will 1 certainly do this day 2. 38. as the king h.ith said, so will thy servant ic 19. 2. so let the gods do to me, »nd more also 22. 22.licsaid,go forth%adA{0 SCA.on 18.SX DOS ^"^ ... I- 111 n n<. I^^'J*^- ^-^ tKin?.17Al.^mih.iTUheTS.sodoihtylo.A^l\lh'^^^^ ^,,^ ,,, ^.h^t thou - , /;i/a 10 12. as thou Uul. said, io mast wc rfa \eh 5. 12. they said, so will «-e a.> as ihou sayesl 6 U that I should be afraid, and rftf Ji). and 3in | lij "1 if ye du to again I will lay hands on y->u l.,i), 6 10. and do even so to Mord.cai the Jew 7 i". who and where is he durst presume too* 1.3 0. as one man mocketh. ^» ye ,o mock h.in? Proi. 20. 30. «rf« stripes the inward parts of belly 24.2y. say not, 1 will do to to him as he hath done Ita. lO.n. shall I to do to .lerus.^lem and her idols- Jer. 23. 6. the Lord do so. the Lord periorm words E-ek 45 "0. so thou shalt do seventh day of month VanUM. to shall he do, he shall even return ii«.io.l5..«>shallUeth^U.'to you,becau5P of your A/. Acts 6. 5. He plunged himself ,nt» irregularities, at it is said, and gave beginning Z, any to this sect, but also to that of th* Gnost cs and to several others. who.Jollomng tJMo/'heir passions, invented manydiffe- reJ sor's of crimes and uickedness. Among /'"'/Nicolaitans, adulteries, and the fe of meats offered to idols, were held as indifferent z;.. St. Austin ^-y^'^'-;:^'jj': i have their women in common, and make no scru- : to conform to all the pagan suver.tit.oits. p!al ly t 7. the d. of the Lord is perfect 7" "8 9 whom shall he make to understand d. +'l9. it shall be a vexation to und^rsta^d d 4 ''4 and they that mtirmured shall learn d. t. ; 1. who ha?n believed our., or -^ w-hom arm i;;6:3"bwr;;r,;het,.t^. nghteou..j^iitimes^..t L w^^^^^ ^^ ^ "-f T'lr 118. 15. right hand of the l-<"-'^ ''• ^f'.'.^' >• -^l ,, ,, 7 "8. the people were astomshed at his I'rov. 6. 32. he that d. it. destroyelh h.s own soul 1117. the merciful man d. good to his own soul 17 "2 a merrv heait d. good like a medicine ;VW " 2 and I said of mirth, what i. It r 3. ujwhatsoever (}od d. it shall be for ever, and God d it that men should fear before him 7 20 there is not a man d. good and iuuieth not 8 3. for he d. whatsoever pleaseth him ha 50 2. biassed isthemanrf. this, and sonof man Kzek. 17. IS. shall he escape that d. such things - 18 U). that d. the like to any one of these things n. and that 4. not any of those duties lid d. that which is lawful and right 10 28. he saiQ to niui. i'"o ui/, -■— . -■ „. ^„j ^ that whicn is lawiui a.iu ..g,— 12. 18. he sdd. this will 1 do. 1 will pull down ^yj^- ^ „^ ^ ^„^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ,„ heaven and earth £2.19.(/'i.< , --^^ n^j 3^^;^^ the Lord that d. this :,.r 9. 17. for if 1 d.t. xhmg willingly, have reward -'"'« 9- ^; .^^^^ ^^.^,, ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^„ jhat d. th" 23. and this I do for the gospel s sake - • v 3--,^^ ^^, j^.f^ Act, ICV.i..-. . ^ 23. and this I do lor the gospe - Jleb 6. 3. and this will we do if God permit 13 10 i,ut I beseech vou the rather to do r/iif Jam 4.' 15. if the Lord'wi.i, we will do this or that idf 1 Ills, 1 HINU. I)(J well. Jsa 1 17- leaTO '» do ucr«,seek judgment Jonah 4. 9. 1 do well to be angry, even to death Zech 8 15 to do welt to Jerusalem andto Judah Mat' I" 12 it is lawful to do «.'.' on sabbath-days Jo/,« ll'.'l2. Lord, if he sleep, he shall da iff// 'his 15 29 if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do welt Jam. 2.' 8. if ve fulfil the roval law, ye do well 1 I'el 2 14- for the praise ot them that do ttf// 211 but if when ye do well and suffer for it 3. 6. whose daughters ye are as long as ye do wcIL iPet 1. 10. whereto ye do oW/ihat ye take heed 3Jolm6. whom if thou bring, thou shalt do well Oen 10. 22. what they did there, he was the d of it « L;,. 3. 39. the Lord shall reward the d. of evil P,al 31 2r L.i. plentifully rewardeth the proud d. Prov 17. 4. 1 w''^^>"^J «'• K'^"'' '"^'■''. '° H^ Tl Jsa.^. 17. for every one is an hypocrite and evil d. 2 7i';«. 2. 9. wherein I suffer trouble as an evil d. Jam. 1. 23 if any be a hearer, and not ad. of word 25. he being not a forgetful hearer but a d 4 11. thou art not a d. ..f the law, but a judge 1 Pel 4. 15. let none of vou suffer as an evil d. DOtKS. 2 Kings 22. S.let them give it to the d. of the work Mat. 'J.. 1-. l-oru «mii.iii. "•■ • u, j Mat 6. 3. let not left hand know what thy right d. ■ 7 21. but he that d. will of my Father in heaven 24. whoso heareth ihese sayings, and d them 26.everv one that heareth and d not, Lukeb.-ig. 8.Q. to m'y servant, do this, and he d. it ^;''«. ' ■" Jolln 3. 20. every one that d. evil, hateth the light "1. but he that d. truth cometh to the light 5. ]9.what things soever be d. these d. 'he Son 7. 51. before it hear him .^nd know what bed. 9 31. but if any man d. his will, him he heareth 15 15. the servant knoweth not what his lord d. 16. 2. killeth you, will think hed. God service Horn 2.9.ancuish upon every soul of manthatd.evil 10 5. righteousness of law, that the rnan that d. these things shall live by thein. Gal. J. 1 -. n. 4. to execute wrath upon him that d. evil 1 Cor r, 18. every sin a man d. is without the body 7. 37. decreed ihat he will keep his virgin, d we 33. so then he that giveth her in marriage d.well Gal. 3.5. d. he it by works of ihe law, or by faith f l-vh. a. 8. whatsoever good thing any inan d. CJ 1 6. bringelh forth fruit, as it d. also in you •1 25. but he that d. wrong, shall receive for wrong I Thess.-:. H. exhorted as a father d. his children Jam 4 17 that knoweth to do good, andd.it not 'oAri'" 17.h..thatd. will of God abideth forever '■9 that d. righteousness is born of hmi, 3. 7. 3 John 10. 1 wii. remember his deeds which he d. fer 10 8. Drutisn, lue 3iui.». " - -■ . , ;„ j Mat'l.i^^. the people were -'^-^•"l^^^i^'i'^j^- "" .33. Mark 1. 22. | 11- 18. ^"ke 4. J«. IG 12 bew"are-of the d. of the Pharisee* .Uark\. 27. people amazed, saying, what I.ew d. 4 2 he taught and said to them in his d.U. 38. Jo/,;r7 17. if do his will, he shall know ol the i. ' t. .'9. the high priest then asked Jesus of his d. Icts'^ i" they continued in the apos„es d. 3"8' te'have filled Jerusalem with your d. rsie.^ being astonished at the d. of the Lord 7 r; -^aying, may we know what this new d is ' Pom i' 17 but ye'have obeyed that form of d. 1617 contrary- to the d. which ye have learned 1 0,r 14 6. except 1 shall speak to you by d. every one of you hath a d. a toague 4. 14.- carried about with every wmd of d". 1 lim 1. .3. charge that they teach no other d 41": till I come, give attendance to reading,tod. 16 take heed to thyself, and to thy d. 5 17 especially they who labour in the word and d (i thrnlme of G. and his d. be not blasphemed '3 and to the d. which is according to sod u.ss •- Tim 3 16. all scripture is profital.le lor d •4 2 Rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and d. •;■,/ " 7 in d. shewing incorruptness, grawty '■ 0. that the'y may adorn the d. of G our Sa^.ou, !I..b 6 1 leaving the principles of the d.otGhrist "2 o fthe d. of blptisms, and oHaying on of hands " John U. whoso abideth not in the d. of Lhrist , he - tia; abideth in d. of Christ hath Father and Son Rev 2. 14. thou hast them that hold ''• »' J^^'^f 15 that hold d. of the N icolaitans. which 1 hate Good D0C1IUM-- Proi' 4. 2. I give you good d. forsake not my law T,m\ e. uounshed up in the words of good d 1/v UUCllUNE. Dent Z't.l.my d.'shall drop as the rain, my speech h \\ 4 mv d. is pure, and 1 am clean in thine eyei J in 7 16 my d. is not mine, but his that sent me Vim'a 10. but thou hast fully known my d. • 6o««d DOCTRINE. Tim \. 10. .iny thing that is contrary to soundi. o J.m 4. 3. when they wUl not endure sound d. 'til 1 9. by sound d. to exhort and convince <- '1 but speak thi.itts which become sound i. 7/.» DOCTRINE. Psal. lul. 8. that I may cut off all kicked d. Gamaliel, a d. of the law jeom.2. 13. but the d. of the law shall be justified Mr" 5. 34. then 5 UoClORS. Jam. 1. 22. be ye d. of the word, not hearers only Lviu-UOEB, dolus; See LviL. DOST. Oen. t. T. if tliou d. well, and if thou d. not well 21 22. God is with thee in all that thou d. Eiod. 18. 17. the thing that thou d. is not good JJetit. 12. 2tt. when ihou d. which is good and right 16. 18. God shall bless thee in all that thou J. 2 aiim 3 2.'5. ASner came to know all that thou d. I Kinri 2 ."l.ihat thou mayest prosper in all thou d . ' 140 11. but he that d. evil hath not seen God ^^^ ^„j bring not this d. /.-...IS.lS.andhe d. ere.it wonders, he maketh fu-e - •'^,'":,1°- " ^j ^^ ^ „^,;. ^^ have not ,hu d. DOCIOR.,. ,_^_^_,__J«"-- • DOCTRINES. W.,f .iS.g.for d. the commandm. of men Mark 7.7 if« J. jt. viiv,. ..." — ;.'",„.r ■ Jl//7f.]5.g.lor d.tnecommawuiii. — . r „,.„ DOC 1 ORS. . . , „f ,. , . Co c^ ol after the commandments and d. of mta ' uke 8.46.they found Jesus sitting in midst of the d. ^"',; -•— ='"" , j^jj^. giving heed to d.of deviU 5.17 there were Pharisee, a^ud d. of law sitting by | ^\\"'-^^-^'l^ZctnS^\>o.^ with strange d. DOG „ domestic animal well known. By /A. /«» « wa, declared unclean, and was very much despisei amoZ 'he Jew,- The most ojf.nsive ..pressijn DOCTRINE Signifies. [11 Knowled,e. \''''''^^\^^'\^jt\ls a domestic an [2 A tenet, or opini..n. .Mat. It). 1^^ I- J -< ^ ^.^, j,,/„„d «. truth, of the gospel in general lil.^. ^0. [4]! Instruction, information and ""■'\'f"'''''l^-',Z the truths of tlie gospel. 2 1 uu. 3. I6. l5] J/« . manner of ICOfhing, pUh me matter aUo, Mat 'ihZ'coulduse. wa, to compare a rnan '" <> 'i">J Li. David i»""i*' W maiii tiavil W'W»i'<. 'A"' DOI iSt uyyjuti persecution ahich he carried on against Aim, did himself no hanow, said to Aim After whom is the king of Israel come out after whom dost thou pursue > after a dead dog, 1 Sam. 24. 14. The name of dog is sometimes put /or one tcho has lost alt modesty; for one teho prostitutes himself hy committing any abominable action, such as rodomv ; in this manner several understand tite injunction delivered by Woses, of not offering in the tabernacle of the Lord the hire of a whore or the price of a do;:, Dent. 23. 18. And Christ excludes dogs, sorcerers, whoremongers, mur- derers, and idolaters, from the kingdom of Heaven, Rev. 22. 15. i'he apostle Paul calls the false apostlas dogs, by reason of their impu- dence and greedy love of sordid gain, Phil. 3. 2. Solomon and the apostle Peter compare sinners teho continually relapse into their sins, to dogs returning to their vomit, Prov. 2f). 11. 2 Pet. 2. 22. Dog or dojs, i> put for, [1] The devil, Psal. 22. 20. [2] Persecutors, Psal. 22. It). [.?] False teachers, Isa. 56. 11. Phil. 3. 2. r4] Unholi/ men, Mat. 7- 6. [5] The Gentiles, Mat. 15. "27. Etod. 11. 7- but against Israel shall not a d. move Devt. 2.1.10. not bring price of a rf. into house of L. Judg. 7. 5. every one that lappeih as a d. lappeth 1 Sam. 17. 43. Philistine said to David, am I a.d..' 24. 14. after whom dost thou pursue ? after a rf. ? 2 Sam. 3. 8. then Abner said, am I a dog's head .■' 9.8. thou shouldest look upon such dead rf.as I am 16. 9. why shouldest this dead d. curse my lord f S Kings 8.13.Hazael said, but what is thy serv.at/. jPjfl/. 22. 20. my darling from the power of the d. 59. 6. at evening they make a noise like a d. 14. J'rov. 2t). 11. as a rf. returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly, 2 Pet. 2. 22. 17. is like one that taketh a d. by the ears Eccl. 9- 4. a living d. is better than a dead lion lea. 66. 3. sacrificeth, as if he cut otf a dog's neck DOGS. Eiod. 22. 31. nor eat flesh torn of beasts, ye shall cast it to the d. Mat. 15. 26. MarkT. Tl . I Kings 14. 11. shall the d. eat, 16. 4. | 21. 24. 21. 19. thus saith the Lord, in the place where d. licked the blood of Naboth.shall rf. lick thy blood 2,1. the d. shall eat Jezebel, 2 Kings 9. 10, 36 22. 38. and the d. licked up Ahab's blood Job30.\. I disdained to have set with .ey are all dumb d.\\ 11. greedy d. Jer. 15. 3. the sword to slay, and the rf. to tear Jl/af. 7. 6- give not that which is holy unto d. 15. 27. yet the d. eat of the crumbs, Mark"!. 28. Luke 16. 21. the d. came and licked liis sores Phil. 3. 2. beware of d. beware of evil workers Rev. 22. 15. for without are d. and sorcerers DOING. Gen. 31. 28. thou hast done foolishly in so d. 44. 5. is not this it •■ ye have done evil in so d. Ezod.\5.\l. like thee, fearful in praises, d. wonders Hum. 20. 19. 1 will only, without d. any thing else Deut. g. Ifi. because ye sinned in d. wickedly 1 AVw^.t 16. 19. he sinned in d. evil, 2 Kings 21.16. 22. 43. d. that which was right, 2 Chron. 20. 32. 1 Chron 22. 1(). arise, and be d. Lord be with thee If eh. 6.3.1 am d. a great work, I cannot come down Job 32. 22. in so d. my IMaker would take me away J^sal. 64. 9. they shall wisely consider of his rf. fi6. 5. he is terrible in d. toward children of men 118.23. this is the Lord's d. it is marvellous in our eyes. Mat. 21. 42. Mark 12. 11. Jsa. 56. 2. and keepith his hand from d. any evil 5B. 13. fromrf.thy pleasure on my holy day, and /?r. 32. + 19. great in counsel, and mighty in d. Liiek. 31. 1 11. in d. he shall do unto him Mat. 24. 46. his Lord shall find so d. Luke 12 43. ..lets 10. 38. Jesus, who went about d. good 24. 20 if they have found any evil d. in me Horn. 12.20. for in sorf. thou shalt heapcoals of fire { Cor. 8. 11. now therefore perforui the d. of it £ph. 6. 6. as the servants of Christ, d. the will of God from the heart l7'i>«. 4. 16. ini/.this thou shalt save thyself and them 5. 21. observe these things, rf. nothing by partiality HeS. 13.+21.rf. in youwhat iswell-pleusingin siglit Zam. 1. 1 25. this man shall be blessed in his d (IW/ DOING. /i'jCT.2. 7. by patient continuance in leetl-d. Cal.6.0. letusnotbeweary intc/Arf. 2 'iV/wj. 3.1.!. 1 Pet. 2. 15. witli uell-d. ye may put to silence 3. 17. for it is '•etier that ye suffer fo' Kc/l-d. 4. ig. commit their souls unto him in *e./-rf. as to DOINGS. Lev. 18. 3. after the rf. of I'.sypt, and »fterthe rf. of Canaan, whither I bring you, s'lall ye noi do Deut. 28. 20. Irfcause of the wickedi.ess of thy rf. Jude. 2. 10. they ceased not from their own d. 141 DOM 1 Sam. 25. S. Nab»l was churlish and evil in his d. 2 Chron 17. 4. and walked not after the rf. of Israel Ps. 9.11. declare among the people his rf. Isa. 12.4. 77. 12. I will meditate of thy works, talk of thy rf. Prov. 20. 11. even a child is known by his rf. Isa. 1. 16. wash ye, put away the evil of your rf. 3.8. because their tongue and rf. are against the L. 10. for they shall eat the fruit of their rf. Jer. 4. 4. lest my fury come and burn, because of the evil of your rf. 21. 12. | 26. 3. | 44. 22. 18. thy rf. have procured these things to thee 7. 3. amend your ways and rf. 5. ] 26. 13. | 35.15. 11. 18. then thou shewedst me their rf. 17. 10. according to the fruit of his rf. 21. 14. 18. 11. return, and make your ways and rf. good 23. 2. I will visit upon you the evil of your rf. 22. and from the evil of their rf. 25. 5. Zech. 1.4 32. 19. to give according to the fruit of his rf. Liek. 14. 22. ye shall see their way and their rf. 20. 43. there shall ye remember yourrf. and your 44. nor accord, to your wicked ways, corrupt rf 21. 24. so that in all your rf. your sins do appear 24. ;4. according to thy rf. shall they judge 36. 17. they defiled it by their own way and rf. 19- and according to their rf. I judged them 31. shall remember your rf. that were not good Uos. 4. 9. I will punish and reward them their rf 5.4. they will not frame their rf. to turn to their G 7. 2. now their own rf. have set them about 9- 15. for the wickedness of their rf. I will drive 12. 2. according to his rf. will he recompense Mic. 2. 7. O house of Jacob, are these his rf. .' 3.4. as they have behaved themselves ill intheirrf, 7.13. land shall be desolate for the fruit of their rf. Zeph. 3.7. but they rose early, corrupted all their rf. 11. sh.ilt thou not be ashamed for all thy rf. ? Zech. 1.6. according to our rf. so hath dealt with us DOLEFUL. Isa. 13. 21. their houses full of rf. creatures Mic.i.i. inthatday shall lament with a rf.lamentat. DOMINION Signifies, [1] Poaer, Neh. g. 28. Rom. 6. g. [2] Persons ruled over, Psal. 114. 2. [3] Kings a7id kingdoms, Dan. 6. 26. \ 1 . 27. [4] .insets, Eph. 1.21. Col. 1. 16. [5] Magistrates, 2 Pet. 2. t 10. Jiide R. [6] The universal and un- limited authority and government 0/ God, Psal. 72. 8. I 14i. 13. Dan. 4, 3, 2i, 34. | 7. 14. Ctn. 1. 26. have rf. over the fish of the sea, 28. 27. 40. and when thou shalt have the d. snalt break 37. 8. or shalt thou indeed have rf. over us ? Num. 24. 19. out of Jacob come he that shall have rf. Judg. 5. 13. he made him haverf. over the nobles 14. 4. at the time the Philistines had rf. over Israel 1 Kings 4. 24. Solomon had rf. over all the region 9. IH. to build in the land of hi) rf. 2 Chron. H. 6. 3 Kings 20. 13. there wjs nothing in his house or in all his rf. that Ilezekiah shewed not, Isa. .iy. 2. 1 Chron. 4.22. men of t'hozeba who had rf. in Moub 18. 3. as he went to stablish his rf. by the river 2 Chron. 21. 8. the f^domites from under Judah's rf. 32. + 9. .Sennacherib and all his rf. with him AV/i. 9. 28. so that they had the rf. over them 37. also they have rf. over our bodies and cattle Job 25.2.rf. and fear are with him, he maketh peace 38.33. canst thou set the rf. thereof in the earth ' Psal. 8. 6. to haverf. over the worksof thy hands 19- 13. from sins, let them not have rf. over nie 49. 14. the upright shall have rf. over them 72. 8. he shall have rf. also from sea to sea 103. 22. bless the Lord in all places of his rf. 114. 2. Judah washis sanctuary, and Israel hisrf. 119. 133. let not any iniquity have rf. over me 145. 13. thy rf. endureth through all generations Isa. 26. 13. other lords besides thee had rf. over us .ler. 2. < 31. wherefore say my people, we have rf. .•' Dan. 4. 3. his rf. is from generation to generation £2. thy rf. reacheth to the end of the earth 31. most High, whose rf. is an everlasting rf.7.1 1. 6. 26. that in every rf. of my "kingdom men tremble and fear before the (iod of Daniel, ami hi6 rf. shall be even unto the end 7. 6. the beast h.id four heads, and rf. was given to it J2. the re« of the beasts had their rf. taken .away ]4. then was given hinirf. and glory, a kingdom 26. they shall take away his rf. to consume it 27. the rf.shall be given to the saints of most High 1 1. 3. a mighty king that shall rule with grtatrf. 5. 4. not ac<:ording to his rf. which he ruled .Mic. 4. 8. to thee shall it come evf n the first rf. Zech g. 10. his rf. shall be from sea to sea .Vat. 20. 25. the princes of the Gentiles exerciserf. l\om. 6. g. raised, death hath no more rf. over him 14. for sin shall not have rf.ovcr you, under grace 7- 1. law hath rf. over a man as long as lie livelh 2 Cor. 1. 24. not that we have rf. over your faith />//. 1.21 .above all power, might, .-viid rf.cvery name 1 PiY. 4.11. that (iod may be glorified, to whom be praise and rf for ever and ever, .I. 11. l\er. l.ti. 2 Pel. 2, ♦ 10. but them that despise rf. Judt b. DON Jude 25. to the only wise (lod b« ,\5. l.aih.l. 1. hereminib. Vashti, and what she had rf 4. l.Mordecai perceived all was rf. rent hi>clothei (T.6. the king said, what shall be rf. to the man y. thus shall It be rf. to the man the kinc honours .A/A 21.31. who shall repay him what he hath rf. ' 34. 2g. whether it be rf. ag. a nation or a m.vi only /'..«/. 33. g. he spake and it waa rf. he commanded 71. ig. he hath rf. great things, I06. 21. | 126.2,3. 120. 3. wh.-vt shall be rf. to thee, false tongue? Prov. 3. 30. strive not if he have rf. thie no harm 4. 16. they sleep not, except they have rf. misrhid Ixcl. 1. 9. that which is rf. is that which shall be rf. 14. have seen the works arc rf. under sun, 4. 13. 2. 12. even that which hath been already rf. /j(7 3.tll.thc reward of his hands shall be rf.to him 41.4. who hath wrought and rf.it' 1 the Lord ^^. 23. sing, O heavens, for the Lord halli a. 48. 5. lest thou shouldest say, my idol ham a. them ler. 3. t). hast seen what backslnliiig Isr.icl hath rf. 5. Vi prophets wind) thus snail it bi.c{.uulolheia DON /^.7.13.b«caQ« ye have rf.all these work5,9aith L. 20.for children of Judah have d. evil in my sight 34. 15. were turned, and had d. right in my sight 3d. 10. have d. all that Jonadab commanded, 18. 38. 9. these men have d. evil to Jeremiah prophet 44. 17. as we have d. we and our faftiers, kings 48. 19. asV him that fleeth, and say, what is d. 50. 15. vengeance as she halh d. unto her, 29. 51. 35. the violence d. to me and to my flesh lum.i.XT. Lord hath J. that which he had devised i.'«i.2J.39.thus have they d. in midst of my house 39. 8. it is come, it is d. saith the Lord God 43.11. if they be ashamed of all that they have d. 44. 14. and for all that shall be d. therein Dan. 11. 30. for that (hat is determined shall be d. litfh. 3. 4. the priests have d. violence to the law .1/af.6.10. thy will be J. 26. 42. Luke 11.2. | 22.42 8. 13. as thou hast believed, so be it d. to thee 11. 21. if the mighty works which were d. in you had been d. in Tyre and Si Jon, Luke 10. 13. 18. 19. any thing they ask, it shall be d. for them 31. when his fellow-sen'ants saw what was d. 21. 21. be thou cast into the sea, it shall be d. 23.23. these ought ye to have d. Luke U. 42. 25. SI. well d. good and faithful servant, 23. 40. inasmuch as ye have d. it to one of the least of these my brethren, ye have d. it to me 27- 54. saw those things that were d. 28. 11. Mark 5. 14. went out to see what wasrf. Luke 8. .35 19. g" home to thy friends, tell what great things the Lord hath d. for thee, 28. Luke 8. 39. .33. tiie woman knowing what was d. in her 6. 30. they told him what they had d. sind taught 9. 1 3. they have d. to him whatsoever they listed 13. 30. shall not pass till all these things be d. 15. 8. "lesire him to do, as he had e^'e^ d. to them l.ukt 1. 49. he that is mighty hathrf. groat things ?■. 19. being reproved for the evils Ilerod had d. «. 5t>. he charged them to tell no man what was d y. 10. the apostles told him all that they had d. 14. 22. Lord, it is d. as thou hast commanded 17. 10. ye, when ye shall have d. all those thiugs, we have d. that which was our duty to do £3. 3< . if in a green tree, what shall be d. in dry .' 47. now when the centurion saw what was d. 24. 21. the third day since these thinis were d. John 5.29.they that have d. good to resurrection of life ; they that hav d. evil, to damnation 15. 7- ask what ye will, and it shall be d. unto you 10. .36. these things were d. that the sc'ipture be Act! 2. 43. many signs were d. by the apostles 4. 9. of the good deed d. to the impotent man 16. a notable miracle hath been d. by them 21. all men glorified God for that which was 'Ai7.2.3.1et nothing be rf. thro' strife orvain-clory 4. 14. ye have well rf. that ye did communicate Col. 4. 9- will make known all things that are rf. Tit. 3. 5. not by works of righteousness we have rf. i/n. 2. 6. because ye have rf. this thing 12. 5. the man that hath rf. this thing shall die 14. 20. hath thy servant Joab rf. this thing ? £1. king said, behold now, I have rf. this thing 1 Ktn^f 1 .27. is this thing rf. by my Lord the kiug f 11. 11. Lord said, forasmuch as this is rf, of thee 2 Chron. 11.4. return, for tl,is thing is rf. of men Psai. 7. 3. O Ixird, my God, if 1 have rf. this 22. 31. they shall declare that he hath rf. this 51. 4. I have sinned, and rf. this evil in thy sight Isa. 41. 20. that the hand of the Lord hathrf. ihis Ezek. 23. 38. moreover, this they have rf. unto me i1/a/. 2.13. this have ye rf. again, covering the altar Mat. 1. 22. now all this was rf. 21. 4. I 26. 56. 13. 28. he said to them, an enemy hath rf. this 21. 21. not only do this «iichisrf. to the fig-tree 26. 13. this that this woman hath rf. Mark 14. 9, Mark 5. 32. to see her that had rf. this thing Luke 5. 6. when they had rf. Ihis they inclosed 23. 41. but this man hath rf. nothing amiss h'hn 7. 31. miracies than theseriiV man hath d.? 12 18. for tJiey heard he had rf. this miracle .■ir/* 4. 7. by what power or name have ye rf. this* 10. 16. this was rf. thrice, Mes.sel received, 11.10. 28. 9. so when this was rf. others also came 1 Car. 5. 2 not mourned that he hathrf. this deed.O. DOOR I'roperly signifies the ent*ance into a h/>use. Gen. 19. 9- it is likewise taken in a meiajJtorieat sense: Our Sai iour rays, John 10. 9. 1 am the dour ; by me if any man enter in he shall be saved. / am the only wa;i w'lerehy lost sinners may come to God, and ooiatn s^dvtilwn: The only way of entrance aad a^imissiau both into iht chur.i tnilitanl und triuiaiJianl is by met for none, but sucn as navt a true a-id a iiveiy Jaiti ill me, tirought "j tlieir soul by nry SpiriL, can be true memberf cj my tvuicJi here, muc/t less mem- bers of the gUniou: chnrch in heaven. It is said, in Rev. 3. 20, Behold, I stinid at the door, anti knock. / stand at the do\sr of sinnei>s' hearts^ in the eospel disp^nsalitm, htvitrag them to Tt- fent, and titrn from tlitir evil nays. There is likaci.'TC mention made of the door of mercy, or the lime or season of grace. Mat. £5.10, 'Ihcy that w^re ready, went in with liim to the mair riage, and the door was abut. Luke 13. 23, When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door. Sec. By these parabolical eipressious our Saviour inlimaiet that there isa deieiminale time, tvh rein linntr.. rnnst. if ever. acce,it of the offers of pace cm t salvation, uhtch, if they ileef, they will not it aiic to obtain r of heaven arid glory, uill Sc shut against them. In Acts 14. «7- •"« "ad of ihe 4oor qf faith i Gudhad opened Uw (fdc of faith DOO to the Gentiles ; Ht hud earisei the ^tfSpel ib hi preaclied unto them, zthereby they zsere irou^At to beliei e in Christ, and to become members kJ his church. Ihe apostle Paul writing to the Corinthians, ami (tllinz them of the special opportunitu u-hich Ood had givt:7i him of doing vttich good by the gospel, lists this expression, A door is opened unto me, iCor. 16. y. 2 Cor. 2. 12. Jiid the same apostle speaks vf a door of utterance. That God would open unto us a door of ut- terance, that is, would affo'd us an opportunity, nnd vouchsafe ability and courage, to preach the gospel. Col. 4. 3. To lie at the door; To be at the door ; To stand before the door ; are vhrases dcTwting iha' a person or thing is near 01 hand. Gen. 4. 7. Mat. 24. 33. Jam. 5. 9. Ood promises to give his people, upon their repentance. The valley of Achor for a door of hope, Uos. C. 15. Arhor was a valley in the territory of Jericho, and in the tribe of Benja- min, on the very entrance into the land of Ca- naan : The Israelites, fatigued and discouraged JSith marching and encamping for forty years in the zeilderness, and coming to this valley, began to entertain hopes of enjoying the promised land: In allusion to this, God p>omises»his peo- ple by Hosea, l7iat he tiould give them some be- ginnings of mercy and favour, as the earnest and pledges of future blessing. Gen. 4. 7. if thou dost not well, sin lieth at the d. 19. 9. they pressed, andcame near to break the d. £iod. 12. 23. the Lord also will pass over the d. 21. 6. his master shall bring him to the d. Veui.lS.n. shall thrust it through his ear to the d. S ^am.13.17. puther from me, bolt the d. after her 18.brought her out, and he bolted the rf.after her 8 Kings 4. 15. when he called, she stood in the d. 9. 3. thon open the d. and flee, and tarry not Esth. 2. 21. of those who kept the d. 6'. 2. Job 31. 9. if I have laid wait at my neighbour's rf. 34. did I fear, that I went not out of the d. t Psal. 141. 3. O Lord, keep the d. of my lips Prov. 26. It. as the d. turneth upon his hinges <.<7n<. 5. 4. he put in his hand by the hole of the d. 8. 9- if she be a d. we will inclose her with boards E.iek. 8. 3. brought me to the d.of the inner gaie, 7 . 8. when I had digged in the wall, behold a d. 10 19. every one stood at the d. of the east-gate 11.1. behold, at the d. of the gate, twenty-five men 41. 2. the breadth of the d. was ten cubits 46.3. the people shall worship at the d. of this gate Dan.3.^ 26.>.el)uchad.camet0 the rf.of the furnace Uos. 2.15. will give valley ol Achor for a rf.of hope .'Imos Q. 1. he said, smite the lintel of the d. Hat. 47. Go. he rolled a great stone to the d. of the sepulchre, and departed, Mari 15. 4ti. 28. 2. the angel rolled the stone from the d. iHart 1. 33. all the city was gathered at the d. 2.2. was no room, no not so much as about the d. 16. 3. who shall roll us the stone from the rf. .' Jihn 10. 1 . he that entereth not by the d. is a thief 2. that entereth in by the d. U 7. 1 am the rf. 9. 18. 16. but Peter stood at the d. without 17. then saith the damsel that kept the d.to Peter Acts 5.9.feet of them are at the d. to carry thee out 12. 13. Jis Peter knocked at the d. of the gate 16. when they had opened the d. and saw him 14.27. how he had opened thet/.of faith to Gentiles 1 Cor. 16. 9- a great d. and effectual is opened ■t Cor. 2. iC. a d. was opened to me of the Lord Col. 4. 3. that God would open a d. of utterance Jam. 5. 9- the judge standeth before the d. Rev.3.8. 1 set before thee an open d. none can shut 29.1 stand Md.anii knock, if any man open iht.d. 4.1. 1 looked, and behold a d. was open in heaven DOOR with house. G«n. 19.11. smote them that were at d. of the house 43. 19. they communed at the d. of the house £jO(/.12.2C.none of you go out at the d. ofhishonse Lev. 14. 3H. the priest shall go to the d. of the house Z>fu/. 22. 21. bring damsel to rf.of her father's house Judg.\^."6. fell down at rf. of the man's house, 27. USam. 11. 9. Uriah sleptatrf. of the king's housf 2 Kings 5.9. Naaman stood at d. o( house of I'.lisha Neh. 3. 20. unto the d. of the house of I'.liashib 21. Merimoth repaired from the d. of the house Prov. 5. 8. and come not nigh the d. of her house 9.14. for she sitteth at the d. of her house on a seat Jer.lQ. i 10. the princes sat atrf.oflhe Lord's 'loiue S6. + 10. Baruch read at the d. of the Lord's house liaek. 8. 14. hebroucht me torf. of Lord's h. 47. 1. DOOR with shut. Oen. 19.6. Lot shut the d. \\ 10. angels shut the d. ^Kings •!•. 4. when come in shalt shut d. upon thee 5. she shut d. upon hfr!|21. she shut d. on him 33. he went in and shut the d. on them twain 6. 32. shut the d. a.id hold him fa.'^t at the d. Mat. 6. 6. and wlicn thou hast ihui thy d. pray to a.lO.itie d.via:, that i Luki 11.'. the d.ii aoyi shut 113 DOT FMie 13. 25. master risen, and hath thul to the d. Hev. 3.8. set before thee an open d.uo man can ihut DOOR with tabernacle. Exod. 29. 4. thou shalt bring to d. of the tabernacle, 40. 12. Lev. 4. 4. I 8. 3, 4. \ 12. 6. Num. fi. 10. 1 1. shal". kill bullock by the d. of the tabernacle, 32. I 40. 29. Lev. 1. 5. Num. 27. 2. 42. burnt-offering at the d. of the tabernicle, .33. 9,iO. I 38.8. I 40.28. | Lev.1.3. \ 3.2. | 4.7,18. 40. 6. before the d. of the tabernacle. Num. 25. 6. Lev.8. 31.z.tlhe d. of the tabernacle, 35. | 14.11. I 16.7. I 17. 6. Num. 6.18. I 10. 3. Josh. ig.51. 33. ye shall not go out of the d. of the tabernacle 10. 7. ye .shall not go out from the d. of the tahern. 14. 23. unto the d. of the tabernacle, 15. 14, 29. I 19. 21. Num. 16. 18, 19,50. I 20. 6. 17. 4. bringeth it not to the d. of the tabernacle, 9. .V;/m. 12.5. stood in the d. of the tabernacle, I6. 18. Ueut. 31. 15. a pillar of cloud stood over d. of tabernacle 1 Chr. 9. 21. Zechariahwas porter of d. of tabern. DOOR joined with tent. Gen. 18. 1. Abraham sat in the tent d. in heat of d. 2. he ran to meet them from the te7ii d. and bowed 10. Sarah heard it in the tent d. behind him £j.'(/.33.8. the people stood every man at his tent d. 10. the people worshipped,cverymaninhisrcnf d. iV«m.ll.lO. weeping, every mam in the rf.of his tent l6.27.Dathan and Abiram stood in rf.of their tents Judg. 4. 20. he said, stand in the d. of tiie tent DOOR-KEl.PER. Ps. 84.10. I had rather bearf.-Xee/'erin house of G. /t;. 35. 4. the chamber of SItiaseiah keeper of the d. DOOR-KEEPERS. 2 Aingj32.4.which keepers of the d. have gathered 2.'?. 4. the keepers of the d. to bring the vessels 25. 18. the captain of the guard took the chief priest and the three keepers of the d. Jer. 52. 24. 1 Chr. 15. 23. Berechiah, Elkanah, were d.-keepers 24. Obed-edom and Jehiah d.-keepers for the ark Esth. 6. 2. the keepers of the d. sought to lay hcind DOOR-POST. Exod. 21.6. his master" shall bring him to the d.-post i:.'ie*.41.3.he measured dstpost of the d. two cubits DOOR-POSTS. Exod. 12.7- strike blood on upper (/.-;iojf J of houses /JeK/.11.20.shall write them on d. -posts ofthyhouse La. 6. 4. the pasts of the d. moved at the voice Ezek. 41.16. he measured the d.-posis and windows DOORS. Josh. 2. 19. whosoever shall go out of the d. Judg. 3. 24. the d. of the parlour were locked 25. he opened not the d. of (he parlour 11.31. what cometh forth of the d. I will offer it 16. 3. Samson took the d. of the g.ate of the city 19. 27. her lord rose up, and opened the d. 1 •'Sam. 3. 15. Samuel opened the d. of the house 21. 13. David scrabbled on the d. of the gate 2 A"i«jyl8.l6.Hezekiah cut off the gold from the d. 2 Chron. 23. 4. of the Levites be porters of the d. 29. 3. Ilezekiah opened the d. of the house Neh. 3. 1. and they set up the d. of it, 3. | 7. 1. Job 31. 32. but T opened my d. to the traveller 38. 10. when I set bars and d. to the sea 17. hast thou seen the d. of the shadow of death r 41. 14. who can open the d. of his lace r Psal. 24. 7. be ye lifted up, ye everlastmg d. Q. 78. 23. though he had opened the d. of heaven Prov.&. 3. Wisdom crieth at the coming in at the d. 34. heareth me, waiting at the posts of my d. ha. 57. 8. behind d. hast thou setup remembrance 1 zek. .33. 30. still talking in the d. of the houses Mic. 7. 5. keep the d. of thy mouth from her Zeih. 11.1. open thy d. O Lebanon, that the fire Mat. 24. 33. know it is near, at the d. Mark 13. 29. .lets 5. 19. the angel by night opened the prison «. 26. 20. enter, and shut thy d. about thee .'\lal. 1. 10. who that would shut the d. for nought .' John 20. 19. when the d. were shut Jesus came, 26. Acts 21. 30 and forthwith the d. were shut DOTE. Jer. 50. 36. a sword is on liars, and they shall d. DOTED. Ezek. 23. 5. Aholah d. on her lovers the ,A5^yrian^ 7. committed whoreiloms with all on whoui she d. 9. into hand of Assyrians, on whom she J. 12. 16. 33 soon as she saw them, she d. upon tht-m 20. ioviiuid. upon their paramours, whose &csb DOU f DOTINGl 1 Tim. 6. 4. about questions and itrifM cf words. DOUBLE. Double commonly signifies tuice as much. Gen 43. 12. Take double money, that is, iictei at much money. A double garment, may mean a lined habit, such as the htgh-priest*s oreast-vlatt teas, Exod. 39. 9. or a complete hatii or suit oj clothes, a cloke and tunic, Judg. 17. 1 10. Dwell with me, jind I will give thee 2 doub;» suit of apparel, or an order of garments. Doubl« sometimes signifies abundance, as much as a»- suiers one's dtsign, Isa. 40. 2. She hath re- ceived of the Lord's hand double for all her sins. They have received punishment, though not so much as their sins deserved, yet abun- dantly sufficient to answer God's design, :.hich teas to humble and reform them, and to aarn others by their example. See Jer. I6. 18. | 17. 18. 1 iim. 5. 17. A double heart, a double tongue, double mind, are opposite to a simple, honest, sincere heart ; a true tongue; a jusi, faithful, sincere mind, Psal. 12. 2. 1 Tim. 3 8. Jam. 1. 8. ('•en. 43. 12. and take d. money in your hand 43. 15. and they took d. money in their hand Liod. 22. 4. if theft be found, he shall restore d 7. if found, let him pay d.\\g. he shall pay d. 39. 9. they made the brejist-plate d. a span was Ueut. 15. 18. been worth a d. hired servant to thee 21. 17. by giving him a d. portion of all he hath Judg. 17.+ 10. 1 will give thee a d. suit of apparel 1 Sam. 1. t 5. to Hannah he gave a d. portion 2 Kings 2. 9- let a d. portion of thy spirit be on me 1 Chron. 12. 33. they were not of arf. heart Job 11.6. that they are d. to that which is 41. 13. who can come to him with his ^tand inrf.of yon 1 John 2. 19. would no d. have continued with us DOUBTS. Dan. 5. 12. disiolving of ui,hment as thi t[ implied, Isa. 36. 1-2. loseplius and 1 beudo- rel were of opinion, that thit doves' dune was touglit initead of tall. The Uabbins affirm. thai It -cat r.a ilu dueg ifjiiftviu, but the corn 144 DftA in tUir cTfps.uh'ich they brought back -ccUfiludl Z! of the /elds, whither, "-"'f.f --//•, /I icentto feed. Other, suppose the doie , b.lly,, her guts isnd inwards t. *^-;«^^^f ;,;^ ,Vood.| The several tpeciet of the Uove. are me i lie. the I-ica.pin.ma,««rf/A. St. ^.h^""? ' „eo„. The three first ojten occur in the hiiu. llder the names of the P.geon ^"^^^1^^'^'']'^' and the two last are natives of America, t 1. :.. p n,'„,a being the grey and black Oove . » . a ilhite breast ; and the St. Ihomas s 1 igeon, {„«, the Columbo with yellow legs. Oen a 8. N oah sent forth a d. from him, 10. .. I thi; ./. found no rest for the sole of her toot 11.7-6 d. came into him in the evening ,3. 0. he said to him. take, a turtle-^ /.<.-^. U. Psal u5 6. Oh ! that 1 had wings like a d. « l.r Ce shall bi^s the wings ol a d. covered ' 4 ic •() deliver not the soul of tby turtle-rf. Cant i ■ 15 ibou an fair, ihou hast d. eyes, 1. 1. nil 'o mv d. let me see thy countenance 6" - 'ope., to me. my sister, my love, my d. t (J mv ./. my undefiled is but one, she. is Isa -iiiH. 1 did mourn as a rf. mine eyes fall },;■ 48 Ca. dwell in the rock and be like the d. iL 1 11 Ephraim also is like a silly <;. . II 11 thev s^iall tremble as a rf. out ol Assyria MatZ. lO.Jesus saw the Spirit of God descending like arf. Mark 1. 10. Luke 3. 22. John 1. 3- DOVES. " Kings 5.-C5. the fourth part of a cab of rf. dung Cant 5. IC. his eyes are as the eyes of d. h, b^) n.we roar like bears.we mourn sore liker any hortjul thing, I s. yi.l-i. I'-al 111 13 the rf. Shalt ihou trample under loot Isa ^-1. 1 he shall slay the rf. that is in the sea 5l". y . that hath cut Uahab, and « ounded the rf. Je/-.5l.34.1Sebuch. hath swallowed me up like arf. Ezek. 29. 3. I^haraoh, the great rf. that helh liev 12. 3. another wi.nder, behold, a great rea a. i the rf. stood!i7.rf. fought il y.rf.was cast out, V^ 16 the Hood which the rf. cast out ot his mouth 17. and the rf. was wroth with the woman 13 " therf. gave him his power and his seat 4'. Ihey worshipped the rf. || H- he spate as ad- lb 13 like frogs came out of the mouth ot the i: 20 2 he laid hold on the rf. that old serpeul DRAGON-WELL. Kch 2 13 1 went out, even belore the d.-wcll DRAGONS. Deut. 32. 33. their wine is the poison of rf. Job 30. 29. 1 am a brother to rf. and a companioti Psal 44 19 thou hast sore broken us in place otrf. 1 74.13 thou breakest the heads of rf. in the water* 148.7. praise Lord from earth, ye rf. and all deep* \ha. 13. 22. and rf. in their pleasant palaces 34. 13. it sllQllbe an habitation for rf. 35. 7. 43. 20. the rf. and owls shall honour me Jer. 9. 11. I will make Jerusalem a den of rf. JO. 22. to make the cities of Judah a den ol rf. 14. 6- they snuficd up the wind like rf. 49. 33. llazor 1| 51. 37. Babylon a dwelling forrf. Mic. 1 8. I will make a wailmg like the rf. .Ua/.1.3.1 laid his heritagewastelorrf.ofwilderneii DRA.MS. 1 Chron. 29. 7. they gave of gold ten thousand rf. Ezra 2. 69. they gave 6l,000 rf. ol gold 8.27. also twenty basins of gold, ot a thousand rf A'e/,.7.70.gave to the treasures a thousand rf^.ol gold 71 ttave twenty thousand rf. of gold, 7-. DRANK. Gen. 9. 21. Noah rf. of the wine and was drunken 24 40 I rf. and she made the camels drink also 27. 25. and he brought him wine, and he rf. 43. + 84. they rf. largely, were merry with hira Sum. 20. 11. the congregation rf. and their beasts /JtHf. 32.38. andrf. the wine of their drink-ofler.ngs 1 Sam .30 12. norrf.waterthreedaysand three iiightt. " Sam 12 3.eat of his own meat.aud rf of his ov n cup 1 A!H"jl3.19.did eat bread in his house.andrf.watcr 17.6.brought bread and Hesh.and herf.of the broot ;A,H.1.5.the king appointed of the wmc which he rf 8 that he would not dehlc himself wilh wir.e he d. 5. 1. Belshazzar rf. wine before the thousand 3. his wives and his concubines rf. in them ^. ihey rf. wine, and praised the gods of gold Mark 14. 23. he gave lo them, and they all rf. ot il Luke 17. 27. they eat, they rf. they married,28. John 4. 12. thau our father Jacob who , . thereot 1 Cor. 10. 4. for they rf- of that spiritual rock DRAVE. Exod. U. S5. chariot-wheels, they rf. them heavily- J,...A,16.10. iheyrf. not oui the I. anaanitesiiiGezer 21. 12. and rf.them out from before you. Jurf?. 0.9 18. the Lord rf. out before us all the people JU.U.V 19.Judah rf.out inhabitanis ot the mountain 1 .bum. .30. 20. which they rf. before "th'^r caitle 2 Sam 6.3.Uzzah and Ahio rf.the carl, 1 CAr.13.7 2 Kings l(i.6.atlhattime Hezin rf.Jewsfroni^lath 18. 21. Jeroboam rf. Israel from following the Ul. Acts 7 . 45. whom God rf. out before our fathers 18. lO. Gallio rf. them from the Judgmen^seat See DiiovE. DRAUGHT. ;vr . _ ,Q Mat. 15. 17. and is cast out in the rf. aiark,\y. L„>t.5.4.1aunch out and let down y-'^-^'^ fis^et u. for he was astonished at the rf. of the Usties ■ URAUGHT-HOUSE. King. 10.S7.theym^de l^aal-s house a M«thi,4ay r7.„.24.44.andI^UalsoV-f-'''y""::^^ Gen. 24. 44. ana 1 «■'. ...- -■ . ^. DRA J^j.4.7. wUl d. to thee Sisera.capt of Jabin's army $. 1 14. out of Zebuliin they that iear Joel 3. 9. wake np, let all the men of war rf. near Wei. 10. C2. let us rf. near with a true heart, in full DRAW nigh. Eiod. 3. 5. he said, rf. not nig/i hither, put off shoes Pifl/.tH). 18. rf. nigh to my soul, and redeem it 119. 150. they rf^ nigh that follow mischief Feci. IC. 1. nor years rf. nigh, when thou shall say ij«.5.1 9. let the counsel of the holy One rf. niili Jitb. 7. 19. by the which we rf. nigli unto God Jam. 4. 8. rf. 7iigh to God, he will rf. nigh to you DRAWuh;. Exod. IC. 21. rf. mt and take you a lamb, and kill Lev, C6. 33. 1 will rf. mtt a sword after you J«rf!r.3.22.he could not rf.the dagceruH^ of his belly Jolt 41 .1. canst thou rf. out leviathan with an hock ' Psal. 35. 3. rf. ont also the spear, and stop the way .36. + 10. d.onl al len th thy loving kindness 85 S.wilt thou d.out thine anger to all generations? Prov. CO. 5. a man of understanding will rf. ito7(f ha. 57. 4. against whom do ye rf. oul the tongue ? 58. 10. if thou rf. 0!(/ thy soul to the hungry 7er.49.CO. the least of the (lock rf. them our, 50. 45. /.am. 4. 3. even the sea-monsters d.out the breast Eiik.b.^.a. third part shall scatter in the wind,anc 1 will rf. out a sword afer them, IC. | 12.11 //flg. S. 16. when one came to rf. out fifty vessel John C. 8. rf. tJKt now, and bear to the governor DRAW vp. Job 40. 23. he trusteth that he can rf. up Jordan DR/\W joined with Kairr. C;ii.C4.1 1. the time that women go ont to rf. w. 43. 13. and the daughters come out to rf. uaicr CO. Ucbekah ran again to the well to rf. -.vnier 1 Sam. 9.11. found young maidens going to rf. naier Isa. IS. 3. with joy shall yerf.Kv;/er of we'.lsof salv. yah. 3. 14. rf. thee aalers for the siege, fortify John 4. 7. Cometh a woman of Samaria to rf. -.iaier DRAWN. £'T(irf. C. ♦ 10. and she called his name rf. ont .Vji;H.CC.C3. the ass saw the angel, and his sword rf. in his hand, 31. Josh. 5. 13. 1 Chron. CI. I6. Deut. CI. 3. an heifer, which hath not rf. in yoke 30. 17. but shall be rf. away, and worship cuds Josh. 8.6. till V. a have rf. them from the city ifi.they were rf.away from the city, Jud^. CO. 31 . Ruth C. 9. drank of that which young men have rf. Sob CO. C5. it is rf. and comcth out of the body PmzI. 37. 14. the wicked have rf. out the sword 55.Cl.words softer than oil yet were they rf. swords Prov. C4. 11. to deliver them that are rf. to death lia. 21. 15. for they fled from the rf. swords C8. 9. and them that are rf. from the breasts ,lei. CC. 19. rf. and cast forth beyond the gates 31. 3. with loving-kindness have I rf. thee Lars C. 3. he hath rf. back his right hand from L%ek CI. 5. 1 the Lord have rf. my sword, CK. dctt U. 10. all were rf. up again to heaven Jam. I. 14. when he is rf. away of Lis own lusts DRAWK.R. Deui 29. 11. from liie hewer o{ wood to d. of water 145 DRE DRAWETtS. Josh. 9. 21. be rf. uf water to the congregat'o.T 23. and rf. of water for the house of niN G ad DRAWETH. Deut. C5. 11. the wife of the one rf. raeartode'.i.-cr Jndg. 19. 9. now the day rf. towards evening Job C4. C2. he rf. also the mighty with his power 33. 22. yea his soul rf. near to the grave Psal.W.^. catch the poor when he rf.hin: into his net 88. 3. and my life rf. nigh to the grave I'rov. 3. t 13. happy man that rf. out understanding Zirt. 26. 17. mat rf. near the time of her delivery h.zek. 7, 12. the tine is come, the day rf. near .'Imos 9. + 13. overtaketh him that rf. lonh seed Mat. 15. 8. this people rf. nigh with their lips i.«/(c21.8.saying, 1 am Christ, and the time rf. near 28. then look up, for your redemption rf. nigh Jam. 5. 8. for the coming of the Lord rf. nigh DRAWING. Judz. 5. 11. are delivered in the places of rf. water 8. tlO. there fell 120,000 every one rf. sword John 6. 19. they see .lesus rf. nigh to the ship DREAD. Gen. 9. 2. the rf. of you shall be on every beast Eiod. 15. 16. fear and rf. shall fall upon them Deut. C. C5. this day will 1 begin to put the rf. of thee and fear of thee upon nations, 11. 25. Job 13.11. shall not his rf. fall upon you? CI. and let not thy rf. make me afraid laa. 8. 13. let him bevour fear, let him be yourrf. DREAD Dent. I.C9. t said to you, rf. not, nor be afraid 1 Chr. £2. 13. be strong, rf. not, nor be dismayed DREADl'UL. Gen. 28. 17. -Tacob said, how rf. is this place ! ,/i'A 15. CI, a rf. sound in his ears, in. prosperity l.zek. 1. 18. as for their rings, they were rf. 'JrtH. 7.7. behold, a fourth beast, rf. and tenrible. If). <). 4. and 1 said, O Lord, the great and rf. God l/ab. 1. 7. the Chaldeans are terrible and rf. .!/«/. 1. 14. my name is rf. among the heathen 4. 5.thecomingof the great and rf. day of the Lord DREAM. By this 7Vord are to he iinderslood those rain imai;es, jchich are J'ormed in the imaciuation 7ihi/e ue lire asleep, .Tob CO. 8, lie shall fly away as a dream, and shall not be found ; yea, he shall be chased away as a risioji of the night. The Eastern people, and in par- ticular the Jews, had a very great regard to dreams; they observed them, and applied to those who pretended l» explain them. We see the ayiliquiiy of this custom amon; the Egyptians, in the hiitory of Pharaoh's butler and baker, and in Pharaoh himselj'. Gen. 40. 5,8. I 41. 15. Nebuchadnezrar is an luslauce of the same anionic ihe Chaldeans, Dan. C. 1, 2, 3, &c. God had very expressly forbidden his people to observe dreams, and to consult those :c/io took npon them to explain them. He condemned any one to death uho pretended to have prophetic dreams, and to foretel ishat 7ias to come, though what he should so foretel nere to come to pats, if after this he -.could engage the people in idolatry, Deut. 13. 1, C, 3, &:c. Ihit they 7cere not Jorbid, nhen they thought they had any significative dream, to addres ti.emselves to the prophets of the Lord, or t the h'ith-priest dressed in his ephod, in order lo have it explained. Wherefore in that very place, icherein God for- bid the Hebrews to consult diviners, ft^icians, and tnierpreiers of dreams, he tells them, 'j he people whose land ye arc going to possess, consult soothsayers and diviners ; btit ye h.ive not been so taught, 'lite Lord shall raise up! from the midst of you, and among your bn-. thren, a prophet like unto me, him ye shall consult and hearken to, Deut. 18. 14, 15. 'J'he Israelites therefore uere lo addrrss them\cl:e.\ to God and hit prophets, to learn the explanation of their dreams, and the prediction of thing' to come. .Saul, a tittle before the luiitle ij (iilboa, consulted a 7foman 7iiih a familiar spirit, because the Ixjrd had departed from him, and would not answer him, and discover the success of this war to him, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets, 1 Sam. C8. C, 15 :hid 7ce find that the Lord did indeed sometimes discoier his iiitl in dreams, and raised up per- sons 10 erplain them. lie informed /Vbinielecb »« a dream, that Sarah aas the 7efe of Abra- ham, Gen. CO. 3, 6 He she:ced Jacob the mvsierious ladder in a iat thuU romi>. vpm them, and which will put tkcm tv thet' oil's tnd. And tn Kzek. C3. 33, Thou shalt be filled with druiikemiess and sorrow. See Obad. l6. Rev. 14. 10. Drink is put for (1) 'I'he blood of Christ, John 6. 55. (2) Spiritual delight, Cant. 8. 2. (."?) Adiictions, Mat. 20. 23. (4) The urath of God, Job 21. 20. Rev. 14. 10. (5) lireedy desire. Job 15. 16. Den. 24. 14. let me d. 1'. 45. || 18. d. my lord, 46. 30. 38. he set rods when the flocks came to d. Ktod. 15. 24. people murmured, what shall we d. f 32. 20. Moses made the children of Israel d. of it I^v. 10. 9. do not d. wine nor strong d. lest ye die Num. 6. 3. neither shall he d. liquor of grapes Jud«. 7. 5. that boweth down on his knees to d. Ruth 2. 9. when athirst, go to the vessels and Sl.ifthyencioybe th'irsty, give him rro/n. 12.39. with David three days eating and d. I'jih. l.R.d. was according to the law, none compel Job 1. 13. his sons and daughters were d. 18. Isa. 22. 13. and behold, eating flesh, and d, wine Mat. 11. 18. for John came neither eating nor d and they say, he hath a devil, I.uke 7. 33. 19. Son of man came eating and d. I.ukeT. 34 24. 38. they were eating and d. till the flood came I.nke 10. 7. eating and d. such things as they give Col. 2. 1 16. let no man judge you for eating orrf. DRIVE. Ezod. 6. 1. with a strong hand shall he d. them out 23. 28. will send hornets, which shall rf. out Ilivite 29. I will not d. them out before thee in one year 30. by little and little I will rf. them ont before 31. and thou shalt rf. them out before thee 33. 2. I will rf. out the C'anaanite, the Auiorite 34. 11. behold 1 rf. out before thee the Amoritc Num. 22. 6. that I may rf. them out of the land 11. I may be able to overcome and d them out 33. 52. then shall ye d. out all the inhabitants 55. but if ye will not d. ont the inhabitants DUO Deut. 4. 38. to rf. r,ut n.vJor.s from before thee greater and mightier than thee, 9. 4. 5. Juih.i.lO 9. 3. so shalt thou d. them out and destroy them 11. 23. then will the Lord rf. out these nations 18.12. Lord thy God doth rf. them out before thee Josh. 13. 6. them will I rf. out from before Israel 14.12.then I shall be able torf. them out, as L.said 15.63. the children of Judah could not rf. them out 17. 12. the children of Manasseh could not rf. out 13. but did not utterly rf. them out, Judf. 1. it, 18. for thou shalt rf. out the Canaanites 23. 5. the Lord shall rf. them out of your si''ht 13. the Lord will no more rf. out, Judg. 2. 3, 81 Judg.X.ig. Judah could notrf. inhabitants of mount 21. IJenjamin did notrf. out the Jebusites 27. Jlanasseh rf. ||29. Ephraim|i 30. Zebulun 31. Asher |) 33. Naphtali did not rf. out 11. 24. whom the Lord our God shall rf. out 2 Kings 4.24.rf. go forward, slack not riu.ng for ni? 2 Chron. 20. J. who didst rf. out the inhabitants Joi 18. 11. terrors shall make afraid, and rf. to feet t 18. he shall rf. him from light into darkness 24. 3. they rf. away the ass of the fatherless Piol. 44. 2. how thou didst rf. out the heathen 68. 2. as smoke is driven away, so rf. them away Proi. 22. 15. but rod of correction shall rf. it away Isa. 22. 19. and I will rf. thee from thy station Jer. 24. 9- to he a curse whither I shall rf. them 27.10. that I should rf. you out, and ye perish, 15 46. 15. they stood not, because Lord did rf. thent Kzek. 4.13. among Gentiles, whither I will rf. thens Dan. 4. 25. and they shall rf. thee from men, 32. Hos. 9. 15. I will rf. them out o: my house Joel 2. 20. 1 will rf. the northern army into a land iieph. 2.4. they shall rf. out Ashdod at noon^lay .•J(tn.32.21.till he have rf. out enemies before him i>^w.4.19lest thou shouldest be rf.to worship thecB 30. 1 . whither the Lord thy God hath rf. thee 4. if any of them be rf. out to the utmost parts Josh. 23. 9. the Lord hath rf, out great nations 1 Sam. 2C. 19. for they have rf. me out this day Job 0. 13. and is wisdom rf. quite from me' 13. 25. wilt thou break a leaf rf. to and fro? 18. 18. he shall be rf. from light into darknesi 30. 5. they were rf. forth from among men /'ja/.40.l4. let them be rf. backward that wish evS Ch. 2. as smoke is rf. away, so rf. them away 1 14. 3. sea saw it and fled, Jordan was rf. back, 5. Prot:. 14. 32. wicked isrf. away in his v.ickedness Eccl. 3. + 15. God requireth that which is rf. away Isa. 8. 22. and they shall be rf. to darkness ly. 7. every thing sown by the brooks be rf. away 41. 2. he gave them as rf. stubble to his bow Jer. 8. 3. who remain in all the olaces whither 1 have rf. them, 23. 3,8. | 29."l4, 18. | 32. 37 IC. 15. from all the lands whither he had rf. them 23. 2. ye have rf. them away, and have not visited 12. they shall be rf. on and fall therein 40. 12. out of all places whither they were rf. 43.5 4fi.28. a full end of nations whither I have rf. tne» 49 5. ye shall be rf. out every man ri'^ht forth .00. i7.Isr.1el, the lions have rf. him away Ezek. 31. 11. 1 have rf. hmi out for his wickednest 34. 4. nor brought again which was rf. away, 16. Dan. 4. 33. and he was rf. from men. 5. 21. '). 7. thro' all countries whither thou hast rf. them /"/(I/. 13. 3. as the ch.-iffthat is rf. with the whirlwind Mic. 4. 6. I will gather her that wasrf. /f/'A. 3.19. Luie 8. 29. he was rf.of the devil into the wilderness Acis 27. 17. they strake sail, and so were rf. 27. we were rf. iip and down in Adna at "'idnipht Jam. 1.6. islikcawaveof the scarf, with the wind 3. 4. the ships though great are rf. of fierce winds DRIVER. 1 Kings 22.34.Ahab said to the rf. of his chariot Job 39. 7. nor regardeth the (Tying of the rf. DRIVEUI. •iKings 9.20.driving is like .lehu, forherf.furioujly Psal. I. 4. ungodly like chaff which wind rf. away Prov. 25. 23. the north-wind rf. away the rain Mark 1 1" the spirit rf. him into the wildcruess DRIVING. Judg. 2. 23. Ix)rd left without rf. them out h.tstily 2 Kings 9. 20. and the rf. is like the rf. of Jehu 1 Chron. 17. 21. bv rf. out nations before thy people DROMEDARY Is a so't of camel ; It is called Dromedary /rem the GreeV. drcmo, / run, hv reason of tis run- nine verv sviftiy. Dromedaries are Smaller' Ihnn common camels, slenderer, and more nimble I'pon their backs M.y iaie a kind 0/ natural tiddle, which is composed vf a great deal OJ hair ; that standt tip and forms n the western parts of /\si:i,, such as Syria, and Arabia, That uhich hnth but one bunch vym Its back, IS more commonly called Camel; i,te other is named UromeJary. J'hey are both capabit of very great fatigues ; their hair is soft, and shorn, but aloul the middle of their backs, cam/U hate a Ultte eminence covered uith hair, a toot high upon their bunch ; and Dromedaries have two bunches, and t-uo eminences of hair, tihich. 'houeicr, are very small ; and if it be rightly tontidered. Drome laries and Camels are no more hunch-backed than othe-r animals. 'llicy have no /answers and fore-teeth ; they have no horn upon their feet, j'or they are only covered tttth a fleshy skin. It ii said, that ichen they ■drink, they disturb the uater uith their feel : .some believe they do this to make the voter heavier, that it may continue longer in their stomachs. They are said la drink a great deal, and keep it a long time, against their beiu; 4hirsty aftericardf ; nay, some uill have it that travellers upon pressing necessities open their stomachs, take out the mater contained in them, and satiify their thirst uith it : The stomach cf these creatures is composed of Jour ventricles, and in the second there are several mouths uhich open a passage into about twenty cavities made like sacks, that serve them J'or conservatories of voter. Jer. 2. 23. thou art a swilt d. traversing her ways DROAIEDAlllEh. 1 Kings 4. C8. they brought barley and straw for d. Bsth. V,. 10. and sent letters by riders on younj; d. lia. 6o. C. d. of Midian and Ephah shall cover thee DROP. Isa.W. 15. the nations are as the d. of a bucket DROP, t'eib. Deut. 32. 1. my doctrine shall d. a.s the rain 33.28. also heavens shall d. down dew, /Vi>i'..'i.CO. Job 3'). IV,. which clouds do d. and distil upon man /■jfl/.tJS.ll.crownest year, and thy paths rf. fatness 12. they d. on the pastures of the wilderness Prov.5.3. lips of a strange woman d, as honey-comb Cant.i.l 1 .thy lips, my spouse, d. as the honey-comb Isa. 45. 8. d. down, ye heavens, from above Kiek.'M.iG. rf.lhy word toward south, and proohesy 2 1 .2.(/. thy word toward holy places and prophesv Joel 3. 18. the mountains shall d. down new wine, and the hills shall flow wiih milk, Amos 9. 13. ilmoj7.l6.''.notthyword against the house of Isaac iJic.'i. t 6.d. not, savthey to them that prophesy DROPPED. Judg. 5. 4 the heavens d. the clouds also d. water 1 Sam. 14.2f).were come into wood, behold honey d. C6'flm. 21. 10. till water d. on them out of heaven Job Cy. '-'.'. and my speech d. upon them Psal.dn.n the heavens also rf. at the presence of God Cant. 5. 5. my hands d. with myrrh, and fin-ers DKOPPETII. Psal. liy. t28. my soul i/. for heaviness, strengthen I^cl. 10. 18. through idleness the house Cant. 5. 2. and my locks with the d. of the night Luke 22. 41. his sweat was ai great d. of blood DROPSY. Z.uke 14. 2. there was a man before him, who had d. DROSS. Psa!. 119. 119. thouputtest away the wicked like d. Prot . 25. 4- take away the d. from the silver 26. 23. are like a potsherd covered with silver d. Jsa.l. 22. silver is become t/.wine mixed with water 25. I will purely purge away thy d. and thy tin £uk. 22. 18. house of Israel is tome become d. ly DROVE, S. iJen. 32. 16. every d. by themselves, and said, pass over before me, and put a sjiace betwixt ■ If such evils bejal me, who have deserved no such thing, but rather to be cherished and kindly entreated ; what will bej'al you, who are Jilted for destruction, like dry wood for the fire I 'I'he prophets sometimes com- p.re a barren and unfruitful people to a drj land. Isa. 41. 18, I will make the dry land springs of water. 1 will make the Jews and Gentiles, who are like a dry and barren wilder- ness, to become fruitful. In other places, when judgments are threatened upon a land, tt is said to be made a wilderness, a dry laud, a desert, Jer. 50. 12. Lev. 7. 10. meat-ofTering mingled with oil and rf. 13. 30. it is a rf. scald, a leprosy on the head Josh. f^. 5. bread of provision wasrf. and mouldy, 18 Judg. 6. 37. and it be rf. on all the earth beside 39. Gideon said, let it now be rf. only on the fleece Job 13. 25. wilt thou pursue the rf stubble > Psal. 105. 41. they ran in rf. places like a river Prov. 17. 1. better is a rf. morsel and quietiieft Isa. 25. 5. as the heat in a rf. place, even the heal 32. 2. a man shall beasriversof water in a rf. place 44.27. that saithto the deep, be rf. I will dry up 56. 3. neither let the eunuch say, I am a rf. tree Jer. 4. 11. a rf. wind, not to fan, nor to cleanse 51. 36 I will dry up, anil make her springs a. l.zek. 1;. 2J. that have made the rf. tree flourish 20.47. it shall devour every rf. tree in thee 3(1. 12. I 1 ill make the rivers rf. and sell the land 37. 2. i\.d bones were very rf. || 4. O ye rf. bones Ilos. [), 14. give them, O L. give them rf. breasts 13.15. his spring shall becomerf. fountain dried up i\ah. 1.4. he rebuketh the sea, and maketh it rf. ID. th.'y shall be (ievoured as stubble fully rf. y-e/'h. 2.13. will make N i:i€veh rf. like a wilderness .l/«f.l2.43.he walketh thro' rf. places, Lu/e 11.24. /.7<<«23.jl.if in green tree what shall be done in rf..' DRY grow.d. Gen H. 13. behold the face of the ground was rf. /.>iirf.l4.l6.Isr.shall goon rf. ground i:i the sea, 22. Josh. 3. lUhe priests that bore the ark stood firm on d.'iround in Jordan, Israel passed on rf. ground 2 Ai«i;( 2.8. Elijah and Elisha .went over on rf.g. /'jii/.107.33.he inriieth water-springs into rf. ground 35. he turneih rf. ground into water-springs Isa. 44. 3. 1 will pour floods upou the rf. ground 53. 2. he shall grow as «. S. 14. shalt offer green ears of corn d. by fire Hum. 6. 3. nor shall he eat moist grapes or d. 11.6. our soul is d. away, there is nothing at all ]oih. '1. 10. have heard how the Lord d. up Ked sea 4.C3.the Lord your God made speechless tt/ divine ecstacy; Dan. 10. 15, Wlien hi haa spoken such words, I became dumb A dumb, or deaf spirit, is a spirit that makes those persons deaf, or dumb, whom he possesses. Mark 9. 17,25. Ezod. 4.11. or who makcth the d. or deaf, or blind r Aa/.SS.M. 1 wa." as a. man, openeth not his mouth 39. 2. 1 was d, with silence, I held my peace, 9. Prov. 31.8. open thy mouth for the d. in cause of all Isa. .35. 6. and the tongue of the a. shall sing 53. 7. and as a sheep before her shearers is d, ofi.lO. his watchmen are blind, they are all t/.dogs Ezek. 3.26. be rf. and shalt not be to them a reprover 24.27. thou shalt speak, and be no more d. 33. 22. my mouth wa.> opened, and I was no more d. Caji.lO.lS.I set my face to the ground, I became rf. Hab. 2. 18. lrust.;t£i therein, to make Lim d. idols 19. woe to him tb.'it saith to the d. stone, arise Mat. o. 32. they brought to him a d. man possessed 33. devil was cast out, the d, spake, Luke 11. 14. 12. 22. one blind and d, and he healed him 15. 30. having with them those that were blind, d. 31. the multitude wondered, when they saw the d. speak, and the blind to see, Mark 7. 3*. Mark 9. 17. brought my son who hath a d. spirit io. thou d. spirit, 1 charge thee come out of him Luke 1.20. bchold,thou shalt be rf.unti! the day that Acts 8. 32. and like a lamb d, before his shearer 1 Cor. 12. 2. carried away to these d. idols, even as 2 Pet. 2. 16. the d. ass speaking with man's voice DUNG. By dung is represented any ihin^ that is nau- seous, or loathsome, as the carcases of the dead, Jer. 8. 2. | 9. 22. The wicked man, says Job, .•ihall perish for ever, like his own dung, Job 20.7. which men cast a-xay with contempt, and abhorrence. To spread dung upon the face, expresses the greatest contempt, under- value, and scorn. Mai. 2. 3, I will spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts. / will pour disgrace and contempt upon yo7i, and reject your persons and sacrijices, with as much contempt ar, if I took the dung of those sacrifices and thre-ji it in your faces. The apostle Paul savs, Phil. 3. 8. I count all things but dung, that I may win Christ. All things, without Christ, are as dung, •ilterly insufficient to procure our pardon and acceptance with God, Dove's Dung ; see on Dove. Eiod. 29. 14. but the flesh, skin, and d, shalt thou burn. Lev. 4. 11. | 8. 17. | l6.27. jV«m. I9. 5. 1 Kings 14.10. take away, as a man taketh away d. 2 Kings Q. 25. the fourth part of a cab of doves' d. 9. 37. carcase of Jezebel shall be as d. in the field 18. 27. that they may ent their own rf. Isa. 3().12. Job 20. 7. yet he shall perish forever like hisown d. Psal. 83. 10. they became as d. for the earth Isa. 5. i 25. their carcases were as d. Jer. 9. 2C. J(r.8.2.they shall be for d. on the face of the earth 16. 4. they shall be .is d. || 25. 33, they shall be d. Ezek, 4. 12. bake it with d. that cometh from mwi 15. lo, 1 have given thee cow's d. for man's d. Zcph. 1. 17. and the'r flesh shall be as the d. Mai. 2.3. I will corrupt your seed, and .-.pread rf.on your faces, even the d. of your solemn feasts Phil. 3 8. I do count all things but d.io win Christ DUNG, Verb. Luke 13. 0. let it alo-;e, till I dig about it, and d, it DUNG-GATE. .V«/i.3.13.IIanun repaired valley-gate to the d.-gaie 14 buttherf.-j. repaired Malchiason of Rechab 12. 31. one company went on wall toward d.--ate DrNGllILL. 1 Sam. 2. 8. helifteth up beggar from d. Ps. 113. 7. Ezra 6.11. let his house be made a d. for this Isa. 25. 10. even as straw is trodden down for the d. Han. 2. 5. and your houses sh.-iU be made a d. 3. 29. their houses shall be made a d. because Luke 14. 35. unsavoury salt is not fit for land or d. DUNGHILLS. Lam. 4. 5. were brought up ia scarlet, embrace d. DUNGY. On;/. 29. 1 17. ye have seen the d. 20. 11. which shall lie down with him in the d. 21. 26. they shall lie down alike in the d. ."ly. 14. leaveth eggs, andwarmeth them in the d 40. 13. hide them in f/ie if. together, ajid bind J'sal. 7. 5. let the enemy lay mine honour in the d. Jta. 2. 10. hide thee in the d. for fear of the Lord 26. 19. awake and sing, ye that dwell in the d. 47. 1. come down and sit in the d. O virgin Lam. 3. Cy. he putteth his mouth in the d. if so b« Van. 12. 2. many that sleep in the d. shall awake Mic. 1. 10. weep not at all, roll thyself i7i the i. Hah. 3. 18. thy nobles shall dwell in the d. Like the DUST. S Kinfs 13.7. make them Hke the d. by threshing laa. 29. 5. the multitude of thv strangers be /i/» d. Of the DUST. Cen. 2. 7. Lord formed m^nofthed. pf the ground iS'imi. 5. 17. priest shall take rf the rf.inthe tabern. Veut. 32.24.1 will send poison of serpents i 5.6. affliction comcthnot forth of the d 14.19. washest away things that grow out of the /. I'rov. 8. 26. nor highest part of the d. of the world Ecct. 3. 20. all go to one place, all are of the d. Jsa. 29. 4. thy speech shall be low out of the d. To the DUST. Psal. 22. 29. all that go down to the d. shall bow 41. 25. for our soul is bowed down to the d. Iih4. 2y. they die and return to their d. liy. 25. my soul cleaveth to the d. quicken me ' led. 3. 20. all are of ihe d. and all turn to d. again Jsa. 25. 12. he shall bring the fortress to the d. 26. 5. lie bringcth the lofty city even to the d. DUSTED. t Sai7J.l6.tl3.Shimei threw stones and d. with dust DUTY'. F.xod.il.lO. her rf.of marriage shall he not diminish Deul. 25. 5. shall perform d. of a husband's brother 7. will not perform the d. of my husband's brother 2 CAn)n.8.14.asrf. of everyday req\iired, EzraZA. Eecl. 12. 13. for this is tie whole d. of maa /.i(*«17.10.wehave done thatwhich wasour^.todo llom. 15. 27. their d. is to minister in carnal things DUTIES. Eiek. 18. 11. if he beget a son that doth not those d. DWARF. I.«r.21.20.a(/. shall not come nigh to offer offerings DWELL. " To dwell signifies to abide in, to inhaiit, to have a fixed reiidence in a place. Num. 33. 53. Psal. 78. 55. Homelimes it is taken for sojournin;:, Heb. 11. 9, uhere it is said, that Abraham dwelt in tabernacles; that is, sojourned ; for he had no fixed abode in the land of Canaan. It is spoken [1] Of God, -.iho is said to dwell iu the heavens, Psal. 123. 1. He hath a cer- tain and (glorious place inhere he resideth, eirn Ihe highest heaiens, ahere he is clothed tcilh infinite power and majesty, and from t^hence he ht'ioldcth and governeth this lower world and all that is in it. His gracious presence with his people on earth is signified by dwelling with them. Fsat. 9. U, Sing praises to the Lord •who dwelleth in Zion: where the ark was,7ihich teas the symbol af his special and gracious pre- tence. And ir Isa. 57. 15, I dwell with him that is of a contrite and humble .spirit. [2'iOf Christ, eigmf^tng, (1) }lis manifestation Ut ilnfletk John 1. 14, The Wobu wu made 150 flesh, and dwell among us. (2) Uis spiritual abode in every faithful soul. Eph. 3. 17, 'That Christ may 'dwell in your hearts by faith. Christ dwells %n his people by his merit to justify them ; by his grace and Spirit to renew and purify them ; by his power to keep them ; by his wisdom to lead and instruct them , and by his communion and compassion to share with them in ail their troubles. [3] (f the Holy Ghost, who dwells in the soul by his gracious operations, working faith, love, and other graces therein. Rom. 8. 9, But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. [4] Of the word of God, which may be said tc dwell in a person, -.ihen it is diligently studied, Jirmly believed, and carefully practised. Col. 3. 16, Let the word of God dwell richly in you in all wisdoia. [5] Of Satan, who dwells in wicked men, when he Jills them with farther degrees of error, malice, blasphemy, impenitence, and blindness ; there- by making them highly wicked, and worse and worse daily. Mat. 12. 45. [6] Of the godly, who are said to dwell in Ood, 1 John 3. 24. They have most intimate union and communii'n with God in Christ. Gen. 9. 27. Japhet shall d. in the tents of Shem Irt. 12. he shall d. iu the presence of his brethren ly. 30. Lot went up, for he feared tod. in Zoar 20. 15. behold my land, d. where it pleoseth thee 24.3. daughters of Canaanites, amongst whom 1 d. 3i. 10. land before you, rf. and trade you thereiu 16. we will d. with you, and become one people 35. 1. arise, go up to Beth-el, and rf. there Eiod. 2. 21. ^loses was content to rf. with the man 25. 8. that I may rf. amongst them, 29. 4(). 20. 45. I will rf. amongst the children of Israel Lev. ll. 46. the unclean shall rf. alone 23.42. ye shall rf. in booths, 43. Neh.8. 14. S'um. 5. 3. their camps, iu the midst whereof I rf. 23. y. lo, the people shadl rf. alone, not be reckoned 32. 17. our little ones shall rf. in fenced cities 35. 2. that they give to the Levites, cities to rf. in, and suburbs round, 3. Josh. 14. 4. | 21.2. 34. I the Lord rf. among the children of Israel Deux. 12. 11. tocause his name rf. there, Etra ti.l2. 23. 16. the servant escaped shall rf. with thee 33. 12. he shall rf. between his shoulders Josh. 9. 7- peradventure ye rf. among us, 22. 20.6. he shall rf. in that city, till he stand before 24. 13. cities ye built not, and ye rf. in them Jtidg. 9. 41. that Gaal should not rf. in Shechem 17. 10. Micah said to the LeWte, rf. with me 1 Sam. 27. 5. that I may rf. there, for why should thy servant rf. in the royal city with thee ' 1 Kings 6.13. 1 will rf. among the children of Israel 8. 12. he would rf. in thick darkness, 2 Chr. 6. 1. 17. 9. get thee to Zarephath, and rf. there 2 kings 4.13. she answered, I rf. among own people 17. 27. let them go and rf. there, let him teach Ezra 10. t 10. ye have caused to rf. strange wives, to increase the trespassof Israel, Nch. 13.+ 23. Job 3. 5. let a cloud rf. upon it, let blackness of day 11. 14. let not wickedness rf. in thy tabernacle 18. 15. shall rf.inhis tabemacle,because none of his ."50. 6. to rf. in the clifts of the valleys, in caves Psal. 5. 4. neither shall evil rf. with thee 15. 1. Lord, who shall rf. in thy holy hill ? 16. + 9. my flesh shall rf. in confidence 25.1.'t. his soul shall rf.at ease, and his seed inherit .'i7. 27. depart from evil, and rf. for evermore 65. 4. to approach, that he may rf. in thy courts 8. they also thatrf. in the uttermost parts of earth 6it. 16. this is the hill which God desireth torf. in, yea the Lord will rf. in it for ever and ever 18. tnat the Lord might rf. among th«m 6y. 35. will build Judah that they may rf. there 72. y. they that rf. in the wilderness shall bow 78. 55. and made Israel to rf. in their tents 84. 10. than to rf. in the tents of wickedness 101.6. on the faithful, that they may rf. with me 107. 4. they wandered, they found no city to rf. in 36. and there he maketh the hungry to rf. 113. t 5. like the Lord whoexalteth himself to rf, 120. 5. woe is me, that I rf. in the tents of K( dar 132. 14. my rest, here will I rf.for I have desired it 139. 9. if I rf. in uttermost parts of the sea 140. IS. the upright shall rf. in thy presence 143. 3. he hath made me to rf. in darkness Pror. 1. 33. whoso hearkeneth to me shall rf. safely 8. 12. I wisdom rf. with prudence and find out 21. t 7. robbery of the wicked shall rf. with them 19. it is better to rf. in wilderness, than with Isa. 6. 5. I rf. in midst of a people of unclean lips 11.6. th« wolf also shall rf. with the lamb 13. SI. owls shall rf. there, satyrs shall dance there 16. 4. let mine outcasts rf. with thee, Moab 23. 18. merchandise for them that rf. before the Ld. S4. 6. the/ that d. thenio are dewlate DWE Isa. 26. 5. he bringeth down them that rf. on high 19. awake jind sing, ye that rf. in the dust 30. 19. the people shall rf. in Zion at Jerusalem 32. 16. then judgment shall rf. in the wilderaesa 18. my people rf. in a pejiceful habitation 33.14. who among us shall rf. with devouring fire .' who shall rf. with everlasting burnings^ 16. he shall rf. on high, his place of defence 21. the people that rf. therein shall be forgiven 34. 11. the owl and the raven shall rf. in it 40. 22. he spreadeth them out as a tent to rf. in 49. 20. give place to m« that I may rf. 58. 12. shall be called the restorer of paths to rf. ia 65. 9. and my servants shall rf. there Jer. 29. 32. Shemaiah shall not have a man to rf. 31. 24. there shall rf. in Judah husbandmen 35. 7. but all your days ye shall rf. in tents 40. 5. and rf. with him among the people 10. I will rf. at Mizpah to serve the Chaldeans 42.14. we will go into Egypt, and there will we rf. 44. 14. they have a desire to return to rf. there 49. 8. flee ye, rf. deep, O inhabitants of Dedaa 18. nor shall a son of man rf. in it, 33. | 50. 40. 31. which rf. alone II 51.1. that rf. in midst of them Ezek. 2. 6. and thou dost rf. among scorpions 16. 46. she and her daughters rf. at thy left hand 43. 7. where I will rf. in the midst of Israel fur ever, 9. Zech. 2. 10, 11. Hos. 12. 9' I will make thee lo rf. in tabernacles 14. 7. they that rf. under his shadow shall rptiirn Joel 3.20. but Judah shall rf. for ever, and Jerusal. ■imos 3.12.Isr.shall be taken out that rf.in Samaria Mid. 10. thou shalt rf. in the field, go to Babylon 7- 14. the flock which rf. solitary in the wood Nah. 3. IB. O Assyria, thy nobles shall rf. in dust Hag. 1. 4. is it time to rf. in your ceiled houses? Zech. 8. 4. old men and women shall rf. in Jerusal. 9. 6. and a bastard shall rf. in Ashdod 14. 11. shall be inhabited, and men shall rf. in it .'l/af.12.45. they enter in and rf. there, Luke^ 11.26. Luke'Zl. 35. as a snare shall it come on ail thera that rf. on face of the whole earth. Acts 17. '.i6. .icts 7. 4. he removed into land wherein ye now rf. 28. 16. Paul wais suffered lo rf. by himself Horn. 8. 9. if so be the Spirit of God rf. in you, 11. 1 C(". 7. 12. and she be pleased to rf. \vith him 2 Coi 6. 16. as God hath said, I will rf. in theui £/'/'.3.17.that Christ may rf.in your hearts by fait!. Col. 1. 19. Father that in him should all fulness rf. 3. 16. let the word of Christ rf. in you richly 1 Pet. 3. 7. likewise, ye husbands, rf. with itiem IJohni. 13. hereby know we that we rf.in him Rev. 7. 15. he that sitteth on the throne shall rf. 12.12. rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that rf. in them 13. 6. and against them that rf. iu heaven 21. 3. is with men, and he will rf. with them DWELL with earth. 1 KingsS. 27. will God rf. on earth.' 2 Chr. 6 18. Dan. 4. 1. language that rf. in all the earin, 6. xi. Rev. 3. 10. to try them that rf. 00 the earth 6. 10. avenge our blood on them that rf. on earth 11. 10. they that rf. on the earth shall rejoice 13. 8. all that rf. on the earth shall worship 14. and deceiveth them that rf. on the earth 14. 6. to preach to them that rf. on the earth 17. 8. they that rf. on the earth shall wonder DWELL with house. Deut. 28. 30. shall build an house, and shalt not rf. therein, plant vineyard, not gather, Amos 5. 11. 2 Sam. 7. 2. I rf. in 3. house of cedar, 1 Chr. I7. 1. 5. shall build me an house to rf. in, 1 Chr. 17. 1. 1 Kings 2.36. build houie in Jerusalem and rf. there 3. 17.0 my lord, I and this woman rf. in one house 8. 13. I have surely built thee an house to rf. in 2 Chron. 8. 1 l.my wife shall not rf. in house of David Job 4. 19. much less them that rf. in houses of clay 19. 15. they that rf. in my /iokj* count meastranger Psal.Q:i .6. 1 will rf. in the house of the Lord for ever 27. 4. that I may rf. in t'he house of the Lord 84. 4. blessed are they that rf. in thy house 101. 7- worketh deceit, shall not rf. in my house 1 13. t 9' be maketh the barren to rf. in an hvua /'rnf.21 .9. better rf. in the corner of a house, 25. 24 Jer. 20. 6. all that rf. in thy house go to captivity 2y. 5. build ye houses, and rf. in them, 28. 35.y.not to build houses for us lo rf.in.nor vineyard DWELL with Jerusalem. 1 Chr 23. 25. that ye may rf. iu Jerusalem for ever Neh. 11.1. to bring one of ten torf. in Jerusalem 2. willingly offered themselves torf. axJcrusaUm Jer.33. 16. Judah saved,andJenua/l. 6. they that d. therein shall die in like manner Jer. 4. 29. city forsaken, and not a man d. therein 8. 16. devoured the city, and all that d. therein 12. 4. for the v/ickedness of them that d. t!.ereitt All. 2. overtlow the land and them that d. therein 48. 9- Ae cities desolate without any to d. therein 5O.39.the wild beasts and the owls shall d. therein F.zek. 12. 19. the violence of them that d. therein 32. 15. when 1 shall smite them that d. therein 37. 25. they and their children shall d. therein Mic.7. 13. desolate, because of them that d. therein iVo/(. 1.5. yea, the world is burnt, and all that d. ih. Acts 1. 20. his habitation, let no man d. therein DWELL together. 0«M.13.6.that they might rf.r«5e'/A?r,their substance was great, so tliat they could not d. together 36. 7. riches more thain that they might d. tmiether Dent. 25. 5. u brethren d. together, and one die Psal. 133. 1. for brethren to d. together in unity DWELLED. Gen. 13.7. the Perizziie d. then in the land 12. Abram (/.ill the land of Canaan, Lotrf. in the cities of the plain, and pitched toward Sodom 20.1. and Abraham d. between Kadesli and .Shur Ruth I. 4. and they d. there about ten years 1 Sam. 12. 11. God delivered you, ai\d ye d. safe DWELLER. Psal. 69. t 25. let there not be a d. in their tents DWELLERS. Isa. 18. 3. yed. oncanh, see ye, when he lifteth up Acts 1. 19- 't was known to the d. at .lerusalem !.9the d. in Mesopotamia, we do hear them speak DWELLEST. X)««r.l2.29.thou succeedest them andrf.in thfir land «A'i«gx 19. 15. O Lord God of Israel, which d. between the cberubioi:, FiaL 60 1. i/a. 37.16. 151 Psal. 123. 1. O thou that d. in the heavens Cant. 8. 13. thou that d. in the Hardens /ja.l0.24.Omy people that d. in Zion,be not afraid 47. 8. hear now this, thou that d. carelessly Jer. 49. 16. O thou that d. in the clefts, U6ad. 3. 51. 13. O thou that d. upon many waters Z.a/n.4 .2 1.0 daughter of Edom, that rf.in landof l.'z Ezei. 7- 7. thou that d. in the land, time is come 12. 2. thou d. in the midst of a rebellious house Mic. 1. + 11. pass ye away, thou that d. fairly i^ech. 2.7. that d. with the daughter of Babylon John 1. 38. they said, Master, where d. thou :• Rev. 2. 13. I know thv works, and where thou d. DWELLETII. Lev. 16, t 16. the tabernacle that d. among them 19. 34. but the stranger that d. with you shall be 25. 39. if thy brother that d. by thee be poor, 47. Deut, 33. 20. God d. as a lion, and teareth the arm Josh. 6.25. Uahab d. in Israel even to this day 22. 19. wherein the Lord's tabernacle d. 1 Sam. 4. 4. the ark of covenant of Lord, who d. between cherubims, 2 Sam. 6. 2. 1 Chron. 13. 6. 2 Sam. 7. 2. but the ark d, within curtains 1 Chron. 23. t 25. the Lord d. in Jerusalem for ever Job 15. 28. he d. in desolate cities, and in houses 38. 19. where is the way where light d T 39. 28. she d. and abideth on the rock Psal. 9. 11. sing praises to the Lord who d. in Zion 26. 8. Lord, I loved the place where thine honour d. 91.1. he thatv//n. 19. 18. David and Samuel d. in Naiolh 31.7. Philistines came and (/. in them, 1 Chr.^O.^,. 2 6'a/«.7.6.wherea5 I have not d.in any house since I brought Israel out of Egypt, 1 Chr. 17.5. 9. 12. all that(/. i;i the house of Ziba were servanti 14- 2B- Absalom d. two full years in .lerusalem 1 Kings Q.3S. Shimei d. in Jerusalem many days 12. 2. Jerob. was lied from Solomon, d. 111 Egypt 2 Kings 13. 5. Israeli/, in their tents as aforetime 15. 5. Ahaziahi/. in a several house, 2 CAr. 26.21. 22. 14. Huldah the prophetess, wife of Shallum, (/. i« Jerusalem, in the college, 2 Chron. 34. 82. 1 Chron. 4. 41- these came, and d. in their rooms 5. 10. the Ilagarite* fell, and they (/. i« their tents 8. 28. were chief men, these d. in Jerus.-ileiu 11.7. and David d. in the castle, 2 Sam. 5. t,-. E-.ra'Z. 70. the priests, the Levitcs, and the Nctbi nims, d. in their cities, Neh. 3. 26. | U. 2t iVt7i.7-73.Nethinimsandall Israel d. in their cities Job 22. 8. and the honourable men (/. im it I'sol. \)i. 17. my soul had almost d. in silence ha. 13. 20. shall never be inhabited, nor shall it ba - 10. thy contregation hath d. therein DWELT aiVA. Cuih 2. C%. and Uutn d. uiih her mother-in-law 1 Sowi.2C.4.his father and mother d. w. k, of Moab 1 Cfiron. 4. C,3. there they d. :iiih kin; for his work 8. .3C. they also d. xith their brethren, 9. .lii. P«a/. ICu. B. my soul hath lont; rf. nith him that Jw. 40. 6. Jeremiah d. aiih him among the people E. r.Acii. Cen. !5. 10. Abram laid e. piece against another ."U. 25. .Simoon and Levi took e. man his sword 40.5 e. man hisdream, || 45. CC. e. changes of raim. Ktod. I8.7 and they asked «. other of their welfare 30. 34. oft. shall' there be a like weijht yum. 1.44. t. one was for the house of his fathers 7. 3. and they brought for e. one an ox 16. 17. thou also and Aaron e. of you his censer Joih.CCAi. ofe.chief house a prince, f.one was head Jvdg. H. 18. e. one resembled the children of a kin<; 21. CC. because we reserved not to e. man his wife Ruth 1 . 0. prant th.it they may find rest e. of you 1 A'm»/4.7. e. man his month in the year made prov. 22. 10. and the king*, e. sat on his throne 2 Kincs 15. 20. he ex.icted of e. man fifty shekels Pj<7/.B5.10. righteousness and peace kissed e. other Jta. 2. CO. they made e. one for himself to worship 6. 2. stood the seraphims, e. one had six wings 35. 7. where «. lay, shall be grass rceJs and rushes 57. 2. e. one walking in his uprightness Etek. 4. 6. I have appointed thee e. day for a year Z.vlie 13.15 doth not e.on sabbath loose hisox or ass Acts 2. 3. cloven tongues sat upon e. of them fhi/.i. 3. let e. esteem other better than himself S Thesi. 1. 3. charity toward e. other aboundeth Rev. 4. B. the four beasts had e. of them six wings EAGLE Is a bird of prey, icheieoj there is frequent men- tion in scripture. It ii declared, in Lev. 11. 13. to be unclean, as are all ether birds of its species ; as the sea-eagle, and the eagle named Ossifrage, because it breaks the hones in order to extract the marrow. The llu:ck and I'nliure may also be reckoned asdiffereni species o^Vagles. It is said that when an eagle sees its young ones so teell-gronn, as to teniure upon fyine, it hovers over their nest, Jbiiiert Kith its uiugt. and eicites them to imitate it, and take thitr fight ; and ahen it sees them zieary or fearful, it takes them upon its back, and carries them to, that the Joulers cannot hurl the young uith- out piercing through the body of the old one. Jn allusion to this, it is said, Exod. IQ. 4. That God delivered his people out of Egypt, and bore them upon eagles' wings ; and in Deut. 32.11, That the Lord took upon himself the care of his people ; that he lei them out of Egypt, and set them at liberty ; as an ea.;! takes its young out of tlte nen, to teach ihii hoic to Jly, by gently Huttering about them. It IS of great courage, so as to set on harts mid great beasts. And ha* no less suitiliy in taking them; for hazing filed its xings uith sand and dust. It sitteth on their horns, and by its ii'i^'t shaketh it in their eyes, uhereby they beci-me an tasif prey. It fielh very high, Prov. .3i». )(/ yet, in the tuinkling of an eye, stiseih on its prey, uhether on the earth, or in the sea. It buildeth Its nest very high in the lops of rocii. Job 3y. C7. It goelh forth to prey about noon, tchen men are gone home out of the fields. It hath a little eye, but a very quick sight, and discerns its prey afar off, and beholds the sun with open eyes, inch of her young as through meakness of sig'.t cannot behold the lun, 1/ re- leeii as uunaiural. It liieih long, nor dieth of ag: or sickness, say tome, but of hiuigei , fot by age, us bill graus so hooked, thai it catu nut feed. It preys not on small birds, but on geese, hares, harts, serpents, and dead carcases. It is said, that it preserves its nest from poison, by having therein a precieta stone, named Aef.- lei.fKithout uhich It IS thought the eagle cannot lay her eggs, mud which some use to prevent abortion, and help' aeliiery in tcomen, by i^ing «r aboi t o' below the navel ) and keepeih it clean iy Iks fregutni %ut of the herb maiden-hair. Unlesi it ti rurji hungry, it dettnireti not ina 162 EAR ahoU F'/" enounced the privilege of beinj/ freed from servitude in the sabbatical year^ had his car pierced with an awl : this was per- formed in the presence of the judges, that it migitt appear that this was his own free choice, and that he was not overawed, or compelled thereto by his master ; and likewise that tht agreement being so publicly and solemnly con- firmed, might be irrevocable : His ear irai boied at his master's door ; which was a mark, of seriitude and bondage, and did represent his settled and perpetual obligation to abide in that house, and there to hear and obey his master's commands, Exod. 21. 6. Ueut. 15. 16, 17. The I'salmist speaking in the person if th$ .Messiah, says to God, Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire, mine ears hast thoa opened. The Hebrew reads Mine ears ha5t thou digged ; thou hast opened them and madt them attentive; tliou hast giien me ears t» hear, and obey thy precepts : Or, otherwise, thou hast pierced them, as those tenants iteie used, who chose to remain with their masters after the Sabbatical year ; thou hast fitted, inclined, and obliged me to thy service. The <>eptuagint, whom the Apostle follo:is, Heb. 10. 5. read this passage, A body hast thou prepared me : IHierein, though the words differ, the sense is the Same. That Chitst might become God's seivanl for ever, which was signified by boring of the ear, God the Lather by his Hpirit did Jurnish him with an human natuie, that so ha might perform that piece of service which Goa. required, namely, the oj/ering up himself' a bloody sacrifice fvr sin, to which he was obedient, I'hii. 2. 8, Being found in fashw.a as a man, be became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. I'hus were his ears bored, uhicA could not be, if he had not been clothed uith a body. £ji>t/ tha graces arought in tAe soul by the Spirit of God, such as love, joy, peace, &ic. are pledges of that abundance and fulness of joy and felicity uhicA believers partake of in .heaven. Yet these graces and comforts uhich the godly enjoy here art' iu< first-fruits in regard oJ their order; they precede the Jull harvest : And in legard of their quantity, they are but an Aandful in comparison of the kAoU seal a;i faien /or Canaan, or the land of the Jews; Kom. Q. 28. A short work will the Lord make upon the earth. He uill bring a sudden destruction upon that land and people. And in Mat. 9. 26. Mark 15. 33. Luke 4. 25. the word nhich is translated land, is tn the Greek, earth. A man of the earth. Gen. 9- 120, Noah was a man of the earth, a husbandman, or one u'ho tiUed the ground. In I'sal. 10. 18, the man of the earth signifies a mortal, earthly-minded man, uho zeas made of the dust, and must return to the dust. Earth, in Ihe moral sense of it, is set in opposition to heaven ; things earthly and car- nal, to things heavenly and spiritual. John 3. 31, He that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth : He that cometh from heaven is above all. Col. 3.1,2, If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, and set not your affections on things on the earth. The terrestrial man is set in oppo- sition to the heavenly, I Cor. 15.47,48, The first man is of the earth, earthy, the second man is the Lord from heaven. Adam, the first puhlic per- son and head of the old covenant, was formed of the earth ; he uas mortal and corruptible But Christ, the second public person, and head of the neti) covenant, is of a heavenly descent and has a divine, as veil as a human nature. In like manner the earthly house is set in opposition to the heavenly ; 1 Cor. 5.1, If our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. If this bodily frame of nature uere taken to pieces by death, there is a state of glory provided by God for tht separate soul to pass unto. Cen. 1.2. and the e. was without form and void 10. and God called the dry land e. '1. and God said, let the e. bring forth grass, 24. l2. and the e. brought forth grass and herb 28. be fruitful, replenish e. and sul>due it, 9. 1. 6. 11. the e. also was corrupt before God 7. 17. and the ark was lifted up above the e. 8. 14. in the secornl month was the e. dried 22. while e. remaineth, seed-time shall not cease 9. 13. for a token of a covenant between me and e 10.25. in his days was the e. divided, 1 Chr. 1. I9. 18. 18. and all the nations of the e. sh.ill be blessed in him, 22. 18. | 26.4. | 28. 14. 27. 28. God give thee of the fatness of the e. 41 .47.in plenteous years e. brought forth handfuls ixorf. 8. 22. I am the Lord in the midst of the e. 9. 29. that thou mayest know that the e. is the Lord's, Deut. 10. 14. Psal. 24. 1. 1 Cor. 10. 2(). 10. 5. that one cannot be able to see the e. '5. 12. stretcliest thy hand, e. swallowed them TO. 24. an altai of e. thou shall make unto me Au/n. 16. .30. if the e. open her mouth and swallow 32. and the e. opened her mouth and swallowed them up and their houses, 26.10. Psal. 106. 17 34. they said, lest the e. swallow us up also Deut. 28.1. Lord will set thee above all nations of e 23. the «. that is under thee shall be iron 32. 1. and hear, O e. the words of ray mouth 13. he made him ride on the high places of the c. 22. a fire shall consume the e. with her increase yUam. 2. 8. for the pillars of the e. are the Lord's 4. 5. Israel shouted, so that the e. rang ag.iin 14. 15. they also tremVded, and the e. quaked eSam. 1.2. aman came with e. on his head, 15. .32. 22. 8. then the e. shook and trembled, Psal. 18. 7. 1 Kings 1. 40. so that the e. rent with the sound 2 Kings SI"!, to thy servant two mules' burden ofe. 1 Chron. 16.31. and let the e. rejoice, Psal. 96. 1 1 . 33. at the presence of the I^rd, becau.se (Jod cometh to judce the e. I'sal. 06. 13. | 98. 9, J^iroS.ll. the scriams of the God of heaven and e Ji'eh 9- f'- 'bou hast made the «. Isa. 45. 12. Joi 5. 85. and thy offspring as the grass of the e IS* Job 0. 6. which shaketh the e. ont of her place Joel 2. 10. the e shall quake before tnem 24 the e is given mto the hand of the wicked Amos 8. 9 I will darken the e. m the clear day ■ • lunah 2. 6. the e. with her bars was about me Vie. 6. 2. hear, ye strong foundations of tlii 11.9. the measure thereof is longer than the e. 12.15. he sendeth waters and they overturn the e. 15. 19. to whom alone the e. was given 16. 18. O e. cover not thou my blood, let me try !8. 4. shall the e. be forsaken for thee > 20. 27. and the e. shall rise up against him 22. 8. but as for the mighty man, he had the e. 24. 4. the poor of the e. hide themselves 26 7. he hangeth the e. upon nothing 30. 6. to dwell in the caves of the e. and in rocks 8. children of base men.they were viler than the e. 34. 13. who h '.thgivenhimachao'ge over the e. ? .37. 17. when he quieteth the «. by the south-wind 38. 4. when I laid the foundations of the e. 18. hast thoii perceived the breadth of the e. ? Psal. 2. 8. give thee the uttermost parts of the e. 10. be in.structed, ye judges of the e 10.18. that the man of the e. may no more oppress 12.6. pure words, as silver tried in a furnace of e 25. 13. and his seed shall inherit the e. 33. 5. the e. is full of the goodness of the Lord 14. he looketh on all the inhabitants of the e. 37. 9. that wait on Lord shall inherit the e. 11.22. 46. 2. we will not fear though the e be removed 6. he uttered his voice, the e. melted 47. 9. for the shields of the e. belong unto God 48. 2. the joy of the whole e. is mount Zion 60. 2. thou hast made the e. to tremble 63. 9. shall go into the lower parts of the e. 65. 8. that dwell in the uttermost parts of the e. 9- thou visitest the e. and waterest it 67.6. then shall e. yield herincrease, £':«■/■. 34. 27. 68. 8. the e. shook, the heavens also dropped 32. sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the e. 71.20.shalt bringme up from the depths of the e. 72. 6. shall come down as showers that water the«. 73. 9- and their tongue walketh through the e. 75. 3. the?, and all the inhabitants thereof are dis solved, I bear up its pillars. Isa. 24. 19 8. the wicked of the e. shall wring them out 76. 8. the e. feared || 77. 18. the e. trembled, 97.4 9. when God arose to save the meek of the e. (8.69.1ike the c. which he hath established forever o2.B. arise, O God, judge the '• thou shalt inherit 90. 2. or ever thou hadst formed the e. 97 1. the Lord reigneth, let th-f e. rejoice IH). 1. the Lord reigneth, let the e. be moved 102. 25. of old hast thou laid the foundation of the e. 104. 5. Prov. 8. 29. Isa. 48. 13. 104.13.thee. is satisfied with the fruit of thy works 24. O Lord, the e. is full of thy riches 114. 7. tremble, O e. at the presence of the Lord 115.16. the e. hath he given to the children of men 119- 64. the e. O Lord, is full of thy mercy 90. thou hast established the e. and it abideth 147. 8. who prepareth rain for the e. 148. 13. his glory is above the e. and the heaven /'roi.3.19. the Lord bath founded the e. ha. 24. 1. 8. 23. 1 was set up from everlasting, or ever e. was 26. as yet he had not made the e. nor fields 25.3.<;.fordepthand heart of kings is unsearchable 30. 16. the e. that is not filled with water 21. for three things the e. is disquieted, for four Eccl. 1. 4. but the e. abideth for ever 5. 9- moreover, the profit of the e. is for all Isa. 4. 2. the fruit of the e. shall be excellent 11.4. that smiteth thee, with the rod of his mouth 9. e. shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord 13. 13. the e. shall remove out of her place 14. 16. is this the man that made the e. to tremble ? 24. 4. thee, mourneth and fadeth away, 33. 9. 5. the e. is defiled under the inhabitants thereof 24.19. *• is utterly broken down, the e. is dissolved 20. «. shall reel || 26.19. «• shall cast out the dead 2(). 21. the e. also shall discloseTier blood 31. 1. let the e. hear, and all that is therein 40. 22. it is he that sitteth on the circle of the e. 28. the^reator of the ends of the e. fainteth not 44 24. that spread abroad the e. by myself 45. 8. let the e. open || 12. I have made the e. 22. look to me and be ye saved all ends of the e. 49. 13. sing, O heavens, and be joyful, O e. ,51. 6. look on the e. the c. .shall wax old (iri. 1. thus saith the Lord, the e. is my footstool R. shall the e. be made to bring forth in one day ' Jcr. 4. 23. I beheld the e. it was without form 28. for this shall the e. mourn, heavens be black 6. 19. hear, O e. I will bring evil on this people 10. 10. at his wrath the e. shall tremble 22.29. O c.e.e. hear the word of the Lord, write ye this man childless, .Vie. 1. 2 4fi. 8. Egypt saith, I will go up and cover the e. 49. 21. the e. is moved at the noise. 50. 46. bl. 15. he hath made the e. by his power Ezek. 7. 21. I will give it to the wicked of the e. 9. 9. they say, the Lord hath forsaken the e. 43. 2. and the e. shined with his glory Hot. 2. 2m e. St. Dan. 7. 4. and it was lifted up from the e. Amos i. 5. shall one take up a snan- from the John 12. 32. and 1, if 1 be lifted up from thi c EAR Aclt 8. 33. for bis life is taken yrom i/ie e 9. 8. Saul arose/rom the e. and he saw no man C2. 'il. said, away with such a fellow /rom //j« «. Rer.fi. -1. power civen him to take peace/rom the e 1 1. 3.bat 144,000 which were redeemed_/rom the e In the EARTH. Otn t. CC. and let fowl multiply in the e. 4. 12. a vagabond shalt thou be in the e. 14. 6. 5. the wickedness of man was great in the e. 10. 8. N imrod began to be a mighty one in the e. 19- 31 . not a man in the e. to come in unto us 45.7. sent me, to preserve you a posterity in the e. Erod. CO. 4. or that is in the e. beneath, or water Josh. 7-21. and behold they are hid in the e. Judg. 18.10. no want of any thing that is in the e. 2 Ham. 7. 9- 1' great name, like to the name of the great men that are in the e. 1 Chron. 17. 8. 23. what nation ine. like Israel ? 1 Chi . 17. 21. 14. CO. to know all things that are in the e. 1 Chron. 29. 11. for all that is in the e. is thine 2 Chron. 6. 14. there is no God like thee in the e. Jib 1. 7. from going to and fro in the e. 2. 2. 8. that there is none like him in the e. 2. 3. 14. 8. though the root thereof wax old in the e. 24. 18. their portion is cursed in the e. 39. 14. ostrich, which leaveth her eggs tn the e. Psal. 16. 3. but to the saints that are in the e. 46. 8. what desolations he hath made in the e. 10. be still, I will be exalted in the e. 58. 11. verily he is a God thatjudgeth in the e. 72. 16. there shall be a handful of corn «n the e. 119.19-1 ani a stranger in the e.hide not thy com. 140.11. let not an evil speaker be established iyi e. Ptov.ll.3l. the righteous be recompensed in the e. Isa. 26. 9- for when thy judgments are in the e. 18. we have not wrought deliverance in the e. 40. 24. their stock shall not take root in the e. 42. 4. till he have set judgment in the e. 62. 7. till he make Jerusalem a praise in thee. 65. 16. shall bless in God of truth, who blesseth himself in the e. and he thatsweareth in thee. Jer. 17. 13. that forsake thee, be written i« the e. 31. 22. the Lord hath created a new thing in the e. Hos.^. 23. and I will sow her unto me in the e. Joel 2. 30. and I will shew wonders in the e. Amos 5.7- ye who leave off righteousness in the e. Mat. 25. 18. he went and digged in the e. and hid 25. 1 was afraid, and hid thy talent in the e. il/ff;A-4.31.it is like a grain of mustard seed.when it is sown in the e. is less than all seeds in the e. 1 John 5. 8. there are three that bear witness in the e. On, or, upon the EARTH. Gen. 6. 6. repented that he had made man on thee. 12. God looked vpon the e. behold it was corrupt 7. 4. I will cause it to rain vpon the e. forty days 12. the rain was upoti the e. forty days, 17 . 8. 17. be fruitful juid multiply tipon thee. 19. 23. sun was risen upon tie e.^v;het\ Lot entered 28. 12. and behold a ladder set upon the e. ExoJ. 10. C. since the day they were vpon the e. Lev. 11. 29. things that creep vpon the e. 42, 41. Dent. 4. 10. all days they live upon the c. 12. 1,19. 36. upo7i the e. he shewed thee his great fire 12 16. ye shall pour it vpon the e. as water, 24. 2 Sam. 12. 16. David lay all night vpon the e. 14. 7. not leave name nor remainder tipon the e. 1 Ki>tgs 8. 27. but will God indeed dwell on the e. ? heaven cannot contain thee, 2 Chron. 6. 18. 17. 14. till the day the Lord sends rain vpan the e. K 'A;(JB.29.]5. our days on e. as a shadow, Job 8. 9. Jobi .\. is there not an appointed time toman on e. ! 19. 25. he shall stand at the latter day vpon the e. 20. 4. knowest not since man was placed on the e. 37. 6. for he saith to the snow, be thou on the e. 41 . 33. on e. th»re is not his like, leviathan made Psal.' .5. let. the enemy tread down my life «n the e. 41. 2. and he shall be blessed vpon the e. 07. 2. that thy way may be known vpon the e. 73. 25. there isnoneK/)o« t. I desire besides thie 1 12. 2. his seed shall be mighty vpon the e. Prov. 30. 24. four things that are little vpo7i the e. ficcl. 7. 20. for there is not a just man vpon the e. 10. 7. and princes walking as servants i(/(on the e. 11.2. knowest not what evil shall he done vpon e. 3. the clouds empty themselves vpon the e. Cant. 2. 12. flowers appear on thee, time of singing Isa. 28. 22. a consumption determined vpon thee. 51.fi. lift up your eyes, and look upon the e. Jer. 9. 3. are not valiant for the truth vpon the e. Lam. 2. 11. eyes fail, my liver is poured vpon the e. Dan. 2.10. not a man on the e. can shew the matter Amos 3. 5. can a bird fall in a snare vpon the e. 9. 9. yet shall not the least gram fall upon the e. htat. 0. 19. lay not up for yours, treasuresi/pun*. 9- 6. ni.ay know that the Son of man hath power on e. to forgive sins, Marki. 10. J^uke 5.'Z-l 10. ."il. think not I am come to send peace on e. Ifi. 19. whatsoever thou sh.tlt bind on e. 18. IB. 18. 19. 1 say, that if two of you shall agree on e. 23. 9- ^i"l call DO man your father u/vn the 1. 155 EAR Mat. 23.35. all the righteous blood shed upon thei. Mark 9. 3. so as no fuller on e. can white them Luke 2. 14. glory to God in the highest, on e. peace 6. 49. like a man that built a house vpon the e. 12. 49. I am come to send fire on the e. 51 .suppose ye that I am come to give peace one.? 18. 8. the Son cometh, shall he find faith on e. ? 21. 26. for the things which are coming on the e. John 17. 4. I have glorified thee on the e. Rom.Q."R.a. short work will the Lord make on //;ee. Col. 3. 2. set your affections not on things on the e. 5. mortify your members which are upon the e. Heb. 8. 4. if he were on e. he should not be a priest 11. 13. and confessed they were strangers on Me c. 12. 25. who refused him that spake 07i e. Jarr.. 5. 5. ye have lived in pleasure on ihe e. 17- it rained not on the e. for three years Rev. 3. 10. to try them that dwell vpoii the e. 5. 10. made us kings and priests, we shall reign on e. fi.lO.avengeour blood on them that dwell on the e. 7. 1. that the wind should not blow on the e. 8.7. hail, and fire, and they were cast upoti the e. 10. 8. in hand of angel which standeth vpon the e. 11. 10. dwell on the e. | 13. 8, 14. | 14. 0. | 17. 8. 14. 16. and he thrust in his sickle on the e. 16. 2. the first poured out his vial vpon the e. 18. 24. the blood of all that were slain upon the e. Out of the EARTH. 1 Sam. 28. 13. I saw gods ascending out of the e. 2 Sam. 23. 4. as tender grass springing oul'ofthe e. Job 8. 19. and out of the e. shall others grow 23. 2. iron is taken out of the e. and brass molten 5. as for the e. out of it cometh bread Psal. 85. 11. truth shall spring out of the e. 104. 14. that he may bring food out of the e. 35. let the sinners be consumed out of the e. Dan.T.n.iouT kings, which shall arise out of the e. Hos. 2. 18. I will break the battle out of ihe e. Mic. 7. 2. the good man is perished out of the e. Rev. 13. 11. another beast coming \\-pout of the e. To, or, unto the EARTH. Gen. 24. 52.he worshipped, bowing himself /o the e. 37. 10. to bow down ourselves to thee, to the e. 42. 6. fhey bowed themselves to the e. 43. 26. 48. 12. he bowed himself with his face lo the e. Josh. 5. 14. Joshua fell on his face to the e. 7, 6. 1 Sam. 5. 3. Dagon was fallen on his face to the e. 17 49. Goliath fell on his face to the e. 24. 8. David stooped with his face to the e. 25. 41. she bowed herself to the e. 1 Kings 1. 31. 26. 8. let me smite him, I pray thee, to the e. 20. therefore let not my blood fall to the e. 2 Sam. 1.2. when he came to David he fell to the e. 14. 11. not one hair shall fall to the e. 1 Kingsl.52. 2 lyings lO.lO.iaW to the e. nothingof the word of L. 2 Chron. 20. 24. were dead bodies fallen to the e. Job 12. 8. or speak to the e. it shall teach thee Psal. 17. 11. .set their eyes, bowing down to the e. 44. 25. for our belly clea%'eth unto the e. 50. 4. he shall call to the e. that he may judge 146. 4. his breath goeth forth, he returneth to the e. Eccl. 3 21. the spirit of beast that goeth to the e. 12.7. then shall the dust return to the e. Isa. 8. 22. and they shall look unto the e. 63. 6. 1 will bring down their strength to the e. Jer. 15. 10. a man of contetition to the whole e. Hos, 0. 3. as the latter and former rain to the e. Luke 24. 5. and bowed down their faces to the e. Acts 9. 4. Saul fell to the e. and heard a voice 10. 11. as a great sheet, and let down to the e. 26. 14. aud when we were all fallen to the e. Rev. 6. 13. and the stars of heaven fell to the e. 12.4. drew the stars, and did not cast them to the e. 13. wnen the dragon saw he was cast unto the e EARTHEN. Lev. 6. 28. the e. vessel wherein it was sodden 11. 33. the e. vessel whereunto any of them falleth 14. 5. one of the birds killed in an e. vessel, 50. Nvm.5. 17. priest shall take holy water in e. vessel 2 Sam. 17. 28. brought beds, basins, and e. vessels Jer. 19. 1. go and get a potter's e. bottle 32. 14. put these evidences in an e. vessel Lam. 4.2. how are they esteemed zse. pitchers 2 Cor. 4. 7. we have this treasure in e. vessels EARTHLY. JohjiS. 12. if I have told you*, things. believe not 31. he that is of the earth is e. speaks of earth 2 C'»r. 5.1. if our*, house of tabern. were dissolved Phil. 3. 19. many walk, who mind e things Jam. 3. 15. this wisdom is e. sensual, devilish EARTHY. 1 Cor. 15. 47. the first man is of the earth, e. 48. as is the e. such are they also tha'. are e. 49. and as we have borne the image of the e. EARTHQUAKE. The scripture speaks of several natural earthquakes. ihie of the most remarkable, it that uhicb was in the twenty-seventh year of Uzziah, km; of Judah. 'There is mention of Mif earthquake «n Amos 1. 1. uni/i)t Zvcb' '4. £. JojcphtU'uy.f, EAS thai this earthquake zcas so ttolent, as to divide a mountain in halves, rchick lay to the aest 0' Jerusalem, and moved one part of it from itt place four furlongs, or five hundred paces. Another very memorable earthquake, u:as that at the time of our Saviour's crucifixion. Mat. 27. 51. Many have been of opinion, that this tiui tion was perceived by all the uorld. Others maintain, that it was sensible onlv in Judea, or even in the temple, the gates whereof were shaken, and the vail rent asunder. It must have been attended with very terrible circum- stances, since the centurion, and they who were with him, were so affected with it, and were in duced by it to acknowledge the injiutice of our Saviour's condemnation. Mat. 27- 54. .■In Earthquake is a great shaking, or trembling of the earth, or of some parts of it, Amos 1. 1. Great alterations and changes are expressed in scripture by a shaking of the earth, Heb. 12. 20. The delivering of the Israelites out "J Egj-pt is called a mocing, or shaking, of the earth, Psal. 68. 8. And an eitraordirtaiy and unexpected alteration in the state of affairs, civil or ecclesiastical, is represented by a great earthquake. Rev. 6. 12. and I6. 18. 1 AVnf.f 19. II. after the wind, an «.Ld.wasnot ine. IC. after the e. a fire, the Lord was not in the fire Isa. 29. 6. thou shalt be visited of the Lord with e. .Imos 1. 1. which he saw two years before the e. iCech. 14. 5. like as ye (led from before the e. Mat. 27. 54. now when the centurion saw the e. 28. 2. behold, there was a great e. the angel of the Lord C3.me, Acts 16.2(5. liev. 6. 12. | II. 13. Rev. 8. 5. there were thunderings and an «. 1 1. 19. 16. 18. a great e. so mighty an e. and so great EARTHQUAKES. Mat. 24.7- there shall be famines, pestilences, and e. ill divers places, Mark 13. 8. Lute 21. II. EASE. Dent. 28. 65. among nations shalt thou find no e. Judg. 20.43. they trod the Benjamitef down with e. Job 12. 5. in the thought of him that is at e. 16. 12. I was at*, y 21. 23.dieth, being wholly at* Ps. 25.13. his soul shall dwell at *. his seed inherit 123. 4. %vith the scorning of those that are at *. Prov. 1. +33. the e. of the simple shall slay thtui Isa. 32. 9. rise up, ye women that are at *. 1 1 . tremble, ye women that are at «. be troubled Jer. 46. 27. Jacob shall return, and be in rest, at *. 48. II. Moab hatli been at *. from his youth 49. + 31. get you up to the nation that is at e. Lzek. 23. 42. a voice of a multitude being at *. Amos 6. 1. woe to them that are at *. in Zion Zech. 1. 15. 1 am sore displeased with heathen at *. Luke 12. 19. take thine e. eat, drink, and be merry EASE. Detit. 23, 13. when thou wilt *. thyself abroad 2 Chron. 10. 4. *. thou somewhat the yoke, 9. Job 7. 13. my couch shall *. my complaint Isa. 1.24. ah, I will e. me of mine adversaries 38. t 14. O Lord, I am oppressed, *. me EASED. Job 16. 6. and though I forbear, what am 1 e. .' 2 Cor. 8. 13. that other men be *. and ye burdened EASEMENT. Judg.3. t £4. he doeth his *. in his summer-chamber EASIER. Exod. 18. 22. soshall it be *. for thyself, shall bear Mat, 9. 5. whether is «. to say, thy sins be forgiven thee, orto say, arise, Mark 2. 9- Luke 5. 23. 19.24. it is e.for a camel to go thro'the eye office- die, th;m a rich man, Mark 10. 25. Luke 18. 25. Luke l6.i7.it is *.for heaven and earth to pa.ss,thau EASILY. 1 Cor. 13. 5. charity is not «.provoked,thinks no evil Ileb. 12. 1. lay aside the si.T which doth so *.besetqs EASE. The Hebrews express the cast, west, north, and south, by words which signify, before, behind, left, and right, according to the situation of a man with his face turned towards the east. JJy the cast, they describe frequently not only Arabia Deserta, and the lands of .Moab and Amnion, which lay to the east of Palestine ; but Assyria /i/ (.a I jf, .Mesopotamia, Uabylonia, and Chaldea, which lie rather to the north than lo the east of Judea. It is said, in Gen. 11. 1,£. that the jonj .•/" N oak having but one langvn!;e, departed from the east, and came into the l.^nd of Shinar. Hereupon sume dijKciJtiei have been raised ; for the land i»ve %ndertlooJ llit cnuntry •u/itch uat uUe'uards feopted ty Kedemeh, the \i>mngest ton of Isliniael. Others, that Kedem uas vseJ far. At the be- pinning; and t/iut Moses intended to describe the pariieulai itme at a/iieh the first men de- yarted ajter the deluge, in order to spread t/iem- iflies into different countries. Oihers, that Moses spoke according to the custom of the As- syrians, icho called alt the provinces of their em- pire vhich icere situated beyond the 1 i;;ris, Kedem, or Kast ; and those on this side ihc same riier, the West, or Arab. Others, instead (/, they departed or journeyed from the east, translate, they departed to go towards the east. Calmet says, that it appears to him from a great number of places in the Old and even in the J^em Teitamenl, that the sacred Writers called the provinces ichich tiere beyond the J igris and Kuphrates, eicn Mesopmatnia. Armenia, and I'ersia, Kedem, «r the East. .Moses, irhu hod been Irtd vp in Kgypt, and lived 1,'ng in Arabia, iw this liieu'ise might pi obablyj'ollo-x the custom of the ceuntry. U is certain, says he, that Babylonia, Chaldea, Susiana, Persia, and a pari of Mesopotamia, ai uell as the rivers of Kuphrates and Tigris, for the greatest par: of their course are to tht east of Palestine, Egypt, and Arabia. He adds, that it is farther certain, that the people uho came from Armenia, Syria, Media, and L'pper Mesopotamia, entered Palestine and Ejppt from the east-side, ahich aas sufficient for the Hebrews to say, that t'lese people lay to she east, uith respect to them. He proves by thefollo-jiug passages, that these countries acre inoun among the Hebrews iy the name of I'.ast. In Num. 23. 1. Balaam «»/, that Balak, iing of Aloab, had brought him from the mountains of the east; that is,fiom Pethor upon the Ku phrates. Isaiah says, ch. 41. C. that Abrahan came from the east into the land of Canaan . And it is knoun that he came from Mesopota- mia and Chaldea. The same prophet savs, that Cyrus should come from the east against Haby- lon, Isa. 46. 11. He places i'yria to the east W'Judea. St. Matthew says, that tht aise men, uho came to uorship Christ, set out from the east. Mat. «. 1. Alt this, says he, demonstrates, that in the scrip- ture style, the East is often used for the pro- linces ichich lie to the Sorth of Judea and Ejypt, from uhence, houever, people geneialli/ enter Palestine iy the icoy only of Damascus, a/iicA II to the north-east of this country. Z'Ae I'.ast is the first of the four cardinal points of the horizvn, t-here the sun is seen to rise ichen in the equinoctial. Ce replenished from the e. II. 14. they shall spoil them of the *. Jer. 49. 28. 41.2. who raised up the ripht«ous man from the e. 43. 5. 1 wdl bring thy seed from the c Zech. 8. ". 46.11. calling a ravenous bird from the (. the man F.iei.S. 16. men 25, with their faces towards the e. 25. 4. I will deliver thee to the men of the «. 10. 40. 6. then came he to the gate which looketh to- ward the e. 22. | 43. 1. | 44. 1. | 46. I. 12. 43.2. the glorv of God came from the way of the e. 47.8. these waters issue out toward the<. country 48. 10. toward the e. ten thousand in breadth 17. the suburbs of the city toward the e. 250. Dan. 8 9- the horn waxed great toward the e. 11.44. tidinjs out of the*, shall trouble him Jjel 2. 20. I will drive him toward the e. sea dwos 8. 12 they shall wander from noith to e. I'ch. ;4. 4. the mouut shall cleave toward the*. il.it. 2. 1. there came wise men from the e. 2. for we have seen his star in the e. 9. 8. 11. many come Irom e. and west. LukelZ. 29. 21. 27. as lightning cometh out of the e. Rev. 7. 2. another angel ascending from the e. 16. 12. ihe way of kings of e. might b« prepared £1. 13. on the •. thrte gates, on the north three 136 E.AT 1 EAST-BORDER. Xum. 34. 10. and ye shall point out yonr t.-sorder Josh. 4. 19. encamped in the e.-borier of Jericho 15. 5. the e. -border \/3s the salt sea to end of .lordan Ezek. 45. 7- from the west-border "^j the e. -border 48. 21, of the oblation toward the t.-bordtr EASTEK. Acts 12. 4. intending after e. to bring him forth LASl-GAlE ^'eh. 3. 29. Shemaiah, the keeper of the e.-gate Jer. 19. 2. which is by the entry of the e.-gate hzek. 10.19. every one stood at the doorof ihef.-j . 11. 1. the Spirit brought me unto the e.-gate EASl-SIDE. Ftod. 27. 13. the breadth of the court on the e.-side Sum. 2. 3. and on the e.-side shall Judah pitch Ji'sh. 7. 2. to Ai, which is on the e.-side of Bethel 16. 5. the border of their inheritance on the e.-side Judg. 11. 18. came by t.-tide of the land of Mo.ib Ezek. 11.23. the mountain on the «.-ii(/e of the city 42. 16. he measured the e.-stde with the reed 4a.7.11. ask a sign e. in the depth or height above .Mat. 6.24. no man can serve two masters, for e. he will hate the oue, and love the other, Luke 16.13. 12. 33. e. make the tree good, and his fruit gooi of experience, wisdom, and gravity, and of authority among the people. But tlie first institution of courts of judicature, teas in the wilderness ; when Jelhro brought iac/t Zipporah /D Moses, who was then encamped at the foot of momit Sinai. Moses having re- lated all that the Lord had done for the Israelites, Jethro blessed God for it, offered burnt-offerings, and peace-offerings, and did eat with Moses, Aaron, aytd the elders of Israel, before the Lord. The next day, Moses taking his seat in order to judge Israel, continued from morning to evening employed in this man- ner. Jethro remonstrated to him, that this vas a fatigue above his strength to undergo, and would be tiresome both to himself and the people ; thai therefore he should choose some men of firmness and fortitude, who feared God, and hated covetotisness, that they might share 7iith him in the weight of goverrimenl ; that the cognizance of lesser affairs should be referred to them ; and those of more consequence should be reserved to himself. Moses submitted to this advice, and chose certain men of merit out of ail Israel, whom he appointed to have rule over the people ; tome over a thousand, others over an hundred, fifty, and ten. They administered justice to the people ; and when any thing of greater difficulty than ordinary occurred, they referred it to Moses, Exod. 18. 1, 2, 3, &ic. The commission given to these judges js recorded in Deut, 1. 16, 17. Afterwards, we have the particular appointment of God concerni?ig this, Isum. 11. 11, 12, 1.?, &c. Moses, being discouraged by the continual mur- murings of the Israelites, addressed himself to God, and desired to be relieved from some part cf the burden of government. Then the Lord said to him, Gather unto nie seventy men, of the elders of Israel, whom thou knowcst to be the elders of the people, and officers over them ; and bring them to the tabernacle of the con- gregation, that they may stand there with thee. And 1 will come down and talk with thee there; and I will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them ; and they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear It not thyself alone. IViese elders, which composed the Senate belonging to all the tribes in general, sat with the Leader, Judge, or King, who presided in this court. Thus we read, Deut. 27. 1, Moses, with the elders of Israel, commanded the people, saying, 4"f. And, afterwards, the ciders of the congre- gation, consult how to supply the remainder of the Benjamites with wives, Judg. 21. l6. And the elders of Israel gathered themselves to- gether, and came to Samuel to Ramah, 1 Sam. 8. 4. He read of these elders continually, to the time of the captivity : And we find them again after the return, Ezra 10. 7, 8, A pro- clamation was made throughout Judah and Je- rusalem unto all the children of the captivity, according to the counsel of ihe princes and elders, 'Besides these, there were likewise elders belonging to every several city. These elders are men tioned by Moses in the law ; where several thing: are )e./uired to be done bt/ the elders of the city, Deut. ig. 12. I CI. 3, 19. Boaz appealed ti ten men of the elders of the city of Ueth-lehem judah, Ruth 4. 2. And we read, after the captivity, of the elders of every city, Ezra 10. U. The Rabbins and interpreters give the following account of courts of judicature among the Jews. (I) There tiere three judges in every city, who had the cognizance of lesser faults : Matters con- cerning loss, gain, and restitution, were pleaded before them. These tltree judges had a right only to condemn criminals to be whipt : The jiartiet named their judges : one of the parties chose his judge ; the other named a second; and these two jjMges took a third, with 7ohom tliiu decided causes. This tribunal was consulted about the intercalation of months. (II) There was another court compofed of three and twenty judges, wh' decided matters of im- fOTlance, and of moH (nminal nature and their sentences were such as generally af- fected the lives of persons ; no causes being brought before ihem, but such as deserved the penalti/ of death. Some say, that they could only sentence to death by the sword. (\ll) Their great council, or Sanhedrim, which consisted of seventy senators, and which hud the cognizance of the most important affairs of slate and religion, and of those tohicfi concerned the king, or high-priest. It was intended as a court of appeal, if there should be occasion, from any of the inferior courts. Some think that our Saviour alludes to these two last courts, when he says. Mat. 5. 22, Whosoever is an- gry with his brother, without a cause, shall be in danger of the jmdgment ; and whosoever shall say to his bnther, Raca, shall be in danger of the council ; but whosoever shall say. Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell-fire. Some interpreters suppose thai our Xjord propor- tions the punishments in the uen world, accord- ing to the different sentences which were usual in the different courts of judicature at Jerusa- lem. Therefore they say, the judgment means that court where the judges were three and twenty, and who could only sentence to death by the sword : The council alludes 'to the court where the seventy elders sat, which was the great San- hedrim, and could punish by stoning to death : And that, by hell-fire, the burning of the greatest malefactors in the valley of Ilinnom, is implied. As to the Sanhedrim, it was limited to the place where the ark of God stood. The Jews say, that in the time of Moses this council was held at the door of the tabernacle of the testimony. As soon as the people uere in possession of the land of promise, the Sanhedrim followed the tabernacle. It was kept siicces.^ively at Gilgal, at Shiloli, at Kirjath-jearim, at Nob, at Gibeon, l« the house of Ubed-edoin ; and lastly, it was settled at .fcrusalem, till the Babylonish cap- tivity. During the captivity it was kept up at Babylon. jlfter the return from Babylon, it continued at Jerusalem, to the time of the Sicarii, or Assassins; these were certain rob- bers, who appeared in Judea some time before the war of the Jews against the Romans. They were called Hicaxi'i, from Sica, a dagger ; beca they carried daggers secretly about them, so as not to be perceived, and mixing themselves with the multitude of people that came to the great feaits at Jerusalem, they stabbed whom they thought fit ; and then were commonly the Jirst to cry out murder, as Josephus relates. The Jews, finding that these profligate wretches, whote num ier increased every day, somctimei escaped punishment by the favour of the president, 01 judges, removed the Sanhedrim to llanoth which were certain abodes situated, as the Rab bins say, upon the mountain of the temple Afterwards they removed to Jamnia; thence to Jericho, to Uzzah, to Sepharvaim, to Bethsa- nim, to Sephoris, last of all to I'iberias, where they continued to the time of their utter extinc- tion. This is the account the Jews give of the Sanhedrim. Jl'hat the scripture says of this court it found in Deut. 17. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1."?, If there arise a mattef-'toohard for thee in judgment (speak- ing to Ihe inferior magistrates) between blood and blood, between plea and plea, and between stroke and stroke, being matters of controversy within thy cates ; then shalt thou arise, and get thee up into the place which the Lord thy God shall choose. And thou shalt come unto the Priests, the Levites, and unto the judge that shall be in those days, and enquire; and they shall shew thee the sentence of judg ment. And thou shalt do according to the sentence, which they of that place, which the Lord shall choose, shall shew thee, i^c. liii this it appears that i/;e c/nV/ Conductor, Judge, King, Iligh-priest, or whoever was at the head of their affairs, was to be the president of thu court. 'Jhe rest of the judges seem to have con- sisted chiefly of the }'riests and Levites, though there were among them wise and learned men of other tribes, as is ack.towledged by the Jewish and most other writers. In process of time, as their kings came to be idola- troi.t:, this ordinance, among others, was neg- lected, lor we find Jehoshaphat restoring it, at the same time as he did the courts in every city, 2 Chron. I9. 8. 9, 10, 11. Jn thu passage we find, that, if the cause was of a spiritua, ecclesiastical nature, the lligii-pru-bt was the cJiief judge ; if otherwis:, a cliief justice, tAo sal in behalf qf the king: And behold, Amariah, the cliicf-priut, is over yoa in all matters of ELD the Lord; and Zebadiah. the niler of the liCTige of Judah, for all the king's matters. Some think it probable, that in causes ecclesiasti- cal, the court jcas made up of the High-priest, and the Chief-priests, 01 Heads of the four and twenty courses only : and that in matters purely temporal, the supreme magistrate, with the princes, elders, and scribes, who we-e doctors of the law, either by himself, or his deputy, took cog- nizance. And that, where any one was accused of crimes relating to religion ayid state both, the judges, in each of' these faculties, sat to hear the cause. So, at the trial of our blessed Lord, Joseph of Arimathea, a rich man and a coun sellor, probably one of the seventy elders, was one of them who sat as Judges ; but did not join in the sentence of condemnation ; He con- sented no< to the counsel and deed of them, Luke 53. 51. I'his council, at their return from the captivity, was restored, with Ihe rest of their common- wealth, as the prophet Ezekiel foretold it should, Ezek. 44. 23, 24, The Priests, the Levites, shall teach my people the difference between the unclean and the clean. And, in contro- versy, they shall stand in judgment; and they shall judge it according to my judgments. Some are of opinion, that the origin of the San- hedrim is by no means to be depended upon , for the council of the seventy elders established by Moses, was not what the Jews understand by the name of Sanhedrim. Besides, say they, we cannot perceive that this establishment sub- sisted either under Joshua, the Judges, or the Kings. U'e find nothing of it after the cap- tivity, till the lime of the Maccabees. Unly we are certain, that this Senate was in being in the time of our Saviour, and when the Evan gelists wrote their gospels, since they are men- tioned in their writings: But then their au- thority was much lessened ; for after lite banishment of Archelaus, the Romans, having reduced Judea into a proiince, assumed the power of life and death to themselves atone : So that this council could proceed no farther than to condemnation. For execution, they were to apply to Ihe Roman Governor. The places where Ihe Hebrews held their courts of judicature were, generally, one of the gales oj the city. 6«;v united to neglect the observance of God's laa, Jer. 26. 8, 9, 10, i5:c. See the jorm of con- demnation in Mat. 26. 65, 66. Elder, i« Ihe Sew Testament, it a general name, comprehending under it all such as have any ecelesiastieal Junction, us apostles, pastors, teachers, or other church officers, 1 Tim. 5. 17. 1 it. i. 5. The apostle Peter calls himself an elder. 1 he elders that are among you I e». hort, who also am au eUer I i'vi. 5. 1. Gen. 10. 21. Sbeic the brother of Japhet the e 25. 23. the «. shall serve ttic joui*i;er, iiam. y. 12. ELD I&Tfn. 18. 17. behold, my e. danghter Mera>i 1 Kin^s 2.52. a^k thekinadom.he is mine e. iiroiher Joi 15. ID. very aced men, much e. than thy father 32. 4. Kiihn waited, because they wef e. than he Eielc.ldAfi thy e. sister is Samaria, younger .Sodcmi 23. 1. the names of them were Aholah the r. Luke 15. 25. hise. son was in the field, heard music 1 Tim. 5. 2. intreat the e. women as mothers 1 Pel. 5. 5. ve youncer, submit yourselves to the e. ELDKK forrK/jjj€.32.Elishasat in house, and ?.sat with him 10. 1. .lehu wrote letters and sent to e. of Jezreel 19. 2. Ilezekiah sent the e. of the priests covered with sackcloth to kaiah the prophet, Jsa. 37. 2 Eira 5. 5. the eye of their God was upon the e. 6. 14. thee, of the Jews builded and prospered 10. 8. according to the counsel of the princes and e. J'sul. 107. 32. praise him in the assembly of the e Prov. 31. 23. her husband is known among the f Xdm.l.lQ my priests ande. gave up the ghost in city 2.10.«.of Zion sit upon the ground and keep silence 4. It), respected not priests, favoured not e. 5. 12. 5. 14. «. have ceased fromgate, young m.from music Lzci. B. 1. and the e. of Judah sat before me JoelX. 14. sanctify a fast, gather the e. 2. I6. iVrt/. 15.2. why transgress the tradition of the e. .' 16. 21. must suffer many things of the e. 27. 12. 26. 59. the e. sought false witness against Jcsns 27. 20. chief priests and e. persuaded the multitude 41. the chief priests mocking with the e. said 28. 12. and when they were assembled with the e. MariT . 3. the Jews holding the tradition of the e. 8. 31. must suffer and be rejected of thee.inX(!9.22. 14. 43. with Judas a great multitude from the e. 15. 1. chief priests held a consultation with the e. Lute 22. 52. Jesus said unto the captains and e. Acts 4. 5. their rulers and e. were gathered together 2.'5. they reported all that the e. had said to them 0. 12. they stirred up the people and the e. 11. 30. sent it to the e. by Barnabas and Saul 14. 23. when they ordained e. in every church 15. 4. they were received of the church and of the/t of thit aminal • Maximum! ELE animal est Elephas, proximiimqao h'lmanissi^ii'* sibus : qiiippe intellectus illi% seriimnis ji.-it.-d. &c. llist. Nat. lib. 8. Jl has been often ot terved to do such things at are much ahove thl capacity of other beasts. The Hebrews teei7: generally to have described it under the name oj Behemoth, ahicli signifies in general, beasts of service. 'J'he aord Elephas may be dei ived from Aleph, which signifies, to instruct, by reason tj the docility of the animal ; or from Eleph, ui'iich signifies a head, or captain ; because the Elephant is. as it were, the head of all other terrestrial unimali. The Imd, speaking to Job, describes the Elephant or Behemoth, Job 40. from verse 15. to the eni oJ the chapter. It is there said, that he eatetls grass as an ox. 'Jhis agrees well with whttl hittoriant relate of the elephant. lie does not feed upon carrion, and is not at all wild ; hay herbs, and legumens, are hit nourishment, as they are of our tame beasts. His bones are as strong pieces of brass, and his small bones like bars of iron. 7'/;e.ie hyperbo- lical expressions shew tlis extraordinary strength of the elephaut ; with one stroke of hit trunk he kills a camel or an horse. .An elephant, it is said, has been seen to draw two cast cannons five hundred paces with his teeth; they were Jastenea together with cables, and weighed each three iliouiajid pounds. And there is mention in the Maccabees of an elephant 171 Antiochus' armv, which carried fuo and thirty armed men. Thei/ were all in a tower made of very solid wood, upon the elephant's back, and ike tower was bound with a very strong chain under the ele- pliant's belly. He is the chief of the ways of God. He is a remarkable piece of the creation among four- footed beasts, lie exceeds all others in sue, strength, docility, address, fidelity, ability, long life, modesty and pudicity ; for, ii it taid, that he 7iei er covert the female at long at any one appears in sight. The scripture adds, that God, who made hini, can make his sword to ap- proach unto him. Though he be to strong and terrible, yet God can easily tubdue and destroy him : or, God hath put his sword into his hands, haih trusted him with hit arms ; the elephant u terrible when provoked. Hit armt art his trunk and hit teeth, tlis teeth are the ivory, so well known in Europe. Surely the mountains bring him forth grass, where all the beasts of the field play. Ele- phants are the genllett of animalt ; they never use their ttrength but when they are compelled to it. They are not of that sort of animalt which create terror in othert : If he passes through a herd of other btastt, he puts them gently out of his way with his trunk to make room for him ; He feeds in the fields and mea- dows, and the weakest and tamest animals play with impunity bejore him. He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reeds and feus, ihis also agrees well with the elephant, according to the account that hit. torians give of him. XAizn toys, that he may be called an animal of the marshes, because he lives among waters, and in moist placet. He tometimes plunges himself into rivers in such a mannei , that no more of him it 10 be seen than the end of his trunk : In the summer time, he covert himself with mud, to avoid the heat. He drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trustcih that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth. Thit also may be filly applied to the elephant; he drinkt a great deal, and large draughts, at if iie were to twallow up a river, and at if Jordan were scarcely tufficieni to set- tisfy his thirst : he it not afraid when he drinkt, but does it leisurely, and takes time to disturb the water which he diinketh. The teiipture adds. He taketh it with his eyes, liis nose pierceth through snares. When he tees the wa- ters of a river, he Irusteth ihat he can drink them all up : his eye is bigger than his belly, at commcnly taid. He thrutteth his snout alto into the river, and if there be any snares laid for other creatures, he breaks them to pieces. But others translate thit verse. Can any man take him in his eyes, or pierce his nose with snares and gins ? Can he be taken openly and by force T Hurely no. Hit force or ttrength it too great for man to resist or oiercome. Others thus. He is taken by the eyes as a fist is taken by a 'hook. Herpenit attack elephants principally in the eyet, as Pliny obseives. The tame author lays, that there are serpents in the Ganges, sixty yardt long, who take elephauts by iht irnaitti (hey «r« drinking, drag tl,e:rr EMB aler^, eni ttuh iHem la th» w»teri, Plin. /j». 8. cap. le. Komt undtricand by Behemoth, a erealurt called Hippopotamus, or //;« Sea-horse; u/nch ii an amfi/n6iouj creature, and lives and preys kmh in the aaler and on land. This animal, say they, was uell knou-n to Job and his friends, as '6ting frequent m the adjacent parts : and the description here given of the Behemoth, 1/ lery applicaile to the Hippopotamus. l Kings 10. 1 22. navy bringing*, teeth, 2 CAr.Q.Cl. /odiO. 1 15. behold the e. which 1 have made ELILVATION. Jiul'.SO.^ 38. they should make greit*. with smoke ELEVKN. Gen. 32. 22. .Jacob took his e. sons and passed over 37.9. sun, moon, and «. stars made obeisanite to me ii>t»rf.2tj.7. curtains of goats' hair.e.curt.shalt make 8. the e. curtains shall be all of one m&asure 36. 14. e. curtaiiishe made || 15. e. o: one size Aum. 2y. 20. on the third day*. bullocks, two rams Deul. 1 2. there are e. days' journey fro.ii Horeb i/'u/A. 15. 51. e. cities with their villages Uudg.l6.5.vie will give thee e. hund. pieces of silver il7. 2. I took the e hundred shekels of silver 3. when he restored e.hund. shekels to his mother < firinjj23.H6.Jehoiakim twenty-five years ohl, hi reigned e. years in Jerusalem, 2 C/ir.^^ti. 5 24. 18. ZeJekiahe. years, 2*CA<. 36. 11. Jer. 52.1. J1/a<.28.l6.then the e. disciples went away toGalilee Mari 16. 14. afterwards he appeared to the e. LulteH 9. they told all these things to the e. and rest 33. and they found the e. gathered together Acts 1.2G.and he was numbered with the e. apostles 2.14. but Peter standing up with the e. said to them ELEVENTH. I Kings 6. 30. in the t. year was the house finished t Kin^s g.29.inthe<. yearof Joranibegan Ahaziah S5. 8. the city of Jerusalem was besieged to the e year of king Zedekiah, Jer. 5'2. 5 1 Chron. 24. 12. the e. lot came forth to Eliasliib .25.18. the e. to Azareel, he, his sons, and brethren ■27. 14. thc«. captain for the *. month, Benaiah ./«r.l. 3. Jeremiah prophesied ine. yearof Zedekiah ■39. 2. in the e. year the city was broken up 'Ktek. 26.1.word of the Lordcameto Ezekiel in the «. year, in first day of the month, 30. 20. | 31. 1. Tllal. 20. 6. and about the «. hour he went out 9. they came that were hired about tlie e. hour Rtv. 21. 20. e. foundation of the city was a jacinth ELOQUENT. End. 4. 10. Moses said, O my Lord, I am not e. Pror.l.t 6. to understand a proverb andane.speech tta. 3. 3. the Lord doth take away the e. orator Act! 18.24. a certain Jew named Apollos, an c.man ELSE. Oen. 30. 1 . she said, give me children or e. I die A'um. 20. 19. I will without doing any thing e. i}0 Dtut. 4. 35. thou mightest know that the Lord he is God, there is none «. 39. 1 Kin^s 8. CO. Isa. 45. 5. 6, 14, 18, 21, ?2. | 46. 9. Jo,l Q. 27. JrtjA.C.'t.l2.«.if ye do in any wise go back and cleave .'lid;. 7. 14. this is nothing e. save sword of Gideon i Sam. 3.35. if I taste ought e. till the sun be down I Chr. 21. il2. or*, three days sword of the Lord i C'/ir. 2.^.7. whoso e. cometh in, shall be put to death Neh. 2. ". this is nothing *. but sorrow of heart I'sal. 51. 16. desirest not sacrifice, *. would I give il ."•.'<:c/.2.25.who*. can hasten here unto more than I ' Isa. 47. 8. that sayest, ] am, none *. besides me, 10. John 14. 1 1, or e. believe me for the work's sake Acts J7. 21. spent time in nothing «. but tell orlie:vr Horn. 2. 15. accusing, or e. e.\cusing one another 1 Cuf .7. 14. «. were your childr. unclean, but nowholy 14. 16. e. when thou shalt bless with the .Spirit Ii«K.2.5.repent, ore.I will come to thee quickly, 10. EMBALM. r;*n.50.2. Josepliconim. physicians to*, his f.tilu:r E.MBALMEU. Gen. 5(1. 2. and the physicians *. Lsrael 3. lurso are fulfilled the days of those that are *. i.'6. t;iev *. Joseph, put him in acotlinin Egvpt EMBOLDENED. tCar. 8.10. the conscience of him that is weak be*. E.MBOLUENEIH. 3d3 16. 3. what *. tliee that thou answerest .' EMBRACE. 2 Kings 4. 16. about tliis season thou shall *. a sou Jj& £4. 8. they *. the rock for wai't of a shaker /Vot.4.8.shaH bring to honor,when thou dost t;. her 5. 20. wliy wilt thou «. the bosom of a stranger ? Eccl. 3. 5. a time to e. and refrain from embracing Cant. 2. 6. and his right-hand doth *. me, 8. 3. £(j/.'i.4.5.thatveri-bvouglit up in scarlet e.dunghi'.s E.MHKACED. iien.20. 13. Laban *. Jacob and kissed hiir 33. 4. Esau ran and *. Jacob and ki.ssud him 4P. 10 Jacob kissed and *. Joseph's sons 4c(>23.1. P'»ul*.disciples and departed to Maced. Uti- 11, lo. having Meu asd e, thepromisa* EAIP EMBRACING. Ecel.i.S. atimt to embrace and a time to refrain ». .^c»i 20. 10. Paul*. EutYchus,Vaid,trouL.W not yours. EMliHUlDER. EtoJ. 28. 39. thou snalt *. the coat of fine linon EMBROIDERER. Erod. 35. 35. to work all manner of work of the *. 38. 23. with him was Aholiab, an *. in blue E.MERALD, S. Eiod. 28. 18. the second row shall be an *. -ig. 11. Ezei. 27.16. Syria occupied in thy fairs with *. 28. 13. every precious stone thy covering, the *. A'*K.4.3.therewas a rainbow in sight like unto an *. 21. 19. the fourth foundation of the city was an *. E.MERODS. Dent. 28. 27. the Lord will smite thee with the *. 1 6'am.5.6. Lord smote them of Ashdod with the *. 9. men of the city had *. in their secret parts 12. the men that died not were smitten witli *. 6.4.tliey answered, five golden*. and five mice. 17. 5. shall make images of your*. and your mice, 11. EMINENT. Joi 22. *8. and the*, man dwelt in the earth Isa. 3. t 3. doth take away the *. in countenance Ezei. 16. 24. thou hast built to thee an *. place,31 . 39. they shall throw down thine *. place 17. 22. 1 will plant it on an high and*, mountain 1 !iv«i.2.l2.pray for kings and all that are in *.place EM.MANUEL, Or Immanuel, is a Hebrew -uord, uhich signifies God with us. Isaiah, i« that prophecy, wlierein he declares /oAhaz the iirili of the .Messiah, riAo uas to be born of a virgin, says. This child shall be called, and really be, Emmanuel, that is, God with us, Isa. 7. 14. He repeals the same thing while he is speaking of the enemy's army, which, like a torrent, was to orerfloio Judea, ill which Christ was to be born, to lite and die ; The stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Emmanuel, Isa. 8. 8. Matthew says, that this prophecy -.ias accom. plisUed lA the birth tf/" Christ, born of the virgin Mary, in whom the tmo natures, divine and human, were united ; and so in this sense he was really Emmanuel, or, God with us. Mat, 1. 23. ha. 7. 14. and shall call his name £11. A/a/. 1. 23. 8. 8 he shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Em. E.MPIRE. Esih. 1 . 20. shall be published throughout all his «. E.MPLOy. Dent. 20. I9. for the tree is man's life, to e. in siege E.MI'LOVED. /)*»/. 20. +19. Oman, the tree is to be *. in the siege 1 Chron. 9. 33. these singers were *. day and night AVolO.lj. Jonat. and Jahaziah*. about this matter E.MPLOYilENX. Eiek. 39. 14. shall sever out men of continual e. EMPTY. Gen. 31.42. surely thou hadst sent me away now*. 37. 24. the pit was e. tiwre was no water in it 41.27. the seven e. ears blasted with the east-wind Exod. 3. 21. that when ye go, ye shall not go *. 23. 15. in month Abib earnest from Egypt, none shall appear before me *. 34. 20. Deiu. 16. 16. Dcut. 15. 13. thou shalt not let him go away *. Jrtdg. 7. 16. he put ill every man's hand e. pitchers I'nth 1. 21. the Lord hatb brought nie home *. 3. 17. for he said, go not *. to thy mother-in-law 1 6V/W. 6. 3. they said, send not the ark away *. L'0.18. be missed, because thy seat will be *. 25,27. ■'iam. 1 22. the sword of Saul returned not *. 2 A'injj4. 3 go, borrow thee e. vessels, not a few AV/j. 5. \ 13. even thus be he shaken out and *. loll 11.(12. for e. man would be wise, tho' born like '."-'. 9. tliou hast sent widows aw,\y *. and the arms 20. 7. he stretcheih out the north over the e. place ha. 21. 1. the Lord inaKeth the earth *. and waste -■9. 8. a hungry man awaketh, and his soul is *. ?.'l. 6. to make * the soul of the hungry Jer, It. 3. Ihey returned with their vessels *. 51. 34. the king of Babylon made me an *. vessel l.sek.'Zi. 11. then set it *. upon the coals thereof llos. 10.1. Isr. is an e. vine, he bringeth forth fruit ;Va/i. 2. 10. Nineveh is «. and void, and waste Mat. 12. 4-1. and when he is come, he findeth it *. Mark 12. 3. they caught him and beat him, and sent him away *. LukelO. 10, 11. Euke 1. 53. and the rich he bath sent e. away EMl'TV, I'erb. f,ev. 14. 36. priest command that they *. the house E^cl. 11. 3. the clouds *. themselves on the earth Jer. 48 12. and send wanderers shall *. his vessels 5' I. fanners that shall fan her and e. her land y/ni. 1 .17 .shall they therefore *. their net, not spare Zech. 4.12. which*, the golden oil out of ihemselv. .Mul. 3. 1 10. if 1 will not *. you out a blessing EM PIT ED. Gen. 24. 30. Rebekah hasted and «. her pitcher 4S. M. it ;ame to pats ai the/ «. their >acks a END I Chron. 24. 11. the high priest's officer *. the cttest Neh. 5. 13. ev«!a thus be he shaken out and 4. Isa. 3. t 26. she iieirjg < shall sit on the ground 19.+3. spirit of Egy. shall De«. in the midst thereof 6. and the brooks of defence shall be *. 24. 3. the land shall be utterly *. and spoiled JeT. 48- 11. Moab not been «. fr'^m vessel to vessel iVaA 2. 2, for the emptiers have e. tkem out E.'UFJIERS. Nah. 2. 2. for the *. have emptied them out E.MPTINESS. //a.34.11.he shall stretch out upon it the stones of* EMPTYING. Hos. 10. t 1. a vine *. the fruit which it giveth EMULATION. Rom. 11. 14. if I may provoKc to *. my brethren E.MULATIONS. Gb/.5.20. the works of the flesh are «. wrath, strif* ENABLED. 1 Tim. 1. 12. I thank Christ Jesus who halh *. ma ENCAMP. Exod. 14.2. that they e. before Pi-hahirotli A>i«. 1.50. the Levites shall *. about the tabernacU 2. 17- as they *. so shall they set forward 3. 38. but those that «. before the tabernacle 10. 31. thou kuowesthow we are to *. in wildernest 2 Sam. 12. 28. e. against Rabbah, and take it Job 19. 12. his troops come and *. about my ta- bernacU Psiil. 27. 3 though an host should *. against me ^ech. 9. 8. I will *, about mine house for the army ENCA.MPED. Exod. 13. 20. e. in Etham H 15.27. '■ by 'he waters 18. 5. where Mooos *. at the mount of CJod A'kct. 33. 10. from Elim they e. by the Red-sea 11. from Red-.sea, and «. in the wilderness of Sin Josh. 4. 19. people came up and*. inGilgal,5. 10. 10. 5. the kings of the Amorites «. before Gideon Judg. 6. 4. the Miaianiles *. against Israel 9- 50. Abimelech *. against Thebea and took it 10. 17. the children of Ammon *. in Gilead, and Israel assembled themselves and *. at Mizpetk 1 Sam. 11. 1. Nahash*. against Jabesh-(iilead 13. 16. but the Philistines *. in Micbmash 2 Sam. 11.11. the .servants are *. in the open field* 1 A'i>i5.f 16.15 the people «. against Gibbethon, ifl. 1 Chron, 11.15. the Philistines «. in the valley 2 CAr.32.1. Sennacherib *. against the fenced cititi ENCAMPETH. Psal. 34. 7- angel of the Lord *. round about thett 53. 5. hath scattered bones of him that *. aijst.the* ENCA.MPING. Ejed. 14 9- Egyptians overlook them e. by the sea 2 Kings 6.t8. saying, in such a place shall be my «, ENCLi.Nji, E.nclosk; /** Incline, 1.NCLCS8. ENCOUNTERED. Acts 17. 18. then certain philosophers *. him ENCOURAGE. Deut.l.i'&.e. him, he .ihall cause to inherit it, 3. 28. 2 Sam. 11. 25. thus say to Joab, and «. thou him Esal. 64. 5. they *. themselves in an evil matter ENCOURAGED. 1 Sam. .30, 6. David*, himself in the Lord hisOod 2 Chr. 17. ) 6. his heart was «. in ways of the Lord 31. 4. that the priests and Levites might be *. 35. 2. Jotiah *. them to the service of the Lord Isa. 41. 7- so the carpenter e. the goldsmith END. The end signifies the extremity or utmost part at a thing, as the end of a rod, 1 Sam. 14. 87. The *» led, for all these things must rome 10 p;is.» but the end is not yet. The deJlruaion cf Jt» rusalem is not presently: Vr, ihourh tied shall bring remarkabh juigmmts vyvn ilicU place and people, fit h4 will not uiteriy .itiir^j them ; Or tj end, ktre nay i* md«TU«e4i tliO END day q/ judgment, nr the itme oj Clirist's tecond toming. In Kcv. 21. 6. Christ jayj, I am the beginaiDg and the end ; I made all things at Jin:, and I will brine all to that ferjecttait and happiness I hne premised. And it ■> said, Kom. 10. 4, Chritl is the end of the law £or righteousness to every one that believeth ; that is. The la-j aas given ftK this tnd, that sinners being thereby brought to the inculedge of their sins, and their lost and undone estate, by leason thereof, should f.y to Christ and his nghteoustuss for refuge. Or, Christ 1/ the perfection and consummation of' the laa. He perfected the ceruuunial law, as he lias the Substance, thereof all the ceie- fstonies of the lau xere shadows ; they all re- ferred to htm as their scope and end. lie perfected also the moral law, both by his active obedience, fulfilling all the ri^hict usnesi there- of ; and by hit passive obedience, bearing the curst and funishment of the lau, which teas due to us. The end of the conimaDdment is charity, or love, 1 Tim. 1. 5- IVe truly accomplish the lau by fulnlling the precept of love ; for love is llie fufhlllng of the law, Rom. 13. 10. The mam scope and design both of lau and gospel, is to produce a pure, ardent love of God, and of men, for his sake. There is also mention of the eud of faith, 1 Pet. 1. 9, Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your suuls ; that IS, receiving that which is the scope, or mark to which faith tends, or which is the re- ward of faith, namely, the assurance of tin salvation of your souls. To endure to the end, Mai. 10. 22. is to fight against sin and temptations as long as one lives, and constantly to adhere to Christ, in spite of all persecutions for his sake. End is also taken for reward or wages, Rom. 6. 21, For the end of those things is death, Lternal death is the reward or wages of sin. Cen. 6. 1.3. the e. of all flesh is come before me 47- 21. from one e. of Egypt even to the other e. Etod. 23. l6. the feast of in-gathering which is in the*, of year, when gathered out of field. 31. 22. 26.19. make one cherub on the one e. and the other cherub on the other e. even of mercy-seat D*ul. 28. 64. Lord scatter from one e. of the earth 32. 20. Lord said, I will sea what their e. shall be Jttdg. 6. 21. the angel put forth the e. of his staff ly. 9. behold, the day growcth to an e. lodge here 1 6am. 14. 27. Jonathan put forth the e. of the rod 2 Ai;i^xl0.21.the houte of Baal was full from one e. 21. 16. filled Jerusalem with blood from one «. i2 Chi on. 21 .19. after the e. of two years, his bowels X'ir«y. 11. filled with unclean, from one «. to another yij46.ll.what is my e.lhat 1 should prolong my life .' l(i.3.shall vain words havee. .'or what emboldens 2t). 10. till the day and night come to an e. 28. .•?. he setteth an e. to darkness, and searcheth 7'/a/.7.9.thewickedness of the wicked come to an e. 9- 6. destnictions are come to a perpetual e. 19. 6. his going forth is from the e. of heaven 37. 37. upright man, for the e. of that man is peace 38. the e. of the wicked shall be cut off 39.4. make me know <.|i73.17.I understood their e. 61. 2. from the e. of the earth will I cry to thee 102.27 -thou art the same, and thy years have no*. 119. 96. I have seen an e. of all perfection Prov. 5. 4. her e, is bitter || 23 18. there is an e. 14. 12. but (he e. thereof are tnc ways of death 26. 8. lest thou know not what to do in the e. £ccl. 4. 8. yet there is no e. of all his labour 16. there is no e. of all the people before them 7. 2. the <;. of all men I] 8. better the e. of a thing 10. 13. the e. of his talk is mischievous madness 12. 12. of making many books there is no e. tl3. let us hear the e. of the whole matter Jsa.Z.T. land full ofgold, nor is there any e. of their treasures, nor is there any e. of their chariots 9 7. of his government there shall be no e. 13. 5. they come from the e. of heaven to destroy 16.4. for the extortioner is at an e. spoiler ceaseth 23. 15. after e. of 70 years Tyre shall sing, 17. 42. 10. sing his praise from the e. of the earth 45. 17. shall not be confounded world without e . 46. 10. declaring the e. from the beginning J»r. 5. 31. what will you do in the e. thereof? 12. 12. for the iword of the Lord shall devour from one e. to the other e. of the land, 25. 33 17. 11. gets riches, and at his*, he shall be a fool 29. U. I think to give you an expectid e. 31. 17. there is hope in thine e. saiththe Lord ■44. 27 . be consumed, till tliere be an <. of them 50. t26. came against Babylon from the e. 51. 13. () ihnu that dwelle'st, thine e. is come 31. to shew that his city is taken at one e. Lam. 4. 18. our e. is near, for our e. is come Eak.f^. an e, the t. is come on the land, 3, 6. 162 END Ezek.il. a. vaeti iniqa. .shall have an «.29. | 35.5. Ilan. 7. 28. hitherto is tue e. of the matter 8. 17. at the time of*, shall be the vision 19. at the time appointed thee, shall be, 11. 27. 9. 26. thee, thereof shall be with a Hood, and toe. 11.6. and in the e. of years they shall join 35. to purge them even to the time of the e. 40. at time of the e. king of south shall push him 45. yet he shall come to his e. and none help 12. 4. seal the book even to the time of the e. 8. U Lord, what shall be the e. of these things ? 9. words are closed up, till the time of the e. 13. but go thou thy way till the e. be, shalt rest Amos 3. 15. the great houses shall have an t. 5. 18. to what e. is it for you to desire the day -' 8. 2. the e. is come upon my people of Israel 10. I will make the e. thereof as a bitter day Xah. 2. 9. for there is none e. of the store 3. 3. and there is none e. of their corpses .Mat. 13. 39. the harvest is the e. of the world 24. 3. what shall be the sign of thee, of the world? 14. the gospel be preached, then shall the e. come 31. gather from one e. of heaven to the other 2ii. 58. but Peter went in and sat to see the e. 2B. 1 . in the e. of the sabbath came Mary to sec Mark 3. 26. he cannot stand, but hath an e. Luke 1. 33. of his kingdom there shall be no e. 18. 1. he spake a parable to them, to this e. 02. 37. the things concerning me have ane. John 18.37.sayest I am a king, to this e. was I born Horn. 6. 21. for the e. of those things is death 22. ye have fruit to holiness, e. everlasting life 10. 4. Christ is thee, of the law for righteousness 14. 9. to this e. Clirist both died, rose, and revived 2 Cor. 2. 9. lor to this e. also did I write to know 11. t5. whose e. shall be according to their works Eph. 3. 21. to him be glory world without e. Phil. 3. 19. many walk, whose <•. is destruction 1 Vim. 1. 5. the e. of the commandment is chanty lleb. 6. 8. nigh to cursing, whose e. is to be burned 16. and au oath is to them an e. of all strife 7. 3. having neither beginning nor e. of life 9. 26. but now once in the e. hath he appeared 13. 7. considering the e. of their conversation Jam. 5. 11. and ye have seen the e. of the Lord 1 i^er.1.9. receivinge. of your faith, even salvation 4.17. what shall be the e. of them obey not gospel ■ lUv. 21. 6. 1 am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the e. will give to him athirst, 22. 13. At the END. Gen. 4. + 3. at the e. of days Cain brought offering 8. 6. at the e. of forty days Noah opened window 41. 1. at the e. of two years Pharaoh dreamed Exod.li.il.at the e. of 430 years. Lord's host went Lev. 8. 33. the days of consecration be at an e. Deui. 9. 11. at the ». of 40 days and 40 nights 14. 28. at the e. of three years bring the tithe 15. 1. at the e. of every seventh year a release 31.10. at the e.of every seventh year read this law Josh 9. 16. at the t. of three days after the league JuJg. 11. 39. at the e. of two months she returned Ruth 3. 7. Boaz lay down at the e. of the heap " Sam. 14. 26. at the e. of every year he polled it ;i.8. Joab came to Jerus. at the e. of nine months 1 hings^.SQ.ai the e.of 3 years two of -Shimei's ser. 17. t 7. at the e. of days the brook dried up 2 Kings H.S.at the e.otj years the woman returne(f 18. 10. at the e. of three years they took Samaria 2 C/iron. 18. t 2. at the e. of years Jehoshaphat went 20. 16. ye shall find them ai'ihe e. oT the brook 24.23. af the e.of the year the host of Syria came A'e/i. 13. t6. at the e. of days I obtained leave /'i. Zeph. 1. t 2. by taking away, I will make an e. ? Make a full END. Jer. 4. 27. the whole land shall be desolate, yet will I not make a full e. 5. 18. | 30. 11. | 46. 28. 5. 10. go ye up £ind destroy, but make not a full e. Ezek. 11. 13. ah Lord, wilt thou make afuUe.T To the END. i.>orf.8.22.I will sever land of Goshen, to the e.thou mayest know that I am the Lord, Ezek. 20. 26 Lev. 17. 5. to the e. Israel may bring sacrifices Gent. 15. t4. to the e. there be no poor among you 17. 16. to the e. that he should multiply horses 20. to the e. that he may prolong his days Psal. 19. 4. their words to the e. of the world 30. 12. to the e. my glory may sing praise to thee 119. 112. to perform thy statutes even to the e. Eccl. 3. 11. can find out from beginning to the e. 7. 14. to the e. man should find nothing after liim ha. 48. 20. utter it even to the e. of the earth 49. 6. mayest be my salvation to the e. of the earth Jer. 3. 5. his anger, will he keep it to the e .' Ezek. 31. 14. to the e. that none of the trees exalt Uan. 4. 11. sight thereof « the e. of all the (jartli 22. thy dominion rcacheth to the e. of the earth 12. 6. how long shall be to the e. of these wonders.' Ubad. 9. to the e. »hat every one may be cut ofT Mat. 10. 22. but he that enaureth to the e. shall b* saved, 24. 13. Mark 13. 13. .■icts 7. 19. cast out, to the e. they might not live Ro(n, 1. 11. to the e. you may be est.iblished 4. 16. to the e. the promise might be sure to seed 2 Cor. 1. 13. I trust you shall acknowledge to thee. 3. 13. look to the e. of that which is abolished 1 'Thess.i.XZ. to the t. he may esiablish your hearts 1 Pet. 1. 13. wherefore be sober, and hope to the e. Unto the END. Deut. 11. 12. from beginning unto the e. of the year Josh.\b.i. the east-border was unto the e. of Jordan Ruth 2. 23. to glean unto the e. of barley-harvest Job 34. .36. my desire is Job may be tried unto the e. P.>a/.46.9.maketh wars to cease unto the e. of bean 119. 33. teach me, and I shnll keep it unto the .•■ Isa. 62. 11. L. hath proclaimed «;«c) thee, ofeanb Jer. 1.3. it came unto the t. of ihe eleventh year Dan. 6. 26. his dominion shall be even unto the e. 7. 26. to destroy his dominion unto the e. 9. 2r*. and unto the e. of the war desolations A/af .28. 20, I am with you alway, even unto the e. John 1 S. 1 . having loved, he loved them unto the e. 1 Cor. 1. 8. who shall also confirm you unto thee, lltb. 3. 6. if we hold fast the confidenoe unto the 14. if we hold the beginning stedf;ist unto the a. 6. 11. to the full assurance of hope unto tl.e e. Rev. 2. S6. he that keepeth my works unto tU e, END. Mat, 10. 1 33. ye shall aot e. the cities of If.nu. 10. 9. and if you go to war against the e. 35. 23. and was not his e. nor sought his harm Dew/. 32.27 .were it not I feared the wrath of the e. 42. from the beginning of revenges upon the e. 33. 27. he shall thrust out the e. before thee Judg.l6.Z3. our god hath delivered our e. into, 21. 1 Sam. 2. 32. thou shall see an e. in my habitation 18. 29. Saul became David's e. continually 24. ly. if a man find his e. will he let him go' IKings 8. 33. when thy people be smitten down be- fore «, because sinned ag. thee, 2 Chron. 6. 24. 46. if they sin, and thou deliver them to the e 2 Chron. 25. 8. G. shall make thee fall before the e. Esth. 7. 4. the e. could not countervail the damage 6. Esther said, the e. is this wicked Ilaman Joi 33. 10. behold, he counteth me for his e. Psal. 7. 5. let the e. persecute my soul and take it 8. C. thou mightest still the e. and the avenger 9. 6. O thou e. destructions are come to an end ■J2.9. why go I mourning because of the «. .' 43. 2 44. 10. thou makest us to turn back from the e. 55. 3. I mourn, because of the voice of the e. 12. for it was not an e. Aat reproached me 01. 3. thou hast been a strong tower from the e 64. 1. preserve my life from fear of the e. 74. 3. even all that the e. hath done wickedly 10. shall the e. blaspheme thy name for everr 10. remember the «. hath reproached, O Lord 78. 42. remembered not when he delivered from e. 8y. 22. the e. shall not exact upon him 143. 3. for the e. hath persecuted my soul Prov. 27. 6. but the kisses of an e. are deceitful /su. 59. 19. when the e. shall come in like a flood 63. 10. therefore he was turned to be their e. Jer. 6. 25. the sword of the e. is on every side 15. 11. 1 will cause th", e. to entreat thee well 18.17. I will scatter them with east-wind before e. 30. 14. I have wousded thee with wound of zin e. Lam. 1. 5. are gone into captivity before the e. 9- behold, for the e. hath magnified himself 16. my children are desolate, because (.prevailed 2. 3. he hath drawn back his band before the e. 4. he hath bent his bow like an e. he stood 5. the Lord was an e. he hath swallowed up 4. 12. that the e. should have entered the gates £«i. 36.2. because the e. had said against you, aha llos. 8. 3. Israel, the e. shall pursue him A/ic.2.8. even of late my people is risen up as an ^. Nnh. 3. 11. thou shall seek strength because of*. i1/ie e. 1 Sam. 2. 1. my mouth is enlarged over mine •. 14.24. that I may be avenged on mine e. 2 .b'c slain before your e. 37. shall have no power to stand before your e. Num. 10. 9. ye shall be saved from your e. 14. 42 be not smitten beioieyour e. Deiit 1. 42 Dent. 12. 10. he giveth you rest from all your a. 20. 3. ye approach to battle against your e. 4. the Lord goeth to fight for you against your 1. 28.68. and there ye shall be sold to your e. Josh. 10. 25. thus shall the Lord do to all your e. 22 8. divide the spoil oti/oure. with your brethren 1 Sam. 1 2. 1 1 . the Ix)rd delivered you out of hand of your I. and ye dwelled safe, 2 hinzs 17. 39. Mat. 5.44. but I say, \ova your t. Luke 6. 27, 35. EnFLAMK; tet INFLA.ME. ENGAGED. J>r.30.2l .who is this that e.his heart to approach '. ENGINE, S. 2 Chron. 26. 15. Uzziah made in Jerusalem e. Jer 6. +6. pour out the e. of ihot, Ezek 26. t8 32. t 24 behold the e. of shot, they are come Eitk. 26. 9. he shall set e. of war against thy walls ENGKAinED. Jam. 1. 21. receive with meekness the *. word ENGRAVE. Exod. 28. 11. like a signet shalt e. tne two stones Zech. 3. 9. behold, I will e. the graving thereof ENGRAVEN. 2 Cor. 3. 7. the ministration of death e. in stones ENGRAVER. Exod. 28 11 with the work of an e. in stone 35. 35 to work all manner of work of the e. 38. 23. Aholiab, of the tribe of DaJi, an e. ENGRAVINGS. Exod. 28. U.liker.of asignet,21.36. | 39.14,30. ENJOV Ler. 26. 34. the land shall t. her sabbaths, 43. A'Km.36.8 that Israel may «. inheritance of fathers Deut. 28. 41. thou shalt beget sons, i.ui not e. tlicm Josh. I. 15. then shall return to tlie laud and e. it J06 7.^7. mine eye shall no more t. good /.If/. 2. I. e. pleasure, beholil this also is vuiity 24.he should make his soul e. good, 3.13 '. !>. lli. 9. t 9. e. life with the wfe whom thou lo\c.st lirt. 65. 22. mine elect sha.'. long e. work of nands ylcri 24. 2. seeing by thee we e. great quictnes:' 1 Tim. 6. 17. G w). ^bo giveth uf all things to e. IJei.i) . 25'. than<. the pleasures of sin lor a season RN.lnVED 2 Chron. 36. 21. till the land e her sabbaths EN.IOIN. I'hi/em. 8. to *. thee that which is convenient ENJOINED Ejth.g ^\^.o confirm days of I'urin:> »• Esth. had e. Joh 3r>. 23. who h.ith e. him his ways > lied. 9. 20. blood of testament God hath e. to you ENLARllE. This word principally signifies the dilation, or ex- fiandtn^ of the heart, uhich hajrpem on vcca- jtont oj prosperitv and jov, opposite to that con- traction and oppression »/ the heart uhich hap- pens in adiersiiy. I'sal. 4. 1, 1 liou hast enlarged me when I was in distress. 2 Cor. C>. 11, O ye Corinthians, our mouth is open unto you, our heart is enlarged. Our mimth is open to speak Jreeli/ to you, and to communicate n yon the uhole uill and cmmtel of dod; Our heart ii enlaried both by the love that ut have towards you, and iy the rejoicim; that ue haie in you. To enlarge 11 used likewise Jor ex- lending one^t limits, and carrying one^s tonquests ENO enlarge Japhtt. God 4hall pvt hm « Uni» inheritance, and tnertase his posterity. Or other-xise : God shall persuade Japhtt, namely, to dwtll in the terns of .Shem, u:here Goi dwelleth ; he shall bring him to faith and obe- dience ; to that this may be a prophecy of l/,t calling of the Gentiles, the posterity 1/ Japhet. Also in Exod. 34. 24, Por I will cast out the. nations before thee, and enlarge thy borders. My mouth is enlarged, says Hannah, 1 Sam. 2_ 1. It is opened uidt to pour forth abundant praises to Goi; and to give a full aniicer to all. the reproaches of my adversaries ; tehereai before it uns shut through grief and confusion. 'Jhou hast enlarged thy bed, Isa. 57. 8. Thou hast niuliiplied t/iint idols and altars. 'The same prophet says, chap. 5. 14, Hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure. 'The grave hath optntd its mouth, it it readt^ to s-.iallo-ji up a vast numbtr of the dead ; it de- sires no more than to devour, and absorb tuch at. shall die by this famine, or otherwiie. riil.-\rgement, lieb. Respiration, Esth. 4. 14, Then shall their enlargement ari.se to the Jewi from another place. 'They mere so filled ;; i/A grief and terror arising from theii present dan~ ger, as that they could icarce breathe, as Job speaks. Job 9' 18. but their grief and sorrow should be removed, and then should they have a bieiiihing-time, a time of suttt refreshment. '''f:«.9.27.G. shall e. Japhet, he shall dwell in tents Exod. 34.24. I will cast out nations and*, borders. Dcui. 12. 20. when the Lord shall e. thy border 19. 8 if the Lord e thy coast as he hath sworn 1 Chr. 4.10. O that wouldest bless me, and e. coast Psat. 119. 32. when tHbu shalt e. my heart Isa. 54.2. e. the place of thy tent and stretch forth Amos 1. 13 that they might*, their border Mic. 1. 16. make bald,«. thy baldness as the eagle Mat 23 5. and e. the borders of their garments ENLARGED. 1 Sam. 2. 1 my mouth is e. over mine enemies 2 Sam. 22. 37. thou hast e. my steps, Pial. IS m- Psal. 4 1 thou hast e. me when I was in distress 25. 17 the troubles of my heart are e. O bring iu» Isa.b.li therefore hell hath *.hers. opened mouth. 57 . 8. thou hast e. thy bed, and made a coveuaiit 60. 5. and thine heart shall fear and be «. 2 Cor . 6. 11 O ye Corinthians, our heart is e, 13. for a recompence in the same, be ye also e. 10. 15. having hope, that we shall be e. by you. ENLARGEXH. Dent 3." 20 he said, blessed be he that e. Gad Job 12 .23. he e. the nations, and straitcneth then. Ual) 2.5 who «. his desire as hell, and is asde.ith. ENLARGEMEN r. Esth 4. 14. then e. .shall arise from anolherplacc ENLARGING. Eiek 41.7' and there was an e. and a winding ENLIGHTEN. Psal. 18. 28 the Lord my God will e. my darkness. ENLIGHTENED. 1 Sam. 14 27. and Jonathan's eyes were e. 29. Job 33. 30. to be *. with the light of the living Psal. 97 4. his lightnings «. the world, earth saw Isa. 60. 1 1. arise, be e. for thy light cometh Eph. 1 . 18. the eyes of your understanding being e.. lieb.O.i. il is impossible for those who were once e ENLIGHI'ENING. Psal. 19.8. commandment of Ld. is pure, ».the eye* ENMITY. Gen. 3 15 I will put e. between thee and the womaiL iVum. 35. 21 or in e. smite him with his hand 22. but if he thrust him suddenly without e. Luke 23. 12. for before they were at c. betw. thems. Horn. 8. 7. the carnal mind is e. against God Lph. 2. 15. having abolished in his tiesh thee, id. by the cross, having slain the e. thereby Ja»j. 4. 4. the friendship of the world i.s e. with O. ENOUGH. Gen. 24. 25. we have straw and provender e. 33. 9. and Esau said, I have e. my brother 1 1 lake, 1 pray, my blessing, because 1 have e 34. 21. the land, behold, it is large *. for them 45. 28. Israel said, it is e. Joseph it yet alive ExoU. 9. 28. entreat the Lord, for it is e. that 30.5. the people bring much more than e. for wort Ikui. 1.6. ye have dwelt long «. in this mount 2. 3. ye have compassed this mountain long e. Josh. 17. 16. they said, the hill is not e. for us 2.iam.24.l6. it is e.stay thine hand, 1 Kiti^s 19. 4 1 Chron. 21. 15. Mark 14. 41. Luke 22. 38 2 Chr. 31. 10. we have had e. to eat and have left Prov. 27. 27. thou shalt have goats' milk «. for food 28. I'j lie that tilleth land have plenty , but he that lolloweth after vain persons have po\ erty t. 30. 15. vea, four things say not, it is e. 16. and the fire that saith not. it is «. /'".56. 11. greedy dog«, which can never hatre & nto a foreign country. Gen. 9. 27. (ioj shall [Jer, 49- 9. they will destroy till they hive e. ENQ ENT Hm.A. 10. for ihey shall e»t, and u^c hare e. | F.NQUIREST. ? 8. 8. go meet the man, and e. of the Lord by him 16. 15. the brazen altar shall be for me to e. by 22. 13. go ye, e. of the Lord forme, 2 Chr. 34. 5 18. the king which sent you to e. 2 Chr. 34. C6. 1 Chron. 10.13. that had a familiar spirit, to c. of it 18. 10. Tou sent to David to e. of his welfare 21. 30. David could not go before iiioe. of God Z.'«ra7.14. are sent to e. concerning Jud. and Jerus Job 8. 8. for ». I pray thee of the former age PsriLTI. i. beauty of the L. and toe. in his temple Ecct. 7. 10. thou dost not e. wisely concerning this Jsa. 21. 12. if ye will t. e. ye, return, come Jer. 21. 2. e. I pray thee, of the Lord for us 37. 7. the king of Judah that sent you to e. of me Ezek. 14. 7. and cometh to a prophet to e. of him 20. 1. the elders of Israel came to e. of the Lord 3. thus saith the Lord, are ye come to e. of me ? Mat. 10. 11. e. who in it is worthy, and there abide iu*e 22. 23. to e. among themselves, John I6. IJJ. ^cts 9. 1 1 . «. for Saul || 25. + 20. doubtful how to e. 19. 39. but if ye e. concerning other matters 23. 15. as though ye would e. something more, CO. 2 Cor. 8. 23. whether any doe. of Titus my partner ENQUIRED. Deut. 17. 4. thou hast heard of it, and e. diligently Judg. 20. 27. the children of Israel e. of the Lord 1 Aam. 10. 22. therefore they*, of the L. further 22. 10. and he e. of the I/jrd for him, 13. £3. 2. therefore David e. of the Lord, 4. | 30. 8. ZSam.'i.l. I 5.19,23. | 21.1. 1 Chr. 14. 10, 14. 28. 6. when .Saul «. the Lord answered him not iSam. 11. 3. David sent and «. after the woman 16. 23. as if a man had e. at the oracle of (lod 1 Chron. ](), 14. Saul e. not of the L. he slew him 13. 3. for we e. not at the ark in the days of .Saul Psal. 78. 3V. they returned ande. early after God Ezek. 14. 3. should I be e. of at all by them > 20. .3. as I live, saith L. ! will not be «."of by you 31.shh.ll I be e. of bj' you, O house of Israel ? as 1 live saitli Lord Goil, I will not be e. of by you S6. 37. I will yet for this be e. of by Israel Dan. 1. CO. in all matters that the king e. of them Zeph. 1. 6. those that have not e. for the Lord Mat. 2.7. Herod e. of the wise men dili'.;eiitly, 16. Ji'in 4. 52. then e. be the hour he began to amend 2 Cor, 8. 23. or our brethren bsf . of, are messengers I Pel. 1. 10. of which salvation the prophets e. 1&5 ENRICH 1 5nm.17.C5. the king will e. him with great riihe Esek. 27. 33. ihou didst e. the kings of the -janl ENRICHED. 1 Cor. 1 , 5. that in every thing ye are e. by him 2C«r.9.11.being «.in everv thing to all bountifulnes . ENRICHESr. Psal.65. 9. tnougreatlv*. it with the river of C jd ENROLLED. f.uke 2. 1 1. a decree that all the world should he e. llei. 12. i 23. church of the first-born e. in heaven ENSA.Ml'LE. Phil. 5. 17. be followers, as ye have us for an e. 2 Thess. 3. 9. but to make ourselves an e. to vou 2 I'et. 2. 6. an e. to those that should live ungodly EN SAMPLES. 1 Cor. 10. 11. these things happened to them for s. 1 'J'/iess. 1. 7. so that ye were e. to all that believe 1 Pet. 5. 3. not as lords, but being e. to the llock ENSIGN. I'nsigns are warlike banners, mmmments, or tro- phies of victory. Psal. 74. 4, Thine enemies set up their ensigns for signs. And the pn'pUet Isaiah, threatening the Israelites uich an iina- sion, tells them. That God would lift up an en. sign to the nations from far, Isa. 5. C6. lie would, by his providence, bring the Assj-rians or the Chaldeans against the jews ; he would, as it were, invite them to list themselves under his colours, as generals use to lift up th standards for the raising of armies. The same prophet says. That there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people, and to it shall the Gentiles seek, Isa. 11. 10. t/iat is, 'That Christ the Messiah growing upon the root of Jesse, should mmint up, and be ad- vanced, by the preaching of the gospel, to a great height, so as to become a visible and emi- nent ensign, which the Gentiles, as well as the Jews, may discern; to whom they should repair by faith, and in whom they should put their trust. /.fa. 5.26. he will lift up an e. to the nations from far 11. 10. \Wiich shall stand for an e. to the people 12. and he shall set up an e. for the nations 18. 3. dwellers, see ye, when he lifteth up an«. 30. 17. till ye be left as an e. on an hill 31. 9. his princes shall be afraid of the e. saith L. Zech. 9. 16. as the stones of a crown lifted as an e. ENSIGNS. Psal. 74. 4. they set up their e. for signs -^■SNARE. Psal. 12. 1 5. I will • in safety from him would e E SNARED. Job 34. 30. hypocrite reign not, lest the people be e ENSUE. 1 Pet. 3. 1 1 . let him do good, seek peace, and e. it Entangle; see Intangle. ENTER. Judg. 18. 9- not slothful to e. to possess the land Ezek. 44. 3. prince shall e. by the porth, 4<). C, 8. /-)««. 11. 17. shall also set his face to e.with strength C4. he shall e. peaceably 6n the fattest places lleb. 4. 6. it remaineth that some must e. therein EN TER in or into Gen. 12.11. Abram was come near to<. into Egypt I'lod. 40. 35. Moses was not able to e. into the tent Num. 4. 23. all that e. in to perform the service 5. 24. the water that causeth the curse shall e. tnio the woman, and become bitter, C*. Deut. 23. 8. children shall e. into the congregation 29. 12. that thou shouldest <;. into covenant with L. Josh. 10. 19. suffer them not to e. in<A. 2. 8. and for the house that I shall e. into hlsth. 4. C. for none might e. into the king's gate Job C2. 4. will he e. with thee into judgment • 34. 23. that he should e. i'h/o judgment with God Pj.37.15, their sr.vord sh.all e. into their own heart 45. 15. they shall e. into the king's palace 100 4. e. into his gates with thanksgiving 1 18. 20. the gate into which the righteous shall c. ProT. 18. 6. a fool's lips e. into contention Isa. 2. 10. e. into the rock, and hide thee iii the dust 3. 14. tlie L. wiU«, into judgn cnt with aiicicuts Isa. 16. 8. that the righteous nation mgy e. {a 20. come, my people, i. thou into thychambera 57.2. he shall e. into peace, they shall rest m be and oveitlou 41. he shall e. also into the glorious land Joel 2.9. like a thief they shall e. in at the windows Amos 5.5. seek not Beth-el, nor e. into Gilgal Jonah 3. 4. and Jonah bef;:.n lo *. into the city Zech.5A. flying roll shall e. tntolht houie oC thi«f Mat. 5, CO, in no case e. into kingdom of heaven 6. 6. when thou pra.\est, e. into thy closet 7. 13. e. in at the strait gate, Luke 13. 24. 21. not every one that saiih, Lord, shall e. in 10. 11. into what city ye shall e. Luke 10, 8, 10. 12, C9. e. into a strong man's house, Mark 3. 27, 45. and they e. in and dwell iher.-, LuU 1 1 . 26. 18. 8. it is better for thee to e. info lil'e halt or maimed, rather than be cast iulo eveilasliug fire, Mark 9. 43, 45, 47. 19- 17. if thou wilt*, into life, keep the commands 23. a rich man shall hardly e. into the kingdom 24. than for a rich man \i, e. into the kinMdonj of God, Maik 10. 25. Luke 18. 25^ 25.21. well done,*, into the joy of 'thy Lord .Mark 1. 45. could no more openly e. into the city 5. IC. thut wo may e. into the swnie, LnU H. 32. 6. U). what house ye e. into, Luke 9. i. | In. 5. 9- 25. come out of him, and e. no more lut.i bim 14. 3t!. lest ye e. into ttniptation, Luke 22. 46. LnkeH. 16. that they which e. iii^ may see light 13.24. many will seek to e. in and* shall no beat>l» C4. C6. to have suffered, and toe. inio his glory r John 3. 4. can he e. into his moihtr's womb agaiu' 5. he cannot e. into the kingdom of tiod 10. 9- hy me, if any man e. in he shall be saved Acts 14.22. through tribulajion e. into the kingdom CO.Cy. grievous wolves shall e. i« among you Heb.4.^. do e. into rest, if they shall e, into test, i. II. let us labour therefore \.ae. into that re>t 10, 19, boldness to e. into holiest by blood ol Jesu» Pel'. 15, 8. no man was able to e. into the temple 21. 27. in no wise e. into it any thing that defileik 22. 14. may e. in through the gales into the city ENTER «u/. Psal. 143. 2. «. not into judgment with thy servant Prov. 4. 14. e. not into the path of the wicked 23. 10. e. not into the fields of the fatherless Jer. 16. 5. e. not into the hous of mourning Mat. 10. 5, into any city of the Samaritans e nor Ct). 41. that ye e, ho/ into temptation, l.uke 22. 4" Not EN ri.R. Xvm. 20. 24. for Aaron shall not s. into the land Dent. 23. 1. shall ««/ «. into the congn gatiun, 2, 3. 2 Chion.T .i. the priests could not e. mio the house Psal. 95. 11. that they should not e. into my rest Isa. 50. 14. truth is fallen, and equity cannot e. Lam.l.W. they should not e. inlolhy congregatioo t'.zck. CO. 38. they shall not e. into the lajid 44. 9- nor uncircumcised e. iulo my sanctuary llos. 11.9. and I will not e. into the city Mat. 18. 3. ye shall not e. into kingdom of heaven .MarklO. 15 he shall not e. therein, Luke 18. 17. lleb. 3. 11. they shall not e. into my rest, IH. 19. we see they could not $. because uf unbelief See KiNGUiJM. ENTERANCE. Judg. 1. 24. they said, shew us the «. intothe city 25. when he shewed them the t. they smote it 1 Kings 18. 46. he ran before Ahab lo e. of lezreel 22, 10. the two kings sat in the c. of San aria 2 Chron. 12, 10, th.-it kept ihe t. of the king's lioust Psal. 119. 130. the e. of thy words givelh light 1 Tf.css. 2. 1. yourselves know our e. in unto yon 2 Pet. 1. II. so an e. shall be ministered 10 you ENTEKEl). Gen. 7. 13. the self-same day e. Noah and his soM 19. 3. the angels turned in, and «, into his house 23. tlie sun was risen when Lot ». into Zo.-u- 43, 30, Joseph r, into his chamber anil wept there Exod. 33. 9. as Moses t. into tne tatieri.acle Josh. 2, 3, bring the men that area, into thy hoo^'O Judg. 6. 5. and they c. into the land to destroy ENT Ju4i. 9. 46. llicy «. ialu an boM of the god Beritb \K%ngt\. t 1- now king David was e. iDto daj-s 2 Kings 7. 8. «. into another lent, and took thence 9. SI. as Jehu e. in at the gate, Jezebel said 2Ckron. 12. 11. when the king*, into the house 15. 12. they t. into a covenant to seek the Lord S7.2. Jotbam e. not into the temple of the Lord Heh. 10. 29. they «. into a curse, and into ao oath Joi 38. iC. hast thou *. into the springs of the sea ? 22. hast thou e. into the treasures of the snow r Jer. 2. 7. but when ye e. ye defiled my land 9. 21. for death is*, into our windows and palaces 34. 10. the people which had e. into covenant 37. 16. when Jeremiah was e. into the dungeon tam. 1. 10. the heathen *. into her sanctuary 4. 12. that the enemy should have e. the gates Eui.i. 2. spirit t. into me when he spake, 3. 24. 16.8. yea, 1 sware and *. into a covenant with thee 36. 20. and when they *. unto the heathen 41. 2. because the God of Israel bath e. in by it Via J. 11. in the day that foreigners *. into his gates 13. thou shouldest not have e. into the gate Hat. 3. 16. rottenness *. into my bones, I trembled Mat.S. 5. when Jesus was *. into Capernaum 0. 1. and he *. into a ship and passed over 12.4. how he t. into the house of God and did eat 24. 38. day that Noah e. into the ark, Lii/ie 17.27. ilar/t 5. 13. the unclean spirits went out and e. into the swine, and were choked in the sea, Lu/ie 8.33. 6. 56. whithersoever he e. they laid the sick iui* 1.4(1. Mary *. into the house of /acharias 7. 44. I *. Ihine bouse, thoii gavest me no water 9. .'54. and they feared as they e. into the cloud 11. 52. woe to lawyers, ye c. not in yourselves S2. 3. then «. Satan into Judas, John 13.27. 10. when ye are e. the city, there shall meet you Jo/m 4. 38. and ye are t. into their labours 18. 1. where was a garden, into the which he« 33. then Pilate e. into the judgment-hall ^tsy. 17. Ananias*, and putting his hands on Saul 11. 8. nothing unclean hath *. into my mouth S3.lt). he *. into the castle and told Paul, wenland 25.23. Agrippawas *. into the place of hearin 28. 8. to whon\ Paul *. in, and prayed, and healed /ioni. 5. 12. sin *. into the world || CO. the law e. 1 Cor. 2. 9. neither have *. into the heart of man Eei. 4. 6. they e. not in because of unbelief 10. for he that is *. into his rest, bath ceased 6. 20. whither the forerunner is for us e. even Jes. 9. IS. he «. in once into the holy place, 24. Jam. 5. 4. are «. into the ears of the L. of sabaoth ZJolm"). many deceivers are *. into the world Htv. 11. 11. bpirit of life from God*, into thea ENTERETH. JV'tun.4. 30. number every one that *. into the ser- vice to do work of the tabernacle, .35, 39, 43. S Chr. 31. 16. lo every one that «. house of the L. Prov. 2. 10. when wisdom *. into thine heart 17. 10. a reproof *. more into a wise man than A'z«j(.21.14. the sword *. into their privy chamber.- 46. 9. be that e. in by the way of the north gate Uat. 15. 17. whatsoever e. in at the mouth, goeih into the belly, and is cast out, Marit 7. 18. Marts. 40. and t. in where the damsel was lying Luif 22. 10. follow him into house where he *. in Jo/m 10. 1 . «. not by the door into the sheepfold 2. he that «. in by the door, is the ^hepherd J/tA. 6. 19. and which *. into that within the vail 9. 25. as the high-priest *. every year with blood EMERING. Joj/t 8. 29. cast it at tlie e. of the gate of the city 20. 4. shall stand at the *. of the gate of the city JuJ^. 9. 35. Gaal stood in the*, of the gate of city 44. Abimelech stood in the *. of the gate of city 18. 16. the 6U0 men of Dan stood by the *. of the gale 17. and the priest stood in the *. of the gate 1 6am. 23. 7. by *. into a town that hath gates, bars S 6am. 10. 8. put the battle in array at *. in of gate 1 Kmss6.il. for the *. of the oracle he made doors 19. 13. Elijah stood in the *. in of the cave S Kin^i 7. 3. four leproiis men at the *. of the gate 10.8. lay the heads in two heaps at*, of the gale £3. 8. that were in the e. of the gate of Joshua S CAr. 18. 9. kings sat at *. of the gate of .Samaria Jta. 23. 1. so that there is no house, no e. in Jer. 1. 15. set thrones at the *. of the gates, I7. 27. Ezek. 44. 5. mark well the *. in of the house Mai. 23. 13. for ye neither go in yourselves, nor suf fer ye them mat are *. to go in, X-ui* 11. 52. Mart 4. 19. the lusts of other things *. in choke 7. 13. nothing without «. into him can defile bim 16. 5. *. into t^ic sepulchre they saw a young man Luli4 19. 30. at your «. ye shall find a coU tied dels 8. 3. Saul «. into every house, and haling men ) Thtis. 1. 9- what manner of *. in we bad to you fid. 4. 1. a promise left us of *. into his rest See Hamath. ENl EKINGS. ENV ENTERPRISE. Job 5 12. their hands cannot perform their s. ENTERTAIN. Heb. 13. 2. be not forgetful to *. strangers ENTERTAINED. Heb. 13. 2. for thereby some have *. angels ENTICE Signifies, [1] To persuade, or allure, Judg. 14. 15. I 16.5. 2 Chron. 18. 20. [2] To deceive, Jer. 20. 10. Jam. 1. 14. It is referred (1) To Satan seducing false prophets, by inspiring them with lies, 2 Cli'ron. 18. 20. (2) To a man cunningly insinuating himself into a maid's affections, in order to gatn her consent to lie aith him, either iy his persuasions, promise of marriage, or reward, Exod. 22. I6. (3) To notorious sinners, such as thieves, robbers, murderers, or oppressors, who endeavour to allure others by fair pretences to associate themselves with them, Prov. 1. 10. | 16. 29. (4) To a man's omt lust and concupiscence ahich may promise him pleasure in si7t, and may thus allure him to the commission of it, more than any temptation which he may have from uithout. Jam. 1. 14. (5) To false and treacherous friends, the en of God's people, who tcatcli for an advantage against the godly; thus Jeremiah complains, chap. 20. 10, All my familiars watched for my halting, saying, peradventure he will be enticed ; namely, to utter something which vie may lay hold on to accuse him for. (C) To the heart allured with the sight of out- ward objects. Job 31.26,27, If I beheld the sun when it shined, and my heart hath been secretly enticed ; that is, inwardly moved to esteem either the sUti or moon as deiti secretli/ to adore or worship them. (7) To false teachers, who are said to deceive and seduce others, by enticing words, by erroneous philosophical notions and fancies mingled with the gospel, 1 Cor. 2.4. Col. 2,4 (8) 7'o unfaithful -wives, faltering their husbands with a purpose to deceive, Judg. 14. 15. J It). 5 Eiod. 22. 16. if a man *. a maid not betrothed Pent. 13. 6. if thy wife *. thee secretly, saying I Judg.l4.\5. e. husband, that he may declare riddle Iti. 5. the lords said to Delilah,*, him and see Chr. 18. 19. the Lord said, who shall *. Ahab? 20.1 will*, him || 21. thou shall «.him and prevail 'rov. 1. 10. if sinners e. thee, consent thou not ENTICED. Job 31. 27. if my heart hath been secretly *. Jer. 20. t7. thou hast deceived me, and 1 was *. 10. peradventure he will be e. we shall prevail Jam. 1. 14. is tempted when drawn away and «. ENTICETH. Prov. 16. 29. a violent man *. his neighbour 20. 1 19. meddle not with him that *. with lips ENTICING. 1 Cor. 2. 4. my preaching was not with *. words Cul. 2. 4. lest any man beguile you with *. words ENTIRE. Amos l.'t6. carried them with jm *. captivity Jam. 1. 4. that ye be perfect and *. wantiug nothing ENTRY. ^ Kings 16.18. k.'s e. without turned he from house 1 Chron. 9. I9. their fathers were keepers of the e. 2 Chr. 4. 22. doors of*, of the house were of gold /Viij .8.3.wisdom crielh at the gates, at *.of the cit^ Jer. 38. 14. Zedekiah took Jeremiah into the third * 43. 9. hide the stones at the *. of Pharaoh's house Kzek. 8. 5. this image of jealousy in the *. ENTRIES. £:*< .40.38. the chambers and *. were by the posts EN VY Is an evil affection of the heart, which makes men grieve and fret at the good and prosperity of others. Psal. 73. 3. Rachel envied Leah, i*- cause of her fruiifulness, Gen. 30. 1. Joseph was envied of his brethren, because his father loved him, Gen. 37. 11. The Jews envied Paul and Barnabas, because they preached Christ, Acts 13. 45. Envy at the good of others, and malice, wishing them evil, as one observes, is a dtep pollution of spirit. This absolutely alien- ates men from the nature and life of' (lod: for the clearest conception we have of the Deily is, that he is good, and does good. This is not only contrary to supernatural grace, but to na- tural conscience, and turns a man into a devil. This vice is immediately attended with its punishment : The envioia man ts his own tor- mentor. Envy slayeth the silly one. Job 5. 2. Envy is the rottenness of the bones, Prov. 14. 30. liesides, this slops the descent of divine blessings, and turns the petitions of the envious intc imprecations ai^ainst themselves. The spinl that dwellcth in us lusteth to envy &«*. S<5. 1 10. according to the t. of a citj broken Jam. 4. 5. According at spirit is taken, either 166 EPH ftr the Spirit of God, or for the human spirit^ or natural corruption ; the tense of thtse worid may be, either, (1) The Spirit of God that dwellcth in us, teacheth us better things l/ura ttrife and envy ; for it lusteth against envy, that is, makes us lust against it, carriet out our hearts to hate and resist it . The Greek prepotition jrp'o;, here Englished to, often sig- nifiei against, as in Luke 20. 19- Epn. 6. 11. Or, (S) (Jur natural corruption, excited and in famed by the devil, strongly inclines us to envy, and consequently to other wickedness. Job 5. 2. wrath killeth, and *. slayeth the silly oue Prov. 14. 30. t. is the rottenness of the bones 27. 4. but who is able to stand before *. .' Eccl. 4.t4. this the «. of man from his neighbocff 9.6.their love,their hatred, and *. is now perishul Isa. 11. 13. the *. also of Ephraim shall depart 26. 11. they shall see and be ashamed for their e. Eiek. 35. 11. I will even do according lo thine e. A/a/.27.18. for *. they delivered him, MarklS.\0. -icts 5. 1 17. rose up, and were filled with «. 7- 9- the patriarchs moved with e. sold Joseph 13.45.Jews filled with *. spake against those things 17. 5. the Jews which believed not, moved withe. Pom. 1. 29. full of *. murder, debate, deceit Phil. 1. 15. some indeed preach Christ, even of «. 1 Tim. 6. 4. whereof cometb *. strife, railings Tit. 3. 3. we were foolish, l.iving in ma'ice and*. Jam. 4.5. the spirit that dwellelh in us lusteth to«. ENVY. Pr»D.3.Sl.*.thou not oppressor,choo5e not his wayl 23. 17. let not thine heart*, sinners, be in fear of L, Isa, 11. 13. Ephraim not *. Judah, Judah not vef ENVIED. G«n. 26. 14. and the Philistines *. Isaac 30. 1. Rachel «. her sister, and said unto Jacob 37. 11. Joseph's breth. e. him, his father observed Psiil. 106. 16. they *. Jloses also in the camp £ccl. 4. 4. for this man is «. of his neighbour £z*^. 31. 9. the trees in the garden of Ood*. him ENVIES. 1 Pet. 2. 1- laying aside all malice, guile, and a, EN VI EST. Num. 11. 29. Moses said, *. thou for my sake.'' 1 ENVIETH. 1 Cor. 13. 4. charity sufferelh long, and *. not ENVYING. Rom. 13. 13.1et us walk honestly, not in .strife and*. 1 Cor. 3. 3. whereas there is among you *. and strife Gal. 5.26. provoking one another, *. one another Jum. 3. 14. but if ye have bitter *. and strife in hearts l6.where *. is.there is confusion, every evil work ENVYlNGa 2 Cor. 12.20. I fear lest there be debates, *. wraths Gal. 5. 21. the works of the flesh are *. murders ENVIOUS. Psal.yi .1. nor be *. against the workers of iniquity 73. 3. for I was *. at the foolish, when I saw Prov. 24. 1. be not thou*, against evil men 19. fret not, neither be thou *. at the wicked ENVIRON. Josh. 7.9. the Canaanites shall hear and*, usroond EPHAII. Is an Hebrew measure of the same capacity aiti the Rath, coyitaining ten homers. See BatB, and HoMtR. Exod. 16. 36. an homer is the tenth part of an *. Lev. 5. 11. the tenth part of an *. of flour, 6. 20. 19. 36. ye shall have a just e. Erek. 45. 10. A'«m. 5. 15. the tenth part of an *. of barley-meal Judg. 6.19.made unleavened cakes of an *. of flour Puth 2. 17- and it was about an *. of barley 1 Sam. 17. 17. take now an *. of this parched corn Isa. 5. 10. the seed of an homer shall yield anc, Eiek. 45. 11. the «. and baths shall be one measure 46. 5. and an bin of oil to e. 7. 11. Amos 8.5. making the *. small, and the shekel great Zech. 5. 6. he said, this is an *. that goelh forth 8. :uid be cast it into the midst of the *. See Part. EPHOD II as a sort of ornament, or upper garment, worn by the Hebrew priests. There were two sortt of ephods, one of plain linen for the priests, and another embroidered for the high-priest. That for the htgh-prtest was composed of gold blue, purple, crimson, and twisted cotton ; that IS, it was a very rich composition of different colours. Upon that part of the epnod, which came upon the tuo shoulders if the high-priest, were tuo large precious stones, upon which were engraven the names of the twelve tribes oj Israel, upon emch stone six names, Exod. 28. 4, 5, 6. &c. There, wli£re the ephod crossed the high-priesfs breast, was a square ornament, called the breast- plate, wherein twelve precious .'tones were set, with the names oJ' the twelve tribes of Israu engraved en iktm^orte oneachttonc. Thtupptr EPI tidt of fkt ireast plate aai fastened iy chahis of gold to that pan of the ephod which uas on the shovldcr ; and the ioTver tide of it, by blue laces, to the girdle of the ephod ; for ichich furpoie tt had four rings of gold, at the four co/ners ; that being all filly joined together, it might appear like one en/ir; garment, Kxod. 39. 21. and accordingly, tne tohole was some- times called and understood by the single Kord Ephod, 1 Sam. 30. 7. He:. 3. 4. The Ephod warn by common priests, which was of linen only, was of the same extent arid me, but neither so rich, nor so much adorned. This garment was worn sometimes by those who, strictly speaking, were not priests ; as hy Samuel 1/1 the tabernacle, when he was but a child, 1 Sam. 2. 18. and by David when he brought the ark from the house of Obed-edom to Jerusalem. 2 Sam. 6. 14. But, as both these were holy occasions, it is probable the Ephod u us properly an holy robe ; and never ;. orn by any, but ihoie vho te^'ved in some holy employment. Some affirm, that the Jewish kings had a right to wear the Ephod, and to consult the Lord by Urim and 1 hummin. They ground their optnioi principally on what is said concerning David 1 Sam. 30. 7. vhen he came to Ziklag, ant found that the Amalekites had pillaged tin city, and carried away his and his people's wires, he laid to Abiathar the high-priest. Bring me hither the Ephod, and Abiathar brought thither the Ephod to David. What follows verse a. favours this opinion. And Daiid enquired at the Lord, saying, shall I pursue afttr this troop ? And he answered hira. Pursue. But the generality of Commentators are of opinion that neitherVavid, San\,nor }osh\ia.,nor any other prince 0/" Israel, dressed themselves in the high- priest's Ephod, in order to consult God of them- selves, arid that the passage now related signi- fies no more than. Put on the Ephod, and consult the Lord for me. Grotius belieees, the high- priest turned the Ephod, or breast-plate, towards David, that he might see with his own eyes, tohat God should answer to Aim by the stones upon the breast-plate. Exod. 25. 7. stones to be set in . 9. I wrote to you In an e. not to company 2 Cor. 3. 2. ye are our e. written in our hearts 3. as ye are declared to be the e. of C hnst 7.8.1 perceive that the same e. made you sorry Col. 4. l6. when this e. is read amongst you, like- wise re.id the e. from Laodicea 1 Thess. 5. 27. this e. be read to all the brethren 2 7yit things ESP .4rti27. 4C. coaniel to kii! th« prisoners, lest an^ t. Jti«m.i. 3. that thou sh ill e. the Judgmeiit of Gm ? 1 Lor. 10. 11. hot will also make a way to t. 1 7'//«>.5..H.suddcnile5lruo!ioii,and they shall not e. /W U. I.how shall wee. if WK neglect so'^rcat salva. IC.'.'S. much more shall iint we t. if we turn aw?y ESCATE. Ptal. 55. 8. I wuuld hasten my e. from the storm KSCAI'l-.D. <7«n. 14. 1.'?. there came one that had e. and told Ktoil. 10. 5. the locust eat the residue of what is t. .A'»">i.'<.'l.?0.halh given his sons that c. into captivity l)eui. 'IS. 15. not deliver servant «. from his master Judg. 3. S6. and Lhud e. while they tarried 21; there e. not a man of them, 1 Sam. .30. 17. SI. 17. must he ;in inheritance for them that be e. \Sam. 14. 41. Saul anil .lonath. taken, but people e. ly. 10. David .li-d and t- that night, IC, !H. 2i'fl/n. I. ,3. out of the r, 11. 2. for I have e. vou to one husband ESTABLISH and STABLISH Signifies, [1] To fix, or settle, 1 Kings 9. 5. [2] Jo confirm, tinm. 50. 13. Rom. 1. 11. [3] 'J'o perform, or make good, Psal. 1 ly. 38. [4] To ordain, or appoint.. Hab. 1. 12. [5J To ac- complish and bring to a good issue, I'rov. 20. 18. [6] To set up one thing in the room of another, Horn. 10. 3. [7] To ratify, lleb. 10. 9. i'he Lord shall establish thee an holy people unto himself, Dent. 28. 9. lie shall confirm and establish his covenant with thee, by which he separated thee to himself as an holy and peculiar people, ayid shall publicly oau thee for such. Establish thou the work of our hands, Psal. 90. 17. that is. Direct us in, end give success to nil our undertakings and endeavours ; carry them on, by thy continual aid and blessing, unto perfection. Gen. 6. 18. but with thee will I e. my covenant, 9. 9. I 17. 7. Lev. 26. 9. Ezek. 16. 62. 17. 19. I will e. my covenant with him, 21. yum. 30. 13. every vow, her husband may e. it Deut. 8. 18. that he may e. his covenant he sware 28.9'lie L. shall e. thee an holy people to himself 2y. 13. that he may f. thee to-day for a people 1 Ham, I. 23. only the L. e. his word, 2'Sawi.7.23. 2 Ham. 7. 12. 1 will set up thy seed after thee, I will chis kingdom, 13. 1 Chr. 17. 11. | 22. 10. j 28.7. 1 Kings'!. \ 21 .he set up and called the name of the right pillar, he shall t- 2 Chron. 3. j 17. 9. 5. I will e. the throne of thy kingdom IS.l.tosetuphisson aflerhim.and toe. Jerusalem 1 Chron. 17. 12. and I will s. his throne for ever lU. 3. as he went to s, his dominion by Euphrates 2y. + 18. O Lord God, /. their heart unto thee 2 Chron. 7. 18. then will 1 t. throne of thy kingdom 9. U. because God loved Israel to e. them for ever I:'.sih. 9. 21. to J. among them the days of Puvim Job. 30.7. jeahc ioth e. them for ever, are exalted I'sal. 7. 9. but e. the just || 48. 8. God will e. it 10. t 17. thou Wilt e. the heart of the humble 87. 5. and the Highest himself shall e. her 8y. 2. thy faithfulness shalt thoue. in the heavens 4. thy seed will I e. forever, and build thy throiiL- go. 17. e. thou the work of our hands, e. thou it yy. 4. thou dost e. equity, thou executes! judgment 1 19.38. *. thy word to thy servant, who is devoted I'rov. 15. 25. he will e. the border of the widow ha. 9. 7. to e. it with judgment and with justice 49. 8. give thee for ?. covenant to e. the earth 62. 7. till he e. and make Jerusalem a praise' Jer. 33. 2. the I^rd that formed it, to e. it Kiek. 16. 60. 1 will*, an everlasting covenant Dan. 6. 7. have consulted to e. a royal statute 8. O king, e. the decree, and sign the writing 11. 14. shall exalt themselves to e. the vision .■Imos 5. 15. love the good,and /. judgment in the gate Horn. 3. 31. do we make void f yea, we e. the law 10.3. going about to e. their own righteousness 16. 25. now to him tliat is of power to s. you 1 Thess. 3. 2. we sent limoihy our brotherto «.you 13. to the end he may s. your hearts unblameabli 2 Thess. 2. 17. '. you in every good word ajid work 3. 3. the Lord shall s. j ou, aiid keep you from evil EST Hei. 10. 9. takes away first, that h» may «. second Jam. 5. 8. be ye also patient, s. your heart! I Pet. 5. 10. the God of all grace *. settle you ESIABLISHED, STA BUSHED. Gtie 1.48. hath regarded low e. of his handmaiden ^ctti2.5. all the «. of the elders doth bear witness Jii>m. 12. 16. but condescend to men of low e. PAil.7.1Q.l maybeof comfort when I knowyo ;rj. SO. like-minded, will naturally care for your s. 4. 11. learned in whatsoever s. I am to be content Col. 4. 7- all my/, thall Tychicus declare to you 8. whom I sent, that he might know your e. Jude 6. the angels which kept not their first e. E.STATE.S. Esei. 36. 11. I will settle you after your old e. Mark 6. 21. Ilerod made a sapper to his chiefs. ESTEEM. Joh 36. 19. will he e. thy riches? no not gold Psal. 119. 128. I e. all thy precepts to be right Jta. 53. 4. we did e. him smitten of God, afflicted Phil. 2. 3. let eai h e. other better than themselve.s 1 Thess.5.\3.to e.them highly for the-> work's sake 1 Pet. 2. t 17- «• all men, love the brotherhood ESTEEMED. Dew/. 32. 15. and lightly «. the rock of his salvation iSam. 2.30. they that despise me shall be lightly *. 18. 23. seeing I am a poor man and lightly e. Job 23. 12. I have e. the words of his mouth more /'roB.17.28.shiittcth his lips.is f .a man of undersi.-ui. iia. 29. 16. your turning shall bo e.as the potters' day 17- the fruitful field shall be e. as a forest 53. 3. he was despised, and we e. him not Lam. 4. 2. how are they e. as earthen pitchers l.uie 16. 15. highly *. amcng men, abominable to G. 1 Cor. 6.4. set them to judge who are least e. ESTEKMEIH. Jot 41.27. he e. iron as straw, brass as rotten wood Horn. 14. 5. one f. one day above another ; anotber e. every day alike 14. but to him that e. any thing to be unclean ESTEEMING. Bci.ll.Z6. e. the reproach of Christ greater riches ESll.MATK. Lev. 27. 14. the priest shall g. it whether it he good or bjkd, as the priest shall e. it, so shall it stand ESTIMATION. J>r.5. 15. bring a ram with thy c. by shekels of silver 27. 2. the persons shall be for the Lord, by thy e. 5. thy e. shall be of the male from CO years, 5. 1/iis Tiord Jound often in this Chapter. Num. 18.16. from a month old, according to thy e. S King) 12. 1 4. the money of the souls of his e. ESTIMATIONS. Ler. 27. 25. all thy e. according to the shekel ESTRANGED. Joi 19. 13. mine acquaintance are e. from me Pfal. 58. 3. the wicked are e. from the womb 78. 30. they were not e. from their lust Jtr. 19.4. because they have «. this place, and burnt £r«t.l4.5.becausethey are all ^.from me thro' idols ETERNAL. TAe words eternal, everlasting, for ever, nre tometimei taken for a long lime, and are not always to be understood strictly ; for exnmfile, it is said. Gen. 17. 8, I will give to thee anil to thy seed the land of Canaan, for an eier- Ustin^ possession. And in chap. 13, 15, I will give it to thee, and to thy seed for ever; that is, for a long space of time. And in Gen. 49. 2li. ue find everlasting hills, so called M.2.10.they may obtain salvation with e. slory Ileb. 5. 9- he became the author of e. salvation 6. 2. the doctrine of baptisms, and of e. judgment 9. 12. having obtained e. redemption for us 14.whothrough the «. Spirit offered himself to C;. 15. might receive the promise of e. inheritance iPet.b.lO.G. called us unto his f. glory by Ch.Jes. Jude"! .a.n example.suffering the vengeance off. lire ETERNAL life. ^/a/. 19.1 6. what shall I do that 1 may havec. li/'e^ 25. 46. but the righteous shall go into life e.' Ma'k 10. 17. good Master, what shall 1 ilo, that I may inherit e. life? Luke 10. 25. | IH. 18. 30. he shall receive in the world to come e. life Juhyt 3. 15. believeth in him should have e. lije 4. 3fi. and gathereth fruit unto life e. 5. 39- search scriptures, for in them ye have e. life 6. 54. whoso drinketH my blood hath e. life 68. to whom shall we go? thou hast words of e. life 10. 28. I give unto my sheep e. life, never perish 12. 25. that hateth his life, shall keep it to e. life 17. 2. he should give e.life to asmany as given him 3. this is life e. that they might know thee and Son .■3f/il3.48.niany as were ordained to e.lij'e believed limn. t. 7. to them who seek for glory, e. life 5. 21. even so might grace reign to e. life by .lesus 6. 23. but the gift offi.is?. /i/i thro' Jesus Christ 1 Tim. 6. 12. (J man of God, lay hold on e. life, 19. Tit. 1. 2. in hope off. life, which God promised 3. 7- be made heirs according to the hope of c. hfe 1 John \. 1. e. life which was with the lather 2. 25. this is the promise he promised, even e. life 3. 15. no murderer hath e. life abiding in him 5. 1 1. the record that God hath given to ui«. life 13. that ye may know that ye have e. life 20. this is the true God, and e. life Jude 21 . looking for the mere)' of Lord unto e. life ETERNllV. 1 Sam. 15. \ 29. also the e. of Israel will not lie /r e. not hui't again 15. 17. take an awl, he shall be thy scnant_/o; e 18.5. for God hath chosen him aud his sons_/i/re. S3, (i. thou shalt not seek tlicir peace /or e. 28. 46. they shall be upon thee lor a sign /ore. 29. 29. those things revealcil belong to us for e. Jos/i.-i.T. these stones 5hall be for a memorial/ore. 24. that ye might fear the Lord your God/or e. 8. 28. Joshua burnt Ai, and made it an heap/or e. 14.9. the land shall be thine inheritance/«r e. XSam i .22. appear before the Lord and abiJc/or e. 2. .30 I said.thy house shonid walk before me/oce. 32. there shall not be an old man in hrm&ejor c. 35. he shall walk before mi;ie Anointed /or c. 3.1.'!. that I will judge his house/ore. for iniquity 14. iniquity of I'.li's house shall not be purged/.e. 20.1.".. thou shalt not cut off thy kindness /or e. 23. the Lord be between thee and mc/or c. 42 27. IC.ihcrfcforc he shall be my servant /or e. 28. R. I will make thee keeper of mine head /or e. 26Viri.2.26.Abncrsaid, sh.-ill the sword devour_/'.e. .' 3.1.l( I and my kingd. are guiltless before L.^or t. 7- 24. thou hast confirmed Israel to the _/or e if', and let thy name be magnified /or e. 29 that his house may continue lor e. before thee 1 Ai.i;, 8. 13. settled place for ihie'to abide in/ore. 9 3. tnis house built, to put mv name therefor e. iO.i). because the Lord lovid Israel /"or e.thercfore 11. ~i). I will afflict David'b seed, but not /or e. I8.7 ihey will be thy servants/or e. 2 C/ir. 10. 7 2 Kings 5 ST. leprosy cleave to thee and seed fore 170 EVE 1 Chron. 17. 22. didst thou make thine own /or e. 23. i3. he and sons/or e. to burn incense before L. 28. 9. if forsake him, he will cast thee off/or e. 29 18. O Lord God of Israel, keep this/or e. 2 CMron. 7. I6. that my name may be there/or e. 21. 7. he promised to give a light to his sons/or e. .■iO.8. his sanctuary which he hath sanctified/or e. 33. 4. in Jerusalem shall my name be/or e. AV/i. 13.1. not come into congregation of God/or e. Jo/> 4. 20. they perish/or e. without any regarding it 14.20. thou prevailest/or e.ag.him, and he passeth 19. 24. graven on with iron pen in the rock /or e. 20. 7. yet he shall perish/or e. like his own dung 23.7. so should 1 be delivered/or e.lrom my judge 36.7. yea he doth establish them /or e. Fsal. 9.7. but the Lord shall endure/or e. 18. the expectation of poor shall not perish/or e. 12. 7. O Lord, thou shalt preserve them /or e. 13. 1. how long wilt thou forget me, O L./ore. ? 19.9. the fear of the Lord is clean, endunng/or e. 21.6. thou hast made him most blessed/or e. 23. 6. 1 will dwell in the house of the Lord /or e. 28. 9. feed them also, and lift them up /or e. 29. 10. yea the Lord sitteth king/^r e. 30. 12. i will give thanks to thee/or'e. 79. 13. 35. 11. the counsel of the Lord standeth/or e. 37. J8. and their inheritance .shall hQj'or e. 28. and his saints are preserved _/'or e. 29. the righteous shall dwell in the land/ore. 41. 12. thou settest me before thy face /or e. 44. 8. and we praise thy name /or e. Selah 23. awake O Lord, arise, cast us not off /or e. 45.2. therefore God hath blessed thee/or e. 49.8.for the redemption of their soul ceaseth/or e. 11. thought is, tha* their houses continuc/o/ e. 52. 5. God shall likewise destroy thee/or e. 9.1 will praise thee/ore. I will wait on thy name 61. 4. I will abide in thy tabernacle/or e. 7. he shall abide before God/or e. prepare mercy 8. 1 will sing praise unto thy name ^/br e. 66. 7. he ruleth by his power/or e. 6u. 16. yea the Lord will dwell in k/or e. 72. 17. his name shall endure/or e. be continued 19. and blessed be his glorious name/or e. 73. 26. but God is my strength and portion/or e. 74. 1. O God, why hast thou cast us ofr_/or e.? 10. shall the enemy blaspheme thy name/or e. ? 19. forget not the congregation of thy poor/or e. 75.9. I will declare/or e. I will sing praises to G. 77.7- will L. cast on fore, ? favourable no msre ? 8. is mercy clean gone/or e. ? doth promise fail ? 79.5. how long. Lord, wilt thou be angry t for e. ? 81. 15. but their time should have endured/or e. 83 17. let them be confounded and troubled/or e. 85. 5. wilt thou be angry" with us/or e. ? 89. 1 . I will sing of the mercies of the Lord/or e. 2 1 have said, mercy shall be built up /or e. 29. his seed also will I make to endure /or e. 36. 46. how long wilt thou hide thyself ?^br e,? 92.7. it is that they should be destroyed/or e. 93. 5. holiness becometh thine house, O I^.J'or e. 103.9. neither will he keip his anger/ore. 105.8. he hath remembered his covenant/or c. 110.4. thou art a priest /or e. after the order of Melchizedck, Jiet. 5 6. | 6. 20. | 7. 17, 21. 111. 9- he hath commanded his covenant/or e. 112. 6. surely he shall not be moved/or e. 1 iy.89./"ore.O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven 125.2.1'rom henceforl'i.-even_/'or e. 131. 3.1sa.^J.1. 132. 14. this is my rest/or e. here will I dwell 146.6 the Lord who kcepeth truth/or e. 10. the Lord shall reign/or e.cven thy God J'ro;i 27 24. for riches are not /or e. i,'(-f/.2.l6.noremembr.of wise more than fool /or e. 3. 14. whatsoever God doth, it shall be/or e. 9-6. nor have they more a portion /or e.in any thing Jin. 26.4. trust ye in Lord ^bre. for in L.Jehovah .'i2. 17 of righteousu. quietness, and assurance/oi e. 34. 10. the smoke thereof shall go up^br e. 1" .shall possess it for e.from generation to gener. 10 8. but the woril of our God shall stand/or e. 47.7. and thou saidst, I shall be a lady /or e. 51. 6. but my salvation shall be /ore. and righteous. 8. but my righteousness shall be/or e.andsalvat. 57.16. will not contend /or e. nor be always wroth 59. 21 and my words shall not depart_/br e. 60. 21. thy people shall inherit the land /or e. 'U. 9. be not wroth nor remember iniquity /or e. 65. 18. be glad and rejoice /or e. in what 1 create Jt;. 3.5. will he reserve his anger/or e. .' 12. I am merciful, 1 will not keep anger/or e. 17.4. ye kindle a fire which shall burn/or c. 25. Jerusalem anil this city shall remain /or e. ." 1 . 40. it shall not be plucked up any more 'for e. .'12.39. give one heart that they may fear me for e. 35. 6. Jonadab said, ye shall drink no wine/or e, 19. .lonadab shall not want a man before nie/o'e. 49-33.Ilazor be fordragons and a desolation /or e. 50. 39. shall be no more inhabited/ore. 51. 26, 62. Lam. 3. 31. for the Lord will not cast 0^ for e EVE Sam. 5. 19- thou, O L. remainest for e. thj throne 20. wherefore dost thou forget us for e. * £wi.37.25.they and their childr. shall dwell/uf < and my servant David shall be their prince/or « 43. 7- 1 will dwell in the midst of Israel /or e.g Dan. 2. 44. but his kingdom shall stand /ore 4. 34. I praised and honoured him that liveth/or#. 6. 26. G.of Daniel,he is living G.and stedfast/or t. 7.18. saints of most High shadl possess kingd./or«, 12. 7. and sware by him that iiveth /or e. i/of.2.19.1 will betroth thee unto me/ore. in right. Joel 3.20. but Jud. shall dwell/or e. and Jerusalem Amos 1.11. Edom cast ofll'pity and kept wrath/«r «. Obad. 10. Edom, thou shalt be cut off /or e. Jonah 2. 6. earth with her bars was about me /ore. Mic. 2. 9- ye have taken away my glory /ore. 4. 7. and the Lord shall reign over them /or e. 7. 18. retainethnot anger/ore. delights in mercy Mai. 1. 4. against whom L. hath indignation /ore. Mai. 6. 13. for thine is the power and gl.iry/ore. 21. 19. no fruit grow on thee/ore. Mark 11. 14. Luke 1. 33. and he shall reign over Jacob/or e. 55. as he spake to Abraham and his seed/or e. J.'A;i 8. 35. servant abideth not in the house for e. 12. 34. we have heard that Christ abideth /or e. 14. 16. the Comforter may abide with you for e. liom.l.Q5. more than Creator, who is blessed/ore. 9.5. Christ, who is over all, God blessed/or e. 11.36. to whom be glory /ore. amen, 16. 27. 2 Cor. 9. 9. his righteousness remaineth /or e. I'hil. 15. that thou shouldest receive him /or e. Ilei. 10.12./or e. sat down on the right hand of O 14. he perfected /ore. them that are sanctified 13. 8. Jesus Christ, the same to-day and /or e. 1 I'el. 1. 23. the word of God, which livelh /or #. 25. but the word of the Lord endureth_/br e. 2 /'er. 2. 17- are clouds carried with a tempest, lo Avhom mist of darkness is reserved/or e. Jude 13. 2/o//n2.for truth's sake which shall be with us/«r«. See Establish, Established. Lite for EVER. Gen. 3. 22. lest he eat of tree of life and liiefor0. Oeu^.32 40.1 lift up my hand and say, I live fore. 1 Kings 1.31.said,let my lord king David /iie/»r a, Xeh. 2. 3.1 said to the king, let the king live for «. /^i.22. 26. praise the L.your hearts shall live for e, 49. 9- tl'^'t he should still live for e. not see Oan. 2.4. O king,/iie/or e. 3. 9. | 5. 10. | 6.6,81. i!ech. 1.5. and the prophets, do they live for 1. 1 yo/m 6.51. 1 am the living bread from heaven, if any man eat of this bread he shall live fare. 5S. lor EVER and EVER. ExoJ. 15. 18. the Lord shall rtign/or e. and t. 1 Chron. 16. 36. blessed be God J'or e. and e. paopU said amen, and praised Lord, 29. 10. Dan. S.20. A'e/i. 9. 5 bless the Lord your God for e. and i, Pial. 9. a. thou hast pi! out their name/« e. anif e. 10. 16. the Lord is King/ore. ->id e. the heathen 21. 4. thou gavest him length of days/ore and » 45. 6. thy throne, O God, is/or e. and e. I*, the people shall praise thee for e. and e. 4R. 14. for this God is our God /or e. and e. 52. 8. I trust in the mercy of God /or 1. and e. 111.8. they stand fastybre. ande. are done intruta 119 44. so shall I keep thy law_/br e. and e. 145. 1. and 1 will bless thy name/or e. and e. 2. and I will praise thy name /or e. and e fil. 148. 6. he hath also stablished them/or e. and *. yia.30*.8.that it may be for timctocome,/nre.a«rfe. 34. 10. none shall pass through it I'ur e. and e, Jrr. 7. 7. dwell in the land that I gave/or e. and <, 25.5. L. given to you and your fathers /or e.ani t, Dan. 7. 18. shall possess the kingdom fore ande. 12. 3. they shall shine as the stars_/br e. and e. Mic. 4. 5. will walk in the name of G. J'or e. and 4. Vat. 1.5. of God, to whom be glory /ore. a«rfe, I'hil.i.W. 1 Tim. 1.17.2 '7VM.4.18. «eJ. 13.21. Ile/>.\.8. he saith, thy throne, O God, is/or e. and*, liev. 4. 9- to him that sat on the throuc, who livetb for e. and e. 10. | 5. 14. | 10. 6. | 15. 7. 5. 13. and honour be to the Lamb/or e. and • 7. 12. and power be unto our God /or e. ande 11. 15. and Christ shall reign J'or e. and e. 14. 11. the smoke ascendeth /or e. and e. I9. S. 20.10. .shall be torment, day and night/«> e.ande. 22.5 and they shall reign/or e. and e. Staiuiefor EVER. Exod. 27.21. it shall be a slalutej'or e. 28. 43. | 30 21. Lev. 6. 18. I 10. 9. I 17. 7. I 23. 14, 21, 31, 41. I 24. 3. Aum 18.23. 29. 28. it shall be a.siaiuie for e. Lev. 7. 34, 36 I 10.15. I 16.31. AWi. 18. 11,19 Lev. 6 22. it is a staluttfor e. unto the Lord iVuHi.19. 10. to the jtranger for a siaiuu for «. E\ ERLAbllNG. See Sic^nification on ETiiRNAL. Gen. 17. 8. land ot Canaan for an e. possess. 48. 4< 21.33. the e. God, ifa. 40. 28. Horn. 16. «C 49. 26. lo the utmost bound of the e. hilli Ejiod. 40. 15. an. e. priesttiood, Hum, &3< 13. EVE Lev. 16.3+. be an e. statute || Deut. 33. 27. e. arms Pt.ii.l. be lift up.ye e. doors, 9.|| 100. 5. mercy e. 112. 6. the righteous shall be in t. remembrance 119.142. ihy righteousness is an e. righteous. 144. 139. 24. search me, O God, and lead me in way e. 145. 13. thy kingdom is an e. kingdom, dominion thro' all generat. Dan. 4. 3. | 7-27. 2 Pet. 1. 1 1. Prov. 10. 25. but the righteous is an e. foundation Jsa. 9. 6. his name shall be called, the e. Father 26.4. in the Lord J E HOI A II is «. strength 33.14.who among us shall dwell with e. burnings ? 35. 10. they shall come with ff. joy, 51. 11. | 61. 7. 45.17 with an e. salvation {{51.8 with ;. kindness 56. 13. for an e. sign {{ 56. 5. an «. name, 63. 12. OO. 19. the L. shall be unto thee an t. light, CO. /«r. 10.10. God is an e. King {ffio. 11. «. confusion 23. 40. I will bring an e. reproach upon you 31. 3. yea I have loved thee with an e. love 51. 120. but thou shah be e. desolatljns Van. 4. 34. whose dominion is an e. domin. 7. 14. Hab. 3. 6. the e. mountains were scattered Mat. 18. 8. to be cast into e. fire, 25, 41. 25. 46. these shall go away into e. punishment iMkelQ.Q. they may receive you into e. habitations S Thesi. 1. 9. who shall be punish, with e. destruct. 2. 16. loved us, and hath given us e. consolation 1 Tim. 6. 16. to whom be honour and power e. Jude 6. the angels he hath reserved in e. chains Rtv. 14. 6. having flie e. gospel to preach to them See Covenant. From EVERLASTING. Pt. 41. 13. blessed be G./rom e. to everlast. 106.48. go. 8. tven/rom e. to everlasting thou art God 93. 2. thy throne is of old, thou art from e. 103.17. butthemercy of the Ld. is/rom «. to ever. Pr«r.8!23.I was set upfrom e.or ever the earth was Isa. ds. 16. O Lord, thy name is from t. Mic. 5. 2. whose goings forth have been_/>»»> e. Ilab. 1. 12. art thou not. from e. O \jotA my God ? EVERLASTING life. 2)<7«.12.2.awake,some to e.lif e,some to ever. shame Mat. 19. 29. and shall inherit e. life Luke 18.30. and in the world to come e. life Jelm 3. 16. whoso believeth should have e. life, 36. 4. 14. in him a well of water springing up to e. life 5. 24. he that heareth my words hath e. life 6.27. labour for the meat which endurethto e. life 40. every one who seeth the Son may have e. life 47. he that believeth on me hath e. life 12. 50. I know that his commandment is Ife e. Actt 13. 46. judge yourselves unworthy of e. life iJo/n.6.22.bcing free from sin,ye have the end life e. Gal. 6.8. sowethtoSpirit, shall of Spirit reap /i/>^. 12Vm.l.l6.should hereafter believe onhimto/i/ee. EVEKMORE. Deut. 28.29. thou shalt be oppressed and spoiled e. ZHam.m. 51. he sheweth mercy unto David*. 2 Kings 17. 37. ye shall obser\-e to do for e. 1 Chr. 17. 14. his throne shall be established for e. Ps. 16. 11. at right hand there are pleasures for*. 18. 50. sheweth mercy to David and his seed for*. 37. 27. depart from evil, do good, and dwell fore. 77-8. is mercy gone? doth his promise fail fore. .' 86. 12. I will praise and glorify thy name fore. 89. 28. my mercy will I keep for him for e. 52. blessed be the Lord for e. amen and amen 92.8. but thou. Lord, art most high lor e. 105. 4. seek the Lord, seek his face e. 106. 31. was counted to him for righteousn. fore. 113. 2. blessed be the name of the Lord for e. 115. 18. but we will bless the Lord for e. 121 . 8. L. preserve thy going out and coming in e. 132. 12. their children shall sit upon throne for e. 133. 3. Lord commanded the blessing, life for e. Eiek. 37. 26. I will make a covenant and will set my sanctuary in the midst of tliem for e. 28. John 6. 34. said to .Tesus, Lord, e. give us this bread 2 Cor. 11.31. the father of our lyord blessed for e. 1 Tliess. 5. 16. rejoice e. pray without ceasing lleb. 7. i 25. he is able also to save them e. 28. maketh the Son, who is consecrated for e. Kev. 1. 18. was dead, behold, I am alive for e. EVERY. Gen. 6.5. e. imagination of his heart was evil 17. 10. e. man-child snail be circumcised Ler.l910nor shalt gathere. grape of thy vineyard Num. 5. 2. that they put out of the ramp e. leper I Sam. 3. 18. Samiiei told him e.whit, hid nothing Psal. 119. 101. I have refrained from e. evil way 101. therefore 1 hate e. false way, 128. Prov. 2. 9. then shalt thou understand e. good path 7. 12. now in streets, she lielh in wait ate. corner 14. 15. the simple believeth e.word,biil prudent man If. 3. the eyes ol the I.d. are in «. place, beholding 10.3. cease from strife, but e. fool will be meddling 30. 5. e. word of (Jod is pure, he is a shield Isa. 45. 23. e. k.iee shall bow, e. tongue shall swear Ttr. 51. 29.e. purpose of the lA. shall be performed £iei(. 12.23. days at hand, and the effect of e.vision Dan. 11. 36. aud mtgrify himself above t. god 171 EVI .^ee^. 12, 12. tllB luriQ shall mourn. e. family apart I A/a/. 1.11. .n e. place incense be offered to my name Alat.i.4. but by e. word that proceedeth from God I 19. 3. for a man to put away his wife for e. cause I Mark 1. 45. they came to him from e. quarter Luke 4. 37. the fame of him went into e. place 6. +4. for e. tree is known by his own fruit ^if/f 2.43. and fear came upon e. soul, wonders done 15. 21. Moses hath in e.city them that preach him A'o»«. 14.1 I.e. knee shall bov,e. tongue shall confess 1 Cur. 4. 17. as 1 teach e. where in «. church 2 Cor, 10. 5. bringing into captivity e. thought £p/t. 1. 21. far above e. name named, P/iil. 2. ". 4. 16. e. joint supplieth, in the measure of e. part P/11V4.2I. salute e. saint in Christ Jesus 1 'iVwi. 4.4. lore, creature of God is good if received 2 Tim. 2. 21. and prepared unto e. good work Jleb. 12. 1. let us lay aside e. weight, and the sin Jam, 1. 17. e. good aud perfect gift is from above 1 Pet.i.13. submit toe. ordinance of man for Lord 1 JuA« 4.1. beloved, believe note, spirit.but try spir. •See Beast, City, Day, Ma.\, Mor.m.ng, Way, Side, Thing. EVERY one. Gen. 4.14. that e. one that findeth me shall slay me 27. 89. cursed be e. one that curseth thee, blessed 2\"7i»i.i6.3.all congregation are holy, e. one of them Deiii, 4. 4. ye are alive e. one of you this day 1 Kings 22. 28. hearken, O people, e. one of yon 2 Kings 18. 31. and then eat ye e. one of his fig tree 2 C/tron. 30.18. saying, the good Lord pardon e. one Ezra 3.5. of e. one that willingly offered an offering 9. 4. were assembled to me e. one that trembled JuA40.11.beholde.one that is proud, and abase him 12. look on e. one that is proud, and bring him low Psal.Qg. 9. in temple e. one doth speak of his glory 32. 6. for this shall e. one that is godly pray 49. i 14. grave an habitation for e. one of them 63. 11. e. one that sweareth by him shall glory 68. 30. till e. one submit himself with silver 71. 18. and thy power to e. one that is to come 115. 8. so is e. one that trusteth iu them, 135.18 119.160. e. one ol thy judgments endureth forever 128. 1. blessed is e.one that fear»th the Lord Eccl. 10. 3. he saith to e. otie that he is a fool Cant. i. 2. whereof e. one beareth twins, 6. 0. Zfa.7.22 honey shall e.ene eat that is left in the land 9. 17. for e. one is an hypocrite and an evil doer 34. 15. vultures be gathered, e. one with her mate 43. 7. even e. one that is called by my name 55. 1. ho, e. one that thirsteth, come to the waters Jer. 5.6. e, one that goeth out shall be torn in pieces 8. e. one neighed after his neighbour's wife 6. 13. for e. one is given to covetousness 2i). 7. I am in derision daily, e. one mocketh mo 25. 5. turn ye now e. one from his evil way Z-';e<-.7.l6.all of them mourning, e. one for iniquity 16.25. hast opened thy feet to e. one that passed by 22. 6. behold e. one were in thee to shed blood Dan. 12. 1. e. one that be found written in the book Joel 2.7. they shall march e.one on his ways Zech. 5. 3. fore, one that stealeth shall be cut off Mat.7.ii. e. one thatasketh, receiveth, LnU 11.10. Afrtr/t7.14.said to them, hearken tome, e.one of you Luie 19. 26. to e. one which hath, shall be given Jolm 3. 8. so is e. one that is born of the Spirit 18.37. e. one that is of the truth heareth my voice Acts 2. 38. repent, and be baptized e. one of you 17. 27. though he be not far from e. o«eof us 20. 31. I ceased not to warn e. one night and day i^«/n.l4.12.e.o«c shall uive account of himself toti. I Cor. 7.17. as the Lord hath called e. one, so walk ('■«/. 3. 10. cursed is e, one that conlinueth not G 7'i»!.2.19. e. one that nameththe name of Christ 1 Jo/in 4. 7. e. one that loveth is born of God Itev. 6.11. T/hitc robes were given to e. one of them EVERY teiierc. 1 Chr. 13. 2. send abroad to our brethren e. u-heie Murk 16.20. they went forth and preached e. -.iheic Luke 9. 6. preaching the gospel e. where. Arts 8. 4. .'ids 17.30. commanding all mene. u/iere to rejient 28.22. we know it is e. where spoken against 1 Cor. 4. 17. as I teach e. where in every church Phil. i. 11. e. where, anA. in all things instructed 1 Tim. 2.8. I will therefore that men pray t, where EVIDENCE. Jer. 32. 10. 1 subscribed the e. and sealed it 11. so 1 took the e. {{12. 1 gave the «. to Haruch 14. this e. both which is sealed, and thise. open 16, when I delivered the e. of the purchase lleb. 11. 1. faith is the e. of things rot seen EVIDENCES. Jer. 32. 14. thus saith the Lord, take these e. 44. men shall buy fields for money and tubscribce. EVIDENT. Job 6. 28. look upon me, for it is e. to you if I lie (;.;/. 3. 11. th.1t no man is justified by the law is e. P/,iV.l. 28. which is to them an «. token of perdition lleb. 7. 14. it is e. our Lord sprung out of Judah 13. and it is yet far more e.for that after Mclchis, EVI FA'IDENTLT. Acts 10. 3. Cornelius saw in a vis-.on e an angel Ga/.3.1.Jesus Christ hath been e.set forth crtiC'ine4 EVIL. Evil is taken for sin and zcickedness : thus H it laid of the wicked kings of Israel, that thcj did evil in the sight of the ImtA, they trans- gressed his law, 1 Kings 16. 25, 30. .'Jnd 11 Eccl. 9. 3, The heart of the sons of men is full of evil. This it criminal or moral evil. It it likewise taken for a^ictions or punish' mentt which God inflicts upon a person or pea- pte. Job 2. 10, Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil ' Jsa. 45. 7, I make peace and create evil Amos 3. 6, .Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it ? I'his is the evil of punishment, or penal evil. It is also taken for injuries or wrongs dune by one man to another. I'rov. 17. 13, Whoso rewardelh evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house. Mat. 5. 39, But 1 say unto you that ye resist not evil. It it put for dangers or calamities, Prov. 22. 3, A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself. He teet public ca- lamitict approaching, and uset all lawful means to tecure himself. It is taken both J'or corporal and spiritual evil, of sin and suffering. Mat. 6. 13, Deliver us from evil. // is said Mat. 5. 37. Let your communication be yea, yea; nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil ; that is. Let your discourse be conjjrmed with a bat e affirma- tion or denial only ; for whatsoever it more than these proceedeth J rout an evil habit, or scmz such principle ; and most commonly Jrom the devil, that uicked one, who it evil in the highest degree ; who commits evil without ceasing; and who practises all sorts and degrees oj' it by himself and his ministers. The evil of sin. 'The internal malignity of sin, abstracted from its dreadful effects, renders tt most worthy of our hatred ; for it is in its orcn Jiature direct enmity against God, and obscures the glory of all hit attributes : It it the viola- tion if hit majesty, who is the universal Sovereign of heaie7t and earth ; a contrariety to hit holinest, which shinet forth in his law ; a despising hit goodness, the attractive to obedience , the con- tempt of his omniscience, which sees eiery sia when it is committed ; the slighting of his terriblt justice and power, at if the sinner could secure himself from his indignation ; a denial of hit truth, as if the threatenings were a vain terror to scare men from their sin. Add to this the dreadful judgments and punishments -.ihich God inllicis upon sinners J'or sin, sometimes in thit life, but especially the torments of hell, which are the just and full recompenre of sin. Evil eye. Prov. 23. 6, Eat not the' bread of hint that hath an evil eye ; that it, of the envious or covetous man; who secretly grudgeih thee the meat which he sets before thee. In the same sense this phrase is used. Mat. 20. 15, Is thine eye evil because 1 am good ? Art i/ioa envious, because 1 dispense my grace to vthert besides thxiself T Evil day ir days. Prov. 15. 15, All the days of the alllicted are evil ; that is, they aie tt- dious and unconijorlable ; he takes no content IK anil time or thing. I'.ccl. 12. 1, When the evil days come not ; that it, the time of old age, which is burdensome and calamitous in ilselj ; and Jar more i:rieious and mere terriitt when it is loaded with the sad remembrance of a man's youthful follies and lusts, and with the dieadful' pro'spect of approaching death anS judgment. -Ind in Auios 6. 3, Ye that put "far away the evil day; that is, ye that drug all thoughts of approaching death and judgment out of your heads ; or else fatter yourtelvet m if It would never come, or at lean not for a great while hence, ('•en. 19 19. lest some e. take me .ind T die 2(i. t 8. daughters of Canaan e. in eyes of Isaac 44. 5. ye have done e. in so doing 34. lest I see the e. that shall come on my f.ilhcr 50. 20. ai for you, ye thought e. evil .igainst me Eiod. 5.23. Ml" e I came, he h.ith done e. to people 10. 10. look to it, for I. IS before you 21. t 8. if .she be e. in the eyes ot her master 32.14. the Ixird repented of tlie e. he thought tod» tohis people, 2.bfl/n. 24. 16. 1 CAnm. 21. li. Num. II. t 1. it was e. in the ears ol the Lord 22. t 34. if It be e. in thine eyes, 1 will get back Deut. 19. 20. comuiit no more sucb e. among you 29.21. the L. shall separate him toe. out of trib* 30. 15. see, I have sot before thee death and e. 31. 29. and e. will befal you in the latter days Josh. 24. 15. if it stem e, to vou to serve the Ix)rd EVI EVI JWrff . 1. 16. the hind of the lA. against them for *. ' Jtr.K. 32 «. shall ro forth from nation to n.ition 9.57 the*, of ttie men of Shechem did God render 20. 34. Imt they ln. 3. 9. for they have rewarded t. to themselves 13. II. I will punish ihe world for their e. 33. 15. and shulleih up his eyes from seeing e. v5. 7 . 1 m.ike peace and cre.itc e. I do these thnigs 47. 11. therefore sh.ill «. come upon thee 5. 1.12. but *. came down from Lord to Jerusalem 2. 1 . woe to them that work e. upon their beds 3. behold, against this family do I devise an t. 3. 1 1. is not the Lord among us .' noe. can come J\n/i. 1. 11. that imagineth t. against the Lord llab. 1.13. thou art of purer eyes than to behold *. 2. y. he may be delivered from the power of e. Zeph. 3. 15. thou shalt not see e. any more Zech. 7. 10. let none of you imasine e. 8. I7. Mai. 1.8. ye offer the lame and sick, is it iiot0. EVIL joined with good. Gtn. 2. 9 the tree of knowledge of good inie. 17. 3. 5. ye shall be as gods knowing joDrf and «. 22. 44.4. wherefore have ye rewarded 1. for gnoJ! De\ti. 1. 39. had no knowledge between goi'd&nA c. 1 Sam. 25. 21. he hath requited me t. for good 2 Sam. 19. 35. can I discern between good and e. .' 1 A'fW5j22.8.noi prophesy ^j. concern. me, but ^.18. 2 C/iron. 18.7. neverprophesieth jourfto me but <. 17. he would not prophesy good 10 me but e. 'ob 2. 10. shall we receive good, and not receive e. .' 30. 26. I looked for good, then e. came unto me Psal 35. 12. they rewarded me e. for ^ood, I09. 5. 38. 20. that render € ior gooii are luy adversaries EVI Pt.M.S. thou lovest e. more than geod, and 'ylag Prov. 15 .3. eyes of L. beholding the f . and the good 17. 13. whoso rewardetb «. (or good, evil not depart 31. 12. she will do him good »ni not<;.all her dayt ha. 5. 20. woe lo them that call e. good, zndgood t, 7. 15. may know to refuse (. and choose ^oo^, lO Jer. 18. 20. shall *. be recompensed for goodT 42. 6. whether it be good or t. we will obey Lord Lam. 3. 38. of most High proceedeth not e. andf. .Imoi a. 14. seek good and not t. that ye may lira 9.4. I will set mine eyes on them for e. not ioT good Mic 3. 2. who hate the good, and love the 1. /I'om. ,'.21.whcn 1 would do good, *. present with ma 9. 11. not born, neither having done good or #. Ileb.i.Xi. their senses exercised to discern ^.audtf 3Ja'in 11. follow not what is 4. but what u good See Great. Irom EVIL. G;M.4B.l6.the Angel who redeemed mtfrom all*. 1 Sam. 25. 39- and hath kept his servaut^/rom «. 1 Chron. 4. 10. that thou wouldest keep me/rom 1. Job 28. 28. and to depart/rom t. is understandiof; Pja/.34.13. keep thy tongue/rom 1. lips from guilv 14. depart from t. do good, 37. 27. Prov. 5. 7. 121. 7. the Lord shall preserre thee /ro»» all t. Prov. 4. 27. turn not, remove thy lom e. Put aifay EVIL. Deitt. 13.5. piit the e. auay from the midst of thee 17. 7. so thou shalt jmt the e. auay from among you, 19. 19. I 21. 21. I 22. 21, 24. | 24. 7. 12. put ye anay from Israel, 21 . 22. Judg. 20. 13. Eccl. 11. 10. and put a-jsay t. from thy flesh ha. 1. 16. wash ye, put away the t. of your doings EVIL in lite sight of the Lj)Td. Num. 32. 13. had done e. in sight 0/ L. Judg. 3.12. Jiidg.Q. 11. Israel did e. in the ugAi 0/ the Lord 3. 7, 12. I 4. 1. I 6. l.J 10. 6. I 13. 1. 1 King* 11.6. I 14.22. I 15.26,34. | 16. 7,30. | 22.68. 2 Ki!ig.t H. 18, 27. I 13. 2, 11 \ 14. 24. | 15. 9, 18, 24, 28. I 17. 2. I 21. 2, 20. 2 Chron. 22. 4. j 33. 2, 22. I .30. 5,' 9, 12. 1 Sam. 15. 19. thou didst e. in the sight of the Lord 1 Kings 16. 19. in doing e. in the sight of the Lord 21. 20. sold to work e. in the sight of ihe lAird 2 Kings 3. 2. he wrought*. «» Ihesighl of the Lord 17. 17. sold themselves to do e. in the sight of L, 21. 16. to sin, in doing that which was e. in tlig si';ht of the Lord, 23. 32, 37. | 24. 9, 19. 1 Chron. 2. 3. Er was e. in the sight of the Lord 2 Clir. 33. 6. he wrought much «. i» the i:ghl of L. Thh EVIL. £xorf.32.12. and repent oithit e. against thy people Sam. 6. 9. then he hath done us this great e, 12. 19. we have added this e. to ask a king 2 Sum. 13.16. this e. in sending me away is greater 1 Kings 9. 9. the Lord brought on them all this e. 2 Kings 6.33. he said, behold, this e. is of the Lord ; Chron. 7. 22. therefore he brought this e. on them \eh. 13. IB. did not our God bring all this e. on us? 27 .sh.-\ll we hearken to you to do all this great t.f Job 2. 11. when Job's three friends heard of this e. Psal. 51.4. I have done this e. m thy sight Jer. 16. 10. the L. pronounced all this e. against as 32.23. therefore thou hast caused all /. «. on them 42. like as I have brought all ihise. on this people 40. 2. God hath pronounced this e. on this place 44. 7- why commit ye Mij great e. ag. your souls? 23. therefore this e. is happened unto you Dan. 9. n. it is written, all //ii* e. is come upon us Jonah 1.7. know for whose cause this e. is oc us, 8 EVIL, Adjeciiie. (Jcn. 6. 5. thoughts of his heart were only*. 8. 81. 37. 20. some «. beast h.ith devoured him, 33. Lxo//. 5. 19. Israel did see that they were in *. casa 33. 4. people heard these t. tidings, they mourned A'ii«». 14. 27. how long bear this *. congregation . 20. 5. to bring us in unto this *. place Ihui. 1 .36. not one of this *. generat. shall see land 6. t 22. the L. shewed signs, great and e. on Egypt 22. 14. and bring up an *. name upon her, 19. 28. 54. his eye shall be *. toward his broiher 56. her eye shall be e. toward her husband 1 Sam, 2. 23. for I hear of your e. dealings I Kings 5. i. there is neither advers. nor f.occurreni Kzra 9. 13. after all that is come on us for *. deeds Psiti. 41. B. an ». disease cleaveth fa^l unto him 64. 5. they eacouragc themselves u an *, scatter EVI Pj.78.49>trouble by sending e. angels among tliem II2.7. he shall not be afraid off. tidiogs.hearl fixed 140. 11. let not an $. speaker be establish, in earth Prov. 6. 24. to keep thee from the e. woman 14.19. the e. bow befoare the good, the wicked lEccl. 5. 14. but those riches perish by t. travel C 2. this is vanity, and it is an «. disease 9. IQ. as the fishes that are taken in an e. net ■Isa. 7. 5. Ephraim have taken e. counsel ag. thee K. 7. the instruments also of the churl are «. Jer. 8. 3. by them that remain of this t. family 12. 14. thus saith against all mine t. neighbours 13. 10. this e. people refuse to hear my words 23. 10. their course is 1. their force not right 24. 3. «. figs, very «. they are so e. 8. | 29. 17 49.23 for they have heard «. titiings, faint-hearted £»•*. 5.16. I will send on them *. arrows of famine 17. so will I send on you famine and t. be.-vsts <>. 11. alas, for all the «. abominations of Israel 34.2s. I will cause the t. beasts to cease from land 38. 10. and thou shalt think an e, thought Hat. 2. 9- woe to him that coveteth an t. covetous Maf. 5.4J. he maketh his sun to rise on *. and gomi 7. 11. if ye then being «.£.«;(« 11. 13. 18. a good tree cannot bring forth e. fruit 12. 34. how can ye being e. speak good things ? 39. an e. generation seeketh a sign, f.n^e 1 1 . cp. 15. 19- forout of the heart proceed e. thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, MnriJ . 21. 24. 43. if that e. servant shall say in his heart Janice 6. 22. and shall ca.st out your name as«. 35. he is kind to the unthankful and to the ;. John 3. 19. loved darkness, for their deeds were e. Ads C4. 20. if they have found any e. doing in me 1 Ccr.15. .13. e. communicat. corrupt pood manners CoM.4.thathe might deliver us from this^. world ^Eph. 4. 31. let e. speaking be put away from you Phil. 3. 2. beware of dogs, beware of e. workers 'Col. 3. 5. mortify therefore e. concupiscence I Tim. 6. 4. whereof cometh e. surmisin<;s Tit. 1.12. the Cretians are f. beasts, slow bellies fl(ri.t0.22.your hearts sprinkled from ^.conscience Jam.1. 4. and are become judges of c. though's 4.16. ye rejoice inboastings.all such rejoicing isif. 1 Pet.1. 1. laying aside all malice and e. speakings Rev. 2. 2. how thou canst not bear them who are e. EVIL day or days. C«i.47.9. fsw and e. have the days of my life been P'ov. 15. 15. all the days of the afflicted are e. Eccl. 12.1. in youth, while the e. dnys cnme not Amos (3.3. ye that put far aivay the e. day Efh. 5. 16. redeeming the time, because dntis are e. 6. 13. that ye may be able to withstand in the e. day Day of Evil,; see EviL, Huislanlirc. EVIL doer, or doers. Job 8. 20. neither will he help the e. doers Psal. 26. 5. X hated the congregation of e. doers 37. 1. fret not thyself because of e. doers g.e.doers shall be cut off.but those that wait on L 94. If), who will rise up for me against the <•. dners ? 119. 115. depart from me, ye«. doers, I will keep Jsa. 1. 4. ah, sinfnl nation, a seed of e. doers 9. 17. every one is an hj-pocrite, and an e. doer 14.20. the seed of « doers shall never be renowned 31. 2. but will arise against the house of e. doen i/er.20.13. hath delivered soul of poor from e. doers 23. 14. tliey strengthen the hands of e. doers 6 Tim. 2. 9- wherein I suflTer trouble as an e. doer 1 Pet. 2. 12. whereas they speak ag. you as e. dners 14. are sent by him for the punishment of e. rfu^rj t. If), whereas they speak evil of you as of e. dners ♦.15. let none of you suffer as a thief or an «. doer See Doings, Eyc. EVIL heart. Geji.H. 21. imagina. of man's /learr is e. from youth ifer.^.lT. nor walk after the imagination of e. heart 7. 24. walked in the imagination of their e. /ie,irt 11.8. every one in imagination of his e. heart 15. 12. every one after imagination of his e. heart 16. 12. every one do the imagination of his«. heart K! there be in any ane.Aeafj of unbelief EVIL m«7i or men. Job .35. 12. ncne answer because of pride of e. men Psal. 10. 15. bre.tk thou the arm of the e. man 140. 1. deliver me, O Lord, from the e. man Prov. 2. 12. to deliver thee from way of the e. man 4. 14. and go not in the way of e. men 12. 12. tlie wicked desireth the net of e. men 17. II. an e. man seeketh only rebellion 24. 1. be not thou envious against e. men 19. fret not thyself because of*, men 20. for there shall be no reward to the *. man t8. 5. e. men understand no» judgment 29.6. in transgression of an e. man there is a snare lUai, 12. S5. and an e. man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things, Lnie 6. 45. 2 Tim.S. IS. but e. men shall wax worse and worse See KEPoriT. EVIL spirit or spirits. Judg. 9' CS. 9em«. sp. between Abimelech and men 173 EUN l.Ssin.16.14. an« 4/1. from the L. troubled him, 15. 16. when the e. spirit irom God is upon thee 23. and the e. spirit departed from him 18. 10. the e. spirit from Uod came on Saul, I9. 9. Luie 7. 21. that hour he cured many of *. spirits 8.2. a woman which had been healed of ;. spirits .lets 19. 12. and the 4, jpiriis went out of them 13. to call over them which had e. spirits 15. the*, spirit said, Jesus I know, Paul I know 16. the man in whom the e. spirit wets, leaped EVIL timtg. G««.38.tl0.the thing he did was e. in eyes of Lord 2 Kings 4. +41. there was no e. thing in the pot Nth. 13. 17. what t. thing is this that ye do ? Psal, 141. 4. incline not my heart to any e. thing Eccl.Q.S.H^wA not in an e. thing, doth what pleases 5. keepeth commandment, shall feel not. thing 12.14. every secret thing, whether it be good or e Jer. 2. 19. know that it is an 4. thing and bitter Tit. 2. 8. having no e. thing to say of you EVIL things /i)j/i.23.15.the Lord shall bring on you all 4, things Pro:'. 15. 28. mouth of wicked poureth out t. Ihingi Jer. 3. 5. thou h.ist done e. things as thou couldest .Mat. 12. .'tj. an evil man bringeth forth 4. things Mari 7. 23. all these t. things come from within Luie If). 25. and likewise Lazarus 4. things ICom.l. 30. proud, boasters, inventors of e. things 1 Cor. 10. ii. we should not lust after «. things EVIL times. 7'j«/.37.19.they shall not be ashamed in thee, time Ecct.g. 12. so the sons of men are snared in an e. time Amos 5.13. prudent keep silence, for it is an e. time Mic. 2.3. nor shall go haughtily, for this time is e. EVIL -.cay. 1 Kings 13. 33. Jeroboam returned not from e. way fjn/.l 19.101. I refrained my feet from every e. w. Pri)».8.13.the fear of the Lord is to hate the e. u-ay 28.10. whocauseth righteous to go astray in*, icay Jer. 18.11. return ye now every one from his*, way 25.5. I 26.3. I ,35. 15. I 36. .3, 7. 23.22. should have turned them from their *. may Jonah 3. 8. let them turn every one from his*, leay 10. and saw that they turned from their *. way EVIL ways, 2 A'i«?jl7.13.turnfrom youre.rt'oj/J, Eiei. 33. 11 /i^s('X.36.31.then shall ye rememoeryour own e. w Zech.l.i. turn ye now from your*, ways and doings EVIL work or works. Eccl. 4.3. who hath not seSn *. work that is done 8.11. because sentence against an *. work is not John 7. 7. I te.'t'fy that the works thereof are *. liom. 13. 3. are not a terror to good works but *. 2 7'i>H.4.18. L. shall deliver me from every e. work Jam. 3. lb. there is confusion, and every *. work 1 John 3. 12. because his own worksyieTbatk /*r.29.2. after that the*. were departed from Jerui. 34, 19.*. which passed between the partsof the calf 38. 7. when Ehedmelech one of the *. heard 41. 16. the *. whom he had brought from tiibeon Dan. 1. 3. the king spake to the master of hi» «, 7. to whom the prince of the «. &ave names 8. Daniel requested of the prince of the 4. 9. Daniel brought into favour with prince of*. 18. then the prmceofthe *. brought them in i1/ii{.19.12,some ire*, who were so born, sonic ara made «. of meu, some have made themselves *. EUROCLVDON Is a wind which blows ieluten r/i* east auJ north. It is very dangerous, of the naiuie of a whirlwind, which falls on a sudden upon thips, makes them lack about, and sometimes cause* them to founder, as Pliny obstrtts. his it 14.tliere »rcse a tenipestu. wind, called*. EWE or EWES. Gen. 21,28. Abraham set seven *. lambs by them* 29, he said, what mean these seven *. lambs ? 31, 38. *. and shr.gnats have cot cast their young 32. 14. two hundred e. and twenty rams for l^a« Let. 14, 10. take one *. lamb of the first year 22, 2H. whether cow or *. ye shall not kill it C i'arn. 12.3. poor man had notl-.ing save one *.lamb Psal. 78. 71. he took him from following the •. E.XACT. D*»/,15,2, shall not*, it of hiioeighbouror brothel EXA EXA £>a«.11.14.robbers of thy people shall /.themselves .36. the king shall #. himself above every god /fe*.11.7. tko' they called, none at all would t. him DbaJ. 4. though thou e. thyself as the eagle Mai. 23.12. whoso shall e. himself, shall be abased 2 CVr.ll.20.if aman t. himself, if a man smite you 1 P«r.5.6.humble youBiel.thathemay ;.induetime EXALTED. Num. 24. 7. and his kingdom shall be e. 1 Sam. 2. 1. she said, mine horn is e. in the Lord £6Vif/i. 5. 12. perceived that Ix)rdhad«. his kingdom 22. 47. the Lord liveth, and e. be the God of the rock of my salvation, Psal. 18. 46 1 Kin^s 1. 5. then Adonijah e. himself, saying 14. 7. I t. thee from among the people, 16. 2. S Kings 19. 22. against whom hast thou e. thy voice and lift up thine eyes on high? Isa. 37. 23. 1 Chr. 29. 11. and thou art e. as head above all Nell. 9. 5. which is e. above all blessing and praise Job 5.11. that those who mourn may be «. to safety 24. 24. they are e. for a little while, but are gone 36. 7. he doth establish them for ever, they are e. Psal. 12.S. wicked walk when the vilest men are e. 13. 2. how long s'hall my enemy be e. over me 21 . 13. be thou «. Lord, in thine own strength 46. 10. be still luid know I am God, I will be ; . among th« heathen, I will be t. in the earth 47- 9- shields of earth belong to G. he is greatly «. 57. 5. be thou e. OGod, above the heavens, 11. 75. 10. but the horns of the righteous shall be e. 8'J. 16. in thy righteousness shall they be e. 17. and in thy favour our horn shall be e. 19. I have e. one chosen out of the people 24. and in my name shall his horn be e. 97. g. thou, Lord, art e. far above all gods 108. 5. be thou e. O God, above the heavens 112. 9 his horn shall be t. with honour 118. 16. the right hand of the Lord is *. 140. ^8. further not, let not the wicked be e. Prov. 11. 11. by the blessing of the upright city is e. Isa. 2. 2. the mountain of Lord's house shall be €, above the hills, all nations How to it, A/if.4.1. 11. the Lord shall be e. in that day, 17. | 5. I6. 12. 4. praise Ld. make mention that his name is t. 30. 18. will be e. that he may have mercy on you S3. 5. the Lord is <. || 10. now will I be e. 40.4. every valley shall be e, t\eTy mountain low 49. 11. and my high-ways shall be e. 52. 13. behold my servant shall be e. and extolled iiek. 17. 24. that I the Lord have*, the low tree 1 9. 11. and her stature was e.among branches, 31.5. Bos. 11. ♦ 7. together they ». not him 13. 1, F.phraim spake, he t. himself in Israel 6. tliey were filled, and (heir heart wa.s e. Hal. 11.23. Capenia'.im e. to heaven. Luke 10. 16. 23.12.e. himselfbc abased, that shall humble him- self shall be t. Luke 14. 11. I 18. 14. Lfikt 1. 52. and he hath e. them of low oegree Atis S. 33. being by the right-hand of God €. 6> 31 llim h&ib God t. with his right-band i Cor. 11. 7. abasing myself that you might be e 12.7. lest I should be"e. above measure, 7. Phil. 2. 9. wherefore God hath highly e. him Jam. 1. 9. let the brother rejoice that he is *. EXALTESr. E»oi. 0. 17. as yet «.thou thvself against my people EXALTETH. Job 36.22. behold. God e. by his power Psal.Ui. » cause, therefore I appeal to thee, and offer myself to thy trial concerning ivhat my enemies charge me viith. When applied to man, examination it either pri- vate or public. Private, when a Christian tries himself by the uord of God, and by uhai Christ has uronghl by his Spirit tciihin him, whether he be a true believer in Jesus, and has any ground to hope for salvation lhrt:ug/i his blood and righteousness, 2 Cor. 13. 5, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith, prove your own selves. And this duty is especially to be performed before persons par- lake of the Lord's supper. 1 Cor. 11. 28, But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. Let htm compare his heart and life by the word, to see ahether he be duly qualified to partake of this ordinance, in regard of his knouUd^e, faith, repentance, loie, and netu obedience. Public examination is, xchen rulers and governors, whether civil, or ecclesiastical, bring such as are suspected of unsound principles, or delected of enormities, to a trial for the same. Thus it is said of the angel of the church of Ephesus, Pev. 2. 2, Ihou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not ; and hast found them liars. And our Saviour was examined by I'ilate, though he was innocent, and the things laid to his charge mere unjust, Luke 2.' 13, 14. And the apostle Paul was ordered to be examined by scourging. Acts 22. 24 jls to the manner of examining by scourg- ing, or putting one to the question. See on Question. I'tra 10. 16. sat down the first day to e. the matter Psal. 26. 2. e. me, O Lord, prove me, try my reins 1 Cor. 9- 3. mine answer to them that e. me, is this 11. 28. let a man e. himself, and so let him eat of 2 Cor. Vs. 5. e. yourselves, prove your own selves EXAMINED. Luke 23. 14. behold, I have e. him before you Acts 4. 9. if we this day be e. of the good deed 12. 19. Hej-od e. keepers, and commanded to death 22. 24. brought, that he should be e. by scourging 2y. they depart, from him, who should have?. him 28. 18. when they had e. me would have let me go EXAMINING. Acts 24. 8. by*, of whom thou mayest take knowl. EXAMPLE Is taken either for a type, instance, or precedent, for our admonition, that we may be cautioned against the sins which others have committed, by the judgments which God infiicled on them, 1 Cor. 10. II, All these things happened unto them for ensamples. Or example is taken a pattern for our imitation, a model for us to copy after. John 13. 15, I have given you an example, that ye should do a^ I have done to you. And in 1 Pet. 2. 21, Christ suffered for us, leaving us an example, tha< we should follow his steps. This is one of the means by which our Redeemer restores his people to holi- ness, namely, by exhibiting a complete pattern of it in his life upon earth. That examples have a peculiar power above the naked precept, to dispose us to the practice of holiness, may afipear by considering, (I) That they most clear lif express to uj the nature of our duties in their svijects and sensible effects. General precepts form abstract ideas of virtue but in examples, virtues art made visible in all their ciicumstancet. fS) Precepts instrvct us tehat lhiH(S art vur duty, but examolet astvit EXC Hs that ihey art possible, mm ue tee mt\ like ourselvei, who are united to frail Jleih, and in the same condition with us, to com^iand iheir passions, to overcome the greatest aim most glittering temptations, we are encow.igea in our spii itual warfare. (3) Examples, by a secret and lively incentive, urge us to imiiam turn. He are t^mched in another manner by the visible practice of saints, which reproaches our defects, and obliges us to tht same teal, than by laws, though holy and good. The example of Christ is most proper to form n to holiness, it being absolutely perfect, atidtiC.. comiimlatedtotur present Hate. There is ju> examplt of a mere man, that it to be fallou ei without limitation. Be ye followers ot me za I am of Christ, says the great Apostle, 1 Cor. 11. 1. But the example of Christ is absolutely perfect. His conversation was a living lau-. He was holy, harmless, undefiled, and sepanae from sinners, Heb. 7. 26. Hit example i» also most accommodated to our present stale. The divine nature it the supreme rule of maraj perfection ; for we ate commanded to be holy, as God it holy, hut such it the obscurity oj our minds, and tht weakness of our natures, that the pattern wat loo high and glorious to be expressed by ut. And though ut had not strength to ascend to him, yet he had goodnest to descend to ut ; and in this present sttiie, and in our nature, to set before ut a pattern more fitted to our capacity: So that the diiine attribuiet art sweetened in the Son of God incarnate ; and being united with the grucet proper for the human natuie, are more percepiillt to cur minds, and more imitable by itt. Mat. 1.19. Joseph not willing to make her a public t John 13. 15. for 1 have given you an e. that ye do llom. 15. i 5.be like minded afttr the e. of Christ 1 Jim. 4. 12. but be thou an e. of the believers Heb. 4. 11. lest any man tail after the same e. 8. 5. who serve unto the «. of heavenly things Jam. 5. 10. take the prophets for an e. of sufTermg 1 Pet. 2. 21. Christ suffered for us, leaving us an«. Judel. set forth an e. suffering the vengeance EXAMPLES. 1 Cor. 10.6. now these things were our e. not to Itist See Ensample, s. EXCEED. Dcu*. 25.3. forty stripes he may give, and not e. lest if he should*, thy brother seem vile to thee ATflf .5.20. except your righteousness e. the scribes 2 C»r.3.9. ministration of righteousn.doth«.io glory EXCEEDED. 1 .Sam. 20. 41. and they wept, till David e. 1 Kinp 10.23.Solom. «.all kings of earth for riches Job 30. 9. sheweth their transgressions that they e EXCEEDEST. 2 Chron. Q. 6. for thou e. the fame that I heard EXCEEDETH. 1 Kings 10.7. thy wisdom «.the fame that I beard EXCEEDING. Gen.lS.l. I am thy shield, and thy*, great reward 17.6. I will make thee e. fruitful, make nations 27. 34. and Esau cried with an *. bitter rry Exod. 1.7- the children of Israel waxed*, mighty 19. 16. and the voice of the trumpet *. loud Num. 14.7. the land we passed through is «. good 1 Sam. 2.3. talk no more so *. proudly 2 Sam. 8. 8. king David took *. much brass 12.2. the rich man had*, many Hocks and herds 1 Kings 4. 20. God gave Solomon wisdom *. much 7.47- left vessels unweighed, they were «. many 1 Chr. 20.2. he brought*, much spoil out of the city 22. 5. and the house must be *. niagiiifical 2 Chron. II. 12. zmd he made the cities *. strong 14. 14. for there was *. much spoil in them 16. 12. Asa disejised.until his disease waxed *, great 32. 27. Hezekiah had *. much riches and honour /Va/.2 1.6. thou hast made him *. glad with thy coun. 43. 4. then will 1 go unto God my *. joy 119. 96. but thy commandment is *. broad I'rov. .30.24. there be four things which are e. wis? i^c/.7.24. that which is*, deep, who can find it out? y*r.4b.C0.we heard the pride of Moab.hc is «. proud l.tek. 9. 9. the iniquity of Israel is *. great 16. 13. thou didst eat oil, and wast *. beautiful 23.15. *. in dyed attire upon their heads .37 . 10. stood up upon their feet an *. great army 47. 10. as the fish of the great sea, *. many Van. 3. 22. because the furnace was *. hot 6. 23. then was the kinc *. glad for him 7.19. tlie fourth beast which was *. dreadful 8. 9. came forth a little horn which waxed *. great Jonah 3. 3. now Nineveh was an *. great city 4. 6. so Jonah was *. glad of the gourd Mat.<2.\0. saw star, they rejoiced with *. great joy 16. Herod, when he was mocked, was «. wrotb 4. 8. taketh him up into an *. high mnuniam 5. 12. rejoice andM t. glad, great is your rewaidj EXC Mat.fi. 96. methimtwoposs. with devils, «. fierce 17. $3. they shall kill him ; they were e. sorry S6. SC. they were e. sorrowful, and began to say 38. my soul is e. sorrowful. Mart 14. 34 Markf]. 26. the king was e. sorry, yet for the oath 9. ."?. his raiment became e. white as snow l/vke C3. 8. when Herod saw Jesus, he was e. glad Acts' . CO. Moses was born, and was e. fair Horn. 7. 13. that sin might become e. sinful 2 Cor. 4. 17- worketh for us an t. weight of glory 7.4. I am t. joyful in all your tribulation 9.14. who long after you.for «. grace of God in you BpA. 1 . 19- what is the e. greatness of his power 2. 7. he might shew the e. riches of his grace 3. 'JO. to him that is able to do e. abundantly 1 Tim. 1. 14. the grace of our Lord was e. abundant 1 Per. 4. 13. that ye may be glad also with «. joy 2 Pe/.1.4.given tous«.great and precious promises Jude 24. able to present you faultless with e. joy iiev. 16. 21. for the plague thereof was e, great E.XCEEDINGLY. Oen. 7.19. the waters prevailed e. on the earth 13. 13. but the men of .Sodom were sinnerj e. 16. 10. the angel said, I will multiply thy seed e. 17. 2. 1 will make my coven, and multiply tnee e. 20. I will multiply Ishmael e. a great nation 27. 33. and Isaac trembled very e. and said 30. 43. and Jacob increased e. 47. 27. 1 Sam. 26. 21. T have played the fool and erred e. 2 Sam. 13. 15. then Amnon hated her «. and said 2 Kings 10. 4. the elders of Samaria were e. afraid 1 Chr. 29. 25. Ld. magnified Solom. t. 2 Chr. 1.1. 2 Chr. 17. 12. Jehoshaphat waxed great «. 26. 8. Uzziah strengthened himself e. Neh. 2. 10. they heard of it, it grieved them e. £j//i.4.4.the queen was e. grieved.and sent raiment Job 3. 22. rejoice «. when they can find the grave Psal. 68. 3. yea, let the righteoi^ e. rejoice 106.14. lusted e. in the wilderne^s.and tempted G. IIQ. 167. kept thy testimonies, I love them e. 123. 3. for WK are e. filled wilii contempt, 4. /*a. SJ.ig. the earth is dissolved, earth is moved e Dan. 7. 7. and behold, a fourth beast strong e. Jcmah 1. 10. men were e. afraid, and said to him 16. then the men feared the Lord e. and offered 4. 1. but it displeased Jonahs, and he was angry Mat, ly. 25. heard it, they wire e. amazed, saying Adnrk 4 41. they feared e. and said one to another 15. 14. they cried out the more e. crucify him Act! If). 20. these men do e. trouble our city 2(j. ]1. being e. mad against them, I persecuted 27. 18. and we being e. tossed with a tempest 9Cor. 7.13. yea, and e. the more joyed we for Titus Gal. 1. 14. being more e. zealous of the traditions 1 Thiss. 3. 10. night and day praying e. to see you 2 T/iess. 1. 3. because that your faith groweth'e. Hct. Vi. 21. Moses said, I e. fear and ouake EXCEL. Gen. 49. 4. unstable as water, thou shall not e. 1 Chron. 15. 21 with harps on the .Sheminith to e. Psal. 103. 20. ye his angels, that e. in strength Ita. 10. 10. and whose graven images did e. them 1 Cor. 11. 12. seek that ye may e. to edifying EXCELLED. IKin^si.'M. Solomon's wisdom e, wisdom of Egypt EXCELLEST. Prov. 21. 29. doiie virtuously, but thou e, them all KXCELLEXH. Ectl. 2. 13. wisdom t. folly, as far as light e. dark. 8 Cor. 3. 10. by reason of the glory that e. EXCELLENCY. Gen 4. t 7. doest well, shalt thou not have the e. t 49. 3. the e. of dignity, and the e. of power Exod. 15.7. and in the greatness of thine e. Deut. 3.3. 26. who rideth in his e. on the sky 20- shield of help, and who is the sword of thy e. Job 4. 21. doth not their e. go away .' they die 13. 11. shall not his e. make you afraid? 20. 6. ihough his «. mount up to the heavens 22. t 26. but their e, the fire consumeth 37. 4. he thijndereth with the voice of his*. 40. 10. deck thyself now with majesty and e. Psal. 47- 4. the e. of Jacob whom he loved 62. 4. they consult to cast him down from his c. fiS. 34. his e. is over Israel, and his strength Prov. 17. + 7. a lip of «. becometh not a fool Cccl. 2. t 13. I saw lh?t (here is an e. in wisdom 7.1c. the e. of Knowledge is, that wisdom gives life .7.(3. n. 19. Babylon the oeauty of the Chaldees' e. 35. 2. e. of Carmel, .Sharon ; and the e. of our G. 6u. 15. I will make thee an eternal e. a joy l.zek. 16. +56- Sodom not mentioned in (lay of e. 24,21. my sanctuary, the e. of your strength Avio.', 0. 8. saith the Lord, I abhor the e. of Jacob H. 7. the Lord hath sworn by the e. of Jacob AuA. 2. 2. for the Lord hath turned away the e. of laiob, as the e. of Israel .cmptiers emptied then. A/ii/. 2. t 15. yet had he the e. of the Spirit 1 Cir. i. 1. I came not to you with e. of speech 3 Lor. i. 7 . that the e. of the power may be of God 17;. EXC Phil. 3. 8. 1 count ill things loss for the ft of Chr. EXCELLENT. Euh. 1. 4. Ahasuenis shewed his e. majesty Job 31. 23. the Almighty is e. in power I'sril. 8. 1. how e. is thy name in all the earth ! 9. Ifi. 3. and to the e. in whom is all my delight 36. 7. how e. is thy loving-kindness, O God ! 76.4. thou art more e. than the mountains of prey 141. 5. let him reprove me. it shall be an e. oil" 148. 13. praise the Lord, his neime alone is e. 150. 2. praise him according to his e. greatness Prov. 8. 6. hear, for I will speak of e. things 12.26.the righteous is more e. th. 44. e. the Father who hath sent me draw him 5'J e. ye eat the flesh of the Son of man 65. e. it were given unto him of my Father 12. 24. e. a corn of wheat fall into the ground 15. 4. ye cannot bear fruit, e. ye abide in me 19. 11. no power, e. it were given ihec from above 20. 25. e. I shall see the prints of the nails .lets 8. 1. they were all scattered,*, the apostles 31. how can I, e. some man should guide me ? 15. I.e. ye be circumcised, ye cannot be saved 24. 21. e. it be for this one voice, that 1 cried 26. 29. all were such as 1 am, e. these bonds 27. 31. Paul said, c. these abide in ship, ye cannot /w.«i. 7.7. I had not known lust, e. the law had said 10. 15. how shall they preach, e. they be sent ? 1 CV)r.7. 5. defraud not oneanoih.e.itbewith consent 14. 5. that speaketh with tongues, e.he interpret 6. e. I shall speak to you either by revelation 7. e. they give a distinction in the sounds 9. e. ye utter wonls easy to be understood 15. 3t). '.ha.' thou sowesl is not quickened, e. it die 2 Cor. 12. 12. «. it lie that 1 was not burdensome 13. 5. Ihst Christ is in you, e. ye be reprobates r C J'/iess. 2 3. *. mere come a falling away first 2 Tim. 2 e. he \s not crowned, «. he strive lawfully iUv.l.b. w'j' remove thy candlestick, e. thou repent EXE R«r,2.52.into tribulaUon, «. they rtptnt thdr deeds EXCEFrED. 1 Cor. i5.27.he is*. who did put all things tmderhim EXCESS. Mnt. 23. 25. within are full of extortion and «, Lph. 5. 18. be not drunk with wine, wherein U «. 1 Pet. 4. 3. when we walked in lusts,*, of wine 4. that ye run not with them to the same «. EXCHANGE. ''t'n. 47. 17.3oseph gave them bread in t. for horses Lev. 27. 10. then it and the *. thereof shall be holy Job 20. 1 18. according to the substance of his e. 28. 17. and the *. of it shall not be for jewels Mat. 16.26. if gain world and lose his soul, whal shall a man give in *. for his soul .' Mark 8. 37. EXCHANGE. £;*-( .48.14. they shall not sell of it, nor *. first fnut« EXCHANGERS. Mat. 25. 27. oughtest to have put my money to *. EXCLUDE. Gfl/.4. 17. they would *. you, that you might affect EXCLUDED. Rom. 3. 27. where is boasting then ? it is e. EXCOMMUNICATED. Excommunication is an ecclesiastical censure, whereby they -uho incur the guilt of any heinous sin, are separated from the communion of thi church, and deprived of spiritual advantages , that they may be brought to repentance, mud others, by their example, kept from tht likt enormities. Mat. 18. 15, I6, 17. 1 Cor. 5. 5. 7. 2 Thess. 3. 14, 15. There are generally three sorts of F.xcommunica- tion, distinguished among the Jews. The first is called Niddui, that is, separation. This is the lesser Excommunication. It lasted Ihirtif days, and separated the excommunicated persons from the me of things holy. The second uas called Cherim, that is AnaUiema ; this aas tt* aggravation of the first, and ansiiers almost to our greater excommunication. ]; excluded a man from the synagogue, and deprived him oj all civil commerce. The third sort of Excom- nmnicaiion is called Scammatha, and aas of a higher nature than the greater excommunication. It was published, as they say, by sound of four hundred trumpets, and removed all hope of re- turning to the synagogue. Some ajiim,' t/ial .'/,' penalty of death Has annexed to it. Hut Selden maintains, that these three terms, Nid. dui, Cherim, and Scammatha, are ofteniimes synonymous, and that the Jew* never had, pro- perly speaking, more than ttio sort: of excom- munication ; one greater, the other less. Sel- den de synedrtis merum JJeiiet'riim, lib. L c.ip. 7. andR. John 'J. t 31. dost thou teach us .' and they *. him E.XCUGE. Luke 14. 18. they with one consentbegan to make e. John 15. f 22. now have they no *. for their sin li.om. 1.20. clearly seen, so that they are without^. EXCUSE. 2 Cur. 12. 19. think you that we *. ourselves to you? EXCUSED. Luke 14. 18 I pray thee h.ive me *. ig. EXCUSING. /iV;n.2.15.their thoughts accusing or else *. one aa E.XECRATION. Jcr. 42. 18. and ye shall be an *. and a curse 44. 12. and they shall be an *. e Lord which e. loving-kindness Mai. 2i). 25. ye Vnow that princes of the Gen- tiles (. dominion over them, and they that are great e. authority upon them, Mark 10. 42. Luke 82. 25. ilffj24. 16. herein dol ^.myself tohavc aconscienr-' 1 'Jim. 4. 7- and e. thyself rather unto godliness EXERCISED. Ecel. 1. 13. sore travail, to be e. therewith, 3. 10. Utek. 22. 29. the people of the land have e. robbery lUb. S. 14. senses e to discern both good and evil 12. W . fruit of right, to them who are e. thereby 2 Pel. 2. 14. an heart e. with covetous practices eXercisetii. Rtv. 13. 12. he e. ajl the power of the first beast EXIlORf. 4cn 2. 40. with many words did he testify and e. 87. 22. and now I t. you to be of good cheer 2 Cor. 9. 5. therefore I thought it necessary to e. 1 Theit. 4.1. we beseech you, brethren, and e. you 1 18. wherefore e. one another with these wonls 5. 1 11. wherefore *. yourselves together, edify 14. now we t. you, warn them that are unruly S Thete. 3. 18. such we command, and e. by Christ 1 Tim. 2.1. I ».that first of all, pray, be made for all 6. 2. these things teach and e. 2 I'lm. 4. 2. t. with all long-suffering and doctrine 7 1/. 1.9. may be able to *. and convince gainsayers 'i. 6. young men likewise e. to be sober-minded 9. e. servants to be obedient to their masters 15. speak, t. and rebuke with all authority Vei.3. 13. <. one another daily while it is called 1 Pel. 5. 1. the elders who are among you, 1 e. iude 3. it was needful for me to write and e. you EXHORTATION. Zul< 3.18. many other things in his r . preached he jIch 13. 15. if ye have any word of e say on 15. t 31. whe.-C they read, they rejoiced for the e. CO. 2. and when Paul had given them much e. Hem. 12. a he that vxhorteth, let him wait on e. ^ Cnr. 14.3. speaketh unto men to t. and comfort 2 Cor. 8. 17. for indeed he accepted the e. 1 '//"*'■ 2. 3. for our e. was not of deceit nor guile 1 7'im. 4. 13. till I come, give attendance to e. Ueb.K. 5. v« have forgotten the e. which speaketh 13. 22. and I beseech you, suffer the word of e. EXHORIED. j*f M 11.83. Bamabat e. them to cleave to the Lord 16. 32. they «. the brethren with many words 1 Thisi.'i.V\. as yon know how we «. and comforted EXHORTING. ,^j<14. 22. and e them to continue in the faitb 17< EXP Aeti 18. 27. brethren wrote, e. diic. to receive him Ileb.XO.'ii. but e. one another, and so much more 1 I'ti. 5. 12. by Silvanus I have written briefly,*. EXILE. 2 5am. 15. 19. for thou art astranger and also an t. Jta.Sl. 14. the captive *. haslencth to be loosed E.VORCISTS. T/iis xord comes from the Greek E.jOfxifio, Ex- orcisein, nAiVA signifies to adjure to conjure, to use the name of l~hjd. Kith a design to cast de- vils out of the bodies zohich they possess. When our Saviour sent out his disciples to prearh the gos- pel, he gave them po-xer over unclean spirits, to cast them out, Mat. 10. I. And when the seven- ty returned, they told our Saviour, Luke 10. 17, Lord, even the devils are subject to us, through thy name. By this gift, lliey gained repute amun; the people, confirming them thai the-j acre sent of Ood. St. Paul, in Acts I6. l!i. cast out a i/evil, in the name of Christ ; 1 command thee, in the name of Jesus Christ, to come out of her: and he came out the same hour. This gift continued «'» the church, after the death of the apostles, at some say, for about two hundred years, and ceased by degrees. Those Jewish exorcists, mentioned Acts I9. 13. were such at usurped and counterfeited this gift, though they had it not ; but what they did was only by uilchcrafi, and compact uilh the devil. Josephus relates strange stories concerning these exorcists. Jie says, that one Eleazar, a Jew, cured the possessed uilh the help of a ring, in which a root was set, said by some to have been discovered by Solomon. The smell of this root, put under the noie of the possessed person, wade him fall on the groutid ; and the exorcist con- jured the devil, forbidding him to return into that body ; Joseph. Ajiliq. lib. \i. cap. 2. Jus- tin, Orii^en, and TertuUian, speak of Jews, wht boasted of a power to cast out devils, and, it it said, that tomelimes in reality ihcy dirt to, by calling upon the Ood of Abraham. Acts 19- 13. then certain of the vagabond Jews, *. EXPANSION. Gen. ] .t 6. let there be an e. in midst of the waters EXPECTATION. 1 Chron. 29^ 15. days as a shadow, there is no *. Job 6. +8. O that God would grant me mine e. Ps. 9.18. the*, of the poor shall not perish forever (52.5. wait thou on God, for my *. is from him Piov. 10.28. the *.of the wicked ihall perish, 11. 7. 11. 23. but the *. of the wicked is wrath 23. 18. thine *. shall not be cut off, 24. 14. ha. 20. 5. they shall be askamcd of their e. 6. the inhabitants shall say, behold, such is our*. Jer. 29. t 11. I think to give you an end and *. /^crh. 9. 5. Ekron for her *. shall be ashamed Luke 3. 15. and as the people were in *. John said Acts 12. II. Lord hath delivered me from *. of Jews HoM. 8. 19. forthe*. of the creature waiteth for Phil. 1. 20. accoiding to my earnest *. and hope EXPECJED. Job 32. t 4. Elihu had *. till Job had spoken Jer. 29. 11. for I think to give you an *. end EXPECTINC;. Acts 3. 5. *. to receive something of them 7/*^. 10. 13. *. till his enemies be made his footstool EXPEDIENT. John 11. 50. that it is *. for us that one man die 1O.7. I tell you, it is *. for you that I go away 18. 14. it was *. that one man die for the people 1 Cor. 6. 12. but all things are not *. 10. 23. 2 Cur. 8. 10. this is*, for you who have begun before 12. 1. it is not *. for me doubtless to glory EXPEL. Josh. 2.1. 5. God shall *. them from before you Judg. 11.7. did not ye hate me, e. mc out of house? EXPELLED, ./.n/i 13.13.Isr. *. not Geshutites.nor Maachathites Judg. 1.20. he *. thence the three sons of Anak 2 Sam. 14. 14. that his banished be not *. from him Acts 13. 50. they *. them out of their coasts E.\PENCES. Lira 6. 4. let the *. be given out of the king s house 8.1 decree that *. forthwith be given to these men EXPERIENCE. Oen. 30. 27. by *.that the Lord hath blessed me i.ccl. 1. 16. my heart had great *. of wisdom Horn. 5. 4. and patience worketh *. and *. hope lleb. 5. 1 13. that u^e^h milk hath no t. in the word EXPERIMENT. 2 Cor. 9. 13. whiles by the *. of this ministration EXPERT. 1 Chron. 12. 33. of Zebulun fifty thousand *. in war 35. of Danites 2i;.6O0 1| 3C. of Ashor 4'),0ll0 *. Cant. 3. 8. they all hold swords, being *. in war Jer. 50.9. their arrows shall be as of an *. m.iij .Jew 26. 3. 1 know iheeto be *. in all customs EYE EXPIATION. ' Num. 35. 1 33. and there can be no *. for tha land EXPIRED. 1 Sam. 18. 26. and the days were not *. 2 Sam. 11. 1. after the year was *. 1 Chron. ZO. ■ 1 Cliron. 17. 11. shallcomir to pass>whend.iys be t, 2 Chron. 36. 10. when year*. Nebuch.tdnezzarseat Esth. 1 . 5. when these days were *. the i ing made Ezek. 43. 27. when these days arc *. itsliall be thai Acts'}. iO. and when forty years were *. liev. 20. 7. when 1000 years are *. Satan be loosed EXPLOITS. Dan. 11. 28. to his land hesh:ill do*, and return 32. but the people shall be strong and do *. EXPOSED. Judg. 5. t 18. Zebulun and Naphlali a peopli; * EXPOUND. Lev. 24. 1 12. put him in ward, to *. mind of God Judg. 14. 14. they could not in three days *. riddle EXPOUNDED. Judg. 14. 19- garments to them who *. the riddle I^ark 4. 34. when they were alone, he *. all thing* Z.u/*24. 27. he *. to them in all the scriptures Acts 11.4. but Peter *. it by order unto them 18. 26. Aquila and Priscilla *. to him way of Goi 28. 23. Paul *. and testified the kingdom of God E.\PRESS. Ileb. 1. 3. who boing the *. image of his person E.VPRESS. ED. A't/m. 1. 17. took men which are *. by their name* 1 Chr. 12. 31. and of Manassch 18,000,*. byname IG. 41. who were e. by name, to give thanks to L. 2 Chron. 28.15. men *. took captives, clothed nakctt 31. 19. men *. to give portions to the man Aird 8. 20. the Nethinims were *. by name Job 6. t 3. therefore I want words to *. my grief E.\PR-ESSLY. 1 Sam. 20. 21. if I *. say to the lad, behold arrow* Ezek. 1. 3. the word came «. to I'.zekicl the priest 1 I'im. 4. 1. now the Spirit speaketh *. some depart E.VPULSIONS. Esek. 45. t 9. take away your *. from my people E.XIEND. Psal. log. 12. let there be none to *. mercy to hin' Ita. 06.12. behold, I will *. peace to her like a rive? E.XTENDED. Cen. 39. \ 21 . but the Lord *. kindness to Joseph Ezra' . 28. *. mercy to me || 9. 9. *. mercy to u.> Jer. 31. f 3. 1 have *. loving-kindness to theo EXTENDETH. Psal. 16. 2. my Lord, my goodness *. not to the* E.VTINCT. 7(1*17.1. my days are*, the gr.ivesare ready forme- Isa. 43. 17« they are *. they are quenched as tow EXTINGUISH. Ezek. 32.1". when I shall *. thee, I will cover heavr EXTINGUISHED. Job 6. tl7. when it is hot, they are*, out of place EXrOL. P.ial. 30. 1. I will *. thee, O Lord, hast lifted me up Cii. 4. *. him thatrideth upon the heavens 145. 1. I will *. thee, my God, O King, and bless Dan. 4. 37. I Nebuchadnei. *. the King of heaven E.XTOLLED. Psal. 66. 17. and he was *. with my tongue Ita.b". 13. behold, my servant shall be *. E.XTORTION. Etek. 22. 12. thou hast greedily gained by 4. Mat. 23. 25. but within they are full of *. E.XTORIIONER. Psal. 109. 11. let the *. catch all that he hath Isa. 16. 4. the *. is at an end, the spoiler cvksetb- 1 Cor. 5. 11. if any man be a drunkard, an *. E.XTORTIONEKS. Luke 18. 11 . that I am not as other men are, *. 1 Cor. 5. 10. yet not altogether with 1. for then 6. 10. nor *. inherit the kingdom of God EXTREME. Deut. 28.22. the L. shall smite thee with «. bamin^ EXTREMITY. Job 35. 15. yet he knowetb it not in great e. EYE, 'Y'/i< organ of tight, by which visible objtelt art discerned. Eye or eyes, in scripture, are figuratively applied to God after the manntt of man. Prov. 15. 3, The eyes of the Lord are in every place ; that is, his infinite knowledge and providence. And at in men the eye is the organ which shews compastien or fury, vengeance or pardon, gentleness or severity ; in these senses tyt is referred to God; Psal. 34, 15, 'i'he eves of the Lord are upon the righ- teous: He favours them, and heapt blessings on them. 1 Kings 8. 29. J hat thine eyes may be opened toward this house night and day*; that ts, that thou mayetl behold it with an eye of favour and compassion. So likewise in Jer 24. 6, I will set mioe eyes upon them for pood. On the contrary it is said, Amoi 9. 8, Uehold, the eyes «f tht Lord art npcD thti- EYE Binful kinicdom ; that it, in a way «f tmrity cnid jitdgment. Also Ezek. 6. 11, Neither shall mine eyes spare, neither will I have any pity. Eye," vihen referred to man, it not only taken /or the organ of sight, but alto for the understand- tns^ or judgment. Deut. iB. 19, A gift doth blitid the eyes of the wise : It corrupteth and perierleih his mind, ihtt at he uill not, so oftentimes he cannot discern betxcetn right and wrong. So in Acts S6. 18, I send thee to the Gentiles to open their eyes ; thai is. To preach the gospel unto them, lihereiy they may attain unio a spiritual vtidersianding of their duty. Ltkeicise in Gen. 3. 7- The eyes of them both were opened. Their consciences were touched nilh a sense of the heinousness of their sin, uhereby they had defiled their souls ; and of the greatness of the misery they had brought upon themselves and their posterity. The Hebrews call colours, eyes. Num. 11. ". And the eye, or colour of the manna, wzis as •he eye, or colour of bdellium. To set one's eyes \ipou any one, is to do him service, to faiour him greatly ; or barely to see him uiih friendship. Gen, 44. 21, Thou saidst, bring Beujaniia unto me, that I may set mine evos upon him. And Nebuchadnezzar recommends it to Mebuzar-adan, that he viould set his eyes upon Jeremiah, and permit him to go where he pleased, Jer. 39. S 12. | 4C. t 4. To find grace in one's eyes, is to win his favour and Jriendship, Ruth 2. 10. Job tnys, I was eyes "to the blind. Job 29. 15. that is, I instntcied, directed, and assisted such as kneu net hoio to manage their own affairs. To have the eyes towards, or tipon one, de- notes that the person eipects, or uoils for some- thing from him an tihom the eyes are placed. Thus when Adonijah, uiilhout hit father's inouledge, had usurped the kingdom, Bath- sheba told king David, 1 Kings 1. 20, 'i'hc eyes of all Isiael are upon thee, that thou thouldest tell them who shall sit upon the throne of my lord the king after him ; that n, The generality of the people «re in suspense uhether Adonijah's practices be aith thy con- tent, or no, a7td wait for thy sentence concern- ing thy successor, rchich they :vill readily ein- li'ace.' Also in Psal. 25. 15, Mine eyes are ever towards the Lord ; that is, my eipectatiun of help is only from him. And psal. 12.'!. 2, As the eyes of servants look \m(o the hand of their masters ; either for the supply of their wants, uhich comes fiom their masters hand: or, for help and defence against their oppressors. Solomon says, that the wise man's eyes are in his head, Ecel. 2. 14. He knows where he goes, and iihal he has to do ; he does not act ignorantly, rashly, or foolishly. He says like- wise, that the eye is not satisfied with riches, }Ucl. 4. 8. The covetous mind, or desire, is in- satiable. Eye «j sometimes taken for something that is most delightful and dear to a person. JIat. 5. £9, If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out. Gal. 4. 15, You would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me. Jt is likewise taken for opinion, or conceit. Prov. 3. 7, Be not wise in thine own eyes. And for a diligent end careful in- spection into affairs. Prov. £0. 8, A king .scattereth aT\'ay all evil with his eyes. Evil eye ; see on Evil. Cen. 45. t 20. let not your e. spare your stuff tliod. 10. i 5. the locusts cover the e. of the earth 21.24. e. for e. Z,«r.C4.20. Deut. 19.21. Mat.5.Xa. 26. if a man smite the e. of his servant, or the e. Lev. 21. 20. or that hath a blemish in his e. Num. ll.iT .the e. of manna was as the «.of bdellium Pent. 28. 54. his e. shall be evil toward his brother 56. her e. shall be evil towards her husband 32. 10. he kept him as the apple of his e. 34. 7. bis e. was not dim, nor his force abated Hira 5. 5. the e. of their God was on the elders Job!. 8. *. that hath seen me, shall sec me no more 10. 18. given up the ghost, and no e. had seen mc 20.9. the e. which saw him, shall see him no more 24. 15. the e. of the adulterer waiteth for twilight saying, no e. shall see mc, and disguisethhis fjce C8. 7. a path Avhich the vulture's e. hath not seen 10. and his e. seeth every precious thing ?9- 11. when the e. saw me, it gave witness tome ytal, 3^. 18. t. of the L. is on them that fear him .3.5. 19. neither let them wink with the e. 21 they said, ata, aha, our e. hath seen it U4. 9. he that formed the e. shall he not see .' J''»c.l0.10.lhat wir>eth with the e. canseih sorrow A). 12. the seeing e. Searing ear, Ix>rd hath made XX 9> i>e that halh a 'uouptifnl e. sh&U be bles.sed 177 EYE Prov. 80. 17- Ae e. that mockelh at his fathtr Eecl. I. 8. the e. is not satisfied with seeing 4. 8. neither is his e. satisfied with riches Isa. 13. 18. their e. shall not spare children 52.8. thy watchmen sing, for they shall see e. to e. 64. 4. neither hath the e. seen, 1 Cor. 2. 9- Lam, 2. 4. and slew all that were pleasant to the e. Ljiek. 9. S. let not your*, spare, neither have pity Iti. 5. none e. pitied, to do any of these to thee Mic. 4. 11. be defiled, and let our e. look on Zion il/fl/.e. 22. the light ofthebody ische e. Luke 11. 34. 7.3.thou beholdestthe mote in thy brother's <.and not the beam in thine own e. Luke 6. 41, 42. 18. 9. if thine e. offend thee, pluck it out 19.Q4.easierfora camel to go through «. of a needle than arich man, Mark 10. 25. Luke IH. 25. 1 Cor. 12. 16. because I am not thee, lam not of body 17.if the whole body were an e. || 21. e. cannot say 15. 52. in twinkling of an e. at the last trump Rev. 1. 7. he cometh, and every «. shall see him Evil EYE. Prov. 23. 6. the bread of him that hath an evil e. 28. 22. he that hasteth to be rich hath an evile. Mat. 6. 23. but if thine e. be evil, Luke 11. 34. 20. 15. is thine e. evil because 1 am good ? Mark 7- 22. out of the heart proceedeth an evil e. Mine EYE. 1 Sam. 24.10. bade kill thee, but mine *. spared thee Joi 7. 7. mine e. shall no more see good l.'f. 1. mine e. hath seen all this, mine ear heard It). 20. but mine e. poureth out tears to Gou 17. 2. doth mine e. continue in their provocation ? 7. mitte e. also is dim by reason of sorrow 42. 5. heard of thee, but now mine e. seeth thee Psal. 6. 7. mine e. is consumed with grief, 31. 9. 32. 8. instruct thee, I will guide thee with mine e. 54. 7. miite e. hath seen his desire on mine enemies 88. 9- mine e. mourneth by reason of affliction y2.1l.»ii;iee. shall see my desire on mine enemies Jer.40. +4.come to Babylon Iwill set //unee.on thee Lam. 1. Ifi. mine e. mine e. runneth down, 3. 48. 3. 4y. mine e. trickleth down and ceaseth not 51 .mine e. affecteth my heart, because of daugh. Z.';e/. 5. 11. neither shall 7nine e. spare, nor will Ihaveanypity, 7. 4, 9. | 8. 18. | 9. 10. 20. 17. nevertheless mine e. spared them Thine EYE. Deut. 7- 16. thine e. shall not pit)-, nor shalt thou serve their gods, 13.8. | ly. 13, 21. | 25. 12. 15.9. and thine e. be evil against thy poor brother Vat. 6. 22. if thine e. be single, Luke 11. .'it. 7 . 3. the beam 'hat is in thine own e. Luke 6. 41 . 18. 9. if 9. t 30. Jezebel heard of it, put her e. in painting 25. 7. put cute, of Zedekiah.Jer 39. 7. I 52.11. 1 Chron. 13. 4. was right in ttc e. of all the people 2 Chron. 30. + 4. the thing was right in the e. of the king and all the congregation, Lsth. 1. 1 21. Ve/1.8. t 5. Ezra opened the book in e. of the people Job 10.4.hastthoue.offiesh ? or seest as man seeth .' 11. 20. but the e. of the wicked shall fail 17. 5. even the e. of his children shall fait 22. t 29. he shall save him that hath low e. 28. 21. seeing it is hid from the e. of all living 29. 15. 1 was e. to the blind, and feet to the lame 31. 16. or have caused thee, of the widow to fail 39. 29. seeketh prey, and her e. behold afar off Psal. 15. 4. in whose e. a vile person is contenr.u«d 19. 8. commandment is pure, enlightening the «. H5. 5. e. have they, but they see not, 135. I6. 123. 2. as the e. of servants, the eye of a maidarv 145 15. the e. of all wait upon thee, thou givcst 146. 8. the Lord openeth the e. of the blind t'rov.l.i 17. in vain the net is spread in the *. of bird' 6. t 17. haughty e. are abomination to the Lont 10. 26. as smoke to the e. so is the sluggaid 15. 30. the light of the e. rejoiceth the heart 17. 8. a gift is as a precious stone in the e. of him 24. the e. of a fool are in the ends of the earth 23.29. who hath wounds .' who hath redness of e .' 27. 20. so the *. of man are never satisfied Eccl. 2. 14. the wise man's e. are in his head 6. 9. better the sight of e. than wandering of desire 11. 7. it is pleasant for the e. to behold the siu» Can/. 1.15. thou art fair, thou hast dove's e. 4. 1. /.ta. 3. 8. against Lord, to piovokethee. of his glory 16. the daughters of Zion walk with u-antou *. 5. 15. the * of the lofty shall be humbled 29. 18. the*, of the blind shall see ouiof obscurity 32. 3. thee, of them that see, shall not be dim 35. 5. then the e. of the blind shall be ujtened 42. 7. to open the blind e. to bring out the prisoners 43.8. bring forth the blind people that have e. 52. 10. Lord made bare his arm in e. of all nsrtion* 5y. 10. like the blind we grope as if v/e had no e. Jer. 4. + 30. thou rentest thine «. with painting 5.21. which have*, and tee not, Etek 12. S. Ezek. 1. 18. and their rings were full of e. 10. 12. the wheels were full of e. round about 23. 16. and as soou-as.she saw them with her e. 3b. 23. 1 will be-known in the e. of many naliont Dan. 7. 8. iiKhis horn were e. like the e. of man 2(1. even of that horn that had e. and a mouth Jlab. 1, 13. thou art of purer e. than to behold evil iiech. 3. 9. upon one stone shall be seven e. 8. 6. if it be marvellous in thee, of the rcmiiani 9. 1. when thee, of man shall be towanls the Lord .l.'n/.18.9. better to enter with one eye, rather than h.ivingtwo e. to be cast into hell-tire, .Vuri 9.47. .UarX B.18.having e. see ye not r and ears, hear nor Luke 4. 20. and ihc e. of all were fastened ou hinj 10. 23. blessed are the e. which sec the things Johng.O. he anointed the e. of the blind man 32.that any opened «. of one that was born blind 10. 21. can a devil open the e. of the blind.' 11. '(7. could not this man, which opened the « f .Icisg. 40. Dorcas opennl her e. and sal up Rom. 11.8. hath given them e. they should not sc« (•nl. 3. 1. before wbo.^e e. Christ l>ecn sat crucified //■/1.I.I8. the e. of vour understanding enlightened Jhi. 4. IS. but all things arc naked and open to the e. of bim with whom we have to do 2 r'e/.2.14. having e. full of adultery, notecase hd 1 .hhn 2. 16. the lust of the e. and pride of life Rev.i.O.in the midst of throne four beasts ''ull of* U. had each six wings, and were full of* witoln 5 6. a Lamb, as ii had been iloln, LwUia teveo • EYE Hu EYES. Otn.TI. 1. Uiac was old, euid Ai/ «. were dim 49 IS. Ai><. shall be red with wine, teeth white Num. J-t.4 into a trance, having hii e. open, I6. Z)»(.£4. 1. that if she hod no favour in kn e. JuJg. 16. 21. Philistines-took him and patoutAi<«r. : ^m. 3. 1. Eli, his t. began to wax dim, 4. 15. 14. 27. he tasted, and his e. were enlightened 18. ■» 20. and the thing was right in his €. tSam. 19. t 18. and to do the good in his e. 22. ♦ 25. according" to my cleanness before hit 1. 1 Kings 9. + 12. and they were not right in his t. 14. 4. Ahijih coi\ld not see, for his c. were set iKingsi.M. he lay on child and put/iit e. on Att e. 35. the child sneescd seven times and opened hise. 6. 17. I pray thee, open his e, that he may see 25. 7. they slew the sons of Zedekiah before hts e. »ndputouteyesofZedekiah,./his e. and saw Israel Dent. 4. 19. lest thou lift up thine e. unto heaven Josh. 5. 13. Joshua lifted up his e. and looked «/ii^.l9.17.the old man/i/( u^his e. and saw a man 1 Sam, 6. 13. lifted up their e. and saw the airk ■8 Sam. 13. 34. the watchman lift up his e. 18. 24. 1 Chr. SI. 16. David lift up his e. and saw tlie angel Job 2. 12. they lift vp their e. and knew him not Psal. 121. 1. I will lift up mine e. to the hills 123. 1. to thee lift I up mine e. thou thatdwellest Jia. 37-23. against whom hastthnu lifted up\hj e.T 51. 6. lift up your < Etek. 33. 25. Johni. 35. £xet. 18. 6. nor hath lift up his e. to idols, 15. 12. hath spoiled, hath lift up his e. to idols 23. 27. so that thou shah not lift up thine e. lian. 4. 34. 1 Nebuchadnezzar lift up mine e 8. 3. then I lifted up mine e. and saw, and be- hold, 10.5. ZwA.l. 18. I 2.1. I 5.1,5,9. I 6-1- Mat. 17. IB. had lift up their e. thev saw no man Z,iijl«6.20. Jesus /.up his f./o/m 6.5. | 11.41. | 17.1. 16. 23 in hell he lift up his e. being in torments 16. 13. would not litt up so much as hise. to heaven EVES uf the Lord. den. C. 8. Noah found grace in the e. of the Ij>rd 38. t IC. the thing was evil in the *. 0, t/te Lord Deui. 11. 12. the e. 0/] the Lurd are always on it 13. IS. to do what is right in the e. of the Lord 1 Sam 26. 24. my life much set by in the e.of the L. 2 Sam. 11. » 27. but the thing that David did was e»il in the t. of ihe Lord, \ Chion. 21. t 7. 178 EYE i Sam. 15. 25. if I find favour in the «. of the L. 1 Kings 15.5. because David did what was right in the«. of the I^d, 11. | 22.43. 2 Chron. 14. 2. 2 ChroH. 16. 9. the *. of the Lard run to and fro through the whoU earth, Z4ch. 4. 10. P/a/.34.15.the «. of the L. are upon the righteous, and his eeirs are open to tneircrv, 1 Pet. 3.12. Prop. 5.21. ways of man are before tie*. e/^M* L. 15. 3. the e. of the Lord are in every place 22. 12. the e. of the Lord preserve knowledge /« .49. 5. yet shall I be glorious in the e. of the Lord Amos^.^. the e. of the L. are on the sinful kingdom M11U EYES. Gen. 31 . 40. and my sleep departed from mine e. 44.21. bring him, Uiat I may set minee, upon him Jud^. 14. + 3 gelher for me, she is right in mm<«. 1 Sam. 12.3. or received any bribe to blind mine e. 14. 2y. see how mine e. have been enlightened 26. 24. thy life much set by this day in mine e. 1 Kings 1.48. hath given one to ixl^ine e. seeing it 9. 3. have hallowed this house, mine e. and mine heart shall be there perpetually, 2 Chron. 7. 16. 10. 7. until mine e. had seen it, 2 Chrun. 9. f). 11. 33. have not walked in my ways, to do that which is right in mine «. 14. 8. 2 Kings 10. 30. 2 CArOTi.7. 15. now mine <• shall be open, ears atleni Job .1. 10. because it hid-not sorrow from mine e. 4. iC. it stood still, an image was before mine e. 19. 27. mine e. shall behold, and not another 31. 1. I made a covenant with mine e. why then 7. and mine heart walked after mine e. P.f. 13.3. lighten muiee. lest I sleep the sleep of death 25. 15. mine e. are ever toward the Lord 26. 3. for thy loving-kindness is before mine e. 38. 10. as for the light of mine e. it is gone from me 6y. 3. mine e. fall, whilst I wait for my God 73. 1 16. to know that it was labour in mine e. 77. 4. thou boldest mine e. waking, I am troubled 101. 3. I will set no evil thing before mene *. 6. mine e. shall be on the faithful of the land 116. 8. thou hast delivered mine e. from tears 119. 18. open mine e. || 37. turn away mine e. 82. mine e. fail for thy word, saying, comfort me 12.'i.mi;ie e.fail for thy salvation, and for the word 1 19. 136. rivers of waters run down mine e, 148. mine e. prevent the night-watches 131.1. mine heart is not haughty, nor miwe e. lofty 132.4. I will not give sleep to minee. or slumber 141 . 8. but mine e. are unto thee, O God, the Lord l.ccl. 2. 10. whatsoever mine c. desired, 1 kept not La. 1. 15. 1 will hide mine e. from you 16. put away the evil doings from before mine e. 0.5. mine e. have seen the King, the Lord of hosts .SH. 14. mine e. fail with looking upward 05. 12. but did evil before mine e. 6(5. 4. 16. and because they are hid from mine 1, Jer. 9. 1. O that mi.-ie e. were a fountain of tears 13. 17. mine e. shall weep sore, and run down 14. 17- shall say, \et minee. run down with tears 16. 17. mine e. are on their ways, they are not hid from me, nor is their iniquity hid from mine e. 24. 6. I will set mine e. upon them for good Lam. 2. 11. mine e. do fail with tears, my bowels Ilos. 13. 14. repentance shall be hid frommiwe e. .ImosQ. 4. I will set mine e. on them for evil Mic.l .W.mine e. shall behold her, be trodden dow^ Zech. 8. 6. should it also be marvellous in mine e. 9. 8. for now have I seen with mine e. 12. 4. I will open mine e. on the house of Judah Lxke 2. 30. for mine e. have seen thy salvation yi)/m9.1 I.Jesus made clay, and anointed mine e. 15. 30. whence he is, yet he hath opened mine c. Actsl\.6.oa the which when I had fastened mi«e e. Our EVES. iV«m. 11.6. nothing but this manna before our e. Vent. 6. 22. the Lord shewed signs before our e. : 21. 7. not shed this blood, nor have i)«r e. seen it 26'am.20.l6. lest Sheba deliver himself from oar c. 2 Chron. 20. 12. but, O God, our e. are upon thee l'.ira 9. 8. that our God may lighten our e. I 'sal. 118. 23. this is the Lord's doing, it is mar vcllous in our e. Mat. 21.42. AJarklQ. 11 123. 2. so our e. wait upon the Lord our God Jer. y. 18. that tmr e. may run down with tears Lam. 4. 17. our e. as yet failed for our vain help 5. 17. heart is faint, for these things oure. are dim Joel 1. 16. is not the meat cut off before our e. -Mat. 20. 33. Lord, that our e. may be opened 1 John 1. 1. that which we have seen with oure. Ovn EYES. Num. 15. 39. that ye seek LOt after your ozm e. Deut. 12. 8. ye shall not do, every man whatso- ever is right in his own e. Judg. 17. 6. I 21. 25. 2 Sam. 4. t 10. was in his ottn e. abringer of good Neh. 6.16. enemies much cast down in their own e. Joi 30. 1. because he was rijhteous in hisoun c. ['sal. 36. 2. he flattereth himself in his osn e. Prov. 3. 7- be not wise in thine e.did fail, because there was no graai Exei. 6. 9. and with their e. which go a whoring 20.8. not east away the abominations oi their e. 24. and their e. were after their father's idoU 21. 6. and with bitterness sigh before ie e. CO. 3. knoweth that I hav(»found grace in (Aine e. 29. and now if I have found favour in (Aine e. 24. 10. (Aine e. have seen how the Lord delivered 25. 8. let the young men find favour in (Aine 4. 26. 21. my soul was precious in (Aine e. this day 27. 5. if 1 have lound grace in thine e. give me 2 6am. 10. + 3. the princes said to (lanun, in ininee. doth David honour thy father, 1 Chron.lQ.ii 11. t 25. let not this thing be evil in (Aine e. )2. 11. I will take thy wives before (Aine e. 19. 27. do therefore what is good in (Aine e. 22. 28. (Aine e. are on the haughty to bring down 1 Kings 8. 29. that (Aine e. may be open toward this house night and day, 52. 2 Chron. 6. 20, 40. 20. 6. whatsoever is pleasant in (Aine e. 21. t2. if it be good in (Aine e. I will give the worth 2 Kings 7. 2. behold, thou shalt see it with thinee 19. 16. open. Lord, (Aine e. and see, Isa. 37. 17 22. 20. and (Aine e. shall not see all the evil 1 Chron. 17. 17. this was a small thing in (Aine e. 2 Chron. 34. 28. nor shall thinee. see all the evil .\tA.1.6.1et thine ear be attentive, and thine e.opeo Job 7. 8. (Aine e. are upon me, and I am not 11.4. my doctrine is pure, I am clean in thine f 1 1. 3. dost thou open (Aine e. upon such an o& 15. 12. and what do (Aine H- wink at ? Peal.i.ii.Kht foolish «h3.11 not stand before liin«(. PAC Ps. 31.22. I said, T am cut off from before thinte. 50. 21. aoii set them in order before thine e. 91. 8. only with thine e. shalt thou beheld and see 139. 16. ihine e. did see try substance imperfect I'rov. 3. 21. let them not depart from thini e. <■. 21. 4. 25. let thine e. look right on, and thine eye-lids C. 4. give not sleep to thine r.nor slumber to eye-lids 20. 13. open thint e. and thou shalt be satisfied 23. 5. wilt thou set thine e. on that whi( h is not >. SS.give me thj heart.let thine *. observe my ways 33. thine e- shall behold strange women S5. 7. of th* prince whom thine e. have seen JE«/.l 1 .9.0 young man, walk in the sight oUhine e Cant. 4. 9. hast ravished my heart with thine e. 6. 5. turn away thine e. from me, they overcome 7.4. thinte. like the fish-pools in HeAbon Ita. 30 20. but thine e. shall see thjr teachers 33. 17. Ihine e. shall see the king in-his beauty 20. thine e. see Jerusalem a quiet habitation Jer. 5. 3. O Lord, are not thine e. upon the truth .' 20. 4. fall by the sword, l/iine e. shall behold it 22. 17- thine e. are not but for thy covetousness 31. 16. refrain weeping, and ihine e. from tears 32. 19. Ihine e. are open on all the ways of men S4. 3. thine e. shall behold the king of Babylon 39. 1 12. take Jeremiah, and set thine e. on him 42. 2. we art but few, Z3-Jhine e. do behold us Lam. 2. 18. let not the apple of thine e. cease Eiek. 23. 40. for whom thou painted5t.Mi«« e. 24. 16. I take from thee the desire of thine e 40.4 son of man, behold with ihine e. >t. 5. Van. 9. 18. open thine e. and behold our desolation Luke 19. 42. but now they are hid from thine e. John 9. 10. said to him.how were Minirc jopened ? 26. 17. sayest thou that he hath opened ihine e. ? Rev. 3. 18. and anoint thine e. with eye-salvg Ytttir EVES. Cen. 3. 5. in the day ye eat vour <. shalLbe opened 19. 8. do ye to them as is good in j/ont e. 34. 11. Shechem said, let me find grace in ymir*. 45. 1 5. neither let there be anger'in your-e. 12. t/our e. and the eyes of my brother Benjamin 50. 4. if now I have found grace id your e. hum. 33. 55. those which ye. let remain shall be pricks in your e. thorns in sides, Joth. 23. 13. Deut. 1. 30. that he did before vowr e. 4. 34, | C9.2. 4. 3. your e. have seen what the Lord did because of Baal-peor, 11.7. Josh. 24.7. 9- 17- I brake the two tables before yotir e- 11. 18 they may be as frontlets between your e, 14. 1. not make any baldness between your e. 1 Sam. 12. 16. what the Lord will do before your e. t Chron. 29. 8. and to hissing,as ye see with your e. ha. 29. 10. for the Lord hath closed your e. 40. 26. lift upyoitr e. on high, Jer. 13. 20. Jer. 7. 11. is this house aden of robbers in your e. 16. 9. cause to cease out of this place in your e. 29. 21. and he shall slay them before your e. Etei.S-i.2i. the desire of your e. and what you pity Z«;)/i.3.20.when I turn your captivity before youre. lini^. 2. 3. in your e. in comparison is nothing Zech.W. tl2.if good myour e. give me my price ii^tl. 1.5. your e. shall see, the L. will be magnified Mat. 13. 16. but blessed are your e. for they see liight EYES. 1 Sam. 11.3. that I may thrust out aU your right e. FABLES. 1 Tim. 1. 4. nor give heed toy. and genealogies 4.7. but refuse profane and old wives'/. 3 7im. 4. 4. and they shall be turned unto/. Tit. 1.14. not giving heed to Jewish/, and coiiim. of 2 Pet 1. 16. have not followed cunningly devised f. FACE, Countenance, or visage, is a pari of the hody utU kuoien : It is thereby that our inward motions are made hwwn to others : Love, hatred, desire, dislike, joy, e,riej , confidence, desfair, courage, cOKardice, admtratun, contempt, pride, modesty, cruelty, compassion, and the rest of the affec- tions, are discovered by their proper aspects. The countenance, as one phrases it, is a crystal, wherein the thoughts and affec'ions, otherwise invisible, appear ; and is a natural sign, known to all. It is by the face, also, that one man is knoicn and distinguished from another : And it it mutter of admiration, that so feu: parts com- posirg it, and in so smalt a compass, and al- aays in the same situation, yet there is such a diversity of figures as of faces in the uor'td. These innumerable dijl'erent characters in the faces of men, is the counsel of most wise pro- ridtnce, for the universal benefit of tne ivurld ; For human societies cannot be preserved aich- out union and distinction : the one prevents division, the other confusion ; and this distinc- tion is ccused by the variety of countcaaaces. 179 PAC Tilt Face of a man is also taken for the man himself: I had not thought to see thy face ; that IS, thy person, says Jacob to his son Joseph Oen. 48. 11. Before one's face ; that is, in his sight or presence. Num. I9. 3. To with stand a person to the face, is to reprove him boldly. Gal. 2. 11. The pride of Israel dotli testily to his face, IIos. 5. 5. It is so full and evident a witness against Israel, that other testimony need be produced, to convince the most impudent and shameless among them To fall to the earth upon one's face, was a posture of adoration. Josh. 7. 6, Josleua fell to the earth upon his face, in deep humiliation and fervent supplication. To accept one's face is to shere one a favour, and grant his request. Gen. 19. t 21, Peradventure he will accept of my face ; he will be reconciled with me, and accept of my person. To spit in one's face, is m sign of the utmost contempt. The woman, whose husband died without children, if her husband's brothe' refused lo marry her, spit in his face, Deut. 25. 9 Face is likewise referred to God, and denotes sometimes his nnger. P«al 34. I6. The face of the Lord is against them that do evil. liev. 6. 16, Hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne. At other times, it denotes his love and favour, I'sal. 31. 16. | 80. 7. Make thy face to shine upon thy servant.! Cause thy face to shine and we shall be saved. Dan. 9. 17, Cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary which is desolate. It is also taken for his omniscience, 1 Sam. 26. 20, Let not my blood fall to the earth before the face of the Lord ; that is, if thou dost shed my hlood, remember that God, the Judge oj all the earth, seelh it, and will avenge it. The Lord promises Moses, that his face shall go before the Israelites, Ezod. S.'?. 14, My pre- sence, in Hebrew, my face shall go with thee ; that is, I myself will go with thee. The Angel of my presence, namely, the Messiah, Isa. 63. 9. who IS ahcays in the bosom of the Father, and continually making intercession for his people ; and likewise the pledge of my presence shall go with thee, namely, the cloudy pillar. Moses, in the same chapter, begs of God to shew him his glory. God replies to him, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, or, all my glory ; thou shalt have a sudden transient view of it ; and I will proclaim my name, which I will give thee as a signal of my presence, that thou mayest attend : but for my face, thou canst not see it ; for there shall no man see it and live : Thou canst not see the majesty and glory attending that extirjtal shape I have now assumed ; nor those manifeslaticns of my glory which the saints are favoured with in another life ; for such is the weakness of man in this life, that if I should display all the beams of my glory to him, it would certainly oitnnish, overwhelm, and cleslroy him. It taj a certain persuasion, and 'very prevalent in the uorld, that no man could support tin sight of God without expiring. Hee Gen. I6. 13. I 32. 30. Exod. 20. I9. 1 24. 11. Judg. 0. 22, 23. I 13. 22. ^Nevertheless, it is said in Num. 12. 8, With Moses will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark tpeechcs. /j«,/ in chap. 14. 14, The Canaanites have heard that thou art among this people, and that thou an seen face to face. And in Deut. 5. 4, /' is said, that God talked with the Israelites face to lace, out of the midst of the fire : Tmi in alt these places, tace lo face is to be under- stood simply, as if he had said, that God mani- fested himself to the Israelites, that he made them hear his voice in a manner as distinct as if he had appeared to them face to face : That he spake to them personally and immedi- ately, and not by an interpreter ; and famili- arly, so as not to ovenchelm and confound them. The apostle, speaking of the dij/ercncc between our knowledge here and in heaven, says. Now, we see through a glass darkly ; but then face to face, 1 Cor. 13. 12. that it, There is as much difference between our know- ledge here and in heaven, as between looiing through a perspective glass upon a ihing a great way off, and covered ;iith many obscurities ; and looking immediately, with the naked eye, upon the naked oliject nigh at hand. I'hc bread of faces, the shcw-bread, which wus ul-.iays in the presence of God. •'See liitEAU. f'fi. 1. 120. fowls may Hy in/, of the firmament 3. 19. in the sweat of thy/, shalt thou e.it bre.id 16. 8. I (lee from the/, of my mistress .Sarai 10. fSl, I have accepted thy/, concerning thik FAC Gen. 24. 47. and 1 put the ear-rings apon her/, 32. t 20. peradventure be will accept my/. t 30. Jacob called the place, the/, of God 35. 1. when thou fleddest from the/, of Ksau,?. ^. 6. Esau went from the/, of his brother Jacob 46.28. he sent to Joseph to direct his/, to Gosh 48. 12. Joseph bowed with his/, to the earti: l.iod. 2. 15. Moses fled frotL the/, of Pharaoh 14. 25. said, let us dee from the/, of Israel 25. t 37. may give light against the/, ot it 34. 29. the skin of his/, shone, 30, 35. J3. till he had done speaking, he put a vai! on his/. Lev. 13. 41. that hath his hair fallen toward* his/. 19- 32. thou shalt honour the/, of the old man Niun. 12. 14. if her father had but spit in her/. 19. 3. one shall slay the red heifer before his/! Deut. 1. 17. ye shall not be afraid of the/, of man' 7. 10. and ritpaveth them that hate him to their f, t 23. the Lord shall deliver them before thyV. and shall destroy them, 9. 3. | 28. 7. 8.20. the nations the Ld. deslroyeth before your/. 25. 2. cause the wicked man be beaten before his/ 9. shall loose his shoe, and spit in his/, and say 28. 31. thine ass shall be taken before thy/. f 50. a nation strong of/, which shall notVegard 31. 5. the Lord shall give them up before your/. Josh. 7. 10. wherefore liest thou upon thy/, f Judg. 11. t i. Jepthah fled from/, of his brethren 1 Ham. 5. 3. behold, Dagon was fallen on his/. 4. 17. 1 24. they fled from Goliath's/and were afraid 19. t 8. and the Philistines fled from his/. 24. 8. David stooped with his/, to the earth £5. 41. Abigail bowed on her/, and said 23. 14. Saul stooped with his/, to the ground 2 Ham. 2. 22. how should I hold up my/ to Joab ? 7- t9. I have cut off thine enemies trom thy/. 14. 33. Absalom bowed on his/, tc the ground 17. 1 11. that thy/, or presence go to battle £4. 20. and Araunah went out and bowed himself before the king on his/. 1 Chron. 21.21 1 Kings 1. 23. Kathan bowed nimself with his/. 31. Bath-sheba bowed with her/, to tlie earth 2. t 16. I ask one petition, turn not away my/. 8. 14. the king turned his/, about, 2 Chion. t). 3. 10. t24. all the earth sought the/, of Solomoa 18. 42. Elijah put his/, between his knees 19. 13. that he wrapped his/, in his majitle 20.38. prophet disguised hims. with ashes on his f. 21. 4. Ahab turned away his/, and would uot eat 2 Kings 4. 29. lay my staff upon the/, of the child 31. Gehazi laid his staff on the/, of the child 8. 15. Hazael spread it on his/, so that he died y 30. Jezebel painted her/, and tired herhead 32. Jehu lift up his/, to the window, and said 13.14. Joash wept over his/.aud said, O my father t23. neither cast he them from his/, as yet '18. 24. how wilt thou turn away/, of one, Isu.^i&.g-. 20.2.IIezekiah turned his/, to" the wall, Isa. 38. * 21. 1 13. he wipeth and lurneth it on th^. thereof C5. + 19. five men that saw king's/. Jer. 52. 1 23. 2 Chr. 0. 42. O Loxd God, turn not'away the/, of thine anointed, Psat. 132. 10. 30.9. the Lord will not turn away his/, from you 32. t2. when flezekiah saw that his/, was to war 21 . he returned with shame of/, to his own land 34. t4. and strowed it upon the/, of the graves 35. 22. Josiah would not turn his/, from him Lrra 9. 6. I blush to lift up my/, to tliec, my God 7. to confusion of/, as it is this day, Dan. 9. 8 Job 1. 11. and he will curse thee lo ihy/. 2.5. 4. 15. then a spirit passed before my/. 6. + 28. for it is before your/, if I lie 1 1 . 15. then shalt thou lift up thy/, without spot 1 1. t 19. yea, many shall entreat thy f. 16.8. my leanness beareth witness to my/. 16. my/, is foul with wcepini;, on my eye.lid* 21. 31. who shall declare his way to his/..' 22. 26. and lliou shalt lift up thy/, unto God 24. 15. no eye shall see me ; and disguiscth his/ 26. 9. he holdeth back the/, of Ills tlirone .')0. 10. and tliey spare not to spit in my/. 41. 13. who can discover the/, of his garmcQt( 14. who can open tlie doors of his/. .' 4C. t 8. Job shall pray, for his/, will I accept t9 the Lord also accepted tht /. of Job Psai. 5. 8. ni.ike thy w.iy straight before my/. 17. t 13. O Lord, prevent his/, cxst hini down, 15. I will behold thy/, in righteousness 21. 12. make ready arrows against the/, of them 41. 12. thou settest me before thy/, for ever 45. t 12. even the rich shall entreat thy/. (i8. t 1. let them that hate him llee from his /. 1(4. 9. and look upon ;he/. of thine anointed 8g. 14. mercy and truth shall go before thy/, 23. I will beat down hia foes before his/. 119. ■(58. 1 entreated thy/, vithmy whole hta»' I'rov. 6 t 33. he will not accept the/ of a ransom 7. 13. and with an impudent/, said unto ttioi SI. 29. a wicked man hardcnoth hla /. FAC TuL fl. 1- the boldness of his/, shall be change J Isa. i. ♦ 21. woe to the prudent before their/. 16. i. b« a co%-ert from the/, of the spoiler *1. * 15. for they fled from the/, of the sword 24. * 1. the Lord perrerteth the/, of the earth 25. 7- b« will destroy the J", of the covering 2«. 2i when he hath made plain the/, thereof J9. 22. neither shall his/, now wax pale 41). 23. they shall bow down to thee with their/. tj5. 3. that provoked me continually to my/. .■«r. 1. t 13. /. thereof was from the/, of the north ■2. 27. turned their back, and not the I". 32. 33 4. 30. thoaeh thou reniest thy/, witn paintiii;; 13.26. therefore will I discover thy skirts upon thy /. that thy siiane may appear, Nah. 3. 5. IS. 17. I will shew them the back, and not they' 22. 25. from hand of them whose/, thou fearest 32. 31. I should remove it from before my/. /.am. 3. 33. the right of man before/, of most High F.t4k, 1. 10. they four had the/, of a man, the/, of a lion,/ of an ox, the/, of an ca^^le 2. t 4. they are hard of/, and stiff-hearted 3. 8. I made thy/, strong against their faces 7. 22. my/, will I also turn from them 10.14./.ofa man, /.of a lion,/.of an eagle, 41.19. 14. 3. put stumbling-block before their/. 38. 18. that my fury shall come up in my/. Dan.%. 18. I was in a deep sleep on my/. 10. 9 10. f). his/, as the appearance of lightning U. 18. he shall turn his A unto the isles //o/. 5. 5. the pride of Israel testifieth to his/. ".10. 7. 2. now their own doings, they are before my/. Joel 2. 6. before their/, people be much pained 20. will drive him wiih his/, toward the east sea Nah.i.X. that dasheth in pieces, come before thy/. y^ph. 1.1 2. 1 will consume from the/", of the land Mill. 1. t 9- now, I pray you, beseech the/of God Mat. 6. IT. anoint thine head, and wash thy/. 11. 10. behold, I sendniy messenger before thy/, to prepare thy way, Mark 1. 2. Luke 7. 27. 18. 10. their angels behold the/, of my Father 26. C7. then did they spit in his/, anil buffeted /.u^<2.31.thou hast prepared before /". of all people 9. 52. he sent messengers before his/. 10. 1. 53.his/.wa5 as though he would go to Jerusalem 22. 64. they struck him on the/, and asked him John 11. 44. his/, wa.'i bound about with a napkin AiisQ..'iS. 1 foresaw the Lord always before my/. 7. 45, God drave out before the/, of our fathers 1 Car. 14. 23. so falling down on his/, will worship 2Cor. 3.7 could not stedfastly behold the/of Moses l3. not as Moses, «'ho put a vail over his/. 18. but we all with open/, beholding the glory 4. 6. the glory of God, in the/, of Jesus Christ 5. t 12. which glory in the/, and not in the heart 11. 20. ye suffer, if a man smite you on the/. Oal. 1. 22. I was unknown by/, to the churches 2. 11. I withstood him to the/, because he was Jam. 1. 23 beholding his natural/, in a glass /<V.'P. 24. .11. nettles had covered the /'. thereof Jia. 6.2. with twain he covcredhii f. and his feet l.zek. 12.6. thou shalt cover thy/, that thou see not 12. the prince shall cover his/, that he see not Mark 14. 05. be^an to spit on lim, and cover his/. TACK of ihe cmmtry. 2 oain.18. 8. battle was scattered over/, oj country FACE of the deep. Oen. I. 2. darkness was upon the/, of :l.i deep Job 38. 30. and the/. 0/ the deep is frozen Prov. 8. 27. he set a compass on the/, of the depth FACK of the earth. Gen. 1. Sg. every herb upon the/, of the earth 4. 14. thou hast driven me from the/, of the earth 6. 1. men began to multiply on thef .of the earth 7. 3. to keep seed alive on the/, of all the earth 4.1 will destroy from off the/, of the earth, Deut 6. 15. 1 KingtlZ.H. Amos I). 8. I! 9. the waters were on the/, of the whole earth 21. 4^ lest we be scattered on ihe/. of Ihe earth 41. 56 the famine was over all the/, of the earth £jod 32. 12. to consume them from/, of the earth S3. \t. from »11 people onto the/, of the earth Num. 12 3. meek al.ove all men on/, of the earth Oiiu. 7. 6. above all people on the /. of the eonh 180 PAC ■ 1 -Sam. 20. 14. cut oil every od« from/, rfthe earth 2 Sam. 14. + 7. nor remainder on the/, of Ihe earth Ptal. 104. 30. thoa renewest the/, of the earth Isa. 23. 17. with all kingdoms on the/, of the earth yid. Gen. 2. 6. a mist watered the «holt /'. of the ground 7. 23. destroyed, that was on the/, ot the ground 8. a. were abated from off the/ cj' the ground 13. and behold, the/, of the i;round was dry Hide, hideth, or hid FACE. Gen. 4. 14. and from thy Z". shall 1 be hid Erod. 3.6. and Moses AiVliis/. for he was afraid /.>«■»(. 31 IT.will //irfir my/. fromlhem,18. j 3;. CO. Joi 13. 24. wherefore hidest Ihou tliy/..ind boldest me for thine enemy ? J'tal. 44. 24 | 88. 14. .14. 29. when he hideth his/, who can behold? I'snl. 10. 11. he hideth his/, he will never see it l^. I. how long wilt thou hide thy/, from me ? 2'.'. 24. neither hath he hid his /". from him 27.9. hide not thy/. f)9. 17. | 102.2. | 143. 7. 30. 7. hast made my mnuniaiii strong, thou didst hide thy/, and 1 was troubled, 104. Ci). 51. Q. hide thy/, from my sins, and blot out all ha. 11. 17. hideth his/, from the house of Jacob 50. 6. I Aid not my/, from .shame and spilling 54. 8. in a little wrath I Aid my f. from thee 59. 2. your sins have hid his/, from you 64. 7. thouhast hid Ay f. from us and consumed Jer. Ifi. 17. thy ways are not hid from niy/. .'13. 5. I have hid my f. from this city tiei. 39. 23. therefore /(!(/ I my/, from them, 24. 29. nor will I hide my/, any more from them Mic. 3. 4. he will even hide )r.sf. at that time Kev. 0. 16. hide us from the/, of him that sitteth FACE of the house. Ezek. 41. 14. the breadth of the/, of the house h'ACEof Ihe Lord. Gen. 1 9. 13. the cry great before the /. of the Lord Eiod. 32. f 11. Moses entreated they'. 0/ the Laid I .b'lim. 26.20. let not my blood fall betore /". of Lord 1 Kings 13. 6. entreat now the/, of the Lord t'sal. 34.16. the/, of Ihe JUird is against them that do evil, to cut off from the earth, 1 Pet. 3. 12. Jer. C6. 1 19. Hezekiah besought the/ of the L>id Lam.i. 19. pour out thy neart before/ of the Lord 4. t 16. the/ of the Lord hath diviiled them Luke 1. 76. thon shalt go before ihef.ofiha Lord FACE of the porch. Qitlt. 40. 15. to the /. of'ths porck were Qlty cubiU FAC Ezek.il 25. were thick planks ot Ha/.cfthep, FACE joined with see, tan, seen. Gen. 32. 20. and afterward I will sit his/ 33. 10. fur therefore have I seen thy/, as tnoagi) 43. 3. ye shall not see my/, except, 5. | 44. S3. 44. 26. for we may not see the man's/, except 46. 30. now let me die, since I have seen thy/. 4U. II. I had not thought to see thy/, and lo i:.'j«rf.l0.28 Pharaoh said to bim, tee my/.no more 29. Moses said, I will see thy f. again no more 33. 20. and he said, thou canst not see my f. 23. see back parts, but my/, shall not be teea 34. 35. children of Israel sua the/, of Moses 2 .!)<»m.3.13.not see ray/, except thou bring Michal 14. 24. the king said, let him not tee my/. 28. Absalom dwelt two years and Jaw not king'.*/ 32. now therefore let me see the king's/. 2 hings 14. 8. sent messengers saying, come, let US took one another in the /. 2 Chron. 25. 17 \l. and they looked one anottier in the/. Esth. 1. 14. the seven princes who saw the king's/ Joi 33. 26. and he shall see his/, with joy Acts 6. 15. taic his/, as it had been/, of an angel 20.25.1 know that ye shall see my f. no more, 38 Co/.S.l.as many as Iiave nol«(H my/, iji the tlesb 1 Thesi.'i. I7.endeavoured to tee your/, with desire 3. 10. praying, that we might see your/. liev. 22. 4. and they shall tee his/, and hisuama ^eek FACE. 1 Chr. 16. 1 1. seek his/, continually, Psal. 105.4. 2 Chr. 7.14. if my people shall pray vniseek my/" /'.in/. C4. 6. a generation that seek thy/. U Jacob 2;. 8. when thou saidst, teek ye my/, my heart said unto thee, thy_/'.' Lord will I se*k Prov.'. 15. I came diligently to seek thy/. 29. t 26. many seek the /. of a ruler Uos. 5. 15. return to my place, till thej seek my f Set FACE. Gen. 31. 21. Jacob f(( his/', toward mount Oilead Leo. 17. 10. 1 will set my J. against that soul, 20.6. 20.3. sei my f. against that man, 5. Liek. 14. 8 26. 17. I will set my/, against you, Jer. 44. 11 Sum. 24. I. Halaam set his/, toward wilderness 2 fiiugt 12. 17. Ilaz.iel j« his/, lo .lerusaleiii 1 Chron.^O■* H'. when Joab saw/, of battle was Kt 2 C//;v«. 20. f 3. Jehoshaphat lei his/, to seek LorJ /ya.50.7.1 have tet myf. like a flint,not be ashamed Jer. 21. 10. I have set myf. against this cily E^ek. 4. 3. set thy/, against it. it shall be besieged 7. thou shalt set thy/, towards the siege at .leriis. 6. 2. sel thy/, towards the mountains of Israel 13.1'!. set thy/, against the daughters of my peop. 15. 7. and i will set my/, against them 20. 40. son of man, tei tliy/. toward the south 21. 2. son of iMnn, set thy/, toward Jerusalem ](). go thee whithersoever thy/, is /«/ 25.2. sonof man,jf 42. 6. they bowed with their/, to the earth £j-Drf.l9.7. .Moses laid before their/, all these words 20. 20. that nis fear may be beior'; your/. 25. 20. and their/, shall look one to another 37. 9. to the mercy-seat-ward werey'. of cherubln» Deut. l.t 17. shall not acknowledge /. in jidgme^c Judr, 18. £3. tUTTied their/, and said, what aileth : H...:. \Z. 5. t^v. L^: ii:.:.i^!,i, 'JLaf. cf '^y icrrasta FAl S ICin^j 2. IS. that all Israel s«t their/, on me * CAron.lS. 6. whose/, were like the/" of lions C/iion. 3. 13. and their/, were inward eg. 6. onr fathers have turned away tteir_/. \Vi.8.6.they worshipped with their ^.to the ground ^o6 Q. 24. he covereth the /. of the judges 40. 13. hide in dust, and bind their/, in secret Psat. M. 5. and their/, were not ashamed 33. 16. fill their/, with shame, O Lord /rn. 3. 15. and that ye grind the/, of the poor 13. 8. shall be amazed, their/, shall be as Hames 25. 8. God will wipe »way tears from off all /. 33. 3. and we hid as it were our /. from him Jer. 1. 8. be not afraid of their/. I am with thee 17. be not dismay, at their/, lest I confound thee 5. 3. they have made their/, harder than a rock 7. ig. provoke to the confusion of their own/. 30. 6. and all/, are turned into paleness 4S.15. if ye set their/, to enter Egypt, 17. | 44.12. 50. 5. the way to Zion,with their/, thitherward 51.51. are confounded, shame hatn covered our/. Lam. 5. 12. the/, of the elders were not honoured Etei. 1. 6. and every one had four/. 10, 11, 15. 3. 8. I made thy face strong against their /. 7. 18. shame shall be on their/, and baldness 8.16. twenty-five men, with th«ir/.toward the east 14. 6. turn away your /. from all abominations 20. 47. and all /. shall be burnt therein 41. 18. and every cherub had two/. Dan. I. 10. for why should he see your_/7 worse 9. 7. but unto us confusion of/ as at this day Joel. 2.6. be much pained, all/ shall gather blackn. Xah. 2. 10. the/, of them all gather blackness tiai. 1. 9. their/, shall sup up as the east-wind Mai. 2. 3. behold, I will spread dung on your/. + 9- but ye have accepted /. in the law Mai. 6. l6. the hypocrites disfigure their/. /^ke 24.5.as they have bowed down their/, to earth Rev. 7. 11. fell before the throne on theirr/. 9. 7. the/, of the locusts were as the/, of meif See Fell on Face, or I'aces. FACTIONS. 1 Cor. 3. t 3. for whereas there is among you/. FADE. Eiod. 18. + 18. surely fading thou wilt / away 2 .Sam. 22.46. strangers shall f. away, Psal. 18.45. Psal. 1. + 3. his leaf also shall not /. shall prosper Isa. 64.6. are all unclean, and we all /. as a leaf /«r.8.13. I will consume them, and theleaf shall /'. Etei. 47. 12. trees for meat, whose leaf shall^no^/'. Jam. 1. 11. so the rich man shall/, away inhis ways FADETH. FAl Jai 14. t 18. surely the mountain falling/. Jsa. 1. 30. ye shall be as an oak, whose leaf/. 24. 4. the earth mourneth and/, the world/, 40.7. the grass witherelh, the flower/. 8. 1 Pet. 1. 4. to an inheritance that/, not away 5.4. shall receive a crown of glory that/, not away FADING, //a. 28. 1. whose glorious beauty is a/..Jlower 4. the glorious beautv shall be a/, flower FAIL. Joj^.n. 10. will without/, drive out Canaanites Jud^. 11. .30. if thou without/, deliver Ammon 15am. ."iO. 8. pursue, thou shalt without/, recover all £sra C. 'J. let it be given day by day without/. FAIL, Feri. Gtn. 47.16. Jos. said, give your cattle, if money f. /)rw.28.32. thine eyes shall/.with longing for them 31 . 6. Lord doth go with tnee, he will not /". thee nor forsake thee, 8. Josk. 1. 5. 1 C/non. 28. 20. lSam.2. 16. let them not/ to burn fat presently 17. 32. David said, let no man's heart/, him CO. 5. I should not/, to sit with the king at meat 26'om. 3.29. let there not/, from the house of Joab 1 Ktn^s 2. 4., there shall'not/. thee a man on the throne of Israel, 8. 25. | 9. 5. 2 C/iron. 6. I6. 17. 14. neither shall the cruse of oil/. 16. Eira 4. 22. take heed that ye /. not to do this ■iJ«A. 6. 10. let nothing/, of all thou hast spoken 9. 27. not f. to keep these days of Purim, 28. /oS 11. 20. \>nl the eyes of the wicked shall /. 14. 11. as waters/, from the sea, and flood drieth up 17. 5. even the eyes of his children shall/. SI. 16. or caused the eyes of the widow to/ Picrl. 12. 1. for the faithfol/. from among men 69. 3. mine eyes/ while I wait for my God 77. B. doth his promise/, for evermore ! dg. 33. nor will I suffer my faithfulness to /. 119. 82. mine eyes /". for thv word, saying 123. mine eyes/, lor thy salvation and for word Prov. 22. 8. and the rod of his anger shall f. Eecl. 12. +3 the grinders/, because they grinfl little 5. desire shall/, because man goeth to long home •>o.l9.3. the spirit of Egy. shall/, in midst thereof 19- a. waters shall r. |1 21. 16. glory of Kedar/. 31.3. ana they all shall/, together 32. 6. he will cause the drink of the thirsty to f. 10. ye laall be troubled, for the vintage shall/. 31. 16. no one of these shall f. nor want her male Ita. 38. 14. mine eyes f. with lonkini; upward 42 4. he shall not f. nor be discouraged 51. 14. liasteneth that his bread should not/. 57. 16. for the spirit should/, before me 58. 11. and like a spring whose waters/ not 7fr.l4.6.their eyes did/because there was no grass 15. 18. wilt thou be unto me as waters that/. / 48. 3.3. I caused wine to/, from presses, Hos. 9. 2. Lam. 2. 11. mine eyes do/, with tears, my bowels 3. 22. not consumed,becau3e his compassions f. not Amos 8. 4. even to make the poor of the land to /. Hai. 3. 17. although the labour of the olive shall/ Luke 16. 9. that when ye/, they may receive you 17. earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to/. 22. 32. I have prayed that thy faith/, not 1 Cor. 13.8. whether prophecies they shall/. llih. 1.12. thou art the same, thy years shall not/ 11. 32. the time would/, me to tell of Gideon 12. 15. looking lest any man/, of the grace of God FAILED. Gen. 42. 28. their heart/, them, they were afraid 47. 15. and when money/ iu the land of Egypt Josli. 3. 16. the waters/, and were cut off 21. 45. there/, not any good thing which the Lord promised to Israel, 23. 14. 1 Kinp 8. 50. Joi 19. 14. my kinsfolk have/, and my friends I'.sal. 142. 4. refuge_/'.me, no man cared for my soul Cunt. 5. 6. my soul/, when he spake, 1 sought him Jer. 51. .30. their might/, they became as women Lam.-i. 17. our eyes as yet/, for our vain help FAILETH. Oe7t.47. 15. why should we die.' for money/. Lev. 25.135. if thy brother's hand/, relieve him J06 21. 10. their bull gendercth and/, not Psal. 31. 10. my strength/, me, 38. 10. 40. 12. therefore my heart/, me, 73. 26. 71.9- forsake me not when my strength f. 109. 24. my knees are weak, my flesh/, of" fatness 143. 7. hear me speedily, O Lord, my spirit /'. Led. 10. 3. when he walketh, his wisdom/, him Isn. 15. 6. the grass/, there is no green thing 40. 26. for that he is strong in power, not one /'. 41. 17. poor seek water, their tongue/, for thirst 41. 12. yea, he is hungry and his strength/. 5y. 15. truth /■. and he that departeth from evil Lzei, 12. 22. days are prolonged and every vision/ /iep/i. 3.5. bring his judgment to light, he/, not l.nie 12.33. a treasure in the heavens that/, not 1 Cur. 13. 8. charity never/, but prophecies fail FAILING. Deut. 28. 65. the Lord Snail givo thee/, of eyes LuAe 21. 26. men's hearts/, them for fear FAIN. J06 27. 22. he would/ flee out of his hand /.«*■; 15. l6.would/. have filled hisbclly with husks FAINT. (■'Vn. 25. 29. Esau came from field, and he was/. .30. D«i/f.25.18.smote theewhenthou wast/.and weary Jud^.a.i. passed over Jordan,/, yet pursuing them 5. give loaves of bread to the people, for they be/. 1 ^am. 14.28. and the people were very /'. 31. 30. 10. so/, that they could not go over, 21. 2. bam. 16.2. the wine, that such as be/, may drink 21. 15. David fought and waxed/ Isa.X .5. the whole head is sick, the whole heart is/. 13.7. therefore shall all hands be/, heart melt 2g. 8. but he awaketh, and behold he is/. 40.29. he giveth power to the/, and increaseth 44. 12. he drinketh no water, and is/. Jfr. 8. 18. I would comfort myself, my heart is f. Lam. 1. 22. for my sighs are many, my heart is f, 5. 17. for this our heart is/, our eyes are dim Zeyh. 3.t 16. and to Zion, let not thine hands be/. FAINT, Verb. Deui. 20. 3. let not your hearts/, fear not K. lest his brethren's heart f. as well as his heart Jus/i. 2. 9. the inhabitants of fand f. because of you 24. all the inhabitants of country/", because of us Prov. 24. 10. if thou/ in the day of adversity Isa. 40. 30. even the youths shall/. Amos 8. 13. 31 . shall run and not be weary, walk and not/. •Ter. 51. 46. and le.1t your hearts/ and ye fear I^m. 1. n. he hath made me/, all the day 2. f 11. the sucklings/. I| 19. young children/. £ifX.2! .7.every spirit shall/, knees shall be weak 15. their heart may/, and ruins be multiplied .'l/a^l5.32. not send them away fasting lest they/. Mark 8.3. if I send them away fasting, they will"''. Luke 18. 1. that men ought always to pray, not to/. 2 C'l'; . •!. 1 . as we have received mercy wc /". not 16. for which cause we/, not, tho' outward man Cat. 6. 9. in due season we shall reap, if we/, not EyA.3. 13. that ye/, not at my tribulations for you 2 'J'/tess. 3, t 13. brethren,/, not in well-doing Ilei. 12. 3. lest ye be wearied and /". in your minds 5. nor/, when thou art rebuked of him FAINTED. C;en. 45. 26. Jacob's heart/ for he believed not 47. 13. all the landof Canaan/. by reason of fainini; J'lal. 27. 13. I bad/, uiileu I bad believed to s«e FAl Psal. lOT. 5. hungry and thirsty, soul /. in ihera ha.5l 2t\ Ihy sons/, they lie at head of all street* Jtr 45. 3. 1/ in my sighing, I find no rest Liek. 31. 15. the trees of the field/, for him Dan. 8. 27. I Daniel/ and was sick certain day* JoiiaM 2.7. when my soul/. I remembered the Ix)rd 4. 8. that he/, and wished in himself to die Mat.g.sG.w'uh compassion on them, because they/ liev. 2. 3. thou hast laboured and hast not / FAINTEST. Joi 4. 5. now it is come upon thee, and thou f FAINTETII. Psal. Si. 2. my soul/, for the courts of tlie Lord 119. 81. my soul/, for thy salvation /M.10.18.theyshairbea3when a standard-bearer/. 40. 28. the Creator of the ends of the earth/, not FAINT-MEARTED. Deut. 20.8. who is fearful and/, let him ivtura La. 7. 4. fear not, nor be/ for the two tails Jer. 49. 23. llamath and Arpad are/. FAINTNESS. Lev. 26. 36. I will send a/, into their hearts FAIR. Gen. 6.2. saw that the daughters of men were/. 12. 11. Sarah was/.14. || 24. I6. Re'«kah/. 26. 7 1 .Sam. 16. t 12. David was/, of eyes, 17. 42. 2 Sam.13. 1. Tamar Absalom's sister was/. 14. 27. I Kings 1.4. Abishag a/ damsel cherished David Lst/i. I. 11. Vashti the queen/. || 2. 7. Esther/. 2. 2. let/, young virgins be sought for the king 3. that they may gather the/, young virgins Joi:i'. 22./. weather cometh out of the north 42. 15. no women found so /. as Job's daughters I'rov. 7. 21. with/, speech she caused him to yieW 11. 22. so is a/, woman without discretion 26. 25. when he ipeaketh /. believe him not Cant. 1. 15. behold, thou art/.l6. | 4. 1,7. 2.10. rise up, my love, my/, one, come away, 13, i. 10. how/, is thy love, my sister, my spouse ! 6. 10./. as the moon [j 7. 6. how/art thou, O love /m. 5. 9. many houses great and/without inhabitanS 54. 11. I will lay thy stones with/, colours Jer 4. 30. in vain shalt thou make thyself/. 11. 16. and olive-tree/, and of a goodly fruit 12. 6. though they speak/, words onto thee 46. 20. Egypt is like a very/, heifer, destruction comes Ezek. 16. 17. thou hast also taken thy /".jewels 39. and they shall take thy/, jewels", 23. S6. 31. 3. was a cedar in Lebanon with/, branches 7. thus was he/, in his greatness, in branches 9.1 have made him/.by multitude of his branches Dan. 4. 12. leaves thereof were/, fruit much, 81. IIos. 10. 11. but I passe J over upon her/, neck Amos 8. 13. the/, virgins shall faint for thirst i^ec/i. 3. 5. let them set a/, mitre upon his head Mat. 16. 2. it will be/, weather for the sky is red Actst . 20. Moses was born, and was exceeding/. Ram. 16. 18. by/, speeches deceive the siirple Gal. 6. 12. a desire to make a/, shew in the flesh FAIR /.aiens. Acts 27 . 8. we came to a phice called the/. havn$ FAIRLY. Mic. 1. t U. pass ye away, thou that dwellest/ FAIRER. JuJ;;. 15. 2. is not her younger sister ''. than she ? /*ia/. 45. 2. thou art/ than the children of meu Dan. 1. 15. their countenances appeared/. FAIREST. Cant, 1. 8. O thou/, among women, 5. 9. | 6. 1. FAIRS. £a*. 27. 12. they traded in thy f. 14, lO, 19, 22, 27. thy riches and thy /". shall fall into the seas FAITH. Faith is' a dependence on the teraciiy of onelhir ; T/ins trust is calied faith ; iecause it relies upon the truth of a pr.f' this kind of f;iith lur Saviour speaks in the parable of the saner, Mai. 13. 20, He that received the seid into stony places, receives it with joy ; he wtder- llands It, assents to it, he hears it gladly, tonsiders, and approves of it ; and it springs up in an t'Ut:iard profession and reformation,: Vet hath he not root in himself, but durcth for a while ; he has no sufficient ."(' Through FAITH. Acts 5. 16. through f. in his name this man strong Horn. 3. 25. a propitiation through f. in his blood .to. who shall justify the uncircumcision though f 31. do we make void the law /Arorg/i/.'G.foibid Gal. 3. 8. God would justify the heathen through f 14. might receive the promise of the Spirit thro"/ Eph. 2. 8. for by grace arc ye saved through f. Phil. 3.9. but that righteousness which is Ihro^ f. Col. 2. 12. risen thro' the /. of the operation of God 2 Vim. 3. 15. make thee wise to salvation thro' f. . Heb. 6. 12. who through f. inherit the promises 11.3. through f. we understand the worlds framed 11. through/. Sara received strength to conceive FAI fli'4.ll.58./Arp'/.he kept thepassover, and sprink. 35. wbo ihro'l'. subdued kingdonis.wrought right. 39. huvivij; obtained a good repori through f. \Vtt. 1. 5. kept by power of O. Mr«'/. to salvation •I'hy FAITH. Mat. 9. 22. //'V /. halh made thee whole, 'Mark 5. 34. I 10. 5C. Lii/fS. 48. | 17. 19. 15. 28. Jesus said, O woman, great is thif f. Luhl. 50. i/'j/. halh saved thee, go in peace, 18. 42. 22 32. I prayed for thee, that ///.»/. fail not Philem. 6. the communication of ihu f. effectual Jam. 2. 18. shew me ihy f. without tiiy works Yoiir FAITH. Mat. 9. 29- according to your f. be it unto you Luke 8. 25. he said unto them, where is yotirj. .' Jiom. 1. a. your/, isspokcn of through the world 1 C(»r.2.5.yoHr_/".should not stand in wisdom of men 15. 14. and your/, is also vain, 17. 2 Cor. I. 24. not have dominion over your/. 10. 15. having hope when your/, is increased Efz/i. 1.15. after 1 heard of your /. in the Lord Phil. 2. 17. if I be offered on the service oiyoiir /. Col. 1. 4. since we heard ntyour/. in Christ Jesus 2. S.beholding the stedfastness of yoiiry. in Christ \ Thets. 1. 8. your/, toward God is spread abroad 3. 2. and to comfort you concerning your /. 5. I sent to )/.\w\i your /. lest the tempter 6. Timothy brought us good tidings oiyour /. 7. we were comforted over you by your /. 10. and might perfect what is lacking in yo::r /. 2 T/iets. 1. 3. that your /. groweth exceedingly Jam. 1. 3. the trying 01 your/, workcth patience 1 I'et, 1,7- the trial o( your /. being more precious 9. receiving the end o( your /. cwa salvation 21. that your/, and hope might be in Ood C P«.1.5.atld io your f'.v'iTtMe, to virtue knowledge FAITHFUL. ^'':ji»i.l2.7. Moses isy. in mine house, 7/ii. 3. 2, '>. Deu(. 7. 9. the/. Ood who keep«th covenant 1 &twi. 2.35. I will raise mo up a Z". priest 3. 1 20. Samuel was/, to be a prophet of the Lord 22. 14. Ahimelech said, who is so/, as David .' 2 &OT.20.19- 1 am one of them that are/, in Israel 111 feared God JNVA. 7. 2. Hananiah wasa/. man anil 9. 8. and foundest his heart/, before thee 15. 13. for they were counted/, to distribute Jot 12. t 20. he removeth the lip of the/. Psat. 18. 1. for the/, fail from among men 31.23.0 love the Lord, for Lord preservtth the/. 89. 37. and as a/, witness in heaven 101. 6. mine eyes shall be on the/, of the land 119. 8(5. all thy commandments are/. 138. thy testimonies are righteous and very/. Prov. 11. 13. a/, spirit cor.ccalcth the matter 13. 17. but a/, ambassador is health 14. 5. a/.wilncss will not lie, but a false utter lies 20. C. but a/, man who c.in find ? 25. 13. as snow in han'est, so is a/, messenger 27. 6./. are thu wounds of a friend, hut the kisses 28. 20. a/, man shall abound with blessings Iia. 1. 21. how is they', city become an h.irlot ! 26. afterwards thou shall be called the/, city 8. 2. I took unto me/, witnesses to record 49.7. kings shall see, because of the Lord that is/ 7er. 42. 5. the Lord be a/, witness between us Dan. 6. 4. could lind none, forasmuch as he was/ IIos. 11. 12. but Judah is/, with the saints Mai. 24. 45. who then is a/, and wise servant? 25. 51. well done, thou good ami/, servant 23. thou hast been/, in a few things, Luke 19.17- Luke 12. 42. who then is that/, and wise steward > 16. 10. he that is/, in the least is/, also in mucli 11. have not been/, in the unrighteous mammon 12. have not been/, in what is another man's Acit 16. 15. if yc have judged me/, to the Lord 1 Cor.l.g.God is/by whom ye were called, lO.l.T. 4. 2. it is required in stewards, that a man he/. 17. I have sent you Timothy f. in the Lord 7.25. that hath obtained mercy of the Lord to be/. Oal. 3. 9. they arc blessed with/. Abr.ah.im Si)/i. 1. 1. to the saints and/, in Christ Jesus 6. 21. Tychicus a/, minister in the Lord Col. 1. 2. to the saints and/, brethren in Christ 7. Kpaphras, who is for you a f. minister, 4. 7. 4. 9. Oncsinms, a/, brother, wlio is one of you 1 7'//if j.5.C4./.is ho that c.iUcth you, who will do it 2 'J'/icit. 3. 3. the Lord is/, whoshail stablish you 1 Tim. 1. 12, 1 thank Christ, that he counted me/. 15. this is a/, saying, 4. 9. Tit. 3. 8. S.ll.thfir wives nmstbc sober, and/, in all things C. 2. r.athi r do them service bec.-iuse they are /. 2 'J'tiii. 2. 2. the same commit thou to/, men 11. it is a/, saying II 13. yet he abideth/. Tit. 1. 6. if any be bl.imelcss, having/, children 9. holding fast the/, word, a."i he was taught JJei.Q. 17. that he might be a/, high-priest 3.2. who was/, to him that appointej him 10. 23. for he is f. that promised, 11.11. 1 1'ei. 4.19. commatheir souls, as unto a/.Crcator 5, 12, ( have written by SUvanns a '.brother 183 FAL 1 Jain 1. 9. if we confess, he is/ to forgive ns Rev. 1. 5. Christ who is the/', witness, 3. 14. 2. 10.be/. to death, I will give thee a crown of life 13.those days wherein Antipas was my/, martyr 17. 14. tbey that are with mm, are called, and/. 19. 11. ai>d he that sat upon him was called/. 21. 5. these words are true and /'. 22. C. FA nil FULLY. 2 Ki>t;s 12. 15. for they dealt/. 22. 7- 2 C/iron. 19. 9. thus do in the fear of the Lord/. 31. 12. and they brought in the offerings/. 34. 12. and the men did the work/. Pivv. 29. 14. the king that_/'. judgeth the poor Jer. 2:!.C8. hath my word, let him si)cak my word/. 3 Jo/m 5. thou doest/. whatsoever thou doest to bre- rAnilFULNESS. [thren 1 Sam. 2f). 23. the Lord render to every mau his/. /'sri/. 5, 9. for there is no/, in their mouth M. 5. and thy/ reacheth unto the clouds •10. 10. I have declared thy/, and thy salvation fi8. 11. or shall thy/, be declared in dcstructio.i > 81). 1. I will make known thy/, to all gener.itiuns 2. thy/, shall thou establish in the lieavens 5. thy/, also in the congregation of the saints 8. who is like to thee, or to thy/.ronnd about thee- 24. but my/, and my mercy shall be with him .'!.■!. nor will I suffer my/, to fail 92. 2. it is good 10 shew forth thy/, every nigV* 119.75. and that thou 'in/, hast afllicted nie t B6. all thy commandments are/. 00. thy/, is unto all generations t 1.1!?. thy testimonies are righteous and very/. 143. l.hear my prayer; in thy ;.iJswer me Isn. 11.5. and/, .shall be the girdle of his iieins 25. 1. thy counsels of old are/, and truth Lam. 3. 23. thy mercies are Jew, great is thy/. Jloi. 2. 20. I will betroth thee unto me in/. FAlTHLliSS. ^Jat. 17. 17. O/. general. M,:rk 9. I9. Luke Q. 41. Jo/tii 20. 27. and be not/, but believing FALL. The fall of man. Man's ^realctt exce'.lenry at f.nt i/rtt n per/ect eon/ormily to the divine jiattern. God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he liim, Gen. 1. 27. 'J'his ineliidei, I. T/ie timiliiuile 0/ GoJ in the sufistance 0/ the tout, at it is an inte/Zi^fnt, /rec, spiritual, and immortal being. This is assigned to be the reason 0/ th: tam, that whoso sheds man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed ; for in *he image of God made he man, Gen. 9. 6. II. A moral reseiiihlance in its qvalitiet and jierfeetions. Man was eon'ormeJ to God in holiness : t!ii> the .Ipofiis insinuates, i./ien he sets /orth the snnclii'tr' ion 0/ corrupt man by the expression 0/ renewing him in know- ledge, righteousness, o^d holiness, after th( image of the Creator ¥.ph. 4. 23, 24. Col. 3. 10. 'The renovation of things, hein^ a restoring 0/ tliem to their primitive state ; and is more or less perfect, by its proportion to, or distance Jrom the orit^inal. Mans understanding was enriched with knowledge, which was neither acquired by study, nor con/ned to that or the other particular creature, but reached through the whole compass 0/ the creation, besides, he had such a knowledge 0/ the Deity, as was luj/ieieut /or his duty and /elicily. He discovered almighty power, admirable wisdom, and infinite goodness, /rom their effcrtt in treating the world. The image 0/ God :eai likewise resplendent in man's conscience, the scat 0/ practical knowhd!;e, and treasury 0/ moral principles. The directive /acuity was sincere and uncorrupt ; it was clear from all prejudices, which might render it an tncompe- tent judge 0/ good and evil. There was alio a divine impression on the will. Spirit reason kept the throne, and the in/erior facul- ties obierved an easy and regular subordination to its dictates. III. The image 0/ God consisted, thoug inferior desirce, in the happy stale 0/ mau, vhich was the consequent and accession to his holineis : And herein he resembled that infinitely olesied lieing, as he u perfectly exempt /rom all evili which might allay and lessen his felicity, and enjoy those pleasures which are worthy of his pure nature and glorious stale. 'J'his happiness had relation to the two natures, which enter into man's composition, (1) 'J'he animal and sensitiic, and this consisted both in the excelloni disposi- tion 0/ his organs, and in ihe enjoyment 0/ con- venient objects. His body being Jormed imnic- diatti'i/ by God, was not liable to those delect: u'hich proceed from the rceakness 0/ second causes: A'd blemisU or disease, which are the effects and fwtsUfs of sin, wire to be found in \ FAL Aim: All his unset were quick and Ihily, aih to perform with /acilily, vigour, and delifhi, Ihetr operations. Sot only were his organs et- eellently disposed, but there were also convenient objects to entertain his sensitive /acultiet : He enjnued nature in its original putity, croimed with the benediction 0/ God, ie/oit it was blatttd with the curse. The world was all harmonv and bcaut'j, becoming the goodness of the Creator j and not as it is since the /all, disordered ana deformed in many parts, llie effect of his justice. Ihe earth was liberal to Adam 0/ all its trea- sures ; Ihe heavens 0/ their light and sweetest in/uences. And he was seated in I-^den, a placa 0/ great beauty and delight. But (2) His chief happiness consisted in the exercise 0/ his mast noble faculties on their proper objects. The highest faculties in truin are the understanding and will : and their happiness consists in union with God by knowledge and love. He saw iht admirable beauty of the Creator through the transparent reil of Ihe creatures. And from hence there arose in Ihe soul a pleasure piixe, solid, and satisfying. I\'. There was in man's dominion and power ovtT Ihe ereatiires a shining part of God's image, God gave him the solemn investiture of his dig- nity, when he brought the creatures to recene their names /rom him, which was a mark 0/ their homage, and u token of his empire to com- mand them by their names, Psal. 8. 6, 7. 8. Thus holy and blessed was Adam in his primi. live state. Man only of all creatures on earth was in a statt 0/ moral dependence, and capable of a lat^, tor, a law being the declaration 0/ the Supe- rior's will requiring obedience, and threatening punishment on the failure thereof, there must bt a principle 0/ reason and choice in that nature which is governed by it: both to discoier the authority that enjoins it ; to discern Ihe matter 0/ Ihe law ; and to determine itself, out 0/ judg- ment and election, to obedience, as most eicclleut in itself, and advantageous to the performer. As there/ore reason made man capable 0/ a law, so it teat impossible he should be treinpt from a law ; /or as the notion 0/ a God, that is, 0/ tise j'irst and supreme Being, excludes all possibility ol obligation to another, and 0/ subjection to a law ; so the quality of a creature includes the relation of dependence and natural lubjectiou to the will of God. The law eliof: Hod had laid, Of the tree ol kimwlcdge oj good and evil, thou shall not eat of it ; for in the day thou catrsi ihcreof, thou shall surely die. 'J'his was the first step to ruin, as appears by the order of the temptation: It was /im said by the devil. Ye shall not die, to vecketi their faith/ then Ye shall be as gods, to FAL fiat«*r Ihtir amiiiion. Thit infidtUty i$ grially aggracnteJf as it imptiei an accusation of God, (\) Of envy; as if ht had denied thtm iht ftrfeciiont iecoming tht human nature, and ihev fnight ascend to an higher ort> than that therein they tvere placed, iy eating the forbid- den fniit. (2) Of falsehooj ; as if God had threatened lo intiiet a punishment upon man's disobedience ahieh he had no design to da ; and ahal heightens this is, thai uhen he distrusted the Fountain of truth, he gate credit to the father of lies ; at appears iy his compliance, ike real etidence of his faith. II. This sin included in it prodigious pride : He UiS scmreelu out of the state of nothing, no soonjt created but he aspired lo be as God. Sot con- tent aith his image, he affected an equality, to te lilie htm in his inimitable attributes. Jh' vcvJd rob Gud of his eternity, to live uithout end, to enjon an immortality, not depending on God's trill, but absolute, uhich is proper to God alone ; of his sovereignty, lo command -jiithoiit dependence ; and of his wisdom, lo kno'j) all ihmii x-ithout reserve. III. Horrid ingratilude : He was appointed hcit apparent of all things ; yel undervaluing his present portion, he en'.eilains a project of im- proving his happiness. The escellent state nculy conferred upon him, uai a strong obliga- tion to pai/ so small an atknoi^Udgment to the Ijord. The use of all the garden uas allowed him, only a tree ciceptni. Sow in the midst or' ruth variety and plenty, lo be inOamed uiih the intemperate appetite of the foihiddm finit, and 10 break a command so equal and easy, ithal is it but a despising the rich goodnas of his great lieuefactor ? IV. A bloody cruelty to himself, and to all his posterity. When God had made him a depo- titorv in a matter of infinite moment ; that is, of his oan happiness, and all manhind's, this should have been a /oxerjul motiie to have kepi him vigilant : But giving a ready ear to the tempter, he betrayed his trust, and at once breaks both the tables of the laic, and becomes the greatest sinner, being guilty of the highest impiety and cruelty. By voluntarv disobedience our first parents fell from and lost their original rectitude and per- fection of nature ; uhich consisted in kno-uUdfC, holiness, and perfect happiness. Gen. 1. S6. Col. 3. 10. Eph. 4. 24. By the fall of man all the poaert of nature ueie depraved, polluted, and corrupted: [1] The understanding uas darkened, Eph. 4. IB. [t] The conscience defied. Ileb. 10. 22. [3] The uill obstinate and rebellious, Isa. 28. 14. Rom. 8. 7- {4] The affections carnal and eeruuol, Eph. 2. 3. [5] All the thoughts unin- terruptedly evil. Gen. 6. 5. and the uhole mind, er heart, a nest of all manner of abominations, Jer. 17.9. Mat. 15. KJ. FALL, Substantive. I'rov. 16. 18. and an haughty spirit before if. 2y. 16. but the righteous shall see their/. Jer. 49. 21 . earth is moved at the noise of their/. Etek. 26.15. the isles shake at the sound of their/. 18. the isles shall tremble in the day of thy/. 31. 16. the nations to shake at the sound of his /". 32. 10. every man for his life in the day of thy/. Mat.T .il. the house fell, and great was the /'. of it Lukei. 34. child is set for the/, and rising of many lUm. 11. 31. but through ttieir /. salvation is come unto the Gentiles 12. if the /. of them be the riches of the world FALL. ^«r«. C»n.2.21 .God caused a "ieep sleep to/, upon Adam 43.18.he may seek occasion against us,and/. on us 45. 24. he said, B»« that ye /. not out by the way 49. 17. so that his rider shall/, backward Krod. 13. 16. fear and dread shall/, upon them SI. 33. if a man dig a pit, and an ox or ass/, therein Xmv. 11. 32. on whatsoever any of them doth /. 37. if their carcase/, on any sowing-seed, 38. 19.29. lest land/to whoredom and become wicked 26. 7. they shall/, before you by the sword, 8. 36. and they shall/, when none pursueth 37. and they shall/, one upon another Vum. 5. 1 21. the Lord doth make thy thigh to/. 6. ♦ 12. but the days that were before shall/. il. 31. and let them /. by the camp round about 14.29. your carcases shall/, in the wilderness, XI. 34. 2. this is the land that shall/, to you Deut. 22. 8. if any man/, from thenc« .fudg. B. 21. they »;iid, rise thou, andf. upon us 15. 18. Samson said, swear ye will not/, upon me IB. and /. into the hand of the uncircumcised Rtaii. 16. let/, •ome handfuU of purpose for her t 82. that they /. not on thee in another field 3> 18, QDlil thoTi know how tht matter will /. lU FAL 1 Sam. S. 19. let none of his words /. to the jtround 14.45. there shall not one hair of his head/, to the ground, 25am. 14. 11. 1 Kings 1.52. Acts '21 ■ 34. IH. 25. Saul sought to make David/ by i'uilislines 22. 17. would not/, on the priesU of the Lord IH. the king said, rurn thou, and /'. on the priests 26. 20. therefore let not iiiy blood/, to the earth 26'am.l.l5.go near and/, on him, 1 A'inff 2.29-31. 24. 14. let us /. into the hand of God, let me mil /. into the hand of man, 1 C/jron.21. l.T. 1 h'ings 22. 20. who shall persuade Ahab to go up and/, at Uamolh-gilead ? SChron. 18. 19. 2 h'ings 7. 4 let us/, unto the host of the Syrians 10. 10. shall f. nothing of ihe word of the Lord 14. 10. why shouldst meddle.that thou shouldbt ;'..■' 1 C/.rim. 12'. 19. he will/, to his master Saul 2 Chron. 21.15. have sickness, till thy bowels/, out 25. 8. God shall make thee /. before theener.iy 19. that thou shouldest/. and Judah with thee I'jth. 6. t 10. suffer not a whit to/, of all that 13.beforewhom thou hast begun to/.shall not pre- vail against him, but shall surely/, before hiui Job 6. 1 27. yea, ye cause to/, upon the fatherless 12. +3. If. not lower than you 13. 11. and shall not his dread/, upon you .' 31. 22. let mine arm/, from my shoulder-blade P^al. 6. 10. let them/, by their own counsels 9. 3. mine enemies shafl/.atid perish at thy presence 10. 10. that the poor may/, by his strong ones 35. 8. into that very destnction let hini_/'. 37. 24. tho' he/, he shall not Ije utterly cast down 45. 5. arrows, whereby the people/, under ihce 64. 8. make their tongue to/, on thi mselves 78.28. and he let it/, in the raidst of their camp 82. 7. but ye shall/, like one of the princes 91. 7. a thousand shall/, at thy side, and 10,000 106.127. make their seed/, among the nations IIH. 13. thou hast thrust at me that I might _/'. 140. 10. let burning coals/, upon them 141. 10. let the wicked/, into their own nets 145. 14 the Lord upholdeth all that/. Prov. 4.16. unless they cause some to/. 10. 8. but a prating fool shall/. 10. 11. 5. the wicked shall/, by his own wickedness 14. where no counsel is the people/. 28. he that trusteth in his riches shall/. 22. 14. he that is abhorred of the Ld. shall/, therein 24. 16. but the wicked shall/, into mischief 26. 27. whosodiggethapit shall/, therein, he who rolleth a stone it will return on him, T.ccl. 10.8. 28.10. causethtogo astrayshall /". into his own pit 14. but he that hardeneth hislieart shall /". 18. but he that is perverse shall/, at once Etcl. 4. 10. if they/, one will lift up his fellow 11. 3. if the tree/, towards the south or north ha. 8. 15. many among them shall stumble «uid/. 10.4. and they shall/, under the slain 34. and Lebanon shall/, by a mighty one 22. 25. nail fastened in the sure place shall ;'. 24. 18. who fleeth from fear shall/, into the pit CO. the earth shall /. and not rise again 28. 13. that they might go and (". backward 30. 13. iniquity shall be as a breach re.-vdy to_/, 25. in the day of slaughter, when the tow ers/. 40. 30. and the young men shall utterly /'. 47. 11. therefore mischiefs shall/, upon thee 54. 15. whoso shall gather/, for thy s.-ikc Jer. 3. 12. I will not cause mine anger to/, on you 6. 15. they shall/, amongst them that/. 8. 12. 21. the fathers and sons shall/, upon them B. 4. saith the Lord, shall they/ and not arise > 9. 22. even the carcases of men shall/, as dung 15. 8. 1 have caused him to/, upon it suddenly 23. 12. they shall be driven out and/, therein 19. a whirlwind/, on the head of wicked, .30. 23. 25. 27. drink ye, and be drunken, and spue, and/. 34. and ye shall/, like a pleasant vessel 37. 14. it is false, 1/ not away to the Chaldeans f 20. let my supplication/, before thee 42. t2. let our supplication/, before thee 44. 12. they shall all/, in che land of Egypt 46. 6. they shall stumble and/, toward the north 16. he made many to/, yea one fell on another 48.41. he that fleeth sha'll/". into the pit 49. 26. her young nien/. in ner streets, 50. .30. 50. 32. and the most proud sh.iU stumble and /. 51. 4. the slain shall/, in land of Chaldeans, 4749. 44. yea, the wall of I^abylon shall/. 49. as Babylon caused the slain of Isr.iel to/. Lam. 1. 14. he hath made my strength to/. Etek. 6. 7. the slain shall/, in the midst of you 13. 11. say unto them that it shall/, and ye, O great hailstones, shall/, and a stormy wind rent it 14. foundation shall be discovered, and it shall/. 24. 6. bring it out piece by piece, let no lot/, on it 27. S7. all thy company shall /. into the seas, 34 29. 5. thou shalt/. upon the open fields, 39. 5. 30. 4. great pain, when the slain shall/, in Egynl 6. they also that uphold Egjiit shall/. 88. I will eau»i th* tword to /'. out of his hand FAL T.tek. 32. 12. by swords will I cauSv' muUitiide to J 33. 12. not/, thereby in the day that he t'lrnetb 35. 8. and in all thy rivers shall they /. 36. + 14. nor cause ic/. thy nations any more .'i8. 20. the steep places shall/, every wall shall/ 3;). 3. arrows to/. || 4. shall/, on the mountains 44. 12. they caused Israel to/, into iniquity 45. t 1. when ye cause the land to/, by lot %' . 14. this land shall/ to you for inheritanc Dan. 9. t 18. we cause not our supplications to 11. 14. also the robbers of thy people shall /. 19. but he shall stumble and/, and not be founcj 34. when they shall/. 1] 35. some/, to try them llos. 4. 5. therefore snail thou /. in the day, the prophet also shall/, with thee in the nigjn 14. the people that doth not understand shall/. 5. 5. Israel and Ephraim shal^. .ludah shaJ. f. 10. 8. and they shall say lo the hills,/, on us 14. 9. but the transgressors shall /. therein Amos 3. 5. can a bird/, in a snare where no gin isi' 14. the Jioms of the altar shall/, to the grour. 8. 14. "even they shall /'. and never rise again 9. 9- yet shall not the least grain/, to the earth Mic.l. 8. rejoice not, O mine enemy, when I/. Xah. 3. 'Pa. they shall/, into the mouth of the eater Mai. 2. +8. ye have caMsed many to/, in the law ■Mat. 10. 29. not one sparrow/, to ground without 12. 11. if it/, into a pit on the sabbath-day ].'). 14. both shall/, into the ditch, Luke 6. 39. 15. 27. eat crumbs which fall/, masters' table 21 .44. whoso /".on this stone oe broken, on whom it shall/, it will grind him to powder, Luke 20.18. 24. 29. the sun shall be darkened, and the stan shall/, from heaven, Mark IJ. 25. f.uke 10.18. 1 beheld Satan sis lightu./. from heav. 23. .30. shall begin to say to the mountains,/, on ui John 12. 24. except acorn/, into the ground and die .'Icis'i'J. 17. fearing lest they should/, into quicks. 32. then Ihesoldiers cut the ropes and let her/.oft 31. shall notanhair/.from ihe nead of any of you ./'cm. 11. 11. have they stumbled that they should/. 14. 13. put an occasion to/, in his brother's way 1 Coi .10.12. him that standeth take heed lest he/ 1 Ti«i.3.6.he/. into the condemnation of thedevii 7. have a good report, lest he/, into reproach 6. 9. ihfy ''i«tt will be rich/, into temptation Heb. 4. 11. 'est any/, after the same exam>rle 10. 31 it is fearful to/, into hands of living God .lam. 1. 2. count it joy, when ye/, into temptatieis 5. 12. swear not, lest ye/, into condemnation 2 Pet. 1. 10. if ye do these things ye shall never/'. 3. 17. beware lest ye/, from your stcdfaslness Kev. 6. 16. saidto the mountains and rocks./, on us 9. 1. I saw a star/, from heaven unto the eaiU. FALL atoay. Luke 8. 13. and in the time of temptation/, auaj JUt. 6. 6. if they/, atcay to renew them again FALL down. Dew/. 22. 4. see thy brother's ass/, doan by the way Josh 6. 5. the wall of the city shall/, doan flat 1 Sam. 21. 13. David let his spittle,/, do-un I'sal. 72. 11. all kings shall/, doun before him Isa. 13. t 7. therefore shall all hands/, a'ctn 31. 3. and be that is holpen shall /' doan 34. 4. their host shall/ do:im as the leaf falleth 44. 19. shall 1/ Joz^n to the stock of a treef 45. 14. the Sabeans shall/, down unlo thee 46. C. they/, down, yea, they worship Ezek. 30.25. and Ihe arms of Pharaoh shall/, doan Dan. 3. 5. ye/, dcuu and worship the image, 10. 15. if ye /'. donn and worship the image, well 11. 26. and many shall/, doxn slain .Vat. 4. 9. all these things will I give thee, if thou wilt/. do:in and worship me, Luke 4. 7. K FA LL, joined with saord. Erod. 5. 3. lest he/, on us with pestilence or iioer^ Sum. 14. 3. brought us to this land to/, by sword 43. and ye shall /. by the swoid 2 Kings 19. 7. Sennacherib/, by/. 2 Chr. 32. +21. /'jo/. 63.10. they shall/, by the sword, Etek. 6- II.' Iiri. 3. 25. thy men shall/, by the suoid 13. 15. and every one shall/, by the s:iord 31. 8. then ihall the Assyrian/, with thesxord 37. 7. behold, I will cause him to /. by th* sword in his own land, Jer. IQ. 1. Jer. CO. 4. Pashur's friends shall/, by the s:iorJ .3y. 18. and thou shalt not/, by the suord Ezek. 5. 12. a third part shrill/, by Ihe *w.)rrf 6. 12. and he that is near shall/, by the xtrorrf 11. 10. ye shall/, by the sword, I" will judge you 17.21. his fugitives shall/, by the mord 2.3. 25. and thy remnant shall/, by the s-u:orJ 24. 21. your sons and daughters shall/, by sword 25. 13. and they of Dedan shall/, by the s-.rord .30. 5. the men in the league shall/, by the sword 6. from the tower of Syene, shall/, by the sword 17. the young men shall/, by the suurd 22. I will cause the sword to/, out of his hand J3 27. they m the wattes fhAll/. by the swcrd FAL FAL Van.11.33. they that understand shall/, hy sword [Ita. 41. 13. maketh image, and/, down thereto, 17 lios, 7. l6. their princes snail/, by the taord ' ■ ■ - 13. ItJ. Samaria shall/, by the sword Joel 2. 8. when they/.on the sword not be wounded Atmis 7- 17- thy sons and daughters/, by the s-^'ord Ltik4 21. 24. they shall^". by the edge of the SKord FALLEN. G$ Deut. 18. 11. nor a consulter with/ spirits 1 .iarn. 28. 3. .Saul put away thoje that had/, spirilt 9. how he hath cut off those that have/, spirits 2 li;j6.25. 2 A7»5.r7.4. thenthe/. is in the city, we shall die 8. 1. the Lord hath called for a/, it shall cr-me 25. 3. the/, prevailed in Jerusalem, no bread 2 Chr. 32.11. Jlezekiah persuadeth you to die by/. 20. in /". he shall redeem thee from death Job 5. 22. at destruction and/, thou shall laugh 30.5. for want and/, they were solitary Psal. 33. 19. and to Keep them alive in/. 37. 19. in the days of/, they shall be satisfied 105. 16. moreover, he called for a/ on the land Isa. 5.i 13. and their glory are men of/. 14. 30. and I will kill thy root with/. 51.19. destruction,/, and sword, are come on thee .Ter. 5.12. nor shall we see sword, nor/. 14. 13, 15. 14. 15. by sword and/, shall prophets be consumed 16. the people shall be cast out, because of the/. 18. then behold them that are sick with/. 15. 2. and such as are for the/, to the/. 18. 21. deliver up their children to the /". 21.7. deliver from the/ to Nebuchadnezzar 24. 10. I will send the/, among them, 2y. 17. 27. 8. that nation will I punish with the /". 29. 18. 1 will persecute with the sword and/. 32.24. the city is given to Chaldeans because of/ 34. 17. I proclaim a liberty for you to the/. 42. 16. the/, shall follow close alter you 52.6. the/, was sore in the city, there was no bread f.am. 5. 10. our skin was black, because of the/. Ezek. 5. 12. a third part shall be consumed with f. 16. when 1 send on them the evil arrows of/. 17. so will I send on you/. 14. 13. 7. 15./. within, /. and pestilence. shall devour 12. 16. but I will leave a few men from the/. 36. 29. and I will lay no/, npon you 30. ye shall receive no more reproach of f. Amos 8.11.1 will send a/ not of bread, but of^ word Lnke 4. 25. when great/, was thro' all the land 15. 14. there arose a mighty/ in that land_ /v. when all the land of I'.gvpt was/ Prov. 10. 3. the I,, will not suffer the righteous to/ Isa. 5. 13. and theii honourable men are/. iicph. 2.11. for he will f. all the gods of the earth FAMOUS. -VwOT. 16.2. princes/, in the congregation, 26. 9. Kuth 4.11. and be thou/ in Kelh-lehem 14. that his name may be/ in Israel 1 CVirnn. 5. 24. .ind these were /'. nien, 12.30. Psal. 74. 6. a man was/, as htfiad lifted up axes aTuI destroy iht fruits of it. Tlie prophets, 130. 18 give thanks to h in who slew/, kings IBb FAR Etek. 23. 10. and she becaire /. among wotnca 32. 18. and the daughters of the f. natiocs FAN, Su/,si,:nlive'. Isa. 30.24. clean provender winnowed with the^ Jer. 15. 7. I will fan them with a/, in the gates Mat. 3. 12. whose/, is in hii hand, Luke 3 17. FAN, I'erb. /fa.4l.l6.shalt/.theni,wiiMl shall carry them away Jer. 4. 11. a dry wind not to/, nor to cleanse 15. 7. I v>ill/. them with a fan in the gates 51.2. I will send fanners that shall/, her FAR. Gen. 18. 25. that be f. from thee to slay righteous Ezod. 8. 28. only you shall not go very/, away 23. 7. keep thee /. from a false matt>T Dait. 12.21. if the place be too/, froui thee, 14.24. 29- 22. the stranger that shall come from a/.lanj Josh. 3. 16. waters stood very /. from the city Adam 8. 4. go not very/, from the city, but be ready 9. 22. saying, we are/, from you, when ye dwell Judg. 9. 17. my father adventured his life/. 18. 7. they were/ from the Zidonians, 28. 19. 11. they were by Jebus, day was /. spent 1 Sam. 20. 9. Jonathan said,/, be it from thee 1 Kings 8.46. ihat they carry them away/, or near 2 Chr. 26. 15. and his name was spread/ abroai) Ezra 6. 6. now therefore be ye /. from thence Xeh. 4. 19. we are separated one/ from another Esth. g. 20. to all the Jews both nigh and /. Job 5. 4. his children arc /. from safety 11. 14. put iniquity/, away, 22.23. 34. 10. /. be it from God to do wickedness Psal. 10. 5. thy judgments are /. out of sieht 22. 1. why art thou so/, from helping me.' 73.27. they that are/, from thee shall perish 97. 9. Lord, thou art exalted/", above all gods 103. 12. as /. as the east is from the west, so^. hath he removed our transgressions from ui 109. 17. so let blessing be /. from him 119. 150. that follow mischief are/, from thy law l.W. salvation is/, from the wicked Pror. 4.24. and perverse lips put/, from the* 5.8. remove thy way/, from her, come not nigh her 15. 29. the Lord is/ from the wicked 19. 7. much more do his friends go/, from him 22. 5. doth keep his soul. Shall be/ from them 15. the rod of correction shall drive it/, from him 31. 10. for her price is/, above rubies £ff/. 2. 13. as/, as light excelleth darknes.* 3. f5. and a time to be /. from embracing Isa. 6.12. and the Lord have removed men/, away 19.6. and they shall turn the rivers /. away 26. 15. thou hast removed the nations/. 46. 12. hear ye that are/, from righteousness 49. 19. tliat swallowed thee shall be /'. away 54. 14. thou shalt be f. from oppression 59.9. therefore is judgment/ from us J^r. 12.2. thou art/, from their reins 25.26. all the kings of the north/ and near 27.10. prophesy, to remove you/, from your land 48.24. upon all the cities of Moab/ or near 47. tTius /. is the judgment of Moab 51 .^4. thus/, are the words of Jeremiah Eam.^.n. ihou hast removed my soul/ from peace Ezek, 7. 20. therefore have I set it/ from them 11. 15. they haves^id, get ye/, from the Lord Dan. 11. 2. the fourth king/ richer than they all Joel 3.6. that ye might remove them/, from border Amos 6. 3. ye that put/, away the evil day Mic. 7.1 1. in that day snail decree be /. removetl Mat. 16. 22. Peter said, be it/ from thee, Lord Mark 6. 35. and when the day was now/ spent 12. .34. thou art not/, from the kingdom of God 13. 34. Son of man isa.«H/.G8.49a nation against thee/rom/. Jer. 5.15. /o* 36. 3. I will fetch my knowledgeyrem/. Isa. 5. £6. he will lift up an ensign/rom/. 10. 3. desolation which shall come from f. C2. 3. they are bound which are Red from f. 30. 27. the name of the Lord cometh /row /'. 43. b. bring my sons/rom/. and daughters, 60. Q. ♦9. 1. listen, O isles, hearken, ye people, /roni/. 12. behold, these shall come from t. 60. 4. thy sons shall come from f. and daughters Jer. 30. 10. for lo, I will save thee from f. Ezck. 23. 40. that ye sent for men to come from f. Hah. 1. 8. and their horsemen shall come/ni/n/. Mark 8. 3. for divers of them came /r«m/. Hee A FA It. FAR off. Gen. 44. 4. when they were gone, and not yet/, off A'zuH.2.2.they shall pitch/, ojf about the tabernacle X)e?(M3.7.not consent to serve gods of people/, off 20. 15. thus do to all the cities very /'. off 30. 11. neither is the commandment/, off 2 Sam. Jo. 17. the king tarried in aplace/. off i Cliron. ti. 36. carry their captives to a land/', off Psal. 55. 7- lo, then 1 would wander/, off Piov. 27. 10. is better than a brother/, off Eccl. 7. 24. that which is/, ojf who can find out .' Isa. 17. 13. they shall flee/, o^and be chased 33. 13. hear, ye that are/, o/f what I have done 17. they shall behold the' land that is/, off 46. 13. my righteousness shall not bo/, off 57. 9. and thou didst seail thy messengers/, off 19. peace to him that is/, oj? and him that is near 59. 11. we look for salvation, but it is/, off £'i«*.6.12,he that is/. i;/f'shall die of the pestilence 8. 6. that I should go/, off from my sanctuary 11. 16. although 1 have cast them/, off 12. 27. he prophesieth of times that are/, off 22. 5. those that be r'. o(f from thee shall mock Z>o)i.9.7.confusion to Israel that are near and/ off Joeli. 20. 1 will remove/, off the northern army 3. 8. they .shall sell them to the Sabeans/. off Mic. 4. 7. make her that was cast/, off a nation iJi?f/i.6.l5.they/. oJf' shall come and build in temple li.ph. C. 13. ye who were/. oJf made nigh by Christ FAUTHEK; see FimrHEK. FAKE. 1 Sam. 17. 18. and look how thy brethren/. FARi:. Jonah 1.3. sohe paid the /". thereof,and went into it FARED. Z.u^el6.19.the rich man /". sumptuously every day FAREWELL. iMke 9- 61. let me first go bid them/, at home Acts 15. 29. if ye keep yourselves, ye do well,/ 18. 21. Paul bade them/, saying, 1 must keep 23.30.to say what they had to say against him,/. 2 Cor. 13. 11. finally, brethren,/', be perfect FARM. Mat. 22. 5. they went their ways, one to his/. FARTHING, S. UFat. 5. 2(5. till thou hast paid the uttermost/. 10. 29. are not two sparrows sold for a /. .' »Var*12.42. she threw in twomites which make a/. Jjuke 12. 6. are not five sparrows sold for two/. ? FA.SII10N. Gen. 6. 15. this is the/, thou shalt make the ark of f.xod. 26. 30. the/, of the tabernacle as was shewed 37. 19. bowls made he after the/, of almonds 1 h'iiict fi. 38. according to all the/, of the house £ Kings \f). 10. Ahaz sent the/, of the altar Kzek.i^. 11. shew them the form and/, thereof JIah. 2. f 18. the fashioner of his/, trnsteth Alark 2. 12. saying, we never saw It on this/. Luie 9. 29. the/, ofhis countenance was altered /Jf/.t7.44. make the tabernacle according to/, seen I Cor. 7. 31. for the f. of this world passeth away V-'/ii7.'J.8.being found in/, as a man, humbled hinis. Jam. 1. 11. and the grace of the/, of it perisheth FA.SIIION Job 31 . 15. and did not one/, us in the womb ? FASHIONED. J'.zod. 32. 4. Aaron/, the calf with a graving-tool 1 l\i:igs 7. + 15. for he /. two pillars of brass Job 10. 8. thine hands have /". me, I'sal. II9. 73. Psal. 13^). 16. which in continuance were/. La. 22. 11. neither had respect to him that/, it 1S7 FAS Euk. 16. 7- thy breasts are/, thine hair is grown P/iil. J.21. that itmay be/, like hii glorious body FASHIONETH. Psal.li^.15. he/, their hearts alike, considers works /.to. 44. 12. the smith /. it with the hammers 45.9. clay say to him that f. it, what maitest thou ' FASHIONING. 1 Pet. 1. 14. not/, yourselves to the former lusts FASHIONS. Esek.4C.ll. their goings were according to their/ FA .ST. Etra 5. 8. this work goeth /'. on, and prospereth FAST. Gen. 20. 18. the Lord had/ closed up the wombs Jiid^.-4. 21. Sisera was/, asleep and weary 15. 13. but we will bind thee /. and deliver thee 16. 11. he said, if they bind me/, with new ropes ICulh 2. 8. Boaz said, abide here/, by my maidens 21. Boaz said tome, keep/, by my young men Job 38. 38. when the clods cleave/, together f'sal.65. 6. his strength setteth/. the mountains 33. 9. he commanded and it stood /. Prov. 4. 13. take/, hold of instruction, keep her Jer. 48. 16. the affliction of Sloab hasteth /. 50. 33. all that took thein captives held them/. Jona^i 1. 5. he lay in the ship, and w.is/. asleep Acts 16. 24. who made their (eetf. in the stocks 27.41. the forepart stuck/, remained unmoveable FAST. Fasting Aas, in all ages, ani among all natiom, been an exercise much ijt use lyi times of mourn- ing, soTioa, and affliciions. The sense of it is in tome sort inspired by tiatnre, uhic/i, in these circumstances, denies itself nourishment, and takes off the edge of hunger. There is no ex- ample of fatting, properli/ so called, to be ieeii before Moses ; yet it is presnmeable that the patriarchs fasted, since we see that there were very great mournings among them, and those too very particularly described, such as that of Abraham for Sarah, Gen. 23. C. and that of Jacob /or his son Joseph, Gen. .37. .34. Moses enjoins no particular fast in his Jive books, excepting that upon the solemn day of expiation, which was generally and strictly observed. Lev. 23. 27, 29, On the tenth day of this seventh month, ye shall afflict your souls ; that is. Ye shall humble yoursebes deeply before Ood, both inwardly by godly sorrow, judging and loathing yourselves ; and outwardly, by fasting and ab- stinence J'rom all carnal comforts and delights. Since the time of Moses, examples of fasting have been very common among the Jews. Joshua and the elders of Israel reixained prostrate be- fore the ark J'rom morning until evening, with- out eating, after the Israelites were defeated by the men of Ai, Josh. ' . 0. The eleven tribes which had taken arms against that of Benja- min, seeing they could 7101 hold out against the inhabitants , 7, 8. 'Jhe Jews, i» times oj' public calamity, made even the children al the breast fast, Joel 2. 1(). // does not appear by our Saviour's own practice, or any commands that he gave to his disciples, that he instituted any particular fasts, or en- joined any to be kept out of pure devotion. But when the Pharisees in the way of reproach told him, that his disciples did not fait so often at theirs, or John the Baptist's, he replied. Can ye make the children of the bride-chamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them 1 but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those 'days, lAike 5. 33, 31, 35. that is. Fasting is a duty fitted to a day of mourning and ajlliction: it is not yet a time of mourning to my disciples, while I am bodily present with them; yet the time shall eomt when 1 sliall be FAS taken from ihent, as lo my boifly ptesenee , an4 uhen they shall meet aiih many trouble! ant calamities, then it will be seasonable for them to perform this ituy Mai. 30. 21./. deliver up the child, Mark 13. 12. 37. he that loveth/ or mother^nore than me 11. 25.Jesus said, I thank thee, O K Lord of heav. 26.soi^.it seemed good, Luke 10.21. John 11.41. 27. and no man knowelh the Son^but the /'. 15. 4. he that curseth/. let him »i. 4. 11. he might be/, of all them that believe IC.andthe/ofcircumcision to them who are not 16. the faith of Abraham, who is the/, of us all 0. 4. as Christ was raised from the dead by the /'. O.lS.Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, /'. 11. 28. ae to election, are baloved for F.'s sake 15. 6. may glorify God 'he /'. of our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 Cor. 1.3. | 11. 31. /■/i3. mercy and peace from God the /'. and from the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the /'. 4. as we received a commandment from the /'. 9- he that abideth in Christ hath the /'. and Son Juile 1. to them that are sjuictified by God the /'. See Abraham. Her I'ATllKR. Gen. 19. 33. the first-born went in and lay with her/. 29. 9. Rachel came with A./.'s sheep,she kept them 12. he was herf.'i brother, she ran and told herf. 31. 19. Rachel had stolen images that were herf.'i, 38.11. Tamar went and dwelt in herf.'i house F.xod. 22. 17. if herf. utterly refuse to give her Lev. 21. 9. she profaneth he'-f. she shall be burni 22. 1?. :f she It returned to hirf.'% toase as 10 her youth, she shall catcf Aer /.'s meat Sum. 12. 14. if her f. had but spit in her face 30. 3. if a woman vow a vow in herf.'i house 4. and herf. hear her, and shall hold his peace 5. if her f. disallow her in the day he heareth 16. being yet in her youth, in herf.'i house 36. 8 shall be wife to one of the tribe of herf. /-'cur. 21. 13. ami bewail /it'r/. ami mo'Jier amonth 22.21. bring to door oi her f.'s house, because she wrought folly, to play the whore in Afr/.'s house Josh. 6.2'!. the spies broug tit out Rahab and herf. 25. he saved herf.'i hou.sehold and .ill she had 15. IS. to ask uflierf. a tield, Judg. 1. 14. Jiidg. 1 1. 39. in two months she returned to herf. 15. 1. but herf. would Dot suffer him to go io 6 the Philistines burnt her and her f. with fire FAT Jnig. ig. 3, she^rotightihim into A#r /.'• hotuft Fjth. 2. 7- when her f. and mother were dc:;d Hit FATHER. Gfrt.2.24. therefore shall aman leaveAi'j/'.andmo ther, and cleave to wife, Mark 10.7. F.yh.S.bi 9. 22. Ham^aw the nakedness of hit f. and told 11.28. and liaran died before his f. Terah 27.41. the blessing wherewith hisf. blessed him 28. 7. Jacob obejed hiif. and mother, was gonr 31. 53. Jacob sware by the fear of hts f. Isaac .37. 1. in the land «'herein hn f. was a stranger 2. Joseph brought to his f. their evil report 10. he told the dream to hisf. hisf. rebuked him 1 1. brethren envied, but hisf. observed the sayin*' 22. he might rid him, to deliver him to hisf. 44. 22. and we s.iid, the lad cannot leave his f. 40. 1. he offered sacrifices to the God o{ hiif. 29. and Joseph went up to meet Israel his f, 47. 12. Joseph nourished his f. and brethren 50. 10. he made a mourning (or his f. seven dayj Erod. 6. 20. and Aniram took his {.'<> sister to wife 21. 15. he that smiteth hisf. shall be put to death 17. he that curseth hisf. shall die. Lev. 20. 9. 7^ff.l9.3. shall fear every man his mother and hiif. 20. 11. man that lieth with his f.'s wife, both die 17. if aman take hisf.'s daughter, they shall die 21 . 2. a son of Aaron may be defiled for hisf. 11. the high-priest not defile himself for hisf. iV.,1.1.6. 7- a Nazarite not made unclean for hisf 27.10. shall give inheritance to Ai'x/.'s brethren 11. if /<«'(/. have no brethren, to his kinsaian Deut. 21.18. which will not obey hisf. and mother 19. then shall his f. bring him to the ciders 22. 30. a man shall not take hisf.'s wife 27. 16. cursed be he that setteth light by hisf. 22. cursed be he that lieth with daughter of Ai//. 33. 9- who said to hisf. I have not seen him Jndg. 6. 27. Gideon feared Aij/.'s household 8. 32. Gideon was buried in the sepulchre of hisf y. 50. God rendered the wickednesshe did Io his f, 14.4. hisf. knew not that it was of the Lord 1 Snin. 14. 1. but Jonathan told not hisf. C". heard not when his f. charged the peojile 19. 4. Jonathan spake good of David to his f. 20. 33. it was determined of hisf. to slay Uavid 34. because hisf. had done him shame 2 6'«m.2. 32. Asahel buried in sepulchre of his f 7. 14. I will be his f. and he shall be my son 10.2. AS hisf. shewed kindness tome, 1 C'A). 102- 16. 22. Absalom went in to hisf.'s concubines 17.23. Ahithophel buried in the sepulchre of his f. 21. 14. Saul buried in the sepulchre of Kish hisf. 1 hiugs 7.14. his f. was a man of rvre,2 r/ir.2.14. 51.whichAi>/.haddedicated,15.l'5.2C//r. 15.18. 11. 4. not perfect, as the heart of David hisf. 6. Solomon went not fully after the Lord, as did David hisf. 15. 11. iKin^s 18. 3. 2 CAr. 28. 1. I 20.2. 33. not as did David hitf. 2 Tk'iH^J 14. 3. | l6.<. 15.3. andh? walked in all the sins of his f. 2C. Nadab did evil and walked in the way of hit f. 22.43, 52. 2 h'inns 21.21 2 /\'i«ff 3. 2. Jehoram did evil, but not likeAix/ 9. 25. I and thou rode together alter Ahab hisf. 13. 25. the cities taken out of the hand of hit f 14.5.Amaziah, the son of J3ash,sle\vthe servant* who had slain the king his f. 2 Chron. 25. 3 21. hira king instead of hisf. 23. .30, 34. 1 r/,)-.5. 1 .Ueub.defiled All/- » bcl, birth-right givea 17. 13. I will be hisf. he shall be my son, 28. 6. C6.10.not first-born, yet his f. made him the chief 2 Chron. 3. 1. the Lord appe"ared to David Ai» /. 8. 14. according to the order of David Ai'x /. 17. 3. he walked ill t'ne first ways of Au/. David 4. Jehoshapliat sought the Lord God of hit f. 20. 32. he walked in the way of Asa his f. 22. 4. his counsellors after the death of hit f 34. 2. he walked in the ways of David his f. 3 I'tal. 72. 1 17. as a son to continue his f.'s name Prov. 13.1. a wise son heareth the instruction of his f . 15.5. a fool despiseth hisf.'s instrucliou 17. 25. a foolish son is a grief to his f. 19. 13. a foolish son is the calamity of his f. Ctj. he that wastoth hitf. i« « son causcth sham* 20. ;o. whoso curseth hisf. his lamp shall be put out 211. 7. a companion of riotous men shameth his f. 24. whoso robbcth hit f. or mother, and saitb 29.3. whoso loveth wisdom, rcjoiceth hitf. 30.17. the ravens pick out eye that mockclh his f. Isn.itt.W. woe to h jn that »aith to hit f. what begets l:zek. 18. 14. beget a son that sceth all his f.'s sin* 17. he shall not die for the iniquity of his f 18. as for hisf. because he cruelly oppres.sed Dan. 5.^. to bring the golden vessels hisf. had taken .Imos 2. 7. a man and htt f. go in to the same maid /ech. 13. 3. hisf. and mother shall thrust hiin thro" .Mai. 1 .6. a son honours his f. a servant his mastet .Milt. 10. 35. to set aman at variance against his/. I 15.5.whoso shall say iohitf. it isagift,.l/arA7.^1■• ! 6. and honour not A>> /'.or inolher,li<; shall bcfrce FAT ila>-l6. S7. the Son of man shall come in glory of his y. with his angels, Mmri 8. 3B. Lulte g. 26. 21. 31. whether of them did the will of hisf.T hlark 9. 21. he asked hitf. how long ago it is since Luke 1 . 32. Lord shall give him the throne oihisf. V). they called him after the name of his f. 62. they made signs unto hiif. how to call him 67. hit /. Zachariis was filled with the H. Ghost 9. 42. Jesus delivered him a;aia to hit/. i4. 26. if any man come to me, and hate not hit f. ib. 12. and the younger of them said to hit f. 20. arose andcame to hit/, hit/, saw him.and ran 2B. therefore came hit/, and entreated him John 5. 18. because he said, that Ciod was hit /. Acts 16. 1. son of a Jewess, but hit /. was a Greek 1 Cor. 5. 1. that one should have hit /.'» wife Jlei. 7. 10. for he was jet in the loins of his J. Hev. 1.6.made us kings and priests to G. and his /■'. 14. 1. AitJ-'.'i name written in their forehead's See House. FATHER-IN-LAW. Cen. 38. 13. behold, thy f.-inJaiv goeth to Timnath 25. when brought forth, she went to her/.-iii-lnu EioJ. 3. 1. the flock of Jethro his/.-i;i-/a.v, 4. 11!. 18.1. Moses'/".-i'i-/aa-,8, 14,17. ^W^.l. 16. | 4.11. 27. Moses let his/.-in-/«a' depart, and he went jVtoM. 10.29. Ilaguel the Alidianite, Moses'/.-i/j./na. Judg. 19.4. his /.-in-/aM retained him, and he abode 7. when he rose to depart, hisy.-in./o.v urged him 1 6Vrni. 4.19. when she beard/.-i«-/aw wasdead,21. John 18. 13. Annas -^a /..in-ta-j to Caiaphas My FATHER. Gtn. 19. .34. behold, I lay yesternight with mi/ /. 20. 12. she is daughter of ray _/'. not of my mother 27. 12. my /. peradventure will feel me, I shall 34. Lsau cried, bless me, even me also, O my /. 31. 5. the God of my/. 4C. || 32. 9. Kzod. 18. 4. ♦1. 24. when we came to thy servant my f. 27, .30. 32. for I became surety for the lad to my /. 4.'».3 doth my/, yet lire.' j 9- haste to go up to j/iy/. 13. tell my/. |!47.1. my/, and brethren are come 48. 18. not so, my/, for this is the first-born Dent. 26. 3. a Syrian ready to perish was my/. Jos'1.2. 13. ye will save alive my/, and mother Jutl^. 9.17. my:/, fought for you, and delivered you 11. 36. my/, if thou hast opened thy mouth 14. 16. I have not told it my f. nor my mother 1 Sam. 9. 5. lest my /. leave caring for the ziises 14.29. Jonathan said, my/, troubled the land 18. 18. who am I, and what is my/.'s family .' 19. 2. saying, Saul my/, seeketh to kill thee 3. and 1 will commune with my/, of thee 20. 2. my/, will do nothing, but he will shew it me 13. Lord be with thee, as he hath been with my/. 22. 3. let my/, and my mother be with you 23. 17. the hand of Saul my/, shall not find thee 2 .Sam. 16. 3. restore me the kingdom of my/. 19. 37. that I may be buried by the grave of my/. 1 Kiiiss 2. 26. thou barest the ark of the Lord before David my /'. in all wherein my/, was afflicted 32. my/. David not knowing thereof 44. the wickedness that thou didst to David mi//. 3. 6. thou hast shewed to David 7/iy/. great mercy 7. h.-uit made thy servant king in.-tead of myj. 5. 3. David my/, could not build an house 5. as the Lord sp.ike to David my/, saying 8. 17. it was in the heart of David mv /". to build 24. who hast kept with thy servant David my/. 26. let my word be verified to my /. 2 C7/r. C. 10. 12. 10. ihus thou shalt say, my little finger shall be thickerthan my/.'s loins, 2 Chron. 10. 10. 31. my/, lade you with aheavy )oke,2C'/ir.l0.11. 14. tiiy/. ch.-islised you with whips. 2 Chr. 10.14. IS.ig.league between my/, and thy f. 2 Chr. 16.3. ly. 20 let me, 1 pray thee, kiss my/, and mother 20. 34. the cities my/, took 1 will restore ■Sfiiii^s 2.12.Eli7(r /'. comfort your hearts 7'As;r FATHER. (Jen. 9. 23. Shtm and Japhet covered the nakedness of their /. jind saw not the nakedness of their/. 19. 33. they made their/, drink wine that night 30. both Lot's daughters with child by their/. 37. 12. his brethren went to feed their /'s flock l.xod. 2. 16. filled troughs to water their /.'s flock 40. 15. anoint them as thou didst anoint their /. Sum. 36.6. tothetribeofMeir/ shall ihay marry Josh. 19.47. after Dan their/. Jud;. 18. 29. 1 6'am. 2. 25. they hearkened not to voice of their/. 10. 12. one of thes:ime place said, who is f /if »r^ . .' 1 Kingt 13. 11. the pripbet's son.s told their/. 1 Chr. 7 . 22. Ephraiin their/, mourned many days 24.2. Nadab and Abihu died befi>rc their/. 25. 3. under the hands 01 ihtir f. Jedu(hun, 6. FAT C Ckron. 31.3. tkeir /. gave them great gifts ,) % Job 4S. 15. thtir /. gave them inheritance Prov. 30.11. there is a generation tliat curseth thjt Jer. 16. 7. cup of consolation to drink for Ihitrf 35. 14. JoDadah'ssousobeyedf.y.'s command. 16 Fuk. 22. 10. they diM^overed thiir/.'s nakedneai Mat. 4. 21. in a ship with Zebedee their/. £2. they left ship and their /. ajid followed him 13. 43. righteous shall shine in kingdom of ihtirf Fhy FATHER. Gen. 12. 1. Lord said, get thee from thy/.'t boose 27. 6. I heard thy /. speak to Esau thy brothet iO. thou shalt bring it to thy /. that he eat 38.11.Judab said,remain a widow at (Ay/.'shous* 46. 3. I am the God of thy/, fear not to go down 49. 25. by the God of thy/, who shall help thee 26. the blessings of thy/, have prevailed abov* 50. 16. thy/, commanded before he died, saying 17. forgive the servants of the God of thy J'. Etod. 20.12. honour thy/, and thy mother that thy daysmay be long, X>«u/.5.l6.iWa/. 15.4. | 19.19. Num. 18.2. thy brethren of the tribe of /Ay/, brmg Dent. p. 3. as the God of thy /. promised ihee 32. 6. is not he thy /. that bought thee > 7. ask thy/, and he will shew thee, thy elders liuth 2. ll."how thou hast left thy/, and mother 1 Sam. 20. 1. and what is my lio hefore thy /.T 6. if tky /. at all miss me, then say, David !uked 2 Sam. 6.21. the Lord which chose me before thy/. 10. 3. thinkest thou that David doth honoar thy/. that he sent comforters to thee ? 1 C/iron. I9. 3. 16. 19. 2is I have served in thy/.'s presence 1 kings 11.12.1 will not do it for David thy/.'i sake l'2.4.thy/. made yoke grievous, 10. 2 CAron.10.4. 15. 19. there is a league bttw. my father and thy/. 20. 34. the cities which my father took from thy/, 2 A'lHj/ 3. 13. get thee to the prophets of /Ay/. 20.5.ihus saith the Lord, the God of David thy/. S Chron. 21. 12. Isa.3a.5. 1 C/ir. 28. 9. my son, know thou the God of thy/. 2Chr. 7. 17. if thou wilt walk before me as /Ay/. Joi 15. 10. are aged mun much elder than tiy/, i'rov. 1. 8. hear the instruction of thy/. 23.22. 6. 20. my son, keep thy/.'i commanilment 23. 25. thy/, and mother shall be glad, she rejoica 27. 10. thine own and thy/.'s. friend forsake not ha. 43.27. thy first/, hath sinned against me 58. 14. feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy/. J^r. 12.6. house of/./, dealt treacherously with thee 22. 15. did not thy/, eat, drink, and dojudgment^ iiei.lti.3./Ay/.was an Amorite, mother anHittite /''i«.5.11.in the days of thy/, the king, I say thy/". 18. God gave thy/, a kingdom and glory .Mat. 6. 4. /,'iy /'. which seeth in secret, 6, 18. 6. shut thy door, pray to thy F. who is in secret Mark 7. 10. for Moses said, honour thy/, ux) mother, 10. I9. Luke 18. 20. A//A.6.C, Luke2.4S. thy/, and 1 sought thee sorrowing 15.27. and t/iy/. hath killed the fatted calf John 8. 19. then said they unto him, where is thy f.t Your FATHER. t'fn.31.6. with all my power I have sensed your/ 7.yoHr/.hath deceived me.and changed my wages 4S. 7. is your/, alive ? have ye another brother? 44. 17. as for you, get you up in peace to youi f 45. 19. take you wagons, bring yvur /. and.com« 49. 2. sons of Jacob, hearken unto Israel your/. Jer. 35. 18. because ye obeyed Jonadab your f Fzek. 16. 45. mother an Hittite, your/, an Amorite Mat. 5. 16. may glorify your F, who is in heaven 45. may be the children of your F. in heaven 48. be ye perfect, as yotir F. in heaven is perfect 6. 1. otherwise ye have no reward of your /'. 8. your /". knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask them, 32. Luke 12.30. 14. if ye forgivc.your heavenly /'.will forgive you 15. if ye forgive not, neither will your F. forgive your trespasses, Mark 11.25,26. 10. 29. not one sparrow shall fall without your F. 18.14. it is not the will of yoitr F. that one perish 23. 9. call no man your/, upon the earth, for one is your F. which is in heaven Luke 6. 36.be ye mercifui,asyour J-'.alsois merciful 12. 32. it is your F.'s pleasure to give you kingdom John 8. .38. ye do what ye have seen with ymr /. 41 .ye do the deeds of your/then said they to him 42.Jes.said, it God were your /'.ye would love me 44. ye are of your/, the devil, and the lusts of your/, ye will do, he was a murderer 20. 17. I ascend to my F. and your F. to my God FATHERS. £xorf.6.14.these are the heads of their /■.houses,26. ./oiA. 14.1. I 19 51. I 21.1. 1 CAr.8.10, 13,28. 10. 6. neither thy father, nor thy/.father have seen 20. 6. visiting the iniquity of the /. upon the children, 34. 7. Sum. 14. 18. Dent. 5. 9 Deut. 24. ID. the/, shall not be put to death for the children, nor children for f. 2 Kings 14.6 Job 30. 1. whose /". I would have disdained to .-.et /'foii.iy. 14. house and riches arc inhcnt.Tjict off. FAT Isa. 49.23. kings shall be thy nursing/, and queens Jer. 6 21./. and sons shall lail on thena, 13. 14 7. 18. children gather wood,/, kindle the fire 31. 29./. have eaten soar c;rape5, Eiei. 18. C. 32. 18. recompensest iniquity of the/, on children 47. 3. the/, shall not look back to their children Ezei.SAO. the/. shtJl eat the sons in midst of thee Mai. 4. 6. he shall tarn the h"art of the/, to the children, and children to their/. Liite 1. 1*. Tohnt. C2. not because it is of Moses, but of the/. Acts 7. 2. men, brethren, and/, hearken, 22. 1. 13.32. the promise which was made unto the /". 22. 3. the perfect manner of the law of the / Horn. 9. 5. whose are the/, of whom Christ came lCor.4. 15. though instructors, yet have not manyy'. i^ph. 6. 4./ provoke not your children. Col. 3.21. Heb. 1. I. God who spake in times past to the/. 12. 9- we had/, of our flesh who correcicd us 8 P«. 3.4. since the/, fell asleep.all things continue 1 J»/i?i2.13. 1 write unto you/, ye have known, 14. See Buried, CHisr. Hit FATHERS. 1 Kings 15. 12. he removed the idols hit/, made t Kiugs 12. 18. took the things his/, had dedicated 15. 9. he did what was evil as /lit /. had done 21.22. he forsook L. God of hit/. 1 Chron. 21.10. 23.32.accordingto Mhis/. haQdone,37. [ 24. Q. iChran. 21. 19. no burning like the burning of Ai* f. 28. 25. Ahaz provoked the Lord God of his /. 30. ig.prepareth his heart 10 seek the God of his/. 33. 12. he humbled himself before God o{ his /. Psal. 49. 19- he shall go to the generation of his/. 109. 14. let the iniquity oi his/, be remembered Dan. 11. 24. shall do what hit/, have not done 37. neither shall he regard the God of his /. 38. and a god whom his/, knew not shall honour /. saw corruption Mr/ FATHERS. Ctn 47. 9- not attained to the years of my /. 30. I will lie with my /. carry me out of Egypt 48. 16. and the name of my/, be named on them 49- 29. bury me with my/, in the cave in field iaod. 15. 2. he is my/. God, I will exalt him 1 Kings 19. 4. for I am no better than my/. 21. 3. give the inheritance of my/, to thee, 4. t Kings 19. 12. have gods of the nations delivered them my/, destroyed ? 2 Chr. 32.14. Isa. 37. 12. 2CATOn..'}2.13.know not what I and my/, have done Ps/. 25. Josh. 14. 1. J ly. 51. I 21. 1. 1 Chr. 5.24. | 7.2,7. i 8. 6. | 9-9. 13. L.ev. 26. 39. in iniquity of their/, shall pine away 40. if they confess the iniquity of their /. A'um. 11.12. the land thou swarest to give to their f. 14. 23. Deut. 10. 11. I 31. 20. Josh. 1.6. I 5. 6. I 21. 43,44. Jer. 32.22. Deut.Zg. 25. have forsaken the covenant of their/ Josh. 4. 6. when yourchildren ask their /. \L\. 22. 14. each one a head of the house of their /. Jttrfj.2.10.that generation were gathered to their/. 12. they forsook the Lord God of their /. 17. they turned out of the way their J', walked in 19. they corrupted themselves more than their/. 20. my covenant which I commanded their /. 22. if tney keep way of Lord, as their/, kept it 3. 4. which he commanded their /. by IMoses 1 A'w^i 8.34.and bring them again to the land thou gavest to their/. 48. 2 Chron. 6. 25, 38. 9- 9- who brought forth their /. out of Egypt 14. 15. out of the land which he gave to their /. 2 Kings'il. 8. Jer. 10. 15. | 24. 10. 22. provoked above all that their /. had done 2 Ai«;i21.15. sincedayr/ie<>/. came out of Egypt 1 C/iron.4.38.the house of ii;irf/. 'n my sight 25. 8. let the young men find f. in thy sight 2 Sam. 15. 25. if I shMfindf. in eyes of the Lord 1 hings 11.19. Iladad/uunrf/. in siyht of Pharaoh I'rov. 3. 4. so shalt thou/7irf/. in the sight of God C8. 23. shall /iirf more /". than he that flattereth Cant. 8. 10. 1 was in his eyes as one that/oimrf/. l.uie 1. 30. fear not, for thoa hzstfoundf. with G . .Ids 7. 46. David/ouMif/. before God. and desired Ubiatn, or obtained FAVOUR. Eith. 2. 15. now F.sther obtained f. 17. | 5. 2. /V(ir.H.35. whoso findeth me, shall ui:urbs t/ie rest if a sinner; thus Felix feared. Acts 24. 25. 'J'/ii'ugh this fear be in nicked men, yet, through the mercy and grace of God, it often proves a preparative to faith. Acts 2. 37. Rom. 8. 15. lean* liketcise used for the object o/" fear. Thiu it is said, the Fear of haac, to describe the God tchom Isaac feared. Gen. 31. 42, Except the fear of ijaac had been with me, surely thou hadst sent me away now empty. And in I'roT. 1. 26, I will mock when yotir fear Cometh ; that is, the calamity you feared. God says, that he will send his fear before hit peo- ple ; that is, a ItrrfT vrcughi by him, in order FEA to ttrrxly and destroy the inkabitantt «f Csi* naan, Exod. 23. 27. Fear 1/ put for the ichoU worship of God, >n Psal. 34. 11, I will teach you the fear of the Lord.' 1 uill teach you the true ana principal uaii or worshipping and serving God with his accepter- tion, and to your own salvation. It is likewist put for the law and word of God, Psal. I9. 9^ The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever. The law is so called, because it is th» object, the cause, and the rule, of the grace of holt fear. Gen. 9. 2. the/, of you shall be on every beast 3 1 . 42. except the/, of 1 saac had been with me 53. .lacob sware by the/, of his father Isaac Eind. 15. 16./. and dread shall fall upon them 23. 27. I will send my/, before (hee, and destroy Deut. 2. 25. I will put the/, of thee on the nations 1 1 . 25. the Lord shall lay the/, of you on the land 1 Chion. 14. 17. Lord brought/, of him on nations Er.ra 3. 3./. was on them because of the people A>/i. 6. 14. think on them that put roe in/. 19. Esth. 8. 17. the/, of the Jews fell upon them, 9. 2. 9. 3. because the/, of Mordecai fell on them Job 3. \ 25. I feared a/, and it came upon me 4. 6. is not this thy/, thy confidence, thy hope? 14. /. came upon me and trembling 6. 14. he forsaketh the/, of the Almighty 9- 34. and let not his/, terrify me 15. 4. yea, thou castest off/and restrainest prayer 21.9. houses safe from/, nor rod of Ciod on them 22. 10. snares round about, sudden/.tronbleth thee 25. 2. dominion and/, are with him, makes peace 39.22. he mocketh at/, and is not affrighted /'ja/.5.7.in thy/. will I worship toward thy tempi* 9. 20. put them in /.O Lord, that nations may kno;r 14.5. there were they in great/. God is in genera*. 31. 11. and I was a/, to mine acquaintance 13/. was on every side, they took counsel ag. b • 48. 6. /. took hold upon them there, pain 5:i. 5. there were they in/, where no/. wju» 64. 1. preserve my hie from/, of the enemy 90. 11. according to thy /. so is thy wrath 105. 38. for the/, of them fell upon them 119. 38. thy servant, who is devoted to thy/. Prov. 1. 26. I will mock when your/, cometh 27 .when your/.comelh as desolation and deslnie, 33. and shall be quiet from/, of evil 3. 25. be not afraid of sudden/, nor desolation 10. 24. the/, of the wicked shall come upon him 20. 2. the/, of a king is as the roaring of a lion 29. 25. the/, of man br'ngeth a snare Cant. 3. 8. hath his sword because of/, in the nighl Isa. 7. 25. there shall not come the/, of briers 8. 12. neither fear ye their/, nor be afraid ,13. the Lord, let him be your/, and your oread 14. f?. the Lord shall give thee rest from thy r. 21. 4. -the night of pleasure be turned into/, to mc 24. ij .f. and the pit, and the snare are upon thee 18. that fleeth from/, shall fall, Jer. 48. 44. 29. 13. their/, toward me is taught by men 63. 17. and hardened our he.irt from tliy /. Jcf. 2. 19. an evil thing, that my/, is not in thee b. 25. the sword and/, is on every side, 20. 10. 20. t 3. Lord hath called thy name /.round about 30. 5. we have heard a voice of/, not of peaca 32. 4r/.of Saul 23. 26. Dav made haste to get away/or/ of Saul Job 22. 4. will he reprove thee for f. ot thee? /jn. 31. t 8. they shall rd and serve him in truth 1 Ain^i 18. 12. I thy servant /"./Ae L. 2 hin^i 4. 1. 2 Kings 17. 28. taught them how they should r'. L. Psal. 15. 4. he honoureth them that/. Me Ljrd 22. 23. ye that/, the lj>rd, praise him 33. H. let'all the earth/, the Lord, and stand in awe 34. 9. O /'. the Lord ye his saints, there is no want 115. 11. ye that/. Me Lord trust in the Lord 13. he will bless them that/, the Lord 118. 4. that/, the lard, say, his mercy endureth FEA Ptal. 153. 20. ye that/. Me £orrf,blessthe Leri Prov, 3. 7./- the Lord, and depart from evil 24.21. my son,/, thou i 3. 2./. not Og, 22. || 20. 3./. not your enemies 31. 6./. not the Canaanites, Josh. 10. 8, 25. 8. the Lord will go before thee, he will not for sake thee, /'. not Josh. 8. 1. 1 Chron. 28. 20 Judg. 4. 18. turn in, my lord, turn in to me,/, not 6. 10. I said,/, not the gods of the Amorites 23. peace be to ihee,/. »or,thou shalt not die Ruih 3. 11. and now, my daughter,/, not 1 Sam.i.iO. women that stood by said to her,/, not 12. GO. and Samuel said to the people,/, not 22. 23. abide thou with me,/, not, he that seeketh 23. 17. Jonathan said unto David,/, not 2 5am. 9.7. David said to Mephibosheth,/. not 13. 28. he said to his servants, kill Amnon,/. not 1 Kings 17. 13. Elijah said to the widow,/, not 2 Kings 6. I6./. nol, more with us than with them 17. 34. unto this day, they/, not the Lord 25. 24. /. not to serve Chaldees, Jer. 40. 9. 2 Chron. 20. 17. the Lord will be with you,/, net Psal. 35. 19. no changes, therefore they ('. not God 64. 4. suddenly do they shoot at him, and/, not La. 7. 4./. nol the tails of smoking firebrands 35.4. say to them that are of a fearful heart,/, not 41. 10./. thou not, for I am with thee, 43. 5. 41. 13. for I the L. thy God will hold thy right hand, saying to thee,/, nol, I will help theo 14. /. not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Isr. 43. 1. /. not, I have redeemed thee, thou art mine 44. 2. /. not, O Jacob my servant, aad Jeshuruo whom I have chosen, Jer. 30. 10. | 46. 27, 20. 8. /. ye not, nor be afraid, have not I told thee ? 51. 7. hearken to me,/, not the reproach of men 54.4./. not, for thou shalt not be ashamed Jer. 5. 22. /. ye not me ? saith the Lord Lam. 3. 57. thou drewest near, thou saidst,/. not Etek.3. 9./. no/, nor be dismayed at their looks Dan. 10. 12. then said he to me,/, not Daniel, 19. Joell. il.f. not, O land, be glad and rejoice Zeph. 3. 10. it shall be said to Jerusalem,/, m'f Hag. 2. 5. my Spirit remaineth among you,/, rut Zech.6. 13. and ye shall be a blessing,/, not 15. again I will do well to Judah, /. ye not Mai. 3. 5. a swift witness ag. them that/, not mc Mat. 1. 20. /. nor to take to thee Mary t£y wife 10. 26./. them not, there is nothing covered 28. and/, nol them which kill the body 31./. nol, ye are of more value, Luit 12.7. 28. 5. the ange4 said to the wom;n,/. not Luke 1. 13./. not Zacharias || ZO. /.'not Mary 2. 10. to the shepherds, /". not 5. 10. Simon,/, no 8. 50. Jalnis,/. not II 12. 32./. not, little tlock 18.4. though I /'. not God, nor regard man John 12. 15./. not, daughter of Sioii, behold Acts 27.24./. not, Paul, thoa must be before Cesar Uts. 1. 17./. not, I am the first and the last Not FEAR. E*od. 9. 30. 1 know ye will not Jtif. the Lord 2 Kings 17. 35. ye shall not/ other gods. 37. Job 9. 35. then would I speak, and not f. him 11.15. put iniquity far away, then thou shalt n»«_^ f jj/.27.3.tho' an host encamp.my heart shall Bo»/. 46.2. we will notf. though the earth be removed 56.4. I will no//, what fiesh can do, 118.6. Isa. 54. 14. far from oppression, thou shalt nol f Jer. 10. 7. who would notf. thee, O King of nation* Amos 3. 8. the lion h»Xh roared, who will notf.? Luke 23. 40. the other said, dnft not thou/. Godl Hei. 13.6. I will not/ what man shall do to me litv. 15. 4. who shall not f. thee, O L. and glorify FEAfiK.U. Gen. 19. SO. Lot/", to dwell in Zoar, dwelt in acave 2C. 7 Isaac /'.to say of Rebekah, she ismy wife I'jod. 2. 14. Moses/, uid said, this thing is knoiin 9. 20. he that/", the word of the Ld. made servania Vent. 25. 18. Amaiek imote thee. and/, nut God 32. 17. to new gods whom your fathers/, not 27. were it not that I /'. the wrath of the eocmv Josh. 4. 14. they/. Joshua as they did Moses Jiu/f.6.S7.Gid«OD/.||e.tO. Jether/. to slay them FEA 1 Sam, S. IS. Samuel /. to shew Eli the vision i4.C6. the honey dropped, for the peop./. the oath 15. 24. because If. the people and obeyed them t Sam. 3. 11. Ish-bosheth not answer, he/. Abner 10. 19. the Syrians/, to help Ammon any more IS.IB. David's serv./. to tell him child was dead 1 Kingi 1. 50. Adonijah/. because of Solomon 3. 28. all Isr. heard the judgment, and /. the king 8 Kin^s 17. 7- f. other gods || 25. they/, not the L. 1 Chrm. 16. 25. to be r. above all Rods, Ptal. 96. 4. S Chren. 20. 3. Jehoshaphat/. and proclaim, a fast J06 32. +6. Elihu said, I /. to shew mine opinion Ptal. 14. t5. there they/, a great fear, 53. ♦ 5. T6. 7- thou, even thou, art to be/. [| 8. the earth/. 1 1 . bring presents to iiim that ought to be /. 78. 53. he led them safely, so that they/, not 1.30. 4. there ii forgiveness, that thou mayest be f. Jja.il. 5. the isles saw it and/the ends of the earth 51. 13. and hast/, continually every day 57- 11. whom hast thou/, that thou hast lied Jer. 3. 8. her treacherous sister Judah/. not 42. 16. the sword which ye/, shall overtake you 44. 10. they are not humbled, nor have they /. £xet. 11. 8. ye have/, the sword, I will brio? it /Jar| 5. 19. all people and nations/, before him A/a/^2. 5. for the fear wherewith he/, me Mai.\ti. 5. Herod/, the multitude, 21. 46. Mart 4. 41. and they/, exceedingly, and said 6. 20. Herod/. John, knowing he was ajust man H. 18. the scribes and the chief priests /'. Jesus 32. if we shall say, of men, they /. the people, 12. 12. Luie 20. 10 ( 22. 2. Acts5. 26. iMie 9. 34. and they/.as they entered into the cloud 45. and they/, to ask him of that saying 18.2. there was in a city a judge which f. not God 19- 31. I /. thee because thou art an austere man JoA»9. 22. spake thus, because they/, the Jews Acts 16. 38. the magistrates/, when they heard Jiei. 5. 7. Christ was heard in that he/. FEARED God. £j« 112. 1. blessed is the man that/, the Lord 128. 1. blessed is every one that/, the Lord 4. thus shall the man be blessed that/, the Lord Prov. 13.13. thal/.the commandment be rewarded 14. 2. he that walketh in hisnprightness /'. Lord 16. a wise man/, and departeth from evil 28. 14. happy is the man that/, always SI. 30. woman that/, the Lord shall be praised £ecl. 7. 18. that/. God shall come forth of them all 8. 13. because the wicked/, not before God 9. 2. he that swcareth, as he that/, jin oath Jsa. 50. 10. who is among yoa that/, the Ijot^ ? Atit 10. 22. Cornelius just, and one that/. God 35. he that/, him, is accepted with him 13. 26. and whosoever among you/. God \Jchn 4. 18. he that /". is not perfect in love FEARING. Jt^k. 22. 25. our children cease from/, the Lord Maris. S3, the woman/, and trembling came ■^it 23. 10. the chief captain/, lest Paul be pulled S7. 17./. lest they fall into the quicksands, 29. Gal. 2. 12./. them which were of the cirrumcision sinjleness of heart/. God Gal. 2. 12./. the Co/. 3. 22. but in _. //»*. 11.27. forsook 'EgTOt, not/] wrath of the king _ ^ feaAful. M.xod. 15.11 o Lord, who is like thee,/, in praises ,^u/.20.8. what man is/.let him Tct\im,Judg.T.3. 28.58. mayest fear this/, name, the Lord thy God J'a. 35.4. say to them of a/, heart, be strong Af«/. 8. 20. why are ye /. 6 ye of little faith > r.i- '•^- ^^ '*■'■ '° ^^^' 'wliy are ve so /-. ; iMktiX. U. f. sights shall be in divers" plac« FEA Heb. 10. 27- acertain/. looking fo' of judgment 31./. to fall into the hands of the living God Rer. 21. 8. the/, shall have their part in the lake FEARFULNESS. Psal. 55. 5./. and trembling are come upon me Zfn. 21.4. my heart panted,/, affrighted me 33. 14./. hath surprised the hypocrites FEARFULLY. Psal. 139.14.1 am/, and wonderfully mjuie FEAST. God cut of his great wisdom appointed several fes tiials among the ievis for majiy reasons. 1. To perpetuate the memory of those great evetits and bonders which he had wrought in favour of his people: The Sabbath brought to remembrance the creation of the uorld ; the Passover, the de- parture out of Egypt ; the Pentecost, the lau- ;>ien at Sinai, 4c. "• '^'> ^"P them jw« to their religion ; vsith the lieis of ceremonies and the majesty of divine service. 3. To give them instruction ; for in their religious assemblies the law of God was read and explained. 4. To reneu the acquaintance, correspondence, and friendship of their tribes and families with another, ty coming from the several towns in the country, and meeting three times a year in the holy city. The Hebrews had a great number of feasts. The first, and most ancient of all, was the sabbath, or the seventh day of the week, instituted to preserve the memory of the world's creation. Gen. 2. 3, And God blessed the se\-enth day, and sanctified it, because in it he had rested from all his work. Commentators are tiot agreed about the first institution, of the sab- bath : Many are of opinion that she sabbath hath been observed amonz the righteous from the beginning of the wort J: that the ancients having preserved the memory of the creation, observed the sabbath also, in consequence of the natural law which obliged them thereto. Some are of opiitirx, that people did 7tot be- gin to cease from wori upon that day, till after the command which God gave the Israelites to that purpose, some time after the coming outi if Egypt, when tfiey were encamped at Warah. The Sabbatical Yezu:, which returned every seven' years, and was entirely set apart for rest : and Jubilee year, which was at the end of seven times seven years, or of the forty-ninth year, were sorts of feasts too, and may be con- sidered as consequences of the sabbath. The Passover was celebrated on the fourteenth, or rather fifteenth day of the first month m the ecclesiastical year, which was the seventh of the civil year. Ifie feast began after noon on the fourteenth, and tdos celebrated properly on the fifteenth of Nisan; it lasted seven days. But the first and last days only of the octave were days of rest, Exod. 12. 14, i^c. See Pas.sover. The feast of Pentecost was celebrated on the fif- tieth day after the Passover, in memory of t/ie laws being given to Moses on mount Sinai fifty days, or seven iceelcs after the departuie out of Egypt. See Pentecost. The feast of Trumpets roas celebrated at the be- ginning, or on the first day of the civil year, upon which a trumpet was sounded, proclaiming the beginning of the year, ::hich was in the month Tisri, answering to our September. This day was kept solemn ; all servile busiruss was forbid to be done upon it ; and particular sacri- fices were offered. Lev. 23. 24, 25. The scrip- ture does not acquaint us with the occasion of appointing this feast. 'I'heodoret believes, it teas in rrumory of the llivnder and lightning upon mount Sinai, when God gave his lau; from hence. The Kabbitvs will have it, that it uai in remembrance of the deliverance of Isaac, in ■uhose stead a ram was sacrificed by Abraham. Others say, that as the seventh day of every week was a sabbath, and every seventh year was to be kept as a holy sabbatical year, so the seventh month was to be holw in some singular manner above the rest of the mont/i.;, for the many sabbaths and tolemnfeasts that were to be observed in this more than any other month ; ntch at the feast of Expiatioii, and of Taber- nacles. The new moons, or first days of every month, were m some sort a consequence of the feast of Trumpets, /inrf though these mere not reckoned among the solemn feasts in Lev. 23. yet were celebrated as such, by the sound of trumpet s,^xim. 10. 10. by erlraordmary sacrifices, Num. 28. 11, 12, 4f. by abstaining from servile works, Amos 8. 5. and by attendance upon the minis- try of God's word, 2 Kings 4. 23. Upon these Joys also tome sort of entertainments were made, FEA 1 Sam. 20. 5, 18. And God ordained it thm, that by giving him the first-fruits of evem month they should acknowledge Aim at tht Lord of ail their time, andean his providence, by which all times and seasons are ordered. The feast of Expiation, or Atonement, was kept upon the tenth day of tht month Tisri, or Sep- tember. The Hebrews call it Kippur, or Chippur, that is, pardon or expiation, becaust it was instituted for the expiation ./ all the sins, irreverences, and pollutions of all the Israelites, from the high priest to the lowest of the people, committed by them throughout the whole yea: . Upon this day they fasted strictly, and offered several sacrifices. The high priest, after he had washed not only his hands and his feet, as usual in common sacrifices, but his whole body, dressed himself in plain linen, like the rest of the priests. He then neither wore his purple robe, nor the ephod, nor the breast-plate, because he was going to expiate his own and the people's sins. He first of all offered a buU luck and a ram for his own sins, and those of all the other priests. He put his hands upon the heads of these victims, and confessed hit own sins, and the sins of his house : then he received from the princes of the people two goat* for a sin-oj'ering, and a ram for a burnt-offer- ing, to be "ffered in the name of all the multi- tude, L«v. 16. 2. 3, &c. As to the ceremoniet used ::::!> the goats, see Offering. The feasts of Tents or Tabernacles, See T.iber. NACLE. Besides these feasts mentioned by Moses, we find the feast of lots, or Purim, zehich was cele- brated among the Jews of Shushan, on the fu^cr- teenth day of Adar ; end among the other people of the Persian empire on the fifteenth of the same month, which answers to our Febru- ary, Esth 9. 21. The Jews observe the first of these days with fasting and eryi?ig, and other expressions of vehement grief and fear ; and the latter with thanksgiving, and alt derntnstra tions of joy and triumph. See PURIM. The feast of the dedication of the temple, or rti- ther if the lestoration of the temple, which had been profaned by Antiochus Epiphanes, whteit IS thought to be the feast mentioned tn the gos- pel, John IC. 22. wtit celebrated in the winter. Josephus says, it was called the feast of lights ; probably this happiness befet them when thty least expected it , and they looked upon it tts a new light that had risen upon them, Joseph. Antiq. lib. 12. cap. 11. There is an account of this dedication in I Mzccab. 4. 62, 54, 55, tec. where i: is related, that Judas Macca- beus a7id his brethren having defeated the army of Gorgias, they went directly to the temple of Jerusalem, uhich they found forsaken and pro- faned, so that the courts were full of thick bushes and brambles, the doors were burnt, the altar prisoned, and the buildings in rums. After having shed abundance of tears on tliis occasion, they began to clean every thing, and employed the priests in demolishing the altar which had been polluted ; and erected another of rough-stone. They refitted the holy place and the sanctuary, and placed therein the can- dlestick, the table of shew-bread, and the altar of perfumes. They kindled the lamps, put the loaves upon the sacred table, set the incense on fire, offered sacrifices and burnt-offerings, and performed the dedication of the temple in eight days, with all the solemnity that circums:aneet would allow of. After sAicA Judas Maccabens made it a law, that the feast should be kept yearly for eight days, in memory of that mercy which God had theaied them. It it generally agreed that >t wot during thit feast our Savious was at Jerusalem : It was celebrated upon the twenty-fifth and following days of the month Casleu, which answers to tntr November and December, and it is therefore said, that it was winter. Love-feasts, or feasU of charity, were used among the primitive Christiaru in the puttie meetm-s of the church, to shew their unity among them, selves, to promote and maintain mutual cha. rity, and for the relief of tht poor among them, at the close whereof they administered the Lord's supper, Juie 12. But thete feasts being abused,, some think thai the aftstU Paul abolished them 1 Cor. 11. 21,22, 34. In the Christian church we have no festival that appcoTi dearly to have been instituted by Christ .lesus, or his apostles. Nevcrtlieless, as svne Say. ciLT Saviour seems to Juxve 'nstituJs:^ a feast, in a perpetual memory of his passion and dtath, when he in.tituud the sacramsr.t of bread and wine as lymbtis 0/ his iody and FEA Hood, and pledget of tpiritual ileisin^t. Christians have 3ta:ays celeoraled the memory »f Christ's rerurrcction, and keep this feast on every first day of the xeek ; vhich day was called the Lord's-day, even st early at m St. Joho's time ; Rev. 1. 10, I was in the Spirit on the Lord't-day. Cen. 19.3. Lotmadea/. || 21. S.Abraham made a/. 26. 30. Isaac made a/. || 29. 22. Laban made a/. 40. 20. Pharaoh made a/, to all his servants Eiod. 5. 1. that they may hold a/, unto me, 10. 9 12. 14. you shall keep it a f. Lev. 23. 39, 41. 13. 6. the seventh day shall be a/, to the Lord 23.14. three limes thou shalt keep ay. in the year l6.the/.ofhar\-est, the first-fruits of thy labours 32. 5. Aaron said, to-morrow is a/, to the Lord yum. 28.17. the fifteenth day of this month is the/. 29. 12. ye shall keep a.f. to the Lord seven days Deut. 16. 14. and thou shalt rejoice in thy f. Jtidg. 14. 10. and Samson made there 3.f. 12. declare it within the seven days of the/. 17. and she wept before him while their/, lasted 1 Sam. 9. 1 12. there is a/, to-day in the high-place 20. t6. there is a yearly/, for all the family 25. 36. Nabal held a/, in his house like a king t Sam. 3. 20. David made Abner and his men a/. 1 Kin^s 3. 15. Solomon made a/, to his serv. 8. 65. 8. 2. all the men of Israel assembled at the/. 12. 32. J'iroboam ordained a/, like to the/, that is in Judah, and he offered upon the altar 33. he ordained a /'. to the children of Israel 2 Chr. 5. 3. the/, in the seventh month, Keh. 8. 14. 7.3. Solomon kept the/, seven days, and all Israel with him, 9. | 30.22. ^'«A. 8. 18. Esek.i5.Z5. Esth. 1. 3. Ahasuerus made a/. 3. | 2. 18. 9. Vashti made a/. || 8. 17. the Jews had a/. Prov. 15. 13. a merry heart hath a continual/. £oc/. 10. 19/.ismadeforlaughter,wine makes merry ha. 25. 6. the Lord shall make to all people a/. Jer. 16. t 5. enter not the house of mourning/. Ezek. 45. 23. seven days of the/, he shall prepare Dan. 5. 1. Belshazxar the king made a great/. Mat. 27. 15. at that/, the governor was wont to release to the people a prisoner, Mark 15. 6. Luke 2. 42. they went up after the custom of the /. 5. 29. Levi made him a great/, in his house 14. 13. but when thou makest a/, call the poor 83. 17. he must release one unto them at the/. John 2. 8. draw, and bear to the governor of the/. 9. when the ruler of the/, tasted the water 4. 45. the Galileans having seen all that he did at the/, at Jerusalem, for they also went to the/. 5. 1. after this there was a/, of the Jews 6. 4. the passover, a /. of the Jews, was nigh 7. 8. go ye up to this /'. I go not up yet to this/. 10. then went he also up to the/, not openly 11. then the Jews sought him at the/, and said 14. now about the midst of the /. Jesus taught 37. in the last day, that great day of the/. 10. 22. it was at Jerusalem the /". of dedication 11.56. what think ye, that he will not come to/..' 12. 12. next day much people that were come to/. 20. certain Greeks among them that came to / 13. {"9, buy what we have need of against the/. Acts 18. 21. I must by all means keep this/. I Cor. 5. 8. let ns keep the/, not with old leaven 10. 27. if any that believe not bid you to a/. FEAST-DAY, days. Hos. 2. 11. I will also cause \ieTf.-dayt to cease 9. 5. what will ye do in day of the/, of the Lord ? Amos 5. 21 I hate, I despise your f. -days Mai. 26. 5. they said, not on the f. -day, Mark 14.2. John 2. 23. in the/.-H4.1. ZmkeiAl. every year ^tf .of past, his parents went John 13. 1. before/. o/"pa«or«r Jesus knew his hour Solemn. FEAST. t)tiU. 16.15. seven days shalt thou keep z. solemn f. Psal. 81. 3. Biow the trumpet on our solemn /-day Lam. 2. 7. make a noise as in the solemn f.-i&y FEAST of taiernacles. Lev. 23. 34. the fifteenth day shall be/. ^ raisr. £)Jebuchadnezzar with grass, like oxen Zech. 11.7. I took two staves, and I /. the flock Mat. 25. 37 .when saw we thee hungered,and/.thee' Mark 5. 14. they that/, the swine fled, Luke 8.34. Luke 16. 21. desiring to be/, with crumbs that fell 1 Cor. 3.2.1 have /. you with milk, not with meal FEE. Dan. 2. + 6. ye shall receive of me, gifts and /. 5. t 17. give thy/, to another, yet I will read FEEBLE. Gen. 30. 42. when cattle were/, he put them not in Deut. 25. 18. the Amalekites smote all that were/. 1 Sam. 2.5. that hath many children, is waxen /'. 2 Sam. 4.1. Abner dead.Ish-bosheih's hands v/eref. 2 Chron. 28.15. carried all the/, of them on asses Neh. 4. 2. and he said, what do these/. Je«-s > Job4.i. and thou hast strengthened the/, knees Psal. 38*8. I am/, and sore broken, I have roared 106. 37. was not one/, person amongst their tribes Prov. .30. 26. the conies are but a/, folk, yet make Isa. 16.14. the remnant shall be very small and/. 35. 3. strengthen the weak hands, confirm /. knees J«T-.6.24.we have beard the fame, our hands wax/. 49. 84. Daaucu* is wued /'. aod turneih to flee FEE J*T. 5C. 43. the kmg of Babyion's haodj wazed f Etek. 7. 17. all hands shall be/. 21.7. Zech. 12. 8. and he that is/, shall be as David 1 Cor. 12.22. the members which seem to be more/. 1 Thess. 5. 14. brethren, comfort the /.-minded Heb. 12. 12. lift up the hands and the ;'. knees FEEBLER. Gen. 30.42. so the/, were Laban's, stronger J acob'l FEEBLENESS. Jer. 47. 3. the fathers shall not look back for/. FEED. To feed tignifiet to eat, to take meal or nourish- ment for the body, and thii it common 10 man uith the beattt. Jude 12, Feeding themselves without fear. Isa. 27. 10, There shall the calf feed, and there shall he lie down. It also signifies to furnish or supply olhert vith food , thus Joseph /rrf the Egyptians /ar their cattle : that is, he gave them food and provision for ont year, for which they gate him their cattle, Gen. 47. 17. And Agar prayt that God would feed him with food convenient for him ; that ht xcould furnish him with food tuitable to hxs n> ctssiiies and occationt, Prov. 30. 8. But feeding, generally in Scripture, it taken for the business and calling of a shepherd, and cort- prehends all the duties belonging t» that office . not only that of feeding, or providing patturt J'or his fiock, but also of guiding, observing, and defending them. In thii tense, feeding 1/ ap- plied, I. To God, and that (1) In respect of hti church, which he rutet, defendt, directt, sustains, and nourishes, both inwardly, by the gifts and graces of hit Spirit; and outwardly, by hit power and providence. Gen. 48. 15, The God which fed me all my life long unto this day. And the Psalmist, Feed them also, and 116 them up for ever, Ptat. 28. 9. Hence Uod it called a Shepherd, Ptal. 23. 1, The Lord is my Shepherd : He providet J'or me, he brings me out of the wrong way, and guides me m the right. (2) In respect of the ungodly, upon whom he executes his judgmtnit. Ezek. 34. I6, I will feed them with judgment. And I'u Hos. 4. 16, The Lord will feed them as a lamb la a large place ; He will make them to wander, like a loit lamb in a wilderness, and scatlei them into Assyria. (3) In respect of the crea- tures which receive their supplies wholly from God. Psal. 145. 15, The eyes of all "wait upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season. Mat. 6. 26, The fowls of the air neither sow nor reap, yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. II. To Christ. Isa. 40. 11, He shall feed his flock like a shepherd. And our Saviour says of himself, I am the good Shepherd, John 10. il. Christ Jesus performs all the offices of a tender and faithful Shepherd, towards hit peo- ple, carrying himselj with great wisdom, and condescension, and compassion, to every one 0) them, according to their several capacities aird infirmities: Ht feeds them by hit word. Spirit, g'ace, J'ulnett, redemption, ordinances and providencet. III. To Man. And then betide the comrcon ac- ceptation of the word, J'or J'eedmg cattle, it it taken, (1) For instructing and teaching others by wholesome doctrine; fur ruling and censuring by ecclesiastical discipline. Jolin 21. 15, l6. Feed my lambs : Feed my sheep. And in Jer. 3. 15, I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. (2) lor ruling and governing politically. Thus kingt and ma- gistrate! are compared to ihepherdt, 2 Sam. 5. 2, Thou shalt feed my people Itrael. Psal. "8. 71, He brought Vavid to feed Jacob hi» people. IV. iothe enemies of the church, whom Ged tometimet maket use of for the chattitement of his people. Jer. 6. 3, The Babylonian priitcet, with their armies, shall feed every one m kti place : They shall take up their quariert m the placet attigned them, and make tpoil of all thev can find there. V. To such at flatter tkemiehet with lain hopn of help and assistance. Hos. 12. 1, F.phratm feedeth on wind : The ten tribet fiaiier them- tehes uith hopei of help from the Egyptians and Assyrians, but ihty are tupporttng them. selves uith hopei at unfit to sustain them, at the -uind is to feed the body and nourish it. Inev made niw ailianeet and friendt'iipi, but all of them will prece liet to them al last, Uke the wind they J'eed upon. VI. lo rulers', both political and ecclesiastical, :.ho ronitive their oan ease, advantage. Honour, and ambitious prejecli ; but feed not I heir flocks , >ake no care to iMpport thewi, either ui:\ u.'uil^ PEE FEE seme ceumel, » neetsiary relief, at lAey ougiliAfal.S.SO.^nheTioft.'w'iDe/, Mori S.M.Luke 8.SZ. 10 do, jneording lo their r'espeetiie oj^f«. |Lui« 17. ".which of yoa having a servant/, cattle Eiek. 3-». S, 3, Woe to the shephenis that do feed themselves ; should not the shepherds feed the flocks .' Ye kill them that are fed ; but ye feed not the flock. Gen, 37 1 2 .his brethren went to/. their father's flock 16. tell me, I pray, where they /. their flocks 46. 38. for their trade hath been to/, cattle £xatf. S3. 5. and shall/, in another man's field 34. 3. neither let flocks/, before that mount 8 Sam. 5. 2. thou shall/, my people Israel 7.7- whom I commanded to/. Israel, 1 CAr. 17.6- 1 A')n{il7 '4. have commanded the ravens to/, thee JoiSi. 2. they take away flecks and/, thereof 20l the worms shall/, sweetly oo him Pjo/. 28. 9. /. them, and lift them up for ever 40. 14. laid in the grave, death shall /. on them Tb. 71. he brought David to/. Jicoh his people Prov. 10. SI. the lips of the righteous/, many Cant. 4. 6. like two roes which /. among the lilies 6. 2. my beloved is gone to/, in the gardens ha. i. if. the lambs shall f. after their manner 11. 7. and the cow and tht Dear shall/. 14. 30. and the first-horn of the poor shall /. 27. 10. there shall the calf/, and shall lie down .10. 23. thy cattle shall/, in large pastures 40. 11. he shall/, his flock as a shepherd 49. 9. they shall /. in the ways and high places 'il. 5. and strangers shall stand and/, your flocks 60. ii. the wolf and the lamb shall/, together Jer. 2. + 16. the children of Noph/. on thy crown 3. 15. pastors who shall/, you with knowledge 6. 3. ihey shall/, every one in his place £3. £. against the pastors that/, my people 4. 1 will set up snepherd* which shall/, them 50. 19 Israel shall/, on Carmel and Bashan Lam. 4. 5. they that/, delicately are desolate £ttt. 34. 2. woe to the shepherds that do/, thems. 3. ye eat the fat, but ye/, not the flock 10. neither shall iht sbepherds/. themselves 23. even my servant David shall /. them Dan. 11. 26. ihej that/, of his meat destroy him Hos. 4. 16. now the Lord will/, them as a lamb 9. 2. the flour and the wine press shall not/, them Jonah 3. 7. let them not/, nor drink water Mtc. 5. 4. he shall/, in the strength of the Lord Zefli. 2. 7. they shaill/. thereupon, God shall visit 3. 13. they shall/, none shall make them afraid Zech. 11.9. then said I, I will not/, you 16. the shepherd shall not/, that standeth still Mat. 2. + 6. out of thee a Governor that shall /. Xu>< 15. 15. he sent him to his fields to/, swine Aeis 20. 28. take heed to/, the church of God 1 Cor. 9. 1 13. they/, of the things of the temple 13. 3. though I give all my goods to/, the poor A«r.7.17. for the L&mb shall/, them and lead them 12. 6. that they should /. her there 1260 days FEED, ImpeTalitelt/. Gen. 25. 30. /. me with that same red pottage 29. 7' water ye the theep, and go and/, them 1 hings 22.27 ./. him with bread and water of afflic- tion, until I come in peace, 2 CAr. 18. 26. Pret. 30. 3./. me with food convenient for me Cant 1. 8./. thy kids beside the shepherds' tents Mte. 7. 14./. thy people with thy rod, the flock Zech. 11.4. aaith Lord./, the flock of the slaughter Jthn CI. 15./. my lambs || I6./. my sheep, 17. Jicm. 12. 20. if thine enemy hunger,/ him 1 >' 41.Jairus fell down at Jesus'/, and besought him 10. 39. Mary, who sat at Jesus'/ heard his word 15. 22. put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his/. 24. 39. behold my hands and my/, that it is ( 40. he shewed them his hands and his/. Johnll.Q.. and wiped his/, with her hair, 12. 3. 12. 3. and Mary anointed the/, of Jesus 20. 12. one angel at the head, the other at the/. Acit 3.7. and immediately his/, received strengtk 4. 35. laid them down at the apostles'/. 37. | 6. 2. 5. 9. the/, of them who have buried thy husband 7. 58. they laid their clothes at a young man's/. 13. 25. shoes of his/. I am not worthy to loose 51.they shook ofFthedust of their/, against thee* 14. 8. there sat at Lystra a man impotent in his/. 10. Paul said, stand upright on thy/, he leapedi 16. 24. who m^e their/, fast in the stocks 21. 11. Agabus bound his own hands and/. C2. 3. yet brought up at the/ of Gamaliel 26. 16. but rise, and stand upon thy/. Horn. 3. 15. their/, are swift to shed blood 10. 15. the/ of'^them that preach the gospel iCor. 12.21. nor head to the/.I have no need of yoo £;iA.6.15.your^.shodwith the preparation of gospel Heb. 12. 13. and make straight paths for your/. Hev.i.g.makt them come and worship before thy/. 10. 1. another mighty ang«(, his/, as pillars of fire- 11. 11. the two witnesses stood upon their/ 13. 2. his/, were as/, of a bear, mouth of a lion 22. 8. 1 fell down to worship before his/. At hit FEET. Ezod. 4. 25. Zipporah cast the foreskin at hit f. Judg. 4.10. Bai^ak went with ten thousand at hit J. Ruth 3. 14. she lay at his J. until the morfiing 1 Sam. 25. 24. Abigail fell at hit / and said 2 Kingt \. 37. the woman of Shunem fell at hit f. £*M.8.3. Esther fell down af Ai.f/.and besought hira Hab. 3. 5. and burning coals went forth at his f. Mat. 18. 29. his fellow-servant fell down ar his f Marks. 22. Jairus, when he saw him, (ell at his/. 7.£5.Syrophenician woman came, suid fell at his/. Luke 7 . 38. she stood at hit /. behind him, weeping John 11. 32. Mary fell down at hit /. saying /if/j5.10.Sapphira fell at hit/. and yielded up ghost 10. 25. Cornelius met him, and fell down at hi>/. Rev. 1. 17. whenl saw him, I ieWathit/. as dead 19. 10. and I fell at hit/, to worship him FEET joined with tole or loltt. Deut..,\\. 24. tote of your/, tread shall be yccrs Joih. 3: 13. as sor.n as loletot the priests'/. 4.18 IKingt 5.3. till L. put them luider the Kilet of his/, 19. 24. viih tolet of my/, have dried, Ita. 37. Ci Ita. 60. 14. shall bow down at the tolet of thy /. Eiek. 1. 7. the tale of their/, was like a calfs foot 43. 7. the piLce of tolet of my/, no more deh. Mai. 4. 3. wicked shiUl he ashes under/, of your Under FEET. Ezod. 24.10. under his f. as it were a sapphire-storo 2 Sam. 22. 10. darkness was ujuier his/. Ptat 18.S) 39. yea, tbejr an fallen vnd*i my ft PEL Ps»l. 8. 6. thoo hast put all Ihinjs under his /. 1 Cor. 15. 27. Eph. 1. 22. 47. 3. he shall subdue the nations uniicr out/. 91. 13. the dragon shalt thou trample under/. J id. 14. 19. as a carcase trodden under/. 28.3.drunkards of Ephiaim shall be troda.under/. Lam. 3. 34. to crush under his^/". all prisoners Mat. 7. 6. lest they trample them under their/. fiom. 16. 20. God shall bruise Satan under your/. 1 Cor.13 25. till hehatnput all enemies ««rf«r his/". Ilei. 2. 8. for he put all in subjection under his r". Rev. 12. 1. clothed with the sun, moon wider her/. FEET with uasA, or washed. G#i«.18.4. let water be fetched, and wasli your/. 19. 2. turn in, tarry all night, and wash your/. 24. 32. and Laban gave water to aash his/. 43. 24. gave them water, and they washed ihtir /. Bxod. 30. 19. Aaron and his sons shall wash their hards and their/, thereat, 21. 1 40. 31. ■Itidg. 19. 21. Levite and concubine a^ui/iai their/. 1 6'am. 25. 41. louash the/, of servanu of my lord 2 Sam. 11. 8. Uriah, go to thy house, wash thy/. Psal. 58.10. shall wash his/, in blood of the wicked Can/.5.3.have»ojAerfmy/.how shall I defile them! Ijike 7- 38. she began to wash his/, with tears 44. but she hath washed my/, with tears John 13. 5. he began to wash the disciples'/. 6. Peter saith to him, lid. dost thou wash my/..' 8. Peter saith to him, thou shalt never wash my/. 10. needeth not save to wash his/, but is clean 12. so af'er he had washed their/, he said to them 14. if I your Ld. and Master nave washed your/. 1 Tim. 5. 10. if she have washed the sziims'/. FEIGN. 3 Sam. 14. 2. I pray /. thyself to be a mourner 1 Kings 14.5.she shall/, herself to be jui»ther worn. Lmke CO. 20. which should/, themselves just men FEIGNED. 1 &«m.21. 13. David/, himself mad in their hands 2 .Sam. 22. 45. strangers shall yield/, obedience unto me, Psal. 18. + 44. Psal.lJ.l .to my prayerthat goeth not out of/, lips 66. t 3. thine enemies shall yield/, obedience 8l.tl5.the haters of the Lord yielded/, obedience i Pel. 2.3. with/, words make merchandise of you FEIGN EST. 1 Kings 14. 6. why/, thou thyself to be another ? Neh. 0. 8. but thou/, them out of thine own heart FEIGNEDLY. Jer. 3. 10. hath tamed to me but/, saith the Lord FELL. Gen. 4. 5. Cain was wroth, and his countenance/. 14. 10. the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah/. 15. 12. a deep sleep/, on Abram and lo, an horror iS.llB.lshmael/ in the presence of his brethren 33. 4. Esau ran, and/, on his brother's neck 44. 14. Joseph's brethren/, before him on ground i5. 14. Joseph/, on Benjamin's neck and wept 46. 29. Jacob/, on Joseph's neck and wept Eiod. 32. 28. there /. of the people 3000 men Lev. 16. 9- the goat on which the Lord's lot/. 10. Wum. 11.4. the mixt multitude/, a lusting 9. the dew/, on the camp, the oanna f. upon it 14. 5. Moses and Aaron/. 16. 22, 45. j 20. 6. Josh. 8. 25. that all that/, that day, were 12,000 11. 7. so Joshua came and/, upon them 22. 20. and wrath/, on all the congregation Judg. 4.16. Sisera's host/, on the edge of the sword 5. 27. Sisera/. |1 8. 10. for there/. 120,000 men 7. 13. a cake of bread smote the tent that it/. 12. 6. there /■. of Ephraimites at that time 42,000 16. 30. the house/, on the lords and on the people 20. 44. and there/, of Benjamin 18,000 men 1 Sam. 4. 10. there/, of Israel 30,000 footmen 18. Eli/, from his seat backward by the gate 11. 7. the fear of the Lord/, on the peqple 14. 13. the Philistines/, before Jonathan 19. t24. Saul prophesied, and/, down that day 22. 18. Doeg turned, and/, upon the priests 25. 24. Abigail/, at David's feet, and said 28. 20. Saul/, straightway along on the earth iQ. 3. 1 found no fault in him since he/, on me 30. 13. because three days agone I /. sick 31.4. therefore Saul took a sword and/, upon it 5. his armour-bearer/. likewise, 1 Chr. 10. 4,5. 2 6'a77i. 4. 4. Mephibosheth/. and became Ijmie 11. 17. there/, some of the people of David 33. 2. Amnon/. sick for his sister Tamar 20. 8. Joab's sword/, out, as he went forth 21. 9- they f. all seven together in days of harvest 22. tneyy. by the hand of David, 1 Chron. 20. 8. 1 Kbigs 2. 25. Benaiah/. on .Adonijah that he dii-d 32. who/, upon two men more righteous than hi; 34. Benaiah /. onjoah II 40. Benaiah/. on Shimei 12. +19. so Israel/, from the house of David 14. 1. Abijah the son of Jeroboam/, sick 17. 17. the son of the woman/, sick, it was so sore 18. 38. fire of Lord f. and consumed the sacrifice CCl. 30. a wall/, on 27,000 men that were left 2 Kings 1.1.1. third captain/, on knees before Elijah 197 FEL 2 Kingsi. 13. took mantle of F.lij. that/, frnmhii* 4. 8. it/, on a day Elisha passed to Shunem, 1 1 . 18. it/, on a day the child went to the reapers 37. Shunemite/. at his feet and bowed herself 6.5. the a-te-head/. into the water, and he cried 6. and the man of God said, where/, it ? 7.20. so it/, out to him, the people trode on him 25. 11. the fugitives that/, away to the king 1 C/ir. 12. 19. there f. some of Manasseh to David 51. 14. and there/, of Israel 70,000 men 27.24. because there/, wrath for it against Israel 8 Chron. 15. 9. for they/, to David out of Israel 17. 10. the fear of Ld./. on all kingdoms of lands 20. 18. the inhabitants of Jerusalem/, before Ld. 21. 19. his bowels/, out by reason of sickness 25. 13. the soldiers of Israel/, on cities of Judah Ezra 9. 5. I f. on my knees and spread roy hands Esih. 8.17. for the fear of the Jews/, on them, 9. 2. 9. 3. becmse the fear of Mordecai/. upon them JoS 1. 15. the Sabeans/. on the asses, and took them 17.Chaldeans/.oncamels,andcarried them away 19. the house/, on young men, and they are dead Psal. 27 . 2. wicked came to eat up my flesh, they/. 78.64. theirpriests/. by sword, widows not lament 105. 38. for the fear of Israel/, on Egypt Jer. 39. 9. those that/, away, that/, to him, 52. 1 5. 46. 16. one/, upon tnother, and they said, arise Lam. 1. 7. her people/, into the heind of the enemy 5. 13. and the children/, under the wood Ezek. 8. 1. the hand of the Lord/, upon me, 11.5. 39. 23. so/, they all by the sword Dan.i. 31. there/', a voice from heaven, saying 7. 20. other which came up, before whom three/. 10. 7. but a great quaking/, upon them Jonah 1. 7. they cast lots , and the lot/, on Jonah Mat. 7. 25. the house/. not|| 27. it/. Lulie 6. 49. 1 3.4. seed/, by the way-side, Mark 4. 4. iu*« 8.5. S.some/.upon stony places. Afar* 4. 5. Luke 8.6. 7. and some/.among thorns, Mark 4. 7. Luke 8.7. S.other/.inlo good ground, Marki. 8. Luke 8.8. Mark 5. 22. Jairus when he saw him,/, at his feet 7.25.Syrophenician woman came, and/, athis feet 9. 20. be/, on the ground and wallowed foaming 14. 35. Jesus/, on the ground and prayed Luke 1. 18. and fear/, upon Zacharias 8. 23. but zis they sailed, Jesus/, asleep 10. 30. a certain man/, among thieves, 36. 13. 4. upon whom the tower in Siloam/. 15. 20. his father/, on his neck and kissed him 16. 21. crumbs which/, from the rich man's table John 18. 6. went backward and/, to the ground Acts 1. 25. from which Judas by transgres.'^ion/". 26. gave forth lots, and the lot/", tipon Matthias 7. 60. and when he had said this, he/, asleep 9. 4. Saul/, to the earth and heard a voice 18. there/, from his eyes as it had been scales 10. 10. Peter became hungry, and/, into a trance 41. the Holjr Ghost/, on them all, 11. 15. 12. 7. the chains /. off from Peter's hands 13. 11. there f. OD him amist and a darkness 36. David J. on sleep and saw corruption 19. 17. and fear/, on all the Jews at Ephesus 20. 10. Paul went down, and/, on Eutychus 37. they all/, on Paul's neck, and kissed him 22. 7. I /• nnto the ground, and heard a voice Rom. 11. 22. on them which /. severity 15.3. reproaches of them reproached thee/, on me 1 Cot. 10. 8. and/, in one day twenty-three thcus, Heb. 3. 17. whose carcase*/, in the wilderness 2 Pet. 3.4. since fathers/. asleep all things continue Rev. 1. 17. when I taw him I /. at his feet as dead 6. 13. and the stars of heaven /. unto the earth 8. 10. and there/, a great star from heaven 11. 11. and great fear/, on them who saw them 13. the tenth part of the city /. by earthquake 16. 2. and there /. a noisome and grievous sore 19. the city was divided, and cities of nations/. 21. there/, on men, great hail out of beaven 19. 10. and I/, at his feet to worship him Sei Face, Faces. FELL down. Num. 28. 27- when the ass saw the angel, she /. d Deut. 9. 18. and I/, down before the Lord, 2o. Josh. 6. 20. the people shouted, the wall /. d. flat J: 11. 16. Didymussaid to his/, disciples, let us go Acts 17. 1 18. some said, what will this hase/.say f 18. 13. this/, persuadeth men to worship God 22. 22. away with such a/, from the earth 24. 5. we have found this man a pestilent/. FELLOW-CITIZENS. £j//(.2.19.but/..<:iVi«nj with saints and household FELLOW-HEIRS. Eph. 3. 6. that the Gentiles should he /.-heirs FELLOW-IIELPER. 2 Cor. 8. 23. Titus my /.-helper concerning you FELLOW-HELPERS. 3 John 8. that we might he/.-helpers lo the truth FELLOW-LABOURER. 1 T/ie«. 3.2.we sent Timotheus out /.-labourer Philem, 1. Paul to Philemon out /.-labourer FELLOW-LABOURF.RS. Phil. 4. 3. Clement, with other my /.-labourers PAi7cn».24.Marcus, Dema.s, Lucas, my /.labourers FELLOW.PRISUN ER. Col. 4. 10. Aristarchus my /.-prisoner saluteth you Philem. 23. Epaphras my /.-prisoner in Christ FELLOW-PKISON ERS. Rom. 16. 7. Andronicus and Junia my /.-prisoner*' FELLOW-SERVANT, or servants. Mat. 18. 28. found one of his/..jthou lose lift 20. t 11. all Israel were gathered/, as one man 2 Sam.6. 20.a3 one of the vain ( uncovereth himself Psal. 45. 7. with oil of gladness above f. }leb. 1. 9. Jsa. 44. 11. behold all his/, .vliari oe ashamed Eiei. 37. 19. I will take thet'ibes of Israel his/ Dan. 2. 13. they sought Daniel and his/to be slaio 18. th£t Daniel aod his /'. should not perUh FER Van, 7.20.wt.ose look vas more sloiit than hij/. l£4t>i. 3. 8. ihou and thy f. tha; set before thee Jdai. 11. l6. like to chililren calling to their/. /Icii 1". 5. Jews took lewd /. of the baser sort FELLOWSHIP. Z^i 6. C. which was delivered him to keep, or in/". />x.94. CO. shall the throne of iniq.have/.wiih '.hee r /If;* 2. 42. they contin. in apostles' docjrine and/. 1 Cer. 1.9. ye were called to the/, of his Son 10. 20. not that ye should have/, with devils 8 C(ir.6.14.what f. hath righteousness with unrigli- teousness ? w-hat communion light with darkii. ■ 8. 4. take on us the/, of ministering the saints Cal. 2. 9. they gave to me the rii;ht hand off. Eph.i.O- 10 make men see what is the/, of mystery 5.11. have no/.with nnfruitful works of darkness Pkil. I. 5. for your/, in the gospol till now S. 1 . if there be any/, of the spirit, if bowels 3. 10. that I may know the/, of his sufferings 1 Jo'nn 1. ^. that ye also may have/, with us, and truly our f. is with Father, and with Son J. C. 6. if we say that we have f. with him.and walk in 7. if we walk in light, we have/, one with another FtLT. 6f».27. 22. Jacob went near, and Isaac/, him 31 .♦3-t.Laban/.all the tent, but found them not £jorf. 10.21 .over land, even darkness that may be/. Pro:. 23. 33. they have beaten me, and I /. it not Marti. 29. she/, she was healed of that plague Acts 28. 5. he shook off the beast and /'. no harm FEMALE. Gen. 1.27. male and/, created he them, 5. 2. f). ly. two of every sort, they shall be male and/. 7. «. take to thee by sevens, the male and the/. 3. y . there went in two and two, the male and the/. 16. they that went in, went in male and/. Let. 3. 1. if he offer it, whether it be male or/. 6. if his offering be of the Hock, male or /'. 4. 2a. offering a/, without blemish, 32. j S. 6. 12. 7. law for her that hath born a male or/. 27. ». if it be a/, thy estimation shall be 30 shekels C. thy estimation for the/, ten shekels, 7- 6. for the/, from a month old, three ."Shekels A'wm.S. 3. both male anJ f. shall ye put out Deiit. 4.l6.Rraven image, t^e likeness of male or/. 7. 14. shall not be a male or/, barren among you Hal. 19. 4. made them male and/. Mark 10. 6. iial. J. 28. in Christ there is neither male nor f. FENCE. Ps. CC. 3. ye be as a bowing wall and a tottering/. FENCED. Joh 10. 11. he hath/, me with bones and sinews 19. 8. he hath r". up my way that I cannot pass Ija. 5. 2. my befoved hath a vineyard, and he/, it FENCED. De»i. 18. 52. till thy hifch and/, walls come down 4 antr. 23. 7. man that shall touch them must be/. t Kin^s 3. 19. and ye shall smite every/, ciiy 10. 2. there are with you a/, city and armour 17. 9. from the tower to the/, cliy, IB. 8. 19. t24. I have dried up the rivers of/, places with the sole of my feet, Isa. 3". •» 25. Jia. 2. 15. the day of the Lord on every/, wall Jer. 15. 20. I will make thee 3. J. brasen wall 7.:«/t.36.35.thewasie and ruinedciiies are become/. Uah. 2. 1 1. 1 will set me upon the/, place FF.NCED ciiiei. -Vnm. 32. 17. our little ones shall dwell in/, cities Dent. S. 5. all these cities were /'. with walls '). 1. to possess cities great ami r". up to heaven J«ili. 10. 20. the rest of them entered into/, ciite^ 14. 12. and that the cities were great and/. 1 .ViJ/i.ti. 18. golden mice.accord.tonunib. otj'.ciiies 2 Unm. 20. 6. pursue, lest he get/, cities and escape i h'infSiS. 13. Sennachcribcame up against all the /■. fifij». 11 fO. within/, days he shall be destroyed FIE yfat. 7. 14. strait is gate, and /".there be that find i 29. S7. but the labourers are f. Luke 10. 2. 15. 34. seven, and a/, little fishes, Mark 8. 7 20. 16. many be called, but/, are chosen, 22. 14 25. 21 .thou hast been faithful in a/ things, 23 Atari 6. 5. laid hands on a/.sick folk, healed tncm Luke 12. 48. shall be beaten with/, stripes 13. 23. one said. Lord, are there/, that be saved! Acts 24. 4. that thou wouldest hear us a/, words Lfj/i. 3. 3. the mystery as I wrote afore in_/'. word* iiifA.12.10.for they verily for i/.dayschiMeiied us 13. 22. for I have written unto you in/', words 1 ^'«.3.S0.wheroin/.thai is, eight souls were saved ilev.i. 14. 1 have a/, things against thee, 20. 3. 4. thou hasl a /'.' names even in Sardis iiui a FEW. Gen. 29. 20. t'uey seemed to him iui a/, days Lev.'ii. 52. if there remain but ''. years to jubilee Josh. 7. 3. the men of Ai are but J'. 1 Chron. 16. iy. when ye were but't'. Piat. 105. 12. Jer. 42. 2. for we are left but a/. of many \ot a FEW 2 Kings 4.3. borrow empty vetsels, borrow not af. ha. 10. 7. 10 destroy, and cut off nations nor a f. Jer. 30. 19. multiply them, and they shall n"! bef. Acts 17.4. chief women nos a f. || li'.of men not at', FEWER. .V«m.33. 54. to/ ye shall give the less inhcriiaiico JobZO. t 1. but they that are of/, days thau 1 FEWESr. Deul. 7. 7. for ye were the/, of all people FEWNE.S-). Lev. 25. 16. according to/, of years diminish pride FIDELITV. 7'«.'. 2. 10. servants not purloining, shewing good .'" FIELD. Gen.'i3. 11. the/, give i thee, and the cave ihereio 20. the /'. and cave were made sure to Abraham 27. 27. the smell of my son is as the smell of a 1. 31.4. Jacob called Rachel anil Leah 10 \\w f. ■iy. 30. in the/, which Abraham bought, 50. IJ Etod. 22. 5. il a man shall cause a/, to be eaten 6. so that the com or/, be consumed therpwirn Lev. ly. 19. shall not sow thy/, with mingled seed 23. 3. six years shall sow thy/.and prune vine) aid 4. in the seventh jear thou "shall not sow thy f. 27.17. if he sanctity his/.from yearof juJilec^ 18. 20. if he will not redeem the/'.orif he sold the/. Oeni. 5. SI. nor shall thou covet thy neighbour's/ Josh. 15. 18. to ask of her father a/. Judg. 1 . 14. limh 2. 8. go not to glean in another/, but abide 4. 5. Boaz said, what day thou buyesl /'.of ,N aoml 2 .bam. 2. f 16. place was called the /'.of strong men 1 4. 30. Joab's/. is near mine, an(f he hath barley 31. why have thy ser^■ants set my/, on tire :■ 2 Kings 18. 17. they stood by upper pool, whirh ii in high-way of the fuller's/.i/o. 7. 3. | 36. «. Sth. 13. 10. the Levites fled every one to his/. l^sal. 96. 12. let the/, be joyful and all therein ProT. 24. 30. 1 went by the f. of the slothful 27.26. lambs for clothing, an3 goats the price of/1 31. 16. she considereth a/, and buveih it Eccl. 5. 9. ihe king himself is ser\-ei«n/. I will give to beasts 39-5. thou shalt fall upou the ofen/.sa':th Lord G. FI ELDS. Eiod. 8. 13. the frogs died out of the houses and/. Lev. 25. 31. shall be counted asihey'. of the country 27. 22. which is not of the /'. of his possession Num. 16. 14.thou hast not given us inheritance of/. 2o. 17. we will not pass thro'/, or vineyards, 21. 22. Jidut. 11. 15. and 1 will send grass into thy/. 12. 13. that lie might eat the increase of tht-/. ■32. theirvine is as the vine of the /. of Gomorrah .'.>J A. 2 1. 12 .but the/.and villages gave they to (Jaleti ISam.B. 14. he will take your/, and vineyards 82. 7. will the son of Jesse give tach of you^f'. .^ 25tl6. they were a wajl to u* when we were in/. 109 1 Chron. iC. 32. let the/, rejoice, and all therein 27. Cj. and over the store-Iiouses in the/, iu cities 2 Chron. 26. +10. had vine-dre.'isers in fruitful/. .fod 5. 10. and who seadeth waters upon the f. Psal. 137. 37. and sow the/, and plant vineyards 132. 6. we found it in the/, of the wood Prov. 8. £6. while as yet he had not made the/. 23. 10. and enter not into the/, of the fatherless /ja.l6. 8.for/.of Heshbon languish and vine of SSi>. 32". 12. they shall lament for teats, the pleasant/. Jer. 6. 12. their/, shall be turned to others, 8. lu. 13. 27. I have seen thine abominations in the/. 32. 15./. shall be possessed again in this land 43./. bought II 44. men shall buy/, for money 39. lO.Nebuzar-adan gave them/.althe same time 40. 7 . the captains of forces which were in the/. 13 Uiad. 19. they shall possess the/, of Ephraim Mic. 2. 2. they covet/, and talte them by violence 4. turning away, he hath divided our/. Hai. 3. 17. although the/, shall yield no meat iUar>t2.23.he went through the corn/. Luke 6. 1 John 4. 35. lift up your eyes, and look on the/. Jam.b. 4. the labourers, which reaped down your/. Open FIELDS. Lev.ii. 53. he shall let go the living bird into openf. Num. 19. 16. one slain with a sword in the openf. 2 5am. 11. 11. servants are encamped in the openf. Eztk. 29. 5. thou shalt fall upon the openf. FIERCE. Gen. 49. 7. cursed be their anger, for it was/. Deut. 28. 50. L. bring a nation of a/, countenance Job 4. 10. the voice of/, lion jind teeth are broken 10. 16. thouhuntest me as a/, lion, thou shewest 28. 8. nor hath the/, lion, passed by it 41. 10. noae is so/, that dare stir him up Xfa. 19.4. and a/king shall rule over them.saith L. 33. ig.thou shalt not see a/.people,ofdeeperspeech Dan. 8. 23. a king of/, countenance shall stand up ifai.l.S.horses are more/than the evening wolves Mat. 8. 28. two possessed with devils, exceeding/. LukeiZ.S. and they were more/saying, he stirreth 2'i'/m.3.3. for men shall be incontinent,/ despisers Jam. 3. 4. the ships which are driven of/, winds See Anger. Wrath. FIERCENESS. /oi39.24.ne swalloweth the ground with/, and rage Jer. 25. 38. land desolate for the/, of the oppressor See Anger, Wrath. FIERCER. 2 Sam. 19. 43. words of Judah were/, than of Isr FIERY. Num. 21. 6. the Ld. sent/serpents among people 8. make thee a/, serpent, and set it upon a pole Deut. 8.15. wherein weTef. serpents and scorpions 33. 2. from his right-hand went a/, law for them Ps. 81. 9. shalt make them as a/.oven in thy anger Ita. 14. 29. and his fruit shall be a/, flying serpent Dan. 3.6. into the midstofa/. furnace, 11, 15, 21. 17. if our G.is able to deliver us from/, furnace 23. three men fell down into midst of/, furnace 26. came near to the mouth of the/ furnace 7.9.his throne was like the/, flame and his wheels 10. a/, stream issued and came forth from him A^aA. 2. t 3. the chariots shall be with/, torches i;;iA.6.l6.able to quench the/.darts of the wicked Hei. 10. 27. a looking for of judgment, and /. indignation 1 Pet. 4.12.thiuk it not strange concerning/, trial FIFTH. Gen. 30. 17. Leah bare Jacob the/, son, Issachar Josh 19.24. and the/, lot came out for Asher 2 Sam. 2. 23. Abner smote Asahel undiT the/, rib 3. 27. Abner under the/, rib || 4. 6 Ish-bosheth 20. 10. Joab smote Amasa in the/, rib, he died S'eh. 6 5. Sanballatsent the/, time to Nehemiah iiei',6.9.when he had opened the/, seal 1 saw souls 9. l.the/. angel sounded, and I saw a star fall 16.10./. angel poured out his vial on seat of beast 21. 20. the/, a sardonyx ; the sixth, a sardius See Day, Part. FlFin month. Num. 33. 38. Aaron died the first dayof the/, m. 2 Kingsib. 8. /'. m.came N'ebuiar-adan,J«r.52.12. 1 Chmn. 27. 8. the fifth captain for the/', month Ezra"!. 8. Ezracauie to Jerusalem in the/ m. 9. Jer. 1. 3. carrying Jerusalem captive in ihe/. m. 28. 1. in the f. month Aananiah spake unvo me i'.zek.W. 1. in" the/. rno7tth the elders sat before me ^ech. 7. 3. saying should I weep in the/, month ? 5. when ye fasted and mourned in the/, month 8. 19. fast of fourth and of/', m. be joy and gladu FIFl II 'v. Neh'-ii. d i FIFIY-SIX. A>A. 6. 15. the wall was finished \aJ.-ta:o days Ezra 2. 22. the men of Netophah,/. and stt FllI'Y-TllOUSAND. 1 Sam. 6. 19. he smote of ihe people /". thousand 1 Chr. 5. 21. tliey took of their caniels/.-/AoujBM<< 12 33. of Zcbuluii /.-thousand could keep rank JfVf 10 10. price of books burnt/.-rA. pieces of silvet FlFi'Y-TllHEE THOUSAND. i\um.l 4i.of Naphiali numb./.-/. «. 8.30. | 26.47 KlFl V-FUUR THOUSAND. \um 1 29 of Issachar/./tfur/A.four huiidred,2.6. lIFiY SEVEN illOUSAND. A'uui.l 31 of Zrbulun/-jrd found Itrael in the wilderness ai the first ripe in rbe fig-tree at her first time, Hos. 9. 10. And Jeremiah describes them at etctllent figs. Jer. 24. e. One basket had very good figs, even like the figs that are first ripe. I'liny ackno ledges, that there is a tort of fig-tree alxays green, and ahcayi tcith fruit upon it ; some ripe, or very far advaiuti, according to the Mason ; and other in blossom or buds, I'lin. lib. 13. cap. 8. and lib. 15. cap. 18. In Pales- tine, uhere the uiinter is very mild, there might easily ii forward figs •« March ; wheie- foTt our Saviour might look for figs at this teasni upon a fig-tree that had leaves on ; and ^is cursing the barren fig-tree upon this oc- casion, IS an exact figure of the rejection of the Jews. The fig-tree had only leaves upon tt ; herein 11 resembled the Jews, who had only the appearances of piety and religion. The iiglree may be said to be culpable for not tearing fruit at a time when, according toils kind, fruit might have been eiptctcd from it Si th: Jews vert criminal for not bringing forth the Jrnin of riihteousneis, aihen our 2C«v FIG Saviour appeared among them. lie cursed the barren fig-tree, to she-u- the malediction uhich WHS ready to fall upon the incredulous and impenitent Jews. To dwell under one's own vine, or fig-tree, repre- sents in scripture a time of happiness and pios periiy, safety and security, 1 Kings 4. C5. Gen. 3. 7. they sewedy". leaves together for aprons A um. 13. C;t.theybrought of the pomegranates aud_/'. CO. 5. it is no place of seed, or off. or vines 1 Sam. 25. 18. Abigail took COO cakes of/. 30. IC. they gave the Egyptian a cake of/. "Kings CO.7. he said, lake a lump of/. lia. 3U. 21. I ChroK. 12. 40. they that were nigh brought/. Seh. 13. 15. on the sabbath some brought .''. Cant. 3. 13. the fig-tree putteth forth her green/. ha. 34. 4. as a falling/, from the fig-tree Jer. 8. i3. there shall be no/, on the fig-tree 24. 1. two baskets of/", one had very good/. 2, 3. 8. as the evil/, that cannot be eaten, so evil Cy.17.1 will make them like vile/, not to be eaten Amos 7. 1 14. but I was a gatherer of wild/. Wah. 3. 12. shall be like fig-trees with first ripe/. Mat. 7. 16. do men gather/of thistles ? X»j((6 44. ./flOT.3.12.can the fig-tree bear berries, or a viney'..' liev. 6. 13. as a fig-tree casteth her untimely/. FIG-TIlEli Judg. 9. 10. the trees said to the/, come, reign, 1 1 . I Amgsi. 25. dwelt safely under his/. Alic. 4. 4. C A'i«|i 18. 31. eat every one of his/. Isa. 36. I6. Prov. 27. 18. whoso keepeth/. shall eat the fruit //«f.9.10.I saw fathers as first-ripe in the/thereof Joel 1.7. he hath barked my/, and made it bare 12. the vine is dried, and the/, lauguisheth . 22. the/, and vine do yield their strength Ilab. 3. 17. although the/, shall not blossom Hag. 2. 19. as yet the/, hath not brought forth Hech. 3. 10. ye shall call everj' man under the/. Mat. 21. 19. when he saw a/, in way, Markll.i'3. 20. how soon is the/, withered ! Mark 11.20,21. 24. 32. learn a parable of tlic/. Mark 13, 28. I.uke 13. 6. a man had a/, planted in his vineyard 7. behold, I come, seeking fruit on this/. 21. 29. behold the/, and all the trees John 1. 48. when wast under the/. I saw thee, 50. FIG-TREES. Deut. 8. 8. a land of wheat, barley, vines, and y". Psal. 105. 33. he smote their vines also and/. Jer. 5. 17. they shall cat up thy vines and/. Hos. 2. 12. I will destroy her vines and her/. .•Imos 4. 9- when your gardens and/, increased iVa/i. 3. 12. thy strong holds shall be likey". FIGHT, Substantive. 1 Sam. 17. SO. as the host was going forth to the/. 1 Titn.O. 12. fightthegood/.of faith, lay hold on 2 lim. 4. 7. I have fought a good/. I have finished Ileb. 10. 32. ye endured a great/, of afllliciions 11. 34. were made strong, waxed valiant itxf. FIGHT, rerb. Deut. 1. 41. then ye said, wc will go up and/. 42. go not up, nor/, for 1 am not among you C. 32. Sihon and his people came to/, at Jahaz Jut/g 11. ] C. thou art come ag. me to/, in my land 1 ■b'««i. 4. 9- quit yourselves like men, aud/. 17. 10. give me a man that we may/, together 2 6am. 11. CO. why went ycsouigh when ye didy. .' 1 A'i/i^s22. 31 ./.not small nor great, C CAr.lH..iO. 2 Chr. 18. 31. compassed about Jehoshaphat toy'. 20. 17. ye shall not need to/, in this battle I'ial. 144. 1. which teachcth my fingers to/. Jer. 51. 30. the mighty men have forborn to/. Zech. 10. 5. shall/, because the Lord is with them 14. 14. and Judah also shall/, at Jerusalem John 18. 36. if kingdom, then would my servants/". 1 Cor. 9. 26. so/. I, not as one that beaieih the air I Tim. 6. 12.y'. the good fight of faiih,lay hold on Jam. 4. S. ye kill ye/, and war, yet ye have not See liATTtKb. FIGHT against. Etod. 1. 10. lest they join our enemies and/.aj. us Ueitt. 20. 10. when come nigh to a city toy. ag. it Josh. 10. 25. so do to enemies against whom yt I. 11. 5. theycame and pitched to/, against Israel 19' 47. the Danites went up to/, against Leshem JiiJg. 1. 1. who shall go up first to/, against them 3. that we tsx3.y f. against the Canaanites 10. 9. Ammon passed over Jordan to/, ag. Judah 11.8. Jcphthah to f. against Ammon, 9. 25. did he ever strive a?. Israel, or/, ag. them : 12. .3. why come ye this day to/, agaimt me f CO.eo.Israel set themselves 10 f. against BeujaniiM 1 Sam. 15. 18.y'. against Amafekites till consumed 23. 1. behold, the Philistines/, against Keilah 29. 8. that I may noty'. against enemies of king 1 Ai«^.jl2.21.Kehoboani assembled all Judahwnl: henjamin toy', against Israel, 2 Chron. 11.1. 24. ye shall not/, ag. your brtthrcn, C Chr. 1 1 .4. 20. 23. but iet us/. «;oin>< them in the plain, 2: 22. 32. thoy turned to /'. against Jehobhaphat 2 Kings 3. CI. the k'ngs were come toy", aj;. them FIL 2 Kings 19. 9. behold, he is come out to/, o. that 2 Chron. 13. 12. O Israel,/, ye not ag. the Lord 32. e. Sennach«rib purposed toy", ag. Jerusalem 35. 20. Necho came toy', against Carchemish -\'eh. 4. 8. conspired to come audy'. ag. Jerosaleis Psnl. 35. l.y'. against them that/, agaiiui me 56. 2. they be many thaty". ag. me, O most 1 1 ig'o 7M.19.2.theyshally'. every one agoini* his brother 29. 7. all the nations that/ against Ariel 8. the nations thaty". against mount /^ion Jer. I. 19. shall/, ag. thee, but not prevail, 15. CO. 21. 4. wherewith yey". u{. the king of Babylon 5. I myself will/, against you with strong arm 32. 24. behold, the city is given into the hand o( Chaldeans that/. aga/M« it, 29. | 34. 22. | 37.8. 37. 10. had smitten Chaldeans thaty". against you Zech. 14. 3. the Lord shally'.afaiHi< those natious Acts 5. 39. lest ye be found toy', against God 23. 9. if angel hath spoken, let us noty". ag. God liev.i.lQ.ag. them with the swordof my mouth FIGm'/i>r. £jr.);o:. 1. 13. we shally'. our houses with spoil B. 21. to inherit substance, I will/, theirireasurej Jic- 8.8. his wings shally". the breadth of thy land 14 21. nor /'. the face_of the world with cities FIL Us. 27.6.Tsr.shall /. the face of the world with fruit 60. 12. they say.we will/.ourselv.with strong lirink 13. 13. I will/, inhabitants with drunkenness 83. 24. do not I/, heaven and earth ? saith the L. 33. 5. it is to/, them with the dead bodies of men 61.i4.stirely I will /.thee with men ascaterpillers £iek. 3. S. son of man,/, thy bowels with this roll 7.19.shall not satisfy their souls nor/. their bowels 9.7./. the courts with the slain, go ye forth 10.2. go in,/, thine hand with coals of fire Si. 4. gather the pieces,/, it with the choice bones 30. 11. they shall/, the land with the slain 32.4.Iwill/. the beasts of the whole earth with fire 5. 1 will /. the valleys with thy height 35. 8. I will /. his mountains with the slain 43. + 26. they shall purge altar, and/, their hands Zep/i.l.g.vihof. their masters' house with violence Hag. 2.7. 1 will /. this house with glory, saith Lord ZecA. 9. 1 15. and they shall/ both the bowls Mat. 9. 16. for that which is put in to /. it up 15. 33. whence have bread to/, such a multitude' 23. 32./. ye up then the measure of your fathers John 2. 7./. the water-pots with water ifo>n.l5.13.G. of hope/, you with all joy and peace Epfi. 4. 10. he ascended, that he might/, all things tW. 1.24. /.up what is behind of sufferings of Christ 1 T/iess. 2. 16. the Jews, to /. up their sins ahvay Rev. 18.6. the cup she hath filled,/, her double FILLED. G««.6.13.the earth is/, with violence through men 21. 19. Hagar went and/ the bottle with water 24. 16. Rcbekah/. her pitcher and came up 26. :5. the Philistines had/, the wells with earth Eiod. 1. 7. the children of Israel/, thi land 2. 16. they/, the troughs to water their flock 28. 3. whom I have/ with wisdom, 35. 35. 31.3. I have/, him with the Spirit of God, .35. 31. 40. 34. the glory of the Lord/, the tabernacle,35. DfKf.26.i2.they may eat within thy gates and be/. 31. 20. when they have eaten and /. themselves Jos/t ■ 0.13. these bottles we/, were new and are rent 1 Kiu^s 8.10. the cloud/ the house of the Lord 11. glory of L./. the house, 2 Ckr. 5.14. | 7.1,2. 18.35. and he/, the trench also with water 20.27. but the Syrians/, the country S A'iiJrf 3.25.they cast every man his stone and/.it 21. 16. Manasseh/ Jerusalem with blood, 24. 4. 23.14. Josiah/. their places with the bones of men Etra 0.11. which have/, it from ons end to another Joi 3. 15. with princes who/their houses with silver 16.8. and thou haist/. me with wrinkles 22. 18. yet he/, their houses with good things i'ia/.38.7.for my loins are/. with loathsome disease 71.8.1et my mouth be/with thy praise and honour 72. 19. let the whole earth be/, with his glory 80. 9. didst cause it to take deep root, it/, the land 104.28. thou openest thine hand, are/, with good 123. 3. for we are exceedingly/, with contempt 4. our soul is exceedingly/, with scorning Prov. 5. 10. lest strangers be/, with thy wealth 25. 16. lest thou be/, with honey, and vomit it 30. 16. the earth that is not/, with water 22. and for a fool when he is/, with meat Eecl. 1. 8. nor is the ear/, with hearing 6. 3. and his soul be not/, with good 7. and yet the appetite is not/. Cant. 5. 2. open to me, my head is/, with dew .«jfl.6.1.high and lifted up.and nis train/the temp. 21. 3. therefore are my loins/, with pain 33. 5. the Lord hath/. Zion with judgment 34.6. the sword of the Lord is/, with blood 43. 24. nor/, me with the fat of thy sacrifice 65. 20. nor an old man that hath not/, his days Jer. 15. 17. for thou hast/ me with indignation 16. 18. they/, mine inheritance with carcases ]9.4.theyhave/.this place with blood of innocents 41 . 9. Ishmael/. the pit with them that were slain 46. 12. and thy cry hath/, the land 51. 34. he hath/, his belly with my dclicates Lam. 3. 15. he hath /. me with bitterness 30. he is/, full with reproach Etti. 8. 17. they have/, the land with violence 10. 3. and the cloud/, the inner court 11.6. ye have/, the streets with the slain 28. 16. they/, the midst of thee with violence 36. 38. waste cities shall be/, with flocks of men 43. 5. the glory of the Lord"/ the hou.se, 44. 4. Dan. 2. 35. the stone cut out/, the whole earth NaA. 2 12. the lion/, his holes with prey Hab.Q.. 16. thou art/, with shame for glory Hag. 1. 6. ye drink, but ye are not/, with drink Zech. 9. 13. I have/, the bow with Ephraim Mat. 27.48. one of them ran, and/, a spunge with vinegar, Mark 15. 36. John 19. CO. Mark 2. 21. new piece that/, it uptaketh from old 7. 27. Jesus said, let the children first be/. iMke 1. 35. he halh/. the hungry with good things 8.40. Jesns waxed strong in spirit,/, with wisdom 5.7. and they came and/, both the ships 1\ S3, compel them to come, that my house be /. «Q1 FIL Lule 15. 16. would fain have ^.his belly with hnskt John 2. 7. and they/, them up to the brim 6. 13. they/, twelve baskets with fragments 16.6.1 said these things, sorrow hath/your heart Acts 2. 2. as ofarushing mighty wind,/, the house 4. 8 then Peter,/, with the Holy Ghost, said FIN Nah. 5. 6. 1 wiD cast aliominable/. mpon thee 1 Cot. 4. 13. we are made as the/, of the worM 1 Pet. 3. 21. not putting away the/, of the flesh FILTHY. Job 15.l6.how much more abomina and/, is man ■ Psal. 14. 3. they are altogether become/. 53. .1. 5.3.whyhath Satan/thine heart to lie to H. Ghost' I /.fa. 64. 6. all our righteousnesses are as/, rags no — 1 >- I 1 — .-:.!, j„..... — Zeph, 3. 1. woe to her that is/, and polluted Zech. 3. 3. Joshua was clothed with/, garmenta 4. take away the/, garments from him Co/. 3.8. you also put off/.communicat.from mouth 1 Tim. 3. 3. no striker, nor greedy of/, lucre, 8. Tic. 1. 7. not soon angry, not given to/, lucre 11. teaching things for/, lucre's sake, 1 P«/.5.2. 2 Ptf.2.7.Lot vexed with/conversation of wicked Jude 8. likewise these /. dreamers defile the flesh Hev. 22. 11. he that is f. let him be/, still FILTHINE.SS. 2 C/iro;j.29.5. carry out the /.out of the holy place Ezra 6.21.had separated from the/, of the heathen 9. 11. an unclean land with the/, of the people Prov. 30. 12. eind yet is not washed from their/. Isa. 28. 8. for all tables are full of vomit and f. yer.5. 1 30. astonishment and/.is committed in lamd 23. + 14.1have seen/.in the" prophets of Jenisa'em X-am.l.g.her/'.isin her skirts, rememb.not ier enii, Ezek. 16. 36. because thy/, was poured oat 22. 15. eind I will consume thy/, out of thee 24. 11. that the/, of it may lie molten in it 13. in thy /. is lewduess, I have purged thee, W2LS not purged, shalt not be purged from thy/. 36. 25. from all your/, will I cleanse you 2Cor.7.1. let us cleanse ourselv. from all/, of ficsh Eph. 5.4. nor let/, be once named among you ,/a»).1.21.whereforelay apart all/receive theword Rev. 17.4. cup full of abominat. and/, offornicat. FINALLY. 2 Cor. 13. 11. f. my brethren, farewel, Eph. 6. 10. Phil.i. 1. I 4. 8. 2 Thess. 3. 1. 1 Pet. 3.8. FIND Signifies, [1] To convert, or recover a thing that ■uas hit, Luke 15. 8, 9, 32. [2] To invent, or discover, 1 Chron. 2. 14. [3] To kno-x erperi' mentally, Horn. 4. 1. Rev. 2. 2. [4] To ob- tain a.'iat ice tcant and deiire of God, Mat. 7, 7- [5] To come to. Job 3. 22. [6] To undei- stand throughly. Job 11. 7. [7] To do, o,- per form, Isa. 58. 13. [8] To seek. Job 33. 10. [9] To happen upon tvithout seeking, Gen. 3?. 15. [10] To chooie and appoint, Acts 13. 22. [11] To turn to, or li«hi on, Luke 4. 17. [12" To observe. Mat. 0. 10. To find, is used sometimes for to attack, to sur. prise one's enemies, to discover their ambushes. Jt is understood in this sense, Judg. 1. 5. They found Adoni-betek in Bezek. They at- tacked him there. And, 1 Sam. 31. 3. accord- ing to the Hebrew, the archers belonging to the Philistines found Saul, ihev attacked htm. Jii this sense some explain that passage in Gen. 36. 24, This was that Anak that found the mules in the wilderness. In the Hebrew, he iound the Emtms. 'T/iese Kniims are belieiai to be powerful people; Ueut. 2. 10, 11, The Emims dwelt therein in times pjist, a people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims. (Sec. uho also were neighbours to the HoriteJ here spoken of, at appears from Gen. 14. 5, 6. Anab tlierefore found a troop of these people ; he surprised, attacked, and defeated them. Otheis render the Hebrew s John 10. 9. he shall go in and out and /. pasmre ActsT.i6. desired to/, a tabernacle for G. of Jacob 17. £7. they might feel after him and/, him 23. g. scribes, saying, we/, no evil in this man Rom.g.lQ. thou wilt say, why doth he yet/, fault _ 2Cor.9.4'they come with me,and f. you unprepared 2 Tim. 1.18. he mav/. mercy of the L. in that day Set Favour. Can or canJt FIND. Gf^n.41.3C.Phar.said,fanwe/.such aone as this is £sod. 5. 11. go, get you straw where you can J. it £zra 7. 16. all the s'ilver and gold thou canst f. Job 3. 22. and are glad when they canf. the grave 11. T. canst thou by searching/, out God ? canst thou/, out the Almighty unto perfection ' Prn. 20. 6. but a faithful man who can J. ? 31.10.whoc«7i r'.a virt. woman f price above rubies £fc/.3.11. no man canf. out the work God maketh 7. 24. that which is exceeding deep, who canj. it '. Jer 6. 1. if ye canf. a man that seeketh truth Cannot FIND. Cen. 38. 22. he returned, and said, I cannot J. her 1 Kings \%.\Z. ifheeoBnof/. thee, he will slay me Job 17°. 10. I cannjt f. one wise man among you .37. 23. touching Almighty, we cannot f. him out Fxcl. 8 17. aman cannot/, out the work under sun FINDffriw;. Oen.ZI.5. I ma-v/. ^race in thy sight, Exod. 33.13. 33. 8 these are to/, grace in the sightof my lord 15. let me/, gr. | 34.11. let me/, gr. in your eyes 47. £3. let us f. i;race in the sight of my lord Eiuh 2. 2. in whose sijht I shall/, grace J Sam. 1. 18. let thy handmaid/, grace in thy sijht 8 Sam.l6 4. that I may/, grace in thy sight, O king H'i 4 l6 thatwemay/. ?r.tohelpin time of need I FIND. Oen. 18. 26. if I^. in Sodom fifty righteous in city 28.if //. there forty-five 30. if I/, thirty there Psa!. 132. 5. till //. out a place for the Lord £<-c/.7.26.and /./.more bitterthan death the worn. Cant. 8.1 . when / shotlld/. thee, I would kiss thee Jer. 45. 3. I fainted in my sighing, and I/, no rest Luke 23. 4. PiUte said to the chief priests, //.no fault in tnis man, John 18. 38. I 19. 4, 6 I'.om. 7. 18. to perform that which is good, /./. not 21. //. then a law, that when I would do good Not FIND, or FIND 7toi. Eiod. l6. 25. to-day ye shall notf. it in the field Lev. 12. + 8. if her hand /". n^t sufficiently 1 Sam. 23. 17. Saul my lather shall notf. thee 2 6am. 17. 20. had sought, and could not f. them Prov. 1. 28. they shall seek me early, but they shall notf. me, Hos. 5. 6. John 7. 3+, ^6. Eccl. 7. 28. which my soul seeketh, but 1/ «.)t Car.! £. 6. I sought him, but I could n«r/. him /i3.41 .12. seek them,but shaltjwr/.them, i/'j.C.*. Dan.6.5.v.e shall nolf.nny occasion against Daniel //«.2.6.make a wall, tbet she shall notf. herpalhs ^mos 8. 12. shall run to seek the word, and noij. a Ltiie 5. 19. fiotf. what way they might bring aim j9. 48. could notf. what they micht do to Jesus John 7. 35. whither go, that we shall notf him Horn. 7. 18. how to do that whicli is good, 1/. n.i( 2 Cor. 12. 20. I shall notf. you such as 1 would J{ev. g. 6. shall men seek death, and shall notf. it Shall, or Shalt FIND. G«.44.+34.1est I see the evil that shall f. n.y father £>sof/. ^<)«rmingledwithoil,5. 7- | 7. 12. 14.10,21.1123.13. -V«m.6.15. 17.13,19, 25,31,37,43,49,55,61.1 8.8. 5. U. the tenth part of an cphah off.Jlour, 0. 20. 1 Kin;s-i. 22. thirty measures of/. /our in one day 2 Ain^f7.1.measure/. /?irKrsoldforshekel,l6, 18. 1 C'/ir.9.29.were appointed to oversee/. /our, 23.20. Ezek. 16. 13. thou didst eat/. /uur, honey and oil 19. I gave thee/ /our, and oil, and honey 46. 14. anhin of oil "to temper with the/./iwr Hev 18 13. none buyeth her merchandise o{f .flour iX^Y. gold. ° Chr. 3. 5. cieling, which he overlaid with/, gold 8. the most holy he overlaid Avith/. gold Job 28. + 15./. gold shall not be given for wisdom 17.exchange of ilshall not be for jewels of/', gold 31. 24. or said to/ sold, thou art my confidence P.(a/.19.10.art more to be desired than mwchf.gold 119. J 27. I love thy commandments above/ goW Prov. 3. 14. and the gain of wisdom than/ joW 8. 19. my fruit is better than gold, than/, gold 25. 12. is an ornament of ;". gold, so is a reprover Cnnt.b.W. his head is ast&emost/. g. locks bushy 15. his legs are as pillars set on sockets of /. sold Isa. 13.12.will make a man more precious than/.^. Lam. 4. 1. how is the most/, gold changed ! 2. the precious sons of Zion comparable to/, gold /)(jii.2.32.this image's headrjuM, breast of silver lO.S.whose loins were girded wv.'hf.gold of L'phaz Zech 9 3. TTTUsheaped/.^cW as mire of the streets FINE linen. Gfn.41. 42. Pharaoh arrayed him invest, of/, linen Esod. 25.4.thisisthe offering ye shall take,/ tine.it 26. 1. with ten •.;urtaius of/, twined linen 31 . the vail of /. linen, 30. 35. 2 Chron. 3. 14. 36 tho-.islialt make an hanging of/, twined linen . 27.9,16,18.136.37. [38. 9,1:;, 18. 28. 5. take golH and / linen to make garments Exod.iS.6. shall make the ephod of/, linen, 39.2. 8. girdle/ linen, 39.5,29. II 15.breast-plate, 39.& 39. thou shalt embroider the coat of/, linen, and thou shalt make the mitre of/, linen 35. 6. let him bring an oflTering of /. linen 23. every man with whom was found/, linen 25. the women brought of scarlet and/, lintn 35. them hath he filled with wisdom to work all manner of work and /. linen, 33. 23. 2 Chron. 2. 14. 36. 8. that wrought curtains of/, linen and bine 39. 27. they made coats of/, linen for Aaron 28. made a mitre of/. /I'n^n.and bonnets oif. linen 1 Chron. 4.21. families of them that wrought /./I'nfn 15.27. David was clothed with a robe of/, linen £(M.1.6.were hangings fasten.with cords otf linen 8- 15. Mordecai went with a gzirment of/, linen Prov. 7. 16. I have decked my bed with f. linen 31. 24. she maketh/. linen, and selleth it Is J. 3 23. the Lord will take away the/, iinen Ezek. 16. 10. I girded thee about with/, linen 13. thy raiment was of/, linen and silk 27. 7. /". linen from Egypt was to be thy sail 16. Syria occupied in thy fairs with/, linen Mark 15. 46. Joseph bought/, linen and wrapped Luke 16.19. rich man clothed in purple and/, linen i?€!.13.12. merchandise off linen depart, from thee 16. that city clothed inf. linen isoome to nought 19. 8. to her was granted to be arrayed in/, linen 14. the armies in heaven were clothed in/, linen FINE meal. Gen. 18. 6. make ready three measures of/, meal FINER. ProB.25.4. there shall come forth a vessel forthe/ FINEST. Psal. 81. 16. have fed thee with the/, of the wheatf 147. 14. he filleth thee with the/, of tne wneat FINING. Prop.17.3. /. pot is for silv. furnace for goM,27.21. FINGER. The finger of God signifies his power, his opera- tion. Pharaoh's magicians discovered the fin- ger of God in the miracles which Moses urought, Exod. 8. 19. This Legislator gavt the law written ziith the finger of God to the Hebrews, Exod. 31.18, It uas zcritten imme- diately by the poner or Spirit of God, and not by any art of man. Our Saviour says, he cast mil devils iy the finger, or Spirit of God, ahich he inlimates pas a sign that the kingdom oj God was come; that God's spiritual government cf his church was begun to be exercised among M^ Jews by the Mfessiah, Lute 11. 20. To put forth one's finger is a bantering, insulting, gesture. Isa. 58. 9, If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, and the putting out of the finger. If thou take oitay Jrom the midst oj thee the chain or yoke wherewith t.hiu overwhelmc:t thy debtors, and forbear pointing at them^ and using jeeritig and insulting ges- tures. Some lake this for a menacing or threat- ening gesture. , , . . , ^ r/.^ j Eiod.S. 19. the magicians said, this is the /.of God 29 12. put of the blood on the altar with thy y. 3M8.tables written with the/of God, Deui.p.lO. Lev. 4. 6. priest shall dip his /. in the blood and sprinkle it, 17. 25, 30, 34. | 8. 15. | 9. 9- I 10. 14 16. the priest shall dip his right/in the oil.and sprinkle of the oil wiih his/, seven tiines.27. Vum.l9.4.priest shall take of her blood with his/. 1 Kingsn. 10. my little/, thicker, 2 C'.ic«.10.10. Isa. 58. 9. if take away the putting forth of the / Luke 11. 20. if I with the / of God cast out devils 16. 24. that he may dip the lip of his/, in water ohn 8. 6- and with his/, wrote on the ground 20. 25. and put my /. into the print of the nails 27 reach hither thy f. and behold my haLds FINGERS. 2 Sam. 21. 20. on every hand six/. 1 CAr. 20. 0. P«/.8.3 .when consider thy heavens,work ot thy / 144. l.the Lord, who teacheth my/, to fight Prov. 6. 13. a wicked man teacheth with his^. 7. 3. bind them on thy/, write them on thy heart Catit. 5. 5. and my/, with sweet-smelling myrrh Isa. 2. 8. that which their own/, have made, 17.8 59.3. hands defiled with blood, and/, with imquitr Jer. 52. 21. the thickness of one pillar four^- Dan. 5.5. came forth/, of a man's hand, and wrote Mat. 23. 4. they bind heavy burdens, but they \vill not move them with one of their/. Luke 11. 40. Uar*7.33.and he put his/into hisears and he spit FINISH, J r J To bring 10 pass, fulfil, perjeci. Our blessed Lord said on the cross. It is finished, Jo/m 19- 30. Our great Redeemer, by what he did and tuf. fered, performed the will of God, and the whole work which the Father gave him to do; whuh was to obtain eternal redemption. He ~<"'J" I substance and end of ail tie typti and the legal FIR disptmaiion. JJe completed and finished right- (oiuness, removed the curse, and radicallxi com- pieied cur salvation. Gen. I). Ifi and in a cubit shall thou/, it above Dan. 9. 24. tr>/. transgression, and make end of sin Zech. 4. y. Zerubbabel's hands shall also/, it Mat. 10. + 'J3. ye shall not/, tht cities of Israel Luke 14. 28. whether he have sufficiint to/. 2y. after Icdd the foundation, and is not able to/it 30. this man began to build, was not able to/. John 4.S4.my meat is to do his will, and/, his work 6. 36. works which the Father hath given me to/. ■icts 20. 24. that I might /. my course with joy Horn. 9- 26- for he will/, the work, and cut short S Cor.8.6. so he would also/, in you the same grace Phil. 1. 16. he that hath begun, will also/, it FINISHED. Gen.'i. 1. thus the heavens and the earth werovehe lens f. into my bones SU4 FIR Eiei. 39. 6. and I will send a/, on Magog //ut. 8. 14. but I will send a/, upon his cities Amos 1. 4. I will send a/, into the house of Ilazael 7. I will send a/, on the wall of Gaza 10.IwilUt:n I am come to tend f. on the earth Set FIRE. Deut. 32. 22. set oa/. foundatisns of mountains Joih. 8. 8. ye shall set the city 01 Ai on/. 19- and they hasted, and ttt the city on/. J'idg. 1. 8. now Judah had set Jerusalem oa/. y. 49. the people set the hold on/, upon them I J. 5. had set the brands on/, and burnt the corn 20. 40. they set on/, all the cities of Benjamin i oam. 14; 30. servants set .loab's field ou/. 31. why have thy servants «.■ my field oaj. ? 2 Kings B. 12. Hazael will set strong holds on/. Ps»:. i7. 4. I lie among them that are set on/. I'rov. 29. + 8. scornful men set a city on/. Isa.lT. 11. the women come and x«f them on/. 42. 25. he hath set him on/, round about Jer. 6. 1. set up a sign oi /. in Beth-haccerem 32. 29. the Chaldeans shall set on/, this city Ezek. 30. 8. when I have set z./. in Egypt 14. I will set in Zoan || 16. set /. in Egypt 39. 9. set on/, and burn the weapons of Gog Jam. 3. 6. the tongue is a fire, and setteth on/, the course of nature, and it is set on/, of hell Strange FIRE. Lev. 10. 1. Nadab and Abihu offered strange /. Num.3 A. died when they offered strange/. 26. 6I. FIREBRAND, S. Jiulg. 7. + 16. and he put/, within the pitchers 15. 4. Samson took/, and put a/, i^i the midst Prov. 26. 18. as a mad man who ca.steth/. Isa. 7. 4. for the two tails of these smoking/. Amos 4. 11. ye were as a/, plucked out of burning FIRE-PANS. f.iod. 27. 3. thou shalt make basins 3.Di/.-pans 33. 3. he made the/.-pans and all vessels of brass 2 A"i«gf 25. 15./.-/)flj« carried he away, Jer.52.ig. FIRES. Isa. 24. 15. wherefore glorify ye the Lord in the/. FIRKINS Jo/ni 2. 6. six water-pots containing two or three/. FIRM. Josh. 3. 17. the priests stood/, on dry ground 4. 3. the place where priests' feet stood/. Jjb 41.23. ;ire/ in themselves, cannot be moved 24. his heart as/, is as a stone, yea ss hard Psal.T'i.i. no bands in death, but their strength is/. Dan. 6. 7. theyconsulted to make a/, decree Heb. 3. 6. the rejoicing of the hope/, to the end FIRWAMEN'J'. It is said. Gen. 1.7- that Cod made the firma- ment in the midst of the waters, in order ti separate the in/erior /rom the superior xcaters The word there used is rakiah, which is ttans- lated expansion, something expanded , or firma- ment, something firm and solid. The verh rakah,/ron! whence raki.ih is derived, sigmlies to spread metal with the hammer, to make Jlat, to crush to pieces, to beat, Moses tises this word to describe the gold, which was beaten in order to cover the ark and the tables 0/ the Holy with It Exod. 3y. 3. Num. I6. 38, 39. Isaiah, to denote the plates 0/ fold whereivtth the idols were covered, Isa. 40. I9. and the same prophet, and the Psaimist, to express the spreading /orth 0/ the earth, and its foaling on the waters, Jor this was the con- ception which the llebiewi had 0/ it, Isa. 42. 5. Psal. 1.36.6. This intimates, that by the word firmament, ra- kiah, the Hebrews understood the heavens, which, like a solid and immense arch (though it be toj't and liguid) served as a bank and barrier between the upper and lower waters ; and that the stars are set in this arch, like to many precious stones in gold and silver. Gen. 1. 17. II hen firmament it taken for tte starry heaven, then by upper waters >.< meant, that tea or collection 0/ waters placed by God above all the I isible heavens, and there reserved /or ends kruan to himietf. 1/ by fir- mamient, ue understand the air, called the ex- pansion, because it is extended far and wide ; and she firmament, because it it fixed in its proper place, /rom whence it cannot be moved, unless by force ; then by the superior waters are In be understood the waters in the clouds : And these may be said to be above the firmament 01 air, because they are above a considerable part 0/ it. Gen. 1.6. let there be a/, in midst ol tne waters, 7. God made the/, waters under and above/ 8. and God calif a the/. Heaven 14. God said, let there be lights in tDe/. 15. 27. and God set them in the/, of heaven FIR (ren. 1.20. and fowf that ma|f ny above the open /. Psal. ly. 1. and the/, snewetn his handy work 150. 1. praise him la the/, of his power Eiek. 1. 22. the likeness of the/, was as crystal 25. there was a voice fro.n the/, over their heads 26. above the /. was the likeness of a throne 10. 1. in the/, that was above the cberubims Dan. 12. 3. wise shall shine as the brightness of/ FIR. 1 Kings 5. 8. I will do all concerning timber of/. 6. 15. he covered the floor with planks of/. Cant. 1. 17. our beams are cedar, our rafters of/, FIR-TREE. 1 Kings 6. 34. and the two doors were of/. 2 Chron. 3. 5. the greater house he ceiled with/. /ia.41.19. I will set in the desert the/. and the pine 55. 13. instead of the thorn shall come up the/. 00. 13. the/, the pine tree, and box together lios.li.8. I am like a green/. || Z«ur.26 2 34. 22. the least of the/./ruiVf of wheat-harvest Lev. 2. 12. oblation of ihef .fruits ye shall offer 14. the meat-offering oU'.-f'uitt, green ears 23. 10. bring a sheaf of mef.-fmits of harvest 17. they are thef .fruits unto the Lord 20. wave them with the bread of ihe/./;uif» Num.l8.l2f .fruits of oil,wine,wheat,I have given 28. 26. in the day oif .fruits when ye offer to Ld. Deut. 18. 4. thef .-fruits of thy corn, wine, and oil £6. 10. 1 have brought lhe/.-/na//of the land 2 A'injx4.42. and brought the man of God/. /r«i(i 2 Chron. 31. 5. brought lu abundance the f. fruits S'eh. 10. 35. briiig_/.-/rKi«j of our ground, or trees .37. we should bring thef . -fruits of our dough 12. 44. appointed overjchamters for/.;/>ui/i,13.31 I'rov. 3.9. honour the Lord with thr f. -fruits Jer. 2.3. Israel wasthe/.-/'rui(*of his increase Lzek. 20. 40. there will 1 require thef.-fruitt 44.30. the first of all thef .fruits ot aU things 48. 14. nor exchange the f.-fivits of the land .■lmos6. t 1. named the f. -fruits of the nations AJic. 7.1. my soul desired the/, ripe fruit Horn. 8. 23. which have iiief.-jruitto{ the Spirit 1 1 . 16. it thef .-fruits be holy, the lump is holy 16.5. whois"the/.-/r«iO of Achaia, 1 Cor. l6.15 1 CVr. 15.20. Christ /./ruiVj of them that slept, 23. Jam. 1. 18. a kind off. -fruits of his cre.iturcs Uev. 14. 4. being Hiej.-truiis unto God and Lamb FIRST month. Gen. 8. 13. in the/, month, the/, day of the month Exod. 12.2. shall be the /'. month of the year to you 18. in/', moitti eat unLeaveued bread, ixv. 23&, FIS Exod.iO.i. first day of/, month set up tabern. 17. A'^jm.y.l. in the/, monik keep thtpassover. 28. l6. ° C/,rtm. 35. 1. ExraG.ig. £zek.45.21. 20. 1. came ioto the desert of Zin in the/. rnontA 33. .1. departed from Rameses in the/. mu«M /ujA. 4. 19. people came out of Jordan in/. monM 1 C/lron.lC.lS. tdese went over Jordan in/, month 27. 2. the captain that served the/, month, 3. 2 Chron. 29- 3. in the/, month opened the doors of the house of the Lord IT.lhey began on first day of/, month to sanctify and in th* sixteenth day o{ /.month made an end Etra 7.9./- month began he to go from Babylon 8. 31. the/, month we departed from Ahava 10. 17- they made an end with them by/, month JLiih. 3. 7- in the/, mjmth they cast Pur. on the thirteeenth aay of the/, month Eiek. 45. 18. in the/, month take a young bullock Jutl 2. 23. cause former and latter rain in /. month FIRST yMr. Eiod. 12.5. your lambs shall be male of the/, ytar 29. 38. offer two lambs of the/, yiar, day by day continually, Lev. 23. I9. jVum. 28. 3, 9. Lei. 9. 3. take a kid of the/, yfa/- without blemish 12. (>. he shall bring a lamb of the/ year. Num. 6. IS. I 7. 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81. I'.iek. 46. 13. 14.10. take an twe-ljirab of the/. yMr.A'um. 6.14. 23. 12. offer an he-lamb of the/, year, Num. 6. 14. IB.ye shall off«r seven lambs of ihe/.vearwithout blemish, A'um. 28. 11,19,27. 129. 2,8,36. I>'um. 7. 17. for a peace-offering five lambs of the /.year, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, 59. 87 ■ the lambs of the/, year t«'elve for bumt-offer. 80 the lambs of the/, fear sixty for a peace-offer. 15.27. then he shall bring a she-goat of the/, year £y.l3. offer a burnt-offering, fourteen lambs of the /. year, 17, 20, 23, 26, £9, 32. S Chr. 29. 3. Hezekiah in tiie/.year of his reign 3C.22.in/.yearofCyru5, £ira 1.1. | 5. 13. | 6.3. Jtr. 25. 1. that was the /". year of Nebuchadnezzar 52. 31. in the/year of the reign of Evil-merodach i'j7».I.2l. Daniel continued to the/, year of Cyrus 7. 1. in the/ year of Eelshazzar Daniel dreamed 'J. 1. in/, rf jr of Darius I understood by books,2. ;i. 1. in ta. /.year'of Darius I stood to confirm FIRSTLING. Jiica.13.12. shall set apart every/, that cometh of a beast, the males shall be the Lord's, 34. I9. 13. every/, of an ass thou shalt redeem, 34. 20. X.ev. 27. 20. the Lord's/, no man shall sanctify it Aiun. 18. L5. the/, of unclean beasts shalt redeem 17 ■ the/, of a cow, sheep, or goat, not redeem Vtut. 15. 19. all the /. maW sanctify to the Lord 33. 17. Joseph's glory is like the /. of a buHock FIRSTLINGS. Cm. 4. 4. Abel brought of the/, of his flocit Sum. 3. 41. instead of all the/, among the cattle D«rf.l2.6.ye shall bring/, ofyonr herbs and flocks 17. thou mayest not eat within thy gates the/. 14. C3. eat the/, in the place the Lord shall choose AcA.i0.36./.of our herds bring to the house of God FISH. Coi.l.26.1etthem have dominion over/of sea, C8. £xod. 7. 18. the/, in the river shall die, 21. Xum. 11. 5. we rememb. the/, we did eat in Egypt 22. shall all the f. of the sea be gathered together Deut. 4. 18. nor likeness of any/, in the water Aefi. 13. 16. men of Tyre also, whish brought/. Plat. 8. 8. thou hast put the/, under his feet 105.29. turned waters into blood, and slew their/. Jta. 1.9. 10. all that make sluices and ponds for/. 5o. 2. their/, stinketh because there is no water Lzek. 29.4. I will cause the/, to stick to thy scales 5. I will leave thee, and al\ the/, of thy rivers 47.9and there shall be a very great multitude of/ 10. their/, shall be as the/, of the great sea Jonah 1.17. the Ld. had prepwed a great^'. to swal- low up Jonah, he was in belly of/, three days 2.1. lonah prayed to the Lord out of the/. 's belly 10. Lord spake to the/, and it vomited out Jonah Hat.'. 10. if he ask a/, will he givehira a serpentf 17. 27. cast a hook, take up the/, that first cometh Luie 24. 42. they gave him a piece of a broiled /. John 21.9. they saw/, laid thereon, and bread 10. bring of the/, which ye have now caught 13. Jesus taketh bread, and giveth them, and/. FISH. Jer. 16. 16. will send fishers, and they shall/.tkem FISH-GATE. ^Chr. 33.14. Manasseh built on enterine of /.-gate JV'«rt.3.3.lbe/.-gare did the sons of HassenaaL build 12. 39. and I after them from above the/.-gate Zeph. 1. 10. the noise of a cry from the/.-"a/e FISH-HOOKS. Amos 4. 2. I will take your posterity -vdCa /.-hooks FISH-rOOCS. Can:. 7. 4. thine eyes like the/.-pooU of Heshbon FISH-SPEAKS. Jtb 41. 7. can»t thou fill hii head with f.-tytarsT 20£ FIV FISHERMEN. Luke 5. 2. but the/, were gone out of them FISHERS. Isa. 19. 8. the/.* also shall mourn and lament ./V.l6.l6.beholii, I will send for many/.saith Lord Eiek. 47. 10. that the/, shall stand upon it Alai.'i.lii. net into sea, for they were/. Murk 1 .16. 19- I will make you/, of men, Mark 1. 17. /oAn 21. 7. Peter gin/.coattohim,forhe was naked FISHES. Gen. 9. 2. the fear of you shall be on all/, of the sea 48. + 16. let the lids grow as/, do increase 1 King] 4. 33. he spake of creeping things and/. Jod 12.8. the /. of the sea shall declare unto thee Eecl. 0. 12. the/, that are taken in an evil net £xek. 38. 20. so that the/, of the sea shall shake Hot. 4. 3. the/, of the sea shall be taken away Hai, 1. 14. and makest men as the/, of the sea Zeph. 1. 3. I will consume the/, of the sea A/a/. 14.17. we have here but five loaves jind two f. Mark 6. 38. Luke Q. 13. John 6. 9. 15, 34. seven loaves and a few little/. Mark 8. 7. Luke 5. 6. they inclosed a great multitude of/. 9. for he wjis astonished at the draught of/. John 21.6. not able to draw it for multitude of/. 11. Simon Peter drew net to land full of great/. 1 Cor. 15. 39. one flesh of beasts, Jinother of/. FISHING. John 21. 3. Simon Peter sciith unto them, I go a/. FISHY. 1 Sam. 5. + 4. the/, part of Dagon was left to him FIST, S. Eiod. 21. 18. and one smite another with his/. Pror. 30. 4. who hath gathered the wind in his/. .' Isa. 58. 4. and to smite with the/, of wickedness Mark 7. 3. they wash their hands with the/. FIT. £fp. 16.21. send him away by the hand of a/, man 1 Chron. 7. 1../. to go out to war and battle, 12. 8. Joi3i. 18. isit/. to say to a king, thou art wicked r Prov. 24. 27. make it/, for thyself in the field Etei. 15. 5. the vine was made/, for no work LuJte 9. 62. looking back, is/, for kingdom of God 14. 35. it is not /. for the land nor dunghill W«x 22. 22. it is not/, that he should live Col. 3. 18. wives, submit as it is/, in the Lord FITCHES. Isa. 28. 25. doth he not cast abroad the/..' 27. the/, are not threshed,/, are beaten out Ezek. 4. 9- take thou wheat, barley, millet, and/. FirrED. 1 Kings 6. 35. with gold/, upon the carved work Prov. 22. 18. they shall withal be/, in thy lips Rom. 9. 22. the vessels of wrath/, to destruction Hei. 10. + 5. but a body hast thou /.me FirrETH. Isa. 44. 13. the carpenter/, it with planes FITLY. Prov. 25. 11. a word/, spoken is like apples of gold Cant 5. 12. his eyes washed with milk, and/, set Eph.Q. 21. in whom all building/, frained together 4. 16. from whom whole body/, joined together FIVE. Gen. 14.9 battle in vale of Siddim ,four kings with/. 18. 28. wilt thou destroy all for lack of/ ? 43. 34. Benjamin's mess was/, times so much 45. 6./. years in which no earing or harvest, 11. 22. to Benjamin he gave/, chzuiges of raiment 47. 2. he presented/, of his brethren to Pharaoh Exoi. 13. 1 18. but Israel went up/, in a rank 22. l.the thief shall restore/, oxen for an ox 26. 3. other/, curtains coupled, 9. | 36.10, I6. 26. make/, bars for the boards, 27. | 36. 31, 32. 37./. pillars, 36. 38. || 26. 38. /. sockets of brass 27. 1. an altar/, cubitj long,/, cubits broad 18. the height of the hangings/, cubits, 38. 18. 38. 1 . f. cubits the breadth, and/, the length Lev. 26. 8./. of you shall chase an hundred 27. 5. II thy estimation be from/, years old 6. if it be from a month old to/, years old Kum. 3. 47. even take/ shekels a-piece, 18. 16, 7. 17, for a sacrifice of peace-offerinss,/. rams, /. goats,/, lambs, 23, Cg, 35, 41, 47, 53. 31.8. slew/, kings of Midian, Balaam son of Beor Josh. 1. 1 14. ye shall pass marshalled by/. 10. 5./. kings of Amorites went against Gibeon 16. these/, kings fled axiil hid themselves 17./. kings hid II 22. boing out the/, kings 23. they brought out these/ kings unto him 26. he slew them and hanged them on/, trees 13. 3./. lords of the Philistines, Judg. 3. 3. Judg. 7. 1 11. he went to outside of ranks by/. 18. 2. the children of Dan sent/, men from coasts 1 Sam. 6. 4./. golden emerods, f. golden mice iC.when the/, lords of the Phifistines had seen it 17. 40. David chose him/, smooth stones 21. 3. give me/, loaves of bread in my hand 25. 18. she brought/, sheep,/, measures of com 42. Abigail rode on an a^s wi:h/. danutU FLA [2 Sam. 4. 4. Mephibosheth was/, years old when tidings came of Saul's and Jonathan's death 21. 8. but David took the/, sons of Michal 1 A'in5J7.39./.baseson the right,/, on the left sido 49. candlesticks ci pure gold, /. on the right side, and/, on the left, 2 Chron. 4. ». 2A'»nej 6.25. part of cab of dove's dunj sold/pieces 7. 13. let some tzike/. of the horses that remain 13. 19. thou shouldest have smitten/ or six times £5. 19. /• men that were in the kinii's presence 1 Chron. 2. 6. the sons of Zera,/. of them in all 11. 23. Benaiah slew an Egyptian/, cubits high Isa. 17. 6. fouror/. in the utmost fruitful branches 19.18./.cities in Egypt speak language of Canaaii 30. 17. at the rebuke of/, shall ye flee Mat. 14. 17. they said to him, we have here but /. loaves and two fishes, Mark 6. 38. Luke 9. 13. 16.9. the/, loavesof the/, thousand, Marks. Ifit 25. 2. /. of them were wise. and/, were foolish 15. and unto one he gave/, talents, 16. £K*«12.6.are not/.spcirrows sold for two farthings.' 52. there shall be/ in one house divided 14. 19. another said, I have bought/yoke of oxeiv 16.28. send him to my father's, 1 have/, brethren 19- 18. Lord, thy pound hath gained/, pounds 19. be thou also over/, cities John 4. 18. for thoa hast had/, husbands 5. 2. there is a pool Bethesda having/, porches 6. 9. there is a lad which hath/, barley-loaves 13. with the fragments of the/, barley-loaves ]Co.-.14.19. 1 had rather speak/words with unders. 2 Cor. 11. 24./. times received I forty stripes Kev. 17. 10. there are seven kings,/, are fallen FIVE-SQUARE. 1 Kings 6. i 31. lintel and side-posts were/. -im^are FI.XED. 2 Chron. 12. + 14. Rehoboam/. not his heart Ptal.5T. T.OGod, my heart is/. I will sing, 106. 1. 112. 7. his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord Luke 16. £6. between us and you there is a gulf/ FLAG, S. EjoJ. 2. 3. she laid the ark in the/, by the river 5. and when she saw the ark among the/. J06 8. 11. can the/, grow without water? Isa. 19. 6. the reeds and/, shall wither FLAGON. 2 Sam. 6. 19. to each a/, of wine, 1 Chron. 16. 3. FLAGONS. Cant. 2. 5. stay me with/, comfort me with apple*- Isa. 22. 24. from cups, even to all the vessels of/. IIos. 3. 1. who look to other gods, love/, of wine FLAKES. Joi 41. £3. the/, of his flesh are joined together FLAME. End. 3. 2. angel appeared in a/, of fire, Acts 7.30. Num. 21.28 a/, from the city of Sihon, Jer. 48.45. Judg. 13. 20. when/, went up, angel went io the f. £0. 38. that they should make a great/, to rise 40. the/ of the city ascended up to htaven Jo& 15. 30. the/, shall dry up his branches 41. £1. Jind a_/. goeth out of his mouth Psal. 83. 14. as the/, setteth the mountains on fire 106. 18. the/, burnt up the wicked Cant. 8.6. coals of fire, which hath a vehement/ Isa. 5. 24. and as the /. consumeth the chaff 10. 17. and his Holy One shall be for a/. £9. 6. shalt be visited with the/", of devouring fire 30. t27. name of L. comes with grievousness of/. 30. the Lord shall shew his arm with the/. 43. 2. neither shall the/, kindle upon thee 47. 14. they shall not deliver themselves from/. Etek. 20. 47. the flaming/, shall not be quenched Don. 3.22. /.slew those men that took up Shadrach 7.9. his throne was like the fiery f. and his wheels 11. till his body was g'ven to the burning/. 11. 33. yet they shall fall by the sword and by/. Joel 1. 19. the/, hath burnt all the trees of the field 2. 3. a fire devours, and behind them a/, burneth 5. like the noise of a/, of fire that devoureth 06ad. 18. and the house of Joseph shall be a/. Nah. 3. 1 3. the horseman lifteth up the/, of sword Luke 16. 24. for I am tormented in this/. Hei. 1. 7. who maketh his ministers a/, of fire Kev. 1. 14. eyes were as a/, of fire, 2.18. | 19.12. FLAMES. Psal. 29.7. the voice of Lord divideth the / of fere /'fDr.26.tl8.as a madman whocauseth/.anddeatb Isn.\3.e. shall be amazed, their faces shall be aa/. 66. J 5. L^rd come to render rebuke with/, of fire FLAMING. Gen. 3. 24. he placed at garden of Eden a/, sword £««*. 20. 47. the/, flame shall not be quenched iVaA. 2.3. the chariots shall be with/, torches See Fire. FLANKS. Lev. 3. 4. the fat that is on them, which is by the / it shall he take away, 10. 15. | 4. 9- I 7- 4. Joi 15. 27. he maketh coUops of fat on his I'. FLASH. Etei. 1. 14. as the appvaraiice o( a /. of Lghtaisg FLE FLAT. Zev.S.i-S. an ofTering ba«en on a /. plate,?, ig. 21. 18. he that hath a.f. nose shall not approach Num. 22. 31. Balaam bowed, and fell/", on his face Josh. 6. 5. the wall of the ciiy shall tall down f. 20. the people shouted, the wall fell down /" FLATfER. Pial. 5.9. no faithfulness, tney/. with their tongue 78. 36. they did/, him with their mouth, and lied FLATTERETH. Psal. 36. 2. for he/, himself in his own eyes /'roi;.2.l6.from stranger who/, with her words, 7.5. 20. 19. meddle not with him that/, with his lips 28. 2.'J. shall find more favour than he that/. 29.5. a man that/, spreadeth a net for his feet FLATTERING. Job 32. 21. neither let me give/, titles to man 22. for I know not to give/, titles Psal. 12.2. with /. lips and double heart do speak 3. the Lord shall cut off all/, lips, and the tongue Prov 7. 21. with the/, of her lips she forced him 26. 28. and a/, mouth worketh ruin £zei. 12. 24. there shall be no more/, divination I I'/iess. 2. 5. neither used we at any time/, words FLA'ITERy, Job 17. 5. he that speaketh/. to his friends Prov. 6. 24. to keep from the f. of a strange woman FLATTERIES. Dan. 11. 21. but he shall obtain the kingdom by/. .'(2. such as do wickedly shall becorrupt by/. 34. but many shall cleave to them wilh/. FLAX. lEiod. 9.31. /.and bailey was smitten,/, was boiled JosA. 2. 6. she hid them wilh the stalks of/ Jud^. 15. 14. cords became as/, that was burnt Pror. 31. 13. she seeks wool and/, and worketh Jia. 19. 9. they that work in fine /. confounded 42.3. asmoking/.shall he not quench, Jl/a/. 12. 20. Ezet. 40. 3. a man with a line of/, in his hand Jios. 2. 5. I will go after my lovers that give me/. 9. and 1 will recover my wool and my/. FLAY Mic. 3.3./. their skins from off them, break bonei FLAYED, e CAr. 35. 11. sprinkled blood, the Levites,/ them FLEA. ISim. 24. 14. is the king come after a/. ."26.20. FLED. G«w. 14. 10. the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah f. 16.6. Hagar/. 1131.22. Jacob/. lios 12. 12. jExiirf. 2.15. Moses 1'. from Pharaoh, 4. 3 Ac/s'.'2g. 14. 3. It was told Ving of Egypt that the people/. 27. and the Egyptians/, against the sea Num. 16. 34. Isr. round about/, at the cry of them J3eut. 34. + 7. nor was his natural force/. Josh. 8. 15. Israel /. by the way of the wilderness 10.16. these five kings/, and hid themselves Judg. 1. 6. Adoni-bezek/. || 4. 15. Sisera/. away 7. 21. all the host ran and cried, and/. 22. 6. 12. Zalmunna/. || 9. 21. Jotham ran and /'. 9.51. to the tower/, all the men and wonien 11.3. Jephthah/". ||20. 45. the Benjaniites/ 47. 1 Sam. 4. 16. and \ f, to-day out of the army 14.22. when theyneard that the Thilistines /. 17. 24. the men ol Israel /' from Goliath ig.lO.David/. andescaped,12.18. | 20.1. | 21.10. 22.20. Abiatliar escaped and/ after David, 23.6. 30. 17. save four hundred which rode and/. 31.1. Israel/, frnm the Philistines, 7. 25(7m.l9.8. 2 Sam. 4. 3. Beerotliites/. loGittam and sojourned 4. and his nurse/. || 10. 14 the Syrians/ 18 13. 29. Absalom and the king's sons/ .34. 37, .38. 18. 17. all Israel/, every one to his tent 1 Kings Q. 7 for so they came to me when T/. 28. Joab/. to the tabemacle,29. || 1 1.17 Iladad/". 11. 23. Rezon/. from his lord || 40. Jeroboam/T 20. 20. the Syrians/. 1 Cir. I9. 18. 2 A'imjj? ". ,2 Kings S. 21. and tne people/, to their tents 9.10. the prophet opened door and/. 1123. Joram/. 25. 4. all the men of war/, by niglit./fr 52. 7. iC;Ar. 10.1. themenof Isr./. 11. 13. 2 CAr. 13 I6. i Chron. 14. 12. Lord smote Ethiopians and they/. Nih. 13. 10. the Levites/ every one to his field Efth. 6. t 1. King Ahasuerus' sleep/, away Pia/. 31. 11. they that did see me/, from me 114. 3. the sea saw it and/. Jordan was driven 2'm.21.14. they prevented with bread him that/. 22.3. all thy rulers are/, together, they are bouud 33. 3. at the noise of the tumult the people/. Jer. 4. 25 all tne birds of the heavens were /. 9. 10. the fowl and beast are/, they are gone 26.21. Urijahheard and/.(|46.5. Egyptians are/. 46. 21. also her hired men are/, away together ■ Jonah 4. 2. therefore I /. before to Tarshish Zech. 14.5. shall flee ;is ye/, before the earthquake Mat. 8. 33. they that kept them/, and went away 26. 56. disciples forsook him and/. Mark 14. 50. ilforiHfi.8. they went outand/. from the sepulchre Acti 16.27. supposing the prisoners bad been/. Hei. 6. 18. f. for refuge to lay hold on the hope 807 Oen. 35. 1 when thou/', from the face of Esau /. 114. 5. what ailed thee, O sea, that thou/. .' FLE ^fy.12.6. the woman/. || 16.20. every island/.away £0. 11. from whose face earth and heaven/, away He FLED. Gen. 31. 20. in that he told him not that he f. CI. so he f. 11 35. 7. when he f. from his brother 39. 12. he left his garment xaij. 13, 15, 18. Josh. 20. 6. theu the slayer shall came to his own house, to the city from whence hef. Nvm.35.25. Jtidg.g.iO. Abimelech chased Gaal, and he/. 1 Sam. 22. 17. because they knew when he J'. 2 KingsQ. 27. Ahaziah fled, and A*/, to Megiddo 14. 19. and he f. to Lachish, 2 Chron. 25. 27. Jmiah 1. 10. and /i«/. from the presence of the L, Mark 14. 52. he left the linen cloth, and /. naked Is FLED. Nttm. 35. 32. take no satisfaction for him that is f. 1 Sam. 4. 17. Israel is/, before the Philistines 2 Sam. 19.9. Dav. is/, out of the land for Absalom Isa. 10. 29. Ramah is'afraid, Gibeah of Saul is/. They FLED. Geti. 14. 10. they that remained/, to the mountains Josh. 7. 4. they /. from before the men of Ai 10. 11. as they/, the Lord cast down great stones 1 Sam. 4.10. Philistines fought, Israel was smitten, and they/, every man to his tent, 2 Kings 14.12. 17. 51. when saw their champion was dead they/. 19.8. David slew Philistines, and they/, from him 2 Sam. 10. 13. Joab drew nigh, they/. 1 Chr. I9.14. 2 Kings 3. 24. smote Moabites, they/, before them 1 Chron. 10, 7. when all Israel saw that they/. Psal.lOi.7. at thy rebuke they/, they haisted away /m. 2 1.15. for they/, from the swords, and bent bow Jer. 39. 4. then they/, and went forth of the city Lnm. 4. 15. when they /. away, and wandered Van. 10. 7. so that they/, to save themselves Ilos. 7.13. woe unto them, for M(?y have/, from me Ijike 8. 34. when they saw what was done, thev f. .'Jrtji9.l6.so that jA. CO. 3,4,9. Dan. ^6. 7. and/, before thee seven ways, 23. Josh. 8. 5. as at first we will/, before them, 6. 20. had no power to/, this way or that way Jndg. CO. 32. let ns/. and draw them from the city 1 6a»i. 15.19. but didst/, on the spoil, and didst evil 2 .Saw. 4. 4. as his nurse made haste to/, she fell 15. 14./ else we shall not escape from Absalom 19. 3. as men steal away when they/, in battle 24.13. wilt thou/, three months before enemies • 1 Kings 12. 18. Kehoboam made speed to get to his chariot, and/, to Jerusalem, 2 Chron. 10. Hi. 2 Kings 9 3 then open the door, and/, tarry not iNWi. (5. 11. I said, should such a man as \j'.? Job 20. 24 he shall/, from the iron weapon 27. 22 he would fain/, out of his hand 30 10. they abhor me, they /" far from me 41. 28. the arrow cannot make him/. Vtal.l 1 . 1 .how say ye,/, as bird to your mountain ■ C8. 12 kings of armies/, apace, she that tarried 139 7. or whither shall'l/. from thy presence ' 143. 9. deliver me, O Lord, I/, to thee to hide me Prov. 28. 1 the wicked/, when no man pursueth 17. he shall/, to the pit, let no man stay him Isa. 10. 3. to whom will ye/, for help • l.f. 14. and/, every one into his own land 15. 5. his I'ugilives shall/, unto Zoar 17. 13. they shall/, far off, and shall be chased CO. 6. such ourexpectation whither we/, for help 30. 16. but ys said no, for we will/, on horses 17. at the roluike of five shall ye/ 48. 20. go from Babylon./ ye from the Chaldeans Jfr. 4.29. the city shall/, for the noise of horsemen 6. 1. gather yourselves to /". out of Jerusalem C.'). 35. the shepherds shall have no way to r'. 48. 6./. save'your lives, and be like the heath O.give wings to Moab.that it may/.and pet away 49. 8. Edom shall/. || 24. Dam.i.scus turned to/. 30._/'. dwell deep, O ye inhabitants of Hazor 50. 16. they shall /■. every one to his own land C8. voice of thf ra that/, and escape from Babylon 51.6./. outof the midst of Babylon, /J^cA. 2. 6. Amos 5.19. as if a man didy from alioD, and bear FLE Jonah 1. 3. Jonah rose up to/, to Tarshish Nah. 3. 7. all they that look on, shall/, from thee Mat, 2. 13. arise, Uke tlie young child and f. 3. 7. hath warned you/, from wrath .' Luke 3. 7 10. S3, when persecute yon in city/, to another 24. 16. then let them which b« in Judea f. to the mountains, AfarjH3. 14. Ltike 21. 21. Johji 10. 5. a stranger will not follow, but f. from Acts 27. 30. as the shipmen were about to/. 1 Cor.6.18./. fornication |1 10. 14./. from idolatry lT'im.6.11. but thou, Oman of God,/, these thines 2 Tim. 2. 22./. also youthful lusu, follow faith Jam. 4. 7. resist the devil, and ha will/, from yon Rev. 9. 6. in those days death shall /. from them 12. It. that the woman might/, into wilderness See Fly. FLEE anay. f?/«. 31.27. wherefore didst thou/, aaau secretly? 2 6'am.l8. 3. if we/, atcay, they will not care for us Joi 9. 25. my days/, azay, they see no good 20. 8^". aaay as a (fream, and shall not be found Psal. 04. 8. all that see them, shall /. axay Cant.Z.\7. till day break, and shadows/.aaia^,4.6 Isa. 35. lO.sorrow and sighing shall/.ariay,51.11 Jer. 46. 6. let not the swift/, away, nor escape Amos 2. 16. he that is courageous shall/, atcay 7.12.0 thou seer, go/.azra^iintotheltndof Judah 9. 1. he that fleetS of them, shall not/, azcay Nah. 2. 8. Nineveh shall/, away, they shall cry 3. 17. as great grasshoppers in hedges they J'.aaay FLEEING. Lev. 26. 36. they shall flee as/, from the sword Z)£«;.4.42.that/.to one of these cities he might live Job 27. t 22. in/, h* would flee out of his hand 30. 3. for want and famine/, to the wilderness FLEETH. J5«/ //«i.5.7.whoindays oi hisf. when offered prayers 10. 20. consecrated thro' vail, that is to say, his f. In the FLESH, or in FLESH. Gen. 17. 24. Abraham was circumcised in the f. 25. isbmael circumcised ih thef. of his foreskin £:£*. 44. 7. brought in uncircumcised i« thef. 9.uncircumcised i« thef. not enter the sanctuary Dan. 1.15. counten. appeared fairer and falter inf. Horn. 2.28. circumcision which is outward in thtj . 7. 5. for when we were in thef. the motions of siu 8. 3. and for sin condemned sin in the f. 0. they that are in thef. cannot please God 9. but ye are not in thef. but in the Spirit 1 Cor. 7. 28. such shall have trouble in thef. 2CDr. 10.3. though we walk in thef. not war after/. 12. 7. there was given to me a thorn in the f. Gal. 2. 20. life which I now live in thef. is by taith 6. 12. as desire to make a fair shew in :he f. Eph, 2. 11. in times past Gentiles in the f. called the circumcision in the f. made by hands Phil.X.ll.xi I live in M«/.this is the fruit ol'labour 24. to abide in the f. is more needful for you 3. 3. and have no confidence in the f. 4. though I might have confidence in the f. C0/.2.I. as many as have not seen my face in thef 5.tho'I be absent in thef. I am with you in spirit 1 Tim. 3. 16. God was manifest in Me/, justififed Philem. 16. how much more to thee, both in the f. 1 Pet. 3. 18. Christ being put to death in ihef. 4. I.Christ hath suffered for us in thef. lor he that bath suffered in thef. hath ceased from sia 2. no longer live the rest of his time in the f. C. might be judged according to men in the f. 1 John 4. 2. denieth that Christ is come in thef. 3v 2 Ju.'m 7. confess not that Christ is come in tktf. My FLESH. 1 .Sam. 25.11. shall 1 then take my bread and my /.? Job 4. 15. the hair of my f. stood up 6. 12. is my strength of stones .' or is myf. brass '. 7. 3. myf. is clothed with worms and dust 13. 14. w-herefore do I take my f. in my teeth f 19. 20. my bones cleaveth to my skin, and mu f. 22. why persecute, and not satisfied with myf. t 26. worms destroy body, yet in jny /.shall 1 see G 21.6. and trembling taketh hold of myf. Psal. 16. 9. my f. shall rest in hope, Acts 2. 26. 38. 3. there is no soundness in my f. ?• 63. 1. my f. longeth for thee in a dry thirsty lasd 73. 26. myf. faileth, but G. is my portion for ever 84. 2. my heart and myf. crieth out for God 102. t 5. by groaning my bones cleave to tny f 109. 24. my knees are weak, myf. faileth of fatness 119. 120. myf. trembleth for fear of the* Eecl. 2. tS. I sought to draw myf. with winft Jer. 51. 35. the violence done to me, and to myf. Lami.^. myf. and my skin hath he made old John 6. 51. the bread that I will give, is myf. 54. whoso eateth my f. hath eternal life, 56. 55. myf. is meat indeed, my blood arink indeed Rom. 7. 18. in my f. dwelleth no good thing 11. 14. if I may provoke them which are my f, Cial. 4. 14. my temptation which was in myf Col. 1. 24. of the attiictions of Christ is my f. See BONB. FLO OJ the FLESH. Exoi. 12 46. shah not carry forth aught of the f. 29. 34. if aught of the f. remain unto morning Dou. 28. 55. nor give of the f. of his children frov. 14. 30. a sound heart is the life of thef. £cct. 12. 12. much study is a weariness of t'/ie f. John 1. 13. born, not of the will of the f. but of God 3. 6. that which is bom of the f. is flesh HomA.bXoM after flesh do mind the things of the f. + 6. for the minding of the f. is death + 7. the minding ii/"i|i20.27. pitched like two li'tle/. of kids 1 CAru«.4.39.they went to seek pasture for their f 41. because there was pasture for their f. 27.31. ami over the/, was Jaziz the llagarile 2 Chron. 17. 11. the Arabians brought him/ Joi 24.2. violently take away/, and feed thereof I'sal. 8. t7./. and oxen all under his feet 65. 13. the "pastures are clothed with/. 78.48. he gave their/, to hot thunderbolts Cant. 1. 7. turn aside by the ;'. cf thy companions /fa.17.2. cities of Arocr are forsaken, shall be fwy 32 14. the palaces shall be a pasture of/. 60.7. all the/, of Kedar shall be gathered togerhe 61. 5. and strangers shall stand and feed your 1. 65.10.Sharon shall be a fold for/. valley o'f Achoi ./er.6.?..!he shepherds with their/shall come 10 het 10. 21. shall not prosper, all /. shall be scattered 31.24.dwellin Judahthey that go forthwith/. 33. 12. shepherds causing their/, to lie down 13. the/, shall pass again under the rod 49.29. their tents audf. shall they take away 50. 8. and he as the he-goats before ihe/. Ezek.i5. 5. Ammonites a couchiiig-place for/ .34. 2. should not tlie shepherds feed the /'. .' 36. 38. the waste titles shall be filled with/, of men Joel 1. 18. the /". cf sheep are made desolate .Vic.l.i 11. inhabitant of country of/.came notfortfc 5. 8. as a young linn among the/, of sheep Zeph. 2. 6. and the i«a coast shall be folds for f. 14./. shall lie down in the midst of Nineveh FLOCKS with herds. Gen. 13. 5. Lot also had /". and herds, and tents 24. 35. the Lord haih giveu Abraham/, and htr 26. 14. Isaac had possession of/, and herds 32. 7. Jacob divided/, and herds into two bands 33. 13. the/, and herds with young are with me 43.10.thou shalt be near me, thou, thy/, and/icrrfl 47. 1. my brethren, their/, and herds are come 50.8. their/, and herds left they in land of Gosbea Ezod, 10. 9. we will go with our/, and our fierdk 24. only let your/, and your herdi be stayed 12. 32. also take your/, and your herds be gone 34.3. neither let/, nor A«rrfi feed before the mount -Vwin. 11.22.shall the/, and herds be slain for them Deut. 8. 13. when thy herds and thy/, multiply 12.6. firstlings of A. and/. 17. j 14.23. Keh.10.36. 1 Sam. 30. 20. David took all the/, and the he^ds 2 i'am. 12.2. rich man had exceeding many/, and A. 2 CArii«.32.29.provided possessions of/, and Acids Piov. 27. 23. know thy/, look well to thy herds Jer. 3. 24. shame had devoured their/, and herds 5. 17. an ancient nation shall eat thy/, and herdv Has. 5.C.lYiej shall go with/, and herds to seek Ld. FLOOD. Not only that tcrrihle inundation is in scripiwi called flood, uhereby Ood destroyed all manUnd, and all the animals of the earth and air, uhich zcerenot intlie ark iutlt Ly Noah; but lilevis* allsortsof inundations or extraordinary collecttoni of uate/s. Thus the Psalmist speaking of tit waters of the sea, or of a rii er, expresses it hy the uord flood. Pjal.'66. 6, They went throggo the flood on foot. 'J'he same I'salmisl teti J'oith extreme dangers under the notion or a flood. I'sal. 69. 15, Let not the waier-tiood overflow me. And the violent as.iaulis arid sudden incursions of the devil and his instru- ments against the church are comjortd to n flood. Jsa. 59. i9, Wlien the enemy shall come in like a flood. Hy floods are a/so iignt^ ficd great p/enly and abundance of spiritual ani. temporal blessings. Jsa. 44.3, 1 will poui floods upon the dry grjound. 0'. 27. out of the barn/, or the wine press f 1 C/iron. 21. 28. L. had answered in the threshing/. 8 CAron.3. 1. prepared in threshing/, of Oman '-6. t 9. they sat in a/, at the entering of the gate Isa. 21. 10. O my threshing, and the corn of my/. Jer.bl. 33. daughter of Eab. is like a threshing f. //iw.g.lthou hast lov«d a reward on everj- corn/. 2. the/, and wine. press shall not feed xhem 13. 3. as the chaff that is driven out of the f. Mic. 4. 12. shall gather them as sheaves into"the/. iV/a(.3.12.he will thoroughly purge his/.iuX<;3.17 FLOOR.S. 1 Sam. 23. 1. and they rob the threshing/. Den.i. 35. like chaff of the summer threshing/. Jotl 2. 24. a^d the /". shall be full of wheat FLOTfeS, or FLOATS. 1 Kin^s 5.9. and I will convey them by sea in/, to the place thou shah appoint me, 2 CAr. 2. 16 FLOURISH. Ptal. 72. 7. in his days shall the righteous/. 72. 16. they of the city shall/, like the grass of the earth 9". 7. when all the workers of iniquity/. 12.the righteous shall/, like the palm-tree 13. they Mhill/. in the courts of our God 132. 18. but upon himself shall his crown/. Proz. 11. 28. the righteous shall/, asabranch 14. 11. the tabernacle of the upright shall/. Eicl. 12. 5. when the almond-tree shall /". ■Cant. 7. 12. let usget up, let ui see if the vine/. Isa. 17. 11. in morning thon shalt make thy seed to/. 66. 14. your bones shall/, like an herb Estk. 17. 24. I the L. have made the dry tree to/. FLOURISHED. Cant. 6. 1 1 . I went down to see whether the vine/. Phil. 4. 10. Your care of me hath/, again FLOURISHETH. Psal. 90. 6. in the morning it/, and groweth up 103. 15 as a Cower of the field, so he/. FLOURISHING. Psci. 92. 14. in old age, they shall be fat and/. *^nt. 2. \ 9. he looked forth, /. through the lattice XXun. 4. 4. I was at rest, and/, in my palace FLOW. ^ SO EC. his goods shall ^.away in day of his wTath PmiI. 1 47 . 1 8 he caiueth the wind blow.and waters /". Cm*. 4 16. that the spices thereof may f. out 2i0 ■'■' FLY Ita. 2. 8 and alienations shall/, tinto tt 48. 21. he caused waters to/, out of the rocl: 60. 5. then thou shalt see and/, together 64. 1. mountaius might/, down at thy presence Jer. 31. 12. shall/, to the goodness of the Lord 51. 44. nations shall not/, together any more to him Juel 3. 18. in that day the hills shall/, wiih milk, and the rivers of .ludah shall/, with waters ^fic. 4. 1. the people shall/, to the mountain of L Jo/tn 7. 38. out of his belly shall /. living water FLOWED. Jos/i. 4. 18. Jordan/, over all his banks JiiJ';. 3. + 5. the mountains/, before the Lord Jsn. fJ4. 3. the mountains/, down at thy presence Lam. 3.54. the waters r'. over mine head, then I said FLOWETH. Lev.CO.ii. a land that f. with milk and honey. .V„»,. 13. 27. I 14. 8". I 16. 13, 14. Deut. 6. 3. I 11. 9. I 20. 15. I 27. 3. I 31. 20. Jos/1.5. 6. FLOWING. Etod. 3. 8. to brill; them to a land/, with milk and honey, 17. | 13.5. 1 33. .3. J«r. 11. 5. 132. 22. E:ei. 20. 6, 15. Prov. 18. 4. the well-spring of wisdom as a/, brook /i«. 66. 12. the glory of the Gentiles like a /'.stream Jer. 18. 14. or shall the cold/, waters be forsaken.- 49. 4. wherefore gloriest thou in thy/, valley .- FLOUR. pTod. 29. 2. of wheaten /. shalt thou make them Lev. 2. 2. he shall take his handful of the/. 6. 15. Num. 28. 5. and a tenth part of an ephah of/, for a meat-offering, 20,28. | 29. 3, 9, 14. Judg. 6. 19. cakes of an ephjdi of/. 1 Sam. 1. 24. 1 6flm.2H.24. she took/.and kneaded it, 8 Sam. 13.8. 1 Sam. 17. 28. brought/, parched corn and beans See I)E.*L, Fine. FLOWER. 1 Sam. 2. 33 the increase shall die in/, of their age 1 Cor.7.36.if she pass/, of her age and need require FLOWER. Ezod. i5.33. with knop and/, in one branch, 37. I9. Joh 14. 2. he cometh forth as a/, and is cut down 15. 33. he shall cast off his/, as the olive P^al. 103. 15. as a/, of field, so he flourisheth ha. 18. 5. and the sour grape is ripening in the/. 28. 1 . whose glorious beauty is a fading/. 4. 40. 6. the goodliness thereof is as the/, of the field 7./.fadeth,8. AV/j.l.4.Jawi.l.lO,ll.l/^«.].24. FLOWERS. Eiod. 25. 31. hhj. shall be of the same, 37. I7. 37. 20. made like almonds, his knops and his/. Ahw. 8.4. to the/, thereof was beaten work 1 Kings 6.18.cedar of the house within was carved with knops ai:d open/. 29, 32,35. | 7. 26,49. 2 Chr. 4. 5. like the brim of a cup with/, of lilies 21. the/, lamps, and tongs made he of gold Cant.i. 12. the f. appear on earth, time of singing 5. 13. hischeeKs are asabed of spices, sweet/. FLOWERS. £f:'. 15.24. if her/ be upon him,he shall be unclean 33. of her that is sick of her/, of him with issue FLUTE, S. 1 Kin^s ] .HO.all people piped with/, and rejoiced i'o«.3.5.when ye hear the sound of the/. 7.10,15. FLUTTERETIT. Deut. 32. 11. as an eai;le/. over her young FLUX. Acts 28. 8. the father of Publius lay sick of a/. FLY. Isa. 7. 18. the Lord shall hiss for the/, in Egypt FLY, Verb. Gen. 1. £0. and fowl that mayf". above the earth 2 •iawi.22.ll.he rode upon a cherub, and did/, and was seen on wings of the wind, Psal.lS.iO. Job 5. 7. man born to trouble as sparks/, upward 39. 26. doth the hawk/, by thy wisdom ! Psal. 18. 10. he did/, upon the wings of the wind 55. 6. for then would I /. away, and be at rest 90.10. for it is soon cut off, and we/, away Prov. 23. 5. riches/, away as an eagle to heaven /la. 6. 2. each had six wings.and with twain he did/. 11.14. but they shall/, upon shoulders of Philist. 60.8. who are these that/, as a cloud,and as doves Jer. 48. 40. behold, he shall/, as an eagle Etei. 13. 20. ye hunt the souls to make them/, yjan. 9.21. Gab.being caused to/.swiftly, touched me Jios.g. 11. their glory shall/, away like a bird Hai.l .8. they shall/as the eagle that hasteth to eat liev.'ii.6. 1 saw another angel/, in midst of heaven 10.17. to all the fowls that/in the midst of heaven See Flee, "Flieth. FLYING. Z'aaman, is all well ? 9. 27- Jphu/. after Ahaziah, and said, smite hlni 13. 2. Jehoahaz/. sins of Jeroboam sonof Nebat 17. 15. and they/. vaBity, and became vain Psal.6s. 25. the players on instruments/, after £zek. 10.11. whither the head looked, they/, it .^mcs 7. 15. the Lord took me as 1/ the flock A/a<. 27. 55. many women which/. Jes. from Galilee Mark 10. 28. we left all and/, thee, Luke IG. 28. 32. were amazed, and as they/, they were afraid Lukt 22. 54. thpy took him, and Peter/, afar off .4f«13. 43. religious proselytes/. Paul and Barnab 16. 17. the same/ Paul and us, and cried Kern. 9. 30. Gentiles who/, not after righteousness 31. who/, after the law of righteousness 1 Cor. 10. 4. they drank of that rock that/, them lTim.5.10. if she have diligently/every good work £ PcM lO.we have not/, cunningly devised fables 211 there/ hall and fire mingled with blood 14. 8. and there /.another angel, saying, Babylon is 9. and the third angel/ them, saving, if any man FOLLOWED him'. A^Hm. 16.25. Moses rose up, the elders of Isr./ him Judg. 9. 4. hired vain and light persons who / hint 1 Sam. 13. 7. and all the people/, him trembling 2 6'am.ll.8. there/Aim a mess of meat from the k. il/a/.4.20.they left their nets aiid/.him,Mark 1.18. 4. 22. they immediately left the ship and/, him 25. and there/, him great multitudes of people, 8. 1. I 12. 15. I 19. 2. I 20. 29. Mark 2. 15. I 5. 24. Luke 23. 27. John. 6. 2. 8.23.when entered, his disciples/Aim.iKie 22.39. 9. 27. two blind men/, him, crying, and saying 26. 58. but Peter/, him afar off, Mark 14. '54. Mark 14. 51. there/, him a certain young man Luke 5. 11. they forsook all and/ him, 28. 7. 9. Jesus said to the people that/, him, not found Acts 12. 9. Peter went out and/. Aim and wist not Rev. 19. 14. the armies/, him on white horses FOLLOWED me. Num. 14. 24. my sen-ant Caleb hath/ me fully 32. 11. because they have not wholly/, m 1 Kings 14. 8. David who/ me with all his heart Neh. 4. 23. northe men of the guard which/, me Mat. 19. 28. ye that/, me in the regeneration FOLLOWEDSr. Ruth 3. 10. thou/, not young men, poor or rich FOLLOWER. 2rim. 3.t 10. hast been a diligent/, of my doctrine FOLLOWERS. 1 Cor. 4. 16. have begotten you.through the gospel, I beseech you, be/, of me, 11. 1. Phil. 3. 1'. Eph. 5. 1. be ye/ of'^God as dear children 1 'xhess. I. 6. yebecame/. *.12.1.Ephraim feeds on wind,/, after east-wind Afa/. 10.38. he that taketh not up his cross and/ me Mark 9. 38. because he/, not us, Luke 9-49. John 8. 12. he that f. me shall not walk in darkness FOLLOWING. Gew. 41. 31. plenty not known by reason of famine/ Veut. 7. 4. they will turn away thy son from/ me 12. 30. take heed thou be not sntired by /. them Josh. 22. 16. from /.the Lord, 18,23,29. 1 .Sam. 12. 20. 2 Kings 17. 21. 2 Chr. 25. 27. | 34. 33. jKrf^.2.19. corrupted in/, other gods to serve them Ruth 1. 16. or to return from/, after thee 1 Sam. 12. 14. if ye continue/ the Lord your God 14. 46. Saul went up from / the Philistines 15. 11. Saul is turned back from/ me 24. 1. when Saul was returned from/ Philistines 2 Sam. 2. 19. Asahel turned not from/ Abner, 30. 26. bid the people return from / their brethren 7. 8. 1 took thee from/ the sheep, to be ruler over my people, 1 Citron. 17. 7 Psal. 78. 71. 1 Kvigf 1. 7. and they/. Adonijah, helped him 9. 6. but if you shall at all turn from/, me 21. 26. Ahab did very abominably in/, idols Psal. 48. 13. that ye may tell it to the generation/. 109.13.ingenerat./ let their name be blotted out Mark 16. 20. and confirming the word with signs/. Luke 13. 33.1 must walk to morrow, and the day/. John 1 38. then Jesus turned and saw them /. 43. the day/ll 6.2C.the day/ when the people saw 21. 20. Peter seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved/ Actsil. 1 we came the day/, unto Rhodes, 18. 23. 11. and the night/ the Lord stood by him 2 Pet. 2. 15. are gone astray,/ the way of Balaam FOLLY. Gf«.34. 7. became Shechem had WTOught f in Isr. Deul. 22. 21 she wrought/, by playing the whore Josh. 7. 15. because Achan wrought/, in Israel Jud^. 19. 23. nay, I pray you, do not this/. 1 24. to this man do not the matter of this/ 20. 6. they have committed lewdness and/, in I sr. 10. according to the/, that they wrought in Isr. 1 Sam. 25. 25. Nabal is his name, and/, is with him 2 Sam. 13. 12. my brother, do not thou this/. Ja/i 1 . 1 22. in all this Job attributed not /'. to God 4. 18. behold, his angels he charged with /. 24. 12. yet God layeth not/, to them 42. 8. lest I deal with you after your/. Psal. 49. 13. this their way is their/, yet posterity 85.8. but let them not turn again to/. Prof. 5. 23.in the greatness of his/he shall go astray 13. 16. but a fool layeth open his/. 14. 8. but the f. of fools is deceitful 18. the simple inherit f. but pnirtent are orowB«d FOL fr. 14.24. crown of wise is riches, foolislin. of f. is/ 2y, but he that is hasty of spirit cxaiieih/. J5. 21 ./. is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom It). 22.' but the instruction of fools is/. 17. 12. let a bear meet rather than a fool iu his/ 18.13. before he heareth it,it i.s/ and shair.e tohia 26.4.answernot afool accord, to his/, lest like hint 5. ans. a fool accord, to his/, lest wise inrouceil 11. as dog to vomit, so a fool returneth to his/. Eccl. 1 . 17.1 gave my heart to know wisdom anil/. 2.3.1 sought in my heart to lay hold on /. 12. turned to behold/. || 13. wisdom excelleth/ 7. 25. 1 applied to know the wickedness of/ 10. 1. so doth a little/, him that is in reputatioo 6. f. is set in great dignity, rich sit in low place 7ia.9.17. cin evil doer, imdevery mouth speaieth/. Jer. 23.13. I have seen/, in the prophets of Samar. /fof.2.flO.I will discoT. her/, in sight of her lovers 2 Cor. 11. 1. ye could bear with me a little in my/. 23Vm.3.9. their/, shall be made manifest to all mes FOOD. G«»».2.9. every tree pleasant and that is good for f, 3.6. the woman saw the tree was good for/ 6. 21. take thou to thee of all/, that is eaten 41. 35. let them gather all/, of those good years 42. 7. came to buy/. 10. | 43.2,4,20,22. | 44.25. 33. take/, for the famine of your households 44. 1. he commanded to fill the sacks with/. 47. 24. for your/, and for/, for your little ones Esod. 21. 10. her/, shall not be diminished Lev. 3. 11. the/, of the oJFering made by fire, I6. 19.23. shall have planted all manner of trees for/, 21. + 17. not approach to offer the/ of his God C2.7. shall eat of holy things, because it is his/. Deuf .10.18. the stranger, in giving him/, and raim. 1 Sam. 14. 24. cursed that eateth/. till evening, 28. iSam.g.lO. that thy master's son may have/ to eat 1 Kings 5.9. my desire, in giving/, for my honseh. 11. Solom. gave Hiram wheat for/, tohishousth. Neh. 9 1 25. they possessed trees of/ in abundance Joi 23. 12. thy words more than my necessary/. 24.5. wilderness yieldeth/. for them and children 36. 41. who provideth for the raven his/. .' 40. 20. surely the mountains bring him forth/ Pia/.78.25. man did eat angels'/he sent them meat 104. 14. he may bring forth f. out of the earth 136.25. who giveth/to all flest, his mercy for ever 146. 7- the Lord who giveth f. to the hungry 147.9. he giveth to the beast his/, to young ravens Prov. 6.8. the ant galhereth her/, in harvest 13. 23. much/ is iu the tillage of the poor 27. 27 .thou shalt have goats'milk enough forthy/. 28. 3. is like a sweeping rain which leaveth no/. 30. 8. feed me with/, convenient for me 31. 14. like ships, she bringeth her/, from afar Ezek. 16. 27. I have diminished thine ordinary/ 43. 18. the increase thereof shall be for/ to thea Actsl4.1T. fruitful 6easons,filling our hearts with/ 2 Cor. 9. 10. both minister bread for your/. 1 Tim. 6.8. having/, and raiment, let us le conwm Jam. 2. 15. if naked and destitute of daily/. FOOL, Folly, Foolishness, are to be understood not onif according to their natural mid literal meaning, for one uho is an idiot, or a lery ueak man, and for the discourses and notions 0/ j'ools and madmen ; but in the language cj scrip- lure, especially in the book 0/ Proverbs, fool is the usual character of //;e sinner, and folly and foolishness are ;/«< for sin. Psal- 38. 5, My wounds stink, and are corrupt, because of my foolishness, my sin. And in Psal. 69. 5, o'God, thou knowest my foolishness. Solomon teis the fool 11: opposition to the prudent man. Prov. 13. 16, Every prudent man dealeth with knowledge ; but a fool layeth open his folly. For as by prudence a man so gojtrns himulf, and regulates his actions, as to aioid impending evils, and to obtain that good v.hick is suitable to his necessities : so it is the effect of folly, not to foreiee eiils to prtient mem, and to neglect the season of obtaining ul,at is good. In Prov. 13. 20, Solomon opposes the Tool to the wise man. He that walketh with wise men. shall be wise ; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. As it is with relation to the affairs of this life ; the man of prudence and conduct m his affairs, who takes the best me- thod of managing things to his oun, his family's and friend's, or any society's reputation, comfort, and advantage, and alio minds his business more than his pleasure, is the wise man: And the inconsiderate, heedless, slothful man, aAo neglecis the principal affairs of life, or goes into improper or unlikelv methods of managing them to advantage, or uiho minds his pleasuri more than his business, is the fool for this world : So it is atth respect to another u'orid ; the trull/ wise man it hi al^ fffpOMi ikt thingt FOO •/ (ioi, and tht eierlamng tnltrest of his immortal loti/, ar his highest end, and pursue, them uilh Ike titmoil care a>td diligence, m the \in\/ of Ood's appointment thr, /.u^e 24. 25. And it is the character of all tnen, as they are born possessed of natural ig- norance and corruption. Tit. 3. 3, We our- selves were sometimes foolish. The Apostle says, 1 Cor. 4. 10, NVe are fools for Christ's sake : that is, ue are accounted so by the wise men}/' the uorld. And in Kom. I. Z", he says, I'rolessin;; themselves to be wise, they became fools : that is, While they pretended to, and boasted of more than ordinary uisdom, their /earned men icing at first usually called So- phists, or uise men, though afterwards Phik)- sopbers, they entertained and vented many gross and absurd opinions and practices, and n shewed themselves to be real fools. The same apostle says, in 1 Cor. 1. tS, The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness. . The doctrine of Christ crucified, to purchase eternal salvation for believers, is by unbelievers, that judge only according to carnal reason and eense, accounted an absurd, ridiculous, impossible thing, and which none in their wits will believe, according to the principles of their philosophy. And in 1 Cor. 8. 14, 'I'he things of God are fbulishness to the natural man. He counts them the most foolish things in the wofld ; he looks upon them as either trifling and imperti- nent ; or at containing means and ends dispro- portionate : or as undesireahle tn comparisvn of what may be set up in competition with them. lSam.'26.il. behold I have played the/, and erred JPsal. 14. 1. the/, hath said in his heart, 53. 1. cy. !0 likewise the/, and brutish person perish 92. 6. neither doth a/, understand this frov. 10. 8. but a prating/, shall fall, 10. C3. it is a sport to a/, to do mischief 1 1.29. the/, shall be servant to the wise ofheart 12. 15. the way of a/, is right in his own eyes Iti.a/.wrathis presently known, but prudent man 13.l6.wise man feareth,but/.layeth open his folly 14. 16. but the/, rageth and is confident 15. 5. a/, despiseth his father's instruction 17. 7- excellent speech becometh not a/ in. 12. a/, hath no delight in understanding lO.areproof more than a hundred stripes into a/. li;.lelabearmect a man ratherthan/.in his folly 16. why is a price in hand of a/, to get wisdom r 21. he that begetteth a/, doth it to his sorrow 28.a/.when he holdeth his peace is counted wise 6/.lips enter into content. mouth calls for strokes Pi uv. 18. 7. a/, mouth is hisdeslruction,lipsasuare 20. 3. but every/, will be meddling 26 4. answer not a/. || 5. answer a/. 6. so is he that giveth honour to a/. lO.the great G .rewardelh the/.and transgressors 11. as a dog $0 a/, returneth to his folly 27. 3. but a/, wrath is heavier than them both 22. though thou shouldest bray a/, in a mortar Sy.ll./.utterethall his mind, but a wise man keeps Zcr/. 2.14. but the/, walketh in darkness 15. as it happeneth to the/, so even to me l6.isno remembrance of wise mzm more than of/, ly. who knoweth whether he be wise or a/. .' 4. 3. the/, foldeth his hands together, eats hit flesh 5. 3. a/, voice is known by multitude of words 6. 8. far what hath the wise more than the /'. . 10. 2. at right hand, but a/.heart is at his left hand 14./. is fuH of words, man cannot tell what to be Jer. 17. 11. and at his end he shall be a/. Afoi. 5.22. whosoeTer shall say, thou/, be in danger Luke 1 J. 20. /. this night thy soul shall be required I Cor. 3. 18. let him become a/, that he may be wise 13. 36. thou/, that thou sowest is not quickened Cor. 11. 16. I say again, let no man think me a/. 12.6. tho" 1 would d«sire to glory, shall not be a/. 11.1 am become a/.in glorying, ye compelled me As a JOOL. e Sam. 3. 33. David ."aid, died Abner as af. dieth Prov. 7. -'i. as a )'. to the correction o.' the stocks Sccl- 3 IC. how di«th the wise man ? at the/. 212 FOO 2 Cor. 11. 16. if otherwise, yet as af. receive mt 23. are thev ministers '. 1 speak as af. I am more tor a irOOL. Prov. 19. 10. delight is not seemly /or •/. 24. 7. wisdom is too hi^h/ur af. opens not mouth '.'d. 1. so honour is not seemly/ur af. 3. a bridle for the ass, and a r iLfor the/, back 30. '■ZZ.for af. when ha is filled with meat Is a 100 L. Prov. 10. 18. he that uttereth a slander is af. 19.1. than he that is perverse in his lips, and is af 28. 2f3. be that trusteth in his own heart is a f. £ Lab'an, Ge» 30.t 30 The Lord hath blessed thee at my foot ; that is, ever since I came to you ; since my feet entered into thy house': Or, by my foot; that is, by my ministry and la- bour, as thephrase is used, Dcut. 11. 10. To be under any one's feet, to be a footstool to him, is a figurative way of speaking, to signify the subjection of a subject to his sovereign, of a servant to his master. Psal. 8 6. | 18. 38. I 110. 1 Thou bast put all things under his feet Jline enemies are fallen under my feet. Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. To lick the dust off cue's feet, Isa 49. 23, They shall bow down Jo thee with their face toward the earth, and Jick up the dust of thy feet. They shall highly reverence and honour thee, and shall most humbly and readily submit themselves unto thee 'J/ie ezpressions are borrowed from the practice of the eastern peoplt in their prostrattons and udorctions, when they bowed re low as to touch and kiss the ground, whereby they did or might stem 10 lick up the viry dust of the ground, wJiich was about or under the feet of those whom they adored Nakedness of feet xas a sign of mourning : For. hear to cry, says God to Ezekiel, make no mourn- iag for the dead, aud put ou thy shoes upon thy feet, Eiek. 24. 17. It was also a mark of aspect, reverence, end adoration, £xod 3.5. I'ut off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place where thou standest is holy ground To wash one's foot with oil, or with butter, sig- nifies pUnty of all sons of good thitigs Deut 33 24. Job 29 6. To wash one's feet in the blood of sinners ; to lake remarkable veytgeance on them, to shed rivers of their blood, Psal. 5M. 10. A wicked man speaketh with his feet, says Solomon, Prov 6 13. He uses much gesture with his kar.ds and feet while he is talking ; he secretly signifies to his companions his intentions or de- tires of some evil towards another person, which he is afraid, or ashamed to express openly. The ancient Sages blamed those who used too much gesticulation, and spoke with all their members. Kzekiel reproaches the Ammonites with clap- ping their hands, and stamping with their feet tn token of joy, upon seeing the desolation of Jerusalem and the temple, Ezek. 25 6. Attd <» chap. 6. It. he makes the tame motions the stfus of grief , because of the ruin of his people. Tht propr.it Isaiah says. Blessed are yo that sow beside all waters, that send forth thither the feet of the ox and the ass, Isa. 32. 20 Happy ore the people that sow their com upon a well-watered sail, who with their oxen and usses plow a fat mnd fruitful land ; or who feed there their oxenani their asses. To send out their feet, that is, to tend them there, to feed them, to plow there with them. But this passage may be understood mystically, and stems to respect the limes of the gospel : that is, Happy are the Apostles and gospel-ministers, in comparison tif those thai lived oejore them, who shall find etbundant success . 5. thy shoe is not waxen old upon thy /". 3C 35.to me vengean.their/shall slide in due time 3.i. 24. Moses said, let Asher dip his/, in oil Josh. 1.3. every place your/, shall tread upon 5.15. loose thy shoe from off thy/. Joshua did so JuJg. 5. 15. Barak was sent oaf. to the valley 1 Sam. 23. t 22. and see where his/", shall be 2 Sam. 2. 18. Asahel was as light of/, as a roe il. 20. had 00 every/, six toes, 1 Chron. 20. 6. 2 Kingsg. 33. Jehu trod Jezebel under/. 2 Chr. 33. 8. nor any more remove the /". of Israel Joi23.ll. my/, hath held his steps, hre way I kept 28.4. even tlie waters forgotten of the/. 31. 5. or if my/, hath hasted to deceit 39- 15. and fbrgetteth that the/, may crush them Psal. 9. 15. in the net they hid is their/, taken 26 12. my/, standeth in an even place 36 11. let not the/, of pride come against me 38. 16. when my/, slippeth, magnify themselves 66. fi. they went through the flood on/. 68. 23. that thy/, may be dipped in blood 9i.i2.his angels shall bear thee up, lest thou dash thy/, against a stone. Mat. 4. 6. Luke 4. 11. 91-I8. 1 said my/.slippeth, thy mercy held me up 121. 3. he will not suffer thy/, to be moved Prot. 1. 15. refrain thy/ from their path 3.23.shalt walk safely, aud thy/.shall not stumbl" C6. the Lord shall keep thy/, from being taken 4. 27. turn not to right or left, remove thy/ from 25. 17. withdraw thy/, from thy neighbour's house 19. confidence in unfaith. men is like/, out of joint £fc/.5.1. keep thy/, when goest into house of God /ftf.14.25. on my mountains tread him under/. 18. 7. a nation meted out and trodden under /. 20. 2. and put off thy shoe from off thy/. 26. 6 the/, shall tread it down, even of the poor 41. 2. who called the righteous man to his/ 58. 13. if thou turL away thy/, from my sabbath Jer 2. 25. withhold thy/, from bcin; unshod 12. 10. they have trodden my portion under/. Lam. 1. 15. Ld. hath trodden under/, mighty men Lzek. 6. 11. stamp with thy/, ana say, alas 16 t 6. when trodden under/. I said to thee, live 25 1 6 because thou hast stamped with the/. 29.ll.no/. of man, no/of beast shall pass thro' it .32 13. neither shall the/, of man trouble th»m Dan. 8.13 to give the host to be trodden under/. .4nioi2.15.that is swift of/shall not deliver himself Mat. 5. 13 salt unsavory, trodden uuder/. of men 14 13. the people followed him on/, out of cities 18 8 if thy/ offend thee, curitoif, Jl/a;* 9.45. C2. 13. bind him band and/, cast him into darkn. Mark^ 33 many raa a/ thither out of all cities J<'/i«11.44.was dead came forth bound hand and/. /Jf(i7.5.not so much as to set his/.on,yet promised 20.13. sohad appointed, minding himself to go a./'. IC'or 12 15. if the/, say, because I am not the hind lleb. 10 29. hath trodden under /". the Son of Cod A'ea. 1.13. Son of man clothed witnagarm. to the/. 11. 2 the holy city shall they tread uuder/. Sole of FOOT Gf «.8.9.the dove found no rest for the sole of her f. Veut.iS 35 L.smitetheewith a botch from «/<.10.2.a little book, he set his righi-f. on thesea At* Toe. FOOTED. I^v. 11.3. whatsoever is cloven/, that ye shall eat 7. and the swine.though he be cloven/.is unc!e«n 21. 19. a man that is broken;/", shall not approach .icts 10. 12. all manner of four/, beasts, 11.6. Hom.1.23. image made like birds ana four/ beasts FOOTMEN. Xum. II .21. the people are six hunured thousand/ 1 Sam. 22.17. Saul said to the/ slay priests of u{ Jer. 12. 5. if hast run with/, and they wearied they FOOTSTEPS. Psal. 17. 5. hold up my goings that my f. slip not 77. 19- thy way is in the sea, thy/. arenotknoAvn 89. 61. they reproached the/, of thine anointed Cant. 1. 8. go thy way forth by the/, of the (lock FOO'JSl'OOL. 1 Chron. 28.2. build an house for the/, of our Ood 2 Chr. 9. 18. were six steps to throne with/of gold Psal. 99 5. worship at his/, for he is holy, 132. 7. 110. 1. sit thou at my righuhand till I make thina enemies thy /. Mat. 22. 44. Mark 12. 30. Luke':o.43. Actsi. 35. Heb. 1. 13. Isa. 66 1. heaven is my throne, and earth is mv/. ActsT.'-tg. /^am. 2.1. remembered not his/, in day of his anger Mat. 5. 35. .Mvear not by the earth, it is his/. //<*.]0.13.expecling till his enemies be made his/, Jam. 2. 3. say to the poor, sit here uuder my/, FOR. Deui. 4.7. so nigh in all things that we call on h./ 2 Sam. 11. 22. shewed David all Joab had sent him/. Prov. 28.21./. piece of bread that man will trani. gress .Unr.5.45./.maketh nis sun to rise on evil and good 6.7. they think to be heard/, their much speaking 25. 35./. I was hungry, and ye gave me meat, 42. John l.l6.outof hisfuln.we received gr.ice/. gract Itom. 13. Q.f.f. this cause ye pay tribute also 2 Cor. 5. 1. /. we know.if this house were dissolved 13.8./. we can do nothing against but/, the truth 2 Pet. 3,12.1ooking/.thecomingof theday ofGod FORASMUCH. Gen. 41. 39. /. as God hath shewed thee all this Deut. 12. 12./. as he hath no inheritance with you Judg. 11. 36./. as the Lord hath taken vengeance 1 .Sam, 20. 42./. as we have sworn both of us 2 Sam. 19, 30. /. as my lord is come again in peace 1 Kings 13. 21./ as thou hast disobeyed the Lord 1 Chron. 5. l.f. as Reuben defiled his father's bed /ia. 29.13. /.as this peo.draw near with their mouth Jer. 10. 6./. as there is none like to thee, O Lord 7./. among all wise men of nations none like thee Dan. 2. 40. /. as iron break, and subAu. all things Luke ly. 9./. as he also is thi- son of Abraham .■icts 11. 17./. theu as God gave them the like gift 17. 29./. then as we are the offspring of God 24. 10./. as I know that thou hast been a judge 1 Cor. 11, 7./- as he is the image andglor> of God 14, 12,/. as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts 15. 58./. as ye know your labour is not in vain 1 Pet, 1, 18,/. as ye know ye were not redeemed 4. l.f. then as Christ hath suffered for us FORBADE. Deut. 2. 37. nor unto whatsoever the Lord/, us Mat. 3. 14. but John/, him, saying, I have need MarkQ. 38. we saw one casting out devils in thy name, we /". him, because he followeth not us, Luke g.jg. 2 }'ci. 2. 16 the ass/, the madness of the prophet FOREARE. 1 Sam. 23,13. Dar. escaped, and .Saul/, to go forth 2c7jio». 25.16. then the prophet/, and said, 1 knov ycry Rev.'. 3. have sealed the servants of God in their/. 9. 4. which have not the seal of God in their /". 13, l6. he causeth all to receive a msirk in their/. li, 1. having his Father's name written in their/. 20. 4. nor had received the mark upon their/. 22^4. and his name shall be in their/. FOREIGNER. Exod. 12. 45./. and hired servant shall not eat Denl. 15. 3. cf a/, thou mayest exact it again FOREIGNERS. Oiad. II. in the day that/, entered into his gates Efh. 2. 19. ye are no more strangers and f. FOREKNEW. Rom. 11 .2. G. hath not cast away people which he/. FOREKNOW. Rom. C. 29. whom he did/, he also did predestinate FOREKNOWLEDGE. Acts 2. 23. him being delivered by the/, of God 1 Ret. 1. 2. elect accordingto/. of God the Father FORE.MOST. Gen. 32. 17. Jacob commanded the/, saying 33. 2. he put the handmaids and their children/. 2 Sam. 18. 27. the running of the/is like Ahimaaz FOREORDAINED. Rom. 3. t 25. God hath/, to be a propitiation 1 Pet. 1. 20. who verily was/ before the world FOREPART. Exod. 28. 27. two rings towards/, of cphod, .3g.20. 1 Kings 6.20. the oracle in the/, was twenty cubits Ezek. 42. 7. the wall on the/ of the chambers ActtQ'.il. the/, ofsliip stuck fast and remained FORERUNNER. Ht{. 6. 20. whither the ^.is for us emered.even Jesus FORESAW. Acts 2 25. I /. the Lord always before my face FORESEETH. Prov. 22. 3. a prudent man/, the evil, 2". 12. FORESEEING. Gal.S.S. the scripture f. God would justify heathen FORESEEN. Hei.ll.} 40. God having/some better thing for us FORE-SHIP. Ads 27.30. theywould haye cast anchors out of/ FORESKIN Gen. 17. 11. ye shall circumcise the flesh of your/. 14. whose flesh of his/, is not circumcised 23. and circumcised tne flesh of their/. 24, 25. Ezoi. 4. 25. then Zipporah cut off the/ of her son Lev. 12. 3. the flesh of his/, shall be circumcised /Jei/r.l0.l6.circumcise therefore the/.of your heart /fa*. 2. 16. drink then, and let thy/, be uncovered FORESKINS. Josh. 5. 3. circumcised Israel at the hill of the f. 1 Sam. 18. 25. but an hundred/, of the Philistines 27. David brought their/, gave them to the king 2 6am. 3. 14. which I espoused to me for anhund./. y«r .4. 4. take away/, of vourheart,ye men of Judah FORE.ST. 1 .Sam. 22. 5. David came into the/ of Hareth 1 Kings 7. 2. Solomon built the house of the/. 10. 17. put them in the house of the/.2 CAron. 9.16. 2 Kings 19. 23. into the/, of his Carmel, ha. 37.24. Xeh. 2. 8. a letter to Asaph, keeper of the king's/. Psal. 50. 10. for every beast of the/ is mine 104. 20. wherein all beasts of the /do cre^ip forth tsa. 9. 18. and shall kindle in the thickets of the/. 10. 18. and shall consume the glory of his/". 19. the rest of the trees of his f. shall be few 21. 13. in the /". of Arabia shall ye lodge 22. 8. thou didst look to the armour of the/. 29. 17. the field shall be esteemed as a/. 32. 15. 32. 19. when it shall hail, coming down on the /. 44. 14. taketh cypress from among trees of the/. 23. break forth into singing, ye mountains, O/. 56. y. all ye beajls of the/, cime to devour Jer. 5. 6. whcrefora a lion out of/, tball sla^ then FOR Jer. 10. 3. for one c«tteih a tree out of/, with tho as2 i2. 8. mine heritage is to me as a lion in the/, 21. 14. I will kindle a fire in the/, thereof 26.18. become as high places of the/. Mic. 3. 15. 40. 23. they shall cut down her/, saith the Lord i'lei.lS.C. as the vine tree among the trees of the f. SO. 46. prophesy agzunstlhe/. of the south field 47. say unto the/, of the south, hear the word //w.2.12.I will make them a/.beaais shall eat them ^ -•Jm«/3.4.will lion roar in the/, when hath no prey? Mic. 5. 8. as a lion among the beasts of the/. ^«A. 11. 2. the/, of the vintage is come down FORESTS. 2 Chron. 27.4. Jotham built castles in the/. Psal. 29.9. the voice of the Lord discovereth the/, Isa. 10. 34. he shall cut down the thickets of the/. Etek. 39. 10. neither cut down any out of the/. FORETEL. 2 Cor. 13. 2. 1/ you as if I were present sec. time FORETOLD. .1/ar^l3.23. take heed, beh.I have f. you all thing* Acis 3,24. the proph. hare likewise/, of these day* FOREWARN. Luke 12. 5. but I will/, you whom Te shall fear FOREWARNED. ' 1 Thess. 4. 6. as we also have/, you and testified FORFEITED. Ezra 10. 8. all his subst. should be/, he separated FORGAT. G«n.40.23. butler not remember Joseph, but/, him Judg. 3. 7. the children of Israel/, the Lord 1 Sam. 12. 9. and when they/, the Lord their God Psa!. 78.11 and they/, his works and his wonders 106.13. soon/, his works || 21./. G. their Saviour Lam. 3.17. removed far from peace, I/, prosperity ifoi.2.13.she went after her lov. and/. me,saithL. FORGAVE. Pja/.78.38.he/. their iniquity, destroyed them not Mat. 18. 27. he loosed him, aad/ him the debt 32. O wicked servant, I /. thee all that debt Luke 7. 42. had nothing to pay, he frankly/, them 43. I suppose that he to whom he/ most 2 Cor, 2. 10. for if I /. any thing to whom I /. it for your sakes/. lit in the person of Chris; Col. 3. 13. even as Christ/, you, so also do ye FORGAVEST. Ps. 32. 5. I will confess, thou/, the iniquity of my 99. 8. wasG. that/, them, tho' tookest vengeance FORGED. Psal. 119. 69. the proud have/, a lie against me FORGERS. 70413.4. ye are /".oflies.are all physiciansof no val. FORGET Signifies, [1] To let things slip out of the memory. Deut. 4. 9, Lest thou forget the things thine eyes have seen. [2] To let God, hn •..:ord, and benejits, slip out of mind : uher.;upon follow disobedience, neglect of God's" uors/np, and viicked contempt of God, as a fruit and consequence of such forgelfulness. Judg. 3. 7, The children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and forgat the Ixird their God, and served Baalim and the groves : 'Thus men forget God; the tcicked wholly, the godly tn part. [3] To cast off one, to cease to love, care, and provide for him. Psal. 77. 9, llaLh God forgotten to be gracious ? Thus God for- gets the wicked: and the godly do somctimet think that they are thus forgotten, yet are not so. See also Isa. 49. 15, Can a woman forget her sucking child ? yea, they may for- get, yet will I not forget thee. She may ceast to love her child, but I will not cease to love and provide J'ur thee. [4] To omit to punish, Amos 8. 7, Surely I will never forget any of their works : / will not alwayt deftr to punish them, though it may seem I hate for- gotten. [5] Not to esteem, but to pass over a matter as unworthy our temembrance. Phil. 3. 13, Forgetting those things which are behind : Not so much considering or regarding what I have already done, as uhal I have yet further 10 do. Joseph called the name of his firstborn, Manasseh, that IS, forgetting ; for God, said he, hath mado me forget all my toil, and all my father's house-. he has expelled all sorrouful remembrance of my slavery in Egypt, and of my sufferings from my brethren, by my present comfort and glory. In Psal. 45. 10, the Psalmist speaking to fA» church says. Forget also thine own people, and thy father's house : He alludes to the law if matrimony. Gen. 2. 24. Thou must Jorget and forsake all carnal relations, so far as theif hinder from Christ, and likeu:isi all those pre- judices, false persuasions, corrupt inclincitons. and evil practices, which are so natural to, aui even part of thyself. Mat. 5. 29, 39. And by iiiese words ie teemt Jaeitly to foietel, that ^jia 4fva Ugfil uorihip apftinted by Aiosn, and FOR dilivertd tc thim by their parmts tueetisivety fjr many gentratioKS, ihotild be relinquished by the belieiing Jews, and aboliihtd by Christ's corniitg. G«n.27. 45. till he /".that which thon hASt done him 41. 51. for God nath msde me/, ail my toil Z)f »t.4.9.1est thou /.the things thine eyes have seen C3. lest ye /.the covenant of the Lord yoarGod 31. the L. will not/", the covenant of thy fathers 6. 12. beware lest thou/, the Lord, 8. 11, 14, 19. 9. 7./. not how thou provokedst the Lord thy God 25. 19. shalt blot out Amaiek, thou shalt not /. it 1 Sam. 1.11. if thou wilt not/, thine handmaid 2 Kings 17.38. the covenant I made ye shall not/ Job 8. 13. so are the paths of all that/. God 9. 27. if I say, I will/, my complaint 11. 16. because thou shalt/. thy misery S4. 20. womb shall/, him, worm shall feed on him Psal. 9. 17. and all the nations that/. God 10. 12. arise, O Lord,/, not the humble 13. 1. how long wilt thou/, me, O Lord ? 45.10./. also thine own people, and father's house 50. 22. now consider this, ye that/. God 59.11 .slay them not,lest my people/scatter them 74.19./. not the congregation of thy poor forever 23. /. not the voice of thine enemies ?8. 7. that they might not/, the works of God 102. 4. heart smitten, so that I/, to eat my bread 103. S. bless the Lord, and/, not all his benefits 119. 16. I will not/, thy word 83. yet do I not/, thy statutes, I09, 141. QS.I will never/.thy precepts,hast quickened me 153. deliver me, for I do not/, thy law 176. for I do not/, thy commandments 137 . 5. if I/, thee, O Jerusalem, let my hand/. Prov 3. 1. my son,/, not my law, but let thy heart 4. 5 get wisdom, get understanding,/, it not 31. 3. lest they drink and/, the law, and pervert 7. let him drink and/, poverty, rememb.no more /»a.49.15. can a woman/, her sucking child ? yea, they may/, yet will I not/, thee 54. 4. for thou shalt/. the shame of thy youth 65. 11. ye are they that/, my holy mountain Je7-.2.32.can maid/, her ornaments, or bride attire? 23.27. who think to cause my people to/.my name 39. behold, I, even I, will utterly/, you Lam. 5. 20. wherefore dost thou/, us for ever .' /f(9J.4.6. forgotten the law, I will also/, thy childr. Amos 8. 7. I will never/, any of their works Jieb. 6. 10 God is not unrighteous to/, your works 13. 16. to do good and communicate/, not FORGETFUL. Heb. 13. 2. be not/, to entertain strangers Jam 1. 25. he be not a/, hearer, but a doer FORGETFULNESS. Psal.&a. 12. sind thy righteousness in the land of/. FORGETTEST. Psal. 44. 24. wherefore/, thou our affliction? Ita. 51. 13. and/, the Lord thv maker FORGETl'ETH. Job 39. 15. and/, that the foot may crush them Psal. 9. 12. he /". not the cry of the humble Prov. 2. 17. andf/. the covenant of her God Jam. 1. 24. he/, what manner of man he was FORGETl'ING. Gen. 41. +51. Joseph called the first-bom./. Phil. 3. 13./. those things which are behind FORGIVE. Gen. 50. 17./. I pray, the trespass of thy brethren, /, the trespass of serv. of God of thy father Etod. 10. 17. /I pray thee, my sin only this once 32. .32. yet now, if thou wilt/, their sin i\um. 30. 5. and the Lord shall/, her, 8, 12. Josh. 24. 19. an holy God, he willnot /. your sins 1 Sam.25.28.I pray,/.the trespass of Ihy handmaid 1 Ain^j 8.30. when hearest ^.39. 2 CAron. 6. 21,30. 34. hear, and /. the sin of thy people Israel 36. /■. the sin of thy servants,2 C'/iron. 6.25,27, 39. 50./. lliy people that have sinned against thee 2 Chron.l. 14. then will I hear and/, their sin Psal. 25. 18. look on my pain, and/, all my sins 86. 5. for thou, Lord, art good and ready to/. Isa.C. 9. the mean man bowetU, therefore/, them /«;-.18.23./. not their iniquity nor blot out their sin 31.34. for I will/.their iniquity, not rempmber sin 36. 3. that I may/, their iniquity and their sin Dati.Q. 19. O Lord hear.O I^rd/. Ix)rd hearken Amos 7. 2. I said, O Lord God,/. I beseech thee Mat. 6. 12./. us, as we/, our debtors, Luie 11.4. 14. if ye/, men their trespasses, your Fath.will/. 15. if ye/, not, nor will your Father/, you 9. 6. hath power to/, sin, Mari 2. 10. LuJie 5 24. 18. 21. how oft my brother sin, and I /.him f 35. if ye from your hearts /. not every one Mark 2.7.whocan/.sins,but God only r J,uie 5.21. 11. 25. praying/, that your Father may/, you 26. but if ye do not/, your Father will not/. Luie 6. 3T./. and ye shall be forgiven 17.3. and if thy brother repent,/, him, 4. 23.34. Father, /.them, they know not what they do S15 FOR 2 Cor.i.y.ye ought rather to/.him and comfort him 10. to whom ye/, any thing, 1/ also 12. 13. I was not burdensome,/, me this wrong 1 Jo/m 1 . 9. he is faithful and just to /. us our sins FORGIVEN. Gen. 4. 1 13. my iniquity is greater than may be/. Leti.4. 20. make atonement, and it shall be/, them, 26. 31, 35. I 5. 10, 13, 16, 18. I 6. 7. I 19. 22. Xum. 15. 25, 26,28. Deut. 21. 8. Num. 14. 19. pardon, as thou hast/, from Egypt i^ia/.32.1. blessed, whose transgress. isJ'.Rom.^.'. 85. 2. thou hast /". the iniquity of thy people Isa. 33. 24. the people shall be/, their iniquity j'lfar.9.2.son, beof goodcheer.thy sins be/.thee, 5. Mali 2. 5, 9. Luke 5. 20, 23. | /. 48. 12.31. all sin and blasphemy shall be/, but ag. H.Gh. shall notbe/.32. Mart S.HS.Luie 12.10. Marie 4. 12. and their sins shall be/, them Luie 6. 37. forgive, and ye shall be/. 7- 47. her many sins are/.but to whom little is/. Acts 8. 22. the thought of thy heart may be/, thee Lph. 4. 32. as God for Christ's sake hath/, you C0/.2.13. he quickened, having/, you all trespasses Jam. 5. 15. if committed sins, they shall be/, him 1 John 2.12.1 write to you, because your sins are/. FORGIVETH. l^s. 103. 3. heals thy diseases, who/, all iniquities Luie'.ig.ihey began to sav, who is this/.sins also- FORGIVENESS. Pj. 130.4. there is/, with thee that mayest be feared Mari 3. 2g. hath never/, but is in danger of hell ■ids 5. 31. him hath God exalted to give/, of sins 13. 38. thro' him is preached unto you/, of sins 20. 18. to God, that they may receive/, of sins Ljih. 1. 7. in whom we have/, of sins. Col. 1. 14. FORGIVENESSES. Dan. 9. 9- to Lord our God belong mercies and/. FORGIVING. Ezod. 34. 7./. iniquity, transgression. Num. 14.18. Eph. 4. 32. forbearing,/, one another. Col. 3. 13. FORGOT. Deut. 24. 19. and hast /. a sheaf in the field FORGOTTEN. Gen. 41. 30. and all the plenty shall be/. Deut.S6. 13 . not transgressed com .nor h ave I /. them 31.21.it shall not be/, out of mouths of their seed 32. 18. thou hast/. God that formed thee Job 19. 14. my familiar friends have /. me 28. ■i. flood breaks out, even waters/, of the foot Psal. 9. 18. for the needy shall not alway be/. 10. 11. he hath said in his heart, God hath /. 31. 12. I am/, as a dead mjin out of mind 42. 9. I will say, my rock, why hast thou/, me ? 44.17 all this is come on us.yet have we not/.thee CO.if we have/name of our God, or stretched out 77.9-bath G./. to be gracious ? hath he shut merf 119.61. but I have not/, thy law 139. because mine enemies have f. thy words Led. 2. 16. in the days to come shall all be/. 8. 10. and the wicked were/, in the city 9- 5. for the memory of them is/. Jta. 17. 10. thou hast/, the God of thy salvation 23. 15. that Tyre shall be/, seventy years 16. take an harp, thou harlot that ha.st been/. 44. 21. O Israel, thou shalt not be/, of me 49. 14. but Zion said, my Lord hath/, me 65. 16. because the former troubles are/. Jer. 2. 32. my people have/ me, 13.25. | 13. 15. 3. 21. they have/, the Lord their God 20. 11 their confusion shall never be/ 23. 40. 23 27. to forget, as their fathers have/, my name 30. 14. all thy lovers have/.thee, they seek thee not 44. 9. have ye f. the wickedness of your fathers 50. 5. let usjoin in a covenant that shall not he/. 6. they turned away, have/, their resting-place Lam. 2.6. Lord caused the sabbath to be/, in Ziou Lzei.22. 12. thou hast/, me, saith the Lord 23. 35. saith the Lord, because thou hast/, me lios. 4. 6. seeing thou hast /. the law of thy God 8. 14. for Israel bath/. Maker and builds temples 13. 6. their heart exalted, therefore have f. nic Mat. 16. 5. they had/, to take bread, MariS. 14. Luie 12. 6. and not one of them is/, before God /yc?A.12.5.and yehave^f.the exhortation that speaks 2 Pel. 1. 9./. that he was purged from his old sins FORKS. iHam. 13. 21. yet they had a file for the/, and axes FOKJI, As taken for the figure, shape, or likeness of a thing. Job 4. 1(), It stood still, but I could not discern the form thereof. Liiewise J'or outward splendour, pomp, and dignitv, Isa. 53. 2, He hath no form nor comeliness; no such outaard splendour as the Jews pected in their Messiah. /( is also taken for a draught or pattern. 2 Tim. 1. 13, Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me. Make thti discourses conform to the pattern of sound and true doc- trine aaerein thou hast been instructed by me. FOR The ayoitle Paul, adt-ei tiling Timothy o/ahat snou/d come to pass in the latter times, toys, 2 I'm. 3. 5, i'hat there should be men who liad a form jf godliness, but deny the power thereof; 'ihey should have an eutuiard appear" ance and she::' of religion, pretend to a right aay of worshipping God; to be the church, tkt only church of God ; and yet not only be destitute of, but reject and refuse the inner part, uhieh IS lively, actiie, and powerful to make a thorough change. It is said, Mark I6. 12, that after his resurrec- tion Jesus appeared in another form to two of his disciples : Another form either in re- gard of his l.abit, or brightness of his counte- nance, or some such particular. And the apostle speaking of Christ, says, Phil. 2. 6, Who being in the form of God, thought it not rob- bery to be equal with God : that is, il'ho beuif the essential image of the father, and enjoying the divine essence and nature, with all its glory, knew that it was no usurpation in htm, to account himself equal with the Father, and carry himself upon all occasions as such : &> by the form of God is meant his essence and nature. It follows in verse 7, But made him- self of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the like- ness of men. t'et he emptied himself of that divine glory and majesty, by hiding it m the zaii of his flesh ; and took upon him the guakty and condition of a mean person, not of a glo- rified saint, or of some great mo'ial ; and nas subject to all thetfraillies and infiimities o' human nature, tin only ercepttd. Gen. 1.2. the earth was without/, and void Judg. 8. + 18. each according to the/, of a kin^ 1 •'iam. 28. 14. he said unto her, what/, is he of ' 2 >5ia7n. 14.20. fetch about this/.of speech Joab donu Esih. 2. + 7. and the maid was fair of/. Job 4. 16. but 1 could not discern the/, thereof lia. 52. 14. and his/, more than the sons of men 53. 2. he hath nojf. nor comeliness Jer. 4. 23. and, lo, it was without/, and void Liek. 10. 8. there appeared the/, of a man's hand 43. 11. shew them the/, of the house and fashion Dan. 3. 19. and the/, of his visage was changed 25. the/, of the fourth is like the the Son of God Maik 16. 12. appeared in another/, totwo of them Iiom.2.20. which hast/, of knowledge and of truth 6. 17. but ye have obeyed that/, of doctrine Phil. 2. 6. who being inthe/.of God, thought it no *.• but took upon him the/, of a servant 2 Tim.L.lZ. hold fast/, of sound words hast heard S. 5. having/, of godliness, denying power thereof FORM. Isa. 45. 7. I/, the light and create darkness FORMED. Gen. 2. 7. the Lord God/, man of the dust 19. out ofthe ground God/, every beast of field Deut. i2. 18. and hast forgotten God that/, thte 2 Kings 19. 25. that I have/, it, Isa. 37. 26. Job 20. 5. dead things are/, from under the water 13. his hand hath/, the croaked serpent 33. 6. behold, 1 also am/, out of the cliy Psal. 90. 2. or ever thou hadst/. the earth 9*. 9- he that/, the eye, shall he not see - 95. 5. the Sea is his, and his hands/, the dry land Prov. 26. 10. the great God that/, all things /ja.27.11.he that/, them will shew" them no favour 43. L'thus saith he that/, thee, O Israel, fear not 7» I have/, brim, yea, I have made him 10. before me there was no god/, nor after me 21. this peo. have I/for myself, shall shewpraiie 44. 2. that made thee, and/, thee from the womb 10. who hath/, a god, or molten a graven image 21. for thou art my servant, I have/, thee 24. thus saith he that/, thee from the womb 45. 18. God himself that/, the earth, he/, it 49.5. Lord that/.me from womb to he h\i servant 5t. 17. DO weapon/, against thee shall prosper Jer. 1. 5. before I/, thee in the belly, 1 kiiewthee 33. 2. the Lord that/, it to establish it .imot 7. Land behold, hi'/, grasshoppers in beginn. Horn. 9. 20. shall the thing/, say to him that/, it Gal. 4.19. I travail in birth, till Christ be ^'.in yoc 1 'lim. 2. 13. for Adam was first/, then Eve FOK.MEK. Cv('n.40. 13. shalt deliver the cup after the/ manner .Vum.21.26. had fought against the/, king of Moal« Deut. 24. 4. her/, husband which sent her away liui/i 4. 7. waj the manner in/, time of redcemiin; 1 .iom. 17.30. people answered after the /. manner J Kings 1. 14. the two captains of the/, fifties IT. 34. they do after the /. mamier, 40. Keh. 5. 13. the/, governors were chargeable Job (1.8. inquire, t pray thee, of the f. agj 3ii. !l. i)»e 'vildernna in/, time desolate auj wnste Psiil. 79.H. O reniembar not against us f. iuiqujtios 89. 49. where are thy /, loving-kindnesses FOK Etcl. l.H. there b no r«;meiubraiice of/, things 7. 10. that the/, days were better than these /jo. 41. 2;. let them 'shew the/, things, 43. 9. 4C.y. behold the/, things are come to pass 43. 18. remember ye not the /. things.nor consider 46. 9- remember the/, things of oM, for I am God 48. 3. 1 have declared /.things fromthe beginning 6l. 4. they shall raise up the/, desolations fi5.7. I will measure their/, work into their bosom 16. because the/, troubles are forgotten 17 . the /.shall not be rememb. nor come to mind Jrr. 5. 24. the Lord our God that giveth the/, and latter rain in his season. Hot. 6.3. Joeli. 23. 10. l6. for he is the/, of all things, 51. 19. 34. 5. the/ kings which were before thee j6. 28. write in it all the/, words in the first roll Eiek. 16. 55. thy daughter shall return to /. estate /Jan. 11. 13. set forth a multitude greater than the/ 29. but it shall not be as the/, or as the latter Hag. 2. 9. the glory be greater than of the/, house Zecl>. 1. 4. the/, prophets have cried, 7. 7i 12. 8. 11. I will not be to this people as in/, days 14. 8. waters go half of them toward the/, sea A/a/.3.4.shall be pleasant to the Lord as in/ years Acts 1.1. the/, treatise have I made, OTheophilus Eph. 4.22. put off concerning the/ conversation 1 P«r. 1.14. not according to the/lusts in ignorance Hti. 21. 4. for the/, things are passed away FORMETH. dmot 4. 13. for, lo, he that/, the mountains itch. 12. 1. ami/, the spirit of man within him KORMCAIION. T/iis tcord it taken (I) For the sin of imyuritu commiltid deluieen unmarried persons. 1 Cor. 7. 2, To avoid fornication, let every man have bis own wife, and let every woman have her owu husband, (2) For the sin of adultery, zchen one or both persons are married. JI*t. 5.32, Whosoever putteth away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery. (3) For the sin of incest. 1 Cor. 5. 1, Such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, &c. (4) For the iin of idolatry, which is iufdelity to and forsa- ling of the trxie Ood for false gods. 1 Chron. SI. 11, .lehoram made high places in the moun- tains of J udah, and caused the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit fornication. Uev. I9. 2, He hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication. IChr. 21. 11. high places, caused Jems, commit/. 7ja.23.17.Tyri shall commit/. with kingd. of world Kiek. 16.29. thou hast multiplied thy/, in Canaan y.at. 5. 32. saving for the cause of/. 19. 9. John 8. 41. then said they, we be not born of/. .■ids 15. 20. that they abstain from/. 29. | 21.25. Rom. 1 . 29. being filled with all/, full of envy 1 Cor. 5.1. that there is y. among you, and such/. 6. 13. the body is not for/, but for the Lord 18. flee/. 117.2. nevertheless, to avoid/. 2 Cor. 12. 21. and have not repented of their/. C;a/.5.19.the works of the flesh, which are these,/. F.fh. 5. 3. /. let it not be once named among you Col. 3. 5. mortify therefore / uncleanness 1 7X«//.4.3.will of G. that ye should abstain from f. Jude 7. Sodom and cities givinj themselv. over to/. Rev. 2. 21. I gave her space to repent of her/. 9- 21. neither repented they of their/, nor thefts 14. 8. drink of the wine of the wrath of her/. 17.2. have been made drunk with wine ofher f. 4 a golden cup full of the filthiness of her /'. + 5. Babylon the great.mother of/and abon.rnat. 18. 3. all nationsdrunk with wine of wrath of lier/. 19. 2 which did corrupt the earth with her/. FOUMCAllOKS. Eiek. i6. 15. thou pouredstout thy/on everj- one 1Ual.i5.i9. out of heart proceed/.thefts,A/arit'7.12. Set Commit, Com.mittei). FOKNICATOK. 1 Cor. 5. 11. if any that is called a brother be a f. Heh. 12. 16. lest there be any/, or profane person FORNICATORS. 1 Cor. 5. 9- I wrote you not to company with / 10. yet not altogether with the /. of this world 6. 9. nor shall/, inherit the kingdom of God FORSAKE. Dttii. 31.16. this people will /".me and break coven. 17. in that day I will/, 'hem and hide my face Josh. 84. 16. God forbid we should/, the Lord 20. if ye/, the Lord and serve strange goas J''^§- 9' 11. should I/.my sweetness and my fruit ? 3 Kings i\. 14. I will/, remnantof my inheritance lCAr.28.9. if thou /.him, will cast thee off forever 2 Clir. 7. 19. if yt turn away, and/, my statutes 15. 2. bat if ye/, him, he will/, you Etra 8. 22. his wrath is aeainst them that f. him Psal. i^ 10. when my father and mother "f. me 37. 8. c*as< from anger and/, wrath, fret not a9- 30. if his children/, my law and walk Eot 94. 14. neither will he /. his inheritanrt 2IC FOR Pj. 119.53. horror taken hold, because wicked/.luw Prov.Z.i. let not mercy and truth/thee, bind them 9. 6. /.the foolish, and live, go in way of understd. 28. 4. they that/, the law, praise the wicked Isa. 1.28. they that/, me Lord shall He consumed 55. 7. let wicked/, his way, unnght. his thoughts 65. 11. ye are they that /'.L. forget my holy mount. FOR 2 Cor. 4. 9. we are persecuted, but rut f. cast down FORSAKETII. Job 6. 14. but he/, the tear of the Almighty Psal. .37. 28. for the Lord/ not his saints 40.tl2. more than my hairs, therefore heart/, me Prov. 2.17. from her who/, the guide of heryooih 15. 10. correction grievous to him that/, the way Jer. 17. 13. all that/, the Lord shall be ashamed C8. 13. whoso confesseth and/, shall have mercy 23. 33. I will even/, you, saith the Lord, 39. 51.9./.her, and let us go every one to his country L^m. 5. 20. whereftre dost thou/, us so long time ' Dart. 11. 30. with them that/, the holy covenant Jonah 2. 8. observe lying vanities./their own mercy Acts 21. 21. thou teachest the Jews to/. Moses FOKSAKL not. Deut. 12. 19. take heed that thou/, not the Levitc Job 20.13. though he spare wickedness and/, it not Psal. 38.21./. me not, O Lord my God, 71. 9, 18. liy.8.I willkeep thy statutes. Of. me not utterly 138. 8./. not the works of thine own hands Prov. 1. 8. and/, not the law of thy mother, 6. 20 4. 2. I give you good doctrine,/, ye not my law 6. /. her not and she shall preserve thee 27. "10. thine own friend and father's friend/, not Not FORSAKE. Dfur. 4.J1. he will not/, thee, 31.6,8. 1 CAr. 28.20 14. 27. and the Levite, thou shalt not/, him Josh. 1. 5. I will not fail nor/, thee, liei. 13. 5. 1 Ham. 12.22. L.will not/his people, 1 A'infj6.13. 1 Kings 8. 57. let him not leave us, cor/, us Seh. 9. 31. thou didst not consume, nor/, them 10. 39. we will not f. the house of our God Psal. 27. 9. neither f. me, O God of my salvation Isa. 41. 17. I, the God of Israel, will not f. them 42. 16. these things will I do, and not f. them Fzek. 20. 8. nei did they/, the idols of Egypt FORSAKEN. 2C,^r.21.10.becaosehehad/.the L. 24.24. | 28.6. Seh. 13. 11. 1 said, why is the house of God/. .' Job 18.4. shall the eanh be/, for thee.' Psal. 37. 25. yet have I not seen the righteous/. Isa. 7. 16. the land shall be/, of both her kings 17. 2. the cities of Aroer are/, shall be for flucks 9.shall be as a/.bough,and an uppermost branch 27. 10. and the habitation shall be/, and left 32. 14. because the palaces shall be/, city left 54. 6. the Lord hath called thee as a woman/. 62. 4. thou shalt no more be termed/. /er.4. 29. every city shall be/no man dwell therein 18. 14. shall cold waters from another place be/. ? E%ek. 36. 4. thus saith the Lord to the cities/. Amos 5. 2. the virgin of Israel is/, on her land Zeph.'Z.i.ioTGiZd. shall be/and Ashkelou desolate Have, hast, hath FORSAKEN. Deiit. 28. 20. thy doings, whereby thou hast f. me 29.25. because they havef. the Lord, Judg'.YQ.V^. Judg. 6. 13. but now the Lord hathf. us 10. 13. yet ye havef. me, and served other gods 1 Ham. 8. 8. the works wherewith they havef. nie 12. 10. we have sinned, because we havef. the L. 1 Kings 11. 33. because that they have f. me 18. 18. ye havef. the commandments of the Lord 19- 10. for Israel have f. thy covenant, 14. 2 A'ingj22. 17. because they havef. me and burnt incense to gods, 2 CAr. 34. 25. Jer. 16.11. | I9.4. 2 Chron. 12. 5. ye have f. me, and I have left you 13.11. we keep charge of the L.but ye havef. him 24.20. because ye havef. the Lord, he hathf. you 29. 6. for fathers have done evil, and havef. him Fzra 9. 10. for we havef. Uiy commandments Jtfi20. 19. because he hath oppressed and/, the poor Psal. 22. 1. my God, my God, why hast thou/. me r Mat. 87. 46. Mark 15. 34. 71.11. they take counsel, saying, God hathf. him Isa. 1 .4.they havef. the L.and provoked Holy One 54.7. for a sinall moment Aar« I/, thee, 7fa.49.14. Jer. 1. 16. havef me, burnt incense to other gods 2.13.they Aote/me, the fountain of living waters 17. in that thou Aastf. the Lord thy God, I9. 5. 7. how shall I pardon thee.' thy child.Aair/me 19. thou shalt answer, like as ye have f. me 913. the Lord saith, because they havef. my law 19. are confounded, because ye /inir/. the land 12. 7. I have f. my house, I have left my heritage 15. 6. thou hast f. me, saith the Ijird 17. 13. they have f. the fountain of iTving waters 2C. 9- because they have f. the covenant of God 25. 38. he hath f. his covert as the lion E:ek. 8 12. the lord hathf. the earth, 9. 9. Mat. 19. 27. we have f. all and followed thee 29. everj- one that hathf. houses or brethren 2 7im.4.10. Dema hathf. me, having loved world 2 Pe/. 2. 15. which /iaj«/.the right way,gone astray Not FORSAKEN. 2 Chron. 13. 10. but as for us the Ix)rd is our God. we have tiotf. him, priests minister to the Ijori Ecra 9- 9' y*t God hath ttot f. us in our bondage Psal. 9. 10. thou hast not f. them that seek thee Isa. 62.12. shall be called, sought out, a city tiotf. Jer .51.5. Itr. hith*ui(becn/. cor JudAhnl hit God Luke 14. 33. whoso/ not all that he hath cannot FORSAKING. Isa. 6. 12. until there be a great/, in the land //ei. 10.25. not/, the assemb. of ourselves togethet FORSOOK. Deui. 32. 15. then he/ God that made him Judg. 2. 12. and they/, the Lord God, 13. | 10.^ li'am.31.7.they/.their cities and fled, 1 C'/ir. 10.7 1 Kings g. 9. because they/, the Lord their God 12.u.but Rehoboam/. the counsel of old men, and consulted with young men, 13. 2 Chr. 10. 8, 13. 2 Kings 21. 22. Amon/. the God of his fathers 2 Chron. 7. 22. they/, the God of their fathers 12.1. Rehoboam/law of Lord, and Isr. with huii Psal. 78. 60. he/, the tabernacle of Shiloh 119. 87. consumed me, but I/, not thy precepts Isa. 58. 2. that/, not the ordinance of God Jer. 14. 5. the hind calved in the field and/, it Mat. 26.56. disciples/, him and fled, Mark 14.50. Mark 1. 18. they/, their nets and followed him Luke 5. 11. they/, all and followed him 2 Ttm. 4. 16. none stood with me, all men/, me /ie*. 11. 27. by faith Moses/. Egj-pt, for he endured FORSOOKEST. AV/i.9.17.art a God slow to anger, and/, them no' 19. thou in thy mercies/, them not in wilderaest FORSWEAR. Afa/. 5. 33. thou shalt not/thys. but perform oathi FORT. S. 25am. 5. 9. SO David dwelt in the/ the city of Dav. 2 Kings 25. 1. they built/, ag. Jerus. Jer. 52.4. Isa. 25.12. high/, of thy walls shall he bring down 29. 3. and I will raise/, against thee 32. 14. the/, and towers sh.\ll be for dens foreve* F.iek. 4. 2. and built a/, against it^ 21. 22. | 20. H, 17. 17- and building/, to cut off many persons 21. 22. was the divination for Jerus. to build a.f. 26. 8. and he shall make a/, against thee 33. 27. and they that be in the/, shall die i'an.ll.l9.shcill turn toward the *". of his own land FORTH. A'e'i. 4. 16. from that time/, my servants wrought 13. 21. from that time/, came they no more Psal. 113. S. blessed be the .name of the Lord, from this time/", and forever, 115^18. | 121.8 Jer. 49-5. ye shallbe driven out every'mau nght^ Mat. 16. 21. from that time/, began Jesus to shew 22.46. nor durst from that day/askjiimjjoestions John 11. 33. from that day/, they took counsel FORTHWITH. £rra 6. 8. that/, expences be given to these men Mat. 13.5./. sprung up, because no deepn. of eanh 26. 49. he/, came to Jesus, and said, hail. Master Mark I.29. and/, when come out of the synagogue 43.he straitly charged him,and/. sent him away 5. 13. and/. Jesus gave the unclean spirits leavu John 19. 34. and/, came thereout blood and water .4frj918.he received sight/, and arose,was bapti*. 12. 10. and/, the angel departed from him 21 .30. they drew Paul out, and/, doors were shut FORIY. Gfn. I8.29. he spake again,peradventare there shall be/, found ; he said, I will not do it for/, sake Eiod. 26. 19. thou shalt make/, sockets of silvei" 21. and their/ sockets of silver, 36. 24,26. Judg. 12. 14. Abdon had/, sons and thirty daugb. 2A'ingf 8 9.soHa2ael went and took/camels' burJ. Neh. 5. 15. the governors had taken/, shekels !lcit 23. 13. more than/ made this conspiracy, 21. FORTY' taihs. 1 Kings' .38. made ten lavers. one contained /Fja{i(< FORTY cubits. 1 Kings 6. 17- the house before it was^ fi/ii/yloag £«*. 41.2. he measured the length thereof/. cuii:i 46. 22. there were courts joined of/, cubitt See Days. FORTY kine. Gen. 32. 15. /. kine, ten bulls, a present to Esau FORTY stripes. Deut. 25.3./ sir. he may give him, and not exceed 2 Cor. 11.24. of the Jews I received/. /4.draw thee waters for siege, t'. thy strongholds FORTIFIED' 2Cfiron 11.11. Reholoam/ the strong holds 26. 9. Uzziah built towers and/ them Neh 3 8. they / Jerusalem to the broad wall Jlf«<.7.12.in that day he shall come from the/.cities FORTRESS, ES. 2Sam. 22. 2 the Lori is mv rock and my/. Psal. 18.2. I 31.3 171.3. i 91. 2. [144.2. Prov 12 +12. wicked desireth the/, of evil men Ita 17. 3 the/ also :,hall cease from Ephr.iim 25 12. the/, of the high fort shall he brine down 34. 13. nettles and brambles come up in the/. •/«r. 7.1 have set thee for a/, among my people 10, 17 father tb; vrue*, iahabitaai of the/. 217 Jer 7. 24. and they went backward and not/. Ltei.m 27 it shall be upon the eighth day and so/. /Cech. 1. 15. and they helped y. the affliction 2 Cor 8.10. not only to do, but also to be/year ago 17. but being more/, of his own accord he went Gal. 2. 10. the same which 1 also was/, to do 3 John 6. whom if thou bring/, on their journey See That Day, Go, Set, Went. FORWARDNE.SS. 2 Cor. 8, 8. but by occasion of the/, of others 9 2. for I know/, of your mind, for which I boast FOUGHT. Exod. 17. 8. then came Amalek and/, with Israel 10 so Joshua/, with Amalek, Moses went up A'um.21.1.thenking Arad/. ag. Isr. and took some 23.Sihon came and/, against Israel, /i«/j. 11. 20. 26. Sihoii/. against the former king of Moab Josh. 10. 14. for the Lord/ for Israel, 42 | 23.3 29 .' ishua and all Israel/, against Libnah 31 /. against Lachish || 34. Eglon [| 36. Hebron 24. a. the Amorites on the other side/, with you 11 and the men of Jericho/, against you Judg. 1. 5. they found Adoni-bezek and/, ag. him 8. Judah had/, against Jerusalem, and taken it 5. 19. the kings came, then/ the kings of Canaan 20. they/ from heaven, the stars in courses/. 9.17. my father/, for you and delivered you 39. Gaal went out and/, with Abimelech 12 4. all the men ofGilead/ with Ephraim 1 Sam. 4. 10. the Philistines/. 1 Chron. 10. 1 14.47. Saul /.against ali his enemies on every side 15 t 5. Saul/, against Amalek in the valley 19. 8 So David/ with the Philistines, 23 5 2 i'o/«.2.28. people stood still, nor/ they any more ). 10. he had/ against Hadadezer, 1 C7ir.l8. 10. iO.17 the Syrians/ against David, 1 Chr.ig.ll. 12. 29 David/, against Rabbah and took it 2 Kings 8. 29 Joram/. against Hazael, 9- 15 12 ji.7 then Hazael went and/ against Gath i3. 12. Joash/ against Amaziah, 14. 15. 'J Chr. 20 29 Lord/ against the enemies of Israel Psal 109. 3. they/, against me without a cause Isa CO 1 Tartai!/ against Ashdod and took it .3.10. he was turned their enemy and/, ag. them Jer. 34. 1. the people/ against Jerusalem, 7. JCerh. 14 3. as when he/ in the day of battle 12 Lord will smite them that /.against Jerusalem 1 Cor. 15 32. I have/, with beasts at Ephesus 27iCT.4.7 I have/.a good fight,, finished my course Rev.M.T. Michael and his aogeU/ against dragon FOUL. Joh 16 I'^.my face is/ with weeping,on my eye-lids Mat. 16. 3. y» say, it will be/, weather to-day Mari 9 25. he rebuked the/, spirit, saying to him Rev. 18 2 Bab. the hold ot every/, spirit and cage FOUI^ £jci.34.18.batye must/the residue with your feet FOULED. £;i?i.34. 19. they drink that ye have/". with your feet FOULEDST. £«i.32.2.thou troubledst waters and/.their rivers Fouls, see Fowls FOUND. Gen. 2.20. for Adam there was not/ an help meet 8. 9. the dove/, no rest for the sole of her foot 19 t 15 taVa thy two daughters which are/. 26 t 12 Isaac sowed, and/ an hundred fold 19.1saac's servants digged and/, a well -f water 32. Isaac's tervants iaid to him, we hav /water 27 20. how is it that thou hast/, it so quickly ? 30 14 Reuben went and/ mandrakes in the field 31 33. Laban went into tents, but/, not images 37. what hast thou/, of all thy household stuff? 3fi. 24. Anah that/ the mules in tfie wilderness 37. 32. br ught thu coat, and said, this have we/. 38. 23. I sent this kid, and thou hast not/. he"r 41 8. money which we/ in our sacks we brought 16. God hath/ out the iniquity of his sers-auts Kind. 15. 22. they went three days and/, no water It). 27. they went to gather manna and f. none 18. +8. Moses told all the travel that had/, them Lev. 6. 3. or if he have/ that which was lost + 5. restore it in the day of hi.s being/, guilty 25. t26. and if his hand hath/, sufficiency Aur>. 15. 32./. a man that gathered sticks on sabb. 33. they that/, him brought him to Moses 20. t 14. thou k::owest the travel that hath/, us 31 . f 50. we have broughtwhat every man h.ith /'. /■>»■«;. 21. '17. givini; double portion of all /'.with him 22. 3. with what thou hast/, shall do likcwis': 14 when I came to her I f. ber not a maid, 17> FOU 75«uf.2C.27.he/.licr in field, and the damsel cried 21.1. because he hath /. some uncleanness in hcF 3'J.IO. he f. him in a desert land, he led him about Josh. 2. 22, the pursuers sought, but/, them not 10. 17. five kings are /'. hid in a cave at Makkedab Judg. 1. 5. they/. Attoni-bezek and fought ag. him 14. 11,. if not plowed with heifer,not/.out my riddle 15. 15. and he/, a new jaw-bone of an ass 21. 12. and they/, four hundred younj virgins 16am.9. 4. passed thro' Shalisha.but they/.not assos 1 1 . they /. young maidens going to draw wator 20. as for thine asses they are/. 10. 2, I6. 12. 5. is witness ye have not/, ought in my hasd 13. 19. now there was no smith /". in Israel 22. no sword nor spear/, in hand of the people 25. 28. and evil hath not been/, with thee 29. 3. I have/, no fault in him, since he fell to me 30. 11. and they/, an Egyptisin in the field 31. 8./. Saul and his three sons fallen in Gilbo':^ ; Sam. 7. 27. therefore thy servjtnt /. in his heart to pray this prayer to thee, 1 Chron. 17. 25. 1 Kings 7 . 47 . oor was the weight of the brass/, out 11 . 29. the prophet Ahijah/. Jeroboam in the way 13. 28. he went amd/. his carcase cast in the way 18. 10. he took an oath that they/, thee not 19. 19 Elijah departed (hence and/'. Elisha 2.). 36. behold, a lion/, him and slew him 21.20.hast thou/, me, O mine enemy ? have/, then 2 Klngsi,l^ they sought Elijah, Duty, him no! 9. t 21. they/. Jehu in the portion ot Naboth 35. they/, no more of her than the skull 22. 8. 1 /.the book of the law in house of the Lord 25. 19. ne took sixty men that were/in the city 1 Chron. 4. 40. they/, fat pasture and good 29. 8. they with whom precious stones •veref. 2 Chron. I9. 3. there are good things/, in thee Ezra 2. 62. sought their register among those reckon ed by genealogy, but they were not/. Xe'A.7.64. ". 15. and I/, there none of the sonj of Levi S';h. 5. 8. then they/, nothing to answer 8. 14. theyy. written in the law of lx)rd by Moses Esth 4. -t 16. gather all the Jews/, in Shushan /Di28.13. nor is wisdom/, in the land of th£ living 31. + 25. if I rejoiced because my hand/, much 29. or lift up myself when evil/, miue enemy 32.3.wrath kindled, because they had /.no answer 1.3. lest ye should say, we have/, out wisdom 33. 24. deliver from the pit, I have/, a ransom 42 15. no women/.so fair as the daughters of Job Ptal. 69. 20 I looked for comforters but/, none 70.5. none of the men of might have/.their hands 84. 3. yea sparrow hath/, an house, and swallow 89.20.1 have/.David my servant, I anointed him 107. 4. they wandered and/, no city to dwell in 116. 1 3. I/.trouble and sorrow, painsof helly.Bie 119. 1 143. trouble and anguish have/, mc l:i2. 6. we/, it in the field: of the wood Prov.T . 15. to seek thy face, and I have/, thee 24. 14. so shall wisdom be when thou hast/, it 25.l6.hastthou/.honey .' eat so much as is suffici- EccLT.^I. behold, this have l/".saith the preacher 28. one man among a^^housand have 1 /. but a woman among all those have I noij. 29.this only have 1/ that God made man upright Cant.:i. 1, 1 sought him, but I/. him not, 2. 3. the watchmen/, me, to whom I said, 5. 7. ,4. but I/, him, whom my soul loveth Ithy fruit f Lide 15. 24. this my son was lost and is f. 32. 2 Cor. 7. 14. our boasting I made isf. a truth Uas FOUND. Gen. 44. 12. the cup was f. in Benjamin's sack 47. 14. Joseph gathered the money that uas f. Eiod. 35. 23. every man with whom kos f. purple 24. every man with whom was/, shittitn-wood Judg. 20. 1 48. smote with the sword all that uas f. 1 Sam. 13. 22. with Sanl and Jonathan there aasf. ihings 12.10.high-priest told the money that:»a^/. 20. 13. shewed all that aasf. in treasury, /fa.39.2. 22. 9. gather the money that aasf. 2 Chr. 34. 17. 23. 2. read book which zcas f. 2 Chron. 34. 30. 2 Chron. 15.4. sought him, he aaf/. of them, 15. 21. 17. carried away the substance that uas f. Ezra 6. 2. there uiasf. at Achmetha a roll Eccl. 9. 15. there aasf. in it a poor wise man J^r.48.27.was Isr.a derision ? teas he/am. thieves ? Ezei. 28. 15. perfect till iniquity aasf. in thee Dan. 1.19. among all none aasf. like Daniel 2.35. iron,clay broken, noplace j;aj/. for them 5. 11. like the wisdom of the godsaaj/. in him 6. 22. because before him innocency txus f. in me Mat. 1.18. she tcasf. with child of the Holy Ghost Luke 9. 36. when voice was past, Jesus aasf. alone Acts 8. 40. but Philip aasf. at Azotus, he preached Rom. 10. 20. I aasf. of them that sought me not 1 Pit. 2. 22. neither uas guile/, in his mouth Rev. 5. 4. no man nasf. worthy to open the book 14. 5. and in their mouth aasf. no guile 18, 24. in her aas f, the blood of the prophets 20. 11. and there aasf. no plzu:e for them ms not FOUND. Mai. S. 6. and iniquity zcas not f. in his lips //eA.11.5. Enoch aaf «or/. because God translated Rev. 20.15. whoso aas not f. written in book of life FOUNDATION Is the grotcni-aork, or loaest part of a building, ahich supports the other parts ; as the founda- tion of an house, of a castle, of a fort, toaer, &'c. Christ Jesus, both in the Old and Neui Testament, is called a Foundation. Isa. 28. I6, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious curner-stone, a sure foundation. Christ is the foundation on ahich the church ts built ; the foundation of all the hopes, and comfort, and happiness, of the people of God ; the foundation of the Covenant of Grace made with the church, and of all the pro- mises contained therein ; he is a sure founda- tion, on uhom his people may securely rest ; one aho aill not fail them, nor deceive them ; and he IS the corner-stone that unites the several parts of the building together ; he makes Jevs an cited by St. Peter, and applied to Christ, 1 Pet. 2. 6. God's decree of election is the firm immovable foundation upon tchick the salvation of the elect depends. 2 Tim. 2. 19, The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal. The Lord know- eth them that are his. See more of this passage en the aord SEAL. The foundation of the apostles and prophets, is that foundation ahich they laid by their preaching and doctfine, name- ly, Christ, uhom they held forth as the only Mediator iciucen God and mttn, the only Sa- viour and Head of tie church. Eph. 2. 20, Ye are bailt upon the fotindation of the apostles FOU and prophets : Your faith is grounded upon tl' doctrine delivered by them. Foundation -s liktuise taken for the first principles of Chris tianity, taught in an easy and plain method, .vj as to make people of mean capacities to unaer. stand them ; such as concerning the necessity and nature of repentance and faith ; the natur.j institution, signification, and use of the sacra- ments ; concerning the last judgment, and tie like ; these the apostle calls the foundation. Heb. 6. 1, 2, Not laying again the foundation of re- pentance, (tc. And in Kom. 15. 20, The apostle says. So have I strived to prea^ ll the gospel, not where Christ was nsimed, kst I should build upon another man's fou uiatioa / did not choose to preach the goipel, where the fundamentals, the first principles of religion, had been taught by another, lest I should seem to assume to myself the credit due to him. Hea- ven, ahich is the eternal inheritance of all be- lievers, is described as a city which hath foua. dations, to denote that the slate of the elect in heaven, and their glory there, is not sub- ject to corruption, or the least alteration. Heb. 11. 10, Abraham looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Magistrates are also called founaations. Psal. 82. 5, All the foundations of the world are out of course : All magistrates, rulers, and go- vernors, that should settle and establish justice and order, have disturbed it by their irregular and disorderly proceedings. Solomon iays, Prov. 10. 25. The righteous is an everlasting foundation : or, hath an everlasting foundation ; His hope and happiness is built upon a sure foundation. Ezod. 9. 18. as hath not been in Egypt since the/. Josh. 6. 26. he shall lay the/, in'his £^s^born 1 Kings 5. IT. they brought hewn stones to lay the/ 6. 37. in the fourth year wzis/ of house of L. laid 7- 9- were of costly stones even from the/. 10 16. 34. he laid the/, of Jericho in his first-born 2 Chron. 8. I6. work was prepared to-day of the/, 31. 7. they began to lay the/, of the heaps Ezra 3. 6. the/, of the temple was not yet laid 10. when the builders laid the/, of temple, 12 5. 16. Sheshbazzar laid the/, of the house 7. t 9. on the first day was the/, of going up Job 4. 19. how much less in them whose/, is ic dust 22. 16. whose/was overflown with a flood Psal. 87. I. his /lis in the holy mountains 102. 25. of old thou hast laid the/, of the eartU 137. 7. rase it, rase it, even to the/, thereof Prov. 10. 25. the righteous is an everlasting/. Isa. 28. 16. Hay in Zion for a/, a tried stone 44. 28. saying to the temple, thy/, shall be laid 48. 13. my hand hath laid the /. of the earth Ezei. 13. 14. the/, thereof shall be discovered Hai. 3. 13. by discovering the/, to the neck Hag. 2. 18. from the day that the/, was laid Zech.4. 9. Zerubbabel hath laid/, and shall fin'sli 8. 9. prophets which were when the/, was laid 12. l.the Lord, which layeth the/, of the earth Lute 6. 48. digged deep, and laid the/, on a rock 49. like a man that without a/, built an house 14. 29. lest haply after he hath laid the_/. Rom. 15. 20. lest 1 should build on another man's/. 1 Cor. 3. 10. as a wise master-builder 1 laid the f. 11. for other/, fan no man lay than is laid 12. if any man build on this/, gold, silver, wood Eph. 2. 20. are built on the/, of the prophets 1 Tim. 6. 19- laying up in store for thems. a good f. 2 'Jim. 2. 19. nevertheless/, of God standeth sure Heb. 1. 10. thou. Lord, hast laid the/, of the earth 6. 1. notTlaying the/, of repentance and faith Rev. 21. 19. the first/, jasper; second sapphire FOUNDAIION 0/ the uiorld. Mat. 13. 35. kept secret from the f. of the aerld 25. 34. kingdom prepared from the/, of the aoilJ Luke 11. 50. the blood shed from the/, of the aoild John i7.24.thou lovedst me before the/.o/" the aorlj Eph. 1.4. chosen us in him before the/, of the uorld " ' ' " ' " orlU orld f.oftheaorld Rev. 13. 8. Lamb slain from the /. of the aorld 17. 8. names not written from the/, of the uorld FOUNDATIONS. Deut. 32. 22. and set on fire the/, of the mountaini 2 Sam. 22. 8. the /". of heaven moved and shook 16./. of the wor"ld were discovered, Ps. 18. 7,15. Ezra 4. 12. have si t up the walls and joined the f. 6. 3. and let the f. thereof be strongly laid Job 38. 4. where wast thou when I laid /. of earth .' 6. whereupon are the/, thereof fasteued Psal.W.i. if /.be destroyed, what can righteous do? 82. 5. all the/, of the earth are out of course 104.5. who laid the/, of earth not to be remov«r.30. 15. yea/, things say not, it is eno'igh 18. yea there be/, things which I know not 21. and for f. things which it cannot bear 24. there be/, things which are little on earth 30. 29. jea./ things are comely in going Isa. 17. O./. or five in the utmost fruitful branches Jer. 15. 3. I will appoint over them/, kinds 36. 23. when Jehudi had read three or/. leaves Ezek. 1. 5. the likeness of/, living creatures 6. and every one had/, faces, 15. | 10. 14. and every one had/, wings, 10. 21. 16. and they/, had one likeness, 10. 10. 17- they went upon their/, sides, 10. 11. 14. 21. when I sendmy/. sorejudgm. on Jcrus 37 . 9. aod say come from the f winds, O breath FOU Eteir. 40. 41./. tables were on this side,/, on that 4.3. 15. the altar/, cubits, and upward/, horns Dan. 1. 17. these/, children God gave knowled 'e 3. 25. lo, I see/, men loose, walking in the Srs 7. 2. the/, winds of heaven strove on the sea 3. and /. great beasts came up from the sea 17. these/, beasts are/, kings who shall .-irise 8. 8. came/, notable horns towards the/, winiis 22. whereas/, stood up,/, kingdoms shall stand 11. 4. his kingdom divided towards the/, winds Amos I. 3. and for /. I will not turn away the punishment thereof, 6, 9, 11, 13. | 2. 1, 4, 6 Zech. 1. 18. 1 saw, and behold/, horns 20. and the Lond shewed me/, carpenters 6. 1. and behold, there came/, chariots out Mat. 24.31. be shall send his angels, and they shall gather his elect from the/, winds, Mark 13. 27 Mark 2.3 . one sick of the palsy who was borne of/. John 4. 35. are yet/ months, then cometh harvest 1 1. 17. Lazarus had lain in the grave/, days 19.23. the soldiers made/, parts of his garment Acts 10. 30./. days ago I was fasting to this hour 21.9. Philip had/, daughters, virgins, whoproph. 23. we have/, men which have avow on them 27. 29. they cast/, anchors out of the stem Rev. 4. 6. round about the throne were/, beast* 8. the/, beasts had each of them six wings 5. 14. the/, beasts said, amen, and the elders fell 6. 6. 1 heard a voice in the midst of the/, beasts 7.1. I saw/, angels, on/, corners, holding/, wind* 9. 13. a voice from the/, horns of the goiaen altar 14. loose the/, ang. who are bound in Euphrates' 11. 3. they sung a new song before the/, beasts 15. 7. one of the/, beasw gave seven vials 19- 4. the 24 elders and the/, beasts fell down &» Corners, D.^ys. FOUR times. AeA. 6. 4. yet they sent to me/, times after this sort FOURFOLD. 2 Sam. 12. 6. and he shall restore the lamb/. Luke 19. 8. if I have taken any thing, I restore/. 6?£ Footed, Twenty, Hi"NDREt>, Tuousand FOUR-SQUARE. Ezod. 27.1. altar shall hef.-sifuare, height 3 cubits 28. 16. the brejist-plate/.-jyuorf, being doubled 1 Kings 6.^33. he made posts of olive-tEee/.-zyuarj Ezek. 40. 47. he measured the court /.-jyuore 48. 20. ye shall offer the holy oblation y'.-fjuar* Rev. 21. 16. and the city lieth/. square FOURSCORE. Exod. 7. 7. Jloses was/, years old, and Aaron/, and three years old, when they spake to Pharaoh Judg. 3. 30. and the land had rest /. years 2 Sam. 19. 32. Barzillai was/, years old, 35. 2 A ings 6. 25. an ass's head was sold for/, pieces 10. 24. Jehu appointed/, men without, and said 1 Chron. 15. 9. Eliel the chief, and his brethren/. 2 Chron. 26. 17. with him/, priests, valiant men Ezra 8. 8. Zebadiah, and with him/, males Psal. go. 10. and if by strength they be/, years C'rt«/.6.8. are threescore queens, and/, concubines Jer. 41. 5. there came from Samaria,/, men Luke 2.37. she was a widow about/, and four ye.irs 16. 7. he said to him, take thy bill, and write/. FOURSCORE and five. Josh. 14. 10. lo, I am this day/. o;ii/_/!rf years old 1 iam. 22. 18. Doeg slew that day/, and five pers. FOURSCORE and sis. Gen. 16. 16. A^ra. was/, and sir when Hagar bare One hundied and FOURSCORE. Gen. 35. 28. days of Isaac were one hundred andf. lour hundied and FOURSCORE. 1 KingsS.l, iafour h.f. years after come out of Eg. FOURSCORE thousand. I Kings5.15.J'. thous. hewers in mount. 2 C//r. 2. 18. FOURSCORE oNrf seven thousand. 1 Chr. '.5. Issachar reckoned in all/.unrf«t«n /A. One hundred FOURSCORE and five thousand 2 A'lHgjiy.SS.angel smote in camp of Assyria one h. FOURJEEN. Gen. 31. 41. I served/, years for thy daughters 46.22. who were born to Jacob, all the souls were/. A'nm.2y.l3.yc shall cKer for burnt-oflering/.lambs of the first year, 17.20,28,20,29,32. Josh. 15. 36. the tribe uf Judaii tiad in the valley /. cities with their villages, IH. ai. 1 Kings 8.65. Solomon and Isr. held a feast_/. diyt 1 Chr. 25.5. God gave to ileman/. sons. 3 daught. 2 CAr. 13.21. Abijah waxed mighty, mar./, wives Ezek, 43. 17. the seule shall bcf. cubits long AJal. 1. 17. from Abraham to David/, from David to carrying to liabylony'. toClirist_/. generations 2 Cor. 12.2. I knew a man above/, years ago Gal.S.l. then/, yeau after 1 went up to Jerusalem FOURTEEN thmuand. Job 42. 12. Job had/, th. sheep, and 6,000 cuaieU FOl.'RTEEN thousand seven hundied. -Yiim. 16.49. that died in plague were/, th. icven h. lOURlEENTII. Ctn. 14. 5. in the/, year came Chedorlacmcr FOW Jlfing/lB.lJ.in tne/. yearof Hezekiah, Tsa 36.r 1 Chron. 21. 13. the/, lot came tonh to .leshebeab 83 21. the f. lot came forth to Matiithiah rwi.W.l.in the/, year after the city was smitten rtci.- •"■7. 27. ^nt w*"*" the/, night was come See Day. FOURTH. Gen. C. U. and the/, river is Euphrates 15. 16. in/, generation they shall come hither £iod. 20. 5. visitmg iniquity of fathers to the/. generation, 34. 7. iVt/m. 14. lU. L>rtei1an thy merchant ii. clother of/, Attt 22. 28. with k great sum obtained J this/ FREELY. Cen. 2 26 of trery tree thou mayesJ/ eat Nvm. 11. 5. we remember the fish wi did ^at ' 1 ASam. 14.-30. if the peopic had ate. / to^iay £fro 2 6e some of the ehiaf fathers offered \ 7 15 which the king hath offered/ t' God Psal 54.6. I will/, sacrificou thet. Lor //ox. 14. 14. heal their backsliding, I will lOvc then./. Mat 10. 8./. ye have received/ give Jlcts 2. 29. men and brethren, let me /. speak 96. 26. the king knoweth, before whom 1 speak/ Rem. 3. 24. being justified/ by hi: grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus 3. 32. will with him also /. give us all things 1 Cor. 2. 13. might know the things/ given us 8 Cor. 11. 7. I have preached the gospel of God/ Rev. 21.6. I will giv: of the fountain of life / ^. 17. and whosoever will let him take/ FREEMAN, 1 Cor. 7 22. he that is called, is the Lord's/. Rtv 6.15. every bondman and/ hid themselves FREE offiTingt. Eiod. 36 3. brought /.ojfirinf J every morning Amoti- 5. proclaim and publish the jf.-oj'eringc FREQUENT. Prov. 27. 1 6. but the kisses jf an .nemy are/ < CcT, H. 23. in prison.' more f in deaths oft FREE.WIL"L. £iTa 7. 13. of their/ -uiiV/ to go op tc Jerusalem FREE-WILL ofering Z.ej.22.21. who offereth/..».^j/'. it shall be perfect i.'3 a bullock thou mayest offer for a./.-zi!i!/-jff. Num. 15.3. when ye will make sacrifice \nf.-w..off. Deut. 16.10. keep feast, with a tribute oi /..-xill-off. 23 23. 3.f.--uill-offtT. shalt thou keep and perform Ezra 1.4. help him with beasts besides/.-wi/Z-o^. , 3. 5. that willingly offered a/.-»' -off, to the Lord 7- IC. all the silver thon canst find with/.-a i7/.ojf. 8. £8. the silver and gold are 3.f.-aill-ot). to Lord FREE-WILCojferiHgf. LtT. 22.18. who will offer oblation iorf.-uul-offcr. S3. 38. and beside all jonrf.-w.-off. Num. 29. .19. DefU. 12.6. thither shall ye bring janr/.-uiill-offer. 17- mayest not eat within thv gates thy /.-w. .off. S Chron. 31. 14. Kore was avtr f.-aill-offer. of God Ptal. II9.IO8. accept the /■..ai/Z-oif^r of my mouth FREE-WOMAN. Cat. 4 22 had two sons, by bond-maid, and by a/. 23. but he of the/, was by promise 30. shall not be heir with the son of the / 31. we are not children ofbond-woman, but of/" FKESII. Num 11.8. taste of manna was as the taste of/, oil Job eg. 20. my glory was/, in me, my bow renewed Ptai 92. 10. I shall be anointed with/, oil Jam. 3 12 no fountain can \\t\i. saltwater and f FRESHER. ■^' Job 32 25 his flesh shall be/, than a child's FRET. Cei. 13 55 shalt bum it in the fire, it is f. inward FRET, ISam 1 6 also provoked her to make her/ Vtal 37 1 / not thyself, 7,8. P'ov. 24. ly. Ua t> 21. when thsv be hungry,*they shall/ FREITED. Zuh. 16 43 but thou bast f. me in these things ■131 FRETTETH. Ptjv. 19 3 aJ^d his heart t against the Lord FKEm'NG Lts 13.51 the plague is a/, leprosy, 52, | 14.44. FRIED Lev 7 12 cakes mingled with oil of flour/. 1 C/lr 23. 29, Levites to wait abour that whijh is/ FRIEND t. taken for otu zc/wm vie loie and esteem ibote other- ■:• whom ae impart oiir minds more Ja milia'lx than :o Jlhers ; and that from a am- fidcnc, fj hi» tntegrily, and good aiil loaardi vs ; \Uti3 Jonathan and David were mutualiy fri nas. Soloiion in his book jf Proverbs g:ic) the qualities of a true h'lta^ Prov. 1". i' .(', friend loveth at all times ; not only m jrrospertty, but also ix adiersity. Chap. 18. 24, There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother ; Ae is more hearty in the performance "1 all friendly offices He reproies and rebukes uhen he sees anything amiss. Prov. 87. 6, Faithful arc the wounds of a friend ; his sharp- est reproofs proceed from an upright, and truly loving and faithful soul. He is known by hit ;0' d and faithful counsel, as uell as by his faithful rebukes. Prov. 27 9. Ointment and perfumr rejoice the heart : so doth the sweet- nesr .5^ r^ man's friend by hearty counsel ; by ...I counsel as comes from his lery heart arid soul and is the language of hit most micard and 'erious thoughts. The company a7id con- 'ersattui- of '^ friend it refreshing and reviling to c person, uho, when alone, is sad, and dull, andunactite Prov. 27. 17, Iron sharpeneth iron, so a man sharpeneth the counteucince of his friend By friend ;t meant also the favourite of a prince. Hu-shzii :cas the friend, the favourite of David. 2 Sam. 15, 37, Zebud, the son of Nathan was Solomon's /rienrf 1 Kings 4. 5, And Ahaz- i.ath aas the particular friend of Abimelech Atng , 1" &c. And It IS upon this trial of Abraham's obedience, namely, the offering up of his son, that the apostle James quotes the passage, -a here Abraham is called the friend qf' God, Jam. 2 21, 22, 2.3, Our Saviour calls his apostles friends. John 15. 15, But I have called you friends ; he adds the reason of it, for all things I have heard of my Father, I have made known unto you. As men used to communicate their counsels and their whole mind to their friends, speci- alty in things which are of any concern, or may be of any advantage for them to know and understand ; so I have revealed to you what- soever is necessary for your instruction, office, eon fort, and saltation. And this title is not peculiar to the apostles only, but i.r common with them to all true believers. Cant. 5. 1, Eat, O friends The friend of the bridegroom, is the bride-man ; he who does the honours of the wedding, and leads his friend's spouie to the nuptial bed John the Baptist, with respect to Christ, and his church, was the friend of the Bridegroom ; by his preaching he prepared the people of the Jews/ur Christ, John 3. 29. Friend is a word of ordinary salutation, whether to friend, or foe. He is called friend uho had not on a wedding-garment. Mat. 22. 12. And cur Saviour calls Judas the traitor, friend. Mat. 26. 50. Some are jf opinion that this title it given r.i the guest by an irony or anti- phrasis, meaning the contrary to what ihi word importe'h ; or that he is called so, be- cause he appeared to others to be Christ's friend, tr w«nt»in hitvwnuttemaniaceomt, FRI though falsely, betftg an hypoenle. Roviver this being spoken in the 'person of h:m a-ho made the feast, it is generally taken for kh usual compilation ; and that Christ following the like courteous custom of appeilarion, anri friendly greeting, did so ,aiute Juaas, which yet left a sting behind it in his conscience, ■uho kneu himself to be the revtrse of what ht was called. The name of frieml is likewise given to a neighbour. Luke 11. 5, Which o* you shall have ^friend, and shall go unto hini al midnight, and tay, friend, lend me three loaves .■■ G««, 38.20. Judah sent the kid by the hand ol his/. Ezod. 33.11. God spake to Moses as aman to hi.'/. Ueut. 13. 6. or if thy wife or/, entice thee secretly Judg. 14. 20. to companion whom he used as his f. 2.b'<'.m.l3.3.Amnon had a/, his name was Jonadab 15. 37. Husbai David's/, came into city, 16. 16 16. 17. Absalom said to Hushai, is this thy kind- - „ .,„ thy/. JobO.l-i.io him afflicted pity be shewed from his/ 27. and ye dig a pit for your/ 16. 1 21. O that one might pleadf for a man with God, as a man pleadeth for his/ P/a/.35.14. as though he had been my/orbrother 41.9.my familiary . hath lifted up his heel ag. ma 88. 18. lover and/, hast thou put far from me Prov. 6. 1. my son, if thou be surety for thy/. 3. when in the hand of thy/, make sure thy/ 17 17 /.loveth at all times.brother bom foradVer. 18. and becometh surety in the presence of his/. IH. 24. a/, that sticketh closer than a brother 19. 6. every man is a/, to him that giveth gifts 22. 11. for grace of his lips, the king shall behis^ 27. 6. faithful are the wounds of a/. 9.S0 doth sweetness of man's/.by hearty coui:so: 10. thine own/ and father's/, forsake not 14. he that blesseth his/, with a loud voice 17. a mau sharpeneth the countenance of his/. Ca«f. 5.l6.th;s is my beloved.this is my/.O daught Isa. 41. 8. thou art the seed of Abraham my /'. Jer. 3. i 20. sure'vy as a wife depaiteih from her/i 6. 21. the neighbour and his/, shall perish 19.9. shall eat everyone flesh of his/, in the siege Has. 3. 1. beloved of her/, yet an adulteress Mic 7. 5. trust ye not in a/, put not conlidence -l/n/. 11. 19. behold, a/, of publicans, Luke '. 3*. Co 13. he answered,/. I do thee no wrong C2. 12. hesaithto him,/ howcamest thou hither.' £0. 50. Jesus said,/, wherefore art thou come : Luke 11. 5. which of you shall have a/, and shall go at midnight and say,/, lend me three loave. 6. for a/, of mine in his journey is come to me S.thougn he will not give him because he is his/. 14. 10. hu that bade thee may say,/, go up higher John 3. 29. the/, of the bridegroom rejoiceth 11. 11. he saitb, our/. Lazarus sleepetU. ly. 12. if thou let this man go, art not Cesar's/ •lets 12. 20. and having made Blastus their/. Jam. 2. 23. Abraham was called the/, of Gtxl 4. 4. will be a/, of the world, is the enemy of God FRIENDLY Judg 19. 3. the Levite went to ^eak/. to her Ruth 2 13. thou hast spoken/, to thine handmaid Prov. 18. 24. that hath friends, must shew himself/ Hos. £, 1 14. 1 wUl bring her, and speak/, to htr FRIENDS. 1 Sam 30. 26. Darid sent of the spoil to his/. 2 Sam. 3 U. which do shew kindness to Saul's/', ly . 6 thou lovest thipe enemies, and batcst Uiy/ 1 Jiings 16. 11. Zimri left him not one of his/ Esth. 5. 10. Ilaman sent and called for his.,'. 14 ibea said his wife and all his/ to him 6. 13 Ilaman told his wife and/ every ihing Job 2. 11. when Job'« three / heard ol ih:s evil 16. 20. my/, scorn me, but mine eye pourtit lc«r3 17 5. he that speaketh flattery to his /. ly. 14. my familiar/, have torgotien me 19- all my inward/, abtiorred me 21. have pity on me, have pity on me, O ye/ 32. 3. Elihu's wrath was kindled against his/. 4-'. 7. Lord's wrath kindled against Eliphazand/ 10. the Lord turned when he prayed lor bis/ Psal. 38. 1 1 . my /. stand aloof from my :;orc /V(ii'.14.20.the poor is hated, the rich hath many/ 16. 28. a whisperer separateth chief/. 17 . 9. he that repeateth a matter, separateth /. 18. 24. that hath/, must shew himsflf fnenaly ly 4. wealth makelh many/, but poor separated 7. how much more do his/, go far from niiu Cant. 5. 1. eat, O/ drink, yea, drink abunaantly Jer. 20. 4. I will make thee a terror to thy/. 6. (hou shalt be buried there, thoo and ail tnyjl 38. 22. women shall say, thy/, have set thee on Lam. 1. 2. all her/, have dealt treacherously Zech. 13.6. I was wounded in the house of my/ Mart 3, SI. when hi*/, heud of it, they weot cut FRO Mark 5. 19- JesQS saith to him, go home to thy/. £,uii '. 6. the centurion sent/, to him, saying 12. 4. my/, be not afraid of them that kill the body 14. 12. when thou makest a dinner, call not thy/. 15. 6. he callelh together his/, saying, rejoice 9. she calleth her/, and neighbours, saying 29. that I might make merry with my/. It). 9. make to yourselves/, of the mammon 21. 16. ye shall be betrayed by parents and/. 23. 12. the same day Pilate and Hemd were made/ Jo/iii 15. 13. that amanlay down his life for his/ 14. ye are my /. if ye doSvhat I command you 15. not servants, but I have called you/. /Jets 10. 24. Cornelias called together his/. 19. 31. certain which were his/, sent to him 27. 3. .lulius gave him liberty to go to his/. Pom. ]6. + 10. them which are of Aristobulus's / ♦ 11. greet the/, of Narcissus in the Lord 3 John 14. our/, salute thee, greet the/ by name FRIENDSHIP. Prov. CS. C4. make no/, with an angry man Jjm. 4.4. the/, of the world is enmity with God FHINGE, S. Xttm. 15. 38. bid them make/, put on/, a ribband 39. itshall be to you for a/, that ye may look Deut.Q.1. 12. make thee/ on the four quarters FROGS. Ezod. 8. C. I will smite all thy borders iritli /. 7. the magicians brought up/ on the land Psal. 78. 45. he sent/, which destroyed them 105. 30. and the land brought forth/. Rev. 16. 13. I saw three unclean spirits like/. To and FRO. Gen. 8. 7- he sent a raven, which went to andf. Ezod.CQ. ♦ 24. shake to and f. a wave-offering 3 Kings 4. 35. Elisha walked in the house to andj', Joh 1.7 Satan said,from going roanrf/ in earth,2.2. '. 4. I am full of tossingsro and f. to the dawning 13. 25. wilt thou break a leaf driven to andf.! Psal. 107. 27. they reel to and/, and stagger Prov. 21. 6. is a vanity tossed to and f. of them Ita. 24.20. earth shall reel to andf.\^^ adrunkard 33. 4. as the running to andf. of locusts shall run 49. 21. a captive, and removing to andf. Etek. 27. 19- Dan al.soand Javan going to mid f. Z«cA. 1.10. Lord sent to walk to <77irf/.through earth 11. we have walked f andf. through the earth 6. 7. that they might walk to andf. through the earth, so they walked to andf. through the earth Cph. 4. 14. be no more children tossed to andf. See Run. FROM. 15.;m.6.5. his hand/, off you, and/, off your land Ma:. 4. 25. then followed him multitudes/. Deca- polis,/. Jerusalem, f. Judea,/. beyond Jordan FRONT. 2 Sim. 10. 9. Joab saw /. of the battle against him 2 Citron. 5. 4. the porch in the/, of the house FRONTIERS. Ezek. £5. 9- from his cities which are on his/. FRONTLETS. 'Ihete acre square pieces of hard calf's skin, including four pieces of parchment, upon which the Jews tcrote four passages of the laa, and iiimid them with strings on their foreheads. The four passages which they wrote are these : On the first piece of parchment, Exod. 13. from verse 2. to 10. On the second, Exod. 13. from verse 11. ro I6. On the third, Deut. 6. from verse 4. to Q. And on the fourth, Deut. 11. from verse 13. to 21. Opiniont are much divided whether the use of frontlets, and other phylacteries, was ordained by Moses, as an oiseriance to which the Jews were obliged, and such as required a literal compliance, sn that the Hebrews hate at all timet aorn them ; cr have been obliged to weat them. They who believe the use of them to te rigorously binding, ground their persuasion on the text of Moses, which speaks of it in a positive manner, as of other precepts if the law ; he requires that the commandments of God should be for a sign on their hands, and zi frontlets between their eyes, Deut. 6. 8. B'JJ the generality of interpreters on the contrary maintain, that the precepts of Moses tAir/i mention these writings on the doors, the signs upon their hands, and frontlets between iheir eyes, should be taken in a figurative and alle- gorical sense ; as meaning that they should be I'^rv careful to preserve the remembrance of God's la-x, andobsvve his commands ; that thev should always have them before them, arid never forget them. It is certain that before the Babylonish captivity, not the least foot- steps of them were to be seen in -.he history of the Jews. The prophets never inveighed against the omission or neglect of tnis practice; mr uat there ever any question conctrnmg FRU them in ;At reformation ef mannert at *ny time proposed among tne old Hebrews. Ezod. 13. 16. it shall be for/, between tWne eyes Deut. 6. 8. shall be a f. between thine eyes, U. 18. FROST. Gen. 31. 40. drought consumed by day,/, by night Ezod. 16. 14. round thing, as smiJl ai the hoar /. Job 37. 10. by the breath of God/, is given 38. 29. the /'. of heaven, who hath gendered k ? Pja/.78.47.iIestroyetb their sycamore trees with/. 147. 16. he scatiereth the hoar/, like ashes Jer. 36. 30. Jehoiakjm's body cast out to the/. FROWARD. Deut. 32. 20. for they are a very f. generation 2 .Sam. 22.27. with the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure, with the/, shew thyself/ Psal. 18. 26. Jobb. 13. the counsel of the/, i.s carried headlon Psal. lOr. 4. a/, heart shall depart from me Prov. 2. 12. from the man that speaketh/. thingj 15.way3 are crooked, and they/, in their paths 3. 32. for the/, is abomination to the Lord 4. 24. put away from thee a f. mouth 6. 12. the wicked walketh with a/, mouth 8. 8. there is nothing/ or perverse in them 13. the evil way, and the/, mouth do I hate 10. 31. but the/, tongue snail be cut out 11. 20. of a/, heart, are abomination to the Lord 16.28. a/man soweth strife, whisperer separateth ,30. he shutteth his eyes to devise/, things 17. 20. he that hath a/, heart, findeth no good 21. 8. the way of a man is/, and strange 22. 5. thorns and snares are in the way of the/ 1 Pe<. 2. 18. servants be subject to masters, to the/. FROWARDLY. La. 57. 17. he went on/, in the way of his heart FROWARDNESS. Prov. 2. 14. who delight in the/, of the wicked 4. t 24. put away from thee/ of mouth 6. 14./. is in his heart, he deviseth mischief 10. 32. the mouth of the wicked speaketh/. FROWNED. 1 Sam.3. t IS.his sons made vile, he/, not on them FROZEN. Job ."3. 30, and the face of the deep is/. FRUIT Is the product of the earth, trees, plants, S,c. Deut. 28. 4, Blessed shall be the fruit of thy ground and cattle. TTie fruit of the body signifies children. Deut. 28. 4, Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body. Psal. 132. 11, Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne. Ba fruit is sometimes meant reward. Prov. 1. 31, They shall cat of the /niir of their own way ; They shall receive the reward of their bad condnci, and punishments answer- able to their sins. The fruit of the lips is the sacrifice of praise or thanksgiving, Heb. 13. 15. Thc/nideth in me, the same bringeth forth much/. 1(). I ordained that you should iriwg /or //i/. liom. 7. 4. that we should bring forth J. to God 5. motions did work to bring forth /. unto death Ccl. 1. 6. the gospel bringeth forth f. in you /am. 5. 18. Elijah prayed, the earth brought forth f, Hee First-Fruit. FRUIT-TREES. Neh. 9. 25. and possessed /.-rreej in abundance Yield, yi^/deth, yielding FRUIT. Gen. 1. 11. and the fruit-tree yielding f 12. Lev. ^5. 19. and the land shall yield her/. 26. 4 the trees of the field shall yie/J their/. Deui. 11. 17. and that the land yieldnox. her/. Prov. 12. 12. the root of the righteous yieldethf. Jer. 17. 8. neither shall cease from yielding f. Eick. 34. 27. the tree of the field shall yield her/. 36. 8. and yield your/, to my people Israel Mark 4. 7. the thorns choked it, it yielded no f. 8. other fell on good Rrouod 3aA did yield f 223 fUL Heh. 12. II. yitldelh peaceable /. of righteousness Rev. 22. 2. the tree yielded her /'. every month FRUITFUL. Gen. 1.22.God blessed them, saying, be/. and mul- tiply, 28. I 8.17. I 9. 7. I 35. 11. 17. 6. and I will make thee exceeding / 20. I will mzike Ishmael/. H 48. 4. make Jacob/. 26 22. God hath made room for us, we shall be/. 28. 3. God Almighty bless thee, and make thee /. 41. t 52. called him/, for God caused me to be /. 49. 22. Joseph is a/, bough, even a/, bough Eiod. ]. 7 and the children of Israel were/. Xci'. 26. 9- I will make you/, and multiply you 2 Chr. 26. * 10. Uzziah had husbandmen in_/.fields Psal. 107. 34. he turneth a /. land into barrenness 128. 3 thy wife shall be as a/, vine '. 148. 9. mountains and/, trees, praise the Lord Isa. 5. 1. my beloved hath a vineyard in a/, hill 17.6.four or five in the outmost/branches thereof 32. 12. they shall lament for the/, vine Jer. 4. 26. lo, the/, place was a wilderness 23. 3. and they shall be/, and increase Eiek. 19. 10. she was f. and full of branches //6f. 13. 15. though he be/", an east wind shall come Acts 14. 17- and gave us rain and /. seasons Co/.l.lO.being/.ia every gooo work, and increasing -See Field FRUITS. Gen. 43. 11. take of the best/, in the land in vesse.s Exod.'Z'i .29. not delay to offer the first of thy ripe/. 23. IC MX years shalt gather in the/, thereof Lev. 25. 15. according to the years of the /. I6. 22. till her/, come in, eat of the old store 26. 20. neither shall the trees yield their/. Z>e!«.33.14.for prscious/.brought forth ty the sun 2 Sam. g. 10. thou and thy sons shall bring in/. 2 Kings 8. 6. restore to her all the/, of the field 19. 29. plant vineyards, and eat the/, thereof Job 31. 39. if I have eaten the/, without money Pj. 107. 37. sow fields, which mayyield/.of increase Eccl. 2. 5. I planted trees of all kind of/. Canf .4. 13. the plants are an orchardwith pleasant/. 16. let my beloved eat his pleasant/ 6. 1] . I went down to see the /". of the valley 7. 13. at our gates are all manner of plesisant/. Isa. 33. 9. Bashan and Carmel shake off their/. Xam. 4. 9. pine away for want of the/, of the earth il/a/.3.11.he shall-not destroy the/.of your ground Mat. 3.8. bring/, meet for repentance, Luke 3. 8. 7. 16. ye shall "know them by their/. 20. 21. 34. that they might receive the/, of it 41. who shall render him the/, in their seasons 43. kingdom given to a nation bringing forth/. Luke 12. 17. I have no room where to bestow my/. 18. and there will I bestow all my/. 2 Cor. 9. 10. increase the/, of your righteousness P//iV. 1. 11. filled with the/, of righteousness 2 Tim. £. 6. the husbamdman first partaker of the/. Jam. 3. 17. wisdom from above is full of good/'. Hev. 18. 14. /. thy soul lusted after departed from 22. 2. the tree of life bare twelve manner of/. .See First. ■Summet FRUITS. 2 Sam. 16. 1. Ziba with an hundred of summer f. Isa 16. Q. thy summer-f. and harvest are fallen Jer. 40. 10. but gather ye wine and summer f. 12 Jews gathered wine and summer f. very much 48. 32 the spoiler is fallen on thv summer f. Mic. 7 1, as when they gathered the summtrf. ■ FRUSTRATE. Ezra 4f. 5. and hired counsellors to/, their purpose Psal. 33. f 10. Lord maketh/. counsel of heathen Mark 7. 1 9/ull well ye/the commandment of God Gal. 2 21. 1 do not/, the grace of God FRUSTRATETII. Isa. 44. 25. that/ the tokens of the liars FRYING-PAN Lev. 2. 7. if oblation be a meat-offering in the /. 7. 9. all that is dressed in the/, shall be the priest's FUEL. Isa. 9. 5. this shall be with burning and/ nf fire 19. the,people shall be as the/, of the fire Ezek. 15. 4. the vine-tree is cast into tiie fire for/. 6. 21. 32. thou shalt be for f- to the fire FUGITIVE. Gen. 4. 12. a/._ and a vagabond shalt thou be 14. I shall be a/, and a vagabond in the earth FUGITIVES. Judg. 12.4. yeGileaditesare/. of Ephraim 2 Kings 25. 11. and'lhc/. that tell away to the king Isa.15.5. shall cry for Moab, his/shall flee toZoar Eiek. 17. 21. all his/, shall fall by the sword FULFIL. Gen. 29. 27. /■. her we«k, and we will give thee this Exod. 5. 13./. your works, your daily ta;k 23. 26. the number of thy days I will/. 1 hings 2. 27. that he might/, the word of the Lord 1 Chr. 22. 13. if thoutakest heed to/ statutes of L 2 Chron. 36. 21. to/, threescore aud ten years Jed 39. 2. ceuist thou number oionths that ihev '. ! FUL Ps. 20. 4. the Lord grant thee to/, all thy counsel 5. the Lord/, all thy petitions 145. 19. he will/, the desire of them that fear him Mat. 3. 15. it becometn us to/, all righteousness 5. 17. 1 am not come to destroy, but 10/ Acts 13. 22. found David, who shall /. all my will Rom. 2. 27. uncircumcision, if it/, the law 13. 14. for the flesh, to/, the lust? thereof Gal. 5. 16. ye shall not/, the lusts of the flesh 6. 2. bear burdens, aud so/, the law of Christ Eph. 4. tlO. ascended, that he might /'. all things Phil. 2. 2./. ye my joy, that ye be like-minded Col. 1. 25. is given to me, to/, the word of God 4. 17. take heed thou/, thie ministry, 2 Tim. 4.+ 3 2 Thess. 1. 11./. all tLe good pleasure of his will Jam. 2. 8. if ye/, the royal law, ye do well iies'.17.i7.forGcKlput in theirhearu to/, hiswiil FULFILLED. Gen. 25. 24. when her days to be delivered were/ 29. 21- give me my wife, for my days are/. 50. 3. forty days were f. for so are/, the days Ejod.5. 14. wherefore have ye not/, your taskr 7. 25. seven days/, after Lord hath smitten river Lev. 12. 4. till the days of purification be/. 6. Xum. 6. 13. when the days of his separation a.Tef. 32. 1 11. because they have not/, after me Deut. 1. 1 36. Caleb hath/, to go after me 1 Ham. 18. + 26. and the (fays were not /. 2 6am.7. 12. when days be/, and thou shalt sleep 14. 22. in that the kine/. the request of servant 1 Kings 8. 15. and hatn with his hand f. it 24. aud hast/, it with thy hand, 2 Chron. 6. 15. 11. t 6. Solomon/, not after the Lord, as David 2 Chr. 6. 4. the Lord hath/, that which he spake Ezia 1. 1. that the word of the Lord miglii be/. Job 36. 17. thou hast/, the judgment of the wicked Jer.44.25.ye and your wives have/with your hand Lam.2. 17. he haUi/. his word he had commanded 4. 18. our days are/, for our end is come Ezek. 5. 2. when the days of the siege are/. Dan. 4. 33. the same hour was the thing/. 10. 3. till three whole weeks were/. Mat. 1. 22. that it might be /. 2. 15, 23. | 8. 17. I 12. 17. I 13. 35. I 21. 4. I 27. 35. John 12.38. I 15.25. I 17. 12. J 18.9,32. | I9. 24, 28, 36. 2. 17. then was/ that which was spoken, 27- 9 5.]8.shall in no wise pass from the law till all be/. 13. 14. in them is/, the prophecy of Esaiis 24. .34. shall not pais till all these things be/ Mark 1. 15. the time is/, kingd. of God is at hand 13. 4. what sign when all these things shall be/. ? Lukel .20.my words which shall be/', in their season 2. 43. when they had/, the days, they returned 21.22.that all things wnich are written may be/. 24. until the times of the Gentiles be/. 22. 16. not eat till it be/, in the kingdom of God 24. 44. all things must be/, spoken by Jlo.ses John 3. 29. this my joy therefore is/. 1?. 13. they might have my joy/, in themselves Acts 3. 18. what God had shewed, he hath so/. 9- 23. after many days were/. Jews took counsel 12.25. Paul and Barnabas/, their ministry 13. 25. and as John/, his course, he said 27 . they have /. them in condemning him 29. when they had/, all that was written .>f him 33. God hath/, the same to us their children 14 26. to grace of God for the work which they/. Rom. 8. 4. the righteouness of law might be f. 1:1 us 13. 8. he that loveth another hath/, the law 2 Cor. 10. 6. when your obedience is/. Gal. 5. 14. the law is/, in one word, even in this Rev. 6. 11. till killing of their brethren should be/ 15.8. till the seven plagues of seven angels were/ Rev. 17. 17. till the words of God shall be/. 20.3. should deceive no more, till 1000 years he J SeeSCRlFTVRB. FULFILLING. Psal. 148. 8. fire, hail, stormy wind/, his word Rom. 13. 10. therefore love is the/, of the law Eyh. 2. 3. /.the desires of the flesh and of the miad FULL Signifies, [1] Satisfied uiih. Isaiah 1.11, I am full of the burnt-offerings of rams. [2] That uAich is perfect, complete, and which nants nothing. 2 John 8, That we receive a full reward ; that uhole portion of glory tehich God hath promised to diligent, persevering Christians. [3] ^>iicA as are proud, and puJJcU up uith a high conceit of their oun sufficienca and uorth, so that they feci no need of Christ, I.uke 6. 25, Woe uiilo you that are full. [4j One enabled both lo conceive and bring forth. 1 Sam. 2. 5, Full of years, one uho iatt lived long enough, as long as he desires, Gea. 25. 8. Full of faith, and of the Holy Ghost, that is, endued uith a plentiful measure .J faith, and of the gifts and graces oj' the Holy Spirit, Acts 0. 5. The fulucs.s of time, r* t'lt lime u/nrtin the Messiah aj/fiaiedt u:hic^ ti-iu FUL tM «* *ho p'ophu: tJp'cud by the J*ws TcJeL., Jd iarnclf l» fo'""' " God; M«/ is. I'n.il you arrive a, '*"'!?*"' degrJ, of tht kuo-^lcdgc and enjoyment oJ Ood, andimiediat, influence from htnt. and an en.\ tire conformity to htm. ,„-,„„, r.e fulness o^ Christ. • ^V- T"^/" f ' X Of iraee and mercv vitlh which he uas .HHcd John 1 16. Of his fulness h^^e^' )7 """'^f Aniwherias men are said to he filled i,uh the Bolv Ghost as John th. Baptist. Luke 1. 15. ^i'Shel,. Acts 6. 5. rius lil'l'fr^'"''' fulness of Christ ... these three respects,(\)Orac< 'Td hi Spirit b. in others by p^rlicpition ; as the Zon hath her Uiht from the s,n, mer. their uater, from ;l'\J'^"""'^J'"f'''' eye its si^ht from the .out: but v. <;h«st Mjy be or.einalh.natHrally.andoJ >>"""'/■ J-l/" Chrisf they be infinite and above mennae John 3. 34 But ._'..;^' "-', %ZTx^ 'rZ'Zl isftll fi:,hf.bu. the si is more /u/'; r,.er. arejull of -«''"• /"''f'.'" more full. (3) The saints cannot con.mu cale their graces to others ; zihereas the gijls of .e Spirit be in Christ as an head and Joun- lain, to impart then,, to his member,. John 1 16. We have received of his fulness. It ,s sa.d. Col. C. 9. That the fulness of the God- head dwells in Christ bodily ; that ,s, J he „nole nature and attributes of God are in Christ, and that r»ally. essentially, or sub. sta„tialh. and also personally, by nearest union, as the ,oiJ d:.ells m the body, o that the same person who is man. " Corf a/jc. The church is called the fulness of Christ £;-/,. 1 "3 // is the chur-h tehich makes htm a compiete and perfect Head, and uithout u;h,c/, he uonld account himself but empIV and maimed as it x^ere: for though he ha, a natural und personal fulness, as Cod; yet a, Mediator, he „ not full and complete without hi, mystical bod„. (a, 1 king is not complete uithout his subject,) but receives an oun.ard relative and mistical fulness from his member,. And then the chwch doe, manifett and ,et forth his fulness, ,ervins as an empty vessel Jor him to fill and losheio his fulness in; and this he does. bn brineing everv member to his full stature. b„ dispersing aU variety of gifts and graces amon/them ; and by bringing them all to heaven at las', so that not one shall be zcanltng. How much more their fulness! iu.m. 11 1.. U the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles: how much more their fulness? Jf the falling away of the ie\yi. from being God people, through their rejecting the gospel, and the small number of believers among them, vias the occasion of God's manifesting his abundant grace ,n the conver,ion of the GenuUs, and spreading ,he knoivledgeof Christ «// the ivorld over :hou-^ mmh more shall a general conversion of the Jews. to-j:ard, the end of the world, confirm the faith of the believing Gentiles, a.irf aho tea means to convert those of them that do not vet believe, all over the world? Gin.lS.ie.the iniquity of the Amorites isnot yet/. 25 B Abraham an oU man. and ^. of years 35 CO. Isaac being old and/, of days, died 41 1 at the end of two/, vears, Pharaoh dreamed 7 the thin ears devoured the seven/, ears, 11. 43 21 every man's money in his sack /. weight l-iod 8.2 1 . the houses shjil be/, of swarms of Hies Jfi 33 and put an homer/, of manna therein 2C. 3 for he should make/, restitution lev " 14 Shalt offer even corn beaten out of^. ears :6. 12. censer/, of coals, hands /. of incense ig. 29. and the land became/, of wickedness 83.29. within a/, year may he redeem it 30 if not rede«med in a/, year, then the house Sm. 7. 13. both of them were/, of fine flour, 19. C5, 31. 37, 43. 4g>S5. 61,67. 73, 79- 1 1. one spoon of ten sl^kels/. of incense, 20, It),, CZ. 18. if Ealak Rive me house/ of silrer, 24.13. Dtut. 6. 11. aiid houses/, of all good things, when thou shah have eaten and be/. 8. 10. IC- II 1 5. will send grass.thatthoumayest eatandbe/. 21. 13. she shall bewail her father a/, month 33. 'iJ. Naphtali f. of the blessing of the Lord 34.9. Josbu* was/ gf ihe Spirit of wisiiow 221 FUL Ju:/..6. S3, wringed the dew, & bowl /. of water ld'27. BOW the house was f.ol men and women Huih 1.21 . 1 went out/, and the Lord hath brought " 12 and a/, reward be given thee of the Lord 1 Sam. i. 5. they that were/ hired out themselves IH 27 thev gave them in/, tale to the king 27 7 Uavid dwelt in country of Philist. a / . year 2 6am 8 2. and with oue/. line to keep alive 1 Kin's 17 ♦ 15. she and her house did eat ay. year 2 hm'ss 3. 16. make this valley/, of ditches 4.6. when the vessels were /. she »aid to her son 6. 17. behold, the mountain was y. of horses 7 15. and lo, all the way was/, of garments t 10 21 .house of Baal was/. from one end to another 1 Chron. 21. H. shall grant it me for the/, price 24. nay, but I will verily buy it for »/■ P"« ' 23. l.wheii David wasoldandy. of days, .9. .8. Etih. 3. 5. then was Ilaman/. of wrath 5 Q he was f. of indignation against Mordecai Joi'o. 26. thou Shalt come to thy grave m a^ . age 7 4 I am ^•.of tossings to and Iro to dawning of day 10 15 I'am/. of confusion, see mine affliction 11'. C. and should a man/, of talk be justified - 14. 1. man is of few days and/ of trouble 20 11. his bones are/, of the sms of his youth 21. 23. one dielh in his/, strength, being at ease 24.his breasts are ;'. of milk, his bones mdistened 32 18. 1 am/.of matter, the Spirit constrainelh me 30. 16. that on thv table should be/, of fatness 42. 17. so Job died, being old andy. of days Ps. 17. 14. they are/. oT children, and leave rest 60.20. hath broken my heart, I am/, of heaviness 73. 10. waters of a/, cup are wrung out to them 74. 20. dark places are/, of habitations of cruelty 78.25.man did eat angels' food, sent meat to they . 104. 16. the trees of the Lord are/, of sap 127. 5. happy that haih his quiver/, of them 144. 1 3. that our garuirs may be/, affording store Prov. 17.1. than an house/, of sacrifices with strife - if|- — — >-- 25. •• 17. iest he be/, of^thee. and hate thee 27. 7. the/, soul lotheth an hooey^comb 20. hell and destruction are never/. . 30.9. lest 1 be f. and deny thee, and say .who is L.: Eccl. 1.7. rnn'iutothe sea. yet the sea is not/. 8. all things are/, of labour, man cannot utter 4. 0. th.in both hands/, with travel and vexation 11.3. if the clouds be/, of rain, they empty Isa. I. 11. I am/, of tne burnt-offerings of rams 15. 1 will not hear, your hands are/, of blood 21. the faithful city it was/, of judgnient 11.9. the earth shall be/, of knowledge of the Ld. 1.1.21. their houses shallbe/. of doleful creatures 15. 9. the waters of Dimon shall be/, of blood 22. 2./. of stirs H 7. valleys shall be/, of chariots 25. 6 a feast of fat things, a feast/, of marrow 28. 8. for all tables are/, of vomit and filthiness 30.27. his lips are/, of indignation, and his tongue 51. 20. they are /". of the fury of the Lord Jer 4 12 a/, wind from those places shall come 5. 7. wheu 1 had fed thenjto the/, they committed 6. 11. therefore I am/, of the fury of the Lord 28. 3. within two/, years will 1 bring, 11. 35. 5. I set before the Rethabites potsy. of wine Lr.m. 1.1. ho\v city sit solitary that wasy. of peop. 3. 30. he is filled/, with reproach Esek. 1. 18. and their wings were/, of eyes 10.4. court was/of the brightness of Lord's glory 12. the wheels were/, of eyes round about 17. 3. a great eagle with wiu^s/. of feathers 1 19. 10. she was fruitful and/, of branches 2H. 12. the sum, f. of wisdom and perfect in beauty 32. 6. and the fivers shall be/, of thee 37 . 1 . in midst of the valley which was/, of bones ' 39.19. ye shall eat fat till ye be /". and drjnk blood Dun. 3. 19. then was Nebuchadnezzar^, of fury 8 23 when th£ transgressors are come to the /. 10 2 in those days Daniel mourned threey. weeks " 24. the floors shall be/, of wheat Vic 3 8 but truly 1 am/, of power by the Spirit '0 12. the rich men thereof are/, of violence Uab 3 3. and the earth was/ of his praise Zech 8. 5. the streets shall be/, of boys and girls Vat 6 "2. thybody shall be/ of light, Uke 11.36 "13 48 which when it was/ they drew to shore 14 20. of fragments twelve baskets/. ilfartO. 43 1 5' 37 they took up that was left seven baskets/. "3' "5 but within are/, of extortion and excess ""7 but within are/, of dead men's bones ' 28. within ye are/, of hypocrisy and iniquity Vnrk' 9 /" well ye reject commandment ot GoU ■ 15 36.' one ran and filled a spunge/. of vinegar Luke 1 57. now Eliiab./. time came to be deliver. 4 1. Jesus being f. of the Holy Ghost was led 5 1" behold a m»n/. of leprosy fell on his face e' 25 woe unto you that are/, ye shall hunger 16 "0 Lazarus was laid at his gate/, of sores Johnl.U. and dwelt amongus,/. of grace an.l truth 7 8. 1 go not up. for my time is not yet/, come 15 H. and that your joy might be/. 10. «4. J 3 ig. Ihare ww set t vessel f. of vinegax FUL Acts 4.13. others said, these men are/, ofnewwine 28. ihaltmako me/, of joy xvUh t ly counteoance 6. 3. look ye out men/ of the lloly C.host 5. Stephen/, of faith and the II. Ghosi^. I ..55. 7. 2.3. when Moses was/, forty years old y. 36. Dorcas/, of good works and alms deeds 11. 24. Barnabas/, of the lloly Ghost and faKli 13 10 and said, O /. of all subtilty and mischief 19. 28. they were/, of wrath and cried out Horn. 1.29. being/ of envy, murder, debate, deceit 15. 14. 1 am persuaJ. that ye also arc/, of goodu. 1 Cor. 4. 8. now yc are/, now ye are rich Phil 2.26. for he longed and wasy. of heavines* 4. 12. I am instructed to be/, ami to be hungry 18. but I have all and abound. I am/. 2 Tim. 4. 5. makey'. proof of thy miuuiry //<».5.14. but strong meat to them that are of/, age Jam. 3.8. tongue an nnruly evil./, of deadly poison 17. wisdom from above is pure.y. of mercy 1 Pet. 1.8. ye rej. with joy nnspeak. and/, of glory 2 Pet. 2. 14. eyes /'. of adultery, not cca.sc from sm iJohnl'i. we write to you. that your joy may be/. \l Johns, but that we receive 3. J. reward 12. speak face to face, that our joy may be/ Rev. 4. 6. there were four beasisy. of eyes, 8. 5. 8. having every ene golden vialsy. of odours 15.7. seven golden vials/, of the wTath of God 16. 10. and his kingdom was/, of 'l"l'ness 17. 3. 1 saw a woman/, of names of blasphemy 4 a golden cup /. of abominations and filthiness 21.9. the seven vials/, of the seven last plagues See AssLR.t.NCE. Coupassio.n. Is FULL. ,. , . 2 Kin'S 4. 4. thou shalt set aside that which uf. Psal.lO. 7. his mouth isf. ot cursing, iiom. 3. 14. 26. 10. and their right-hand isf. of bribes 29. 4. the voice of the Lord uf. ot majesty 33. 5. the earth i,f. of the goodness of the Lonl 48. 10. thy right-hand i, f. of righteousness 65. 9. with the river of God, which 1,1. of water 75. 8. and the wine is red, it is J. of mixture 88. 3. my soul isf. of troubles, and my life 104. 24. O Lord, the earth isf. of thy riches 119. 64. the earth, O Lord, .*/.of thy mercy _ Led. 9 3. the heart of the sous of men .*/. ot evu 10 14.a fool isf. of words, man not tell what to be Isa.l.T. their land i,f. of silver, isf. of uorses 8. their land also isf. of idols, they worship 6.3.holy is Lord, the whole earth 15/. of his glory Jer.s.n.Sii a cage itf.oi birds. housedfuU of deceit 6 11. the aged, with him that 1/^. of days 23. 10. for the land itf. of adulterers L:«<.7.23.1and isf. of crimes, city isf. of violence 9. 9. land isf. of blood, city i,f. of perverseness Joel 3. 13. for the press isf. the fats overrtow Amos 2. 13. a cart is pressed, that i//. of sheaves \ah. 3. 1. it i, all/, of lies aud robberies Luke U. 34. body isf. of light, .>/. of darkness 39. but your inward part i,J. of ravening To the FULL. , _, , ^ £wrf.l6.3. when we sat. and diieat bread to ihef. 8 wheu L. shall givthiread in«l«!,morn. to thef Lev. 26 5. ye shall eat your^read 10 (he J. FULLER. S. . . , ^. . 2 King, 18. 17. they came and « //a. 65. 11. that/, the drink-oflPering to that number Jer.iQ. 19./. thyself to go into captivity FURNISHED. 1 Kings 9- 11- Hiram/. Solomon with cedar Prov. 9. 2. she hath also/, her table Alai. 22. 10. and the wedding was/, with guests HJark 14. 15. will shew you a room/. Luke 22. 12. 2 Tim. 3. 17. thoroughly/, unto all good works FURNITURE. Gen. 31. 34. Rachel put them in the camels'/. Exod. 31. 7. the tabernacle and his/. 39. 3.1. 8. table and his/. I| 9. altar with all his/. 35. 14. the candlestick and his/, and his lamps Nah. 2. 9. there is none end of all the pleasant/. FURROW. 1 Sam. 14. 1 14. slew twenty men within half a/. J06 39. 10. canst thou bind the unicorn in the f ? FURROWS. Job 3). 38. or the/, thereof likewise complain Psal. 65. 10. thou settlest the/, thereof 129.3. the plowers plowed, they made long their/. l::ek. 17. 7. might water it by/, of her plantation 10. it shall wither in the/, where it grew IIos. 10. 4. judgment as htmlock in the/.of the field 10. when shall bind themselves in their two/. 12. 11. their altars as heaps in the/, of the fields FURTHER. A'ljm. 22.26. angel went/, and stood in narrow place Deut. 20. 8. officers shall spesik/. to the people 1 Sam. 10. 22. they inquired of the Lord/. Job 38. 11. hitherto shalt thou come, but no/. 40. 5. yea, twice, but I will proceed no/. Eccl. 8. 17./. though a wise man think to know it 12. 12./. by these, my son, be admonished Mat. 26. 39. he went a lit-tle /". and fell on his fare 65. saying, what/, need have we of witnesses ': Mark 14. 63. Luke 22. 71. Mark 1. ig. when he had gone a little/, thence 5. 35. why troublest thou the Master any/..' /.«/•« 24.28. he made as tho' he would have gone/. .•ids 4. 17. that it spread no/, among the people 21. when had /.threatened them, they let them go 12.3. Herod proceeded/, to take Peter also 21. 28./. he brought Greeks also into the temple 24. 4. that I be not/, tedious unto thee 27. 28. they had gone a little/, they sounded 2 'I'im. 3. 9. but they shall proceed no/. lieb. 7.11. what/, need another priest should rise FURTHER, Verb. Psal. 140. 8. O Lord,/, not his wicked device FURTHERANCE. /V/i7.1.12.the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the/, of the gospel 25. shall abidewith you for your/, and joyof faith FURTHERED. Lira 8.36.they/.the people and the house of God FURTHERMORE. I'sod. 4.6. the Lord said/, to Moses, put thine hand Eiek. 8. 6. Lord said/, to Ezekiel, son of man G. GADDEST. Jer, C. 36. why f . lUou about to change thy way ? GAIN. Judg. 5.19. the kings of Canaan took no g. of money Job 22. 3. is it g to him to make thy way perfect ? /Vor.l.ig.so arethe ways of every one greedv of j. 3. 14. the g. thereof is better than fine gold 15. 27. he that is greedy of g. troublttb bis house I GAL Pro: .-28. 8. that by usury and unjust g. increaseth Isa. 33. 15. he that despiseth the g. of oppreisiong 56. 11. every one for his g. from his quarter Etek. 22. 13. have smitten hand at thy dishonest g 27. her princes like as wolves to get duUonestg. Dan. 11. 39. he shall divide the land for g. Mic. 4. 13. I will consecrate their?, to the Lord Hab. 2. t 9- "oe to him that gaineih an evil g. Acts 16. 16. which brought her masters muchj. 19. 24. brought no smsdl {. to the craftsmeu 2 Cor. 12. 17- did I make 3.g. of you by any I sent 18. did Titus make ag. of you .' Phil. 1. 21. forme to live is Christ, and to die is;. 3. 7. what things were g. to me, I counted loss 1 Tim. 6. 5. supposing that g. is godliness 6. but godliness with contentment is great;. Jam. 4. 13. go to a city, there buy, sell and getp, GAIN, Verb. Dan. 2. 8. 1 know that ye would g. the time! Mat. 16. 26. what profited if he should ;. the whole world, and lose his soul ? Maik6.3t).LukeQ.ib. 1 Cor. 9.19- servant to all, that I might g. the more 20. that I might g. the Jews || 22. g. the wea» 21. that I might g, them that are without law GAINED. /o<.27 8. what hope hath hypocrite, tho' he hath;_* Etek. 22. 12. thou hast greedily g. by extortion Mat. 18. 15. if he hear, thou hast g. thy brother 25. 17. that received two had also;, other two, 22. 20. I have g. besides them five talents more /.•U<19.15.how much every man had;, by trading 16 Lord, thy pound hath g. ten pounds 10. I.ord, thy pound hath ;. five pounds Acts 27. 21. and to have g. this harm and loss 2 John t 8. that ye lose not the things ye have ;. GAINS. Acts 16. 19. saw that the hope of their;, was gone GAINSAY. £uic21.15. your adversaries shall not be able to; GAINSAYERS. Tit. l.g. that ye might be able to convince the;. GAINSAYING. Acts 10. 29. therefore came I to you without ;. Horn. 10.21. I stretched forth my hands to a;, peo. Tit. 2. t 9- servants to please them, not ;. Jude 11. they have perished in th« ;. of Core GALL Is a bitter juice, one of the humours in the hodp of a man and beast. It is put for ani/ thing that is dttter and pernicious. Job 20. 14, Yet his meat in his bowels is turned, it is the gall of asps within him : It will be very painfui and destructtte to him at last. Psal. 69. 21, They gave me gall for my meat ; or poison, or bitter herbs. St. Matthew says, that they gaze our Saviour vinegar to drink mingled with gall. Mat. 27. 34. St. Mark calls te wine mingled with myrrh, Mark 15. 23. // is generally thought that the gall and myrrh signify but one and the same thing, that is, something that aas very bitter. It is said to hair been an ordinary custom to give dying per- sons some tntoricating potion, to make them less sensible of their pain. To give water of gall to drink, denotes seme very bitter affiictioju Jer. 8. 14. Their grapes are grapes of gall, Deut. 32. 32. Their fruits, or actions, are displeasing to God, malicious and mischievous to others, and will at last be pernicious to them- selves. A root that beareth gall, Deut. ig. 18. may denote some secret and subtle idolaters, uho might secretly infect and poison othtis, by drawing them to idolatry ; uhich uill protluee bitter fruits, how pleasant soever it may be for the present. To be in the gall of bitter- ness, and bond of iniquity, is to be in a state of great impiety, to be wider the power of sin and corruption, tf [hypocrisy and ambition. It is put for great atftiction. Job 16. 13. Eur wrong, injustice, Amos 6. 12. iJf«/.29. 18. lest there should be a root that bear. ; 32. 32. their grapes are grapes of ;. clusters bitter Job 16. 13. he pourelh out my ; . tn the ground 20. 14. his meat is the ;. of asps within him 25.the glittering sword cometh out of his f . Psal. 69. 21. they gave me also ;. for my meat Jer 8. 14.(;od hath given us waur of ;. to drink 9. 15. I will give them water of;. 23. 15. i.am.3.5. he hath compassed mc with;, and travel 10. remembering the wormwood and the ;. Amos 6. 12. for ye have turned judgment into;. A/0/.27.34. they gave him vinegar mingled with ;. Acts 8.23. I perceive thou art in the ;.of bitterness GALLANT. Isa.Zi. 21. no galleys nor shall ;.5hip pass thereb GALLANTS. A'lrA.C.tS.he shall recount his;. they 3h*IlstomU Zech. 11. t 2. howl, becanse tue ;. are spoiled GALLERY, lES. Cant, 1. f 17. the beams are cedar, and our;, of fir GAR f.f^t 7.5.thy head like Cannel.kin!; is held in the g. t.c«i.41 15. he meiisured the g thereof on one side 42.3. against the pavem.was g.agaiust g in scones GALLEY. Isa. 33. SI. 'wbeiein shall eo no g. with oars GALLOWS. £>7A.6. 4. Ilaman spake to hang Mordecai on g. 7. 10. so they hanged Ilaman on the g. U. ?• 9.13. let Haman's ten sons be hanged on theg.!l5. GANGRENE. t'Tim. S. 1 17. and their word will eat as doth a g. GAP. Jtiei. a. 30. ^midi thai should stand in £- before me GAPEU. Jol 16. 10. thev have e upon me, Psal. CC. 13. GAPETII. Jti 7. ^ C. 2is a servant g. after the shadow GAPS X«i.l3.5.ye have not pone up into tke g.for Israel GARDEN Is a plot 0/ pound J'urnished 7citli plants, fi'iaers, 4<- Gen. 2. 15. 7Vie church ts resembled to « parden. Cant. 4. 12. | f . 1. ..is a garden M taHen ovi of the common T^aue ground to be aypropriated to a more particular use, so tit church 0/ Christ i> chosen from among the weti of the uorld to a particular use lit a garden nothing that is good comes up tuzturalli/ »f itself, tut as it is planted and set ; so iuilhin( is good in the heart, bitt what ts flr.nttd and set by the heavenly Husbandman. In a garden nothing uses to be planted, but ahat is useful and delightful , so there is no grace in the heart of a Christian hut filial is useful and necessary. In a garden there are variety of fio-xirs and spices ; so in a Chris- tian there is tomexhal of every grace. A' men delight much in their gardens, to walk there and take their pleasure, and take care to fence, tceed, water, and plant them ; so Christ's tare and delight is for hts church. As gardens use to haie fountains and streams rnnnin^ through thim, as Paradise had four stream's which ran through it ; so the church is Christ's Paradise, and his Spirit is a spring in the midst of it, to refresh the souls of believers A garden stands always in need of weedim end dressing ; so in the hearts of Christians . Christ hath always somewhat to do, they would else soon be overgrown and turn wild. The piophet Isaiah upbraids the Jews with the a- iominations and acts of idolatry wliich they tommiited in their gardens. Ye shall be con- founded for the gardens which ye have chosen, Isa. 1. 29. These gardens were either come crated to idols, or were such as the heathens worshipped idols in ; there they sacrificed, Isa. 65. 3. after which they thought that thei/ were well purifed, when they had washed themselves in the water, Isa. 66. 17. Cen. 2.15. God took the man and put him in the g. i. 23. Lord sent him forth from the g of Kden 13.10. the plain of Jordan was as the g. of the Ld. Dexti. 11. 10 and waterest it as a g. of herbs 1 Kings ^\. 2. that I may have it for a.g. of herbs Job 8. 16. his branch shooteth forth in his g. Cant. 4. 12. a g. inclosed is my sister, my spouse 16. blow upon my g. let him come into his g. i>. 1. I am come into my g. my sister, my spouse t). 2. my beloved is gone down into hisg. 11. Ita. 1. 8. the daughter of Zion is asalodi;e in ag. 30. ye shall be as a g. which hath no water 51. 3. he will make her desert like theg. of God Sb. 11. and thou shalt be like a watered g. 61. 11. as theg. causeth things sown to spring Jer. 31. 12. their souls shall be as a watered g. Xam. 2. 6.taken away his tabernac.as it were of a g. EMk. 28. 13. thou hast been in Eden the g. of God 31. 8. cedars in g. of God could not hide him g. all the trees in the g. of God envied him 36. 35. desolate Ismd is become like the g. of Eden Joel 2. 3. land is as the g. of Eden before them Luke 13. 19. which a man took and cast into his g. Join 18. 1. over the brook Cedron, where was ag. 26. did not I see thee in the g. with him ' 19. 41. there was a g. and in the g. a sepulchre GARDENS. f'tm. £4. 6. thy tents zs g. by the river side £#r/. 2. 5. I made me g. and orchards, and planted Cant. 4. 15. a fountain of g. a well of waters 6. 2. to feed in the g. and to gather lilies 8. 13. thou that dwelTeit in ihe g. cause me to hear ^« 1. 29. and ye shall be confounded for theg. 65. 3. a people that sacrificeth in g. bums incense 6€. 17. theT that purify ibemielves in the g. Jer. «9. 5. plant g. and eat the fruit of them, 28. Amtt 4. 9. I sent blastim;. when vourg. increased 9. H. they shall also m»*e g. and eat fruit of them GARDENER. Mm SO. IC. »he lupposing he had beta the * GA.ll GATIRISON, S. 1 Sam. 10.5. to hill where isg. of the Philistines 13. 3. Jonathan amote the g. of the PhiJistines 14. 1. let us go over to the Philistines' g. 6. J5. the g. and the spoilers, they also trembled Ham. 8. 6. David put g. in Syria, 1 Chrou. 18. 6. 14. David put g. in Edoni, 1 Chron. 13. 13. 2.). 14. g.of Philist. in Beth-lehem, 1 C7j)»n.ll.l6. 2C7ir. 17.2. Jehoshap. setg. in Judahand Ephrai.u l^zek. 26. 11. thy strong g shall go down to ground 2 Cor 11. 32. the governor kept the city with ag. GARLANDS. .if;jl4.l3.the priest of Jupiter brought oxen audg. GARLICK. .VKm.11.5. we remember the g. we did cat in Egvpt GARMENT Is that wherewith one i' clothed. Mat. 27. 35, Tliey parted my garments. By the wedding- garment is meant Christ with his perfect righte- ousness imputed, which as a garment doth hide the s/iirilual nakedness, and decks and adorns the soul with spiritual beauty. Mat. 22. 11. Home by wedding-garments understand the grace of siinctificuiion, or a holy life, answeiable to one's profession ; in which sense garment is taken in Rev. 3. 4, Thou hast a few names in Sardis which have not defiled their gar- ments ; who are of unblamable lives. He was clothed with a garment down to his foot. Rev. I. 13. Some are of opinion that this denoted the purity and innocency of that priesthood, which Christ did exercise for his chiirch : Others, that it denoted the dignity and majesty of Christ, as King of his church : it being usual for kings to wear long robes in token of majesty. Garments rolled or dyed iu blood, Isa. 9 5. I 03 2 are garments sprinkled and stained with the blood of the slain, such as warriors wear, which have overcome their enemies in battle. Cen. 9. 23. Shem and Japhet took a g. and laid it 25 25. the first came out red, like a hairy g 39. 12. she caught Joseph by his g. he left hisg. 15 he left his g. with me and fied out, 18. .39 16. she laid up hisg. till her lord came home Leii 6.27. sprinkled of the blood thereof on any g. 13. 47- g. wherein is the plague of leprosy, 49. 51. if plague be spread in theg. in warp or woof 59. the law of the plafue of leprosy in ag. 14.55. 15 17. every g. whereon is the seed of copulation 19. 19. ^OT g. mingled come on thee. Dent. 22.11. Ueui. 22. 5. a man shall not put on a woman's g. Josh."!. 21. when I saw a goodly Babylonish g. 24. Joshua took Achan, the silver, and the g. Judg. 8. 25. they spread a g. and cast ear-rings 2&»i.l3.18.Tamarhad a g.of divers colours on her 19. she rent her g and went on crying 1 A'iHgf 11.29. Jeroboam clad himself with a newg 2 A'ingj4. t42. brought hira ears of corn in hisg. 9. 13. took every man hisg. and put under him Arra 9-3 when 1 heard this I rent my g. and mantle 5. having rent my g. and mantle I fell on knees Esth. 8. 15. Mordecai went with a g. 01' purple Job 13.28. consumeth, 2is a g that is moth-eaten 30. 18. by force of my disease is my g. changed 38. 9- when I made the cloud the g. thereof I I. it is turned as clay to tlie seal.they stand as ag. 41. 13. who can discover the face of his g.f Psal. 69. 11 I made sackcloth also my g. 73. 6. pride compasseth, violence cover, them asg 1U2. 2t). they shall perish, yea all of them shall wax old like ag. Isa. 50.9. I 51. 6. JJeb. 1.11. 104.2. thou coverest thyself with light, as with ag. 6. thou coveredst it with the deep as with a g. 109. 18. he clothed himself with cursing as a g. 1 9. let It be to him as the g. which covereth him Prov. 20. 16 take his g. that is surety, 27. IS. 25.20. as he that taketh away a g. in cold weather 30. 4. who hath bound the waters iu a g. .' Isa. 51. 8. the moth shall eat them up like a g. (il.3. to give g. of praise for the spirit of heaviness Jer. 43. 12. ?s a shepherd putteth on his g. Ezek. 18. 7. hath covered the naked with ag. 16. Dan. 7- 9. whose g. was white as snow .Vic. 2. 8. ye pull off the robe with the g. from'them JJag.C. 12. if one bear holy flesh in the skirt of hisg. Zed. 13.4. neither shall we.ir a rough g. to deceive AJal. 2. 16. for one covereth violence with his e- A/ar. 9.16. new cloth to old g.iV7ar/t 2.21. iMkeS.nO. 20. behold, a woman diseased touched the hem of hisg. 21. I 14. 36. Maik5.C7. Au-(«8. 44. 22.11.1 saw amanwho had not on a wedding g. 12. Mark 13. I6. not turn back again to take up h.sg. 16. 5. a young man clothed with a long white g. I/tde 22. 36. lot him sell his g. and Imv one Acts 12. 8. cast thy g. about thee and follow me Ju<<« 23. hating even the g. spotted by the fl«jh yi(7m.l0.4.cut off theirg. iu the middle, iChr.lQ.i, 13. 31 . David tare his g. and lay on the earth 2 Kings 5.26.is it a time to receive money and g. , 7. 15. all the way was full of g. and vessels 22. + 14. Iluldah, wife of Shalluiu, keeper ofg. 25. 29. he changed Jehoiakitli's g Jer. 52. 33. Ezra 2. 69. they gave one hundred priests' g. Li'eh. 7. 70. the Tirshatha gave 530 priests' g. 72. the people gave sixty-seven priests' g Job 37. 17. how thy g. are warm, when he quieteth Psiil.'i'Z. 18. they part my g. among them, cast lota 45. 8. all thy g. smell of myrrh, aloes, and cassia 133. 2. ointment that went down to skirts of hisg Prov.3l. +21. her household clothed with double g Eicl. 9. 8. let thy g. be always white, and thy head Ca;(/.4.11. smell of thy g. is like smell of Lebanon I'a. 9. 5. every battle is with g. rolled in blood 52. 1. put on thy beautiful g. O Jerusalem 59- 6. their webs shall not become g. 17. he put OTi the g. of vengeance for clothing 61. 10. he hath clothed me with the g of salvatioc 63. 1. that Cometh with dyed g. from BozTjdi? 3. their blood shall be sprinkled upon my g. Jer. 36. 24. yet they were not afraid, nor rent g. Lam. 4. 14. so that men could not touch their g. Liek.l6.\ii. tookest thy broid.g. and covered them 42. 14. there shall lay their g. they ministered ia 44. 19. they shall not sanctify people with theirg. Dan. 3. 21. were bound in their coats and other g, Joel 2. 13. rend your hearts, and not your g. Z.ech. 3. 3. Joshua was clothed with filthy g. 4. saying, take away the filthy g. from him Mat. 21. B. spread theirg. in the way, Mark 11.8 23. 5. they enlarge the borders of their g. 27.35. they parted his g. casting lots, Mark 15,24. Mark 10. 50. Bartimeus casting away hisg. arose 11. 7. they cast their g. on the colt, Luke I9. 35. Luke 24. 4. two men stood by them in shining g. John 13.4. he laid aside his g. and took a towel .JiVjg. 39. shewing coats andg.which Dorcas made Jam. 5. 2. and your g. are moth-eaten Pev.3. 4. few names which have not defiled theirj , 16. 15. blessed that watcheth and keepeth his g. Holy GAR.'MENTS. Exod. 28. 2 . thou shalt make holy g. for Aaron, 4. 31. 10. I have put wisdom to make holy g. Lev. 16. 4. these are holy g. he shall wash, 32. Eiek. 42. 14. lay their holv g.wherein they minister GARNER. Mat. 3. 12. gather his wheat into theg. Luke 3.17. GARNERS. Psal. 144.13. ourg. may be full, affording store -Ajc/ 1.17. theg. are laid desolate.borns broken down GARNISH, ED. 2 Chron. 3. 6. he g. the house with precious stones J^b 26. 13. by his Spirit he hath g. the heavens .Mat. 12. 44. findeth it swept and g. Luke 11. 25. 23. 29. you g. the sepulchres of the righteous lUv. 21. 19. the foundations of the wall are g, GAT. Ejod. 24. 18. Jlosesg him up into the motiut Xum. 16. 27. they g. up from tabernacle of Korah JuJg. 9. 51. and g. them up to the top of the tower 2 &im.fc. 13 and David g. him a name 1 Kings 1. 1. th'y covered him but he g. no heat Psal. 116. 3. the pains of hell g. hold on me Eccl. 2. 8. I g. men-singers, and women-singers /,am.5.9.weg. our bread with the peril of our lives GATE Is the entrance into a house or city. Judg. I6. 3. Samson took the doors of the gate of the city. 'Jhe word gate it often used in scripture to de. note the place of public assembliee, uhert justice -uas administered. One particular form of these judgments is to be seen in that, whid uas given at the gate of Beth-lehem, between Boar and another person, a relation of Naomi'^ upon the subject of Ruth's marriage, who ua» a .Moabitess, Ruth 4 1. And in Ab»aham'« purchase of a field to bury Sarah, Gen. 23. 10, 18. Jerom sayi that as the Jews aere for the most part emfloyed in labouring in the field, it was uisely pnvided, that assemblies should be held at Ihe city gates, and justice administered there in a summary manner, tiat those laborious men, aha were busy at tklir work, might Ut( n« (I'lf «ad, tJial tht tmt^try OAT petpl* aiRo had affairt upon their hands tn the town, mi^/il be oblistd lo enter and spend time there. lie word gate is likewise sometimes put to signify power cr dominion. Ood piemises Abraham, that his posterili/ should possess the gates of their enemies, their towns, their fortresses Gen. 22. 17- T/iey should con/pier them, they should have dominion over them. The gates of hell jhall not prevail against the church, Mat. 16. 18. that is, neither the power nor policy of the devil and his instruments. For the gates of cities were the places both of jurisdiction or judicature, and of foriifcaiion and chief strength in war, Judg. 5. 8. I'sal. 147. 13. The gates of brass, are the strongest helps and defences. Psal. I07. I6, He hath broken the gates of brass ; he restored them to liberty, in spite of all impediments and oppositions. The strait gate signifies regener- ation and conversion, and true holiness in heart and life, which prepare the soul for heaven Mat. 7. 13, Enter ye in at the strait gate. The gates of death are the brink, or mouth of the grave. Psal 9. 13, Thou that liftest me up • from the gates of death, that preservedst me when I was, as it jitre, dropping into the grave. And king Hezekiah, having received a message of death, represents in his hymn the cottdilion he iMd been in when he was sick, and eipi esses himself thus : 1 said, I shall go to the gates of the grave ; I perceive I must die, without any hopes of prevention, Isa. 38. 10. The Hebrews looked upon death, or the grave, as a place, vikither people came from all parts of the world, there to enter upem another life. The gates of righteousness, Psal. 118. 19- 6.C4, .losh. 2. t 18. shalt g. thy father and mother home 2 Kings 4. 39. one went into the field tog. herbs 22. 20. I will g. thee to thy f.iihcrs, 2 Chr. 34. 28 1 Chron. 13. 2. send to brethren and Levites tog. 2 Chron. 24. 5. g. money to repair house orthe Ld. yeh. 1. 9. yet will 1 g. them from thence 12. 44. some appointed to g. for the priests .lob 24. 6, they g. the vintage of the wicked 34. 14. if he g. to himself his spirit and his breath 39. 12. will he bring seed, and g. it iaw thy bam i Psal. 26. 9- g- not my soul with sinners, nor life 27. 1 10. when father and mother forsake, L.wtll g 39. 6. and knowoth not who shall g. them 104. 28. that thou givcst them they g. 106. 47. save us, andg. us from among Uie heathen Prov. £8. 8. shall g. for him that will pity the pool Eccl. 2. 26. to tinner travel to gi. and heap tzj) GAT GAT Cant. 6. t. mr beloved is gone Jjwn to ». lilies iVuM. 20.24. Aaron shall be g. to his people, 26. Jta 84. 19. there the owl g. under her sliaiio* 40. 11. he shall g. the lambs with his arms 4J. 5. fear not, I will g. thee from the west 5". t 12. the God of Israel will g. you up, 58. 1 8. 54. 7. but with great mercies will I g. thee 56. 8. yet will I g. others to him, besides those 6?. 10. cast up the high-way, g. out the stones 66. 18. I will g. all uations and tongues Jer. 6.1. g. to ftee ij 7. 18. the children g. wood 9. OC. none shili g. them || 10. 17. g. up thy wares 23. 3. I will g. the remnant of my flock SQ. 14. 1 will g. you from all the nations 31. 8. I willf . them from the coasts of the earth, 3C. .37. B::r*. CO. 34. 41. | 34. 13. 10. he that scattered Israel will g. him 40. 10. g. yc wine, and suninier-fniits, and oil 47. +6. O sword, g. thyself into thy scabbard 49. 5. and none stall g. up him that wandereih iif*. 11. 17. I will even e. you from the people 16. 37. I will g. all thy lovers against thee 22. 19.1 will f . you into the midst of Jcnisaleni 20. as they g. silver, so will I g. you in fury, 21 . 24. 4.5. the pieces|i29.13.I will g. the Egyptians 37. 21. I willf. them on every side, 3y. 17. Hoi.8. 10. though hired among the nations, I will g. 9- 6. Egypt shall g. them up, Memphis bury them Ji^et 1. 14. g. the elders and the inhabitants of land 2.6. people much pained, all faces shall g. blaclin. 16. f. the people, g. the childnn that suclc 3. 2. I will g. all nations, and bring them down •ViV. 2. 12. I will surely g. the remnant of Israel 4.6. 1 will g. her that was driven out, ZepA. 3. I9. 12. he shall g. them as sheaves into the floor 5. 1. g. thyself in troops, O daughter of troops ya/i. 2. 10. the faces of them all g. blackness JJai. 1. 9. they shall f. the capiivlty as the sand 15. they catch them, and g. them in their drag Zeph.Z. 8. for my determination is to g. the nations IH.l willf. thera that are sorrowful for assembly 20. bring you even in the time that I g. you Zech. 10. 8. 1 will hiss for them and g. them 10. and I will g. them out of Assyria 14. 2. I will g. all nations against Jerusalem Jl/ar. 3.12. f. his wheat into hisgarner, LuieS, 17. 6. 26. they sow not, nor do they g. into barns 7. 16. do men g, grapes of thorns ? I.uke6. 44. 13. 28. wilt thou that we go and g. them up? "9. he said, nay, lest while ye g. up the tares 30. burn tares, but g. the wheat into my barn 41. shall f .out of his kingd. all things that offend 25. 26. and that g. where I have not strawed Lukt\i. 34. as a hen doth g. her brood under wings JohiG. 12. g, up the fragments that remain 15. 6. men g. them and cast them into the fire liev. 14. 18. g. the clusters of the vine of the earth iC. 14. g. them to the battle of that day of God GATHER togethir. Geu. 34. 30. I being few they shall g. tog. ag. me 49. 1. g. yourselves logtther, ye sons of Jacob, 2. liiod. 3. 16. go g. the elders of Israel together I.ei. K. 3. g. congregation of Israel tog. Num. 8. 9. J\m/«. 20. 8. and g. thou the assembly together *1. 16. g. the people together. Dent. 4.10. | 31.12. SSam. 12.28. g. the rest together and encamp 1 Chron. 16. 35. save us, O God, and g. us together 22. 2. David commanded to g. log. the strangers Xeh. 7. 5. God put in my heart to g. together noWes Lsih. 2.3. may g. together all th« fair virgins 4. ;fi. g. together the Jews present in Shushan /oi 11. 10. if he^. together who can hinder him ? Psnl. 50. 5. g. my saints lugtiher unto me 56. 6. they g. themselves tog. to mark my steps 94. 21. they g. together against the righteous 104. 22. the sun ariselli, they g. themselves log. heel. 3. 5. there is a time to g. stones together ha. 11 . 12. he shall g. log. the dispersed of Judah 49. 18. these g. together and come to me, 60. 4. 34.15. they shall surely g. together, but not by me Jf r. 4. 5. blow the trumpet, cry, g. together 49- 1*. S- ye together and come against Edom Van. 3. 2. the king sent to g. together the princes Joel 3. 11. g. yourselves together round about Zeph. S.i. g. log. yea, g. log. O nation not desired Mai. 13. 30./». »ej#M« people g. quails |1 15. 32. g. sticks W, 19 Korah t. congregation agaioit Motet 48. t38 27.13. .Moses •. to his people, 31. 2. Deut.Si. 50 Jiidg. 1. 7. kings jj. their meat uuder my table 2. 10. that generation was g. to their fathers 6. 34. and Abiczer was g. after him 11. 3. there were g. vain men to Jephthah 1 Ham. 5. 8. they f. all the lords of the Philistines 22. 2. every one that was in distress;, to David 2 6'nM. 14. 14. as water sprtt which cannot be g. up 2 Kingi 3. 21. ilieyj. all able to put on armour 22.20. Josiahbcf. to grave in peace, 2 C'^r.34. 28. Seh. 5. 16. all my servants were g. to the work Joi C7. 19- rich man lie down, but shall not be j. I'snI. 59. 3. the mighty arc g. against me 107. 3. and he g. them out of the lands Prov. £7. 25. .-Mid herbs of the mountains are g. 30. 4. who hath g. the winds in his fists ? Eicl. 2. 8. i g. mc also silver and gold and treasure Cant. 5. 1. I have g. my myrrh with my spice Itn. 5. 2. he fenced it, and g. out the stones 10. 14. as one gathereth eggs, have I g. the earth 27. 12. ye shall he g. one by one, O Israel 34. 15. vultures be g. ]| I6. his Spirit g. them 49. 5. tho' Israel be not g. yet shall I be glorious 56. 8. I will gather others, besides those thatareg. 62. 9. but they that have g. it shall eat it Jer. 3. 17. and all nations shall be g. unto it 8. 2. they shall not be g. nor buried, 25- .33. 20. 9. all people g. against Jeremiah in house of L. 40. 15. all the Jewsg. to thee should be scattered /Jtei.C8.25.wheii 1 shall haveg. the house of Israel 29. 5. thou shalt not be brought together norg. 38. 13. hast thou g. thy company to takcapreyr 39. 27. have g. them out of their enemies' lauds 28. but 1 have g. them to their own land IIos. 10. 10. the people shall be g. against them Alie. 7. 1. 1 am as when they g. the summer-fruits Mdt. 13. 40. as tares are g. and llurnl in the fire 47. a net cast iiiio the sea, and g. of every kind 25. 32. before him sh.ill be g. all nations 27. 27. and g. to him the whole band of soldiers Jolm 11.47. theng. chief priests acouncil, and said ^Iris 17.5. g. a company, set the city on an uproar 28. 3. when Paul had g. a bundle of sticks liev. 14. 19. tho angel g. the vine of the earth GATHERED together. Erod 0. 14. they g. them together upon heaps A»m.l0.7.when the congregation is to he g. together 11. 22. shall alfthe fish of the sea beg. together ? Judg. 20. 1. the congregation was g. together as one man, 11. E:ra 3. 1. Neh. 8. 1. 2 Chron. CO. 4. Judah g. f(>g«/M/- to ask help of Ld. Job 16. 10. they g. themselves together against me 30. 7. under the nettles were they g. together /'/a/.35.15.theabjects g.lhcmselvcs together ag. me 47.9. the princes of the people are g. together 102.22.\vhen people are g. together to serve the L. 140. 2. continually are they g. together for war I'rov. 30. t27. locusts go forth all g. together //oj. 1.11. then shall children of Judah be g. together ■JUc. 4. 11. many nations are g. together ag. thee Zech. 12. 3. tho' all people be g. together against it AJat. 18. 20 where two or three are g. together 23. 37. how often would I have g. thy children together, as a hen her chickens, J^ke 13. 34 24.28. there will eagles be g. together, J^uke 17.37 Mark 1. 33. all the city wasg. together at the door Luke 15. 13. the younger son g. all together 24. 33. they found the eleven g. together Actt 4. 26. rulers were g. together against the L. 12. 12. where many were g. together praying 14.27. when they had g. the church together 1 Cor. 5. 4. when ye are g. together and my spirit lUv. 16. 16. g. /. into a place called Armageddou 19- 19- beast and his army g. together to msike war GATHERER, S Jfr.6.9.turn back thy hand as a grape g. into baskets 49. 9. if grape g. come to thee, Obad. 5. Amos 7. 14. but I was a g. of sycamore-fruit GATHERESl. ZJ«u/. 24. 21. when thong, the grapes of vineyard GATHEREIH. .Vum. 19.10. that g. the ashes shall wash his clothes Judg. 19. 1 18. there is no man that g. me to house I'tal. 33. 7. he g. the waters of the sea together 41. 6. his heart g. iniquity to itself 147- 2. beg. the outcasts of Israel, Isa. 56. 8. I'rot. 6. 8. the ant g. her food in the harvest 10. 5. he that g. in summer is a wise son 13. 11. but he that g. by labour shall increase ha. 10. 14. as one g. eggs that are left 17. 5. it shall be as when the harvest-man g. Jer. 17- + 11. as the partridge j. young which she hath not brought forth, so he that geu riches Xah. 3. 18. thy people is scattered, luid no man g. Jiai. 2. 5. but g. to him all nations, and heapeth .!/«». 12.30. he that g. not scattereth, itU* 11. 23. 23. 37. as a hen g. her chickens under her wings Johit 4. 36. ht Utftt rtaptth f frtiit to lift (ttrDal GAV GATHERING. Ccn. 40. 10. (o him shall the g. of the people Eiod. 7. \ 19. stretch thy hand on all g. of waters Lev. 11. t 36. af. together of waters shall be claan S'um. 15. 33. they that found him g. sticks 1 Kings I7.i0.thtf widow woman was there j. sticks 2 Chron. W. 25. they were three days in g. spoils Isa. 24. t22. be gathered with the g. of prisoner 32. 10. the vintage shall fail, the g. shidl not come 33. 4. your spoil like the g. of the caterpillar Ezek. 22. 1 20. according to the g. of silver, brass Mat. 25. 24. and g. where thou hast not strawed ■■lets 16. 10. assuredly g. the Lord bath called as 2 Jhess. 2. 1, and by ourg. together unto him GATHERINGS. 1 Chron. 26. + 15. to Obed-edom the house of j^. Mic. 7. ♦ 1. I am as the g. of summer-frtiits 1 Cor, lO. 2. that there be no g. when 1 come GAVE. Gen. 2. 20. Adam g. names to all cattle and tofovl 3. 12. the woman g. me of the tre«, aiud I did eat 14. 20. and he g. him tithes of all, Ueh. 7.2,*. 25. 5. and Abraham g. all that he had to IsasC 28. 4. the land which God g. to Abraham, 35. 14 Etod. 11. 3. the Lord g. the people favour, 12. 36 14. 20. file cloud g. light by night to these Auw.ll.C5.Ld.look of the Spirit, Jindg. to seventy Oeui. 22. 16. I g. my daughter to this man to wife Josh. 19. 50. they g. him the city which he asked £1.43. the Lord g. to Israel all the land 44. the Lord g. them rest, 2 Chr. 15. 15. | 20. 30. Judg. 6. 9- I dra.ve them out, and g. you their land Ruth 4.13. the Lord g her conception, and she bars 1 Ham. 10. 9. God g. to aaul another heart 2 Hum, 12. 8. and I g. thee thy master's house 1 A ings 4. £9. the Lord g. Solomon wisdom, 5. 18 2 A iiigs 13. 5. and the Lord g. Israel a saviour 1 Cliron. 25. 5. God g. to Heman fourteen sods 2 Chron. 32. 24. and God r. Hezckiah a sign AV/i. 8. 8. read in book of the law, and g. the sense Job 1.21. Lord g. and the Lord hath taken s.way 42. 10. Godg. Job twice as much as he had before I'iol. 18. 13. and tho Highest g. his voice 08. 1 1 . the Ld. g. the word, great was the company 69. 21. they g. me also gall, they g. mc vinegar 78. 29. for he g. them their own desire, 100 15 Eccl, 12. 7. the spirit shall retarn to God that g. it ha. 43. 24. who g. Jacob for a spoil, and Israel 43. 3. I g. Egypt for thy ransom, Seba for thee 50. 6. I g. my back to the smiters, and my cheek Jer. 1, + 5. I g. thee a prophet to the nations Eiek. 16. 19. my meat also which I g. thee £0. 11. I g. them my statutes, and shewed then 12. moreover also, I g. them my sabbaths £5. I g. them also statutes that were not good Dan. 1. 17. Godg. these four children knowledge 0. 10. Daniel prayed and g. thanks before God Hos. 2. 8. for she did not know that I g. hercorn 13. 11. I g. thee a king in mine anger Amos 2. 12. ye g. the .N'azarites wine to drink Mai. 2. 5. I g. Liy covenant to Levi of life Mat. 10.1. Jesus g. them power against unclean spi- rits to cast them out, Mark 6. ". Luke 9. 1 14. 19. he brake and g. the loaves to his disciples 15.36. I 26. 16. Markd. 41, ( 8.6. | 14.28. Luke 9. 16. I 22. 19. £1 .23. who g.thec author.? Mark 1 l.CB.Luke 20.2. 25. 35. ye g. me meat, ye g. me drink, took me in ■*-■ y^ g- tue no meat, and ye g. mc no drink Luke 15. 16. with husks, and no man g. unto him John 1 .12.10 them g.he power to become sons of G 3. 16. God so loved world that he g. his only Son 6. 31. he g. them bread from heaven to eat 10.29. my rath. who g. them me is greater than all 14.31. as the I'atherg. me comniaudment, so I do AcisQ. 4. to speak as the Spirit g. them utterance "■ 5. and he g. them no inheritance in it 10. God g. Joseph favour and wisdom before Pha. 10. 2. Cornelius g. much alms to the people 11. 17. as God g. them the like gift as he did toua 12. 23. smote him, because he g. not God the glory 13.21. afterward God c. them Saul forty year* 14. 17. he did good, and g. us rain from heavea 15. 24. to whom we g. no such commandment 26. 10. when put to death, I g. my voicr ag. then A'um. £. £8. God g.theni over to a reprobate mind 1 Cor. 3. 5. even as the Lord g. to every man O.Apollos watered, but God g. the increasa 2 Cor. 8. 5. but first g. their own selves to the La»4 Cat. 1. 4. whog.himself for our sins. Til. 2. 14. 2. 2o. who loved me, and g. himself for mc 3. 18. but God g. it to Abraham by promise Eph. 1. £2. andg. him to behead overall things 4. 8. he led captivity captive and g. gifts to men 11. and he g. some apostles; some prophets 5.25, Christ loved the church, andg. himself for 1 Jhess.i.Q.ye know what commandment we g. you 1 'J'im. 2. 6. who g. himself a ransom for all Ilei. 12. 9. who corrected us, we g.them revereoce Jam. i. 18. ha prayed, and the beaveju g. raift GEN 1 Jahn S SS.love on* another, as he g. us command. 5.10. he believeih not the record God f .of his Son Roi.l.l. the revelation of Jes. Christ which Godj. 2. 21. 1 f . ncr space to repent of her fornication 13 2 ihedragonf. him his power zuid his seat, 4. GAVE vp Gtm. 25. 8. Abraham {. Kp the ghost, and died 17. Ishmael || 35. 29. and Isaac g up the ghost, and di(4 8 Siim. 24. 9. Joab g. up the sum of the number 2 Chr. 30.7. who g. themu;> to desolation, as ye see Psal. 78. 48. he g. up their cattle also to the hail ttl. 12. I g. them up to their own hearts' lust inwi. l.ig. my elders f. «p the ghost in the city Matk 15. 37. Jesus cried with a loud voice, and g. up the ghost, 39. Luke 23. 46. John I9. 30. Acts 5. 5. Ananias g. up the ghost |{ 12. 23. Herod 7.42.Godf. them up to worship the host of heaven Horn. 1. 24. God also e. them up to uncleanness 26. for this cause God g. them up to vile affections Rev. 20. 13. the sea e. up the dead that were in it GAVEST. Gen. 3. IS. the woman whom thou^. to be with me iKings 8.34.the land which thon j.to their fathers, 40,48.2 CAron. 6. 25,31,38. AVA.g. 35. Nell. 9- 7- thou g. him the name of Abraham 13. thou g. them right judgments, true laws 15. E. them bread from heaven for their hunger CO.thou g. also thy good Spirit,?. water for thirst 22. thouf . them kingdoms and nations 27. thou g. them saviours who saved then) Job 39.13.5. thou the goodly wings to the peacocks? Psal. 21. 4. he asked life of thee ; thou g. it him 74. 14. thou g. him to fee meat to the people Ltikt 7. 44. thou g. me no water for mj» feet 45. thou f . me no kiss, but this woman not ceased 15.29. yefthou neverg. me ajtid, to make merr^- John 17. 4. I have finished worK thou g, me to 3o 6. manifested to the men whom thon g. me out of the world, thine they were, and thoug-i them me 8. 1 have given them the words which tnou.^. me 12. those that thou g me I have kept, none lost 22. the glory which thou g. me, I have given 18. 9. of them whom thou g. me have I lost none GAY. Jam. 2. 3. respect to him that weajreth e. clothing GAZE. Eto4. 19. 21. lest they break thro' to the Lord log. GAZING. yah. 3. 6 and I will aet thee as a g. stock Acts 1 11. why stand ye g up into neaven Btb 10. 33. partly whilst ye were made ag. stock GENDER. Lev. 19.19-sbalt not let cattle g. with diverse kinds S Tim. 2 23. knowing that tUev Ao g. strifes GENDERETH Jai21.10. their bull g. and faileth not 38. Si9 the hoary frost o^heavcn, who hath g. it ? Cra/. 4.24. from mount Sinai, which f, to bondage GENEALOGY Comes from the Greek word Genealogia, u-hich signifies a list of our ancestors, a description of the stock, lineage, or pedigree of any person or family The commoH Hebrew expression for it is Sepher toledoth, Liber generationis. The Hebrews uiere very careful in preserving their genealogies ; and perhaps there never aas any ■nation more circumspect in this point than that of. the Jews. At this day ue find genealogies in their sacred aritings, carried on for above three thousand five hundred years ; and in the £vangelists we have the genealogy of Jesus Christ deduced for four thousand years, from Adam to Joseph or Mary, LukeS. 23, &c. 7'he Jews acre very exact in their genealogies, part- ly from their own choice and interest, that they might preserve the distinctions of the setiernl trtbis and families, which was necessary both to make out their claims or titles to offices or in- heritances, which might belong to them by death, or otherwise ; and to govern themselves thereby in the matter of marriages, and some other things, wherein the practice of some laws re- gutred the knowledge of these things : It is observed in Ezra 2. 62. that nich priests as were not able to produce an exact genealogy of their families, were not permitted to exercise their function: This thetr exactness was like- wise ordered by the special providence of God, thai so It mie,hl be certainly known of what tribe and family the Messiah was born. Fosephus says, that they had in his nation an uninterrupted succession of priests for two thousand years. He adds, that the priesii were particularly careful to preserve their gene- nlngies, and that not only in Judea, but alto in Babylon anJ Egyp' '■ and wherever ihev wore, they never married below themselves, and haJ exact genealogual tables prepared from those authentic monuments uhieh were kept at GEN Jerusalem, and to iihich they had recourse upon oeeaiion ■• that in all their wars, persecutions, and public calamities, they always were par- ticularly diligent in securing those monuments, and to renew them from time to time. Nofjiithstanding, since the war which the Romans carried on against the Jews, about thirty years after the death of our Saviour, and since their entire dispersion in the reign of Adrian, the Jews have lost their ancient genealogies ; and perhaps there is not one of those who say they are of the sacerdotal race, that is able to pro- duce any authentic proofs of his genealogy. Jerom says, tha< the Jews are so versed in the reading of their books, and know so perfectly the genealogies, which are there set forth, that they can repeat all the names from Abraham to Zerubbabel, as easily as they can pronounce their onn. St. Paul seems to condemn the affectation of knoziing old genealogies : he looks upon them to be useless and vain, as in teality they are, when they serve only for ostentation, and not for edification : This study was of great use before the Messiah ra/ne, that it might be known distinctly of what tribe andfamily he was born ; but he being come, this study »s vain, though itiii the Jews are addicted to it. The genealogies set down by Ezra and Nehemiah, in tome particulars vary ; The reason whereof is assigned by Dr. Prideaux i« these terms. " For the true settling of these genealogies," says he, " search was made by Nehemiah for the old registers, and having among them found the register of the genealogies of those, who came up at first from Babylon with Zerub- babel and Joshua ; he settled this matter according to it, adding such at afterwards came up, and expunging others, whose families were extinguished ; and this hath caused the difference that is between the accounts which we have of these genealogies in Ezra and Nehemiah. tor in the second chapter of Ezra, we have the old register made by Zerub- babsl ; and in the seventh of Nehemicih, from the sixth verse, we have a copy of it, as fettled by Nehemiah, with the alterations that are now mentioned." Prideaux's Connection, Part I. Book VI. IChron. 5.1 and the g is not to be reckoned after the birth-right Ezra 2. 62. these sought their g. Neh. 7. 64. 8. 1 this is the g. of them that went up with me .NVA.7.5.I found a regiiterof the g. who came uo GEN^EALOGIES. 1 Chron Q. 1, so all Israel were reckoned by g. i Chr 12 15. the book of Shemaiah concerning g. 31 19 to give portions to all reckoned by g. 1 Tim. 1. 4. give no heed to fables and endless g Tit.S.g. avoid foolish questions, g. and contentions GENERAL. 1 Chron. 27 34. the j. of the king's amy was Joab Ueb 12.83. tog. assembly and church of first-born GENERALLY. 2 Sam 17 11. I counsel that Israel be f. gathered yfr.48.38.be lamentation g. on house-tops of Moab GENERATION. This word is used for the history and genealogy of any man. For example ; I his is the book of the generations of Adam, Gen. 5. 1. This is the history of Aiaxa'soeation, and that of his posterity, Ihese are the generations of the heavens and of the earth, Gen. 2. 4. This is a recital of the creation of heaven and earth. And in Mat. 1. 1, The book of the generation oi Jesus Christ, the Son of David. This is the fewea/ogy 0/' Jesus Christ, and the history of his life, death, and resurrection. It is likewise taken for persons or people who live in some one age Heb. 3. 10, I was grieved with that generation ; with those men that came out of Egypt, and re belled against me in the wilderness. Mat. 24.34, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. All whoaie at present living, shall not be dead, when this shall come to pass. There are some at this day living, who shall be witnesses of the evils which I have foretold shall befall the Jews. The men of this generation, the men who are now alive, Luke Jl. 31. O faithless and perverse generation ! Luke 9. 41 And, save yourselves from this untoward ge neration, /rom ihese perverse men. Acts 2. 40, To generation and generation, denotes future ages, I'sal. 33. + 11. Who shall declare his generation? Isa. 53. 8. Il'ho can declare or number the Messiah's j/iirirua/jecrf, the number cf those who shall belieie in him, and be converted to him by the preaching of the gospel T (ieneration is also taken for men of like quality and disposi- tion, thoii^h neither of one place nor a^e. I'sal. 14 5, God is in the generation of the rigbtcoos. GEN The ancients sometimes computed by generational and tite Scripture follcwi Jrequentlythit method, Gen. 15. 16. | 50. S3, In the fourth generatioc thy descendants shall come hitlier again. Joseph, saw Kphraim's children of the third generation A bastard shall not be admitted into the congre- gation even to his tenth generation, Deut. 23. C. Uy some of the ancients a generation was fixed at an hundred years, by others at an hundred and ten, by others at thirty three, thirty, five anl twenty, and even at twenty years. So that then u,as nothing uniform and settled in this matter. Only it n remarked, that the continuance of ge- nerations is so much longer, as it comes nearer to the more ancient times. Gen. 7. 1- thee have I seen righteous in this j. Exod. 1. 6. Joseph died, ind dSl that g. 17. 16. will have wair with Amalek from g. to g. A'jun. 32.13. till thatj. wat consumed. Dent. 2.14. Deut.\.3b. not one of this evil g. shall see that lano 23. 2. a bastard shall not enter even to his tenth g 3. an Ammonite to tenth g. shall not enter 8. Edomite and Egypt, in the third j. shall enter 29.22. so that the g to come shall rise up juid say 32. 5. they are a perverse and crooked g. 20. t 7. consider the years of g. and g. Judg. 2. 10. all that g. were gathered to their lathers, and there arose another g. after them Eslh. 9.28. these days shall be rememb. in every g. Psal. 10. + 6. I shall not be moved to g. and g. 12. 7. thou shah keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this g. for ever 14. 5. for God is in the g of the righteous 22. 30. it shall be accounted to the Lord for a g- 24. 6. this is the g. of them that seek him 48. 13. that ye may tell it to the g. following 49. 19. he shall go to the g. of his fathers 71. 18. till I have shewed thy strength to this g, 73. 15 I snould offend ag. the g. of thv children 77. t8. doth bis promise fail tog. aadg. .' 78 4. shewing to the g. to come the praises of Ld. 6. that the g. to come might know thtm 8. might not be a stubborn and rebellious g. 95. iO. forty years grieved with this g. heb. 3. 10. 102. 18. this shall be written for the g. to come 109. 13. in g. following let their name he- blotted oat 112. 2. the g. of the upright shall be blessed 145. 4. one g. shall praise thy works to another ProD. 27. 24. doth the crown endure to every g. T 30. 11. there is a g. that curseth their father 12. there is a g. that are pure in their own eyes 13. ag. lofty II 14. ag. whose teeth are swords Eccl. 1. 4. one g. passeth away, another g. cometh La. 13. 20. not dwelt in from g. to g. Jer. 50. 33, 34. 10. from g. to g it shall lie waste 17. from g. to g. they shall dwell therein 51. 8. but my salvation shall be from g. to^. 53. 8. who shall declare hisg.r Acts 8. 33. Jer. 2. 31. O g. see ye the word of the Lord 7 29. the Lord hath rejected the g. of his wrath Lam. 5. 19. thy throne, O Ld. re mains from g. tog Dan. 4. 3. and his dominion is from g. Iv g. 34. Joel 1.3 and let their children tell another g. 3. £0. Jerusalem shall dwell from g. to g. Mat. 1. 1 the book of the g. of Jesus ChJist 3. 7. O g. of vipers, 12. 34. | 23. 33. Luke 3. 7. 11. 16. whereto shall I liken this g. .!" XuXe 7.31. 12. 39. an evil and adulterous g. seeketh after a sign, Ifl. 4. ilfor* 8. 10. Luke 11. 29- 41. shall rise in judgment with this g. Lii*< 11.32. 42 . queen of the south rise up with g. Luke 11.31. 45. even so shall it be also to this wicked g. 17 17. O perverseg. Mark 9. I9. Luke 9- •*!• 23. 36. all these things shall come on this g. 24.34.thisg. shall not pass,Afar«3.30.Lu^<21. 34 Mark H. 38. shall be ashamed of me iu this sinful g. Luke 1. 50. his mercy is on them from g. to g 1 1. 30. so shall the Son of man be to this g. 50, the blood of the prophets required of this g.51 16. 8. children of this world in their g. are wiser 17. 25. the Son of man must be rejected of this g Acts 2. 40. sa^e you from this untoward g. 13. 36. David, after he had served his own g. 1 Pet. 2. 9. ye are a chosen g. t royal priesthood See Fourth. GENERATIONS. Gen. 2.4. these are the g. of the heavens and earth 5. 1. theg. of Adam || 6. 9. theg. of Noah, 10. 1. b. 9. Noah was a just'man and perfect iu hisg, 9. 12. of the covenant 1 make for perpetual g. 11. 10. these are the g. of Shem H 27 . g. of I erah 1". 7. covenant between me and thy seed in their g 9. thou and thy seed after thee in their g. 12. every mauchild io yourg. must becircum* cifcd 25.12. these arc the g. of Ishmael, 13. lCAr.l.29. 19. these the g.of Isaac H 36. 1. theg.of Ejau, 37.2. these are theg. of Jacob, Joseph 17 year« Exod. 3. 15. and this is my memorial unto allga 6. 16. the iotii of Levi acconlii^ to their g. GEN ZVrod'. 19.14. » Teut to the L. thron^cmt yoar ;. 17. -ye shall oDjcrre this day in your ^. 4S. a oight to be ttnch obscr*eicd among the^ 3. 9. we have proved both Jews and;, under sm 29. is he not also of the g t yes, of the ;. also 9. 24. not of Jews only, but also of the ;. 30. ;. which followed not after righteousness 11.11. salvation is come to the ; to provoke them 12. the diminishing of them the riches of the ;. 13. 1 speak to you ;. as the apostle of the ;, 25. till the fulness of the ;. be come in 15.9.that the ;. might glorify God for his mercy for this cause 1 will confess to thee among the g. 10. he saith rejoice, ye ;. with his people 11. praise Lord, all ye g. and laud him all peopls 12. to reign over the;, in him shall the ;. trust 16. that 1 should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the ;. that the ofiering up of the g. 18. to make the ;. obedient by word and deed 27. for if the ;. have been made partakers of 16. 4. not only I, but all the churches of the g. 1 Cor. 5. 1. is not so much as named among the ;. 10. 20. the things which the ;. sacrifice to devils 32. give none offence, neither to Jews nor;. 12. 2. ye know ye were ;. carried away to idols 13. into one body, whether we be Jews or ;. Gal. 2. 2. that gospel which I preach among theg 8. the same was mighty in me towards the ;. 12. for before some came, he did eat with the;. 14. livest after manner of;, whycompellest;.? 15. we who ztre Jews, and not sinners of the ;. 3. 14. blessing of Abraham might come on the;. Eph. 2. 11. ye being in time past ;. in the flesh 3. 1. I Paul the prisoner of Jesus Christ for youf 6. that ;. should be fellow-heirs of the same body 8. preach among the;, the unsearchable riches 4. 17. that ye henceforth walk not as other ;. Col. 1. 27. the glory of this mystery among theg 1 Thess. 2. 16. forbidding us to speak to the ;. 4. 5. not in the lust of concupiscence, as the ;, 1 Tim. 2. 7- I am ordained a teacher of the ;. 3. 16. preached to the ;. believed on in the worid 22Vm. 1.11. am appoint, an apostle and teacher of^ 4. 17. and that all the ;. might hear 1 Pet. '2. 12. your conversation honest among they 4. 3. to have wrought the will of the ;. 3 John 7. they went forth, taking nothing of the g Rev. 11. 2. lor the court is given to the ;. GENTLE. 1 Thess.i.T. we were ;. among you, even a.s a nurse •2 Tim. 2. 24. the servantofthe Lord must be;. Tit. 3. 2. but;, shewing all meekness to all men Jam. 3. 17. the wisdom from above is pure and ; 1 Pet. 2. 18. be subject not only to the good and ;. GENTLENESS. 2 5am. 22. 36. thy ;. hath made me great, Pj. 18.35 2 Cor. 10. 1. 1 beseech you by the;, of Christ Gal. 5. 22. the fruit of the Spirit is ;. goodness GENJ LY. 2 Sam. 18. 5. deal ;. with the young man Absalon Isa. 4. 11. he will ;. lead those with young GET. Gen. 34. 4. saying, ^. me this damsel to wife Eiod. 1. 10. andso;. themupout of ihe land 14. 17. and I will ; me honour upon Pharaoh Lev. 14. 21. ifLe "lepoor and cannot;, so much 22. two pigeons, .,uch as he is able to;. 30,31. 32. the law of him whose hand is not able to;. Num. 6. 21, besides that that his hand shall ; 22. 34. now therefore I will ;. me back again Deut. 8. 18. it is he giveth thee power to ;. wealth 28. 43. the strangers shall ;. up above thee Judg. 14. C. therefore; her lor me to wife, 3. 1 •'iam. 20. 29. let me ; away and see my brethren 23. 26. David made naste to ;. away for fear 2 Sam. 20. 6. lest Sheba ;. fenced cities and escape 1 Kings-t. 2. that my loid the king may;, heat 12. 18. king Rehoboam made speed to ;. up to his chjo-iot to flee to Jerusalem, 2 Chron. 10. 18. 2 Kings 7. 12. shall catch them alive, and ;.the city Pja/.lig. 104. thro thy precepts I ;. understanding Prov. 4. 5. ;. wisdom, ;. understanding, 7. 6. 33. a wound and dishonour shall he ;. 16. 16. much better it is to ;. wisdom than gold, zind to ;. understanding rather to be chosen than silv. 17. 16. a price in the hand of a fool to;, wisdom 22. 25. lest thou learn his ways and;, a snare Eccl. 3. 6. there is a time to ;. and a time to lose Cant. 4. 6. 1 will ;. me to the mountains of myrrh 7. 12. let us;, up early to the vineyards and see il Jej. 5. 5. I will;, me to great men, and will speak 19- 1. and ;. a potter's earthen boule 46. 4. harness the horses, and ;. up ye horsemen 48. 9. give wings to Moab, that it may;, away /.am. 3. 7. he hath hedged me about, I cannot;, out I-.iek. 22 27. to destroy souls, to g. dishonest gain Uan.i. 14. let the beasts;, away from under it Zeph. 3. 19. I will ;. thtm praise from every land 7Ua(. 10.19;. neither gold nor silver in your purici GIA Mar. 14. 22. tonstr. them tog. into ship, Mark 6.45 Lu/ce g. 12. that they may lodge and g. -victuaU Acts 27. •l.'S. cast themselves into sea, and g.to land' £ Cor. 2. 11. lest Satan shoaldg. advantage of us Tarn 4. 13. continue there, buy, sell, and g. gain GET t/iee. Gen. 12. 1. g. '/'«« out of ^y country. Acts 7. 3 22. 2. he said, g. thee into the land of Moriah 31. 13. g. thee out from this land, and return Kiod. 7. 15. ?• ''^«« to Pharaoh in the morning 10, 28. g. thee from me, take heed to thyself l].8.?.id thereabouts. Their stature was so much above what was common, that the Israelites, who were sent to view the pionmed land, told the people at their return, that they had seen giants of the race of Anak in thi:, country, who were of so monstrous a size, that the Israelites, «>t companion, were but grass- hoppers to them, Isum. 13. 33. 7'he Septuagint sometimes translate the Hebrew word Gibbor, giant, though literally it signifies no more than a strong man, a man of' valour and bravery, a warrior. Tor example : they say that Mimrod was a giant before the iMrd, Gen. 10. 8 9- That the sun rises like a giant to run its course, Psal. I9. 5. That the -Lord will destroy the gizint a7id the warlike man, Isa. 3. 2. 'That he will call his giants itt his wrath, to take vengeance oJ his enemies^ Isa. 13. 3. 'That he will destroy the power of Egypt by the swcrd of his giants; that is, uf warriors, Ezek. 32. 12 21, 27. As to the existence of giants, several writers, both ancient and modern, hate imagined, that the giants spoken of in Scripture were indeed men of an extraordinary stature, but not so much above what was common as they have fancied, who describe giants as three or four times larger than men are at present. 'They were, say they, men famous for the violence which they committed, and for their crimes, rather than for their strength, or the greatness of their stature. It is very probable, that the first men were all of a strength and stature much superior to those of mankind at present, since they lived a much longer time ; long life being commonly tlie e£ect of a strong and vigorous constitution. And that formerly there were men of a stature much above that of common men, cannot be de- nied, at least not without contradicting the holy Scriptures. The Israelites who traversed the Holy Land, told thtir brethren, that they had seen giants i/i this country of Anak's race, who were so unmeusurably large, that other men were but grasshoppers m comparison to them, Aum. 13. 33. Wosts speaks of Og the king of Bashan's bed, which was nine cubits long, and four wide ; that is, ff teen feet four inches and a half long, Deut 3. 11. Goliath was SIX cubits and a span in height, that is to say, ten feet seven inches, 1 Sam. 17. 4. 'These sorts of giants were still common in Joshua's and David's times, when the life of men was already so much shortened, and, as may be presumed, the size and strength of human bodies were very much diminished. Besides the giants, mentioned in Scripture, several Jliiloriatu make mention of giants; as He- rodotus, Diodorus Siculus, I'liny, Homer, I'lutarch, iic 2 Sam. HI. l6. was of sons of theg. 18. 1 C/ir. 20.4. I Chron. 20. 6. the son of the g. || 8. born to the g. Job 16. 14. he runneth upou me like a g. GIANTS. Gen. 6. 4. there wfr«g. in the earth in those days Num. 13. 33. there we saw the g. the sous of Ajiak. GIF Deul.S.il. Emims were cotmtfld g. as the AnaVia 3.11. for only Og of Bashan remained of the rem nant of g. JojA. 12. 4. | 13. 12. 13. Bashan, which was called the land of g. Josh. 15.8. thelot of Judah went up at valley of g 17. 15. then get thee up to the land of the g. 18. 16. Benjamin came to '.he valley of the g. GIER-EAGLE. X^ii.ll.lS.tbese in abomination, the g. D^ut. li.lj. GIIT Signifies, [1] A present, Esth. 2. 18. Mat. 2. 11. [2] A reward, Dan. 5. 17. [3] A recomptHce for the reparation of an injury or wrong don* to a person, or something given in testimony or respect and kindness. Gen. 34. 12. [4] A bribe, or something given to a judge by one who has a cause depending in order to bring the judge to side with him ; which is forbidden by the law, Deut. 16. 19- because such gifts corrupt and bias the mind, that as the judge will not, so oft times he cannot discern between right and wrong. [5] An oblation, or fee-xill ojering. Mat. 5. 23. Christ Jesus i> called the gift of God, Johni. 10. Jle is the greatest gift that God ever gave <» the world. 'The Holy Ghost and his miracu- lous gifts are also called the gift of God. Acts 8. 20, Thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Kvery goot- thing which men veeeive is the gift of Goi, Jam. 1. 17, Every good gift is from above. The gift of rigbteousness signifes those benefite which Christ by his righteousness or obedience has purchased for us, Rom. 5. 17- By un- speakable gift, in 2 Cor. 9. 15, some understand Christ ; others understand the gospel, by which the hearts of men are subdued, ejjectually dis- posed, and inclined to obey the will of God: Others think it is to be understood of that habit of brotherly love, which from the Spirit of Christ, by the gospel, was wrought in the heuttt of these Corinthians. Gen. 34. 12. ask me never so much dowry and g. Exod. 23. 8. take no g. ag. blindeth, Deut. I6. 19. Num. 8.19.1 have given the Levites as a g. 18. 0. 18. 7. I have given your office as a service of g. 11. this is thine, the heave-ofl^ering of their g. Deut. 16 tl7. every man according tog. of his hand 2 Sam. 19. 42. or hath he given us any g. / l'sal.45.12. daughter of Tyre shall be there with g. Prov. 17. 8. a g. is as a precious stone in the eyes 23. a wicked man taketh a g. out of the bosom 18. 16. a man's g. makeih room for him 21. 14. a g. in secret pacifieth anger 25. 14. whoso boasteth himself of a false g. Eccl. 3. 13. enjov good, it is the g. of God, 5. 19 7.7. and a g. destroy elh the heart Lzek. 40. t 5. meat-ofleriug the g. of his hand 16. if a prince give ag. to any of his son* 17. if he give a g. to one of his servants Mat. 5. 23. if thou briug thy g. to the altar 24. leave there thy g. before the altar and go 8. 4. and offer the g. that Moses commanded 15. 5. but ye say, it is a g. by whatsoever thoa mightest be profited by me, Mark '. 11. 23.18. whoso sweareth by the g. is guilty, I9. John 4. 10. he said, if thou kuewestthe g. of God .■lets 2. 38. ye shall receive the g. of the Holy Gh. 8. 20. thought the g. of God may be purchased 10. 45. on the Gentiles also was poured out theg. 11. 17. God gave them the likeg. as he did to us Rom. 1. 11. I may impart to you some spiritual^ 5. 15. not as the oflence, so also is free g. the grace of God and the g. by grace abounded to many 16. so is the g. the free g. is of many ofl^enccs 17. they which receive the g. of righteousness 18. the free g. came on all men to juslificalion 6. 23. the g. of God is eternal life thro' Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 1. 7. so that ye come behind in no g. wailing 7. 7. every man hath his proper g. of God 13.2.tho' Ihavetheg.of prophecy and understand 16. 13. 1 will send them to bring yourg. to Jeruial 2 Cor. 1.11. tliat lor the g. bestowed upon us 8. 4. praying us that we would receive the g. f 19. was chosen to travel with us with this g, 9. 15. thanks be to God for his unspeakable g. A;;A.2.8. faith is not of yourselves, it is the g. of God 3. 7. 1 was made a minister, according to the g. 4.'7. according to the measure of the g. of Christ I'hil. 4. 17. not because 1 desire a g. but fruit 1 Tim.i. 14. »ei;lect not the g. that is in thee 2 'Tim. 1. 6. stir up the g. tJiat is in thee by putting Jleb. 6. 4. and have tasted of the heavenly g. yjm.l.l7.every gnodg.aiid perfectg. is from above I l'et.4. 10. 25 every nian hath received the g. GUTS. Gen. 25. 6 Abraham gave g. to sons of conrnbinei Ejod. 28. .38. which Israel shall hallow in their g. Lev. S3. .in. these are your feasts, besides ytxir g, Num. U. 29. out of all xour g. the best GIR 2 Som. 8. C. the Moabites and Syrians Ucame Da- Tid'i servants, and brougntf. 6. 1 Chron. 18. C. iCkron. 19. 7. with the Lord is no taking of j. 21. 3. Jehoshaphat gave great;. of silver and gold 2C. 8. the Ammonites gave g. to Uzziah 32. 23. and many brought g. unto the Lord £xiA. 2. 18. Ahasuerus made a feast and gave ° 9 22. make them days of sending g. to the poor Ptal. 16. t 4. that give g. to anoiher god GB.18.thoa hast received g. for men, for rebellious 72. 10. th* kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer g. Prov. 6.35 not content, though thou givest many ^ 15. 27. but he that hateth g. shall live 19. 6. every man is friend to him that giveth;. 29. 4. he that rt'ceiveth g. ov»rthroweth judgment /ja. 1.23. every on«loveth|;.followeth afterrewards Szei. 16. 33. thej give g. to whores, g. to lovers SO. 26. and I polluted them in (h«ir own g. 31. when ye offer yourf. ye poUuia yourselves 39. pollute my holy name no more with your g. 22. 12. in thee have they taken g. to shed blood Dan. C. 6. if ye shew the dream, ye shall receive g. 48. the king gave Daniel many great g. 5. 17. ihen Daniel said, let thy g. be to thyself Jtlal.2. 11. they presented to him g. gold, myrrh 7. 11. if ye know how to give good g. Luke 11. 13. I-Mke 21.1.t'he rich casting their g. into the treasury 5. temple wa« adorned with goodly stones and g. Rem. 11. 29. theg. of God are without repentance 12. 6. having g. differing according to the grace 1 Cor. 12. 1. now concerning spiritual g. brethren 4. there are diversities of g. but (iic same Spirit 9. to jinother the g. of healing, 28. 30. 31. bat covet earnestly the best g. 14. 1. follow after charity and desire spiritual g. 12. forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual g. £pA.4.8.he led captivity captive, and gave g. to men tub. 2. 4. God also bearing them wiiness with g. S. 1. that he may offer g. and sacrifices for sins 8. 3. every high-priest is ordained to offer g. 4. seeing that there are priests that offer g. 9. 9' which were offered, both g. and sacrifices 11.4. God testifying of Abel's g. dead yet speaks Rtv. 11. 10. they that dwell on earth shall send e. GILDED. lUv. 17. t4. and the woman was g. with gold GIN. J»i 40. t 24. will any bore his nose with a g. .' Zta.8.14. be for ag.to the inhabitants of Jeru.salem Amot 3. 5. can a bird fall into a snare where nog. is ^ GIRD. Gtn. 3. + 7. made themselves things to g. about Eiod. 29. 5. g. him with the curious girdle, 9. Judg. 3. 16. Lhud did g. his dagger under raiment 1 Sam. 25. 13. g. ye on every man his sword 2 A'lngt 3.t21. that were able to g. themselves Psal. 45. 3. g. thy sword on thy thigh, O most ha. 8. 9. g. yourselves, and ye shall be broken £tek. 44. 18. not g. with what causeth .sweat Joel 1. 13. g. yourselves, and lament, ye priests Luke 12.37.shallg.himself,andmake them sit down 17. 8. g. thyself, and serve me, till I have eaten John 21. IB. when old, another shall g. thee Acts 12. 8. g. thyself and bind on thy sandals Hee Loins, Sackcloth. GIRDED. Lev.B.7. heg.him with the girdle and clothed him Deut. 1.41. when ye g. on every man his weapons Judg. 18. 11. six hundred men g. with weapons 1 Sam. 2. 18. Samuel g. with a linen ephod 2 6'am.6. 14. David danced, and was '.with an ephod 20. 8. and Joab's garment was g. unto hin\ 22. 40. thou hast g. me with strength, Piai. 18. 39. 1 Kings 20. 32. they g. sackcloth on their loins Psal. 30. 11. thou hast g. me with gladness 65. 6. setteth fast mountains, being g. with power t 12. little hills are g. with joy on every side 93. 1 . strength.wherewith he hath g. himself 109. 19. and for a girdle wherewith he is g. Iia. 45. 5. I g. thee.tho' thou hast not known mc Lam. 2. 10. the elders of Zion g. with sackclcih Kick. 16. 10. I g. thee about with fine linen 23. 15. images of the Chaldeans g. with girdles Joel 1. 8. lament like a virgin g. with sackcloth John 13. 4. he took a towel and g. himself 5. to wipe with the towel wherewith he wasg. Jiev. 13. 6. seven angels, breasts g.with golden girdle See Loins, Sworo. GIRDEDST. To/in 21. 18. when thou wast yo ig thou g. thyself GIRDETH. 1 Kings "0. 11. let not him thatg. on his harness Join. 18. and he g. tbisir loins wiih a girdle P-sal. 18. 32. it is God that g. me with strength Pioi. 31. 17. she g. her loins with streni^th GIRDING. Isa. S. 84. Instead of a stomacher, a g. of sackcloth 28 i2. the Lord did call to g. with sackcloth GIRDLE. The Hebrew* gtneiaUi aort «>o girdle in the <13< GIR house, ner evert abroad, aniesi zchen tkty teere at u-ork, or vpon a journey At these times they tucked themselves up. and girt their clothes about them, as the eastern people sltCl at thi: day uear them. Tais appears from many pas tages of the Old and Seic Testament. Elijah girded up his loins, and ran before Ahab 1 Kings 18. 46. And Elisha ordered his ser lant Gehazi to gird up his loins, and to gc and lay his staff on the face of the Shuna- mite's child, 2 Kings 1. 29. Our Saviour put ting himself in a proper condition to uash the feet of his disciples, girt himself about with a towel, John 13. 4. The soldiers likewise had their bells generally girl about them, to which the Psalmist alludes. Psal. 18. 3<>n UIV 1 Sam. IS. 4. Jonathan gave David his bow and g 2 Sam. 18. 11. and I would have given thee a g. 1 Kings 2. 5. he put the blood of war on his g 2 Kin^t 1. 8. Elijah was girt with a g. of leather 3. t 21. that could gird themselves with a g. Job 12. 18. he girdeth the loinsof kings with a j t 21. he looseth the g. of the strong Psal. 109. 19. for ag. wherewith he is girded Isa. Z. 24. instead of a g. there shall be a ren 5. 27. nor shall theg. of their loins be loosed 11.5. and righteousness shall be the g. of bis loins, and faithfulness the g. of his rein 22. 21. I will strengthen Eliakim with thy g. 23. UO.O daught. of Tarshish, there is no more^ Jer. 13. 1. go, get thee a lincng. put it on thy loin 10. this people shall be as this g. good for nothing Mat. 3. 4. John had a leathern g. Mark 1. 6. vi«j21.11.took Paul's g. man that owneth ihisg. liev. 1. 13. girt about the paps with a golden g. GIRDLES. Eiod. 28. 40. thou shall make for Aaron's sons j, 29. 9. and thou shall gird Aaron and sons with g. I^v. 8. 13. Moses did gird Aaron's sons with g. Prov. 31. 24. she delivereth g. to the merchant £«*. 23.15. the imagesof Chaldeeuis girded with g Dan. 5. t6. that the g. of his loins were loosed liev. 15. 6. seven angels girOed with golden g. GIRL, S. Joel 3. 3. they have sold a g. for wine to drink Zech. 8. 5. streets of citv shall be full of boys andg. G"lRT. 1 Sam. 2.4. they that stumbled are g. with strcngtli 2 Kings 1.8. he was g. with a girdle of leather John 21. 7. Simon Peter g. his fisher's coat to bin, Eph. 6. 14. stand, having your loins g. with truth iiev. 1. 13. g. about the paps with a golden girdle GITTITH. This is the title prefixed to Psalms 8, 81 , and 84. The conjectures of interpreters are various con- cerning this word. Some think it signifies a tort of musical instrument, or tune to which thev were set ; others, that the hymns of this kind were invented m the city of Gath ; othert, that Gittith signijies wine-presses, and that the Psalms uitft this title were sung after the vintage; others that if wine-presses were meant by 11, 11 should be Gitteth ; and that Gittelh signijies a wo- man o/' Gath ; and that these Psalms wer4 given to the class of young women, or song* stresses if Gath, to be sung by them. Dr. Hammond thinks that the Psalms with thu tiile were all set to the same tune, and mad4 o.^ Goliath the Gittite. GIVE. Gen. 15. 2. what wilt g. me, seeing I go childless? 23. 11. the field I g. thee, and the cave therein 28. 22. of all thou ihaJt g. me, 1 will g. the tenth 29. 19. better 1 g. her thee, than g. her to another 34. 16. then will we g. our daughters to you Exod. 10. 25. thou must g. us also sacrifices 22. 17. if her father utterly refuse to g. hertohun 30. on the eighth day thou shall g. it me 30. 12. then they shall g. every man a ransom 13. this they shall g. every one half a shekel Niun. 3. 9. thou shall g the Levites unto Aaron 11.4. they said, who shall g. us Hesh to eat r 18. 22. 18. if Baleik would g. me his house full, 24. IS. 25. 12. 1 g. to Phinehas my covenant of peace 26. 54. to many g. thou the more inheritance, to few thou shall g. the less inheritance, 33. 54. 35. 2. ye shall g. to Levites suburbs for the cities Vent. 15. 10. thou shall g. him thine heart, 14. 1(). 17. every mang. as he is able, Eiek. 46.5, 11. 24. 15. at his day thou shall g. him his hire 25. 3. forty stripes he mayg. him, auiduot exceed Josh.iO. 4. that fleeth, they shall g. him a place Judg. 7. 2. to g. the Mid) uiite* into their hands 8. 25. they answered, we will willingly g. them 1 Sam. 2. 16. nay, but thou shall g. it me now 32. in all the wealth which God shall g. Israel 17. 25. the king will g. him bis daughter 22.7. will the son of Jesse g. every one fiel'ls.' 25. 11. shall I theng. it to men whom I know not. 2 Sam. 23.15. oh that one would g. me drink of iha water of the well of Beth-lehem, 1 Chr. 11.17. 24. 23. all these did Araunah g. 1 Chron. 21. 23. 1 Kings 13. 8. if thou wilt g. me half thine boose 2 Chron. 30. t 8. but g. the hand unto the Lord 12. the band of God was to g. them one heart Eira 9. 8. and to g. us a nail in his holy place 9. tog. us a reviving, tog. us a wall in Judah Job 2. 4. all that a man hath will he g. for his life 14. 1 4. who willg. a clean thing out of unclean? Psal. 2.8. ask of me, and I shall g. thee the heaUteo 14. <7. who willg. salvation out of Zion, 53. f 37. 4. he shall g. thee the desires of thine heart 49. 7- none can g. to God a ransom for him 51.10. thou desirest not sacrifice, ei»e would I g. it 68. \ 33. lo, he aoth g. out hu mighty voio« TU.SO. can he g. bread alio .' can h* p ivridi fleab GIV J't-Sl.l'i- te shall g. his angels charge, Mat. 4.6. 109 4. but I E. myself unto prayer SO. t 3. what mall the deceitful toni^ue g. thee .' Prev. 2g. 15. the rod and reproof j. wisdom 17 .he shall £.thce rest,shall g. delight to thy soul Etci. S. 26. that he may g. to him that is good Cant. 8. 7. if a man would j. substance of his house //o. 30. SS. then he shall g. the rain of thy seed 55. 10. that it may g. seed to the sower and bread 6l. 3. to g. unto them beauty for ashes 3er. 3 19. how shall I g. thee a pleasant land ! 6. 10. to whom shall I speak and g. warning ? 9.t l.who will J. my head waters my eyes tears ? 17. 10. to g. ™aii according to his ways, 32. I9. 89. 11. I Uiink to g. you an expected end £iei. 2. 8. open tliy mouth, eat that I g. thee 8.3. fill thy bowels with this roll that I g. thee 16. 36. by blood of thy childr. which didst g. them SO. 28. when I had brought them to land, I lifted up mine hand to g. it to them, 43. | 47. 14. 33, 15. if wicked g. agzun that he had robbed 46. 16. if the prince g. a gift to his sons, 17. Dan. 9. 22. I am come forth to g. thee skill Mic-6.T. shall 1 g. my first-b. for my transgression' Z«i\. 8. 12. the vine shall g. her fruit, the ground shall g. increase, and the heavens g. their dew Jifat.7.9. if he ask bread, will he ^. him a stone ? 10. if he ask hsh, will he^.a serpent > Luke 11.11. 11. how tog. gifts to your children, so your Fa- ther tof . them that aik hfm, Luke 11.13. 10. 42. whoso shall g. to drink a cup of cold water 14. 7. he promised tof. her what she would ask 16. 28. g. in exchange for his soul ? Mark 8. .'57. 19. 7. why comm. tog. a writing of divorcement • 20. 23. sit on hand is not mine tog. Mark\0. 40. 26. 15. what will ye g. me, and I will deliver him AIark6. 25. I will that thou g. me the head of John 12. 9. and he will g. the vineyard unto others Luke 4. 6. and to whomsoever I will, I g. it. 6. 38. good measure shall meng. into your bosom 11. 8. he will g. him 213 many as he needeth 16. 12. who shall ?. you that which is your own ? Jo/tn 4.14. whoso drinketh the water I shall g. him 6. 27. meat which the Son of man shall g. you 52. how can this man g. us his flesh to eat .' 10. 28. and I g. to them eternal life, never perish 11. 22. what thou wilt ask, God will g. it thee 13.29. that he should g. something to the poor 14. 16. he shaU g. you another Comforter to abide 27. peace I leave with yon, my peace I g.to you not as world giveth g. I to you, be not troubled 15. 16. whatsoever ye shall ask, he may g, it 16. 43. whatsoever ye ask he will g. it tc you 17. 2. that be should g. eternal life to as many Aels 3. 6. such as I have g. I thee, rise and walk 6. 4. but we will g. ourselves to prayer 7. 5. he promised he would g. it for a possession 20. 35. it is more blessed to g. than to receive Ii4>m. 8. 32. with him also freely g. us all things ICoT. 7. 5. that ye may g. yourselves to fasting £pA. 1. 17. God may g. you the spirit of wisdom 4. 28. that he may have to g. to him that needeth S Wim. 4. 8. which &ie righteous Judge shall g. me Hci. 2. 1. we ought to g. the more earnest heed 1 John 5. 18. g. life for them that sin not to death Ken. 13. 15. he had power tog. life to the imaec + 16.10 g. a mark in their right hand or foreheails 16. 19. to g. her the cup of the wine of his wrath 22. 12. to g. every man according to his work See Account, Glory, Sware. GIVE, Imperatively. Cen. 14. 21. g. me the persons, and take the pools 27. 28. therefore God g. thee ot dew of heaven ■29.21. g. me my wife || 30. 1. g. children else I die 30. 26. g. me my wives and my children .Num. 6. 26. and the Lord g. thee peace loth. 2. 12. swear to me, andg. me a true token 14. 12. now therefore g. me this mountain ^5. 19. g- me a blessing, g. springs, Judg. 1.15. 1 Sam. 8.6. when they said,g. us a king to judge us 17. 10. g. me a man that we may fight together 21 9 David said, none like that, g. it me 1 Kings 3.9. g. thy servant an understanding heart 26. O ray lord, g. her the living child, 27. 8. 39. g. every man according to his ways 17. 19- he said, g. me thy son, and he took him 2A"iftgi6.29.I said, g. thy »on,that we may eat him 10. 15. if it be, g. me thine hand, and he gave it 14. 9- saying, g. 'hy daughter to my son to wife 1 Chr. 16.23. g. to Lord, ye kindreds of the peoplr, glory and strength, 29. Psal. 29. 1,2. | 96.7,8. 42. 12. the Lordg.lheewisdom and understanding iChron. 1. 10. g. me now wisdom and knowledge Wek.4. 4. andg. theDi,for a prey inland of captivity ToS 32. 21. nor let mc g. flattering titles to man Ptal. 58. 4. g. thejii according to their deeds 60. 11. g. us help from trouble, 108. 12. 66. Id. t) turn, g. thy strength to thy servant 119. 34. g. me understanding, 73. 125,' 1 14, I69. ^t'ov, 9.9- X. instiuct. to a wis« man be will be wiser 233 GIV 'Pro.23.26. my 5on,g. me thine heart, observe mj 25. Sl.ifenemy hunger,g. him bread, Horn. 12.20. 30. 8. g. me neither poverty nor riches, feed me 15. horse-leech hath two daughters, crying, g. g, Eccl. 11.2. g. a portion to seven, also to eight /ja. 49.20. g. place to me, that I may dwell 62. 7. g. him no rest till he establish Jerusalem Jer. 18. 19- g. heed to me, O Lord, and hearken 35. 2. bring them, and g. them wine to drink Lam. 2. 18. let tears run down, g. thyself no rest 3. 65. g. them sorrow of heart, thy curse to them Ezek. 3. 17. and g. them warning from me Dan. 5. 17. and g. thy rewards to another Hot, 4. 18. her rulers with shame do love, g. ye 9. 14. g. them, O Lord, what wilt thou g. t 13. 10. thou saidst g. me a king and princes 14. +2. take away all iniquity, and g. good Zeeh 11. 12. g. me my price, if not forbear Mat. 5. 4". g. to him that asketh thee 6. 1 1 . g. us this day our daily bread, Luke 11.3. 9. 24. g. place || 10. 8. freely ye received, freely g. 14. 16. g. ye them to eat, Mark6. 37. Luke 9.13. 17. 27. that take, andg. to them for me and thee 19. 21. go sell, and g. to the poor, Mark 10. 21. 20. 8. call the labourers, andg. them their hire 25. 8. g. us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out Lmke 6. .38. g. and it shall be given unto you 11. 41. g. alms of such things as ye have, 12.33. 14. 9. he that bade thee say, g. this man place 15. 12. fine younger said, g. me the portion of goods John 4. 7. Jesus saith to her, g. me to drink, 10. 6. 34. they said. Lord, evermore g. us this bread 9. 24. g. God the praise, this man is a sinner Actt 8. 19. Simon said, g. me also this power Rom. 12.19- avenge not, but rather g. place to wrath 1 Cor. 10. 32. g. none offence, neither to the Jews 2 Cor. 9.7. so let him g.not grudgingly or of necessity Col. 4. 1. g. to your servants that which is just 1 Tim. 4, 13. g. attendance to reading, to doctrine 15. meditate, g. thyself wholly to them Rev. 10. 9. g. me the little book, he said, take it 18. 7. so much torment and sorrow g. her See Charge, Ear, Glorv, Light. / Kill GIVE. Gen. 17. 8. I will g. to thee juid thy seed the land wherein thou art a stranger, 48. 4. Dent. ,34. 4. 16. / will g. thee a son also of her, and bless her 28. 22. / ti/ill surely g. the tenth to thee .■54. 11. what ye shall say to me 7 uill g. 12. Eiod. 3. 21. and / aill g. this people favour 33. 14. my presence with thee,and /wiV/g. thee rest ifi'.26.4. /fiV/g. you rain in season, D«(r. 11. 14. 6. l-j:ill g. peace in the land, ye shall lie down 1 Sam. 1 . 11. I uitlg. him to the Lord all his life 18.21.7 will g. her, that she may be a snare to him 2 Sam. 12. 11. I will g. thy wives to thy neighbour 1 Kings ] 1. 13. not rend all, but I will g. one tribe 31. behold, / will g. ten tribes to thee 13. 7. come home, and I will g. thee a reward 21.2. i will g. thee for it a better vineyard 7. i will g. thee the vineyard of Kaboth 1 Clir 22. g.Iwillg. him rest, 1 will g, peace to Isr. 2 C/ir. 1. 12. / 7ii7/g. thee riches, wealth, honour Psal. 30. 12. O Lord, / will g. thanks to thee 57. 7. / will sing and g. praise, 108. 1. Prov. 3. 28. to-morrow I will g. when thou hast it ha. 3. 4. / Tcill g. them children to be princes 41. 27. shall say to Zion, behold, and I will g. to Jerusalem one thatbringeth good tidings 42.6.7a'i7/g. thee for covenant of the people, 49.8. 43. 3. / will g. thee the treasures of darkness 49- 6. 1 will g. thee for a light to the Gentiles .56. 5. / will g. them an everlasting name Jer. 3. 15. / will c. pastors according to my heart y. 15. I will g. them waters of gall to drink 14. 13. / will g. you assured peace in this land 15. f 4./B'«V/g. them for a removing into kingdom 17. 3. / will g. thy substance to the spoil 24. 7. 1 will g. them an heart to know me 32. 39. / will g. them one heart, Eiek. 11. I9. 34. 18. I will g. the men that have transgressed h.iek. 7. 21. 1 will g. it' into the hand of strangers 11. 17. and / will g. you the land of Israel 16. 38. / will g. thee blood in fury, and jealousy 39. / will also g. thee into their hand 61. / Kill g. them to thee for dauchters 21. 27. he come whose right it is, I will g. it him 23. 46. 1 will g. tUem to be removed and spoiled 29. 19. Ititill g. land of Kgypt to Nebuchadnrzr.ar 21. / will g. thee the opening of the month 36. 26. and 1 will g. you an heart of llesh Hos. 2. 15. 1 will g. her vineyards from thence Mat. 11. 28. come unto me, and / will g. you rest 16. 19. 1 will g. to thee th« keys of the kingdom 20. 4. and whatsoever is right, / wtll g. you 14. I will g. to this last even as unto thee Mark 6 22. sisk what thou wilt, / will r. it thee Luke 21 . 15. for 7 will g. you a mouth and wisdom John 6. 51. 1 am living bre.ad, the brtaa Ittill g. is my itssh, w hich Z »(// g. for the U£e of th« world GIV Aeti 13.34. laillg. yon the sure mercies of DaWd Heb. 8. f 10. / will g. my laws into their mind Rev.i. 10. be faithful, luillg. thee a crown of lifo 17. I will g. him a white stone and a new name 23. I will g. to every one according to your worki 28. and / will g. him the morning star 11.3. and I uill g. jjower to my two witnesses 21. 6. i will g. to him that is athirst water of life Hill i GIVE. Gen. 12, 7. to thy seed will I g. this land, 13. 15 I 24. 7. J 28. 13. I 35. 12. Eted. 32. 13. | 33. 1 Deut. 1. 30. save Caleb, to him will I g. the land 39, they shall go in thither, to thtm will I g, it Josh. 15. 16. to him will 1 g. Achsah, Judg. 1 . 12 1 Sam. 9. 8. that will 1 g. to the mam of God to tell 18. 17. my daughter Merab, her will I g. thee 1 Chr. 16. 18. to ihee Willi g. land, Psal. 105. 11 Psal. 18. 49. therefore will 1 g thanks to thee Cant. 7. 12. there will I g, thee my loves /.io. 43. 4. therefore will I g. men for thee 56. 5. to them will I g. in mine house a placo Jer. 24. 8. sotntU I g. Zedekiah king of Judak 45. 5. thy life will I g. to thee for a prey Ezek. 15. 6. so will I g. inhabitants of JeruszilMn 36. 26. new heart also will I g.you, and new spirit Hag. 2. 9- and in this place will I g. peace Mat, 4. 9- devil said, all these things will I g. thee Luke 4. 6. all this power will I g. thee, and glory Rei. 2. 7. to him that overcometh will I, g. 17. 2fi Lord GIVE. £xo(/.12.25.when ye come to the land which L: will g. you,Z.ei>.14.34. | 23.10. | 25.2. iVum.lS. 2. 16. 8. when the Lord shall g. you flesh to eat Akwi. 11. 18. therefore the Lord will g. you flesU 14. 6. if the /.orrf delight in us, he willg. it us 22. 13. the X,orrf refuseth tog. me leave to go 34. 13. the Lord commanded to g. the nine tribes 36. 2. the iorrf commanded tog. the land by lot Deut. 1. 25. it is good land the Lord doth ^. 28. 65. the Lord shall g. thee a trembling heart JwA.9.24.the iorrf commzinded Moses to e. the land 17. 4. the itffrf commcinded tog. us ioneritanco 21. 2. the Lord commzinded to g. us cities Ruth 4.12. which thei^. shall g. thee of this woman 1 Kingt 15. 4. the Lord his God did g. him a lamp 2 C/iron. 25. 9- the Lord is able to g. thee much Psal. 29.11. the Lord will g. strength to his peopl 84. 11, the Lord will g. grace and glory 85, 12. the Lord shall g. that which is good Ita. 7. 14. the Lord himself shall g. you a sigu 14. 3. the iorrfjshall g. thee rest from sorrow 30. 20. though the Lord g. you bread of adversity Zei.h. 10. 1. the Lord shall g. them showers of rain Lukel.ZI. Z,orlark 12. 15. shall wcg. or shall we not f t l-fih. 4. 27. neiihe' g. place to the devil Jtitn. 2. 16. and g. not tliose things they need GIVE thanki, 2 .Sam, 22. 50. I will g. thanks to thee, Ptal. 18.491 1 Chron. 16, 8. g. ihanki to the Lord, call upon his name, Ptal. 105. 1 | IO6. 1. | lO*. 1. | 118. 1,29. I 136. 1.3. 35. save us, C) God of our salvation, that w« may g, thankt to thy holy name Ptal. I06. 47. 41. who were expressed by name, tog thankt 25.3. sonsof Jeduthun with a harp tog. thanks 2 Chr. 31.S. Ilezekiah appointed Levites tog. th. Psal. 6 5. in the grave who shall g. thee Ika'Ju 30. 4. sing to Lord, ye saints of his and f. thanki g, ihkt, at the rcmembruica of hit hoUneM, 97. 18< GIV P/.S0.12. O Lord, I will [. ikankt to thee for erer 35. 18. 1 will E. thankt in the great congregation 42. t 5. I shair^. thankt for help of countenance 75. 1. to thee, O God, dowe ?.<*/!.4.1 g heed to seducing spirits and doctrines 1 Pet. 3 '.g. honour to the wi.'c ets to weaker vessel 2 Pet. 1.5 g all diligence add to faith virtue Jude 7. g- tliemselves v, £9- 7* beg. aod rejoiec.tiM marriage is cumc £36 GLO GLADLY 7l/ar^6.20.Herod feared John, and heaid him g 12 37. the common people heard Christ g Actsi 41.thatg. received the word were baptized 21. 17. when come, the brethren received us g. 2Ci)r. 11.19 ye suffer fools g seeing ye are wise 129 most g therefore will I rather glory 15 I will very g. spend and be spent for you GLADNESS. Kum 10 10. in the day of your g. ye shall bhw Deux 28.47 servedst not the Lord with g. of heart C Sam 6. 12 David brought up the ark with g 1 C/iOMINESS. Joel 2. 2. a day of darkness and g Zcji/i. 1. 15. GLURll'Y. To glorify, tignijiei t» make glorious. Kom 8. 30, Whom he justified, them he alsi glorified. Tims God glorijies the elect, by adorning them silA gifts and graces in this uorld, and by bringing them to the full possession of glory and blessedness in the ether world, IVhen man is said to glorify Ctod, it is not to be understood as if he could add any thing la Oad's iiuntial elory: But ut man ti GLO said to glorify God, uiAen ae acknowledge him to be glorious, and ascribe to Aim the glory of every excellency -xhether of nature or grace, and confess that Ae is uorihy to receive honour, glory, might, and majesty, Rev. 4. 11. >f/Wa ae confess that all the glory, gifts, tnd dignity uhich we have above other men, tcre given us of God, 1 Chron. 29. 11, 12. li'hen tee are willing to abase ourselves in the acknowledgment of our o:in vileness, tkat God may be magnijied lit any of his attributes or ordinances by it. Jer 13. "16. Mai. 2. 2. IVhen we believe God's firoinises, and wait for the performance of them, though we see no means likely for their accom plishment, Rom. 4. 20. IVhen we publicly acknowledge true religion, or any special truth of God, when it is generally opposed, Luke 23. 47 IVhen we suffer for Cod, 1 Pet 4. 16. llAen on the sabbath we devote ourselves only to the service of God, isa. 58. 13. II hen at give thanks to God for benefits, or deliverances, I'sal. 113. 4. Luke 17. 18. IVhen we love, praise, admire, and esteem Christ above all, John 1. 14. I 11. 4. God the Lather is glorified in Christ the Media- tor by his obedience unto death, and thereby consummating the work of mati's redemption, uhich tends so much to the advancement of the justice, wisdom, mercy, and holiness if God: But Christ the Son is glorified of the Lather, as touching his human nature, by sustaining it against the gates of hell in Ais agony and pas- sion on the cross , by manij'eitly owning Aim to be his Son ; by enabling him to trrumph ever his and Ais people's enemies, in Ais re- surrection, ascension, and exaltation to hit Lather's right hand. John 17. 1, Eather, glo- rify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee. Psal. 11.23. all ye the seed of Jacobg. him and fcar 50. 15 I will deliver thee, and thou shalt g. me 86. 9 all nations shall come and g. thy name 12. and I will g. thy name for evermore Isa. 24. 15 wherefore g. ye the Lord in the bres 25. 3 therefore shall the strong: people g. thee 60 7- and I will g. the house of my glory Jer. 30. 19 I will multiply, I will also g them Mat. 5. 16 g. your lather which is in heaven Jolin 12. 28 Father, g thy name , I will g. it 13. 32 God shall also g him in himself 16.14. he shall g. me ; for he shall receive of mine 17. 1 g thy Son, that thy Son also may g thee 5. now, O Father, g . me with thine own self 21 19 signifying by what death he should g (iod /io»(.15.l6.ye may with one mind and mouilig. God 9. that the Gentiles might g. God for his mercy 1 Cor. 6 20. g. G. in body and spirit which are God's 2 Cor 9 13. g. God for your professed subjeciioa 2 Pet. 2 12 may g. God in the day of visitation 4. 16 b.ut let him g. (iod on this behalf itsf. 15.4. who shall not fear thee, and g. thy name f GLORIFIED Lev 10. 3 before all the people I will be g. Isa 26 15. thou hast increzised nation, thou art g 4-t. 23. for the Lord hath g. himself in Israel 49. 3. art my servant, O Isr. in whom 1 will be g 55. 5. the Holy One of Isr he hath g thee,60. 9 60 21 the work of my hands, that I may be g. 61.3. the planting of the Lord that he might be g 66 5. your brethren said, let the Lord be g, Etek. 28. 22 I will be g. in the Biidst of thee 39. 13. be a reaown in the day thatil shall be g Dan. 5. 23 and the God in whose hajid thy breath is, and whose are ail thy ways, hast thou not g , //ag. 1. 8. I will take pleasure in it, and be g A/n/.9.8.marvelled,and g.G.-UorX 2.12. Lukeb.id. 15. 31. and they g. the God of Israel Lukd. 15. he taught in synagogues, being g. of all 7. 16. there came fear on all, and they g. Ciod 13 13 and she was made straight, aiid g. God 17.15.theleperg God||23. 47. the centurion g.G Jo/i)i7.39. 11. Ghost not given, because Jesus not g. 11. 4. that the Son of God might be g. thereby 12.16 but when Jes. wasg. then remcinbered thty 23. the hour is come the Son of man should be g. 28. I have botlig. it, and will glorify it aiiain 13. 31. now is the Son of maug. God isg. in him 32. if God be g. in him, God shall glorify him 14. 13. that the Father may be g. in the Sou 15. 8. herein is my Father g. that ye bear fruit 17.4. 1 have g. thee on earth, I have finished 10. and thine are mine, and 1 am g. in them Acts 3. 13. the God of our fathers hath g. his Sou 4. 21. for all men g. God for what was done 11. 18. they held their peace, and g. God, saying 13. 48. G.entiles heard this, they g. word of Lord 21.20. they of Jerusalem g. the Ixivd, and said /lom. 1.21. they knew (jod, they g. him not as God 0.17. if we sufTir with him, that we may be alsog. 30. and whom he justified, tbem he also g. Gal. 1. 24. uid they {, ^^ >" °>b GLO 2 TAt4j.l. 10. whenTjf shall come to be g. m jainta 12. that the name of Jesus may be g. in yoa S. 1. that the word of the Lord may be g. Hei. 5. 5. so Christ;, not himself to be high-priest 1 ftiA.ll. God in all things may lie g. thro' Jesus 14. is evH spoken of, but on yonr part he is g. Bxv. iS. 7. bow much she hath g. herself GLOKIKIETH, ING. Ptal. 30. 23. whoso offereth praise g. me Luke 2. CO. the shepherds returned, g. God 5. 25. he departed to his own house, g. God 18. 43. the blind man followed him, g. God GLURY Is taJun for aorldly spUndotir and magnificenee, uhicJt maki kings gloriimi ief'ore nun. Mat. 6. 29. Holomon in all his glory, in all his luilrt, and in his richest ornaments, was not tc iemuttful as a lily. Thus riclies, aulhomy, rumplwnis iuitdings and garments, ahich men Mre ready to pratse, and vhich make their possissors gtoriinu before men, are called in toripiure glory. Psal. 4Q. Id, When the glo- ry of his house is increased. By glory is meant the tongue, uhich is that peculiar tMcellency, ^therein chiefly, except reason, man turpatses all othtr creatures. I'sal. I6. 9, My heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth : Aly tongue breaks out into holy boastings and f-aises. .So in Psal. 108. 1, I will sing and give praise, even with my glory. The glory of the king of Assyria, is his splendid princes, brave captains, valiant commanders, and poiu. trful armies, uhich uould make a gallant shew, and uherein he would glory, and boast exceed- ing'y. Isa. 8. 7, The Lord tringeth upon ihem the king of Assyria, and all his glory. Glory u put Jor the ark 0/ the covenant, uhich aas a glorious type and assurance of God's pre- tence, and the great safe-guard and ornament of Israel, uhith they could glory in above all other nations. 1 Sam. 4. 21, The glory is departed from Israel. Rom. 9- "*, To whom perlaincth the glory. Glory I* put for the church, which God makes glorious, not only in his oan eyes, but even in the eyes of the uorld. Isa. 4. 5, Upon all the glory shall be a defence ; upon all holt/ assemblies of sincere Christians. It is put for grace, 2 Cor. 3. 18, We are changed into the same image, from glory to glory ; growing from me degree of glorious grace to another, till it come to its perfection in eternal glory. The apostle calls man the image and glory of God, and for this reason he ought not to cover his head ; that is. Since God would have the male sex to be a kind of representation of his glory, majesty, and power, q man ought not, by hidiiiig hts face, wherein these things are moil conspicuous, to conceni the glory of God ehining in him. Uavid calls God his glory, Psal. 3. 3, Thou art my glory ; thou art the Author of that royal dignity to which I am advanced .• Or, thou art the matter of my glorying, thou hast formerly given, and wilt further give me occasion of glorying or boast- ing of thy power and favour to me. Glory is taken for the unspeakable blessedness, joy, and felicity of the saints in heaven. I'sal. 73. 24, Thou bhalt guide nie with thy counsel, and afterwards receive me to glory. God promises to be to his church a wall of fire round about, and the glory in the midst, Zech, 2. 5. that he uould protect his church and that his presenci and power should make her glorious. It is put for the presence of God, I'sal 63. 2. When the Israelites forsook God in the wilder- ness, they changed their glory into the simili- tude of an ox that eateth grass, Psal. 106. CO. They changed their glory ; that is, their God, uho was indeed their glory, into the golden image of an ox or calf. Joshua speaking to Achan says, Give glory to God, Josh. ' . IQ. Confess the truth, and ascribe unto God the glory of his omniscietut in knowing thy tin, and of his justice in punishing thee according to thy deter t. JVhen God thought Jit to call his servant Moses to himself, he directed hin to go up to moimt Abarim, and die there. Num. 27. IC, &c. Moses hereupon desired of God that he would prox ide a man uho should be set over the multitude. The Lord therefore commanded him to take Joshua, the ton of Nun, saying. He is a man who is filled with the Spirit, lay thine hand upon him, and give hill a charge in the pr««ence of the mul- titude, and put some of thine honour, i»« He- brew, of thy glory or splendour, upon him. The gutstion is, uhat glory this was, uhich Moses tommunicattd fo JosLua. Oikelos, ati4 some £36 GLO of the Rabbins, art of opinion, that Moses tm parted htm some of that lustre uhich appeared upon his countenance, after the convrrsation unich he had been admitted to with God. .Moses, they say, shined like the sica. and Joshua like the moon • this was a weak and borrowed bright- ness. But it is to be understood of that au- thority, and empire, whereof he stood in need for the government of the people. Moses laid h hands on him, and by this ceremony appointed him for his successor in the conduct of the Jsriielites: lie gave him his orders and in- structions, that He might acjuit himself with honour in this employment. The glory of God. .Moses earnestly begged of God to shew him his glory. £xod. 33. 18, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory ; that is, the highest manifestation of thy divine glory that I am capable of; or that glorious shape, which, together with an human voice, thou hast now assumed. The heavens declare the glory of God, Psal. 19. 1. The visible heavens aj/'ord matter and occasion, in respect of their vast ex- tent, glorious furniture, and powerjul influences, to acknowledge and admire the glorious being, infinite power, wisdom, and goodness of God. 'J he glory of the Lord hath filled the house of the Lord ; that is, the cloud, which was an usual token of God's glorious presence, 1 Kings 8. II. Christ joyi /U.Martha, Ju/in 11.40, If thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God ; that is, an admirable instance of the divine power, in raising thy dead brother. The miracles uhich our Haviour wrought, manifested his glory, or his divine power, John 2. 11. The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, Isa. 40. 5. that is, the glorious power and goodness of God shall be manifested in the deliierance of the ievifrom Kabylon, but more especially in the redemption of all nations by our Lord Jesus Christ. Whether ye cat or drink, or whatso- ever ye dn, do all to the glory of God, 1 Cor. 10. 31. that is, let the glory and honour of God be habitually and really the chief end of all your actions. Gen. 31. 1. of our father's hath he gotten all this g. Exod. 28. 2. make garments for Aaron (or g. 40. 1 Sam. 2. 8. to make them inherit the throne of g. 4. 21. the g. is departed from Israel, 22. t 21. where is the g. .' there is no p. 1 Chr. 22. 5. house for Lord must be otg. and fame 2y. 11. thine is greatness, power, and g. .Vat. 6.13. Esth. 5. 11. Haman told of th< 4 of iijs riches Job 39. 20. the g. of his nostriL is 'errible 40. 10. and array thyself with g. and beauty Psal. 24.7 . and the Kin?; of j. shall come in, 9. 10. who is this King of g. ? the Lord is King 29. 3. the God of g. thundereth, Lord on waters 49. 16. when the g. of his house is increased 73. 24. thou shalt afterward receive me to g. 79- 9. help us, O God, for the g. of thy name 85. 9. that g. may dwell in our land 89- 17- for thou art the g. of their strength 106. 20. they changed their g. into similitude ■ 145. 11. speak of the ?. of thy kingdom 149. 5. let the saints be joyful in g. Prov. 3. 35. the wise shall inherit^. 17. 6. the g. of children are their fathers 20. 29. the g. of young men is their strength C5. + 6. set not out thy g. io presence of the king 27. so for men to search their ownc. is not g 28. 12. when the righteous men rejoice there is g /ja.2.10.hide thee for the g. of his majesty, 10. 21 4. t 2. branch of the Lord shall be beauty and g. 5. for upon all the g. shall be a defence 5. t 13. and their g. are men of famine 14. their g. and pomp shall descend unto it 10. 3. and where will ye leave your g. t 12. I will punish the g. of his high looks 18. and shall consume the ;. of his forest 11. + 10. a root of Jesse, his rest shall be g. 13. 19. Babylon the g. of kin^jd. shall be as Sodom 14. 18. all of them lie in g. each in hib house 16. 14. the g. of Moab shall be conie-.nned 17.3. they shall be as thej. of the children of Isr. 4. that the g. of Jacob shall be msde thin 20. 5. they shall be ishamed of Egyjjt their g. 21. 16. and all the g. of Kedair .^nali fail C2. 24. shall hang on him g. of his Father's house 23. 9- hath purposed to stain the pride of all g. 24. 16. we heard songs, even g. to the righteous t 23. there shall be g. before his ancients 35. 2. the g. of Lebanon shall be given to « 61.6. in their g. ye shall boast yourselves 66. 11. be delijhted with the abundance of her g. 12. the g. of the Gentiles as a flowing stream Jer. 2. 11. but my people have changed their g. 13. 11. that they might be to me for a g. 18. shall come down, even tne crown of your g. Ltek SO. 6. which is the g. of all laods, Is GLO P.uk.'iK.iS. when I take from them joy of their;, 25. 9. I will open the g. of the eounrry C6. 20. I shall set g. in the land of the living 31. 18. to whom art thou thus like in g. .' Dan. 2.37. God hath given thee power and g. 7.14, 4. 36. the g. of my kingdom returned to me 11. 39. shall acknowledge, and increase with g, Uos.4.T. I will change their g. into shame 9. 11. as for Ephraim, their g. shall fly away 10. 5. the priests that rejoiced for the g. thereof ilic. 1. 15. he shall come to AduUainthe j. of Isr, iVa/j. 2. 9- there is none end of the store and g. Ilab. 2. 16. thou art filled with shame for g. Hag. 2. 3. who saw this house in her first g. f 7. 1 will fill this house with g. saith the Lord 9. g. oC this latter house greater than of former Zech. 2. 5. I will be the g, in the midst of her 8. after the g hath he sent me to the nations 6. 13. he shall build temple, he shall bear the g. 11.3. their f. is spoiled, a voice of roaring of lions 12. 7.g. of the house of David, g. of Jerusalem Mat. 4. 8. kingdoms of the world, and g. of them 6. 2. sound trumpet, that they may have g of men 16.27. shall conieintheg.of his Father,.l/arX8.38. 24. 30. they shall see the Son of Man coming with power and great g. Alark 13. 26. Z,u.te 21. 27. LukeZ. 14. saying, g. to God in the highest, 19. 38. 32. light to Gentiles, and the g. of thy people Isr. 4. 6. all this power will 1 give thee, and the g. y. 31. who appeared ing. and spake of his decease J.hn 17. 5. with the g. which 1 had with thee C2. theg. thou gavest me, I have given them Acts 7- 2. the God of g. appeared to our father 12. 23. because he gave not God the g. 22. 11. when 1 could not see for the g. of light Hom. 4. 20. was strong in faith, giving g. to God 6. 4. raised from the dead by the g. of the Father 8. 18. are not worthy to be compared with the g. 9- 4. to whom pertaineth the g and covenant* 23. which he had afore prepared unto g. 11 36. of him are all things,to whom beg. forever. Gal. 1. 5. 2 7i7n. 4. 18. Heb. 13. 21. 1 Pet.b.lX 16.27. to God only wise be g. 1 Tim. 1. 17. 1 Cor. 2. 7. which God hath ordained to our g 8. they would not have crucified the Lord of g. 11.7. but ths woman is the g. of the man 15. if a woman have long hair, it is a g. to her 15.40. g. of celestial is one, theg. of the terrestriah 41. one g. of the sun, another g. of the moon 43. it is sown in dishonour, it is raised in g. 2 Cor. 3. 7. for the g. of his countenance, wnich g. 9. if the ministration of condemnation beg. ibA ministration of righteousness doth exceed in g. 10. had no g. by reason of the g. that excelleth. 18. but we are all changed from g. to g. 4. 17. worketh for us an eternal weight of g. 8. ly. administered to us to theg. of the satco Ld. 23. they are messengers, and the g. of Christ Eph. 1. 6. to the praise of the g. of his grace 17- the Father of g. may give you the Spirit 18. \emay know what is the riches of tne •. 3. 13. my tribulations for you, whiohis ynurg. 21. to him beg. in the church by Christ Jesus Phil. 1. 11. fruits, which are by Christ tog. of God 3. 19. and whose g. is iMheir shame 4.19. according to bis riches in g. by Christ Jesus 20. now to God and our Father be g. for ever Col.l. 27. what is the riches of the g. of thismyste ry, which is Christ in you, the hope of g. 3. 4. then shall ye appear with him in g. 1 Thess. 2. 6. nor of men sought we g. nor of yoa 12. who hath called you to his kingdom andf Co. for ye are our g. and joy 2 Thess. 1.9. punished from ie g. of his power 2. 14. to the obtaining of the g of our Lord 1 Tim. 3. 16. seen of angels, received up into g. 2 Tim. 2. 10. salvation in Christ, with eternal g. lleh. 2. 10. in bringing many sons tog. to make 3. 3. this man was counted worthy of more g. y. 5. over it the cherubims of g. shadowing Jam. 2.1. the faith of our Lord Jesus, the Lord of g. 1 I'd. 1.8. rejoice with joy unspeakable, full of g. Il.it testified the g. that should follow 21. that God raised him up, and gave him g. 24. and all the g. of man, as the (lower of grasi 2 CO. for what g is it, if when ye be buffeted * 4. 14. the Spirit of g and of God resteth on you 5. 1. a partaker of the g. that shall be revealed 10. hath called us to eternal g by Christ Jesus 2 I'et. 1. 3. that hath called us tog and virtue 17- came such a voice to him from excellentg. 3. 18. to him beg both now and ever, Her. 1. 6. Jiide 25. to the only wise God our Saviour be g- Pen. 4. 11. thou art worthy to receive g. 5. 12. 7. 12. blessing and g. and wisdom be to our God 11.13. remnant were affrighted, and gave g. toGod See ChOWN, Hunuur, Vai.n. Give GLORY. Josh. 7. 19. my son, givt g. to tht Ood of Israel I Sam. 6 5. ye shall gi'rcf. to the Cod oi IsraeJ GLO ICfa-on. 16. 28. give to the Lord g. give to Lord g. »nd streDgth,29. Pm/. 29.1,2. | 96 7,8.J«r.l.3 lO. Pial. &i. 11. the Lord will give grace and g 115. 1. not to US, bat to thy name fire th g Isa. 42. 12. l«t them give g. unto the Lord Mai. 2. 2. if ye will not lay it to heart \.o give g. tuie 17. 18, that returned to give g. to God Hev. 4. 9. vfiien those beasts give g and honour 14. 7- fear God, and give g to him, worship him 16- 9- were scorched, and repented not to giie g. GLORY 0/ God. Ptal. 19. 1. the heavens declare the g of God Prev. 25. 2. it is the g of God to conceal a thing £»«*. 8. 4. theg. o/'the Gorf of Israel was there 9. 3. the g. of God was gone up from the cherub 10. 19. theg.o/" Gorf was over them above, n 22 43.2. the g. of God came from the way . f .iic east Johnll. 4. this sickness is for the g. of God 40. if believe, thou shouldest sec the g of God Acts 7. 55. Stephen looked up and saw the g ofG Rom. 3 23. all sinnedandcw.neshortoftheg ifG 5. 2. we rejoice in hope of the g of God 15. 7- as Christ also received us to the g of Cod 1 Cor. 10. 31. ye eat or drink, dn all to the /. of G. 11. 7- for a man is the image and g of God 2Cor.l.20. promises in him yea and amen, tog ofG 4. 6. the light of the knowledge of the g of God 15. thanksgiving of many redound lo g of God PAH.l 11. which zire by Christ to the g of God 2.11 confess that Jesus is Lord to the g of God Rev. 15.8 temple filled with smoke from g of God 91. 11. the holy Jerusalem, having theg of God S3, no need of the sun.g of God did lighten it His GLORY. Deut. 5. 24. the Lord our G hath shewed us his g. 36 17. Ais g like the firstling of a bullock 1 C/ir.l6.S4.decIarethAiig amongbeath Ps. . 11. the g of the Lord fi-Ued the house, 2 Chr 5. 14. I 7 1, 2, 3 | Eiek. 43 5 | 44 4 Px 104 Sl.theg. of the Lord shall endure for ever l.'i8. 5. for great is the g of (he Lord Tsa 35 2. they shall see the g of the Lord 40 5 and theg. of the Lord shall be revealed 58 8. the g of the L^rd shall be thy rereward 60 1 and the g. of the L^rd is risen upon thee Lzek 1 28 appearance of the likeness of g. of Lord 3 12 blessed be the g /i,5.27 he might present it to himself a g. church 7^Ai7.3.21.thatit maybe fashioned like to hisg. body Co/. 1 11. strengthened according to his g^power 1 VVm.l.ll.'accordingtotheg gospel of blessed G. 'i'l/. 2. 13. looking for the g. appearing of the great G. "gloriously. F.iod 15 1. iing to the Lord, he hath triumphed g. Iia 24. 23. the Ld. shall reign before his ancients g, GLORY, rer/>. Erod.d. 9. g over me, when shall I entreat for thee 2 hings 14. 10. g. of this, and tarry at home. 1 Chr 16. 10. g. ye in his holy name, Psal. m5. 3. 35. we may give thanks, and g, in thy praise /*xa/.63. 11. every one that sweareth by hini shall g. 64. 10. and all the upright in heart shall g. 106. 5. that I m.i.y g. with thine inheritance Isa. 41. 16. and shalt g. in the holy One of Israel 45. 25. in the Lord shall all the seed of Israel g. Jer. 4. 2 bless in him, and in him shall they g. 9. 23. let not the wise, mighty, the rich man g 24. let him g. in this, that he knoweth me Ixom. 4. 2. he hath whereof to g.but not before God 5. 3. not only so, but we g. in tribulations also 15.17-1 have therefor" whereof I m.iyg.thro'Jesus 1 Cor. 1 2p. that 00 flesh should g. in his presence 00 iCof.Sl.he thatflorJethg.inthe Lord, tCor. 10 17. 3. 21. there fore, let no man e. in men, all are yours 4.7 why dost thou g. as if tioa hadst not receiv»4 9 16. though I preach, I have nothing to g. of 2 Cor 5. 12. give occasion tog. on our behalf; to answer them who g. in appearaoce, not in heart 11 12. wherein they g they may be found as we 18. seeing many g. after the flesh, I will g. also 30. if 1 must needs g. I will g. of my infirmities 12. 1. it is not expedient for me doubtless to g 5 of such an one will I g • of myself I will not ^. 6. for though I would desire tog. I shall not be a f. 9. therefore I will rather g. in mine infirmiliej Ga/.O.l.T.you circumcised, that they may g.in Hesii 14 G. forbid I shonldg.savcin the cross of Jesus 2 Thess. 1.4. that we ourselvesg.in you in churches Jam. 119- let the brother of low degree g. 3. 14 if ye have envying in your hearts, g. not GLORIEST. Jer. 40. 4. wherefore g. thou iu the valleys ? GLORIETII. Jer.g.Qi. let him that g 1 Car. 1.31. 8 Cor.lO.i7. Jam 2. t13. and mercT g. against judgment GLORYING. 1 Cor. 5. 6. your g. is not good, a little leaven 9. 15, than that any man should make my g. void 2 CV. 7.4. great is my boldness, great my ". of you 12, 11 I am become a fool iu g. ye compelled me I J'hets C t 39.what isourcrownof g. f are not ye GLUTTON, S. Dent 21 20 this is our son, is a e. and a drunkard Prov. 23 21 drunkard auidg. shall come to poverty 28 t 7- he that feedeth g. shameth his father GLUTTONOUS. Mat 11 19. they said, behold a man g. LiiieJ.Si. GNASH. P,f. 112.19. he shall g. with his teeth, and melt away Lam. 2. 16. all thine enemies hiss and g. the teetb GNASHED Psal. 35. 16. they g. upon me with their teeth ^ctt 7 51. and they g. on him with their teeth GNASHETH. Job 16. 9 he g on me with his teeth. Psal. 37. 12. Mark 9. 18 he foameth and g. with his teeth GNASHING Mat 8 12, there shall be weeping and g. of teeth. 13.42,50. 1 22.13. | 24.51 | 25.30. Ltke 13.25. GNAT ilf«r 23.24 whostrainatag. and swallow a camel GNAW Zeph. 3.3, her judges g. not the bones till the morrow GNAWED Rev. 16. 10 and they g. their tongues for pain GO To go down, and go up; We go up to Jerusalem, Mat 20. 18 lie goes down to Jericho, Luke 10. 30 Abraham went up out of Egypt, Gen. 13 1. Jacob went down into Egypt, Gen. 46. 3. Go up to Ai, Josh. 7 3. He went down to Cesarea, Acts 12 19. By all akick nothing more is meant, than that ihey went to Jerusalem, into Egypt, to Jericho, Ai, and Ce sarea ; but the situation of the place they were going to, is described by the uordt going up and going down. To go down into hell, or scheol ; to go dotim to the grave, the place where the dead are. Psal. 55. 15, Let them go down quick into nell ; Let them go down alive into the grate ; cut them off by a sudden aiid violent death, like Korah, Dathan, . He shall go in and out, and find pasture ■ 7Ie shall hate much tpiriti-ol freedom and securil^i of mind. To go into a woman's chamber, tr> enter her apartment, was allowable only for her husband, Judg. 15. 1. To go in unto her, that It, to use Ihe marriage bed, or the particular GO rifhtt which the husband claims over hit loife't pirim. Gen. CQ. 2:?. | 30. 3. Cen. 3. 14. ou thy belly shah thou go, and eat dust iC. 8. whence earnest thou ? whillier wilt thou ro T 34. 42. if now thou do prosperniy way which I ^o 55. abide a few days, after t1iat Uet'ekahsliall go 5t'i. Send me away, that [ may go to my master 58. wilt thou 5« with this man r she said, I will go t6. l6. and Abimelechsaid to Isaac, go from us £8. CO. if God will keep me in this way that I go 30. C5. send me away that I may go to my place 32.StJ. let m." go, for ihe day breaketh ; and Jacob said, I will not let thee go, except thnu bless 3T. .30. the child is not, and I, whither shall I go? 4,1. 8. send lad with nie, and we will arise, and go £jO(/.3.1 ■iO.5. outlet me go, that I may hide myself in field £3. 13. David and his men went whither could go S6. 19. driven n.e out, saying, ^0 serve other gods 28.7. a woman, that I may go andennuire of her tSam. 12. 23. 1 shall go to him, he shall not return 13. 13. whither shall I cause my shame to got 35. 7. Absalom said, let me go and pay my vow CO. seeing I go whither 1 may, return thou 17 11. that thou go to battle in thy person 19. 36. thy sen-ant will go a little way over 1U_. 11. that is for David, let him go after Joab I Ai>igj2.2. I fo ilie way of all the earth, be strons 11.21. let me depart, that I may go to my country SS. soliiDg, buwbcit, lei me to ia any wim 338 GO 1 Kings 12. 27. shall kill me, and^fo to Rehoboam 13. 17. nor turn to go by the way thou camest 20. 42. because thou hast let go a man appointed 22. 4. wilt thou go with rae to battle ? 2 CV.r. 18. 3, C Kings 3. 7- wilt thou go with me against Moab .' 4.23. wherelo:e wilt thou go to him to-day? 6.22. set bread and water, that they may go and eat 10. 24. he Ih.al letteth him go, his life be for him 18. 21. it will go into band and pierce it, Isa. 36.6 -' (7/r. 14. 11. iu thy name we go ag this nmltiludc Co. 7. let not the army of Israel go with thee 8. if thou wilt go, do it, be strong for battle Jof> 6. 18. they go to nothing and perish 10.21. before 1 go whence slia'l not return, 16.22 20. 26. it bhallgo ill with him that islel't in tabern. CI . 29. have ye not asked them that jo by the way 27. 6. my righteousness 1 will not let go I 'sill. 32. 8. and leach thee in the way thou shall go 39. 13. before I go hence, and be no more 42. 9- I will s.ty to God, why go 1 mourning, 43.2 49- 19. lie shall go to the generation of his fathc-r; 84.7. they go from strength to strength, till appear 85. 13. righteousness shall go before him iig. 14. mercy and truth shall go before thy face 107 7- that they might go to a city of habitation l'>2.7 wewillgo into his tabernacles, will worship 13y. 7 whithershall 1 go from thy presence ? I'lov 2. 19. none that go unto her return again ■''. 28. go and come again, to-morrow I will give /Voi. 6. 28. can one goon hot coals, not be burnt; 9. 15. to call passengers who go right on their way 14. 7. go from the presence of a foolish man 15. 12. neitherwill the scornergo to the wise ty.7; much more do his friends go far from him 22. 6. »rain up a child in the way he should go 2 t. 30. they that go to seek niixt wine 30. eg. there be three things which go well /.<■(/. 1. 17 rivers come, thither they return logo 3. CO all go unto one place, all arc of the dust 5. 15. naked shall he return to go as he came, 16 h 2. 16. afterward go your uay, Judg. I9. S. l GO Ztek. 6 5. these are toe fotir spirits which goforihl 6. black horses go forth into the north country 14.3. then shall the Lord go /br//i and fight !Ual. 4.2. ye shall go forth and grow up as calves Alal. 24.26. behold, he is in the desert, go not forth Acls 16. 3. him would Paul have to go forth Hti. 13. 13. let us go forth to him without the camp Rev. 16. 14. the spirits of devils which go forth GO forward. Ezod. 14.15. speak to Israel that they go forward iViim. 2. 24. they shall gofoiward in the third rank 2 A'iHgf 20. 9. shall shadow go_/orwarrf ten degrees.' Job 23. 8. behold, I gofortcard, but he is not there GO in, or iH/o, or not GO i«. Gnj. 11.31. from Ur,to go into landof Canaan,12.5 Ezod. 30. 20. when go into tabernacle, shall wash 32. 27. go in and out from gate to gate thro' camp Lev 10.9. do not drink wine, when ye go into tabern. 14. 36. empty the- house, before the priest go in 21. 11. neither shall he go into any dead body £3.only he shall not go in to the vail or near altar A'l/m. 4. 19. Aaron and his sons shall go in and sp 90. but they shall not go in to see when holy thing; 8. 15. and after that shall the Levites go in 27. 17. which may go out, and go in before them 32. 9. that they should i,ot go,into the land Vent. 1. 37. thou also shalt not go in thither, 4. 2K 38. butJoshua son of M un he shall go in thither 4. 1 . that ye may live, and go in and possess, 8. 1 6- 18. that thou mayest go in and possess, 10. 11. 1 1 .8. that ye may be strong, and go in and possess 24. 10. not go in/0 his house to fetch his pledge Jiidg. ig. 15..they turned aside to go in and lodge lizahZ. 4. thou shalt go in, and uncover his feet ISam. 11.11. shall I tnengo into mine house to eat' 1 Kings 13. 8. I will not^o in, nor cat with thee 16. I may not return, nor go in with thee 17. 12. may go in, and dress it for me and my son 2 A'ijigj 9-2. look out Jehu, and go in, make him arise 10. £5. go in and slay them,Jet none come forth iChron. 18.24. thou shalt go hi/o an inner chamber 23. 61. they that minister of the Levites shall go in AWi. 6. 11. who is there as I am would go into the temple to save his life ? I will not go in Esth. C. IS. when Esther's turn was come to go i)i 4 8. and to charge her that she should go in iG. and so will I go iti unto the king, if I perish 5 14 then go thou in merrily unto the king Joli^i. + 23. he shouldgo in/ojudgmcnt with God Psal. 26. 4. nor will I go in with dissemblers 118 19 open the gates, 1 will go in to them 119. 35. make me go in path of thy commandment 132. 7. we will go into his tabernacle and worship Prov 27 10. nor go into thy brother's house ]sa. 2 19. they shall go into the holes of the rocks Jer. 4 5. and let us go into the defenced cities 36. 5. I cannot go into the house of the Lord 4£, 14. no, but we will go into the land of Egypt 59- 'b* Lord hath said, go ye not into Egypt Ezek. 7. 1 17 all knees shall go iw/o water, £1. t 7 46. 10. the prince when they go in shall go in Nah 3. 14. gt /nio clay, and tread the mortar Zech 6. 10. go in/0 house of Josiah son of Zephaniah Mat. 2. 20. take the young child, aiuii^o in our str. Ai/*.4C.14.when the priests enter, shall 1101 ;o out Mm. 10. 5. go noi into the way of the Oeatiles Z;M« 10. I. g« not from house to house 17 .23. see here or there, go un/ after ihem, 21. 8. CO orer. Drill. 3. C5. I pray ihce let me go over ind see land CD. Joshua shall go over liefori- the people, .11 .3. 4. U.land whither ye ;oo«r,c6. | 31.13. | 3C.47. CC. I must not go over Jordan, ye shall go over 24. CO. thou shall not go over the boughs ag.iin .30. 13. who shall go over sea for us and brinj it r 31.3. the Lord thy CioJ will go over before thee 34. 4. but thou shall not go over thither Josli. 1. S. therefore arise, go over this Jordan Judg. 1C.5. the liplirainiiies said, let me gi> over ]&!/». 14.1. come, let \^igooierX.o the Philistines, 6. 30. 10. so faint, they could ua\.goover the brook 2 Sam. 16. g. let me go over and take ofif bis head 19. 37. thy servatil Chirahani, let him go over Jia. 8. 7. he sliall come aud go over all his banks 11. 15. he shall make men go over dry-shod 5I.C3. which said, bow down, that we may guotrr 54. 'J. the waters of Noah should no moregoover J*''.41.10.IshmieI depart to jc> oztr to Ammonites Ltike 8. 22. lei us go over to the other side GO oui. Gen. 9. 10. from all that go out of the ark 24. 1 1. the time that women gootii to draw water 4o.I. lie cried, cause every uiin to ;d (wif from me 2^oH. 6. 11. that he let children of Israel go out 8. 29. behold, I go out from thee, I will entreat 11. H. after that I will go ovt, and he went out 10. he would not lei the children of Israel go out 12. 22. none of you shall g.o. al the door of house 16. i. people shall g. 0. ana gather a rate every day 2y . let no ma'i go out of his place on seventh day 21. 2. in the seventh year he shall go out free 3. if he came in by himself,shall go out by himself; if married, his wife shall go out with him 4. her master's, and he shall go out by himself 5. if the servant say, I will not go out free 7. a maid-s<"rvant not go out as men-servanis do 11. then shall she go out free without money Lev. 6. 13. the fire on the altar shall never go out 8. 33. shall not go out of tabernacle in seven days 10. 7. ye shall not go out at the door, lest ye die 14. 38. then the priest shall go out of the house 15. If), if any man's seed of copulation go out 16. 18. he shall go out to the altar before ;he Lord 21. 12. nor shall he go out of the sanctuary 25. 28. and in the jubilee it sliall go out, 31. 33. 3l1. it shall not jokk/ in jiibil. || 54. he shall 5,1 mi/ Deut.H.5. taken a wife, ne shall not f i> nu( to war C8. 25. thou shall co out one way, flee seven ways JtfjA.2. 19. who shall 50 nu/, his blood be on his head Judg. Q.38. gii out, 1 pray now, and fisht with them 16. 20. he said, 1 will go out as al other times S'b.28. shall I yei aiiaing.o. to battle ag. Cenjainin Itut/i 2. 22. it is pood thou go out with his maidens 1 &im.l9.3.I will go out and stand beside my father CO. 1 1 . Clime, let us go out into the field 28. 1. Achish said, thou shalt go out whh me 2 Aim. 5. 24. then the Lord shall go out before thee SI. 17. thou shalt go no more out wilh us to battle 1 Kiugi 15. 17. that he might not suffer any to go out, or come into Asa, 2 Claon. I'i. 1. CO. 31. put ropes on heads, and go out to the king 1 Cliron. 20. 1. at the time kings go out 10 battle 2 Cliron. 18. 21. go out and be a lying spirit, {uDrK 20. 17. fear not, to-morrow go out against them 26.18. 5i;DKo«f oftbc city shake ofldusl 14. 21. go out quickly into the streets and lanes 23. go Pill into the highways and hedges 1 Cor. 5. 10. then musi ye neeils^D our of the world Uet. 1 1 . e. Abraham, wlieri he was called to go out -V«f.3.It. he that overconieth, shall go no more our CO 8. and shall go mt 10 deceive the nations GO to. Gen. M. S. (0 10, lei us make bricks, and burn them GO 'Gen.W.^.go \o, let us tinild T '.goto, let confonnd Eccl. 2. L. go to now, 1 will prove thee with uiinh }ia. 5. 5. go to, I will tell you what I will do Jam. 4.13. g.i »,i iiow.ye that say to-day. or to-mor 5. \. go to now, ye rich men, weep aod howl GO up. Gen. 15. 1. arise .go up to !!• th^el, dwell there, 3. 44. 33. and let the lad go up wilh his brethren 31. how shall 1 go up to my father f 45. 9. 50. (j. I'haraoh said, go up and bury thy father /-Torf. 8. 3. frogs shall go «/i and come into thy house 19. 12. take heed ye go not up into the mount 20. 26. nor shall thou go up by steps to my altar 24. 2. neither shall the people go up with liim 3C. 30. ye have sinned a greal sin, 1 will go up 33. 1. depart and go up, thou and the people 3. for I .will not go up in the midst of thee 34. 24. not desire thy land, when ihou shall go up /.< ye «/' I'' iiii> fewli 1 1'> ""^ "f y*^ GOE .irtt 15.2. go t//i to Jerusalem about this question 21.4. that I'aul should not go uplo Jerusalem 12. we besought him not togov^ 10 Jerusalem 25. 9. wilt ihou go K^to Jerusalem and be judged GO a uho ing Eiod. 34. 15. lest ihoy go a uioring after their goifg ■ 6. ano thy sons go a tehoring alter their gods Lev 20 5.1 will cut olTall that go a uAor. after bin: 0. I will cut off such as go a ahor. after wizards Num. 15. 39. ways, af^er which ye use to go a uhor Oeut.Si 16. this people will go « wAor. alter gods 2 Chron. 21. 13. Jehoram made Judah go a uihor. I'ial. 73.27. destroyed all that go a uhor. from the Liek.li. 9. eyes which goauhoring after idoli GOKSr. O^M.28.15. will keep thee in places whither thou;. 32. 17. whose art thou r whither g. thou ' Judg. VI, 17. iieth. 2. 2. John 13. 36. j 16. j. £xorf. .33. 16. is it not in that ihou g. with us.' 34. 12. no coven, wilh inhabitants whither thou f. Sum. 14. 14. and thou g before them by day-limc Deut. 7. 1. when Lord God shall bring thee into the land whither thou g. to possess it, U. 89, 11.10. the land whither thou g. is not as I'gypt 12. 29. God shall cut off nations whiiher thou g. 20. 1. when thou g. lo battle and seesi, 21. 10. 23. 20. God may bless thee in all that thou seticii thine hand to, whiiher ihou g. Jot/t. 1. 7, 28. 6. blessed shall tiiou be when thou g. out ly. cursed shall thou be when thou g. out 21.make pestilence cleave to thee whiiher ihoDf, 63. shall be plucked oflT the land whiiher thou », 32. 30. and die in the mount whiiher ihou g. }oih. 1.9. the Lord is wiib thee whither thou g, Judg. 14. 3. that thou g. to lake a wife of Philisi. Ruth 1. IC. for whiiher thou g. I will go 2 ^am. 15. 19. wherefore g. thou also with us ? 1 Kings 2. .37. on the day thou g. over the brook, 42, I'sal. 44. 9. but thoug. not forth wilh our armies /Vor.4.12.wheu thou g. steps shall nol be sf.-aiteueJ O. 22. when thou g. it shall lead thee Erei. 5.1. keep ihy foot when thou g. to house ofG. 9. 10. nor wisdom in the grave whiiher thou g. Jer. 45. 5. 1 will give for a prey whither ihou g. .yat 8.iy. 1 will follow ihee whilherg. Luke 9. 57. Luke 12. 58. when thou g. wilh thine adversary John 11.8 sought to stone thee, g. thither agaiul 14. 5: Lord, we know nol whither thou g. GOLlll. Ejod. ~. 15. lo, he g. out unlo the water ■>.'. £(). shall deliver it by that the sun g. down 28. 29. Aaron shall bear them when he g. ia 30. they shall be on Aaron'shearl when he g. In 35. his sound shall be heard when he g. in Lev. II. 21. these ye may eal ihal g. on all four 14. 40. heihatg. into the house shall be undean io. 3'.. law of him whose seed g. from him, 22. 4 16. 17. none in the tabernacle when he g. in 22. 3. who g. to holy things having undeanness 27. 21. llie field, when it g. out in jubilee, be holy Aii/n. 5. 29. this is the law,wheua wifeg. aside IJeui. 1. 30. the Lord which g. before shall fight 9. 3. thy God is be ihat g. over before you 19. 5. as when a man g. into wood wilh hisneighb. 20. 4. the Lord your God is he that g. with you 23. y. when the host g. forth against thy enemies 34. 13. deliver the pledge when the sun g. down Judg. 5. 31. be as the sun when heg. forth in niigl* Au»i. 22. 14. as Uavid. who g. at thy bidding 30. 24. as hi: part is that g. down 10 the battle 2 hings 5. 18. thy master g. to house of Kiuimou 11.8. be with the king as beg. out, 2 Chron. 23.7, Ezra 5. 8. this work g. fast on and prospweth Joi 7. 9' tfaai g. down 10 grave come up no mora 9- 11. lo, he g. by me, aud I see him not J(i. f 0. and though I forbear, what g. from me ? 34.8. wheng. in company wilh workers of iniquity 37. 2. bear the sound that g. out of his mouth 3y. 21. hg g. on lo meet the armed men "ill/. 17. 1. prayer that g. not out of feigned lip» 41. 6. when he g. abroad, he tellelh il 08. 21. such a one as g. on in his trespasses 88. 16. thy fierce wrath g. over me 97. 3. a fireg. before him, and Imriieih up enemies 104. 23. mail g. forih to his work until evening 120. (). he thaig. forth and weepetb, bearing 140. 4. his breath g. forth; he returueth to earth I'rov. 6. 29. so lie that g. in 10 his neighbour's wife 7. 22. g. al\er her, as an ox f . to the slaughter 11.10. wheu ilg. well with righteous, city rejoices I6.I8. prideg. before destruction, a ba-jghty spirit 20. ly. thaig. about as a tale-bearer reveals secrets 26. 9. as a thorn g. up into the hand of a drunkard 20. where no wood is, there the fire g. out 31. 18. her candle g. not out by night tcil. 1. 5. the sun g. down, and hatieih to his place 3.21. spirit of man g. up, spirit of beasl g. down 1-2. 5. because man g. to bis long home Cmit. 7. y.tliatg. down sweetly, causing the lips Ua. S8. 19. from the lime it g. forth, it shall tak GO I Jm 30.29. when one j.wiih a pipe to come to mount 45. II. so ihall my word he tlial j. I'orih of mouth 5y. li. wlioso {. therein shall not know peace f).l. 14. as a beast ». down Milo ibe valley Jir. 5. 6. every one that g. out theuce sliall lie torn C. 4. woe unto us, for ilie day f . away 21. y. thatf. out to Chaldeans shall live, 38. C. '22. 10. hut weep sore for him thai g. away 80. 2.1. whirlwind of the Lord g. forth with fury 44. 1". we will do what f. out of our own mouth 49.17. everyone that;, hy it be astonished, 50.1.1. i^ick.'. 14. ihey have blown, but iioneff. to battle .■?3. ^1. their heart g. after their covetousness 44. 27. in the day thit he g. into the sanctuary llos.iiA. yonrgoodn. is as the early dew, it j. away 5. thy judRnients are as lii^ht that g. forth Zech. 5. 3. this is the curse that g. forth 6. he said, this is an ephah that ; fortli Mai. 8.9. I say to this man go, and he g. Lidt'.S. 12. 45. then g. he and taiteth, Luie 1 1. 20. 13. 41. for joy thereof g. and selleth all he hath 15.11, not tliat which £. into mouth dehleih a man 17. 21. this kind g. not out but by prayer S6. 24. the Son of man g. as it is written of him. Mart 14. 21. Luic::. 22. 28. 7. he J. before you into Galilee, Alnri Ki. 7. Jo/iit 3. 8. bat canst not tell wliither it g. 7.20. thou hast a devil ; who j. about to kill thee 10. 4. he g. before them, the sheep follow him 11. 31. she g, umo the grave to weep there 12. 35. knoweth not whither he g. 1 John 2. 11. 1 Cor. 6. 6. but brother g. to law wiih brother 9.7. who J. a warfare any time at his own charges Jam. 1. 24. be beholdeth himself and g. his way /^5and be-g. of the breed of liashan Jiidg. G. t 19. Gideon made ready a kid of ihe g. 1 Sam. 25.2. Nabal iiaU a thousand g. was shearing 2 Vhron. 17. 1 1 . the Arabians brought 7,700 he-g. 29.2i.lbcy brought seven he-g. for a sin-offering l'.:ra G. 17. offered at the dedication twelve be g. 8. 35. children out of captivity offered 12 he-g. I'snI. 50. 9. 1 will take no he-g. out of thy fold 13 or will I drink the blood of g. ? tV). 15. I will offer to thee bullocks with g. Pror 27. 2G. the g. are the price of thy field 27. thou shall have g. milk dnougU for food Cam. 4. 1. thy hair is as a flock of g. 6. 5. lia. 1. 11. J delight not in the blood of he-g. 14. t 9. it stirreth up for ihee all great g. ;H. 6. sword of the Lord fat wilh the blood ofg. Jer. 50. 8. and Ive as the be-g. l.efore the flocks htek. 27. 21. Arabia occupied wilh Oiee in g. 34. 17. I judge between the rams and he-g. 39. le. ye shall drink the blood of iambs and g. 43. 22. on the second day offer a kid of the g. 45. 23. a kid of tne g . daily for a sin-offering Mi€. 6. 1 8. as a /oong lion uaaog tht flocks of g. 6UD Zawi.7.22.nor is there any G. beside, 1 CAy. 17.20. i.*a>i. 3.28. that they mightioi worsb. uxyg. except G. 7. who shall ask a petition oSany g. or man, IS 11.37. neither shall he regard any g. Viher GOD. Eiod. 34. 14. thou shall worship no other g. Dan. 3. 29. because there is no other g. can deliver 1 Cor. 8. 4. there is none other g. but one it range CiOD. Deitl. 32. 12. there was no strange g. with them Pia/. 44.20. stretched out our hands to a stfanie^. 8 1.9. no strange g. be iu thee, nor worsb. uran^e /. 7in.43.12.wben tberewas no j/raiijeg. among ihein Dan II. 39. thus shall be do with a slraUi^e g. GOD. 1'his it one of the names -uhich ue give to that eternal, injiniie, and incomprehensible lieing, the Creator oj' ail things, uho yreiertes und gi>- vejns every thing by his almighty youer and siidom, and is the only object oj our uorthip. J'he 'UehTiWS give 10 dod generally the namt of JkhoV.\h, he aho etiils of himielf, and gixes being and eiiiience 10 others: this u a nxme inejjable and myttericui, xhich denotes the eternity, immnlability, and independent f 0/ God, and the iifallible eeilainiy oJ his uord and yiomises. Ihe iniyorl ol this name i( oyened and predicted of Christ, in Kev. 1.4,8 J/ie Hebrews had siuh a lenetalion fo' this holy name, that they neier pronounced it, tt.t instead oJ it made use of thai of Adonai, uhich signifies yroycrly .My Lords, iti the ptvid, number: and of Klobi, Kloi, or Klobim. ihey iikeuise called him tl, i.hich sigttifes Strong, or bhaddai, s hereby nay be meant one scho it telf-sujicient : or, according to another yronun- ciaiion, the Destroyer, Ilie yaaeifuj On* ; or I'.lion, the most High, or lU-sabaolh, /Ae God of I lout ; or J a, God. This name Jr.MOVAII, in the WehrfW, ccHiiili ef J^ur letters, t>> (or the mrsl part 11 doth t» aii languages. Thus among Ihe i'ersisiu the hsdui. KofV; aounf rW Ankiaos, Alia; Miteng M< GOD Ajsyrians, Adad ; among iht Egyptians, ©WW or ©ti/^ ; Kith the Grecians, ©fOf ; t/ii Latins, Dens; /A« French, Dien ; M* Spaniards, Dios; the Italians, Idio ; tmd uith the Germans, Gott. Hereof torm giie this reason, that the ttumier ej four it a perfect number^ and to ftereby the perfection of Cod ii noted. Othert tay, that tiod it he aho created all thingt, con- titling of four elements. God declared to Moses, that he vat not known iy t/ie name Jehovah, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ; and yet God it called by the name Je- hovah, 1)1 Gen. 15.7 | CC. 2+ Thit ii net to be understood of tlie name, but of the thing tig- nifed bv that name. For that denotes all hii ftrfecltons, and, among others, the constancy and immutability of his nature and ui!l, and the infallible certainty of his -xord and promises. And, though this Kot believed by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ; fit Ood had not giien any actual being to hit promitet for their deliver- ance, by the accompltthment of them : for they only tna the promisss afar off. Thit erprettion map likezcise be understood comparatively*; thty knetc this but darkly and imperfectly, xshich vas now to 60 made knoii:n more clearly and fully. Boo is taker., I. Properly, and that either essen- tially, for the uhole' Trinity, Isa. 40, '.'8. John 4. 24. Or, personally, (1) For the lather, Eph. 1. 3. (2) The SoA, John 1. 1. (3) For the Holy Ghost, Acls 5.3,4. II. Improperly, (1) For an idol, or false and imaginary god, Exod. 2S. 20. Judg. '11. 24. (2) For prtncet, magistrates, and judges, Exod. 22% 28. Psal. 82. 1, 6. (3) For the ark of Ood. 7'hut uhen the ark came iti\> the camp of the Israelites, the Philistines said, God it come into 4heir camp ; this name they give /o the ark, as they ttted to do to the images, of their falte gods. 1 Sam. 4. 7 The Lord tells MjOs»s, Lzod. 7. 1, See, f nave made thee a Goa to Pharaoh. Thou shall refiresent my person, and act like God, bit requiring his obedience to thy commands itnd by punishing his disobedience aiih tuch ptmishmeuis as none but God can inflict , to tvhich end thou shalt have my omnipotent atsis/mce. Satan it called the god of thi; world, 2 Cvr. 4. 4. because he rulet over the greatest part of the world, and they are hit lervants and slaves St Paul, in Phil. 3 I9 tpenks of tome that make their belly their god that it, who mind nothing but the satisfaction of their fleshly appetites. God forbid, is a strong form of denial jcith a lothing of ahat is objected, Rom. 3. 31. ] 9 14. In the original it is. Let it not be. iJ«7i. 16. 13. called name of Lord, thou G. seest me 17. 7 to be a G. to thee and thy seed after thee 31.13.1 am the G. of Bethel, where thou vowedst 42. 28. what is this that G. hath done to us > 45. 8. it was not you that sent me hither, bat G. 48.^21. bihold, 1 die, but G shall be with you Krod.fi.1. 1 will take you tome, «ind be to you aG I8.I9 cive thee connic"., and G shall be with thee Num. 23. 23. said of Jacob, what hath G.wrouehtr 24.23. alas, who shall live when G. doth this? Deut. 4. 7. what nation which hath G so nigh ? 29- 13. that he T»ay be to thee a G. as he said 1 "S«m.3.17.C.dosoand more also,li.44. | 25 22 2 Sam.^. 9,35. I 19.13. 1 Kings 2. 23. 2 Kings 6 31 J7. 46. all may know that there is a G. in Israel 82. 3. till 1 know what G will do for me £ Sam. 22. 32. who is G. save the Ld. ? I's. 18. 31. 1 Kings 18. 21. if the Lord be G. follow him 39. the Lord, he is the G. the Lord, he is the G. 2 Kings 19. 15. thou art the G. even thou alone i Chr. 20.6. O Ld. God, art not thou G. in heaven? Etra 1. 3. his G. be with him, he is the G. Nek. 9.17. art a G. ready to pardon, slow to ant;er Joi 32. 13. sayest, how doth G. know ? Ps.'Z.W. Ps. 5.4. art not a G. that hast pleasure in wickcdn. 52. 7. the man that made not G. his strength 86.10 thou art preat,thou art G. alone, 7in. 37.15. J*a. 12. 2. behold, G. is my salvation, 1 will trust 44.8. is there a G. besides me .' yea, there is no C. 45. 22 look unto me, I am G. there is none else 46. 9- I am G. there is none else, none like me Jer. 31. 33. I will be their G.thev my peop. 32. 38 l.tek. 28.2. hast said, I am a god, I sit in seat of G 9. but thou shait b« a man, and no g. not. 8. 6. workman made it, therefore it is not G. Jl. g. for I am G. and not man, the holy One Uic. 7. 18. who is a G. like to thee, that pardons ? Mat. 1. 23 nanic F.mmanuel, which is G. with us 0.24.ye cannot serve C. and mammon, /rtiite 16.13. ;». 17. there is none good but one, that is G. Mari 10. 18. Luke 18. I9. GOD Mark 12. 3^. there is one G. and none other bat he John 1. 1. the Word was with G.and Word was C. 3. 2. can do miracles, except G. be with him 8. 41. they said, we have one Father, even G. 4C. for I proceeded forth, and came from G. 17. 3. they niii^ht know thee, the only true G. Acts 2. 22. by wonders, which G. did by him 5. 29. we ought to o!)ey G. rather than men 7. 9. patriarchs sold Joseph, but G. was with him 10. 34. I perceive G. is no respecter of persons Kom. 3. 4. let G. be true, and every man a liar B. 31. if G. be for us, who can be against us .' 15. 5. now the G. of patience and consolation 1 Vor. 8. (i. to us there is but one G. the Father 8. that G. may be all in all 2 Cor. 1.21. he which hath anointed us, is G. 4. 4. the g. of this world hath blinded minds 13. 1 1. G. of love and peace shall be with you 2 Thess. 2. 4. above all called G. so that he as G. 1 Tim. 3. 16. G was manifest in the flesh Tit. 1. 16. they profess that they know G. lleb. 3. 4. but he that built all things is G. 4. 10. ceased from his works, as G. did from his 8. 10. I will be to them a G. they to nie a people 1 John 1. a. G. is light, in him is no darkness at all 4. 12. no man hath seen G. at any time Rev. 21. 3. and G. himself shall be with them 4. O. shall wipe away all tears 7. I will be his G. and he shall be my son Against GOD. Gen. 39.9. tow do this wickedness, and sin ag. G. ? Num. 21. 5. the people spake ag. G. Psal. IB. I9. 1 Chron. 5. 25. and they transgressed against G. 2 Chron. 32. VJ. spake against the G. of Jerusalem Job 15. 13. thou turnest thy spirit against G, 25. for he stretcheth ou; his hand against G 34. 37. he muliiplieth his words against G. Dan, 3. 29. which speak amiss ag. G. of Shadrach 11. 36 speak marvellous things ag. G. of gods llos. 13. 16. she hath rebelled against her G. Acts 5. 39. lest ye be found to fight against G. 6. 11. he hath spoken blasphemous words ag. G. 23. 9- let us not fight against G. Rom. 8. 7 the carnal mind is enmity against G. 9. 20. who art thou that repliest against G, ? Rev. 13. 6. opened his mouth in blasphemy ag. G. See Almighty. Brfore GOD. Gen. 6. 11. the earth was corrupt before G Exod 10.12. eat bread with Moses' father before O. Josh 24.1 they presented themselves if/ore G. Judg 21 2. the people abode till even before G. 1 Chron 13. 8 David and all Isr played i^iir^ G 10 and there Uzza died before G. 16. 1 they offered burnt-sacrifices if/()r« G. 2 Chr 33.12 Manasseh humbled himself i^/'ure G 34. 27. Josiah's heart was humbled it/wr«"G. Eira 7. 19 deliver before the G. of Jerusalem Job 15. 4. yea thou restrainest prayer before G, Psal. 42. 2. when shall 1 ,^ppear before G.? 56. 13. may walk before G in light of living 61. 7. he shall abideAc/nrj G. for ever 68 3. let the righteous rejoice before G, 84 7. every one in Zion appeareth before G. Eccl. 2 £6. give to him that is good before G. 5. 2 heart hasty to utter any thing before G. 8. 13. because he feareih not before G. Van 2. 1 18. would desire mercies from before G. 6. 10. gave thanks bej'ore his G. as aforetime 11. found him making supplication before G. 26. that men tremble before the G. of Daniel Luki 1 6. they were both righteous before G. 12. 6. not one of them is forgotten before G. 24. 19. a prophet mighty in deed and word bcf. G. Acts 7. 46. who found favour before G. 10. 4. thine ajjns are come for a memorial bef, G. 33. we are all here present before G to hear 23. 1. I lived in all good conscience before G. Rom. 2 13. not hearers of law are just ^i^urc G. 3. 19. the world may become guilty before G. 4. 2. hath whereof to glory, but not before G. 14.22. hast thou faithr have it to itysKU before G. 2 Cor. 12. 19. we speak before G. in Christ Gal. 1. 20. behold, before G. I lie not 1 Thesi. 3. 13. he may establish your hearts before G I Tim. 5. 4. that is good and acceptable bejiire G. 21. I charge thee before G 2 Tim. 4. 1. Jam. 1.27 pure religfon and undf tiled before G Per. 3. 2 not found thy words perfect before G. 9.13. a voice from the horns of the altar before C 12. 10. which accused them bef. G. day and night 16. 19. Babylon came in remembrance before G. 20. 12. I saw dead, small and great, stand ic/". G See Called, Chosen, Com.ma.vded." Eternal GOD. Deut. 33. 27. the eternal G. is thy refuge Everlasting GOD. Gen. 21. 33. Abraham called on namtof «r«r. G. Isa. 40. 28. the ever. G. fainteth not, nor is weary GOD Rom. 16.26. according to commacdmetit of evert.O .See Father, Fear, Forbid, Gave, Glorify High GOD. G^K. 14.18. was priest of the most high G. Hit. f.\. 19. blessed be Abraham of the most high G. 20. blessed be the most high G. which delivered 22. I have lift up my hand to the most high G. Psal. 57. 2. I will cry unto G. most high, umo God 7y.35.(r.W2is their rock, the high G. their redeem. 06. they tempted and provoked the most high G, Dan. 3. 26. servants of most high G. come forth 4. 2. shew the wonders the high G. hath wrought 5. 18. hig'i G. gave Nebuchadnezzar a kingdom 21. till he knew that the most high G. ruled -1/if . 6. 6. and bow thyself before the most high G. Markb. 7. thou Son of the most high G. Luke\i.i&. Acts 16. 17. these men are servants of most high G. Holy GOD. Joih. 24.19. he is an Ao/v G. he is a jealous God 1 Sam.Q. 20. who is able tostaid before this holy G.' Psal. yg. 9. for the Lord our G. is holy Isa. 5. 16. G. that is holy shall be sanctified in right. (iOU of heaven. 2 Chron. 36. 23. all kingdoms of the earth hath the Lord G. of heaven given me, Eira 1. 2. Ezra 5. 1 1. we are the servants of the G. of heaven 12. our fathers have provoked the G. of heaven. 6. 9- for burnt-offeriugs of the G. of heaven, 10. 7. 12. a scribe of the law of the G. of heaven, 21 23. whatever is commanded by the G. of heaven Neh. 1.4. 1 fasted and prayed before the G. of h 2. 4. so I prayed to the G. of heaven, and said Psal. 136. 26. O give tlianks to the G. of heaven Dan. 2. 18. they would desire mercies of G. of h 19. then Daniel blessed the G. of heaven 44. the G. of heaven shall set up a kingdom Jonah 1. 9- 1 lear the Lord, the G. of heaven Rev. 11. 13. the remnant gave glory to G. oj heaven 16. 11. and they blasphemed the G. of heaven GOD of hosts. Psal. 80. 7. turn us again, O G. of hosts, I9. 14. return, we beseech thee, O G. of hosts Amos 5.C7-saith Lord.whose name is the G.of hosts See Lonu God. GOD is. Gen. 21 . 22. G. 11 with thee in all that thou docst 31.50. see, G. «> witness betwixt me and thee Exod. 20. 20. fear not, for G. is come to prove you Num. 23. 19. G. is not a man, that he should lie Deut. 3. 24. what G. is there in heaven who can do' 33. 27. the eternal G.is thy refuge, and underneath Jo///. 24.19. our holy G. if a jealous God, Nah. 1.2. 1 Sam. 4. 7. G. is come into the camp, woe unto us 10. 7. for G. is come with thee, 1 Chron. 17. S. 28 15. G. i> departed from me, he answercthnol 2 Sam. 22. 33. G. is my strength and power 1 C/iron.14.15. G is gone forth before thee to smite 2 Chr. 13. 12. G. himself is with us for our captain Job 33. 12. 1 answer thee, G. i> greater than maa 36. 5. behold, G. is mighty and desplseth not any 2t). behold, G. is great, and we know him not Pial. 7.11. G. is angry with the wicked every day 10. 4.G.t> not in all his thoughts, not seek alter G 14. 5. for G. it in the generation of the righteous 33. 12. blessed nation, whose G. it Lord, 144. 15. 46. I. G. it our refuge and strength, 62. 8. 5.G. iV in the midst of her, she shall not be moved 47. 5. G. ij gone up with a shout 1;7. for G. 1/ King 48. 3. G. it known in her palaces for a refuge 50. 6. for G. it judge himself, Selah, 75. 7. 54. 4. behold, G. it my helper. Lord is with them 50. 9. turn back ; this 1 know, for G. is forme 59 9. I will wait, for G. it my defence, 17. 62. 7. in C. is my salvation and glory, Jta. 12. 2. 6«.5.a father of the fatherless ijG.in his habitation 73. 1. truly G. is good to Israel, even to such as are 26.G.ustrength of my heart,and portion for ever 74. 12. G. is niy King of old, working salvation 89. 7. G. is greatly to be feared in the assembly 116. 5. gracious is the Lord, nurC. is merciful 118. 27. G. is the Lord that hath shewed us light Eccl. 5. 2. for G. is in heaven, and thou on earth yja.5.16. G. that is holy shall be sanctified in right. S.lO.forG. is with us[l45.14. surely G. it in thee Zech. 8. 23. we have heard that G. ixwith you AJo/. able of these stones to raise, LkX« 3.8 22. 32. (r. IS not God of the dead, but of the living John 3. 33. hath set to his seal thit G. is true 4.24. G. is a Spirit i; 13. 31. G. tt glorified in him ■ lets 10. 34. G. it no respecter of persons Rom. 1. 9. for G. it my witness, whom I serve 11. 23. for G. is able to graflT them in agadn 14 4. for G. is able to make him staiiid 1 Car. 1.9. G. i> faiihful, by whom ye were called 10. 13. G. is faithful who will not suffer you 14. 25. and report that G. is in you of a tiiith 33. G. is not author of confusion, but of peace 2 Cor. 1.18. as G. ij true, our word was not yea, aaj 9- 8. G. is able to make all grace abound to you Gi/. 3. 20. hot G. it one 1| 6. 7. G is not moclttd GOD Eph. 2.4. but G.who is rich in mercy quickened ns fhU. 1 .a. G. IS my record, hew greaily I long after 3. ly. for many walk, whose g. is their belly 1 T/iffj. 2. 5. nor cloke of covetousness, O. is witness IIei.6.10.G. is not unright. to forget your work li. l(i. G. is not ashamed to be called their God IC. cy. for our G. is a consuming fire 13. id. for with such sacrifices G, is well pleased J Sv/in I. 5. G. is li^^ht || 4. 8. for G. iVlove, 10. 3 9o.G.iV greater than our heart, knows all things GOD 0/ Israel. J'zod. 24. 10. they went up, and saw the G. of Isr. Au//i. l6. 9- the G. {if Israel hath separated you yuj-/i.7.19.to give glory to the G. of Isr. 1 6'a'«.6.5 l.S. 3.S. the G. 0/" Israel was their inheritance 22.1 6. what trespass ye committed ag. G.of Israel 2i. what have ye to do with the G. of Israel/ 24. 23. incline your heart to the G. of Israel Jui/o-. 11. 23. G. o,'"ifrac/ dispossessed the Amorites liuth 2.12. a full reward be given thee of G. of Isr. 13am. i.l". the G. a/" Israel grant thy petition 5. 11. send away the ark of the G. cf Israel 1 Kings 8.23. L.G.I)/" /fr. no G.like thee, 2C7'/. 22.7.1 cried to my G. he heard, Pfa/. 18. C. 22. and have not departed from myG. Psal. ia.<21. 30.by«iyG I have leaped over a wall, /V. 18.29. IChr. 28. 20. for God, even my G. will be with thee ZChr. 18. 13. what my G. sai'th, that will I speak AVA. 5. 19. think upon me, my G. for good, 13. 31. 13. 14. remember me. my G. concerning this, 22. Psai.'iS.l.my G. myG. why hast thou forsaken me' why so far from helping me > Mat. 27. 46. 50. thou art my G. from my mother's belly 31. 14. I trusted in thee, I said, thou art my G. 38. 81. O my G, be not far from me, 71. li. 343 GOD f Ji89,26.t!e shall cm taou art my Fathery my G. 104. 33. r will smg praise to my G. 146. 2. 118. 28. thou art my G. and 1 will praise thee 145. 1. I will extol thee, my G. O King, and bless Prov. 30. 9. and take the name of my G. in vain Isa. 7. 13. but will ye weary my G. also? 40. 27. my judgment is passed over from my G. 44. 17. he saith, deliver me, for thou art my G. 61. 10. my soul shall be joyful in my G. Dan.6.m.my G . hath sent his angel, hath shut lions' Ilus.l.'Zi. they shallsay, thou art /ny G. /JurA.lS.y. 8. 2. Israel shall cry to me, my G. we know thee 9. 17. my G. will cast them away, not hearken Mic. 7.7.1 w'ill wait, for my G. will hear me Juh7i 20.17. and say. J ascend to my G. and your G 28. 'I homas answered and jaid, my L. and my G. Rom. 1. 8. 1 thank my G. through Jesus Christ, for you all, 1 Cor. 1.4. | 14.18. Phil. 1.3. Philem.i 2 Cor. 12. 21. lest when I come, my G. will humbli Pint. 4. 19. my G. shall supply all your need liev. 3.12. 1 will write on him the name of my G. Hee Lord my God. No GOD. De11t.32.3g. I, even I am he, there is ?io G. with me 1 Kings 8. 2.'!. there is 710 G. like thee, 2 Chr. 6. 14. 2 Kin^s 1.16. is it because there is no G. in Israel .' 5. 15. now I know there is no G. in all the earth IChron. 32. 15. noG . of any nation able to deliver Psal. 14. 1. the fool hath said, there is no G.53.1. Isa. 43. 10. before me there was no G. formed 44. 6. besides me there is no G. 8. | 45. 5, 14, 21. Lzei. 28. 9. but thou shalt be a man, and no G. llos. 13. 4. and thou shal'. know no G. but me GOD. Kum. 12. 13. heal her now, O G. I beseech thee Judg. 16. 28. strengthen me, only this once, U G. Psal. 4. 1. hear me, U G. of my righteous::e3» 25. 22. redeem Israel, O G. out of all his troubles 51. 14. deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O G. 56. 12. thy vows are upon me, U G. 1 will render ijrt. 64. 4. nor hath the eye seen, O G. besides thee Ileb. 10.7. 1 said, lo, I come to do thy will, U G. 9. 0/GOD. Eiod. 9.-I28. entreat there be no more voices o/'G. 1 Sd>^. 14. + 15. so it was a trembling ofG. 2 Chr. 10.15. hearkenednot, forthe cause viasofG. 25. 20. Amaaiah would not hear, for it came ofG. Psal. 7. 10. my defence is of G. whosaveth upright Isa. 2y. 1 1. woe to the lion of G. add year to year 53.4. we did esteem him smitten of G. and afflicted Mat. 16. 23. savourest not things tf&. Mark 8. 33. John 1. 13. born not of the will of man, but o/'G. 6. 46. he which is of G. hath seen the Father 7. 17. shall know of doctrine whether it be of G. 8. 47. he that is of G. heareth : ye are not of G. 9.16. this man is not o/'G. |1 33. if he were not o/"G. 12. 43. loved the praise of men more than of G. ■lets 5. 39. if it be 0/' G. ye cannot overthrow it Horn. 2. 29. whose praise is not of men, but of G . 9. 16. but of G. that sheweth mercy 13. 1. no power but of G. powers ordained of G. 1 Cor. 1. 30. who of G. ii made unto us wisdom 6. 19. which ye have of G. ye are not your own 11. 12. but all things are 0/ G. 2 Cor. 5. 18. 2 Cur. 2.17. but as o/'G. in the sight o/G. speak we 3.5. we are not sulficient, our sufficiency is 0/" G . Phil. 1 . 28. but to you of salvation, and that of G. 3. 9. the righteousness which is of G. by faith Ueb. 5. 4. he that was called of G. as was Aaron 1 John 3. 10. doeth not righteousness, is not of G. 4.1. beloved, try the spirits whether they are o/'G. 3. confesseth not that Christ is come, is not 0/" G. 6. we axe of G.|| 5.I9. wekuow that we are of G. 3 John 11. follow good, he that ducthgood iso/ G. iiee Angel, Ark, Born, Children, Cho- sen, Church, Counsel, I-'ear, Glory, Grace, Hand, House, Kingdom, Know- ledge, Love, Man, People, Power, Ser. VANT, Sight, Son, Sons, Spirit, Will, Words, Work., Works, World, Wrath. Our GOD. Kxod. 5.8. they cry, let us go and sacrifice to our G. Deut. 31 17. because our G. is not amongst us 32. 3. ascribe ye greatness unto our G. Josh. 24. 18. we will serve the Lord, he is our G. Judg. 10. 10. because we have forsaken our G. 1 •b'um. 2. 2. neither is there any rock like our G. 2 Ham. 10.12. and let us play the men for oitr people, and for the cities of our G. 1 Chron. 19. 13. 22. 32. whois a rock, save our G.T Psal. 18. 31. 1 Chr. 29. 13. now therefore, our G. we thank thee 2 Chron. 2. 5. for .great is our G. above all gods 14. 11. O Lord, thou art our G. let not man prevail 20. 7. art not thou our G. who didst drive out I-^ra 9.10. now, O our G. what shall we say after - A«/<. 4.4. hear, O our G.||20.oHr G.shall fight for us 6. 16. that this work was wrought of our G. 9- 32. now therefore our G. the great, mighty God 13. 2. our G. turned the c^rse into a blessing P/.40.3.hath put a oew *oogi even praiM to our G. GOD Pj. 48. 14. this-God is our G. {aeevtx aal ever 50. 3. our G. shall come and not keep silence 67. 6..and God, even our own G. shall bfess tis 68. 20. he that is our G. is the God of salvation 77. 13. who is so great a God as our G. T 95.7. heisour G.|| 115.3. oiirG is in tl^ heaven* 1 Id. 5. gracious is the Lord, our G. is merciful Isa. 25. 9. lo, t|i,is is our G. we have waited for him 55. 7. to our G. for he will abundantly pardon 5y. 13. and departing away from our G. 6i. 2. to proclaim the day of vengeance of our G. i-'aH.3.17. our G. whom we serve is able todelive? ^ech. 9. 7. he that remaineth shall be for o«rG. 1 CV.6. U. ye are sanctified by the Spirit of our G. Ilei. 12. 2y. for our G. is a consuming fire lUv. 5. 10. hast made us to our G. kings and priests 7. 10. salvation to our G.who sitteth on the throna 12. blessing, and honour, and power be to our G. Hee Peace.Saiu. Saith, Serve, Se.nt, Speak, Speed, Spoken. Their GOD, Cen.\1.&. I will be their G. Eiod.29.i5. Jet.Zi.J. I 31.33. I 32.38. Lzei. 11.20. | 34.24. I 37.23, 27. Zeih. 8. 8. 2 Cor. 6. Id. liev. 21.3. Lev.ll .d.they shall be holy to their G. for offerings of the Lord, aud bread oi their G. they do offer 26.45. that 1 might be their G. Ezek.'n. 11. 2 0>am.7.24.thou art become their G. 1 CA/.17.22. Ezra 5. 5. the eye of their G. was on the elders Psal. IQ. 10. v.'heKisi/ieirU.f 115. 2. Joel2. 17. Isa. 8. 19. should not a people seek to their G.T 21. shall fret, and curse their king, and their G. 58. 2. and forsook not the ordinance of their G. Jcr.b. 4. they know not the judgment of (AeirG. 5 Dan. 11. 32. but the people that know their G. Uos. 4. 12. have gone a whor. from under their G. 5. 4. not frame their doings to turn to their G. i:ech.V2.5.my strength in the Lord of hosts their G. tUb. 11. 16. he is not ashamed to be called their G, ■Hee LoKU their God. Thy GOU. Lev. 19. 14. thou shalt fear ihy G. 25. 17, 36, 43. Deut. 10. 21. he is thy praise, and he is thy G. 2d. 17. hast avouched this day the Ld. tobe GODLINESS. Tsa. 67. 1 1. and men of e. are taken away 1 Tim. 2. 2. that we may lead a quiet life in all g. 10. which becometh women professing g. 3. 16- great is the mystery of g. God in the flesh 4. 7. and exercise thyself rather unto g. 8. but g. is profitable unto all things 6. 3. to the doctrine which is according to g, 5. corrupt men, supposing that gain is g. 6. but g. with contentment is great gain 11. follow after righteousness, g. faith, love 2 Tim. 3. 5. having a form oi g. but denying power Tit. 1. 1. acknowledging the truth which is after j. 2 Pet. 1. 3. all things that pertain to life and g. 6. add to patience g. tog. brotherly kindness, 7. 3. 1 1 . what manner of persons ought to be in all ;. GOD-WAUO. Exod.W, 19. God with thee, be thou for people to G. 2 Cor. 3.4. such trust have we through Christ to G. 1 Then. 1. 8. your faith to G. is spread abroad GODS. Gen. 3. 5. ye shall be ssg. knowing good and evil 31. 30. yet wherefore hast thou stolen my g. T Ejod. 12. 12. against aJl g. of Egypt I will execute 20. 23. shall not make with me g. of silver or gold 22. 28. thou shalt not revile the g. nor curse ruler 23. 24. thou shalt not bow down to their g. 32. shall make no covenant with them nor their g. 32.1. up, make usj. to go before us, 23. .^f/j 7 -40. 4. these be thy g, O Israel, which brought, 8. 31. Moses said, they have made them; . of gold 34. 15. lest they go a whoring after their g. Num. 25.2. called people to the sacritices of their j. 33. 4. upon the Egyptians' g. also the Lord exe- cuted judgment, Jer. 43. 12, 13. | 46. 25. Deui. 7. 25. the images of their?, shall ye burn 10. 17. Lord yourGod is God of g. Lord of lords 12. 3. ye shall hew down the images of their g. 30. that thou enquire not after their g. 31. have done every abomination to their ^. burnt their sons and daughters in the fire to their j. 13. 7. entice thee to the g. of people round about £0. 18. not to do as they have done to their g. 29. t 17. and ye have seen their dungy g. 32. 37. and he shall say, where are their g. ! Josh. 22. 22. the Lord God of g. knoweth 23. 7. nor make mention of the name of their g. .?Krfg.5.8.theychose newg. then was war in gates 6. 10. I said, fear not the g. of the Amorites 10. 14. go and cry to theg. which ye have chosen 17. 5. the man Jlicah had an house of g. 18. 24. ye havestaken away my g. which I made Ruth I. 15. thy sister-in-law is gone back to herj . 1 Sam. 4. 8. these are the g. that smote Egyptians 6.5. will lighten his hand from off you and yourg. 17. 43. the Philistine cursed David by his g. £8. 13. she said, I saw g. ascending out of the earth 2.*>a«i.7.23.thou redeemesl from Egypt and theirg. lAinjfll.2.they will turn your hearl after their;;. 8. Solomon burnt incense and sacrificed to theirj . 12. 28. it is too much to go up, behold thy g. 18. 24. and call ye on the name of your g. 25. 19.2. let the g. do solo me and more also, 20. 10. 20. 23. their g. are g. of the hills, therefore 2 Kings 17. 29. every nation made g. of their own 33.tney feared the Lord, and served their own g. 18. 33. hath any of the g. delivered his land ? ly .12. 2 Chron. 32. 13, 14. 7/0.36. 18. | 37. 12. 34. where are the g. of Hamath? Isa. 36. I9. ly. 18. have cast their g. into fire they were no g. 1 Chron. 5. 25. went a whoring after g. of the land 10. 10. put Saul's armour in the house of their j. 14. 12. they left their g. David burnt them 2 CViroji^lS.a. golden calves Jeroboam made for 5. 9. the 'same may be a priest 10 them that are no g . 25. 14. Amaziah brought g. of Seir to be his g. 28. 23. Ahai sacrificed to the g.o{ Damascus 32. 17. the g. of the nations have not delivered Kira 1.7.>Jebuch. put vessels in the house of his g. Psat. 82. 1. God standeth, he judgeth among theg. (i. 1 have said, ye are g. John 10. 34 136. 2. O give thanks unto the God of g. 138. 1. before the g. will I sin^ praise unto thee hn. 21. 9. Ijabylon is fallen, and her g. broken 41. 23. that we may know that ye are g. 42. 17. t'liat say to molten images, ye are our g. Jer. 2. 11. hath a nation changed berg, are no^ . ,' 28. where are thy f. thou hast made .' according .to the number of thy cities are thy g. 11. 13. 5! 7. children have sworn by them that are no g. 10. 11. the g. that have not made the heavens 11. 12. cry to the g.to whom tney offer incense 16. 20. shall a man make g. and they are nog..' 48. 35. to cease him that burneth incense to his g. Van. 2. 11. no oiher can shew it, except the g. 47. of a truth it is.that yourGod is a God of g. 4. 8. in whom is the spirit of the holy g. 9. I know spirit of holy g. is in thee, 18. | 5. 14. 5. 4. they praised the g. of gold and silver, 23 11. and wijdo.s like the wisdom of the g. GOL Dan. 11.8. carry captives iato Egy. g. with prinet, 36. shall speak man'ellous things against G. of^, Hos. 14. 3. neither will we say more, ye are our g Sah. 1. 14. out of the house of thy g. 1 will cut off John 10. 35. if he called them g. to whom the wor4 Acts 14. 11. the g. are come down to us like men 17. < 23. 1 beheld your g. that you worship 19.26. they be nog. which are made with hands 1 Cor. 8.5. be that are called g. there be g many Gal. 4.8. did service to them which by nature no • See Sekvk. Alt GODS. Etod. 18.11. I know the Ix)rd is greater than alt g 1 CAroM. 16.25. to be feared above all g. Psal.Qfi.i 26. all g. of the people are idols, Psal. 96. 5. 2 Chron. 2. S. great is Ood above alt g. Psal.l35.S Plat. 95. 3. the Lord is a great King above allg. 97.7.worsl^. him alt ye g.|| 9. exalted above all g Zejih. 2. 11. be will famish all theg. of the eartii Among the GODS. Exod. 15.11. among the g. who islike thee,0 Lord 2 Kings lU.35.who among (A«g. could deliver their country ? i Chron. 32. 14. Jsa. 36. 20 Psat. 86. 8. among the g. there is none like thea Molten GODS. Exod. 34 1". shalt make no molten g. Lev. 194. Other GODS. Exod.20.3. shalt have no o. g. before me, Deui.5.1 23. 13. make no mention of names of other g. Ueut. 6. 14. ye shall not go after other e. 11.28. j 28. 14. 1 Kings 11. 10. Jer. 25. 0. | 35. 16. 7. 4. they will turn thy son to serve other g. 8. 19. if thou walk alter other g. and serve them 13.2. let us go a.{m other g. and serve them, 6.13. 17. 3. halh gone and served ojAerg. 29. 26. Josh, 23.16. Judg. 10. 13. 1 6am. 8. 8. J«r. 11. IC 18. 20. prophet that shall speak in nameoi other g. 30. 17. but shalt be drawn away, and worship other g. and serve them, Jer. S2. 9 31. 18. in that day they turned to other g. 20. then will they turn to other g.and provoke me Judg. 2. 12. forsook the Lord, and followed other g. 17. went a whoring after o//i.g. 1 A'in?i7. 50. 2 C/ir. 4. 22. 28. 14. two chains of ;)i nor shall he greatly multiply silver and g 29. 17- ye have seen their idols, tiher and g. Josh. 6.19. silver and g. are consecrated to Ld. 24 22. 8. return to your tents with silver and g. 2 .Sam.B.ll./i/p.andf .Dav.dedicated,! hirtgsT.5l. 21. 4. we will have no silver or g. of Saul 1 Ktngs 15.15,Asa brought into house of Ld. silver and g. he had dedicated, 2 Chron. 13. 18 18. Asa took all the silver and j. 2 Chron. 16. 2. 19 1 have sent a present of <(Vj).andf. 2 C/ir. 16.3. 20 3. silv. and g. is mine |1 5. deliver silv. and g 2 Kings 7 8. carried thence silver and g. raiment 14. 14. Jehoash took the silv. and g. 2 Chr. 25.24 16. 8. Ahaz took silv. and g found in Ld.'s house 20.13. Hezek. shewed them silv. and ?. Isa. 39.2. 23.35.Jehoiak.gave jiVo.andf. exacted ji/». and g. 25. 15. things of g. in g. of silv. in silv. Jer.5i.l(). 1 Chr. 29.3. of my own proper good, of j. and silv. 2 Chr. 1. 15. the king made silver and g. plenteous Ezra 1 . 4. men of his place help with silver and g. 2.69.gave /i/t>. and J ||7. 15. to carry xiVr. and j. 8 25. they weighed them the silver and g. 33. Eslh. 1.6. beds were of g. aDiisiher on a pavement Joi 28. 1. there is a vein for silver, a place for g. Psal. 68.13. covered with silv. her feathers with g. 105. 37 he brought them out with silver andg. 115. 4. their idols are silver and g. 135. 15. 119 72. thy law is belter than g. and silver Prov. 8. 10. Dot silv. receive knowl. rather than g. 17 3 fining-pot for silver, furnace for g. 27. 21. 22. 1. loving-favour rather than silver or g. 25. 11. like apples ofg. in pictures of silver Eccl. 2. 8. I gathered me also silver and g. Cant 1.11. make borders of g with studs of jiVt>. 3 10. he made the pillars of ji/ter, bottom of g Isa 2. 7. the land also is full of silver and g. 20. a man shall cast his idols of silv and g 31.7. 13. 17. which shall not regard silver or g. 46.6 they lavish g. out of the bag, and weigh silv. 60. 9. to bring their silver and g. with them Jer. 10. 4. they deck it with silver and g. Eiei.7. 19. they shall cast away their silver and g. silver andg. not able to deliver them, Zeph.l.lH 16. 13. thus wast thou decked withg. and silver i>a«.2.35. then was W/i;. and j. broken topieces,45 5. 4. they praised the gods of silver and g. 23. 11 . 38. a god shall he honour with g. and silver 43 have power over treasures of g. and silver Ilos 2. 8. did not know I multiplied her f<7i;. and^. 8 4. of their ji/ter and g. have they made idols Joel 3. 5. because ye have taken my silver and g. Na/i. 2. 9. take the spoil of silver and spoil of g. Hab 2. 19. behold, it is laid over with silv. and g. Hag. 2. 8. the silver is mine, and the g. is mine ^«f/i.6.11. then take silver and g. and make crowns Mai. 3. 3. he shall purije them as g. and silver Mat. 10. 9. provide neither^. noT silver, nor brass Acts 3.6. Peter said, silver and g. have I none 17. 29. nor think Godhead is like to ji/ii^r andg. 20. 33. 1 have coveted no man's stiver or g. IC'nr. 3. 12. if any build on this foundation g. silver 2 Tim.1. 20. in a great house vessels of ji/u. andg. Jam. 5. 3. yourg. and silver cankered, rust of them 1 Pel. 1. 18.we were not redeemed with ji/i.and g. liev. 9. 20. repented not of idols of silver and g. Talent and talents of GOLD. Exod. 25. .19. of a talent ,mO talents of g. 29. 4. prepared of my proper good .3000 talents of g. 7. the chief of the fathers g.ive 5000 lalentsof g. 2 Chron. 8. 18. took from Ophir 4^0 talents of g, Ezra 8. 26. I weighed of g. vessels 100 talents Vessels of GOLV 26'nm.8.10.Toi sent to l>a.v.vessels ofg.lChr.lB.iO. 1 Kings 10. 21. Solomon's drinking vessels were ofg. 2 Chron. 9. 20. 25. every man brought present, v.ofg. 2C/.r.9.24. 2 Kings 12. 13. not madi for house of Lord v. of g. "4. 13. Nebuchadnezzar cut in pieces vessels ifg. 2 Chr. 24. 14. of rest of money made they v. of g. Ezra 1. 11. all the vessels of g. and silver 5400 5. 14. the les.iels of g. Cyrus delivered to one 8. 26. I weighed of vessels of g. 100 talents I'sth. 1.7. they gave them drink in vessels of g. Dan. 11. 8. shall also carry into F.gypt vessels o/'g. 2 Tim. 2. 20. not only vessels of g. but of wood GOLDKN. Erod. 25. 25. ag. crown to the border round about 28. 34. a g. bell || 30. 4. two g. rings, .39. 20. 32. 2. Aaron said, break off the g. ear-rings Eev. 8. 9. upon forefront he put the g. plate }fum.7 26 one £. spoon of ten shek. full of incense GON JtiJg. 8. 24t had g. ear-rings, because TsbmaelitM 26. the weight of g. ear-rings he requested 1 Sam. 6.4. five g. emerods, five g. mice, 17, 18. 2 Kings lO.29.Jehu departed not from the j. calves 1 Chron. 28. 17. for the g. basins he gave gold 2 Chron. 13. 8. there are with you g. calves Ezra 6. 5. and also let the g. vessels be restored i.'j'/i.4.11.king shall holdout a ».sceptre,6 2. | 8.4. Eccl. 12.6. or the g. bowl be broken, or pitcher Isa. 13. 12. man more prec. than g. wedge of Ophir 14. 4. how hath the oppressor, the g. city ceased Jer. 51.7. Babylon hath been g. cup in Lord's hand* Van. 3. 5. fall down and wtjrship the f. image, 12. £.2.1ielshazzar commanded to bring the g. vessels 3. they brought the ^. vessels taken out of temple Zech. 4. 12. through the g. pipes, empty the g. oil IJeb.Q 4. had theg. censer and ark where was g. pot /J*:/.! 12. being turned, I saw seven g. candlesticks 13. one girt about the paps with a g. girdle 20. the mystery of the seven g, candlesticks 2. 1 . who walketh in midst of the g. candlesticks 5. 8. g. vials, 15. 7. II 8. 3. having a g. censer 14. 14. on his head ag. crown || 17.4. a <;. cup fulT 21. 15. had ag. reed to measure the city tind gate> See Altar. GOLDSMITH, S. Neh. 3. 8. Uzziel of the g. repaired next to him 31. theg. son II 32 and merchants repaired and g. Isa. 40. 19. the g. spreadeth it over with gold 41. 7. so the carpenter encouraged the g. 46. 6. they hire a g. and he maketh it a god GONE. Gen. 24. tl. Abraham waiold, and g. into days 3 1 . 30. and now though thou wouldest needs be g. 34. 17. take our daughter, and we will be g. 42 33. take food for your households, and be g> Ezod. 12. 32. take your docks and herds, and ue g Deul 32. 36. when he seeth their power is g. 1 Sam. 14. 3. the people knew not Jonathan wasg. 17. number now, and see who is g. from us 15. 20. 1 have g. the way which the L.ord sent me 20. 41. as soon as the lad was g. David arose 26Vim.3.7whereforeg.in to my father's concubine * 24.he is quite g. || 13. 15. Amnon said, arise, beg. 1 Kings 2. 41. that Shimei had g. from Jemsalem 13. 24. when he was g. a lion met him by the \vaj 14. 10. as a man takes away dung till it he all g. 18. 12. as .soon as I am g. Spirit shall carry thee 20. 40. as I was busy here and there, he wasg. 22. 13. the messenger that wasg. to call Micaiah 1 Chron. 17- 5. but have g. from tent to tejit Job 7. 4. when shall I rise, and the night be g. / 19. 10. he hath destroyed me, and I am g. 24. 24. they are exalted for a while, but tire g- 28. 4. they are dried up and g. away from men Psal. 38. 10. as forremnant thatjje g. shall know 50. 6t they have g. from mountain to hill Lam, 1. 3. Judah isg. || 5. Zion's children arc g. 6. g. without strength l| 18. my virgins are g. Ezek. 37. 21. take Israel from heathen whither/j Dan. 2. 5. the king said, the thing isg. from me, a Ilos. 4, t 18. their drink isg. they committed 9. 6. lor lo, they are g. Ix-cause of destruction Wmiij 8. 5. when will new-moon be g. that we may Luke 2. 15. angels were g. from them into heaven 24. 28. he made as if he would have g. further John 4. 8. for his disciples were g. to buy meal 12. 19. behold, the world is g. after him Acts 16. 19. their ni.^siers saw hope of gains was^ 20. 25. among whom I have g. preaching the kingdom of God 1 Pel. 3. 22. who is g. into heaven on right hand Jude 11. they hare g. in the way of Cain (iON E about. 1 Sam. 15. 12. Saul is g. about and passed to Gil|a} Job 1.5. whendaysof their fcastings were g. al-ovi 7ja.l5.8.for the city isg. aAou/ the borders of J.loall Acts 24. 6. hath g. about to profane the temple (JONE aside. Sum. 5. 19- if thou hast not g asidi to undeanness GON A'am.S.SO.if hast g. aside to anoth. instead of husb. Piat. M. 3. they are all e. aside, they are filthy ^cls 26. 31. when they were f. aside, they talked GON E astrny- Psttl. lig. 1*6. 1 hare g. avjray like a lost sheep Isa. 53. 6. all we like sheep have g. astray A/U/.18.12. if a man have 1(X) sheep, one of them be g. a'irav, he seekeih that which isg. astray g P«:/.2.15.forbaketh the ripht way.aud are g.auray GONH a:i-ay. I Sam. 3. CC. but Abner was g. axay in peace, C3. C3 9. and the men of Israel were g. auay .r>* 2li. 4. even the waters were 5. arfoy from men Isa. 1. 4. they are g. auay backward B-.ek. 44. 10. Levites which are g. a-.cay from nic Islal. 3.7. ye are g. aitay from mine ordinances John 6. 11. but his disciples are g. a-j;ay alone G(JNi: back. I'uth 1.15. behold, thy sister-in-law is g. back Job C3. 12. nor have I g. back from commandment I'tal. 53. 3. every one is g. back, none doeth pood y^r. 40.5. while he was not yet g. 6. he said, go back GONE dovn. 1 Sam, 15. IC. Saul is passed, and g. do:cn to Gilgal 1 Kings 1 . C5. Adonijah is g. doan^^mX slain o.\cn Cl.ia. Ahabg. doxn to possess N.iboth'i vineyard C AiHgt £0. 11. by which the shadow haA g. dmn in the dial of Ahaz, Isn. 38. 8. Cant. 6. C. my beloved is g. down into his garden Jer. 15. 9. her sun isg. rfii.Y« while it was yet day 4B. 15. his young men are g. do:at to slaughter Lzek. 31. 12. all people g. dozen from his shadow 32. 21. the stror.garee. do:cn, slain by the sword 24. there is Elam |1 2*. Tubal 30. Zidon g. doun Jona/t 1. 5. Jonah was g. do:cn to sides of the ship GONE>(7A. Oen. 19. ♦ 23. sun g. forth when Lot entered Znar Esod. 19. 1. in third month when Isr. \x3iS g. forth 2 h'ings 6. 15. when servant of Elisha was g._/"ur//i 1 Chron. 14. 15. God is g.J'orth before thee to smite Jsa. 51. 5. my salvation is g. forth, and my arms Jer. 4. 7. he is g. forth to mate thy land desolate 10, 20. my children are g. forth of me, and are not 23. 15. is profaneness g. forth into all the land 19. a whirlwind of the Lord is g. forth in fury 29. 16. brethren that are not g. forth into captivity JJ:ek.T. 10. day is come, the morning is g. forth 36. 20. these are people of the L. and are g.J'orth Van. 2. 14. g. forth to slay wise men of Babylon 10. 20. when I amg. _/ur/A, prince of Grecia come Alari 10. 17. when he was g./o/^A one came ruuninj GONEwif. /?r(irf.9.29.a5soonasI amg.oiif I will spread hands yum. 16. 46. there is wrath g. out from the Lord Dtul. 13. 13. certain men g. out, and withdrawn 23. 23. that which isg. 011/ of thy lips, shalt keep Jintle 3. 10. he that will love life, and see g, days See Bad, Cheer, CoNS(;iENt;E, Coi;aAOE, Do, Pay, Old age. As GOOD. Ueb. 11. 12. sprung of one, andhimo.fg. as dead GOOD heed, Deiit. 2. 4. take ye g heed 4. 15» Jas/t, 23. IL £cel. 12. 9. preacher gave g heed, and sought out Is Gooa Gen. 2. 12. and the gold of that land is g, 16. + 6. do as isg. in thine eyes, 1 9. 8. | 20 ■» 15^ Heut. 1. 14. the thing which thou hast.spok?n isg 6. 18. do that which is g. in the sight of the Lor4 23. -f 16. he shall dwell where jt is g fop him Judg 9. + 2. speak whether jt i: g> fop you 1 Sam. 29. 6 coming in with me in 'heJjost is g 1 Kiiigs 2. 38. and Shimei said, the saying is g, 42. the word that I have heard is g 18 i 24. 22. 13. and speak that which is g- 9KiHgs 20.3. r have done that which isg. lsa.38.3 1 CArtm. 16. .'?4. the Lord isg 2 C/,r. 5 13 | 7 3 .£*ra 3 11. Psal. 100.5. | 106 1. | I07 1 f 118. 1, 29. I 135 3. I 136 1. ! 145 9 fer. 33. 11. Lam. 3. 25 Nah. 1. 7. 19- 13. the Lord do that which is g in his sight J06 34.4. know among ourselves what is g Psal. 34. a. O taste and see that the Lord is g 69. 16. hear me, for tTiy loving-kindness is g 73. 1 . truly God I'.r g to Israel, to such as are 85. 12. the Lord shall give that which is g 109. 21 because thy mercy is g deliver me 143. 10. thy .Spirit is g lead me to the land Prov. 11. 23. the desire of the righteous is only g 25. 25. so is g news from a far country 81. 18. she perceiveth her merchandise is g Eccl. 2.26. God giveth to a man that is g in his sight, may give to him that is g. before God 6. 12. who knowelh what is g for man in life '. 7. 11. wisdom is g. with an inheritance t 26. that is g. before God shall escape 9- 2. as is the g. so is the sinner Jse. 55. 2. eat ye that which is g let your soul Jer. 13. 10. this girdle which is g for nothing Hoi. 4. 13. because the shadow thereof is g Mie. 6. 8. he hath shewed thee, * man, what iV g Mat. 2. 17. ye say, every one that doeth evil is g Mark 9. 50. salt is g. but if the salt, Luke 14 34 Luke 6. 45. bringeth forth that which is g 18. 19. none is g. save one, that is God Rom. 7 13. was theo thatwhirii is g. made death 18. but how to perform that is g I find not 12. 9- abhor evil, cleave to that which is g J6. 19- I would have you wise to that which is g 1 Cor. 7 26. that this is g for the present Eph. 4. 29. no communication but that is g 1 Thess. 5. 15. follow that which isg. 3 John 11 21. prove all things, hold fast thatwhich is g. 1 Tim. 1. 6. but we know that the law it g. 2. 3. thisiVf. and acceptable in the sight of God 4. 4. for every creaHire of God is g. 5. 4. for that is g. and acceptable before God I Pet. 3. 13. if ye be followers of that which it g. It is GOOD. /'.tB/.52.9.T will wait on thy name, for it is j .54.6. 73. 28. it is g. for me to draw near to God S2. 1. it is a g. thing to give thanks unto the Lord 139. 71. it is g. for me that I have been afflicted 147. I . it is g. to fling praises unto our God P»'/)t>.24.13.my son, eat thou honey, because ii isg. Eccl. 5. 18. it i> jj.and comely for one to eat anddk. 7. 18. it is g. that thou shouldest t.ike hold Jsn. 41 . -f 7. saying of the .soder, it it g. Lam. 3. 26. i: is g. that a man should both hope 27. it is g. that a man hoar the yoke in his youth Mat. S. tS.it is g. for nothing but to be ra.u out 17.4. it is g. for us to be here, Markr.7.1. it is g.ioTi man not tc touch a woman, 8. 26. I say, it is g. for a man so to be Oal. 4. 18. It it g to be zealously affected always GOOD land. £iW.3.8.come to bring them tog. land, Deut. 8. 7. iV«»i. 14.7- the laud we searched is a g. land Deut.i .25. it is a g la?id which the Lord doth give 35. none of that generation see that g. land 3. 25. I pray, let me go over, and see the g. Ia7id 4.21. Lordsware I should not go unto thatg. land 22. ye shall go over and possess that g. land 6. 18. thou niayest go in and possess theg. land 8. 7. the Lord thy God bringeth thee into ag. land 10. Shalt bless the Lord thy God for the g. land 9. 6. giveth not thisg. land for thy righteousness 11 17- lest ye perish from ofFg. land Lord giveth Josh. 23. 13. until ye perish from this g. lend, 15. 16. ye shall quickly perish from off the g. land Judg. 18. 9- we have seen the land, and it is very g. 1 Kings 14. 15. snail root Israel out of thisg. land 2 Kings 3. I9. mar every g. piece of land, 25. 1 Vhron. 28. 8. that ye may possess this g. land GOOD with make { Affirmative. I Negative Exod. 21. 34. the owner of pit shall makeXi g.22.14. 22. 11. the owner shall not make it g. 13, 15. Lev. 24. 18. he that killeth a beast shall make it g. Num. 23. ig. hath spoken, shall he not make it g .•" Jer. 18. 11. and make your ways and doings g. GOOD man. 2 Sam. 18. 27. the king said, Ahimaaz is ag. m/in Psal.37.^3. steps of a g. man are ordered by the L. 112 5. a g man sheweth favour and lendeth Piov. 7. 19- theg. man is not at home, he is gone 12. 2. ag. man obtaineth favour wf the Lord 13. 22. a g. man leaveth an inheritance to 14. 14. a g. man is satisfied from himself, 12 14. Mic 7. 2 the g man is perished out of the earth il/a<.12.35.g.mfl« out of good treasure, Luke 6.45. 20 11 they murmured against the g man 24.43.iftheg./nan of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, Litke 12. 39. Luke 23. 50. Joseph was ag. man, and a just JohnJ 12. some said, he is ag.man, oAerssaid.nay Wf/jll.24 Barnabas wasag man, full of Holy G. liom.b.T.ioT a g. man some would even dare to die Not GOOD. Gen. 2. 18 itlsni/f g that man should be alone 1 Sam 29.t6.thou art not g. in the eyes of the lords 2 Sam 17 7 the counsel is not g at this time Psal. 36. 4 sette'h himself in a way that is not g Prov. 16 29. leadethhtm into way that is not g 17 26. also to punish the just is not g 18 5 is7iofg. to accept the person of the wicked 19. 2 that the soul be without knowledge \inot g 20. 23. aud a false balance is not g 24 23. not g to have respect of persons, 28. 21. 25. 27. it is not g, to eat much honey Isa 65 2 which walketh in a way that is not g. Ezek 18 18. and did that which is nof g among 20 25. I gave them statutes that were not g 36 31 remember your doings that were ?iot g. Mat 19 10 ifthccase beso, it isno/g to marry .^cts 15 38 Paul thought no/ g to take him with 1 Cor. 5. 6 your glorying is not g. know ye not Seem, teemed, seemelh GOOD Josh.Q.i5. as it seemeih g. to thee to do unto us, do, Judg 10. 15. 1 Sam. 14. 36, 40 Ezra 7 18. Esih 3. 11. Jer. 26. 14. | 40. 4. Judg 19. 24. do to them what seemath g. unto you lSV7m.l.C3.dowhatjecmeMg.3.18. | 11.10 | 24.4. 'i Sam 3 19. Abner spake all »««m?rfg. to Israel 10. 12 the Lord do what seemeth himg 15. 26 19 37 do to Chimham what shall seem g. .'!8 24.22. take and offer up what seemeth g unto him 1 Kings 31. 2. if it seem g to thee, Jer. 40. 4. 1 Chron. 13.2. if it seem g to you, let us send Ezra 5. 17. if it seem g to the king, Esih. 5. 4. Jer. 18 4. as seemed g to the potter to make it Afat. 11. 26. so itseemed g in sight, Luke 10. 21. Luke 1.3. it j^nxrrf g. to me, having perfect underst. Acts 15. 25. it seemed g. unto us, being assembled 28. it seemed g. to the Holy Ghost and to us GOOD with thing. F.xod. IS. 17. the thing that thou doest is not g. Deut 26. 11 thou shalt rejoice in every g. thijtg Jii.iA. 21. 45. there failed not aught of anyg. thing 1 Sam. 26. 16. the thing is not g. thou hast done 1 Kings M. 13. in him there is found some g./Ai«g 2A'ing.t8.9.Hazail took ofeveryg. Ming of Danias. I'tat. 34. 10. that seek Lord not want anyg. thing 38. 20. because I follow the thing that g. is 84. 11. no g, Ming will he withhold from thom 92. 1. it isa g. thing to give thanks unto the Lord Prov. 18. 22. whoso Cnde;h a wife, findclh ag. ihinc Jer 33. 14. 1 will perform g. thing 1 have promised }los. 8. 3. Israel hath cast off the Ming that isg. Mat. jg. 16. what g. thing .shall I do to inherit life ' Join 1. 46. can an^ g. thing come out of N azareth .' (.J 00 Ttom.T. 18. that is in my flesh, dwell«th no e.thm^ Gal. 4.18. good to, be zealously affected in a g. ihrx^ Efih.-i. 28. working with his hands Mi;ig which isg 6. 8. knowing that what g. thing any maa doeth 2 'Jim. 1.14. that g.i/^ing committed unto thee, keep I'hilem. 6. by acknowledging every g. ihtng in you iUb. 13. 9. it is a g. undertlanding. 1 ■Sam. 25. S.Abigail was a woman oig.underslaruS. Psal. 111. 10.g.undert.)\3.ve all thatdoiiis command. Prov.3.4.so shalt thou find'favor joid g. underitarui. 13. 15. g. understanding giveth favour GOOD uork Ne/i 2. 18. strengthen their hands for thisg. u. A/flr.26.10. she hath wrought ag sork.Mark It. .. John 10. 33. for a g. aork we stone thee not 2 Cor. 9- 8. that ye may abound to every g. uvri Phil. 1. 6. that he which hath begun a g, uork. Col. 1. 10. being fruitful in every g. uork. 2 3yjf.tj.2.17.stablish you in every g. word and tenk 1 Tim. 3. 1. office of a bishop, desirethag. isork 5. 10. if she diligently followed every g. uork 2 Tim. 2. 21. and prepared uuto every g. itork Tit. 1. 16. and unto every g- uork reprobate 3.1. put them in mind to (le ready to every g. icork Ueb 13. 2>1. God make you perfect in every g. K«rk GOOD Korki. 1 Sam. 19.4. his tror** to thee have been very g. Mat. 5 16. that they may see your g. u-orkt John 10. 32. many g. uoikt have 1 shewed yo'i Acts 9. 36. Dorcas full of 4 works and alms^lcedi Horn. 13. 3. for rulers are not aterrortog. norkt t:ph. 2. 10. created in Christ .lesus untog. teotkt 1 Tim.i. 10. that women be adorned with g. uorki 5. 10. a widow well reported of for g. ztorks 25. theg. Korki of some are manifest before-h&nd 6.18. charge the rich, that they be rich in g. uorkt 2 7'in>. 3. 17. thoroughly furnished to all g. zvoris Tit. 2. 7. shewing thyself a pattern in g. morkt 14. a peculiar people, zealous ofg. aorii 3. 8. they be careful to maintain g. uorks, 14. lUi. 10. 24. to provoke unto love and g. uorks 1 Pet. 2.12. they may by yourg. aorki jlorify GotX GOODLY Gen. 27- 15. Kebekah took g. raiment of her son 39. 6. Joseph was a g. person tnd well-favoured 4y. 21. Naphtali a hind let loo.ne, giveth g. word. Exod. 2. 2. when she saw he was a g. child 3y. 28. they made g. bonnets of fine linen I.ei. 23. 40. on the first day of boughs llio g. trec3 Num. 24. 5. howg. are thy tents, O Jiciib ! 31. 10. they burnt all thair g. cailloj with ie GOO Dn^.S.SS.let me s«e that 5, mount, and Ltbanon 6. 10. preat and g. cities which ihoa buildest not 8. 12. !est when thou hast built g, houses }oih. 7. 21. I saw a g. Babylonish garment 1 Sam. 9. 2. Saul, a choice young man, and a g. 16. 12. David wa^s ruddy and g. to look to 35evites' cattle and g. Deut. 28. 11. Lord shall make thee plenteoi* in g. 2 C/ir.Ql. 14. the Lord will smile thy wives, thy g. £zra 1 . 4. let the men of his place help him with g. 6. all about them strengthened their hzuids with g. 6. 8. that of king's g expenses be given to these men 7 26. to banishment or to confiscation of g. NeA. 0- 25. they possessed houses full of all g. Ji/4 20. 10. and his hands shall restore their g. 21. therefore shall no man look for his g. 28. his g. shall flow away m the day of his wrafti Eeel. 5. 11. when g. increase, they are increased Eui, 38. 13. which have gotten cattle Aod ;. 348 GOS £K*.38.13.art com* to take away cattle and g. f\ Zeph. 1. 13. their g. shall become a booty Mai. !£. 29. how enter a strong man's house, and spoil his g. except he bind strong man, Mark 3 . 27 . S4. 47. he shall make him ruler over all his g. 25. 14. who called and delivered to them his g. [uie6.30. of him that taketh away thy g. ask not 11. 21. keepeth his palace, his g. are in peace 12. 18. there will I bestow all my fruits and my g. 19. thou hast much g. laid up for many years 15. 12. give me the portion of g. thatfalleth to me 16.1. was accused to him that he had wasted hisg. 19. 8. the half of my g. I give to the poor Acts 2. 45. sold their g. and parted them to all men 1 Cor. 13. 3. tho' I bestow all my g. to feed the poor Ilei. 10. 34. ye took joyfully the spoiling of yourg. R«v. 3. 17. I am rich, and increased with g. GOPHER wood. Oen. 6. 14. make thee an ark of g.-wood, rooms GORE, D. Eiod. 21. 28. if an ox g. man or woman that they 31. whether he have g. a son or a daughter GORGEOUS. Luke 23. 11. Ilerod arrayed Jesus in a g. robe GORGEOUSLY. Ezeh. 23. 12. she doted on Assyriansclothed most g. Luke 7.,25. that are g. apparelled in king's courts GOSPEL. The Gospel is a revelation of the grace of God to falten man through a Mediator. Or, it is a ti^isCf ^ holy, and gracious constitution of God, for the recovery of fallen, sinful, and miserable man, from that deplorable stale into uhich sin had brought him, by sending hit own Son Jesus Christ in the flesh, to obey his laa uihich man had broken, to make a proper atonement for sin by his death, and thus to procure par- don, and the favour of God, and eternal happi- ness for all that believe and repent, and receive the gospel-salvation ; together uith a promise of the Holy Spirit to aork this faith and repen- tance in their hearts, to renew their sinful natures unto holiness, to form them on earth ft for this happiness, and to bring them to the full positssion of It in heaven. Hence it is called the gospel of God, as it came originally from the father, Rom. 1. 1. It i called the gospel of the grace of God, Acts 20 24. because it proceeds from, and manifests hi. favour, and is the means whereby his grace is besio-ued. It is called the gospel of Christ Horn. 1. 16. as he is the immediate Author, am the subject matter of it. In the same passage it is said to be the power of God unto salvation ; It is the means which, by the influence of the Spirit of God, is made efl'eclual to salvation. It is called the gospel of salvation, Eph. 1. 13 // brings the good ners that salvation is to be Aad; it offers this salvation; it shews the way how it is attained; it aoris grace to ft for, and bring men to salvation. litis gospel the Hpirit of God preached to Abra- ham under the Old Testament. Gal. 3. 8, The Scripture foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gos- pel unlo Abraham, saying. In thee shall all nations be blessed. The glad ridings cf justi- fication and salvation by faith in Christ, uere preached to Abraham, and mere contained in that promise made to him, uhich is the sum oj the covenant. In thy seed shall all nations be blessed, Gen. C2. 18. The -xord gospel, in the original, 'Eva-/yi\iav, signifies good news, or glad tidings. And surely when a sinner, who i» exposed to the wrath of God, is sensible of his guilt and danger, it must needs be glad tidings to him to hear of a way oJ sahatioyi. and an all-svflicient Saviour. (iospel is taken for an historical narration of what Christ did and spake, of his life, mira- cles, death, resurrection, and doctrine ; as the Gospel according to Matthew, Mark, &c. The beginning of the gospel of Christ, Mark 1. 1. Sometimes it is taken for the preaching and publication of the gospel, and administration of aj airs that concern it. Horn. 1. 9, Whom f serve with my spirit In the gospel of his Son. Jt IS put for the doctrines of free grace, Rom. 11. 28. Mark 1. 1. the beginning of the g. of Jesus Christ 15. Jesus came, saying, rcprnt and believe the g. C. 35. whoso shall lose his life for my sake and g. 10. 29. that lialh left his house for my sake and g. 13.10. the g. must be published among all nations Acts li. 7. that the (lentiles by my mouth hear g. 20. 24. to testify the g. of the graoe of God Kam.\. 1. an apostle, separated to the g. ofOod 9. whom I serve with my spirit in g. of his Son 16. for I am not ashamed of the g. of Christ 1 8.l6.sballjudge secrets of men accordiog to myg". GOT Rom. 10. 16. but they have not all obeyed Ineg. 11. 28. as concerning the g. they are enemies 15. 16. to the Gentiles, ministering th« g. of God 29. in the fulness of the blessingof the go' Christ 16. 25. ofpower tostablish you according tog. lCijr.4.15.in Jesus I have begotten you thro' theg. 9. 12. lest we should hinder the g. of Christ 17. a dispensation ofthe g. is committed to me 18. when I preach g. I maymaketheg. of Christ without charge ; that I abuse not my power ing 23. this I do for the g.sakc to be partaker thereof 2 Ctfr.4. 3. rf ourg. be hid, it is hid to them arc lost 4. lest light of glorious g. of Christ should shine 8. 18. sent the brother, whose praise is in the g. 9. 13. for your profes.sed subjection to g.of Christ 11. 4. if ye receive another Spirit org. Gal. 1. 6. Gal. 1. 7. and would pervert theg. of Christ 2. 2 I communicated to them the g. I preach 5. that the truth of the g. might continue 7. when saw the g.of uncircum. committed to ms 14. not uprightly according to the truth ofthe g. £;r«a<;Aing the g. and healing 20. 1. that as he taught, and preached the g. Acts 8. 25. and preached the g. to the Samaritzui* 14. 7. and there they preached the g. 21. when they had;;reoc/ierfthc g. to that city 16.10. that the Lord had called mlopreachthe g Horn. 1. 15. I am ready to preach the g. at Rome 10. 15. how beautiful feet of them that preacli g. 15. 19. I have fully preached the g. of Christ 20. so have I strived tOtpreach the g. not where 1 Cor. 1. 17. sent me not to baptize, but to preath g. 9. 14. that preach the g. should live of the gospel l6.though I preach theg. have nothing to glory of for necessity on me, woe to me if I preach not g 10. that when I preach the g. 1 may make gospel 15. 1. I declare to you the g. which I preached 2 Cor. 2. 12. when I came to Troas topreach the g. 10. 14. come as far as to you in preaching theg 11. 7. because I preached to you freely the g. Oa/.l. 8. though we or anangelpreocAany olherg.9 11. the g. preached of me is not after man 3. 8. preached before the g. to Abraham, saying 4. 13. through infirmity of flesh I preached the g. 1 Thess. 2. 9. we preached to you the g. of God Jieb.4.2.to us was the g. preached as well as to them 1 I'et. 1. 12. by them that preachedtheg. to you -5. this is the word which by g. ispreached to you 4. C. for this cause was the g. preached to the diad Rev. 14. 6. having everlasting g. to preach to them GOT. Gen. 39. 12. Joseph fled from her and g.him out, 15 I'sal. 44. 3. they g. not the land by their own sword t'ccl. 2. 7. I g. me servants and maidens Jer. 13.2. 1 g. a girdle according to word of LortJ 4. take the girdle that thou hast g. and arise GOTTEN. ('<». 4.1.5he said, I have g. a man from the Lord 31. 1. what was our father's hath he g. all this iJx«/.14.18.when I haveg me honour on Pharaoh Lev. 6. 4. or the thing he hath deceitfully g. \iun. 31. 50. what every man hath g. of jewels Deut. 8. 17. might of my hand hath g. this weal 2 Sam. 17. 13. moreover if he be g. into a city Ji'i 28. 15. wi.'dom cannot be g. Jor gold 31. 25. if I rejoiced because my hand had g. much Psal. 98. 1 . his holy arm hath g. him the victory P/-OP. 13. 11. weal thf.bj vanity shall b«< As ye abound in every thing, see that ye abound in this grace also. (8) Fur spiritual instruction and edification Eph.4. 29, That your communica- tion may minister grace to the hearers ; that it may be a means of some spiritual advantage to them. (9) Grace is taken for the office of Apostleship, which was given of grace, together with ability and other qualifications necessary for the faithful discharge of that rjtice. Rom. 15. 15, 1 have written the more boldly to you, because of the grace that is given me of (iod. Eph. 3. 8, To me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach, &c. (lo) For the free and undeserved love and J'avour of God, and a lively sense thereof in the soul ; this the Apostle wishes to be continued witJi and increased in the Romans, Bom. 1. 7. (11) For the love and fear of God dwelling in the heart ; or, for the assistance of divine grace. 2 Cor. 1. 12, By the [;race of God, we have had our conversation in the world. (12) For faith, patience, and other graces that enable to bear, and support under sufferings, 2 Pet. 3. 18. Phil. 1. 7, Ye all are partakers of my grace. (13) For eternal life, or final salvation, which God will graciously bestow upon his people, at the appearing oJ' Christ, at the day of judgment. 1 i'et. 1. 13, The grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (14) For something acceptable, beautiful, and gracej'ul. Prov. 4. 9, She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace ; a beautiful ornament. (15) For J'avour or friend- ship with men. Joseph Ibund grace in the sight of I'oiiphar, Gen. 39. 4. See Save. Exr 9- y. for a little space g. haih been shewed l.sth. 2. 17. Esther obtained g. in his sigiit I'sal. 45. 2. g. is poured into lips, G. hath anointed 84. 11. the Lord is a sun, he will giveg. and glory I'rov. 1 . 9- they shall be an ornament of g. to head 3. 22. so shall they be life and g. to iby ueck 34. but he giveth g. to the lowly. Jam. 4. 6. 4. 9. shall give to thine head an ornament of g. 22. 11. for the g. of his lips the king be his friend F.ccl. 10. t 12. words of a wise man's mouth arc g. Zech. 4. 7. with shoutings, crying, g. g. unto it 12.10.1 will pour the Spirit of g. and supplications John 1 . 14. begotten of Father, full of g. and truth 16. of his fulness we have all received, g.forg 17. but g. and truth came by Jesus Christ Acts 4. 33. and great g. was on them all 14. 3. which gave testimony to the word of hisg, 18. 27. helped them which bad believed through £, Aett 20.32. I commend you to the word of his g. Rom. 1 . 5. by whom we received g. and apostleship 7. g. and peace to you from God our Father 1 Cor. 1.3. 2 Cor. 1.2. Gal. 1. 3. Eph, 1.2. Phil.l.'Z. Col. l.i. IThess.l.i, 2 Thess. 1. 2. Philem. 3. 3. 24.being justified freely by his g. through reden^ 4. 4. the reward is not reckoned ol g. but of debt 16. it is of faith, that it might be by g. 5. 2. we have access into this g. wherem we stand 17. much more they who receive abundance cf g SO. where sin abound, g. did much more aboanil £1. even somightg. reign through righteousnea ).l. shall we continue in sin, thatg . may abound 14. under g. || 15. shall we sin, because under g. '< 11.5. a remnant according to tlie election of g 6. and if by g. then it is no more of works 12. 3. for 1 say, through the g. given unto me 6. gifts differing according to the g. given to us 15. 15. because of the g. given to me of God 1 Cor. 10. 30. for if I by g. be a partaker, why 15. 10. his g. bestowed upon me was not in vain 2 Cor. l.t 15. that ye might have a second g. 4. 15. abundant g. might redouud to glory otOod 8.6. so he would also finish in you the same g.also 7. see that ye abound in this g. also 19. who was chosen to travel with us with thisgi 9. 8. and God is able to make allg. abound to you 12. 9. he said my g. is sufficient for thee Gal. 1.6. removed Irom him who caJled you to g, 15. when it pleased God, who called me by his g 2. 9. when James perceived the g. given to me 5. 4. justified by the law, ye are fallen from g. Eph. 1. 6. to the praise of the glory of his g. 7. forgiveness, according to the riches of his g 2. 5. by g. ye are saved through faith, 8. 7. he might shew the exceeding riches of his g. 3. 8. to me the least of all saints is this g. given 4. 7. but unto every one of us is given g. 29. that it may minister g. lo the hearers 6. 24. g. be with all that love our Lord Jesus Phil. 1. 7 ye jirc all partakers of my g. Col. 3.16. singing with g. in your hearts to the Lord 4.6. let speech be alway with g. seasoned with salt 18. g. be with you, 2 Tim. 4. 22. Tit. 3 15. Heb. 13. 25. 2 Thess. 2. 16. hath given us good hope through g. 1 'iVm.l.2.g. mercy, and peace fromG. our Father and our L. J. Chr. 2 Tim. 1.2. Tit. 1.4. 2 John 3. 14. the g. of our Lord was exceeding abutKliUit 6. 21. g. be with thee, amen 2 Tim. 1.9. who called us according to his g. 2. 1. be strong in the g. that is in Christ Jesus 'lit. 3.7. being justified by hisg. we should be heir* Heb. 4. 16. let us come boldly to the throne of g. 10. 29. and hath done despite to the Spirit of g. 12. 28. let us have g. to serve God acceptably 13. 9. it is good the heart be established with g. Jam. 1. 11. the g. of the fashion of it perisheth 4. 6. he giveth more g. giveth g. to the humble 1 Pet. 1. 2.g. and peace bo multiplied, 2 Pet. 1.2. 10. who prophesied of theg. to come to you 13. hope for the g.ys. 7. as being heirs of g. 5. 5. God resisteth the proud, giveth g. to humble 10. the God of g. who hath called us to glory 2 Pe/. 3. 18. grow ing. and knowledge of Jes. Chr Judo 4. turning theg. of God into lasciviousness liev.l.i. g. aud peace from him which is and wa« Hee Find, or Found. GRACE of God. Luke 2. 40. and the g. of God was upon him Acts 11. 23. when he had seeng. of God, was glad 13. 43. persuaded them to continue in theg. »fG. 14. 26. had been recommended to g. oJ' G.15. 40. 20. 24. 10 testify the gospel of the g. oJ' God Rom. 3.15. much more theg. of God hath abounded 1 Cor. 1. 4, the g. vf God given you by JesusChrist 3. 10. according tog. oJ' God which is given to me 15. 10. by {.\\6g.ofGodl am what I am, yet not I, but the g. of God which was with m»me.T, Kuro. 13. S3, '24. Tratttlers 360 GKA relate that there tias some to be seen fliere o/\ a prodigious sue. Strabo and Pliny affirm,', the same. Sjme afirm, that tn the valley p/\ Eshcol there uere bunches 0/ grapes lobejoundl still of ten and Ixclie pounds. .Mobes i« the lav) commanded, that uhen the] Israelites gathered their grapes, they should not be carejul to pick up ihote which Jell, tur be so exact as to leave none upon the vines. Il'hat fell, and aas left behind, he ordeied should be for the poor, Lev. I9. 10. Deut. 24. 20, 21. People mho were passing that way u'ere permitted to go into another man's vine- yard, and eat what grapes they would ; but they :iere not allowed to carry any away with them, Deut. 23. 24. Some learned men are of opinion, that the pro- /iiiilibn delivered by Moses against gleaning grapes after the vintage, may signify a second vintage after the Jim, which was never so good or so plentiful as the former ; for this, they say, was over in the not countries about the end <>/' vVugust, aH(^ the other in September. God requires therefore that this second vintage should be left to the poor, as •.cell as the grapes of the first Schick had escaped the observation of the gatherers. It IS frequent in Scripture to describe an almost total destruction, by the similitude of a vine stripped in such a manner that there was not a bunch of grapes left for those who came a gleaning. Jsa. 24. 13, Thus it shall be in the midst of the land, there shall be as the gleaning-grapes when the vintage is done. And Jer. 6. 9, They shall throughly glean the remnant of Israel as a vine, •btc Jer. 4y. 9- Obad. 5. The blood of grapes. Gen. 49- U- signifies wine. He washed his clothes in the blood of grapes. Ills habitation shall be in a country where there are vineyards. And Deut. 32. 14, 'Thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape ; pure, un- mired wine. The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the chilJren's teeth are set on edge, Jei, 31 29. £zek. 18. 2. This is a proverbial way of speaking in the sacred test i tneaning, that the fathers hacs sinned, and the children have bojne the punishment of their crimes. It was a complaint made by the Jews to God, who yuniihed those sins in them, whereof they pre- tended they were not guilty But the Lord said, he would cause this proverb to cease in Israel, and that for the future every one should suffer the punishment of his own iniquity. Lev 19. 10. nor gather every g of thy vineyard Veut 32 14. thou didst drink the blood of the g. Job 15 33. he shall shake off his unripe g. as vine Cant. 2 13. vines with tender g. give a good smell 7. 12. let us see whether the tender g appear Isa. 18. 5. the sour g. is ripening in the flower Jer. ."il 29. the fathers have eaten a sour g. 30. every mm that eateth the sour g. Mic 7. I. 1 am as the g.-gleanings of the vintage GRAPIC-GAIHERER. Jer 6. 9. turn back thy hand as 3.^g.-gatherer 49-9-if g.-g come, would they not leave.' Ubad.5. GRAPES. f'^«.40.10.theclusters thereof brought forth ripeg. 49. 11 he washed his clothes in the blood of g. Lev 25. 5 nor gather the g, of thy vine undressed 11 in jubilee, nor gather the g. of thy vine Xum. C. 3. nor shall he eat moist g. or dried 13. 20 the time was the time ofthe first ripe g, 23.thej cut down a branch with one cluster of g. Deut. 23. 24. then thou mayest eat g. thy fill 24.21. when thou gatherest the g of thy vineyard 28.30. shall plant a vineyard, not gather theg.Sy. .32. 32. their g. are g. of gall, their clusters biUer Judg. 82. is not the gleaning of theg. of Ephraim y. 27- they trode the g. and cursed Abimelcch \eh. 13. 15. bringing in wine and g. on the sabbath Cant. 2. J5. for our vines have tender g. 7- 7. and thy breasts are like to clusters of g. Isa. 5. 2. he looked it should bring forth g. 4. should bring forth g. brought it forth wild g. ? 17. 6. jet gleaning g. shall be left in it 24. 13. as the gleaning g. when vintage is done Jer. 8. 13. there shall be no g. on the vine 25. 30. shall give a shout, asthey that tread the g. 4y. 9. would not leave some gleaning g. (Jbad. 5. t'.zek. 18. 2. the fathers havj eaten sour g. llos. 3. ♦ 1. look to gods, and love fl.igons of g. 9. 10. I found Israel like g. in the wilderness .'hnos 9. 13. treader of g. shall overtake the sower .17a/. 7.16 do mengatherg.of thorns, figs of thistles? Z.i(j(r6.4t. nor of a bramble-bush gather they g. Rev. 14. IR. thrust in sickle, her g. ar« fully r4pe GKA.SS. Gen. 1. 11. God said, let the earth bring forth g 12. and the tarth brought forth g. and herb GRA Num. 22. t. as the ox lickcth up the g. of the fitld Deut. W.. lb. 1 will sendg. in thy fields for thy cattlg 29. 23. it is not sown, nor any g. groweth therein 32. 2. ray speech shall distil as showers upon theg 2 Sam. 23. 4. as the g. springeth out of the earth 1 Kings 1^.5. perad venture find g. to save horse* 2 Kings 19. 26. they were as the g. of the field, a; green herb, asg. on the house-tops, Isa. 37. 27 Job 5. 25. thine offspring is the g. of the earth 6. 5. doth the wild ass bray when he hath g. .' 40. 15. behold, behemoth eateth g. as an ox Psal. 23. f 2. to lie down in pastures of tender g. 37. 2. for they shall soon be cut down like theg. 72. 6. he shall come down like rain upon mowng. 15. they of the city shall flourish like g. of earth 90.5. in the morn, ihey are like g. which grows 92. 7.whenthe wicked spring as the ». and flourish 102. 4. my heart is smitten, and withered likeg. 11. my days like a shadow, am withered like;, 103. 15. as for man, his days are as g. as a Howei 104. 14. he causeth g. to grow for cattle 106. 20 in the similitude of an ox that eateth g, 129. 6. let them be as the g. upon the house-tops 147.8. whomakethg. to grow upon the mountains Prov. 19. 12. the king's favour is as dew upon theg. 27. 25. hay appeareth, the tender g. shcwcth itself Isa. 15. 6. the g. failelh, there is no green thing 35.7. in tlie habitation of dragons shall be g. 40.6. the voice said.cry, all flesh is g. 1 /'«/.1.24. 7. the g. withereth, surely the people is g. 8. 44, 4. they shall spring up as among the g. 51. 12. the son of man which shall be made asg. Jer. 14.5. hind forsookit.because there wasnog.6 50. 11. ye are grown fat as the heifer al g. Dan. 4. 15. leave the stump in the tender g. 23 25. shall make thee eat g. as oxen, 32, 33. | 5.21. ■Imosl.i. they had made an end of eatingg. of land Mic. 5. 7- as showers upon theg. that tariieth not Zech. 10. 1. Lord shall give every oneg. ir the field -Uat. 0. 30. if God so clothe the g. 'LiUe 12 28. 14. 19. the multitude to sit down ong. MarkO. 39. John ti. 10. now there was much g. in the place Jam. 1.10. as the flower of the g.he shall pass away 11. sun is no sooner risen, but it withereth theg. Rev. 8. 7- and all green g. was burnt up 9. 4. that they should not hurt the g. of the earth r.RASSIIOPPER.S. Lev. 11. 22. these ye may eit, theg. after his kind Xum. 13. 33. and we were in ourown sight asg. Jiidg. 6. 5. they came as g. for multitude, 7. 12. Job 39. 20. canst thou make him afraid as a g. ? Led. 12. 5. and theg. shall be a burden, desire fail Isa. 40. 22. the inhabitants thereof are as g. Jer. 46. 23. because they are more than the g, Amos 7. 1. behold, he formed g. in the begianing Sah. 3. 17. thy captains are as the greal g. GluiE, See UrasE.n. GRAVE, Substantive. Gen. 33. 00. Jacob setup a pillar upon her g. that is the pillar of Rachel'sg. unto this day 37. 33. I will go down tog. to my son, mourning 42.38. bring grey hairs with sorrow tog. 44. 31. 50. 5. bury me in the g. which 1 have digged Num. 19 10'. whosoever toucheth a g is unclean 18. sprinkle it on him that touched one dead org. 1 Sam. 2. 6. the Lord bringeth down to the g. 2 Sam. 3. 32. the king and people wept at Abner'sg. 19. 37. and be buried by the g of my father 1 Kings 2. (i. let not his head go to the g. in peace 9. his head bring down to the g. with blood 13. 30. and he laid his carcase in his own g. 14. 13. he only of Jeroboam shall come to the g. 2 A'iHgr22.20. thou gathered to thy g, 2 Chr. 34. 2C Job. 3. 22. wlio are glad when they can find the g. 5. 26. thou shalt come to thy g. in a full age 7. 9- so he that goeth tog. shall come up no more 10.19. 1 should have been oarried from wonibto j, 14. 13. O that thou wouldest hide me in theg. 17. 13.11' I wait, the J. is my house 21. 13. and in a moment thejr go down to theg. 32. yet shall he be brought to the g. and in tomb 21. ly. so doth theg. those that have sinned 30. 24. he will not stretch out his hand to the g. 33. 22. yea, his soul drawsth near to the p. Psal. 6. 5. in the g. who shall give thee than'ns ? 30. 3. thou hast brought up my soul from the g, 31 . 17. let the wicked he silent in the g. 4y. 14. like sheep laid in the g. consume in the g 15. redeem my soul from the power of theg. 53. 1 13. let them go down quick into the g. b6. t 13. thou hast delivered my soul from the g. bli. 3. and my life draweth nigh to the g. 3. free among the dead,like slain that lio in the g 11. thy loving-kindness be de«lared in the g. 89. 48. shall he deliver his soul from hand of f. » 141.7. our bones are scattered at the g.'smouth Prov. 1. 12. let us swallow them alive iS tnu g. 30. 16. g. and barren womb, ssy rot, it is enough /■>c/. 9. 10. no wisdom in the (■ whither thou goes. Cant. 8, 6. love is strong, jealousy is cmcdits tuo g GRA lia. 14. f D. the g. is moved for tWto meet thee 11. thy pomp is brought down to the g. 19. tli'ou art cast out of thy g, like a branch 38. 10. I said, I shall go to the gates of the g. 18. the g. cannot praise thee, death cannot 5S.9. he made hisj. with the wicked, and with ricli Jer. SO. 17. that my mother might have been my ^ Eiek. 31. 15. the day when he went down to the j. 32. 23. and her company is round about her g. Hot. 13.14. 1 will ransom them from the power of 5 will redeem from death, O g. I will be destruction Jonahs, t 2. out of the belly of the g. critd I Nail. 1. 14. I will make thy g. for thou art vile John 11.17. he foand he had lain in thej . fourdays .■^l. saying, she goelh to the g. to weep there 38. Jesus again groaning, cometh to the g. 12. 17. when he called Lazarus out of his g. 1 Cor. 15. 55. O g. where is thy victory ? Rev. 20. 1 13. death and g. delivered up the dead GRAVE-CLOTHES. JohnXl.H. Lazarus came forth bound with j.-r/ GRAVE, Adjective. 1 Tim. 3.8. deacons must beg. || 11. wives must be 4' Til. 2. C. that aged men be sober, g. temperate GRAVE. Exod. 28. 9- thou shalt/j. on the onyx-stones names 36. shall make a plate of pure gold, andg. on it 2 C/iroti. 2. 7. send me a man that can skill to g. 14. 1 have sent a cunning man to g. any graving GRAVED. 1 Kings 7. 36. on the borders he g. cherubims 2 Ciron. 3. 7. and he g. cherubims on the walls GRAVEL. Pror. 20. 17. but his mouth shall be filled wilhg. Isa. 48. 19. offspring of thy bowels like g. thereof Z,am, 3. 16. hath broken my teeth with g. stones GRAVEN, Vers. Isa. 49. 16. 1 have g. thee on the palms of my hands Hab. 2. 18. that the maker thereof hath g. it GRAVEN. Exod. 32. 16. was the writing of God g. on tables 39. 6. g. as signets are g. with the names of Israel Jji 19. 24. that they were g. with an iron pen Jer. 17. 1. it is g. upon the table of their heart Acts 17. 29. that the Godhead is like gold g. by art GRAVEN tmate. Exoa. CO. 4. thou shah not make unto thee any g. image. Lev. 26. 1. I)e-ut. 5. 8. Z>«r/.4.l6.1est ye corrupt and make a g. image, 25. 27. 15. cursed the man that maketh any g. image Judg.VJ.3. the silver for my son to make a.g. image 4. gave them to the founder, who made a g. image 18. 14. there is in these bouses a g. image 17. the g. image H 30. Dan set up the g. image, 31. 2 Kings 21. 7.Manas5ehset up g.im.inhouse of G. Jsa. 40. 19. the workman melteth a g. image 20. he seeketh a workman to prepare a g. image 44. 9. they that make a g. image are vanity 10 who hath molten a g. image not profitable 17. W'ith the residue thereof he maketh his g. im. 45. 20. that set up the wood of their g. image 48. 5. and my g. image hath commanded them Jer.lO 14. founder confounded by g. image, 51 . 1". Na/t. 1. 14. I will cut off the g. and molten image Hab. 2. 18. what profiteth the g. image? GRAVEN images. Uevt.T.S.ye shall burn their g.imagfi with fire, 25. 12. 3. ye shall hew down the g. im. of their gods J«^.3.tl9.Ehud turned by the g. images at Gilgal 2 Kings 17. 41. feared the Lord and served g. im, 2 C/i™?». 33. 19. set up g. im. before he was humbled 34. 7. when he had beaten the g. images to powder Psal. 78. 58. moved him to jealousy with g. images 97. 7. confounded be all they that serve g. images Isa. 10. 10. whose g. im. did excel them of Jerusa. 21. 9. Babylon is fallen, and all tlie g. images 30. 22. shall defile the covering of thy g. images 42. 8. neither will I give my praise tog. images 17. shall be greatly ashamed that trust in g. im. Jer. 8. 19. provoked me to anger with their g. im. 50. 38. it is the land of g. images, they are mad 51. 47. I will do judgment on the g. images, 52. Has. 11.2. they burnt incense to g. images Mic. 1. 7. all the g. imajej shall be beaten to pieces 5. 13. thy g. iimages also will X cut off GRAVES. Exod. 14. 11. because there were no g. in Egypt Num. 11. + 34. he called the place thcg. of lusts 2 Kings 23. 6. cast the powder on the g. of the peo. 2 Chrun. 34. 4. strowed it on the g. of them that Job 17. 1. days extinct, the g. are re.-\dy for me 21. + 32. yet shall he be brought to the g. Isa. 65. 4. which remain among flie g. and lodge Jfr. 8.1. shall bring the priest's bones out of their g. 26. 23. and cast his dead body intog. of the people Etek. 32. 22. his g. are about him, 23. 25, 26. 37. 12. 1 will open j-ourg. and cause you to come up out of your g 13. when I haveopfnedyoui g. brought out of g. 39. 11. I will give Gog a place of g. in Israel 261 GRE Mat. 87. 52. the g. were opened, many saints arose 53. and many bodies of the saints came outof g. Luke 11. 44. for ye are as g. which appear not John 5. 28. all that are in the g. shall hear his voice liev. 11.9. not suffer their bodies to be put in g GRAVETH. Isa. 22. 16. as he that g. an habitation in a rock GRAVING. Etod. 32. 4. he fashioned golden calf with a g. tool GRAVING. 2 Chr. 2. 14. skilful to grave any manner of g. t 7 Zech. 3. 9. I will engrave g. thereof, saith the Lord CRAVINGS. 1 KtngsT.5\. upon the mouth of the laver were g. GRAVITY. 1 T(m.3.4.having children in subjection with allg Til. 2. 7. in doctrine shewing g. sincerity Gray, see Hairs and Head. GRAY-IIEADED. 1-?(7OT.12.2.I am old andg.-A.my sons are with you Job 15. 10. with us are the g.-lieaded a.ni aged P*a/.71.18.when I am old andg.-/<. forsake me not GREASE. Pj,7/.119.70. their heart is as fat as g. but I delight GREAT. T/iis word is put for rich, powerful, celebrated, mag- nificent, illustrious, ancient. Naaman xas a great man with the king his master ; he was i great consideration uith him. 2 Kings 5. 1, I wi _ make of thee a great nation. Gen. 12. 2. I will make thee head or father of a numerous and powerful people. Moses was very great in the land of Egiipt, Exod. 11. 3. The whole country looked upon him as an eztraordinarp man, am as one sent from God. The Great Sea, Ntim 34. 6. in the way of eminence, is the Medi terranean, greater beyond comparison than the Dead Sea aitd the Sea of Genesareth, which are but lakes. The king of Assyria is called the great king, the Euphrates, the great river, the city of N ineveh, the great city ; because the king of Assyria was the most powerful king in the east ; the Euphrates the greatest river in Syria; and Nineveh the greatest city in the dominions of the king of Assyria, and of all the countries round about. Gen. 12.2. 1 will bless thee, and make thy name g. 24. 35. Abraham my master is become g. 30.8. with g.wrestlings have I wrestled with sister 39. 9. how can I do this g. wickedness and sin I 45. 7. to save your lives by a g. deliverance 48. 19. I know it, my son, he also shall be g. Deut. 3. 5. beside unwalled towns a g. many 10. 17. the Lord your God is a g. God, 2 Chr. 2. 5. 11.7- your eyes have seen the g. acts of the Lord 18. 16. neither let me see this g. fire any more 29. 24. what meiieth the heat of this g. anger? Josh. 7. 9. what wilt thou do unto thy g. name .' 14. 12. thouheardest the cities wereg. and fenced 22. 10. built there a g. altar by Jordan to see to 24. 17. for he did those g. signs in our sight Judg.5.15. divisions of Reuben g. thoughts of heart 1 Sam. 12.17. may perceive your wickedness isg. 22. 1 15. I knew nothing of all this, little or g. 2 'Sa7n.5. lO.Dav. went on and grew g. Ld. with him 7- 9- I have made thee a g. name, 1 was with thee 22. thou art g. O Lord God, none is like thee 12. 14. given g. occasion to enemies to blaspheme 22.36. thy gentleness hath made meg. Ps. 18.35. 1 A'lwgf 8.42. shall hear of thy g.name,2 C'/jr.6..32. 19. 7. because the journey is too g. for thee 2 Kings t.8. pzissed to Shunem.where was g. woman 22. 13. g. is the wrath of the Lord that is kindled 1 Chron. 16. 25. g. is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, Psal. 48. 1. | 96. 4. | 1.35. 5. | 145. 3. 21. 13. into Lord'shand, for veryg.are his mercies 29. 12. and in thine hand it is to make g. 2 Chron. 2. 5. the house 1 build isg. forg. is our G. 9- the house I am to build shall be wonderful g. 17. 12. Jehoshaphat waxed g. exceedingly 28. 13. our trespass isg. || 34. 21. g. wrath poured Ach. 4. 14. remember the Ld. who is g. and terrible 9- 32. now therefore our God, the g.the mighty G. /.jr/(. 1.20. published thro' all his empire, for it isg. Jolt 5. 25. thou shall know, that thy seed shall be g. 22. 5. is not thy wickednessg. .' iniquities infinite 30. 18. by g. force of my disease garment changed 35. 15. yet he knowpth it not in g. extremity 36. 18. ag. raTisom||26. God isg. weknow him not 38. 21. or because the number of thy days is g. 3y. U.wilt thoutrist in him.becausc strength isg..' Psal. 12. t3. cut off tongue that speaksg. things 14. 5. there were they in g. fear, 50. 5. 111. 11. and in keeping of them there isg. reward 21.5. his glory is g. in thy salvatior., honour 2.'). 11.0 Lord, pardon mine iniquity, for it is g. 31. 19. t) howg. is thy goodness thou hast laid up 86. 10. thou art g. and doest wondrous things 92.5. how g. are thy work? |l 103. i 8. g. of mercy 139. 17. God, how g. is the sum of them ! ORE Eeel.g. 13. this wisdom seemed g. UDto mr 7ja. 5.9. houses even g. and fair without inhabitant 9.2. sat in darkness, have seen g. light, Mat. 4.16. 12.6. g. is the holy One of Israel in midst of thee 19. 20. he shall send them a Saviour andag. one 5.'i. 12. 1 will divide him a portion wiih the g. 54. 13. andg. shall be the peace of thy children Jer. 5. 27. therefore they are become g. and rich 10. 6. thou artg. and thy name is g. in might 20. 17. and her womb to be always g. with mo 32. 18. the g. the mighty God is his name 19. ^. in counsel, and mighty in work 44. 2(j. behold, I have sworn by my g. name Lam. 3. 23. they are new, g. is thy failhtulness Ezek.ld.T. thou hast increased and waxed g. 17.3. a g. eagle with g. wings, long-winged, 7. 24. 9- I will even make the pile for fire g. 29. 18. to serve a g. service against Tyras 31.4. the waters made him g. the deep set him up 36. 23. and I will sanctify my g. name L»an. 4. 3. howg. his signs, how mighty his wonders 8. 4. 1 saw the ram pushing, and he became g. Joel 3. 13. gel you down, for their wickedness is g Amos 6. 2. and from thence go to Ilamath the g. Mic. 5. 4. now shall he be g. unto ends of the ear A Zech.Q. 17. howg. his goodness, how g. his beauty ! Mal.l. li, my name shall beg. among Gentiles, i'l. Mat. 5. i2. rejoice and be exceeding glad, forg. is your reward in heaven, Luke 6. 23, o5. 19. shall be called g. in the kingdom of heaven 6.23. if light be darkness, how g. is that darkness ! 13. 46, one pearl of g. price |1 15. 28. g. is thy faitli 19. 2S.. for he had g. possessions, Mark 10. 42. 2i).^ 25. they that are g. exercise authority 26. whosoever will beg. among you, Mark 10. 43. 22. 36. Master, which is the g. commandment ; 38. this is the first and g. commandment Luke 1. 16. he shall beg. in sight of the Lord, 32. 9- 48. that is least among you, the same shall bep 10. 2. the harvest truly isg. but the labourers few 16. 26. between us and you there is a g. guii Acts 8. 9. giving out that he was some g. one 19. 28. g. is Diana of the Ephesians! 34. 2 Cor. 7. 4. g. is ny boldness, g. is my glorving Col. 4. 13. that he hath a g. zeal for you and them 17i»!.3.l6. g.is mystery of godliness, God manifest 2 Tim. 2. 20. ing. house not only vessels of gold Tit. 2. 13. the glorious appearing of the g. God JIeb.7. 4. DOW consider how g. this man was Jam. 3. 5. howg. a matter a little fire kindleth liev. 15. 1. and I saw another sign in heaven, g. ]6.19.g. Babyloncame in remembrance before G. 17. 5. Babylon the g. the mother of harlots, 18. 2. 19.17. gather together unto the supperof the g.G. 6ee City, Company, CoNGBtUATiO.N, Cry, Day, Destruction. GREAT «ri/. 1 Sam. 6. 9. then he hath done us g. evil Neh. 13. 27. hearken unto you to do all thisg. ciil Eccl. 2. 21. this also is vanity, and a g. evil Jer. 16. 10. wherefore Lord pronounced this g. eiil 26. 19. thus might we procure g. evil ag. our soul» 32. 42. 1 have brought this g. »ii7 upon this people 44. 7. why commit thisg. eii/ against yoar souls ' Dan. 9.12. confirmed, by bringing upon us ag. evtl See Exceeding, Joy. GREAT king 01 kings. 2 Kings I8.I9. thus saith the g. k. 28. Jsa. .36. 4,1 J. Lira 5. 11. which a g. king of Israel budded Psal. 47.2. the Lord is a g. King over all the earth 48. 2. is mount Ziou, the city of the g. King 95. 3. the Lord is a^-. King above all gods 136. 17. give thanks to him that smote g. kings Led. 9. 14. and there came ag. Xing against it Jer. 25. 14. g. kings shall serve themselves, 27. 7 Mai. 1 . 14. for I am a g. A'lHg, saith the Lord Mat. 5. 35. Jerusalem is the city of the g. King GREAT men. 2 Sam. 7.9. like name of g. tn. in earth, 1 Chr. 17.«J. 2 Kings 10.6. Ahab's sons were with g. men of city 1 1. Jehu slew all Ahab's g. men and kinsfolks AV/i. 11. 14. iiabdiel overseer, son of one of g. men Job 32.9. g. men are not always wise, nor the age>l I'rov. 18. 16. a gift bringeth him before of g. men 25. 6. and stand not in the place of g. men Jer. 5. 5. I will get me unto the g. men and speak 52. 13. all the houses of the g. men burnt he l:ek. 21 . 14. it is the sword of the g. men slain Jonah 3. t 7. with the consent of his g. men .\'ah. 3. 10. all her g . men were bound in chains Itev. 6.15. g. men hid themselves in dens and rocks 18.2S. thy merchants wore the g. men of the earth G K l''*AT multitude, multitudes. Num.32.l. Reuben, Gad had a g. mu/iu/4 or did contempt Jia. 16. 14. allthatf. mu//iV«rf« shall be .onleitined Jtr. 4-1. 15. women that stood by, even a g. rmt/i. t'.teiAT.Q. there shall be a very j. multitude offish Dan. 11.11. king of south shall set lorlha^. mult. Mat. 4. C5. g. muliitudet followed him, 8. 1. | 12. 15. [19.2. I 20.29. Mark 3. T. JcAn6. 2. 6. 18. when Jesus saw J. mult. 14. 14. Marig. 14. 15. 30. g. mulls, came, having lame, blind, dumb 33. whence so much bread as to fill so g. multit. 21.8. a ;. multiludt spread their garments in way 2fi.47.with Judasa j.m.withswords, Afor* 14.43. Luit 5. 6. they inclosed a g. muliiiude of fishes 15. a;, mull, came together to hear and be healed Join 5. 3. in these lay af . muliiiude of impotent folk licit 14. 1. af. mw//jV. of Jews andGreeks believed 17. 4. and of the devout Greeks a 1;. muliiiude Rtr.T .Q.a g.muliiludi which no man could numbw IQ.d. 1 heard as it were the voice of a j. muliiiudt GREAT nation and nations. Gen, 12. 2. I will make of thee a g. nation, and will bless thee, 18. 18. | 46. 3. Ezud. 32. U). 17. 20. I will make Ishmael a g. nation, il^lti. Dnit. ♦. 6. surely this g. nation is a wise people £6. 5. he became there a nation g. and mighty Josli. 23. 9. hath driven out before you g. nations Psal. 135.10. who smote g. nations, and slew kings Jer. 6. 22. a ?. nation shall be raised from the sides 50. 9. I will raise against Bab.anassemblyof j. n. 41. people shall come from the north, aj . nation £tek. 31. 6. under his shadow dwelt allg. nations GREAT people. Deut. 2. 10. the Kmims dwelt therein, a people g. 21. Zamzummims, a piople g. many and tall 9. 2. a people g. and tall, children of Anakims Josh. 17.14. why but one lot, seeing I am a g. people 15. if thou be a g. people {j 17. thou art a j. people I A in?j 3. 8. a g. people that cannot be numbered 9. who is able to judge this j. people T Z Chr. 1.10. 5. 7. given David a wise son over this g. people //(1. 13.4. the noise in mountains like as of g. people Joel 2. 2. a g. people hath not been ever the like GREAT pouer. Cjeod. 32. 11. thy people thou hast brought out of Egypt with g.pojcer, 2 Kings 17..S6. AV/i.l.lO. A'lOTi. 14. 17. let the power of my lord be g. J«A.17.17.thou art a great people and \ia.%lg.poweT Job 23. 6. will he plead against me with g. power? Psal. 147. 5. great is our Lord, and off. power- Jer. SJ. 5. I have made the earth, the man and the beasts on the gTonnd,hy my g. power, 32.17. F-zek. 17. 9- '' shall wither even without g. foaier Nah. 1. 1, the Lord is slow to anger, g. io power HJark 13. 26. coming in the clouds with g. power /lets 4. 33. with g. power gave the apostles witness 8. 10. saying, this man is the g. power of (lod liev. 11. 17. thou hast taken to thee thy f.^oicr 18. 1. angel come from heaven, having g. power GREAT sea. Num. 34. 6. ye shall have the g. sea for a border Jos/i. 1. 4. from the wilderness unto the g. sea 9- • • when the kings in the coasts of g. sea heard 15.12. the west border was to the g. sea and coast 47. inheritance of J udah, to the 5. sea and border 13. 4. with all nations I have cut off to the j. sea £tek.41.\o.aiS fish of the g. sea, exceeding many 15. border of land toward north from the g. tea Dan. 7. 2. the fuur winds strove upon the g. tea See Sin. GREAT slaughter. Josh. 10. 10. slew them with a g. s. at GibcoD 20. made an end of slaying them with g. s, Judg. 11. 33. Jephthah smote Ammon. with g. s. 15. 8. Samson smote the Philistines with g. s. 1 Sam. 4. 10. Philistines smote Isr. with g. s. 17. 6. 19. I.ord had smitten the people with a^. t. 19. 8. David slew PhilistTnes with a g. s. 23. 5. 2 Sam.lH.7.ag. slaughter that day of 20,000 men 1 Kings 20. 21. king of Isr. slew Assyr with j. /. 8 i'hr. 13. 17. Abijah slew Israel with a g. t. 28. 5. king of Israel smote Aha2 with a g. s. Isa. 30. 25. in day of g. s. when the towers fall St. 6. Lord hath a g. slaughter io land of Idumca So GREAT. £x»rf.3J.21.thouhast brought joj. a sin upon them Deut. 4. 7. what nation so g. hath (rod so nigh ? 8. 1 Amgj3.9. who able to judge xo ^.people? 2t'A.1.10. I'sal, 77. IS. who is so g. a God as our God .' 103. \\. so g. ishis mercy to them that fear him A/ar.8.10.not found so g. faith in Israel, Luke 7. Q. 15. 33. so much bread as to fill sog. amultitude 2 Cor. 1.10. who delivered us from so g. a. death JJel.l. 3. bow escape, if we neglect jof. salvation ? 12.1. are compassed v/ilii so g. a cloud of witnesses Jem. 3.4. shipstho' fof. yet turned with an helm Hei'. 16. 18. so mighty an earthquake and so g. 18. 17. in one hour to g. riches come to nought Smalt and GREAT. Ct7i. 19. 11. smote men with blindness /ma// a»u<£. Deut. 1. 17. hut ye shall heai immll a-s well a»e. ORE GRE D«ur.25. 13. shall BOt have diversweighU.a^.anif/. [/of/ S. 11. for his camp is very g.he is strong 14. shalt not have divers measures, a g. andsm. 1 .Sam. 5. 9. smote the men sm. and gvitii emerods 20. 2. my father will do nothing g. or small 30. 2. they slew not any either g. or small 19. there was nothing lacking neither xm. nor^. lA'infx 22. 31. fight not with sm.noT g. 2 CAr. 18.30. 2A'«nex23.2.jm.ani/?.went to house, 2 Chr. 34.30. 25. 26. all the people small andg. came to Egypt 1 Chron. 26. 13. they c. Psal. 18. 1 16. Psal. 29. t 3. the voice of Lord is upon g. waters 32. 6. in floods of j. waters shall not come nigh 77. 19. thy way is in the sea, thy path in J. Ba<«r# 107. 23. they that do business in g. waters 144. 7. send from above, deliver me out oi g. uat: Isa. 23. 3. and hy g. waters t\ie seed of Sihor Jer. 41. 12. found Ishmael by f. a'arerj of Gibeon 51 . 55. when her waves do roar like g. waters Liek. 1 . 24. the noise of their wings like g. tiatert 17- 5. he placed of the seed by£. waters, set it 8. it was planted in a good soil by g. waters 26. 19. when g. waters shall cover thee 27. 26. thy rowers brought thee intoj . waters 31. 7. he was fair, for his root was by g. waters 15. I restrained floods, the g. waters were stayed 3C.13. 1 will destroy all the beasts beside^ . waters Hab 3. 15. didst walk through the heap of g. waters GREAT while. 25am.7.19.t>ut thoH hast spoken also of thyservant's house foraj. while to come, 1 Chraa. I7. 17. ^farkl. 35. rising up ag. while before day, he went Luke 10. 13. had g. while ago repented in sackcloth /Ids 28. 6. after the barbarians looked a g. while GREAT work and works. Erod. 14. ,31. Israel saw thatj. work the Lord did Judg. 2. 7. who had seen all the g works of the Ld. 1 Chron. 29. 1. my son is young, and the workii g, iVe/i. 4. 19. the work is g. and we are separated 6. 3. I am doing a g. work, I cannot come down Psal. 111.2. the :ior*jof the Lord are g. P.ev.iS.i, Eccl, 2. 4. I made g. works, I builded me houses GREATER. Gen. 1. 16. God made the g. light to rule the day 4. 13. my punishment is g. than I can bear 39. 9- there is none g. in this house than I 41. 40. only in the throne will I be g. than thou 48. 19. his younger brother shall be g. than he Esod. 18. 11. I know the Lordisf. than all gods Num. 14. 12. makeoftheej. nation, i>e«.<. 9. 14. Deut. 1. 28. the people is 1:. and taller than we 4.38.drive nations j.than thou, 7.1. | 9.1. I 11.83. Josh. 10. 2. because Gibeon was ^. than Ai 1 Sam. 14. 30. had there been a much j., slaughter 2 Sam. 13. 15. the hatred was g. than the love 16. this evil is g. than the other thou dWst me 1 Kings 1. 37. make his throne g. than David, -tl. IChron. 11. 9. David waxedj .and g. Ld. was with 2 Chron. 3. 5. the g. house he cieled with fir-tree Eslh. 9. 4. for this man Mordecai waied g. and g. 19. tell how J. /Aingj Lord hath done,Lii*t 8.39. M"* 33. 12. I will answer, that God is j. th.'xn man Luke 1. 49. he that is mighty hath done^. things 8. 39. he published how g things Jesus had done Acts 9.16.1 will shew how g. things he must suffer 1 Cor. g.ll. is itaf. thing if we reap carnal things? 2 Cor. 11.15. no f. th. ifhis ministers be transform- Jam. 3. 5. tongue a little member boasteth j. things rery GREAI". Gen. 26. 13. Isaac grew till he became vsry g. Erod. 11.3. the man Moses was very g. in the laud A'wm. 11.33. Ld. smote people with a teryj. plague 13.28. and the cities are walled and very g. 22. 17. I will promote thee unto very ^.lionour 1 Sam. 2. 17. the sin of the young men was very g. 4. 10. amd there was a very g. slaughter 14. 15. very g. trembling p 20. very g. discomfiture 25. 2. Nabal was a very g. man, he had 3000 sheep 2 Sam.l8.\7. they laid a r«ry g. heap on Absalom 19. 32. for Barzillai was a very g. man 1 Kings 10.2. qu.of Sheba came with a leryf. train 1 Chron. 21. 13. for very g. are his mercies 2 Chron. l6.14.they made ai^ry g. burning for Asa 24. 24. Ld. delivered a very g. host into their hand .30.13. assembled a 7 ^ryf congregation, iJrra 10.1. 33. 14. Manass. raised up the wall a very g. height Neh. 8. 17. and there was a very g. gladness Job 1.3. Job a very g. bousehold.greatestin the east 2.13. for they saw that his grief was ti«ry g. Psal. 104. 1. O Lord my God, thou art very g. Esek. 47.9. there shall be & very g. multitude offish Dan. 8. 8. therefore the he-goat waxed very g. 1 1 . £5. king of >outb stirred up with i^jtry g '. araiy Lam. 4. 6. is g. than the punishment of Sodom Etek. 8. 6. thou shalt see f. abominations, 13, 15. /-'an. 11. 13. shall set forth a multitude g.thanformer Amos 6. 2. or their border g. than your border Hag. 2. 9- the glory of latter house j. than former Mat. 11. 11. not risen upaf. than John the liaptist ; least in kingdom of heaven than he, LukeT. 88. 12. 6. in this place is one g. than the temple 41. behold, a^ . than Jonas is here, Ijike 11.32. 42. behold, a^. than Solomon is hers, Luke 11.31. 23. 14. receiving g.damn. AfanH2.40. Luke 20.47. 17. for whether is g. the gold, or the temple '. 19. for whether is g. the gift or the altar Mark 4. 32. sown, it becometh g. than all herbs 12. 31. there is no other command, g. than these I.ukelQ.JH. I will pull down my barns, and build g, 22. 27. whether is g.he that sitteth or that serveth John 1. 50. thou shalt see f. things, 5.20. | 14. 18. 4. 12. art thou g. than our fjuher Jacob ? 5. 36. I have a g. witness than that of John 8. 53. art thou g. than our father Abraham ? 10. 29. my F,ither is^. than all, 14. 28. 13. 16. the servant is not J. than his lord, 13. 20. 15. 13. g. love hath no man than this to lay down 19. 1 1 . he that delivered me to thee hath the g. sin Acts 15. 26. to lay upoo vou uog. burden than these Hom.g. 1 12.it was sail, the g. shall serve the lesser 1 Cor. 14. 5. for g. is be that prophesieth, than he 15. 6. of whom the g. part remain unto this pre.sent //eA. 6. 13. because he could swear by no g. he swora 16. for men verily swear b; th« f . and ac oath HeS, 9. 11. by a g. and more perfect tabernacle 11. 26. esteeming the reproach of Christ g. riches Jawi,3.1 .knowins we shall receive g. condemnation 2 Pel. 1. 11. whereas an?ek which are g. in power 1 John 3. 20. God is g. than oijr heart, and knoweth 4. 4. g. is he that is in you, than he in the world 5. 9. witness of God isj . thisis the witness of God 3 JcAn 4. 1 have no f .joy than to hear that children GREATE.Sr. 1 CAr. 12. 14. least was over 100, g. over a thousand 29. hitherto the g. part had kept the ward of Saul Job'l. 3. this man was the g. of all in the east /er. 6. 13. from least log. given tocovetousn. 8. 10. 31.34.all know me, from least to the g. Ilei. 8. 11. 42. 1. all people from the least to the g. came near 8. Jeremiah called the people from least to the g. 44. 12. they shall die, from the least to the g. Jonah 3. 5. put on sackcloth, from the j. to the least Mat. 13. 32. when grown, it is the g. among herbs 18. 1. who is the g. in the kingdom of heaven 4. humble himself as this little child, same is g. 23. 11. but he that is g. shall be your servant Afar* 9. 34. disputed who should \>tg, Luke Q. 46. iMke 22. 24. there was a strife who should be g. 26 but he that is g. let him be as the younger Acis 8. 10. all gave heed from the least to the g. 1 Cor. 13. 13. but the g. of these is charity GREATLY. Oen. 3. 16. he said, I will g. multiply thy sorrow 19-3. Lot pressed upon them g. and they turned in S4. 35. the Lord hath blessed my master g. 27. t 33. Isaac trembkd with a trembling g. 32. 7. then Jacob was g. afraid and distressed Exod. 19. 18. and the whole mount quaked g. Num. 11. 10. the anger of the Lord was kindled g. 14. 39. Moses told, and the people mourned g. Deui. 15. 4. the Lord shall g, bless thee in the land J7. 17. nor shall he g. multiply silver and gold Judg. 2. 15. Lord ag. them, they were^. distressed 6. 6. Israel was ". impoverished by Midian 1 Sam. 11. 6. Saul's anger was kindled g. 15. Saul and all the men of Israel rejoiced g. 2. IB. the people g. feared the Lord and Samue 36. 21. he loved him g. became his armour-bearer J7. 11. when heard Philistines, they were j. afraid 28. 3. Saul saw the Philist. his heart trembled g. 30.6.David wasg. distressed, for the people spake 2iSam. 10.5. the men were g. ashamed, 1 C/ir.ig.S. 32. 5. David's anger was g, kindled ag. the man 13. t 15. Amnon hated her with great hatred g. + 36. the king wept with a great weeping g. 14.+ 23. was not a beautiful man in Isr. to praise g. 24. 10. David said, I have sinned g. 1 Chr. 21. 8. 1 Kings 2. 12. Solomon's kingdomwas established g. 5.7. Hiram heard Solomon's words, he rejoiced g. 38. 3. now Obadiah feared the Lord g. 1 Chr 4. 38. the house of their fathers increased g. 16. 25. great is the Lord, g. to be praised, to be feared above all gods, Pj. 48. 1. | 96.4. | 345.3. £ C/ir. 25. 30. their anger was g. kindled ag. Juda-h 33. 12. Manasseh humbled himself j. before God Ezra 10. + 13. we have g. offended in this thing Jo^ 8. 7. yet thy latter end should g. increase Psal. 21 . I. in thy salvation how^. shall he rejoice ' S8.7. therefore my heart;, rejoiceth, I will praise 38.6. I am bowed down g. go mourning all the day 45. 11. 30 shall the king g. desire thy beauty 47.9-'bields of earth belong to God, he is g. exalted 62. 2. hfc is my defence, I shall not be g. moved 65. 9. thoug. enrichest it with the river of God 71. 23. my lips shall g.rejoice when I sing unto thee 78. 59. he was wroth, and g. abhorred Israel 105. 24. he increased his people g. I07. 38. 109. 30. I will g. praise the Lord with my mouth 112.1. blessed that delightetlig. in hiscommand. 116. la I was g. afflicted, I said in my haste IIQ- 51. tho prond have had me g. in derision Prov. 23. 24. the father of righteous shall g. rejoice Isa. 42. 17. shall be g. ashamed that trust in images 61. 10. I will g. rejoice in the Lord, soul be joyful fer. 3. 1. shall not that land be g. polluted ? 4. 10. surely thou hast g. deceived this people 9.19. we are g. confounded, have forsaken the land 20. 11. persecutors shall beg. ashamed, notproiptr Eiek. 20. 13. and my sabbaths they g. polluted 25. 12. because that Edom hath g. offended Dan. 5. g. then was king Belshazjiar g. troubled 9. 23. for thou artg. beloved, 10, 11, 19. Chad. 2. I mrtde thee small, thou art g. despised Jonah 4.+ 4. art thou g. angry M 9. f| + 9. 1 am g. angry Zeph. 1 14. the great day of the Lord hasteth g. Zech. 9. 9. rejoice g. O daughter of Zioii, .shout Hal. 27. 14. insomuch that governor marvelled g. .i/a/X 5.23.Jairus besoiicht him g.saying.my daug. 38. he seeth them that wept and wailed g. 9- 15. when Ihcy beheld, they were amazed g. 12. 27. the God of the living, ye therefor* dog. err ./«Am3. 29. rejoiceth g. because of bridegroom's voice AclsZ. 11. all the people ran to porch, g. wondering 6.7. number 01 uisciples multiplied in Jerutalcmg. 263 GRE 1 f-'or.lC.lS. I g. desired Apoilos to come unto you P/;iV.1.8.how g. I long afteryou all in Jesus Christ 4.10.1 rejoiced in the Lord g. that at last.your care 1 Thest. 3. 6. desiring g. to see us, as we to see you 27'i/n.l.4.g.desiring tcseethee, that I may be filled 4. 15. for he hath g. withstood our words 1 P«<.1.6.ye g. rejoice tho' now ye are in heaviness 2 John 4.1 rejoiced g.that I found children walking 3 Johns. I rejoiced g. when the brethren testified See Feired. GRSA'INESS. Eiod.15.7. in g. of thy excellency overthrow them l6.byg. of thine arm they shallbe still as a stone A'kot.14. 19. pardon according to g. of thy mercies ZJcu/.3.24.thou hast begun to shew thy serv.thy g. 5. 24. the Lord hath shewed us his glory and g. 9. 26. which thou hast redeemed through thy g. 11.2. not with children who have not seen his g. 32. 3. ascribe yeg. unto our God, he is the rock 1 CAr. 17- 19. to thy own heart hast done all this g. 21. to make thee a name ofg. and terribleness 1 C/ir.2g. 31. thine, O L. istheg. power, and glory 2 Chr g. 6. one half of g. of thy wisdom not shewed 24. 27. and the g. of the burdens laid upon him Neh. 13. 22. spare me according tog. of thy mercy Esth. 10. 2. the declaration of theg. of Mordecai Pial. 66. 3. byg. of thy power enemies submit to 71. 23. thou shalt increase my g. and comfort me 79. 33. according to the g. of thy power preserve 143. 3. hisg. is unsearchable ||6. 1 declare thy g. 150. 2. praise him according to hisexcellentg. Prov. 5.23. in the g of his folly he shall go astray Isa. 40. 26. he calleth by name, byg. of his might 57. 10. thou art wearied in the g. of thy way 63. 3. travelling in the g. of his ktrength Jer. 33. 22. forg. of iniquity thy skirts discovered Ezei. 31. 2. whom art thou like in thy g. .' 7. thus was he fair in his g. in his branches Dan. 4. 22. thyg, is grown and reacheth to heaven 7.27. theg. of the kingdom shallbe given to saints E}ih'.l. 39. what is the exceedingg. of his power GREAVES. 1 Sam. 17. 6. Goliath had g. of brass upon his legs GREEDY. Psal. 17. 12. like as a lion that is g. of his prey Prov. 1. 19. so is everyone that is g. of gain 13. 27. he that isg. of gain troubleth his house /j\.C). the L.called thee as a woman g. in spirit 57. 10. therefore thou wast not g. Jer. 5. 3. thou hast stricken them, they have not g. Dan. 7. 15. 1 Dan. was?, in spirit in midst of body 11. 30. therefore he shall be g. and return i^mojf). 6. they are not g. for the affliction of Joseph Mark 3. 5. being g. for the hardness of their hearts 10.22. he went away g.for he had great possessions John 21.17. Peter was?, because he said third tune Acts 4. 2. being g. that they taught the people 9. t 38. that he would not be g. to come to ihem 16. 18. Paul being?, said to tlie spirit, come out Rom. 14. 15. if thy brother be?, with thy meat 2 Cor. 2. 4. I wrote not that ye should be g. 5. caused grief, he hr.th not ?. me, but in |)art J/e'*.3.10.wherefore 1 was g. with that generation 17. but with whom was he ?. forty years i GRIEVETH. Ruth 1. 13. for it ?. me much for your sakes i'riit.26. 15. it ?. him to bring it again to his mouth GKIEVIKG. £te*.28.24. shall be no more a ?. thorn unto Israel GRIEVOUS. Cen. 12. 10. for the famine was g. in the land 18. 20. Lord said, because their sin is very g. £1. 11. the thing was very?, in Abraham's sight 12. God said, let it not be ?. in thy sight 41. 31. for the famine shall be very g. 50. 11. this is ag. mourning to the Egyptians Exod. 8. 24. there came a?, swarm of Hies J. 3. a g. murrain || 18. to rain a very g. hail, 24. 10. 14. locusts were very g. before were no such 1 Kings 2.8. Shimei, who cursed me with a g. curse 12. 4. make the?, service lighter, 2 Chron. 10. 4. P»a/.10.5.his ways alwaysg. judgment out of sight 31.18. which speak g. things against the righteous Pror. 15. 1. but g. words stir up anger lO.correction isg.nnto him that forsaketh the way Eccl. 2. 17. work wrought under the sun isg. to me Isa. 15. 4. his life shall be g. unto him 21. 2. ag. vision is declared unto me Jer. 6. 28. they are all g. revolters, walking with 10. 19. woe is me for my hurt, my wound is g. 14. 17- virgin of my people broken with a?, blow 16. 4. they shall die of g deaths, not be buried 83 19 a f whirlwind shall fall on the wicked 30. 12. bruise incurable, tliy wound isg. A'<7/(.3.10 Mat. 23. 4. bind heavy burdens and g. Luke 11. 40 Acts 20. 29. shall g. wolves enter in among you 25. 7- Jews laid many g. complaints against Paul P/ii/.3.1.to me indeed is not ?. but for you safe Heb. 12. 11. no chastening seems joyous, but g. 1 John 5. 3, and his commandments are not g. Rev. 16. 2. ag. sore on men th.at had mark of beast Gl(IKVOU.SLY Isa. 9- Land afterward did more g. afflict her Jer. 23. 19. it shall fall ?. on the head of the wirked iot bowed himself with his face toward ?. i.iod.S.S. where thou .standestis holy g. .-Jc/j7..i3. 8. 21. g. whereon they are shall be full of liie» A'jim. 16. 31. the g. clave asunder under them JJeut. 28. 4. blessed shall be the fruit of thy g. 11. Jtidg.4. 21. Jael lastened the nail into the g. 1 .S««i. 8. 12. he will set them to ear his g. and reap 25 7- his spear stuck in the g. at bis bolster GRO 2£'aOT.93.Il.wheTewasHpiece ofg. full olientiles 12. he stood in the midst of tt.e g. and defended it 2 Kings 2.19.but the water is naught, and?, barrea 9. 26. now take him ana cast him into the plat of ?. 1 CAr. 1 1.13. where was a parcel of?, full of barley 2 C'/ir. 4. 17. the king did cast them in the clayg. Xeh. 10. 35. and to bring the first-fruits cf our'g. 37. and brine the tithes of our?, to the Levites Joi 5. 6. nor doth trouble spring out of the g. 14. 8. and though the stock thereof die in theg. [ 18. 10. the snare is laid for him in the g. 38. 27. to satisfy the desolate and waste g. 3y. 24. he swallowsthe g. with fierceness and rage I'sal. 105.35. locusts devoured the fruit of their g 107. .33. hi turneth the water-springs into dry g. 35. and he turneth i;ry g. into water-sprin'je Isa. 28. 24. doth he open and break clods of his g. f 29. 4. and thou shalt speak out of the g. 30. 23. seed that thou shalt sow the g. withal 24. oxen and young asses that ear the g. shall eat 35. 7. and the parched g. shall become a pool 51. 23. and thou hast laid thy body as the ?. Jer. 4. 3. break up your lallow g. Jlot. 10. 12. 7. CO. my fury shall be poured on the fruit of the?' 14. 4. because the g. is chapt, there was no rain Lam. 2. 2. her gates are sunk into the g. Ezek. 12. 6. cover thy face, thou see not the g. 12 41. 16. ceiled from the g. up to the windows Dan. 8. 5. an he-goat came, and touched not the • 18. Dajiiel's face was towards the g. 10. 9, 15. IJos.Q.ia. make covenant with them for things off. Zech.H, 12. and the g. shall give her increase Mill. 3.11. he shall not destroy the fruits of your g, Mat. 13. 8. but other fell into good g. Luke's. 8." 23. he that received seed into good g. Liikc 8. 15. Mark 4.26. as if a man should cast seed into the g. iKX-«2.l6.the g.of a certain rich man brought forth 13.7. cut it down, why cumbereth it the g.? 14. 18. the first said, 1 have bought a piece ol g. 19- 44. they shall lay thee even with the ?. John 4. 5. near the parcel of?. Jacob gave Joseph 12. 24. except a corn of wheat fall into the g. See Dry, F.\ce. On O' vpon the GROUND. G«n. 38.9. he spilled it on the g. lest he should ijive 44. 14. Joseph's brethren fell before him on theg, Ejod; 4. 3. cast the rod an the g. he cast it on the g, 9- C3- thunder, and the fire ran along vpon ike g. 14.16 Israel shall go « the g._ 2 Sam. 14. 14. for we are as water spilt rn theg 17- 12. shall light on him as dew falleth on the g. 2 Kings IS. 18. he said, smite upon the g. he smote Joi 1. 20. Job fell upon the g. and worshipped 2.13.theysat down with him upon ///3. 3. Jacob bowed himself to the g. seven times Jvdg. 13. 20. Manoah and his wife fell to the g, 20. 21. Benjamin destroyed to theg. 22,000 mm 25. and destroyed to theg.(\( Israel 18,000 men Ruth '.. 10. Ruth bowed and fell to the g. 1 Sam. 3. 19. let none of his words fall to the g. 5. 4. Dagnn was fallen nn his face to the g. 14. 45. shall not one hair ot his head fall to theg, 1 20. 41 . David arose and fell on his lace to the j. 25. 23. Ab'gail bowed to the c- before David 28. 14. Saul stooped with his face to the g. 2;)am. 2.22. wherefore should 1 smite thee toihe g.T 8.2. he smote Mi.ab, casting him down 10 the g. 14. 4. woman of Tekoah fell on ner face to theg. 22.Joab fell to the g.||33. Absalom bowed to :he £. 18. 11. why didst not thou smite him to the g.t 20. 10. Joab shed out Amasa's bowels to the g. \I\ings 1. 2,'?. Nathan bowed /o //If ?. before the king 2 A«ji?i2. 15. sons of the prophets bowed /o (A»g. 4. .37. woman of Sbuuam bowed hertelt 10 thtg. GRO 1 Chron. 21.21. Oman bowed to tht g. to David 2ChTon.T. 3. all Israel bowed with tueir faces to^. CO. j8. Jehoshaphat bowed wiili his face to the £. ■.NVA. 8. 6. worshipped Lord with their faces loilteg. Psal.Ti.T. the dwelling-place of thy nanie lo the g. 89. .39. profaned his crown, by casting \lto the g. 44. thpu hast cast his throne down lo the g. 143. 3. he hath smitten my life down to the g. 147. 6. he casteth the wicked down to the g. Isa. 14. 12. how art thou cut down lo the g. ! 21. 9. Babylon's images he hath broken to the g. 25. 12. lay low, bring to the g. even to the dust 26. 5. the lofty city he laytth even 10 the g. Jer. 14. 2. her gates languish, are black to the g. Lam. 1 2. hathbrought strong holdsof Judah to g. 10. virgins of Jerusal. hang their heads to the g. Ezei. 13. 14. I will bring down the wall to the g. ly. 12. thy mother was cast down to the g. 2t). 11. thy strong garrison shall go down to the g. 16. 17. 1 will cast thee to the g. I will lay thee iJ««.8.7.be cast the ram down to the g. and stamped 10. it cast down some of hosts and stars to the g. 12. and cast down the truth 10 the g. Ar,ws 3. 14. the horns of the altar shall fall to the g. OiaJ. 3. saith, who shall bring me down to the g. 2 Mat. 10.29. one of them shall not fall to the g. Luke 22. 44. as drops of blood falling to the g. John 18. 6. they went backward, and fell t. 11. deceit and g. de|).art not from her streets John 1.47. an Israelite indeed, in whom is no g. 2 Cor. 12. 16. being crafty, 1 caught you with g. 1 Thess. 2. 3. for our exhortation was not in g. 1 Pet. 2.1 .laying aside all malice and g.?.nd envies 22. who did no sin, nor was; found in ms mouth Rev. 14.5. and in their mojih was found no g. HAR GUILT Deut. 19. 13. put away g. of innflcent blood, S1.9. GUILTY. G«'n.42.21.we are verily g. concerning our brother AVoi. 34.7. will by no means clear g Num. 14. IB Lev. 4. 13. which should not be done are g. £2.27. 5. 2. if hid from him, he, shall be unclean and g, 3. when he knoweih of it, he shall be g. 4. 5. when he shall be g. he shall confess his sic 17. tho' he wist it not, yet is he 2. and shall bear 6. 4. because he sinned and is g. he shall restore Num. 35. 27. tno' he kill the slayer shall not be g. 31. take no satisfactionforamurdererj. of death JuJg. 21. 22. ye did not give, that you should be 5 iJcra 10. IQ. being g. offered a ram of the Hock Ps.5.i 10. to make tnem g, let tnera fall from conn, 34. f 21. they that hate the righteous shall beg. 109. t 7. when he shall be judged, let him go out g. Prov. 30. 10. lest he curse, and thou be found g. Ezek. 22. 4. art become g. in blood thou hast shed JJos. 5. 115. 1 will return to the place till they beg. Zech. 11.5. slay them, and hold themselves not g. Mat. 23. 18. swear by the g. on it, heis g. 2(5. 66. they said, he isg. of death, Mark 14. 64. Rom. 3. 19. all the world may become g. before G. 1 Cor. 11.27. shall beg. of the body and blood of L. Jam. 2. 10. shall offend in one point, he isg. of all GUILTINESS. Gen. 2G. 10. thou shouldest have brought g. on us Ezra 9. + 6. our g. is grown up lo the heavens Psal. 51. 14. deliver me from blood-g. O God 69. t 5. and my g. is not hid from thee GUILTLESS. Exod. 20. 7. Lord will not hold him g. Deut. 5. 11. Num.5. 31. then shall the man beg. from iniquity 32. 22. afterward shall return and be g. before Lord Josh. 2. 19. his blood be on him, and he will be g. 1 .bam. £6.9. band agst. Lord's anointed and beg. 2 Sam. 3. 28. I and my kingdom are g. of blood 14. 9. women said, the king and his throne be g. 1 AiHg; 2.9.hold him not g. for thou art awise man AJat. 12. 7. ye would not have condemned the g. GULF. Luke 16. 26. between us and you is a great g. fixed GUSH, ED. 1 Kings 18.28. till the blood g. out upon them Psal. 78. 2U. he smote the rock, the waters g. out 105. 41 . he opened the rock, the waters g. out Jsa. 48.21. he clave the rock, and the waters g. out Jer.g. 18. and our eye-lids g. out with waters .-Lets 1. 18. he burst asunder, and his bowels g. out GUTTER, S. Gen. .30. 38. Jacob set rods in the g. before the cattle 41 . laid rods before the eyes of the catlle in the g. 2 Sam. 5. C- who getteth up to the g. and smitelh H. HA. J063Q. 25. he saith among the trumpets, Aa, Aa HABERGEON. Ezod. 28. 32. as it were the hole of an h. .39. 28. Job 41. 26. the spear, the dart, the h. c.mnot hold HABERGEONS. 2 Chron. 26. 14. «. and bows Uzziah prepared Neh. 4. 16. half of my servants held bows aud A. HABITABLE. Prov. 8. 31. rejoicing in the /;. part of his earlli HABITATION. Ejod. 15.2. he is my God, 1 will prepare him an A. J^v. 13. 4(). without the camp shall his h. he Dent. 12. 5. even lo his h. shall ye seek and come 1 Slim. 2.'Ji:. why kick at offerg. coumLuidtd in A.' 2, 32. and tnou shall see .an enemy in my A. 2 Sam. 15. 25. be will shew me bolh it and his A. 2 Chron. 6. 2. I have bu-ilt an house of /i. for thee 29. 6. and have turned from the A. of the Lord 30. t £7. prayer came up to ihe A. of his holiness J'-zra 7. 15. to God of Israel whose A. is in Ji rus». Jcl> 5. 3. ftiolish taking root, bul suddenly I cursed h. lit. thou shilt vi.sit thy />. and shalt not sin 8. 6. make ihc /;. of thy righteousness prosperous 18. 15. brirnstoi.e shall be scallcred upon his h. Pial. 2fi. 8. I have loved the /■. of ihy house 33. 14. from the pl.icc of his h. he luokcih •in. t 14. the grave an h. for every one of them 69. 25. let their A. be desolate, none dwell in tents 71. 3. be thou my strong h. whcreunto 1 may rcort 89. 14. and judgment the /). of thy throne, 97. 2. 91. 9. thou hast made the most High thy /). 104. Vi. the fowls of the heaven hare their h. 107. 7. that iliev might go to a city of/-. 3G. 132. 5. find an h. for the mighty God of Jacob 13. for the Lord hath desired it for his /•. J'rov. 8. 33. but he blesscth the h. of the just Isa. 22. 16. and that graveth an h. for hims-lf 27. 10. and the h. shall be forsaken and left 32. 13. my people shall dwell in a peaceable h. S3. 20. thine eyes shall sec Jeiusalcin a quiet b. HAD Jilt. 34.13. It shall bean A. of dragons, and a court 35. 7 . in (he A.of dragons shall be Rrass wiih reeds 6.1. 15. and behold from the h. of thy holiness Jtr. Q. 6. thine h. is in the midst of deceit 10. 25. and they have made his k. desolate 25. 30. the Lord shall mightily roar on his n. 31. 23. the Lord bless thee, O i. of justice, 50. 7 33. 12. the cities thereof be an A. of shepherds 41. 17. and they dwelt in the h. of Chimham 49. 19. he shall come again.it /<. of strong, 50. 44. 60. 19. 1 will bnng Israel again te bis h. 45. surely he shall make their h. desolate £.tfk. 16. t 3. thy A. is of the land of Canjian Sy. 14. I will cause I'.g7pt to return to their A. Anui6. + 3. and cause the A.of violence to come near Oiad. 3. whose A. is high, that saith in his heart Hai. 3. 11. the sun and moon stood still in their A. j^cis 1. 20. it is written, let his A. be desolate 17. 56. hath determined the bounds of their A. i^pA. 2. 22. for an A. <-fGod through the Spirit Jude 6. the angels which left their own A. Hev. 18. 2. Babylon is become the A. of devils Holy HABITATION. Eiod. 15. 13. ihoa hast guided them to thy Aoly A. Deul.id.li. look down from thy holy A. from heav. /'/o/.fi'i.S. a Jugde of widows is God in his Aoly A. Jer. 25. 30. Lord shall utter his voice from Aoly A. ZtcA. 2. 13. for he is raised up out of his Aoly A. HAB1TATI0^■S. Gfn. 4p. 5. instruments of cruelty are in their A. Eiod.\2.W. in all your A. shall eat unleaven. bread 35. 3. shall kindle no fire thro' your A. on sabbath A'«m. 15. 2. when ve be come into the A. T give you P/A. 13. 25. 1 pluckt off their A. and made them Joi 4. 15. then a spirit passed, A.of my fle.sh stood up Catil. 4. 1. thy A. is as a flock of goats, 6. 5. Isa. 3. 24. and instead of well-set A. baldness 7. CO. the Lord shall shave the head and A. of feet 50. 6. my cheeks to them that plucked off A. Jer. 7. 29. cut off thy A. O Jerusalem, cast away Lzek. 5. 1. and divide the A. || 16.7. thy A. is growi ZeeA. 13. + 4. nor shall they wear a garment of A. .l/a<.J.4.John had raiment of camel's A. Nark 1 6. 5. 36. thou canst not make one A. white or black JoAn 11.2. and wiped his feet with her A. 12. 3. 1 Cor. 11. 14. if a man have long A. it is a shame 15. if a woman have long A. it is a glory to her 1 'J'im. 2. 9. not with broidered A. or gold, or pearVs 1 Pet. 3. 3. not of plaiting the A. and wearing gold Rev. 6. 12. the sun became black as sackcloth of A 9. B. and they had A. as the A. of women See Goats, IIi;au. HAIRS. Gen. 42. 38. ye shall bring down my A. 44. 29, 31 Lev. 13. 21. if there be no white A. therein Dent. 32. £5. the suckling also with man of gray A. liiilA 4. t 15. he shall be a nourisher of thy gray A. Ps. 40. 12. are more than the A. of my head, 69. 4 71. 1 IB. now to gray A. O God, forseie me not Isa. 46.4. and even to hoar A. will I c.irry you Dnji. 4. 33. till A. were grown like eagle's feathers IJos. 7. 9. gray A. are liere and there upon him .Unr.l0.30.the A.of our head numbered, Liike 12.7. /.Hie 7. 38. did wipe them with A. of her head, 44. liev. I. 14. his head and A. were white like wool HAIRY. C«> 25.25. the first red, all over like an A garment 27. 11. Esau is an A. man || 83. his hands were A. 2 h'ltics 1 . 8. Klijah was an A. man and girt with Psal. 00. 21. the A. scalp of such a one as goetb on HALE. Ltdt 12. 58. lest the adversary A. thee to the judge HALING. Acii 8. 3. Saul A. men and women committed them HALF. Ej.irf. 24.6.Moses took A. the blood, A. he sprinkled 30. 23. take thou of sweet cinnamon A. so much />!'. 6. 20. A. of it in the moniing. and A. at night Sum. 12. 12. of whom the flesh is A. consumed 31. 29. take it of their A. and give it to Eleazar JosA. 8. 3'?. A. of them over-against mount Ebal 1 Sam. 14. 14. within as it were an A. acre of land 2 Alim.l0.4.Hanun shaved off one A.of their beards 18. 3. nor if A. of us die, will they care for us I 19.40 A. the people of Israel conducted David HAM 1 Kings S.iS. give A. of the child to one, A. toother 10. 7. and behold, the A. was not told, 2 CAr. 9. t). 13. 8. if thou wilt give roe A. thine house, I will no: 16. 21. A. of the people followed Tibni, A. Omri AVA. S. 9. the ruler of the A. part of Jerusalem, IS. 16. A. part of Bethzury I7. A. of Keilah, 18. 13. 24. children spake A. in the speech of Ashdotl KsiA. 5.3. to the A. of the kingdom, 7. 2. Mark 6. 23. Psal. 55.23. bloody men shall not lire A. their days £i wash one's hands, denoted that the person was innocent of manslaughter, when the murderer teas not knoun, Deut. 21.6,7. Vi\a.te washed Ait hands. Mat. S7. 24. to denote his being in- nocent of leliat vas required of him, when he ■proceeded to condemn Jesus, in whom he fnund 3tothini! to deserve such a sentence. Some ihinJt that Pilate, living among the Jews, had learned this rite front them ; but others are of opinion, that it was a ceremony used in protestations of innocency among other people as well as the Jeivs. To kiss one's hand, is an act of adoration. Job 31. 27. If 1 beheld the suu when it shined, and my mouth had kissed my hand. To fill one's hand, signifies to put one in posses- $!on of the priesthood, to enter him in the enjoy- ment of the sacerdotal dignity ; because in mi: teremony the parts of the victim which were to ie offered were j ut into the new vnest's hand. Exod. 28. 41. Thoushalt consecrate them ■ in Hebrew, fill their hand. &« also Judg. 17. 5, 12. 1 Kings 13. 33. To lean upon any one's hand, is a mark of fa- miliariti/ and superiority. The king of Israel had one of his confidents upon whom he leaned, 2 Kings 7. 2, 17. And in like manner tlie *'"? 'if Syria leaned on Naaman, when he went •up to the temple of his god Ilimmon, 2 Kings 5. 18. To lift up one's hand, i> a way of taking an oath in use with all nations. Oen. 14. 22, I have lifted up mine hands unto the Lord. It was likewise a posture used in praying for a blessing upon the people. Lev. 9. 22, Aaron lifted up his hands towards the people, and blessed them. To lift up the hand against one, is to rebel against him. 2 Sam. 20. 21, Sheba hath lifted up his hand .igainst king David. To give one's hand, signifies to grant peace, to swear friendship, to promise all secjirity, to make alhjnce. S Kings 10. 15, Jehu said toje- Jionadah, Is thine heart right, as my heart is with thy heart ? If it be, give me thine hand ; and he gave him his hand. The Jews say, they mere obliged to give the hand to the Egyp- tians and Assyrians, that thiy might procure tread: that is, to surrender to them, to make em alliance with them, that they might ie en- abled to subsist, that in their titreme necessity (hey might preserve their lives. Others think that by this phrase is meant, that the Jews tcere e,lad lo labour with their hands, and work for them, in order to procure the necessaries of life. Lam. 5. 6. Right hand. The right hand denotes poieer, siieu'^th. The scripture generally imputes to ^hill's right hand all the effects of his om- "i/wtence. Exod. 15. 6, 'J'hy right hand, (J Lord, is become glorious in power ; thy right hand, O Lord, hath dashed in pieces the enemy. Hee I'sal. 17.7. | 20. 6. | 44. 3. To sit down on ihe right hand of GoJ. The Son of God is often lepresenled as silting at the right hand ../" his heavenly lather. I'sal. 110. 1. 'I'he Lord said to my I.,ord, sit thou at my right hand. 'Jhoii hast done thy work upon earth, no;o take possession of that sovereign f:ingdom and glory ; which by right belongeth to thee ; do thou rule with autlurily and honour, as ihiiu art Mediator. The right hand commonly denotes the South, as f/ie left hand denotes the North. I'or the Hebrews speuk of the quarters of the world in respect of themselves, having tliiir faces turned towards the East, their backs to the It'est, their right hands to the South, and their left to ihc I^orth. Thus Kedeni, which signifies before, stands also ftr the East , and Avhor, which sig- tiifies behind, marks out the Il'est ; Jamwi, the right hand, if the South ; and Sliemol, the left hand, <,t the SortA. lor example: Doth not David hide himself with iis in strong holds in tfa« woods, in thcbill ot liaehilah, which is on £67 H.4N the south of Jeshimon .' ITeb. art the right hand of Jpshimon. Sa East. The accuser was commonly at the right hand of the accused. I'sal. lOy. 6, Let Satan stand at his right hand. And in /iech. 3. 1. Satan was at the right hand of the high priest Joshua to accuse him. f If ten, in a contrary sense to be at one's right hand signifies lo defend, to protect, to support h i'sal". 16. a. I lOy. 31, 1 have set the Lord always before me ; because he is at my right hand £ shall not be moved. For he shall stand at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those that condemn his soul. To turn from the liw of God, neither to the right hand, nor to the left, is a frequent Scrip, ture expression. Josh. 1. 7- | 23. 6. 2 Kiu^s 22. 2. The meaning if, that we must not de- part from it at all, neither by attempting to go beycnd it, and doing more than it requires, nor by doing less. But ut must observe it closely, constantly, and invariably, as a traveller, who does not go out of his way, either to the right or to the left. Uur Saviour, in Mat. 6. 3, to shew with what privacy wa should do good works, says. That our left hand should not know what our right hand does. Above all things we should aioid vanity and ostentation in all the good we undertake to do, and should not think that thereby we merit any ihinf. To stretch or spread out the hands, is sometimes a gesture that denotes mercy. Isa. 60. 2, I have spread out n.y hands all the day unto a rebellious people ; I have inriled them by rnu prophets, and used all means lo allure them to myself. So in Prov. 1. 24, L have called, and ye have refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded. I would not put forth my hand against the Lord's anointed, / would not kill him. 1 Sam. 24. 10, To put forth one's hand upon any thing, to take, to steal it. Exoil. 22. 8, 11, He shall swear that he hath not put his hands to his neigh- bour's goods. Hand i> likewise frequently taken for the power and impression of the Holy Spirit felt by some prophet. 1 Kings 18. 46, The hand of the Lord was on Elijah. See 2 Kings 3. 15. Lzek. 1. 3. J 3. 14. // 1/ said in several placet, that God gave his law, or sent his ai- ders by the hand of Moses, or some other prophet ; that he spake to his people by the hand of prophets, ^c. that is, by their means, by their mouth. Laying on hands, or imposition of hands, is under- stood in different ways both in the Old and New Testament. (1) It is often taken for ordina- tion and consecration of priests and ministers, as well among the Jews as Christians, Num. 8. 10. Acts 6. 6. I 13. 3. 1 7V»i. 4. 14. (2) It is sometimes also made use of to signify the establishment of judges and magistrates, on whom it n'as usual to lay Aands, when they were intrusted with these employments : 'Thus when Moses constituted Joshua his successor, God appointed him lo lay his hands upon him, Num. 27. 18. Jacob laid hit hands upon Ephraim and Manasseh, when he gave them his last bles- sing. Gen. 48. 14. The high-priest strelcfied out his hands to the pio- pie, as often cs he recited the solemn form cj blessing, Lev. 9- 22. The Israelites who p^e tented sin-offerings at the tabernacle, confessed their sins, while they laid their hands upon them. Lev. 1. 4. This testified that the person acknowledged himself worthy of death, that he laid his sins upon the sacrifice that he trusted in Christybr the expiation of his sins, and that he devoted himself to God. Witness laid their hands upon the head of the accused person, as it were lo signify that they charged upon him the guilt of his blood, and freed themselves from it, Deut. 13. 9. I 17. 7. Our Saviour laid hit hands upon the children that were presented lo Aim, and blessed tkem, Mark 10. I6. And the Holy Ghost was conjened on those who were baptised, by the laying on of the Apostle's hands, Acts 8. 17.1 19. 6. Hand when referred \. To God, signifies, [1] His elernnt vurposes, and executive power. Acts 4. 28. SO. [2] Hit providential bounty and good- ness, I'sal. 104. 28. [3] Hit mighty power to preserve and defend. John 10. 28, 29. [4] His fio:ens and conections, Judg. C. 15. Psal. 32. 4. I 38. 2. [5] His sovereign dispose, I'sal. 31. 15. [6] His Aelp, Nch. 2. 8. Psal. 74. U. [7] His favour, Luke, 1. 66. (8.] His Spirit, 1 Kings 18. 46. Ezet. 1. 3. | 3?. 1. [9! U" yrovidtr.ce^ 1 Chron. 2y. 16 Job S. 10. hajv Referred. U. To men, signifieth, [1] An instru- meat, Exod. 4. 13. 11a;;. 1. t 1. [-jj /J„„,, i'rov. 3. 27. [3J His help, 2 Kings 15. 19 [4] Possession, 1 Kings U. 31. [5] Advice, 2 Sam. 14. I9. [6] Tyranny, Exod. 18. i» [7] It'ork, Acts 20. 34. Gen. 9. 2. into your A. are they delivered ay. 6. he left all that he had in Joseph's A. 44. 17. but the man in whose A. the cup is found Exod.O. 1. with a strong/,, shall he dyve them out 13. 3. by strength of A. Lord brought out 1 1. a. Israel went out with an high h. Num. 33.3. 16. stretch out thine /,. over the sea + 31. Israel saw that great h. Lord did on Egypt 17. + 16. the h. upon the throne of the Lord 19- l."}. there shall not a h. touch it, but heshaU 21. 24. h. for h. foot for foot, Veut. I9. 21. 28. t 41. anoint them, and fill their h. 29. t 9. 34. 2y. two tables of the testimony in Moses' 4. 38. 15. on this h. and that A. were hangings Eev. 12. + 8. if her A. find not sufficiently, then 25. 28. remain in the A. of him that bought it Nwn.\5. i 30. soul that doeth ought with an high A. 35. 1 17. if he smite him witli ilie stone of the A. Dent. 13.9. afterwards the h. of all the people 25. 12. thou shall cut off her h. pity her not .•52. t 36. repent, when he seeth their h. is gone Josh. 2. 19. his blood on our head if any h. on him Judg. 1. 35. the A. of the house of Joseph prevailed 4. 9. the Lord shall sell .Sisera into /;. of a womac 15. 18. now fall into the h. of the uncircumcised 17. t 5. Micah filled the h. of one of his sons 20. 48. Isr. smote all that came to A. of Benjamin 1 *am. 12.3. of whose A. have 1 received any brited 13. ve. nor spear found in the A. o- any of Israel 17.50. there w«is no sword in the h. of David 20.19.didst hide thyselfwhen the businessw^inA. 22. 17. because their h. also is with David 2 Sam. 13. 5. that I may see, and eat it at her A. 6. 14. 19. is not the A. of Joab with thee in all this f 21. 20. had on every A. six fingers, 1 Chron. 20. 6. 24.14. let me not fall into h. of men, 1 Chr. 21.13. 1 A'in»/2.46. kingdom established in A. of Solomon 13. 6. and the king's A. wjis restored again 18. 44. there ariseth a cloud like a man's A. 22. 6. they said, go up, for the Lord shall deliver it into the king's A. 12, 15. 2 Chron. 28. 5. 2 TiTinf i 7. 2. lord on whose h. the king leaned, 17. 13. 5. went out from under the h. of the Syrians 19- t 26. inhabitants were short of A. 7xa.37.t2Z. 1 Chr. 29. -f 24. sons of Dav. gave A. under Solom. 2 Chron. 12. 5. hath Lord left you in h. of Sliishak EzraT. 9. according to good A. of his God on him 9. 2. the h. of princes have been chief in trcspasi Job 9. 24. earth is given into tne h. of the wicked 12.6. into whose h. God bringeth abundantly 10. in whose h. is the soul of every living thing SO. 22. every h. of the wicked shall come on him 21. 16. lo, their good Is not in their A. 34. 20. the mighty shall be taken away without A. 37. 7. he sealeth up the A. of every man Psal. 31. 8. thou hast not shut me into A. of enemy 36. 11. let not the A. of the wicked remove me 71.4. deliv. me out of A. of wicked, 82. 4. | 97.10. 123.2. as eyes of servants look to the h. of masters 127.4. as arrows are in the A. of a mighty maji 149. 6. let a two-edged sword be in their h. Prov. 6.3. when thou art come into A. of thy friend 10.4. he becometh poor that dealcth with a slack A. but the A. of the diligent maketh rich 11.21. tho' A. join A. wicked not unpuiiished, 10.5. 12.24. the A. of the diligent shall bear rule 17- 16. why a price in A. of a fool to get wisdom ? 26. 9. as a t^orn goelh up into the A. of a drunkard £ecl. 4. t 1. on the /;. of tho oppressors was power ijfl 10. 5. the staff In their A. is my indignation 13. 2. shake the A. that they may go into the gatei 14. 26. and this is the A. that is stretched out ly. 4. I will givi' over into the A. of a cruel lord 28. 2. Ld. shall cast down to the eftrth with the A. Jer. 12. 7. have given dearly belov. iiilo/i. of cm-. 18. 4. vessel was marred in the A. of the potter 6. as clay in the potter's A. so are yc in mine 21.5. with an out stretched A. 1 will light ag. you 26.24. the h. of Ahikam was with J«rtmiah,not to give him into A. of people to put him to death 50. 15. shout agst. her round, she hath given iier M Lam. 5. 6. we have given the h. to the 1 .; ypiiaus 12. princes are hanged up by their h. E.zek. 2. 9. an A. was sent me, and lo, a roll 8. 3. and he put forth the form of an h. 10. 8. 16. 49. nor did she strengthen the A of the nj-fdy 21. H4. prophesy, and smile A to A. together 24. 1 say, ye shall be taken with th" A. 28.9- be no god in the A. of him mat slayelh theo 34. 10. behoH, I will require my (lock at their h. 37. 19- take the slicJi which is in the h. of Ephraim 4U. 5. and in the man's A. a nxasunn^ reed Dan. 5.5. there came forth the fingers of a man's A. 23. God, (n whose A. thy breath is, hast not glurif. HAN Pa.l3.6. dayof Lordis at A. Joell. 15. Zeyh. 1. 7. Jer.i3. 23. am I a God at A. and not a God afar off r Etei. 12.23. the days are at A. and effect of vision 33.6. but his blood will I require at watchman's A. 36. 8. and yield fruit, for they are at A. to come Joel 2.1. the day of (he Lord cometh, it is nigh «< A. Mat. 3. 2. kingdom of heaven is at A. 4. 17. | 10.7. S6. 18. my time is at A. |{ 45. the hour is at A. 46. be is at A. that doth betray me, Mart 14. 42 . Mark 1. 15. kingdom of God is at h. Luke 21. 31. Lnki 21. 30. that summer is now nigh at A. Jthni. 13. and the Jewt' passover wasa/ A. 11.55. 7. 2. now the Jews' feast of tabernacles was ar A. 19. 42. for the sepulchre was nigh at h. Rom. 13. 12. the night is far spent, the day is a< A. PAi/.4.5.1et moderation be known, the Lord is at A. 2 Thets. 2. 2. as that the day of Christ is at A. S Tim. 4. C. the time of my departiire is at A. 1 Pet. 4 7. the end of all things is at A. be ye sober Rev. 1. 3. for the time is at A. 22. 10. By the HAND. Etod. 4. 13. send bi/ A. of him whom thoti wilt send 38.21. sum of tabernacle counted by A. of Ithamar iVi-.S. 36. which Lord commanded by h. of Moses, 10. U. I 26. 46. -V>«i. 4. 37, 45, 49. I 9. 23. I 10. IS. I 15. 23. I 16. 40. I 27. 23. I 36. 13. Josh. 14. 2. ( 20. 2. | 21. 2, 8. | S2. 9. Judg. 3. 4. 1 Kings 8. 53, 56. 2 CAren. 33. 8. | 35. 6. AWi. 9. 14. Psal. 77. 20. 16. 21. send him away by the A. of a fit man Joth. 20.9. noldie^y /A« A. of the avenger of blood Judg. 16. 26. Samson said to lad that held by the A. l&m. 13.25. make Dav. fall ty the A. of Philistines 27. 1. I shall one day perisli by the A. of Saul iHam.S.lR.by /AeA.of my servant Davifl I will save 10. 2. David sent to comfort him by A. of servants 11.14. David wrote a letter, sent it by h. of Uriah 12. 25. he sent by the h. of Nathan the prophet 21 . 22. they fell *v the A. of David, 1 Chr. 20. 8. 1 Kings 2. 25. Solomon sent by the A. of Benaiah 14.18. which he spake *y/A« A. of hisserv. Ahijah 16.7. also by the A. of Jehu came word of the Ld. 2 Kings 14. 25. which he spake by the A. of Jonah 27. he saved them by the A. of Jeroboam 2CAr. 10. 15. word which he spake byh. of Ahijah 12. 7. not pour out wrath iy the A. of Shishak £tra 1.8. bring out vessels 4y om A. of the enemy 144. 7. deliver me from A. of strange children.ll. Prov.6.5. deliver thyself as aroe/rum A. of hunter Jer. 20. 13. he bath delivered poor/rom A. of evil 31. ll.^rom A. of him that was stronger than he Dan. 6. t27. delivered Daniel/rum A. of the lions Hot. 13.14. 1 will ransom them^'rom A. of the grave Luke 1. 71- be saved/rom/Ae A. of all that nate us HAND e/God. 1 .Sam. 5. 11, A. orGoi/washeavy on themof Ashdod 2 Chr. 30. 12. A. 0/ God was to give them one heart Etra 7.9-2iccordin^ to the good h. of God, Neh.Q.8. 8. 18. by good A. oj' God upon us, they brought us 22. A. of Gorf isupon all them for good that seek 31. the A. 0/ God is upon us, and he delivered us AVA. 2. 18. tuen I told them of the A. 0/ God on me Job 2. 10. shall we receive good at the A. 0/ God ? 19. 21. have pity on me, A. o/" God hath touched me 27. 11. I will teach you by the A. 0/ God Eccl. 2.24. this I saw that it was from the A. of God 9.»1. the wise and their works are in the A. of God ha. 62.3. shalt be a royal diadem in A. of thy God Mark l6.19.into heaven, and sat on right h.oj'God, Rom. 8.34. Col. 3. 1. Heb. 10.12. 1 Pel. 3. 22. Acts 2. 33. being by the right A. of God exalted 7. 55. saw Jesus standing on the right A. of God, 56. 1 Pet. 5. 6. humble yourselves unQer the h. of God Hit HAND. G«(.3.22.1esthe putforth his A. and take tree of life 16. 12. his A. will; be against every man, and every man's hand against him 19. 16. while he lingered, men laid hold on his A. 24. 10. all the goods of his master were in hit A. 32. 13. Jacob took of that which came to hit A. 39. 3. Lord made all that he did prosper in his A. 41.42. Pharaoh took the ring off Ai.r A. and put it Eiod.i.4. he put forth his A. it bec.ume a rod in Ait A. 6. when he took it out, his A.was leprous as snow 20. Moses took the rod of God in AuA. 8.6. Aaron stretched out his A. over the waters, 17. 10.22. Moses stretched forth AiV A. toward heaven 17. 11. when Moses held up his A. let down Aw A. 81. 13. but God delivered him into Ai* A. 16. if found in his A. fl 20. he die under AiVA. 22. 4. if the theft be certainly found in his A. alive 8. to see whether he hath put AijA. to goods, 11. 24. 11. on the nobles of Israel he laid notAixA. 32. 15. two tables of testimony were in Ats A. 34.4. Lev.l .4.he shall put hit A. on head of burnt-offering 5.t7. if Ai> A. cannot reach to sufficiency of a lamb 16. 1 32. the priest whom he shall fill hit A. A'lun. 5. 18. priest shall have in Ait A. bitter water 6. 21. besides that that hit A. shall get 21. 26. and had taken all his land out of AuA. 22.23. bis sword drawn m Ait h. 31. 1 Chr. 21.16. 26. 7. Phinehas took a javelin in his A. and went Deul. 19. 5. his A. fetcheth a stroke with the aie Jo.rA. 5. 13. a man with his sword drawn in his A. 8. 26. Joshua drew not Ait A. back till destroyed 20. 5. shall not deliver the slayer up into his A. Judg. 6. 21. put forth the end of the staff in his A. 7. 14. into his A. hath God delivered Midian 1 .b'a)n.6.3.kDown whyAu A.is not removed from you 9. that it is not his A. that smote us, but chance 14. 26. but no man put Ais A. to his mouth 27. but Jonathzoi put his A. to his mouth 16. 16. that he shall play with his A. thou be well 23. took an harp and played with his A. 18. 10. 17. 40. David took his staff and his sling in h-s A. 57. with the head of the Philistine in Ms /*. 19. 5. he put his life in hit A. and slew the Philistine 23. 16. and Jonathan strengthened Ais A. in God 2 .^am. 6. 6. Uizah put his A. to ark, 1 CAr. 13. 10. 1 Kings 8. 15. and hath with his A, fulfilled it 11. 34. nor take the whole kingdom out of Aish. 13.4. Ais A. which he pu*. forth against him dried up { A'infiS.ll.call on Ld. and strike Aw A. over place HAN QKings 10.15.he gave his h. took him up in chariot 11. S. ye shall compass ine king every man with his weapons in An A. 11. 2 Chron. 23. 7 14. 5. the kingdom was confirmed in his A. I5.I9.A1V A. might be with him to confirm kingdom 18. 21. on which if a man lean will go intoAij A. 19. 19- I beseech thee, save us out of his A. 1 CAr. 28. 19. made me understand by A).« A. on me 29- t 5. who is willing to fill his A. this day ? 2 Chron. 26. I9. L'zziah had a censer in his A. 36. 17. he gave them all into his A. AVA. 6. 5. sent his servant with open letter in his h. Job 6. 9- he would let loose his A. and cut me off 15. 23. the day of darkness is ready at his A. 25. for he stretcheth out his A. against God 26. IS. Ais A. hath formed the crooked serpent 27. 22. he would fain flee out of Ais A. 28. 9. he putteth forth Aij A. upon the rock Psal. 37. 24. the Lord upholdeth him with his A. 33. the Lord will not leave him in Ais A. 78. 42. they remembered not his A. nor the day 80.25. 1 will set Aij A. also in the sea, and right hand 95. 4. in Ais A. are the deep places of the e.^rtli 7. sheepof his A. to-day if ye will hear his voice 106. 26. therefore he lifted up his A. against them 129. 7. wherewith the mower fiUeth not Ai> A. Prov. 7. t 20. hath taken a bag of money in Ait A. 19. 24. aflothful manhideth his A. 26. 15. cfW. 5. 14. begets a son, and nothing is in his A. 15. nothing which he may carry away in Ais A. Cam. 5. 4. my beloved put in his A. by hole of doot Isa. 5. 25. his anger not turned away, but his A. is stretched out still, 9. 12,17,21. | 10.4. | 14.27 10. 32. he shall shake Ai> A. against mount Zion 11. 11. Lord shall set A;>A. again the second tima 15. and he shall shake Ait A. over the river 22. 21. I will commit thy government into Aif /< 28. 4. while it is yet in Ais A. he eateth it up 31. 3. when the Lord shall stretch out hit A. 37. 20. therefore, O Lord, save us from his 4. 40. 12. who measured waters in hollow of Ais A. 44. 5. another shall subscribe with Aij A. to Lord 49. 2. in the shadow of Ai> A. hath he hid me 53. 10. the plezisure of Lord shall prosper in his A. 56. 2. and keepcth his A. from doing any evil Jer. 27. 8. till I have consumed them by Ai> A. iam. 1.14. yoke of my transgression bound by A. A, 2. 8. he hath not withdrawn his A. from destroying 3. ."5. he turneth his A. against me all the day Ezek.S.ll.even every man with his censer in Ais A. 9.1. every man with his destroying weapon in A. A. 17. 18. despiseth oath, when lo, he had given A. A. 30. 22. I will cause the sword to fall out of Aij A. 24. and I will put my sword in his A. 46.7.for lambs according as Aij A.shall attain unto i'a7i.4.35. none can stayA.A.orsay,what doestthou. 8. 4. neither any (tiat could deliver out of Aii A. 7 25. he shall cause craft to prosper in Aij A. 11. 11. but the multitude shall be given into Ai.t A 41. but these shall escape out of Ai> A. even Ednm IIos. 7. 5. he stretched out Aij A. with scoiners 12. 7. the balances of deceit are in Aix A. Hab. 3. 4. he had horns coming out of Aij A. Zeph. 2. 15. passeth her shall hiss and wag Aij A. 2ffA.8.4.every man with staff in Aij A. for very ago 14.13. Aij A. rise up ag. the 'iiand of his neighbour Mat. 3. 12. whose fan is in Aij A. I^uke 3. 17. 26. 23. he that dippeth Ais h. with me in the dish Mark 3.5. and Aij A.was restored whole, Luke 6.1C. 7. 32. they beseech him to put Aij A. upon him Luke 9.62. no man having put Aij A. to the plough 15. 22. put a ring on Aij A. and shoe* on his feet JoAn 3. 35. and hath given all things into Aij A. 18.22.an officer struck him with the palm of Aij A. Acts 7. 25. how God by Au A. would deliver them 28. 3. a viper fastened on Aij A. 1| 4. hang on Aij A. Rev.6.5. he that sat had a pair of balances in Aij A. 10. 2. and he had in 4ij A. a little book open 149- receive his mark in his forehead, or in Aij A. 14. having golden crown, and in AuA. sharp sickle 20. 1. an angel came with a great chain in Aij A. HAND of the Lord, or Lord's HAND. Etod. 9. 3. the A. of the Lord is upon thy cattle 16.3. would to God we had died by A. of tAe Lord A'um.l 1.23. said to Moses, is Z,orii'j A. waxed shoK Deul. 1.\5.A. of the L. was against them to destroy ./ojA.4.24.all people know that A. of LA>rd is mighty 22.31. ye have delivered Israel out oih.of the Ld. Judg.2.l5. the A. of the iMrd was ag. them for evil Ruth 1.13. the A. o'/' /'i<.2.6./«/> A.is under my head.right embraces me 8. 3. his left h. under my head, right enrbraces nie Isa. 9. 20. he shall eat on left h. and not be satisfied 30. 21. ears hear a word, when ye turn to the left h, 54.3.lhou shalt break forth on the right h. and left Ezek. 16. 4(). her daughters dwell at thy left h. 21. 16. go thee either on the right /j. or on the left 39. 3. I will smile thy bow out of thy left h. Van. 12. 7. when he held up his left h. to heaven Jonah 4. 11. cannot discern between right /i. and left iCech. 12.6. shall dev. all people on right A. and left Mut. 6. 3. let not left h. know what thy right doe'tli 20. 21. one on right //. other on /«//, MarkXO. 3". 23. to sit on right A. and /y> not mine, Mark\(!.AO. 25.33.he shall set sheep en his right //.goats on /ir/V 41. he shall say to them on left h. depart from me 27 .38. were two thieves, one crucified on right h. other on the left, Mark 15. !7. Lnke 23. 33. Acts 21. 3. we left Cyprus on the left h. and sailed 2 C<>r.6.7.armourof righteousn. on right h. and left See Lift hand or hajids. Mizhti, HAND. £x(irf.3.19.will not let you go.no not with mi^Jitt/ h. 32.1 1 . people thou broughtest forth with mighty h. £)«!//. 3. 24. hast began to shew servant ihy miglny li. 4.34. assayed to take him a nation by a mighty h. t. 15. God brought thee out of Egypt by a mightu h. 6.21. ',7.8,19. 19.26. I il.2. I 26. 8. f 34. 12. S CAr.6..32. stranger that is come for thy mighty A. JF.sek. 20. 33. with a mighty h. will I rule over you S4. and I will bring you out with a mighty h. D(Tit. 9.1 5. brought you outof Egypt vinhmighty A. 1 y'«. 5.6. humble yourselves under mi>A/y A.of O. Mine and my HAND. Gfn. 14.22. 1 have lifted up mine h. tinto the Lord 2"!.. 30. seven ewe-lambs shalt thou take of my A. SI .29. it is in the power of my h. to do you hurt ?9. I bear loss, of my A. didst ihou require it 33. 10. I pray thee,»eceivc my present at my A. 42. 37. deliver him into my A. 1 will bring him thee 43. 9. I'll be surety, of my A. shalt thou require him Exod. 7.17. I'll smite with the rod that is in mine A. 15. g. my A. shall destroy them |1 17.9.rod in mine A. 33. 22. i will cover thee with mine A. .vhile I pass 23. I will take away mine h. and thou shalt see K'um.«1.2.if thou wilt deliverthis people into my A. €2. 29 I w^nld there were a sword in mint A. 259 HAN Z)<«/.8. I7.inight ef my A. hath gotten me this wealth 10. 3. went up, having the two tables in mine A. 32. 39. nor any deliver out of my A. Isa. n. 13. 40. 1 lift up my A. to heav. and say, 1 live for ever 41. and if mint h. take hold on judgment Judg. 6. 36. if thou wilt save Israel by my A. 37. 7. 2. lest vaunt, saj'ing, mini own A. hath saved me 8. 7. when Lord hath delivered Zeba into mine A. 9. 29. would to God this people were under my A. 12. 3. and the Lord delivered them into my A. 17. 3. dedicated the silver to the Lord from my A. 1 Sam. 12. 5. that ye have not found ought in my A. 17.46. Lord will deliver thee this day intomin* A. 18. 17. Saul said, let not mint A. be upon him 21 . 4. there is no common bread under mine A. 23. 7. God hath delivered him into mine A. 24. 6. to stretch mine A. against Lora's anointed 11. see skirt in mine A. no tr&nsgression in m. A. 12. but r:int h. shall not be upon thee, 13. 26. 18. what have I done ? what evil is in mine A. 23. Ld. delivered thee into myA. today, 24. 10. 28. 21. 1 have pat my lifeinmyA. and hearkened 2 ■S'(7m.3. 12. my A. shall be with thee to bring Israel 5.1 g.wilt thou deliver the Philistines into mine A..? I will doubtless deliver, 1 Chron. 14. 10. J8. 12. yet not put forth mine A. against Absalom 1 Kings 13.6. that my A. may be restored me again 2 A'i«gx5.18.he leanethon my A. in house of llimm. 18.34. have they delivered Samaria ott of myA..' 35. have delivered their country outof m. A." that the Ld. shall deliver Jerusalem out otmineh. 1 CAr. 22. 18. given inhabitants of land into my A. 2CAr. 32. 15. shall G. deliver you outofajy A..'17. Job 13. 14. wherefore do I put my life in mine h. ? 29. 20. and my bow was renewed in my A. 31 . 25. rejoiced because mine A. had gotten much 27. or my mouth hath kissed my A. 33. 7. neither shall my A. be heavy upon thee Psal. 77. t 2. myA. ran in the night, and ceased not 81. 14. and turned my /;. against their enemies 89. 21. with whom my A. shal/ be established 119. 109. my soul is continually in my A. Pro^. 1.24. 1 have stretched out my A . none regarded /.fa. 1.25. 1 will turn myA. rponile and purge dross 10. 10. as 7«y A. hath found the kingdoms of idols 13. by the strength of my A. I have done it 14. my A. hath found as a nest the riches of people 3(1.19. have they delivered Samaria out of myA. ? 20. that L. should deliver Jerusalem out of my A. 48. 13. mitie A. also h?.th laid foundation of earth 50. 2 . is my A. sliortened || 1 1 . this ye have of my A . 51 . 16. have covered tbee in the shadow oiitiine A. 66. 2. all those hath miuf A. made. Acts 7. 50. Jer. 6. 12. 1 will stretcn out my A. 15. 6. | 51. 25. 16. 21. will cause them to knv>w tmne A. and might 18. 6. so are ye in mine A. O house of Israel 25. 15. take the wine-cup of this fury at my A. Ezek. 6. 14. so will I stretchout my A. upon them 12.7. in ihe even I digged thro' the wall with my A. I'i.^.mine A. shall be upon prophets that see vanity 20.5. Ilifled upmiH/ A. saying I am the Lord your God, 6, 23, 28, 42. | 36 7 | 44. 12. | 47. 14. 22.1 withdrew my A. and wrought for name's sake 22.13.1 have smitten mi«e A. at thy dishonest gain 37. 19- one stick, and they shall be one in mine A. Ilos. 2. 10. none shall deliver her out of mine A. Amos 1. 8. 1 will turn mine A. against Ekron 9. 2. tho' into hell, thence shall mine A. take them ZecA. 2. 9- behold, I will shake viine A. on them 13. 7- I will turn tnine A. upon the little ones John 10. 28. nor shall any pluck them out of w/y A. 29.none is able to pluck them out of tny I'ather'sA. 20. 25. except I shall thrust my A. into his side 1 Cor. 16. 21. the salutation of me Paul with mine own A. the grace of Lord I. C. 2 TAess. 3. 17. Gal. 6. 11. I have written with my A. Philem. I9. Our II AM). CfM.37.C7.let not oKr A. be on him, he is our brother 43. 21. and we have brougnt it again in our A. Nnm. 31.149. takesomeof menof warunderoHr A. /J««.32.27.1esl adversaries should say mir A.ishigh y»rf?. 16.23. ourG. hath delivered Sams, into our A. 1 Hum. 14.10, L. hathdeliv. them into our A. 30. 23. Jer.11. CI. prophesy not, that thou die not by our A. 2C'i>r. 10.16. til boast in things made ready to our A. Out ofl\A N D, or out of the HAND. Gen. 48. 22. whicJi I took out of the A. of Amorite iVorf. 2.19. Egyptian delivered us o»< .>/"A.of shep. 3.K.to deliver them out of h. of Egyptians, 14. 30. A'um.5.C5. take jealousy-ofl'ering out >;/ woman's A. 11. 15. if thus, kill me, I pray thee, out of h. 35. 25. deliver him 7-5.il I forget, let my right A. forget her cunning I'iU. 7. and thy rijA< A. shall save me 139. 10. even there thy right A. shall hold me 142.4. looked on my right A. none would know ma 144. 8. their right A. is a right A. of falsehood, 11 . Prop. 3. 16. length of days is in her right A. 27. 16. the ointment of his right A. bewraycth Kiel. 10. 2. a wise man's heart is at his right A. Cant. 2. 6. and his right A. doth embrace me 8. 3. and his right A. should em"brace nie ha. 41 .10. 1 will uphold thee with right A. of right , 13. 1 the Lord thy God will hold thy rigiit A 44. 20. nor say, is there not a lie in my right A 45. 1. to Cyrus whose right A. 1 have holden 48. 13. my ri»Ar A. hath spanned the heavens 62. 8. the Lord hath sworn by his right h. 63. 12. that ltd them by the right h. ol .Aloses Jtr.22.24.tho' Coniahwere the signetonmy rijA<4, Lam. 2.3. hath drawn back his right h. from enemy 4. he stood with his right h. as an adversary Ezek. 21. 22. at right A. divination for Jerusal«ra J lab. 2. 16. cup of Lord's rii;A/ A. shall be turned to Hech 3.1. Satan standing at his righi A. to resist him .Vfi 5. 30. if thy right A. offend ihcc, cut it off & 3. let not thy left know what thy right A. doeth Alark 14. 62. ye shall sec Son of man sitting on the r. A. of power, coming in clouds, LukeiZ.CQ. 16.19. received to heaven, sat on right A. of God, JJei. 1.3. I 8. 1. I 10. 12. I 12 2. 1/V<. 3.2S. Luke 6. 6. was a man whose right A. was withered Acts 2. 25. he is on my right A. I shadl not be moved 33. being by the right A. of God exalted, 5. 31. 3. 7. he Cook him by the right A. and lift him up 7. 55. saw Jesus standing on right A. of Ciod, 56. Pom. 8. 34. who is even on the right h. of GoJ E/ih. 1.20. seihimat hisrigAf A. in heavenly places Cu/.3.1. where Christ siiieth on the risA< A.ofGod Ktv.l 16. be bad in his r. A. t^ren stars SO. |2.2. HAN Rtv. 1.17. liid rl^ht h. upon mc,sayiiig, fear not 6 I . I saw :d h\s ri§/ii U. a book written witiiiri.7 13. 16. to receive mark in (heir 'ight A. or foreheaus Set Ltl't II AND. jj)?/i/ Hands. Cat. S.9. gave to me and ISarnab. ii»/if ^. of fellow. To streieh forth or out II AN 1). Ctn. SC. 10. Abraham sireiched forth bis A. to slay £xoi/..l.CO.IwiII i/r. against mount Seir iAin. 1 1. 40. shall stretch/, his /i. on the countries Zej>h. 1, 4. on Judalili C. l.t. against Assyria 6>« Stko.xc. 7Ti»«< or My HAND. Got. 4.1 1 . to receive thy brother's blood from thy h. Ifi. 6. ihy maid is in thy h. do to her as it pleaseth E". IC. and he said, lay not thine h. upon the lad C4. 2. put, I pray, thy h. under my thigh, 47- 29. 49' 'i- thy h. shall be in the neck of thy enemies Ijotl. 4. 2. what is that in thine h. ? he .said, a rod 17. thou shall lake lUis rod in /. A. 7. 15. | 17. 5. 8. 5. stretch forth thine h. over the rivers, 0. 22. I 10. 12,21. A]at. 12. 13. Mar'k3.b. 13.9- it shall be for a sign on /. 4. 16. Deut.O.U. S3. I. put not thine h. with wicned to be witness Af»n. 21. .34. for 1 have delivered Og into thi/ h. Dent. 2.7. L. thvGnd bavh blessed thee in works of Ihyh. 14. 29! I 15. 10. I 23. 20. | 28. 8, 12, SO. 24. behold, 1 have given into thy h. -Sihon 3. 2. i will deliver Og and his people into thi/ h. 13. y. t>iy h. shall be first on him, to put him to death 17- shall cleave nought of cursid thingto/Ziinf A. 14. 2i. thou shah bind up the money in thine h. 15. 7. nor shut thine h. from thy poor brother 8. tliou shall open ihijie h. wide to thy brother S3. 25. thou mayest pluck the ears witli thiue h. 58. 32. there shall be no might in thine h. 30. 9- make tlip« plenteous in every work of /. h. 33.3. he loved the peop. all the saints are in thy h. Josh. 6. S. 1 have given into thine h. Jericho 8. 18. for I will give Ai into thine h. y. 2i. now behold, we are in thine h. to do to us 10. 0. slack not thy h. from thy servants, save us 8. I have deliveied kings of Canaan into f//j/ A. Jniig. 4.7. I will deliver Sisera into thine A. 7. 7. 1 will deliver the Jlidianites into tliint h 8.15. are hands of Zebaand Zalmunna in 1. 11. but pMt forth thine A. and touch, 2 5 12. only upon hinjself put not forth thine A. £. 6. behold, he is in thine A. but save hi» life 10. 7. there is none that can deliver out oi thine h. 11. 14. if iniquity be in thine A. put it faraway 1.3.21. withdraw /. A. farfrom me, let not thy dread 35. 7. or what receivelh he of thine h. t Pial. 10. 12. arise. O Lord, O God lift up ihme h. 14. bcholdcst spite to requite it with thy A. 17. 14. from mea which are thxi h. O Lord 2].U. thine A. shrill find out all thine enemies 31. 5. into thine n. I commit my spirit '*• ">y 'hiies are in thy h. deliv. me from cneniies 3».4. ford.iy acd oinht thy h. was heavy upon me 38.2. »Ay A. presselh me | 3"y.l0. i>v blow of thine h. i4. II. why witbdrawesithouiAiA.'pluck it out 80. 17. lei ihy A. be upon the man oUhv right A. B8. 5. acd they aj,; cut off from thy A. 104.28.t.Scaoptutjtr/.7.18. yea also from this withdraw not tliine A. 9. 10. whatsoever thy A. findeth to do, do it 11. 6. in the evening withhold not thine A. ha. 3. 6. and let this ruin b« under thy A. 20. II. when thy h. is lifted ip, they will not see 42. (). I the Loid will hold thi.u h. and keep thee 47. 6. I have given my inheritance into th-.ne A. 51. 22. I have lAken out oi thy A. cup of trembling 57. 10. thou hast found the life of thine A. (>I. 8. art our I'alher, we are the work of thy A. Jer. 6. 9. turn back thine h. as a grape-gatherer 15. 17.1 sat alone because of ihy h. ihou hast filled 25. 2ti. if they refuse to take llie cupalfAin^ A. 3d. 14. take in thy A. the roll,wherein thou hast read 40. 4. free from chains which were upon thine h. i.'re^.3.1H.his blood will I require at/. A. 20. | 33.8. 6. 11. smite with thine A. and stamp with thy fool 10. 2. and fill thine h. with coals of fire 03. 31. therefore I will give her cup into tliine A. 29. 7. when they took hold of thee by thy A. 37. 17- go in and they shall become one in thme h 38. 12. to turn thine A. upon the desolate places Dan.'i. 3B. the fowls hath he given into thine A. 3. 17. our God will deliver us out of ihini h. Mic.5. 9. ih. A. shall he lift up on thine^idversaries 12. I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine h. ■V/il. 18.8. i(thy h. or foot offend thee, Maiki). 43. Jthn 20. 27. reach thy A. and thrust it into my side dcts 4.28.10 do whatever t. A. and counsel dctcrm. 30. by strettJiing forth thine A. to heal i'«i«Hi.4.n. shall I not require his blood o{ your A..' 2 Chr. 18. 14. they shall be delivered into your A. 28. 9. God hath delivered them into your h. J>a. 1. 12. wlio hath required this at your A .' Jer.Qt^.li.] am iny. A. do with nie as seemeth good 38.5. Zedekiah said, behold, he is in your h. 44. 25. ye have spoken and fulfilled with voiir A. Lzek. 13. 21. and they shall be no more in vmir A. 23. 1 will deliver my people out of your A. Mai. I. 10. nor will 1 accept an offering at your A. 13. should I accept this oi your h.? saiih tlie Lord 2. 13. or receiveth it with good-will at your h. IIa.n'OEu. tee LhKT, Weak." IIAND-BRLADTII. F.iod. 25. 25. a border of an A. round about, 37. 12. 1 /iiiiff 7. 2t). a molten sea A. thick, 2 Chron. 4. 5. I'snI. 39. 5. thou hast made my days as an A. Ltek. 40. 5. a reed of six cubits Ions, and an A. 43. 13. the cubit is a cubit and an A. IIAND-BROAD. l':ek. 40. 43. within were hooks an h.-hroad fastened IIANDl'UL. [.ei>. C. 2. the priest shall take thereout an A. of ttoiir, 5. 12. I 6. 15. | 9. 17. Num 5. CO. I AV«»xI7.12.an A.of meal in a barrel.oil in a cruse I's. 72. 16. there shall be an A. of corn in the earth /■.V(V.4.6.better is A. with quietness, than both hands Jer. 9. 22. and as the A. after the harvest-man llANDl'ULS. Cen. 41.47. and the earth brought forth by A. I'.iod.g 8. take to yon A. of ashes of the furnace Itiith 2. 16. let fall also some A. of purpose for her I h'ings'20. 10. if dust of Samaria shall suthce for A. I'.ici. 13. 19. will ye pollute me lor A. of barley.' HANDV. I'sal.lfj.l . and the firmament shcweth his A. work IIANDKKUCIIIEI'S. .■Ids 19. 12. from his bmlywere brought to the sick h. IIANDLi:. Gen. 4. 21. Jubal was father of such as A. the harp Jnilf. 5. 14. they that A. the pen of the writer I t'Ar. 1;. 8. men thu could A. spear, 2 Chr. 25. 5. I'sai. 115. 7. they have hands, but they A. not Jer. 2. e and they that A. llie law knew me not 4f). 9. and the Lybians that A. the shield t'.zet. 27. 29. all that A. the oar, and all the pilots /.nie 2 1. 39. A. me and see || Col.': 21. taste not, A. not HANDLED. Kzet. 21. 11. to be furbished, that it may be A. Mart 1ft. 4. and they sent him away shamefully A. I John 1. l.ourhands have A. of the word of life IIANDLLTII /'/III'. 16. CO. he that A. matter wisely >hall find good Amos 2. 15. nor shall he stand thiit A. th? bow 1 HANDLING. I Ezei. .38. 4. great company, all of them A. swur;.» 2 Cor, 4. 2. not A. the word of God deceitfully HANDLES. Cant.5. 5. hands dropped with mvrrh on A. of lock HAND.MAID". Oen. 16. 1. Sarai hao an A. whose name was llagat 29.24. Labangave Zilpah lobe Leah's A. 35 26. C9.La.gaveUilhabtobeKachel'sA.30.4. | .35.25» Erod. 23. 12. that son of thy A. may be refreshed Jt'dg. l^.iy.lhere is bread aiidwine for me and thyA. Kiith 2. 13. for that thou hast spoken friendlyto thyA. 3.9. and she answered, 1 am Kuth thine A. 1 ■Ham. 1. II. if wilt look on the aftlicliouof thine A» It), count not thine A. for a daughter of Belial 18. Hannah said, let thyA. find grace in thy sighv 25. 24. let thy A. speak || 31. rememberthy A. 41. let thyA. be a servant to wash feet of servant j 2 Utiin. 14. 6. thy A. had two sons, they two strove 20. 17. she said to him, hearthe words of thy A, 1 A'i«fjl.l3.did5tnol thou,mylord swear to thy A.)" 17. thou bwaresl by the Lord thy God to ihy A. 3. 20. she look my sou while thine A. slept 2 J\iMgs 4.2. thyA. hath not any thing.save pot of oil Iti. nay, thou man of God, do not lie to thine A. Pml. 86. 16. turn to me, and save the son of thy .'k 1 iti. 16. 1 am thy servant, and the son of thy A. Prov. 30. 23. and an A. that is heir to her mistress Jer. 34. 16. ye caused every man his A. to return Luie 1. 38. behold the A. of the Lord, be it to iu« HAND.MAIDEN. Eule 1.4G. he hath regarded the low estate of his A, HANDMAIDS. Gen. 33. 1. .lacob divided the children to the I wo A. 2. he put the A. and their children foremost Ituth 2. 13. though I be not like to one of lliy A. 2 6V1W1. 6. 20. who uncovered himselfin eyes of the 4. Jer. 34. 1 1 . they caused the A. to return for A, ./ut/ 2.29. on the A. will I pour my spirit, /!<■/.» C. 18. HANDS. Gen. 16. 9. return and submit thyself under her /»• 27.22.the voice is Jacob's, the A. are the A.of Esaii •49- 24. A. were made strong by A. ofmighty God Eiod. 17. 12. but Moses'A.were heavy, took a sionoi 2(i. t 17. two A. shall be in oneboiro set in order 29. 24. and thou shall put all in the A. of Aaron 32. 29. Moses said, fill your A. to-day to the Lord i.ei\ 8. 27. put all on Aaron's A. and on his son's A. yiwi. 5. 18. put the offering of memorial in her A. C. 19. and shall put them on the A. of the Nazaril* Dcut. 4. 28. there ye shall serve gods, the work ol inen'sA. 27. 15. 2 AiHjt I9. IB. 2 Chj-. 32. I9. 9- 15. (he tables of the covenant were in my two A. 17. I cast them out of my two A. and brake them 17. 7- the A. of the witnesses shall be first on him 31.2y. to provoke him through the work of your A, Judg. C. 14. he delivered them into A. of the spoilers 6. n.intoA.of Midianitesll 10. 7. into A. of 1'hili.st. 8.G. are A.of Zeba and Zalmunna iu thy hand .' 15» 34. delivered them out of A.of enem. 1 Sarn.li.iS^ 18. 10. for God hath given Laish into your A. 19.27. aud her A. were upon the threshold 1 6n(«. 30. 15. nor deliver me into A. of my master 2 ■Ham. 2. 7- let your A. be sirnng, Zech. 8. 9, 13. 16. 21. then the A. of all with thee snail l>c strong 41. 9- delivered them into the A. of the fiibeoniie* 23. 6. becaus* ihty caunol be taken with A. 1 A'lMgt l).f 1 9. there wt re A. on seat, 2 Chr. 9.t 18. 14. 27. iuto the A. of the guard, 2 Chron. 12. 10. 2 Kin^s 3.11. who poured water on the A. of l',lijal» 9.35. they found the skull and the palms of her A. 10. 24. the men w'nom 1 brought into your A. 1 Chron.'Zi. 2. sons of Asaph under the A. of Asaph 3. under the A. of Jeduthunjl fi. A. of their father 2 Chron. 15. 7. be strong, let not jour A. be weak 23. J 18. was ordained by the A. ui David, 29. t 27. E:.ra 4. 4. weakened the A. of the people of Judalt Job 4. 3. thou hast strengthened the weak A. 5. t 20. redeem in war from the A. of the sword 16. II. God hath turned me intnthcA of the wicked 17.3. who is he thai will strike A. with me ? 9. thai hath clean A. shall be stronger and stronger Psal. 24. 4. who shall ascend .' he that hath clean A. 26. 10. in whose A. is mischief IH7. 1. clap your A. 58.2. ye weigh the violence of your A. in the eana 63. 1 10. make him run out by the A. of the sword ti)i.31. Ethiopia shall stretch out her A. unto (iod 115.4.idols, theworkof mcn■sA.135.15./J.37.19- 7■ they haveA. buthandle not, fei't, but walk not 134.2. lift up your A. in the sanctuary, and Ides* I. 140.4. keep me, U Lord, from the A. of the wicked /'/•.■:■. 6. 10. a litlle folding of the A. to slceji, 24.33 IT. Ld. doth hate the A. that shed innocent blood 12. 14. the recompence of iiian'sA.he renilered him 14. 1. tlte foolish pluckeih it down with her A. 17. 18. a man striketh A. and bccomcih surety 22. 26. be not thou one of lliem that strike A. 30. 28, spider taketh bold with Ucr A. i> is paUcea HAN PftfP.Sl.lS.and she worketh willintsly with her A 19. shelayeth her A. to the spindle, her A. hold 20. yea, she reat-heth fonh her h. to the needy 31.giv«her of the fruit ofhe.r A-.and let her work Eccl. + 6. then loth h. full with travel and vexation 7. 26. her A. are as bands 1| 10. 18. the idleness of /i Ca7t/.7.1.the work of the h. of a cunning workman ha. 1.13. when he spread forth your h. I will hide my eyes from you ; your A. are full of blood 2.8. they worship the work of their own A. 13.7. therefore shall all A. be faint, and heart melt SI. 7. idols which your own A. have made to you 33. t 21. the Lord will be a place broad of A. 35.3. strengthen ye the weak A. and confirm knees 45. 9. or shall thy work say, he hath no A. 59. 3. A. are defiled with blood, fingers with iniquity Jtr. 4. 31. that spreadeth her A. saying, woe is me 10. 3. .1 tree, the work of the A. of the workman 9. and of the A. of the founder, blue and purple 19. 7. cause them to fall by A. that seek their lives 21. 4. will turn tack weapons that are in your A. 23. 14. they strengthen also the A. of evil doers, that none return from wickedness, Etek, 13. 22 55.6. provoke me not with the works of your A. 7. 3.3. 13. shall pass under A. of him that telleth them 38. 4. he weakeneth A. of men of war, A. of people 43. 37. upon all the A. shall be cuttings Lam. 1. 17. Zion spreadeth her A. none to comfort 4.2. how esteemed as the work of A. of the potter 6. that was overthrown and no A. stayed on her lO.A. of pitiful women have sodden their children e^xek. 7. 17. ad 4. shall be feeble, 21. 7. 35. 1 5. hast shed blood of Israel by A. of the sword Dan. 2.3i. till a stone was cut out without A. 45. •Vi'f .7 3.thartthey may do evil with both A. earnestly Nah. 3. 19. all shall clap the A. over thee Rag. 1. 17. in all labour of your A. I smote you Zeeh. 4. 9. the A. of Zerubbabel laid the foundation Mat. 15. 20. to eat with unwashen A. Mark'. 2, 5. 17. 22. the Son of man shall be betrayed into the A. of men, 26. 45. Mark^. 31. Luke Q. 41. 18.8 having two A. to be cast into fire, Mark^. 43. A/«.-<-14 58. temple made with A. another without A. Luke 22. 53. ye stretched forth no A. against me 24.7. must be delivered into the A. of sinful men Acts 1. 23. by wicked A. have crucified and slain 5. 12. by A.ofthe apostles were wonders wrought 48. dwelleth not in temples made with A. 17. 24. 8 18. that through laying on of the apostles' A. 11.30.sent to elders bythe A. of Barnabas and Saul 17. 25. neither is worshipped with men's A. 19. 26. that they be no gods which are made with A. 20.34. that these A. have ministered to my necess. 21.11. shall deliver him into the A. of the Gentiles 3 Cor. 5. 1. we have an house not made with b. £ph. 5. 11. the circumcision in flesh made by A. Cv%. 2. 11. with the circumcision maae without A. 12'A«« 4.11.that ye study to work with your ownA. 1 Tim. 2. 8. men pray every where lifting up holy A. 4.14.by laying onof A.ofthe presbytery, //«4. 6. 2. Heb. 9. 11. by a greater tabernacle not with A. 24. Chr.not entered into holy place made with A. 10.31. fearful to fall into the A. of the living God 12. 12. wherefore lift up the A. which nang down Jam.i.8. cleanse your A. ye sinners, punfr your See Clap. Hit HANDS. Cen. 27.23. hit h. were hairy || 48. 14. guiding Ai't A. Exod. 17. 12. and Aaron and Ilur stayed up his A. 3C. 19. and Moses cast the tables out of /ii.t A. Lev. 7. .30. Ait own A. shall bring the offering 15. 11. and hath not rinsed his h. in water 10. 12. hit A. full of sweet incense be.iten small 21. Aaron shall lay both Aii A. on head of live g. yum. 24. 10. and Balak smote hit A. together Dertl. 33. 7. let Am A. be sufficient for him 11. bless, Lord, and accept the work of his A. 34. 9- for Moses had laid his A. upon Joshua /urff.9.l6.done according to the deserving of his h. + 24. who strengthened hit A. to kill his brethren 1 -Sum. 5. 4. both the palms of hit A. were cut oft 14. 13. .Jonathan climbed up on h^s A. and his feet SS.lfi .lonathan went and strengthened Ai> A. in (i. 2 .Sa;n.4.1.when Saul's son heard, AiVA.were feeble 1 A'i«5.t8. 22. Solomon stood and spread forth his A. toward heaven, 38. 54. 2 Chrun. 6. 12, 13, 29. 16. 7. in provoking him with the work of his A. 2 h'ings 4.34. he went tip and put his h. upon Ai>A. 5. 20. hath spared Naaman in not receiving at hts h. 1.3. 16. r.lisha put his h. upon the king's hands 8 Chion. 6.4. who hath with hit A. fulfilled that tfeh. 4. 17. with one of Am A. wrought in the work Joi 1. 10. thou hast blessed the work of hit A. S. 18. he woundeth, and hit A. make whole 20. 10. and Au A. shall restore their goods 34. 19. for they all are the works of hit A. 37. for he clappelh his A. amongst us Ptat. 9.16. the wick, is snared in the work of 'iiV A. 2e. 5. they regard not the operation of his A. 1&. 72 he iorf.29.10. shall put their h. on head of the bullock 15. shall put their h. on the he.id of the ram, ly. 25. thou shall receive them of their h. Lev. 8.28. A'um. 8. 10. Israel shall put their A. on the Levitrs 12. the Levites shall lay their h. on the bullock Vent. 1.25. tliey brought of fniit of land in their h. 21 .6. the elders shall wash their h. over the heifer Judg. 7.2. too many to give Midianiles into their A. 12. 2. ye delivered me not out of rA^ir A. 2. Sam. 4.12. andthey cut off /Afir A. and their feet 2 Ain;rtll.l2.they clapped their A.said,G. save king 82.17. that they might provoke me ti- anger with all the works of their h. 2 Vkron. 34. 85. j fjral.6. strengthened tr.eir A. with vessels of silver .5. 8. work goeth fast on and prospereth in their A' 6.22. to streng:then their A. in the work of the houst 10. 19. they gave A. that they would put away .V A. by theirmeans 25.14. accord, to the works of fAuiVA. Lam. 3.04. 32. 30. provoked to anger with works of their A. Xam. 1.14. the Lord hath delivered me imo their h. 2.t 20. women eat children swaddled with their h. Ezek. 10. 12. rAeir A. and wings full of eyes round 23. 37. committed adultery, blood is in /AeiVA. 45. 43. + 26. they shall purge altar and fill their h. Jonah 3. 8. turn from the violence that is in their /» 1 Jag. 2. 14 fo i.s every work of their A. unclean iUa/.4.6.with M A.they sh.beartheeup, i.u;t*4.ll 15. 2. they wash not their h. when they eat bread 26. 67. smote with palms of ;Asir A. HJark 14. 65 MarkT.3. Jews, except they wash »Aijjl0.8.A.thy men, A.thy servants, 2 Chr. g.7. Joi 5. 17. A. is the man whom God correcteth Usal. 127. 5. A. man who hath quiver full of them 128. 2. A. shalt thou be, it shall be well with thee 137. 8. A. shall he be that rewardeth thee, 9. 144.15.A. is that people that is in such a case, yea h. is that people whose God is the Lord i46.5. A. islie that hath God of Jacob for his help Prov. 3. 13. A. is the man that findeth wisdom 38. and A. is every one that retaineth her 14. 21. A. is he that hath mercy on the poor '6. 20. and whoso trusteth in the Lord, A. is he 28. 14. *. is the man that feareth alway 29 18. but he th it keepeih the law, A. is he Jer. 12.1. why are they A. that deal treacherously - Mai 3. 15. and now we call the proud A. JuliH 13. J7. if ye know these things, A. if do them .ids 26. 2. I think myself A. king Agrippa iwm. H. 23. A. is he that condemneth not himSL-lf Jam. 5. 11. behold, we count them A. who ebili.re 4 /'«'.3.14.ifij-e suffer for righteousness' sake, A. ye 4. 14. if reproached for name of Christ A are ye HAPPIER. 1 Cor.7.40.but»he is A. if she so abide, after my HARD Is taken for difRtuU, tad, or sorro-iful, cruel, au *"\.' ''^'' ^'^^^^°^ orer-xAelmed tAe Israelin; wfth hard bondage, uith cruel aud insiipportaile slavery, Exod. 1. 14. The sons of ZerutiiA are loo hard for me ; ihev are too poxerjul, they treat me nith inioience, ailA umeasonabie tniel'y, 2 Sam. 3. 39. Joseph spake hard things with his brethren ; A« spake rou^hh, or Aarshlv tt t-Hcm Qia. 42. 1 7 The hard', or difficu'U HAR causes they broajht to Moses, Exod. 18. 26. Thou art not se-it unto a people of an hard language, 0/ an unintelligible language ; t/iat is, they -xtil need no interpreter to understand thee, neither uilt lAou, to understand tliem. Hannah said to Eli, I am a woman of a sor- rowful spirit. Ilea, hard ot spirit. I know thee that thou art an hard man, a severe, au- stere, rigorous, and cAwlisA man Mat. 2^. 24. Solomon says, that the way of transgressors is hard, or rough, it is offensive and Aaie/ul to God and men, as rough ways ari to a tra- veller. Or, he is fierce, intractable, and incor- rigible in Ais sinful course, Prov. 13. 15. H'Aen God is said to harden the heart, it is not to be understood as if God did properly and positively make mens hearts hard, but only pri- vately, either by denying to llum, or wilAJraa- '"S Jfom tAem that grace, uAicA alone can make the hearts of men soft, flexible, and pli- able 10 tAe divine xi/l ; as the sun hardens the clay by dra-uing out of it that moisture which made it soft; or by exposing them to those temptations of the world, or the devil, which meeting with a corrupt Aeart, are apt to har- den it. Gen. 18, 14. is any thing too A. for the Lord ? 35. 16. Rachel travailed, and had A. labour, 17. 42. t7. Joseph spake A. things with them, t 30. i'rorf. 1.14. they made their lives bitter with A. bond. 18. 26. the A. causes they brought unto Moses Deut. 1. 17. cause that is too A. you bring it to me 15. 18. it shall not seem A. to thee when thou send. 17.8. if there arise matter too A. for thee in judg. 26.6. Egyptians afflicted and laid on A. bondage Judg.i.^'Zi. the hand of I.srael was A. against Jabin 1 •S'a/n.i.t 15.no, my lord, I am a woman A. of spirit 2. + 3. let not A. come out of your mouth 2 Sam. J. 39. the sons of 2eruiah be too A. for me 13.2. Amnon thought it A. to do any thing to her 1 Kings 10.1. to prove with A. questions, 2 Chr.^.l. 14. 1 6. for I am sent to thee with A. tidings 2 Kings 2. 10. he said, thou hast asked a A. thing Job 30.t25. did not I weep for him was A. of day .' 41. 24. as A. as a piece of the nether millstone Psal.iX.'i 18. let the lying lips,which speak a A. thing 60. 3. thou hast shewed thy people A. things 88. 7. thy wrath lieth A. on me, thou hast athicied 94. 4. how long shall the wicked speak A. things ! /-'™!..13.15. but the way of transgressors is A. 7^3.14.3. Lord shall givethee rest from A. bondage 21. t 2. a A. vision is declared unto me J'.r. 32. 17. and there is nothing too A. for ihee 27. I am Ld. is there any thing too A. for me .- Ezek. 2. 4. for they are children A. of face 3.5. thou art not sent to a people of A. language, C. Dan. 5. 12. and shewing A. sentences, were found Mat. 25. 24. Lord, I knew that thou art an A. man .Mark 10.24. how A. for them trust in riches to enter John 6. 60. this is an A. saying, who can hear it .' Acts 9. 5. it is A. for thee to kick ag. pricks, 26. 14. Iteb. 5.11. many things to say, and A. to be uttered 2 Pet. 3.16. in which are things A. to be understood Jude 15. to convince all ungodly of their A. speeches HARD. Lev. 3.9. the rump shall take off A. by the back-bone Judg.g. 52. Abimelech went A. to tne door of tower 2C. 45. Israel pursued A. after Benjamin to Gideon 1 Sam. 14. £2. followed A. after Philistines in battl 31. 2. the Philistines followed A. upon Saul, and upon his sons, 2 Sam. 1. 6. 1 Chr. 10. 2 1 A'injj21.1.Naboth had a vineyard A. by the pal 1 Chr. 19. 4. cut off garments A. by their buttocks Psal. 63. 8. my soul followeth A. after thee JonaA 1.13. the men rowed A. to bring it to the land Acts 18. 7. whose house joined A. to the synagogue HARDEN. Exod. 4. 21 . I will A. Pharaoh's heart, 7. 3. | 14.4 14. 17. I will A. the hearts of the Egyptians iJcnt. 15.7. shalt not A. thy heart, nor shut thy hand JosA. 11. 20. it was of the Lord to A. their hearts 1 Sam. 6. 6. wherefore then do ye A. your hearts' 2 Chr. 30. + 8. A. not vour necks as your fathers Job 6. 10. yea, I would A. myself in sorrow Psal. 95. 8. A. not your hearts, Ileb. 3. 8, 15. I 4 7. HARDENED. Exod. 7.13. Lord A. Pharaoh's heart, he hearkened not to them, 9. 12. I 10. 1, 20, 27. I 11. 10. I 14. 8. 14.Pharaoh'5heartisA.j22.wasA.8.19. | 9.7,35. 8. 15. he A. his heart and hearken, not, 32. I 9.34. Deut. 2. .30. the Lord thy G. A his spirit ana heart 1 Sam. 6. 6. as Egyptians and Phar. A. their hearts C Kings 17. 14. they A. their necks like to their fath. 2CAr.36. 13. ZedekiahA. heart from turning to L. AVA.9.16. they and our fathers A. their necks, 1 ".29. Job 9.4. who hath A. himself ag. him and prospered 39.16. she is A. against her young ones, as not hers /ja.63.17. why hast thou A. our heart from thy fear." Jer, 7. 26. they hearkened not, but A. their neck HAR /s 7. 17. thy wife shall be an A. in the city Mic. 1. 7. the/ shall return to the hire of au A. -VaA. 3. 4. the whoredoms of the well-favoured A 1 Car. 6. 15. shall 1 make them the members of an h.f 16. that he who is joined to an A. is one bodj Ileb. It. 31. by faith the A Rahab perished Qot HAE Jam. i. 25. was not Rahab the A. jusiified by works lIAULOiS. 1 Kir.gi 3.16. there carne two women A. to the kin? Prav.lt^.S. that kecpeth company with /i. spcndeth Jer. 5. 7. they assemble by troops in A. houses Has. 4.1*. separated with whores, sacrifice with A. SJa!. 21.31. publicans and //. go into kingdom ol'G. 32. but the publicans and the /i. believed him Ijuie 15.30. who hath devoured thy living with A. Kir.lT.S.myst-^y, Babylon the great, mother of A. HARM. C««. 31.52. shaltnot pass over this pillar to me for A. Ler. 5.16. shall make amends for A. he hath done Num. 35. 23. was not his enemy, not sought his A. lHaiK. 20. 21. return, I will no more do thee A. £ .Sam. 20.6. now shall ShebadomoreA.than Absal. 2 A'lHji 4. 41. and there was no A. in the pot 1 CAioH. 16.22. do my prophets no A. Psal. 105.15. Piov. 3. 30. strive not, if he have done thee no A. Ter. 39. 12. look well to him, and do him no A. Acis 16. 28. do thyself no A. || 27. 21. gained this A. 28.5. he felt no/i. 1| 6. saw no A. || 21. spake any A. HARM. 1 Pet. 3. 13. who will A. you, if followers of good • HARMLESS. iSat. 10. 16. be wise as serpents and A. as doves Horn. 16. 1 19. would have you A. concerning evil PAil. °. 15. that ye may be A. the sons of God Jlei.'. 26. is holy, A.undefil. separate from sinners HARNESS, Siidslantivt. 1 Kiii^s 20.1l.let not him girdeth on A.boast hims. 22. 34. between joints of his A. 2 CAron. 18. 33. 2 CAr. 9. 24. they brought every man A. and spices HARNESS, Verb. Jer. 46. 4. A. the horses, and get up ye horsemen HARNESSED. £x»n./.12.]5.mayeatfle5ha5ofthe A.14.5. | 15.22. Pja/.42.1. as the A. panteth after the water-brooks Isa. 35. 0. then shall the lame man leap as an A. See Young. HARTS. 1 Kings 4.23. ten fat oxen, besides A. and roe-bucks Xam.l .6.her princes become like A. without pasture HARVEST Is the lime of reaping corn and olAer fruits of tAe eartA,Gcn. 8. 22. It is ta/cen for a sea- tonable and proper lime for business. Prov. 10. 5, He that sleepeth in harvest is a son «hat causeth shame. He tAat ncgtectetA and misimprovetA tAe proper seasons and opportuni- ties of doin^ good to Aimstif and to otAers, cansetA shame botA to Aimself for Ais folly, and tAe poverty and misery whic A follows thereupon; and also to Ais pcrtnts, to miose negligent or evil education sncA tAings art often, and some- times justly impiUed. Harvest is put for a people whose sins are ripe for judgment. Joel 3. 'l3. Put ye in the sic. Kle, for the harrest is ripe : Cut down lAeti 863 HAS sinjiers :Aat are ripe for judgment. The time of liabi/lon's harvest shall couie : the time tchen s'/ie shall be cut do-uin, Jer. 31. 33. Vur Saiiour, in tAe parable of tAe soiier, calls tAe end of the -.oorld, or tAe day of judgment, the Aariest, lUat. 13. 39. TAen God uill separate the lares from the uheat, the wicked from the godly. In Wat. 9. 36, 37, Christ seeing mui- titudes coming to Aear Aim, said to his disci- ples. The harvest truly is plenteou* ; viany are uilling to receive instruction. 'JAis uas spoken at the feait of Tabernacles, uMcA was in harvest. GtH.8.22. while earth remaineth A. shall not cease 30. 14. Reuben went in days of wheal-A. 45.6. in five years shall neither be earing nor A. Eiod. 23. 16. thou shall keep the feast of A. 34. 22. 34. 21 . in earing-time and in A. thou shalt rest Lev. 19. 9. when ye reap A. 23. 10, 22. Coi/. 24.19- 25. 5. what grows of its own accord of A. not reap liuiA 1.22.came to lieth-leheminbegin.of barley-A. 2. 21. tarry with my maidens till end of A. 23. 1 Sam. 6. 13. men of Beih-shemesh reaping their A. 8. 12. and he will set them to reap his A. 12. 17. is it not wheat-A. to-day, 1 will call to Ld. 2 Sam.'Zl. 9. were put to death in A. in barley-A. 10. spread it for her from beginning of barley-A Job 5. 5. whose A. the hungry eateth up and takelh it Prov. 6. 8. the ant gathereth her food in the A. 10. 5. he that sleepeth in A. causeth shame 26.1. as rain in A. so honour is not seemly for a fool /.ia.9.3. they joy before theeaccording to joy in A. 16. g. for the shouting for thy A. is fallen i7.ll.but the A. shall be a heap in the day of grief 18. 4. and like a cloud of dew in the heat of A. 5. for afore the A. when the bud is perfect 23. 3. the A. of the river is her revenue Jer. 5. 17. they shall eat up thy A. and thy bread 24. he reserveth to us the appointed weeks of A. 8. 20. the A. is past, summer is ended,we not saved Joel 11.1. because the A. of the field is perished Hos. 6. 11.0 Judah, he hath set an A. for thee 3. 13. put in the sickle, for the A. is ripe, come Amos 4. 7. when there were yet three months to A. it/ar.9.37.the A. is plenteous, the labourers are few 38. pray ye the Lord of the A. to stai.Luke 10.2. 13.30. let both grow together until h. in time of A. 39. the A. is end of the world, reapers the angels Mark 4. 29- put in the sickle because A. is come Luke 10.2. he said unto them, the A. truly is great John 4.35. then cometh A. the fields are white to A. Hev. 14. 15. time is come, for the A. of earth is ripe HARVKSr-MAN. Isa. 17.5. it shall be as when the A. gathereth corn Jer. 9.22. carcases shall fall as the handful after A. HARVEST-Tl.ME. JosA. 3. 15. Jordan overfloweth all the timeot A. Judg. 15.1. in time of wheat A. Samson visited wife 2 6'«m. 23. 13. three chiefs came to David itiA.-time Prov. 25. 13. as the cold of snow in the time of A. Jer. 50. 16. cut off him handleth sickle in A.-iime 51. 33. a little while the time of her A. shall come -W«/.13.30.in the what A. thou here .- 1 Sam. 25. 6. peace be to thee and all that thou A. 2 Sam. 15. 35. A. thou not here with thee iJadok ? 2 Kings 4. 2. Elishu said, tell me, what A. in house Job 10. 4. A. thou eyes of flesh, or seest as man ? 40. 9. A. thou an arir. like God ? or canst thunder ' Prov. 3. 28. s.iy not, go, when thou i. it by thee /fa. 22.16. what A. thou here r whom A. thou here i J>;oM9.21. sell all thou A. Mark 10.21. Luke 18.22. 25. 25. lo, there thou A. that is thine JoAh 4. 11. from whence then A. 0;>iu living water .' 18. and he whom thou now A. is aut tliine husband 6. 68. to whom go > thou A. words of eternal life 7- 20. the people said, thou A. a devil, 8. 48, 52. 13. 8. if 1 wash thee not, thou A. no part wilh me /lets 8. 21. thou A. neither i)art nor lot in this matter Horn. 2. 20. thou who A. the form of knowledge 14.22. i. thou failli ? have it lo thyself before God 1 C'or.4.7. what A. thou that thou didst not receive :" ./am.2.18.a man may say, thou A. faith and i works liev. 2. 3. thou A. patience, and for my name's sake 6.but this thou A. || 3.1. thou A. a name to live. 4. 8. thou A. a little strength II Ij.hold what thou A. HAS IE, Substantive. £jo«/. 31. 22. 1 said in my A. 1 am cut off from thee 116. 11. 1 said in my A. all men are liars Isa. 52. 12. ye shall nut go out will. A. r.or oy flight l);,n. 2. 25. Arioch brought Dan. before k'ug lu A .3. 24. the king rose up iu A. and spake, and said 6. ly. the king went in A. unto the den of lioim Mark 6.25. she came in straightway wilh A. to king Luke 1. 39. Mary went into the hill-country with A. 2. 16. the shepherds came with A. and found .Mary HASTE. Gen. 19. 22. A. thee, escape thither, for I cannot do 45. 9. A. ye and go up to my father, and say, 13. 1 •iam. 20. 38. Jonathan cried, make speed, A. stay uot 23. 27. A. thee, for Philistiues have invaded ihe land Psal. 22. 19. U my strength, A. thee to help me See Make Aaste. HASTED. G^7i.]8.7.give it to young man, and he A. to dress k 24. 18. she said, drink, my lord, and .she A. 20. Exod. 5. 13. and the task-masters A. ihem, saying Josh. 4. 10. the people A. ajad passed over Jordan 8. 14. and when ihe king of Ai saw it, they A. 19. ihe ambush A. and set the city on fire 10. 13. the sun A. not to go down a whole day Judg. 20. 37. liersiu wait A. and rushed onGibeah 1 Sam. 17. 48. David A. \\ 25. 23. Abigail A. 42. 25. 34. except thou hadsi A. and come to meet 28. 24. the witch at En-dor A. and killed the calf 2 Sam. ly. 16. Shimei, who wa.s of Bahurim,A. 1 Kings 20. 41. the prophet A. and took ashes away 2 A/w^x 9.13. they A. and put garments under Jehu 2 Chion. 26. 20. yea, himself A. also to tjo out l:~sih. 6. 12. ilaman A. to his house mourning 14. they A. to bring Haman unto the banquet Job 31. 5. or if my foot hath A. to deceit I'jal. 48.5. they were troubled and A. away, 104.7 Acts 20. 16. Paul A. to be at Jerusalem at Pentecost HASTEN. 1 Kings 22. 9. A. hither Micaiah the son of IsiUh 2 Vhron. 24. 5. and see thai ye A. the matter Psal. 16. 4. sorrows multiplied A. after anotliergod 55. 8. 1 would A. my escape from the wi:idy storm .£.Vc/.2.25.orwho else can A. hereunto more than I ? lia. 5. 19. let him A. his work that we may see it 60. 22. X the Lord will A. it in his lime Jer. 1. 12. I will A. my word to perforai it HASTENED, ETH. Gen. 18. 6. Abraham A. into the tent unto Sarah 19. 15. angel A. Lot, saying, arise, take ihy wife i CAron. 24. 5. howbeit ihe Levitcs A. it not Esth. 3. 15. posts went out, being A .by king, 8. 14. Isa. 31. 14. the captive exile A. to be loosed Jer. 17. 16. 1 have not A. from being a pastor HAST ETH. Job 9. 26. as the eagle that A. to the prey 40. 23. behold, he driuketh up a river, and A. not Prov. 7. 23. as a bird A. to snare, and knowelh not ig. 2. and he that A. with his feet sinueiU 28. 22. he that A. to be rich, hath an evil eye ixcl. 1. 5. the sun A. to the place where he arose Jer. 48. 16. the affliction of Moab A. fast I lab. 1. 8. they shall fly as the eagle thai A. loe«t ZepA. 1. 14. the great day of the Lord A. greatly HASITLY. Gen. 41.14. they brought Joseph A. out of dungeon Judg. 2.23. left nations without driving ihciu out A. y.34. Abimelech called A. unto his armour-bearer 1 Sam. 4. 14. and the man came in A. and told Eli 1 Kmgs'ZO.Vi. the men did A. catch it »aiid they said Prov. 20. £1. an iuheritance may be goltiu A. 25. 8. go not forth A. to strive, lest thou know not JoAh 11.31. when Jews saw Mary thai she rose A. HASTING. Isa. 16. 5. seeking judgment, and A. rightrousness i Pet. 3.1^. and A. unto tht coming of day of the L. HASTV. Prov, 14.29. but he that is h. of spirit exalicih folly 21. 5. but of every one tDat is A. only m want 29. 20. seesl thou a man that is A in lus words lUcl. b. 2. let not tliy heart be A. to utter l^efore U. 7.9. be not A. in thy spirit to be angry 8. 3. be not too A. 10 go out of his sij;lit ha.ia. 4. as the A. fruii before the summer 32. t 4. the h. art of the A. shall undirstaiid 35. 1 4. say lo them that arc of A. heart, be strong Dan. 2. 15. why is the decree so h. from the king liab. 1.6. the Chaldeans, that bitter and A. nauon HATCH. Isa. 34.15. owl shall A. and gather under her shad. 59.5. they A. cor b;itcdi HAT $iat lif t^^* beloved. Thus &ur Saviour Jtv', t\at fie uio wout'd follow Aim, must hate father aD. thou dost A. me 25amj;22.41.destroy themthat A. we, Ps. 18.40. Psal.g \3. trouble which I suffer of them that h.me t5. ly. and they A. we with cm«l hatred S5. 19 let them wink that A. me without a cause 5tl.)9.'they that h.me wrongfully are many, 69. 4. ♦1. 7. all that A. me whisper together against me 65. 3. they cast iniquity upon me, in wrath A. me 69. 14. let me be delivered from them that A. me 86. 17. tint they which A. me may see it 118. 7. i shall see my desire upon them tb,at A. me Frtp. a, 36 all they thai A me love death S6t 12. 31. every abomination he A. have they done 16 22. nor set up any image which the Lord A 22.16. 1 gave my daughter unto this man, he A. her Job 16. i 2. 23. whodcnieth Son, same A. not Father ^. 3. every man that A. this hope in him purifieth 15. ye know that no murderer A. eternal life 17. whoso A. this world's good, and seeth brother 4. 16. we have believed the love that God A. to us 18. there is no fear in love, because fear A.torment 5.10. he that believeth on Son of G. A. the witness 12. he that A. the Son A. life, A. not Son A. not life 2 John 9. whoso abideth not in doctrine of Christ A. not God, that abideth A. both the Father and Son /i/i. 3.7. that A. key of David opens, no ma'J shut! 12.6.wildern. where she A. a place prepzu-ed of G. 12. because he knoweth that he A. but a short tim» 17. 7. beast which A. the seven head* and ten horot 9. and there is the mfnd which A wisdom 'Hi. 6. on such the second Ueath A. no power HATRED Gen. 26. ♦ 21. they digged another well, called it A. A'lon. 35. 20. if he thrust him off A. or hurl al hini 2 Sam. 13. 15. A. wherewith he hated her greater Psal. 25. 10. and they hate me with cruel A. 109. 3. they compassed me about with h. HAV /'f.lOg.S.thoy tare rewarded me A. for my lo%e 130. 22. 1 hale them with perfect A. I count them Proi 10. 12. A. stirs up strifes, love covers all sins 18. he that hideth b. with lying lips, is a fool 15. 17. better than a stalled ox, and /i. therewith 26.26. whose h. is covered by deceit, his wickedn. Eccl. 9. 1. no man knoweth either love or h. 6. their love, their /i. and envy is now perished Eiek. 25. 15. vengeance to destroy it forthe oJdA. 35. 5. because thou hast had a perpetual /;. 11. 1 will do according to envy hast used cutoff. Ucs.Q. 7 . for multitude of iniquity, and for great A. 8. but the orophet is A. in the house of his God Gal. 5. 20. witchcraft, h. the works of the flesh HATS. Dan. 3. 21. men were bound in their hosen and A. HAUGHTY. B Sam.Qi. 28. thine eyes are upon A. to bring down Psa/. 131. 1. Lord, my heart is not A. nor eyes lofty ProvS-Hl. the Lord nateth A. eyes, a lying tongue 16. .18. and a A. spirit goeth before a fall 18. 12. before destruction the heart of man is A. 21. 24. proud and A. scorner is hi« name Isa. 3. 16. because the daughters of Zion are A. 10. 33. high hewn down, and A. shall be humbled 24. 4 the A. people of the earth do languish 2.zei.l6. 30. were A. before me, I took them away ZtjiA.3.ll. nomorebeA. because of holy mountain HAUGHTILY. Mic. C. 3. neither shall ye go A. this time, is evil HAUGHTINESS. Pror. 21. 1 4. the A. of eyes and a proud heart is sin {ja.SAl.A. of men shall be bowed down, L. exalted 17. and the A. of men shall be made low 13. 11. and I will lay low the A. of the terrible 16. 6. we heard of tbe *. of Moab, Jei. 48. £y. HAUNT. 1 Sam. 23. 22. go and see his place where his A. is HAUNT, l&m. 30. 31. where David and men were wont to A. £z«*.26. 17 cause their terror to be on all that /i. it HAVE. Gen. 11. 6. the Ld. said, theyA. all one language '13. 7. A. ye another brother '||44.19.^.ye a father .' 46. 32. and they have brought all that they A. £i-0(/. 20.3. thou shalt A. noothergods, Denl. 5. 7. Lei'. 7.7. priest that maketh atonementshall A. it,8. 10. every meat-offering the sons of Aaron shall A. 19 36. a just ephah and a just hin shall ye A. 22.13 priest's daughter A. no child, Ntim. 27. 8,9 Aum. 11. 13. whence should 1 A. flesh to give unto all 22. 38. A. I now any power at all to say a:;y thing r 85.13. covenant of peace he and his seed shall A. it 35. 8. from them that A. many, them that A. few JJeut. 5.26. v/ho hath beard voice of God, as we A. .' JosA. 2.13. ye will save alive father and all they A. 17. 18. though they A. iron chariots and be strong 22. 24. what A. you to do with Lord God of Israel" Jiidg. 14. 15. A. ye called us to take that we A. .' 18. 24. ye A. taken my gods, and what A. I more r IfulA 1.12. turn again, for I am too old to A. an hus- band, if I should A. an husband also to-night 1 Sam. 8. 19. but we will A. a king over us 9. 7. there is not a present to bring ; what A. we r 15. 3. go and utterly destroy all that they A. 18. B. what can he A. more but the kingdom? 21. 15. A. I need of mad-men, that ye A. brought ■ 2 Sam. 13. 9. Amnon said, A. out all men from me J5. .'6. they A. there with them their two sons 1').10. what A.I todowilhyou.yesonsofZeruiah • i8.18. 1 A.no son to keep my name in remembrance 19.28. what right A. I yet to cry any more to ki.^g ' 34.Barzillai said unto king, how long A. I to live' 43. Israel said, we A. ten parts in the king 1 /fing<8.28.A.thou respect unto prayer of thy serv. 12. 16. saying, what portion A. we in David 17. 12. I A. not a cake, but an handful of meal 50. 4. my lord, O king, I am thine, and all 1 A. 21. 2. that I may A. it for a garden of herbs 22. 17. I sr. scattered as sheep that A. no shepherd S Kings 11. 15. A. her forth without, 2 CAr. 23. 14. 20,9. Isaiah said, this sign shalt thou A. of the L. 2 CAron. 1. 12. nor shall any after thee A. the like 16. 9. from henceforth thou shalt A. wars 35. 21. what A. I to do with thee, king of Judah? 23. he said, A. me away, for I am surewounaea Keh. 5. 5. other men A. our lands and vineyards Jeb^. 9. let it loon lor lignt hut n. none 6 B. O that I might A. my request, that God would 10. then should I yet A. comfort, yea, I would 51. 15. what profit should we A. if prayuntohim' 30. 13. they mar my path, they A. no helper 35..'<.what profit shall I A. if he cleansed fromsin- Ptal. 2. 4. the Lord sha'.l A. them in derision 14. 4. A. workers of iniquity no knowledge ? 53. 4. 16. G. in pleasant places, 1 A. a goodly heritage 35. 25. let them not say, ah, so would we A. it 73. 25. whom A. I in heaven but thee .' none upon 104.33. I will sing to my God while I A. my being 111. 10. a good undersiuduig A. ail the; that do 3» riAV P/a/.115.5.fcey A. mouths; eyes A. they, but see not 6. they A. ears ; noses A. they, 7. | 133. 16. 1*. 119. 42. so shall I h, wherewith to answer him 165. great peace h. they which love thy law 146. 2. sing praises unto my G. while I A. any being 149.9 this honour A. all his saints, praise the L. Prov. 1. 14. cast in thy lot, let us all A. one purse 20.4. the sluggirshall beg in harvest and A. nothing 29.21. shall A. him become his son at the length 30. 2. and I A. not the understanding of a man 3. nor A. I the knowledge of the Holy £f<-/.3.19.yea, they A. all one brealh,sc that a man 7. 12. that wisdom giveth life to them that' A. it y. 5. neither A. they any more a reward 6. neither A. they any more portion for ever Can».8.8.we A. a little sister and she hath no breasts 12. thou, O Solomon, must A. a thousand Isa. 5. 13. are gone, because they A. no knowledge 23. 12. pass over, there also shalt thou A. no rest 26. 1. we A. astrong city, salvation will G. appoint 30.29. ye shallA.asongasin the night when a holy 43. 8. bring the blind that A. eyes, deaf that A. ears 45. 21 . A. not I the Lord r there is no G. beside me 24. say, in the L. A. I righteousness and strength 49. 20. the children which thou shalt A. shall say 50.2. is my hand shortened.' A.I nopowertodeliv.- 11. this A. of my hand.ye shall liedown in sorrow 52.5. therefore what A. I here, saith the Lord 36. 11. are greedy dogs, which can never A. enough 61. 7. for your shame you shall A. double Jer. 5. 21. which A. eyes and see not, which A. ears 31. my people love to A. it so, what will ye do in 12. 12. .sword of L.devour, no flesh shall A. peace 16. 2. neith. shalt A. sons nor daught. in this place 23.17. the Lord hath said, ye shall A. peace, 29.7. 35. 7. ye shall not plant vineyard, nor A. any 3(5. 30. he shall A- none to sit upon throne of David 38. Z. he shall A. his life for a prey, and shall live 44. 14. to the which they A. a desire to return 49. g. they will destroy till they A. enough 31. the nation which A neither gates nor bars £am.3.21.this I recal to my mind, theref A.I hope Ezei.5.1l. neith will I A. pity, 7. 4. | 8.18. | 9. 10. 9. 5. let not your eye spare, neither A. ye pity 18.23. A. I any pleasure that the wicked die.' 32. I A DO pleasure in the death of him, 33.11. 21. 25. when iniquity shall A. an end, 29. Dan. 2. 30. for any wisdom that I A. more than any 3. 25. I see four men loose, and they A. no hurl 5. 7. shall A. a chain of gold about his neck, 16. 6. 2. and the king should A. no damage iJos. 10. 3. for now they shall say we A. no king iUf(r.3.6.night shall be unto you,ye shall not A. vis. /^ejji 2. 10. this .•;haU they A. for their pride hag 1 6. ye eat, but ye A not enough ; ye drink Jilal. 2.1i> A we not all one father f hath not God Mai. 3.y. we A Abraham to our father, I.nie 3.ii. 5. 40. take thy coat, let him A. thy cloak also 46. if love them who love you, what reward A. ye- 6. 2. verily I say, thoy A their reward, 3. Hi. 8.20. the foxes A holes, birds A. nests, Litie 9. ^B. 2y what A. we do with thee, Jesus, thou .'5011 of God' Mar/cl.2i. Lviei.3l. 13. 12. and he shall A. more abundance, 25. 29, 14.4. it is not lawful for thee to A her, Mark 6. 18. 13. 33. whence should we A. so much bread in wil. 34. how many loaves A. ye .• Marie 6. 38. | 8. 5. 17. 20. if A. faith as a grain of mustard, 21 . 21. ly. 16. what shall I do, that I may A. eternal hie .' 27. followed thee, what shall we A. therefore r S6. 11. ye A. the poor always with you, but nie ye A. not always, Mark 14. 7. JuAn 12. "u. 65. what further need A. we of witnesses i 27. 19. A nothing to do with that just man 43. let him deliver him now, if he will A. him Mark 2. 17. the whole 4. no need of the physician ly. as long as they A. the bridegroom wiib ihcni 4.23. if any man «. ears to hear, 7.16. /iVi . 13.y. 40. why are ye so fearful , how is it ye A . no faith .' 8. 16. saying, it is because we n. no bread 9. 30. A. salt in yourselves, A. peace one with another 10. 21. thou shalt A. treas. in heaven, J.uke 18.22. 1 1.23.butshall believe, shall A. whaisoev. he saith 24. believe ye receive them, and ye shall A. them Luit 6. 32. who love you, what thuiik A. ye r 33.34. 8. 18. from him be taken what he .seemeth to A. 11.5. which of you sh.iU A. a friend, and shall go 41. but rather give alms of such things as ye A. 12. 4. and after that A. no more that they can do 24. which neither A. store-house nor barn 33. sell that ye A. and give alms, provide bags 14. 18. must go and see it, I pray A. me excused, I9. 15. 31. thou art ever with me, all that 1 A. is thine 19. 14. we will not A. this man to reign over us 22.31.S?-tan hath desired to A. you, that he may 24.17. what communications ye A. one to another ■ 3y. spirit hath not flesh and bones,as ye see me A. 41. he said, A. ye here .iny meat ? JoAn 21. 5 /i'Ar2.3. the mother of .lesus said, they A. no wine 4. wuuau. what A. 1 to do with uiee t HA.V Jo/iii 3. 15. should not perish, but A. ererlast. life, 16. 4. 17 the woman .iiiswered and said, I A. no husb, 5. 26. he hath given the .Sou to A. life in himself 38. and ye A. not his word abiding in you 42. I know that ye A. not the love of God in you 6. 40. believeth on him, may A. everlasting life 53. except ye eat his flesh, ye A. no life in you 8. 6. tempting, that they might A. to accuse him 12. he that foUoweth me, shall A. the light of life 41. A. one father even God |1 49. I A. not a devil y. 41 . if ye were blind, ye should A. no sin 10.10. I am come that they might A. life and mere 16. other sheep I A. which are not of this fold 12. 35. walk while ye A. light, lest darkness, 36. 16. 33. that in me ye might A. peaca, in the world ye shah A. tribulation, I A. overcome the world 18.3y.but ye A. a custom that I should release oua iQ. 7. we A. a law |1 15. we A. no king but Cesar 20. 31. that believing ye might A. life thro' Jesua Acts 3.6. silver and gold A. 1 none, but such as I 4 9. 6. he said. Lord , what wilt thou A. me to do '. 17. 28. in him we live, move, aind A. our being 19. 25. know that by this craft we A. our wealth 21. 23. weA. four men which A. a vow Horn. 2.14. when the Gentiles, which A. not the la^p 6. 22. ye A. your fruit unto holiness, the end life 8. 9. now if any man A. not the Spirit of C'hiist 9. y. this time 1 will come, and Sara shall A. a son 12. 4. and all members A. not the same office 11. 22. hast thou faith .' A. to thyself before God 15. 17. I A. whereof I may glory through Christ 1 Cor. 2. 16. but we A. the mind of Christ 4. 11. are naked, and A '.o certain dwelling-plac« 15. though instructors, yet A. ye not mauy fathe.3 5. 1. that one should A. his father's wife 6. ig. Holy Gh. which is in you, which ye A. of G. 7.2. to avoid fornication, let everj-man A. his own wife, let every woman A. her own husband 28. yet such shall A. trouble in the tlesn 20. they that A. wives be as tho' they had none 32. I would A. you without carefulness 40. I think also that I A. the Spirit of God. 8. 1. we know, that we all A. know:edge 9. 4. A. we not power to eat and drink .' 5, 6." 11. 14. if a man A. long hair, it rs a shame to him 15. if a i^'OEan A. long hair, it is a glory to her 16. we A. no such custom, nor the churciies of G 22. what, A. ye not houses to eat aud di luk in .' 12. 21 eye not say to hand, 1 A. no need of thee 30. A. all the gifts of healing r do all interpret .' 13. 1. A. Hot charity, 1 am become sounding brass 2 though I A. all faith and A. not charily, 3. 15.31.byyour rejoicing which 1 A. in ChristJesus 34. for some A. not the knowledge of God 2 Cor.3.4.such trust A. we thro'Christ to God-ward 4. 1. sceiflg we A. this ministry, we faint not 8. 11. a performance out of that which ye A. J^pA. 4. 28. he may A. to give to him that needeth 5. 11. A. no fellowship with the unfruitful works t^Aii. 1.7. 1 A. you in my heart || 4. 18. but 1 A. all Coi. 1.4. and love which ye A. to all the saints 2. 1. ye knew what great conflict I A. for you 3. 13. if any man A. a quarrel against any 4. 1 . knowing that ye also A. a Master in heaven 1 JAess. £. 14. ye suffered, as they A. of the Jew* 2 TAess. 3. 2. pray for us, for all men A. not fajih 9. not because we A. not power, but to make 1 Tim. 2.4. who will A. all men to be saved thb. 4. 13. the eyes of him with whom we A. to do 14. seeing then that we A. a great high-p^le^t 5. 14. by reason of use A. their senses exercised 6. ly. which hope we A. as an anchor of the soul 8.1. we A. such an High-Priest, set on i ight-hand 3. that this man A. somewhat also to ofler 10. 34. that ye A. in heaven a better substay.c* 13. 5. be content with such things as ye A. 10. we A. an altar whereof they A. no right to eat 14. here A. we no continuing city, we seek one Jam. 1. 4. but let patienre A. her perfect work 2. 1 . A. not faith of Christ with respect of persons 14. and A. not works, can faith save him.' 17. even so faith, if it A. not works, is dead 18. a man may say, thou hast faith, aud I A. work* 3.14. if ye A. bitter envy, and strife in your beans 4. 2. ye lust anU A. not, ye desire to A. ye fight and war, yet ye h. not, because ye al^k not 1 Ptt. 4. 8. above all things A. fervent charity 2 I'tt. 1. lij. we A. a more sure word of prophecy 2. 14. an heart they A. exercised with coveiousnesa 1 John 1 .8. if we say, we A. no sin, deceive ourselv. £. 1. we A. an Advwaie with the Father, Jesus 20. but we A. an uniiiou from the Holy One 4. 21. and this commandment A, we from him 5. 1.3. that ye may know that ye A. eternal liiis 14. this is the confidence that we A. in him 15. know we A. the petitions we desired of him 3 John 4. 1 A. DO greater joy than to hear that my 9. Diotrephes, wholoteth to A. the pre-eniiiienc« Utt. 1. tK. I A. the keys of hell and of dialh 2. 4. >«4 1 «. M/...^>.uik .,k,.uij>i Uiv ., \i, £0. HE Ret. 2. 10 &i>d ye sb&U A. tribulation ten days S4. to yoQ, and to as manj as A. not tbis tioctruie 23. but what ye A. already, hold fast till I come 0. 4. which A. not the seal of God in their foreh. 12. 17. and A. the testimony of Jesns Christ 14. H. they n no rest day nor night who worship 17. 13. these A. one mind, and give their power 19- 10. of brethren that h. the testimony of Jesus SI. 8. liars shall A. their part in the lake tHat burns C2. 14. that they may A. right to the tree of life t«7.8. 9. 3t). were as sheep A. no shepherd, Alari 6. 34. 18. 8 rather than A. two hands or two feet 9 rather thanA. two eyes to be cast, Marig. 43. 92. 12. bow camesc, not A. a weddiflg-garment .' 24. if a man die, A no children, Lulce 20. 28. 25. and A. no issue, left his wife to his brother 26.7. woman A. an alabaster-box, UlarJc 14. 3. Mark 8. 1. and A. notbinp; to eat, Jesus called 18. A eyes, see ye not r A. ears, hear ye not ? 11. 13. a fig-tree A. leaves || 12. 6. A. one son /.!(*« 8. 43. woman A. an issue of blood twelve years 15. 4. what man of you A. an hundred sheep ? 8. either what woman A. ten pieces of silver .' 17-7. but which of you A. a servant plowing Jv/in 7. 13. how knows be letters, A. never learned ,' 18. 10. then Simon Peter A. a sword drew it Acts 4. 37. A. land, sold it, and brought the money C2. 12. A. agood report of the Jews who dwelt 24. 22. A. more perfect knowledge of that way How. 2. 14. A. not the law, are a law to themselves 12. 6. A. then gifts differing arcord. to grace given lCor.6. 1. A. a matter against another, go to law 7. .37. he thatstandeth stedfjist, A. no necessity 2 CW.4.13.we A. the same spirit of faith, as written 6. 10. as A. nothing, and yet possessing all things 7.1 A. therefore these promises, beloved, cleanse 9. 8. ye always A. all sufficiency in all things 10.6. A. in a readiness to revenge all disobedience 15. but A. hope, when your faith is increased £;)A.2.12. A. no bope||5. 27. not A. spotor wrinkle 6. 14. A. your loins girt about with truth ^/•7.1.23.A. a desire to depart, and be with Christ 25. A. tbis confidence |130. A. the same conflict ^2. 2. A. same lovep. 9. not A. my own righteousn. Co/. 1.20. A. made peace thro' the blood of hisi toss 2.19. A. nourishment ministered, and knit together 17Vm.3.4.A. his child. in subjection with all gravity 4. 8. A. the promise of the life that now is 5. 12. A. damnation, because they have cast off 6. 8- and A. food and raiment, let us be content £ 7Vot.2. 19. A. this seal, the Lord knoweth bis 3. 5. A. a form of godliness, but denying the power 4. 3. they shall heap teachers, A. itching ears Tit. 1.6. A. faithful children, not accused of riot 3 Pft. 2.12. A. conversation honebt among Gentiles 3. 16. A. a good conscience, they may be ashamed 2 l'ei.2. 14. A. eyes full of adult, that cannot cease Jvde 19. these be sensual, A. not the Spirit iiVi'. 5. 6. A. seven horns 1, 8. A. every one harps 7. 2. 1 saw an angel, A. the seal of the living God 8. 3. A. a golden censer || 9. 17. A. breast-plates 12. 3. A. seven heads || 12. A. great wrath 14. 6. A. the everlasting gospel to preach to them 15. 2. the harps of God || 17. 4. A. a golden cup 18. 1. A. great power II 20. 1. A. thekey of the pit 21.11. the holy Jerusalem, A. the glory ot Goa HAVEN. C> and tender grass Via. 15.6 the A. is withered away, the grass failelh 1 Cor. 3. 12. who buildeth on this foundation, A. HAZFX. G»n.30.3T.Jacob took him rods of A. and chesnut ' HE. C«n. 3 16. and A« shall nils over thes 266 HE Gen.6.3. not always strive with man, for A« is flesh 4 J. 10. A* with whom it is found shall be my servant 4K. 19. younger brother shall be greater than Ae 4y. 8. art At whom thy brethren shall praise ixurf. 4.l6.A« shall be iny .spokesman to the people, and At shall be 10 thee instead of a mouth 9.34. and hardened his heart, Ae and his servants 35. 34. At hath put in his heart that he may teach bothA< and Aholiab of the tribe of Dan Z,«t.7.33. A< among the sons of Aaron that offcreth 25. 54. shall go out in jubilee, Ae and bis children A'lim. 24. 9- and cursed is Ae that curseth thee Veut. 3. 1. came, Ae and all his people to battle 8. 18. it is Ae thatgiveth power to get wealth 27. 16. cursed be He. So to the end oj' tAe chapter 31 . 6. A« that doth go with thee, he will not fail, 8. 32. 6. is not he thy Father that hath bought thee ■ 39. I, even I am he, and there is no God with me, Ita. 41. 4. I 43. 10, 13. ', J6. 4. j 48. 12. Josh. 23.3.L.yourG.is he that fought for you, 10. Jud^. 10. 18. what man is he will begin to tight .' 1 Sam. 4. 16.1 am he that came out of the army 9. 2. there was not a goodlier person than he 16. 12. this is he || 25. 25. as his name is so is he 1 Kin^s 2. 32. who fell on two men better than he 17. 15. she and Ae and her house did eat many days 18. 17. art thou/e that Jroubleth Israel? things 18. 22. is not that he whose places, Ija. 36. 7. 2 Chrmi.'Zg. 3. Ae in firsUiear of reign opened doors Job 9. 24. if not, wnere, and who is he ? 13. 19. who is he that will plead with me .' 14. 10. man dieth, and where is Ac .'20.7. i.fa. 63. 11. /'ja/.22.9.thou art he that took me out of the womb 60. 12. Ae it is shall tread down enemies, lu8. 13. 68. 20. Ae that is our God isihe God of salvation 100. 3. Ae is God, it is he that bath made us Hi. 10. it is Ae that givcth salvation to kings Prov. 16. 20. that trusteth in L. happy is Ae, 2y.l8. Kccl.i. 8. Ae that is higher than the highest regard. 6. 3. 1 say that an untimely birth is better than he ha.iO. 22. it is Aesitteth on the circle of the earth 51 12. 1, even I , am he that comforteth you, 52.6. John 18. 5, 6, 8 lUv. 1 . 18. | 2. 23. Jer.5.12.haTc belied the Lord, and said, it isnot Ae 14. 22. art not thou Ae, O Lord our God 38. 5. the king is not Ae that can do any thing 48. 26. and he also shall be in derision Kzek. 38. 17. art thou Ae of whom I have spoken ? Uab. 1. 13. the man that is more righteous than Ae Ma:.2.2. where is he that is born king of the Jews .' 3. 3. this is Ae that was spoken of by the prophet 11.3. art thou Ae that should comer iu. 9- some said, this is he, but Ae said, 1 am Ae 36. who is Ae, Lord|j 37. Ae that talketh with thee I.". 19..I tell you thatye may believe that I am A« • ids 3. 10 they knew it was Ae who sal fur alms 7. 38. this is Ae that was in the church in wildern. 9. 21. is not this he that destroyed them who called 10. 21. I'eter said, I am he whom ye seek 42. he that was ordained of God to be the judge 13. 25. whom think ye that I am ? I am not Ae Iwm. 2. 28. Ae is not a Jew that is one ouiwardly 29. but Ae is a Jew that is one inwardly 14. 18. he that in these things serveth Christ 1 Cor. 10. 22. are we stronger than Ae .' 2 Cor. 10. 7. of himself think this again, that as Ae is Christ's, even so are we t hrist's 1 TAf«. 5.24. faithful is Ae that calleth you,willdo it 2 Thess. 2. 7. he who lettelh, will let nil Ae be taken lleb. 12.7. what son is Ae the faiherchasteneth not ■ lO.butAe for our profit, that we might be partak. 1 Pet. 1. 15. as Ae which hath called you is holy 1 John 1. 7. if we walk in light, as Ae is in the light 2.28. when he shall appear, we may have conhdcn. 3. 7. is righteous, even as he is righteous 24. dwelletb in him, and Ae in him, 4. 15. 4.4. greater isAe that is ui you, than Aeiu world 17. because as Ae is so are we in this world 5. 12. Ae that hath the Son, hath life ; and Ae that hath not the Son of God, hath not life 3 John 11. follow not evil, Ae that doeth good is of Go
  • si;u, Did, Saith. HEAD. The head is lAt uppermost and chief pa't of th« body. It is sometimes taken for the uholt man, Prov. 10. 6, Blessings arc upon the head of the just, that is, upon their persons. And God says of iht wicked, 1 will recompense their way upon their head, kuk. 9. 10. It ts taken also for the lift. Dan. 1. 10, Ye shall make me endanger my head to the king. It also tignijiet a cAitf or capital eily. Isa. 7. 8; ^ be head of •Syria is Damascus. It denotes a chief or prin- cipal member in any society. Isa. 9- '+> 15, The Lord will cut off from Israel head and tall. 'J he ancient and honourable, he is the head. /( is said. Gen. 3. 15. The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head ; that is, Christ Jesus, (Ae blessed seed of the uoman, shall oiertAroa the foiter, policy, and leorks of tin devil. Head is taken for one that hath rule and pre-emi- nence over others. TAus God is the be^d of Christ, as Mediator ; from Aim ha derives ait his dignity and authority : Christ is the only spiritual head of Ais church, both in respect of eminence and injiuence i Ac communicates life, motion, and strength to every btlievtr ; also the husband is i/'e, because by God'i ordinance Ae is to rule over her. Gen. 3. 16. Also in regard of pre eminence if sex, 1 Pet. 3. 7. and eicellency of knowledge, 1 Cor 14. 35. lAe apostle meiitions this subordination of persons in 1 Cor. 11.3, But I would have you know, that the head of every man is ( hrist : and the head of the woman is the man ; and the head of Christ is God. The river in Paradise teas divided into four heads, into four springs, four branches, Gen. -4. 10. The stone which the builders rejected, was made the head of the corner, Psal. 118. 22, « uas the first in the angle, whether it uere dis- posed at the top of that angle to adorn and cioan It, or at the bottom to support it. This in the Seu Testament is applied to Christ, uAo ts tAa itrengtA and beauty cf the church, to unite tAa several parts thereof, namely, both Jews and Gentiles, together. Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads, Psal. 66. 12. Thou hasi given us masters who use us like slaves, yea, lika beasts to carry their burdens. The Lord sheJl make thee the head, and not the tail, Deut. 28. is. Thou shalt bt always master, and never in subjection. Head 1/ taken sometimes for poison, because the Hebrew word Rosch, which signifies head, sif. 7iijies likewise poison. Job 20. 16, He shall suck the poison, or head of asps. In times of mourning, they covered their heads, they cut and plucked ojj their hair ; 1 will bring baldness upon every head, says the prophet, speaking of calamitous timet, Amos a. 10. Vn thecoutra'y, i» prosperity they anointed their heads with sweet oils. Eccl, 9. 8, Let thy head lack no ointment. To shake the head at one, i^ a ges- ture of contempt and insult. Psal. 22. 7i They shoot out the lip. they shake the head. Gen.3.15. it shall bruise thy A. thou bruis? his heel 40. 13. yet I'haraoh shall lift up thy A. I9. 49. 26. blessings shall be on the A. of Joseph, ana on the top of the A. of him, Deut. 33. i6. Ezod. 29. 10. Aaron and his sons shall put theii hands upon A. of the bullock, Lev.i.^. | 8.14 15. put hands on A. of the ram, I9. Lev. 8. 18,22 Lev. 1. 4. shall put hand on the A. of burnt offering 3. 2. shall lay bis hand on the A. of his offering 4. 29. lay his hand on the A. of sin-offeriag, 33. 13. 44. be is leprous, his plague is in his A. 45. his clothes shall be rent, and his A. bare 21. 5. they shall not make baldness on their A. 10. shall not uncover his A. nor rend his clothes Aum. 5.18. the priest shall uncover the woman's A. 6.5. there shall no razor come on the Nazarite's A. 7- the consecration of his God is on his A. 9. then he shall shave his A. 18. Deut. 21. 12 11. and he shall hallow bis A. that same day Josh. 2. 19. his blood be on his A. blood on our A. Judg. 5. 26. she smote offSisera'sA. when she had 13. 5. shalt bear a son, no razor shall come on his A. 1 Sam. 17.57. Goliath's A. 1131. 9. cut off Saul's A, 25. 39. the wickedness of N aba> on bis own A. 28. 2. I will makt; thee keeper of my A. for ever 2 6am.l.2.amancame,and earth upon his A. 15.32. 16. thy blood be upon thy A. 1 Kings 2. 37. 3. 8. Abner was wroth, and said, am I a dog's A. 29. let it rest on the A. of Joan, and on his hoase 16. 9. let me go over, and take off bis A. 2 AingJ 2. 3. taie thy master from thy U. to-«Jay, 5 4. 19. and be said untc his father, my A. my A HEA 2 Kivg! 6.tl.if the A.of Elisha sliall stand on him 32. sou ot a murderor sent to take away my h. 19. 21. the virgin despised thee, the daughterof Je- rusalem hath shaken her A. atthee, yia.37. 22. S5.27. did lift up the h. of Jehoiachin, Jer. 52. 31. E Chr. 6. 23. by recompensing his way on his h. £tra 9- 6. our iniquities are increased over our A. Neh. 4. 4. and turn their reproach on their own A. Eslh. 9. 25. his device should return on his own A. J06 1. 20. Job arose, shaved his A. and fell down 10. 15. if righteous, y^t will not I lift up my A. 16. 4. and I could shake my A. at you Psai. 3. 3. my glory and the lifter up of mine A. 7. 16. his mischief shall return on his own A. 22.7. they shoot out the lip, they shake theA. 23. 5. thou anoimestmy A. with oil, cup runneth 27. 6. now shall my A. be lifted up above enemies 38. 4. mine iniquities are gone over mine A. 44. 14. a shaking of the A. among the people 60. 7. Ephraim is the strength c: my A. 108. 8. 68.21. God shall wound the A. of his enemies 83. 2. they that hate thee, have lift up the h. 110. 7. therefore shall he lift up the A. 140. 9. as for the A. of those that compyis me 141. 5. be an oil, which shall not breai my A. Prov. 10. 6. blessings are on the A. of the just 11. 26. blessing on theA. of him which selleth corn 25.22.shalt heap coals of fire on his A. Rom. 12. 20. Eccl. 2. 14. the wise man's eyes are in his A. Cant, 2. 6. his left hand is under my A. 8. 3. 52. my A. is filled with dew, my locks with drops 11. his A. as most fine gold ||7.5. thy A. as Carmel Jsa. 1. 5. the whole A. is sick and the heart faint 51. 11. everlastinj; joy shall be on their A. 58. 5. is it to bow down his A. a.s a bulrush .' 59 17. he put on an Lelmet of salvation on his A. Jer. 2. 37. go forth, and thine hands on thy A. 9. 1. O that my A. were waters, mine eyes tears 23. ig. fall grievously on the A. of wicked, 30.23. Ezef:. 9- '0. recompense their way on their A. 29. 18. every A. was made bald, shoulder peeled Dan. 2. 38. O king, thou art this A. of gold Joel 3. 4. return your recompense on your A. 7. Amos 2. 7. that pant afterdust on theA. of the poor 8. 10. and I will bring baldness on every A. y. 1. he said, cut them in the A. all of them Zee/i. 1. 21. so that no man did lift up his A. 6. 1 1 . then set the crowns on the A. of Joshua Jilal. 5. 36. neither shalt thou swear by thy A. 27. 30. and they smote him on the A. Mai i 15. ly. Mari 6. 24. she said, the A. of John the Baptist Luie 7. 46. my A. with oil thou didst not anoint Jo/m 13. 9. not feet only, but also my hands and A. 1 Cor. 11.4. his A. covered, dishonoureth his A. 10. the woman ought to have power on her A. 12. 21. the A. to the feet, 1 have no need of you Eph. 1. 22. put all things under his feet, and gave him as A. to the church, 4. 15. Co/. 1.18. Col. 2. 19. not holding the A. from which the body Vi:(!i>.ig.l2.eyes Hame of fire, and his A.manvcrowiis See Bearu, Bald, Bow, Boweu, Covek, Covered, Crown. Ate.UEAn. Deui. 19. 5. and the aze-h. slippeth from the helve S Kings 6. 5. an-A.fell into the water, and he cried Bed's-llEAD. Cen. 47. 31. Israel bowed himself on the ied's-h. Spear' s-\lE ATI. 1 Sam. I7.7.J..A. weighed 600 shekel5,2Sam.21. IG IlEAD-STONE. Psal. 118. 22. is become the li.-sione of the corner Zech. 4. 7. bring forth the h.^tone with shoutings HEAD (>/■ the corner. Mat. 21. 42. is become the A. Lord, and 1 ihall be healed ■iO. 17. 1 will A. tliee of thy wounds, saith the L. Lam. 2.13. far thy breach is great, who can A. the«.' HEA ITos. 5. 13. yet could he not A. yoa, nor cure you 6. 1. let us return, he hath torn, and will A. us 14. 4. I will A. their backsliding, I will love freelj Zech. 11. 16. he shall not A. tUat that is broken .Ua^8. 7. Jesus saith, I will come and A. him 10. 1. to A. all mauuar 01 sickness, Afar* 3. 15. 8. A. the sick, cleanse the lepers, Xuitg. 2. | 10, 9 12.10. is it lawful to A. on sabbath-day.' LukeH.3. 13. 15. I .shouldA. them,yiiA;i 12.40. /lc(/2a.i;7 .'Ua/-*3. 2. whether he would A. on sabbath, Lui«6.7. Luke 4.18. he hath sent me to A. the broken-hearted 23. ye will surely say, physician, A. thyself 5.17. the power of the Lord was present to A. them 7.3. beseeching that he would come and A. his serp. John 4. 47. that he would come down and A. his soa Acts 4. 30. by ttretchiug forth thine hand to k HEALED. Gen. 20. 17. God A. Abimelech and his wife Esod. 21. ig. he shall cause him to be thoroughiy A. Lev. 13. 18. the bile is A. ^ 37. the scall is A. 14. 3. and if the plague of leprosy be A. 48. Veut. 28.27. with itch, whereof thou canst not be A. 1 Sam. 6. 3. return an offering, then he shall be A. 2 Kings ^.Ql. have 4. the waters]j22. waters were A. 8. 2y. king Joram went to be A. in Jezreel 9. 15. Joiam was returned to be A. 2 Chroa. £2.6 2 Chron. 30. 20. the L. hearkened and A. the people Psal. 30. 2. I cried to thee, and thou hast A. me 107.20. he sent his word, and A. them isa. 6. 10. lest they see, and convert, and be A. 53.5. he wzis bruised, and with his stripes we are '< Jer. 6. 14. they have A. the hurt sligbtly, 8. 11. 15.18. my wound incurable.which refuseiniobe A 1". 14. heal me, O Lord, and 1 shall be A. 51 .8. howl for her,take balm.if so be she may be /•. y. we would have A. Babylon, but sheisnotA. Ezek. 30.21. andlo, it shall not be bound up to be A. 34. 4. neither have ye A. that which was sick 47 .8. brought forth into sea,the waters shall be A. 9. 11. and the marishes thereof shall not be A. ii"s. 7. 1. when X would have A. Isr. then iniquity 11.3. but they knew not that i A. them .lJar.4.24. those that had the palsy, and he A. them 8. K. speak, and my ser\-ant shall be 4. Luke 7.7. 12.15.multitudesfollowedhim,he A. them, 14. 14. Mark 5. 23. that she may be A. and she shall live Luke 8. 43. had spent all, nor could be A. of any 13.14. therefore come and be A. ajdnotoo sabliaii 17. 15. when he saw that he was A. turned b,^'i 22. 51. and he touched his ear, and A. him John 0. 13. he that was A. wist not who it wai Ids 4. 14. and beholding the man who was A 5. 16. and they were A. every one 14. y. and perceiving that h« had faith to be A. 28. 8. I'aul prayed, aud A. the father of I'ublius iJci. 12.13. be out of the way, but let It rather be A. Jam. 5. Id. pray one for another, that ye may be A. 1 J'tt. 2. 24. tiy whose stripes ye were A. Kev. 13. 3. and ms deadly wound was A. 12. heaLer. Jsa. 3. 7. shall swear, saying, I will not be an A HEALElH. Exod. 15. 26. for I am the Lord that A. thee Psal. 103. 3. bless the Lord who A. all thy i>iseas« 147. 3. he A. the broken m heart, aud bindeth up ■Ita. 30. 26. and he A. the stroke of their wound H EALl N G, Subslantiie. 2 CA/on. 24. t 13. ana the A. went up upon the work 36. t 16. wrath of Lord arose, till there was no A P/ov. 15. 1 4. the /J. of the tongue is a trre of lile Jer. 14. ly. there is no A. for us, tlie time of A. Oan. 4. t 27. if it may be an A. of thy error A aA.S.iy.liiere is no A. of thybruise.wound grievous .V/«/.4.2. shall Sun of right.arisewithA.in his wings LiUe y. 11. aud he healed tlicm that had need of/.. .lets 4. 22. on whom this miracle of A. was shcwij 1 Cur. li;. 9. is given to another the gilt of ,1. 28. 30. have all the gifts of A. .' do all interpret .' liev. 22. 2. leaves of the tree were for A. of nations HEALING. Jer. 30. 13. none to plead, thou hast no A. medicina Mat. 4. 23. went alioul '1. all uiauiier of sickness LukefjO. preaching the gospel, and *. every where Acts 10. 38. A. all that were oppressed of the devil HEALIH. (!cn. 43. 28. our father is in good A. he is yet alivu 2 .vm. 20. y. Joab Said, art thou iu A. my brother I'uil. 38. t 3. neither is there any A. in my bones 42. 11. who is the A. of my countenance, 43. 5. ()( .2. thy saving A. maybe known among all nations i'rov. 3. 8. it shall be A. to thy iia\ el, and marrow 4. 22. for thty are A. to all their llesh 12. 18. bat the tongue of the wise is A. 13. 17. but a failhtul ambassador is A. 16. 24. sweet to the soul, and A. to the bones Isa. 58. 8. thy A. shall spring forth speedily Jer. «. 15. looked for a time of A. behold tmnhle 22. why is not the A. of uiy people recovvicil : 30.17. for 1 will restore A. unto thee, aud lieol tliea 33 6 behold, i will bring it A. and curu >4V,5 27. M. taiie some meat, tor this is for your /i. ZJ'hn S. niavest be iii h. as ihy soul prospereth 'HEAP, Subiianlui. dyn. 31. 46. they made a n. dnJ did eat on the /i. 52. this /(. be wuness, and this pillar be witness i'jo. Ji.i/». 15. t lO. with the jaw-bone of an ass, an A Jittl/i 3. 7. to lie down at the end of the A. of corn 2 Snw. 18. 17. they laid very great A. on Absalom Jut 21. t 32. yet shall be watch in the A. 30. t C-l. he will not slrelcli out his hand to the A. Prov. CG. 1 8 that puttelh a precious stone in an A. Can!. 7.-'. thy belly is like an A. of wheat set about Jta. 17. 1. Damascus shall be a ruinous A. 11. hanest shall be an A. in the day of grief 25. 2. for thou hast made of a city an A. Jer. 30. 18. the city shall be builded on her own A. 49. 2. and Rabbah shall be a desolate A. Mie. l.fi. will make Samaria as an A. of the field /7ai.3.15. didst walk through the A. of great waters Jiag. 2. 16. when one came to anA. of 20 measure HEAP. Deut. .32. 23. I will A. mischiefs upon them Joi 16.4. I could A. up words against you 27. 16. though he A. up silver as the dust 36. 13. but the hypocrites in heart, A. up wrath Pror. 25.22. thou shalt A. coals of fire, /vVm.12.20. £rf/.2.26.to sinner he giveth to gather and to A. up Jiiei. 24. 10. A. on wood, kindle the fire, consume Jlai. 1. 10. for they shall A. dust and take it 2 C(i;«.4.3.A.to ihenistlves teachers, having ilching HEAPED. ZfcA.Q.S.Tyrus A. up silver as the dust,and fine qoUl Jam.5.3. ye have A. treasure together for last days HEAPETH. Psal.5Q.6.he A. up riches, and knowelh not who Hai. 2.5. and he A. unto him all people HEAP.S. Ext>d. 8. 14. they gathered them together on A. Jvdg. 15. 16. with the jaw-bone of an ass, A. on A. 2 Kin^s 10. 8. lay ye them in two A. at entering in 19. 25. to lay waste fenced cities into ruinous A. 2 CAr. 31. 6. they brought tithe, and laid them liy A. 7. in the third month they began to lay tlie h. 8. when the princes came and saw the A. '^VA. 4.2. will they revive the stones out of the A. .' Joi 15. 28. in houses which are ready to become A. Pial. 79. 1. they have laid Jerusalem on A. Jir. 9. 11. and I will make Jerusalem A. 26. 18. 31.21. set thee up way-marks, make thee high A. 50 26. cast Babylon up as A. and destroy herulterly 51. 37. and Babylon shall become A. Uos. 12. 11. their altars are as A. in the furrow- fl/.inners. (3) 'To listen to dod's Kords onlv ailA the oulnard sense of the ear. IHat. 13. 19, When any one heareth the word of the kingdom and understandeth it not. 'I'lms all wicked men uho are nilhin the church do hear the aord ; they hear the sound of the uords, but then they halt not so much as tionat Itnoteledge of these things, or else regard them not, neier consider, or lay them to heart. (4) To yield a willing assent in our minds to the word of God, Kith a firm yurpose to obey it John 8. 47, He that isof God, heareth God's word ; he believes atid obeys it. So in John 10. 27, My sheep hear my voice, and follow me. it IS used often in this sense. Deut. 1. 43, I spake unto you, and ye would not hear ; ye noutd not obex/ me. 1 Sam. 24.9. W'herefore hearest thou men's words * Why believesi thou U)hat mine enemies say against me? So tn Mat. 17. 5, This is liiy beloved Son, hear him; believe and obey him. (5) To learn, John 8. 20, 40, I speak 10 the world those things which I have beard of him ; those things which he bath taught me, whxch he hath communicated to me. (d) To approve of .and embrace. 1 John 4. 5, i hey speak of the world, and the world hear?th them ; these seducers and false teach- ers preach such doctrines as may gratify and ec-mply vith the corrupt nj'ectioni of uorldly men , and they greedily hearken to, approve, and embrace such doclrines.{l)'J'o judge and determine. Z Sam. 15. 3, Thy matters are good uid right, but S68 there is no man deputed of the king to hear thee ; to determine thy rautc uilh justice and ej'iity. Gen. 21. 6. so that all lh.1t A. will latigh with me 23. 6. A. us, my lonl, thou art a mighty prince Exod. 19. <). that the people may A. when I speak .■!2. 18. but the noise of them that sing do I A. .Viiflj. 16. 8. A. I pray you, ye sons of Levi 23. 18. rise up, Balak, and A. hearken unto me 30. 4. and her father A. her vow and her bond Deut. 1. 16. A. the cause between your brethren 4. 10. and I will make them A. my words 5. 1. A. Israel the statutes and judgments, 6. 3. I 9. 1. I 20. 3. Isa. 48. 1. Mark 12. 29. 27. and A. all th.it the Lord our God doth say 12.28. A. all these words which I command thee 13. 12. if thou sliait A. say in one of thy cities 30. 12. bring it, that we may A, it and do it, 13. 31.12. that they may A. and fear L. 13. Jer. 6. 10. J.ish. 3. 9. A. the wordsof the Lord your God 6. 5. when ye A. the sound of the trumpet, the peo- ple shall shout, AVA. 4. 20. Dan. 3. 5, 15. Judv. 5. 3. A. O ye kings, give ear, U ye princes 10. why abodest,to A. the bleatingsof the flocks r 14. 13. put forth thy riddle, that we may A. it. . Sam. 2.23. for I A. of your evil dealings by all 24. nay, my sons, it is no good report that I A. l.">. 14. and the lowing of the oxen which I A. 16. 2. how can I go Mf Saul A. it, he will kill me 25. 24. A. the wordsof thy handmaid, 2 ■Sam. 20.17. 26. 19. let my lord the king A. wordsof his servant 2 Sam. 14. + 17. so is my lord \.Vji king to A. good 15.3. there is no man deputed of the king to A. thee 10. as soon as ye A. the sound of the trumpet 35. that what thing soever thou shall A. 36. ye shall send to me every thing that ye A. 17.5. and let us A. likewise what llushai saith 20. 16. a wise woman cried out of the city, A. A. 22.45. soon as they A. shall be obedient, /'j.ia.44. 1 A'i«5j3.t 11. asked understanding to A. judgment 4. 34. to A. the wisdom of Solomon, 10. 8, 24. 2 Chron.ij. 7, 23. Mat. 11. 'il. Luke 11.31. 8. 30. then A. thou in heaven and forgive, 32. 34. 36, 39, 43, -15, 49. 2 Chron. 6. 21. 18. 26. they called on Baal, saying, O Baal, A. us 2 Kings'! .{j. made the host to A. a noise of chariots 18. 2!i. A. the word of the great king, J:a. 30. 13 ly. 16. A. the words of Sennacherib, Jsa. 37. 1" 1 Chron. 14. 15. when thou shall A. a sound of going -VfA.l. 6. that thou mayest A. the prayer of servant 4.4. A. O our G. for we are despised, turn reproach 8. 2. and all that could A. with understanding Job 5.27. A. it, and know thou it for thy good 13. 17. A. diligently my speech with ears, 21.2. 27. 9- will God A. bis cry ^ || 34. 2. A. my words 42. 4. h. I beseech thee, and I will speak I'sal. 4. 1. have mercy upon me, A. my prayer. O God, 39. 12. I 54. 2. j 84. 8. | 102. 1. | 143.1 20. 1. the Lord A. thee in the day of trouble 9. save. Lord, let the king A. us when we call 27. 7. A. O Lord, when I cry with my voice 30. 10. A. O Lord, and have mercy upon me 491. A. this, all ye people, give ear, all inhabitants 50. 7. A. O my people, and I will speak, 81 8. 51. 8. make me to A.joy and gladness, that the bones 59. 7. swords in lips, for who, say they, doth A. / (il. 1. A. my cry, O God, attend to my prayer 66. 16. come, and A. all ye that fear God 102. 20. A. groaning of the prisoner, to loose those 138. 4. when they A. the words of thy mouth 143. 8. cause me to A. thy loving-kindness in morn. Prov. 1. 8. my son, A. the instruction of thy father 4. l.A. ye children, the instruction of a father 10. A. (J my son, and receive my sayings, I9. 20, 8 6. A. for I will speak of excellent things 33. A. instruction, and be wise, refuse it not 19. 27. ce«se to A. insiiuclion, that causeth to err 22. 17. how thine ear, A. the words of the wise 23. 19. A. thou, my son, be wise, and guide thy heart Jxcl. 5. 1. and be more ready to A. than to give 7. 5. it is better to A. the rebuke of the wise 12. 13. let us A. the conclusion of the matter Cant. 8. 13. hearken to thy voice, cause me to A. il lia. 1. 2. A. (> heavens, and give ear, O earth 69. A. ye indeed, but understand not, Mark 4. 12. 18. 3. and when he bloweth a trumpet, A. ye 33. 13. A. ye that are afar off what 1 have done 34. 1. let the earth A. and all that is therein 42.18. A. ye deaf Ij 23. who will A. for lime to come 43. 9. or let them A. and say, it is truth 4H. 14. all ye, assemble yourselves and A. 16. A. ye this, 1 have not spoken in secret 55. 3. A. and your soul shall live, Joh7i 5. 25. Jer. 4. 21. shall 1 A. the sound of the trumpet? 6. 18. therefore A. ye nations 1| 19- A. C) earth 11. 2. A. ye the words of this covenant, 6. 10. forefathers, who refused to A. 13. 10. 13. 15. A. ye. give ear, for the Lord hath spoken 18. 2. ihen 1 will catise thee to A. my words 23. 22. and had caused my people to A. my words 38. 25. if the prioces A. that J have ulked HEA 7«r. 49. 20. therefore A. the counsel of the Ld.50.45. lam. 1. 18. A. I pray you, all people, and heboid i':f /t.2.8.A.what I say || 3. 17. A. at my mouth, 33.7 3.27. he that heareth, let him 4. he that forbearr. 13. 19. by your lyingto my people, that A. your lie* .33. 30. A. what is the word that coraeih forth 31. they A. thy words, but will not do them, 32. Dan. 9. 17. O God, A. the prayer of thy servant 19. O Lord, >i. O Lord, forgive, hearken and do Hos.S.l.h. ye this, O priests, and hearken, give car Joell .2. A. this, ye old men, and give ear, al! inhabit. -JwiuiS. l.A. this wd. L.hathspoken,4.1. | 5.1. | 8.4. Alic. 1. 2. A. all ye people, hearken, O earth .3. 1. 1 said, A. 1 pray you, O heads of Jacob, 9. 6.2. A. ye, O mountains ll 9. A. ye the rod and him S'ah. 3. IQ. all that A. the bruit of thee shall clap Zec/i.' . 12. lest they should A. the law and words Mat. 11. 4. shew John the t.iings which ye A. and 5. lame walk, and deaf A. Markt. .37. /,t<<«7.22, 13. 17. to A. those things that ye A. Luke 10. 24. 15. 10. he said to the multitude h. and understand 17. 5. this is my beloved Son, A. him, Mark'-j.T. 18. 17. he neglect to A. them, to A. the church .'Viari4.18.aresuch asA.the word, 20. LuXtS. 12,13, 24. take heed what ye A. you that A. more given Luke 5. 1. pressed on him to A. the word of (iod 15. multitudes came logetner to A. and be healed 6. 17. which came to A. him, and to be healed 27. I say to you which A. love your enemies 8.18. takeheeo therefore how ye A. whoever hath 21. are these which A. the word and do it, 11.28. 9. 9. hut who is this of whom I A. such things '. 15.1. then drew near publicans andsinn. to A. him 16. 2. he said, how is il that 1 A. this of thee.^ 29. they have Moses and proph. let them A. them 18. 6. Lord said, A. what the unjust judge saith 19. 48. the people were very attentive to A. him 21. 38. came to him in the temple for to A. him John 5. 30. as I A. I judge |1 6. 60. who can A. it? 7- 51. doth our law judge a man before it A. him 9. 27. wherefore would ye A. it again 10. 3. the sheep A. his voice, and he calleth by nam» 12. 47. if any man A. my words, audJ>elieve not 14. 24. and the word which ye h. is not mine .lets 2. 8. how A. we every man in our own tongue 33. hath shed forth this, which ye now see and It. 10. 22. to send for thee, and to A. words of thee 33. to A. all things that are commanded thee 13. 7. and desired to A. the word of God 44. the whole city came together to A. the word 15. 7. Gentiles by my mouth should A. the word 17. 21. either to tell or to A. some new thing ly. 26. ye A. Paul hath turned away much peoplo 22. 1. A. ye my defence which I make now to you 24. 4. that thou wouldest A. us of thy clemency 25. 22. Agrippasaid, 1 would A. the man myself 28. 22. but we desire to A. what thou thinkest 1 Cor. 11. 18. I hearlhere be divisions among yoil A'Ai7.1.27.orelse be absent, I may A. of your affairs 2 'J'hess.3. 11 we A. that some walk disorderly 1 'Vim. 4. 16. Shalt save ihy.self and them that A. thee 2 'I'im. 4. 17. and that all the Gentiles might A. yam. 1.1 9. let every one be swifl to A. slow to spcali 1 Johyi 5. 15. we know that he A. us, what we ask 3 Johu'i. than to A. my children walk in truth lUv. 1. 3. blessed that A. words of this prophecy 9. 20. which neither can see, nor A. nor walk Sec E/in, Ears, Voice. HEAR me. Ejrod. 6. 12. how then shall Pharaoh A. me T 1 Kings 18.37. A. me, O Ld. A. me, that this peoplo 1 CliTon. 28. 2. A. me, my brethren, and my people 2 C'Aron.l3.4.A. me, thou Jeroboam, and all Israel 15.2.A.me, Asa|[20.20.andhcsaid, A.m<, O Judah 29. 5. A. me, ye Levites, sanctify now yourselves Job 15. 17. I w ill shew thee, A. me, 1 will declara 31.35. () that one would A. me, my desire is Psnl.i.l.h. me when I call, O G. of my righteouiu, 13. 3. consider, and A. tne, O Lord my God 17. 6. I called upon thee, for thou wilt A. me 38. 16. for 1 said, A. me, lest they should rejoico 55. 2. attend unto me, and A. me, I mourn Co. 5. save with thy right-hand, and A. me 69.13.0 God, in the multitude of thy mercy h.m» 17. for I am in trouble, A. me speedily, 143. 7. ■Vic. 7- 7- I will wait for God, my God will A. mo .lets 26. 3. wherefore I beseech thee to A. m< 29. but also all that A. me, were such as I am 1 Cor. 14. 21 . yet for all that will they not A. me HEAR not, or 7iot HEAR. Pent. 28. t 49. whose tongue thou shall not h. 30. 17. so ihou will not A. but worship other godi 1 Sam. 8. 18. the Lord will not A. you in that day Job 30. 20. 1 cry unto thee, and thou dost not A. mo 35. 13. surely God will not A. vanity, nor regard it y'ia/.66.18.if I regard iniquity, Lord will not A. mo 94. 9- he that planted the ear, shall hi not A. .' Isa. I. 15. when make many prayeis, I will not A, Jer.l.lO. I 11.14. I li.Mi.Kiik.a.lS. Amos 5.23. I 30. 9. children that will not A. the law of the Lotil HEA 7ra.59.1. neiihcr his ear heavy that it cannot h. 2. he will not /j.|',fi5.12.when 1 spake ye did not h. 6t). 4. wnen 1 spake, they did not h. Zech. 1. 4. y«r.5.21.havcearsandyl.no/,£«/t.l2'.2.il/ar*8.18. 13. 17. but if ye will not h. 22. 5. A/a/. £. 2. 17.23. that they might not h. IQ. 15. Zech.l. 11. S2. 21. I spake, but thou saidst, I will not h. Dan. 5. 23. thou hast praised the gods of silver, which see not, nor A. nor know, K«r. g. 20. S/i'c 3. 4. shall cry to Lord, but he will not A. them Via4.1.2.how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not h. Mat. 10. 14. not receive you, nor h. your words 18. l6. if he will not h. thee, then take one or two Luke l6. 31. if they h. not Moses and the prophets ]ohn%. 43. even because ye cannot h. my word 47- ye therefore h. them not, because not of God 9. 2". he answered, I told you, and ye did not h. 10. 8. are robbers, but the sheep did not A . them Acts 3.Q3. every soul which will not A. be destroy. t Cgr. 14. 21. yet for all that will they 7wt A. me Gal. 4. 21. ye under the law, do ye not />. the law Jl'ould not HEAR. Gen. 42.21. when he besought uj, we uou/d not A. 22. do not sin against the child, ye urould net A. F.iod. 7. 16. behold, hitherto, thou wouldesi not A. iJeu/. 1.43. Israel aouldnot A. 3.26. 2 Kin^s 17.14. B Kings 14. H. Amaziah would not A. 2 CAr. 25. 20. 18.12. Israel uouldnot A. NeA.g. 29. ZecA.T. 13. />a.28.12.this is the refreshing.yetthey wou/d not A. Jer. 13. 11. might be for praise, they w. n. A.29.I9. 36. 25. hewouldnot A. \\ ZecA. 7. 13.1 uouldnot A. HEAR now, or now HEAR. Num. 12.6. and he said, A. now my words, 20.10. 1. 5am. 22. 7- then Saul said, A. now, ye Benjamites 12. A. now, thou son of Ahitub he answered Job 13. 6. A. now my reasoning, and hearken Prov. 5. 7. fi. me now, theaefore, O ye children Ita. 7.13. and he said, A. ye now,0 house of David 44. 1. yet now A. O Jacob my servant, and Israel 47. 8. /(. now, thou that art given to pleasures 51. 21. therefore. A, now this, thou afflicted Jer. 5. 21. therefore, A. now this, O foolish people 28.15.A. now Hananiah|| ZecA. 3.8. h. now,0 Josh 37. 20. A. now, I pray thee, O my lord the king JU/c. 6 1. A. ye now what the Lord saith, arise Acts C. 33. shed forth this which ye now see and A PAil. 1.30. which ye saw in me, and now A. to be in HAall HEAR. ExoJ.15.li.ihe people sAall A. and be afraid, Ctut. 13. 11. I 17.13. I 19.20. I 21.21. A'am. 14.1 3. Moses said, then the Egypt. sAail A. n Deut. 1. 17. ye sAall A. small as well as great 2. 35. who sAall A. report of thee, and shall tr.;mble 4. 6. which sAall h. all these statutes and say JosA. 7. 9. the inhabitants of the land sAall A. of it Jttdf. 7. 11. and thou sAalt A. what they say 2 i'o/n. 16.21. Israel jAo// A. that thou art abhorred J Kings 8. 42. for they sAa/l A. of thy great n.ime fi Kutgs 19 7. and he sliall A. a rumour. Isa. 37.7. Job 22. 27. shall make prayer to him, he shall A. J'sal. 34.2. the humble sAallA. thereof, and be glad 53.17.1 will pray and cry, and he sAall A. my voice 19. God sAall A. and afflict them, even be that 92. 11. mine ears sAall A. desire of the wicked 141. 6. they jAa// A. ay words, for they are sweet Jsa. 29. 18. in that day u(/. 2.24. God A. their groaning, and remembered 16. 9. for he hath A. your murmurings 23. 13. neither let it be A. out of thy mouth 28. 35. his sound shall be A. when he goeth in and 33. 4. when the people A. these evil tidings Lev. 24. 14. let all that A. him lay their hands A'um. 11.1. the people complained, the Lord A. it 12. 2. Miriam spoke against Moses, the Lord A. it 14. 14. they have A. thou art among this people 15. the nations which have A. the fame of thee 30. 7. held his peace at her the day he A. it, 14. JosA. 9. 16. they A. that they were their neighbours 1 Sam. 7.9. Samuel cried, and the Lord A. him 23. 11. will Saul come, as thy servant hath A. ? 1 Kings 1.11. hast not A. that Adonijah doth reign 6. 7- nor was any tool of iron A. in the house 10.7 .the half not told me, thy wisdom and prospe- rity exceedeth the fame which I A. ? 2 CAr. 9. 6. 2 A'ingf 19.25. hast thou not A. long ago, Isa.SI .26. 2 Chr. 5. 13. make one sound to be A. in praising 33. 13. he was entreated and A. his supplications Lira 3. 13. people shouted, the noise was A. afar AVA. 12. 43. the joy of Jerusalem A. even afar off Job 15.8. hast thou A. the secret of God.' 19. 7. I cry out of wrong, but I am not A. 26. 14. but how little a portion is A. of him eg. 11. when the ear A. me, then it blessed me Psal. 6. 9. the Lord hath A. my supplication 10. 17. thou hast A. the desire of the humble 22.21. save me, for thou hast A. me from the horns 24. but when he cried he A. 34. 6. | 40. 1. | 120.1. 34. 4. I sought the Lord, and he A. me, and deliv. 38. 13. but I as adeaf man A. not, I was dumb 61. 5. thou, O G. hast A. my vows, thou hast given 66. 19. verily God hath A. me, he hath attended 76.8. cause judgment to be A. from heaven 78. 21. therefore the Lord A. this and was wroth 59. when God A. this, was wrolh, and abhorred 81 .5. where I A. a language that I understood not 97.8. Zion A. and was glad, and Judah rejoiced l(i6. 44. he regarded their affliction, when he A. 1 18. 21. for thou hast A. me, and art my salvation 132. 6. lo, we A. of it at Ephratah, we found it Prov. 21. 13. he shall crj- himself, but rot be A. //a. 10. 30. cause it to be A. unto Laish, O Anathoth 40. 21 . have ye not A. .' huh it not been told you > 28. hast thou not A. everlasting (jod fainteth not - 48. 6. thou hast A. see all this, will not ye declare ? 52. 15. which they had not A. ihall they consider (k). 18. violence shall no more be A. in thy land 64. 4. men have not A. what he hath prepared 65. 19. the voire of weeping shall be no more A. 66. 8. who hath A. such a thing, who halh seen ? ]y. to the isles afar off, that have not A. my fame Jer. 4. 19. because thou hast A. sound of trumpet 6. 7. she castclh out wickedness, spoil is A. in her 7.13.1 spake unto you, rising early, but ye A. not 8. 6. I hearkened and A. but they spake not aright 18. 13. ask the heathen, who hath A. such things 22. let cry be A. from houses when sLalt bring 25. 36. an howling of the flock shall be A. 26. H. for he hatli prophesied as ye have A. 31. 10. A. every one should lethis man-servant go 3C>, 17. I have spoken, but they have not A. 46. 12. the nations have h. of thy shame HEA Jer. 50. 46. and the cry is A. among the cations 51.46. a rumour that shall be A. in tue land Lam. 1, 21. they have A. that I sigh, there is none 3. 61. thou hast A. their reproach, O Lord Ltek. 19. 4. the nations A. of him, he was taken 26. 13. the sound of thy harps shall be no more 4. 33. 5. he A. the sound of the trumpet, and took Dan. 12. 8. and I A. but I understood not lIos.T .12. chastise them, as their congrega. hath 4, JonaA2.2. I cried unto the Lord, and he A. uic .Vic. 5. 15. in fury, such as they have not A IJai. 3. 16. when I A. my belly trembled Mai. 3. 16. and the Lord hearkened and A. it Mat. 5. 21. ye have A. it was said, 27, 33, 38, 43 6. 7. they shall be A. for their much speaking 13. 17. ye hear, and have not A. them, Luke 10.24. 15. 12. were offended afier they A. this saying 22. 7. when the king A. thereof, he was wroth 26. 65. ye have A. his blasphemy, Mark 14. 64. Mark 4. 15. but when they have A. Satan cometh 14. 11. and when they A. it they were glad Luke 1. 13. fear not, thy prayer is A. Acts 10.31. 12. 3. what ye have spoken, shall be A. in the light 20. 16. when they A. it, they said, God forbid JoAn 3. 32. what he hath A. that he testifieth 6. 45. every man that hath A. of the Father 8. 6. wrote on the ground, as tho' he A. them not 9. 32. since the world began was it not A. 11. 41. Father, I thank thee that thou hast A. m« 18. 21. ask them which A. me, what I have said 21. 7. when Simon Peter A. that it was the Ld. Acts 1. 4. wait for the promise ye have A. of me 2.37. when they A. this, they were prick .d in heart 4. 4. many of them which A. the word believed 5. 5. fear came on afl them that h. thfse things 13. 48. when the Gentiles A. this they were gLd 14. 9. the same A. Paul speak, who beholding 16. 14. a woman which worshipped God, A. us 25. sang praises to God, and the prisoners A. them 19. 5. when th«y A. this, they were baptized 22. 15. shalt witness of what thou hast seen and A 24. 24. A. him concerning the faith in Christ liom. 10. 14. in him of whom they have not i. 18. but I say, have they not A. .' yes, verily 15. 21. they that have not A. shall understauid 1 Cor. 2. 9. eye hath not seen, nor ear A. neither Gal. 1. 13. for ye have A. of my conversation Lyh. 1. 13. after that ye A. the word of trutk 15. after I A. of your faith in the Lord Jesus 4. 21. if so be ye have A. him and been taught PAil. 2. 26. that ye had A. that be had been sick 4. 9. those things ye have A. and seen in me, do Col. 1 . 4. since we A. of your faith in t'hrist 6. since day ye A. of it, and knew the grace ofG. 9. since day we A. it, do not cease to pray for yon 2 Jim. 2. 2. things thou hast A. of me, commit to Ilei.2. 3. was confirmed to us by them that A. him 3. 16. for some when they had A. did provoke 4. 2. not being mixed with faith in them that A. 5.7. offer, up prayers, and was A. in that he feared Jam. S. 11. ye have A. of the patience of Job 1 JoAn 2. 18. ye A. that antichrist shall come, 4. 3 24. have A. from the beginning, 3. 11.2 JoAn 6, Kev. 3. 3. remember therefore how thou hast h, 5. 13. and all that are in them A. I, saying 7. 4. I A. the number of them which were sealed 9. 16. and 1 A. the number of the horsemen 16. 5. and I A. the angel of the waters say 18. 22. the voice of trumpeters shall be A. no more 23. the voice of bride shall be A. no more in tliea 32. 8. 1 saw these things, and A. them, when I A. I Aave HEARD. Gen. 17.20. and as for Ishmacl I hare A. thee 41. 15. I have dreamed a dream, 1 Aave A. say of ihee thou canst interp. dreams, DaJi. 5. 14, 10. 42. 2. I Aave A. that there is corn in Egypt LjoJ.3.T. I Aave a. their cry|;6.5.i A. A.groaninj 16. 12. / Afli* A. the murmuring, Num. 14. 27. Deui. 5. 20. 1 have h. the voice of ycur words 1 Ham. 25. 7 . now I have A. that thou hast shearers 1 hxngi 2. 42. the word that I Aave A. is good 9. 3. 1 Aaie A. thy prayer thou hist ni.ide beforo me, 2 Kings 20. 5. 2 CAron. '. 12. I>a. 38. 6. 2 Kings 19. 20. that which thou hast prayed / A. A. 22 19. 7 alio Aa!< A. thee, saiih L. 2 CAr. 34.27. Ju0l6.2.l AotA. 1 . 4. I A. these words, I sat down and wept 5. 6. and I was angry when I A. these uords 8.9. the people wept, when they A. words of the law Joi 33. 8. I have A. the voice of thy tiords, saying Eccl. 9. 16. the poor man's uords are not A. 17. the words of wise men are A. in quiet Isa. 37.4. will reprove the -.cords which God hath A. Jer. 23.18. hath perceived, marked, and A. his -.cord 25. 8. therefore because ye have not A. my uords 26. 12. against this city all the words ye have A. 21 . when the king and all the princes A. his uords 36. 13. declared unto them all the tcords he had A. 24. they were not afraid that h. these tcords 38. 1. Pashur A. the uords Jeremiah nad spoken ^an.6.14.whenDariusA.these uords was displeased 10. 12. thy uords were A. I am come for thy words .Va^. 22. 22. when they A. these words they marvelled Mark 5. 36. as soon as Jesus A. the uord spoken iu** 33.33.if wof A.holdthy pcace.I shall teachthee Psal. 58.5. who will not h. to the voice of charmers 81. 11. bst my people would not It. to my voice Jer. (i.lO. their ear is uncircumcised, they emnot It. 17. but they said, we will 710/ A, 44. I6. 7. 2*. thou shah speak, they will 710/ A. unto thee 11. 11. tho' they cry to me, I will 7iD/ A. to them lfi.l2. after evil heart, that they may not It. tome 17. 27. if ye will 7iot It. to me, 20. 4. Ezet. 20. 39. 23. 16. It. not to prophets, 27.9, 14. I6, 17. | 29.8. 38. 15. if 1 give counsel, wilt thou not It. tome.' .£:cit. 3.7- 7'!'/ A. to thee, for they will 7io( A. to me 20. 8. they rebelled, and would not It. unto me /foj.917.l'ecause they did not It. to him, Zech. 1.4. HEARKENED. Gen. 23. I6. Abraham It. to Ephron, and weighed 30. 17. God It. to Leah II £2. God It. to Rachel 34. 24. to Hamor A. all that went out of the gate 39. 10. that Joseph A. not to her, to lie by her £iod. 6. 9. but they A. not to Moses, I6. 20. 12. the children of Israel have not»A. to me 7. 13. Pharaoh It. not to them, 8. 15, I9. | 9. 12. Deut. 9. 19. Lord A. to me at that time, 10. 10. 18. 14. these nations A. to observers of times 34. 9- Israel It. to Joshua as to Moses, JtwA. I.I7. Judg. 11.28. king of Ammonites A. not to Jephthah 15am. 28. 21. the woman of Endor A. to Saul's words 1 /i'lHjj 12.15. king A.not to people, 16. 2CAr.l0.15. 24. they It. therefore to the word of the Lord 15. 20. Ben-hadad A. to king Asa, 2 Citron. Ki. 4. B A'lM^j 13. 4. and the Lord A. to Jehoahaz 16. 9. the king of Assyria A. to Asa 20.13.IlezekiahA.to the messengers froniBabylon 21. 9. Judah It. not to the law, Manasseh seduced 22. 13. our fathers A. not to the words of the book "C CItr. 24. 17. then Joash A to the princes of Judah £5. 16. Amaziah It. not to the prophet's counsel .■i0.20,Lord A. to Hezekiah, and healed the people 36. 22.Josiah A. not to Pharaoh-necho JVeA. 9. 16. our fathers dealt proudly, and A. not to thy commandments, 29, 34. Jer. 34. 14. Kst/t.3 4. now when Mordecai A. not to them Pia.l. 81. 13. O that my people had It. to mc Isa. CI. 7. and he A. diligently with much heed 48.18. O that ihou hadst It. to my commandments Jer. ('). 19. they have not A. to my word, 7, 2t 2fi. I 25. 3. 4, 7. I 26. 5. I 29. 19. I 32. .33. .34. 17. I 35. 14, 15, le. I 3/6. 31. j 44. 5. 37. 14. Irijah A. not to Jeremiah, so he took him £:c/, 3.fi. had I sent, they would have It. to thee J^aii 9 6. neither have we A. to thy servants JiJal. 3. iS. the Lord A. and heard it, Jer. 8. (3. .^<:fi27.21.Paul said, sirs, ye should have A. to me See Voict: sn IIEA HEAKKENEDST. De7it. 28. 44 because thou A. not to voiceoft'ne L. IIEARKENETH. Prozi. 1. 33. but whoso A. to me shall dwell safely 12. 15. but he that A. to counsel is wise HEARKENING. Psal. 103. CO. yc ancels A. to the voice of his word HEART. TItt Hebrews loot upon the heart as the source of lait, understanding, love, courage, grief, and pleasure. Hence are derived many nays of speaking. An honest and good heart ; that is, a heart studious of holitiess, being prepared l/y the Spirit of God, to entertain the word with due a^ections, dispositions, and resolutions, Luke 8. 15. We read of a broken heart, a clean heart, an evil heart, a hardened heart, a liberal heart, a heart that does an act of iindness, freely, lolimlarily, with generosity. 'i'o incline the heart to God ; to beseech him to change our stony hearts into hearts of flesh; to love with all one's heart, Ac. To turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, Mai. 4. 6. that is, to cause them to be perfectly recon- ciled, a?id that they should be of the same vtittd. Let no man's heart fail ; let no man be dis- couraged, 1 Sam. 17. 32. To want heart, sometimes denotes to want under- standing and prudeyice, Hos. 7. 11, Ephraim is like a silly dove, without heart ; they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria. 'Jh'y have 710 J7idgment or understa7idi7tg of the right way, to free themselves from their troubles, which is see7i in their seeking to Egypt arid Assyria. U fools and slow of hchrl, ig7iorant men with- out insight a7td ti7idersta7idi7ig, Luke 24. 25. This people's heart is waxed gross ; lest they should understand with their heart, Mat. 13. 15. Their heart is stupifed, so as to be destitute of understanding ; they resist the light, and reject all impressions of truth. The prophets prophesy out of their own hearts, Ezek. 13. 2. They prophesy according to their own i7icli7iation> and affections, a7id what their own imaginations suggest to them, without any warrant from God. To lay any thing to heart, to set one's heart on any thing ; that is, to re- member it, to apply one's self to it, to hate it at heart. No man layeth it to heart, 719 one concerns himself about it,JeT. 12. J2. The heart dilates with joy, co7tlracts with sad7iess, breaks with son'ow, grows fat, and harde7is it: prosperity; it resists truth ; God ope7is it, pre- pares a7id turns it as he pleases. To steal one's heart, is an expression in Gen. 31. I 20. Jacob stole away the heart of /.aiarj ; that is, he won away without his knowledge and conse7it. 1 he heart melts, under discouragement ; the heart forsakes one, under terror ; the heart is deso- late, i;i amazement ; the heart is fluctuating, tn doubt, 'i'o speak to one's heart, to comfort him, to say pleasing and affecting things to htm. By the heart likewise the middle of any thing is mea/il : Tyre is in the heart of the seas, in the midst of the seas, Ezek.27.4. We will not fear, though the mountains be carried into the heart, or midst of the sea, Psal. 46. 2. As Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly ; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, tn the grave. Mat. 12. 40. Gen. 31. +20. Jacob stole away the A. of Laban 34. t 3. Shechem spake to the A. of Dinah 45.26. Jacob's A. fainted, for he believed them not Eiod. 23. 9. for ye know the A. of a stranger 28. 30. they shall be on Aaron's A. when he gocih in 35. 5. whoso is of a willing A. let him bring it 35. them hath he filled with wisdom of A. Lev. 2fi.l6. shall consume eyes, cause sorrow of A. A'i/77i. 32. 7 .wherefore discourage ye the A. of Israel? 9. they discouraged the A. of the children of Isr. Deut. 5. 29. O that there were such a A. in them 28. 28. Lord shall smite with astonishment of A. 47 .thou servedst not the Lord with gladness of A. 65. the Lord shall give thee there a trembling A. 29. 4. the Lord hath not given you a A. topcrceive Josh. 14.8. they made the A. of the people meU Jiidg. 5. 15. for divisions were great thoughts of A. ]6. for divisions there were great searchings of A. 18. 20. the priest's A. wu-s glad, he took the cphod 1 .S'a77i. 1. 13. now Hannah, she spake in her A. 4.<20. she answered not. nor set her A. to it 10.9. it was so that liod gave him another It. 16. 7. but the Lord lookelh on the A. i7.32.Dav.said, let no man's A. fail because of him 24. 6. David's /.. smote him, because he cut off 25.31. shall be no grief, nor offi-uce of A. to my Id. .36. and N.-ibal's A. was merry within him 1 2 Sam. 6.16. she despi'^dbim in A. 1 Chron. 15.29. HEA 2 5o7n.l3.28. when Amnous A. is merry with wine 14. 1. that the king's A. was toward Absalooi 18. 14. Joab thrust darts through the A. of Absal. 19- + 7. go forth and speak to A. of thy servant! 14. he bowed the A. of all the men of Judah 1 Kings 3. 9- give thy servant an understanding A. 12. 1 have given tbee an undemanding A. 4.29.G. gave Solomon wisdom and largeness of* 8. 17. it was in the A. of David, 2 Chion. 6. ". 66. people went to tents glad of A. 2 Chron. 7. 10. 10.2. communed of all was in her A. 2 Chron. 9.I 11. 4. perfect, as was the A. of David his father 12. 27. then shall the /4. of this people turn 2 Kings 6.11. the A. of king 01 Assyria w«is troubled 12. 4. that Cometh into any man's A. 2 C'Ar. 20.31. 1 Citron. 12.33. they were not of double A. t 33. tbey were without a A. and a A. 16. 10. let the A. of them rejoice, Psal. 105. ,3. 20. 17. I know thou triest the A. 18. Jer. 11. 20. iCItr.l. 11. and all that came into Solomon's A. 30. +22. Hezekiah spake to the A. of the Levites Ezra 6.22. turned the It. of the king of Assyrii 7 • 27 . put such a thing as this in the king's A. -VtA. 2. 2. this is nothing else but sorrow of A. Esih. 1. 10 when the A. of the king was merry 5. 9 .Haman went forth that day with a glad A. Job 9. 4. he is wise in A. and mighty in strength 12. t 3. but I have an A. as well as you 24. he taketh away the A. of the chief of people 29. 13. I caused the widow's A. to sing for joy 34. t 10. therefore hearken to me, ye men of A. ii 34. let men of A. tell me, let a wise man hear 36.13. but the hypocrites in A. heap up wratn 37. 24. he respectelh not any that are wise of A. .38. 36. who hath given understanding to the A. Psal. 12. 2. and with a double A. do they speak 19.1?.the statutes of Lord cire right,rejoicing the A. 34. 18. the Ld. is nigh them that are of a broken b. 44.21. for he knoweth the secrets of the A. 45. 5. thine arrows are sharp in the A. of enemies 58. 2. in A. you work wickedness || 64. 6. the A.isdeep 73. 7. they have more than A. could wish 101.4. a froward A. shall depart from me 5. an high look, and a proud A. will not I suffer 104. 15. wine, that maketh glad the h. of man ; bread, which strengtheuth man's .t /Vor.6. 18. aA. that deviseth w.icked imaginitioas t 32. whoso committeth adultery, lacketh A.( 7. 10. behold, there met him a woman subtle of A 8. 5. and ye fools, be ye of an understanding A. 10. 8. the wise in A. will receive commanduieuis 20. the A. of the wicked is little worth 11.20. they of a froward A. are abomination to Ld 29. the iool shall be servant to the wise of A. li'.8.but he that is of perverse A. shall be des| ised 20. deceit is in the A. of them who imagim cvii 25. heaviness in the A. of man maketh it :>tuop 13. 12. hopo deferred maketh the A, sick 1 1. 10. the A. knoweth his own bitterness 13. even in laughter the A. is sorrowful 14. backslider in A. be filled with his own ways 30. a sound A. is the life of the flesh, but envy the 3 0. wisdom restelh in A. of him that hath undersU 15. 7- but the A. of the foolish doeth not to 13. a merry A. maketh a cheerful countcnanee ; but by sorrow of the A. the spirit is t)roken 14. A. of him that hath underst.sceketh knowlcdgif 15. he that is of a merry A. hath a continual feast 28. the A. of the righteous studieih to answer 30. the light of the eyes rejoiceth the A. + 32. he that heareth reproof possesseth an A. 16. 1. the preparation of A. in man from the Lord 5. every one proud in A. is an abomination to Ld. 9. a man's A. deviseth his way, but Lord direct* 23. the A. of the wise teacheth his mouth 17 . 16. a price in hand, seeing he hath no A. to it 20. he that hath a froward A. findeth no good 32. a merry A. doeth good like a medicine 18. 12. before destruction the A. of man is haughty 15. the A. of the prudent gelteth knowledge ly. 21. there are many devicei in a man's A. 20. 5. counsel in the A. of man in like deep water 21. 1. the king's A. is in the hand of the Lord 4. an high look, and a proud A. is sin Ci.ll.thatlovethpurenessof A. the king his friend 15. foolishness if bound in the A. of a child 24. 12. doth not he that pondercth the A.considerit? 25. 3. and the A. of kingj is unsearchable 20. so is he that singeth scngs to an heavy A. 26. 23. a wicked A. is like a potsherd covered with 27. 9. ointment and perfume rejoice the A. 19. so the h. of man answcrcth to man CH. 25. he that is of a proud A. stirreth up strife 3 1.11. the A.of her husband doth safely trust in her Eecl.T. i.by sadness ofcountciunce the A. is better 4. the A. of the wise is in the bouse of mourning, but the A. of fools is in the house of mirth 7. oppression makes mad, a gift dcstroyeth the h, 8. 5. wise man's A. discernetl. both lime and judgia. 11. the A. of meu is full; set in thctu to do uvU . HEA Jfc/.g.S.also ihe h. oi'the sons of men i> lull orcvil 7. eat thy breaJ.and liiiiik thywiiie with merrvA, 10. -.a wise man's A. is at right hand, fool's A.atielt iifl.e.lO.niaketheir A.fat, A7a/. 13.15. .'l<-:/e8.C7. g. 9. that say in the pride and stoutness of /i. 10. 12. will punish the fruit of the stout li. of king 13. 7. all hands faint, every man's A. shall melt 30.29- ye shall have gladness of A. as when one 32. 4. the A. of the rash shall under.Mand knowleJ'/e .35. 4. say to them that are of fearful A. bt strong 40. t C. speak ye to the A. of .lerusalem 42.25. it burned him, yet he laid it not to A. 44. 20. a deceived A. hath turned him a-side 57. 1. and no man layeih it to A. Jer. 12. 11. 15. and to r.'Tive the A. of the coiitrite ones 39. l'>. utterinj from the A. words of f.ilsehood 65. 14. behold, my servants shall sinj' for joy of A. but ye shall cry for sorrow of A. and howl 1 17. 'he former heavens not come upon the A. ier.Q.. ♦ 2 l.tlial snuffeth wind at the desire of her A. 3. t Ifi. neither shall it come upon tlie A. 4. g. tlie A. of the kinc; and princes shall perish 5. 23. but this people hath a rebellious A. g. 2fi. the house of Israel are uncircumcised in A. 11. 20. O Lord, that triest the reins and the A. IT. 9. the A. is deceitful above all things 10. I the Lord search the A. I try the reins 20. 12. O Lord, that seest the reins and A. 23.26. liow long shall this be in the A. of prophets ' 24. 7. and I will give them a A. to know me 48.41. he as the A. of a woman in her pangs, 4y.22. />flm.3.6j.give tliem sorrow of A. thy curse to theiu Jitek. 6. 9. I am broken with their whorish A. ' n. 19. I will take the stony A. out of their llesh 13. 22. with lies ye made A. of the righteous sad 8. 31 . and make you a new A. and a new spirit 21.7. every A. shall melt, all hands shall be feeble £5. 6. rejoiced iji A. with all thy despite ag. Israel 15. have taken vengeance with a despiteful A. 27.31. shall weep for thee with bitterness of A. 36. 26. and I will give you a A. of flesh 41. 7. strangers uncircumcised in A. 9. Ads' .51. Dan. 4. 16. let a beast's A. be given unto him 7. 4. and a man's A. was given to it Itos. 2. 1 14. I will allure her, and speak to her A. 4. 11. whoredom and wine take away the A. 7. 11. F.phraim is like a silly dove without h. ^'ali. 2. 10. the A. melteth, and tho knees smite il^fy'j. 2. 15. this the city that said in her A. 1 am Milt. 2. 2. if ye will n'lt lay it to A. to give glory, I will send a curse, because ye do not lay it to A 4. C). shall turn the A. of fathers, and A. of children Mal.'i 1 . 29. come to me, I am meek and lowly in A. 12.34. out of the abundance of the A. Lide'6. 45. .3.'5. out of the treasure of the A. I.ulie 6. 45. 15. lU. come forth from the A. and defile the man ly. out of the A. proceed evil thoughts, A/nr^l ".21. Ulaik 16.14. he upbraided them with hardness of A. Lukel. 19. Mary kept and pondered them in her A. 51. but his mother kept these sayings ii> her A. 5. 15. which in a good A. having heard the word 24. 25. O fools, slow of A. to believe thepropliels Jolm 13 2. Ihe divil having put into the A.of.ludas Acti 2. 46. did eat their meat with singleness of A. 5. 33. heard that, they were cut to the A. 7. 54. 11. 23. with purpose of A. they would cleave to Lord Uom. C. 5. after thy impenitent A. treasurest up 2g. circumcision is that of the A. in the Spirit 6. 17. ye have obeyed from the A. that doctrine 10. 10. with the A. man believeih to righteousness 1 Cor. 2.9. neither have entered into the A. of man 7. 37. hath so decreed in his A. that he will keep 8C»r.2.4.out of much anguish of A. I wrote you 3.3. not in itont, but written in fleshly tables of A. .5. 12. T-hich glory in appearance, and not in A. 8. 16. the same earnest care in the k. of Titus I'ph. 6. fi. doing Ihe will of God from the A. tW. 3. 22. but in singleness of A. fearing God 1 V'Af.tj.2. 17. taken from you in presence, not in A. lUh. 4. 12. is a discerncr of the intents of the A. 1(1. 22. let us draw near with a true A. in assurance 13. 9. it is good thai the A. be established with grace 1 I'tl. 3. 4. let it bt the hidden man of the h. 2 Ptt.l. 14. an A. exercised with covetous practices litv. 18. 7. for she saith in her A. I sit a queen HKAKT. F^od. 15. 8. depths were congealed in A. of the sea .j?. ♦ 2. tlioush mountains be carried intoA. of Prov. 23. 1 34. as he that lieth down in A. of sea 30. t ig. the way of a ship in the A. of the sea Jia. ly. 1. 4. of UjT^t shall melt in the niid.st of it Mat. 12. 40. so shall Son of man be in A. of earth IlKART with a//. 0EN, IIakuencu. His IIEAKT. Gen. 6. 5. every imagination of A/i A. was only evil 6. it repented the Lord and grieved him at his A. 8. 21. L. said in Ais A. || 17. 17. Abraham in Ai< A. 27. 41. Esau said in Ais A. the days of mourning Eioil.-i.l4. when seeth thee, he will be glad in Ais A. 7. 23. neither did he set Am A. to this also 25. 2. every man that giveth willingly with Ais A. 28. 29. in the breast-plate of judgment upon Ais A. 35. 34. he hath put in Ais A. that he may teach IJcKt. 2. 30. the Lord hath made Ais A. obstinate 17. 17. multiply wives, that Ais h. turn not away 20. Ai.i A. be not lifted up above his brethren 19. 6. lest the avenger pursue, while Ais h. is hot 20.8. lest his brethren's heart faint as wellasA/jA. 24. 15. for he is poor, and setteth Ais A. upon it 29. 19. that he bless himself in Ais A. saying HuiA 3. 7. Ais A. was merry, he went to lie down 1 Sam. 4. 13. Ais A. trembled for the ark of God 21. 12. David laid up these words in Aii A. 25. t 25. let not my lord lay it to Ais A. 37. it came to pass that his A. died within him 27. 1. David said inAi> A. \\ 28. 5. Ais A. trejibled 2 Sam. 7. 27. thy servant hath found in An A. to prav this prayer unto thee, 1 CAron. 17. 25. 13. 33. let not my lord take the thing to Ais A. 1 Kings 10. 24. which G. had put in AuA. 2 C'Ar.9.23. 11. :). and his wives turned away Ais h. 4. y. 12.26. Jeroboam said in his h. the kingdom return 2 A ings 9.24. the arrow went out at his A. and sunk 2 CAron. 12. 14. because he prepared not Ais A. to 17. ti. Am a. was lifted up in the ways of the Lord 2t). 16. Am a. was lifted up to his destruction 30. 19. that prepareth Am A. to seek God, Lord G. 32. 25. for Am A. was lifted up, therefore was wrath 26. he humbled himself for the pride of Am A. 31. that he might know all that was in Am A. Lira 7. 10. Ezra prepared Am A. to seek law of Ld. AVA. 9. 8. and foundest Am A. faithful before thee /,'j.'A.(j.(). Ilaman thought in Am A. to whom the kg. 7. 5. where is he that durst presume in Ait A. to do Ji'b 34. 14. if he set Am A. upon man, if he gather 41.24. Am A. is as film as a stone, yea as hard Pial. 10. 3. the wicked boasleth of Am A. desire 6. he hath said in Am A. 11. 13. | 14. 1. | 53. 1. 15. 2. that speaketh truth in Am A. shall dwell 21.2. thou hast given him his A. desire, hast not 33. II. the thoughts of his A. to all generations 37. 31. law of his God is in Am A. none of his steps 41.fi. Am a. gathereth iniquity to itself 55. 21 . words were smooth, but war was in Ais A. 78.72. he fed them according to integrity of Am A. 112.7. Ais A. is fixed, trusting in the Lord 8. Am a. is established, he shall not be afraid Pjor.().14.frowardne5s is in Am A. devisetli miscbf. 18. 2. but that Am A. may discover itself 19.3. and Am A. frelleth against (he Lord 23. 7. f^or as he thinketh in Am A. so is he ; eat and drink, saith he, but Am A. is not with thee 28. 14. hut he that hardeneth Aix A. shall fall t^el. 2. 23. yea Am A. taketh not rest in ihe night 5. 20. God answereth him in the joy of Am A. Cam. 3. 1 1 . in the ilay of the gladness of Am A. Ita. 7. 2. Am A. WTis moved, and the A. of his people 10. 7. he nieaneth not so, neither dnth Am A. think so, but it is in Am A. to destroy and cut off nations 32.C./1M A. will work iniquity,io practise hypocrisy 44. 19. none considereth in Am A. neither is there 57. 17- he went on frowardly in the way of Am A. Jer. 9. 8. but in A. he layeth Am wait 23. 20. he have performed the thoughts of Am A. 30. 21. that engaged Am A. to approach untome 24. until he have performed the intents of Am A. 48. 2g. we have heard the haughlines.sof Aij A. Esei. 14. 4. that setteth up his idols in Am A. 7, 31. 10. Am A. lifted up in his height, Dan. 5. 20. Dan. 1 . 8. Daniel purposed in Am A. that he would 4. Ifj. let Ail A. hi: changed from man's, 5. 21. 6. 14. the king Sft Am A. on Daniel to deliverhim 8. 25. and he shall magnify hiin<«lf m Am A. HEA Dan. 11. 12. Am A. shall be lifted up, Siiallcast 38. Am a. shall be against tiie holy covenaDt' OAarf.S.tliat saith in tiis A. who shall bring me down -I/a/. 5. 28. hath committed .idultery with her in A. A 13. ly. and catcheth away that was sown in /(mA. 21.48.if evil servant shall say in Am A. Luie i2.45. .Vari 7. ly. because it entereth not into A:s A. 11. 23. and shall not doubt in Am A. but believe Ltod had put in my A. to do, 7-5. 5. t 7. then my h. consulted in me, 1 rebuked Job 17. 11. the thoughts of my A. are broken ofi 23. l(j. God maketh my A. sott, and the Almighty 27 .6. my A. shall not reproach me »o long as 1 live 31. 7. and mine A. walked alter mine eyes y. if mine A. have been deceived by a woman 27. and my A. hath been secretly enticed 33. 3. my words shall be of the uprightnessnf my A 37. 1. at this also my A. trembleth, and is moved /'jn/. 4. 7. thou hast put gladness in my A. more th.in 13. 2. how long take counsel, sorrow in my h. dail^ 5. but 1 trusted, j«y A. shall rejoice in thy salva. Ki.y.wiy A.is glad (] 17.3. thou hast proved mine A. ly. 14. let the meditation of ;ny A. be acceptable 22.14.m:..';.is like wax ||2tj.2.trymy reins and in. A. 2o. 17. the troubles of my A. are enlarged, O briuj 27. 3. my A. shall not fear thougli war should rise 8. my A. said to thee, thy face. Lord will I seek 28.7. my A. trusted in him, my A. greatly rejoiceth 30.1. the transgression of the wicked saith iiiwiy A. 38. 8. by reason of the disquietness oi my A. 10. my h. panteth, my strength faileth, Vjo. 21.4 3y. 3. my A. was hot within me, while mushig 40. 8. yea, thy law is within my A. 10. 1 have not hid thy righteousness withio my A. l*.not able to look up, therefore my A. faileth me 45. 1. my A. is inditing a good matter, I speak 49.3. the meditation of my A. be of understanding 55. 4. my A. is sore pained within me.terrors of deaii ;;7. 7. my A. is fixed, O God, my A. isfi.(ed, 108. 1. til. 2. 1 will cry, when my A. is overwhelmed 66.18. if I regard iniquity in jny A.L.wiU not hear 6y. 20. reproach hath broken my A. 1 am lull 73. 13. verily 1 have cleansed my A. in vain 21. my A. was grieved, I was pricked in my reins 26. my A. faileth, but God is the strength of my A. 84. 2. my A. and flesh crieth out I'orthe living (iod 80. 11. unite my A. to fear thy name 102. 4. my A. is smitttu and withered like grass loy. 22. and my A. is wounded within me lly. 11. thy word have I hid in miwe A. notlo siu 32. I will run, when thou shall enlarge my A. 3ti. incline my A. to thy testimonies, not to coves 80. let my A. be sound in thy statutes 111. thy testimonies are the lejoicing of my h 1 12. I have inclined mine A. to perform thy staft 131.1. Lord, my A. isnot haughty, nor eyes lofty 13y. 23. search nie, and know my A. try me 141. 4. incline not my A. to any evil thing 143. 4. my A. within me is desolate I'rov. 5. 12. how hath my A. despised reproof 20. 9. who can say, I hare made my h. clean t 23. 15. if thine heart be wise, my A. shall rejoice Eect. 1.13. 1 gave my A. to seek and search ou' 1(). my A. had great experience of wisdom 17. I gavemy A. to know wisdom and madness 2. 1 I said in mine A. 1 will prove thee, 15. | 3 17, )» 3. I sought in mine A. to give myself to wiuo vet acquainting mine n. with wisdons to lay hold on folly 10. I withheld not my h. fiom any joy 20. to cause my A. to despair of all the labour 7. 25. I applied mine A. to know and scarch,8.9,l6 9. 1. for all this I considered in my h. Cant. 4. O. thou hast ravished my A. my sister, ^ 5. 2. 1 sleep, but my A. waketh, it is tne voice Ita. 15.5. my A. shall cry out lor Woab 63. 4. for the day of vei^eance is \a i/iiiu A HEA HEA Jfr. 3. IS will give you pas'.ors according to mine h. ' Jer. 13. 10. whichwalk in the ioiaginition of i/ieir h. 4. 19. 1 am pained at my /i. my /i. maketh a noise 7.31. I commanded not, neither came it intomv^. 8- 18. when I comfort myself, my h. is faint in me ' Lam. 2.18. their h. cried to the Ld. O wall of Zion 1-4.14. the prophets propliesy ike deceit of ilieir h. IT.lsinof Judah is graven on the tableof theirh 12. 3. hast seen me and tried mine A. toward thee 15. 16 thy word the joy and rejoicing o{ mine h. 20. 9. his wor^ was in mine A. asaburning fire 23.9. mine A. is broken || 48.31 . my h. shall moura 48. 36 therefore mine h. shall sound for Moab lam. 1. 20. behold, mine A. is turned within me 22. my sighs are many, and my A. is faint S.51. mine eye affecteth mine A. because of all Dan. 7. 28. but I kept the matter in my A. Has. 1 1 .8. mine A. is turned within me, my repentgs. Jets 2. 26. therefore did my A. rejoice, tongue glad 21. 13. what mean ye to weep, and break mine A.? Horn. 9. 2. I have continual sorrow in my A. I). 1. my A. desire to God for Isr. is they be saved Phil. 1.7. because I have you in my A. inasmuch See Applied. One HEART. 2 C/(r»n. 30. 12.hand of God was to give them one A. Jer. 32.39. I w'H give them one A. Etek. 11. I9. Acts 4. 32. multitude that believed were of one A. Oxn HEART. Vum. 15. 39. that ye seek not after your oan A. 3 Sam. 13. 14. sought man after his 0. A. Acts 13.22. 2 6'am. 7. 21. for thy word's sake, according to thine o:iin A. hast thou done these thingJ, 1 C7(r.l7.19. 1 Kin^s 8.38. know every man plague of his u-cn A. 12. 33. which he had devised of his own A. yeA. 6. 8. thou feignest them out of thine oicn A. Psal. 4. 4. commune with your O'xn A. on your bed 80. 4. grant thee according to thine o:in A, 37. 15. their sword shall cr'sr into their otcn A. 77. 6. I commune wiih my ozin A. and my spirit I'ro-j. 28. 26. he that trusteth in his o-un A. is a fool Ecci. 1. 16. I communed with mine oanA. saying 7. 22. thj oan A. knows thou hast caused others Jer 9-14. after imagination of their ow« A. 23. 17. 23. If), they speak a vision of their oan A. 26. prophesy the deceit of their 0. A. Fzei.13.1'. Fiek. 14.5. may take house of Israel in their ou-n A. Jam. 1. 26. but deceiveth his oan A. this man's Our HEART. Vent. 1, 28. our brethren have discourased our A. Psal. 33. 21. for our A. shall rejoice in him 44. 18. our A. is not turned back, neither our iam. 3. 41. let us lift up our A. with our hands 5. 15. thejoy of our A. is ceased 1| 17. ojir A. is faint Euke 24. 32. did not our A. burn within u.s, while he 2 Cor. 6. 11. our mouth is open, our A. is enlarged 1 JiiAn 3. 20. if our A. condemn us, God is greater 21. if our A. condemn us not, we have confidence Perfect HEART. 1 Kings 8. 61. let your A. be per/eel with the Lord 11.4. his A. was not ;;cr/>c/ with the Lord, 15. 3. 15. 14. nevertheless Asa's A. was perfect with the Lord all his days, 2 CAron. 15. 17 2 Kings 20 3.Hezekiah said, remember how I have walked before thee with ^.perfect A . Isa. 38. 3. 1 CAr. 12.38. came with perf. A. to make Dav. king 28. 9- Solomon, my son, serve God with a.perf, A. 29.9. because with //errfc' A. they c^ered willingly 19. and give unto Solomon my son ^.perfect A. £ CAr. 16. 9. in behalf of them whose A. is perfect ig.g.ihtii shall ye do in fear of Ld. viiih perfect A. 25. 2. Amaziah did right, but not with a;>«r/«ff A. Vsal. 101.2.1 will wa'.k in my house with ^er/ect A. Pure HEART. Psal. 24. 4. who shall ascend .' that hath a;mr« A. ^iat. 5. 8. blessed arepure in A. they shall see God 1 Tim. 1.5.end of command, ischarity out of ;mr< A. C Tim. 2. 22. that call on the Lord out of a pure A. 1 P«r. 1.22. love one another with a;»ur* A. fervently T/ieir HEART. 0««. 42. 28. /A«ir A. failed them, they were afraid ./ojA.5.1. the kings of Amorites heard /A. A. melted 2 5am. 18. + 3. if we flee, they will not set fA.A.on us 1 A'insi8.(47.iftheybringbackloiA.A.2 CAr.6.t37. 18. 37. thou hast turned /A 10. it is bitter, because it re»chctb unto tAine h. 22. 17. ^Ainc A. is not but for thy covelousness 31. 21. set . desired toeat this passover C»l.3. S3, what ye do, do it /i. as to the Lord, not to HEARTS. yum. 32. 9- they discouraged the A. of Israet Joi/i. 7. 5. wherefore the A. of the people melted L 6'ii>7i.l0.36.bandof men, whose A.G.ha.h toucl^ed S Sam. 15. 6. so Absalom stole the A. of Israel IS.theA. of the men of Israel are after Absalom 1 Kings 8. 39. thou only knowest the A. 2 CAr. 6.30. 1 CAron.iS. 9. for the Lord searcheth all A. Pi.T.g. the righteous God trielh the A. Prov.l'.J. Pros. 15. 11. how much more then the A. of men 21. C. but the Lord pondereth the A. 31. 6. give wine to those that be of heavy A. Jtr.4S. 41 . mighty men's A. of Moab like a woman £teA. 31. 9. I will also vex the A. of many people Z)a«.11.27. both these k.'s A. shall be to do mischief l-nie 1.17. turn the A. of the f.ithers to the children 2. 35. that the thoughts of A. may be revealed 21. C6. signs in the sun, men's A. failing them Acli I. 24. which knowest the A. of all men, 15. 8. ii'm. 8.27. he that searcheth the A. knowcth the l6.18.by fair speeches deceive the A. of the simple I Cor. 4. 5. make manifest the counsels of the A. R*v. 2. S3. 1 am he that searcheth the reins and A. Our HEAR IS. JosA. 2. 11. as soon as we heard, our A. did melt 1 Kings 8. 58. that he may incline our A. to him Jleis 14. 17. filling our A. with food and gladness Ho7n. 5. 5. the love of God is shed abroad in our A. 2 Cor. 1.22. given the earnest of the Spirit in our A. 3. 2. ye are our epistle written in our A. 4. 6. God hath shined in our A. to give the light 7-3. that you are in our A. to die and live with you 1 T/iess. 2.4. but pleasing God, who trieth our A. iffi. 10.22. our A. sprinkled from an evil conscience IJoAn 3. 19. and !>hall assure our A. before him TAeir HEARTS. Z^v. 26. 36. I will send a faintness into l/ieir A. 41. if then lAeir uncircnmcised A. be humbled Juifg.g. 3. their A. inclined to follow Abimelech 16.- 25. when their A. were merry, they said 19. 22. as they were making their A. merry 2 ChroH.6. 14. walk before thee with all their A. 11. 16. such as set their A. to seek the Lord God 20. 33. the people had not prepared their h. to God Job 1.5. it may be my sons have cursed G.mtheirh. Psal. 28.3. speak peace, but mischief is in their h. 33. 15. he fashioneth their A. alike, he considers 35.25. let them not say in their A. ah, so would we 74. 8. they said in their A. let us destroy them 81. \Z. I gave them up to their own A. hist 125.4. and to them that are upright in their A. lia. 44.18. hath shut /. A. they cannot understand /»r. 31.33. and write my law in rA«ir A. JJen. 8.10. 32.40. but I will put my fear in t. h. not to depart Eiek. 13. 2. that prophesy out of their own A. Hot. 7. 2. and they consider not in their A. Zech.T. 12. yea, they made their A. as an adamant Alark 2. 6. sitting there, and reasoning in their h. 3. 5. being grieved for the hardness of their h. 4. 15. taketh away word sown in t. A. Luke 8. 12. Luke 1. 51. scattered proud in imaginations of /. A. 66. all that heard laid them up in their A. 3.15. all men mused in r. A. of John, whether Ch. Actt'. 39. in their A. turned back again to Egypt Horn. 1.24. through the lust oi their A. to dishonour 2. 15. shew the work of the law written in iheir A. Col£.1. that their A. might be comforted, being knit ilti. 3. 10. said, they do always err in Iheir A. Rtv. i7.i7.G0d hath put in /A A. to fulfil his will your HEARTS. Gin. 18. 5. comfort ye your A. after that pass on Deut. 20. 3. O Israel, let not your A. faint, fear not 32. 46. <.H your A. to all the words which I testify JosA. 23. 14. and ye know in all y"'"' A. and souls 24. S3, incline vOT/r A. to the Lord God of Israel 1 3am. 6. 6. wherefore then do ye harden your A ? 7. 3. if ye return to the Lord with all your A. and prepare ymir A. to the Lord to sene him only J«r. 42.20. ye disembled in y<'«r A. when ye sent Zeeh. 8. 1". let none of you imagine evii in your A. Mmt. 9.4. Jesus said, wheref think ye evil in y. A..' li!. 35. if ye from yowr A. forgive not every. one 19.8. because of the hardness of y. A. ye suffered Mark 2. 8. why reason ye these things in your A.T Luke i. 22. Jesus said, what reason ye in yoiir A.? 16.15. ye justify yourselves, God knoweth yi>7/r A. 21. 14. settle it in your A. not to meditate before 34. lest at any time your h. be overcharged 24. 38. and why do thoughts arise in yoiu- A.? Oal. 4. 6. God sent the Spt. of his Son iiito vour h. EpA. 3.17. that Christ may dwell in vowr A. 6y faith a.19. making melody iny. A. to the Lord, C0/.3.I6. 6. 22. I sent that he might comfort your A. fAil. 4.7. shall keepyoj/r A. and minds' thro' C. Jt-s. ^u.'.29.24.what meaneih the A. of this great anger? 32.24. they shall be devoured with burning A. 1 6'n«i.l 1.11. slew the Ammonites till A. of the day 2 Sam. 4. 5. and they came about the A. of the day 1 Kings 1.1. but he gat no A.||2. my lord may get A. Job 6. 1 17. ice and snow vanish ia the A. thereof 24. 19. drought and A. consuire the snow waters 30. 30. my skin black, my bones are burnt with A. Psal. 19. 6. there ii nothing hid from the A. thereof Kcci'.4. 11. if two lie together, then they have A. Isa. 4. 6. a shadow in the day-time from A. 25. 4. 18. 4. I will take my rest, like a clear A. on herbs, and like a cloud of dew in the A. of harvest 25. 5. as the A. in a dry place, even the A. 49. 10. neither shall the A. nor sun smite them Jer. 17. H. and shall not sec when A. cometh 36.30. dead body shall be cast out in the day to A. 51. 39. in their A. 1 will make their feasts Ezek. 3. 14. and I went in the A. of my spirit JJos.'i.iS. have made him sick withA. through wine ilVrt/.20.12.have borne the burden and A. of the day Luke 12.55. when south-wind blow, there will be A. .Icrs 2H. 3. there came a viper out of the A. ./A.5.8.we redeemed the Jews who were sold to A. 9- because of the reproach of the A. our enemies 6.16. all the A. that were aboutus saw these things I'sal. 2. 1. why do the A. rage ? Act! 4. 25 8. I shall give thee the A. for thy inheritance 9. 5. thou hast rebuked the A. thou hast destroyed 15. the A. are sunk in the pit that they made 9. 19- arise, let the A. be judged in thy sight 10. 16. the A. arc perished out of his land 33. 10. the Ld. brings the counsel of A. to nought 44. 2. we heard how thon didst drive out the h. 46.6. the A. raged, the kingdoms were moved 47. 8. God reigneth over the A. God sitteth on 59. 5. thou, therefore, awake to visit all the A. 8. thou shalt have all the A. in derision 78. 55. he cast out the A. also before them, 80. 8. "'.1. 1. the A. are come into thine inheritance 6. pour out thy wrath upon the A. Jer. 10. 25. 10. wherefore should the A. say, where is their God .' let him be known among the A. 115. 2. 94.lO.he that chastiseth the A. shall not he correct ? ^a. 2. he hath openly shewed in the sight of the A. 102. 15. the A. shall fear the name of the Lord 105. 4-1. and gave them the lands of the h. 106. 41. and he gave them into the hand of the A. 1 1 1 . 6. be may give them the heritage of the A. 135. 15. the idols of the A. are silver aud gold 149- 7. to execute vengeance upon the A. Isa. 16.8. thclordsof the A. have broken down Jer. 10.1. learn not way of the A. be net dismayed at signs of heaven, for the A. dismayed at them 40. 14. an ambassador is sent to the A. saying /.am. l.lO.seen that the A. entered into her sanctuary Ezek. 7. 24. 1 will bring the worst of the A. 11. 12. but have done after the manners of A 20. 9. should not be polluted before the A. 14. 2' 32. that ye say, we will be as the A. 41. 1 will be sanctifietf befcre the A. 18. 25. HEA \Etek.Z1.i.\ have made thee a reproach to the h, 16. take thine inheritance in sight of the A. 23. 30. thon hast gone a whoring after the 4. 25. 7. I will deliver thee for a spoil to tlie A. 8. behold, the house of Judah is like to all the A. 30. 3. day is near, it .ihall be the time of the A. 31. 11. into the hand of the mighty one of the A. 17. that dwelt under his shadow in midst ofthei 34. 28. they shall no more be a prey to the A, 29. neither bear the shame of the A. any more 36. 3. might be a possession to the residue of the A. 4. which became a derision to the residue of the A 6. because ye have born the shame of the A. 20. when they entered unto the A. whither 23. A. know I am L.36. | 37- 28. | 30. 16. | 39.7. 39. 21. and all the A. shall see my judgment Joel 2. 17. that the A. should rule over them 3. 11. and come all ye A. and gather yourselves 12.lettheA.be wakened, and come up to valley of Jehosliaphat, there will I sit to judge all the A. Amos 9. 12. they may possess remnant of all the A, Obad. 15. the da}' of the Lord is near on all the h. 16. so shall all the A. drink continually Mie. 5. 15. I will execute fury upon the A. liab. 3. 12. thou didst thresh tne A. in anger Zeph. 2.11. all the isUs of the A. shall worship hira Hag. 2. 22. I will destroy the strength of the A. ZecA. 1. 15. I am sore displeased with the A. 9. 10. and he shall speak peace to the A. 14. 14. the wealth of all the A. shall be gathered 18. the plague wherewith Lord will smite the A. Mat. 6. 7. use not vain repetitions as the /». do I8.i7.let him be to thee as an A. man and publican 2 Cor. 11. 26. in perils by the A. in perils in the sea Oal. 2. 9. that we should go unto the A. 3. 8. th.at God would justify the A. through faith Amoytg the HEATHEN. Z.«f .26.35. 1 will scatter you among the A. and land be desolate, Jer. 9. 16. Eiek. 20. 23. | 22. 15. 38. and ye shall perish amo>ig /A«A. and the land Deut. 4.27. ye shall be left few in number among A. 2 Sam. 22. 50. I will give thanks to thee, O Lord, omoHj A. and sing praises to thy name, Pj.l8. 49. 1 C'AroM. 16.24. declare his glory among A. /'j.96.3. iVf the Hebrews IS named, not onlv bv the Jews, but also iy tA* heathens and strange people, the God of Hea- ven, r.zra 1.2. | 5. 11. | 6. 9. 10- I T 12- JonaA 1. g. because tJu Jews adored nothing HE A tei'.iilU, a>sd laid, their God sxit in heaven ; thai there he had his t-krcne, M»d exercised Ail iviereign dominion over all crteturti, rhe leaven of heavens is the lughest heaven, as ti.6 song of songs is the most excellent song, the God of gods, the Lord of lords ; the great- est iif the gods, the most poverjul of lords, from these passages it appears, that the He- brews acinoaUdged three heavens: (1) The aerial heaven, where the iirds Jly, the winds blow, and the showers are J'ormed. (2) The heaven, or Jirmament, wherein the stars are dis- fiosed. (3) Tht heaven of heavens, or the third heaven, which it the plate of' God's residence, the duelling of angels and the ilessed. This is the true palace of God, entirely separated from the impurities and imperfections, the alterations and changes, of the lower world; where he reigns in eternal peace. It is the temple of the divine Majesti/, where his eicellent gl>ry is revealed in tht most conspicuous manner, it is the habitation of his holiness, the place where bis honour dwells. /( is the sacred mansion of light, and joy, and glory. Heaven, or heavens, is put for God, who dwelleih and reigneth there. Dan. 4. C6, After thou shall have known that the heavens do rule. Ho in Luke 15. "1, 1 have sinned against hea- ven. Also for the angels in heaven. Job 15. 16, The heavens are not clean in his sight ; lAf 'angels that dwelt in heaveti are not jnire simply, perfectly, and comparatively to God. It is put alio for the visible church. Rev. 12. 7, 9, Ihere was war in heaven. Heaven by an tiyperbole is put for a great height. Deut. 1. i.'8, Their cities arc walled up to heaven. U IS taken for great glory and royal majesty, Isa. 14. 12, ilow art thou fzdleu from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning 1 speaking of the overthrew of the king of Bab;rlon by the jvledes and Persians. Ihe enjoyment of the divine presence in heaven, is the supreme and evei lasting felicity of the saints ; whatsoever is requisite to their com- f,lete blessedness is enjoyed there ; there is an tJcmpiion from all evils ; sin and all the penal eonte/uences are abolished ; the body is revived to a glorious life, and the soul lives in commu- nion with God and Christ. The understandtitg there shall be clearly enlightened with the knowledge of God. Here the revelation of God, in hit works and word, is according to vur capacities, but in heaven it is most glorious, and our faculties are raised and refined to re- ceive it. The communion also of the angels and saints in heaven ajfords the purest plea- ture. And the fulness of joy in heaven is everlasting, without defect, and without end. Gen.l.l. in the beginning God created h. and earth a. and God called the firmament A. 14. let there be lights in the firmament of h. 15. SO. fowl that may fly in the open firmament of h. 7. 11. and the windows of A. were opened C. 2. and the windows of A. were stopped 1-t.ig.most high God, possessor of A. and earth,C2. 19- 24. Lord rained fire from the Lord out of h. SI. 17. the angel of God called to Hagar out of h. 22. 11. the angel called to Abraham out of h. 15. 27. 28. God give thee of the dew of A. Sg. £8. 17. and he said, this is the gate of h. 49. 25. shall bless thee with blessings of A. above Exod.iO.ll. six days Ld. made A.and earth, 31.17. 24. 10. as it were the body of A. in his clearness Lev. 20.19. I will make your h. as iron, earth brass Veut. 4.11. the mountains burned to the midst of A. 26.1 call A. and eartli to witness, 30. 19. | 31.28. 32. ask from the one side of A. to the other 36. out of A. he made thee hear his voice 10. 14. behold, theA. and A. of heavens, Pt. 115.16. 11.11. and drinketh water of the rain of A. 17.heshutupA.l A'ing/8.35. 2CAr.C.26. j 7.13. £1. be multiplied as the days of A. on the earth S8. 12. open the A. to give thee rain in his season 23. the A. that is over thy head shall be brass 3U.4. scatter thee to the utmost part of A. jVfA.1.9. S3. 13. for the precious things of A. for the dew CC.CiodofJeshurunrideth upon the A. in thy help 1 Harn. 2. 10. out of A. shall he thunder on them ^Sam. 18. 9- be was taken up between A. and earth 2i. 10. till water dropped on them out of A. 22. 8. the foundations of A. moved and shook IKings 8. 27. behold, the A. anil the A. of heavens cannot contain thee, 2 Chron. 2. 6. | 6. 18. 35. when A. is shut up, and there is no rain lb'. 45. mean while the A. was black with clouds 2 livings 19. 15. thou art God of all kingdoms, thou hast made A. and earth, 2 t'Af. 2. 12. Aeh. 9. 0. 1 Chron. 21. I6. angel stood between A. and earth Joi 11. 8. it i3 high as A. what canst thou do 20. t7 the A. shzdl r«Teal his iniquity, earth rise up 876 HE.A /ciiC2.12. isnotGod in height of A..' behold height 14. and he walketh in the circuit of A. 26.11. the pillars of A. tremble at his reproof 38. 29. the hoary frost of A. who hath gendered it .' 33. knowest thou the ordinances of A. .' 37. or who can stay the bottles of A. .' Psal. 19. C. his going forth is from the end of A. 20. 6. he will hear him from his holy A. 69. .'U. let A. and earth praise him, the seas 78. 23. and though he opened the doors of A. 24. and had given them of the corn of A. 89. 29. bis throne to endure as the days of A. 103. 11. for as the A. is high above tbe earth 105. 40. he satisfied them with tbe bread of A. 115. 15. tbe Lord who made A. and earth, 121. 2. I 124.8. I 134.3. I 146.6. /«.37. I6. /<;•. 32. 17. Acti 4. 24. I 14. 15. Rev. 14. 7. 147. 8. who covereib A. with clouds, who prepares 148. 13. his glory is above the earth and A. Prov. 25. 3. the A. for height, the earth for depth Isa. 13. 5. they com* from far, from the end of A. 40. 12. who hath meted out A. with a span .'' 49. 13. sing, O A. and be joyful, Rev. 18. 20. 66. I. A. my throne, earth my footstool. Acts!. 49. Jer. 7. 18. to make cakes to tbe queen of A. 10. 2. and be not dismayed at the signs of A. 23. 24. do not I fill A. and earth ; saith tbe Lord 31. 37. if A. above can be measured 33. 25. if I have not appointed ordinances of A. 44. 17. to burn iaccnse to queen of A. 18, 19, 25. 49. 36. four wild* from the four quarters of A. 51.15. hath stretched out the A. by his understand. 48. tbe A. and earth shall sing for Babylon Lam, 4.19. our enemies swifter than the eagles of A. Eiek. 8.3. the Spirit lifted me between eartn and A. 32. 7. I will cover the A. and make the stars dark 8. tbe lights of A. will I make dark over inee Da7j.4.15. be wet with dew of A. 23. 25, 33. | 5.21. 35. doeth according to his will in the army of A. ."i*. now I extol and honour the King of A. 5. 23. hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of A. 7. 2. the four winds of A. strove upon the sea 13. one like Son of man, came withclouds of A. 8. 8. four horns towards the four winds of h. 11. 4. his kingdom divided toward four winds of A. .^mo/9.6. he that buildeth bis stories in the A. IJag. 1. 10. tbe A. over you is stayed from dew ZecA.2.6. 1 have spread you as the tour winds of A. 5. 9. lifted the ephah between the earth and A. Mai. 3. 10. if I will not open the winQows of A. Mat. 5.18. till A. and earth paos, one jot not pass 34. nor sweat by A. it is God'sthrone,yam.5. 12. 11.25.1 thank thee. Father, Lordof A.iui< 10.21. 23. 'J2. he that shall swear by A. sweareth by God 24. 30. then shall appear the sign of the Son of man coming in the clouds of A. 26. 64. Mark 14. 02. 31. gather elect from one end of A. to the other 35.A.eanbshaUpassaway,.Ulacr 21.1. 1 saw anew A. and earth, the first A. passed lO.boly Jerusalem descending out of A. from God 6'ee Fowl, Fowls. From HEAVEN. Gen. 8. 2. and tbe rzin from A. was restrained Liod. 16. 4. I will rain bread /rom A. for you 20. 22. I have talked with youfrom h. Neh. 9. 13. /-'«u/.26.15.1ook down/ri'm A.ijom A. shall it come down on thee Josh. 10.11. Lord cast great stones from A. on them Jndg. 5. 20. they fought from A. the stars fought iSam 22.14 Lord thundered _/rom A. and uttered 2 Kings 1. 10. then let fire conic- downfomh. and there came down fire fn>m A. 12, 14. 1 Chron. 21. 26.be answered hiin/™m h. by fire 2 Chron. 6. 21. bear tliou /r.>m A. 23, 27. 3ij. T. 1. the fire came down/rom A. and consumed I4. tben will I hear /ro/n h. and will forgive A'e4. 9. 15. gavest tbeu bread/r«m A. for hunger KE.\ AVA.g.27 they cried,tb'>u heardest them fran^ » 28. Job 1. 16. the fire of God is fallen /rom A. Psal. 14. 2. the Lord looked down I'rom h. 33. Z 33.13. the Lord looketh/rom A. and beholdeth 57.3.shall»endyro»i A. and tave me from reproach 76. 8. didst cause judgment to be heard /rum A. CO. 14. O God, look iowa from h. amd behold 85. 11. righteousness shall" look down from A. 102. ig.from A. did tbe Lord behold the earfii Isa. 14. 12. ho* art thou fallen/romA. O Luciferl 55. 10. as snow fallethyVom A. and returneth no Lam. 2.1. Lord cast down /rom A. beauty of Israel Dan.i. 13. behold, a watcher came down/rom A. 23. the king saw an holyoue coming dovafrom A. 31. fell a voice/ri>m A. sayiag, kingd. is departed from thee. Mat. 5.17. Luke 3.22. Jrhn 12.28 Mat. 16. 1. he would shew them a signyrum A. 21. 25. the baptism of John, whence was it }fr. A. or of men > Mark 11. 30. Luke 20. 4. 28. 2. there was a great earthquake, for the angel descended/m/n A. Rev. 10.1. | 18. 1. | 20. I Marks. 11. seeking of him a sign/. A. Luke 11.16 Luke 9. 54. we command fire to come down from h. 10. 18. 1 beheld Satan as lightning ia\\ from A. 17. 29. it rained fire and brimstoney. A. on Sodom 21. 11. and great signs shall there he from A. 22. 43. appeared an angel/. A. strengthening him John 1. 32. 1 saw the Spirit descending /rom A. 3. 13. but he that came down/rom A. 0. 33. 27. receive notbing.except it be given bira/rum A. 31. be that cometh /rom A. is above all 6. 31. be gave them bread/rom A. to eat 32. Moses gave you not tnai bread/rom A. 38. I came from h. not to do mine own will, 42. 41. bread which came dov,n fr^m h. 50, 51, 58. Acts 2. 2. suddenly there came a sound from A. 9. 3. a light/. A. shined about him, i-i. 6. | 26.19» 11. 5. as it had been a great sheet let down fromh. 9. but the voice answered me again /ri^m A. 14. 17. in thathe did good, and gave us rain/. A. Rom. 1. 18. the wrath of God is revealed/ri>»( A. 1 Cor. 15. 47. the second man is the Lord from A. 2 Cor.5.i. clothed on with our house thcit isfrom A. <^al. 1.8. an angel 'rom A.»preach any other gosjHii 1 Thess. 1. 10. and to wait for his Son /rum A. 4. 16. the Lord himself shall descend^/rjm h. 2 Thess, 1, 7. the Lord Jesus shall be revealed/. A. Ileb, 12. 25. if turn from him that speaketh_/>c'/« A. 1 Pet, 1. 12. by them that have preached the gospel to you, with the Holy Cihost sent down from h. Rev, 8. 10. and there fell a great star/rom A. 9. 1. and I saw a star fall /rum A. to the earth 10.4.1 beard a voice f. A. seal up those things, ana write them not, 8' | 11. 12. | 14. 2, 13 | 18. ft 15. 13. that be maketh fire come down /rum A. See Gou of heaven. Host, or, hosts of HEAVEN. Deut.i.liJ, seest the A. ojh, sbouldest worship biin 17. 3. Iiath gone and worshipped the host of h, 1 Kings 22.19.1 saw the Lord sitting on the llirons and the Auifi/A. standing by him, 2 C/ir. 16. IS. 2 Kings 17. 16. Israel worshipped the hostof h. 21. 3. Manasseh worshipped Aujr u^'A. 2 CA;.33.3. 5. he built altars for tbe Au.fr u/' A.'2 CAruH.33. 5. 23. 4. J osiah brought out vessels made for A. of h. 5. put down them that burnt incense to A. of A. Neh, 9. 6. thou hast made tbe A. of heavens with their host, and the Anjf W<. above 1 Aihjj8. 23.is noGodlikcthee inA.2 CAr.6.14 30. hear thou in A. 32, 34, 36, 39, 43, 45, 49. 2 Kings 7. 2. if the Lord make windows m A. ig. 1 C'Ari'7i. 29. 11. all that is in h. and earth is thine 2 C'Ar. 20. 6. O Lord God, art not thou (.Jod ik A. .' Job 16. 19. also now behold, my witness is in A. I'sal.ll.i.xhe Lord's throne is inh. his eyes behold 73. 25. whom have 1 in h. but thee, ncne on eartb 77. 18. the voice of thy thunder was in the A. 78. 26. he caused an east wind to blow in the A. Uy. 6. who in A. can be compared to the Lord.' 37. shall be established asafaithful witness in A. 1 l.'i. 6. humbleth himself 10 behold things in k. 1 19. 89. for ever. Lord, thy word is settled :n i. 135.6. th.\t did he m A. and earth, in the sea led. 5. 2. for God is iii A. and thou upon vznh /.ta. .34.5. for ray sword shall be bathed in i. behold Jer. 8. 7. yea, the .stork m h. knowein her times Diin.2.20 there s aUod in A.tlat revealetli secrets HEA <0«n,fi.2^. worteth signs and wond. in /i.and earth am« 9. '>. he mat buildeth his stories in llie h. Hal. S. 12. .'fjoice, for great is your reward in A. Ifi. and cldnfy your Father who is in A. 45. the children of your Father who is in A. 48. be perfect as your Father in h. is perfect a. 9pray ye, our Fath. which art in A. Luke W.I. 10. win be done on eanh as it is in A. Luke 11. C. 'JO. but lay up for yourselves treasures in A. 7-11. shall your Father in A. give good things 21. that doth the will of my Father in A. IC. 50. 10. K. him will I confess before my Father in A. .13. him will I deny before my Father in A. i6. 17. but my Father which is in A revealed it !9. shall be bound in A. be loosed in A. 18. 18. 18. 10 dein3. 13. and no man hath ascended up 10 A. 17. 1. Jesus lift up his eyes fo A. and said. Father 2 Cor. 12. 2 such ai. one caught up to the third A. liev. 10. 5. the angel lifted up his hand to li. 11. 12. and they ascended up to A. in a cloud \V>. 5. for her sins have reached unto A. Towards HEAVEN. Cen. 15. 5. look now to-.i-ards A. and tell the stars Lxod. 9. 8. let .Moses sprinkle it touards the A. 10. and .Moses sprinkled it up lonards A. 22. stretch forth thine hand loreards A. 10. 21. 23. Moses stretched forth his rod towards A. 10. 22. Moses stretched forth his hand to:i:ard A. Jiid^. 13. 20. when the Hame went up toward i. 1 hinss 8. 22. Solomon stood before altar of Lord, and spread forth his hands toward A. 2 CAr.fi.lS. Joi 2, 12. sprinkled dust on their heads towards A. Prov. 23. 5t they fly away as an eagle towards h. Acts 1. 10. while they looked stedfastly towards A. Under HEAVEN. Oentl.9. let the waters under A. be gathered 6. 17. a flood to destroy all flesh from tinder A. 7. 19- the high hills wider the whole h. were cover. Exod. 17vl4. I will utterly put out the remem- brance of Amaiek from under A. Dent. 25.19. Dent 2. 25. the fear of thee on nations under h. 4. ig God hath divided to all nations under A. 7- 24. shalt destroy their name from under A. 9. 14. ?9 20. Lord shall blot out his name from wtder A. 2 Kin^s 14. 27. blot out name of Isr. from under A. Joh 28. 24. for God seeth uudei the whole A. 37.3. he directeth it wider the whole A. 41.11. whatsoever is under the whole A. is mine Eccl. 1. 13. to search out all things done under A. 2. 3. what was that good they should do voider A. 3. 1. a time to every piirpose under the A. Luke 17 24. that lighteneth out of one part nnrfrr A. Actsl. 5. devout men of every nation tinder A. 4. 12. none other name under A. given among men Col. 1.23. gospel preached to every creature Knrf. A. HEAVENLY. Mat. 6. 14. your A Father will forgive you 26. yet your A. Father feedeth them 32. your A. Father knoweth that ye have need 15 13. every plant my A Father hath not planted 18. 35. so shall my A. Father do also to you Luke '2. 13 a multitude of the A. host praising God 11.13. your A. Father shall give the Spirit to thea Jo/in 3. 12. how believe, if I tell you of A. things ■ lets 26. 19. I was not disobedient to the A. vision 1 Cor. 15. 48. as is the A. such are they that are A. 4g. we shall also bear the image of the A. EpA. 1.3. with spiritual blessings in A. places in Chr. 1. CO. set him at his right hand in A. places, 2. 6. 3. 10. that now unto the powers in A. places 2 Vim. 4. 18. Ld. will preseri'e me to his A. kingdom Heb. 3. 1. brethren, partakers of the A. calling fi.4. once enlightened, and have tastedof the A. gift 8.5. who scr»-e to example and shadow of A. things 9 23. but A. things with better sacrifices than these 11. 16. an A. country II 12.22. the A.Jerusalem HEAVENS. Gen. 2. 1. thus the A. and the earth were finished 4.the»eare the generations of the A. and the earth in the day that the Ld made the A. and earth Dent. 32 1. give ear, O A. I will speak, lsa.\. 2. 33. 28. also his A shall drop down dew Jud^. 5. 4. the earth trembled, the A. dropped Eiod. 32. 13. I Chron. 27. 23. NeA. 9. C3. 2 -Sam. 22. 10. he bowed the A. and came, Ps. 18.g. !)/«/. 1. 10. you are this day as i/(irj of A. 10 S8.62.whtreasye were as stars of A. for multitude Usn, 13. 10. the stars of A. shall not give light >.'«*. 32.7. 1 will cover A. and make stars dark SmA. 3. 1(5. multiplied merchants as stars of A. Mal.U.Cg. Ihf stars shall fall from A. Mark 13.25. ilev. 6. 13. and the stars of A. fell on the earth 12. 4. his tad drew the third part of stars of A. To HEAVEN, or unto HEAVEN. Cen. 11.4. a tower whose top may reach unto A. 88. 12. a ladder, and the top of it r»achpd to A. Vtta. 1.28. the cities great and wallea up to A. 9.1. 4. 19. and lest thou lift up thine eyes unto A. 30 12. wh'uhall go up for us to A. and bring it to us 32. 40. fot I lift up my hand 10 A. and say, I live JbsA. 8. 20. ihescioke of the city ascended up /o A. -/ii^. 20. 40. l>,e Bame of the city ascended ap to A. 1 Sam. 5 12. and the cry of the city went up to A. I Kinase. 54. with his hatds spread up to A. .2 Chtm. CB.9 in a rage that reacheth up wuc k 276 1 h'ingt 8. 27. the heaven of A. cannot contain thee 1 CAr. 16. 26. the gods are idols, hut the Lord made the A. AVA. 9. 6. Psal. 96. 5. | 102. 25. | 136.4. 31. let the A. be glad, let the earth rejoice 2 CA;on. 6. 25. then hear from the A. 33,35,39. Exra 9. 6. our trespass is grown np to the A. Joi 9. 8. which alone spreadeth out the A. 14. 12. man riseth not till the A. be no more 15. 15. yea, the A. are not clean in his sight 20. 6. though his excellency mount np to the A. 26. 13. by his Spirit he hath garnished the n. 35. 5. look to the A. and see, and behold the clouds /'/fl/.8.1. thou hast set ihy glory above the A. 113.4. 3. when I consider thy A. the work of thy fingers 191. the A. declare the glory of God. and firmam. 33. 6. by the word of the Lord were the A. made 50. 4. shall call to the A. from above, and to earth 6. the A. shall declare his righteousn. G. is jiidje 37.5.be thou exalted, O c;od,above A. 11. j luf 5. 10. for thy mercy is great unto the A. lots. 4. HEA Psol. Oe. 4. extol him that rideth upoa the A. 3S 8. the A. also dropped at the presence of God 73. 9. they set their moi'ih afiainst the 4. 8g. 5. the A. shall praise thy wonaors, O Lord 1 1 . the A. are thine, the earth also is thine 96. 11. let the A. rejoice, earth be glad, }lev. 12. IS 97. 6. A. declare his righlejtmess, people his glorj iOt. 2. who stretchest out the A. Isa. 40. 22. 108. 4. for thy mercy is great above the A. 115. 16. the heaven, even the A. are the Lord's 144. 5. bow thy A. O Lord, and come down, touch 148. 1. praise ye the Lord from the A. praise him 4. praise him, ye A. of A. and waters above the A . Prov. 3. 19. by understanding he established the A. 8. 27. when he prepared the A. I was there /j(7.13.13. will shake the A. and eanh //of 2 6,21 34. 4. the A. shall be rolled together as a scroll 42. 5. thus saith he that created the A. 45. 18. 44. 23. sing, O ye A. for the Lord hath done it 24. saith the Ijyrd. that stretcheth forth the A. 45. 12. I 51. 13. Jer. 10. 12. ZecA. Vi. I. 45. 8. drop down ye A. from above.let the skies pcur 48. 13. my right hand hath spanned the A. 49. 13 sing, O A. and be joyful, O earth 50. 3. I clothe A. with blackness, 1 make sackcloth 51. 6. lift up your eyes to the A. and look, the A shall vanish away like smote, and earth wax old 16. that 1 may plant the A. and lay foundations 55. 9. for as the A. are higher than the earth 6t.l.that thou wouldest rend the A. and come down 65. 17. behold, 1 create new A. and a new earth 60. 22. for as the new A. which I will make Jer. 2. 12. be astonished, O ye A. and be afraid 4. 23. I beheld tne A. and they had no light 25. all the birds of the A. were fled, 9. 10. 28. for this shall the earth mourn, A. above black 10. 11. the gods that have not made the A. and the earth shall perish, and from under the.sp A. 14. 22. orcan the A. give showers? art not thou he Lam.3.fi6. destroy them from under the A. of the L. t:«i. 1. 1. that the A. were opened. Mat. 3. 16. Dan. 4. 26. shalt have known that the A. do rule //0J.2.2I.I will hear the A. they shall hear the earth JoelC.lO.tht A. shall tremble,5un and moal. 32.4. day and night thy hand was A.oome 38. 4. as an A. burden they are too A. for m» Prov. 25. 20. he that singeth songs to aa A. heart 27 .3. stone is A. and to- i weighty, but fool'* vrraUl HEI HEL HEL Ptjv.%1. 6. give wine to those tnat be of A. hearul //i>/. 10. 11. and Kphraim is as an /i. that is taught />«. G. 10. make ttieir ears A shut their eyes 24.20. the transgre.ssion thereof shall be A. upon it S0.C7. with his anger, and the burden tliereof is /j. 4(). 1. your carriages were A loaden, are a burden 5a. 6. is not this the fast, to undo the A. burdens .' iy. 1. neither his ear A. that it canuot hear Za»i.3.7.hedged me about, hath made my chain A Hat. 11.28. come to me, all ye that are A. laden 2.>.4. for they bind A. burdens, and grievous to be 26.37. he began 10 be sorrowful, and very A. 43. for their eyes were very A. Mark 14. 33, 40. Litke 9. 32. that ■syere with him, were h. with sleep HEAVIER. Job 6.3. now it would be h. than the land of the sea 23. 2. my stroke is A than my groaning I'toi;. 27. 3. a fool's wrath is h. than them both HEAVILY. Exud. 14.25. take off '*lieeli, so that drave them A. Pse,i. a5.1-u. 1 bowed down A. as one that mourneth Istt 47.6. on the ancient hast thou '1. laid thy yoke HEAVINESS. Eira 9.5. at the evening sacrifice I rose from my A. Job 9.27. if I say, I will leave ofl'my A and comfort Psat. dy. 20. broken my heart, and I am full of A. 119. 28. my soul melteth for A. strengthen thou nie Prov. 10. 1. a foolish son is the A. of his mother 22. 25. A. in the heart of man maketh it stoop 14. 13. and the end of that mirth is A Jja. I.t4. ah sinful nation, a people of A. with iniq. 29. 2. and there shall be A. and sorrow 30.+ 27- with his anger, and the burd. thereof is A. 61. 3. to give the garment of praise for spirit of A. iiom.(j. 19' give A. to me, O Lord, and hearken to voice Acts 3.5. he gave A. unto them, expecting to receive e. 6. the people of Samaria gave A. to Philip 10. they gave A. to Simon from least to greatest I Tim. I. 4. neither give A. to fables, Tit. 1. 14, 4,1, some givuig A,to seducing spirits and doctrines Htb. 2. 1. we ought to give the more earnest A. Set Take. HEEL, S. C«n.3.l5 it bruise thy head,thou shah bruise his A. 25.26. his hand took hold on Esau's A. Ilos. 12. .!. 49. 17. Dan be an adder that biteth the horse's A. Job 13. 27. thou settest a print on the A. of my feet 18. 9. the gin shall take him by the A. robber Pj.41.9. hathliftuphisA. against me, J«An 13. 18. 49. 5. when iniquity of my A. compa.ss me about Jer. 13. 22. for thine iniquity are thy A. made bare HEIKER. Gfw.lS.g.take me an A. of three years old, and go.it Ntim. 19.2. bring a red A.||6.bum the A. in his sight 9. gather up the ashes of the A. and lay them u|) J)iut. 21. 3. the elders of that city shall take an A. 4. shall strike off A.neck||6.wash hands over theA. Judg. 14. 18. if ye had not plowed with my A. lA'am. 16. 2. the r.ord said, take an A. with thee Jii7.15.5.cry out forMoabas anA.of three years old 3er.46.iO. Egypt is like a fair A, destruction comes 48 34. miered their voice as an A. of three years 50 11. bi^rause ye are grown fat as an A. at grass Hii 4.l6.for Israel slideih back, as a backslidingA. :i77 ifeA.9. 13. tae ajhes of an A. sprinkling the unclean HEIGHT. Oen. 6. 15. the A. of the ark shall be thirty cubits £jod. 25. 10. shaJt make an ark of shittim-wood, a cubit and a half shall be A. of it, 23. | 37. 1, 10. 27. 1. A. o.' the altar shall be three cubits, 38. 1. 18. A. of the court shall be five cubits, 38. 11. 30 2. A. of altar of incense two cubits, .37. 25. 1 ^arn. 16. 7 look not on the A. of his stature 17-4. Goliath's A. was six cubits and a span 1 Kings 6.2. the A, of house of God was thirty cubits 20, the oracle twenty cubits in the h. thereof 26. the A. of the one cherub was ten cubits 7. 2. the A. of the house of Lebanon thirty cubits 16. the A. of the one chapiter was five cubits 23. the A. of the molten sea was five cubits 27. the A. of one base was three cubits 2 Kings 19. 23. with multitudes of chariots I am come up to the A. of the mountains, /ja.37,24. 25, 17. the A. of one pillar was eighteen cubits 2 CAr. 33. 14. and raised it up a very great A. l.tra 6. 3. the A. of God's house sixty cubits Job 22. 12. is not God in the A. of heaven.' and behold the A. of the stars, how high they ar« Psa/. 102. 19. Lord looked from A. of*^' "".nctuary I'roi-. 25. 3. the heaven for A. the earth for depth Isa.T. 11. ask it in the depth, or in the A. above ./er, 3 1,12, they shall come and sing iu the A. of Zion 4y. 16. O thou that boldest the A. of the hill 51.53.tho' she should fortify the A. of her strength Eze/c. 17.23. in mountain of the A. of Israel, 20,40, 19- 11. she appeared in her A. with her branches 3 1,5. therefore his A. was exalted above all the trees 10. because thou hast lifted up thyself in A. 14, that none of trees exalt themselves for A. 32.5. I will fill the valleys with thy A Dan. 3. 5. image of gold whose A. was sixty cubits 4. 10. I saw and beheld a tree whose A was great 11, and the A. thereof reached unto heaven, 20, /Imoi 2,9. whose A. was like the A. of cedars A'om.8.39.norA.nor depth shall be able to separate /.>A. 3. 18. wnat is the A of the love of Christ > l^ev.2l.l6. the breadth and A. of the city are equal HEIGHTS. Jo/i g. + 8, which treadeth upon the A. of the sea 11+8, it is the A, of heaven, what canst thou do r Psal. 95. t 4. the A of the hills are his also 148. I praise the Lord, praise him in the A. Ecci. 10. t 6. folly is set in great A. rich sit low Isii. 14.14. I will ascend above the A. of the clouds 33. 1 16. he shall dwell on A. his place of defence IIEINOUS. Ji'b 31. 11. for this is an A. crime, yea, an iniquity HEIR, S. Ge}i. 15.3. and lo, one born in my house is mine A 4. word came, saying, this shall not be thine A 21 10. Ishmael shall not be A. with my son Isaac JuJg. IS. + 7. there was no A. of restraint in the lam 2 -Sam. 14. 7. and we will destroy the A. also /^ri>j,'.30.23. an handmaid that is A. to her mistress Jer. 49. 1. hath Israel no sons ? hath he no A. ' 2. Israel shall be A. unto them that were his A. .Vif.1.15. yet will I bring an A. unto thee, Oinhab. ■Vat. 21 38. this is the A. iVarX- 12. 7 Xu/te 20.14. Horn. 4. 13. that he should be A of the world 14. for if they which are of the law be A, 8. 17. if children, then A. A. of God, and.joint- A. with Christ ; if W6 suffer to be glorified Oal. 3. 29. ye are A. according to the promi.se 4. 1. I say, that the A. as long as he is a child 7. if a son, then an A. of God through Christ 30. the son of the bond-woman shall not bo A, t'f/i. 3, 6. that the Gentiles should be fellow-A. lit. 3. 7. A. according to the hope of eternal life IJeb. 1. 2. whom he appointed A. of all things 14. for them who shall be A. of salvation 6. 17. God willing to shew unto the A. of promise 11. 7. became A. of the righteousness by faith 9- and Jacob, A. with him of the samc'promise Jam. 2. 5 A. of the kingdom he hath promised I J'et. 3. 7. as A. together of the grace of life HELD. ("'en. 48. 17 Joseph A. up his father's hand Ezod. 17.11. when Moses A. uphand, Isr. prevailed 36, 12. the loops A. one curtain to another J"ds.T.20. and A, the lamps in their left-hands 10, 26, Samson said unto lad that A, him by the hand liniA 3, 15, when she A,it,he measured six measures 1 6'am. 25, 36. Nabal A. a feast in his house 2 Ham. IK. I6. for Joab A. back the people I h'ings 8.65, at that time Solomon A, a feast 1 C/tron. 11. t 10. these A. strongly with David 2 CAron. 4. 5, the sea A. three thousand b.v.hs AV//.4. 16. the other half of them A. both spe.ir5.21. 17. and with the other hand he A. a weapon I.siA. 5. 2. the king A. out the gulden sceptre 7. 4. if we have been sold, 1 liiul A. my tongue Job 23. 11. my fcot A. his steps, his way have 1 kept Pial. 32. 9. wtiose Dtouth iiu&t be A. in with bit | P/. 94.28. my foot shppeih.thy mercy ,0 I-A.meup I'rw. 16. ♦ 5. not be A, innocent, 17. t 5, | I9. + 5, Canl. 3,4. I A. him, and would not let him go 7.5. hair like purple, the king is A. in the galleries Jjr. 50. 33. that took them capti-es, A. them fast Dun. 12. 7. when he A, up his right-nainl and swar« Mat. 12, 14, A. a council against him, Mark 15. 1 Luke 22. 63. the men that A. Jesus mocked him ■■lets. 3. 11. the same man that was healed, A. I'etcr 14. 4. part A. with Jews, part with the apostles llo/n. 7. 6. that being dead wherein we were A. liezi.(J.g.v,eTe slain for the testimony which they A. HELD peace. Gen. 24. 21. the man wondering at her, A.Wispeaca 34. 5. Jacob A. his peace until they were come Lei. 10.3. 1 will be glorified, and Aaron A. hiipeact Num. 30. 7. her husband A. hispcuce nt her, 11.14, 1 Ham. 10. 27. they despised Saul, he A. his peace 2 htngs 18.:\6. but people A. their /-cofe, would not SeA. 5. 8. they A. iheir peace, and found nothing Job 29. lO.Dobles A.their;;face,lheir tongue cleaved Psai. 39. 2. I was dumb, I A. my peace from good La. 36. 21. they A. their peace, Mark 3.4. 1 9. W. 57 11. have not I A. my peace, even of old ? Mat. 26. 63. but Jesus A. his //face I^uke 14. 4. they A. thsir peace, 20. 26. ActsU. 1-6. .icts 15. 13 they A. their ;ieaee, James answered liELL. In Hebrew, Scheol, 'J'Ais u-ord most commonlv sig. nijies tAe grave, or the place or state of tAe dead. Jacob says. Gen. 37 35, I will go down into the grave, unto my son, mourning. / uill die wilA grief, lieill never leave mourning till I die. ■Ho in Gen. 42, 38, If mischief befal Benjamin. then shall ye bringdown my grey hairs witli sorrow to the grave. }'ou utll make me, uho am wurnaaay alrendu, to die uilA grief. TAe coit. spirators, Korah.Dathan, and Abiram,Kfreiaa<- loived up in tAe eariA, and descended quick into the grave ; tAei/ uere bnried alive, >' um. 16. 30, 31. Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell ; 'J'Aou aili not suffer my body toputrify in tAe grave, Psal. I6.IO. uAicA is propAetically spoken of tAe Messiah. And in Psal. 55, 16, Lei death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell, into tAe grave. Jonah says, that he cried to the Lord out of the bellyof hell ; lAal is, out of tAe belly of a Jis/t, uherc i« Ae uas sAut up as in the grave, Jonah 2. 2. TAit word Scheol is sometimes put for Aetl, tAe piece u-here the u-icked or tAe damned are IO0 mented ; as in Job 11. 8, 7Ae secrets of God'-t providence are high as heaven, and deeper than hell. And in Prov. 15. 11, Hell ami" destruction are before the Lord ; ;Ae place and slate of the damned are knoun to God 1 be wicked shall be turned into hell, Pstl. 9- 17. As the happiness of heaven is expressed in scrip- ture under the idea of a feast or uedding, at uhicA there is a great deal of light, joy, and pleasure; so hell, in the New Testament, is set forth by sucA representations as may poner- Jully instruct and terrify even tAe most carnal man, NoiAing is more intolerably painful^ tAan svjering the violence of fire enraged uiiA brimstone ; and hell is described by a lake of fre and brimstone. Rev. I9. 20. | 21. 8. It is represented as a ditmally dark place, uhtri there is nothing but grief, iadness, relation, rage, despair, and gnashing of teeih, like one excluded or shut out, during tAe obscurity of tAe night, and severity of the cold. Mat. 8. 18. The wicked in hell not only undeigo the pu- nisAment of sense, but also that of loss, -uAich is a sepal aiion from God, a privation of his sight and of tAe beatific vision. Add to lAese tAe eternity of tlteir misery, uhich above all otAer considerations makes it intolerable ; Their worm dieth not, and their fire is not quenched, Mark 9, 48. />y the gates of hell. Mat. I6. 18. is meant this pouter and policy if the devil, and hit instru- ments. The sorrows of hell, the pains 01 hell ; that is, deadly or killing pains, such ago. nies and Aorron as dying persons used tojeet uitAin themselves, or such sorrows as bring to the brink of the grave, Psal. 18. 5. | I16, X Dcut. 32. 22, a fire shall burn unto the lowest A, 2 ,Som. 22,6, sorrows of A, compassed me,/'ju/,lU,5 Job 11,8. deeper than A, what canst thou kno« f 26, 6, A. is naked before him, and destruction Psnl. 9. 17. the wicked shall be turned into A. 16.10. thou wilt not leave my soul in A. AcisC.CT, 49. ♦ 15. redeem my soul from power of A. 86. 13, 5.S, 15. and let them go down quick into A. 116. 3. and the pains of A. gat hold upon me 13y. 8. if I make my bed in A. thou art there Prov. 5.5. her feet to death, her steps lake hold oil A 7 87. Jier house is the way to A. going dcwn HEL HEL Ptai. 9. 18. that her guests are in the depths of A. IC 5am. 14. 4. woman said, A. O king.O Kitigsb. C6. 1 j5. 11. A. and destruction are before the Lord 24. that he may depart from A. beneath S3. 14. and shalt deliver his soul from A. 27. 20. A. and destruction art never full Ita. 5. 14. therefore A. hath enlarged herself 14. 9. A. from beneath is moved for thee to meet I 15. yet thou shalt be brought down to A. 28. 15. and with A. are we at agreement 57. 9. and didst debase thyself even unto A. £«<-. 31.16. when I cast him down to A. with them 17. they also went down unto A. with hini 32.21. shall speak to him out of the midst of A. 27. which are going down to A. with weapons Amot^.". tho' they dig into h. thenc«my hand take J«naA2.2.outofthebfllyofi. cried I.thouheardest Jiat. 2. 5. who enlargeth his desire as A. is as death Mat. 5. 22. say, fool, shall be in danger of A. fire 29. thy whole body should b« cast into A. 30. 10. 28. to destroy soul and body in 4. Lui:t 12. 5. 11.23. Capernaum brought down to A. Luit 10.15. 16. 18. the gates of A. shall not prevail against it 18.g. having two eyes, to be cast into A. A/ Jam. 3. 6. the tongue is set on fire of A. S f;/.2.4.if God spared not, cast angels down to A. Hev. 1. 18. and I have the keys of A. and of death 6. 8. name was Death, and A. followed with him 20. 13. death and A. delivered up the dead in them 14. death and A. were cast into the lake of fire HELM. Jam. 3. 4. they are turned about with a small A. HELMET. 1 Sam. 17.5. he had a A. of brass upon his head, 38. Isa. 59. 17. and an A. of salvation upon his head Ezek. 23.24. shall set against the shield and A. 27. 10. they hanged the shield and A. in thee .3ii. 5. all of them with shield and A. Kyh. 6.17. take A. of salvation, and sword of Spirit 1 'i'Atss.5. 8. and for an A. the hope of salvation HELMETS. 2 Chron. 26. 14. Uzziah prepared spears and A. Jer. 46. 4. get up and stsjid forth with your A. HELP, Suhstantize. Cen. 2. 18. I will make him an A. meet for him SO. there was not found an A. meet for him Erod. 18. i. God of my father, said he, was my A. Veur. 33. 7. be thou an A. to him from his enemies 26. who rideth upon the heavens in thy A. 29.0 people, sa\"«d by the L. the shield of thy A Judg. 5. 23. they came not to the A. of the Lord 1 Sam. 11. 9. by time sun be hot, ye shall have A S CAron. 20. 4. Judah gathered to ask A. of the Lord Job 6. 13. is not my A. in me ? is wisdom driven 31. 21. lift my hand, when I saw my A. in the gal Psal. 3. 2. say of my soul, there is no A. for hii 20. 2. the Lord send thee A. from the sanctuary 27. 9. thou hast been my A. leave me not, O Uod 33. 20. our soul waits for L. he is our A. and shiplil 35. 2. take hold of shield, stand up for mine A. 44. it). 40. 17. thou art my A. and my deliverer, "0. 5. 42. 5. praise him for the A. of his countenance 46. 1. God is a very present A. in time of trouble 60.11. give usA. forvain is the h. of man, 108. 12. 63. 7- because thou hast been my A. therefore 71. 12. my God, make haste for my A. By. 19. I have laid A. upon one that is mighty it4. 17. unless the Lord had been my A. my soul 115. 9. he is their A. and their shield, 10. 11. 121. 1. to the hills, from whence cometh my A. 2. my A. cometh from Lord which made heaven 124. 8. our A. is in name of the Lord, who made 146. 3. trust not in man, in whom there is no A. 5. happy that hath the God of Jacob for his A. Jsa. 10. 3. to whom will ye flee for A. .' and where 20. 6. whither we flee for A. to be deliver, from king SO.S.norbean A.norprofit,but shame and reproach 3l. 1. woe to them that go down to Egypt for A. 2. against the A. of them that work iniquity J.am. 4. 17. our eyes as yet failed for our vain A. Dan. 11. 34. they shall be holpen with a little A. X/i)x.l3.9. hast destroyed thys. but in me is thine A. Actsl&.i^. having obtained A. of God, I continue HELP, I'erb. Gr.l.24. but are A. of your joy ; by faith ye stand 3 JoAn 8. that we might be fellow-A. to the truth HELPS. Acts 27. 17. they used A. undergirding the ship 1 Cor. 12. 28. gift* of healings, A. governments HELPETH. 1 CAron. 12. IB-peace unto thee, for thy God A. thee /ja.31.3. both he that A. shall fall, he'th:U is holpen Rom. 8. 26. the Spirit also A. our infirmities I Cor. 16. 16. ye submit to evtry one that 4. with us HER HELPING. Ezra 5. 2. where the prophets of God A. theia I'sal. 22. 1. why art thou so far from A. mef 2 Cor. 1. 11. ye also A. together by prayer for UJ HELVE. Deut. 19. 5. and the head slippeth from the A. HEMLOCK. lios. 10.4. thus judgmetit spnngeth up as A. in field Amos 6. 12. ye turned fruit of righteousness into A. HEM, S. £iror. 38. 10. saying, take from A. thirty men with thee iCeeA. 6. 7. he said, get you A. walk to and fro Mat. 17. 20. shall say, remove A. to yonder placo iMie 4.g. if Son of God, cast thyielf down from A 13. 31. get thee out, and depart A. JoAn 7. 3. 16.26. they which would pass fromA.to you cannot JoAn 2. 16. take things A. make not my Father's h. 14. 31. arise, let us go A.||18. 36. my kingd. not A. 20.15. sir, if thou have borne him A. tell me wherr Aeia 1.5.baptized with Holy Gh. not many days A. 22. 21. 1 will send thee far A. unto the Gentiles Jam. 4. 1. come they not A.? even of your lusts HENCEFORTH. Cen.i.l'i. the ground not A. yield thee her strenglli -V»nj. 18.22. neither must Israel A. come nigh tabcrn, Deut. 17. 16. ye shall A. return no more that way ly. 20. shall A. .commit no more any such evil Judg. 2.21. I will not A. drive out any before them 2 Kings 5.17.thyserv will A. not offer to oilier gods 2 CAron. I6. 9. from A. thou shalt have wars Psal. 125. 2. so is Lord about his people from A. 131. 3. Israel hope in the Lord from A. and for ever Isa. 9.7. toestablis+i it with justice from A. for ever 52. 1. A. there shall no more come the unclean 59. 21. out of mouth of thy seed's seed A. and for ever Ezek. 30. 12. thou shalt no more A. bereave theui .1/f> .4.7.the Lord shall reifn in mount Zion from A. Mat. 23. 39. ye shall not see me A. till ye say 26. 29. I will not drink A. of this fruit of vine Luke 1. 48. A. all generations shall call me blessed 5. 10. fear not, from A. thou shalt catch men 12. 52. A. there shall be five in one house JoAn 14. 7. A. ye know him, and have seen him 15. 15. A. I call you not servants, but friends Actsi. 17. they speak A. to no man in this namu 18.6. I am clean, A. I will go unto the CJentiles Rom. 6.6. that A. we should not serve sin C'or.5. 15. should not A. live unio themselves, but ti> 16. A. know we noman, A. know we him no mope (/a/.6.17. from A. let no man trouble me, for I bear EpA.i.li. weA. be nomorechildr. tossed to and fro 17. that ye A. walk not as other Gentiles walk 27'im.4.8.A.there is laid upfor me acrown of right lleb. 10. 13. A. expecting till enemies be made ii«i'.14.13.blessed are they who die in Lord, fromA. HENCEFORWARD. Xum. 15. 23. and A. among your generations Mat. 21. 19. kt no fruit grow on thee A. for ever HERALD. X'an. 3. 4. then an A. cried aloud,to you it is command , HERB. Gen. 1. 11. bring forth the A. yielding seed, 12. 29- I have given you every A. bearing seed 2. 5. made every A. 1| 3. 18. thou shalt eat the A. 9. 3. even as the A. I have given you all thing* Ezod. 9.22. the hail smote every A. of the field, 25. 10. 12. the locusts eat every A. of the land, 15. Deut. 32. 2. as the small rain upon the tender A- 2 Kings 19. 26. were as the green A. ha. 37. 27 Job 8. 12. flag witheretf- before any other A. 38. 27. to cause the bud of the tender A. to spring Psal. 37. 2. for they shall wither as the green A 104. 14. he causelh A. to grow for service of man Isa. 66. 14. your bones shall flourish iike an A. HEKBS. Erod. 12. 8. and with bitter A. eat it. Num. 9. 1 1. Deut. 11. 10. and wateredst it as a garden of A 1 Kings 21. 2. that I may h.\ve it for a garden of A 2 A'ing/4.39.one went out into the field to gather 4. I'tal. 105. 35. and did eat up all the A. in their ianil Proo. I6T17. better is a dimier cf A. where lovois 27. 25. and A. of the moontaioi me gathertd I HER 7;d.l8.4 I TTill consider like a cleiT heat npor. A. e6. 19. for ihy deur rs as the dew of h. and earth 42.15. 1 will dry np all their A. make rivers islands ier. 12 4. how long the h. of every field wither ? fl/o/. 13. .1C. is greatest among all A. Mark 4. 3C. tuii; 1 1. 42. for ye tiihe all manner of h. Komi. 14. C. another who is weak eateth A. Ueb.ft. 7. and bringeth forth A. meet for them HERD. S. Gen. I8.7. Abraham ranto the A. and fetched acalf 32.7. Jacob divided his A. into two bands 27. 18. my lord also hath our A. of cattle Erorf. 10. 9. with our flocks and A. will we go Lev. 1. C. ye shall bring your oflTcring of the A. 3. 1. if ye offer it of A. male or female, A'lim. 15. .1. 27- 32. concerning the tithe of the A. or flock Dent. 12.21. thou shall kill of thy A. and flock :5. 19. the firstling males that come of thy A. 1 Sam. 11.5. Saul came after the A. out of the field ! Sam. 12. 4. he spared to take of his A. to dress 1 Chr. 27. 29. over the A. in Sharon, A. in valleys Isa. 65 10. Achor a place for the A. to lie down in Jer. 31 . 12. shall flow together for young of the A. Joet 1.18. the A. of cattle are perplexed, no pasture Jonali 3. 7. let not the A. nor flock taste any thing Hab. 3)7. and there shall be no A. in the stalls Mat. 8.30. A. of swine ieiA.Mark 5.11. LukeZ. 32. 33.whole A. ran violently, Mark 5.13. LukeS.Zi. See Flocks. IIF.RDMAN Amot 7. 14. I was no prophet, but I was an A. HER DM EN. C»n. 13 7. a strife between the A. of Abram and Lot 8. let there be no strife between my A. and thy A 26. 20. the A. of Gerardid strive with Isaac's A. 1 Sam. 21. 7. Doegchiefeit of A. belonged to Saul Amjt 1.1. who was among the A. of Tckoa MEUE. Cen. 19.12. the men said, hast thou A. any besides r 15. arise, lake thy two daughters which are A. 21 23. now therefore swear unto me A. by God 22. 1. A. ! am, 7. 11. | 27. 1, 18. | 31. 11. | 37.13. I 46. 2. Ezod. 3. 4. 1 Sam. 3. 4, 5,6, 8, 16. iSam.l.T. I 15. 26. Isa. 6.8. 5. abide ye A. with the ass, I and lad will go yond. 24. 13. behold, I stand A. by the well of water 31 ."57. set it A. before my brethren that they may 40. 25. and A also have I done nothing to put me 42. 33 leave one of your brethren A. with me 47. 23. lo, A. is seed foryou. ye shall sow the land Eiod. 24 14. tarry ye A.foru3,lill wecome 10 you Num. 14.40. saying, lo, we be A. and will go up 22.8.1»dge A. thisnight, I will bringyou word, I9. 23. 1 . build A. seven altars, prepare A. oxen, 29. 32. 6. shall yourbrelh go to war, and you sit A. .' 16. we will biiild sheep-folds A. for our cattle i?e«/.5.3.even us, who are all of us A. alive this day 12. 8. after all the things we do A. this day 29. 15. with him that standeth A. that is not A. Joi/i 18. 6. that I may cast lots for you A. 8. Judg.i.iO is there any man A. T thou shall say, no 18. 3. and what hasl thou A. .' || 19. 9. lodge A. 19.24. behold, A. is my daughter, a maiden 20. 7. give A. your advice and counsel lititk 2. 8. but abide A. fast by my maidens 4.1. unto whom he said, turn aside, sit down A. 2. 1 Sam. 1. 26. I am the woman thai stood by thee A. 9. 11. they went up the hill and said, is the seer A..' 12. 3. behold, A. I am,, 22. 12. Jta. 58. 9. 14.34. slay them A. and eat, and sin not against L. 16. 1 1. Samuel said to Jesse, are A. all thy childr. '21. 8. is there not A, under thine hand a spear .' 9. it is ft. wrapped in a cloth, none save that A. 3. 3. behold, we be afraid A. in Judah ; how much 293. the princes said, what do these llebrewsA..' C ^m.l 1 12. tarry A. to-day || 18. 30. turn aside A. 20. 4. be thou A. present || 24. 22. A. be oxen 1 A/)igj 2. 30. and he said, nay, but I will die A. JS- 8. tell thy lord, behold, Elijah is A. 1 1 . 14. 19. 9- he said, what doesl thou A. Elijah ? 13. 20. 40. as thy servant was busy A. and there 22.7. is there not A. a prophelof L. 2 Kings 3. 11. S h'ttigs 2. 2. Elijah said, tarry A. I pray thee, 6. 3.11.A. is Elishall 7. 3. why sit we A. until we die ? 7. 4. the lepers said, if we sit still A. we die also 10.23. look there be A. none of the servants of Lord 1 C/ir. 29.17. with joy thy people present A.loofl"er Job 38. 11. A. shall thy proud waves be stayed 35. that li;;hlnings may say unto thee, A. we are Psal. 132. 14. this is my rest, A. will I dwell Isa. 21.9- behold, A. come'.h a chariot of men 22. 16. what ha.st thou A. .' whom hast thou k.? 28. 10. A. a little, and there a little, 13. 52. 5. nmv therefore, what have 1 A..' saith Ld. Etei.S. 6 the house of Israel commitleth A. 1". Uoi. 7- 9- gray hairs are A. and there upon him Alat. 12.41. a greater than Jonas is A. Luke 1 1 . 32. 42 agrpater than Solomon is A. Luke ll.;il. 14. 8. g<^c me A. John Baptist's bead in a charger 7. Vie have A. but five loaves, and two fishes 279 HER JUii/.l6.98.th*re be some standing b. Lnke 9- 27. 17. 4. Lord, it is good for us to be A. let us make A. 24. 2. shall not be lefi A. one stone upon another 23. if any say to you, lo, A. is Chr. Mark 13.21. 26.36. sit ye A. while I go and pray, .Vark 14. 32. 38. tarry ye A. and watch with me 28.6.he is not A.heis risen, Mark 16 6.Luke'Z%. 6. Mark 6. 3. and are not his sisters A. with us .' 13.1. Master, see what stones and buildings are A. Luke 4. 23. what heard done, do 4. in tliy country 9. 12. for we are A. in a desert place 17. 21. neither shall they say. lo A. or lo there 23. say 10 you, see A. or see there, go not after th. 19. 20. behold, A. is thy pound which 1 have kept 22. 38. A. are two swords, he said, it is enough 24. 41. he said unto them, have ye A. any meat ? JohnG.g. there is a lad A. which hath five loaves 11.21. Lord if thou hadst been A. my brother, 32. Acts 8.36. A. is water || 9. 10. behold, 1 am A. Lord 9. 14. and A. he hath authority from the priests 10. 33. are we all A. present before God, to hear 16. 28. do thyself no harm, for we are all A. 24. 19. who ought 10 have been A. before thee 25. 24. and all men which are A. present with us Ciil. 4. 9. make known unto you all things done A. 11 eb. 7.8. and A. men that die receive tithes 13. Kl. for A. have we no continuing city, seek one Jam 2. 3. sit A. in a good place, or ^jt A. under 1 I'et. 1. 17. pass time of your sojourning A. in fear Uev. 13. 10. A. is ihe patience of the saints, 14. 12. 18. A. iswisdoni ; let him that hath understandg. 14. 12. A. are they that kept the commandments 17- 9 and A. is the mind which haiU wisdom See Stand. HEREAFTER. Tsa. 41. 23. shew the things that are to come A. Z.':*^.20.39 A. also, if ye will not hearken unto me Dan. 2 29. what should come 10 pass A. 45. .1/n/. 26. 64. A shall ye lec the Sonof man sitting Mark 11. 14. no man eat fruit of ihce A for ever Luke 22.69. />■ shall Son of man sit on right hand John 1 51. I say, A. ye shall see heaven opened 13. 7. thou knowest not now, thou .shall know It. 14. 30 A. I will not talk much with you 1 Tim. l.l6.paUern(o them which A. believe on him Hev. 1. 19. write the things which shall be A. 4. 1. I will shew thee things which must be A. 9. 12. and behold, there come two woes more A. I1E41EBY. G^n.42.15.A.ye shall be proved, by life of Pharaoh 33. A. shall I know that ye are true men ^um. 16. 28 A. know that the Lord hath sent me Josh. 3. 10. A. know that the living God is among 1 Cor. 4 4. 1 know nothing.yet am 1 not A. justified 1 John" 3. A. we do know that wc know him 5. keepeth word, A. know we that wc arc in him 3. 16 A. perceive we the love of God, because i9- and A we know that we are of the truth 24. and A. we know that he abideth in us 4. 2. A. know ye the Spirit of God, every spirit 6. It. know we the Spirit of truth and of error 13. A. know we that we dwell in him, and he in us HEREIN. Otti. 34. 22. only A. will the men consent unto us 2 Chr. 16. 9. A. thou hasl done foolishly, therefore John 4. 37. A. is ihat saying true, one sowcth 9- 30. It. is a marvellous thing, that ye know not 15. 8. A. is my Father glorified, that ye bear fruit .'ids 24.l6.A.ao 1 exercise myself to have conscien. 2 Cor. 8. 10. It. I give my advice, for ihisexpedient 1 Ji;A« 4. 10. A. is love || I7. A. is love made perfect HERESY. Thii Kord comes from the Greek, Hafresis, and tignijies in general, a sect, or choice. It is lomeitmei taken in a good sense, as in Acts 26. 5, After the most strailest sect, or heresy, of our religion, I lived a I'narisee. St. Paul commends iht seel, opinion, and uau of the Pharisees, as being more learned and strict, and as coming nearer to the truth tn many things, than the other sect of the Sadducees. But most comnion/y it is taken in a bad sense, for some J'undamenlal error in mailers of reli- gion, adhered to uith obstinacy. St. Paul eytu- meraies heresies among the tcorks of the fltsh. Gal. 5. 20. And St. Peter says. There "shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord thai bought ihem, 2 Pet. 1. 1. St. Paul says in 1 Cor. 11. I9, There must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. It is not simply and absolutely ne- cessary that there should be s'-ch sihisms and divisioiu in the church, 6iit God has decreed 10 yermii Satan lo sheui his tiiahce. and men to discover the Iwits and corrup- tions *f their nature iy coming such 1/1:1- sions, that the sincerity of his people may be sued and knonia by their sted/asiness to the HER truth, and oppoiilion to these eorrupttent Christtaniiy jiias called a sect, or heresy, by Tertullus and the profane Jews, Acts 24. 5, 14. We have found this man a pestilent fellow, and ring-leader of the sect of the Sazarenes. ihis I confess, lays St. Paul, that after iha way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers. -■Is to the Sects, or Heresies among the Jews, See Shct. I'rom the very beginning of the Christian ehurclk there zcere very dangerous and pernicious here- sies ; for the most essential doctrines of religion were attacked, such as the divinity of Christ, hts quality of ftlessiah, the reality and truth of his incarnation, the resurrection of the dead, Ihe liberty of Christians, and their freedom Jriim the legal ceremonies, and other points of this nature. The most ancient of these Joun- decs of heresy, is Simon the magician, aha desired to buy the gift of God uilh money, and afierxcards set himself vp for Messiah, and God Almighty the Creator, Acts 8. 9, 10. The false apostles, against rchom St. Paul so often speaks i?» his epistles, had a mind that the faithful should receive circumcision, antt subject themjtltes to all the legal observances- Gal. 5. 11. I 6. 12. The .Nicolaitans atloxed of a community of women, and without any scruple committed the most ignominious actions, and folloued the super- stitions of heathenism. It is said, they :-ent over tt> the sect of the Cainisis, uho acknoa- ledged a po\er superior to that of the Creator, St. John .'peaks of the Nicolaitaiies, as n sect of heretics then subsisting, and producing great disorders in the churches 0/ Asia, liev. 2. 6, 15. At the same time there u ere fain Christs, and false prophets, I John 2. 18, SS. 2 John 7. St. Paul speaks of Hymcneus and Plliletus, ;.'Ai) departed from the truth, saying, that the resurrection is already past, 2 Tim. 2. 17, 18. lie foretold that in the last tiiiiei there icould be some t.ho should forsake tht faith, and give themselves up to the spirit <^ error, and the doctrines of devils, 1 Tim. 4. 1 . St. Peter and J tide foretet the same thing, 2 Pet. 2. 1. Jude 18. And herein they only eopy what Jesus Christ himself had said in the gospel. Mat. 7- 15. | 24. 24, Beware of false prophets, which come 10 you in sheep's clotiv- iug, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. For there shall arise false Christs, and falsa prophct.«, and shall shew great si^ns and won- ders ; insomuch that, if it were possible, they they shall deceive the very elect. .ictsli. 14. after the way which ihcy call A. HERESIES. 1 Cor. 11. 19. there must be also h. among yot> Gij/. 5.20. the works of the flesh, wrath, strife, A 2 Pel. C 1. who privily bri)|g in damnable A. HERETIC. Tit 3.10. an A. after the second admonition, reject HERETOFORE. Eiodfi. 10. I am not eloquent, neither A. nor since 5. 7* no more^give straw to make briak as /;. Josh. 3.4. for ye have not passed this way A. Uuihi. U. to a people which thou knewcst not A. 1 Sam. 4. 7 there hath not been such a thing A. 2 Cor. 13. C. 1 write 10 them which A. have sinned HEREUNTO £fc/. 2. 25. or who else can hasten A. more than)? 1 Pel. 0.21. for even A. were ye called, beiause HEREWITH. Eiek. 16.29. and yt thou wast not s.itisfied A. Mai. 3. 10. that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now A. »iiih the Lord cf hosu HERUAGE. Eiod. 6. 8. the land, I will give it you rf.34.1.A.thee two tables of stone, Deitt. 10.1. Deui 12. 3. yc shall A. down the graven in;agcs 19.5.wiien a man gocth with neighbour to A. wood 1 Ki)i!;s 5.6. that they A. me cedar-trees out of Leb IB. Solomon's and Hiram's builders did A. thein 1 C'Ar. 22. 2. David set masons to A..^toues 2 C'Ar. 2. 2. Solom. told 80,000 to A. in mountains Jer. p. 6. A. ye down trees and cast a mount Van. 4. 14. he cried almid. A. down the tree, 23. HEWED. F.xod.Si.l. he A. two tables like the first, 7)^kM0.3 1 Sa'ii. 11.7. Saul A. oxen in pieces, and sent them 15. 33. and Samuel A. Agag in pieces in Gilgal 1 A'i«»j 5. 17. A. stones to lay founlation of house 6. 36. with three rnws of A. stones, 7 J?- 7 9- according to the measures of A. stones, 11 $ Kings 12. 12. buy A. stone to repair the breaches lia. £-. 16. thou hast A. thee out a sepulchre Jer. 2. 13. my people have A. them out cisterns //«.6.5.thererefore have I A. them by the prophets HEWER. £>»<. 29.11. from A. of wood, unto drawer of water HEWERS. Jctft. 9.21. let them be A. ot wood and drawers, 23. S7. .Joshua made them that day A. of wood jA'iH»j5.15.and 80,000 /(.inmountains,2C'Ar.2.18. S h'ingt 12. 12. laid out money to masons and A. 1 Chron. 22. 15. are A. with thee in abundance S Chr. e. 10 I will give to thy servants the A. Jir, 46. 22. shall come against Egypt as A. of wood HEWETH. Iia. 10.15. shall the axe boast against him that A. .' 22. 16. as he that A. him out a sepulchre on high 44. 1 1. he A. him down cedars, and taketh cypress HEWN. Prov. g. 1. she hath A. out her seven pillars Jsa.\n.X\. the high ones of stature shall be A.down 33.y.Leban. is ashamed, and A. down, Sharon like 51. 1. look unto the rock whence ye are A. .n/«.-.3.I0.A.down and cast into fire, t.Xij.Luke 3.9. 27. 60. and. laid it in a sepulchre which he had A. out in the rock, Mark 15. 46. Luke 23. 53. See Sto.ve. HID. Cen. 3. 8. and Adam and his wife A. themselves 10. afraid because I was naked, and I A. myself S5. 4. Jacob A. them under the oak by Shechem £xii(/.2. 2. goodly child, she A . Moses three months 12. .'Moses slew the Egyptian, and A. him in sand 3. 6. .Moses A. his face, for he was afraid to look Josh. 2. 4. Rahab A. the spies with stalks of flax, 6. 6. 17. because she A. the messengers we sent, 25. 7. 21. and behold they are A. in the earth io. 16. the five kings A. themselves in a cave Judg. 9. 5. yet Jotham was left, for he A. himself 1 Sam. 3. 18. Samuel told Eli and A. noth. from him 10. 22. Saul h. himself [I 20. 24. David A. himself 1 Kings 18.4. Obadiah A. the prophets, 13. S A'lM^t 4. £7. and the Lord hath A. it from me 6. 29. I said, give thy son, she hath A. her son 7-8. lepers went and h. it, carried thence, and A. it 11.2. they A. him and his nurse, 2 Chron. 22. 1 1. 1 CAroM. 21. 20. Oman and four sons A. themselves Jot 3. 10. nor k, sorrow from mine eyes 10. 13. these things hast thou A. in thine heart 37 4. thou hast A. tneir heart from understanding i3. t 12. I have A. the words of his mouth 59- 8. the young men saw me and A. themselves i*«/. 9.15. in net which they A. their own foot taken 22. 24. neither hath he k. his face from him 35. 7. without cause they A. for me their net 8. let his net that he hath k. catch himself 55. 12. then I would have A. myself from him 119- 11. thy word have I k. in mine heart 140.5. the proud have A. a snare for me, and cords iia. 28. 15. under falsehood have we A. ourselves 49. 2. in shadow of his hand, in quiver he A. me 30. 0. I A. not my face from shame and spitting 53. 3. and we A. as it were our faces from him S*. 8. in a little wrath I A. my face from thee 67. 17. I A. me and was wroth, and he wint 6ehold, he is A. now in some pit 18. 13. no matter A. from king, 1 Kings 10. 3. 2 Chron. g. 2 2 Kings 11.3. he was A. in house ofG. 2 Chr. 22.12 2 Chron. 22. 9- Ahaziah was A. in Samaria Joi 3. 21.. and dig for it more than for A. treasures 23. w'hy is light given to a man whose way is A. .' ()■- 16. stream of brooks, wherein the snow is A, 28. 11. the thing that is A. bringeth he forth 21. seeing it is A. from the eyes of all living 29- + 10. the voice of the nobles was A. 38. 30. the waters are A. as with a stone Ps. 17.14. whose belly thou fillest with A. treasure 19.6. nothing is A. from the heat thereof Prov. 2. 4. and searches! for her as for A. treasures Isa. 40. 27. why sayest, my way is A. from the L<1. 42.22 and they arc A. in prison-houses Jer. 16. 17. nor their iniquity A. from mine eyes 32. t 17. and there is nothing A. from thee llus. 13. 12. sin of Ephraim bound up, his sin is A. Mat. 10. 26. there is nothing A. that shall not be known, Marki. 22. Luke S. 17. | 12. 2. Luke 9. 45. this saying was A. from them, 18. 31. 19. 42. but now they are A. from thine eyes EfiA. 3. 9. from the beginning hath been A. in God Col. 1. 26. mystery which hath been A. from ages 2. 3. in whom are A. all the treasures of wisdom 3. 3. and your life is A. with Christ in God Uei. 11. 23. by faith .Aloses was A. three months B, HID. Cen. 4. 14. hast driven me, from thy face shall lieh. Lev. 4. 13. thing ie A. from the assembly, 5. 3, 4. A'hi«. 5. 13. and it ie A. fromfhe eyes cf her husb. Joi 5. 21. shalt teh. from the sco;irge of the tongue 20. 26. darkness shall 6e A. in his secret places Iia. 29. 14. the understanding of prudent men 6e A. Hos. 13. 14. repentance shall 6e A. from mine eyes /hnos 9. 3. and though they te A. from my sight Xah. 3. 11. thou shall be drunken, thou shalti<; A. /^eph. S. 3. it may be ye shall Se A. in the day 2 Cor, 4. 3. if our gospel ie A. it is hid to the lost ^■ot ie HID. Ufat. 5. 14. acity that is set on an hill cannot ie A. Mark 7. 24. entered an house, but he oould not ie A. 1 Tim. 5. 25. they that otherwise cannot ie A. AW HID. Joi 15. 18. told from their fathers, and not A. it I'sal. 32. 5. and mine iniquity have I not A. 38. 9. and my groining is not h. from thee 40. 10. I have not A. thy righteousness within 69. 5. and my sins are not A. from thee 139. 15. my substance was not h. when 1 was made Jer.\6.\T . my eyes upon their ways, they arenof A. from my face, neither is iniq. hid from my eyes Hos. 5. 3. I know Ephraim, Israel is no/ A. from me Luke 8. 47. woman saw that she was not A. she came HIDDEN. F.iod. 9. t 32. for the wheat and the rye were A. Lev. 5. 2. if it be A. from him, he shall be unclean Deut. 30. 11. it is not A. from thee, nor is it afar off Joi 3. 16. as an A. untimely birth, I had not been 15. 20. the number of years is A. to the oppressor 18. 1 10. the snare is A. for him in the ground 24. 1. seeing times are not A. from thee Psal. 51. 6. in A. part shalt make me know wisdom /Vol). 28. 12. when the wicked rise, a man is A. Isa. 45. 3. 1 will give thee A.riches of secret places 48. 6. 1 have shewed thee new things. A. thii>g$ Jer. 33. 1 3. and I will shew thee A. things Oiud. 6. how are his A. things sought up ! Zeeh. 11. f 16. shepherd not visit those who be A. /his £6. 26. none of these things are A. from him 1 Cor. 2.7. even the A. wisdom which God ordained 4. 5. will bring to light the A. things of darWness 2 Cor. 4. 2. have renounced A. things of dishonesty 1 Pet. 3. 4. but let it be tne A. man of the heart Rev. 2. 17. I will give to eat of the k. manna HIDDEN onei. Ptal. 83. 3. thcT consulted against thy A. ones \ HID HIDE, SuislanliV!. Lev. 8.17. his A. and flesh he burnt witU lire, g tl HIDE Signifies, [1] To conceal, or keep any thing f'lom Ihe sight and kno-uledge of others. 1 Sam. 20. 3 Why should my father hide this thing from me r (ien. 18. 17, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do ? i u-ill not, I cannot hide it ; it is against the iaus of friendikip to conceal mii secrets Jrom him. [2j Ad/ to Ton- Jess one's sins, or to einise and eztenuate them. I'sal. 32. 5, I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have 1 not hid. A-sd I'a I'rov. 28. 13, He that covereth his sins shall not prosper. That does not con/ess them to i'od, and men too, uhen occasion requires ie .• That icing convinced, or admonished of hit sins, either jnstijieih, or denieih, or eicusec/ them. [3J To cover sin in free pnidon and J'orgiveness. I'sal. 51. 9, Hide thy lace from my sins ; look 7iot upon them niih an eye of revenge, out forget and forgive them. [4'' To protect and keep safe. I'sal. 27. 5, In the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion. The saints are called the hidden ones. Psal. 83. 3, 1 hey have consulted against thy hidden ones ; against thy people, whom thou hides! as a precious treamre, and proteclest from tht rage of theiT enemies. [5J 'To put one's self under the protection of the Almighty iu faith, prayer, and repentance. Prov. 22. 3, The prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth him.- self. 'Thus the godly hide themselves under the nings of' God's promises. The Psalmist says, I have uot hid thy righteous- ness within my heart, Psal. 40. 10. that is, I have not smothered, or shut it up there, but spread it airoad for thy glory, and the good of the uorld. Our frsl parents Aid themselitt from the presence of God, after they had tsten the forbidden fruit, being fitted teith shame and and conscience of their guilt, and dread of judgment. Gen. 3. 8. 'The Psalmist prays, ihat God would not hide himself from his supplication, Psal. 55. 1. that is, that he wouid not turn away his face endear, a? one resolved not to hear nor help ; but that he uould be pleased to hear him, to look favonraily upon him. It is spoken after the manner of men, tjho show their aversion and estrangement, by hiding their face, by turning from any one. In Psal. 119. 19, David prays to God, not to hide his commandments from him ; to discover to him the sense ar,d meaning of them. Gen. 18. 17. shall I A. from Abraham what I do( 47. 18. we will not A. it from my lord, how that Zl'orf. 2. 3. and when she could not longer A. him Lev. 20. 4. any ways A. their eyes from the man Dent. 22. 1. go astray, and A. thyself from them, 4. 3. with all lost things, thou mayest not A. thyself Josh. 2. 16. and A. yourselves there three days 7. 19. ^ell what thou hast done, A. it not from me Jndg. 6. 11. to A. the wheat from the Midianites l.b(/m.3.17.A.lt not from me, if thou A.26'.28.28.when the wicked rise, men h.themtehes Dan. 10. 7. so that they fled to h. themselves Amos 9. 3. tho' they h. themselves in top of Carmel HIDEST. Joh 13. 24. why h. thy face >. Psal. 44. 24. | 88.14. Paal.lO.l.why A. thou thyself in times of trouble.' 104. 29. thou A. thy face, they are troubled /3a. 45. 15. verily thou art a God that h. thyself HIDETH. 1 Sam. 23. 23. find the lurking places where he A. Job 23.9. he A. himself on the right hand, that 34. eg. when he A. his face, who can behold him .' 42.3. who is he that A. counsel without knowledge Psal. 10. :i. he A. his face, he will never see it 139. 12. yea, the darkness A. not from thee Ptov. 10. 18. he that A. hatred with lying lips 19. 24. the slothful A. his hand in his bosom, 26.15. S2.3.aprudentmaQ foreseelh and A.himself,2712. !C7. 16. whosoever A. her, A. the wind 28.2*. he tliat A. his eyes shall have many a curse Jsa. 8. 17. that A. his face from the house of Jacob Nat. 13. 44. which when a man hath found, he A. HIDiNG. Joh 31.33. by A. mine iniquity in my bosom Psat. 32. 7. thou art my A. place, II9. 114. Jsa. C8. 17. the waters shall overflow the A. place 32. 2. a man shall be as an A. place from the wind Ilab. 3. 4. and there was the A. of his power IHGH. Sligh places, in Hebrew, Bamoth. Thev are often spoken of in scripture, and the prophets upbraid the Israelites for nothing zcith so much ital as for tvorshipping upon the high places. 'J'he de- stroying of these high places is a commendation given but tt feu: princes in the scripture ; and many of them, thorgh otherwise tealous for the observance of the law, had not the courage to 7vin these eminences, and prevent the people frcvi sacrificing upon them. U^'hile the temple teas not built, there teas nothing in high places expressly cotitrary to the law, provided God only :cas adored there, and that no incense or victims mere offered to idols. Under the Judges they seem to have been tole- rated ; and Samuel offered sacrifices in several places besides the tabernacle, where the ark uas not present. Kven in David's time, they sacri- ficed to the Lord at Shiloh, Jerusalem, and Gibeou. hut after that the temple uas built, and a pljce prepared for the Jiied settlement of •Me ark, it -uas no more alloued of to sacrifice uut of Jerusalem. Solomon in the beginning cf his reign, went to Gibeon to sacrifice there, 1 Kings 3. 4. But from that lime ue see no laxfiit sacrifices offered out of the temple. t>r. i'rideaux thinks it probable that the Pro seuchae, nhich hi says, uere open courts, built like those in uihich the people prayed at the ta- bernacle, and at the temple, and in one of ivhich 0Ur Ssviour is said to have continued all night in prayer to God, Luke 6, 12, uere the same which in the Old Testament are called high places. And he says, that he is confirmed in this opiition, in that the Proseuchae had groves f7i or about them, in the same manner as the high places had. Connect. Part i. Book 6. G«n.2y. 7. aiidhesaia, lo, it is yet A. day /CxeA. 4. 13. on the A. places, I even set the people JobZi>.5. behold the clouds, which are A. than thou Psal. 61. 2. lead me to the rock that is A. than I 89. 27. I will make him A. than kings of the earth Eccl. 5. 8. he regardeth, and there be A. than they Isa. 55. 9. a' the heavens are A. than earth, so uiy ways A. than your ways, thoughts than yours Jer. 36. 10. then read Baruch in the A. court Ezek.g.i. six men came from the way of the A. gale 42. 5. for the galleries were A. than these 43. 13. and this shall be the A. place of the altar Van. 8. 3. one horn A. than the other, A. came last Luke 14. 10. he may say to thee, friend, go up A. Worn. 13.1. let every soul be subject to the A. powers //«A.7.26.an High- Priest made A. than the heavtni HIGHEST. 2 Chr. 32. i 33. buried Heickiahin A. of sepulchres I'stil. 18.13. Lord thundered, the //. gave his voice 87. 5. and the //. himself shall establish her F/or. 8. 26. nor the A. part of the dust of the world 9. 3. she rrieth upon the A. places of the city Eccl. 5. 8. he that is higher than the A. regardeth Ezek. 17. 3. and took the A. branch of the cedar 22. I will take of ihe A. branch of the cedar 41. 7- so increased from lowest chamber to the A. .l/«r. 21 9. saying, Hosanna in the A. .Ma>k U. 10. Luke 1. 32. and shall be called ihe Sonol tlie //. 35. the power of the //. shall overshadow tl.ie 6. thou shall be called the prophet of the //. ry to G d ye sh 14. 8. when bidden, sit not down in the A. room 20. 46. and love the A. seats in the synagogues HUillLV. Luke 1. 28. the angel said, thou art A. favoured 16. 15. that which is A. esteemed amongst men .'lets 12.20. Herod w>vs A. displeased wilh lyre h'om. 12. 3. not to think of himself more A. than I'hil. 2. 9. wherefore God also hath A. exalted him 1 Ihess. 5. 13. and to esteem them very A. in lova HIGH-MINDED. Horn. 11. 20.be not A. but fear, 1 Tim. 6. 17. 2 Ttm. 3.4. traitors, heady, A. lovers of pleasijes HIGHNESS. Job 31 . 23. by reason of his A. I could not endure ha. 13. 3. even them that rejoice in my A. HILL. I'.zod. 24. 4. Moses built au altar under the h. .\i/m. 14.45. the Catiaaoiies whirii dwell in that i>. 2. 14. glory to God in the A. on earlh peace, 19. 3U, 6. 35. and ye shall be the cuildrcn of the //. flIL Deul. 1.41. ye were ready to go up into the A, 43. Joth. 5.3. circumciied Israel at the A. of fore-skins 17. l6. they said, the k is not enough for us 24. 30. Joshua buried on the 4. Gaash, JuJg. 2. 9- 33. Kleazar was buried in a h. that pertained Judg. '. 1. the .Midianites ■srere by the h. of Moreh 1 6am. '. 1. ari( into house of Abinadab in the h. 9. 11. as Saul and his servants went up the It. 10. 5. after that, thou shalt com» to/i. of God, 10. 23. 19. David hid in the A. of Hachilah, 2ti. 1. S5. 20. Abigail came down by the covert of the h. iSam. 2. 24. when they were come to h. of Ammah 13. 34. much people came by the h. behind him 16. 13. Shimei went alonj; on the A. side, cursiiii; 21.9. theyhanged them in the h. before the Iy)rd 1 Kinfs 11. 7. Solomon built in the A. for Cbemosh 16. 24. Omri bought the A. Samaria, built on A. £ A'in»j4.27. she came to the roan of God to the A. Pt. 24. 3. who shall ascend into the A. of the I>ord 42. 6. I will remember thee from the A. Mizar 68. 15. the A. of God is as the A. of Bashaii 16. this is the A. which God dcsireth to dwell in Can:. 4. 6. I will get me to the A, of frankincense Jta. 5. 1. hath a vineyard in a ^-ery fruitful A. 10.32. shall shake his band against A. of Jerusalem 30. 17. till ye be left as an ensign on an A 31. 4. Lord of hosts shall fight for the A. thereof 40. 4. every mountain and A. shall be made low Jer. \6. 16. they shall hunt then from every A. 31. 39. the measuring line upon the A. Gareb 49. 16. thou that boldest the height of the A. 50. 6. they have gone from mountain to A. £«/(■. 34. 26. will make places about my A. a blessing Mat. 5. 14. a city that is set on an A. cannot he hid Luke 3. 5. and every A. shall be brought low 4. 29. and they led him to the brow of the A. 9. 37. when they were come down from the A. Acts 17. 22. then Paul stood in themidst of Mar'sA. HILL-COUNTRY. /ojA.13.6. inhabitants of A. -fffiiH/ry will I drive out 21.11. eave to the sons of Aaron, Arba \nh.-coim. lAtie 1 .39. and Mary went down into the A.-entoilry &S. were noised thro' all the A.-cuim/ry of Judea Hiz'i HILL, S. Gen. 7- 19- all A15A A. under heaven were covered lA'inJ^14. 23. groves on every Aij^ /i.iKingsl' ,10. Ptal. 68. 15. is a Aij A A. as the hill of Bashaii 16. why leap ye, yeAig/i h.T this is hill G. desires lai. 18. Ai^A A. are a refuge for the wild go.its lia. 30. 25. and on every high h. rivers of water J«r.2.20.when on every AijA A. thou wanderest, 23. 17- 2. whilst children remember groves on Ai'^A A. Xisk.6. 13. slain men among idols on every Ai^ A A. SO. 28. then they saw every AigA A. and thick trees 34. 6. my sheep wandered on every high A. Holy HILL. Ptal. 2. 6. T have set my king on my holu A.of Zion .1.4.1 cried to Lord, he heard me out of his holv A. 15. 1. Lord, who shall dwell in thy holu h.t 43. 3. let them lead me, bring me to thy holy h. 99- 9- worship at his holy A. the Lord is holy HILL, with top. Eiod.\7.9- to-morrow I will stand on topof the A. 10. Moses, Aaron, and Ilur, went to topof tY\e A. Kum. 14.44. they presumed to go up to the A. top Judg. 16. 3. Samson carried them to the /op of au A. 1 Sam. 26. 13. David stood on the top of an A. S Sam. 2. 25. and Abner stood on the top of an A. 16. 1. Da\iid was a little past tbe top of the A. 2 Kings 1. 9. Elijah sat on the top of an A. HILLS. fr«i.49 26.to the QtmoM bound of the everlasting h. ^um. 23.9. and from the A. I behold him Deu.\&. 7. that spring out of the valleys and A. 9. out of whose A. thou mayest dig brass J 1. 11. it is a land of A. and valleys, and drinketh 33. 15. for the precious things of the lasting A. Joth. 10. 40. Joshua smote all the country oftheA. 11. 16. so Joshua took all that land, the A. 1 Ai7i?»20.23. their gods are the gods of the A. 28. i2. if. 1 saw all Israel scattered on the A. £ Kii^s 16.4. burnt incense on the A. 2CAr. 25. the A. did tremble, their carcases were torn 7. 25. on all A. shall not come the fear of briers 40. 12. who hath weighed the A. in a balance ' 41 15. and thou shalt make the A. as chaff 42. 15. I will make waste mountains and h. 54. 10. mountains shall depart, the A. be removed 55. 12. the A. sh.T.11 break forth into singing 65.7. which have blasphemed me upon the A. Jer. 3.23. in vain is salvation hoped for from the A. 4. 24. I beheld, and lo, the A. moved lightly 13. 27. 1 have seen thy abominations on the h. Etek. 6. 3. thus saith the Lord to the A. 30. 4. .35. 8. with his slain men in thy A. and valleys 30. 6. and say to the A. to the rivers, and valleys Hot. 4. 13. they burn incense on the A. under ojiks 10. 8. and they shall say to the A. fall on us Joel 3. 18, and the A. shall flow with milk AmotQ. 13. drop wine, and all the A. shall melt Mic. 4.1. and it shall be exalted above the A. 6. 1. arise, and let the A. hear thy voice \ah. 1 . 5. the A. melt, and the earth is burnt HaS. 3. 6. the perpetual A. did bow, his ways Zeph. 1. 10. and a great crashing from the A. Z,iii«23.30. they shall begin to say to the A.covcrus Hl.M. Gen, 41. 13. me he restored, and A. he hanged Ezod.Z2. 33. whoso, hath sinned, A. 1 will blot out Num. 14. 24. Caleb, A. will I bring into the land 16. 5. to come near, even A. whom he hath chosen Deui. 10. 20. A. shalt thou serve, and to A. cleave 18.5. the Lord hath chosen A. and his sons for ever 1 Sam. 10. 24. see ye A. whom the Ld. hath chosen 1 Kings 14. 11. A. that dieth in city, I6. 4. | 21 . 24. 2J.21. A. that pisseth against the wall, 2 A'i«gi9-8. 2 Kitigt 11.2. and they hid A. even A. and his nurse 15. and A. that followed her, kill with the sword 17. 36. A. shall ye fear, A. Aall ye worship Keh. 13. 26. A. did outlandish women cause to sin Esth.S. 7. A. they have hanged on the gallows Joi 15.31. let not A that is deceived trust in vanity 29. 12. I delivered A. that had none to help A. 3d. 22. behold, who teacheth like A. .' 40. 9. or canst thou thunder with a voice like A. f 42. 8. Job shall pray for you, for A. will I accept Ptal. 4. 3. the Lord hath set apart A. that is godly 25.12. A. shall he teach in the way he shall choose 45. 11. worship A. 1172. 12. A. who hath no helper 101. 5. A. will I cut off, A. that hath an high look Prov. 6. 19. A. that soweth oiscord among brethren 24. 24. A. shall the people curse, nations shall abhor Ecct. 10. 1. a little folly A. that is in reputation Jer. 48. 35. A. that offereth in the high places Ezei. 35. 7. and cut off from it A. that passeth out Amos 1. 5. and A. that holdeth the sceptre Mai. 2. 12. will cut off A. that offereth an offering Mat. 4. 10. A. only shalt thou serve, Luke 4. 8. 10. 32. whosoever shall confess me before men, A will I confess also bef. my Father, Luke 12. 8 33. A. will 1 deny before my Father in heaven 40. receiveth A. that sent me, Markg. 37. 17. 5. this is my Son, hear ye A. Acts 3. 22. | 7.37. 18. 15. go tell A. between A. and thee alone 24. 18. nor let A. in the field return, Mark 13.6. 21. 32. A. they corapcHled to bear his cross Mark 13. 14. let A. that readeth understand 15. let A. that is on the house-top not go down Luke i3. 25. A. that for sedition and murder was 24. 24. as the women had said, but A. they saw not John 5. 38. whom he hath sent, A. ye believe not 43. come in his own name, A. ye will receive 6. 27. for A. hath God the Father sealed 37. A. that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out 9-31 .A. he heareth|| 12. 26. A. will my Father hon. 13. 32. God shall also glorify A. in himself Acis'i. 23. A. being deliver' df 5. 31. A. God exalted 10 40. A. God raised up the third day, and shewed 16. 3. A. would Paul have to go forth with A. 17. 23. whom ye worship A. declare I unto you Horn. 14. 1. A. that is weak in the faith receive 3. let not A. that e.iteth, despise A. that eateth not 1 Ci>r.3.17.if any defile temple,A. shall God destroy 10. 12. let A. that thinketh he standeth take heed 2 Cor. 5. 21. for he hath made A. to be sin for us /.(i.e. let A. that is taught in the word Eph. 4. 28. let him that stole steal no more I'litl. 2. 23. A. therefore I hope to send presently 29. receive A. therefore in the Ld. with gladness 2 'Ihess. 2. 9- A. whose coming is after the working //ei.2.)4.niight destroy A. that hath power of death 11, 12. sprang there of one, and A. as good as dead Aboie II I. M. lian.W.S. shall be strong above A. and have domin. About II I M. 1 Sam. 11. 6. hisserv-ants were standing oi:iedagainji 'f. Hai. i. 5, &hall not these taJie up a parable ag,Ji f HIM &fa<.lS.14. ami held acoansil agaimt h.HTari 3.6. Ijiie H>. 31. to meet him that cometh against h. Acts 11. £4. wherefore they cried so a^atnst /;. 23. 30. to say before thee what they hail against h. 25. 3. the high-priest desired favour against h. 15. Jews, desiring to have judgment ojaifij/ h. J'uie y. durst not bring against h. a railing accusal. IS.'vhich ungodly sinners have spoken against A. liev. 19. 19. make war ag. h. that sat on the horse At HIM Gen. 49- 23. the archers shot at A. and hated him 1 Sam.iO.33. Saul cast a javelin at A. to smite him S1/ic.6.6.shall I come before /i.with burnt-offerings r Hab. 2. 20. let all the earth keep silence before A. 3.5. before A. went the pestilence and burning coals Afa/.3.l6. a book of remembrance written before A. Mat. 25. 32. before A. be gathered all nations 27 . 2y. they bowed the knee before A. and mocked AJark3. 1 1. fell down A^ure A. and cried, 5. 33. Luke 1.17. he shallgo A^/ore A.ia thespirit of Elias Ii. in holiness and righteousness i«/ore A. 5. 18. they sought means to lay him before A. 11.6. a friend is come, 1 have nothing Mittlbef. A. John 3. 28. I said, that I am sent before A. Acts 13. 33. they presented Paul also before A. liorn. 4. 17. before A. whom he believed, even God EpA. 1.4. holy and without blame before A. in love Jleb. 11. 1. who for the joy that v»i set before A. 1 7uA«2.28. notbe ashamed Af/iirc A. at his coming 3. 19. and shall assure our hearts before A. iUv. 13.12. all the power of the first beast before h. 19-20.false prophet that wrought miracles befort A. BeAind 11 IM. Gen. 18. 10. Sarah heard in the tent-door behind A. 2 Ham. 2. 23. that the spear came out behind A. 1 Kings 6.32. is not sound of his master's feet be A.A.? Joe/2. 14. and repent,and leave ablessing bcUmdA. ZeiA.l.S.beh. A. were red horses speckled and white -Uo<.y.20. a woman diseased with an issue of blood came beh. A. and touched the hem, Luke 8.44. Mark 12. I9. brother die, and leave his wife beh. A. Luke 7'. 38. stood at his feet beliind A. weeping Beside IM'Sl. Deut.i.35. the Lord is God, there is none beside A. 1 Ham. 15. 18. his servants passed on beside A. AeA. 8. 4. beside A. stood Mattithiah and Shema Between 11 IM. Lev. 16. 46. laws the L. mailebelaeen A. and Isrl. ^Ua/.3>lu. shall discern *?y.-iee« A. thatservelh God Bei/ond HIM. 1 Sam. 20. 36. Jonathan shot an arrow beuond h. By HI.M. Dent. 2. 30. but Sihon would not let us pass by A. 33.12. the beloved of L. shall dwell in safety by A. Jiidg. 3. 15. by A. children of Israel sent a present 19. all that stood by A. went out from him 1 Sam. 2. 3. and by A. actions are weighed 20. 7. then be sure that evil is determined by h. 1 Kings 22, I9. the host of heaven standing by h. 1 Kings 3. 11. we may enquire of the L. by h. 8. 8. 5. 1. by A. the Lord had given deliverance to Syria 1 Chr. 11. 11. three hundred slain by A. at one time -Ve/j. 2.6. king said to me, the queen also sitting by A. 4. 3. now lobiah the Ammonite was by A. Psal. 63. 11. every one that swcareth by A. glory Isa.n. 7. the slaughter of them that are slain by h. Dan. ii. 11. by A. daily sacrifice was taken away 12. 7- sware by A. that liveth for ever. Rev. U). 6. AViA. 1. 6. and the rocks are thrown down by A. Mat. 23. 21. sweareth by A. who dwelleth therein 22. sweareth by A. that silteth thereon Luke3.ig. Herod being reproved iy A. shut up John 9. 7. Herod heard all that was done by A. 13. 17- the glorious tilings that were done by A. JuA« 1.3. all things were madeiyA. without him 10. the world was made by A. and knew him not Acts 2. 22. by miracles and wonders God did bi/ him 3. 16. the faith which is by A. hath given, 4. 1(1. 13. 39. by A. all that believe justif. from all things 23. 11. the day following the Lord stood by A. 1 Cor. 1 . 5. in every thing ye are enriched by A. 8. 6. by whom are all things, and we by A. I'.ph. 4. 21. heard him, and have been taught by A. C'D/.l.l6.for *v A. were all things created inheaven 17. he is before all things, by A. all things consist 20. byh. to reconcile all things tohimself by A. 3. 17. giving thanks to God the Talher by A. 2 Vim. 2. 26. who are taken captive by A. at his will lleb. 7. 25. to save them tliat come to God by A. 13. 15. by A. let us offer the sacrifice of priise 1 Pel. 1.21. who by A. do believe in G. that raised 2. 14. arc sent by A. for punishment of evil-doiTs Concern ing HIM. Judg.1l. 5. made an oath cone. A. that came not up IKiugs 1921. word L.hath spoken con, A. 7/. 37. 22. JCtth.3.1.lhe king had so commanded concerning A. Dan, 5.29. and made a proclamation concerning A. John 7.12. murmuring among people concern. h. 31. 9. 18. the .lews did not believe concerning A. Acts 2. 25. for David spcaketh concerning A. 23. 15. ye would enquire something coHrerwiH;; A. 1 Cor. 5. 3. concerning A. that hath so done tliis See Ki:4R. J or Ill.M. Gen, 2. 18. I will make him au help meetfor k, 20. 37. 35. thtis Joseph's father wept/«- A, HIM Gtn, 43.5. 1 will be ixmtyfar X of my hand require Eiod, 22. 2. no blood shed/. A.||3. blooa shed/ur h. Lev. 1.4. and it shall be accepted ^'cir A. to make atonement /or A. 4. 26, 31. | 5. 13. ( 14. 18, 19, 20, 31. I 15. 15. I 39. 22. Num. 5. 8. I 6. 11. I 15. 28. iVHm.27.2i.the priest, who shzJl ask counsel/yr A. ; 35.32. ye shall take Ho satisfaction/or A .that is fled L'ifH».l-9.11.1ie in wait /or A. and rise up against him 33.7. let his hands be sufficient/or A. be help to him Judg. 6. 31. he that will plead /i>r A. let him die 1 Sam. 2. 25. if a man sin, who shall entreat /ur h.f 15. 2. how he laid wait/wr A. in the way, when 17. 31. they rehearsed them, and Saul sent/urA 22. 10. and he enquired of the Lord for A. 15. 27.4. and he sought no more again_/i;/- A. 2 Sam. 9. 10. thy servants shall till the land/or i. 1 Kingsl. 22. ask for A. the kingdom, even_/vr A. 13.23. saddled/iir A. the ass, to wit, for the proph . 14. 13. all Israel shall mouru/ur A. and bury him 2 CAr. 16. 14. they made very great burning/ur '1. 21. 19. and his people made no burning_/ur A, LsiA. 5.4.10 the banquet that I have prepared/or .i. 9. when Ilamansaw that he moved noi Jor A, 6.3. the servants said, there is nothing done for A. 4. to hang on the gallows he hawi prepared /yr A. Job 13. 7. and will you talk deceitfully /jr A..' 30. 25. did not I weep for A, that was in trouble • Psal. 3. 2. who say, there is no hclp/tir A. in God 37. 7. rest in the Lord, and wait patiently _/U/- A. 4y. 7. nor give to God a ransom/«r A. 1 2. 15. prayer also shall be made/i/r A. continually V'jk: .9.4.as/tfr A. that wanteth understanding, 10 28. 8. he shall gather it/ur A. that will pity the pour Ctint. 5. 4. and my bowels were moved for A. Jsti. a.l7. 1 will wait upon the Lord and look/iirA. 25. y. we have waited _/br A. he will save us, 9. 2y. 21. that lay a snare /ur A. that rcproveth in gate 30. 18. blessed are all they that wait^^r A. 40. 10. Lord will come, his arm shall i\i]eJ'or A. 64.4.what he hath prepared_/i>r A. that waiteth/'.A. Jer. 11. 18. they shall not lanient/ur A. 18. 31. 20. therefore my bowels are troubled/i;r A. Lam. 3. 25. Lord is good to them that wait /or A. Ezek. 17. 17. nor shall i'haraoh make /Dr A . in war 31. 15. 1 covered the dtep for A. I caused Lebanon to mourn for A. trees of the field fainted for u, 45. 20. so shalt thou do for A. that is simple Uait. 11. 17. not on his side, nor shall she \>efor U, .linus 3. 5. fall in a snare where no gin \sfor h, Zeph, 1 . 6. have not sought Ld. nor enquired/Kr A. .^ti-A.12.1i).shall movtxwfor h. be in bitterness fbr A. Mat. 12. 4. which was not lawful /or A. to eat lit. 6. it were better/or A. that a millstone were hanged about his neck, Markg. 42. Luke 17- i, C4.50. when he looketh not/of A. Luke 12. 46. Mark 5. 20. how great things Jesus had done /uri. Luke 1. 27. brought in the child Jesus, to do /or A. after the custom of the law Ii. 40. for they were all waiting /or A. y. 52. and they went to make ready /or A. .icis 12. 5. but prayer was made unto God /or A. 1 Coi. Id. 11. for 1 look /or It. with the brethren Col. 1. 16. all things were created by him and /or A. lleb. 9. 28. to them that look/or A. shall he appear Irom HIM. Gen, 35. 13. and God want up /rom A. in the place Lev. 5. 3. it be hid from A. when he knoweth of it Ji.dg. 3. 19. all that stood by him, went out/rom A. Hi. 19. to shave locks, his strength went _/ rom A. 1 Sam. 3. 18. and Samuel hid nothing/rom A. 2 .bi//;!. 11. 15. retire /rom A. || 13. y. went out /<•. A. 1 Kings 20.33. whether any thing would come^r. A. 2 Kings 25. 5. all his army were scattered /r. A. 2 Chron. 12. 12. the wratli of the L. turned Irom A. Job 14.6. turn/rom A. tliat he may rest, till he shall Psal. 22. 24. nor hath he hid his {:u:ej'iom A. 35. 10. the poor/ror;i A. that spoileth him 55. 12. then I would have hid myself_/rom A. 62. 1. waiteth on tiod, /r. A. cometh my salvation Isa. 5. 23. the righteousness of the righteous/r. A. 53. 3. and we hid as it were our faces/rom A. Jer. 3. 1. she go/rom A. anu become another man's IJan. 5.24. ttien was part of the hand sent from h, .lmos5. 11. ye take yrom A. burdens of wheat JonaA3.6. he arose, and laid his robe J'rom A. Mai. 5. 41. from h. that would borrow of thee 13. 12./r. A. shall be taken, .Mark*. 25. l.iJie&.Vi. 25. 2y. fr. A. hath not shall be t.ikcn, Luke I9. SC. Mark 14.35. prayed, that th« hour might pass/r. i, Luke 1\. 11. he lakelh /rom A. all hi» armour John 7.29. I ani_/>om A. || 10. 5. but will iWvfrom k, (ial. 1.6. are 50 5iionreninved_/r. A. that called yoti lleb, 12. 25. if we turn a.\iia.\Jrom It, that spesikelll 1 John 3.17. shutKth up bowels of compassion^r. A 4. 21. and this commandment have wefiom A. liee. 1.4. and pcacc/Vom A. which is, which wa« See DkfkHT. DEPARltU. Jn HIM. Gtn. 18,18. all nations ofearih shall be blessed in h. HIM Erod.iZ. 21. beware of him, for my name is in h. Jud^. 9- 26. men of Shechem put confidence in A. 16am. 28. CO. and there was no strength in A. 19.3. 1 have found no fault in h. John ly. 4, 6. 2Sam.^.i. in h. will J tnKt, fja/. yi.C. 31. heisabucklertoallthat trust inA. Isa. 36. 6. 1 Kings I. 52. if wickedness be in h. he shall die 3. CK. they saw that the wisdom of God was in A. 14. 1.3- because in h. there is found some good thing 17. IT-sickness, that there wa.s no breath left in h. X Chron. 5. 20. because they put their trust in h. Joli 13. 15. though he slay aie, yet will I trust in A 35. 14. judgment is before him, trust thou in A. Pial. 2.12. blessed are they that put their trust in A. lU. 30. a buckler to all those th&t trust in A. 28. 7. my heart trusted in A. and I am helped 33. 21 . our heart shall rejoice in A. 66. 6. | 149.2. 34. U. blessed is the man that trusteth in A 22. none of them that trust in A. shall be desolate 37. 5. trust in A. |140. because they trust in A. 52. 8. trust in A. at all times, ye people, pour out f>4.10. the righteous shall be glad and trust in A. 72. 17. men shall be blessed in A. all nations call 92. 15. is no unrighteousness in A. John 7. 18 I'rov. 14. 7. perceivest not in A. lips of knowledge 30. 5. he is a shield to them that put their trust in A Eccl. 4. l6. that come after shall not r»joice in A. Jer. 4. 2. the nations shall bless themselves in A, 46. 25. Pharaoh and all them (hat trust in A. 48. 11. therefore his tziste remained in A. iam. 3. 24. my portion, therefore will I hope in A. Dan. 3.28. delivered his servants who trusted in A. 6. 4. nor was any error or fault found in A. Oiad. 7. there is none understanding in A. -VflA. 1.7. he knoweth them that trust m A. Hab. 2. 4. behold, his soul is not upright in A. Mat. 13. 57. and they were offended in A. 14. 2. mighty works do shew themselves in A. l.uke 23. 22. I have found no rau«€ of dea:h in A. John 1. 4. I'nA. was life, the life was light of men 3. 15. whosoever believeth in A. 16. Acts 10. 43. 4. 14. shall be in A. a well of water springing up *S. 56. dwelleth in me, and I in A. 10. 38. | 15. 5. 7. 5. neither did his brethren believe in A. 8. 44. because there is no truth in A. p. 3. made manifest in A. || 11. 10. no light in A. 13. 31. God is glorified in A. |] 32. if glorified in A. Acts 17. 28. in A. we live, move, and have ourbeing Kom 10. 14. how shall they believe in A. of whom 15 12. in A. shall the Gentiles trust I Cor. 2. 11. save the spirit of man which is in A. 8.6. of whom arc all things, we in A. 1 John 5.20. 2f'or.l. 19. was not vea, nay, but in A. was yea, 20. 5. 21 . might be ma^e the righteousn. of God in A. 13.4. for we are weak in A. but shall live with him Iph. 1. 4. chosen us in A. )| 10. gather even in A. /-■AiV.S.g.that I may win Christ, and be found in h. Cnl. 1. 19. that in A should all fulness dwell, 2. 9. £.6. so walk ye in A. |i 7. rooted and built up in A. ^.in Adwellrth the fulness of theGodhead bodily 10. ye arc complete in A. who is the head o^ all Ueh.1. 13. and again. 1 will put my trust in A. 10. .38. my soul shall have no pleasure in A. 1 John 2. 4. is a liar, and the truth is not in A. 5. whoso keepeth hiswnrd, in A. verily is love of God perfected, hereby know we that we are in A. 6. he that saith he abideth^n A. ought to walk 8. which thing is true in A. and in you 10. and there is none occasion of 'tumbling inA. 35. the lo\-e of the Father is not in A. 3. 17. 87. as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in A. 28. S. 3. and every man that hath this hope in A. 5. in A. is no sin || 6. who abideth in A.sinneth not 9. for his seed remaincth in A. he cannot sin 15. no murderer hath eternal life abiding in h. 24. dwelleth in A. and he in A. 4. 13, 15, I6. 5. 14. this is the confidence that we have in A. Into HIM. 1 A'in^.f 17. 21. let this child's sou! come into A. 22. the soul of the child came in.'o A. again Z.iit«8.. 30. because many devils were entered into A. John 13. 27. after the sop, Sataa entered into A. £ph. 4. 15. may grow up into A. in all things q/-HIM. Gen. 2.'). 21. and the Lord was entreated of h. EtoJ. 23. 21. beware of h. and obey his voice o2. 1. we wot not what is become 0/ h. 23. i.r.l5.7.tlKittoucheth flesh o/^A. hath the issue, 33. is. 36. take thou no usury of h. nor increase A'-jm. 35. 33. but by the blood of A. that shed it Veut. 18. 19. not hearken, I will require it 0/ h. 22. thou shaltnotbe afraid 0/ A. 2 A'infxl.15. Lff/if. 17. 32. let no man's heart fail because ofh. 2 Kings 6.20 I will run and take somewhat oj'h. 1 J_ 24. his life shall be for the life of A. 1 CAr.5.2./" A. 'that is a Jew 9. 8. I will encamp because ofh. that returneth Mai 26. 24. as it iswTitten ofh. Markg.li. \ 14.21. 27. 19. I suffered in a dream, because of A. Mark 8. 30. that they should tell no man of A. 38. o/"A. shall Son of man be ashamed, Luie y.26. Lnke 6.30.o/'A. that taketh thy goods, ask not again 12. 48. much given, of h. shall much be required John 10. 36. say ye of h. whom Father sanctified Kom.3. 26. the justifi'er ofh. that believpth in Jesus 9. 11. not of works but of A. that calleth 16. it is not of h. that willeth, but of God 11. 36. foro/'A. and through him are all things 1 Cor. 1. 30. but of h. are ye in Christ, who of God 1 Pet. 2. 9- shew forth praises of' A. who called you 2 Pet. 3. 14. that ye may be found ofh. in peace 1 Jo/m\. 5.is the message which we have heard ofh. 2. 27. the anointing which we have received of/i. 29. he that doeth righteousness is born of A. liev. 1.7. all kindr. of earth shall wail because ut believeth on him 7. 4. even to A. who is raised from the dead 11. 30. and to A. are all things, to whom be glory 14. 14. roA. that esteemeth, (0 A. it'is unclean 16. 25. now to A. that is of powertostablish you 1 Cor. 14 11. I be Jo A. who speaketh a barbarian (ial. 3. 6. it was accounted to A. for righteousness Eph. 3.21 . unto h. be glory in the church by Christ Ueb. 1. 5. I will be 10 h. a Father, he to me a Son S.'i . to A. that was able to save him from death Jam. 2.23. it was imputed unto A. for righteousness 4. 17. '0 A. that knoweth to do good, to A. it is sin lU; . 1. 5. unto A. that loved us, and washed us 2. 7. /oA. that overcometh will I give, 17. | 3. 21. 26. to A. will I give power over the nations 21. 6. 1 will give unto A. that isathirst, of fountaia Toward HIM. Geri. 31. 2. behold, it was not to-wardh. as before Judg. 8. 3. their anger was abated louard A. 2 CAr. 16. 9.of them whose heart is perfect louard A, Job 11. 13. and stretch out thine'nanasioa-arrfA. /-an:.2.19.1ift upthy hi^nds toward h. for thy child Eie.i. 17. 6 whose branches turned louard A. 2 Cor. 2. 8. ye would confirm your love loaard A. Under HIM. Etod. 17. 12. they took a stone and put it unrft-r A. 2 Sam. 18 9. the mule that was under k. went awaj Job 9- 13. the proud helpers do stoop undtr A. Isa, 58. 5. to spread sackcloth and ashes under h. Ezek. 17. 6. the roots thereof were under A. 1 Cor. 15. 27. all things put unrftr A. 28. //£*. 2. 8 UtiA HIM. Cen. 39.3.hisma3tersaw that the Lord was uiM k. Eiod. 31. 6. I have given utth A. Aholiab, 3B. 23. Aum. 12. 8. t'lVA A. will I speak mouth to mouth.even apparently, not in dark speeches, Jer. 32. 4. 2". 21 . the Lord his God is uith A. and the shoul Deut.ig.lS. aith h. that standeth here with us, also Kith A. that is not here with us this day 32 12. and there was no straige god vt'M A 1 Sem. S. 19. anil the Lord was 'jith /i. 18. 12, 14 16. 18. the Lord is wtt/i h. 1| 25. 25. folly is -xith h. 2 6'am.5.lO. Lord of hosts was -jid. h. \ Clir. 11. 9 Ifi. 18. his will i be, and vith h. will I abide 1 Kings 8. 65. Solomon held a feast, and all Israel with h. from Hamath to Egyp'. 2 Ckr. '. 8. 2 Kings 3. 12. said, the word of the Lord is :eii/i h. 15. 19. gave silver, that his hand might be -.ciili h. 18. 7. the Lord was icilh h. and he prospered, 1 Chron. 9. 20. 2 Chron. 1. 1. | 15. y, C Chron. 15. 2. Lord is with you.while ye be wuU h 26. 17. with h. fourscore priests of the Lord 32. 7. for there be more with us than with h. 8. vitth h. is an arm of flesh, with us the Lord .16. 23. tlie Lord his God be uith h. Eira 1. 3. Lzra 8. 3. Kilh h. 160 males {{ 4. uith h. 200 males d.with A. 50 malesyyo* 12.13.wiM /<. is wisdom, I6. Joi 18. G. and his candle shall be put out with A. 22. 21. acquaint thyself ifi/A h. and be at peace Psal. 89. 24. and my mercy shall be with i. 01.15.1 willbe with A. in trouble,! will deliver him 130. 7. and aithh. is plenteous redemption Prov. 8. 30. then was I as one brought up uith h. Eccl. 8. 15. that shall abide teith h. of his labour Isa.Z. 10. say to the righteous,it shall be well uiith h 11. woe unto the wicked, it shall be ill :cith h. 40. 10. behold, his reward is wiV/i k. 62. 11. 57. 15. vuh h. also that is of a contrite spirit Jer. 22. 15. and then it was well with h. 16. Eiei. 31. 11. the mighty one, he shall deal ailh h. Mai. 2. 6. my covenant was with h. of life Mat. 5.25. agree whilst thou art in the way with. h. Mark 3.14.ordained 12, that they shoubl be with h. 5. 18. prayed that he might be wtth h. Luke 8. ."iS. Luke 1. 66. and the hand of the Lord was with A. 22. 50. a maid said, this man was also with h. John 3.2. do these miracles, except God be with h 14. 21. we will come and make our abode with A. Acts 7. 9. sold Joseph, but God was with h. 10. 38. 10. 55. he that feareth him is accepted with h. 21, 36. multitude followed, crying, away with A. Jfiim.6.4.we are buried tiith h. by baptism, C0/.2. 12. 8.1iveKijAA.2 Cor. 13.4.1 7'A«*.5.io.2 'iim.°.\\. 8. 32. how shall he not with h. give us all things 1 Thess. 4.14. sleep in Jesus, will (iod bring with h. 2 Tim.2. 12. we also shall reign with h. Ui:\ 20. 6. Hei. 11. 9- the heirs kiVA h. of the same promise 2 /Vr.l.lK.when we were wif^ A. in the holy mcun; Jief. 3. 20. and I will sup with h. and he with me 14. 1. uith h. 144,000 having his Father's name 17. 14. thev that are uith A. are called, cLo.-.en Uithm HIM. Joi 14. 22. and his soul within h. mourn 20. 14. his meat is the gall of asps within A. Prov. 26. 24. and layeth up deceit within h. Isa. 63. 11. is he (nat put his Holy Spirit within h. i^f A.12.1.and formeth the spirit of man within h. Without HIM. John 1, 3, and without A. was not any thing made See Hy.mn. HIMSELF. Gen. 43. 32. iheyseton for him by A. and for them JEiod.21.3. if he came in by A. he shall go out by A. Jlev. 9. 8. sin-offering which is for A. 16. 6, 11. 16. 11. shall msike an atonement for A. 17, 24. JVa»«. 16. 9. separated you to bring you near to A. 31.53. men of war had taken spoil.every man for A. Deut. 7. 6. Lord hath chosen thee to be a people to A. 14. 2. I 28. 9. I 29. 13 2 Sam. 7. 23. 33. 21. and he provided the first part for A. Josh 22. 23. let the Lord A. require it Judg 3. 19. he A. turned again from the quarries ] Sam. 30. 6. but David encouraged A. in the Lord 1 Kings 19. 4. but Elijah A. went a day's journey, and he requested for A. that he might die S Chron. 13. 12. God A is with us for our captain 26.20. thrust him out, yea, A. hasted also to go out J^zra 10. 8. A. separated from the congregation Job 1. 12. only on A. put not forth thine hand 22. 2. he that is wise may be profitable to A. 27. 10 will he delight A. in the Almighty .' 32. 2. because he justified A rather than God 34. 9. that he should delight A. with God 41. 25 when he raiseth A. the mighty are afraid Psal. 4. 3. hath set apart Itira that is godly for A. 10. 14. the poor committeth A. unto thee 35. 8. let his net that he hath hid catch A. 36. 4. he setteth A. in a way that is not good 50.6. for God is judge A Selah. 87.5. and the Highest*, shall establish her 132. 18. but on A. shall his crown flonri.sh 135. 4. for the Lord hath chosen Jacob to A. Pror.5.22. his own iniquities shall take wicked A. 11 . 25. he that watereth slwill be watered also A, 15. 7 that niaketh A. rich, that roaketh A. poor i4. 14. and a good man Shall be satisfied from A. 16. 4. the Lord hath made all things for A. 26. he that laboureth, labourrlh for A. Si. 13. he also shall cry A. but shall not be heard 22. 3. foreseeth the evil, and hideth A. 27. 12. IlfM Proi' 29.i5.bt1t a child left to A. bringeth to shame Cant. 5. 6. but my belovrJ bath withdrawn A. Iia.7. 14. the Lord A. shall give you a siijn 38. 15. he hath spoken, and A. hath done it 44.5. another shall call A. by the name of Jacob ^y. 15. that departeth from evil, makethA. a prey C3 12. to make A. an everlasting name Jir. 10. 23. 1 know that the way of man is not in A. 29.26. man that is mad, and makethA. a prophet 51. 14. the Lord hath sworn by A. Aaws 6. 8. E:ek. 45.22. on that day shall prince prepare for A. Van. 9. 26. Messiah shall be cut off, but not for A. Hos. 5 6. he hath withdrawn h. from theni 10 l.lsrael an empty vine, bringeth forth fruit toA. Amos 2. 14. nor shall the mighty deliver A. 15. he that is swift of foot shall not deliver A. Mat. 6. 4. A. .shall reward thee openly B. 17. A. took our infirmities, bare our sicknesses 13. 21. yet hath he not root in A. but dureth a while 27. 42. saved others,A.he cannot save, MarklH.M.. lUariS. 21. for they said, he is beside A. 8. 34. let him deny A. and take hiscross, /,; 9. 12. behold, he teieih away, who can A. him .' 11. 10. if he-cut off and >ihut up, who can A. him .' Ac(s 8. 36. what dcth A. me to be baptized r 1 Cor. 9. 12. lest we should h. the gospel of ChrisJ t;a/.5.7.whodid A. you, that should not obf.y truth / HINDERED. Ezra 6. 8. expences be given, that they be not A. Luke 11. 52. and them that were entering in, ye k. A'wm. 15.22. have been much A. from coming to you. 1 Thess. 2. 18. we would have come, but Satan A. 1 P«<. 3. 7. as heirs of life.that your prayers be noiik HINDEREIH. Isa. 14. 6. he that ruled is persecuted, and none h, HINDER end. 2 Sam. 2. 23. Aimer smote him with A. end oisviiS HINDER.MOST, or HlNDMUsr. Cen. 33. 2. and he put Rachel and Joseph A. Svm. 2. 31. they shall go A. with their standards Vent. 25. 18. he met thee, and smote the A. of thee Josh. 10. 19 pursue, and smite the A. of them Jer. 50. 12. the A. of'ihe nations shall be a wildern, maHEK pars. Joel 2. 20. and his A. part toward the utmost sea Murk 4. 38. Jesus was in the A. part of the ship .-icts 27. 41. the h.pari was broken wiih waves HINDER parts. 1 Kings 7. 25. their h. parts were luward^ 2 Cor.4.4 Tsal. 78. 66. he smote his enemies in the A, parti HINDER sea. Zech, 14. 8. and half of them toward the A. sea HINGES. 1 Kings'. 50. and the A. of gold for doors of home I'rov. 26. 14. as the door turneth upon his A. HIP. Juilg.l5.a. he smote them A. and thigh with slaugh. HIRE, Suistanttte. Gen.30. 18. given me my A. f called his name an /•- 32. among the goats, and of such shall be my A 33. when it shaJlcome for thy A. before thy face 31. 8. if he said, the ring.straktd shall be thy A. Eiod. 22. 15. if an hired thin;,', it came for his A. Ueut. 23. 18. thou shalt not bring the //. of a whore 24. 15. at his day thou shalt give him bis A. 1 Kings 5. 6. to thee will I give A. for ihy servants ha. 23. 17. she shall turn to her A. and commit 18. and her A. shall be holiness to the Lord A;cX.l6.31.not as an harlot in that thou scornest A, 41. and thou also shall give no A. any more 2y. fMO. I have given him Egypt for his A. i\lic. L. 7- for she gathered it of ihe A. of an harlot, and they shall return to the A. of an harlot 3, 11. and the priests thereof teach for A. /iech. ii.lu.theie was no A. for man, any A. for beast .\Jat. 20. 8. give thtm their A. beginning from last Luke 10. 7. for the labourer is worthy of his A. Jam. 5.4.bi:ho\d, the A. of the labourers is kept back HIRE. /ja.4C.6.tlieyA. a goldsmiih.and he maketh it a god .>V>i/.20. l.wunt out to A. labourers into his vineyard HIRED. Oen.30.l6.l have A. thee with my son's mandrakes l.xod. 22. 15. if it be an A. thing it came for his hire I^i\ 19. 13. the wages of him that is A. not abide l>eui."3. 4. they A. against thee Ualaam,;V(A.13.9. JuJg. 9. 4. wherewith Abim^ech A. vain persons 18. 4. Micah h.ith A. me, and 1 am his priest 1 Sam. 2. 5. that were full, have A. out themselves 2 .yn/n. 10. 6. AmmonA. the Syrians, 1 CAr. I9. 7. 2 Kings 7. 6. the king of Israel hath A. against us 2 Chron. 24. 12. A. masons and carpenters to repaii 25. 6. Amaziah A. 100,000 mighty men of valotir Lira 4. 5. A. counsellors against them to frustrate AVA. 6. 12. Tobiah and Sanballat had A. him, IS. Jsa. 7. 20. shall Lord shave with a razor that is Jt., Jer. 46, SI, ber k. men ar« like fatud buUods HISS Em. 8. 9. *r« goDC np, Ephraim hath A. loven 10. yea, though thsy tave h. among the nations fl/af . !0. 7. they say, because no man hath h. us 9. when they came that were h. ab. eleventh hour ^c/xC8.30. Paul dwelt two years in his own A.hou. IllRLD stTvant. EiaJ.i2.45. an A. serv. not eat thereof, l.er.CCAO. Lef.Q5. 6. the sabbath shall be meat for thy A.serv. 40. but as an A. tervant he shall be with thee 50. according to the time of an h. jtrr. shall it be 23. as a yearly h. servant shall he be with him Dttti. 15. 18. hath been worth a double A. servant S4. 14. thou shalt not oppress an h. servant HIRED servants. Mark 1. 20. left Zebedee in the ship with A. serv. Luke 15. 17. how many A. serv. have bread enough l>i. make me as one of thy A. senanis HIRELING. // is commanded in the Ian:, that the hireling should ie paid as soon as his work ts over. Ijtv. 19. 13, The wages of him that is hireil shall not abide with thee all night until the morning ; because his urgent necessities re- hire it for present ruisisience. An hireling's day or year, is a kind of proverb, si^nifuini; M full year, tiithoitt abating anv thing of' it. Art not his days like the days of an hireling - job 7. 1. The days of man are like those of mn hireling ; as nothing is deducted from tlitm, to nothing is added to them. Wnrf in Job 14. 6, 'iill he shall accomplish as an hireling his day ; to the time of his deoth, zchich he Kails for as the hireling /or the end if the day. Hee Isa. 16. 14. I 21. 16. In John 10. 12, 13. the hireling is set in opposition to the true shep- furd ; the first neglects the sheep, and aims only at his oznn advantage ; the second loies and guides them carefully. The hirelings, uhom the Father of the family, that is, ('Od, tends into his vineyard, are the prophets and apostles, Je'ws onrf Christians ; the second sue- eeeded the first, and all receive their re-uard rvHen their work is done. Mat. 20. 1 — 16. Jobl. 1. are not his days like the days of an A..' 2. as an h. looketh for the reward of his work 14. 6. till he shall accomplish as an h. his day Z»«.l6.14.in three years as the years of an A. CI.16. Mai. 3. 5. witness against those that oppress the h. John 10. 12. he that is an A. and not the shepherd 13. the A. fleeth, because he is an A. and careth not IIIREST. Estk. 16. 33. thou A. them, that they mav come HIRES. Mic. 1. 7. all the A. thereof shall be burnt with fire HIS. Cen. 38. g. Onan knew the seed should not be A. Eiod. 21. 34. and the dead beast shall be A. 22. 9. which another rhallengeth to be A. Ltv.'Z't . 15. add the fifth part, and it shall be A. Num. 5. 10. a man's hallowed thing shall be A. 16. 5. to morrow the Ix)rd will shew who are A. S3. 10. righteous, and let my last end be like A. Veut. 21. 17. the right of the first-born is A. £ Sam. 16. 18. A. will I be, with him will I abide 1 Kings i. 15. for it was A. from the Lord 2 Kings 15. 25. a Ciptiin of A. conspired ag. him F.sih. 4. 11. is one law of A. to pat him to death Job 12. 16. tl.» deceived and the deceiver are h. 18. 15. in his tabernacle, because it is none of A. Psel. 30. 4. sing unto the Lord, all ye saints of A. 05. 4. the strength of the hills is A. also 103. 21. ye ministers of A. that do his pleasure Cant. 2. Ifc. my beloved is mine, and I am A. Lzek. 16.15. on every one thatpasseth by, A. it was 46. 17. then it shall be A. to the year of liberty Dan. 2.20. blessed be G. wisdom and might are A. Oiad. 14. to cut off those of A. that did escape, nor shouldest have deliver, up those of A. that remain Jlab. 2. 6. woe to him increaseth that which is not A. Jolin 7. 16. doctrine isnotmine, butA, that sent me .■lets 16.33. was baptized, he and all A. straightway Horn. a. g. if any have not the Spirit, he is none of A. 2 'J'im. 2. 19. the Lord knowelh them that are A. Heb. 4. 10. hath ceased from works, asG.did from A. HISS. 7ohiss, it a kind of insult and contempt. 1 Kings 9. 8, All they, uho shall see the destruction of this temple, shall be astonished, and shall hiss, and say, why hath the Lord done thus unio Uiis land, and to this house > And Job, speak- ing oj the :cicied under calamities, says, that they shall clap their hands at him, and shall hiss him out of his place. Job 27. 23. And in •'*'■• 19-. 8, I will make this city desolate and a^ hissinc ; every one that p,-isseth thereby shall be astonished, and hiss, because of all the plagues thereof; I -..ill make thit city the sub- Jtel of ridicule and scorn. To hiss, to call any one iri'/A hissFncr, rx a mark (tfgoxer and authoriln. The Lord laur. that in 2BC HO Aie anger A< will hiss, and call the enemy agmimt Jerusalem. Isa. 3. 26, He will hiss unto them from the end of the earth. He will bring them jcith an hiss from the very extremi- ties of the earth. And in Isa. 7. 18, The Lord shall hiss for the fly, and shall bring it to him, that is in the uttermost part of the rivers of Fgypt, and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria. The fly and the bee, which God tvill bring thus uith a hiss, are the kings of Egypt and Assyria: they shall come with their troops into the territories of Israel, and shall disperse themselves over the whole country. Theodoret, writing upon Isaiah, remarks, that in Syria, and Palestine, they who looked after bees drew them out of their hives, carried them into the fields, and brought them back again with the sound of a flute and the noise of hissing. Zechariah, speaking of the return fiom the Kabylonish captivity, says, that the Lord will gather them, as it were with an hiss, and bring them back into their country, jieeh. 10. 8. iVhich shews the ease and authority with which he will perform this great work. 1 h'ntgsQ. 8. and at this house every one shall A. Job 27. 23. men shall A. him out of his place Isa. 5.26. he will A. to them from end of the earth 7. 18. the Lord shall A. for the fly in Egypt Jer. 19. 8. passeth thereby shall A. 49. 17- | 50.13. Lam. 2. 15. they A. at the daughter of Jerusalem 16. thy enemies A. and gnash the teeth agast.thee Eiek. 27. 36. the merchants shall A. at thee iCeph. 2.15. every one that passeth by her shall A. /-ech. 10. 8. I will A. for them and gather them HISSIKG. Chron. 29. 8. ana he hath delivered them to A. Jer. 18. 16. to make their land a perpetual A. 19. 8. I will make this city an A. 18. I C9. 18. 25.9. and I will make them an A. 18. | 29. 18. 51. 37. Babylon shall be an A. without inhabitant Mic. 6. 16. should make inhabitants thereof an A. HIT. 1 .Sam. 31. 3. and the archers A. him, 1 CAro«. 10. 3. HITHER. Gen. 45. 5. now be not angry that ye sold me A. 8. it was not you that sent me A. but God 13. ye shall haste and bring down my father A. Fxod. 3. 5. draw not nigh A. put off thy shoes Josh. 2.2. behold, there came men in A. to-night 18. 6. ye shall bring the description h. to me Jiidg. 18. 3. they said to him, who brought thee A..' 19. 12. we will not turn aside A. into the city 1 flam. 13.9- bring A. a burnt-ofiering to me 14. 18. and Saul said, bring A. the ark of God 34. bring me A. every man his ox and his sheep 36. the priest said, let us draw near A. unto God 15. 32. bring k Agag)] 17.28. why earnest thou A. 23. 9. said to Abiaihar, bring A. the ephod, 30. 7. 2 Ham. 1. 10. I have brought them A. unto my lord 1 Kings 22. 9. hasten A. Micaiah the son of Imlah 2 Kings 2. 8. Jordan divided A. and thither, 14. 2 Chron. 28. 13. ye shall not bring in captives A. Fzra 4. 2. kin^ of Assur, which brought us up A. Psal. 73. 10. therefore his people return A. 81. 2. take a psalm, and bring A. the timbrel Prov. 9. 4. whoso is simple, let him turn in A. I6. Isa. 57. 3. draw near A. ye sous of the sorceress Mat. 14. 18. he said, bring them A. to me 17. 17. Jesus said, bring him A. to me, Luke 9. 41. 2C. 12. friend, how camesl thou in A. not having /^«^e 14. 21. bring in A. the poor and the maimed 15. 23. bring A. the fatted calf and kill it ig. 27. bring A. and slay them before me ."50. shall find a colt tied, loose him, bring him A. Joir.6. 25. they said. Rabbi, when camest thou A..' 20. 27. reach A.- thy finger, reach A. thy hand Acts 9. 21 . that came A. for that intent that he 10. 32. call A. Simon, whose surname is Peter 111- 37. je have brought A. these men, which are See CoiE. HITHERTO. Fiotf. 7. 16. behold, A. thou wouldcst not hear ■Vunj.l4.t 19. as thou hast forgiven this people A Josh. 17. 14. as the Lord hath blessed me A. Judg. 16. 13. A. thou ha.st mocked me, and told lies 1 .Sam. 1. 16. for out of my grief have I spoken A 7. 12. and saying, A. hath the Lord helped us 2 .Sam. 7. 18. thou hast brought me A. 1 Chr. 17.16. 15. 34. as I have been thy father's seriant A. 1 Chron. g. 18. who A. waited in the king's gate 12.29. h. the greatest part kept the ward Job 38. 11. A. shall thou come, but no further /'jo/.7I.I7.^have I declared thy wondrous works /ja. 18. 2. a people terrible from their beginning' A. 7. John i. 17. my Eaiher worketh A. and I work 16. 24. A. have ye asked nothing in my name Horn. 1. 13. I purposed to conie, but was let A. I Cor. 3. 2. for A. ye were not able to bear it HO Kuti 4.1. to whom be said, h such a.ose, sit itm HOIs Isa. 55. I. A« every one that tfainteth, eon* ye Zech. 2. 6. ho, ho, come forth, flee from the lanj HOAR, HOARY, See Frost, lUtas, IUad HOARY. Job 41. 33. one would think the deep to be h. HOISED. Acts^l.iO. they A. up the main-sail to the wind HOLD, Substantive. Judg. 9.46. they entered into a A. of the god Berith 49. they put them to the A. and set the A. Oii fire 16'aOT.22.4. Dav. in A.24.22. 2.S'«m. 5.17. | 23.1* S.abidenot in the A.depart and get thee into land 1 Chr. 12. 16. there came of Judah to A. of David Acts 4. 3. and put them in A. unto the next day Rev. 18. 2. is become the A. of every foul spirit See Stronc. HOLD. Gen. 21. 18. lift up the lad, A. him in thine band Eiod. 5 . 1 . that they m ay A . a feast to me i n wildem. 9. 2. refuse to let them go, and wilt A. them still ? 10. 9. for we must A. a feast unto the Lord 20. 7. Lord will not A. him guiltless, Deut. 5. 11. Dent. 22. + 25. if the man take strong A. of her Futh 3. 15. he said, bring the vail, and A. it 2 *ii»i. 2. 22. how should 1 A. up my face to Joab 6.6. Uzzah put forth his hand to ark of God, and took h. of it, oxen shook it, 1 Chron. 13. 9. 1 A'ln;* 2.9. now tlrtrefore A. bim not guiltless Fsth. 4. 11. the king shall A. out the golden soeptra Job 6. 24. teach me, and I will A. my tongue 9. 28. I know that thou wilt not A. me innocent 13. ig. if I A. my tongue, I shall give up the ghost 17. 9- the righteous also shall A. on his way 41, 26. the spear, dart, the habeigeoa cannot A. Psnl. 17. 5. A. up my goings in tny paths lig. 33. horror hath taken A. upon me, becaoso 117. /'. thou me up, and I shall be safe 139. 10. and thy righthand shall A. me Prov. 31. 19. and her hands A. the distaflf Cant. .3.8. they all '1. swords, being expert in war Isa. 41. 13. I the Lord will A. thy right-hand 42. 6. .ind I will A. thine hand, and keep thee Jer. 2. 13. hewed broken cisterns, can A. no water 8. 21. astonishment hath taken A. on me 50. -12. they shall A. the bow and the lance 43. anguish took A. of him, and pangs as of worn, Ezek. 30. 21. to make it strong to A. the sword 41 6. that they might have A. they had not A. Amos 6. 10. then shall he say, A. thy tongue Zech. 11.5. slay them, and A. themselves notgtiilty Mat. 6. 24. else he will A. to the one. LuJ:e I6. 13. 21. 26. for all A. John as a prophet Mark 7. 4. other things they have received to A. 8. ye A. the tradition of men, as washing of pots h'om. 1. 18. who A. the truth in unrighteousness Phil, 2. 29. receive him, and A. such in reputation 2 Thess. 2.15. A. the traditions ye have beentaugbs Ileb. 3. 14. if we A. the beginning of our confidence i^A. 8. 11. saying, A. your peace, the day is holy Job 11.3. should thy lies make men A. theicpeace t 13. 5. that ye would altogether A. yoia peace 13. A. yoMr peact, let me alone that I may speak 33. 31. mark well, A. thy;>eafe and I will speak. 33. A. thy peace, and 1 will teach thee wisdonr Psal. 83. LOG. A. not thy ;>. be not still, I09. 1^ /j/1.62. 1 . for Zion's sake will I not A. my peact 6. which shall never A. their ^. day nor night 64. 12. wilt thou A. ihy ptaee and atftict us sore? Jer. 4. 19. I am pained at heart, I cannot A. toy p, Zeph. 1.7. A. thy p. at the presence of the Lord 20. 31. multitude rebuked them, because they should A. their peace, Mark 10. 48. Luk» 18. 39. Mark 1. 25. A. thy;), come out of him, Lukei. 35. Luke ig. 40. if they should A. their ;i«ar. once I have sworn by my A. I will not lie 93. 5. A. becometh thine house, O Lord, for ever 110.3. thy people shall be willing, in beauties of A Isa 23. 18. and her hire shall be A. to the Lord 35. 8. and it shall he called the way of A. 62. 9. they shall drink it in the courts of my A 63. 15. behold from habitation of thy A. and glory 18. the people of thy A. have possessed it Jer. 2. 3. Israel was A. to the L. and the first-frails 23. 9- and because of the words of his A. 31. 23. the Lord bless thee, O mountaun of A. Amos 4. 2. the Lord God hath sworn by his A. dad. 17- but upon mount Zion there shall be A. Mai. 2.11. Judah hath profaned the A. of the Lord Jjuke 1.75. might serve him in A. and righteousness Acts 3. 12. as though by our A. made this man walk Rom. 1.4. with power, according to the Spirit o A. SB7 HOL I Rom. 6.19 yield members servts. to right, unto A. 22. ye have your fruit unto A. and the end life 2 Cor. 7. !. perfecting A. in the fear of God Epli. 4. 24. new man created in righteousn. and A. 1 T/iess.3.l3. stalblish your hearts unblameab. in A. 4. 7. hath not called us to uncleanness, but to A. 1 Tim. 2. 15. if they continue in faith and A. Til. 2. 3. that they be in behaviour as becometh A. Heb. 12. 10. that we might be prftakers of his A. 14. follow peace with men, and A. without which HOLLOW. Gen. 32. 25. he touched the A. of his thigh, 32. Exed. 27. 8. shah make the altar A. with bds. 38. 7. Lev. 14. 37. if the plague be in walls with A. strakes Judg. 15. 19. God clave an A. place in the jaw Isa. 40. 12. who mesisured waters in A. of his hand Jer. 52. 21. concerning the pillar, it was A. HOLPEN. Psal. 83. 8. they have A. the children of Lot 86. 17.. because thou, Lord, hast A. me ha. 31. 3. and he.,that is A. shall fall down Dan. 11. 34. they shall be A. with a little help Luke 1 .54. hath A. his servant Isr. in remembrance HOLY. Holiness. 7'rue holiness consists in a conformity to lilt nature and will of God, whereby a Saint is distinguished from the unrenewed world, anil is not actuated by Iheir principles and precepts, nor governed by their maxims and customs. There are different degrees of holiness in the Saints, bul sincerity is inseparable from the being of it. All gild, as one observes, is not refined to the same degree and height of purity. ■ but true gold, though in the lowest degree .f ^fineness, will endure the furnace and the touch stone, and by that trial is discerned from couti- terfett metal. The Holy Spirit, in renewing man, infuses an universal habit of holiness, thai is comprehensive of all the variety of graces to be exercised in the life of a Christian. Gal. 5^22,23, T'le fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. See Sanctify. Holy is applied, I. To God the lather. Son, and Spirit, who is infinitely holy above all creatures, and is called by way of emphasis. The HOLY One. Alt the holiness and perfection that crea- tures do or shall enjoy and possess to eternity is derived from the unmeasurable abyss of God's holiness, for he is the fountain of all holiness and purity. II. To his saints who are holy, [1] By separation and choice, 1 Pet. 2. 9. [2] By the imputation of Christ's holiness or righte- ousness to them, Ezek. I6. 14. 2 Cor. 5. 21. [3] By partaking of a holy principle of grace, whereby the soul is renewed in holiness by de- grees, till it attains a perfection of it, Ueb. 12.23. III. 7'»«Hg«/f, Mat. 25. 31. IV. To persons and thiagi dedicated to God, Exod. 30. 35. 1 31. 14. Lev. 16. 4. I'he prophets call the Lord, Tha Holy One of Israel, as if the name of Holy uere synony- mous with that of God. They provoked the holy One of Israel to anger, Isa. 1. 4. They shall stay upon the Lord, the holy One of Israel, Isa. 10. 20. Arid in Isa. 29. 19, 'J he poor among men shall rejoice in the holy One of Israel. The Messiah (w like manner is called the holy One. Psal. I6. 10, Thou wilt not suffer thine holy One to see corruption. And in Luke 4. 34, I know thee who thou art, the holy One of God. So in Luke 1. 35, I'hat holy thing which (hall be born of thee, shall ba called the Son of God. Christ is called simply the holy One, Acts 3. 14. Holy likewise the common epithet given to the third Person of the glorious Trinity, Holy Ghost. The Israelites are often called holy in scripture, because they were the Lord's, who sanctified them ; they professed the true religion, were called to holiness, which they were to endeavour to acquire, and which many in reality did attain to under the old Law. Exod. I9. (i. Ye shall be an holy nation. See Exod. 22. 31. Lev. 11. 44,45. Num. 16. 3. Christians are still more particularly declared holy. They having received the earnests of the Holy Spirit in a more plentiful and perfect manner than were enjoyed under the Law. In the Acts and in St- Paul's Epistles, Chrisiiani are generally described under the name ©/'Saints. Acts 9. 13,32,41 Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how miich evil he hath done to thy saints. St. Petir came down lo the saints which dwelt in Lydda ; he raised Tabitha from the dead, and presented her 10 the saints. St. Paul directs his Epistle to the Romans thus. To the beloved of God, called to be saints, Rom. 1. 7. Holy place is put for the hol|- of holies, or she HOL most holy place. Exod. 28. 29, ."Jaron shall Dear the names of the children ol Israel in th« breast-plate of judgment upon his heart, when he goeth in unto the holy place. Sometimes i is put for the court of the priests. Lev. 10. IH, Behold, the blood of it was not brought in within the holy place ; ye should indeed havo eaten it in the holy place; the court of ih» ' priests is called holy, compared with the louit of the people ; at in Ezek. 42. 14, The priests shall not go out of the holy place into the outer court. // is also taken for the whole temple. Acts 6. 13, This man ceaseth not to speak blasphemous words against this holy place, and the law. And sometimes for heaven itself. Isa. 57. 15, 1 dwell in the high and holy place; so in lltb. 9. 12, Keither by the blood, of goats and cilves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place. Exod. 3.5. place whereon thcu standest is A. ground 16. 23. to-morrow is the rest of the A. sabbath 19. 6. ye shall be to me a A. nation, 1 Pet. 2. 9. 20. 8. remember the sabbath day to keep it A. 28. 38. Israel shall hallow in all their A. gifu 29. 6. and put the A. crown upon the mitre 33. because they are A. 1|34. because it is A. 30. 25. make it an oil of A. ointment compound 32. it is A. and it shall be h. unto you 35. a perfume tempered together, pure and A. 31. 14, keep the sabbath, for it is A. unto you, 15. Lev. 8. 9. and he put upon Aaron the A. crown 10. lO.ye may put difference between A. and unhol J 16. 4. he shall put on the A. linen coat 33. he shall make atonement for the A. sanctuary 19.2. for I the Lord your God am A. 21. 8. 20. 7. be yeA. 1121. 7. fer he is A. unto his God 27 . 1 4. a man sanctify his house to be A. to the L. 30. the lithe of the land is A. unto the Lord Num. 5. 17. and the priest shall tak« A. water 15.40. that ye may remember, and be A.to your G . 16. 3. seeing all the congregation are A. every on« 5. the Lord will shew who are his, and who is A. 18. 17. thou shalt not redeem them, they are A. 31.6. sent Phinehas with the A. instruments 1 Sam. 2. 2. for there is none A. as the Lord 21.5. and the vessels of the young men are A. 1 Kings 8.4. they brought up the ark and the taber- iiacle, and all the A. vessels, 2 Chron. 5. 5. 2 Kings 4. 9. I perceive this is an A. man of God 1 Chr. 22. 19. bring the A.vessels into house of God 29.3. above all that I have rr'.rared for theA.house 2 Chron. 23. 6. they sha.l go in for they are A. 35. 3. said to the Levite.>: which ven A. to the Ld. put the A. ark into tni r.of.se Solomon buMt 13. but the otlier A. ofitnngs s.-d they in pots Ezra 8.28. ye are A. to the Lord, vessels are A. also 9. 2. the A. seed mingled themselves with people Neh. 9. 14. madest known unto them thy A. sabbatn Psal. 20.6. he will hear him from his A. heaven 22. 3. thou art A. O thou that inhabitest praises 28. 2. when 1 lift my handstowards thy A. oracle 86. 2. preserve my soul, for I am A. O God save 98. 1. his A. arm hath gotten him the victory 99. 5. worship at his footstool, for he is A. 9. exalt the Lord, and worship at his A. hill 105. 42. for he remembered his A. promise 145. 17. the Lord is A. in all his works Prov.g.lO. the knowledge of the A. is understanding 20. 25. to man, who devoureth that which is A. .30. 3. nor have 1 the knowledge of the A. Isa. 4. 3. remaineth in Jerusalem shall be called A, 6. 3. one cried A. A. A. i.. the Lord of hosts 13. the A. seed shall be the substance thereof 27 . 1 3.shallworship inthc A .mountain at J erusRlem 30. 29. a song, as when a A. solemnity is kept 52. 10. the Lord hath made bare his A. arm 58.13.callsabbath, the A.ofthe Lord, honourabia 64.lO.thy A. cities arc a wilderness, Zion a wilder. 11. our A. and beautiful house is burnt up Jer. 11. 15. and the A. flesh is passed from thee £t<<-.22.26.put no difference between A. andprofa.no 36. 38. I will increase them as the A. flotk 42. 13. they be A. chambers, where priests eat 14. there lay their gamieiitu, for they are A. 44. 19. and lay them in the A. chambers 23. shall teach difference between 4. and profat\« 45. 1. shall offer an A. portion of the land, 4. (). against the oblation of A. portior. 7. | 4»i. 18, 4(). 19. into the A. chauioers of the priests 48. 16. for the priests shall be this A. oblation 14. not sell first-fruits, for it is A. unto the Lord 20. shall offer the A. oblation four-square, 21. Pan. 4. 8. but Daniel came in before me, in whom is the spirit of the A. gods, 9. 18. | 5. 11. II. 28. his heart shall be against the A. covenant 30. indignation against the A. covenant, iiuelli. geiice with them thnt forsuke the A. covcnaii* Hag. 2. 12. if one bear A. flesh, and with his skirl touci bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, shall it be A. HOL Zech, i. IS. I/irJ siiall herit Judah in the ^. land 13. Lonl i« raised u, out of his h. habitation tdal. 7- 6. five not that which is h. unto the dotjs 25. 31. iliall come, and all the k. angels with liin Mario. Co. knowing that he was a just man and A. 8. 38. con-.elh in glory with A. angels, Lu/te g. Cfi. Luit 1.70. l>j- the uioulh of /i. prophets, jlcti 3.21 72. and to rempiiiber his /i. covenant 5. 23. every male shall be called A. to the Lord /o/in VI . 11. /). Fath. keep those thou hast giv<.n me jlcit 4. 27. acainst thy /i. child Jesus, whom thou 30. wonders may be done by name of thy A. child ". S.I. the place where thou stanJest is A. ground 10. tC. wa.s warned from God by an A. angel Jiom.l.C. whichhehad promisedinthe A. s 28. 25. well spake the 77. G. by Ksaias the proplui Ixom.o. 5. love of God shed in hearts by the 77. G. 9. 1. conscience bearing me witness in the 77. (J/i. 14. 17. the kingdom of Ciod is joy in the 77. Ghi:o\Y\oi most A. and holy 24. 9. the cakes of fine flour are mou^h. to him 27. 28. every devoted thing is most h. to the Lord hiim.i.i. this shall be service about most h. things 19. thus do, when they approach the wi.r/ A. place 8. 6. brought the ark untom. A. place, 2 CAr. 5.7. 1 Chron. 6. 49. Aaron and sons for work of >«< st h. 23. 13. Aaron separated to sanctify 7/11^^ A. things 2 Chion. 3. 8. Solomon made the mou A. house 10. in the most A. house he made two cheruhims 4. 22. the inner doors thereof for the most h. place 31. 14. and Kore to distribute the most A. things Ezra 2.63. not eat of the most A. things, AVA. 7.65. Etek. 43. 12. the whole limit shall be most A. 41. 13. shall not come near in the most A. place 4."). 3. in it .shall be the sanctuary and most A. plate •in. 12. this oblation shall be a thing most A. I'nn. 9. 24. seventy weeks to anoint the most A. Ilos. 11. t 12. Judah is faithful with the most A. Jude 20. building yourselves on your most A. faith HOLY mountain. Psal. 87. 1. his foundation is in the A. mnufilains Isa. 11. 9. nor destroy in my A. mountain, 65. 25. 56. 7. ev^n them will I bring to my A. mountain 57. 13. and he shall inherit my A. mountain 6!). 11. ye are they that forget ray A. mountain Cfl. 20. on mules and swift beasts to my A. mount. 7^r?X^. 20.40. in my A. mountain they shall sene me 28. 14. thou wast upon thfi A. mountain of God Dan. 9. 16. let thy anger be turned from thy Am. 20. presenting supplication for the A. mountain !1. 45. plant tabernacles in glorious A. mountain Joel 2. 1. sound an alarm in my A. mountain 3.471 am the Ix>rd, dwelling in Zion my h.moun. (Had. 16. for as ye have drunk on my A. mountain '/.ejih. 3. 11. no more haughty, because oK h.mount. Zr. Jer. 50. 29. Babylon proud ag. the A. One of Isr, 51. 5. land filled with sin against the A. One if Isr. Eiei. ,39. 7. that I am the Lord, the A. One in Isr, HOLY ones. Van. 4. 17. the demand by the word of the A. onet HOLY uiV. Eiod. 30. 25. it shall be an A. anointing oil, 31. 37.29. and be made the A. anointing oi.' Num. 35.25. the high-priest was anointed with A, oil Psal. 89. 20. with my A. oil have I anointed him HOLY people. Dent. 7. 6. thou art an A. yeo. to the Lord, 14. 2,21 26. ig. that thou mayest be an A. people to the Ld 28.9- L. shall establish thee an A. people to himseL 7.1a. 62. 12. they shall call them, the A. people Van. 8.24. he shall prosper, and destroy the A. pro. 12. 7. to scatter the power of the A. people HOLY place. Eiod. 28. 29. when he goeth in unto the k. place, .35 43. come near to minister in the h. place, 29. 30 29. 3 j . thou shalt seeth his flesh in the h. place 31. 11. may make sweet incense for the li. plact 35. 19. to doservice in the A. place, 39- 1, 41. .38. 24. the gold in all the wori of the A. place Lev. 6. 16. with unleavened bread it shall be eate» in the A. place, 26. i 7. 6. | 10. 13. | 24. y. 27. thou shalt wash that in the A. place 30. brought to reconcile withal in the A. place 10. 17 have ye not eaten sin-offering in l\i<; h .placit 18. blood was not brought in within the h. placn 14. 13. shall slay the burnt-offering in the h. plact 16.2. that he come not at all times into thj h.plact S. thus shall Aaron come into the A. place 16. he shall make an atonement fortlie h.plaet 17. goeth to make atonement in the h. place. ^7- 20. hath miule an end of reconcilivg the A f'.ace. HOL Lev.i6.nMt pal on wnen Ae went into theh.ploce 24. shall wash his flesh wiih water in the A. place Josh. 5. 15. the place whereon thou slandest is A. 1 Kings 8.8. the staves were seen out in the h. place 10. priests come out of the h. place, 2 Chr. 5. 11. \Chrvn. 23. .32. keep the charge of the h. place 2C/iron. 29. 5. carry filihiness out of the A. p/(7c« 7. nor offered burnt-offerings in the A. place 30. 27. prayer came up to his A. dwelling-/ taken J'or a recompense, or retcari. Num. 24. 11, 1 thought to promote thee unto great honour, but lo, the Lord hath kept thee back from honour ; that is, hath deprived thte of the reiiard 1 designed for thee. Bv honoar ij also understood that adoration uhich is due to Oodonly. Psal. 2y. 2, Gire imto the Lord tho honour due unto his name. So in .Mai. 1. 6, If then I be a father, where is mine honour r And in 1 Tim. 1. 1", L'nto the only wise God be honour and glory. /( is put J'or an ho- nourable J'miction, or office, such as uas thai ttf the holy priesthood under the lau:. Heb. 5. 4, No man taketh this honour, this honourable oth'ce, uuto hinibdf, but he that is called of tiod, as was Aaron. And for those great bless- ings and enjoyments uhicA are bestowed on the saints in heaien. Rom. 2. 10, Glory, honour, and peace to every man that worketh good. Gen. 49. 6. to their assembly, my A. be not united Ezod.H. f 9. Moses said, have this A. over me 14. 17. and 1 will get me A. upon I'haraoh 18. when I have gotten me h. upon Pharaoh Num. 22. 17. 1 will promote thee unto great A. 37, 24. 1 1. the Lord hath kept thee back from A. 27- 20. thou shalt put some of thine A. upon him Deut. 26.19. make thee high above all nations in A.. Judg. 4. 9. the journey shall not be for thine A. 13. 17. thy sayingscome topass.wemay do thee A. 2 Sam. 6. 22. of them shall 1 be had in A. 1 Kings 3. 13. 1 have also given thee riches and /;. 1 Chr. 16. 27. glory and A. are in his presence 17.18. what can Dav. say more for A. of thy sertr. 29. 12. both riches and A. come of thee 28. David died in old age, full of riches and A. 2 Chr. 1.11. thou hast not asked riches or A. 12. I will give thee riches, and wealth, and A. 17 ■ 5. Jehoshaphat had A. in abundance, 18. 1. 26. 18. nor shall it be for thy A. from the Lord 32. 27. Ilezekiah had much riches and A. 33. the inhabitsmts of Jerusalem did him A. Esth. 1 . 4. to shew the A. of his excellent majesty 20. Jill wives shall give to their husbands A. 6. 3. what A. hath been done Mordecai for this? t 6. the man in whose A. riie king delighteth 8. 16. the Jews had light and gladness, joy and A Job 14. 21. his sons come to A. he knowethit not Psal. 7.5. let the enemy lay mine A. in the dusi 8. 5. thou hast crowned him with A. lieb. 2. 7,9- 21. 5. A. and majesty hast thou laid upon him 26.8. I loved the place where thine A. dwelleth 29- t2. give unto the Lord the A. of his name 49 12. nevertheless man being in A. abideth not 2i. . man that is in A. and uuderstandeth cot 66. 2. sing forth the A. of his name, m.\ke his 7 1 -tJ. let thy mouth be filled with thy A. all the day y6. 6. A. and majesty are before him, strength 101. 1. thou art clothed with A. and majesty 1 12. 9. his horn shall be exalted with A. 145. 5. I will speak of the A. of thy majesty 149- 9- tbis A. have all his saints, praise the Lord Prov. 3. 16. and in her left hand are riches and A. 4. 8. exalt her, and she shall bring thee to A. 5. 9- lest thou give thine A. to others, thy year." 8. 18. riches and A. are with me, durable riches 11. 16. a gracious woman retaineth A. 14.28. in the multitude of the peop. is the king's/.). 15. 33. and before A. is humility, 18. 12. 20. 3. it is an A. for ?. man to cease from strife 21. 21. he that followeth mercy, findeth A. 22 4. by the fear of the Lord are riches and A, 25. 2. the A. of kings is to search out a matter 2b. 1. so A. is not seemly for a fool 8. so is he that giveth A. to a fool 29.23. A. shall uphold flie humble in spirit 31. 25. strength and A. are her clothing Eccl. 6. 2. a man to whom God hath given A. 10. 1. so folly him that is in reputation for A. Jer. 33. 9. be to me an A. before all nations of earth Dan. 2. 6. ye shall r«ceive rewards and great A. 4. .30. that 1 have built for the A. of my majesty 36. mine A. and brightness returned unto me 5. 18. O king, God gave thy father glory and A. 11.21. they shalt not give the A. of the kingdom Mai. I. 6. if then I be a father, where is mine A. Mat. 13. 57. Jesus said, a prophet is not withont A. save in his own country, Alari 6.^. John 4. 44. John 5.41. 1 receive not A. from men 44. who receive A. one of another, and seek not A. 8.54. if 1 honour myself, my A. is nothing Uom. 2.7. in well doing seek for glory and A, 10. but A. to every man that worketh good 9.21. of the same lump tt make od« vessel to A. 12. 10. kindly affectioned, in A. preferring one alio. 13.7. render therefore A. to whom k. is due 1 Cor, 12 23. we bestow moTe aboodant A.S^ HON 8C«r. 6. 8. by A. and dishonour, by evil report C<>/.8.23.nol in any h. to the satisfying of the fiesh 1 'I'htti. 4. 4. know how to possess his vessel in h. J 'l'%m. 1. 17. to the only wise God be A. and glory ii. 17. let elders be counted worthy of double h. 6. 1. count their own masters worthy of all h. 16. to whom be A. and power everlasting 2 7'./ii. 2.20. vessels, some to A. some to dishon. 21. I//4.3.3.who builded, hath more A than the house 5.4. no man taketh this A. to himself, but he called 3 PeJ. 1. 7. might be found to praise, A. and glory 2. t 7- unto you that believe, he is an A. 3. 7. giving h. to the wife as to the weaker vessel 2 fet. 1. 17. Ue received from (iod the Father A. B-ts. 4. 9. when those heasfj give glory and A. 11. thou art worthy to receive glory and A. 5. 12. 6. 1.3. A. power and mi'-ht be to him, 7.12. | 19. 1. 19. 7- let us be glad, rejoice, and cive A. to him 21. 24. kings bring their glory and A. toil, £6. HONOURS. £ctt 28. 10. who also honoured ns with many A. HONOUR, Verb. Exod. 20. 12. A. thy fath. and thv moth. Dettt.C>.\6. Mat. 15,4. I 19. 19. M'arkT. 10. | 10. I9. Luke 18. CO. i>A. 6. 2. Lev. 19. 15. shaltnot K. the person of the mighty 32. thou shale A. the face of the old man Jtrfg. 9. 9. wherewith by me they A. God and man J Sam. 2. 30. Ld. saith, for them that A. me I will /;. 15. 30. yet A. n.e now, 1 pray tliee, before elders 2 Sam. ]0. 3. iliinkest thou that David doth A. thy father, that he sent to thee ' 1 Chnm. 19. 3. Eslh. 6. 6. whom the king delighteth to A. 7, 9, 11. Psa!.^l. 15. I will deliver him and A. him Prut'. 3. 9. A. the Ld .with thy substance and first-fru. Iia. 29. 13. this people with their lips do h. me 43. 20. the bezist of the field shall A. me 58. 13. and shall A. him, not doing thine own ways Dan. 4. 37. 1 extol and A. the King of heaven 11. 38. in his estate shall he A. the God of forces, a god whom hi.s fathers knew not, shall he A. Hat. 15.6. and A. not his father or his mother John 5. £3. that all men should A. Son as they A. Fa. 8. 49. but I A. my Father, and ye dishonour me 54. if 1 A. myself, my h. is nothing 12. S6. if any serve me, him will my Father A. 1 'i'lm. 3. 3. A. widows that are widows indeed I Pet. 2. 17. A. all men, fear God, A.«the king HONOLRABLE. Ctn 34. 19. Shechem was more A. than all hotise AiiOT. 22. \6. Balak sent princes more A. than they 1 Sam. 9. 6. there is in the city a man of God, and he is an A. man, all he saith cometh to pass 22. 14. faithful as David, who is A. in thy house S Sam. 23.19. washenot most A. ol three:" therefore he was their captain, 1 Chron. 11. 21 23. was more A. than the thirty, but attained not S Ji'ings 5. 1. now Naaman was A. with his master 1 Chrmt. 4. 9. .labez was more A. than his brethren 11. 25. behold, was A. amon^ thirty, attained not Job £2. 8. had the earth, and the A. man dwelt in it Tial. 45. 9- king's daughters among thy A. women 111. 3. his work is A. and glorious Jta. 3. 3. the Lord doth take away the h. man 3. the base shall behave.proudly against the h. S. 13. and their A. men are famished 9. 15. the ancient and A. be is the head 23. 8. whose traffickers are the A. of the earth 9. bring into contempt all the A. of the earth 42. 21 . he will magnify the law and make it A. 43. 4. thon hast been A. {| 58. 13. holy of the L. A. J\'a/i. 3. 10. and they cast lots for her A. men Alari 15.43. Joseph of Arimatheaan A. counsellor Luke 14. 8. lest a more A. man be bidden of him Acts 13. 50. the Jews stirred up the A. women 17. 12. also of A. women not a few believed 1 Cor .4. 10. we are weak.bat ye are strong, ye are A. 12. 23. those members which we think less A. Vei. 13. 4. marriage is A. and the bed undefiled HONOURED. Exod. 14. 4. I will be A. on I'haraoh and his host Prop. 13 18. he that regardeth reproof shall be A 27. 18. he that waitcth on his master shall be A Ita. 43. 23. nor hast thou A. me with thy sacrifices iaw.l.B.all that A. her, despise her, they have seen 5. 12. the faces of the elders were not A. Van. 4. 34. I praised and A. him that liveth forever Acts 28. 10. who also A. ns with many honours 1 Cot. 12. 26. or one member be A. all rejoice with it HONOUREST. 1 50(71.2. 29. and A. thy sons above me, to make fat HONOURETH. Pial. 15. 4. but he A. them that fear the Lord Pioi. IC. 9. is better than he that A. himself 14. 31 but he that A. him hath mercy on the poor Mai. 1.6. a n A. his father, where is my honour ? Mml. 15 .8 and *. me with their lips, Mark 7. 6. JoAn 3.23. he that h. not the Son, A. not the Father 8. *4 It IB my Father that A. me, 01 whom ye say HON HONEY. Bees are tome of the tmatlesi creatures thalflxi, and the produce of them ts the sueetest thtng m the world. The scripture describing a troop of enemies pursuing uith obslinacv and uarmth, makes use of the similitude <;/" bees. Deul. 1. 44, 'Ihe Amor lies chased you as bees. And »« Psal. 118. 12, They compassed me about like bees. As to honey, God did not permit any to be offered to him upon his altar. Lev. 2. 11. Ye shall burn no leaven, nor any honey, in any oflering of the Lord made by lire. There are many reasons given for the expediency oj this lax ; such as, that honey does not agree ucU Kith other things, -uhich are offered in the uay of saerijice, that it makes bread sour, and is not good with roast meat ; or because bees are insects uhich are judged to be unclean. Lev. 11. 23. Ur because honey is the symbol of carnal pleasures ; or, lastly, to keep at a dis- tance from the customs 01 the heathens, itlio were used to offer honey in their sacrifices. But at the same time that God forbids any honey to be offered to him in sacrifice, he commands the first fruits of it to be presented to him. Lev. 2. "]£, As for the oblation of the first-fruits, ye shall offer them unto the Lord, but these first- fruits and offerings Tcere designed for the sup- port and sustenance of the priests, and were not offered upon the altar. Ihe Rabbins, by the uord honey in the aboie-ciied place, under- stand not only the honey of bees, but likei.^ist the honey of dales, or the fruit of the paiin- tree, or the dales themselves, from uhich honey is extracted. TA; expressions of scripture -uhich import so fre- quently thai Palestine zcas a land flowing with milk and honey, are a good proof t'lat honey uas formerly very common in that country. Moses says, that the Lord made his pcx'ple to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock, Deut. 32. 13. Honey ran upon the ground in the forest, uhere Jonathan dipped the end of his staff in this liquor, and con- veyed it to his mouth, I. Sam. 14. 25, 26, 27. John the Baptist fed upon icild honey, ;ihich uas found to be in the rocks up and dou-n the country, or in hollow trees. Mat. 3. 4. Children tcere fed uith milk, cream, a~i honey, Isa. 7. 15, Butter and honey ihall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good. Ihis uas the s-aeetesi and most delicious thing uhich uas then knoun before the inieniion and preparation of sugar, and therefore things that are sseet, pleasant, and agreeable, are in tciipture compared to it. As the uord of God, Psal. 119. 103. Hisdom, Prov. 24. 13, 14. God complains of Jerusalem Jor ojering that bread, oil, and honey to idols, uhich he had giien to the inhabitants thereof for their nourishment, Ezek. I6. 13, 19. And Solomon observes, that too great a quantity oJ honey is hurtful to the stomach, and creates a loathing, Prov. 25. 16. Gen. 43. 11. carry a little A. spices, myrrh, nuts £x(irf.l6. 31. taste of it was like wafers made with A. Lev. 2. 11. ye shall burn no leaven, nor any A. Deut. 8.8. a land of oil-olive and A. 2 Kings J8. 32. 32. 13. he made him to suck A. out of the rock Judg. 14. 8. there was A. in carcase of the lion, 9. 18. what sweeter than A. ? what strong. than lion '. 1 Sam. 14. 25. and there was A. upon the ground 26. A. dropped || 29. 1 tasted a little A. 43. 2 Sam 17. 29. brought A. and butter to David 1 Kings 14. 3. take a cruse of A. and go to him 2 Chron. 31.5. Israel brought the first-fruits of A. JobiO. 17. he shall not see the brooks of A. and but Psal. 19. 10. judgment sweeter than A. II9. 103 81. 16. with A. out of the rock have satisfied thee Prof.24.13. my son.eat A. because it is good,25.l6 £5. 27. it i« not good to eat much A. Cam. 4. 11. A. and milk are under thy tongue 5. 1. I have eaten my honeythe fall soul loathefh an h.-eemi C'a«/.4.1 l.thy lips,0 my spouse, drop as an h.-cemi 5. 1. I have eaten my h.-comb with my hooey Lhkeii. 42. they gave him a piece of an h.-comi HOODS. Isa. 3. 23. 1 will take away the A. and the vails- HOOF. F.xod. 10. 26. there shall not an A. be left behind Lev. 11. 3. whatever parteth A. and is cloven-footed 4. of them that divide the A. but divideth not A. 5. but divideth not the A. 6. Dtut. 14. 7- 7. the swine, tho" he divide the A Deut. 14. 8. HOOFS. Judg. 5. 22. then were the horse A. broken I'sal. 69. 31. please Lord better than an ox with A. Jsa. 5. 28. their horses A. shall be counted like flint Jer. 47. 3. at the nois« of the stamping of the A. A:«A^.26.11.with A. of horses shall treadlby streets 32. 13. nor shall the A. of beasts trouble them Mic. 4.13. 1 will make thy A. brass, and shall bejit HOOK. QKingslQ 28.1 will put myA. in thy nose, /fa. 37. 20. Join. 1. canst thou draw leviathan wiih an A..' 2. Mat. 17.27. go, ai>d cast an A. and take up a hsh HOOKS. £TOP hope believed in hope, a^en being advanced in f/eart, God promised him a son, Rom. 4. 18. He confidently believed God's promise that he thould have a son, against all grounds of hope, when it was most unlikely in a way of naiiue and reason. The prisoners of bope, Zech. 9. 12. are the Israelites, aho were captives m Babylon, but were in hopes of deliverance. Or, ye prisoners of hope, y« aho, though captives to sin and Hatan, yet have good grounds to hope for deliverance . turn ye to the strong hold, repent, believe, and a}iply to the Lord Jesus Christ, your only htlp and refuge. K0MI.12. if 1 should say, I have h. if I should have Etra 10.2. there is h. in Israel concerning this Joi4. 6. is not this thy fear, conf.dence, thy h. ? 5.16. poor hath h. and iniquity stopped her mouth 7.6. my days are spent without h. 8. 13. and the hypocrite's h. shall perish, 14. 11. 18. thou shall be secure, because there is h. SO. their A. shall be as the giving up of the ghost 14. 7. for there is h. of a tree if it be cut down 19. and thou destroy est the h. of man 27. 8. what is h. of hypocrite the' he hath gained ? 41. 9. behold, the />. of him is in vain Psal. 78. 7. that they might set their A. in God 146.5. happy is he whose h. is in the Lord his God Prep. 10.88. the h. of the righteous shall be gladness 11.7. and the h. of unjust men perisheth 13. 12 h. deferred maketh the heart sick 14. 32. but the riehteous hath h. in his death 19. 18. chasten thy son while there is.A. 36.12. there is more A. of a fool than of him, 29-20. Eecl. g.4. to him who is joined to living, there is h. Isa. 67. 10. there is no h. Jer. 2. 25. | 18. 12. Jer. 14. «. O theA. of Isnel.theSaviour. 17. 1.3. 17. 7. blessed is the man whose A. the Lord is 31. 17. there is A. in the end, saith the Lord 50. 7- even the Lord, the .A. of their fathers I.am. 3. 21. this I recal to my mind, therefore have I A 29. his mouth in the dust, if so be there may be A i'»«*. 19. 5. when she saw that her A. was lost 37.11. behold, they say, our bones dried, our A. lost Hos. 2. 15. the valley of Achor for a door of A. Joel 3. 16. the Lord will be the A. of his people Zech. 9. 12. turn to the strong hold ye prisoners of A Acts 16.19. when saw the A. of their gains was gone 23. 6. of the A. and resurrection of the dead 24. 15. I have A. toward G. which they also allow 26. 6. now I am judged for the A. of the promise 7. for which A. sake, I am accused of the Jews ST. 20. all A. that we should be saved was gone 88. 20. for A. of Israel I am bound with this chain Rom. 5. 4. patience, experience ; experience, A. 5. A. maketh not ashamed, because love of God 8. 24 for we are saved by A. but A. seen is not A 15. 4. that we through patience might have A. 13. that ye may abound in h. thro' the H . Ghost 1 Cot. 9. 10. that he should be partaker of his A. 13. 13. now abideth faith, A. charity, these three 15. 19. if in this life only we have n. in Christ 2 Cor. 1.7. and our A. of you is stedfasi knowing 3. 12. seeing that we have such A. we use plainness 10. 15. having A. when your faith is increased Ga/.5.5.for we thro' the Spirit wait for A. of right. £ph. 1. 18. may know jvhat is the A. of his calling 2. 12. having no A. and without God in the world 4. 4. one Spirit, even aj ye are called in one A. Col. 1. 5. for the A. laid up for you in heaven 23. be not moved away from the A. of the gospel 27. which is Christ in you, the A. of glory 1 1'hess. 1. 3. your patience of A. in our Lord Jesus 2. 19. for what is our A. and joy ? are not even ye 4. 13. ye sorrow not, even asotliers who have noA. 5. 8. and for an helmet the A. of salvation S H«fx.2.l6.who hath given us good A. thro' grace 1 Tim. 1. 1. of our Lord Jesus, who is our A. Tit. 2. 13. looking for that blessed A. and appearing 3. 7. made heirs according to the A. of eternal life Hei. 3. 6. rejoicing of the A. firm to the end C. 11. to the full assurance of A. imto the end 18. who have fled to lay hold on A. set beiore us 19- which A. we have as an anchor of the soul 7. 19. but the bringing in of a better A. did 1 P«.1 .3.who hath begotten us again to a lively A. 21. that your faith and A. might be In God 3. 15. that asketh a reason of the A. that is in you 1 John 3. 3. every man that hath this A. in him In HOPE. Pill. 16. 9. my flesh shall rest in A. Acts 2. 26. Rom. 4. IB. who agaiiut hope believed in A. 5. 2. and rejoice in A. of the glory of God a. 20. of him who hath subjected the same in A. J2. 12. rejoicing in A. patient in tribulation 15.13. that ye may abound in A, thro' Holy Ghost 1 Cor. 9. 10. that ploweth in It. that thresheth in A. 'lit. 1. 2. in A. of eternal life xvhich God promised Mu IK) IK. Jol ;'7. 15. and where is now rr.y A. .' as for my A. an HOR /oilQ. 10. and myh. hath he removed like a tree 31. 24. if I have made gold my A. or have said t'sal. 39. 7. Lord, what wart I for ' my A. is in thee 71.5. for thou artmy A. O Lord God, Jer. 17. 17. 119. 116. and let me not be ashamed of my A. Lam. 3. 18. and my h. is perished from the Lord I'hil. 1. 20. accord, to my A. that in nothing I shall HOPE, yerb. Job 6. 11. what is my strength, that I shotdd A..' Psal.a.i). thou didst make me A. when I was upon 31. 24. be of courage, all ye that A. in the Lord 33. 18. upon them that A. in his mercy, 147. 11. 22. thy mercy be on us, according as we A. in thee 38. 15. for in thee, O Lord, do I A. thou wilf hear 42. 5. why cast down? A. thou in God, 11 | 43.5. 71. 14. but I will A. continually, and praise thee 119. 49. word on which thou hast caused me to A. 81. my soul faint. I A. in thy word, 114. | 130.5. 130. 7. let Israel A. in the Lord, 131. 3. Isa. 36. 18. they in the pit cannot A. for thy truth Lam. 3. 24. my portion, therefore will I A. in him 26. it is good that a mjin should both A. and wait Ezei. 13. 6. and they have made others to A. LuJie 6.3 1. if lend to them of whom ye A. to receive Acts 26. 7. to which promise our tribes A. to come Kom. 8. 24. what a m2Ln seeth, why doth he A. for .' 25. if we A. for that we see not, then do we wait Phil.i.iS. him I A. to send presently, soon as I see 1 Pet. 1. 13. wherefore be sober, and A. to the end HOPED. Esth.g. 1. theenemiesoftheJews A. tohavepower Job 6.20.they were confounded because they had A Psal, 119. 43. for I have A. in thy judgments 74. because I have A. in thy word, 147. 166. Lord, I have A. for thy salvation Jer. 3. 23. in vain is salvation A. for from the hills Lu/ie 23. 8. he A. to have seen some miracle done Acts 24. 26. he A. money should have been given 2 Cor. 8. 5 and this they did, not as we A. heb 11.1. faith is the substance of things A. for HOPEfH. 1 Cor. 13.7 .charity A. all things, endureth all things HOPING. Lu/ie 6. 35. do good, and lend, A. fornothing again 1 Tim. 3. 14. 1 write, A. to come unto thee shortly HORN. The pri?icipal defence and greatest strength of horned beasts consist in their horns ; and the scripture mentions the horn as the symbol cj strength. Moses compares Joseph to a young bullock, and says, that his horus are like the horns of unicorns ; thai is, his strength and power shall be very great, Deut. 33. 17. And in Psal. 132. 17, I will make the horn of David to bud ; I will make his power and glory to Jlourish and increase. I will cut off the HOR beasit to be offered might b« bound to them, ts the Psalmist seems to msijiuate, Psal. lib. S7. As the ancients frequenily made use of horns to hold liquors, the vessels wherein oil was put, and perjumes, are called ojien horns, wlietker they really wen of horn, or »f any other rnalter. l-ill thine horn with oil, says the Lord to Samuel, and go anoint David king, 1 Ham. 16. 1. Ezod. 21. 29. if 01 were .vont to push with his h, 1 .S'a/n. 2.1. Hannah said,mine A. is exalted m the L. 10. and he shall exalt the A. of his anointed 16. 1. fill thine A. with oil, go, I will send thee 13. Samuel took the A. of oil, and anointed him 2 Ham. 22. 3. the A. of my salvation, Psal. 18. i. I Kings 1. 3y. Zadok the priest took an A. of oil 1 Chr. 25. 5. in the words of God, to lift up the A. Job 16. 15. I have defiled my A. in the dust Psal. 75. 4. to the wicked, lift not up the A. 5. 89. 17. eind in thy favour our A. shall be exalted 24. and in my name shall his A. be exalted 92. 10. my A. shalt thou exalt like A. of an unicora 112. 9. his A. shall be exalted with honour 132. 17. 1 will make the A. ef David to bud 148. 14. he also exalteth the A. of his people Jer. 48. 25. the A. of Moab is cut off, and his arm Lam. 2. 3. he hath cut off all the A. of Israel 17. he hath set up the A. of thine adversaries E:ek. 29. 21. 1 will cause the A. of Israel to bud Dan. 7.H. among them a little A. in this A. 20. 11. of the great words which the A. spake 21. the same A. made war with the saints 8. 5. the goat had a notable A. between his eyes 8.8. when he w\s strong, great A. was broken 9. out of one of them came forth a little A. 21. the great A. that is between his eyes Zech. 1. 21. which lift up their A. over the land Luke 1.69. hath raised up an A. of salvation for us IIOKNS. Gen.l'i. 13. a ram caught in a thicket by his A. tioi/. 27.2.make the /(.of it on the four corners, his A. bhallbeofthesame, 30. 2. ! 37.25. | M.Z. 29. 12. and put of the blood on the A. of the altar, Xez). 4.7,18,25,30,34. | 8.15. | 9.9- I I6.I8. 30. 3. with pure gold shalt overlay the A. 37. 26. 10. make an atonement on A. of it once a year Deut. 33. 17. his A. are like the A. of unicorns 1 kings 'Z.'i&.ioah caught hold on the A. of the altar 22. 11. Zedekiahmade/i. of iron, 2 C/ircn. 18. 10. Psal. 22. 21. hast beard me from the A. of unicoroi 6y. 31. than a bullock that hath A. and hoofs 75. 10. all the A. of the wicked wiU 1 cut off, but the A. of the righteous shall be exalted 118.27. bind the sacrifice to the A. of the altar ttek. 27. 15. they brought for a present A. of ivory 34.21. ye pushed all the diseased with your A. horns of the wicked, P*a/. 75. 10. So in Jer. 43. 15. from the altarand upward shall be four A 48. 25, The horn oi Moab is cut off. In /Jan. 7- 7- behold, a fourth beast had ten A. 20. Psal. 44. 5, a victory over enemies is expressed by these words. Through thee we will push down our enemies : in Hebrew, we will smite with the horn, we will lubdue, destroy, and disperse them, as a bull disperses every thing that comes bej'ore him with his horns. Horn, signifies likewise glory, honour, brightness, and rays. 1 Sam. 2. 1, Mine horn is exalted in the Lord ; my glory it advanced and ma- nifested ; God hath loaded me with honour. Job says, I have defiled my horn in the dust : 1 have parted with all my gloiy and dignity, and been contented to lie it the dust. Job 16. 15. The Psalmist says, I said to the wicked, lift not up the horn , Vo not carry yowsel" prepared acainst day of battle 26. 3. » whip for the h. a rod lor the fool's back »a. 43. J7. which hriogeth forth the chariot and A. 393 . . 1. J .- . i I" «„»■ 1 6 lo the A. followed hard aft*rbic>v Tsa. PI. 13. that led them -.hro' the deep as a *■ -/''"• ybav.d took frmn Hadadezer 700 A Jer 8 6 as the A. rusheth into the battle 51 21. with thee will I break in piecesA. and ruler .Im'os 2.15.nor shall he that rideth A.deliver himsell Ztch 1. 8. and behold, a man riQing upon a reU h. 9 10 and I will cut off the A. from Jerusalem 10. 3. hath made them as his goodly A. in battle 1" 4. I will smite every A. with blindness 14. 15. so shall be the plague of the A. of the inule ««r.6. 2. andl saw, and behold, white A. 19 11. 4. a red A. |1 5. a black A. |1 8. beho d. a paleA. 14 20 and blood came even to the A. bridles 19 19 tomakewaragainsthimthatsatonthe A. "1 slain with the sword of him that sat on the A. HORSEBACK. " Kings 9 18. there went one on A. to meet Jehu ' 19 then he sent out a second on .'(.which came Esth 6 9 and bring him on A. through the city II Ilaman brought him on A. through the city 8 10. and Mordecai sent letters by posts on A. liORSE-GATE. " Chr 23 15. when she was come to entering of A.-j. \eh. 3 28. from above the h.-g. repaired the priests Jer 31 40. the fields to the corner of the A. -ga/e HORSES. 6eH.47.1".Joseph gave bread in exchange for A. Exod. 9. 3. the hand of the Lord is upon the A. Deut.n. iG.buthe shall not multiply A. tohimsell, to the end that he should multiply A. 1 Kings 4. 28. barley also and straw for the h. 10. 25. they brought A. and mules, 2 Chr. 9. 24. C8.S0I. had A.ou't of Egypt, 2CAr.l. 16,17. | 9-28. 18 5. may find grass to save the A. and mules alive 22. 4. and my A. are as thy n 2 hmgs X 7- 2 Kings':. II. there appeared A. of fire, and parted 5 9. Kaaman came with his A. and chariot 7 7. thev left their A. and fled for their life 10. but A. tied |1 13. some take five of the A. 9. 33. Jezebel's blood was sprinkled on the A. 14 20. brought Amaziah on A. 2 Chron. 23. 28. 18 23 I will deliver thee 2000 A. Jsa. 30. 8. ""3 II. Josiah took away the A. given to the sun Lzra 2. 66. their A. were 7-36. AVA. 7 68. Eccl 10 7. I have seen servants on A. and princes Isa 2. 7. their land is also full of A. and chariots 5 28. their A. hoofs shall be counted like Hint 30 16. but ye said, no, for we will flee upon A. 31. 1. and stay on A. and trust in chariots 3. and their A. are flesh, and not spirit Jer. 4. 13. his A. are swifter than eagles 5. 8. they were as fed A. in the morning 6. 23. they ride on A. set in array as men for war 8. 16. the snorting of his A. was heard from Dan 1" 5 then how canst thou contend with A..' 46 4. harness the A. and get up, ye horsemen 47. 3. noise of the stamping of the hoofs of his A. 50. 42. and they shall ride upon A. put m array 51. 27. cause the A. to come up as caterpillars Ezek. 17.15. that they might give him A. and people 23 6. young men. horsemen riding on A. J2. 20. and whose issue is like the issue ol A. ^ 23. renowed, all of them riding on A. 38. Ij. 26 10. because of the abundance of his A. 27. 14. Togarmah traded in thv fairs with A. 38 4 I will bring thee forth, and all thy army. A. Hos 1 7. I will not save them by battle nor A. 14. 3. Ashur shall not save, we will not ride on A. Jvel 2. 4. as the appearance of A. and horsemen Arnold. 10. and I have taken away your A. 6 1" shall A. run upon the rock ? will one plow iVic. 5. 10. that I will cut off thy A. out of thee Ilab 1.8. their A. also are swifter than the leopards 3 8 that thou didst ride on thy A. and chariots 15 thou didst walk through the sea with thy A. Ho". 2. 22. I will overthrow the A. and riders Zee)!. 1. 8. and behind him there were red «. b. 2. in first chariot red A. in the second black A. 3 in third white A. in fourth chariot bay A. 6 the black A. go forth into the north-country 10 5. the riders on A. shall be confounded 14.20. onbellsof A. HoLl.vEss to the Loiid Jam 3. 3. behold, we put bits in the A. mouths liev 9 7. the locusts were like A. prepared to battle 17. I saw the A. the heads of A. as heads of lions 18. 13. no man buyeth the merchandise of A. 19. 14. the armies followed him upon white A. 18. that ye may eat flesh of kings and A. Hee C'HARioi-''- HORSELEECH. Pror.30.l5.the A. hath two daughters, crying, give I HORSEMAN. '" Kinrs 9. 17. Joram said, take an A. send to meet Sah 3. 3. A. lifteth up the bright sword and spear HORSEMEN. Gen 50.9. there went with Joseph chariots and A. Eiod. 14.9 the A. of Pharaoh pursued after tnem 17. I will get me honour on I'haraoh and his A. 15.19. I'haroahand A. went inio sea. Ji'jA. 24.6. 1 6V1W. 8. 11. he will take your sons to be his A. o ••. and David took from Hadadezer 700 A 10. 18. David slew 40,000 /». smote Shobach 1 liin's 1.5. Adonijah prepared chariots and 4 4. :6! Solomon had 12,000 A. 10. 26. 19 Solomon had cities of store for his cha- riots, and cities for his A. 22. £ CAr. 8. 6. » 20 20. Bcn-hadad escaped on an horse with his A 2*Ain"'J 2. 12. the chariots of Isr. and the A. thereof 13 7' nor did he leav* to Jehoahaz but filty A. 1+ J cash said. O my father, the A. of Israel 18. 24. put thy trust in Egypt for chariots and A. 2 Chr. 12. 3. Shishak came up with 6o,000 A. 16. 8. the Ethiopians a huge hoBt with many A. Ezra 8. 22. was ashamed to ask soldiers A. to help .\>A.2.9. now king had sent captains and A. with a* Isa. 21. 7. he saw a chariot with a couple of A. ti 22.7 .the A.shall set themselves in array at the gaw 28.C8.because he will not bruise them with his A. 31.1. and trust in A. because they are very strong 3g. 9. how wilt thou put thy trust on Egypt for A. J^r.4.29. whole city shall flee for the noise ol the A 46.4. get up ye A. and stand with your helmets Ezek. 23. 6. all of them A. riding on horses. 12. 26 7 bring N ebuchadnezzar against Tyrus with A. 10. thy walls shall shake at the noise of the A, 27. 14. they of 1 ogarmah traded in fairs wiihA, 38. 4. Gog I will bring thee forth, horses and A. L>an. 11.40. the king ofthe north shall come with A, Hos. 1.7. I will nut save them by horses, nor by A. Joel" 4. appearance ofhorses.asA.so shall they rut* 7ifli.l.8. their A. shall spread themselves, and theit A. shall come from fa'-, shall fly as the eagle Acts 23 23. make ready A. threescore and ten 32. on morrow they left the A. to go with him. Rev. 9. 16. the number of the army of A. were HOSANNA Is an Hebrew uord, uhic/t signifies. Save I beseech you U is a form of acclamation, oJ blessings or -.cishino one uell. Thus at the Havumr's: entrance into Jerusalem, uhen the people crudj Hosanna to the Son of David; their meaning. ■j.as. Lord preserve this Son of Vavid ; ilii* king : heap favours and blessvtgs en him. The. :vord is found m Mat. 21.9, 15- ^^l^rk U. Q, 10. John 12. 13. HOSEN. Dan 3 21.these men were bound in their A.andhaU- HOSPll'ALITY Signifies/oi« losirangeis, expressed in enlerlammg and using them kindly, Rom. 12. 13. Jt A The church amotiij the Jews. Heb. 3. 2, Moses was faithful ia all his house. He ordered all things in the Jewish church according to the command of God. Our Saviour, in John 14. 2, calls Aeaien hB Father's house, in which there are many man- sions, wherein saints and blessed spi'its thall dwell with God for ever m immortal gforj. TAe church of God is called his house. 1 Tim. 3. 15, ihat thou iiiayest know how to bchavo thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God; a people in and among whom he dwetleih. .ind in Heb. 3. But Christ as a Son over his own house, whose house are we. lielifvcri ore set apart frcm profane uses, and dedicated to the service tj (jiid ; among whom he mmrfests his giaciiUS pretence bv his Spirit. TAe tabernacle is a/so called the house of (iod, Judg. 18. 31. as also tAe temple, 2 Chron. 5. 14. Persons are said to join house to house, when they watch ail opportunities to disposiess otiutt by any means uAatsoever, and 10 tngross alt to themsclvce. Isa. 5. 8, Woe unto them that join house to house. Egypt was the A"iu< of bondage ; wheie the people of Israel were in great bondage and slater y, Deut. 5. 6. Gen. 19. 4. mer of Sodom conipaJ!>ed the A. round 24.27. L. led me to tue A. of uiy master's brethren HDU JOU GeK-H.3l.l have prepared 'le A. room foTcameM| Prm-l.Tl. ber A. i»Ch« way to hell, goin^ to death ?8. 2. go to the h. of Bethuel, thy mother's father 31J.5.L. blessed the Egyptian's*, for Joseph's sake *5. '-i the Egyptians aod the A. of I'haraoh heard ^.'jrerf.8.3.frog5 shall come intotheA.of ihy servants IS. S. a lamb according to the h. of their fathers 30 waunot an h. where there was not one dead 4(). thoa shalt not carry of tht flesh out of the A •3. J. rememberday ye came out from ligypt.oat of the A. of bondage, 14. Ueui. 5.6. | 6. 12 SO. 17. shalt not covet neighbour's A. Deut. 5. 21 i«3. 14.86. priest shall command they empty the A 14. 38. priest shall go out of the A. and shut up 45. he shall break down the A. and mortar of A. 45. he that goeth into the A. shall be unclean 4y. he shall take to cleanse the A. two birds 15. 30 A. sold in walled city, not go out in jubilee Sum. 30. 10. and if she vowed in her husband's A. Deut T. 8. redeemed you out of the A. of bond-men 8. 14. which brought you out of the land of Egypt from the A. of bondage, 13. 5, 10. Josh.H. 17. Jude. 6. S.Jer. 3t. 13. Alic. 6. 4. 25. 10. the A. of him that hath his shoe loosed ioth 2. 15. for her A was upon the town-wall JuJe. 8. 35. nether shewed kind, to A. of Jerubbaal 9.0. all the A. of Mill" made Abimelech king 20. let fire come from A. of Millo and devour 10. 9. Ammon fought against the A. of Kphraim 16. 26. that I may feel pillars whereon A. standeth 27 the A was full of men H 30. A. fell on the lords 17. 5. Micah had an A of gods, made an ephod 18. 13. and they came unto the 6 of Micah 19. 18. there is no man (hat receiveth me to A. 22. the sons of Belial beset the A. round, 20. 5. I Sam. 3 14 therefore I have sworn unto A. of Eli 5.2. they brought the ark into the A. of Deigon T. 1. ana brought the ark into the A. of Abinadab 9. 18. tcllme, 1 pray thee, where the seer's A . ij 25. 3. Nabal was churlish, and of the A. of CaleV 28. the Ld. will certainly make my lord a sure A. 2A«jm ..i.l.long warbetw. A. of Saul and A. of David 8. do shew kindness to the A. of Saul thy father 29. let Uiere not fail from the A of Joab one 4. 5. came to A. of Ishbosheih, who lay on bed at 5. 8. the blind and lame shall not come in the A 6. U. the Ld. blessed the A. of Obed-edom, Da-nd brought the ark from his*. 12. 1 Chr. 13. 14. T. 6. I have not dwelt in any A 1 Chron. 17. 5. 11. Lord telleth thee, he will make thee an A. 29- to bless the A. of thy servant, i Chron. 17.27, 9. 1. is there any that is left of the A. of Saul r 12. 8. and I gave thee thy master'sA. and wives 13. 7. go now to thy brothrr Amnon's A. and dress 16. 5. came a man of the family of the h. of Saul 1 Kings 2. 24. wLo made me an A. as he promised 27. which he spake concerning the A. of Eli 6. 22. and the whole A. he overlaid with gold 9. 25. he burnt incense, so Sc'.omon finished the A. 11.18. they came to Pharaoh, who gave him an A. 12. 31 . .leroboam made .in A. of his high places 14. 10. 1 will bring an evil on the A. of .lerob. 14. 15. 29. Baasha smote all the A. of .Jeroboam 16.1 1. ZimrislewalltheA. of Baasha, he left none 17 . 15. she, and he, and her A. did eat many days tl. 22. I will make thy A. like the A. of Jeroboam 2 Kings 8. 3. to cry to the king for her A and land IS.asdidtheA.of Ahab, 27 2CAr. 21.6. | 22.4. >). 8. for the whole A. of Ahab shall perish JO. 3. look out the best, fight for your master's A. 21 . A. of Ba\l was full from one end to another 27- and they made the A. of Baal a draught A. 12. 12. for all that was laid out for A. to repair it 20 13 Ilezekiah shewed them A. of his precious things, all the A. of his armour, Jsa. 39. 2. 23. 27. A of which I said, my name shall be there 25. 9- every great man's A. he burnt with fire ICAr. 2.54. sons of Salma; Ataroththe A. of Joab 26. 15. and to his sons, the A of Asuppim SCAr. 7 1 . glory of L. filled the A. Kiei 43. 4, 5. 12. chosen this place to myself forA. of sacrifice 22. 9. so the A of Ahaziah had no power to keep 35. 21. but against the A. wherewith I have war Ezra 5. 8. that we went to the A. of the great God 0. 3. let the A. be builded, the place where offered MsA. 2. 8. and for the A. which I shall enter into JEti't. 2.3. gather all the virgins to the A. of women 8. 1. king did give the A. of Ilaman to Esther, 7. /V, 1. J3. drinking wine in eldest brother's A. 18. ig. a wind came and smote the comers of the A. 20. 19. hath liken away a A. which he builded not 21 . 28. for ye say, where is the A. of the prince .30. 23. and to the A. appointed for all living 38.20. thou shouidest know paths to the A. thereof 39. 6. whose A. I have made the wilderness Pt. 31.2. my rock be for a A. of defence to save me 84. 3. yea the sparrow hath found an A. 101. 17. as for the stork, fir-trees are her A. Prov. 2. IB. her A inclineth to death, paths to dead T. 8. the young man went the way to her A I'l lood ani itiibboni, her feet abidejioi in her A. 394 9. 1. wisdom hath builded her A. hath hewn pillars 12.7. but the A. of the righteous shall stand 14. 11. the A. of the wicked shall be overthrown 15. 25. the Lord will destroy the A. of the proud 17. 1. than an A. full of sacrifices with strife 19. 14. A. and riches are the inheritance of fathers 21.9. is better to dwell in corner of A. top, 25. 12. righteous wisely considereth the A. of wicked 24. 3. thro' wisdom is an A. built and established 25. 17. withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's A. 27.10. norgo into brother's A. in Qay of calamity 1 <-c/.7.2.togo to A. of mourning, than A. of feasting 10. 18. thro' idlen. of hands the A. droppeth thro' 12. 3. when the keepers of the A. shall tremble Cant. 1.17. the beams of our A. are cedar, and raft. 2. 4. brought' me to the banqueting A. his banner 3. 4. till 1 had brought him into my mother's A. 8. 2. I would bring thee into my mother's A. Ija. 5. 8. woe to them that join A. to A. field to field 6. 4. and the A was filled with smoke 14. 17. that opened not the A. of his prisoners 23. 1. so that there is no A. |! 24.10. every A. .'^hut 31. 2. he will arise against the A. of evil doers 60. 7. and I will glorify the A. of my glory 64. 11. our holy and beautiful A. ■• t^uriied up Jtr. 16. 5. enter not into the A. of mourning a. thou shalt not go into A. of feasting with them 21. 11. touching the A. of the king of Judah,C2.1. 35.2. go to the A. of the Rechabites and speak 37. 20. not to return to A. of Jonathan, 38. 26. £«i.2.5.for they are a rt«bellious A. yet shall know a prophet been among them, 3. 9, 26,27. | 12.3. 8. be not thou rebellious like that rebellious A. 9. 7- he said to them, defile the A. go ye forth 12. 2. thoudwellest in the midst of a rebellious A. 25. in your days, O rebellious A. wiU 1 say 17 12. say now to the rebellious A. know ye not 24. 3. and utter a parable to the rebellious A. 43. 11. if ashamed, shew them the form of the A. 12. this is the law of A. on the top of mountain 45. 20. so shall ye reconcile the A. Dan. 1. 2, which he carried to the A. of his god Hoi. 1.4. avengebloodof Jezreel-on the A. of Jehu Amos 1. 4. I will send a fire into the A. of Ilazael 5. that holdeth the sceptre frorftheA. of Kden 3.15. I will smite the winter A. with summer A. 5. 19. or went into A. and leaned his hand on wall 6. 11. he will smite the great A. and the little A. 7. S- 1 will rise against A. of Jeroboam with sword 16. drop not thy word against the A. of Isaac OSad. 18. the A. of Esaa shall be for stubble Mic. 3. 12. Jerus. become heaps, and the mountain of the A. shall be as high places of the forei^t 4. 2. let us go up to the A. of the God of Jacob 6. 16. all the works of the A. of Ahab are kept Nah. 1 14. out of the A. of thy gods wril I cut off Zec/i. 5. 4. it shall enter into the A. of the thief, into the A. of him that swearelh falsely by my name 12 12. the family of the A. of Nathan apart AJal. 7-25. and beat upon that A. 27. Liiie 6. 48. 10. 12. and when ye come into a A. salute it 13.ifA.be worthy, letyourpeacecome,/.t/*« 10.5. 12.25. every A. divided against itself, .\Jari3.i5. 29. how enter into a strong man's A. AJari 3. 27. 20. 11 murmured against the good man of the A. 23. 38. your A. is left to you desolate, /.rUe 13.25. 24.43. if the good man of the A. had known in what watch the thitf would come, Lulce 12. 39. Mnrlc3. 25. a A. divided agst. itself, that A. canuot 10. 29. that hath left A. or brethren for my sake 14.14. Master saith, where is the guest-chamber - say ye to the good man of the A. LuJce 2'J. 11. Lvh 10. 7. in that A. remain, go not from A. to A. 38. named Martha, received him into her A. 15. 8. doth not lijht candle and sweep A. and seek John 12. 3. A. was filled with the odourof ointment Actsi. 2. a sound from heaven filled all the A. 46 breaking bread from A. to A. did eal their 5. 42. in every A. ceased not to teach and preach J. 10. 6. Simon a tanner, whose A. is by sea-side 11 12. and we entered into the man's A. 12. 12. he came to the A. of Mary.mother of John 17. 5. but the Jews assaulted the A. of Jason 13. 7. whose A. joined hard to the synagogue 19. 16. they Bed out of that A. niked and wounded 20 20. I taught you publicly, and from A. to A. 21. 8. entered into the A of I'hilip the evangelist Rvm. 16. 5. greet the church in their A.l C'er.16.19. 1 Cor. 1. 11. by them which are of the A. of Chloe Ifl. 15. ye know the A. of Stephanas the first-fruil 2 Cor. 5. 1. if earthly A. be dissolved, we have an A. 2. desiring to be clothed upon with A. from heaven I f'lm. 5. 13. wandering about fromA.toA. and tattlers 14. that the younger women guide the A. 2Tim. 1. 16. Lord give mercy to A. of Onesiphorus 2.20. in a great A. there arevessels of gold and silv. Uei. 3. 3. he who built the A. more honour than A. 4. for every A. is built by some man, he thnt built 6. whose A. arc wc, if ivc hold fast liw coo&drnce noD 2 John 10. receive him net into your A. norbic;bin ■See Aajio.s, Bor.n, Biiilo or Bl/lLT, CHiiF, Davio, Door, Dwell. HOUSE joined with/a A. 1 CAron. 17-23. M. 9. but Uriah went not down to Ait A. 10, 13. 27. David fetched her to Ais A. became his wife 19. 11. why last to bring the king back to Ait A.^ 21. Lit is for Saul and Ais bloodyA. because he slew 4. have no silvernor gold of Saul, nor oCAit A. 1 A'ingf2.33.on Ais A. there shall be peace. from Lord 7. 1. Solomon was building, and finished all Ait h. 12.24. return everyman to Ai'jhA. for thing isrfrom me, 22. 17. 1 CAr. id. 4.1 8 Chr. 11. 4. | 18. 16. 13. 19. did eat bread in Ais h. and drank water 16. 7. came the sword against Baasha and Ait A . SO. 43. king of Israel wentto-/i*A. heavy, 21.4. iKings 6.32. Elisha sat iD.Ai> A. and elders with him 20. 13. nothing in Ait A. Hezekiah shewed not 1 CAron. 7. 23. because it went evil with Ait A. 10. 6. Saul, bis sons, and all Ait A. died together 13. 14. the ark remained in Ait A. three months S CAr.24. 16. had done good toward God and Ais A. Eira6. 11. let Ai; A be made a dunghill for this JV A. is increased 105. 21. he made him Lord of Ait A. and ruler lis. 3. wealth and riches shall be in Ais A Pros). 6. 31 . give the substance of Ais A. Cant. 8.7. 17. 13. evil 8hall not depart from Ait A. Jer. 23. .34. I will even punish that man and his A. Mic. 2. 2. JO they oppress a man and Ais A. Uab.i.^. coveteth an evil covetousness to AijA. ZecA. 5. 4. it shall remain in the midst of Ais A. Mat. 12. 29. then he shall spoil Ais A. Mark 3. 27. 24. 17. to take anything out of Ai.t A. Mark 13.15. 43. not have suffered Ais A. to be broken up Luke 8.41. besought that he would come into Ais A. 18. 14. this man went down to Ais A. justified JoAn 4. 53. and himself helieved and Ait whole A. ./Ids 10. 2. one that feared CJod with all Ais A. 22. was warned to send for thee into Ait A. 11. 13. shewed how he had seen an zingel itiAis A. 16. 32. they spake to him and to all in Ais A. 34. when 'he jailer brought them into A» A. he re- joiced, believing in God with all Ais A. 18.8. Col. 4. 15. salute the church which is in Ait A. Uei. S. 2. Moses was faithful in all Ais A. 5. 11.7. Noah prepared an ark forthe saving oiAit A HOUSE of Jacob. Cen.46.27all the souls of A. of Jacob viite seventy liod. 19. 3. thus Shalt thou say to the A. of Jacob Psal.Wi.X. A.of J.irom people of strange language Isa. 2.5. O A. of Jacob, let us walk in light of Lord 6. thou hast forsaken thy people, the A. of Jacob S. 17. Lord that hideth his face from A. oj Jacob 10. 20. such as are escaped of the A. of Jacob 14. 1. and they shall cleave to the A. of Jacob 29. 22. thus sailh the Lord concerning A. of Jacob 46 3. hearken ur-to me, () A. of Jacob and Israel 48.1. hear ye this, O A. of Jacob, which are called &aa>i their sins 8S5 HOU ~%T.S. 4. bear the werd of the Lord.O A. of Jacob 5. 20. declare this in the A. of Jacob, publish it Ezek. 20. 5. I lifted up my hand to the A. of Jacob Amiit3. 13. hear ye, and testify in the A. of Jacob y. 8. I will not utterly destroy the A. of Jacob Ubad. 17. the A. oJ' Jacob shall possess possessions 18. A. of Jacob shall be a fire Mic. 2. 7. O thou that art named the A. of Jacob 3. 9. hear this, I pray, ye heads of the A. of Jac»b Luke 1. 33. he shall reign over the A. of Jacob HOUSE of Joseph. Gen. 43. 17. he brought the men into Joseph's A. jMA.18.5.the A. ofJosepA shall abide in their coast Judg.l. 22. the A. of JosepA went up against Bethel 23. the A. of Joseph sent to descry Beth-el 35. yet the hand of the A. of Joseph prevailed 2 Sam. 19. CO. am come first of all the A. of Joseph 1 hin^s 1 1 .28. ruler over the charge of A. of Joseph Amos 5. d. lest he break out like fire in A. .^f' losepA Ubad. 18. and the A of JosepA shall be a fianie ZecA. 10. 6. and 1 will save the Jt. of Joseph HOUSE of Israel. Lev. 10. 6. let A of Israel bewail the burning 17. 3. what man soever there be of the A. of Israel that killeth an ox or lamb, 8. 10. ( 22. 18. -Vwm.CO.Cg. all the A. of Israel mourned for Aaron 1 i>am.^ 2 the A. »/■ Israel lamented after the Lord 2 6am. 1. 12. they mourned for the A. of Israel 6 5. all the A. of Israel played before the Lord l5. David and the A. of Israel brought up the ark 12, 8 I gave thee the A. of Israel and Judah 16.3. to-day shall A. of Israel restore the kinedom 1 Kings 20.31. kings of A. of Isr. are merciful kings Pjfl/. 98. 3. remembered his truth XovizxA A.of Israel 115.12. he will bless us, he will bless A. of Israel 135. 19. bless ye the Lord, O A. of Isr. Hess Lord Isa. 5.7. the vineyard of the Lord is the A. of Israel 14.2. the A. (i^israe/ shall possess them in "the land 46. 3. the remnant of the A.o/"/jrac/,hearken to me 63. 7 the great goodness toward the A. of Israel Jer. 2. 4. hear, all the families of the A. of Israel 26. as a thief, so is the A of Israel ashamed 3.18. the house of Judjih shall walk with A. of Isr. 20. you dealt treacherously.O A. of Israel, b. 11. 9. 26. all the A. of Isr. are uncircumcised in heart 11. 10. the A. «/7.(ra/'7jra«/may go no more astray 18.6. nor lifthiseycsto theidolsof A. oJ' Israel, 15. 25 hear, O A. of Israel, is not my way equal ? 30. therefore will I judge you, O A. of Israel 31 for why will ye die, O A. of Israel ? 33. 11. 20. 13 but the A. if Itrael rebelled against nie 39.asfor you.O A. of Itrael, go ye, serve ye every one his idols, if ye will not hearken to nie 40. there shall all the A. of Israel serve me 44. according to your corrupt doings, O A. of Isr. 22. 18. the A. of Israel is to me become dross 28. 24. no more a pricking briar to the A. of hratJ 25. when I-shall have gathered the A. of Israel 2p. 6. haxe been a staff of a reed to the A. of Israel 16. shall be no more the confidence of A. of Israel 21. I will cause thehomof theA. o/'/irair/ tobud 34. .30. that they even the h.of Israel are my people 36.10. and I will multiply all the A. "/ Israel 17. when the A. of Israel dwelt in their own land 21 .my holy name which the A. of Itrael profaned 22. I do not this for your sakes, O A. of liiael 32. be ashamed for your ways, O A. of Israel 37.1 will forthis be enquired of by the A. 0/ /*;««/ 37- 11. these bones are the whole A. of Israel lO.write on it. Cat the A. «/" lira*! bit compuions HOU Eiek.ig.H. seven months shall X. 9/ Isr. bebniy 22. the A. of ixraW shall know I am the Loro 23. that the A. of Itrael went into captivity 25. 1 will have mercy on the whole A. of Itrati 29. I have poured out my Spirit on the A. of Itt\ 4U. 4. declare all that thou secst to the A. of Israel 43. 10. son of man, shew the house to A. if Israel 44. 6. say to the rebellious, even to the A. if IsraeJ 12. and caused the A. of Isr. to fall into iniquity 22. shdl take maidens of the seed of the A. of Itr, 45.6. possession shall be for the whole A. if Israel 8. the rest of the land shall they give to A. 0; 1st 17. to make reconciliation for ibe A of Isiael IIos. 1.4. cause to cease the kingdom of A. oj Israel 6. I will no more have mercy on the A. of Israel 5. 1 . and hearken, ye A. of Israel, and give ear 6. 10. have seen an horrible thing in A. of Itiael 11. 12. A. of Isr. compasseihme about with deceit Amos 5. 3. the city shall leave ten to the A. of Isfit 4. saith the Lord to the A. of Israel, seek ye me 25.have ye offered sacrifices 40 years, O A.of Is. f 6. 1. chiet of nations, to whom the A. oJ Isr. came 14. I will raise against you a nation, O A.of Itr. 7. 10. hath conspired against thee in the A. of Itr 9. 9. I will sift the A. of Israel among all nations Mic. 1. 5. for the sins of the A. of Israel is all this 3. 1. hear, ye princes of the A. of Israel, 9. Zech. 8. 13. that as ye were a curse, O A. oJ Itr. Mat. 10. 6. goto lost sheep of the A. of Isr. 15. £4. ■ icts 2. 36. let all the A. of Israel know assureflly 7 .42. O A. q/" Israel, have ye offered to me beasts 1 licb. 8. 8. make a new covenant with A. of Isr. 10. HOUSE of JudaA. 2 Sam. 2. 4. the men of Judah came and anointed David king over A. of JudaA, 7, H- 1 Ghr. 2. 84. 12. 8. 1 gave thee the A. of Judah and of Israel 1 Aiiigs 12. 21. he assembled all the A. of Judah 23. speak to all the A. of JudaA and Benjamin 2 Kings 19.30. the remnant that is escaped of the A. (^'JudaAshaW lake root.and bear fruil, 7^0.37.31. 2 CAr. 19. 11. Zebadiah the ruler of the A. if JudaA XeA. 4. 16. the rulers were behind the A. of JudaA Isa. 22. 21. he shall be a father to the A. of JudaA Jer. 3. lb. A. o/Jki/oA shall walk with house of Isr 5. 11. the A. of JudaA hath dealt treacherously 11. 10. the A. of JudaA hath broken my covenant 17 .for evil of the A. of JudaA that ihey have done 12. 14. I will pluck A. of JudaA from among them 13. 11. 1 caused to cleave to me the A.of JudaA 31. 27. I willsow theA. e;'JuiaA with seed of man 31. I will make a new covenant with A.of Jiutah 33. 14. perform that good I promised to A. of Jud«i 36. 3. it may be A. of JudaA will hear all the evii Ai«*.4.6.bearthe iniquity of A. of Judah forty day* 8. 17. is it a light thing to the A. of JudmA t 9. 9. the iniquity of the A of Judah is great 25. 3. Ammonites said, jjia, against the A. of Judah 8. the A. of Judah is like to all the heathen 12. Edom hath dealt against the A. oj JudaA //of. 1.7. but I will have mercy upon the A.of Judah 5. 12. I will be to the A. oj JudaA as rottenness 14. I will be as a^young liou to the A. oj Judah ZepA. 2. 7. coast shall be for remnant of A. of Judah ZecA.S. 13. as ye were a curse, O A.of JudaA 15. I have thought to do well to the A. of JudaA 19.the fast shall be to A.if JudaA }oy and glaitness 10. 3. forthe Lord hath visiied the A. of JuuaA 6. and I will strengthen the A. of Judah 12. 4. 1 will open mine eyes unto the A. of JudaA .'ici.Z.a. 1 will make new covenant with A.ofJudai Kings HOI-'.-jE. 2 Sam. 11.2. David walked on roof of the king's A. 8. and Uriah departed out of the king's A. 15. 35. what thou shall hear out of the king's A. 1 Kings 9.1.whenSolomonhad finished the Xiwf'j i, 14.26. he took away the treasure of the kind's A. 15. 18. 2 Kings 16.8. 2 CAr. 12. 9- I -5 •- + l6.18.Ziniri burnt the /fing'i A. overhiiu wiili liit 2 Kings 7. 11. they told it to the king's A. wiilnii 25.9. he burnt the king's A. Jer. 39. 8. | 52. 1.1. 2 CAr. 23. 5. a third part shall be at the itng's U. £6. 21. Jotham his son was over the king's h. 28.21 .took away a portion out of the A. of the Aing Lira 6. 4. let expences be given out of the king's I, EslA. 2. 9. gave her seven maidens out of *ir:;'.' A 4. 13. think not thou shalt escape in the king's A. 9. 4. for Alordecai was great in the king's A. IIos. 5. 1. and give yc ear, O A. of the king UOlHEof Lett. Eiod. 2. 1. and there went a man of the- A. of Levi Aum. 17. 8. rod of Aaron for A.of Leii was budded I'sal. 1.35. 2t. bless the Loid, O A. of Levi ZecA. 12. 13. the family of the A. oJ Levi apart In the HOUbE. G«n.27.l5.shc took raiment of Esauthat were imA. 34. 29. they spoiled even all that was in the A. 39. 5. the blessing of the Lord was on all i» the A. 8. my master wotlelh not what is with me in tAeh. 45.16. the fame thereof was heard in I'haraoh'sA. iJed. IS. 46. in one A. shall the iiassorek b« eaten IIOU liv. li. 34. J pat the (jlai^ie of leprosy in a h. 35. 43. if plague come agaiu xnA break out in h. 44. behold, if the plague be spread in the h 47. he that lielh, tliat eateth in titt h. shall wash 48. behold, the plague hath not spread in the h. iijh- 2.19. vrhoso with thee in the h. his blood on us 6. 17. Kahab live, all that are with her in the h. Jiuig. 17. 4. aud they were in the h. of .Miiah, 12. Muth 1. 9 may find rest, each in h. of her husband S. 7. until now, that she tarried a little in the h. \S4i.m. 28. 24. the woman had a fat calf in the h. 31. 9. sent to pal/lish it in the h. of their idols 10. they put his armour in the h. of Ashtaroih 1 King! 3. 17. I and this woman dwell in one A. and I was delivered of a child with her in the h. C. 7. there was not any tool of iron heard in the h. 14. 13. is found some good in the h. of Jeroboam 16. 9- drinking himself drmik in the h. of Arza t liin^s 4. 2. tell me what hast thou in the h.! thine handmaid hath not any thing in the h. 35. he returned, and walked in the h. to and fro 5. 18. leaneih on my hand, bow in h. of Rimmon 24. he took them, and bestowed them in the h. 19. 37. worshipping in h. of N isroch, Isa. 37. 38. 21. 7. Manasseh set a graven image in the h. iChr. 36. 17. slew young men in the It. of sanctua. Eira 1. 7. and had put them in the h. of his gods 6. 1. search was made in the h. of the rolls where Etth, 7. 8. will he force the queen also iji the h. t 9. behold, the gallows standeth in h. of Ilaman Ptal. 68. t 6. God setieth the solitary in a It. 119. 54. been my songs in the h. of my pilgrimage Prov. 3. 33. curse of Lord is in the h. of the wicked 5. 10. thy labours be in the h. of a stranger 7. 11. she is loud, her feet abide not in her h. 5. 6. in the h. of the righteous is much treasure Xccl. 7. 4. the heart of the wise is in h. of mourn- ing ; but the heart of fools is in the A. of mirth //0.44.13. maketh idol that it may remain in the h, Jer. 7. 30. set their abominations in the A. 32. 34. 34. 15. ye nuide a covenant before me in the h. 37. 15. put him in iheh. of Jonathan the scribe Am?! 6. 9. if there remain ten men in one h. Mic. 1. 10. in t'le It. of Aphrah roll thyself indust ti. 10. treasures of wickedness in tAe A. of wicked ZecA. 13. 6. I was wounded in the A of my friends Mat. 5. 15. givetli light unto all that are in tlie A. idaTki. 1. and it was noised that he was in the h. 9. 33. being in the A. he asked them what was it 10. 10. in the A. his disciples asked of the matter 14. 3. being in Bethany, in /Ae A. of Simon the leper LukeS. 27. nor abode in any A. but in the tombs yoAnS. 35. the servant abideth not in the A. 11. 20. Martha met him, Mary sat still in the A. Accsg. 11. enquire in the h. of Judas for one Saul 10. 32. Peter is lodged in the n. of Simon a tanner nu US !•: joined with Lord. Exod. 23. 19. the first-fruits thou shalt bring into the A. of the Lord, 34. 26. NeA. 10. 35. Z)««r. 23. 18. not bring price of a dog into A. of Z,n. 0. I6. Eira^i. 11. /CecA.B.g. "f. 40. the work he luade for the A. of the Lord, 45. 51. 2 CAron. 4. I6. | 5. 1. | 24. 14. 8. 10. that the cloud filled the A. of the Lord, 11. £ CAron. 5. 13. | 7. 2. Etei. 44. 4. 63. so Israel dedicated the A. of the Lord 10. 5. he went up unto the A. of Lord, iChr. Q. 4. 8 Kings 11.3. he was hid in the A. of Lord six years 4. he took an oath of ihem in the A. of the I^ird 15. let her not be slain in A. of L. 2 CAr. 23. 14. 18. appointed ofiicers over A. of L. 2 CAr. 23.18. 19. they brought iVo.n the A. of the Lord, 23. 6. 18. 10. found in A. of the/.. 14.14. | I6.8. I 18.15. 11. had the oversignt of the A. of the Lord 16. trespass-money Aas not brought into A. of L. 16. 18. the king's et'ry, turned he from A. of Ld. < A'ingt 20. 5. third day shalt go up '1. of Lord 8. what sign I.x>rd will heal me, and that I shall go up to the A. of the L. Jsa. 38. 22. 15. i. read words of the covenant which were found in the A. if the Lord, 24. 2 Chron. 34. 17, 30. 7. houses of Sodomites th.^t were by A. of the L. 11. the horses at entering in of the A. of the L. 25. 9. and he burnt the A. of the Lord, Jer. 52. 13. ICAr. 6. 31 service of iong in the A. ofOielMrd «2. I. then David saJ, this is the A. of the L. 11. now, my son. bi .d the A. of the Lord thy G. 14. have prepared for the A of the Lord 23 4. to set forwara ihe work of the A. of the L. It. porters, to minister in the A. of the L. t Chron. 8 I6 »o the 4 of the I .or I was perfected «06 ' HOU Z CAr. 26,21. for hewas cut off fromA. of L.Jatl 1. 9. 29. 5. ye Levites, sanctify the A. of the L. 15. they came to cleanse the A. of the Lord 33. 15. JIanasseh took the idol o^t of A. of Lord 34. 15. 1 found ihe book of ihe law in A. of Lord 36. 14. the priests polluted the A of the Lord l\xra 7. 27. to teautify A. ot the Lord in Jerusalem Ff A. ll.isiAij A. become a den of robbers in youreyes.' 14. therefore will 1 do to this h. as to Shiloh 22. 4. then shall there enter in by the gales of t, A. 5. that this A. shall become a desolation 26 6. then will 1 make lAis A. like Shiloh 9. saying, this A. shall be like Shiloh 12. the Lord sent me to prophesy against tAis A. i/ag. 1. 4. to dwell in houses, and A. with glory, saith the Lord 9. the glory of this latter A. greater than former /^ech. 4. 9. /ierubb. laid the loundatiouof /Ai> A, Luke 10. 5. ye enter, first say, peace be to this A, 19.9. Jesus said, this day is salv. cometoA. 7Aine or thy llOUSK. Gen. 7. 1. come thou, and all thy h. into the ark 31.41. thus have 1 been twenty years in thy k. Exod. 8. 3. frogs shall go up and come into *Ain« *. Num. 18. 11. every one that is clean in thy A. 13. Deut. 6. 7. talk when thou sittest in thine A. 11. Ip. 9. shalt write them on the posts of thy A. 11. 20. 7 . 26. nor shalt bring an abomination into tAini h 15. 16. because he loveth thee and (Aine A. 21. 12. then thou shalt bring her home to tAine h 13. shall remain in thine h. and bewail her father 22. 8. that thou bring not blood upon tAine A. 25. 14. shalt not have in thine A. divers measure! 26. 11. good thingtiod given to thee and thine A. JosA.2.3. bring men which are entered into (A^ne A. 19. whosoever shall go out of the doors of t Ay A. Judg. 12. 1. we will burn lAine A. on thee with fira 19. 22. bring forth the man that came into thine A liutA 4. 11. make woman that is come into (Aine A. 12. and let thy A. be like the house of Pharei 1 Ham. 2. 30. that thy h. should walk before me 31. there shall not be an old man in jAiiie A. 33. the lucr. of thine A. shall die in flower of a^ 36. every one in thine A. shall crouch to him 22. 14. as David, who is honourable in Mine A, 25. 0. peace be to (Aine A. aud to all thou hasc 35. David said to her, go up in peace to tAine A 2 Ham. 7. 16. lAmeA. shall be established for ever 11. 8. go down to thy A. and wash thy feet 10. why then didst not thou go down to thine k. , 12. 10. the sword shall never depart from lAine A 14. 8. the king said, go to rAine A. 1 Kings 1.53 1 Kings 13. 8. if thou wilt give me half thine A. 18. bring him back with thee into tAine A. 16. .3. make thy A. like the A. of Jeroboam, 21. 2i 20. 6. my servzints, they shctil search thmt «. 2 Kings 20. 1. set thine A. in order, Isa. 38. 1. 15. whot have they seen in thine A.? Isa. 39. . 17. all in lAine A. shall be carried, Isa. 39. Pial. 5. 7. 1 will come to ;. h. in multit. of thy mercj lit). 8. I have loved the habitation of thy h. 3«. 8. they shall be satisfied with f.itness of th) h, 60, 9. 1 Will take no buUock out of thy h. HOC Pm?. 65.4.we shall be satishedwith goodness of i.h 66. 13.1 will go into thy A. with burnt-offerings 69. 9. zeal oithineh. hath eaten me up, Jo/in 2.17 93. 5 holiness becometh thine h. O Lord, for ever 12a.3.wifeshall be as a fruitful vine by sides oi tJi Jsa. 58. 7 bring the poor that are cast out to ihy.'i Jer. 38. 17. g" forth, thou shalt live and thine h. £iek. 3. 24. Spirit said, shut thyself within thine h. 44. 30. may cause the blessing to rest in thine A Hal). 2. 10. thou hast.cousalted shame to thy h. Mat. 9 6. arise, go to /. A. Mark 2. ] 1. Luke 6. 24 2t). 18. I will keep the passover at thy A. Luke 7. 44. I entered*. A. thou gave^ me no water 19.5. come down, for to-day I must abide at thy h ^«j11.14. thou ana all thy A.shaW be saved, 16.31. Phiiem. 2. to the church in thy A. grace to you See Tops. HOUSES. C«t. 42. 19- go carry corn for the famine of your A. Exod. 1. 21. midwives feared God, he made them A. 6. 14. these be the heads of their fathers' A. 3.9- todestroy the frogs from thee and thy A. 11. 13. and the frogs died out of the A. and the fields 21. I will send swarms of flies into thy A. 24. p.SO.hemadehis servants and cattle flee into the h. lO.G. the locusts shall till thy A. and the A. of all thy servants, and the A. of all the Egyptia.is 12. 7- strike it on the upper door-posts of the A 13. blood be for a token upon the A. where you are 15. ye shall put away leaven out of your A. 19. there shall be no leaven found in your A. 23. not suffer the destroyer to come in to your A 27. who passed over and delivered our A. in Ecrypt ier.25.31.the A. of villages be counted as the fields 32. the A. of the cities of their possession, 33. JVwni.4.22.sumof Gershonthro'A. their fathers, 40. 16. 32. the earth swallowed them up and their A. 17. 6. for eAch prince, according to their father's A. 32.18. we will not return unto our A. till Israel TDeul. 6. 11. to give thee A. full of all good things 9.12. whenhast built goodly A. and dweft therein 19. 1. dwellest in their cities and A. Neh. 9. 25. Joth. 9. 12. we took hot provision out of our A. Judg. 18. 14. do ye know that there is in these A. 22. the men that were in tbeA. near to Micah's 1 h'in^t 13.2. he cried against theA. of high places 20. 6. they shall search the A. of thy servants S Kings 17.29 put them in the A. of the high places 32. which sacrificed in the A. of tho high places 23. 7. he brake down the A. of the Sodomites 19. the A. of the high places Josiah took away 55.9. be burnt all the A. of Jerusalem, J«r. 52. 13. 1 Chron. 15. 1. David made A. in the city of David 28. 11. David gave to Solom. the pattern of the A. 29. 4. to overlay the walls of the A. withal S CAr. 34. 11. to buy timber to floor the A. 35.4. and prepare yourselves by A. of your fathers JVeA. 4. 14. fight for your wives and your A. 5. 3. some said.we have mortgaged our lands and A. 11. restore to them their vineyards and A. 7. 4. but the people were few, and A. not builded 10. 34. we cast lots after the A. of our fathers Jot 1. 4. his sons went and feasted in their A. 3. 15. with princes, who filled their A. with silver 4. 19. much less in them that dwell in A. of clay 35. 28. he dwelleth in A. which no man inhabileth 21,9 their A. are safe from fear,nor is the rod of G. 22. 18. yet he filled their A. with good things 24. 16. in the dark they dig through A. which they Pstzl.iQ. 11. that their A. shall continue forever 83. 12. let us take the A. of God in possession Prov. 1. 13. we shall fill our A. with spoil 30. 26. yet make they their A. in the rocks £ccl. 2. 4. I builded me A. I plant«d me vineyards Isa. 3. 14. the spoil of the poor is in your A. 5. 9. ofatruth, many A. shall be desolate, 6. 11 8. 14. for a rock of offence to both the A. of Israel 13. 16. their A. be spoiled, their wives ravished 21. their A. shall be full of doleful creatures 22. the wild beastssball cry in their desolate A. 15. 3. on the tops of their A. every one shall howl 22.10. ye have numbered theA. of .lemsalem, and the A. have ye broken down to fortify the wall 32.13. yea, upon all the A. of joy in the joyous city 65. 21. they shall build A. and inhabit them J:r.5. 7- and assembled by troops in the harlots' A. 27. as cage is full of birils, are their A. full of dec. b. 12. and their A. shall be turned unto others 18. 22. Ut a cry be heard from their A. 19. 13. the A. of Jerusalem and the A. of the kings of Judah shall be defiled as the place of Tophet £9. 5. build ye A. and dwell in them, 28. 82. 15. A. and fields shall be possessed in this land 29. A. on whose roofs ihey offered incense to Baal S3. 4. concerning A. of this city, and A. ofkings 39. 8. they burnt the A. of the people with fire 43.12.1 will kindle afire in A. of gods of Egypt, 13. ij,Ti.5.2.our A. are turned to aliens.we are i^rphans £tek. 7. 24 the heathen shall possess their A. 1. 3. which say, it is not near, let us build A. J97 HOAV £i«i.l6.41.they shall bum thine A.with fire,23.47 26. 12. and they shall destroy thy pleasant A. 28. 26. they shall build A. and ptaut vineyards 33. 30. talking against thee in the doors of the A. 45. 4. the h»ly portion shall be a place for their A. Dan. 2. 5. and your A. shall be made a dunghill 3. 29. and their A. shall be made a dunghill Iloj.11.11, I will place them in their A. saith Lxjrd Joel2.Q. they shall climb up upon the A. shall enter Amos 3. 15. will smite winter and summer-house, A. of ivory shall perish, great A. shall have an end Mic. 1. 14. the A. of Achzib shall be a lie to kings 2. 2. and they covet A. and take them away 9. the women ye cast out from their pleasant A. Zeph.l.g. which fill their masters' A. with violence 13. their b. shall become a desolation, they shall build A. but not inhabit them, plant vineyards 2.7. in the A. of Ashkelon shall they lie down }Jag.l.i.is it time for you to dwell in yo. ceiled h.? Zech.W.I. A. shall be rifled, and the wom. ravished Mat.W.'d. they that wear soft cloth. are in kings' A. 19. 29. every one that hath forsaken A. or wife 23. 14. dev. widows' A. Mark 12.40. X,a*e 20.47- A/arA8.3. if send them away fasting to their own A. Luke 16. 4. that they may receive me into their A. Acts 4. 34. as mainy as were possessors of A. sold 1 Cor. 11. 22. have ye not A. to eat and drink in .' 1 'J'im.3. 12. deacons ruling their own A. well 2 Tim. 3.6.of this sort are they which creep into A. Tit. 1, 11. who subvert whole A. teaching things HOUSEHOLD, or HOUSEHOLDS. Gen. 18. 19. he will command his A. after him 35. 2. Jacob said to his it put away strange gods 42. 33. take food for the famine of your A. be gone 45. 11. lest thou and thy A. come to poverty 18. take your father and your A. and come to me 47. 12. Joseph nourished his father's A. withbread 24. four parts shall be food for your A. Exod. 1.1. every man and his A. came with Jacob 12. 4. if the A. be too little for the lamb Lev.i6.17, till he have made an afonem. for his A. .V;(wj.J8.31.yeshalleat it in every place, and yourA. Deut. G.22.theLord shewed wonders upon all his A. 11.6. tha earth swallowed them and their A. 14. 26. thou shalt rejoice, thou and thy A. 15. 20. thou shalt eat it before L. thou and thy A. Josh. 2. 18. bring all thy father's A. home to thee 6. 25. saved Rahab, her father's A. and all she had 7. 14. and the family shall come by A. 18. and he brought his A. man by man J"dg. 6. 27. so it was, bee. he feared his father's A. 18. 25. thou !ose thy life, with the lives of thy A. 1 Sam. 25. 17. evil is determined against his A. 27. 3 every man with his A. 2 Sam. 2. 3. 2 Sam. 6. 11. the Lord blessed him and all his A. 20. then David returned to bless his A. 15. 16. and the king wen. forth and all his A. 16. 2. the asses be for the king's A. to ride on 17. 23. put his A. in order, and hanged himself 19. 18. a ferry boat to carry over the king's A. 41 . why have Judah brought the king and his A. 1 Kings 4. 6. and Abishai was over the A. 7. which provided victual for the king and his A. 5. 9- shall do my desire, in giving food for my A. 11. Solomon gave Hiram wheat tor food to his A. 11. 20. and Genubath was in Pharaoh's A. 2 Kings 7. 9- that we may go and tell the king's A. 8. 1. go and thine A. to sojourn where thou canst 18. 18. there came out to him Eliakim son of Hil- kiah who was over the A. 19. 2. 7jo. 36.22. | 37.2. 1 Chr. 24.6. one principal A. being taken for Eleaz. J06 1.3. three thousand camels and a great A. I'ror. 27. 27. have goats' milk for food of thy A. 31. 15. the riseth and giveth meat to her A. 21. she is not afraid of the snow for her A. for all her A. are clothed with scarlet 27. she looketh well to the ways of her A. il/ar.lo.25.much more shall they call them of his A. 36. a man's foes shall be they of his own A. 24. 45. hath made ruler over his A. Luie 12.42. /lets 16. 15. when she was baptized and her A. iJcm. 16. 10. salute them which arcofAristobulus'A. 11. greet them that be of the A. of Narcissus 1 Cor. 1. 16. I baptized also the A. of Stephanas (ial. 6. 10. to them who are of the A. of faith J.ph. 2. 19. no more strangers, but of the A. of God I'hil. 4.22. chii^fly they that are of Cesar's A. 2 Tim. 4. 19. salute the A. of Onesiphorus HOUSEHOLDER. .Va/.13.27. so the servants of the A. came and said 52. is like unto a man that is an A. 20. 1. 21. 33. there was a certain A. planted a vineyard HOUSEHOLD-SERVANTS. .'lets 10.7- Cornelius called two of his h. -servants HOUSEHOLD-STUFE. Gen. 3i.37.what hast thou found of all thy A. -/<»/'.' .VtA. 13. 8. I cast out all the A.-slvffoi Tobiah HOW. Ctn. 2t). 29. and A. saiQst thou, she is my sister? S7. 20. A. is H thou hast found it %o quicklv i* n:nv G JIos. 1 1 . 8. A. shall I give thee up, Ephraini - A. de- liver thee ? A. make thee as Admah and /eboim ? J'el 1.18. A. do the beasts groan? herds of cattla Obad. 5. if thieves came to thee, A. art thou cutoff /■fph£..\b.h. IS she become desolat. place for beasts Hag. 2.3. A. do you see it now? is it not as nothing ? y.ech. 9.17. A. great is his goodness and his beauty ! Mat. 6. 23. if light be darkn. A.great isthat daikn. 7. 4. A. wilt thou say to thy brother, let me pull 11. if ye know A. to give good gifts,L«X<] 1.13. 10. 19. take no thought A. or what ye shall speak 12. 14. h. ihcy might destr. him, Aijri 3.C. | 11.18, HOW Uat.ii.26./t.!ha.]\ his kinedom stand - Luiel\.lS. 3i. h. can ye, bein; evil, speak cooil things r 16. 11. A. is it that ye do not underst. that I sprite 18. ii. A. think ye r if a man have a hand, sheep 21. 20. A. soon is the fig-tree withered away 82.12. A. earnest thou in hither not having a gann 45. if call him Ld. A. is he, bis son i Luke CO. 44 2.3. 33. A. can ye escape the damnation of hell • 26. 54. A. how then shaJI the scriptures be fuUilled Mark. 2. l6. A. is it that heeateth with sinners ' 26. A. be went into the hoQse of God, Luke D. 4 4. 27. the seed shall grow up, he knoweth not A. 40. be said, A. is it that ye have no faith '. 10. 23. A. hardly shall they that have riches enter 14. 1. soaght A. they might take him by craft 11. sought A. he might betray him, Luke'Z'Z. 4 Luke 1.34. A. shall this be, seeing I know not aman 2.49. A. is it that ye sought me .' wist ye not that 1 8.28. take heed A. yeht>ar{{ 10.26. A. reade^t thou 12.50. and A. am I straitened till it be accomplish. 56. A. is it that ye do not discern this time r 16. 2. he said, A. is it that I hear this of thee ? 24. 6. remember A. he spake untoyou in Galilee S5. A. he was known of them in breaking bread Jakn 3. 4. A. can a man be bom when he is old ' 9. A. can these things be ?|| 5.44. A. can ye believe 5. 47. if not his writing, A. believe my words r 6. 52. A. can this man give us his flesh to eat ? 7. 15. saying, A. knoweth this man letters - p.lO.A.were thy eyes opened .' ;| 2'3 A opened eyes ■ 11. 36. A. loved him || 14.5. A. can we know way ' 14. 22. A. is it thou wilt manifest thyself to us .' Acisi. 21. finding noth. A. they might punish them 5. 9. A. is it that ye have agreed together to tempt' 7. 25. A. God by his hand would deliver them 8. 31. A. can I, except some man should guide me' 9. 27. told, A. he had seen the Lord in the way 10.38. A. G. anointed Jesus of Naz. with HolyG. 11. 13. shewed A. he had seen an angel in his house 14. 27. A. he had opened the door of faith 15.36. let us go again, and see A. they do SO. £0. A. kept back nothing that was profitable 35. A. so labouring, ye ought to support the weak Rvm. 3.6. for then A. shall God judge the world ' 6. 2. A. we that are dead to sin live longer thereinr 7. 18. A. 10 perform what is good, I find not 8. 32. A. shall he not with him freely give all things > 10. 14. A. shall they call .' A. shall believe ? A. hear' 11. 2. A. he maketh intercession to G. zigainst Isr. 33. A. unsearchable hisjudgments, and ways past 1 Cor. 3. 10. take heed A. he buildeth thereupon 7.S2. unmarried careth A. he may please the Lord 33.that is.mar.careth A. he may please his wife 34. she careth A. she may please her husband I4.7.A. shall it be known what is piped or harped .' 9. A . shall it be known what is spoken ^ 15. 12. A. say some that there is no resurrection? 35. some man will say, A. are the dead raised up ■ S Cor. 7. 15. A. with fear and trembling received him 8.2. A. that in a great trial of affliction their joy 13. 5. know ye not A. that Jesus Christ is in you ' Gal. 4. 9- A. turn ye again to the weak elements - 6. 11. ye see A. large a letter! have written to you Eph. 6. 21. but that ye also may know A. I do i'Ai7.2.23.so soon as I shall see A. it will go with me 4.12.1 know A. to be abased, and know A. to abound Oo/. 4. 6. that yemayknowA. ye ought to answer I'/'Aexx. 1.9.and A.ye turned to G. from idols to serve 2. 10. A. holily we behaved ourselves among you ll.A.we exhored you ||4. 1. A. ye ought to walk 4.4. should know A. to possess his vessel in honour 8 T/iess. 3. 7- for you know A. ye ought to follow us 1 Tim. 3.5. for if a man know not A. to rule his own house. A. shall he take care of the church of Godr 15. mayest know A. thou onghtest to behave i/«4.2.3.A.shall we escape if we neglect 10 great sal. 7. 4. nowconsider A. great this man was, to whom Jam. 2.24. ye «ee A.that by works a man is justified 3. 5. behold A. great a matter a little firekindleth 2 Pel. ^.9. the Lord knoweth A. to deliver the godly 1 Jof:rt 3. 17. A. dwelleth the love of God in him .' 4. 20. A. can he love (Jod whom he hath not seen r Jude 5. A. that the Lord having saved the people Rev. 2. 2. A. thou canst not bear them who are evil 3. 3. remember A. thou hast received and beard See Do. now /on?. £xod. 10. 3. A. lon^ wilt refuse to humble thyself? 7. A. long shall this man be a snare unto us ? 16. 28. A. /i>n» refuse to keep my commandments ? Kum. 14. 11. A. long will this people provoke me ? A. long will it be ere they believe me ? 27.A./<»ij shall I bearwith this evil congregation J0XA.I8.3.A. long are ye slack to go to possess land ? 1 -Sam. 1.14. Kli said. A. long wilt thou be drunken? i6.1. A. /. wilt thou mourn forSau!, seeing I have 1 ^Vim.19.34. Rarzillai said, A. long have I to live ? i Ainjril8.21. A. long halt ye between two opinions ? JfCk. 2. 6. king said, for 4. /. shall thy journey be > JobT. 19. A. long wilt thou not depart from me i 2tKS Joi 8.2. A. /onj wilt thou speak ? h.long shall words of thy mouth be like a strong wind r 18.2. A. lojig will it be ere you make end of words ? 19. 2. A. long will ye vex my soul and break me ? Psal. 4. 2. A. /. will ye turn my glory into shame r A. /. will ye love .-anity, and seek after leasing ? 6. 3. my soul is vexed ; but thou, U Lord, A. long ? 13. 1. A. long wilt thou forget me, (J Ld. forever- 2. A. long shal' I take counsel in my soul ? h.long shall my enemy be exalted over nie 1 ."iS. 17. I.d. A. I, wilt thou look on ? rescue my soul 62.Z. h.long will ye imagine misohief against man ' 74.0. nor is there any among us that knoweth A. /. 10. O G. A. long shall the adversary reproach ? 79. 5. A. lo7ts wilt thou be angry forever r 80. 4. 82.2. A. /. wiltjudge unjustly and accept persons r 89.46 A. long L. wilt thou hide thyself? forever 90. 13. return, O Lord, A. long ? let it repent thee 94. 3. render a reward to the proud, Lord, A. long shall the wicked, h. long shall wicked triumph 4. A. /oM|' shall they utter and speak hard things Prov.XII. h.long simple one?, will love siniplicity 6.9A. /ong wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when arise Isa. 6. 11. then said I, Lord, A. long? he answered Jer. 4.14. A. /o)ij shall vain thoughts lodge in thee ? 21. A. A>nj shall I see standard, and hear trump..- 12.4. A. long shall land mourn and herbs wither ? 23.26.A./on» shall this be in the heart of prophets ? 47. 5. baldness on Gaza, A. long wilt cut thyself? 6.0 sword of the Lord, A. long ere thoT be quiet ? Don. 8. 13. A. long shall be vision of daily sacrifice - 12. 6. A. long shall it be to end of these wonders ? Ilos.S.5. h.long will it be ere they attain innocency ? liab.l.'i, h.long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear? 2. 6. woe to him increaseth what not his, A. long? ZefA.1.12. A. long wilt thou not have mercy on Jer. Mat. 17. 17. A. /. shall I be with you A. /. sufTer you bring him me, il/ar*9. 19. Luke 9. 41. Mark 9.21. A. long is it ago since ibis came to him ? John 10. 24. A. long dost thou make us to doubt? liev.&.W.Ii. long, O L. holy and true, dost thou not now many. J.ifi 13.23. It. many are mine iniquities and sins? Psal.lig.Hi. A. manv are the days of thy servants ? jVnM5.34. A./n.loaveshaveye .'iV/oj-/(6.38. | 8.5. 16. 9. A. m. baskets ye took up ? Alar/tS. I9, 20. AJark 15.4. h.many things they witness against thee Luke 15.17. A. m. hired servts. of my father's have 2 Ttm. 1. 18. in A. many things he ministered to me HOW many times. 1 A'ln^t 22.16. A.m. times shall I adjure thee, thou tell nothing but what is true ? 2 Chron. 18.15 HOW much. 2 h'in^t 5. 13. A. much rather when he saith, wash £'zra7.22. and salt without prescribing A. much Prov.iO.lG.h. mwcA better is it togetwisd.than gold Cant. 4. 10. A. much better is thy love than wine Mat. 12. 12. A. much is a man better than a sheep ! Luke 16. 5. A. much owest thou to my lord ? 7. 19.15. A. muf A every man hath gained by trading ActsQ.l^.h.ntuch evil he hath done thy saint* atJer. Jie6.8.6.hy A. mucAheis Mediator of better coven. 10. 29. of A. much sorer punishment, suppose ye Kev. 18. 7. A. much she hath glorified herself HOW much less. 1 Kings R. 27. heaven cannot contain thce,A.mucA less this house which I have built, 2 C'Ar.d.18. CAron. 32.15. A. mufA less sha.U your God deliver J06 4.19'A.7nucA/i;ti on them dwell in houses of clay 914. A. much less shall I answer him choose words 25.6.h.muc/t less is man that is worm and son of m. 34.i9A.mucA /«f tohimthatacceptethnot persons Eiek. 15 5. A. much less shall it be meet for work HOW much more. Deul. 31. 87 and A. much more after my death ? 1 .S h. o/< Cometh their destruction upon them ■ Psa. 78. 40. A. o/t did they provoke him in wildem. Mat. 18.21. A. oft shall my brother sin against me- 23.37. O Jerusalem, h. often would I hive gathered thy children as a ben be: chickens, LuJie 13. 31. HURT I _ HOWBEIT. JuJg. 4. 17. A. Sisera fled on his feet to lent of JaeJ 11. 28. A. the king of Ammonites hearkened not 16. 22. A. the hair of his head began to grow agaia 18. 29. A. the name of the city was Laish at first 21.18.A.we may not give them wives of our daagU. Ruth 3. 12. A. there is a kinsman nearer than I 1 ■Ham. 11. 9. A. y^t protest solemnly unto them 2 Sam 1. 23. A. Asahel refused to turn aside 12. 14. A. because by this deed liast given occasion 13. 14. A. he would not hearken unto her voico 25. A. he would not go, but blessed him 23. 19. A. he attained not first three, 1 Chr. 11. 21. 1 A ings. 2. 15. A. the kingdom is turned about 10. 7. A. I believed not the words, 2 Chron. 9. 6, 11. 13. A. I will not rend all the kingdom, 34. 22. 1 have lacked nothing, A. let me go 111 any- wise 2 hings 3.25. A. slingers went about it and smote ic 8. 10. A, Lord shewed me, that he shall surely die 10. 2g. A. from sins of Jeroboam Jehu turned not 22. 13. A. there were not made for house bowls 14. 4. A. high places were not taken away, as yet people did sacrifice, 15. 35. 2 C'Ar. 20. 33. 17. 29. A. every nation made gods of their own 40. A. they did not hearken, but did after their 22. 7. A. there was no reckoning made with them 1 Chr. 28. 4. A. the Lord God of Israel chose mc 2 CAr. 18. 34. A. the king of Isr. stayed himself up 24. 5. A. the Levites hastened it not 27. 2. A. he entered not into the temple of the Lord 32.31.A.in the business of ambassadors, G. left him AeA. 9. 33. A. thou art just in all brought on us 13. 2. A. our God turned the curse into a.blessing Joi 30. 24. A. he will not stretch out his hand Isa. 10. 7. A. he meaneth not .so, nor thinktth so yer.44.4. A. I sent to you all my servants, prophets Ma{. 17. 21. A. this kind goetn not out but by prayer ^iari 5. 19. A. Jesus suffered him iiot.but saith to him 7. 7. A. m vain do they worship me, teaching /oA.'( 6. 23. A. there came boats from liberias 7. 13. A. no man spake openly of him for fear 27. A. we know this man whence he is 11.13. if he sleep, do well, A.Jesusspake of hii 16. 13. A. when he the .Spirit of truth is come Acts 4. 4. A. many who heard the word believed 7 48./. the Most High dwelleth not iu temples 14. 20. A. he rose up and cace into the city 17» 34. A. certain men clave to him and believed 27. 26. A. we must be cast upon a certain island 28. 6. A.they looked when he should have swollen 1 Cor. 2. 6. A. we speak wisdom among the perfect 8- 7. A. there is not in every man that knowledge 14. 2. A. in the Spirit he speaketh mysteries 20. A. in malice be children, in understanding men 15. 46. A. that was not first which is spiritual 2C'or.ll.21.A.wherein soever any is bold, I am also Gal. 4. 8. A. when ye knewnotGodye did service 1 lim. 1 . 16. A. for this cause I obtained mercy i/ei.3.l6.A.not all that came out of Egypt by Mos. HOWL. Isa. 13. 6. A. ye, for the day of the Lord is at hard 14.31. A. O gate II 15. 2. Moab shall A. 3. \ 16.7. 23. 1 . A. ye ships of Tarshish, for it is laid waste 6. pass over to Tarshish, A. ye inhabitants of isle 52. 5. make them to A. ||65. 14. A. for vexation Jer. 4. 8. lament and A. 48. 20. || 25. 34. A. ye shep . 47. 2. and all the inhabitants of the land shall A. 48. 31. I will A. for Moab || 39. they shall A. 49. 3. A. O Heshbon || 51. 8. A. for Babylon Lzck. 21. 12. cry and A. son of man, for it shall be 30. 2. prophesy and say, A. ye, woe worth the day Joel 1. 5. A. ye drinkers || 11. A. ye vine-dressers 13. L-iment and A. ye ministers of the altar il/iV. 1.8. therefore I will wail £ind A. will go stripped Zcfih. 1. 11. A. ye inhabitants of Maktesh Zech. 11.2. A. fir-tree, A. O ye oaks of Bashan Jam. 5. 1. go to now. ye rich men, weep and A. HOWLED. //oj^7.14.not cried to me, when they A. on their beds HOWLING. /ia.l5.8.A. thereof is gone to F.glaimand Beer-elim Jer. 25. 36. an A. of principal of the flock be beanl Zeyh 110. there shall be an A. from the second gate /^eeA.11.3.there is avoiceof the A.of the shepherds HOWLING. Z>eu(. 32. lO.he found him in the waste A. wilderness HOWLINGS. Amos C. 3. songs of the temple shall be A. in that daj HUGE. 2 Chron. I6. 8. the F.thiopians and Lubims aA. host HUMBLE. Humility 1/ a most excellent grace of the Spine, eiidences ilic subject of tt to be a child of God, and IS accomfantedwith contentment, peace, and submission to the will of God. The sense of tht veakness of our understanding, uhich is the effect of humility, is a temper oj'soui that prepares it for JaiLh : Partly as it puts us on a serious cmuidtfO- (lon of those thmgt uhich an restakd to vs tta tAi HUM Kwrrf; fartly as it slops ail atrious enquiries into those l/angt whicn are unsearchable ; and pTtncipulh as it graciotis/t/ entities to the pro- mise, 0,i(l giveth grace to the humble, 1 I'et. 5. 5. This uur Sinioni makes a 7ieiessaru qua- lification in all tlune who shall enter into his kingdom. Mat. 18. ."J, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. And since pride arises out of ignorance, the gospel, to cause in us a loulu sense oj our vnuiorthiness, rfu-i covers the sinfulness, nakedness, and misery of the ItuHKin nature, divested of its vrimitiie Ti'hteouiyiess. H'e Aaie the exampie of our Saiionr, in tthom there is an union if all di- jine iiud human perfections, debasing himself to the form of a servant, to imtruct us to he meek and lo-Jlii. Mat. 11. 2y, Learn of me, for 1 am meek and lowly. Humility is put for an humble, dejected, and loa estate. Luke 1.48, lie hath regarded the low estate of his hand- maiden ; in Greek, raiitfjiuaiy, the humility. I'o humble signine: to ajjlict, to jirovf, 1o try. Deut. 8. C, God led thee in the wilderness to tumble thee, lo humble a woman, is to lie with her, to rob her of her honour. Deut. CI. 14, Thou shalt not make merchandise of her, be- cause thou hast humbled her. And in Ezck. 22. 10, In thee have they humbled her that was set apart for pollution : They came near a uoman at a certain particular time uhen the law forbids it. Job 22. 20. and he shall sa»e the A. person J\al. 9. 12. he forgetteth not the cry of the h. 10. 12. arise, O Lord, O God, forget not the A. 17. Lord, thou hast heard the desire of tne h. 34. 2. the h. shall hear thereof and be glad 69. 32. the A. shall see this and be glad /Vor.16.19. better be of a A. spirit with the lowly 29. 2.'i. but honour shall uphold the A. in spirit Isa. 57. 15. with him also that is of a contrite and A. spirit, to revive spirit of h. and heart of contrite Jam. 4. 6. but giveth grai:e to the A. 1 Fet. 5. 5. llUMBLi:. JBxorf.l0.3.how long wilt thou refuse to 2. thyself '( JJeut. 8. 2. to A. thee and to [irovc thee, Iti. Judg. 19.24. A. ye them, and do with them as seem. 2 CAruM. 7.14.my people shall A. themscl. and pray 34. 27. because thou didst A. thyself before CJod Prov. 6. 3. go, A. thyself, and make sure thy friend Jer. 13. 18. say to the king, A. yourselves, sit down Mat. 18. 4. whosoever shall A. himself, 23. 12. 2 Cor. 12.21. my God will A. me among you Jam. 4. 10. A. yourselves in the sight of the Lord 1 Pei.5.6. A. yourselves under mighty hand of God HUMBLED. JLev. 26.41. if their uncircumcised hearts be A. Deut. 8. 3. he A. thee and suffered thee to hunger 21.14. not sell her, because thou hast A.her,C2.29. 22.24. because he hath A. his neighbour's wife 2 litngs 22. 19. because hast A. thyself before the L.' 2 Chr. 12. 6. the princes and the king A. themselves 7. when the Lord saw that they A. themselves 12. when he A. himself, wrath turned from him 30. 11. divers of Asher and Zebulun A. themselv. 32.26. Hezekiah n. hims. for the pride of his heart 33. 12. AlanassehA. himself greatly before God 19. he set tip graven images before he was A. 23. Amon A. not himself before the Lord, as Ma- rasseh his father A. himself, trespassed more 36. 12. Zedekiah A. not himself before Jeremiah Ps. 35. 13. as for me, 1 A. my soul with fasting Jsa. 2. 11. the lofty looks of man shall le A. 5.15. mighty man shall be A. eyes of the lofty be A li).33,high hewn down, and the haughty shall be A. Jer. 44. 10. they are not A. even to this day i^am. 3.20. my soul hath in remembrance and is A JLzek. 22. 10. in thee have they A. her set apart 11. and another in thee hath A. his sister Dan. 5.22. thou his son hast not A. thine heart /'Ai7.2.8.he A. himself and became obedient to death HUMBLED.ST. 2 Chrott. 34. 27. because thou A. thyself before me HUMBLETH. 1 Kings 21.29. how AhabA. because he A. himself Psal. 10. 10. hecrouchelhand A. himself, that poor 113. C. whoA. himself to behold things in heaven /ra.2.9.meanman boweth,the great man A. himself Luke 14.11.he thatA. hims. shall beexalted,18.14. HUMBLENESS. Co/. 3. 12. pat on kindness, A. of mind, meekness HUMBLY. 2Sam.l6.4. I A. beseech thee that 1 may find grace Jfic. 6. 8. to love mercv.and to walk A.wilh thy G. humiliahon. Acts 8. S.*?. in his A. his judgment was taken away HUMILITY. Prov. 15. 33. and before honour is A. IB. 12 C 4. by A. iire riches, and boaour, and life sgg HUN A/.«20. 19. serving the Lord with all A. of mind Col. 2.18. let no maii beguile you in a voluntary A. 23. have a shew of wisdom iu will v^orship and A . 1 Pei.5.o.he subject one to another, dothedwith A. H UM'REU-FOI.Il. Hce I'OLU. HUNDRED Gen. 11. 10. Shem was an A. years old and begat 17. 17. shall child be born to him that is a A. vears old, and shiU Sarah bear.' 21.5. 'Horn. 4. 19. 33. 19. Jacob bought for an A. pieces, JujA. 24. .32. iJDrf.27. 9. hangingsA. cubits long, U. | 38.9.11. 18. the length of the court shall be an A. cubits 38. 27. an A. sockets were cas' of the A. talents A«jj.26.8.five shall chase a A. and a A. put to flight Deut. 22. 19. shall amerce him in A. shekels of silv. Jiidg.7.\g.so Gideon and the A. men with him came 20. 10. we will take ten of an h. an A. of a 1000 35. Israel destroyed of Benjm. 25,0llu and an A. 1 Sam. 18. 25. but an A. foreskins, 2 .Sam. 3. 14. 25. 18. an A. clusters of raisins, 2.5a»i. I6. 1. 2 A«m.8.4. reserved for an A. chariots, 1 C7(r.l8.4. i A'lH^j 4.23.Solom. provision foroneday A. sheep 7. 2. length of the house ol the forest an A. cubits 18 4.<)bailiah took an A. proph. and hid them, 1.3. 2 hvigs 4.43.what should 1 set this bef. an A. men : 2.>. .i3. I'haraoh-iiccho put Jehoahaz in bands, and put land to a tribute of au A. talents, 2 Chron. 36.3. 1 Chron. 12. 14. one of the least was over an A. 25. children of Simeon seven thousand and one A. 21 . .3. Lord make his people an A. times so many 2 Chron. 3. I6. Solomon made an h. pomegranates 4. 8. and he made an A. basins of gold 25. 6. he hired also men for an A. talents of silver 9.what shall we do for the A. talents 1 have piven 27. 5. Ammon gave Jotham an A. talents of silver 29- 32. the congregation brought an A. raniS Ezra 2. (19. they gave one A. priests' garmen's 6.17- and offered at the dedication an A. bullocks 7. 22. let it be done to an A. 'alents of silver, an A. measures of wh«at and wine, and an A. baths of oil 8.26.silver vessels an A. talents of gold, an A. talts. Neh. 5.11. restore to them the h. part of the money Prov. 17. 10. more than an A. stripes into a fool Ecct.6.3. if aman beget an A. childr. and live years 8.12.tho' sinner do evil A. times, days be prolong, /id. 65. 20. for the child shall die an A. years old, but the sinner being au A. years old shall be accursed E:ek. 40. 10. he measured an A. cubits eastward 23. he measured from gate to gate an A. cubits, 27. 47. the court an A. cubits long, an A. cubits broad 41. 13. so he measured the house an A. cubits long 14. of the separate place toward east, an A. cubits 15. the galleries on one side and other, an A. cubs. 42.8. and lo, before the temple were an A. cubits Amos 5. 3. city that went out by a 1000, shall leave an A. that which went forth by au A. shall leave ten Mat. 18. 12. if aman have an A. sheep, Luke 15.4. 28. went and found one who owed him an A. pence Luke 16. 6. and he said, an A. measures of oil 7. how much owestthou .' an A. meas. of wheat Joh/i 19.39. mixt. of myrrh and aloes an A. weight One HUNDRED and live. G>7i.5.6.Seth lived one h. and I've vears, beg. Enos One HU>;DRED"n>i(W/.31.2.1 aiiianA. /r7irf£)rf.6.l6.the years of Levi were A and thirty sew, 20. the yeaU'S of Amram were an A. thirtvseieu One HUNDRED t.hirty eight.' Xeh. 7.45. the children of Shobai oi Aut. h.t h. eight One HUNDRED thirty nine. Ezra 2. 42. children of Shobai in all an h.thirtvninc One HUNDRED /oxy. Job 42. 16. after this lived Job an h. forty years One HUNDRED /or^j^/uH/. Rev. 21. 17. measured the wail an h. J'.f. cubits One HUNDRED >(7.v seven. Gen.47 .28. whole age of Jacob an h.J'ortu seven ve. Owe HUNDRED /or/veijAJ. AVA.7.44 singers, the children of Asaph h.f. eight One HUNDRED y//(y. Gen. 7. 24. waters prevailed an A. jftt/ days, 8. 3. 1 Kings 10. 29. a chariot went out ol Egypt, anc an hor.e for an A. and ffty shekels, £ Chr. 1. 17. 1 Chr. 8.40. Ulam's sons and sons' sons an h. fifty Ezra 8. 3. were reckoned of males, jin A. andy'. iVf'j. 5. 17. there were at my table an h.f. Jews One HUN DRED Jifty three. John 21. 11. drew the net full of fishes an h.f. ( One HUN DRED y;/Vy sit. Ezra 2. 30. the child, of Magblsii, and A. f. sit One HUNDRED sury. Ezra 8. 10. Shelomith, and with hini h. s. males One HUNDRED sizly t:vo. Cen.5.18. Jared lived A. *. two years, begat Enoch One HUNDRED seventy t:vo. Neh. 11. 19. the porters and brethren A. seventy two One HUNDRED seventy fie. Gen. 25. 7. Abraham's life was an A. seventy fis4 One HUNDRED eighty. 6>«. 35.28. the days of Isaac an A. and eighty years Esth.l.i. Ahasucrus feast for au A. and eighty days One HUNDRED eighty two. Gen. 5.28. Lamech lived h.tig.two and begat Noah One HUNDRED eighty seven. Of «.5.25. Methuselah lived A.«ij.fei«i begat Laiu> One HUNDRED eighlyeight. .VA. 7. 67. and two h. 45. singing men and women 68. their mules two h. ^nA form Jive T:to HUNDRED //Vv. Exod. 30. 23. take thou to thee oi' cinnamon iieo h. and fifty, of calamus /Ko A. an l/;/Vy shekels JV'um. 16. 2. two h. a.udfifty princes of the assemlily 17. and bring ye before L.iwoh. ami fifty censers 35. a fire consumed the two h. a.ndfit'tv men C Chron. 8. 10. two h. anA fifty that bare rule Etek. 48. 17. suburbs toward north two h. fifty Two ll\JiiT)KEV) seventy iir. Acts 27. 37. m all the ship two h. seventy six souls Two HUNDRED eighty four. iW/j.11.18. Levites in the holy ciiv two h. eiohlyf. Two IIUNDRED<>j'/ryeig/,r. ° 1 Chrvn. 25.7. all cunning in son^s two h.ei^k.eight Two HUNDRED fifty thousand. 1 C//r<7tj.5.21.took awav of sheep /•:;« h. fifty thous. Three HUNDRED. Gen. 5. £2. Enoch walked with God three h. years and begat sons and daughters 6. 1.5. the length of the ark shall be r/oce A. cubits 45. 22. he gave Benjamin three h. pieces of silver •^"rfg.7.6.thc number that lapped were three h. men 8. and he retained those three h. men 8 4. the three h. men that were with him were faint 11.26. Israel by the coast of Anion thr(e h. years 15. 4. Samson went and caught three h. foxes 2 6a»i.21.l6. whose spear weighed rArfe A. shekels £3.18. Abi.>hai loab's brother lifted up his spear ag.ainst three A. and sVw them, 1 Chr. 11.11,20. 1 hiiii:! 10.17. he made three A. shields of beat. gold 11. 3. Solomon had three h. concubines 2 Kings 18.14.appointed to Hezek. three h. talents 2CAr.9.l6. th. A. shekels of gold went to one shield 14. 19. Zera came against Asa with fA. A.chariots 35. 8. gave to priests forpassover-offer. th. h. oxen Ezra 8. 5. with Shecbaniah three It. m los t-i/A. 9. 15. the Jews slew three A. men at Shushan Ji'lin 12. 5. this ointment sold (or three h. pence Three HUNDRED eighteen. Gen. 14.14. Abram went with th. A. etght. servants Thiee HUNDRED twetuy. Ezra'i. .32. the children of Harin th. A. and twenty Seh. 7. 35. the children of Gibeon th. A. anAtueniy Three HUNDRED twenty three. Ezra £. 17. the children of Bezai 323, Seh. ". .32. Three HUNDRED twenty eight. N». Gen. 9. 28. Noah lived after flood «A". h. fifty years Three HUNDRED sixty. 3 Ham 2. 31. so that of Israel th. h. sixty men died Three H U N D R E D iixfy five. Ccn. 5.23. Enoch's days were th. A. sixty five years Three HUNDRED seventy two. Ezra 2. 4. the child, of Shephatiah .372, Neh. 7. 9. Three HUNDRED ninety. Etek. 4. 5. according to numberof days th. h. n. 9. Three HUNDRED thousand. lium, 31. 36. of them that went out to war 300,000 lAaw. 11. 8. Israel were 300,000.2 Chron. 14. 8. o'c"c"r '' ■ *', ""'^ Adnah mighty men 300.000 25.5. luuiid JadaJi and Benjamin to be 300,000 300 Three HUNDRED thotisand seven Ihotaand five HUNDRED. 2 Chron. 26. 13. Uzziah had an army of 307,500. Three HUNDRED and thirty ihomand seven thousand five HUNDRED. Sum. 31. 43. now the half that pertained nnto the coijgres.-ition was 337,500 sheep Four HUNDRED. Gen. 15. 13. afflict theoi /ix/r h. years, AetsT.C^ 23. 15. land is worth /uur A. shekels of siher, 16. 32. 6. Esau Cometh to thee with r'mr h. men, 33. 1. Jutlg. 21. 12. found/oiir A. virgins of .labesh-gilead 1 i>. A. 16. 17. 20. 47. SIX A. Bciijamites fled to rock Rinimon 1 .Suwi.13.15. Saul numbered the people six h. 14.2. 17. " Cloliath's spear head weighed six h. shekels £3. 13.Dav. and his men aiiout six A. 27. 2. | 30. 9. 2 Sam. 15. 18. all the Gittites were six h. men 1 Ai«gil0.l6. Solomon made targets, six A. shekels of gold went to one target, 2 Chron. 9. 15. 29. a chariot went for six A. shekels, 2 Chr. 1. 17. 1 Chron. 21. 25. David pave Oman six h. shekels 2 CA). 3. 8. overlaid house with gold to.t/j A. talents 29.33. the consecrated things were iij A. oxen Six HUNDRED twenty one. Ezra 2. 26. child. of Ramah six h.tui.one, Neh.T.30 Six hundred twenty three. Ezra 2. 11. the children of Bebai iiih. twenty three Six hundred t:ienty eight. ' Neh.T. 16. the children of Bebai, six A. twenty eight Six llViUR\:V andfijty. Ezra 8.£6.weighed to their band six h. fifty lalcnti HUN Six WV^XnaiD fifty-twa. Ezra'Z. 60. the children of Nekoda, six h fifty tu* A'i;A.7.10. the children of Arab, six A. a.ndjifiy twi Six hundred sixty six. 1 Kings 10. 14. gold to Sol. in year six h.iixty sixtal, Ezra 2. 13. children of Adonikaui, six h. sixty six Rev. 13. 18. and his number is sixh. and sixty si.t Six HUNDRED sixty seven. Neh. 7.18. children of Adonikam, six h. sixty seven Six HUNDRED seventy five. A'H7n.31. 37. Lord's trib. of sheep was six A. sev.five Six HUNDRED ninety. 1 Chron. 9. 6. Jeuel and brethren were six A. ninety Six HUNDRED thousand. £«rf. 12. .37. Israel journeyed about tJOO,000 on fool 38. 26. a bekah for every man for 600,000 men Num. 1. 46. all that were numbered were 600,000 11.21 .Moses said, the people are (iOO,00O footmen Six HUNDRED seventy five lh.ius,ind. Num. 31 .32. the rest of the prey was 6(5,000 sheep Seven HUNDRED. /KA. 7. 39. HUNDREDS. £T(»i/.I8.21.berulersofA. and tens, 25. Dent. 1.15. A7.he suffered thee to/j. and fed with manna i7*o.49.10.they shall not /(.nor thirst, nor sun smite JUai. 5. 6. blessed are they that A. Luke 6. 21. JLuke6. 25. woe to you who are full, forye shall A J0A71 6. 35. he that cometh to me shall never A. Mom. 12. 20. therefore if thine enemy A. feed him J Cor. 4. 11. we both A. and thirst, and are naked 11. .34. and if any man A. let him eat at home jK«:. 7. 16. they shall A. no more, neither thirst HUKGER-BITTEN. Joi 18. 12. his strength shall be h.-bit. destruction HUNGERED. Mat. 4. 2. he was afterwards an A. Lute 4. 2. 12.1. his discip. were an A. and began to pluck ears 3. what David did when he was an A. iliarX-,2.25. 21. 18. now as he returned into the city, he n. 25. 35. for I was an A. and ye gave me meat .37. L. when saw we thee an A. and fed thee ? 44. 42. for I was an //. and ye gave me no meat LukeG. 3. what David did when himself was an h. HUNGRY 1 Sam. 2. 5. and they that were h. ceased S Sam. 17. 29. the people is A. weary, and thirsty 2 Kings 7. 12. they know that we be A. therefore J06 5. 5. whose harvest the A. eateth up and taketh it 22.7. thou hast withholden bread from the A. 24. 10. they take away the sheaf from the A. Psal. 50. 12. if I were A. 1 would not tell thee 107. 5. A. and thirsty, their soul fair.ted in them 9. for he filleth the A. soul with goodness 36. and there he maketh the A. to dwell 146. 7. hope is in Lord who giveth food to the A. ^^1.6.. 30. if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is A 25. 21. if thine enemy be h. give him bread to eat 27. 7. to the A. soul every bitter thing is .sweet Jta. 8. 21. they shall pass thro' it, hardly bestead and A. when they shall be A. they shall fret themselves 9. 20. he shall snatch on the right hand, and he A 29. 8. it shall even be as when a A. man dreameth 32. 6. to make empty the soul of the A. 44. 12. yea, he is A. and his strength faileth J8. 7. is it not to deal thy bread to the A. ? 10. and if thou draw out thy soul to the A. 65. 13. my servants shall eat,' but ye shall be A. £'.ek. !8. 7. hath given his bread to the A. 16. Markl 1. 12. when were come from Bethany he wasA. Luke 1. 53. he hath filled the A. with good things Acts 10. 10. Peter became very A. would have eaten I Cor. 11 21. one is A. and another is dtunken PAil. 4. 12. I know how to be fall and to be A. HUNT. Hunting Aas been called a kind of an apprentice- ship to 'xar, and an imitation of it. Nimrod was a mighty hunter before the Lord. Oen. 10. 9- Some lAink Ae did good witA Ais hunt- ing, served Ais country by ridding it of the teild beasts uAicA did infest it, and so insinu- ated Aimself into the nffections cf Ais nei^A- tours, and got to be tlieir p'ince. OtAers think, under pretence of hunting, he gathered men under Ais command, and by tneir Aelp estab- lished a tyrmmiical and absolute poaer over men: He to»s a mighty hunter ; tAat is, Ae was a violent invader of Ais neighbours' rigAls and properties, and a persecutor of innocent men ; carrying all before Aim, and endeavouring to make all bts oun by force and violence. The prophets sometimes express tear -under the name of hunting. Jer. I6. 16, I will send for many hunters, and they shall hunt their, from «¥ery mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks, lie speaks of the Cbaldf u>s or Persians, uho took the Jews, and bttd them under their domijiion. Some are of tfinitn that the hunters mentioned by .lere- miah art th* Persian*, w\o set tin Uebrcwt at HiIR liberty: and, m a more elevated sense, lAe /Iposlles, aAo uere as hunters, that endeavoured to take me>i viitA their preaching. Micah ' complains that every one lays amiustadet his neighbour, and ihut one brother hmtis after another to destroy him. Mic. 7. 2, They all lie in wait for biooJ, they hunt every man his brother with a net. Ezekiel inveighs cgainsi the false prophetesses. 7cho place cushions under the elboics of sinners, thereby promising them ease and security, -while really they Kere spread- ing a net, ns hunters do, to catcA tAe prey and devour it, Ezek. 13. 18, 20. Gen. 27. t 3. now therefore go A. me some venison 5. Esau went to field to A venison, and 1 Sam. 26. 20. as when one doth A. a partridge Job 38. 39. wilt thou A the prey for the lir^n > Ps. 140.11. evil shall A. violent man to overth. him Proj). 6. Cd. the adulteress will A.for the precious life Jer. 16. 16. thev shall A. them from every mountain La ■ - •' ■ HUS Luke 10.19. and nothing shall by any nie&iis A.yoa Acts 18. 10. no man shall set on thee to h. thee Bev. 6. 6. see thou A. not the oil and the wina 7. 2. to whom it was given to A. earth and se» 3. saying, A. not the earth, neither the sea 9. 4. they should not A. the grass of the earth 10. and their power was to A. men five monthl 19. and had heads, and with them they do A. 11.5. if any A. them, fireproceedethout of mouth HURTFUL. Ezra 4. 15. shalt find that this city is A. to kings P.f.l44.10.whodelivereth David from the A. sword 1 Tim. 6. y. they that will be rich fall into A. lusu HURTING. 1 Sam. 25. 34. Lord who hath kept me from A. tnea HUSBAND. Gen. 20. 1 3. dead man, for she is married to a A. Exod.4. 25. surely a bloody A. art thou to me, 26. 21. 22. as the woman's A. will lay upon him Lev. 19. 20. that is betrothed to a A. Veul. 22. 23. 8. they A. our steps tnat we cannot go ' ^1. 3. his sister who hath had no A. Ezek. 44. 25. Ezek, 13. 18. will ye A. the souls of my people 20. pillows wherewith ye there A. the souls Mic. 7. 2. they A. every man his brother with a net HUNTED. Gen. 27. + .33. where is he that hath .i. venison ? Er.ek. 13.21. shall be no more in your hand to be A. HUNTER, S. Geu. 10.9. he wasamightyA. before the Ld. where- fore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty A. 25. 27. Esau was a cunning A. a man of the field Piov. 6. 5. deliver as a roe from the hand of the A. Jer. 16. 16. and after will I send for many A. HUNTEST. 1 Sam.Q4. 11. yet thou A. my soul to take it Joi 10.16. thou A. me as fierce lion.and again shewest HUNTETH. Lev. 17. 13. which A. and catcheth any beast HUNTING. Gen. 27. 30. that Esau his brother came in from A. Prov. 12. 27. roasteth not that which he took in A. HUKL. Num. 35.C0. if A. at him by lyingin wait that he die HURLETH. Joi 27. 21. and as a storm A. him out of his place HURLING. 1 CAr.12.2. could use right hand and left in A. stones H URT, Substantive. Gen. 4. 23. for I have slain a young man to my A. 26.29. make a covenant, that thou wilt do us no A, 31. 29. it is in the power of my hand to do you A. JojA.24.20.if forsake,thenwill he turn and do you A 1 Sam. 20. 21. there is peace to thee, and uoJu 24. 9. saying, behold, David seeketh thy A. 2 Sam.18.3'^. that rise to do A. be as that young man 2 AiH^,tl4.10.forwhyshouldestthou meddle to thy A that thou shouldest fall ? 2 CAion. 25. I9. E:ra 4. 20. why damage grow to the A. of kings .' Est A. 9. 2. to lay hands on such as sought their A. P.ral. 15.4. that sweareth to his A. andchangeth not 35. 4. brought toconfusion that devise myA 70.2 26. let them be ashamed that rejoice at my A. 38. 12. seek my A, speak mischievous things ag. me 41. 7. against me do they devise my A. 17. 13. be covered with reproach that seek my A. 24. they are brought to*shame that seek myA. £rf/. 5. 13. riches Vept for the owners to theirA. 8. 9. one man ruleth over another to his own A. J*r..'i. 14. have healed A. of my people slightly.U.ll. 7. 6. neither walk after other gods to your A. 8. 21. for the A. ofmy people am I A. I am black 10. 19. woe is me for my A. my wound is grievous 24. 9. will deliver them to be removed for their A. 25. 6. provoke me not, and I will do you no A. 7. that ye might provoke me to your own A. .38. 4. seeketh not welfare of this people, but the A. Dan. 3.25. they have noA.||6.22. 1 have done no A. 6. 23. and no manner of A. was found upon him Wf^j 27.lO.that this voyage will he with A.Iperceive HURT, participle. Lxod. 22. 10. if a beast be A. no man seeing it 14. if it be A. and die the owner thereof not with it 1 Sam. 25. 15 the men were good and we were not A. Arc/. 10. 9. whoso removeth stones shall beA.thcrew. -'^r.8.21. for the A. of my people am 1 A. I am black A'an.6. 22. that the lions have not A. me. .l/.ri 16. 18. any deadly thing, it shall not A. them Luif 4. 35. the devil came out uf him, and A.bim not Num. 30. 6. if she had at all an A. when she vowed Veut. 22. 22. lying with a womjin married to a A. 24. 3. and if the latter A. hate her or die 4. her former A. may not take her again to wife 25. 5. and perform the duty of a A. brother to her 28. 56. her eye shall be evil toward A.of her bosom Judg. 20. 4. the A. of the woman slain, answered Huth 1. 3. Elimelech, Naomi's A. died, she was left 12.1 am too old to have an A. if I should have a A. Jer. 6. 1 1. the A. with the wife shall be taken 31.32. although I wasaA. to them,saith the Lord Joel 1. 8. girded with sackcloth for A. of her youth l^lai. 1. 16. and Jacob begat Joseph the A. of Mary Luke 2. 36. she had lived with a A. seven years JoAni. 17. I have no A. hast well said, I have no*. Kom. 7. 2. if A. be dead, she is loosed from her A. 3. 1 Cor. 7. 3. let the A. render to the wife due benevo- lence, and likewise also the wife to the A. 4. also the A. hath not power of his own body 11. and let not the A. put away his wife 13. the woman who hath a A. that believeth not 14. unbelieving A. is sanctified by the wife, and unbelieving wife is sanctified by the A. "Cor. 11. 2. for I have espoused you to one A. Gal. 4. 27. more children than she who hath a A. £»'A.5.23.the A. is head of wife, as Christ of church 1 !/»n. 3.2. bishop be blameless.A. of one wife, 2i;. 1.6. Her HUSBAND. Gf?i.3.6.Eve did eat of the fruit, and gave to Aer h. l6.3.Sarai Abram's wifagave Hagar to A. A.Abr. Lev. 21. 7. not take a woman put away from Aer h, Num.5. 13. if it be hid from the eyes of Aer A. 27. if she have done trespass against her A. 29. when one goeth aside to anoth. instead nf A. h. 30.7. and A. A. heard it, and held his peace, 11, 14. 8. if Aer A. disallow her on the day he heard it 10. and if she vowed in her A. house or bound 12. if A^y A. hath utterly made them void on day 13. Aer A. may establish it or make it void Deut. '21. 13. thnu shalt go in unto her, and be /ar A. 25. 5. Aer A. brother shall go in unto her and taka 11. the wife draweth near to deliver Aer A. Judg. 13. 6. then the woman came and told her h, 9. but Manoah hei A. was not with her 10. the woman made haste, and shewed Ac h 19- 3. her A. arose and went after her to sjieaic Hut A 1. 5. Naomi left of her two sons and her h. 9. find rest each of you in the house of Air A. 2. 1. Naomi had kinsman of Atr A. a man of wealth 1 Sam. 1. 8. then said Elkanah Aer A. to her. 23. 22. she said unto A«r//. 1 will not go up till child S.ly.when she came up with AerA.lo offer sacrifice 4. 19. she heard thather father and Aer A. were dead 21. because of AerA.JI 25. I9. she told not her k. 2 •5a;H.3.I5.1bh-bo5hethsent and took her from A. A. l6.Afr A. went with her along weeping behind her 11. 26. when the wife of Uri.ah heard that Aer A. was dead, she mourned for A Ita. 54.5. ihy Maker is thy h. the Lord is his name John 4. 16. go, call thy A. |1 18. he is not thy A. Acts 5. 9. the feet of them that have buried thy A. 1 Cor.T. 16. knowest whetherthou shalt saverAv A. HUSBANDMAN. Gen. 9. CO. Noah began to be an A. and plant, vincy. Jtr. 51. 23. with thee will I break in pieces the A. jimos 5.1ft. alas ! they shall call the A. to mourning Zeeh. 1.1.5. he shall say, 1 am no prophet, I am a A. JoAn 15. 1 . I am the true vine, ray Father is the A. fTim.2.6.the A. that laboureth must be first par.aker Jam. 5. 7. A. waiteth for the precious fruit of earth HUSBANDMEN. S /i'l'nji 25. 12. he left ofthe poor to be A. J^r. 52. I6. 2 CAron. 26. 10. Uzziah had A. also in Carmel Jer. 31. 24. and there shall dwell in Judah iu- If A. Joel 1 .1 1. be jishamed, O ye A. howl, O vine-dresiers Afar 21.33. he let it out to A. .l/a;il2.2. LukeZ'J.Q 34.senthisservantstoA. Markll.'Z. Lukc10.\0. 38. when A. saw the son, Mark 12.7. Luke 20.14. 40. when he cometh what will he do to those A. .' 41. he will let out his vineyard to other A. Jl/ar/H 2.2. he might receive from the A. of the fruit 9. he will come and destrov the A. and give vinev. HUSBANDRV. 8 CAr. 26.10. L'^iziah had husbandmen, for loved A. Job 1. ^3. Job had a very great A. 1 Cor. 3. 9. ye arc God's A. ve are God's building HUSBANDS. iiu/A 1.11. are there more sons.they may be your A./ 13. would ye stay for them from having A. .' £ttA, 1.17.sothcy shall despise their A. in their eyes 20. the wives shall give to their A. honour Jer. 29. 6. and give your daughters to A. Siek. 16. 45. which loathed their h. and their child. JoAn 4. 18. thou hast had five A. he not thy husband 1 Cor. 14. 35. let them ask their A. at home Eph. 5. 22. wives, submit yourselves to your A. 24. 25. A. love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. Col. 3. 19. Col. 3.18. wives, submit yourselves to your own A. 1 Tim. 3. 12. let the deacons be the A. of one wife Til. 2. 4. teach young women to love th>-ir A. 5. to be chaste, obedient to their own A. 1 Pet. 3. 1. ye wives, be insutijectiontoyourown A. 7. ye A. dwell with them according to knowledge HUSK, S. Kiim. 6.4. from the kernels even to the A. C h'irigi 4.42. brought full ears of corn in A. thereof Xjuke 15.16. would fain have filled his belly with A. HYMN, S. Jl/a/.26.30.when they had sung an A. Mark 14. 26. £ph. 5.19. speaking to yourselves in psalms and A. Col. 3. 16. admonishing one another in psalms and A. HYPOCRISY Comes from the Greek, Hypocrisis : // is a coun- ler/eiting religion and iir:ue ; an affectation of lAe name, jotnei uilh a disaffection to the lAing ; or, the having a form ot godliness with denying the power of it. Thus he is a hypocrite aAo feigns to be uhat ke is not, vshojnits on a Jalse person, like tJie actors in Tragedies and Comedies. Our Haiiour frequently accused the Phansees »/" hypocrisy. Mat. 23. 13, 14,J)C. Their character ts drauit out in that chapter ; as (1) They say and do not, verse 3. their prac- tice was not agreeable to their doctrine, and lAere/ore their tiample was not to be imitated ; for they imposed many strict injunctions, over and above uAat the la-j required, and set erely Mxaeied obedience tAereto jrom others, but did nat observe the least part thereof themsehes. Terse 4. (2) IVhat good things they did, -acre only for estimation, to be seen of men, verse 5 (3J They ambitiously affected titles, lain ap riause, and the precedency at entertainments, verse 6— 12. (4) They hid their crying sini del the colourable appearance of virtues, arid prtttndid to holiness that they might sin uiih 302 less ivspieion and more security, vtTit 14. Thesi OUT Haviour compares to whited sepulchres, that within contain sordid dust and rotiennas, verses 27, 28. (5) 'J'hey were eiact in light mat- ters, they tithed mint and cummin, but neglect- td substantial duties : They were zealous i« the outnard parts of religious worship and neglected righteousneis and mercy, thinking 10 compemate their defects in the duties of one table, by strictly observing the duties 0/ the other, verses 23,24 (0) TAcy studied rather an external purity, than the inward purity of the heart, verse 25. (7) These Aypocritical iicnbei and Pharisees yr<- tended a great deal of respect 10 the ancient pro- phels, and to disallow what their fathers did to them, and yet were at ready to practise the like themselves 10 Christ and his Apostles, verses 29, 3(1, 31. (8) Hypocrites pray loOud only in the time of sickness and danger, when by their afflictions they are driven to it, but shea no love to prayer or delight in Cod •■" time if pros- perity. Job 27, 8, 9, 10. (9) TA^y judl'd and censured others severely for smaller faults, ee ing in the mean lime themselves guilty of greatei crimes. Mat. 7- 5. (10) 'J'hey acre mure foi outward ceremonies and human traditions than for the true and spiritual worship of Hod, Mat 12. 1.2, 7. I 15. 2, 7, 8, 9. (11) In worldly affairs they were quick-sighted, not so in sp tual and heavenly things, Mark 3. 4. (12) Hypocrites in /jui/if calamities are fearful, \sz 33. 14. This sin o/" hypocrisy is difficultly cured, in that it is not easily discovered by men, and does not ex- pose to shame, but is subservient to many carnal ends. Men cannot dive into the hearts of others, and cannot discern bettceen the paint c/' hypocrisy and the life of holiness. Hypo- crisy also turns the means of salvation into poison ; for the frequent exercise of religioua duties, which is the means to sanctify others, confirms and hardens hypocrites. The effectual means to cure it, is a steadfast be- liej of the pure and all-seeing eye of Cod ; who sees sin wherever it is, and will bring it into judgment. A hypocrite may hide his sin from the eyes of others, and sometimes from his own conscience, but can never impose upon ijod. The steadfast belief of this truth will cause frequent and solemn thoughts of God, as our Jmpector and Judge : Uur Saviour makes use of it as an argument against hypoc risy. Luke 12. 1, 2, 3, Beware ye of the leaven of the I'harisees, which is hypocrisy, lor there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; neither hid that shall not be known, i:c. Au.32.6. his heart will work iniquity, to practise A. Mat. 23. 28. within ye are full of A. and iniquity Mark 12. 15. he knowing their A. said unto them Luke 12.1. be ware of leaven of Pharisees,wbich is A. 1 '7'im. 4. 2. speaking lies in A. their conscience seared Jam. 3. 17. wisdom from above is pure aiidwithout A HYPOCRlSItS. 1 Pet. 2. 1. wherefore laying aside ill malice and A. HY'POCKnE. Job 8. 13. and the A. hope shall perish 13. 16. for an A. shall not come before him 17. 8. the innocent shall stir up himself against h 20. 5. and the joy of the A. is but for a nioment 27. 8. what is the hope of the A. tho' he hath gained 34.30.that the A.rei^n not.lest ihe people be snared Prov. 11.9. J*!' A. with his mouth destroy, neighbour Isa. 9. 17. for every one is a A. and an evil doer Mat. 7. 5. thou A. first cast out the beam out of eye Luke 6. 42. thou A. cast beam out of thy own eye 13. 15. thou A. doth not each one loose his ox .' HYPOCRPIES. Job 15. 34. the congregation of A. shall be desolate 36. 13. but the A. in heart heap up wrath Isa. 33, 14. fearfulness hath surprised the A. Mat. 6. 42. do not sound a trumpet, as the A. do 5. when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as A. are 16. moreover, when ye fast, be not as the h. 15. 7. ye A. well did Esaias prophesy, Mark"} . 6. 16. 3. O ye A. ye can discern the face of sky, tut can ye not discern the signs of times' Luke 12.56. 22. 18. but Jesus said, why tempt ye me, ye A.? 23. 13. woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, A. ye shut up kingdom against men, 14,15,23,25,27,29. 24. 51. shall appoint him his portion with the h. Luke 11 .44. woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, A. HYPOCRMICAL. Ps. 35.16. with A. mockers in feasts, they gn.-ished Isot 10. 6. I will send hinj against an A. nation HYSSOP Is an herb very generally known, and in Hebrew called Esob. Jt was commonly made use of in purification instead of a sprinkler : Thus Ifod commanded the ll'direws, u'Afn they came out of E^ypi, to take a bunch of hysson, 10 dip 11 in the blood »f the Paschal Lamb, and iprtnilt the lintel and two side-posts with it, Exod. 12. 22. Sometimes they added a tittle mool t» it. of a scarlet colour. So m the purification of lepers, they dipped a bunch composed of hyssop, the branches of cedar, and red wool, in water, mingled with the blood of a bird, and with It sprinkled the leper. Lev. 14. 4. cVc David alludes to these ceremonial purifications. Psal.51.7, Purge me with hyssop, and 1 shall be clean : that is. As iepeis and other unclean persons are by thy appointment purified by the use of hyssop and other things, so do thou cleanse me, a most leprous and polluted creature, by thy grace, and by the virtue of the blood of Christ, which is represented and signified by those nre- mouial usages. Hyssop i* a shrub, whicA sAools out abundance of suckers from one root only : it is as hard as any large wood, and grows about a Joot and an half high. At particular distances on bjth sides of its stock It pushes out longish leaves, which art hard, odoriferous, warm, and a little bitter to the taste. The blossom of it appears at the top of the stem, of an azure colour, and like an ear of corn. There are two sorts of it, the garden, and jnoKH/oin hyssop. It is very pi obable that hyi- sop grows to a very great height in Judea, since it it said in the gospel, that the soldiers having filed a sjmnge with vinegar, they put it upon a stick of hyssop, and presented it to our Sa viour's mouth, who was then upon the cross, John 19. 29. Exod.ii 22. ye shall take abunch of A. and dip it Lev. 14.4. take cedar-wood, scarlet, and A. 6,49,51. 52. shall cleanse the house with the A. and scarlet A«m. 19.6. shall cast A.into the midst of the burning 18. a clean person shall take A. and uip u in water 1 A ings 4. 33 .from the cedar-tree even unto tne A. Psat. 51. 7. purge me with A. and I shall be cleein John 19. 29. they filled a spunge, and put it on A. Viei.tJ.iy.he took bloodwilb A.and sprinkled people I. T 75 referred (I) To God, to set forth, [1] The -* dignity of his person, Psal. 81. 10. Isa. 45. 5, 6. [2] his great power and migAt, Gen. 17.1. [3] His eternal and unchangeable being in him- self, Exod. 3. 14. [4] The certainly of hit- promises and threateningi, Exod. 6. 2. Num. 14. 35. (II) To Ihe Son of God. [1] Before his manifeitation in the fesh, Cant. 2. 1. [2] When manifested, Mark 14. 62. Luke 24. 39. (Ill) To the Holy Ghost, Acts 10. 20. (IV) 'io the church. Cant. 2. I6. | 6. 3. (\) 'io the good angels, Luke 1. I9. | 2. 10. Rev. 22. 9. (VI) To evil angels, 1 Kings 22. 21, 22. (VII) 'To men and women, denoting, [1] Their pride, Isa. 47. 8, 10. [2] The certainty of what is spokni, Gal. 5. 2. Philem. I9. [3] 'The readiness of the speaker to perfoim hit duly, or what is enjoined him, Mic. 3. 8. Mat. 21.'30. (VIII) To the creatures. Num. 22. 30. Judg. 9. 9, 11, 13. Gew. 6. 17. behold J,even /,do bring a flood on earth 9. 9. 1, behold /, establish my covenant with you 34. 30. 1 shall be destroyed, 1 and my house 37.10. shall 1, thy moth, and breth. come to bow? .30. the child is not, and 1, whither .shall / go .> 39. 9. there is none in this house greater than / i:,j(irf.3.1 l.who am 1, that 1 should go to Pharaoh ? 9.27. L. is righteous, 1 and my people are wicked 14. 17. and 1, behold 1 will harden the hearts 18. 6. i thy father-in-law Jethro am come to thee 31.6. 7, behold 1, have given with him Aholial> 7,ti.£6.2H.y, even7,will chastise you for your sins Sum. 3. 12. i, behold 1, have taken the Lev. 18. 6. T*^!//. 7. 17. nations more than 7, how can idisposs. 32. 39. 7, even 7, am he, there is no God with me Ji>*A.14.7.foity years old was 7whenMosessentme Judg.5.3.I,tven y,will sing to the Lord God of Isr. 7. till J Deborah arose,that /arose mother in Isr. 7. 18. when 7 blow, 7 and all that are with me 11.37. may bewail my virginity, 7 and my fellows 12.2. /and my people were at strife with Ammon 20. 4. 7 came to Gibeah, 7 and my concubine ISam. 24.17. hesaid,thou art more righteous than I 2 Sam. 3. 28. i ind my kingd. are guiltless before L, 13. 13. 7, whither shall I cause my shame to go? 1 A ings 1.21. Valid sonSolom. be counted offender* 18.22. 7, even 7 only remain a prophet, 19- 10,14. 1 Vhr. 29. 14. who am 1, what luypeop. 2 CAr. 2. 6. 2 Chr. 32. 13. what I and fathers have done to peo. 7iro7.Cl. 7, even 1 Artaxerxes, make a decree A«A. 5. 15. but so did not 7, because of fear of G. Af(A.4.l6. 7 also and my maidens will fast likewise Jobl.ii. I only am escaped to tell thee I6, 17,13 15. 6. thy OWL mouth condemneth thee, and not I 34. 33. whether thou refuse or choose, and not I JAS Pt. 61.2. lead me to the rock that is higher than / 142. 6. persecutors, for they are strouger than / Eccl. 2. 25. who can hasten hereunto more than 1 f Canl.i.X. /am the rose of Sharon, and lily of rail 6.3. 7ammyl)eloved's,7.10. IJ8. 10. iam a wall Isa. 8.18. /and child. L. hath given me, Heb.^.Vi. 41. 4. / the Lord the first, / am he, 4.1. 11, 25. 10. 1 am with thee, for /am thy God. 43.5. 44.6. /am the first, /am the last.48.12. ifen.l I7 7. who as / shall call, and shall declare it ? il5.ie. /, even my hands hare stretched out heav. 46. 4. even to your old age /am he, / have made 9. /am God, and there is none else, /am God 48. 15. /, even /have spoken, /have called him 16. from time that it wjis,there am /, Mat. 18.20. 49. 5. yet shall /be glorious in the eyes of the L 51.12. /.even /am he, 52.6. || 52. 6. behold, it is / 65. 5. stand by thyself, for / am holier than thou Jer. 20.7 . / was deceived , thou art stronger than / 23. 39. behold /, even /, will utterly forget you Eiek. 5. 8. behold /, even /, am against thee 6. J. behold /, even /, will bring a sword upon you 34. 11. beh. /, even /, will search sheep and seek 20. /, even /.will judge between fat catt. and lean 44. 28. /am their inherit. / am their possession DanA.15. when /, even /Dan. had seen the vision lies. 5. 14. /, even /, will tear, /will take away //of. 1.13. Haggai spoke, iam withyou.saith Lord ZecA. 1. 15. for /was but little displeased.they help Mai. 1.13. should /acceptor your hands I'sailh JA. Mat. 3. 11. afterme ismightier than /, Mart 1. 7. 14.27. it is /, be not afraid, Mart 6.50. JoAnG. 20 16.1s. whomdo men saythat /the Son of man am: 18. 20. two or three, there am / in midst of them 24.5. many shall come in name, saying, / am Chr. 26. 22. everyone began to say, Lord, is it /, .1far*14.29. tho' all shall be o£Fended,yet will not/ Luke 2. 48. thy father and / sought thee sorrowing 1 1 . ig.if / by Beelzeb. cast out devils, by whom do 20. if / with the finger of God cast out devils 21.8. shall come in my name, saying, /am Christ 22. 27. but / am among you as he that serveth 24. 39. that it is / myself, handle me and see John!. 20. he confessed, / am not the Christ, 3. 28. 33. /knew nim not {| 4. 26. / that speak am he 8.16. /am not alone.but /and Fath. that sent me 23. / am from above, / am not of this world 28. shall know that /amhe,/donothingof mjself 58. Jesus said, verily, before Abraham was, / am 10. 30. / and my Father are one 88. the Father in me, and /in him, 17.21. | 15.5. 12. 32. and /,if /be lifted up, will draw all men to 13.14.ifi then your Ld. and Master have washed 14.20. / in my Fath. |{ 15.4. abide in me, 7 in you 28. /go to Fath. for my Father is greater than I 17. 23. /. in them, 26. || 25. but /have known thee 18. 35. Pilate answered, am / a Jew .' Actsll.Vl .vi)xdAy>iis I, chat /could withstand God ? 22. 28. 1 obtained this freedom ; /was free born Horn. 7.17. it is no more /, but sin dwell, in me, 20. 1 Cor.l.l2./am of Paul, /of Apollos,/of Chr.3.4. 2.1. and / brethren when /came to you declaring 3.1. and /, bretbr. could not speak to you as tosp. 7. 7. /would that all men were even as / myself 8.if they abide even as / 1| 10. yet not /, but Lord 9.6. or /only and Barnabas, have not we.Dower 26./ therefore so run, so fight -f, not as one that 11.1. be y« followers of me, even as /am of Christ 15.10. by thegraceofG. iam what /am, yel not 1 11. whether it were / or they, so we preached l6.10.for he worketh the work of Christ, even as / 2 Cor. 11.22. are they Hebrews ?:so am / 23. /am more II 29. who is offended, /burn not' Gal. 2.19. /thro'the law am dead to the law. that / 20. / live, yet not / but Christ liveth in me 4. 12. brethren be as / am, for /am as ye are 5. 11. / brethren, if /yet preach-circumcision 6. 14. that Z«bouId glory in cross, and / to world £;)A.1.15./also,aftcr /heard of your faith in Jesus 4. 1. /therefore, prisoner of the Lord.beseech you 1 Pel. 1. 16. it is written, be ye holy, for /am holy 2 John 1. whom /love in the truth, and not / only llev. 1.8. /am A Ipha and Omega, beginn, and end 8. 19- as many as / love, / rebuke and chasten 21. as /also overcame || 21. 2. Z^John saw, 22.8. 22. 9. see thou do it not, / am thy fellow-servaat 16. / Jesus have sent my angel to testify these thmgs, / am the root and offspring of David JACINTH. iJ<».9.'7-having breast-plates of fire, J. and brimst. 21. 20. the eleventh foundation of the city was a ;'. JAILER. Sets 16.23. charging the^'. to keep them safely JANGLING. 1 Tim. 1.6. having swerved, turned aside to vain_;'. JASPEK. £«<<.28.20.the fourthrow an onyx and a_;. 39. 13. £ie*.£&.13. topaz, the diamond and_;. thy covering Rev. 4. 3. he that sat, was to look upon like a.j. 21. 11. her light was like tu 3.j. iktone, clear as 803 IDO |R<».21.18. building of the wall of city was ofj. 19. with precious stones, the first foundat. was ;'. JAVELIN. Num. ^5. 7. and Phinehas took Aj. in his hand 1 Sam. 18. 10. there was a.j. in Saul's hand, 19. 9 11. Saul cast the J. for he said, I will smite Dav. 19- 10. he smote the j. into the wall, David fled JAW. /arf^.lo.igbut God clave an hollow place in the_;. Job 41 . 2. canst thou bore his j. thro' with a thorn ' JAW-BONE. Jud^. 15. 15. Samson found a newj.-jOTie of an ass 15. 16. with ihe j.-bone of an ass have 1 slain 17. he castaway the ^.-Aone out of his hand JAWS. Job 29. 17. and I brake the,;, of the wicked Psal. 22. 15. and my tongue cleaveth to my _;". /«. 3 0.28. there shall bea bridle in j. of the people Uoi.ll.i. as they that take off the yoke on their j. JAW-TEETII. Prov.iO. 14. and their _7.-/«M as knives to devour ICE, See YCE. IDLE, Signifies [1] One aho is slothful or laiy, Exod. 5.8,17. [2] One that would work, but is not employed or hired. Mat. 20. 3, 6. [3] Unprofi- table, not tending to edification. Mat. 12. .36. Exod. 5. 8. for they be i. therefore they cry 17. but he said ye are i. ye are 1. ye say, let us go Prov. 19. 15. and i. soul shall suffer hunger Mat. 12. 36. that every «'. word men shall speak 20. 3. he saw others standing 1. in market-place, 6. Luke 24. 11. and their words seemed as 1. tales 1 7(/n.5.13.withal they learn to be j'.zind not only i. IDLENESS. Prov. 31. 27- she eateth not the bread of i. jEff/.10.18. through i. the house droppeth through Ezek. 16. 49. and abundance of i. was in her IDOLATER. 1 Cor. 5. 11. if any called a brother be an 1. not to cat /.//'(. 5. 5. who is an 1. hath any inheritamce in kingd. IDOLATERS. 1 Cur. 5. 10. yet not altogcth. with the covetous ori. 6. 9. «. shall not inherit the kingdom of God 10. 7. neither be ye i. as were some of them Rev. 21. 8. but i. shall have their part in the lake 22. 15. without are murderers and •'. and all liars IDOLATRY Signifies, [1] The superstitious worship lehich is given to idols or false gods, Acts 17. 16. 1 Cor. 10. 7- [2] The making of any ima^e or like- ness of God o' any creature for a religious end, Deut. 5. 8. Gal." 5. 20. [3] All human in- ventions thrust into the uorship of (lod, Deut. 12. 32. [4] The setting of t'le heart inordinately upon any creature, PJiil. 3. I9. [5] An inor- dinate love to, and distrustful care for, the things of the aorld. Col. 3. 5. 1 Sam. 15. 2.'?. ■stubbornness is as iniquity and 1. Acts J7. 16. when he saw the city wholly given to 1. 1 Cor. ID. 14. my dearly beloved, flee from i. Gat. 5. 20. the works of the flesh are i. witchcraft Col. 3. 5« mortify covetousness, which is i. 2DOLATRIES. 1 Pet. 4. S. when he walked in abominably •'. IDOLATROUS. 2 Kings 23. 5. Josiah put down the «• priests IDOL. Zff/i.ll.r7.woe to the I. shepherd that leaveth flock IDOL •Signifies, [I] An image or statue representing some false deity, 2 Cor. 6. 16. [2] Anv thing too much and sinfully indulged, 1 John 5. 21. [3] Devils, Isa. 19. 3. 1 Cor. 10. 21. 1 lyings 15. 13. she made an 1. in grove, 2CAr. 15.16. 2 Chron. 33. 7. he set the i. in the house of God 15. he took the »'. out of the house of the Lord /j«'48.5.1estthou should say my i. hath done them 66. 3. he that burneth incense as if he blesseu an i. Jer. 22. 28. is thismanConiah a despised bro'.rn «. .'Jf/j7.41.madc a calf and offered sacrifice to the •'. 1 C<;r.8.4. we know an i. is nothing in world, 10.19. 7 .some with conscience of the i.to this hour eat it IDOLS. Lev.ig.i. turn ye not unto i.|| 26.1. shall make not. 26.30.willcast your carcases on carcases of youri. IJeut. 29. 17. ye have seen their i. wood and stone 1 Sam, 31. 9. to publish it in the house of their i. 1 h'ings 15. 12. Asa removed the «. his father made 21. 2(1. Ahabdid very abominable in following 1. 2 hings 17. 12. for they served i. 2 Chron. 24. 18. 21.11 .Mnnasseh hath madejudah to sin with hisi, 21. Amon served the 1. that his father served 23. 24. thei. that were spied in the land of J udah 1 Chron. 10. 9. to carry tidings to their i. and people 16. 26. for all the gods of the peeple are i. 2 Chr 15.8.Asa put away abominable i. out of Jud. 34. 7. Josiah cut down all the t. in the land of Isr. Psal. 96. 5. for all the gods of the nations are 1 . 97. 7. coafounded.they that boast themselves of i. JEA Psal. 106. S6. they serv. their ». that were snart to 38. whom thev sacrificed to the 1. of Canaan 115. 4. their 1. are silver and gold, 135. 15. Iia. 2. 8. their land is full of i. worship work of ha- 18. and the 1. he shall utterly abolish 20.shall castaway his i.of. silver and gold, 31.7, 10.10. as my hand hath found kingdoms of the s ll.to Samaria and her 1. so do tojerus. and her «' 19. 1. i. of Egypt shall be moved at his presence 3. they shall seek to the i. and to the charmers "^5. 16. the makers of 1. shall go to confusion 46. 1 . their •'. were on the beasts and on the cattle 57.5. inflaming yourselves with 1. under green tree Jer. 50.2. her «. are confounded.her images broken 38.landof images,and they are mad upon their 1. Ezek. 6.4. cast your slain men before your i. 5.13. 6. alt. laid waste.your i.may be brtJken and cease 9. with their eyeswhich go awhoring after their ■'. 13. where they did offer sweet savour to all th. •'. 8.10. I saw all the i. of Israel pourtrayed on wall 14. 3. these men set up their 1. in their heart, 4, 7. 5. they are estranged from me through their 1. 6. repent, and turn from your 1. 16. 36. and with all the i. of thy abominations 18. 6. nor hath lift up his eyes to the I'.of Israel, 15. 12. oppressed the poor, hath lift up his eyes to 1. 20.7. defile not yourselves with the 1. of Egypt, 18. 8. nor did they forsake the ». of Egypt.I will pour l6.pollutedmysabbaths,for their heartwent aft.j. £4. polluted sabb. their eyes went after father's 1. 31. ye pollute yourselves with all your 1. even unto this day, 22. 4. | 23.7, 30, 37. 39. but pollute ye my holy name no ■■ ore with 1. 22. 3. the city maketh i. againit herself to defile 23. 39. when theyhad slain theirchildren to their 1. 49. and ye shall bear the sins of your 1. I am L. 30.13. 1 will destroy i.and will cause their images 33. 25. and ye lift up your eyes towards jour 1. 36. 18. for their 1. wlierewith they polluted it 25. from all your i. will I cleanse you, .37. 23. 44. 10. which went astray from me after their 1. 12. because they minister, to them before their • Hos. 4. 17. Ephraim is joined to •'. let him alone 8.4. of their silv. and gold have they made them i, 13.2. have made i. according to their understand. 14. 8. what have I to do any more with i. Mic. 1.7. and all the 1. thereof will I lay desolate Hab. 2.18. maker trusteth therein to make dumb •'. Zeph. 1. +3. I will consume i. with the wicked ZecA.lo.d. for the «. have spoken vanity, and divio. 13. 2. I will cut off names of the 1. out of the land Acts 15. 20. they abstain from pollutions of 1. 29. abstain from meats offered to 1. 21.25. 17. 1 16. when he saw the city full of i. Rom. 2.22. thou that abhorrest i. dost thou comir.it 1 Cor. 8. 1. as touching things offered to i. 4. 10. I 10. 19,28. Rev.fi. 14. 20. 12.2. were Gentiles carried away to these dumb 1. 2 Cor. 6.16. what agreementtempleof God with 1..' 1 Thess. 1.9, how ye turned to God from 1. 1 John 5. 21. children keep yourselves from i. Rev. 9.20. not worship devils and i. of gold and sil. JEALOUS. Eiod. 20. 5. for I the Lord thy God am a j. God, 34.14. Deut. 4. 24. | 5. 9- I 6. 15. Josh. 24.19. Num. 5. 14. and he be j. of bis wife, 14. < 30. 1 h'ltigsig.lO. I hsvebeenj. for the L. of hosts, 14. Ezek. 39. 25. and will be j. for my holy name /w/2. 18. then will the Lord he j. for his land iVa/j. 1.2. (iod is J. and the Lord revengeth Zech. 1.14. I am^'. for Jerus. |1 8. 2. wasj. for Zion 2Ctf/.ll.2. for I am j. over you with godly jealousy JEALOUSY Signifies, [1] Suspicion betueen married persons of their Jidelity one to another. Num. 5. 14. [2] An earneit desire and concern for the uielfart of others, joined uiih somt degree of Jcar of them, 2 Cor. 11.2. [3] The hot displeasure and indignation of God, Psal. 79. 5. 1 Cor. 10. 22. A'i(m.5.14. the spirit of j. come upon him, 14. t 30. 15. for it is an offering of), and of memorial, 18 25. then priest shall take}', offering from woman 25. 11. that I consumed not Israel in myj. Deut. 29. 20. his^'. shall smoke against that man 32. 16. they provoked bini to_;. 1 Kings 14. 22. 21. have moved me to j. I will move them loj Psal. 78. 58. they moved him toj. with images 79. 5. how long. Lord, shall thy J. burn with fire / Vi)r.6.34.for^.is the rage of man,he will not spar? 27. + 4. but who is able to stand before >. .' ('aM<.3.6.).iscruei as lheRrave,the coals thereof ar« Isa. 42. 13. he shall stir up j. like a man of war Eiek. 8. 3. where was the seat of the image of j. .' 5. behold at gate of altar this image otj. inenirj 16. 38. and I will give thee blond in fury and j. 42.my_;'. shall depart from thee and will be quiet 23.25.1 will set my ^.against thee, they shall dea 36. 5. in the fire ofj. have I spoken, 6. '| .38.19. /;J. 1 Cor. 15. 30. and whv stand we in_;. every hour .' JESTINU. EpA. 5. 4. nor filthiness, nor ;'. not convenient JEWEL Signifies, [I] A preeiovs and eost.'uornamml. Got. 24. 53. [2] Ood'i children, Mai. 3. 17. Prov. 11. 22. as aj. of gold in a swine's snout CO. 15. I>ut the lips of knowledge are a precious J. £»«<:. 16. 12. 1 put a.j.on thy forehead, and ear-rings JEWELS. Gen. 24. 53. the servant brought forth _;. of silver £jflrf.3.22. shall borrow j. of gold, 11. 2. | 12. 35. 35. 22. they brought all,;, of gold, Awm. 31. 50. yum. 31. 51. took the gold, even all wrought^'. 1 Sam. 6. 8. and put the j. of gold in a coffer, 15. 2 Chron. CO. 25. they four, riches and precious j. 32. 27. made treasuries for all mai.r.er pleasant j. Job 28. 17- the exchange of it shall not be lor j. of Cant. 1. 10. thy cheeks .ire comely with rows oi j. 7. 1. the joints of thy thighs are likej. Jsa. 61. 10. as a bride adorpeth herself with herj. 2;zr^.l6.17. hast taken thy^'. of my gold and silver 3y. and they shall take thy fair J. 23. 26. Hos. 2. 13. she decked herself with ear-rings andj. Mai 3 17.they shall be mine.when I make up my^'. IF Signifies, [1] Surely, Num. 14. + 23. [2] W/ietlier or no. Gen. 8. 8. [3] When, Judg. 21. 21. John 12. 32. It denotes, [1] A coniiition. Deut. 28. 15. Luke 9. 23. [21 A mppo>ition, Rom. 4. 2. 1 Pit. 3. 17- [3] A reason of a matter, Eph. 4. 21. Gen. 25. 22. she said, if it be so, why am I thus .' 31.8. i/he said thus|| .'14. 15. j/"ye wdl be as we be 43. 11. I/" it must be so now, take of the be^t fruits Josh. 14. 12. if so be the Lord will be with me 1 Sam. 14. 9 1/ they say to us, tarry till we come 20. 7. if he say thus, it is well, 2 Sam. 15. 26. 2 KingsT .i.if-we say, if we sit here ; if they kill us 10.6. i/ye be mine, 1/" ye will hearken to my voice Jc>i9.29.«/I be wicked,"l0.15.1|24.25.i/it be not so Psal. 7. 3. if I have done this, i/' there be iniquity Jer. 27. 18. «/■ they be prophets, !_/■ the word of Lord 51 .8. take balm for her pain, «7'so be may be heal. Dan. 3. 17- if it be so, our God is able to deliver us 4. 27. 1/" it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity Uos.B.T. if so be it yield, strangers shall swall. it up Mat. 4. 3. 1/ thou be the son of God, command that these stones be made bread, 27. 40, Luie 4. '■'•. 14. 28. if it be ihou, bid me come to ihcc on water 27. 43. let him deliver him, if be will have him Mark 1. 40.1/" thou wilt, thou canst make me clean 11. 32. i_/"we shall say, of men, they feared people Luke 23. 35. if he be Christ, 3y. John 10. 24. John 1. 25. i/'thou be not Elias, nor that prophet 15. 18. i/the world hate yon, 1 John 3. 13. 19. 12. Jews cried out, 1/" thou let this man go Acts 5. .39. (/"it be of God ye cannot overthrow it 1 Cor. 15.19.;/ in thislife only we have hope in (.'hr. Gal. 4.7. i/a son, then an heir of God thro' Christ Pliii.l.l. if any consolation, r/ anycomfort of love Uet. 3. t 11. 1/ they shall enter iiito rest, 4. 3, 5. 1 John 2. 19. if they had been of us, they would IE 7,0t. Gen.iB.'2\. if not I will know |! 24. 49. ifn. tell me EioJ. 32.32. if no!, blot me, I iirav, out of thy book Jndg.Q.15.ifn. let fire come out ol the bramble, 20. 1 Sam. 2. 16. and if not, I will take it by force 6. 9- if not, then we shall know it is not his hand S Sam. 13. 2fi. if not, I pray thee, let Aainon go 17.6. shall we do after his say. ■ if not speak thou C Kings 2. 10. but 1/ not, it shall not be so J"i 9- 24. if not, where, and who is he ? 33.33. if not, hearken unio nie, hold thy peace iJan. 3. 18. but if not, be it known to thee, (J king Zech. 11. 12. give nie my price ; if not, forbear Luke 10. 6. but if not, it shall turn to you again 13. 9. if not, alter that thou shall cut it down See W'kiie. IF no,,. Gen. 18. 3. if now I have found favour in thy sicht -4. 42. O God, if no-x thou do prosper my way 49. 1/ noTii you will deal kindly with me 33.10.Jacob said, ifnoa I have found i;race in ihi sight. 47. 29. Exod. 34. 9. Judg. 6. 17* ICor 4.7.1/ n. thou didst receive it, whv dost glory IGNOMINY. Prov. IB.3 couiilhcont«i-.,t. and with i. reproach 304 ISL IGNORANCE Signifies, [1] ]\'ar.t of the true kna-vledge of God and of heavenly inmgs, Eph. 4. 18. [2] I'n- belief, vinich follo-us ignorance, 1 Pet. 1. 14. [3] Error, imprudence, or surprise. Lev. 4. 2, 13. [4] Idolatry, Acts 17.30. Lev. 4. 2. if a soul shall sin thro' i. against any com- mandiuenl, 5. 15. Num. 15. 24, 27,28, 29. 13. the whole congregation of Israel sin tl.ro" 1. 22. when a ruler hath done somewhat thro' i. 27. if any of the common people sin thro' «. Xum. 15. 25. it shall be forgiven them for it '.s '. -JtVi 3.17.1 wot that thro" i.ye did it,as your rulers 17. 30. and the times of this i. God winked at Eph. 4. 18. l)eing alienated thro' the i.that is in them 1 t'ei. 1.11. according to the former lusts inyour 1. 2. 15. thai ye may put to silence 1. of foolish men IGNORANT Signifies, [1] One that wants understanding, Isa. 56. 10. [1\ Une that is not in a capacity to knou) one's condition, or deliver J'roir iroubles, Isa. 63. IC. [3] IVithuui the kno:oledge*oj the true Ood, Acts 17- 23. [4] One sinning un- wittingly, not hwjiing ^hat the Christian reli- gion a'-s the true religion, 1 Tim. 1. 13. [5] One that has not been trained up irr schools of po* lite learning, nor attained his knowledge by the or- dinary uay of learning it from men. Acts 4.13. [6j One not riihtly conceiving or appi ehend- ingf Koni. lO. 3. [7] One that sinneth for uant of the knowledge of his duty, find through inconsideralion, lleb. 5. 2. Psal. 73. 22. so foolish was 1 and i. I was as a beast Isa. 56. 10. Ihey are all «. they are all dumb dogs 63.16. thou art our father.tho'Abraham be i. of us Acts 4. 13. and perceived that they were ». men Rom. 1.13. now I would not have you i. brethren, 1 Cor. 10.1. I 12.1. 2 Cor. 1. 8 1. Thess.i.lZ. 10.3. they being i. of God's righteous. going about 11. 25. that ye should be i. of this mystery 1 Cor. 14. 38. if any man be i. let him be «. 2 Cur. 2. 11. for we are not i. of Satan's devices Heb. 5. 2. who can have compassion on the 1. 2 I'ct. 3. 5. for this they are willingly i. of 8. but, beloved, he not i. of this one thing IGNORANTLV iViim. 15.28. priests atone for the soul that sinneth i /J Zsih. 2. 11. all the ■'. of heathen shall worship him ILL 0«n. 41. 3. kine came up 1. -favoured, 4, 19, 20,2l 43.6. whydealt ye so i. with me as to tell the man ZJtu*. 15. 21. hath any iblenii'^h ihou shall not offer .'ob 20. 26. it shall go «. with him that is left Psal. 106. 32. it went t. with Moses for their sake Jsa.-i. 11. woe to the wicked, it shall be i. withhiia Jer. 40. 4. if it seem 1. to the,e to come with me Joel 2. 20. his stink and his 1. savour shall come up A/;c. 3.4. they behaved themselves i. in their doings Rom. 13. 10. love worketh no i. to his neighbour I L L ^'0 vourednesx . Ceu*. 17.1. not sacrifice goatwherein(.-/atour«rfit<« ILLUMINATED. //«ri. 10.32. afterye were 1. ye endured a great fight IMAGE Signifies, [1] A representation or likeness of a pet- son or thing, I Sam. I9. 13. Mat. 22. 20. [2] Any shape or picture representing God, or any creature, made for the saki of divine wor ship, Exod. 20. 4. [3] Our resemblance of God in righteousness and holintu. Gen. 1. 26. [4] Our likeness to God in respect of dominion and power, 1 Cor. 11. 7. [5] An essential, substantial, real, Und adequate resemblance of the person of another. Col. 1. 15. Heb. 1. 3, It is taken, [1] Essentially, as Christ is the image of his lather, Heb. 1. 3. [2] Acci- dentally, or respecting gualities,spiritual and hea^ venly. Gen. 1. 26, 27. [3] Eiistentially,for tliA substance of the things whereof they be images, 1 Cor. 15. 49. Heb. 10. 1. [4] Mysticatlv, Kev. 13. 14, 15. I 14. 9. 11- [S] Represenia- lively, 1 Cor. 11. 7. [6] Ci»i7/y, Mat. 22. 2a [7] Jniaginarily, as in apparitions. Job 4. 16. [8] Figuratively, Jor the transitory felicity and glory of the w'tcked, Psal. 73. 20. [9] Idola, trously, 2 Kings 17. 10, I6. Gen. 1. 26. let us make man in oar 1. 27. | 9- 6. 5. 3. Adam begat a son in his own 1. after his i Lev. 26. 1. nor rear up a standing «'. Deut. 16. 22. 1 Sam. 19. 13. Michal took an i. and laid it in bed- 16. behold there was an i. in the bed with pillow 2 Kings 3. 2. for Jehoram put away the 1. of Uaal 10. 27- they braJie down the i. and house of Baal 2 Chr. 33. 7. Manassehset carved «. in hou.se of G. Job 4. 16. an i. was before mine eyes, was silence Psal. 39. + 6. surely every man walketh in an i. 73. 20. when thou awakest, shalt despise their 1. Eiek. 8.3. there was the seat of the i. of jealousy, 3» Dan. 2. 31. behold, a great i. stood before thee 35. stone that smote i. became a great mountain 3. 1. Nebuchadnezzar the king made an 1. of gold. 5. fall down and worship the golden 1. 10, 15. Hos. 3.4. Isr. shall abide many days without an i. Afa».22.20.whose isthisi..' Markl'i.ld. LukeO.O.U.. Acts 19. 35. of the 1. which fell down from Jupiter Rom. 1. 23. and changed the glory of G. into an 1. 8. 29. to be conformed to the i. of his .Son 11.4. who have not bowed the knee to i. of Baai 1 Cor.] 1.7. forasmuch as he is the i.and glory of G.. 15. 49. and as we have borne the t. of the earthy 2 Cor. 3.18. and changed into the same i.from glory 4. 4. of Christ, who is the «. of God, Col. 1. 15. Col. 3. 10. after the 1. of him that created him lleb. 1. 3. by his Son, the express «. of his person 10. 1. a shadow, not the very i. of the things Rev.\3.\i. that they should make an i. to the beasc 15. had power to give life unto the i. of the beast 14. 9. if any man worship the beast and his 1. 11. they have no rest, who worsh. beast and his i. 15. 2. that have gotten victory over beast and hij«. 16. 2. grievous sore fell on them that worship. 1. 19. 20. he deceived them that worshipped his •". 20.4. who had not worshipped the beast nor his i. See Graven. IMAGE-WORK. 2 Chi on. 3. 10. he made two cherubimsof 1. ziJorjl Molten IMAGE. Deut. 9- 12. they have made them a molten i. J«iere.«, 16. -!■ 23 14. IMM 2 Kingi 17. 10. set op i. H 16. faij made molten 1. 23. S4. Josiah put away 1. that were spied in land 2C/(ron. 14. 3. and Asa broke down the i. 5. 23.17.Jehoiada brake i. || 31.1. Ilezekiah brake 1. S8. 2. Ahaz made also mo4ten 1. for Baalim 33. 22. for Anion sacrificed to all the carved i. 34.3. Josiah cut down the caned and molten i. 4. Ita. 17. 8. he shall not Ijok to groves or 1. S7. 9. the groves and 1. shall not stand up 30. 22. ye shall defile the ornament of molten a. 41. 29. their molten i. are wind and confusion Jer. 43. 13. he shall break the i. of Beth-sliemesh 50. 2. idols confounded, her i.are broken in pieces £«*.6.4. altars desolate, and your i.shallbe broken 6.idols broken, and that your i.may be cut down 7. 20. but they made the i. of their abominations 16.17. taken gold, and madest to tnyself i. of men 21.21. the king of Babylon consulted with 1 23. 14. the «'. of the Chaldeans pourtrayed 30. 13. I will cause their «. to cease out of Noph ifw.IO.l.increas. altars, they have made goodly 1 2. shall break down their altars, spoil their 1 13. 2. they have made their molten 1. of silver Amos 5.26. ye have borne the tabernacle of your 1. JVfic.5.13. thy graven and standing «'. will I cut off IMAGERY. Euk. 8. 12. every man in the chamber of his t . IMAGINE Job 6.C6. do ye «'. to reprove words and speeches 2i.S7.the devices ye wrongfully i. against me Psal. 2. 1. why do the people 1. a vain thing i 38.12.they seek my hurt and i.deceitsall daylong 62. 3. how long will ye ». mischief against 140. 2. which i. misch. in their heart, are for war .Prot;.12. 20. deceit is in the heart of them that 1 .evil Sos. 7. 15. yet do they i. mischief against me iVa/;. 1. 9. what do ye i. against the Lord ? ZecA.T.lO. let none i. evil against neighbour, 8.I7. ^cti 4. 25. why do the people 1. vain things .' IMAGINATION Signifies, [1] T/ie first ideas, jiurpuses, end motions of the soul. Gen. 6. 5. ["] Stubbornness, Deut. 29. tig. Jer. 27. 1 17. [i] Corrupt reason- ings, 2 Cor. 10. t 5. Cen.6.!). every ;. of his heart was evil continually 8. 21. the i. of man's heart is evil from his youth Deut. 29. ig. thcush I walk in the i. of mine'hezirl 31.21. for I know their «. 1 Chrcn. 28. 9. J Chron. 29. 18. keep this for ever in the 1. of heart Jer. 23.17.say to every one walketh aft. «. of his h. Luke 1.51. scattered the proud in 1. cf their hearts IMAGINATION.S. 1 Chr. 28. 9. L. understands all the i. of thoughts Psal. 81. +12. I gave them up to the hardness of 1. Prov.6. 18. an heart that deviseih wicked /. Xam. 3. 60. thou hast seen all their «. against me 61. thou hast heard all their ;. against me Rom.l.2\. but became vain in their i. heart darken 2 Cor. 10. 5. casting down i. that exalt against God See Heart. IMAGINED. Cen. 11.6. nothing restrained, which they have «' Ps. 10. 2. let them be laken in devices they have i 21. 11. intended evils, they i. mischievous device IMAGlNEXn. NaA.l.ll. there is one that 1. evil against the Lord IMBALM.Af. See Letter E. IMMEDIATELY. Mat. 4. 22. they ». left the ship and followed him S.j.i'.his leprosy was cleans. -Vflj/t 1.42.Z,!f perish'ini; or t/t/ing, 1 Tim. 1. 17. [2] Tliat uliictt being once dead slmll rise again, never t* die more, 1 Cor. 15. 53. [3] The consummate glory and eternal blessedness of the saints in heaven, Rom. 2. 7 1 Tim. 1. 17 nowtnihe King elemal, i. invisible IMMOIMALIl Y. Rom. 2. 7. to them who seek for 1. eternal life I Cor. 15. 5T. and this mortal must put on i. 54. when this mortal shall have put on «'. 1 Ttm. 6. 16. who only bath 1. dwelling ia the light 305 INC '2 Tim*. 1 .lO.who brought i. to light thro the gospel IM.MUTABLi:. Ilei. 6. 18. that by two i. things, in which it was IM.MUTABILITY. //ti.6.17. the i.of hiscounsel.confirm.itby an oath I. M PARI'. Luke 3.11. two coats,let him i.to him that hath none Itjm. 1. 11. that 1 muy i. to you some spiritual gi.''i l.MPARTED. Job 39. 17. nor hath he 1. to her understanding 1 /■A<«.2.8.we were willing to have i. our own souls l.MPEDl.MENT. Mark 7. 32. thev bring one that had «. in his speech 'l.MPENlTENT. /J«m.2.5.thou,afterthy i.heart,treasurest up wrath IMPERIOUS. Eiek. 16. 30. the work of an i. whorish woman I.MPLACABLE. Rom. 1. 31. without natural aflfection, i. unmerciful I. M PLEAD. Acts ig. 38. the law is open, let them i. one another IMPORTUNITY. Z«lell.8.because of his i. he will rise and give him I.MPOSE. Eira 7.24. it shall not be lawful to 1". toll upon them IMPOSED, flti. 9.10. stood only in carnal ordinances i.on them IMPOSSIBLE. Mat. 17. Co. and nothing shall be 1". unto you ig. 26. with men is i. Mark 10. 27. Luke 18. 27 Luke I. 37. for with God nothing shall be i. 18. 27. 17. 1. he said, it is i. but thatoflfences will come Heb.6A. it is I'.for those who were once enlightened 18. in which it was i. for God to lie, we might have 11. 6. but without faith it is i. to please God IMPOIENT. John 5. 3. in these lay a great multitude of i. folk Acts 4. g. of the good deed done to the i. man 14. 8. there sat a man at Lystra i. in his feet I.MPOVERISII. Jer. 5. 17. thev shall 1. thy fenced cities thou trust "IMPOVERISHED. Jndg. 6.6. Isr. was greatly i. because of Midianites Psal. 106. +43. they were 1. for their iniquity /fa.40.20.hethat is so i. chooseth a tree will not rot il/fl/.l. 4. whereas Edoni saith.we are j'.but will ret. IMPRISONED. Acts 22. ig. they know that I «. and beat them IMPRISO.N.AIENI'. Ezra 7. 26. whether it he to death, banishment, or ». Heb. 1 1.36. others had trial of mockings, bonds, «. IMPRISONMENTS. 2 Cor. 6. 5. approving ourselves in stripes, in 1. IMPUDENT. Prov.7. 13. and with an «. face she said to him Ezek.Q.-i. for they are i. children, and stiff-hearted 3. 7. the house of Israel are 1. and hard-hearted IMPUTE Signifies, [1] Freely to account or ascribe to a person that uhtch he himself hath not, nor did not, Rom. 4. 22. [2] To lay to ojie^s chargf, 2 Sam. 19. 19. [3] To be held guilty. Lev 17- 4. [4] To suspect, 1 Sam. 22. 15. 1 6'(7jn.22.15.1et not king i. any thing to his servant 2 6am. I9. 19. let not my lord i. iniquity to me Rom. 4. 8. blessed, to whom the Lord will not «. sin I.MPUTED. Lev. 7. 18. nor shall it be i. to him that offereth it 17. 4. blood shall be r. to that man, he shed blood liom.i.ll.thni righteousn. might be i. to them also 22. therefore it was «. to him for righteous- ness, 23. Jam. 2. 23. Gal. 3. +6. 24. for us also, to whom 't shall be i.if we believe 5. 13. but sin is not 1. when there is no law IMPUTETH. Psal. 32. 2. blessed, to whom the L. 1. not iniquity liom.4,6. to whom G. 1. righteousn. without works IMPUTING, //(li.l.ll.he shall pass over, i. his power to his god 2C"tir.5.ig.G. in Chr. not 1. their trespasses to them IN Signifies, [1] Bv or through, John 17. 10. Gal. 3. 8. [2] Out of, Exod. 31. 4. [3] JfiiA, or together teith. Mat. 16. 27. [4] Ak Matthew ]0. 41. f5] Irom, Colossians 3. I6. [6] Before, John 1. 1. [71 Upon, John 14. 1. [8] After, JMark 13. 24. compared with Mat. 24. '^1). en. 7. l6.Noah in the ark.and the L. shut him i« John 14. 10. that I am in the Father, 11. 20. See Ili.M, We, Thee, Them, Us, You. INASMUCH. Deut. ig.6. I. as he hated him not in time past Huih 3. 10. i. as thou foUowedst not young men iWa/.25.40. i.as have done it tooneof least of these 45. i. as ye did it not to one ol the least of these INCENSE. Signifies, [1] A rich perfume wed in sacrifices, Exod. S7. eg. [2] The' merits of Chriit't death, Kev. B. S INC Eiod. 30.8. shall burD,a perpetual «'. before the I/J 9 ye shall offeriio strange i.thereon, nor sacrifice .'7. 2g. he made the pure i. of sweet spices 40.5.shalt set the altar of gold for 1. before the ark Lev. 10. 1. each took his censer, and put 1. iherfon 16. 13. he shall put 1. on the fire before the Lord .Vum. 7. 14. one ^oon often shekels full of 1. 86. 16. 7. put I. in them before the Ld. to-morrow, 17 .35. a tire consumed the 250 men that otfered 1. 46. Moses said to Aaron, put on i.and go quickly 47. he put on 1. and made an atonem. lor people Dent. 33. 10. they shall put i.bef. thee, and sacnfi. 2 Chron. 30. 14. the altars of i. took they away 34. 25. forsaken me, and burned j. to other gods Psal. 66. 15. I will offer to thee the i. of rams 141 .2. let my prayer be set forth befoie thee as 1. ha. 1. 13. no oblations, ;. is an abomination to me 43. 23. I have not wearied thee with 1. 60. 6. shall bring gold and «. and shew forth praises 65. 3. sacrificeth and burneth i. on altars of brick €16. 3. he that burneth «. as if he blessed an idol Jer. 6.20. why cometh there to me »'. from Sheba r 11. 12. and cry to the gods to whom they offer t. 16. to provoke me to anger, in offering 1. to Baal 41 . 5. offerings and 1. in their hand to bring them m. 35. and him that burneth 1. to his gods Ezek. 8. 11. and a thick cloud of 1. went up 16. 18. thou hast set mine oil and i. befoie them 23. 41. whereupon thou hast set mine «. and oil Mai. 1.11. in every place i. shall be offered to my Luke l.lO.people were praying without at tm.eof 1. Rev. 5.18. having harps, and golden vials full of « 8. 3. there was given to him much 1. to c9er 4. the smoke of thy i ascended up before God 6>« Altar, Burn, Burnt. Sueet INCENSE. Ezod. 25. 6. spices for siceet i. 35.8,28. Num.i. l6v 31. 11. tomakeoiland ja'cef i. for the holy pljice 39. 38. they brought the oil and s-.ceet 1. to .Moses X«f. 16. 12. Aaron took a censer, hands full oisw. 1. INCENSED. Isa. 41. 1 1. all they that are i. ag. thee be ashamed 45.24. all that are «. against hiir shall be ashamed INCUANTER. DeuC.\8.W. there shall not be found ani.or a witcb INCHANTERS. Jer. 27 . 9. therefore hearken not to dreamers nor 1 INCHANT.MENTS. Ezod. 7. 11. magicians did so witli i. 22 | 8. 7, la. Lev. 19. 25. nor shall ye use i. nor observe times AVm. 23.23. there is no i.against Jacob, nor divinat. 24. I.Balaam went not to seek for i.but set his face 2 A'i/i^j 17. 17. Isr. used divinat. and i.aud did evil 21. 0. Manasseh used «. 2 Chron. 33. 6. Ecct. 10. Jl. surely the serpent will bite without i. ha. 47. 9. and for the great abundance of thine i. 12. stand now with thine ■'. and thy sorceries INCLINE. Jo.t/i.24.23.». your heart to the Lord God of Israel 1 Kings 8.58.liiat he may I'.our hea. to keep his law Psal. 78. 1. i. your ears to the wordsof my mouth lig..36.i. my heart untothy testimoni. not to coy, 141. 4. I. not my heart to jmy thing evil See Ear. INCLINED. Judg. 9. 3. and their hearts 1. to follow Abimclccb Ps. 40. 1 . L. « . unto me, and heard my cry, 1 16. 2. 119. 11'/. 1 have i. mine heart to perform thy stat Pro! .5. 13. nor 1. mine ear to them who instruct. me y. to death, and paths to dead INCLOSE. Cant. 8.9. if she be a door, we will 1. her with cedai INCLOSED. Ezod. 39. 6. onyx-stone 1. in ouches of gold, 13. Judg. 20. 43. Israel 1. the Benjamites round about P.f. 17. 10. they are «. in their own fat, speak proudlj 22. 16. the asspnjbly of the wicked have 1. me Cant. 4. 12. a garden i. is my sister, my spouse Lam. 3. 9. he hath 1. my ways with hewn stone Luke 5. 6. they i. great muliii. of fishes, net brako INCLOSINGS. Ezod. 28. 20. stones sliali be set in gold in • Sg. 13 INCONTINENCY. 1 Cor. 7. 5. that Satan tempt you not for your » INCONTINEN r. 1 'Tim. 3. 3. without natural affection, 1. fierce INCORRUPTIBLE. Rom. 1. 23. and changed the glory of the i. God 1 Cor. 9. 25. we do it to obtain an 1. crown 15. 52. and the dead shall be raised 1. we changed 1 I'et. 1.4. begotten ustoac inheritance 1. undefiled 2.3. being bom of i. seed, bv the word of God. INCORRUPXiON. 1 Cor. 15. 42. it is sown in conapt. it is raited in > 50. neither dot.*) corruption inherit 1. 53. for this corruptible must put on 1. 54. so when this corruptible shall have pmOQ it. INC INCREASE jignifiM, [IJ The proril which eomtth of (he earth and of eallle, iJeut. 7. 13. | 3'2. l.'^.'/Vur. 14. 4. [2] To groVt advance, or tmprove, tol. 1.10. IXhesj. 3. 12. [3] To ie of more tsleem and authority, John 3. 30. [4] To taell uy, Gea 7. 17. [5] 'To recruit or re- inforce, Judg. 9- 29- [fij To multiply, 1 Chron. 27. 23. [7] To aggravate or make greaier, Ezra 10. 10. [8] To strengthen and enlarge, Luke 17- 5. [9] To make yrotitabte and fruit- ful, 1 Cor. 3. 6, 7. INCRKASE, Substantive. Lev. 19. 25. that it may yield you the i. thereof 25.7. for thy cattle shall all the i. thereof be meat S6 take thou no usury of him or 1. but fear God 37. not money for usury, lend him victuals for 1. S6. 4. the land shall yield her i. and trees of field 20 your land shall not yield her 1. or trees of field A'lun. 18. .10. as the i. of the threshing-floor 32. 14. risen up in father's stead an I. of sinful men Z>*u».7.13.1 will also bless thci. ofthy kine, 28. 4. 14. 22. thou shalt truly tiihe all the «. ofthy seed 28. shall bring forth all tithe of the i. same year 16. 15. the Lord ihyG. shall bless thee in all thy « 28. IB. cursed shall be the 1. ofthy kine, 51. 1 .iam. 2. 33.1. of thy house shall die in flowerof age Neh. >;. 37. it yieldeth much 1. tothekings over us Job 20. 28. the i. of his house shall depart, and goods 31. 12. it is a fire would root out all mine «. Psal. 67.6. earth shall yield heri. and God blessus 78 46. he gave also their i. to the caterpillar 85. 12. what is good, and our land shall yield her 1. Prov. 14.4. but much 1 is by the strength of the ox 18 20. and with the i. of his lips he shall be filled £'. strength 28. 8. he that by unjust gain 1. his substance eg. 16. when wicked are mulliplied.transgression 1. Ecil. 1. 18. he that «. knowledge, i, sorrow /fa.40.29.to them that have no might.he i. strength Hos. 12 1. he daily i. lies and desolation Ilab. 2.6. woe to him that «. that which is not his Col. 2. 19. the body i. with the increase of God INCREASING. Col. 1. 10. and 1. in the knowledge of God INCREDIBLE. Acts 26. 8. why thought i. God should raise dead ? INCCUABLE. 2 C/ir. 21. 18. Lord smote him with an 1. disease Job 34. 6. my wound is i. without trajisgression Jer. 15. 18. why is my wound i. which refuseth .30. 12. thy bruise is i. jj 15. thy sorrow is i. Mic. 1. 9. for her wound is i. it is come to Judah INDEBXEb. Luie 11. 4. we forgive every one that is i. to us INDEED. Gen. 17. 19. Sarah thy wife shall bear a son 1. 20. 12. yet 1. she is my sister, she is daughter 37. 8. shalt thou i. reign over us, shait thou j. .' 10. shall 1, thy mother and brethren i. come 40. 15. for i. I was stolen away out of the land Eiod. 19. 5. if you will obey my voice i. 23. 22. Lev. 10. 18. ye should i.have eaten it in holy place Num. 12. 2. hath the Ld. i. spoken only by Moses .' 21. 2. if thou wilt I. deliver this people 22.37. am I not able 1. to promote thee to honour - Dexu. 2. 15. I. the hand of the L. was against them 21. 16. son of the hated, which is 1. the first-born Josh. 7. 20. I. I have sinned against the Lord 1 A'am. 1. 11. if thou wilt i. look on the affliction 1 htngs 8. 27. God i. dwell on earth, 2 Chr. 6. 18. 2 Kings 14. 10. thou hast ». smitten Edom 1 Chron. 4. 10. O that thou wouldest bless me i. 21. 17. it is I that have sinned and done evil 1. Job 19. 4. and be it 1. that I have erred ' 'tal. 58.1. do ye 1. speak righteousness, O congreg. Isa. 6. 9- hear ye i. see ye i. but perceive not Jer. 22. 4. for if ye do this thing 1. then kings Mat. 3. 11. I I. baptize, Mark J. 8. Luke 3. I6. Mark 11. 32. men counted that he was a prophet i. Jjike 23. 41. we i. justly || 24. 34. Lord is risen i. John 1. 47. behold an Israelite «. in whom no guile 4. 42. that this is 1. the Christ, the Saviour 6. 55. my flesh is meat 1. my blood is drink 1. 7.26 do the rulers know I'.that this is very Christ .' 8. SI. if ye continue, then are ye my disciples i. 36. if the Son make you tree, ye shall be free «'. /lets 4. 16. for that 1. a notable miracle been done /i'um.8. 7. not subject tsthe lavi', neither 1. can be 14. 20. all things 1. are pure, but it is evil for that 2 Cor. 11.1. you could bear, and 1. bear with me Phil, 1. 15. some «. preach Christ, even of envy 3. 1. to write to you to me i. is not grievous (.'ol. 2. £3. which things «'. have a shew of wisdom I Thess.i. 10. «. ye do it towards all the brethren I Tim. 5. 3. honour widows that are widows «. 5. she that is a widow i. and desolate, I6. 1 Pet. 2.4. disillowed i. of men, but chosen of God See EM>fc.»vouR. INDIGNATIUN Signifies, [1] Wrath, anger. Neb. 4. 1. Esth. 5. 9. [2] Envy, Aits 5 17. [3] The judgments of God, or the drcadjul effects of his anger, Isa. 26. 20. [4] Mcttazes of urath, Jer. 15. 17. [5] A holy displeasure against one's self for sin, accompanied uiith a fear of falling into temptations, so as to be overcome by thtm, 2 Cor. 7. 11- 2 Kings 3. 27. there was great 1. against Israel \eh.4. 1. Sanballat took great i. mocked the Jews t'-tth. 5. 9. Haoian was full of «'. against Alordecai Joi 5. t2. and i. slayeth the silly one 10. 17. and there increasest thine 1. upon me Psal. 69. 24. pour oat thy ■'. on them, and let Doo* INF Psal.'B. 49. he cast on them wrath, i. and tronb. 102. 10. because of thine i. and thy wrath Isa. 10. 5. and the stall' in their hand is mine 1. 25. for yet a little while, and the t. shall ceaM 15.5. Lord, and weapons of his i. Jer. 30.25. 26 20. hide thyself till the 1. be overpast 30. 27. his lips are full of 1. his tongue as fire 30. with the I. of his anger, and with the flame 3-1. 2. for the t. of the Lord is on all cations 66. 14. ■'. shall be known towards his enemies Jer. 10. 10. nations .shall r-ot be able to abide hU i. . 17. for thou hast filled me with i. Lam. 2. 6. hath despised in 1. of his anger the king Ezek. 21.31. I will pour out mine 1. upon thee 22. 24. the land not rained on in the day of his 1 31. therefore 1 poured out mine 1. on them Dati. 11. 30. and have a. against the holycovenant Mic. 7 . 9. I will bear the 1. of the Ixird A'a/i. 1. 6. who can stand before his i. .' Ilab. 3. 12. thou didst march through the land in 1. Zech. 1. 12. thou hast had i. these seventy years Mai. 1.4. people against whom the Lord hath 1 Mat. 20. 24. they were moved with i. against two 26. 8. they had i. saying, to what purpose is this Luke 13. 14. ruler of synagogue answered with i. Acts 5. 17. and they were filled with i. Kom. 2. 8. but obey unrighteousness, 1. wrath 2 Cor. 7. 11. yea what •'. .' yea what fear. Ileb. 10. 27. a fearful looking for of fiery «. Rev. 14. 10. poured out into the cup of his « . INDITING. Pial.io. 1. my heart is 1. a good matter INDUSTRIOUS. 1 Kings 1 1 . 28. seeing the young man that be was 1 INEXCIJSA'BLE. Rom. 2. 1. therefore thou art 1. O man, that judgest INFALLIBLE. Acts 1. 3. he shewed himself by many 1. proofs INFAMY. Prov. 25. 10. and thine i. turn not away Ezek. 36. 3. and ye are an 1. of the people INFA.MOUS. Ezek. 22. 5. they shall mock thee which art 1. INFANT. 1 Sam. 15. 3. slay man, woman, 1. and stickling La. 65. 20. shall be no more thence an 1. of days INFANTS. Job 3. 16. or as 1. which never saw light llos. 13. 16. their 1. shall be dashed in pieces Luke 18. 15. aad they brought also 1. to him INFERIOR. Job 12.3. understanding I am not i. to you, 13. 2. Dan. 2. 39. shall arise another kingdom 1. to thee 2 Cor. 12. 13. what were ye i. to other churches Ileb. 2. t7- madesthim little i. to the angels INFIDEL. 2 Cor. 6. 15. hath he that believeth with an 1. f 1 Tim. 5. 8. denied faith, and is worse than an t. INFINITE. Job 22. 5. and are not thine iniquities i.f Psal. 147. 5. great is Lord, his understanding is 1. Nah. 2. i y. take the spoil of their 1. store 3. 9- aud Egypt were her strength, and it wis » INFIR.MITY Signifies, [1] Sickness, or feebleness of body, 1 Tim. 5. 23. [2] Afflictions, reproaches, and persecn- lioni, 2 Cor. 12. 10. [3] Spiritual weakness, ana defects in grace, Rom. 6. ly. j 8. 26. [4] FaiU ings and mistakes, either through ignorance or ucaknest, Rom. 15. 1. Let. 12. 2. the days of separation for her 1. Psal. 77. 10. I said, this is mine 1. but I will Prov. 18. 14. the spirit of a man will sustain his • Luke 13. 11. a woman whicL had a spirit of 1. 12. woman, thou art loosed from thine 1. John 5. 5. which had an i. thirty-eight years iiom. 6. 19. because of the i. of your Hesh Gal. 4. 13. ye know how through 1. I preached Jleb. 5.2. for he himself also is compassed with 1. 7. 28. the law maketli high-priests which have > INFIR.MIUES. Mat. 8. 17. himself took our 1. and bare our Luke 5. 15. came to be oealed by him of their 1. 7. 21. in that hour he cured mauiy of their 1. 8. 3. Horn. 8. 26. the Spirit also helpelh our •'. 15. 1. strong ought to bear the 1. of the weak 2 Cor. 11. 30. of the things which concern mine i 12. 5. of myself 1 glory not, but in mine i. 9- 10. therefore I t.ike pleasure in mine «. 1 Tim. 5. 23. use a little wine for thine often 1. Ileb. 4. 15. be touched with the feeling of our 1 INFLAME. Isa. 5. 11. woe to those continue till wine i. them INFLAMING. Isa. 57. 5. 1, yourselves with idols under every treo INFLAMMATION I^v. 13. 28. for it is an «. of the burning Deut. 28. 22. the Lord shall smite thee with an i. INFLICIED. 2 Cor. 2. 6. paoishmeat which was i. «f many INU INILUENCES. JeiSt. 31. cansi thou bind the i. of Pleiades? INFOLDING. Etei. 1. 4. a fire i. itself, and a brightness INl'ORM. ^;ut. 17. 10. according to all that they i. thee INFORMEU. Dan. 9. 22. 1. me, and talked with me, and said ^(7/ CI. SI. are 1. of thee that thou teachcst, CI. S4. 1. r. the governor against I'aul, 25. 2, 15. INGATHERING. Eiod. £3. 16. feast of the i. in the end of the year INGRAFJED. Jem. 1. 21. and receive with meekness the 1. word INHABIT. Kum.35. 34. defile not the land which ye shall 1. Prov. 10. 30. the wicked shall not 1. the earth Isa. 42. 11. the villages that Kedar doth t. '35. 21. they shall build houses and i. them C2. they shall not build, and another 1. Jar. 17. 6. but shall «'. the parched places 43. 18. thou daughter, that dost «. Uibon £z€k. 33. 24. they that «. those wastes of Israel AmosQ. 14. shall build the waste cities and «. them Zeph. I. 13. shall build houses, but not 1. them INHABITANT. Jsa. 5. 9. many houses great and fair without i 6. 11. till the cities be wasted without i. 0- 9- Ephraim and the «. of Samaria shall know 12. 6. cry out and shout, thou «'. of Zion 20. 6. the «. of this isle shall say in that day 24. 17. the pit and snare are on tnee, O i. of earth 33. 24. the i. shall not say, I am sick Jcr. 2. 15. his cities are burned without i, 4. 7. thy cities shall be laid waste without an t. 9.1. I 26. 9. I 33. 10. I 34.2c. 10. 17. gather thy wares, O i. of the fortress 21. 13. i. of the valley || 22. 23. 1. of Lebanon 44. 22. your land is a curse without an 1. 46.19. waste and desolate, ivithout 1. 51. 29, 37. 4». 19. O ». of Aroer||43. O i. of Moab 51. 35. be upon Babylon, shall the «'. of Zion say Amos 1. 5. 7 will cut off the i. from plain of Aven 8. and I will cut off the 1. from Ashdod Mic. 1. 11. pass away i. of Saphir, 1. of Zaanan 12. the I. of Maroth waited carefully for good 13. O fhou I. of Lachish, bind the chariot 15. will bring an heir to thee, O 1. of Mareshah Zep/i. 2. 5. I will destroy, that there shall be no i. 3. 6. their cities destroyed, so that there is none 1. INHABITANTS. Gtn. 19. 25. he overthrew all the i. of the cities £xod. 15. 14. shall take hold of the «'. of Palestina 15. all the 1. of Canaan shall melt away Lev. 18. 25. the land itself vomiteth out her 1. 25. 10. shall proclaim liberty to all the i. thereof yum. 13. 32. is a land that eateth up the i. thereof Deut, 13. 13. have withdrawn the i. of their city 1.5. thou shalt surely smite the i. of that city Josh. 2. 24. even the 1. of the country do faint 11. 19. that made peace, save the i. of Gibeon 17. 12. could not drive out the i. Judg. 1. I9, 27. Judg. 2. 2. make no league with the 1. of this land 6.7. the I. of the villages ceased till I arose 23. curse ye bitterly the 1. thereof 10. 18. be head over all the i. of Gilead, 11.8. 21. 9. were none of the 1. of Jabesh-pilead there 10. go and smite the t. of JabAh-gilead Ruth 4. 4. saying, buy it before the 1. and elders 1 Kings 17. 1 Elijah who was of the 1. of Gilead 2 Kin^s 19. 26. their i. were of small power 1 Chron. 9. 2. first ». that dwelt in their possessions $ Chron, 20. 23. stood against the i. of mount .Seir Job 26. 5. are formed from under the i. thereof Ptal. 33. 8. all the i. of world stand in awe of him 14. he looketh on all the 1. of the earth 49. 1. hear this, give ear, all ye i.of the world 75. 3. the earth and all the 1. thereof are dissolved Jsa. 10. 13. put down the «. like a valiant man 18. 3. all ye t. of the world, see ye, when he 23. 2. be still, ye i. of the isle, thou whom, 6. 24. 1. and scattereth abroad the i. thereof 5. the earth is defiled under the 1. thereof 6. therefore the «. of the earth are burned 26. 9. the I. of the world will learn righteousness 18. nor have the i. of the world fallen 38. 11. behold man no mor« with the 1. of the world 40. 22. the t. thereof are as grasshoppers 42. 10. isles and 1. sing to the Lord a new song 11. let the •'. of the rock sing, let them shout 49. 19. land too narrow by reason of the i. Jer. 13. IJ. I will fill the «. with drunkenness 10. 12. thus will I do to the 1. thereof 21. 0. I will smite the i.of this city, m.in and beast 23. J4. a* Sodom, and the «'. thereof as Gomorrah 25. 29. for a sword upon the i. thereof, 50. 35. 26. 15. ye shall bring- jinccent blood on the i. 49. 8. turn back, dwell deep, O •'. of V) 'dan. 30. 50. 34. the Lord will rtisouiet the «. of Babylon 61, 35. and n^" blood upon the i. of Cbaldea 307 INH Lam.i.lt. t. of (he world would not have believed Eztk. 29.0. i. of l-gypt shall know I am the Lord Uan. 4. 35. «. of the earth are reputed as nothing Mtc. C. 12. the i. thereof have spoken lies 16. that I should make the > thereof an hissing Zech. 8. 20. there shall come the 1. of many cities 21. the i. of one city shall go to another liev. 17. 2. the i. of the earth have been made drunk Hee Jlru.salem. INHABITANTS 0/ the Land. Gen. 34. 30. to make me to sink among the ». of I. Exod. 23.31. I will deliv.the ». 0/ /. into your hjuid 34.12. lest thou make a coven, with i. of/and, 15. AW1.3C.i7. dwell in cities because of the i. of land 33.52. shall drive out the i. of I. 55. 2 Chr. CO. 7. Josh. 2. 9. all the i. of tin tana faint because of you 7. 9. all the i. of /and shM hear of it and environ 9.24. to destroy all the 1. of the land from bef. you I Ham. 27.8.these nations were of old the i. if land 1 Chr. 22. 18, he hath given «'. of t. into my hand Jer. 1.14. an evil shall break forth on all the 1. of I. 10. 18. behold, I will tiingoutthe i. of t. at once 47. 2. men shall cry, and the i.of I. shall howl Hos. 4. 1 . Lord had a controversy with the i. of I. Joel 2. 1. let all the i. of the I. tremble for the day Zech. 11.6. for I will no more pity the «'. of the I. INUABMEl). Eiod. 16. 35. eat manna, till they came to a land i. //a. 16.22. goat bear their iniquities to a laind noti. 2 Sam. 24. t6. came to the nether land newly i. Jsa. 13. 20. it shall never be 1. nor dwelt in 44. 26. thou Shalt be «. |1 45. 18. formed it to be i. 51. 3. and make the desolate cities to be t, Jer. 6. 8. lest 1 make thee a land not i. 17. 6. shall inhabit in a salt land and not i. 22. 6. 1 will make thee cities which are not i. 46.C6. afterward it shall be i. as in the days of old 50. 13. it shall not be i. ||39. uomore 1. forever Ezei. 12. no. ihe cities that are i. shall be laid waste 26. 20. when I shall set thee, that thou be not i. 29. 11. nor shall it be i. forty years 36.'10. the cities shall be 1". and the wastes builded 38. 12. upon the desolate places that are now ». ZecA. 2. 4. Jerusalem be •'. as towns without walls 9. 5. from Gaza, and Askelon shall not be 1. 12. 6. Jerusalem shall be i. again in her place 14. 10. it shall be lifted up, and «. in her place 11. no destruction, but Jerus. shall be safely 1. INHABITERS. Rev. 8. 13. saying, woe, woe, woe, to i. of the earth 12. 12. woe to the i. of the earth and of the sea INHABITEST. " Psal. 22. 3. O, thou that ». the praises of Israel INHABITEIH. J06 15. 28. he dwelleth in houses which no man 1. Jsa. 57.15. thus saiththe lofty One that j. eternity INHABITING. Psal. 74.14. be meat to the people i. the wilderness INHERIT Signifies, [1] To possess iy right of inheritance or succesiion, Deut. 21. I6. [2] To subdue bv face, and gain to the church of Chritt, Psal. 82. 8. Isa. 54. 3. [3] To come into, Luke 18. 18. 1 Cor. 6. g. [4] To be led away with, Jer. 16. 19. Gen. 15. 8. whereby shall I know that I shall 1". it? Exod. 32. 13. and they shall «. it for ever Num. 18. 24. I have given it to the Levites to «. 26. 55. accord, to the names of tribes they shall i. 32. 19. we will not i. on yonder side Jordan Deut. 1. 38. for he shall cause Israel to i. it 12. 10. which the Lord God giveth you to 1. 21. 16. he maketh his sons to i. what he hath Judg. 11.2. thou shalt not i. in our father's house 1 isam. 2. 8. to muke them i. the throne of glory Psal. 25. 13. and his seed shall i. the earth 37. 9- that wait on the Lord shall i. the earth 11. but the meek shall i. the earth. Mat. 5. 5. 22. such as be blessed of him shall 1. the earth 69. 36. the seed also of his servants shall i. it 82. 8. arise, O God. for thou shalt i. all nations Prov. 3. 35. the wise shall i. glory, but shame 8. 21. cause those who love me to »'. substance 11. 29. troubleth his own house, shall i. the wind 14. 18. the simple i. folly, but the prudent Jta. 49. 8. to cause to 1 the desolate heritages ."il. 3. and thy seed shall (. the Gentiles (>5. 9- and mine elect shall i. it, and my servants Jer. 12. 14. I have caused my people Israel to i. 49. 1. why then doth their king i. Gad ? Ezek. 7. t24. they shall «. their holy places 47. 14. ye shall i. it, one as well as another Zech. 2. 12. the Lord shall i. Judahhis portion Mat. 19. 29. and shall i. everlasting life 25. 34. come, i. the kingdom prepared for you Mark 10. 17. I. eternal life, Luke 10.25. \ 18. 18. 1 Cor. 6. 9- unrighteous not i. the kingdom of God 10. neither shall fxtortioners i. Gal. 5. £1. 16. 50. flesh and Mood cannoi i the kingdom of God, Dor dutb corruption i. incorruption INH IJeb. 6. 12. who through faith i. the promisei 1 Pet. 3. 9. are called, that ye 12. 16. 21. 3. that ye may bless the i. of the Lord 1 Kings 8. 51. they be thy people and thy ». 53. 21. 3. give the «. of thy fathers to thee, 4. 2 Kings 21. 14. will forsaJie the remnantof mine «. 1 Chron. 16. IB. land of Canaan, the lot of your t AV//. 11. CO. in all cities, every one in his i. Job 31 . 2. what i. of the Almighty from on high ? Psal. 16. 5. the Lord is the portion of mine r. 28. 9. bless thine 1. 1|33. 12. chosen for his i. 37. 18. and their i. shall be for ever 47. 4. he shall choose our i. for us 68. 9. whereby thou didst confirm thine 1. 74. 2. the rod of thine i. thou hast redeemed 78. 6C. and was wroth with his i. 71. he brought him to feed Israel his 1. 79- 1. O God, the heathen are come into thine • 94. 14. not cast off, neither will he forsake his i. 105. 11. the land of Canaan, the lot of your ». 106. 3. that I may glory with thine •'. 40. insomuch, that he abhorred his own •'. Proo. 13. 22. a good man leaveth an i. to children 17. 2. shall have part of the i. among the brethren 19. 14. house and riches are the 1. of fathers 20.21.ani. may be gotten hastily at the begir.nin| Ecct. '!. 11. wisdom is good with an i. Jsa. 19. 25. blessed be Israel mine »• 47. 6. I have polluteQ mine 1. ann given thein 63. 17. for thy servants' sake, the tribes of thine ». Jer. 10. 16. Israel is the rod of bis i. 51. 19. 32.8. for right of i. is thine, redemption is thine Lam. 5. 2. our 1. is turned to strangers, our house* £k*. 36.12. shall possess thee, thoushaltbe their 44. 28. it shall be unto them for an i. 1 am their i. 46. 16. the i. thereof shall be his son's, 17. 18. shall not take of the people's i. by oppression 47. 22. they shall have 1. among you with tribes.CI. Mat. 21.38. kill him, and let us seiae on his ■ Mark 12. 7. and the i. shall be ours, iMke 20. 14. J.ukel2. IS. speak, that he divide the i. with mc Acts CO. 32. to give you an i. among all sanctified 26. 18. and i. among them sanctified by fakhinme Gal. 3. 18. if the 1. be of the law, it Is no mom Eyh. 1. 11. in whom also we have obtained an •. 14. which is the earnest of our I . till redemption 18. the riches of the glory of his i. in the saints 5. 5. bath any i.in the ki cannot my taste 11.6. God exacteth less than thine 1. deservelh 14. if I. be in thy hand, put it far away 15. 5. for thy mouth uttereth thine i. 16. filthy is man which drinketh i. like water S2.23. thou shalt put away i. far from thy 'aliern. 31. 11. it is an 1. to be punished by judges, 28. S3. 9. I am innocent, nor is there i. in me 34. 32. if I have done 1. I will do no more 36. 10. hecommandeth that they return from 1. 21 . take heed, regard not i. for this hast chosen 23. or who can say, thou hast wrought 1. .' Psal. 7. 3. O Lord, if there be 1. in my hands 14. behold, he travaileth with •'. and conceived 10. t7. under his tongue is mischief and i. S2.C. blessed to whom the Lord imputeth not 1. 5. and thou forgavett the i. of my sin 36. 3. the words of his mouth are 1. and deceit 39. 11. when thou dost correct man for i. 41. 6. his heart gathereth t to itself 49. 5. when the t. of my heels shall compass me «.!. 5. behold I wasshapen in t. and in sin mother 51.1. they are corrupt,and hare done abominable >. 55. 3. they cast 1. upon me, and in wrath hate me 60. 7. shall they escape by i.f cast down, O God <56 IS.if I regard I. in my heart, Lord not hear me as. S. thou hast forgiven the t of thy people ^. SO, throne of i'. have fellowship with the* U1 4i ana au (• shall Mop her mouth 30£ INl i . .09.)4.1et the 1, of his fathers be r«memb«red 119. 3. they also ao ao i. they walk in his way 133. let not any «'. have dominion over me 125. 3. lest they put forth their hands to «. I'rov. 16. 6. by mercy and truth i. is purged 19. 28. the mouth of the wicked devoureth 4. 22. 8. he that soweth 1. shall reap vanity F.ccl. 3.16. place of righteousness that 1. was there Isa. 1 . 4. a people laden with 1. a sacd of evil doers 13. it is I. even the solemn meeting 5. 18. woe to them that draw i. with cords 6. 7. thine 1. is taken away, and thy sin purged 14. 21. prepare for the 1. of their fathers 22. 14. this I. shall not be purged from you 27. 9. by this shall the t. of Jacob be purged 29. CO. and all that watch for i. are cut off 30. 13. this f. shall be to you as a breach 40 2 cry unto her, her «. is pardoned 53. 6. the Lord hath laid on him the 1. of us all 57. 17. for the 1. of his covetousness was I wroth 69. 3. for your fingers are defiHed with ». 4. bring forth «'. || 6. their works are works of ». 7. their thoughts are thoughts of 1. wasting 64. 9. be not wroth, nor remember i. for ever Jer. 2. 5. what »'. have your fathers found in me f 22. thine «. is marked before me, saith the Ld 3. 13. only acknowledge thine i. that thou hast 13. 22. for the greatness of thine 1. are thy skirts 14. 2o. we acknowledge the i. of our fathers 16. 10. what is our i. || 17. «. hid from mine eyes 30. 14. formultitude of thine i. 15. Uos. 9. 7. 32. 18. recompensest •'. of fathers into the bosom 50. fio. the •'. of Israel be sought for, and none 51 . 6. flee out of Babylon, be not cut off in her i. Lam. 2. 14. they have not discovered thine »'. 4. 6. for the punishment of the 1. of my people 22. the punishment of thine i. is accomplished, he will visit thine 1. O daughter of Edom Ezet. 4. 4. lay 1. of the house of Israel upon it 7. 13. nor strengthen himself in the 1. of his life 9- 9- the I. of the house of Israel is great 16. 49. this was the 1. of thy sister Sodom 18. 8. that hath withdrawn his hand from «. 17. he shall not die for the 1. of his father 30. repent, so 1. shall not be your ruin 21 . 23. he will call to remembrance your >. 24. 25. when »'. shall have an end, C9. | 35. 5. 28. 15. wast perfect, till 1. was found in thee 18. defiled thy sanctuaries by 1. of thy traffic 44. 12. caused the house of Israel to fall into 1. Dan.g. 24. to make reconciliation for i. Hot. 7. 1. the 1. of Ephraim was discovered 10. 9. against children of 1. {| 13. ye reaped ». 12. 8. find no »'. in me || 11. is there i. in Gilead .' 13. 12. the i. of Ephraim is bound up, his sin hid 14. 1. return, for thou hast fallen by thine 1. C. take away all «. and receive us graciously ^Jic. e. 1. woe to them that devise «'. on their beds 3. 10. they build up Jerusalem with 1. 7. 18. who is a God like to thee, that pardoneth i.? Hat. 1. 3. why dost thou shew me i. and cause me 1.'!. of purer eyes, and thou canst not look on 1. 2. 12. woe to him that establisheth a city by i. Zeph.%. 5. the just Lord, he will not do 1. 13. the remnant of Israel shall not do 1. Zec/i. 3. 4. 1 have caused thine »'. to pass from thee 9. I will remove the «'. of that land in one day -Va/.2.6.and 1. was not found in his lips, he walked in peace, and did turn many away from «. ^fnt. 13. 41. they shall gather them which do »'. 23. 20. within ye are full of hypocrisy and «'. 24. 12. because 1. shall abound, love shall wax cold .^eis 1. 18. purchased a field with the reward of i. 8. 23. for I perceive thou art in the bond of 1. Kom. 6. 19. your members servants to i. unto i. 1 Cor. 13. 6. rejoiceth not in 1. but in the truth 2 T/iess. 2. 7. the mystery of «. doth already work 2 Tim. 2. 19. that nameth Christ, depart from i. lit. 2.14. that he might redeem us from all «'. He&. 1.9. and thou ha.st hated i. therefore God Jam. 3. 6. the tongue is a fire, a world of 1. See Dear, Commit, Committed. //ix INIQLTITV. Xiim. 15.31.Ai> I. shall be upon him Josh. 22. 20. that man perished not alone in Aisi, Jot 20. C7. the heavens shall reve.il tis i. 21. 19. God layeth up Ins i. for his children Psal. 36. C until /lis i. be found to be hateful yrr.31..30.dieforA. •.£j<*.3.18.19. | 7.l6. | 18.26. Ltei. 14.7. the stumbling block of Ai> i. 14. 18. 18. even he shall die in his i. 33. 8,9. 33. 6. he is taken away in /lis 1. but his blood 2 Pel, 2. 16. Balaam was rebuked for his ■'. Mme INIQUITY Gen. 4. ♦ 13. mine i. is greater than may be forgiv. 1 Sam. 2©. 1. what is mine i. and what is my sin r 2 Aam.22.C4. I kept thyself from »m>i« 1. y'j. 18.23 Jot 7. 21. why dost thou not take away mine i. 10. 6. that thou enquirest after mine i. 14 thou will not acquit me from mint i. INT Jot I4.17.sealed in a bag, thou Kwett ap mintl. 31. 33. if I covered, by hiding mine t. in my bosoia Psal. 25. 11.0 Lord, pardon mine 1. for it is great 31. 10. my strength faileth because of mint 1. 32. 5. and mint i. have I not hid. I taid 38. 18. for I will declare mine i. I vnW be sorryfor 51. S. wash me ihrout^iiiv from mine i. cleanse Their IMQUITT. Lev. 26.39. l«ft of you, shall pine away in their i. 40.if they confess their i.and the iniquity of falh. 41. accept of the punishment of their 1. 43. S'eh.4. 5. and cover not their i. let not their sin I'sal.dQ. 27. add iniquity unto ihtir •'. and let them 78. 38. he forgave /A. 10. nor rewarded os according to our t. 130. 3. if thou, L. shouldest mark 1. who stand 8. and he shall redeem Israel from all his i. Prfli'.S.CC. his own i. shall take the wicked himself ha. 43. 24. thou hast wearied me with thine i. 53. 5. but he was bruised for our i. 59. 12. and as for our 1. we know them 64. 6. our I. like the wind have taken us away 7. thou hast consumed us because of our i. Jer. 11. 10. turned back to i. of their forefathers 14.7. O Lord, though oar 1. testify against us l.am. 4. 13. for I. of her priests that shed blood Ezek. 28. 18. by the multitude of thine «. defiled Dan. 4. 27. break off thine 1. by shewing mercy 9. 1 3. that we might turn from our 1 .and understand 16. for our sins, and for the i. of our fathers -Vic. 7. 19. he will turn, he will subdue our « /lets 3. 26. to bless in turning every one from hia (, fii)m.4.7.ble55ed are they whose i. are forgiven Her. 18. 5. for God hath remembered her 1. Their INIQUITIES. Ltv. 16 22. the goat shall bear on bimkll th4ir i. INS Psal. lOT.tT.foolsbecanseof •'. arc afflicted Jta. 53.11. justify many, for he shall heax their i. Jer. 33. 8. and I will pardon all lAeir i. whereby Lam.5.7. our fathers sinned, we have borne tAeir i. Eiek. 32. 27. but Ihtir i. shall be on their bones 43 10. that they may be ashamed of tAeir i. Hei.B.\2. their ».will I remember no more, 10.17. Your INIQUITIES. Num. 14. 34. forty years shall ye bear your «. 2sa. 50. 1. for your i. have you sold yourselves .'>9.2. your i. separated between you and yourGod 65. 7. i/our i.l will recompense, and iniq. of fathers y'. 17. 8. the X. shall stir up the hypocrite 22. 19. and the 1. laugh them to scorn 30. he shall deliver the island of the 1. 27. 17. and the i. shall divide the silver 33. 9. hast said, I am 1. nor is iniquity in me Psal. 10. 8. in secret places doth he murder the i. 15. 5. nor taketh reward against the i. 19. 13. 1 shall be i. from the t:^eat transgression Prov. 1. 11 .if they say, let us lurk privi'y for the i. 6. 29. whosoever touchethher shall not be «. 28. 20. maketh haste to be rich shall not be 1. Jer. 2. 35. yet thou sayest, because I am 1. Mat. 27. 24 J am t. of the blood of this person See Blood. INNOCENTS. Jer. 2. .34. is found the blood of the poor «'. 19. i. have filled this place with the blood of i. INNUMERABLE. /«i 21.33. after him, as there are ». before him Psal. 40. 10. « evils have compassed me about 104. 25. sta, wherein are things creeping «. Jer. 46. 2.'!. more than grasshoppers, and are i. Lulce 12. 1. an 1. multitude gathered together Hei. 11.12. as the !>and which is by the sea-shore r. IS. 22. ye are come to an 1. company of angels INORDINATE. Ezei.23 11. she was the more corrupt in her i. love Col- 3. D. mortify fornication, i. affection INQUISITION. Deut. 19. 13. the judges shall make diligent f. Estn. €. 23. when 1. was made of the matter Psal. g. 12. when he maketh i. for blood INSCRIPTION. Acts 17. 23. I found an altar with this i. INSIDE. 1 Kings 6. 15. covered the walls en «. with wood INSPIRATION. 3oi 32. 8. «'. of Almighty giveth und<>rstanding 2 Tim 3. Ifi. all scripture is given by 1. ot God 309 TNS INSTANT Signifies, [1] A short moment of time, Tsa. 29. 5. [2] 'J'a be very eager, or pressing, Luke 23. 23. [3] To set about any tAing with cart and dili- gence, Acts 2ti. 7. Isa. 2y. 5. yea, it shall be at an i. suddenly 3U. 13. whose breaking cometh suddenly at an 1. Jar. 18. 7. at what i. I speak concerning, 9. Lulce 2. 38. she coming in that i. gave thanks 23. 23. and they were 1. with loud voices Acts 12. t 5. ». prayer was made of the church Rom. 12. 12. patient, continuing »'. in prayer 2 Tim. 4. 2. preach the word, be 1. in season, out of INSJAN ILV. Luke 7. 4. they besought him 1. saying Acts 26.7. our twelve tribes i. serving God INSTRUCT Signifies, To train up, or leacA, Psal. 32. 8. We are instructed by, [1] Ood, Deut. 4. 36. Isa. 28. 26. [2] Christ as a prophet, uAo teaches inaardlu, and spiriiualli/. Acts 3. 22. [3] The Spirit, Neh. 9. 20. [i] The church. Cant. 8. 2. [5] Ministers, Dan. 11. 33. 2 Tim. 2. 25. [6] The law, Rom. 2. 18. [7] The scriptures, 2 Tim. 3. 16. [8] Corrections, Jer. 31. I9. [9] TAe godly, 3oh 4.3. Acts 18.25. [10] TAe aicked, Prov. 24. 32. Deut. 4 36. made thee hear, that he might /. thee Xeh. 9. 20. thou gavest thy good Spirit to «. them Job 40. 2. shall he that contendeth 1. him .' Psal. 16. 7. my reins also 1. me in night-seasons 32. 8. I will «. thee and teach thee in the way Cant.S. 2. in my mother's house, who will i. me Isa. 28. 26. his God doth 1 him to discretion Dan. 11. 33. they that understand shall ». many 1 Cor. 2. 16. the mind of Lord, that he may 1. him INSTRUCTED. Gen. 14. 1 14. Abr.aham armed his 1. servants Deut. 32. 10. the Lord led him about, he i. him 2 Kings 12. 2. wherein Jehoiada the priest 1. him 1 Chro7i. 15. 22. Chenaniah i. about the song 25. 7. that were 1. in the songs of the Lord 2 Chron. 3. 3. Solomon was «. for the building Job 4. 3. behold thou hast 1. mauy, and hast Psal. 2. 10. be »'. ye judges of the earth Prov. 5. 13. inclined mine ear to them that 1. me 21. 11, the wise is x. he receiveth knowledge Isa. 8. 11. the Lord spake thus to me and i. me 40. 14. who ■'. him, and taught him the path Jer. 6. 8. be i. O JerusEJem, lest my soul depart 31. 19. after that 1 was i. I smote on my thigh HJat. 13. 52. everj- scribe who is i. to the kingdom 14. 8. and she, being before »'. of her mother Luke 1.4. of things wherein thou hast been x. Acts 18. 25. this man was x. in the way of the Ld. Horn. 2. 18. knowest his will, being i. out of law Phil. 4. 12. every where, and in all things, I am i. INSTRUCTING. 2 Tim. 2. 25. i. those that oppose themselves INSTRUCTOR. Gen. 4. 22. Tubal-Cain, an i. of every artificer Horn. 2. 20. an i. of the foolish, a teacher of babes INSTRUCTORS. 1 Cor. 4. 15. though ve have 10,000 i. in Christ, yet INSTRUCTION. Job 33. 16. he openeth the ears, and soaleth i. Psal. 50. 17- seeing thou hatest i. and casteth my Prov. 1. 2. to know wisdom and i. to perceive 3. to receive the x'.of wisdora, justice, and judgm. 7. but fools despise wisdom and i. 15. 5. K. my son, hear the i. of thy father, 4. 1. 4. 13. take fast hold of x'. let her not go, keep her 5. 12. how have I hated i. and my heart despisi-rt 23. he shall die without x. and shall go astraj 6. 23. and reproofs of i. are the way of life 8. 10. receive my i. |1 33. hear i. and be wise 9. 9- Rive i. to a wise man and he will be wiser 10. 17. he is in the way of life that keepeth i. 12. 1. whoso loveth x. loveth knowledge 13. 1. a wise son hearcth his father's i. 18. shame shall be to him that refuseth i 15. 32. he that refuseth i. bateth his own soul 33. the fear of the Lord is the i. of wisdom 16. 22. but the I. of fools is folly 19. 20. hear counsel, and receive x'. that thou 27. cease to hear the i. that causeth to err 23. 12. apply thy heart to i. and thine ears 23. buy the truth, also i. and understanding 24. 32. 1 looked upon it and received i. Jer. 17. 23. they might not hear, nor receive i. 32. 33. they have not heaikened to receive i. 35. 13. will ye not receive x. to liearWcn to my Kzek. 5. 15. it shall be a reproach, a taunt, an i. Zeph. 3. 7. I said, surely thou wilt receive i. 2 Tim. 3. 16. all scripture is profitable for i. INSTRUMENT. Num. 35. 16. if he smite him with an i. of iron Ps. 33. 2. sing to him with an i. often strings, 9C.5. 71. 122. I will praise with the i. of psaltery 144. 9- 1 will sing a new song, O God, on an i. INT Tsa. S8. 27. fitches not threshed with athreshloe (. 41. 15. I will make thee a new sharp threshing •', 51. 16. that briugeth forth an i. for his work Liek. 33. 32. song of one that can play on an • INSTRUMENTS. Gen. 49. 5. I. of cruelty are in their habitationa Kiod. 25. 9. the pattern of all the i. thereof Sum. 3. 8. shall keep all the i. of the tabernacJe 4. 12. they shall take all the i. of ministry 7. 1. sanctified all the i. {| 31.6. with the holy » 1 Sam. 8. 12. to make i. of war, and x. of chariots 18. 6. to meet king Saul with i. of music 1 Kings 19. 21. boiled their Hesh with i. of oxen 1 Chron. 9. 29. to oversee all the i.of the sanctuary iG. 42. make a sound with musical i. of Ood 2 Chron. 30. 21. singing with loud i. to the I^rd iV«A. 12. ?.Q. Ilanaui with the musical i. of David Psal. 7. 13. hath prepared for him the i. of death CB. 25. the players on i. followed after 87. 7. as the players on i. shall be there 150. 4. praise him with stringed i. and organs Eccl. 2. 8. as musical i. and that of all sorts Isa. 22. +24. Lang on him all the x. of viols 32. 7. thei. also of the churl are evil 38. 20. we will sing my songs to the stringed i. Jer. 46. 119. make thee x. of captivity Ezek. 12. t3. prepare thee i. for removing 16. + 39. shall take i. of thy ornament. 23. t 26. Dan. 6. 18. nor i. of music brought before him Amos 1.3. threshed Gilead with threshing i.of iron 6. 5. and invent to themselves i. of music llab. 3. 19. to the chief singer on my s'jinged x. Zech. 11. 15. take thee i. of a foolish shepherd ifu/n. 6. 13. nor yield members x. of unrighteousness members as i. of righteousness to God INSURRECTION. Exra 4. 19. this city hath made i. against kings Psal.di.i. from the i. of the workers of iniquity Mark 15.7. lay bound with them that had made i, who had committed murder in the i. Acts 18. 12. the Jews made i. with one accord INTANGLE Signifies, To perplex. This may be, [1] Ccrpo- really, Exod. 14. 3. [2] Verbally, Mat. 22. 15 [3] Ceremonially, G-^\. 5. 1. [4] JI'<»r )0. £4. till ht have performed i. of his hcan INT Hth. 4. 18. is a discerner of the i. of the heart INTEKCESSION Signifies, A pleading or intttating in behalf of aiwiner, Jcrem. 7. l6 It is spoken, (1) Of the intertession of Chrtst, Isa. 53.12. Ileb. 7. 25. Which he performs, [1] By appearing for us before the talher, Heb. Q. 24. [2] £v fretenting the merit of hit tacrifici once of- fered, Ileb. 10. 12, 14. [3] By declaring his uill, that lueh and such blessings may be be- stoned on the elect, Ileb. 10. 10. [4] Uy the Father's contenting and agreeing to tins will of hit Son, John 11.42. (II) Of the Holy Uhoti in God's children, Rom. 8. 20. (Ill) Of men interceding, [\] For temporal blessings, Jer. 7. 'lO. [2] For spiritual blessings, 1 Tim. 2. 1 (IV) 0/" Elias, who complained against the ten tribes, who utre generally become ido- laters, Rom. 11.2. Iia. 53. 12. and made «. for the transgressors Jer. 7. lO. neither lift up cry, nor make i. to me 27. 18. let them now make i. to the Lord 36. 23. EInathan and (iemariab had made i. Jiom. 8. 26. but the Spirit maketh i. for us, 27, 34. 11.2. how he maketh i. to God against Israel Jieb. 7. 25. he everliveth to make i. for them INTERCESSIONS. 1 Tim. 2.1. that prayers and i. be made for all men INTERCEbSOR. Jsa. 59. 16. he wondered that there was no i. INTERMEDDLE. ProT. 14. 10. a stranger doth not i. with his joy INIERMEDDLETH. Prcv. 18. 1. seeketh and 1. with all wisdom INTERMISSION. Lam. 3. 49. mine eye ceaseth not without any i. INTERPRET. Gen. 41. 8. none that could 1. them to Pharaoh 12. to each according to his dream he did 1. 1 Cor. 12. 30. do all i. •* |1 14. 5. except he i. 14. 13. pray that he may may 1. || 27. let one 1. INTERPRETATION Signifies, [1] A translation, or turning from one language into an/ither, 1 Cor. 12. 10. [2] The gift of expounding visions and dreams. Gen. 40. 8. [3] Exposition, or shewing the sense and import of any thing, 2 I'et. 1 20. Gen. 40. 1. each according to 1. of dreams, 41. 11. 12. this is the i. of it, 18. Dan. 4.24. [ 5. 26. 16. when the baker saw that the i. was good Judg. 7. 15. when Gideon heard the 1. thereof Prov. 1.6. to understand a proverb and the i. Dan 2. 4. and we shall shew the i. 7, 36. 45. the dream is certain, and the i. thereof sure 4. 19' and the i. thereof be to thy enemies 5. 12. he will shew the i. |{ 15. not shew the 1. 7. ID. and he made me to know the t. of the things John 1. 42. Cephas, which is by 1. a stone 9. 7- in the pool of Sitoam, which is by »'. Sent Acts 9.36. named Tabitha, by «'. is called Dorcas 13. 8. Elymas the sorcerer, so is his name by i. 1 Cor. 12. 10. to another the i. of tongues 14.26. every one of you hath an i. Htb. 7. 2. being by i. king of righteousness £ Pet. 1. 20. no prophecy is of any private 1. INTERPRETATIONS. Gen. 40. 8. Joseph said, do not 1. belong to God .' Dan. 5. I6. I have heard that thou canst make ■'. INTERPRETED. Gen. 40. 22. as Joseph had t. to them, 41. 13. £zra 4.7- written and i. in the Syrian tongue JJat. 1. 23. which being i. is, God with us Mart 5.41. which is, being 1. damsel arise 15. 22. which is, being i. the place of a skull 34. I. my Ood, my God, why hast forsaken me Jo/m 1.38. being i. master || 41. i. the Christ Acts 4. 36. is, being ('. the son of consolation INTERPRETER, S. Gen. 40. 8. we dreamed, and there is no •'. of it 42. 23. for Joseph spake to them by an i. 2Chron. 32. t 31. howbeit in the business of 1. Job 33. 23. there be an i. one among a thousand Jia. 43. +27. and by thy i. have transgressed ICor. 14. 28. but if there be no i. let him keep INTERPRETING. Dan. 5. 18. t. of dreams was found in Daniel IN TREAT. Signifies, [1] To supplicate or pray to, Exod. 8. 8. Judg. 13. 8. [8] To intercede, or speak in one's behalf. Gen. J3. 8. 1 Sam. 2. 25. [3] To entertain or tue kindli/. Gen. 12. I6. [4] To wge or press earnestly, Ruth. 1. 16. [5] To bear, grant, or accept of. Gen. 25. 21. [6] To seek, Prov. 19. 6. [7] To give good words, 1 Cor. 4. 13. I J « « dm. 23. 8. I. for me to Ephron the son of Zoar £sod. 3 8. then Pharaoh called for Moses, and Bald, I. the Lord, 28. | 9. 28. | 10. 17, 9. when shill I ,. for thee H 29. 1 will i. Lord Xutb 1. 16. Ruth said, »'. me not to leave thee 310 INW 1 5am. S. 25. if a man sin, who shall 1. for him ? 1 h'in^t 13. 6. i. the face of the Lord thy God Job 11. +19. yea, many shall i. thv face Ptal. 45. 12. among the people, shall i. thy favour Prov. 19. 6. many will i. the favourof the priuce Jer. 15. 11. I will cause the enemy to 1. thee well Actt 7. C. and sho:ild i. them evil 400 years 1 Cor. 4. 13. being defamed, we i. we are made Phil. 4. 3. I «. thee also, true yoke-fellow 1 Tim. 5. 1, rebuke not, but >. him as a father IN TREATED. Gen. 12. 16. he «'. Abraham well for her sake 25. 21. Isaac «'. for his wife, Lord was i. of him Eeod. 5. 82. why hast thou so evil i. this people .- 8. 30. Moses went out and i. the Lord, 10. J8. Deul. 26. 6. and the Egyptians evil i. us Judg. 13. 8. then Manoah i. the Lord, and said 2 Ham. 21. 14. after that God was i. for the land 24. 25. Lord was «'. for the laud, the p'ague stayed 1 Chron. 5. 20. they cried and he was i. of them 2 Chron. 33. 13. Manasseh prayed, and God was i. EsraS. 23. we besought God, and he was 1. of us Job 19. 16. 1 called, I I. him with my mouth 17. tho' I i. for the children's sake of my body Psal. 119.58. I i. thy favour witli my whole heart Isa. 19. 22. he shall be 1. of them and heal them Mat. 22. 6. and «'. them spitefully, Luke 18. .32 Luke 15. 28. then came his father out, and 1. him 20. 11. «. him shamefully, and sent him away Acn 7. ig. the same evil i. our fathers 27. 3. and Julius courteously i. Paul 1 T/iets.i.2. after that we were shamefully i. Heb. 12. 19. I. the word should not be spoken Jam. 3. 17. wisdom from above is easy to be i. INTREATETH. Job 24. 21. he evil 1. the barren that beareth not INTREATIES. Prov. 18. 23. the poor useth i. but the rich 2 Ce/.8. 4. praying us with murhi. tnat we receive INTRUDING. Col. 2. 18. t. into those things he hath not seen INVADE. 2 Chr. 20. 10. whom thou wouldcst not let Israel i. Hab. 3. 16. he will 1. them with his troops INVADED. 1 Sam. 23. 27. the Philistines have 1. the land 27. 8. David and his men «. the Geshurites 30. 1. the Amalekites i. the south, and Ziklag 2 Kings 13. 20. a band of Moabites 1 the land 2 Chron. 28. 18. the Philistines had 1". the cities INVASION. 1 Sam. 30. 14. we made an >'. on the south INVENT. Amos 6. 5. ». instruments of music, like David INVENTED. 2 Chron, 26. 15. made engines 1. bv cunning men INVENTIONS ' Signify, [1] Contrivances, Prov. 8. 12. [2] Sin- ful practices, Psal. gg. 8. [3] Idolatrous acts, Psal. 106. 29, 39. [4] iSVa) u-ays if making one's self more wise and happy than God has made him, Eccl. 7. -9- Psal. 99. 8. thou tookest vengeance of their i. 106. 29. provoked him to anger with their ». 39. and went a whoring with their own i. Prov. 8. 12. and find out knowledge of witty 1". Eccl.T. 29. but they have sought out many i. INVENTORS. Rom. 1. 30. 1, of evil things, disobedient to parents INVISIBLE. Rom. 1. 20. the «. things of hira are clearly seen Col. 1. 15. who is the image of the 1. (Jod' 16. that are in heaven and earth, visible and 1. 1 Tim. 1. 17. now to the King immorial, i. Ileb. 11. 27. he endured, as seeing him who is 1". INVITED. 1 Sam. 9. 24. since I said, I have 1. the people 2 Sam. 13. 23. Absalom 1. all the king's sons Esih. 5. 12. to-morrow am I 1. to her with the king INWARD. Gen. 41. t 21. when they had come to the 1. parts Lev. 13. 55. shall bum it in the fire, it is fret i. 1 Kings 7. 25. and all their hinder parts were i. 17. ♦ 21. this child's soul come into his i. parts 2 Chron. 3. 13. they stood and their faces were ». Job 19. 19. all my 1. friends abhorred me 38. 36. who hath put wisdom in the t. parts Ptal. 5. 9 their i. part is very wickedness 49' 11. their 1. thought is, that their houses 51.6. behold, thou desirest truth in thei. parts tic. + 4. but they curse in their •'. parts 64. 6. i. thought of every one of them is deep ProT. 20. 27. searching all the i. parts of the belly 30. so do stripes the i. parts of the belly Ita. 16. 11. my i. parts sound for Kir-haresh Jer. 31. 33. I will put my law in their •'. parti Mark 6.tl9-Ilerodias had an 1. grudge against him Luke 11. 39. your «'. part is full of ravening Rem. 7. 28. I delight in the law of God after 1. man JOU C Cor. 4. 16. yet the 1. maui is renewed day by day 7. 15. his 1. affeciicto is more abundant to voo INWARDLY. P/«/.62.4. they bless with their mouth, but curse i. AJat. J. 15. but 1. they are ravening wolve& Rom. 2. Sg. but he is a Jew who is one i INWARDS. Esod. 29. 13. the fat that covereth the 1. 22. Lev. 3. 3, y, 14. I 4. 8. |7. 3. I 9.19 17. thou shall wash the «. Lev. 1. 9, 13. | 9.I Lev. 4. 11. his ». and dung burn in a clean place 8. 16. the fat on the i. flloses burnt on the altar 21. and he washed the t. and the legs with water JOIN Signifies, [1] To knit, or unite together. Job 41. 17. [2] To make leagues and alliances, Dan. 11. 6. [3] 'Jo go close to. Acts 8. 29. [4] To be numbered, or reckoned with. Job 3. 6. It is spoken, (I) Materially, of things, Isa. 0.8. (II) Personally, as [I] In marriage, Eph. 5. 31. [2] In affinity, 2 Chron. 18. 1. [3] In aiding, OT assiiting, Exod. 1.10. [4] IniattlCy army against army, 1 Sam. 4. 2. 1 Kines 20. 29. (Ill) Af««oV/y, 1 Cor. 1.10. (IV)'"C«)- nally, 1 Cor. 6. 1(5. (V) Idotatrously, 1 1 05. 4. 17. t.VI) Spiritually, Jer. 50. 5." 1 Cor. 6. 17. Eiod. 1. 10. lest they_; to our «nemics and fight 2 Chron. 20. 35. did Jehoshaphat j. with Ahazlah Ezra 9- 14. and^. in afiinity with the people Prov. 11. 21. hiind J. in hand, the wicked, 16 5 Isa. 5. 8. woe to them that J. house to house 9-11. the Lord shall J. his enemies together 56. 6. sons of stranger that j. themselves to Lord Jer. 50. 5. come, let us j. ourselves to the Lord Eiek. 37. 17. J. them one to another into one stick Dan. 11.6. they shall j. in the end of years Acts 5. 13. of the rest durst no manj. himself 8. 29. go near and _; thyself to this chariot 9- "6. Saul assayed to j. himself to the disciples JOINED. Gen. 14. 3. all these kings yierej. together in vale 8. theyj. battle with ihem in the vale of Siddim 29- 34. this time will my husband be J. to me Num. 18.8. thy brethren of Levi hej. to thee, 4. 1 Sam. 4. 2. when theyJ. battle, Israel was smitten 1 Kings 20. 29. in the seventh day the battle was ^ 2 Chron. 18. I. Jehoshaphat _;'. affinity with Ahab 20. 36. hej. with Ahtiziah to make ships, 37. Ezra 4. 12. set up walls, and^'. the foundations A'fA. 4. 6. all the wall was j. together unto half Esth. 9- 27. all that_;'. should keep Purim Job 3. 6. let it not hej. to the days of the year 41. 17. Leviathan's soales are ^. one to another 23. the flakes of his flesh are j. together Psal. 83. 8. Assur also isj. with them Eccl. 9. 4. to him that isj. to all the living is hope Isa. 13.15. every one_;'. to them shall fall by sword 14. 1. and the strangers shall be j. with them 20. thou shall not be j wilh them in burial 56. 3. nor him that hath _;. to the Lord speak Ezek. 1. 9. their wings were_;. one to another 46. 82. there were courts^, of forty cubits long Hos.i. 17. Ephraim is^'. to idols, let him alone Zech. 2. 11. many nations shall bej to the Lord Mat. 19, 6. what God hath^". together, Mark 10. Q. Luke 15. 15. he went and j. himself to a citizen Acii 5. 36. about four hundred j. themselves 18. 7. whose house J. hard to the synagogue 1 Cor.l.lO.that ye be perfectly j. in the same mind 6. 16. he which is j. to an harlot is one body 17. he that isj. to the Lord is one spirit Fph. 4. 16. the whole body fitly j. together 15. 31. and shall be j. to his wile, and they two See B.\al-Pkor. JOINING, S. 1 Chron. 22. 3. David prepared iron for Xhej. 2 Chron. 3. 12. _;'. to the wing of the other cherub JOINT. Gen. 32. 25. hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of_; Psal. 22. 14. and all my bones are out of_;. Prov. 25. 19- confidence is like a foot out of_;. Eph. 4. 16. by that which every j. supplieth JOINTS 1 Kings 22. 34. smote the king of Israel between the J. of the harness, 2 Chron. 18. 33. Cant. 7. 1 the J. of thy thighs are like jewels Dan. 5. 6. that the j. of his loins were loosed Col. 2. 19. all the body by »'. knit together Ileb 4. 12. to dividing asunder of ^'. and marrow JOINT-HEIRS. Rom. 8 17. heirs of God, and J.-/j Prov. 7. 19- the good man is gone a long J. Mat. 10. 10. nor scrip for your_;'. nor two coats Mark6.&. take nothing for their _;. Luke 9- 3. Luke 11. 6. a friend of mine in his J. is come to me 15. 13. the younger took his j. into afar country Joltni. 6. Jesus wearied with hisj". sat thus Rom. 1. 10. 1 might have a prosperous _;. to come 15.24. for I trust to see you in my,;. 1 Cot. 16. 6. that ye may bring me on my j. Tit. 3. 13. bring Zenas and ApoUos on their j. iJolmQ. whom if thou bring forward on their J. Day's JOURNEY. Num. 11. 31. the quails fall a.dai/'s j. on this side 1 Kings ly .4. himself went a day's j. into wildem. Jonah 3.4. began to enter city a day's j. and cried £,uie 2. 44. went a day's j. among their acquaint. Acts I. 12. is from Jerusalem a sabbath day's j. See three Days. JOURNEYED. Gen. 11.2. that as they j. they found a plain 12. 9. Abram j. going on toward the south, 20. 1 . 13. 11. Lot J. east | 33. 1". Jacob ^'. to Succoth 35. 5. Israel j. toward Beth-el, and the terror 16.^'. from Beih-el||21.j'. to the tower of Edar Exod. 40.f 36. when cloud was taken up, Israel _;. 37. cloud not taken up, theyj. not. Num. g. 21. Num. 9. 17. afterthatthe children of Israel j. 18. 19. kept the charge of the Lord, and j. not 20. at the commandment of the Lord they j. 23. 12. 15. j. no: till Miriam was brought in again Judg. 17. B. came to the house of Micah as hej. Acts 9- 3. as Saul j. he came near to Damascus 7. the men which j. with him stood, 26. 13. JOURNEYING. Gen, 12. + 9- Abram in going andj. toward Num. 10.2. make trumpets for J. of the camps 29. we are j. to the place of which Lord said Luke 13. 22. and as he was j. towards Jerusalem 2 Cor. 11.26. in_;. often, in perils of waters JOURNEYINGS. Num. 10. 28. thus were the j. of Israel's armies JOURNEYS. Gen. 13. 3. Abram went on hisj. from the south Exod. n.l.j. according to the commzindment 40. -^Q. taken up, they went on in^'. Num. JO. 12. 38. the cloud was on tabernacle thro' all their J. Ntim. 10. 6. they shall blow an alarm for their,;. 33. 1. these are the j. of Israel with armies, 2. JOY Signifies, [1] An agreeable and saeet affection of the soul, arising from some present or hoped for good, 1 Chron. 12. 40. [2] The delight atid satisfaction of the reasonable soul in its unio7i aiith God in Christ, as the greatest and highest good, with an actual rejoicing in uhal is for his honour and glory. Gal. 5. 22, [3] That joyful and glorious state, unto u/iich Christ himself should attain after his sufferings, and which he will communicate to all who believe in him, Ileb. 12. 2. [4] That free, gracioiu, and liberal reu-ard, which God will bestom on the righteous in the kingdom of heaven. Mat. 25. 21, 23. [5J 'Jhe matter or cause of jow, 1 Thess. 2. 20. [6] Songs of thanksgiving and praise, Psal. 42. 4. It is, [1] Natural, Prov. 23. 24. Eccl. ». 10. [2] H'orldlv, Job 29. 13. Isa. 9. 3. [3] Hypocritical, Job 20. 5. Mat. 13. 20. [4] Ungodly, Prov. 15. 21. Ilos. 9. 1. [5J Mixed, wor'ldlv, and spiritual, 1 Chron. 12. 40. Luke 10. if. [(j Heavenly, Mat. 25. 21, 23. Luke 15. 7, 10 [7] Spiritual, I'sal. 51. 12. Rom. 14. I7. JOY, Substantive. 1 Sam. 18. 6. came out to meet king Saul with j. 1 C'tron. 12.40. for there was,;', in Israel 15. 16 singers, by lifting up the voice with j. 25. went to bring the ark of the covenant with,;'. 89. 17. now have 1 .seen with J. the people offer 2 Chron. 20. 27. to go again to Jerusalem with,;'. Etra 3. 13. not discern noise of the shout of j. 6. 16. dedication of the house of God with,;', 22. and kept the feast seven day* with ,;'. W»A.8. 10. the 7". of the Lord is your strength 12 43. tba i. of Jerusalem was heard afv off ♦ 44. for the J. of Jadah and Lerites which Esti. 8. 16. (he Jews bad lioht,;'. aod hoconr 311 JOY Esth. 9. 22. turned to them from sorrow to^. they should make them days of feasting and_;'. Job 8. 19. behold, this is the j. of his way tCl. till he fill thy lips with shouting for,;. CO. 5. the,;', of the hypocrite is but for a moment 29. 13. I caused the widow's heart to sing for,;'. 33. 26. 2md he will see his face with j. 41. 22. and sorrow is turned into j. before him Psal. 16. 11. in thy presence is fulness of,;. £7. 6. offer in his tabernacles sacrifices o{ j. 30. 5. but ,;. com_eth in the morning 42. 4. I went with the voice of j. and praise 43. 4. then will I go to God my exceeding ,;'. 48. 2. the ,;. of the whole earth is mount Zion 51. 12. restore to me the,;', of thy salvation f>5. t 12. the little hills are girded with j. 67. 4. let the nations be glad and sing for j. 105. 43. he brought forth his people with j. 12tj. 5. they that sow in tears shall reap in,;. 1.37. 6. if prefer not Jerusalem above my chief y. Prov. IS. 20. but to the counsellors of peace is J. 14. 10. a stranger not intermeddle with his j. 15. 21. folly is,;', to him destitute of wisdom 23. a man hath,;', by the answer of his mouth 17. 21 and the father of a fool hath no ,;'. 21. 15. it is ,;'. to the just to do judgment 23. 24. who begetteth a wise child shall have j. Eccl. 1. 10. I withheld not my heart from j. 26. God giveth him wisdom, knowledge, and j. 5. 20. God answereth him in the ,;'. of his heart 9.7. go thy way, eat thy bread with J. lia. 9. 3. not increased the ,;'. according to the j. 17. Lord shall have no,;', in their young men 12. 3. with ,;'. shall ye draw water out of wells 16. 10. ,;'. is taken out of the plentiful field 24. 8. y. of the harp ceaseth II 11. j. is darkened 29. 19. the meek shall increase their ,;'. in Lord 32. 13. on all houses of J. i| 14. aj. of wild asses 35. 2. and rejoice even with j. and singing 10. with everlasting,;', on their heads, 51. 11. 52. 9. break forth intoj. || 55. 12. go out withj. 60. 15. I will make thee a J. of many generations 61. 3. to give them the oil of ,7. for mourning 7. everlasting J. shall'be unto them 65. 14. my serveints shall sing for j. of heart 18. for behold, I create her people a j. 66. 5. but he shall appear to your j'. 10. rejoice for j. with her, all ye that mourn Jer. 15. 16 the word was to me thej. of my heart 31. 13. I will turn their mourning into,;'. 33. 9. it shall be tome a name ofj. a praise 11. again there shall b» hf'ard the voice oi j. 48. 27. since thou spaJtest, ihou skippedst for ,;'. 33. ,;'. is taken from the plentiful field Jer. 49. 25. the city of praise, the city of my J. Lam. 2. 15. the city, the J. of the whole earth 5. 15. the ,;'. of our heart is ceased, our dance Etek. 24. 25. take from them the »'. of their glory 36.5. appointed, with the j. of'^all their heart //oj.9.1. rejoice not, O Israel, for,;'.as other people Joel. 1.12. because^, is withered away from men Zeph. 3. 17. he will rejoice over thee with j. Mat. 13. 20. anon with,;', receiveth it, Luke 8. 13, 44. for J. thereof goeth andselleth all he hath 25. 21. enter thou into the j. of thy Lord, 23. Luke 1.44. the babe leaped in my womb ''or,;. 6. 23. rejoice ye in that day, and leap for j. 10. 17. the seventy returned again with 7. 15. l.j. shall be in heaven over one sinner that 10. there is,;', in the presence of the angels 24. 41. while they yet believed not for,;'. John 5. 29. this my j. therefore is fulfilled 15. 11. I have spoKen to you, that my j. might remain in you, and that your,;', might be full 16. 20. your sorrow shall be turned into,;'. 21. for J. that a man is born into the world 22. and your,;', no man taketh from you 24. ye shall receive, that your 7. may be full 17. 13. might have my,;', fulfilled in themselves Acts 2. 28. make me full o{j, with thy countenance 13. 52. disciples filled with 7 in the Holy Ghost 20. 24. that I might finish my course with,;'. iVom. 14.17. kingdom of God isj. in the H. Ghost 15.13. God fill you with all j. in believing 32. may come to you with,;', by the will of God 2 Cor. 1. 24. but we are helpers of your j. 2. 3. that my ,;. is the ,;'. of you all 7. 13. the more joyed we for the J. of Titos 8. 2. the abundance of their,;', abounded to riches Gal. 5. 22. the fruit of the Spirit is love, ,;'. peace Phil. 1. 4. in prayer, making request with >. 25. abide for your furtherance and j. of faith 2. 2. fulfil ye my j.\\i. 1. my j. and crown 1 Thess. 1.6. received the word withj. of Holy G. 2. 19 what is our hope or J. || 20. ye are our ;. 3. 9. for the,;', wherewith we joy bel'ore God 2 Tmt. 1 4. that I may be filled with j. Philem. 20. let me have,;', of thee in the I^rd Ileb. 12.2. who for the J. that was set before him IS. 17. they may do it with j. and not with gritf IKO Jam. 1. C. count it j. when ye fall into temptation 4. 9- a-nU your,;', be turned into heaviness 1 Pet. 1. b. ye rejoice with j. unspeakable 4. 13. ye may be glad also with exceeding j. 1 John 1. 4. that your J. may be full, 2 Jotm 12. 3 John 4. I have no greater,;, than to hear that mj JudeSi. to present you faultless with exceeding,; See Gladness. Great JOY. 1 Kings 1, 40. the people rejoiced with great j. 1 CAroii.29-9- Gavidthe king rejoiced with great j 2 Chron. 30. 26. so there was great j. in Jerusalem A>/i.l2 43.G. hath made them rejoice vmh great j Mat. 2.10. saw the star, they rejoiced with great j 28. 8. went from sepulchre with fear and great J Luke 2.10. I bring you good tidings oi great j. 24. 52. they returned to Jerusalem with great j. Acts 8. 8. and there was great j. in that city 15. 3. they caused great j. to all the brethren Philem. 1. for we have great j. in thy love ShotU, OT shouted for JOY. Ezra 3. 12. and many shouted aloud /or j. Job 38. 7. and all the sons of God shouted for j. Psal. 5. 11. let those that put their trust iji thee rejoice : let them ever shout for j. 35. 27. 32. 11. shout for j. all ye that are upright in heart 63. 13. the valleys shout for j. they also sing 132. 9. and let thy saints shout for j. 16. JOY, Verb. Ps. 21. 1. the king shall >. in thy strength Isa. 9. 3. they j. before thee according to the joy 65. 19. 1 will rejoice and j. in my people Hab. 3. 18. I will J. in the God of my salvation iieph. 3. 17. he will ,;'. over thee with singing ^»n.5.11.but we also,;', in G.thro' our Lord Jesus Phil. 2. 17. yea, I j. and rejoice with you all 18. for the same cause also do ye,;', and rejoice 1 3Ac«.3.9. for all the joy wherewith we j. forvou JOYED. 2 Cor. 7. 13. the more,;', we for the joy of Titus JOYI'UL. 1 Kings 8. 66. they went to their tents J. and glad Ezra 0.22. for the Lord hath made them_»'. Esth. 5. 9. then Ilaman went forth that day j. Job 3.7. let no,;', voice come therein Ps.5. 11. Ut them that love thy name be y. in thee 35. 9. and my soul shall be ,;'. in the Lord 63. 3. my mouth shall praise thee with j. lips 66. 1. make ij. noise to God, all ye lauds 81. 1. make a j. noise to the God of Jacob 89. 15. blessed js the people that know the j. sound 95. 1, mjike 3.J. noise to the rock of our salvation 2. a.j. noise to him with psalms, 98. 4. | 100. 1. 98.6. make a,;', noise before the Lord the king 8. let the hills be ,;'. together before the Lord 113. 9- the barren to be a,;', mother of children 149. 2. let the children of Zioa be ,;'. in their kini; 5. let the saints be j. in glory ; let them sing Eccl. 7. 14. in the day of prosperity be,;', but in Tsa. 49. 13. sing, O heavens, and be ,;'. earth 56. 7. 1 will majte them j. in my house of prayer 61. 10. my soul shall be J. in my God 2 Cor.l. 4. I am exceeding,;', in all our tribulatica JOYFULLY. Eccl. 9. 9- live j. with the wife whom thou lovest iKX«19.6.Zaccheus cam* down and received him,; Heb. 10. 34. ye took ,;'. the spoiling of your goods JOYFULNESS. Deut. £8. 47. because servedst not the Lord with j Col. 1. 11. strengthened to long-suffering with,;'. JOYING. Col. 2.5. absent, yet am 1 with you in the spirit, j JOYOUS Isa. 22. 2. thou art full of stirs, a.j. city 23. 7. is this your,;', city, whose antiquity is .'An 1.47. an Israelite indeed, in whom fj no guile 3. 6. born of flesh is flesh, of the Spirit inspirit 13. but the Son of man which is in heaven 29. he that hath the bride is the bridegroom 4. 23. but the hour cometh, and now is 7. 27. no man knoweth whence he 1* 8.47. he that I'j of Oodl[18.37. that ixof the truth 9- 29. we know not from whence he is, 30. Act! 4. 24. made the sea, and all that in them is 17.19- what newdoctrine whereof thou speakest is Eph. 5. 17. understanding what the will of Lord is 2 Thess. 2. 4. above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, shewing himself that he is God J Tim. 4. 8. having promise of life that now is Heb. 11. 6. must believe he is, and is a rewarder i Johi 3. 2. for we shall see him as he is 3. as he is pure||4. sin is the transgression of law Rtv. 1. 4. which is, was, and is to come, 8. | 4. 8. 17. 8. behold the beast that was, is not, yet is 10. and one is and the other is n it not even thus, O children of Israel? .Ui>. 1.5. transgression of Jacob, is it not Samaria? 3. 1. is it not for you to know judgment ? Hab.2. 13. 1/ it not of the Lord of hosts that people JIui;. 2. 3. it it not in your eyes as nothing ? Zec/t. 5. 6. what is it ? Mat. 2(5. 6.'. Mark 14. 60. Acts 10. 4. I 21.22 2 Cor. 12. 13. Kp/i.i.g. Mat. 1. 8. is it not evil [j 3. 14. what profit is it Mit. 12. 10. is it lawful to heal on, Luke 14. 3. l6.1l.how «> iVye do not understand, Mark 8.21. 19.3.ix it lawful to put away his wife, Mark 10. 2. 20. 15. is It not lawful for me to do what 1 will 22.i7.ix it lawful to give tribute to Cesar, or not ? Mark 12. 14. Luke 20. 22. 26.22.began to say,Lord, is it I ? 25. Murk 14.19. 62. what it it which these witness. Mart 14. 60. Mark 2. 9. whether <> it easier to say, thy sins 16. how it At that he eateth with publicans 3. 4. is 4< lawful ttrdo good on sabbath, Luke 6. 9. 4. 40. he said, how is it that you have no faith ? 9. 2' how long is it ago since this came to him ? 10. 24. hard is it for them that trust in riches 11.17.saying to them.ix i/'not written, yo/i«10. 34. LuLe 2. 49. he said to them, how is it ye sought me 12. 56. how is it that ye do not discern this time ? 16. 2. how is it that I hear this of thee .' 22. 64. prophesy, who is it that smote thee ? Jo/m 4.9. how is it thou being a Jew askest of me 14. C2. how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself? .■lets 5. 9. how it it that ye ha%-e agreed together 22. 25. is it lawful for you to scourge a Roman ? 1 Cor. 6. 5. is it so, that there is not a wise man 9. 11 . is it a great matter if we reap your carnal 10. 16. it It not the communion of blood of Christ 12. 15. is it therefore not of the body, I6. 14. 26. how is it every one of you hath a psalm 1 /V/.2.20. what glory is il if when ye be bufTeted 1 JoAn 4. 3. even now already is it in the world Jt IS. Oen.M.QQ.it it in the power of my hand to do hurt 41. 16. and Joseph answered, it is not in me Num. 23. 18. go up and see the land what il is Dent. 31 . 8. he it is that doth go before thee 1 Sam. 3. 18. it is the Lord, let him do what seems 2 Sam. 13. 35. so it is, Job 5. 27. Luke 12. 54. 21 . 1 . i< is for Saul and for his bloody house 2 h'ijtgs 10.15. is thine heart right as my heart ? it is 2 C/ir. 6. 10. he il is that executeth the priesi'o office 21.17. even 1 it is that have sinned, and done evil 2 C/iron. 5. 9. and there it is unto this day J'b 26. 3. how hast thou declared the thing as it is I's. 39. 4. to know the measure of my days what it is Jer. .'ib. 7. it is even the time of Jacob's trouble Lam. 3. 22. il is of Lord's mercies not consumed I'.zek. 21. 27. till he come whose right it it Mat. 6. 10. will be done on earth, as il it in heaven 1 1- 27.ofgoodcheer,i< is 1, be not afraid, J.j//)j6. 20. 16. 7. it it because we have no bread, MarJt 8. I6. JoAii 1 .27. he it is who coming after me is preferred 7. 22. not because it ix of .Moses, but the fathers l.i. 26. he it it to whom I shall give a sop 14. 21 . hath commandments; he it it that loveth Atlt 12. 15. then said they, il is his angel 1 Cor. 3. 13. try every man'.s work, of what sort it is 11. 14. that if a man have longhair it it a shame 15. if a woman have long hair it is a glory to lier 2 Cor. 5. 13. IX it to God, or if we be sober, ix it for Cal. 4. 29. bat as then, even so 1/ ix now Ciil. 1. 6. is come to you, as it it in all the world 2 Thess. 3. 1. be glorified, even as it is with you Hee litHOLU, 15i.TTtK, Goou, Written. IS not. Ofi1.n7.30.the child is not || 42.13. and one is not,^' 42.3ti. and.lacob said, Joseph ix not, Simeon ix nor 44. 5. it not this it in which my Lord drinketh ? Exod. 4. 14. it not Aaron th% Levitt thy brother 14. 12. it not this the word tiiat we did tell thee iVtim. 12.7. my servant Ma»es it not so, who is 1(). 40. is not of seed of Aaron, come near to offer 23. 19. God it not a man that he should lie Deul. 11. 10. the laud it not as the land of I'gypt 29. 15. also with him that is not here this day 31. 17. because our God is not amon[;st us 32. 6. it not he thy Father that bought thee? 31. for their rock it not as our rock 34. it not this laid up in store with me ? Judg. 4.14 IX »io< the Lord gone out before thee ' 19. 12. a city that ix n« of the children of Israel 1 .^'am. 15.29. heitmit u man that he should repent 20. 37. he cried, ix not the arrow beyond thee SI. 11. u IKK Utis Uarid king of (ho land .' Sg, 3,5, IS 2 Stm. 11. 3. IX not this Batbsheba wife of irrCah 14. 19. it not the hand of Joab with thee in this 20 21. and Joab said, the matter it not so 23.i7.i1 not this the blood of the men that went 1 A'i«jx8.41. stranger that ixnox of Isr. 2C/H.6.32; 2 h'ings 6. 19. this it not the way, nor this the city 32. IX not the sound of his master's feet behind 1 C/iro». 22. 18. ix not the Lord your God with you 2 Chron. 25. 7. for the Lord is not with Israel Esth. 4. 16. which it not according to the law Job 4. 6. ix 7101 this thy fear, tny confidence 6.13. it not my help in me ||9.32.he is not a man aJ 21. 16. lo, their good it 7iot in their hand 22.5. IX not thy wickedness great and infinite ? 12. it not God in the height of heaven ? 23. 8. behold, I go forward, but he it not there 27. 19. the rich man openeth his eyes, and he it n. Prov. 7. 19. for the good man it not at home, he is 23. 5. wilt thou set thy eyes on that which ix not 7. eat, saitU he, but his heart is not with thee Eecl. 9. 11. I saw the race is not to the swift /xrt.l0.9.ix«oJ Calno, is not Ilamath.ix not Saniar. 17. 14. and behold, before the morning he is not 55. 2. spend money for that which is not bread Jer. 5. 13. and the word is not in the prophets 8.19.ixno/ the Lord in Zion, it7iot her Kin? in her 10.16. the portion of Jacob ixnox like thein^ 51.19. 23. I know that the way of mamxnox in himself 23.29. 's not my word like as a fire, saith the Lord 38. 5. the king it not he that can do any thing 49. 10. and Esau ix no/ II 51. 9- but she is not healed £:fi.l8.i5.ye say the way of the Lord is not equal, is not my way equal r 29. | 33. 17, 20 Dan. 2. 11. the gods.whose dwelling ix not with fltsh 30. as for me, this secret is not revealed to me 4.30. IS not this great Babylon, that 1 have built Iht. 2. 2. for she is not my wife, nor I her hnsbjind Mic. 2. 10. arise, depart, for this is tiot your rest 3. 11. yet will they say, it hoi the Lord among us Hab. 2. 4. his soul which is lifted up it 7iot upright 2ff/j.3.2.ix nor this a brand plucked out of the fire .' A/ar. 13. 55. is>tot this the carpenter's son, is no/ his 20.23. on my left, is not mine to give, Mark 10.40. S2. 32. God is 7iot the God of the dead, but of the living, Mark 12. 27. Lnkc 20. 38, 24.6. come to pass,bul the end is nor yet, Luke il.g, 28. 6. he it not here, for he is risen, Luke 24. 6. Luke 6. 40. the disciple is not above his master 22. 27. is not he that sitteth at meat greater John 3. 18. he that believeth is not condemned 5.31. my witness is not true j|9. I6. this man is r.ot 11.4. Jesus said, this sickness ix tiot unto deatli 14.24.tlieword which you hearix not mine, 7. 16. 18. 36. my kingdom is 7iot of this world Horn, 2. £8. he ix not a Jew that is one outwardly 29. whose praise is not of men but of God 3.29.'xno/he also of the Gentiles, yes, of Gentiles 8. 24. but hope that is seen is 7iot hope 14. 17. the kingdom of God is 7101 meat and diinli 2't. for whatsoever is no/ of faith is sin 1 Ciir. 4. 20. for the kingdom of God is tiot in word 6. 13. now the body is not for fornication 7. 15. a brother or sister it not under b.indage 11.8. for the man is not of the woman, but the 20. this is not to eat the Lord's supper 12. 14. for the body is not one member, but many 13. 4. charity envieth not, is 7101 puffed up 15. 39. all flesh is not the same flesh, but there is 58. that your labour is 7wt in vain in the Lord 0'/7/.l.7.wliich itnot another, but some trouble you 11. the gospel preached by me ix not after man 3. 12. law IX no/ of faith || 20.ix no/ a mediator of one 6. 7. be not deceived, God it 7iot mocked Phil. 3. 1. to write the same tc me ix not grievous Jleb. 6. 10. for God it not unrighteous, to forget 2 Pet. 3. 9. the Lord ix 7iot slack concerning his 1 JoAn 1.8. the truth it n.in us,2.4.||1.10.word ix n 2. 15. the love of the Father it not in him 16. it 7tot of the lather, but is of the world 3. 10. doth not righteousness, ix no/ of God, 4.3,6 5. 16. if brother sin a sin which itnot unto death Jlev 17. 8. beast thou sawest,was, and i< not, 11 li IS not. Ctn. 2. 18. it is not good, Prov. 18. 5. | 25. 27. £8. 21. //ox. 8. 6. Mat. I9. 10. 31. 5. that it is 7iot towards me as before 41. 16. il itnot in me, God shall give an answer Exod. 8. 26. and Moses said, it is not meet so to do Deul. 32. 47. for it it not a vain thing for you 1 6'am. 6.9. shall know it it not his hand that smot« 20. 2. Jonathan said, God forbid, 1/ ix nor so Ezra 5. I6. been in building, yetir ix not finished Job 9. 35. 1 would speak, but 1/ ix not so with me 28.14. it ix no/ in me,tlie sea saith, i/ itnot with me 35.15. but now because it i« not so, he hath visited /Vol'. 31.4. it it not for kings, O Lemuel, to drink Jer. 5. 12.it ix no/ he||10.2S.i/ ix no/ in man to direct Exek. 11. 3. which say, it it not near, let u» boild Af«/. 10.20. for it it not ye that speak, but the Spirit 1 3 . 1 1 , (9 you it u giv«D,bqt to Umb if it nut giTeo IS Mat. I.J.4.if i/«.1av. tohive UeT,C7 .6 ifark 6.18. 15.-6.1/ ijnormeet to take children's, MariT.Zl. 18. 14. even so »/ it not the will of your Father Aels 1. 7. it I'.t not for you to know the times 6.2.1/ is not reason tnat we should leave the word 22. 2C. for it is not fit that he should live 25- l6. it is not the manner of the Komans Rom. 9. Id. so then it is not of him tliat willeth 2 Cor. 12. 1. it is not expedient for me to glory l.S there. Gen. 31.14. is there yet any portion or inheritance Oeut . S. 24. what Hod is there in heaven or earth 4.7. what nation is there so csreat, who hath God,8. .^. 26 . who is there of all flesh that hath heard 20. 5. what man i> there that hath built, 7. 8. 32. £8. nor is there any understanding in them fudg.i.iO.is there any man || 14. 3. is there never a 21. 5. who is there 3.a\ongM the tribes of Israel, 8. 1 Sam . 2. 2. neither is there any rock like our God 17. 29. and David said, is there not a cause ? 25am.7.22.nor i> <.any God besides thee, /.ra.44.8. g. 1 . is there any that is leftof Saul's house, .'5. i Kings i'i .7 .is there not here a prophet of the Lord besides > 2 Kin^t .•». 11.2 Chron. 18 6. i Chr.iO. 6. ;n thy hand is t. not power and might r .16. 2-3. who isi. amon^ you his people ? E:ra 1..3. Neh.6.1l.3.nd who is there being as I am would go Jio 6. 30. is there iniquity in my ton?ue, 33. 9. 15. il. is there any secret thing with thee? Psal. 30. 9- what profit is t. in my blood when I go Prov. 17- 16. is there a price in the hand of a fool Eecl.l.lO.is there any thing whereof it may be said 5, 11. what good if theie to the owners thereof fsa. 2. 7. nor if there any end of their treasures, nor i> there any end of their chariots 44.19. nor is there knowledge to say, I have burnt 20. nor say, is there not a lie in my right hand r Jtr. 8.22. is I. no balm in Gilead, is t. no physic iin 32. 27. I am Lord, is t. any thing too hard for me 37.17.a5ked him, i* there any word from the Lord Has. 12 1 1 .i\t there iniquity in Gilead, surely vanity dmos&.U). is t. yet any with thee, ye shall say, no Afar.7.9^hat man is thereof you, whom if his son ^ctsi.\'2.noT is joy in John 8. 44. because there is no truth in him 11. 10. he stumbleth, because t. i> no light in him 1 Cor. 3. 3. there is among you envying and strife 5. 1. it is reported there is fornication among you 8. 6. but to us there is but one God, the Father 15. 54. t. is a natural body, /. is a. spiritual body- On/. 5.23. temperance, against such there is no law Col. 3. 25. and there ts no respect of persons 1 John i.\8. there is do fear in love, but perfect love 5.16. there i> a sin unto death, I do not say he shall 17. and there is a sin not unto death See No.NE, One. There IS not. Gen.iT .18. there if no* ought left in sightof my lord 2Sam.l3.30. slain the king's sons, «i/f. 17.9. come to the j. that shall be in those days 12. the man that will not hearken to the j. 25.2. that the_;. shall cause him to lie down Judg. 2. 18. then (he Lord was with the j. ly. the J. was dead, they corrupted ihemselres 11. 27. the Lord the J. be j. this day between 1 Sam. 2. 25. if a man sin, the j. shall judccbim 2 Sam. 15. 4. Absalom said, O that I were made^. Job 9. 15. I would make supplication to my j. 23. 7. 1 should be delivered for ever from "lyj. 31. £8. an imquuy to be ponubed by the^. JU Psa!. 7. t 11. frod is a righteous,;, and ti angrv 50. 6. heavensdeclare.forGodis^'. himself, soiah 68. S. 3.J. of the widows||75. 7. God is the j. 94. 2. lift up thyself, thou J. of the earth, render Isa. 3. 2. doth take away from Jerusalem the j. A)nos2. 3. 1 will cut off thej. from the midst thereof iWic. 5.1. they shall smite the J.o{ Israel with a rod 7.3. prince asketh, and the 7 asketh for a reward Mat. 5. 25 the adversary deiiTer thee to the 7'. tha j deliver thee to the officer, /.uke 12. 58. Luke 12. 14. man, who made me a.j. over you? 18. 2. saying, there wjis in a city a^. feared not G. 6. the Lord said, hear what the unjust _;. saith Acts 10. 42. of God to be ihej. of quick and dead 18. 15. for I will be no j of such matters 24. 10. hast been of many years aj. of this nation 2 7i»j.4.8. the Lord the righteousj shall give ma JJeli. 12. 23. ye are come to God the J. of all Jam. 4. 11. thou art not a doer of the law, but 3.j. 5. 9. behold, the J. siandeih before the door JUDGE, f-'erb, applied to GOD and Christ. GeK. 16.5. J. between me and thee, 1 6'um. 24. 12,15. 31. 53. the God of their father j. betwixt us Eiod. 5.21. they said, the Lord look on you, and,/. Ueui.S'Z. 36. for the Lord shall^ his people, Psal. 50. 4. I 135. 14. Ileb. 10. 30. 1 Sam. 2. 10. the Lord shall^. the ends of the earth 24. t 15. the Loiij. me out of thy hand 1 /ij«gf 8.32.hear and J. thy servants, 2 t7ir.6. 23. ICV/r. 16.33. comethto^.theearth.^'j.yd. 13. | 98.9. 2 Chron. 20. 12. O our God, wilt thou not j'. them? Job 22.13. sayest, can he 7. through the dark cloud? Pjai. 7. 8. the Lord shall ^^ the people righteously, 9.8. 150.4. i y6. 10. lO.lS.j". the fatherless and poor,82.t3. Jsa. 11.4. 26. 1. j. me, U Lord, 7. 8. | 35. 24. | 43. 1 I 54. 1. Lam. 3. 59. 82. 8. arise, O God,j. theeanh, thou shalt inherit y6. 13. he shall j, the world with righteousness, 98.9. -•if/<17.31. 110. 6. he shall J. among the heathen Eccl. 3. 17. God shall j. the righteous and wicked Jsa. 2. 4. and he shall j. among the nations 3. 13. the Lord standeth to ;. the people 11.3. he shall notj. after the sight of his eyes 51.5. and mine arm shall J. the people Ezek. 7 , 3. and will j. thee actorduig to thy ways 34. 17. behold Ij. between cattle and cattle Joel 3. 12. there will 1 sit 10 j. the heathen Mic. 4. 3. he shall 7'. among many people John 5. 30. as I hear Ij. my judgment is just 8. 15. I j. no man l| 16. and yet if 1 j. 26. I have many things to say and toj. of yotx 12. 47. I^'.him not, 1 came not toj. the world Kom. 2. iC. when God shall j. the secrets of meo 3. 6. for then bow shall Godj. the world ? 2 7>m.4.1. who shall j. quick and dead, 1 Pet.i.5. Heb. 13.4. whoremongers and adulterers G. willj. liev. 6. 10. dost thou not j. and avenge our blood 19. 11. in righteousness he dothj. and make war See farther, I ai// JuuoB, JUDGE, applied to Ma.n, or other things. Gen. 31. 37. that they may j. betwixt us both 49.16. Danshall^. his people as one of the tribes Eiod. 18. 13. that Moses sat to j. the people j6. they come, I j. between one and another 22. but every small matter they shall j. Lev. ly. 15. in righteousness shalt thou j. thy neighbour, Deut. 1. 16. | 10.18 iVk»i.35.24. the congregation j. between the slayer Deut. 25. 1. come, that the judges may j. them 1 Sam. 2. 25. if a man sin, the judge shall j. him 8. 5. thou art old, make us a king to j. us, 0. 20. 1 Kings 3. y. give an understanding heart loj. who is able to j. this great people i 2 Chron. 1. 10. 7. 7- a porch for the throne where he might j. 2C/1/0H. 1. 11. 1h.1t thou mayut j'. my people 19.6. for ye j. not for man, but for the Lord Ezra 7. 25. set judges which may j. all the peoplp I'sal. 58. 1, do ye j. uprightly, O ye sons ol meu ' 72. 2. he shall j. thy people with righteousness 4. he shall j. the poor ol the people, I'ioi. 3. 9- 82. 2. how long will ye j. unjustly, and accept Isa. 1. \1.j. the fatherless, plead for llie widow 23. they j. not the fatherless, Jer. 5. 28. 5. 3. j. 1 pray you betwixt me and my vineyard Jer. 21. t 12. j. judgment, ^4ch. 7. t 9. | 8. t 10. Ezek. 20. 4. wilt thou j. them, son of man ? S2. 8. 23. 24. and Uiey shall >. ihec, 45. 1 24. 14. 36. son of man, wilt j. Aholah ana Aholibah ' 44.24. they shall^. il according to my judgments ibaU. 21. saviours came 1.0 j. the mount of Esau .Mic. 3. 11. the heads thereof j. for reward ^.ech. 3. 7. then thou shall also 7'. my house Ajat. 7. I. J. not that ye be not judged 2. for with what judgment ye j. Luke b. 37. Luie 12. 57 yea,a]id whyj. ye not what 15 right? Johnl. 24. >. not accorduig to the appearance, but J. ri^Mou* judgmiBt JUD JehnT.il. doth oar law. j. any man before it hear B. 15. ye J. after flesh || 12. J8 same shall J. him 18. 31. isJie and^'. him accrdiiig to your law ^is4. 19- jj- ye II >■''• -id. _;'. yourselves unworthy 23. 3. for sittest thou io_;. me after the lav/ /J»ni.C.?7uncircumci5ion if it fulfil the law.^.thee !♦. 1 1. not to^'. his doubtful thoughts 3. j. him that eateth |l 10. why j. thy brother 13. let us D0t_7". one another, but j. this rather 1 Cor. 4. 3. Ij. not myself, || 5. j. not. before time 5. 12. what have I to do J. them that are without, do ye notj. them that are within ' S.2.do ye not knowthat the saints shatl^'.the world' 3. know ye not that we shall j. angels ? 4. set them toj. who are least esteetEi-d in church 5. shall be abletoj. between his brethren 10. 15._;. ye what 1 say |1 11. 13._;. in yourselves 11. 31. for if we would_>. ourselves, we should 14. 29. let the prophets speak, and the othvr ;'. 2 Cor. 5. 14. because we thusj. that if one died iZol.i. 16. let no man therefore y. you in meat Jam. 4. 11. but if thou >. the law, thou art not yuiV/ JUDGE. 1 5am. 3.13. 1 told that / u:iUj. his house for ever Psal.'^b. 2. when shall receive, I uill j. uprightly £iek. 7. 3. j. according to thy ways, 8.27.|| 3!. CO. il. 10. Iiiillj, yoa in the border of Israel, U. 16.38. lui/lj. thee as women that break wcliock 18. 30. therefore 1 nillj. you, O house of Nrael 01. 30. luill j. thee in the place where thou wast 34. 20. I, even I.zii/lj. between fat cattle, 22. Hill /JUDGE. Gen. 15.14. the nation they shall serve-;. /?<•// 7.7. Zuie 19. 22. out of thine own mouth kiU Ij. thee JUDGED. Gen. 30. 6. God hath j. me and heard my voice Eiod. 18. 26. _;'. the people, small matter they_;. Judg. 3. 10. Othniel J. || 4. 4. Deborah j. Israel 10. 2. Tola J. II 3. Jairj. j] 12. 7. Jephthah J. 12.8. Ibzanj. ||11. Elon .;. y U Abdonj. Israel 15. 20. Samson,;. Israel twenty years, 16. 31. Ii%lh l. + l. when judges J. there was a famine 1 Sam. 4.18. Eli j.|]7.6. Samuel j. Israel, 15,U),17. 8 Sam. 18. 1 19- the Lord j. him from his enemies 1 Kings 3. 28. heard the judgment the king had j. S A'injf 23. 22. from the days of the judges that ^^ Pial. g. 19. let the heathen be^'. in thy sight 37. 33. not condemn him when he is J. 109. 7. when he shall be j. let him be condemned Jer. 22. 16. he_;. the cause of the poor and needy £iek. 16. 38. as women that shed blood are^'. 52. thou also who hast^'. thy sisters, bear shame 28. 23. and the wounded shall be j. in her 35. 11. make myself known, when I havej. thee 36. 19. according to their doings I j. them Dan. 9- 12. and against our judges that^'. us Afa/.7.1.that ye be not J. || 2. shall be .;'. Luke 6. 37. Jiuke 7. 43. he said to him, thou hast rightly _;'. Jolin 16. 11. the prince of this world is J. Acts ]6. 15. if ye have j. me to be faithful 24.6. we would have J, according to our law 25. 9. there be^'. of these things before me, 20. 10. Paul said, I stand, where I ought to be j. S6. 6. and am j'. for the hope of the promise Rom. 2. 12. shall hej. by the law. Jam. 2. 12. 3. 4. thou mightest overcome when thou artj. 7. why yet am I also J. as a sinner ' 1 Cor. 2. 15. yet h9 himself is j. of no man 4.3. a small thing that I should bej. of you 5. 3. I havej'. already, as though I were present 6. 2. and if the world shall be j. by you 10.29. forwhyis my liberty^'. of anotherman's 11. 31. if we would judge we should not be;. 32. when we are^'. we are chastened of the Lord 14. 24. he is convinced of all, he is j. of all JJei.il. 11. because she J. hini faithful who had 1 Pet. 4. 6. ihey might lej. according to men Jter. 11.18. time of the dead, that they should be ;. 16. 5. art righteous because thou hast j. thus 19- 2. righteous, for he hath^'. the great whore 20. 12. the dead werej. out of those things 13. were J. every man arcording to his works JUnciES. EjoJ. 21.6. his mastershall bring him to thej. 22. and he shall pay as (he j. determine 22. 8. then the master shall be brought to thej, 9- the cause of both shall come befoie the^. _t28. thou shall not revile the^'. Au»j. 25. 5. Moses said to ihe^'. sla\ each his men Veui. 1. 16. 1 charged yourj. at that lime, saying i6. 18. j. shalt thou make in all thy cates i9.i7.both themeji shall »tandii<-fore priests and J. 18. the J. shall make diligent inquisition Si. 2. thy elders and thy j. shall come lorth 85. 1. they come that the ;'. may judge them ^S. 31. even onr enemies themselves being ^". J*th. 8.33. their j. stood on this «ide the ark «3.e. Joshua called for ibeir heads and^. C4. 1. *<^f.2.l6.the Lord raised npj. whn di-livered, 18. 17. they would not heatkeo to their i 314 .TUT) Ruth 1. 1. when tUe^'. ruled a famine was 1 Sam. 8. 1. he made his sons^. over Israel, 2. 1 Sam.T. il. I commanded^'. to be over my people 2 /\ings23. 22. from the days of thej. thatjudged 1 C/ir. 17. 6. spaJte I a word to any of the j. 10. 21.4. and six thousand were othcers andj'. 2t). 29. Chenaniah and his sons were for .r" . 2 CAron. 1. 2. then Solomon spake to the >. 19. 5. he set^'. iu the land || 6. said to the j Ezra 7- 25. set^'. which may judge the peoplt 10. 14. and with them the j. of every city Joi 9. 24. he covereth the faces of the j. thereof 12. 17. and he maketh the j. fools 31. 11. it is an iniquity to be punished by the j. Psal. 2. 10. be instructed ye j. of the earth 109. t 31. to save him from the^'. of his soul 141.6. when J. are overthrown in stony places 148. 11. prince;, and all j. of the earth Prov. 8. 16. by me princes rule, and all^'. of earth Jsa. 1. 26. I will restore thy j. as at the tirst 40.23. he maketh the_;. of the earth as vanity Dan. 3. 2. Nebuchadnezzar sent to gatherthe^'. 3. 9- 12. his words against our^'. thatjudged us Uoi. 7.7. and they have devoured their ^■. 13. 10. where are thy j. of whom ihou saidst Zeph. 3. 3. her j'. are evening wolves, they gnaw Mat. 12. 27. they shall be yourj. Luke 11. 19. Acts 13. 20. and after that he gave to them j. Jam. 2.4. and are become j. of evil thoughts JUDGESr. Psal. 51.4. thou mightest be clear when thou J. Jer. 11.20. Lord of hosts, that J. righteously Rom. 2. 1. O man, whosoever thou art th.at j. 3. O man, thatj. them which do such things 14. 4. who art thou that^. another man's servant Jam. 4. 12. who art thou that,;, another JUDGETH. Joh 21. 22. seein'; he j. those that were high .16. 31. for by them j, he the people Psal. 7. 11. God J. the righteous, is angry with 58. 11. verily he is a God that^'. in (he earth 82. 1. in congregation of mighty, he J. among gods Prov. 29. 14. the king that faithfully j. the poor John 5. 22. for the Father^', no man, btit hath 8. 50. there is one that j. \\ 12. 48. one that J. him 1 Cor. 2. 15. he that is spiritual j. all things 4.4. but he that^'. me is the Lord 5. 13. but them that are without, God j. Jam. 4. 11. he that^'. his brother,^', the law 1 Pel. 1. 17. who without respect of persons j'. 2. 23. but committed himself to him that J. Ret). 18. 8. for strong is tne Lord that j". her JUDGING. Gen. SO. tfi. Rachel called his name,^'. 2 A'in^f 15.3.J. thepeople of theland, 2CAr.26.21. Psal. 9- 4. thou sattest in the throne j. right Isa. 16. 5. he shall sit/, and seeking judgment Mat. 19. 28./. the twelve tribes, Luke 22. 30. JUDGMENT Signifies, [1] The sentence, or decision of a judge, 1 Kings 3.28. [2] 'i'he spirit of wisdom and prudence, enabling to know and discern right from turong, and good from evil, Psal. 72. 1. [3] Those remarkable punishments, vihieh God inflicts upon people for their sins and trans gressioni, Prov. 19. 29. Ezek. 30. 14. [4] The spiritual government of the world, uhtch committed by God the Father to Christ the Mediator, and which he manages uiih a per- J'ect rectitude and equity, John 5. 22 | 9. 39. [5] Those afflictions and chastisements -uhich God brinies upon his children for their trial and instruction, 1 Pet. 4. 17. [6] God'i merciful moderation in chastising his people, Jer. 10. 24. [7] The solemn action and trial at the great and last day, Eccl. 12. 14. Jude 6. I8] The righteous statutes and com- matidmtnts of God, Psal. II9. 7. 20. [9] The punishment inflicted 0,. Christ for our sins, Isa. 53. 8. [iol The doctrine of the gospel, or God's uord. Mat. 12. 18. Psal. 119. 7,20. [11] Justice and equity, Isa. 1. 17. Luke 11. 42. [12] I'lie deliverance and vindication of man- kind from the power and tyranny of the devil, John 12. 31. [13] God's decrees and purposes concerning nations, or persons, Rom. 11. 33. [14] The sentence of damnation upon the witked, and of absolution in favour of the godly, Jude 15 [15] Courts of judgment. Mat. 5. 21. [16] Dijerences and controversies to ie decided, 1 Cor. 6. 4. [17] Sentiment, or opinion, 1 Cor. 1. 10. [18] Advice, 1 Cor. 7 25. [1^] The gospel, or kingdom of grace. Mat. 12. 20. Grn. 30. t 21. I^ah called her name, j. Ejod. 12. 12. against the gods 1 will execute/. 21. 31. according to this/ be it done to him 23. 2. to decline after many, to wrest j. 6. 28. 15. thou shalt make the breast-plate of/. 29. A&roD bear oaiiies io breast-plate of/. 30. JUD I Vum. 27. 11. to Israel a statute of/ 35. S^, I 21. after the/, of Urim before the Lord Deut. 1. 17. not afraid of man, for the /. is God 10. 18. he doth execute the /. of the fatherless 16. 18. they shall judge the people with just^i 19. not wrest ^. || 17. 11. according to the/.' 17- 9- they shall shew thee the sentence of/. 24. 17. thou shalt not pervert the/, of the stranga 25. 1. be a controversy, and they come unto j 27. 19. cursed be he that perverteth /. of strati* 32. 4. for all his ways are/.; a God of truth 41. if my hand take hold on /. 1 will render Josh. 20. 6. stand before the congregation for /. Judg. 4. 5. Israel came up to Deborah for/. 1 Sam. 8. 3. his sons took bribes and perverted /. •ZSam. 8. 15. David executed/. 1 Chron. 18. 14. 15. 2. when any man came to the king for/. 6. 1 A'm^xS.Jl.hast asked understanding to discern , 28. all Israel heard of the /. the king judged 7- 7. the porch of/. 1| 20. 40. so shall thy /. be 2 filings 25. 6. took the king and gave/, upon him 2 Chron. I9. 8. chief of fathers for /. of the Lord 20. 9. when evil cometh on us as the sword, /. 22.8. when Jehu was executing/, on Ahab 24. 24. so they executed /. against Joash Ezra"!. 26. let /. be executed speedily on him tjth. 1. 13. towards all that knew law and/ Joi 8. 3. doth God pervert/, or pervert justice ' 9- 19- if I speak of/. |1 19. 7. but there is no/. 19- 29- that ye may know there is a/. 32.9. neither do the aged understand/. 34. 4. let us choose to us /. know what is good 12. neither will ftie Almighty pervert/. 35. 14. yet/, is before him, trust in him 36. 17. thou hast fulfilled the /. of the wicked, t . and justice take hold on thee Psal. 7. 6. awake for me to the /. thou hast comm. 9. "• he hath prepared his throne for/. 8. shall minister/, to the people in rishteousness 16. the Lord is known by the /. he executeth 33.5. he loveth righteousness and /. 37.28. 37. 6. he shall bring forth thy /. as the noon-day 30. and his tongue talketh of/. 72. 2. and he shall judge thy poor with/. 76. 8. thou didst cause /. to be heard from heaven 9. when God arose to /. to save the meek of the earth 89. 14. justice and/, are the habitation, 97. 2 94. 15. but/, shall return to righteousness 99- 4- the king's strength also loveth/. thou exe- cutest/. and righteousness in Jacob 101. 1. I will singof mercy and/, to thee, O Lord 103.6. Lord executeth/. for the oppressed, 146.7. 106. 3. blessed are they that keep /. 30. then Phinehas stood up and executed /. 111. 7. the works of his hjinds are verity and /. 112. j 5. he will guide his affairs with/. 119. 66. teach me good/, auid knowledge 121. I have done/, and justice, leave me not 149. O Lord, quicken me ziocording to thy/. 122.5. for there are set thrones of/. 149.9. to execute upon them the/, written Prov.l.3.lo receive the instruction ol wisdom and/ 2.8. he keepeth the paths of/, and preserveth 9. then shalt thou tmderstand /. and equity 8. 20. I lead in the midst of the paths of/. 13. 23. there is that is destroyed for want of j 17- 23. taketh a gift to pervert the ways of/. 19-28. an ungodly witness scorneth/. 20. 8. a. king that sitteth in the throne of/. 28.5.evil men understand not/, but they that seek 29. 4. the king by /. establisheth the land 26. every man's /. cometh from the Lord 31. 5. nor pervert the/, of any of the afflicted Eecl. 3. 16. I saw under the sun the place of/. 5. 8. if thou seest violent perverting of /. and justice 8. 5. and a wise man discemeth both time and /. 6. because to every purpose there is time and/. Isa. 1. 17. seek /. || 21. it was full of /. 27. Zion shall be redeemed with/. 4. 4. shall have purged Jerusalem by the spirit of/. 5. 7. and looked for /. || 16. 5. seeking /. 9. 7. and to establish it with /. and with justice 10. 2. to turn aside the needy from /. 16. 3. execute /. Jer. 21. 12. | 22. 3. E:ek. 18. 8. I 45. 9. i;<'<:A.7.9- I B 12 28.6. fora spirit of/. | 17. 1 will lav/, to the line 30. IB. will have mercy, forthe Lord is aOod of/ 32. 16. then J. shall dwell in the wilderness 33.5. Lord hath filled Zion with^. and nghteousn 34. 5. and upon the people of my curse to /. 40. 14. and who taught him in the path of/.' 41. 1. let us come near together to /. 42. I. he shall bring forth/, to the Gentiles 3. he shall bring forth /. unto truth 4. he shall not fail, till he have set j. in the earth 53. 8. he was taken from prison and from /. 56. 1. keep ye/, and do justice, IJos. 12 6. 59. 8. and there is no ;. in their goings JUD Ua. 5g. 9. therefore is_7. far from us, neither doth 11. we look for_;. but there is none li.j. is turned awaj backward, and justice 15. it displeased him that there was noj. 61.8. I the Lord love^'. I hale robbery Jer. 5. 1. if there be any that executetit _;'. 4. they know not the j. of their God, 8. ". 5. they have known the,;, of their God 7.5. if ye thoroughly execute j. between a man 9. 24, which exercisej. and righteousness in earth 10. 'li. correct me, but withj. not in thine anger 21. 12. execute J. in the morning, and deliver him C.T. 5. branch shall execute,;', in the earth, 33. 15. 26. til. the j. of death is for this man 39. 5. to Kiblah, where he gavej. upon hira, 52. 9. 48. 21. and^'. is come upon the plain country 47 thus far is the J. of Moab 49. 12. they whose ^■. was not to drink of the cup 51.9. forsake her, for herj. reacheth unto heaven Etek. 23. 10. for they had executed j. on her 24. I will set J. before them, they shall judge Dan. 4. .37. king of heaven, all who^e ways are j. 7. 10. >. was set II 26. but the j shall sit 22.^. was given to the saints of the most High Hos. 5. l.give ye ear, for J. is toward you 10. 4. thus^'. springeth up as hemlock in the field Amos 5. T. ye who turn^'. into wormwood 15. love the good, and establish j. in the gate 24. but let j'. run down as waters and righteousn. 6. 12. for ye have turned j. into gall Jt7/c. 3. 1. is it not to know ;. II 8. I am full of J. 9. that abhor J. II 7. 9. and ex'-ctiiej. for me Uab. 1. 4. law is slacked, _;. doth never go forth 7. their J. shall proceed of themselves 12. O Lord, thou hast ordained them for j". Zepli.1. 3. all ye which have wrought his J. 3.5. every morning doth he brings', to lii;ht ninl. 2. 17. yet ye say, where is the God of j.T Mai. 5. 21. shall he in danger of the j. 22. 7. 2. with what j. ye judge, ye shall be judged J2. 18. he shall shew j. to the Gentiles 20. till he send forth j. unto victory 23. 23. and have omitted j. mercy, and faith Lu/ie 11. 42. and pass over^'. and the love of God Jo/m 5. 22. but hath committed ajl j. to the Son 27. hath given him authority to execute,;", also 7. 24. not to appearance, but judge righteous j. 9. .39. for J. I am come into this world 12.31. now is the J. of this world, now shall 16. 8. he will reprove the world of j 11. ^cts 8.33. in his humiliation hisj was taken away 21. 25. as he reasoned of j. Felix trembled 25. 15. the Jews desiring to have j'. against him t21. Paul appealed to the^' of Augustus Jfi'OT.l.f28. G. gave them over to a mind void otj. 32. who knowing they, of God, that they which 2.2. are sure that the j. of G. is according to truth .3. thinkest that thou shall escape the j. of God ' 5. and revelation of the righteous j'. of God 3. 1 19. world may be subject to the j. of God 5. 16. for ihej. was by one to condemnation 18. J. came on all men to condemnation 2 Ccr. !. 10. but be joined together in the same^. 4. 3. that I should be judged of man's y. H.t29. eateth and drinketh y. to himself + 34. that ye come not together to^. 2 T/iest. 1. 5. token of the righteous J. of God 1 Tim. 5. 24. some sins are open, going before loj. 2 Tim. 3. i 8. men of no^. concerning the failh Til. 1. 4 16. to every good work void of^. He6. 6. 2. and of eternal j. || 9. 27. after this the J. 10. 27. but a certain fearful looking for of j. Jam.Q. \?,.he shall have y. without mercy that shewed no mercy, and mercy rejoiceth against j. 3. ■ 1. knowing we shall receive greater j. 1 Pet. 4. 17. that jr. must begin at the house of God •i P«/.2..3. whose J. lingereth not || 4. reserved lo^. hide 0. to j. of the great day || 15. to execute j. lUv. 14.7. fear God, for the hour of his J. is come 17. 1. will shew thee the ^ of the great whore 18. 10. alas, alas, for in one hour is thyj. come 20. 4. they sat on them, and j". was given to them Ute V.i.\\\, l).»Y. Do JUlKiMtNT. Oen. 18. 19. to 5. 24. shall judge according to these j, .36.13. these are ihej. which the Lord commanded Ueui.~. 12. if ye hearken to these^. and keep them 33. 10. ihey shall teach Jacob thy y. and law 21. he executed ihej. of the Loi-d with Israel C .SVini. 22. 23. his^. were before me, Psa/. 18. 22. I Chioti. 1().12. remem.J. of his mouth, /'/.105. 5. 14. his^. are in all the earth, Psal. 105.7. Seh. 9. 29. but sinned against ihy j. I'ial. 10. 5. thy j. are far above out of sight 19. 9. the j. of the Lord are true and righteous 3f).(i. thy y. are a great deep ; O L.ihou preservest 48. 11. let Judah be glad because of thy^. 72. 1. give the king thyj. O God, and righteousn 97. 8. Judah rejoiced, because of ihyj. O Lord 119.7. when 1 have learned thy righteous y. 13. with my lips I declared allthe^. of thy mouth 20. for the longing that it hath unto thy J. 30. thy j. have I laid before me 39. turn away my reproach, for thy j. are good 43. I hoped in ihyj. \\ 52. I remembered thy^. 62. give thanks, because of lay righteous j. l6l. 75. I know, () Lord, that thy J. are right li)2. ! have not departed from thy y. 106.1 have sworn that 1 will keep thy righteous^. 108. teach me thy J. II 120. 1 am afraid ofthy>. 137. righteous an thou, anu upright are thy j. 1.^6. O Lord, quicken me according to thy j. l()i>. every one of thy righteous j. endureth 175. let my soul live, and let ihyj. help me 147.20. his J. they have net known ihem l'.-o>'. 19. 29. j. are prepared for scorners, stripes ha. 26. 8. in the way of ihyj. we wailed for thee 9. for when iliy^. are in the earth, inhabitants JUD Esei. 16. 41 execute j. on ihe« in sight of womeo 23. 24. Ibey shall judge thee according to their/ 25. 1 1 . and I will execute j. va .Moab 28. 26. executed j. on all those that de»pije them 30. 14. r will execute J. in No 19. ihjs will 1 execute ;. :n Egypt 34. 16. 1 will destroy, I will feud ihem with ;. Uan.g.5. we sinned by departing from tliy^. 1/oj. 6. 5. ihy^. are as the light that goeth torth iCeph. 3. 15. the Lord hath taken away thy j. Horn. 11.33 how unsearchable are his^. and ways 1 Cor. 6.4. if ye have j. of things of this life liev. 15.4. for (hy^. are made manifest 16. 7. true and righteous are thy y. 19.2. My JUUGMENIS. Les. 18. 4. ye shall do n.y j. I am tl.e Lord 5. ye shall therefore keep myj. 25. IB. 26. 15. if your soul abhor myj. so that ye do not 43. because, even because they despised my j 1 C'Aron.28. 7. if je be constant 10 do my j. I'ial. 89. 30. if his children walk not in my j. Jtr, 1. 16. I will utter my j. against them Ezek. 5. C. she changed my j. into wickedness 5. 7. neither have kept myj. nor done 14. 21. when I sendmy foursorej. on Jerusaleia 36. 27. and ye shall keep tny j. and do them 44. 24. they ihall judge it according to my j. italutes and J L' UG .M E N 1 S. Lev. 18 5. keep my statutes and myj. 26. | 20.22. Deiit. 7. 11. I 11. 1. I 26. 16, 17. I 30. 16. 1 hings 2. 3. I 8. 58. | y. 4. | U. 33. 19.37. ye shall observe all my statutes and j. Vein. 11.32. I 12. 1. 2t7.ran. 7. 17- 26.46. these are the /<.a«..ti<.4.45. Dent. 4. 1. hearken \ost. cndj, which I teach, 5.1. 5. 1 taught you j<. aHdj.\\\i. hath «.aK. Luke 23.7. as he knew that be belonged 10 llerod's> , J LSI Signifies, [1] One uho is uprigfil and sincire in his actions and dealings aiih others, Luke 23. 50. [2] The [leul Crtoiar, nio it essentially just avd righteous, and the fountmin .lB.they shall judge peo. with i judgmeoU 20. mat is aliogciner j. tball thuu lollow JUS Dtut. 32 4 a God wiihootiniquity,_;,and right ishe 2 Sam 23. 3. he that rulelh over men must he j. AcA O, 33. thou art J. in all that is brought on us J;.'' 4. 17. shall mortal man be morej. than God • 9. 2 but bow should man be j. wuh God ' 12.1. the J. upright man is laughed to scorn 27 17 he may prepare it, but ihe>. shall put it on 32. 12 behold, in this ihou art not_;'. Pial. 7. 9. let wickednes.'i end, but establish the j. .■!7. 12. the wicked ploiteth against ihej. P'H'. 3.33 but he blesseih the habitation of the^. 4. 18. the path of the _;. is as the shining light S.Qieach a_;.man,and he will increase in learuin] 10. 6. blessings are upon the head of the _; 7 the memory of the J. is blessed SO. the tongue of the _;. is as choice silver 31. the mouth of thej. bringeth forth wisdom 11 1 but _;. weight is his delight 9-bm through knowledge shall the,;, bedelivered 12. 1.3. but the j. shall come out of trouble £1. there shall no evil happen to the_;. 13 £2. the wealth of the sinner is laid up for thej. 16. 11. a J. weight and balance are the Lord's 17. 15. he thatcoodemneih the j. is abominatioa CO. also to punish thej. is not cood 18. 17. he that is first in his own cause seemethj 20. 7. the J. man walkelh in his ittegrity 21. 15. it is a joy to the J to do judgment i.4.l6.a_;. man falleth seven ti-nes and riseth again 29. 10. hate the upright, but the j' seek his soul 27. an unjust man is an abomination to the ^^ £iccl. 7. 15. there isaj. man that perisheth in his 20. notaj' man upon earth that sinneth not 8. 14. there be _;. men to whom it happeneth Isu.iG.T. the way of the J. is uprightness, thou most upright dost weigh the path of the^'. 29. £1- turn aside the j. for a thing of nought 45. £1. I the Lord, Aj. God, and a .Saviour 49 tCl. or the captivity of the J. delivered Lam. 4.13. that have shed the blood of ihej'. in her Kzek. 18. 5. but if a man hej and do that is rieht 9. he is J. he shall surely live, saith the Lord (Jod Hot. 14.9. ways of Lord right, J. shall walk in them Amos 5. 12. they afflict the J. they take a bribe liab. 2. 4. but thej. shall live by faith, Rom. l.l". Go/. 3. 11. Ihb 10. 38. Z«fh. 3. 5. the j. Lord is in the midst thereof Ztch.Q. 9. he is_;. and having salvation, lowly Mji. I. 19. Joseph her husband, being aj. man S. to. and sendeth rain on the j. and on unjust 13. 49. atd sever the wicked Irom among thej. 27. 19. have nothing to do with that J. man 24. I am innocent of the blood of this^'. person Jl/ar* 6. 20. knowing that he was a j. man and holy Luke 1. 17. the disobedient to Uie wisdom of thej. 2. 25. Simeon was j. and devout, waiting for 14. 14. be recompensed at the resurrection of the j 15. 7. more than over ninety and nine^'. persons 20. 20. spies which should feign themselves^. 23.50. .loseph of An'mathea was a good man and^' JoAn 5.30. as I hear, I judge, and my judgment is^' Acts 10 22. Cornelius the centurion a.j. man 24. 15. shall be resurrection both of J. and unjust Rom. 2. 13. for not the hearers of the law are J 3. 8. whose damnation is J. || £0. he might hej. 7. 12. and the commandment holy, j. and good Phil. 4. 8. finally, whatsoever things are_;. pure Col. 4. 1. give servants that which is ^■. and equal Tit. 1.8. a bishop must hej. holy, temperate Heh. 2. 2. received a. j. recompence of reward 12. 23. and to the spirits oij. men made perfect Jam. b. 6. ye have condemned and killed the J. 1 I'ei. 3. 18. Christ suffered, the .;'. for the unjust 2 /■■il.9.if we confess, he is J. to forgive us oursins tiev. 15. 3. J. and true are thy ways, thou King Mist .lusr. Job 34. 17. wi)t thou condemn him that is mosij. 7 JUST One. Acts 3. 14. ye denied the Holy One and the J. One 7. 52. shewed before of the coming of the^'. one 22.14.shouldest know his will, and see thatj. One JUSTICE Is, (I) That essential perfection in God, whereby he is infinitely righteous and just, both in hit na- ture, and tn all his proceedings with his creatures, i'sal.89. 14. (U) That political I iriue u Inch renders to every man his due, and is, [1] Viitri- hiliie, which concerns princes, magistrates, HfC. Job £9. 14. [2] Commutative, vihich concerns all persons in their dealings one with another, (ien. 18. 19. Gen. 18. 19. keep wayof Ld. todo^'. and judgment Deut. 10. ♦ 20. what is^'. shall thou follow 33. 21. he executeth the J. of Lord and judgments iSam. 8. 15. David executed J. 1 Chron. 18. 14. 15. 4. O that I were made judge, 1 wouM do i'. Jjb 8. 3. or doth the Almighty pervert j. T ■" »0. let him weigh me in the balance ofj". JUS KEE Job 37.23. is excellent in plenty o(j. will not afflict | Rom. 4.5. bat Wlieveth on him tbat^. the unij>llj 31. dO 17. ludgment and ;••. take hold on thee SIO fja/. 82. 3. do J. to the afflicted and needy 89.14.j.and judgment are habitation of thy throne 1 19. 121. I have done judgm. andj. leave me tot Prov.l.S. to receive the rastruction of j. and >-quity 8. 15. by me kings reign, and princes decree j. Eccl. 5. 8. if thou seest the perverting of _;. Jsa. 9. 7. to establish his throne withj'. andjudgm. 56.1. keep yejudgment, anddoj. formy salvation 58. 2. they ask of me the ordinances of j. 59 4. nonecalleth for^.lJCI. nor doth _;. overtake us 14. j. standeth afar off, truth is fallen in the str. J«r. 23. 5. shall execute judgment andj. in the earth 31. £3. Lord bless thee, (J habitation of j. 50.7. sinned against the Lord, the habitation of J. Lzek. 45.9- G princes, execute judgment and_; See i>i> JuaiiMENT, before. JUSTIFICATION Signifies, [1] A gracious act of God, uhercby he pardons and accepts of sinners on the account of Christ's ri^hieousness imputed to them, and received by faith, Rom. 5. Iti, 18. Our jus- tification was [1] Confirmed and ratified by the 'Ciurrection of Chriit, Kom. 4. £5. [2] And tt IS manifested by the good works of believers. Jam. 2. 21, 24, 25. See Sanctify. Horn. 4. £5. Christ was raised again for our J. 5. 16. but the free gift is of many offences \.o j. 18. the free gift came upon all ruen tfj. of life JUSTIFY Signifies, fl] To absolve or declare one innocent, i'TOv. 17. 15. t2] To absiilie and acquit a sin- ner from the guilt and punishment cfsin, throwh the imputation of Christ's righteoiuness, Horn. 3. 28. I 5. 9- [3] To declare another to be less guilty than ourselves, F.zek. iS. 51. [\] To ackno-jiledge a thing or person to be just. Mat. 11. 19. Luke 7. 35 [5] To prove and mani- fest one's self to be in a justified state. Jam. 2. £1. It is fourfold, [1] Talsely and lam- gloriously, Luke 10. £9. | I6. 15. [2] Politi- cally, Lieut. £5. 1. Isa. 5. 23. [3] Legally, Kom. 3. £0. Gal. £. I6. [4] Evangehcally, Kom. 5 1 This is said to be [1] By Christ, Gal 2. 16. [2] By grace freely, Rom. 3. 24. Tit. 3. 7. [3] By faith, Ga.\. 3.8. [4] By his blood, Kom. 3. 9. [5] By his knowledei. Isa. 53. 11. * £xorf. £3. 7.for 1 will not^". the wicked Dent. £5. 1. then they shall j. the righteous Ji)3 9. £0. '\i\j. myself, my own mouth shall cond. £7 5. God foroid that I should,;', you 33. 32. answer me, speak, for I desire to j. thee Isa. 5. 23. which J. the wicked for reward 53.n.by knowl. shall my righteous serv. j. many Luke\. himself, said to Jesus 16. 15. ye are they which J. yourselves before men Horn. 3. .30. one God shall j. circumcision by faith Gal. 3. 8. foreseeing that God would j. the heathen JUSTIFIED. Job lljC. should a man full of talk be j. ? 13. 18. behold now, I know that I shall be j. 25. 4. how then can man be^'. with G. or be clean r 32. £. because he J. himself rather than God Pj. 51.4.thcu mightest be j'. when thouspeakest 143.2. in thy sight shall no man living hej. ha. 43. 9. they may be j. jj 26. thou mayest be j. 45.25. in the Lord shall ail the seed of Israel be^'. Jer.S. 11. the backsliding Israel hath j'. herself Ezek. 16. 5). J. thy sisters in all abominations, 52. /Jan. 8. + 14. then shall the sanctuary be^'. ■Vat. 11.19.wisdomis^.of herchildren, LuXe7..35. 12. 37. for by ihy words thou shalt be j. Lukel. 29- all the people and publicans j. God 18.14. this man went down ^'.rather than the other Acts 13. 3y. all that believe are j. from all things from which ye could not hej. by the law Rom. £. 13. but the doers of the law sh;Ul be j. 3. 4. that thou mightest be j. in thy sayings 30. there shall no Hesh be j. in his sight £4. being^'. freely by his grace. Tit. 3. 7. £8. a man is J. by faith, 5. 1. Gal. 'J. I6. | 3.24. 4. 2. if Abraham were j. by works, he hath 5. 1. being ^^ by faith we have peace wuh God 9. being now j. by his blood, we shall be saved 8. 30. and whom he j. them he also glorified 1 Cor. 4.4. I know nothing, yet am 1 not hereby j. 6. 11. ye are>. in the name of the Lord Jesus Ga/.2.1().a man is not j. by the works of law, 3.11. 5. 4. whosoever of you is^' bylaw, ye are fallen 1 Vi/7i.3.l6. G. manifest in the flesh,j. in the Spirit Jam. 2. 21. was not Abraham our falher^.by works- 24. ye sec how that by works a man is^'. 25. was not Kahab the harlot j. by works ' JIJSTIFIKR. Rom. 3. £6. the j. of him who believelh in Jesus JUSTIFTETIl. Pror. 17. 15. he that j'. the wicked is abomination /ja.50.8.he is neajr that; who will contend with me 8.33.to the charge of God's elect > it is Gou that 1 JUSTIFYING. 1 Kings 0. 32. and J. the righteods, S Chron. 0. S3 JUSTLE. Xah. 2. 4. the chariots shaUl j. one against anouei JUSTLY. Mic.6. B.what doth the Lord require but to do j. * Luke 23.41. we indeed J. for we receive the reward 1 Thtst. S. 10. bow holily and j. we behaved K. KAB, 2 Kings 6.25.a X-.of uoves' dung sold for fire pieces KEEP Signifies, [1] To retain or hold fast, 2 Tim. 1. 14. [2] To remember, Luke 2. 51. [3] 3b defend and protect, I'sal. 127. 1- [4] Jo oi- serve and practise, Psal. II9. 4. Acts I6. 4. [5] To save 01 deliver, John 17. 15. [6] To celebrate. Mat. 26. 18. [7] To perform fully and perfectly, .Mat. 19. 17. Gen. 2. 15. Ld. put him in the garden of Eden to *.it 18. 19. and they shall k. the way of the Lord £8. 15. and behold I am with thee, to k. thee, 20. 30.31. I will again feed and k. thy flock 33. 9. my brother, k. that thou hast to thyself 41.33. and let them k. food in their cities Liod.6.5. whom the Egyptians k. in bondage 1£. 6. shall k. it till the fourteenth day of month 14. ye shall k. it a feast to the Lord through yom generations, £3. 15. | 34. 18. Lev^'Z3. 41 23. that ye shall k. this service, 13. 5. 47. and the congregation of Israel shall k. it 13. 10. thou shalt X-. this ordinance in his season 20. 8. remember the sabbath day to *. it holy, 31. 13, 14,16. Deut.5. 12.15. 22. 7. if a man deliver money or stuff to k. 10. 23. 7. k. thee far from a false matter 14. three times shalt thou *. a feast to me 20. I send an Angel to *. thee in the way Lev. 6.2. jind lie in that delivered him to k. 4. 18. 4. ye shall k. my ordinances, I am the Lord, 30. I 22.9. Ezek. 11.20 19.3. shall *. my sabbaths, 30. | 26. 2. Isa. 36. -4. £3. 39. shall k. a feast seven days, £ Chr. 30. 13. £3. 18. ye shall k. my judgments and do them yum. 6. £4. the Lord bless thee and *. thee 9- 3. in the fourteenth day at even ye shall k. it 11. day of second month at even they shall k. it 18. 7. thou and thy sons shall k. your priests' office £9- 1£. ye shall k. a feast to the Lord seven days 36. 7. shall k. himself to the inheritance of tribe, 9. Deut. 4. 6. k. therefore and do them, 5. 1. 7. 8. because the Ld. loved you, would X-.the oatis 1£. if ye k. them, the Lord shaJl k. the covenant 16. 10. thou shah k. the feast of weeks to the Lord 13. shalt k. a solemn feast to the Lord thy God 17. 19- niay learn to k. all the words of this law £3. 9. then k. thee from every wicked thing £3. that which is gone out of thy lips thou shalt k. 29. 9- k. therefore the words of this covenant Josh. 6. 18. k. yourselves from the accursed thing 10. 18. and set men by the cave, for to k. them £3. 6. to k. all that is written in the law of Moses .^udg. 2. £2. whether they will k. the way of Lord Ruth 2. 21. thou shalt X. fast by my young men 1 Ham. 2. 9- he will i. the feet of his saints 7. 1. Eleeizar his son, to X. the ark of the Lord 2 6'aOT. 15. 16. the king left ten women which were concubines to k. the house, 16. 21. | 20. 3. 18. 18. I hfve no son to k. my name in remembr. 1 Kings a.2S. Xr.with thy servant Dav. 2 Chr. 6.16 £0. 39. brought a man to me and said, i. this 1 Chr. 4. 10. that then wouldest X. me from evil 1.2. 33. fifty thousand, which could k. rank, 38. 22. 12. that thou mayest k. the law of the Lord 29. 118. k. this for ever in the imagination of heart 2 Chron. 22. 9- had no power to X. still the kingdom £8.10.ye purpose to X. under the children of Judab 30. 3. for they could not X. it at that time 23. assembly took counsel to X. other seven daj» F.zra 8. 29. watch and X. them till ye weigh them Aeh. 12. 27. to k. the dedication with gladness 13. 22. that the Levites should X. the gates Eith. 3. 8. nor X. they the king's laws 9. 27 . that they would X. those two days of Purin> Job 14. 13. O that thou wouldest k. me secret till 20. 13. though he k. it still within his mouth Psal. 12. 7. ihou sualt X. them, O Lord, 31, 20. 17.8. X. me as the apple of the eye, hide me 19. 13. k. back also from presumptuous sins £5. £0. O k. my soul, and deliver me, I trust .34. 13. X. thy tongue from evil, and thy lips 37. 34. and k. his way |i 39. 1. I will X. my moutfa 89. £8. my mercy will 1 k. for him for ever 91. 11. his angels charge, toX. thee in all thy ways 103. 9. Dor chide, nor will he it, tiia aoger for erci KEE Psal. 106. 45 they might observe aud I. h,; laws 106. 3. blesstd are they that *. judgment 113. 9. he maketh the barren women to i. house 119.2. blessed are they that*, his testimonies 4. thou hast commasded us to i. thy precupts 17. that I may live and *. thy word, 101. 33. teach me, and I shall *. it to the end 34. give understanding, I shall * thy law, 44. 57.0 Lord, I have said, that I would *.thy words 63.1 am acompanion of them that i. thy precepts 69. I will i thy precepts with my heart, 134. 38. I will i. the testimony of thy mouth 100. I understand, because I *. thy precepts 106. I will i. thy righteous judgments 129. wonderful, therefore doth my soul i. them 136. down my eyes, because they i. not thy law 146. save me, and I shall i. thy testimonies 127. 1. except the Lord i. the city the watchman 140. 4. i. me from the hands of the wicked 141. 3. O Lord, i. the door of my lips 9. X-. me from the snares they have laid for me Pror. 2. 11. understanding shall /(-. thee 20. thou mayest t. the paths of the righteous 3. 21. my son, i. sound wisdom and discretion 96. Lord shall i. thy toot from being taken 4. 6. love wisdom, and she shall i. thee IS.A-.instruction, let her not go, for she is thy life 21. i. my sayings in the midst of thy heart 23. i. thy heart with all diligeccfy, for out of it 5. 2. and that thy lips may i. knowledge 6. 22. when thou sleepest it shall i, thee 24. to *. thee from the evil woman 7.1. my .son, i. my words, and lay up my command. 5. they may i. thee from the strange woman 8. 32. for blessed are they that i. my ways 22.5.he that doth <-.his soul shall be far from them 18. it is pleaisant if thou i. fhem within thee 24. + 19. i. not company with the wicked 28. 4. such as *. the law contend with them £ccl. 3. 6. there is a time to i. and to cast away 5. 1. *. thy foot when thou goest to the house Cant. 8. 12. that i. the fruit thereof, two hundred Jsa. 26. 3. thou wilt Jt. him in perfect peace 27. 3. I the Lord do *. it, I will i. it night and day 42. 6. I the Lord have called thee, I will i. thee 43. 6. *. not back || 56. 1. Jk. ye judgment Jer. 3. 5. will he i. his anger to the end .' ■ 12. and I will not i. anger for ever 31. 10. and *. him as a shepherd aoth his flock 42. 4. I will i. nothing back from yon £se*. 20.19. *. my judgments and do them, 36. 27. 43. 11. that they may /c. the whole form thereof //oj. 12.6.*. mercy and judgmv.-nt, wait on God Mic. 6. + 16. he doth much i statutes of Omri 7. 5. *. the doors of thy mouth from her that ^'ah. 1. 15. if. thy feasts || U. 1. i. the munition Zieh. 3. 7. then thou shalt also t. my courts 13. 5. man taught me to i. cattle from my youth 14. 16. and to t. ihe feast of tabernacles, 18. 19. Mai. 2. 7. for the priests* lips should i. knowledge Mari. 7. 9. that ye may i. your own tradition Luie 4. 10. he shall give his angels charge to i. thee 8. 15. they who having heard the word i, it 1 1 .28. blessed are they that hear the word and Jlr. it 19. 43. thy enemies shall *. thee in on every side Jo/in 8. 51. if*, my saying shall never see death, 52. 55. but I unow mm, and *. his saying 12.25.he that hateth his life inthisworldshalU.it 14. 23. if a man love me he will *. my words 15. 20. if kept my saying, they will *. yours also 17. 11. *. through thy name II is. *. from the evil .'lets 5. 3. and to *. back part of the price of land 10. 28. for a man that is a. lew to *. company 12. 4. and delivered him to soldiers to *. him 15. 5. to command them to *. the law of -Moses 24. ye must be circumcised, and *. the law 29. from which, if ye *. yourselves, ye do well 1(>. 4. they delivered them the decrees for to*. 23. charging the jailer to *. them safely 18. 21. 1 mustby all means*, this fea-st in Jenisal. 21. 25. *. themselves from things offered to idols 24. 23. he commanded a centurion to *. Paul Kom.2.9.5. circumcision profiteth, if thou *. the law 26. if circumcision *. the righteousness of law 1 Cor. 5.8. let us*, the feast || 11. not *. company 7-37. decreed that he will *. his virgin, doeth well 9. 27. I *. under my body and bring it into subjec. 1 1.2.thal ye *. the ordinances, as 1 delivered them 15. 2. if ye *. in memory what I preached to vou S Cor. 11.9. kept my-elf, and so will I *. myself Oal. 6. 13. neither do circumcised *. the law Fpfi. 4.3. endeavouring to *. the unity of the Spirit P/iil. 4.7. the peace of (Jod shall*, your hearts 2 VVjwx.S S.whoshall establish and *. you from evil X Tim. 5. 22. nor partaker of sins, *. thyself pure t). 20. X. that which iscommitted to thy trust 2 Tim. 1. 12. able to *. that I committed to him 14. good thing committed to thee *. by Holy G. Jam. 1. 27. and to *. himself unspotted from world 2. I'J. for whosoever shall * the whole law 317 KEE 1 John 5. 21. cViidren,*. yourselves from idols Jtuie2l. k. yourselves in the love of God, looking 24. to him that is able to *. you from falling llev. 1.3. blessed are they that hear and *. those th 3. 10 1 will *. thee from the hour of tempta'.ion 22. g. of them who *. the sayinjs of this book KEEP a/iif." Oen. 6. 19. bring into the ark to *. them alive, 20. 7. 3. to *. seed alive on the fjice of all the earth A'i«».31.18.women children *. alive foryour.'elves 2 Aim. 8. 2. he measured with one fuUlina to *.a/u'e Psal. 22. 29- and none can *. alive his own soul 33. 19. to deliver and *. them alive in famine '11. 2. the Lord will preserve him and *. him alive KEEP cliarge. Lev. 8. 35. and *. the charge of the L. 1 Kings 2. 3. Sum 1. 53. Levites *. c/m)j< of the tabernacle of testimonv, 18. 4. | 31. 30. 1 Chron. 23. 32. 3.7. they shalU. his e. 8. 2f). | 18. 3.1)eut. 11.1. 8. they shall *.the r/jarg^of the children of Israel 32. *. c. of the sanctuary, 18. 5. 1 Chron. 23. 32. Ezek. 44. 16. to minister to me, and *. my charge Zech. 3.7. if thou wilt *. my cAargfthenshalt judge KEEP cotnrnandmenls. F.xod. 16.28. how long refuse ye to *. my command KKP 1 A'ln^i 11.33. not walked i. my waysto *.my/. toLord, let his males be circumcised, then let him *. ;;. Num. 9. 2. let the children of Israel *. passover in its season, 4. Ueut. 16. 1. 2 KingsQZ. 21. 6. could not *. the pass. || 10. yet he shall *. pass. 12. all the ordinances of passover they shall *. it 13. and forb'eareth to *. the pass, that soul cut ofl' 14. if a stranger will *. the passover to the Lord 2 Chr. 30. 1. come to *. the p. to the God of Israel 2. taken counsel, to *. pass, in the second month 35. 16. all the service was prepared to *. passover 18. nor did all the kings of Israel *. such a pass. Mat. 26.18. say to him, I will k.pass. at thy house KEEP silence. Jitdg. 3.19. who said, *. silence, and all went out /'i-..35.22. *. not i«. 83. 1. 1| 50. 3. come and not k.si. Eccl. 3. 7. a time to *. silence and a time to speak /.W/.41 . 1 .*.ji. before me,0 islands, and let the people 62. 6. *. not si. jl 65. 6. behold, I will not *. si. iani.2.10. the elders of daughter of Zion k. silence Amos 5. 13. the prudent shall *. silence in that time //nA.2.20.Ix>rd in his temple, let the earth k. silence 1 Cor. 14. 28. let him *. silence in the church 34. let your women *. silence in the churches KEEP St amies. Eiod. 15. 26. if thon wilt *. all his staluHS, Dent. 30. 10. 1 Kings g. 4. I 11.38. Lea. 18. 5. you shall *. m v statutes and judgments, 26. I 19. 19.'! 20.8,22. i'K*.44. 24. Deut. 4. 40. thon .shalt *.therefore his sia. 20. 10. 6. 2. that thou mightestfear Lord to *. his iiatutes 26.17. thou hast avouched the Lord to *. his.f(a/. 28. 45. thou hearkenedst not to *. bu ttatutei Eccl. 12. 3. when the * of the house tremble Cant. 5. 7. the *. took away my vail from me 8. 11. Solomon let out the vineyard to *. Jer. 4. 17. as *. of the field are they against her Ezek. 40. 45. *. of charge of house, 46. ) 44. 8, 14. Mat. 28. 4. for fear of him the *. did shake Acts 5. 23. the *. sianding before the doors 12. 6.*. kept the prison || 19. Herod examined tlie *. Tit. 2. 5. to be discreet, chaste, k. at home, good See Door. KEEPEST. 1 Kings 8. 23. who *. covenant and mercy with thy servants, 2 Chron. 6. 14. Neh. 9. 32. Acts 21. 24. thou walkest orderly and *. the law KEEPEIH. Eiod. 21. 18. and he die not, but *. his bed Deut. 7. 9. faithful G. which *. covenant, Neh.i .& 1 Sam. 16. 11. and behold he *. the sheep Joi 33. 18. he *. back his soul from the pit Psal. 34. 20. he *. all his bones, none is broken 121. 3. he that *. thee will not slumber, 4. 146. 6. Lord God, which *. truth for ever Prov. 2. 8. he *. the paths of judgment 10. 17. he is in the way of life that *. instruction 13. 3. he that *. his mouth *. his life, 21. 2J. tj. righteousness *. him upright in the way 16.17. that *. his way preserveth his soul, ly. iG ly. 8. he that *. understanding shall find good 24. 12. that *. thy soul, doth not he know 27. 18. whoso *. the fig-tree shall eat fruit 28.7. whoso* the law is a wise son, but he 2y. 3. that*, company with harlots, spendetU 11. but a wise man *. it in till afterwards 18. but he that *. the law, happy is he Eccl. 8. 5. *. the commandments shall feel no evil ha. 26. 2. that nation which *. truth may enter lu 56. 2. that *. the sabbath from polluting it, and *. his hand from doing any evil. 6. Jer. 48. 10. cursed be he that *. back his sword Lam. 3. 28. he sitteth alone aud *. silence tlab. 2. 5. he is a proud man, neither *. at home Luke 11.21. when a strong man armed*, his palace John 7. 19. and yet none of you *. the law y. 16. is not of tiod, because lie *. not the sabbath 14. 21. that hath my commandments aud a-, (hem 24. he that loveth me not, *. not my sayings 1 John 2. 4. that saith, I know him, and *. not 5. whoso *. his word, in him is love, 3. ?4. 5. 18. he that is begotten of God * himself i him KEPT. Gen. 26. 5. Abraham *. my charge and my law 29. 9. Rachel came with sheep, fur she *. theia 39. y. nor hath he *. back any thing from me 42. 16. send one, and ye shall be *. in prison Exod. 3. 1. now Moses *. the flock of Jetltro 16. S3, lay up for you. to be *. till the monung KEl' Exod 16 3?. pot of manna A. for generalions, 33, 31. !l. i^. if the owner hath not i. hini in, 3fi. Kum. 5. 13. and it be *. close, and she be defiled y. 3. they i. the passover J 7. why are we i. back ly then Israel *. the charge of the Iy)rd, 2.!. 17. 10. bring Aaron's rod to be I. for a token ly. 9. water of separation i. for the congregation 24. 11. Lord hath *. thee back from honour 31. 47. which t. the charge of the tabernacle Deut. 32 10. be *. them as the apple of his eye S3, g. they observed thy word, i. thy covenant Josi. 5. 10. Israel i. the passover in Gilgal i4. 10. the Lord that i. me alive these 43 years 22.2. ye have *. all that Moses commanded thee 3. have t. the charge of commandment of Lord Ru/A2. 23. so she *. fast by the maidens of Boaz 1 Kfam. g. 24. to this time it hath been i. for thee 13. 1.3. hast not t. the commandment of Lord, 14. 17. .34. David said, thyservant jt.his father's sheep 21.4. have *. themselves at least from women S5. 21. David said, surely in vain have I i.all that 33. blessed be thou who hast h me this day 34. the Lord God hath k. me from evil, 39. 26. 15. why hast thou not *. thy Lord the king' ifi.beciuse ye have not*. your master, the Lord's '2 Sam. 13. 34. the young man that i. the watch 22.22. I have*, the ways o/the Lord, f's. 18.21. 24. I have*, myself from iniquity, Psal. 18.23. 44. thou hast *. me to be head of the heathen things 2 43. why hast thou not *. theoah of Ld. 3 6. thou hast *. for him this great kindness 8.24.who hast *.with thy servant David my father that thou promisedst him, 2 Chron. 6. 15. 11.10. Solomon *. not that the Lord commanded 1 1 .and thou hast not *.my covenant and statutes 34. because David *. my commandments, 14. 8. 13. 21. man of God from Judah not *. commandm. 20. +7. I *. not back silver and gold from him 2 Kin^t 17. 19. Judah *. not the commandments 18.fi. Hezekiah *. the commandments of the Lord 1 Chron. 10. 13. the word of the Lord Saul *. not 12. 1 .while David i.himself close, because of Saul 8 Chron. 7. 8. Solomon *. the feast seven days 9. for they *. the dedicat. of the altar seven days 30. 21. *. feast of unleavened bread, Ezra 6. 22. 23. and they *. other seven d ays with gladness 34. 21 . because our fathers have not *. the word .35. 1. losiah and Israel * the passover, I7. I9. 18. there was no passover like to that*, in Israel Ezra 3. 4. they * alsa the feast of tabernacles C. IG. *. the dedication of this house with jov 19. the children of the captivity *. the passover y^th. 1. 7. we have not *. the commandments 8. 18. and they *. the feast seven days 9. 34. nor our priests, nor our fathers *. thy law Eslh. g. 28. that these days of Purim should be /"A 23. 11. his ways have I * and not declined 28. 21. and *. close from the fowls of the air Ptal 17.4.1 have*, me from paths of the destroyer 30.3. hast *.me alive |1 42. 4. that *. holy day 78. 10 they *. not the covenant of God 56. they tempted God, and *. not his testimonies 99-7. they*, his testimonies and the ordinance 119. 22. for I have *. thy testimonies, I67. 55. I have *. thy law || 56. I *.thy precepts, I68. 67. now have I *. thy word |1 158.*. not thy word &f/.2.10.what my eyes desired, 1 *.notfrom them 5.13. riches*, for the owners thereof to their hurt Cant. 1. 6. but my own vineyard have 1 not *. Isa. 30. 29. a song as when a holy solemnity is *. Jtr 16. 11. not*, my lawsli-'iS. 18. *. his precepts £i. If), for the statutes of Omri are *. Mal.l.g. according as ye have not *. my ways, 3. 7. 3. 14. what profit that we have *. hisordmance Mnt. 8.33. and they that *. the swine fled, and told 13. 15. will utter things which have been *. secret 14. 6. but when Herod's birth-day was *. ig.2n. these have 1 *. from my youth, l.uke 18.21. Mark 4. 22. nor was any thing *. secret, but that it 9. 10. and they *. that saying, Luke g. SQ. Luif2. 19. Mary *. these things in her heart, 51. 8. 2i). and he vi as *. bound with chains, in feVers '1 CO. thy pound, which I have *. in a napkin Joanl. 10. but thou hast *. the good wine till now 12 7. against day of my burying hath she *. this ''■ I!?- ^^ ' *'*^« *• my father's commandments i^°« 't'^ ''*^* *°'y sayinesthev will keep yours 17.0. thine they were, and have" *. thy word 12. *. in thy name, those thou gnvest me I have *. IB. .f). and .spa'/e to her that t the door F7. then faith the damsel that *. the door to Poter 818 KIL Aeis 5. C. sold, and *. back part of the price 7.53. who received the law, and have not *. it 9. 33. Eneas had * his beo eijht years, was sick 12 5. Peter wa» *. in prison |] 6. *. the prison 20.20. I *. bai k nothing profitable to you 22. 20. and *. the raiment of tht^in that slew him 23. 35. and be commanded him to be *. 25. 21. 25 4. Festns answered that Paul should be *. 27.43. the centurion *. them from their purpose 28. 16. Paul dwelt with a soldier that *. him fio'n.16.25. mystery *. secret since the world began 2 Cor. 11.9. I *. myself from being burdensome 32. the governor *. the city with a garrison Gat. 3.23. before faith came, we were*, under law 2 Tim. 4. 7. have finished my course, I *. the faith Ileb. 11.28. through faith Moses *. the passover Jam. 5. 4. the hire that is *. back by fraud, crieth 1 Pet. 1 . 5. who are *. by the power of G. thro' faith 2 Pet. 3.7. which by the same word are *. in store Jailed, the angels which *. not their first estate liev. 3. 8. hast *. my word, and not denied my name 10. because thou hast *. the word of my patience KEPT silence. Job 29. 21 . men gave ear, and *. sil. at my counsel 31. 34. did I fear a great multitude, that I k.silence Psal. 32. 3. when I *. silence, my bones waxed old 50.21. these things hast thou done, and 1 *. silence Acts 15. 12. then all the multitude *. sitenea 22.2.that he spake IIebrew,thev*.the moreii.enc? KERCHIEFS £«*.13.18.make *. on head of every stature to hunt 21. your*. also will I tear, and deliver my people KERNELS. Num. 6. 4. eat nothing from the*, even to the husk KETTLE. 1 5ani. 2.14. priest's servant struck into the *. orpot K tY [Signifies, [1] An instrument to open a lock, Judg. 3. 25. [2] The gift and ability to in- terpret the scripture, whereby an entrance is made to the kno-xledge theieof, Luke 11. 52, [3] The uihole administtation of the Gospel, uith reference both to the publication of its doctrine, and the dispensing /he ordinances of it. Mat. 16. 19. It is an emblem of govern- ment and power, Isa. 22. 22. Judg. 3. 25. therefore they took a *. and opened Isa. 22.22. the*, of house of David lay on Eliakim Luke 1 1 .52. ye have taken away the *. of knowledge Bev. 3.7. saith he that hath the *. of David 9.1. to him was given the *. of bottomless pit, 20 1 . KKYS. Mat. 16. 19. I will give the *. of kingdom of heaven Rec. 1. 18. and have the *. of hell and of death KICK. 1 5am. 2. 29. wherefore *. ye at my sacrifice? Acts 9. 5. it is hard to *. against the pricks, 26. 14. KICKED. Deut. 32. 15. but Jeshurun waxed fat and *. KID. Gen. 37.31. Joseph's brethren killed a *.of the goats 38. 17. I will send thee a *. from the flock Eiod. 23. 19. thou shall not seethe *. in his mother's milk, 34.26. Deut. 14. 21. Lev. 4.23. he shall bring his offering a *. of the goats, 28. I 9. 3. tie*. 43. 22. | 45.23, 5. 6. bring a lamb or a *. for a sin-offering 23. 19. then ye shall sacrifice one *. of the goats Num. 7. 16, 22,28. | 15. 24. | 28. 15, 30. I 29. 5, 11, 16, ig, 25. £•«*. 45. ^ 15. Num. 15.11. thus shall it be done for a lamb or a*. Judg. 6. 19. Gideon went and made ready a *. 13. 19. so Manoah took a*, with a meat-offering 14. 6. Samson rent lion asa *. nothing in his hand 15. 1. Samson visited his wife with a*, and said 1 .S,im. 16. 20. Jesse took an ass laden, and a *. lia. 11.6. the leopard shall lie down with the *. Luke 15. 29. and yet thou never gavest me a * KIDS. Gen. 27. 9. fetch me from thence two *. of goat* 16. she put the skins ofthe*. on his hands Lev. 16.5. he shall take two*, ofthe goats iVi(m.7.87. the*, ofthe goats for sin-offering twelve 1 Sam. 10. 3. one carrying three *. another bread 1 Kings m. 27. pitched like two little flocks of*. 2 t'Aron. 35.7. Josiah gave lambs and *. for offerings Cant. 1. 8. feed thy *. beside the shepherds' tents KIDNEYS KIL Signify, [1] These natural parts of the body in man or beast. Lev. 3. 4. [2] The kernels of wheat, Deut. 32. 14. [3] 'Jhe innermost af feclions and desires, Psal. 16. 7. Etod. 2g. 13. thou shalt take the two *. and burn 22. Lev. 3, 4. 10, 15. | 4. 9. | 7. 4. | 8. 16, 25. I.ev. 9.10. but fat and *. burnt on the altar, 1 9. Deut. 32. 14. rams, with the fat of *. of wheat Isu. 34.6. the sword of Lord, with fat of*, of rams KILL Is spoken, (I) Of God, aho hat many wai/s to deprive of l{fe. Lain. 2.21. (ID Of'mta. [1] Lawfully, ahen a malefactor ts put to death iy the sentence of a magistrate, Deut. 13. 9. [2] VnU-xfully, 2 Sam. 13. 28. 1 Kings £1. 19. (Ill; Uf wrath, which kills men. either ns n preys upon their spirits, and aatleth them >n- u-ardly ; or, as it prompts them to suck lath, furious, and wicked actions, as may procurt their death ; or, as it provuketh God to cui them off. Job 5. 2. (IV; Of the desire of the slothful, which eiposeth him to extreme want, and so to death : vr puts him upon such wicked courses to supply his wants, as bring him to an untimely death, Prov. 21. 25. (V.) Of tht letter, that is, the laa, which is said to kilt, because it accuseth, condemneth, and denouncet.'k the UTalh uf God against men, for not doing their duty, but gives no itrength for the doin' of It, 2 Cor. 3. 6. " Gen. 4. 15. lest any finding Cain, should *. hio 12. 12. they will*, me, but will save thee alive 26. 7. lest the men of the place should *. me 27. 42. doth comfort himself, purposing to *. thee 37. 21. Reuben heard and said, let us not *. him 43. t ;6. bring these men home, *. a killing Ezod. 1. 16. if it be a son, then ye shall *. him 2. 14. intendest thou to *. me .' Acts 7 . 28. 4. 24. the Lord met him, and sought to *. him 12.6. the congregation of Israel shall *. it, 21. 16. 3. to *. this whole assembly with hunger 17-3. to *. us and our children with thirst 20. 13. thou shalt not *. Veut. 5. 17. Mat. 5. 21. Rom. 13. 9. 22. 1. if a man steal an ox or sheep, and *. it 24. and I will *. you with the sword 2y. 11. *.bullock before the Lord, Z.J 31. 3. the Lord said, ri'turn to tliy k. 13. | 3v'. y 43. 7. the man asked us straightly ot .mr ' Sum. 10.30. I will depart tomy own landandi. Josh. 6. 23. and lliey brought out all her *. liuth 2. 3. Boaz was of the *. of lUimelech, 3. 2. 1 Chron. 12. £9. of Benjamin the *. of Saul 3000 Esth. 2. 10. Esther shewed not her people or *. 20. 8. 6. how endure to see the destruction of my *. Joi 32. 2. the wrath of Elihu, of the *. of Kam, Eiek. 11.15. men of lliy *. said, get far from the L. Luke 1. 61. none of thy *. called by tLis name Acts 4. 6. as were of the *. of the high-prien 7. 13. Joseph's *. was made known to Pharaoh 14. called bis father Jacob to him and all his *, 19. the tame dealt subtilly with our *. 1 Ttm. 5. t8. provide not for tliose of his own t Rev. 5. 9. redeemed us out of every *. and tongue 14. 6. the everlasting gospel to preach to every i^ KINDREDS. 1 Chr. 16. 28. giveto the Lord, ye *. Psal. 96. 7. Ps. 02. 07. all *. of nations shall worship bef thee Acts 3. 25. shall all the *. of the earth be blessed R*v. 1. 7. and all *. of the eart^ shall wail hecaust 7.9. » great multitude of all *. stood before throo? 1 1 .9. of k. sball see their dead bodies three dayi KIN B«r. 13.7. aDd power was given him over ail i KINt Is talier,, [1] I'roperly, for coas, Deut. 7. 1.3 [2] figuratively, Jor the jiroud, Ktalthy, and patent Tukri of Israil, Aiiios 4. 1. Gen. 32. 15. forty *. teu bulls, a present to Esau 41.2. there came up seven well-favoured *. 18. 3. seven other*, eameout of the river, 4, 19, CO. 26. the seven good k. are seven years 27. the seven thin ill-favoured k. are seven years Deut. 7.13. he will bless the increase of thy k. 28. 4. blessed shall be the increase of thy k. 18. cursed shall be the increase of thy k. 51. which shall not leave the increase of thy k. 32. 14. butterof*. milk of sheep, fa' of lambs Jl Sam. (5. 7 take two milch k. and tie the k. 10. took two k. II 12. the *. took the straight way 14. they clave the wood of cart, and offered the k. 3 Sam. 17. 'jy. butter, and cheese of i. for David Jlmoji. 1. hear ye this word, ye k. of Bashan KING Signifies, A toverii^n prince, or chief ruler in a kingdom, I'rov. 8. 15 U is applied, [1] 'Jo God, the supreme Ruler and Governor o* the tcortd. ['sal. 41. 4. f2] 'lo Christ, the 'fimg and Head vf his church, Tsal. 2. 6. | 45. 1. (3] 2'o all real Christians, uho are heirs of the kingdom ofgtoru, and are tnahled to aiar against, and at last lo conquer tin, Hatan, and all their spiritual enemies, Kev. 1. 6. [4] To the devil, Rev. 911. Cen. 14. 18. Mechizedeck k. of Salem, Ileh. 7. 1. 36. 31. kings that reigned in Edom, betore there reigned any k. over Israel, 1 Chron. 1.43. £xud. 1. K. th. re arose up a new k. over Egypt JVhot. 23. 21. the shout of a k is among them 24. 7. and his k. shall be higher than Agag Deut. 17. 14. shalt say, [ will set a k. over me 15. thou shalt in any wise set him /•. over thee 28. .If). Ld. shall bring thee and thy k. to a nation 33. 5. and he was k. in .leshurunwhen the heads Jitdg. 8. 18. each resembled the children of a k. 9. 8. the trees went to anoint a k. over them 17. 6. in those days no *. in Israel, but every man did right in his own eyes, 18. 1. | 19. 1. 121.25. 1 Sam. 2. 10. Lord shall give strength to his k. 8. 5. goiuaKe us a k. to judge us like the nations will ye rebel against the k. ? 6. 6. mayest be their /■. according to these words 7. to preach, saying, there is a k. in Judah 13. 26. yet among m-any nations was there no X.like him, God made him k. overall Israel Esth. 4. 16. so I will go in unto the k. if I perish 6. 6. whom the k. delighteth to honour, 7. 7- 8. as the word went out of the k. mouth 9- for Mordecai, who had spoken good for the k. Job 15. 24. shall prevail, as a k. ready to the battle 18. 14. it shall bring him to the k. of terrors 2y. 25. I sat chief, and dwelt as a *. in the army 34. 18. is it fit to say to the k. thou art wicked f 41. 34. he is a*, over all the children of pride fsal. 2. 6. I set my k. upon my holy hill of Zion 5.2. hearken to my cry, my k. and my God, 84. 3. 10. 16. the Lord is A. forever and ever, 29. 10. 18. 50. great deliverance giveth he to his k. 20. 9. let the k. hear us when we call 21.1. the k. shall joy in thy strength, O Lord 7. for the k. trusteth in the L. and not be moved 24.7. and the k. of glory shall come in, 9. 8. who is k. of glory ? the Lord strong and mighty 10. the Lord of hosts, he is the k. of glory 33. 16. no *. saved by the multitude of an host 44. 4. art my k. O God, command deliverances 45. 1. of the things I have made touching the k. 11. so shall the k. greatly desire thy beauty 14. she shall be brought to the *. in raiment 47. 6. sing praises to our k, (| 7. God is the k. 61.6. thou wilt prolong the k. life and years 63. 11. but the k. shall rejoice in God, every one 68. 24. they have seen the goings of my God, my k. 72. 1. give the k. thy judgments, (J (jod 74. 12. God is my k. of old, working salvation 89. 18. the holy One of Israel is our k. 98. 6. make a joyful noise before the Lord the k. 99 ♦. the*, strength also loveth judgment 105. 20. the k. sent and loosed him, let him go free 149. 2. let the children of /ion be joyful in tneir X. /'roi. 14. 28. in multitude of people is the k. honour 35. the k. favour is toward a wise servant 20. 28. mercy and truth preser^'e the *. 22. 11. for grace of his lips, the *. shall be his friend 24 21. my son, fear thou the Lord, and the *. 25. 5. take away the wicked from before the *. 30. 27. the locusts have no k. yet go they forth SI. and a k. against whom there is no rising up £ff/.2.12.what can the man do thatcometb after*. 5. 9- the *. himself is served by the held 8. 4. where the word of a *. is there is power 10. Ifi. woe to thee, O land, when thy *. is a child 17- blessed when thy *. is the son of nobles 20. curse not the *. no, not in ihy thought Cant. 1.4. the *. brought me into his chamber 1«. while the *. sitteth at his table, my spikenard 3. 11. behold *. Solomon with the crown 7. i. tbe *, U btld in the galleries KIN Isa. 6. 5. mine eyes have seen the *. the L.cf hosts 7. 6. let us seta.t. in the midst of it, son of Taoeal 8. 21. curse their*, and their God, and look up 19. 4. nod a fierce *. shall rule over them 2.3. 15 according to the days of one *. 30. 33. for iophet, yea, for the *. it is prepared 32. 1. behold, a*, shall reign in righteousness 33. 17. thine eyes shall see the *. in his beauty 22. the Lord is our *. he will save us 41. 21. bring your reasons, saith the*, of Jacok 43. 15. 1 am the Creator of Israel, your.t. 57.9- and thou wentest to the *. with ointment Jer. 4. 9. that the heart of the *. shall perish 8. 19. IS not the L. in Zion '. is not her *. in her ' 10. 10. the Lord is the true God, an everlasting*. 13.18. say to the *. and queen, humble yourselves 23. 3. a *. shall reign and prosper, and execute 29. 16. thus saith the Lord, of the *. that sitteth 38. 5. for the *. is not he that can do any thing 25. declare what hast said to the *. the *. to thee 46. 18. as I live, saith the *. whose name is the Lord of hosts, 48. 15. | 51. 5". 49. 1. why doth the *. inherit Gad and dwell in 38. I will destroy from thence the *. and princes Lam. C 6. the Lord hath despised the *. and priesv Ezek. 7. 27. the *. shall mourn and the princes 17. 12. hath taken the *. and the princes thereof 1.3. hath taken of the *. seed and made acovenaM 16. where the *. dwelleth that made him *. 26. 7. I will bring a *. of kings from the north 37. 22. and one *. shall be *. to them all, 24. Uan. 2. 10. there is no *. asked such things at any 11. there is none that can shew it before the *. 24. bring me in before the *.and I will shew the*. 3. 13. they brought these men before the *. 4. 24. decree which is come upon my lord the k. 31. while the word was in the *. mouth 37. I praise, extol, and honour the *. of heaven 5. 5. the *. saw the part of the hand that wrote 6. 6. the princes assembled together to the *. 8. 23. a *. of fierce countenance shall stand up 11.3. and a mighty *. shall stand up to rule 36. the *. shall do according to his will //oj.3.4. Israel shall abide many days without a *. 5. Israel shall seek the Lord, and David their *. 5. 13. then Ephraim sent to *. Jareb, 10. 6. 7.3. they made the *. glad with their wickedness 5. in the day of our *. princes made him sick 10. 3. we have no *. what then should a *. do .' 7. her *. is cut off, as the foam upon the water 11. 5. but the Assyrian shall be his *. because 13. 10. I will be thy *. give me a *. and princes 1 1. I gave thee a *. in mine anger and took faira Amos 1. 15. and their *. shall go into captivity 7. 13. for it is the*, chapel, the *. court Mic. 2. 13. and their *. shall pass before them 4. 9- why dost thou cry .' is there no *. in thee \ Zech. 9. 5. and the *. shall perish from Gaza 9. behold thy *. Cometh to thee, Mat. 21. 5. 11. 6. will deliver every one into the hand of his *. 14. 9. the Lord shall be *. over all the earth l6.e""ery one shall even go up to worship the *.17 . Mat. 18.23. kingdom likened to a certain *. 22. 2. 22. 11. when the *. came in to see the guests Mark 6.25. she cjune with haste to the *. and asked Luke 14. 31. what *. goelh to war against another*. iy..38. blessed be the *. that cometh in name of L. 23. 2. saying, that he himself is Christ, a *. John 6.15. to make him a *. l| 12.15. thy *. cometh 18. 37. Pilate said to him, art thou a *. then ? 19- 12. whosoever maketh himself a*, speakethag 14. rilate saith to the Jews, behold your *. 15. shall 1 crucify your *. .' have no *. but Cesar .<4ff.t 7. 18. 1 ill another*. arose, who knew not Joseph 13. 21. afterward they desired a *. and God gave 17. 7. saying, that there is another *. one Jesus 26. 26. for the A', knowelh of these things 1 Tim. 1. 17. now to the *. eternal, immortal 6. 15. who is the *. of kings, and Lord of lords Heh. 11. 23. and afraid of the *. commandment 27. Moses not fearing the wrath of the *. 1 /'«/. 2. 13. whether to the *. as supreme, or govern. 17. honour all men, fear God. honour the *. Rev. 9. 11. they had a *. over them, the angel 15. 3. just are thy ways, thou *. of saints 17. 14. he is Lord of lords. A', of kings, ig. l6. KING of the Amorites, See Sluo.N. Kl NG o/' Assyria. 2 Kings 15. I9. Pul the *. of Assy, came agst. land 20. Menahem exacted money to give *. of Asty, 16. 18. turned he from house of Lord to *. of Assy.. 17. 6. in ninth year of lloshea *.o/"/J.tookSairaria 18.U. *. oi Assy, did carry away Israel to Assy. 19. speak, thns saith great king the *. of Assyria 33. delivered his land out of hand of k. of Assyna 19. 32. saith L.concerning *. of Assyria, Isa.il .33 Eira 6. 22. turned the heart of*, of Assy, to them ixa.7 17. Lord shall bring upon thee the*, of Assy. 20. shall shave by k. of Assyria the head and hair y^r. 50. 17. first the *. {. of Israel to-ia.y 1 Ai;/^f 20.31.1et us, I pray thee, gooutto k.of Is. 22. 31. fight not, save only with the k.of Israel 32. they said, surely it is k.of Isr.ZChr. 18. 31. 2 A'mjjO.ll.shewiae which of us is for i.o/Z/ros/ 16. 7. save me out of the hand of it. of Israel ^Chi. 18.30. fight ye not, save pnly with *. of Isr. 32. captains perceived that it wa^not k. of Israel 35.3. son of David k. of lif. did build, Ezra 5.11. Nelt. 13. 26. did not Solomon kjof^Isr. sin by these /.a. 44. 6. thus saith the Lord, the k. ef Israel Hos.\0.\5.ii> a morning shall tht! /t. of Is, he cxil off Zeph. 3.15. the k. of Israel 13 in the midst of thee Mai. 27 .42. if he be *.-let him Jescend,iVari 15,32. -John 1.49. thou arti.o/ij.ll IG.l.l.Messedis*..^ 7. KING of Judah. 4 Kitigta. 16. Jehoshaphat being then /•. of Judah 22.1 8. but to k. of JudaA vfhich sent you to enquire 5 C/irun. 34.26. and as for k. of Judah who sent you 35. 21. what have i to do with thee, thou k. ofjud. Jer. 34. 4. hear the word of the Ld. O k, of Judah 37.7.thiis shall ye say to /L of Judah y/ho sent yon KING ofMoab. 'v';/CT.23.7.Balak k.ofMoab btoughtjne from Aram Josn. 24. 9- the k. of Moah. warrea against Israel Jki/".."!. 14. Israel served Eglon the k.ofM.X^ years 11. 17. Israel in like manner sent to the k.ofMoai 25.an thou any thing better than Balak k.of M.? 1 S.im. 12. 9. sold them into the hand of .*^. of Moab 22.4. David brought father and mother to k. of M. 2 A'(>.;'j3.4.and Slesha k.of M,vi3.i a sheep-master 5. the k. of Moah rebelled against Israel, 7- 26. wien the k. of M. saw the battle was too sore Jer. 27. 3. send botirts and yokes to tlie k. ofA'oai O KING. 1 S.mi. 17. 55 Abner said, O k. I cannot tell 2.!. 20. now, therefore, O k. come down 26. 17. my lord, O k. 2 Sam. 14. 9, 22. I I6. 4. 1 19. 26. 1 Kings U 13, 20, 24. j 20. 4. 2 Eings6. 12,26. I 8. 5. If .Sam. 14. 4. the woman of Tekoah laid, help, O k. 15. 34. if thou say, I will be thy servant, O k. E Vhron. 25. 7. O k. let not the army of Israel go Psal. 145. 1. I will extol thee, my God, O k. Jer. 10. 7. who would not fear thee, O k. of nations.' Dan.i.i. 0*. live for ever, 3. Q. | i. 10 J 6.21. 29. as for thee, *.||31.thou Oi.sawestan image 37. thou Ok. art a king of kings, for Cod hath ■a.lo.thouOi.hast made adecree, that every man 17. he will deliver us out of thy hand, U k. 18. be it known to thee, O *. ]| 24. true, O k. 4 i'Z. it is thou. Oi. |127. Ok. kt my counsel be ■U. saying, O *. Nebuchadnez.tothee it is spoken 5. 18.0 thou *.the most high God gave thy father t). 7. shall ask a petition save of thee, O k. ^;. now, O k. establish the decree, and sign it 13. regardeth not thee, O k. \\ 15. know, O k. 2!^ also before thee, O k. have I done no hurt /lit.i 26. 13. at mid-day, 0*.I saw in the way a light ly. whereupon, O t. I was not disobedient KING of Persia. £:ra 4. 3. as Cyrus,*, of Persia haih commanded fts J. even till the reign of Darius k. of Persia 7.Bishlam wrote unto Artaier.\e% *. of Per.6.H. J. 9. extended mercy to us in sight o! the k.of Per. See Cyrus. KING of Syria. i A'i>;;:j 20.20. Benhadad*. i/S. escaped on ahorse K. the k. of Syria will come up against thee ih'ings 5. 1. Naaman captain of host ofk. Syria 8.7.*."/" 6'. was sick || 9. *.<>/■ 5.hath seni me to thee :3. 4. because the k, of Syria oppressed them 7. for the k. of Syria had destroyed them '.6. 7. save me out of the hand of the k. of St/ria iChi . 16.7. because thou hast relied on k. of Syria, the host of the k. ofS. is escaped out of thy hand See Benuadad, IIazael, Ke;£in. KING of Tyre. 2Sam. 5. 11. Iliram *. of Tyre sent messengers to David, and they built him an house, lt'Ar.14.1. 1 Kin^s S.l.the k. of Tyre sent servants to .Solomon 9.11. Hiram the k. A. 9. 24. Neh. 9. 32. trouble seem little to us and our k 34. nor have our *. or princes kept thy law Job 3.14, had I been at rest with k^ and counsellors 12. 18. he looseth the bond of k. and girdeth 36. 7. but with *. are they on the throne Psal. 2.2.*.of the earth set themselves. Acts 4.26. 10. be wise, therefore, O ye *. be instructed 45. 9- *, daughters among thy honourable women 48. 4. lo, the k. were assembled, they passed by 68. 12.*. of armies did flee apace, she that tarried 14. when the Almighty scattered *. in it 29. shall k. bring presents to thee 72. II. yea, all *. shall fall down before him 76. 12. he is terrible to the *. of the earth 89. 27. make him higherthanthe *. of the earth 102. 15. the *. of the earth shall fear thy glory 110. 5. he shall strike thro' *. in the day of wrath 119. 46. I will speakof thy testimonies before *. 135. 10. smote great nations, and slew mighty k. 136. 17. to him which smote great *. 18. 138. 4. all* of the earth shall praise thee, 148. 11 144. 10. it is he that giveth salvation to *. 149. 8. to bind their*, with chains, their nobles Proi'.8.15.by me *. reign.and princes decreejustice 16.12. an aoomination for*, to commit wickedness 1.3. righteous lips are the delight of *. 22.29. the diligent in business shall stand before *. 25. 2. it is the honour of*, to search a matter 3. and the heart of *. is unsearchable 30. 28. and the spider is in *. palaces 31.3. nor thy ways to that which destroyeth *. 4. it is not for *. O Lemuel, to drink wine Eecl. 2. 8. gold and the peculiar tresureof *. Isa. 7. 16. the land shall be forsakan of both her *. 10. 8. are not njy princes altogether *. .' 14. 9- it hath raised all the *. of the nations 18. all the *. of the nations lie in glory 19. 11. how say ye, I am the son of ancient *. 24. 21. L. shall punish the*, of the earth on earth 41.2, who raised up and made him ruler over*. 45. 1. I -will loose the loins of *. to open gates 49. 7. *. shall see and arise, princes shall worship 23. *. shall be thy uursini; fathers and queens 52. 15. the *. shall shut their mouths at him 60. 3. and *. to the brightness of thy rising 10. and their *. shall minister to thee 11. thy gates open, that their *. may be brought 16. thou shalt also suck the breast of *. 62. 2. and all *. ihall see thy glory Jer. 2. 26. they, their *. and princes ashamed 13. 13. even *. that sit upon David's throne 17. 25. shall enter into the gates of this city, *. 22. 4. *. sitting upon the throne of David 25. 18. I made Judah and *. drink of the cup 22. *. of Tyrus || 24. all the *. of Arabia 25. the *. of Zimri || 26 all the *. of the north 32. 32. to provoke me 10 anger, they, their *. 34. 5. and with the burnings of former *. bef. thee 44. 17. as we, our *. and princes to burn incense 21. your *. and princes burnt incense in Judah 46. 25. I will punish their *. and their gods 49. 3. for their *. shall go into captivity, and priests 50. 41. many k. shall be raised up from the earth 31. 11. Lord raised up the spirit of *. of the Mcdes Earn. 4. IS. A. of the earth would not hare believed KIN Eiek. 87. 35. their *. shall be sore afraid, 32. 10. 28. 17. 1 will lay thee before *. to behold thee 32. 29. there is Edom, her *. and all her princes 43. 7. their *. shall no more defile my holy name Dan. 2. SI. he removeth *. and settelh up *. 44. in the daysot tnese *. shall G. set up a kingd, 47 . of a truth it is, that your God is a Lord ci k. 7. 17. the four great beasts are four *. shall rise , 24. the ten horns are ten *. shall subdue three *. 9 6. which spake in thy name to our *. our princej 8. to our *. and princes belongs confusion of face JO. 13. I remained there with the *. of Persia 11.2. stand up three *. j| 27. both these *. hearts His. 7. 7. are hot as an oven, all their *. are fallen 8. 4. they have set up *. but not by me Ilnb. 1 . 10. they shall scoff at *. and princes Mat. 10. 18. ye shall be brought before governors and*, for my sake, Mark 13. 9. Lidell. 12. 11.8. they that wear soft clothing are in *. houses 17. 25. of whom do the *. of the earth take custom.' Luke 10. 24. prophets and *. have desired to see 22. 25. *. of Gentiles exercise lordship over them Actsg.\5.\ chosen vessel to bear my name before *. 1 Cor. 4. 8. ye hare reigned as *. without us 1 7'i»i. 2. 2. that prayers be made for *. and for all 6.15.Kingof *. Lordof lords, iJfr.17.14. | I9.16. Wei. 7. I.Abraham returned from slaughter ol thei. Rev. 1.5.Jes. Chr st theprince of the *. of the earth 6. hath made us *. and priests unto God, 5. JO. 6.15. the*, ofthe earth hid themselves in the dens 10. 11. thou must prophesy again before *. 16.12. the way of the *. of east might be prepared 14. spirits which go forth to the *. of the earth 17. 2. with whom *. of earth committed fornicatioo 10. there are seven*, five are fallen, and one is 12. are ten*. which receive power as*. with beast* 18. that great city which reigneth over *. of earth 18.3. *. of the earth have committed fornicaliott 9- *. of earth who shall bewail her and lament ly. 18. that ye may eat the flesh of *. and captains 19. *. of the earth gathered to make war against 21. 24. the *. of the earth do bring their glory KINGS of the Amorites. Deut.i.iT.X'!fok.A.M.i.Josh.i.\0. \ y.lO. | 24.18. Josh. 5.1. came to pass, when all *. of Am. heard 10.5 therefore five *. of Am. gathered together.O See Book, Great. KINGS o///r«W. 1 Kin^i 14. 19. written in tne book ofthe Chronicle/ ofthe *. of Israel, 15.31. | I6. 5,14,20,27 j 22. 39. 2 Kings 1. 18. | 10. 34. | 13. 8 IS I 14. 15,28. I 15. 11,13,21,26,31. l6.33.Ahab provoked L.more than all k.ofTsratl 20^31. we heard that *. of Isr. are merciful kings 2 A'lHfjS.lB.Jehoram walked in way of *. 0^ Itr. 13. 13. Joash was buried with the *. of Isr'n.lS. 14. 29. Jeroboam slept with his fatliers *. of Itr. 16. 3. Ahaz walked in tht way of the *. of Itr. 17. 2. Hoshea did evil, but not as the *. of Itr. 8. Israel walked in the statnus of the k.of Itr. 23.19.Josiah took away house the *. of Itr. mad* 22. not such a passover in the days of the *. of I. 1 Chr. 9.1. were written iu the book of *. of Israel and Judah, S Chron. 16. 11. | 25. 20. | 27. 7 I 28.26. I 32.32. | 33.18. 2 Chron. 20. 34. in book of Jehu who is mentioned in the book of the *. of Itr. 35. 27. | 36. 8. 28.27. Ahai was not brought into Sep. of k.of Itr. il/ir. 1.14. houses of Achzib shall be a lie to *. of I. KINGS of Judah. 1 Sam. 27. 6. Ziklag pertained to the *. of Judah 1 Kingt 14. 29. acts of Hehoboam iu the book of the Chronicles of the *. of Judah, 15. 7. 23. | C2. 45.2 Kingt 9.ii. I 15.6,36. | 16.I9. | 20.2U I 21.17.25. I 23.28. I 24.5. 2 Kingt 12.18. hallowed things the *. of Judah had dedicated, 19. written in the book of the Chro- nicles ofthe *. o/VurfaA, 14.18. 2 Chron.i5.ii 1 28. 26. I 32. 32. I 35. 27. | 36. 8. 18.5. there was none like him of all the k.of Judah 23.5. Josiah pritdown priests k.of JudahorAtintd. 11. took horses *. of Judah had'girenia the sua 12. beat down altars which *. of Judah had made 22. not such a passover in all days of *. of JuJah 2 CArun. 34. 11. to floor houses*, of Judah destroyed /jo. 1.1. the vision of Isaiah in days ofthe *. of Jud. J 2 Kings 19. 15. the God of all the *. of the earth 19- that all the *. may know, Isa. 37. 20. 1 Chron. 29. 30. times that went over all the *. 2 Chron. 12. 8. they may know the service of the A. 17. 10. the fear of the Lord fell on the *. 20. 29. 20. 6. thourulest over all the *. of the heathen 36. 23. all *. hath the Lord given me, Ezra 1. i. Neh. 9. 22. thou gavest them *. and nations Psal. 46. 6. the heathen raged, the *. were moved 68. 32. sing unto God, ye *. of the earth 79- 6. thy wrath on the *. that have not called 1U2. 22. the *. are gathered to serve the Lord 135. 11. who smote all the *. of Canaan lia. 10. 10. as my hand hath found the *. of idob 13. 4. the noise of the *. of nations gathered 19. Babylon the glory of *. as Sodom, 47. 5- 14. 16. is this the man that did shake *. .' 23. 11. he shook the *. |i 37. I6. God of all *. Jer. 1. 10. and over the *. I have set thee 10. 7. and in all their *. none like thee 15. 4. to be removed into all *. 24. 9. I 31. 17. 25. 26. all the *. of the world shall drink 28. 8. the prophets prophesied against great *, 29. 18. I will make them a terror to all *. 34. 1. all the *. fought against Jerusalem 49. 28. concerning Kedar and the *. of Ilazor 51. 20. and with thee will I destroy *, 27. call together against her the *. of Ararat Eick. 29. 15. it shall be the basest of the *. 37. 22. nor shall they be divided into two *, Dan. 2. 44. and it ^hall consume all these *. 7. 23. which shall be diverse from from all *. 8. 22. four *. shjJl stand up out of the nation Amos 6.2. go to Gath ; be they better than these *. , -VaA. 3. 5. and 1 will shew the *. tny shame Zeph. 3. 8. that I may assemble the *. to pour oa Hag. 2. 22. I will overthrow the throne of*, and I will destroy the strength of the *.ofthe heathen .1/af .4.8.shewed him all the *. of world, Luke 4. 5. Ileb. 11. 33. who through faith subdued *.wrought Rev. \l. 15. *. of this world become i. of the Lord KINGLY. Dait. 5. 20. he was deposed from his *. throne KINSFOLK. Job 19. 14. my *. have failed and forgotten me £u*« 2.44. sought.) esus among their *.and acquaint. KINSFOLKS. 1 Kings 16. 11. Zimri left none of Baasha's *. 2 Kings 10. 11. Jehu slew Ahab's *. and priests Luke 21. 16. ye shall be betrayed by *. and friends KINSMAN. Num. 5. 8. if the man have no *. to recompense 27. 11. ye shall give his inneritance to his*. Deui. 25. 1 5. her husband's next *. shall go it i 7- if a man like not to take his next *. wife Ruth 2. 1. Naomi had a *. his name was Boaz 3. 9- thou art a near *. {| 12. a *. nearer than I 13. if he will perform to thee the part of a*, well if not, I will do the part of a *. to tht? 4. 1. behold the *. of whom Boaz spake, came by 6. the *. said, I cannot redeem it for myself 8. the *. said unto Boaz, buy it ftn-thce 14. hath not left thee this day without a *. John 18. 26. being his *. whose ear Peter cut of Rom. 16. 11. salute Herodion my *. greet them KINS.MEN. iJu/A 2.20. tiemanisnearofkiu one of our next /. KNE ( Chron.lS.^S. Uriel »nd his i. two hundred twenty Pta/. 38. 11. mj loTen and i. stood afar off Mart S.tSl.when k. heard, they went to lay hold ijuie 14. 12. call not friends, brethren, nor^. /lets 10. 24. Cornelias had called together his *. ffom.y.3. accursed, for my*, according to the flesh Ifi 7. salute my *. |1 thy ^. salute you KINSWOMAN. £er.l8.12. father's sister,she is my father's near i. 13. mother's sister, she is thy mother's near i. J'ro'j. 7. 4. and call understanding thy k. KINSWOMEN. l^v. 18. 17- not uncover, for they are her near *. KISS. Tiiey are signs, [1] Of reverence and subjection lo a superior, 1 Sam. 10 1. 1 Kings 19. 18. [2] Of spiritual submisiton and adoration to Christ, Psal. 2. 12. [3] Of love and affection. Gen. 27. 26, 27. 1 Sam. 20. 41. [4] 0/ ido. littrous reverente and adoration, Hos. 13. C. They arc, [1] Traitorous, iuc/i as Joab's to Amasa, alien he kissed him and slew him, and Judas's to Christ, when he kissed him and he- srayed him, 2 Sam. 20. 9. Mat. 26. 49. [c;. Hypocritical, 2 Sam. 15. 5. [3] Idolatrous, 1 Kings 19. 18. [4] Carnal and whorish, Prov. 7. 13. [5] Spiritual, those sensible, familiar, and frequent discoveries of Christ's love communicated to his church by his word and Spirit, Cant. 1. 2. | 8. 1. [0] Holy, pro ceeding from, and a pledge of Christian and holy love, Rom. I6. 16. 1 Cor. 16. 20. KISS, ES. Prov. 27. 6. but the*, of an enemy are deceitful Cant. 1,2. let him k. me with the k. of his mouth Luie 7.45. thou gavest me no ib. but this woman S2. 48. betrayest thou the Son of man with a *. ? Rom. 16. 16. salute one another with an holy k. ICor. 16. 20. greet with an holy i. 2 Cor. 13. 12. 1 Thess. 5. 26. greet the brethren with an holy k. 1 Pe<.5.14.gTeet ye one another with a *.of charity KISS. Jen. 27. 26. come near now and k. me, my son 31.28. not suffered me to i.my sons and daughters 41. t40 at thy word shall all my people *. ! Sam to. 9. Josb took Amasa by the beard to k. 1 Kings 19. 20. let me i. my father and mother Psal.2.12.k. the Son, lest he be angry and ye perish Prov. 24. 26. every man shall *. his lips that gives Cant. 1.2. let him *. me with the kisses of his mouth 8.1. I would k, thee, yea I should not be despised Hos. 13. 2. let men that sacrifice k. the calves Mat, 26 48. give a sign, saying, whomsoever I k. the same is he, hold him fast, Mark 14. 44. L/uke 7.45. this woman hath not ceased to >t.my feet 22. 47. Judas drew near to Jesus to k. him KISSED. Gen. 27. 27. and Jacob came near and *. him 29. 11. and Jacob *. Rachel and wept 13. Laban k. Jacob||33.4. F:sau *. Jacob 31. 55. and Laban k. his sons and his daughters 45. 15. moreover Joseph k. all his brethren 48. 10. Jacob k. and embraced Joseph's sons 50. 1. Joseph fell on his father's face and *. him £xod. 4. 27. Aaron met Moses in mount and k. him 18. 7. Moses met his father-in-law and k. him Ruth 1.9. Naomi*, her daughters-in-law,they wept 14. and Orpah *. her mother-in-law, but lUth 1 -Sam. 10. 1. Samuel poured oil and *. Saul 20. 41. Jonathan and David *. one another J Sam. 14. 33. he bowed, and the king *. Absalom 15. 5. Absalom *. any man that came nigh to him 19. 39. the king*. Barzillai, and blessed him 1 Aings 19. 18. every mouth which hath not *. him Job 31. 27. or my mouth hath *. my hand Psal. 85. 10. righteousness and peace *. each other Prov. 7. 13. so she caaght him and *. him Exek. 3. + 13. wings of creatures *. one another Mjit. 26.49. hail Master, and *. him, Mark 14. 45. Luke 7. 38. Mary *. his feet and anointed them 15.20. his father fell on his neck and *. him .iicts 20. 37. they fell on Paul's neck and *. him KITE. Lev. 11.14.the*. after his klid and. De«/. 14. 13 KNEAD. Gen. 18. 6. *. it, and make cakes on the hearth Jer.7. 18. and the women *. their dough KNEADED. \ Sam. 28. 24. woman at Endor took flonr and *. it 2 Sam. 13.8. Tamar took flour a. and made cakes Hot. 7 .4. the baker *. the dough till it be leavened KNEADING. Ej'od. 8. 3. frogs shall come into thy *. -troughs 12. 34. their *.-troughs being bound up in clothes KNEE Signifies, [1] Tiat part of the body which joint the teg and thigh together, Judg. 7. 5. [2] 'ihe body, Psal. 109. 24. [3] Persons, Job 4. 4. lUb. 12. 12. To bow the KNEE signifies, [1] To uotship, 1 Kings ig, 18. Rom. II. 4. [2] KNE To pray, Eph. 3. 14. [3] To tt in iti^cltstt, Phil. t. 10. Gen. 41. 43. they cried before him, bow the *. Isa. 45. 23. that unto me every *. shall bow, every tongue shall swear, Rom. 14. 11. Phil. 2. 10. Mat. 27. 29. bowed the *. before him, Mark 15.19. Rom. 11. 4. who have not bowed the *. to Baal KNEES. Gen. .10. 3. my maid Bilhah shall bear on my *. 4C 12. Joseph brought them out from betw. his *. 50. 23. children were brought up on Joseph's *. Deut. 28. 35. the Lord shall smite thee in the *. J^idg. 7. 5. that boweth down on his *. to drink, 6. 16. 19. and she made Samson sleep on her *. 1 Kings 8. 54. Solom. arose from kneeling on his *. IB. 42. Elijah put his face between his *. 19. 18. all the *. which have not bowed to Baal 2 Kings 1. 13. third capt. fell on his *. before Elijah 4. 20. he sat on his mother's *. till noon, and died 2C/ir()«.6. 13. Solomon kneeled down on his *. Ezra 9. 5 I fell on my *. and spread my hands Jobs. 12. why did the *. prevent me, or breasts 4.4. and thou hast strengthened the feeble *. Psal.lOQ.H. my*, are weak thro' fasting, my flesh Isa. 35. 3. weak hands and confirm the feeble * 66. 12. ye shall suck and be dandled on her *. Ezek. 7. 17. all *. shall be weak as water, 21. 7. 47. 4, he measured, the waters were to the *. Da7i. 5. 6. his *. smote one against another 6. 10. kneeled on his *.three timesadayand prayed 10. 10, behold an hand set me upon my *. Nah. 2. 10. she is empty, and the *. smite together Mark 15. 19. bowing their*, worshipped him Luke 5. 8. Simon Peter fell down at Jesus' *. Eph. 3.14. for this cause I bow my *. to the Father //«4.12.ie.liftup hands that hangdownand feeble *. KNEEL. Gen. 24. 11. he made his camels *. down by a well Psal. 95. 6. let us *. before the Lord our Maker KNEELED. 2 Chron. 6. 13. Solomon *. down on his knees Dan. 6. 10. Dan. *. three times a day on his knees Ijuke 22. 41. and Jesus *. down and prayed Acts 7. 60. Stephen *. and cried with a loud voice 9.40.Pet.*. and prayed || 20.36.Paul *.and piayed 21. 5. and we *. down on the shore and prayed KNEELING. 1 Kings 8. 54. Solomon rose up from *v on his knees Mat. 17. 14. a man *. to him saying, Afar* 10. 17. Mark 1. 40. there came a leper *. down to him KNEW. Gen. 4. 1. Adam *. Eve his wife, she conceived,25. 17. Cain *. wife || 38. 26. Judah *. her no more Judg. 11. 39. Jephthah's daughter *. no man 19. 25. they *. her and abused her all the night 1 Sam. 1. 19. Elkanan *. Hannah his wife 1 Kings 1. 4. she was fair, but the king *, her not Mat, 1. 25. Joseph *. her not, till she brought forth KNEW. Gen. 3. 7. Adam and Eve *. that they were naked 9. 24. Noah *. what his younger son had done 37. 33. Jacob *. it, and said, it is my son's coat 38. 9. Onan *. the seed should not be his 42. 7. Joseph saw and *. his brethren, 8. A'itm.24.l6. and*, the knowledge of the Most High Deut. 9. 24. been rebellious from the day I *. you 34. 10. a prophet whom the Lord *. face to face Judg. 3. 2. such as before *. nothing thereof 13, 21. Manoah *. that he was an angel of God 18. 3. they *. the voice of the young man 1 Sam. 3. 20. all Israel *. Samuel was a prophet 18. 28. Saul *. that the Lord was with David 20. 9. for if I *. then would I not tell thee 33. Jonathan *. that it was determined by Saul 39. only David and Jonathan *. the matter 22. 15. for the servant *. nothing of all this 17. slay the priests because they *. when he fled 22. David said to Abiathar, I *. it that day 23.9. David *. that Saul secretly practised against 26. 17. Saul *. David's voice, and said, is this thy 2 &m. 11.16. where he *. that valiant men were 1 Kings 18.7.0badiah *. Elijah, and fell on his face 2 CAr. 33. 13. then Manasseh *. the Lord wasGod Esth. 1. 13. manner to all that*, law and judgment Job 23. 3. O that I *. where I might find him ! Isa. 48. 4. because I *. that thou art obstinate 7. lest thoQ shouldest say, behold I *. them 8.1 *.that thou wouldest deal very treacherously Jer. 1. 5. before I formed thee, I *. thee 32. 8. then I *. this was the word of the Ixird 41. 4. he had slain Gedaliah, and no man *. it 44.15. men which *. their wives had burnt incense Ezek. 10. 20. I *. that tbcy were the chcrubims 19.7. and he*, their desolate palaces, laid waste rian.S. 21. till he *. that the most High ruled 6. 10. when Daniel *. the writing was signed Jonah 4. 2. I *, that thou art a gracious God Zech. 11.11.*. that it was the word of the Lord Mat. 7. 23. 1 will profess I never *. you 12. l.s. when Jesus *. he wiAdrew himself KNE Mat. 12. 25. Jesus *. their thouglati, Luk4 6. 8. 25. 34. I *. thee that thou art an hard man 27. 18. he *. that for envy they bad delivered Mark 1. 34. not to speak because they *. him f . 54. out of the ship, straightway they *. him 12.12. *. he had spoken the parable against then Luke i.il. the devils, for they *. that he was Chrisi 12. 47. that servant which *. his lord's will 18. 34. nor *. they the things that were spoken 24. 31. their eyes were opened, and they *. him John 2. 9- but the servants *. whence it was 24. not commit himself because he *. all men 25. and testify, for he *. what was in man 4. 53. the father *. it was at the same hour 5. 6. Jesus *. he had been long in that case 6. 6. for he himself *. what he would do 61. Jesus *. that his disciples murmured 64. Jesus *. from the beginning who believed not 11. 42. I *. that thou hearest me always 57. that if any man *. where he were, to shew it 13. 1. when Jesus *. that his hour was come 11. for he *. who should betray him 28. no man at the table *. for what intent 16. 19. Jesus*, that they were desirous to stsk 18. 2. Judas which betrayed him *. the place Acts 3. 10. *. that it was he that sat for alms 9.30. which when the brethren *. they brought 12. 14. when Rhoda *. Peter's voice she opened 16. 3. they *. all that his father was a Greek 19. 34. but when they knew that he was a Jew 22. 29. afraid after he *. that he wzis a Roman 26. 5. which *. me from the beginning, a Pharisee 28. 1. then they *. the island was called Welita Rom. 1. 21. because that when they *. God 1 Cor.2.8.which noneof the princes of this world *. 2 Cor. 5. 21. he made him to be sin, who *. no sin 12. 2. 1 *, amjuiin Christ above 14 years ago, 3. Co/. 1.6. in you since ye *. the grace of God in truth 2. 1, 1 wouldyou *. what great conflict! have Jude 5. put in remembrance, tho' ye once *. thi» Rev. ig. 12. he had a name written that no man *. KNEW not. Gen. 28. ^6. Lord is in this place, and I *. it not 31. 32. Jacob *. not that Rachel had stolen them 38. 16. Judah*. no/ she was his daughter-in-law 39-6.he k.not aught he had || 42.8. but they *.n.hiir i'xof. todevourthe poor £iek. 21. t SI. the king of Babylon made bright k. KNIT. Jttdg. 20. 11. Israel were *. together as one man 1 Snm. 18. 1. the soul of Jonathan was *. to David 1 C/tr. 12. 17. if come, my heart shall he *. to you ^eis U). 11. I saw a sheet k. at the four corners C«<. 2.2. their hearts being*, together in love 19. body *. togeth. increaseth with increase of G. KNOCK Signifies, [1] To beat, hit, or strike vpon. Acts 12. 1.3, 16. [2] To pray tilth /eriency, constancy, and importunity. Mil. T. 8. Luke 11. 10. [3] Christ calling and invititi^ us by his word, pro- vidence and Spirit, to admit him into our hearts, and receive him by Jailh and love. Cant. 5. 2. Rev. 3. 20. Mat. 7. 7. k. and it shall be opened, Luke 11. 9. Luke 13. 25. ye begin to i.at ihe door, saying, open lici. 3.20. behold, I stand at the door and k. if any KNOCKED. Acts 12. 13. and as Peter k. at the door of the gate KNOCKETH. Cant. 5. 2. itisToiceof my belov.that k.open tome A/ar.7.8.tohim that i. shall be opened, Luke 11.10. Luke 12. 35. when he i^ometh and k. they may open KNOCKING. Acts 12. 16. Peter contin.l.and when they saw him KNOP, S £rod. 25. 31. his i.and his (lowers, 34, 36. [ 37. 17. 33. with a k. and flower in one branch, 37. ig. 36. and k. braiiches of the same, 37. 17, 20, 22. 1 Kings 6.18. cedar carved with X-. and open flowers 7. 24. were k. compassing it, k. cast into two rows /lr>ws 9. t 1. he said, smite the k. of the door Zeph. 2. f 14. the bit'em shall lodge in k. of it KNOW Signifies, [1] To understand or perceive, Ruth J. 11. [2J Toappioie of, love, and delight in, Tsal. 1. O. [3] To cherish and taie care of, John 10. 27. [4] To haze the experience of. Gen. 3. 5. | 22. 12. [5] To possess, or have it in one's poaer, Psal. 50. 11. [6] LaiifnUy to use the marriage-bed. Gen. 4. 1, 17. [7] To consider and ponder seriously, Psal. yo. 11. [8] To believe upon undoubted teslimony, John i. 22. I 11. 24. [9] To have a bare speculative knoaledge, Luke 12. 47. [lu] To commit the sin against nature. Gen. ly. 5. Judg. 19. C2. [11] To be fully persuaded, Judg. 6. 37. | 18. 5. [12] To have a vain and groundless assur- ance, Judg. 17. 13. [13] To discern and find out. Mat. 7- 16. [14] 'To teach andticiie men to knox thoroughly and practically, Prov. 1. 2. [15] To hear or be informed of, "Acts 24. 22. [16] Jo ackno-uledge jierions uiih due respect, so as to perform our duty to them, 1 Thess. 5. 12. [17] To choose, Amos 3. 2. [18] To commit, or have, £ Cor. 5. 21. [IQ] To take particular notice of. Gen 39. 6. Gen. 3. 5. God doth k. your eyes shall be opened 22. man is become as one of us, to *.good and evil I .'3.1 3. said to Abram,/I:.thy seed shall be a stranger 18. 21. I will go down and see, and if not, I will k. CO. 7. if thou restore her not, k. thou shalt die Lrod. 18. 16. I make them k. the statutes of God .■>■!. 12. hast not let me k. whom thou wilt send ^'um. 14.31. they shall k. the land ye have despised Dcut. 4. 39. *. this day and consider it, 11. 2. 8. 2. to prove thee and *. what was in thy heart 3. nor did thy fathers*, he might make thee *. 13.3. provetn you, to k. whether ye love the Lord Josh. 4. 22. then ye shall let your children k. 22. 22. the Lordknoweth, and Israel he shall k. ,T'idg. 3. 4. to k. whether they would hearken to li'uth 3. 11. city of my people doth i. thou art 14. she rose up before one could k. another 1.8. sit still, mv daughter, till thou i.ftow m.itler 1 Sam. 17.47. ani all this assembly ?hall *.the Lord 20.3. he saith, let not Jonathan k. this, lest grieved SI. 2. let no man i. any thing of the business 24.11. i. and see that there is do tvil in mo 334 KNO 1 Sam. 25. 17. therefore k. and csnsiderwhat thou 28. 1. Achish said to David, k. assuredly that 2. surely thou shalt *. what thy servant can do 2 Sam. 3.25. to k. thy going out, to k. all thou doest 7. 21. done these things to make thy servant *. them 14. 20. to k. all things that are in the earth 19. 20. thy servant doth k. that 1 have sinned 1 KingsS. 38. *.every man the plague, 2 CAr. 6. 29. 2 Kings 5.8.he shall *. that there is a prophet in Is. 7. 12. they k. that we be hungry, therefore 10.10. *. now that there shall fall nothing of word 1 Chr. 12. 32. Issachar, to *. what Isr. ought todo 28. 9. my son, *. thou the God of thy father 2 Chr. 13. 5. ought ye not to k. that the Lord gave £ira 4. 15. k. that this city is a rebellious city 7. C5. all such as k. the law of thy God and teach Esth. 2. 1 1. Mordecai walked to k. how Esther did 4. 5. to *. what it was, and why it was 1 1. people k. whosoever shall come to the king Job 5. 24. thou shalt k. thy tabernacle in peace 25. thou shalt k. that thy seed shall be great 27. hear it, and *. thou it for thy good 7. 10. nor shall his place *. him any more 8. 0. we are but of yesterday, and k. nothing 11.6. i. therefore that God exacteth less than thine 8. it is deeper than hell, what canst thou k. ? 13. 23. make me toi. my transgression and sin 19- 6. k. that God hath overthrown me 21. 19. God rewardeth him, and he shall k. it 22. 13. and thou sayest, how doth God k. 24. 1. do they that *. him not see his days.' 17. if one k. them, they are in terrors of shadow 34. 4. let us k. among ourselves what is good 37. 15. dost thou k. when God disposed them 16. dost thou k, the balancing of the clouds 38. 12. and caused the day-spring to *. his place CO. that thou shouldest k. the paths to the house Psal. 4. 3. but k. the Lord hath set apart the godly p. 10. they that*, thy name put their trust in thee 36. 10. continue thy loving kindness to them *. thee 3Q. 4. Lord, make me to *. mine end, and measure 46. 10.be still, and *. that I am God, I will be 51.6. in hidden part thou shalt make me to *. 59. 13. and let them *. that God ruleth in Jacob 73. 11. how doth God*. || 16. I thought to *. this 87. 4. I will mention Babylon to them that*, me 89. 15. blessed are they that *. the joyful sound 103. 16. the place thereof shall *. it no more 139. 23. *. my heart, try me, and *. mj thoughts 1 42. 4. there was no man that would *. me 143.8. cause me *. the way wherein I should walk Prov. 1.2. to *. wisdom and instruction, to perceive 4. 1. hear, and attend to *. understanding 10. 32. the lips of righteous *. what is acceptable 27.23. be thou diligent to *. the state of thy flocks Eccl. 1. 17. and I gave my heart to *. wisdom 7. 25. I applied my heart to *. wisdom and folly 8. 16. when I applied my heart to *. wisdom and see 17. tho' a wise man think to *. it yet not able 9. 5. the living *. they shall die, but the dead 11. y. but *. that God will bring thee to judgment Isa. 7.16. for before the child shall *. to refuse evil y. 9. and all the people shall *. even Ephr.iim 19. 21. the Egyptians shall *. the Lord in that day 41. 20. that they may see and *. and consider 22. that we may *. the latter end of them 49. 26. all flesh shall *. that I am thy Saviour 50. 4. should *. how to speak in season to weary 52. 6. therefore my people shall *. my name 58. 2. they seek me, and delight to *. my ways 60. 16. thou shalt*. that 1 the Lord am thy Saviour Jer.i.ig.k. and see that it is an evil thing to forsake 23. see thy way in valley, *. what thou hast done 6. 18. and *. O congregation, what is among them g. 6. thro' deceit they refuse to *. me, saith Lord 15. 15. *. that for thy sake I have suffered rebuke 16. 21. I will cause them to *. my hand and my might, and they shall *. that my name is the L. 17.9. the heart is deceitful, who can *. it? 22. lO. was not this to *. me ? saith the Lord 24. 7. 1 will give them a heart to *. me 31.34. *. the L. for they shall all*, me. Heb.G.\\. 36. 19. go, hide thee, let no man *. where ye be 38. 24. he said, let no man *. of these words 40. 15. slay Ishmael, and no man shall *. it 44. 28. Judah shall *. whose words shall stand Eiek.'i.Sk. that there hath been a prophet, 33. .n. 5. 13. shall *. I the Lord hath spoken in my zeal 16. 2. Jerus. to*, her abomination, 20. 4. | 22. t 2. 20. til. and make them to *. my judgments 25. 14. and they shall *. my vengeance, saith Lord 28. ly. all th.Tt*. thee shall be astonished at thee 34. 30. thus shall they *. that I am with thi lo 37. 88. a,id the heathen shall *. 39. 23. Dan. 2 21.givestknowl.io them who t.understr\r.d 4.25. till thou *. that the Most Hifh ruleth, 32. 7. 16. and mi.de me *. the interpretation 19. I would *. the truth of the fnnrth beast 8. 19. 1 will make thee *. what shall be 9. 85. *. therefore and understand, that frota KNO Dan. 11. S2, T>eople that *. their God shall be strong. JIos. 2. CO. thou shalt *. the Lord |1 9. 7. shall * 13.4. and thou shalt*. no God but me 14. 9. who is prudent, and he shall *. them Mic. 3. 1. is it not for you to *. judgment .' ZtcA.Z.ll.thou sbalt *. that the Lord sent me, 4.91 .\fal. 2. 4. and ye shall *. that I have sent this Mat. 6.3.ht not thy left hand*.what thy right doeib 7. 11. if ye *. how to give good gifts, L'lke 11. 13 9 30. see no man *. it. Mart 5. 43. | 7. 24. | 9. JO 13. 11. it is given to you to*. A/ar* 4. ll.Z,u*e 8.10' 2l.33.*.desolat. is near, Mark 13.29. LuA< 21. 20 43. hut *. this, if the good man, Luke 18. 39. John 4. 42. we *. that this is indeed the Christ 7. 17. if any do his will, he shall *. of thedoctrina. S6. do the rulers *. indeed |l 51 . *. what he doeih 10. 4. the sheep follow him, for they *, his voice 14. I *. my sheep || 13. 7. thou shalt *. hereafter 13. 35. by this shall all K?en *. ye are my discipleb 18. SI. ask them, behold, they *. what 1 said Acts I. 7. it is not for you to *.the times or seasons 2.36. let all the house of Isr.*. assuredly that God. 22. 14. shouldest *. his will and see that Just One 19. they*. I imprisoned them that believed on thne 26. 4.my manner of life from my youth *. all Jev»» Rom. 7. 1. I speak to them that *. the law 10. 19. but I say, did not Israel *. .' first Moses 1 Car.2. 14. neither can he *.them, because they ar« 8. 2. he knoweth nothing as he ought to *. 11.3.but I would have you *. that the head is Ch> Eph.3.lQ.3.Di to *.the love of Christ, which passetii. 1 Thess. 3. 5. for this cause I sent to *. your fautb 4. 4. every one should *.how to possess his vessel io 5. 12. to *. them who labour among you, and are 1 Tim. 4.3. of them which believe and *. th* truth- 2 Tim. 3.1. this *. also that in the last days perilous Tif. 1.16. they profess that they*.God, but in work» Jam. 2. 20. but wilt thou *. O vain man, that 5. 20. let him *. he which convertelh a sinner Jude 10. but what they *. naturally, as brute beast* K«:>.2.23.all the churches shall *.that I am he who 3.9. 1 will make them to *. that I have loved theo See Certain, Certainlv, Ckrtai.nty. / KNOW. Gen. 12. 11. now I k. that thou art a fair womai> 15. 8. whereby shall / *. that I shall inherit it ? 18. 19. / *. that he will command his children 20.6. /*. thou didst this in integrity of thy heart 22. 12. for now / *. that thou fearest God CI. 14. thereby shall / *. thai thou hast shewed. 48. 19. his father said, I k. it, my son, / *. it Exod. 3. 7. the Lord said, / *. thair sorrows 4. 14. Aaron thy brother / *. he can speak well 9. 30. Ik. that ye will not yet fear the Lord God 18.11. /*. that the Lord is greater than all gods- 33. 12. yet thou hast said, /*. thee by name, 17. Deut. 31.21. 1 k. their imagination even now 27. for / i. thy rebellion and thy stiff neck Cy. X *.that after mydeath yewiU utterly corrupt Josh. 2.9. /*. the Lord hath given you the laud Judg. 6. 37. then shall 1 k. that thou wilt save 17. 13. now *. / that the Lord will do me good 1 5«OT. 17.28./*. thy pride and naughtiness of heart 20. 30. do not Ik. thou hast chosen son of Jesse: 22. 3. till / *. what God will do for me 24. CO. / *. well that thou shalt surely be kiiig 29.9. Ik. that thou art good in my sight, as angeL 2 Kings "2. 3. yea / *. it, hold you your peace, 5. 5. 15. /*. that there is no God in earth, l.ut ic Israeli 8. 12. 7*.the evil that thoo wilt do to Israel ly. 27. / *. thy abode and going out, Isa. .37. 28- 1 Chion. 29. 17. / *. that thou triest the heart 2 Chron. 25. I6. / *. that God hath determined Job y. C. I k. it is so of a truth, but how should 28. I k. thou wilt not hold me innocent 10. 13. things hast hid, /*. that this is with thee 13. 2. what ye know.tbesamedo i *.also, not :af<-r 18. behold, /. *. that 1 shall be justified ly. 25./* that mvKedeemer liveth.ind shall stand 21.27. / *. your thoughts and devices ye imagini> 30. 23. for / *. that thou wilt bring me to death 42. 2. I *. that thou canst do every thii;;; Psal. 20. 6. /*. that the Lord savetlihis ar.cinted 41. 11. by this / *. that thou favourest me 50. H . / *. all the fowls of the mountains 56. 9- this / *. for God is for me I iy.75. / *. O Lord, that thy judgments are riglt 135. 5. for / *.the Lord is great and above all gou'a 140 12. / *. the Lord will maintain the causa Eccl. 3. 12. / *. that there is no good in them 14. //.that whatsoever God doeth, it sh.i'Ll be 9 12. /*. it shall be well with them that fearQod lin. 47. 8. nor shall / *. the loss of children 50. 7. and / *. that I shall not be ashair^a 66. 19. /*. their words and their tiioupti'i .ler. 10. C3. /*. the way of man is noilnhlmselt II 18.Lordh,ith given me knowledge, and /*. U 29. 11. for / *. tlie thoughts that I think 23, / *. and am a witness, saith the Lord KNO Jer. 48.30. i"*- his wrath, saith the Lord, it shall Eztk. 11.5. J /!-. things that o.ome into your mind /)a«.5 9 therefore tell me the dream, and /shall k. loi. 5. 3. / *. Ephraim, and Israel is not hid 13. 3. / did k. thee In the wilderness Amos 5. 12. / *. your manifold transgressions .'(inaA 1. 12. /*. that for my sake tnis tempest is Milt. 28. 5. fear not ye, / k. that ye seek Jesus Mark 1. 24. / *. thee who thou art, Luke 4. 3-1. Luke 1. 18. whereby shall / k. this, for I am old John 4. 25. / k. that Messias cometh, called Christ 5. 42. but / *. you II 8. 14. 1 k. whence I came 0. 37. / k. that ye are Abraham's seed 55. hut / *. him ji 9- 25. one thing / k. 10. 15. as Father knoweth me, so / i> the Father 27. and / *. my sheep, and they follow me Jl. 22. / *. that what thou Avilt ask of God 24. Martha said, Ik. that he shall rise again 12. 50. / k. his commandment is life everlasting 13.18. 1 speak not of all, Ji.whom I have chosen ^tt 12.11. now i *. of a surety that the Lord sent 19. 15. Jesus / k. and Paul 1 k. but who are ye .' SO. 25. / k. that ye thall see my face no more 29. / *. this, that after my departing, wolves 24. 22. / will k. the uttermost of your matter 26. 3. because I k. thee to be expert in customs 27. king Aprippa, I k that thou believest Rim. 7. 18 It. that in me dwellelh no good thing 1 Cot. 4.4. for Ik. nothing by myself, yet am I not 13. 12. now / k. in part, then shall 1 ^.as I am kno. 2 Cor. 9. 2. Ik. the forwardness of your mind Phil. 1 19. / k. this shall turn to my salvation 26.i<.that I shall abide with you all.and contin. 2. ly be of good comfort, when /jt your estate 4. 12. Ik. how to be abased, Ik. how to abound 2 Tim. 1. 12. for / k. whom I have believed I John 2. 4. he that saith, /*. him, and keepeth i£f«;.2.2. i*. thy works, 9. 1.3, 19. | 3. 1,8, 15. 2. 9. I k. the blasphemy of them, who say KNOW not, or not KNOW. G«it.4.9.Lord said, where is Abel ? he said, I k.not 27. 2. I am old, I *. not the day of my death £xorf.5.2. I *. not the Lord, nor will I let Israel go 10.26. we k.not with what we must serve the Lord Deut. 22. S. or if thou *. him 710/, theji bring it 1 Sam. 3. 7. now Samuel did not yet k. the Lord 25. 11. take my bread, give to men whom I k.not? \ Kings 3. 7. I i. not how to go out or come in 18. 12. the Spirit shall carry thee whither I k. not 2 Kings 17.26.lhey k. no/ the manner of G. of land Eira 7. 25. and teach ye them that k. them not Neh. 4. 11. they shall 7tot k. nor'see, till we come Jci 9-21. though perfect, yet would I not *.my soul 15 9- what knowest thou that we k. not? 81. 29. and do ye not k. their tokens ? 24. 13. they k. not the ways thereof, nor abide in IC. they dig in the dark, they k. not the light 32. 22. for I k. not to give flattering titles 36. 26. God is great, and we k. him yiot Psal. 71. 15. for I k. not the numbers thereof 82.5. they*, not, neither will they understand 94. 10. he that teacheth man, shall he not k. ? 101. 4. I will not k. a wicKed person Prov. 4. 19. they *. not at what they stumble 5.6. ways are moveable, that thou canst not /t.them 24. 12. doth n«/he *. it, and shall not he render 23, a. lest thou *. not what to do in the end 29. 7 but the wicked regardeth not to k. it 30. 18 yea, there are four things which I k. not Eecl. 9. 5. but the dead *. not any thing Cant. 1. 8. if thou k. not, O fairest among women Ita. 1. 3. but Israel doth not k. nor consider 43. 19. shall ye not k. it .' || 44. 8. I k. not any 47. 11. thou shah not k. from whence it ariseth 48.6.even hidden things,and thou didst not /t.them 59.8. way of peace they*, no/, shall not k. peace Jer. 6 4. for they *. 7101 the way of the Lord 7.9'«'illye walk after other gods, whom ve k.not? 8.7butmy people *.no< the judgments of the Lord 9.3 and they *, not me, saith the Lord 10.25. thy fury on the heathen that *. thee ?tot U.18. go about into a land that they *.no/, 22.28. Ezek. .38. 14 dwelleth safely, shalt thou not k. it .' Uos. 2. 8. she did not k. that I gave her corn, wine Amos 3.10. forthey *. not to do right, saith the L. aiic. 4. 12. they * not the thoughts of the Ixird Mat. 25. 12. verily I say unto yon, I *. you 7wt 26. 70. Peter said, I *. twt what thou saynst Mat. 2A, 72. then began he to curse and swear, say- ing, 1*. Ru< the man, 74. Mark 14.68,71. Mn\k 10. 38. Jesus said, ye k. not what ye ask ta, 14. ye err, because ye *. not the scriptures £.«<■« 1_34. how shall this be, seeing I k. not \ man 13. 23. he shall say, 1 k. not whence you are, 2*. 22. 57. deniell him, saying, woman, I k. him not 60. Peter siid, man, I *. not what thou sayest 23 34. forgive them, they *. not what they do 24. 16. eyes holden, that they should noi k. him i/iAn \. 20. stajideth one among you whom ye k. not A. 35. if I should say, I k him not, I should lie asa KNO John 9. 12. the blind man said, I *. mt, 25. 21. or who hath opened his eyes, we *. not 79. for this fellow, we k. not from whence he is 10. 5. for they k. not the voice of strangers 14.5. Lord, we k. not whit+ier thou goest 15. 21. because they k. not him that sent me 20.8. we i.n.lJlS.I *. not where they have laid him .lets 21. 34. and when he could not k. the certainty Horn. 8. 26. for we k. not what we should pray for 1 Cor. 1. 16. I *. not whether I baptized any other 2. 2. I determined not to k. any thing among you 14. 11. if 1 *. nol the meaning of the voice 1 Thess. 4. 5. as the Gentiles which k. Jiot God 2 Thess. 1.8. vengeance on them that k. not God 1 Tim. 3. 5. if a man k. not how to rule his house Jude 10. these speak evil of things they k. not Rev. 3. 3. thou shalt «o< *. what hour 1 will come See, Ye Know. KNOW that I am the Lord. Etod. 6. 7. ye shall *. that lam the Lord, I6. 12. 1 Kings 20. 28. Etek. 6. 7, 13. | 7.4, 9- I H- 10, 12. I 12. 20. I 13. 9, 14, 21, 23, | 14. 8. | 15. 7. I 20. 38, 42, 44. I 23. 49. | 24. 24. | 25. 5. | 35. 9. I 36.11. I 37.0, 13. Joel 5. 17. 7. 5. and the Egyptians shall k.t.Iam L. 14.4,18. 17. thou shalt *. I am L. 1 Kings 20. 13. //0.49. 23. Eiek. 16.62. I 22. 16. | 25. 7. | 35. 4, 12. 8.22. to end that thou mayest*./Aa< lam the Ij>rd 10. 2. that ye may*. 1. iam Z,.31. 13. £««*. 20.20. 29. 46. they shall *. that I am the Lord, Ezek.Q.lO. 14. I 7. 27. I 12. 15, 16. I 24. 27. I 25. 11, 17. | 26.6. I 28.22,23,24,26. | 29.9,16,21. | 30.8, 19, 25,26. I 32. 15. I 33. 29. | 34. 27. | 35. 15. I 36.38. 1 38.23. | 39.6,28. Dent. 29. 6. that ye might *. that I am the Lord Jer. 24.7. 1 will give them anheart to *. lam Lord Esek.10.lZ.my sabbat.that they might k,IamL.-26. 36.23. and the heathen shall *. I am the L. 39. 7. 39.22. the house of Israel shall k.lhal lam the L. May, mayest, or might KNOW. £xorf.8.10.thou mayest *.there is none like G.9.I4. 9.29.that thou mayest *.that the earth is theLord's 11. 7. ye may k. the Lord doth put a difference 33. 5. that I may k. what to do to thee 13. shew me thy way, that I may k. thee Lev. 23. 43. that your generations may k. that Num. 22. 19. that 1 may h. what the Lord will sa) Deu/.4.35.that thou mightest k. that the L.he is G Josh.Z. 4. ye may k. the way by which ye should go 7. they may *.that as I was with Moses, so I will 4. 24. all people might k. the hand of the Lord Judg. 3. 2. that Israel might k. to teach them war 18. 5. we may k. whether our way be prosperous Ruth 4. 4. if not, then tell me, that I may k. 1 Satn.VI. 46. that all the earth may k. there is aO. in Israel, 1 Kings 8. 43, 60. 2 Kings I9. I9. 2 5am. 24.2. that I may k. the number of thepeop. 1 Kings I8.37.this people may k. that thou art God 2 Chron.6. 33. that all people may k. thy name, and may k. that this house is called by thy name 12. 8. his servants, that they may k my service Joi 19. 29. that ye may k. there is a judgment 31. 6. be weighed, that God may k. my integrity 37. 7. that all men may k. his woik Psal. 9. 20. nations may k. themselves tobe but men 39. 4. measure of days, that may k. how frail I am 78. 6. that the generation to come might k. them 83. 18. that men may *.that thou art the Most High 109. 27. that they may k. that this is thy band 119. leS. that 1 may k. thy testimonies Isa. 5. 19- let counsel draw nigh that we may k. it 7. 13. that he may k. to refuse the evil 37. 20. that all may k. that thou art the Lord 41 . 23. that we may t. ye are gods, yea, do good 26. who hath declared, that we may k. and before 43. 10. ye may k. and believe me, and understand 45. 3. that thou mayest k. that I am the G. of Isr. 6. that they may k. from the rising of the sun Jer. 6. 27. that thou mayest k. and try their way 44.29. 'bat ye may k. that my words shall stand £tc*. 21.5. all flesh moy*. I have drawn my sword 38. 16. against the land, that heathen may k. me Dan. e. 30. mightest k. the thoughts of thy heart 4. 17. to the intent that the living may *. Jonah 1.7. come, let us cast lots, that we may k. Mic. 6. 5 ye may k. the righteousness of the Lord Mat. 9. 6. but that ye may I. that the Son of man hath power to forgive, iUar* 2. 10. Luke 5. 21. John 10.38. ye may k. and believe the Fath. is in me 14. 31. that the world may k. I love I'ath. 17- 23. 17. 3. that they might k. thee the only true God 19. 4. that ye may k. that I find no fault in him Acts 17. 19- may we *. what this new doctrine it ? 21. 24. all may k. that those things are nothing 1 Cor. 2. 12. we might k. the things given us of God 2 Cor. 2. 4. that ye might k. the love 1 have to you 9. that I might k. the proof of you, whether ye be Efh. 1. 18. that ye may k. the hope of his calling 0. £8. whom I seul, that ye mtght k. our affair» Phil. 3. 10. th«t I may *. him and lliepower of hil KNO Col. 4. 6. that ye may k. how to answer every maa 8. whom 1 sent, that he mi^ht k. your estate 1 7Vm.3.15. thou may. k. how thou oughtest to bah 1 John 5. 13. that ye way *. ye have eternal life 20. given us, that we may k. him that is true He KNOW, or KNOW ae. Gen. 29. 5. know ye Laban r they said, ne k. him Deut. 18. 31. if thou say, how shall ue k. the word 1 .Sam. 6. 9. then shall ue k. it is not his baud 2 Chr. 20.12. we have no might, nor*, ue what to da Job 36. 26. behold, God is great, and ae k. him not Isa. 59. 12. as for our iniquities, ue k. them Hos. 6. 3. then shall we k. if we follow on to know 8. 2. Israel shall cry tome, my God, ue k. thee Mat. 22. 16. we *. thou art true, and teachest ihe way of God, Mark 12. 14. Luke 2u. 21, John 3. 2. we k. ihon art a teacher come from God 1 1 . verily I say to thee, we speak that we do *. 4. 22. we k. what we worship ; for salvation is of 6. 42. Jesus, whose father and mother ice *. / 7. 27. howbeit, ue k. whence this man is 3. 52. now we k. that thou hast a devil 9- 20. we k. that this our son who was blind 24. said to him, we k. that this man is a sinoer 29. wi k. that Goa spake to Moses, as for this 31. now we *. that God heareth not sinners 14. 5. Thomas saith to him, Ld. we k. not whither thou goest, and how can ue k. the way \ 21. 24. and we k. that his testimony is true Acts 17. 20. we would *. what these things mean 28. 22. wt k. it is everj- where spoken against Rom. 3. 19. w« *. that what things the law saith 7. 14. for wi k. that the law is spiritual, but I am 8. SS. ve k. the whole creation groanelh and travaileth 28. we k. that all things work together for good 1 Cor. 8. 1. we k. that v.e all have knowledge 4. we *. that an idol is nothing in the world 13. 9. for we k. in part, and prophesr in part 2 Cor. 5. 1. for ue k. that if our earthly house ] 6. *. »« no man after the tlesh, i. ue him no more 1 Tim. 1. 8. but we k. that the law is good Heb. 10.30. for we k. him that hiKh said, veugeanc* 1 John 2. 3. hereby we k. that we k. him, if we keep . 5. hereby *. we that we are in him 18. whereby we k. that it is the last time 3. 2 but ae k. that when he shall appear 14. we k. that we have passed from death to Ufa 19. hereby we k. that we are of the truth 24. hereby ue k. that he abideth in us 4. 6. hereby *. ae the spirit of truth and error 13. hereby *. we that we dwell in him 5. 2. by this we k. we lore the children of God 13. and if wi k, that he heareth us, we k. that we have the petitions that we desire of him 18. w» k. whosoever is born of God, sinuith not 19. f'< *. that we are of God, and the worKl litih 5. 20. and»< *. that the Sou of God is come, an understanding, that we may *. him that is true Ye KNOW, or KNOW ye. Cen. 29. 5. he said, *. ye Laban the son of N ahor ? 31 . 6. ye k. that with all my power I served your 44. 27. ye k. that my wife bare me two sons Etod. 16. 6. at even y« shall *. the Lord brought 23. 9. ye k. the heart of a stranger, seeing ye w tre iViim. 14. 34. ye shall *. my breach of promise 16. 28. y» shall *. that the Lord hath sent me Josh. 5. 10.y« shall *. the living God is among j oa 23. 14. and ye k. in all your hearts and souls Judg. 18. 14. ye k. there is in these houses an ephod 1 hings 22.3. *. ye that Ramoth in Gilead is ours.' 2 Kings 9.11.y< *, tht^ man and his communication Job 13. 2. what ye X. thu same do I know Psal. 100.3. k.ye that the Lord he is God,he mad* Isa. 51. 7. hearkci., •%, that *. r. ,jt<. .suesj Jer. 26. 15. k.ye for certain, if j e put me to death 48. 17. all ye that *. his name, say, how is Eiek. 14. 23. ye shall *. that I have not done 17. 21. ye shall *. I the Lord have spoken, 37. 14. Joel 2. 27. ye shall *. that I am in midst of Ikrael Zech.l.g. ye shall *. the Lord hath sent me, 6. 15. Mat.T. 10. ye shall *. them by their fruits, 20. 20. 25. ye*, princes uf the Gentiles, A/ar* 10. 42. 24. 32.y«*. summer nigh, Mark lS.2a.Z.u*«21.30. 23. It. watch, for ye i. neither day nor hujr Mark 4. 13. he said to them, *. ye not this parable i Lukeil. 31. *. ye llial the kingdom of God is uigU John 7.28. ye both *. lue, and know wht^uce I am 8. 28. ye shall *. 1 am he || M.ye shall *. the truth 11.49. k. ye nothing II 13.K'.*.ye what 1 have don« 13. 17. if ve *. these (hings, happy are ye if dolbim 14. 4. whither I go yi k. and the way y* *. 7. from henceforth |vi *. him, and have seen, 17 20. ye shall *.I am m my Father, and you in m« 15. 18. ye *. that it hated mti txifor* it hated you Ads 2. 22. man approved, a* y« yoarselvet also * 10. 28. ye *. how that it is unlawful for a Jew 15. 7. brethren, ye *. how that a good while ago 19- S3, ye *. that hj lUi» craft ve bare our vieaitb KNO jfti 30. IB. ^* k. from (he first day that I came ICor. 12.2. y« *. that ye were Gentiles, carried 13.5S. !« it. your labour is not in vain in the Lord 16. 15. brethren, y« k. the house of Stephanas 3 Cor. 8.9. ytk. the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ 13. 6. 1 trust yt shall *. we are not reprobates Gal. 3. 7. *. ye that they which are of faith 4. 13. yt k. how through infirmities I preached E-fh. 5. 5. for this y# *. that no whoremonger PAi/. 2. 22. ye k. the proof of him, that as a son 1 'I'iess. 1. 5. asye *. what manner of men we were 2. 2. and were shamefully entreated, as ye *. 5. nor used we flatterin'.; words, as ye k. M. ve k. how we exhorted and comforted 3. 4. even as it came to pass, and ye k. 4. 2. ve k. what commandments we gave oy Lord S Theis. 1. 6. and now ye k. what withholdeth Hek. 12. 17. ye k. when he would have inherited 1.3. 23. k. ye that our brothtr Timothy is set at 1 Pel. 1. 18. ve *. that ye were not redeemed with 8 Per.l.l2.put you in remembrance, tho'ye X.ihem .3. 17. seeing y« k. these things before, beware 1 Jelm 2. 20. ye *. all things || 21 . because ye *. it 2y. if we *. he is righteous, y« *. that e»ery one 3.5. ve k. he was manifested to take away our sins 15. ve k. no murderer hath eternal life in him 4. 2. hereby k.ye the Spirit of God, every spirit 3 John 12. and "ve k. that our record is true Ye KNOW not, or KNOW ye not. ZSam. 3. 38. *. yenu/ihat there is a prince fallen S Chr. 32.13. *. ye not what I and my fathers have Job 21 .29. have not asked, doye not k. their tokens Ji,zek. 17. 12. *. ye not what these things mean.' Mat. 20. 22. Jesus said, ye k. not what ye ask 24. 42. ve *. »ut what hour your Lord doih come JUark 4.13. he said to them, k. ye not this parable ' 12. 24. ye err, because ye k. not the scriptures 13. 33. watch, for ye *. 7iot when the time is, 35. Luke 9. 55. ye k. 7iot what manner of spirit ye be of John 1. 26. slandeth one among you, whom ye k. not 4. 22. ye worship ye /t.nor whaty 32.meatyt jt.HiJ^ of 7. 2b. he that sent me is true, whom ye k. not 8. 19. ye neither k. me nor my Father 9. 30. that ye k. not froni whence he is, and yet liom. 6. 3. k. ye not that so many as were baptized 16. k. ye not that to whom ye yield servants 7. 1. k.ye not, brethren, for I speak to them that 1 Cor. 3. l(j. k. ye not ye are temple of G. 6. 15, ig. i.G.k.ye not that a little leaven leaveneththe lump 6. 2. do ye not k. the saints shall judge the world ■ 3. i. ye not that we shall judge angels.' 9. *. ye not, the unrighteous shall not inherit 16. k. ye not, that he which is joined to an harlot 9. 13. do ye not k. that they which minister 24.*.yenof, that they which run in a race, run all 8 Cor. 13.5.*. ye Htf< yourselves, that Jesus is in you Jam. 4. 4. k. ye not that the friendship of the world 14. ye k. not what shall be on the morrow 1 Jo/in 2. 21. not written, because ye k. not the truth KNO WEST. Oin. 30. 26. thou k. my service that I have done 29. thou k. how I have served thee, and thy cattle 47. 6. and if thou k. any man of zw;tivity among Ejod. 10. 7. k. thou not that Kgypt is destroyed 32. 22. thou k. the people are set on mischitf Numt. 10. 31. for thou *. how we are to encamp 20. 14. thou *. the travel that hath befallen Ve»i. 7. 15. the diseases of Kgypt, which thou k. 9.2. the children of the Anakims, whom thou /t. 28. 33. a nation thou k. not, shall eat up J uh. 14. 6. thou k. the thin; that the Lord said Jndg. 15. 11. /I. thou not the Philistines are ruler* 16'ani.28.9.woman said, thou /t.what Saul hath done £ iViOT.l.S.how*. thou that .Saul and Jonath. be dead 2. 2fi. k. thou not that it will be bitterness in end ^ 3. 25. thou k. Abner the son of Ner, that he came 7. 20. thoQ, Lord, k. thy servant, 1 Chron. 17. 18. 17.8. for, said llushai, thou k. ihy father 1 Kings 1. 18. my lord the king, tnou k. it not 2. 5. thou k. also what Joah did to me 9. thou k. what thou ougtitest to do to him 15. thou k. that the kingdom wss mine 44. thou *. adl the wickedness thou didst to David 8. 39. whose heart thou *. thou only *. 2 CAr. 6. 30. S Ktngi 2.3.*. thou the Ld. will take thy master, 5. 4. 1 . thou *. that thy servant did fear the Lord Joi 10. 7. thou *. that I am not wicked 15. 9. what *. thou that we know not ? 20. 4. *. thou not this of old, since man was 34. 33. therefore speak what thou *. 38.5. who hath laid measures of earth, if thou *. .' 18. breadth of the earth, declare, if thou *. it all 21. *. thou it, because thou wast th»n born ? 33. k. thou the ordinances of heaTen ? 39. 1. k. thou when tne wild goats bring forth, 2. ^a/.40.9. not refrained, O Ld. thou *. Jer. 15. 15. 09. 5. O God, thou *. my foolishness 139 2. tliou *. my down-.sitting and up-rising 4. It,, O Lord, thou *. it altogether tno 27. 1 _thou k. not what a day may bring forth •S6 KNO Ecel. 11. 2. thoo *. not what evil shall be 5. as thou k. not what is the way of the Spirit, even so thou k. not the works of God 6. for thou k. not whether shall prosper Isa. 55. 5. thou shalt call a nation that thou k. not Jer. 5. 15. a nation whose language thou k. not 12. 3. but thou, O Lord,*, me, thou hast seen me 15. 14. int^a land which thou *. not, 17. 4. 17. 16. nofthave I devred the woeful day, thuu *. 18.23. thJu *. all their counsel to slay me 33. 3. I will shew thee things which thou *. not Eiek. .37. 3. and I answered, O Lord God, thou *. Dan. 10 20. said, k, thou wherefore 1 come to thee Zecr..i.b.axig<:\ said, *. thou not what these be, 13. .Wa/.15.12.*.thou that the Pharisees were offended Mark 10. I9. thou *. commandments, Luke 18. 20. Luke 22. 34. shalt thrii e deny that thou *. me Joltnl.W. Nathanael said, whence *. thou me.' 3. 10. art thou a master, and *. not these things i 13. 7. Jesus said, what I do, thou *. not now 16. 30. we are sure thou *. all things, 21. 17. 19. 10. *. thou not I have power to crucify 21. 15. yea. Lord, thou *. that I love thee, iS. dels 1. 24. thou which *. the hearts of all men 25.10. 1 have done no wrong, as thou very well *. Horn. 2. 18. *. his will, and approvest the things 1 Cor. 7. j6. what *. thou, O wife, *. thou, O man ? 2 Tim. 1.15. thou *. that aJl they in Asia be turned 18. how he ministered to me, thou *. very well Rev. 3. 17. and*, not that thou art wretched, blind 7. 14. and 1 said unto him, sir, thou *. KNOWETH. Gen. 33. 13. my lord X. the children are tender Lev. 5. 3. when he *. of it, he shall be guilty. 4. Uetit. 2.7. he *. thy walking thro' this wilderness 34. 6. no man *. of Moses' sepulchre to this day Joth. 22. 22. the Lord God of gods, he*, and Israel 1 6am.3. 13. Eli's house for the iniquity which he *. CO. 3. thy father certainly *. that 1 found grace 23. 17. and that also Saul my father *. 2 A'a/n. 14. 22. thy servant *. that I found grace 17. 10. all Israel *. thy father is a mighty man /uA 11. 11. he *. vain men, he seeth wickedness 15.23. he*.the day of darkness is ready at his hand 2.3. 10. but he *. the way that I take 28. 7. there isa path which no fowl *. 23. God understandeth and *. the place thereof 34. 25. therefore he *. their works and overturneth Pial. 1.6. the Lord *. the way of the righteous 37. 18. the Lord *. the days of the upright 44. 21. for he *. the secrets of the heart "4. 9. nor is there any among us that *. how long 94. 11. Lord*, the thoughts of man are vanity 103. 14. he *. our frame, rememberethwe are dust I04.i9.mooo for seasons, the sun*.his going down 138. 6. but the proud he *. afar off 13y. 14. thy works, and that my soul *. right well Piov. 9. 13. foolish woman is simple and *. nothing 14. 10. the heart *. his own bitterness, and stranger A(t/.6.8. the poor, that *. to walk before the living 7. 22. thineown heart *. thou hast cursed others 9. I . no man *. either love or hatred by all that 7jrt.l.3.the ox *. his owner, the ass his master's crib ./er. 8.7. the stork *. her appointed times, and turtle 9. 24. glory, that he understandeth and *. me Dan. 2. 22. he *. what is in the darkness, and light A'a//.l .7. Lord is good, he *. them that trust in him Zeph. 3. 5. he faileth not, but the unjust *.no shame Mat. 6. 8. your Father *. what things ye need 32.*. ye have need of all these things, Luke 12.30. 1 1 . 27. no man *. the Son but the Father, nor any *. the Father save the Son, Luke 10. 22. 24. 36. of that day *. no man, Mark 13. 32. Luke 16. 15. ye justify, but God *. your hearts John 7. 15. saying, how *. this man letters' 27. when Christ comelh, no man *. whence he is 10. 15. as the Father *. me j( 14. 17. nor *. him 19. ^o. he saw it, and he *. that he saith true Acts 15. B. God which *. the hearts bare witness 26. 26. for the king *. of these things before whom Horn. 8. 27. he *. what is the mind of the Spirit 1 C'i)r. 2. 11. for what man *. the things of a man, even so the things of God *. no man but Spirit 8.2. if any man think he *. any thing, he *.nothing 2 Cor. 11. 11. because I love you not ? God *. 31 God *. I lie not || 12. 2. I cannot tell, God *.3. 2 7'im. S. 19. the Lord *. them that are bis Jam. 4. 17. to him that *. to do good and doeth not 2 Pet. 2. 9. the Lord *. how to deliver the godly 1 John 3. 20. and *. all things H 4. 6. he that *. God 4. 7. he that loveth is born of God, and *. God liev. 2. 17. a new name written, which no man *. 12. 12. because he *. that be hath but a short time M'Atf KNOWETH, or KNOWETH not. 1 Kings 1. 11. doth reign, and Dav. our Ld. *. itn. J:sth. 4. 14. who k. whether thou art come to kingd. Joi 12. 3. yea, who k. not such things as these ? 9. wAa t. not in all the^e, that the hand of Lord 14. 21, iiis sons come to honour, he *. it not 18. 81. this is the place of hiui that *. not God KNO Joi 88.13. man k.not the price thereof.nor is it founu 35. 15. he hath visited in anger, yet he *. it not Psa{.3f).6 riches, and *. not who shall gather them 90. 11 . who k. the power of thine anger ' 92.6.abrutish man *.nor,Qor a fool understand thi^ Prep. 7. S3, and *. not that it is for his life gi 18. but he *. not that the dead are there 24. 22. and who k. the ruin of them both ; P.ccl_i. 19. who k. whether he be wiie or a foo? 3. 21. who k. the spirit of man that goeth iipwanl 6. 12. for who k. what is good for man in life 8. 1. who k. the interpretation of a thing f 7. for he *. not that which shall be 9- 12. for man also *, not his time, as the fishea 10. 15. because he *. «o/ how to go to the city lia. 29.15. and they say, who seeth us, aho k. us lios.'i. 9. gray hairs here and there, yet he *. nca Joel 2. 14. who k. if he will return and repent Mark 4. 27. and seed should grow up, he *. not how John 7. 49 but this people, who *. not the law 12. 35.walketh iu darkness, knot whither he goecu 15. 15. the servant *. not what his lord doeth Acts 19. J5. what man that *. not that Ephesiam 1 J(i/;«2.11. walketh in darkness. *. ho/ whither go. 3.i therefore the world *. us not, it knew him not 4. 8. be that loveth not, *. yiot God, for God is lov.- KNOWING. Cen. 3. 5. ye shall be as gods, *. good and evil 43. t7. *. could we know, he would say, bring 1 Kiyigs 2. 32. slew them, my father David not *. 2 Chron. 2. 1 12. to David a wise son, *. pnideuce Mat. Si. ^. Jesus *. their thoughts, Luke 11. 17. 22.29. ye err, not*, the scriptures nor powerofG. Mark 5. 30. Jesus immediately *. in himself vinuj 33. but the woman *. what was done in her fi.20. feared John, *. that he was a just man 12. 15. but he *. their hypocrisy, said to them Luke 8. 53. they Vaughed, *. that she was dead 9. 33. and one for Elias, not *. what he said John 13. 3. Jesus *. the lather had given all things 18.4. Jesus *. all things that should come upon him 19- 28. Jesus*, that all things were accomplished 21. 12. nonedurst ask him, *. that it was the Lor.' Acts 2. 30. *. that God had sworn with an oath 5. 7. his wife not *. what was done, came in 18. 25. he taught, *. only the baptism of John 20. 22. not *. the things that shall befal me there Rom. 1. 32. who *. the judgment of God that they 2. 4. not *. that the goodness of (iod leadeth thee 5. 3. *. that tribulation worketh patience 0.6. *. this, that our old man is crucified wilJi him 9. *. Chr. being raised from dead, dieth no jiurc 13. 11. *. the time, now it is high lime to awake 2 Cor. 1.7.*. that as ye are partakers of sufferinji 4. 14. *. that he which raised the Lord JesQS 5. 6. *. that whilst we are at home in the body 11. *. the terror of the Lord, we persuade men ('III. 2. 16. *. that a man is not justified by the law Ljih. 6. 8. *. that whatsoever good any man doeth 9. *. that your master is in heaven, Col. 4. 1. Phil. 1. 17. k. that I am set for defence of gospel Col. 3. 24. *. that of the L. ye shall receive reward 1 I'hess. 1.4. *. beloved, your election of God 1 y'im. 1 . 9. *. this, that the law is made for lawless t).4. is proud, *. nothing.but doting about questions 2 Vim. 2. 23. questions, *. that they do gender strifej 3. 14. k. of whom thou hast learned them Vi/. 3. 11. *. that he that is such, is subverted Phitem. 21. *. that thou wilt do more than I say }leb. 10.34. *. ye have in heaven abetter substance 11. 8. he went out, not *. whither he went Jam. 1. 3. *. this, that the trying of your faith 3. 1. *. we shall receive greater condemnation 1 Pet. 3.9. blessiiig, *. that ye are thereunto called 5. 9. *. the same affliction* are accomplished in 2 Per. 1. 14. *. that shortly I must put off this taber. 20. *. this, that no prophecy of scripture is of 3. 3. * that there shall come scoSers in last days KNOWLEDGE Sigoifiea, [1] The essential and infinite under, standing of dad, by which he knows every thing in the most perfect mariner, 1 Sam. 2. 3. [2] A bare understanding of divine truths, uilkout faith in Christ and love to our Christian brethren, 1 Cor. 8. 1. f3] ^ right understand- ing and conception of spiritual things, 2 Cor. 6. 6. [4] That knowledge of God's will, and of the way of salvation, which is in Christ m Its highest perfection, and which by him is re- vealed to his people, end imprinted on their minds and hearts by his Spirit, so as to produce faith, love, and obedience, Isa. 53. 11. [5] Christian prudence and holy tsper(enc4 in the ways of God, 2 Cor. 8. 7. 2 Pet. 1. 5, 6. [6] That imperfect knowledge of divin* things which we have in this world, 1 Cor. 13. 8. [7] The gift ojf interpreting dreams, Dan. 5. 12. It is [ll Natural, that knowledge which men have ip the light oj nature, Rom. 1. 21, 28. Jude 10. [2] Artificial, sucfi as it bellowed on men for KNO devising curimu and tsciUenI piicts of worl- mantnip. Kind. 35. 31. [J] Legal, namtlti, llial knounedfie of atir guilt and danger uhtch uere laugkt by the la-j, Rom. 3. 20. |7. "■ [■i] Evangelical, stuh it that hioxledge of Christ, and of salialion through htm, ichich the gospel ncquainis lu itith, 2 Cor. 2. li. Cen. 2. 9. and ihe iree of*, of good and evil, 17. Etod. 31.3. 1 have filled Bezaleel in k. 35. 31. Lev. 4. 23. or if his sin come to his k. 28. A'Hni. 24. 16. and knew the k. of the most High liuth 2. 10. that thou ihouldest take k. of me 19. blessed be he that did take k. of thee 1 Ham. 8. 3. for the Lord is a god of k. S3. 23. see, take k. of all the lurking places 1 King! 9. 27. shipmen that had *. of sea, 2 Chr. 8. IR. tChron. 1. 10. give me k. that I may go out 1 1 . but hast asked i. II 12. *. is granted thee y«A. 10. 28. every one having k. separated Joi 15. 2. should a wise man utter rain k.? 21. 14. for we desire not the k. of thy ways 22. shall any teach God k. seeing he judgeth 33. 3. and my lips shall utter k. clearly 34. 2. give ear unto me, ye that have k. 36.3.1 will fetch my k. from afar, and will ascribe 4. he that is perfect in k. is with thee, 37. 16. Pia/. 19. 2. and night unto night sheweth k. 73. 11. and is there k. in the most High .' 94. 10. he that leacheth man k. shall not he know 119.66. teach me good judgment and k. 139. 6. such k. is loo wonderful for me 144. 3. what is man, that thou takest k. of him Prov. 1 . 4. to give the young man k. and discretion 7 . the fear of the Lord is the beginn ing of *. 22. fools hate k. \\ 2. 3. if thou criest after k. 29. for that they hated k. and did not choose 2. 6. out of his mouth cometh k. and understanding 10. and when k. is pleasant to thy soul 3. 20. by his k. the depths are broken up 2. and that thy lips may keep k. 8. 9. they are right to them that find k. 10. k. rather than gold]! 12. and find out k. 9. 10. and the >t. of the Holy is understanding 10. 14. wise men lay up k. but the foolish 11.9. but through k. shall the just be delivered 12. 1. whoso loveth instruction loveih k. S3, a prudent man concealcih k. but fools 13. 16. every prudent man dealeth with k. 14. (i. k. is easy to him that understandeth 7. thou perceivest not in him the lips of k, 18. but the prudent are crowned with k. 15.2. the tongue of the wise useth k. aright 7. the lips of the wise disperse *. 14. the heart that hath understanding seeketh k. 17. 27. he that hath k. spareth his words 18. 15. the heart of the prudent getteth k. and the ear of the wise seeketh k. 19. 25. reprove, and he will understand k. 27.cea58, my son, to err from the words of *. SO. 15. the lips ot k. are a precious jewel 21. 11. when the wise is instructed, h* receiveth k. 22. 12. the eyes of the Lord preserve k. 17. and apply 'bine heart unto my k. SO. written excellent things in counsels and k. S3. 12. and apply thine ears to the words of k. 84.4. by k. shall the chambers be filled with riches 5. yea, a man of k. increaseth strength 14. so shall the k. of wisdom be to the soul 28. 2. by a man of k. the state shall be prolonged 30.3. nor learned wisdom, nor have the i.of Holy Ecel. 1. 16. yea, my heart had experience o! k. 18. he that increaseth k. increaseth sorrow 2. 21. for there is a man whose labour is in k. C6. God givelh to a man wisdom, k. and joy 7. 12.but the excellency of *. is that wisdom giveth 9. 10. nor *. in the grave, whither thou goest 12. y. the preacher still taught the people k. Jsa. 8. 4. for before the child shall have k. 10 cry 11.2. the spirit of *. and of the fear of the Lord 28.9- whom shall he teach k.T ihem that are wean. 32. 4. the heart of the rash shall understand k. 33.6. wisdom and *. shall be stability of thy limes 40. 1+. who taught him k. || 44. 19. nor is there k. 44. 25. and maketh their i. foolish 47.10. thy wisdom and thy i.haih perverted (hee 53.1 l.by his it. my righteous servant justify many Jer. 3. 15. pastors, which shall feed you with k. 10. 14. every man is brutish in his >t. every founder 11. 18. the Lord hath given me *. of ii 51. 17. every man is brutish by his <•. every founder Dan.\.i. children well favoured and cunning in k. 17. God gave them k. || 2. 21. he givpih *. to them 5. 12 excellent spirit and k. were found in Danii-l 12. 4. many run to and fro, and i.-hall be increased UosA.6. my people arc destroyed for lack of k be- cause ihou hast rejected k. I will reject thee Ilai. 2. 14. the earth filled wiib ibe k. ofthe Lord A/j/. 2. 7. for the priest's lips should keep k. Mai. 14. SS. the Dieu of that place had k, of him 327 KNO Luke 1.77. togive k. of salvat. by remission ofslns 11. 52. ye have taken away the key of k. Acts 4. 13. they marvelled and took k. of them 24. 22. having more perfect k, of that way Rom. 1. 28. did not like to retain God in their k. 2. 20. which haist the form of k. and of truth .3. 20. no flesh justified, for by law is the k. of sin 10. 2, they have a iseal, but not according to *. .'5. 14. that ye also are filled with all k. able to 1 Cor. 1. 5. are enriched in all utterance and all *. 8. 1. we know that we all have k. k. puffeth up 7. howbeit there is not in every man thati. 10. if 2tny man see thee which hast k. sit at meat 11. through thy k. shall thy weak brother perish 12. 8. to another the word of it. by the same .Spirit 13. 2. though understand all mysteries and all *. 8. whether there be k. it shall vanish away 14. 6. except I speak to you by revelation or k. ZCor.C. 14. maketh manifest the savour of his /t. 4.6. togive the light of the k. of the glory of God 6.6. by pureness, by *.by long-suffering, by kindn. 8. 7. as ye abound in faith, utterance, and k. 11.6. though 1 be rude in speech, yet not in k. Eph. 1. 17. may give you wisdom in the k. of him 3. 4. when ye read, ye may understand my k. 19. the love of Christ which passeth k. 4. 13. till we come in the unity of the k. of the Son Phit. 1. 9. that your love may abound more in k. 3.8. I count all things but loss for the k. of Christ CoM.g.that ye might be filled with ihei.of his will 2. 3. in whom are hid the treasures of" wisd. and k 3. 10. put on the new man which is renewed in k. 1 Tim. 2. 4. all men to come to the *. of the truth 2 J'im.S.T . never able to come to the k. of the truth IJei. 10. 26. if we sin after we have received the k. Jam.3. 13. who is a wise man, and cudued with k .' 1 F«. 3. 7. husbands dwell with tlieui according lo>t. 2 Pet. 1.3. thro'the*. of him that hath called us 5. add to virtue k. and to k temperance 8. nor unfraitlul in the k. of our Lord .les. Christ 3. 18. grow in grace and in the k. of our Lord Jesus KNOWLEDGE 0/ God. Prov. 2. 5. then shall thou find the k. of God 1101.4.1. there is no truth, nor *. o/'Gorf in the land 6. 6. desired the k.of God more than burnt-ofTerings Rom. II. 33. the richesboth of wisdom, andX../G. 1 Cor. 15. 34. for some have not the i. of God 2 Cor. \0.5. high thing exalleth itself against /t.ii/'G. Col. 1. 10. and increasing in the k. of God 2 Pel. 1. 2. peace bemultiplied, thro'the-i. of God KNOW LEDC; E of the Lord. 2 Chron. 30. 22. that laught the good k. of the Lord /ja.ll.g.the earth shall be full of ihe^.o/rte Lord 2 Pet. 2. 20. escaped pollution thro' the k. of .the L, No KNOWLEDGE. Z^eH/. 1.39. your childr. which in that day had nok. Ptal. 14. 4. have the workers of iniquity no k.b:\.i. Isa.5.i3. gone intocaptiv. because they have no k. 45. 20. they have no k. that set up their images 58. 3. we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no Jc, Jer. 4. 22. but to do good, they have no k. Utthout KNOWLEDCJE. A'/zm. 15.24. committed icithoni i.of thecongrcgat. Job 34. 35. Job hath spoken wilhout k. and wisdom 35. 16. he multiplieth words letihoul k. 36.12. they shall peribh by sword, and A\tuith. k. 38. 2. darkenelh counsel by words uiihoui k. 42.3. Prov. 19.2. it is not good that the soul be niihout k, KNOWN. Gen. 24. 16. was a virgin, nor had any man k. her Exod.1. 14. Moses said, surely this thing is k. 21. 3fi. if it be k. that the ox hath used to push 33. 16. for wherein shall it be k. here that 1 and Lev.i. 14. when the sin they have sinned is k. 5. 1. is a witness whether he hath seen or k. of it Nitm. 31. 17. kill every woman that hath k. man l)ent.'\.\'i. lake wise men, and /(-.among tribes, 15. 21. 1. and it be not k. who hath slain him Josh. 24.31. and which had k. the works of the Ld. 1 Ham. 6. 3. and it shall be k. to you why his hand 1 Kings 18. 36. let it be k. that thou art God in Isr. Etrni. 12. be it *. to the king, IS. | 5.8. Seh. 4. 13. when enemies heard that it was k. to us Esih. 2.22. the thing was k. to Mordecai who told 11 Psal. 9. 16. the Lord is k. by the judgment which 31.7. thou hast k. my soul in adversitiei 48. 3. God is k. in her palaces for a refuge 67.2 that thy way may be k. on earth, thy health 6y, 19. thou hasl k. my reproach and my shame 76. 1. in Jadah is God /t. his name is great in Isr. 77. I9- *hy way in the sea, thy footsteps are not k. 78. 3. sayings of old, which we have he:ird and *. 79. 10. let him be *. among the heath, in our sight 88. 12. shall thy wonders be k. in the dark ? !)l. l'l.s«thim on high.because hehaih k.my name liy. 79. those that have k. thy testiiuonies 152. 1 have*. of old thou hast fuund them furerer 13J. 1.1) I.x)rd, thou bast searched me, and /. nie PrtfB.lU.y, buthetbatptrverl. his ways shall be k. 1%. 16, a fool's wrath it (rssently k. but a prudent KNO Trill'. 20. U. a child is*, by h's doings whether h.-j 31 .23. her husband is k. in the gates, when he sitl Eccl. 5.3. a fool's voice is k. by multitude of words 6. 10. and it is k. that it is man, oor may contead An. 12.5. excellent things, this is*, in all the earth ly. 21. and the Lord shall be *. to Egypt 61. 9. their seed shall be *. among the Gentile 66. 14. hand of the Lord shall be *. to h sservants Jer. 5. 5. for they have *. the way of [be Lord 28. 9. then shall prophet be *. the Lord sent him Ezek. .36. 32. saiththe Lord God, be it *. to vou. Acts 4. 10. I 13. 38. I 28^28 38. 23. I will be *. in the eyes of many nations Dan. 3. 18. but if not, be it *. to thee, O king 4. 26. after thou shalt have *. the heavens rule Amos7..'i. you only have 1 *. of all families of earth i!.ech. 14.7. a day which shall be *. to ilie Lord Mat. 12.7. but if ye bad *. what this meant 33. the tree is k. by his fruit, Luke 6. 44. 24. 43. if the good man of bouse had *. Luke 12.39 Luke! . 39. if he were a prophet, he would hive * 19. 42. saying, if thou liadst *. in this thy day 24. 35. how he was *. of them in breaking olbread John"!. 4. he himself seeketh to be *. openly 8.iy. nor know me nor my Father, if yehad *.m ye should have *. my lather also, 14. 7 10. 14. I know my sheep, and am *. of mine 17 7 now they have *. II 8. and have i. burely 25. I have * thee,these have *. thai thou sent ni 18.15. that disciple which was*, to high priest, I6. Acts 1. 19, and it was *. to all dwellers at Jerus. 2.14. be this *. unto you, and hearken to my words y. 24. but their laying await was *. of Saul 42. it was*, throughout all Joppa, many believed 1 J. 18. *. unto God are all his works from begiuo, 1;). 17. this was *. to all the Jews and (iieek^ '-".'. 30. he would have *. the cenainty,2i. 28. Hi'in 1. 19 because ihat which may be *. of God 1 1 . 34. who hath *. the mind of Lord, 1 t'.'r. 2. Id 1 < 1;. 2.8. for had they *. it||8. 3. samj- is*.ofhiir. li. 12. then shall I know, even as 1 also am *. 147. how shall it be * what is piped or harped y. how shall it be *. what is spoken ? 2 Vor. 3. 2. are our epistle *. and read of all men 5. 16. though we have *. Christ after the flesh 6. 9. as unknown and yet well * as dying ano Gat. 4. 9. after ye have*. God or are *. of (iod Eph. 3.10. might be *. by church ihe wisd. ofGoi PhiT.i. 5. let your moderation be *. to all men 2 Tim. 3. 10. thou hast fully *. mydocirine 15 from a child thou hast *. the holy bcriplures 4. 17 that by me the preaching might be fully *. 1 lohnl. 13. 1 write, because ye have *. him 4. 16 we have *. and believed the love God hath 2 Johnl. 1< and all them that have *. ihe truth .Vade or mndett KNOWN. Gen.ih. 1 .while Joseph »ii . 1" 23. I will make k. my words to you //n.38.iy. the lather to children shall ;«.*.thy truib M. 2. 10 make thy name *. to thy adversaries Liek. 35. 11. 1 will make myself >. among them 30. 7. so will 1 make my holy name it. in Israel L>an.2. 25. found a man that will ma** *.lothektii^ 26. art thou able to make k. to me the dream > 28. but the Lord maketh i to the king, 2y. 30. shall moke k. ihe loterprelatioii, 5. 15, I6, 1? //aA. 3.2. ',) Lord, in the midst of llie ye?rsnia** i liom, 9. 24. Goa wUluJC '° "^*" '■'* l"-"'ei * LAB /Cum.9.S3. that he might ma*f i.richesof tifj glory iphO.iy. to make i. the mystery of the gospel 21. Tychicus shall mate i. to you all things Col 1 . 27. to whom G. will m. i. what is the riches i.Q.lbey shall make k. to you all things done here Atfj KNOWN. Gert. 19. 8. 1 have two ddui;hlers which have vol k. man, AWi.31. 18,35. Jitdg. CI. 12. 21 CI. it could noi be /. they had eaten them 31. and the plenty shall not be k. in the land Exurf. 6. 3. by my name Jkhovah was I 7101k. Dent. 11. 2. with childrtiiwhichhave no/ ^.31.13. 28. to go after gods which ye have no»*. 13.6, 13. 28. 36. nsitherthou ji.Tihy fathers have *. &i. /«ioi k. the Father nor me 17.25. righteous Faih. the world hath n. *. thee Jlorn. 3. 17. the way of peace have they not k. 7.7. • had not k. sin but by the law, I had n.i.lust K)A. 3. 5. which in other ages was not made k. i Pet. S. SI . been better not k, way of righteousness iJehn 3. 6. the sinner hath not seen nor k. him lUc. S. 24. which have not k. the depths of Satan L. LABOUK Signifies, [1] Diligent care and pains, Prov. 14. 2.S. Eccl. 1. 3. [2] The increaie and fruit of labour, Exod. S3. 16. Fx;cl. 2. 10. [3] The pinft of a woman in child-birth. Gen. 35. I6, 17. [4] The uork done or performed it/ labour, Eccl. 2 11. [5] All eiili both of tin and misery, farticularly those of fierseculion. Rev. 14. 13. [£] To endeavour earnestly, Isa. !2. 4. Ileb. 4. 11. [7] To journey or travel, Josh. 7. 3. [8] Tt perform Christian ojices, Rom. l6. 6. [9] Diligently and carefully to discharge jiastoral duties, I Tim. 5. 17. LA BO IT R, Substantive. Cm. 31. 42. God hath seen the I. of my hands 35. 16. Rachel travailed a«id had hard /. 17. Vent. 26. 7. the Lord heard, and looked on our/. Jk>/i. 5. 13. so God shake out every man from his /. Jolii. ♦ 7 yet man is born to /.as sparks fly upward 3;*. 11. or wilt thou leave thy /. to him.' 16. her /. is in vain without fear fsal. 73.* 16. to know, it was .'. in mine eye* 78. 46. he gave their /. to the locust 90. 10. yet is their strength /. and sorrow, soon cut 104. 2.'^. man goeth to his /. till the evening 105. 44. they inherited the /. of the people 107. 12. he brought down their heart with /. my. 11. let the stranger spoil his /. 128. 2. thou shalt eat the /. of thy hands Vrov,\Q. 16. the /. of the righteous tendeth to life 13. 11. he that gathereth by /. shall increase 14. 23. in all /. there is profit, but the talk of lips heel. 1. 3. what profit hath a man of all his /. U. all things are full of /. man cannot utter it £■ 10. rejoiced in all my/, my portion of all my /. IB. yea, I hated all my /. which I had taken 10. yet shall he have rule over all my /. SJO. to cause my heart to despair of the /. I took SI. for there is a man whose /. it in wisdom ?2. what hath man of all his /. under the sun ' 24. make his soul enjoy good in /. 3. 13. | 5. 18. 4.8. yet there is no end of all his /.noreye satisfied 9. because they have a good reward for their /. h. 15. noihing othis /. which he may carry away I'j. io rejoice in his /. this is the gift of God i>. 7 ■ all the /. of man is for his mouth, and yet «• 15. for that shall alide With liiu »/ b)} /, LAB Rf/.9.9.lhat is thy portion in thy /. under the sun 10. 15. the /. of the foolish we.irieth every one In. 45. 14. the /. of Egypt shallcome over to thee .55. 2. why spend your /.lor that which satisfi. not ? Jer. S. 24. shame devoured the /. of our lathers 20. 18. wherefore came I out of the womb to see /. E:ek. 23. 29. they shall take away all thy /. 29.20. 1 have given him the land of Egypt for his /. had. 3. 17. though the /. of the olive should fail lla^. 1.11. a drought on all the /. of the handj John 4. 38. to reap that whereon ye bestowed no /. /i'om.l6.6.greet Mary, who bestowed much /.on vis lCor.3.8. every man shall receive accord, to his / 15. 58. you know that your /. is not in vain f'n/.4.11.Iam afraid of you.Iest Ibestowed/.in vain /^Ai/.l.C2.if I live in the flesh, this is fruit of my /. 2. 25. Epaphroditus, my companion in /. brother IT'/kj J. 1.3. remembering your/. of love, andpatiencc 2.9. for ye remember, brethren, our/, and travail 3. 5. tempter have tempted you, and our /.be in vain 2 Thess. 3. 8. but wrought with /. and travail night Ileb. 6.10. not unrighteous to forget your /. of love lie-,:. 2. 2. I know thy works, and /. and patience LABOUR, P'eib. Ezod. 5. 9- more work, that they may /. therein 20. 9. six days shalt thou /. Deut. 5. 13. Joih. 7. 3. make not all the people to /. thither 24. 13. given you a land, for which he did not /. A'«/j.4.2C.may be a guard to us, and /. on the day Job 9. 29. if 1 be wicked, why then /. I in vain Psal. 127. 1. except the Lord build they /. in vain 144. 14. that our o.xen may be strong to /. Prov. 21. 25. the slothful, his hands refuse to /. 23. 4. /. not to be rich, cease from thy own wisdom Eccl. 4. 8. nor saith he, for whom tfo I /. .' 8.17.because tho'aman/.to seekit out, not find it Isa. 22. 4. I will weep bitterly, /.not to comfort me 65. 23. they shall not /. in vain, nor bring forth Jer. 51. 58. and the people shall /. in vain Lam. 5. 5. under persecution we /. and have no rest Mic. 4. 10. be in pain, and /. to bring forth, O Zion Hai. 2. 13. that the people should /. in the fire Mat. 11.28. come to me all ye that /. and are laden John 6. 27. /. not for the meat that perisheth Pom. 16. 12. and Tryphosa who /. in the Lord 1 Cor. 4. 12. and /. working with our own hands 2 Cor. 5. 9- wherefore we /. to be accepted of him £jih. 4. 28. but rather /. working with his hands Col.l. 29. whereunto I also /. striving according to 1 Thess. 5. 12. to know them which /. among you 1 7Vm.4. 10. therefore we both /.and suffer reproach 5.17 especially they that /. in word and doctrine lleb.i. 11. let us/, therefore to enter into that rest LABOURED. Neh. 4.21. so we /. in the work, and held the spears Job CO. 18. that which he /. for, shall he restore Eccl. 2. 11. I looked on the labour I had /. to do ly.have rule over all mylabourwherein I have /. 21. yet to a man that hath not /. therem 22. of the vexation of his heart wherein he hath /. 5. iC.what profit hath he that hath /. for the windf ha. 47.12. with thy sorceries wherein thou hast /. 15. shall they be to thee with whom thou hast /. 4y. 4. I said, I have /. in vain, spent my strength 6C. 8. stranger not drink, for which thou hast /. Dan. 6. 14. then the king /. to deliver Daniel Jonah 4. 10. the gourd for which thou hast not /. John 4. 38. other men /.and ye are entered into their liom.\().\1. salute Persis, who /. much in the Lord 1 Cur.15.10. but I /. more abundantly than they all Phil. 2. 16. that I have not run nor /. in vain 4. 3. help those that /. with me in the gospel liev. 2. 3. hast borne, and for my name's sake /. LABOURER. Luke 10. 7. for the /. is worthy of his hire I Tim. 5. 18. the /. is worthy of his reward LABOURERS. A/a/. 9.37.harvest plenteous, but /. few, Luke 10.2. 38. pray the Lord that he will send /. Luke 10.2. 20. 1. went out early to hire /. into his vineyard C. when he had agreed with the /. ||8. call the /. 1 Cor. 3. 9. for we are /. together with God Jam.5.i. behold the hire of the/, that reaped LABOURETH. Prov. 16. 26. he that /. /. for himself Eccl. 3. 9. what profit in that wherein he /..' 1 C'i'r.16. 16. submit to every one thathelpeth and /. 2 Tim. 2. 6. the husbajidman that /. must be first LABOURING. Tccl. 5. 12. the sleep of a /. man is sweet /lets 20. 35. so /. ye ought to support the weak Col. 4. 12. always /. for you in prayer, that ye 1 Thess. 2. 9- /. night and day w ■ preached to you LABOURS. Eiod. 23.16. the first fruits 01 thy /. when thou hast gathered in thy /. out of the field Deut. 28. 33. and all thy /. shall a nation eat up Prov. 5.10. and thy '. be in the house of a stranger Isa. 58. 3. in day of your fast you exact all your /. Jtr, 20.5. I will deliver all tbuir /, to their enemies LAD Hit. 12.8. in my I. shall they findao iijiquityia me Hag. 2. 17. I smote you in all the /. of your hands f John 4. 38 and ye are entered into their /. 2 Cor. C. 5. in tumults, in /. in watchiojs, in fastings, 10. 15. not boasting of other men's /. 11. 23. in /. more abuud. in stripes above measure liev. 14. 13. that they may rest from their /. 'lace. £Torf.28. 28. shall bind the breast-platewith/.of blue 37. and thou shalt put it on a blue /. 39. 31. and they tied it to a /. of blue to fasten it LACK, Subitantive. Gen. 18. 28. wilt thou destroy all for /. of five.' £;xorf.l6.18.that gathered little had no /. 2Cor.8.15. Job 4. 11. the old lion perisheth for /. of prey 38. 41. when his young ones wander for /. of me.it IIos, 4.6. my peo. are destroyed for /. of knowledge Phil. 2. 30. his life to supply your /. of service 1 Thess. 4. 12. and that ye may have /. of nothing LACK, I'erb C.en. 18. 28. if there shall /. five of tlie fifty Deut. 8. 9. thou shalt not /. any thing in it Psal. 34.10. the young lionsdo /. and suffer hunger Prov. 28. 27. that giveth to the poor shaM not /. Eccl. 9. 8. and let thy head /. no ointment Mat. 19. 20. these things have I kept, what /.I yet ? Jam. 1.5. if any ofyou/.wisdom.lethimaskof God LACKED. Deut. 2. 7. Ld. been with thee, thou hast /. nothinu 2 Sam. 2. 3\). there /. of David's serv. nineteen men 1 A'lHjj 4.27. officers providedvictual.they/.nothing 11. 22. but what hast thou /. with me ? AV/i. 9- 21. thoudidst sustain them, they /. nothing Ltike 8. 6. it withered away, because it /. moistuie 22. 35. I sent you without purse, /. ye any thing .> Acts 4. 34. nor was there any among them that/. 1 Cor. 12.24. given more honour to that part which/ Phil. 4. 10. ye were careful, but /. opportunity LACK EST. Mark 10. 21. but one thing thou /. Luie 18. S3. LACKETH. Num. 31. 49. and there /. not one man of ui 2 Sam. 3. 29. let there not fail one that /. bread Prov. 6. 32. committeth adultery, /. understanding 12.9. than he that honoureth himself, and /. bread 2 Pit. 1. 9. but he that /. these things is blind LACKING. Lev. 2. 13. nor shalt thou suffer salt to be /. 22. 23. not offer a lamb that hath any'thiug /. Judg.H.3. that there should be one tribe /. in Israel 1 Sam. 30. I9. and th^e wm nothing /. to theiu Jer. 23. 4. they shall fear no more, nor shall be /. 1 Cor. 16. 17. for that which was /. they supplied 2 Cor. 11. 9. what was /. to me the brethren supplied 1 2'Aess. 3. 10. might perfect what is /.in your faith LAD, S, Signifies, A boy, or one young in years. Gen. 21. 12, 17. It is applied, [1] 7'o one mho vat seventeen years old. Gen. 37. i. [2J To a married man. Gen. 43. 8. compared with 46. 21. [3] To a servant, 1 Sam. 20. 30. Gen. 21. 12. let it not be grievous because of the /. 17. and God heard the voice of the /. 18. arise, lift up the /. || 19. she gave the /. drink 20. God was with the /. and he grew and dwelt 22. 5. 1 and the /. will go yonder and worship 12. he said, lay not thine hand upon the /. 37. 2. the /. was with the sous of Bilhab 43.8. send the /. with me, and we will arise and go 44. 22. we said, the /. cannot leare his father 30. my father, and the /. be not with us, 31,31. his life is bound up in the /. life 32. thy servant became surety for the /. 33. abide instead of the /. let the /. go up 48. 16. the Angel who redeemed me, bless the /. Judg. 16. 26. Samson said to the /. that held him 1 6'am. 20. 21. and behold 1 will send a /. saying, go 3(). Jonathan said to the /. run, as the /. raij 37. Jonathan cried after the /. make speed, 38. 39. but the /. knew not any thing, only David 40. Jonathan gave his artillery to his I. 2 Sam. 17. 18. a /. saw tnem ana tola Aosalora John 6. 9. there is a /. here hath five barley loaves LADDER. Gen. 28. 12. Jacob dreamed, and behold a/, set up LADE Signifies, [1] To lay on a burden, Neh. 4. 17- I 13. 15. [2] To oppress, 1 Kings 12. 11. [3] To impose the performance of unnecessary traditions, or strict injunctions, over and abort what the law requires, Luke 11. 46. [4] To be burdened not uith the sense, but with tha guilt and bondage of sin, Isa. 1. 4. [5] To be sensible of and mouTH under the burden of eir^ Mat. 11.28. 'J hat ladeth himself with thick clay, llab.i. 6 ; that burdens and defiles himself uith amassed treasures, gulttn by eitortion and ouyres turn. Gen. 45.17. /. your beasts and go to land ofCauafUl Lev. 22. t 16. /. themselvM witli the ioiquity LAM 1 Kings 12. 11. my father did /. you with a yoke Luie 11. 46. for ye /, men with grievous burdens LADED. Gen. 4S. 28. they /. their asses with the com, 41. 13. Ifth. 4. 17. those that /. wrought in the work jlcts 28. 10. they /. us with such things as necessary LADEN. Cm. 45. 23. sent ten asses /. with good things of Egypt 1 Sam. 16. 20. Jesse took an ass /. with bread Isa. 1. 4. a people /. with iniquity, seed of evil doers Mjt: 11. 28. come, all ye that labour and are heavy /. 2 Tim. 3. 6. silly women, /. with sins, led away with LADETII. fla*. C.6. woe to him that /.himself with thick clay LADING. 2^eA. 13. 15. I saw some on the sabbath /. asSes LADING. AclsiT. 10. much damage not only of /. and ship LADV. Jia. 47. 5, shall no more be called a /. of kingdoms 7. and thou saidst, I shall be a /. for ever C John 1. the elder to the elect /. and her children 5. now I beseech, thee, /.that we love one another LADIES. Jtidg.S.ag. wise /. answered her, yea, she returned EstA.l.W. likewise shall /. of Persia and Media say LAID, see after Lay. LAKE Signifies, [1] A large place full of water encom- passed aitli land, Luke 5. 1, 2. [2] Hell, Rev. 19. 20. I 20. 10. Luke C. 1. Jesus stood by the /. of Gennesaret 2. and saw two ships standing by the /. 8. 22. let us go over to the other side of the /. 23. there came down a storm of wind on the /. 33. herd ran violently down a steep place into / Rev. 19- 20. these both were cast into a /. of fire 20. 10. devil was cast into /. of fire and brimstone 14. death and hell were cast into the /. of fire 15. WEis not found in the book of life, cast into /. 21, 8. murderers have their part in the /. burneth LAMB Signifies, A sheep under a year old, of a m£ei, gentle, and tractable nature, uhich is useful for food and clothiiig, and under the laze uat used for sacrifice, parlicularli/ in the passover Gen. 21. 28. Exod. 12. .% 5. Prov. 27. 26! To which are compared, [1] Christ Jesus, who teas lyptjied by the lamb in the passover, and became a sacrifice for sin, John 1. 29. Rev. 5. 6, 8. [2] All true Christians, mho are humble, meek, and tractable, Isa. 11. 6. John 21, 15. [3] An innocent, inoffensive, and harmless teacher, who had done nothing to merit the cruelty and barbarity of his enemies, and was as ignorant of their inhuman devices against him, as a lamb is of the design of such as lead it to the slaughter, Jer 11. I9. [4] A man's aife, 2 Sam. 12. 3, 4 [5] Anti- christ, who by his pardons and indulgences presumpliumsly assumes the power and prero- gative of Chfist Jesus the Lamb of God, Rev. 13. 11. Qen. 22. 7. but where is the /. for a burnt-ofTering .' 8. my son, God will provide himself a /. £jrcrf. 12.3. they shall take to them every mana/.21. 3. your /. shall be without blemish, a male 13. 13, an ass shalt thou redvm with a /. .34. 20. 29. 39- one /. thou shalt offer in the morning, and the other/, shalt offer at evening, 41. Num.lKA. 40. with a /. a tenth deal of flour mingled, Num. 28. 21,29. I 29.4,10,15. Lev. 3.7. if he offers /.4.32. | 5.6. | 22.23. | 23.12. 4. 35. he shall take away the fat, as the fat of a /. 5.7- if he be no* able to bring a /. 12.8. 9. S. take a /. of the fint year without blemish, U. 10. Num.6. 12. I 7. 15, 21. 14. 12. the priest shall take the /. and offer him 13. slay the /. 25. || 24. /. of trespass-offering 17.3. that killeth an ox, or a /. or goat in the cjtmp 53. 12. shall offer a /. without blemish yum. 6. 14. he shall offer one he-/, of first year for a burnt-offering, ewe-/.of first year for a sin-offer, 15. 5. shalt prepare with the sacrifice for one /. 11. thus done for one /.28.7, 13, 14. Eiek. 46.15. ISmm. 7. 9. Samuel offered a tacking /. to the I>oru 17. 34. there came a lion and bear and took a /. 2Sam. 12. 4. took the poor man's /. and dressed it 6, and he shall restore the /. four-fold Isa. 11.6. the wolf also shall dwell with the /. 16. 1. send ye the /. to the ruler of the land 53.7.was brought as /. to the slaughter, J. [4] A son or successor -.oho preserve* one's name and memory from being eitmguished and forgotten, 1 Kings 15. 4. Psal. 132. 17. [6] Outward prosiienty, Prov. 13. 9. | 20. 20. It is spoken, [1] Of Ciod, who enlightens, di- rects, and ciimforts his people, 2 Sam. 22. 29- [2] Of his word, which ajfords direction and comfort in all doubts, dijicullies, and disiresiei. Psal. 119. 105. f;«n. 15.17. a burning /. that passed between piece* Eiod. 27. 20. to cause the /. to burn always 1 6'um.3.3.ere /. went out, Samuel was laid 10 sleep 2 Sam.2l. + 17. that thou quench not the /.of Israel 22. 29. thou art my /. O Lord, Lord will lighten 1 Kings 11. t 36. David my servant may have a/. 15. 4. for David's sake God gave hiin a /. in Jerui. Job 12.5. is as a /, despised in the thought of bim 18. t 6. wickid mans /. put out, 21. t 17. 29. ♦ 3. when his /. shiaeJ on my head I'ial. lU. t 28. for thou wilt light my /. 119. 105. thy word is a/, to my feet, and a light 132. 17. I have ordained a/, for mine anointed /Vuf.().23. forcommandnient is a /. the law is light 13. 9. the /. of the wicked shall be put out 20.20.whocurseih his f.-iiher, bis /.shall be put cut t 27. the spirit of man is the /. of the Lord Isa. 62. 1 . salvation thereof as a /. that burneth Ktv. 8. 10. a great star burning as it were a/. LAMPS. I'.zod. 25. 37. they shall light the /. thereof, 40. 4. 30. 7 . when he drcsscth the /. burn incense on It 8 when Aaron lightelhtlie/. at even burn ir.cens* 35 14. and his I. with the uil for the lti;iit LAN Etod. 39. 37. and ihey broagbt /. to Moses 40.25. lie lighted the /. before the L. Ah/;i.8.2, 3. Lev. 24. 2. /. to burn contimiaUy, 2 Cluon. 13. U. 4. order the /. || Sum. 4. 9- and cover his /. Judg. 7. 16. he put /. within the pitchers 20. and held the/, in their left nand and trumpets 1 Kings!. 49. he made/, of gold, 2 C/in)»i.4.20, 21. Jiii 41 .19. out of his mouth go burning /. and sparks £ielt. 1. 13. was like the appearance of /. Dan. 10.6. body like beryl, and his eye.s as/, of fire Mat. 25. 1. ten virgins which took their /. 3. 4 7. those virgins arose and trimmed their /. 8. giva us of your oil, for our /. are gone out Siven LAMPS. Eiod. 25. .37. thou shall make the tevfn I. thereof 37. 23. he made his seven /. of pure gold Num. 8. C. the settn I. shall give light over-against Zech. 4. 2. and behold a candlestick and seven i. liev. 4. 5. there were seven I. of fire burning before LAN CI:;. Jer. 50. 42. they that hold the /. are cruel, will not LANCETS. 1 Kints 18. 28. cut themselves with /. till blood LAND Signifie-i, [1] The ahole continent of the earth, a dittingiiiiheJ from tea. Mat. 23. 15. [2] One particular country. Mat. 9. £t). [3] Arable ground. Gen. 26. 12. [4] The inhabitants of c countni, Isa. 37. 11. [5] A certain possession 2 Sam'. 19. 29. Acts 4. 37. Oen. 2 12. and the gold of that /. is good 10. 11. out of that /. went forth Ashur 12. 1. get thee: into a /. I will shew thee, Acts 7.3 13. 6. and the /. was not able to bear them g. is not the whole /. before thee, separate ' 17.8.1 willgive thee and feed the/.28. 13. | 35.12. 20. 15. behold, my /. is before thee, dwell where 24 37. of the Canaanite, in whose /. I dwell 26. 12. Isaac sowed in that /. and received in year 47. 20. bought the /. so the /. became Pharaoh's 22. only the /. of the priests bought he not EjoJ. 8.24. the /. was corrupted by the flies 10. 15. so that the /. was darkened, and they eat 20. 12. that thy days may be long upon the /. Xer.lli.22 . v,oat bear iniquities into a /. not inhabited 18. 25. and the /. is defiled, therefore, 27. 28. that the /. spue not you out also, 20. 22. £5. 2. then shall the /. keep a sabbath, S6. 34. 23. the /. shall not be sold, for the /. is mine S6. 4. the /. shall yield her increase, 25. I9. 38. the /. of your enemies shall eat you up 42. and I will remember the /. 43. the /. also shall be eft of them, and enjoy Aiiw. VJ. 18. see the /. what it is, and the people 32. the /. is a /. that cateth up tLe inhabitants 14. 23. surely ihey shall not see the /. I sware to 24. my servant Caleb will I bring to the /. 15. 2. when ye be come into the /. of your habi- tion. 18. Deut. 17. 14. ( lu. 9. \ 26. 1. 21. 34. delivered into thy hand his /. Deut. 3. C. .32. 4. the country the Lord smote is a /. for cattle 35. 33. for blood defileth the / and the /. cannot Deut. 1. 36. to him will I givt the /. he hath 2. 20. that was accounted a /. of giants, 3. 13. 8. 8. a /. of wheat, and barley, and vines 9. /. wherein eat bread, /. whose stones are iron 9. 28. was not able to bring them into the /. 10. 7- to Jotbath, a /. of rivers of waters 11. 12. a /. which the Lord thy God careth for 29. 23. the whole /. thereof is brimstone and salt 28. cast them into another /. as at this day 32. 10. he found him in a desert /. and in wilderness 43. he will be merciful to his /. and people 33 13. he said, blessed of the Lord be his /. 34. 1. and the Lord shewed him all the /. Josh. 2. 1. sent two men, saying, go view the/. 9. the Lord hath given you the /. SI. 43. 11. Ifi. Joshua took all that /. the hills, 23. 14. 15. and the /. had rest from war 24. 13. given you a /. for which ye did not labour y»rfi'. 3. 11. the /. had rest forty years, 5. 31. 30. and the /. had rest fourscore years 11. 12. thou art come to fight against me in my /. 18. 10. when ye go ye shill come to a large /. 30. till the day of the captivity of the /. 1 Sam. 14. 29. my father hath troubled the /. 21. 11. is not this David the king of the /. .' 2 .Sam. 3. 12. Abner sent, saying, whose is the /. .' 9- 7. I will restore thee all the /. of Saul 21. 14. God was entreated for the /. 24. 25. 1 Kings 9. 13. and he called them the /. of Cabul 11. 18. appointed him victuals, and cave him /. 2 Ai;ijs8. 3. went to cry to the king for her /. 6. since the day that she left the /. even till now 17. 26. the manner of the God of the /. 27. 18.32. take you to/, of corn and wine. Isa. 36.17. 33. any god delivered his /. Isa. .36. 18. SI. 8. move any more out of the /. S C/ir. 33. 8. «t. 7. 'he king of Egypt cime no more out of hi.s /. «j. 12. left of the poor of the / Jer.Si. I6. 330 LAN 1 Chron. 4. 40. and the /. was wide, and quiet 7. 21. men ofGath.whowere born in that /. 2 Chron. 7. SO. I will pluck them out of my /. 14. 7. make walls, while the /. is yet before us 34. 8. when he had purged the /. and the house £tr(i9.12.that ye may eat thegoodof /. Isa. 1. 19. .V«/i. 5. 16. work of wall, nor brought we any /. 9. 36. for the /. behold, we are servants in it Job 31 . 38. if my /. cry against me, or furrows 37. 13. whether for correction, or his /. or mercy 39. 6. and the barren /. his dwellings Psal. 10. 16. the heathen are perished out of his / 42 6. remember thee from the /. of Jordan 44. 3. for they got not the /. in possession 52. 5. and root lhe« out of the /. of the living 80. 9. to take deep root, and it filled the /. 101. 6. mine eyes shall be on the faithful of the /. 8. I will di'Stroy all the wicked of the /. 105. 16. ne called for a famine on the /. 30. the /. brought forth frogs in abundance 106. 24. yea, they despised the pleasant /. 38. and the /. was polluted with blood 107. 34. he turnetU the fruitful /. into barrenness 143. 6. my soul thirsts after thee cis a thirsty /. 10. lead me into the /. of uprightness P/or.l2.11.thattillethhis/.shallbesatisfied,28.19. 28. 2. for the transgression of a /. many princes Keel. 10. 16. woe to thee.O /.when thy king is achild 17. blessed art th«u, O /. when thy king is son Isa. 5. 30. if one look unto the /. behold sorrow 7. 16. the /. that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken 24. because all /. shall become briers and thorns 9. 1. /. of Zebulun, /. of Napthtali, Mat. 4. 15. 19. through the wrath of the Lord is /. darkened 13. 5. they come to destroy the whole /. 14. 25. 1 will break the Assyrian in my /. 18. 1. woe to the /. shadowing with wings ! 2. whose /. the rivers have spoiled, 7. 19. 24. shall be a blessing in the midst of the /. 21. 1. Cometh from the desert, from a terrible /. 23. 1. from the/, of Chittim it is revealed 24. 3. the /. shall be utterly emptied and spoiled 11. joy is darkened, the mirth of the/, is gone 30. 6. into the /. of trouble and anguish 32. 2. a5 the shadow of a great rock in aweary /. 13. on the /. of my people shall come thori.s 33. 17. and behold the /. that is very far off 34. 9. the /. thereof shall become burning pitch 35. 7. and the thirsty /. springs of water 49. 12. and lo, these from the /. of Sinim 19. the /. of thy destruction be too narrow 53. 8. he was cut off out of the /. of the living Jer. 1. 18. an iron pillar against the whole /. 2. 2. wentest after me, in a /. that was not sown 6. led us through a /. of deserts, a /. of drought 7. when he entered, ye defiled my /. 3. 9. 15. the young lions made his /. waste 3. 19. how shall I give thee a pleasant /. ? 4. 20. the whole /. is spoiled, suddenly are 5. 19. serve strangers in a /. that is not yours 6. 8. lest I make thee a /. not inhabited 8. 16. the whole /. trembled at the sound 9. 12. for that the /. perisheth and is burnt I'-J. because we have forsaken the land 11. 10. let us cut him off from the /. of the living 12. 4. how long shall the /. mourn, herbs wither 12. from one end of the /. even to the other 15. I will bring again every man to his / 16. 15. brought Israel from /. of the north, 31. 16 18. because they have defiled my /. they filled 17.6. inhabit wilderness into a salt /. not inhabited 22. 27. to the /. whcreunlo they desire to return 23. 15. is profaneness gone forth into the /. 25. 13. I will bring on that /. all my words 27. 7. till the very time of his /. come 40. 4. behold, all the /. is before thee 46. 12. thy shame, and thy cry hath filled the,/. 50.18.1 will punibh the king of Babylon and his /. 38. for it is the /. cf-graven images, they are mad 51. 43. a dry /. a /. wherein no man dwtlleth 47. her whole /. shall be confounded £:tX-. 7-23. for the /. is full of bloody crimes 8. 17. they have filled the /. with violence 9. 9. and the /. is full of blood, and the city 14. 13. when the /. sinneth against me 14.17. bring a sword on /. || I9. a pestilence into /. 17. 5. he took also of the seed of the/, and planted 13. he hath taken the mighty of the /. 21. 19. both shall come forth out of one /. 22. 24. thou art the /. is not cleansed nor rained on 30. should stand in the gap before me /or the /. 32. 4. then will I leave thee upon tlie /. I will cast 33.2. when I bring the sword upon a /. 3. if when he seeth the sword come upon the /. 24. the /. is given us for inheritance 36. 5. have appointed my /. into their possession 13. thou / dcvourest up men, and hast bereaved 38 9- thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the/. 16. 11. 1 will go up to the /. of unwalled villages IC. and I will bring thee against my / LAN Eitk. 39. 12. that they may cleanse the /. ■ ' 16. thus shall they cleanse the /. 47. 15. and this shall be the border of the /, Dan. II. 16. he shall stand in the glorious /. 41. Uos. 4.3. therefore shall the /. mnurn and languish Joel 1. 6. for a nation is come up upon my /. strong 2. 3. the /. is as the garden of Kden before them 18. then will the Lord be jealous for his /. 21. fear not, O /. be glad 1| 3. 2. and parted my/. Amos 5. 2. she is forsaken upon her/, there is uon« 7. 10. the /. is not able to bear all his words 8.4. even to make the poor of the /. to fail 8. shall not the /. tremble for this :' 9.5. the Lord G. of hosts is he that toucheth the/ iiejih. 1. 2. I consume all things from off the /. 18. whole /. shall be devoured by fire of jealousy 3. 19. I will get them praise and fame in every .'. Zech. 2.6. ho, ho, flee Irom the /. of the north 3. 9. I will remove the iniquity of that /. in one 9. l6.of a crown lifted up, as an ensign upon his /, 12. 12. the /. shall mourn, every family apart 13. 2. and the unclean spirit to pass out of the /. 8. in all the /. two parts tiierein shall be cut off 14. 10. all the /. shall be turned as a plaici Mai. .{. 12. for ye shall be a delightsome /. Mai.g. 26. fame hereof went abroad into all that /. 10. 15. more tolerable for the /. of Sodom, 1 1 . 24. 23. 15. ye compass sea and /. to make one proselyte 27. 45. was darkness over all the /. Mark 15. 33. A/arA6.47.ship was in the sea,and he alone 00 the /. Luie 14. 35. neither fit for the /. nor dunghill 15. 14. there arose a great famine in that /. John 6. 21. immediately the ship was at the /. 21. 11. Peter drew the net to /. full of great fishes Acts 4. 37 .having /. sold it, and brougkt the money 5. 8. tell me whether ye sold the /. for so much 27.39. when it was day, they knew not the /. 43. cast themselves into the sea, and get to /. 44. that they escaped all safe to /. See Benja.mi.v, Chaldeans, Canaan, Dark- NE.SS, Df.SOLATE, DlVlDK, DIVIDED. Dry LAND. Oen. 1. 9. let dry I. appear 1 10. called dry l earth 7.«22. of all that was in the dry I. died Exod. 4. 9. take and pour water on the dry /.and the waters shall become blood on the dry /. 14. 21. and the Lord made the sea dry I. 29. Israel walked on rfry/. II 15. 19. ^eA.5. 11. Josh, 4. 18. the priests' feet were lifted up on dry t. 22. Israel came over this Jordan on dry I. Psal. 63. 1 . my flesh longeth for thee in a dry I. 66. 6. he turned the sea into dry I. 6b. 6. but the rebellious dwell in a dry I. 95. 5. sea is his, and his hands formed the dry I. Isa. 41. 18. I will make dry I. springs of water J<-r. 50. 12. hindermost of nations shall be a dry I 51. 43. her cities are a dry I. and wilderness Uos. 2. 3. lest I set her as a dry I. and slay her Jonah 1.9.1 fear God, who made the sea and S»/. oftheliving ha. 7.22. for honey shall every one eat in the I. 26. 10. in the I. of uprightness he will deal unjustly 3». 1 1 . I shall not see the L. in the I. of the living Esei. 20. 40. shall all of them in the I. serve mo S6. 20. I shall set glory in the I. of the living 32. 23. caused terror «n fA« /. oftheliving, 24.32. 37. 22. I will make them on* nation in the I. 45. 8. in the I. shall be his possession in Israel LAN Ha. 4 1. because tLere is no truth in lli': I. iCecli. 11. iO. I will raise up a Shepherd iti the I. Luke"!. -5. mere shall be great distress in the L Ueh.\ 1 -9. by faith he sojourned iii the i.o( promise Ve iNHAlilTANTS, INHERIT, ISRAtL, JUDAU. Uur LAND. GenA' ■ igliuy us and o. /.for bread, and we and o,l. Pial.HS. 12. and our/, shall yield her increase Can:. 2 12. the voice of the turtle is heard incur /. JUic. 5. .S. the Assyrian shall come into oar / 6 he shall deliver us when he cometh into our I. 0-xn LAND. Ejod. 18.27. Jethro went into his ojcn I. Num. 10.30. 1 A in;jlO 6 a true report I heard in my l.iiCAr.g o. i Kings 17. 23 Israel cried out of their can /. 18.32.takeyoutoaland like your oav:/. /fa. 36.17. 19. 7. and he shall return to his o;c?i i. 2 Chr 32. 21. he returned with shame to his oau I. Ir.a. 13. 14. and flee every one to his oau I. 14. 1.. choose Israel, and set them in their «»■« /. 37. 7. and fdl by the sword in his o-j.>i I. Jer. £5. 8 they that dwell in their own I. 27. 11. 37. 7 return to Egypt, into their o:cn 1. 4iC. 12. SD. l6. they shall flee every one to his own I. Euk. 34. 13. I will bring them into their 0:4)1 /. 36.21. I 37. 14,21. I 39. C8. 35 17. when Israel dwelt in their ozfn I. Amos 7.11 Israel led captive out of their own I. See Ps.oei,t, Pxjssess, Possession, Stra.vge. Their LAND. /. Kum. 18. 2&. Aaron had no inheritance in t/ieii- 1. Vei.i 2.5 for I win not give you of /A«i>/. 9. 4 ."8 bring thee, andgive thee »/jeir/../a.si 12. 15. of Rehoboam first and /. |] 16. 11. of Asa £0.34. the actsof Jehoshaphat first and/. 25.26. the actsof Amaziah first and /. 26. 22. of Uzziah first and /. H 28. £6. of Ahaa 35. 27. Josiah's deeds first and /. are written Ezra 8. 13. and of the /. sonsof Adonikam AVA. 8. 18. from the first day to the/, he read Prov. 5. 11. and thou mourn at the /. when thy 23.32. at the /.it biteth like a serpent, and slingelh Isa. 41. 4.1 the Lord, the first, and with the / 44.6 I 4«. 12. Pei.l. 11.17. 1 2.8. I 22. 13 J-r. 12.4. they said he shall not see our /. end 50. 17. at /. Nebuchadnezzar h.tth broken his bones Lam. 1. 9. she remembered not lier /. end Dan. 4. 8. at the /. Daniel came in before me 8.3. but one was higher, and the higher came up /. 19. make thee knowwh.tt shall be in the /. end .Imot 9. 1 . I will slay the /. of them with sword .1/(1/. 12. 45. /.state of that man is worse, Lii he said to Simon, /. out into the de'ip LAUNCHED. Luke 8. 22. let us go over, and they /. forth Acts 21. 1. that after we had /. 27. 2,4. LAW Signifies, [1] A rule directing and obliging a rational creature in moral and religious actions, Prov. 28. 4. [2] That ahich often hath the force of governing and over-ruling our actions in our present imperfect state, Rom. 7. 23,25. [3] The vhole doctrine of the word delivered by God to hit church, Psal. 1. 2. | I9. 7 [4] The decalogue, or ten moral precepts, Rom. 2. 25. I 7. 7 [5] The second table of the la:c, Rom. 13. 8. [6] The precepts of Gud, moral, ceremonial, and judicial, John 1. I7. [7] 'The principles oj' reason, or the lato of nature viritten in tna/t's heart, Rom. 2. l-i. [B] The old testament, John 10. 34. | 15. 25. 1 Cor. 14. 21. [y] 'I'he doctrine of the gos- pel, lihich no less obliges men to the belief and practice of it, than the laui did, Isa. "2. 3. I 42. 4. Rom. 3. S7. [10] The icorks com- manded by the law. Gal. 3. 11. [Ill A strict and precise observation of the la:e, Phil. 3. 5. [12] The covenant that God made uith the Jews, with all the constitution of worship there- to belonging, Heb. 10. 1. Gen. 47. 2(5. Joseph made it a /. over the land Eiod. 12. 49. one / to him that is home-born and to the stranger, Lev. 24. 22. Num. 15. 16, 2y. 24. 12. I will give thee a /. and commandment Dent. 17. 11. according to the sentence of the .'. 33. 2. from his right hand went a fierj- /. for them 4. Moses commanded us a/, even the inheritance Ji'sh. 1. 7. mayest obs. to do according to all the /. 8. 32. wrote on the stones a copy of the /. of iMos. 3 J. afterward he read the words of the /. 22.5. takeheedtothe/. 2AiHo*17.13,.37. | 21.8. 2 l\ingslT.3i. nor do after the /. and commandment 23. 24. that he might perform the words of the /. 25. according to aM the /. of Mos«s 1 Chron. ]6. 17. hath confirmed to Jacob for a/. 22. 12. that thou mayest keep the /. of God iChron. 14. 4. commanded Judah to do the /. 19. 10. betw;een /. and commandment, statates 30. 16. stood in their place according to /. of Mos. 31. 21. Hezekiah did in every work, and in the /. 33. 8. taKe heed to do according to the whole /. 34. 19- when Josiah heard the words of the /. Ezra 7-6. he was a ready scribe in the /. 12, 21. 14. to enquire according to the /. of thy God 20. will not do the/, of God and /.of the king 10. 3. and let it be done according to the /. AV/i. H. 2. and Enra the priest brought the /. before 7. I.eviies caused the people to understand the /. 9. people wept when they heard the words of /. 13. were gathered together to under.'^tand the / Xeh. 10. 28. had separated themselves to /. of Ood 2y. entered into an oath to walk in God's /. 12. 44. to g.ither into them the portions of the /. 13. 3. when they had heard tlie /. they separated Esth. 1. 8. the drinking was according to the /. 15. what do to the queen Vashti according to /. / 4. 11. there is one /. of his to put him to death 16. I will go in, which is not according to the , Job 22. 22. receive the /. from his mouth, lay up Pml. 1. 2. in his /. he meditates day and uigbt 37. 31. the /. of his God is in his hear: "8. 5. for he appointed a /. in Israel, which ha 10. and they refused to walk in his /. Bl. 4. this was a /. of the God of Jacob 94. 20. which frameth mischief by a /. Iu5. 10. and confirmed the same to Jacob for a/. liy. 72. the /. of thy mouth is better than gold I'lov. 1 . 8. forsake not the /. of thy mother, 6. 20. 6. 23. commandment is a lamp, and the /. is light 13, 14. the /. of the wise is a fountain of life 28 4. they that forsake the /. praise the wicked, but such as keep the /. contend with thsm 7. whoso keepeth the /. is a wise son y. he that turns away his ear from hearing the /. 2y. 18. but he that keepeth the /. happy is he 31. 5. lest they drink and forget the /. 20. and in her tongue is the /. of kindness Tsa. 1. 10. and give ear to the /. of our God 2. 3. out of Zion shall go forth the /. Mic. 4. 2. 8. 16. seal the /. || 20. to the /. and the testimoDy 42. 4. ajid the isles shall wait for his /. 21. the Lord will magnify the /. and make it 24. neither were they obedient to his /. 5;. 4. for a /. shall proceed from me Jer. 2. 8. they that handle the /. knew me not 13. 18. the /. shall not perish from the priest 32.11 .evidence was sealed accord, to /. and custom 41. 23. ye have not obeyed, nor walked in his /. Lam. 2. 9. the /. is no more, prophets find no vision Ezek. 7. 26. the /. shall perish from the priests Dan. 6. 6. except concerning the /. of his God 12. true according to the /. of the Medes, 15. IIos. 4. 6. thou hast forgotten the /. of thy God Ilab. 1.4. therefore the /.is slacked, and judgment Ztph. 3 4. her priests have done violence to the/. JJag. 2.11. ask now the priests concerning the /. iiech. 7. 12. lest they should hear the /. zuid word!) .)Jal. 2. 6. the /. of truth was in his mouth 7. and they should seek the /, at his mouth B. ye have caused many to stumble at the /. 9. not kept my ways,but have been partial in the/, 4 4. remember the /. of Moses my servant ;l/ar. 5. 17 think not I am come to destroy the I. 18. one tittle shall in no wise pass from the /. 40. and if any man will sue thee at the /. 11. 13. the /. prophesied till John, /,uX« I6. 16. 12. 5. have ye not read in the /. how that on 22. 36. which is the great commandment in /. 40. on these two commandments hang all the /. 23. 23. have omitted the weightier matters of the/. Luie 2. 27. to do for him after the custom of the /. 5. 17. there were doctors of the /. sitting by It). 17. than for one tittle of the /. to fail John 1. 17. for the /.wasgiven by Moses, but graca 45. him of whom Moses in the /. did write 7- 19. *lid not Moses give you the /. and yet nona of you keepeth the /. why go ye to kill me ? 23. that the /. of Moses should not be broken 49. people who knoweth not the /. are cursed 52. doth our/, judge any mau before ithearhiu;? B. 5. now Moses in the /. commanded us 10. 34. is it not written in your /. ye Me gods ? 12. 34. we have heard out of the /. that Christ 15. 25. might be fulfilled what is written in their t, IB. 31. and judge him according to your /. 19. 7. we have a /. and by our /. he ought todis .'jcrj5.^.then stood up Gamaliel, a doctor of the A 6. 13, to speak blasphemous words against the /. 7. 53. who have received the /. by angels 13. 15. after reading of the /. and prophets 39. ye could not be justified by the /.of Moses 1 5. 5. to command them to keep the /. of Moses 21. ye must be circumcised and keep the /. 18. 13. men to worship God contrary to the /. 15. but if it be a question of your /. look ye to It ly. 38. the /. is open 1| 21. £0. zealous of the /. 21. 24. but that thou thyself keepest the /. 28. this is the man that teacheth z^aiust the /. £2. 3. taught according to the manner 0! the /. 12. Ananias a devout man according to the /. ' £3. 3. forsittest thouto judge me after the /. and commandest me to be smitten contrary to the /. T 24.0. and would have j udged according to our i 25. 8. nor against the /. of the Jews, nor temple 28. 23. persuading them out of the /. and prophets iJii«i.2.12. sinned in the/, shall bejudged by the C 13. not the hearers of the /. are just before God 14. when the Gentiles which have not the .'.io by nat'^re things contained in the /. these haviug not the /. are a /. unto themselves LAW Kom^.lS. which shew the work of the /. written in 17. thou art called a Jew, and restest in the /. 18. knowest, being instructed out of the /. 20. which hast the form of the truth in /. S3. th»u that makest thy boast of the /. through breaking the /. dishonourest thou God .' 55. circumcision rerily profiteth if thou keep the /. but if thou be a breaker of the /. 56. therefore if keep the righteousness of the /. 27. uncircumcision, if it fulfil the /. judge thee who by circumcision dost transgress the /. 3 19. we know what tilings soever the /. saith iO. by the deeds oil. no flesh be justified, for by the /. is the knowledge of sin, 38. Gal. 2. 10. 21 . the righteousness of G. is witnessed by the /. 27. by what /. excluded ? by the /. of faith 31 . do we make void the /. f we establish the /. 4. 13. for the promise was not through the /. 1-1. for if they which are of the /. be heirs 15. the /. worketh wrath, for where no / is 16. be sure, not to that only which is of the /. 5. 13. for until the /. sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed where there is no /. 20. Ae /. entered, that the offence might abound 7. 1. I speak to them which know the /. the /. hath dominion orer a man as long as he liveth S. the woman is bound by the /. to her htisband ; if he be dead, she is loosed from the /. 3. 4. ye also are become dead to the /. by Christ 5. the motions of sins which were by the /. 6. but now we are delivered from the /. 7. is the /. sin .' I had not known sin but by /. nor lust, except /. had said, thou shalt not covet 8. for without the /. lin was dead 12. the /. is holy, and commandment holy, just 14.the /.is spiritual || l6.the /. is good, 1 Tim. 1.8. «1 . I find then a /. || 22. I delight in the /. of God 23. I see another /. Warring against the /. of my mind, bringing me iuto captivity to /. of sin 7. 25. with mind I serve /. of God, flesh /. of sin 8. 2. the /. of life made me free from the /. of sin S. for what the /. could not do, in that weak 4. the righteousness of the /. might be fulfilled 7. the carnal mind is not subject to the /. of God 9. 4. to whom pertaineth the giving oF the /. 31. Israel followed afterthe /. of righteousness 32. because they sought it by the works of the /. 10. 4. Christ is the end of the /. for righteousness 5. describes the righteousness which is of the /. 13. 8. he that loveth another, halh fulfilled the /. 10. therefore love is the fulfilling of the /. I Cor. 6.1. dare any of you go to /.before the unjust.' 6. but brother goeth to /. with brother 7. because ye go to /. one with another 7.39. wife is bound by the /. as long as her husband 9. 8. or saith not the /. the same also? 14. 34. to be under obedience, as also saith the /. 15. 56. of death is sin, and strength of sin is the/. Cfl/.2. 16. man is not justified by the works of the/. 19- 1 thro" the /.am dead to the /.that I might live 21. for if righteousness come by the /. then 3.2. received ye the Spirit by the works of the / .' 5. miracles, doethbe it by the works of the /. .' 10. as many as are of the works of the /. 11. that no man is justified by the /. is evident 12. and the /. is not of faith, but the man 13. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of/. 17. the covenant in Christ, the /. cannot disannul 18. if the inheritance be of the /. not x)f promise ■19. wherefore then serveth the /. .' it was added 21 . is the /. then against the promises > if a /. had been given, righteousness had been by the /. 24.the /.was our schoolmaster to bring us to Chr. 4. 21. tell me, do ye not hear the /. .' 5. 3. that he is a debtor to do the whole /. 4. for whosoever of you are justified by ^he /. 14. all the /. is fulfilled in one word, even in this 23. temperance, against such there is no /. 6. 2. bear ye, and so fulfil the /. of Christ 13. nor themselves keep the /. but desire to have £pA. 2. 15. having abolished in his flesh the /. FAii. 3. 5. as touching the /. a Pharisee 6. touching the righteousness in the /. blameless 9- not having mine own righteousness, of the /. I Tim. 1.7. desiring to be teachers of the /. 9- the /. is not mad« for a righteous man Til. 3. 9- but avoid contentions about the /. £i£i.7. 5. to take tithes of people according to the /. 11. for under it the people received the /. 12. there is made of necessity a change of tne /. 16. not after the /. of a carnal commandment 19. for the /. made nothing perfect, but bringing S8. the /. maketh men high-priests, but the word of the oath which was since the / maketh Son 8.4. there are priests offer gifts according to the /. 9. 19. when Mbseshad spoken according to the /. £2. all things are by the /. purged with blood 19. 1. the /. having a shadow of good things 28. he that de.spised Moses' /.died without mercy Jam. 1. 25. whoso looketh into perfect/, of liberty 838 LAW Jamti 2. 8. if ye fulfil the royal / ye do well 9. and are convinced of the /. as trzinsgressors 10. for whosoever shall keep the whole /. 11. if thou kill, thou art a transgressor of the /. 12. they that shall be judged by the /. of liberty 4. 11. that speaketh evil of the /. and judgeth the /. 1 John 3. 4. whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the /. for sin is the transgression of the /. Set Book. LAW of the Lord. Etod. 13. 9- that the Lord's I. may be in thy month SKings 10.31. Jehu took nO heed to walk in /. 0/ L. 2 Chron. 12. 1. Rchoboam forsook /. ofL. and Isr. 31.4. that they might be encouraged in thel.o/L. 35.26. Josiah's goodness according to the /. o/L. Ezra 7.10. prepared his heart to seek the /. of Lord Psal.l.Z. his delight is in the /. ofL. and in his law 19.7. the /. of the L. is perfect, converting the soul 119.1. blessed are they who walk in the l.ofthe L. Ita. 5. 24. because they have cast away the /. ofL. 30. 9. children that will not hear the /. of the Lord Jer.e.e. how do ye say, the /. of the Lord is with us ^4moj2. 4. because they have despised the l.ofthe L. Lvke 2. 39. had performed according to the /. ofL. My LAW. Etod. 16. 4. whether they will walk in my I. or no i Chron. 6. I6. so that thy children walk in my /. Ptiil. 78. 1. give ear, O my people, to my I. incline 89. 30. if his children forsake my I. and walk Prov. 3. 1. my son, forget not my /. but keep 4. 2. forsake aolmy I. |[7. 2. keep my /. as the apple Isa. 51. 7. the people in whose heart is my I. Jer. 6. 19. they have not hearkened unto my I. 9- 13. because they have forsaken my I. 16. 11. have forsaken me, and have not kept my I, 26. 4. if ye will not hearkeu to walk in my I. 31. 33. 1 will put my I. in their inward parts 44. 10. nor have they feared nor walked in my I. Exek. 22. 26. her priests have violated my I. Hos. 8. 1. because they trespassed against my /. 12. have written to him the great things of my I, This LAW. Lev, 14. 2. Mi'j shall be the /. of leper in cleansing Xum. 5. 30. the priest shall execute on her this I. 19. 2. this is the ordinance of the /. 31. 21. Deut. 1. 5. began Moses to declare this I. saying 4. 8. all this I, which I set before you this day 17. 18. he shall write him a copy o{ this I. in a book 19. he may learn to keep all the words of this I. 27. 3. sflall write on them the wordsof /Ai> /. 8. 26. cursed thatconfirmethnottha words of this I. 28. 58. if thou wilt not observe Uie words of MiV/. 29. 29. that we may doall the words of /Ai/ /.31.12. 31. 9. Moses wrote /A«/. of the Iv'aiarite, when days,Cl. 19. 14. this is the I. when a man dieth in a tent Deu/.4.44. this is the I. which Moses set before Isr. Ezei.43.\2.this is the /.of the house.on top of mount A/a/. 7. 12. do to them, for this is ihel. and prophets Thy LAW. Deut. 33. 10. they shall teach Israel thy I. Keh. 9. 26. they cast thy I. behind their backs 29. that thou raightest bring them again to thy I. 34. nor our kings, nor our princes kept thy I. Psal. 40. 8. yea, thy I. is within my heart 94. 12. chastenest, and teachest him out of thy I. 11 9' 18. behold wondrous things out of My /. Cy.the way of lying, and grzmtme My /.graciously 34. give me understanding, and I shaill keep thy I. 44. so shall I keep thy I. continually for ever 51. yet have I not declined from thy I. 53. because of the wicked that forsake thy I. 55. 1 remembered thy name, and kept thy I. Cl.have robbed me, but I hare not forgotten /. /. 70. their heart is fat, but I delight in thy I. 77. I may live, for thy I. is my delight, 92. 17*. 85. the proud digged pits ; which are not after /./. 97.0 how I love t.l. Ij 109. yet do I not forget /./. 113. but r. /.do I love, 163. || 126. made void/./ 136. waters run down, because they keejp not /./. 142. and thy /.is the truthHlSO.are far from thy I. 165. great peace have they who love thy I. Jer. 32. 23. they obeyed not, nor walked in thy I. Dan. 9. 11. all Israel have transgressed thy I. ■Under /*« LAW. /I'om. 3. 19. it oaith to them that axe under the I. 6. 14. for ye are not under the I. but under grace LAV /w)m.6.15.shall we sin because we are not under 1. I Cur. 9. 20. to them that are uni/r the l.iiiunderthe I. that I might gain them that are unaer the I 21. not without law to God, but unrf«r /. to Christ Ga/.3 .23. we were kept under the I. H 4.4. made u. I 4. 5. sent his Son to rsdeem them that were under t 21. tell me, ye that desire to be under the I, Gal. 5. 18. if ye be lea by Spirit, are nol under the t. IVithout LAW. V Chr. 15. 3. a long season, Israel hath been u. I. Rom. 2.12. asmany assinned ai/Aou/ /. perish »./. 3. 21. the righteousness of God u. I. is maiiifestej 7. 8. for w.l.sin was dead|19- I was alive a. I. oac« 1 Cor.9.21. that are »./. as oi. /.being not a. I. to G. Written in the LAW. 1 Kings 2. 3. as it is written in the I. of Moses, 2 Chron. 23. 18. | 25. 4. | 31. 3. Ezra 3. 2. Neh. 10. 34, 36. Dan. 9. 13. Luie 2. 23. 1 CAr. 16.40. do according to all a. I. 2 CAr. 35. 26. AVA. 8. 14. and they found writ, in the I. that Isr Dan.g. 11. and the oath that isterit. in I. of Mosei Lute 10.26. what is arit. in the /.how readest thou? 24. 44. all must be fulfilled, which were writ. in I. Alts 24. 14. believing all things that are writ, in I. 1 Cor. 9. 9. it is a. I. \\ 14.21. in the I. it is written LAWS. Gen. 26. 5. Abraham kept my statutes and my /. Eiod. 16. 28. how long refuse ye to keep my /.,' 18. 16. I do make them know the /. of God 20. thou shalt teach them ordinances and /. Lev. 26. 46. these are the /. which the Lord made Ezra 7. £5. all such as know the /. of thy God iV«A. 9. 13. camestdown, thou gavest them true /. 14. and commandedst them statutes and /. £//A.1.19.to be written among the /.of the Persians 3. B. a certain people, their /. are diverse from aJl people, neither keep they the king's /. Psai. 105. 45. that they might keep his /. Isa. 24. 5. because they have transgressed the /. Ezek. 43. 11. shew them all the /. thereof 44. 5. hear all the /. || 24. they shall keep my L /><]». 7. 25. and think to change times and /. 9. 10. nor have we obeyed to walk in his /. Heb. 8. 10. I will put my /. into their mind 10. iG. 1 will put my /. into their hearu LAWFUL. Ezra 7. 24. shall not be /. to impose toll on them Isa. 4y. 24. shall the /. captive be delivered.' Ezek. 18. 5. do that which is/. 21.27. | 33. 14, 19 19. the son hath done that which is /. 33. I6. Mat. 12. 2. do what is not/. Marki.Zi. Lukt6.t 4.wasnot/. forhim to eat, Jtfar* 2. 26. £u4«6.*. 10. they asked him, is it /. to heal on the sabbath day .' 12. Mark 3. 4. Luke 6. 9. I 14. S. 14. 4. it is not /. for ihee to have her, Mark 6. 18. 19.3. is it/, for man to put away wife.' Mark 10. 8. 22. 17. tell us, is it /. to give^tribute to Cesar or not .' Mark 12. 14. Luke 20. 22. 27. 6. it is not /. to put them in the treasury John 5. 10. it is not /. for thee to carry thy bed 18. 31. it is nut /. for us to put any maa to death .ids 16. 21. teach customs which are not /. to receive 19. 39. it shall be determined in a /. a5.^mbly 22. 25. is it /. for you to scourge a Homan '. 1 Cor.6. 12. all things are /. to me, /. for me, 10. 83 2 Cor 12. 4. which is not /. for a man to utter LAWFULLY. 1 7'im. 1. 8. the law is good, if a man use it /. 2 7Vm.2. 5. yet is not crowned, except he strive/, LAWGIVER. Gen. 49. 10. nor a /. from between his feet Num. 21. 18. digged the well by direction of the/. Deut. 33.21. in a portion of the /. was he seatsd Psol.i'tO. 7. Gilead is mine, Judah is my/. 108.8. Isa. 33. 22. the Lord is our /. and our king Jam. 4. 12. tlicre is one /. who is able to save LAWLESS. I Tim. 1. 9. the law is for the /. and disobedieat LAWYER. A/a/. 22. 35. one that was a /.asked him,/,u^( 10.25. 7'i/. 3. 13. bring Zenas the /. and Apollus LAWYERS. Luke 7. 30. the /. rejected the counsel of God 11. 45. then aniwerud one of the /. and said 46. woe UBto you, /. 52. || 14. 3. Jesus spake to/. LAY, as with a woman. Gm. 19.33. the first-born /. with her father, 34. 33. 30. 16. and Jacob /. with Leah that night 34. 2. Shechem /. with Dinah and defiled her 35. 22. Reuben went and /. with liilhah /^fur.20.22. man that /. with woman, both shall die 25. the man only that /. with her shall die 29. the man that /.witli her give fifty shekels 1 Hum. 2. 22. Eli heard they /. wiih the women 2 6'am. 11. 4. she camt, suid he /. with her, 12.2. 5. Saul /. in the trsnch, people about him, 7. a Sam. 4.5. Ish-bosheth, who /. ou a bed at noon 12.3.ewe-lambeatof his meat, and/, iu bis bosom 16. David /. all night on the earth, 13. 31. 1 Kings IS. 31. /. my boues beside his bonss 18. 23. /. it on wood and put no fire under IQ. 5. and as he /. and slept under a juniper tree 21. 27. Ahab fasted and /. in sackcloth 2 Kings 4. 34. he went up and /. upon the child 10. 8. /. ye them in two heaps at the gate 2 C/tr. 36. 21 . long as she /. desolate, she kept sabb. Esi/i. 4. 3. many /. in sackcloth and ashes Joi eg. ig. the dew /. all night upon my branch 34. 2.'i. he will not /. on man more than right Pjal. 7. 5. let him /. mine honour in the dust J8. 12. they that seek my life, /. snares for me 84. 3. found a nest, where she may /. her young £ccl. 7. 2. and the living will /. it to heart Jsa. 5. 8. woe to them that /. field to field 10. + C. give them charge to /. them a treading 13. g. to /. the land desolate, Etei. 33. 23. 11. I will /. low the haughtiness of the terrible 22. 22. key of house of David /. on his shoulder £5. 12. and the fortress shrill he /. low 28. 16. behold, I will /. in Zion a tried stone 17 -judgment will I /. to the line, and righteousn. 29. 21. that /. a snare for him that reproveth 30. 32. the staff which the Lord shall /. on him 34. 15. there shall the great owl /. and hatch 38. 21. a lump uf figs, and /. it for a plaisler 47. 7. so thou didst not/, these things to thy heart 54. 11. I will /. thy stones with fair colours Jer. 6. 21. I will /. stumbling-block, £:«*. 3.20. £!:ei. 4. 1. take thee a tile, and /. it before thee 2. /. siege against it, 3. || 8. /. bands on thee 4. /. the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it 15. 14. I will /. my vengeance on Edom, 17 28. 17. I will /. thee before kings to behold thee 32.5. 1 will /. thy flesh on the mountains, and fill 36. 89. and I will /. no famine upon you 34. the land shall be tilled, whereas it/, desolate 37. 6. I will / sinews upon you and bring flesh 42. 13. there /. the most holy things, 16. | 44. IQ. Jonah 1. 14. O Lord, /. not on us innocent blood Alic. 1. 7. the idols thereof will I /. de.solate Mai. 2. 2. if ye will not /. it to heart, I will send a curse upon you ; because ye do not /. it to heart A/rt<.8.20.hath not where to /.his bead, Lnke y. 58. 23.4. bind, and lay them on men's shoulders 28. 6. come, see llie place where the Lord /. Mark 2. 4. the bed wherein the sick of the palsy /, X»iX* 19 44. and shall /. thee even with the ground John 5.3. in these/, impotent folk, blind, halt 11. 38. it was a cave, and a stone /. upon it Acts 7 60. Lord, /. not this sin to their charge 15. 28. to /. on you no greater burden than these 27. 20. and no small tempest /. on us, all hope Hum. 8.33./. any thing to the charge of God's elect 9. 33. behold, I /. in Zion a stumbling-stone 1 Cor. ]6. 2. let every one /. by him in store Heb. 12. 1. let us /. aside every weight, and the sin Jam. 1. 21. wherefore /. apart all filthiness 1 Pes. 2. 6. 1 /. in Zion a chief corner-stone See rouND*rio.s. LAY down. Gfn.19.4. before they /. d. men of Sodom compass. 33. and Lot perceived not when she /. down, 35. 28. 11. Jacob /. rioan in that place to sleep Num. 24 9- couched, he I. d. as a lion, as a young Judg. 5 C7 . he /. ioitn at her feet, he bowed, lie fell Hutit 3. 4. uncover his feet, and /. thee 9. 85. tht Ijoni I. tbij burden 00 him L.\I 2 Kings tiO.T. and they took and /. it on the boi 2 Chron. 24. 9. Moses ^. on Israel in the»wildeine! AvA. 13. 5. where they /. the meat-offerings Jot 6. 2. and my calamity /. in the balances 18. 10. the snare is /. for him iu the ground 38. 6. or who /. the corner-stone thereof Psal, 21. 5. honour and majesty hast /. on him 31 4. pull me out of the net they have /. for mi 49. 14. like sheep ttsy are /. in the grave 62. 9- lo be /. iu the balance, they arc vanity 79. I. they hare /. Jerusalem on heaps 88. 6. thou hast /. me in the lowest pit 89. 19. I have /. help upon one that is mighty 105. 18. feet hurt with fetters, he was /. iu iron 119. 30. thy judgments have I /. before me 110. the wicked have /. a snare for me,141. ij 1.39. 5. thou hast /. thine hand upon me 142. 3. they have privily /. a snare for me La. 6. 7. cuid he /. it upon my mouth, and sait 42.25. it burned him, yet/, it not to heart, 57. H. 47. 6. thou hast very heavily /. thy yoke 53. 6. the Lord /. on him the iniquity of us a] Jer. 50.24. 1 have /. a snare for thee, O Babylon Ezei. 32. I9. be thou /. with the uucircumcised 33. 29. when I have /. the lauid most desolate .35. 12.hastspoken,saying, they are/, desolat* Hos. 11. 4. I drew them, and I /. meat unto them Joeli. 17. the garners are/, desolate, the barns Amos is. 8. on clothes /. to pledge by every altai Ubad. 7. they have /. a wound under thee Jonah 3. 6. he arose and /. his robe from him Mic. 5. 1. now gather, he hath /. siege against us JIab. 2. 19. it is/, over with gold and silver ilag. 2. 15. from before a stone was /. on a stone Zech. 3. 9. behold the stone that I have /. 7. 14. for they /. the pleasant land desolate Mat. 3.10. now the axe is /. to the root, Luke 3.9. 27. 60. he/, it in his own new tomb, and rolled .Mark 7. 30. and her daughter /. on the bed 15. 47. and Wary beheld where he was /, 10. 6. behold the place where they /. him Lukei. 7. her first-born, and /. him in a manger 16. 20. Lazarus Wcis /. at his gale full of sores 23. 53. wherein never man before was I.John l^.4X John 1 1 . 34. and said, where have ye /. him r 13. 4. /. aside his garments, and look a towel 19.42. there /. they Jesus therefore, because 20. 2. we know not where they have /. him, 13. .icis 3. 2. whom they /. at the gate of the temple 4. 37. and /. the money at the apostles' feet, 5. 2. 5.15./. them on beds and couches, that at least 9.37 when washed, they /. her in an upper cbamb. 13..'56.David was/, to his fathers.and saw corrupt. 23. 2y. nothing /. to his charge worthy of death 25. 7. /. many complaints they could not prove 16. concerning the crime /. against him 1 Cor. 9. 16. necessity is /. upon me, woe to me 2 I'im. 4. 16. 1 pray it be not /. to their charge See FousDATio.v. LAID down. Josh. 2. 8. before they were /. down she came up 4. 8. carried them, aud /. them down there /6(f/i 3.7. Kuth uncovered his feet and/, her down 1 Sam. 3.2. Eli was /. down\\3. Sam ./. doan to sleep 2 6',i/n.l3. 8. Amnon was /. down, and she took Hour 1 Kings 19.6. Elijah did eat, and /. him doan again 21. 4. Ahab came and /. him down oa his bed Psal. 3. 5. I /. me down and slept, I awaked ha. 14.3. since thou art /. d. no lelleriscome up Luke ly. 22. taking up that 1 /. not d. and reaping -■Jc/x 4. 35. and /. them doan at the apostles' ieet 7.58. the witnesses /. (/. their clothes at a young Uom. 16. 4. who for my life /. down their nec.ks 1 John 3. 16. because he /. down his life for us LAID hand. Eiod. 24. 1 1 . and on the nobles he /. not his hand 2 Sam. 13.19. Tamar /. her A. on her head, crying Esth. 8. 7. because he /. his hand on the Jews y. 10. but they /. not their A. on the spoil, 15, 16 Jab 29- 9. the princes /. their hand on their moutU Psal. 139. 5. thou hast/, thine hand upon me Esek. 3y. 21. my hand lliat 1 have /. on them lUv. 1. 17. he /. his right hand upon me, saying LA 1 D hamls. Z,. I. no/i.onme || 57. /•/'. on Jes. Mari 14. 51. iK*« 2.'i. C6. they /. Ao/doa one. Simon a Cyrenian ii«r. 20. 2.he/. hold on the dragon, and bound him LAID lip. Cen. 39. 16. and she /. vp his garments by her 41. 48. Joseph /. vp food in the cities £sod. 16. 24. they /. it up till the morning, as Moses 34. Aaron /. np the pot of manna to be kept yum. 17. 7. Moses /. up the rode before the Lord Dent. 32. 34. is not this /. up in store «nth me .' 1 Sam. 10. 25. Samuel /. it up before the Lord 21. 12. David /. vp these words in his heart 2 Kinzs 20. 17. which thy fathers /. up in store Ezra 6. 1. where treasures were /. up in Babylon Job 23. 1 12. I have /. up the words of lus mouth Psal. 31. 19. thou hast /. up for them that fear thee J'rov. 13. 22. wealth of sinnerj is /. up for the just Cant. 7. 13. fruits which I have / up for thee Jsa. 10. 28. at Jlichmash he /. up his carriages 15. 7. that /. )/;; shall they carry away to the brook 23. 18. her hire shall not be treasured or/, up. 39. f). which fathers /. up be carried to Babylon Jer. 36. 20. they /. up the roll in the chamber JLuke 1. 66. all /. them up in their hearts, saying 12. 19. soul, thou hast much goods /. up for years 19. 20. thy pound I have kept /. vp in a napkin Col. 1. £. for the hope which is /. up for you S Tim.i. 8. is /. up for me a crown of righteousness LAID wait. Jud^. o. 34. and they /. wait against Shechem 16. 2. they /. wait all night for Samson in the gate 1 Sam. 15. 2. Amalek /. jcait for him in the way 5. and Saul came and /. wait in the valley Joi 31. 9. or if I have /. wail at my neighbour's door iaw. 4. 1.15.1.Arand Kir/.:tajf«||23 l.Tyre.it is/.w^rj/* 23. 14. howl, ye ships, your strength is / waste .37. 18. the kings of Assyria/. wa.t/e all the nations 64. 11. and all pleasant things are /. aaile Jer. 4. 7. thy cities shall be l.reaste without an inha- bitant, £«*. 6. 6. I 12.20. I 19.7. I 29.12. 27- 17. wherefore should this city be /. waste f Jitei.ld.Q.l shall be replenished now she is /. rcaste Joel I. 7. /. my vine waste, and barked my fig-tree Amos 7. 9- 'he sanctuaries of Isr. shall be /. waste Jffah. 3. 7. all shall flee and say, Nineveh is /. waste Mai. 1. 3. I I. his heritage waste for dragons LA ID EST. Pial.66. 11. thou /. affliction on our loins Luie 19. 21. thou takest up that thou /. not down LAIN. John 20. 12. where the bodv of Jesus had /. LAYE.ST. Num. 11. 11. thon /.the burden of this people on me j1 -Sam. 28. g. wherefore /. thou asnare for my life ■ LAYETH. JtfA21. 19. God /.up his iniquity for his children 24.12. soul criethout, yetGod/. not folly to them 41. 2f). the sword of him that /. at him cannot hold ■ Psal. 33.7. he /. up the depth in store-houses 104. 3. he/, the beams of his chambers in waters Prov. 2. 7. he /. up wisdom for the righteous 13. 16. deals with knowledge, bat a fool /.open folly 26. 24. disscmbleth, and /. no deceit with him " 31. 19. she /. her hands to the spindle, her hands Jsa. 2fi. 5. ttie lofty city he /. low to the ground 56. 2. blessed is the man that /. hold on it 57.1 righteous perishelh, and no man .' it to heart Jer. 9. B. in heart he /. wait || 12. 11. /. ii to heart .Zech. 12. 1. Lord /. the foundation of the earth Luke 12. 21. so is he that /. up treasure for himself 15. 5. found, he /. it on his shoulders rejoicing LAYING. 2^vm. .35. 20. or hurl at him by /. wait, that he die 22. have cast on him any thing without /. wait ,Ptal. 6i. 5. they commune of /. snares privily MarkT. 8. for /. .iside the commandment of God ■Luke 1 1 . 54. /. wait for him, and seeking to catch .Acts a. 18. that through /. on of the apostles' hands ':). 2 J. but their /. wait was known of Saul 23. iC. Paul's kinsmen heard n( their /. in wait 25. 3. send for him, /. wait in the way to kill him J7'im.4.14.wilh /.on of the hands of the presbytery 6. ly. /. up in store a good foundation for time to ileb. (;. 1. not /. again the foundation of repentance 2. of doctrine of baptisms, and of/, on of hands 1 P«.2 1. ..aside all malice, guile, and hypocrisies 336 LEAD. Bjod. 15. 10. they sank as /. in the mighty waters Sum. 31.22. and the /. that may abide the fire Joi 19. 24. that they were graven with iron and /. Jer (5. 29. the /. is consumed of the fire L:ek, 22. 18. they are /.in the midst of the furnace 20. as th»y gather /. so will I gather you in anger 27. 12. with iron, tin, and /.Tarshish traded in fairs Zech. 5. 7 behold, there was lifted up a talent of/. 8. he cast the weight of /. on the mouth thereof LEAD Signifies, [1] To ^uide or conduct, Psal 31. 3. I 139. 10. [2] To live, I Tim. 2. 2. [3] Tu goiern or direct, Horn. 6. 14. [4] To seduce, 2 Tim. 3. 6. [5] To walk, Prov. 8. i 20. Gen. 33. 14. I will /. on softly as the cattle Eiod. 13. 21. a pillar of cloud to /. them the way 32. 34. now go, /. the people to the place A'um. 27. 17. which may /. them out and bring Deut. 4. 27. whither the Lord shall /. you, 28. 37. 20. g. they shall make captains to/, the people 32. 12. so the Lord alone did /. him, there was Judg. 5. 12. arise, Barak, /. thy captivity captive 1 Sam. 30. 22. they may /. them away and depart 2 Chron. 30. 9, find compassion before them that /, Neh. g. 19. the pillar of cloud to/, them in the way Psal. 5. 8. /. me, O Lord, in thy righteousness 23. 5. /. me in thy truth || 27. 11. /. in a plain path 31. 3. for thy name's sake/, me and guide me 43. 3. send thy Tight and truth, let them /. me 60. 9. who will /. me into Edom ? 108. 10. 61. 2. /. me to the rock that is higher than I 125. 5. /. them forth with the workers of iniquity 139. 10. even there shall thine hand / me 24. and /. me in the way everlasting 143. 10^ /. me into the land of uprightness frov. 6. 22. when thou goest, it shall /. thee 8, 20. I /. in the way of righteousness Cant. 8. 2, I would /. thee to my mother's house Isa, 3. 12. they that /. thee cause thee to err 11*6, and a little child shall /. them 20,4. the king of Assyria /. Egyptians prisoners 40, 1 1 . he shall gently /. those that are with young 42. 16. I will /. them in paths not known 49. 10. that hath mercy on them, shall /. them 57. 18. 1 will /. him, and restore comforts 63. 14. so didst thou /. thy people to make Jer. 31. 9. with supplications will I /. them 32. 5. and he shall /. Zedekiah to Babylon iVflA 2. 7. her maids /. her, ai with voice of doves Mat. 6. 13. /. us not into temptation, Luke 11.4. 15. 14. if the blind /. the blind, Luke 6. 39. Mark 13.11. when they shall /. you and deliver up 14.44. take him and /. him away safely Luke 13. 15. loose his ox and /. him to watering Acts 13. 1 1. he went about seeking some to /. him I Cor. 9. 5. have we not power to /. about a sister.' 1 Jim. 2. 2- we may /. a quiet life in godliness 2 Tim. 3.6. /. captive silly women laden with sins Uei. 8. g. to /. them out of the land of Egypt 2\ev. 7. 17. the Lamb shall feed and /. them LEAD Ell. 1 Chr. 12.27. Jehoiada was /. of the Aaronites 13.1. David consulted with captains and every /. ha. 55. 4. I have given him a /. to the people LEADERS. 2 Chron. 32. 21. Lord sent an angel which cut off /. Isa. 9. 16. the /. of this people cause them to err 14. t 9. it stirreth up all the /. of the earth Ezfk. 4. t2. set chief /. against it round about Mat. 15. 14. th«y be blind /. of the blind LEAD EST. Psal. 80. 1. thou that /. Joseph like a (lock LEADETH. 1 Sam. 13. 17. turned to the way that /. to Ophrah Joi 12. 17. he/, counsellors away spoiled 19. he /. princes away spoiled, and overthroweth + 23. he enlargeth the nations and /. in Psal. 23. 2. he /. me beside the still waters 3. he /. me in the paths of righteousness Proii. 10. 29. /. him into the way that is not good Isa. 48. 17- 1 am the Lord thy God which /. thee .Mill. 7. 13. wide is the way that /. to destruction \4. narrow is the way that /. to life, few find it Mark 9. 2. Jesus /. them into a high mountain John 10. 3. he calleth his sheep and /. them Acts 12. 10. the iron gate that/, into the city Rom. 2. 4. the goodness of God / to repentance liev. 13. 10. he that /. shall go into captivity LEAF .Signifies, fl] The product or clothing of trees and plants. Gen. 8. 11. [2] An eitdence 0/ grace. I'sal. 1. 3. [3] A form oj godlinesu or a bare profesiion of Christianity, witliout the fruit oj righteousness. Mat. ",1. 19. [4] 'the least co\se of fear. Lev. 26. .?6. The "leaves were for the healing of the nations, Kev. 22. 2. Grace from Christ, the tree oJ life, heals his people uliom he cJ'ooset «ul o) all LEA. nations, and gives them perfect freedom frtm spiritual diseases. Gen. &. 11. and lo, inher mouth was an olive /. Lev. 26. 36. sound of a shaken /. shall cheje them Job 13. 25. wilt thou break a /. driven to and fro : Psal. 1.3. his /. also shall not wither, shall prosper lia. 1. 30. shall be as an oak, whose /. fadeth 31.4. their host fall as a /. Ij 64. 6. we fade as a /. Jer. a. 13. there shall be no grapus, the /. shall fide 17. 8. but her /. shall be green, and not be careful Lzek. 47. 12. /. shall not fade, the /. for medicino LEAVES. Gen. 3.7. they sewed fig /. and made aprons Isa. 6. 13. as an oak, when they cast their /. Jer. 36. 23. when Jehudi read three or four /. Eiek. 17. y. it shall wither in all the/, of her spring Dan. 4. 12. /. thereof fair, 21. || 14. shake off his/. .Mat. 21. 19. nothing thereon but /. 7l/ar>i: 1 1 . 13. 24. 32. his branch putteth forth /. Mark 13. 28. liev. 22.2. the /.were for the healing of the uation.s LEAVES for doors. 1 Ki:igs6.\ 32. the /.of the doors were of olive tree* ?4. the two /. of tlie one door were folding Lzek. 41. 24. doorshad two /. apiece, two/, forone LEAGUE. Josh. 9. 6. make therefore a /. with u!, 11. J5. .loshua made a /. with the (iibeonites, 16. fvdg. 2. 2. make no /. with the inhabitants of land 1 .^i.m. 22. 8. my son hath made a /. with David 2 Sam. 5. 3. king David made a /. with them 1 Kings 5. 12. Hiram and Solomon made a /. 15. ly. there is a /. between me and thee 2 C/ir. 16. 3. go break thy /. with Baasha king o( Job 5. 23. shalt be in /. with the stones of the field Lzek. 30. 5. men of the land that is in /. shall fall Uan. 11. 23. after the /. he shall work deceitfully LEAN. Gen. 41. 3. kine came out of the river /.-fleshed, I9. 4. the /.-fleshed eat up the seven fat kine,2u. Aum. 13. 20. what the land is, whether fat or /. 2 Sam. 13. 4. why art thou being the king's son /. Isa. 17. 4. the fatness of his flesh shall wax /. Lzek. .34. 20. 1 will judge between fat cattle and /. Zeph. 2. 1 11. Lord make / the t'^ds of the earth r.EANNESS. Joi 16. 8. my /. rising up in me, bcareth witness Ps. 106. 15. gave request, but sent/, into their soul Isa. 10. 16. Lord shall send amnng his fatones»" 24. 11). but 1 said, my /. my /. woe unto me Mic. 6. 1 10. the measure of /. is abominable LEAN Signifies, [1] To incline or rest against, Judg. 16. 26. ['•'] 'Jo trust or depend upon, 2 KiDf,.-: 18. 21. [3] Spiritually by faith and ioiei> c.'eaie to and rely upon. Cant. 8. 5. Judg. 16. 26. that I may /. on the pillars 2 A;Hi;^18. 21. on which if a man /. Jsa. 36. 6. Job H.l j. shall /. on'his house, but it shall not stand i'mv. 3. 5. /. not lo thine own understanding Mic. 3. 11. yet will they /. on the Lord, and my LEANED. Judg. 16. t29. the middle pillars on which he /. 2 Sam. 1. 6. behold, Saul /. upon his spear 2 Ain^f 7.2. then a lord, on whose hand the king /. 2 Chron. .'52. + 8. people /. on the words of llezekiah Lzek. 11^. 7. when they /. on thee, thou brakest .Imos 5. 19. /. his hand on wall, ascrpent hit him John 21. SO. who also /. on his breast at supper LEANETII. Kum. 21. + 15. brooks /. on the border of Moab 2 Sam. 3. 29. not fail one that /. on a stafl" 2 Kings 5. 18. /. on my hand in the house of Ilimm LEANING. Cant. 8. 5. that conieth up /. on her beloved Ju/in 13. 'J3. now there was /. on Josus' bosom Jlet. 11.21. Jacob worshipped,/, on top of his staff LEAP Signifies, [1] To skip, or jump to and fro. Acts 3. 8. I 14. 10. [2J To come vioienity ana suddenly upon. Acts 19. 16. [3] To rejoice and ie glad, Isa. .35. 6. Gen. 31. 12. all the rams which /. on the cattle Lev. 11. 21. have legs to /. withal upon Jic earth Dcut. 33. 22. and of Dan, he shall /. from Ba.shaa Job 41. 19. burning lamps, and sparks of fire /. out Psal. 68.lC.why /. ye, ye high hiUi, this is the hill Isa. 35.6. then shall the lame man /. as a hart Joel 2. 5. like the noise of chariots shall they/. Zeph.i.g. shall pumsh those that/. on the thrcihold Luke 6. 23. rejoice ye in that day, and /. for jo> r.EAl'l I). Gen. 31. 10. the mnis which /. upon the cattle C.S,;m.e2.30.by my (iod, I /.ovi r a wall, /'*.18.29 J.iike 1.41. the babe /. in her womb for joy, 44. .-Icis 14. 10. stand upright, and he /. and walked ly. 1(). he in whom evil spirit was, /. on them 1 Kin's 18. 26. they /. upon the altar which was LEAPING. 2 Sam. 6. 16. Miclial saw David /. and dancing Cant. 2. 8. behold he cuuieth /. on the isountaiui LEA jkti 3. 8. Ami he /. y /. I went to Macedonia LEAVE. Gen. 2. 24. shall a man /.father and moth. and cleave to hiswife,3/a<. I9.5. Mark W.' . Eph. 5.31. 33. 15. let me /. with thee some of the folk 42.33. /. one of your brethren here with me 44. 22. the lad cannot /. his father, if he /. him Ezod. 16. 19. let no man /. manna till the morning 23.+ 5. cease to /. thy business, thou shalt /. it 11. what they /. the bezists of the field shall eat I.ev. 7. 15. not /. any of the peace-offering, 22. 30 16,23. shall put off garments and /. them there 19. 10. thou shalt /. them for the poor, 23. 22. Num. 9. 12. /. none of the passover till morning 10. 31. and he said, /. us not, I pray thee 32. 15. will yet again /. them in the wilderness Deut. 28.51. shall not /. thceeithercorn, wine.oroil 54. the remnant of children which he shall /. Josh. 4. 3. and /. them in the lodging place Judg. 9. g. the olive said, should I /. my fatness 13. vine said, should I /. mj- wine, which oheereth liuth 1. Ifi. Ruth said, entreat me not to/, thee 1 Sam. 9. 5. lest my father /. caring for the asses 14. 36. Saul said, let us cot /. a man of them 25. 22. if I /. of all that pertain to him 2 Sam. 14. 7. shall not /. to my husband a name 1 Kings 8. 57. let him not /. us nor forsake us 2 Kings 4. 43. they shall cat and shall /. thereof 13.7. nor did he /. of the people but fifty horsemen 1 Chron. 28. 8. may possess this good land, and /. it Etra'j.Vi. grace from L. to /.us a remnant to escape 12./. it for an inheritance to your childr. forever Neh. 4. \ 2. the Jews, will they /. to themselves 5. 10. I pray you let us /. off this usury 6. 3. why should the work cease whilst I /. it.' 10. 31. that we would /. the seventh year Job 39. 11. or wilt thou /. thy lahour to him? Ps. 16.10. thou wilt not/, my soul in hell, yJc/.( 2.27. 17. 14. they /. their substance to their babes 27.9. thou hast been my help, /. me not, II 9. 121. 49. 10. they die and /. their wealth to others 141. 8. O God, my trust, /. not my soul destitute Prov. 2. 13. who /. the paths of uprightness 17. 14. /. off contention, before it be medaled with Feci. 2.18. because I should/, it to the man after me £1. yet shall he /. it for his portion 10.4. if ruler rise up against thee, /. not thy place Isa. 10. 3. and where will ye /. your glory 1 65. 15. and ye shall /. your name for a curse Jer. 9. 2. I might/, my people, and go from them 14.9- O Lord, we are railed by thy name, /. us not 17. 11. riches, h2 shall/, them iun)idst of his days 18. 14. will a man /. the snow of I.ebanon 44. 7- child and suckling, to /. you none to remain m. 28. /. the cities, and dwell in the rock 49. 9- would they not /. some gleaning-grapcs .' 11. /. thy fatherless children, I will preserve them r.iek. 16. 39. and /. thee naked and bare, 23. Og. 39.2 will turn thee, and /. but a sixth p.irt of thee Dan. 4. 15. /. the stump of his root, 23, 26. llos. 10. 14. therefore shall he /. his blood upon him Joel 2. 14. will return, and /. a blessing behind him Amos 5. 3. shall /. an hundred, shall /. ten to Israel 7. ye, who /. off righteousness in the earin (Had. 5. grape-gatherers, would they init /, grapes '■: Mai. 4.1. that it shall l.ihem neither root nor breinch Afamari& LEF 1 Ct.T. CO. \. Joab /. forth the power of the army 2 Chron. 25. 11. and Amaziah /. forth his people Ptal. "8. 14. in the day he i. ihem with a cloud 53. he /. them on .»afely, so that they feared not 106.9. s° I16 '• them thro' the depths as thro' a wilderness, 136. I6. Isa. 63. 13. 107. 7. he /. them forth by the right way Prov. 4. 11. I have /. thee in right paths Isa. 9. 16. they that are /. of them are destroyed 48. 'Jl. they thirsted not when they /. them thro' 55. IC. for ye shall be /. forth in peace 63. 10. that /. them by the right hand of Moses Jirr. 2.6. where is the Ld. that 7. us thro'wilderness IT.hath forsaken God.when he /. thee by the way 82. 12. shall die in the pljicewhither they have /.him 23.8. the Lordliveth which /. the house of Israel lam. 3. 2. he hath i, me into darkness, not light Esek. 17- 12. ana /. them with him into Babylon 39. C8. who caused them to be /. into captivity 47. 2. /. me about to the outward gate eastward Amos 2. 10. alio I /. you 40 years thro' the wildern. 7. 11. Israel shall surely be /. captive out of land Xah. 2. 7. and Huzzah shall be /. away captive ^lat. 4.1 thenwas Jesus /. of the Spirit, Lukei. 1. £6. 57 they /. him to Caiaphas the high-priest, Mark 14. 53. Luke ^Z.:>i. John 18. 13. 27. 2. they /. him to Pont. Pilate the governor,31. Mark 15. 16, 20. Lvke 22 54. Johri 18. 13. Mark 8. 23. he took tne blind maa and /. him out Liulie 4. 29. they /. Jesus to the brow of the hill 21. 24. they shadl be /. away captive into all nations 22. 66. and /. him into their council, saying £3. 1. the whole multitude /. him to Pilate 32. two other malefactors w^ere /. with him 24. 50. he /. them out as far as Bethany John 18. 28. they/. Jesus unto the hall of judgment AcisR. 32. he was /. as a sheep to the slaughter 9. 8. they /. Saul by the hand to Damascus, 22.11. £1. 37 as Paul was to be/, iiito the castle Horn. 8. 14. as many as are /. by the Spirit of God 1 Co/-. 12.2. carried away to idols.even as ye were /. Gal. 5. 18 but if ye be /. by the Spirit, ye are S Tim. 3. 6. silly women, /. away with divers lusts 2 Pe/.3.17. beware, lest ye also being /. away with the error of the wicked, fall from stedfaitness LEDUEST. C Sam. 5.2. wast he that /. out Israel, 1 Chr. 1 1 .2. Neh. 9- 12. /. them in the day by a cloudy piU.-ir Vsal. 77. 20. thou /. thy people like a flock ^c^i 21.38. and/, into the wilderness four thousand jien that were murderers LEDGES. 1 Kinsst. 28. the borders were between the /. 35. the /. and borders thereof were of the same 36. on the plates of the /. he graved cherubims LEEKS. IVum. 11. 5. we remember the /. and the onions LEES. Isa. 25. 6. a feast of wine on the /. well refined Jer. 48. 11. and Moab hath settled on hii /. Zepli. 1. 12. 1 will punish men settled on their /. LEFT. Cen. TR. 33. he had /. communing with Abraham 24. 27. who hath not /. destitute my maiiter 29. 35. his name Judah, and /. bearing, 30. 9. .32. 8. then the other company which is /. 39. 6. he /. all that he had in Joseph's hand IC. he /. his garment in her hand, 13, 15, 18. 41 . 49. Joseph gathered corn till he /. DLmbering 44. 12. at the eldest, and /. at the youngest 47. 18. not enough /. but our bodies jjid lajids 50. 8. their little ones /. they in Goshen Lud. 2. 20. why is it that ye have /. the man ? 9.21. /. his servants and his cattle in the field 10. 12 eat every herb, all that the hail /. 15. 26. there shall not an hoof be /. behind 16. 20. but some of them /. of it till m/irning 34. 25. nor sacrifice of passover be /. till morning Lit. 2. 10. that which is /. of the meat-oflfering 10. 12. and to Ithamar, his sons that were /, 26. 39. they that are /. of you shall pine away 43. the land also shall ba /. of them and enjoy tlnm. 26. 65. there was not /. a man of ihem.yoi/i. 8. 17. J'idg. 4.16. Uos. 9. 12. Dtui 2. 34. we utterly destroyed, we /. none to re- main, JojA. 10.33,37,39,40. | 11. 8, 11, 14. 4. 27. ye shall be /. few in number among the heathen, 28. 62. Isa. 24 6. Jtr. 42. 2. 7. 20. till they that are /. be destroyed €8. 55. he hath nothing /. him in the siege 32.30. power gone, and there is none shut op or /. Jcsh. 6. 23. and /. them without the camp of Isrncl 8. 17. they /. the city open, and pursued Israel 11. 15. he /. nothing undone of all commanded S2. there was none of the Anakims /. in the land 22. 3. ye have not I. your brethren to this day Judg. 2. 2L of uations which Joshua /. when he died 23. tlierefore the Lord /. those nations, S. L 6. 4. /. no sustenance for Israel, neither sheep flLfi. yet Jotbam the youngest soa was L LEF Rulh 1. 3. and she was /. tnd her two sons, 5. 18. was minded to go, then she /. speaking to her 2. 11. how thou hast /. thy father and mother 14. Ruth did eat and was sufficed, and /. 4. 14. Lord not i. thee this day without kinsman 1 Sam. 2. 36. every one (hat is /. in thy house 5. 4. only the stump of Dagon was /. to him 9. 24. that which is /. set before thee and eut 10. 2. thy father hath /. the care of the asses 11.11. so that two of them were not /. tOi;eiher 17.20. David rose up and /.the sheep with a kteper I 22. David /. his carriage in the hand of a keeper 25.34. not been /. any that pisseth against the wall 27. 9. David /. neither man nor woman alive 2 Sam. 5. 21. and there they /. their images 9. 1. is there yet any /. of the house of Saul • 13. 30. the king's sons, there is not one of them /. 14. 7. so they shall quench my coal which is /. 15. 16. the king /. ten concubines, 16. 21. 17. 12. there shall not be /. so much as one 1 Kings 9.21. their children that were /. 2 C/ir. 8.8. 1 !. 10. cut off him that is shut up and /.2 /v'ingi 9.8. 15. 29. he /. not Jeroboam any that breathed 16. 11. he/. Baashanot one that pisseth against 17. 17. sickness that there was no breath /. in him 19. 3. and /. his servants there |1 10. 1 only am /. 18. yet I have /. me 7000 (| 20. he /. oxen and ran 2 Rings 4. 44. and they did eat and /. thereof 7.7. they arose and /. tents || 13. all that are /. 8. 6. since the day she /. the land even until now 10.11. Jehu slew all, till he /. him none remaining 21. so that there was not a man /.that came not 14. 26. for there was not any /. nor any helper 17. 16. they /. the commandments of the Lord 194. this prayer for remnant that arc /. Isa.SJ.i. 20. 17. nothing shall be / saith the Lord 25. 12. /. of poor of the land, Jer. 39. 10. | 52. I6. 1 Chron. 13. 2. send to our brethren that are /. 2 Chron. 11. 14. for the Levites/. theirsuburbs 12. 5. I have also /. you in the hand of Shishak CI. 17. so that there was never a son /. him 24. 18. and they /. the house of the Lord God 25. for they /. Joash in great diseases 31. 10. we had enough to eat, and have/, plenty 32. 31. God /. him to try him, that he might know 34. 21. go, enquire for them that are /. in Israel A'fA.l.?. I asked concerning the Jews which had /. 3. the remnant that axe /. are in great affliction 6. 1 . the wall that there was no breach /. therein Job 20. 21. there shall none of his meat be /. 26. it shall go ill with him that is /. ia his tabern. Psal. 106. 11. there was not one of them /. /'ror. 29.15. a child /. to himself bringeth to shame Isa. 1.8. Zion is /. as a cottage in a vineyard 9. except Lord had /. us a remnant, Horn. 9. 29- 4. 3. he that is /. in Zion shall be called holy 7.22.butter and honey shall every one eat ;hat is/. 10. 14. as one gathereth eggs that are /. 11. 16. ahigh-way for the remnant that shall be/. 17. 6. yet gleaning-grapes shall be /. in it 24. 12. in the city is /, desolation, and the gate 30. 17. till ye be /. as a beacon-'on a mountain 39. 6. nothing shall be /. saith the Lord Jer. 12. 7. I /. my heritage |{ 31. ?. /. of the sword 49.25. how is the city of praise not /.the city oTjoy 50. 26. destroy her, let nothing of her be /. E^ek. 14. 22. behold, therein shaJl be /. a remnant 23. 8. nor /. her whoredoms brought from Egypt 31. 12. strangers have cut him off and have /.him Dan.Z.ii. the kingd. shall not be /. to other people Joel 1.4. what the palmer-worm /.the locust hath /. /fa».2.3.who is /.that saw this house in her glory ? Zech. 13. 8. the third part shall be /. therein Mai. 4. 20. /. their nets |1 22. they /, their ships 8. 15. he touched her, and fever /. her, Mark 1.31. 15. 37. took up of the meat that was /. Mark 8. 8. 22. 25. he /. his wife to his brother, Mark 12. 20. 23. 38. your house is /. unto you desolate 24. 2. there shall not be /. one stone upon another, il/aA*13.2. £k*<21.6. 40. one taken, other /.41. Luke 17. 34, 35, 36. 26. 44. Jesus /. them, and prayed the third time Mark 10. 28. we have /. all and followed thee 29. no man that hath /. house, Luke 18. 28, 29. .Mark 12. 22. and the seven had her, and /. no seed Luke 5. 28. he /. all, rose up, and followed him id. 40. that my sister hath /. me to scn-e alone John 4. 28. the woman then /. her water-pot 52. at the seventh hour the fever /. him .■lc:s 2.31 . of Christ, that his soul was not /. in hell 14. 17. he /. not himself without witness 21. 32. when saw captain, they /. IxjRtiiig oTiul 24. 27. and Felix /. Paul bound, 25. 14. 1 'I'hess.S.^.vt thought good to be /.at Athens alone 2 Tim. 4. 13. the cloak that I /. at Troas bring 20. Trophimus have I /. sick at Miletum Til. 1.5. for this cause /. 1 thee at Crete JUi. 2. 8. he /. nothing that is not put under 4. l.let us fear, lest apromise being /.of entering JuJe 6. the angels which /. th«ir own habitation LEN Rev. 2. 4. because thou hast /. thy first love See Alone. LEFT off. Gen. 11. 8. and they /. off to build the city 17. 22. /. off talking with him, and God went up RulA 2. 20. who hath not /. off his kindness 1 Kmgi 15. 21. Baasha /. o/building, 2 Chr. I6. 5. Joi 32. 15. answered no more, they /. o^T speaking Psal. 36. 3. he hath /. off 10 be wise and to do good Jer. 38. 27. so they /. off speaking with him 41. 18. since we /. ojftobum incense to the queen Uos. 4. 10. because they have /. off to take heed LEFl" corner. 2 Kings 11. 11. guard stood to the /. c. about king See Hand. LEFT-HANDED. Judg.H. 15. raised Ehud a Benjamin, a man l.-han. 20. 16. were seven hundred chosen men i.-handei LErr pillar. 1 A'lngf 7.21.he set up the l.ptl. and called it Boaa LEFT stde. 1 Kings' . 39. five bases on the /. side of the house 49. five candlesticks on the /. stde before 2 C,'irD».23. 10. with his weapon from right to I. side Etek. 1. 10. they had the face of an ox on the l.sid* 4. 4. lie also on thy /. side, and lay the iniquity Zech. 4. 3. other olive-tree upon /. stde thereof, II. LEG S'gnifies, [1] Properly, the limbs or parts of tat- animal, uhich are the instruments of local ma- lion, and the supporters of the bodu, Exod. 12- 9. 1 Sam. 17. o. [2] Figuratively, strength, Psal. 147. 10. Ilis legs are as pillars of marble. Cant. 5. 15. The dispensations of his proitdence ire viiself and skilfully contriied: or, it may denote, the frmness and siabiliiy of Christ's kingdom, in ipite of all opposition. Isa. 47. 2. make bare the /. uncover the thigh LEGS. Esod. 12. 9. hut roast with fire his head and /. -9. 17. wash the inwards and his /. Lev. 9. 14. Lev. 4.* 1. the skin, his head, and his /. burn 8. 21. he washed the inwards and /. iu water 11. 21»which have /. above their feet, these eat Deut, 28. 35. he shall smite thee in the knees and /. 1 Sam. 17. 6. he had greaves of brass upon his /. I's. 14" . ^0. he taketh no pleasure in the /.of a man Prov. 26. 7. the /. of the lame are not equal Cant. 5. 15. his /. are as pillars of marble /xa.3.20. the L, will take away the ornaments of /. Dan, 2. 33. his /. of iron, his feet part of iron .'Imos 3. 12. out of the mouth of the lion two /. John 19. 31. they besought their /. might be broken 32, the soldiers came and brake the /. of the first 33, and saw he was dead, they brake not his /. LEISURE. Mark6.S\. and they had no /. so much as to eat LEND. Ezod. 22. 25. if thou /. money to any, thou shall Lev. 25. 37. not /. him thy victuals for increase Deut. 15. 6. and thou shalt /. to many nations 8. thou shalt surely /. him sufficient for his need 23. 19. thou shalt not /. upon usury to thy brother 20. to a stranger thou mayest /. upon usury 24. 10. when thou dost /. thy brother any thing 11. the man to whom thou dost /. shall bring 28. 12. thou shalt /.to many nations,and not borrow 44. he shall /. to thee, thou shalt not /. him I.tA.3.18.be able to comprehend /.of love ofCh^is^• liev. 21. 16. and the /. as large as the breulth At LENGTH. Psal 36. ♦ 10. O draw out at I. thy loving- kindness Prnr. 29. 21. shall hav him become bis son/tf /.' /torn. 1. 10. if uuw at 1 I Dsr have ■ journey LES LENGTHEN. t Mn;* 3.14. walk as David, then will I l.ihyiays tta.&i. 2. /. thy corrts and strengthen thy stakes LENGTHENED. X)tut. S5. IS. that thy days may be /. in the land LENGTHENING. Dan.^.Z'. if it be a /. of thy tranquillity LENT. Etod. 12.36. they /. to them such as they required Dtul. 23.19. usury of 2u:y thing that is /. on usury 1 Sam. 1. 28. I /. him to the Lord, he shall be /.' 8. 20. for the loan which is /. to the Lord Jer. 15.10.1 have not /.on usury nor have men /.me LEN TILES Gen. 25. it. when Jacob gave Esau pottage of /. iSam. ii. 11. there was a piece of ground full of /. See BEANS. LEOTARD Is a wild beast, ca.U*d if iem$ a libbard ; il i> JnlJ of spots, also exceeding suij'l, niitle, and Jitrce, enraged against men, and of such a sueti savour that it allures other beasts to it ; by tnhich means they are caught and devoured, llos. 13. 7. Hab. 1. 8. To which are comp.ired, [1] Antichrist, zeith his /olloueri and adherents. Rev. 13. 2. [2] Men of a fierce unlractable disposition, Isa. 11. 6. Can the leopard change his spots? &c. Jer. 13. 23. It IS as much labour in vain to endeavour to reclaim these Jens, vho by their continual rurtomary sinfiing have inured themselves to uicked pi actives, as to use means to take out the natural spots of a leopard. Isa. 11. 6. the /. shall lie down with the kid Jer. 5. 6. a /. watch over the cities 13. 23. or can the /. change his spots ? Dan. 7. 6. I beheld, and lo, another like a/. //ex. 13. 7. therefore I will be to them as a /. litv, 13. 2. and the beast was like to a /. LEOPARDS. Cant. 4. 8. look from the mountains of the /. Hab. 1. 8. their horses are swifter than /. LEl'ER. Lev. IS. 45. and the /. in whom the plague is J4. 2. this shall he the law of the /. hi tl>e daj 3. behold, if the leprosy be healed in the /. 82. 4. what man of the seed of Aaron is a /. yum. 5. 2. they put out of the camp every /. iSam. 3.29. from the huiise of Joab, one that is a /. 2 Kings 5. 1. >iaaman was a /. Ijll. recover th^/. 27 went from his presence a /. as white as siiow 15. 5. Azariah was a /. to the day of his death 2 C.hion. 2G. 21 and Uz2i^ the king was a /. 23. they buried him, for theyssud, he is a /. Mac. (i. 2. and behold, there came a /. Mark 1. 40. 86. 6. in the house of Simon the /. Mark 14. 3. LEPERS. 2 Kings 7.8. when the /. came to the uttermost part Mat. 10. 8. heal the sick, cleanse /. raise the dead 11.5. the lame walk.the /. are cleansed, Z.n/(« 7. 22. CuX:e4.27.many /. were in Israel in time of Eliseus 17. 12. there met him ten men that were /. LEPROSY. Lev. 13.2. and it be in the skin like the plague of /. 3. it is a plague of /. 8, 11, 15, 25,27, 30^ 42, 4(). 9.when the plague of /. is in a man, then he shali* 12. if a/, break out|jl3. if the /. covered his flesh 43. as the /. appearelh in the skin of the flesh 47. the garment that the plague of/, is in 59. this is the law of the plag. of/. 14, W, 55, 57. I|4. 3. if the plague of /. be healed ;o the leper 7. shall sprinkle him that is to be cleansed from /. 32. the law of him in whom is the plague of/. Dent. 24. 8. take heed in the plague of/, to observe 2 Kints 5. 3. for he would recover him of his /. 7. 6. that thou niayest rtcover him of his /. 27. the /. of Naaman shall cleave unto thee 2 Chron. 26. I9. the /. rose up in his forehead Mat. 8.3. his/, was cleansed,. l/ar* 1.42. iuite 5.13. I.u.le 5 12. behold, a man full of /. besought him See Fretting. LEPROUS. , £ro(/. 4.6. behold, his hand was /. as snow I-ev. 13. 44. he is a /. man, he is unclean A'lun. 12. 10. Miriam became /. behold she was /. 2 A'mgi7.3. there were four /. men at the sate 2 'Chr. 2d. 20. and Uzziah was /. in his forehead LESS Signifies, [1} A smaller ijuanlity, Exod. I6. 17. 52] Sot in proportion to, Ezra 9. 13. ['5] An inferior, Heb. 7.7. Gen. 32. 1 10. I am /. than least of all the mercies Kiod. 16. 17. and gathered some more, some /. 30.15. the poor shall not give/, than half a shekel N-um. 22. 18. go beyond the word of the Ld. to do /. 26.54. to few thou shalt give /. inheritance, .'i.'?.54. 1 Sam. 2C. 15. thy serv.int knew nothing /. or more 2S. 36. Abigail told him nothing/, or more EiTa 9.1 3. punished us /.than our iniquities deser\-e J06 11 6. (J-xl ciaiitth <- thai) iniquiti- duserveth 33» LES Pfev. 17. 7. much /. do lying lips a prince 19- 10. much /. for a servant to rule over princes Isa. 40. 17. all n.^tions »re counted /. than nothing Mark 4. 31. when it is sown is /. than all seeds 15.40. Mary the mother of James the /. 1 Cor. 8. t 8. nor if we eat not, have we the /. 12. 23. those members we think /. honourable 2 Cor. 12. 15. the a-ore -I love, the /. 1 am loved Epk. 3. 8. who am /. than the least of all saints I'hil. 2. 28. and that I may be the /. sorrowful Ileb.T.T. the /. is blessed of better without contrad. LESSER. (•en. 1. 16. made the /. light to rule the night Isa. 7. 25. and for the treading of/, cattle h'.zek. 16. 1 40. thy sister /. thin thou is Sodom 43. 14. from the /. settle to the greater settle LESr. C'Cn. 3. 3. neither shall ye touch it, /. ye die, Lev. 10. 6, 7. 9. A'mw. 18. 32. 11.4./. we be scattered abroad on the earth 14. 23. /. thou say, I have made Abram rich 19. 15. /. thou be consumed in the iniquity of city ly./. I die, 26. 9-11 52. 11. /.become and smite me 38. 11. /. he die, as his breth. did, Dcut. 20.5,6, 7. 23. let her take it to her, /. we be ashamed 45. 11. /. thou and thy household come to poverty Esod. 5. 3. go, /. he fall on us with pestilence 13. 17. /. peradventure the people repent in war 19. 21. /. they break through to the Lord to gaze 22. sanctifj, /. the Lorii break forth upon [hem 2u. 19. let not God speak with us, /. we die 33. 3. I will not go, /. I consume thee in the way Sum. 4.20. shall not go in to see, /. they die, 18,22. Dtut. 11. 17. /. ye perish quickly from off the land 24. 15. /. he cry a!;ainst thee to Lord, and it be sin 25. 3. /.if he should exceed and beat hiniabovethese Josh. 9. 20. let them live, /. wrath be upon us 24. 27. shall be a witness, /. ye deny your God Judg. 7. 2. /. Israel vaunt themselves against me 1 Sam. 20. 3. let him not know, /. he be grieved 2 Sam. 12. 28. /. I take the city, and it be called Job 36. 18. /. he take thee away with his stroke 42. 8. /. I deal with you after your folly Ps. 2. 12. kiss the Son /. he be angry, and ye perish 13. 3. lighten mine eyes, /. I sleep the sleep of death 50. 22. consider this, /. I tear you in pieces yi. 12. /.thou dash thy foot, Mat.i.6. Lukei. 11. i06. 23. Moses stood, /. he should destroy them 140. 8. grant not, /. they exalt themselves 143. 7. /. I be like them that go down into the pit l^rov.Q.S. reprove not a scorner, /. he hate thee 20. 13. love not sleep, /. thou come to poverty 22. 25. /. thou learn his ways, and get a snare 24. 18. /. the Lord see it, and it displease him 25. 8. /. thou know not not what to do in the end 10. / he that heareth it, put thee lo shame 17. /. he be weary of thee, and so hate thee 20. 4. answer not a fool, /. thou also be like unto him 30. 6. add not to his words, /. he reprove thee 9. /. I be full and deny thee, or /. 1 be poor Isa. 6. 10. /. they see wifii their eyes. Acts 28. 27. 27. 3. /. any hurt it, I wiH keep it night and day 28. 22. not mockers, /. your bands be made strong 48. 5. /. thou shouldest say, my idol hath done, 7. Jer. 1. 17. be not dismayed, /. I confound thee 4. 4. /. my fury come forth like fire, 21. 12, 6. 8. be instructed, /. my soul depart from thee 37. 20. cause me not to return,/. I die there llos. 2. 3. /. I strip her naked, and set her as in day Amos 5. 6. seek the Lord, /. he break out like fire y.ech.T.\2.3i an »damant,/.theyshould hear the law Mai. 4.6. /. I come and smite thf.'earth with a curse Mat, 17. 27. /. we should offend, go to the sea 25. 9. '■ there be not enough for us and you Mark 13. 5. take heed, /. any man deceive you 36. /. coming suddenly, he find you sleeping 14. 38. watch and pray, /. ye enter into temptation Luke 8. 12. /. they should believe and be saved 21.34. /.your hearts overcharged with surfeiting John 5.14.9iunomore,/. 1 worse thing come to thee 18. 28. they went out /. they should be defiled .Icit 5. 3y. /. ye be found to fight against God 13.40. beware therefore, /. that come upon you Rom. 11. 21. take heed, /. he spare not thee, 44. 1 Cor. 9. 12. /. we hinder the gospel of Christ 10.12. let him that st&ndeth take heed /. he fall 2 Cor. 2. 11. /. Satan should get advantage of us 12. 7. /. 1 should be exalted above measure ('al. 2. 2. /. by any means I should run in vain 6. I. considering thyself, /.thou also be tempted Eph. °. 9. not of works, /. any man should bo.\st Col. 2.4. /.any man beguile you with enticing words 3. 21. provoke not children, /. they be iliscou raged I Vim. 3. 6. /. being lifted up with pride he fall into llfb. 2. 1. /. at any time we should let them slip 3.12. /. there be in any an evil heart of unbelief 13. /. any of you be hardened through sin 4. 11. /. any man fall after the same example 12. 3. /. ye be weary and faint in your minds 13. /. what is lame be turned out of the w.iy LKT lUb. 12. 15. /. any man fail of the grace of God Jam. 5. 9. grudge not, /. ye be condemned 12. swear not, /. ye fall iiJto condemnation 2 Pel. 3. 17. beware, /. ye also being led away liev. 16. 15. keepethhis garments, /. he walk naked LET. Ga.27.1. shall punish /.even /. that crooked serpent LEVITE. Eiod. 4. 14. is not Aaron the /. thy brother ? Dexit 12. 12 rejoice ye before the Lord your God, and the /. 18. | l6. 11, 14. | 26. 11, 13. 14. 29. and the /. shal^ come and eat, 26. 12. 18. 6. if a /. come from any of thy gates Judg.iT.T.a. young man a /. 9. || 10. so the /.went in 11. the /. was content to dwell with the man 12. Micah consecrated /. |1 13. a /. to my priest 18. 3. they knew the voice of the young man the /. 19. 1. there was a certain /. sojourning on mount 20. 4. the /. said, I came into Gibeah of Benjamin t CAr. 20. 14. on Jahaziel the /. came the Spirit 31. 12. Cononiah the /. over the dedicated things 14. Kore the /. over the free-will offerings Ezra 10. 15. Shabbethai the /. helped them Luit 10. 32. likewise a /. came and lookeil on Acit 4. 36. Barnabas a /. having land, sold it LEVITES. Exod. 6. 25. these heads of the fathers of the /. 38. 21 . it was counted for the service of the /. Lez\ 25. 32. cities of /. may redeem at any time 33. the cities of the /. are their possession 2\'um. 1 . 47. but the /. were not numbered, 2. 33. 50. shilt appoint the /. over the tabeniacle 51. the /. shaVl take it down H 53. the /. shall pitch 3. 9- and thou shalt give the /. unto Aaron 12. 1 have taken the /. the /. shall be mine .39. all that were numbered of the /. 4. 46. 41 . and thou shalt take the /. for me, 45. | 8.14. 7. 5. and thou shalt give wagons unto the /. 8. 6. take the /. from Israjil and cleanse them 9. bring the /. before the tabernacle, 10. 11. Aaron,shall offer the /. before the Lord 15 then after that shall the /. go in, 22. 24. this is it that belongeth unto the /. 26. thus shalt thou do to the /. touching their 18. 6. I have taken the /. to do service, 23. £4. the tithes I have given to the /. to inherit 35. 2. that they give to the /. cities round, 8. Vein. 18. 7. minister, as his brethren the /. do JoiA. 14. 3. to the /. he gave none inheritance £1. 3. Israel gave these cities to the /. 8. 41. all the cities ol the /. were forty-eight t Ham. 6. 15. the /. took down the ark of the Lord tHam. 15. 24. Zadns and the /. were with him C/ir. 15. 15. the children of the /. bare the ark 26. when God helped the /. that bare the ark 24. 6. one of the /. wrote them before the king , CAr. 5. 12. the /. which were singers stood, 7- 6. II. 14. the /. left their suburbs and possession ' 13.9- have ye not cast out the sons ofAaron and /. 19. 11. also the /. shall b« officers before you 25, 6. the /. shall compas» the king roond about,? »9 LIB ; CAron. 24. 5. howbeit, the /. hastened it not 2g. 5. hear me, ye /. sanctify now yourselves 30. 22. Ilezekiah spake comfortably to the /. 34. 13. of the /. there were scribes and officers 35. 3. Josiah said to the /. which taught Israel 9. the chief of the /. gave to the /. 5U0 oxen 14. therefore the /. prepared for themselves, 15 Ezra 6. 18. they set the /. in their courses AVA. 3. 17. after Wim repaired the /. Ilehum 8.7. the / caused the people to understand the law 11. the /.stilled the people,saying,hold your peace 11. 22. the overseer of the /. was Uzzi 12. C*. at the dedication they sought the /. 13. 10. the portions of the /.had not been given them, for the /. were fled every one to his field 29- they have defiled the priesthood of the /. Jer. 33. 22. I will multiply the /. that minister Etei. 44. 10. the /. that are gone shall bear iniquity 48. 11. went not astray when the .". went astray Priests and LEVITES. Deui. 17. g. thou shalt come tojK. the/, and judge 24 . 8. to do all that the priests and I. shall teach Josh. 3. 3. when ye see the p. and I. bearing the ark 1 Kir.gsH.i.p. and I. brought up the ark of the Ld. 2 CAron. 23. 4. p. and /.shall be porters of the doors 29. 34. p. and I. were more upright in heart than 30. 15. priests and I. were ashamed, and sanctified 21. /. a«ri«/j praised the Ld. day bj' day 27. then the priests and I. blessed the people 31. 9- Hezekiahquestioned with the prifijf and I. 35. 8. his princes gave willingly to ihep. and 1. Ezra 2. 70. so priests and I. dwelt in their cities 6. 20. for the priests and I. were purified together 7. 7. there went up of the;)riei/ja»i. and I. have not separated themselves 10. 5. Ezra arose and made the;i. and I. to swear NeA. g. 38. our princes, /. and priests, seal to it 10. 34. we cast lots among p. and I. and people 12.30.thep.anrf/. purified themselves.and the wall 44. Judah rejoiced for the p. and I. that waited Tsa. 66. 21. I will take of them for priests and I. Jer. 33. IK. priest and I. not want a man to offer 21. and with the /. the priests my ministers Eiei. 44. 15. but the p. and I. that kept the charge JoAn 1. 19. when the Jews sent p. andl. to ask him LEVITICAL. Heb. 7. 11. if perfection were by the /. priesthood LEVY, Substantive. 1 Kings 5. 13. Solomon raised a /. of 300,000 men 14. and Adnniram was over the /. 9. 15. this is the reason of the /. Solomon raised LEVY. Verb. A'i(m.31.28. and /. a tribute to the Lord 1 Kings 9. 21. upon those did Solomon /. a tribute LEWD. Ezek. 16. 27^ which are ashamed of thy /. way 23. 44. so went they in, as unto the /. woman Acts 17. 5. Jews took /. fellows of the baser sort LEWDLY. Ezek. 22. 11. another hath /. defiled his daughter LEWDNESS. Judg. 20. 6. they have committed /. in Israel Jer. 11. 15. she hath wrought /. with many 13. 27. I have seen the /. of thy whoredom Ezek. 16. 43. and thou shalt not commit this /. 58. thou hast borne thy /. and abominations 22. 9. in the midst of thee they commit /. t 11. by /. hath defiled his daughter-in-law 23.21. calledst to remembrance the /. of thy youth 27. thus will I make thy /. to cease, 48. 29. shall be discovered, -both thy /. and whoredom 35. therefore bear thou also thy /. and whoredom 49. and they shall recompense your /. on you 24. 13. in thy filthiness is /. because I purged thee Hos. 2. 10. and now will I discover her /. in sight 6. 9. priests murder in way, they commit /. Acts 18. 14. if it were a matter of wrong or /. LIAIl, see Ltar. LIBERAL. Prop. 11. 25. the /. soul shall be made fat Isa. 32. 5. the vile person shall not be called /. 8. the /. deviseth /. things, and by /. things 2 Cor. 9.13. they glorify G. for your /. distribution LIBERALITY. 1 Cor. 16. 3. to bring your /. to Jerusalem 2 Cor. 8. 2. aboiinded to the riches of their /. LIBERALLY. Dent. 15. \A. thou shalt furnish him /. out of Jam. 1. 5. ask of God, who giveth to all men /. LIBERIINES. Acts 6. 9. which is called the synagogue of the /. LIBERTY Signifies, [1] A poatr leAieA c person has to do or forbear any particular action, 1 Cor. 7- 39. [2] Freedom from anii servitude or bondage. Lev. 25. 10. Heb 13.' 23. [3] Freedom from tAt curst of lAe moral law, and from lAe scrii Uide if the terimonial law. Gal. 5. 1. [4] Full and ferftct deliverance /rem all mistritt vihaltuver, Rom. 8. 21. [5] ji fewer tr free- LIE dotn in using lAtngs ini'.ifferent, I Cor. 8. 9 | 10. 29- [6] Ereedom from the veil of tpiorance and spiritual blindness, tAe yoke of the lau!,and the slavery of sin, 2 Cor. 3. 17 Lev. 25.10. ye shall proclaim /. through all the land I'sat. 119. 45. and I will walk at /. for 1 ..woman with whom man shall /.with seey w*"" /• on "><^. ""'>' '"^t,^ 7i'i<(/i3.4.thou shalt mark the place where he shall * 1 Kings 1.2. and let her /. in thy bosom, that king Psal. ST. 4. I /. among them that are set on fire 88. 5. like the slain that /. in the grave Eccl. 4. 11. if two /. together they have heat Jta. 13. 21. wild beasts of the desert shall /. there 14. 18. all the kings of the n.Mions /. it. glory 51. 20. thy sons/, at the head of all the street* Litm. 2. 21. the young and old /. on the ground Ezek. 4. 4. /. thou also upon thy left side and lay 6. /. again on thy riglit side 11 9. shalt /. 390 daj s 31. 18. shalt /. in the midst of the uncircumcised 32. 21. they /. uncircumcised, slain by sword, 30 27 and they shall not /. with the mighty 28. /. with the slain |1 29. /. with uncircumcised 34. 14. there shall they /. in a g^od fold Joel 1. 13. come, /. all night in sackcloth LIK /ffiMJC. *. that /. on beds of ivory, and stretch J«ifi5. 6. when Je»us saw him /. he saith to him 20. 0. SiiiiO!! Peter seeth the lineu clothes /. J, I E down. t^v.lS.CS. before abe\st, to /. doun thereto, 20.15. 86. 6. ye shall /.rf.and none shall make you afriid A'um.23.24. Israel shall not /. do-^'n till he eat prey l)evl. 25. 2. jud;e cause him to /. doxti and beacen 31. ♦ l6. thou Shalt /. doz^n with thy fathers iiui/i 3. 7. Boaz went to /. dou-Ti at the end of heap 13. tarry this night, /. dovn until the morninj 1 Aiim.3.5'. Eli said, I called not, /.Jewii ajfmin, 6,9. 2 Ham. 11.13. at even he went to l.doan on his bed Joi 7. 4. when I /. dozen I say, when shall I arise 11.19. thou shall /. d. and none make thee afraid 20. 1 1 . which shall /. doan with him in the dust 21. 20. they shall /. dotm alike in the dust 27. 10. the rich man shall /. d. but not be gathered Pjal. 23.2. he maketh me /. (/»»;< in gieenp.astures I'ror.S. 24. thou shall I. down and thy sleep be sweet Im. 11.6. the leopard shall /. doicn with the kid 7. their young ones shall /. dozen together 1 1. 30. and the needy shall /. donn in safety 17. 2. they shall be for Hocks which shall /. dozeyt 87. 10. there shall the calf feed and /. doati 43.17. the army and ihe power shall /. d. together jO. 11. this ye have, ye shall /. dozen in sorrow 65. 10. shall be a place for the herds to /. dozen in Jtr. 3. 25. we /. dozin in our shame and confusion 33. 12. shepherds causing their flocks to /. dozen 50. +6. have forgotten their place to /. dozen in Hieh. 34. 15. and I will cause them to /. dozen Hot. 2. 18. I will make them to /. dozen safely Zeph. 2.7. they shall I. dozen in the evening 14. flocks shall /. dozen || IS.for beaststo /.rfii.vJiiii 3. 13. the remnant of Israel shall feed and /. dozen LIE in Kail. Ejod. 21. 13. if a man /.not in aoi/but God deliver jDfu/.19.11.if a man hate his neighbour zuid/.i'i ze. Josh. 8. 4. ye shall /. in zeait against the city Judg. 9- 32. up by night, and /. in zeait in the field 21. £0. saying, go jind /. in wail in the vineyards 1 5am.22 8.ha5t stirred up my servant to /.in n'.13. /oi 38. 40. and abide in the covert to /. in zeail Pial. 5i). 3. for lo, they /. in wait for my soul Prr)r.l2 6. the wordsof the wicked are to /. in zeail Hos. 7-6. heart like an oven, whiles they /. in ztaii Mic. 7. 2. thi-y all /. in wail for blood, they hunt Aett 23.21 .there /.in zi>. for him more than 40 men £ph. 4. 14. whereby they /. in waii to deceive me LIE waste. 7xa.33.8.the high-wavs I. waste \\ 34.10.it shall /. ze. JUag.l.i. to dwell in houses, and this house l.zeasie LIEN. Om. 26. 10. one might have /. with thy wife iV'iun. 5. 19- if no man have /. with thee, be free 20. but if scnje man have /. with thee beside thy Judg. 21.11. destroy every woman that hath/. Joi 3. 13. for now should I have /. still JP«/. 68. 13. though ye hare /. among the pots, yet Jer. J. 2. see where thou hast not been /. with John 11. 17- he had /. in the grave four days LIERS in wait. Josh. 8. 14. he wist not that there we /. in zeait Judg.Q.ZS. the men of Shcchem set /. in w. for him 16.12. there were l.in wait abiding in the chamber 20. 29. Israel set /. in wait round about CJibeah .33. the /. in w.carae forth||37./. - hasted and rush. 36. they trusted in the /. in wait which they set Jer. 51. t 12. prepare /. in wait against Babylon LIEST. . 14.47. he that /. in the house shall wish 15. 4. every bed whereon he /. is unclean 20. every thing that she /. on is unclean, 26. 24. all the bed whereon he /.shall be unclean, 33. 26. 34. sabbaths, as long as it /. desolate, 35. 43. the land enjoy »abbaths, while she /. desolate Jii^f . 16. 5. see wherein his grtat strength /. 6. tell me wherein thy great strength /. 15. fob. 40. 21. he /. under the shady trees, in covert Pial. 41. 8. now that he /. he shall rise no more 88. 7. thy wrath /. hard on me, thou hast afllicied A/or. 8. 6. my servajit /. at home sick of the palsy Markt'. 23. my daughter /. at the point of death Horn. 12. 8. as much as/, in you live peaceably Uelin 5. 19. the whole world /. in wickedness LIETII dozen. Uuth 3.4. it «hill be when he /. dozen mark the place Jo* 14.12. so man/. (/<«n and risethnot till heavens /'roF.83.»4. as he that /. down in the midst of the sea LIETII in aaif, PscL 10.9. he /. in w. secretly as a lion, /. in v. ifm. 7. l*. acj she /. m wait ar every corner 340 LIF rnv. S3. 28. she also /. m wait as for a prey LIETfl zeasie. Nei. 2. 3. the place of my fathers' sepulchres /. w. 17. then said I, jou S2e how Jerusalem/, waste LIETH, as with a woman. £i Lxt/:. 1. } 20. spirit of/, in wheels, 1 21. | 10. t 17. 7 + 13. though their /. was yet among the livicg 13. 22. should not return by promising him /. 33. IS. if the wicked walk in the statutes of/. Van. 7. 1 12. a prolonging in /. was given them Jonah 1. 14. let US not perish for this man's /. I^Jal. £. 5. my covenant was with him of /. Alat. £. 20. are dead which sought the child's /. 3. t8. bring fruit meet for amendment of/. 6. 25. take no thought for your /. Luie 12. £2. 18. 8. to enter into /. halt or maimed, Mari Q. 43. 9. better to enter into /.with one eye, Mari 9- ♦* 19. 17. if wilt enter into/, keep the commandments Mui i 3. 4. is it lawful to save /. or to kill, Luke 6. £». Luie 1. 75. in holiness all the days of our /. 12. 15. for a man's /. consisteth not in abundance 23. the /. more than meat, the body thaji raiment John 1. 4. in him was /. and the /. was light of men 3. 36. that believeth not the Son, shall not see /. 5. 26. for as the Father hath /. in himself, so hatb he given to the Son to have /. in himself 29. have done good, to the resurrection of/. 40. will not come to me that might have /. 10. 10 6.33. giveth /. unto world (j 35. I am bread of/. 48. 51. which I will give for the /. of the world 53. and drink his blood, ye have no /. in you 63. the words that I sneak to you, they are /. 8.12. not in darkness, but shall have the light of i 11. 25. I am the resurrection and the/. 14. 6. 20. 31. believing ye might have /. thro' his name .icts 2. 28. hast made known to me the ways of /. 3. 15. and killed the Prince of/, whom God raise 17. 25. seeing he giveth to all /. and breath 26.4. the maimer of/, from my youth, Jews know 27 . 22. there shall be no loss of any man's /. Rom. 5. 17. shall reign in /. by one, Jesus Christ 18. came on all men to justification of/. 6. 4. even so we should walk in newnessof /. 8. 2. the law of the Spirit of/, in Christ Jesus 6. to be spiritually-minded is /. and peace . 10. the Spirit is /. because of righteousness 38. I am persuaded that neither death nor /. 11. 15. the receiving them be but/, from the dead 1 Cor. 3. £2. the world, or /. or death, all are yours 14. 7. even things without /. givi-ug sound 2 Cor. 1.8. insomuch that we despaired eveD of /. 2. 16. to the other the savour oI /. 'into /. 3.6. the letter killeth, b-t the Spirit giveth/. 4. 10. that the /. of Jesus might be manifested 12. death worketh in us, but /. in you 5. 4. that mortality might be swallowed up of/. (Jal. 2. 20. the /. which I now live in the flesh 3. 21. a law given which could have givru /. LIF Eph. 4. 18. being alienated from the /. of God PAH. 1.20. whether it be by /. or by death $. l6. iiolding forth word of /. that I may rejoice Col. 3. 3. and your /. is hid with Christ in God 4. ^vhen Christ who is our /. shall appear 1 JVm.C.S.we may lead a peaceable /.in all godlin. 4.8. having the promise of the /. that now is 2Tim.l. 1. according to the promise of/, in Christ 10. and he hatK brought /. to light by the sospel 3. 10. thou hast fully known my manner of /. Ueb. 0.15. were all their /.-time subject to bondage 7. 3. neither beginning of days, nor end of /. 16. who is made after the power of an endless /. Jam. 1. 12. he shall receive the crown of /. 4. 14. for what is your I.? it is even a vapour IPel. 3. 7. as being heirs together of the grace of/. 10. for he that will love /. and see gojd days 4. 3. for the time past of our /. may suffice us 2 Pet. 1.3. hath given us all things pertaining to /. IJohn 1.1. our hands have handled the word of /. 2. for the /. was manifested, and we have seen it 2.16. the pride of /.is not of the Fath. but of world 5. 12. he that hath the Son hath /. and he that hath not the Son of God hath not /. 16. he shall give him /. for them that sin not Rev. 2. 7 . to him will I give to eat the tree of /. SO. be faithful, and I will give thee a crown of /. 8. 9. third part of the creatures that had /. died .Tl . 1 1 . the Spirit of /. from God entered into them 13. 15. he had power to give /. to the beast 21. 6. I will givetothirsty of thewaterof/. freely 22. 1. he shewed me a pure river of water of /. 2. the tree of /. bare twelve manner of fruits 14.that they might have right to the tree of /. 17. let him take the water of /. freely See Book, Eternal, Everlasting. Hit LIFE. C. 10. 16. the labourof the righteous tendeth to 1. 11.19as righteousnesstendeth/tf/.sothatpursueth 19. 23. the fear of the Lord tendeth to I. Mat. 7. 14. narrow is the way that leadeth to I. John 5.24.but is passed from death to I. 1 Johti 3.14. Acts 11. 18. G . to Gentiles granted repentance to I, Rom. 7. 10. the commandment ordained to I. lieb. 11. 35. women received their deaid raised to I. LIFT Signifies, [1] To raise or heave up. Gen. 37. 28. [2] To put to death, or crucify, John 8. 28. I 12. 32. To Lift up the eyes, signifies, [1] To direct and make known our desires to God by prayer, with hope and expec- tation of a gracious answer, I'sal. 121. I 123. 1. [2] To behold, contemplate, and consider with wonder and admiration, Isaiah 40. 26. To Lift up tlie head, signifies [1] To restore a person to his former dig- nity. Gen. 40. 13. [2] To recover former strength and courage, to as to oppress others, .ludg. 8. 28. [3] To rejoice and be glad, Luke 21. 28. [4] To be advanced above others, and obtain a complete victory over them, I'sal. 27. 6. To Lift up the hand, signifies, [1] To swear, or bu oath to conjirm a thing,' Gen. 14. 20. [2] To bless. Lev. 9. 20. Jt tiat an usual poituie in blessing, uhich denoted both LIF the place sihenct the blessing aat etpecird, and anearneit desire for obtaining it. [3] Toprny^ Psal. 28. 2. [4] To rise in rebellion, 2 Sam. 18. 28. I 20. 21. [5] To oppress, threaten, in- jure, or wrong any manner of way. Job. 31.21. [6] To shake off sloth, and heartily to engage in our duty. Heb. 12. 12. Thou shalt lift up thy face unto God, Job 82. 26. Thou shalt look up to him by meditatioji and prayer, not with horro/r and grief, but with cheerfulness, confidence, and comfort. Be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors, Psal. S4. 7 All ye true members of the church, raise up your hearts and souls, which are of an eierlastm ing and immortal nature, from all earthly things, and set them open for the reception of Cliriit the King of glory. Hath lift up his heel against me, Pial. 41. (* Hath behaved himself insolently, contemptuously and injuriously towards me. It is a phrase taker from an unruly hone, who kicks at him that owns and feeds him. Lift not up the horn, Psal. 75. 4. Carry not yourselves arrogantly, scornfully, or maliciousiy lowards^me or any of God's people. Lift up thy feet, Psal. 74. 3. Come speedily w our help, and for our deliverance. To lift up one's self in height, that it to grovi proud, insolent, and oppressive, Ezek. 31. 10. Gen. 7. 17. the ark was /. up above the earth 21. 18. /. up the lad, and hold him in thine hand 29. tl. then Jacob /. up his ftet and came 37. 28. they /. up Joseph out of the pit 40. 13. Pharaoh shall /. up thine head, 19. L.xod.l. 20. /. up the rod Aid smote waters, 14. 16. 20. 25. if thou /. up a tool on it, thou hast polluted Kum. 6. 26. Lord /.up his countenance upon thee 16. 3. wherefore then /. ye up yourselves \ 23. 24. and /. up himself as a young lion Deut. 22. 4. shalt help him to /. tkem up again 27. 5. not /. up an iron tool on them. Josh. 8. 3 Josh. 4. 18. the soles of the priests' feet were /. up Ruth 3. -t 4. /. up the clothes that are on his feet 2 6V1/H.23. 8. he /. up his spear against 800 18. he /. up his spear against 300, 1 CAr. 11.11 2 Rings 9. 30. he /. up his face to the window 19.4. /. up thy prayer for the remnant, Isa. 37. 4 25. 27. /. up the held of Jehoiachin king of Judah 1 Chron. 25. 5. all these were to /. up the horn Ezra 1. + 4. let the men of the place I. him up 9. 6. I blush to /. up my face to thee, my God Jobb. t 7. the sons of burning coal /. up to fly 10. 15. if righteous, yet will 1 not /. up my head 11. 15. then shalt thou /. up thy face, 22. 26. Psal. 4. 6. /. up the light of thy countenance on us 7. 6. arise, O Lord, in thine anger,/, up thyself 04 7. /.up your heads, O ye gates, be /.ye doors.J 25. I . to thee, O Lord, I /. my soul, 86.4. | 143. 8 28. 2. hear my voice when I /. up my hands 9. feed then also, anid /. them up for ever 41. 9 hath /. up his heel against mc, John 13. 18 74. 3. /. up thy feet to the perpetual desolations 75. 4. and to the wicked, /. not up the horn, 6 93. 3. the floods have /. up their waves 94. 2. /. up thyself, thou judge of the earth 110. 7. therefore shall he /. up the head Eccl. 4. 10. if they fall, the one will /. up his fellow Jsa. 2.4. nation shall not /. up sword against nation. neither shall they learn war any mure, .Vic. 4 5. 26. he will /. up an ensign to tho nations 10. 15. as if staff should /. up itself as if no wood 24. smite, and shall /. up his staff against thee 26. so shall /. it up after the manner of Egypt 13. 2. /.ye up a banner upon the high mountain 33. 10. now will I ri.w, now will I /. up myself 59.19. the Lord shall/, up a standard ag.iiiist him 62. 10. /. up a standard for the people, Jfr. 50. ■f 2 Jer. 7.16. nor/, upcry nor prayer for them, 11.1 51. 14. they shall /. up a shout against thee Lnm. 3. 41 . let us/, up our hearts with our hands £«/t.8.3. Spirit /. me up between the c.irth, 11. 1 17. 14. that itniight not /. itself up, but stand 26. 8. and shall /. up the buckler against thee ^^«A.1.21. so that no man did /. up his head.whicll /. up their horn over land of Juilah to scatter it 5. 9. and they /. up the epiiali between Uie earth Mat. 12. 11. will he not/, it out on the sabbath ? Mark 1.31. took her by the hand, and /. her up Luke 13. 11. and could in no wise/, up herself 21. 28. /.up your heads, your redemption draweth Jam.i 10. humble yourselves, and be shall /. up See Eyes. ' LIFr hand or hands. Gen. 14. 22. 1 have /. up mine Aanrfto the Lord 41 ■ 44. without thee shall no maui /. up his hand lUui. 33. 40. I /. up my h. and say, I live for ever I'sal. 10.12. /. up thine hand, forget not the humble 28. 2. when I /. up my hands toward thine or.irJc Cj. 4. I will /. up my hands in thy name 119. 48. my A, will 1 /. up to thy coiamaminicnt.: LIF LTG F--o/. 134 2 /.up your /i. in the sanctuary and bless 1 1 Tim. S.b. lest being /. up with pride he fall Ita. 49. 22. I will /. up mine hand to the Gentiles] ««. 10. 5. the au^el /. up his hand 10 heaven l^tm. 2.19 i. up thy Aanrfj towards him for the life llei. 12. 12. wherefore /. up the /.. that hang down LIFT wtce jfn. 21. 16. and Ilagar /. up her voict and wept iob .•«!. 34. canst thou /. up thy loice to the clouds' Isa. lO. 30. /. up thy voice, O daughter of Gallim 24. 14. they shall /. up their loict, shall sing 40. 9. 1. up thy voice with strength, lift it up 42. 2. he shzJl not cry, nor /. up his voice 11. let the wilderness and cities /. up their voice 52. 8. thy watchmen shall /. up the wice 58. 1. cry, spare not, /. up thy voice like a trumpet Jt'. 22. 20. cry, and /. up thy voice in B.ashan Elek. 21. 22 to /. up the votce with shouting LinEU. Cert. 13. 10. Lot /. up his eyes and beheld Jordan 18. 2. Abraham /. up his eyes and looked, 22. 13. 27.38. iilsau /.up voice || 3y.l8.as I /.up my voice 29. H. 3-nd Jacob /. up his voice and wept 31.10. Jacob /. up his eyes saw in a dream, 33. 1 . 40. 20. Pharaoh /. up the head of the butler Lev.^.li. Aaron /. up his hand towards the people J^'um. 14. 1. the congregation /. up their voice 20. 11. Moses /. up his hand and smote the rock Deut. 8. 14. then thy heart be /. up and thou forget 17. 20. that his heart be not /. above hi.i brethren Judg. 2.4. when the angel of Lord spake, the people /. up their voice and wept, 21.2. 1 Ham. 11.4. 8. i'B. so they /. up their heads no more 9.7 • Jotham /. up his voice and cried,hearken to me Huili l.g.Orpah and Ruth /. up voice and wept, 14. i Ham. 24. I6. and Saul /. up his voice and wept 30. 4. David and people /. up voice, 2 6am. 3. 32. £ 60^1.13.36. king's sons c»me and /. up their voice 2ak 21 . Sheba hath /. up his hand against king 22. 49. thou also hast /. me up on high Ih'ingt 11. 26. Jeroboam /.up hauid against king, 27 e Jt.'ingi 14. 10. and thine heart hath /. thee up 1 C/iron. 14. 2. his kingdom was /. up on high S C/tr. 5. 13. as trumpeters and lingers /. up voice 17. 6. bis heart was /. up in the ways of the Lord C6. 16. heart was /. up to destruction, 32. 25. JoiQ. 12. they /. up their voice and wept 6. +2. my calamity /. up in the balances 3 1.21. if I have /.up my hand against the fatherless 29. or /. up myself when evil found him Ptal. 24. 4. who hath not /. up his soul unto vanity 27. 6. now shall my head be /. up above 30. 1. extol thee, for thou hast /. me up, 102. 10. 74. 5. as he /. up axes upon the thick trees 83. S. they that hate thee have /. up the head 93. 3. the floods have /. up their voice, O Lord H)6. 26. therefore he /. up his hand against them Prov. 26. t 7. the legs of the lame are /. up 30. 13. lofty eyes, and their eye-lids are /. up / Deui. 6.20. thy son asketh what m. the testimonies .' Josh. 4. 6. ask, what m. ye by these stones ? 21. Jsa. 3. 15. what m. ye that ye beat my people ? £tek. 17. 12. know ye not what these things m. ! 18. 2. what m. ye, that ye use this proverb .' Jl/arAg.lO.what the rising from the dead should m. Acts 10. 17. doubted what this vision should m. 17.20. we should know what these things m 21. 13. what m. ye to weep and break my heart iCoT. 8. 13. 1 m. not that other men be eased MEAN, Adjective. Prov. 22.29. he shall not stand before m. men lia. 2. 9. the m. man boweth down, the great man 5. 15. and the m. man shall be brought down 31. 8. the sword not of a m. man shall devour £cts 21. 39 who am a citizen of no m. city P^m. 12. t 16. but condescend to m. things MEAN TIME. Luie IS.l.m. lime when were gathered a multitude MEAN WHILE. X Kings 18. 45. m. while the heaven wjis black with Joh)i 4. 31 . in the m. while his disciples prayed him Horn. 2. 15. their thoughts the m. while accusing MEANS. Eiod.Si.T. will by no m. clear guilty, iVwni.14.18 J^udg, 5. 22. broken by the m. of the pranciiigs 16. 5. by what m. we may prevail against him 2 5om.l4.14.but doth he devise m. that his banished 1 Kings 20. 39. if by any m. he be missing, then Ezra 4. 16. by this m. thou ihalt have no portion Psal. 49- 7. none can by any m. redeem his brother Prov. 6. 26. for by m. of a whorish woman a man Jer, 5. 31. and the priests bear rule by their ,n. Mai. 1. 9. this hath been by your m. Mat. 5. 26. thou shalt by no m. come out thence I.uie 5. 18. they sought m. to bring him in 10.19. and nothing shall by any m. hurt you John Q. 21. by what m. he now seeth we know not Acts 4.9. if be examined by what m. he is wnole 18.21.1 must by all m.keep this feast in Jerusalem 87- 12. if by anym. they might attain to Phenice Horn. 1. 10. if by any m. I might have a journey 11. 14. by any m. I may provoke to emulation ICor. 8. 9. take heed, lest by any m. this liberty 9. S2. that I might by all m. save some 27. lest by any m.when I have preached to others '/Cor. 1. 11. bym. of many, thanks may be given 4. + 8. yet not altogether without m. 11. 3. I fear, lest by any m. as the serpent Gal. 2. 2. lest by any m. I should run in vain Phil. 3.11. if by any m. I attain to the resurrection 1 Thess. 3. 5. lest by some m. the tempter tempted C Thess. 2. 3. let no man deceive you by any m. 3.16. G. of peace give you peace always l>y all m. Hei. g. 15. that by m. of death they who are called Rev. 13.14. deceiveth them bym. of those miracles MEANEST. Gen. 33. 8. what m. thou by all this drove I met > 2 %m.l6. 2. what m. thou by these ? Eiei. 37. 18. Jonah 1.6. what m.thou O sleeper, arise, call on G. MEANETH f>eul. 29. 24. what m. the heat of this great anger ? 1 Sam. 4. b. what m. tne noise of this shout ? 14. 15. 14. what m. then this bleating of the sheep .' Isa. 10. 7. howheit he m. not so, nor doth think so Mat. 9. 13. but go ye, and learn what that m. 12.7. but if ye had known what this m. Acts i. 12. saying one to another, what m. this ! 8TT MEA MEANING. Dan. 8. 15. when I Daniel had sought for the m. 1 Cor. 14. 11. if I know not the m. of the voice MEANING Acts 27.2.we launched, m. to sail by coasts of Asia MEANT. G<«.50.20.but God m. it to good, to bring to pass Luie 15. 26. and asked what these things m. IB. 36. hearing multitude pass by, asked what it m. MEASURE Signifies, [1] Some cirtatn vessel fited and agreed upon, wheieiv to estimate the quantity or cayacitv if things, Prov. 10. 10. Mic. 6. 10. [2] T/le height, breadth, and length of the thing mea- sured, Eaek. 40. 10. [3] A stinted portion or allowance, Ezek. 4. 11. [4] The period or end of one's life, Psal. 39. 4. [5] Moderation, Jer. ."0. 11. I 46. 88. [6] Limit or ioundary, Jer, 51. 13. [7] A certain proportion, resemilance, or degree, Eph. 4. 13. [8] To lake the dimen- sions of land, cities, iuildings, SfC. Num. 35. 5. Ezek. 40. 5. [9J To repay, or reward, isa. 65. 7. Eied. 26. 2. the curtains shall have one m. 8. Lev. 19. 35. ye shall do no unrighteousness in m. Deut. 25. 15. and a just m. shalt thou have 1 Kings 6.25. cubits one m. \\ 7. 37. bases had one m 2 Kings'! .l.a.m. of fine flour sold for a shek. 16,18 1 Chr. 11. + 83. he slew an Egyptian, a man of m. Neh. 3. t 11. Malchijah repaired the second m. Jot 11. g. the m. thereof is longer than the earth 28. 25. and he weighed the waters by m. Psal. 39. 4. make me to know the m. of my days 80. 5. thou givest them tears to drink in great m. lia. 5. 14. hell opened her mouth without m. 27. 8. in m. when it shooteth forth, wilt debate 40. 12. comprehended the dust of earth in a m, Jer. 30. 11. but I will correct thee in m. 46. 28. 51. 13. the end is come, and m. of thy coveloiisness Etek 4. 11. thou shalt drink water by m. 16. Mtc. 6. 10. and scant m. that is abominable Mat. 7.2. with what m. you mete, it shall be measured to you again, Mark 4. 24. Luke 6. 38. 23. 32. fill ye up then the m. of your fathers 6. 51. and they were amazed beyond m. 7. 37. and were beyond m. astonished, 10. 26. Luke 6. 38. good m. pressed down and shaken John 3. 34. God giveth not the Spirit by m. Horn. 12. 3. as God dealt to every man the m. 2 Cor. 1. 6. that we were pressed out of m. 10. 13. we will not boast of things without our but according to the m. of the rule, 14, 15. 11. 23. in stripes above m. in prisons frequent 12. 7- and lest I should be exalted above m. Gal. 1. >3. beyond m. I persecuted the church Eph. 4. 7. according to the m. of the gift of Christ 1.'}. to them, of the stature of the fulness of Christ 16. the efTectual working in the m. of every part Ifev.G.O.Si voice saying, a m. of wheat for a penny 21. 17. according to the m. of a man, that is MEASURE, reri. Xum. 35. 5. ye shall m. from without the city i>i;u<.21.2.they shall m. to their cities round about Isa. 65. 7. I will m. their former work into bosom Ezek. 43. 10. and let them m. the pattern Zech. 2. 2. a measuring-line to m. Jerusalem Eev. 11. 1. rise and m. the temple of God 2. the court without leave out and m. not 21. 15. he had a golden reed to m. the city MEASURED. liuth 3. 15. he m. six measures of barley 2 .Sam. 8. 2. m. with a line, with two lines m. he Hings 17. t2l. he m. himself on the child ./.li 7- t 4. 1 say, when shall the evening bem. .' Isa. 40. 12. who m. waters in hollow of his hand ? Jer. 31. 37. if heaven above can be m. 33. 22. as the sand of the sea cannot be m. Ezek. 40. 5. he m. the breadth of the building 6. m. the threshold ||8. he m. also the porch, 9. 11. he m. the entry || 13. m. the »;ale || 24. posts 41. 5. m. the wall || 13. he m. llie house \h. he m. the length of tlie building 4^. 16. he m. the east-side with a measuring reed 17. he m. north-side || 18. south || I9. west-side 47. 3. and he m. a thousand cubits, 4. //('J. 1,10. shall be as sand of sea which cannot bem. Hall. 3. 6. he stood and m. the earth, he beheld jUa<.7.2.with what measure you mete it shall bem. to you again, Mmrk 4. 24, Luke 6. 38. liev. 21. 16. he m. the city {| 17. he m. the wall MEASURES. Gen. 18. 6. make ready three m. of fine meal Ueut. 23. 14. thou shalt not have divers m. 1 6V/W.25. 18. Abigail took firem. of parched corn 1 Kings 4.22. Solomon's provision for one day was thirty m. of flour, and sixty m. of meal 5.11. Solomon gave Iliram twenty thousand m. of wheat, and twenty m. of pure oil, 2 t7iron.2.10. 7. 9- according to ihe m. of hewed stones, 11. lU. 32. as great as would contain two m. of seed I MEA 1 Chron. 23. IQ. for all manner of m. And sizes Ezra 7. 22. it be done to an hundred m. of wneat Job 38,5. who hath laid Ihe m. thereof, if koowest Prot. 20. 10. divers m, are like abomination to Lord Jer. 13. 25. this is the portion of thy m. Ezek. 40. 24. the arches according to these m. SQ. 28. he measured gate according to these m, 32. 43. 13. and these are the m. of the altar 48. 16. these are the m. of the profane place Elag. 2. 16. to an heap of 20 m. there were but ten Mat. 13. 33. hid in three m. of meal Jjujie 13.2!. Luke 16. 6. and he said, an hundred m. of oil 7. how much owest .' he said,:in hund. na.of wheaH Hee Barlev. MEASURING. Jer. 31. 39. the m line shall yet go forth on Gareb Ezek. 40. 3. there was a man with a m. reed, 5. 42. 15. now when he had mjide an end of m. 16. he measured with a m. reed, 17, 18, I9. Zech. 2. 1. a man with a m. line in his hand 2 Cor. 10. 12. they m. themselves ky themselves MEAT Signifies, [ij Provisions of any sort for bodilf nouris/unent, Luke 24. 41. [2] Jesus Christ crucijied, when being applied by faith, is the true and real food which nourisheth the soul la eternal life, John 6. 55. [3] Spiritual comfort, that is sweeter, more pleasant and delighfui than food, John 4. 32, 34. [4] The table whereon meat is set, Luke 22. 27. [5] Tht product and fruits of the field which should be for food, Joel 1. 16. Uab. 3. 17. [6] The doc- trines of the gospel, or mysteries of religion, Ileb. 5. 14. [7] Ceremonial ordinanc.i, IJeb, 13. 9. Gen. 1. 29. to you it shall be for m. 30. to every beast I have given every hero for «i. 9. 3. every moving thing shall be m. for you 27. 4. mjike me savoury m. such as I love, 7. 31. Esau also mads savoury m. and brought it 45. 23. bread and m. for his father by the way Lev. 11. 34. of all m. which may be eaten, that 22.11. that is born in his house, shall eai of his m 13. she shall eat of her father's m. 25. 6. the sabbath of the land sluiU be m. foryou,7. Deui. 2. 6. ye shall buy m. of them for money 28. thou shalt sell me m. for money to eat 20. 20. thou shalt destroy trees not for m. 28. t 30. and shalt not use it as a common m. Judg. 1.7- kings gathered their m. undermy table 14. 14, out of the eater came forth m. and out of 1 6am. 20. 5. not fail to sit with the king at m. 34. Jonathan did eat no m. the second day 2 6'a//i. 3. 35. the people came to cause J^avid to cat m. 11. a. there followed him a mess of m. from the king 12.3. it did eat of his own m. auid drank of his cup 13.5. let Tamar dress the m. in my sight 1 A'i7ijjl0.5.she saw the m. of bistable, 2 Chr. 9. 4. 19. 8. he went in strength of that m. forty days 1 C/iron. 12. 40. they that were nigh brought m. J'.zra 3.7- they gave m. and drink to them of Zidoa Job 3. t 24. for my sighing cometh before my m. 6. 7. things my soul refused, are as my sorrowful m 12. 11. doth not the mouth taste his m. .' 20. 14. yet his m. in his bowels is turuerf , 21. there shall none of his m. be left 30. 4. who cut juniper-roots for their m. 33. 20. and his soul abhorrelh dainty m. 34.3. the ear trieth words, as the mouth tastelh as. 36. 31. he giveth m. in abundance .■58.41. cry to God, they wander for !.ick of m Psat.42.3.my tears have been my m. day andoight 44. 11. thou hast given us like sheep form. 59. 15. let them wander up and down form. 6y. 21. they gave nie also gall for my m. 74. 14. thou gavest him to be m. to the peopl« "8. 18. tempted God by abking m. for their lust 25. he sent them m. to the full 30. but while their m was yel in their niniit^s U)4. 21 , the young lions seek their m. from God 27. thoumayest give them their m. indue seasou 107. 18. their soul abhorrelh all manner of m. 111. 5, he bath given m. to them that fear him 145 15, thou givest them m, in due season I'rov. 6. 8. the ant provideih her m, 111 the summer 23. 3. his dainties, for they are deceitful m. 30. 22. and a fool when he is filled wilh m. 25. yet they prepare their m in the summer 31. 15. she riseth .ind giveth m. to her household Lta. 9. t 5. this shall be wiih bi I'ning and m. offire 62. 8. no more give ihy corn lo be m. for enemies 6j. 25. and dust shall he the serpent's m. Lam. 1. 11. have given their pleasant things for »-■» 19. mine elders died »-hile they sought theirm. 4 10. sodden iheirchililren, ihey were their m. l.iek. 4. 10. and thy m shall he by weight 16. 19. my m. which I pavi thee, thou hast set it 25. t7. I will deliver thee form, to the heathev 29. 5. 1 have given thee for m. to beasts, 34, 5, 8. MEA Eui. S4. 10. ftiat they mar not be m. for them 47.12. on hank shall grow trees for m. fmit form. Van.l P. would not defile himself with the kin!;'s m. 10. king who hath appointed your ». . and drink 4. IC. the fruit much, and in it was m. for all, CI . 11. 2fi. they that feed of his m. shall destroy him Hoi. 11.4. and I laid m. unto them Joel 1. l6. is not the j/i. cut off before our eyes ? JJai.l.l6. because their poniou is fat.m. plenteous 3.17- although the tields shall yield no m.the Hock Hag. 8. 12. if one do t»uchany m. shall it be holy ! 'Jal. 1. 12. in that ye ^ay, hiswi. is contemptiblt 3. 10. brim all the tithes, that there may be m. Mat. .3.4. and his m. was locusts and wiM honey 6. 25. is not the life more theui m. f Luke 12. 23 g.lO.as Jesus sat at m. in the house, 2fi. 7- .'V/ar*2. 15. I 14. 3. I 16. 14. /.uXe24. .30. 10. 10. for the workman is worthy of his m. 14. 9- for them which sat with him at m. 15. 37. and they took up of the broken m.Mari 8 8. S4. 45. to give them m. in due season, Luke 12. 42. 25. 35. I was an hungered, and ye jrave me m. 42. I was an hungered, and ye gave me no m. iiuke 3. 11. he that hath m. let him do likewise 8. 55. and he commanded to give her m. 9-13.exceptwe should go and buy m. for this people 14. 10. worship in presence of them that sit at m. 17. ". will say to his servant, sit down to m. 22. 27. whether greater, he that sitteth at m. 24. 41. he said, have ye here any m. T Jo/ri'21. 5. Jo/i>i 4. 8. the disciples were gone to buy m. 32. I have m. to eat that ye know not of 34. my m. is to do the will of him that sent me 6.27 .labour not for the OT. which perisheth,but for that m. which endureih to everlasting life 55. for my flesh is m. indeed, my blood is drink Aeti 2. 46. they did eat their m. with gladness 9.19 when he had received w. he was strengthened 16. .34. the jailor set m. before them and rejoiced 27. 33. Paul besought them all to take »i. 54. 36. were of pood checr.and they also took some m. Horn. 14. 15. if thy brother be grieved with thy m. destroy not him with thy m. for whom Christ died 17. for the kingdom of God is not m. and drink 20. for m. destroy not the work of God 1 Cor.S.i. I have fed you with milk.and not with m. 8. 8. but m. commendeth us uot to God 10. if any man see thee sit at m. in idols' temple 13. if >n. make my brother to offend, 1 will eat no 10. 3. and did eat the same spiritual m. Col. 2. 16. let no man judge you in m. or drink //«i.5.12.such as have need of milk.not of strong m. 14. but strong m. belongeth to them of full age 12.l6.who for one morsel of m. sold his birth-right See Fowls. MEAT-OFFERING. £n>^.^.41 .according to m.-c^ering of the morning 30. 9- shall offer no m.-offenng on altar of incense 4O.29.0D altar of burnt-offering offered m.-offering i€r.2.1. when any will offer a m.-offering,4.5J ,14. 3. remnant of m..<)/r. shall be Aaron's, 10. | 5.13. 6. 14. this is the law of the m.-offering. 7. 37. 14. 10. three tenth deals of flour for a m.-offering A'uOT. 4.16. to Eleazar pertaineth daily m.-offering 7. 13. mingled with oil for m.-oJ/V-r.ig. | 28.12,13. 15.6.form.-sh. 22. 23. if altartooffer m.-offering save us not Judg.6.i 18. depart not, till I Iringmy m.-offering 3. 19. Manoah took a kid with a m.-ojjering 23. not have received a m.-n.between God and men, Jesus Hei. 8. 6. he is the m. of a better covenant 9- 15. for tLis cause he ism. of the new testament 12. S4. and to Jesus the m. of the new covenant MEDICINE. Prov.S. + 8. it shall be m. to thy navel and marro-.v 17. 22. a merry heart docth good like a, m. CO. t 30. the blueness of a wound is a purging m. Eiek. 47. 12. tbe leaf thereof shall be for m. MEDICINES. Jer. 30. 13. thou hast no healing m. 46.11. ia vainshalt thou use many m.not be cured MEDITATE. Gen. 24. 63. Isaac went out to m. in the field Josh. 1 8. thou shalt m. therein day and night Judg. 5. 1 10. ye that ride on the white asses Psal. 1. 2. in his law doth he m. day and night 2. +1. and why do the people m. a vain thing? 63. 6. and m. on thee in the night watches 77. 12. I will m. also of all thy work 119. 15. 1 will m. in thy precepts, 78. 23. did m. in thy statutes || 48. 1 will m.in statutes 148. night-watch'^s, that I might m. in thy word 143. 5. I rr.. on all thy works, 1 muse on the work /ia.33.18.thineTieart shall m. terror.where scribe ■ Lnkedl. 14. nottojn. before, what ye shall answer 1 Tim. 4. 15. m. upon these things, give thyself .AIEDITATION. 1 Sam. 1. 1 16. out of the abundance of my m. Ptal.5. 1. give ear to my words, consider my ni. 19. 14. let the m. of my heart be acceptable 49.3. the m. of m.yheart shall be of understanding! 90. t 9- "e spend our years as a m. 104..34.my77i.of him shall be sweet, be glad in Ld. 119- 97. I love thy law, it is my m. all the day 99- than teachers, for thy testimonies are my m. MEEK Xnm. 12. 3. now the man Moses was very m. Psal. 22. 26. the m. shall eat and be satisfied 25.9 the m. will he guide in judgment .37. 11. but the m. shall inherit the earth 69. ♦ 32. the m. shall sec this and be glad 76. 9- God arose to save all the m. of the earth 147. 6. the Lord lifteth up the m. he casteth down 149. 4. he will beautify the m. with salvation /.la. 11.4. reprove with equity, for the m. of earth 29. 19. them, shall increase their joy in the Lord 61. 1. anointed to pre.ich good tidings to the m. /Imos 2. 7- that turn aside the way of the m. '/.epU. 2. 3. seek ye the Lord, all ye m. of the earth Mat. 5. 5. blessed are the m. 1 1 1. 29. for I am m. 21. 5. behold, thy king cometh to thee m. 1 Pet. 3 . 4. the ornament of a m. and quiet spirit MEEKNESS Signifies, [1] A temper of mind that is not easily proiaked, and suffers injuries without desire of revenge, and guietty submits to the will of God, Col. 3. 12. [2] A humble submissive frame of spirit, ready to receize and entertain the truths of God, Jam. 1.21. I'sal. IB. t35. withthy m. tlionhast multiplied me 45. 4. ride prosperously, because of truth and m. Zepk. 2. 3. seek righteousness, seek m. shall be hid 1 Cor. 4. 21. shall I come in the spirit of m.T 2 Cor. 10. 1. I beseech you by the m.of Christ (ial. 5. 23. the fniit of the Spirit ism. temperance 6. 1. restore such an one in the spirit of m. F.ph. 4. 2. that ye walk with all lowliness and m. jew. 3. 12. put on therefore m. 'ong-suffering MEE 1 Tim. 6. 11. follow after faith, love, patience, m, " I'lm. 2. 25 in m. instructing those that oppose lit. 3. 2. but gentle, shewing all m.to all men Jam. 1. 21. receive with m. the ingrafted word 3. 13. let him shew his works with m. of wisdom 1 Pet. 3. 15. to give a reason of your hope withm, MEET. Gen. 2. 18. I will make an help m. for him CO. there was not fouod an help m. for Adam Exod. 8. 26. Moses said, it is not m. so to do Deut. 3. 18. ye pass over, all that ar« m. for war Judg. 5. 30. m. for the necks of them that take £tra 4. 14. it was not m.to see the king's dishonota Job 34. 31. surely it is m. to be said to God Prov. 11. 24. that withholdeth more than is m, Jer. 26. 14. do with me as seemeih m. to you 27.5.have given earth to whom it seemed m. to me Etek. 15.4. is it ra. for any work : [|5.m. for no worX Mat. 3.8. bring forth fruits m. for repentance 15.26. not m. to take children's bread, .\lark1.27. Luke 15. 32. it was m. we should make merry .icts 26. 20. and do works m. for repentance /^m. 1.27. receiving that recompense which wasm. 1 Cor. 15. 9- that am not m. to be called an apostle 16. 4. if it be m. that I go also, they shall .;o Phil. 1. 7. even as it is m. for me to think this Cu/. 1.12. hath made us m.to be partakers of inherit. 2 Thess. 1. 3. bound to thank G. for you, as it is m. 2 'J'int. 2. 21. he shall be vessel m. for master's use Heb. 6. 7. herbs m. for them by whom it is dressed 2 Pet. 1. 13. yea, I think it m. to stir you up MEET. Gen. 14. 17. kingof Sodom went out to m. him 18. 2. Absalom saw them, and ran t.o m. them 19. 1. Lot seeing them, rose up to m. them 24. 17. the servant ran to m. Rebekah, and said 65. what man is this that walketh to ;/;. us .> 29. 13. l^ban ran to m. Jacob, and embraced him 30. 16. Leah went out to m. Jju^ob, and said 32. 6. thy brother Esau cometh to m. thee, 33. 4. 46. 29. Joseph went up to m. Israel his Father Exod. 4.14. behold, Aaron cometh forth to m. thee 27. Lord said, go into the wilderness to m. Moses 18. 7- Moses went out to m. his father-in-law 19. 17. brought forth the people to m. with God 23. 4. if thou m. thine enemy's ox going astray 25. 22. there 1 will m. with thee, and common* with thee, 29. 42, 43. | 30. 6,36. Num. 1?. 4. Num. 22. .36. Balak went out to m. Balaam 23. 3. peradventure the Lord will come tow. me 15. stand here, while I m. the Lord yonder 31. 13. went forth to m. them without the camp Josh. 2. 16. Rahab said, lest the pursuers m. you 9- 11. take victuals with you, and go to m. them Judg. 4. 18. Jael went out to m. Sisera, 22. 6. 35. to Zebulun, and they came up to m. Gideon 11. 31. whatever cometh out of the doors to OT. me .34. his daughter came to m. him with dances 19- 3. father of the damsel rejoiced torn, him Puth 2. 22. that they m. thee not in any other field 1 Sam. 10. 3. and there shall m. thee three men 5. thou shalt m. a company of prophets coming 13. 10. Saul went to m. Samuel to salute him 15.12. when Samuel rose up early to m. Saul 17. 48. the Philistine drew nigh to m. David 18. 6. the women came to m. Saul with tabrets 25. 32. Lord which sent thee this day to m. me 30. 21. men went torn. David and to m. people 1 Sam. 6.20. Michal came out to m. David 10. 5. David sentto m.the men, 1 Chion. 19.5. 15. .32. Ilushai the Archite came to m. him 19. li. Judah II £4. Mephibosheth to m. king 1 Kings 2.8.Shimei came down to m. me at Jordan 19. Solomon rose up to m.Bath-shebahismothei 18. 16. Obadiah went ton*. Ahab, torn. Elijah 21. 18. arise, go down to m. Ahab king of Israel 2 A ingsX .3. go up to m. messengers of king of Samar 6. there came a man to m. us, and said to us 7. what manner of man came up to m. you.' 2. 15. the sons of the prophets came torn. Elisha 4. 26. run now, I pray thee, torn, her, and say 29. if thou m. any man, salute him not 5. 21. he lighted from the chariot to m. him, 26. K. 8. go m. the man of God || 9. Ilazael went to m. 9- 17. take an horseman, and send to m. them 18. there went one on horseback to m. him 10. 15. he lighted on Jonadab coming torn, him 16. 10. Ahaz went to m. the king of Assyria Seh. 6. 2. let us m. together in the plain, 10 Job 5. 14. they m. with darkness in the day-time .39. 21. the horse goeth on to m. the armed men Vrov. 7. 15. therefore came 1 forth to m. thee 17. 12. let a bearrobbedof her whelps m.a man 22. 2. the rich and poorm. together, the Lord is 29. 13. the poor and deceitful man m. together lsa.1. 3. go forth to m. Ahaz, thou, and thy son 14. 9. hell is moved for thee to m. thee at thy com .34. 14. the wiM beaats of the deser' shall alsom. 47. 3. vengeance, and 1 will not m. thee as a maa Jir. 41. 6. and Isbmael went forth to m. them MEM ^.51. 31. one post and messenger mn to m.another hat. 13.8.1 willm. them as a bear bereav of whelps Anuisi. 12. prepare to m. thy God, O Israel ZecA. a. 3. another angel went out to m. him Bdal.a.H. the whole city came out to m. Jesus S5. I . and went forth to m. the bridegroom 6. the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to m. him Mark 14.13. there shall m. you a man, £ui<22.10. Luke 14.31. he be able with ten thousand to m. him /oAn 12.13. people went forth torn, him, and cried Atls 28.15. they came to m.as as far as Appii-forum 1 Tiett. 4. 17. in the clouds to m. the L. in the air MEETEST. 2 KingtlO. 3. look out the m. of yonr master's sons Ita. 6i. 5. thou m. him thatrejoic. and works right. MEETETH. Cm. 32. 17- when Esau my brother m. thee .A/«m.35. 19. shall slay murderer when hem. him,21. MEETING. Num.24, t 1. went not to them, of enchantments 1 5am. 21. 1. Ahimelech was afraid at m. of David Isa. 1. 13. it is iniquity, even the solemn m. MELODY. Ita. 23. 16. make sweet m. sing many songs 51.3. joy shall be found therein, the voice of m. Atkos 5. 23. 1 will not hear the m. of thy viols £p/i. 5. 19. making m. in your heart to the Lord MELONS. Num. 11. 5. we remember the m. and the onions MELT Signifies, [1] To make hard bodies liquid or fluid. Ezek. 22. 22. [2] To uasle and be dtminished. 1 Sam. 14. 16. [3] To faint and be discouraged, Josh. 2. 11. 2 Sam. 17. 10 F-tod. 15. 15. the inhabitants of Canaan shall m. Deut. 20. t 8. return, lest his brethren's heart ?n. JusA.2.iQ. the inhabitants m. because of you 11. when we heard these things, our hearts did m. 1 1.8. my brethren made the heart of the people m 2 Sam. 17. 10. is as heart of a Hon, shall utterly m Psal. 39. til. thou makest his beauty to m. away 58. 7. let them m. away as waters which run 112.10. he shall gnash with his teeth, and m. away Isa. 13. 7. every man's heart shall m. Etek. 21. 7. 19. 1. the heart of Egypt shall m. in midst of it Jer. 9.7. behold, I will m. them, and try them £M*.2S.20.tOOT.ii,I will leave you there «ndm. you Amosg. 5. the L. toucheth the land, and it shall m. 13. and all the hills shall m. Nah. 1.5. 2 Pet. 3. 10. and the elements shall m. with heat,12. MELTED. £xod. 16. 21. when the »un waxed hot it m. Dent. 1. 1 28. our brethren have m. our heart Josk. 5. 1. their heart m. {| 7. 5. hearts of Israel m. JWf .'5. 5. the mountains m. before the Lord 1 .Sam. 14. 16. behold, the multitude m. away 2 Kings 22. + 9. thy servants have m. the money Psal. 22. 14. my heart ism. in midst of my bowels 46. 6. he uttered his voice, and the earth m. 97. 5. the hills m. like wax |j 107.26. their soul m. Ism. 34. 3. mountains shall be m. with their blood 64. t 7- hast m. us, because of our iniquities I8r.49.'t23. Damascus, Hamath, and Arpad,arem Eiei. 22. 21. ye shall be m. in the midst thereof 2C. as silver is m. in the midst of the furnace MELTETH. Joi 6. + 14. to him that m. pity be shewed Psal. 58. 8. as a snail which m. let them pass away 68. 2. as wax m. so let wicked perish at presence 119. 28. my soul m. for heaviness, strengthen me 147. 18. he sendeth out his word and m. them Jsa. 40. 19. the workman m. a graven image /er. 6.29. bellows burnt, the founder m. in vain A^«A.2.10. the heartof Nineveh m. the knees smite MELTING. Isa. 64. S. as when the m. fire bameth, the fire MEMBER Signifies, [1] Ant/ pari of a natural iody, 1 Cor. 12. 12, 26. [2] All the faculties o/' the soul, together -uilh the jiarts of 'the body, Kom. 6. 13, 19. [3] The unrenewed fart of man, uhtcA is tike a body consisting of many members, and putteih forth itself chiefly in and by the mem- iert of the body. Rom. 7! 23. [4] Every sentual and sinful nflection. Col. 3. 5. [5] Christian or gospel believers in the Church, which is Christ's mi/sticnl body, Eph. 4. 25. I 5. 30. [6] Thoughts, Job 17. ♦7. 1 Cor. 12. 14. the body is not one m. but many 19. if they were all one m. where were the body i 26. whc'h'r one m. suffer, one «. be honoured Jam.1. 5. even so the tongue is a liitle m. MEMBERS. T>eut. 23. 1. he that bath his privy m. rut off Job 17. 7- and all my m. are as a shadow Vsal. 139. 16. in thy book all ray m. were written JWof. 5. 59. that one of thy m. should perish, 30. Rom. 6. 13. neither yield your m. instruments 19- as ye yielded your m. servants to sin 7. 5, the motions of sins did work in our m. 37« MEN /J»m.7.23.'( »e« another law in mym.wamng ; into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my m. 12.4. for as we have many m, in one body, and all m. have not the same office 5. we arc every one m. one of another 1 Cor. 6.15. know ye not, your bodies are them, of Christ ? shall 1 then take the m. of Christ '. 12.12. the body hath many m. all m. are one body 18. but now hath God set the m. in the body 20. but now ar« they many m. yet one body 22. much more those m. which seem more feebU 25. but that the m. should have the same care 26. or.e member suffer, all the m. suffer with it 27. ye are the body of Christ.and m. in peirticular Eph. 4. 25. for we arc m. one of another 5. 30. we are m. of his body, of his flesh and bones Col. 3.5. mortify your m. which are on the earth Jem. 3. 6. so is the tongue among our m. that it 4. 1. even of your lusts that war in your m, MEMORIAL. Etod. 3. 15. this is my m. unto all generations 12. 14. this day shall be to yon for a m. 13. 9- it shall be for a m. betwMn thine eyes 17. 14. write this for am. in a book, and rehearse 28. 12. for stones of m. to tht children of Israel 29. fora m. before the Lord continually, 39. 7. 30. 16. the atonemeut money may be for a m. Lev. 2. 2. the priest shall bum the m. of it on the altar, 9. I6. ( 5. 12. | 6. 15. Num. 5. 26. 23. 24. a m. of blowing trumpets, Num. 10. 10. 24. 7. put pure frajikincensc on the bread for a m. Num. 5. 15. for it is an offering of m. of iniquity 18. priest put thi* off«ring of m. in her hands 16. 40. took brasen censers to be a m. to Israel 31.54. took the gold cf the captains for m. Josh. 4. 7- and these stones shall be for a m. A «A. 8. 20. you have no portion nor mi. in Jerusalem £j7A. 9-28. nor the «>. of them perish from their seed Psal. 9. 6. their m. is perished with them 30. t 4. at the m. of his holiness, 97. t 12. 135. 13. and thy m. throughout all generations Isa. 66. + 3. he that maketh a m. as if he blessed Hos. 12. 5. the Lord of hosts, the Lord is his m 14. + 7- the m. thereof as the wine of Lebanon Zech. 6.14. crowns be for am. in the temple of Lord Afa/.26.13. this be told for a m. of her, Afari I4.9. Acts 10. 4. prayers and alms are come up for a m. MEMORY Signifies, [1] That faculty of the mind, whereby xt retains or recollects the images and remem brances of the things me have seen, imagined, or understood, 1 Cor. 15. 2. [2] Memorial, name, or report, Prov. 10. 7. 'sa. 26.14. Psal. 1 09. 15. that he may cut off the m. of them 145.*. they shall utter them. of thy great goodness Prov. 10. 7. the m. of the just is blessed Eccl. 9. 5. for the m. of them is forgottcu Isa. C6. 14. jmd made all their m. to perish 1 Cor. 15.2. if ye keep in m. what I preached to you MEN. Gen. 4. 26. then began m. to call on the name of L 6. 1. when m. began to multiply on the earth 18. 2. he looked, and lo, three m. stood by him 19- 4. them, of the city, m. of Sodom compassed 5. where are m. which came into thee this night 8. only to these m. do nothing || 11. smote the m. 32 . 28. power with God and m . and hast prevailed 34, 21 . toese men are peaceable with us, let them 22. only herein will them, consent to us 42.11. we are true m. 31. I| 43. 16. bring m. home 44.4. Joseph said, up, follow after the m. 46. 32. m. are shepherds, for their trade to feed catt Eiod. I. 17. but saved the m. children alive, 18. 10. 11. go now ye that are m. and serve the Lord 34. 23. thrice in the year shall m. children appear Aum. 1. 17. Moses and Aaron took these m. 13. 32. all the people are m. of great stature 14. .37. those m. that did brii:gevil report on land 16 . 14. wilt thou put out the eyes of these m. .' 29. if these m. die the common death of all men 22. 9. ('od said, what m. are these with thee .> 35 the angel said to Balaam, go with the m. 25. 5. slay ye every one his m. that were joined Deut. 1. .35. not one of these m. shall see good land 32.C6.make remembrance to cease from among 33. 6. let Reuben live, let not his m. be few Josh.1.1. there came m. in hitherto-night of Israel 3. bring forth the m.that are come, 1 Sam. 11.12. Judg.6. 27. because he feared the m. of the city B.K.lhe m.of I'rnuel answered as the m.of .Succoth 15. should give bread to thy m. that are weary 9. 54. that m. say not of me, a woman slew him 16. 9. there were ra. lying in wait in thechamber 20. 13. now therefore deliver us the m. of Belial 1 Ham. 2. 26. was in favour with the Lord and m. f 33. all the inerose of ibine house shall die. m. 5. 9. he smote the m. of the city, small and great 12. m. that dieo not were smitten with emerods £4.9. David said,wberefor« hearestthou m.wordj- , 25. 19. bat the m. were very good uuto us 1MEN 2 Sam. 3. 39. these m. the sons of Zemiah too hard 10. 12. and let us play the m. for our people 19.28. were but dead mm before my lord the king 23.3 he that ruleth over m. must be just 20. slew two lion like m. of .Moab, 1 CAr. 11.22 1 Kings 10. 8. happy thy m. that ticar thy wisdom 20. 17. there are m. come out of Samaria 33. now the m. did diligently ooserve whether 8 Kings 6.20. Lord, open the eyes ofthese m.to sea 12. 15. they reckoned not with m. of the money 17.30. the m. of Babylon made Succoth. beuoih, m. of Cuth, Nergal, m. of H inatb, Ashima 18. 27. hath he not sent me to the m. which sit oa the wall, to eat their own dung ■ Isa. 36.12. 20.14. said to him, what said these m. .' /ja.39.3. 1 Chron. II.19. shall 1 drink the blood of these m..' 16. 31. let m. say among the nations. Lord reigns 19.5. for the m. were greatly ashamed 2 CArOT».6.18.will God in very Seed dwell with m.f 28. 15. the m. expressed by name took the captives 34. 12. and the m. did the work faithfully Etra 1. 4. let m. of his place help him with silver 4.21. give commandment to cause these m. cease 6. 8. I decree that expencesbe given to these n. Neh. 4. 13. nor ra. of the guard which followed. 5. 5. other m. have our lands and vineyards Joi 4. 13. when deep sleep falleth on m. 33. 15. JQ.i 19. the m. of my secret abhorred me 28. 4. are dried up, they are gone away from m 31. 31. if the m. of my tabernacle said not 37. 84. m. do therefore fear him, herespectsth not Psal. 9. 30. they may know themselves to be but m. 17- 14. from m. which are thy hand, from m. 49- 18. m. will praise thee when thou doestwell 62.9. m. of low degree are vanity, m. of high a lie 68. 18. ascended, thou hast received gifts for m. 72. 17. and m. shall be blessed in him, all nations 73. 5. they are not in trouble as other m. neither are they plagued like other m. 82. 7. ye are gods, but ye shall die like m. 83. 13. that m. may know that thou art over all 107.8. O that m. would praise the Lord, 15,21,31 119- + 24. tby testimonies are them.of my counsel 124. 2. on our side, when m. rose up against us 145. 6. m. shall speak of the might of thy acta Prov. 6. 30. m. do not despise a thief, if he steal 8. 4. to you, O m. I call |{ I6.6. m. depart from evil 20. 6. most m. proclaim each his own goodness 25. 1. which the m. of Hezekiah copied out 27. so for m. to search their own glory, not glory 28. 28. when the wicked rise, m. hide themselvia Eccl. 3. 14. God doeih it that m. may fear him ija.3.25.thy m. shall fall by the sword, thy mighty 6. 12. and the Lord have removed m. far away 7. 13. is it a small thing for you to weary m. ' 31. 3. now the Egyptians are m. and not God .38. 16. O Lord, by these things m. live 43. 4. wherefore I will gire m. for thee, and people 45.24.even to him shall m. come, and all incensed 46. 8. remember this, and shew yourselves m. 60. 11. that m. may bring to thee the forces 61.6. m. shall call you the ministers of our God 64.4. m. have not heard, nor perceived by the ear Jer. 5. 26. they set a trap, they catch m. 6.23.horsessetin array,asm.for war against thee 9. 10. ueilhercanm. hear the voice of the cattl* 18. 21. and let their m. be put to death 34.18.1 -.vill give the m. that transgr. my covenant 38.9. these m.have done evil to prophet Jeremiah 40. 8. then came to Ciedal.iali ihey and their m. 47.2. then the m. shall cry and shall howl 49. 28. arise ye, and spoil the m. of the east 51.14.surely I wiUfill thee with m.aswithcaterp. Lam. 2. 15. that m. call the perfection of beauty Eiek. 11. 8. these are the m. ihat devise mischief 14. 3. these m. set up their idols in their heart 14.tho' these three m.Noah, Daniel, Job, l6,13 23. 40. that ye have sent for m. to come from far 25. 4. I will deliver thee to the m. of the east, 10 34. 31. ye, my flock of my pasture, are w 1 God 35. 8. 1 will fill his mountains Willi liis shiip m 36. 10. I will multiply m. upon you, 37. Dan. S. 12. these m. have not regardid thee 22. fire slew those ra. that took up Sliadrarh 27. saw these m. on whose bodies fire had no power 4.25. that tliey shall drive thee from m. 32. 6. 5. then said these m. we shall not find occasion S6. that m,. fear before the God of Djiiiel //i'X.6.7.but they like m. Iransgresi-ed the covenant Ubad. 7. m. that were at jicace deceived thee t 7. the m. of thy peace have deceived tlice il/ic.2.H. that pass securely, as m. averse from war 7. 6. man's enemies are the m. of his own house Itai. 1. 14. and makest m. as the fishes of the sea ZecA. 3. 8. thy fellows, they are m. wondered at 7. 2. had sent their m. to prav before ibe Lord , 11.6. bat lo, 1 will deliver the m. everyone Mat. 5. 16. let your light so shine before m. 1 Itf.andiballuacha. so, ihall be colled the least MEN ifiil.6.1. tike heed you do not your alms before m. 16. theirfaces, that they may appear to m. to fast IB. anoint, that ihou appear not unto m. to fast 7. 12. whatsoever ye would that m. should do to you, do ye even so to them, Lute 6. 31. 0- 8. God, who hid giren such power to m. 10. 32. shall confe5,n me before m. Lute K. B. 33. whoso shall deny me before m. Luie 12. 9- 3 3. 25. but while m. slept, his enemy came If). 13. whom do m. say that I am ? Marts. 27. 23. 2». outwardly ye appear righteous to m. lUar/c » 24. and said. I see m. as trees walltinj 10. 27. with m. it is impossible, iMte 18. 27. Lute 2. 14. peace on earth, good will toward m, 5. 10. from henceforth thou shalt catch m. 11.31. shall rise up with the m. of this generation 12. 4H. to whom m. have committed much 18. 11. I ihanlc thee, I am not a> other m. are Jofin 5.41. I receive not honour from m. 17.6. 1 have manifested thy name to the m. jlcti 1 .2 1 .of these m.which have companiedwith us 2. 13. others said, these m. are full of new wine 4. 16. saying, what shall we do to these m. .' 5. 4. thou hast not lied onto m. but unto God 25. the m. ye put in prison are in the temple Sg. we ought to obey God rather than m. 35. what ye intend to do, as tonching these m. 38 I say unto you, refrain from these m. 10. 19. the Spirit said, behold three m. Seek thee 14. 15. we also are m. of like passions with you 15. £6. m. that hazarded their lives for Jesus 10. i7.thc.se m. are the servants of most high God 35. sent the Serjeants, saying, let those m. go 19. 37. for ye have brought hither these m. SO. 30. also of yourselves shall m. arise, speaking 24. 16. conscience void of offence toward G.and m. Kem. 1 .27. m. with m. working, which is unscemlv 12. 16. but condescend to m. of low estate 1 Cor. 4. 9 we are made a spectacle to angels and m. 14.2. for he speaketh not to m. but to God 20. not children, but in understanding be m 21. with m. of other tongues and lips will ! speak 2 Cor. 5. 11. the terror of the Lord, we persuade m. 8. 13. for I mean not that other m. be eased Go/.l.lO.do I now persuade m. f orsef k please m.f Eph. 4. 8. he led captive, and gave gifts to m. 5. 28. so ought m. to love their wives as their own 6. 7. as to tlie Lord and not to m. Col. 3. 23. I Thets.^.'i.vt speak not as pleasing m. but God 1 Tim. 2. 8. 1 will that m. pray every where 2 Tim. 3.2. m. shall be lovers of themselves, proud Ueb. 5. 1. every high-priest taken from among m. 6. 16. form, verily swear by the greater, an oath 7. 8. and here m. that die receive tithes 9. 27. as it is appointed unto m. once to die 12. a. to the spirits of just m. made perfect 1am. 3. 9. therewith curse we m. which are made 1 Pel. 4.6.mightbejudged accordingto m. in flesh S Pel. 1.21.but holy m. of God spake as moved Jude 4. for there are certain m. crept in unawares liev. 9.4. but only those m. which have not ihe seal 10. their power was to hurt»«. five months 14. 4. these were redeemed from among m. 16. 18. such as was not since m. were on the earth 21.3. behold, the tabernacle of God is with m. All MEN. G;ti.l7.S7 a// them.of his house were circumcised £roi/.4.19 a// tbem.aredead which sought thy life A'u»ii.l6.29. if these die the common death of a'// m. Veut. 4. 3. all the m. that followed Eaal-peor 8 Sam. 13.9. Amnon said, have out all m. from me 1 hints 4. 31. for Solomon was wiser than all m. Job 37.7. that mil m. may know his work Ptal. 64. 9. all m. shall fear, and shall declare 89. 47. wherefore bast thou made allm. in vain .' 116. 11. I said in my haste, all m. are liars £eet.T. 2. for that is theend of «// m. and living Jer. 42. 17. so with «// them, that set their faces ZecA. 8.10. 1 set all m. every one ag. his neighbour Alat. 10. 28. and ye shall be hated of all m. for my name's sake, Aiarik 13. 13. /,ui«21. 17'. 19.11.11// m. cannot receive this saying, save they 26. 33. tho'a// m. shall be offended, yet will not I Mart I..37. «//m.ieek th«iJ5.20.«//m.did marvel 11. 32. all m. counted Joan a prophet indeed ivi«6.26.woetoyonwhe3 a// m. speak well of you 13.4. were sinners above all m.that dwelt in .lerus. Jo/in 1. 7. that allm. through him might believe t. 24. not eommit himself, because he knew all m. 3.26. the same baptiieth, and all m. come to him 5. 23. thato// m. should honour the Son, even as 11. 48. If we let alone, allm. will believe on him 3?. 32. if I lifted op fr(,„ f anh,will draw a.m. to me 13. 35. by this shall all m.know ye are my disciples Aeli 1. 84. Ixird, who knowest the hearts of alt m ^■^l''' "• llorifiedGod for what was done 17. 30. but now commandeth all m. to repent 33. whereof he hath given aisuranct to all m. U. 7. and all the m. were about twelve I'A and K„rned their book* before all n. MEN Aeti 20.2fp. that I am pure from blood of all m. 22. 15. (or thou shalt be his witness to all m. Rom.S.lQ. and so death passed upon a// m. for all IB. judgment came on alt m. to condemnation, the free gift came on allm. to justification 12. 17. provide things honest in the sight of all m. 18. if it be possible, live peaceably with all m. 16. 19. your obedience is come abroad to allm. 1 Cor. 7. 7. I would that all m. were even as I 9.19. fortho" I be free from all m. yet tervt. to aJl 22.1 am Bade all things to a// m may save .'^ome 10. 33. even as I please all m. in all things 15. 19. we ar« of alt m. most miserable 2 Cor. 3. 2. our epistle known and read of all m. Gal. 6. 10. lit us do good to allm. especially tn household of faith Eph. 3. 9. to make all m. see what is the fellowship /'■iiV. 4. 5. Ut your moderation be known to all m. 1 Theis. 2.15. please notG. and contrary to all m 3. 12. make you to abound in love toward all m. 5. 14. support weak, be patient toward all m. 15. but ever follow that which is good to all m. 2 Thtts. 3. 2. 'or all m. have not faith 1 Tim. 2.1. that giving of thanks be made for a/Zm. 4. who will have all m. to be saved and to come 4. 10. we trust in God, who is Saviour of all m 2 Tim. 2.24. but be gentle to all m. apt to teach 3.9. for their folly shall be made manifest to a// m. 4.16. no man stood with me, buta//m. forsook me Tit. 2.11. the grace of God hath appeared to a// m. 3.2. be pcntle, shewing all meekness to allm. Heb. 12. 14. follow peace with all m. and holiness Jam. 1. 5. let him . 7. 14. I will chasten him with the rod 0/ m, 2 Kings 13. 21. behold they spied a band of m. 2.i 14. he filled tht-ir places with the bones of m, 1 Chr. 5. 21. they took away of m. ten thousand 2 Chr. C2. 1. the band ofm. bad slain all the eldest Job 7.20. what shall I do, Othou Preserver »/ m./ 31 . t 33. if I covered after the manner of m. ^3. 16. tlien he openeth the ears of m. and sealeth Psal. 17. 4. concerning the works of m. 22. 6. but I am a reproach of m. and despised /ja. 2. 11. the haughtiness ^m. shall be bowed down 17. fhe haughtiness of m. shall be made low 29. 13. their fear is taught by the precept of m 44. 11. and the workmen, they are of m. 01.7. fear ye not the reproach ii/" m. nor be afraid 53. 3. he is despised and rejected of m. a man of Jir. 9. 22. carcases of m. shall fall as dung on field 33. 5. to fill them with the dead bodies of m. Exet. 16. 17. and madest to thyself im^iges of m. 24. 17. and eat not the bread ofm. 22. 27. 13. they traded the persons o/" m . in market 36. 12. thou shalt no more bereave them of m. 38. the waste cities be filled with flocks of m. Dan. 2. 43. they shall mingle with the seed of m. 4. 17. the living may know that the .Most High ruleih in the kingdom ofm. 25, 32. | 5. 21 and setteth up over it the basest cf m. •I'lf. 2. 12. by reason of multitude «/ m. Zech. 2. 4, .Mat. 4. 19. and I will make you fishers of m. 5. 13. to be cast out and trodden under foot of m 0.2. they may have glory o/"m.|j 5. seen o/"m. 23.5 10. 17. beware ^41. 6. shall they part him among the m. f Isa. 23. 2. whom the m. of Zidon replenished 8. the crowning city, whose m. are princes 47. 15. even thy m. they shall wander every one Etek. 17.4. croptthe twigs, he set it in a city of m 27. 13. Javan, I'ubal, and Meshech, were thy m 15. Dedan || 17. Judah and Israel thy m. 21. in these were thy m. \\S2. m, of Sheba, 23 £4. these were thy m. in all sorts of things 36. m. shall hiss at thee || 38. 13. in. of 1 arshish Nah. 3. 16. hast multiplied thy m. above the star» lim. 18. 3. for the m. of the earth are waxen rich 11. the m. of the earth shall weep over her 23. for thy m. were the great men of the earth MERCY Signifies, [1] That essential perfection in God, ahtriby he pities and relieves the miseritt of his creatures, I'sal. 100. 5. Tit. 3. 5. [2} Orace, which Jious from mtrcy as itt fountain, Jude 2. (3) Eternal hie and happiness ir* heaven, which is the chief Jruil of mercy, i Tim. 1. 18. [4] All the blessings and bent, fits, whether bodily or spiritual, which proceal from the mi'cy of God, I'sal. I06. 7- I 119- 41. [5] 'I'hat pity and compassion which one man thews touaidi another that it in mis,rj Luke 10. 37. [61 Cltminty »nd *«»'/ MER frov. SO. 28. [7] A/l duittt ef charily «■ aardt miT neighbour. Mat. 9 1.1. [8] Prt- tended act) vf mercy, Prov. 12. 10. Cen. 24. 27. not left destitute idj- niasterof m.truth 4.1. 14. and God give you m. before the man Ejod. 34. 7. keeping m. for thousands, Dan. 9. 4. ^'um. 14. 18. the Lord is long-suffering and 01 great m. forgiving iniquity, Psal. U)3. 11. | 145.8 Detit. 7. 9. who keepeth covenant and m. 12. t ■biam. 7- 16 but my m. shall not depart from him 1 Chrvn. 17. 13. Ptal. 89. 24^ 15. 20. return thon, m. and truth be with thee 1 Kingt 8. 23. who keepest covenant and m. with thysenrants, NeA. 1. 5. | 9. 32. 1 CAroH. 16. 34. his m. endurcth for ever, 41. 2 CAren. 5. 13. I 7. 3,6. | 20.21. Eira 3. 11. Psal. 100. 1. J 107. 1. I 118. 1 I 136. 1. tothttnd, Jtr. 33. 11. Etra 7- 2B. hath extended m. to me before the king g.9.extended m.to us in sight of the kings of Persia A>A. 1. II. grant him m. in the sight of this m^in Job 37. 13. whether for correction or for m. Ptal. 21. 7. and through the m. of the Most High 23. 6. surely goodness and m. shall follow me 25. 10. all the paths of the Lord are m. and truth .'tC.lO.that trusts in Ld.m. shall compass him about 33. t 5. the earth is full of the m. of the Lord 18. the eye of Lord is on them that hope in his m. .12. 8. I trust in the m. of God for ever and ever 67. 3. God shall send forth his m. and truth 59. 10. the God of my m. shall prevent me, 17. 61 .7- O prepare m. and truth which may preserve 62. 12. also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth m. 06. 20. which hath not turned his m. from me 77. 8. is his m. clean gone for ever .' doth m. fail > eS.lO.m. and truth are met together, righteousness 86. 5. thou. Lord, art plenteous in m. 15. | 103. 8 89. 2. 1 »aid, m. shall be built ap for ever 14. m. and truth shall go before thy face 28. my m. will I keep for him for evermore 98. 3. he hath remembered his m, toward Israel 100. 5. the Lord is good, his m. is everlasting 101. 1. 1 will sing of m. and judgment, to thee 103. 17. the m. of the Lord is from everlasting 109. 12. let there be none to extend m. to him 1.30. 7. with the I/Ord there ism. and redemption 144. + 2. Lord is my m. and my fortress, and tower 147 .11. takes pleasure in those that hope in his m . Prov. 3. 3. let not m. and truth forsake thee 14. 21. he that hathm. on the poor, happy is he 22 . m. and truth shall be to them that devise good 31. he that honoureth God hath m. on the poor 16. 6. by m. and truth iniquity is purged 20. 28. m. and truth preserve the king, and his throne is upholden by m. //a. 16. 5. 21. 21. he that followeth after m. findeth life Istt. 49. 10. he that hath m. on them shall lead them 54. 10. saith the Lord that hath m. on thee 60. 10. but in my favour have I had m. on thee Jer. 6. 23. they are cruel, and have no m. Hot. 1. ♦ 6. call her name,-not having obtained ry. 2.t l.sayto brethren and sister3,having obtained m. 4. 1. because there is no truth, nor m. in the land 6. + 4. for your m. is as a morning cloud, and dew 6. for I ttesired m. and not sacrifice 10. 12. reap in m. H 12.6. keepm. and wait on God 14. 3. for in thee the fatherless findeth m. lonah 2. 8. they forsake their own m. Uic. 6. 8. but to do justly, and to love m. 7 18. retains not anger, because he delighteth in m. 20. thou wilt perform the m. to Abraham Ilai. 3. 2. O Lord, in wrath remember m. Mat. 5. 7. blessed are the merciful, shall obtain m. 23. 23. and hav» omitted judgment and m. Lute 1. 50 his m. is on them that fear him 54. holpen Israel in remembrance of his m. 72. to perform the m. promised to our fathers 78. by remission through the tender m. of our G. lij/m. 9. 23. the riches of his glory on vessels of m. 11. 30. have now obtained m. thro' their unbelief 31 .that through your m.they abo may obtain m. 15. 9 that Gentilej might glorify God for his m. 1 Cor. 7. 25. that hath obtained m. to be faithful 2 Cor. 4. 1. as we have received m. we faint not Gal. 6. 16. peace be on them, and m. and nn Israel ^p/i. 2. 4. God who ij rich in m. hath quickened us /'/iiV.2.27.was nigh to death, hutG. had m. on him 1 ji'M.1.2.m. and peace from God our Father, and J. Christ our L. 2 7iot.1.2. TiM.4.2/i>An 3. l.'i. but I obtained m. because I did it ignorantly - IS- howbeit, for this cause I obtained m. * Jim. 1. 16. L.givem. to the house of Onesiphoms 18. that he may find m. of the Lord in that day j»'«. .1. 0. but according to his m. he saved as in' *■ '^' '*'^' ™* °'*y ot^ain m. and find grace 10.28.he that despised Moses' law died without m. h' "' i' ''« shall have judgment without m. that shewed no m. and m. rejoiceth asainst judgment 3. 17. the wisdom that is from above is full of m. 1 IVr.l.S. accord, to his abundant m. haUi begotten C.lO.had uotobtaimd m.but now have obtainedm Judel. m. to you, peace and love be multiplied 21. looking for the m.of Lord Jesas to eternal life Have M KRCY. Psal. i.l.have m. upon me, 6. 8. t 9- 13. I 55. I6. I 27. 7. I 30 10. I 31.9. I 51.1. I 86. 16. 102. 13. shalt A. m. on Zion|| 123,2. A.m. on us, 3. Prov. 28. 13. whoso forsaketh his sins shall have m. /«.9.17.neitbcr/i.m on their fatherless and widows 14. 1. for Lord will /uve m. on Jacob, and choose 27. 11. he that made them will not Aair m.onthem 30. 18. be exalted, that he may /lave m. on you 49. 13. forCiod will Aatt m. upon his afflicted 54.8. with everlasting kindness will 1 A.m. on thee 55. 7. let him return, and he will /tare m. on him Jer. 13, 14. nor haie m. but destroy them, 21. 7. 30. 18. and 1 will have m. on his dwelling-places 31. 20. I will surely hava m. on him, 33. 26.£m*. 39.25. Hot. 1.7. I 2.23. 42.12. that he may have m on you, and cause you Hoi.1.6. no more A. m. on the house of Israel, 2.4. ZircA.1.12. O Lord, how long wilt thou not have m. 10.6.1 will bring them again, for I A.m. upon them Mat. 9. 13. I will have rp and not sacrifice, 12. 7. 27. thou Son of David, have m. on me, 15. 22. I 20. 30, 31. Mark 10. 47. 48. Luke 18.38..^9, 17. 15. Lord, have m. on my son, for he is lunatic Luke 16. 24. father Abraham, A. m. on me, and send 17. 13. they said, Jesus, Master, have m. on us Rom. 9. 15. 1 will hate m. on whom I will A.m. 18 11.32. allin'nnbelief, that he might Aauem, on all MERCY joined with shea, theued sheaelh, shewing. Gen. 39. 21. L. waswith Joseph, and thewedhua m. Eiod. 20. 6. she-xtng m. to thousands, Veut. 5. 10. 33. 19. I will shew m. on whom I will shew m. Deut.j .2.shalt make no covenant,nor shea them m. 13. 17. that the Lord may turn and shew thee m. Judg. 1. 24. jAfa/uscity, and we will shew thee m. 2 .Sam. 22. 51. sheweth m.to his anointed, Pf.l8.50. 1 Kings 3.6. Solomon said, thou hast^Aea'e(/to thy servant David, my father, great m. 2 Chron. 1.: 2 Chron. 6. 14. and shewest m. to thy servants P.fa/.37.21.but the righteous jA«a'C e not coiisuiucU ' MER Isa. 63.7. he bestowed on them according to his m. 15. where is thy aeal and thy m. towards me ? Jer. 16. 5. I have taken away my t 42. 12.will shew m.to you, that be ma Lam. 3. 22. it is of Lord's m. we are 1 32 . have compassion according to mult, of his 1 Dan. 2. 18. would desire m. concerning this secret 9- 9- to the L. our G. belong m. and forgivenesses 18. not for our righieousness, but thy great rt. Hos. 2. 19. I will betroth thee unto me in m. iCtch. 1. 16. I am returned to Jerusalem with m, Rom. 12. 1. I beseech you by the m. of God 2 Cor. 1. 3. the Father of m. and God of all comfort Phii.l.X .if there be any fellowship,aiiy bowels of w. Col. 3. 12. put on therefore bowels of m. kindness Tender MERCIES. Psal. 25. 6. remember, O Lord, thy tender m.51.1. 40. 11. withhold not thy lender vi. from me 77. 9- hath he in anger shut up his tender m, 79-8. let thy lender m. speedily prevent us 103 . 4. bless L. who crowneth thee with tender m. 119.77. let thy lender m.come unto me, that I may 156. great are thy lender m. O Lord, quicken ma 145.9. liis tender m. are over all his works Prov. 12. 10. the lender m. of the wicked are cruel MERCIFUL. Gen. 19. 16. the Lord being m. unto Lot Exod. 34. 6. proclaimed Lord God m. and gracious Deui. 21. 8. be m. O Lord, to thy people Israel 32. 43. and will be m. to his land and people 2 Sam. 22. 26. with the m.thou wilt shew thyself m. with upright thyself upright, P/a/. 18. 25. 1 A'ingj20.31. heard that kings of Isr. are m. kings 2 Chr. 30. 9. Lord your God is gracious and m. Meh. 9.17. art G. ready to pardon, gracious and n> Psal. 26. 11. redeem me, and be m.to me, 41.4,10. I 56. 1. I 57. 1. I 86. 3. I 119. 58, 132. 37. 26. the righteous is ever m. aud lendeth 59. 5. be not m. to any wicked transgressors 67.1. G. be m. to us, and bless us, and cause his face 103. 8. Lord is m. and gracious, slow to anger 117. 2. for bis m. kindness is great toward us 119. 76. let thy m. kindness be for my comfort Prov. 11. 17. the m.man doeth good to his own sotil Isa. 57.1.m. men are taken away, none considering Jer. 3. 12. return, for 1 am m. saith the Lord Joel 2. 15. he is gracous aud m. slow to anger Jonah 4. 2. for I knew that thou art a m. God yi/af.5.7. blessed are the m.they shall obtain mercy Luke 6. 36. be ye m. as your Father also is m. 18. 13. publican saying, God hem. to be a sinner Hei. 2. 17. that he might be am. High-Priest S. 12. I will be m. to their unrighteousness .See God. MERCY-SEAT, Or, Propitiatory, teas the covering of Ike ark of the covenant, or oj' the holy chest, in which ilia tables of the law were deposited : This cover wtu of gold, and at its two ends were fited the two cheruiimi of the tame metal, which by their uings extended forward, seemed tojorm a thron» Jor the majesty of God, who in scripture is re- presented as sitting between the cherubims, Psal. 80. 1. and the ark itself wtu as it were hit foot stool. It was an eminent type of Christ, who bf his atonement, covered our sins, and bore the curst Jor US ; standing between God and the curst of the law for our sokes, thai God might look on the law through Christ, as fulfilled by him on our behalf. Gal. 3. 10, 13. Hence Christ is called thm Propitiation, Rom. 3. 25. Exod. 25. 17. and thou shall make a m.-stat of gold 20.cherub.covering m.-/ea(with wings, Heb.g.5. 22.1 will commune with thee from above m.-seat between the cherubims. Lev. I6. 2. Num. 7.89. 26. 34. shalt put the m.-seat upon the ark, 40. 20. 37. 6. and he made the m.-seat of pure gold Lev. 16. 13 . cloud of incense may cover the m -seat 1 CAr. 28.11. David gave Soloni.pattern of m.-jea* ' MERRY. Cen. 43. 34. they drank and were m. with him Judg, 9. 27. they trode the grapes, and made m l6.25.their hearts were m. they said, call Samsoa 19.6. tarry all night, and let thine heart be m. y. lodge here, that thine heart may be m. £8. now as they were making their hearts m. Ruth 3. 7. and when Boaz his heart was m. he went 1 i>am. 25. 36. Nabal's heart was m. within him 2 Sam, 13. 28. mark when Amnoo's heart is m. 1 Kings 4. 20. Judah and Israel were making m 21.7. arise, eat bread, and let thine heart be m 2 Chr. 7. 10. he sent the people away ro. in heart Esih. 1. 10. when the heart of the king was m. Projj.l5.13.m.heart maketh cheerful countenance 15. he that is of a m. heart hath a continual feast 17. 22. a m. heart doeth good like a medicine £cr/.8.15.hath nothing belter than to eat andb«»i. 9.7. and drink thy wine with a m. heart MES £rc/.10.19.feast made forlaughter.wine maketh m. i>o.24.7.vine languisheth.all them.heaned do sigh Jer. 30. 19. the voice of them that make m. 31. 4. in the dances of them that make m. l.nic 12. 19. take thine ease, eat, drink, and be m. 15. 23. let us eat and be m. 24. || 29. I might be m. L'2. it was meet we should make m. and be glad Jam. 5. 13. is any m. t let him sing psalms Kev. 11. 10. shall rejoice over them and makem. MERRILY. £sM. 5. 14. then go thou in m. with the king MESSAGE. JxLdg. 3. CO Ehud said, I have a m. from G. to thee 1 A'jnf j20. 12. when Benhadad had heard this m. Prov. 26. 6. he that sendeth a m. by foolcutteth oflf Has,. 1. 13. then spake Hziggai in the Lord's m. L,nke 19. 14. his citizens sent a m. after him \John l.S.thisis the m.which we have heard, 3.11. ME.SSENGER Signifies, One who carries messages ielaetn party ar^d parly. Gen. 32 3. | 50. iB. It is applied, [1] To Christ Jesus, called ike Messenger of the Covenant, AJal. 3. I. MViu, though he be one with the lather, yet hnmhied him- self for our sakes, to he at a messenger from his Father, to declare his mill to us, 10 conjirm the covenant of grace by his death, to reveal this saltation, uith the promise of the Holy Spirit to work true faith and repentance in our hearts. [3] To prophets or teachers, mho are appointed by God to declare his uiti and com- mandt to his people. Job 33. 23. Mai. 2. 7. | 3. 1. [3] To ambassadort tent iy one prince to another, 2 Kings I6. ?• [4J To spies, or ruth at privily search into the state of places or affairs. Josh. 6. 17. Jam. 2. 25. [5] Tt any dreadful punishment which God inflicts upon the wicked for their tint, Prov. 17. Jl. Cen. 50. 16. they sent a m. to Joseph, saying Judg. 2. 1 1. a m. of the Lord came from Gilgal 1 Sam. 4. 17- and the m. said, Israel is fled S Sam. 15. 1.3. there came a m. to David, saying 1 Kings 19- 2. then Jezebel sent a m. to Elijah 22.13.them.went to call Micaiah, 2 CAron. 18. 12, S Kings 6. 32. but ere the m. came to him, whenthe m. Cometh, shut the door, hold him fast 9. 18. the m. came to them, but cometh not again Job 1. 14. there came a m. to Job, and said S3.23. if there be a m. an interpreter of a thousand Prov. 13. 17. a wicked m. falleth into mischief 17' II. a cruel m. shall be sent against him 25. 13. so is a faithful m. to them that send him Jsa.4i.lQ.-who is blind or deaf, as my m.that I sent Jer. 51. 31. one m. shall run to meet another £tek. 23. 40. to whom a man was sent, they came Jiag. 1. 13. then siiake Haggai, tne Lord's m. Mai. 2.7. for he is the m. of the Lord of hosts 3.1.1 will send my m. even tne m. of the covenant, Mat.n. 10. Mark 1.2. Luke T . 27. S Cor. 12. 7. the m. of Satan, to buffet me, lest I PAil. 2. 25. my companion in labour, but your m. MESSENGERS. Gen. 32. 3. Jacob sent m. before him to Esau JV«m.20.14.Moses sent m. from Kadesh,D«/<.2.S6. 21.21. Israel sent m. unto Sihon, saying $2. 5. Balak sent m. to Balaam, the son of Beor S4. 12. spake I not also to thy m. sent to me ,' Josh. 6. 17. Rahab hid the m. that we sent, 25. 7. 22. so Joshua sent m. to Achan's tent Judg. 6. 35. Gideon sent m. through Mana«seh 11.12.Jephthah sent m. tothe king of Aninion,14. l&j/n. 11. 4. then came them, to Gibeah of Saul 16. 19. Saul sentm. to Jesse, and said, send,l)avid 19. 11. Saul sent m. to David, 14, 15, 20, 21. 25. 14. David sent m. to salute our master 42. Abigail went after the m. of David S Sam. 2.5. David sent m. to Jabesh-gilead 3. 12. Abner sentm. to David on his behalf 14. David sent m. to Ish-bosheth, Saul's son 26. Joab sent m. after Abner, which brought 5. 11. Iliram sent m. to David, 1 Chron. 14. 1. 11.4. David sentm. to B»th-sheba, and took her 12. 27. Joab sent m. to David, and said, 1 fought lAinfi20.2. Benhadad sentm. to Ahab,king of Isr. 2 Kings 1. 3. go up to meet the m. of Ahaziah 16. forasmuch as sent m. to enquire of Baal-zehub 14. 8. then Amaziah sent m. to Jehoash king of Israel 16 7-50 Abac sent m. to Tiglalh-pileser king of 17. 4. lloshea had sentm. to So, king of Egypt 19.9. Sennacherib sentm. to Uezekiah, /j,i.37.9 23. by thy m. hast thou reproached the Lord 1 Chron. IQ. 2. David sent m. to comfort Ilanun S Chron. 36. 15. the Lord sent to them by his m. 16. but they mocked the m. of God, and despised Prov. 16. 14. the wrath of a king is as m. of death Jsa. 14. 32.what shall one answer m. of the nation 18.2. go ye swift m. to nation scattered and peeled 33. f 7. behold, their m. shall cry without 37.14.Hezekiah received letter from m.and read it 363 MET Isa. 44. S6. and perfoRtieth the eentnel of his m. 57. 9. and thou didst send thy m. afar off Jer. 27. 3. send by the hana of the m. which come Eiek. 23. 1(5. sent m. unto them into Chaldea 30.9.in that day shall m. go lorth from me in ships Nah. 2. 13. the voiceofthym.be no more heard Luie 7. 24. and when the m. of John were gone 9 52. and sent m. before his face, they went 2 Cor. 8. 23. they are the m. of the churches Jam. 2.25. by works, when Rahab had received m. MESS, or MESSES. Gen. 43. 34. Joseph took and sent m. to them, but Benjamin's m. five times so much as theirs 2 5am. 11. 8. there followed Uriah a m.from the king MESSIAH Signifies, Anointed. It is applied.j»rinfipo//v. and by uay of eminence, to tfiat sovereign Deliverer, who was expected by the Jews, and whom they vainly expect even to this day, since he it already come at the appointed time. They used to anoint kings, high-priests, and sometimes prophets, Saul, David, Solomon, aiirf Joaih, received the royal unction : Aaron and his sons received the sacerdotal ; and Elisha, the disciple of Elijah, received the prophetic unction, at least God ordered Eli- jah to give it, 1 Kings I9. I6. and there- fore the name Messijdi, or Anointed, is given to the kings, 1 Sam. 12. 3, 5. and also to the patriarchs or prophets, 1 Chron. I6. 22. Psal. 103. 15. But this name chiefly belongs to Jesus Christ, by way of excellence, who was the object of the desire and of the expectation of the saints. Hannah, the mother o/" Samuel, plainly alludes to Jesus Christ, when at the end of her hymn, and at the time when there was no king in Israel, she says. The Lord .shall give strength to his King, and exalt the horn of his Anointed, 1 Sam. 2. 10. See also Psal. 2. 2. I 45. 7. Dan. 9. 25, 26. It it not found any where, that Jesus Christ ever received any sentible unction ; or that the apostles anointed the faithful with any par- ticular or external oil or ointment. The unc- tion that the prophets and the apostles speak of, when Jesus Christ or his disciples are un- dertlood, it the spiritual and internal unction 0/ grace and of the Holy Ghost, of which the tmlward and sentible unction, with which they anciently anointed kings, priests, and prophets, was but the figure and symbol. Dan. 9.25. from the commandment to build Jerusa- lem, unto M. the Prince shall be seven weeks 26. and after 62 weeks shall M. be cut off John 1.41. we have found M. which is Christ 4. 25. the woman saith, I know that M. cometh MET. Gen. 32. 1. and the angels of God m. him 33. 7. what meemest thou by this drove I m .' Kxod. 3. 18. the LordGod of the Hebrews hath m. with us, let us go to sacrifice to the Lord, 5.3. 4. 24. the Lord m. him, and sought to kill him 27. Aaron went and m. Moses in the mount 5.20. they m. Moses and A aron who stood in way A'um.23.4. Godm. Balaam, and said tohim,l6. Deut. 23. 4. because they m. you not, Neh. 13. 2. 25. 18. Amalek m. thee by way, and smote feeble Josh. 11. 5. and when all these kings were m. 1 Sam. 10. 10. a company of prophets m. Saul 2.'i. 20. behold, Abigail m. David and his men 2 6'am. 16. 1. Z-iba m. David with asses saddled IB. 9. Absalom m. the servants of David 1 Kings 13. 24. when he was gone, a lion m. him 18. 7. Elijah m. Obadiah, and he knew him 2 Kings 9. 21. Joram and Ahaziah m. Jehu 10. 13. Jehu m. with the brethren of Ahaziah Job 4. t 14. fear m. me that made my bones shake Psal. 85. 10. mercy and truth are m. together Prov. 7. 10. behold, there m. him a woman /Imos 5. 19. flee from a lion, and bear m. him Mat. 8. 28. there m. him two possessed with devils 28. 9. behold, Jesus m. them, saying, all hail Mark 11.4. in a place where two ways m. Luke g. 37. much people m. him, John 12. 18. 17. 12. there m. him ten men that were lepers John 11.20. then Martha went and m. him, 30. /lets 10. 25. Cornelius m. him, and fell down 16. 16. a certain damsel possessed m. us 17- 17. he disputed with thetii that m. with him 27. 41. falling into a place where two sea; m. Heb.T .l.tihom. Abrzdiam returning from slauglit. 10. in his father's loins,when Melchisedec m.him METE. £xod. 16. 18. when they did m. it with an homer Psal. 60.6. I will m. out valley of Succolh, 108. 7- Mat. 7.2. with what measure ye m.it shall he mea- sureo to you again, Mark 4. 24. Luie 6. 38. METED. Isa. 18. 2. go to a nation m. out, trodden down, 7 40. 12. and m. out neaven with a span MID METE-YARD. ^'''•*^*""*-' Lev. 19. 35. ye shall do no unrighteiiasness in m, MICE. 1 Sam. 6.4. five golden m. according to number, 18, 5. ye shall make images of your emerods and m. MID-DAY. 1 Kings IB. 29. when •». was past, Elijah said Neh. 8. 3. read therein from morning to m. before Acts 26. 13. at m. O king, I saw in the way alight MIDDLE. Judg. 7. 19. Gideon came in beginning of m. watch 9. 37. there come people by the m. of the land 16. 29. Samson took hold of the two m. pillars 1 Sam. 25. 29. sling out, as out of the m. of a sling 2 Sam. 10. 4. cut off their garments in the m. 1 Kings 8.64.the king did hallow m. court, 2Chi .7.7 2 Kings 20. 4. afore Isaiah gone into the m. court Jer. 39. 3. all the princes sat in the m. gate £:ek. 1 .16. Jis it were a wheel in the m . of a wheel Lph. 2. 14. broken down the m. wall of partition MIDDLEMOST. Ezek. 42. 5. higher than the m. of the building, 6 MIDNIGHT. Exod. 11. 4. at m.will I go into the midst of I?^ypt 12. 29. at m. the Lord smote the first-bom '. Judg. 16. 3. Samion lay till m. and rose at m. Ruth 3.8. at m. the man was afraid, and turned 1 Kings 3. 20. she arose at m. and took my son Job 34. 20. the people shall be troubled at m. Psal. 119.62. at m. I will rise to give thanks Mat. 25. 6. at m. there was a cry made, behold Mark 13. 35. whether he shall come at even, or m. Luke 11. 5. shall go to him at m. and say, lend me Acts 16. 25. and at m. Paul and Silas prayed 20.7. Paul continued his speech till m. MIDST Signifies, [1] That pari which it equally distant from the extremes, or the centre of a circle or sphere, Num. 35. 5. Luke 23. 45. [2] Among. Deut. 18. 15. Mat. 10. 16. [3] The thickest oj a throng, Luke 3, 30. [4] The most open or public place, Deut. 13. I6. [5] Tht most con- venient place, Deut. I9. 2. [6] The deepest part. Josh. 3. 17. Exod. 14. 16. shall go on dry ground through m. of sea.jVum. .33.8. Neh.Q. 11. Psal. 136. 14. 23. 25. 1 will take sickness from the m. of thee Deut. 4. If the mountain burnt to the m. of heaven 13.5. shalt put evil away from the m. of thee 18.15.thyGod will raise a Prophet from m. of thee 1 Kings 8. 51. from the m. of the furnace of iron 2 Chr. 32. 4. brook that ran thro' the m. of the \&ad Cant. 3. 10. the m. thereof being paved with love Isa. 4. 4. purged blood from the m. of Jerusalem 30. 28. breath shall reach to the m. of the ::evk 58. 9. take away from the m. of thee the yoke Jer.30.2I.the governor proceed from the m.of ti:cis 48. 45. a flame shall come from the m. of Sihon Eiek. 9. 4. go through the m. of the city and set 11. 23. the glory of Lord went up from m. of city 14. 8. I will cut him off from m. of my people, 9. t 16. though these three were in the m. of it 15. 4. the m. of it is burnt, is it meet for work . 28. 16. have filled the m. of thee with violence 18. 1 will bring forthafire from them, of thee Dan. 3. 26. came forth of the m. of the fire Amot 2. 3. I will cutoff judge from the m. thereof Luke 4. 30. but he passing through the m. of ihcm John 7. 14. about the m. of the feast Jesus went 8. 59. going thro' the m. of them, and so jwissed hy A'£i..8.13.an angel tlyinglhrough the m. ofheaveu /n»/)f MIDST." Gen. 1. 6. be a firmament in the m. of heaven 2. 9. the tree of life in the m. of the garden, 3. 3. 15. 10. and Abram divided them in the m. Exod. 3. 20. wonders I will do in the m. thereof 8. 22. I am the Lord in the m. of the earth 14. 27. overthrew Egyptians in the m. of the sea 29. walked on dry land in ihrm. of the sea, 16. 19, 33. 3. for 1 will not go up in the m. of thee, lest Lev. Ifi. 16. in the m. of their uncleanness Num. 2. 17. tabernacle set forward in the m. of camp 5. 8. defile not the camp in them, whereof 1 dwell 35. 5. and the city shall be in them. Ezek. 48. 15. Deut. 11. 3. acts which he did in the m. of Egypt 6. swallowed them up in the m. of all Israel 19. 2. separate Ihtce cities in the m. of thy land 23. 14. God walkcth in the m. of thy camp Joih. 3. 17. piicsts stood firm in the m. of jordan,4.10. 4. 9. set np twelve stones in the m. of Jordan 7. 13. there is an accursed thing in the m. of thee 21. they are hid in the earth in the m. of my tent 1 Sam. 16. 13. anointed him in the m. of brethren 2 Sam. IH. 1 1. he was yet alive in the m. of the oak 23. 1 -. but hi- stood in the m. of the ground 20. slew a lion in the m. of a pit in time of snow 2 A'inrj 6.20. beh Id, they weicin them, of Samaria 1 Chron. IH. 1. and cut olf their garments in the m. Neh. 4. II . nor see, till we come in the m. among ijci 1. 16. Satan came also in the m. of them Jtb J0.tl3. though he keep sin in t. m of his palate Pjal.ii.'ii- it is melted in the m. of my bowels £2. 1 will declare thy name, in the m. of the con- gregation will I praise thee, Ileh.i. 12. 40. ♦ 8. yea, thy law Is in the ">. of my bowels 46. 5. G. is in the m. of her, she shall not be moved 55.10. mischief in //i< «i. Ill 1. wickedness in the m 74.4. enemies roar in the m. of thy congregation 12. working salvation in the m. of the earth "8. 28. and he let it fall in the m. of their camp 102. £4. take me not away in the m. of my days 110. 2. rule thou in 1/14 m. of thine enemies 116. 19. pay vows in the m. of thee, O Jerusalem 138.7. though I walk in the in. of trouble, thou wilt Pror. 4. 21. keep them in the m. of thine heart 5.14.1 H'as in all evil in the m.of the congregation 8.20. I lead in the m. of the paths of judgment 14. 33. that which is in the m. of fools is folly £3. 34. as he that lieth down in the m. of the sea 30. 19. the way of a ship in the m. of the sea Jta. 5. 2. and 1 built a tower in the m. of it 6. 5. I dwell in the in. of a people of unclean lips 12.be a great forsaking in the m. of the land 7. 6. set a king in the m. of it, the son of Tabeal 12. 6. great is Holy One in t. m. of thee, IIus. II.9. 16. 3. as the night in the m. of the noon day 19- 24. even a blessing in the m. of the land 41. 18. 1 will open fountains in the m. of thee Jtr. 6. 6. she is wholly oppression in the m.ol her 9.6. ihine habitation is in the m. of deceit 14.9. thou, O Lord, art in the m.of us, leave us not 17- 11. he shall leave them in the m. of his days 37. 12. to separate himself in the m. of the people Lam. 4. 13. shed blood of the just in the m. of her Eiek. 5. 5. I have set it in the m. of the nations 8. I will execute judgment in the m. of thee 6. 7- the slain shall fall in the m, of you, 11. 7. 17. iC. in the m. of Babylon he shall die 22. 3. the city sheddeth blood in the m. of it 21. and ye shall be melted iyi the m. thereof 22. as silver is melted i'l the m. of the furnace 25.they have made many widows in I. m. thereof 27. her princes in the m. thereof are like wolves 23. 39. thus have they done in the m. of my house 26. 5. for spreading of nets in the m. of the sea 28.22. Zidon, I will be glorified in the m.of thee 36.23. which ye have profaned in the m. of them 37. 26. will set my sanctuary in the m. of them 28. when my sanctuary shall be in the m.of them 43. 7- where I will dwell in the m. of Israel, 9. 46. 10. and the prince in the m. shall go in J^an. 3. 25. four men walking in the m. of the fire 9. 27. in the m. of the week, oblation shall cease }li>s. 5. 4. spirit of whoredoms is in the m. of them JeelC. 27. ye shall know I am in them, of Israel Amoj 7 10. conspired in the m. of the house of Isrl. Alic. 5. 7 remnant be in the m. of many people, 8. b. 14. thy casting down shall be in the m. of thee Sah. 3. 13. thy people in the m. of thee are women Jlai. 3. 2. in the m. of the years revive thy work ZepA. 2. 14. Hocks shall lie down in the m. of her 3. 5. just Lord is in the m. thereof, will not do 12. I will leave in the m. of thee a poor people 15. king of Isr. the I>ord is in the m. of thee, 17. Zech. 2. 5. 1 will be the glory in the tn. of her 10. rejoice, for I will dwell in the m. of thee, 11. 5. 4. the ourse shall remain in the m.of his house 7. a woman that sitteth in the m. of the ephah 8. 3. and will dwell in the m. of Jerusalem, 8. 14.4. the mount of olives shall cleave in the m. Mat. 10.16. I Si:ad you as sheep in the m.of wolves 14. 24. ship was in the m. of the sea, Mark 6. 47. 18. 2. set a little child in the m.of them, A/ar* y.36. 20. are gathered, there am I in the m. of them Luke 2.46.found him sitting in »/<« m.of the doctors 6. 8. rise, and stand forth in the m. and he arose 21. 21. let them which are in the m. of it depart S3. 45. the vail of the temple was rent in the m. 24.30. Jesus himself stood in t. m. John 2ai9,26. John 8. 3. and when they had set her in the m. 9. 19- 16. on either side one, and Jesus in the m. Acts 1. 15. Peter stood up in them, of the disciples 18. Judas falling burst asunder in the m. 17- 22. then Paul stood up in the m. of .Mars' hill P/ii/.2. 15. blameless in the m.of a crooked general. Hev. 1. 13. in the m. of the seven candlesticks,2.1. 2. 7. which is in the m. of the Paradise of God 4. 6. and in the m. of rhe throne were four beasts 5.6.I0, in the m. of the throne stood a Lamb,7.17. Into the M I DS T. Ejod. 14. 22. Israel went into the m. of the sea 24. 18. aiKi Moses went into the m. of the cloud 33.5. I will come into the m. of thee and consume JVum. 16.47. Aaron ran into the m. of congregation 1 Ainjj 22.35. blood ran into the m. of the chariot Esth. 4.1.Mordecai went imp them.ofcny and cried Pj.46. 2.tho' monntainsbe carried into the m.of seas 57.6. in/o the m.wliereof they are fallen themselv. J«r.21.4.I will assemble them iniot. m.of this city £1,63. cast it inio tkt m. of the river Luphntes' MIG Etek.5.\.cm them into the m. of the fire and burn 2C. 19. I will gather you into the m. of .lerusaleni i^an.. 3 6. shall be cast into the m. of a fiery furnace Zech. 5. 8. and he cast it into the m. of the ephah Out uj the M I DS 1'. Gen. 19.29. sent Lot out of the m. of the overthrow LioJ. .■?. 2. angel appeared out of the m. of a bush 4. God called to him ont of the m. of bush, 24.16. Detit.i. 12. the Lord spake unto you out of the m.of the fire, 15, 33, 36. | 5. 4, 22, 24. 34. to take him a nation out of' the m. of another /oj/i. 4.3. take ovt of t. m.of Jordan twelve stoncs,8. 7. 2'f. and they took them out of the m. of the tent Ita.Qi. IB. and he that Cometh UK/ »^i/iii. 1 Chron.l'i.ii.mea of m. came to David to the hold 2y. 2. I prepared for the house with all roy m. 12. in thine hand is power and m. 2 Chion. 20. 6. 30. the acts of David with his reign and m. 2 Chr. 20.12. we have no m. against this company Eiih. 10.2. acts of Ahasuerus, his power and »n. i'sal. 76.5. none of the men of m. found their hands 89. t 13. thou hast an arm with m. strong is 145.6. men shall speak of the m. of thy acts Prov. 24. + 5. a man of knowledge strengtheneth tn. Eccl. 9.10.thy hand findeth to do, doit with thy m. lia. 3. + 25. and thy m. shall fall in the war 11. 2. the spirit of counsel and m. shall rest on him 33. 13. ye that are near, acknowledge my m. 40. 26. calleth them by the greatness of his m. 29.10 them that have no m.he increaseth strength Jei . 9. 23. nor let the mighty man glory in his m. 10. 6. thou art great, and thy name is great in m. 16. 21. behold, I will cause them to know my m. 49. 35. I will break the chief of their m. 51 .30. their m.hath failed, they became as women Ezek. 32. 30. they are ashamed of their m. Dan. 2.20. blessed be G.for wisdom and m. are his 23. I thank thee, O God, who hast given me m. 3. i 4. he cried with m. 4. 1 14. | 5. f 7. 4. 30. that I have built by the m. of my power Mtc. 3.8. truly I am full of judgment and ofm. 7. 16. nations shall be confounded at all their m. Zeeh.i.&. not by m. nor by power, but by my Spirit Eph. 1. f 19. the working of the m. of his power 21. far above all m. power, and dominion 3. 16. to1)e strengthened wiih m. Col. 1. 11. 6.10. be strong in the Lord, and in power of his m. 2 I'et. 2. 11. whereas angels that are greater in m. Rev. 7. 12. glory and m. be unto our God forever MIG mil!. G^n.30..34. I would Mm. be according to thy word Eiod. 36. 18. to couple the tent, that it m. be one 3g. 21. that it m. be above the curious girdle Lev. 26. 45. brought forth, that I m. be iheir God Deut. 5. 29. fear me, that it m. i* well wiji them 16am. 18. 27. that he m. if the king's son-in-law 1 Kings 8. 16. that my D!m:ie m. be put therein 2 Kings 7.2. would make windows, m.this thing be 15. 19. ^ave silver, that his hand m. ifwith him 2 Chron 0.5. an house, that roy name m. ie there, 6. Psal. 78. 8. m. not be aa their fathers, a stubborn Jer. 13. 11. that they m. i< unto me a people Etek. 17. 8. in good soil, that it m. be a goodly vine 36. 3. that ye m. be a possession to the heathen Ilos. 6. 1 5. that thy judgments m. be as the light SJfl. 2. 4. that my coveQaut m. tt with Levi Mia I .VarX-5.l8.nray.that he m.he wiililiim,£»<*«8. 38, f.u/.ei\. y. askt'd, saying, wli;it in. lliis parable be John 15. 11. and that your joy m be I'ull Horn. 4. 11. n. be llie latlier of them that believe 16. that ii m.be of grace |{ H.^ m.be Lord of dead 2 Thess. 3. 8. m. not ie chargeable to any of you Philem. 8. though I m. he nuxli hold m Christ ileb. 2. 17. that he >n. be a merciful lligh-prieit 12. 10. that we wi. be partakers of his holiness 1 Pet. 1. 21. that your fa:th and hope »i. beinGoi iee KL'Lfii.LiLU. MlGlirV. Gen. 10.9. he was a/n. hunter before the Lord 18. 18. Abraham shall become great and ni.natioo 23. 6. he.ir us, thou art a m. prince amongst uj r.zjd. 1.7. the children of Israel waxed m. 20. y. 28. that there be no more m.thunderings and hail 10. 19. the Lord turned a m. strong west-wind 15. 10. they sank as lead in the m. waters lei\ ly. 15. nor shall honour the person of the i.%, .V«m. 22. 6. curse this people, for they are too m. Den/. 4. 37. he brought thee out with m.power,9.29 7. 23. shall destroy them with a m. destruction 26. 5. became there a great nation, m.and populoui Judg. 5.1^. L. made me have dominion over them. 23. they came not to help of the L.againstthe m. 1 Ham. 4. 8. out of the hand of these m. gods 2 6am. 1. 19. how are the m. fallen I 25. 21. the shield of the m. is vilely cast away 22. from the blood of the slain, from fat of then. 2Ainjj24.15.the m. of the laud carried he captive 1 C/iron. 1. 10. Nimrod wasm. |112. 28. Zadokm. 27. 6. Benaiah was m. |1 2 C'^ri)«.13.21.Abijah m. 2 Chron. 26.13. army that made war with m.pswer 27. 6. so Jotham became m. because he prepared isra 4. 20. there have been m. kings over JcTUsalem 7. 28. hath extended mercy to me belore m. princes .\«/i.3.l6.Nehemiah repaired to the hoaseofthe m. 9. 11. thou threwest a stone in them, waters Job 5. 15. but he saveth the poor from the m. 6. 23. or redeem me from the hand of the m. t y. 4. he is wise in heart, and m. in strength 12.19. he leadeth princes, and he overthroweth n». 21. he weakeneth the strength of the m. 21. 7. wherefore are the wicked m. in power .' 24. 22. hedraweth also the m. with his power 34. 20. the m. shall b€ takeu away without hand 35. y. they cried out by reason of the arm of the m. 41. 25. he raiseth himself, the m. are afraid Psal. 24. 8. Lord strong and m. Lord m. in battle 29. 1. give to the Lord, O ye m. glory and strength 45. 3. gird thy sword on thy thigh, 6 most m. 5y. 3. for lo, the m. are gathered against me tj8.33. doth send out his voice, and that am. voice 6y. 4. being mine enemies wrongfully arem. 7-1. 15. thou driest up m. rivers, the day is thine 82. 1. God standeth in the congregation of the m. 8y . 6. who among sons m. can be likened to Lord 13. thou hast a m. arm, strong is thy hand ly. I have laid help upon one that is m. 5o. I bear in my bosom the reproach of the m. yi. 4. the Lord is niightierthan the m. waves of sea 103. 1 20. bless the Lord, ye angels m. in strength 106. 8. that he might make his m. power known 112. 2. his seed shall be m. upon the earth 120. 4. sharp arrows of them, with coals of juniper 135.10. who smote great nations, and slew m. kings Prov. 16. .32. that is slow to anger is better than m, 18. 18. the lot parteth between the m. 21. 22. a wise man scaleth the city of tha m. 2:5. 11. their Redeem, ism. shall plead their cause ha. 3. 25. and thy m. shall fall iii the war 5. 22. woe lo them that arem. drink wine 11. 15. with his in. wind shall be shake his ham) 17. 12. a rushing like the rushing of m. waters 22. 17. will carry thee away with a m. captivity 49. 24. shall the prey be takeu from the m. T 63. 1. I that speak in righteousness, m. to save Jer. 5. 15. it is a m. and :ui ancient nation, a natioo .32. 19. great in counsel and m. ia work 33. 3. and I will shew thee great and m. things Ezei. 17. 13. he hath also taken the m. of the land 32. 12. by the swords of the m.will I maketh-ie fall 21. the strong among the m. shall speak to him 27. tlK-y shall not lie with the m. that are fallen 38. 15. thou shalt come with a great and m. army 3y. 18. ye shall eat the flesh of the m. and drink Dnn. 4. 3. how great and m. are his wonders ! 8. 24. bis power shall be m. but not by his own pow, 1 1 . 3. a m. king shall stand up that shall rule 25. shall bestir, opwiih a very great and m. army .Imot 2. 14. neither shall the m. deliver himself 2.16. he that iscourageous among the m. shall flee 5. 12. 1 know your m. sins jj 24. ass m. stream Jonah 1. 4. there was a m. tempest in the sea Zech. 11. 2. howl, because the m. are spoiled Mat. 11. 20. where most of his m. works were done 21. if the m. works which were done in you, 23 13. 54. whence hath this man these m. works? 58. be did not many m. works tbere, Atari 6. 14, MIL Atfat. l4.S.thii\s John the Baptist.therefotem. works do shew forth themselves in him, Mark 6. H. Mart 6. 2. m. work are wrought by his hand Jjuie 1. 49- he that is m, hath done great things 52. he hath put down the m. from their seats ;C1. 43. they were amazed at the m. power of God l.*). 14. there arose a m. famine in that land It;. .37. praised God for the m. works they had seen 'S4. ly who was a prophet m. in deed ana word 4cit S.Z.Sound from heav.as of a rushing m. wind 7 . 22. Moses was m. in words and in deeds 18. 2-1. ApoUos was m. in the scriptures Mom. 15. ly. the Gentiles obedient through m. signs 1 Cur.1.26. not many m. not many noble, are called 2". God hath chosen weak, to confound things m. 2 Cor. 10.4.weaponsof our warfare axe m. thro' G. 13. 3. which to you is not weak, but m. in you ■Cai.2.8. the same was m. in me toward the Gentiles E/zA.l.ig. according to the working of his m. power 2 Vyj£«.1.7.Jesusshall be reveal. with his m. angels lUv. 6. 13. when she is shaken of a m. wind 10. 1. 1 saw another m. angel come down, 18. 21. 10. 18. so m, n. Iiev. 17. 9- here is the m. which hath wisdoai 13. these have one m. and shall give their power See Alienated. Mint or my MIND. Wum. 16.28. 1 have not done them of mi7i«own m 24. 13. 1 cannot do good or bad oimine own m. 1 Sam. 2. 35. according to that which is in 7/iy m. 1 Chron. 22. 7. it was in my m. to build an house Via. 21. t 4. my m. wandered, fearfulness affrighted Jer. 15. 1. my. m. could not be toward this people 19- 5. neither came it into my m. 32.35. Lam. 3. 21. this I recall to my m, therefore hope Horn. 7. 23. another law warring ag. law of my m. Thy MIND. 15am.9.20.set not thy m.on the asses.theyare found 20. + 4. say what is thy m. and 1 will do it Job 34. 33. should it be according to thy m. f £««i.38.10.same time shall things come mtoMy m. Van. 2. 29. O king, thy thoughts came into thv m Mat. 22.37. thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy m. Mark 12. 30. Luke 10. 27. Philem, 14. without thy m. would I do nothing Your MIND. Gen. 23. 8. if it be your m. I should bury my dead Jer. 51 . 50. and let J erusalem come mlayour m. Eiek.W.b.l know the things that come iu\.o your m. 20. 32. and that which cometh into your m. Rom. 12.2. be transformed by renewing ofyowi». 2 Cot. 8. ig. and declaration of your ready m. 9. 3. for I know the forwardness of your m. Eph. 4. 23. and be renewed in the spirit oiyourm Col. 1. 21. that were sometimes enemies inyour m 3. t 2. set yourm. on things above, not on thing* 1 Pet. 1. 13. gird up the loins o( your m. be sobei MIND, Ferb. Rom. 8.5. that are after flesh, m. things of the flesh 12. 16. m. not high things, but condescend to men Phil. 3. 16. nevertheless let ns m. the same thing 19. for many walk, who m. earthly things MINDED Ruth 1. 18. she was stedfasily m. to go with bet 2 Chrvn. 24. 4. Joash was m. to repair the house Ezra 7. 13. which are m. of their own free will Mat. 1. 19. Joseph was m. to put her away privily Rom. 8. 6. for to be carnally m. is death, but to be spiritually m. is life and peace 11. 20. be not high.m. but fear 15. 5. grant^ou to be like m. one toward another 2 Cor. 1. 15. in this confidence I waswi. to cime 17. when 1 was thus m. did I use lightness Gal. 5. 10. that you will be no otherwise m. Phil. 2. 2. that ye be like m. having the same lova 20. no man like m. who will care for your state 3.15. let us, as many as be perfect, be thus m. if m any thing ye be otherwise m. God will reveal 1 'lyiess. 5. 14. brethren, comfort the feeble m. 1 'Tim. 6. 17. charge that the rich be not high-m. 2 7'iin. 3. 4. for men shall be heady, high-m. 'Til. 2. 6. young men exhort to be sober m. ./a/ri.l.8.a double-m.man is uuslable iuall his ways 4. 8. and purify your hearts, ye double-w. MINDFUL. 1 Chron. I6. 15. be ye m. always of his covenant A'i. 14. counsel is m. and sound wisdom Cant. 2. 16. my beloved is m. and I um his, 6. 3. 8. 12. my vineyard, which is m. is before me Jtr. 44. 28. whose word shall stand, m. or theirs £t€t. 16.8. I iware to thea, thou becamest m. 18. 4. behold, all souls are m. soul of son is m. S3. 4. and they were m. |{ 5. when she was m. ■39. 9. the rirer is m.|| 35. 10. these countries be m. IiMg.i.8. the silver is m. and the gold is nt. Alal. 3. 17. they shall be m. saith the Lord Afa(.7.24.that heareth sayings of m. and doeth them S6.hcAreth these sayings of m. and doeth them not SO. 83. bat to sit on my right hand and on my left, is not m. to give, it shall be given, Mark 10. 40. Z-u/tf 11. 6. a friend of m. in his journey is come John S. 4. Jesus saith, m. hour is not yet come 7.l6.my doctrineisnotm.il 10.14.am known of m. 14. 24. the worti which yc hear is not m. 16. 14. he shall receive of m. and shew it you 15. all things that the Father hath are m. 17. 10. all m. are thine, and thine are m. Horn. 12. 19. vengeance is m.I will repay ,saith Ld. Pah. 1. 4. in every prayer of m. making request MINGLE. Jta. 5. 22. and men of strength to m. strong drink y. ♦ 11. the Lord shall m. his enemies together 19. 12.1 will m. the Egyptians with Egyptians Dan. 2. 43. they shall m. with the seed of ihcm MINGLED. EtoJ.g. 24. there was fire m. with the hail Ltv. 19. 19. shalt not sow thy field with m. seed Etra 9.2. holy seed have m. themselves with people Jui 24. t 6. they reap every one his m. corn Ptat 102.9. ■"d m, my drink with weeping 106. 35. but were m. among the heathen Prov. 9. 2. killed her beasts, she hath m. her wine 5. and drink of the wine which I have ;». Jsa. 19. 14. the Lord hath m. a perverse spirit Jer. 25. 20. gave the cnp to all the m. people, 24. 30. 37. a sword on all them, people, £se/t. 30. 5. Afai. 27. 34. they gave him vinegar m. with gall Mart 15. 23. they pave him wine m. with myrrh Liiie 13. 1. whose blood Pilate had m. with sacrifi. Jiev. 8.7. there followed hail and fire m. with blood 15. 2. I saw as it were a sea of glass m. with fire MINISH, ED. SJretl. 5. 19. ye shall not m. ought of your task Pial. 107. 39. again they are m. and brought Ww MINISTER Signifies, One vho tenet, aaili en, or atlenit anot/ier, Exod. 24. 13. 1 Kings 10. 5. It is a word applied, [1] To CJiritt, uho it called, A Minister of the sanctuary, Heb. 8. 2. that is, Chritt ieing now ^one up into heaven, ii/pified by the holy of holies, he dues there miniiier, or eiecute the remainder of his office in hit human nature, bv presenting the merit •/ hit tacjifice, at the high-priett biov^ht the blood of the tin-offering into the most holy flatt onee a year, Exod. 30. 10. Lev. I6. 15. l2] To tvch at are appointed lo attend the tertiee of God in his church, to dispense and ei" forth faithfully and wisely, the uord, sacraments, and other holu things, 1 Cor. 4. 1. [3) To magisli.ales, vho are God's officers and deputies to tmniih tvch as transgress hit lau, and to defend the good, Horn. 13. 6. (4] To the holy angels, uha are always MIN ready to execute the commands of God, I'sal. 104. 4. Erod. 24. 13. Moses rose op, and his m. Joshua Josh. 1. 1. the Lord spake to Joshua, Moses' 711. 2 Kings 6. + 15. when the m. of Elisha was risen Mat. 20. 26. let him be your m. Mark 10 43. Luke i. 20. he gave the book again to the m. Aett 13. 5. and they had also John to their m. 26. 16. to make thee a m. and a witness Horn. 13. 4. for he is the m. of God to thee, 0. 15. 8. Christ was a m. of the circumcision 16. I should be the m. of Jesus to the Gentiles Gal.^. 17. is Christ the m. of sin > God forbid F.ph, 3. 7. whereof 1 was made am. Col. 1. 23. 25. 6. 21. Tychicus, a faithful m. of the Ld. Cd/. 4.7. Col. 1. 7. Epaphras , who is for you a faithful m. 1 Thets. 3. 2. '1 imoihy our brother and m. of CJod 1 Tim. 4. 6. thou shalt be a good m. of Christ Ileb. 8. 2. a m. of the sanctuary and tabernacle MINISTER. £xoi/.28.1.thathe may m.to me in the priest's office 3, 4, 41. I 29. 1,44. I 30. 30 I 31 10 I 35. 19. I 39. 41. I 43. 13, 15. .35. and it shall be upon Aaron to m. 43. when they come to altar to m.Cg.SO. | 30.20. 29. 44. I will sanctify Aaron to m. to me Lev. 7. 35. in the day he presented them to m. 16. 32. whom he shall coniecrale to m. Num. 3.3. Num. 8. 26. but shall m. with their brethren Dent. 10.8. separated the tribe of Levi to m. to him 18. 5. to stand to m. in the name of the Lord, 7. 21. 5. for thy God hath chosen them to m. 1 5am.2. 11. thechild did m.to the Lord before Eli 1 Kings 8.11. so that the priests could not stand to m. because of the cloud, 2 Chron. 5. 14. 1 Chron. 15. C. chosen to m. before him for ever 23. 13. to m. and to give thanks, 2 Chron. 31. 2. 2 CAron. 13. 10. priestswhichm are the sons of A ar. Psal. 9.8. he shall m. judgment to the people Ita. 60. 7. the rams of Nebaioth shall m, to thee 10. and their kings shall m. to thee Jer. 33.22. I will multiply the Levites that m. Esek. 40. 46. which come near to m. 41. 15, I6. 44. 11. they shall stand before them to m. .1/a(.S0.S8.to be ministered to.but tom..'Uarjt 10.45. 25. 44. naked, or sick, and did not m. to thee ^ Acit 24.23. nor forbid his acquaintance to m.to him Kom. 15. 25. but now I go to m. to the saints 27. their duty is torn, to them in carnal things 1 Cur.9.13.they which m. about holy things,live of 2Cor.9.10.both m. bread for your food,and multiply Eph. 4. 29. that it may m. grace to the hearers 1 Tim. 1.4. which m. questions rather than edifying lieb. 1. 14. angels sent tom. to heirs of salvation 6. 10. ye have ministered to the saints, and do m. 1 Pel. I. 12. but to us they did m. the things 4. 10. (even so m. the same one to another, as good 11. if any man m. let him do it as of the ability MINISTERED. Num. 3. 4. Eleazar and Ithamar m. Deut. 10. 6. 1 Sam. 2. 18. but Samuel m. before the Lord, 3.1. 2 Sam. 13. I7. Amnon called his servant that m. 1 Kings 1. 4. Abishag m. to king David, 15. 19. "i. Elisha went af^er Elijah, and m. to him £ Kings 25. 14. they took away the pots, snuffers, and all the vessels wherewith they m. j*r.52.18. Ezek. 44. 12. they m. to them before their idols Dan. 7. 10. thousand thousands m. unto him .Vat. 4.11. angels came andm. to him, Mark 1. 13. 8. 15. she rose and m. unto them, Mark 1. 31. Luke 8. 3. which m. to him of their substance ylcrt 13. 2. as they m. and fasted, the Spirit said 20. 34. these hands have m. to my necessities 2 Cor. 3. 3. declared the epistle of Christ m. by us Phil. 2. 25. and he that m. to my wants Col. 2. 19. having nourishment m. increaseth with 1 Tim. 3. + IS. that have m. the office of deacon 2 Tim. I. 18 in how many things he m. unto me Philem. 13. that in thy stead he might have m. lieb. 6. 10. that ye have m. to the saints, and do 2 Pet. 1. 11. for so an entrance shall be m. to you MINISIEUETH. C Cor. 9. 10. now ne that m. seed to the sower Gal. 3. 5. he that m. to you the Spirit, doeth he it MINISTERING. 1 Chron. Q. 28. had the charge of the m. vessels Esek. 44. 11. at the gates of bouse, ru. to the house 3/a/. 27.55. many women followed Jesus m. to him Rom. 12. 7. let us wait on m. || 15. I6. m. the gospel 2 Cor. 8. 4. and take on us the m. to the saints 9.1. for as touching m.to the saints, it is superfluous Ileb. 1. 14. are they not all m. spirits, sent minister 10. 11. every priest standeth daily m. and offering MIN1.STERS. 1 Kings 10.5. the attendance of his m. 2 C/iro«,9.4. F.iral . 24. not lawful to impose toll on m. ol house 8. 17. that they should bring unto us m. for house I'snl. 103. 21. ye m. of his that do his pleasure 104.4. whomaketh hism. a flaming fire, [leb. 1.7. I Jsa. 61 . 6. men shall call you the m, of our God MIR Jer. 33. 21 then may also my covenant belirokea with David my servant, and with my nt- Esek. 44. 11. they shall be m. in my sanctuary 45. 4. holy portion for the m. of the sanctuary Joel 1. 9. the Lard's m. mourn || 13. howl ye m. 2. 17. m. weep between the porch and the altar Lute 1. 8. which from beginning were m. of word A*i>m.l3.6. they are God's m. attending continually 1 Cor. 3. 5. but m. by whom yp believed, as Lord 4. 1. so account of us as of (he m. of Christ 2 Cor. 3. 6. who made 11s able m of the new testam C. 4. approving ourselves as the ;», i. 12.10. have used similitudes by m. of prophets Acts 1. 17. for he had obtained part of this m. 25. that may take part of this m. and apostleship ( ♦. but we will give ourselves tow. of the word i2. 25. returned, when theyhad fulfilled their m. 20. 24. so that I might finish my course, and m. 21. 19. what thingsGod had wrought by his n<, Horn. 14.7. or m. let us wait on our ministering 1 Cflr.l6. 15. addicted themselves to the m. of saint< "iCor 4. 1. seeing we have this m. we faint not 5. 18. hath given to us the m. of reconciliatioD 6. 3. giving no offence, that the m. be not blamed Eph.i. 12. for work of the m. for edifying the body Col. 4. 17. take heed to the m. thou hast received 1 Tim. 1.12. putting me into the m. who was before 2 Tim. 4. 5. watch thou, make full proof of thy m. 1 1 . for he is profitable to me for the m. JJeb.R.G.Dovr hath he obtained a more excellent m. 9. 21. he sprinkled with blood the vessels of the m. MINSTREL. S. 2ft'iNf»3.15.but now bring meam.when m.playeti Mat. 9- S3, when lesus saw the m. and the people MINT. Mat. 23. 23. ye pay tithe of m. anise, and cum'jritn Luke 11. 42. ye tithe m. and all manner of herbs MIRACLE It a supernatural operation performed alone by the power of God, John 3. 2. | 9- iC Actt 2. 22. I 15. 12. Our Saviour confirmed the doc- trine rchieh he taught hy a train of incontestible miracles: They were so great in their nature, to real and solid in their proof, to divine in the manner of performing them, by the power oj hit will; to holy in their end, to confirm a doctrine most becoming the wisdom and other glorious attributes of God, and for the ac- complishment of the prophecies concerning the Messiah, whote coming wat foretold to be wii/i miraculout healing benefitt ; that there was thy greatest assurance, that none without the om- nipotent hand of God could do them. The ma- gicians performed divers wondert in Egypt, but they were outdone ty Moses, to convince the tpectalort, that he wat tent from a power infinitely tuperior to that of evil spirits. Real miracles that are contrary to the order, and exceed the power of nature, can only be produced by creating power, and are wrought to give credit to those who are sent from God ; and when God permits false miraclet to be done by se- ducers, that would thereby obtain authority and credit among men, the deception is not invin- cible ; for it is foretold expressly, to give ui warning, that the man of tin shall come witk lying wondert after the working of Satan 2 Thess. 2. 9. but the heavenly doctrine of l/t4 gospel has been confirmed by real miracles, incomparably greate' than all the Strang* things done to gii* credit to doctrines oppoted to it. Eiod. 7. 9- when I'haraoh shall speak, saying, shew a m. 2 C/. Hos. 7. 15. yet do they imagine m. against me MicT .i 3. the great man uttereth the m. of his soul Acts 13. 10. O full of all m. thou child of the devil MISCHIEFS. Deut. 32. 23. 1 will heap m. on them, I will spend Psal. 52. 2. thy tongue deviseth m. like a razor 140. 2. which imagine rn. in their heart MISCHIEVOUS, Psal. 21.11. they imagined a m. device, notable to 38. 12. they that seek my hurt, speak m. things Prov. £4. 8. he shall be called a m. person Eccl. 10. 13. the end of his talk is m, madness Ezek. 38. t 10. thou shall conceive a m. purpose Mic. 7. 3. the great man uttereth his m. desire MISERABLE. Job 16. 2. Job said, m. comforters are je all 1 Cor...A5. 19. we are of all men most m. Rev. 3. 17. and knowest not that thou art m, MISERABLY. Mat. 21. 41 . be will m. destroy those wicked men MISERY, /ui/f .10.l6.hi$ soul was grieved for the m. of Israel Job 3. 20. why is light given to him that is in m. .' 11. 16. because thou shalt forget thy m. Prov. 31. 7. drink, and remember his m. no more Eccl. 8. 6. the m. of a man is great on him Lam. 3. 19. remembering mine affliction and m. Rom. 3. 16. destruction andm. are in their ways MISERIES. Z.am. 1.7. Jerusalem remembered in days of her m. Jam. 5. 1. howl fcr your m. that shall come on you MISS. Judg. 20. 16. sling at an hair-breadth and not m. 1 Sam. SO. 6. if thy father at all m. me, then say MISSED. 1 Sam. 20.18. thou shalt be m. t thy seat will be m. 25. 15. neither m. any thing as long as conversant 21. nothing was n. of all that pertained to him MISSING. 1 Sam. 25. 7. neither was there ought m. unto them 1 Kings 20.30. if by any means he be m.then thy life MIST. Gen. 2. 6. but there wentup a m. from the earth Acts 13. 11. immediately there fell on him a m. 2 Pel. 2.11 . to whom them, of darkness is reserved MISTRESS. Gen. 16. 4. Sarah her m. was despised in her eyes 8. I flee from my m. Sarai || 9- return to thy m. 1 Kings 17. 17- son of the m. of the house fell sick 2 Kings 5.3. said to her m. would G. my lord were Psal. 123.2. as eyes of a maiden to hand of her m. Prov. 20. 23. and handmaid that is heir to her m. ha. 24. 2. shall be as with the maid so with her m. Nth. 3. 4. m. of witchcrafts, that selleth nations MISUSED. 2 Chr. 36.16. but they despised and m.his prophets MITE, S. Mark 12. 42. a widow threw in two m. Lukeil. 2. Luke 12. 59. till thou hast paid the very last m. MITRE. Eiod. 28. 4. they shall make a m. 39. | 39. 28. 37. a blue lace upon the m. 28. 37. | 39. 31. 29- 6. and thou shalt put the m. upon his head Lev. 8. 9. be put also the holy crown on the m. 16. 4. with the linen m. shall he be attired Zech.3.5.3. fair m. on his head, .so they set a fair m. MIXED. Eiod. 12. 38. a m. iKultitude went up with them Sum. 11. 4. the m. multitude fell a lusting A'eA.13.3.they separated from Isr. all m. multitude Prov. 23. .10. they that go to seek m. wine Isa. 1.22. thy silver is dross, ihywine m.with water Dmn. 2. 41. thou sawest the iron m. with miry clay Hos. 7. 8. Ephraim m. himself among the people. Heb. 4. 2. not being m. with faith in them heard it MIXTURE. Eied. 8. f 21. I will send a m. of noisome beasts 12. * 38. a great m. wentup also with them /'ja/.75.8. there is a cup, wine red, it is full of m. John 19. 39. there came also Nicodcnnis, and brought a m. of mvrrh end aloes MOL Ret. 14. 10. is poured out without m. into the cup MOCK. Prov. 14. 9. fools make a m. at sin; bat among MOCK Signifies, [1] To deride, scoff, or laugh at, t Chron. 30. 10. [2] To speak merrily, or in Jest, Gen. I9. 14. [3] To deceive one's ex. pectation, by departing from uonted obedienct, Num. 22. 29. [4] To htguile Kith aordf, Judg. 16. 10, 13. [5] To 'avish, force, gr abuse. Gen. 39. 17. Gen. 39. 14. he brought in an Hebrew to m us, 17. 1 Sam. 31. t 4. lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through, and m. me, 1 Chron. 10. 4 Job 13. 9. as one that mocketh, do ye so m. him 21, 3. and after that 1 have spoken, m, on Prov. I. 26. 1 will m. when your fear cometh Jer. 0. t5. they will m. every one his neighbour 38. 19. lest they deliver me, and they m. me Lam. 1. 7. the adversary did m. at her Sabbaths i':<>t.22.5.shall wi.thee who art infamous and vexed .l/af.20.19. shall deliver him to Gentiles to m. him Mark 10. 34. they shall m. him and scourge him Luke 14. 29. lest they that behold, begin to m. kim MOCKED. Gen. 19. 14. he teemed as one that m. to bis sons Num. 22.29. Balaam said, because thou hast m. ms Judg. 16. 10. bast m. me, and told me lies, 13. 13. 1 Kings \&. 27. at noon, Elijah m. them, and said 2 Am;/ 2.23. little children out of the city n. Elisha 2 Chton. 30.10. they laughed them to scorn andm. 36. 16. but they m. the messengers of God AVA. 4. 1. Sanballat was wroth, and m. the lews Job 12. 4. I am as one m. of his neighbour Mat. 2. 16. when Herod saw that he was m. he was 27. 29. they bowed the knee and m. 31. lUar* 15. 20. Lnke 18. 32. shall be m. and spitefully entreated 22.63. and the men that held Jesus m. him 23.11. Herod m. him || 36. the soldiers also m.him /^c/f 17. 32. when heard of the resurrection, somem. Gal. 6. 3. be not deceived, God is not m. MOCKER. Prov. 20. 1. wins is a m. strong drink is raging MOCKERSi Job 17. 2. are there not m. with me ? and doth not Psal. 35. 16. with hypocritical m. in feasu Isa. 28. 22. be not m. lest bands be made strong Jer. 15. 17. I sat not in the assembly of m. Jude 18. there should be m. in the latter times MOCKEST. Job 11. 3. when thou m shall no meoi make ashamed ' MOCKETH. Job 13. 9- as one m. another, do ye so mock him . 39. 22. he m. at fear, and is not affrighted Prov. 17. 5. who m. poor reproacheth his Maker 30. 17. eye that m. at his father, eagles shall eat it Jer. 20. 1. I am a derision, every one m. ms MOCKING. Gen. 21. 9. and Sarah saw the son of Hagar m. Mat. 27. 41. the chief priests m. MarkXb.ZX. .ids 2. 13. others m. said, these men are full MOCKING. Ete/c. 23. 4. therefore I made thee a m. to all MOCKINGS. Ilei. 11. 36. other; aad trial of cruel m. MODERATE. 1 Cor. 10. 1 13. no temptation but such as is m. MODERATING. Eph. 6. 1 9. yc masters do the same, m. threatening MODERATION. Phil. 4. 5. let your m. be known to all men MODERATELY. Joel 2. 23. he hath given you the former rain m MODEST. 1 Tim. 2, 9. women adorn themselves in m. apparel MOE, see Morb. MOIST. Num. 6. S. nor shall he eat m. grapes, or dried MOISTENED. Job 21. 24. and his bones are m. with marrow MOISTURE. Psal.32.4. my m. is turned into drought of sunimel Luke 8. 6. it withered away, because it lacked m MOLE. Lev. II. 30. lizard, snail, and m. are unclean MOLES. See Fats. -MOLLIFIED. Isa. I. 6. neither bound np, nor m. with ointment MOLTEN. Eiod. 32. 4. he fashioned it after he had made m. calf, 8. Devt. 9. 12, iC. Neh. 9. 18 34. 17. shalt make thee no m. gods. Lev- I9. 4. 1 Kings'!. 16. he made two chapiters of m. brass 23. he made a m. sea| .30. undersetten m. 33. their felloes and their spokes were all m. Job 28. 2. and brass is m. out of the stone .37. 18. sky is strong, and as a m. looking-glass Etek. 24. 11. the filthiness of it maybe m. in it Mic. 1. 4. the mouDtAisi sikall be m under him MON tiak. !. + 6. th* pilace of Nineveh $h»ll I* m. Sef Image. MOMENT. Exod.33. 5. will come into the midst of thee in a m Vum 16 21. that I may consume ihem in a m. 45. kiTjQ. ■» 8. for a m. grace hath been shewed /oi 7 18. that thou shouldest try him every m. S6 5 the joy of the hypocrite is but for a m. 21'. 13. and in a m. they go down to the grave 54 20. in a m. shall they die, people be troubled I'lal .W. 5- f»r *>'« »"?"■ «"dureth but a m. 73 19. the wicked brought into desolat. as in a. m. Prov VI 19- ab''"8 tongue is but for a m. '/a 36 20. hide thyself as it were for a m. '37.3. I the Ld. do keep it. 1 will water it every m. 47 Q but these two things shall come in a m. iV 7' for a small m. have I forsaken thee b' Thid my face from thee for a m. but with JcT 4 20. my tents spoiled, and my curtains \\\ a m. Lam 4 6 Sodom that was overthrown in a m. Litk 2(5. 16. and shall tremble at every m 32.10. / Hkt 4 5. devil sLew. the kingdoms of world 111 a m. 1 tV. 15. 52. we shall all be changed in a m. Z Cor 4 17. our affliction, which is but for a m. MONEY. Ctn. 25. 9. give it for as much m. as it is worth 13 I will give thee m. for the field, take it 31. 15. and he hath quite devoured also ourm. i" 25 Joseph command, to restore every mail sm. 27. he espied his m. fliS. my m. is restored 43 12. and take double m. in your hands, 15. 23 peace be to you, fear not, I had your m. 44 1 and put every man's m. in his sack s mouth 47 14 Joseph gathered all the m. in Egypt 15 for m. faileth || 18. how that our m. is spent £«rf.21.11.he shall go out free without m. 21. for he is his m. |'|35. and divide the m. 30 if there be 1 aid on him a sum of m. thwi he 22 7. ifa man deliver to his neighbour m. to keep 25. if thou lend m. to any of my people 30. 16. thou shalt take the atonement m. of Israel L*v 25. 37 . not give him m. on usury, Vfut. 23.19. A'um. 3. 49. and Moses took the redemption tn. Veut 2. 6. ye shall buy meat and water for m. 28. 14. 25. turn ii into m. |1 26. shalt bestow that m. 21. 14. Ihou shalt not sell her at all for m. Judg. 5. 19. they fought, they took no gain of m. 16. 18. lords of Philistines brought m. to Delilah 17. 4. yet he restored the m. to his mother 1 Kiiiis 21.2.1 will give thee the worth of it in m. 2 Kmrs 5. 26. is it a time to receive tn. and oxen ? 12.4. all the m. of the dedicated things broughf 12. 7. now therefore receive no more m. li). they saw there was much m. in the chest, and told the m. that was found, 2 Chron. 24. 11. Ifi. the trespass m. and sin m. was not brought 15. CO. Menahem exacted the m. of Israel 23. 35. Jehoiakim gave m. to Pharaoh htra. 3. 7. gave m. also to masons and carpenters 7. 17. buy speedily with this m. bullocks, rams tsth. 5. 4. we have borrowed m. for the king 10. I and my servants might exact of them m. I'jih. 4.7. of thesum of m. Haman had promised Job 31 . Sg. if I have eaten the fruits without m. 42. 11. every man also gave him a piece of m. Fstt. 15 5. he that putteth not out his m.to usury Prov.T. 20. he hath taken a bag of m. with hi'" Etcl. 7. 12. for wisdom and m. is a defence lo.lO.wine makes merry, but m. answers all things ha. 52. 3. ye shall be redeemed without m. £6. 1. he that hath no m. come, buy without m. 2. wherefore spend ye m. for what is not bread .' /fr 32. 9. 1 weighed him the m. 17 shektis, 10. 4.4. men shall buy fields for m. and tubscribe Lam. 5. 4. we have drunken our water for m. jliic. 3. 11. the prophets thereof divine for m. Mat. n.24. they that received the tribute m. came 27. thou shalt find apiece of m. that take and give 22. 19. why tempt ye me .' shew me the tribute m. 25! 18. digged in the earth, and hid his lord's m. 27. thou oughtest therefore to have put my m. to the exchangers, and at my coming, /.t/i* 19-23. 23 12. they gave large m. to the soldiers 15. so they took m. and did as they were taught A/jfitO.B. they took no m. in their purse, Lui« 9.3 1':. 41. the people cast m. into the treasury 14. 11. and promised to give himm. iMke 22.5 uicii 4. .37 . brought the m. and laid it at apostles' feel 8. 18. Simon the sorcerer offered them m. 20. but Piter said, thy m. perish with thee 24. 20. he hoped that m. should have been given I Urn. C. 10. th: love of m. is the root of all evil Hie Bought. MONEY-CHANGERS. Mat. 21.12. Jesus overthrew \.&\>\e.i oi m.-thayigeri, and seats of them that sold doves, Mark 11-15. Jthn 2.14. Jesus found in temple m.-fAang«rj sitting 15. he poured out m..<-/i(T«g. overthrew their tables MONSIERS. tjim. i. 3. even the sea m. draw out the breast 3De MON MONTH. Thi Hebrews had thttr Sacred an.the elders of Jud. sat before me iiaf.l.l.in siith 771. word of Lord came by llaggai 15. iu sixth 771. they did work in house of tha Lord Luke 1. 26. in sixth m. the angel Gabriel was sent 3d. this imxth 771. with her that was called barren See Seventh. 1 Eighth MONTH. Zech 1 1. in eighth 771. came the word to Zecbanab I Ninth MONTH. Etra 10.9. in the 7.i7iM m. the people sat trembling Jer. 3<3. 9. in the niTiM m. they proclaimed a fast £C. the king sat in winter house in the 7ii7i»A 771. Hag'.I.H.M ninth TTi.came word of Ld. by Haggai 18. even from the tiiij*.* 771. consider it Zech 7.1 the wordcame to Zechariah in hitkAbi Tenth MONTH. Gen. 8. 5. the waters decreased until the tenth m, Ezra 10. I6. and sat down in tenth m. to examine l.sth.Z.\6. Esther was taken lothe king in tenth m. Je7-.39.1. <£7iM77i.cameNeb.againstJerusal.52.4. Esek.U.l.xntenth 771. came word of Ld.lome, 29.1. 33 21. in the tenth 771. one that had escaped told me Eleventh MONIH. . Deut. 1 3. in the eleienth m. Moses spake to Israel Zech 1.7 .in eleienth 771. came ihe word to Zechanah Twelfth MONTH. Esth. 3.7. cast lots before Haman to the tiL'elfih m. 13. on the thirteenth day ottxel. m. 8. 12. I 9. 1. Jcr.5;;.31. in twelfth m. Evil-merodach litu-d litad £«i.32.1.ind six m. 5. 5. 1 Chron. 3. \. 6. 11. the ark was with Obed-edom three m. 24.8. they came to Jeruialem at the end of nine m. I Kin's 5. 14. and two m. they were at home 11. 10. for six m. did Joab remain in Edom C Kings 15.8. Zachariah reigned over Israel six m. 1 CAr.S7 ■ 1 .month by month thro' the m. of the year £//A. 2.12. after shehiul been twelve m. purified, six m. with oil of myrrh, six m. with sweet odours Job 3. 6. let it not come into the number of the m. 7- 3. 10 am I made to psssess m. of Tanity 14 5. the number of his m. are with thee SI. St. when the oumber of his m. is cut off ?g. 3. O that I were atrium, past, as in the days 39. 2. canst thou number the m. that they fulfil ? Etek 39.12. seren m. Israel shall be burying of Gog 14. after the end of seven m. shall they search 47. 12. shall bring new fruit according to his m. Van 4.29. at the end of twelve m. Nebuch. walked /.«*< 1.24. Elizabeth conceiv. and hid herselffivewi. 4. 25. many widows in days of Elias, when heaven wjis shut up three years and six m. Jam. 5. 17. John 4. 35. are yet foarm. then cometh harvest Actsl^.W. Paul continaed there a year and six m. Cat. 4. 10. ye observe days, and m. and times Hev. g. 5. they shall be tormented five m. 10. 11. 2. holy city they tread underfoot forty.twom. 13 ^.powerwas given him to continue forty-two m. •SmThreb. MONUMENTS. IiaJ&S. 4. a proroiing people which lodge in ihe m. MOON Is a secondary plantt, tchich altinds ct the earth to gi/e liiht hy niQht, and which fur- niahet the fruits of the earth with the moisture and juices that nourish them, Gtn. 1, I6. Deut. 33. 14. Jer, 31. 35. To which are compared, [Ij The church of God, iecause of her splen- dour and brightness, which she derives from Christ, the Siin of righteousness, as the moon does her light from the sun; and withal to in- timate that the church, like the moon, mail have her eclipses, and be in darkness for a time. Cant. 6. 10. [2] The world, and all earthly things, because of their changeableness and unctrtainiy. Rev. 12. 1. Veut. 3.1. 14. precious things put forth by the m. Josh. 10.12. stand, thou m. in the valley of Ajalon Judg. 8. 1 21. took ornaments from them like m. Job 25. 5. behold the m. and it sbineth not Ptal. 8. 3. when I consider the m. thou ordained 72. 7. and peace so long as the m. endureth 89. 37. it liiall be established for ever as the m. 104. 19- he appoiuteth the m. for seasons Eccl.M 2.while the sun.m. or stars, be not darkened Canf .6.10. fair as m. clear as the sun, and terrible Ita. 3. 18. and their round tires like the m, Se: Sun. A'caMOON. 1 Sam. SO. 5. behold, to-morrow ii the newm. 18^ S Kings 4. 23. it is neither new m. nor sabbath Psal. HI. 3. blow up the trumpet in the new m. Prov. 7. f 20. and will come home at the new m. Jta. €6. 2C. that from one new m. to another Sxk.id. 1. in the day of n(»m. it shall be opened 6. in the day of new m. offer a young bullock Amos 8. 5. saying, when will the new m>be gone ? C«/-'Z,l6. no man judge you in respect of thp 7iea m. New MOONS. 1 Chron. 23. 31. to offer burnt sacrifices in the new m. 2 Chron. 2. 4. | 31. 3. Eira 3. 5. Neh. 10. 33. Exek. 46. 3. Jsa. 1. 1.'. newm. and sabbaths I cannot away with 14. your new m. and feuts my soul hateth Bttk. "45. 17. and drink offerings in the jiew m. Hot. 2. 11. I will cause to cease her new m. MORE. Cen. 29. 30. Jacob loved Rachel m. than Leah J6.7. riches m.than that they might dwell together 37. 3. Israel loved Joseph m. than all his children 6. and his brethren bated him yet the m. 8. Eted. 1. 9. the children of Israel arc m. than we 12. the m. they aff.icted them, the m. they grew 5. 9. let there m. work be laid upon the men 9.54. 1'haraoh sinned yet m.and hardened his heart Jl. 1. yet will I bring one plague m. on Pharaoh '6. 17. they gathered some m. some less 30. 15. the rich shall not give m. nor poor less Lev. 6. 5. and shall add the fifth part m. thereto 13.5. priest shall. shut him up seven days m. 33^1. 26- 18. I will punish you seven times m. 21. Num. 3. 46. first-born which are m. than Lcvitps 82.15. sent again princes m. honourable than they IB. beyond the word of the Lord, 10 do less or m. 19 I may know what the lx)rd will say to me m. 26.54. to many thou shalt give the m. 33. 54. Vevt. 1. 11. the L. make you a thousuid times m. 7» 7- Lord did not set his love on yoo, becatise m. 968 MOR Deut. "J. VI . if thou say, nations are m. than 1, 20.1. ly. 9. then shalt thou add three cities m. for thee Joth. 10.11. they were m. which died with hail Judg. 2. 19. they corrupted themselves m. than 16. 30. m. than they which he slew in his life 18. 24. ye arc gone away, and what have I m..' Ruth 1. 17. Ruth said, the Lord do so to me and m. also, 1 .Sam. 14. 44. 2 Sam. J. 35. ( I9. 13. 3. 10. thou hast shewed m. kindn. in the latter end 1 Sam. 3. 17- God do so to thee and m. also 18. 8. what can ye have m. but the kingdom ? 20. 13. the Lord do so and much m. to Jonathan 22. 15. thy servant knew nothing less or m. 24. 17. he said, thou art m. righteous than I 25. 22. so and m. do God to the enemies of David 3(5. she told him nothing Uss or m. until morning 2 Sam. 3. 9. so do God to Abner, and m. also 5. 13. David took him m. concubines and wives 6. 22. and I will yet be m. vile than thus 7. 20. and what can David say m. unto thee ! 19 43. we have also >n. right in David than ye lA'in»j2.23.Goddoso,m.also,20.10. 2 A'mf/6.31. 16. 33. Ahab did m. to provoke God to anger 19. 2. so let the gods do to me, and m. also 2 Kings i. 6. he said, thert is not a vessel m. 6.16. m. than they that be with them, 2 Chr. 32.7. 21.9. Manasseh seduced them to do m. evil 1 Chron, 21. 3. Lord make his people so many m. 24.4, and there were m. chief men found 2 Chron. 10. 11. I will put m. to your yoke 20.25. found m. spoil than they could carry away 25. 9' the Lord is able to give thee m. than this 28.13. ye intend toadd m. to our sins jmd trespass 22. Ahaz did trespass yet m. against the Lord 29. 34. the Levitej were m. upright in heart 32. 16. his servzmts spake m. against the Lord 33. 23. but Amon trespassed m. and m. EtraT. 20. whatsoever m. shall be needful -V*A. 13. 18. yet ye bring m. wrath upon Israel Esih.2. 17. Esther obtained favour m. than all 6. 6. delight to do honour m. than to myself? Job 3. 21. and dig for it m. than hid treasures 23. 12. his words m. than my necessary food .34. 19. norregardeth the rich m. than the poor 23. for he will not lay on man m. than right 35. 2. saidst, my righteousness is m. than God's 11. who teacheth us m.than the beasts of earth 42. M. Lord blessed the latterendof Job m.than fs. 4.7. m. than when their com and wine increas. 19. 10. m. to be desired are they than gold 40. 5. thy thoughts are m. than can be numbered 12. iniquities are m. than the hairs of mine head 52. 3. thou lovest evil m. than good, and lying 69. 4. that hate me are m. than hairs of mine head 71. 14. and I will yet praise thee m. and m. 73. 7. they have m. than heart could wish 78. 17. and they sinned yet m. against him 87. 2. gates of Zion m. than all dwellings of Jacob 115. 14. the Lord shall increase you m. xod m. 119.99. I havem. understanding than my teachers 100. I understand m. than the ancientf 130. 6. m.than they that watch for the morning Pioe. 3. 15. wisdom is m. precious than rubies 4.18. that shineih m. and m. to the perfect day 11. 24. there is that withholdeth m. than is meet 17- 10. a reproof entereth m. into a wise man 26.12. there ism. hopeof a fool than of him,29.20. Eccl. 2.9. I increased m. than all before me 16. there is no remembrance of wise m. than fool 25. or who can hasten hereunto m. than I ? 4. 2. the dead >». than the living that are yet alive 5.1. and be m. ready to hear than to give sacrifice Canl. 1.4. we will remember tliy love m. than wine 5. 9. what is thy beloved m. than another ? 9. Isa. 5.4. what could been done m. to my vineyard .' 0. 1. afterward did m. grievously afllict her 15. 9. for I will bring m. upon Dimon, lions 52. 14. his visage so marred m, than any man 5t. 1 . for m. are the children of the desolate than Jer. 3. 11. Israel justified herself m. than Judah 46. 23. because they are m. than the grasshoppers Etek. 5. 6. changed my judgments into wickedn. m. 7. because he multiplied m. than the nations 16.47. thou wast corrupted m. than they in all thy ways, 51,58. |£3ill. Dan. 2. 30. not for any wisdom that I have m. than 3. 19. they should heat the furnace seven times m. 11. 8. he shall continue m. years than the king Hos. 6. 6. knowledge of God m. than burnt-offering 13. 2. now they sin m. andm. and have made idols Jonah l.-tU.lhe sea grew m. and m. tempestuous //ai. 1.13. wicked devoureth man m. righteous than 2. + 16. art filled m. with shame than glory Mai. 5. .37- what is m. than these comelh of evil 47. brethren only, what do you m. than othera ? 6. 25. is not the life m. than meat ? Luke 12. 23. 10. 31. of m. value than many .sparrows, Luke 127. 37. he thai loveth fatncr or mother m. than me 11.9. I say unto you, and m. than a prophet 1S.45. taketh seven spirits m. wicked than himself MOR Mat. 13. 12. and he shall have m. abundance 18. 13. he rejoiceth m. of that sheep than of 99 16. then take with thee one or two m 20. 10. they supposed ihcy should have received m. 3 1. but they cried the m.have mercy on us,i7.2."». Mark 10. 48. I 15. 14. Luke 18. 39. 26. 53. give me m. than twelve legions of angeU Mark 4. 24. to you that hear shall m. be given 7. 36. the m. he changed them, so much the m. 18. 43. poor widow cast in m. thaaall, Luke2\. 3 14. 5. the ointment might have been sold for m, Luke 10. 35. what thou spendest m, I will repay 12. 48. committed much, of him they will ask m. 18. 30. who shall not receive manifold m. John 4. 41. many m. believed, because of his word 5. 18. the Jews sought the m. to kill him 7.31. will he do m. miracles than these .' 12. 43. they loved the praise of men m. than 15. 2. purgeth it, that it may bring forth m. fruit 21. 15. Simon, lovest thou me m. than these ? Acts 4. 19. to hearken to you m. than to God 5. 14. believers were the m. added to the Lord 9. 22. but Saul increased the m. in strength 19. 32. the m. part knew not why they came 20. 35. it is m. blessed to give, than to receive 23. 13. there were m. than forty who conspired, 21. 27. 11. believed the muter m. than Paul /^cm. 1.25. who served the creature m. than Creator 3. 7. if the truth of God hath m. abounded 8. 37. in all these we are m. than conquerors 1 Cur. 8. +8. neither if we eat, have we the m. 9.19.°i7sclf servant to all,that Imightgain the m. 14. IB. I speak with tongues m. than you all 2 Cor. 7.7. so I rejoiced the m. || 10.8.1 boast the m. 11. 23. I am m. in prisons m. frequent, in deaths oft Gal. 4. 27. the desolate bath many m. children PAiV. 1.9. love may abound m.and m. 1 7'A(/.f.4.10 3. 4. if he might trust in the flesh, I m. 1 Thess. 4. 1. in pleasing God, abound m. and m. 2 Tim. 3.4. lovers of pleasure m.than lovers of God Philem 21. that thou wilt also do m. than I say Heb. 11 32. what shall I say m. time would fail 12. 25. much m. shall not we escape, if we turn 26. yet once m. I shake not the earth only, 27 Jam. 4. 6. he givelh m. grace, wherefore he saitt 2 Pet. 1. 19. we have a m. sure word of prophecy Rev. 2. 19. and the last to be m. than the first 9. 12. behold, there come two woes m. hereafter See ABtlNDANTLIf. Any MORE. Gen. 8. 12. the dove returned not again any m. 21. I will not curse the ground any m. 9. 11. 17. 5. nor shall thy name anym. be called Abrani 35. 10. not any m. be called Jacob, but Israel Esod. 8. 29. let not Pharaoh deal deceitfully any m, 9. 29- neither shall there be any m. hail 11.6. nor shall there a cry be like it any m. 36. 6. let neither man nor woman make any m. Lev. 87. 20. it shall not be redeemed a'ly m. Num. 18.5. that there be no wrath anym. on Israel Deut. 5. 25. if we hear the voice of the iA.any m 18. 16. neither let me see this great fire any m. Josh. 5. 12. neither had Israel manna any m. 7. 12. neither will I be with you any m. Ruth 1. 11. are there any m. sons in my womb' 1 Sam. 27. 1. Saul shall despair to seek me any in. 2 Sam. 7. 10. nor children of wickedn. afflict any m, 10. 19. feared to help Ammonaiiy m. 1 C'Ar.iy.lQ i9. 29. why speakest thou any m. of thy matters hings 21. 8. neither will I make the feet of Israd move any m. out of the land, 2 Chr. .33. 8 Jo* 7. 10. iiorshallhis place know him anym. 20. 9 34. 31. it is meet to say, I will not offend any m. Eccl. 9. 5. neither have they any m. a reward Ita. 1. 5. why should ye be stricken any m. .' 2. 4. nor shall theyle.^rn war any m. Mic. 4. 3. 30. 20. nor shall thy teachers be removed any m 62. 4. nor shall thy land be termed desolate any m. Jer. 3. 16. neither shall that be done any m. 17. nor walk «nym. after ini»gination of heart 10. 20. there is none to stretch forth my tmt any m . 20. 9. 1 said, I will not speak any m. in his uauM 22. 11. he shall not return hither any m. .30. no man shall prosper, ruling any m. in Judah 31. 12. they shall not sorrow any m. at all 40. it shall not be thrown down any m. fur ever 34.10. shouldnot serve ihrmselves of them anym. Eiek 5. 9. whereunio 1 will not do any m. thclilcc 12. 28. none of my words be prolonged any m 16. 41. thou also shalt give no hire any m. 63. thou mayest never open thy mouth any m 21. 5. my sword shall not return any m. 23. 27. thou shalt not remember Egypt any m. 2t. 13. not be purged from thy Uthiuess any 27. .36. be a terror,and never shalt be any m.20.19 29. 15. neither shall it exalt itself any m. 32. 13. nor foot of man troublethem any m. 37.2) 39. 28. bat I have left none of them anyro. there 29. nor will I hide- my face any m. from taem Hat. 14. 3. Dor taj any m. to the work of our bauit MOR MOR Hoi. 14-8. ^^la-' ^^'^'^ ^ ^° ^° ""^ "'■ ^ ''^ ''^°^' ' Joel 3. ]'• no strangers pass through her ajty m. /Imci7-S. 1 will not again pass by them a. "'■^■-■ IJ. but prophesy not again any m. at Eeth-el Zeph. 3. 15. thou shalt not see evil any m. A/a/. 22.46. nor durst any ask him any m. questions Mark 8. 14. they had not any m. than one loaf 9. 8. they »aw no man any m. save Jesus only Luke 20.36. neither can they die awym. for they 22. 16. I will not eat anvm. thereof, until It be Bom. 14. IS. let us not judge one another any m. iIei.K.19. word should not be spoken to them a.m. Rtv. 7. 16. neither shall they thirst any m. 12. 8. nor was their place in heaven found any m. 18. 11. DO minbnyeth her merchandise any m. 21.4. neither shall there be any m. pain No MORE. Gen. 9. 15. the waters shall no m. become a flood 32.28. th» name shall be called no m. Jacob 38. 26. and Judah knew her again no m. 44. 23. ye shall see any face no m. Eiod. 10. 18. Kxcd. 5. 7. ye shall no m. give the people straw 10. 29. he »aid, I will see thy face again no m. 14. 13. ye shall see them again no m. for ever L4V. 17.7. shall no m. offer their sacrifices to deviU yum. 8. 25. from age of fifty they shall serve no m. Dtul.3.i6. speak no m. to me of this matter 5. 29. theie words the Lord spake, and added no m. 10. 16. circumcise, and be no m. stiff-necked IS. n.sballdonom.such wickedness, 17. 13. 17. 16. henceforth return no m. that way 28. 68. thou shalt see it no m. again, and be sold 31. 2. 1 am 120 years,! can num. go out and come in Jo:h. 23. 13. God will no m. drive out these nations Judg. 8. 28. so they lifted up their heads no m. 10. 13. wherefore I will deliver you no m. 1 .Sam. 1. 18. her countenance was no m. sad 5. 3. talk no m. so exceeding proudly 7. 13. they came 710 m. into the coast of Israel 15. 35. and Samuel came no m. to see Saul 18. 2. let him go no m. home to his father's house S6. 21. return, for I will num. do thee harm 27. 4. and he sought nam. again for him S8. 15. and answereth me no m.by prophets 2 Sam. 2. 28. and pursued after Israel no m. 7. 10. 1 will plant Israel, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no m. 1 Chr. 17 .9. 21 . 17. thou shalt go no m. out with us to battle 1 Kings 10.5. there was no m. spirit in her, 2CAr.9.4. t Kings 2. It. and Elisha saw Elijah no m. 6. 23. the bands of Syria came no m. into the land 9. 35. they found no m. of her than the skull 1 CAron. S3. 26. shall no m. carry the tabernacle J^«*.e.l7. let us build, that we be nom. a reproach 13. 21. they came no m. on the sabbath i2fM. 1. 19. Vashti came no m. before the king S. 14. she came no m. in to the king, except /oil.!, mine eyes shall no m. see good 8. shall see me no m. || 9. shall come up no m. 10. he shall return no m. to his house 14. 12. man riseth not, till the heavens be no m. 20. 9. the eye that saw him shall see him no m. $4. 30. he shall be no m. remembered 32.15. they were amazed, they answered no m.l6, 34. 32. if I have done iniquity, I will do no m. ♦I. 8. remember the battle, do no m. Ptal. 10. 18. that man of earth may no m. oppress 39. 13. spare me, before 1 go hence, and be nom. 41. 8. now that he lieth, he shall rise up no m. 74. 9. see not signs, ^here is no m. any prophet 77. 7. will he cast off, and be favourable nom. 83. 4. that name of lsr.be nom. in remembrance 88. 5. the slain, whom thou rememberest no m. 103. 16. the place thereof shall know it nom. 104. 35. and let the wicked be no m. Pro*. 10.25. as the whirlwind, so is the wicked no m 31. 7. and remember his misery no m. Feel. 4. 13. king, who will no m. be admonished Isa. 1 . 13. bring no m. vain oblat. incense abomin. 10.20. shall no m. stay on him that smote them 19. 7. shall wither, be driven away, and be no m. 23. 10. there is no m. strength || 12. no m. rejoice 26. 21. the earth shall no m. cover her slain 30.19. shall weep »om. || 38. 11. behold man n* m. 32 . 5. the vile person shall be no m. called liberal 47. 1. thou shalt no m. be called tender and delic. 5. shalt no m. be called the lady of kingdoms 51. 22. thou shalt no m. drink it again 52. 1. no m. come into the uncircumeised 60. 18. violence shall no m. be heard in thy land 19. the sun shall be no m. thy light by day 20. thy sun shall n» m. go down, nor thy moon 32. 4. thou shalt n« m. be termed Forsaken 8. 1 will n« m. give thy com to thine enemies 65. 19. the voice of weeping shallbe no m. heard 20. there shall be no m. thenoe an infant of days /fr.2.31. we are lords, we will come nam. to thee 3.16. they shall say no m. the ark of the covenant 7. 32. it shall no m. be called Tophet, 19. 6. 11, IQ. that his name may be no m. remembered 890 J«r.l6.14.shaU be no CT.said,the Lord hveih, .37. 22 10. shall return no m. \\ 12. see this land no m. 23 4 they shall fear no m. nor be dismayed 36 the burden of the Lord shall ye mention no m. 25 °7 fall and rise no m. because of the sword 31. 34. and they shall teach no m. every mau his neighbour, and I will remember their sm no m. 33.24. they should be nom. a nation belore them 42 18. and ye shall see this place 710 m. 44. 26. my name shall be 710 m. named in Egypt 49.7. thus sailh Lord, is wisdum no m. in lemau 50 39 it shall no m. be inhabited for ever Lmm 2 9.the law is no m. her prophets find no vision 4 22 he will no m. carry thee away into captivity Eick 12 24. there shall be no m. any vain vision 25' anil my word shall be no m. prolonged 13. 15. the wall is no m. \\ 14. 11. go no m astray 21. and they shall be jjo m. la your hand 23. therefore ye shall see no m. vanity 16. 42. I will be quiet, and will be no m. angry 19. 9. that his voice should be nom. heard 20. 39. but pollute ye my holy name no m. 21. 13. it shall be no m. saith the Lord, 27. 32. thou shalt be no m. remembered, L. spoken it 24. 27. and thou shalt speak, and be nom dumb 26. 14. thou shalt be no m. built |l 21. shalt be no m. 28. 24. there shallbe no m. a pricking brier to Isr. 29. 15. they shall no m. rule over the nations 16. shall be 710 m. the confidence of Israel 30. 13. there shall be no m. a prince of Egypt 34. 22. and they shall be no m. a prey, 28, 29. 36. 14. therefore thou shalt devour men wo m. 37. 22. and they shall be no m. two nations 43. 7. my name shall house of Israel no m. defile 45! 8. my princes shall no m. oppress my people Hos. 1.6. I will nom. have mercy upon Israel 2. 16. and thou shalt call me no m. Baali 17. they shall no m.be remembered by their name •9.15. 1 will drive them out, I will love them nom Jotl 2. 19. I will no m. make you a reproach Amos 5. 2. the virgin is fallen, she shall no m. rise 9. 15. they shall no m. be pulled out of their land Mic. 5. 12. thou shalt have nom. soothsayers 13. thou shalt no m. worship work of thine hands Nail. 1. 12. I will afflict thee no m. saith the Lord 14 . a command that no m . of thy name be sown 15. the wicked shall no tn. pass through thee 2. 13. voice of thy messengers shall 710 m. be heard Zeph. 3. 11. and thou shall no m. be haughty Zech. 11. 6. I will no m. pity the inhabitants 13. 2. and they shall no m. be remembered 14. 11. there shall be no m. utter destruction 21. be no m. the Canaanite in the house of Lord a/a/. 19.6. they are no m.twain,butone, Afari 10.8. MarkT. 12. and ye suffer him no m. to do ought 9. 25. come out of him, and enter no m. into him 14.25. 1 will drink nom. of the fruit of the vine Luke 3. 13. exact no m. than what is appointed 9. 13. we have no m. but five loaves, and two fishes 12.-4. after th.-xt have no m. that they can do John 5. 14. thou art made whole, sin no m. 8. 11. 6. 66. many went hack, and walked no m. with him 14. 19. a little while the world seeth me no m. 15. 4. no m. can ye, except ye abide in me 16. 10. I go to my Father, and ye see me no m. 21. she remembereth nom. the anguish, for joy 25. when I shall no m. speak in parables 17.11. now I am no m in the world, but these are Acts 8. 39. that the eunuch saw him no m. 13. 34. now no m. to return to corruption 20.25. I know that ye stall see my face nom. 38. fl«m.6.9.dieth no m. death hath no m. dominion 7. 17. now then it is no m. 1 that do it, but sin, 20. ll.d.it is nom. of works, else grace is nom. grace, but if it be of works, grace is no m . grace 2 Cor. i. 16. yet henceforth know we him no m. Gal. 3. 18. if of the law, it is no m. of promise 4. 7. thou art no m. a servant, but a son Eph. 2. 19. ye are no m. strangers and foreigners 4. 14. we be no m. children tossed to and fro 28. let him that stole steal no m.but labour //<*.8.12.theiriniquitiesl will rememb. nom. 10. 17 10. 2. should have had no m. conscience of sins 18. there is no m. offering for sin, 26. Rev. 3. 12. he that overcomcth shall go nom. out 7. 16. shall hunger no m. neither thirst any more 18. 14. thou shjt find them no m. at all 22. musicians shall be heard no m. in thee, 23 20. 3. that he should deceive the nations no m. 21 1. no in.»ea||4. no m. death|i22. 3. nom. curses Much MOKE. Etod. 36. 5. the people being much m. than enough Proc. 11. 31. much m. the wicked and the sinner Jsa. 56. 12. aj this day, and much m. abundant Mai. 6. 30. shall he not much m. clothe you - Luke 5 15. so much m. went a fame of him abroad 7. 26. I say untoyoo, and much m. than a prophet Rom. 5. 9. much m. being now justified by his blood 10 muchm. being reconciled, we shall be saved n.much m. they that receive ahandance of grace MOR Rom 5 20. where sin abounded, grace m.m. abound 2 Cor. 3.9. much m.dotli ministration of righteousn. 11. rnwA m. that which remaineth is glorious 8. 22. but now we have provti muchm. diligent P/iil. 1. 14. are much m. bold to speak thereof 2 12. have obeyed, now much m. iu my absence He6 10.25.so much m. as you see day approaching 12. 25. muchm. shall not we escape, if we turn I Pel 1 7 being much m. precious than of gold MOREOVER. Psal. 19. 11. m.by them is thy servant warned ha. 39.8. he said, m. there shall be peace and truth Etek. 16. 29. thon hast m. multiplied fornication Z«<;/j.5.6.m. this is their resemblance through earth Hei 11 36.ofmockings,m.of bonds and impnsonm. MORNING Signifies, [1] The ieginning of ihi day, or tht time of the sun's rising, Mark I6. 2. Luke 24. 1. [2] The one pari 0/ a natural day. Gen. 1. a The evening and the morning make the day, ac- cording to Moses, because the ancient Ihbre-uii began their day in the evening. [3] The gene- ral resurrection, when Ihe dead shall be raised, Psil. 49. 14- Death being called the night, John 9. 4. and compared to sleep, John U. 11. that day is filly compared to the morning, icheii men awake out of sleep, and enter upon that everlasting day. [4] Early or seasonably. Psal 5. 3. [5] Unieasonably. Eccl. 10. 16. [6] Suddenly, or qnicklv, or in a short time, Psal. 30. 5. [7] Dai'li. Psal. 73. 14. [8] The light, Joel 2. 2. Wings of the morning, Psal. 139- 9- denote a rapid flight : there being no motion tut know oj so rapid as the diffusion of ihe beams of the sun at the breaking of Ihe day. Gen. 19. IS.when the m.arose.the angel hastened l.o! 24. 54. Abraham and servants rose up in tlie m. 26. 31. they rose betimts in the m. and sware 29! 25! that in the m. behold it was Leah 32. 1 24. wrestled wilh him till ascending of the m 40. 6. Joseph came into them in the m. were sad 40. 27. in the m. he shall devour the prey Ezod. 7. 15. get thee to Pharoah in the m. 10 13. in the m. the east-wind brought locusts 14 27. the sea returned to his .strength in the m. 16. 7 in the m. ye shall see the glory of the Lord 8. shall give you in the m. bread to the full, 12. 13. in the m. the dew lay round about the host 29. 39. one lamb thou shalt offer in m. JVTwm. S8.4 41. according to the meal-offering of the m. 34. 2. be ready in them, and come up in the m. 25. nor shall the passover be left to the m. Lev. 6.9. the burning on the altar all night to the m. Num. 9. 21. the cloud was taken up in the m. 22 21 Balaam rose in them.and saddled his as3,22. Deui. 28. 67. in the m. would God it were even Judg.6.3l.\et him be put to death whilst it is yet m. 16. 2. in the m. when it is day, we shall kill him 19 27.her lord rose in the m. and opened the doors 20. 19. the children of Israel rose up in the m. iSam. 13. t 4. why art thou lean m. by m. f 23. 4. and he shall be as the light.of the m. when the sun riseth, even a m. without clouds "4 11. for when David was up in the m. word cami 1 h'in's 3. 21. when I had considered it in the m. 18 2^ and called on name of Baal from m. to noon Neh. 4.21. some laboured from m. till stars apptar 8. 3. he read therein from m. to mid-day Job 3. t9. nor let it see the eye-lids of the »n. 7.21 .thou shalt seek me in the m .but I shall not be 11. 17. thou shalt shine forth, and be as the m. 24. 17. for the m. is to them as the shadow of death 38.12. hast thou commanded the m. since thydays 41. 18. his eyes are like eyelids of the m. Psal 5.3 my voice shall thou hear in them. O Ld. in the m. will I direct my prayer to thee 30. 5. weeping for a night, but joy cometh in the m. 46. t5. God shall help whan the m. appeareth 49. 14 .shall have dominion over them in the pi. 49. 16. I will sing of thy mercy in the m. 88. 13. U) the m. shall my prayer prevent thee 90. 5. in the m. they are like grass whicn grows up 6. in the m. il flourisheth and groweth up 119. 147. I prevented the dawning of the m. 130. 6. waits more than they that watch f"' ">e »» 139. 9. if I take the wings of the m. and dwell 143. 8. to hear thy loving-kindness in the m. £f /. 10.1 e.thy king.a child and princes eat in tl;t m. 11. 6. in m. sow thy seed, and in the evening Cant. 6. 10. who is she that looketh forth as the m. Isa. 14.12. how art fallen, O Luciler.son of the m. 17. 14. and behold, before the m. he is nut 21. 12. the watchman said, the m. cometh 28 ig.for m. by m. shall it pass over.by day and n. 50. 4. ho wakeneth m. by m. he wakeneth my 58. 8. then shall thy light break forth as the Jer. 5.8 they were as fed horses in the m.every 20. 16. and let him hew the cry in the m. MOR Jcr. 21. 12. execiite judgnient in the m. and deliver ^r<*.7.7.the m. iscoiiie oiiiliee, U thou that dwells 10. the m. is gone forth, the rod balb blossomed 12. t;. in the m. came the word of the Lord S4. 18. 1 spalte to the people in the m. at even my wife died, I did m the m. as I was commanded 83. CC. opened my mouth until came to me in the m. Hos. 6. 3. his going forth is prepared as the ra. 4. for your goodness is as am. cloud, as early dew 7. 6. in the m. it burneth as a flaming fire 10. 16. in a m. shall the king of Israel be ctit ofT loel C. C. as the m. spread upon the mountains Amos i.\i. that maketh them, darkn. and treadeth 5. 8. and turneth the shadow of death into the m. J.maU 4. 7- God prepared a worm when the m. rose ilic. 1. 1. when the m. is light, they prjictise it Mat. If). 3. in the m. it will be foul weather 27. I. when m. was come, the elders took counsel Vatk 1 1 . CO. in the m. as they passed by, they saw 13. 35. watch, or at the cock-crowing, or in m. Early in the MORNING. Gen. I9.27. Abrah. gat up tarlv i» m.21.14. | 22.3. 20. 8. therefore Abimelech rose early in the m. 28.18. .lacob rose up early in m.and set up a pillar 31.55. L.aban rose et4i.l6.4. nor any of the flesh remain u»(i7//i« m. Judg. 19. 25 they abused her all night witil the m. AHM3.13.liedownun(i/r.m.|jl4.she lay un«i//.m. 1 5am. 3. 15. and Samuel lay KMriV /. m. 2Lnd opened 19. 2. therefore take heed to thyself until the m. 2 Kings 10 S.lay headsof kingsin two heaps Kii.m. Prov. 7.18. let us take our fill of love until the m. Isa. 3B. 13. 1 reckoned until the m. that as a lion MORNING light. I Sam. 14. 36. and let us spoil them nntil m. light 25. 22. all that pertain to him m. light .36. Abigail told him nothing until m. light t Sam. 17. 22. they passed over Jordan by m. light S Kiigs 7. 9- they said, if we tarry until m. light See Cloud. MORNING star and stars. M SH. 7. when m. stars sang together, sons of God Kev. 2. 28 and I will give him the m. tiar 22. 10. I Jesus am the bright and m. star MORNING tcatek. Exod. 14. 24. in m. vateh the Lord said to Moses 1 Sam. 11. 11. came into middle of host in m. natch MORROW. Cf«n. 30. ♦ 33. my righteousness answer for me to m. heod. 8. 23. to m. shall this sign be, the Lord did si \). 6. to m. the Lord shall do this thing in the land 6. the Lord did that thing, on the m. cattle dierl 13. t 14. asketh ihee tom. I)cui.().\\O.Josh.i.^(S. 16.23. to m. is the rest of the holy sabbath to Lord 19. 10. go, and sanctify them to day and to m. 32. .5. A.-iron said, to m. is a feast to tl«; Lord l*v.T.\&. on m. the remainder shall be eaten, 19,6. 22.30. ye shall leave none of it till the m. 291 MOT Lev. 23.11. on m. after sabbath priest shall wave it 15. ye shall count from the m. after the sabiiath Sum.ll. IB. say thou to the people, sanctify your- selves against to m. ye shall eat. Josh. 7. 13. 16. 5. to m. the Lord will shew who are his 16. be thou, they and Aarou to m. before Lord 41.0a the m. the congregation murmured Joih. 3. 5. to m. Lord will do wonders among yju 5.12. manna ceased on the m. after they bad eaten 22. 18. to m. he will be wroth with congregation ■t24. tom. your children might speak to ourchildr. J"dg. 19. 9. to m. get you early on your way 20. 28. go up, for to m. I will deliver them 1 Sam. 11.9. to ">. by that time the sun be hot 20. 5. behold, to m. is the new moon, 18. 28. 19. to m, shalt thou «.14.+ll. let not m. man prevail against thee Joi 4. 17. shaJl m. man be more just than God? Jiom. 6. 12. let not sin reign in your m body 8. J l.shall also quicken your m.bodiesby hisSpirit 1 Cor. 15. 53. this m. must put on immortality, 51. 2Cor.4. 11. life of Jesus be manifest inourm. flesh MORTALITY. 2 Cor. 5. 4. that m. might be swallowed up of life MORTALLY. Deut. 19.11. and smite his neighbour m. that he die MORTER. Gove, be- cause its original is from heaven, and its mem. hers have Ibeir conversation there, Phil. 3. 20. [2J To a valiant inoman, of uhom God made use lo deliver hit people, la instruct ahd take care of them uiih a tender affection, Judg. 5. 7- I''] To matroTU or aged uomen, to uhom ue ought to carry ourselves respect fully, because of their age, as duuful children do to their mothers, 1 lim. 5. 2. [4] To all true believers who are more dear and near to Christ, than the nearest relations are to any person, Jlat. 12. 49, 50. [5] To one ulu> ten- ders and loves another, at a mother does her son, Rom. l6. 13. [6] To a femalt superur, whether a mother, methtr-in-iaa, one tidvam id in age, a teacher, or govemest, Exod. CO. 12. [7] To iht kingdom of Judah, the city Jeru- salem, or the Jamily of David, Ezek. ly. 2, 10. [8] I'e a metropolis, or the capital Illy of t country or of a tribe, 2 Sam. CO. 19. lien. 3. 20. because she was the m. of all living 17 . 16. 1 will bless her, she shall be a m. of of na- tions £4. 28. the damsel told them of her m. house 53. he gave to her brother and m. precious things 60. be thou the m. of thousands of millions 32. 11. lest he smite the m. with the children Lzod. 2. 8. the maid went and called the child's m. Lev.iO.li. to take a wife and her m. is wickedLe&s Judg. 5. 7. till that I Deborah arose a m. iu Israel 28. the m. of Sisera looked out at a window Ruth 1.8. go, return each to her m. bouse 2 Sam. 17.25. Abigail, sister to Zeruiah, Joab's m £0. 19. thou seekest to destroy a m. iu Israel 1 Kings 2. 19. caused a seat to be set for the king's m. 3. 27. give her the child, she is the m. thereol 2 Kings 24. 15. he carried away the king's m. Psal. 113.9- a."d 10 be a joyful m. of children Prov. 30. 11. a generation doth not bless their m. Can^. d. 9. my dove, she is the only one of her m. Jsa. 50. 1. where is the bill of your m. divorce. Jer. 50. 12. your m, shall be sore confounded Eiek. 16. 44. as is the m. so is the daughter 45. your m. was an ilittite, father aii Amorite 21. t 21. king stood at the m. of the way 2'3. 2. wer£ two women the daughters of one m. Uos. 2.2. plead with your m. for she is not my wife 5. for their m. hath played the harlot 10. 14. m. was dashed in pieces upon her children Mic, 7.6. daughter riseth op against her m. ain-in'i enemies of his house, Mat. 10. 35. Luke 12. .W Mat. 8. 14. saw Peter's wife's m. sick, Luke 4. 38. 14.8. she being before instructed of her m. 11. and she brought it to her m. JUark6.C8. 19. 12. eunuchs were so bom from their m. womb £0. 20. then came the m. of Zcliedce's children Luke I. 43. the m. of my Lord should CQtut to me .' Johni. 1. the m. of Jesus was there, Acts 1.14. .icit 12. 12. became to house of .Mury m. of John Gal. 4. 26. Jerusalem which is the m. of us all Rev. 17.5. the m. of harlots and abominatior>s See Path EH. His MOTHER. Gen. 21. 21. his m. took him a wife out of Egyp* 24.67. Isaac brought Rebckah into his m. Sarihi tent, and was comforted after the death of Aum. 27. 14. Jacob went and brought them to hit m. 30. 14. Reuben brought mandrakes to his m. 4j. 29. he saw bis brother Eenjaniin, his m. son '14.20. he alone is left of A. m. his father loves bin Ejod. 23. 19. thou shall not seethe the kid in hu m. milk, .34. 26. Deut. 14. 21 Lev. CO. 17. shall take hit m. daughter and see her 24. 11. his m. name was Shelomith, tribe of Dan .\um. 12. 12. when he cometh out of Ai/m. womb /'. ni. 27. 22. that lieih with the daughter of his m Judg. 9. 1. Abimelech went to his m. brethren 17. 2. he said \ohism. || 3. he restored it to his wu 1 Sam. 2. 19. hit m. made him a little coat 1 Kings 1 . 6. and hit m. bare him after Absalom 15. 13. his m. he removed from being queen 17. 23. Elijah delivered him to his m. and said 22. 52. Ahaziah walked in 'he way of Aii m. C A iiif r 4. 19. ue laid to a lad, carry him Kohis rn MOV IChron. 4. 9. >)is m. caV.ed his namt Jabei 2 Chr.ii.Z.his m.was his counsellor to do wickedly Pia!. 35. 1-1. as one that moarneth for hit m. lOJ. 14. let not the sin of Ais m. be blotted out 131. 2- 33 a child that is weaned of hit m. ProT. 30.1. afoolish son is the heaviness of Ait 16. CO. but a foolish man despiselh Ait m. f9. 15. a child left bringeth hit m. to shame 31. 1. the prophecy that /lit m. taught him Ktcl. 5. 15. Mhe came forth o!Ait m. womb, naked Cam .1. 11. crown wherewith Ai> m. crowned him Tta. §6. 13. as one whom Ait m. comforteth hlai. 1. 18. when hit m. was espoused to Joseph 2. 13. take the young child and Ai/ m. and flee, 20. I2.46./1IJ m. stood without, A/ar* 3.31.£u*< 8. I9. 13. 55. carpenter's son, is not Aim. called Mary ' Lii*< 1.15. filled with Holy Ghosl from Aw m. womb Co All m. said, he shall be called John 2. 43. but Joseph and Ait m. knew not of it 51. but hit m. kept these saj-ings in her heart 7. 12. the only son o{ hit m. and she was a widow 15. he sat up. and he delivered him to hitm. JoAji 3.4.can he enter second time imohit m.womb? 19. 25. hit m. stood by the cross of Jasus 26. when Jesus saw his m. he saith to Ait m. Aett 3.2. certain man lame from /ji* m.womb, 11.8. Rem. 16. 13. salute Rufus and Ait m. and mine MOTHF.R-TN-LAW. D««. 27-23. cursed bethatlieth with his fn.-iH./aw Hut A 1. 14. ai:d Orpah kissed her m.-inlaa 2. 11. all that thou hast done to thy m.-nt-laa 23. and Ruth dwelt with her m.-in-law 3. 6. accordins to all thather m.-in-lazc bade her 17. for'he said, go not empty to thy m.-in-law Alic. 7. 6. the daughter-in-law riseth up against the m.-iji-lav; Mat. 10. 35. Luke 12. 53. My MOTHER. Gen. CO. 12. she is not the daughter of mt/m. Jxd^. 8. 19. my brethren, even the sons of my m. 16.17. I have been a Nazarite from my m. womb \ King! 9. 20. the king said to her, ask on, my m. JM 1.21. naJied came I out of my m. womb 3. 10. it shut not up the doors of my m. womb 17. 14. I have said to the worm, thou art my m. 31. 18. and I have guided her from my n. womb Ptal. 22.^. make me hope, when on my m. breasts 10. thou art my God from my m. belly 51. 5. and in tin did my m. conceive me 69. 8. I am become an alien to my m. children 71. C. thou art be that took me out of my ro. bowels 139. 13. thou hast covered me in my m. womb Proi'. 4. 3. tender and beloved in the sight of my m. Cam. 1. 6. my m. childrenwere angry with me S. 4. until I had brought him to my m. house 8. 1. my brother that sucked the breasts of my m. 2. and I would bring thee into my m. house /lo. 49.1. from the bowels of my m. he made mention /«r.l5.10. woe is me, my m.that thou hast borne me SO. 14. let not the day wherein my m. bare me 17. or that my m. might have been my grave Afu/.12.48. Jesus said, who ismy m. t Maris. 33. 49- behold my m. and my brethren, HJari 3. 34. Luie 8. 21 . my m. and my brethren are these Go/. 1.15. God, who separated nie from my m.womb TAy MOTHER. Cen. 27.29. and let //lym. sons bow down to thee 37. 10. shall I and tAy m. come to bow to thee .' Luch, .Mat. 23. 4. [8] To deter, or discourage one Jrom doing a thing. Acts 20. 24. [9] To be ten- sibly affected both uilh uonder at, and passion touardt, a perton under affticlion, Ruth 1. 19. Eiod. 11.7. not a dog m. his tongue against any t^-ev. 11. 10. of all that m. in the waters Dtut, 23. 25. not m. a sictle into neighbour's corn *2. 21. and I will m. them to jealousy with those Judg. 13. 25. the Spirit of the Lord be^an to m. him 2.!iu». 32.50. and die «n<.m.EU> Aaron died inm.Hor Josh.&. .30. Joshua built an altar 10 Lord in m Ebal 2 Kings 23.16. Josiah spieJ the sepulchres in the m, 2 Chr.3. 1. to build the house of L. iiim.MoriaU Aa. 28.21. for the L. sliall rise up as in m. Perat. Crn. 1.21, Godcr«atedevcry living aeature chatm. Acts! 3U. the angel who soake to him inm, Sina MOU 2 Pet. 1.18 wh«n we were with him I'li lAt holy m. See GcLBOA. MOUNT of Olhes. Ztth. 14. 4. his feet shall stand on the m. of Olives, the m. ofOliiiei shall cleave in tne midst thereof Ifar. 21.1. they were come to m. of 01. Luke ig. 1'). 24. 3. and as he sat uponm. of Olives, Mark 13. 3. S6.30. and when he had sung an hymn, they weat out into m. of Olives, Mark 14.26. Luke 9.Z.VJ Luke 19. 37. he was at the descent of m. of Olives Sl.37.at night we went out, and abode in m. of Ol. TohnS. 1. .lesus went unto ihem. of Olives Acli 1. 12. then they returned from the m. of Olives Set Srir, ZioN. MOUNTS. Jtr. 32. 24. the m. are come to tte city tfftake it 33.4. the houses which are thrown down by the m. Etik, 17. 17. nor make for him, by casting up m. MOUNTAIN Signifies, fl] vl vie idolatrous inhabilani% of Ihe moHHiains, L^zek. 6. 2. [4] Places of power aud authorily in n kingdom, Amos 4. 1. [5] High places, whereoit idols were worshipped, Isa. 5*. 7. Ezek. 18. C [6] Such powerful obstacles as hinder the progress of the g«spel,'UA. 40. 4. | 49-11. [7] Jdols that were worshipped in mountains, or hi^h place:, Jer. 3. 23. [8] The most lofty aud powerful ejttmits, Isa. 41 . 15. A Catalogue of the most famous mountains men- tioned in Scripture. Mount Amalek, in Ihe iriht of Ephraini, JuJ^ 12. 15. Mount Calrary, lofltrton our Ijird Jesus Christ was crucified, north-west from Jerusalem, Luke 23. %Z. Mount Carmel, near the Mediterranean-sea, httween Dora and Ptolemais, Josh. I9. C6. Mount Ebat, near to Gerizim, Josh. 8. 30 T/i* mountain of £n-gedi, near the Dead-Sea, Josh. 15. 62 Af»KH/Gaash, i;« tribe of Ephraim, Josh. 24. .30. Mount Gilboa, to the soiu/t of Ihe valley of Israel, 2 Sam. 1. 21 JIfoimr Oilead,;«y0Ki/Jordan, Gen 31 Cl.23,25. Mount Gerizim, whereon was afterwards the Itmple of the Samaritans, Jiidg 9- *■ Mount Hermon, beyond Jordan, Josh 11. 3. Mount llor, in Iduniea, Num. SO. 22. Mount Iloreb, near ru Sinai, iu Arabia Petrxa, Dent. 1. 2. Mount Lebanon, lehich separates Syria from Palestine, Deut. 3 25 Mount Moriah, where the temple was built, Chron. 3. 1. Mount Ncbo, part of the mountains of Abarim, Num. 32. 3 The mount of Olives, which stood to the east of Terusalem, and was parted from ihe city only iu the brook Kidron, and ihe valtei/ o/'Jehosha- phat. // was otherwise called, 'I'V.e mount of CoiTuption, 2 Kings 23. 13. because on it Solo. Bion iuill high places to the gods of the Am- nonites and Moabites, out of complaisance to his idolatrous wives, natives of these nations, I Kings 11. 1, 7. It was from this mountain 9W Saviour ascended into heaven. Acts 1. 12. Mount of Paran, in Arabia Petra:a, Gen. 14. fc Deut. 1. 1. Mount Pisgah, i«j/0M 30.7. thou hast made my m. to stand strong 78.54. brought to thiswi. his right hand purchased Isa. 2. 2. the m. of L. house established, Mic.4.1. 3. let us go up to the rn. of the Lord, Mic. 4.2. 30. 17. until ye be left as a beacon on top of a m. 29. as when one goeth with a pipe to m. of Lord 40. 4. every m. shall be made low, Luke 3. 5. Jer. 16. iG. they shall hunt them front every m 17.3.0 my 7H. ill the field,! will give thy substance 26. 18. Ziou plowed like a field, and the m. of the house as high places of the forest, Mic. 3. 12. 50. 6. my people have gone from m. to hill 51. C5. 1 am against thee, O ilestroying m. saith the Lord, and 1 will make thee a burnt m. f.am. 5.18. our eyes are dim, because of /«. of Zion Eiek, 1 1.23. the glory of the lyird stood on the m. C8. 16. 1 will cast thee as profane out of m. of God 43. 12. this is the law of ilie house on top of the »i. ♦ 15. Ilariel, the m. of God, shall be four cubits D.in. 2.35. and the stone became a great m. 45. the stone was cut out of the m. without hands .Mic. 7. 12. he shall come to thee from m. to m. Hag. 1 . 8. ^o up to m. bring wood aiid build house Zeph.i.' whoartthou.O great m. before Zerubb. 8. 3. Jie Called the m. of the Lord, the holy m. 14 4. half of «j. shall remove towards the north Mat.b.l. ai;d seeing the multitudes, he went u|i into a m. 14. 23. | 15. Cy. Maikn. 13. | 6.46. Luke 6. 12. I 9. £«. John 6. 3, 15. 8. 1. when he was coniB down from the m. 17. 1. Jesus bringeth iheni into an high m. apart ij. and as they came down from the m. Mark 5.9. 20 if ye have faith, as a grain of mustard, sliall say to this m. remove hence, 21.21. Mark 1 1 .23. 28. 16. went into a tn. where Jesus had appointed LukeS. 32. and herd of many swine feeding on m. lleb. 12 20. if so much as a beast touch the m. liev 6. 1 4. every m. and islau J were removed from 8.8. as it wcrira great m. burning with fire //;■?* MOU MAIN. Isa. 13. C. lift ye up a banner upon the lii<^h m. ^•0. 25. there shall be upon every high tn. rivers 40. 9. O Zion, gel thee up into the high m. 57. 7. on a lofty and high m. hast thou set thy bed Jer .'J. 6. Israel is gone up upon every high m. Ezck. 17.22. and I will plant it on a. high m. 40 2. lie brought me, and setmeon avcry high m. .^f at. 4,ii. the devil taketh him up into an exceeding h. m. and shewcth kingdoms of world, Luke 4. 5. 17. 1. Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John, and bringeth into an high m. apart, ^Jllrk 9.2. Rev. 21.10. he carried me in the Spirit to high m. See IIoi.v. In the, or in this MOUKIAIX. '?<«.19-30. Lot went from Zoar.aiul dwelt in the m. Eiod. 15. 17. plant them in the m. of thine inhe- ritance .Vkot. 13. 17. Closes said unto them, go upinfo them. Dent.K.iQ. get thee up iii this m. Abarim, to Ncbo Jur/g. 3.27. he blew a trumpet in the m. of Ephraim 1 .'Sam. 23. 14. David remained i?i a m. of Ziph 2 Chron. 2.2. Solomon told 80.000 to hew in the m. /'*a/;48.1. God is to be praised in the m. of holiness Isa. 25. 6. tn this m. shall the Loril ni,%ke a feast 7. he will destroy 111 this m. the face of covering 10. in this m. shall the hand of the Lord rest Ezek. 17. 23. in the m. of Israel I will plant it .imosA. 1. ye kine,that are in the m. of Samaria 6. 1. woe to them that trust in the m. of Samaria John 4.20. our fathers worshipped in this m. 21. neither in this m.nor Jerus.worshii>the I'ath. MOUNTAINS. (''. 18. that the »i. shall drop down new wine .■linos 1. i 13. because they divided the m. 3. 9. ass.emble yourselves on the m. of Samaria 4. 13. he that formcth the m. the Lord is his uame 9. 13. and the m. shall drop sweet wine Mic. 1. 4. the m. shall be molten under him 6. 1. arise, contend thou before the hi. let the hills 2. hear ye, O ye m. the Lord's controversy AV/■ tht m. IB.d. they shall be left to the fowls o//A? m. 42. 11. let them shout from the top of the m. Jet. 3. 23. hoped for from the multitude of the m. 33. 1.3. in cities of the m. shall flocks pass again Etek. C.13. their slain shall be in the tops o/' Mem. 7. 7- and not the sounding again of the m. Hot. 4. 13. they sacrifice on the tops of the m. /» lioi. 9. 4. sacrifices shall hetothemasbreadof m MOURNETH. 2 Sam. 19. 1. behold, the king m. for Absalom Plat. 35. 14. I bowed as one that m. for his mothe 88. g. mine eye m. by reason of affliction lia. 24.4. the earth m. 33. 9. ||7. the newwine m. Jer. 12. 11. my vineyard being desolate m. to me 14. 2. Judah m. and the gates thereof languish 23. 10. for because of swearing the land m. Joel 1. 10. the land m. for the com is wasted Zech. 12. 10. as one that m. for his first-born MOURNFULLY. Mat. 3. 14. what profit that we have walked ct. MOURNING Signifies, [1] A godly sorrovi for our oun, or fo the sins of others, Mat. 5. 4. [2] .,4 modeiaie sorrow and concern for the afflictions and worlUly losses that befal ourselves or others. Gen. 1Z I 50. 3. [3] Exceeding great and most grievo^is lamentation. Mat. 24. 30. [4] Judgments and calamities, Khich should cauie most iitler mourning, £zek. 2. 10. The Hebrews, at the death of their near friends and lelations, uied great signs of grief and mourning. They uefit, tore their cluihes, smote their breasts, fasted, and lay upon the ground, and uent barefoot ; TItt time of mourning was commonly seven days ; but sometimes this mas lengthened or shortened, according to the state or circumstances in which they found ihemse'ves : The mourning for Saul lasted but seven days, 1 Sam. 31. 13. but those for Moses aiLd Aaron were prolonged to thirty dcys. Num. 20. 29. Deut. 34. 8. The whole time of their mourning, tht near relations of the deceased continued sitting in their houses, and eat upon the ground ; the food they took was thought unclean, and even themselves were judged impure. Their sacrifices shall be to them as the bread of mourners, all that eat thereof shall be polluted, Hos. 9. 4. TAei facet were covered, ajid for all that time they could not apply themselves to any labour. They did not dress themselves, nor make their beds nor uncover their heads, nor shave themselves, nor cut their nails, nor salute anu body. Gen. 27. 41.the days of m.for my father are at hand 50. 4. and when the days of his m. were past 10. he m. a m. for his father Jacob seven days 11. the Canaanites saw the rji.thisisa grievous m Deut. 26. 14. I have not eaten thereof in my m. 34. 8. so the days of m. for Moses were ended 2 6am. 11. 27. when the m. was past David sent 19- 2. the victory that day was turned into m Esth. 4. 3. there was great m. anion; the Jews 9. 22. was turned to them from m. into a good day Job 3. 8. who are ready to raise up their m. 30. 3) . my har]' »'so 's turned to m. and niy organ Psal. 30. 11. thou hast turned my m. inti. dancing Eccl. 7- 2. it is better to go to the house if m. 4. the heart of the wise is in the house of m. Jsa. 22. 12. in that day the Lord did call to m. 51. 11. and sorrow and m. shall flee away Co. 20. and the days of thy m. shall be ended 61. 3. to give to them the oil of joy for m. Jer. 6. 26. make thee m. as for an only son 16. 5. enter not into the house of in. neither go 31. 13. for I will turn theirm. into joy l^m. 2. 5. increased in the daughter of Judah m. 5. 15. joy is ceased, our dance is turned into m. Eiek. 2. 10. was written Ijuntntalions, m. and woe 24. 17. no m.for the dead || 31. 15. 1 caused a m. Joel 2. 12. turn ye to me with weeping and m. Amos 5. :6. they shall call the husbandmen to m. 8. 10. and I will turn your feasts intom. and I will make it as the m. of an only son Mic. 1.11. came not forth in the m. of Beth-ezel Zech.li.li.m.in Jerusalem, asm. of Hadadrimmon Mat. 2. 18. was heard great m. Rachel weeping 2 Car. 7-7. when he told us your desire, your m. Jam. 4. 9. 'e' your laughter be turned into m. Kev. 18. 8. in one day death and m. and famine MOURNING. Gen. 37.35. will go down to the grave to my son m. 2 Sam. 14. 2. I pray thee, put on m. apparel Eslh. G. 12. but Ilaman hasted to his house ra. Job 30. 28. 1 wentm. without the sun, 1 stood up f'sal. 38. 6. I am troubled, 1 go m. all day long 42.9- why go I m. bee nfoppressionof enemy,43.2. 'Jer. 9. 17. consider ye, and call for the m. women 16. 7. in m. to comfort them for the dead Eiek. 7. 16. all of them m. for their iniquities Dan. 10. 2 in those days I Daniel was m. '6 weeks Mic. 1. la. I will make a m. as the owls MOUSE. Lev. 11. 29. the weasel and m. .shall be ancleau Isa. 66. 17. eating the abomin:.tioo, and the tr.. MOUTH Signifies [l] Thi part of the body so called, which it an instrument of speech, Psal. 115. 5. I 135. 17. [2] Speech, or words uttered Ay the mouth. Job 19. 16. I'sal. 73. Q. Isa. 49. S [3] Just desirei and necessities, Tsal. 103. 5. [4] The palate. Job 12. 11. [5] The ihnat. Psalm 149. t 6. A door, Daniel 3. +26. [7] Ereedom and boldness of speech, Luke 21. 15. [8] Boasting, Judg. 9. 38. [9] Eeproaches and calumnies. Job 5. 15. [10] A teilimony, Deut. 17.6. If my mouth hath kissed my hand. Job 31. 27, This aas a mark or token of uorship and ado~ ration, 1 Kings 19. 18. Iios. 13. 2. and when the idols were out of the reach of idolaters, that they could not kiss them, they used to kite their hands, and as it were to throw kisses at them : Job here insinuate!, that he had used no such idolatrous practice, while he beheld the tun or moon. To ask counsel at the mouth of the Lord, Josh. 9. 14. is to consult him. They set their mouth against the heavens, Psal. 73. 9. They speak arrogantly, insolently, and without the fear m. Job 15. 30. by the breath of his m. he shall go away 20. 12. though wickedness be sweet in his m. 13. though he keep it still within his m. 22. 22. receive, I pray thee, the law from his m. ;3. 12. I have esteemed the words of his m. more 37. 2. arj the sound that gneth out of his m. 40. S3, that he can draw up .Jordan into his m. 41 . 19. out of his m. go burning lamps and sparks 21. and a flame goeth out of hts m. Psal. 10. 7. his m. is full of cursing and deceit .^3. 6. the host of them made by breath of Aum. 3fi. 3. the words of his m. are iniquity and deceit 38. 13. as a dumb man that openeth not his m. 55. 21 . words of his m. are smoother than butter 105. 5. remember the judgments of his m. Prov. 2. 6. out of his m. Cometh knowledge 11.9. hypocrite with All m. destroyeih neighbour 12. 14. satisfied with good by the fruit of his m. IS. 2. a man shall eat good by the fruit of hism. .3. he that keepe m. that which he swallowed Lam. 1. + 18. for I have rebelled against his m. 3. 29. he putteth hism. in the dust, if so be there 4. 4. the tongue cleaveth to the roof of his m. Zech. 9. 7. J will take away his blood out of his m. Vol. 2. 6. the law of truth was in his m. 7. and they should seek the law at hts m. Luke 1. 64. and his m. was opened immediately 4. 22. gracious words proceeded out of hism. 6. 45. of the abundance of heart /iij m. speaketh U. 54. seeking to catch somewhat out of his m. 22. 71. ourselves have heard of his own m. John 19. 2y. filled a spunge and put it to his m. Acts 22. 14. and shouldest hear the voice of his m. 2 Thess. 2.8. shall consume with the spirit of his m. 1 Pet. 2. 22. neither was guile found in liis m. Hez'.l. 16. outof his m.wenta sharp sword, 1 9. 15,21. 12. 15. the serpent cast out of his m. water 16. the flood which the dragon cast out of his m. 13. 2. and his m. wjis as the mouth of a lior. See Lord. My MOUTH. Gen. 45. 12. that it is my m. that speaketh to you Num. 22. 38. the wordG. putteth in my m. 23. 12. Dent. 32. 1. hear, O earth, the words of mi/ m. 1 Sam. 2. 1. mym. is enlarged over mine enemies Joi 7- 11. therefore I will not refrain mi/ m. 9. 20. mine own m. shall condemn me 16. 5. I would strengthen you with mi/ m. 19. 16. I entreated my servant with my m. 23. 4. I would fill my m. with arguments 31. 27. or my r,i. hath kissed my hand 30. neither have I suffered my m. to sin 33. 2. behold my tongue hath spoken in my m. 40. 4. 1 am vile, I will lay my hand upon my m, Ps. 17. 3. purposed that my m. shall not transgress 19. 14. let the words of my m. be acceptable 34. 1. his praise shall continually be in mi/ m. 39. 1. 1 said, I will keep my m. with a bridle 40. 3. he hath put a new song in my m. even praise 49. 3. hear this, my m. shall i-peak of wisdom 51. 15. and mym. shall shew forth thy praise 54. 2. hear and give ear to the words of mi/ m. 63. 5. my m, shall praise thee with joyful lips 66. 14. my m. hath spoken, when I was in trouble 17. I cried to him with my m. he was extolled 71. 8. let my m. be filled with thy praise 15. my m. shall shcf? forth thy righteousness "8. 1. incline your ears to the words of mi/ m. 2. 1 will open my m. in a parable, 1 will uller 89.1with my m. will I m.^ke known thy faithfuln. 109. 30. I will greatly praise the Lord with mu m. 119. 43. take not the word of truth out of my m. 103. thy words are sweeter than honey to 1111/ m. Ifi8. accept the free-will-oflerings of my m. 137.6. let my tongue cleave to the roof of mym. 141. 3. set a watch, O Lord, before my m. 145. 21. my m. shall speak the praise of the Lord Prov. 4 5. nor decline from the words ol mi/ m. 5.7. 7. 24. O children, attend to the words of my m. 8. 7- for my m. shall speak truth, and wickedness 8. the words of mi/ m. are in righteousness 7.173. 6. 7. and he laid the coal on my m. and said 30. 2. go to Lgypt, and have not asked at my m. 34. 16. for my m. it hath commanded 4.5. 23. word is gone out of my m. in righteousness 48. 3. the former things went torth out of mi/ m. 49. 2. he hath made my m. like a sh;irp sword 55. 11. so shall my word be that goeth out of my m. Jer. 1 . 9. Ld. put forth his hand and touched my m. 15. 19. shalt be as my m. |{ 36. 6. written from mym. Ezek. 3. 3. it was in my m. like honey for sweetness 17. therefore hear the word at mv m. 33. 7. 4. 14. nor came there abominable flesh into my m. Dan. 10. 3. neither came flesh nor wine in mym. Hos. 6. 5. I have slain them by the words of my m. Mat. 13. 35. 1 will open my m. in parables /Jets 11. 8. hath at any time entered into my m. l."-.*. the Gentiles by my m. should hear the word J ph. 6. 19. praying that 1 may open my ^1. boldly lUf. 2. 16. I will fight with" the sword of my m 3.l6.norcold,norhot,I will spue theeout of my m 10. 10. the book was ia my m sweet as huney MOU MOUTH with opened. r;fn.4.1 1 . earth open, her m.to receive broth.blood .Vum.l6..32.lhecartho;)fn«cn:r. 5. 14 I will niaVe my words in thy tn. 6re tteJk. 2. H. open ihy m. a:iil cat that 1 t;ivi! ihee 3. CO. ni.iKe thy tongue cleave to roof of thy m. 87. I will open i/iy m. anil ihou shult say to theni 1(5. 56. sister Sojoni Wiis i.ot menuoned by l/iy m. 63. that thou mayest never opeiuAym. anymore Hot. B. 1. set the trumpet to i/iy m- he shall come Mic. 7 . 5. keep doorj of thy m. from her that lieth Luke ly . CC. out of thine own m. will 1 judge thee Horn. 10.9. if confess with thy m. the Lord Jesus Rev. 10. 9. it shall be in thy m. sweet u hooey i'tmr MOUTH. Wum. 32. 24. do that wliich proceeded outofy. "'■ 1 Sam. 2. 3. let not arrogancy come out of your m. Jot 21. 5. mark me, and lay your hand on your m. Exek.'io. n. thus with your m. ye have boasted Jcel 1. 5. for the wine is cut off from your m. Zeph. 4. 29. let no corrujit communication procefil out of yoKT m. but uhat is edifying. Cot. 3. U. MOUTHS. Deul. 31. 19. write this song, put it in their m. 21. not be forgotten out of m. of their seed 1 Sam. 13. t 21. yet they had a file with m. Pial. 22. 13. they gaped upon me with their m. 78. 30. while their meat wa» yet in their m. 115. 5. they have m. but they speak not, 135. 16. 135. 17. neither is there any breath in their m. ha. 41. 1 15. anew threshing instrument having m. 52 15. the kings shall shut their m. at him Jer. 44.25. ye and wives have spoken with your m. Lam. 3. 46. our enemies opened their m. .igaiust us Uan. 6. 22. my God hath shut the lions" m. Mic. 3.5. and he that putteth not into their m. lit. 1. 11. deceivers, whose m. must be stopped Heb. 11. 33. who stopped the m. of lions Jam. 3.3. behold, we put bits in the horses' m. Rev. 9. 17. out of theirm. issued fire and smoke, 18. MOWER. Pial. 129. 7. wherewith the jn. fiUeth not his hand MOWINCJ.S. Amosl. 1. the latter growth after the king's m. MOWN. Ptal. 72. 6. come down like rain upon the m. grass JIUCTI. Cen.tfi. 16. for thou art m. mightier thaji we £rod. 12. 42. it is a night to he m. observed 16. 18 he that gathered m. 2 Cor. 8. 15. Lev. 13.7. if the scab spread m. abroad, 22. 27. 35. 1^'um. 21. 4. soul of the people wasm. discouraged Deitt. 21!. 38. shall carry m. seed out into the field Josh. 22. 8. return with m. riches to your tents Huth 1. 13. it grieveth mc vi. for yorr sakes 1 Sayn. 14. 30. had there been am. greater slaughter 18. 30. so that his name was m. set by 19.2. but .lonathan delighted wi. in David £6. 24. as thy life was m. set by thi.^ day, so let my life be m. set bv in the eyes of the Lord 1 Kin^i 4.29. Solom. had onderstand. exceeding m. 8 Kings 10. 18. but Jehu shall serve him m. 21.6. Ahab wrought m. wickedness in sight of L. iChrott. 27. 3. on the wall of Ophel he built m. 33. 6. Manassfh wrought m. evil insight of Loid Lira 10. 13. and k is a time of m. rain, not able JSeh. 9. 37. ityieldeth oi. increase unto the kings Joi 5. t 25. know that thy seed shall be m. 31. 25. because mine hand had gotten m. Psal. 19tl3. shall be innocent from m. transgress. 129. ♦ 1. bave they afflicted nie from my youth Prov. 17- 7. ">■ less do lying lips become a prince 19. 10. m. less for a servant to have rule over Eecl. 5. 12. sleep i» sweet, whether he eatlittleor m. 17. he hath m. sorrow and wrath withsicknei* 9. 18. but one sinner destroyeth m. good Jer. 2. 22. for though thou take thee m. soap /i< How much. How viuch lest, IIow much more, Much MoRi, People. So MUCH. Ezod. 14. 28. remained not so m. as one of them 30. 23. and of sweet cinnamon half so m. Lev. 14. 21. if he be poor and cannot get 10 m. Deul. 2. 5. not give you /o m. as a foot-breadth 2 Sam. 14. 25. none to be so m. praised as Absalom 17. 12. there shall not be left to m. as one 2 Chron. 20. 25. in gathering the spoil, it was to m. l^rov. 19. 24. will not /o m. as bring it to his mouth 25. 16. eat so m. as is suff\ciem for thee, lest filled Jcr.2.36.why gaddest thou in m. to change thy way. - .'I/3/.3.I3. v/hathave we spoken jom. against thee ? .Viii. 15. 33. whence should we have to m. bread f Mark 2.2. was no room, no not torn, as al>out door 3. 20. so that they could not so m. as eat, 6. 31. 7. 36. so m. more a great deal they published it Luke 5. 15. to m. the more went there a fame abroad 6. 3. have ye not read so m.as this what David did- 18. 13. would not lift up so m. as bis eyes to heaven 39. he cried so m. the more, have mercy on me .\cts 5. 8. if ye sold it for so m.she said, yea, for so m. 7 . 5. no inheritance, not so m. as to set his foot on 19.2. not so m. as heard « hether any Holy Ghost 1 Cor. 5. 1. not so m. as named among the Gentiles 2 C'o7'.9.t 5.bouuty hathbecu so m. spoken of before lleb. 1. 4. being niadexu m. better than the angels 7. 22. by so m. Jesus made surety of better testam. 10. 25. and so m. more as ye see day approaching 12. 20. if som, as a beast touch the mountain Rev. 18.7- so m. torment and sorrow give her Too MUCH. F.ioJ. 36. 7- tl>e stuff was sufficient, and loo m. iVK7«.l6.3.said to them, ye take too vi. upon jou, 7. Josh. 19. 9- P!irt of children of Judah was too m. 1 Kings 12.28. loo m.for you to go up to Jerusalem Esih. 1. 18. thus shall there arise loo m. contempt rery MUCH. G^n. 41. 49- Joseph gathered corn as sand, very m Liod, 12. 38. very m. cattle went up with them Josh. 13. 1. remaineth very m. land to be possessed 22. 8. return with verym. cattle, lerym. raiment 1 Kings 10.2.queen of bhebacame with lerym.gold 2 A'i)i^x21.l6.Manasseh shed innoc. b\ooa very m. 1 C'Ar.18.8. from Chun brought David te not as the horse or m. which have /J. 6. 14 MUL Cen. 26.3. God Almighty ble»s thee, and m.thee A'jui/.l.lO.lct us deal wi.sely with them ; icsttheym 7. 3 I will m. my signs and wonders in Egypi 23. 2&. lest the beast of the field m. .igainst iheo 30. 1 15. the rich shall not m. half a. shekel 3i'. 13. 10 whom thou saidst, I will m. your seedi. Lev. iO.g. Ueui. 7.13. | 13. 17. I 28.63. | 30.5. Lev. Il.t42. whatsoever doth m. feet, not eat A'um.26. t 54. to many m. his inheritance, 33. t 54. Ueui.ti.X. that ye may live and m. and go in, 30.10. 17. 16. the king shall not m. horses to himselt 17. neither shall he m. wives, nor silver, and gold 2 Sam. 14. til. reveLger do not m. to destroy 1 Chron. 4. 27. neither did all their family ui. Job 29. 18. 1 shall m. my days as the sand Isa. 1. 1 15. when ye m. prayer, I will not hear 55. t 7. return to God, for he will m. to pardoa Jer. 30. 19. I wiP. m. them, they shall not be few 33. 22. so will I m. the seed ot David my servant Lzek. 16. 7- I have caused thee to m. as the bud 36. 10 I will m. men || 1 1 . m. man and beast 30. I will m. the fruit of the tree, and increue 37.26. and I will place them and m. them .inios 4.4 come to Bethel, at Gilgal m.transgresiioa Cor. 9. 10. and m. your seed sown, and increase MULTIPLIED. C«n. 47. 27. Israel grew and m. Eiod. 1. 7, SO. Exod. 1. 12. the more afflicted, they m. and grew 11.9. ttiat my wonders may be m. in Fygypt Veut. 1. 10. the Lord your God hath m. you 8. 13. thy gold ism. and all that thou hast is m. 11. 21. that your days may be m. in the land Josh. 24. 3. I m. his seed, and gave him Isaao Jndg. 16. t 24. our enemy who m. our slaio 1 Sam. 1. f 12. as she m. to pray, £li marked 2 Sam. 22. t 36. and thy gentleness hath m. ma 1 Chron. 5.9. because their cattle wcrem.iuGilead 2 Chron, 33. f i3. but Amon m. trespass Sell. 6. 1 17. the nobles m. letters to Tobiah Job 27. 14. if his children be m. it is for sword 35. 6. if thy transgressions be m.what doe.H tobim.' Psal. 16.4. their sorrows shall be m. that hasten 38. 19. they that hate me wrongfully are m. 107. 38. he blesseth them, so that thev are m. Prov. 9. 11. for by me thy days shall oe m. C9.l6.when wicked are m. transgression increasetb Isa. 9.3. thou hastm. the nation, and not increased 59. 12. for our transgressions are m. before thee Jer. 3. 16. when ye be m. they shall say no mora 46. + 16. he m. the faller, one fell on another Lick. 5. 7. ye m. more than the nations about yo» 11.6. ye have m. your slain in this city 16. 25. thou hast m. thy whoredoms, 23. I9. 29. m. fornication II 51. m. abominations 21.15. that their heart may faint, and ruins be m. 31.5. his boughs were m. || 35. 13. m. yourword» Van. 4. 1. peace be m. to you, 6. 25. 1 Pet. 1. 2. 2 Pet. 1. 2. Juie 2. IIos.^.8. did not know that I m. her silver and gold 8. 14. and Judah hath m. fenced cities 12. 10. 1 have m. visions, and used similitudes .V0A.3. 16. thou hast m. thy merchants above stars .'ids 6. 1. when the number of disciples was m.7. 7. 17. the people grew and m. in Flgypt 9. 31. walking in the fear of the Lord were m 12. 24. but the word of God grew and m. MULTIPLIEDST. A'tA. 9. 23. their children also m. thou as the Start MULTIPLIETH. Job 9. 17. he m. my wounds without caus« 34. 37. he m. his words against God 35. 16. he m. words without knowledge Led. lO.t 14. a fool also m. words, man cannot tell MULTIPLYING. Gen. 22. 17. in m. I will multiply, Hei. 6. 14. MULTITUDE Signifies, [1] A great eomyany or number of per* sons or things, Oen. 30.30. | 48. 4. [2] The com mon people. Mat. Q. 33. [3] The whole assem. Illy, both common people and senators. Acts 23. 7. [4] The church, or a company 0/ the Jaith- Jul, Acts 15. 12, 82. I 21. 22. [5] Ortal itore, tr plenty, ift. 10. 13. [fi] Much variety, Vxci. 5. 3, 7. [7] Injinite, Psal. 51. 1. Gcii.16.10. not numbered for m. 32.12. 1 Kingti.Q 17. t4. thou shalt be a father of m. of nations 28. 3. God Almighty make thee a m. of people 30. 30. and it is now increased unto a m. 48. 4. I will make of thee a m. of people, I6, I^ Liod. 12. 38. a mixed m. went up also with them 23. 2. thou shalt not follow a m. to do evil Lrd was kindled against ihem, and he deslroved three and Ixenli/ thousand of Ihem, Nam. 11. 33. 34. Tsai. "8. 30. 31. Thej murmured a^ain ajler the return of the MUS spies thai were icnt to search out and view tbe promised land; and God punished ihem iy depriving them of the haypinets of eve seeing that land, and condemned them to ah in the wilderness. Num. 14. 29, 30. Jhey were again punished for murmuring, by tlu Jiery serpents that God sent among ihem, which killed a great number of them. Num. SI. 4, 5, 6. The murmering of Miriam the sister of Moses, was chastised by a leprosy that seiied her whole body, and obliged her to abide seven days wtthoui Ihe camp. Num. 12. 1, 2, 10, 15. And the murmuring and rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, was punished in a still more terrible manner , the earth opening and swallowing up the au- thors of the sedition, and Jire consuming their accomplices. Num. I6. 3, 31, 32, 35. Etod. 10. 7. what are we, that ye m. against us ? 8. Lord heareih murmurings ye m. Num. 14. i7. Num. 14. .36. the spies made the congregation torn. 16.11. what is Aaron, that ye m. against him . 17. 5. of Israel, whereby they 01. against you I^m. 3.t39. wherefore doth a living man m.t John 6. 43. Jesus said, m. not among yourselves 1 C'er.lO.lO.Deitherm. as some of them murmured MURMURED. Eiod. 15. 24. the people m. against Moses, 17 3. 16. 2. the whole congregation of Israel m. agzUnst Moses and Aaron, A'um. 14.2. | 16.41. Num. 14.29. from twenty years old, which haven* Deut. 1. 27. and ye m. iu your tents, and said Josh. 9. 18. all the congiegation m. against princes Psal. 106.25. they believed not, but m. in their tents ha. 29. 24. tUey that m. shaU learn doctrine A/a«.20.1 l.when they had received a penny,theym. Mark 14. 5. and they m. against her Luke 5. 30. but the Scribes and Pharisees m. 15. 2. they m. saying, this man receivelh sinners 19. 7- m. thai he was gone to be guest to Zaccheus John 6. 41. the Jews m. at him, because he said 61. he knew that his disciples m. at it 7.32. the Pharisees heard that the people m. 1 Cor. 10. 10. neither murmur as some of them m MUR.MURERS. /ui/<.l6. these are m.compla'ners.walking after lusts MURMURING. John. 7. 12. there was much m. among the people Acts 6. 1. a m. of Grecians against the >lebrews .MUR.MURlNtib. Eiod.\6.7. he heareth yourm. 8,9,12. xVum. 14.87. 8. your m. are not against us, but the Lord Num. 17.5. 1 will make to cease the m. of Israel 10. thou shalt quite take away their m. from me Phil. 2. 14. do all things without m. and dispulings MURRAIN. i'/ipn. rise again from the dead Acii 1. 16. this scripture m. have been fulfilled 22. m. one be ordained to be a witness with us 4. 12. none other name whereby we m. be saved 9. 6. it shall be told thee what thou m. do 14. 22. we m. thro' much tribulation enter kingdom 15. 24. ye m. be circumcised and keep the law IC. .30 said, sirs, what m. I do to be saved IB. 21. 1 m. by all means keep this feast in Jerus. 21. 22. the multitude m. needs come together 23. 11. so m thou bear witness also at Home 27. 24. fear not, thou m. be brought before Casar C6. bowbeit we m. be east on a certain island Horn. 13. 5. wherefore ye m. needs be subject 1 Cor. 5. 10. then m. yc needs go out of the world 11. 19 there m. also be heresies among you 15. 25. for he m. reign till he hath put uiider 1 Cor. 5.10. for we rn. all appear before the judgm. 11. 30. if I m needs glory, I will glory of things 1 3'im.3.2.abishop then m. be blameless, Tit^l. 7. 7. be m, hare a good report of them without 8. likewise m. deacons be grave, not double- tongued 2 Tim. 2. 6. husbandman fn.be first partaker of fruits 24. the servant of the Lord m. not strive Uet. 4, 6. it remaineth that some m. enter therein 9. 1^. there m. be the death of the testator 11.6.he thatcomethto God, m. believe that he is 13. 17. they watch, as they that «i. give account Jier. 4. 1. shew thee thing* which m be hereafter 11.5. if any be hurt he m. in this manner be killed 20. 3. after that he m. be loosed a little season 22. 6. to shew things which m. shortly be done MUSTARD-SEED ; tee Grai.n. MLSTERED. S Kings 25.19. took the scribe which m. J«r.52.25. MUSXERETII. Jsa. 13. 4. the Lord m. the host of the battle MUriEK. Jsa. 8. 19. to wizards that peep, and that m. 16. t7. for Kirhareseth shall ye m, MUriERED. Jsa. 59. 3. your tongue hath m. perverseness MUTUAL, iiom. 1. 12. I may be conforted by the m. faith MUZZLE. Drt//.25.4. thou shalt not m. the ox when he tread- eth out the corn, 1 Cor. 9. 9. 1. 'Jim. 5. 18. MVRKll. Gen. XJ. 25. Ishmaelitescame bearing balm and 01. 43. 11. carry down the man a present, m, nuts £ri'rf. 30. 23. of pure m. five hundred shekels J^t/i. S. 12. to wit, six months with oil of m. /'/fl/.45.8.thy garments smell of m. aloes and cassia "'or. 7 17. 1 have pe^rfumed my bed with m. Cam. 1. i.T. a bundle ofm. is my beloved 10 me 3. 6. perfumed with m. and frankincense 4. 6. 1 will get me to the mountain of rr. and aloes 14. m. and aloes with all the chief spices 5. 1. I have gathered my m. with my spice 5.myhands dropped with m. fingers with sweet m. 13. his lips like lilic, dropping sweet-smelling m. B^at. 2. ll.tbey presented to him gifts, gold and m. Mark 15 «3. to 4riak wine mingled with m. 89cl MVS Jn/in 19. 39. brought a mixture of m and aloes MYRTLE. .V;A. 8. 15. go forth and fetch m. olive-branches Isa. 41. 19. 1 will plant iu the wilderness the m. 55. 13. instead of briar shall come up the m. tree -MVRTLE-TREES. ZecA 1 8. and he stood among the rr:. 10. 11. MYSTERY. 'I'Ae word signifies a secret, a mystery ietng a thing kept secret and hid from our understanding, till it ie revealed Sous. 1 Cor. 2. 7. We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom. Mysteries are said to ie of two sorts ; one sort are such as vtuld never have ieen known uiiiAimt revelation ; iut ahen revealed, may ie ifi a good meaiwe explained and understood. ■Such it tlie doctrine of the satisfaction o/" Christ, of the resurrection from the dead, of the forgive- ness of situ for the sake of Christ's sufferings, and of eternal life in a future uorld. 'I'he other sort of mysteries are those, which when revealed to us, we know the existence, or reality and cer- tainty of them, iut cannot comprehend the man- ner and mtde how they are. These are the mystery of the llesied Trinity, and the mystery of the incarnation of Christ ; or the union tf the divine and human natures in one person. The calling of the Gentiles, uhich uas hid and kept secret for many ages, is called a mystery, Rom. 16. 25. Col. 1. 2(5, 27. The spiritual union ietueen Christ and his church is called a mystery, because it eiceeds human under- standing, and IS revealed or.ly to the chil- dren of God, Eph. 5. 32. Mark 4. 11. The gospel is called the mystery of godliness, 1 Tim. 3. 16. The prophecies concerning the person, the coming, the characters, the death and passion, of the Messiah, are to ie found in a multitude of places in the Old Testament, but after a fguratiie and mysterious manner, Theaclions,ihe words.ihe iife of the prophets were a continual and general prophecy, which uas concealed from the eyes o) the people, and sometimes from the prophets ihem selves, and was not ezplained or discovered, till after the iirth anddeath «/" Christ; and these mys series were dispensed in so wonderful a method,and iy so wise a providence, thai the first served as a fowidationfoT the second, and the succeeding gave ne:e light to those that went before. They still improved in clearyiess and evidence, and the Holy Ohost dispensed titem by measure, and in due de- grees. Daniel is more erplicii than the prophets befoie him ; Ilaggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, speak of the coming, of the death, and of the priesthood of Jesus Christ, and of the calling of the Gentiles, after a mere plain and distinct manner than the ether prophets before them. The mysteries of the Christian religion, is that of the blessed Trinity, the incarnation of Chnu, his hypostatical union with hit human nature, hit miraculooj birth, his death, resurrection, and ascension, the prtdestinatien, and reprobation of men ; the grace (j/" Jesus Christ, and the manner of itt operation in our hearts ; the resurrection of the dead, with all the other mysteries revealed to us both in the Old and A>w Testament, are the objects of the faith of all true Christians ; and the doctrine of the gospel, and these tenets of Christianity were called mysteries, net only because they were secrets which would not have been knewn, if the Son of God, and his Holy Spirit had not revealed Ihem to believers, iut also because they were net revealed indifferently to every body. The eemmand of our Lord Jesus Christ to his apostles was in this cast put in practice. Give not that which is holy unto dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine. Mat. 7- 6. They preached the gospel only lo those who seriously desired to ie instructed in it ; nor did they presently itcover to them all the mysteries of religion ; iut in pro- portion at they iecamt capable lo receive them. .Vari 4. 11. to yon given to know the m. ofkingdom Horn. 11. 25. that ye should be ignorant of this m. 16. 25. according to the revelation of the m. 1 Cor. 2.7. we speak the wisdom of God in a m. 15. 51. I shew you a m. we shall not all sleep Eph. 1. 9. niadt known to us the m. of his will 3. 3. how that he mkde known to me the >n. 4. understand my knowledge in the m. of Christ 9. make all see what is the fellowship of the m. 5. 32. this is a great m. but 1 speak of Christ 6. 19. may open my mouth boldly, to make known the m. of the gospel. Col. 1. 26,27. | 4. 3 Col. 2. 2. to the acknowledgement of the m. oif God 2 These 2. 7. the m. of iniquity doth already work 1 Tim. ». 9. holdioc m. of faith in port eoiucieocc NAK 1 Tim. 3. 16. great is m. of godliness, GoJ was manifest in flesh Rev. 1 . 20. the m. of the seven stars thou sawesi 1 0.7 - the m. of God should be finished, as declared 17. 5. m. Babylon the great || 7. m. of the woman .MVSrElllES. Mai. 13.11. it is given to you to know the m. of the kingdom, but to them not given, Luke 8. 10. 1 Cor. 4. 1. and as stewards of the m. of God 13. 2. and tho' I undersund all m. and knowledgj 14. 2. howbeit, in the Spirit he speaketh rn N. NAIL. ^v. 1. 1 15. shall pinch off the head wim n. Judg. 4. 21. Jaet took an. of tent, and smote the n 22. Sisera lay dead, the n. was in his temple* 5. 26. she put her hand to the n. and hammer Esra 9. 8. to give us a n. iu his holy place Isa. 22. 23. I will fasten him as a n. in a sure placg 25. shall the n. that is fastened be removed ^ech. 10. 4. of him came the n. the battle-bow NAILS. Driit.'Zl.li.sht shallshave herhead.andpare her n, 1 Chron. 22. 3. prepared iron in abundance for n. 2 Chron. 3. 9. the weight of the n. was fifty shekels. Eccl. \2.ll. ». fastened by the masters of assemblies^ Isa. 41. 7. he fastened his idol with n. Jer. 10. 4. Dan. 4. 33. his «. were grown like bird's claws 7. 19- 'he fourth beast, whose n. were of brass John 20. 25. put my finger into the print of the a. NAILING. C0I.2.H. he took it out of the way, n. it to his cross NAKED Signifies, [1] One altogether unclothed or uncovered,. Gen. 2. 25. | 3. 7. [2] Such as have but feu clothes on. having put off the greatest part cf them, 1 Sam. 19. 24. John 21. 7. [3] One void of grace, that is not clothed with the right- eousness of Christ, and so is exposed to the urath of God for his sins. Rev. 3. 17. [4] Such at had heinously sinned and were deprived of the favour and protection of God, and to might be easily surprised iy iheir enemies, Exod. »2. 25. [5] One destitute of all worldly goods. Job 1. 21. [6] That which is dis- covered, known, and manifest. Job 26. 6. llcb. 4. 13. The nakedness of a land. Gen. 42. 9. The ;ceaJt and ruined parts of it, where the country lies' most open and eiposed to danger, and may most easily ie assaulted or surprised. To uncover the nakedness of any one, denotei a thameful and unlawful conjunction, or an iTf cestuous marriage, Lev. 20. I9. The nakedness of Adam and Eve was unknown t» Ihem bejore they tinned. Gen. 2. 25. 'J hey wer0 not ashamed at it, because concupiscence and irregular desires had not yet made the JlesK rebel against the spirit ; and their nakedness excited no disorder in their imaginations, nor atiy thing that was irregular or contrary so- reason. They were exempt from whatever in- decency might happen among us, upon the occa^ sion of the nakedness of the iody. Gen. 2. 25. they were n. and were not ashatned 3. 7- and they knew that they were n. 10, 11. Exod. 32. 25. when Moses saw that the people were n. for Aaron had made them n, to their shame Lev.iQ. f 18. he hath made n. her fountain 1 Sam. 19. 24. Saul lay down n. all that day 2 Chron. 28. 15. with the spoil clothed all the n. 19. Ahaz madeJudahn. and transgressed against Lord Joi 1. 21. Job said, n. came I out of my mother's womb, and ». shall I return thither 22. 6. thou hast stripped the ». of their clothing 24.7. they cause the n. to lodge without, 10. 26. 6. hell is n. before him and destruction f ror.29.il8.whereno vision, the people is made n, Eccl 5. 15. n. shall he return, to go as he came ha. 22. t 6. and Kir made n. the shield 58. 7. when thou seest the «. that thou cover hiia Jer. 48. t 6. be like a 11. tree in the wilderness 51. t 58 the walls of Babylon shall be made n. Lam. 4. 21. O Edom, thou shalt make thyself n, J.zek. 18. 7. If he hath covered the «. Ifi. i/o/.2.3.1e3t I strip her n. and set her as in the day imot 2. 16. ihall flee away n. in that day, saito the Lord .ViiV.l .8. therefore I will wail^willgo stripped and n 11. pass ye away, having thy shame n. 5. f 6. shall waste with her own «. swords // 32. 42. and called it Nobah, after his own n. Deut. T.H.ihall destroy their n.from under heaven 9. 14. and blot out their n. from under heaven 22. 14. bring np an evil n. on her, and say 19. he hath brought up an evil n. on a virgin 25. 6. first-bom shall succeed in n. of his brother 7. to raise np to his brother a n. in Israel 26, 19. to make thee high in n. and in honour 28.58.thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful n Josh. 23. 7. Qor make mention of n. of their gods liuih 2. 19. man's n. with whom 1 wrought is Boaz 4. 5. to raise up the n. of the dead, 10. 17. the women her neighbours gave it a n 1 .Sam. 25. 3. the n. of the man was Nabal 9. they spaKe to Nabal in the n. of David 2 Sam. 6. 2. whose n. is called by the n. of the Lord 7. 9. 1 bave made thee a great n. like the n. of the great men in the earth, 1 Chron. 17. 8 23. God redeemed to make him an. 1 C/jr.17.21 8. 13. David gat him a n. when he returned 14. 7. .shall not leave to my husband neither n. nor 23. 18. Abishai had the n. among three 22. these things did Benaiah.and had the n. among thrc» mighty men, 1 Chron. 1 1. 20, 24. 1 Kings I. 47. God make the n. of Solomon better than thy n. and his throne greater than thy 14. 21. chose to put his n. there, 2 Chron. 12. 13. 18. 24. call ye on the n. of your gods, 25. 21.8. so Jezebel wrote letters in Ahab's n. 2 Kings 14. 27. would not blot out the n. of Israel Etra^. 61. and was called after theirn. Neh. 7-63. 5. 1. prophesied in the n. of the God of Israel Neh. 9. 7. and gavest him the n. of Abraham 10. so didst thou get thee a n. as it is this day £ifA.2. 22. Esther certified the king in Mordecai'sn. 8. 8 write ye also for the Jews in the king's «. Job 18. 17. he shall have no n. in the street 30. t 8. they were children of men of no n. I'sal. 9. 5. thou hast put out their n. for ever 20. 1. the n. of the God of Jacob defend thee 5. in the n. of God we will set up our banners 44. 20. if we have forgotten the n. of our God 69. 30. I will praise the n. of God with a song 83. 4. then, of Israel be no more in remembrance 18. whose n. alone is Jehovah, art most high 9'J. 3. let them praise tbv great n. for it is holy NAM Psa!. 109. IS. and let their n. be blotted oat 113. 3. the Lord's n. is to be praised I'rov. 10. 7- but the n. of the wicked shall rot 18. 10. the n. of the Lord is a strong tower 22. 1. a good «. is rather to be chosen than riches .'10. 9. lest I take the n. of my God in vain Eecl. 7 . 1 . a good n better than precious ointment Iia. 14. 22. I will cut off from Babylon the n. 56. 13. it shall be to the Lord for a n. for a sign 36. 5. I will give them a n. an everlasting n. 57. 15. whose n. is holy l| 62. 2. called by anew n 63. It. to make himself an everlsLSting n. 14. lead thy people, to make thyself a glorious n 65. 15. ye shaill leave your n. tor a curse to m chosen, and call his servants by another n. 66. 22. so shall your seed and your n. remain Jer. 13. 11. that they might be to me for a n. 33. 9. 32. 20. which hast made thee a n. Dan. 9. 1 15. 33. 16. this is the n. wherewith she shall be called 46. 18. as I live, saith the King, whose n. is the Lord of hosts, 48. 15. | 51. 57 Ezek. 20. 29. and the n. thereof is called BamaJi 22. t5. mock thee which art polluted of n. 23. t 10. and she became a n. among women 24. 2. son of man, write thee the n. of the day 48. 35. then, of thecity shall be. The Lord ii there />an. 2. 20. blessed be thejj.of God forever and ever 4. 8. Daniel came, according to the n. of my god Hos. 1. 6. God said to him, call her n. Lo-ruhamah 2. 17. they shall do more be remembered by theirn. .■Imos 5.27. saith Lord, whose n. is the God of hosts .UiV. 4. 5. for all people walk every one in the v. of his god, we will walk in the n. of our God Zcph. 1. 4. I will cut off the n. of the Chemaiims 3. SO. I will make you a n. and a praise Zech. 6.12. the man whose n. is tLe Branch. Mat. 10.41. receiveth prophet in the n.of a prophet, a righteous man in n. of a righteous mail 42. shall give a cup of water only in n.of diseipl- 28. 19. baptizing them in the n. of the Father Luke I. 61. none of thy kindred is called by this n. 63. and he wrote, saying, his n. is John 6. 22. blessed, when shall cast out your n. as evil John 1.6. a man sent from God, whose n. was John 3. 18. not believed in the n. of the only begotten 5. 43. I am com* in my Father's n. and ye receive 10. 25. Uie works that I do in my Father's a. Acts 2. 38. be baptized in the it. of the Lord Jesoi 3. 6. in the n. of Jesus Christ, rise up aiid v.alk 4. 7. by what power or a. have ye done tins.' 12. there is noDe other n. nader heaven given 17- speak henceforth to no man in this n. IS. 30. that wonders may be done by the a. of Jestu 5. 28. that you should not teach in this n. 40. 8. 12. preaching, concerning the n. of Jesus 9.21. that destroyed them that called on this ». 27. he had preached boldly in the n. of Jesui 15.26. have hazarded their lives for the n.of leiui 16. 18. said, in the a. of Jesus come out of ht-r 19. 5. they were baptized in the n. of Jesus •d.g.to do contrary to then, of Jesus of Nazareth Rom. 2. 24. for the a. of God is blasphemed 1 Cor. 1. 13. were ye baptized in the n. of Paul ! 5. 4. in the n. of our Lord Jesus, Eph. 5. 20. 6. 1 1. are justified in the n. of the Lord Jesus Eph. 1. 21. far above every n. that is named Phil. 2. 9. hath given him a n. above every >i. 10. at the n. of Jesus e.very knee should bow Col. 3. 17. do all in the a. of the Lord Jesus 1 Tim. 6. 1. that the n. of God be not blasphemed 2 Tim. S. 19. the a. of Christ, depart from ini(|uity Heb. 1. 4. he bath obtained a more excellent n. Jam. 2. 7. do not they blaspheme that worthy n. f 1 Pet. 4. 14. if reproached for the n. of Christ 1 John 3. 23. should believe on n. of his Son, 3. IS. Rev.Q. 17. a n. written, which no man knoweth 3. 1 . thou hast a n. that thou livest, and art dead 12. I will write on him the n. of my Ciod 8. 11. the n. of the star is called Wormwood 9. 11. whose a. in the Hebrew tongue is Abadiloo 13. 1. and on his heads the n. of blasphemy 14. 1. his Father's n. written in their fon-tieads 16. 9. and men blasphemed the n. of God 17. 5. on her forehead was a n. wriilen. Mystery 19. 12. a n. written no man knew but himself 16. 00 his thigh a n. written. King of kinp See Called. By NAME, or if the NAME. Exod. 6. 3. 1 appeared by the n. of God Almighty 31.2. I have called iy n. Bezaleel,35. 30. 33. 12. yet thou hast said, I know thee by n. IT. !^iim. 4. 32. byn. ye shall reckon the luslrumi-nts Joih. 21. 9. 'hey gave these cities menlioiied bi, n. 1 Sam. 17. 23. Philistine of Gath, Goliath A./ >i. 2 .Sam. 20. 21. Sheba, son of Bichri jy n. hatli lilud 1 Kings 1 J. 2. a child shall 'be born, Josiah bu n. 1 Chr. 4. 41. these written bfi n. came and smote 12. 31. expressed by n. Ui 41. 2 Chron. 28. 15 E,th !. 14. M«pt that At were cilled »>»• lat4i shall eill him«U*.v rA, n oU^oh^r^A surname himself iv tht n. of Israel. 48. 1. 45 3 1 the Lord which call thee «y thy n. jihn 10. S. and he calleth hi. own sheep h^. Scu 4 10. 4v th. n. of Jesus th.s man is whole 1 tV 1.10. 1 be«.ch you t, th, «. of our Lord 3JflA«14.oarfriends salute thee, greet friends «y n. Ste EXPRKSSBU. Hi/ NAME. Eiod. 3. 13. shall say. what is Ai, n.f P^o^-^°-\ 15. 3. the Ld. is h,s n. Jif. 33. C. ^™.i 5.8. | 9-0 £0.7.guiUles5 that takeih hi. '••>°,7'"-"5"',^- i S8 SI every stone with his n. shall they be.39.14 7),ut 3. 14. J air called them after hti own n. 6 13. Shalt serve him, and shalt swear by A,, n 10. 8. to bless in Aw n. to th>s day 1 CAr. .3 13 NAM 1 ^m 84 21 swear thou wilt not destroy my n. sT" id go to Nab.1. and greet him m my n iSam 7 13 he .hall build an house for '".V • * ^1 K,ni. a. 5. 1 8. 18. 19. 1 Chron.".2. 10. „ ,. g. 7. this hoise which I have hallowed for mp n iChr 22 8. shall not build an house to myn. .8.3 Chr' 6 8. in heart to build an house for n,y n. g. Solomon shall build the house for my »^ 7 20. this house which I have »ancufied for myn Neh I 9.1 have chosen to set my n there. Jrr.T.U. P«i 89 84. in my n. shall his horn be exalted 91. 14. because he hath known myn. 0. 13. snail ^^:r>c ui"., -"- .— „, „. ,, Qi. 14. because ne nam »""- j -■ , , 10. 8. to bless in A» n. to this day, 1 ^^'^^^ -'; ^'; ^ on. 53. ihey shall sanctify myn. and fear 12 . 5. the Lord your God shall choose to put A,. U* .y . ? ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^ H „„ ,. there. 21. 1 A-.ng,14.21. 2CAr,„ 12 3. 41.25.fr^^ ^^^ Cord that is myn and -ye "X 48 y. for my n. sake will 1 defer mine anger n. shall choose to cause Ai, ». to dwell there 14 23. choose to place A. n. there. 10.6.11. | CO.. S4 the Lord shall choose to set Ai/ n. there 24 6. that Ai» n. be not put out of Israel 10. andAi/n. shall be called in Israel 29 20. L. shall blot out A.x n. from under heaven Ju^j. 13. 8. I asked not, neither told he me hts n JRufh.*. 14. that h.s n. may be famous in brael , ^-,. 12.22. forA.,..sake,^P«r2r3.^|_^o6.8 18. 30. 50 that kit n. was much set by 25. 25. as his n. is, so is he, >abal is Aix n. 1 Chr 16 8 eive thanks to Lord, call upon hts n make known his deeds P.. 105. ^J'^'-'"- *^ 20. eive the glory due ts hts n. Ft. 29. .. 1 yo. « Eira 6 12 God that caused Aii». dweU there Ptal 54. 3. let us exalt his n. together, 60. 2. 41 5 when shall he die and his n. perish > 6a. 4. that tideth'.on the heavens hj h,s n. Jt-H 69 36. they that love A., n. shall dwell therem - -^ 17. his n. snail endure for ever, aj long as sun IQ. and blessed be Aix t'orious n. for ever 76'l.A» n. is great in lsr.|196.2.bles5 A„ n.lOO. 4. 99. 6. Samuel among them that call on An n. 111. 9 holy and reverend is his n. 1.».5. 3. sing praises to his n. for it is pleasant 148 13. praise hisn. for hu n. alone is excellent 140. 3. let them praise his n. in the dance Prov 21. 24. proud and haughty scorner is his n £ccl. 6. 4. his n. shall be covered with darkness Jsa. 7. 14. shall call Aij «. Immanuel, ^la'-l- -3 9. 6. and his n. shall be called. Wonderful 12. 4. make mention that his n. n exalted 47 4. the Lord of hosts is his n. the Holy One ot Israel,48. 2. 151. 15. | 54. 5. J^r. 10. 16. 1 31.35. I 32. 18. 150.34. I 51. 19. 48 19 his n. should not have been cut on Jtr. 11. 19. his n. may be no more remembered 20. 9. I will not speak any more in A» n. 23 6. this is Ail n. whereby he shall be calleil 48 17 all ye that know his n. say. how is stan Am'os 4. 13. the Lord, the God of hosts is his n. Zech 10.18. they shall walk np and down in his n 14 9. in that day shall be one Lord, and his n. one Jdal 3 16 for them that thought on Au n. a book Idal. 1.23. Shalt call his n. Jes. Luke 1. 31. | 8.21 12 21. in Ml n. shall the Gentiles trust Mari 6. 14. for his n. was spread abroad Luie 1.13. and thou shalt call his n. John 24 K remission of sins should be preached in A.n. John 1 12 even to them that believe on his n. 2. 23. "many believed in his n. when they saw 5 43. if another shall come in his pwn n. 20.31. that believing ye might have life thro Au n ylcis 3. 16. his n. througli faith in his n. hath made 5 41 ihev were counted worthy to suffer for hisn. 10. 43. tliro' Ai* n. shall receive remission of sias 13 8. Elymas the sorcerer, for so u hit n. 15 14 to take out of them a people for An n. Rom. 1. 5. to the faith among all nations for Aix n Htt. 6 10. oflove which ye shewed towards his n 13. 15. let us offer praise, giving thanks to his n. Rev 3. 5. no: blot out his n. but will confess Ai» n. 6. 8. and Aix n. that sat on him was Uea'" U. 11. in the Greek tongue hath Aix ». ApoUyon 13.6.10 blaspheme Aix n. B n.number of A n.15.2 14. 11. whosoever receivelh the mark "f A>x n. S2. 4. and Aix n. shall be in their foreheads Set Holt, Lord. My NAME. Oflt.38.«9.whyi» it that thou dost ask after myn.. 4a 16. let mv n. be named on them, let them grow i,ioJ. 3.15. this i»my n. for ever, and my memorial y. 16. raised thee up, that mv n. may be declared 20.24. where 1 record myn. I will come unto thee 23 81. provoke him not, for my n. is in him Ldt. 19. 12. ye shall not swear by my n. falsely 80. 3. hit seed onto Molech, to profaue my holy n. timm. 0. 87. put my n. on the children of Israel Beta. 18. 19. which he shall speak in my n. 20. J'lu^j. IJ. 18 why askest thou thuJ after my :i.f B. y. lor my n. ma»^ -■•■ • 11 for how should my n. be polluted i 40 1. hath h« made mention of my n. 52 5. my n. continually every day is blasphemed 6. therefore my people shall know my n. 66. 5. brethren that cast you ont for my 71 sake Jer. 14.14. they prophesy lies in my n. 15. j 23J.X 16 21 they shall know that my n. is the Lord 23' 27. they think to cause my people to forget my „. as their fathers have forgotten my n for Baal 27 15. they prophesy a lie in my m. 29- 9- »i. »•*• 34 16. but ye turned and polluted my n. 44'.26.sworn by my great n my n. no ">»" "»""f Etek. 20. 9 but I wrought for my n. 14, ^^, 4*. 36. 23. and I will sanctify my great «. Ztch. 13. 9. they shall call on my n. I will hear .Vat 1 6. to you. O priests, that despise my n. 1 1 . for my n. shall be great among Gentiles, and in every place incense shall be offered to my n. 14 mv n. is dreadful among the heathen 2. 2. Ms it to heart, to give glory unto my n. 5. he feared me, and was afraid before my n. 4 2. to you that fear mv n. shall the sun of right. Mat. 10.22. ye shall be hated of all men >or my n. sake 84.9. Mark 13. 13. Luke1\. 17. 18.5. rec. a child in mv n. Mark 9- 37.. Luke 9.48. 20 or three are gathered together in my n. 19 29. that hath forsaken houjes for my n. sake lu. ay. inainaiu luii""":" """' -^ , , ,, 24. 5. for many shall come in mv n and shall deceive many, Mark 13. 6. Li^ke 21. 8. Mark 5. 9. he answered, saying, my n is Legion Q 39. no man which shall do a miracle in my n. 41 eive YOU acup of water to drink in my n. 16. 17. in my n. shall they cast out devils Luke 21. 12. brought before rulers for my n. sake Johr, 14. 13. whatsoever ye 'hall ask In my n that will Ido, 14. I 15. 16. 16.23,24.26. 26 the Comforter whom he will send in my n. 15.21. these things will they do for my n. sake Acts 9. 15. he is a chosen vessel to bear my n. 16. great things he must suffer for my n. sake 15. 17. the Gentiles upon whom my n is culled Kom. 9. 17. and that mv n. might be declared 1 CV.1.15. lest any say. I baptized in m.r.e own n. Jiev. 2. 3. and for my n. sake hast laboured 13. thou boldest fast my n and hast not denied 3.8. hast kept my word, and hast not denied my n. See Called. TAv NAME. Gen 12.2. I willbles's thee, and make f those that fear thy n. 61. 4. will bless, 1 will Uft up my hands in thy «. 74 7 they have defiled the dwelling placeofihy a 10 shall the enemy blaspheme thy n. for ever ' 18. the foolish people have blasphemed thy » 21. let the poor and needy praise thy .j. 75. 1. for that thy n. is near, thy works declare 79 6 that have not called on thy n. Jtr. 10. -a. 9 help us, O G. of salvation, lor the glory of thy n and purge away our sins for thy >i.sak6 80. 18. quicken us. and we will call upon thy n 83. 16. that they may seek thy >.. O Lord 86. 9. all nations shall come and glorify thy n. 11 11. teach me, unite my heart to fear thy n. 89. 12. llermon shall rejoice in thy 11. 10. 109. 21. do thou for me, O Lord, for thy n. sake 115. 1. not unto us, but unto thy n. give glory 1 19. 55. I have remembered thy n. in the night 1.31. as thou usest to do to those that love thy n 135 13 thy n. O Lord, endureth for ever 138.2. I will praise thy n. for thy lovii.g kiiidnes.* thou hast magnified thy word above all thy » 139 20. and thine enemies take thy «. in vaia 140 13. the righteous shall give thanks to thy n. 142. 7. out of prison, that I may praise thy n. 14) 11 quickenme, O Lord,forthy a. sake 145. 1. 1 will bless thy n. forever and ever, 2. 2. and I will praise thy n. for ever, ''«• -5. 1. Cant. 1. 3. thy n. is as ointment poured forth Ita. C6. 8. the desire of our soul is to thy n. 13 by thee we will make mention of thy n. 63 16. O Lord, thy n. is from everlasting 64. 2. make thy n. known to thine adversaria* 7. there is none that calleth on thy n. y«r.l0.6. thou art great and thy n.is great inmighl 11 16. the Lord calleth thy n. a green olive-tree 14. 7. do thou it forthy u. sake, we have sinned "1 do not abhor us for thy n. sake, reniemb«r Cy 25. sent letters in thy n. to all people in Jerus. Lam. 3.55. I called upon thy n. out of the dungeoP i).n 9. 6. the prophets spake in thy n. to our kings. Mic 6 9. and the man of wisdom shall see thy n. Noh. 1. 14. that no more of thy n. be sown Mai 1. 6. wherein have we despised thy M.r Mat. 6. 9. hallowed be thy n. LukelX.i. 7. 22. in thy n. have we cast out devils Mark 5.9. he asked him, what is thy n.T Luke 8.30. 9 .18. casting out devils ia thy n. Luke 9. 49. Luke 10 17. the devils are subject through thy «.. John 12. 28. Fath. glonfy thy n. then came a voice 17 6 I have manifested thy n. to the men, 20- 11. holy Father, keep through thine own. n. 12. Acts 9 14. authority to bind all that cal 1 on thy ». Horn. 15. 9. I will confess, and sing unto thy n. liev.n.\&. give reward to to them that fe arihy ». 15 4. who shall not fear and glorify thy n. f See Called. NAME, Verb. 1 Sam 16.3. thou shalt anoint to me him whom I a 28. 8. bring him up whom I shall «. unto thee ha 62 2 which the mouth of the I»rd shall », NAMED. ETU. Gen 23 16 Abrah. weighed silver which he had n 27. 36. he said, is not he rightly n. Jacob i 48 16. and let my name be n. on them 1 Sam 4. 21. she n. the child l-chabod, saying; " Kings 17.34. the children of Jac. whom he n. ls» 1 Chen. 23. 14. MoseS* sons k. of the tribe of Levvi Ixcl. 6. 10. what hath been, is k. already Isa 61.6. ye shall be n. the priests of the Lord Jer 41 26. my name shall no more bf n. in mouth .-Im'tfx 6. 1. which are n. chief of the nations Mic. 27.0 thou that art n. of the house of Jacob Luke 2.2 I.Jesus was so n. of the angel before cone. 6 13. he chose twelve, whom he n. apostles Horn. 15.20. to preach, not where Christ was n. 1 Cor. 5. 1 . such fornication notn. among Genult Evh. 1.21. far above every name that is n. 3 15. the whole family in heaven and earth is n 53. covetousness, let ;t not be once n. among you " 'I'lm 2.19. letevery one that n. the name ot Chr NAMELY. Eccl 5, ]3.sore evil, n. nches kept for the owners Isa 7. 20. Lord shave with a razor, h. by Assjn* A;aiil2. 31. the second is like, n. this, shall love NAMES. ^ . C«. 2. 20. Adam gave n. to all cattle, and to fow 26.18.called their n. after ..his father calledihem Eiod. 23 13. be circumspect and make no mention of the n. of other gods, Ueui. \.. i. 28. gra^c on them the n.of children of Isr.2l 12 Aaron shall bear their n. before the Ld.29 .Vum. 1. 2. the number ot their ». by their poll 5. the n. of the men that shall stand with yoo 3 43 numb, of n. of the Leviws from a monthold 13 16 then of the men which Moses sent to sjy NAT NAT NAT Sum. 34.17. n. of men which shall divide the land f^er. C. 11. hath a n. changed their ;jds ? 2ilam. 2.1. 8. the m. of mighty men whom Dav. had j 5. 9- my soul be avenged on sich a n. C9. ( 9. g. Emra 5.4. what are their n. who make this building | 15. I will bring a n. on you from far, O house of Psa/. 16. 4. nor take up their n. into my lips 49. 11. they call their lands after their own n. 147. 4. the stars he calleth them by n. Isa.iO.'io. Zitk. 23. 4. the n. of them were Aholahthe elder iios. 2. 17. for I will take away the 71. of Kaalini Zcch.X^.I. cut off the n. of the idols out of the land huke 10.20. rejoice, your n. are written in heaven ^ctt 1. 15. the number of the n. together were 120 IH. 13. if it be question of words and n. look to ii PAiV. 4.3. whose n. are in the book of life Viev. 3. 4. thou hast a few n. in Sardis, not defiled 11 . t 13 were slain n. of men seven thousand 13. t 1. and on his heads the n. of blasphemy 8. whose n. are not written in book, 1". 8. 17. 3. I saw a woman full of «. of blasphemy SI. 12. «. written thereon, K. of the twelve tribes 14. in them the «. of twelve apostles of the Lamb NAPKIN. Lytke 19.20. thy pound which I have kept in a n. John 11.44. his face was bound about with a n. S0.7. the n. that was about his head nut lying NAKD. Jiari 14. t 3. a woman having a box of pure «. NARROW. yum. C2. 26. angel of the Lord stood in a «. way Jof/i. 17. 15. cut down, if mount Ephraini be too n 1 A"/*'! 6. 4. for house he made windows of n. lights frov. 23. 27. and a strange woman is a n. pit £4. 1 10. if thou faint, thy streiK;lh is 11. Jra.49i9.lhe land of thy destruction shall be too n. Hal. 7. 14. n. is the way which leadethto life NARIlbWED. 1 KiTtgs 6. 6. in wall of house made n. rests round NARROWER. Ifa. 26.20. the covering n. than he can wraphimself NARROWLY. J»t 13. 27. thou lookest ?i. to all my paths /fa. 14. 16. that see thee, shall ». look upon thee NATION Signifies, [1] All the itthabiianls of a particular eomiiri/, IJcut. 4. 34. [2] A country or iinf- di»n, Exnd. 3i. 10. Rev. 7. 9. [3] Counirv- tneri, naliies of the same stock. Acts 26. 4. [4] The father, head, and original of a nation cr peofile. Gen. 25. 23. [5] The heathen or Gentiles, Isa. 54. S. Cen. 15.14. and also that h. they serve will I judge CO. 4. Lord, wilt thou slay also a righteous n.? SI. 13. of the bond-woman I wHl make a 11. 35. 11. a » and kings shall come of thee £jod. 9.24. in all Egypt, since it became a ». 19.6. ye shall be unto me an holy «. 1 Het.i.i). SI. 8. to sell her to a strange n. have no power S3. 13. and consider that this ». is thy people 34. 10. have not been done in any n. do with thee i*r.l8.2fi. nor any of your «. commit abomination 20.23. shall not walk in the manners of the n. AuM.14.l2.Iwill make of thee agreat«.L>«Mf.9.]4. Dtul. 4. 31. or hath God assayed to take him a n. from the midst of another 71. of wonders • 28. 33. the fruit of thy land shall a n. cat up 3fi. the Lord shall bring thee and thy king to a «. 49. Lord shall bring a h. against thee from far 50. a »j. of fierce countenance shall not regard 32. 28. area». void of counsel, no understanding S*'im,7 23. what n.like thy people ? 1 CV1r.i7.2i. 1 A'inctl3. 10. there is no n. whither my Lord hath not sent to seek thee, he took an oath ofth.it n. « Kinc< 17. 29. every n. made gods of their own 1 Chr. 16. 20. and when they went Irom n. to n. £ Chr. 15.6. n. was destroyed of n. and city of city 32. 15. no god of any n. or kingdom was able Job 34. 29. it'bedone against a».or a man osly Ps. 33. 12. blessed is the n. whose God is the I>ord 43.1.0 God plead my cause against an ungodly n. 83. 4. come, let us cut them off from being a n. 105. 13. they went from one n. to another 106.5. that I may rejoice in the gladness of thyn 147. 20. he hath not dealt 10 with any n. Prov. 14. 34. righteousness exalteth a n. but sin is Isa. I. 4. ah sinful )i. a people laden with iniquity C. 4. n. shall not lift up sword against n. Mic. 4. 3. 9. 3. thou hast multiplied the n. not increased jny 10. 6. I will send him against an hypocritical >i. It. 32. what answer the messengers of the «..' 18.2.go,ye swift messengers, to a n. scattered and peeled, a n. meted out and trodden down, 7. 86. 2. open that the nghleoui n. may enter in 15. thou hast increased the n. O Lord, the n. 49- 7. saith the Lord to him whoift the n. abhorreth 31.4. hearken and gire ear to me, O my n. 55. 5. thou shalt call a n thou knowest not StI. i. seek me, as a n. that did righteousness 60. 12. the n. that will not serve thee shall perish SS. and a small one shall became a strong n. C5. 1. a It. that was not calUd by my name £6. 8 or shall a n. be bom at once i, 401 Israel, it is a mighty «. it is an ancient n 7. 28. a n. that obeyeth not the voice of the Lord 12. 17. I will utterly pluck up and destroy that M. 18. 7. speak concerning a n. to pluck it up, 9. 8. if tnat «. against whom I have pronounced 25. 12. punish that ti. for their iniquity, 27.8. 32. behold, evil shall go forth from n. to 71. 27.8. 71. which will not serve Nebuchadnezzar, 13. 31. 3fi. then Israel cease from being a n. 33. 01. 48. 2. let us cut off Moab from being a n. 49. 31. arise, get you up to the wealthy 7;. 36. shall be no n. whither Elam shall not come 50. 3. out of the north cometh a n. against her Lam. 4. IT.havewatched for a 71. that could not save Ezek. 2. 3. I send thee to Israel, a rebellious n 37. 22. I will make them one >t. in the land Dan. 8.22. four kingd. shall stand up out of the >i. 12.1. trouble, such as never was since was a u. ^"cl 1. 6. for a n. is come up upon my land Amoi 6.14. behold, I will raise up against you a n. .iy;c.4.7.Iwill make her thatwas cast ofl' a strong 71. Ilab. 1. 6. the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty 71. i^eph. 2. 1. gather together, O n. not desired 5. woe to the n. of the Cherethites Hag. 2. 14. so is this people and n. before me Mai. 3. 9. even this whole n. have robbed me .Mat. 21.43. the kingdom of God given to a n. 24. 7. 7«. shall riseag. n. Mark 13. 8. f.uke 21. 10. LukeT. a. for he loveth our n. and hath built us 2.3. 2. we found this fellow perverting the n. John 11.48. the Romans shall come and take ourij. 50. one man die, that the whole n. perish not 51. prophesied tliat Jesus should die for that k, 52. and not for tHat n. only, but that also he 18. 35. thine own 71. hath delivered thee to ma Acts 2. 5, Jews, devout men out of every 7j. 7. 7. the n. to whom they shall be in bondage 10.22. of good report among all the n. of the Jews 28. it is unlawful to come to one of another 71. 35. but in every 71. h K.23.he increiseth the 71. he enlargeih the 7». t's/)t 9. 20. that the 7«. may know themselves 22.27. all the kindreds of 71. shall worship thee 28. the Lord is governor among the 71. 47. 3. he shall subdue the 71. under our feet 57. 9. 1 ^*''" *i"K 'o 'tee among the 71. 108. 3. 66. 7. hii eyes behold the 7x.||67.4.lct the 71. be glad 96. 5. for all the godi of the n. are idols 106 27. to overthrow their seed among the 71. 34. they did not destroy the n. Lord commanded Prov. 24. 24. the people curse, 71. shall abhor him Ita. 2. 4. and he shall judge among t)ie «. 5. 86. h« will lift up aa enufn to the n. from far Tsa. 10. T. it is in his heart to < ut of! n not a few 11. 12. he shall set up an en.sig;i for the 7». 14. 6. he that ruled the 71. in anger, is perseeut«d 12. how cut down, which didst weaken then. 18. all the kings of the 71. lie in glory 23. 3. the seed of Sihor, she is a mart of it. 33. 3. at thy lifting up the i:. were scattered 34. 1. come near, ye n. to hear, Jer. 31. 10. 4(1. 15. benold, the n. are as a drop of a bucket 52. 15. so shall he sprinkle many 71. 55. 5. 71. that knew not thee, shall run to thee 60. 12. yea, those n. shall be utterly wasted 64. 2. tnat the 71. may tremble at thy presence 66. 19. I will send those that escape to the iti Jer. 1. 5. ana ordained thee a prophet to the ir. 10. see, I have this day set thee over the «. 4. 2. 71. shall bless themselves in him, and glory 16. make ye mention to 71. pi7bli5h ag. Jenisalem 6. 18. therefore hear ye «. and know, 31. 10. 10. 7. who would not fear thee, O Kingof n.r 10. the 71. shall not be able to abide his indignation 22. 8. many n. shall pass by this city, and say 25. 14. 71. shall serve themselves of them, 27. 7. .31. the Lord hath a controversy with the ir. 4(). 12. the 77. have heard of thy shame, thy cry 50. 2. dec/are ye among the 71. Babylon is taken- 12. hindermostof the n. shall be a wilderness 46. and the cry is heard among the it. 51. 7. the 71. have drunken of her wine, n. are mad 20. with thee will I break in pieces the b. 27. prepare the 71. against her, call together 41. Babylon is an astonishment among the it, +4. the 71. shall not flow together any more Lam. 1.1. the city that was great among the n, Kzek. 5. 6. into wickedness, more than the n. 7. 14. I will make thee a reproach among the n, 6. 8. the remnant shall escape among the n. 9- that escape shall remember me among the n. f 12. 15. when I shall scatter them among the it. 19. 4. the 71. also heard of him, he was takeo 8. then the «. set against him on every side 26. 3. I will cause many 71. to come against the« 5. and it shall become a spoil to the n. !8.7 behold, therefore, I will bring strangers upoa thee, the terrible of the 71. ,30. 1 1. | 31 . 18, 29. 12. I will scatter Egyptians among n 30. 23. 15. that they shall no more ruie over the it. 31. 16. I made n. shake at the sound of his f< 32. 2. thou art like a lion of the >i. as a whale 16. the daughters of the 71. shall lament her, 16. 35. 10. thou hast said, these twoii. shall be mio» 36. 13. thou land hast bereaved thy 71. 37.22. and they shall be no more two n. 38.8. it is brought forth out of the ti. 12. 23. I will be known in the eyes of many n, 3y. 27. and am sanctified in the sight of many n. Hos. H. 10. though they have hired among the it. 9. 17. they shall be wanderers among the it. Joel 3. 2. whom they have scattered among the n. .imos6. 1. woe to them which are named chief of i*. -Vic. 4. 2. many n. shall come and say, let us go 3. he shall rebuke strong 11. afar off, and \kcA 11. now also many ii. are gathered against thee 7. l6.thc II. shall see, be confounded al their might yah. 3. 4. that selleih 71. through her whoredom* 5. I will shew the ii. thy nakedness and shame //ai. 1.17. shall they not spare continually to »layi». 2. 8. because thou halt spoiled many n, 3. 6. h« beheld, and drove asunder the n. if <■/(/(. 3. 6. 1 have cut off the n. their lowers desolala- 8. for my determination is to gather the n. /^ech. 2. 11. many n. shall be joined to the I^rd 8. 22. and strong n. shall come to seek the Ix)rd 23. take hold out of all the languages of then. /!.kX<12. 30. these things do the n. seek after 21. 25. and upon the earth shall be distress of ti. .•Jr//I3.19.whenhe had destroy. seven n.inl'hanaau' liei. 2. 26. to him will I give power over the n. U). 11. thou must prophesy before many »». 11. 9. II shall see their dead bodies three dayi 18. and the it. were angry, ihy wrath if come 13. 7. and power was given him over all h. 16. 19. cities of the n. fell |j 17. >5. waters are n. 20. 3. that he should deceive the n. no more 21.24. the 71. of them which are saved shall walk 2(1. they shall bring the honoiirof the n. into it. 22. 2. the leaves were for the healing of the n. See Grf»t. All NATIONS. /'<■«/. 4. 19. which the Ixird hath divided to all n '.'6. 19. and to make thee high above all n. SO. t. 28. .37. shall become a bv-word among all u. I A'iii{/4. 31. his fame was In o/i'n. roundabout 1 Chron. 14.1*. brought the fear of David on a/A» 16. 24. declare his marvellous works among a/A> 2 Chr. 32. 23. Ilezekioh magnified in sight oialln I'sat. 67. 2. thy saving health among all n. 72. 11. kings full down, a// n. shall serre him 17. men blessed in hini.a// n. shall call hiu.bl6»»oi. 28. 19. go ye, and teach all n. baptizing them Mark 11.17. be called of a// n. the house of prayer X«i«2l. 24. shall be led away captive into alln. Acli 14. 16. who suffered a// n.to walk in their ways 17. C6. hath made of one blood alt n. of men Rom. 1.5. for obedience to the faith among a// n. 16. 2Q. made known to alln. for obedience of faith Oat. 3. 8. saying, in thee shall oil n. be blessed ft«» 7. 5. a multitude of a// n. stood before throne 12. 5. a man-child, who was to rule a//n. with a rod 14. H. she made all n. drink of the wine, IB. 3. 15.4. for all n. shall come and worship before thee 18. 23. for by thy sorceries were all n. deceived All the NA'JIONS. C«n.lB.l«.a///.n.ofeanhbeblessed,2C.18. [ S6.4. Drul. 14. 2. chosen thee above all the n. on earth 17.14. set a king over me, as all I. n. 1 Sam. H.5,20. 30. 1. thou shall call them to mind among all t. n. 2. the Lord will gather thee from alt the n. Ptal.g. 17. into hell, and all then, that forget God //a. 14. Sd. hand that is stretched out on all the n. 29.7. the multitude of a// /Aj. as brute beasts NAVEL. Judg. 9. ♦ .37. come doivn by the n. of the land Job 40. 16. his force is in the 7t. of his belly I'rov. 3. 8. it shall be health to thy 71. and marrow Cant. 7. 2. thy 71. is like a round goblet £«*. 16.4. when thou wast born, thy »i. was not cut NAVES. 1 Kings 7. 33. their 71. and spokes were all molten NAUGHT, or NOUGHT. Ge7».29.15.shouldest thou theref. sene me for.n. .' Deut. 13. 17. shall cleave 71. of the cursed thing 15. 9. thy poor brother, and thou givest him 71. 28. 63. the Lord will rejoice to bring you to 71. 2 Kingt 2. 19. the city is pleasant, but the water 71. Keh. 4. 15. God brought their counsel to 71, Job 1.9. Satan said, doth Job fear (iod for 71. f 8. 22. the place of the wicked shall come to 71. 14. 18. surely the mountain falling cometh to 71. 22. 6. hast takeii a pledge from thy brother for 71. Pia/.33.10. Lord bringeth counsel of heathen to 71. 44. 12. thou sellest thy people for 71. Prev. 1 . 25. but ye have set at 71. all my counsel 20. 14. it it 71. it is 11. saiih the buyer Isa. 8. 10. take counsel, it shall come to 7t. 29. 20. for the terrible one is brought to n. 21. that turn aside the just for a thing of 71. 41. 12. they shall be as nothing, as a thing of />. 24. ye are of nothing, and your work of 71. 49. 4. I have spent my strength for n. and in vain 52.3.saith the Lord,ye have sold yourselves for 71. 5. that my people is taken away for ti. Jer. 14. 14. a falsa vision, and a thij>g of 71. Ames 5. 5. and Beth-el shall come to n. 6. 13. ye which rejoice in a thing of 7«. who say -Ua/.l.lO.whois there.would shut the doors for 71. .' neither do ye kindle fire on mine altar for 71 Afari g.l2.must suffer, and be set at n.lAikeZ3. 11 Acts 4.11. this is the stoue set at 71. of you builders 5. 36. all were scattered and brought to 71. 38. if this work be of men, it will come to 71 19. 27. our craft is in danger to be set at n. Rom. 14. 10. why doj; thou set at n. thy brother 1 Cor. 1. 28. to bring to ti. things that are NEA lC<7r.2.6.thewisdomof this world that cometh ton. 2 Th4ss. 3. 8. nor did we eat any man's bread for ». lUv. 18. 17. in one hour so great riches come to n. NAUGHTY. Pr«r.6.12.i 71. person walketh with froward moutV 17. 4. and a liar giveth ear to a 71. tongue Jer. 24. 2. the other basket had very ti. figs NAUGHTINESS. 15c77i.l7.e8.I know thypride.and the Tt.of thy beait Pro-,.. 11.6. transgressors be taken in their own n, Jam.\.i\. lay apart all filihin. and superfluity of » NAVY. 1 Kings g.^G. Solom. made »7«. ofships'in £zion-g 27. Hiram sent in the ti. his servants, shipmen 10. 11. the 7«. of Hiram brought gold from Ophir 22. king Solomon had at iea a ti. of iarsbisb NAY. 1 Kings 1. 17. speak, for he will not say the* >i. 20. say me not 7«. for I will not say thee m. Mat.S.37. but let your communication be yea, yea, n. 71. more cometh of t\\\,Jam. 5. 12. Luke 12. 51. I tell you ti. but rather division 13. 3. I tell you 71. but except ye repent, 5. 16. .30. and he said, 71. father Abraham, but if one .■]cts 16. 37. 71. verily, but let them come and fetch Jiom. 3.QT. by law of works ? ti. but by law of faith 9 20. 71. but O man, who art thou that repliest ? 2 Cor. 1.17. with me there should be yea, yea, ti. k. 18. our word toward you was not yea and 71. 19. the Son ofGod Jesus Christ was not yea, ti. NAZAHITE Denotes, A man, or woman uho engaged themtelvtt by a vow to abttmin from rcine and all intoxicat- ing liquors ; to let their hair grote without cutting, or shaving ; not to enter into any house that aat polluted by having a dead cotpse in it, nor It be present at any funeral: And if any on* should have died very suddenly in their presenci, they itgan again the whole ceremony of ikeir eomecration and Natariteship, which ceremony lasted generally eight dayi. When the time of their Satariteship was accomplished, the priest brought the person to the door of the tabernacle ; Kho there offered to the Lord a he-lamb for a burnt-offering, a ihe-lamh for an erpiatory sa- crifice, and a ram for a peace-offering ; by which sacrifices they no: only gave thanks to God wka had given them grace to make, and in tome measure to keep such a vow ; but also confessed and beuailed their frailties and miscarriages, notuithstanding the strictness of their vou-, and alt the diligence and care they could use, and consequently acknowledged their need of ikt grace of God in Christ Jesus, the true Naza. rite. After these sacrifices uere ofered to the Lord, the priest, or some other, shaved the head of the Nazarite at the door of the tabernacle ; lihich was done so publicly, that it might be known that his vow was ended, and therefore he was at liberty as to those things from wkick he had restrained himself for a season, otherwise some might have been scandatiied at his liberty , after which hit hair wat burnt, being thrown upon the fire on which the flesh of the peace- offering wat boiled; then the priest put inia the hands of the N azarite the shoulder of ikt ram boiled, with a loaf and a cake, which the H azarite returning into the hands of the priest, he o^ered them to the Lord, lifting them up in the presence of the N azarite ; And from this time he might again drink wine, kit Naiarit*- ship being now accomplished. Some obliged themselves only for a time, at those mentioned in Num. 6. 13. others for Ikeir whole tile, at Samson, John the liapiisl, tjc. Judg. 16. 17. Luke 1. 13. Their principal dt sign woe to sequester themselves in a great pari from worldly employments and enjoyments, that they might devote themselves to the service of God. Nazarite signifies, sanctified, or consecrated Sum. 6. 2. a vow of a 71. to.,separate themselves 13. and this is the law of the 71. when, 21. 18. the 71. shall shave the head of his separation 19. and shall pat them on the hands of the n. 20. and after that the ti. may drink wine Ju/£.13.5.thechildshar. beaTi.toGod,7. | 16.17 NAZARITES. /.a77i.4.7. her 71. purer than snow, whiter than milk .Imosi 11. 1 raised up of your young men for7i. 12. but ye gave the n.wine to drink, and propheu NEAR. G«7i. 19. 20. this city is ti. to flee to, it isaliuleone 27. 22. Jacob went ti. to Isaac his father 25. bring it ti. he brought it n. and he did eat 29. 10. Jacob went n. and rolled the stone 45.10.thoushalt ben.to me, thou and thy childreo 48. 10. he brought tnem n. and k>6sed Ihem Eiod.\3.\1 -the land of Philistines.altho'lhat was ti. Lev. 18. 6. not approach to any that is b. of kio 12. she is thy father's ti. kiuswomaa NEC Lev. 18. 3. for she is thy mother's n. kinsw 17. 20. 19. lor he uncovereth his n. kin 21. ?. but for his kin 7t. to him he may be defiled 2^'um. 3. 6. bring the tribe of Levi m. and present 5. 16. bring her a. and set her before the Lord )6. 9. to bring you w. to himstlf, 10. 1 ( . 13. whoso Cometh n. the tabernacle shaU die 'J6. 3. Moses spake in plains of Moab, >». Jericho Deut. 5. £7. go thou n. and hear all God sSall say 16. 21. not plant a grove of trees n. altar of Lord Judg. 18. 22. the men ». Micah's house gathered £0. 34. they knew not that evil was n. them Jiul/t C. SO. the man is n. of kin to us, next kinsman 3. 9. spread skirt, for thou art a n. kinsman, 12. (H 2 Ham. 14.30. see, Joab'siield is n. mine, set on fire 19- 42. because the king is n. of kin tf> us 1 King! 8. 46. land of enemy far or w. 2 C/ir. 6. 36. 21. 2. thy vineyard, because it is n. to my house Joi 41. 16. one is so n. another, no air can come Pial. 22.11. for trouble is u.} 75. 1. thy name isn 119.151. thou art n. O Lord, thy comra. are truth 148. 14. the horn of Israel, a people n. to him Prov.l .8. passing through the street, n. her corner 10.14.butthe mouth of the foolish is n.destruction 27. 10. better is a neighbour that is».than a brother Jsa. 33. 13. ye that are ». acknowledge my might 45. 21. tell ye, and bring them n. yea, let theu 46. 13. ) bring h. my righteousness, not far oflF 50.8. he isn. that justifieth me, who will contend • 51. 5. my righteousness is n. my salvation 55. 6, call upon the Lord while he is n. 5(?.l.mysalvation isn.tocome^and my righteous. 57. 19 peace be to him that is n. saith the Lord Jer. 12. 2. thou art n. in their moutb, and far 25. 26. all kings of the north far and n. shall drink Lam. 4. 18. our end is n. our days are fulfilled £iel:. 6. 12. he that is n. shall fall by the sword 7.7.the time is come, the day of trouble is n. 30.3. 11. 3. who say, it is not m. let us build houses 22. 5. those that be n. and far shall mock thee L>a7i. 9. 7. confusion belongs to Israel tnat are n. Obad. 15. the day of the Lord is «. Zech. 1. 14. Mat. 24. 33. know that it is n. even at the doors Mark IS. 28. ye know that summer is n. Attt 10. 24. Cornelius called together his n. friends See Came, Come, Db*w, Drew. NEARER. a^iih 3. 12, howbeit, there is a kiosmau n. than I ii«i»i. IS. ll.our salvation n. than when we believed NECESSARY. JohiZ. '2. I esteemed his words more than n. food Acn 13. 46. was n. the word first be spoken to you 15.28.tolay no greater burden than these «. thing 28. 10. they laded us with such things as were n. 1 Cor. IS. 22.the members which seem feeble are n. 2 Cor. 9. 5. I thought it n. to exhort the brethren Phil. 2.25. I supposed it n. to send Epaphras Tit. 3. 1 1, to maintain good works for n. uses lieb. 9.23. n. patterns should be purified with these NECE.SSITY Signifies, [1] The ttate of a thin^ that must needs he, when it it contrary to its teri/ nature and principles to ie otherwise, Ileb." 9. 16. [2] Poverty, or want of temporal good things, Rom 12. 13. [3] Force or constraint, 2 Cor. 9. 7. The word necessary, or such as are equivalent to it, as must, must needs, do not always denote an absolute necessity, but a necessity of decenci/; or of duly, or merely something useful and ad- vantageous ; as for example, Luke 14. 18, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it ; that is, It is convenient that I go and see it. Rom. 13.5, Ye must needs be subject ; thai is, it is your duty, as well as interest, so to be. And, Luke 23. 17, Of necessity he must release one at the feast ; that is, it has been a custom observed among us fur a lung time, and it is proper to have it continued. i«i/«23.17.for ofn.he must release one at the feast Rom. 12. 13. distributing to the n. of saints J Cor. 7. 37. having no n. and hath so decreed 9. 16. for n. is laid upon me, yea, woe is to me 2 Cor. 9.7. so let him give, not grudgingly, or of «. Phil. 4. 16. ye sent once and again to my n. Philem. 14. not be as it were 01 n. but willingly Heb. 7. 12. there is made ofn. a change of the law 8. 3. it is of n. thismao have somewhat to offer 9. 16. there must of «. be the death of the testator NECESSITIES. Acts 20. 34. these bands have ministered to my n. t Cor. 6. 4. aa the ministers of God in n. 1'?. 12. I take pleasure in n. in persecutions NECK Signifies, [1] That part of the body between the head and shoulders. Genesis 27. 16. [21 The -. ■ , head. Deut. 21. 4. [3] The whole man, Deut. / 2fi. 4C. ler. 2T. 8, 11. {.*] The Aeait, Neh. 9. 29. Fror. SJ). 1. [5] Th* ketnd tr body. Veh. S.S. 403 NEE Cen 27. 16. put the skins on the smooth of his n. 40. thou shalt break the yoke from off thy n. 33. 4. Esau fell on his n. and kissed him 4 1.42. Pharaoh put a gold chain about Joseph's n Etei. 16. 11. Dan. 5. 7, I6, 29, 45. 14. Joseph ftll on Benjamin's w. and wept 46. 29. he fell on Jacol^'s n. he wept on his n. 4y. 8. thy hand shall be on the n. of thine enemies Esod. 13. 13. if not redeem it, break his n. 34. 20. Lev. 5. 8. sind wring off his head from his n. Deut. 21. 4. strike off the heifer's n. in the valley 28. 48. he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy n 1 'Sam. 4. IB. and his n. brake, and he died 2 Chron. tg. t6. our fathers have given the n. 36.13.Zedekiah stiffened bis n. hardened his heart \eh. 9. 29. hardeued their n. and would not hear Joi 15. 26. he runneth on him, even on his n. 1 6. 12 . he hath taken me by the n. and shaken me 39. 19. hast thou clothed his n. with thunder r 41. 22. in his n. remainelh strength, and sorrow Psal. 75. 5. lift not up, speak not with a stiff n. Prov. 1.9. for they shall be chains about thy n. 3.3. bind them about thy«. write them. 6. 21. 22. so shall they be life and grace to thy n. Cant. 1. 10. thy n. is comely with chains of gold 4. 4. thy n. is like the tower of David 9hast ravished my heart with one chain of thy n. 7. 4. thy n. is a tower of ivory, thine eyes Isa. 8. 8. he shall reach even to the n. 10. 27. his yoke shall be taken from off thy n. 30. 2K. shall reach to the midst of the n. 48. 4. thy H. is an iron sinew, thy brow brass 52. 2. loose thyself from the bands of thy w. 66. 3. that sacrificeth, as if he cut off a dog's n. Jer.i.iil. turned the hinder part of the «. to me 17.23. but they obeyed not, made their n. stiff 27. 2. make thee yokes, and put them on thy u. 8. will not put Tt.underyoke of king of Babyl.ll. 28. 10. took the yoke from off Jeremiah's n. 12. 14. I have put a yoke on the n. of these nations 30. 8. I will break his yoke from off thy n. 48. tsg. Moab hath turned the «. with shame Lam. 1.14. my transgressions are come upon my » Jlos. 10. 11. but I passed over on her fair n. Uab. 3. 13. discovering the foundation to the n. Mat. 18. 6. it were better that a millstone were hanged about his 71. MarJtg. 42. Luke 17. 2. Luie 15. 20. his father fell on his n. and kissed him Acts 15. 10. put a yoke on the n. of the disciples 20. 37. they fell on Paul's n. and kissed him See HiBDE.N. NECKS. Juih.'.iS. when Israel turneth theirn. 10.24. put your feet on the n. of these kings Judg. 5. 30. for the n. of them that take the spoil 8. 21. ornaments that were on their camel's n. 26. 2 Sam. 22.41. given me m. of enemies, Psal. 18. 40. 2 Chron. 30.18. harden not your «. as your fathers iV«/i. 3. 5. the nobles put not their n, to the work Jsa. 3.16. and walk with stretched-forlh n. Jer. 27. 12. bring your n. under yoke of Babylon Lam. 5. 5. ourn. are under persecution, we labour /.!«<. 21. 29. to bring thee on the n. of the slain Mic. 2. 3. from which ye shall not remove your n. Hum. 16. 4. who for my life laid down their own n NECROMANCER. Z^«ur. 18. ll.tbere shall not be found amongyou a» NEED. Deut. 15.8. thou shah lend him sufficient Tor his n 1 Sarn. 21.15. have I ». of madmen, that^-e brought 2 Chron. 2. 16. cut wood as much a^ thou shalt n. 20. 17. ye shall notn, to fight in this battle F.tra. 6. 9. and let what they have n. of be given Prov. 31. 11. so he shall have no n. of spoil Mat. 3. 14. I have ti. to be baptized n{ thee 6. 8. for your father kuoweth what things ye have n. of before yer ask him, 32. Luke 12. .30. 9. 12. they that be whole ?i. not a physician, but they that are sick, Marki. I7. Luke 5.31. 14. 16. they n. not depart, give ye them to eat £1.3. the Lord hath n. of them, and he will send them, Mark 11. 3. Luke 19. 31, 34. 26.(55. the high-priest said, what further n. have we of witnesses ' Mark 14. 63. Luke 22. 71. Mark 2. 25. read what David did when he had«. I.uke 9.11. and healed them that had n. of healing 15. 7- over just persons which n. no repentance John 13. 29. buy those things we have n. of Acts 2. 45- parted them as every man had n. 1. 35. liom. 16.2. that ye assist her in what she hath n. 1 Cor. 7. 3(1. if n. so require, let him do what he will 12.21. cannot say to the hand, 1 have no n. nfthee £4. for our comely parts have not n. but God 2C'ur. S.l.orn. we epistles of commendation to you' Phil. 4. 12. I know how to abound aud to suffer n. 19. my G. shall supply all your n. by Christ Jes, 1 Thess. 1. 8. so that we m. not speak any thini; 4. 9. of brotherly love ye n. not that I write 5. 1. of the times ye have no ri. (hat I write Uti. 4. 16. aud fin/ grace to help in lime of ic. NEC Ihi. 5.12. n. one teach you.such as have «. of milk 7. 11. what n. that another priest should rise 10. 30. for ye have h. of patience, that after 1 Pel. 1.6. though now, if n. be,ye are in heaviness 1 Johtil. 27. ye n. not that any man teach you 3.17.whoso hath goods, and see his brother have n iiev. 3. 17. I am rich, and have n. of nothing 21. 23. the city had no n, of sun or a.'Oou 22. 25. and they a. no caudle, uor light of the sua NEEDED. John 2. 25. he n. not that any should testify of maa .^c(.r 17. 25. astho'he n. any th:ng, seeing he givei NEEDEST, ETH. Gen. 33.15. Jacob said, what n. it, let me find grac* Luke 11.8. he will give him as many as he n. John 13. 10. is washed, n. not save to wash his feet 16.30. and n. not that any man should ask thee EpU. 4. 28. that he may have togivetohim that n. 2 I'im. 2. 15. a workman that n. not to be ashamed tieb. 7. '^7. who n. not daily to offer up sacrifice NEEDFUL. Lira 7. 20. shall be n. for the house of thy God Luke 10. 42. one thing is n. and Mary hath chosen Acts 15. 5. that it was n. to circumcise them Phil. 1. 24. to abide in the flesh is more k. for yoa Jam. 2. 16. these things which are n. for the body Jude 3. beloved, it was n. for me to write to you NEEDLE. Mat. 19. 24. it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a 71. Mark 10. 25. Luke 18. £5. NEEDLE-WORK. Eiod. 26. 36. thou shalt make an hanging wrought with n. 2T. 16. I 36. 3". | 38. 18. 28. 39. thou shalt make the girdle of n. 3y. 29. Judg. 5. 30. to Sisera, a prey of divers colours of n. Psul. 4 J. 14. she shall be brought in raiment of ». NEEDS. Gen. 17. 13. he must n. be circumcised 19.9. they said, this one fellow will n. be a judge 24. 5. must I n. bring thy son again to the land ? 3 1 . 30. and now though thou wouldesl n . be gone 2 Sam. 14. 14. we must n. die, and are as water spilt on the ground Jer. 10. 5. must n. be born, because they cannot go Mm. 18.7. it must n. be that offences come .Mark 13.7. for such things must n. be, and not yet Luke 14. 18. bought ground, and 1 must n. go and see Johii.i. and he must n. go through Samaria Acts 1.16. this scripture must n. have been fulfilled 17. 3. that Christ must »i. have suffered 21.22. the multitude must n. come together Rom. 13. 5. wherefore ye must n. Iw subject 1 Cor. 5. 10. then must ye n. go out of the world 2 Cor. 11. 30. if 1 must n. glory, 1 will glory NEEDY. Deut. 15. 11. thou shalt open thy tand to the a. 24. 14. an hired servant that is pour and n. Job 24.4. they turn the n. out of the way 14. the murderer killeth the poor and n. Psal.g. 18. the n. shall not alway be forgottea 12. 5. for the sighing of the n. now will 1 arise 35. 10. which deliverest the poor and n. 7 J. 4, IS. 37. 14. have bent their bow to cast down the ». 40. 17. I am poor and n. make 00 tarrying, 70. JL 72. 12. for he shall deliver the n. 82. 4. 13. he shall spare the poor and n. save the n. 74.21. let the poor and n. praise thy name 82. 3. do justice to the afflicted and n. 4. deliver the poor and n. rid from the wicked !)6. 1. hear me, far 1 am poor aud ». I09. 82. 109. 16. but persecuted the poor and n. man 113.7 he lilieth ibeii. out of the dunghill Prov. 30. 14. devour the n. from among men 31.9. and plead the cause of the poor and n. 20. she reacheth forth htr hands to the n. Isa. 10. 2. to turn aside the 11. from judgment 14. .'to. and the n. shall lie down in safety 25.4. been a strength to the n. in liiidislrut 26. 6. the steps of the n. shall tread it down 32.7. even when the n. speaketh right 41. 17. when the poor and n. seek water Jei . 5. 28. and the right of n. do ihey nut judge 22. 16. he judged the cause of (he |>oor and n. I.zik. 16. 49. nor strengthen the hands of the n. 18. 12. he hath oppressed the poor and n. 2J. £9. the people have vexed the poor and n. yimii»4. 1. yekineof Bashan, whiih crush the «i. 8. 4. hear this, t) ye that twallow up the n. 6. that we may buy the n. for a pair of shoes. N E ES E 1 ), or S N E EZ ED. 2 Kingsi. 35. the child n. seven times, aiid opened NEESINOS. Job 41. 18. by his >i. a light doth shine, his eyci NEGLECT. Mat. 18. 17. and if be shall n. to hear them, tell it to the church, but if he n. to hear the church 1 Tim. 4. 14. n. not the gift that is in thee y/<*.2.3.how shall escape, if k so great salrattou? NEGLECl'ED. Acts 6. 1. their widows were n. in the Binistratiua NEI NEGLECTINCt Cot t. C3. n. the body, not in any honour to the NEGLIGENT. tCkr. S9. 11. my sons, be not now n. for Lord S Vtt. 1. 12. not be n. to pat you in remembrance NEIGHBOUR Signifies, [1] Ont uho dwells or it tealed mar to ■anotlitr, 2 Kings 4. 3. [2] Everyman, toufiom ue have an opyoriunily of doing good. Mat. CC. 39. [3] Afilloa-labourer.of one and the same feople. Acts 7. 27. [*] Uiie who does «" good, and tiho pilies and relieves tu in distress, though at a distance from vs, Luke 10. 3(5. £5] One that stands in need of help, Prov. 3. «8. 1(5] A friend. Job 16. t 2"l. Al the lime of our Saviour, the Pharisees had riilrained the word Neighbour to signify ihote ■of their ovin nation only, or their oun friends ieing of opinion, that to hale their enemy uas not forbidden hy their law ; but our Saviour informed them, that the whole world were the neighbours; that they ought not to do to another tehat thev would not have done to themselves; and that this charitu ought to be extended even to their enemies, Alat. 5. 43. Luke 10. 29, cVr. Eeod. 3. 22. every woman borrow of her n. 1 1. 2. 1 Sam. 15. 28. and hath given it to a n. of thine froi. 27. 10. better is an. that is near, than a brother Jer. 6. 21. the n. and his friends shall perish 9. CO. and teach every one her n. lamentation Luke 10. 36. was n. to him that fell among thieve: NEIGHBOUR, Adjective. Jer. 49. 18. as in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and the n. cities thereof, 50. 40. //./ NEIGHBOUR. F.iod. 14.4. let him and ^1/ n. take a lamb 21. 14. but if a man come on hit n. to slay him S2. 7. if a nian deliver to his n. money or stuff 8. whether he put his hand la him. goods, 11. 10. if a man deliver to his n. an ass or ox 14. if borrow aught of Ai/ n, and it be hurt or die 32. 27. go through the camp, slay every man hi.r n. Lev. 6. 2. and lie unto or hath deceived his n. fO. 10. he that committeth adultery with his n wife, shall surely be put to death, Deut. 22. 24 94. 10. and if a man canse a blemish in his n. D«u/.4.42.whirh should kill his n. unawares, I9. 4 15. 2. every creditor that lendeth aught to his n. he shall not exact of his n. or his brother 19- 11 ■ if iny hate hit n. and lie in wait for him S2.t6. a man riseth against hisn. and slayeth him 17. 17. cursed be he that removeth his n. land-mark 24. cursed be he that smiteth his n. secretly Ruth 4.7. liian plucked off his shoe, and gave toA.n. 1 Kings 8. 31 . if a man trespass ag. his n. an oath .2Chr.6.1Z.ii a. man sin against his n. and an oath Job 12. 4. I am as one mocked of his n. 16. 21. plead withG. as a man pleadeth for hitn. Fial. 12. 2. they speak vanity each with his n. 13.3. nor doeth evil to hit n. taketh up a reproach 101 .5. whoso privily slandereth his n. will cut off Prov. 6. 29. so he that goeth in to his n. wife 11.9aiihypocritewith his mouth destroyeth his n. 12. who is void of wisdom despiseth Ai'/ n 14. 21. 12. 2fi. the righteous is more excellent than his n. 14. 20. the poor is hated even of his n. 16. 29. a violent man enticeth his n. and leadeth IP. 17- but hit n. Cometh and searcheth him 19. 4. but the poor is separated from hit n. 21. 10. his n. fiiideth no favour In his eyes 25. 18. man that beareth false witness against him 26. 19. so is the man that deceiveth his n. 29.5.thatflatter«th h. n.spreadeth a net for his feet £ccl. 4. 4. that for this a man is envied of his k Isa. 3.5. shallbe oppressed every one by his n. 19. 2. they shall fight every one against his n. 41. 6. they helped every one his n. and said Jir. 5. 8. erery one neighed after hit n. wife 7. 5. execute judgment between a man andAiV n. 9 4. take ye heed every one of his n. trust not 5. and they will deceive every one his n. 8. speak peaceably to hit n. with his mouth 52.8. they shall say every man to hit n. 23. 35. 13. that uscth hit n. service without wages Jer. 23. 27. dreams they tell every one to hit n. 30. that steal my words every one from his n . 31.34. teach no more every man Al'/. n. IJeb.6.11. 84. 15. in proclaiming liberty to hit n. 17. £tek. 18. 6. neither hath defiled his n. wife, 15. ll.hath defiled Ann. wife, 22. 11. | 33. £6. Sab. 2. 15. woe to him that giveth his n. drink 'ZerA.3.10.shall eall every roan Awn.under the vine 8. 10. for I set all men, every one against his n. 16. speak ye every man the truth to hit n. 17. let none of you imagine evil against his n. Mark 12. 33. and to love hit n. as himself, is more .jieliT. 87- he that did hit n. wrong, thrust him Rom. 13. 10. Inve worketh no evil to hit n. 13. 2. let every one please hit it. for his good £fh. 4. 45. jpeai every man truth with hit n. 4C4 NET My NEIGHBOUR. Job 31. 9. or if I have laid wait at my n. door Luke 10. 2y. but he said to .lesus, who is my n. .' •Jhy NEIGHBOUR. Eted. 20. 16. thou shalt not bear false witness against thy n. Deut. 5. 20. 22. 26. if thou take thy n. raiment to pledge Lev. 18. 20. shalt not lie carnally with thy n. wife 19. 13. thou shalt not defraud thy n. nor rob him 157 in righteousness shalt thou judge thy n. iS.nor shalt thou stand against the blood cf///y w. 17. thou shalt in any wise rebuke thy n. 18. but thou shalt love thy n. as thyself 25. 14. if sell to, or buyest ought of ihi/ n. 15. Deut. 5.21. thou shalt not desire or covet J EI S. 1 Kings 7. t7- n. of checquer-work and WTeaths Psal. 141. 10. let the wicked fall into their own «. Eccl. 7-26. the woman whose heart is snares ands. Isa. ly. B. they that spread n. shall languish Eiek. 26.5. spreading of «. in the midst of the Ma 14. it shall be a place to spread n. on, 47. 10. Mat. 4. 21. he saw James a^id John mending their n. 2ind he called them, il/oriH.19. Luke 5. i. Mark 1. 18. they forsook their n. and followed hini Luke 5. 4. and let down your n. for a draught NETHER. Eiod. 19.17- they stood at the n. part of the mount Deui.U.6- no man shall take n. luiil.stone to pledge Josh. 15. 19. and he gave her the upper springs and the n. springs, Judg. 1. 15, 1 Kings 9. 17. and Solomon built Gezer and Beth- horan the n. 1 Chron. 7. 24. Job 41. 24. his heart hard as a piece of n. millstone Esek. 31.14. they are delivered to death to n.partj 16. shall be comforted in the n. parts of the earth l«.shalt be brought down to n. parts of the eartk 32. 18. cast them down to the n. parts of the eanb 24. Klam gone down to the n. parts of the earth NETHERMOST. 1 Kings 6. 6. the n. chamber was five cubits broad N EITLES. Job 30. 7- under the n. they were gathered together Prov. 24. 31. and n. had covered the face thereof /la. 34.13. n. and brambles in the fortresses thereof //ui.y.d.n.shall possess the pleasant pi aces forsilv. Zeph. 2. 9. surely .Moab shall be the breeding o.^n. NET- WORK. Eiod. 27.4. shalt make a grate of n. of brass, 38. 4. 1 Kings'!. IB. two rows round about on n. 44. Jer. 52. 22. with n. 00 the chapiters round aboat 23. all the pomegranates on n. werx an hundred N ET-WORKS. 1 Kings 7. 41. the two ». upon the chapiters 42. four hundred pomegranates for the two n, lia. 3. 1 18. the Lord will take away thf ir n. 19- 9- they that weave n. shall be confounded NEVER. Gen. 41. I9. kine, sucr as i n. saw in all Egypt Lav.ti. 13. the fire on the altar shall n. go out Aiun. 19. 2. a red heifer, upon which n. came yoke Deut. 15. 11. the poor shall n. cease out of the land Judg. 2. 1. I will n. break my covenant with you 14. 3. there is n. a woman among all thy people.' 16.7. with seven green withs that were ». dried 11. if bind with new ropes that n. were occupied 2S'am.l2.10.thesword shalln. depart from thyhouse 2 Chron. 18. 7. he n. prophesieth good unto me 21. 17. there wasR. asonlefihim,save Jehoahax Job 3. 16. as infants which n. saw light 9. 30. and if I make my hands n. so clean 21. 2i. another n eateth with pleasure I'sal. 10.6. hath said, for I shall n. be ia adversity 11. he hideth his face, he will n. see it 15. 5. he that doeth these things shall n. be moved 30. 6. in prosperity I said, I shall n. he moved 31. 1. in thee do I trcsi, let me n. be ash^mfd NEV Psal 49 19. shall go to fathers'; they shall n. see 56.!f2.Lord willa. suffer the righteous to be moved 71. 1. O Lord, let me «. be put to confusion 219.93.1 will n. forget thy precepts, for with them ProB. 10. 30. the righteous shall n. be removed 27. 20. hell aud destruction are ». full, so the eyes of a man are n. satisfied 30. 15. there are three things that are «. satisfied ha. 13. CO. Babylon «. be inhabited nor dwelt in 14. £0. the seed of evil doers shall n. be renowned is, 2. to be no city, it shall 71. be built 5(). 11. are greedy dogs which can n. have enough t>2.6. watchmen that shall n. hold their peace 6.3.19. we are thine, thou 71. barast rule over them Jer. 20. 1' . their confusion .-.hall «. be forgotten 3.3. 17. David shall n. want a man to sit on throne ^sei. 16. 63. and n. open ihy mouth any more 26. 21. Tyrus shall n. be found again, saith Lord £7. 36. a terror and H. shall beany more, 28. ly. X)on. 2. 44. a kingdom that shall n. be destroyed 12. 1, there shall be trouble, such as n. was JaelQ.QtJ. and my people shall 71. be ashamed, 2". timofS. 7- 1 will «. forget any of their works 14. even they shall fall and w. rise up again Had. 1. 4. and judgment dolh w. go forth , Mal.l. 23. I will profess unto them I n.knew you 3. .33. saying, it was n. so seen in Israel 'Sl.l6..lesassaith,have ye ii.read,outof the mouth of babes hast perfected praise, 42. Mark 2. 25. S6. 33 Peter said, yet will I n. be offended 27. 14. and he answered him to n. a word %lark2. 12. saying, we «. saw it on this fashion 3.29.shall blaspheme ag. Holy Ghost, hath w.forg. 9. 43 into fire that n. shall be quenched. 45. 11. 2. cole tied, whereon ». man sat, Luke I9. 30. 14. 21. good for that man if he had n. been born Luke 15. 29. yet thou n. gavest me a kid lo make 23. £9. blessed are the wombs that n. bare 53. wherein n. man before was laid, John 19. 41. John 4.14.v/ho drinks of water] give, shall h. thirst 6. 35. he that comeih to me shall ?*. hunger, and he that believeth on me shall n. thirst 7- 15. how knoweth this man, having k. learned • 46. the officers said, «. man spate like this man 6. 33. and we were it. in bondage to anv 51. h^ shall n. see death. 52. | 10.28. |'ll.C6. J3. 8. I'eter sailh, thou shall n. wash my feet Sets 10. 14. I have n. eaten any thing common 14. 18. being a cripple, who 71. had walked 1 Cur.l3.8.charity«.faileih, but whetherprophecies 2 Tim. 3. 7. n. able tocome to knowledge of truth //**. 10. i. can 71. with those sacrifices makeperf. ll.the same sacrifices which can 7(.take awaysins 13. 5. 1 will w. leave thee, nor forsake thee Pel. 1. 10. if ye do these things ye shall n. fall NEVER to. ■flat, 58. 6. to charmers, charming it. to wisely NEVER 10 much. Cen.a. 12. ask me 71. sor/t. dowry, and 1 will give NEVERXlIELEtiS. £«rf. 32. St n. in the day when 1 visit, I will visit JLtv. 11. 4. 71. these ye shall not eat, Dtiit. 14. 7. 36. 71. a fountain or pit shall be clean Niirn. 13. 28. 71. the people be strong that dwell 14. 44. 71. the ark of the covenant departed not 18. 15. 71. the first-born of man shalt thou redeem 24. 22. 71. the Kenitc shall be wasted, until Ashur 21.23. 71. it shall be purified with water of .'(cparat. Deiii. 23.5. 74. the Lord thy God would not hearken /oih. 13. 13.7i.childrenof Isr.expelled not Geshur 14. 8. 71. my brethren that went up with me ■Judg. 1. 33. n. the inhabitants of Beth-shemesh S. 16. 71. the Ld. raised upjudges to deliver them 1 -SiiTTj. 8. 19. 71. the people refused to obey .Samuel 15. 55. to see Saul, 71. Samuel mourned for Saul 20. 26. 7». Saul spake not any thing that day 29- 6. said to David, 71. the lords favour thee not 2Sam. 5. 7- 71. David took the strong hold of Zion n. 18. 71. a lad saw them and told Absalom «3. 16. 71. he would not drink thereof, poured out 1 Kirifs 8. 19. n. thou shalt not build the house 15. 4. 71. for David's sake did tlie Lord give 14. 7t. Asa his heart was perfect with the Lord 23. 71. in his old age he was diseased in his feet 22. 43. 71. the high places were not taken away 3 Ai7i£.t 2. 10. M. if thou .ve me when I am taken 3. 3. r.. he cleaved to the sins of Jeroboam 13. 6. 71. they departed not from the sins of .lerob. J3. 9. 7i. the priests of the high places came not 1 Chron. 11. 5. n. David took the castle of Zion 81. 4. 7f. the king's word prevailed against .)oab 2Chron. 12. 8. 71. they shall be his servants 15. 17. 71. the heart of Asa was perfect all his days 19. .3. 7». there are good things found in thee So. 11. 7«. divers of Ashur humbled themselves 33.17. 71. the people did sacrifice in the high pl2u:es 35. 22. 71. Josiah would not turn from him Neh. 4. 9- n. we made our prayer to 0111 (iod 9- 26. 71. they were disobed. and rebelled ag. thee 31 .71. for thy mercies' sake thou didst uot consume 405 NEW iV«A.lS.26 ti.him did outland. women cause to sin Fj:h. 5. 10. 71. Haman refrained himself Pjal. 31. 22. 71. thou heardest my supplication 49. 12. 71. man being in honour, abideth not 73. 23. 7». I am continually with thee, hast holden 78. 3(3. 71. they did tiatter him with their mouth 89. 33. 7j. my loving-kindness not take from him 106. 8. 71. he saved them for his name's sake 44. 71. he regarded their afflictions.heard their cry I'rov. 19. 21. 71. the counsel of the Lord shall staud i-'fc/. 9. 16.71. the poor man's wisdom is despised Iia.'J. 1. 71. the dimness shall not be such as was Jer. 5.18. ri. in those days 1 will not make a full end 26. 24. 71. the hand of Ahikam was with Jeremiah 28.7. 71. hear thou this word that 1 speak inthyear 36.25. 71. Kluaihan and Uelaiah made intercession Lidk.Z. 21. 71. if thou warn the righteous man 16. 60. 71. I will remember my covenant with thee 20. 17. 71. mine eye spared them from destroying 22. 71. I withdrew my hand, aud wrought for my 33. 9. 71. if thou warn the wicked of his way Dan. 4. 15. 71. leave the stump of his roots in earth Jo)iah 1.13. 71. the men rowed hard to bring to land Mat. 14. 9. 71. for the oath's sake, he commanded it 26.39. from me, 71. not as 1 will, but as thou wilt 6l. 71. hereafter ye shall see the Son of man com. Mark 14. 36. 71. not what 1 will, Luke 22. 42. Luke 5. 5. 71. at thy word 1 will let down the net 13.3.3. 71. I must walk to-day, and to-morrow I8.U. 71. when Son of man cometh shall he find faith Julm U. 15. Lazarus is dead, 71. let us go to him 12. 42. among the chief rulers many believed i6. 7. 71. J tell you the truth it is expedient for you .\cts 14. 17. 71. he left not himself without witness 27.11. 71. the centurion believed the master of ship A'u77i. 5. 14. 71. death reigned from Adam to Moses 15. 15. 71. I have written more boldly to you 1 Cot . 7.2. 71. to avoid fornicat. let every man have 28. 71. such shall have trouble in the flesh 37. 71. he thai standeth stedfast in his heart 9- 12. 71. we have not used this power 11. 11. 71. neither is the man without the woman ICor. 3. IG. 71. when it shall turn to the Lord 7-6.71. G. that comforteth those that are cast down 12. 16. 71. being crafty, I caught you with guile t'a/. 2. 20. 71. I live, yet not 1, but Christ in me 4.30. 71 what saith scripture, cast out bond-wom. i'-tih. 5. 33. let every one so love his wife as himself I'htt. 1. 24. 71. to abide in the flesh is more needful 3. 16. 71. whereto we have already attained 2 'y'i7n. 1 12. 71. I am not ashamed, for I know whom 2. 19- 71. the foundations of God standeth sure lleb. 12. 11. 71. ityieldeth peaceable fruit of right. 2 I'et. 3.13. 71. we look for new heavens and earlh liei'. 4. 4. 71. I have somewhat against thee NEW Signifies, [1] 7'/iii/ uhich ij fresh, or of late date. Josh. 9. 13. 12] Ihat which uas 7iever used, or uor/i iej'ore, 1 Kings 11. 29. [3] 'Jhat :ihich is extraordinary and unusual. Num. 16. 30. [4] Une uho n regen/iaied, and endued uiih 7te:ii qunltties, ne:D a)/prehe7isions and iiuiina- lions, 2 Cor. 5. 17. Gal. 6. 15. [5] ■'iija/tge and unhioun, Jlark 16 17. [6j Another, Exod. 1. 8. Liud. 1. 8. there arose up a 71. king over Egypt Lev. 23. 16. offer a 71. meat-oflering, .V!i77i. 28. 26. 2d 10. shall bring forth the old, because of the 71. \urn. 16. 30. but if the Lord make a 71. thing Deut. 20. 5. what man hath built a n. house, J2. 8. 24. 5. when taken a 71. wife, he shall not go to war 32. 17. they sacrificed to ilevils, to 71. gods Josh. 9. 13. and these bottl6> of wine wi(re-7i. J'idg.i.B. they chose 71. gods, then was war in gates 15. 13. they bound him wiih 71. cords, 16. 11,12. 1 ■^'atn. 6. 7. make ei 71. cart, and lake twt) kine 2 6'a7«. 6. 3. set the ark^n a 71. cart, 1 C/iion. 13.7. 21. 16. he being girded with a 71. sword thought 1 Kings 11.29. Jeroboam clad with a 71. garment 30. Ahijah caught the 71. g^irment, and rent it 2 Ai«f/2. 20. bring a H^cruse, and put salt therein 2 Chron. 20. 5. Jehoshaphat stood in the 71. court Job 32. 19. it is ready to burst like 71. bottles I'sal. 33. 3. sing lo him a n. song, 96. 1. | 98. 1. f 144.9. I 149. 1. Isa.VZ. 10. 40. 3. he hath put a 71. song in my mouih.even praise Eccl. 1. 9. there is no 71. thing under the sun 10. is any thing whereof may be said, this is 71. f Cant.1. 13. are all pleasant fniits, 71. and old Isa. 42.9. behold 71. things 00 1 declare, 48.6. 43. 19. behold, I will do a 71. thing, make a way ({2. 2. and thou shall be called by a 71. name 65. 17. I create 71. heavens and a 71. earth, 66. 22. Jer. 26.10. the n. gate of the Lord's house, 36. 10. 31. 22. the L. hath created a 71. thing in the earth Lam. 3. £3. the Lord's mercies are tj. every morning Etek. 11.19. I will put a 71. spirit within you, 36.26. 18. 31. and m.ike you a n. heart and a 71. spirit 47. 18. trees which shall bring forth n. fruit NIC Mat. 9. J6. no man patteth a piece of » clolk to an old garment, .Mark 2.^1. Luke 5. 3b. 17- but they put 71. wine into r,. bottles, and both are preserved, .Xlarkii. 22. L-jke 5. 3(1. 13.52.bringelh out ofhis treasure tnings /I. and old 26. 28. for this is my blood of the n. testament, Mark 14. 24. Luke 22. JO. 1 Car. II. 25. 29. until I drink it 71. with you, Mark 14. 25 27. 60. Joseph laid the body in his own 71. tomb Mark 1. 27. saying, what 71. doctrine is this' 16. 17. they shall speak with 71. tongues John 13. 34. a 71. commsindmeul give 1 unto you 19-41 a 71. sepulchre, wDerein was never man laid Acts 17.19. may we know what this 71. doctrine is.' 21. but either to tell or to hear some 71. thing 1 Cor. 5. 7. purge out, that ye may be a 7i. lump IC(ir.3.6.made us able ministers of the 7«. testament 5.17. if any man be in Christ, he is a 71. creature ; behold, all things are become 71, Gal. 6. 15. nor uncircumcision, but a 71. creature i^yh. 2. 15. of twain, one 71. man, so making peace 4. 24. aud that ye put on the 71. man, Cul. 3. lo. IJei. 9.15. he is the Mediator of the 71. testament 10. 20. by a 71. and living way hath consecrated 1 t'et. 2.2. as 71. born babes desire lbs milk of word 2 Pel. 3. 13. we look for 71. heavens and a n. earth 1 John 2. 7. I write no 7«. commandment unto you 8. a 71. commandment 1 write unto you 2 John 5. not as though I wrote a 71. commandment iiev. 2.17. 71. name written, which no man knoweih 3.12. 71. Jerusalem, 21.2. || 3. 12. write my 71. name 5. 9. and they sung a 71. song, saying, 14. 3. 21. 1. I saw a 71. heaven and a 71. earth 5. he said, behold, 1 make ail things 7i. ■Ht* COVE.MNT, MOO.V, NEW H,ne. -^<^A. 10.39. shall bring offering of the 71. urnt 13.5. prepar. a chamber where the 7i.ai7i< was laid 12. brought tithe of 7j. ttri7M unto tlie treasuries Prov. 3^.10. thy presses shall burst out with n. uint Isa.li.'i .\Xitn.u.tne mourneth, the vine languisheth •ly. t 26. drunken with their blood as with n. aint 65. 8, as the 71. zctne is found in the cluster Uos. 4. U. wine and n. Lii7i« take away the heart 9. 2. and the ti. unit shall fail iu her JuWl.S.the n.uine is cutoff 1| 10. 71. uin* it dried up 3. 18. mountains shall drop 71. aine, Amos 9. 1 13 Hag. 1. 11. 1 called lor a drought on the 71. i'i7i< /.ech. 9. 17. 71. uine shall make the maids cheerful .Mui.ij. 17. domen put ». ai7ii>i/.12.4.lel Dim aud his neighbour 71. take a lamb A 117/1. 11. 32. stood up all the 71. day and gathered £7. 11. ye shall give inheritance to his kiusiuau 71. Ueuc 21. 3. the city which is 71. to the slain man 6. the elders of the city 7>. to the slain man 25. t 5. her 71. kinsman shall take her to wife liuih 2. 20. the man is one of our 71. kinsmen 1 ■Sa77«. 23. 17. thou king, and 1 shall be 71. to thee 30. 17. David smote them to the evening of 71. day 2 Chron. 28.7. Klkanah that was ». lo the king Eslh. 10. 3. Mordecai was 71. to king Ahasuerus Jonah 4. 7- a worm the 71. day smote the gourd Mat.'i^ 62. the 71. day thatfollowed the preparatioa .Mark 1. 38. he said, let us go into the 71. towns Joh% \, ^9. the 71. day John seelh Jesus coming Aces '1.3. they put them in hold uuio the 71. lay 7.26. the 71. day Moses shewed himself to (Lfm 13.42. tliat these words be preached ii.iabbath,44. NIGH. Lev.lX. 3. for his sister a virgin that is 71. to him 25. 49. any that ii 71. of kin may redeem him A'u77i. 24. 17. 1 shall behold him, but not ti. astar i.>(ui.4.7.what nation, who hath God so k.Io them 13. 7- entice thic to cods of the people >i. lo the 22. 2. if thy brother be nut n. unto thee 30. 14 the word is 71. unto thee, Horn. 10.8 2 .S'a77i. 1 1 . 20. wherefore approached ye so »i./ SI 1 Ktngs 8. 59. let these my words be n. to the Lord I'sal. 34. 18. L. 13 71. them who are of broken heart 85. 9. his salvation is ti. them that fear him 145. 18. the Lord is 71. lo all that call 00 him Joeli. 1. the day of the Lord is n. at band Mat. 24.32. ye know ihat summer is n.Luilt 21.30 Mark 13. 29. know that it is 71. even at the door Luke 21. 20. know that the desolation thereof is »«, 28. look op, fur your redemption drawoth n. NIG ImIu Sl.Sl ku3w cbatthe king, of G. is n. athaod John 6. 4. &nj the passover, a fea5t of Jews wu n. 11. 55. the Jewi' passover was n. at hand ig. 42. for ttie sepulchre was n. at hand hph. C. 13. ye are made n. by the blood of Christ IT.came aud preached peace to them that weren. PAi/. S. 27. for he was sick, n. unto death ' f/<».6.ii.is rejected, is n. unto cursing, to be burned 6>« Ca.mc, Draw. NIOUX SifniSes, [1] That limt uhtle the run u absent and lilow our horiion, Lxodus 12. 30, 31. Alutt 27.64. [i\ Sudden and unerpecledly, Isaial 15. 1. Luke 12. 20. [3] A time of ignorance and unbtiief, Romans 13. 12. [4] Adiertity andmfiuiion, Isa. 21. 12. [5] Death, John <>.■». Grn.l.5.the light day, and the darkness hecalledn. 14. let there be lights, to divide the day from n. to. he made the lesser light to rule the n. ig. 2. tarry all n. Sum. 22. IQ. Judg. l(j. 6, i). 5. where are men which came in to thee thisn. .' 33. they made him drink wine that n. 34, 35. £♦. 5i. tarried all n. 28. 11. | 31. 5t. | .32. 13,21. S6. 24. the Lord appeared to Isaac the same n. 30. 15. Rachel said, he shall lie with thee ton. l6. 40. 5. dreamed each man hisdream in one n.41.1I. 46. 2. God spake to Israel in visions of the n. 4g. 27. and at n. he shall divide the spoil Etod. 12.8. eat the flesh that n. roast with fire 12. I will pass through the land of Fgypt this n. 42. it is a It. to be much observed to the Lord, this is that n. of the L. to be observed of I srael 14. 20. the one came not near the other all n. Z^r. 6. 9. the burning on the altar all ». 19. 13. the wages shall not abide with thee all n. A'um. 11. 32. the people stood up all that n. 14. 1. and the people wept thatn. and murmured £2. 8. he said to them, lodge here this n. ly. SO. God came to lialaam at n. and said tu him £>. 36. 20. desire not the n. when people are cut off Psal. 6. 6. all the 71. make I my bed to swim 19. 2. and 71. urto 71. shewelh knowledge 30. 5. weeping may endure for a 71. but joy 59. t 15. if they be not satisfied they will stay all 71. 78. 14. he led them all n. with a light of fire 92.2. to shew forth thy faithfulness every 71, 104. 20. thou makest darkness, and it is n. 1.39. 11. even the 71. shall be light about me Prov. 7.9- passing in the black and dark n. 31. 15. she ariseth also while it is yet 71. Cant. 1. 13. he shall lie all n. between my breasts 5. 2. and my locks with the drops of the n. Isa. 5. 11. continue until n. tii. wine inflame them 16. 3. take counsel, make thy shadow as the ti. 21. 4. the 71. of my pleasure be turned into fear t 8. and I am set in my ward every 71. 11. watchman, what of the ti. .' what of the 71. f 12. the morning comelh, and also the 71. 29.7. shall be as a dream of a 71. vision Jer. 14. 8. that turneth aside to tarry for a n. Dan. i. 19. the secret revealed in a n. vision S. 30. in that 71. was Belshazzar the king slaia G. 18. then the king passed the n. fasting Hot. 7. 6. their baker sleepeth all the 71. Joel 1. 13. howl, come, lie all n. in sackcloth Amos 5. 8. that maketh the day dark with n. Jonah 4.10. which came up in a n. perished in a 71. Af it. 3. 6. therefore ti. shall be to you, shall be dark Uml, 14. 23. in the (oarth w»tch of n. Jesus went 10 them wakisg oa the Mk, Afori 6. 48 406 KIG .U<.'(.26.31.theD Jesus s^ith to them, all ye shall be offended because of me this 71. .Mark 14. 27. 34. this 71. before cock-crow, thou shalt deny me Luie 5. 5. we have toiled all 7«. and taken nothing 6. 12. he continued all 71. in prayer to God 12. 20. this 71. thy soul shall be required of thee 17. 34. in that ti. two shall be in one bed 21. 37. at 71. he went out and abode in the mount John 9. 4. the ti. Cometh when no man can work 13. 30. he immediately went out, and it was 7j 5l. 3. and that ti. they caught nothin; Acts 12. 6. the same Tt. I'eter was sleeping, bound 16. 33. he took them the same hour of the n. 23. 11. the 71. following the Lord stood by him 23. make ready soldiers at third hour of the 71. 27. 23. stood by me this 7t. the angel of God liom. 13. 12. the ti. is far spent, the day is at hand 1 Cur. II. 23. the same 71. in which he was be- trayed 1 Thess. 5. 5. we are not of the 7t. nor of darkness litv. 21. 25. there shall be no 71. there, 22. 5. By NIGHT. 0^71.20.3. Godcame to Abimelech in a dream byn. 31. 24. God came to Laban in a dream by n. 39. whether stolen by day, or stolen by n. 40. the drought consumed me, and the frost by n. Eiod. 12. 31. he called for Moses and Aaron by n. ]3,>21. the Lord went before them by n. in a pillar of fire, 22. ) 14. 20. | 40. 38. AV/i. 9. 12 yum. 9. 16. and the appearance of fire by n. 21. whether cloud was taken up by day or byn. Deut. 1. 33. in fire byn. to shew you the way 16.1. God brought you forth out of Egypt by n. 23. 10. by uncleanness that chanceth him by n. Josn. 8. 3. aud Joshua sent them away by ti. Judg. 6. 27. and so it was that he did it byn. 9. 32. up by 71. thou and thy people with thee 20.5. and beset the house round about Ay 71. 1 Sam. 14. .36. go down after the Philistines by n. 26. 7. David and Abishai came to the people by n. 28. 8. Saul came to the woman by n. and said 2 6'aT7t. 21. 10. nor the beasts of the field by n. 1 A'lTifj 3.5.Ld. appeared to Sol. Ay 71.2 C'/ir.7.12. 2 Kings 6. 14. came by n. and compassed the city 8.21. rose iy 71. and smote Edoniites, 2 Chr. 21. 9. 23. 4. all the men of war fled Ay ti. Jer. 52 7- Psal. 91. 5. thou shalt not be afraidof terror Ay n. J21. 6. nor shall the moon smite thee Ay 71. i34. 1. that Ay 71. stand in the house of the Lord 136. 9. moon and stars to rule by n. Jer. 31. 35. Prov. 31. 18. her candle goeth not out Ay n. Cant. 3. 1. Ay 71. on my bed I sought him whom Iia. 4. 5. the shining of a flaming fire by n. Jer. 6. 5. let us go Ay 71. and destroy her palaces 39.4.they fled, and went forth out of the city Ay 71. 4y. 9. if thieves Ay 71. they will destroy till have Van. 7. 2. I saw in my vision Ay 71. and behold Obad.5.\i thieves came to thee, if robbers by 71. would they not have stolen till they had enough .' .Vp«*x« n. year of Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar came up, Jer. 39. 1. | 52 4. Eick. 24. 1. 1 Chr. 12. 12. Elzabadthe n.captainof the Gadites 24. 11. the n. lot came forth to Jeshuah 27. 12. n. captain for the n. month wa-i Abiezer Mat. 20.5. he went out about the sixth and n. hour 27. 45. from sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the n. hour, Mark 15. .33. 46. 71. hour Jesus gave up the ghost, Mark 13. 3i. .■lets 3. 1. at the hourof prayer, being the n. hour 10. 3. Cornelius saw a vision about the n. hour,30 lies. 21. 20. the n. foundation was a topaz See Day, Mo.ntu. NITRE. Prov. S5.20. as vinegar upon n. so is he sing, song: Jer. 2. 22. though thou wash thee with n. and soap NO. Gen. 13. 8. let there be no strife betw. me and thee 15. 3. behold, to me thou hast given no seed 26. 29. be an oath that thou wilt do us no hurt 37. 22. shed no blood, and lay no hand upon him 3G.21. there was no harlot in this place, 22. 40.8. no interpreter II 42.11. we are tij spies,31,34. 47. 4. thy servants have no pasture, inTTi. 1. 6. Ljod. 5. 16. is no str.^w given to thy servants, 18, 8. 22. that no swarms of flies shall be there 12. 16. no work shall be done. Let-. 16.29. | 23. S, 7,21,28,31. A"u7n.29.1. Deut. I6. 8. 19. seven days no leaven shall be found, 13. 3, 7> 14. 11. because there were no graves in Egypt 16. 18. be that gathered little had no lack 21. 22. hurt a woman, and no mischief follow 22. 8. there shall n« blood be shed for him 23. 8. thou shalt take 710 gift, gift blindeth the wise 32. thou shalt make no covenant with them 30. 9. ye shall offer no strange incense thcreou 12. that there be no plague amongst them 34. 14. for tnou shalt worship no other god 17. thou shalt make thee no molten gods 35. 3. ye shall kindle no fire in your habilationa Lev. 2. II. ye shall burn no leaven in 2Jiy offering 5. 11. put no oil upon it ||7. 23. ye shallcat no fal 7. 26. ye shall eat no manner of blood, 17- 12, 14. 12. 4. ye shall touch no hallowed thing 13. 21. and there be no white hairs therein, 26 31. no black hair |1 32. there be no yellow hair 19- 15. do 710 unrighteousness in judgment, 35. 20. 14. that there be no wickedness among you 22. 13. but there shall no stranger eat thereof 21. there shall be no blemish therein 25. 31. the house* which have no walls round »boaS 3'i. take thou no usury of him, or increase 2O.I. ye shall make you »« idols nor graveo image NO Z#r.S7.?8.wo devoted thing shall be sold or redeem f^um. 0.8. ilihe man haveno kinsman to recompense 13. and there he. no witness against her 6. .l.anJ shall drink no vinegar of wine 5. there shall no razor come upon his head 6. he shall come at no dead body 16. 40 . that no stranger come near to offer incense 86.33. Zelophehad nad no sons, but daughters, C". 3, 4. Jos/i. 17. 3. 1 C/iron. 23. 22. | 2i. 28. 27. 8. if a man die and have no son then cause g. and if he have no daughter, ye shall give 17. congregation of Lord be not as sheep that have no shepherd, £«*. 34. 5. Mai. opening 24. causeth to wander where there is no way 13. 4. ye are all physicians of no value 16. 18. O earth, let my cry have no place 18. 17. he shall have no name in the street 19-56. I called mv servant, he gave me no answer S4.15 no eye shall see me || 30. 13. have no helper i'tal. 3. 2. there is no help for him in God 32. 2. in whose spirit there is no guile 34. 9. there is no want to them that fear him 36. 1. there is no fear of God before his eyes £3. 5. they were in fear where no fear was 55. 19. because they have no changes 84. 1 1 . no good will he withhold from them 01. 10. there shall uo evil befall thee yc. 15. there is no unrighteousness in him J 19. 3. they do no iniquity, they walk in his ways 146. 3. son of man, in whom there is no help I'lov. 12.21. there shall no evil happen to the jus: 17. 16. to get wisdom, seeing he hath no heart toil CI. 30. there is no wisdom against the Lord £.Vf/.4.1.were oppressed, and ihey had no comforter 9. 10. for there is no work in the grave Cant. 4. 7. my love, there is no spot in thee 8.8. we have a little sister, and she hath no breasts ita. I. 6. there is no soundness in it, but wounds 5. 8. join field to field, till there be no place 8. 20. it is because there is no liaht in them 9.7. of his government there shall be no end 34. 16. no one of these shall fail, none shall want 40. 2y. and to them that have no might 43. 11. and besides me there is no Savionr 48. 22. there is no peace to the wicked, 57. 21 . 50.10. that walkeih in darkness, and hath no light A3. 2. he hath 710 form, nor comeliness, nor beauty 54.i7.no weapon formed against thee shall prosper 55. I. aud he lliat hath no money, come ye, buy 57. 10. thou saidst not, there is no hope, Jer.Z.'ib. 59. 8. there is no judgment in their goings 16. he wondered that there was no intercessor fer. 2.1 1 .changed their gods, which are yet no gods 30. your children received no correction 6.14. peace, peace, when there is no peace, 8. II. 23. they are cruel, and have no mercy B. 15.we looked for peace.but no god came,l4.19. 407 NO J#r. 10.14. and there is no breath iu them, 51. 17. 22. !8. a vessel wherein is no pleasure, 48. 38. 2.5. 6. provoke me not, I will do you no hurt 3y. 12. do him no harm || 42. 14. shall see no war 48. 8. spoiler shall come, and no city shall escape 49. 1 hath Israel no sons .' hath he no heir ^ Lam. 1. 9. she came down, she had no comforter Ezek. 13. 10. peace, and there was no peace, 16. 18. 32. I have no pleasure in death of him, 33. 11. 29. 18. yet had he no wages, nor his army 0(7«.3.29. because there is no other god can deliver Hos, 4. 1. because there is no truth nor mercy 6. rejeci thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me 10. 3. now they sh.iU say, we have no king Amoi 7.14.1 wa.« nc prophet, neither prophet's son Mic. 3.7. (heir lips, for there is no answer of God 4.9.why dost thou cry out? is there no king in thee' Nah. 3. 19. there is no healing of thy bruise Uai.\.\i. as the creeping things that have no ruler Zejih. 3. 5. but the unjust knoweth no shame Ztch.B. 17. love no false oath ||9. 8. no oppressor Mai 1. 10. I have no pleasure iu you, saiih the Ld. Mat. 5. 20. ye shall in no case enter into heaven 26. thou shall by no means come out thence 6. 34. lake therefore no thought for the morrow, 10. 19. Mart 13. II. Lul,]2. U. 22. 22.23. which saytliat there is no resurrection.. Umi 12. 18. /if/jC3.8. 1 Cor. 15. 12. 13. Mari 13.20. shortened those days, no flesh be saved L'lit 15. 7. just persons, which need no repeninnce 23.4.1 find no fault in him,14.Jo/.)i 18.38. | 19.4.0. Jo/in 4.17. I have no husband ||6.53. ye have no life 7. 52. search, for out of Galilee ansetb no prophet 9. 41. if ye were blind, ye should have no sin I l.lO.he stumbleth, because there is no light in him 1 3. B. if I wash thee not, thou hast no pan with me 15. 22. now they have no cloak for their sin 19.15. priests answered, we have no king but Cesar /Icis 15. 9. put no difference between us and ihera 18. 15. for I will be no judge of such matters 21. 25. written that they observe no such thing 25. 10. to the Jews have I done no wrong 28. 2. the people shewed us no little kindness /i'iiM.3.22. all that believe, for there is nodifference 4. 15. for where no law is, no transgression, 5. 13. 7. 18. that in my flesh dwelleth no good thing 10. 19. to jealousy by them that are no people 13. 10. love worketh no ill to his neiglibour 1 Cor, 1. 29. that no flesh glory in his presence 4. II. and have no certain dwelling place 8. 1 3. I will eat no flesh while the world standeih 10. n. there hath no temptation taken you but such 11. 16. we have no such custom, nor the cliurches 12.21. I have no need of thee II 13. 2. no charity 14. 28. if there be no interpreter, let him keep 2 Cor. 5. 21, made him sin for us, who knew no sin 6. 3. giving no offence in any thing, that ministry 13. 7. now I pray to God that ye do no evil Oal. 5. 23. meekness, against such there is no law EpA. 5. II. have no fellowship with works of darkness P/iil. 2. 7- but made himself of tto reputation 3. 3. and have no confidence in the flesh 1 'J'/iess. 4. 13. even as others which have no hope 2 'J'liess. 3. 14. and have no company with him 2 7Vm. 3. 9. but they shall proceed no further Ildi.d. 13. because he could swear by >io greater 8. 7. '10 place have been sought for the second 9. 22. without shedding of blood is no remission 10. 38. my soul shall have no pleasure in him 12. II. no chastening for the present seemeih joyous J 7. for he found no place of repentance, though he 13. 14. here have we no continuing city, but seek Vo«i.l.l7.with whom is no variableness, nor shadow 2. 14. and have no works, can faith save him r 1 I'et. 2. 22. who did no sin, nor was guile fou»d 2 I'el. 1.20 ni) prophecy of private interpretation 1 Jo/in 1.5. and in liiui is no darkness at all 8.if wesay, we have no sin, we deceive our.selves 3. 5. in him is no sin||4.I8.ihere is no fear in love 3 Jo/in 4. I have no greater joy than to hear l\er. 14. 5. in their mouth was found no guile 17. 12. which have received no kingdom as yet 18. 7. 1 iiim no widow, and shall see no sorrow 20. 11. and there was found no pl.ice for tliem 21. 22. no temple therein || 23. no need of the sun 25. no night lliere, they need no candle, 22. 5. Ske.n, iNHtKiT- ANCK, KnOULKUUK, Ma.V, I'OWER, NO Hatn. Detii. II. 17. he shut up the heaven, that there be noratn. 1 A'in£»8. 35. 2 CAron. (1. 26. | 7.13. I Kings 17.7. there had been nor. in land, Jcr. 14.4 lia. b. 6. clouds, that they rain n« roin upon it Jtr. 3. 3. and there halli been no latter rain y.ec/i. 14. 17. even upon them shall be no rain IS. and if Kgypt that have no rain come not NO rtsl. Otn.S. 9. but the dove found no rest for her foot JjiSa. 17. and m; sinetrs take no rut NOl Prov. 29. 9. whaherhe rige or laugh there it n« r Isa. 23. 12. there also shalt thou have no rest 62.7. and give him no r. till he establish Jerusalem Jer. 45. 3. 1 fainted in sighinj;, and iind »j rest Lam. 1. 3. among the heaihej sh'; fimleth noreit 2. 18. give thyself no «)l 1|5. 5. we have nor«» 2 Cor. 2. 13. I had no reil in my spirit, because 7.5. when come into Alaced^nia, ourtlesh hadnoij litv. 14. 11. they have no re\t liay nor ni^ht NO tliengiA. I S.irri. 28. 20. and therj was no ttrength in Saul JoilQ.I. how savestthou arm that haUi no strength Psal. 88. 4. 1 am as a mail that hath no ilrengi/i' Dan. 10. 8. and there remained no str. in me, 17 16. ai-e turned on me, I have retained nt) strength Hei. 9. 17. otherwise it is of no strength at all ^« Water, Wkath. NO, Adverb. E»oi. 3.19. not let you go, no not by a mighty hand 16. 4. whether walk in my law or no, Deut. 8. 2. Jud;. 4. 20. is any man here, thou shall say, no 15. 13. no, but we will bind thee, aud deliver ihee 1 .Sam. 1. 15. no, my lord, I am ofa sorrowful ipir. 20.15. no, not when the Lord halh cut ofTenemiei JoA 23. 6. no, but he would put strength in me 36. 19. »io, not gold, Dor the forces of strength Pml. 14. 3. thatdoeth good, no not one, 53. 3. i'.ctl. 10. 20. curse not king, no not in thy thought lia, 30. 16. no, for we will flee upon horses Jer. 2.25. no, for I have loved strangers, afier ihtm 42. 14. no, but we will go into the land of Kgypt Amos 6. 10. is there atiy with thee r he shall say, nC llag. 2. 12. the priests answered and said, no ZecA. 4. 5. knowest what these be, I said, no, 1 J. -Uo/.S. 10. so great faith, no not in Isr. Lnkel. 9 24. 21. to '.his time, no, nor ever shall be 36. no not the angels, but my Father only Mark 2.2. uo room, no not so much as abounhedoof 5. 3. no man could bind hiai, no not with chains Luke 20. 22. for us to give tribute to Cesar, axnoi 2,). 15. no nor yet llerod : for I sent you to him John 1. 21. art thou that Prophet.' he said, no 9. 25. whether he be a sinner or no, 1 know not 21.5. have ye any meat ? they answered no Acts 7. 5. no not so much astos<>i his loot on Horn. 3. 9. are we better than they ? no, in no wis* 10. there is none righteous, v.o not one, 12. I Cor. 5. 1 1. with such a one, no not to eat 6.5. no, not one that shall be able to judge between Oat. 2. 5. plaee by subjection, no uol for an hear NO uhere. I Sam. 10.14. when we saw that they were nouhere. See .MuiiK, Wise. NOBLt Signifies, [1] .•! person honourable, eitAcr by hit birth or merit, Neh. 6. 17. /\cts 24. 3. ['i^ Such as are of a more tractable disposition, oj a mo''e eicetlent, divine, corntneruiable temper :han others. Acts 17. 11 [3] t'aliani on«, Nah. 3. t 18. [4] A courtier, or ruUr, Jjbn 4. +46. Eira4. 10. whom the n. Asnapper brought over Lsih. 6. 9. one of the king's most n. princes Jer. 2.21. I had planted ihee a n. vim Luke 19. 12. an. man went into a far country John 4. 46. there was a n. man whose son was sick 40. n. man saiih, sir, come down ere my child di« .-lets 1 7 . 1 1 . the Bereans more n . than 1 hessaloniani 24. 3. we accept it always, most n. I'elix. C6. 25. 1 Cor. 1 . 26. how that not many ». are called NOBLKS. £jrod.94.1l. on the n. of Israel he laid not his hand .Sum. 21. 18. the n. of the people digged it Judg. 5. 13. dominion over the n. among the people 1 A'in;r21.8. Jezebel sent letters to then, in his city 2 Chron. 23. 20. Jehoiada took the n. of the people AVA. 2. 16. nor had I as yet told it to the n. 3. 5. the n. put not their necks to the work 5. 7. and I rebuked the n. aud the rulers 6. 17. the n. of Judah sent letters to Tobiah 7. 5. Gud put it into oiine heart to gather ih* a. 10. 29. they clave to their brethren, their h. 13. IT. I contended with the n. of Judah Job 29. 10. the n. held their peace I'sal. 83. 11. make their n. like Ureb and Zeeb 149. 8. to bind their n. with fetters of iron Pi»c. 8. 16. by me princes rule, and n. all judges Arc/. 10. 17. when lliy king is the son of n. Isa. 13. 2. they may go into the gates of the ■» 34. 12. they shall call the n. to the kingdom 43. 14. and have brought down all their n. Jer. 14. 3. the n. sent their little ones to the waters 27.20. Nebuchadnezzar carried captiven. of Judah 30. 21. .rnd their n. shall be of tiicmselves 3y. 6. the king of Babylon slew all then, of Judah Jonah 3. 7. by the decree of the king and his n. .Vo<. 3. IS As.syria, thy n. shall dwel,' lu the dust NOISK. i'xorf. 20. 18. the people beard the n. of the trumpet 32. 17. he said, thera u a n. of war in the camp NON Eroif.32.18. but the n.of them that sing do I hear Joih. 6. 10. ye shall not shout nor make any «. J%dg. 5. 11. are delivered from the n. of archers 1 Sam. 4. 6. wha'. meaneth the n. of this shout .' 14. 14. 19. the n. in the host of Philistines increased 1 Kings\. 41. wherefore is lhis>i. of the city: 4b. this is the n. that ye have beard 18. \ 41 . there is a n. of abundance of rain t fimgi 7 . 6. the n. ol chariots, and a n. of horses 11.13. Athaliabheani /t. of guard, 2 C/iro)i.23.12. ] Chron. 15. C8. making a n. with psalteries Eira 3.13. not discern n.ot joy, fromn. of net-ping Job 3C. 29. any understand the n. of his laberuaclc 33. the M. thereof iheweth concerning il 37- 2. hiar attentively the n. of his Toi(« Pial. 33. 3. play skilfully with a loud n. 40. t £. he brought me up out of a pit of ». 42. 7- deep calleth at the ». of thy waterspouts 55 2, I mourn in my complaint, and make a n. 69- ^- 'hey make a n. like a dog, 14. fi5. 7 who stillcth the n of the seas, n. nf waves 66. 1. make a joyful «, to God, all ye lands, 8 1.1. I 95. 1, 2. I 98. 4, 6. I 100. 1. 93. 4. the Lord is mighter than the n. of waters \sa. 9. 5. for every battle is with confused «. 13. 4. the H. of a multitude in the mountains, a tumultuous n. of the kingdoms of nations 14. 11. the n. of thy viols is brought down 17. 12. which make a n. like the n. of the seas 24. 8. the n. of them that rejoice endeth IB. he who fleeth from the n. of fear S5. 5. thou shalt bring down the n. of strangers 29. 6. shall be visited of the Lord with great n. 31. 4. nor abase himselt for the n. of them 33. 3. at the n. of the tumult the people fled 60. ♦ 5. the n. of sea .shall be turned toward thee 6t and findethn. Luie 11. 24. 26. 60. witnesses came, yet found n. Alari 14. 55 Luie 3. 11. let him imnart to him that hath n. 4. 26. to n. of them was EUas sent, save to Sarepta 27. n. of themwas cleansed save Naaniaii the Syr 14. 24. n. of them shall taste of my supper 18. 19. n. is good, save one, that is God John 7. 19. and yet n. of you keepeth the law 15. 24. if I had not done the works w. other did 17. 12. n. is lost but the son of perdition 18. 9. of them thougavest me, 1 have lost none .-lilt 3. 6. Peter said, silver and gold have I n. 8. 16. for as yet he was fallen on n. of them 24. pray, that n.of these things come on me 11. 19- preaching the word to «. but to the Jews 18. 17. Gallio cared for none of these things 20. 24. butn. of these things move me 24. 23. he should forbid n. of his acquaintance 25. 11. if there be n. of these things they accuse 26. 22. saying n. other than the prophets did say Horn. 8. 9. if any have not the Spirit, he is 71. of hit 14. 7. n. of us liveth, andn. dielh to himself 1 Cor. I. 14. I thank God, I baptized n. of you 2. 8. whom n. of the princes of this world knew 7. 29. they that have wives be as tho' they had n 9- 15. but I have used n. of these things 10. 32. give n. offence to the Jews nor Gentiles 14. 10. and n. of them is without significatiou Gal. 1. 19. but other of the apostles saw I n. 1 Thess. 5. 15. see that w. render evil for evil 1 Tim. 5. 14. give n. occasion to the adversary 1 Pel. 4. 15. let n. of you suffer as a murderer liev 2. 10. fearw. of these things thou shalt suffer Set Effect, Like. There is NONE. Gen. 39. 9. there ij n.fgreater in this house than 1 41. 15. and there is n. that can interpret it 39. there is n. so discreet and wise as thou art Dent. 4. 35. the Lcrd is God, there is n. else, 39'. 1 Kinei 8. 60. Isa. 45. 5, 6, 14, 18, 22. I 46.9. Markl'i. .32. liitih 4. 4. for there is n. to redeem it besides thee 1 ■Sffm.2.2.Mfr«iJn.holy as the h.there isn.\>ts\ix9 Ci.S.lhere is u. sheweth me, there is n. that is sorry 1 CVir.20.15.days are as a shadow,rAfrf <» n. abiding y.'A 10.7./A. and the south, Isa. 49. 12. Jer. l6. 15. | 23. 8. Tsa. 14.31. for there shall come/ru77i «A« 71. asmoke 41. 25. I raised up ooefrom the n. he shall come Jer. 4. 6. I will bring evil/ro77> the n. and great de- struction, 6.22. 1 10.22. I 50. 9,41. | 51.48. E:ei. 26. 7. I will bring aking ofkings/™/;; the n. 39.2. [ will cause thee to come ap from the 7». parts .Imos 8. 12 they shall Vfaaderfrom the n. to the east Zcch. 2. 6. and flee from the land of r//e 71. Luie 13.29.come/ro77i the n. and sitdowninkingd. NORTH border. Xum. 34. 7. and this shall be your 71. border, Q. NORTH-QUARTER. /o.tA.15.5..Tudah's border in 7i.-yuar/er was from sea Ezci. 38. 6. Togarraah oS n.-guarter miiihis bands NORTH side. £ji'rf.26. 20. tabernacle on the n. tide twenty boards 35. thou shalt put the table on the 11. side 27. 11. for 71. ji. was breath of life, died Exod. 15. 8. with blast of thy «. waters gathered .\um. 11. 20. eat till it come out at your n. 2 Sum. 22. y. went a smoke of his 71. I'jal. 18. 8. J 6. the blast of the breath of his 71. I'sal. 18. 15. Job 4.g. by breath of his 71. they are consumed 27. 3. and the Spirit of God is in my la. 39. 20. the glory of his n. is terrible 41. 20. out of his 71. goeth smoke, as out of a pot Jsa. 2. 22. from man, whose breath is in his 7i. iaTTi. 4. 20. the breath of our n. was taken /i77)f>j4.10.stiukof your camps to come into your 71, NOT Is a particle of denying, [11 Aitolutely, Cxod. NOT 20. 13, 17. [2] C'«7>rfiV)i>7»a//y, GaJatiiiis 5. 21. [3] Comparatively, 1 Cor. 1. 17. 1 Kings 11. 39. I will afflict, but n. for ever Job 7. 8. thine eyes ^re upon me, and I am n. 14. 21. come to honour, he knoweth it n. 35. 15 I'sal. 115. 1. 71. unto UJ,0 Lord, 7>. to us be glory li9.36.to thy testimonies, and7i. to covetousness I'rov. 12. 7. ine wicked are n. 1| 23. 23. fell it 74. 27. 24. for riches are7j.forever,doth crown endure Isa. 3. 7. I will 71. be an healer, make m* 71. a ruler 10. 11. shall I 71. as I have done to Samiria, so do 16. 6. pride of Moao, but his lies shall n. be so 30. 1. take counsel, but 7i. of me, 11. of my :>pira 41. 9. I have chosen tiiee, and n. cast thee away 44. 21. thou shalt 71. be forgotten of me 45. 13. let go my captives, 71. for ai)rice nor reward 48. 1. but 71. in truth and righteousness 49. 15. they may forget, yet will 1 71. forget thee 57. 11. I held my peace, and thou fearest me 7t. 65. 1. I am found of them that sought me n. Jer. 4. 11. a wind, 71. to fan || 10.20. and they are » 11.8. I oommand«d, but they did them 71. 14.9. leave us n. || 21. 10. and n. for good, 39. I6 14.1 sent them 71. neither have commanded them 15. I 23.32. I 29. 9, 31. I EieJc. 13. 0, 23. 16. and 71. out of the mouth of the Lord 29. 11. of peace, and 71. of evil |1 30. 5. 71. of peacu 31. 13. because they were 71. Alat. 2. 10. X.a77i. 3. 2. brought into darkness, but 71. into light 5. 7. our fathers have sinned, aiud are 71. Ezei 16. 16. the like things shall 71. come 61. I will give them, but 7>. by thy covenant 20. 44. 71. according to your wicked ways 28. 2. yet thou art a man, and 71. God 33. 31. they hear, but they will 71. do them, 32. 36. 22. I do 71. this for your sakes, O Israel, 32. Dan. 8. 24. shall be mighty, but 71. by his power 9.26. but7i. for himself II 11.25. shall 71. stand Hos.l.g. ye are 7j. my people, 1 will n. be your God 7. 16. they return, but 71. to the Most High Amos 7. 3. it shall n. be, saith the Lord, 6. //ai. 2. 3. at the end it shall speak, and t:. lie Zech. 1. 4. be ye 71. as your fathers, to whom 4. 6. 71. by might nor power, but by my Spirit Mai. 3. 6. for i am the Lord, 1 change rj. Mat. 6. 5. be 71. like the hypocrites, 6, 16. 7. 25. and U fell n. || S6. and doeth them 71. 29. for he taug'ut 71. as the scribes, Mari 1. 22. 9. 13. I will have mercy, and 71. sacrifice, 12. f. 12.31. shall 71. be forgiven to men, 32. Luie 12.10. 16. 22. saying. Lord, this shall 71. be uiV.3 thee 20. 26. but it shall 71. be so among you, whoso will 28. the Son of man came, 71. to be ministered uutc 21. 30. the second said, I go, sir, and went ». 23. 3. but do 71. ye after their works 23. to have done, and n. to leave the other undone 24. 6. the end is7j. yetjl 17. let him n. come down 25. 43. ye clothed me 71. ye visited me 71. 45. did it 71. to one of these, did it 71. to me 26. 5. 11. on the feast day, lest there be an uproai 3y. 71. as I will, but as thou wilt, Mari 14. 36. Mark 8. 18. see ye n.f hear ye 71.^ do ye /LremBmbert 10. 43. but so it shall 71. be among you 14. 7. the poor ye have, but me ye have 11. alwayi Luie 3. 15. whether he were the Christ or 71. 13. 14. be healed, and 71. on the sabbath-day 18. 11. that I am 71. as other men are 22. 57. woman, I know him 71. [| 58. man, I am 71. John 1. 20. heoonfessed, 1 am 7». the Christ, 3. 28. 4. 42. we believe, ti. because of thy saying 5.40. ye will 71. come to me, that ye might have lift 42. 1 know ye have7». the love of God in you 6. 26. ye seek me 71. because ye saw the uiiraclei 38. 1 came down, 71. to do mine own will 8.16. iny judgmcii'. istrup, for I am n. alone, but I and the Father that sent me, 16. 32. 23. I am 71. of this world || 10. 12. 71. the shepherd 10.26. ye believe 71. because ye are n. of my sheep 11. 40. said I n. unto thee, if thouwouldest believe 51. this spake he, 71. of himself, but being high-pr. .')2. and n. for that nation only, but that also 12. 6. this he said, n. that he cared for the poor 47. 1 judge him 71. for 1 came 71. to judge world 13. y. Lord, 71. mv ftct only, but also uiy hands 10. ye are clean, but n. all UU. i. if it were n. so 14. 22. Judas, 71. Iscariot, and 7i. to the world 27. 71. as ihe world giveih.give I untoy^u 15. 15. 1 call you n. »erv.inis, but liieiids 16. 7. if 1 go 71. away, the Comforter will 71. come 13. for he shall 71. speak of himself 18. 40. saying, 71. this man J 40.17. touch men. .hit i. 18. 71. to speak at all in the name of Jesus 7.'>t.have n. kept it || 8. 32. he opened ti. his mouth U). 41. and shewed him, 71. to all the people 12. 22. it is the voice of a god, and 71. of a man 13. 25. I am 71. he||18. y. hold 71. thy peace 17.27. though he be 71. far from every one of us 20. 22. 71. knowing the things that shall bcfat 29. shall wolves enter in, 71. sparing the flock 21. 13. for I am ready ti to be bound only NOT Actt $3. S. I wist II. that he was the h''( yc ^f^ "■ in the flesh, but in the Spirit 32. how shall he h. with him give us ail things : 9- 24. n. of the Jews only, but of the Gentiles 26. where it was said, ye are n. my people 10. 18. have they n. heard > yes, verily 12. 3. R. to think of himself more highly than 15. 1. ought to bear, and ». to please ourselves 20. to preach, n. where Christ was named 16. 4. to whom n. only I give thanks, but also I Cor. 1. 28. hath chosen the things which are n. 2. 9- *ye hath «. seen, nor ear heard, nor entered 3. 2. k'. with meat || 7. 10. yet «. I, but the Lord 3. are ye ». carnal, and walk as men, 4. 4. 6. R. to think of men above that is written 19. and I will know, n. the speech of them which fi. 8. n. with old leaven |{ 6. 1 . r. before the saints 7- 12. but to the rest speak I, n. the Lord 9.1. am I R.an apostle r am I r. free • have I R.seen 26. 1 therefore so run, n. as uncertainly 10. 29. conscience, I say, n. thine own, but of others 11. 22. have ye n. houses to eat and drink in ' 12. 16. because r. the eye, I am n. of the body 15. 10. yet n. I, but the grace of God with me I Cor. 2. 17. for we are n. as many which corrupt 3. 3. n. with ink, n. in tables of stone 5. R. that we are sufficient of ourselves 13. n. as Moses, which put a vail over his face 4. 1. we faint n. 10.||7. maybe of God, and n. of us 9. n. forsaken, cast down, but r. destroyed i. l.we have an bouse r. made with hands 7. we walk by faith, n. by sight j] 12. r. in heart 7. 7. God comforted us, n. by his coming only 9. 1 rejoice, n. that ye were made sorry 12. I did it n. for his cause that had done wrong B. 5. and this they did, n. as we hoped, but first 12. and r. according to that he hath r. 10. 12. wp dare n. make ourselves of the number IS.lB.walked we n. in the same spirit, same steps ? Gal. 1.1. Paul an apostle, r. of men, nor by man 2.20. 1 live, yet r. I ||6. 4. and n. in another £p/i. 2. 8. through faith, and that r. of yourselves 9. n. of works || 5. 1 S. n. as fools, but as wise 6. 7. doing service as to the Lord, and r. to men 12. for we wrestle n. against flesh and blood Phil. 1.29. it is given to you, n. only to believe 2. 12. have obeyed, n. as in my presence only C7. and r. on him only, but on me also 3. 9. found in him, n.havingmineown righteousn. 12.11. as though I had already attained, or perfect Cu/,2.19. n. holding the head, from which the body 21. touch R. taste n. handle r. all to perish 5. 2. on things above, n. on things on the earth 23. do heartily, as to the Lord, and n. to men 1 Thesi. 2. 1. our entrance, that it was n. in vain 13. ye received it R.aswordof men,butwordof G. 5. 6. therefore let us n. sleep as do others S Then. 3. 2. for all men have h. faith 9. R. because we have r. power, but to make 1 'Vim. 3. 3. It. given to wine, r. greedy of lucre Z Tim. 1. 9. R. according to our works. Til. 3. 5. 4.8. and h. tome only, but to them that love Ti;.2. g. to please them, r. aiiswering again /'/ii/eni. 16. R. now as a servant, but above a ser-.-ant Ueb. 7.20. R. without an oath, he was made priest B. 2. which the Lord pitched, and n. m.-in 9.7 R. without blood, which he offered for himself 11. R. maoe with hands, n. of this building 11. 1. faith is the evidence of things r. seen 13. died, r. having received the promises 40. they without us should r. be made perfect 12. 8. bastards, n. sons|| 13. 17. r. with griff Jam. 1. 23. if any man be a hearer, and n. a doer 2. 21. n. by faith only || 3. 2. offend n. in word 4.2. yet we haveR. || 17. and doeth it n. it is sin 1 I'ei. C. 10. R. a people, had r. obtained merry 18. be subject, h. only to the pood .-xnd gentle 2.'?. who reviled n. again, he threatened r. B t'et. 2. 21. better for them r. to have known I Jchn 2. 23. the same hath n. the father 3. 12. R. as Cain P 4. 10. n. that we loved God 4. 12. he that hath n. the Son, hath n. life 17. and there is a sin r. unto death Jnde 19. these be sensual, having r. the Spirit Kev. C. 2. which say, they are apostles, and are n. 9. 19- 10. he said unto me, see thou do it r.22. i). •Sre Abl«, Afraid, Ashamtd. AnswereIj. HELIEVE, Co.MOLNPED, DtPARTED, iU- STROY, Die, Kat, Enter. Fear, Few. JINO, lOR.SAKEN, GlVE, GtTEN. HEAR, Hearken, Hid. ^ If NOT. O^R. 18 21. 1 will go down, and if n. I wil' Vi 410 NOT Clen. 24. 49. and if n. tell me, that I may know Ezod. 32. 32. if n. blot me, I pray, out of thy book Jtid^. 9. 15. if n. let fire come out of heaven, 20. 1 Sam. 2. 16. and if n. I will take it by force 6. y. but if n. then we shall know that it is not 2 iii/n.13.26. if n. let Amnon go j| 17. 6. if n. speak 2 Kings S. 10. but if n. it shall not be so Joif y, 24. if n. where, and who is he ? 33. 33. if R. hearken to me, hold thy peace Aec/i. 11. i2. give me my price, and if n. forbear Lule 10. 6. if H. it shall turn to you again 13. 9' and if n. then thou shalt cut it down See Is, Knew, Know, No. Obby, Obeyed, Passed, See, Seek, .So. Will, Would. Or NOr. GrR.24.31.I/)rd made his journey prosperous cr n. I'.iod. 17. 7. saying, is the Lord among us, or n. ? A'um. 11. 23. whether my word come to pass or n. 13. 20. whether there be wood therein or n. Judg. 2. 22. as their fathers did keep it, or n. NO ['ABLE Signifies, [1] Consptcuoiu , or tightly, Dan. 8. 5. [2] Notorious, Mat. 27. I6. [3] Terrible, Acts 2. 20. [4] Knoam, or ayyarntl, Acts 4. IC. Van. 8. 5. the goat had a n. horn between his eyes 8. for it came up four r. ones, toward four winds Mat. 27. 16. and they had then a r. prisoner Acts 2. 20. before that n. day of the Lord come 4. 16. a R. miracle hath been done by them NOTE, ED. Isa. 50. 8. now go, write it, and n. it in a book Dan. 10. 21. that is n. in the scripture of truth 2 Thess. 3. 14. n. that man, and have do company NOTE. Rom. 16. 7. who are of n. among the apostles NOTHING Signifies. [1.] Sol anything. Gen. I9. 8. [2] For no use or service. Mat. 5. 13. [3] Of no force to bind or oblige. Mat. 2.». I6, 18. [4] No good Korks that are acceptable to God, John 15. 5. [5] False and groundless. Acts 21. 24. [6] No other meant, Mark 9- 29. [7] No reward or wages, 3 John 7. [8] No neto doctrine pertain- ing to salvation. Gal, 2. 6. [9] No sin or guilt, John 14. 30. [10] No divine pouer, no God, 1 Cor. 8. 4. It is taken, [1] Absolutely, Job 56. 7. Psal. 49. 17. [2] Comparatively', Psal. 39. 5. Isa. 40. 17. [3] In a ptrton's estimation of himself, 2 Cor. 12. 11. [4] Not in the matter, but in the manner, at being of no use or service, 1 Cor. 7. 19. Thus circumcision it called not't\\ng, be- cause it availt nothing, in point of acceptation tiith God now in gosvel-limcs. Gen. 11. 6. now n. will be restrained from them 19. 8. only unto these men do m. for they came 26. 29. as we have done to thee n . but good 40. 15. and here also have I done r. to put me F.xod. 9.4. n. die that is the children's of Israel 12. 10. let R. of it remain until morning SO. ye shall eat r. leavened in your habitations 16. 18. gathered much, had r. over, 2 Cor. 8. 15. 23.3. if he haveR. then he shall be sold for his theft 23. 26. there shall r. cast their yonng Num. 6. 4. eat n. thai is made of the vine-tree 16. 26. touch n. of theirs, lest ye be coiKumed 2i. iC. let n. binder thee from coming Deut. 2, 7. thou hast lacked r. Neh. Q. 21. 20. .36. thou Shalt save alive n. that breatheth 22. 26. to the damsel thou shalt do n. 28. 55. because he hath n. left him in the siege Josh. H. 15. Joshua left r. commanded undone Judg. 2. t 19- l«t R. fall of their own doings 3. 2. at least such as before knew n. thereof 14. 6. he rent him, and had «. in his hand 1 Sam. 3. 18. Samuel told, and hid r. from him 20. 2. my father will do r. but will shew it me 22. 15. thy servant knew n. of all this 25. 21. so that r. was missed of all, .30. 19. .'ftj. she told him r. lessor more until morning 2 6am. 12.3. the poor man had r. save one ewe-lamb 24. 24. not offer of that which doth cost me n. 1 Kings 4. 27. provided victuals, they lacked n. 8. 9- there was r. in the ark save the two taMes 1 0.21. silver was R. accounted of in days of Solom. 11. 22. and he answered r. J.uie 23. 35. 22. 16. tell me n. but truth, 2 Chron. 18. 15. 2 Kings 10. 10. fail r. toearth of word of the Lord 20. 13. R. in his house that he shewed not 17. be carried away. r. shall be left, Isa. 3y C, 6. C C/ir.9.2. n. hid from Solom. which he told her nnt Ezra 4. 3. ye have r. to do with us in buildirg Ne/t. 5. 8. then they found r. to answer 12. we will restore, and require n. of them B. 10. send portions for whom n. is prepared 9. 21. sustained them, so that they lacked n. E n. Mark 7.15. there is n. from without a man defileth JoUnB. 54. if I honourmyself, my honour is n. Kant. 14. 14. that there is 71. unclean of itself 1 CiT. 7.19. circumcision is n. uncircumcision is n. tt. 4. we know that an idol is n. in the world Gal. 6.3. when he is n. he deceiveth himself 7'il. 1. 15. to them that are defiled is n. pure or NOTHING. Ita. 41. 24. behold, ye are 0/ n. your work nought 1 TAess. 4. 12. and that ye may have lack 0/ n. Rev.3.1' .1 am rich, increased, and have need 0/ n. NOTWITHSTANDING Exod. If). 20. K. they hearkened not to Moses, but some left of it, 1 Sam. 2 25. 2 h'iii^s I7. 14. 21. 21. n. if he continue a day or two not punished Deut I. 26. K. ye would not go up, but rebelled 1 Kings 11. 12. n. in thy days I will not do it Jer. sa. 14.71. I have spoken unto you, rising early Afo«. 2. 22. 7j. being warned of God in a dream 11. 11. 7<. he that is least in kingdom is greater 17. 27. 71. lest we should offend, go to the sea Luke 10.11. n. be sure of this that kingdom is come 20. 71. in this rejoice, that spirits are subject P/iil.l.lS. n. whether in pretence or truth Christ is ♦.14.71. have well done, that ye communicate with 1 7V/71. 2.15. n. she shall be saved in child-be.iring 8 3'i77i. 4.17. n. L. stood with me, and strengthened Jam. 2.16. n. ye give not those things not needful Rev. 2. 20. n. I have a few things against thee NOUGHT, see Naught. NOVICE. X TVtti. 3. 6. not a n. lest being lifted up with pride NOURISH Signifies, [1] To feed or maintain. Gen. 47. 12. [2] To educate or bring up. Acts 7. 21. [3] To cause to grow, Isa. 44. 14. [4] To instruct, 1 Tim. 4. 6. [5] To cherish and comfort, Ruth 4. 15. Jam. 5. 5. C«7i 45. 11. and there will I 71. thee, 50.21. /ya.7.21.that man shall 7i.youngcowand two sheep 2.1 .4. nor do I 71 .up young men, nor bring up virgins 41. 14. he ptanteth an ash, the rain doth 71. it NOURISHED. Gen. 47. 12. Joseph 71. his father and brethren 2 Sam. 18. 3. a lamb which he bought and 71. up Zra.l.S.Ihave7t. and brought up children, and they Eiek. 19. 2. she 71. her whelpsamong young lions AcisLiO. and 7:. in his father's house' three months 21. Pharaoh's daughter tj. him for her own son 12. 20. their country was 71. by the king's country 1 Ti77i. 4. 6. 71. up in words of faith and good doctr. Jam. 5. 5. have 71. your hearts as in day of slaughter Rev. 12. 14. 71. for a time, times, and half a time NOUKISHER, S. if7i//i4.15.women said, be shall be 71. of thy old age t AiMfxlO.t I.Jehu sent to then, of Ahab'schildr. Jia. 49 t23. and kings shall be thy 71. and queens /«/'. 46. t 25. I will punish the 71. of No. NOI'KISIIETH. Eph. 5. ig, but 71. his flesh, as the Lord the church NOURISHING. Dan.\.5.$o n.them three years to stand before king NaA. 3. t 8. art thou better than 7j. No .' NOURISHMENT. C<7/.2.19.all the body by joints and bands having 71. NOW. Cen. 2. 23. Adam said, this Is 71. bone of my bones JO. 21. I will go down 71. and see whether thej 19. 9' n- ^ill we deal worse with thee thao i 411 NOW Gen. 22. 12. for 71. 1 know that thou fearest God 26. 29. thou art 71. the blessed of the Lord 27. .37. what shall I do 71. to thee, my son .' 29. 35. she said 71. will I praise the Lord 32. 4. sojourned with Laban, and stayed there till 71 43. 11. Israel said to them, if it be so 71. do this 45. 8. so 71. it was not you that sent me hither 46. 34. trade hath been about catt.from youth tilbi Eiod. 9. 18. not such hail been in Egypt even till 71 10. 11. go 71. ye that are men, and serve the Lord 32. 32. yet 71. if thou wilt forgive their Sin iVHTTi. 12. 13. heal her 71. O God, I beseech thee 14.19. h^t forgiven this people from Egypt till 71 24. 17.1 shall see him, but not 71. shall behold him Josh.S.I'i.bnl as captain of Lord's host am 1 71. com 7. 19. tell me 7j. what thou hast done, hide it not Judg. 11.7. why are ye come to me 71. in distress f 17. 13. 71. I know that the Lord will do me good 1 .!>a77i.2. 16. nay, but thou shalt give it me 71. 30. but 71. the Lord saith, be it far from me 15.30.honour me 7i. I pray thee, before the elders 17. 29. what have I ji. done ' is there not a cause .' 2&J77I. 13. 25. nay, my son, let us not all ?i. go 15. 34. so will I 71. also be thy serv,int 24. 14. let us 71. fall into the hand of the Lord 1 Kings 14. 14. who shall cut off, but what .' even 71. 19. 4. it is enough, 71. O Lord, take away my life 2 Kings 1. 5. he said, why are ye 71. turned back ? 8.6. restore all that was her's since she went till 71. 10. 10. know 71. there .shall fall to earth nothing 18.25. am 1 71. come up without Lord, Zta. 36.10. 19- 35. 71. have I brought it to pass, Isa. 37. 26. 20. 3. remember 71. how I have walked, Isa. 38.3. Ezra 4. 13. be it 71. known to the king, if city built 5. 16. even till 71. hath it been building, not finished 9. 8. 71. for little space grace been shewed from Lord 10. 2. 7». there is hope in Isr. concerning this thing Jo^ 1. 11. put forth thy hand tj. and touch, 2. 5. 4. 5. n. it is come upon thee, and thou faintest 6. 21. for Tj.ye are nothing, ye see my casting down 17. 3. lay down 71. 1|24. 25. and if it be not so 71. IS.where is 71. my hope ? ||.30. 9. ». I am their son 42.5. have heard of thee, but 71. my eye seeth thee Psal. 12 5. 71. will I arise, saith the Lord 20. 6. 71. know I that the Lord saveth his anointed 39. 7. 71. Lord, what wait I for, my hope is in thee 115. 2. why heathen say, where is 71. their God ' 118. 25. save 71. 1 beseech thee, O Lord, send now 119. 67. but 71. have I kept thy word Prov. 6. 3. do thisTj. my son, and deliver thvself 7. 12. 71. she is without, 7i. in the streets, anif lieth Eccl. 2. 1. go to 71. {{ 3. 15. what hath beeivs 71. 16. that which ti. is shall all be forgotten Ca7if. 3. 2. I will ri.sc ». and go about the city /.to. 5 5. 71. go to, I will tell you what Twill do 16. 14. but 71. the Lord hath spoken, saying 19. 12. thy wise men, let them tell thee 71, 22.1. what aileth thee 71. that thou art wholly gone 33. 10. 71. will I rise, 71. will I lift up myself 64. 8. but 71. O Lord, thou art our Father Jer. 2.18. 71. what hast thou to do in wayof Egypt.' 4. 12. 71. will I give sentence against them 17. 15. the wordof the Lord let it 71. come 25. 5. turn 71. every one from Jiis evil way 30.6. ask ye 7f.;ind see whethera man doth travail 34. 15. ye were 71. turned, anc^ had done right 35. 15. return ye 71. every man from his evil way 45. 3. woe is me 71. the Lord hath added grief Dan. 10. 11. (3 Daniel, to thee am I n. sent IIos. 2. 7. for then was it better with me than 71. 13. 2. and 71. they sin more and more, and made /JIBEK, .5m»j/a7iiiir, Signifies, [1] A small number, tuch as is easy to reckon. Gen. 34. 30. Jieut. 4. 27. [2] A great number", pi'mutiitnde, uhicA no man can reckon or^iumber. I'sal. 147. 4. [3] Hocietv, or com- pany, Luk^ 22. 3. AcU 1. 17. 'I'he number of the beast, or the number of the name of the beast. Rev. 13. 17, 18. stands ftr the numerical value of the letters that compose hit name. Cicn. 34. 30. I being few in 71. they shall slay me 41. 49. very much, for it was without n. Eiod. 12. 4. take the lamb arcording to 71. of souls 16. 16. gather manna, according to 71. of persons 23. 26. nothing barren, 71. of thy days I will fulfil Lev. 25. 15. the 71. of years after the jubilee, the n. of years of the fruits he shall sell, I6, 50 26. 22. beasts, which shall m.%ke you few io n, A'fifn. 1. 2. with the 71. of their naiiie?, IB, 24. 3.22. TJ. of males from a month old, CH, .34, 40, 43. 4B. odd 71. of them is to be redeemed to Aaron 14. 29. your whole 71. from twenty years old 34. after the 71. of days ye searched the land 15. 12. according to ti. ye sh.ill prepare, so shall ye do to every one according to their it 23. 10. who can count the 71. of fourth part of Ixr. 29,18.lheir oflerings shall be according to their it. I 21.24,27,30,33,3". 31. 36. the half of their portion was in »i. Vent. 4. 27. left few in n. among heathen, S8. 65. 7.7. because yr were more in m. than any people 25.2. judge cause him to be beaten by a certain 71. 31. 8. he set bounds according to the n. of Israel Josh. 4.5. every man of jrou a stone, accord, to 71. 8. Judg. 6. 5. they and their camels without n.7. 12. 7. 6. the n. of them that lapped were 300 men 21. 23. according to the ti. of them that danced 1 6'a»i. 6. 4. the TI. of the lords of the rtrilistines 1 5am. 6. IS.to the n.of all the cities of Philistines S7.t7.tt.of daysDavidilweU in country of I'hilist. 2 iam. 2. 15. there arose and went over by n. twelve 21. 20. had fingers and toes twenty-four in n. CI. C. that I may know the n. of the people y. Joal) gave up the sum of the ». of the people I X'itt»j IB. 31. Elijah took 12 stones.accordinRto k. 1 C'/iron. 7. 2. whose n. was in thi days of David 9. the n. of them after their genealogy, 40. 11. 11. the n. of mighty in«n whom David had 16. t 19. when ye were hut men of n. even a few 22. lO. of the gold and silver, there is no n. 23. 3. their n. by their polls, man by man t27. the Levitps n. from twenty and above 31. set feasts by n. ||25. 1. n. of the workmen £5.7. the ». that were instructed in the songs 27. 23. but David took not the n. of ihcm £ Vh-. 12. 3. the people were without jj. th.-it came 26. 12. the whule k. of the chief of the fathers Cy. 32. th •• 71. of the burnt- offerings, bullocks 30. 21. a great 71. of priests sanctilied themselves £zra 1. 9- and this is the n. of the vessels 2. 2. the n. of the men of the people of Israel 3. 4. and offered the daily burnt-offerings by n. 6. 17. twelve he-goats, according to then, of tribes 8 34. by n. and by weiglit of everyone i'jM.g.U.thett. of those slain in Shushan the palace Jvi 1. 5. Job offered according to the n. of them all 3. 6. let it not come into the «. of the months 5. 9. marvellous things without n. 9- 10. 14. 5. the n. of his months are with thee 15. 20. the n. of years is hidden to the oppressor It), t 22. when years nf n. are come, I shall go £5. 3. is there any n. of his armies .'* 31. 37. I would declare to him then, of my steps 31. 24. shall break in pieces mighty men without n. 36. 26. neither can the n. of his years be searched 30. 21. because the Ji. of thy days is preat Pial. 105. 12. when they were but a few men in n. 34. caterpillars, and that without n. 139. 18. they are more in n. than the sand 147. 4. he telleth the «. of the stars, calleth thim i 5. of his understiindiiig there is no n. Ecel. 2. t3. n. of days of their life, 5. 1 18. | 6.t 12. Cant. 6. 8. there are queens and virgins without n. Ita. 10. t 19. the rest of the trees shall be n. 21. 17. the residue of the n. of archers, mighty men 40. 26. that bringeth out their host by >i. 65. 11. that furnish the drink-offering to that n. Jer. 2. 28. asn. of thy cities are thy gods, O Judah 32. my people have forgotten me days without w. 11. 13. according to the n. of thy cities, n.of streets 44. 28. yet a small n. tJiat escape sword shall return t-:tk. 4. 4. according to the n. of the days, 5. 9. 5. 3. thou shalt take a few in n. and bind them 12. t 16. I will leave men in n. from the sword 43. t 10. and let them measure the n. Dan. 9. 2. I understood by books the n. of years llos. 1.10. n.of Isr. shall be as the sand, ii'owi 9.2". Joel 1. 6. anationiscome upstrong and without n. .A'<7A.3.3.there is a great 7i.of carcases, they stumble I.uke 22. 3. Judas, being of the n. of the twelve John 6. 10. the men sat down, in n. 5000, /ic.'*4. 4. jict.< 1 . 15. the n. of the names together were 120 5. 36. to Theudas a n. of men joined 6. 1. when the 71. of disciples was multiplied,?. 11. 21. a great n. believed and turned to the Lord 16. 5. the churches were increased in «. daily S Cor. 10.12. for we dare not make ourselv. of the n. 1 Tim. 5. 9. let not a widow be taken into the n. 7iVc. 5. 11. the n. of them was lO.tXX) times 10,000 7. 4. I heard the n. of them which were sealed 9. 16. the n. of the army of the Imrsemen 13. 17- >i. of his name || 18. count tlie n. 18. it is the n. of a man, and his n. is 666 15. 2. I jaw them that had victory over 71. of beast CO. 8. n. of Gog is as the sand of the sea NUMBER, f'erS. Cien. 13. 16. if a man can n. the dust of the earth 15. 5. tell the stars, if thou be able to n. them Lev. 15. 13. he shall 71. seven days for his cleansing 28. then she shall n. to herself seven days t3.l6. after the seventh sabb. shall yen. fifty d.iys 25. 8. thou shalt n. seven sabbaths of year.^ to ihee A'lun. 1. 3. Aaron shall n. them by their armies ♦9. only thou shalt not n. the tribe of lyevi 3. 15. 7j. the children of Levi from a month old 40. n. all the first-born of the males of Israel 4 23. until fifty yean old shalt thou n. them, .30. 29. as for the sons of Merari thou shalt n. them 37. which Moses and Aaron did n. 41. Seui. 16. 9- seven weeks shalt thou n. begin to 71. 1 Vim. 14. 17. n. and see who is gone from us 2 i^am. 24. 1. to say, go n. Israel and Judah C. go now and n. the people, 4. 1 C'Aron. 21. 2. 1 A in^'j 20. 25. u. thee an army like the army lost 1 Clirtn. 21. 1. Satan provoked David to n. Israel 27.24. Joab began to n. but he finished not Sob .38. 37. who can n. the clouds in wisdom I 3a 2. canst thou n. the months that ther fulfil' 418 OAK Pt. 90. 12. so teacu us to n. our days, that wc may Iia. 65. 12. therefore will I n. you to the sword Re-.:. 7. 9. a great uiultitucl' 'ich no man could n. NL'.MnER.S. 1 Chron, 12. 23. these are the n. cf '.he bands 2 CAniii. 17. 14. these are the n. of them, accord. Ptal. 71. 15. for 1 know not the n. thereof NU.MHKKED. Gm. 13. 16. then shall thy seed also be n. 16. 10. it shall nut be n. for multitude, 32. 12. £j-()rf.30.13.thatpas3eth among them that are n. 14. 38. 25. them that were n. of the congregation, 26. Num. 1. 19. he 71. them in the wilderness of Sinai 21. those that were n. of them, 23, 41, 46. | 2. 4, 1.3, 15, 19, 21,23, 26, 28, .30. 47. the Levites were not n. among them, 2. 33. 2. 9- all that were n, in the camp of Judah l6.weren.in camp of Reuben II 24. n. of Ephraim 31. n. in camp of Dan || 3. 16. Moses n. them, 42 3. 39. all that were n. of the Levites were 22,000 4. 31. theyn. of the sons of the Kohathites, .37. 30. those that were n. of the Gershonites, 41. 42. those that were n. of the sons of Merari, 45. 45. these whom Moses and Aaron n. 7. 2. who were princes and over them that were n. 14. 29- carcases fell in wilderness, all that were n. 26. 51. these were «. of the children of Israel 57. n. of the Levites || 63. Moses and Eleazar n. Josh. 8. 10. Joshua rose early andn. the people Jud^, 20. 15. the children of Benjamin were n. 1 Sam. 11.8. and when he n. them in BcieV 15. 4. Saul n. people in Telaim 200,000 foc.men 2 i'a^n. 18. I.David n. the people that were with him 24. 10. David's neart smote him after he had 71. 1 Kings 3. 8. a great people that cannot be n. 8.5. sheep and oxen that could not be 71. 2 Chr. 5.6. 20. 15. then he n. the princes of the provinces 26. at return of the year Ben-haded n.the Syrians 27. Israel were n. and were like two flocks 2 Kings 3. 6. and king Jehoram n. all Israel 1 Chron. 21 . 17. I commanded the people to be n. 23. 3. now theLevites were n. from thirty years, 27. 2 Chr. 2. 17. Solomon n. all the strangers in Israel 25.5. he n. them from twenty years old and above Etra 1. 8. Cyrus n. the vessels to Sheshbazzar Psal. 40. 5. they are more than can be n. Eccl. 1. 15. that which is wanting cai.not be n. Isa. 22. 10. ye have n. the houses of Jerusalem 53. 12. he was n. with transgressors,. TJar/t 15. 28. Jer. 33, 22. as the host of heaven, cannot be ji. /Jatt.5.26. God hath n. thy kingdom, and finished it //<>/. 1.10. as the sand ot the sea, which cannot ben. Mat. 10.30. hairs of your head are TiWn.Luke 12.?. Acts 1. 17. forne was n. with us, and obtained part 26. Matthias was n. with the eleven apostles NUMBEREST. Ezod. 30. 12. saall give every man a ransom when thou n. that there be no plague when thou n. Job 14. 16. for now thou n. my steps, dost not thou NUMBERING. G;7j. 41. 49- Josepn gathered corn until he left n. 2 Chron.'i.n. after the n. wherewith David numb. NURSE Signifies, [1] A woman uAo nukles a child, Exod. 2. 7. [2] One that assists in bringing up 0/ children, Ruth 4. 16. It is applied, [1] 'Jo godh) kings and ijueens, who bait a sincere affection and lender regard to the church, Isa. 49.23. [2] To faithful minisieri of the gosprl, who are mild and obliging, using all kind and winting expressions, as nurses do to please chil- dren, 1 Thess. 2. 7. Geu. 24. 59. they sent away Rebekah and her n. 45.8. but Deborah, Rebekah'sn. died, and was bur. £x<>rf.2.7.shall I call to thee a n.of Hebrew women? Huth 4. 16. Naomi took the child, and became n. 2 Sam. 4. 4. his n. took him up and fled, and he fell 2 Kings 11.2. they hid him and his n. 2CAr.22.1I. ■ lets 13. ♦ 18. he suffered, as a n. beareth the child I'Aw*. 2.7. were gentle,asa«,cherisheth her childr. NURSE. Eiod. 2. 7. that she may n. the child for thee 9. take this child away, and n.it for me,I will give NURSED. Eiod. 5. 9- ^^ woman took the child, and n. it Jsa. 60. 4. thy daughters shall be n. at thf side NURSING. yum. 11 .12. carry tliem in thy bosom, asan. father yiii.49.23.kingsbe n. fathers, queens thy n. mothers NURTURE. EpA. 6. 4. bring them up in the ». of the Lord N UTS. Gen. 43.11. carry down a present, n. and almonds Cant. 6. 11. I went down iulo the garden of n. o. OAK. Gen. .35.4. Jacob hid the gods under the 0. by Shec. 8 Dehor. Rebekah's Qurse.was buried uadrran n. OAT Josh. 21. 26. acd set 'it up there under an a. Judg.6. 11. Ail angel of the Lord sat under an 17. 9. t 6. made Abiinelech king by the o. of the pillar 2 Sam. 10. 9. Absalom's mule went under an 0. 10. Absalom hanged in an 0. \\ 14. alive in the 1 Kinjgt 13. 14. he found the man of God under an (J 1 Chr. 10. 12. buried their bones under*, in Jabesh Isa. 1.30. ye shall be as an 0. whose leaf tadeth 6. 13. as tcil tree, or 0. wbo'O substance is in there 44. 14. he taketb the cypress and o. to make a god Eztk. 6. 13. among their idols under every thick OAKS. /ja.l.29.shall be ashamed oflheu.which ye desired 2. 13. the day of the Lord on all the 0. of Bashan 57. t 5. inflaming yoursclve.? among the 0. Ezek.(lT.6.o( o.of Bashan have theymade thine oars Jlos. 4.13. and burn incense upon the hills undw o Amos 2. 9- the Araorite was strong as the 0. Zech. 11. 2. howl, fir-tree, howl, O ye o. of Bashal OAR. Eiek. 27. 29. all that handle the 0. shall cry OARS. Isa. 33. 21 . wherein shall go no galley with 0. Eiek. 27.6. of the oaks of Basham they made thy o OATH Is a solemn action, whereby we call upon God, the searcher of hearts, to witness the truth oj' uhat we affirm, for the ending of sinfe or conlro- lersies, Heb. 6. 16. It is spoken, (Ij Of God the rather, who sxare, [1] To his So:i, the Lord Messiah, the Mediator of the new covenant, that Christ should be his only and eternal Priest, hereby honouring his Sojt, and giving strong consolation to his people, in such a i?<7^a/ Iligh-priest, who should ejiitually manage all their concerns with him for ever, I'sal. 110. 4. Ilelirews 7. 21. [2] To men, either in lovC or wrath, hereby assuring them oj' the immuta^ bilily of his purposes, that the blessings he pro- mised should be bestowed, and that the judg- ments he threatened should be inflicted, CJen. 22. 16, 17. Psal. 95. 11. Heb. 6. '17. (11) Of men, who when necessity, or the importance of a matter requires it, ought to swear, [1] Religi- ously, by Gad only, Deut. 6. 13. | 10. 20. [2j Reverently, and with fear, Eccl. 9. 2. [3] Cautiously, Genesis 24. 5, 8. Joshua 2. 17. f4] Sincerely, faithfully, and justly, Jeremiah 4. 2. Men must not sware, [H Jdolatrously, in tht name of any false gods, or in the name of in- animate things. Josh. 23. 7- Jam. 5. 12. [2] Deceitfully, Jer. 42. 5, SO. [3] Falsely, Lev. 6. 3. I 19. 12. [4] Rashly, Lev. 5. 4. Mat. 14. 7. Gen 24. 8. thou shalt be clear from this my 0. 41 26. 3. 1 will perform theo. which I sware to Abraham, Deut. 7. 8. Psal. 105. 9. Jer. 11.5 28 let there be now an o. betwixt us and thee 50. 25. Joseph took au 0. of the children of Israel I'.zod. 22. 11. an 0. of tne Lord shall be between us Lev. 5. 4. that a man shall pronounce with an o Xum. 5. 19. the priest shall charge her by an 0. 21. Ld. make thee a curse and an 0. among people 30. 2. if a man swear an 0. to bind his soul, 10. 13. every vow, and every binding 0. to afflict soul i)eut. 4.30. if turn to L. and shall be 0. to his voice 8. 20. ye shall perish, because ye would not be 0. Sam. 22. 45. strangers shall be o. unto me Prov. 25. 12. so is a wise reprover upon an 0. ear Jsa. 1. 19. if 0. ye shall eat the good of the land 42. 24. neither were they 0. to his law Acts 6. 7. the priests were 0. to the faith Rom. 15. 18. to make Gentiles 0. by word and deed 5 Cor.2.9. might know whether ye be o.in all things Eph. 6. 5. servants, be 0. to your masters, 'J'ii. 2.9. Phil. 1. 8. Christ became 0. unto death of the cross Tit. 2. 5. wives, beo. || 1 Pet. 1. 14. children, beo. OBEY. Gtn. 87. 8. therefore, my son, 0. my voice, 13, 43. Exod. 5. 2. who is the Lord, that I should 0. him i 19. 5. now if ye will o. my voice indeed 23. 21. o. bis voice |1 22. if shalt indeed 0. his voice Deui. 11.27.ablessing, if ye c. commands of Lord 13.4.0. his voice. 27. 10. | 30. 2, 8. 1 Sam. 12. 4. 30. 20. and that thou mayest 0. his voice fosh. 24. 24. the Lord's voice will we o. l&im.8.19.the people refused to 0. voice of Samuel 15. 22. behold, to 0. is better than sacrifice i\VA. 9. 17. and refused to 0. neither were mindful Jo4 36.11.if theyo. and serve him, they shall spend Psal. 18. 44. as soon as they he.ir, they shall 0. me Prov.M.V. the eye thatdespiseth, too. his mother Ita. 11. 14. the children of Ammon shall o. them Jer.7. 23. 0. my voice, and I will be yourOod, and ye shall be my people, 11. 4,7. CC. 13. amend your ways, and 0. the voice of the Lord your God, 38.20. Zech. ti. 15. SS.H.Uechabiteso. their father's commandments ♦2.6. we will o. the voice of Lord our God, that it may be well with us when we 0. the Lord Ua7i.7.27. and all dominions shall serve and o.him Hal. 8. 27. what matmer of man is this, that even winds and seao. hini ' Mark 4. 4". Luke (!.25. Mark 1. 27. even the unclean spirits o. him hukc 17. 6. be thou plucked up, and itshall o. you jicts 5. 29. we oufiht to o. God rather than men 413 OBL Acts 5.32. whom G. hath given to them that o.hlm i^om. 2. 8. but to thtTi thuto. uiirighieousness 6. 12 that ye should it in the lusts thereof 16. know ye not, to whom ye yield yourselves servants to 0. his servants ye are to whom ye Eph. 6. 1. children, o. yourparenis. Col. 3. 20. Col. 3. 22. servants, 0. in all things your masters 'Tit. 3. 1. put them in mind to 0. magistrates /f«i.5.9.author of eternal sal vat. to all that 0. hin 13. 17. o. them that have the rule over you 7uOT.3.3.put bits in horses' mouths,that they mavi' AW OBEY, OBEY not. Deut. 11. 28. a curse, if ye will note, the command- ments of Lord your God, 28. 62. 1 Sam. 12. 15. Job .-iS. 12. Jer. 12. 17. | 18. 10. 21. 18. who will not o. the voice of his father, 20. 1 Sam. 15. 19. wherefore then didst thou not 0.? Jer. 42. 13. but if ye say, we will not 0. the Lord Dan. 9. 11. that ihey might not 0. thy voice Acts 7. 39. to whom our fathers would 7wt 0. Horn. 2. 8. that are contentious, and do not 0. truth 0'a/.3.1. who bewitched you, that should «o< el's. 7. 2 Thess. 1.8. taking veng.on them thato. not gospel 3. 14. if any man 0. not our word, note that man 1 Pet. 3. 1, if any 0. not the word, they may be won 4.17. what shall end be of them thato. not gospel- OBEYED. Gejt. 22. 18. be blessed, because thou hast 0. 26. 5. 28. 7. that Jacob 0. his father and his mother Josh. 22.2. have o. my voice in all I command. you 1 Sam. 15. 20. Saul said, I have 0. the voice of Ld. 24. because I feared the people, and c, their voice 28. 21. behold, thine handmaid hath o. thy voice 1 Chron. 29. 23. then all Israel 0. Solomon 2 Chron. 11. 4. they o. the words of the Lord Jer. 34. 10. then they princes of J udah made 0. to the king OBJECT. Acts 24. 19. and o. if they had ought against me OBLATION. Lev. 2.4. an o. of a meat-offering baken, 5. 7. 13. 12. as for 0. of the first-fruits, ye shall offer C\\tm 3. 1. if his o. be a sacrifice of peace-offering 7. 14. he shall offer one out of the whole o. 20. he shall bring his 0. to the Lord, of sacrifices 22. 18. that will offer his o. for all his vows Num. 18. 9. every 0. of theirs shall be most holy 31. 50. we have brought an o. for the I.ord Isa. 19. 21. the Egyptians shall do 0. to the Lord 40. 20. that is so im[ioveri3hed that he hath r.» 0. Ofj.'i.that offereih an o.as if he offered swine's tiesh Jer. 14. 12. when they offer an o. 1 will not accept Ezek. 44. 30. and every 0. shall be the priest's 45. 1. when ye sh\ll divide the land, offiT an o. l:i. thi.s the 0. ye shall offer, 48. y, 20, 21. 16. shall give this o. for the prince in Israel iJaji. 2. 46. that they should ofier aa 0. to Daniel g. 21. time of the even o. 1| 4". snail cause 0. to cease OBT OBLATIONS. Lev."!. 38. he commanded Israel to offer their « 2 Chron. 31. 14. to distribute the 0. of the Lord Prov. 29. t4. but a man of o. oveithroweth it Isa. 1. 13. bring no more vain 0. unto me £'if i.20.40. 1 will require the first-fraits of your a 44.30. every sort of your o. shall b« the priest' OBSCURE. Prov. 20.20. his lamp shall be put out m o.darfcneis OBSCURITY. By obscurity, or darkness, aU kinds of adtersiet and calamity are resembUd, as happiness and prosperity are by light, Isa. 58. 10. It is said, that the Jews, after they were delivered from their dark and calamitous condition in the Ba- bylonish captivity, observed a feast, which tltey called. The feast of lights; because to great a happiness of being delivered from bondage, and of having the service of the temple re-esta- blished, broke forth upon them beyond their hope, as the rays of the tun dart ll.emsehtt through the clouds. Obscurity also signifies spiritual ignorance and blnidness, from xhicU God delivers his people, when he bestows vport them the clear and saving knowledge oj' the truth, Isa. 29. 18. Isa. 29. 18. the eyes of the blind shall see out 0(9. 58. 10. then shall thy light rise in 0. and darkness Sy.g.wewait for light, but behold o.for brightness OBSERVATION. The kingdom of God cometh not with observa- tion, Lukt 17. 20. That kingdom uhich Goi will set up in the world, will not become conspi- cuous and remarkable by any outwai d tplendow, or worldly pomp, but by its inward power and efficacy upon the hearts and minds of men, Mai. 3. t 14. what profit that we have kept this 0. f Luke 17.20. the kingdom of God cometh uot with o. OBSERVATIONS. Exod. 12. t42. it is a night of 0. unto the Lord N'eh. 13. 1 14. my deeds done for the o. thereof OBSERVE. £xoA. 1.5. Psal. 105. 45. Etek. 37. 84 Xum. 28. 2. my sacrifice shall ye 0. to offer me Ueut, 16. 13. 0. the feast of tabernacles seven day* 1 Kings 20. 3'. no.w the men did diligently 0. Ps. 5. 1 8. because of those which «. me, 27. 1 11- 54. t 5. he shall reward evil to those that 0. me 71. 1 10. they thato. my soul take counsel together 107. 43. whoso is wise, and will 0. those things 119. 34. 1 shall o. it with my whole heart Prov. 23. 26. and let thine eyes 0. my ways Jer. 8. 7. the crane and swallow 0. the time Eiek. 20.18. neither 0. their judgments nor defile IIos. 13. 7. Jis a leopard by the way will I 0. them Jonah 2.8. that 0. lying vanites,for5ake their mercies Mat. 28.20. teaching them to o. all things whatever Acts 16. 21. customs not lawful to o. being Romans 21. 25.jconcludedtnatthe Gentileso. nosuchtiiiiig Gal. 4. 10. ye 0. days, and months, aud times 1 :/'im. 5.21. then 0. these things without preferring See Do. OBSERVED, Gen. ST. 11. but his father 0. the saying Exod. 12. 42. it is a night to be much 0. to the Lord A'um. 15. 22. haie erred, and not 0. commandment Deut. 33. 9. Levi 0. thy word, kept thy covenant 2 Sam. 11. 16. when Joabo. city, he assigned Uriah 2 Kings 21.6. Mauassch 0. tiuits, 2 C/iron.33.6. IIos. It. 8. I have heard him, .an.'t.\%. that they shonld offer sweet o. to Daniel Rev.i.i. having harps and golden vials full of ». 18. 13 no man buyeth their o. and ointments OFFENCE Jiguifies, Any thing that a man findi in hit tray. that may oecaiinn him to itumbU or fall ; Th'ui Moses /urAirfx, ici put a stumbliiig-bfock (or an offence) bef'ire the blind. Lev. I9. 14. that is. neither aood, none, m-r anj.4.15.tho' Israel playtheharlot,let not Judaho Hah. 1. 11. and he shall pass over ando. imputing Mat. 5. 29. if thy right eye 0. thee, pluck it out 30. if thy hand 0. thee, 18.8,9. Afjr* 9. 43,45,47. 13. 41. they shall gather all things that o. 17. 27. lest we should 0. them, go to the sea 18.6. who50». one of these, Mark g.4Q.Luke 17. 2. John 6. 61. he said to them, doth thiso. you? 1 Cor. 8. 13. if meat make thy brother 0. lest he o. Jam. 1. 10. yet o. in one point, he is guilty of all J. 2. in many things we o. all, if any man 0. not OFFENDED. Gen. 20. 9. and what have I 0. thee .' Jer. 37. 18. 40. 1. the butler and baker had 0. their lord 2 Kings 18. 14. saytng, I have o. return from me 2 CViroji. 28.13. we have 0. against the Lord already Ktra 10. t 13. for we have greatly 0. in this Prov. 18. 19. a brother o. is harder to be won than Eiek. 25. 12. because Edom hath greatly o. Hot. 13. 1. when Ephraim o. in Baal, he died Mat. 1 1 .6. blessed is he who shall not be o. Lukel .13. 13. 21. when tribulation or persecution ariseth be- cause of the word, by and by he Mo.Marki.n . 57. and they were o. in him, ilark6. 3. 15. 12. the Pharisees were 0. after they heard 24.10.then shall many be «. and betray one another 26. 31. all ye shall be o. because of me this night 33. Peter said, though all men shall be «. be- cause of thee, yet will I never be 0. Mark 14. 29. John 16. 1. I have spoken, that ye shonld not be o. Acts 25. 8. nor yet against Cesar have I «. at all /fow). 14. 21. whereby thy brother is o.or made weak 2 Cor. 11. 29. who is o. and I bam not '. OFFENDER. ha. 29. 21. that make a man an e. for a word .•2(«25.11.if I be an o or have committed any thing OFFENDERS. : £'in;fl.21.I and my son Solom. shall be counted o.\ OFF OFFER. Exod. 22. 29. not delay to 0. the first of the fruiti 23. IK. ihou shall not 0. the blood, 34. 25. 29-36.thou shall 0. every day a bullock for atonem. 38. thouthalto. on altar two lambs of first year 39. one lamb thou shall 0. in the morning, and the other lamb at even, 41 A urn. 28. 1,8. 30. 9- ye shall 0. no strange incense thereon 35. 24. every one that did 0. silver and brass l-ev.\.3.o. a male without blemish, 3.6. | 22.19,20. 2. 1. and when any will 0. a meat offering to the Lord. 14. I 23. I6. Sum. 6. 17. 13. with all thine offerings thou shall j. salt 3.1.if heo. a peace-offering, heshallo. it without blemish before the Lord, 6. | 9. 2. | ly. 3 7. if he o. a lamb for his offering, 14. 12. 12. the goat he shall o. before the the Lord 4.14.congregationo. a young bullock, A'hwi. 15.24. 5.8. o. that for the sin-offering first, 9. 7. 6.14. the sons of Aaron shall o. it before the Lord 22. I 14. 19. I 15. 15, 30. Num. 6. 11. 7. 3. he shall o. of it all the fat thereof 12. if he o. it for a thanksgiving, 22. 29. 38. Israel to 0. their oblations to the Lord 17.7. they shall no more*, their sacrifices to devils 9. bringeth it not to the door to 0. it to the Lord 19- 6. it shall be eaten the same day ye 0. it 21.6. and the bread of their God they do 0. 21. that hath a blemish shall not come nigh to o. 22. 23. thou mayest o. for a free-will offeriiig Num. 7. 11. they o. their offering each prince 8. tl. Aaron shall «. the Levites, 13. 15. 9. 7. why are we kept back, that we may not 0. f 15. 7- shall o. the third part of au hin of wine 14. if a stranger will 0. an offering made by fire 19. shall 0. an heire-offering, 18. 24, 26,28, 29 16. 40. that no stranger come near to o. incense 28. 2. shall ye observe loo. to me in their season 11. in the beginuings of your months ye shall o. 24. after this manner ye shall o. daily the meat Deul. 12.24.the place the Ld. shall choose, there o 18. 3. shall be the priest's due from them that 0. 33. 19. shall 0. sacrifices of righteousness, ria/.4.5 Jndg. 3.18. when he made an end to 0. the present 16. 23. to 0. a great sacrifice to Dagon their god 1 Sam. 1. 21. Elkanah went up to o. to the Lord 2.19.IIannahcame with her husband too. sacrifice 28. did I choose him my priest to 0. on mine altar 2 Sam. 24.12. I o. thee three things, 1 CAron. 21. 10. 1 Kings 13. 2. on thee shall 0. priests of high placet 1 Chron, S9. 14. should be able to o so willingly, 17. 2 Chr. 24. 14. whereof were made vessels to o. withal Ejra6. 10. to 0. sacrifices of sweet savours to God Psal. 16. 4. drink offerings of blood will I not o. 27.6. therefore will 1 o. in his tabernacle sacrifices 50. 14. o. to God thanksgiving, pay thy vows to L. 51. 19. then shall they o. bullocks on thine altar 66. 15.1 will 0. to thee burnt-sacrifices and fallings 72. 10. the kings of Sheba and Seba shall o. gifts 116. 17. I will o. the sacrifice of thanksgiving Isa. 57.7. thither wentest thou up to 0. sacrifice Jer. 11. 12. cry to the gods to whom they 0. incense Ezek. 20. 31. when ye 0. your gifts, ye pollute 44.7. when ye o. my bread, the fat and the blood 15. they shall 0. to me the fat and the blood 45.1. ye shallo. an oblation to the Lord, 13. { 48.9. /Jan. 2.46. that they should o. an oblation to Daniel IIos. 9. 4 they shall not o. wine-offerings to Lord .'Imos 4.5. 0. a sacrificeof thanksgiving with leaven Hag. 2. 14. that which they o. there is unclean .Mai. 1. 7- ye 0. polluted bread upon mine altar 8. if ye 0. the blind, o. it now to thy governor 3. 3. to the Lord an offering in righteousness .Vat. 5. 24. and then come and o. thy gift U.4.0. gift Mos, commanded, ;1/aijt l.ii.LukeS.li. Luke 6. 29. smitethon one cheek, o. also the other 11. 12. if shall ask an egg, will he o. him a scorpion.' 1 'Tim. 3 ♦ 3. not ready to 0. wrong, as one in wine //f^. 5.1. that he may o. both gifts and sacrifi.for sia 3. he ought for himself to 0. for sins 7 .27.neede[h not to 0. sacrifice, first for his own sins 8. i. every high priest is ordained to 0. it is of ne- cessity that this man have somewhat also to o 9. 25. nor yet that he should 0. himseW often 13. 15 by him let uso. sacrifice of praise to God 1 Pet. 2. 5. by Jesus Christ to 0. spiritual sacrifices liev. 8.3. he should 0. it with prayers of all saints See BuRNT-orPtRlNCS. OFFERED. Gen. 31. 54. Jacob ». sacrifice on the mount, 46 1. Exod. 35. 22. every man*, an offering of gold I-ev. 9. 15. he slew the goal, and 0. it for sin lO.l.Nadab and Abihuo. strange fire, and fire de- voured them and theydied,l6.1.A'uw». 3.4. I 26.61 Num. 7. 2. the princes o. for the dedication, 10. 8. 21. Aaron o. them as an offering before the Lord ]6. 35. two hundred and fifty men that a. incense 22. 40. Balak o. oxen and sheep, 23. 2, 4. 14,33. Judg. 5. 2. the people willingly 0. themselves, 9 13. 19. Manoah took a kid and it on a roclc OFF t Sam. 1. 4. when the time was that Elkanah o. C. 13. when any o. the priest's servant came 2 Sam. 6. 17. David o. peace-offerings, S4. C3. 1 King) 8.62. Solomon and all Israel o. 6.1. 12. ."52. Jeroboam o, in Beth-el to the calves, S^. 22. 4.1. the people «. yet in the high places 2/irinfj3.20. when meat-offering was e. watercame 16. 12. Ahaz approached to the altar and c. 1 C/tron, 29. 6. the captains with the rulers ». 9. the people rejoiced for that they 0. willingly C C/ir. 15. 11. Asa •. to the Lord of the spoil 17. 16. Amaziah willingly 0. himself to the Ld. Etra 1. 6. besides all th»t w»s willingly o. 2. fiC.some of fathers o. freely for the house of G. fi. 17. 0. at the dedication of this house of God 7.15 his counsellors freely 0. to the God of Israel 8. 25. the king and all Israel there present had 0. 10. 19. they ». a ram of the flock for their tre>pass Neh. 11.2. willingly 0. themselves todwell at Jerus. 12. 4.1. that day they o. great sacrifices and rejoic. Isa. 57, 6. to them thou hast 0. a meat-offering 66.3. offereth an oblation, ai if betf. swine's blood Jer. 32. tg. they have o. incense unto Baal £tet. 20. 28. they ». there their sacrifices Dan. 11. 18. cauM the reproach ». by him to cease AmosS.tS. have ye o. to me sacrifices and offerings- Jonah 1.16. the men feared, and a. a sacrifice to Lord ifal. 1.11. in every place incence be o. to my name jicit 8. 18. Simon 0. them money, saying, give me 15. 29. abstain from mi-ats o. to idols, ifl. S5. 2i.26.an offering should be o.for every one of t'hem i Cor. 8. 1. things 0. to idols, 4. 7, 10. | 10. I9, 28. P^^l. 2. 17 if I be 0. on the service of your faith 8 Tint. 4. 6. for I am now ready to be 0. the time Hei. 5.7. when he had 0. up prayers and supplicat 7- 27- this he did once, when he 0. up himself 9. 7- not without blood, which he 0. for himself 9- were 0. gifts || 14. 0. himself without spot to G. 28. Christ was once 0. to bear the sins of many 11.4. by faith Abel o. toG, a more excellent sacr, 17. by faith Abraham, when tried, 0. up Isaac Jam. (.21. Abraham justified by works when he a, OFFERETH. Lev. 6. 26. the priest that it for sin shall eat it 7. IB. neither shall it be imputed to him that 0. it SI. 8. for he 0. the bread of thy God, shall be holy Ptal 50. 23. whoso 0. praise glorifieth me, to him /ia.'>6.3.he that0.obl&tion as ifoffered swine's flesh OFFERING. Tie Hebrews haJ teveral kindi ef offerings, ahich Ihey p'etenled at the labeniacU and lem- pU. Some mere free-will offerings, and others uere of obligation. The firstfruiis, the Tenths, the Sin-offerings, viert of oiltgalion ; the Peace- offerings, Cows, offerings of wine, oil, bread, and other things ahieh toere mnde to the tem- ple, or to the ministers of the Lord, were offer- ings of devotion. The Hebrews called all of- ferings in general, Corban. But the offerings cf bread, salt, fruits, and liquors, as wine and oil, which were presented to the temple, the!, called Mincht. The offerings of grain, meal, bread, cakes, fruits, aine, salt, oil, were com man iv. the temple and tabernacle. Sometimes these offerings were alone, and somettmes they accompanied the sacrifices. There were five sorts of these offerings, called in Hebrew, Mincha. 1. Fine flour or meal. 2. Cakes of several sorts, baked in an oven. 3. Cakes baked upon a plate. 4. Another sort of cakes baked upon a gridiron, or plale with holes in it. 5. The fi'st-fruiti of the new corn, which were of- fered either pure and without mixture, or roasted or patched in the ear, or out of the ear. The cakes were kneaded with oil-olive, or fried in oil in a pan, or only dipped in oil after they were baked. The bread offered to be presented upon the altar, was to be without leaven, for leaven was never offered upon the altar, nor with the sacrifices ; partly to put them in mind of their deliverance out of Egypt, when they were forced through haste to take away their meal unleavened ; partly to signify what Christ would be, and what they should be, pure and free from all error in the faith and worship of God, and from all hypocrisy and malice, or wickedness, all which are signified by leaven. Mat. I6. 12. Mark 8. 15. 1 Cor. 5. 8. Gal. 5. 9. The offerings now mentioned were appointed in favour of the poorer sort, who could not go to the charge of sacrificing animals : And even those that offered living victims were not excused from giving meal, wine, and salt, which was to go along wit'i the greater sacrifices : And also those that offered only oblations of bread, or of meal, offered also oil, incense, salt, and wine, which were in a manner the seasoning of it ; In all Ihy offerings thou shall offer salt, Lev. 2. 13. noting, incorruption, or soundness of mind and 415 OFF sincerity of grace, which in scripture it tigni- fed by sal:, Mark 9. 49- Col. 4. 6. and which is necessary in all them that would offer an acceptable offering to God ; or in testimony of that communion which they had with God in these exercises of his worship ; salt being the great symbol of friendship in all nations and ages. The priest in waiting received the offer- ings from the hand of him that offered them, laid a part of them upon the altar, and served the rest for his own subsistence : That was his right as a minister of the Ltord: No- thing was quite burnt up but the incense, of which the priest kept back nothing for his own share. IVhen an Israelite offered a loaf to the priest, or a whole cake, the priest broke the loaf or cake into two pans, setting that part aside that he reserved to himself, and broke the other into crumbs, poured oil upon it, salt, wine, and in- cense, and spread the whole upon the fire of the altar : Jf these offerings were accompanied by an animal for a sacrifice, it was all thrown upon the victim, to be eonsnmtd along with it. If these offerings were the ears of new corn, either of wheat or barley, these ears were parthed at the fire, or in the flame, and rub- bed in the hand, and then offered u the priest in a vessel; over which he put oil, incense, wine, and salt, and then burnt it upen the r.ltar, first having" taken as much of i: as of right belonged to himself. The greatest part of these offerings were volun- tary, and of pure devotion. But when an animal was offered in sacrifice, tbey were not at liberty to omit these offerings: Every thing was to be supplied, that was to accompany the sacrifice, and which served as a seasoning to the victim. The Hebrews had properly but three sorts of sacri- .fices, which were, the Burnt-offering, or Holo- caust ; the Sacrifice for sin, or the Sacrifice of Expiation ; and the Pacific sacrifice, or Sacri- fice of Thanksgiving. The Holocaust was offered and quite burnt up on the altar of burnt-offerings, without any reserve to the person that gave the victim, or to the priest that killed and sacrificed it ; only the priest had the benefit of the skin ; for before the saerificet were offered to the Lord, their skins were flayed off, and their feet and en trails were washed. Lev. 7. 8. The sacrifice for sin, or for expiation, or the pu- rification of a man who had fallen into any offence against the Ixa, was not entirely coniu- med upon the fire of the altar. Nothing of it relumed to him that had given it, but the sa crificing priest had a share in it, and these are the particulars that were observed in thi. case : Jf it were the high-priest who had of I'eiided through ignorance, he offered a calf without blemish : He brought it to the door of the tabernacle, put hi' Sand upon tl>e head of the sacrifice, confessed his sin, asked pardon for it, killed and stuck the calf, carried lis blood into the tabernacle, with his finger made seven aspersions towards the veil that separa- ted the holy place from the sanctuary, put a little of this blood upon the altar of incense and afterwards poured out all the rest at the foot of the altar of burnt-offerings : After this he took away the fat that covered the kid- neys, the liver, and the bowels ; he put th whole upon the fire of the altar of burnl-sacri- fices , and as to the skin, the feet, the bowels, and the flesh of the sacrifice, he caused them to be burnt out of the camp, in a clean place, where they used to put the ashes that were ta- ken away from the altar of burnt-sacrifices, I^v. 4. 3, 4, .V«. Jf it were t'le whole people that had offended, they were to ofer a calf in like manner : The elders brought it to the door of the tabernacle, put their nands upon its head, and confessed their offence ; after which the priest stuck the victim, and did with it as has been said of the sin-offering of the high-priest. Lev. 4. 13, 14, 4:f. !f a prince or ruler had offended, he offered a goat, brought it to the door of the tabernacle, put his hand upon its head, and confessed his sin. The priest sacrificed it, put of the blood of the victim upon the horns of the altar of burnt-offerings, poured out the rest of the blood at the bottom of the same altar, and the rest of the sacrifice teas for himiclf: He was obliged to eat it in tne tabernacle, and was not al- lowed to carry any of it without. Lev. 4. 2'i, 23, 4r. If it one only m private person who had com- OFF mttted an offence, he offered a sheep, or a ihe-goaC without blemish, ij he was not of ability t» offer a sheep or a she-goat, he offered two turtles, or two young pigeons, one for his sin, the other for a burnt offering. But if he was so poor as that he could not afford to offer either 0} these, he might effer the tenth part of an ephah oj meal, that is, « liiile more than a gallon, without oil or spice. lie presented it to the priest, who took a hundful of it, and threw i upon the fire, and the rest was for himself Lev. 5. 6. 7. 4f. The Peace-ofltnni was offered to return thanks to God for his benefits, or to ask favours from him, or to satisfy any one's private devotion, or for the honour if O^d only. The Israelites of fered them when they pleated, and there was no law that obliged them to it. It was iree 19 ihcm to present what animals they would, pro- vided they were such as it was alloued then to sacrifice. In these sacrifices no distinction teat observed either of the age or sex of the cictim, as was required in the burnt-sacrifices, and the sacrifice for sin, the law only requires that their victims should be without blemiih. Lev. 3. 1. He that presented them came to the door of the tabeinacle, put his hand upon the head of the victim and killed it. 'ihe priest poured out the blood about the altar of burnt- offerings ; burnt upon the fire of the alt.ir th* Jat which covers the kidneys, the tiler, and bowels ; and if it were a lamb, or a lam, ht added to it the rump of the animal, which in that country is always very fat. Beferi these things were set in order upon the fire oj the altar, the priest put them into the hands of the person that provided the victim, then made him lijt them up on high, and wave them to- wards the four quarters of the world, tht priest supporting and directing his hands. The breast and the right shoulder belonged it the priest that performed tht service ; all tH rest of the sacrifice belonged to him that pre- sented it to the finest, and he might tat if with his family and friends, as any other meat. Those sacrifices, in which they set at liberty m- bird, or goat, were not properly Sacrifices; because there was no shedding of blood, ani the victim remained alive and sound. It wot thus they set at liberty the sparrou; that wot ofl'ered for the purification of a leper, or of a house spotted with leprosy. They presented to the priest a couple of iparrows, or two clean birds, with a bundle made up of ctdar-woud and hyssop, and tied with a scarlet string : The priest killed one of the birds over running water, which was in a clean vessel of fresh- earth ; afterwards, tying the living sparrow to the bundle of cedar and hyssop, with the tail turned towards tht handle of the vtisel, he plunj;ed it in the water drenched with the blood of the first sparrow, sprinkled the leper or the house with it, then set the liiing spar- row at liberty, and let it go where it pleased Lev. 14. 4, 5,Jif. The other sort of animal that was set at liberty was a goat; and this is the occasion upon which it was done : Un the day of solemn expiation, the multitude of the children of lieit\ presented to the high-priest at the door of the tabernacle two goals for a sin-offering. The high-pritst then cast lots upon the two goats which slwuli be sacrificed '0 tht Lord, and which should be set at liberty, or be the Scape-^oat, the Azazel, as the Hebrews call it. He that uae determined by lot to be sacrificed, was put to death, and ojjeied for the sins of the people. He that was to be set at liberty was brought alive befoit the Lord, The high-prieit Suid over him certain prayers, laid his two hands upon his head, conjesstd the sins of the whole congregation, charged therewith the head of Ihe goat with imprecations, then sent him into the wilderness by a man appointed for that office, Ij-v. 16. 5, »Sc. Ihe .sciipe-Roat did bear upoQ him all tlieir iniquities, to a land not inha- bited. Both the birds and goats typified. Christ ; those that were killed prefigured hit death, and those that were saied alirt hij resurrecliiin. Such uere the sacrifices of the Hebrews: Sacri- fici-s very imperject, and altogether incapable of themselves to purify the defilements if th* soul. The apostle I'uul has compiehended th* sacrifices, and the other ceremonies of the lai^ under the character of weak and beggarly el» men's. Gal. 4. 9- J hey represented grace uiui purity, but they did not communicate it. They conntued tht sinnei of the necessity (hat via< OFF innanhtr.l on Mm, to furi/y himself, and 0/ sati'faciim to he made to God ; hut they did not im/iart (race to him. But all these S^icri- fires uire >ii> other than prophecies and figures cf Christ Ji'fius, the true Christian Sacrifice, zihich eminently includes all the i irtues and tfjtalities of the other sacrifices ; ieing at the tame lime an Holocaust, a Sacrifice for Sin, and a Sacrifice of Thanksgiving; hit uii/i this difertJice, that it contains the whole substance and cj^cacu, of nhich the ancient soerifices were only the shadow.' and represen- tation, "Gen. 4. 1. Cain brought an 0. unto the Lord 4. the Lord had respect to Abel and to his o. ijod. S5. C. bring me an «.of every man, take my o. 3. this is the 0. which ye shall take, 35. 5. 30. IJ. an half shekel shall be thco. of the Lord 15.ano.to the L.to make atonement for your souls iri' 1.2. ye shall bring your o. of the cattle 14 o. to Lord be of fowls || 2. 1. o. of fine flour ■C. n. no meat-tf. shall be made with leaven 3. 2. he shall lay his hand on the head of his 0. 8. 7. if h^ offer a lamb for hi; j. !^'um. 6. 14. 12. and if his e. be a goat, 4. 23, C8. ■6. 26. this is the o. of Aaron and of his sons 7. 16. if his 0. be a vow, or a voluntary 0. VuOT. 5. 15. an o. of jealousy, an o. of memorial 7. 10. the princes offered their a. before the altar 11. they shall offer their d. each prince on his d.ay ■8. 1 1. shall offer Levites before iheL. for an 0. 21. y. 13. the u. of the Lord in his appointed season l6. 15. Moses said, respect not thou their 0. 1 Sum. 2. 29. wherefore kick ye at mine 0. ? 3. 14. shall not be purged with sacrifice nor 0. 26. 19. hear the words of thy servant, if the L.have stirred thee up against me, let him accept an o. 1 Kings 18. 29. prophesied till 0. of evening sacrifice I Chron. 16. 29. bring an 0. and come, Psnl. 96. 8. Nen. jO. 39. Israel shall bring the 0. of the corn Isa.43.i3.l have not caused thee to serve with any. 53. 10. thou shalt make his soul an o. for sin 66. 20. they shall bring your brethren for an o. ]itek. 20.28. they presented provocation of their i'. iZ<^A.3.10.thedaughterof my dispersed bring my o. Mai. 1. 10. nor will I accept an o at your hand 13. thus ye brought an 0. should I accept this .' 2. 13. that he regardeth not the o. any more 5. 3. offer to the Lord an o. in righteousness ^om.15.16. that theo. up of Gentiles be acceptable i^ph. 5. 2. an o. and a sacrifice to God for us ilet. 10. 5. sacrifice and 0. thou wouldest not, 8. 10. through thea.of the body of .lesus once for all 14. by oneo. he hath perfected for ever sanctified 18. where remission is, there is no more 0. for sin See Burnt, Drink, Free. //Mir-OFFERING. Ejod. 29. 27. sanctify the shoulder of the heave-o. Lei. 7.14. out of the whole oblation for an heave-o. A'um. 15. 19. ye shall offer np an htaie-o. 20. 21. of first of dough give Anheave-a. to the Lord 18. 24. the tithes which they offer as an heaieo. 28. give the Lord's heavt-o. to Aaron the priest 31. 29. give it to F.leazar for an/ifai«-o. of the Lord 41. the tribute which was the Lord's /ifoie-o. iV« Made, Make, Fire, BuRNT-0/>rin». /'^af^-OFFERING. '«p. 3. 1. if oblation be sacrifice of ptaet-o. 3, 6 9 iin-OFIERlNG. Esod. 29. 14. the flesh of bullock shalt thou burn, it is a sin-o. Lev. 4. 21,24. | 5. 9, 11, 12. 30. 10. the blood of the lin-o. of atonements Lev. 4. 3. let him bring a young bullock without blemish for a s4n-o. 16. 3, 27. Num. 8. B. 23 the priest shall take of the blood of ji«-o. 5.9. 29. shall lay his hand on the head of the jin-o.:i.!. slay the sin-o. in the place of the burnt-offering 32^ if^he bring a lamb for a sin-o. Num. 6. It. -5. 6. he shall bring a lamb or a kid of goats for a sin^. 9. 3. | I6. 5, 15, 27. | 23. I9. £. priest shall offer that which is for the iin-o. first 11. he shall bring fine flour for a sin-a. 6. 83. saving, this is the law of the*in-o. 7. 37. 7.7. as the sin-o. is, so is trespass-offering, 14. 13. y. 2. take thee a ydung calf for a sin-o. and a ram 10. 16. Moses sought the goat of the sin-o. 17 .why have ye not eaten sin-o.ia the holy place 12. 6. she shall bring a turtle dove for a sin-o. 16. 25. fat of the sin-a. shall be burnt on the altar y'um. 7. 16. one kid of the goats for a sin-o. 22. 28. I 15. 24. I 28. 15. | 29. 5. £ C;G. Eiod. 29. 24. wave them for a uave-o. ^6. Lev. 7 30 I 8. 27. 29. 19-21.1 10. 15. I 14. 12, 24. I 23. 20. Num. 6. 20. 27. thou shalt sanctify the breast of the wave-o. Lev. 23, 15. ye brought the sheaf of the wave-o. M'oorf-OFFERING. Neh. 10. 31. cast lots for the wiwd.o. to bring it 13. 31. and for the uiood-o. at the times appointed OFFERING. 1 Sam. 7. 10. as Samuel was 0. the burnt-offering 2 Sam. 6.1s. David made an end of «. 1 Chr. 16. ( 2 Kings 10.25.15 soon as Jehu had made an end of 2 C/J/-.8.13. 0. according to commandment of Moses 29 29. made an end of 0. the king, and all bowed 30. 22. they did eat seven days, 0. peace-offerings 35. 14. the sons of Aaron were busied in e. EzraT . 16. priests o. willingly for the house of God Jer. 11. 17. to provoke me to anger in 0. to Baal Lulte 23. 36. coming to him and 0. him vinegar Heb.lO.W. every priest 0. often the same sacrifices OFFERINGS. Lev. 1. JO. if his . 13,37. 9. 4. also a bullock and a ram (ox peace-o. 18. 10. 14. are given out of the sacrifice of ;>facc-<). 17.5. offer them for p. to ;he Lord, 23. I9. 19. 5. if ye offer a sacrifice ot peace-o. 22. 21. Num. 6. 14. a lamb for^«a«-o. || 17. a ram for;>.-o. 7.17. for sacrifice of piace-o. two oxen, five lambs of the first year, 23, 29, 35, 41. | 29. 39. 10. 10. blow over the sacrifice cf your peace-o. Josh. 8.31. Joshua sacrificed peace-o. to the Lord 22. 23. if to offer peace-o. let the Lord require it Judg. 20. 26. all Israel off trtd peace-o. 21. 4. 1 Sam. 10. 8. I will come and otter peace-o. 11. 15. 2 .Sam.6.17.David offered ;>.-«. 24.25. ICAr. 21.26. 1 Kings 3. 15. Solomon offered peace-o. 8. 63. 9. 25. thrice in a year Solomon offereii peace-o. 2 Chron. 31. 2. Hezekiah appointed priests for;7.-o. 33. 16. Manasseh offered peace-o. on the altar Prov. 7. 14. she said to him, I have^.-o. with me Eiek. 45. 15. peace-o. to make reconciliation, 17. 46. 2. priest prepare peace-o. || 12. prince his^i.-o. yjmos 5. 22. not regard peace-o. of your fat things ii«-OFFERINGS. Nch. 10. 33. sino. to make an atonement for Israel Thank-OVlKRltmS. 2 CAr. 29.21. come near and bring thonk-o. to house 33. 16. the altar, and sacrificed thereon thank-o. n'atr-OFFERINGS. Num. 18.11. all the tcave-o. I have given to thee MV«<-OFFERlNGS. IIos. 9. 4. not offer ame-o. to be pleasing to God OFFICE. ^£'1.41.13. me he restored to mineo. him he hanged Ejod I. 16. when je do the «. of a midwife OFF Num. 3. f 36 under the 0. of the sons of Merul 4. 16. to the 0. of Eleazar the son of Aaron 1 Chron. 6. 32. and then they wsited on their «. ' 9. 22. whom David did ordain in their set o. 2fi. the four chief porters were in their set 0. 2 CAran. 24. 11. chest was brought to the king's • 31. 18. in their set 0. they sanctified themselves Neh. 13. 13. their o. was to distribute to brethrca Psal 109. 8. and let another take his o. Esek. 44. 13. shall not come near to do 0. of priest Horn. 11.13.1 am apos. of Gentiles, I magnify my ». 12. 4. all members have not the same o. 1 Tim. 3. 1. if a man desire the 0. of a bishop 10. let them use the 0. of a deacon, 13. Heb. 7. 5. who receive the o. of the priesthood Priest's OFFICE. Erod.28. 1. that he may minister to me in tht priest's e. 3. 4,41. | 29. 1. 44. [ 30. 30. I 35.19. I 40. 1J,15. Lev. 7- 35. | 16.38. Num. 3. 3. 29. 9- ihfi priest's o. shall be theirs for a statute 31. 10- to minister in the priesl'i 0. 39. 41. Num.3. 4. Ithamar ministered in the priest's 18. 7. thou and thy sons keep your priests' o. Deut. 10.6. Eleazar his son ministered in the p.'t o 1 CAr. 6. 10. A zariah executed ;>ri«»'j o. in temple 2 Chr. 11. 14. cast them off from executing p.'t o Luke 1. 8. while Zacharias executed theprieti'to. OFFICES. 1 Sam. 2. 36. put me into one of the priest's ». 1 CAr. 24.3. Dav. distributed priests according too. 2 Chron. 7. 6. and the priests waited on their 0. Neh. 13. 14. wipe not out my good deeds fop o. OFFICER. Gen. 37. 36. Potiphar an o. of Pharaoh, 39. 1. Judg.g.^ii.is not the son Jerubbaal,and Zebul his o.t 1 Ain^j 4. t 2. Azariah, son of Zadok, the chief o 5. Zabud, son of Nathan, was the principal o. 19. Geber, son of Uri, was the only 0. in the land 22. 9. Ahab called an 0. and said, hasten hither 2 Kings 8. 6. the king appointed an o. to restore 25. ly. Nebuzaradan took an 0. out of the city Mai. 5. 25. the judge deliver thee to the 0. nad th% 0. cast thee into prison, Luke 12. 5it OFFICERS. Gen. 40. 2. Pharaoh was wroth with two of his o. 7. Joseph asked Pharaoh's 0, why look ye sad ? 41.34. let Pharaoh appoint o. over the land Eiod. 5. 15. the o. of Israel cried to Pharaoh 19. theo. did see thattbey were in evil case i\'n»i. 11. 16. gather unto me theo. Deut.3\. 28. Deut. 1. 15. 1 made them 0. among yourtribes 16. 18. judges and 0. shalt thou make thee in gates 20. 5. the o. shall speak to the people, 8. I Sam.\i. 15. take vineyards and give to his 0. 1 Kings 4. 5. Azariah,son of Nathan, over the • 7. Solomon had twelve 0. over all Israel 28. brought they to the place where theo. were 5. 16. besides the chief of Sclomon's o. 9- 23. 2 Kings. 11. 15. Jehoiadacommanded theo. 18. appointedo. overthe house, 2 Chron. 23. 18. 24. 12. Jehoiskchin went out with his o. 15. theo. and mighty men carried he away 1 Chron. 23. 4. six thousand wereo. and judges 26.29.Chenaniah and his sonswere foro. and judges 2 Chron. 8. 10. Solomon's 0. 250 that bare rula ly. 11. also the Levites shall be o. before yoa Ejih. 9. 3. the 0. of the king helped the Jews Isa. 60. 17. I will make thine o. peace, and exact' Jer. 29. 26. should be 0. in the house of the Lord John 7. 32. the chief priests sento. to take bim 46.th« o.answered,never man spake like, '.his man 18. 3. Judas having received 0. cometh with lanterns 12. 0. took Jesus || 22. one of the o. struck Jesus Acts 5. 22. theo. found them not in the prison OFF-SCOURING. Lam. 3. 45. thou hast made us as theo. and refuse 1 Cor. 4. 13. and are theo. of all things to this day OFFSPRING Signifies, That which is sprung of or produced by another, as children, plants, and fruits. Job 31. 8. Isa. 48. 19. I am the Root and Offspring of David, Kev.^Z. 16. I am David's Lord, and ytl his Son : Hit Root, as I am God, and gave a being to hit family, end to all the families of the earth, and yet, as to my human stature, I am his Son, a Branch out of the root of Jesse. Job 5. 25. and thy 0. as the grass of the earth 21. 8. their o. is established before their eyes 27. 14. and his 0. shall not be satisfied with bread 31. 8. yea, let my 0. be rooted out Isa. 22. 24. they shall hang on him the o. and issue 44. 3. I will pour my blessing upon thine o. 48. ly. the 0. of thy bowels like the gravel there 61. y. theiro. shall be known among the people 65. 23. the seed of the blessed, audo. with theai Actt 17. 28. for we are also his 0. 29. litv. 22. 16. I am the Root and the (>. of David OIL OFT. 2 /TinjJ 4. 8. as e. as he passed by, he tnmed in Joi 21.17. how 0. Cometh their destruction on them- Pi. "8. 40. how o. did provoke him in wilderness ? Mat. g. 14. why do we and the Ph.'irisees fast o..' 17.15. my son is sore vcied,foro. times he falleth into the fire, and o. into the water, Mark Q. 22. 16. 21. how 0. shall my brother sin against me r Maik"!. 3. the Jews, except they wash o. eat not Acts 26. 11. 1 punished them o. in every synagogue 1 Cor.W .25. this do ye as o. as ye drink it in rememb. ZCor. 11. 23. in prisons frequent, in deaths o. tVVni.l.lC.foro.refreshed me, not ashamed of bonds Heb. 6. 7. the earth drinketh up rain that cometh o. on EN. Prop. 29. 1. he that being 0. reproved, hardeneth Mai. 3. 16. they that feared the Lord spake o. A/af. 23.37. how 0. would I have gathered thy children as a hen gathereth, Luke 13. 34. Mark 5.4. nad been o. bound with fetters and chains Ltikt 5. 33. why do the disciples of John fast o. ? 1 Cor. 1 1 .26. for as 0. as ye eat this bread and drink 2 Cor. 11. 26. in journeyings 0. in perils 27. I have been in watchings 0. iu fastings 0. Phil. 3. 18. many walk, of whom I have told youo. 1 Tim. 5. 23. use a little wine for thy o, infirmities Be6. 9. 2-5. nor yet that he shou'ld offer himself 0. 26. then he must 0. have suffered since foundat. Jiev. 11. 6. to smite the earth as 0. as they will OFTENTIMES. Jol 33. 29. these things worketh God tr, with mani Eccl. 7. 22. for 0. also thine own heart knoweth LukeS.^Q. foro. it had caught h--r;, was kept bound Jo/ui 18. 2. for Jesus o. resorted thither with discip. Rom. 1. 13. that 0. I purposed to come to you iCor.d. 22. have 0. proved diligent in many things liei. 10. 11. and 0. offering the same sacrifices OFTEN ER. y3c/j 24 26. Felix sent for him 0. to commune with OIL Signifies, [1] The juice of olives, Sjc. Psalm 104 15. [2] That oil conj'ecled by God't appoint ment, Exod. 30. 25. to anoint the priests, their garments, and holy things abovt the tabernacle, which signified the separation of those things tn the service of God, and the inuard qualifica lions reipdsiie for the office of the high-priest, tiamely, the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit, uhich else-jihere in scripture are set forth by oil, Mat. 25. 4. It teas also typical of those gifts Kith lahicA our Lord Jesus Christ beyond measure, and by him Ms members in measure should be furnished. God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness, Psttl. 45. 7- God hath raised and advanced thee far above all meti and angels, to a stale of Joy and endless glory at his right hand : Thus anointing signifies the desigJialio?t or inaugura- tion of a person to tome high dignity or employ ment, Ezek. 28. 14. Or, God hath endou'ed thee with all the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit in an eminent and peculiar manner, to the comfort and refreshment of thine ouyi, and ail thy people's hearts ; and hath solemnly called thee to be the Priest, Prophet, arid King of his church. Oen. 28.18. Jacob poured 0. on thet-opof it, 35.14. Exod. 25. 6. take 0. for the light, 35. 14. | 39. 37. 29. 2. cakes unleavened, tempered with 0. 40. SO. 25. shah make it an 0. of holy ointment Lev. 2. 1. and he shall pour o. upon it, 6. 4. cakes of fine flour mingled with 0. 5. | 14. 10 21. I 23. 13. Num. 6. 15. | 7, 1.3, 19, C5, 31, 37, 43, 49, 55, 61, 67, 73,79. I 8. 8. I 28. 13 I 29.3,9,14. 15. thy meat-offering put 0. upon it, 6. 21. 16. the priest shall burn part of the 0. thereof 5. H. he shall put no 0. on it, Num. 5. 15. 7. 10. meat-oCc ring mingled with 0. 9.4. | 14.10. 12. shall offer cakes mingled with 0. Aww. 6. 15. 14.16. the priest shall dip his right finger in theo. 17. rest of the 0. that b in his hand, 18, 29. yHOT.4.9. all the 0. vessels wherewith they minister 1 1. 8. the taste of it was as the taste of fresh o. 15. 4. mingled with fourth part of an bin of 0. 6. mingled with the third part of an hin of 0. 28. 12. 0. for one bullock, and 0. for one ram Vent. 28. 40. shalt have olive trees, but shalt not anoint thyself with o. 2 Sam. 14. 2. Mic. 6. 15. 32. 13. made him suck o. out of the flinty rock 33.24. let /\sher be ac-eptable.and dip his foot in o. \Sam 10. 1. Samuel took a vial of 0. and poured it 16. 1. fill thy horn with o. and go, 13. \ Kings 1. 39. Zadok the priest took an horn of «. 11. Solomon gave Hrram twenty measures of n. 17. 12. 9. in a cruse |1 14. nor cnisc of 0. fail, 16. 2Kingi 4. 2. nothing in the house save a pot of o. f). the 0. stayed |1 7 . go sell the 0. and pay thy debt 9. 1. take this box of d. go to llamothcilcid, 3. ft be poured the on his head and said to him OLD 1 C^ren. 27. S-8. over the cellars of 0. was Joash Ezra 3.7. gave drink and 0. to there of Zidon Esth. 2. 12. six months with 0. of myrrh Job 24. 11. which make 0. within their walls 29. 6. and the rock poured me out rivers of 0. Psal. 23. 5. thou anointest my head with 0. 55.21. words were softer than 0. yet drawn swords 1U4. 15. and u. to make his face to shine lug. 18. let it come like o. into his bones 141. 5. it shall be a kindne.ss, an excellent 0. Prov. 5. 3. her mouth is smoother than 0. 21. 20. and o. in the dwelling of the wise lia. 5. t 1. a vineyard in the horn of the son of 0. 6!. 3. to give to them the 0. of joy for mourning Jer. 41 . 8. slay us not, we have treasures of o. Ezek. 16. 13. thou didst eat flour, honey, and 0. 19. 18. hast set mine 0. and incense before them 27. 17. Judah traded in honey and o. and balm .32, 14. I will cause their tivers to run like 0. 45. 14. concerning the ordinance of 0. bath of ii. 2t. ephah for a ram, an hin ofo. foranephah lios, 2. 5. my lovers that give me my bread and 0. 12.1. with Assyrians, and 0. is carried into Egypt iUicC.7. will L. be pleased with 10,000 rivers ofo..' Hech. 4, 12. empty the golden o. out of themselves 1 14 the two sons ofo. stand by the Lord Mat. 25. 3. the foolish took no 0. with them 4. the wise took 0. || 8. give us of your 0. Luke 7. 46. my head with 0. thou didst not anoint 16. 6. he said, an hundred measures of 0. See Anointed, anointing. Beaten, Log. Wive with OIL. Xvm. 18. 12. best of the o. and a. they shall offer Deui. 7. 13. the Lord will bless thy w. and thy o. 11. 14. that thou mayest gather thy wine and o. 12. 17. not eat the tithe of thy iciwc and o. 14. 23. 18. 4. the first-fruits of a/ine ando. 2 Chron. 31. 5. 28. 51. who shall not leave thee either a ine or 0. 1 Chron. Q. 29. some to oversee the aine and o. 12. 40. they that were nigh brought wine and 0. 2 Chr. 2. 10. give serv. 20,000 baths of w. and 0. 15. 11. 11. Rehoboam put in strong holds 0. and wine 32.28. Hezekiah made store-houses for wine and o. Ezra 6.9. give wine and 0. according to appointment 7. 22. to 100 baths o{wi7ie, and 100 baths ofo. Neh. 5.11. restore a!n« and 0. that ye exact of them 10. .37. should bring the first-fruits of wine and 39. offering of the corn, new nine and 0. 13. 5. laid the tithes of corn, new wine and 0. 12. Prot. 21. 17.that loveth wine and 0. shall not be rich Jer. 31 . 12. they shall flow to Lord for wine and 1 40. 10. gather ye wine and summer-fruits and Hag.l.ll.l called foradrought on newauieand 0, 2. 12. touch bread, :i4««e oro. shall it be holy > Lukei0.3i. bound up his wounds, pour, in 0. and tc. liev. 6. 6. see thou hurt not the wi7te and the o. 18. 13. no man buyeth their wine and o.any more OILED. Exod. 29. 23. one cake of 0. bread. Lev. 8.26. OlI^OLIVE. Exod. 27. 20. pure o..olive beaten for the light 30. 24. take thou unto thee o' o..clive an hin Lev. 24.2. that they brinf, unto thee pure o.-o//: e L'ea<.8.8.1and ofo.-«/iie, an(ftoney,2 A'j/igf 18.32. OIL-TREE. Isa. 41.19.1 will plant in the wilderness, the o.-tree OINTMENT. Exod. 30. 25. make oil of holy 0. and 0. compound 2 Kings 20. 13. Hezekiah shewed them the house of his precious things and preciouso. Isa. .39. 2. 1 Chr. 9. 30. the priest made the 0. of the spices Job 41. 31. hemaketh the sea to boil like pot of 0. Psal. 133. 2. it is like the precious 0. en the head Prov. 27. 9- o.and perfume rejoice the heart 16. the o. of his right hand bewrayeth itself Eccl. 7. 1 . a good name is better than precious o. 9.8. garments be white, and let thy head lack no 0. 10.1. dead flies cause the 0. of apothecary to stink C'rtw/.1.3.thyname is as 0. poured forlh.virgins love Jsa. 1. 6. nor bound up, nor mollifietl with 0. 57.9-'hou wentest to the king with o. and increased AJal. 26.7. a box of prec.o. Mark 14.3. LukeT. 37. 9.thiso. might have been sold formuch,yo//n 12.5. 12. in that she hath poured out tliis o. on my body Mark 14. 4. why was this waste of the o. made f Luke 7 ■ .38. and anointed his feet with o. 46. John 11.2. Mary anointed the Lord with o. 12. 3. Mary took pound ofo. and anointed the feet of Jesu5,house was filled with the odour of theo. OINTMENTS. Cant. 1. 3. because of the savour of thy good 0. 4. 10. the smell of thine 0. is better than all spices Amos 0.6. and anoint themselves with the chief 0. Luke 23. 56. they returned, prepared spices ando. Kev. 18. 13. no man buyeth their odours and 0. OKE, See Oak. OLD. Gen. 5. 32. Tv'oah was 500 years 0. and begat Shem 7. 6. Noah was 6OO years o. when the ttood came ll.lO.Sbeiu was 100 yean o. azxl bitgat Arpbaxad OLD Cen.lt.i. Abr. 75 yearso.wlien depart, from Har. 15. 9- 'ake a heifer and a ram of three year* 0, 16. 16. and Abram was fourscore and tix years 0. when llagarbare Isbuiael toAbrain 17- 12. he that is eight days 0. shall he circumcised 17.a child born to him that is an hundred years 0. C4.Aliraham 99y*ar3 o.when hewasctrcumcised 25. Ishmael thirteen years o. when circumcised 18. 11. now Abraham and Sarah weie 0. J 2. after I am waxed 0. my Lord being 0. also ] 3.Sar. said,shaU of surety bear child.who am o.f iy.4. men ofcity compass, the house, 0. and young 31. our father is 0. {| 24. 1. Abraham was o. 21.4. Abr. circumcised Isaac when eight days o 5. Abraham 100 years 0. when Isaac was born 23. 1. Sarah was 127 years 0. the years of her life 25.20. Isaac 40 years o. when took Hebek. to wife 26. Isaac was nO years o. when she bare tliim 26. 34. Esau forty years 0. when he took Judith C7. Lit came topasswhen Isaac was 0. 2. | 35.29. 37. 2. Joseph being 17 years o. was feeding flock 47. 8. rharoah said to Jacob, howo. art ttiou i 49.9'^ouch. as ano. lion, who shall rouse him up, 50. 26. Joseph died, being 110 years 0. /:xo(/.7.7.Moses was eighty yrs. 0. and Aar.eighl" three years 0. when they spake to I'haraoh lO.g.wewill go with our young and our o.wiihsoiis 30. 14. every one that are numbered from twenty years 0. and above, 38. 26. Aum. 1. 3, 18. I 14. 29. I 1 Chr. 23. 27. 2 Chron- 25.5. I 31. 17. Ezra 3.8. icr.l3.11. it is an o. leprosy in the skin of his flesh 25. 22. shall eat 0. fruit || 26.10. shall eat o. store 27. 3. the male from 20 years 0. even to 60 years 5. and if it be from five even to twenty years o, 6. if it be from a month o. to five years 0. A'um.3. 15. every male,from a month o.and upward shalt thou number, 22. 28, 34, 39, 40, 43 4. 3. from thirty years o. to fifty from among the sons of Levi, 23. 30. 1 Chron. 23. 3. 8. 24. the Levites from 25 years 0. and upward 18.l6.to be redeemed, from montho. shalt redeem C6. 62. numbered 2.'!000 from month 0. and upw. 33. 39. Aaron was 123 years old when he died L'e«f.8.4.thy raiment waxed not 0. 29.5. A't'(.9.21. 28. 50. which shall not regard the person of the 0. 31. 2. Moses said, 1 am 120 years 0. this day 34. 7. Moses was an 120 years 0. when he died Josh. 5. 11. and they did eat of the 0. corn, 12. 6. 21. utterly destroy men and worn, young and 9. 4. they took 0. sacks||5.o. shoes on their feet, 13. 13. I.Joshua waso. and stricken in years, 23.1,2. 14. 7. forty years 0. was I, when Moses sent me 10. and now, lo, I am this day eighty-five yecirs o 24. 29. Joshua died .being 110 years o. Judg. 2.8. liuth 1. 12. for I £m too 0. to have a husband 1 Sam. 2.22. now Eli was very 0. and heard all 4.15.Eliwas ninety and eight years o.his eyes dim 8. 1. when Samuel was 0. he made, 5. H 12. 2. 2 Sam. 2. 10. Saul's son was forty years o. when 4. 4. Mepbibosheth was lame, and five years o. 5. 4. Llavid thirty years 0. when he begaui to reign 19. 32. now Barzillai was eighty years 0. 35. 1 Kings 1.1. king David was o. 15. 1 Chron. 23. J . 11.4. when Sol. waso. his wives turned his heart 13. 11. there dwelt an 0. prophet in Heth-el 2Kings 4. 14. she hath no child, and herhusb. iso. 1 C'^roH.2. 21. Ilezron married when sixty years 0. 2 Chr. 31. 16. males from three yrs. 0. and upward £V//i.3.13.sentto destroy all the Jews,youngand<>. Job 21. 7. why do the wicked live, become 0. f 32. 6. Elihu said, 1 am young, and ye are very 0. Psal. 32. 3. my boces waxed o. through my roaring 37. 25. 1 have been young, and now am o. 71. 18. now when I am o. O God, forsake me not I'rov. 22.6. when 0. he will not depart from it 23. 10. remove not 0. laid-mark, enter not fields 22. and despise not thy mother when she is 0. Eccl. 4. 13. better is a wise child than an 0. king Cant. 7. 13.all manner of pleasant fruits new ando Jsa. 15. 5. an heifer of three years 0. Jet. in. 34b 20. 4. captives, young and 0. naked and bare-foot 50. 9. they shall waxo. as garment, moth eat ihea 58. 12. they shall build the o. waste places, 6I. 4k 65. 20. for the child shall die 100 years o. but the sinner being ItX) years o. shall be ao cursed Jer. 6. 16. I.ord said, see and ask for the e. path. ,38. 11. Ebedmel.took thence 0. clouts.o. rags, L . 51. 22. with thee I will break in pieces Toung ando Lam. 2. 21. the young and o. lie on tJie ground 3.4. my flesh and my skin hath he made o. A'if*.9 O.slay utierlyo.and young.maids andchild 23. 43. and I said to her that was 0. in adulteriel 25. 15. vengeance to destroy it for the 0. hatrea 36. 11. I will settle you after your 0. estates Dan.5.31. Darius took kingdom, being6! years o A/iV.6.6.shall Icome before hi •■ with calvesof yr.o A/af.2.l6.Ilerod slew the children from two yrs. » 9. 16. DO man puttcth new cloth to ao 0. garmeDt OLD Mat. 9. 17. neither do men put new wine into e. bottles, A/ar*2.ei,S2. Luke 5. 36,37. 13 AB.bringeth forth of treasure things new and o. J.uke S 42. Jesus twelve years 0. went to .lerasalem ,S. 39. for he saith, the o. wine is better 9. 8. itAvassaid, that one of the a. prophets is risen John 3. 4. bow can a man be born when he is o. ? 8.57 thou art not yet fifty years 0. hast seen Abr.? 21. IH. when thou shalt beo. another shall lead thee Acts 4. 22. the man was above forty years o. 7. 23. when Moses was full forty years o. 21. i6. brought Mnason of Cyprus, an 0. disciple Horn. 4. 19. Abraham went about 100 years 0. 1 CV. 5.7. pnrge out therefore the 0. leaven 8. let DS keep the feast, not with 0. leaven 2 Cot. 3. 14. in the reading of the O. Testament 5. 17. 0. things are past away, all things are new 1 Tim. 4. 7. refuse profane and o. wives' fables 5. 9. widow not be tzJten under sixty years 0. lieb. 8.13. a new covenant, he hath made the first o. what decayeth andwax.o.is ready to vanish away 2 Pet. 1.9. th.1t he was purged from his 0. sins 2. 6. if God spared not the 0. world.but saved Koe 1 John 2. 7. o. commandm. is word from beginning liev. 12.9. that 0. serpent,called the devil and Satan 20. 2. he laid hold on the dragon, that 0. serpent OLD Age. Cen. 15. IS. thou shalt he buried in a good 0. age £1. 2. Sarah hare Abraham a son of his o. age, 7 C5 8. Abraham died in a good o. age, an old man 37. 3. Joseph was the son of his 0. age, 44. CO. Judg. 8. 32. and Gideon died in a good 0. age Ruth 4. 15. he shall be a nourisher in thine o. age 1 Kings 15. 23. Asa in 0. age was diseased in his feet 1 Chr. 29. 28. Dav. died in good 0. age, full of days Job 30. 2. in whom 0. age was perished Ptal. 71.9. cast me not off in the time of 0. age 92. 14. they shall bring forth fruit in 0. age Jsa. 46. 4. and even to your o. age I am he Luit 1. 36. Elizabeth conceived a son in hero, age Days of OLD ; see vf OLD. "OLD Gate, tee GATE. OLD Man. Gen. 25. 8. Abraham died an 0. man full of years 43. 27. theo. man of whom ye spake, is he alive 44. 20. and said, we have a father, an 0. man !.<». 19-32. thou shalt honour the face of theo. man Judg. 19. 16. there came an o. man from his work 17- the 0. man said, 20. || 2?. spake to the 0. man 1 .Sam. 2. 31. shall not be an o. m, in thy house, 32. 4.18. Eli was ano. m. ||17. 12. Jesse was an 0. m. 53. 14. an 0. man cometh np, and is covered 2 Chron. 36. 17. and had no coa/passion on o. man Jsa. 65. 20. nor 0. man that hath not filled his days Xuie 1 . 18. 1 am an 0. mim, my wife strick. in years Jinm. 6. 6. our 0. man is crucified with him £ph. 4. 22. put off the 0. man which is corrupt Col. 3.9. ye have put off the 0. man with his deeds OLD men. 1 Kings 12.6. Rehoboam consulted with theo. men 8. forsook counsel of o.m. 13. 2 CAr. 10.6,8, 13. Psal. 148. 12.0. men and children, praise the Ix)rd Proz>. 17.6. children's children the crown of 0. men 20. 29. the beauty of 0. men is the grey head Jer. 31. 13. rejoice in the dance, young men and 0. Joel 1. 2. hear this ye o. men, and give ear all ye 2. 28 0. men shall dream dreams. Acts 2. 17. Zech. 8. 4. o. men and women dwell in the streets Of OLD. Oen. 6. 4. which were of o. men of renown 1 Sam. 27.8. those nations were 0/0. the inhabitants 1 Chron. 4. 40. they of Ham had dwelt there of 0. t!th. 12. 46. 0/0. there were chief of the singers Job 20. 4. knowest thou not this of o. since man Psal. 25. 6. thy tender mercies have been ever of 0. 44. 1. what work thou didst in the times of o. 55. 19. afflict them, even he that abideth o/" 0. 68. 33. tipon heaven of heavens which were of 0. 74.2. thy congregation which hast purchased o/'o. 12. for God is my kingo/"«. working salvation 77. 5. I have considered the days of o. the y»ars 11. surely I will remember thy wonders o/"*. 78. 2. I will ntter dark sayings of 0. 93.2 thy throne is established ofo. from everlast. 102. 25. 0/" o. hast laid the foundation of the earth 119. 52. 1 remembered thy judgments 0/ 0. O Ld. 152. thy testimonies I have known of o. 143. 5. I remember the daysc/'o. Jsa. 63. 11. Pror. 8.22. Lord possessed me before his works ifo. Jsa. 25.1. thy counsels of 0. are faithfuln. and truth SO. 33. for Tophet is ordained of 0. he hath made 43. 18. neither consider the things of o. 46 9. remember the former things 0/" o. I am God 31. 9- awake, awake, as in the generations of o. 57. II. have not I held my peace even of 0. f 63. 9. and carried them all the days 0/0. Jtr. Sa. 8 toe prophets before me and thee ofo. Vr ■« 'r' ^'''' '^*'" appeared of 0. to me W.SO.afterwards shall be inhabited at in dayso/< Lam, 1 . 7 1 leasant things she had in the days of o. OLI I^sm. S. 17. word that he commanded in days of c. 3.6. set mem dark places, as they that be dead o;' c 5.21 turn us, O Lord, renew our days as of 0. £ze*.26.20. shall bring thee down with peoplt of 0. 35. 1 5. because thou hast had hatred of 0. Amos 9. 11. I will build it as in the days of 0. Mic. 5. S. whose goings forth have bet- n from of 0. 7. 14. let them feed m Bashan, as in the daysii/'o. 20. hzist sworn to our fathers from the days ofo. Nah. 2. 8. Nineveh is of 0. like a pool of water 7l/a/,3.4.be pleasant to the Lord,as in the dayso/o. 2 Pel. 3. 5. by word of God the heavens were of 0. Jude 4. who were of 0. ordained to condemnation OLD time. Deut.Q.^0. giants dwelt there in o. 1. Zamzummims 19. 14. they ofo. lime set in thy inheritance Joih. 24.2. your fathers dwelt on other side in 0. /. 2 .Vam.20. 18. they were wont to speak in 0. time r.zra 4. 15. they have moved sedition of 0. time Eccl. 1. 10. it hath been already ofo. time Jer.'i. 20. for of 0. time I have broken thy yoke Kzek. 26.20. bring thee down with people ofo. time 38. 17. he of whom I have spoken in o. lime Mat. 5.21. it was said by them ofo. lime, 27,33. Acts 15. 21. Moses of 0. lime hath in every city 1 Pel. 3. 5. in 0. lime holy women also adorned 2 Png uild o.-(r«« wert graffed in ONT! OLIVE- VARD. Etod. 23. 11. thus shalt thou do with thy o.-yarJ OLIVEYARDS. JosA,24.'\ 3. cities ye built not, of vineyards ana o.-f which yc planted not, do ye eat, Neh. 9. £5 1 .Sam. 8. 14. the king shall take your o. yards 2 Kings 5.26. a time to receive money and o.-yardi Neh. 6. 11. restore, 1 pray, to them lixeii o.-yardi OMITTED. Mat. 23. 23. have o. weightier matters of the law OMNIPOTENT. Rev. 19. 6. Alleluia, for the Lord God 0, reiguelh ONCE. Gen, 18. 32. he said, I will speak yet but this 0. £jorf.l0.17. forgive my sin only this 0. entreat Lord .30.10. Aaron shall make an atonement on horns cf altarof incensvo.ayear, Lev.l6.34.Iieb.g.',l'Z, Num. 13. 30. let us go up at 0. and possess it Deut, 7. 22. thou mayest not consume them at 0. Josh. 6. 3. ye shall go round the city 0. U, 14. Judg. 6.39. 1 will speak but this 0. prove but this 0. 16. 18. come up 0. ||28. strengthen me this 0, 1 Sam. 26. 8. let me smite him to the eanh at 0. 1 Kings 10. 22. 0. in three years came the navy of Tarshish, bringing gold and silver, 2 t'/rr.y.21, 2 Kings 6. 10. he saved himself not 0. or twice A' 16. 21. behold, I will thiso. cause them 10 know Hag, 2.6. yet 0. it is alittle while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and sea, if<4. 12.26. Luke 13. 25.wheno. the master of house is risen up 23. 18. they cried all at o. saying, not '.his maa Horn, 6. 10. in that he died, he diea uato sin 0, 7. 9- for I was alive without the law 0. but when 1 Cor. 15. 6. was seen of above JOO brethren at o. 2 Cor. 11.25.thrice beaten with rods.o.was I stoned Gal. 1.23. now preacheth the faith he 0. destroyed Eph. 5. 3. but fornication, let it not be 0. named Phil, 4, 16. ye sent e, and again to my necessity 1 Thess.i,\R. would have come to you 0. and again Heb, 6.4. those who were 0. enlightened and tasted 7.27 forthiste dido, when he offered up himself 9. 26. but now 0. in end of the world ne appeared 27. as it is appointed to men 0. to die, after this 28. Chr.wjis coffered to bear sins of many.lO.lO. 10. 2. because that the worshippers o. purged 12. 27. yet o. more signifieth the removing of those 1 Pet, 3.18. fo-r Christ hath suffered 0. for our sins 20.0. long-suffering of God waited in days of Noc Jude 3. contend for the faith 0, delivered to saints 5.putyou in remembrance,thoQgh yeo.kuewthis ONE Signifies [1] On« only, so that there is no other of that kind, 1 Tim. 2. 5. Ileb. 10. 14. [2] The very same, Oen. 11. 1. | 40. 5. [3] I'eru few, Deut. 32. 30. Josh. 23. 10. [4] The like, 1 Sam. 6. 4. [5] Some body, any one, 2 Sam. 23. 15. That they all may be one, John I7. 21. May be one in mind, love, design, and interest ; being first united by faith to me, and by me to thee, that so their union may in some sort resemble that ineipressibte union between thyself and me. That they may be one in us, [1] By the com- munication and inhabitation of the Spirit that proceeds from us. [2] In ways of holiness. [3] By keeping communion with us. [4] By following our esample. [5] Being united to us by faiih, they may he united to one another by love. In one day, Rev^ 18. 8. that is, suddenly and unexpectedly. One thing is needful, Lvke 10. 42. Attendance upon the means of grace, and a right use of them, is absolutely necessary in order tu the sal- vation of the soul. Mary chose to lake the ad- vantage of Christ^s company, and rather to spend an hour or two in hearing him, than in preparing a supper for him; she was taking care of her soul with reference lo eternity, which is the one thing needful. Gen. 2.24. a man shall cleave to his wife, and thev shall be o.flesh,il/«M9.5./l/o;X 10.8. 1 Cor.6.l6. 27. 38. hast thou but ». blessing, ui> f.ilher : 34. 14. not give our sister to 0. that is uncircumc 42. 13. o. is not, 32.|144. 28. 0. went out from me Lzod.W .1. yet will bring o. plague more on Tharao^ 1 S 46 .in o. house shall it be eaten, not carry forcli ONE Exod.l2. 49.e.lar shall be to him that is home born, atid STaujer, Let H. 22. Num. 15. 16, 29. 23. 29. I will 10' drive them out in o. year 26.2. every curtain shall have o.oieaiure, 36.9.15. 6. and it shall be 0. tabernacle, .36. 11. •9. 2'J. 0. loaf of bread, calte, and 0. water ieii. 5. 4. he shall be guilty in a. of these, 5. 13. 16. 09. whether o. of your own country, 17. 15. 26.26. ten women shall bake your bread in 0. oven A'um 10. 4. if they blow but with 0. trumpet 16. 15. I have not takeu o. as from them 17. 3. o. rod shall be for the head of the house 36. 8. of the tribe shall be wife too. of the family Deut. 1. 23. I took twelve m»n,o. of a tribe 4. 42. that fleeing to 0. of these cities, 19 5, 11. 19. 15. o, witness shall not rise up against a man 24. 5. but he shall be free at home 0. year 32. 30. how should 0. chase a thousand ? Josh. 10. 42. all these Joshua took at 0. time 12. 9. the king of Jericho 0. the king of Ai o . 10. the king of Jerusalem 0. king of Hebron o, 17. 14. why hast given me buto. lot and 0. portion ? 17. a great people, thou shaltnot have 0. lot only Jiidg. 9.2. whether is better, that u. reign over you .' 21.8. what o. is there of the tribes of Israel > \Sam.6A.{or a.plaguewais on you all and your lords 17. for Ashdod 0. for Gaza 0. for Ashkelon tv 11. 7. and they came out with 0. consent 18. 21. this day my son-in.law in 0. of the twain S Sam. 7. 23. what 0. nation is like thy peopled 8. 2. and with 0. full line to keep alive 19. 7. there will not tarry 0. with thee this niglit 23. 8. whom he slew at 0. time, 1 C/iion. H, 11, 15. O that ». would give me to drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, 1 C/iro/i. 11. 17. t KiHgs I. 48. given me o. to sit on my throne 2. 16. I ask 0, petition of thee, deny me not 6. 25. the cherubims were of o. measure, 0. size 8. 56. there hath not failed 0. word of his promise tl. 13. I will giveo. tribe to thy son, 32, 36. 52. 13. behold now words of the prophets declare good to the king with 0. mouth, 2 Chron. 18. 12. t Ki/igs 17. 27. carry thither 0. of the priests 28. 0. of the priests came and dwelt in Bethel 18. 24. will turn away face of 0. captain, Zfa. 36.9- lCAro7j.10.13.for asking counsel of 0. that had fame 12. 14. 0. of the least was over an hundred t Chron. 32. 12. he shall worship befor 0. altar iVV/l. 1, 2. Hanani, o. of my brethren, came 11. 1. bring 0. of ten to dwell in Jerusalem Joi 9. 3. he cannot answer him o. of a thousand t33. neither is there 0. that should argue CI. 23. o. dieth in his fuH strength, at ease 23.13. be is in 0, mind, and who can turn him ( 33. 23. if an interpreter 0. among a thousand Pial. 22, t 20. deliver my only 0. from the dog S5. + 17. rescue my only 0. from the lions 49. 16. be not afraid when 0. is made rich 72. + 15. 0. shall give him of the gold of Sheba 82. 7. and shall fall like 0. of the princes 86. t2. for I am 0. whom thou favourest *9. 19. I have laid help on 0. that is mighty 137. 3. saying, sing us 0. of the songs of Zion Prvv. 114. cast in thy lot, let us all have 0. purse 26. 17. is like 0. that taketh a dog by the ears Eccl. 1.4. o. general, passeth away, another cometh 2.14. I perceived that 0. event happen, to them all 3. 19. yea, they have all 0. breath, all is vanity 20. all go unto 0. place, all are of dust, 6. 6. 4. 9. two better than 0. || 11. how can 0. be warm ? 12. if 0. prevail against him, two shall withstand 7. 27. counting 0. by 0. to find out the account 0. 18. but 0. sinner destroyeth much good 12. 11. words, which are given from a. shepherd Cdn<.4.9.thott hast ravished my heart.my sister,my spouse,with o.of thy eyes,with o.chain of thy neck 6. 9. my nndefiled is but o. she is the only 0. Jia. 5.10. ten acres of vineyard shall yield o.bath 14. 32. what shall 0. answer messengers of nation ? 19. 18. 0. shall be called the city of destruction 23. 13. according to the days ofo. king 27. 12. ye shall be gathered o. by o. O Israel 30. 17. o. thousand shall flee at the rebuke of 34. 16. no o. of these shall fail.none want her matt 41 . 23. I have raised up 0. from the north 27. 1 will give Jerus. 0. that bringeth good tidings 44. 5. 0. shall say, I am the Lord's and another 45.24. surely shall 0. say, in L. have I righteousn. 65. 8. 0. saith, destroy it not, a blessing is in it Etek. 1. 16, they four had 0. likeness, and a wheel 19. 3. she brought upo. of ner whelps, it became SI. 19. both twain shall come forth out of a. land 23. 13, then I saw that they took both o. way 33. 21. that o. that had escaped came unto ii^e 24. Abraham was 0. |j 32. as a lov-ely song of o. 34.23.1 will set up 0. shepherd over them, 37. 24. ST. 17. and they shall become 0. in thy hand 19. make them 0. stick [| 22. 0. nation, o. king 48. 31. •. gate of Reuben jj 32. 9. gate of JoMpb D«n. 2k 9- there is but ». decree for yea 41» ONE Dan.i. 19. then Daniel was astonied for o. hour 7. 13. behold, o. like the .Son of man, 10. I6, 18. 9. 27. he shall confirm the covenant for 0. week 11.7. out of a branch of her roots shall o. stand 10.0. sha'l certainly come and overflow, and pass 27. they shall speak lies at o. table, not prosper Hot. 1.11, Israel shall appoint thems5!ves o. head Amot 4. 8. two or three cities wandered to 0. city 6. 9. if there remain ten men in o. house Zeph. 3. 9. to serve the Lord with 0. consent Zech. 3. 9. behold, on 0. stone shall be seven eyes 11.8. I will cut off three shepherds in 0. month 14. 9. there shall be 0. Lord, and his name 0. Mai. 2. 15. did he nor make o.T and wherefore o.? Mat. 3. 3. the voice of 0. crying in the wilderness, Mark 1. 3. Luke 3. 4. John 1. 23. 5. 18. 0. jot, or 0. tittle shall no: pass from the law ig.whoso shall break o.of these least commandm. 29. that 0. of thy members should perish, 30. .36. thou canst not make o. hair white or black 6.27. which of you can add 0. cubit to his stature ? 29. was not arrayed likeo. 0/ these, Luke 12.07. 10. 42. ^all give to drink to 0. of these little ones 12. y. w'liat inan among you shall have 0. sheep >. 16.4, Elias a£d,Jerem-.as, or 0. of the prophets, Mark 6. 15. | 8. 28. LuHe 9. 8, 19. 17.4r three tabernacles,©, for thee, o. for Closes, and o. ior Elias, Mark 9. 5. Luke 9. 33. 18.6.e of 0. Hannah, the other Peninnah S Sam. 4.2. name of «. Baanab, of the oth. Rechab 12.1. thexe were two men, 0. rich, the other poor 1 A i«gj 3.23. o. saith, this ismy son, theoMcr saith CO. give half to the o. and half to the other 20.29- they pitched 0. against the other seven days Neh. 4.17. o. hand wrought, withoM. held weapon Ixel. 3. 19. as the o. dieth, so dieth the other 7. 14. God hath sot the o. ovte 6.9. | 20.3. Mark 10. 21. o. thing thou lackest, Luke 18. 22. Luke \0.iZ. thou art careful, but o. thingh needful John Q.^5.0. thing I know, that whereas I was blind Acts i9.32.some cried o./Ame.some another, 21.34. PA«7.3.13.butthiso.//iin? I do, I press toward mark 2 Pet. 3. 8. but be not ignorant of this 0. thing Wicked ONE. Jl/a/.13.19.then cometh the wicked 0. and catcheth 38. the tares are the children of the uickedo. 1 Johji 2. 13. because ye have overcome nicked 0.I4. 3. 12. not as Cain, who was of that uickcd 0. 5. 18. and that wicked 0. toucheth him not ONES. .Tta.lS.3.1 have commanded my sanctified o. I have also called my mighty 0. for mine anger Dan. 8. 8. and for it came up four notable 0. 11.17. set his face to enter, and upright 0. with him ON LY. Gcn.6.5.thoughts of his heart are 0. evil continually 7.23. Noah 0. remained alive, and those in the ark 19- 8. o. to these men do nothing 22.2. take now thy son, thine o.son Isaac, thou lov. 12. thou hast not withheld thy son.thine o.son, I6. 24. 8. o. bring not my son thither again 27. 13. o. obey my voice, and go fetch me them 34. 22. 0. herein will the men consent to us, 23. 41. 40. 0. in the throne will I be greater than thou 47. 22. 0. the land of priests bought he not, C6. Esod.8. 9. they may remain in the river 0. 11. 28. 1 will let you go, 0. you shall not go far away 10.17. now forgive my sin.l pray thee, 0. this once that he may take away from me this death 0. 24. 0. let your flocks and your herds be stayed 12.16. ev. man must eat, ihato. maybe done of you 21. 19. 0. he shall pay for the loss of his time 22. 20. that sacrificeth to any, sav« to the Lord 0. 27. for that is his covering, 0. it is his raiment Lev. 21. S3, o. he shall not go in unto the vail 27. 26. 0. the firstling of the beasts, it is the Lord's i^'um. 1.49. o. thou shalt not number tribe of Levi 12. 2. hath the Lord indeed 0. spoken bj Moses > 14. 9- rebel not ye against the Lord 0. 18.3.0. they shall not come nigh the vessels 20.19. 1 will 0. go through on my feet, Deut.i.dB, 2C. 35. o. the word that 1 shall speak to thee 31. 22. o. the gold and the silver, the brass 36.6.0. marry to the family of their father's tribe Deut. 4. 9- 0. take heed to thyself, keep thy soul 12. ye saw no simiUludc, 0. ye heard a voice 8. 3. know that man doth not live by bread o. 10. 15. o. the Lord had a delight in thy fathers 12.16. 0. ye shall not eat the blood, 23. | 15. 23. 22. 25. the man o. that lay with her shall die 28. 13. thou shalt be above o. not be beneath 29. thou shalt be o. oppressed and spoiled, 33, 29- 14. nor with you o. 1 make this covenant JoiA. 1. 7 o. be thou strong and very courageous, 18. 17. o. Lord ttiy God be with thee as witli .Moses C. 15. o. that day compassed the city seven times 17. o. Kahab shall live II 11. 13. burned Ilazuro. 7. 17- thou shalt not Lave one lot o. Judg. 3. 2. they might 0. know to teach them war ft. 37. if dew be 03 the fleece o. and dry on farta 39. let it not be dry 0. upon the fleece, 40. 10. 15. deliver us 0. we pray thee, this day 11 .34.came to meet him, and she washiso. cbild 36. 28. strengthen me, 1 pray thee, o. this once 11) 20. the man said, «. lodge not ia the itreet ONL 1 Sam. 1.1.9, Ha:i. o.moved herlips, voice not heard 23. 0. the Lord establish his word 5. 4. o. the stump of Dagon was left to hitr. 7. 3. and serve him o. 4. Mat. 4. 10. I.eUe 4. 8 12. 21. o. fear the Lord, and serve him in triitfj 18. 17. 0. be thou valiant for me, and fight battle* 20. 14. not o. while I live, shew nie Kindness .39. 0. Jonathan and David knew the matter 2 6am. 13. 32. Jonadab said, o. Amuon is dead, 33 17. 2. the people flee, and 1 will smite the kingo. 20. 21. deliver hinio. and 1 will depart from city 23. 10. the people returned after hini o. tf> spoil 1 Kings 3.2.0. the people sacrificed in high places, 4. 19. Gebar was the o. officer who was in the land 12.20. none followed David, but Judah o. 14.<5. David did that o. which was right in my eyes 13. he o. of Jeroboam shall come to the grave 15. 5. save o. in the matter of Uriah the llittiie 19- 10. I 0. am left, and they seek my life, 14. 22. 31. fight not, save o. with the king of hrael 2 Kings 10. 23. but the worshippers of Baal o 17. 18. there was none left but the tribe of Judah a 19. 19- thou art the Lord, even thou o. Isa. 37.20 1 Chron. 22. 12. 0. tlie Lord give thee wisdom 2 Chr. 2. 6. save o. to burn sacrifice befure him 6. 30. thou 0. knowest the hearts of children of mco 33. 17. did sacrifice, yet to the Lord their God o. Esth. 1.16. the queen hath not done wrong to kiiigq J06 1. 12. 0. on himself put not forth thy hand 15. I 0. am escaped to tell thee, I6, 17, I9. 13. 20. o. do not two things to ma, then will I not 34. 29. whether done against a nation, or a man o Psal. 4. 8. thou. Lord, 0. makest me dwell in safely 51.4. against thee, thee o. have I sinned 62. 2. he 0. is my rock and my salvation, 6. 4. o. consult to cast him down from excellency 5. my soul, wait thou 0. upon God 71. 16. mention thy righteousness, even thine o. (2. 18. God of Israel 0. doth wondrous things 91. 8. 0. with thine ejes shalt thou behold and see Ptov. 4. 3. tender ando. beloved in sight of motlioi 5. 17. let them beo. thine own, and not strangers 11. 23. the desire of the righteous is o.good 13. 10. o. by pride cometh contention 14.23. the talk of the 'ips tendetho. topentiry 17.11. an evil man seeketh 0. rebellion 21. 5. tend 0. to plenveousness, 0. to wzmt Eccl. 7.29. thiso. have I found, that God made man Cant. 6. 9. she is the o. one of her mother Isa. 4.1.0. let us be calhd by thy name 26. 13. we will o. make mijiition of thy name 28. 19it shall be a vexation o.to understand report Jer. 3. 13. 0. acknowledge thine iniquity 6. C6. make mourning as for an 0. son, AmosQ.lO. 32. 30. o. done evil, 0. provoked me to anger Ltek. 7. 5. and evil, an 0. evil, behold, is coma 14. 16. they o. snail be delivered, 18. 44.20 they shall 0. poll their heads ./Jmof 3.2.youo. have I known of all famil. of earth Mat.S.iT. if ye salute your brethren o.what do you 8.8. the centurion said. Lord, speak the word o. 10. 42. shall give a cup of cold water 0. in name 12. 4. not lawful for him to eat, but 0. for priests 14. 36. they might 0. touch hem of bis garment 17. 8. they saw no man, save Jesus 0. Mark g. 8L 21. 19. they found nothing thereon but leaveso. 21. shall noto. do this which is done to fig tree 24. 30. not the angels in heaven, but my Father o> Mark 2. 7- who can forgive sins, but God o. .' 5. 36. Jesus saith, be not alr»id,o. believe, £,Ui(e 8.50 6. 8. should take nothing for journey, save a staff o, Luke 7-12. was a dead man, o. son of his mother 8. 42. one o. daughter 'J 9. 38. he isniy 0. child 24. 16. art thou 0. a stranger in JenisaJ.not known John 5. 18. not o. because he had broken sabbath 44. and seek not honour that cometh from God 0. 11. 52. that Jesus should die, not for that nation o. 12.9.came not for Jesus' sake o.but tosec Lazarus 13. 9- Lord, not my feet o. but also my hands 17. 3. that they might know thee the 0. true God .'lets 8. 10. o. they were baptized in name of Jesus 11. 19. preaching the word to none but Jews o. 18. 25. Apollos taught, knowing 0. bapt. of John 19. 27. noto. our craft is in danger to be at nought 21. 13. ready not to be bonndo. but to die for Jesus S5. o.that they keep thems. from things offered 26. 29. 1 would 10 God, ihat uol «. thou, but all Rom. 1. 32. not o. do same, but ha.ve p eas.in them 3. 29. is he God of Jews ». / ishe not of Gentiles I 4.9.cometh this blessedn. on eircumcisoD o. f 12. 16. not to that o. which is of law, but to faith 5.3. noto. so, 11. II 8. 23. noto. (hey,but oucselvej 9. 24. whom he called.not of Jews o.but of Gentiles 13.5. ye must be subject, not o. for wrath, but also 16.4. to whom noto. I give thanks, but churches 27. toGodo. wise be glory, 1 Vim. 1.17- Jude^S. 1 Cor. 7.39. 0. in the L(ird || y. 6. 1 o. and Barnabas 14 Jli.came word of (iod from you 0. or to you 0..' 15 I9.if in this life o. we have hope,niost miserabl* 2 C»r, 7.7. God comforted us, not by hiscouiitt * OPE i Cor. e.lO. hare begun not o. to do || 19. dm that 0. 21. not <>, in signt of Lord bat in sight of men Gal. 1. £S. heard o.he who persecuted in times past 2. 10. t. would that we should remember the poor S.S.this tf.would I learn of you.received ye Spirit? 4. 18, and not 0. when I am present with you 13. o. use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh 6.IC.0. lest they should suffer persecut. for Christ EpA. 1. SI. every name named, not D. in this world PAiV. 1, 27 .o.let yourconversat.be as becomes gosp. 90. is given not 0. to believe on him but to suffer S.lZ.as ye obeyed.notas in mypresence o.but in abs. 27. God had mercy not on him 0. but on me 4. 15. nochurchcommunicated withme.but ye 0. Cil. 4. 11. these 0. are my fellow-workers to kingd. 1 Theis.1.5. gospel came not in word o.but in power 2. 8. to have imparted to you not gospel of God 0. 8 Thess.2.T. 0. be who now letteth will let, till taken 1 TiVn.5. 13. not 0. idle, but tattlers and busy-bodies 6. 15. is blessed and 0. Potentate, King of kings 16. who o. hath immortality, dwelling in light 2 Tim. 4. 8. not to me 0. || 11. o. Luke is with me Heb. 9. 10. which stood 0. in meats and drinks 12. 26, once more I shake not earth 0. but heaven Jam. 1. 22. be ye doers of word, and not hearers 0. ", 24. a man is justified by works, and not faith o. 1 Pet. 2. IB. not 0. to good and gentle, but froward 1 John 2. 2. not for our sins o. )j 5. 6. not by water o. 2 John 1. whom I love in the truth, amd not I 0. Jude 4. denying the 0. Lord God and our Lord Jes. iJ«. 9- 4. but o. those which have not seal of God 15 4.who shall not fear thee ? for thou 0. art holy See Begotten. ONIONS. Num. 11. 5. we remember the 0, and the garlick ONWARD. £iod. 40.36. when cloud was taken up, Isr. went 0. ONYCHA. Exod. 30. 34. take thee spices, 0. and galbanum ONYX. £xod. 28. CO. fourt-h row a beryl and an 0. SQ. 13. J06 28. 16. wisdom cannot be valued with the 0, Ezek. 28. 13. the topaz and the 0. was thy covering See Stones. OPEN, Adjective. Gen. 1. 20. and fowl that may fly in 0. firmament 38.14.Tamarsat in an o.place by wayof Timnath Num. 19.15. every 0. vessel not covered is unclean S4. 3. the man whose eyes are o. hath said, 4. 15. Josh. 8. 17. they left Ai 0. and pursued after Israel 1 Sam. 3.1. word of Lord precious, was no 0. vision 1 Kings 6.18.oedar carved with o.flowers.CQ. 32,35. 8.29. that thine eyes may be 0. towards this house tiight and day, 52. 2 Chron. 6. 20, 40. I 7.15. Neh. 1. 6. let thine eyes be o. ear attentive to hear 6. 5. Sanballat with an o. letter sent his servant Jod 34. C6. as wicked men in the 0. sight of others /'jaA5.9.their throat is an 0. sepulchre, Rom.3.13. 34. 15. the righteous, his ears are 0. to their cry J^rov. 13. 16. but a fool layeth 0. his tolly 27. 5. 0. rebuke is better than secret love Isa. 9. 12. they shall devour Israel with o. mouth 24. 18. for the windows from on high are o. fiO. ] 1 . thy gates shall be 0. continually, not shut Jer. S.lS.quiverisano. sepulchre, are mighty men 32.11. took evidence, both what was sealed and 0. 19- thine eyes are 0. on all the ways of men EzeA-. 37. 2. there were many bones in theo. valley Oan.6.\o.his windows being 0. in chamber toJerus. Nah. 3. 13. gates of thy land shall be set wide 0. OPE gospel to i/iem, uhtreby they may attain to a spiTituai undtTstandmgt and embtace the gospel To open the heart, Acts I6. 14. To tnli^hien t/u understanding, renew the will and ajj'ections and incline a penon to embrace the gospel. lo open the lips, Psal. 51.15. To gne occasion and ability, both oj heart and tongue, to jiruise Cod. Exod. 21. 33. if aman shall 0. apit or dig a pit Num. 8.16. given insteadof such as o. every womb IC. 30. if earth 0. her mouth, and swallow them Deut. 15.8. thou shako, thy hand wide to him, 11 20. 11. if it make answer of peace, and 0. to thee 28. 12. Lord shall o. to thee his good treasure Josh. 10. 22. 0. mouth of cave and bring out 5 kings 2 Kings 9. 3. then 0. door and Hee, aud tarry not 13.17. and he said, 0. the window eastward Job 11.5. oh that God would o. his lips against thee 32. 20. I will 0. my lips, aud answer 35. 16. therefore doth Job 0. his mouth in vain 41. 14. who can 0. the doors of his face t Psal. 22. + 7. all they that see me, 0. the lip 49. 4. 1 will 0. my dark saying upon the harp 78.2. I will 0. mouth in parable.utter dark sayings 81. 10. o. thy mouth wide and I will fill it 118. 19. 0. to me the gates of righteousness Prov. 31 . tf 0. thy mouth for dumb in the cause 9. o.thy mouth, judge righteously, plead cause Cant. 5. 2. 0. to me, my sister, my love, my dove 5. I rose up to 0. to my belov. hands dropt myrrh /ra.22.22.0. none shall shut, shut and none shall *. 26. 2. 0. the gates, that the righteous natioa enter 28. 24. doth he 0, and break clods of his ground .' 41.18.1 will o. rivers in high places, and fountains 42. 7. to o. blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners 45. 1. to 0. before him the two-leaved gates 8. let the earth 0. let them bring forth salvation Jer. 13. 19. the cities shall be shut up, none shall 0. 50. 26. o. her store-houses, cast her up as heaps Exek. 2. 8. 0. thy mouth and eat that I give thee 3.27. when I speak with thee, I will o. thy mouth 16.63. mayest be confounded and never 0. mouth 21. 22. too. the mouth in the slaughter to lift up 25. 9- behold, I will 0. sideof Moab from cities 37. 12. I will 0. your graves, cause you come up 46. 12. one shall 0. him the gate toward the east /ImosS. 1 5. and the sabbath, that we may 0. wheat .^fcA. U. 1.0. thy doors, O Lebanon, that fire devour liJal, 3. 10. if 1 will not 0, you windows of heaven Mat. 13. 35. I will 0, my mouth in parables 25. 11. solving, Lord, Lord, 0. to us, Luie 13. 25. Luie 12. 30. when he cometh and knocketh may 0. Acts 18. 14. when Paul was about to 0. his mouth fph.6. 19. praying, that I may 0. my mouth boldly Col. 4. 3. that God would 0. to us door of utterance Kev. 5. 2. who is worthy to 0. the book and seals ? 3. no man in heaven or earth was able to o. book 4. no man was found worthy to 0. and read book 5. behold, the root of David prevailed to 0. book 9- thou art worthy to take the book, aud 0. seals See Eyes. OPENED. Gen. 7.11. the same day windows of heaven were 0. 8. 6. Noah 0. the window of the ark he had made 29. 31. Godo. Leah's womb||30. 22. he 0. Rachel's 41.56. Joseph 0. all store-bouses and sold to Egypt 42. 27. one of them o. his sack, 43. 21. | 44. 11. Exod. 2. 6. when she had 0. ark she saw the child JSum. 16. 32. the earth 0. her mouth, and swallowed up Korah, Dathan, aud Abirani, Psal. IO6.17. Judg. 3. 25. he 0. not the doors, they 0. them John 1. 51 . hereafter ye shall see heaven 0. angels 4. 19- she 0. a bottle of milk and gave him drink Acts 16. 27. seeing prison-doors 0. drew his sword 19- 27. her lord 0. doors, went out to go his way 19- 38. the law is 0. and there are deputies ^k"'^' ^''^' *^ ^'^ ^''^ "■ '^'^* beholding as in glass 0;1L our mouth is 0. to you, our heart is enlarged 1 J;,n. 5. 24. some men's sins are 0. beforehand //«*. 6. 6. seeing the^ put him to an o. shame 1 Pet. 3. 12. his ears are o. to their prayers liev. 3. 8. behold I have set before thee an 0. door 10. 2. he had in his hand a little book 0. 8. See FiEi.i), Fields. OPEN, rerb. Signifies, [1] To unlock that which was fastened and made sure. Acts 16. 26. [2] To inter- pret, unfold, or explain, Luke 24. 32. [3] To receive an answer to our prayers. Mat. 7. 7. [4] To receive Christ into the heart iy failh and love. Cant. 5. 2. Rev. 3. CO. [51 To uncover or lay i-pen, Exod. 21. 33. [6] To cleave, rend, or ditide, Num. 16. 32 Ezek. 1. 1. To open the book, Kev. 5. 3, 9. To unseal the book, by declaring and revealing to John, and by him to the church, sitch secret mysteries as acre be/ore hidden in God's counsel ; This no creature could do , Chi isl the Mediator 0/ the new covenant uas only able to do it, for he came out of the Fa- ther's bosom to reveal his will to us. To open their eyes, Acts 26. 18, To freach the 421 2 Sam. 7. 1 27. thou, O I.x)rd,hasto. ear ofthy serv. 2 Kings 9. 10. and Elisha 0. the door and fled 15. 16. they 0. not to him, therefore he smote them 2 Chron. SQ. 3. Hezekiah 0. doors of Lord's tiouse Neh. 7.3.1 said, let not gates of Jerusalem be o. 8. S. Ezra 0. book, when heo. people stood up 13. 19. charged gates not to be o. till after sabbath Job 29. 1 19- my root was 0. by the waters 31.32. but I 0. my doors to the traveller 31. t 19. behold, my belly as wine which is not 0. 38. 17. have the gates of death been 0. to thee? Pia/.CC. f 13. they 0. their mouths against me 4(). 6. sacrifice not desire, mine eyes hast thou o. &>■ i 14. 1 will pay my vows that my lips have 0. 78. 23. though he had 0. the doors of heaven 105. 41. heo. the rock, and the waters gushed out Caiit. 5. 6. I 0. to my beloved, but he was gone Jsa. 14. 17. that o. not the house of his prisoners 48. 8. from that time that tijine ear was not 0. 53.5. Lord God hath 0. mine car not rebellious | Jer. 1. 1 14. out of the north an evil shall be o. 20. 12. for to thee have I o. my cause 30.25. Lord halh 0. his armoury and brought forlh Ezek. 1. 1. that the heavens were o. Mot. 3. 16. Mark 1. 10. l.uke 3. 21. ActiT . 56. 16.25. thou hast 0. ihy feet to every one passed by 37. 13. when I have «. your graves, O my people OPP jEi(^.44.Z.gate shall not be o. no man enter by it 46. 1. but 00 sabbath and new moon it shall be o Van. 7. 10. the judgment was set,the books were o Nah. 2.6. the gates of the rivers shall be 0. palace be Zech. 13. 1. fountain shall be 0. to house of David .Vat. 2. 11. when they had o. their treasures 7. 7- knock, it shaH be 0. to you, Luie 11. y, 10. 27. 32. graves were 0. many bodies of saints arose Mark 7. 34. that is, be 0. U 35. his ears were o Luke4. 17. when he had«. book he found the place 24. 32. while he 0. to us the scriptures 45. theno. he their understand, to underst. script Acts 5. 19. the angel by night 0. the prison-doors 23. but when we had 0. we found no man withi:i 10.11. Peter saw heaven 0. and a vessel descending 12. 10. iron gate 0. I| 14. 0. not the gate, but ran 111 16. when they had 0. the door and saw him 14. 27. how he hado. the door of faith to Gentilu 16. 14. Lydia, whose heart Lord o. she attended C6. the prison-doors were 0. bands were loosed 1 Cor. 16. 9- for a great door and effectual is 0. unto me, there are many adversaries, 2 Cor. 2. 1«. Heb. 4. 13. all things are naked and 0. to him Rev. 4. 1. behold, a door was 0. in heaven 6. 1. I saw when the Lamb 0. one of the seals 3. had 0. the second || 5. the third ||7. the fourth 9. o. the fifth seal || 12- the sixth || 8. 1. the seventh 9. 2. he 0. the bottomless pit, and there arose 11. 19. the temple of God was 0. in heaven 15. 5, the tabernacle of the testimony was o. 19- 11. I saw heaven o. and behold a white horse 20. 12. the books were 0. the book of life was 0. See Days, Mouth. OPEN EST. Psal. 104.28. thou 0, thy hand, are filled with gocd 145. 16. tbouo. thine hand and satisfiest the desire OPENEllI. Exod. 13.2. sanctify to me whatsoever 0. the womb 12. thou shalt set apart all that 0. the matrix 15. I 34. 19. Num. 3. 12. | 18. 15. Luie 2. 23. Job 27. 19. the rich man 0. his eyes, and he is not 33. 16. he 0. ears of men, and sealeth instruction 36. 10. he 0. their ear to disciplii.e and commands 15. he delivers poor, 0. their ears in oppression Psal. 38.13. I as a dumb man thato. not his mouth Pro». 13. 3.he that o. wide his lips have destruction 24. 7. he 0. not his mouth in the gate 31.26. sheo. her mouth with wisdom, in her tongue Isa. 53.7. brought as a lamb, so he 0. not his mouili Ezek. CO. 26. to pass thro' the fire, all that 0. won.b John 10.3. to him the porter 0. sheep hear his voice. liev.3.7. he that hath key of David, he that o. and no man shutteth, and shutteth and no man u OPENING. Isa. 42. 20. the ears, but he heareth not Acts 17.3.o.andalledgingChri5tmust have suffered OPENING, S. 1 Chron. 9-27- 0. of house of God pertained to them Job 12. 14. he shutteth up a man, there can be do u. Prov. 1. 21. in the o. of the gates wisdom crieth 8. 6. and the 0. of my lips shall be right things /jfl. 61.1. proclaim the 0. of the prison to the bound Ezek. Cy. 21. 1 will give thee the 0. of the mouth Ol'ENLY. Gfn.38.21.where harlot that was o.bythe way-side' 2 Sam. 6. + CO. as a vain fellow 0. uncove.-5 himself Psal. 98. 2. his righteousness ha*h he o. shewed Mat. 6. 4. thy Father shall reward thee 0. 6. lU. Mark 8. 32. aud he spake that saying i<. John 7. 4. he himself seeketh to be known 0. 10. then went he to the feast, not o. but in secrei 13. no man spake of him 0. for fear of the Jews 11. 54. Jesus walked no more 0. among the Jtwi 18. 20. Jesus said, 1 spake 0. to the world Acts 10. 40. him God raised up, and shewed him o. 16. 37. they have beaten us 0. uncondemned Col. 2. 15. he made a shew of them 0. triumphinpf OPERATION. Psal. 28. 5. they regard not the o. of his hands Isa. 5. 12. nor consider the 0. of his bands Col. 2.12. risen through the faith of the 0. of God OPEKAllONS. 1 Cor. 12. 6. there ax' diversity of 0. but same Go I OPINION. Joi 32. C.was afraid, and durst not shew you mine a lO.hearkeu to me, I also will shewyou mine o.l7 OPINIONS. 1 Kings 18. 21. how long halt ye between two 0. Y OPPORIL NITY. Lev. 16. 1 21. send the scape-goat by a man of » Mat. 26. 16. he sought 0. to betray inai, Luke 22. 6 (.'ol. 6. 10. as we have 0. let us do good to all, but Phil.i.lO. ye were also careful, but ye lacked :> //cj.l 1.15. they might have had o. to have return OPPOSE. 2 Ttm. 2. 25. instructing those thato. themselves (APPOSED. Acts 18.6. when they 0. themselves and blasphemed OPPUSEST. Job 30. 21. viib thy strong hand thou 0. thyself t)VP OPrOSETII, 2 77-tss. 4.4. whoo. and «xaltctn himself above all OPPOSITIONS. ] Tim. <> 20. avoiding n. of science falsely so called OPPRESS. ilrod. 3 9. wherewith the Egyptians o. them 2'.'. 21. neither vex nor o. a stranger, C.3. p. /^n. 25. 14. ye shall not o. one another, 17. Deiii. 2.3. l6. shall not o. servant that is escaped 24. 14. thou shalt not a. La hired servant, poor Judg. 10. 12. .Moabites did o. you, and ye cried Joi 10. 3. is it good to thee that thou shouldest o. ? Psal. 10. 18. that t)ie man oi earth may no more o. n. 9 hide me from the wicked that o. me 119. 122. he surety for good, let not proud o. me Proi. 22.22. nor o the afflicted in the gate /j honour that corneth from God «. 50. 1 *. not mine own glory, there is one seeketh i. Cor. 7. 27. s. not to he loosed, s. not a wife 2 Cor. 12. 14. for I J. not vonrs. but you SEEKEST. Gen. 37. 15. the man asked him, what s. thou ? Judg. 4. 22. I will shew thee the man whom i. 8 :Sam. 17. 3. the man thou s. is as if all returned 20. 19. thou s. to destroy a mother in Israel 1 Kings 11. 22. that thoii s. to eo to thy country Prov. 2. 4. if thou s. her as silver, and searcliest her Jer. 4.5. .?. *. thou great thing's? seek them not .John 4. 27. vet no man said, whati. thou? 20. 15. Jesus sailli unto her, woman, whom s. thou ? SEEKETH. I Sam. 19. 2. Saul niv failiers. to kill thee 20. 1. what is my sin, that he s. my life 22. 23. fear not, he that j. my life, s. thy life 23. 10. Saul s. to destroy the city for my sake 24.9. whyhearestthou.saying, Uavidi. thy hurt? USam. le.ll.whocamelorthofmy bowels j. my life 1 Kings 20. 7. and see how this man s. mischief 2 Kings 5. 7. see how he s. a quarrel against me .Job .39. 29. from thence she s. the prey, her eyes ■/'sal. 37.32. watchetli righteous, ands. to slay him JProv. 11. 27. he that diligently s. irood prmuretli favour, but tie that s. miscliief, it shall cumc unto 14. 6. a scorner s. wisdom and flndeth it not- 15. 14. he that hath understandings, knowledge 17. 9. he that coveretli a transgression, s love 11. an evil man*, only rebellion, a m-ssenger 19. he that exalleth his gate, s. destruction 18. 1. having separated himself, s. all wisdom 15. and the ear of the wise s. knowledge 31. 13. the virtuous woman s. wool and flax feci. 7. 28 which yet my soul 3. but I find not Jsa. 40. 20. he J. unto him a cuimins workman .Jer. 5. 1. any that «. the truth, I will pardon it 30. 17. this is Zion, whom no man *. after :;8. 4. tills man s. not the welfare of this people Lam. 3. 25. the Lord is good to the soul that .«. him Ezek. 11 10. as punishment of him that s. unto him .34. 12. as a shepherd s. out his flock in the day Afat. 7. 8. andhethatj. findeili, Luke 11. 10. 12. 3!). an adulterous generation s. a sign, 16, 4. 18. IJ. leaveth the 99. and s. that gone astray John 4. 23 the Fathers, such to worship him 7. 4. doetli ill secret, and s. to be known openly 18. s. his own glory; s. the glory that sent him 8. 50. there is one that s. and j udgeth liom. 3. U. there is none that s. after God 11. 7. Israel hath not obtained that which he s. I Cor. 13. 5. charity s. not her own, tliinketh no evil SEEKING. Esth. 10. 3. Mordecui s. the wealth of his people Jsa. 16. 5. s. judgment, and hasting righteousness JUat. 12. 43. s. rest, and llndetli none, Lukf- 11. 24. 13. 4.'>. like to a meicliantnian s. goodly pearls Mark 8. 11. s. of him a sium from heaven Luke 2. 45. they turned back to Jerusalem, s. Iiim 11. 5i. s. to catch something out of his month 1.3. 7. behold, I come s. fruit, and find none John G. 24. and came to Capernaum, s. for Jesus Acts 13. 8. s. to turn away the deputy from faith 11. went about s. some to lead liini by the hand ■1 Cor. 10. a'., not s. mine own piollt, but of many 1 J'e!. 5. 8. walketli about, s. whom he may devour SEEM. Oen. 27. 12. 1 shall s. to him as a deceiver I)eut. 15. 18. not s. hard, when thou sendest away 25. 3. then thy brother should J. vile unto thee Jo.ih. 24. 15. if it s. evil unto yon to serve the Lord Jfeh. 9. 32. let not all the trouble s. little before llice 62i SEE E.-:lh. 8. 5. if the thing s. right before the kinff yah. 2. 4. the chariot sh.all *. like torches 1 Cor.li.l6.but if any man s. to be contentions 12. 23. those members which s. to be more feeble 2 Ccr. 10.9.1 may not s. as if I would terrily you flet>. 4. 1, lest any of you should s. to come short of it Jam. 1. 26. if any among you s. to be religious See Good. SEE.MED. Oen. 19. 14. but he t. as one th.U mocked to his sons 29. 20. and they s. unto him but a few days h'ccl. 9. 13. this wisdom .«. great unto me Jer. 27. 5. given earth unto wliom it s. meet unto me Luke 24. 11. their words s. to them as idle tales Gal. 2. 6. but these who s. to be somewhat 9. James, Cephas, and Jihn. who s. to be pillars SEE.MErn. />v. 14. 35. it s. there is a plague in the house Num. 16. 9. s. it but a small thing unto you ? Scim. 18. 23. s. it light to be a king's son-in-law Prov. 14. 12. there is a way which s. right, 16. 25. IS. 17. he tliat is first in his own cause s. just /■::ek. 34. 18. s. it a smill thing to have eaten up Luke 8. 18. from him be taken what he s. to have .Arts 17. 18. he 5. a setter forth ot strange gods 2,'). 27. its. unre.asonable to send a prisom-r 1 Cor. 3. 18. if s. to be wise, let him become a fool Ileb. 12. 11. now no ch.astenings, to be joyous See (JoOD. SEE.MLY. Pror. 19. 10. delight is not s. for a fool, much less 26. 1. rain in liarvest, so honour is not s. lor a fool SEEN. Gen. 31 42. God hath s. mine affliction and Labour /'jTod. 10. 6. such locusts as fathers have not s. Lev. 5. 1. whether he hath s. or known of swearing it^uin. 14. 22. tliose men which liave s. my glory 23. 21. nor hath he s. perverseness in Israel 27. 13. when tiiou hast s. it, thou shalt be gathered Deut. 1. 28. we have j. the sons of the Anakims 31. thou hast s. how the Lord bare thee as a man 3. 21. thine eyes have s. all the Lord hath done 4. 3. .5. what the Lord did because of Baal-pdor 9. lest thou forget the tl.ings thine eyes hath s. 5. 24. we have s. that God doth talk with man 10. 21. great and terrible things thine eyes haves. 11. 2. have not s. the chastisement of the Lord 7. but your eyes have s. all the great acts of Lord 21. 7. hands hare not shed, nor have our eyes s. it 29. 3. the great temptations thine eyes have s. .33. 9. wlio s.aid to his motlicr, I have not s. him Josh. 24. 7. eyes liave s. what I have done in Egypt Jaiitg. 2. 7. the elders who had s. the great works 13. 22. we shall die, because we have s. God 18. 9. we have s. land, behold, it Is very good 1 .Sam. e. 16. five lords had .f. it, they returned 23. 22. see his place, and who hatli s. him tliero 24. 10. behold, this dav thine eyes have s. Iiow 2 Snm. 18. 21. go tell tlie king what tlion h.ist s. 1 Kings 10. 4. queen of bheba had s. Solomon's wisdom 7. till I came and mine eyes had s. 2 Chr. 9. 3. 6. 13. 12. sons had s. what way man of God went '.''). 1.3. hast th»u s. all this ureat inultitnile? 2 Kings 20. 15. what have they s.'i Ilezekiah said all things in mine house have tliey s. Is a. 39. 4. 23. 29. he slew Josiah, when he had s. him Kzra. 3. 12. many that liad s. tlie first house wept Eith. 9. 26. of that wliich they had s. concerning .lob 7. 8. eye that hath s. me shall see me no more s. 13. Ilia place shall sav, 1 have not s. thee 10. 18. oh that I had died, and no eye had s. me \X 1. mine eye had s. all this, mine ear heard 21*. 7. iliey that have s. him shall say, where is he ? 28. 7. a patli which the vulture's eye hath not .^ .3.H. 17. hast tlioii s. doors of the shadow of death 22. or hast thou s. the treasures ol hail ? Psal. 10. 14. thou hast s. It, for thou beholdest miscliiet 35. 21. our eye hath s. H 22. this thou hast s. 48. 8. so have we s. in city ot the Lord of hosts 54. 7. mine eye hath s. his desire on nunc enemies G8 24. they have s. thy goings, O God, of iny G. 90. 15. and the years wlierein we have s. evil 08. 3. the ends of earth have s. salvation of God }'rov. 2J. 7. the prince whom thine eyes have s. Eccl. 4. 3. who hath nots. tncevil work that is 6. 5. ho hath not s. tlie sun, nor known anytliing 6. yea, though I live, yet hath he s. no good ha. 6. 5. for mine eyes have s. the Lonl of hosts 9. 2. that walked in darkness have s. a great liirht 64. 4. nor hath eye s. what he hath prepared lor him 66. 8. who hath heard, who hnths. such things? 19. to the Isles afar otT that have not s. my glory Jer. 1. 12. then said the Lord, thou hast well s. 3. 6. hasitlious. what backsliding Isr. hath done? 12. 3. thou hast s. me, and tried my heart Lam, 1. 8. because they have s. her nakedness 10. she hath s. heathen entered into her sanc- tuary 2. 14. thy prophets haves, vain and foolish Ihini.- for thee, they have ». false burdens and causes SEE 16. thy enemies say, we have found, we have*. !t 3.'59. OL. thou hast s. my wrong, judge my causa 60. thou hast s. all their vengeance against me Ezek. 8. 12. thou hast s. what the ancients do 15. then said he, hast thou s. this? 17. | 47. 6. 13. 3. and have s. nothing || 6. they have s. vanity 7. have ye not ». a vain vision, whereas ye say Dan. 9. 21. Gabriel whom I liad s. in the vision Zech. 10. 2. and the diviners have s. a lie, and told Hat. 2. 2. for we have s. his star In the east 13. 17. many prophets desired to see those things which ye see, and have not $. them. Luke 10.24. 21. 32. and ye, when ye had s. it. repented not Mark 9. 1. till they have s. the kincdom of God 9. they should tell no man, what things they had s. 16. 14. they believed not them which had s. him Luke 1. 22. they perceived that he had s. a vision Luke 2. 20. praising God for all thinu-s they had s. 26. not see death before he had s. Lord's Christ 30. for mine eyes have s. thy salvation 5. 26. saying, we haves, strange tliinirs to-d.ay 9. 36. told no man the things which they had s. 19. 37. lor all the mighty works that they had ». 23. 8. he honed to liaves. some miracle done 24. 23. saying, that they had s. a vision of angels 37. and supposed that they had s. a spirit John 1. 18. no man hath s. God at any time, the .Son in bosom ot Father declared him, \ John 4. 12. 3. 11. verily we testify that we have s. 32. what he hath s. and heard that he festifletli 4. 4.5. the Galileans had s, all he did at Jerusalem .5. 37. ye have not at any time s. his shape 6. 14. those men, when they had s. the mlraclo 40. not that any man hath s. the Father 8. 57. not fifty years old, and hast thou ». Abr.ihain? 9. 8. the neiirhbours which before had s. him 37. that thou hast both s. and it is he that talketh 11. 4.5. had s. what Jesus did, believed on him 14. 9. he that hath s. me, hath s. the Father 15. 24. have s and hated both me and my Father 20. 18. she had s. the Lord || 25. have s. the Lord 29. Thomas, because thou hasts. hast believed .\cts 4. 20. we cannot but speak thines we have s. 1. 44. according to the fashion that he had s. 9. 12. he haths. in a vision a man named Ananias 27. declared to them how he had s. the Lord 10. 17. what this vision he hads. should mean Acts 11. 1.3. he showed us how he had s. an angel 23. When he had s. the grace of God was glad 16. 10. alter he hads. vision we went to Maced. 40. they had s. the brethren, they comforted then 21. 29. they hads. before with him Trophimu.^ 22 15. he witness ot what thou hast s. 26. 16. 1 for. 2. 9. eye hath not s. nor ear heard, luir ente'.-e&. 9. 1. have I not s. Jesus Christ our Lord? Phil. \. 9. thinirs ye have heard and s. in ir.c, io Col. 2.'1. and lor as many as have not s. my iaf.« IS. intruding into those things he hath not s. 1 Tin\. 6. 16. whom no man hath s. or can see 1 John 1. 1. that which we have s. with our eyes 2. the lile was manifested, and we have s. It .3. lliat which we have s. declare we unto you 3. C. whosoever sinneih hath not s. lilm nor known 4. 14. we have*, and do testify. Father sent tho Sou 20. he that lovcth not his brother whom he hatli s. how can he love God whom he hath not s. ? 3 John U. he that dneth evil, hath not s. God /.'•";. 1. 19. write the thiims which thou hast s. 22. 8. wlien 1 had heard and s. I fell down to worship Have 1 SEE^. Oen 7. 1. thee have Is. righteous before me 1 Chron. 29. 17. now have I s. thv people to offer /'.<(i/. 37.25. yetAaut'/iiots. therlghteous forsaken Eccl. 7. 15. all things Aaue/s. in days ol my vanity 8. 9. all this/»co,.le, D.ntt. 9.13. Judo. 6. 22. alas, for because I have s. an angel 14. 2. /haves, a woman in Timnah, get her 1 Sam. 16 18. I /tares, a son of Jesse, cunning 2 Kings 0. 26. I haves, yesterday blood o( Nahoth 20 5. saith Lord. / have s. thy tears, Js:\. 3S. ,5. Job 4. 8. even aj / have s. they tlial jilow iniquity 5 3./ have s. the foolish taking root, but I cursed 15. 17. hear me, that which / have s. I declaro 31. 19. If /A 2 Cor. 4. 13. while we look not at things that arc j. but at things which are not s things i. are temporal 1 Tim. 3. 10 (!od wasinanifestinflesh, J. ofangels JJeb. 11. 1. laltli is the evidence of things not i. 3. so that thinus which are .«. were nut made 7. Noah being warned of (Jod of things not j. 1.3. having s. them afarolT were persuaded 1 I''). 13. 20. when the priest* the |)lague in si^-ht D'nii. 32. 36. when he *. that their power is gone 1 S(tm. 16. 7. Lord s. not man s, looks on the heart 2 Am/;* 2, 19. this city is pleasant, as my lord *. Job 8. 17. and *. the place of stones 11. 11. *, wickedness, will he not then consider it 22. 14. clouds are a covering to him that lie *. not 28. 10. and his eye *. every precious thing 24. and he s. under the whole lieaven .34. 21. his ej'es are on man, he s all his goings 42. 5, I have heard, but now mine eye *. thee Psal. 37. 13. for he *, that his day is coining 49. 10. he .!. that wise men die, likewise the fool 58. 10. righteous shall rejoice, when he*, vengean. Ecd. 8. 16. nor day nor uight, *. sleep with his eves ha. 21. 6. let the watchman declare what he *. 28. 4. wlien he that looketh upon it, *. it 29. 15. and they say who .^ us?||47. 10. none *. me Ezek. 8. 12. they s.ay, the Lord *. us not, 9. 9. 12. 27. the vision that he s. is for many days 18. 14. if he beget a son that ,?. his lather's sins .33 3, if when he s. the sword come, he blow 39. 15. wlien any *. a man's bone, then set up a sign Mat. 6. 4. fliy lather who S. in secret, C. 18, Mark 5. 38. he *. the tumult, and them that wept r.iit; 16. 23. he «. Abraham afar off, and Laz.irus John 1. 29. the next day John s. Jesus coming 5 19. do nothing tmt what he*, the Father do 6. 4'1. who*, the .Son, and helieveth on hini 9. 21. by what means he now s. we know not 10. 12. but an hiri ling *. the wolf commg 11. hestumhleth.not, l)ecause he s. the light 12. 4.">. he that «. me, .i!. jilm that sent me 14. 17. because it s. him not, nor knoweth him 19 a little while, and the world s. me no more 20. 1, s. the stone taken away from tlia sepiil- clire 6. Peter went, in and *. tlie finen clothes lie 12. and *. two angels m white, sitting, one at head 21. 20 *.the disciple whom Jesus loved, following Rom. 8. 24. what a man *. why doth he yet hope for 2 Cor. 12. 6. think of me aliove what he ,?. me to be 1 Johni. 17, hath this world, and « brother have need SEETHE, Exod. 16, 23. morrow is aabb. to-day ». that ye will s. 23, 19. the first fruits bring, tl><-m slialt not s, a kl foiiml seventvfour times in the book of I'salms," and thrice' in HabakUnk. TheSt'ptuaijint. and otiier interpreters, translate Selah by i^n'fiiaKfio. Diapsalma, u.'iich signifies a rest or pause in singing; or a cliange of tone, according to others. Some will have it, that Selah marks tlie beijinning of a new sense, or a new measure of ver'sea. Otiiers translate Selah by for ever, and saij. that it joins what fol- lows to that which goes before, and shews that what haf been said deserves to be always re- rmimbered. Some ancients have thought, tliat Selah shewed the intermission or cessation of the actual inspira- tion oj tlie Psalmist, or of the internal motions of his devotions. There are who say that Selah has no signification, and that it is only a note of the ancient music, whose use is no longer known: for Selah may be taken away from all the places where it is found, without 'interrupt- ing the sense of the I'salni, Others say. it was a note which 'shewed the elevation of the voice, and that in those places the reader should cry out, and make an exclamation, lint it is generally agreed and concluded, that the proper signirication ot Selah is, the end. or a piuse: And though it be not always found at the endof the sense, nor at the end of a psalm, V'-t the ancient musicians might sometimes put Selah in the margin of tlieir Psalters, to .shew where the pause was to be made, and where the tune ended. For if the annent Hebrews san^ with great pauses, ending all at once, and also beginning again all at once, which some think they did; then it was necessary to mark in the margin of the Psalm the place of the pause, and of the end, that the whole choir might rest at once, and begin again at the same time, Jiut withal it is generally placed at some re- markable passage; which gives occasion to think that it served also to quicken the atten- tion or obsei'vatwn of the singer and liearer. Psal. 3, 2. many say, there is no help lor him ift God*. 4. the Lord heard me out of his holy hill, *, 8. salvation, thy blessing is upon thy people, *. 32. 5. I will confess, forgavest iniquity of iif^ sin, *. See Psal. 4 2. 4. | 7. 5. | 9. 16. 20. I 20. 3. I 21. 2. I 24. 6. 10. I 32. 4. 7. I 39. S. IL I 44. 8. I 46. 3, 7, 11. I 47. 4. I 48, 8. 1 49. 13, 15. | 50. 6. | 52. 3, 5. I 54. 3. I 5.7, 7, 19. | 57. 3. 6. I 59. 5, 13. I 60. 4. I ei. 4. | 62. 4. 8. I 66. 4. 7, 15. I 67. 1, 4. I 68. 7, 19, 32. I 75. 3. I 76. 3, 9, | 77, 3, 9, 15. »| 81. 7. I 82. 2. I 83, 8. | 84. 4. 8. | 85. 2. I 87, 3. 6. I 88. 7, 10. | 89. 4. 37, 45. 48. I 140. 3. 6. 8. I 143. 6. JJab. 3. 3, 9, 13. SELDOM. Prov. 25. t 17- let thy loot be *. in neighbour's' house ITer SELF. Lev. 15. 28. then shall she number to her *. seven (laya 21. 9. if she profane her «. by playing the whore .Vum. 30. 3. if a woman bind hei- s. by a bond lud'/. 5. 29. yea, she returned answer to luTS. Ruth 1. 1 18. that slio strengthened lier s. to go 1 Sam. 4. 19. she bowed lier s. and travailed 41. Abigail bowed Iter s. to the earth and said 2 Sam. 11. 2. he saw a woman washing Aer*. 4. she had purified her s. from uncleanness 1 Kings 14. 5 she shall feign Iter s. another woman Job 39. 18. what time she lifteth up her s. on high P.iah ,84, 3. the swallow found a nest for her s. frov. 31. 22. makcth her s. coverings of tapestry ha. 5. 14. therefore hell hath enlarged her s. 34, 14. sereech-owl find for her t. a place ot rest 61. 10. as a bride adorncth hei- s. with jewels Jer. 3. 11. backsliding Israel hath justified hen. 4. 31. daughter of Zion that bewaileth her s. 49. 24. Damascus is feeble and turneth ha- s. to flee Ezek. 22. .3. the city makcth idols against her s. 23. 7. with all their idols slie defiled her s. '24. 12. she hatli wearied Act*, with lies Ilo.%. 2, 13. she decked her s. with her ctir- riiigs Zi'ch. 9. 3. Tyrus did build her *. a strong hold Mat. 9. 21. lor she said within her s. if I touch Mark 4 2S. the earth bringeth forth fruit others. Luke 1. 24. I'^liz ibeth hid her s. five months 13. 11. the woman could in no wise lift up hers. lleb. 11. 11. through faith Sarah hei- s. ri;ceive(l strength Rev. 2. 20. Jezabel, whocalleth hei-s. a prophetess 18. 7. how much she hath glorified /(«•*. and lived 19. 7. and his wife iiatii made hers, ready See lIiMSKLP. Jt .SELF. Gen. 1. 11. the fruit-tree, whose seed is in it s. IX SEL Lev. 7. 24. and the fat of the beast tliat rtieth of it s. not eat, 17. 15. ] 22. 8. Deitt. 14. 21. 18. 2.5. the land il s. vomitetli out inhabitants 25. 11. nor reap what groweth of it s. I.ui. "7. .TO. 1 Kings! 34. tne uiiciersetters were of tlic h;\';c il s. Job. 10. 22. a land of darkness, as darlu;e3> tt s. i'sal. 41. 6. liis heart gathered iniquity to it s. I 68 8. even Sinai it s. was moved :it tlie presence Ffov. 18. 2. that ids lienrt may discovi r tt .!. 23. 31. the wine wlien it moveth it s. angiit 27. 16. the ointment wliich bewrayeth it s. 25. the tender grass sheweth it s. and lierbs Jsa. 10. 16. shall axe boast it s. against him that heweth, saw magnily tt s., rod shake it s., rtaff lift ap it s. 65. 2. let your soul delight it s, in fntness W. 20. neitlier shall thy moim with'lraw it s. Jer. 31. 24. there shall dwell in Judah it s. hu.>;- bandmen. Ezek. L 4. a flre unfolding it s. and briglitei! about it 4. 14. I have not eaten what dieth of it s. 44.31. 17. 14. be b.Tse, that it might not lift it s. up 2'J 1.5. nor ex:dt it s. atiy more above the nations Drill. 7. S. it raised up it s. on the one side Mat. 6. 34. take thought, for the things of i7 s. 12. 25. every kinj^dum divided Hgainst it s. is brought to desolation, Mark 3. 24, 25. Luke 11. 17. Jnhn 15. 4. as the branch cannot bear fruit of jV s 20. 7. but wrapped together in a place liy il s. 21. 25. the world r'fs. could not contain the hooks Horn. 8.16. Spirit Its. bears witness with "ur spirit 21. the creature it s. also shall be dei vcrtd 26. the spirit its. maketh intercession lor us 14. 14. that there is nothini; unclean i.>t it s. 1 Cor. IL 14. doth not even nature if s. teach you 13. 4. charity vaunteth not tt s. not pufftd up 5. charity doth not behave it s. unseemly 2 Cor. 10. 5. casting down every thing that exalt? it s. Fph. 4. 16. unto the edifying of j; s. In love lleb. 9. 24. Christ is entered into heaven it s. to appear 5/0^12. Demctrkishath good report of trutlu^s. My SELF, Oen. 3. 10. I was afraid, because naked and hid my s. 22. 16. by my t. have I sworn, in blessing I will bless thee, Isa. 45. 23. Jer. 22. 5. 1 49. 13. Exnd. 19.4. 1 bare you, and brought youuutompi. Hum. 8. 17. I sanctified them lor my s. 12. 6. I the Lord will make my s. known unto him Veut. 1. 9. I am not able to bear you my s. alone 12. Judrj. 16. 20. I will go out and shake my s. liuih 4. 6. he said, I cannot redeem it lor my s. 1 Sam. 13. 12. 1 (orced my s. therefore and offered 20. 5. let me go, tliat 1 may hide 7ny s. in the fleU", 25. 8.1. which hast kept ine from avenging my s. 2 Sain. 18. 2. I will surely go forth with you 7ny s. 22. 24. I have kept my s. from mine iniquity 1 Kings 18. 15. I will surely shew my s. unto him 22. ."iO. I will dijiguise my I. 2 Cliron. 18. 29 iKings5.1S. I bow mys.ta the house ofRIm- mon i Chro. 7. 12. I have clio?en this place to my s. Neh. B. 7. 1 consulted with my s. and rebuked no- bles £!sth. 5.12. let no man come with the king but mys. 6. 6. delight to do honour more than to 7ny s. Job 6. 10. yea, I would harden my s. in sorrow 7. 20. why a mark, so that lam a burden to mys. ». 20. if I'justity my s. || 27. I will comfort my s. 30. il I wash mys. with snow-water, and make 13. 20. then will I not hide my s. from thee 10. 1. I will leave my complauit upon my s. 19. 4. if I have erred, mine error remain, witli v>i/s. 27. Whom I Shall see for ray*, and eyes behold 31. 17. or have eaten my nior.sel my s. niono 29. or if I lilt up my s. when evil found him 42. 6. wherefore I ahhor my s. and repent In dust f«af.35.14. I behaved my s. as though he had been my friend or hrotlier. I bowed down lieavil 67.8. awake my glory, I my s. awako early, 10.S.2. 101. 2. I will beliave my s. wisely In a perfect way 109. 4> are my adversaries, but 1 give tny s. to prayer 119. 16. r will delight my s. In thy .statutes 47. I will di light my i."in thy cominaiulinents 62. remembered thy judgment and cumlortcd jny s. 1.31. 1. nor do I exercise my s. In great matters 2.surely I have behaved and quictedr/iy i.as child Heel. 2.3. 1 sought in my heart to give Jjiys. to wine 19. my labour wherein 1 havesliewed mys. wise /sa. 33 10. saith the Lord, now will 1 lilt up 7ny s 4.3. 21. this people liave I formed for 7ny s 44. 24. that spreadetli abroad the earth by mys. /«•. 8. 18. I would comfort 7ny s. against sorrow 21. 5. and I 7;iy s. will fight against you £zei: 14. 7. I the Lord will answer hiiii by 7»y .■!. 20. 6. Ill the day 1 made mys. known unto them, 9. 29. 3. my river is mine, I have made it for my s. 85. 11. I will make 7ny s. known innongst tlioin 38 23. thus will I ina-iiifvmv s. uiiil sanctify mys Dan. iO. 3. neither did I anoint )/i//j. at all Mie. 6. C. and how my .«. briiire tin: liiuli Cod Hab. 3. 16. when I ln-anl, I Ir'iiibltd in iiii/s. Zech. 7.3. separat. my s. as I have done many years Luke 7. 7. neither thought 1 7;iy s. worthy to come 24. 39. that It is I my s. handle me and sec /ohn n. 31. il I bear witness of my j. it is not true 637 SEL 7. 17. he shall know wnether I speak of my s. 28. I am not come of 7ny s. but he that sent me 8. 14. tho' I bear record of my s. my record is true 18. I am one that bear witness of my s. 28.when ye shall know that I do nothing of my i. 42. neither came I ot w/ s. but he sent me 54. if I honour jny s. my'honouris nothing 10. 18. no man taketh, but I lay it down of my s. 12. 49. I have not spoken of my s. Father sent inc 14.3. I wiUcomeagain, and receive vou unto 77i.'/s. 10. the words th.at I speak, I speak not of my s. 2L I will love him, and manifest my s. to him 17. 19. and for their sakes 1 sanctify my s. Acts 7. 1 37. a prophet of your brethren as I my s. 10. 26. saying, stand up, I mv s. also am a man •JO. 24. neither count I my life dear imto my s. 24. 10. I do more cheerfully answer tor my s. 16. herein do I exercise my i. to have always 25. 22. Agrippa said, I would hear the man my s. 213. 9. I verily thought with my s. I ought to do Rom. 9. 3. I could wish that my s. were accursed 11. 4. I have reserved to my s. 7000 men 15. 14. and I my s. also am persuaded of you IC. 2. a succourer of many, and of my s. also 1 Cor. 4. 4. for I know nothing by wy's. yet am I 6. 1 have lu a figure transferred to my s. and ApoUos 7. 7. 1 would that all men were even as I my s. 9. 19. yet have I made my s. servant unto all 27. lest that I my s. should he cast-away 2 Cor. 10. 1. now I Paul 7)ty s. beseech you 11. 7. have I coumiitted an offence 'in abasin my s.? 9. 1 have kept my & from being burdensome to you IG. receive me, that I may boast my s. a little 12. 5. oi my s. I will not glory but in'infirmities 13. except that I my s. was not burdensome to you GaL 2. 18. 1 make my s. a transgressor iyiil. 2. 24. that I also 7ny s. shall come shortly 13. I count not my s. to have apprehended P/iilem. 17. receive Unesimus as viy s, Own-fiELF. Exod. S2. 13. to whom thou awarest by thine owns. John 5. 30. I can of mine owns, do nothing 17. 5. Father, glorify thou me witli thine ovm s. I Cor. 4. 3. yea, I judge not mine own s. Pliilcnu 19. how tbouowest unto me even thine o^on s. 1 Pet^ 2. 24. who his own a. bare our sins in his body SELF-SAME. MiJSt. 8. 13. his servant was healed the s.-samc hour 1 Cor. 12. 11. worketh that one and s.-same Spirit 2 Cor. 5. 5. he that wrought us for s.-same thing 7. 11. this s.-same thing that ye sorrowed after See same Day. Thy SELF. Gim. 13. 9. Bcparate thy s. I pray thee, from me 14. 21. give me the persons, take goods to thy s. 10 9. ivtiirn. and submit thy s. under her lia'nds 33. 9. brother, keep that thou hast unto thy s. Exod. 9. 17. as yet exaltest thy s. against my Iieopic 10.3. how long wilt thou refuse to humble thys.f 28. take heed to thv s. see my face no more. 34. 12. Deut. 4. 9. I 12. 13, 19 30. 1 Sam. 19. 2. 18. 14. he said, why sittest thou thy s. alone? 22. so shall it be easier for thy s. and they bear :'A. 2. come.and present thy s. there before ma /y I'. 0. 7. go and make an atonement for thys. 15. 20. with thy neighbour's wife to defile thy s. 23. neither lie with any beast to defile thy .i. 19. 18. tliou Shalt love thy iieigliliour as thy .'. I am the Lard, Mat. 13 JD. 1 22. sa Mark 12. 31. M. the stranger, thou shaft love him as ffiy t. A'liiii. 11.17. that thou bear it not thy s. alone 16. 13- except thou make thy s. a piinco over us Dr;uL 3 A. to possess nations" greater than thy s. 20. Fe. oven all the spoil shalt ihuu take to I'hy t. 22. 12. thy vesture wherewiih thou covcrest thy s. Hutu 4. 6." redeem thou my ri;;ht to thy s. I cannot 1 .Sam. 20. 8. if Iniquity be In me. slay ine thy s. 25. 26. hath withholden thee from avenging thys. 2 Sam. 5. 24. that then thou shalt bestir thy s. 7. 24. has contirmed to thy t. thy people Israel lo. 5. lay down on thy bed and make thy s. sick 14. 2. feign thy s. a mourner and put on apparel IH. l.i. lliy s. wouldst have set thy s. against me 22. 26. thou wl'itsliew thy s. meiciful. J'sal. 18. 25. 27. with pure thou wilt slitw thy s. pure, Psal. 18. 2i; 1 Kings 2. 2. be thou strong, and shew thy s. a man 3. 11. thou hast not asked lor thy s. lung life, nor riches, but understanding, 2 Cliron. 1. 11. 1.3. 7. come home with me and refresh tliy s. 14. 2. arise, I pray thee, and disguise tliy s. 6. why feignest thou thy s. to be another ? 18. 1. go shew thy .i. to Ahab, and 1 will send rain 20. 22. strengthen thy s and see what thou dost 40. so shall thy judgment he, thys. hast decided it 21. 20. because thou hast sold thy s. to work evil 2 kiii'j-t 22. 111. hast humbled thy s. 2 Cliron. 31. 2". 1 Cliron. 21. 12. advise with thy s. wliat word 2 Chron. 20. 37. thou hast joined thy s. with Ahaziah 21. 13. hast slain thy brethren, better than thy s. ICsth. 4. 13. think not with thy s, thou shalt escape Job 5. t 27. hear it, and know thou It for thy s. 15. a. and dost thou restrain wisdom to thy s. SEL 22. 21. acquaint thy s. with him, and be at peace 30. 21. with thy hand thou opposest thy s against mo /'xnl. 7. 6. O Lord, in thine anger lift up thy s 10. 1. why hidest thou thys. in times of trouble? :Vi. 23. stir up thy s. and awake to my judi;ment .'i". 4. delight thys. also in the Lord, shall udve 49. 18. praise thee, when thou dost well to thu s. 50. 21. that I was altogether such a one as thy s. 52. 1. why boastest thou thy s. in mischief ? 60. 1. been displeased, O turn thy s. to us again 80. 15. branch thou madest strong for thy s. 17 04. 1. shew thy s. t 2. lilt up thy s. tlioii judge Prov. 6. .3. do this, my son, and deliver thy s. 5. Prov. 9. 12. if thou be wise, thou shalt bewise for thy s. 24. 10. fret not thys. because of evil men 27. .■ind make it tit for thys. In the field 25. C. put not forth thy s. in presence of the kins 27. 1. boast not thy s. of to-morrow, knowest not 80. 32. thou hast done foolishly in lifting up thy i\ Eccl. 7. 16. be not righteous over much, nor make thy s. over wise; why shouldesl thou de- stroy thy s.? 22. tl'.at thiiu thy s. also hast cursed others /sf/. 20. 20. hide tllys. as for a little moment 33. .3. lifting up thy s. the nations were scattered 4,5. 15. verily thou art a God that hidest thy g. .')2. 2. shake thy s. from the dust, loose thy s. 57. 8. thou hast discovered thy s. to another 9. and thou didst debase thy t. even unto hell 58. 14. tlien shalt tboa delight ihi/ s. in the Lord a3. 14. to make thy s. a glorious name 64. 12. wilt thou refrain thy s. for these things 65, 5. which say, stand by thy s. come not near JiT. 2. 17. hast thou not jirocured this unto Ihy s. 4. 30. tho' thou clothest thy s. with crim..iiiii. in vain Shalt thou make thy s. fair, lovers desiiise thee 6. 26. gird with sackcloth, wallow thy s. in ashes 17. 4. thy s. shall discontinue from thy heritage 20. 4. behold, I will make the a terror to thy s. 22. 15. because thou clothest ihy s. in cedar 32. 8. the redemption is thine, buy it for Ihy s. 45. 5. and seekest thou great things for thy s. 46. 19. furnish thy s. to go into captivity 47. 6. how long wilt thou cut thy s. ? 6. O sword, put up thy s. into thy scabbard Lam. 2. 18. give thys. no rest, kt not thy eye ceasa 3. 44. thou hast covered thys. with a cloud 4. 21. thou shalt be drunken, make thy s. naked Ezek. 3. 24. go shut thy s. within thine house 16. 17. thou mailest to thy s. imag'^s ot men 22. 4. and thou hast dttlled thy s. in thine idols 23. 40. they came for whom thou didst wash thy s. 31. 10. because thoa hast lifted np thy s. in netgtl. 38. 7. prepare for thy s. and all thy company Dan. 5. 17. Daniel said, let thy gifts be to thy s. 23. but hast lifted u\^thy s. against the Lord 10. 12. and to chasten thy s. before thy (Jod Hof. 13. 9. O Israel, thou hast destro.ved thys. Obad. 4. though thou exalt thy s. as the eagle Mic. 1. 10. in house of Apliralj roll thy s. l\ dusv. 5. 1. now gather thy s. in troops, daughter Nah. .3. 15. make thv s. many as the canker-worm iCi'ch. 2. 7. deliver tfiy s. O Zion, that dwellest .1/(1^ 4. 0. if Son of God, cast thy s. down, Luke 4.9. 5. 33. again, thou shalt not forswear thy s. 8. 4. shew thu s. to nriest. Mark 1. 44. Lule 5. 14, 27. 40. save thy s. Mark 15. 30. Luke 23. 3», Luke 4. 23. ye will say. physician, lie.il thy s. 6. 42. when thou thv s. belioldest not the beam 7. 6. Lord, trouble not thys. for 1 am not worthy 10.27. thou shalt \ove thy neighbour aa thys. Eom. 13. 9. O'al 5. 14. Jam. 2. 3. 17. will rathersav. gird thys. and servo mo John 1. 22. who art thou? what sayest thou of thy 3. 7. 4. if thou do these, shew ihy s. to tho world a 13. thou bearest record of thy s. it is not true 53. prophets are dead, wlioin raakest thou thy s. in. .3.3. thou, being a man, makest thy s. God 14. 22. Lord how wilt thou manilesi thy s. unto us 18. 34. sayest thou this of thy s.7 or did others tell it? 21. 18. when thou wast young, thou girdest thy s. .ids 8. 29. go near, join thv s. to this chariot 12. 8. gird thy s. jj 16. 28. do thy s. no harm 21. 24. them take, purity thys. with them, that all may know that thou thy s. walkest orderly 24. 8. thy 3. m.iycst take knowledge of these IhingS 26. 1. thou art permitted to *peak for Ihy s. Festus sniil, I'liul, thou art bc-slde thy s. lioni. 2. 1. juilgest another, thou cbiidemncst t/HV ». 13. lh.at thou l/iy S. art guide of the blind SEL SI thon that teachest, teachest thon not thy ». 14 a2. hast thou faith V have it to thy s. Gal. 6. 1. considering thy s. lest thou be tempted 1 'Jim. 3. 15. how thou oughtcst to behave thy s. 4 7 and exercise thy s. rather unto Rodliness 15. tliese things, give thy s. wholly to them IG tiike heed to thy s. and to thy doctrine; in doing tills thou shall save thy s. and them that hear thee ^ ^, 5. 22. nor partaker of others sins, Keep thy s. pure 6.5 men ofcorr. minds, from such withdraw thy s. 2 Tim. 2. 15. study to shew thy s approved unto tiod Tit. 2. 7. shewing thy s. a pattern of good works SELF-WILL. Gen. 49. 6. in their i-iri«, they digged down a wall See ¥k¥.t. Hide. SKLF-WILLED. Til. 1. 7. for a bishop must not be s-mlled 2. Pet. 2. 10. presumptuous are they, s-tcilled SELL. Jn case of extreme necessity the Hebrews were allowed to sell their own liberty. Lt'v. 25. 39 it thy brother that dwelleth by thee be waxen poor, and be sold unto thee; thou shall not compel him to serve as a bond-servant. Thou Shalt not oppress fiim. nor sell htm ayain as a slave; he shall abide with tliee only as a work- man for hire; and must be used kindly, as^ a brother, and as a member of the church of God as well as tnvself. Fat/iers had a power of seU- ing the liberty of their children. Exod. 21. 7. If a man sell his daughter to be a maid-servant, she shall not go oui as the men-servants do. //fr master shall not dismiss her, as another slave is dismissed at the sabbatical year. He shall take her as his wife, or shall marry her to his son. If he cans to do neither of these, /le shall set hei- at liberty. , ,, . Then sold also insolvent debtors, and even their children, as appears from 2 Kings 4. I. and Mat. 18. 25. Sometimes titey sold free-men jor slaves, as Joseph was sold by his brethren. This crime was called riaKiuni, and the law punished it with death. Exod. 21. 6. He that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or it he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death. The Jews confine this to the theft of a ■man of their oicn nation. The apostle i'aul, writing to Timothy, places plagiaries amongst the greatest miscreants, 1 Tim. 1. 10. 'Afdpa- Toa.'jarf, in English, Men-stealers. Esau sold his birth-riaht. Gen. l'5. 33. and is tlierefore called a profane person. Neb. 12. 16. for slight- ing tltat to which so many glorious privileges oelonged. The birth-right was a special type of Christ, who was to be a first-born ; and of the church called God's first-born, Exod. 4. 22. and of the great privileges of the church; particularly adoption, and eternal life. Heb. 12. 2.3. It M said, that the Lord had sold his people to their enemies, as a master parts with a vicious slave, to punish him for his infidelity and disobedience. Deut. 32. 30. How should OHe chase a thousand, and two put ten thou- sand to flight, except their rock liad sold tliem? 5«fi Judg. 2. 14. I 3. 8. I 10. 7. The prophet Ehjah said to Ahab, 1 Kings 21. 20. Thou hast sold thyself to work evil in the sight ot the Lord. Thou hast wilfully and ■wholly resigned up thyself to be a slave to thine oum. bad inclenations, to Satan, and his emis- saries, to do whatsoever they pei-suade tliee to do. as a slave is wholly in his master's power, and mwit employ all his time and strength for his service. The like is said of the idolatrous I.sraelites, 2 Kings If 17. TIte apostle Paul says Rom. 7. 14, i$iit am carnal, sold under sin He did not sell himself to sin, or to com- mit sin, as it is said of Ahab; but only he was overpowered sometimes by the tyranny of corruption, like a slave forced to be subject to a cruel master; he was not sin's servant or slave, but many times he was sin's captive against his will, as himself declares, Uom. 7. 23. Gen. 25. 31. Jacob said, s. me this day thy birth- right ,37. 27. come, let us s. him to the Ishmaelites Exod. 21. 7. if a man s. his daughter to be a servant 8. to «. her to strange nation, shall have no power 35. they shall s. the live ox and divide the money 22. 1. if a man steal an ox, and kill it, or s. it Lev. 25. 14. if thou s. ought unto thy neighbour 29. If a man s. a dwelling-house in a walled city 47. if thv brother*, himself unto the stranger Deut. 2. 28'. lliou Shalt s. me meat for money 14. 21. s. that which dicth of itself unto an alien 21. 14. thou Shalt not s. her at all for money 3 EL Judg. 4. 9. s. Sisera into the hand of a woman 1 KiTujs 21. 25. Ahab did s. himself to work wicked- ness 2 Kings 4. 7. go s. the oil, and pay thy debt, and hve J\VA 5. 8. and will ye even i. your brethren ? 10. 31. bring victuals on the sabbath-ilay to s. Prov. 23. 23. buy truth, and s. it not, also wisdom Ezek. 30. 12. s. land into the hand ol the wicked 4S. 14. th.-y shall not s the first-fruits of the land ,.'oc'/3. 8. I will i. your sons and daughters Into hand of Judah, they shall s. them to the Sabeaiis Slmot 8. 5. new-moon be gone, that we may*, com £28 6. yea, and s. the refusn A the wheat . Zech. 11. 5. and they that s. them say, I am nch Hat. 19. 21. go and i. that thou hast, and come and follow me, Hark 10 21. Luke 12. 33. 1 18. 22. 25. 9. but go ye rather to them that t. and buy Luke 22. 36. let him t. bis garments, and buy .t sword .Tarn. 4. 13. we will buv and s. and get gain Rev 13. 17. that no man niicht buy or s. save he SELLEK. ha. 24. 2. as with the buyer, so with the J. F-ik. 7. 12. let not buyer rejoice, nor the s. mourn 1,3. the s. shall not return to that which is sold Acts 16. 14. a woman named I.ydia, a s. of purple SELLEltS. Neh. 13. 20. merchants and s. lodged without Jerusalem .SELLEST. Psal 41 12 thou 5. thv people for nought, dost not SELLETH. Exod 21. 16. he that stealcth a man and i. him, he shall surely be put to death. Dent. 24. 7. Deut 4 3. he said, Naomi s. a part of land Prov 11. 26. blessing upon head of him that s. corn 31. 24. she maketli flue linen and s. it yah 3 4. that s. nations through her whoredoms Mat. 13. 44. he «. all. and buyeth that field SELVEDGE. Exod. 26. 4. from the s. in the coupling, 3C, 11. Our SELVES. Gen. 37. 10. shall we come and bow down onr s.J 44 16. Juilah said, how shall we clear our s ? Num.. .32. 17. but wcours. will go ready armed Deut. 2. 35. cattle we took for a prey unto our .i. 3. 7. 1 Sam. 14. 8. we will discover our s. unto them Ezra 4. 3. but we our s. together will build to the Lord 8 21. that we might afflict our s. before our God Job 34. 4. let us know among our s. what is good Psal. 83. 12. let us take to our s. the houses ol God 100. 3. it is he that made us, and not we our s. Prov 7. 18. come, let us solace our s. with loves Isa 28. 15. and under falsehood have we hid ours. 56. 12. we will fill ours, with strong drink Jer. 50. 5. come let us join our s. to the Lord Luke 22. 71. we our s. have heard, John 4. 42. Arts 6. 4. but we will give cur s. to prayer 23 14. we have bound our s. under a curse Horn. 8. 23. even we our s. groan within our s. 1.5. 1. we ought to bear and not to please our s. 1 Cor. 11. 31. if we would judge our s. should not 2 Cor. 1. 4. wherewith we our s. are comforted of God 9. that we should not trust in our s. but in God 3. 1. do we begin again to commend our s. to you ? 5. not that we are suflficient of our s. to think any thing as of our s. but our sufficiency is of God. 4. 2. commending 0!n-s. to every man's conscience 6. lor wc preach not our s. but Christ Jesus the Lord, and our s. your servants for Jesus' 5. 12. for we commend not our s. again unto you 13. whether we be besides our s. it is to God 6 4. in all things approving Oi/ri. as ministers 7 1. let us cleanse our s. from all Clthiness of fiesl 10. 12. or compare ours, with some that commend 14 we stretch not our s. bevond our measure 12. 19. again, tliink ve wecxcuse ours, unloyou? Gal. 2. 17. we ours, also are (ound sinners 1 T/iess. 2. 10. how unblameabiy we behaved ours. 2 Thess. 1. 4. so that we our s. glory in you 3. 7. we behaved not ours, disorderly among you 9 but to make our s. an ensample unto you 7"!? 3 3 for we ours, were sometimes foolish Hei) 10. 25. not forsaking the assembling of oar s. 1 John 1 8. we deceive ours, the truth is not iu us OiOTi-SELVES. .4ri's 20. 30. also of yoar owns, shall men rise 2 Cor. 8. 5. but first gave their own s. to the Lord 13 5 prove your own s. know ye not your own s. 2 Tim. 3. 2. men shall be lovers of their own s. Jam. 1. 22. not henrers, deceiving your oirns. Your SELVES. Gen. 18. 4. wash, and rest your s. under the tree 45 5. be not angry with your s. that ye sold me 49. 1. gather your s. together, 2. Jer. 6. 1. E.zek. 39: 17. Joel 3. 11. Zeph. 2. 1. Jtev. 19. 17. ExocL 19. 12. take heed unto vour s. Deut. 2. 4. I 4. 15, 23. I 11. 16. Josh. 23. 11. Jei: 17. 21. 30. 37. ye snail not make like perfume to your s. .32. 29. consecrate your s. to-day to the Lord Lev. 11. 43. ve shall not make yours, abominable, neither shall ye make yours, unclean with them , . „ 11. 44. sanctify your s. 20. 7. Nunu 11. 18. Josn. .^. 5. 7. 13, 1 Sam. Ifl. 5. 1 Chr. 15. 12. 2 Chr. 29 6. 1 35. 6. 44. nor shall ye defile your s. 18. 24. 30. 13. 4. nor make to your s. molten gods Num. 16. 3. wherefore then lift you up your s. 1 21. separate your s. from this congregation 31 3 Moses siiid arm some of your s. unto the war 18, the women-children keep for your s. 19. punfv both yours, and your captives Deut 4. IG. take heed, lost ye corrupt your s. 25. 11 23. shall posses mightier nations than yours. 14 1. ye shall not cut your .«. for the dead 31 14 and present yours, in the tabernacle 29. 1 know tUut ye will utterly corrupt your s. SEL Josh. 2. la and hide your s. there three diys 6. la and in any wise keep your s. from V 1 accursed thing, lest ye make yours, accar- sed 9. 2. only the spoil take for a prey unto your s. 2.3. nor serve them, nor bow your s. unto them 16. ye have served, and bowed your s. to them 24. 22. ye aro witnesses against your s. have chosen Judg. 15. 12. that ye will not fall upon me your s. 1 Sdm. 4. 9. quit your s. like men, O ye Philis- 10. 19. present your s. before the Lord by tribes 14. 34. Saul said, disperse your s. among the people 1 Kings 18. 25. choose you one bullock for your s 20. 12. set your s. In arrar, and they set them- selves in array, 2 Chron. 20. 17. Jer. 50. 14. 2 Chron. 29. 31. now ye have consecrated your s- 2 Chr. 30. 8. but yield yours, unto Lord, serve him 32. II. to give over your s. to die by famine .35. 4. prepare your s. by the houses of your father Ezra 10. 11. separate yours, from the people of Neh. 13. 25. nor take their daughters lor yours. Job 19. 3. that vou make your s. strange to me S. if ye will indeed maaiiify your s. against ine- 27. 12. behold all ye vour s. have seen it 42. 8. and otTcr up for your s. a burnt-offering Ua. 8. 9. associate vour s. gird your s. Joel 1. 13. 29. 9. stay yours. \\ 46. 8. shew yours, men 49. 9. to them that are in darkness, shew yours. 50. 1. for your inifiuitics have ye sold yours. 11. that compass your s. about with sparks 52. 3. ye have sold your s. tor nought 57. 4. against whom do ye sport your s. 5. by inflaming your s. with idols under every tree 61. 6. in their glory shall ye bo.ast your s. Jer. 4. 4. circumcise your s. to the Lord, take- away 13. 18. humble your s. Jam. 4. 10. 1 Pet. 5. 6. 25. 34. wallow your s. In ashes, ye prlnciiial of Hock 26. 15. ye shall bring innocent blood upon your i. 37. 9. thus saith the Lord, deceive not your s. 44. 8. that ye might cut your s. off and be a curse Ezek. 14. o. repent and turn yours. 18. 30, 32. 20. 7. defile not ynur s. with the idols of Egypt, 31. ye pollute your s. \\ loathe your s. 36. 31. 44. 8 have set keepers of my charge for your S. Hos. 10. 12. sow to yours, in righteousness Amos. 5. 26. the star of your God ye made to- your s. Zech.. 7. a eat for your s. and drink for your s. Mat. 3.9. think not to say within your s. LukeS.Sx 6. 19. lay not up for your s. P 20. lay up for yours. 16. 8. Jesus said, why reason ye among your s. 23. 13. ve neither go in your s. Luke 11. 52. 15. two-fold more the child of hell than your i. 3L wherefore ye be witnesses unto your s. 25. 9. but go ye rather, and buy for your s. Mark 6. 31. come ye your s. apart into a desert 9 33. what was it that ye disputed among yours. 50. have salt in your s. and peace one with another 13. 9. but take heed to vour s. they shall deliver you up, Luke 17. 3. | 21. 54. Acts 5. 35. | 20. 28. Luke II. 46. ye your s. touch not the burdens 12. 33. provide your s. bags which wax not old 36 ye your s. like men that wait for their Lord 67. why even of your s. judge ye r,ot what i» 13. 28. prophets in the kingdom, ye yoar*. thrust out. 16 9. make to yours s. friends of the mammon. 15 ye are they which justify your s. before men 17 14. he said, go shew yours, unto the priest •>! 30 ye know of your s. that summer is nigb •'•' 17. take this, and divide it among yours. 23 28 but weep for your s. and for your child- ren John 3. 28. ye your s. bear me witness, that I said 6 43. Jesus saio, msrmur not among yours. 16 19 do ye inquire among vour s. ot that I said Acts 2 22 signs God did, as vou yours, also know 40 save your s. troin this untoward generatioa 13. 46. seeing ye judge your s. unworthy of life 15. 29. from which il ye keep your s. ye do well 20 10 trouble not your s. for his life is in him 34 vou your s. know, that these hands mini Rom. 6. 11. reckon ye also stered ur «. to be dead to sin 13. but yield your s. unto God, as those alive 16. to whom ye yield your s. servants to obey 12. 19. dearly beloved, revenge not yours, but 1 Cor. 5. 13. put from your s. that wicked person 6 7. why do ye not rather suffer your s. to be defrauded 7 e. ye may give yours, to fasting and prayer 11. 13. judge in your s. is it comely that a wo- man pray unto God uncovered 16 16. I beseech, that ye submit your s. unto such 2 C'or.711. yea,what clearing of your s. in all things ye have approved yours, clear iu this matter ll.lO.EuflerfoolsgUidly. seeingye yours, are wiso 13. 5. examine vour s. whether ye be in the faita Eph 2. 8. through laith, and that not ol your s. 5 19. speaking to yours, in psalms and hymns 21. submitting your s. one to another in fear of O- Col 3 18. wivessubmli yours, unto your husbands Thess 2.1. your s. breih. know our cuirauce to y m SEN 3.3. vours. know that we are unpointed tliereuiifo 4. 9,"ye your s. are taiiglit of God, to love on niiotlier 5.2. yours, know that day of the Lord so conieili 11. wherefore comfort yours, together, and edify 13. and be at peace among your s. IS. 2 Thess.Z.C. wecommand that ye withdraw t/ours. 7. your s. know how ye oui;ht to follow us Ileb. 10. 34. knowing in your s. ye have in heaven 13. 3. rememl)er, as being your s. also in the body 17. submit your i. iJam.i. 7. submit your s. to (). Jam. 2. 4. are ye not then partial in your s. f 1 Pel. 1. 14. not fashioning' your s. to former lusts 2. 13. sabmit your s. to every ordinance of man 4. 1. arm your s. likewise with the same niiml a above ail things, fervent charity among j/owrs. 5. 5. ye younger, submit your s. unto the eider 1 John 5.21. little children, keep yours, from lijols 2Jo/in&.look toj/OKri.that we lose not those things Jude 20. building up yours, on most holy faith 2L keep your i. In love of God looking formercy See Assemble, ed. SEN,\TE. Acts 6. 21. they called all the s. of Israel together SENATOUS. /'.sail05.22.to bind princes, and teach his s. wisdom SEND. Oen. 24. 7. God shall s. his angel before thee, 40. 12. I pray thee, s. me good speed this day 54. he said s. me away unto my master, 56. 38. 17. wilt thou give me a pledge, till thou s. it? 43. 4. if thou wilt s. our brother with us 45. 5. God did s. me before you, to preserve life Exod. 4. 13. s. by hand of him whom tliou wilt J, 7. 2. that he s. children of Israel out of liis land 9. 19. s. therefore now. and gather thy cattle 12. 33. that they mitjhti. them out in haste 33. 12. Dor let me know whom thou wilt S. with me Lev. 16. 21. s. him awa5» by the hand of a fit man Num. 13. 2. s. thou men to search land, of every tribe shall ye «. a man a ruler among tliem 31. 4. of every tribe s. a thousand to the war Deut. 1. 22. we will s. men before us to search 7. 20. thy God will s. the hornet among them 19. 12. the elders shall s. and fetch him thence 24. 1. give her a bill of divorce, and s. her out 28. 20. Lord shall s. upon thee cursing and rebuke ' 48. shall serve enemies Lord shall ;. against thee Judg. 13. 8. let man of God thou didst t. come again I Sam. 5. 11. s. away the ark of God, C. 8. 6. 2. tell us wherewith we shall s. it to his place 3. if ye s. away the ark of God, s. it not empty 9. 26. saying, up, that I may s. tliee away 11. 3. give us res. lite, that we may s. messengers 12. 17. the Lord shall s. thunder and rain 16. 11. Samuel said to Jesse, s. and fetch David 19. Saul sent, and said. s. me David thy sou 25. 25. I saw not the young men tliou didst s. 1 Sam. 11. 6. David saying, s. me Uriah the Hitlite 24. 32. come hither, that I may s. thee to king 16. 36. by them ye sliall s. unto me every thing 17. 16. now therefore*, nuickly, and tell David 1 Kings 20. 9. all thou did^it s. for thy servants, I will do 2 Kings 2. 16. he said, ye shall not j. 17. he said s. 8. 7. doth s. to me to recover amanofhisleprosy C. 13. spy where he is, that I may i. and fctcli him 7. 13. let us s. and see || 9. 17. s. to meet Jehu 15. 37. llie Lord began to s. against Judah Kezin 1 C/iron. 13. 2. let us s. abroad our brethren 2 Cliron. 2. 7. *. me tiicrefoie a man cunning to work 8. s. me also cedar-trees, fir-trees, algum-trees 6. 27. then hear thou, audi, rain upon thy land 28. 16 Ahaz did s. to king of Assyria to help him 32. 9. Sennacherib did s. servants to llezekiah £zra 5. 17. let the king s. liis pleasure to us Meh. 2. 6. that thou wouldcst s. me unto Judah 6. so It pleased the king to ;. me, and I set a time a 10. eat, drink, and s. portions unto them, 12. Job 21. 11. they s. forth their little ones as a flock 38. 35. canst tliou s. lightnings, that tliey may go Ptal 20. 2. s. thee help from tlie sanctuary 4,'). 3. O s. out thy light and truth, let them lead 57. 3. lie shall s. from heaven, and save nie from reproach ; God shall s. forth his mercy and truth 68. 9. thou, O God did.st s. a plentiful rain 33. he doth s. out his voice, a mighty vnico 110. 2. shall s. rod of thy strength out of Zioii 118. 25. O Lord, I besiech thee s. now prosperity 144. 7. s. thine hand from above, rid me, deliver Prov. 10.20. so is the sluggard to them that*, him 22. 21. answer words of truth to them that s. to thee 25.13. so is a faithful messenger to them that*, him f:cci. 10. 1. ointnicnt to.r. fnrtli a stinking savour Isa. 6. 8. whom shall I .5. f I said, here am 1, s. me 10. 16. Lord shall s. among his fat ones leanness 16. 1. i. ye the lamb to the ruler of the land 19. 20. he shall s. them a Savieur a great one 32. 20. that*, forth thither the feet of ox and ass 57. 9. didst «. thy messengers far olT, and debase ler. 1. 7. thou Shalt go to all that I sliall s. thee 2. 10. s. unto Kedar || 9. 17. s. (or cuiiiiiiig women 27. 3. t. the yokes to king ol Kdom and .Moab 63S> SEN 29. 31. s. to all them of the captivity, saying 42. 5. for the wliich the Lord ttiall i. thee to us 6. we will obey the Lord, to whom we s. thee Mat. 9. 38. pray ye therefore the Lord that he will s. forth labourers into his harvest, Luke 10. 2. 10. 34. think not that I am come to s. peace 12. 20. till he s. forth judgment unto victory 13. 41. Son of man shall s. forth his angels, and they shall gather them offend, 24. 31. Mark 13. 27. 1.^. 23. s. her away, for she crleth after us 21. 3. Htralnhtway he will s. them, Mark 11. S. Mark 3. 14. that he might s. them to preach, 6. 7. 5. 10. would not i. them away out of the country 12. besought him, saying, s. us into the swine lAike. 16. 24. s. Lazarus I| 27. s. to my lather's house John 14. 26. whom the Father will i. in my name 7. K. they have believed that thou didst s. me Acts 3. 20. he shall t. Jesus Christ who was preached 7. S.! same did God s. to be ruler and deliverer 10. 5. and now 5. men to Joppa, 32. | 11. 13. 11. 29. disciples determined to j. relief to brethren 15. 22. to J. chosen men of their company, 25. 25. 3. tliat he would s. for him to Jerusalem 27. it seemeth unreasonable to s. a prisoner and Phil. 2. 19. ( trust in the Lord to s. Timotheus, 23. 2.5. I supposed it necessary to*. Epaphroditus 2 Thess. 2. H. for this cause God shall s. delusion Tit. 3. 12. when I shall*. Artemas unto thee Jam, 3. IL doth fountain s. sweet water and bitter? Rev. 1. 11. write and ». it to seven churches in Asia 11. 10. and they shall s. gifts one to another 1 SEND. E.Tod. 23. 20. behold Is. an angel before thee Num. 22. 37, did /not earnestly *. unto thee? 1 Sam. 20. 12. If there be good, and 1 s. not to thee 21. 2. know the business whereabout Is. thee 2 Chron. 7. 13. if Is. pestilence. Ezek. 14. 19 Isa. 6. 8. voice of the Lord, say, whom shall Is.? Jer. 25. 15. cnuse all, to whom Is. thee to drink it Ezek. 2. 15. / s. thee to the children of Israel, 4. 14. 21. when Is. my four sore judgments Mat. 10. 16 behold Is. you forth as sheep 11. 10. behold / s. my messenger before thy face prepare thy way, Mark 1. 2. Luke 7. 27. 2.'?. 34. behold Is. you prophets and wise men Mark 8. 3. if /«. them away fasting, they will faint Luke 10. 3. Is. you forth as lambs among wolves 24. 49. Is. the promise of my Father upon you John 13. 20. he that receiveth whom Is. leceiveth me 20. 21. as my Father sent me, even so s. /you Acts 25. 21. to be kept till / s. him to Cesar 2(j. 17. from Gentiles, unto whom now Is. thee /ujjKSEND. Gen. 27. 45. / tcill .«. and fetch thee from thence 37. l.j. come, and I will s. thee unto them 38. 17. he said, / will s. thee a kid from the flock Exod. 3. 10. / will s. tliee unto Pharaoh, Acts 7.34. 8. 21. I wills, swarms of flies upon thee 9 14. 1 wills, all my plagues unon thine heart 23. 27, / will s. my fear || 28. / will s. hornets 33. 2. Itcill s. an angel before thee, and drive out Lev. 26 S2. IviUs. wild beasts among you 25. / wills, pestilence {| 36. / will s. faintness Deut. 11. 15. / will s. grass ill thy fields for cattle 32. 24. Iwills.thc teeth of the beasts upon them 1 Sam. 9. 16. /wills, thee a man of Beniamin 16. 1. / will s..tliee to Jesse the Belhleliemlte 20. 13. then / will >. shew it tiiee, and s. thee away 1 Kings 18. 1. and / wills, rain upon the earth 20. 6. yet / will e. my servants unto thee to- morrow S4. I will s. thee away with this coven.iiit, 2 Kiwjs 19. 7. / will s. a blast upon liini, Isa. 37.7. Isa. 10. 6. / will s. him against hypocritical na- tion 66. 19. / will s. those that escape unto the nation Jer. 8. 17. iieliold I wills, serpents anmngyou U. 10. I wills, a swiird alier them till eonsuined, 24. 10. I 2,-.. 16. 27. I 29. 17. | 49. 37. 16. 16. I wills, for many Ushers, many hunters 2.^. 9. 1 will s. and take the families of the north 4). 10. I will s. Nehuchadnczzar my servant 4K. 12. helioKI, I will i. unto him ivanderers 51. 2. and I wills, unto IJaliylon tuniiers Ez(J:. 5 16. / will s- famine, 17. | 14. 13. Amos 8. 11. 7. 3. IwVl.t. mint anger upon thee and jiuko 28. 23. I wills, into her pestilence and hlocid Joel 2. 1:). / will s. you corn, and wine, ami uil Mai. 2. 'Z. I will t. a curse || 4. 6. / will s. Ehj.ih 3. 1. I nill s. my messenuer, and he shall prepare A/at. }:- ,12. I trill not*, them away fasting Luke 11.49. / wills, thein prophets and apostles 20. 13 wliiii shall 1 do? /wills, my beloved son John 1.5. 26. the Conilorter whom I will s. 1(1. 7. Acts 22. 21. I will s. thee far hence to the (hniiles 1 C'w. 16. 3. whom you shall approve, Ihem I will s. See KiitR. SENDEST. Dent. 15. 13. when tl.oii s. him out free, 18. Josh. 1. 10. whithersoever thou s. us we will go 2 Kings 1. 6. that lliou s. to enquire ol Kaai-zebuh SEN Joh 14. 20. chanpest countenance, and ». him away rsal. 104. 30. thou s. thy .Spirit, they are created SENDETH. Deut. 24. .3. and if the latter husband s. her oat 1 Atngs 17. 14. till the day that the Lord s. rain Job 5. 10. and who s. waters upon the fields 12. 15. he s. them out, they overturn the earth Psal. 104. 10. he s. the springs into the valleys 147 15. he s. forth his commandment, IS. Prov. 2fl. 6. that s. a message by the hand of a foo'. Cant. 1. 12. my spikenard s. forth the smell thereof Isa. 18. 2. that s. ambassadors by the sea in vessels Mat. 5. 45. ani j. rain on the just and on the unjikst Mark 11. 1. he s. forth two of his disciples, 14. 13. Luke 14. 32. s. and desireth conditions of peace Acts 23. 26. Claudius l^ysias to Fehx s. greeting SENDING. 2 Sam. 13. 16. this evil In s. me awav is greater 2 Chron. 36. 15. his s. messengers, Jer. 7. 25. I 25, 4. I 26. 5. I 29. 19. | 35. 15. | 44. 4^ Estn. 9. 19. and of s. portions one to another, 22. Psal. 78. 49. by s. evil angels among them Isa. 7. 25. it shall be lor the s. forth of lesser cattle Azek. 17. 15. rebelled in s. ambassadors unto Egypt Rom. 8. 3. God s. his Son In likeness of sinful flesh SENSE. Or meaning of scripture. It is said. Neh. a a They read in the book, in the law of God dis- tinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading. A learned author says, tliat these five different Senses may be distinguished in tite Scripture. The (iram- matical Sense. The Historical or Literal sense. The Allegorical or Figurative Sense. The Analogical Sense. The Tropological or Moral Sense. I. The Gnimmatical Sen.?e is that which the words of the text present to the mind, acecrrding- to tlie proper and usual signification of thost words. Thus when it is said, that God repents, that he is in anger, that he ascends or descends^ that he lias eyes open, or ears attentive, 'r away, that Isaac was born of Sarah, that he receivfii cir- cumcision: All these facts, taken in the histori- cal and literal Sense, Tnean nothing else than what is expressed in the history; 'that is. the marriage of Abraham wiih llagar, the birth of Isaac, JLc. III. The Allegorical and Figurative Sense t* that which examines what may be concealed ujidtT the terms, or under the event vumtioned in tlie history. Thus the marriage of Abraham with Hagar, who was afterwards repudiated and driven away because of her insolence, and that of her son. is a figure or representation of the Synagogue, which was only as it were a Slave, and which iras divorced and rejected^ because (if its infidelity and ingratitude. Sarah is the figure of tlie Christian Church, and Isaac of tlie people chosen of God, GaL 4. 22. 23. 24, f m.my coIouM Ocn. ;:a 20. Jiul;ih s. the IviJ hy lunid of liis friciui 25. Tam-iri. to lier fatlier-iii-l:iw, saying-, by 41. 14. tlieu Pharaoh J. and called Joseph 42. 4. but Ueiijamin, Jacob s. not wltli li brethren 45. S. it was not you that s. me hither, but God SO. 16. theys. inesseuKers unto Joseph, s.\virig Eiod. 3. 14! tliou Shalt say, I A.M liatU J."niu t you 5. 22. Lord, why is it that thou h.TSts. me? Hum. 13. IC. the names of tlie men Muses s. 14. ,30. 22. 10. Balak the Uw^ of iMoab hath i. unto me 15. IJaliik J. yet again princes more honi>urable Joih. 6. 17. because she liid the messengers wci. 14. 7. forty years old was I when Moses i. ine Judg. 20. 6. I cut her in pieces and 5. her thro' Israel 1 Sam. 31. 9. s. into the land of the Philistines 2 . me 24. that belle veth on him that s. me, 12. 44. 30. but will of him who s. me, 6. 38, 39, 40. 33. ye i. unto John, and he bare witness to truth 86. the same works I do bear witness that the Father hath s. me. 37. | 6. 57. | 8. 16, 18. 8. 44. except the Father wliich s. me draw bun 7. 16. my doctrine is not mine, but his that s. me 18. iitit he that seekoth his glory that s. hira 32. I'lianS'-es and priests s. officers to take him 9. 4. I must work the works of him that j. me 10. 36. say ye of him whmn the Father hath s. 11. 42. that they may believe thou hast s. mo 12. 45. he that seeth me, seeth him that s. me 49. Father who s. me gave me a commandment 14. 24. word is not mine, but F.ither who s. ine 16. 21. because they know not him Wiat*. me 16. 6. but now I go my way to him that s. me 17. 3. IS life eternal, to' know Jesus whom thou j. 18. as tbou hast I. me into the world, so I j. 21. the world may believe that thou hast s. me 23. that the world may know thou hast J. me 25. aud these have Known that thou hast s. me ao. 21. as my Father hath t. me, even so send I you Acts ."■>. 21. $. to the prison to have thera brouijhl 10. 29. I ask for what intent ye have i. for me 11. 30. J. it to the elders by Barnabas and Saul 13. 16. the rulers of Ine synagogue s. unto them 15. 27. we have therefore s. Judas and Silas 16. 36. the magistrates have s. to let you go 19. 31. Paul's iriends s. unto hira, desiring him 1 Cor. 1. 17. Christ i. me not to baptize, but to preach 2 Cor. 8. 18. we have s. with hira the brother, 22. Phil. 4. 16. in Thessdlonica ye s. once and again I John i. 14. testify that the Father*, the Son SENT away. Qen. 12. 20. Pharaoh j. away Abraham and his 3L 14 Abraham t, lahmael and Uaear avsau 630 • » SEN 24. 59. they s. away Rebekah their slstnr 2.5. 6. .\brahara s. Keturah's children afrajA 26. 27. seeing ye hate me and have j. me a\cay 29. as we have s. thee away in peace, thou art 28 5. Isaac j. axcay Jacob to Padan-aram 6. Isaac had blessed Jacob and i. him atcay 31. 27. 1 mliiht haves, theo away with mirth 42. surely thou hadsti. me away empty 43. 24. i. he his brethren away, they deiiartcd Di-ut. 24. 4. s. her away, may not take her again Josh. 2. 21. Kahabs. spies away, they departed 22. 6. Joshua s. Reubeiiites and Gadites away, 7. .Uiilg. II. 38. Jephthah s. his daUKhther away 1 Ham. 10. 25. Samuel $. all the people aicay 19. 17. Saul said, why hast thou s. away my enemy ? 2 Ham. 3. 21. David js. Abner away, and he went 24. why »5 it that thou hast «. him axoayl 10. 4. cut garments, and i. them away, 1 Chron. 19. 4. I Chron. 12. 19. lords of Philistines s. David away .lob 22. 9. thou hast 5. widows away empty .Mark 12. 3. and they caught the servant and beat him, and s. him away, 4 Luke 20. 10. 11 Luke 1. 53. and the rich he hath s. empty away 8. ."8. but Josus 5. him away, saying .\rts 1.3. 3. laid hands on them, tliey s. them away 17. 10. brethren immediately .i. away Paul, 24. God SEN'T. On. 45. 7. Cods, me bulore you to preserve life E.rod. 3. 13 ttie God of your fathers hath j>. me 15. the God of Jacob hath s. me unto you Jud/f. 9. 2.3. Gods, evil spirit between Abimelech 1 Chron. 21. 15. Gods, an ansiel unto Jerusalem AV/(. 6. 12. I perceived that Godhaii noti. him Jer. 4.3. 1. for which tli2 Lord their Gods, him 2. God hath not «. to thee to say, go not into Egypt Dan. 6. 22. Godh&lh s. his angel, and Iiath shut Jo/ni 3. 17. God s. not his Son to condemn world 34. he wliom God hath i. speaketh words of God Acts 3. 26. God hath raised his Son Jesus, s. him 10. 36. word of God s. unto the children of Israel Ga!. 4. 4. Gods, forth his Son made of a woman C. God hath «. forth the Spirit of his Son 1 John 4. 9. God s. his only begotten Son into the world 10 Gods, his Son to be a propitiation for our sins Rev. 22. 6. Gods, his angel to shew his servant; ■Jle SENT. Gen. 4.5. 23. to his father he s. after this manner 46. 23. he s. Judah liefore him unto Josenh t'xod. 18. 2. took. Zipporah, after he had «. her back Jitdj. 11. 28. Ammon hearkened not to words hcs. 1 Ham. 17. 31. rehearsed words, and he s. for David 30. M. he s. of the spoil unto the elders of Judah 2 Ham. 10. 5. he s. to meet them, 1 Chron. 19. 5. 14. 29. when hes. again, he would not come 22. 17. he s. from above, he took me, Psal. 18. 16. 1 Kini/s 20. 7. for he s. unto me for my wives 2 Kings 17. 26. therefore he s. lions among them 2 Chron. 24. 19. yet he s. prophets to them to brine 25. 15. he s. unto Amaziah a prophet, which said Esth. 5. 10. hes. and called for his friends Psal. 78. 25. he s. them meat to the full 105. 17. hes. n man before them, even Joseph 26. hes. -Moses his servant and Aaron 28. he s. darkness, and made it dark 106. 15. but he s. leanness into their soul 107. 20. hes. his word and healed them 111. 9. he s. redemption unto his people Isa. 61. 1. hes. me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, Li//.e 4. 18. Jer. 29. 28. he s. unto us unto Babylon, saying 42. 21. tor the which he hath i. me unto you Lam. 1. 13. (rom above he s. fire into my bones Z'-i-h. 2. 8. after the glory hatli he s. me to nations Mat. 21. 36. again /le s. other servants more than the first. 37. last of all A« *. unto them his Son, Afark 12.4. 22. 7. he s. forth his armies, and destroyed those John 1. 3i. he that s. me to baptize with water 5. 38. for whom he hath j. Iiim yc believe not 6. 29. that yo believe on him whom he hath *. 7. 28, he that s. me is true, ye know not, 8. 26. 29. but I know him, and he hath s. mo 8. 29. and lie that s. me Is with mo : the Father 42. neither came I ot myself, but hes. me Acts 24. 26. wherefore /le s for Paul the oftner Jiev. 1. 1. he s. and slgnilied it by his angel to John / SENT. Gen. 32. 5. /have s. to tell my lord, to find grace 3H. 23. J s. this kid, and thou hast not found her Ejcod. 3. 12. this ahull be a token tliat / have s. tliee iVuni. 32. 8. thus did your fathers when Is. tliem Jo.Jt. 24. 5. Is. Moses also and Aaron, i/ic. 6. 4. Judg. 6. 14. thou Shalt save Israel have not / s. thee ? 2 Kings 6. «. / have i. Naaman my servant to thee 17. 13. the law which Is. to you by my servants Isa. 43. 19. who is deaf, as my me«8euger that is.r 43. 14. for vour sake /have s. to Babylon 55 11. it shall prosper in the thing whereto Is. it Jer. 7. 25. / t. unto you all mr servants the prophets, daily rising up early, 2& 6. | 35. 15. I 44.4. SEN 14. 14. 7 s. them not, nor oomm.mded, nor spake to them, 1.5. I 23. 21, .32. | 27 15. | 29. 0. 29. 31. 7 s. him not, he caused you to trust in a lie Ezck. 3. 6. surely had Is. thee to them, they would heaikeii Dan. 10. U. O Daniel understand; to thee am / now s. .foel 2. 25. my great army which Is, among you .{inos 4. 10. /have s. among you the pestilence .?. (7i. 9. 11. / have s. forth thy prisoners out of pit ■Un/. 2. 4. and ye shall knowthat / have .?. this /.»ie 4. 43. I must preach, for therefore am /i, f.'ik.- 22.35. when / s. vou without purse and scrip ■/ohn 17. 18. so have Is. them into the worid Acts 10. 20. doubting nothing, for / have s. them 33. immediately therefore, / s. thee, hast welt done 1 Cor.4.1 7. for this cause have Is. to you Timotheus 2 Cur. 9.3. yet have Is. brethren, lest our boasting 12. 17. did I make a gain of you by any whom Is, 18. I desired Titus, and with him I s. a brother Eph. 6. 22. whom / s. for same purpose. Col. 4. 8. I'/ii/. 2. 28. Is. him therefore the more carefully I Thes.^. 3. 5. for this / s. to know your faith Phil. 12. whom / liave .«. agaiUi receive hin> Hi'e Lord. SENT forth. Gen. 8. 7. Noah s. forth a raven || 10.«. forth a dov& Prov.0.3. she hath s. forth her maidens, she crietlj Mat. 2. 16. Herod s. forth and slew all the males lO.S.these twelve Jesus s. forth, and commanried 22.3. and i./or//t his servants to call thera bid- deft Hfcirk 6.17. Herod s. forth and laid hold upon John Juki' 20. 20. chief priests and scribes s. forth spies .-lets 9. 30. the brethren s. him forth to Tarsus 11.22. they s./or//i Barnabas as lar as Antiocll SENT out. Cm. 19 29. Ood s. Lot out of midst of overthrow 1 (Sam. 20. 4. David therefore s. out spies and under* stood 2 Ham. 22. 15. and he s. out arrows, Psal. 18. 14. ./. out our fathers first Jam. 2. 25. Rahah had s. them out another way SENT, Passive. Gen. 32. 18. it is a present s. to my lord Esau 1 Kings 14 6. I am s. to thee with heavy tidings E-ra 7. 14. forasmuch as thou art s. ot the king Prov. Yl. 11. a cruel messenger shall be s. against him Jer. 49. 14. an ambassador is s. unto the heathen Ezek. 2. 9. behold, an hand was i. unto me, and lo .3. 5. art not s. to a people ofa strange speech 2.3. 40. unto whom a messenger wass. and lo Dan. 5. 24. then was part of the hand s. from him <.)bad. 1. an ambassador iss. among the heathen Mat. 15. 24. 1 am not i. but unto lost sheep <." Israel 2.3. 37. and stonost them who are s. Luke 13. 34. Luke 1. 19. I am Gabriel, and am s. to speak to theo 26. angel Gabriel was s. from God unto Nazareth 4. 26. but unto none ol them was Ellas s. save Jotin 1. 6. a man s. from God, whose name was John 8. John was s. to bear witness of that light 24. they who were i. were of the Pharisees 3. 28. I said, I am not Christ, but i. before him 9. 7. wash in Siloam, which is by interpretation i. 13. 16. nor he that is s. greater than he tli.it %. hiin Acts 10. 17. men that were s. had made inquiry 21. Peter went to the men who were s. 11. 11. 29. therefore came I to you as soon as 1 was ». for 13. 4. so they being s. forth by tlie Holy Ghost 26. to you is the word of this salvation s. 28. 28. the salvation of Cod iss. unto the Gentiles ' Rom. 10. 15. how shall they preach, except they be .1. PhV. 4. 13. received things which were s. from you Heb. 1. 14. spirits s. forth to minister for them 1 Pet. ]. 12. with the Holy Ghosts, from heaven 2. 14. ur unto governors, as them that are s. by hi in Rev. 5. 6. the seven spirits s. forth into the earth SENTEST. Exod. li. 7. ». forth thy wrath which consumed them Num. 13. 27. we came to land whither thou s. us 24. 12. spake I not to tl/e messengers thou s. us 1 Kings 5. 8. have considered thiugs thou s. to ino fur SENTENCE. Deut. 17. 9. they shall shew thee the «. of judg- ment 10. thou Shalt do according to the ». 11. Psal. 17. 2. let my s. come forth from thy presence Prov. 16. 10. a divine.!, is in the lips of the king Keel. 8. 11. because s. is not executed speedily Jei: 4. 12. now also will I give s. against them Luke 23. 24. Pilate gave s. that it should be as re- quired .ids 15. 19. mv * Is that we trouble not them 2 Cor. 1. 9. we had the s. of death in ourselves SENTENCES. Dan. 6. 12. shewing of hard J. found In same Daniel 8. 23. u kiug uuderbtandiug dark s. shall stand up SEP SEPARATE. Slffnlflcs, [1] To part, divide, or put asundiT. Gen. 30. 40. [2] To connecrate ari'l set apart for some special mini-tlry or service. Acts 13 2. Separate me Barn.ibns and Saul, lor the ■work wliereunto I have called tliem. [3] To viithdravj. or retire from worldly emploi/mcnis and enjoyments, and to devote one's self to tlie service of Clod; thus the Nazarites separated themselves. Num. 6. 2. some for life, other.'! for a certain time only. See Nazaritk. S4] To forsake the communion of the church. fiide 19. [5] To excommunicate, Luke 6. 2L'. [6] To disperse, or scatter abroad into dif- ferent parts of the world, Deut. 32. 8. [7] To be disowned, disregarded, and forsaken by a person, Prov. J9. 4. Tlie poor is sep.araied from liis neighbour; that is, is forsaken by those who are most obliijed to help him. [8] To distiTiguish persons from others, by conferr- inq upon them nmny precious and valuable pri- vileges and blessings; thus the Lord separated the Israelites, from all other nations in the ' earth, and chose them for his peculiar people, 1 Kings 8. 53. Gen. 13. 9. Al)ram said, s. thyself, I pray thee, fiom me 30. 40. Jacob did s. the lambs, and set the (aces iee. 15. 31. thus shall ye s. the children of Israel 22. 2. speak to Aaron and liis sons that they s. Num. 6. 2. when man or woman shall s. them- selves to vow a vow, to s. theraselvea un- to the Lord 3. the Nazante shall s. himself from wine 8 14. tlius slmlt'thou .^ the Levites from Israel 16. 21. s. yourselves from among this congrega- tion Deut. 19. 2. thou Shalt s. three cities in thy land, 7. 29. 21. Lord shall s. him unto evil out oMsrael 1 KingsS. 53. didst «. them to be thine inheritance £zra 10. 11. s. yourselves from people of the land Jet: 37. 12. Jeremiah went to s. himselt thence Mat. 25. 32. he shall j. them as a shepherd his sheep Jjuke G. 22. blessed are ye when men shall 5. you Acts 13. 2. t. me Uarnabas and Saul (or the work Jiom. 8. 35. who shall j. us from love of Christ 39. nothing be able to s. us from love of God Jude 19. these be they who s. themselves, sensual SEPAHATE. Gen. 49. 26. shall be on the head of Joseph and of him that was s. from his brethren, Dent. 33.16. JosJi. 18 9. the s. cities of Ephraim were among £zek. 41. 12. building that was beiore the s. place 13. so he measured the hou-e and the s. places 14. the breadth of the s. place toward the east 42. 1. chamber over against the s. place, 10. 13. 2 Cor. 6. 17. come out (roni among them be ye s. Heb. 7. 26. Is holy, harmless, uudellled, «. from sinners SEPARATED. Gen. 13. 11. then Abram and Lot s. themselves 14. Lord said, afttr that Lot wasi. from him 35. 23. two manner of people be i. from thy bowels £xod. 33. 16. so shall we be s. from people on earth Lev. 20. 24. I am the Lord wlio have s. you from 25. which I liave s. from you as unclean JVum. 16 9. that the God of I.sracl hath s. you Ueut. 10. 8. the Lord 5. the tribe of Levi to stand 32. 8. wlien he s. sons of Adam he set bounds 1 Chron. 12. 8. of the Gadites there s. unto David 23. 13. Aaron was s. that he should sanctify 25. 1. David s. to the service of sons of Asaph 2 Citron. 25. 10. theu Amaziah s. them, the army Ezra e 21. all that had s. themselves unto them 8. 24. then I s. twelve of the chief of the [iriests 9. 1. priests and Levites have not j. themselves 10. 8. who would not come, be s. from congre gallon 16. all of them by their names were s. and sat Keh. 4. 19. work is great and we are s. upon wall 9. 2. Israel s. themselves from all strangers 10. 28. they that had i. clave to the brethren 13. 3. they «. Irom Israel the mixed multitude Prov. 18.1. through desire a man having s. him- self 19. 4. but the poor Is .». from his neighbour Jsa. 56. 3. the Lord hath s. me from his people 69. 2. iniquities have s. between you and your llos. 4. 14. for themselves are s with whores 9. 10. they went and s. themselves unto that „ , shame Acts 19. 9. Paul departed and s. the disciples Jiom. 1. 1. Paul an apostle s. to the gospel of God 9. t 3. I could wish that I were s. from Christ ad. The greatest part of their Sepulchres were hollow places dug into rocks, as was that bought by Abraham, fur the burying of Sarah, Gen. 2.1. 6. those 0/ the kings of'Jaiii\h and Israel ; and that wherein our Saviour was laid in mount Calvary. Sometimes also their graves irei-e dug in the ground, and commjonly without their towns in burying-places, set apart on purpose. Generally they used to put some hewn stone, or other thing, over the grave, to shew it teas a burying.pface, that passengers might be warned not to come near it, that they might not be pol- luted. Our Saviour in Mat. 23. 7. compares the hypo- critical Pharisees to whited seiiu'chres tchich appeared fine witliout, but inwardly were full of rottenness and corruption. It is said, that every year, on the fifteenth of February, the Jews took care to tchi'ten their sepulchres anew. In Luke 11. 44. he compares tliem to graves which appear not, and tlie men that walk over them are not aware of them, or know not that the places are unclean, so that they contract an nnknoton and involuntary impurity. So tliey that conversed with the "Pharisees, being deceived by their fair sheics of religion and devo tion. were easily ensnared and dratcn into sin by tliem,. It is said, Mat. 23. 29, 30, SI, "Woe nnto you Scribes and Pharisees : because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the se- pulclires of the righteous: And say, if we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore ye b'j witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. As if our Saviour had said, i'e pretend a great deal of respect to tlio ancient prophets, and to dt.tallow what your fathers did Jo them, by building and garnishing their toiuts ; yet this practice of yours seems rather to be ari appro- oation of your fathers' wickedness, if one look upon it, either in the nature of the thing, for liereby you keep in nu'mory what your fathers did against tliem: wliereas, if you did detest if, you would rather do all you could tliat it miijht be utterly forgotten : or'if one may judge of your affections to tlic dead prophets, by your thdge of' lite living, namely. Myself and my Apostles. Gen. 23. 6. none shall withhold from thee his *. Ueut. 34. 6. no man knoweth of his t. unto this day Judg. 8. 32. Gideon was bnrled in his father's s. 1 Sam. 10. 2. thou Shalt find two men by Rachel's i 2 .Sam. 2. 32. they buried Asahel in his father's s. 4. 12. the liead of Islibosheth hurled in Abner's s. 17. 23. Ahithophel buried in the*, of his lather 21. 14. bones of Saul in the $. of KIsh his father 1 Etngs 13. 22. thy carcase shall not come to thes 31. bury me in the s. wlicrein man of God is 2 Eings 9. 28. Ahaziah in the $. with his lathers 1.3. 21. they cast the man into the s. of Ellsha 21. 26. Amon was burled in his s. In the garden 2.!. 17. they said it is the s. of the man of God 30. Josiah buried in his own s. 2 Chron. S!>. 24. /'sal. ,5. 9. their throat is an open s. Horn. 3. 13. Isa. 22. 16. that thou hast hewed tliee out a s. licre as he that heweth out a *. on high, and graveth Mat. 27. 60. he rolled a great stono to the door of s. 61. the other Marj', sitting ovcr-against the*. 64. command that the s. be mai the fiery serpents doth na- turally represent the effects of sin. that torment ihe ronicience, and inflame the soul with the apprehension of future judgment. And the enrting 0/ o brasen serpent upon a pole, that Jtad tlie figure, not the poison of those serpents, d'ith in b lively manner set forth the lifting up «/ Jesus Christ on the cross who only had the iimilitwie of sinful flesh. The looking to- wards the brasen serpent, u a fit resemblance of believing tn Christ crucified for salvation. The sight of the eye was the only means to de- rive virtue from it; and the faith of the heart is the means by which the sovereign efficacy oj our Redeemer is conveyed. John 6. 40. This is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son and believeth on him, may have everlasting lile. This bragen serpent was preserved among the I tamcil Rev. 9. 19. their tails were like unto i. and hail head SEUVANT Is taken, [1] For a slave. The Hebrews had two sorts o/servants or slaves. Some were strangers, either bought, or taken in the wars; and their masters kept them, exchanged them, sold them, or dispo-wd of them as t.'.eir own goodi, Lev. 25. 44, 45, &c. The others were Hebrew slaves, who being poor, sold themselves, or were sold to pay their debts . or were delivered up for slaves by their parents, in cases of necessity. This sort of Hebrew slaves continued in slavery but six years; then they might return to libej-ty again, and their masters could not retain them against their wills. If they would continue voluntarily with their masters, they were brought befoi-e the judges : there they made a declara- tion, that for this time they disclaimed the privilege of the law. had their ears bored with an awl, by applying them to the door-posts ot their master: and after that they had no longer any power of recovLrina their liberty, except at the next year of jubilee, Exod. 21. 2, 3, iSJC. Lev. 25. 40. , ,, . , , II. Servant ti also taken for a man that dedi- cates himself to the service of another, by the choice of his own will and inclination. Thus Joshua was th& servant of Moses. Ellsha of Elijah. Geh.izi. of Elisha, and the Apostles were servants of JefiUsCUvisU III. Servant is' put for the subject of a prince. The servant o( Pharaoh, tlie servants of Saul. and t/iose 0/ David, are their subjects in gene- ral, and their domestics in particular, 2 .^nm. 11. 11. I >2. 19. 1 Ciiron. 21, 3. In like man- ner also the Philistines, the Syrians, andseveral other nations, were servants ,0/ David; they obeyed him, they were his subjects, they paid him tribute, 2 ii.im. S. e. „..,,,,» IV. Servants or slaves, as opposdto those that] Mat. 1. 10. are free, and to the children of the pioinisps, represent t/ie Jews in conlradistinclion to the Cliristlans; or those that were und.r the yoke of ceremonies, to those that are under the gospel dispensation. The Jf'i^swere the slaves repre- sented bii Hagar and Ishniael; the Clirisuans are the children of liberty, represented by Sarah and •>y Isaac, Gal. 4. 3, 7. 22, 23, ic . Sirvunt or servants of (Jod. As all things Exod. 21. B. it the «. plainly say. subject to the power and pleasure of God. and as none can resist his will or word; in this sense all creatures are Ciod'.s servants, Psal. 119. SI. /lilt more particularly by this name are called. [1] All faithful and godly persons, tcho being bought and redeemed from the bondage of sin ana Satan, do serve and obey God in i^ghteous- ness and holiness. Kom. 6. 22. [2) One that serveth and obeyeth God not only in a common profession of religion, but also in some parlicu- liir function and calling: Thus the aposlli Vn.\i\ calls himself the servant ol God. Rom. 1. 1 And in this sense, Christ Jesus o tei-nied the Eather's servant to execute his will as Mediator, in working man's redemption. Isa. 6:!. 11. .My righteous serv:-nt. [3| One whom God makes use of as an instrument to effect and perform his icill in the work of some pnrticular mercy or judgment: Thus may Cyrus be called the. ser- vant of God, his shepherd and anointed, Is.i. 44. 28. I 45. 1. And Ncl)iiclia(liu-/z;»r, Jer. 25. 9. .Moses is often by way of tmmence, called the servant of the Lord, t)eut. 34. 5. Moses the servant of the Lord OlcU, Josh. 1. 2. Moses SER mv servant is dead. This title is often gxven him. not only to reflect honour upon him, but also to give autlwritt) to his laws and writings, in publishing of which he only acted as God's servant, in his name and stead: And likewise that the Israelites might not think of Moses above what was meet, remembering that he was not the Lord himsell, but only his servant: and therefore not to be worshipped, nor yet too perti- naciously followed m all his institutions, when the Lord himself should come and aboli'h part of the Mosaical dispensation; it being bat rea- sonable that the fi(!rv.\i\l s/tould give place to t/ie Son and Heir, Heb. 3. 3, S, 6. Servant is also taken for a person of a sei-vile ignoble condition and spirit, who is altogether unfit for places of dignity, Eccl. 10. 7. I have seen servants upon liorse.s. The Apostle Paul says, 1 Cor. 9. 19. I have made myself ser- vant unto all, th.1t I might gain the more. / fuive complied with their weaknesses and infir- mities so far as they were not sinful: I have denied myself in my liberty, and determined myself to' that part in my actions, which J saw would most oblige, profit, and engage them to me so as to bring them in love with the gospel. The servant of sin. Jo/in 8. 34. is one who ts in spi- ritual bondage, and under the power of sin and corruption. Gen, 9. 25. Canaan, a*, of servants shall he be 24. 34. and he s.iid, I am Abraham's s. 49. 15. Issacliar bowed anu became a *. to tri- bute 1 love my master Deut. 5. 15. reraem'ier that thou wast a s. in Egypt 23. 15. thou shaU not deliver the s. that is es- caped 1 Sam. 2. 13. priest's «• came and said, 15. 9. 27. Samuel said, bid tlies. pass on befoi'eus 25. 41. let thy liandmaid be a s. to wash tho (cet 29 3. is not this David the s. of Saulthe king 30. 1.3. I am a young man s. to an Amaleklte Sam. 9. 2. of house ot Saul, s. named Ziba 19. 17. IG. 1. Ziba the s. of Mephibosheth met David 13. 29. wlioii Joab sent the king's s. and me tUys. 1 Kings 11. 26. Jeroboam Solom.'s (. lift up his hand 12. 7. if thou wilt be a s. to this people this day 2 Kings 4. 21. she said to her s. drive and go for- ward fi. 15. when the ». of the man of God was risen Neh. 2. 10. Tobiah the s. the Amraonile heard. Job 3. 19. and the «. la there free fVom his master 7. 2. as a s. earnestly dcsinth the shadow 41. 4. wilt thou take Leviathan for a s. for ever? Psal 105 17. even Joseph, who was sold for a s. Prov. 11. 29. the luul shall be s. to the wise of heart 12. 9. he that is despised anJ hnth a s. Is better 14. .35. the king's favour is toward a wise .«. 17. 2. ,". wise s. shall have rule over a son that 19. 10. in».ih less for a s^to rule over princes 22. 7. and the borrower iss. to liie Under 29. 19. as. will not be corrected with words 30. 10. accuse not s. to his master, lest he curse thee 22 the earth cannot bear a s. when he rclgnetlj Isa 24. 2. as with thes. so with his master 49. 7 to a s. ol ruleis || Jer. 2. 14. is Israel at.T Dan. 6. 20. O Daniel, s. «f the living God 10. 17. how can s. of my lord talk with rny lord? honoureth his master. If I be a master Mat. 10. 24. nor is the s. above his lord "5 it is enoiiEh for the s. to be as his lord IS 2fi. thes. fell down and worshipped him •27. the lord of that s. was moved with com- passUm 32. O thou wicked ». I forgave thee all that debt "0 "7 and whosoever will bo chief among you, let him be vonr s. 23. 11. M irk 10. 44. "4 45 who then is a iaiihlul and wises, whom lord 46. blessed Is that s. whom his lord. Luke 12. 43. 4S. but It that evil s. shall say, Luke \2. 45. .•0. the lord of that .5. shall come, Luke 12. 46. 25. 21. well done, thou good and faillitul s. enter thou into the joy of thy Lord, 23. Luke 19. 17. , , „ .w. 26. thou wicked and slothful s. Luke 19. 22. .30. cast the miprotllable s, into outer darkness 2J. 61. Peter struck a s. of the hlgh-priest, and smote oil his ear, Mark 14. 47. Jo/vt Mark 12. 2. and ho sent to the husbandmen Luke 12. 47. that s. which knew his lord's will 14 21. so tliats. came an.l shewed his lord 17. 7. but which of you having a s. plowmg 9. doth he thank thats.f 1 trow not 2ft. 10. and at the season he sent a s. 11. John 8 34. whoso comtnitteth sin, is the s. Of sin :(5 the s. nbiiletli not In the house for ever 13, 16, the *. I* not greater than his lord, 15. 3a SER John 15. 15. the s. hnoweth not wliat his Loril doeth Rom. 1. 1. Paul ft «. of Jesus Christ, an npostla 14.4. who art thou that Jndgest another man's s.? 6. 1. I commend to you Phebe, a s. of the church 1 Cor.T.ai.urt thou carted being a s.T care not for it 22. IS called, being a «. Is the Lord's free-man 9. 19. yet I have made myself a i. unto all Oal. 1. 10. 1 should not be the s. of Christ 4. 1. as a child dllTereth nothing from a *. 7. wherelore thou art no more a s. but a son Phil. 2. 7. he took upon him the form of a s. Col. 4 12. Epaphras, a s. of Christ, saluteth you 2T'im.2.24.j.of Lord must not strive, but be gentle fhilem. 16. not now as a s. but above a s. a brother fleb. 3. 5. Moses was faithful in hi» house as a s. 2 Pet.l.l. Simon Peter, a s. ol Jesus Christ /ude 1. Jude the s. of Jesus Christ, to them sanc- tified See David. SERVAKT, and SERVANTS of God Gen. 50. 17. forgive the s. of the God of thy father 1 CAr.6.49. as ."tfoscs the s. of God commanded 2 Chr. 24. 9. the collection, Moses the s. of God said lieh. 10. 29. to walk In God's law, which was given by Moses the i. of God to observe all com- mands Din. 6. 20. lie said, Daniel. «. o/the living God 9. II. written in the law of Jloses the s. of God iSt. \.\.a.s.of God II Jam. 1. U James a s. of God 1 Per.2.16. not" using liberty, but as a s. of God Rev. 7. 3. till we have sealed the s. of oar God. 15.3. they sing the song of Moses tties.ofGod See Hired. Ilis SERVANT. Gen. 9. 28. and Canaan shall be his s. 27. JExod. 14. 31. people believed Lord and his s. Moses 21. 20. if a man smite Aii i. and die under his hand 26. if he smite the eye ot his s. that it perish 33. 11. but his s. Joshua departed not out of tahern. /osh. 6. 14. Joshua said, what saith my Lord to his s.? 9. 24. God commanded his s. Moses to give you Judg. 7. 11. Gideon went down with Phnrah hiss. 19. 3. the Levite went, having his s. with him 9. when the man rose to depart, he and his s. 1 Sam.\9.i.[et not the king sin against his s. 22. 1.5. let not the king Impute anything to his s. 25. 39. the Lord hath kept his s. from evil. 26. 18. why doth my Lord thus pursueafter/it'.ss.? 19. let my lord the king hear the word of his s. 2 Jani.9.11.as my lord hath commanded Aw «. 14. 22. the knig hath I'ulrtlled the request of his s. 24. 21. wherelore is my lord come to his s.? 1 Kings 1. 51. swear, that he will not slay /ii> s. 8. 56. which he promised by hand of Moses his s. 59. that he maintain the cause of his s. and Israel 14. 18. he spake by hand of his s. Ahijah, 13. 29. 19. 3. Elijah came and left his s. at Becr-sheba 2 King.s 9. 36. word which lie spake by his s. Elijah 14. 25. the word which he spake by his s. Jonah 17. 3. Iloshea became his s. and gave him presents 24. 1. and Jehoiakim became his s. three years 1 Chr. 16. 13. o ye seed of Israel his s. 2 Chr, 32. 16. spake against his s. llezekiah jVe/i. 4. 22. let every one with his s. lodge within Psal. 3J. 27. Lord hath pleasure In prosperity ol his s. 105. 6. ye seed of Abraham his s. he is our God 26. he sent Moses his s. and Aaron his chosen 42. lor lie remembered Abraham his s. 136. 22. gave even an heritage unto Isr.ael his s. Prov. 2i». 21. that delicately hringeth up his s. Jsa. 44. 26. that contirmeth the word ot his s. 48. 20. the Lord hath redeemed his s. Jacob 49. 5. Lord formed me from the womb to be hiss. 50. 10. who that obeyeth the voice of his s. Jer. 34. 16. ye caused every man his s. to return Mat. 8. 13. his s. was healed in the same hour Luke 1. 51. he liaih holpen his s. Israel in mercy. 7. 3. beseeching that he would como and heal his s. 14. 17. and sent ftis s. at supper-time to say Rev. 1. 1. signified it by his angel unto his s. John See Lord, Maid. A/an-SERVANT. Exod. 20. 10. do not work, thou nor man-s. Deul. 5. 14. 17. not covet thy neighbour's man-s. Dcut. 5.21. 21. 27. and if he smite out Uis man-s. tooth 32. if the ox shall push a man-s. or maid-ser- vant. Deut. 12. 18. must eat them, thou, and thy man-s. 16. 11. rejoice before Lord, thou and thy man-s. 14. rejoice in thy feast, thou, and thy man-s. Job 31. 13. if 1 did despise the cause of my man-s. Jer. 34. 9. should let his man-t. go free, 10. My SERVANT. Oen. 26. 24. 1 will multlplv thy seed for my s. sake 44. 10. he with whom It is found shall bemy s. 17. Num. 12. 7. my s. Moses is not so, who is faithful 8. why were ye not afraid to speak against my 5. 14. 24. but my s. Caleb had another spirit Josh. 1. 2. .Moses my s. is dead, therefore arise 1 Sam. 22. 8. that iny son had stirred up my s. 27. 12. therefore he shall be my s. for ever 2 Sam. 19. 26. my lord king, my i. deceived me 6S3 SER 2 Kinys 6. 6. 1 have therewith sent Naaman my s. 21. 8. according to the law my s. Moses com- manded Job 1. 8. hast thou considered my s. Job? 2. 3. 19. 16. I called jny s. and he gave me no answer 42. 7. ye have not spoken right, as my s. Job hatli 8. go to my s. Job, he shall pray for you ha. 20. 3. like as my s. Isaiah hath walked naked 22. 211. in that day 1 will call my s. Eliaklm il. 8. but thou Israel, art my s. fear not, 9. i2. 1. behold my s. whom I uphold, mine elect 19. who Is blind balmy s. that I sent? 4.1. 10. ye are witne.sses, and my s. I have chosen 44. 1. hear, O Jacob, my s. i 2. fear not, O Jacob, 7nys. 21. remember those, for thou art my s. 49. 3. 4.>. 4. for Jacob my s. sake, and Israel mine elect 49. 6. it is a light thing thou shouldest be 7ny s. 52. 13. behold, my s. shall deal prudently, be very 65. 8. 80 will I do for my *. sake, not destroy them .Ter. 25. 9. Nebuchadnezzar mys. 27. 6. 1 4.'?. 10. .10. 10. fear thou not, O my s. Jacob, 4S, 27, 28. ICzek. 28. 25. land 1 have given my s. Jacob. 37. 25. Harj. 2. 23. I will take thee, O Zerubbabel mv s. Zfch.,S.S. 1 will bring forth mys. the liR.\KCII .1/<(/. 4. 4. remember the law of Moses 7ny s. Mac's. 6. my s. lleth at home sick of the palsy 8, speak, and my s. shall he healed, Lulre 7. 7. 9.,and to mys. do tliis, and he doeth it, Luke7.S. 12.'l8. behold, my s. whom I have chosen .John 12. 26. where I am, there shall also mys. be Thy SERVANT. Gen. 18. 3. pass not away, 1 pray thee from thy s. 19. 19. behold, thy s. hath found grace, JVeh. 2. 5. 24. 14. be she that thou hast appointed tor thy s. 32. 10. not worthy of the mercies shewed to thy s. 18. then thou shalt say, they be thy s. Jacob's 33. 5. the children which God hath given thy s. 44. 31. grf-y hairs of thy s. our father to the grave 32. thy s. became surety for the lad to my father Exod. 4. 10. nor since thou hast spoken unto thys. Lev. 25. 6. be meat (or you, for thee, and for thy s. iVuin. 11. 11. wherefore hast thou afflicted thys.? Deut. 3. 24. hast begun to shew thy s. thy great- ness 15. 17. thro' his ear, and he"ShaU be ih'j s. for ever Judy. 7. 10. go thou ilown with Phurali thy s. 15. 18. this great deliverance into hand of thys. 1 Sam. 3. 9. speak. Lord, for thy s. heareth, 10. 17. .16. thys. slew both the lion and the bear 20. 7. if he say thus, thy s. shall have peace 22. 15. for thy s. knew nothing of all this 23. U. O Lord God, I beseech thee, tell thy s. 28. 2. surely thou shalt know what thy s. can do 2 Sam. 7. 19. but thou hast spoken of thy s. house 20. for thou, Lord God, knowest thy s. 29. let It please thee to bless the house of thy s. 9. C. Mepliilbosheth answered, behold thy s. 13. 35. the king's sons came as thy s. said, so it is 15. 21. in death or life, even there will thi/ s. be 19. 27. he hath slandered thys. unto my "lord 24. 10. O Lord, take away the iniquity of thy s. lKingsl.26.bat me. even me wyi. andZadok the priest, and thy s. Solomon hath he not called 2. 38. as my lord the king said, so will t?iy s. do 3. 8. and thy s. is in the midst of thy people 9. give thy s. an understar.(iing heart, to judge 8. 28. have thou respect to the prayer of thy s. 18. 12. but I thy s. fear the Lord from my youth 36 let it be known this day that I am thys. 20. 32. thi/ s. Benhadad saith, I pray let nie live 40. as tfiy s. was busy here and there, he was gone 2 Kings 4. 1. thy s. my husband Is dead, and thou knowest thy s. did fear Lord, the creditor is come 5. 18. the Lord pardon thy s. in this thing 25. Gohazl said, thi/ s. went no whither 8. 13. but what, is thy s.i\ dog? || IG. 7. I am thys. Neh. 1. 11. prosper, I pray thee, tfiy s. this day Fsal. 19. U. moreover, by them Is thy s. warned 13. keep back thy s. from presumptuous sins 27. 9. put not thy s. away in anger, leave me not 31. 16. make thy face to shine upon thy s. save me 69. 17. hide not thy face from thy s. In trouble 86. 2. O my God, save thy i."that trusteth in thee 16. give thy strength unto thys. and save mo 89. 39. thou hast made void the covenant of thy s. 116. 16. truly I am thy s. 119. 123. 1 UT 12. f'Jccl. 7. 21. lest thou hear thy s. curse thee Isa. GX 17. return, for thy s. sake, the tribes Dan. 9. 17. () ( Jod, hear the prayer ot thy s. Luke 2. 29. Lord, lettcst thou thy s. depart in peace SERVANT.S. Gen. 9. 25. Canaan, a servant of s. shall he be 27. 37. .ill his brethren have 1 given him for f. Lev. 23. 53. to me the children of Israel are s. Josh. 9. 11. go meet them, and sar, we are your s. 1 Sam. 4. 9. that ye he not s. unto the Hebrews 17. 8. am I not a Philistine, and you s, to Saul ? 9. if he kill me, then will we be your s. hut l( 1 kill him, then shall ye bo our s. and serve us 22. 17. but the s. of the king would not put forth 25. 10. many s. break away from their masters 41. to wash the feet of the «. of my lord SER 2 Sain. 8. 2. so the Moabites became David's i. a. the Syrians || 14. they ot Bdom becama David's s. 9 10. now Ziba had fifteen sons and twentv s. 12, all in the house of Ziba s. to Mephlhosheth 10. 4. Ilaiiun took David's s. and shaved the half of iheir bi'ards, and cut garments, I Chr. 19. 4. 11. 11. the.?, of my Lord are encamped in fields 1 Kings 2. 39. two of the s. of Shlmei ran away 2 Kings 21. 23. the s. ol Amon conspired against him 1 Chron. 21. 3. but are th(>y not all mv lord's s f 2 Chron. 8. 9. of the children of Israel Solomon made no*. 36. 20. carried to Babylon, where they were s. Ezra 5. 11. we are the s. of the God of heaven Neh. S. 15. thi'lri. bare rule over the people 9. 36. behold, we are*, this day, s. in tliejand Job. 1. 13. they have slain the«. with the sword, 17. Psal. 12.J. 2. as the eyes of i. look to their masters Eicl. 2. 7. I got me s. and had s. born in my house 10. 7. 1 have seen *. unon horses, and princes walking as s. upon the earth Isa. 14. 2. Israel shall possess them for s. and handmaids Jer. 34. 11. caused the s. whom thoy had let go free, to return, and brought them into subjection for*. Lam. 5. 8. s. have ruled over us, none deliver Han. 3. 26. ye s. of the most high God, come forth Joel 2. 29. upon the s. will I pour out my Spirit Zech. 2. 9. behold, they shall be a spoil to their s. Mat. 22. 13. then said the king to the s. bind him 2.5. 19. the lord of those s. cnnieth and reckoneth Markli. 65. the s. did strike Jesus with their hands Luke 12. 37. blessed are those s. round watching, 3.3. 17. 10. say, are unprofitable*, have done our duty John 15. 15. Henceforth I call you not s. for servant Acts 16. 17. these men are «. of the most high God Ron. 6. 16. to whom ye yield yourselves s. to obey 17. God be thanked, that ye were the s. of sin 18. made free, ye became the s. of righteousness 19. as ye have yielded your members s. to sin 20. s. of sin, ye were free from righteousness 22. being free from sin, and become s. to God 1 Cor. 7. 23. ye are bought, be not ye the s. of men 2 Cor. 4. 5. and ourselves your s. for Jesus' sake Eph. 6. 5. s. be obedient to vour masters according to the flesh, Col. 3. 22. Tit. 2. 9. 1 Pet. 2. 18. 6. not with eye-service, but as the s. of Christ Phi!. 1. 1. Paul and Timotheus the s. of Christ Col. 4. 1. masters, give yours, what is just 1 Tim. 6. 1. let as many s. as are under the yoke 1 Pet. 2. 16. not u.sing liberty, but as the s. of God 2 Pet. 2. 19. they themselves are the s. of corruption Itev. 7. 3. till we have sealed the s. of our God See Hired. JJis SERVANT.S. Gen. 40. 20. Pharaoh made a feast unto all his .». E.rod. 9. 20. Pharaoh made his s. flee into house 12. .".O. Pharaoh rose in the night, he and hiss. Num. 22. 22. Balaam ridhig, and his two s. with him Deut. 32. 36. Lord shall repent himself for his s. 43. for he will avenge the blood of his«. 1 Sam. 8. 14. take the best, and give to his s. 15. 17. yo will take the tenth, ye shall be his s. 19. 1. Saul spake to all his s. to kill David 22. 6. and all his s. were standing about him 2 Kings 5. 13. his s. came near, and spake unto him 1 Chron. 19. 3. are not his s. come to thee to search ? 2 Chron. 12. 8. nevertheless, they shall be his s. 32. 16. his s. spake yet mora against tlie Lord God Neh. 2. 20. therefore, we his t. will arise and build Job 4. 18. behold, he put no trust In his >. and angels Psal 69. 36. the seed also of his s. shall inherit it 105. 25. turned their lieart, to deal subtilly with his s. 1,'?5. 14. he will repent himself concerning his s. Prov. 29. 12. if hearken to lies, all his s. are wicked ha. 56. 0. to love the name of the Lord, to be hiss. 65. ir>. the Lord shall call his s. by another nama 66. 14. hand of the Lord bo known toward his s. Jer. 22. 4. riding in chariots, on horses, he and hist 30. 31. punish him, his seed and hiss, for Iniquity Ezek. 46. 17. If the prince give a gift to his s. Dan. 3. 28. and delivered his s. that trusted in him Mat. 18. 2.1. king who would take account of his s. 21. 34. he sent hit s. to the husbandmen to receive Luke 19. 11. ho called /ii".« ten .«. and delivered them A'om. 6. 16. his s. yo are to whom ye obey Rev. 1. 1. to show his s. things that must come, 22.8. 19. 2. hath avenged blood of Ai? t. at her hand a. praise God, all yo his s. and ye that tear him 22. 3. throne shall be in it, and his s. shall servo him See Lord, Maid. Mem. M>/ .SEKVANTS. Lev. 25. 42. they are my s. whom I brought out, 55. 1 .Sam. 21. 2. I have appointed my s. such a place 1 Kintjs 5. 6. my s. shall be with thy servants 2 Chr. 2.8. 20, 6. yet I will send my s. unto thee to-morrow 22. 49. let my s. go with thy servants in the ships, but 2 Kings 9. 7. that I may avenge the blood of my s, Neh. 4. 10. the half of my s. wrought In the work 23. neither I nor my t. put off our clothes SEE B. 10. 1 and my $. might exact of them money. corn 16. all my s. were gathered thither to thj work J/eJ>. 13. 1S>. and some of my s. sat I at the gates Jsa. 65. 9. mine elect and my s. shall dwell there J3. my s. shall eat||U. my s. shall sing lor joy Jer. 7. 25. I have even sent to you all my s. -44. 4. John la 36. if kingdom of world, then would my s. lltflit Jcis 2. 18. on my «. I will pour out of my Spirit Bev. 3. 20. calls herself a prophetess, to seduce my s. See Prophets. Thy .SICKVAN'TS. Oen. 42. 11. we are true men, thy s. are no spies 44. 16. God hath found out the iniquity of thy s. 47. 3. thy s. are shepherds, both we ana onr fathers 60. 18. his brethren said, behold, we be tfiys. Exod. 5. 15. wheretore dealest thou thus with thy s. 11. 8. these thy t. shall bow down themselves to me 82. 13. remember Abraham and Israel thy s. Deut. y. 27. Num. 3!. 25. thy s. will do as my lord command. 31. Josh. 9. 8. CJibeonites said to Joshua, we .ire thys. 10. 6. sayinir, slack not thy hand from thy s. 1 ■Sam. 12. la. pray for thv ,i. to tlie Lord thy God 22. 14. Who IS so faithful among all th'ii .i. a- IJavid ? 2 Sam. 19. 7. and speak comfortably to thy s. 14 they sent this word, return thou and aUthys. 1 Kings 2. 39. thoy told Shimei, thy s. be In Gath 5. 6. my servants shall be with tfiy s. 2 Chvon. 2.8. 8. 23. who keepcst covenant and mercy with thys. 32. hear thou and juJpo thy s. 2 Chron. 6. 23. 10. 8. happy are these thy s. 2 Chron. 9. 7. 12. 7. they will be tity s. lor ever, 2. Citron. 10. 7. 2 A'tnjJS. 3. onesaid, lie content, and go with thy s. J/eh. 1. 10. now these are thy s. and thy people 11. let thine ear be attentfve to prayer ot t/n/ s. P.^al. 79. 2. the bodies of thy s. have they given 10. by the revengitig of the blood of thy s. shed 89. 50. remember, Lord, the reproach oi thy s. Oil. 13. let it repent thee concerning thy s. 16. let thy work appear to thy s. and ihy glory 102. 14. (or thy s. take pleasure in her stones 28. children of thy s. shall continue, their seed 119. 91. they contiime this day, for all are thi/ .t. Jsa. 37. 24. by thy f. hast thou reproached the Lord Dan. 1. 12. prove thy s. I beseech thee, ten days 18. and as thou seest. deal with thy s. Acts 4. 29. grant unto thv s. that with all boldness Si'c Women. SKUVE. Gm. 15. 13. thy seed slniU s. them 400 years 14. that nation whom they sliall s. will I judge 25. 23. and the elder shall s. the younger 37. 29. let peoples, thee, nations bow down to thee 40. by thy sword shalt thou live, and s. brother 29. 15. shouldst thou therefore s. me for nought? 18. 1 will s. thee seven years for Kaclicl 27. thou Shalt s. with nie seven other years £zod. 1. 13. they made Israel to s. with rigour 3. 12. ye shall s. God upon this mountain 4. 2.i. I say, let my son go, that ye may s. me 7. IC. let my people go, that they may *. me in the wilderness, 8. 1. 20. | 9, 1, 13. | 10. 3. 14. 12. saying, let us alone, that we mays, l•;^'vp- tians, for it had been better for us "to j. them 20. 6. not bow down to them, nors. them, Jieul. 5.9. 21. 2. an Hebrew servant, six years he shall s. 6. shall bore his ear, and he shall s. him lor ever Lev. 25. 39. Shalt not compel him to s. as bond- servant 40. he shall *. thee nnto the year of Jubilee Hum. 4. 24. the family of the Gershonites to s. 26. shall bear all made for them, so shall they s. 8. 25. from the age oi ilrty they shall s. no moro 18. 21. the tenth to Levi, for their service they s. Deut. 4. 19. thou shouldest be driven to s. them & 13. thou Shalt fear the Lord thy God, and .«. him 10. 12, 20. 1 n. 13. I 1.3. 4. Josh. 22. 5. I 24. 14, 16. 1 1 Sam. 7. 3. | 12. 14, 20, 24. 15. 12. if brother be sold to thee, and s. six years 20. 11. shall be tributaries to thee, and shall t. thee 28. 48. therefore shalt thou s. thine enemies Josli. 24. 15. choose you this day whom yon will s. Judg. 9. 28. should s. Shechem, should s. llamor 38. who Is Abimelech, that we should s. him? 1 Sam. 10. 7. do thou as occasion shall s. thee 11. 1. make covenant with us, and we will s. thee 12. 10. but now deliver us, and we will s. thee 17. 9. then shall ye be our servants, and s. us 2 Sam. 16. 19. whom should Is. 7 shoulil I not s. 22 44. a people I knew not shall s. me, I'sal. 18 43. 1 Kings 12. 4. now therefore make thou this heavy yoke lighter, and we will s. thee, 2 Chron. 10. 4 2 Rings 10. 18. but Jehu shall s. Baal much 2b. 24. dwell in the land, and s. the king of Baby- Ion. Jer. 27. 11. 12, 17. I 28. 14. | 40. 9. 1 CT''on. 28. 9. and s. him with a perfect heart 2 Chron. 29. 11. the Lord hath chosen you to s. him 34. as. Josiah made all present to s. the Lord God Job 21. 15. what Almighty, that we should s. hiin ? 36. 11. If they obey and s. him, they shall spend 89. 9. will the unicorn he willing to s. thee ? rsai. 22. 30. a seed shall s. him and be accounted 72. IL yea all kings, all nations shall s. him 97. 7. confounded be all they that t. graven images SEB Psal 101. 6. walKeth in a perfect way, he shall s. me !sa. 14. 3. the bondage wherein thou was made tos. 19. 2.1 the Eayptians shall s. with the Assyrians 41. 23. 1 have not caused thee to s. with an olleriiig 21. but thou hast made me tos. with thy sins 5ii. C join themselves to the Lord, to s. him 60. 12. tlie nation that will not s. thee shall perish Jer. 5. 19. so shall ye s. strangers in land not yours 17. 4. I will cause thee to s. thine enemies 25. 11. these nations shall i. the king of Babylon 14. many nations .shall s. themselves, 27. 7. 27. 6. beasts of the field have I given to s. him 8. the nation that will not s. king of Babylon, 13. 9. the prophets that say, ye shall not ,«. 14. 30. 8. strangers shall no more i. themselves of him 34. 9. that none should s. himself of them, 10. 4(t. 9. saying, fear not tos. the Chaldeans; dwell 10. as for me, behold, I will s. the Chaldeans Ez'k. 20. 32. families of the countries tos. wood 39. O house of Isr. go s. ye every one his idols 40. Israel all of them In the land shall s. me 29. 18. his army s. a great service against Tyriis 48. 18. Increase for food to them that s. the city 19. that s. the city, shall s. it out of all tribes Dan. 3. 17. our God whom we s. is able to deliver 28. they might not s. any, except their own God 7. 14. people, nations and languages should s, him 27. and all dominions shall s. and obey him Zeph. S. 9. call on Lord, to s. him with one con- , , sent Mai. 3. 14. ye have said, it is in vain to s. God .\fat. 4. 10. him only shalt thou s. Luke 4. 8. 6. 24. no man can s. two masters; ye cannot s. God and mamnion, Luke 16. 13. Lnkel. 74. that we being delivered, mights, him 10. 40. that my sister hath left me to s. alone 12. 37. 1 say, he will come forth and s. them 15. 29. lo, these many years do I s. thee 17. 8. will not rather s.ay, gird thyself and s. me 22. 26. and he that Is chief, as he that doth s. John 12. 2C. if any man «. me, let him follow me Acts 6. 2. that we leave word of God, and s. tables 7. 7 shall they come forth and s. me in this place 27. 23. stood by me the angel of God. whom I s. Rom. 1. 9. for God is my witness, whom I s. with my spirit in gospel of his Son, without ceasing 6. 6. that henceforth we should not s. sin 7. C. that we should s. iii newness of spirit, not in 25. so then, with the mind I s. the law of God 9. 12. it was said, the elder shall s. the younger 16. 18. for they that are such s. not our Lord Ga!. 5. 1.3. but by love s. one another Col. 3. 24 receive reward, for yes. the Lord Christ 1 TItess. 1. 9. ye turned from idols to s. tiie living God 2 Tim. 1. 3. 1 thank God whom Is. from my fathers IJcb. 8. 5. who s. to the exainple of heavenly things 9. 14. purge from dead works to s. the living God 12. 28. grace, whereby ye may s God acceptably 1.3. 10. no right to eat, whicli s. the tabernacle Rev. 7. 15. they s. him day and night in his teinple 22. 3. of the Lamb, and his servants shall s. him .SERVE joined with gods. Exod. 2.3. 24. thou Shalt not s. their goils, Deut. 6. 14. I 28. 14. Josh. 23 7. 2 Kings 17. 35. Jer. 25. 6. 1 35. 1.5. 33. if thou s. their gods it will be a snare to thee Deut. i. 28. there ye shall s. gotls, the work of men's hands, wood, 28. 30, 64. Jer. 10. 1.3. 7. 4. will turn, that they may s. other goiis. ,31. 20. 8.19. if thou s. other gods' >mA worship them 11. 16. 30. 17. Josh. 24. 20. 2 Chron. 7. 19. 12. 30. how did these nations s. their gods f 13. 2. let us go after, and s. other goch. 6. 13. 29. 18. turnclh away from God tos. other godf Jiisli. 24. 10. (Jod torhid we should s. other gtid.t Judg. 2. 19. they corrupted themselves more than their fathers to s. otlier uoJs, Jer. 11. 10. I 1,3. 10. 1 Sam. 26. 19. driyen me, saying, go s. other gods Jir. 41. 3. provoke me to anger, tos. other gods Dun. 3. 12. they s. not thy gods, nor worship the images 14. do ye not *. my g. ?ll 18. we will not t. thy gods See LOltl). SEUVEl). Gen. 14. 4. twelve years they s. Chednrl.iomer 29. 20. Jacobs, seven years for Kachel, ,30. 3(1. 2r.. give me my children for whom I s. theo 29. he said, thou knowest how I have s thee 31. 6. with all my p iwer I have s. your father 41. I s. thee 14 years for thv two daughters Deut. 12. 2. wherein the nations s. their gods 17.3. hath gone and s. other gods, and worshipped them, the sun or moon. 29. 26. Josh. 23. 16. Jo.^h. 24. 2. your fathers i. other gods, 15. 14. put away the gods which your fathers s. 31. and Israels. Lord all the days of Joshua, and of the elders that overlived Joshua, Judg. 2. 7. Jitdg. 2. 11. Israel s. Baalim, 13. | 3. 7. | 10. 6, 10. 3 0. they gave daughters to sons, and s. their gods 8. Israel s. Chushan-rishathaiin eight years 14. so Israel s. Eglon king ol Moab 18 years 8. 1. men of Ephr. said, why hast thon.?. us thus? 10. 13. ye liave forsaliea me, and s. other goOn SER Judg. 10. 16. they pat away goih, s. Lord 1 Sam. J. 4. 2 Sam. 10. 19. the SjTians made peace and s. Israel 16. 19. as I have s. in thy father's presence 1 Vrin4rs4.21. they brought presents and s. Solomon 9. 9. Deeause they s. other gods, 2 Chron. 7. 22 10. 31. Ahab s. Baal || 22. 53. Anaziah s. Baat 2 Ai>i<7s 10. 18. Jehu said. Ahab s. Baal a little 18 7. Ilezekiah s. not the king of Assyria 21. 3. Maiuisseh s. host o( heaven. 2 Chr. 33. 22. 21. Ainon s. idols his father s. Chr. 33. 22. 2 Chron. 24. 18. princes of Judah s. groves and „ , . idols J^eh. 9. 35. they have not s. thee in their kingdom I sal. 100. 36. and they s. their idols, which were 137. 8. that rewardeth thee as thou hast s. us Eccl. 5. 9. the king himself is s. by the field. Jrr. 5. 19. as yc have s. strange gods In your land 8. 2. before the sun and moon, whomtliev haves. 16. 11. have walked after other gods and s. them 22. 9. they woishipiied other gods and s. them 34. 14. when he hath s. thee six years, let him go tzek. 29. 18. tor the service which he had s. 20. 34. 27. delivered out of the hands of those that s. Nos. 12. 12. Israel s. for a wife, he kept sheep Luke 2. 37. Anna s. God night and day in the , , ,„ . ., temple .John 12. 2. they made him a supper and Jfarthas. .Ms 13. 36. after David had s. his generation Rom. 1. 25. who worshipped and s. the creature rhil. 2. 22. he hath s. with me in the gospel SEKVEDST. Deut. 28. 47. thou s. not the Lord with gladness SEHVE.ST. Dan. 6. 16. thy God whom thou s. will deliver 20. is thy God whom thou s. able to deliver thee SEUVETH. IVum. 3. 36. under the charge of Merarl all thats. Mat. 3. 17. as a man spareth his son that s. him. 18. between him that s. God, and him tliat «. r , „„ "Ot Lu&e 22. 27. whether greater, he that sitteth at meat or he that s.t but I am among you as one thats. Rom. 14. 18. he that in these things s. Christ Is 1 Cor. 14. 22. prophecy s. not them that believe ^ , not Gal. 3. 19. wherefore then s. the law t it was added SEltVlCE. Gen.29. 27. for the s. that thou sh.ilt serve with me 30. 26. thou knowest the s. which I have done txod. 1. 14. in all manner of s. in field; all their s. wherein they made them serve was with rigour 12. 25. come to land, ye shall keep this s. 13. 5. 26. children shall say. what mean ye bv this s..» 27. 19. all vessels in all the s. thereof be of brass 31. 10. may make the clothes of the s. 35. 19. 36. 6. people bring more than enough tor the s. Num. 3. 7. tribe of Levi to do s. of tabernacle, 8. 26. the charge of the Gershonites for the s. 31. s. of sanctuary the charge of Koha|hites, 4. 4. 4. 19. Aaron and sons shall appoint them to thes. 2.3. all that enter in to perform the s. to do work 24. this is the s. of the Gershonites, 27. 28. 30. the s. of the sons of .Merari, 33. 43. 7. 5. that they may do the s. of the tabernacle 8. 11. the Levites may execute the t. of the Lord 24. they shall go in to wait upon s. of the taber- nacle. 25. from 50 years shall cease waiting on the s. 16. 9. a small thing to bring you to the s. 18. 4. the Levites be joined to thee for all thes. 6. the Levites are given as a gift to do the *. 21. have given all tenth in Israel for their s. 31. Jo.^h. 22. 27. be a witness, that we might do tlie s. 1 Kings 12. 4. make thou the grievous s. lighter 1 Chron. 6. 31. whom David set over the s. 9. 13. very able men for the work of the s. 26. 8. 24. 3. David distributed them In their s. 28. 13. the Levites lor all the work of the s. 21. the priests shall be with thee lor all the s. 29. 5. who is willing to consecrate his s. to Lord? 7. and gave for tlie .?. of house of God, gold, silver 2 diron. 8. 14. the courses of the priests to their s. 12. 8. they may know my s. and s. of the king- doms 24. 12. and gave the money to such as did the s. 29. 3.5. so the s. of the house was set in order 31. 2. appointed every man according to hiss. 21. in every work that he began In the s. 35. 2. encouraged them to thes. of the Lord 10. so the s. of the Lord was prepared, 16. Ezra 0. 18. In their courses, for the s. of (iod, 7. 19. Aeh. 10. 32. with the third part of a shekel lor s. /'sal. 104. 14. causeth herb to grow for the s. oi man .fer. 22. l.l thatuseth nelglibour'ss. without wages Ezek. 29. 18. caused his army to serve a great s. 44. 14. keepersof the charge of house for all thes. John 10. 2. who killeth you will think he doth Gods Rom. 9. 4. to whom pertaineth the s. of God 1. sacrifice to God, which is your reasonable s. 31. that my s. may be accepted of the saints 2 Cor. 9. 12. for the administration of this s. not only II. 8. taking wages of them to do you s. Gal. 4. 8. did s. to them who by nature are no gods Eiih. 6. 7. with good-will doing s. as to the Lord nil. 2. 17. if I be offered upon the s. of your faitU 30. to supply your lack off. totvard me SET 1 Tim.G.2. rather do s. because they are belovod ffeb.9.l. first covenant haJ ordinances of a pl.ace, and gone 2 Sam. 3. 10. to s. up throne ol David over Israel 7. 12. I will*, up toy seed after thee, which shall 1 Kings 15.4. los.up liis son allerhim and establish 2 hinc/s 17. 10. tliev s. them up imai;us ami groves 1 (7ir.'2I. 18. s. the'm H/>an altar in tlireshing Uoor 2 Chron. 25. 14. Amaziah s. them up to bo his gods .W. 19. .Manasseh s. up groves and ijiaven images Ezra 2. 68. ollered freely to s. up God's house 4. 12. .lews have s. up the walls thereof, 13. 16. 5. II. build the bouse a great king of Israel, ». up 6. 11. being s. up, let him bo hanged thereon 9. 9. to give us a reviving to s. up house of God Neh. 3. 1. they built .shi ep-gate, iliey sanctified It, and s. up the doors of it, 3, 6. 13, 14, 15. I 7. 1. 6.1. thouRh at that time I had not s. up the doors Job 5. 11. to s. up on high those that be low 16. 12. hath shaken me, and s. mo up for his mark Fsal. 20. 5. the name of G. we will s. up our banner 27. 6 he shall hldo me, and «. oie up upon a tocI( SET />(.69.29.let thy salvation, O God, ». me vp on lilgh 74. * they J. up their ensictis for siRiis 89. 42. thou hast s. up riglit hand ot adversaries J'roe. 8. 23. 1 was i. up from everlastitiR Ironi beginiiinc Jsa. 9. 11. Lord sliall ». up the advcrsarips of Rczin 11. 12. he shall s. up an ensign for the nations 23. 13. the)' s. up towers tliereof, raised palaces ♦5. 20. that J. up wood of tlieir uravon image 49. 22. t)oliold I will s. up my slandard to people fi7. 8. thou h.nst 1. up thy remi'Uihrance Jer. 4. 6. I. up the standard toward Zion, retire 10. 20. there is none to s. up my curtains JL 13. have ye s. up altars to that shameful thing 34. 4. and I will s. up shepherds over them 31. 21. s. thee up way mark.s. make high heaps 50. 2. J. up a standard, publisii, 51. 12. 27. ai. 12. s. up the watchniun. prepare ambushes Jyam. 2. 17. he hath s. up horn ol thy adversaries Ji'ztJ:. 14. a these men have s. up their Idols 13. 2. the deep s. him up on hi(;h writh her rivers 34. 23. I will s. up one shepherd over them Dan. 2. 44. God of heaven shall s. up a kingdom 3. 14. nor worship the golden im.ise I have s. up 6. 19. whom he would he J. up and put down 12. 11. abomination that niaketh desolate s. up JIos. &. 4. they have s. up Kings, but not by me J/al. 3. Ifl. they that work wickedJie^s are s. up Mat. 27. 37. and s. up over bis head this accu- sation Acts C. 13. and s. up false witnesses, who said 18. 16. I will builo iicaiii the ruins, and s. it up SKT, Passive. Oen. 24. 3a there was j. meat before him to eat 2a 11. son was s. H 12, a ladder was s. upon c^ith £xod. 25. 7. stones s. in ephod, 28. 11. | 35. 9, 27 28. 17. two tenons s. in order against another 32. 22. knowest people, they are set on misihief 37. 3. the rings s. || 39. 37. the lamps s. In order 1 Sam. la 30. so that his name was much set by 2a 24. behold, as thy life was much j. by this day 1 Sarn. 12. 30. crown s. on D.ivid's head, 1 Chron. 20. 2. 1 Kings 2. 19. a seat to be s. for the king's mother 14. 4. Alilj.ih could not see, for his eyes were s. 2 Kings 12. 4. the money that every man is s. at 9. r.'. porters appointed in theirs, office 19. 10. Joab saw that battle w.is s. against him 29. 2. David gave onyx-stones anil stones to be.s. 2 Chron. G. 10. and I am s. on the throne of Israel 29. 35. service of the house of L. was set in order 31. 15. in their s. odice to give their brethren la in their s. office they sanctified themselves Job 36. 16. and what should be s. on thy table I'sal. 10. a his eyes are privily set against the poor 122. 5. there are set thrones of judgment, of David 141. 2. let my prayer be s. forth before thee Proi: 18. t 10. righteous run into It, and is s. aloft 29. t 25. puts trust in tlie Lord, shall be s. on high Eccl. a 11. the heart is fully s. in them to do evil 10. 6. folly *. in great dignity; rick sit in low place Cant. 5. 12. his eyes are as the eyes of doves fitly s. 14. his hands are as gold rings s. with the beryl 16. his legs are s. upon sockets of fine gold 7. 2. thy belly as a heap of wheat s. with lilies Jsa. 3. 24. and instead of well s. hair, baldness 21. 8. 1 am s. in my ward whole nights Jer. 6. 23. s. In array, as men for war, Joel 2. 6. 31. 29. children's teeth are set on cdi;e, Ezek. 18. 2 30. man thateateth, his teeth shall be s. on edge Ezek. 22. 10. they humbled her that was s. apart J)an. 7. 10. judgment was s. books were opened JIah. 3. 13. the gates of thy land shall bo s. open Mat. 5. 14. a city s. on a hill cannot be hid 27. 19. When he was s. on judgment-seat, wife sent Mark 1. Z2. when sun did s. they brought diseased •4. 21.^ candle, and not to be s. on a candlestick ». 12. must suffer many things, and be s. at nought Luke 2. 34. this child Is s. for the fall and rising 7. 8. for 1 also am a man s. under authority 10. 8. eat such things as are s. before you John %. 6. there were s. six water-pots of stone Acts 4. 11. the stone set at nought of you builders IB. 27. our craft Is In danger to be s. at nought 26. 32. this man might have been s. at liberty 1 Cor. 10. '27. whatsoever Is s. belore you eat Qal. 3. 1. Christ had been evidently *. forth cru citled Phil. 1. 17. I am *. for the defence of the gospel Jleb. 0. 18. to lay hold on the hope t. before us 8. 1. who Is s. on right hand of the throne, 12. 2. 12. 1. let us run the race that Is s. before us 2. who for joy that was s. before him, endured 13. 23. our brother Timothy is 5. at liberty Jude 7. tlie cities are a. forth for an example Jiev. 3. 21. am s. down with my Fatlier In throne 4.2. a throne was t. In heaven, one sat on throne SET day. Acts 13. 2L on a s. day Ilerod arrayed In royal apparel See Face, Faces, Feasts. SET time. Oen. 17. 21. Sarah shall bear to thee at this t. time ai, 2. at the 3. time of which God had spoken 636 SEV Exod. 9. 5. the Lord appointed a s. time saying 1 Sam. 13. 8. according to i. time .Sam. appointed 2 Sam. 20. &. Amasa tarried longer than the s. time Job 14. 13. that thoa wouldst appoint me a s. time PsaL 102. 13. the s. time to favour her is come SETTER. Acts 17. 18. seems to be a s. forth ol etraiige gods SETTEST. neul. 2,?. 20. In all thou s. thy hand to, 2a 8, 20. Jvb 7. 12. am I a sea, that thou s. a watch over rae? 13. 27. thou s. a print on the heels of my feet Psal. 21. 3. thou s. a crown of gold on his head 41. 12. thou *. me before th v face for ever SETTETH. Fiod. .30. 1 8. when Aaron s. up the lamps iViini. 1-. 51. when the tabernacle s. forward 4. 5. when camp 5. forward, Aaron shall come Dintt. 24. 15. he is poor, and s. his heart upon it 27. 15. cursed be he that s. light by his father 2 Sam. 22. 34. s. me on high places, Psal. 18. 33. Job 24. flS. the adulterers, his face In secret 28. 3. he s. an end to darkness, and searcheth ■40 1 17. he s. up his tail like a cedar Psal. 35. 4. he s. himself in a way that is not good 65. 6. -which by his strength *. fast mountains 68. 6. God s. solitary in families, he bring- out 75. 7. he putteth down one, and s. up another 83. 14. as a flame s. the mountains on fire 107. 41. yet s. poor on high from affliction Isa. 44. 1 19- none *. to his heart, nor is there know. JerrS. 26. they lay wait as he that s. snares 4.'5. 3. but Baruch s. thee on against us Ezek. 14. 4. that s. up his idol in his heart, 7. Dun. 2. 21. he removeth kings and s. up kings 4. I", he J. up over it the basest of men Mat. 4. 5. and s. him on a pinnacle of the temple Luke 8. 16. but s. it on a candlestick that they see Jam. 3. 6. tongue s. on fire the course of nature SETTING. Fzek. 43. 8. in theW .;. of their threshold by mine Mat. 27. 66. sealing the stone, and s. a w.atch Luke 4. 40. when sun was s. they brought the sick SETTINGS. Exod. 2a 17. thou shnlt set in it i. of stones SETTLE. E:ek. 43. 14. (lom the ground even to the lower s. 17. and tliei. shall be fourteen cubits long 20. put blood on the four corners of the .«. 45. 19. SETTLE. 1 Chron. 17. 14. but I will .s. him in mine house Ezek. 30. U. 1 will s. you alter your old estates Luke 21. H. s. It in your hearts, not to meditate 1 Pet. 5. 10. but God stablish, strengthen, s. you SETTLED. 1 Ktn(;s 8. 13. built a s. place for thee to abide in 2 Kings 8. 11. he s. his countenance stedfastiy Psal. 30. i'J. thou hast J. strength for my moun- tain .39. fS. every man s. is altogether vanity 119. 89. for ever, O Lord, thy word is s. in heaven Prov. 8. 25. before mountains were s. before hills Jer. 43. 11. Moab been at ease, he hath s. on his lees Zrph. 1. 12. punish men that are*, on their lees Col. 1. 23. if ye continue in faith grounded and s. SETTEST. Psal. 65. 10. thoa s. furrows thereof, makest soft SEVEN. Besides the known signification of thi^ word, it is a'so used in scripture as u number of perfection. In Vie sacred books, and in the religion of tlie Jews, o great number of events and mysterious circumstances are set fur th by the number of se- ven. God consecrated the seventh day, on which he ceased from his works of creation, as a day of rest and repose. This rest of the sevcntfi day, according to the Apostle, intimates eternal rest, lleb. 4. 4, 9. And not only the seventh day is honoured among tlie Jews, by the rest of tlu: sabbath, but every .seventh year is also conse- crated to the rest of the earth, by t/ie name of a sabbatical year ; as also the seven times se- venth year, or forty-nine ye.ii. 23. 15. s. sabbaths shall be complete L'5. 8. slialt number s. sabbaths of years to thee Num. 23. 1. Balaam said to Balak, bnilil mo here s. altars, and prepare s. o.\en and i. rams, 29. 4. and he said, I have prepared s. altar", 14. Deut. 7. 1. I. nations greater and mightier than thou 16. 9. s. weeks thou shalt number to thee, begin 28. 7. Lord cause enemies to flee before thee s. ways 25. thou Shalt flee s. ways before them Josh. 6. 4. s. priests bearing s. trumpets, 6, 8, la 18. 2. there remaiued of Israel s. tribes not re- ceived. 6. and they shall divide it into s. parts, 6. 9. described it by cities into s. parts In a book Judg. 16. 7. If they bind me with s. green witlis 13. if thou weavcst s. locks | 19. shave ofT ». locks- 1 Sam. 2. 5. so that the barren hath born *. 0. 1. the ark was with the Philistines i. months 16. 10. Jesse made s. of his sons to pass before Samuel 2 Sam. 21. 9. they fell all s. together and put lo- death 1 Chron. 3. 24. and the sons of Elioenal were s. 5. 13. their brethren of house of their fathers weres. 2 Chron. 29. 21. they brought s. bullocks, s. rains Ezra 7. 14. sent of king and of his*, councillors Eslh. 1.10. s. chamberlains that served in pre- sence 14. the s. princes which saw the king's face 2. 9. he gave her s. maidens meet to be given her Job.^. 19. in s. troubles no evil shall touch thee Prov. 6. 16. yea s. are an abomination unto him 9. 1. wisdom hath hewn out her s. pillars 26. 25. lor there are s. abominations in his heart Eccl. II. 2. give a portion to s. also to elL'lit Isa. 4. 1. in that d.ay s. women take lioid of onei man 11. 15. the Lord shall smite vt In the s. streams ./er 15. 9. she that hath born s. langulshelh Ezek. 39. 12. s. months shall they bo burylnff them 14. after the end of .«. months shall they search 40. 22. they went up unto it by s. steps, 26. 41. 3. and "the breadth of the doori. cubits /Jan. 9. 25. unto the Messiah, shall be s. weeks Mtc. 6. S. we shall raise against him s. shepherds Zcclt. 3. 9. behold, upon one stone shall be s. eyes 4. 8. his s. lamps thereon, and s. pipes to s. lamps. 10. plummet in hand of Zerubbabel with those s. Mat. 15. 34. they said, s. loaves, 36. Mark 8. 5. 37. they took up s. baskets full, Mark 8. 8. 16. 10. nor the *. loaves among four thousand 22.25. now there were with us s. brethren, and the first deceased, Mark 12. 20. Luke 20. 29. 28. In resurrection whose wife shall she be of*. Mark 1'2. 22. and s. had her, 23. Luke 20. 31, S3. 16. 9. out of whom he cast s. devils, Luke 8. 2. Acts 13. 19. when he destroyed *. nations in Canaan 21. 8. Philip who was one of the s. deacons Itcv. 1. 4. John to s. churches in Asia, grace to you 11. write and send it to the s. churches in ,\sia 12. being turned, I saw *. golden candlesticks 13. in midst of s. candlesticks one like Son of man 20. s. stars are the angels of the churches, the s. candlesticks thou sawest are the s. churches 2.1. who walkcth in midst of 4. golden candlesticks 5. 6. I beheld Lamb as slain, having s. horns, and s. eyes, which are the s. spirits o( (iod sent lortti 8. 2. I saw the s. angels which stood before God 6. the s. angels prepared themselves to sound 10. 3. when ho cried, s. thunders uttered voices 4. seal up what the s. thunders have uttered 12.3. behold a great dragon, having s. heads, and s. crowns upon his heads, 43. 1. | 17. .3. 7. 15.1. I saw s. angels having the s. last plagues, 6. 7. gave to s. angels s. golden vials full of wrath 8. no man was able to enter Into the temple, till the s. plague of the 5. angels were tulfiUed 1.1. 1. I heard a voice, saying to the s angels 17. 1. and there came one of the s. angels which had the s. vials, and talked with me. 21. a 17. 9. the s. heads are t. mountains on which 10. there are s. kings, five are fvUcn, one is, other SEV Rni. 17. 11. tlie beast Is of i. and goeth Into periii tion See DATS. Hundred. SEVKN ftu/Zoc*.?. Num. 23. 29. preiJiire mc here .'. buUnrks s. rams 29. .3'.'. on the seventh day s. bullorks, two rams 1 Citron. 15. 26. Levites offered i. bulJocks, s. rams 2 Vttron. 29. 21. they brought s. bullodcs. s. rams Job 42. 8. take to you now, s. bidlocks, s. rams ii'ze*. 45. 23. preiiarir a hurnt-nneriiig, s. bullocks SEVEK-FOLD. Gen. 4. 15. vengeance shaM be taken on hhn s. 24. if (Jam shall be aveiised s. Lamcch 70 and i. Pia/. 79. 12. renders, into their bosom reproach Prov. 6. 31. but if he be found he shall restore s. Jsa. 30. 26. aud the litiht of the sun shall be t. See Lambs, Lamps. SEVEN men. ! Sam. 21. 6. let s. men of his sons be delivered Prov. 26. 16. than s. men that can render ii reason Jet: 62. 25. took s. men that were near the king Acts 6. 3. look out s. men of honest report, full of Holy Ghost SEVEN rams. See SEVEN bullocks. See .SEALS. SEVEN sons. Jtutfi 4. 13. thy drtURhter Is better than s. sons Job 1.2. and there were born unto him s. sons 42. 1.3. he had also s. sons, and three daughters Acts 19. 14. there were s. sons of one Sceva a Jew SEVES spirits. Mai. 12. 45. then poeth he, and taketh with him- self i. other spirits more wicked, Luke 11. 26. Bev. 1. 4. from s. spirits before the throne of God 3. J. these saith he that hath the*, spirits of God 4. 5. seven lamps, which are the s. spirits of God 5. 6. seven eyes, which are tlie s. spirits of God SEVEN stars. Amos 5. 8. seek him that maketh the s. stars AVi). 1. 16. had in his ri^ht hand s. stars. 2. 1. | 3. 1. 20. mystery of s. stars, thou sawest in my right hand; s. stars are the angels of the s. churches .SEVEN and thirtt/. See Thirtt. See 'I'liousAND. SEVEN times. Osn. ."W. 3. Jacob bowed before Esau s. times Lev. 4. 6. priest shall sprinkle of the blood, s. times, 17. I 8. 11. I 14. 7. I 16. 14. 16. Nian. 19. 4. 14. 16. shall sprinkle oil with his tlngers s. times, 27 51. dip in blood, and sprinkle the house s. times £.5. 8. tnou slialt number s. times seven years 26. 18. I will punish you s. times more, 21, 24. 28. Josh. C. 4. he shall coiapass the city s. times, 15. 1 Kings 18. 43. said to his servant, go again, s. times 3 Kings 4. 35. child sneezed s. ttmu, and opened eyes .■;. 10. Elisha sent, go wash in Jordan ». times, 14. Psat. 12. 6. words are as silver purified s. times Il9. 164. s. times a day do I praise thee, because Prov. 24. 16. a just man falleth s. times, and riseth Dan. 3. 19. heat the furnace one s. times more than 4. 16. let s. times pass over him, 23, 25, 32. Mat. 18. 21. tiow oit shall I forgive? till s. times 22. I say not, till s. times, but until 70 times s. Luke 17. 4. if thy brother trespass against thee s. times a day, and s. times a day turn again to thee SEVEN and twenty. See Twentt. SEVEN-YEAKS. ^en. 29. 18. 1 will serve thee s. yrars for Racliel 21). served s. years || 27. serve s. other years. .30. 41. 26. the seven good kine are s. years, and the seven good ears are s. years', the dream is one 27. seven thin and Ill-favoured kine are s. years, seven empty ears shall be s. years of famine 29. there come s. years of plenty," 34, 47, 48. ,30. there shnll arise s. years ol famine, 36. 54. H'i. the s. years of plenteousncss were ended Lev. 25. 8. tnou shall number seven times s. years iSum. 13. 22. Hebron was built s. years before Zoan Deut. 15. 1. at the end of every s. years a release, 31. 10. Judg. 6. 1. Lord delivered Israel to Midian ,t. years ■2.i. take the second bullock ot's. years old 12. 9. Ibzan of Hethlehem judged Israeli, years 2 Sam. 2. 11. David was king in Hebron s. years six months, 6. 6. 1 Kings 2. 11. 1 Citron. 29. 27. 24. 13. shall s. years of famine come to thee? 1 Kings 6. 38. Sol. was ». years in building temple 2 Kings 8 1. famine shall como upon land s. years 2. she sojourned with the Philistines 5. years 11. 21. Athaliah was slain, and s. years old was Jehottsh wlien he began to reign, 2 Citron. 24.1. Jer. 34. 14. at end of i. years let ye go every man Ezek. 39. 9. shall burn weapons with fire s. years Luke 2. 36. Anna lived with an husband s. years SEVENS. Gen. 7. 2. of every clean beast shalt thou take by ». 3. of fowls ot the nir by s. the male and female SEVENTEEN. Cm. 37. 2. Jos. being s. years old was feeding flock 47. 28. Jacob lived in the land of Egypt s. years 1 Kings 14.21. Kehobnnm reigned i. years in Jerus. 2 Kings 13. 1. Jehoahaz son of Jehu reigned s. years Jet: 32. 9. Jerem. bought field, weighed t. shekels £37 SEV SEVENTEENTH. Gen. 7. 11. on s. diiy the fountains were broken up 8. 4. ark rested on the s. day in seventh month 1 Kings 22. 51. Ahaziah began to reign the s. year 2 Kings 16. 1. In s. year of Pekah son ot Remaliah 1 Citron. 24. 15. the s. lot came to Hezlr 25. 24? the 5. lot came to Joshbekashah SEVENTH. Exod. 21. 2. In s. ho shall go out free for nothing 31. 1.5. but in the*. Is the sabbath of rest to Lord Ln). 23. 16. unto the morrow after the s. sabbath Joih. 6. 16. at the s. time when the priests blew 19. 40. and s. lot came out for the tribe of Dan 1 Kings IS. 14. at the s. time there arose a cloud 1 Citron. 2. 15. David was the s. son of Jesse 24. 10. the s. lot came forth to Hakkoz. 26. 3. Elioenai the s. son of Meshelemiah 5. Issachar was the s. son of Obed-edom 27. 10. the s. captain for the s. montli %vas Hclez Mat. 22. 26. second also, and the third, to the s. John 4. 52. yesterday at s. hour the fever left him Jude 14. Enoch the s. from Adam prophesied Lev. 8. 1. and when he had opened the s. seal 10. 7. In the days of the voice of the s. angel. 11. 15. the s. angel sounded, there were voices 16. 17. s. angel poured out his vial into the air 21. 20. the s. foundation was a chrysolite .Si-e DAT. SEVENTH month. Gen. 8. 4. ark rested in s. month on the mountains Lev. 16. 29. in 5. month afflict your souls, 23. 27. | 25. 9. 23. 24 in the s. month shall ye have a sabbath Mum. 29. 1. in .t. month an holy convocation, 12. 1 Kings 8. 2. Israel assembled at feast of the s. month 2 Kings 25. 25. in s. month Ishmael killed Gedaliah, the Jews and Chaldees with him, Jer. 41. 1. 2 Chr. 7. 10. in s. month Solomon sent tlirm away 31. 7. they finished the heaps in the i. month Ezra 3. 1. when s. month was come, and ilie chil- dren of Israel were in the cities, Neh. 7. 73. 6. from the first day of i. month began they to Oder A'eh. 8. 2. on the first day of the s. month Ezr.". read 14. in feasts of s. month Israel shall dwell in booths Jer. 2S. 17. so Hananlah died in the s. month Ezek. 45. 2.5. in the s. month shall he do the like //aij. 2. 1. in the s. Tnonth the word came to Ilaggai Zeiih. 7. 5. wlien ye mourned in fifth and s. month 8. 19. the fast of the s. month shall be to Judah Joy SEVENTH year. Exod. 23. 11. but the s. year thou shalt let it rest Lev. 25. 4. in the i. year shall be a sabbath of rest 20. if ye say, what shall we cat in the s. year? Deut. 15. 9. saying, the s. year, year of release, is at hand, lihine eye be evil against tliy brother 12. In the s. year thou shalt lot him go free 2 Kings 11. 4. in the s. year Johoiada sent and set the rulers with the captains, 2 Citron. 2.3. 1. 12. 1. in J. year of Jehu, Jehoasli beg.in to reign 18. 9. in s. year of Hoshea king of Assyria came Ezra 7. 7. went to Jerus. in s. yearot Artaxerxcs, 8. Neh. 10. 31. leave s. year exaction of every debt Esth. 2. 16. Esther was taken to king in s. year Jer. 52. 28. people carried away captive in s. year Ezek. 20. 1. in the s. year elders came to enquire SEVENTY. Gen 4. 24. if Cain, truly Lamech s. and seven-fold .5. 12. and Cainan lived s. years and begat 11. 26. Terah lived*, years and begat Abram 12. 4. Abram was *. live years old, when he departed Exod. 1. S. of the loins of Jacob were s. souls 24. 1. come up, thoii, and *. elders of Israel, 9. 38. 29. the brass of the offering was s. talents Num. 7. 13. his offering was one silver bowl of s. shekels, 19. 2.5. 31, 37, 4.3, 49, .55, 61, 67, 73, 79, 85. eacli bowl weighing s. shekels of silver 11. 16. gather unto me .■!. men of the ciders, 24. 25, he gave of ttie spirit unto the *. elders Jud'i. 9. 56. wickedness, in slaying his *. brethren 2 Kings 10. I. Ahab had *. sens in Samaria, 6. 7. tliey took king's sons, and slew *. persons Ezra 2. 40. children of Hodavlah *. lour, Neh. 7. 43 8, 7. of sons of Elam, with Jcshalah s. males 14. of the sons of Zahbud, with them s. males Psai. 90. t 10. as for our day.s, they are s. years Isa. 23. 15. that Tyre shall be forgotten *. years 17, alter end of s. years, the Lord will visit Tyre Jer. 25. 11. shall serve tlio king of Babylon" s. years 12. when s. years arc accomplished, 29. 10. Ezek. 8. 11. there stood before them s. men Dan. 9, 2. accomplish t. years in desolations ol Jorusalein 24. s. weeks are determined upon thy pco|)lo Zerh. 7. 5. even those *. years, did ye fast to mc Mat. 18 22. not till seven times, but until s. tlino." Luke 10. 1, Lord appointed other *, also and sent 17. the *. returned acnin with joy, saying, Loni SEVEIt. Exod. 8.22, 1 will*, in that day the land of rroshen 9. 4. Lord shall *. between cattle of Israel ami Egypi Ezek. 39. 14, shall *. out men of continual employ Mat. 13. 44. and *. the wicked from among the just SHA SEVERED. Lev. 20 56. 1 have *. you from other people Ueut. 4. 41. Moses *. three cities on this side Jordan Judg. 4. 11. Ileber had ». himself from Kenites SEVERAL. Num. 28. 1.3. and a *. tenth deal of flour mingled with oil for a meat-oflering, 21. 29. 1 29. 10. 15. 2 Kings 15. 5. Azariah was a leper to the day of liis death, and dwelt in a*, house, 2 Chron, 26. 21. 2 Chron. H. 12. In every ». city put shields and spears 28. 2.'. in every *. city of Judah made high places 31. 19. also of the sons of Aaron in every *. city Mai. 2.5. 15. every man according to his *. ability Uev. 21. 21. every *. gate was one of pearl, street SEVERALLY. 1 Cor. 12. 11. dividing to every man *. as he will SEVERITY. Rom. 11. 22. behold therefore the goodness and *. of God, on tliom who feU *. but to thee goodness SEW. Eccl. 3. 7. a time to rend and a time to *. a time * Ezek. 13. 18. woe to women s. pillows to arm-holes SEWED. G>m.. 3. 7. tlicy *. fig-leaves together, made aprons Ezra. 4. 1 12. they *. together the foundations Job 16. 15, 1 have *. s.ackcloth upon my skin SEWE.ST. Job 14. 17. In a bag, and tliou i up mine iniquity SEWETH. Mark 2, 21. no man *. a piece of new cloth on an old SHAD?;. PsaL 121. S. the Lord is thy s. upon thy right hand SHADOW. /* th" renrrsmtation which anv thing makes ot itself, being interposed betic'ten the sun or a lignt and any solid body. Isa. 38. 8.. Acts 5. 15. Also a p'ace sheltered from the sun. Job 7. 2. As a servant desircth the shadow. The luio is called a shadow of good things to come, Heb. 10. 1. that is, the Mosaicil eco- nomy was only a dark obicure representation of Christ, who was the substance of the legal tvpe* and shadows. Some are of opinion that' the Apostle here alludes to the custom of Painters, who first make a rude draught, and from it draw a perfect and. lively picture; then the sense of tlie words m this; The old covenant did contain only dark resemblances and types of heavenly things, no lively representations of them; this being reserved unto the time of the gospel, wherein Christ and all spiritual bles.t- 'inijs in him are clearly and plainly manifested. Others think that the Apostle alludes to the sliadow of a body, and make this the sense; That the old covenant had only types, tcherein Christ and heavimfy things through him were darkly represented, not tlie substance ami truth of the things tliemsclves. A Shadow being made by the sun^ follows its mO' tions. and is in perpetual variation, until at last it^uite vanish and disappear; in this sense the life of man is compared to a shadow. 1 Chron. 29. 15, Our days on earth are as a shadow, and there is none abiding. Job says, chap, 17. 7, All my members are as a shadow : lliat is, 1 am shrunk to nothing, and become a mere ana~ torn u or ghost. The siiadow of death. Job says. Let the sliadow of death stain the day wlierein I was bore Job 3. 3. that is such a dismal darkness as is in the place of the dead; or. so gross and pal- pable darkiuss, that by its horrors and damps may take awiy men's spirits and livts. The morning is to miir.tercrs and adulterers as tho shadow of death ; that is, terrible and hateful, because it both discovers them and their works of darkness, and hinders tlieir practices. Job 24. 17. The valley of the shadow of death: thnt IS. the depth of the mo.it teiTible and af- frighting danijirs, I'siil, 23. 4. Gen. 19. 8. tliev came under the s. of my roof Judg. 9. 15. then come and put your trust in my *. 36. thou scest tho *. of the mountains as It men 2 Kings 20. 9 shall thQ *. go forward ton de- grees? 10. it Is a light thing for the s. to go down ten 11. and ho brouglit the *. ton degrees back- ward 1 Chron. 29. 15. our davs on earth are as a * Job 8. 9. Job. 7. 2. as a serv.int earnestly desircth the t. 14. 2. lie lleeth also as a *. and lontinuetli not 17, 7. and all my members are as a .!. 40, 22, tho shady trees cover liim with their *. I'sal. 17. 8. hide me under tho *. of thy wings 36. 7. put tlielr trust under the *. of thy wings, 57. 1 ai. 7. in tlie * of thy wings will I rejoice ,S0. 10. tho liills were covered with tlio s. of It '.II, 1. shall aliido under tho *. of tho Almghty 102, 1 1, my days arc like a s. that decllncth lO'J. 23. I am gone like a s. when it decllncth 144 4. man is vanity, his days are as *. Eccl. 8. 13. Eccl. 6. 12. his vain life which he spcndetli as a *. SHA Cant. 2. S. I sat nnrtcr his ». with prent delight Jta. 4. 6. a tabtrnacle for a f. in day-tiine from lieiit I 16. 3. make tliy i. ns the nieht in the nonn-ilny ' 25. 4. O Lord, thou hast bfcii a s. Irom tlie licat 5. bring bown the heat witli s. vt a. clouil 30. 2. to streuRtheii, and trust in tlie s. of E<0'pt 3. and tlie irust in s. of Envpt your confusion 32. 2. as the s. of a great nuk in a weary land 34. 15. owl lay and liatoti, and gather under her J. 38. 8. 1 wllj brlns again flie s. of flic degrees 49. 2. in s. of his hund hatli lie iiid me. 51. 16. Jer. 48. 45. tliey stood niuler the s. ot Ilcslihon Lam. 4. 20 we said, under his s. we siiall live Jizek. 17. 23. in the s. thereof siiall they dwell 31. G. and under his s. dwelt all great nations 12. all the people are gone down iroiii liisjt. 17. that dwelt under his s. in midst of heathen Dan. 4. 12. the beasts of the field had s. under it JJos. 4. 13. under elms, bociuise s. tliercof is good 14. 7. they that dwell under his s. shall return Jonah 4. 5. made a booth, and sat unaer It in s. C. over Jonah, tliat it might be s. over his liea.l Mark 4. 32. that fowls may lodge under tiie s. ot it Acts 5. 15. that ». of Peter might oversliadow some Col. 2. 17. whicli are a s. of tilings to come, but IJeb. 8. 5. who serve unto the s. of heavenly tiling's 10. 1. the law liaving a s. of good things to come Jun, 1, 17. wi-th whom is no s. of turning See Dkath. SHADOWS. Cant.fl, 17. till the day break, and i. flee awa.v, 4.G. Jer. 6. 4. for s. of the evening are stretched ou: SHADOWING. Ixa. 18. 1. woe to the land s. with wings, which is £zek. 31. 3. Assyrian was a cedar with a s. shroud Ileb. 9. 5. over cherubiras ot glory s. the mercy- seat SH.\DY. Job 40. 21. he lieth under the s. trees in the covert 22. the s, trees cover him with their shadow SHAFT. JCxod 25. 31. his J. and branches, his hows and (lowers, shall be of the same, 37 17. y^uiiu 8. 4. ha. 49. 2. and he hath made me a polisliud J. SHAKK. ExoJ. 29. 1 24. s. them to and iro for wave-offering Jiidg. 10, 20. Samson said, I will go out and s. myself Seh. 6. 13. also I shook ray lap, and said, so Godi. Job 4. 14. fear came, which made my bones to s. 15. 33. he shall s. of his unripe grap"e as the vine IC. 4. 1 could heap up words, and s. my head at you Psal. 22. 7. they shoot out the lip, they s. head 46. 3. though the mountains s. with swelling thereof f 8. 1 9. thou didst *. out a plentiful rain 69. 23. and make their loins continually to s. 72. 16. tlie fruit tliereof shall s. like Lebanon Jsa. 2. 19. when he ariseth to s. the earth, 21. 10. 15. as if the rod should*, itself agaiiisi them 32. he shall s, his hand against the mount 11. 15. the Lord shall «. his handover the river 13. 2. exalt the voice unto them, s. tlie hand i • 13. I will s. heavens, Joel 3. IC. Hag. 2. 6, 21. 24. la the foundations of tlie earth do s. 33. 9. Bashan and Carmel s. off their fruits 52. 2. J. thysell from the dust, O Jerusalem J(,T. 23. 9. mine heart is broken, all my bones s. £zek. 20. 10. thy walls shall t. at noise of liorsc- nieri 15. Shall not the isles «. at the sound of Ihy lall '! 27. 2.^. the suburbs shall «. at tlie sound of the cry .'il. 10. I made iiaiVms*. at the sound of his fall ."iS. 20. all men of the earth shall s. at my prrstucc I)an. 4. 14. 5. of his leaves, and scatter his fruit Amos 9. 1. s;iiitc the lintel, that the posts may s. JIag. 2. 7. I will $. all nations, desire ol'all nations Zech. 2. 9. behold, I «ill s. my linnd on them Mat. 10. 14. when ye dtparl out of that hoiisf, or citv, I. off the dust of your feet, Mark 6. 11. Liike 9. 5. 28. 4. and lor fear of him the keepers did s. Luke 6. 48. stream beat the house, and could not s. it Jleb. 12. 20. once more I s. not the earth only .sii.vki:d. Psal. 109. 25. they looked on me, thevf. their heads SHAKEN'. Xt. 26. 35. the sound ot a s. leaf sh.iU chase them 1 Kings 14. 15. shall smite Israel as a reed is s. m water 2 Kings 19. 21. hath despi.sed thoe, the daughter o: J. rusalein hath s. her head at thee. ]sa. 37. 22 .AVA. .5. I.;, even thus bo he .«. out and emptied ■ Job 16. 12. taken me by inv ikck, s. me to pieces na la that the wicked migiit be s. out of it Psal 18. 7. the fouii'latloiis of the hill* were t. Mall. J. 3. and tlie fir-trees siiali be ternhiy s. .3. 12. if s. tliey fall into the mouth ot the eater Mat. 11. 7. a reed s. with the wind, Luke 7. 24. 24. 2'J. stars sbnil fall Irom heaven, ami powers of heaven shall be ». .Mark 13. 25. Luke 21. 26. Luke 6. ."jS. give goo. I measure, pressed, s. toiethcr Acts 4. 31. when they had prayed the place was f. 538 SHA 16. 26. 80 that the foundations of the prison were s. 2 Thess. 2. 2. ye be not soon s. In mind, or troubled tjeb. 12. 27. removing of those things that are s. that those things which cannot be s. m.iy remain Rev. 7. 13. as a fig-tree when j. of a mighty wind SHAKETH. Job 9. fi. which s. the earth out of her place Psal. 29. a the voice of the Lord s. the wilderness 60. 2. heal the breaches thereof, for it s. Jsa. 10. 15. shall saw maenify against him that j. it 19. 16. the hand of the Lord which he i. over it 3a 15. he that s. his hand from holding of bribes SHAKING. Job 41. 29. he laugheth at the s. of a spear Psal. 44. 14. the*, of the head amoiiir the people Isa. 17. 6. as the s. of an olive-tree, 24. 13. 19. 16. shall fear, because of tlie s. of the hand 30. 32. and in battles of s. shall he fiuht with it Pzek. 37. 7. behold a s. and bones came together 38. 19. in that day there shall be a great s. in Israel SHAMBLES. 1 Cor 10. 25. whatsoever is sold In the s. that eat SHAME Is taken (1) For that affection irh\ch ariseth by reason of some civil dishonesty or fillhiness, and appears in the counti-nanK by 'blushing. Gen. 2. 25, They were naked, and were not .islianied. Th/Te was neither deformity in their bodies, n«r guilt in their sou's, the cau.^e of shame. (2) For trouble and perturbation of mind and conscience, being grieved and ca.ft down at the remembrance of sin against Ood; Horn. 6. 21, What fruit had "ye in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? And in Ezra 9. 6, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my ■ face to thee, my God, for our iniquities are increased over our head. This is shame of conscience, which in wicked men is an evil af- fection, and part of the t(yrment of hell; but 'in the godly it is a good affection, a sign and fruit of their repentance. Jer. 31. 19, £ph- raim smote upon his thigh, and was ashamed. (3) For a shameful idol, which would briwi the worshipprrrs of it to shame at last. IIos. 9. 10, They went to Baal-peor, and separated themselves unto that shame. (4) For scorn, derision, and contempt. Ezek. 36. 6, Ye have borne the shame of the heathen. To uncover the shame, or nakedness of a person are synonimous terms. Isaiah threatens the Egyptians, that they should be led away cap- tice stark naked, without any thing to cover their shame or their nakedness. Isa. 20. 4. And the same prophet says. Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea thy shame shall be seen, Isa. 47. 3. It is said, Prov. 3. 3."., Shame shall be the promotion of fools; Their promotion shall be their own shame, and the ■ disgrace of those that promote them. And in Prov. 9. 7, He th.it reproveth a scorner, gettetli to himself shame : He loseth his labour, and shall only get discredit by it. The apo- stle says, Rom. 5. 5, Hope maketh not ashamed. Such hope, which is the fruit of faith, patience, and experience, shall not be disappointed, but shall certainly obtain the gooa things hoped for, and so 'bring matter of rejoicing, and not of shame. E.tod. 32 25. .\^aron made naked them unto their.?. Judg. 18. 7. was no but s. shall be the promotion of fools 9. 7. he that reproveth a scorner, petteth s. 10. 5. that sleeps in harvest, is a son that causeth .«. 11. 2. when pride cometh, then cometh s. 12. la but a prudent man covereth s. 13. 5. a wicked man is loathsome and cometh to J!. 18 s. shall be to him that refnseth instruction 14. 3.1. but Ills wratii isavniiist him thatcauseth s. 17. 2. shall have rule over a son that causeth s. 18. 13. answcreth before he heareth, it it s. to him 19.26. that chaseth his mother, Is a son causeth s. 25. 8. when thy neighbour hatli put thee to s. SHA Prov. 25. 10. lest he that heareth it put thee to t. 29. 15. child left to himsell brings his motherto* Isa. 20. 4. their buttocks uncovered, to s. of Egypt 2a 18. chariots shall he the s. of thy lord's house 30. 3. the strength of Pharaoh shall be your s. 5. 47. 3. be uncovered, yea thy s. shall be seen. 50. a I hid not my face from s. and spitting 54. 4. fear not. tiiou shall not be put to s. nor confounded, for thou shall forget s. ot thy youth 61. 7. for your s. you shall have double Jer. 3. 24. s. devoured the labour of onr fathers 25. we lie down in s. and our confusion covers us 13. 26. I will discover, that thy s. may appear 20. 18. that my days may be consumed with s. 23. 40. and a perpetual s. not be forgotten 46. 12. the nations have heard ot thy s. thy cry 48. 39. how hath Moab turned back with s. 51. 51. s. hath covered our faces, for strangers Ezek. 7. 18. s. shall be on ail faces, and baldness 16. 52. bear thine own s. for thy sins, 64. 63. never open thy mouth because of thy s. 32. 24. yet have they borne their s. with them, 25w 30. bear their .'. with them that go down to pit 34. 29. nor bear the s. of the heathen any more 36. C. because ye have borne the s. of the heathen 7. the heathen, they shall bear their s. 44. 13. 15. nor cause to hear in thee s. of the heathen 39. 26. after that they have borne their s. Dan. 12. 2. many of them shall awake, some to s. IIos. 4. 7. therefore I will change their glory into s. 18. her rulers with s. do love, give ye 9. 10. they separated themselves unto that s. 10. 6 Ephraim shall receive s. Israel be ashamed Obad. 10. for thy violence s. shall cover thee Mic. 1. 11. pass ye away, having thy s. naked 2. 6. shall not prophesy, they shall not take *. 7. 10. s. shall cover her which said, where is Lord? j\ah. 3. 5. 1 will shew the kingdoms thy s. Ilab. 2. 10. thou hast consulted s. to th^' house 16. thou art fled with s. for glory, driiik thou Zcph. 3. 5. but the unjust knoweth no s. 19. get praise, where they have been put to s. Luke 14. 9. thou begin with >. to take lowest room jicts 5. 41. they were counted worthy to suffer ». 1 Cor. C. 5. I speak to your s. 15, 34. 11. 6. if it be a 5. for a woman to be shorn 14. if a man h.ave long hair, it is a s. unto him 14. 35. it is a s. for a woman to speak in church 2 Cor. 4. t 2. but renounced the hidden things of*. Eph. S. 12. a s. to speak of things done of them Phil. .3. 19. whose glory is in their s. who mind Ileb. 6. 6. crucify afresh, and put him to an open *. 12. 2. he endured the cross, despising the s. Jiide 13. raging waves, foaming out their own s. Rev. 3. 18. that s. of thy nakedness do not appear 16 15. lest he walk naked, and they see his s SHAME. Ruth 2.^15. let her glean among sheaves, «. her not 1 Cor. 4. 14. 1 write not these things to s. you 11. 22. despise ye church of God, and s. them ? SHAMED. 1 Sam. 25. 7. thy shepherds with ns, we *. them not 1 15. men were good unto us, and we were not s. 2 Sam. 19. 5. thou hast s. the faces of all thy ser- vants Psal. 14. 6 vou have s. the counsel of the poor SHAMETH. Prov. 28. 7 companion of riotous men s. his father SI1.\MEFACEDNESS. 1 Tim. 2. 9. that women adorn themselves with «. SHAMEFUL. .fi-r. 11. 13. ye have set up altars to that s. thing. flab. 2. 16. and s. spueini: be on thy glory. SHAMEFULLY. ffos. 2. 6. she that conceived them, hath done t. Murk 12. 4. sent him away s. handled, Luke 20. 11. 1 Tliess. 2. 2. and were s. entreated, as yo knew SHAMELESSLY. •! Sam. a 20. as one of vahi fellows, t. uncovereth SHAPE. Luke 3. 22. descended in bodily s. like dove on him John 5. 37. not heard his voice, nor seen his s. SHAPEN. Psal. 51. 5. behold, I was s. 'n iniquity, and in sin SHAI'ES. Rev. 9. 7. the s. of the locusts were like horses SHAltE. 1 Sam. la 20. went down to sharpen every man his $. SHAEP. Exod. 4. 25. Zipporah took a *. stone and cut off Josh, 5. 2. make thee s. knives, and circumeise again .3. Joshua made *. knives and circumcised Israel I Sam. 14. 4. between the passage there was s. rock Job 41. SO. s. stones are under him, he spreadeth s. pointed things upon the mire Psal. 45.5. arrows*. in theheartofking'senemies ,12. 2. thy tongue like a s. razor working deceit- fully 120. 4. t. arrows of mighty with coals ofjiiiiiper Prov. .5. 4. but her end is *. as a two-edged sword 25. la a man that bears false witness is*, arrow . SHE Im. S. 28. they shall come, whose arrows are t. 41. 15. 1 will make lUee a s. tlircshing iustru- nieiii 49. 2. he hiilh made my mnuth like a s. sword tizek. 5. 1. take tliee a a. kuile &<"\ cause it to pass Acts 15. 39. the contention was so j. between I'aul Rev 1. 16. out of his mouth went a s. two-ertireil swortl, his countenance was as the sun, 19. 15. 2. 12. these thincs salth he tliat hath thei. sword 14. 14. Son ol' man in liis hand a s. sickle, 17. 18. the angel cried to him that had the s. sickle SHAKPEN. ?eHt. 6. 1 7. thoQ Shalt «. them to thy children iHam, 13.20. went down to «. every man his share 21. yet they had a file for axes, and to s. goads SHAUPENKD. J'sal. 140. S. they s. their toiisucs like a serpent Jizek. 2L 9. a sword is s. and lurliished, 10. 11. SHAKfE.N'ETIl. Job 16. 9. mine enemy s. his eyes upon me ','roii. 27. 17. iron s. irun, so a man s. his frieirtt SHAKPElt. J/tc 7. 4. the most upright is s. than a thorn edge Jleb. 4. 12. the word of Ood is *. than any sword SHARPLY. Judg. 8. 1. and they did cliide with Gideon s. Tit. 1. 13. rebuke them i. that they may be sound SHARPNESS. 2 Cor. 10. 10. lest beinz piesent I should use *. SHAVE. lAn. 13. 33. shall be shaven, but scall shall he not s. 14. 8. the unclean person shall s. off his hair, 9. 21. 5. nor shall they s. the corner of their heard ^am. G. 9. then he shall s. his head in the day of his cleatisiiiK, on the seventh day shall he s. it 18. Nazarite shall s. the head of his separation 8.7. let them s. their flesh, and wash their clothes VnU. 21. 12. captive shall s. her head, pare her nails .fudg. 16. 19. she caused htm to s. off seven locks Jsa. 7. 20. Lord shall s. with a razor that is hired Hzek. 44. 20. neither shall they s. their heads Acts 21. 24. be at charces, that they s. their heads SHAVED. Gen. 41. 14. Joseph s. and chansed his raiment 2 Sam. 10. 4. s. off half their beards, 1 Chron. 19. 4. Job L 20. Job rent his mantle and s. his head SHAVEN. /,ev. 13. 33. be s. but the scall shall he not shave yum. 6. 19. after the hair o( his separation is .?. Judg. 16. 17. if 1 be s. my slienglh will go from me 22. the hair began to grow again after he wasi. Jer. 41. 5. fourscore men having their beards s. 1 Cor. 11. 5. that is even all one as if she were s. 6. if it be a shame to he s. let her be covered SHEAF. Oen. 37. 7. behold my s. arose, and also stood up- right; behold, your sheaves made obeisance to my ». Lev. 23. 10. ye shall bring a s. of the flnst-fruits 11. ye shall wave the s. before the Lord, 12. Deut. 24. 19. hast forgot a s. shalt not no to fetch it Job 24. 10. they take aw.-iy the s. from the hungry J!ech. 12. 0. governors of Ju.lah like a torch in a «. SHEAVES. Gen. 37. 7. behold, we were bindings, in the field RuthZ.T. let me glean and gather among the s. 15. jSeh. 13. 15. some on the sabbath bringing in s. /'sal. 126. 6. he shall come brinfjing j. with hiin 129. 7. nor he that bindeth s. his bosom Amoi 2. 13. I am pressed under you, as cart full of s. Mic 4. 12. the Lord shall gather them as the *. SHEAR. Gen. 31. 19. and Laban went to s. his sheep •38. 13. Judah goeth to Timnah to s. his sheep Deut. 15. 19. nor shalt i. the firstling ol thy slieep I Sam. 25. 4. David heard that Nubal did s. his sheep SHEARER. Acts a 32. and like a lamb dumb before his ». SHEARERS. Geo. 38. 12. and Judah went up unto his sheep s. 1 Sam. 25. 7. now I have heard that thou hast s. 11. shai; I take my flesh I have killed lor my *. 2 Sam. 13. 23. Absalom had*, in IJaal-liazor, L't. Jsa. 53. 7. as a sheep before her s. is dumb, opens not SHEARING. /Sam. 25. 2. and Nabal was s. sheen in Carmcl SHEARING-HOUSE. i Kings 10. 12. Jehu met brethren of Ahaziah at s.-h. 14. he slew them at the pit of the s.-h. SHEATH. 1 Sam. 17. 51. David drew the swnnl out of his j. 3 Sam. 20.8. with a sword lasteiied in the s. thereof 1 Chron. 21. 27. the angel put the sword into his.?. £zet. 21. 3. I will (haw his sword out of the s. 4 5. 30. shall I cause it to return into his s.f will judge John 18. 11. Jesus said, put up thy sword into s. SHED. 2 Sam. 20.10. .Toab s. Amasa's bowels to the ground Mat. 20. 28. is 5. for many for the remission of sins Acts 2. 33. received the promise of Holy Ghost, he hath s. forth this which ye nuw .see and hear liom. 5. 5. love of God is s. in our hearts by Holy Uhost 638 SHE Tit. 3. 6. which he s. on tis abundantly thro' Jesus Christ See Br.ooD. SHEDDEK. E:ei. 18. 10. if he bptret a son th.it is a *. of blood SHEr>l)ETH. Oen. 9. 6. wljoso. s. man's blood, his blood shall be shell £je*. 22. 3. the city s. blood in the midst of it SHEDDING. Ileb. 9. 22. and without s. of lilood is no remission SHE-GOATS, see GOATS. SHEEP. Gen. 4. 2. Abel a keeper of i. Cain tiller of ground 29. 6. Rachel his daughter cometh with the 5. 9. Exod. 9. 3. the hand of the lord is upon the s. 12. 5. ye shall take it out from the s. or the goats '.'0. 24. thou shalt sacrifice thereon thy s. and oxen 22. 1. if a man steal a s. and kill It or sell it, 4. 9. 10. if a man give to his neighbour a s. to keep 30. likewise do with the firstling ofs. 34. 19. L''V. 1. 10. if his offering be of the s. or goats 7. 23. shall eat no manner of fat of j. or of goats 22. 19. ye shall offer a male of the s. or goats 27. 1'6. no man shall sanctity the firstling of a ». Num. 18. 17. the firstling of j. thou shalt not redeem 32. 24. build ye cities and folds for your s. 36. Deut. 7. 13. he will bless the flocks of thy s. 1 7. 1. thou Shalt not sacrifice s. wlierein is blemish 18. 3. the priest's due from them that olTer s. 4. 22. 1. thou Shalt not see thy brother's s. go astray 2i. 4. blessed shall be the flocks of tliv s. 13. cursed shall be the flocks of thy i. 31. .SL .32. 14. that he might eat butter of kine, milk of*. Josh. 6. 21. they destroyed at Jericho ox and s. 7. 24. Joshua took Achan's s. and tent, and all he had .riidg. 6. 4. the Midianites left neither s. noroxen 1 SaiH. 8. 17. I>he king will take the tenth or yours. 14. 33. the people flew U|)on the spoil and took s. .i4. bring hither every man his ox and his 5. 15. 3. slay both ox and i. |j 9. Saul spread the s. H. what meaueth this bleating of s. in my cars? 2L the people took of the spoil, i. and oxen 16. 11. the youngest, behold, he keepeth the s. 19, send me David my son, who is with the s. 17. 15. David returned to feed his father's s. 20. he rose early and left tjw s. with a keeper 34. David s.aid, thy servant kept his father's s. 25. 2. Nabal had 3000 s. he was shearing his j. IS. AOiu'ail hasted, and took fives, ready dressed 27. 9. David took away the a. the oxen, and asses 2 Sam. 7. 8. 1 took thee from following the a. 17. 29. Harzillai brought David butter and s. 24. 17. David said, lo, I have sinned, but the.se s. what have they done ? 1 Cliron. 21. 17. 1 Kings 1. 19. Adonij. slain i. oxen and fat cattle 2.-,. 4. 23. Solomon's provision for one day hundred s. 8. 5. all the congregation sacriflcing a. and oxen 63. Solomon offered s. 2 Chron. 5. 6. | 7. 5. 2 Kings 5. 2fi. is it a time to receive s. and o.xen ? 1 Chron. a. 21. they took from Hagarites 250,0i)0s. 12. 40. they brought oxen and «. abumlaiitlv 2 Chron. 14. 1.1. Asa carried from the ICihiopians J. 15. 11. and tliey oll'ered of the spoil 7000* 18. 2. .Ahab killed s. and oxen for Jehoshaphat 29. 33. the consecrated things were .3000 s. 30. 24. Ilozekiah the king did give 7000 s. and the princes gave to the congregation lO.OOOs. 31. 6. they brought in the tithes of oxen and s. Neh.5. 18. for Neliemiah dailyoneox, six choices. Job 1. 3. his substance also was 7000 s. 3000 cainels 10. the fire is fallen, and hath burnt up l he s. 31. 20. if he were not warmed with fleece of my s. 42. 12. for he had 14,000 s. and COOO camels I'sal. 8. 7. lor thou tiast given him all *. and oxen 44. 11. thou hast given us like s. for meat 49. 14 like s. are laid In the grave, death feed 74. 1. why (loth thine anger ^mllke against thy s.T 75. r,2. but maiie his own people go forth likes. 70. 1,3. so we thy people and s. ol thy p.isture 05. 7. and we are thes. of his hand, 100. 3. 119. 176. 1 have gone astr.ay like a lost s. 144. 13. that ours, may bring forth thousands ^,<7i^ 4. 2. thy teeth are like a flo(;k ofs. 6. 6. ha. 7. 21. In that day a man shall nourish two s. 22. 13. behold, Joy and gladness, and killing ol s. 53. 6. all we like a. are gone astray ; we have Jn: 12. 3. pull them out like .?. for the slaughter 2.3. 1. woo be unto the pastors that scatter the s. 50. 6. my peojile hath been lost s. tlieirslieplierds 17. Israel is as scattered *. lions have driv. '-' I. ex.ieteilol each inan flity s oi silver 1 Chrun. 21. -J."., so David gave to Orii.iii O'lO s. A'l/i. 5. 15. luriner governors huU taken 40 s. by year ./.r. .32. !). I bought the field for 17 a. of silver Ezek. i. 10. meat shall be tiy weight twenty s. ad.iy See SANCTIIAKlf. SHELTER. Job 24. 8. they embnicc the rork for want of a «. /'sal. CI. 3. for thou hast been a. for me ami i towxt SHEPHERD. See SigninctUion on Pastok. Gen. 46. 34. Every s. is nb.imiuatioii to the Egypt. 49. 24. Irom thence is tbe t. stone of Isr»el SHE 1 .Sam. 17. 40. he pat the stones Into a«. bag he had Psal. 23. 1. the Lord is my $. I .shall not want ftO. 1. Kive ear, O s. of Israel, thou that leailest iVW. 12. 11. ihe words which are t'ivcn (roinonc j. Jsa. 38. 12. mine age is departed from me us a s. tent 40. 11. he shall feed his flock like a j. gather lambs 44. 28. the Lord that saith of Cyrus, he Is my s. 63. II. that brought them up with s. of his tlocli Jer. 31. 10. and keep him as a i. doth his flock 43. 12. array himself as a t. pulteth on his gar- ment 49. 19. who is that s. that will stand, 50. 44. J51. 23. I will also break in pieces s. and his flock Ezek. 34. 6. they were scattered, because there is noi. 8. my flock became a prey, because there is wos. VI. as a «. seeketh out his (lock among tlie sheep 23. I will set up one $. over them, my servant David shall feed them and be their s. 37. 24 AmosS. 12, as the s. takes out of mouth of the lion Zech. 10. 2. they were troubled, because there was no s. 11. 15. take to thee the instruments of afoolishs. :i. 16. lo I will raise up a s. in the land 17. woe to the idle s. that leavelh the flock. swonl 13. 7. awake, O sword, against my *. and my tellow John 10. 12. but he that is an hireling, and not s. 14. I am good «. know my sheep and am known 16. and there shall be one (old and oiiei. Utb. 13. 20. our Lord Jesus, that great s. of the sheep 1 Pet. 2. 25. but ye are now returned unto the s. 5. 4. when Itie chief*, shall appear, ye shall re- ceive See SnEKr. .SHEPUKKI).'^. Gen. 4C. 32. men are s. \\ 47. 3. thy .servants are $. £rod 2. 17. and the s. came and drove them away 19. an Egyptian delivered us out ot hand ot j. 1 iiam. 25. 7. now thy ). with u-, we hurt them not Cant. 1. 8. and feed thy kids beside the s. tents Jsa. 13. 20. nor shall the s. make tluir folds there 31. 4. wlicn multitude of s. is called forth against liini 56. 11. and they are s. that cannot understand Jei: 6. 3. the*, with their flocks shall come unto her 23. 4. 1 will set up s. over them who shall feed •25. 34. howl, ye s. || 3.^. the s. have no way to flee 30. a voice ol the cry ol the s. and an howling 3.^. 12, in all the cities shall he an habitation ot s. 56. their J. have caused them to go .istray Ezek. 34. 2. prophesy against the s. of Israel, woe to the s. of Israel should imt s. feud the flocks. & my flock a prey, nor did my s. search for my flock, but s. led themselves and fed not my flock 10. thus salth the Lord, behold I am against tlie s. neither shall the s. feed themselves any more Amos 1. 2. and the habitations of the s. shall mourn Hie 5. 5. then shall we raise aeainst him seven s. Ji'a/t. 3. 18. thy s. slumber, O king of Assyria, nobles Zepfi. 2. 6. the sea coasts shall be cottages for s. Hech. 10. 3. mine anger was kindled asiainst the s. 11. 3. there is a voice of the howling of the s. .■). and their own s. pity them not 8. three s. also I cut off in one month iuite2. 8. there were in the samecountryi. in fleld 18. those things wliich were told them by the s. 20. the s. returned, ciorllving and praising Uod .SIIEKl). ito. 30. 14. there shall nor. tie found a ». to take fire SIIEUD.S. Ezek. 23. 34. thou slmit hreak thei. thereof SIIEUIFFS. Dan. 3. 2. N'ebuchaUnezzar sent to gather the s. ;i. then the*, and rulers were gatliered together SIIKW, Substantive. P.iol. 39. 6. surely every man walUeth In a vnin s. Jsa. 3. 9. the s. of their countenance doth witness Luke 20. 47. and lor as. make long prayers Oa/.6.12. as many as desire to make a lair j. in flesh CoL 2. 15. spoiled powers made a.s. oltliem openly 23. whtch things have s. of wisdom iu wlll-wor. SI1E\V-I5KE.\D. See Signitkation on Bread. Exod. 25. 30. shall set upon a table s.-b. before me 35. 13. make the table, and the J.-6., 39. 3G. Nunu 4. 7. on table o( s.-b. shall spread a cloth 1 .Sam. 21. 0. there was no bread but the s.-b. 1 Kings 7. 48. table of gold whereon the s.-b. was 1 Chr. 9. 32. sons of Kohathites lo prepare s.-b. 2.3. 29. service both lor the s.-b. and tine Unur 28 16. David gave gold for the tables ot s.-b. S Citron. 2. 4 an house for the continual s.-b. 4. 19. make tables whereon the s.-b. was set 13. 11. the s.-b. also they set in order 29. 18. have cleansed the s.-b. table with vessels Heh. 10. 33. to charge ourselves or the s.-b. Hat. 12. 4. how he entered into the house of God, and did eat the s.-b. Mark 2. 26. iMke 6. 4. JJeb. 9. 2. a tabernacle, wherein was the s.-b. SHEW. Exod. 7. 9. Pharaoh shall speak, saying, s. miracle 9. 16. 1 raised thee up for to s. in thee my power 10. 1. that I might s. my signs before him 13. 8. ami thou Shalt s. ihy son iu that day 640 SHE Exod. 11. 13. see the salvation Lord will ». to you to-day 18. 20. Shalt s. way they must walk. J)fut. 1. 33. 25. 9. make It according to all that I s. thee .33. 13. s. me now thy way H 18. s. me thy glory Deut. 5. 5. I stood to s. you the word of the Lord 7. 2. make no covenant, nori. mercy unto them ].3. 17. that the Lord may *. thee mercy 17. 9. they shall s. thee the sei.tence of judgment 10. thou tbilt do as they shall s. thee. 11. 28. 50. not regard old, nor s. favour to young 3-J. 7. ask thy father, and he will s. thee Josh. 5. 7. the lord sware he would not s. the land Judy. 1. 24. the spies said, *. us we pray thee, the entrance into the city, and we will s. thee mercy 6. 17. then s. mo a sign that thou t.alkcst with me 1 Sam. 3. 15. Samuel feared to s. Eli the vision 8. 9. j.thein the manner of the king that shall reign 9. 6. man of God peradvcnture can s. ns our way 27. ^taiid, that I m.ay s. thee the word of Uod 10. 8. I will come and s. thee what thou slialt do 14. 12. come up to us, and we will s. you a thing 20. 2. Tiiy father will do nothing, he will s. it me 12. if I then send not unto thee, and s. it thee 22. 17. they knew when he fled, and did not s. it 2.'). 8. ask the young men, and they will s. thee 2 Sam. 15. 25. ho will s. me, both ic and his habi- tation 1 Kings 1. 52. if he will s. himself a worthy man 2. 2. be thou strong therefore, and J. thyself a man 18. 1. catne to Elijah, goi. thyself to Aliab, 2. 2 Kings 6. 11. will ye not s. me which of us Is for king 2 Chr. IB. 9. to*, himself strong In behalf of them Ezra 2. 59. they could nut s. their fathers' house, whether they were of Israel, Xfh. 7. 64. Jfeh. 9. 19. the pillar ol fire to j. tliem light Esth. 1. 11. to s. the people and princes her bcauly 2. 10. Mordecai charged her not to s. lier kindred 2. 10. gave him a copy of the writing to s. Esther Job 10. 2. s. me wherefore thou contendest with me 11. 6. he would s. thee the secrets of wisdom 32. 6. I was afraid, durst not s. you my opinion .33. 23. if a messenger to s. to man his lipnglitness Psat. 4. 6. many wlilsay.wlio will*, us any good? 9. 14. that I may s. forth all thy praise in gates 16. 11. wilt s. me the path ef lite, in thy presence 25. 4. s. me thy ways. O Lord, teach me thy patlis 14. the Lord will s. them his covenant 51. 15. and my mouth shall s. forth thy praise 71. 13. my mouth shall s. forth thy ri«hteousness 79. 13. we thy people will s. forth thy praise S.'i. 7. s. ns in'ercy, O Lord, grant us thy salvation 85. 17. s. me a token of good, that they muv see it 88. 10. wilt thou s. wonders to the dead 92. 15. to s. that Lord is upright, he is iny rock 94. 1. God whom vengeance belongeih, i. thy- self 100. 2. who can s. forth all his praise? Prov. 18. 24. a man must*, himself friendly ha. 27. 11. he that formed them will s. no favour 30. 30. the Lord shall s. lightning down of liis arm 41. 22. let them bring them forth ami s. ns what shall happen, let them s. the former things 23. s. tlie things that are to come hereafter 4.3. 9. who among them can «. us lormer things? 21. oeople have I formed, shall s. forth my praise 44. 7. things that are coming, let them s. to them 4(5. 8. remember this, and s. yourselves men 49. 9. say to them in darkness, s. y cast away, s. of Saul as though not anointed with oil 22.3. he ia my s. Psal. 5. 3. 128.7.] 119.114. |144. 2. oO. given me the s. of thy salvation, P.ta!. 18. 3.^ 1 Kings 10. 17. tliree pound of EOld went to one *. 2 Kings 19. 32. he shall not come before It with a «. nor cast a bank against it, Isa. 37. 33. 1 Chron. 12. 8. the Gadites that could handles. 24. the children of Judah that bare s. and spear 34. of Naphtali with s. and spear 37,000 2 Chron. 25. 6. choice men that could handle spear and j>. Job 39. 23. glittering spcnr and t. rattleth against him Psal. 5. 12. with favour will compass him as with*. 3.J. 20. the Lord is our s. 59. 11. | 84. 9. | 89. f 18. 35. 2 take hold of the s. and buckler, and stand 70. 3. there brake he the arrows of bow, the s. 84. 11. Lord God is sun and s. will give grace and glory 91. 4. his truth shall be thy t. and buckler 115. 9. he is their help and theirs. 10. 11. Prov. 30.6. he Is as. to them that put trust in him ha. 21. 5. arise, ye princes, and anoint the s. 22. G. Elain bare quiver, Kir uncovered the «. Jer. 4C. 3. order buckler aud s. and draw near to battle 9. come forth, Libyans, that handle the s. Ezck.2:i. 24. they shall set against the bucklei and s. 27. 10. they hanged thos. and helmet in thee, 11. jVe/i. 2. 3. the s. of his mighiy men Is made red Evil. 6. 16. above all taking the s. of faith SHIELDS. 2 Sam. 8. 7. David took the s. of gold that were on the servants of Hadadczcr. 1 Chron. 18. 7. 1 Kxngs 10. 17. Solomon made 300 s. of beaten gold, the king put them in Lebanon, 2 Chron. 9. 16. 14. 26. Sliishak took away all, even all s. of cold. which tSoloinon had made, 2 Chron. 12. i». 27. llehoboam made In their stead brazen s. and committed them to chief of guards, 2 Chr 12. 10. 2 Kings 11. 10. priest gave king David s. 2 Chron. 23.9. 1 Chr. 11. 12. in everr several city pat t. and tpeori sm 2 Chr. 14. 8. out of Benjamin tliat bare s. 17. 17. 26. 14 Uzzlah prepared lor them s. and spears .32. 6. H'zek. made darts and s. in abmuiance, 2T NeJi. 4. 16. the other half of them held spears ands. Job 41. t !•'>• strong pieces of s. are his pride PioJ. 47. 9. the s. ot the eartli belong to God Cant. 4. 4. whereon hang buckl. all j. of mighty men Jer. 51. 11. make bright the arrows, gather the r. Ezek. 38. 4. even great company with buckl. and * . 5. 39. 9. they shall burn the s. and the weapons SHIGGAION. 77ii's word ts found in the title of Psal. 7. It Cometh from ariot/ier Hebrew word which signi- fies to sirav or wander; whence some do con^ jecture that it was a various song, running from one kind of tune into another; and that it was ii.^ed in great anguishes of heart, when as the thoughts and stirrings of the heart, through the greatness of trouble, do vary and fall from one strain to anot/ier in a straying and scatter- ing manner. Some thin/c it is an instrument of music; otheri translate it. The errors of David; otheis. The secret ol David; others. The delit:ht of David; and otha'S again. The disquiet ol David. Some think it ought to be translated, A song of trouhle; or A song of consolation of David. The \rabiC!rordScliagasi(7;ii/J<'Stobe introuble, and tlie Hebrew word Scnagah, or Shagah, to rejoice, to be comforted. SHILOH. One of the glorious names of the '!\ie&s\&i, denoting him to be the only procurer of our happiness ; and our alone peace-maker with God; for it im- porteth a Saviour, or happy, blessed, peaceable, or a peace-maker, is reserved for him. Sone translate. The sceptre shall not depart from Judah till he comes to whom it belongs; others till the coming of the Peace-maker, or the Pacific; or of prosperity; others, till the birth of him who shall be born of a woman, who shall conceive with out the knowledge of a nran. Otherwise, the sceptre shall not depart from Judah till its end, till its ruin, till the downfal of the kingdom of the Jews. A certain author derives Shiloh from shalah, which sometimes signifies to he weary, to suffer; till his la- bours, his sufferings, his passions, should come to pass. SHINE. yum. 6. 25. the Lord make bis face s. upon thee .fob 3. 4. that day be dark; neither let light s on it 10. 3. thou shoiildsts. on counsel of the wicked 11. 17. thou Shalt s. forth, thou ghalt bo as morning 18. 5. and the spark of his fire shall not s. 22. 28. and the light shall s. upon thy ways 36. .32. the light he commandeth It not to s. 37. 15. when he caused the light ot his cloud to t. 41. 18. by his ueesings a light doth s. and hU eye* R2. he m.aketh a path to s. after him Psal. 31. 16. make thy f.icc to j. upon thy servant 67. 1. cause his face lo s. upon us, 80. 3, 7, 19. 80. 1. that dwellest between cherubinis, s. forth 104. 15. and oil to make his face to s. and bread 119 135. make thy face tos. upon thy servant Eccl. 8. 1. a man's wisdom maketh his lace to s. y.ta. 13. 10. the moon shall not cause her light to*. 60. 1. arise, s. for thy light Is come, glory of Lord Jer. 6. 28. they are waxen fat, they s. they over- pass Dan. 9. 17. cause thy face to $. upon thy sanc- tuary 12. 3. that be wise, shall a. as stars for ever anil ever Mat. 5. 10. let your light so s! before men to see your 1.x 43. then shall the righteous s. forth as the suu 17. 2. his face did s. as sun, and his raiment white 2 for 4. 4. lest light of KOSi)cl of Christ should s. 0. God who commanded light tos. out of darkn. Phil. 2. 15. among whom yes. as lights In world /lev. 18. 23. light of a candle shall s. no more at all 21. 23. city had no need of sun nor moon to a. in it SHINED. Deut. 33. 2. the Ix>rd s. forth from Mount Paran Job 2'.i 3. when his c.nidio s. upon my head 31. 'M If 1 beheld the sun when It s. or the moon Psal. 50. 2. out of Zion perletllon of beauty God' hath s. /sa. 9. 2. upon them hath the light s. h'zrk. 4.J. 2. and the earth s. with his glory Acts 9. 3. sudilcnly there s. about him a light 12. 7. the angel came, and a light s. in the prison 2 Cor. 4. 6. for Gud hatli s. In out hearts to give UgtlC SHI SHINETH. Job 25. 5. behold even to the moon, and U s. not /'sa!. l"!;*. 12. but the niglit j. as tlie day Prov. 4. IS. as shining light th;it s more and more Mat. 24. 27. as lightning s. even to tire west Luie 17. 24. and s. to other part under heaven Jo/m 1. 5. the light i. ia darkness, and the dark- ness 2 Pel. 1. 19. a-i to a light that s. in a dark place 1 John 2. 8. darkness in past, the true liglit now s. /i(^ut. 10. 3. 13. ih.yU Shalt make staves ol s.-wood, 2H I 27. 6. I 37. 4, 15, 28 I ".8. 6. 23. thou Shalt make a table ui s.-wood, 37. 10. 26. 15. make boards for tahernacle ot s.-w. .'iO. 20. 20. thou Shalt miike bars of s.-wood, 30. 21. 32. upon four pill.ns of t.-wood, 37. | •''6. 36. 37. L thou Shalt make on altar of t.-w. 30. 1. 642 3no Exod. 35. 24. overv man with whom was found s.-wood SHIVERS. Rev. 2. 27. as vessels of a potter shall be broken to*. SHOCK. Job S. 26. like as *. of corn coraeth in his season SHOCKS. Judy. IS. 5. Samson burnt up the «. and standing corn SHOD. 2 Chron. 28. 15. took the captives and «. them Ezek. 16. 10. I *. thee with badger's skin and girded Mark 6. 9. be *. with sandals, put not on two coats Eph. 6. 15. *. with the preparation of the gospel SHOE Is put for. [11 The (/round under feet Deut. 33. 25. [2] The weakest means. Psal. 60. 8. | li«. -9. [^] Freedom from danger. Cant. 7. 1. [4] A contemptible price, Amos 2. 6. | 8. 6. To cast the shoe over a country, is to subdue that country, eing elsewhere put for border, or side, as in Num. 34. t H. To fly upon the shoulders, ha. 11. 14. ts to rise up cuiainst one, to attack him, to offer violence to him. Gen. 21. 14. putting the bread on Hagar's s. 24. 15. Kebekah with her pitcher upon her «. 45. 49. 15. Issachar bowed his s. to bear, became a servant Exod. 28. 7. the ephod shall have two *. pieces 25. put the ends of the chains on the «. pieces 29. 27. sanctify the s. of the heave-olleriiig 39. 4. they made *. pieces for it to couple it Num. C. 19. priest shall take sodden s. of the ram, to put in hands of the Nazarite, Deut. 18.3. Josh. 4. 5. take ye every man a stone upon his s. Judj. 9. 48. Abimelech laid a bow on Ins s. 1 Sam. 9. 24. and the cook took up the s. 10. t9. when Saul had turned his s. to go 1 Kings 7. t 39. he put bases on right «. of the house 2 Kings 11. t 11. guard stood about the king with his weapons from the riglii s. 2 Chron. 23. 1 10. Neh. 9. 29. withdrew the *. and hardened their neck Job 31. 36. surely I would take it on my s. bind it Psal. 81. 6. 1 removed his s. from the burden Jsa. 9. 4. thou hast broken the staff of his s. 6. and the government shall be upon his s. 10. 27. his burden shall be taken from off tliy s. 22. 22. the key of David will I lay upon his s. 48. 7. they bear him upon the ». they carry him Ezek. 12. 7. 1 bare It on my s. In their sight 12. prince shall bear upon his s. in the twilight 24. 4. gather the pieces, even the thigh and s. !5. 1 9. therefore I will open the s. of Moab 29. 7. thou didst break and rent all theirs. 18. ^4. 21. ve have thrust with side and with s. Jlos. Sf 9. priests murder in the way with one s. Zeph. 3. t9. to serve the Lord witli one s. Zecti. 7. IL but they reliised and pulled away the s. Luke IS. 6. when found it lays it on his s. re- joicing SHOULDER-RLADE. ,7o631. 22. then let mine arm till liom my s. //eaiv-SlIOULDElt. Lev. 7. 34. the heave-s. have I taken, Num. G. 20. iO. 14. ti^e./ieave-s. shall ye eat in a clean place 15. the heave-s. and wave-breast shall they bring M3 SHE night snouLDEir. Erod. 29.22. thou shalt take of the ram ttie rights. Lev. 7. 32. the right s. shall ye give unto the priest 3i. offereth, shall have the right s. for his part 8. 25. Moses took the fat and the right s. 26. put them on the fat, and upon the right s. 9. 21. the rUjht s. waved is thine. Nam. 18. 18. SHOPLDEUS. Oen. 9.23. they laid the garment upon both their s. Exod. 12. 34. their troughs bound upon their s. 28. 12, slialt put two stones on s. of ephod, 39. 7. Num. T. 9. sons of Kohath should bear on theirs. Deut. 3i 12. and he shall dwell between his s. 1 Sam. 9. 2. from his s and upward hiiher, 10. 23. 17. G. he had a target of brass between his s. 1 Chron. 15. 15. the Levites bare the ark on theirs. 2 Chron. .3.5. 3. it shall not be a burden upon your s. /sa. 1L14. but they shall fly on the s. of Philis- tines 14. 2.5. and his burden depart from off their s. 30. G. will carry riches upon the s. of young asses 49. 22. thy daughters shall be carried upon their Ezek. 12. 6. in their sight shall bear it upon thy s Mat.23 4. the bind burdens, lay them on men's s SHOUT, Substantive. Num. 23. 21. and the s. of a king is among them Jo^li. 6. 5. the people shouted with a great s. 20. 1 .Sam. 4. 5. with a great s. so that the earth rang 6. what meaneth the noise ot this great s. f 2 Chron. 13. 15. then the men of Judaii gavo a s. Ezra 3. 11. with a great s. when they praised Lord 1.3. could not discern the «. of joy from weeping Psal. 47.5. God is gone up with s. Lord with sound Jer. 25. 30. Lord shall give a s. as they tread grapes 51. 14. they shall lift a s. against Babylon Acts 12. 22. the people gave s. saying voice of a God 1 Thess. 4. 16. Lord shall descend from heaven with as. SHOaT. Exod. 32. 18. is not voice of them that s. for mastery Josh. 6. 5. when ye hear tmrapet all people shall s. 10. shall not s. till I bid you s. then shall ye s. 16. s. for tlie Lord hath given you the city Psal. 47. 1. s. unto God with the voice of triumph Isa. 12. 6. cry out and s. thou inhabitants of Zlon 42. 11. let them s. from the top of the mountain 44. 23. s. ye lower parts of the earth, break forth Jer. 31. 7. "sing and s. among chief of the nations 50. IS. Babylon had sinned s. against or round about /yim. 3. 8. when I s. he shutteth out my pwyer Zeph. 3. 14. s. O Urael, be glad with all the heart Zech. 9. 9. s. O daughter of Jerusalem, king Cometh SHOUTED. Exod. 32. 17. as they s. he said there is a noise Lev.ii.24. when the fire consumed, they s. and fell Josh. 6. 20. so the people s. when the priests blew Judg. 15. 14. the Philistines s. against Samson 1 Sam. 4. 5. all s. Israel with great sliout because of ark 10. 24. the people s. and said, God save the king 17. 20. as the host was going forth and «. for battle 52. the men of Israel and Judah s. and pursued 2 Chron. 13. IS. as Judali s. God smote Jeroboam Ezra 3. 11. when they praised the Lord, they s. 12. many ot the people s. aloud for joy, 13. Se^ Jot. SHOUTETH. Psal. T8. 65. like a mighty man that ». because of wine SHOUTING. 2 Sam. 6. 15. brought up ark with s. 1 Chron. 1,5. 28. 2 Chron. 15. 14. they sware to the Lord witii s. .lob .39. 25. he smelleth the battle and s. afar off Prov. 11. 10. when the wicked perish, there is s. Jsa. 16. 9. the s. for summer fruit is f lilen, 10. Jer. 20. 16. let them hear the s. at noon-tide 48. 33. none shall tread with s. tlieir s. shall bo no s. Erek. 21. 22. to lift up the voice with s. to appoint Amos 1. 14, a Are shall devour Kabbah with s. Moab shall die with tumult, s. and trumpet SHOUTINGS. Zcch. 4. 7. he sIkUI brim; f ■rtli head-stones with s. SHOWEU. E:rk. 13. 11. there shall be an overflowings. 13. 34. 20. 1 will cause s. to come down in his season Luki: 12. 64. straightway ye say there cometh a s. SHOVVElt.S. Deut. 32. 3. my speech shall distil as $. on the grass Job 24. 8. the poor are wet with (. of the moun tains Psal. G5. 10. thou makest the earth soft with s. 72. 6. king shall come hke s. that water the earth Jer. 3. 3. therefore the s. have been withliolden 14. 22. can cause rain, or can the lu'avi'iis gives. ? Ezek. 34. 26. in his reason shall be «. ot blessing Atic. S. 7. remnant of Jacob shall bo as s. grass Zeeh. 10. L the Lord shall give them s. of rain SHKANK. (7m.32.32. therefore Israel cut not of sinew that s SHU SHRED. 2 Kinas 4. 39. came and s. wild gourds Into pottage SCKEECH OWL. Isa. 34. 14. s. also shall rest there and find for herself SHRINES. Acts 19. 24. Demetrius who made silver s for Diana SHROUD. Ezek.Sl. 3. Assjrrlan was a cedar with shadowing*. SHRUBS. Gen. 21. 15. Hagar cast the child under one of the*. SHUN. 2 Tim. 2. 16. buts. profane and vain babblings SHUNNED. Acts 20. 27. I have not t. the whole counsel of God SHUT, Actively, Passively. Gim. 7. 16. went in of all tlesh, the Lord s. him in Exod. 14. 3. the wilderness hath s. them in Num. 12. 14. let her be s. out from camp seven days 15. Miriam was s. out from the camp seven days 24. t3. the man who had his eyes s. but now open Deut. 15. 7. nor s. thy hand Iro'm thy poor brother Josh. 2. 7. they s. the gate of Jericho Juda. 3. 1 16. Ehud was s. of his right hand 9. 51. they s. the tower to them, and gat them up 1 Sam. 2.3. 7. for he iss. in, by entering into a town Nell. 13. 19. 1 commanded gates to be s. till alter sabb.itli Psal. 69. 15. let not the pit s. her mouth upon mc Isa. 6. 10. s. their eyes, lest they see with their eyes 22. 22. key of Dav.on his shoulder, so he shall open and none shall s. he shall s. and none shall open 44. 18. for he hath s. their eyes, they cannot see 45. 1. to open before him, and gates shall not be*. o'j. 15. the kings shall s. their mouths at him 60. 11. thy gates shall not be s. day nor night 66. 9. shall I s. the womb, saith thy God? Ezek. 3. 24. Spirit said, go s. thyself within thine liouse 44. 1. gate which looked toward the east was s. 2. this gate shall be t. it shall not be opened, God hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be s. 46. 1. the gate shall be s. the six working-days 2. tlie gale shall not be s. till the evening 12. after his going forth, one shall s. the g.ate Dan. 6. 22. my God hath s. the lions' moutlis Acts 5. 23. the prison truly lound we s. in satety liev. 11. 6. these have power to s. heaven that ifc rain not 21. 25. gates shall not be s. by day, no night there ^f-e Door. SHUT up. Lev. 13. 4 then the priest shall s. him up that hath Iilague seven days, S. 21, 26, 31, 33, 50. 54 11. the priest shall not s. him up, he is unclean 14. 38. the priest shall s. up the house seven days 46. he that goeth in while the house is .«. up Deut. 11. 17. wrath be kindled, and he s. up heaven 32. 30. except their rock the Lord had s. iliem up :X>. when he seeth there is none t. up nor lett losh. 6. 1. now when Jericho was straitly s. up 1 Sam. 1. 5. the Lord had s. up Hannah's WuniD 6. liLvause the Lord had s. up her womb 6. 10. hid them and s. up their calves at home 17. t 46. this day will the Lord s. thee up 23. 1 12. will the men of Keilah s. me up 24. 1 18. when Lord had s. me up into thy hand 26 t 8. God liath s. up thine enemy into thy hand Sam. 18. t28. blessed bo the Lord who hath s. up JO. .3. concubines were s. up to day of their d.'alli 1 A': threat- ened as a punishment for sin. The instrumen- tal cause is eit.'ier Satan, who sometimes w permitted by Ood to inflict diseases upon per sons, as he did on Job, chap. 2. 6. 7.; or in- temperance, as drunkenness, incontinencu. and the tike. The end o/ sIcUiipss is to punish the tcicked. 1 Sam. 5. «. To try t/ie patience and constancy o} the godly, as in Job and Heze- kiah. Or to manifest the glory of Ood, John U. 3. 1 11. 4. Gen. 4,S. 1. one told Joseph, behold thy father is s Lev. 15. 3.3. the iaw of her that is s. of her flowers Jjeut. 29. t 22. wherewith the Lord hath made it s. 1 Sam, 19. 14. when Saul sent, she said lie is s. 30. 13. master left tne, because three days ap;o I fell s. 2 Sam. 12. 13. the Lord struck the child, it was s. 13. 2. Ainnon was so vexed, he fell s. for Tainar 5 in.ike thyself J. || 6. Amnon made hmiselt s. I Kings 14. 1. Ahijah the son of Jeroboam tell s. 5. wife of Jeroboam cometh to ask for son, for he is j. 17. 17. after this the son of the woman fell s. 22. 1 34. Ahab said unto driver, carry me out, for I am made s. 2 Chron. 18. 1 33 | 3.5. f 23. I Kings 1. 2. Aliaziah fell down in Samaria, was s. 8 7. Itenliadad the king of Syria was s. 29. Ahaziah king of Judah went to seeJnram son of Aliab, because he was s. 2 Chron. 22 6. 13. 14. Elisha was fallen s. of sickness' whereof he died 20. 1. in those days was Hezekiah s. unto death, 2 Ch7-on. 32. 24. Isa. 33. 1. 12. Had heard that Ilczek. had been s. Isa. 39. 1. Heh. 2. 2. kinas said, why sad, seuiir^ thou an not s. Psal. 35. 13. when they were s. my clothing sack- cloth 41. t !• blessed Is he that considoreth the s. I'rov. 13. 12. hope deferred maketh the heart s. 23. 3j. they have stricken me, and I was not J. Cant. 2. 5. comlbrt me with apples, I am s. of love 5. 8. I charge you, tell him that 1 am s. of love Jsa. 1. 6. wholehead is s. and the whole heart faiiil Xi. 24. the inhabitant shall not say, I am s. 33. 9. when Hezek. had been s. and was recovered Jer. 14. 18. behold them that are*, with f.imine Jizek. 31. 4. nor have ye healed that which was s. 16. and will strengthen that which was s. Don. 8. 27. I Daniel fainted, and was s. certain days Hos. 7. 5. princes made him t. with bottles of wine Mic. 6. 13. will I make thee s. in smiting thee Jlal. 1. 8. if vo offer the lame and s. is it not evil? 13. and ye brought that torn, the lame, and tllOJ. Mat. 4. 24. and they brought to him all J. people 8 14. his wile's mother .?. of fever, A/aril. 30. IG. and healed all tint were s. 14. 14. 9. 12. they that be whole need not a physician, but they that are ». Afark 2. 17. Luke 5. 31. 10. 8. heal the s. cleanse the lepers, Luke 9. 2. | 10. 9. 25. 36. I was s. and ye visited me, 1 was in prison 39. saw we thee *. In prison and came to thee? 44. Hark. 6. 5. that he laid his hands on a few s. folk SB. ihey laid the s. in the streets. Acts 5. 15. 10. 18. lay hands on the s. and tliey shall recover Luke 7. 2. centurion's servant was s. and ready t" die 10. found the servant whole that had been J. John 4. 40. a certain nobleman's son was s. ai CapurnHum 11. 1. aman, named Lazarus of Buthany was s 2. 3. Lord, behold he whom thou lovest. Is t. M4 SID John U. 6. he had heard he was s. he .abode 2 days Acts 9. 37. In those days Uorcas was s. and died 19. 12. were brought unto the s. handkerchiefs 28. ». the father ol I'ublius lay s. of a lever ft'ii/. 2. 26. because ye had heard that he had been s. 27. for indeed he was s. nigh onto death 2 Tim. 4. 20. but Trophlmus have I lelt at Mile- turn s. Jam.!i.\i. is an v s. let him call elders of the church 15. prayer of faith shall save the*. Lord raise up SICKLY. Seel'AUiY. 1 Cor. 11.30. for this cau.:ut. IG. 9. as thou begiiinest to put s. to the corn 2.'!. 2.5. not move a s. unto thy neighbour's corn Jer. 50. IG. cut off him that handleth s. in liarvcst Jni'l .3. 13. put ye in the s. for the harvest is ripe Mark 4. 29. immediately he putteth in the s. lUv. 14. 14. having crown, and in his hand sh.arps. 15 an angel crying, thrust in thy s. 16, 18. 19. 17. another angel came, lie also having a sharps SIDE. G/m «. 16. door of the ark shall set in the s. thereof Exod. 2.5. her maidens walked along by rivers, 12. 7. shall strike blood on the two s. posts, 22. 23. when he seeth blood on the lintel audi, posts 17.12.Aaron and Hur stayed up Moses' hand.s, the one on the one s. and the other on the other s. 32.26. who is on the Lord's*, let him come to me 27. put every man his sword by his s, go in and out Lev. 1. 11. he shall kill it on «,of altarnorthward 15. blood shall be wrung out of the*, of the altar 5. 9. blood of sin-offering sprinkled on *. o( altar A'uOT. 22. 24. a wall on this*, and a wall on that*. 24. 6. they are spread as gardens by the river's *. 32. 19. we will not inherit on yonder *. Jordan Deut. 4. .'52. ask from one *. of heaven to the other 31. 25. put the book of the law in *. of the ark Judg.W.l. a Levite sojourned on *. of Ephraim, 18. 1 Sam. 4. 18. fell backward by the *. of the gate 6. 8. put the mice in a coffer by the *. of the ark 20. 20. I will shoot three arrows on the s. thereof •J.5. the king sat, and Abner sat by Saul's *. 2 Sam, 2. 16, and thrust his sword into his fellow's *. 13. 34. the king's sons came by way of the liill *. 16 13. .Shimei went along on the hill *. against 2 Kings 9. 32. Jehu said, who is on my *. who? 1 Chron. 12. 18. thine are we, David, and on thy *. 2 Chron. IL 12. having Judah and Benjamin on his s. .V'7i. 4. 18. every one had his sword girded by his *. Job 18. 12. and destruction shall be ready at his*. Psal. 91. 7. thousand shall fall at thy *. ten thou- sand 118. 6. the Lord is on my ». I will not fear r-'4. 1. if it had not been the Lorcl on our *. 2. ICr.cJ. 4. 1. on the *. of their oppressors was power Isa. 60. 4 thy daughters shall be nursed at thy *. Kzrk.i.K thou shalt not turn from one*, to another 9. the number of days thou shalt he upon thy *. 9. 2. with a writer's inkliorn by his J. 3. 11. '25. 9 1 will open the *. of .Moab from the cities .34.2*. because ye have thrust with *. and shoulder Dan.7.S. and it raised up itself on one*, three ribs 11. 17. she shall not stand on his *. nor bo lor him John 19. 18. the two thieves, on either*, one ."H. but one of soldiers with a spear pierced his *. 20.'20. he shewed unto tliem his hands and his s. 2.5.except I thrust my hand into *. will not believe •27. reach thy hand, and thrust it Into my *. Acts 12.7. angel smote I'cter on the*, raised him up 16.13. on the sabbath wo went out by the river *. liev. 22.2. on either *. of river was the tree of life See CiiAMiiF.u.s. Jivery SIDE. iVum. 16. 27. from tabernacle of .\hiram on every s. Judg. 7. 18. blow j'e the trumpets on every s. 8. 34. remembered not the Lord, who had deli- ver.jd them from their enemies on every s. 1 Sam. 12, IL SIE 1 Sam. 14. 47. Saul fought against enemies on every t. 1 Kings 5. 3. wars which were about him on every *. 4. the Lord hath given me rest on every *. 1 Chr. 22. 18. hath he not given you rest on«.'or of middle chamber was on right s. 7. 39. put five bases on the right s. the house; set the sea on the right s. the house, 2 Chr. 4. 10. 49. five candlesticks on the rights. 2. Chron. 4. 8. Ezek. 1. 10. had the face of a lion on the right s. 4. 6. lie again on tliy right s. and shalt bear 47. 1. from under right s. of house ran waters, 2. Zech. 4. 3. olive-trees, one on right s. the bowl, U. Mark 16. 5. saw young man on right s. of sepulchre Luke 1. 11. angel standing on right s. of the altar John 2L 6. cast the net on the 7nght s. of the ship See Sea, South. Wat, West. SIDES. Exod. 32. 15. the tables were written on both ». Num. 33. 55. shall be thorns in your *. Judg. 2. 3. Josh. 23. 13. tliey shall be scouri;es in your *. Judg. 5. SO. a prey of needle-work on both *. 1 .•?,. thou Shalt cat thy children in the *. .5.5. becaiKc nothing left him in the s. 57. 2 Chr. 32. 10. wiiercon do ye trust, that ye abide in*. Isa 29. .3. 1 will lay *. against thee with a mount Jer. 19. 9. shall eat the tlesh of his friend in the s. Ezek. 4. 2. lay *. against it and build a fort, 3. .5. 2. when the days of the*, are fulfilled. Mic. 5. 1. he hath laid*, agaiuslus, they sliall smite Hah, 3. 14. draw thee waters for the *. fortify SIO Ziti. 18. 2. X enp of trembling, when in the t. SItVK. Ita. 30.28. to sift the nations with the x. of vanity Amot 9. 9. 1 will sift, like as C3r:i is sifted in a t. .sirr. lia. 30.08. to t. the nations with the sieve of vanity Amoi 9.9. I will s. Israel as corn is sifted in a sieve Luie a. 31. Simon, Satan hath desired to t. you SIGH. Ita. 24.7. wine mourneth, all merry-hearted do s. X.am. 1. 4. her priesisx. {| U. all her people j. 21 . they have heard that I j. none to comfort me Czek. 9. 4. set a mark on foreheads of men that s. 21. 6. therefore with the breakii'g of thy loins, and with bitterness s. before their eyes SIGHED. End. 1. 23. Israel /. by reason of the bondage hiark 7. 34- and looking up to heaven, he 1. 8. 12. s. deeply in his spirit, and saiih, why doth SIGIILST. Euk.li .7. when they say to thee, wherefore x.thou ? SIGHEIII. I^m. 1. 8. yea, she t. and turueth backward SIGHING. JobZ.H.ray i. cometh before I eat, roarings poured Pial. 12. 5. for the 1. of the needy will 1 arise SI. 10. my life is spent with grief, my years with s. 79. 1 1 . let the s. of the prisoner come before thee Ita. 21. 2. all the*, thereof have I made to cease 35.10. obtainjoy, and sorrow and j. shall flee away JcT. 43. 3. I fainted in my s. and I find no rest SIGilS. Lam. X. 22. for my /. are many, my heart is faint SIGHT. Gen. 2. Q. every tree that is pleasant to the s. Ejod. 3. 3. I will now turn and sec this great /. 24. 17. t. ofglory of Lord was like devouring fire Lev. 13. 3. the plague in 1. be deeper, 20, 25, 30, 4. in t. be not deeper than the si. in, 31 , 32, 34. 14. 37. if the plague in s. be lower than the wall t(um. 13. 33. we saw the giants, and we were in our own s. as grasshoppers and so we were in their s. C7.I9- before cong. and give him charge in their s. Dtiil. 28. 34. shalt be m.id for /. of thine eyes, 67 JbjA.23.5. God shall drive them from out of your *. S4. 17. which did those great signs in our s. S Sam. 23. t21. he slew an Egyptian, a man of s. 1 Kiit«s 7. t 4. and s. was against s. in three rauks f Kings 2. +7. fifty of sons of prophets stood in /. Job 18. 3. why are we reputed vile in your s. jp. 15. me for a stranger, I am an alien in their*. CI.8. their seed is established in their*, with them 34. 26. he striketh thorn in the open *. of others 41. 9- shall not one be cast down at the *. of him ? '"lal. 79. 10. be known among the heathen i« our * Eccl. 6. 9. better is the *. of the eyes than wandering ha. 5. 21. them that arc prudent in their own *. 4 tl. 3. he shall not judge after the *. of his eyes /er.51.24.I will render evil done in Zion in your * Ezek. 4. 12. thou shalt bake it with dung in their* 12. 3. prepare, and reciove by day in llieir *. 5. dig thou thro' the wall in their*, and carry out 20. 9. in whose *. I made myself known to them 14. heathen in whose *. I brought them out, 22. 43. shall lothc yourselves in yourown *. 36. 31. SI. 23. shall be as a false divination in their j. 23. ( 16. at the *. of her eyes she doted on them 43.11. shew the forms thereof, and write in their* Dau.i. 11. *. thereof to end of all the earth, 20. 8. ♦ 5. the goat had a horn of *. between his eyes Hot. 2. 2. put away her whoredoms out of her *. Mai. 11.5. the blind receive their *. the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, CO. 34. Luke'. 21, LAikt 4. 18. preach the recovering of *. to the blind 23.48. that came to that *. smote their breasts 24. 31 . they knew him, he vanished out of their *. JuAuQ. 11. I went and washed, and I received*. Acts 1 . 9. and a cloud received him out of their *. 7.31. when M oses saw it, he wondered at the * . 9. 9- was three days without*, nor cat nor drink 18. he received *. forthwith, arose, was baptized 2Cor. 5. 7. for we walk by faith, not by *. Uei. 12. 21. so terrible was the *. that Moses said SIGHT u/OW, Prov. 3. 4. find good understanding in the *. nf Cod l/ike 16. 15. is abomination in the *. 0/ God 4i»* 4. 19. whether right in j.o/" Cui/ to hearken 8.21. thy heart is not right in the s.o/Gud 10. 31. thy alms had in remembrance in *. 0/ God ZCor. 2. 17. in the *. 0/ Gerf speak we in Christ 4. 2. to every man's conscience in the *. 0/ God .7. 12. oui care for you in *. 0/ God might appear (fa/. 3. II. no man justified by the low in *. o/God 1 Thess.l.i. remembering work of faith in *. of God 1 Tim. 2.3. this is good and acceptable in *. o/Ood 6. 13. I give thee charge in the *. of God 1 Pet. 3. 4. which is in the *. «/ God of great //■* SIGHT. Etod. 15 26. if wilt do that which is right in hit 1. Liv.ki S.behold, if the plague in A.'i J. be at a Hay [great price SIG Ltt.Xi. 37. but it the scall be in his t. at i. stay IS'utH. 19. 5. and one shall burn the heifer in hit 1. t>e«/.4.37.he brouglit thee out in Ai'**. out of Egypt Jiid^. 6. .1. the angel of lord departed out of /ii**. 6am. 12.9. why despised Lord, todoevi in ins s. 13. 8. so J'amar went and made cakes in liis s. 2 A"i/ijjl7.13.remove them out of /<.*. 20,23. [ 24.3. 1 CAron. 19. 13. the Lord do what is right in Aj**. JoS 15. 15. t)ie heavens are not cleaTi in Ais *. 25. 5. yea, the stars are not pure in Ais s. 40. 124. will any take him in An s.? /'ya/. 10. 5. thy judgments are far above outof Ai'**. 72. 14. pre';ious shall their blood be in Ins *. Lccl.Z.'iQ. God giveih toa man that is good in/ns s. 8.3. benot hasty togoout of/ii* J. stand not in evil //o*.6.2.he will raise us. and we shall live in Ais s. Mark 10.52. Uariimeus immediately received Ai**. and followed Jesus in the way, Luke 18. 43. John 9. 15. asked how he had received /li* *, 18. Acts 9. 12. a vision that he might receive Ais s. iiom.:i.QO. by law shall no liesh be justified in Ais s. Co/. 1 . 22. thro' death to present you holy in Ais *. JJe6. 4. 13. every creature is manliest in Ais t. 13. 21. working what is well pleasing in Ais t. iJuAit 3.22. do those things that are pleasing iu Ais s. In lAe SIGH]-. Gen. 21. II. the thing was grievousin Abraham's *. 47- 18. there is not ought left iM/A«*. of my lord Exod. 4. 30. and did the signs in the i.oi the people 2. 20. he smote the waters in lAe s of I'hiraoh 9. 8. Moses sprinkled the ashes in lAes.oC Pharaoh 11. 3. Moses great «i* Me*, of I'haraoh's servants 17. 6. Moses did so «ii //it! * of the elders of Israi-1 19. 11. the Lord will comedown i« lAes. of people 40. 3H. fire by night in the s of Israel all journeys Lev. 20. 17, shall be cut oft' in ilie s. the people 26. 45 out of Egypt in tAe t. of the heaiheii .Vj<«i. 3. 4. Ithamar ministered in the *. of Aaron 20. 27- Aaron and Jilleazar went in the s. of cong. 25.C.broughtMidianitish woman in tAe *.of -Moses 33. 3 went with high hind in lAe s. of Egyptians i'««y *. 9. I know that thou art good in »iv *. as an angel 2 Ham. 6. 22. and I will be base in mine own *. 13.5. let Tamorcome, and dress the meat in my s. 6. come, and make me 1 couple of cakes in mv s. 1 h'ings 8.25. not fail thee a mao in mys. 2 CAr.6. 16. 9. 7. this houne which I have hallowed for my name will I coit out of my t. 2 Cluon. 7. 20. 11. 38. if tiiou wilt do ikat is right in my s. 2 AVh^'jCI .15.have dotie vhatwhichwas evil in my s. 23. 27. I will remove Judah also out of my t, 1 CAr. 22. 8. thou hast shed much blood in my s. Psai.lO] .7. that telleth lies, shall not tarry iiimys. Isa. 41. 4. since thou wast precious in my s. Jii . 4. 1. will put away abominations out at my *. 7.15. I will cast you out of my *. as your brethren 30. the children of Judah have done evil in wiy ». 15. 1. cast them out of rny *. and let them go 18. 10. if it do evil in my t. that it obey not 34. 15. ye turned, and had done right in my s. iiiri 10, S. Le went in aijr *. to fill his baud SIO Euh. W, 15. mounted up from the earth In m,y«. Amos 9.3. be hid from my s. in the bottom of tbt se ' Mark 10. 51. what wiltthou I should do to thee? Lord, that I might receive my s. Luke 18. 41. 7V^j. 21. 12. God said, let it not be grievous in thy s. 33. 10. Jacob said, if I have found grace in th^x *. 47 29. Exod. 33. 13, 16 I 34. 9. Judg. 6. 17 . Lev. 25. 53. shall not rule with rigour in lAy s. 1 Sam. 15. 17. when thou wast little in thtne owQ *. 2 Ham."! 9. liave cut oft" thine enemies out o{ thy t. 19- this was yet a small thing in thy s. 14. 22. knovveth I have found grace in thy t. 2 Kings 1. 13. let my life be precious in thy s. 14. 20,3. done what was good in thys. Iia. 38.3. I'iai. 5. 5. the foolish shall not stand in thy s. 9- 19- arise. Lord, let heathen be judged in thys. '■ 19.14. meditat. of my heart be acceiitable in i/iy ; 51. 4. I have sinned, and done this evil in thy t. 76. 7. who may stand in thy t. when thou art angry • 90.4. thousand years in thy s. are but as yesterday 143. 2. for in thy s. shall no man oe justified Ita. 26. 17. so have we been iu thy s. O Lord Jer. 18. 23 neither blot out their lin from thy s. JonaA 2. 4. then I said, I am cast out of thy s. .Vat. 11.26. so it seemed good in ihy s.Ltike 10.21. Luke 15.21 .have sinned agaiustheaven and in tAys, 18. 42. Jesus said unto him, receive thy s. Acts 9. 17 . sent me that thou mightest receive thy s. 22. 13. stood and said, brother Saul, receive thy 5. See I'AVOLR, ri.ND. SIG I US. Luke 21. 11. shall be fearful *. signs from heaven SIGN, Or toVcn, is taken, l.j'or any thing that serves to express or re/iresent another thing : as, when the Lord gave to Noah the raintoa, at a sign or token of his covenant. Gen. 9. 12, 13. and when he appointed Abraham the use oj circum- cision, as the sign and seal of the covenant At made icith Aim and his posterity. Gen 17. 11. Rom 4.11 Circnmciiion was a sign, evidence, or assurance, both of the blessing promised by God, and of man's obligation to the duties re- (juired. TAe tun and moon are appoiiiid by God for signs and seasons. Gen J ^4. 'Ute» reprcicnt the quality cf the utalher iy lAa manner of their rising or ttttinz, by their eclipses, conjunctions, livc. Mat. 10. 2, 3. Sometimes they aie forerunners of great cal*^ mines, and remarkable events ill the course of human ojfairs, by tAeir strange appearances, vnutuul conjunctions, SjC. Luke 21.25, 20. Act* 2 19, 20. II. Sign is put for a miracle: Thou shalt take this rod iu thine hand, wherewith thoa shalt do signs, says the Ij)rd to Jloses, Lsod. 4. J>. and if the Egyptians do not believe the Jirst sign, they uill believe the second, Exod. 4. 8. The uord sign it frequent in this sense m scripture. III. A sign or tOKen 11 often put for the proof or evidence of a thing, for example: 'J'his shall be a token, or sign, unto thee, that ! have sent thee, Liod 5. 12. Shew me a sign thai thou talkest with me, that is, a proof, Judg. C. 17. What shall be the sign, or evidence, that the Lord will heal me ? 2 Kings 20. 8. This acceptation agrees uith the Jirst abov*- mentioned. IV. The signs of heaven ; the signs of the magi- cians ; are tAe phenomena of the heavens, the moiionsof the stars and planets, the appearaiue: of meteors, and the like ; and the inipos^utt o, magicians, uhich thev make use of to deceive the aeak. The Lord'frustrateth the tokens, or signs, of the liars, and maketh diviners mail. ha. 44. 25. And in Jer. 10. S, Be not dis mayed at the signs of hea\-en, for the heathen are dismayed at them. To be a sign to the house of Israel, '*"' «'*. '" *< a prophecy, type, or prediction cf nkat should happen to the Aoum of Israel. Thus the prophe, Ezekiel by the type of m siege lAtus uhat should happen to Jerusalem some lime after, I.iek. 4 3. And in chep. 14. 8. the l^ird pours doan Ais vengeance upon sinners, and makes them as m sign,' as a public and sensible proof, of Ai. t, urath. TAe proyitet Isaiah says: Behold, 1 and the diildren whom the Lord hath given id*, are for signs and for wonders in Israel, Urn .' 8. 18. ll'e are a gmtinf-stock 10 them, ant aondeied at for our folly in ielhimg the y miiei of God. Etod. 4. U. if ihey believe not nor hearken to voica ^ offirjt*.they will believe the roice of the latter 8.23. I will (lilt division, to morrow shall this*. 13. o. it shall be a *. to Ae* ivoo thiat hand £gt4. SI. 13. my sabbaths ye shall lerp, for it ii a X. bttween me and you, Eztk. CO. 12, CO. Mnn. 16. ''<8. and they shall be a s. iinio Israel t6. 10. fire devoured them, and they liec.tme a *. D€KI. (i. 8. bind them for a i. on ihy hand, II 18. 13. 1. if there arise a prophet, and Riveth ihee ai. C. and *. come to pass whereof he spake to thee 88. 46. they shall be on thee fur a s. and a wonder Josh. 4. 6. that this may be a s. amonq you Jndg. 6. 17- then shew me a /. ihou talkesi with me 20.38. was an appointed s. between Israel and liers 1 Sam. 2. S4. this shall be a ». to thee, in one day they shall die both of them, 2 Kings I9. Cg. 14. 10. we will Roup, this shall be t. unto us 1 Kings 13. 3. gave a s. the same day, sayint;, this is the 1. the I^rd haih spoken, altar shall be rent 5. accordin;to the t. the man of Ood hath eiven C Kings 20.8. what shall be the *. Lord wiU heal 9. this/, shall have of L. /ju. .37. 30. | 38.7.22. 2 CAr. 32. 24. he spake to him, he pave him a s. Jsa.T. 11. ask thee a i. of the Lord thy Ood, ask 14. L. himself shall Rive you a*, behold a virgin 19. 20. it shall be for a s. unto the Lord of hosts 20. 3. as Isaiah hath walked bare-foot for a ». 55. 13. it shall be for a name, for an everlastini;*. 66. 19- I will set a s. amoni; them and will send Jer. 6. ). set up a /. of fire in 15eth-haccereni 44. 29. and this shall be a/, to yon, Lnkel. 12. Eiek. 4. 3. this shall be a s. to the house of Israel 12. 6. I have set thee for a /. to Israel, 11. 14. 8. 1 will make him a ». a proverb, and cutoff 24. 24. thus Ezekicl is a J.||C7. thou shah be a s, 39. IS. then shall he set up a *. by it till buriers Mai. 12. .38. sayint: Slastcr, we would see a s, from thee, i6. 1. Mark^. 11, Luke II. I6 Sp. an evil and adulterous generation scekeih after a i. 16.4. Mark 8. 12. LvkcW. CO. tnere shall no j. be given, but the s. of the prophet .lonas, Mark 8. 12. I.uke 11 . ?9, 30. 24. 3. and what shall be the t. of thy coming ? .30. then shall appear the *. of the Son of man 26. 4B. now he that betrayed him gave them a,». Mark 13. 4. what t. when all these things shall be Luke 2. .34. for a /. which shall be spoken against Jolin 2. 18. what s. shewest thou unto us ? 6. .30 Acts 28.11. a ship, whose i. was Castor and Po'Ijx Horn. 4. 11. he received s. of circumcision, a seal 1 Cor. 1.22. for .lews require s. Greeks seek wisdom 14. 22. wherefore tongues are s. not 10 tlieni that Rev. 15.1. I saw another s. in hcavei, seven angels SIGN. Oan 6. 8. O king, establish decree, s. the writing SIGNED. Dan. 6. 0. wherefore king Darins /. the writing 10. when Daniel knew that the writing was /. 12. they spake, hast thou not t, a decree SIGNS. C<7».1.14.1ef thcmbe for/, and for seasons, for days £jod. 4. 9. if they will not believe these two /. 17. ''ilh this rod in thy hand thou shalt do s. SB.Mosestold Aaron all words of Lord and all t. which he had commanded, .30. Josh. 24. 17. T. 3. I will multiply my /. in the land of Egypt lO.e. mayest tell thy son my /. which I have done N«m. 14. 11. for all the s. whirh I have shewed Dtnt. 4. 34. to take him a nation by s. 26. 8. 6. 22. Lord shewed / on Egypt, on Pharaoh and on all his household, iNVA. 9 10. Pm/. 78. 4,3. t. 19. the great /. which thine eyes see, 29. 3. M. 11. in all /. which the Lord sent him to do 1 Sam. 10. 7. when these /. are come unto thee 9. and all those i. came to pass that day t Kings Z^.i 5. pntdownthemthat burn to twelve i. Jol 38. i 32. canst thou bring forth the twelve s. ? Pial. 74. 4. they set up their en.«igns for s- 9- we see not our t there is no more any prophet 105. 27. shewed bis /. among them, and wonders ha. 8. 18 behold, I and the children are for s. Jit. 10. 2. be not dismayed at the *. of he.iven 32. 20. which hast set * and wonders in Egypt 21 .hast brought forth Israel out of Egypt with / Dan. 4. 2. I thought it good to shew / and wonders 3. how great are his < / how michty his wonders Dan. 6, 27. he worketh /. in heaven and in earth Mat 16 3 can ye not discern the i. of the times ^ C4. 24. there shall arise false Christs and false pro- phets, and shall shew great s. Mark 13. 22. Mark 16. 17 these s follow them that believe 2(>. confirming the word with t following iMkt 1. 61. they made /. to his father Zechariah 81. 11. and greatj shall there be from heaven 15. there shall be t. in the sun, moon, and stars John 4. 48. eirent ye see /. ye will not believe 20 30. aDd many other <. truly did Jesus Ake, alt sneered thip- wreck that were contained in him at iheirnatu. ral original. II. He was tht moral principlt of mankind. In the first treaty between God and man, Adam was considered, not as a single person, but at the Representative of a nation, a»d contracted for all his descendants by ordinary generation: His person was the fountain of theirs, and hit will the representative of theirs. From hence his vas' progeny became a party in the covenant, and had a title to the benefits contained in 11 upon his obedience, and was liable to the curse upon his violalation of it. ipon this ground the Apostle inttitulet a parallel between Adam and Christ. Rom. 5. 19, that as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners ; so by the obedience of one shall many be made righ- teous. As Christ in his death on the cross did 7iot suffer at a private person, but at a surety and tporuor representing the whole church, as it is said. S Cor. 5. 14. If one died for all, then were all dead : So the first Adam, who was the figure of him that was to come, Rom. 5. 14. in his disobedience was esteemed a public person representing tht aholt race of mankind ; and by a just law it uat not restrained to Aim- The Scripture proves in many places that the tin of Adam wai communicated to all hit posterity, and that it has infected and corrupted it. Epn. 2. 3, We were by nature the children o. wrath ; tha^ is, liable to punishment, and that hath relation to guilt And in Ram. 6. 12, By one man sin entered into the world, ind deatk by sin ; and so death assed upon all mro, at SIN « Jtiil itnttitte upon tki g*iltw, for that all fcirt •ioned. Job dtscribti this tin, ^Vho can bring a clean thing out of an nncleao ' not one, Job 14. 4. // It tht unirersal laze of nature, that tvtry thing proJncts its like, not only in itgard if the same nature, that is propagated from me indivtdual to another, without a change of the species, but in respect of the quatiiies ttith which that nature is eminently affected. The Psalmist Oavid lilrccist speaks of this sin, Pial. 51. 5, Behold, I was sh2q)en in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conctiTe me. The sin against the Holy Ghost, Our Saviour lays in Mat. 12. 31,. 12, Wherefore I say unto yoa, AH manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men, bat the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whoever shall spfak a word against the Son of man, it shaH be forgiven him : bnt who- soever speaketh against the Holy OTiost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in ttis world, neither in the world to come. Interpreters have differently explained the sin against the Holy Ghost. St. Ambrose in on* place makes it to consist in denying the deity *f the Son : In another place hi says, it consists in denying^ the divinity of the Holy Ghost, and in imput- ing his verks to the power of the devil : And in Ais took of Repentance he extends it t» hertiy and schism. Ilermas says, that the sin «gains1 the Holy Ghost i's the blaspheming of God , andmnother authof says, that it is the renounc- ing of God : Others think the irremti-iibie tin, to 6e thai of a hardened, impent'ient, and inso- lent sinner : Grolius espouses this op'tnfon, and gives for examples of this crime, the sin tf Koran, Pharaoh, Simon Magu«,. Ananias, and Sapphira. The generality of interpreters place the tin against the Holy Ghost, mentioned by our Sa- viour, in the ailfut malice of those that with- stand the evidence of truth, and nho will not acknoicledgt the miracles of Christ to be wrougnt iy the fnger of God, but malicioush/, and against the conviction of their own consciences, tmpute them to the prince of darkness. This was cer- tainly the crime of the Pharisees, ta whom Christ applied his discourse ; and those also be- come gytilly of the same crime, who oppose, or persecute the doctrine, ways, and servants of Christ, because they are spiritual, or have anv thing of the Spirit appearing in them, and that tontrary to their own convictions. Such as are guilty if this sin, are excepted from pardon, be- cause the death of Christ was not appointed for the expiation of it : And there being no sa- crifice, there can be no satisfaction, and conse- quently no pardon. For if we wilfully sin after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, Hf*. 10. 26, 27,&c. The wisdom and justice of God rejiiire this severity against such sinners : For if he that despised Moses' law, died without mercy, of how much sorer punishment shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant where- with he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite to the Spirit of grace ! that it. They renounce their Redeemer as if he were not the Son of God, and virtually consent to the cruel sentence passed against him, as if he had blasphemed when he declared himself to be so : and thereby out-sin his sufferings. How reason- able is it therefore that they should be for ever deprived of the benefits, who obstinately reject the means that purchased them. The same apostle speaks also of this sin in Heb. 6. 4, 5, 6, For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holv Ghost : and have tasted the good word of God, \Dd the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto re- pentance : seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open thame : that is. Such as haiSe attained to some acquaintance with the doctrine of the gospel, and haze had some erperterue of the power and efficacy of the Holy Ghost from heaven in gos- pel administrations and worship ; yea, even tome of the extraordinary gifts of the Spirit ; tho have lilreicise relished comfort and sweeiruss oi the doctrine and promises of the gospel ; and pariicuUrly having heard that the Hedeemer laves thtm from wrath, and instates them in iapvrxiss beyond what is attainable here on earth ; i/iett self -lore has externally closed with the revelation, and made application of it to it- •»/,'■ ■ Nov, says tV Apottlc, if such shall turn bin Apetlatit, it is impossible, in regard of any law, rule, or constitution of God, to bring them so repentance, whereby they should be restored to their former condition ; and this because they despise the means of salvation, they shea them- selves to be of the same opinion with those that did crucify Chri.st, and they would do it again, uere it in their power ; and actually do it as much as they can by persecuting his members. The great unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghosts appears to be a presumptuous tin agaimt tome more than oriiir*ary illuminations, conitc- tions, and taste of gospel grace, whereby a man doth knoteingly a.id studijusly rebel against the truth, and maliciously yei.ecute it in him- self and othert from an un.versal haired of it for ittelf, -Mat. 12. .-Jl, ?2 Heb. 6. 4, 3. Job C4. !."{. Heb. fb. 19. Acts 13. 41. 1 Jotjn 5. 16. From the above-mentioned passjge, in Heb. 6. it appears [1] That tl cannot be any sin that is committed ignorantly. St. Paul was a blas- phemer ■ but was forgiven, because he did it ig- norantly. [2] h must be a sin knowingly com- mitted againt the operationt of the Holy Ghost, and Che convictions of conscience ; it is a sin- ning wilfully after having received the know- ledge of the truth, and having been made par- takers of the Holy Ghost. [3/ Apostasy seems to be an ingredient in it, II they fall away, says the apostle. [4J It takes in malice and persecution ; the Pharjsees did not only impute the miracles oj mir Saviour entance. Gen. 4. 7. if liiou •Joest not well, / lieth at the door Exod.3t.7. forgiving iniquity, transgression, and 3. Lev. 4. 3. if priest/, according to the /. of people 14. when t. is known, congregation shall offer 6. 26. the priest that offereth it for t. 9. 15. 19. 17. and not suffer /. upon thy neighbour 22. the s. which he hath done shall be forgiven Num. 5.6. when a man or woman shall commit t 12. 11. 1 beseech thee lay not the s. upon us 19. 9. it is a purification for t. 17. 27. ?. our father died in his own s. had no sons Deut. 15. 9- cry to Lord and itbej. to thee, 24.15. 19. 15. one witness shall not rise up for any s. 21 22. if man have committed t. worthy of death 22. 26. there is in damsel no 1. worthy of death 23. 21. L. shall require it, and it would j. in thee 22. if thou forbear to vow, it saall be no t. 24. 16. every man shall be put to deathifor his own /. 2 Kings 14. 6. 2 Chron. 25. 4. 1 Sam. 15. 23. for rebellion is as s. of witchcraft 1 Kings 8. 34. forgive /.4.8.they eat up /. of my people, set their heart 10. 8. the /. of Israel shall be destroyed 12. 8. they shall find no iniquity in me that were /. Amos 6. 14. they that swear by the /. in Samaria Mic. 1. 13. she is the beginning of *. to 7Aon 6.7. shall I give fniit of my body for /. of my soul Zerh. l.T.l. there shall be a fountain opened (01 s. 14. ♦ 19. this shall be the c. of F.gypt .1/«f.l2.31.allmauinpr of /.shall be forgiven to men John 1. 29. which takeih away the/, of the world 8. 7. he that is without /. among you, let hira cast 34. whoso commiitPth /. is the seri-ant of/. 9. 41. if ye were blind, he should have no /. 15. 22. if I had not come, they had not had /. 24. 16. 8. Comforter, he will ve^rovc the world of /. Jaftn 16. 9. of /. because they believie not on bm 19. 11. ne that delivered me hath the greater « Acts 7. 60. Lord, lay not this /. to their cbarje /fum.3.9.proved Jews and Gentiles are all undet a 20. lor by the law is the knowledge of /. 4. 7. blessed are they whose /. is covered 5. 12. /. entered into the world, and death by / 13 for till the law /. was in the world 20 where /. abounded, grace much more 21. that as /. reigned unto death, even so 6. 1. what shall we say? shall we continue in /. f 2. how shall we that arc dead to /. live therein • 6. with him, that the body of /. might be des troyed that henceforth we should not serve j. 7. for he that is dead is freed from /. 10. for in that he died, he died to /. once 11. reckon ye yourselves to be dead indeed nnto] 12. let not /, therefore reign in your mortal body 13. not yield your members as instruments to / 14. for / shall not have dominion over you 16. his servants ye are, whether of/, unto deatt 17. God be thanked, ye were the servants of t 18. being then made free from /. 22. 20. for when ye were the servants of/, ye wer« 23 for wages of/, is death, but the gift of God 7. 7 is law t.f God forbid, I had not known /. 8. /. taking eccasion wrought in me all manner J concupiscence : for without the law /. was de?^' 9. commandment came, / revived, and I died 11. for / by the commandment slew me 13. but /. that it might appear, /. that /. by tht commandment might become exceeding sinfi'. 14. law is spiritual.but I am carnal, sold under/ 17. no more I, but /. that dwelleth in me, 20 23. and bringing me into captivvty to law of j. 25. but with the flesh, the law of /. 8. 3. and for /. condemned /. in the flesh 10. if Christ be in you, body is dead because of / 14. 23. for whatsoever is not of faith, is /. 1 Cor. 6. 18. every /. a man doth is without body 15. 56, O death, where is thy sting > the sting of death is /. and the strength of r. is the law 2 Cijr.5.21 .made him to be /. for ns, whj knew no /. Gal. 2. 17 is therefore Christ the minister of/. .' 3. 22 the scripture hath concluded all under / 2 Thess. 2. 3. and that man of /. be revealed Heb. 3. 13. be hardened thro' the deccitfulness of 1 4.15. was tempted like as we are, yet without / 9. 26. but once hath he appeared to put away /. 28. he shall appear without /. to salvation 10. 6. in sacrifices for/, thou hast had no pleasure 8 offering for /, thou wouldst not, nor pleasure 18. where remission, is no more offering for /. 11. 25. than to enjoy pleasures cf /. for a season 12. 1. let us lay aside /. that doth easily beset us 4. ye have not yet resisted, striving against /. 13 11. the bodies of those beasts for /. are burnt Jam. 1. 15. when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth/, and/, when finished, bringeth forth deatU 2. 9. if ye have respect to persons, ye commit /. 4. 17. knoweth, and doth not good, to him it is /. 1 Pet 2. 22. who did no /. nor was guile found 4. 1. that suffered in flesh hath ceased from /. 2 Pet. 2. 14. having eyes that cannot cease from /. 1 John 1.7. blood of Christ cleanseth us from all s. 8. if we say we have no /. we deceive ourselves 3. 4. whoso committeth /. transgresseth also the law, for /. i3 the transgression of the law 5. he was manifested, and in him is no /. 8. he that committeth 3. is of the devil 9. whosoever is bom of God doth not commit /. 5. 16. if any man see his brother /. a /. which is not to death, there is a /. nnto death 17. all unrighteousness is /. and there is a /. not nnto death, whosoever is bom of G. sinnelh not See Bear. Great SIN. Oen. 20.9. brought on me and my kingdom great t Exod. 32.21. that hast brought thisfr«i 34. in the day when 1 vi.sit, I will visit their s. Num. 5.7. they shall confess /A«ir x.they have done Deitl.Q. 27. look not unto stubbornness, not iheirt. 1 King.far*9. £1. how long is it ago/, this came to him ? Lute 1. 70. been/, the world began, John 9. 32. 7. 45. /. the time I came in, she hath not ceased 16. 16. /. then the kingdom of God is preached 24. 21. is the third day /. these things were done /?f/f 3.21. /. the world began, Horn. I6. 25. 19. 2. ye received the Holy Ghost /. ye believed ? 24. 11. ye but twelve days/. I went to Jerusalem 1 Ciir.l5.21for/.bynian came death, by man came 2 Cor. 13. 3. ye seek a proof of Christ in me Col. 1 . 4. /. we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus Heb. 7. 28. but word of oath which was /. the law 2 I'et. 3. 4. for /. the fathers fell asleep, all things Rev. 16.18. as was not /\ men were upon tlie^arth. See Day SINCERE. Or Sincerity. This word properly signifies tntth and uprightness, uhen the lieaA /ind I07igve agree together. Sincerity is opposed I0 dmtble- mindedness or deceit, uhen (he sentiments vf the heart are contrary to the language of the mouth. The Latin word, sincerus, is derived ftom sine and cera, ^oithout wax, honey sepa- rated from the uax, or pure honey. In the scripture sincere signifies pure, or uiif/'out mixture, 1 Pet. 2. 1. Desire the sincere milk of the word ; that is, unmixed with errorr. tra- ditions, and heresies, free from deceits. SI. Paul would have the Philippians /o be jnire, tm partial, and ujibiassed in their choice ; that the behaviour may be innocent, and give 7it> offence to any body, I'hil. 1. 10. that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ. The same Apostle .'peakt^f sincerity and truth, or purity and truth, whicfi he sets in opposition to the leavened bread of impurity and filthiness, 1 Cor. 5. 8. Let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice atid wickedness ; but the un- leavened bread of sincerity and truth. Thai is. Let the whole of our lives ie like the Jewish feast of the Passover and unleavened bread ; let us not spend them iciih the leaven of malice and wickedness, allowing ourselves in any way of sin, either by corrupt affeclion.i, sinful actions, or tolerating among us any scandalous offence ; but lei us practise oil Christian purity, and holdfast the truth thai has been delivered to us. And In reproaches the false aposlles with not preaching Christ, sincerely, purely, with upright and ditimttrcsted sentiments of the heart. Vhil. II6. The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely. Gen. 17. 1 1. walk before me, and be thou /. Deut. 18. t IS. ihoB shalt be /. with Lord thy God SIN ' Psal. 119. n. ble«sed are (Ha t. in the wny Eph. 1. 1 15. being /. in love may grow up into riiil. 1 . 10. ye may be /. till day of Christ, £.1 1^ 1 I'et.2.2. as new born babes desire /. milk SINCERELY. Judg.Q.l6.nov if ye have done truly andi.19. Phil. 1. 16. the one preach Christ, not /. SINCERITY. Getu 20. t 5. in the /. of my heart have I done tli!i Josh. 24.14. fear and serve the Lord in /. and truth 1 Cor. 5. 8. with unleavened bread of /. and truth 2 Cer.l.l2.in godly/.we have had ourconversatior 2. 17. but as of/, in the sight of God sptik we 8. 8. and to prove the /. of your love £;;/i.6.24.gracewith them that love our L.Jes. ia 1 Tit, 2. 7. iu doctrine shewing gravity, /. SINEW. Gen. 32. 32. Israel eat not of the /. that shrank because he touched Jacob in the /. that shrank 7/0.48.4. because thy nick is an iron /. SINEWS. Joi 10. 11. thou hast fenced me with bones and t, 30. 17. my bones are pierced, and my /.take no 40. 17. the /. of his stones are wrapped together Eiek. 37. 6. 1 will lay /. upon you and bring flesh 8. the /. and the flesh came up upon them .SINFUL. Num. 32. 14. ye are risen an increeise of/, mcri Jsa. 1. 4. ah /. nation, a people laden with iniquity ylmo/ 9. 8. eyes of the Lord are on the /. kingdom Mark 8. 38. snail be ashamed in this /. generation Luke 5.8. depart from me, for I am /. man, O Lord 24. 7. must be delivered into the hands of /. men Rom. 7. 13. that sin might become exceeding /, 8. 3. God sending his Son in the likeness of /. fltsb SING. Exod, 15. 21. /. to the Lord, 1 Chr. 16. 23. Psm, 30. 4. I 94. 1. I 96. 1, 2. I 98. 1. I 147. 7 I 149. 1. //o. 12.5 32. 18. but the noise of them that /. do I hear Ntim, 21. 17. spring up, O well, /. ye unto it 1 Sam. 21. 11. did they not /. one to another? 1 Chron. 16. 9. unto him, /. psalms unto him 33. then shall the trees of the wood /. out 2 Chron. 20. 22. when they began to /. and praise 29. 30. Uezekiah commanded the Levites to /. Joi 29. 13. 1 caused the w-dow's heart to/, forjoj Psal. 21. 13. so will we /. and praise thy power 33. 2. praise the Lord, /. to him with the psalterj 3. /. unto him a new song, Isa. 12. 10. 51. 14. my tongue /. of thy righteoiuness, 145. 7 65 13. the valleys shout for joy, they also /. 66.2. /. forth the honour of his name, make praisi 4. the earth j. to thee, they fhall /. 67. 4. let the nations be glad and /. for joy 68. 32. /> to God, ye kingdoms of the earth 71. 22. to thM will I /. with the harp,Q8. 5. 81- l,j. alouci unto God our strength, make noise. 104. 12. the fowls which/, among the brancnes J05. i I. to him, /. pialms unto him, talk ye 137- 3. saying, /. us one of the songs of 7ion 4. how shall we /. Lord's song in a strange land; 138. 5. yea, they shall /. in the ways of the Lord 149. 5. let the saints /. aloud upon their beds Prov. 29. 6. but the righteous doth /. and rejoice //n.23. 15. after seventy years shall Tyre /.as 24. 14. they shall /. for the majesty of the Lordi ^6. 19. awake and /. ye that dwell in dust 27. 2. in that day s. ye to her, vineyard of redxrir.e 35. $. then shall the tongue of the dumb .t. 38. CO. therefore we will /. my songs all days 42,11. let the inhabitants of the rock /.. 44.23. /.O ye heavens, for L. hath done it, 49. 1.3 i2, 8. with tte voice together shall they /. 9. $. to the Lord, ye waste places of Jerusalem 54. J. /. O barren, thou that didst not hear 65.14. behold, my servants shall /. for joy Jer. 31.7. with gladness for Jacob, and shout 12. they shall come and/, in the height of Ziou 51. 4!i. all that is therein shall /. for Kabylon Eiek. 27. 25. the ships of Tar.ihish did /. of ihco ilos. 2. 15. she shall /. as in the days of youth Zeph.i. 14. their voice shall /. in the windows 3. 14. /. O daughter of Zion, Zech. 2. 10. Jam. 5. 13. is any merry I let him /. psalms Rev. 15. 3. they/, song of Moses and of the Lamb laill SING. Exod. 15.1. JrWH/.tolhe \A.Judg.5.3.Psal.\3 (5 I'sai. 57. 7. my heart is fixed, O God, / uill t. 9. / will /. unto (hee among the nations 59. 16. 1 Kill /. of thy power, of thy mercy, 80, 1 17. unto thee, O my strength, will Is. for God 101. 1. /wi///. of mercy and judgment, O Lord 11)4. 33. / will /. to the Lord, as long as 1 livo 144. 9. / will s. a new song urto thee, O Gail ha. 5. 1 . now aill / /. to my well-beloved a song Retm. 15. 9. for this cause will I /. to thy Dam* I Cor. 14. 15. 1 will pray with spirit, I will x. w^ the spirit, and 1 uilli. with (he Qndetiii'.rd!!) Set Praise, FRAieus. SIN SIKGkD. VitH.i, !?• Qor wu an hair of their h«ad t. SINGER. I CAron. 6. 33. Ilemaa a x. the son of Joel liei. 3. 19. to chief J on my scringed iDstniments SINGERS. lH'ingiie.lZ. king made pialteries fort. CCAr. 9. li. IC/ircn. 9. 33. these are the t. chief, 15. I6. 15 19. so /. were appointed to sound with cymbals ST. the Levites and the s. haa fine linen 2ChT. 5. 13. the trumpeters and s. were as one 20. 01. Jchoshaphat appointed t. unco the Lord 23. 1.3. the peop'.i rejoiced ana also the s. 29- 26. 35.15. the /. the sons of Asaph were in their place S'.z'a 2. 41. the *. an hundred twenty and eight tj. so the s. dwelt in their cities, AV/i. 7. 73. 7. 7. some of the s. went up unto Jerusalem 24. it shall not be lawful to impose toll upon 1. 10. 24. the /. gave their hands to put away wives Seh.T. 1. the porters and the /. were appointed 10. 29, the s. clave to their brethren, their nobles 11. 22. the*, were over the business of the house 23. a portion shall be for the /. 12. 47. | 13. 5. 12. 28. sons of /. gathered themselves together 29. the X. bad builded them villages round about 4'. s. sang aloud |J45. t. kept ward of thcirO. 46. in the days of David, there, were chief of s. 13. 10. for the Invites and the 1. were fled Psal 68. 25. /. went before, players followed after 87- 7. as well the /. as the players shall be there link. 40. 44. the chambers of the s. in inner court .«/«i-SINGEKS, (romwi-SlNGERS. Eecl. 8.8. I gat me meti-t. and women-i. SINGETII. Pi'«r.S5.20. so is he that s. songs to an heavy heart SINGING. 1 Sam. 18. 6. women came out of cities of Israel s. 1 Chron. 6. 32. and they ministered with s. 13. 8. Uavid and all Isr. played before God with i. $ Cliron. 23. 18. to offer the burnt-offerings with s. 30. 2i. t. with loud instruments unto the Lord Neh. 12. 27. kept the dedication of the wall with s. P)al. 30. + 5. bat /. cooieth in the morning 100. 2. come before his presence with /. 105. t43. he brought forth his chosen with s. 107. t 22. and declare his works with t. 126. 2. then was our tongue filled with s. t5. they that sow in tears shall reap in s. Caul. 2. 12. the time of the s. of birds is come Ita. 14,7. earth is at rest, they break forth into s. 16. 10. in the vineyards there shall be no ». 35. 2. it shall blossom ?ind rejoice with joy and s. ♦4. S3, break forth into t. ye mountains, O forest 48. 20. flee from the Chaldeans with a vciice of s. 49. IS. be joyful, O earth, and break forth into x. 51.11. the redeemed shall come witli j. to Zion 54. 1. break forth into x. O barren, and cry aloud 55. 12. the mountains shall break forth into x. Zeph.i.ll.TSil in his love.will joy over thee with x. Efk. 5. 19. X. in your heart to the Lord, Col. 3. 16. SINGING-MEN, SINGING-WOMEN. 8 Sam. 19. 35. can I hear voice ols.-meii, s.-womtn 2 CliTon. 35. 25. all the s.-men spake of Josiah JLxra 2. 65. two hundred s.-men, 200 s.-tcomen Nell. 7. 67. they had 245 t.-men and s.-uiomen SINGLE. Ezei. 23. 1 47. the company shall x. them out SINGLE. Mai. 6. 22. if therefore thine eye be x. thy whole body shall be full of light, Luke U. 34. SINGLENESS. Acit 2.46.did eat meat with gladness anux. of heart ICp/i. 6. 5. serv. oher in i. of your heart, Cot. 3. 22. S'lNGULAH. Lev. 27. ~. when a man shall m\\tt a t. vow SINK. Joi 38. ♦ 6. whereon are the foundations made to x. Psal. 69. 2. I X. in deep mire where is no standing 14. deliver me out of the mire, and let me not x. Jer. 51 . 64. thus shall Babylon x. and shall not rise Mat. 14. 30. beginning to x. he cried, £x)rd, save me Lvleb.l . filled both .ships, so that they began to x. 9. 44. let these sayings x. down into your ears SINNED. tZrod. 9.34.1'hapaoh x.yet more, hardened his heart 32. 30. Moses said, ye have x. a great sin, 31. 3.'5. whosoever hath x. him will I blot out Lcv.i. 3. bring for the sin he hath x. a bullock 14. whfD the sin the congregation have x. 22.when ruler x. 23. ||2fl. one of common people t. 5. 5. he shall confess he hath x. in that thing C. for sin which he hath x. shall bring a female lO.priest shall make atontment for the sin he hath t. and shall be forgiven, 1 1 . 13. tehold, ye have x. aeainst the l-ord l*evt. 9.16. I looked, and behold ye had t. ag. Lord 18. your .sins which tc x. in doing wickedly Ic^^.^.ll III oata(.aivi(Taaserc>9«d my covenant »0 SIN Jujg. 11. 27. wherefore I have not x. against thee 1 Sam. 19. 4. because he hath not x. against thee 24. 11. know that I have not x. against thee 1 A«ngx8.33. because they have x. against thee, and shall turn again to thee, 35. 2 C/ir. 6. 24, 26. 50. forgive thy people that x. 2 Cliron. 6. 39. 15. 30. sins of Jeroboam which he x. I6. 13, 19. 18. 9. what have I x. that thou wouldst deliver 2 A'in'x 17. 7. Israel had x. against Lord their God 21. 17. the sin that Manasseh had x. is written \th. 9. 29. but X. against thy judgments Joi 1. 5. Job said, it may be that my sons have x 22. in all this Job x. not, nor charged G. foolishly 8. 4. if children have x. against him and have cast 24. 19. so doth thr jrave those who have x. Psal. 78. 17. they x. yet more against him, 32 Isa. 43.27. thy first father hath x. and thy teachers Jer. 2. 35. because thou sayest, I have not t. 33.' 8. their iniquity, whereby they have x. ag. me 40. 3. because ye have x. and not obeyed, 44. 23. .TO. 7. because they havex. ag. the \,.Zeph. 1. 17. 14. for Babylon hath x. against the Lord Lam. 1.8. Jerusalem hath grievously x. is removed 5.7. our fathers have x.and are not, we have borne Ezek. 18. 24. in sin he hath x. in them shall he 2H. 16. have filled with violence, and thou bast x. 37. 23. of their dwelling places wherein they x. Hot. 4.7- as they increased so they x. against me 10. 9. O Israel thou hast x. from days of (J ibeah Hah. 2. 10. and thou hast x. against thy soul John 9. 3. neither this man x. nor his parents i?o»i.2.12. for as many as have x. without law; as have X. in the law, shall be judged by the law 3. 23. for all have x. and come short, 5. 12. 5. 14. death reigned even over them that hid not x. 16. not as it was by one that x. so is the gift 1 Cor. 7. 28. but and if thou marry, thou hast not x. and if ^ virgin marry she hath not x. 2 Cor, 12. 21. I shall bewail many that have x. 13. 2. I write to them which heretofore have x. Heh. 3. 17. was it not with them that had s.? 2 Pel. 2. 4. for if God spared not the angels that x. IJolin l.lO.if we saywehave not x.wedeceive ours. I have SINNED. Exorf.g. 27. Pharaoh said, / have x.this time, 10. I6. NHm.22.34.Ba.aam said to angel of Lord,! have s. JbxA. 7. 20. indeed 1 haves, ag. Lord God of Israel 1 Sam. 15. 24. Saul said, / have s. 30. | 26. 21. ZSam. 12. 13. David said to Nathan, I have x. against the Lord, 24. 10, 17. 1 Chr. 21.8, 1". 19. 20. thy servant doth know that / have s. Joi 7. 20. / have s. || 3». 27. if any say I have s. Psal. 41.4. heal my soul, for I haves, against thee 51. 4. against thee, thee only A. Is. done this evil .fl/ic.7 9./ Aflirx. against him till he plead mycause Mai. 27.4. Judas said, I have s. in betraying inno. Luke 15. 18. the prodigal said, father, I have x. 21. lie have SINNED. A'rim.12. 11. lay not sin on us, wherein ae have s. 14. 40. we will go up, fir we have s. Deut.\.i\. 21. 7- Ke have x. we have spoken against the Lord Judg. 10. 10. ice have s. because we have forsaken our Ciod and served Baalim, 1 Sam. 12. 10. 15. we have s. do to us what seemeth good to thee 1 6'am. 7.6. they fasted that day, and said,»? have s. 1 Kings 8. 47. a* have s. and have done perversely 2 Chr. 6, 37. saying, ve have x. we have done amiss Neh. 1. 6. and confess the sins whi( h Ke have x. Psal. IOO.6. we haves, with our fathers, we have Isa. 42. 24. the Lord, he against whom Tte haves. 64. 5. behold thou art wroth, for we have s. Jer. 3. 25. we lie down in our shame, for ue have s. 8. 14. hath given us water of gall, for ae have s. 14. 7. for our backslidings are many, ue have s. 20. acknowledge our wickedness, for toe have s. Lam. 5.l6.crown is fallen.woe to us that tve have s. Van. y. 5. we have x. and have committed iniquity 8. toustclongeth confusion, because we have s. 11. the curse is poured on us, because we have s. 15. O Lord, we have s. we have done wickedly SINNER. Prov. 11. 31. much more the wicked and the x. 13.6. but wickedness overthroweth the x. 22. the wealth of the x. is laid up for the just lUcl. 2. 26. but to the X. he gif?th tr.ivail, to gather 7.26. but the s. sh.'xll be taken by her 8. 12. tho' X. do evil an hundred times, yet I know 9. 2. as is the good, so is the x.and he thatsweareth 18. but one x. destroyeth much good ha. 55.20. X. being Itw) years old .shall be accursed Luke 7 . 37. behold woman in the city who was a x. 39. would have known thi? woman she is a t. 1 5. 7 . joy in heaven over one s . that repenteth 10. 18. 13. saying, CJod be merciful to me a x. 19. 7. he was gone to be guest with man that is a x. Johny. 16. howc.in a man a ». do such miracles' 24. give God praise, we know this man is a x. 25. he said, whether he iie a x. I know not Rom. 3. 7. why yet am 1 also judged as a j. Jtm. 5. SO, be ihkt converlelhit>, shall save a soul SIN ( I Pet. 4. 18. where shall the ungodly and s. appear SINNERS. Gen. 13. 13. the men of Sodom were t. exceedingly Num. 16. 38. Eleazar, take the censers of these x. 1 Sam. 15.18. utterly destroy thex. the Amalekites Psal. 1. 1. blessed thatstandeth not in the way of x. 5. nor X. in the congregation of the righteous 25. 8. therefore will he teach x. in the way 26. 9- gather not my soul with x. nor my life 51. 13. and x. shall be converted unto thee 104. 35. let thex. be consumed out of theearth Prov. 1. 10. if X. entice thee, consent thou net 13.21. evil pursuethx. but to the righteous good 2.!. i''. let not thine heart envy x. be in fear of L. Isa. 1.1'8. the destruction of thex. shall be together 13. 9. he shall destroy the x. thereof out of it 33. 14. the X. in Zion are afraid, fearfulness .4mosO. 10. all J. of my people shall die by sword Afar. 9. 10. manyx. satat meatwith Jes. il/ar^2.15 11. they said, why eateth your master with pub- licans and x. .' Mar* 2. 16. Z.H*e5. 30. | 15.2 13. for 1 am not come to call the righteous, but X. to repentance, MarkZ. 17. Luke 5. 32 11. 19. a friend of publicans and x. LukeT. 34. 26. 45. the hour is at hand, and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of x. ^Jar^ 14. 41 . Luke 6. 32. for x. also love those that love them 33. what thank have ye :' for x. also do even same 34. forx. also lend to x. to receive again 13. 2. suppose ye that these were x. above all, 4. 15. 1. the publicans and x. for to hear him JohnQ. 31. we know that God heareth not j. Rom. 5. 8. while we are yet x. Christ died for us 19. by one man's disobedience many were niadf f, Gal. 2.15. we Jews by nature, not x. of Gentilel 17. but if we ourselves also are found x. 1 Tim. 1. g. the law is made for x. for unholy 15. that Christ Jesus came to save x. I am chief Hei. 7. 26. an high-priest, holy, separate from x. 12. 3. him trtat endured such contradiction of x. Ja»i.4.8.cleanse your hands,ye x.purifyyour hearts Jude 15. speeches, which ungodly x. have spoken SIN NEST. Joi 35. 6. if thou X. what doest thou against him ? SINN E in. iVK)n.l5.28.make atonem. for soul that x.ignorajitly 29. have one law for him that x. thro' ignorance Deu!. ig.l5.oue witness shall not rise in anysin hex. 1 AVhjx8.46. for there is no man that x. not, if they sin against God, 2 Chron . 6. .36. Evcl. 7 . 20. Prov. 8.36. he that x. against me wrongeth his soOi 14. 21. he that despiseth his neighbour x. 19. 2. he that hasteth with his feet s. 20. 2. whoso provoketh a king, x. ag. his own soul £j«*.14.13. when the land x. then will I stretch out 18. 4. the soul that x. it shall die, 20. 33. 12. for his righteousness in the day he x. 1 Cor. 6. 18. but fornicator x. against his own body 7. 36. let him do what he will x. not, let them marry I'll. 3. 11. he that is such is subverted and x. 1 John 3. 6. whosoever abideth in him s. not, who- soex-erx. hath not seen him nor known him 8. is of the devil, for devil x. from the beginninj 5. 18. we know whosoever is born of God x. not SINNING. Gen. 20. 6. for I withheld thee from x. against me Lev. 6.3. in any of these that a man doth, x. therein SINS. 1 AVnfxl4. 16. shall t^ive Is.up.because of x.of Jerob 15. 3. Abijam walked in the x. of Hehoboam .30. smote Nadab because of thex. of Jeroboam 16. 13. for all the x. of Baasha, ar.d the x. of Ehia 19. for hisx. which Zimri sinned in doing evil 31. a light thing to walk in the x. of Jeroboam Kings 3.3. Jehorani cleaved to thex. of Jeroboam 10. 2y. from the x. of Jeroboam Jehu departed not 13. 6. Israel departed not from the x. of Jeroboam 11. Joash |] 14.24. Jeroboam departed from thex 15. 9. Zacliariah |! 18. Menahem dep.irted from t. 24. rekahiahll 28. Tekah departed not from x. 17. 22. Israel walked in all the x. of Jeroboam 24. 3. to remove Judah for the x. of Manasseh 2 Chron. 28. 10. are there not even with you s.f iVeA.1.6.and confess thex of the children of Israel Jilt 13. 23. how many are mine iniquities and x..» Psal. 19. 13. keep thy servant from presumptuous*. 25. 7. renie sber not the x. of my youth Prov. 5. 22. shall be holden with the cords of his 1. 10. 12. hatred stirreth up strifes, love covereth all j. 28. 13 he that covereth his x shall not prosper Isa. 40. 2. she hath received double for all her s. 43. 24. but thns hast made Die to serve with thy r. 25. I blot out and will not remember thy x. 44. 22 I have blotted out as a clmid thy x. ./er. 15. 13. substance will I givetospoil forallthyj. 30. 14. because thy x. were increaised, 15. 50.20. the X. of .ludah sought for, and not be fbtint] Lam. 3. 39. a man for the punishment of his *. 4. 13. for the x. of her prophets and hpr priest* 2S> U daughter of Edom, he will discorei tby i- SIN fiVi^.lO.Sl.nor bath Samariftcommitud half tbyt. 52. bear thou thine own shame for thy i. 38. 14. if he beget sod that seeth all his father's/. 21. if the wickfd will tarn from all his s. ■a. 49. and he shall bear the /. of your idols 33. 16. none of his 1. shall be mentioned to him /;«». 4. 27. break off thy ». by righteousness 9. 24. 70 weeks are detenn. to make an end of 1. Mic. 1.3. for the /. of the house of Israel is all this 6. 13. in making thee desolate because of thy t. tdat. 26. 28. shed formany for the remission of j. M(trk 1.4. John did baptize and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of/. Ijukt 3. 3. Lui«*4.i7. that remission off. should be preached John 9.34. they said, thou wast altogether born in /. 20.23. whosesoever ». ye remit.whose /. ye retain Atti 2.38. repent and be baptized for remission of/. 5. 31. to gi»e repentance and remission of /. iO.43. whoso believeth.shall receive remission of/. 22. 16. wash away thy 1. calling on name of Lord Rom. 3. 25. for the remission of/, that are past 7. 5. the motions of/, did work in our members Eph.i.X. you hath quickened, who were dead in /.3. Col.i. 11. in putting off the body of 4. of the flesh 1 Tim. 5. 22. nor be partakers of other men's /. 24. some men's /. open beforehand, going before 8 3'im. 3. 6. who leadcapt. silly women laden with/. Uei. 2. 17- to make reconciliation fur /. of people i. 1. that he may offer gifts and sacrifices for /. 3. for people, so also for himself, to offer for/. 7. 27. first for his own /. then for the people's 9. 28. Christ was once offered to bear /. of many 10. 2. should have had no more conscience of /. 3. there is a remembrance again made of /. 4. not possible blood of bulls and goats take away/. 11. the same sacrifices can never take away /. 12. after he had offered one sacrifice for/, forever 26. there remaineth no more sacrifice for /. Jam. 5. 20. save soul, and shall hide multitude of /. 1P«. 2.24. we being dead to/, should live to right. 3. 18. for Christ also hath once suffered for /. 4. 8. for charity shall cover the multitude of /. 2 Pet. 1. 9. forgotten he was purged from his old /. 1 Jo/tn 2. 2. but also for the /. of the whole world Rev. 18. 4. that ye be not partaker of her /. 5. for her /. have reached unto heaven See Forgive, Forgiven. My SINS. Psal. 51. 9. hide thy face from my /. and bloi out 69- 5. O God, my /. are not hid from thee Ita. 38. 17- thou hast cast my /. behind thy back Our SINS. 1 &m.l2.19. for we have added to allow /.this evil t Chron. £8. 13. ye intend to add more to our 1. NeA. 9. 37. the kings set over us because of our /. Ptal. 79- 9. purge away our /. for thy name's sake 90. 8. 071/- secret /. in the light of thy countenance 103. 10. hath not dealt with ns according to our s. Isa. 59. 12. for < 4. 10. 30. thy sons shall s. on the throne, 15. IC. 18.27. sentmetomen who/, on wall, Ita. .16.12. "/(//. 26. 5. and will not x. with the wicked 69. 12. (hey that j. in the gate speak against me 107. 10. such as s. in darka. and shadow of death 110.1. said to my Lord, /. thou at my right hand 119. S3, princes also did i. and speak against me 197- 2. it is vain for you to rise early and s. up late 132. 12. their children shall s. upon thy throne Iff/. 10.6. folly in dignity, andlrich /. in low placp lia. 3. S6 being desolate, shall /. an the ground 14. n. I will s. upon mount of the congregation 16. 5. he shall r. upon the throne in truth 30. 7. I have cried, their strength is ti » still 42.7- bring them (hat j. in darkness out of prjsan 47. 1. *. in the dust,*, on the ground, 5i. 2. 5. x.tbou silent, get thee into darkDes3,0 daughter 8. thou that sayest, I shall not i. as a widow 14. there shall not be a fire to 1. before it ler. 8. 14. why do we s. still ? assemble yourselves 13. 13. I will fill them that t. on David's throne 18. s. down now, 36. 15. || 48. i8. and /. in thirst 36. 30. he shall have none to ,•. upon the throne LMm.\.\. how doth city t. solitary was full of peo.! 2. 10. elders of Zion/. on ground and keep silence Etck. 26. 16. they shall x. upon the ground 20. 2. because thou hast said, I x. in seat of God 33. 31. and they x. before thee as my people 44. 3. prince shall x. in it to eat bread before Lord Dan. 7. 9 1 beheld till the ancient of days did x. I6.but the judgment shall 1. they shall take away Jcel 3. 12. there will I x. to judge the heathen atic. 4. 4. they shall x. every man under his vine 7. B. when I x. in darkness. Lord shall be a light Zech. 3. 8. thou and thy lellows that x. before me f'. 13. he shall x. and rule upon his throne tial,i.S.\xt shall x.as a refiner and purifier of silver iiai. 8. 11. uiany shall X. down with Abraham 15. 28. when Son of man shall X. on throne of his Rlory.ye shall x.on 12 thrones, 25.31.Z,k*«22.SO. SO. 81 . my two sons may x. one on thy right hand S3, but to «. on my right hand, Mark 10. 37, 40. 82. 44. .-. thou on my right hand till I make thy eneinie.', Mark 12. 36. Lukt 20. 42. Heb. 1. 13. £3. 2. (he Scribes and Pharisees x. in Moses' seat 86.36. X. ye here while I pray yonder, Afar* 14.32. Luke 9. 14. make them x. by fifties in a company 12. .37. make them tox. down, and will serve them 13. 29. and shall x. down in the kingdom of God 14. 0. when bidden x. not down in highest room 16. 6. take thy bill, x. down quickly, auid write fifty 17. 17. will say (0 him, go, and x. down to meat John 6. 10. Jesus said, make the men x. down ^c/x2.30. would raise up Christ to x. on his throne 8. 31. that he would come up and x. with him I Car. 8.10. tosee thee x. at meat in the idol's temple Eyh. 2. 6. hath made us x. in heavenly places lunt. 2. 3. and say x. thou here in a good place itv.S. 21. will I grant tox. with me in my throne 17.3. 1 saw a woman x. on scarlet coloured bezist 18. 7. for she saith in her heart, I x. a queen sriH. £k4.35.6. X. thou bast not hated blood, even blood shall pursue thee S ITT EST. Erorf. 18. 14. why x. thou thyself alone.' hiut. 6. 7. thou s'.ialt talk of them when thou x. in thine house, and waikest, 11. 19. P: 50. 20. thou x. and .ipeakest again.st thy brother Prop. 23.1. when thou x. to eat with a ruler Jrr.22.2.hear,() king of Judah, that x. on the throne icitii. 3. X. thou to judge me after the law.' SiriKTII. Erod. 1 1.5, from the first-born that x. on his throne ^i'.15.4.every thing whereon he x.shall be unclean 0. whereon he or she x. be uncleaii, 20. 23, 26. Deut. 17. 18. when he x.OQ the throne he shall write I htngs 1 . 46. Solomon x. on throne of the kingdom I'^ih. 6. 10. do so to Mordecai that x. at the g.ite P>al. 1.1. nor x. in the seat of the scornful 2. 4. he that *. in the heavens shall laugh 10. 8. he X. in the lurking places of the villages t9. 10. Lord X. on the flood ; yea, tlie Lord x. king for ever, the L. will give strength to his people 47. 8. God X. on the throne of his holiness 99. 1. Lord reigneth, hex. between the cherubims frov. 9. 14. for she x. at the door of her house to. 8. a king tliu /. in the throne of judc.ment « 13. wn«n he «. vnong the tXiXen of the land 5.52 SIX Cant. I. IC. while king X. at nis table my spikenard /xa.38.6. spirit of judgm. to him thatx. injudgmeot 40. 2C. it is he that j. on the circle of the heavens Jir. 17. 11. as the partridge x. on eggs 29. IG. saith of the king that i. upon the throne Lam. 3. 28. he x. alone and keepeth silence y.ech. l.W. hshold,all thee^rthx. still, and is at rest 5. 7- a woman that x. in the midst of the ephah Mat. 23. 22. sweareih by him that x. thereon Luke 14. 28. x. not down first and counteth, 31. 92. S". whether is greater, he that x. at meat or he that serveth ^ is not he that x. at meat lCor.l4.30.if any thing be reveal. to anoth. thatx. by Col. 3. 1. where Christ x. on the right hand of God 2 Thett- 2. 4. he, as God, x. in the temple of God Rev. 5. 13. power to him that x. upon the throne 6. j6. from the face of him thatx. on the throne 7. 10. salvation to our God which x. on the throne 15. he that x. on throne shall dwell among them 17.1. the whore that s. upon many waters, 15. 9. are seven mountains, on which the woman x. SITTING. Deut. 22.<)> and the flam x. on the young or eggs Judg. 3. 20. Eglon was x. in a summer-parlour .1 Kings 10.5. she saw x. of his servants, 2 Chr. 9.4, 13. 14. found the man of God x. under an oak 22. 19. I saw the Lord x. on his throne, and all the host of heaven standing, ZChr. 18.18. 7xa.fi. 1 2A"iH»x4..38. sons of the prophets were X. before him 9. 5. behold, the captains of the host werex. Keh. 2. d the king said, the queen also x. by him Est A. 5. 13. so long as I see Mordecai the Jew x. Psal. 139.2. thou knowest my down-x. and up-rising Jer. 17.25. kingsx. on throne of David, 22. 4, 30. 38. 7. the king then x. in the gate of Benjamin Lam. 3. 63. behold their c. down and rising up A/a/. 9. 9.x. at receipt of MarkZ.li. | Luke5.Q7. 11. 16. like children x. in the markets, Lukel. 32. 20. 30. behold, two blind men x. by the way side 21. 5. thy king cometh.x. on an ass, Jo/m 12. 15. 26. 64. ye shall see the Son of man x. on the right- hand of God, coming in the clouds, Mark 14. 62. 27. 36. and x. down, they watched him there 61. the other Mary x. over against the sepulchre Mark 5. 15. they see him that was possessed x. 16. 5. they saw a young man x. on the right side Luke 2. 46 they found him x. in midst of doctors 5. 17- the Pharisees and doctors of the law x. by 8. 35. found him x. clothed, and in his right mind 10. 13. had repented, x. in sackcloth and ashes John 2. 14. He found the changers of money x. 20. 12. Mary seeth two angels in white x. Acts 2. 2. it filled the house where they were x 8. 28. eunuch was returning, and x. in his chariot liev. 4.4. upon the seats I saw twenty-four elders x. SITTING-PLACE. 2 Citron. 9. 18: ssnd stays on each side of t.-place SITUATE. Ezek. 27.3. Tyrus, O thou that artx. at entry of sea A'a/t. 3.8. populous No that was x. among rivers SITUATION. 2 Kings 2. 19> behold, the x. of the city is pleasant Pxa/.48.2.beautiful for x.joy of earth is mount Zion SIX. Lev. 24. 6. X. cakes on a row on the pure table iS'um 7. 3. X. covered waggons, and twelve o.xen 2iVm.21.20.man of great stature that had on every hand x. fingers, every foot x. toes, 1 CAr 20.6. 1 Chr. 4. 27.Shimei had sixteen sons and x. daught 26. 17. east-ward were x. Levites, north-ward four Esek. 4€. 4. the burnt-offering tnai the prince shall offer to Lord, shall be x. lambs without blemish 6. in the day of the new moon shall be x. lambs SIX boards. Eiod. 26. 22. west-ward thou shalt make x. boards 36. 27. for the sides of tabernacle he made t. b. See nRANCHES. SIX brethren. Aelt ll.lS.moreover these x. brethrtn accompanied SIX cities. Kum. 35. C.there shall be x. fiiixx for refuge, 13, 15. SIX cubits. l.^am. 17 4. Goliath's hei;;ht wasx.ruiiri and a span 1 /viK;x6.6.the middle chamber was s.cubits broad Eiek. 40. 5. a measuring-reed of x, cubits long 1 2 . the little chambers were x. cubits on this side 41 .1. he measured posts X. ciiiirx broad on one side 3. doors X. cubits \\ 5. wall of the house x. cubits 8. foundations were a full reed of x. great cubits Dan. 3. 1, the breadth of the image of gold x. c. SIX curtains. Etod. 26.9. couple X. curtatnr by lhemselvcs,36. I6. See Days, Hundreds. SIX measures. Ruth 3.15. Boa* gave Ruth of barley x. measures 17. she said, these x. m. of barley gave he me SIX men, Eiek. 9.3 a men came trom way ot the higher gate SIZ SIX mntke. 2 •Sum. !, 11. the time David was king in Hetron wa.t seven years, x. mmths, 5. 5. 1 Chron. 3.4 1 Kings 11. 16. X. munfAx Joab rwraained in Edom 3 Kings 15. 8. Zachariah reigned i. m. over Isr Est/i. 2.12. purifying x. months with oil of myrru, and X. months with sweet odours and other Luke 4. 25. when the heaven was shut Lp three years and X. mouths, and great famine. Jam. 5. 17 Acts 18. 11. Paul continued at Corinth a year/, itj SI-\ no'inis. Eiod. 28. 10. /. of their names on one stone, auj the other x. names of the rest ou the other SIX paces. iSam. 6. 13. when Levites gone ttf. he sacrifice* SIXSCORK. 1 A'lH'j 914. Iliram sent Solomon x. talents of gold SIX sheep. Neh. 5. 18. prepared for me daily x. choice s/iee^ SIX xunx. Gen. 30.20.will dwell with me, I have borne x. torn 1 Chron. 3.22. and the sons of Shechaniah, x. 8. 38. and Azel had x. xoKx,whose names are, 9.44. SIX steps. 1 Kingi 10. ig. the throne had x. steps, top round £0. twelve lions on the x. steps, 2 Chion. Q. lb- SIX things. Prov. 6. 16. these s. things doth the Lord hate SIX limes. 2 Kings 13.19. shouldst have smittenfive OTs.iime, SIX troubles. Job 5.19. he shall deliver thee inx. Iroviles, in SRvea SIX water-pots. John 2.6. there were set there i. water-pots of stone SIX uings. 1st. 6. 2. stood the seraphims, each one had t.wingt Hev. 4. 8. four beasts bad each x. Kings about hicD SIX years. Gen. 31. 41. I served thee x. years for thy cattle Eiod. 21. '2. X. years he shall serve, and in seventh he shall go out free, Deut. 15. 12. Jtr, 34. 14. 23.10. X. years thou shalt sow thy land and gather Lev. 25. 3. s. years thou shalt prune thy vineyard- iJeur. 15. 18. double hired servant in servingx.^««r Judg. 12. 7. and Jephthah judged Israel x. years 1 Kings 16. 23. Omri reigned x. years in Tirzah 2 Kings 11. 3. Joash was hid with his nurse in the house of the Lord x. years, iChronrii. 12. SIXTH. Gen. 30.19. Lesih conceived, bare Jacob the x. son Exod. 26.9. thou shalt couple X. curtain in tabern. i<». 25.21. will commaiidmy blessing on you x. yea? Josh. 19. 32. the x. lot came out for Naphtali 2 Sam. 3.5. Itbrcam, David's x. son, 1 CAro«.S.3. 2 Kings 18. 10. in x. year of Ilezek. Samaria takeu i'zra 6. i5. house was finished in x. year of Darius Etek. 4.11. drink water by measure, x. part of htm 8. 1. in the x. year the hand of Lord fell upon me 39. 2. I will leave but the x. part of thee 45. 13. the oblation the x. part of an ephah 46. 14. a meat-ofl'ering the x. part of an ephab il^a(.20.5. again he went out about thex. hour 27. 45. there was darkness over all the land from the X. to ninth hoar, Mark 15.33. hukt 23.44. John 4. 6. about the x. hour Jesus sat 00 the weU 19. 14. and he was crucified about the x. hour Acts 10. 9. Peter went to pray about the x. hotf liev. 6. 12. when he opened x. seal, an earthquake 9. 13. the X. angel sounded, and I heard a voice" 14. saying to the s. angel, loose the four angels 16. 12. X. angel poured out vial on river Eupbratei 21. 20. the /. foundation of the wall was sardius See Day, Moktu. SIXTEEN. Gen. 46. 18. Zilpah bare to Jacob x. souls Esod. 26. 25. sockets of silver, x. socket! 36. 30. 2 Kings 13.10. Jehoash reigned x. years in Samaria 14.21. and made Azariah, when x. years old, ling 15. 33. Jotham reigned over Judah x. years in Je rusalem, 2 Chron. 27. 1,8. | 28. 1 1 Chr. 4. 27. Shimei had x. sons and six daughter 24. 4. among sons of Eleazar were x. chief men 2 Chr. 13. 21. Abijah begat sons and /.daughter SlXTf:iiNTII. 1 Chron. 24. 14. the x. lot came forth to Immer 25. 23. the I. lot came forth to Hananiah SIXTY. Cen.5.15.Mahalaleel lived x. years and begat Jared 21. Enoch lived X. five years and begat Methusel. Lev. 27.3. estimation of the male from twenty tox. 7. if it be fromx. years old above thy estimaticn Sum.l . 88. offer X. rams, x. he-goats, x. lambs Mat. 13.8. brought forth x. fold, 23. Mark 4. 8, SIZE. Exod. 36. 9. the curtains were all of one x. 15. 1 A'i>iji6.25.both cherubims of one measure andx 7. 37. all the bases of one measure, and of onex V CAr, S3.89. for ail mabaer of x. David laft charge SKI SKILL. 1 f inf46.6.thoa knowest there is not any that can to hen timber like the Sidoaians, 2 Chr. 2. 8. SCAnm. 2.7. send me a man that can t. to grave M, 12. all that could/, of instrnmeots of music SKILL. Setl.Q. 11. nor yet favour to men of /. butlime 2)an.l.l7.G.gave them knowledge and *. in wisdom 8-22.1 am nowcome for to give thee /.and underst, SKILFUL. 1 CAr. b. 18. sons of Reuben and Gadites /. in >var 15. 22. Chenaniah instructed, because he was i, C8 21. there shall be with thee every willing s. man 2 CAr. 2.14. 1 have seat a cunning man/, to work Oa. 3. t3. the Lord laketh away the /. of speech Exei. 21. 31. give you intothehand of/, todestroy Dan. 1. 4. children/, in all wisdom, and cunning dmos 5. 16. such are ). of lamentation to wailing SKILFULLY. P/a/.33.3.siog a new song, play /.with a loud noise SKILFULNESS. Psal. 78. 72. ajid cuided them by /. of his hands SKIN. Etod. 22. 27. his covering, it is his raiment for /. 29. 14. bollocks' flesh r. and dungbum, LevA.l^, 34.29.Moses wist not that /. of face shone, 30.35. Let. 7. 8. the priest that ofTereth shall have the /. 11.32. if dead fall on /. or sack it shall be unclean 13.2. shall have in the/, a rising like the plague 3. the priest shall look on the plague in the /. of the flesh, and if deeperthan the/, of his flesh 4 if bright spot be white in the /. of his flesh 5. if the plague spread net in the /. 6, 22, 28. 7. if scab spread abroad in the /. 8, 27, 35, 36. 10. if the risinc be white in the /. it is a leprosy 11. it is an old leprosy in the /. of his flesh 3fi. then he shall rend it out of garment or /. 15. 17. every /. wherein is seed washed with water Num. 19. 5. bum heifer, his /. and flesh and blood Joi 2. 4. /. for/, alia man hath will he give for life 7. 5. my /. is broken, and become loathsome 10. 11. thou hast clothed me with /, and flesh 16. 15. I sewed sackcloth on my /, and defiled 18. 13. it shall devour the strength of his s. 19. 20. bone cleaveth to my /. and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the /, of my teeth 26. though after my /. worms destroy this body 30. 30. my s. is black upon me, bones are burnt 41. 7. canst thou fill his /. with barbed irons.' P/a/.102.5.my groaning my bones cleave to my /. Jer. 13. 23. can the Ethiopian change his /. ? Lam. 3.4, my flesh and /. hath he made old 4. 8. their /. cleaveth to their bones, is withered 5. 10. our /. was black like an oven for famine Cjc*.37.6.1 will cover with you/, put breath, 8. Uic. 3. 2. who pluck off their /. and their flesh 3. who eat flesh, and flay their/, from off them Idark 1.6. John had agirdle of/, about hisloins SKINS. Cen. 3.21. Lord made coats of/, and clothed them 27. 16. she put /. of kids of goats upon his hands Exod. 35.23. every man with whom were found red /. of rams and badgers' /. brought them Lev. 13. 59. this is the law of the plague of /. 16. 27. they shall burn in fire their /. and flesh Nvm. 31. 20. purify your raiment, all made of /. Heb. 11. 37. wandered about in sheep /. and goat /. SKIP. Pial. 29. 6. he maketh them also to /. like a oalf SKIPPED. Psal. 114. 4. the mountains /. like rams, 6. SKIPPEDST. /t'r.48.27.since thou spakest of him, thou/, for joy SKIPPING. Cam. 2. 8. behold, he cometh /. upon the hills SKIRT u the part of a garment belo:o the waist. Ruth says to Boaz, Cast thy skirt over me, RuiU 3. 9. that is. Take me into thy protection, lit/ ta- king me to be thy wife. It 1/ spoken in allu- sion to the ancient custom or ceremony of the bridegroom's spreading the skirt of his garment over the bride ; to signify his right to her, his authority over her, and his obligation to protect her. So also in Ezek. I6. 8, I spread my skirt over thee : I betrothed thee, and engaged by covenant to love, cherish, protect, and guard thee. The prophet Jeremiah says, that the fil- tbinefs of Jerusalem is in her skirts. Lam. 1. 9. Her wickedness is evident, she is not asha- med to expose it to the view if alt. The Lord threatens to discover the .skirts of Israel and Judah upon their faces, Jer. 13. 26, I will discover thy skirts upon thy face ; 1 will throw thy skirts upon thy face ; and so discover thy nakedness ; thai is, 1 will bring thee into a most disgraceful, eonlempiible condition, bi/ those judgments that I wilt inflict upon thee. it is said in Deut. 22. 30, A man shall not discover his father's skirt; the skin of 5.^3 SL.4 t\t mother' t garmeiit, that is, htr naked- ness ; which is called his IzOher's skirt; ie- eauie his father and mother were one flesh, or because his father alone had the right to un- cover it. Deut. 22. 30. man shall not uncover his father's .-. 27. 20. because he uncovereth his father's /. A'uMS.g.spread therefore thy/, over thine handm 1 Sam. 15. 27. he laid hold on the/, of his mantle 2+. 4. David cut off the /. of Saul's robe privily 5. heart smote him, because he cut off Saul's /. 11. father, see the /. of thy robe in my hand Etek. 16. 8. behold, I spread my /. over thee Hag, 2. 12. if one bear holy flesh in the /. and with his s. do touch bread, pottage, wine, or oil Zef/i.8.23. shall take hold of/, of him that is a Jew SKIRTS. Psal. 133. 2. that went down to /. of his garments Jer. 2. 34. in /. is found blood of poor innocents 13. 22. for thy iniquity are thy /. discovered 26. therefore will I discover thy /. Nah. 3. 5. Lam. I. g. her filthiness in her/, remembered not Ezek. 5. 3. shall take and bind a few hairs in thy /. SKULL. Judg. 9. 53. cast a piece of millstone to break his/. 2 Kings 9.35.they found no more of Jezebel than / Mat. 27.33. were come to Golgotha, that is to say, the place of a /. Mark 15. 22. John 19-17 SKY. Deut. 33. 26. who rideth in his excellency on .- Job 37. 18. hast thou with him spread out the/. ? Mat. 16. 2. it will be fair weather, for /. is red, 3. Luke 12.56. ye can discern face of the /. and earth Heb. H . 12. so many as the stars of /. in multitude SKIES. 2 5am. 22. 12. he made thick clouds of the /.his pa- vilions round about him, P/o/.lS.ll. Psal. 'tT. 17. clouds poured out /. sent out a sound Isa. 45. 8. and let the /. pour down righteousness Jer. 51 . 9. for her judgment is lifted up even to /. SLACK. Deut. 7.10. he will not be /. to him that hateth him JosA.J8.3. how long are ye /. to go to possess land Prov. 10.4.become poor that dealeth with a/, hand Zeph. 3.16. shall be said to Zion, let not hands be/. 2 Pet. 3. 9. Lord is not,/, concerning his promise SLACK. JDcKr.23.21.when vow avow thou shalt not r.to pay Josh. 10. 6. saying, /. not thy hand from servants 2 Kings 4. 24. /. not riding for me except I bid thee SLACKED. Hab. 1. 4. law is /. judgment doth never go forth SLACKNESS. 2 Pet. 3. 9- Lord is not slack, as some men count /. SLAIN, Active. Gen. i. 23. fori have /. a man to my wounding jVu»). 14. 16. therefore he hath /. them in wildern. 22. 33. surely now I had /. thee, saved her alive Deut. 1. 4. after he had/. Sihon king of Amorites 21. 1. and it be not known who hath/, him Judg. 9. 18. and have /. his sons upon one stone 15. 16. jaw-bone of an a*e have I /. lOiJO men 20. 5. the men of Gibeah thought to have /. me 1 .Sizm. 18. 7. Saul hath /. his thousands, 21. 11, 22.21. shewed Dav.that Saul had /. Lord's priests 2 Sam. I. 16. saying, I have/, the Lord's anointed 3. 30. Abner, because he had/, their broth. Asahel 4. 11. when wicked men have/, righteous person 12. 9. bast /. Uriah with the sword of Ammon 13. 30. Absalom hath /. all king's sons, none left 32. they have not /. all, for Amnon only is dead 21. 12. when the Philistines had/. Saul in Gilboa 16. Ishbi-benob thought to have /. David 1 A'inj/l.19. Adonijahhath /. oxen and sheep,25. 19. 10. for Israel have /. thy prophets, 14. 9. 16. Pharaoh had gone up and/, the Canaanites 13. 26. therefore the lion hath torn and /. him 16. 16. people heard say, Zimri hath /. the king 19. 1 . Ahab told how he had /. all the prophets 2 Kings 14. 5. he slew his servants who had/, king 2 C'Aro».21.13.hast /. thy breth. better than thyself 22. 1. for the band of men had /. all the eldest 9. when they had /. Ahaziah, they buried him 23. 21. city was quiet after they had /. Albaliah 28.9. have /. them in rage that reacheth to heaven E.tlh. 9. 12. the Jews have /. 500 men in Shushan Job 1. 15. the Sabeans have ». the servants, 17. Prov. 7- 26. many strong men have been s. by her //a.l4.20.because thou hast destroyed and /.people Jer. 33. 5. bodies of men whom I have /. in my anger 41. 4. day after he had /. Gedaliah, 9, I6, 18. Lam. 2. 21. hast /. them in day of thy anger, 3. 43. Exek. 16. 21. that thou hast /. my children 23. 39. when they had /. their children to idols Jlos. 6. 5. I have /. them by words of my mouth .■imosi. 10. your young men have I /. with sword Aclsl. 23. ye have taken, by wicked hands have/. 7-52. have /.ihem that shewed commg of just 'Jie 23. 14. we will eat nothing till wc have / Pal KLA SLAIN, Pa i/w. Gtn. 54. 27. the sons of Jacob came opiMl th» i. Lev. 14. 51. dip them in the blood of the /.bird 26. 17. and ye shall be /. before your enemies Num. 11. 22. shall the flocks, and t)ie herds be/. .> 19. 16. whosever toacheth any /. 18. | 31. 19. 23. 24. eat of prey, and drink the blood of the /. 25. 14. name of the Israelite that was /. «u Zimri 15. name of woman that was /. was Cozbi, IB 31. 8. besides the rest of them that were/. Deut. 21. 1. if one be found /. in land giveth thct 3. the elders of the city next to the /. man 28. 31. thine ox shall be /. before thine ;yet 32. 42. make mine arrows drank with blood of/. Ji>/A.11.6.will I deliver them up all /. before Israel 13. 22. Balaam also among them that were /. Judg. 16. t 24. the destroyer who multiplied our/, 20. 4. the husband of the woman that was /. 16«m. 4.11. ark taken, Ilophni and Phmehas were/, 19. 6. as the Lord liveth, he shall °ot be /. 1 1 . i f thou save not, to-morrow thou shalt be /. 20. 32. wheref. shall he he be/, what hath he done 31.1. men of Israel fled before the Philistines, ano fell down /. in mount Gilboa, 1 Chron. 10. 1, 8. when the Philistines came to strip the /. 2 Sam. 1. 19. beauty of Israel is /. on high places 22. from the blood of /. from fat of the mighty 25 O Jonathan, thou wast /. in thy high place? 18. 7. when Israel were /. before David's servantj 1 Kings 11. 15. when Joab was gone to bury the /. 2 Kings 3. 23. this is blood, the kings are surely /. 11. 2. stole Joash from among them that were / 8. he that cometh within ranges let him be /. 16. they laid hands on her, and there wzis she /. 1 Chr. 5. 22. there fell down many/, war waisof G. 1 Chr. 13. 17. fell /.of Israel 500,000 chosen men Esth. 7.4. for we are sold, I and my people, to be/. 9. 11. number of the /. in Shushan the palace Job 3y. 30. and where the /. are, there is she Pia/. 62.3. ye shall be /, all of you, as bowing wall 88. 5. like the /. that lie in the grave 89.10. thou hast broken Rahab in pieces as one /. Prov. 22. 13. the slothful man saith, 1 shall be *< 2i. 11. to deliver those that are ready to be /. Jsa. 10. 4. and they shall fall under the /. 14. 19. and as the raiment of those that are /. 22. 2. thy /. men were not /. with sword or dead 26. 21. the earth al^o shall no more cover her j, 27.7. is he /. according to slaughter, or/, by him 34.3. their /.also shall be cast out, stink come up 66. 16. and the /. of the Lord »h»ll be many Jer. 9. 1. that I might weep for/, of mj people 14. 18. if I go into the field, behold/, with swGrb that was /. 13.8 6 9. souls of them that were /. for word of God SLA JJ.'f. U IS- in the eanhqoike were r. of men 7000 18. 24. in her found the blood of all thai were /. ig. 21. remnani J. with sword of him that sat SL.AMH.R. fium. 1+ 36. to murmur by brinRing up a /.on land rsttl. 81. 13. for I have heard the /. of many Prov. 10. 18. he that uiterKc a x. is a fool SLANDKRED. iSam. Vf.al.he hath .i. thysCTTant to my Lord SLANUEKEST. ?tcl. SO.iO. thou *. thine own mother's son SLANDERETII. PioJ. 101. 5. who^o J. his neigh, him will I cut off SLANDERERS. i Tim. S. 11. their wives must be grave, hot t. SLANDEROUSLY. liom. 3. 8. »od not rather, as we be s. reported SLANDERS. J. 11.4. thus saith Lord, feed the flock of j. 7. I will feed flock of/. O poor flock Acts 8 32. eunuch read, he was led as a sheep to/. 9.1. Saul yet breathing out /. against the disciples Hem. 8. .30. we are counied as sheep for the /. J/ei.7.1.M«lch.metAbra. returning from /.of kings /a»<.5.5.have nourished your hearts, as in day of/. . 12. he s. the burnt-offering, presented the blood y»m. 31. 7. they s. all the males of Midiau 8. they J. kings of Midian, Balaam alsi they /. Josh. 8. 21. thev turned and s. the men Ai 9. 26. delivered the Gibenniles, they / them not 10. 26. Joshua/, the five kings and hanged them Judg. 1. 4. they 1. of them in Eezek 10,000 men 10. they /. Sheshaifl 17. they s. the Canaanites 3. 29. they J. of Moab 10,000 men, all lusty 31. Shamgar s. of the Philistines fiOO men 7. 25. they /. Oreb and Zeeb the two princes 8.17he /. men of Penuel || 21. s. Zebah, Zalmunna 18. what manner of men were they whom ye s. f 9..5.Abinienel /. his breih. 70 persons on one stone !4. 19. Samson s. thirty men of Ashkelon 15. 15. with the jaw-bone Samson s. 1000 men 10.24 .hath delivered our enemy ,who j.many of us 30. the dead which he x. at his death were more 1 fiam. 1. 25. Elkanah and Hannah x. a bullock ♦. 2. the Philistines x. of Israel 4000 men 11.11 .Israel s.tht Ammonites until heat of theday 14. 13. and bis armour-bearer x. after him .32. the people X. oxen and calves on the ground 34. every man brought hij ox and x. them there 17 ■ 36. thy servant x. both the lion and the be.ir 19 5. put his life in his hand, and x. the Philistine 82 18. Poeg X. 85 persons that did wear an e pb^d 555 SLT 1 Sam,ig.S. of whom ihey sang Saul x. thousands .30. 2. the Amalekites x. not any great or small 31. 2. the Philistines x. Jonathan and Abinadab 2 Sum. 3. 30. Joab and Abishai his brother x. Abner 4. 12. David x. them and cut off their hands 8. 5. David x. of the Syrians 22,000 men 10.18. David X. the men of 700 chariots of Syrians 21. 1. for Saul, because he x. the Gibeonites 23.20. he x. two lion-like men of Moab, he x. lion in midst of a pit in tims of snow, 1 C/ir. 11. 22 21.hex.an Egyptian, a goodly man, 1 CAr. 11.23 1 Kings S. 5. did to Abner and Amasa, whom he x 16. 11. Ziniri on the throne X. all house of Baasha 18. 13. what I did when Jezebel x. prophets of L. 40. they took them, and Elijah x. proph. of Baal 2 A'i>i|;jg.31. Had Zimri peace, who x. his master .' 10. y. behold, I x. him, but who x. all these ' 17- he X. all that remained to Ahab in Samaria 11. 18. the people s. Mattan the priest of Baal 20. they x. Athaliah, 2 C/iron. 23. 15, 17. 14. 5. when kingQom was confirmed Amaziah x servants that had slain his father, 2 Cliroyi. 25. 3. 6. but their children he x. not, 2 Chron. 25. 4 7.hex. ofEdom in valley of "salt, 1 CAru;i.l8.12. 16. 9. king of Assyria took Damascus and x.Uezin 17. 23. the Lord sent lions which x. some of them 21 .23. the servants of Amon conspired and x. him 24. people of the land x. them, 2 Chron. 33. 25. 23. 20. Josiah x. all the priests of the high places 25.7. Nebuchadnezrarx. sons of Zedekiah before his eyes, and nound Zedekiah, Jer. 39.6. | 52.10. 1 Chron. 7. 21. whom men of Gath in that land x. 2 Chro7i.1\.i. Jehoram x. allhisbreth. with sword 22. 8. Jehu found, and x. the princes of Judah 28. 6. Pekah x. in Judah in one day 120,000. Xeh. 9. 26. they ». thy prophets which testified Esih. g. 16. the Jews s. of their 'oes "5,000. Psal. 78. 31. wrath of God x. the fattest of them 34. when.he x. them, then they sought him 105.29. turned waters into blood, and s. their fish 135. lO.whox. great kings [) 136.18. x. famous kings Isa. 66. 3. he that killeth an ox is as if he x. a man Jer. £0. 17. because he x. me not from the womb 41. 3. Ishniael x. all the Jews that were with him 8. he forbare, and x. them not among their breth. Lam. 2. 4. and s. all that were pleasant to the eye Uan. ;>. 22. fire x. the men that took up Shadrach 5. 19. whom he would he x. he kept alive Mat. 2. 16. Herod sent, and s. all the children 22. 6. the remnant took his servants and x. them 23. 35. whom ye x. between the temple and altar Luke 13. 4. on whom tower in Siloam fell and x. .i^crx3..30. raised Jesus, whom x.and hanged on tree 10. 39. Jesus whom they s. and hanged on a tree Rom. 7. 11. for bin by the commandment x. me 1 John 3. 12. not as Cain who x, his brother SLEW kirn. Gen. 4. 8. Cain rose up against Abel and x. him 38. 7. Er was wicked, and the Lord x. him 10. the thing displeased the Lord, and hex. /iiVn Judg. 9.54. that men say not of me, a woman x. him 12. 6. they took and x. him at passages of Jordan 1 Sam. 17. 35. I caught him by beard and x. him 50. David smote the Philistine and x. him 2Sam.\. 10. so I stood upon him and x. him 4. 7. they smote Ish-boshetli and x. him 10. I took hold of him, and x. him in Ziklag 18. 15. ten young men compassed Absal.and s.him 21. 21. Jonathan the son of Shimeah x. him 23. 21. he went down andx. hi?n with his own spear 1 Kings 2. 34. Benaiah fell upon Joab and x. him 13.24. a lion met him by the way and x./iim,20.36. i Kings 10.9.1 consp. against my master and s.him 14. 19. Amaziah fled, but they sent after him to Lachish, and x. him there, 2 Chron. 25. 27. 15. 10. Shallum conspired against him and x. him 14. Menahem smote Shallum and x. him .10. lloshea conspired against Pekah and x. him 23. 29. Pharaoh-uecho x. him at Megiddo 1 Cfir. 10.14. enquired not of L. therefore x. he Aim 2 Chr. 22.11. hid Joash, so that Athaliah s.him not 24.25. his own servants x. him on his bed 32.21. they that came forth of his own bowels x. A. 33. 24. his servants x. him in his own house Jer. 26. 23. they fet. Urijah to Jehoiakim whox. him 41. 2. Ishmael s.him whom king made governor i\lat. 21. 39. they cast him out of vineyard and x. h. .Iclsl'Z. 20. I kept the r.iinientof them that x. him SLEW EST. V Sam. 21. 9- '''6 sword of Goliath whom thou x. SLIDE. Deut. 32. 35. their foot shall x. in due time Psal. 26.1. I have trusted in the Lord, 1 shall notx. 37. 31. law of G. in his heart.none of steps shall x. SLIDDEN. Jer.R.5. why then is this people of Jcrusal. x. back .' 5L1DETII. ilos. 4. 16. Israel x. back a.' a backsliding heifer SLIGHTLY. Jnr. G. 14. have healed hurt of my people *. 8. 11. SLU SLIME, Gen. 11. 3. thej had brick for stone, x. formor 21.25. the desire of x. killeth him, refuse to lab.; il 22. 13. the X. man saith, there is a lion, 26. Isi 24. 30. I went by field of the x. and the vineyard Mat. 25.26. his lord said.thou wicked andx. servant Kom. 12. 11. notx. in business, fervent in spirit heb. 6. 12. that ye be not x. but followers of them SLOiHEULNEbS. Prop. 19.15. X. casieth into adcep sleep, an idle sonl Eccl. 10. 18. by much x. the building decayetU SLUW. Exod. 4. 10. I am x. of speech, and of a x. tocgao A'e/i. 9. 17. but thou art a God x. to anger Prur. 14.29. is X. to wrath, -s of great undirstai,din3 Lti/ie 24. 25. O fools and x. of heart to believe Tit. 1. 12. the Cretians are liars, x. bellies Jam. 1. 19. every man x. to speak, x. to wratb .See A.N OK II SLOWLY. Wr/x27. 7. when we nad sailed x. many day? SLUGtiAKD. Prov. 6. 6 go to the ant, thou x. consider her wajj 9. how long wilt thou sleep, O x. when wilt ari3« 10. 26. as smoke lo the eyes, so is the x. to them 13. 4. the soul of the x. desireth, and hatli nothing 20.4.x. will not plow, therefore shall he beg in bar. 26. 16.x. is wiser in his own conceit than seven meu SLI ICES. Isa. ig. 10. all that make x. and ponds for fish SLUMBER, Subitantive. Psal. 132. 4. I will not give x. to mine eji^-lids Pro.f)." .give not sleep to thine eyes,nor x to eye-lidi lU. yet a little sleef , l.'ttle x. little foldins, 24 ^ SMF. SMI Earn- II- 8. Oodhath given tli*m th« spirit of /. \Amos5. fil. I will not i. In your solemn assemblie; SLUMBKR Piui. 181. 3. he that keepeth thee will not /. 4 he that keepeth I srael, shall neither <. nnr sleep Isa. 5. 27 ' none shall t. nor sleep amoni; them 56. 10. his watcUmea lying down, loving to /. ^'oA. 3. 18. thj bhepherds t. O king of Assyria SLUMBKHED. Mai. 25. 5. while the bridegroom tarried they all s. SLUMliERETH. 2 Pet. 2. S.lingereth not, and their damnation /.not SLUMBERINGS. ^ot 33. 15. God speaketh in t. upon the bed SMALL. ufn.30.I5.it is a '.matter thou hast taken my hush. 41.t23. behold, seven ears t. and blasted t'rorf.g.y.'' shall become *.dust in all land of Eyspt 16. 14. as round thing, as s. as the hoar frost 18. 2?. every s. matter they shall judge, 'J6 ^0. 36. thou shalt beat the spices very s. S*v. 16.12. his hands full of sweet incense beaten s. Sum. 16. 9- a s. thing thatOod hath separated you 13. is it a .;. thing that thou hast hcought us up 32. 41. Jair went and tot>k the/, towns thereof J)etil.Q. 21. I ground the calf/, even as /. as dust 32.2. my doctrine shall distil as /. rain, speech as 2 6'i7m.7.19' stnd this was yet a/, thing in thy si^ht, is this the mannerof man, OLord' 1 C/iim. 17/17 17. 13. till there be not one /. stone found there 22. 43. I beat them as /. as the dust, Ptal. 18.42 1 hingti. 20. ( desire one/, petition of thee, say not ly. IS. and after the fire, a still /. voice '2 Jiingx 19. 26. therefore their inhabitants were of /. power, they were dismayed, Iia. 37.27. C3. 6. grove and high place he stanipt /.to powd.15 1* C/ir. 24. 24. the Syrians came with a /. company 3.0. 8. gave for passover offerings 2600 /. cattl 9. to chief of Levites gave 5000 /. cattle Jci8. 7- though thy beginning was/, yet thy end 15. 11. are the consolations of God/, with thee .' 36. 27. for he maketh /. the drops of water /"ifl/. 119. 141. lam/, yet do not 1 forget precepts /'/■♦J/.24.10. if thou faint in adversity, strength is/. //a.1.9. except the Lord had left to us a/, remnant 7. 13. is it a/, thing for you to weary men > 16. 14. the reuioant shall be very /. and feeble £2. 24. shall hang upon him all vessels of /.quantity 29.5. moreover, thy strangers shall be like /. dust 40. 15. the nations are counted as the /. dust 41 .15. shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them /. 43. 23. thou hast not brought me the /. cattle 54. 7. for a /. moment have I forsaken thee 60. 22. a j. one shall become a strong nation y«r.30.19.will glorify them.and they shall not be /. 44. 28. yet a /. number shall return out of Egypt 49. 15. I will make thee /. among the heathen i^ick. 16. 20. is this of thy whoredoms a/, matter? t 47. but that was lothed as a /. thing 34. 18. seem. it/, to have eaten the good pasture ■' D«;».ll.23.2uid shall become strong with a/. people (Imo/ 7. 2. by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is/. 5. i)tad. 1. 1 have made thee /. among the heathen Zech. 4. 10. for who hath despised day of/, things ' A/orAH. 7. they had a few /. fishes, und he blessed John 2. 15. when he had made a scourge of/, cords 6. 9. who hath five barley-loaves and Iwo /. fishes 4cls li. 18. there was no/, stir among the soldiers 15. 2. Paul and Barnabas had no /. dissension 19. 23. there arose no /. stir about that way S4. Demetrius brought no /.gain to the craftsmen 27. 20 and no /. tempest lay on us lCor.4 S.very /.thing that 1 should bejudged of you Jam. 3. 4. the ships ar« turned with a very /. helm .See GnEAT. SMALLEST. 1 Sum. 9. 21. am not I a Benjamite, of/, of tribes' 1 Cor. 6. 2. are ye unworthy to judge the /. matters ? SMAkr. Prof. II. 15. he that is surety for Strang. shall/. for it SMELL. See Signifcaiion on Savour. Cen.iT.it . Isaac smelled the /. of his raiment, see, the /.of my sou is as/.of a fieldLord hath blessed ConM.12.my spikenard sendeth forth the /.thereof 2. 13. the vines with the lender grape give a good /. 4. Ivj. the /. of thy ointment better than all spices 11. the /. of thy garments is like the/, o. Lebanon 7. 8. and the /. of thy nose like apples 13. mandrakes give a /. and at our gates all fruits ha. 3. 24. instead of sweet /. there shall be stink Van. 3. 27. nor the /. of the fire had passed on the«i (/"/.14.6. his beauty as the olive, his /. as Lebanon I'Atl. 4. 1». the things sent an odour of sweet /. SMELL. Veri. (•-ierf.3_0.38.»ho shall make like to that to /. thereto Lep.w. 31.1 will not /. thesavour of your odours i>f«/.4.CK.shall serve cods,wkich neither see nor/. iSam. 26. t 19. if [he Lord stirred thee, let him /. ■ '■♦C;"-^" ihy garni, j. of mvrrh, aloes and cassia 115.0. ears hear not, noses have they, they /, not U6 SMELLED G«n. 8. 21. L. /. a sweet savour and said in hin heart 27 .27. Isaac/. smell of his raiment and blessed him SMKLLETII Jot 39. 25. Le i. the battle afar off and the 9boutJi:g SMELLINt Catit.S.S.my fingers with sweet /.myrrh on handles 13. his lips like lilies dropping sweet /. myrrh £;)A.5.2.himself sacrifice totJod for sweet /.savour SMELLING 1 Cor. 12. 17. if whole hearing, where were the /. .' SMITE To smite signijiet, to strike or beat. Mat. 26. 67, Others smote him with the palms of their hands. Acta 23. 2, The high priest command ed .to smite Paul on the mouth. It is often used for to put to death. David smote the Philistine; he put Goliath to death, 1 Sam. I7. 4y. The Lord smote Kabal ; he smote Uzzah ; that is, he put them to death, 1 Sam. 25. 38. 2 Sam. 6. 7. And in Exod. 12. 12, I will smite all the first-born in Egypt. To smite, ij also put for to afflict ; to strike with fear, with the pestilence, with poverty, wi'h ulcers, with distempers, with wounds. Num. 14. 12. Deut. 28. 22, 27, 28, 35. To smite an army, 1/ to beat it, to rout it' entirely. Deut. Cg. 7, Sihon and Og came out against us unto battle, and we smote them, we obtained a victory over them. God smote the Philistines in the hinder parts, Psel. 78. 66. He sent them the piles, or hemorrhoids, or other diseases of the fundament. To smite with the tongue. Jer. 18. 18, Come, let us smite him with the tongue. Let us overwhelm hin-, with injuries and reproaches ; let 11s load him with all sorts of scandalous reproaches. To smite the thigh, denotes indignation, trouble, astonishment. Jer. 31. ig, After I was in- structed, I smote upon my thigh. Being made sensible of my sins, I uas broughj to a sorrow for them, and detestation of them. To strike hand against hand, may either be a token of amazement, sorrow, and trouble ; or it may be a token of joy and pleasure m seeing justice eiecuied on obstinate sinners. Kzek. 21. 14. I'rophesy, and smite thine hands together, lie shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, Isa. 11. 4. He shall destroy ungodly, €arthli/-minded men, who are enemies to his church and people, by the word of his mouth. David's heart smote him for having cut off the lappet of Saul's garmeiH ; he had a re- morse, Ms conscience being lender, checked him for it, 1 Sam. 24. 5. Gen. 32. 8. if Esau come to one company and /. it 11. I fear him, lest he will come and /. me Exod. 7. 17. I will /. upon the waters in the river 8. 16. say to Aaron, /. the dust of the land 12. £3. he will not suffer the destroyer to /. you 17. 6. behold, thou shalt /. the rock in Horeb 21. 18. if men strive together, and one/, another 20. if a man /.hisserv. and he die under his hand 26. if a man /. the eye of his servant or his maid 27 . if he /. cut his man servant's or maid'j tootli A'um. 22. 6. I shall prevail, that we may /. them 24.17. a sceptre out of Isr. shall /.corners of Moab 25. 17. vex the Midianites and /. them 35. 16. if he /. him with an instrument of iron 17. and if he /. him with throwing a stone 18.orif he smite him with a hand-weapon of wood 21. or in enmity /. him with hishand that he die Veui.T .i.\.\io\i shalt /.Canaanites and destroy them 13. 15. thou shalt surely /. inhabitants of that city 19.11. if ^y /. his neighbour mortally that he die 20.1.3, thou shalt /.every male thereof with sword Josh.1. 3. but let two or three thousand /. Ai 10. 4. come and help me that we may /. Gibeon 19. pursue after, and /. the hindmost of them 12.6. then did Moses and Israel /. 13. 12. Jurfj.6.l6.thou shalt /. the Midianites as one man 20.31. then Benj. began to/, as at other times, 39. 21. 10. go and /. the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead 1 .Vam.15 3.go and /. Amalek, and spare them not 17.46. I will /. thee, and take thine head 18. 11. Saul said, I will /. David to the wall lU. 10. Saul sought to /. David to the wall 20. 33. Saul cast a javelin at him to /. him 21. 2. shall I go and /. Philistines ? Go /. Philist. 26. 8. therefore let me /. him to the earth at once, I pray thee, I will not /. the second time 2 Sam. 2. 22. why should I /. thee to the ground ? 13. 28. when I say, /. Amnon, then kill him 15. 14. lest he /. city with the edge of the sword 17.2. people shall Hee, and I will /. the king only 18.11.Joab said, why didst thou not /. him there ? 1 hings 20. 35. he said in the word of the L. /. me, I pray thee, and the man refused to /. him, 3". i Kin^t 3.19.shail/. evtr; fenced city.^ choice city SME 2 A'i«g/6.2]father,shan E f.them ? shall 1 /.thorn ' 22. thou shalt not /. them, wou.dest thou/, tbost 9. 7. thou shalt /.the house of Ahab thy mastei 27. Jehu said, /. him also in the chariot 13.17.shall/.Syrians,till thou have consumed there 18. he said to the king, /. upon the ground 19. whereas now thou shalt /. Syria but thrice I'sal. 121.6. sun snail not /. thee by day normocn 141. 5. let righteous/, me, it shall be a kindness I'rov. ig. 25. /. a scorner, the simple will beware Isa. 10. 24. he shall /. thee with a rod and lift up 49. 10. neither shall the heat i>or sun/ them 58. 4. ye fast to /. with the fist of wickedness Jer. 18. 18. come, let us /. him with the tongue 21.7.Nebuchadrezzar king of Baby I. shall/. Judah 43 11. he shall /. the laud of Egypt, 46. 13. 49.28. Kcdar, Hazor, Nebuchadrezzar, shall » Lzek. 5. 2. take a third part of hair, and /. about it 6. 11. /. with thy hand, and stamp with thy foot 9. 5. go ye after him through the city and /. 21. 12. son of man. /. therefore upon thy thigl» 14. prophesy, and /. thine hands together Amosg. 1. he said /. the lintel of the dooi Mic. 5. 1. they shall /. judge of Israel on cheek A'oA. 2. 10. the heart melteih, the knees /. together Zech. 10. 11. and shall /. the waves in the sea 11. 6. deliver the men, and they shall /. the land Mai. 5. 39. whoso shall /. thee on thy laght cheek. 21. 49. shall begin to/, his fellow-scrvant.», Z.ui«22.49. Lord, shall we /. with the sword* .■Jer/ 23. 2. commanded to /. Paul on the mouth 2 CV. 11. 20. ye suffer, if a man/, you on the face Rev. 11. 6. two witnesses have power to/, theeartli SMITE, referred to God, eipressly or implicitly. Gen. 8. 21. nor will I /. any more every living thing Lzod. 3.20.1 will stretch out my hand and /. Egypt 8. 2. behold, I will /. all thy borders with frogs 9. 15. that I may/, thee and thy people with pestif. 12. 12. I will /. all the first-born in land of Egypt 13. will passover you,when I /.land of Egypt 23. Num. 14. 12. I will /. them with the pestilent^e Deut. 28.22. L. shall /.with consumption and fever 27. L. shall /. with tne botchli28. /.wiihmadness 35. Lord shall /. thee in the knees and the legs 33.11 . /. thro' the loins of them that rise ag. hioo 1 Sam. 26. 10. David said, the Lord .shall /. hiin 2 Sam. 5. 24. then bestir thyself, for then shall the L. go out to /. the Philistines, 1 Chron. 14. 15. 1 Kings 14.15. L.shall /. Israel as a reed is shaken 2 Ai«j/6.18.Elisha said, /.this people with blindn. 2 Chr. 21. 14. with a great plague will the Lord /. //a. 3.17. L. will /. with a scab daughters of Zioa 11. 4. he shall /. the earth with rod of his mouth 15. and shall /.Egypt in the seven streams,19.2S. hr. 21.0. I will /. the inhabitants of this city I'.zek. 21. 17. I will also /. mine hands together 32. 15. when I shall /. them that dwell in Egypt 39. 3. I will /. thy bow out of thy left hand .'Imos 3. 15. 1 will /. the winter-house with the sum- mer-house, and the houses of ivory shall perish 6. 11. Lord will /. the great house with breaches i^ech. 9. 4. the Lord will /. her power in the sea 12. 4. in that day I will /.every horse and his rider 13. 7. awake.O sword, /. the shepherd, and sheep shall be scattered. Mat. 26. 31. Mark 14. 27. 14. 12. plague wherewith L. will/, the people, 18. Mai. 4. 6. lest I come and /. the earth with a curse Hev. 19.15. that with it he should /, the nations SMIJEKS. Isa. SO. 6. 1 gave my back to the /. and my cheeks S.M-llE.ST. Krod. 2. 13. he said, wherefore /. thou thy fellow* ' John 18.23. if I have spoken well, why/, thoumef SMITETH. End. 21.12. he that /.man so he die, be put to death 15. he /. father and mother, surely put to death Deut. 25.11 .and wife of one draweth near to delivei her husband out of hand of him that /. him 27. 24. cursed be he that /. his neighbour secreilj Josh. 15. 16. he th*» /. Kirjath-sepher, Judg. 1. 1* 2 Sam. 5. 8. that /. ttie Jebusites, 1 Chron. 11. O. Job. 26. 12. by understanding he thro' the prouti Afj.g. 13. the people turn not to hit; that /. them I.am. 3. 30. he giveth his cheek to him tna /. hin» Ezek. 7 .9. ye shall know that I am the Lord that «. Luke 6.29. that /. thee on one cheek, »urn the other SMITH. 1 Sam. 13. 19. there was no /. found in land of Isr, Isa 44. 12. the /. with tongs worketh in the coala 54. 16. 1 hjive created the .-. that bloweth the coals .■ids 19.24. certain man named Demetrius, silver/. S Vim. 4. 14. Alexander copper/, did me much evil SMITHS 2 Kings ^i. 14. Nebuchadnezzar carried away alt the princes, the craftsmen and /. I6. Jer. 24. I Jer. 29. 2. after the /. were departed from Jerusa SMITING. /■;/(> 53. 4. yet we did esteem him stricken, /. of God Jer. 2. 30. in vain have I /. your children 14.19. why hast thou /. us, and there is no healing 37. 10. for tho' ye had/, whole army of Chaldeans .£i«X.22.13.I have/, my hand at thy dishonest gain 33. 21. one came to me, saying, the city is / 40. 1. in th« fourteenth year after the city was /. Hos 6. 1 . he hath /. and he will bind us up 9. 16. Ephraim H /. their root is dried up Amos 4.9.1 have /.you.ytt have not returned to me Acts 33. 3. and commanded me to be /.against law Rev. 8. 12. and the third part of the sun was /. S.MOKE Is the bluek exhalation tchich ascends from fire Oen. 19. 28, The smoke of the city went up as ■the smoke of a furnace. Solomon observes, that as smoke 1/ hurtful and offensive to tht eyes, so is a sluggish missen^er umerviceable .ond vexatious to them that send him, Prov. 10. 26. 77i< anger and wrath of God are signified bii smoke. Psal. 18. 8, There went up a smoke out of his nostrils : God manifested his great displeasure against my adversaries. It IX spoken after the manner of men ; it being usual for persons transported with great anger to shew their rage by their breathing. Smoke denotes a grievous judgment or calamity ; either because smoke is generally accompanied loith fire, or because it causeih a great darkness in the air. Isa. 14. 31, There shall come from the north a smoke. To create a cloud and smoke upon Mount Zion, denotes that God mould twi only direct his people, as he did the Israelites by a pillar of cloud, but that he would also be their protector and their glory, Isa. 4. 5. The smoking flax shall he not quench, Isa. 42. 3. Mat. 12. 20. Christ attl not deal roughly and rigorously uiith those that eome to him, but will use all gentleness and kindness to them, passing by their greatest sins, bearing with their present infirmities, cherishing and en- couraging the smallest beginnings of grace ; and comforting and healing teounded con- tcieiues. In the Revelation, the perpeluifj and eternity of the torments of the damned, it thus expressed. The smoke of theij tor- ment ascenJdeth up for ev*r and ever, liev. 14. II. 0«n.l9.28.AbraLh»m looked toward Sodom, and lo, the/, of the country went up asx. of a furnace Sxod. 19. 18. Mount Sinai was altogether on a x. Jtsh. 8 CO. the ;. o' Ai wcended up to heaven, 21. 567 Judg. 20. 38. they should make x. rise out of city 40. when pillar of s. began to rise out of the city 2 Sam. 22 9- there went up a x. out of his nostrils, and fire out of his month devoured, Psal. 18.8. Job 41. 20. out of his nostrils goeth /. as caldron Psal. 37. 20. tho wicked sliaU consume into x. 68. '2. as / is driven away, so drive them away 102. 3. my days are consumed like x. and my bones 119.3!. for I am 6ecome like a battle in the x. Prtfr.10.56.as X. to the eyes, so is a. sluggard to them Cant. 3.0. that cometn out (jf wild. like pilljirsof x. 7>a.4.5.L. will create on her assemblies a X. by day 6. 4. the posts moved, ihehouse was filled with x. 9. 18. they shall mount up like the lifting up ofx. 14. 31. for there shal/come from the north a /. 34. 10. the X. thereof shall go up for ever 51. 6 tOF the heavens shall vanish away like x. 65,5. these area/, in my nose, a fire that burneth //dx.13.3. they shall be as the /. out of the chimney /ax/ 2.30. in the earth,blood and fire and pillars of x. Nah 2. 13 I will burn her chariots in the /. ^ftr8.12.blood,fire, and vapour of /.shew wonders Rev, 8. 4. /. of the incense ascended up before God 9. 2. there arose ax. out of the bottomless pit 3. there came out of the «. locusts on earth 17. out ot their mouths issued fire and / 18. the tMrd part of meaVilled by the fire and x 14. Il.thet. of their torment ascended up forever 15. d. tempie was filled with /. from glory of God 18.jO. kingjshal! lament Tor her when they sec x. 18. cried when they saw the x. of her burning 19. 3. and her x. rose up for ever and ever SMOKE. Detit.'iQ.IO. anger of Lord shall x. against that man Psal. 74. 1. O God, why doth thine anger /. .' 104. 32. he toucheth the hills, and they /. 144. 5. touch the mountains, and they shall /. SMOKING. Gen. 15 "• when it was dark, behold a x. furnace Esod. 20. 18. all the people saw the mountain s. Isa 7 4. for the two tails of these / firebrands 42 3. the/. Hax shall he not quench, Afa?. 12. 20 SMOOTH. Gen 27.11. Esau is a hairy man, and I am ax man 16. she put the skins of kids on the x of his neck 1 Sam. 17. 40. David chose him five.x. stones Isa. 30. 10. who say, speak unto us / things 57. 6 among X. stones of the stream is thy portion Liike 3 5. and the rough way* shall be mevde / SMOOTH. Jer.Zi. ■( 31. 1 am ag. prophets that / their tongues SMOOTHER. Psal. 55.2] .words of his mouth were t. than butter Prov. 5. 3 . and her mouth is x. than oil SMOOTH ETII. ha. 41 7 • h« that /. with hammer him that smote SMOTE. Gen. 19. 11. they /.the men at door with blindness 3tj. 35 /. Midian in field of Moab, 1 Chron 1. 46 Exod. 7. 20. he lift up the rod, and x the waters 8. 17. he X. the dust. || 9. 25. the hail s every herb 12. 27. who passed over, when he t the Egyptiams 29. the Lord x. all the first-born in land of Egypt, A'K/n.3.14 I 8.17.Pxrt/7f ' I 105..'!6. | 135.8 \nm. 11.33. Lord x. the people with a great plague 14 45. the Amalekites came down and x. them CO. 11. Moses X. the rock twice, Psal. 78. 20. C2. 23. Balaam x. the ass to turn h»r, 25. 27. 24 10 Balak x. his hands together and said 32. 4. the country the Lord x. is a land for cattle i>cHf. 25.18. Amalek x. the hindmost of thee 29. 7. Sihon and Og came ag. us, and we x. them Joili 7 5. the men of Ai x. of them about 36 men 9- 18.x. them not, because the princes had sworn 11. 11. they X. all the souls that where therein 12. and /. all the kings with the sword, I7. 20. 5. because he x. his neighbour unwittingly Judg. 4. 21. Jad X. the nail into Sisera's temples 5.26. with hammer she x. Sisera, shex. ofl'his head 7. 13. came into a tent, and x. it that it fell 15.8 Samson x. them hip and thigh with slaughter 20. 35. the Lord /. Benjamin before Israel 1 6'e gods that x. the Egyptians 6. 0. we shall know it is not his hand thatx. us 19. he X. the men of Belh-shemesh, x. the people 17. 49. Davidx.the Philistine in his forehead 19. 10. Saul X. the javelin into the well : Pav. fled 25. 38. that the I^ord x. Nabal that he died 30 17. David X. them from twilight to next day 2 Sam. 14. 7- deliver hira that x. his brother 1 Kings 22. 24. Zcdekiah x. Micaiah. 2 Chr. 18. C.I. 2_A'in;x2.8. Elijah x. watcrs|| 14. Elisha /.waters 6. 18 and he x. them with blindness 15. 5. the Lord x. the king, so that he was a leper 16. opened not to Menahem, therefore he x. it K)- ■'5. angel of the Lord x. 185,000. Isa. 37. 3fi. 2 Chron. 13. 15. God /.Jeroboam and all Israel 14. 12. the Lord x. the Ethiopians before Asa AVA. 13. 25. and cursed them, and x.ccrtainof them Pttti. 78. 3 1 . and /. down th« cho!>ea mea of Israel i SNA Psml.lS. 66. '..s /. his enemies itj the himier pal* Cant. 5. 7. the watchmen found me, they x. aie Isa. 10. 20. shall no more stay on him that x. them 14. 6. he who x. the people is persecuted eg. because the rod of him that/, thee is brokta 30.31. the Assyrian shall be beaten down which/ 41. 7. encouraged him that x. the anvil 60. 10. in my wrath 1 x. thee, but in my favom Jer. 20. 2. then Pashur x. Jeremiah the prophet 31. 19. after I was instructed, I x. upon my thigh 41.2. then arose Ishmael and x. Gedaliah "46. 2. Pharaoh-necho, which Nebuchadrezzar /. Dan. 2.34. a stone cut out, which /. the image, 35, 5. 6. Belshazzar's knees x. one against auother 8. 7. the he-goat moved with choler x. the ram Jonah 4. 7 . a worm x. the gourd, that it withered Hag. 2. 17. 1 X. you with blasting and mildew Mai. 26. 51. Peter drew his sword, x. off his ear 68. prophesy, who is he that x. thee, Luke 22.64. Luke 18. 13. but the publican x. upon his breast 23.43. many beholding Jesus, x. their breasts Acts 12. 7- angel x. Peter on side and raised him up S.MOTE him. Exod. 21. 19- then shall he that x. him be quit Num. 35.21. he that x. him shall surely die 1 Sam. 24. 5. afterwards David's heart s. Iiim 2 Sam. 2.23. x. him under the fifth rib, 3. 27 . | 4.6. 6. 7. God X. him there for his error, 1 Clur. 13. 10. 1 Kings 20. 37. man x. him, so that he wound, him 2 Kings 19.37.hisson3x./;imwithsword,/xa.37.38, 2 Chron. 28. 5. Syria x. htm, king of Israel x. him Isa, 27.7. hath he smitten as he x. those that x. him 57 17- for the iniquity of his covetousness I s.him Jer. 37.15. princes were wroth with Jer. and s.him Mat.(l6.67. others 4. Aim with palms of their hands 27. 30. they toi)k the reed andx. Aim on the head, Mark 15. I9. Luke 22. 63. John I9. 3. Ads 12. S3, immediately angel of the Lord /. him SMOl'EST. Exod. 17 5 take rod wherewith thou /. the river SNAIL. Z^p. 1 1 . 30. the lizard, the /. and mole are unclean Psal. 58 8. as a /. let every one of them pass away SNARE. Exod. 10.7. how long shall thismanbe/. unto us ? 23 33.f'ijj 7.50.2 CAr.4.£2. 8 Kings 12. 13. t. made of money that was brought 25. 14. pots and /. took they away, Jer. 52. 18. SNUFFEIH. Jer. 2.24. a wild ass that i. up the wind at pleasure SO. G«n.l2. 4. so Abraham departed, as L. had spoken 15.5. as the stars, to shall thy seed be, liom. 4. 18. 25. 22. Kebekah said, if it be so, why am I thus ? 31. 28. thou hast now done foolishly in so doing 43. 11. if it must be so new do this, take" fruits Eiod. 6. 9. Moses spake so to the children of Israel lO.lO.let LorAbe so with you, as I will let you go ?5. 9. after the pattern, even so shall ye make it 39- 43. as the L. commanded, so had they done it Let. 7. 7. as the sin-offering, so is trespass-oflering 8. .35. for so 1 am commanded, 10. 13. 24. ly. as he hath done, io shall be done 10 him, 20. >^um. 4. 26. bear all that is made, io shall they serve 15. 15. as ye are, iu shall the stranger be before L. 25.8. iothe plague was stayed, Psal. I(l6. 30. Veut. 7.19. so shall the Lord do to all the nations 8 20. as nations Lord destroyeth, w shall ye perish 17.7. iothou shalt put the evil away from among you, 19. ly. I 21.21. l"22. 21,22,24. 22. 26. for as when man riseih, even so is this matt. 33. 25. and as thy days, so shall thy strength be Jdj/i. 14. 11. as strength then, even so is strength now Judg. 1. 7. as I have done .'oGod ha'h requittd me 5. 31. so let all thine enemies perish, O Lord 8. 18. they answered, as thou art, so were they 21. for as the man is, so is his strength 15. 11. as they did to me, jd have I done to them 1 i'am.9.21. wherefore then speakest thou so to me ? 11. 7. so shall it be done unto his oxen 15.33. so shall thy mother be childl. among women 19. 17. Saul said, why hast thou dcc.-ived mf so 25.25. as his name is, to is he, Nabal is his name 30.24. so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff 2 .Vim. 7, B. so shalt thou say to my servant David 13 35 king's sons come.as thy servants said.w it is 16. 10. so let him curse. Who shall then say, wherefore hast thou done s. r 1 Kings 1 . 6. 22. 4. JO shall I be saved from my enemies, /•'j.18.3. 24. 25. so the Lord was entreated for the land ^J"^' ' ■"'■ *■*■*" *" W'" ' certainly do this day 36. tbe Lord Ciod of my lord the king say so too eo. 40. the king said, so shall thy judgment be £2.8. hesaid.iLeinntkingsay «>, ZChron. 18. 7. iKitfiT CO. JO it felloultobim.peo.trodeuohic; ssa SO 2 Chr. 20. 20. so be cslablilhed, se shall ye prosper 35. 6. so kill the passover and sanctify yourselves £ira4.24. so it ceased to the second year ol Darius Nek. 2. 4. so I prayed II 5. 13. xoUod shake out 8. 17. to that day had not children of Israel done so 9.10.J9 didst thou get thee a name, as it is this day Esth. 4. 16. and so will I go in unto the king Job 5. 27. so it is, hear it || 21. 4. and if it were so 9.2.1 know it ii so of truth, but how should man be 23. 7. so should I be deliv. for ever from my judne 32. 22. in JO doing, my Maker would take me away Psal. 21. 13. JO will we sing and praise thy power 35. 25. let them not say, so would we have it 37. 3. do good, so shalt thou dwell in tbe land 42. 1. JO panteth my soul after thee, O God 45. U. so shall the King desire thy beauty 48.8. as we have heard, jo have we seen in the city 10. JO. is thy praise to the ends of the earth 63. 2. to see thy glory, jo as seen thee in sanctuary 73. 22. JO foolish was 1, and ignorant, as a beast 78. 72. JO he fed them || 79. 13. jo we thy people 80. 18. JO will we not go back from thee, quicken 81. 12. JO I gave them up || 90. 11. jo is thy wrath 103. 13. JO the Lord pitieih them that fear him 109. 17. JO let it come, jo let it be far from him 115.8.J0 is every one that trusteth in him, 135.18. 147. 20. he hath not dealt jo with any nation Prov.3.4.so shall find favour and good understand. 22.JO shall they be life to thy soul, grace to neck 6. 11. JO shall thy poverty come, 24, 34. 10.25. as the whirlwind, jo is the wicked no more •iS. 7. as he thinketh in his heart, jo is he Eeel .3. 19. as the one dieth, jo dieth the other 5.16. that in all points as he came, jo shall he go 9. 2. as is the good jo is sinner, he that sweareth /ja.14.24. JO shall it come to pass, jo shall it stand 18. 4. for JO Lord said tome, I will take my rest 24. 2. as with the people, jo with the priest 26. 17. JO have we been in thy sight, O Lord 36. 6. JO is Phar. king of Egypt to all trust in him 47. 12. wherein thou hast laboured, if jobe thou shalt be able to profit ; if jo thou mayest prevail 53. 7. as a lamb, so he openeth not his mouth (12.5.J0 shall thy sons ; so shallG. rejoice over thee 63.8. they are ay people, jo he was their Saviour 66. 13. JO will I comfort you.ye shall be comforted 22 saith L. jo shall your seed and name remain Jer. 5. 31. and my people love to have it jo 10. 18. will distress them, that they may find it so 11.4. JO shall be my people, I yourG.£ze*.37.23. 19. U. saith L. jo will I break this people and city 35. 11. come, let us go, jo we dwell at Jerusalem 38. 20. obey the Lord, jo shall it be well unto thee 39. 14. JO he dwelt among the people 42. 17. JO shall be with all men that set their faces l.aOT.3.2g.mouth in dust, if jo be there may be hope £r(;*.12,ll.as I havedone.jo shall be done to them 1 6. .14. saying, as is the mother, jo is the daughter 18. 30. repent, so iniquity shall not be your ruin 28. 14. cherub that covereth, I have set thee jo 45.20. JO thou shalt do, .'o shall ye reconcile house Dan. 3. 17. if it he jo, our (Jod is able to deliver us Uos. 3.3. shall abide for me, jo will 1 be for thee 13.6. JO were they filled||.7oe/2.4.Jo shall theyrun .-i«!oj 5. 14. JO the Lord of hosts shall be with you /iepA. 3.7. so their dwelling should not be cut off //a?.2.5.joniySpirit remaineth among you,fear not 14. JO is this people, jo is this nation before me Zec/i. 1. 6. to our doings, johath he dealt with us 8.13. JO will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing 14. 15. JO shall be plague of horse, as this plague iVa/.3.15.Jes. said, Suffer it to be jo now, it becom. 5. 12. for JO persecuted they prophets before you 16. let your light jo shine |i ly. shall teach men j« 6. 30. if"God JO clothe the grass of the field 8.13.as thou hast believed, jo be it done unto thee y. 33. marvelled, saying it was never jo seen in Isr. ll.26.even jo,I'ather,for JO it seemed, £«/ie 10.21. 12. JO. JO shall Son ofman be,Z,«/tell.30. | 1724 ly. 10. if the case of the man be jo with his wife 24. 46. when cometh shall find jodoing,£tj/t«12.43. MarkT. 18. are ye jo without understanding also.' 10. 43. but JO shall it not he among you Lukt 12. 38. if he come in watch and find them jo 54. and jo it is |1 24. 24. found it xo as women said John 3. 16. God JO loved the world that he gave his 12. .*>(). even as the Father said to me, jo 1 speak 13. 13. ye say well, for jo I am n 4. 31. jo 1 do 15. 8. ye bear much fruit, jo shall be my disciples 9. as Father hath loved me, jo have I loved you 17-18. JO have I also ser.t them into world, 20. 21. 18. 22. saying, Answerest thou the high-priest jo .' Acts 1.11. this Jesus shall jocome in like manner 3.1H. he hath jo fulfilled|i7. 1. are these things j9.' 8. 32. as a lamb dumb, jo opened he not bis mouth 13. 47. for so hath the Lor4 commanded us 1 4.1 .they jo spake, that a great multitude believed 16.5. JO were the churches establithed in the f^aith 19.20.(0 mightily grew word of God and prevailed SO. 13. for to had appointed, miodiog to go a foot SO Aeii S4. 14. JO worship T the Ood of my fathers S7.44.Jocame to pass they escaped all safe to laod Rom. 5. 15. but not as the offence,jo also is free gift 8. 8. JO they that are in the Hesh cannot please God 9. 16. JO then it is not of him (hat wiUeth nor run. 1 1 . 26. JO all 1 srael shall be saved, as it is writtei 12.20. JO doing shalt heap coals of fire on his head 14. 12. JO every oue shall give account to God ICor. 3.15. he hims. shall be saved, yet s» as by fire 4. 1. let man jo account of us, as ministers 5. 3. concerning him that hath jo done this deed 6.5. is it JO that there is uot wise man among yoa 7- 17. JO let him walk, jo ordain I in all churches 26. I say that it is good for a man so to be 40. but she is happier if she jo abide, 8. 12. when ye sin jo against the brethren 9.14. even JO hath Lord ordained to livebygospe 24. JO run, 26. || 11. 28. jolet him eat thatbreaa 12. 12. all members are one body, jo also is Christ 15. 11. to ve preach, and jo ye believed 2 Cor. 10. 7- as he is Christ's, jo are we Christ's 11. ). so will I keep mys. from being burdensome 22.are they Hebrews r jo an I; Israelites.' jo am J 12. 16. but be It to, I did not burden you Gal. 4. 29. but as then persecuted, even jo it is now 6. 2. bear burdens, and jo fulfil the law of Christ Eph. 2.15. of twain, one new man, jo making peace Phil. 3. 17. brethren, mark them which walk so 4. 1. my brethren, jo stand fast in the Lord C0/.2.6. as ye receive Christ Jes. to walk ye in hin» 1 'I'Aest. 2.4. even jo we speak, not as pleasing men 4. 17. and jo shall we ever be with the Lord IIe6. 3. 11. JO I sware in my wrath, shall not enter 7.9. aJ I may jo say, Levi paid tithes in Abraham 1 Pet. 1.15. JO be ye holy II 2.15. 10 is the will of G. 3. 17. it is better, if the will of God be jo, to sufi'er 1 JoAn 2. 6. he ought hims. jo to walk as he walked 4. 1 1 . G . JO loved us, we ought to love one another 17. because as he is, so are we in the world Rev.l.T. even jo amen || 22.20. even jo come, L.Jcs. SO 6e it. -'bjA.2.21.Rahabsaid,Accord.toyourwords,jo3«i» Jer. 11.5.1 answered and said, so be it, O Lord See Did, Died, Do, Gkeat, Long. Mucli. Not SO. Gfn.19.7. do not so wickedly || 13. oh tut so my L. 29. 26. it must not be so done in our country 48. 18. tiot so my father, this is the first-born £'zod. 10.1 1. 71. so, go ye that are men and serve L. Num. 12. 7. servant Moses is not so, who is faithful Jiidg. 2. 17. obeying the Lord, but they did no< JO 14. 15. is it 7101 so ? II 1 Sam. 20. 2. it is not so 2&7n. 20.21. the matter is?j. jo, but a man lift, up 23.5. altho' my house be not so with God, yet hath Job 9. 35. and not fear him, but it is not so wjth lue 24. 25. if it be 7iot so, who will make me a liar .35 15. but now because it is not so he hath visited Psa/. 1.4. ungodly are 7tot so, but are like the chafi Proi-. 15. 7. the heart of the foolish doeth not so ija.l0.7.howbEit meaneth n. jo, nor heart think j'o 16.6. the pride of Moab. but his lies shall not be so Jer. 48. 30. not be jo, his lies shall not so effect it Mat. 19. 8. but from the beginning it was not so 20. 26. but it shall 7iot be jo am. you, who will be 25. 9. not so, lest there be not enough for us Ltiie 1.60. 7tot so, but he shall be called John 22.26. exerc. lordship over them, but shall n.be s» John 14. 2. if it were uot so, I would have told yoi> Acts 10. 14. but Peter said. Not so. Lord, 11.8 Rom. i, 3. not only jo, but we glory in tribulation- 11. nut only jo, but we also joy in G. thro' Jem* E/ih. 4. 20. but ye have no-t so learned Christ Jam. 3. 10. these things ought not so to be SO tlia't. Gen. 21.6. jo that all tliat hear will laug'a with aw 28. 21. JO that 1 come again to my father's house 47. 13. so that land of i^gjpt and Canaan fainteij Erod. 10.20. so that he would not let Isr. go, 11.10 21. 14. he that smiteth a man. jo that he die Detu.eS.Si.s. t. thou shalt bemad for sight of eyes Judg. S. 14. JO that they could not longer stand 1 Sam. 4. 5. shouted, jo that the earth rang again 18. 30. JO that his name w«s much set by lA'«njj8.25. J. t. thy child, take heed, 2CAr. 6.I6. 2 Kings 8. 15. spread it on his face, jo that he died 9. 37. JO that they shall not say, this is Jezebel 18. 5. so that after him was none like him of king I'.zra 9. 14. io that there should be no remnant Job 1.3. JO that this man was greatest in the east 7.20. set as a mark, JO lAar I am a burden to mys. Psal. 40. 12. .'0 that I am not able to look up 58. 11. JO that a man shall say, 'here is a reward ■^3. 53. he led them safely, jo that they feared not 106. 31. J. t. it went ill with Moses for their sakes I ccl. 6. 2. JO that he wanted nothing for his soul /j«.47.7.J.'..hou didst not lay these things to 60. 15. been forsaken, j. /. no man went tnro'thea Jer. 33. 26. jo that I will not take any of hisseea 44. 22. JO that the Lord could no longer bear Etek. 21. C4. JO that in all Tour doings sius appear SOF Fiei.3l.9.solhat allthr trees in Eden envied him Pan. 8. 4. so that no beast might stand before him /ech. 1. SI. so that no man did lift op his head Mark 15. 5. Jes. answered not, so I. Pilate marvelled Luie 16. 'J6. 10 that they which would pass to you lijim. 1. 20. so that they are without excuse 15.19. so that from Jerus^ I have preached gospel 2 Cor. 2. ' ■ so that contrariwise ye should forgive 7. 7. so that I rejoiced the more Go/. 5.17. so that ye cannot do the things ye would lTA«*.I.7.i.'.ye wereensamplestoall that believe i/(i.l3.6. so t. we may boldly say, L.is my helper Was SO, or SO teas. Gen. 1. 7. and it was so, 9, 11, 15, 24, 30. 41. 13. as he interpreted to us, so it vias Awm.g.lS.JK ita!a.f always.cloud covered it bynight 20. so it teas when cloud was on tabernacle 21. so it -jcas when the cloud abode from even Judg. 6.38. dew be on the fleece only, and it teas so ip.30.it rii.io that all who saw it said, no such deed 1 Sam. 5.7- when men of Ashdod saw that it teas so 10. 9- it teas so that when he turned from Samuel 30.25.it a'flf so from that dayforward made a stat. C Sam. 15. 2. it icas so when any came to the king 5. it was so that when any man came nigh to him 16. 23. so teas all the counsel of Ahithophet 1 Kingt 13.9- so teas it charged me by word of L. 9 Ainjj 17.7. so it un.; that Israel had sinned ag.L. 23. JO teas Isr. carried away toAssyria to this day 2 Chrmi. 29. 25. so teas the commandment of Lord ituie 2. 6. and so it teas that while they were there 21. Jesus, who aox so named of the angel 5. 10. and so tias also James and John astonished i3crjl2.l5.Khodaconstantlvaffirmed it Baf evenf» SOBER. 2 Cor. 5. 13. whether we be s. it is for your cause irAefx.5.6.1etusnotsleep,butlet us watch and be s 8.but let us who are of the day he s. putting on 1 7'tin. 3. 2. a bishop then must be s. Tit. 1.8. 11. deacons' wives must be j. faithful in all things Tit. 2. 2. that aged men be s. grave, temperate 4. they may teach the young women to be j. 1 Pel. 1. 13. gird tip the loins of your mind, be f. 4. 7. be ye therefore s. and watch unto prayer 5.8. be J. be vigilant, because your adversary devil SOBERLY. fio'n.l2.3,butto think j. accord. to measure of faith Tit. 2. 12. leaching us that we should live s. right SOBER-MINDED. Til. 2. 6. likewise exhort young men to hi s .-minded SOBERNESS. Acts 26 25. but speak forth the words of t. SOBRIETY. Rom. 12. t3. every man ought to think to s. 1 Tim, 2. 9- that women adorn themselves with s. 15. if they continue in faith and holiness with s. SOCKET. Exod. 38. 27. an hundred talents, a talent for a s. SOCKETS. £«rf.26.19. make forty*, of silver,21. | 36.C4.C6. two/, under one board for two tenons, two/, under another board, 21. 25. | 36. 24, C6. 25. and their/, of silver, sixteen /. 36.30.36. 37.thou shall cast five /.of brass for them,36.38. 27.10. their twenty/, shall be ofbras5,38. 10, 11. 12. on west side pillars ten, their/, tea, 38. 12. 14. the hangings on one side, their /. three 15. on the other side shall be three/. 38. 14, 15. 16 their pillars shall be four, their/, four 17. hooks shall be of silver and their/, brass, IR. 35. 11. make bars, pillars, /. of the tabernacle 17. hangings of the court, pillars, and their /. S8. 27. /.of the sanctuary,/.of the veil, hundred/. SO. of the brass of the offerings he made /. 31. /. of the court, and the /, of the court gate 40. 18. reared the tabernacle and fastened his/. V«»i. 3. .'.6. under the custody and charge of ihe sonsof JIerarishallbet'he/.37. | 4. 31,32. Cant. 5. 15. as pillars of marble set on /. of gold SOD. Gen. 25. 29. Jacob /.pottage, Esau came frnni field 2 Chron. 35. 13. other holy offerings /.they in pots SODDEN. Ejod. 12. 9- eat not of it raw, nor /. with water I..C5.25.then shall he redeem that which broth./ 3S. house that was/. shall go out in year of jubilee 34. but the field of the suburbs may not be /. 42. brethren shall not be /. as bond-men 27. 28. DO devoted thing shall be /. or redeemti Deut. 15. 12. and if thy brother je /. unto the« 28. 68. there shall ye be /. unto your enemies 32. 30. except their Rock had /.them and shut the Jttd^. 2. 14. he /. them into hands of their enemies 3. 8. /. them to Cushan-rishathaim || 4.2. to Jabin 10.7. /. them into the hands of the Philistines 1 Sam. 12. 9. he /. them into the hand of Sisera 1 hin^s 21. CO. thou hajt /. thyself to work evil 2 Kings 6.C5. ass's head was /.for 80 pieces of silver 7. 1. a measure of fine flour /. for a shekel, 16 17. 17. Israel /.themselves to do evil in sight of Ld. Neh. 5.8. have redeemed our brethren who were / to the heathen, or shall they be /. unto us ! 13. 15. I testified in day wherein they /. victual* 16. who brought ware and /. on the sabbath Est A. 7.4. for we are /. I and my people to be slain and perish ; but if we had been /. for bond-me* Psal 105. 17. Joseph who was /. for a servant Isa. 50. 1. whi<;lj of my creditors is it to whom I /. you ? for your iniquities have ye /. yonrselvei 52. 3. ye have /.yourselves for nought,be redeemed Jer. 34. 14. let go his brother who hath been /. Lam. 5. 4. water for money, our wood is /. unto us /.'«t.7.13. seller shall not return to that which is/. Joel 3. 3. and they have /. a girl for wine to drink 6. children of Judah have ye /. to the Grecians 7.1 will raise them out of placewhither ye /.thria Amos'i. 6. they/, the righteous for silver and poor Mat. 10.29. are not two sparrows /. for a farthing I 13. 46. went and /. all that he had and bought it 18. 25. his lord commanded him to be /. 21.12.cast out them that /. and bought, overthrew seats of them that/. liJark 11. 15. Luke 19.45 26.9. for this ointment might have been /.for much and given to the poor, Mark 14. 5. John 12.5. Luke 12.6. are not five sparrows/, for two farthings 17. 28. they bought, ihey /.they planted, they built John 2. 14. found in the temple those that /. oxen 16. said to them that/, doves. Take these hence Acts 2.45. and /.their possessions and goods, 4. 34. 4. 37. Joses having land /. it and brought money 5. 1. Ananias/. ||B. ye /. the land for so much f 4. after it was /. was it not in thine own power.' if om. 7. 14. law is spirit. b".t I am carnal, /.under sin 1 Cor. 10. 25. whatsoever is /. in shambles, that eat //«i. 12. 16. for one morsel of meat /.his birth -right SOLDIER. John 19. 23. and made four parts, to every /.a part .<4f//10.7. Cornelius called a devout /.that wailed on 28.l6.sufrered Paul to dwell by himself, with a /. 2 'Jim. 2. 3. endure hardness as a good s. of Christ 4. may please him who hath chosen him to be a /. SOLDIERS. 2 Chron. 25. 13. the /. fell upon the cities of Judah Ezra 8. 22. I was ashamed to require of ihe king /. ha. 15.4. the armed /. of Moab shall cry out Mat. 8. 9. having /. under me, Luke 7- 8. 27. 27. the /. took Jesus and gathered to him/ 28. 12. they gave large money unio the /. Luke 3.14. /. demanded, saying, what shall we do. 23. 36. the /. luockcd him, offered him vinegar John 19. 2./. platted a crown of thorns, put it on 23. the /. took his garments, and also his coat 24. these things the /. did || 32. /. brake the legs 34. but one of the /. with a spear pierced his side Acts 12. 4. delivered Peter to four quaternions of /. 6. same night Peter was sleeping between two/. 18. there was no small stir among the /. 21. 32. when they saw the chief captain and t. .35. so it was, that he was borne of the /. 23. 23. make ready 200 /. to go to Cesarei 27. 31. Paul said to the /. exn^i thee abide 32. then the /. cut off the ropes of the boat 42. the /. counsel was to kill the prisoners SOLE. Cen. 8. 9. dove found no rest for the /. of her foot Deut. 28. 35. with a sore botch from /. of thy foot 56. would not set ihe /. of her foot upon ground 65. neither shall the /. of thy foot have rest Josh. 1.3. every place /. of your foot shall tread 00 2.S'«m. 14.25. from /.of foot lo crown was no blemish Job C. 7. Satan smote Job from the /. of his foot /j(j. 1.6. from /.of foot to head there is no soundness Ezek. 1.7./. of their feet like the /. of a calfs fool Sec iF.F.T. SOLEMN. Kum. 10. 10. in your /. days ye shall blow tnimpeU Psal. 92. 3. to sing praise with a /. sound Isa. 1. 13. it is iniquity, even the /. meeting Lam. C. 22. thou hast called as in a/. day,my terr. llos. 9. 5. whal will ye do in /. day, in day of feast. Zech. 8. * 19. the fast shall be joy and /. times See Ass£>:iiL¥, Feast, Feasts. SOLEMNITY. Diui. 31. 10. io the t of the year ot relcM* SOM Jta SO.29.shal. hav* song, as when a holy /. is kept SOLIC.M.MTIKS. Ira. 33. 20. look upon Zioii, the city of our /. t'jf/t. 45. 17prwice gireburnt-oflreniigs in j. of Isr. 4t). 1 1. in the s. mesi offering snail be an ephah SOLE.MNLY. Oen. 43. 3. the tcan did s. protest unto ns, saying 1 Sam, 8. 9. vet protest s. to them, and shew them SOLITARY. yum. 23. t 3. Balaam went /. and God met him Job 3. 7. let that nij;ht be j.let no joyful voice coice .30. 3 for want and famine they were s. Psal. (J8. 6. God setteth the /. in families 107.4. they wandered in the wilderness in a i.way 7ja. iS.l.wildern.and j.place shall be glad for them I^im. 1.1. how doih city (it i.that was full of peop, Mark 1.35. Jesus depart. into a s. place, and prayed SOLITARILY. SOV SON 2 Thest 3.11.tBereare J among you walk disorderly; Gen. 24. 3*. *"{- 4.5. 7. and /. fell among thorns, lUark 4.7. Luke 8. 7. 16. 14. J. say thou art John the Baptist, x. Elias, others Jeremias, Mark&. 28. Luke 9. 19. 28. there be s. standing here, who shall not taste of death till Son of man, MarkQ. 1. Luke^.]g. 19- 12. /. eunuchs which were so born, s. made £3.34.».ye snail kill and crucify,*. ye shall scourge 28. 17. they worshipped him, but s. doubted Luke 8. 6. 1. fell upon a rock, and withered away 21. 1(5. and s. of you shall cause to be put to death ^ohn 6. 6l. there are s. of you that believe not /Ins 5. 15. shadow of Peter overshadow j. of them 8. 9. giving out that himself was s. great one 31 . how can I except *. man .should guide me .' 13. 11. seeking s. to lead him by the hand 17. 4. *. of them believed || 21 . hear/, new thing 32. s. mocked || 27. 34. I pray you take s. meat 19. 32. s. cried one thing, s. another, 21. 31 C7.44. s. on boards, X. on broken pieces of the ship w'8. 24. /. believed and *. believed not Wi'm. 1.11. that I may impart to you s. spiritual gift 13. that I might have s. fruit among you also 3. 3. for what if /. did not believe ? 8. as s. affirm that we say, I^t us do evil that pood 5. 7. for a good man t. would even dare to die il. 14. if by any means I mi_'ht save /. of them 17. iind if/, of the branches be broken off JCor. 4. 18. now/, are puffed upas though not come 0. 11. such were /. of you. but ye are washed 8. 7. for /. with conscience of the idol cat it y. 2C. that I might by all means save /. 10. 7. neither be idolaters as were /. of them 8. commit fornication, as *. of them committed 9. as /. tempted Christ and were destroyed 10. nor murinur ye as /. of them murmured 12. 28. aod God liath set /. in the church 15. C. greater part remain, but /. are fallen asleep 12. how say /. that there is no resurrection > S-t. for J. h.we not the knowledge of God - Cnr. 10 2. I ihink to be bold ae. /. who think of us 12. lor we dare not compare ourselves with /. Oal. 1. 7. but there be /. that trouble you ij^r^ 4. 11. he gave /. prophets, /. evangelists /"/•il. 1. 13. c. indeed preach Christ even of envy j 1 X'im.i. 3. charge/, that ihey teach no other doct 6. from which /. having swerved, have turned 19. /. having put away, have made shipwreck 4. 1. that in latter times /. shall depart from faith 5. 15. /. are already turned aside after Satan 24. /. men's sins open before-hand, /. men follow 25. the good works of/, are manifest before-hand 6. 10. which while /.coveted after, they have erred 2 'I'lm. 2. 18. and overthrow the faith of /. 20. /. vessels to honour and /. to dishonour Ue/i. 3. 4. for every house is builded by /. man It), for /. when they heard, did provoke 4.6. it remaineth, that /. must enter therein 10. 25. not forsaking as the manner of /. is 11. 40 having provided /. better thing for us 13. 2. for thereby /. entertained angels unawares 2 f'et. 3. 9. I^rd is not slack, as /. count slackness Ifi.'in which are /. things hard to be understood Jude 22.of /. have compassion, making a difference Rfv. 2. 10. the devil shall cast /. of you into prison SOMEBODY. Luke 8. 46. Jesus said, /. hath touched me .'i«/5.36.rose up I'heudas.boasting himself to be / SOMETHING. 1 Sam. CO. 26. for he thought, /. hath befallen him Mark 5.43. that /. should be given her to eat Luie 11.54. and seeking to catch /.out of his mouth Jo/in 13. Cy. or that he should give /.to the poor Acts 3. .'p. he gave heed expect, to receive /. of them 23. 15. as though yewould inquire /.more perfectly 18. this young man who hath /. to say to thee Oal. 6. 3. for if a man think himself to be /. SOMETIMES. Eph. 2. 13. ye who were /. afar off are made nigh 5. 8. for ye were /. darkness, but now light in L. Col. 1. 21. you that were /. alienated and enemies 3. 7. in which ye walked /. when ye lived in them 3V/.3.3. we ourselves also were/, foolish, deceived I P/ Jacob his son. Exod. 4. 2C, Isr.ael is my son even my firstborn. They are the first and only nation that I have chosen for my peculiar people. Ezekiel 1/ called Son of man about et^kty-nine limes : And Christ about eigh- tv times m the T.vangelisls. StJNS OK (;oi). i>< on Child. Gen. 17. t 12. he that is /.of eight days be circumc. 16. 1 will give thee /. of Sarah. 19. | 18. Id. 14. 21.2. Sarah bare Abraham a /. in his old age, 7. K>, cast out this bond-woman and her /. 24. 36. Sarah my master's wife bare a /. 41. the Lord hath appointed for my master's /. 29. 33. he hath therefore given me this /. also 30. 6. God hath heard me, and given me a /. 24. the Lord shall add to me another /. 35. 17. fear not, thou shalt have this /. also + 18. the /. of my sorrow ; /. of the right hand .37. 3. because he was the /. of bis old age ixnrf. 1. 11). if it be a /. then ye shall kill hinv 22. every /. that is born ye shall cast into river 2. 10. the child grew, and he became her /. 4. 25. Zipporah cut off the foreskin of her /. 12. 1 5. your lamb shall be/.of ayear. Lev. 12.1 C 21. 31. whether behave gored a/, or :i daugher 23. 12. the /. of thy handmaid may be relreihed 29. 30. that /. that is priest in stead put them on Lev. 12. 0. the days of her purifying for a /. 34. 10. the /. of an Israelitish woman strove in 11. the Israelitish woman's /. blasphemed 25. 49. his uncle, or his uncle's /. may redeem him iNwwi. 23. 18. hearken unto me thou /. of Zippor 27. 4. because he hath no/. || 8. if die and have nc/ Veut. 13. (i. if /. of thy mother entice thee secretly 21. 16. that he may not make the /.of the beloved, first-born, before the /. of the hated, 17 18. if a man have a stubborn and rebellious /. 20. this our /. is stubborn ai:d rebellious, not obey 28. 56. eye shall be evil towards her /. and daugbi. Josh. 6. c6. in his youngest /. set up the gates ol it 15. 8. border went by the valley of /. of Hinnom Judg. 5. 12. arise, lead captive, thou /. of Abinoatr 9. 18. have made the /. of his maid-servant king 28. Gaal said, is not he the /. of Jerubbaal.' 11.2. for thou art the s. of a strange woman 31. besides her he had neither /. nor daughter 13. 3 but thou .shalt conceive and hear a /. 5, 7. 21-. the woman bare a /. and called him Samson Rnthi. l.'>. Ruth barea/. p 17. a/, born to Naoiai 1 Sarn. 1.23. Hannah gave her/, suck until weaned 4. 20. wcnien said, fear not, for thou hast born a/. yC.Kish had /. whose name was Saul a young man 10. 11, what is this that is come to /. of Kish? 13. + 1. .Sail ihe /. of one year in his reigning 16. 18. I have seen a /. of Jesse that is cunning 17. 55. whose /. is this .' 1158. whose /. art thou ? 18. t 17. only be thou /. of valour for me and fight 20. 27. wherefore cometh not the /. of Jesse.' 30. thou /. of the perverse rebellious womau 31. for as long as the/, of Jesselivelh on ground 22. 7. will/, of J esse give you fields and vineyarda y.Doeg said, I saw the /.of Jesse coming to Nob 12. Saul said, hear now, thou /. of Ahitub 25.10. who is/.of Jesse ?[|17.he is such a/.of Belial 2 Sam, 1. 13. he said, 1 am the/, of a stranger 9- 3. Jonathan hath yet /. who is l»me on his feet y. given thy master's /. all that pertained to SaiU 10. that master's /. may have food to eat ; Mephibosheth thy master's /. shall eat at my table 10. 2. I will shew kindness to the /. of NahasU 16. 3. king said, and where is thy master's /. .' 18. 12. not put forthmy hand against the king's /. 38. I have no/, to keep my name in remembrance 20. shall bear no tidings, because king's /. is dead 20. 1. nor have we inheritance in the /. of Jesse 1 /i'inf/3.5.thou hast given him a/, to sit on throne 26. for her bowels yearned upon her /. 5. 7. hath given David a wise /. over this people 7. 14. Hiram was a widow's/, of tribe of Naphtali ) 2. l6.no inheritance in /. of Jesse, 2 C/iron. 10.16 14. 1. Abijah the /. of Jeroboam fell sick 5. she cometh to ask a thing of thee for her /. 17. 17. the /. of ihc mistress of the house fell sick 20. brought evil on the widow, by slaying her i, 22. 26. carry him to Joash king's/. 2 Chr. 18.2-1 2 Kings 1.17.Jehoramreigned,because he had no/ 4. 6. she said to her, /. bring me yet a vessel 16. about this season thou shalt embrace a /. 17- and the woman bare a /, at that season 28. did I desirea/. of my lord ?|137. took upher*. 6. 29. give /. to eat him, and she hath hid her t 32. see ye how this /. of a murderer hath sent 8. 1. the woman, whose /. he had restored to lib 5. this is her /. whom Elisha reswred to life 11.1. Athalia saw her /. was dead, 2 Chr. 22. 10 4. Jehoiada shewed them the king's /. 12. he brought forth the king's /. and put crown 1 (hron. 12. 18. and on thy side, thou /. of Jesse 20. 6. and he also was the /. of the giant 22. y. behold, a /.shall be born to thee, a man of rest 2 Chron. 21. 17. so that there was never a/, left him 22. 9. buried him, because he in. of Jehoshaphat 23. 3. he said, behold, the king's /. shall reign yeh. 11. 14. Zabdiel their overseer, /. of great maj Joi 18. 10. he shall neither have /. nor nephew Pja/.2.12.kiss the /.lest he be angry, and ye perisb 50. 20. thou slanderest thine own mother's /. 72. 1. and thy righteousness unto the kii.g's j. i 17. as a /. to continue his father's name 86. 16. and save the /. of thine handmaid 89. 22. nor shall the /. of wickednes&atllict bia SON Pint. Utf. 16. I am the /. of thin* h»ndmAid Prov. 3. 12. ai a f.ither j. in whom he delightelh 4.3,1 WM my fnher'sj.only beloved of my moiher (1, 1, a wise *. roaketh a glad father, 15. 20. 6. he that gathereih in sammer is a wise *. sle*])- eth in harvest/, causeth shame, 17-2. | 19.Q6. LI. I. a wise/, heareth his father's instruction 17.25. foolish *.is agrief to his father, and bittem. 19. 13. a foolish i. is the calamity of his father $H. 7. -whoso keepeth the law, is a wise / 31.2. and wbat, the/, of my womb,/, of my vows - £ccl. 5. 14. he hege«teth a /. nothing in his hand 10. 17. blessed land, when king is the ». ofnobles Jia. 5. + 1. a vineyard in the horn of the /. of oil 7. 4. not afraid otthe anger of the /. of Remaliah 6. let us set a king in it, even the /. of Tabeal 9. the head of Samaria is Remaliah 's /. 14. behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a t. 9. 6. unto us a child is born, unto us a/, is given 14.12.how art thou fallen.O Lucifer,/, of morning 88. I will cut off from Babylon /. and nephetv 19. 11. 1 am/, of the wise, the /.of ancient kings 21 . 1 10. O my threshina;, and the /. of my floor ♦9. 1 5. not have compassion on the /. of her womb i5. 3. neither let the /. of the stranger speak Jer. e. 26. make thee mourning, as for an only /. 33. 21. should nolhavea/. to reign on histhrone i-;xe*.14.20.they shall deliver neither j.nor daught. 18. 4. soul of the/, is mine, soul that sins shall die lO.if he beget /.that is a robber, shedder of blood 14. a/, that seelh his father's sins and doeth not 19. why, doth not /. bear iniquity of the father ? when the /. bath done what is lawful and right CO. /. not bear iniquity of father, nor father of /. 44. 25. for /. or daughter they may defile thems. iier. 1. 3. he tookGomer, which bare him a /. 8. 13.13.he is an unwise/, for he should not stay long ^m(i/7.14.Iwas noprophet.norwcis I a prophet's/. 8. 10. 1 will make it as mourning of an only /. Mic. 7. 6. for the /. dishonoureth the father Jl/o/.1.6./.honourethhis father.a servant his master Hal. 1. 21. she shall bring forth a /. Luie 1. 3\. 9. 2. Jesus said, /. b« of good cheer, ItJari 2. 5. 10. 37. he that loveth /. or daughter more than me 11. 27. no man knoweth/. but Father, nor any the Father, save /. and he to whom /. Luie 10. 22. 13. 55. the carpenter's /. Mark 6. 3. Ljiie 4. 22. Ifi. 16. ihoQ art Christ the /. of theliving God 31. 48. and said, /. go work to-day in my vineyard 38. but when husbandmen saw the /. they said 22. 42. what think ye of Christ ? whose /. is he ? Jdrri 12. 6. having yet one /. his well-beloved 13. 12. father shall betray the /. children rise up 4S. that hour knoweth not the j. but Father 14. 61. art thou the Christ, the/, of the blessed ? Luie 1. 13. Elisabeth .shall bear thee /. name John 32. he shall be called the /. of the Highest 36.£lisabeth conceived a /. 1| 5*. brought forth/. 4.4B. mother said, /. why haBt thou dealt with us r 3.23,Jesui about 30 years, being, as was supposed, the /. of Joseph, who was the /. of lleli 7. 12. dead mjui carried out, only /. of his mother 10. 6. if/, of peace be there, your peace shall rest 11. 1 1 . if a /. shall ask bread of any of you 12. 33. the father shall be divided against the /. 1,5. 13. the younger /. gathered all together 31. /. thou art ever with me, allistbine 16. 25. /. remember, that thou in thy life-time 19. 9. forasmuch as he also is the /. of Abraham Join 1.18.only begotten /.who is in bosom of Father 45. we have found Jesus of Nazareth /.of Joseph 3. 35. the Father loveth the /. given. 5. 20. 36. that believeth on the/, that believeth not /. 4. 46. a certain nobleman whose /. was sick 5. 19. /. can do nothing of himself, what things Father do these things doth the /. likewise 21. even so the /. quickeneth whom he will 22. but hath committed all judgment to the /. S3, that air men should honour the /. he that ho noureth not the t. honoureth not the Father 26. 30 hath he given to /. to have life in himself 6. 40. every one who seelh/. and believeth on liini 42. they said, is not this Jesus the/, of Joseph ? 8.35.but /. abideth for ever || 9.19. is this your /. .' 36. if /. theref. shall make you free, shall be free 9. 20. his parents said, we know that this is our /. 14. 13. that the Father may be glorified in the /. 17. 12. none of them is lost, but the /. of perdiiion 21.15.Simon /.of Jonas, Invest thou me more than ^cts i. 36, Barnabas, /. of consolation, a Levite 7. 21. took him np, anil nourished for her own /. 13. 22. I have fnund David the /. of Jesse, a man ■ ii3.C. I am Pharisee, the s. of a Pharisee 16. Paul's sister's /. heard of their lying in wait Rom. 9. 9. at this time Sarah shall have a s. I Cor. 15. 28. then shall / . alto himself be subject Ga/.4.7.no more a serv. but/, and if/, then an heir 30. cast out the bond -worn an and her /. for the / of the bond-woman shall not be heir wiih the /. PUI. S. 22. Jis a /. with fatbei, ne served in gospel 961 SON Oil. 4. 10. rnd Marcui sister's /. to Barn&bai 2 'I'hest. 2. 3. that man of sin the /. of perdiiion 1 7im,1.18.this charge 1 commit to thee /.Timothy Ileb. 1 .5. I will be a fath. and he shall be to roe a /. 8. but to the /. he saith, thy throne it for ever 3. 6. but Christ as a /. over his own house 5. 8. tho' he were a /. yet learned he obedience 7. C8. but the word of the oath maketh the /. i 1 .24.refu.sed to be called /.of Pharaoh's daughter It. 6. and scourgeth jvery /. whom hereceivetn 7. for what/, is he whom father chastene'h not? 2P*<.2 ]5.fbllowing the way of Balaam /.of Bosor 1 John 2. 22. is antichrist that denieth Father and /. 23. whosoever denieth the /.the same hath not the Father, but he that acknowledgeth the / 24. ye also shall continue in the /. and i.T Father 4.14.'Father sent the /. to be the Saviour of world 5. 12. he that hath the /. hath life , and he that hath not the /. of God hath not life 2 John 3. from Lord Jesus Christ /. of the Father 9. he that abideth hath both the Father and the /. See David. SON of God. Dan. 3. 25. form of the fourth is like the /. o/God Mat. 4. 3. if thou be the /. of God, command that these stones be made bread, 27.40. Lukei.3,/" Goi/ afresh 7. 3. but made like to the/. 0/" Gorf abideth a priest 10. 29. who hath trodden under foot the /. of God 1 John .I.S.for this purpose /. of God was manifested 4. 15. whoso shall confess Jesus is the /. of God 5. 5. he that believeth Jesus is the /. of God 10. he that believeth on the /. of God hata witness 13. that ye may believe on the name of/, of God 20. and we know that the /. of God is come Rev. 2. 10. write these things saith the j. of God Hit SON. G«n.4. 17. called the city after name of Ai//. Enoch Q. 24. Noah knew what his younger /. had done 21. 11. thing was very prievou; because of ^1/ /. 22. 10. Abraham took the knife to slay his /. 13. offered him for burnt-offering instead of /iij/. 24. 48. take mymaster's brother's daughter to Ai//. 25. 6. sent from Isaac Ais s. while he yet lived 11. after the death of Abram, God blessed his /. 3*. 20. Shechem hiss, came to gate of their city 26. they slew Ilamor and Shechem his /. .37. 31. Jacob mourned for his s. many days F.rod. 21. 9. if he hath betrothed her to his /. 32. 29. consecrate, even every man upon his t. lev. 21. 2. but for his s. he may be defiled .VtiOT. 20. 26. and put them on Kleazar his /. 28 IJeul. 1.31. Goi bare thee, as a man doth bear his s. 7. 3. thy daughter thou shalt not give to /;(/ /. 8. 5. as a man chasteneth /ii//.sothe L.chasteneth 18. 10. not any maketh his s. to pass thro' the fin- 2 .Sam. 13. 37. David mourned for his /.every day if. 19. should I not serve in presence o! his s. ? 19. 2. how the king was grieved for his /. 1 A'm^/ 11. 35. take kingdom out of his s. hand 3<). and to his s. will I give one tribe, that David 1.5. 4. give him a lamp, to setup hiss, after him 1(). 13. for all the sins of V.\&\\ his /. they sinned IKitii^s 3.27. took his eldest /. should have reigned iT). 3. Ahaz made hit s. to pass thro' Uie fire 21. 6. Manasseh niadp/ji//. pass through the firr 7. of which Lord said to D.ivjd and to Solomon his s. will 1 put my name, 2 Chron. 33. 7. 23.10. no man might make his s. pass throuch fire 2 Chron. 24. 22. thus Joash the king slew his s. Prov. 13. 24. he that spareth his rod, hatelh hts s SQ. 21. shall Uov« him become hts s. at length SON Prov. 30. 4. what is hti t. name, if iboti ctaA Jer.VJ .7 .all nations shall serve hist, and hii toa'tt Dan.b.ii. thouAi//. O BeLshai. hast not humblei Mai. 3. 17. spare them, as a ma.i spareth hist. Mat. 7. 9 what man, whom if his s. ask bread 21. 37. last of all he sent unto them hit t. 22. 2. a king who made a marriage for hit t. 45. how is he then hxss.t Mark 12.37. /.ui-^20.44 John 3. 16. lliat he gave his only begotten /. 17, God se^jt not hi. t. to condemn the world 4. 5. the ground that Jacob gave to his s. Joseph 47. that he would come down and heal his t Acts 3. 13. God hath glorified hit : Jesui 26. God having raised up Ai//. Jesus, sent him Rom. 1. 9. whom I serve in the gospel of Ai/ /. 5. 10. were reconciled to God by death of hist 8. 3. God sending his own /. in likeness of flesh 29. to be conformed to the image of his i. 32. he that spared not his own /. but delivered 1 Cor. 1.9. called to the fcllowshipof At/ /. Jesus Gal. 1. 16. it pleased God to reveal hii t. in uic 4.4. God sent forth hit t. made of a woman 6. God sent the spirit of hit t. into your hearts Col. 1. 13. translated us into kingdom of Ai/ dear/ 1 Thess. 1. 10. and to wait for hts t. from heaven Heb. 1.2. G. in last days hath spokentousby /ii/ /. 11. 17. Abraham offerrd up his only begotten /. Jam. 2. 21. when had offered Isaac Aij /. 00 altar lJoAnl.3. ourfellowsh.is with Fath. and Ai//. Jes. 7 .blood of Jes.Chr. Ai/ /. cleanseth us from all sin 3. 23. that we believe on the name of his t. Jesus 4. 9. God sent his only begotten /. into the world 10. and sent his /.to be the propitiation for our sins 5. 9. the witness, which he hath testified of Aij /. 10. that believeth not God, made him a liar, he believeth not record God gave of Ai/ / 11. this life is in Ai//. |120. weare inhis/. Jesus SON in law. Gen. 19. 12. hast thou here any besides.' /. in laa Judg. 15. 6. Samson the /. in lam of the Timnit'. 19. 5. the damsel's father said unto his /. in lati 1 ^am. 18. 18. I should be s. in law to the king,23. 21 . Saul said, thou shalt this day be my /. in lau £2. now therefore be the king's /. in law 25. it pleased David well to be king's /. in lai 27. that he might be the king's /. in law 22. 14. who is so faithful as the king's /. in laa 2 Kingsi.Ti. Jehoram was/, in I. of house of Ahab Neh. (j. 18. 'J'obiah was /. in laa to Shechaniah 13. 28. was /. in law to Sanballat the Iloromte See Beloved. My SON. Gen. 21. 10. Ishmael shall not be heir with my 4 23. swear that thou wilt not deal falsely with my * 22. 7. my father, and he said, here am I, my / 8. mv s. God will provide himself a lamb 24.3. shalt not take wife to my /. of Canaanites, 37 4. go to my kindred, and take wife to my s. 7, 38. 6. that thou bring not my s. thither again, 8. 27. 8. now therefore my t. obey my voice, 43. 13. his mother said, upon me be thy curse, my .'. J8. he said, here am 1, who art thou, my s. 1 21. whether thou be my very /. Esau, or not, 24. 27. see, the smell of mys. is as smell of a field .37. and what shall 1 do now unto thee, my s.t 34. 8. the soul of my /. longeth for your dauptitcr S7. 33. and he knew it, and said, it is my s. coat 35. 1 will go into the grave to my t. mourning 38. 11. remain, till .Shelah my s. be grown 2(5. because that 1 gave her not to Shelah mv /• 42. 38. he said, my s. shall not go down with you 43. 29. he said, God be gracious to thee, my s. 45. 28. it is enough, Joseph my s. is yet alive 48. 19. Jacob said, I know it my s. 1 know it 49. 9. from the prey, my s. thou art gone up Ksod. 4. 22. Israel is my's. even my Srst-bom 23. let my s. go, that he may serve me Josh. 7. 19. mti s. give glory to the God cf Israel Ji«/ff. 8. 23. neither shall my s. rule over vou 17. 2. mother said, blessed be thou of the L. mti s 3. dedicated for mys. to make a graven image 1 Sam. 3. 6. 1 called not my s. lie down again 4. It), and he said, what is there done, my s. T 10,2. sorroweth, saying, wSat >hall I do for my /..' 14.39. though it be in Jonathan my s. he shall di« 40. 1 and Jonathan my /.will be on the other side 42. casts lots between me and Jonathan my s. 22. 8. thalmv/. hath made a league with son Jesse, or that viy t. hath stirred up my servant 24. 1(). is this thy "voice, my /. David? 2f). 17. 2(). 21. 1 have sinned, return, my t. David 25. Saiil said, blessed be thou my t. David 2 Sam. 7. 14. 1 will be his father, he shall be mjt s. 13. 25. kii g said, na/, my s. let us not all now go li. 11. not nifll-r revenger.^, lest they destroy my j. 10. destroy me and my s. out of \hc inheritincc IH. 11. behold my s. who came forth of my bowcia 19. 2'2. Joab said, wherefore wilt thou run my 1. 33. the king was moved and wept, thus he said, my s. Absalom, mr 1. mf 1. Absalom, \\). 4. SON 1 Kings 1.21. I and my t. ht counted ofTenden 3. CO. she arosr aod took my t. from beside me 21. beboM, it wa* not myi. whicli I did bear S9 the woman salj i»»y ; but the living is my t. ei. thy son is the drad, and my t. is the living 17. 12. that I may dresi it for me and my s. 18. she said, art thou come to me to slay my s. 2 ^'l^J* 6. 28. and we will eat my i. to-morrow 1%. so we boiled my X. and did eat bim, give thy /. 1*. 9. give thy daughter to my t. S Chron. 25. 18. I Chron. 17. 13. and he shall be my t. 22. 10. 2C. 11. now my f. L. will be with thee and prosper 98.6. 1 have chosen him to be my<.will be bis fath 9. tliou, Solomon my s. know Ood of thy father 29. 1. Solomon my s. whomG. alone hath chosen 19. give to Solomon my t. a perfect heart to keep Psu/.2.'. L.said to me, thou art m» j.Uiisday have I begotten thee, Acit 13. 33.'Hei. I. 5. | 5. 5. Prov. 3. 11. my j. despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor be weary of his correction, Ilti. 12.5 6. 3. do this now, my $. and deliver thyself 'J1.&. my t. give me thine heart, observe my ways 24. 21. my t. fear thou the Lord and the king 27. 11. myt. be wise, and make my heart glad 31. 2. what my 1. and what, the s. of my vows J-'ccl. 12. 12. further by these my t. be admonished J*T.51.20.is Ephraim my dear /..'is he pleas. child ? I-'zek.Ql.lO. it cnntemneth rodof my /.as every tree //m. 11 . 1. I called my s. out of Egypt, Mat. 2.15. Mai.i.X"! .& voice saying, this is my beloved /. 17.5 17. 15. Lord have mercy on my s. he is lunatic II. .17. they will reverence my t. Mark 12. 6. ^arkg. 17. .Master, 1 have brought to thee my s. L>.ke 9- 36. Master, I beseech thee look upon my s. 35. 24. for this my 1. was dead and is alive again 1 Tim. 1. 2. to Timothy my own /. in the faiih 8 Tim. 2.1. my /. be strong in grace that is in Christ "Hi. 1 . 4. to Titus mint own s. after common faith PhiUm. 10. I beseech thee for my s. Onesimus Rev. 21. 7- I will be his God, be shall be my t. Thy SON. Cen. 22. 2. take now thy s. thine only /. Isaac 12. thou hast not withheld thy s. thine only s. \6. 24. 5. m cause to know 27. therefore /.(>/ man, speak to house of Israel 46. /. of man, set thy face toward the south 21 . 2. /. of man, set thy face toward Jerusalem 6. sigh therefore, thou/, of mar,, with bitterness 9. /.«/"m. prophesy and say, a sword, a sword, 28. 12. cry and howl /. ofm.iox it shall be on people 14. /. of man, prophesy and smite thine hands 19. also thou/. o/maH, appoint thee two ways 22. 2. thou/.o/>w», wilt thou judge the city i' 18. /. of man, house of Isr. is to me become dross 24. /. of man, say to her, thou art the land that 23.2. /. tf/m.there were two women of one mother 36. /,o/'ot. wilt thou judge Aholah and Aholibah' 24. 2. /. of man, write thee the name of the day Id.s.ofman, I take away the desire of thine eyes 25. /. of man, shall it not be in the day when 25. 2. /. fl/" ma«, set thy face against Ammonites 26. 2. /. of man, because that Tyrus hath said 27.2. /. of man, take up a lamentation, 28. IS. 28. 2. /. of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus 21. /. of man, set thy face against Zidon 29. 2. /. of man, set thy face against Pharaoh 18. /. of man, Nebuchadrezzar caused his army 30. 2. /. afman, prophesy, and say, thus saith L. 21. /. of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh 31. 2. /. of man, speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt 32.2./. of man, tal»e up a lamentation of Pharaoh 18. /. of man, wail for the multitude of Egypt 33. 2. /. of man, speak to children of thy people 7. thou, O /. of man, I have set thee a watchman 10. O t.of man, speak to the house of Israel 12. thou/, of man, say to the children of Israel H.t.ofman, they that inhabit those wastes of Iw. 30. /. of man, thy people still are talking ag. thee 34. 2. /. o/" man, prophesy against the shepherds 35. 2. /. if man, set thy face against mount Seir 36. 1. thou/, of man, prophesy to the mountains 17. /. of man, when the house of Israel dwelt 37.3. he said, /. of man, can these bones live? 9. prophesy, /. of man, and say to wind, come 11. t.of man, these bones are the house of Israel 16. /. of man, take thee one Jtick, and write on it 38.2. /. of man, set thy face against Gog 14. theref. /. of man, prophesy and say unto Gog 39. 1. thou /. of man, prophesy ag. Gog and say 17. thou /. of man, thus saith the Lord, 43. 18. 40. 4. /. of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear 43. 7. he said, j. of man, the place of my throne 10. /. of man, shew the house to house of Israel 44.5. s. of man, mark well, behold with thine eyes 47. 6. he said, /. of man. hast thou seen thii ? &ee Man. SONG. I'e findin Scripture teteral songs composed upon Important occasions ; for etample, Moses made one after the passage through the Hed sea, to thayik God for the deliverance of his people, and celebrate the greatness of this miracle, Kxod. 15. 1, 2, SiC David composed a mouinfnl song upon the death c/Saul and Jonathan, and another upon the death of Ahner, 2 Ham. 1. 18, 19- I 3. 33. Jeremiah urole his Lamertations. uhich are a song, uherein he deplores the cala- mities and ruin o/' Jerusalem ; and he made another upon the / Mosiah king of ^\id»h. 2 Chron. 35. 25. Deborah and Barak made a triumphant hymn after the defeat o/Sisera, Judg. 5. 1, 2. 3, iic. The Canticles, o' Solomoirs Song, and the 45th psalm, are songs lo celebrate a spiritual and divine leedding, such surf (f pieces as the (ireeks ra// Epiihalamia. Hannah the mother o/" Samuel, and king Ileztkiah, re- turned thanks lo Cod for the favouis they had received, in solemn and spirilial songs, 1 .Sam. 2. 1, 2, ic. Is». 38. 10, U. fic. The >onBs ttviposed by til Firgin Mary, by Zacharias ih^ of the same nature: They are thanksgivings 19 God far blessings received from him, Luke 1 46, 6e. I 2. 29, 30. THt Song of Sungs, m Hebrew, Schir Has- chirim, the most excellent of all songs. T/» Christian chuich, as icell as the synagogue, At» ahiuys received this book of Canticles amoni the scriptures as generally euned to be canont. oal. The form of' it is drama'.ieal, uiherem several parts »f »/ are uttered by, or in the, name of several persins ; uihtch are chiefy four, the bridegroom and bride, and the friends or companions of the one, and of the other The design of the book in general, is lo dcscriit the passionate loves and happy mart iage of tua, persons, their mutual satisfaction therein, anj the blessed fruits and effects thereof. But then it IS not to be understood carnally, concerning Solomon and Pharaoh's daughter, although the inspired author may allude to that ,- but ihef who would penetrate the meaning, and comt prehend the whole mystery of it, mutt raist their conceptions above things relating to flesh and blood, and contemplati ih it the espoutait of Christ with the church, and with every believer. So that this book is a continued allegory, aherein, under the terms of a common wedding, a divine and tupeniatutal marriage it eipi essed. The Hebrews, apprehending it might it under- stood in a gross and carnal manner, forbadt ike reading of it before the age of thirty ; and indied nothing is more dangerous than to read it with carnal thoughts and dispositions ; peopU net only being liable to the hatard of losing thereby all the esteem which they ought to havt for this book, but of evtn wounding ihi teiU in stead of edifying it. Such as deny this spiritual book lo be canonical, say, that neither Christ, nor his Apostles, hove ever cited it, and that the name of Ood is tut orce to be found in it. To this it is replied, that there are several other sacred books, which mir Saviour has not etpressly juaied ; and that in an allegory, wherein the Son of God it con- cealed under the figure of an Husband, it is net 7ieccssary that he should be tiprtised by hit proper name. If he were by name mentioned. It would cease to be an allegory. Eaod. 15. 1. then sang Moses and the cbildreD o( Israel this /. unto the Lord, Num.il. 17. the Lord is my strength and /. aod he is tie- come my salvation, Psal. 118. 14. Isa. 12.2. Z>/u/.31.19. write this /. that this /. may be witoeu 21. this /. shall testify ||22. Moses wrote this <. 30. Moses spake the words of this /. 33. 44. Judg. 5. 12. awake, awake, Deborah, otter a/. 2 Sam. 22. i. David spake to Lord words of this t 1 CAr.6.31. they whom David set over serriee of j, 15. 22. Chenaniah chief of Leviteswas fara/.S7 25. 6. these were under their father for /. in house 2 Chr. 29. 27. /. of the Lord began with trumpets Job 30. 9. now I am their /. 1 am their by-word Psal. 28. 7. and with my /. will 1 praise him 33. 3. sing unto him a new /. ha. 42. 10. 40. 3. ajid he hath put a new /, in my mouth 42. 8. and in the nigbt his /. shall be with m« 69. 12. and I was the /. of the drunkards 30. I will praise the name of God with a /. 77. 6. I call to remembrance my /. in night 96. 1.0 sing to the Lord anew/. 98. 1. | 149. 1. 137.3 for there they required of u« a/. andmirt>i 4. how shall we sing Lord's /. in a stracge land? 144. 9. I will sing a new /. unto thee, O God Fid. 7. 5. ihan for a man to hear the /. of fooll Can/. 1. 1. the /. of sonns which is Solomon's Isa. 5. 1. now will 1 sing a /. of my beloved 24. 9. they shall not druik wine with a /. 26. 1. in that dayshsdl this/, be sung in Judah .30. 29. ye shall have a /. as in the night Lam. 3. 14. I was a dcrison and their/. Esek. 33. 32. thou art to them as a very lovely/ i\ev. 5.9. they sung a new /. thou art worthy, 14.3 14. 3. no mail could learn that /. but the 144,000 15. 3. they sing the /. of Moses and /. of the Lamb SONGS. Gen. 31. 27. I might have sent thee away with <. Judg.g. f 27. they trod the grapes and made /. 1 hings 4. 32. his /. were a thousaud and five 1 Chi Oil. 13. 1 8. David prayed before God with i. 25. 7. that were instructed iu the /. of the Lord AVA. 12. 46. in the days of David there were *. Job 35. 10. God my maker whogivelh /. in night /^/.32.7. shall compass about with/, of deliverance 1 19. 54. have been my /. in house of pilgrimage 137. 3. saying, sing us one of the /. ol Zioa I'rov. 25. 20. so is he thatsmgeth /. to heavy head Cant. 1. V. the soog of /. which is Solomoa's Ita. 2S 16. make sweet tn»l"dv, singj. SON jM.84.l6.from ntter. part of earth havewe heard/. 85. 10. the ransomed shall come to Zioa with s. 38. 20. will sing my *. to the stringeil instruments £t«*.20. 1.3.1 will cauie the noise of thy /. to cease Amos 5. '23. take away from me the noise of thy s. 8. 3. /. of the temple shall be howlinjs in that day 10. I will turn all your t. into lamentation JJai. S. t I. a prayer according to varialile s. £^A. 5. 19. speak. to yours, in psalms and spiritual s. Col 3.l6.admoaish.one ancRh. in hymns, spiritual s. SONS. Gen. 7. 13. the t. of Noah entered into the ark 9. 18. the s. of Noah that went forth of the ark 19. these are the three 3. of Noah, and of them 10. 1. and to them were s. bom after the flood 19. 14. Lot went out and spake to his /.-in-law 23. 11. in the presence of the 3. of my people 27.29. and let thy mother's /. bow c»owa to thee 34. 27. s. of Jacob came npon slain and spoiled 37. 2. and the lad was with the s. of Bilhah 42. 5. and the s. of Israel came to buy corn 11. we are all one main's t. we are no spies, 32. 46. 5. the /. of Israel carried Jacob in waggons Eiod. 29.+ 30. he of his a. that is priest in his stead 32. 2. break off ear-rings in the ears of your x. Lev. 26. 29. ye shall eat the flesh of your /. tfum. 16.7. ye take too much on you, ye j. of Levi 27. stood in door of their tents their wives and t. 27. 3. our father died in his own sin, and had no / . 36. 3. if they be married to /. of other tribes Vevl. 23. 17. nor a sodomite of the t. of Israel 32. 8. when he separated the /. of Adam Josh. 15. 14. Caleb drove 3 x.of Anak. Jtidg. 1. 20. Judg. 8. 19. there were even the s. of my mother 30. Gideon had 70*. || 10. 4. Jair had thirty j. 12. 14. .4bdon had forty /. and thirty nephews 19.22. certain ». of Belial beset house round about Hxith 1.11. are there yet any more/, in my womb .' 1 Sam. 1.8. am not I better to thee than ten s. ? 2. 12. X. of Eli were t. of Beliel knew not I/>rd 8.11. will take your s. and appoint them forhims, 26. 1 16. as the Lo.d liveth, ye are the x. of death £ Sam.i.\%. there were three s. of Zeruiah there 3. 39. these men s. of Zeruiah be too hard for me 9. 11. Mephibosheth eat as one of the king's s. 13. 23. and Absalom invited all the king's s. 30. saying, Absalom hath slain all the king's s. 16.10. what to do with yon.ye/.of Zeruiali M9 2C. SS.&but/.of Belial shall be as thorns thrust away 1 Kin^s 1.9. he called all the king's s. 19. 25. £. 7- but shew kindness to s. of Barzillai Gileadite 4. 31. for he was wiser than the s. of Mahol 20. 35. a certain man of the s of the prophets 21. 10. set two men, /. of Belial, before him t Kings 4. 5. she shut door upon her and npon her s. 10. 3. look out the meetest of your master's s. 8. they have brought the heads of the king's t. 11.2. stole him from the king's /. 2 Chron. 22. 11. 26. 7. they slew s. of Zedekiah before his eyes, and putouteyesof Zedekiah, Jer. 39.6. | 52. 10. 1 Chr. 5.1. his birth-right was given to /. of Joseph SI. 20. Oman and his four*, with him hid thems. 24. 28. of Mahli came Eleazar, who had no 4. 28. 4. unong the i. of my fathers, he liked me £ Chrcn. 23. 3. as the Lord said of the /. of David 24. 25. for blood of the *. of Jehoiada the priest 25. 1 13. i. of the band fell on the citiesof Judah 28. t6.Pekah slew in one day 120,000 x. of valour yell. 13. 28. one of the x. of Joiada was son-in-law Ksih. 9. 10. the ten x. of Haman slew th.6. tC.shall I come witli calves, x.of a year old Zech. 4. + 14. he said, these are the two x. of oil :Ua/.3.3.he shall purify x. of Levi, and purge them 6. therefore ye x. of Jacoj are not consumed Maris. 17. Boanerges, which is, the x.of thunder Luke 11. 19. by whom do your x. cast them out 1 Cor. 4. 14. but as my beloved x. I warn you Gal. 4. 5. that we might receive the adoption of x. 6. because ye are x. God hath sent forth Spirit Wei. 2. 10. bringing many x.to glory to make captain 11. 21. Jacob blessed both i.of Joseph and worsh>". 12.7.'fchastened,God dealeth with you a.« wit..x. 8.if notcbastened,then are ye bastards,and notx. Hee Aaron, Daughter. SOaSo/GoJ. Gen. 6. 2. thex. 0/ Cod saw the daughters of men 4. the X. of God came in to the daughters of men Job 1. 6. X. (^Oorf came to present themselves, 2. 1. 38. 7. when all the x. of God shouted for joy llus. 1.10. shall be said, ye arex. «/'the living God John 1. 12. he gave them power to become x. of God /i«m.8.14. as are led by spirit of God, are s.ofCod 19. waiteth for the manifestation of x. of God Phil. 2. 15. that ye may be harmless, the x. of God 1 John 3. 1. that we should be called the s. of God 2. beloved, now are we the x. of God, not appear His SONS. Gen. 7.7. Noah went into ark a'ld his x.and his wife 8. IB. Noah went forth, and his s. and his wife 9. 1 . God blessed N oah and his s. and said to them 25.9. his X. Isaac and Ishm.iel buried him in cave 30. 35. he gave them into the hands of his x. 35. eg. his X. Esau and Jacob buried him 49.33. had made an end of commanding his s. 50. 12. his X. did unto him as he commanded 13. his. X. carried him into the land of Canaan Eiod. 18.5. Jethro came with Aix x.and wife to Moses 28. 1. take Aaron and hiss, to minister tome 41. thou shalt put the garments on hit x. 29. R. 29.20. put blood on the tip of the right earof/iixx. 21. thou shalt sprinkle the blood upon his x. 27. sanctify that which is for his x. Lev. 8. 30. Lev. 6.22. priest of Aix X. that is anointed shall offer Num. 21. 35. they smote Og and his x. and people Deui. 2. 33. we smote Sihon, hiss, and his people 18. 5. Lord hath chosen him and his s. to minister 21 . 16. when he maketh his x. to ir.herii what hath Judg. 9. 18. have slain //('xx. 70 persons on one stone 17 .5.Micah consecrated one of his s. became priest 11. the Levjte was to him as one of his s. 18. 30. he and his x. were priests to tribe of Dan 1 Sam. 2. 22. now Eli heard all that his x. did 3. 13. because his s. made thsmselves vile 8.1. Sam. when old made his s. judges over Israel 3. his s. walked not in his ways, but turned aside 16. 1. I have provided me a king atnong his x. 30. 6. all people was grieved, everT vnan for Aix x. 31. 2. the Philistines followed hari upon Saul and upon his X. and slew Jonathan, 1 Chron. 10. 2. QSam. 21.6. let seven men of Aix x. be delivered to us 1 Kings\3. 11. Ail X. came and told him all works 12. his X. had seen what way the man of G. went 21. 29. but in his x. days will I bring the evil 2 A' injx 9.26. I have seen blood of Naboth and Aix X. 19. 37. Aix J. smote him with sword, Isa. 37. 38. 2 Chr. 11.14. Jeroboam and Aix x. had cast them off 13. 5. even to him and Aix j. by a covenant of salt 21. 7. to give a light to him, and to Aix x. forever 17. carried away Aix X. save the youngest of Aix x. 36.20. where they were servants to him and Aix x. I'.zraG. 10. and pray for life of the king and Aii x. Esih. 9. 25. that he and Aix x. be hanged on gallows .lob 1. 4. and his x. went and feasted in their houses 14.21. his X. come to honour, he knoweth it not 38. 32. or canst thou guide Arcturus with his s. t 42. ]6. after this. Job saw Aix x. and Aix x. sons Jer. 35. 14. Jonadab comm. Aixx. not to drink wine A'tx*. 46. 16. if prince give a gift to any of Aix X. Dan. 11.10. his t. shall be stirred up and assemble See Man. My SONS. Gen. 48.9. Joseph said to his father, they are my \Sam. 2.24. nay, my x. for it is no good report I hear 12. 2. Samuel said, behold, my t. are with you 1 Chron, as. 5. of all my s. he hath chosen Solomon 2 Chr. 29.1 1 . Heiekiah said, my s. be not ne"' ent Job 1. 5. Job said, it may be that my x have ii.,..ed Jsa. 45.11. ask me of things to come c ■ern. mys. 1 Cor. 4. 14. but as my beloved x. 1 wun 70a See Slven. TAy SONS. Gen. 6. 18. thou shalt come into ark, thou and 1. s. 8. 16. go forth of ark, thou, thy wife, and thy 1. Eiod. 12. 24. ordinan.totheeandrAyx. Nxim. IB. 8. 22. 29. first-born of thy $. shalt thou give to me 34. 16. make thy x. go a whoring after their gods CO. all the first-bom of thy x. thou shalt redeem Ltv. 10. 9. do not drink wine, nor thy s. with thee 14. because it is th.v due. and thy x. due SCO Num. 18 I. thon and thy x. shall bear the iaiaaUr 2. but thou and thy s. with thee shall ministei 7. thou and thy s. shall keep your priest'' olfice 9. shall be most holy for thee and for thy x 11. 1 have given them to thee and to thy s. Deut. 4. 9- bu' teach them thy x. and thy s. sons 1 .'iam. 2. 29. and honourest ihy i. above me 8. 5. thou art old, and thy s walk not in thy ways 28. ig. to-morrow shalt thou and thy s. be with me 2 Sam. 9- 10. thou and thy s. shall till land for hlia 2 Kings 4. 4. .shalt shut door upon thee and thy s. 15.12. 1 . said to Jehu, thy s. shall sit on throne o Isiael to fourth generation, 1 Chron. 17. 11 20.18. thy X. shall be eunuchs in Baby. Isa. 3y. 7 Isa. 49.22. and they shall bring thy s. in their arm 51. 20. t. X. have fainted, they lie at head of streets 60.4. they come to thee,/, x. shall come from lar.ij 62.5. as young man marrieth virgin, so shall thyi Jer. 48. 4o. «Ay x. and daughters are taken capiivei Zech. 9. 13. and raised up thy t. O Zion, ag. ord vhtch signtfiet a set-time, and by tt understand such as obterv* dai/s and times, as good or bad, lucky or vn- lucku ; such as thoee that did cast lots befort Hainan, Ijlh. 3. 7. In Exod. 7.11. rA/r« is mention made i7/"Pharaoh*» sorcerers or magicians, who acted by the pover of tiie devil, whom by certain rites and cere- monies they engaged to their assistance, resisted Moses, and by their enchaitments counterfeited Aix true miracles befvre Pharaoh. Of these ikt lao chief mert Jannes and Jambrei, C Tia: i soo €. TlittI namti mre not lii te found in the 4«ar> »/ tit Old Ttslament, but are taken out of other ttc»rds of t'h$ Jews, or were known in St. Paal't time by tiadiiion. The Paraphrast Jo- nacliu taxis, that Ihey were the tico tout of Ba- laam, uAo accompanied him, when he went to Balak king of Aloab. Viete magician* wrought no true miracle, but only in thea and appearance, uhich, by the fermis- tion of God, was not difficult for tlie devil to do, either by altering the air and the spectator's tight, and by causing their rods both to look and move like ttryentt ; or by a sudden and secret conveyance of real serpents thilher, and removing the rods. Moses ho-j:ever expresses Himself throughout in siuh a manner at might pertuade orte, that Pharaoh's magicians really operated the tame effectt at he himself produced ; to that Pharaoh and hit uhole court were per- suaded, that the power of their magiciaris was equal to that of Aloses, till the Egyptians, 7101 being able to produce lice, as Moses had done, were constrained to own, that the finger of ■CJod was concerned in it, Eiod. 8. 18, I9. Till then they had acknowledged nothing divine 01 supernatural in any thing he did. And it is agreed, that magic and juggling tricks, evil \riolos, diviners, fortune-iellers, casters of na- tivities. II. Asapbim. This word has a great resemblance to the Greek word sophoi, wise- nien. Grotius thinks it is derived from the Greek. 'J'heodotiou and Jerom have rendered it by magicians, and the Septuaginl by philoso- phers. III. Mecasphim, which by St. Jerom, and the Greeks is translated malifici, «»• chanters : such people as make use of noxious herbs and drugs, the blood of victims, and the iones of the dead, for their superstitions opera- tions. IV. Casdim, or Chaldeans. This word has two di£'erent significations. The firs, in- timatet the Chald>"au people, who had then Nebuchadnezzar for their monarch. The cond expresses a sort of philosopliert called also Chaldeans, who dwelt m a separate part of the city, and were exempt from all public offices and employments. Their ttudy was physic, astrology, divination, the foretelling of future events by the observation of the stars, the interpretation of dreams, the science of au curies, the uonhip of the gods, &.c. All these inquisitive and superstitious arts are strictly forbidden by the law of God, all where- in any conjurationt, or invocations of the 4evil are used ; in a word, all the black art, and all tuperttitiojs ceremoniet made use of by magicians, sorcerers, encnanters, witches, wizards, necromancers, exorcists, astrologers, soothsayers, interpreters of dreams, fortune- tellers, casters of nativities, &:c. in practising (lieir diabolical arts, uheihir it be to hurt man- kind, r/r to procure them health, or any other advantages. God has forbidden to consult such persons upon pain of death. Lev. 20. 6. Saul did what he could to drive them out of the country of Israel, 1 Sam. 28. 3. But, for all this, many were ttili to be found ; and the Israelites were always much addicted to these sorts of superstitions. And the same prince who had been so eager in driving them out of his dominions, at last went 10 consult one himself, 1 Sam. 28. 7, 8, ice. See Divinations, Exorcists. Jush. 13. 22. Balaam son of Beor/. did Israel slay SOOTHSAYERS. /ju.2 6. hast forsaken thy people, because theyarex. Lluu 2.27. the secret cannot the t. shew to the king 4. 7. king cried aloud to bring Chaldeans and *. 6.11. whom the king made master of the 1, Mic. 5. 18. and thou shall have no more i. SOOIIISAYING. ir.'i 16. 16 who brought her master^i much gain by /. 664 son SOP. /oAn 13. 26. heit isto whom I shall gi^-e a/, when he had dipped the 1. he gave it Jndas Iscariut 27. after the t. Satan entered into him, 30. SOAP. Jer. 5. 22. for tho' thou wash and take thee much t. AJaJ.3.2.vho may abide his coming' is like fuller'sj. SOKCEKEFi. Acis\3. 6. found a certain s. a false prophet, a Jew 8. but Elymas the t. withstood them, seeking SOKCEREKS. Ejod .7 .11 .then Pharaoh alsocall'.u wise men andj. Jer. 27. 9- therefore hearken not to your t. Dan. 2. 2. Nebuchadnezzar commanded tocall t. Mai. 3. 5. I will be a swift witness against the x. liev. 21.8. and s. shall have their part in the lake 22. 15. for without are dogs and t, murderers SORCERESS. Isa.57. 3- bat draw near hither, ye sons of the t. SORCERY. Acts 8. 9- a man Simon, who before-time used s, SORCERIES. Isa. 47. 9- 'liey shall come on thee for thy /. 12. stand now with the multitude of thy j. Acts 8. 1 1 . that of long time bewitched them with s. liev. 9. 21. neither repented they of their s. 18. £3. for by thy /. were all nations deceived SORE. Gen. 19. 9- Aey pressed *. upon the man, even Lot 31.30. because thou /. longest afler father's house 41. £6. the famine waxed t. in the land of Egypt 57. *. in all lands || 43. 1. 1. in Canaan, 47. 4, 13. 50. 10. they mourned with a /. lamentation i'eH<.6.22. Lord shewed signs great and <. on Egj-pt 28. 35. the Lord shall smite thee with a t. botch 51). t. sickness, and of long continuance Judg. 10. 9. so that Israel was *. distressed 14.17. he told her, becauie she lay s. upon him 15. 18. Samson was t. athirst, and called on Lord 20.34. ten thousand came ag.Gibeali,the battle was /. 1 Sam. 51. 3. C .Sam. 2. 17. 2 Kings 3.26. 21. 2. the people lifted np their voices and wept j. 1 Sam. 1 . 6. her adversary also provoked her t. 10. Hannah prayed to the Lord, and wept /. 5. 7. his hand is s. on us, and on Dagon our god 14. 52. there was t. war against the Philistines 28. 15. Saul answered, I am 1. distressed, 21. 2 Sam. 13. 36. the king and his servants wept s. 1 A i«gil7. 17. sickness SOX. no breath was left in him 18. 2. and there was a x. famine in Samaria 2 Kingt6. 11. the king of Syria was t. troubled 20. 3. and Hezekiah wept t. Ita. 38. 3. 2 Chron, 21. I9. so Jehoram died of x. diseases 28. 19. Ahaz transgressed x. against the Lord 35. 23. have me away, for I am x. Mounded Ezra 10. 1. for the people wept very x. A>/i 13. 8. it grieved me x. therefore I cast forth Job 2. 7. Satan smote Job with x. boils Psal, 2. 5. and vex them in his s. di.spleasure 6. 3. my soul isx. vexed, but thou O Lord, how long 10. let mine enemies be ashamed, and s. vextd 38. 2. arrows stick fast, thy hand presseih me s. 8. 1 am feeble and x. broken, I roared by disquiet 44. 19. tho' hast x. broken us in place of dragons 55. 4. my heart is x. pained within me and tenors 71. 30. thou hast shewed me great and x. troubles 118. 13. thou hast thnistx. at me, that I might fall IB. L. hath chastened me X. but not given me over Prov. 11. 1 15. he that is surety, shall be x. broken Led. 1. 13. this X. travail hath God giveu, 4. 8. 5. 13. there is x. evil I have seen under sun, l(j. Isa. 27.1,. withx. and great sword punish leviathan 59. 1 1. we roar like bears, mourn x. like doves 64. 9. be not wroth very x. O Lord, nor remember 12. wilt thou hold thy peace, afflict us very s. Jer. 13. 17. mine eye shall weep s. and run down 2£. 10. but weep x. for him that gotth away 52. 6. famine was x. in city, there was no bread Lam. 1 . 2. she weepeth x. in the night and her tears 3.52. mine enemies chased me x. like a bird Etek. 14. 21. when I send my four x. judgments 21. 10. it is sharpened to make a sore slaughter Dan. 6. 14. the king wasx. displeased with himself Mic.i.lQ. it shall destroy you even with x. d«struct. Zech. 1. 2. the Lord hath been x. displeased, 15. Mat. 17. 15. for he is lun.itic, and x. vexed 21. 15. saying, Ilosaona, tiiey were x. displeased Mark6. 51. they w^re x. amazed in themselves 9. 2t). spirit cried, rent him x. and came out of him 14>33. Jesus began to be x. amazed and heavy Acts 20. 37. they all wept x. and kissed Paul See A Fit A ID. SORE. Gen. 34. 25 "a the third day, when they were x. Job 5. 18. De makeihx. and bindeth up, woundeth SORE. Lev. 13. 42. if a white reddish x. it is a leprosy 43. if rising of X. be white reddish in his head C Chron. 6. 28. whatsoever x. or sickness there he 29. when erery one ik»U know his owo x. grief SOR Psal. 38. U. my friends stand aloof front my* 77.2. my X. ran in the night and ceased not liev. 16. 2. there fell a grievous t. upoa the cDje\x SORES. isa. 1.6. but wounds, and bruises, and palrifyingx EsekAl .* 12. leaf thereof shall be for bruises and & Luke 16. 20. beggar Lazarus at his gate full of x. 21. liev. 16. U. blasphemed God because of thar pains and X. SORELY. Gen.iQ. 23. archers s. grieved him and shot at hin /x«.23.5. so shall bex. pained at the report of Tyre SOREll. Ilei. 10.29. of how i2uch x. punishment suppose ye SORROW Is a passion that contracts the heart sinks tie spirits, and spoils the health of the body. St Paul advises the Thessalonians, >iot to sujfer themselves to be overcome with sorroa far the godly that are dead, not to sorrow after a liea thenish manner, as those that had no hope of a future resurrection, 1 Thess. 4. 13. The Apostle here does not condemn their sorrow, but only the excess of it. Grace destroy t not nature, but regulates it ; nor takes it aviay the ajec- iions, but moderates them. Tor to mown for the dead, especially those that die in the Lord, ts a duty that both nature, grace, and the prac- tice of godly men, timch, and tchich God re- guiresh. Abraham mourned and pept for Si:sTo.h his wife. Gen. 23. 2. Jacob/i>r his son Joseph supposing he had been torn by wild ieasts. Gen. 37. 34. And Joseph and hit brethren J or their father Jacob, Gen. 50. 10. 'The contrary ts leproved by God himself. Isa. 57. 1, Ihe righteous perisheih, and no man layeth it to heart ; and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away trom the evil to come : And to die unlamented ts reckoned as a curse. Jer. 22. 18, They shall not lament for Jehoiaktm, saying, all my brother, or ah my sister, ception, in s. thou shall bring forth children 17 . in X. shall thou eat of it all days of thy life 35. 1 18. she called his name, the son of my x. 42. 38. if mischief befall him, then shall ye brini^ down my gray hairs with t. to grave, 44^ 29,31. Exod. 15.14. X. take hold of inhabitants of Palesu:' Lev. 26. 16. terror siiall r; <<* t. of heart Deut. 28. 65. the Lord shjL.. i;ive thee x. of mioa 1 Chron. 4. Q. saying, becauie 1 bare him with t, A>/i. 2. 2. this is nothing eke but x. of heart Esth. 9. 22. the mouth was turued from x. to joy Jot 3. 10. because it hid notx. from mine ej'ea 6. 10. yea, I would harden myself in t ■ 17 . 7 . mine eye is aim b v reasou of t. Sfffi Tot> 41. 22 and t is turned into joy before him Ptal. 13. "i having t in my heart daily %a. 17- and my /. is continually before me Sy. C. I held my peace, and my t was stirred 55. 10. mischief also and t are in the ciidst of it 90. 10. yet is their strength labour and s. 107. 39. again they are brought low through s. tl6. 3. I found trouble and j. called I on the Lord Pros. 10. 10. he that winketh with eye, causeth s. CC. Lord maketh rich, he addeth no s, with it 15. 13. but by s. of heart the spirit is broken 17. 21 he that begetteth a fool, doth it to his s. 23. eg. who hath woe ? who hath j..' contentions .Sccl. 1. 18. he that increasethknowl. increaseth 5. 17. he hath much s. and wrath with sickness 7. 3. t. is better than laughter, heart made better 11.10. therefore remove/, from thy heart Jia. 5. 30. if one look unto the land, behold t. 14. 3. the Lord shall give thee rest from thy t. 17. 11. shaU be an heap in the day of desperate f. 29. £. I will distress Ariel, and there shall be s. 35. 10. and t. and sighing shall flee away 60. 11. this shall ye have, ye shall lie down in t. 61. 11. and X. and mourning shall flee away 65.14.m> servts. shall sing, but ye shall cry for s. Jtr. 8. 18. when I would comfort myself against i. 2C. 18. out of womb, to see labour and s. f 30. 15. why criest thou? thy 1, is incurable 31. 13. I will make them rejoice from their s. 45. 3. for the Lord hath added grief to my /. ♦9. 23. there is /. on the sea, it caimot be quiet Lam. 1. 12. see if there be any/, like unto my j. 18. behold my /. || 3. 65. give them / . of heart Eiek. 23. 33. thou shalt be filled with drunk, and s. ZAtke 22.45. he found them sleeping for s. John 16. 6. said these things, /. filled your heart 20. sorrowful, but your/, shall be turned to joy £1. a woman when she is in travail, hath /. 22. and ye now therefore have /. but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice Rom. 9. 2. that I have continual /. in my heart t, Cor.2.3.when I came, I should have /.from them 7. lest be swallowed up with overmuch /. 7. 10. for godly /. worketh repentance to salva- tion, but the /. of the world worketh death I'hil. 2. 27. but on me also, lest I have /. upon /. Rtv. 18. 7- so much/, give her, and shall see no/. SL. 4. there shall be no more death, neither /. SORROW, Verb, ftr 31. 12. aai they shall not /. any more at all 51. 29. and the land shall tremble and /. Hei. 8. 10. they shall /. a little for the burden I Tim. 4. 13. that ye /. not as others have no hope SORROWS. £T0d.1.7.I have heard theircry,for I know their /. % Sam. 22. 6. /. of hell compassed me about, snares of death prevented me, Psal. 18. 4, 5. | 116.3. 7ob 9.28. I am afr. of all my/, not hold me innocent 21. 17. God distributeth /. in his anger 39, 3. they bow themselves, they cast out their /. Pial. 16. 4. /. shall be multiplied that hasten after 32.10. many /.shall be to wicked but he that trust. 127. 2. it is vain to rise up, to eat the bread of/. £cc/.2.C3. for all his days are /.and his travel grief ha. 13. 8, pangs and /. shall take hold of them 53. 3. a man of /. and acquainted with grief 4. surely he hath borne griefs and carried our/. Jer. 13.21. shall not /.take as a woman in travail 49. 24. /. have taken her as a woman in travail Dan. 10. 16. by vision my/, are turned upon me lios. 13. 13. /. of travail, woman shall come on him Mat. 24. 8. these »re beginning of/. Mark 13. 8. 1 !/i»i. 6. 10. pierced themselves thro' with many/. SOUROWEU. 2 Cor,"!. 9. now I rejoice that ye /. to repentance 11. self-same thing that ye /. after a godly sort SORROWETII. I Sam. 10. 2. and lo, thy father /. for you SORROWFUL. 1 Sam, 1. 15. my lord, I am a woman of a /. spirit Job 6. 7- things my soul refused are as my /. meat Pi. 69. 29- I am poor and /. let salvation set me up Prov. 14. 13. even in laughter the heart is /. Jer. 31, 25. I have replenished every /. soul Zeph. 3. 18. 1 will gather them that are /. Hecli. 9. 5. Gaza also shall see it, and be very /. Mat. 19. 22. he went away/. Luke 18. 23. 24. 26. 22. and they were exceeding /. Mark 14. I9. 37. and he began to be /. and very heavy 38. my soul is exceed, /.unto death, Mark 14.34. John lG.20.ye shall be/, but sorrow shall be turned £ Cor. 6. 10. as /. yet always rejoicing, as poor yet PM. 2.28. may rejoice and I may be the less /. SORROWING. Luke 2. 48. behold, thy father and I sought thee /. Atli SO. 38. /. they should see his face no more SORRY. t Sam. 22. 8. there is none of you that is /. for me JVifA. 8.10. this day isholy to Lord, neither be ye /. AdJ.oO.lt;. aeclura luiuuitT. I w-:il b«f. for my tin 4C5 *■ SOU Ita . 5i . 19. t ws thmgs co-ne.woo shall be /. for thee Mat. 14.9. and the king was /. Mark 6. 26. 17.2.S. and they were exceeding s. i Cor. 2.2. if 1 make you /. saine which is made /. 7. 8. tho' I made you /. same epistle made you /. 9. Ijej. not that ye were made /. for ye were/. SORT. Cf ». 6. 19. two of every /. shalt bring into ark, 20. 7. 14. every bird of every /. into the ark I Sam. 15. + 9- 'hey spared of second /. and Iambs 1 Chron. 24. 5. they divided one /. with another 29. 14. that we should be able to offer after this /. Ezra l.lO.basonsof gold, silver basons of second/. 4. 8. they wrote to Artaxerxes king after this /. Nell. 6. 4. yet sent to me four times after this /, E:ek. 23. 42. with mtn of the common /. SabeauS 39.4. I will give thee to ravenous birds of every /. 41. 30. the first of every oblation of every /. Dan. 1. 10. worse liking than children of your /. 3.29. there is no other G. can deliver after this/. Actt 17. 5. but took lewd fellows of the baser /. llom. 15. 15. I have written more boldly in some /. 1 Cor. 3. 13. try every man's work, of what /. it is 2 Cor. 7.11. that ye son-owed after a goldly /. 2 Tim. 3.6. of this /.are they who creep into houses 3 Jo/m 6. bring on their journey after a godly /. SORTS. Deut. 22.11. shalt not wear a garment of divers /. -Ve/i. 5. 18. once in ten days store of all /. of wine Psal. 78. 45. he sent divers /. of flies, 105. 31. Eccl. 2. 8. I gat musical instrum. and that of all /. Etek. 27. 24. were thy merchants in all /. of things 38. 4. all of them clothed with all /. of armour SOITISH. Jer. 4.22. my people is foolish, they are /.children SOUGHT. Gen.iZ.ZO. he /. where to weep, entered his cham. £jrtfrf.2.15.when Pharaoh heard, he /.to slay Moses 4. 19. for all the men are dead which /. thy life 24. that the Lord met him and /. to kill him 33. 7. every one that j. Lord went out to tabern. Lev. 10. 16. Moses diligently /. goat of sin-offering Num. 35. 23. was not his enemy, nor /. his harm Deuj. 13. 10. because he /. to thrust thee away fr.L. Josh. 2.22. pursuers/, the spies, but found them not Judg. 14. 4. Samson /. occasion against Philistines 18. 1. Danites /. them an inheritance to dwell in 1 Sam. 19. 10. Saul /. to smite David to the wall 27. 4. Saul /. no more again for him 26'a»!.3.17. ye/, for David in times past to be king 4. 8. the head of thine enemy that /. thy life 21. 1 1. and David /. the face of the Lord 2 Saul /. to slay them in his zeal to Israel k Kings 1. 3. they /. for a fair damsel thro' Israel 10. 24. all the earth /. to Solomon to hear 11. 40. Solomon /. therefore to kill Jeroboam 2 A'(7ig/2.17./- three days for Elijah, found him not 1 Citron. 26. 31. among the Hebronites were /. for 2 C/iron. 14. 7. because we have /.the Lord our God 16. 12. yet in his disease he /. not to the Lord 17. 3. Jehoshaphat /. not unto Baalim 4. but /. to the Lord God of his father 22.9. he /. Ahaziah, and they caught him; because Jehoshaphat /. the Lord with all his heart 25. 15. why hast thou /. after gods of Edom t 20. 26.5. he /. God in the days of Zechariah ; as long as he /. the Lord God made him to prosper Eira 2.62. these /. their register, Nth. 1. 64. Neh. 12. 27. they /. the Levites out of all places Esth. 2. 21. they/, to lay hand oa the king, 6. 2. 3. 6. wherefore Haman /. to destroy all the Jews 9. 2. to lay hand on such as /. their hurt Psal, 34. 4. I /. the Lord, and he heard me, 77. 2. 86. 14. assemblies of violent men j. aftermy soul 111.2./. out of all that have pleasure therein 119- 10. with my whole heart have I /. thee 94. save me, for I have /. thy precepts Prov. 28. + 12. but when wicked rise, man is /. for Eccl. 7.29. they have /. out many inventions 12. 9. preacher/, out and set in order many prov. 10. the preacher *. to find acceptable words laa fi2.12. shalt be called, /. out, city not forsaken 65.1.1 am /. of them that asked not for me ; I am found of them that /. me not, Horn. 10. £0. 10. shall be a place for my people that have /.me Jer. 8. 2. before sun and moon, whom they have /. 10. 21. for the pastors have not /. the Lord 26. 21. the king /. to put him to death 41. 30.1 gave Zedekiah to Nebu. that/, his life 50. 20. iniquity of Israel shall be /. for, be none /.am. 1.19. while they /. meat to relieve their souls Etek. 22. 30. and I /. for a man among thcni 26.21. tho'/. yet shalt thou never be found again 3t.4. neither have ye *. that which was lost Don. 2. 13. they /.Daniel and his fellows to be slain 4. 36. my counsellors and my lords /. unto me 6. 4. the princes /. occasion against Daniel 8. 15. when 1, even I, had /. for the meaning Obad. 6. how are Esau's hidden things 1. up Ztfk. I, 6. Md those that hare not #■ the Lord SOU Ztch. 6. 7- and fhe bay went forth and /. tc go' Mat. 2. 20. they are de'ad which /. the child's Ufa 21. 46. /. to lay hands, Mark 12. 12. Luke 20. I9 26. 16. covenanted with him, and from that tim» he /. opportunity to betray him, Luke £2. 6 59- they/, false witness against Jesus to put him W death, but found none, Mark 11. 55. Mark 11. 18, the scribes heard it, and /. how they might destroy him, 14. 1. Luke I9. 47. | 22. 2 Luke 2. 48. thy father and I /. thee sorrowing 49. how is it that ye/, me? wist ye not that 1 must 5. 18. and they /. means to bring him in 6. 19 the whole multitude /. to touch him 11. 16. others /. of him a sign from heaven 13. 6. he/, fruit thereon, and found none 19" 3. Zaccheus /. to see Jesus who '-e was Julin 5. 16. the Jews /. to slay him, 18. | 7. 1 7.11. then the Jews /. him at the feast, 11. 5^. 30. then they /. to take him, 10. 39. 11. 8. Master, the Jews of late /.to stone thee 19. 12. from thenceforth Pilate/, to release him Acts 12. 19. and when Herod had /. for Peter 17- 5. they /. to bring them out to the people Rom. 9. 32. because /. it not by faith but by works 1 'i'/i«/.2.6.norof men/, we glory, neither of you 2 Tim. 1. 17. in Rome he /. me out very diligently lleb. 8. 7. no place should have been/, for second 12. 17. though he /. it carefully with tears SOUGHT him. 1 Sam. 10.21. when he /. /ji'mhecculdnotbefound 13. 14. the Lord hath /. him a man to be captain 23. 14. Saul /. him every day, God delivered him 1 Chron. 15. 13. we /. him not after the due order 2 Chron. 14. 7- have /. him, he hath given ns rest 15. 4. when they /. him, he was found of them 15. for they /. him with their whole deiire Psal. 37. 36. I /. him, but he could not be found 78. 34. when he slew them, then they /. him Ca«<.3.1.by night on my bed I t.liim whom my soni loveth ; I /. him but 1 found him not. 2. ( 5. d. Luke 2.44. and they /. him among their kinsfolk 4. 42. and the people /. him, andcame unto him SOULDIER, See Soldiek. SOUL. This word in scripture, especially in the style (y the Hebrews, is very equivocal. It is taken, I. For that spiritual, reasonable, and immortal substance in man, uihich is the origin of our thoughts, of our desires, of our Teasoningi ,• uihich distinguishes us from the brute creation, and which bears some resemblance to its divmt Maker. Mat. 10. 28, Tear him which is able to destroy both soul and body. T.*i/ tui- slance must be spiritual, because it thinks ; it must be immortal, because it is spiritual. The scripture indeed ascribes to beaits a soul, a spirit, life, ayid respiration, uhich may be a second acceptation of the aord, as in Gen. 1. 2*. Let the earth bring forth the living creature, m Hebrew, the living soul. So in Lev. 17. ll, The life, in Hebrew, the soul of tho flesh is in the blood. And in Ectl. 3. SI, Who knowelh the spirit of the baast that goeth downward ? This soul is the spirit, the breath, which is the principle of animal life, and uhich is common to men and brutes : But the scripture allows to man alone the privileges of understanding, the hiouledge of God, wis- dom, immortality, the hope of future happiness, and of eternal life. It only threatens tncn with the punishment of another life and the pains of hell. II. Soul is taken for the whole person, both soul and body; (iive me the persons, •>* Hebrew, souls, and take the goods to thysek, says the ^'"S of Sodcm lo Abraham, Gen. 14. 21. A)ul in Geo. 12. 5, Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their sVibstance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in llaran ; that is, the servants they had purchased, or the children that had been born to them, III. It It taken for the life of man. Psal. 33. 19, To deliver the soul from death ; to save them alive. And in Psal. 7- 5, Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it, //( him lake away my life. And often m the Psalms. I V. // is taken sometimes for death, or a dead bfdy. Num. 9- *'. Some were defiled by the dead body of a man, in Hebrew, by the soul of a man. And in Num. G. 6, he shall come at no dead body, in Hebrew, dead soul Also in Psal. 16. 10, Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell ; that is, thou wilt not suffe' my body 10 continue long in the grave, or in a state of death. Sometimes it it taken for a living body. Psal. 105. 18, He was laid in iron, i'm Hebrew, his soul came into iron. V. // 1/ used for desire, I've, inclinatian. On S3. B, If it b« your miad -. in Htbrew, if k sou plekse or be agrceabU to /oar sunl. 1 Sam. 18. ], The soqI of JooalhaD was knit with the »oq1 of David ; A€ had a friai lovt and affic- t(on Jot him. Ho in Prov. C7.7i ibe full soul. Thai is, a man uhoit duirt or appelilt n fiUly satiified. Gen. 1. 1 20. the moTing creature that bath t. + 30. to erery thing wnerein there is a living /. 2. 7. God breathed and man became a living /. 34. 8. the /. of my son longeth for your daughter 55. 18. as her i. was in departing, for she died Kiod. 12. t 16. save that which every /. must cat S3, t 9> for ye know the i. of a stranger Lei. 4. 2. if ai. shall sin through ignorance t 27. and if auy /. of the common people sin 5. 1. if a I. sin, and hear the voice of swearing S.or if i. touch aoyuncleaa thing,shall be uuclean 4. if a /. swear || 15. if a /. commit a trespass 17. if a /. sin and commit any of these things 6.2. il i.s. lie fi 17. 12. no/, of you shall eat blood 17. 11. it is blood makcih an atonement for the x. 92. 11. if the priest buy any /. with his money S3. 30. whatsoever i. doih any work in that day 56. 15. or if your t. abhor my judgments 43. because their i. abhorred my statutes T^'tim. g. 13. even the same x. shall be cut off 31. 4. the /. of the people was much discouraged 30. 4. every bond wherewith she hath bound oer /. shall stand,5.e, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, IS, 13. 31. 28. one t. of five hundred for the Lord Deui. 11. 13. and lo serve him with all yoar /. 18. ye ihall lay up these my words in your /. 13. 3. proveth you know whether you love the Ld. G. with all your*. Josh. 22. 5 1 Kings 2. 4. Juig. 18. 1 25. leit fellows bitter of /. run on thee 1 Sam. 18. 1. f. of Jonathan was knit 10 s. of David 28. t 2. every one bitter of /. came to David S5. 29. '. of my lord bound up in bundle of life 30. 6. because the e. of all the people was grieved 8 Smm. 5. 8. the blind that are bated of David's /. 13. 39. the /. of David longed to go to Absalom 17. t 8. thy father and his men be bitter of /. 1 Kings B. 48. and so return to thee with all their s. n. 21. let this child's t. come into him again t Kings 4.27. let her \lone for her s. is vexed 23. 3. to keep his com>ii.)tidments with all their ;. 1 Chron. 22. now set your/, to seek the Lord S Chr. 6. 38. if they return to thee with all their s. 15. 12. to seek the Lord God with all their /. Joi 3. 20. why is life given to the bitter in s. ? IZ.IO. in whose hand is the j. of every livingthing 16. 4. if your s. were in my soul's stead 24. 12. and the t. of the wounded crieth out 31 . t 39. if I caused the /. of the owners to expire 36, •» 14. their s. dieth in youth, and their life is Psal. 17. t 9. bide from my enemies against the /. 19. 7. the law of Lord is perfect converting the x. 33. 19. to deliver their s. from death and keep alive 34. 22. the Lord redeemelh the ». of his servants 4^. 8. the redemption of their /. is precious 7^. 14. he shall redeem their j. from deceitand viol. 74. 19. O deliver not the /. of thy turtle-dove 78. 50. he spared not their s. from death 86. 4. rejoice the *. of thy servant, O Lord 94. 21 . they gather against the x. of the righteous K)6. 15. but he sent lezinoess into their /. 107.5. hungry and thirsty their *. fainted in them 9- he latisficih longing s. and fiUeih hungry s. 18. their X. abhorreth all manner of meat 06. their J. is melted because of trouble Prov. 10. 3. not suffer the s. of righteous to famish 11. 25. liberal s. shall be made fat thatwatereth 13.2. but the j.of transgressors shall eat violence 4. the s. of the sluggard desireth and hath not 19- 'be desire accomplished is sweet to the /. 16. C4. pleasant words are sweet to the/. 19. 2. the s. be without knowledge it is not good 15. and an idle i. shall suffer hunger 91. 10. the/, of the wicked desireth evil 22.23. Lord will spoil /. of those that spoiled them 55. 13. for he refreshelh the /. of his masters 25. as cold waters 10 a thirsty /. so is good news S7. 7. the full /. loatheth an honey-comb ; but to the hungry /. every bitter thing is sweet ♦ 9. so a man's friend by the counsel of tne /. 31. t 6. give wine to them that are bitter of /. btt. 3. 9. woe to their /. they have rewarded evil f SO. I will take away the houses of the /. 10. 1 18. it shall consume from the /. to the flesh 32. 6. to make empty the /. of the hungry 46. t2. but their /. is gone into captivity 49. 1 7. thus saith lA. to him that 15 despised in /. 55. 2. let your /. Oelight itself in fatness 3. come unto me, uear, and your •. shall lire M. 10. and if thou satisfy the afflicted /. 66 3. their /. delightetli in their abominations Jer. 4. 10. whereas the sword reacheih to the /. 20. 13. he hath delivered the /. of the poor 31. IS. their /. shall be as a watered garden J4. and I will sauate the /. of the irie«ls 56C SOU Jrr.i'iQS. thus saith Ld. I have satiated the weary /. and / nave rvplenished every sorrowful /. 3H. 16. as the Lord liveth, thai made us this /. 40.t 14. hath tent Ishmael to strike thee in .>. 44. 1 14. they have lift up their /. to return Lam. 1. 11. hath given for meat to relieve the 1. 2. 12. when their /. was poured out into bo^om 3. 25. the Lord is good to the *. that seeketh hi.ii Eiek. 18. 4. all souls are mine, as /. of father, so /. of son is mine, the/, that sinneth, it shall die, 20. 24. 21. what your /. pitielh shall fall by sword t26. I lake from them the lifting up of the /. 25. 1 6. thou hast rejoiced in /. witii all thy despite Ilvs. 9.4. their /. shall not come into house of Lord /ono/iC. 5. waters compassed me about even to the /. Mat, 10. 28. but are not able to kill the /. fear him that can destroy both /. and body in bell Mark 12. 33. lo love him with all the heart and /. /icJ/ 2. 43. fear came on every /.many wonders done 3. 23. every *. which will not hear that prophet 4. 32. multitude that balieved of one heart and /. Rom. 2.9. angtush on every /.of man that doeth evil 13. 1, let every /. be subject to the higher powers 1 Thess. 5. S3, that your /. and body be preserved tltb. 4.12. wcfrtl of God piercing to dividing of /. 6. 19. which hope we have as an anchor of the /. 10. 39. but of them that believe to saving of the s. Jam. 5. 20. he shall save a /. from death aud hide 1 Pet. 2.11. from fleshly lusts which war ag. the s. 2 Pet. 2.8. Lot vexed h/s right. /. from day to day Rev. 16. 3. and every living /. died in the sea Set Afflicted, Bitterness. His SOUL. Gen. 34. 3. Ais /. clave to Dinah Jacob's daughter 42. 21. are guilty, when we saw anguish of his s. Eiod. 30. IS. shall give a ransom (or Ais s. to Lord Num. 30. 2. or swear an oath to bind his /. to Lord Deut. 24. + 15. he is poor, ar.d lifteth A»/ / to it Judg. 10.16. Ais /.was grieved for misery of Israel 16. 16. she urged him, so thatAix 5. was vexed 2 Kings 23. 25. there was no king like Josiah who turned to the Lord with all Ais s. 2 Chron. 34.31 . Job 14,22. and his s. within him shall mourn 18. t 4. he teareth his s. in his anger 21. 25. another dieth in the bitterness of Ais s. 23. 13. what Ais s, desireth, eve; 'hat he doeth 27. 8. the hypoorite, when God taketh away Ais s. 31. 30. neither to sin, by wiihing a curse to his 3. 32. t 2. he justified Ais s. >ather than God 33. 18. he keepeth back his s. from the pit 20. and Ais /. abbf^rreth dainty meat 22. yea, Ais /. draweth near unto the grave £8. he will deliver Ais s. from the pit, 30. Psal. 10. + 3. the wicktd boasteth of Ais s. desire 11.5. but the wicked lo»eth violence, his s. hateth 24. 4. who hath not lifitd up his s. to vanity 25.13. his s. shall dwell at ease, and seed shall in- herit the earth 49. 18. though while he lived he blessed Ais /. 89. 48. shall he deliver Ais s. from the grave? 105. tl8. feet hurt with fetters, /li//. came into iron 109.31. to save from those that condemn Ais s. Prov. 6. t 16. seven arc an abomination to his s, .TO. if he steal to satisfy his /. when he is hungry 13. 25. the righteous eateth to satisfying of his s. 10. 17. he that kcepethhis way, preserveth hiss. IH. 7. a fool's lips are the snare of his s. 21.23. whoso keepelh his mouth, keepeth his /. 22. 5. that doth keep his s. shall be far from them 23. 14. and shalt deliver Ais s. from hell 29. 10. hate the upright, but the just seek Ais /. Ecel. 2. 24. that ne should make his /. enjoy good 6. 2. so that he wanteth nothing for his s. 3. and Ais t. be not filled with good Isa. 29. 8. but he awakelh and Ais s. is empty ; behold he is faint and his s. hath apjietite 44. 20. that he cannot deliver his ■<. nor say 53. 10. when shalt make his s. an offering for sin 11. he shall set of travail o{ his s. and be satisfied 12. because he poured out his s. unto death Jer. 50. 19. Ais s. shall be satisfied on mount Ephr. 51. 6. flee and deliver every man his s. 45. Etik. 18. 27. doeth what is right, he shall save A. /. 33. 5. he that taketh waning, shall deliver his s. Amos 2. i 14. neithershall the mi>;hty deliver >4i//. Mic. 7. 1 3. the great man uttereth mischief of /ii/j. Hai.i.4. Ais s. that is lifted up, is not upright in him Mat. 16. 26. if gain whole world, and lose Ais own /. what can man give in exchange for/.?iUarjf8.37. Ads 2.31 . Ais s. was not left in hell nor flesh did see Mf SOITL. Gen. 12. 13. and my 1. shall live because of thee i9.2O.Oh let me escape thither.and my/, shall live 27. 4. that my /. may bless thee before I die, 25. 49. 6. O my /. come not thou into their secret /. of my t, 19. 2. how long will ye vex my s. with words r 27. 2. and the Almighty, who hath vexed my /. 30. 15. they pursue my s. as the wind 16. and now my s. is poured out upon me 25. was not niy /. grieved for the poor .' Ps. 3. 2. who say of my /. there is nc help in God 6. 3. my s. is sore vexed, but, O Lord, how long i _4. deliver my. /. 17.13. I 2S.20. | 110.4. | ISO.*. 7. 2. lest he tear my :. like a lion, rending il 5. let the enemy persecute my s. ^zA take it 1 1 . 1 . how say ye to my /. flee as a bird to mountaio 13. 2. how long shall I take counsel in my s. ' 16. 10. thou wilt not leave my/, in hell,. -Jrrj 2. 'J7. 23.3. he restoreth my /. || 25. 1. to thee 1 lift my s. 25.20. O keep my /. and deliver me, I trust in thes 26. 9. gather not my /. with sinners, nor my life 30.3. thou hast brought up my s. from the grave t 12. that my 3. may sing praise to thee 31. 7. thou hast inown my s. in adversities 9. yea my 3. aad my belly are consumed 34. 2. my s. shall make her boast in the Lord 35. 3. say unto my 3. I am thy salvation 4. let them be put to shame that seek atier my /. 7. without cause they have digged a pit for my 1 9. and my s. shall be joyful in the Lord 12. they rewarded me lo the spoiling of my t, 13. as for me, I humbled my s. with fasting 17. rescue my 3. from their destructions 40. 14. let them be confounded that seek afiermy*. 41. 4. heal my 3. for I have sinned against thee 42.1. as the hart, so panteth my t. after thee. 2. my 3. thirsteth for the living God, 143.6. 4. when I remember, I pour out my 3. in me 5. why art thou cast down, O my /. .' 1 1 . | 43. fl , 6. O my God, my /. is czist down within me 49. 15. God will redeem my 3. from the grave 54. 3. and oppressors seek after my /, 4. the Lord is with them that uphold my s. 55. 18. he hath delivered my 3. in peace from bat. 56.6. they mark my steps, when they wait (oTmye, 13. for thou hast delivered my 3. from death 57. 1. be merciful, O G. for my 3. trustelh in thee 4. my 3. is among lions || 6.mys. is bowed down 59. 3. for lo, they lie in wait for my 3. 62. 1. truly my /. waiteth upon God, my salvatT 29. | 9. 9. ».8.be instrc^ted.O Jer. lest my 1. depart from thee IS. 7. beloved cimy s. itto the hai;d of her enemies 13.17.mv->.sh.w»ep in secret plaoes for your pride 18. 20. "for they have digged a pit for my t. S2. 41. 1 will rejoice over them wilh my whole /. Lam. 1.16. the comforter that should relieve my s. 3. 17. thou hast removed my X. farofi from peace 20. mv s, hath them stil' in remembrance 24. Lord is my portion, s*ith my s, will I hope 56.0 Lord, thou hast pleaaed the «iiuses of niys. Eiek. 4. 14. behold, my t. hath not been polluted Jonah 2. 7. when my s. fainted within me, I remem. Mic. 6. 7. the fruit of my body for the sinof my 1. 7. 1. mil s. desired the first ripe fruit Zech. u's. three shepherds I cutoff, myt, loathed Afa/.12.18.my beloved, in whom my /.is well pleas. 26. 38. mtii. is exceeding sorrowful, Mark 14. 34. Luke 1 . 46. my t. doth magnify the Lord 12. jg. I will say to my f. soul, eat, drink /o/.Kl2.27.my X. is troubled, and what shall I say.' 2 Cor. 1. 23. 1 call God for a record upon mys. Ifei. 10. 38. my s. shall have no pleasure in him Our SOUL. V«m. 11.6. our J. is dried away, nothingbut manna 21. 5. no bread, our t. loatheth this light bread Pi. 33. 20. our .t. waiteth for Lord, he is our help 35.+ 25. let them not say, ah, our t. would have it 44. 25. for our s. is bowed down to the dust 66. 9. bless our God, who holdeth our s. in life 123. 4. our s. is exceedingly filled with scoruiag 124. 4. the stream had gone over our t. 5. 7. our /. is escaped as a bird out of the snare Isa. 26. 8. the desire of our t. is to thy name Own SOUL. Deul. 13.6. if a friend is as thine own/, entice thee 1 Sam. 18.1. the soul of Jonathan was knit to Parid, and he loved him as his own s.S. | 20.17. Pial. 02. 29. aiid none can keep alive his own s. Prov. 6. 32. he thatdoeth it, destroyeth his owti i. 8. 36. but he that sinneth, wrongeth his own t. 11. 17. the merciful man doeth good to his own s. 15.32.be that refusetb instruction despi3.hiso»« s. 19. 8. he that getteth wisdom, loveth his own s, 16. he that keep, commandments keep, his own s. SO. 2. that provoketh king.sinneth against his own 1, 79- 24. whoso is partner with thief, hateth own s- Hal. 16. 26. what is a man profited, if he shall gain whole world and lose his own/. T Mark 8. 36. Luie 2.35. .iword shall pierce thro' thy own t. also TAat SOUL. Oen. 17. 14. not circumcised, lAat t. shall be cut off from his people, Eiod. 31. 14. Xep. 7.20, SI, 25, 27. I 19. 8. Num. 15. 30. Eivd. 12. 16. whoso eateth leavened bread, that s. shall be cut ofT from Israel, Kum. ig. 13. 19. whoso eateth leavened bread, that s, shall be ctrt off from congregation of Israel, Num. 19.20. Lev. 17.10. I will set my face against lAal /. 20. 6. 22. 3. than, ihall be cut off from my presence 23. 30. that t. will I destroy from his people Sum. 15. 31. that s. shall utterly be cut off. Thy SOUL. Gen. 27. 19. eat, that thy s. may bless me, 31. Deut. 4. 9- take heed, and keep thy s. diligently 99. shall find him, if seek him with all thy s. 6. 5. love the Lord thy God with all thy /. 30. 6. 10. 12. to serve the Lord thy God with all thy s. 12. 15. whatsoever thy s. lusteth after, 14. 20. 26.16. do with all/Ay/.||30.2. obey with all thys. 30. 2. obey his voice with all thy heart and thy s. 10. if thou turn unto the Lord with all thy s. I Sam. 2. 16. then take as much as thyt. desireth 20.4. whatsoever thy /. desireth, I will do for thee 23. 20. come according to all the desire of thy t. 25. 29- yet a man is risen to pursue and seek thy <. 1 Kings 1 1. 37. shah reign according all . when Ahijah heard the /. of her feet 18. 41. for there is a /. of abundance of rain 2A'(»igj6.32.isnot /.of bis master's feet behind him? 1 Chron. I6. 5. but Asaph made a/, with cymbals 42. with trumpets and those that should make a /. 2 Chr. 5. 13. as one, to make one /. to be heard Neh. 4. 20. in what place ye hear/, of the trumpet Jui 15.21. a dreadful /. in his ears, in prosperity 21. 12. and rejoice at the /. of the organ 37. 2. hear the /. that goetb out of his mouth 39. 24. nor believeth he it is the /. of the trumpet Pial. 47. 5. the L. gone up with the /. of a trumpet 77. 17- cloud poured out water, skies sent out a /. Sg. 15. blessed are iieople that know the joyful /. 92. 3. sing upon the harp with a lolemn /. 08. 6. tioi with Uumpeu and i. of corcet SOU P/a/.150.3. praise him with the /. of the trampe EccL 7 . 1 6. as the /. of thorns under a poc 12. 4. when the /. of the grinding is low Jer. 4. 19. Ii3^t heard, O my soul, the /. of tmrapel 21. how long shall 1 hear the /. of the trumpet I 6. 17. saying, hearken to the /. of the trumpet r 8. 16. the Land trembled at the /. of the neighing 25. 10. I will lake from Idem /. of the millstones 42. 14. where we shall hear no /. of the trumpet 5U.22. /.of battle is in the land, and of destruction 51.54. a/, of a cry cometh from Babylon Esei.lO.S.ihei. of the cherubims' wings was heard 26. 13. the /. of thy harps shall be no more heard 15. shall not the isles shake at the <. of thy fall ? 27.28..suburos shall shake at /.of cry of thy pilots 31. 16. I maae nations to shake at/, of his fall 33. 4. heareth the /. and taketh no warning 5. he heard /. of trumpet and took not warning Dan. 3.5.31 the time when ye hear the /. 7, 10, 15. Amos 2.2. Moab shall die with /. of tmcipet 6. 5. that chaunt to the 1. of the viol, and invent Mat. 24. 31. he shall send his angels with a great/ John 3. 8. hearest the /. but canst not tell whence Actsi. 2. suddenly there came a /. from heaveo Kom. 10.18. verily their/, went into all the eanb 1 Cor. 14. 7. even things without life giving /. 8. for if the trumpet give an uncertain /. Ilei. 12. 19. ye are not come to the /. of a trumpet Rev. 1. 15. and his voice as the /. of many waters Q.Q. the /. of their wings was as the /. of chariots 18.22. the /. of a millstone shall be heard uo more SOUND, Adjective. Psal. 119. 80. let my heart be /. in thy statutes Pror. 2. 7. he layeth up /. wisdom for the righteous 3.21. tny son, keep /. wisdom and discretion 8. 14. counsel is mine and /. wisdom, 14. 30. a /. heart is the life of the flesh, but envy Luke 15. 27. because hath received him safe and / 1 Tim.l.lC. if any otherthing contrary to /. doctr. 2 7'im.l.7. for God hath given us spirit of a /. mind 13. holdfast the form of/, words thou hast heard 4. 3. when they will not endure /. doctrine Tit. 1. 9- he may be able by /. doctrine to exhort 13. rebuke them, that they may be /. in the faith 2. 1. speak the things which become /. doctrine 2. that the aged men be /. in faith, in charity 8. /. speech that cannot be condemned SOUND, Feri. Lev. 25. 9- trumpet of jubilee to /. in day of atone ment mcike the trumpet/, through all the land Num.lO.T, shall blow, but you shall not/, an alarm I Chr. 15. ig. Ileman and Asaph were appoint. to» Isa. 16, 1 1 . wherefore my bowels shall /. for Moab Jer. 48. 36. my heart shall /. for Moab like pipes Joeli. 1. and /. an alarm in my holy mountain Mat. 6. 2. therefore do not /. a trumpet before thee 1 Cor. 15.52. for the trumpet shall /. dead be raised Rev. 8.6. the seven angels prepared themselves to 13. trumpet of the three angels who are yet to s 10. 7. when the seventh angel shall begin to /. SOUNDED. Exod. 19. 19. when the voice of the trumpet /. long 1 6aOT.20.12.Jonalhan said.when I have/.my fatU. 2 Chron. 7-6. the priests /. trumpets, 13. J4. 23. 13. the people rejoiced, and /. with trumpets 2g. 28. the singers sang and the trumpeters /. Neh, 4. 18. he that /. the trumpet was by me Luke 1.44. as soon as voice of salutat. /. in my eat< 1 Thess. 1. 8. from you /. out the word of the Lord Rev. 8. 7. the first angel /. and there followed hail 8. the second 3.\\ 10. third /.B 12. fourth angel/. g. 1. the fifth /.|| n.sixth/. II 11. 15. seventh/. SOUNDED. Acts 27. 28. they /. and found it twenty fathoms • they /. again and found it fifteen fa^ioma sbUNDETH. Eiod. 19. 13. when the trumpet /. long, come up SOUNDING. 1 Cfir. 15. 16. singers with instruments of music i. 2 Chron. 5. 12. and with them 120 priest* /. I.'!. 12. his priests with/, trumpets to cry alanr I'sal. 150. 5. praise him upon the high /. cymbalc ha. 63. 15. where is thy real and /. of thy bowel* t.uk. 7. 7. and not the /. again of mountains 1 Cor. 13. 1. and have not charity, 1 am as /.brass SOUNDNESS. P/a/.38.3.ther« is no /. in my flesh for thy anger,?. ha. 1 .6. there is no /. in it, but wounds and bruise* /Jc// 3. 16. hath given him this perfect/, bef. you SOUNDS. 1 Cor. 14. 7- except they give a distinction in the / SOUR. //11.IB.5. when the/, grape is ripening Jer. 31 . 2g. the fathers have eaten /. grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge, Euk, 18. S 30. every man that eateth the /. grape llos.4. 18. their drink is/, they hs^ve committed SOUTH. Gin, 12. 9 2nr. 11. 37. if their carcase fall on any /.to be sown 26. 5. and the vintage shall reach to the /. time SPACE. Gen. 29. 14. Jacob abode with him the/, of a month .^2. 16. and put a /. betwixt drove and drove Lev. 25. 8. the /. of seven sabbaths of years shall be 30. if it be not redeemed in the /. of a full year Josh. 3. 4. there shall be a /. between you and it 1 ia»i.26. 13. /.between David's company and Saul's £sra 9. 8. for a little /. grace hath been shewed Jer. 28. 11. within the /. of two full years Luke 22. 09. about the /. of one hour after Acts 5. T. about/, of three hours his wife came in 3 1, commanded to put the apostles forth a little » 7- 42. offered slain beasts by the /. of forty years 13.20. gave judges about the /. of 450 years 21. God gave them Saul for the /. of 40 years 19. 8. he spake boldly the /. of three months 10. and this continued by the /. of two years .34. all with one voice about /. of two hours cried 20. 31. by the /. of three years I ceased not Jam. 5. 17. it rained not by the /. of three years ftfi'.S.ei. 1 gave her J. to repent of her fornication 8. 1. there was silence about the /. of half an hour 14. 20. and blood came by the s. of l6u0 furlongs 17. 10. when come, he must continue a short /, SPACES. 1 Kings 7.+ 5. /.and pillars were square in prospect AW1.7. 14. now the city was broad in /. /jn.22.tl8.he shall toss thee into country large of/, 33. y 21. the Lord will be to us a place broad of/, SPAKE. Gen. 19. 14. Lot went out, and /. to his sons in law 24. 30. saying, thus /. the man unto me 29. 9. while he yet /. with them, Rachel came 39. 10.it came to pziss as she /.to Joseph day by day 42. 14. that is it that I /. to you, saying, ye are spies 23. for he /. unto them by an interpreter 43. 27. the old man of whom ye /. is yet alive 29. is this your younger brother of whom ye /. .* 50. 17. and Joseph wept when they /. unto him jS'um. 12. 1. Miriam and Aaron /. against Moses 21.5. and the people /. against God and Moses Deut. 1 . 43. so 1 /. to you, and ye would not hear 28. 68. Lord shall bring thee by way whereof I /. Judg. 19. 22. they /. to the master of the house Ruth 4. 1. behold.thekiusmat) of whom Boaz /. 1 5affi.l.l3.now Hannah/, in her heart, lips moved 18. 24. told him, saying, on this manner /. David 20. 26. nevertheless Saul /. not any thing that day 30. 6. for the people /. of stoning him 2 Ham. 12. 18. while child was alive, we /. to him 1 Kings 1. 42. while he yet /. behold, Jonathan 3. 22. thus they /• before king Solomon 2 Kings 2. 22. according to saying which Elisha/, 9. 12. and he said, thus and thus/, he to me 1 CAr.21. 19. David went up at saying which Gad / 2 C/iron. 18. I9. one /. saying after this manner .30. 22. Ilezekiah /. comfortably to them, 32. 6. 32.16. his servant/, yet more ag. the Lord God 19. they /. against the God of Jerusalem 33. 18. that/. toManasseh in the name of Lord A>A.13.24.theirchildr. /. half in speech of Ashdwl /.'/M. 3.4. it came to pass, when they /.daily to him Job 2. 13. they sat down, and none /. a word to him 19. 18. I arose, and they /. against me 29. 22. after my words they /. not again 32.l6.for they /. not, but stood still, answered not I'tal. 39. 3. fire burned, then /. I with my tongu» 78.19. yea, they/, against God, they said, can G* 106. 33. so that he /. unadvisedly with his lips Prov. 30. 1 . the man /. to Ithiel and Ucal Cant. 2.10.my beloved /.and said, rise up, my love 5. 0. my soul failed when he /. I sought him Jer. 8. 6. I hearkened and heard, they /. not arigtkS 20. 8. for since I /. I cried out, I cried violence Liek. 24. 18. so I /. to the people in the morning Dan. 7. 11. vo4ceof great words whiA the horn/. /ia/.13.1.when Ephraim /.trembling, exalted hims, Af«/.3. 16. that 'eared Lord s. often oot to anothe) SPA Uat. 9.18. while be t. chese to them, 17 .5. | 26.47. Marks. 35. | 14. 43. LuJceH. 49- | 22. 47, 60. as.dev, was cast out, damb^. 12.22. Lmke 11.14. ai. 45. they perceivtd that he /. of them Lukt 1.55. as he *. to cor fathers, to Abraham S. 50. they understood not the saying which he t. 9. 1 1 . he i. unto them of the kingdom of God 31. who *. of his decease to be at Jerusalem €2. 65. other things blasphemously s. they ag. him S4. 6. remember how he /. to you in Galilee 36. as they thus*. Jesus stood in midst of them fohn 1. 15. Joba said, this was he of whom I /. 7. 13. no manx openly of him for fear of Jews 46. the ofiicers said, never man s. like this man fi. 27. they understood not that he t. of the Father 10. 6. what things they were which he s. to them 41. all things that John t. of this man were true 11. IS. howbeit Jesus /. of his death Si. this t. he not of hims. he prophesied that Jes. IS. 59. Others said, an angel t. to him 38. saying might be fulfilled which he t. 18.g,32. 41. when he saw his glory, and /. ofhim 13. 22. disciples looked, doubting of whom he /. 24. he should ask who it should be of whom hex. 13. S8. DO man knew for what intent he s. this 21. 19. this /. he, signifying by what death he Acii 6. 10. not able to resist spirit by which be t. S. 6. gave heed to those things which Philip s. 10.44.wkile Peter yet /.these words.H. Ghost fell 13. 45. Jews/, ag. those things that were spoken 14. 1. and so /. that a great multitude believed 19. 9. but/, evilof that way before the multitude SO. 38. sorrowing most for the words which he s. 22. 9. they heard not voice of him that /. to me S6. 24. as he thus /. for himself, Festus said 28.25. well /.the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet I Cor. 13. It. when ] was a child, I /. as a child 14. 5. I would that ye all /. with tongues Got. 4. 1 5. where is then the blessedness ye /. of ? .H/i.7.14. of which tribe Moses/, nothing of priest 15. S5. who refused him that /. on earth S P^/.l.Sl.holy meuofGod/. as they were moved lUt. 1.12. I turned to see the voice that /. with me 13. 11. I beheld another beast /. as a dragon Ged SPAKE. Gut 35.15. Jacob called place where Goc? /.Beth-el I:liod.9)i.\.Gods. all these words saying, I am Ld. Dtttt. U 6. the Lord our God s. to us in Horeb J«/A.23.14.not one thing failed of good things G. /. Hari 12. 26. how in the bush Cod t. to him JoAn 9. 29. we know that God t. unto Moses Acts 7. 6. and God $. on this wise, that his seed Uti. \. 1. God who /. in time past to the fathers Sei Lord, tiprtstiy. Lord or God SPAKE, implicitly. G«n.S4.7. G. who /. to me, and sware to me saying 1 Sam. 9. 17. behold the man whom I /. to thee of 28.17. and the L. hath done to him as he /.by me 8 Sam.T.J.t. I a word with any of tribes of Israel .' 23. 3. God said, the rock of Israel /. to me 1 Kingt6.\i word which I /.unto David thy father t Chron. 6. 4. who hath fulfilled that which he /. 32. 24. he /. to him, and gave him a sign Ptal. 33. 9. he /.and it was done, he commanded 99. 7. he /. unto them in the cloudy pillar IDS. 31. he /. and there came flies and lice 34.he /. and the locusts cai»e, and caterpillars lia. 65. 12. when I /. ye did not hear, 66. 4. Jer. 7. 13. 1 /, to you, rising up early and speaking 22. I /. not to your fathers, I brought them 14. 14. I sent them not, neither /. unto them 9. 5. which 1 commanded not, nor /. it 22. 21. I /. unto thee in-thy prosperity, but saidst 31. 20. for since I /. against him, I remember him Etek. 1. 28. 1 heard a voice of one that /. 2. 2. 10. 2. he I. unto the man clothed with linen Dan. 9. 12. he confirmed his words which he /. Hos. 12.4. found him in Beth-el, there he/, with us Luke 1.70. as he /. by mouth of hi»holy prophets 24. 44. these are the words which I /. to yon Uti. 4. 4. he /. in a certain place ou this wise SPEAKEST. htdg. 13. 11. art thou the man /. to the woman ? 17. 2. the silver thou /. of also m mine cars 1 60m. 28. 21. hearkened to words which thou/. X A»n{/8.24. thou/, also with thy mouth, and hast fulfilled it with thine hand. 2 Chron. 6. 15. 26.let thy word be verified which thou /. to Dav. 53. didst separate them, as thou /. by Moses .AVA. 9. 13. and /. with them from heaven /Va/. 89. 19. then thou /. in vision to thy Holy One Jtr. 48. S7. since thou /. of him, skippedst for joy SPAN. Exod. 28. 16. a /. sballbe the length, and a /. the breadth of the breast-plate of judgment, 39.9. 1 &»>. 17. 4. Goliath's height six cubits and a /. Zu).4C 12. who hath meted out heaven with the /. t iMm. S.80. sbkL\ wMKDen cat their childr.of & /. long aq0 SPE E%ek. 43. 13. the border of the altar shall be a /. SPANNED. Ita. 48. 13. my right hand hath /. the heavens SPANGLED. Isa. 3. 1 19. I will take away the /. ornaments SPARE. Gen. 18. 24. not/, the place for the fifty righteous 26. then I will /. all the place for their sakes 45. t 20. let not your eye /. your stuff Usta. 13. 8. thou shalt not /. nor conceal him 29. 20. Lord will not /. him, but anger of Lord 1 Sam. 15. 3. now go, destroy Amalek, /. them not AVA. 13. 22. and /. me according to thy mercy Job 6.10. let him not/. I have not concealed words 16. 13. he cleaveth my reins asunder, doth not /. 20. 13. though he /. it and forsake it not 27. 22. for God shall cast upon him, ana not /. 30. 10. they /. not to spit in my face Pial. 39. 13. O /. me that 1 may recover strength 72. 13. he shall /. the poor and needy, and save Ptov. 6. 34. he will not /. in the day of vengeance 19. 18. let not thy soul /. for his crying Isa. 9. 19. people as fuel, no man shall /. brother 13. 18. their eye shall not /. children 30. 14. and he shall break it, he shall not /. 51. 2. /. not, lengthen cords, strengthen stakes 58. 1. cry aloud, /. not, lift up voice like a trumpet Jer. 13. 14. I will not /. them, Eiek. £4. 14. 21. 7. he shall not /. them |{ 50. 14. /. no arrows 51 . 3. /. ye not her young men, destroy her host Eiek. 5. 11. I will dimio. thee,norshallmineeye/. nor will 1 have any pity, 7 . *. 9- 1 ti. 18. 19.10. 9. 5. let not your eye /. neither have ye pity Joel 2. 17. let them say, /. thy people, O Lord /onoA 4.11. should not I /. Nineveh that great city.' Hai.l.n. and not /. continually to slay the nations Mai. 3. 17. I will / them as a man spareth his son Luke 15.17. hired servants have bread enough to /. Horn. 11. 21. take heed, lest he also /. not thee 1 Cor. 7. 28. such shall have trouble, but I /. you 2 Car.l.25.thatto/.you I came not as yet to Cormth 13. S, that if I come again, I will not /. SPARED. 1 Sam. 15. 9. but Saul and the people /. Agag 15. for the people /. the best of the sheep 24. 10. some bade me kill thee, but mine eye /. 2 Sam. 12. 4. /. to takfi of his own flock, and herd 21. 7. the king/. Mephibosheth son of Jonathan 2 A'lHj/ 5. 20. master hath /. N aaman this Syrian Psal. 78. 50. he /. not their soul from deatli Eiek. 20. 17. mine eye /. them from destroying Jonah 4. t 10. Lord said, thou hast /. the gourd Rom. 8. 32. he that/, not his own Son but delivered 11. 21. if God /. not the natural branches 2 Pel. 2. 4. if God /. not the angels that sinned 5. and /, not the old world, but saved Noah SPARETH. Prov. 13. 24. he that /. his rod, hateth his son 17.27. he that hath knowledge, /. his words 21.36. but the righteous giveth, and /. not Mai. 3. 17. I will spare them, as a man/, bis son SPARING. Acts 20. 29. wolves shall enter in, not /.the flock SPARINGLY. 2 Cor. 9. 6. this X say, he who soweth /. shall reap /. SPARK. JoS 18. 5. and the /. of his fire shall not shine Isa. 1. 31. and the maker of it shall be as a /. SPARKS. Joi 5. 7. man is born to trouble, as /. fly upward 41. 19. out of mouth go burning lamps, /. of fire Proi7.26. 1 18. as madmen who castetb /. and death Isa. So. 11. that compass yourselves about with / iJan. 4. 1 22. the /. of the fire slew those men SPARKLED. Ectk. 1. 7. /. like the colour of burnished brass SPARROW. Psal. 84. 3. yea, the /. hath found an bouse 102.7. 1 ^m as a /. alone upon the house-top SPARROWS. Lev. 14. t4. take for him two /. alive and clean Mai. 10. 29. are not two /. sold for a farthing > 31. are of more value than many /. Lukt 12. 7. Luke 12. 6. are not five /. sold for two farthings SPAT. Jo/m 9. 6. when be bad thus spoken, be /. on ground SPEAK. Gen. 18. 27. I have taken on me to /. to God. 31. 24. 50. we cannot /. unto thee bad or good 3 1 . 24 . take heed thou /. not to J acob good or bad 32. 4. thus shall ye /. to my lo.-d Esau, I9. 44. 16. what shall we say ? what shall we /. .' Etod.4. H. Aaron, I know that he can /.well 5. 23. since 1 came to /. to Pharaoh in thy name 7. 2. fnou shalt /. all that I command thee 23. 2. shalt not /. in a cause to decline after many 129. 42. where I will meet you, to /. there to thee 32. 12. wherefon should Egyptian /. and say ! SPB Eiod. 34. 35. until he went il tc «. wjh thj Lord A'um. 12. 8. were ye not afraid to /, against Mc«es 14. 15. who have heard the fame of thee will t. 21 . 27. why they that /. in proverbs, say, come, 22.8. I will bring word, as the Lord shall /, to m< 35. the word 1 /. to thee, that thou shalt /. 23. 5. return to Balak, and thu^ thou shalt /. 12. must I not take heed to/, that which the Ld.. 27.7. the daughters of Zelophehad /. right Deui. 18. 19. words which he shall /. in my name 20. who shall presume to /. a word in my name 26. 5. and thou shalt /. and say before the Lord JusA. 22.24. yourchildren might/, to our children 1 6am.25.17.ason of Belial that a mem cannot/, to 2 Sam. 3. I9. and Abner went also to /. to David 27. Joab took him aside to /. with him quietly 7. 17. accord. to tills vision so did Nathan /.toDav. 19. 10. why /. ye not one word of bringing back £0. 16. come near hither that I may /. with thee 18. thsy were wont to /. in old time, saying 1 Kings 2. 19. she went to/, tohim forAdonijah 12.7. wilt/, good words to them, 2 Chron. 10.7. 10. saying, thus shalt thou /. to this people 22. 24. spirit from me to/, to thee, 2 Chr. 18. 23. 2 AVnf/18.27.hath my master sent me to thy maiste« and to thee to/, these words? Isa. 36. 12 1 Chron. 17. 18. what can David /. more to thee 2 Chron. 32. 17- wrote letters to rail and/, ag. God AVA. 13. 24. and could not /. in the Jews' language EslA. 6.4. to /. to the king to hang Mordecai Joi 8.2. how long wilt thou /. these things.' 11. 5. but, oh that God wnuld /. against thee 13.7. will ye /.wickedly for G. and talk for him.' 18. 2. mark, and afterwards we will /. 27. 4. my lips shall not /. wickedness nor deceit 32.7. I said, days should /. and teach wisdom 36. 2. shew that I have yet to /. on God's behah 37. 20. if a man /. he shall be swallowed up 41. 3. will he /. soft words unto thee ? Psal. 2. 5. then shall he /. to them in his wrath 5. 6. thou shalt destroy them that /. leasing 12. 2. they t. vanity, they /. with a double heart 17. 10. with their mouth they /. proudly 28. 3. which /. peace to their neighbours 29. 9. in his temple doth every one /. of his glory 31. 18. which/, grievous things proudly ag. right. 35. 20. for they /. not peace, but devise deceitfm 28. my tongue shall /. of thy righteousness 38. 12. they /. mischievous things all day long 40. 5. if I would declare and /. of them 41. 5. enemies /. evil of me, when shall he die ? 49. 3. my mouth shall /. of wisdom and meditation 52. 3. lovest lying rather than to /. righteousnes 59. 12. and for cursmg and lying which they /. 63. 11. mouth of them that /. lies shall be stopped 69. 12. they that sit in the gate /. against me 71. 10. for mine enemies/, against me 73.8. they are corrupt, they /. wickedly, /. loftily 85. 8. 1 will hear what the Lord will /. he will /. peace to his people, but let them not turn to folly 94.4. how long shall they utter and /. hard things . 109. 20. let this be therewardof them that/, evil 115. 5. they have mouths, but they /. not, 135. 10. 119. 23. princes also did sit and /. against me 172. my tongue shall /. of thy word 127. 5. they shall /. with the enemies in the gate 139. CO. for they /. against thee wickedly 145. 6. men shall /. of might of thy terrible acts 11. they shall /. of the glory of thy kingdom 21. my mouth shall /. the praise of the Lord Prov. 8.7. my mouth shall t. truth, and wickedness 23. 16. my reins rejoice, when lips /. right things Eccl. 3.7. a time to be silent, and a time to /. Cant. 7.9. causing lips of those that are asleep to /. Ita. 8. 20. if they /. not according to this word 14. 10. all they shall /. and say unto thee 19. 18. five cities in Egypt shall /. lang. of Canaau 28.l1.wiih another tongue shall he/.to ihispeopU ?9. 4. and thou shalt /. out of the ground 32. 4. tongue of the stammerers shall /. plainly 32. 6. for the vile person will /. villany 50. 4. that I should know how to /. in season 52. 6. they shall know that I am he that doth /. 5g. 4. trust in vanity, and /. lies, conceive niisch. Jer. 1 .7. whatsoever I command thee, thou shalt /. 5. 14. saith the Lord, because ye /. this word 7. 27. thou shalt /. all these words to them 9.5. they will not /. the truth, taught to /. lies 10. 5. idols are upright as palm trees, they /. not 12. 6, believe not, tno' they /. fair words unto thee 13. 12. therefore thou shalt / this word to theia 18. 7. at what instant I shall j about a nation, 9. 20. I stood before thee to /. good for them SO. 9' I said, I will not /. any more in his name 23. 16. they t. a vision of their own heart t6. ^. /. all the words I commanded thee to /. B. 15. the Lord bath sent me to /. these words 29. 24. thus shalt thou also /. to Sbemaiah 32. 4. and shall /. with him mooth lu moutlt SVE Jtr. 34. 3. he shaT. j. vrilb thee inoath to moath Huk. 2. 7- and '.hou shale <. toy words to them 3.10. all my words thai 1 shall/, receive in heart 80. 49. they say of me, doth he not /. parables r 24. 27. and thoa shalt /. and be no more dumb 33. '21. stronz among the mi;bty sliall s. to him 33. B. ifdost noli, to warn wiclced Irooi his way 10. thus ye i. y 30. and /. one to zaolher 37. 18. when ihe children of thy people shall /. Dan. 2. 9. y* have prepared cormpl words to t. 3. 'JQ. t. any thing amiss a;, the God of .Shadrach 7. 25. he shall 1. great words agsi. ihe Most Higr, 11. 27. shall «. lies at one table, but not prosper Hat. 2. 3. bat at (he end it shall 1. and not lie Zech.^. t 17. corn shall make ihe yoang men /. Mat. 10. 19. how or what ye shall /. Mark 13. 11. 20. for 11 is nol ye thai t. Mark 13. 11. 12. 34. how can ye being evil /. good things 36.e»ery idle word ihai men shall /.give accoant 46. his mother stood without, desiring to s. wiih tdark 2. 7. why doth this man thus j blasphemie 9- 39. shall do a miracle, that bghily *. evil of me 14. 71. saying, 1 know not this man of whom ye s 16. 17. in my name they shall /. with new tongues Ijukt 1 . 1 9. I am sent to /. to thee and to shew inoe 20. not able to t. till tkese shall be performed 22. when he came out he could not x. to them 4. 41. he rebuking them, suffered them not to s. 6. 26. woe to you, when all men shall /. well of yon 11 . 53. and to provoke him to 3. of many things 12. 10. whosoever shall t. a word ag. Son ot man John 3.11. verily we x. that we do know, and testify 9. 21. he is of age, ask him, he shall x. for himself 16.13. he shall not /. of himself, that shall be /. 25. when 1 shall no more 1. to you in proverbs Acts 2. 7. are not all these which s. Galileans } 1 1 . we do hear them x. in tongues works of God 4. 17- that they x. to no man in this name 18. not to X. at all, 5. 40. || 20. we cannot but x. 29. that with all boldness they may s. thy word 6. II. we have heard him x blasphemous words 13. this man ceaseth not to x. blasphemous words 10. 32. when he cometh shall x. unto thee 11. 15. as I began to x. |114. 9. same heard Paul j. 21. 39. I beseech thee suffer me to x. to people 23. 5. ihoQ shalt not x. evil of ruler of thy people C6. 1. Paul, thoa art permitted to t. for thyself 25. I X. forth the words of truth and soberness Rom. 15. 18. I will cot dare to s, of any of those things 1 Cur. l.lO.ihat ye all x. same thing and nodiTisiotLs 2.13. which things also we s. not man's wisdom 3.1 . 1 could not X. to you as to spiritual but carnal 12. 30. do all X. with tongues >. \\ 14. 23. if all s. 14. 35. it is a shame for women tox in church 39. and forbid not to t. with tongues 2 Cor. 2. 17. in the sight of God x. we in Christ 4. 13. we also believe and therefore x. 12. 19. we X. before God in Christ, but for edifying Epii. 5. 12. it is a shame to x. of those things done Col. 4.4. that I may make manifest, as I ought to x. 1 TAess. 1. 8. so that we need not to x. any thing 5. 4. even so we x. not as pleasing men bat God 16. forbidding us to x. to the Gentiles Til 3. 2. put them in mind to x. evil of no man Jl€i. 2. 5. the world to come, whereof we s. 6. 9 tho' we thus x. 1| 9. 5. of which we cannot x. Jam. 1. 19. brethren, let every man be slow to x. 1 P«.2.l2.»hereasiheyx. against youasevil doers 3.10. let him refrain bis lips that they x. no guile 16. whereas they x. evil of you, as of evil doers 2 Pi!/. 2.10. they are not afraid to x. evil of dignities 12. X. evil of the things that they understand nol 18. forwheu they x. great swell, words of vanity 1 Jo/tji 4.5. are of world, therefore x. they of world JudtS. these 5lthy dreamers x evil of dignities 10. butUiesex. evil of those things they know not Rev.Q. 24. not known depths of Satan, as they x. 13. IS. that the image of the beast should both x. SPF.AK, Imperatively. Rtoi. 20. 19. X. thou with us. and we will hear -Vujn.20, 8. X ye to the rock before their eyes iietit. 3. C6. 1,, said, x. no more to me of this mailer S.27. <• tbouio as all ihat Lord shall x. to thee Judg. 5. 10. X. ye iliat ride on white asses 19. .30. consider, take advice, and x. your mind» I .^fam. 3. 9. X. Lord, for thy servant hearelh, 10. iSam. 17.6. shall we do after this say, if not x. thou 1 Ainff 22 13.x. that which is good, 2 CAr. 18.12. 2 Aingj 13.26. X. io Syrian language, /xo. 36.11. Ejth 5. It. and to morrow x. thou 10 the king y heart Job 7. II / sill s. in the anguish of my spirit 10. 1. 1 uill s. in the bitterness of my soul 32. 20. / uill X. that 1 may be refreshed 33. 31. mark well, hold thy peace, and / will x. 42. 4. hear, 1 beseech thee, and / icill s. Piat. 50. 7. hear, O ray people, and / aill ». 73. 15. if I say, / will x. thus, I should offend 119.35. Juills.oi thy testimonies before kings Deut. 5. 26. God x. out of the midst of iVe fire 11.19. '.of them when thou sittest in thine bouse Rui/i 1. 18. then she left /. unio her Eii/i. 10.3. and x. peace to all his seed Job 1. 16. while he yet X. anoiher came. 17, 16 4. 2. but wbo can mibhold himself from x. ! 32. 15. they answesed no more, they left off j Psal. 34. 13. and thy lips from x. goUe.. SPE Psal. 88.3. goMtray as soon as they be born,/. lies Isit. S8. Q. if thoQ take away from thee j. vanity 13. nor X. thine own words on my holy day .Vj. 1.1. in lying, and/, oppre.^ion and revoU C5. 24. and' while they are yet /. I wffl hear ff, 7.13. rising ap early and /. 25. .3. | 35. 14. 38. 4. he weakeneth the hands in /. such words 27. they left off/, the matter was not perceived Dan.7.B. and a mouth /. great things. Rev. 13. 5. 8. 13. I heard one saint /. and another said 9. 20. whiles 1 was /. praying and confessinp, 21. Ads ?4. 3. they abode, /. boldly in the Lord 20. 30. /. perverse things, to draw away disciples 1 Cor. 12.3. no man /.by Spirit calleth Jesus accurs. S Cor. 13.3. since ye seek a proof of Christ /. in me EpA. 4. 15. but /. the truth in love may grow up 5. 19. s. to yourselves in psalms, hymns, and songs 1 7'«n».4.2. shall departfrom faith,/. lies in hypocrisy 5. 13. busy-bodies /. things which they ought rx)t 1 Pel. 4. 4. to the same excess of riot, /. evil of you See End. SPEAKING. Afat.b. ?• think they shall be heard for much /. Eph. 4. 31. let all evil /. be put away frotn you SPEAKINGS. 1 Pet. 2.1. laying aside all guile, envies, and evil /. SPEAR. Josh.S. 18. the l/>rd said, stretch out thy/. 26. J'ldg. 5. 8. was there a/, seen among 40,000 in Isr. 1 Sam. 13. 22. /. with any, but with Saul and Jona. 17.7. and the staff of his /. was like a weaver's beam, 2 &»i. 21. 19. 1 CAro«. iO.5. 43. thou comest with a sword, and with a / 47. the Lord saveth not with sword and /. 31 . 8. is there not here under thy hand /. or sword 26.7. and Saul's /. stuck at his bolster, 11. 8. let me smite him, I pray thee with the /. iC. now see where the king's /. is, and the cruse 2 Sam. 1. 6. behold, Saul leaned upon nis /. 2. 23. Abner with the end of the /. smote Asahel 23. 7. must be fenced with iron and staff of a /. 8. he lift up his /. against 800 whom he slew 1 8. he lifted up / . apainst 300, 1 C/iron. 1 1 . 1 1 , 20. 21. he slew Egyptian with his own /. 1 CAr.11.23. Joi 39. 23. quiver rattleth, glittering/, and shield 41. 26. /. of him that layeth at him cannot hold S9. Leviathan laughteth at the shaking of a /. Ptal. 35.3. draw also out the /. stop the way 46. 9- he breaketh bow and cutteth /. in sunder Jer.a. 23. they shall lay hold on bow and /. NaA. 3. 3. the horseman lifteth up the sword and /. hab. 3. 11. at the shining of the glittering /. John 19. 34. a soldier with a /. pierced bis side SPEARS. 1 Sam. 13.19.lcst Hebrews make them swords or/. 2 Kings 11. 10. to captains did priest give king Da- vid's /. that were in the temple, 2 C/tr. 23. 9. 2 CAr. 11.12. in ev. several city he put shields and /. 26.14. Uzziah prepared for them shields and /. NeA. 4. 13. 1 set the people with their/, and bows 16. the other half of them held the /. 21. Psal. 57. 4, whose teeth are /. and arrows //a. 2.4. shall beat /. into pruning hooks. Alio. 4. 3. Jer. 46. 4. furbish the /. and put on the brigandines Eiei. 39. 9- 'bey shall burn /. wiih fire seven years Joel 3. 10. beat your pruning-hooks into /. SPEARMEN. Psal. 68. 30. rebuke the company of/, the bulls Ads 23. 23. saying, mage ready two hundred /, SPECIAL. Deul. 7. 6. Lord halh chosen thee to be a /. people HJal. 3. 1 17. when I make up my /. treasure Actt 19. 11. <. miracles done by the hand of Paul See Especially. SPECKLED. Gen. SO. 32. removing from thence the /. cattle 31.8. the /. shall be thy wages, the cattle bare /. Jer. 12, 9 mine heritage is to me as a /. bird ZecA. 1. 8. behind were red horses, /. and white SPECTACLE. 1 Cor. 4. 9. for we are made a /. to the world .SPEU. Judg.5.30. have thty not /. r have they not divided SPEECH. G of all their hard /. SPEECHLESS. Mat. 22. IS. r>ot a wedding garment, and he was /, Lujtfl .22. Zach arias beckooed them and remained /. Acts 9. 7. men which jourrwjed with him stood /. SPEED. Gen. 24. 12. O Lord, I pray thee, send me good /. Etra 6.12. have made a decrce.let it be done with /. Isa. 5. 26. behoW, they shall come with /. swiftly Acts 17. 15. for to come to him with all /. 2 JoAn 10. receive him not, nor bid him God /. 11. that biddeth him God /. is partaker of evil See Make, Mads. SPEEDY. 2e;jA.1.18.shan make even a/.ridxianceof aPl them SPEEDILY. iSam. 27. 1 . than that 1 should /.escape to Phili.'t 2 Sam. 17. 16. lodge not in plafns, but /. pass over 2 Chron, 35.13. ani thereoo incense of 23. take thou unto thee pnncipal /. of myrrh, 34 37.29. he nvade the pore incense of sweet /. 39. t38. they brought incense of sweet /, 1 Kings J0.2.c»mels that bare /. 10. 2 CAran. 1. 25. they brought to Solomon /. 2 CAron. 9. 24. 2 Kings ^Q. 13. Hezekiah shewed them /. ointment and all that was found in his treasures //a.3g.2 1 Chron. 9. 29. some were appointed to oversee j 30. sons of the priests made the oii>troent of /. 2 Chron. 9. 9- the queen of Sheba gave Solomon i. 16. 14. divers /. prepared for the burial of Asa 32. 27. Hezekiah made treasures for /, atMl gold Cant. 4. 10. the smell of thioe oimn>eDts than all /. 14. myrrh ai>d aVoes, with all the chief /. 16. blow upon my garden, that /. may flow out 5.13. his cheeks ar? as a bed of/, as sweet flowers 6. 2. my beloved is gone down to the beds of /. 8. 14. to a young hart on tbe nKMintains of/. Eset, 27. 22. occupied in fairs with chief erf all /. Mark 16. 1. Mary had bought sweet /. Luke 24.1. Lukt 23.56.returued and prepared /. zdA ointmenti JoAu 19. 40. ttvey wouikd it in tioen with tbe /. SPICE. Eiek. 24. 10. cotBoine the flesh and /. it well Sip I-C E-M E R OH A N TS . 1 Kings 10. 15. erf tbe traffic of the j.-mtrcAantt SPICED. Cant. 8. 2. I would cause thee to drink of/, wine SPICERY. Gen. 37.25. Isbmaelites bearing/, balm and myrrh 2 Kings 20. 1 13.hewed house of his /. Isa. .39. 18 SPIDER. Joi 8. 14. and whose trust shaTl be a /. wefc Prov. 30. 28. the /. taketh hold with her bai>ds Isa. 59. 5. hatch cockatrice eggs and weave *. w«b SPIE, See S*y. SPIKENARD. Cant. 1. 12. ray /. sendeth forth the smell thereof 4. 13. with pliasant fruits camphire with /. 14. Mark 14. 3. there came awonian having an alabaster boxof ointment of/, very precious, Ji»in 12.3 SPILLDD. Gen. 38. 9. Onan /. his seed on the groni>d Mark 3.22. bottles burst, and wii>eis /. iMitS.SJ. SPILT. 2 Sam. 14. 14. we are as water /. on the groood SPIN. F.rod. 35. 25. women that are wise.hearted, did f« Mat. 6. 28. they toil not, neither /. Luks 18 2T« SPINDLE. Prov. 31. 19. she layeth her hands to tbe /. SPIRIT, In Hebrew, Ruach ; in Greek, Pneoma. In scripture the uord Spirit «/ taken, [1] For tM Holy Ghost, lAe third person oj iht hcJif Trinity, who inspired the prophets, animates good men, pours his grace into our hearts, imparts to us light and comfort, in tthose Name we are baptised, as toell as in those of the Father and Son ; that enlivening Spirit v>ho proceeds from Ihe Father and Son, Mat. 3. 16. John 3. 8. I 15. 26. The Holy Ghost it called Spirit, ieing, as it uKre, Irenlhcd, and proceeding from the Father and Son, xdJio imyire and move our hearts by him ; or, becautt At irealheth uAere he lisielA ; stirring up spiritual motions in lAe hearts of believers, purifying and quick- ening/hem; or because he 11 a spiritual, in- visiile, and incorporeal essence. He is called holy, both because he is most holy in himself and the Sanctijier, the Vr'oiktr of holiness in the cremlure. He ■/ ealled a person, j«r<;iu< uhatsoever belongs to a person, as to under- stand, to mill, to giie, to call, to do, to iubsist of himself, doth a^ree to the Spirit ; who ap. peared in a visible shape, Luke :>. 22. Ads 2. 3. gave the Apostles sundry tongues. Acts 2. 4. 8, hath power 10 confer and iestnti on the church the gift cf tongues, of miracles, »f Jaith, of healing, of prophecy, i^c. 1 Cor. 12, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. kAicA cannot it oltrKniled to any quaiity or motion created. Latily, he is called the third persou, not in order of time, or dignity of nature, but in order and mmnner of lubsisting. [2] Spirit 1/ taken for the immediate inspiration, and eitraordinary help of ike iSpirit 01 God. Malt. 22. 43, How then d^ith David In spirit cull him L"rd, that is, by the inspiialion of the Holy Ghcsl. 1 Cor. 14. 15. I will pray with the ^f\r\\, that is, by the immediate gift and extraordinary hslp of the Spirit. [3] Ptr SPI tbt tttrterJinarfi gi/tt and gr/iees ef tht Spi Tit, Gal. 3. C. [4] For the courufh, motions mnd Jiieciinns of the Spirit. Kom. 8. 1, Who walk not after itie fiesh, hat after the Spirit. 15] Spirit •/ laienjcr t fie renezeed nature, ot tpiritual part in man. Rlat. S6. 41, The Spi fit is willing, but the flesh is weak. r6] tor tpiritual teal. 1 Tim. 4. 13, Be thoa ao ex ample of believers in spirit. [7] For judg- ment, authority, and consent, 1 Cor. 5. 4. [8] It signifies pure, holy, and spiritual. John 3. 6, That which is born of the Spirit, is spirit ; that is, that ahieh is wrought iy the Spirit of God it of a spiritual nature and 40, ruitalle to the kine^dom of Cod. [91 // «x taken for the gospel, which is the ministra lion of the Spirit, and iy whose influence it iecomes effectual to change the hearts of sin ners, to turn them from the pc'jer of Satan un to God, and to make thca truly spiritual and iolf. 2 Cor. ."5. 6, 8, Who hath made us abl ministers of the new testament, not of the let- ter, but the spirit. [10] For the thoughts, af- fection, and care. Col. 2. 5, Though I be ab- sent in the flesh, yet 1 am with you in the spirit. [11] For a temper, frame, or disposition cf soul or spirit. Psal. 51. 10, Renew a right spirit within me [18] Spirit signifies the reasonaile soul, which continues in being even after the death of the tody ; That spiritual, reasoning, and choosing ruhstance, capable of eternal happiness. Acts 7. 59, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit, or, my soul. [13] Good angels are called spirits, im- material and intelligent, but created and de- pendent beings. Heb. 1. 14, Are they not all ministerini! spirits? [14] The devils are often called unclean spirits, evil spirits, Mark 5. 13. Luke 7. 21. -So m 1 Sam. 18. 10, The evil spirit from God came upon Saul. [15] Spirit signifies an apparition or ghost. Mat. 14. 26, When the disciples saw jesus walking on the sea. they were troubled, saying, it is *■ spirit. And our Stviovr, after his resurrec- tion, appearing to his disciples, they were af- frighted, and supposed they had seen a spirit, er, ghost ; but he said to them, handle me, and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have, Luke 24. 37, 39. [16] It it ta- ken for a person that pretended to be inspired, or for a doctrine offered as the immediate reve- lation of the Spirit. 1 John 4. 1, Believe not every spirit. [17] For passion, wrath, or anger. Eccl. 10. 4, If the spirit of the ruler rise up against thee. [W] For the breath, the respiration, the animal life that is in leasts. Eccl. 3. 21, The spirit of the beast that goeth downward. [19] Spirit is also ta- ken for the wind. Amos 4. 13, lie that createth the wind, or spirit. These are the four spirits of the heavens, in Hebrew, winds, Zech. 6. 5. And in John 3. 8, The wind bloweth where it listeth, in Greek, pneuma, the spirit. The spirit of a sound mind ; the spirit of wisdom and understanding; the spirit of knowledge ; the spirit of grace and j>rayer ; the spirit of prophecy, and the like, signify several effects, uorks, and gifts, together with the author and rause, which it the Holy Spirit infusing them. (>n the contrary, Me spirit of pride, covetousness, fury, uncleanness, do signify these vices, and the devil, that wicked spirit, the author of them. Grieve not the Holy Spirit, Eph. 4. 30. Men may he said to grieve the Spirit of God, by with- standing his holy inspirations, the motions of his grace, or by living in a lukewarm and negligent manner. Also by despising his gifts, or neglecting them ; by abusing his favours, either out of vanity, curiosity, or negligence. And in a contrary sense, we stir up she Spirit of God which is in us (as St. I'aul advises Timothy, S Tim. 1. C.J by the practice of godliness, by our exactness in comphmg with hit motions, by fervour in his service, by re- newing our gratitude, SjC. .See the Significa- tions on Discern, Earne.st, Prison, QuENCR, Sow. Gen, 7. +22. in whom was breath of the t. of life 86. ♦ 35. which were a bitterness of/, to Is.iac 41. 8. rharaoh's /. was troubled in the momicg 45. 27. the /. of Jacob their father revived Ejodd.Q. hearkened not to Moses for anguish of/. 35. 21. every one whom his /. made willing Aum. 11. 17. I will take of/, that is on thee, 25. 26, the /. rested upon them and they prophesii-t 29. that the Lord would put his /. upon them 14. 24. Caleb, because he had another /.with him 27. 18. take Joshua, a man in whom is the /. Dent. 2. 30 for the Lord thy God hardened bis j. bit SPI Joth. i. 1. nor was there /. in them any more Judg. 8. + 3. then their /. was abated toward hini 15. 19. when he had drunk his /. came again 1 6am. 30. 12. when ho had eaten his /. came to him 1 Kingt 10. 5. there was no /. in her, 2 CAron. 9 4. 21. 5. Jezebel his wife said, why is thy /. so sad - 22. 21. there came forth a /. 2 Chron. 18. 20. 2 Kings 2.9. let a double portion of thy /. be on me 15. they said, /. of Elijah doth rest on Elisha 1 Chron. 5. 26. the Lord stirred up the /. of Pul 12. 18. then the /. came upon Amasai, and said 28. 12. the pattern of all that he had by the /. 2 Chr. 21. 16. against Jehoram /. of Philistines Etra 1. 5. with them whose /. God raised to go up Neh. 9. .30. testifiedst by the /. in thy prophets Job 4. 15. then a /. passed before my face 15. 13. that thou turnest thy /. against God 20.3./. of my understanding causeth me to answer 26. 4. and whose /. cnme from thee ' 13. by his J. he garnished the heavens, his hand 32. 8. there is a/, in man, inspiration of Almighty 18, the /. within me constraineth me 34. 14. if he gather to hims. his/, and his breath Psal. 32. 2. and in whose /. there is no guile 51. 10. a clean heart, renew a right/, within me 12. and uphold me with thy free /. 76. 12. he shall cut off the /. of princes 78. 8. and whose /. was not stedfa-st with God 104. 30. thou sendest forth thy /. they are created 106. 3.'J. so they provoked his /. so that he spake unadvisedly with his lips 1.39. 7. whither shall I go from thy /. ? 143. 10. /. is good, lead me to land of uprightness Prov. 14. 29. he that is hasty of/, exalteth folly 15.4. but perversene 5S therein is a breach in the /. 16. 18. and an haughty /. goeth before a fall 32. that ruleth /. better than he that taketh city 18. 14. the /. of a mar. will sustain his infirmity 20. 27. the /. of a man is the candle of the Lord 25. 28. that hath no rule over his /. is like a city Eccl. 3. 21. who knoweththe /. of man,/, of beast 7. 9- be not hasty in thy /. to be angry 8. 8. no man hath power over /. to retain the /, 10. 4. if the /. of the ruler rise against thee 11.5. thou knowest not what is the way of the /. 12. 7. and the /. shall return to God who gave it 7. 26.41. the /. indeed is ..illing, Mark 14. .38. Mark 1. 10. the /. descending on him, JoAn 1.32. 12. the /. driveth him into the wilderness 8. 12. and he sighed deeply in his /. and saith 9. 20. /, tare him ||26. the /. cried and rent him Luke 1. 17. he shall go before him in the/, of Elias 80. and the child waxed strong in /. 2.40. 2. 27. and he came by the /. into the temple 4. 14. Je*us returned in power of /. into Galilee 8. 55. her /. came again, and she arose straightway 9. 55. je know not what manner of /. ye are of 10. 21. in thtt hour Jesus rejoiced in /. and said 13. 11. a woman who had a /. of inflrmity 24. 37. they supposed that they had seen a /. 39. for a /. hath not flesh and hones as I have John 1. 33. on whom thou shalt see /. descending 3 34 God (iveth not the /. by measure to him SPI John 4. SS. worship the Father n /. and in tnu b 24.G,is a /.they must worship him in ». and trutS 6.63. it is the /. that quickerieth ; words that I speak unto you, they are /. and chey are liie 7. 39. this spake he of /. |i II. 33. be groantu in « 13. 21. he was troubled in /. and testified and said .■lets 2. 4. they spake as /. gave them utterance 6. 10. and they were not able to resist the /. 8.29. then the /. said to Philip, go near and join 10. 19. the /. said unto Peter, 11. 12. 11.28. Ag.-ibus signf. by/, there should be dearth 16. 7. they assayed, but the /. suffered them not 17. 16. his/ was stirred within him when nesaw 18.5. Paul was pressed in /.1|25. being fervent in* CO. 22. now 1 go bound in the /. to Jerusalem 21. 4. the disciples said to Saul through the « 23. 8. Sadducees say that there is uo angel nor /. 9. but if a /. or an angel hatU spoken to him Horn. 1.4. Son of God according to the t. of holiness 2. 29. circumcision is that of heart in the /. 8.1. who walk not after the flesh, but after/.*. 2. the law of the /. of life hath made me free 5. they that are after the /. the things of tbe». 9. ye are not in the flesh but /. if so be that /. 10. but the /. is life because of righteousness ll.if /.of him that raised up Jesus from the dead, shall quicken your mortal bodies by his «. 13. but if ye thro" the /. mortify deeds of body 16. the /. itself beareth witness with our /. 23. but ourselves who have first-fruits of the / 1:6. the /. also helpeth our infirmities ; but the /. maketh intercession for us with groaning; 27. be knoweth what is the mind of the /. 12. 11. fervent in/. |j 15. 30. for the love of the /. 1 Cor. 2. 4. but in demonstration of /. »ndof power 10. bnt God hath revealed them to as by his /.for /. searcheth all things, the deep things of God 11. save the /. of a man which is in him 12. not /. of the world, but the /. who is of God 5. 3. I >erily as absent in body, but present in /. 5 -\at /. ttay be saved in day of the Lord Jesus 0. 17. he that is joined to the Lord is one /. 20. glorify God in your body and in your /. 7. 34. that she may be holy both in body and /. 12.4. arediTcrtitiesof gifts, but same, /. 8, 9, 11. 8. to one is given by the /. the word of wisdom 13. for by one /. are we all baptized into os« body ; have been all made to drink into one «. 14. C. howbeit in the /. he speaketh mysteries 15. I will sing with/. Iil6. stialt bl;ss with the/. 15. 45. the last Adam was made a quickening /. 2 Cor. 3. 6. ministers of new testament, not of letter butof the/, letter killetb, bat the /. giveth lifi 8. how shall notminislrat. of/, be rather glorious 17. the Lord is that /. where the /. of Lord is 4. 13. we having the same/, of faitk, we believe 7- 1. cleanse from all filthiness of the flesh and /. 13. because his /. was refreshed by you all 11.4. another /. which ye have not received 12. 18. walked we not in the same /.and same stepsf Gal. 3. C. received ye the /.by the works of the law 3. are ye so foolish P having begun in the /. 5. he therefore that ministereth to you the /. 14.mightre«eive the promise of the /. thro' faith 4. 6. God hath sent forth the /. of his Son 5. 5. kr we thro' /. wait for hope of righteousness 16. walk in the/. || 18. but if ye be led by the /. 17. for the flesh lusteth against the /. and the /. against the flesh, and these are contrary 25. if we live in the /. let us walk in the /. 6.8. soweth to /.shall of the/, reap life everlasting 18. grace of our Lord be with your /. PAi/em.25. Eph. 2. 2. the /. that now worketh in the children 18. we have access by one /. to the Father 22. for an habitation of God through the/. 3.5. as it is now revealed to the apostles by the *. 1 6. strengthened with might by his /.in inner man 4. 3. to keep unity of the /. in the bond of peace 4. there is one body, and one /. as ye are callea 43. and be renewed in the /. of your mind 5. 18. be not'llrunk with wine, but be filled with /. 6. 17. take sword of the /. which is word of God 18. praying always with all prayer in the t. Phil. 1. 19. and the supply of the /. of Jesus Chris 27. that ye stand fa-^t in one /. with one mind 2. 1. if there be any fellowship of the /. if bowels .3,3. the circumcision, which worship G. in the /. Col. l.B. who declared to us your love intne*. 2. 5. tho' absent in flesh, yet am 1 with yDU in /. 1 7^«/.5.19.quench not /.despise not prophesying* 23. pray your /. soul, and bodv be preserv bfauie. 2 Theis. 2. 2. or be troubled, neither by /.nor byword 8. Lord shall consume with the/, of hismouih 13. chosen you thro' sanctification of /.and beliti 1 Tim.3.l6.G. manifest, justified in /. seenofang. 4. 1. now the /. speaketh expressly in latter times .2. be thou an example in /. in faith, in punrj 2 Tim. 4. 22. the Lord Jesus Christ be with thy » Heb. 4. 12. to the dividing asunder of soul and /, , 9. 14. who thro' the eternal /. offered himself to SPI Jam. t.tb. for as the body wfchsnt the *. is dead ■». A. ihe /. that dwelleth in ns lusteth to envy 1 Ptt. 1. 2. thro' sanctification of the /.to obedience 24 . Te have purified in obeying truth thro' the i. 3. 4. '?veD the ornament of a meek and quiet s. IS.btingputto death in flesh, but qaidtened by s. i. 6. but live according to God in the /. 1 John 3. 24. by the /. which he hath given ns 4.1. beloved.believe not every /. but try the spirits 2. every /. that confesseth Jesus Christ is come .1. every s. that confesseth not that Jesus is come 13, dwell in hinj, because hath given us of his*. 5. 6. ft is the .». that beareth witness, s. is truth 8. witness in eartli, the /.the water, and the blood Jiide 19. these be sensual, not having the /. lUv. 1. 10. 1 was in the 1, on the Lord's d.iy 2. 1. hear what *. saith to churches, he that hath an ear let him hear, 11, 17,29. | 3.6,13,22. 4. 2. and immediately I was in the /. and behold 11. 11. the i. of life from God entered into them 14. 13. blessed are the dead, yea, saith the x. 17. '• so he carried me away in the /. 21. 10. C2. 17. and the /. and the bride say, come SPIRIT of adoption. Horn 8. 15. but ye have received the j . of adoption SPIRIT of antichrist. 1 John 4. 3. and this is that/, of antichrist ye heard SPIRIT of bondage. Horn. 8. 15. ye have not received the/, o/'ionrfflff* Born of the SPIRIT. /oAnS.S.exceptmanbe torn «/'6, and that the /. of God dwelleth in you 6. 11. ye are sanctified by the 1. of oar God 7.40. I think also that 1 have the /, of God 12. 3. no man speaking by the/. <>/'God,calleth I Cor. 3. 3. written with the /. of the living Gcd £ph. 4. 30. and grieve not the holy /. of God I Pet. 4. 14. for the /. of God resteth on jou t J»hn 4. 2. hereby know ye the /. of God SPIRIT of glory. 1 Pel. 4. 14. for the /. of glory resteth on you 573 SPI SPIRIT of grace. Zeck.MAO T will pour on house of David i.of grace HeA.lO.2y. and hath done despite to the /. of grace See Holy. Humble SPIRIT. Prov. 16. 19. better it is to be of an humble /• 29. 23. but honour shall uphold the humble in /. Jsa. 57. 15. with him also that is of a.ahumble t. SPIRIT of jealousy. Num. 5. 14. and /. of jealousy come upon him, 30. 'iVl^ll of judgment Isa.4A. purgea blood of Jerusalem by /. ofjudgm. 28.6. the Ix>rd shall be for a /. of judgment to him SPIRIT ej knowledge. Isa. 11. 2. the/, of knoaledge ihM rest upon him See Lord, Lvino. SPIRIT of meekness. 1 Ctfr.4. 21. shall I come to you inihe t.of meekruss ? Gal. 6. I. restore such a one in the /. of meekness My SPIRIT. Gen. 6. 3. my /. shall not always strive with man Job 6. 4. the poison whereof drinketh up my /. 7. 11. I will speak in the anguish of my s. 10. 12. and thy visitation bath preserved my /. 21. 4. if so, why should not my /. be troubled Psal. 31. 5. into thine hand I commit my s. 77- 3. I complained, and my/, was overwhelmed 6. and my /. made diligent search 142. 3. when my /. was overwhelmed in me 143. 4. therefore is my s. overwhelmed in me 7. hear me speedily, O Lord, my /. faileth Prov. 1 1 .23. behold, 1 will pour out my s. unto you Isa. 26. 9. yea, with my s. will I seek thee early 30. 1 . that cover with a covering, but not of my s. 38. 16. in all these things is the life of my s. 42. 1. I have put my /. upon him, shall bring forth 44. 3. I will pour my /. upon thy seed 59. 21. mys. that is upon thee shall not depart Etek. 3. 14. and I went in the heat of my /. 36.27. and 1 will put my/, within you, 37. 14. 39. 29. for I have poured out my s. on house of Isr. Dan. 2. 3. my /. was troublcd||7.15. grieved in mys. Joel S.'iS. I will pour out my/, upon all flesh, your sons and daugh. shall prophesy, 29..<^c// 2.17,18. Ha^.i.5. so mys. remaineth among you.fear ye noc Zech.i.&.uo\ by might, ncrby power, but by my <. 6. 8. these have quieted my /. in the north country Mat. 12. 18.1 will put my /. upon him, shall shew Z/uke 1. 47. my /. hath rejoiced inGodmy Saviour 23.46 Father, into thy hands I commend my /. Acts 7. 59. Stephen said,Lord Jesus, receive my /. Hflm. 1. 9. whom I serve with my /. in the gospel 1 Cor. 5.4. when ye are gathered together and my s, 14. 14. my /. prayeth, but my understanding is 16. 18. for they have refreshed my /. and your 2 Cor. 2. 13. I hid no rest in my /. bee. 1 found not Nea SPIRIT. Ezek. 11. 19. I will putanfwj. within you, 30.26. 18. 31. and make you a new heart and a neui s. Newness of SPUUT. Rom. 7.6. that we should serve in neanessofthe s. Patient SPIRIT. Eccl. 7. S. patient in /. is better than proud in spirit Perverse SPIRIT. Isa. 19. 14. the Lord hath mingled a perverse /. Poor SPIRIT. Mat. 5.3. blessed are the;!OOT- in /. theirs the kingd. SPIRIT »/;"•'"""«• Ep/i. 1. 13. were sealed with that holy/, o/^omi/e SPIRIT of prophecy. Rev. 19.10. testimony of Jesus is the /. of prcphe-y SPIRIT of slttmber. Rom. 11. 8. God hath given them the/, of slumber Sorrowful SPIRIT. 1 Sam. 1 .15. my lord,l am a woman of a sorrouf. s. SPIRIT of truth. John 14.17. /. of truth whom world cannot receive 15. 26. even the /. of truth who proceedeth 16. 13. when /. of truth is come, will guide you 1 John 4. 6. hereby know we /. of truth and error site Vexation. Unclean SPIRIT. Zech. 13. 2. 1 will cause unci. s. to pass out of land Mat. 12. 43. when the unclean /. is gone out of a man, he walketh thro' dry places. Luke 11. 21. Mark 1.23. in their synagogue a man with an un. /. 26. and when the unclean /. had torn him 3. 30. because they said, he hath an unclean /. 5. 2. there met him a man wuh an unclean /. 8. come out of the man, thou unci. s. Luke 8. 29. 7. 25. whose young daughter had an unclean s. Luke 9.42. Je sui rebuked unclean s. and healed biro SPIRIT of understanding. Isa. 11. 2. the /. of understand, shall rest upon him SPIRIT of whoredoms. /fi)/.4.12. for the/. o/aAor/rfuOT/ caused them to err 5. 4. for /. of vhoredemj is in the midst of them SPIRIT ofaiidom. Erod. 28.3. whom I have filled wrth /. of uitdom Veut. 34. 9 Joshua was full of tne /. of uisdom 7m. U.S. tha I. of aiidom shall rest opuo hik. Eph. 1. 17. that God may give to ycm /. of uisiiciy Hounded SmiilT. Prov. 18. 14. but a uoundid /. who can bear ? SPIRIIS. Num. 16.22. O God, the G. of/, of all flesh, 27.1^- Psal. 104. 4. wno raakeih his angels /. Heb. 1.7 Prov. 16. 2. but the Lord weigheth the /. Zech. 6. 5. these are the four /. of the heavens Mat. 8. 16. and he cast out the /. with his wo'A 10.1. he gave them power ag. unclean i. MaikG.~ . Mark l.i27. for with authority comroandeth he the unclean /. and they obey him, Luket. 56 3. 11. unclean /. fell down before him, and cried 5. 13. the unclean /. entered into the swine Luke 10. 20. rejoice not that /. are subject to yow Acts 5. 16. were vexed with aoclean /. were helled 8. 7. for unclean /. crying, came out of many 1 Cor. 12. 10. to another discerning of /. 14. 32. /. of the prophets are subject to the pruph, Eph. 6. + 12. for we wrestle against wicked /. 1 i)m.4.1. depart from faith.givingheed toseduc./. Heb. 1. 14. are they not all ministering /, 12.9.be in subjection to Father of/, sent to minister 23. and to the /. of just men made perfect iPet. 3.19. he went and preached to the /. in prison 1 Johni. 1. try the /. whether they are of God Rev. 16.13. I saw three unci. /. like frogs come out 14. they are the /. of devils, working miracles See Evil, Familiar, Seven. SPIRITUAL. Hot. 9. 7. the prophet is a fool, the /. man is mad Horn. 1. 11. that I may impart to you some/, gift 7- 14. we know that the law is /. but I am carnal 15.27. have been made partakers of their /. thing* 1 Cor. 2. 13. we speak, comparing/, things with / 15. but he that is /. judgeth all things 3.1.1 could not speak to you as unto /.but a^ carnal 9. 11. if we have sown unto yon /. things 10.3. and did all eat the same /. meat 4. drink of the same/, drink, drank of that /. rock 12. 1. now concerning /. gifts, brethren 14. 1. desire /. gifts || 12. ye are zealous of /. gifts 37. if any man think himself a prophet or /. 15. 44. iv 's raised a /. body, there is a /. body 46. that was not first which is /. but that which b natural ; and afterwards that which is /. Ga/.6.1.ye which are /.restore such an one inmetk. Eph. 1. 3. who hath blessed us with all s. blessings 5.19. speaking to yourselves in psalms and/, songs 6. 12. wrestle against /. wickedness in high places Col. 1. 9. that ye might be filled with all /. underst. 3.16. admonish, one another in psalms and/, soni;! IPet. 2.5. are built up a /.house, to offer /. sacrifiie SPIRITUALLY. Rom. 8. 6. but to be /. minded is life and peace ICor. 2.14. nor know them, because are /.discerned Rev. 11.8. which /. is called Sodom aod Egypt SPIT. -E^r. 1 5.8. that hath the issue, /. on him that Is clean Aum. 12. 14. if her father had but /. in her lace Deut. 25. 9. she shall /. in his fa(^e and shall say Job 30. 10. and they spare not to /. in my face Afflf.26.67. they did /.in his face, and buffeted hiu> 27. 30. and they /. upou him and smote him Mark 7. 33. and he /. and touched his tongu* 8. 23. when he had /. on his eyes, he asked him 10. 34. they shall /. upon him and shall kill him 14. 65. and some began to /. on him, 15, I9. SPITE. Psal. 10. 14. for thou beholdest /. to reqaite if SPITEFULLY. Mat. 22. 6. they entreated them /. and slew them Luke. 18. 32. he shall be /. entreated and spitted OD SPHTED. £u*«18.52.he shall be spitefully entreatxd and / oo SPriTING. Isa. 50. 6. 1 hid not mv face from shame and t. SPllTLK. 1 Sam. 21. 13. he let his/, fall down on his beard Jiib 7. 19. let alone, till I swallow down my /. 30. t 10. they withhold not /. from my face Join 9. 6. he made clay of /. and anointed the eve> SPOIL, Substantive. Gen. 49. "7. &nd at night he shall divide the /. Ejod. 15. 9- the enemy said, I will divide the/. A'um. 31. 9. Israel took the /. of their cattle, U 12. and they brought the prey and /. to Mo9eople flew upon the /. and toot sheep 15. 19. but didst 1y upon the /. and didst evil 21. but the people took of the /. sheep and oxen 30. 16. because the great /. that they h«d taken 19. neither /. sor any tlrin|( wo* lacking • j'am. 30 .20 took the flocks aod said, this is Pa7. .. 22. W5 will not eive ihem ouglit of the t. 26. he sent of the t to the elders of J udah and his 'riendi ; behold, a present of the i. of eoemies 2 ■'^^m. ^. 22. Joah brouglit in a great *. with them 12. 30. he brought forth of the t. of Kabbah 2 h'infs 3. 23. now therefore, Moab, to the j. 21. 14. they shall becotne a /. to their enemies 3 CAion. 20. 2. from Kabbah he brought much i. 2CVir.l4.13.Cney carried aw. j.from Ethiopians,14. 15. 11. they offered to Lord at same time of the *. ?0.25. whf n .lehoshaphat came to take the t. they were three days ingatheiioj; the/.it wasso much !4 2.1. the Syrians sent.', to the king of Damascus 26. 13. smote 3000 of them, and took much /. 28. 8. they took machj. and brought «. to Samaria 14. so the armed men left the captives and the /. 15. uith the J. they clothed all that \rere naked Esra g. 7. oar kings have been delivered to a t. Ejth. 3. 13. to take the /. of them foraprey, 8.11. 9- 10. but on the i. laid they not their hand j Joisg. 17. I placked the t. out of his teeth PtaLdBli. stre that tarried^at home, divided the /. II9.IC2. rejoice at thy word, as one fiudeth great/. t'roi. 1. 13. we shall fill our houses with /. 16. 19. than to divide the s. with the proud 31. 11. so (hat he shall have no need of <. Iia. 3. 14. the s. of the poor is in your houses 8. 4. the *. of Samaria shall be taken away 9. 3. and as men rejoice when they divide the t. 10. 6. I will give him a charge to take the s. 33.4. your/, shall be gathered, like the eathering 23. teen is the prey of a great /. divided 45. 2S. they are for a/, and none saith, restore 24 who gave Jacob for a /. .' did not the Lord 53, 12. he shall divide the /. with the strong /"■.i.tl4.i5 Isr.a servant - why is Isr. become a/..' 6.7- violence and /. is heard in her, before me grief 15.13. thy substance and treasures will I give to/. 173. I will give thy substance and treasures to j. 20. 8 since I spake, 1 cried violence and /. 30. 16. and they that /. thee shall be a /. 49. 32. the multitude of their cattle shall be a /. 50. IC. and Chaldea shall be a /. saith the Lord fjet. 7. 21. I will give it to the wicked for a /. 25. 7. Ammonites for a /. |j 26. 5. Tyrus a 1. 12. 26. 19. Nebuchadrezzar shall take /. of Egypt 38. 12.1 will go up to take a /. and to take a prey 13. shall say to thee, art thou come to take a /. <>5.9.0 princes of Israel, remove violence and /. Dan. 11. 24. he shall scatter among them the /. I 33. yet they shall fall by /. many days I Hot. 9. + 6. for lo, they are gone, because of /. Amot 3 . +10. who store up /. in their palaces 5. + 9. that strengtheneth /. against the strong yah. 2. 9. take the s. of silver take the /. of gold Hai. C. 17. the /. of beasts shall cover thee Zec/i. 2. 9. they shall be a /. to their servants 14. 1. thy/, shall be divided in the midst of thee SrOlL, Feri. Exoi. 3. SJ. and ye shall / the Egyptians I Sam. 14.36. and /. them until morning light £ Sam. 23. 10. people returned after him only to /. /■/a/. 44. 10. and they who hale ns/. for themselves 89. 41. all that pass by the way /. him 109. II. and let the stranger /. his labour Prov. 22. 23. will /. soul of those that spoiled them 24. 15. O wicked man, /. not his resting-place Cant. 2.15. take us the foxes that /. the vines Jsa. II. 14. they shall /. them of the east together 17. 14 this is the portion of them that /. us 33. 1. when shalt cease to /. thou shalt be spoiled Ter. 5. 6. a wolf of the evening shall /. them 20 5. I will cive Jerusalem to them that shall /. it 30. 16. and they that /. thee shall he a /. 47. 4. the day that cometh to /. the Philistines 49. 28. go up to Kedar and/, the men of the east 50. 10. all that/, her, shall be satis6ed, soith Ld. tMk. 14. 15. and they /. it, so that it be desolate 32. 12. and they shall /. the pomp of Egypt 39. 10. they shall /. those that spoiled them Woj. 10,2. shall break their altars, sh. /.their images 13.15. he shall/, the treas. of all pleasant vessels Hat. 2.8. all the remnant of the people shall <. thee iieph. 2. 9. the residue of my people shall /. them Mat. 12.29. or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and .'. his goods > Mark 3. 27. Co/ .2.8. beware lest any man /.you thro' philosophy SPOILED. Gen S4. 27. the sons of Jacob came and /. the city 29 they r. all that was in Hamor's house Etod. 1 2. .36. and they /. the Eeyptians Otut. 28. 29. thou shalt be only oppressed and /. J'"'; 2. It. into the hand of spoilers that /. them 16. cut of the hand of those that /. them l&rm. I4.4fl. delivered Isr. from them that /. them 17. IJ. and ihey /. the Philistines' tent» 9 ^I'lf J 7 . 16. Israel /. the tents of the Syrians iChrm. 14. 14. Asa /. all the cities of Gerar JU\i. 17. he leadeth coontellon away /. 574 SPO Job 12. 19. leads princes away /.overthrows mighty Psal. 76.5. the stov hearted'are /. they have slept /'roo. 22.23. and spoil the soul of those that/, them // 42. 22. but this is a people robbed and /. Jtr. 2. 14. is Israel a servant ' why is he /. .' 4. 13. woe unto us, lor we are /. 20. for whole land is /. suddenly my tents are /. 30. and when thou art /. what wilt thou do >. 9- 19. how are we /. .' || 10. 20. my tabernacle is /. 21. 12. and deliver him that is /. 22. 3. 25. 36. for the Lord hath /. their pasture 48. 1. Nebo is /. | 15. Moab is /. and gone, 20. 49. 3. howl, for Ai is /. 10. Esau, his seed is /. 51. 55.. because the Lord hath /. Babylon Euk. 38. 7. and hath /. none by violence, I6. 12. hath oppressed, hath /. by violence, 18. 23. 46. I will give them to be removed and /. 39. 10. they shall spoil those that /. them Uoi. 10. 14. and all thy fortresses shall be/. Amoi 3. 11. and thy palaces shall be /. 5. 9. that strengtheneth the /. against the strong Mic. 2. 4. shall lament, and say, we be utterly /. Ilab. 2. i5. because thou hast/, many nations Zech. 2. 8. he sent me to the nations which/, you 11.2. bowl, because the mighty are /. 3. their glory is /. for the pride of Jordan is /. Col. 2. 15. and having /. principaJities and powers Sl'OlLER. //a.l6.4.be thou acovert from face of /.the /.ceaseth 21. 2. the /. spoileth, go up, G Elam ; besiege Jer. 6. 26, for the /. shall suddenly come on us 15. 8, I have brought upon lUem a /. at noon day 48. 8- iie /. shall come upon every city 18. fvr the s. of Moab shall come upon thee ,32. the /. is fallen upon thy summer fmrts 51, 56. because the /. is come upon Babylon SPOILERS. JuJ^. S. 14. anger of the Lord was hot, and he deli- vered them into the hand of the/. 2 Kings I7. 20. 1 Sam. 13. 17. the/, came out of camp of Philistines 14. 15, the garrison and the /.they also trembled Jer, 12. 12. the /. are come upon all high places 51. 48. for the /. shall come to her from the north 53. yet from me shall /. come to her, saith Lord SPOILKSr. /ja.33. l.woe to thee that /.and thou wast not spoiled SPOILETH. Psal. 35. 10. who delivercst needy from him that /. /ja. 21. 2. the spoHer /. |! Hos.T . I. ironp of robbers/. yah. 3. 16. the canker worm /. and ilieth away SPOILING. Psal. 35. 12. me evil for good, to the /. of my soul /ja.22.4. because of the /. of the daughter of people Jer. 48.3. a voice from Horonaim /. and destruction Hab. 1.3. for /. and violence are before me Ileb.lO.H. forve took joyfully the /. of your goods SPOILS. Josh. 7. 21. I saw among the /. a goodly garment 1 Chinn. 26. 27. out of/, iu battle did they dedicate Jsa. 25. 11. shall bring down their pride with the/. Luie 1 1.22. he taketh his armour and divideth his/. IJii. 7. 4. Abraham gave the tenth of the /. SPOKEN. Oen. 18. 19. Lord may bring what he hath/ of him -Vion. 14. 28. as ye have /. in mine ears, so wiH I do 21. 7. lor we have /. against the Lord and thee 23. 19. hath he /. ana shall he not make it good ? Deu:. 5. 28. I have heard the words they have /. to thee, they have well said all that they have /. 13. 5. because hehaih/. to turn you away from L. 18. 17. they have well /. that which they have /. 1 Sam. 25. 30. the Lord hath done all he hath /. 2 Sam. 2.27 . unless ihou hadst /.people had gone up 14. 19. turn from ought my lord the king hath/. 17.6. Ahithophel hath/, after this manner 1 Kings 2. 23. if Adonijah have not /. this word 12. 9. what counsel give ye, that we m.-iy answer this people who have /. to me ? 2 C/ir, 10. 9. 18. 21. and all the people said, it is well /. 2 h'ings 4. 13. wouldst thou be /. for to the king . JoA 33. 2. behold, my tongue hath /. in my mouth 34. 35 Job hath /. without knowledge and wisdom 42. 7. ye have not /. of me as my servant Job, 8. Psal. 66. 14. my mouth hath /. when in trouble 87. 3. glorious things are /. of thee, O city of God 109. 2. they have/, against me with a lying tongue Prov. 15. 23. a word/, indue season.how good isit ! 25. II. a word fitly ». is like apples of gold Ixcl.T. 21. take no heed lo all words that are /. Cam. 8.8. in the day when she shall be /. for ha. 23. 4. for the sea hath /. |1S8. 15. he hath /. 59. 3. your hands are defiled, your lips have /.lies Jer. 26. 16. he hath /. tons in the name of the Lord "9- -3. and have /. lying words in my name 33.74. con idcrest thou not what this people have /. ♦4.25. ye and your wives have /. with your uioutlu SPO E'ek. IS. 7. have ye not /. a lying divination 8. because ye have /. vanity, ana seen liei Dan. 4. 31. O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee itbx. Uos.7. 13. yet they have /. lies against me 10. 4. they have /. words, swearing falsely Amos 5. 14. Lord shall be with you, as ye have tM.irf.IS.norshouldst thou have/. proudlyiL distre. Mic. 6. 12. the inhabitants thereof have /. lies ^ech. 10 2. for the idols have /. vanity and diviner Mai. .%. 13. what have we /. so much against thee f .1/a/.26.65.high priest saying, he hath /. blasphemy Mark 14.9. shall be /. of for a memorial of her Luke 2.33.marvellid at things which were /. of hna 31. and for a sign which shall be /. agaiast 12. 3. what ye have /. in darkness, what /. in eat 18. 34. nor knew they the things which were /. John 15.22. if I had not come and /. to them .•Jff/3.24.as many as have /. fsretold of these-daya 8. 24. none of these things ye have /. come on me 13. 40. lest that come on you /. of in the prophets 46. the word should first have been /. to you 16. 14. Lydia attended to the things that were /. 19.36. seeing that these things cannot be/, against 23. g. but if a spirit or angel hath /. to him 27. 11. more than those things that were /. by Paul S5. when had thus /. took bread and gave thanks 28. 22. we know that every where it is /. against Rom. 1. 8. your faith is /. of thro' the whole world 4.18. according to that which was /. so thy seed be 14. l6. let not then your good be evil /. of 15. 21. to whom he was not /. of they shall see 1 Cor. 10. 30. why am I evil /. of for that for which 14. 9. how shall it be known what is /..' Hei. 1.2. hath in these la-st days/, to us by his Sod 2. 2. for if the word /. by angels was stedfast 3. 5. for a testimony of those things to be /. after 4.8.he would not afterward have /. of another day 7.13. for he of whom these things are /. pertaineth 8, 1. of things which we have /. this is the sum 12.19.''"reated the word should not be/, any mora 13. 7. who have /. unto you the word of God 1 Pel. 4. 14. en their part he is evil /. of 2 Pel 2. S. the way of truth .shall be evil /. of 3. 2. ye may be mindful of words which were /.be. Jude 15, which ungodly sinners have /. against him 17. remember the words which were /. before SPOKEN with God, eipressty. Oen. 21. 2. at set lime of which God had/, to him Deui. 26. 19. an holy people to thy G. as he hath /, Psal. 60.6. God hath /. in his holiness, 108. 7. 62. 11. God hath /. once, twice have I heard Mat. 22. 31. that which was /. to you by God Acii 3. 21. which God bath /. by his holy propbei. See Lord. I have, or hate I SPOKEN. Cen. 28. 15. I have done which / have /. to thea 41. 28. this is the thing I have /. to Phaiaoh Exod. 32. 13. all this land I have t. of will I giv« 34. lead people to the place of which I have s. 1 &/«. 1. 16. out of my grief have I /. hitherto 3. 12. perform ag. Eli all things which i have t 20. 23. as touching the matter which 1 have /. Job 21. 3. and after that / have 1. mock on 40. 5. once have Is. but I will not answer P/a/.ll6.10. I will walk before L. in land of Uviiig;^. I believed therefore have 1 t. Z Cor. 4. 13. Isa. 45. 19. / have not /. in secret, 48. I6. 46. 11. I have t. it, I will also bring it to pass 43. 15. /, even I, have /. yea I have called him Jer.4. 28. Ih. s. it, I have proposed it, will not rep. 23.21. I have not t. to them yet they prophesied 25.3. Jh.s.to yon rising early,and speaiing,35.14. 30. 2. wTite thee all words / have t. to thee, 36. 2. 35. 7. because I have /. but they have not heard £r«i.l2.28. but word which / have /. shall be done 13. 7. ve say. Lord saith it, albeit / have not /. 26. 5. for / have /. it, saith the Lord, 28. 10. 36.5. surely in the fire of my jealousy Aate //. 6. 38. 17. art thou be of whom 1 haves, in old time 19. for in jealousy and fire of my wrath have 1 1, 39. 8, it is come, this is the day whereof 1 have 1. lios. 12. 10. / have also /. by the prophets John 12.48. the word that I have s. shall judge him 49- for / have not /. of myself but the Father 14. 25. these things Aare /j. 15.11. | 16.1,25,33. 15. 3. ye are clean thro' the word I have /. to yotj 18. 23. if 1 have /. evil, bear witness Had SPOKEN. C,en. 44. 2. according to the word Joseph had /. A'uffl. 23.2. and Halak did as Balaam had /. 1 Km^s 13. 11. told fatherwordshe Aarf/. toking 21.4. which Nahoth the Jezreelite had s. to him 2 Kings 1.17.acc»rdingto word which Elijah Aaii 7. 18. it came to pass as the man of God had /. Lzra 8. 22. because we had /. unto the king Seh. 2. 18. T told also king's words that be had 1. Ksth. 7. 9. Mordecai, who had /. good for the king Job 32. 4. now Elihu had waited tiH Job AaJ .-. Jer.36. 4. Baruch wrote words L. AjV t. by Jen-ni, Dan 10. 11. and when be had t ibu word SPO Pan.lO.'ii. when he kad s. -words, I became dumb 19. when he hjds. unto me, I was strengthened Afaril.42.assoon ashe Aarfi. the leprosy departed 12. 12. for they knew that he Aad 1. the parable against them, and they left him, Luie 20. i'J. I.uke 19. 28. when he had thus t. 24. 40. Jo/ing. 6, I 11.4.3. I 18.22. i4e// 19. 41. | 20. .36. | 26..30 /ii/in 4.50. the man believed word that JeiUi/iads. 11. 13. they thought he had s. of taking rest 11. 19. when he Aad s. this, he saith, follow me .^c/j9. 27. Barnabas declared that he Aarf J. unto him 28. 25. departed, after Paul had s. one word JJti.QAQ. when Moses had s. every precept to peo. SPOKEN with prophet. Deut. 18. 22. but prophet hath s. it presumptuously £.tek. 14. 9. \i prophet be deceived when he hath s. .Var.2.17.what was s, by .Teremy ihe prophet, 37. 9. 23. that it might be fulfilled which was.r. by tbe prophet, be called a Nazarene, 13. .33. | 27.35. 3.3. this is he that was t. of by the prophet Esaias 4. 14. that it might be fulfilled which was s. by Esaias the prophet, 8. 17. ( 12. 17. | 21. 4. -24. 15. when ye shall see the abomination of deso- lation s. of by Daniel the pr(j;»/i(;/, Mark 13.14. Luke 24. 25. to believe all that the prophets have j. .ids 2. 16. this was s. of by the prophet Joel Jam. 5.10, take, my hrethren, prophets who have 3. Thou hast SPOKEN. Gen. 19. 21. this city for the which thou hast s. Eiod. 4. 10. nor since thou hast s. to thy servant 10. 29. Moses said, thou hast s. well, not see S3. 17. I will do this thing ihiit thou hast s. jVum. 4. 17. power of Lord be great, 3s thou hast s. T)eut. 1. 14. the thing which thou hast s. is good Ruth 2. 13. thou hast s. friendly to thine handmaid 2 Sam.6.22. the maid-servants which thou hosts, of 7.19.but thou hast s.&\so of thy servant's house for a great while to come, 25. 1 CAroTz. 17. 17,23. 2 Kings 50. 19- then said Hezekiah to Isaiah, good is the word of Lord which thouhast s.Isa.3g.8. Esth. 6. 10. let nothing fail of all that thou hast s. J06 33. 8. surely //10a hast s. in my hearing Jer. 3. 5. behold, thou hast s. and done evil things 38. 24. and that which thou hast s. is come to pass 4i, 16. as for the words which thou hast s. unto us 51. 62 O Lord, thou hast s. against this plac; £xei. 35. 12. 1 have heard blasphemie; thou !>ast s. SPOKES. 1 Kingif. 33. their felloes and /. were all molten SPOKESMAN. Etod. 4. 16. he shall be thy *. unto the people SPOON. Kum. 7. 14. one s. of ten shekels of gold, full of in- cense, 20, 26, 32, 38,44, 50, 56, 62. SPOONS. Exed. S5. 29- make the dishes thereof and t. 37- 16. he made his dishes and his s. and bowls A~i;ot. 4. 7. and put thereon the dishes and the s. 7- 84. twelve silver bowls, twelve j. of gold, 86. « Kings 7-50. the t. were of pure gold, 2 Chr. ■%. 22. S Kings 25. 14. the .1. took he away, Jer. 52.18,19. 9 Chron.2i. 14. of rest of the money/, were made SPORT. /urfj».l6.25.thatSamson may make /.and he made t. 27. thousand that beheld while Samson made /. Prop. 10. 23. it is a /. to a fool to do mischief 21 . 1 17. he that loveth /, shall be a poor man $6. 19. that deceiveth and saith, am not I in /. .' SPORT. Xfa. 57. 4. against whom do ye /. yourselves ? SPORTING. Oen.i6. 8. Isaac was /. with Ilebekah his wife t Pei.9.13. t. themselves with their own deceivings SPOT. 'Sum. 19. 2. bring thee a red heifer without s. 28. 3. two lambs without /. 9. 11. | 29. 17, 28. Dtut. 32. 5. their /. is not the /. of his children Job 11. 15. thou shalt lift up thy face without /. Can*. 4. 7. thou art all fair, there is no /. in thee Efh. 5.27. a glorious church, not having /. 1 Tim. 6. 14. keep this commandment without/. Hei.9. 14. who offered himselfwithont/. to God I Pet. 1. 19. as of a lamb without /. or blemish 8 Pet. S. 14. that ye may be found without /. oi»< Bright. SPO IT ED. Gen. 30. 32. removing from thence all the /. cattle 33.erery one that is not/, shall be counted stolen 39. the flocks brought forth cattle speckled and /. Jxut 23. hating even the garment /. by the flesh spors. JtT. 13. 23. or can the leopard change his /. T S Pet.i. 13. /. they are ajid blemishes, sporting Jude 12. these are /. in your feasts of charity SPOUSE. Cant. 4. 8. come with me from Lebanon, my /. 9. thou bast ravished my heart, my sister, uiy /. 10. how fair is thy love, my sister, my /. 11. thy lipi, O my /. drop as the honey-comb IS- a garden inclosed is my sister, my /. SPR Ca»<. 5.1. am come into my gardeo.my sister, my /. SPOUSES. llos. 4. 13. and your /. shall commit adultery 14. I will not punish your/, when they commit SPOUTS. See Water-spouts. SPRANG. Marki. 8. and did yield'fruit that /. up, iMke 8. 8 Acts 16. 29. thep he called for a light and /. in lleb. 7- It. for it is evident our Lord /. out of Juda 11. 12. therefore there /.of one so many as the sta's See Sprung. SPREAD. Gfn.33. 19. field where Jacob had /. his teat, 35.21. Lev. 13.5. and the plague /.not in the skin, 6,23,28. 32. and behold, if the scall /. not, 34. 35. but if the scall /. much in the skin, 36, 51. if the plague be /. in agarment, 14. 39, 44. 53. and it the plague be not /. 53. | 14. 48. Kum.i.7. on the table they shall /.cloth of blue, 11. S.they shall /.a scarlet cloth || 13. /.a purple cloth 14. they shall /. on it a covering of badgers' skins Deui. 22. 17. /. the cloth before the elders of city Judg. 8. 25. they /. a garment, and cast in ear-rings 15. 9. then the Philistines /. themselves in Lehi 1 Sam. 4. t 2. and when the battle was /. 2 Sam. 5. 18. the Philistines also came and/, them- selves in vsUey of Rephaim, 22. 1 Chr. 14. 9, 13, 16. 22. they /. Absalom a tent on top of the house 17. 19- woman/, a covering on the well's mouth 21. 10. Rizpah /. sackcloth for her on the rock 1 Kings 6. 32. carved upon them carvings of chera- bims, and /. gold upon cherubims and palm-trees 8. 54. he arose, with his hands /. up to heaven 2 Kings 8. 15. Hazael /. a thick cloth on bis face 19. 14. /. the letter before the Lord, Isa. 37. 14. Psal. 105. 39. he /. a cloud for a covering 140. 5. they have /. a net by the way side Prov. 1.17. surely in vain net is /.in sight of fowler /j«.14.H. worm is /. under thee, worms cover thee 19. 8. they that /.nets on the waters shall languish 33.23. they could not /.the sail, lame take the prey 58. 5. and to /. sackcloth and ashes under him Jer. 8. 2. and they shall /. them before the sun 10.9. silver /.into plates is brought from Tarshish Lam.1 .13. he hath /.net for my feet.turned me back Etei. 2. 10. and he /. the roll before me le. 13. my net also will I /. upon him, 17. 20. 26. 14. thou shalt be a place to /. nets upon J Jot. 5.1. because ye have been a net /. upon Tabor 7. 12. when they shall go, I will/, my net on them 14.6. his branches shall /. his beauty as olive-tree Joel 2. 2. as the morning /. upon the mountains JJai. 1. 8. their horseman shall /. themselves Mai. 2. 3. behold, I will /. dung upon your faces Mat. 21 . 8. and a very great multitude, /.their gar- ments in tbe way, Mark 11. 8. Luke \Q. 36. Acts 4.17. but that it /.no further among the people SPREAD abroad. Gen. 10. 18. familiei of the Can aanites were/. airoflrf 28. 14. thou shalt /. abroad to the west and east Exod. 9. 29. 1 will /. abroad my hands to the Lord 33. Moses j. abroad his hands to the Lord 40. 19. he /. abroad the tent over the tabernacle Let. 13. 7. but if the scab/, much abroad, 22, 27. Num. 11.32. they /. abr. the quails round the camp 1 Sam. 30. 16. they were /. abroad on the earth 2.Sani. 22.43. Idid stamp and t. abroad mine enemies 1 CAron. 14.13. the Philistines /. themselves airoai 2 Chron. 26. 8. Uzziih's name /. abroad, 15. Zech. 1.17. my cities thro' prosperity be /. abroctd 2. 6. I have /. you abroad as the four winds Mat. 9. 31. but they when departed /. abroad his fame in all that country, Mark 1, 28. | 6. 14. 1 Thess. 1. 8. your faith to God-ward is /• abroad SPREAD /orM. Num. 24. 6. as valleys are they e. forth as gardens 1 Kings 8.7. the cherubims s. forth their two wings 22. Solomon t. forth his hands, 2 CArim.6. 12,13. 38. know the plague of his own heart, and t. forth his hands towards this house, 2 Chr, 0. 29. Jia. 1.15. when ye s. forth your hands, I will hide 25.1 1. he shall i. forth hands, as he that swimmeth 42. 5. thus saith God, he that t. forth the earth Liek. 47. 10. they shall be a place to 1. forth nets SPREAD over. A^um.4.6.they shall /. over it a cloth wholly of blue Ruth 3. 9. /.therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid Ua. 25. 7. and the vail that is /. over all nations Jer. 43. 10. he shall /. his royal pavilion over them 48. 40. and he shall /. his wings over Moab 49. 22. and he shall /. his wings over Bozrah £Mi.l6.8. I /. my skirt over thee and covered thee 19. 8. then tbe nations /. their net over him SPREAD out. F.ied. 37. 9- cherubims /. out wings. 1 Chr. CO. 18. Eira 9. 5. I /. out my hands to the Lord my God Job 29. 19. my root was /. out by the waters •37. 18. hast thou with him /. out the sky? Isa. 48. t 13. palm of my hand hath/, out heavens 63. 2. have /. ml my handj to a rebellions people SPR Lam. 1. 10. the adversary hath /. out nis hand Euk. 32.3. I will therefore t. cut my net over the- SPREADEST. £x«*.27-7. fine linen which thou /.forth for thy SPREADETU. I^ev. 13. 8, if the priest see that scab /. in the skiD Deut. 32. 11. as an eagle /. abroad her wings Job 9. 8. God who alone /. out the heavens 26. 9. and be /. his cloud upon it 36. 30. behold, he /. his light upon it, and coveretn 41. 30. he /. sharp-pointed things on the mire Prov.2^.5. a man that flattereth his neighb. <. a nui Jsa.£5. 11. as he that swimmeth/. forth his hai.d; 40. 19. and the goldsmith /. it over with gold 22. that /. the heavens as a tent to dwell in 44. 24. I the Ld. that /. abroad the earth by myielJ Jer. 4. 31. the daughter of Zion /. her hands 17. 8. a tree that /. out her roots by the river /.«»». 1. 17. Zion/. forthher hands, none comfort her SPREADING. Lev. 13, 57. and if it appears, it is a /. plague Psal.^T ■ 35. 1 have seen the wicked /. hiuiself Etek. 17. 6. and it grew, and became a /. vice SPREADING. Exei. 26.5. it shall be a place for the /. of nets SPREADINGS. Job 36. 39. can any understand the /. of the clouds SPRIGS. Isa. 18. 5. for afore harvest he shall cut off the /. Eiek. 17. 6. it became a vine, and shot forth /. SPRING. 2 Kings 2. 21. be went forth to the /. of the waters Prov. 25.26. is as a troubled fountain and corrupt /. Cant. 4. 12, my sister, my spouse, is a /. shut up //a. 58. 11. shalt belike/, of water, whose waters fail H0/.I3. 15. his/. shall become dry and fountain dried SPRINGS. Deut. 4. 49. to the plain under the /. of Pisgah Josh. 10. 40. Joshua smote all the country of the j 12. 8. the kings in the plains and in the /. 15.19. give me/, of water,gave upper/. Judg.\.'i5 Job 38. 16. hast thou entered into the /. of tht sea ? Psal. 87. 7- all my /. are in thee 104. 10. he sendeth the /. into the valleys 107. 33. he turneth the water /. into dry groiind 35. he turneth dry ground into water /. Isa. 35. 7. and the thirsty land become /. of watei 41. 18. I will make the dry land /. of water 49. 10. even by the /. of water shall he guide them Jer.51.36.I will dry up her sea and make her/, drv SPRING. 1 5«/n.9.26.aboat/. of the day Samuel called Saai See Day spring. SPRING. Eiek.\7.g. it shall wither in all the leaves of her /. SPRING. A''Km.21.17. Israel sang, /. up. O well, sing ye to »t r>m/.8.7.and depths that /. out of valleys and hills /i«/j.l9.25.whenthe day began to/, they let her go Job 5. 6. neither doth trouble /. out of the ground 38.27 . to cause bud of the tender herb to /. forth Ptal. 85. 11. truth s'liall /. out of the earth 92. 7. when the wicked /. as the grass lia. 42. 9. before they /. forth, I tell you of them 43. 19. I will do a new thing, now it shall .■ forth 44. 4. they shall /.up as among the grass.as wi.iows 45. 8. and let righteousness /. up together 58. 8. and thine health shall /. fortn speedily 61. 11. as garden causeth things that are sown to / Lord will cause praise to /. forth before nations Jcel2. 22. be not afraid, for the pastures do /. MarJiA. 27. the seed should /. he knoweth not how SPRINGETH. 1 King! 4.33.even to hyssop that /. out of the wall 2 Kings 19.29. je shall eat in the second yeartha; which/, of same, and in a third sow, 7/a..37..30. Hos. 10. 4, thus judgment /. up as hemlock in field SPRINGING. Psal. 65. 10. thou bles^edst the /. thereof SPRlNfilNG. Gen. 26. ip. they found there a well of /. water 2 Sam. 23. 4. as the tender grass /. out of the earth John 4. 14. shall be in him a well of water /. up /i. up, it withered away SPUK. Les. 18. 28. that the land /. you not out also. 20. 22. Ur. 25. 27. drink, /. and fall, and rise no more Ktv. 3. 16. so then 1 will /. thee out of my mouth SPUED. Ltv 18 2iS. as it/, out nations that were before you SPKWING. Ilab. 2. 16. and shameful /. shall be on thy glory SPUN. Zjod.35 25. women brought that which they had /. 35. 26. and i>U the women /. goals' hair SPUNGE. .Ua/.27.48.oneorthem took a/, and filled it witn vi- negar, gave him to drink, Mari 15.36. Jc^Aij ly.Cy. SPV. •VuOT. 12. 16. men which Moses sent to/, land, 17. 21. 30. and Moses sent to /. out Jaazer -Ao/A. 2.1. Josh. sent two men to /. secretly, 6.23,25. Judg. 18. S. the Danitessent to/, the land, U, 1". iHom. 10. 3. David hath sent his servants to/, out the city, and overthrow it, 1 C/iron. 23.3. C Kingi 6. 13. he said, go and /. where he is ijal. 2. 4. who came in privily to /. out our liberty SPIED. Eiod. 8. 11. he /. an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew t AiM{/9. 17. a watchman/, the coiipany of Jehu 13. St. behold, they /. a band of men S3. 16. he/, sepulchres that were there in mount Hee tspY, Espied. SPIES. Gen. 42 Q. Joseph said to them, ye are /. 14.16. 11. we are bo /. 31. |l 30. the man took us for/. 34. then shall I know ye are no i. out true men Num. 21. 1. Israel came by the way of the /. JotH. 6. 23. the young men that were /. went ij Judg. 1 . 24. the /. saw a man come out of the city 1 .Sam. 25. 4. David theref.sent out /.and understood S Ham. 15.10. Absalom sent /. thro' tribes of Israel iMke 20. 20. they watched him and sent forth /. lUb.ll.Zi. when Rabab had received /.with peace SQUARE. 1 A'i»;i7.5.all doors and posts were /.with window Bj4k. 45.2./. round about, and 5t) cubits round ab. See f^OUR-SQUARE. SQUARED. Euk. 41. 21. the posts of the temple were /. SQUARES. ^ Kiek 43,16. twelve broad, square in four /.thereof 17. and fourteen broad in the four /. thereof STABILITY. lia. 33. f,. knowledge shall be the /. of thy times STABLE, Svhiimnlive. Eti. 25. 5. I will Liake Rabbah a /. for camels STABLE. I Cnr. 16.30. World also shall be /. nottoibe moved STABLENESS. I'lal. 37. t 3. in truih and /. thou shall be fed Set Establish, ed, eth. STACKS. Ejod. 22. 6. so that the /. of com be consumed SIACTE. TJiii Greek word siiuijies t.he gum that dittili froM till myn '<-treet. Moses ipeaki of stacte i« Ike etiunieraiton of the drugt that uere It enter into the comyoiilion of the perfume, uhich real to he offered in the holy place upon the golden atiar. The llebiew readj Neleph uhich ii^nifiei liquid myrrh, or the purest anc most laiuaile part of the mt,rrh, ahick.aj iumt think, :iai brought from 11 iy contusion. Som lake it for balm. £/orf.30.34.take to thee sweet spices, /. and onycha STAIF. Cm. 32. 10. with my/. I passed over this Jordan M. Vi she said, give me thy siynet and j. 25. • /tfrf 12. 11. eat it, wiiL your /. ic your ha/il 678 8TA £xin/.21.r9.^^<^ ^f^ again,andwalk abroad od his/. •Num. n. 23. they baxegraprs between two on a/ 22. 27. Ualaam smote the a.ss with a /. Judg. 0. 21. the angel put forth the end of his / 1 Ham. 17. 7. the/, of his spear was like a weaver's beam, one bare a shield before him,2 Snm.'il.lfJ. 40. Uavid took his /. in his hand, and bis sling 2 .b>z»i.3.29.1etthere not fail one that leaneih on a /. 23. 7. he must be feuced with the /. of a spear 21. he went down to hiDi with a/. 1 Chron. 11.23, 2 /\iiigt 4. 29. take my 4. lay "u;" -■ on child's face 31. Gehazi laid Che /. on the face of the child 18. 21. thou trustest on /. of this reed, //a. 36. 6. Pfal. 23. 4. thy rod and thy /. they comfort me Isa. 3. 1. the Lord will lake from Judah the /. 9. 4. for thou hast broken the /. of his shoulder 10. 5. and the /. in their hand is mine indignation 15. or as if the/, should lift up itself as no wood 10. 2i. and shall lift up his /. against thee 14. 5. the Lord hath broken the /. of the wicked 28. 27. but the fitches are beaten out with a /. 30. 32. in everyplace where grounded /. shall pass Jer. 48. 1". say, how is the strong /. broken Eiti. Ct/.6. have been a /. of reed to house of Israel JJos. 4. 12, and their /. declareth unto them Hech. 8. 4. every man with his /. in his hand for age 11. 10. and 1 took my /. even beauty, and cat it 14. then I cut asunder my other /. even bands Mali 6. 8. take nothing for journey, save a /. only Hei. 11.21. worshipped, leaning on the top of bis/. See Bread. STAGGER. Job 12. 2^ to .r. like a drunken man, Ptal. 107. 27. Fsal. oy. 1 1. the Lord reigneth, let the earth /. Isa. 2y. 91. they /. but not with strong drink STAGGERED. lioni. 4. 20. he /. not at the promise of God STAGGERETII. Isa, 19.14. as a drunken man /. in hii vomit STAGGERING. 1 Sam. 25. 131. that this shall be no /. unto thee STAIN. Job 3. 5. let darkness and the shadow of death /. it Isa. 23. 9. Lord purposed to /. the pride of all glory 63. 3. their blood sprinkled, I will/, mr raiment STAlRb. 1 Kings 6. 8. and they went up with winding /. Kings 9. 13. and put it under him on top of the /. AV/1.9. 4. then stood on the /. Joshua and Bani Cant. 2. 14. that art io the secret places of the /. £zei. 43. 17. and his /. shall look towards the east Acts 21. 40. Paul stood on the /. and beckoned STAKES. Isa. 33. 20. not one of the/, shall ever be removed 54. 2. lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy /. STALK. Gen. 41. 5. seven rank ears came up on one /. 22. Jer. 11. 1 19- let us destroy the /. with his bread Hot. 8. 7. it hath no /. the bud shall yield no meat STALKS. Josh. 2. 6. ajod she hid them with the /. of flax SI ALL. Jer. 46. t 21. her hired men like bullocks of /. Amos 6. 4. eat the calves o-it of the midst of the /. A/a/. 4. 2. ye shall (:row up as calves of lae /. Luke 13. 15. on sabbath loose his 01 from the /. STALLS. 1 Kiyigs 4. 26. Solomon had forty thousand /. of horses, and 12,000 horsemen, 2 Chrm. 9. 25. 2 Cnnn. 32. 28. Hezekiah had /. for all manner of beasts, and cotes for flocks Hai. S. 17. although there shall be no herd in the/. STALLED. Pros. 15. 17. than a /. ox and hatred therewith STAMMERERS. Ita. 32. 4. the tongue of the /. shzdl speak plainly STAMMERING, //a. 28. 11 .with /.lips and another tongue will speak 33. 19. thou .ihalt not see a people of a /. tongue STAMP. 2 •Som.22.43. I did /. them as the mire of the street Kxek. 6. 11. smite with thy hand,/, with thy foot STAMPED. Deut. 9-21.1 /. the calf and ground it very small 2 Kings 23. 6. Josiah /. the grove small to powder 15. J. high places small to powder and burnt grove 2 Chron. 15. I6. Asa cut down her idol and /. it Euk. 25. 6. because thou hast /. with the feet Dan.l.T. a fourth beast /. residue with the feet, ig. 8. 7. the he-goat cast down and /. upon the ram 10. it cast down some of stars, and /. upon them STAMPING. Jer. 47.3 at noise of the /.of the hoofs of the horses STANCHIO). Luke 8. 44. immediately woman's issue of bloods. STAND. Ei:k. 29' 7. thou madest their loins to be at a / STAND, f^'eri. F.i.'d. 3.'?. 10. people saw cloudy pillar /. at door X^ir.ST . 14-as prieM tk»U wtiaue it^ shall it / 17 . STA itfum. SO. ■ (ben all her vows shall /. 5. 7, 11. 12.the' ner vows or bond shall not /.her husband Deut. ' J. 5. God hath chosen him to/, to miuista 25. 8 if he /. to it and say, i like not to take her Josh. 20. 4. when he shall /. alenleringgate of city 1 .bam.l2.l6.now/. and see tliis great thing Ld. wil ly. 3. I will go out and /. before my faiher in flel 1 Kings li, II, cloud filled the house, priests coul not /. to uiiuister, because of clouds, 2 C/ir 5. U. 17. 1 . Elijah said to Ahab, a:^ (he Lord liveth, ba fore whom 1 /. 18. 15. 2 Kings 3. 14. | 5. I6 2 Kings 5. 11. I thought he will come out and 4 10. 4. two kings stood not, bow then shall we t..f 1 Chr. 21. 16. David saw the angel of the Lord / 23. 30. to /. every mormug to thank and praise Ld, 2 Chron. 34. 32. he caused all present to /. :o it Ezra 10. 14. let all the rulers of congregation /, Est A. 3.4. to See if Alordecai's matters would /. 8. 11. to gather themselves, and to/, for their lii's Job S. 15. be shall lean on bis house, it shall not /. 19.25. and that he shall /.at the latter day on eanle 38. 14. it is turned, and they /. as a garment I'sal. 38. 11. and my kinsmen /. afar off 45. 9- on right hand did /. queen in ([old of Ophir 78. 13. and he made the waters to /. a< an hi^a? 102. t 26. they shall perish, but thou shall /. 107. t 25. he maketh to /. the stormy wio4 109. 6. and let SataLU /. at his right haud 31. he shall /. at the right hand of the poor 122, 2. our feet shall /. within thy gates, U Jerus. 130, 3. if mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall t.f Prov, 12.7. but the house of the righteous shall /, 19. 21. nevertheless counsel of the Lord shall/. 25. 6. and /. not in the place of great men Eccl.&.i. /.not in an evil thing, he doeth what Isa. 7. 7. thus saith Lord God, it shall not /. 8. 13. ll.lO.shall be a root of J esse, shall /. for an 14. 24. and as I have purposed, so it shall /. 21. 8. my Lord, I /. continually on watch-tower 28. 18. and your agreement with hell ahali wjf, t 32. 8. and by liberal things shiill he /. 40. 8. but the word of our God shall /. for ever 46. 10. eounsel shall /. and I will do all my pleas. 47. 13. /. now with thine iuchactm. and sorceries 61. 5. and strangers shall /. and feed your flocks Jer. 6.16. /. ye in the ways and see, ask for old p&lhs 44. 28. know whose word shall /. mine or theirs 40. 21. did not /. because day was come on them Eiek. 17. 14. but by keeping of his cot. it might/. Van. 2. 44. and the kingdom shall 1. for ever 11. 6. king of the north shall not /. nor his ftna 25. but t:i* king of the south shall not /. Amos 2. 15. nor shall he /. that handleth the b Jer. 7. 10. come and s. before me in this house 15. 19. if thou return, thou shalt t. before me 35. ly. ,loM.-id;ib shall not want a man to s. be/', me 40.t 10.) will dwell at Mizpah, to s. before (Jhald. 49. 19. who is like me ? who will appoint ' who is that shepherd that will t, before me ? 50. 41. Dan. 1. 5. that at the end they might s. before king H. 4. so that no beasts might /. before him 7. there was no power in the ram, to j. before him 11.16. none shall x. before him, he shall stand JVa/t. 1.6. who can s. before his indignation.' /jute 21.36. and worthy to s. before the Son of man Sum. 14. 10. all sliall x.Af/o;* judgment-seat of Chr. 1iev.i0.l'.l. I saw dead small and great /. before G. STAfiU by. Gen. 24.4^ behold I s. by the well of water ( gate of I^ord's house and proclaim 14. 6. the wild aises did x. in the high places 17. 19-x.i" the gate of the children of the people 26.2. X. in the court of the Lord'shousp and speak tzek. 13. 5. ye have not gone up to x. in the battle 22 .30. that should x. in gap before me fr)r the land 44.24. in controversy they shall x. in judgment J)an. 1 . 4. as had ability in them to s. in king's pal. H. 16. awl he shall x. in the glorious land 12.1:i.and shallx.in thylot at the et>d of the days Zech. 14.4. feet X. in that day on Mount of Olives tJat. 24. 15. when ye see abom. x. in holy place i.uke 1.19. 1 amCabri'l.that r. in presence ofCJod 1 Co;-. 2. 5. your faith should not j. in wisdom of men Cr<2/.4.20.tochange my voice, for I x.indoubt of you STA N D on. Etoii. 17. g. to-morrow I will x. on top of the hill 2 Kinss6- 31. if the head of Klisha shall x. on bim Xlnn.l 1.17. she shall notx. on his side nor be for him 3 1. arms shall x.nn his pan, pollute the sanctuiuy Jicv. 15.2. X on sea of glass, having the harps of U. .STAND out. Pxa/. T3.7-theireyf«x. out with fatness, have more S'i'A N D perfect. Cp/.4.1S. miys.feiftct and complete in will of G 377 STA STAND tiill. Etod. 14. 13. Moses said, fear ye not, /. stilt and see the salvation of God, 2 Chron. 20. 17 .Vm»).9.8. X. ttitl, 1 will hear what L.will command Joih. 3. 8. that bear ark, ye shall x. siiU in Jordan 10. 12. sun s.siitl upon Gibeon, and moon in Aj;ilon 1 iiajn. 9. 27. X. thou mil a while, that 1 may shew 12. 7- now 1. tiill that I may reason with you 14. 9. then we will x. sltll >n our place and not go .lob 37. 14. X. still and consider the works of God Jer. 51. 50. ye that have escaped sword s. not mil .ictiii.sa. eunuch commanded the chariot to x. xo// STAND strong. I'sal. 30. 7. thou hast made mountain to x. strong SI AND there. Num. 11. 16. that tney may x. there with thee Ueui. 18. 7. as Levites whox therebefom the Lord Jam. 2. 3. and say to the poor x. thou there STAND together, lia. 50. 8. let us s. together, who is mine adver;ary SI AND up. Exod. 9- + 16. for this cause I made thee tox. up Seh. 9.5.x. up and bless Lord your God for ever Job 30. 20. 1 X. up, and thou regardest me not 33. 5. set thy words in order before me, x. up Pial. 35. 2. take hold of shield, x. up for my lielp 94. 16. who will X. up for me against the workers tcil. 4. 15. with child that shall x. up in his stead Isa. 27. 9- the groves and images shall not x. ujj 44. II. let them x. up yet they shall fear 47. 13. let the monthly prognosticators x. up 48. 13. when 1 call to them, they x. up together 51. 17. awake, awake, x. up, O Jerusalem Ezek. 31. 14. nor their trees t. up in their height Dart, 8.22. four kingdoms shall s. up out of nation 23. 3, king of fierce countenance shall x. up 25. he shall also x. up against prince of princes 11.2.behold, there shall x. up three kings in Persia 3. and a mighty king shall x. up and shall rule, 4. 7- oat of a branch of her roots shall one x. up 14. many shall t. up against king of the south 20. then shall x. up in his estate a raiser of taxes 21. and in his estate shall x. up a vile person 12 1. and at that time shall Michael x. up I\ah. 1. + 6. whos.up in the fierceness of his anger -■lets 10.26. Peter said, x.»(/(, I myself also am a man SI AND upon. Exod. .33. 21. Lord said, thou shalt s. upon a rock Deut. 27. 12. these shall i. upon mount Gerizim 13. these shall x« upon mount Ebai to curse Josh. 3. 13. and they shall x. upon&n heap 2 Ham.l.ij. Saul said, x. -.ipon me, pray thee slay me 1 h ingt ly. 11 . X. upon the mount before the Lord Ezek. 2. 1. son of man, t. upon thy feet, /Jc^x 26.16. 27. 29. the pilots of the sea shall x. upon the land 33. 26. ye x. upon sword, ye work abominations 47.10.fishe»shallx.u/».it from En-gedi to I'.neglaim Dan. 7. 4, a.it made /. upon the feet as a man 8. + 18. and he "aide me x. upon my standing IJai. 2. 1. 1 willx. f.p-)n my watch, set me on tower Zech. 14. 12. flesh consume, while they x. upon feet Kcv. iO. 5. aogel 1 saw x. upon sea, lift, up his hand STAND upright. Psal. 20. 8. but we are rissn and t. upright Dan. 10.1 1 . O Daniel, understand words, x. upright Acts 14.10. he said to the crippU, t.upnght on leit STAND uilh. Num. 1. 5. names of the men that uiill s. tcith you STA N D withimt. Ezra 10. 13. and we are not able to j. without A/u/. 12.47.1. aii/Z/uu^desiringtospeaX, /,uXe8. 20. Luke 13. 25. ye begin tox. uithout, ami to knock STANDARD. Num. 1. 52. and every man by his ownx. 2. 2, I7. 2. 3. on the east-side shall the x. of Judah pitch 10. on the south-side shall be the x. of Keuben IH. on the west-side shall be the x. of Epliraim 25. on the north-side shall be the x. of Dan 10. 14. in the first place went the x. of Judah y.ta. 49- 22. behold, 1 will set up my x to [leople 59. ly. the Lord shall lift up a x. against him 62. 10. go through, lift up a x. for the p. oplc Jer. 4. 6. set up x. toward /ion, retire, stay not 21. how long shall I see the x. and hear trumpet 50. 2. set ye up a x. in the land, 51. 12, 27. SI AN DAUD-HLAUKK. 7xfl.l0.18.they shall he as when a s.-bearer fainteth SlANDAItDS. Num. 2.31. Dan .shall go hindmost with their x. 34. so they pitched by their x. and set forward SIANDEST. Go«i tao years old and under, ac- cording to the tim^ that the Maj^i had shewed him. Mat 2. 16. Olherx will have it, that I'iad. 4. though thou set thy nest among the s. the star did 710I arise till the momtnt 0/' our i it«X.e2l.25. there shall be signs insun, moon, aiidf Saviour's l/irth ; and these are yet divided; for .da.< 'Zl. 20. when neither sun nor s. appeared some think that the Magi did not arrine at 1 tor. 15. 41. and another glory of j. for one star Betii-lehem till tw ■ years after the birth of lieb. 11. 12. somany of j. of the sky inmuhiiude STA ihtir resolviiou. iMstly, the generality will have it, that the JIagi saw it for the greatest part of their journey, and that it disappeared to them only when, they arrived at l^nisalem; then they found themselves under a r.ecasity uf inquiring, where ihty might find the uew-borrt ^'ng of tfie Jews By stars are sometimes meant the princes and no bles of a kingdom Dan. 8. 10. I-'asiors or ministers of ihe gospel, who ought 10 thine like stars lit respect of Ihe brightness and purity of their lives and doctrine, are also called stars. Rev. 1. 20. In Job .■JU. 7, the angels are called Stars, who joined together in extol iing and praising Cod Sor Jiis wonderful uo't of creation. By day-star, 2 Pel. 1. IQ, is meant either a more full, clear, and explicit knowledge oj Christ, and the mysteries of the gospel, which in comparison if the dark shadows and prophet- ical writings, was a morning-star, bringing a fuller manifestation of the truths of Ood, than Ihe prophets did, whose predictions a'e now accomplished. Oi , by day-star may be understood that full and perfect knowledge which believers shall have, when in heaven they shall see God face to face ; and this day if opposed to the whole time of this life, which, notwitlistanding of all endeavours after know ledge, may be called a night of error and ig noranee. S'um. 24 17 there shall come a s. out of Jacob Amos 5. 2b. but ye have burne the /. of your god Mat. 2. 2. for we have seen his s. iu the east 7 Herod enquired of them what time j. appeared 9. lo, J. which they saw in east, went before them 10. wlien they saw s. they rejoiced with great joy Acts!. 43. ye took up the s. of your god Remphau 1 Cor. 15. 41. one f.differeth from another j. in glorj liev. 8. 10 there fell a great s. from heaven, 11, tj, 1- a-t, fell from heaven unto the earth Day-STAK. S Pel., L 19> till the days arise in your hearts Morning STAR. ReiK 2.28. and I will give him the morning s 22. 16. I am the bright and morning s. STAR-GAZERS. Isa. 47. 13. let the s.-gaiers stand up and save thee STARS. Gen. 1. 16. God made two lights, he made s. also 15. 5. tell the J. if thou be able to number them 37. 9- suo,u.oon, and eleven s. made obeisance Ueut. i.ig.vhen seest.s. should be driven to worship Judg. 5. 20. the s. in their courses fought ag. Sisera \eh. 4. 21. from the morning till the s. appeared Job 3. 9. let the s. of the twilight thereof be dark y.7- who commandeth sun, and sealeth up the s. 22. 12. behold height of the j. how high they are 25. 5. yea, the s. are not pure in his sight 38. 7. when the morning *. sang together Psal. 8. 3. moon and s. which tnou bast ordained 13tj. 9. the moon and s. to rule by night 147.4. he telleth number of the s. he calleth them 118. 3. praise him, sun, ncoon,allye /. of light Eccl. 12.2. while the sun or j. be not darkened Isa. 14. 13.1 w ill e.\alt thy throne above s. of God Jer. 31. 35. giveth the s, for a light by night Lzek. 32. 7. 1 will make the s. thereof dark Van. 8. 10. it oast down some of the s. to ground 12. 3. they shall shine as the s. forever and ever Joel 2. 10. s. shall withdraw their shining, 3. 15. our Sanwur. Others make them arrive there thirteen diys after his birth; aid that they might mike ihe greater haste, thry assign them dromedaries to ride ujion. There are those that think that the star appeared from the mo- ment of Christ's incarnation, or even from the conception of John the Baptist. But the ex- act time of their departure is not fixed ; though most have agreed thai me day of their arrival at Beth-lehem should be on the thirteenth day from our Lord's birth. "Xhere are still some difficulties started, whether this star was seen by every body, or only by the Magi. Some tnink thai every body saw it, that all people were witnesses of this pheno- menon ; that some, not knowing the mystery of It, contented themselves to wonder at it ; and that It was to the Magi only that Uod re- vealed the signification of it, and gave them an inclination to follow it. Others, on the con- irarv, believe that Jew people saw it ; that the Magi themselies only saw it by fits, and from lime to time, when it was necessary 10 them as a guide, and to encourage them to y^itvere in June 13. those are raging waves, wandering i.whoDtt Hev. 8. 12. t;ie third part of the s. was smitten 12. 1. and apon he. head a crown of twelve s. See H&.tvEN, Seven, STATE. Psal.3Q.5. ev. man at his best j. is altogether vanity Alal. 12. 45. seven spirits more wicked, the Imis. of that man is worse than the first, Luke 11. 26. See Estate. STATELY, i'.'ifj|:.23.41.sattest upon a s.bed and table prepared STATION- 2 Chron. .35. f 15. sons of Asaph were in tlicir s. Isa. 22. 19. I will drive thee from thy s. ajd state STATUR.E. Xum. 13. 32. the people we saw are men of great s 1 Sam. 16. 7. look not on the height of his s. 28. t 20. Saul fell wiOi the fulness of his s. 2 Sam. 21. 20. a man of great s. with six fitrjers and with six toes, 1 Chron. 11 '.;». | 20.6. Cant. 7.7. this ihy-f. is like a palm-tree and breast" Isa. 10. 33. the high ones of s. shall be hewn down 45. 14. men o*^ ;• shall come over unxo tjicir STA Tici. 13. 18 maVe kerchiefs on head of every i. 17.6.it grew and became a spreading vine of low /. Ji) 11 her J. was exalted among thick branches ^1 3 the Assyrian was a cedar of an high s. ^a/.6. 27 not add one cubit to his J. Luie ll.C^ Luke 2. 52. Jes. increased in wisdom and }. in fav. 19. 3 Zaccheus little of j. climbed up to see Jesus Eph- 4. 13. measure of the s. of fulness of Christ STATUTE. Etod 15. 25 there he made a s. and ordinance 29-9 priests' office shall be theirs for perpetual s. Lev 5 17 aperpetuaU. 16.34. | 24.9. -Vk/h.19.21. Hum 27.11 it shall be tor a J. of judgment, 35. 29. Josh 24. 25. and he set them a s. in Shecheoi 1 Ham. 30.25. David made it a i. for Isr. tothis day Psai. 81 4. for this was a s. for Israel and a law Dan 6.7 captains consulted to establish a royal f. 15. that DO s king establisheth may be changed STAJUTES. Eiod. 18. 16 I do make them know the s. of God Lav 10 11 that ye may teach Israel all the s. Sum 30. 16. these are the s. the Lord commanded Dent 4.6 which shall hear all these s. and sayings 6. 24. the Lord commanded us to do all these s. 16 12. and thou shale observe and do these s. 17. 19. that he may learn to keep these J. to do them I Kings 3.3. walking in the t. of Di?id his father ZKingsiy B. and walked in j. of the heathen, ig. 34. neither do they after their s. or ordinances 37. the s. he wrote, ye shall observe to do E C/iron. 33. 8. that they take heed to do the x. A'«/i. 9. 14. thou commandest them s. and lavvs Psai. 19.8. s. of Lord are right, rejoicing the heart Eiei. 20. 25. I gave them s that were not good 33. 15. if the wickea walk in the t. of life lUic.6.16. forx. of Omriare kept and works of Ahab See Stature for Ever. Uis STATUTES. Exod 15.26 if thou wiltgiveeartohiscommandm. and keepalUiVx. Deut.6. 17. | 10. 13. | 11.1. Deut. 27 . 10. shall dn /itt t. which I command thee 28. 15. if thou wilt not obser^-e to do /lis s. S 5am. 22. 23. Ais s. I did not depart from them 1 A'ln^jS 6l.let your hearts be perfect to walk inA.s. •Ih'ings 17.15. they rejectedAij s. and his covenant 23. 3. made a covenant tc keep his s. 2 Chr. 34.31. Etra7 11 to Ezra even a scribe of Ai> J. to Israel Ptal. 18. 22 I did not put away Ms s from me 105. 45. that they might observe his s. and laws fer. 44. 23. nor walked in his law, nor in his t. See Judgments. My STATUTES. Gen 26. 5. because Abraham kept my s and laws Lev. 18. 5. ye shall theref. keep my j. 26. | IQ. I9. 25. 18 yeshalldomj^x. 1|26. 3. if ye walk in mvx. ?6.15. if ye despise my X. ||43. they abhorred mus. 1 Kings :i. 14. if thou wilt keep my J. ju David did 9.6. will notkeepmyj.il 11. 11 hast not kept my J. 11. 34. he kept my X. |]2 Kings 17. 13. keep my j. 2 Chron. 7. 19. if ye turn away, and forsake my s Psal. 50. 16. what hast thou to do to declare my J 69-31. if they break my X. keep not commandments Jer 44. 10. neither have they walked in /ny t. Ezek. 5. 6. hath changed mys. more than na'.ions 7. Ld. saith, because ye have not walked in my s. 1 1. 20. they may walk in my s. and do them 18. 19. when the sun hath kept all my s. 36. 27 and I will cause you to walk in mv s. Zech. 1. 6. my 1. did take hold of your fathers Thy STATUTES. lC7ir.29.19- give him a perfect heart to keep r/iyx. Psal. 119. 12. blessed art thou O Lord, teachme thy t. 26, 33, 64, 68, 124, 135. 16. I will delight myself in thy s. not forget word 23. but thy servant did meditate in thy t. 48 and I will meditate in thy s. 54. thy s have been my songs in my pil^irimage 71 I have been afflicted, that I might learn thys. 80. let my heart be sound in thy x.bc not ashamed 83. I am like a bottle, yet do 1 not forget thy s. 112. 1 inclined my heart to perform thy s. alway 117 I will have respect to tAy j.contiiinally 118. hast trodden down them that err from tkxi s. Ibo. for the wicked seek not thy s. 17 1 ■ my lips praise, when thou hast taught thy s. STAVES. Esod 25. IS. thou sh alt make *. of shittim-wood and overlay with gold, 28. |27.6. |30. 5. | .37. 4. 14. putx. into rings, 15. | 27. 7. | 37. 5. | .iH. 7. 37- 15. he madex.of shittim-wood, 28. | 38.5. 40. 20. he set t. on tbe ark and put mercy-seat Afam.4. 6. they shallputin* thereof, 8, 11, 14. CI . 18. nobles of the people digged with their s. I -Sam. 17 .43. am I a dog,tnat oomest tome with s. .' I Chron. 15.15. the Levites carried the ark with s. Hah, 3. 14. thou didst strike through with his t. Zech. 11.7. 1 took unto me two». I fed the flock \Iat, 10. 10. nor take two coats nor t. Luke 9. 3. £6. 47. Judas came and with him a great multi- tuae with t, from chief priests, ]ilaTk 14. 34. 5?d STE I Mat 26. 55. are ye come as ag.thiefwith swords and 1 s. for to take me .' Mark 14. 48. Luke 22. 53 SIAY. Lev. 13. 5. behold, if plague in his sight be at a s. 37. but if the scall in his sight be at a x. 2 Sam. 22. 19- but the Lord was my/ Ptal. 18.18. Ua. 3. 1. the Lord doth take away the s. and staff, the whole s. of bread, and the whole t. of water 19. 13. even they tLat are the s. of tribes thereof 1 Tim.Z.i 15. church of God, pillar andf. of truth STAYS. 1 Kings 10. 19- there was s. on either side throne ; two lions stood beside the s. 2 Chr. 9. 18. Jer. 50. 1 36. a sword is upon the chief t. STAY. Gen. 19. 17. neither s. thou in all the plain, escape Exod. 9. 28. I will let you go, ye shall s. no longer Lev. 13. 23. if bright spot s. in his place, 28. Josh. 10. 19. s. not, but pursue after your enemies Ruth 1.13. would ye /.for them for having husbands 1 Sam. 15. 16. /. and I wilUtell thee what Lord said 20. 38. Jonathan cried, make speed, haste, s. not 2 .Sam. 24. I6. /. now thine hand, 1 Ckr. 21. 15. Job 37.4. he will not /.them when his voice is heard 38. 37. or who can /. the bottles of heaven PsaL 59- i 15. let them wander for meat if they be not satisfied, then they will /. all night Prov. 28. 17. shall flee to pit, let no man /. him Cant. 2.5./ me with flagons, I am sick of love Isa. 10.20. shall no more /. on him that smote him -9.9-f. yourselves and wonder, cry ye out and cry 30. 12. because ye trust, and j. on oppression 31. 1. woe to them /. on horses, trust in chariots 48. 2. for they/, themselves on theGod of Israel 50. 10. let him trust in Lord, and /. on his God Jer. 4. 6. /. not, for 1 will bring evil from north 20. 9. I was weary with forbearing, I could not /. Dan, 4. 35. none can/, his hand, or say unto him Hos 13. 13. not /. in the place of breaking forth STAYED. Gen. 8. 10. and Noah /. yet other seven days, 12. 32. 4. with Laban, and 1 have/, there until now Eiod. 10. 24. only let your flocks and herds be /. 17. 12. and Aaron zmd Hur/, up Moses' hands Num. 16.48. stood between dead Jind living, plague was /. 50. I 25.8. 2 Sam. 24. 25. PsaL 106.30. Deut. 10. 10. I /. in mount forty days and nights Josh. 10. 13. and sun stood still, and the moon/. 1 Sam. 20. 19. and when thou hast /. three days 24.7. David /. his servants with these words 30. 9. where those lUat were left behind /. 2 .Sam. 17. 17, now Jonathan /. by En-rogel 24. 21. that the plague may bej. 1 Chron. 21. 22. 1 Kings 22. 35. the king was-f .np in his chariot, and died, and blood ran into the chariot, 2 Chr 18. 34. 2 Kings 4.6. there is not a vessel more, and oil /. 13. 18. smite on ground, and he smote thrice, and /. 15. 20, the king of Assyria /. not in the land Joi 38. 11. and here shall thy proud waves be /. Isa, 26. 3. wilt keep him whose mind is /. on thee Lam. 4. 6. that was overthrown, no hands/, on her ftek. 31. 15. and the great waters were /. Hag. 1.10. heaven is /. the earth is /.from her fruit Luke 4. 42. the people came to him and /. him Acts 19. 22. but he himself /. in Asia for a season STAYETH. Isa. 27.8. he /. his rough wind in aday of east-wind Jer. 48. 1 30. those on whom he /. do not right STEAD. Gen. 2. 21. he closed up the flesh in / thereof 4. 25. God appointed me another seed in /. of Abel 22. 13. Abraham offered the ram in /. of his son 30.2, am I in God's /. Ij 44. 33. abide in /.of the lad Etod.i.16. he shall be tnj spokesman, he shall be to thee in /. of a mouth ? shall be to him in /. of God 5.12. people scattered to gather stub. in/, of straw 29. .30. that son that is priest in his /. Lev. 16. 32. Num. 3.12. I have taken tne Levites in /.of all first- born, the Levites shall be mine, 41. 45. j 8. 16. 41 . cattle of the Levites in /. of cattle of Isr. 45 5. 19. with another in /. of thy husband, 20. £9. 10. 31. and thou mayest be to us in /. of eyes .32. 14. behold, ye are risen up in your father's /. Deut. 2. 12. the children of Esau dwelt in their/. 21. the Ammonites dwelt in their /. 22. 23. 10. 6. Eleazar Aaron's son ministered in his /. . Josh. 5. 7. their children whom he raised in their/. Judg. 15. 2. take, 1 pray, her sister in /. of her 2 60m. 16. 8. Saul, in whose /. thou hast reigned 17.25. he made Amasa captain in /. of Joab 1 Kings 1. 30. Solomon shall sit on my throne in my /. 35. sit on my throne, for he shall be king in my /. I 3.7. Lord, thou hast made me king in /. of David I 14. 27. Hehoboam made in their/, hrasen shields 2 Kings 17. 24. placed in cities of Samaria in /.of Isr. \Lsth. 2. 4. let her be queen in /. of Vashti, 17 \Joi 16. 4. if your soul went in my soul's /. STE \Jobyi 40. if my land cry against ttee, let tljistla grow in 5 of wheat, and cockle in /. of barley 33. 6. behold, I am accord, to thy wish in God's & 31. 24. and he shall set others in their /. Psai 15. 16. in/, of thy fathers shall be thv childiea Prov. 11.8. and the wicked cometh in Bis / Eccl. 4. 15. with the child that shall stand up in his i //a. 3. 24.it shallcome to pass that in /.of sweet smell there shall be stink, in/, of a girdle a rent 55. 13. in /. of the thorn shall come up fir-tree, and in /. of the brier shall come up myrtle-tree Eiek. 16. 32. who taketh strangers in /. of her hosb Hos. 1. + 10. in /. of that where it was said to them 2 Cor. 5.20. we pray you inChrist's /.be ye reconciled PitiVi. I6. 12. | 21. 2GL His posterity the Ishmaelites followed ih» example of their father, and, as some affirm, made no scruple to rob upon the high-way. When the Israelites were just upon the point of departing out of Egypt, they borrowed tf then' 1 gvptian neighbours, valuable garments, vessels of !;old and silver, and carried them along wil/l them into the wtldernes:. Exod. 11. 2, 3 Speak now in the ears of the people and Ui STE tveiy man borrow of his neighbonr, aod every \rotnan of her neighbour, jewels of silver, and jewels of pold. And the Lord gave the peo pie favour in the sight of the Egyptians. // ts iupiired, ahether the Hebrews could luvfuUy iorrow theit i/iings of the Egyptians, tehich they had no intention lo restore to them asiav vhelher ihit uas not to commit a manifeil theft and injustice f Commentators giie seve- ral answers to this question. Some say, that Vfon this occasion, God plainly dispensed zcith that law ; iy ahich he had ohliied the Hebrews net to commit anu theft ; or rather, that ieing the absolute Master of every ihiu;, he trans- /erred to the Hebrews thai right that the E5yptians had to these things. Others irninuale another reason, irhich is, that God would re- compfnse the IIebrews/i>r the labov, that they had vfered in Egypt, and alloied them to pay themselves bv their ozcn hands, by detaining uhat they borrowed of the Egyptians. This tcav of paying one's self cannot be alloiced re- gularly ; but in these circnmslances, having no otiur way of doing themselves justice, and being anthorized by the express command of God, they might have recourse to this expedient, t-thers look uptn this, not as a theft, but as a fail booty got in a just tear. The Egvptians uere enemies to the Hebrews ; then had unjustly persecuted them far a long time, and took from them the means of defending themselves, and of recovering their liberty : They might there- fore taufully deprive them of their goods by a uile, and a kind of stratagem, by pretending tc borrozc of ihem uhat they never intended to return. Jiome here distinguish betaeen such Israelites oho acted in the simplicity of their hearts, and sincerelv obeyed the commands of God, and those that followed the motions of their own covetous desires. The first are eicused from sin iy the uprightness of their intentions, but not the second, tcho toere ready enough lo rob the Egyptians, if they could do it with impunity even though God haa not allowed them to bor- row any thing from them. Others observe, that the Egyptians were ir,debted lo the Hebrews, not only for their goods, but for their lives also, because of the beneiits they had received fiom tlu Patriarch Joseph, when they were under the greatest necessity. The Israelites cere unjustly oppressed by a cruel slavery in Egypt: T/i« Egyptians eier- cised all kinds of violences against them, and oreruhelmed them with calamities, eten lo the rendering their lives uneasy lo them. The Hebrews had built them cities, and had veil/ much improved the riches of these inhuman ma'ters ; who, instead of acknowledging these sei I Iff J, intended even to lake away their lives from Ihem. What injustice therefore could there be, if the Israelites should take again a small part of that vhich ihey had procured for the Egyptians ? And if they should receive small recoinpence for so many services ihey had done them t They cane poor out of Egypt, uhfreas they ought to have got much riches together, if they had not been reduced into an unjust servitude: And, just as a freeman, who had been stolen auay and sold for a slate, might, without injustice, set himself at liberty, and pay himself for his labour, by taking from his master a small reward for his service: Ho the Israelites, at their departure out of Egypt, might receive something as a recompeme, since a great deal was due to them. Gen. .Tl . 27. wherefore didst thou t. away from nie 44. 8. how then should we /. silver and gold ' Liod. 20. 15. thou 5h»lt not /. Lev. 19. 1 1. IJeui. 5. 19. Mat. 19. IB. Horn. 1.1. y. tQ. 1. if a man j. an ox, he shall restore five 9 Sam. 19. 3. as people *. away when flee in battle Prov.6. ."id. if he /.to satisfy his soul whenhuiigry 30.9.or lest 1 be poor and /. and take name of God Jtr. 7. 9- *■'" je '• iLurder, and couimit adultery 23. 30. 1 am acainst the prophets that J. my words Vat. 6. 19. and where thieves break thro' and 1. CO. where thieves do not break thro' nor *. f? fii. lesl his disciple.t come and /. him away .Uork 10. 19. do not kill, do not s. Luke 18. CO. Jthn 10. 10. the thief conieih not, but for (o j. Po/n c.Cl.that preoch. man should not j.dost thou j. l-ph. 4.28. lel him that stole /. no mere, but labour STEALERS. 1 lim. 1. 10. but the law was made for men-/. STEALETH. Err^. 21. 16. he that /. a man and selleth .lim •'•* 21 t 18. and as chaff that the stnrm s. «way 27. 20. a tempest 1. him away in the night Zecb 5. 3. fi 13. S7 thou puttesl my feet also in the / 33 II. he putteth inv f<-el in s. maketh my paths Prov. 7. 22. OT as a fool to the correction of the / /ff. 3.9. she committed adultery with stones and / Ml Jer. 20. 2. then Pashur put Jeremiah in the /. 3 29. 26. that thou shouldst put him iu prison and s. IJos. 4. 12. my people ask counsel at their s. .-Ids 16. 24. w'ho made their feet fast iu the a. GAZING-SrOCK. A'a/i. 3. 6. and I will set thee as a gazing-s. Ue/i.lO.Si.ye were made 2.^azing-s. by reproaches STOICKS H'ere a sort of heathen philosophin, who took their name from the Greek word Sroa, siz nifving a porc/i or entry, because Zcno, the head <^' Me Stoics, kept hts schvl in n jiurch of the citv 'f Athens. They held, that a viise mnu ought 10 he free from all paiSions, never to he moved either u-ith joy or grief, esteeming all things to be ordered by an inevitable necessity and fate. Josephus soy.?, that the Pharisees approach very near to the sentiments of the Stoics. They affected the same stiffness, pa- tience, apathy, austerity, o7id insensibility. The sect of the Stoics uias still considerable at Athens, ahen St. Paul came thither, stxce he had conferences aith them. Acts 17. 18. STOLE. Gen. 31. 20. Jacob /. away unawares to Laban iSam. 15. 6. so Absalom /. the hearts of Israel 2 Kings 11.2.Jehosheba/. Joash from amongking's sons, they hid him from Athaliah, 2 C/iruw. 22.11. Mat. 28. 13. his disciples /. him while we slept Eph. 4. 28. let him that/, steal no more, but labour STOLEN. Gen. 30. 33 that shall be counted / with me 31. 19 and Rachel had /. her father's images, 32. 26. that thou heist /. away unawares to me 30. yet wherefore hast thou /. my gods > 39.didst require it.whether/. by day, or /.by night 40. 15. indeed I was /. away out of the land Eiod. 22.7. if the stuff be /. out of the house 12. if it be /. from him, he shall make restitution Joah.T. II. they have /. and dissembled also 2 Sam. 19. 41. why have men of Judah/. thee away 21. l2.themenof Jabesh had /. the bones of Saul Prov.fj.l'.s. waters are sweet, bread eaten in secret 04arf,5.would they not have /.till they had enough.' STOMACH. 1 Tim. 5. 23. but use a little wine for thy «. Sake STOMACHER. Isa 3 24. instead of a /. a girJinj of sackcloth STONE Is a mineral well known, of mhich there are d> vers kinds. As to the precious stones, or gem.\, of which mention is made in Scripture, all that cart be fowLd concerning them in the Commen- tators, is not much to be 'elied on, since neither the Jews, nor even tb( ancient Greek Inter- preters, seem to have had a sufficient know- ledge of the proper ssgnijicalioti of the original tei ms The corner-stone, or the head-stone of the cor- ner, Psal. 118. 22 This is that which is put as the angle of a building, whether at the foun- dation, or at the top of the wall. Je.sus Christ ts that corner-stone which was rejected by the Jews, bi.l IS become the oorner-stoiie of the church, and the stone thai binds and unites the Jews and Gentiles in the union of the same faith. Mat. 21. 42. Eph. 2. 15, 20. And as corner-stones t the .Mes- siah, whom the Jews rejected to their own de- struction, as not aniwering their carnal expec- tations, not suiting with the:r way of builduii; : that is, not to be made use of for promuiing and carrying on their worldly projects and in- terest. Christ it likewise colled a precious stone, because of his excellency, glory, and beauty ; he 1/ called a chosen, an elect stone. because he was chosen and appointed by the lather to the work of redemption before the foundation of the world, 1 Pel. 1. 21). f 2. 4, 6 He is likewise termed a living stone, 1 Pet. 2. 4. lie communicates spiritual lije to those that cUt with him, and are built upon him. Lastly., this itoae is said 1* have seven ty«c, STO Zech. S. 0. to note that the Messiah snovjd be endued with perfect wisdom and knowledge, to order all things in the church, to watch over it, and to lake care of ail the concerm the.cof A.t Christ the Head is called a stone, so also hit members, true believers, who are built upon, and derive spiritual life from the fouttdation, Christ, are called stones. 1 Pet. 2. 5, Ve aUo IS lively stones are built up a spiritual house. /i/ the law was engraven on two tables of stones, so believers have the law written in their hearts. They are stones for their constancy, strength, and unmovableness in all the storms oj lij'e. They are stones for continuance and durableness. xls stoues are dugout if a quarry, so believers are selected and chosen from the rest if mankind. They are united with Christ and true Christians in one body ; like the stones of a house, compact among themselies^ and upon the foundation. A heart of stone. Job, speaking of the Leiia- than, says, that his heart is as firm as a stone, yea, as hard as a piece of the nether millstone. Job 41. 24. That is, he is of a very extraordinary strength, boldness, and eou^ rage. It is said, 1 Sam. 25. 37. thai Nabal's heart died within him, and he became as a. stone, when he was told of the danger he had incuned by his imprudence. His heart became immovable like a stone, it was contracted, or- convulsed, and this convulsion was the occasion of his deolh. Ezekiel says, that the Lord will take away from his people their heart o£ stone, and give them a heart of flesh, Ezek, 3C. 26. that he will take away the stubborri, senseless, and untractable disposition of the heal I, that receives no kindly impressions from the word, providence, or Spirit of God in hit ordinary operations and influences, that hnrdeni itself in a dav of provocation, that is hardened hi) ihe deceitfuhiess of sin ; he will take this away, and give a tender, tractable temper and disposition. Much to the same sense it that which John the Baptist said. Mat. 3. 9. that God is able to raise up children unto Abraham even of stones ; that is, from among Ihe heathen ; or even of the stones of the de- sert, God was able to raise up a spiritual seed to Abraham. A stone is sometimes put for an idol of stone, Hab. 2. 19, Woe unto iiim that saith to the wood, awake, ami to the dumb stone, arise it. shall teach, llezekiah in his prayer says. The kings of Assyria have cast the gods of the nations into the fire ; for they were no gods, but the work of men's hands, wood and stoue, Isa. 37. 19. And in Jer. 2. 27. Say- ing to a stock, thou art my father, aud to a stone, thou hast brought me forth. To ba reduced to an heap of stones, if laid of it city or house uhich is enlitely ruined aud de- molished. Mic. 1. 6, 1 will make Samaria as au heap of the field, and as the plantings of a vineyard. So in Isa. 17. 1. Damascus is takeu from being a city, and it shall be a ruinoua heap. Jhus also our Saviour, speak ing of the destruction of Jerusalem, says, that one Stone shuU not remain upon another. Mat. 24. 2. The white stone. Rev. 2. 17. I will give him a white stone ; 1 will give him a full and yub- lie pardon and abiolulion. It is spoken m al- lusion to an ancient custom of delivering a white stone to such as tney acquitted in judgment. They used likewise to git« a white stone as a reward to such as conquerea in their games; such as ulliidi to this, make this the sense ; I will give him a full and ample reward. Solomon says in Proverbs 26. 8, As he that, bindfth a stone iu a sling, so is he that givelh honour to a fool, ll'hen a stone isjasiened to the sling, the slinger hinders his own dtu^^n of throwing it, he loses h,s labour: so does the man who givei honour to a fool. Hut the words may be otherwise rendered,' as he that putteth a pre- cious stone in au heap of stones, when it is ob- scured and lost : .Ind as this little stoue does not augment the heap, nor is so much as seen upon It ; so honour heaped upon a fool, does not render him more worthy if consideration. Utheri trans- late It, to tie a stoue m a piece of purple, is to give honour to a fool. As nothing can be so ill placed as a stone in a piece of fne cloli ; so art honours ill placed upon afoot, irrai heaps of stones, raised up for a witness qf any memorable event, and to preserve the re- membrance of some matter of great imporianet are the most mneient monuments among the Ha- brews. In iluite elder «£••« the uay qj STO wriVin» these mouumeriir were inttead of i«| tcrtpiiotis, medali, or liisinries. Jacob and La- ban raised such a numiiment upon mmml Hi- lead, in memorv of their covenant. Gen. 31. 46. .Toshiia erected one at Gilgal made of stones taken out of the Jordan, to preserve the memo- Ttal of his mirandons passage over this river. Josh. 4. 5, 6, 7. The Israelites that dwelt iei/oud Jordan, also raised one upon the banks ef the river, as a ieslimonv that they constituted intone nation with their brethren on the othe' side. Josh 22. 10. The Hebrews also i;ive the name (^stones lo the ueignis they use in commerce. Lev. 19. 3b. Just weights shall ye have: 'i'/ie H threw says, just stones. And in Vent, 25. \^, Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great and a small ; The Hebrews, say, A stone and a stone. Also Prov. 11. 1, A just weight is his delight ; in Hebrew, a perfect stone. See also Prov. 16. 11. I 20. 10. Stones are like- wise taken for a violent shozver of hail. Josh. 10. 11, TheLord cast down great stones from heaven upon them. The punishment of stoning ; See PUNlSHMtNT. G*)i.ll.3.theyhid brick for s. aad slime for mortar 28. IH. Jacob set up &s. for a pillar, CC. | .31. 45. 29. 3. they rolled s. from the well's mouth, 8, 10. 35. 14. Jacob set up a pillar of j. in the place 4y. 24. from theme is the shepherd, the s. of Isr. Etod. 4. 25. Zipporah took a sharp s. and cut off 15. 5. they sank into the bottom as a j . 16 by great. of thine arm theyshall be as still asj. 17. 12. and they took a s. and put it under him !tO. 25. if thou wilt make me an altar of s. 21. 18. and if one smite another with a s. 28. 10, 3i.x of their names on one s. six on other/. 11. with the work of an engraver in s. ieB.2f).l. nor shall ye set up any image of .t. in land yum. 35.17. if he smite him with throwing a s. 2.i. Veut.^.i 13. shalt not have in thy bag a s, and a s. Josh. 4. 5. tf ke ye up every man of you s. on shoul. 15. 6. the border went up to the s. of Hohan 18. 17. the border descended to the s. of Bohan 4t. 27. behold, this/, shall be a witness unto us Jiulg. 9. 5. he slew seventy persons on one /. 18. 1 Ham. 6. 18. which /. remaineth unto this day 7. 12. Samuel set up a i, and called it Eben-ezer 17- 4y. David took from his bag a s. and slang it, the /. sunk into the Philistine's forehead 50. David prevailed over the Philistine with a /. 2o. 19. and thou shalt remain by the /. Ezel 25.37 . N abal's heart died in him , he became as a / . 2 Sam. 5.t 11. Hiram sent hewers of /. of the wall 17. 13. till there not be one small /. found there 1 A'i«5j6.7.house wasbuilt of /.made ready before 18. all was cedar, there was no /. seen 2 h'ings 3. 25. on good land cast every man his /. 1 Chron. 32. 15. there are with thee hewers of /. 2 C/iron. 2.14.skilful to work in gold, silver, and /. AV/1.9 11. thou threwest as a s. into mighty waters Job 26. 2. and brass is molten out of the /. 30. 30. waters are hid as with a /. deep is frozen 41. 24. his heart is as firm asa /. yea as hard as Psal. 91. 12. angels shall bear thee up, lest thou dash thy foot against a/. Mat. 4.6. Luke i. 11. 118. 22. /. which the builders refused, is become head/, of the corner. Mat. 21.42. AJark 12.10. Prov. 11. f 1. but a perfect /. is his delight 20. t 10. a <. and a /. are alike abomination to L. 96. 8. as he that bindeth a /. in a sling, so is he 27. as he thatrolleth a/, it will return upon him 87. T. a /. is heavy, a fool's wrath is heavier Jer. C. 27. and to a /. thou hast brought me forth 51. 26. they shall not take of thee a/, for a corner, nor a /, for foundations, but shalt be desolate /.am. 3.53. they have cast a /. upon me Dan. 2. 34. a /. was cut out of the mountain, 45. 6. 17. and a/, was laid upon the mouth of the den Amoi 9. + 9. vet shall not the least .'. fall on earth llab. 2. 11. for the /. shall cry out of the wall 19. woe to him that saith to the dumb /. arise y/ai;.2. 15. from before a /.was laid upon a/. in tem. Jiech. 3. 9. for behold, the /. that I have laid before Joshua, upon one /. shall be seven eyes 4. 7. he shall bring forth the head /. thereof 7. 12. they made their hearts as an adamant /. War.7.9.if ask bread, will he give /. .' Luke 11. 11. 21.44. whosoever shall fall on this /. shall be broken, but on whoms. it shall fall, Luke 20.18. 24.2. verily I say, there shall not be left here one /.upon another, Mark 13.2. Luke 1944. | 21.6. 27. 66. sealing the /. || 28. 2. angel rolled back /. Ztike 4. 3. command this /. that it be made bread 80.17./.whirh the builders rejected, is become the head of the corner. Acts 4. 11. 1 Pet. 2. 7. 82. 41. he was withdrawn from them a /. cast 24.2. found /, rolled away, Mark 16. 4. Jo/m 20.1. /tfA» 1.42. Cephas which is by interpretation a /. t. 6. and there were set there dix water-pots of/. *82 STO John 8. 7. that iswithout sin,letTiim flrstc-ast /.at her 11. 38. It was a cave, and a /. lay upon it 39. take ye away /. j|41. they took away the /. Acts 17. 29. that the Godhead is like to /. graven liev. 16.21. hajl fell every /. the weight of a talent 18.21. au angel took up a/, like a great millstone Burdensome SI ONE. Zech. 12. 3. I will make Jerusalem a. burdensome s. See CORNEK, Great, llKWtu. Hewn SrONE. Exod. 20. 25. thou shalt not build altar of heum s. 1 Ki7igi 22. 6. to builders and masons, to bu^ timber and hiun s. to repair the house, 2 C/iroJi. 34.11. Lam. 3. 9. he hath inclosed my ways with Aeuin s. Eiek. 40. 42. the four tables were of hezcn s. Amos 5. 11. ye have built houses of /i<»;i /. but not Luke a. 53. laid it in sepulchre that was Aew.-i in/. /.King STONE. 1 Pet.Q.i. to whom coming as to //y. /.chosen of G. Precious S ION E. Prov. J7.8. agift is a;>«ciuw//. tohim that hath it 26. i 8. putteth a precious s. in an heap of stones Cant. 5. 1 12. his eyes are set as a p. s. in a ring Isa. 28.16. I lay in Zion 3.p. corner/. 1 Pet. 2. 6. Ezek. 28. 13. every precious /. was thy covering Rev. 17. 4. she was decked with gold and p. s. 21. 11. her light was like to a /. most /irc^ciuu/ See Stu.mbling. STONF^SQUARERS. 1 Kings 5. 18. builders and /.-/. did hew them Tables «/ STONE. Erod. 24 12. I will give thee tables of s. 31. 18. 34.1. L.said, hew thee two tables of s. Deut.ig.l. 4. a/id he hewed two tables of /. Deut. 10. 3. Deui. 4. 13. he wrote on the two tables oj s. 5. 22. y.y. when I was gone up to receive the tables of s. 10. the Lord delivered to me two tables oJ' s. 11. the Lord gave me the two tables of s. 1 Kings 8.9was nothing in ark save two tables of s. 2 Cur. 3. 3. not in/, q/'/.but in fleshly tables'of hear Trierf STONE. Isa. 28. 16 behold, 1 lav in Zion a stone, a tried s. IVhite SrON E. Rev. 2.17 I will give him a vihite /. and new name STON E joined with wood. Exod. 7. 19. may be blood in vessels of aioorf and/. Deut, 4. 28. there serve gods the work of men's hands, tcood and /. 28. 36, 64. | 20> 17. S Ksngs 19. 18. Jsa.37. I9. Ezek. 20.32. Dan. 5,4. praised the gods of gold, wood, and/. 23. Rev. 9- 20. should not worship idols of uiood and / ofi lew See Wall. STONE, Verb. JS/oif.R. 26. shall we sacrifice, and will they not /.us ? 17. 4. what shall 1 do r they be almost ready to /.me Lev. CO. 2. people of land shall / him with stones 27. they shall /. the wizards with stones 24. 14. let congregation /. him that cursed, 16.23. A rim. 14.10. congregation bade /. them with stones 15. 35. they shall /. the sabbath-breaker, 36. Deut. 13. 10. shalt/. with stones enticers to idolat. 17. 5. shalt /. idolatersll 21. 21. /.rebellious Son 22. 21. they shall /. her that playeth the whore 24. ye shall /.adulterers with stones, that they die 1 Kings 21.10. carry Nabothout, /.him that he die Ezek. 16. 40. and they shall /. thee with stones 23.47. the company shall /. them with stones Luke 20.6. if we say of men, the people will /. us John 10.31. the Jews took up stones again to/, him 32. for which of those good works do ye /. me .' 33. saying, for a good work we /. thee not 11.8. .Master, the Jews of late sought to /. thee Acts 14. 5. there was an assault made to /. them STONED. Exod. 19. 13. hcshall surely be /. or shot through 21. 28. then the ox shall be surely /. 29, 3.. Josh. 7 .CO. all Israel /. Achan with stones 1 Kings 12. 18. all Israel /. Adoram,2 Chr. 10.18. 21. 13. they /. Naboth with stones, 14. 15. 2 Chron. 24. 21. ihey /. Zechariah in the court Mat. 21. 35. the husbandmen beat one, /. another John 8.5, Moses commanded that such should be/. AetsS.2ti. they feared lest they should have been /. 7« 58. they /. Stephen, calling upon God, 59. 14. 19' having /. Paul, drew him out of the city 2 Cor. 1 1 . 25. thrice was 1 beaten, once was 1 /. JJeb. 11.37. they were /. they were sawn asunder 12. 20. if a beast touch th" ^:L^unt it shall be /. SI ONES. Gen. 31. 46. Jacob said to his brethren, gather /. Exod. 28. 11. thou shalt engrave the two /. 12. 17. set it in settings of /. even four rows of /. 21. the /. shall be with the names of Israel 39.7 .that they should be /.for a memorial to Israel Lev. 14. 40. command that they take away the/. 42, shall put other /. in the place of those /. 45. he shall break down the bouse, the /. of it 19. t 36. just «.a just ephah.auid him shall ye have STONE of Zoheleth 1 Kings 1.9. Adonijah slew sheep by /. of Zoheleth STO Lev. 21.20. or hath his /. broken shall not offer Dent.a.'J. aland whose/, are iron, and out of hills 23. 1. that is wounded in the /. shall not entei 97. 4. ye shall .set up these /. in mount thai 5. build an altar of /. y 8. write on the /. wordi Josh. 4. 3. and take you hence twelve /. 9. 6. saying, what mean you by these /. .' 21. 8. and took twelve /. out of the midst of J ordac 20. those twelve /. did Joshua pitch in Gilgal 8 32. he wrote on the /. a copy of the law J«rfj.20.1(i.ev.one could sling /. at an hair-breadtU 1 Sum. 17. 40. David chose him five smooth /. 2 Sam. 16.6. Shimei cast /. at David and serv. 13. 1 Kings 5.18. so they prepared timber and /.to build 7. 10. /. of eight cubits, and /. of ten cubits lO.27.kmg made silver to be in Jerusalem as /.and cedars as sycamore trees, 2 Chr. 1. 15. | 9.27. 15. 22. took away the /. of Raiiiah, 2 Chr. I6. 6. 18. 31. Elijah took twelve /. according to number 32. with the /. he built an altar in name of Lord 2 Kings 3. 19. mar every good piece of land with/. 25. only in Kir-haraseth left they the /. Jiereof 16. 17. and put it upon apavement of/. 1 Chron. 12. 2. in hurling of/, and shooting arrow* 2 Chion. 26. 14. L'zziah prepared slings to cast /, Neh. 4. 2. will they revive the /. out of the heaps ! Job 5. 23. thou shalt be in league with /. of field 6. 12. is my strength the strength of /. / 8. 17. his roots are wrapped, and seeth place of/. 14. 19. the waters wear the/, thou washest away 22. 24. the gold of Ophiras the /. of the brooks 28. 6. the /. of it are the place of sapphires 40. 17. the sinews of his/, are wrapped together Psal. 102. 14. thy servants take pleasure in her * 137, 9. that dasheth thy little ones against the /. Prov. 16. t 11. all the /. of the bag are his work Eocl. 3. 5. a time to cast away /. a time to gather/. 10. 9. whoso removeth /. shall be hurt therewith Isa. 5.2. he fenced it and gathered out the/, thereot 14. 19. that go down to the /. of the pit 27.9. he maketh the /. of the altar as chalk /. 54. 11. behold, 1 will lay thy /. with fair colours 12. I will make thy borders of pleasant /. 57.6. among the smooth /. of the stream 60. 17 . bring for /. iron || 62. 10. gather out the /, Jer. 3. 9. she committed adultery with /.and stocks 43. 10. and I will set his throne on these /. Lam. 4. 1 . the /. of the sanctuary are poured out Eiek. 26. 12. they shall lay thy /. in the water 28. 14 . thou hast walked in midst of the /. of fire 16. I will destroy theefrommidst of the /. of fire Mic. 1. 6. 1 will pour down the /. into the valley ZecA. 5. 4. shall consume it with the /. thereof 9. 16. for they shall be as /. of a crown lifted up Mat. 3.9. of these /.to raise up children, Xu*e 3. 8 4. 3. command that these /. be made bread Mark 5. 5. crying, and cutting himself with /. 12. 4. and at him they csist /. and wounded him 13. 1. Master, see what manner of /. are here Luke 19. 40. the /. would immediately cry out John 8. 59. they took up/, tocaist at him, 10. 31. 2 Cor. 3. 7. if ministration engraven in/, wasglori. 1 Pet.i.b.ye as lively /.are built up spiritual bouse See Stone, Verb C'onjcr-STONES Psal. 144.12. that our daughters may be as corners. See Costly. STON ES of darkness. Job 28. 3. he searcheth out the /. of darknis: Si ON ES of emptiness. //a. 34.11. he shall stretch out upon it s. of emjit in. Glistering^a VOti ES. 1 Chr. 29. 2. I have prepared glister. /. for house GAt-e/ STONES. Lam. 3. 16. he hath broken my teeth with grace//. See Great. Heap of STONES. Josh. 7. 26. they raised a great heap ofs. on Achan 8.29. and raise a grf it heap oj's. on the king of Ai 2 Sam. 18. 17. tbej laid a heap of t. on Absalom Heued S J ONES. 1 Kings 5. 17. they brought hewed s. to lay foundat- 7. 9' according to the measures of hewed /. 11. Hewn STONES. Isa. 9.10. bricks fallen, but we will build with /r. /. Marble STONES. 1 Chron. 29. 2. 1 have prepared m. s. in abundance Precious Si'ONES. 2 Sam. 12. 30. was a talent of gold yiiik precious s. 1 Kings 10.2. queen of Sheba came with precious s. 11. navy of Hiram brought prec. s. 2 Cir. 9. 10. 1 Chron. 2y. 2. I prepared all manner o{ precious s 8. with whom precious /. were found, gave then: 2 CAr. 3.6. he garnished the house with precious /. 32. 27. he made himself treasuries (or precious s. E:ek. 27.22. they occupied in thy fairs with j»r«c. /. Dan. 1 1 . .38. a god shall he honour with/!r«i<)«/ s 1 Cor. 3.12. if any man build on this foundation^.! Rev 18. 12. for no man \j\xyetYi prec . s. any more 16. that great city decked with gold and prec. STO STO Rev 21 19. foundations earnishcd with precious si I Kings 12 8. youne men that s b liim, 2 CTir. 10 8 JCAo/e STONES. 22 21. spirit s be/ore the Lord, 2 C7iron 18 20 Z>eu/ 27 6. Shalt build the altar of u> s. Josh 8 31 2 Kings 4 12. the shunamite « be/ore E'iflia Wrought STONES 1 Chron 22 2. he set masons to hew wrought t STONE ST. Mat 2S37. ithemthataresentto thee, L uke 13 34 STONY. /"iMl 6. when judges are overthrown in « place- Ez'k 1119 1 will take the s heart, 36 26 Mat 13 5. some fell on s places, 20. Mark 4. 5 16 STONING. 1 Sam 30 6. for the people spake of s David STOOD. Gen 18 22. but Abraham a yet before the Lord sgf.SS. his name Judah, and Leah s from bearing Exod 14 19. the pillar (if cloud i behind them Num 1648. he » between the dead and the living D-ut 4 11. ye came near and s under ttie mount 5 5. I s between the. Lord and .vou, to shew you Josh 3 16. tlie waters * and rose up on an heap 4 3. t ake twelve stones where the priests' feet i 9 Judg 6 31. Joash said to all that s against him 16 29. two middle pillars on which the house s I Sam 3 10. the L. s and called Samuel, Samuel 4ti5. Eli's eyes » that he could not pee 10 23. when he* among the people he was higher 17 8. Goliatli s and cried to the armies of Israel 22 7. Sdulsaid to the servants that s about him 17. The king said to footmen that* about him 1 Kings»\i. the kingblessed all the congregation and all congregat. of Israel s. 2 Chr. fi. 3. | 7.6 55. Solomon s. and blessed all the congregation 14 f 4. Abijah, his eyes t. for hoariuess 5 Kings ^.7. sons of the prophets j. to view afar off 23. 3. and all the people j. to the covenant 2 C/ir. 6. 13. and on the brasen scaffold Solomon s. J\>A. 9.2. they t. and confessed their sins and their Est/i. g. 16. the other Jews s. for their lives Psal. 33. 9. he commanded and it *. fast Zifl. 6.2. above it j. the seraphims each had six wings Jer. 46.15. they j. not because Lord did drive them 48. 45. they s. under the shadow of Heshbon Eni. 1. 21. and when those i. these i. 10. 17. 24. when they s. they let down their wings £5. and there was a loice when they s, J)«n. 8. 17. Gabriel came near where I x. 10. 11. wben he had spoken this, 1 s. trembling 11. 1. I s. to confirm and to strengthen him 12. 5. I looked, and behold, there s. other two Jonah 1. +15. and the sea 1. from her raging Hab. 3.6. he s. and measured the earth, he beheld Ztch. 1.8. he s. among the myrtle-trees, 10, 11. Dflai. 12. 46. his mother and brethren 1. without Lnlce 6. 8. he that had the withered hand s. forth 18. 11. the Pharisee s. and prayed thus with hims. John 18. 25. Simon Peter s. and warmed himself 20. 1 1 . but Mary s. without at sepulchre weeping Acts 3. 8. the lame man leaping up t. and walked 9. 7. the men that were with him s. speechless 16. 9. there s. a man of Macedonia and prayed 27. 21. but Paul s. forth in the midst of them Jiei.Q. 10. s. only in meats, and drinks, and wztshings STOOD aiove. Gen. C8. 13. behold, the Lord t. aSove the ladder 2 Chron. 24. 20. Zechariah s. aboie the people Psal. 104. 6. the waters s. above the mountains SIOOD afar. Ezod. 2. 4. his sister s. afar off, to wit what be done 20. 18. the people removed andx. afar off, 21. J.u^el7. 12. ten that were lepers who s. afai o 23. 49. all his acquaintance s. afar off beholding Jiei:. 18. 17. dA many as trade by sea s. afar off STOOD at. Eiod. 19.17. they s. at the nether part of the mouni 33. 8. they s. every man at his tent-door 9. the cloudy pillar x. o< the door of the tabernac, S Kin^sS.Q. Naaman s. ar door of house of Elisba 2 Cl.ron. 5. 12. singers x. at the east end of the altar 23. 13. the king x. at his pillar, at the entering in Jiel. 10. 19. cherubimsx. a< door of the east-gate 21. 21. the king x. at the parting of the way Luie 7. 38. woman x. at his feet behind him, weep. John 18. 16. bu: Peter x. at the door without Hev. 8. 3. another angel came and x. at the altar STOOD before. Gen. ig. 27. to the place where he x. before the Ld. 43. 15. went down to Egypt, andx. before Joseph Exor. Num 7+2. who * over them that were numbered Beut 31 15. the pillar of clcud i over the door. Josh. 5. 13. behold, a man x. orer-against him Exek. 10. 4. glory of the Lord x. oter the threshold 18. glory of the Lord x. ocer cherubims Mat.Q,.g.i\\e starx. over where the yourij child was Luke 4. 39. he x. over her and rebuked the fever STOOD round. Gen, 37.7. behold, your sheaves x. round about Acts 14. 20, as the disciples x. round about him 25.7.Jewsx.roKnrf about Paul, and laid complaints Rev. 7. 11. all the angels x. round about the throne STOOD xall that day and night 1 Chron. 21. 1. Satan x. up ag. Israel and provoked 28. 2. then David the king x. up upon his feet 2 Chron. 13.4. Abijah i. up and said, hear me CO. 19. the Levites x. up to praise the Lord God 23. Ammoii and Moabx. up againstmount Seir 28 12.« up against them thntcame from thewar Ezra 2 63 not cat of holy thinga till there s up a prie>t with Urim and Thua mim, Neh 7 65 Neh 8 6. when he opened the book people x t/j 9 3. they * up in their place and read the law 4. then s up upon the stai'S, of the Levites E.tth 5 9. Hainan saw ttiat Mnrdecai s not i/;> 7 7. Uaniaa * up to make i equest for his life Job 4 IS. a spirit pas-ed, the hair of my liesh,5«7> 29 8. youngmen sawme.andagHdaroseanil * up 30 28. 1 * itp and cried in the congregation /"si 06 30. tlienxjyp Phinehas and executed judg. E2ek 37 10. they livert, and s up upon their fcoc Dun S 22 tliatbeingbroken.whereasfourx up for it Luke 4 16. Jesus j up to read in the synagogue 10 25. a cert 'in lawyer 1 up and temnttd lilm Ads 1 15. in those days Peter * up and said 4 20. the kings of tlieearth * up against theLord .S 34. then * up one Gamaliel a doctor of law 11 28. Agabus * up, and signified by the spirit 13 16. Paul J up and beckoning with his hand 25 IS against whom when the accusers s up STOOD upo". Oen 41 17. behold 1 » up^m the hank of the river 1 Sim 1751. Iiavid ran and « u/ion the Philistine 2 S im 1 10. so I < upon Saul and slew him 1 Kings! 2.^. theSt;ax?/pi)n twelve oxen,2 C/ir 4 4. 2 Kings 13 21. he revived and * upon his f-et A'./i S 4. Ezra the scribe * upon a pulpit of wond Eteli ll 23. glory of ha Lord s upon the m"unt An, OS 7 7. the Lord * upon a wall made by a lino Hev 1 1 1 1. the two proi>hot8 s upon their fct 13 1. and I* upoti the sand of the sea aud saw STOOD wth. t7en 45 1. there* tci-A him noman, while Jn-cph '2 Kings till, every man *i»li is weapons in luind 2 Chr 2!) 26. the Levites t with instrument.^ Ezra 3 9. then Johua* untr. his sons an ) brethren Lnm 2 4. he * icith his right hand as an adversary Luke 9 32. tlicy saw the two men that * with him John 18 5. Judaa who also betriycd « wUh them STO John la. la.I'eter /. aii.'i them andwanned himself 2 Tim 4 10. no man i-. uilh me || 17. Lord t. with me .STOOD ESI. yWrn. 22. 31. I knew not that thou J. in the way Veut. 4. 10. the d.iy that thou t. before the Lord Chad. 11. in the dav that thou /. on the other side ■ .SIOOL. 2 Kings 4.10. let us set for him a bed, table, and a s. STOOLS. Extfrf. 1. 16. he said, when ye see them upon the t. SJ'OOl'. Joig. 1.1. the proud helpers do /. under him froi'. 18. 25. Ifeaviness maketh the heart of man s. Jsa. 46. 2. they s. they bow down together Hart 1. 7. 1 am not worthy to t. down and unloose STUOl'ED. Cm. 49. 9. Judah s. down, he coached as a lion 1 5am. 24^8. David j.|IC8. 14. Saul s. to the pround S CJirou. .3fi. 17. had nocompassinn on him that s. John 6..lesus J. down and wrote with his fiiif;er.8. SO. 11. and as she wept, she j. down, and looked STOOPEITL 2sa. 46. 1. Bel boweth down, Nebo /. their idols STOOPING. iii/(*24 12.j.down saw the linen clothes,jD/rn 20.5. Slop. 1 Kin^s 18. 44. get down, that the rain s. thee not 2 Kings 3. 19. ye shall s. all wells of water, 25. 2 Chron. 32. .T.he took counsel to s. the waters Psal. 35. 3. s. the way ag. them that persecute me 107.42. and all iniquity shall s. her mouth Etek. 39. II. it shall *. the noses of the passengers £ Cor. 11. 10. no man shall *. me of this boasting STOPPED. Oen. 8. 2. and the windows of heaven were t. 26. 15. the Philistines had s. the wells, 18. Lev. 15. 3. or his flesh be s. from his issue 2 C/ron. 32. 30. Ilezekiah s. the water-course 4. who s, all the fountains and the brook XeA. 4. 7. and that the breaches began to be s. Psal.63.il. the mouth that speaketh lies shall be s. Jer. 51. 32. and that the passages are s. and reeds .Zech.'. 11. but they refused, and f. their ears Aclsl-bt. they x. their ears, and ran upon him jRtfm.3.19.that every mouth may be J. and be guilty Tit. 1.11. whose mouths must be s. who subvert tub. 11.33. who thro' faith s. the mouths of lions STOPPERS. Etek. 27. t 9- the wise men were thy /. of chinks STOPPETH. Job 5. 16. poor hath hope, and iniquity j. her mouth Psal. 58. 4. like the deaf adder that s. her ear Prov.a.l'i. whoso i. his ears at the cry of the poor Isa. 33. 15. and s. bis ears from hearing of blood STORE. Amos 3. 10. saith the Lord, who *. up violence and robbery in their palaces STORE. Cen.26. 14. Isaac had flocks and great /.of servants 41. 3ti. that food shall be for s. to land in famine Lev. 25. 22. ye shall eat of the old /. 26. 10. Vent. 28. 5. blessed shall be thy basket and thy /. 17. cursed shall be thy basket and thy s. 32. 34. is not this laid up in s. with me and sealed 1 Kings 10. 10. she gave.king of spices very great*. 2 A in»x 20.17. fathers have laid up in s. to this day 1 Chron. 20. I6. all this f . Cometh of thine hand iChron. 11. 11. he put x. of victuals, wine in them 31. 10. and that which is left is this great s. Neh. 5. 18. s. of all sorts of wine was prepared i'xa/.I44.13.oar garners affording all manner of x. Isa. .39. 6. that which thy fathers have laid up in x. .Sah. 2. 9- for there is none end of the x. and glory 1 Cor. 16. 2. let every one of you lay by him in x. 1 Tim, 6. 19. laying up in X. a good foundation 8 Pet. 3.7. which bv the same word are kept inx. SrORE- CITIES. ^ Kint;s 0. IQ. cities of x. Solomon had. 2 Chr. 8. 6. i Chron. 8. 4. and all ihe s.-ciltes which he built ifi. 4. they smote all the s. -cities of Naptali 17. 12. Jeboshaphat built x. cities in Judah STORF^IIOUSE. Mai. 3.10. bring all the tithes into the s.-house Luke 12. 24. the ravens have wnt.-house nor barn SroRE-IlOUSFS. C'Cn. 41. 56. Joseph opened all the s.-h. and sold lievt. 28.8. command blessing on thee in thy s.Ji. 1 Chron. 27. 25. over the s.-h. was Jehonalhan SCAron. 32. 28. Ilezekiah made X.-/1. also fsal. 33. 7. he layeth up the depth in s.-h. \er 50. £6. open her s.-h. cast her up as heaps SIORK. j1 kin I of bird ; the Hebrews call it Chaseda, or Chasid^ih, which signifies pity or mercy ; pro bably became of the tenderness it thous to lis dam ichich it rteie' Jorsales, but feeds, and dif 'ids eien M death. The stork ix a bird of passant, n-hich in ainter goes into the hot COuTjrics. Jer 8.7, The stork in the heaven STR knowelh her appointed time, and the turtle, and the crane, and the swallow, observe the time of their commg. .leront and the Septua- gint sometimes render the Hebrew vord Cha- sidah by Ilerodius the hiron, and somdimes bti pelican or kite ; but interpreters are pretty uell asreed, that it signifies a stork. Moses /iiorix it among unclean birds. Lev. 11. 19. The Psalmist xityx. As for the stork, the fir-trees are her house, Psal. 104. 17. 'I'hey for ordi- naru wake their nests i(pon some high tower, or the top of an house ; but in Palestine, wherr the coierings of their houses were fat, they built in the highnt trees. The stork has its beak and its legs long and red ; it feeds upon serpents and frogs, and insects : Its plumage would be quito white, if it was not that the extremity of its wings are black, and also some small pait of its head and thighs: It sits for the space of thirty daur., and lays but four ecgs. Formerly they uiou'd not tat the stork, but at present it i$ much esteemed for the deliciousness of itt flesh. They go away in the midst of August, and return at Spring. Bellonius says, that when they go away, the stork that comes last to the place of rendezvous is killed upon the spot. They go away in the night to the southern countries. Lev. 11. 19. the x. thou shaltnot eat. Deut. 14. 18. Job 39. -t 13. gavest thou feathers to the x. .' f xa/.104.17.as for the j. the fir-trees are her house Jer. 8. 7. the x. knoweth her appointed times Zech. 5. 9- they had wings like the wiugs of a x. STORM. Jobil. 18. and as chaff that thex. carrieth away 27. 21. and as x. hurleth him out of his place Psal. 55.8. 1 would hasten my escape from windy x. 83. 15. and make them afraid with thy s, 107.29. he maketh the x. a calm, waves are still Isa. 4. 6. and for a covert from x. and from rain 25. 4. for thou hast been a refuge from the x. 28. 2. which as destroying i. shall cast down to e.irth 29. 6. thou shalt be visited with x. and tempest Ezek. 38. 9. thou shalt ascend and come like a x. A'aA. 1.3. Lord hath his way in the whirlwind andx. Morki.y! . and there arose a great x. of wind Luke&.a. there came down ax. of wind on the lale STORMY. Pxa/.107.25.he commandeth and raiseth the x. wind 148. 8. snow and vapour x. wind fulfilling his word iE,«*. 13.11. hail-stoneS shall fall, s. wind shall rend 13. 1 will even rend it with a x. wind in my fury STORY. 2 Chron. 13. 22. the acts of Abijah in the x. of Iddo 24. 27. written in the x. of the book of the kings STORIES. Gen. 6. 16. with second and third x. make the ark Ezek. 41.16. galleries three x. over-asainstthe door 42.3. was gallery against gallery in three x. 0. Amos 9. 6. it is he ihat buildeth his x. in the heaven STO UP, Hee Stoop. STOUT. Job 4. 11. thex. lion's whelps are scattered abroad Isa. 10. 12. I will punish the fruit of the x. heart Va.i. 7.20. whose look was more x. than his fellows Mai, 3. 1.3. your words have been x. against me STOUT-HEARTED. Psal. 76. 5. s.h. are spoiled, they slept their sleep Isa. 46. 12. hearken unto me, ye s.-hearted STOUTNESS. Isa. 9. 9- that say in the pride and x. of heart STIiAlGHT. Josh. 6. 5. shall ascend e»ery man s. before him, 20. 1 Sam, 6. 12. the kine took x. way to Beth-shemesh Psal. 5. 8. make thy way s. before my face Prov. 4. 25. l^t thine eye-lids look x. before thee Tccl. 1.15. that which is crooked cannot be mnde x. 7. 13. for who can make thatx. he made crooked ' Isa. 40. 3. makex. in desert a highway for our God 4. the crooked shall be made x. and the rough places plain, 42. I6. | 45. 2. Luke 3.5. Jer. 31. 9. I will cause them to walk in a x. way Izek. 1.7. and their feet were x feet, they sparkled 9. they went every one x. forward, 12. | 10. 22. 23. under the firnianjent were llieir wings x. Mat. 3.3. prepare ye the way of ihe Lord, make his pains X. Mark 1. 3. Luke 3. 4. John 1.23. },uke 13 13. she was made x. and glorified God .icts 9.11.arise and co into street which is called x. Ueb. 12. 13. and make x. paihs for your feet STKAIGIUWAY. 1 .Sam. 9. 13. ye shall s. find him before he go up 28. 20. then Saul fell /. all along on the earth Prou. 7. 22. he goeih after her t. as an ox goeih lian. 10. 17. X. there remained no slreugth i;i me Mat. 3. ".6. Jesus went «. out of water, Mark 1. It) STK 'Mai, 4. 20. and tbey x. left their nets, 'Mark 1 ID 21.3. je shall say, the I.X)rd hath need of tkem and X. he will .send them hither, Mark 11.3 27. 48. .f. one of them ran and took a spunge .l:/ar/lr5.29.x.the fountain of her hi' "vi was dried up 6.54.x. they knew him || Luke 5 .39. x.desireth new Luke 14. 5. will notx. pull him out on sabbath-day John 13. 32. and God shall x. glorify him Acts 5. 10. then fell she down x. at his feetand yielded 9. 20. and x. he preached Christ in the synagogues 16. 33. the jailor was baptized, he and all bis 22. 29. then x. they departed from him 23. 30. when it was told me, I sent x. to thee Jam, 1.24. x.forgetteth what maaoer of man be was STRAIN. .1/a<.23.24. guides x. at a gnat and swallow a came! STRAIT. 1 Sam. 1.1.6. when Israel saw that they were in ax 2 Sam. 24. 14. t am in a great x. 1 Chron. 21. 13. Jt:b 36. 16. would have ren;oved thee out of the x. Knn. 9. ♦ 25. the street and wall built in x. of times I'hil. 1. 23. for I am in a x. betwixt two, desire STRAITS. Job 20.22.in fuln. of his suflSciency he shall be in i. Lam. 1. 3. persecutors overtook her between the x. STRAIT. 2 Kings 6.1. behold, place we dwell is too x. for tu isa. 49. 20. the place is too x.forme,give place Mat 7.13. enter ye in at x. gate, for wide is the ga 14.becausB x.is gate and way narrow, £.u^el3.S4 STRAITEN. Jer. 19. 9. they that seek their lives, shall x. them STRAITENED. Job 18. 7. the steps of his strength shall be x. 37. 10. and the breadth of the waters is x. P(oi'.4.12.when thov goest.thy steps shall not be s. Ezek. 42.6. therefore the tuilding was x. more than Mic. 2. 7- is spirit of the Lord s.! these his doings Luke 12.50. how am I x. till it be accomplished' 2 Cor. 6. 12. ye are notj, in us, are x. in your bowels STRAITENETII. Job 12. 23. he enlargeth nations and x. them again STRAITEST. Acts 26. 5. after the most x. sect of our religion STRAITLY. f<>7i.43.7.JTian asked us s. of ourstate and kindre' Excd. 13. 19. for Joseph had x. sworn Israel ./ijj/j,6.1.Jeiicho wasx. shut up, none went out, an 1 •SV7m.i4.28.1hy father x. charged people with oath Mat. 9. 30. hei. charged them, saying, see that no man know it, Mark 3. 12. | 5.43. Luke^.il. Mark 1.43. he I. charged him and sent him away Acts 4. 17. but let USX. threaten them not to speaK 5. 28. did not we x. command you not to teach SIRAITNESS. /;j<'(/.6.19lhpy hearkened not toMnsesforx. of spirit /)«;//. 28.53. shalt eat flesh of thy childr.in x. 55,57 Job 30. 16. into a broad place where there is nox Isa. 42. t 16. 1 will make crooked things x. Jer. 19. 9. they shall eat flesh of his friend in the x Ileb, 1.1 8. a sceptre of i. is sceptre of thy kingdom STRAKE. Acts^l.XT, they fearing x. sail, and so were driven See Struck. STRAKES. Gen, 30. .37. Jacob piled white x. in rods of hasel Lev. 14.37 . if plague he in the walls with hollow t. STRANGE. Gen. 42. 7. but Joseph made himself x. unto them Job 19. 3. not ashamed that ye make yours, x.tome 17. my breath is x. to my wife, tho' I entreated Prov. 21. 8. the way of man is froward and x. Jer. 18.<14.will man leave snow of Labanon ' shall running waters be forsaken for tne x. cold water ? 1 Pet. 4. 4. wherein they think it x. ye run not with them IC. think it not j. concerning trial, as tho' x. thing STRANGE acr. /xa.28.21.that ye may bring to paisshis act,his"x.acl STRANGE apparel. Zeph. 1.8. punish such are clothed with x. appare! See Children. STRANG Efi/iVx. Acts 26. 11. I persecuted them even to *. cities SI K A N G E country. Ueb. 11. 9- he sojourned as in a x. country SJ RANGE 6. that his seed shoultisoiourn in a 5. land STRANGE language- Pial. 114. 1. Israel went from a people of j. /. STRANGE nation. [jjd. 21. 8. to sell her to a j. n. he hath no power STRANGE fHinithment. loi 31. 3. a i. p. to ihe workers of iniquity STRANGE lips. ha 17- 10. and thou shak set it with s. lips STRANGE speech. Exei. 3. 5. thou art not sent to a people oi s.s.6. STRANGE tiling. Uos. 8. 12. but they were counted as a s. l/iin^ 1 Pel. 4.12. as tho' some s. tiling happened to you STRANGE tilings. I.nit 5. 26. saying, we have seen /. //; in jj to-day Acts i7.2O.thou bringest certain s. tilings tc our ears STRANGE vanities. Jer. 8. 19. why provoked me to anger with j. r. ■" STRANGE vine. Jipr. 2.21. how turned intodegener. plant of a s. vine S'J RANGE waters. 3 ICingt'iQ. 24. 1 have diirged and drunk s. waters STRANGE wives. 1 Kings 1 1.8. and likewise did he for all his s. tvivet Ezra 10. 2. we have taken *. aties, ID, It, 1", 4i. 11. and separate yourselves from the s. wives l!i. sons of priests were found to have taken s. w. 2W(.13.27.to themselves ag. God, in marrying s.jc. STRANGE woman. hulg. 11. 2. for thou art the son of a t. teaman Prov. 2. 16. to deliver thee from the s. Tcnman 5. 3. the lips of a s. woman drop as an honey-comb SO. why wilt thou be ravished with a s. -jiovian 6. S4. to keep thee from flattery of s. -.lortian, 7. 5. 20.16. take apledge of him for a J. woman, 'Z1, 13. 23. 17. and a s. uomnn is a narrow pit STRANGE women. 1 King 11.1. king Solomon loved many s. women ."rov. 22. 14. the mouth oi s women is a de?p pit 23. 33. thine eyes shall behold s. womtn, haart utter STRANGE wori. Isa. 28. 21. that he may do his work, his s. wofk STRANGER, 1] One that is in a strange land, ieing at a dis- tance f'o'i ^lie place 0/ Ills nativity. Gen. 23. 4, I am a arranger with you. [2] One that is not a Jew, Imt of some other nation. Isa. 14. 1. The strangers shall be joined with them ; that is, many of the Gentiles. [3] Ayiy one that was not of Aaron's seed, notuilhstanding he were en Israelite. A'um. 3. 10, J'he stran- ger that Cometh nigh, shall be put to death. See Num. I6. 40. | 18. 4. [4] One that uses this w«rld as if he used it not, who does not think himself at home while in this world, but has his mind and eye fixed on his country winch it above. Psal. 3^ 12, I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were. Ileb. 11. 13, They confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on earth. [5] Such at mere uithout all title to, or interest in, either the outward privileges, or savitig blas- ittgs of the covenant of grace. Eph. 2. 12, At that time ye were strangers from the covenant of promise, namely, during your heathenism. [6] One who is not of the king's itock and family. Mat. 1", 25, 2S, Of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tri- bute ? of their own children, or of strangers } [7] One alio being made a captive, has lost his former liberty and dignity, which he enjoyed in hit own country. Obad. 12, Thou shall not have looxed on the day of thy brother, in the day that he became a stranger. [8] A woman that is not a man't own wife. Prov. 5. 20, Why wilt thou embrace the bosom of a stranger' [9] Profane, or unclean persons, Joel 3. 17, There shall no strangers pass through her any more. None of the enemies of the church shall invade and subdue it any more, nor profane persons mingle themselia uilh it, to as to corrupt her doctrine or wor- ship. [10] Persons of a perfidious and tar- tarouj disposition, who, though of the same nation, yet carry ihemselvet as if they were void of all piety and humanity. Thus David tails the Ziphites, tho'ign Israelites, strangers, Psal. 54. 3. [11] t'erseculed, or banished Christians, Ileb. 13. 2, Be not forgetful 10 entertain strangers. [12] False teachers, such as are strangers to a sound doctrine. Jonn 10. 5. And a stranger will they not follow Wj to Ihe lao sorts of strangers among the Jews, namely, Advena justitia;, and Advena porta.', See PROSBI.YTK. uen,15.13.know that thy seed snail be a/, in a land 17.8. give land wherein thou art a 1. 28.4. | S'.l. 12. or that is bought with money of any s S7'^Qgbt with money 0'' itii- / nerc circumcised STR Gen 23.4.1 am aj.with you, PsalSg.i^- | 119.19 Kzod. 2. 22. I have beeo a J. in a strange land 12 19. shall be cut off, whether a s. or born in the laud. Lev. 16. 29. | 17. 15. Nuw- 15. .iO 4.'?. there shall no s. eat thereof, 29. 3.J. 48. when as- will keep the passover, .\nm. 9. U 49. one law shall be to him that is home-born and the J. L«'.24.22. Auot.9.14. | 15.15,l6,2y 18. f 3. the name of the one was 1. there 20.10. norx. that is within thy gates, Deut.5. 14 22. 21 . thou shall not vex or oppress a s. S.S.y.ye know heart of ax. seeing ye were strangers 12' shall rest, that the s. may be refreshed 30. T.i. whosoever putteih any of it upon a s. /earth 13. 2. be not forgetful lO entertain x. for some 1 Pel. 1.1. so ihe x. scattered ihro' Ponlus, Galatia 2. 11. 1 beseech you asx. pilgrims, absi.from lusts 3 John 5. dost faithfully, whatsoever thou dost to x. STRANGELV. Z)f«X.32.27 .lest adversaries should behave thems.x. STRANGLED. Nah. 2. 12. the lion did tear and x. for his lionesses yJcrx 15.20.thatthev absi.from things X. 29. | 21.25. STRANGLING. Job 7, 15. SO that my soul chooseth x. and death SfRAW. Gen. 24. 25. we have both x. and provender enough 32. he gave x. and provender lor the camels Ejod. 5. 7. ye shall uo more give x. 10, 16, 18. 11. go ye, get you x. wdere you can find it Judg. 19. 19. yet there is both x. and provender 1 AVnjx 4. 28. brought barleyalso and x.forihu norst5 Ju*41.27. csteemelh iron asx. brass as rotten wocl La. 11. 7. and the lion shall eat x. like the ox, 05.25 25. 10. Moab shall be trodden down, even as x SJUAWED. Eiod. 32. 20. he ground the calf, x. it on the water 2 Chron. 34. 4. he x. upon the graves of them fnat .l/a^21.8.cutdown branches and x. them, lUari 11.8 25. 21. and gathering where thou hast not x. 26. and gaUier where 1 have not x. SIIIEAM. Xum. 21. 15. what hn did at the x. ot the brKiki Jub 6. 15. and as the x. of brooks they pass away Psal. 124. 4. then the 1. had gone over our soul 7xa. 27.12. the Lord shall beat off 10 the x. of I'.gypl 30. 28. his breath as an overflowing x. shall reacb 33. like a x. ot' brimstone, doth kindle it 57. 6. among 3m> >th stones of the x. is thy portion 66. 12. the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing x. /J«M.7.10. fiery X. issued and came forth l)etore hun Amos 5. 24. and righteousness as a mighty x. Lulce6.*a. the X. beat vehemently ou that house, 49 Si REAMS. Esod.T. 10- stretchout thine hand on their x. 8. 5. Psal. -iG. 4. X. whereof shall make glad ciiy of tiud. I 78. 16. he brought x also oui of rock, aud water STR Ptfl.7S.iO. the waters gushed out, the /.overflowed an. 4. tarn again our captivity as i. in the south C««/.4.15.well of liviD!; waters, *. from Lebanon Jta. 11 15. the Lord shall smite it in the seven *. 30. 25. on every high hill shall be j. of waters 3J. 21. will be to us a place of broad rivers and j 34.9. the *. thereof shall be turned into pitch 35. 6. waters break out, and s. in the desert STREET. Gen. ig. 2. bat we will abide in the /. all night Veui. 13. 16. thou shalt gather atl the spoil into j. Josh 2. 19. any go out of thy house into the s. Jiul^. 19.15. he sat down in a /. of the city, 1". 30. the old man said, only lodi;e not in the :. £ Sam. 21. 12. had stolen from the /. of Beth-shan 22.43. I did stamp them 2ls the mire of the 1. 2 Chr. 29. 4. and gathered them in the east s. .12.6 £xra 10. 9 a" the people sat in /. of house of God Heh. 8.1. the people gathered as one man into the t 3. he read therein before the s. that was before 16. so people made booths in the /. of water-gate J^th. 6. 9. bring him on horseback thro' the t. 11. Jot 18. 17. and he shall have no name in the /. £9- 7. when I prepared my seat in the /. 31. 32. stranger did not lodce in the /. but 1 opened Prot. 7. 8. passing thro' the t. near her corner Isa. 42.2. his voice not heard in s. Mat. 12. I9. 51. 23. and thoa hast laid thy body as the t. 59. 14. for truth is fallen in the s. and equity J«r. 37. 21. give him daily bread out of bakers' t. Lam. 2. 19. that faint for hunger in top of every/. 4. 1. stones are poured out in the top of every t. Esek. l6.24.made thee an high place in every s.3l. Dan. 9. 25. the /. shall be built ajain and the wall jlciig. 11. and go into the s. called Straight 12. 10. Ptter went on, and passed through one / Rep. 1 1 .8. their dead bodies shall lie in the s.o( city £1. 21. and the s. of the city was pure gold 22. 2. in the midst of the *. was the tree of life STREETS. Kum. 22. ♦ 39. and they came to a city of/. 2 Ham. 1 . 20. publish it'nnt in the /. of Askelon 1 hin^sCO. 34. thou shalt make /. in Damascus Psa/. 18. 42. I did cast them out as dirt in the / 55. 11. deceit and guile depart not from her /. 141.13. sheep may bring forth ten thous. in our/. 14. that there be no complaining in our /. Prot . 1. 20. wisdom uttereth her voice in the /. 3. 16. and rivers of water in the /. 7. 12. now is she without, now in the/, and lieth 22.13. there is a lion without, I shall be slain in/. 26. 13. the slothful man saith, a lion is in the /. £cel. 12. 4. and the doors shall be shut in the /. 5. and the mourners go about the /. Cant. 3. 2. I will go about the city in /. Jta. 5. 25. and their carcases were torn in midst of/. 10. 6. to tread them down like the mire of the /. 15. 3. in their /. they shall gird themselves 24. 11. there is a crying for wine in the /. 51. 20. thy sons lie at the head of all the /. Jer. 3.1. run ye to and fro thro' the /. of .lerusalem 7.17.seestthounot what they do in /. of Jerusalem 34. cause to cease from the /. of Jerusalem mirth 9.21. death come, cut off young men from the /. 1 .6. proclaim these words in the /. of Jerusalem 13.accordinglo the number of the/, of Jerusalem 14. 16. people shall be cast out in the /.of Jerusalem 33. 10. mirth shall be heard in the /. of Jerusalem 44. 6. my anger was kindled in the /. of Jerusalem 9. wickedness they hare committed in /.of Jerus. 21. the incense that ye burn in /. of Jerusalem 48.38. there shall be lamentations in the /.of Moab 49. 26. her young men shall fall in her /. 50. 30. 51.4. and they that are thrust through in her/. Lam. 2.11. sucklinss swoon in the /. of the city, 12. 21. the youni and the old lie on ground in the /. 4.5. they that did feed delicately, are desolate in /. 8. her Nazarites are not known in the /. 14 they have wandered ai blind men in the /. 18. they hunt our steps that we cannot go in our/. Exel:. 7. 19- they shall cast their silver in the /. 11. 6. ye have filled the 1. thereof with the slain 26. 11. with the hoofs of his horses tread down thy /. 28.23. I will send pestilence and blood into her /. Amot 5. 16. wailing be in all /. and say, alas, alas! iVfic. 7. 10. shall he trodden down as mire of the /. A'lfA. 2. 4. chariots shall rage in the /. shall justle 3. 10 were dashed in pieces at the top of the i. Ztfh. 3. 6. 1 made their /. waste, none passeth by Zec>i. 0.4. old men and old women shall dwell in /. 5 the t. of the city shall be full of boys and gi ris p. 3. Tyrus heaped up fine gold as mire in the i. 10. 5. who tread down their enemies in the » Hal. 6.2. do not sound a trumpet before thee in /. 5. for they love to pray standing in corners of/. lUark 6. 56. they laid the sick in the /. Jicii 5. 15. Luie 10. lO.goott into the/, of the same, and say IS.CO.shall begin to say thou hast taught in our /. 14. SI. go out quickly into /. and lanes of the city M6 STR STRENGTH. Gen. 4. 12. ground shall not nenceforth yield her /. I.iod. 13.3. by /. me Lord brought you out, 14, 16. \um. 23. 22.'he hath the /. of an unicorn, 24. 8. J)ui^. 5.21. O my soul, thou hast trodden down/. 1 Ham. 2. 4. they that stumbled are girt with /. 9. wicked be silent, for by /. shall do man prevail 10. he shall give j.unto his king, and exalt horn 15. 29. the /. of Israel will not lie, nor repent 28. 22. and eat, that thou mayesthave/. in going on 2 -Sam. 22.40. thou hast girded me with/, to battle, haist subdued them under me, Psal. 18. 3'J, .■?9. 1 Kingt^ . t 21. he set up pillars in the temple, he called the left pillar, In it is/. 2 C/iron.3.1 17. 2 Kings 2. 1 16. there be with us fifty sons of /. 18. 20. 1 have counsel and /. for war, Isn. .36. 5. 19. 3. and ihere is no /. to bring forth, Isa. 37.3. 1 Chron. \(S. 27. /. and gladness are in his place 28. give to Lord glory and /. fio/. 29.1. | y6.7. 26.8.they,their sons, and brethren, able men for/. 29- 12. in thine hand it is to give /. unto all 1 14. that we should obtain /. to oflfer willingly 2 Chr. 2. t 6. hath obtained /. to build him an house 13.20 neither did Jeroboam recover /. again 30. t2l. singing with instruments of/, to Lo.-d £ira 4. + 13. thou shalt endamage the /. of kings ^eh. 4.10. /. of the bearers of burdens is decayed Job 9. tl3. the helpers of /. do stoop under him 19- if I speak of/, lo.heis strong, if of judgment 12. 13. with him is wisdom and /. bath counsel, I6. 21. and he weakened the /. of the mighty 17. t 9- he that hath clean hands, shall add /. 18. 13. it shall devour the /. of his skin 22. •♦ 25. and thou shalt have silver of/. 23. 6. no, but he would put /. in me 30. 2. whereto might /. of their hands profit me t 21. with /. of thy hand thou opposest ag. me 31. t 39. if eaten the /. thereof without money 36. 19. he will not esteem all the forces of j. 39. 19. hast thou given the horse /. .' 41. 22, in his neck remaineth/. sorrow turned to joy Psal. 8. 2. out of mouth of babes hast ordained /. 20.6. with the saving/, of his right hand 27. 1. Lord is the /. of my lif-> of whom be afraid 28. 8. and he is the saving /. of his anointed 29. 11. the Lord will give /. to his people 30. t7. thou hast settiec -. Scr my mountain 31. +2. be thou tome tor a roct ot /. a defence 33. 16. the mighty is not delivered by much /. 39.13.0 spare me.that I may recover /.before I go 46. 1. God is our refuge and /. a help, 81. 1. 60. 7. Ephraim is the /. of mine head, 108. 8. + 9- who will bring me into the city of/..' 62. t 11. 1 heard this that /. belongeth unto God 6fi. 34. ascribe ye/, unto God, his /. is in clouds 35. God of Israel is he that giveth /. and power 7-'5 26. but God is the /. of my heart and portion 74. + 15. thou driedst up rivers of /. 81 . 1 . sing aloud unto God our /. make a noise 84. 5. blessed is the man whose /. is in thee 7. they go from /. to /. every one of them in Zion 90. 10. and if by reason of /. they be fourscore g.'?. 1. the Lord is clothed with majesty and /. 95. 4. the /. of the hills is his also 96. 6. /. and beauty are in his sanctuary 99- 4. the king's /. also loveth judgment l.iS. 3. thou strengthenedst me with /. in my soul 140. 7. O God the Lord, the /. of my salvation Prov. 8. 14. I have /. || 10. 29. way of "Lord is /. 14. 4. but much increase is by the /. of ox 21. 22. a wise man casteth down the /. thereof 24. 5. yea, a man of knowledge increaseth /. 31 . 17. she girdeth her loins with /. stren^theneth 25. /. and honour are her clothing, she shall rej. Eccl. 9. 16. then I said, wisdom is better than /. 10. 10. if iron be blunt, then must put to more /. 17. princes eat for /. and not for drunkenness Tsa. 5. 22. and men of/, to mingle strong drink 10. 13. by the /. of my hand 1 have done it 23. 4. the sea hath spoken, even the /. of the sea 25. 4 thou ha-st been a/, to the poor, a /. to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm 26.4. in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting /. 28 6. for /. to them that turn the battle to gate ,30. 3. the /. ot Pharaoh shall be your shame 33.6. wisdom shall be stability and /. of salvation 40.9. O Jerusalem, lift up thy voice with /. 29. to them that have no might, he increaseth /. 42. 25. he hath poured on him the /. of battle 4t. 12. he worketh it with the /. o1' his arms 45. 24. in the Lord have 1 righteousness and /. 51. 9. awake, awake, put on thy /. O arm of Lord Jer. 20. 5. moreover I will deliver all /. of this city 51. 53. tho' she should fortify the height of her/. I Jim. 1. fi. they are gone without/, before pursuer F.iti 30. 13. will pour my fury on sin,/, of Egypt 18 too pomp of her /. shall cease in her, 33. 28. Dan. 2. 37. God hath given the power, /. glory 41. but there sh.-ill be in it of the /. of the iron 3. ' 20 he commanded the mighty of /. to bind STR Dan. 11. 15. neither shall there be any/ towitLitaod 17. to enter with the /. of his whole kingdom 31. they shall pollute the sanctury of/. Joel 3. 16. the I ord the /. of the children o' Israe'i Amos 6. 13. have we not taken horns by our own /. f .VaA. 1. +7. the Lord is /. in the day of troub'.e 3.9. Ethiopia and Egypt were her /.I'ut andLubim 11. thou also shalt seek /. because of the enemy Hag. 2.22. 1 will destroy /. of kingdoms of heathen l.nke 1. 51. he hath shewed /. with his arm Acts 3.7. his feet and ancle-bones received /. Horn. 5. 6. when yet without /. Christ died 1 Cor. 15. 56. sling is sin, the /. of sin is the law ICor. l.B.we were pressed out of measure, above/ //fi.l 1.1 I.Sara herself received/ to conceive seed liev. 3.8. for thou hast alittle /. hast kept my word 5. 12. worthy is Lamb to receive /. and honour 12. 10. a voice saying, now is come salvation and/. 17. 13. these shall give their power and/, to beast His STRENGTH. Eiod. 14. 27. and the sea returned to A. j. Derit. 21. 17- he is the beginning of /i. /. Judg. 8.21. rise t^ou, for as the man is, so is h. s 16.5. entice him, see wherein h. great/, lieth 9- /. was not known || 19- k / went from hiir 2 Kings g. 24. Jehu drew a bow with h. full t 1 Chr. 16. 11. seek the Lord and h. s. Psal 105. 4. Job 18. 7- the steps of h. /. shall be straitened 12. A. /. shall be hunger-bitten, destruction ready 13. even first-born of death shall devour h. s. 21. 23. onedieth in h. full /. being wholly at ease 37. 6. he saith to the great rain 01 h. /. 39. 11. wilt thou trust him because A./, is great 21. rejoiceth in h. s. |i tO. I6. h.s. is in loins Psnl, 33.17. nor shall he deliver any by h. great/. 52. 7. this is the man that made not God A. / 59. 9- because of A. /. will I wait upon thee 6.i. 6. who by A. /. setteth fast the mountains 68. 34. ascribe /. to God, A. /. is in the clouds 78. 4. shewing to the generation to come A. /. 61. delivered A. /. into captivity and his glory Isa. 31. + g. he start pass over to A. /. for fear 44. 12. he is hungry, and h. s. faileth 62. 8. the Lord hath sworn by the arm of A. /. 63. 1. travelling in the greatness of A. /. I)a)i. 11. .2. by A. /. shall stir up all against Grecia Hos. 7. 9- strangers devoured A. /.he knoweth not 12. 3. and by h.s. he had power with God Kev. 1. 16. his countenance was as the sun in A. /. In .STRENGTH. C,en>. 49. 24. but his bow abode in /. and the arms 1 Kings 19.8. went vi the /. of that meat forty days Job 3. t 17. and there the wearied in s. be at rest 9. 4. he is wisef n heart, and mighty in s. .36. 5. Psal. 71. 16. I will go in the/ of the LordGod 103. 20. bless Lord, ye his angels that excel in t. 147. 10. he delighteth not in the /. of an horse Prov. 24. t 5. a wise man is in s. yea increaseth / //(I. 8. 1 11. Lord spake thus to me in /. of hand 30. 2. to strengthen themselves in s. of Pharaoh Mic. 5. 4. and he shall feed in the ». of the Lord Acts 9. 22. but Saul increased the more in t. My STRENGTH. Cen. 49.3. Reuben, thou art the beginning of mj// Kxod. 15. 2. Lord is mv s. and song, 2 Sam. 22. 33. P/n/. 18. 2.'| 28.7. I lis. 14.//a. 12.?. 7u/A. 14.11. as mv s. was then, even so is my /. now Jiidg. 16. 17. if I be shaven, my /. will go from me Job f). 11. what is my /. that I should hope ? 12. is mv s. of stones ' or is my fiesh of brass ? Pial. 18. 1. I will love thee. O Lord, mys. 19.14.0 Ld.my /. 22.19- 11 22. 15. my /. is "dried up .31. 4. pull nie out of the net, for thou art mys. 10. my /.fails bee. of my iniquity, 38.10. | 71.9 43. 2. thou art the God of my /.why go !• mourning? 59 17. to thee, O my s. will I sing ; God is defence ti2. 7- art rock ofmys. |] 102. 23. he weakened mys. 139. 1 15. mys. wasnothid from thee, when I was 141.1. blessed be L. my s. who teacheth my hands Isa. 27. 5. let him take hold of my /. to makepeace 49- '*■ I have spent my s. for nought, and in vain 5. yet I shall be glorious, my God shall be my t Jer. 16.19. O Lord my/. )| Hab. 3.19. Godismy/. Lam. 1.14. they are wreathed, he made my s. to fall 3. 18. 1 said my s, and hope is perished from Lord Zerh. 12.5. shall be my/, in Lord of hosts their God 2 Cor. 12. 9- for mys. is made perfect in weakness See No. Their SI RENGTH. Josh. 11. 13. asforcities that stood still in /Acir/ Psal. 37. 39. he is their s. in the time of trouble 73. 4. are no bands in theirdeath, their s, is firm 78. 51. he smote the chief of their s. 105. 36. 8g, 17. for thou art the glory of iheir s. 90. 10. yet is Iheir /. labour and sorrow Ptof. 20. 29. the glory of young men is iheir 1 ha. 30. 7. I have cried, theii s. is to sit still 40. 31. they that wait on Lord shall renew thrirs, 41. i. and let the people renew their s, 63. 6. I will bring down their 1. to the earth STR Etek. 24. 25. when i tate From them iheir s. ler. 2. 22. the fip-tree and vine do yield their t 7Viy SIREN Gni. Eiod 15. 13. thou hast guided them in thu t. Dmit. 3.3. 25. and as ihy days, so shall t/i'u i. be Jvd^. 16. 6. teJl me wherein thys. lieth, 15. 2 Chron.6. ■11 . thou and ark of thy s. Psal. 132. 8. Psat. 21. 1. the king shall joy in thy s. O Lord 13. be thou exalted, O Lord, in thirte own s. 54. 1. save mt by thy name, judge me by thy t. 08. 28. thy God hath commanded ihi/ t, 71.18. until I have shewed thy s. to this generation 74. 13. thou didst divide the sea by thv 77- 1-i. thou hast declared thy s. among the people 80. 2. stir up thy s. and come and save us 86. 16. O turn to me, give thys. to thy servant 110. 2. Lord shall scud rod oi thy s. out of Zion Prov. 5. 1 10. lest strangers be filled with tht/ s. 24. 10. if faint in day of adversity, ihv s. is small 31. 3. give not thy s. ULto women, nor thy ways Jsa. 17. 10. hast not been mindful of rock of rA^x. 52. 1. awake, awake, put on thy i. O Zion 63- 15. where is thy zeal and thy s. the sounding Amos 3. 11. he shall bring down l/iu J. from thee Marie 12. ,30. thou shalt love the Lord thi/ God with all thy heart and with all r/iv J. 33. Lu/ce 10.27 Your STRENGTIL Lev. 26. 20. and your s. shall be spent in vain NeA. 8. 10. for the joy of the Lord is your s. Iia. 23. 14. howl, ye ships, your s. is laid waste 30. 15. in quietness and confidence will be i/our s. £ce*.84. 21. my sanctuary, excellency of MKr J. STRENGTHEN. /-«r. 25. + 35. if thy brother be poor t. him iJ«(/.3.28.but charge Joshua, encourage and .f.him Ji'dg. 16. 28. s. me, I pray thee, only this once 19- t 5. s. thine heart with a morsel of bread 1 Kings 20. 22. go s. thys. mark and see what dost E:rc 6. 22. to s. their hands in the work of house AV/i. 6. 9, now tLierefore, O God, i. my nands Joi l6. 5. but I would s. you with my mouth Psal. 20. 2. Lord send the help, s. thee out of ?ion 27. 14. wait on Lord, he shall s. thy heart, 31. 24. 41. 3. Lord will s. him on the bed of languishing 68. 28. s. that which thou hast wrought for us 89- 21. be established, mine arm also shall s. him 119. 28. s. thou me according to thy word Isa. 22. 21. and I will s. him with thy girdle 30. 2. to s. themselves in the s. of Pharaoh 33. 23. they could not well s. their mast 35. 3. 1. ye the weak hands 1| 41 . 10. I will s. thee 54. 2. lengthen thy cords, and s. thy stakes Jer. 4. +6. set up the standard, s. stay not 23. 14. they s. also the hands of evil doers Eiek. 7. 13. nor shall any s. himself in iniquity 16. 49. neither did she s. hand of poor and needy 30. 24. 1 will s. arms of the king of Babylon, 25. 34. 16. and I will s. that which was sick Daji. 11. 1. even I stood to confirm and to s. him Amos 2. 14. and the strong shall not s. his force Zeeh. 10. 6. and I will .t. the house of Judah 12. I will s. them in the Lord, they shall walk Luit 22 32. when thou art converted, s. brethren 1 Pet. 5. 10. God make you perfect, stablish, s.you liev. 3. 2. be watchful and s. things which remain .STRENGTHENED, Actively, Passively. Gen. 48. 2. Israeli, himself, and sat upon the bed JudgZ.ll. the Lord s. Eglon against Israel 7. 11. and afterwards shall thine hands be s. 9. + 24. which s. his hands to kill his brethren 1 Sam. 23. I6. Jonathan went and s. hand in God 2 .Sam. 2.7. therefore now let your hands be .(. 1 Citron. 11. 10. who s. themselves with David t Chron. 1. t. and Solomon was s. in his kingdom 11. 17. so they s. the kingdom of Judah 12. 1. when Kehob. had s. himself.he forsook law 13. 7. and have s. themselves against Kehoboam 17. 1. Jehoshaphat s. himself against Israel 21 . 4. Jehoram s. himself and slew all his brethren 23. 1. Jehoiada s. himself and took the captains 24. 13. they set house of God in his state, and s. it 25. 11. Amaziah J. himself, and led forth people 26. 8. for Uzziah s. himself exceedingly 28. 20. came and distressed Ahaz, but j.'him not 32. 5. Hezekiah s. himself, and built the wall r.zra 1 . 6. all that were about them s. their hands 7- 28. I was s. as hand of my God was upon me Veh. 2. 18. they s. their hands for this good work Job 4. 3. and thou hast s. the weak hands 4. and thou hast s. the feeble knees Psal.bl. 7. and s. himself in his wickedness 147. 13. for he hath s. the bars of thy gates P'cr. 7. t 13. she *. her face .nd said to him 8. 28. when he *. the fountains of the deep /ja.45.t 1 .saith to Cyru5,who5e right hand I have s. Etek. 13. 22. ye have /. thf hands of the wicked 34. 4. the diseased have ye not s. nor healed sick Dan. 10. 10. one touched me, and s. me, I9. 11. 6. he that begat her and s. her in these times 12. shall caist down many, but he shall not be s. by 687 STR STR Has. 7. 15. the' I have b und and j-. their arms .2 Sam. ig.g. allthe people were at *. tnrc' Israel .ig.Saul wasj.li Eph.3.l6. to be i. with might Psal. 31. 20.shatt keep them from t. of tongues Actsg Col. 1. 11. s. with all might according to his power 2 2'im. 4. 17. the Lord stood with me and s. me STRENG I H EN EDST. Psal. 138. 3. and s. me with strength in my soul Sl'RENGTHENETH. Joi 15. 25. he s. himself against the Almighty P.^al. 101. 15. and bread which s. man's heart Prov. 24. t 5. yea, a man of knowledge s. might 31. 17. she girdeth her loins, and s. her arms Eccl. 7. 19. wisdom s. the wise more than ten men Isa. 44. 14. the cypress and oak he s. for himself Amos 5. 9. that j. the spoiled agai'.-it the strong Phil.i.lS.i can do all things thro" Christ who j. me STRENGTHENING. Lute 22.43. there appeared an angel s. him Acts 18.23. Paul went to Galatia, j. all the disciples STRETCH. Exod. 7. 19. .f. o°t 'liy hand upon waters of Egypt 8. 5. s, forth thine hand over streams and rivers 16. /. out thy rod and smite dust of land 25. 20. cherub, shall s. forth their wings on high Josh. 8. 18. i. out spear that is in thy hand to Ai 2 h'ijigs 21.13. I will s. over Jerus. line of Samaria 1 Chron. 21. + 10. I s. out three things, choose one Job II. 13. if thou s. thine hands to him 39. 26. doth the hawk s. her wings toward south ? Psal. 68. 31. shall soon s. out her hands to God La. 28. 20. shorter than that a man can s. himself 34. 11. he shall s. upon it the line of confusion 54. 2. s. forth the curtains of thy habitat, let them Jer. 10. 20. there is none to s. forth my tent Ezek. 30. 25. king of Baby, shall s. out my sword Amos 6. 4. and s. themselves upon their couches Mat. 12. 13. Jesus said to man, s. forth thy hand John1\. 18. thou shalt s. forth thy hands 2 Cor. 10. 14. for we s. not ourselves beyond meas. STRETCHED, Actively, Passively. Gen. 22. 10. Abraham s. forth hand to slay his son 48.14. Israel s. out right hand, laid it on Ephraim Exod. 8. 6. Aaron s. out of his hand over waters, 1*. 9.23. Moses s. forth his rod toward heaven, 10.13. 10. 22. Moses s. forth hand to heaven, 14. 21, 27. Josh. 8. 18. and Joshua .1. out the spear, 26. 19. they ran as soon as he had s. out his hand 2 Sam. 6. t 17. set ark in tabernacle David had s. 1 Kings 6. 27. the cherubims j. forth their wings 17. 21. he s. himself on child, 2 h'ings 4. 34, 35. 1 Chron. 21. 16. angel with a sword .r. over Jerusal. Joi 38. 5. who hath s. the line upon it? Psal. 44. 20. or s. our hands to a strange god 88. 9- I ha e s. out my hands unto thee 136. 6. to him that s. out the earth above waters Prov. 1. 24. because I have s. out my hand Isa. ?,. 16. because they walk with s. forth necks 3. 25. he hath s. forth his hand against them ; his hand is j. out still, 9. 12, 17,21. | 10.4. 14. 26. this is the hand that is s. out on all nations 27. hand is s. out, and who shall turn it back .' 16. 8. her branches are /. out, are gone over sea 23. II. he J. out his hand over sea, shook kingdom 42. 5. that s. out the heavens, 45. 12. | 51. 13. Jer. 6. 4. the shadows of the evening are s. out 10. 12. he s. out the heavens by his discretion 51. 15. he s. out heaven by his understanding Lam. 2. K. the Lord hath s. out a line Ezek. 1.11. and their wings were s. upward. 10. 7. one cherub s. forth his hand to the fire 16.27. behold, I have s. out my hand over thee IIos. 7.5. he s. out his hands Mith scorners Amos 6. 7. that 1. themselves shall be moved y.ech. 1, 16. a line shall be s. forth upon Jerusalem Mat. 12. 13. and he s. forth his hand, Mark 3.5. Luke 22. 53. ye s. forth no hands against me Acts 12. 1. Herod s. his hands to vex the church i^om. 10.21. all day long I have s. forth my hands See Arm. STRETCH EDST. Exod. 15.12. thou s. out thy right hand, earth swal. STRETCHE.ST. Psal. 104. 2. who s. out the heavens 'ike a curtain STRETCH ETH. Joi 15, 25. for he s. out his hand against God 26.7. he s. out the north over the empty place l'rov.31. 20. she s. out her hand to the po'T Isa. 40. 22. that s. out the heavens as a curtain 44. 13. the carpenter s. out his rule, markclh 24. that J. forth the heavens alone, Zech. 12. 1. STRETCHING. Isa. 8.8.*. of his wings shall fill thy lano, O Imm. Aeli 4. 30. by t. forth thy hand to hea. STRIKE. Cen. 13.7. there was a s. between the herdmen 8. Abram said, let there be no /. between me Exod. 17. +7. he called the name of the place /. Num. 20. + 13. this is the water of j. becau.se Israe 27. 14. ye rebelled in the s. of the congregation Dfur. 1.12. how can I myself alone bear your j..' Judg.Xi.iA and people were at great*, with Amm, 55. 9. for I have seen violence and s. in the city HU. 6. thou makest us a s. to our neighbours 106. 32. they angered aim at the waters of / Prov. 15. 18. a wrathful man stirreth up s. 29. 22. but he that is slow to anger appcaseth 3, 16. 28. a froward man sowcth s. and a w hisperer 17. 1. than a house full of sacrifices with s. 14. beginning of s. is as when one letteth out 19. he loveth traasgression, that loveth s. 20. 3. it is an honour for a man to cease from / 22. 10. cast out the scorner, and s. shall cease 26. 17. he that meddleth with s. belong, not tj bin 20. where there is no tale-bearer, the j. ceaseth 21. so is a contentious man to kindle s. 28. 25. he that is of a proud heart iKirreth up s 30. 33. the forcing of wrath bringeth forth s. Isa. 41. + 11 . the men of thy t. shall perish 58. 4. behold, ye fast for s. and debate, to smite Jer. 15. 10. that thou hast born me a man of a Ezek. 4,-'. 19. even to the waters of s. 40. 28. Hai. 1.3. there are that raise up*, and conteniioB Luke 22. 24. there was a s. among the disciples Rem. 13. 13. walk honestly, not in s. and envying 1 Cor. 3. 3. there is among you s. and envying Gal. 5. 20. the works of the flesh are s. wrath Phil. 1. 15, some indeed preach Christ even of j. 2. 3. let nothing be done ihro' s. or vain glory 1 Tim. 6. 4. whereof comelh envy, s. railings Hei. 6. 16. and an oath is to them cin end of all ». Jam. 3. 14. but if ye have bitter eoN-yings and s. 16. where s. is, there is confusion and evil work STRIFES. Prov. 10. 12. hatred stirreth up s. love covers sins 2 Cor. 12. 20. lest there be envyings, wraths, /. 1 Tim. 6.4. doting about questions and 1. of words 2 Tim. 2. 23. knowing that they do gender s. STRIKE. Exod. 12. 7. and*, blood on the two side-posts, 22. Deut. 21. 4. and shall s. off the heifer's neck there 2 A'liijj 5,11. will come and*, his hand over place Joi 17. 3. who is he that will *. hands with me r 20. 24. and the bow of steel shall *. him through Psal. 110. 5. shall*, thro' kings in day of his wrath Prov. 7. 23. till a dart *. through his liver 11. t 15. that hateth those that *. hands is sure 17. 26. it is not good to *. princes for equity 22. 26. be not thou one of them that s. h.inds Jer. 40. +14. hath sent Ishmael to *. thee in soul Ezek. 39, t 2. I will /. thee with six plagues Hos. 14. + 5, he shall *. forth his roots as Lebanon Hai. 3. 14 thou didst *. through with his stave* Mark 14. 65. did *. Jesus with palms of their hands STRICKEN, Actively, Passively. Gen. 18.11 .Abram and Sarah well *. in age. 24. 1, Josh. 13. 1. now Joshua was*, in years, 23. 1,C. Jud^. 5. 26. when Jael had *. thnmgh his temples I hincs 1. 1. king David was old and *. in years Prov. (). 1. if thou hast i. thy hand with a s'.rangei 23. 35. they h.tve *. me and I was not sick /*a. 1.5. why should ye be *. any more .'revolt more 16 .7. surely they are *. || 53.4. did esteem liini * 53. 8. for the transgression of my people was he * Jer. 5. 3. thou hast *. them, they have not grieved Lam. 4. 9. i- through for want of the fruits of field Luke 1.7. Zach. and Elizabeth well *. in years, 18 STRIKER. 1 Tim. 3.(0. a bishop must be sober, no *. Tit. 7. STRIKETH. Joi 34. 26. he *. them as wicked men in sight I'rov. 17. 18. a man void of understanding *. hands liev. 9. 5. as torment of scorpion, when he ». a mat) STRING. Psal. 11.2. they make ready their arrow upon *. Murk7 . 35. *. of his tongue was loosed, he spake STRINGS. Psal. 21. 12. shalt make ready their arrows upon 1. 92. 3. sing to htm with the psaltery, with an in. strument often *. 32. 2. | IH. 9. STRINGED. 1 S'om. 18. (6. women came with three *. instrumento A'*a/.150.4.prais<' him with *. instruments and org. ha. ,38. 20. we will sing my songs to *. instruments liai. 3. 19. to chief singer on my *. instruments STRIPE. Exod.'i\.Z5. shalt give wound for wound,*, for*. STRIPES. See the Siguitication 0/ Scot RGB. Deut. 25. 3. fcrly .1. be may give him, and not ex. ceed ; if he beat him above these with many *. 25am. 7. 11. and with *. of the children of mei> Psal. 89. 32. then I w ill visit their iniquity with * Prov. 17. 10. than an hundred *. into a fool 19. 29. and *. are prepared for the back of fools 20. .30. so do *. the inward part; of the belly Isa. 53. 5. with his *. we arc healed, 1 Pel. 2. 24 Luke 12. 47. he who knew, be beaten with many*. 48. he who knew not shall be beaten with few *. Acts 16. 23. when they had laid many *. upon STR Act. 16.53.too1c them same hour andwaslicd their i VCor C. 5. in t, ill imi>risoiiraents, in tumults 11.23. in.t. above measure, in prisons, in deaths 24. of Jews five times received 1 forty f, save one STRIP Xfwi. CO. 2fi and s- Aaron cf his garments 15iim.ni,8.Philistinescamcto J. slain, 1 C/ir.10.8 /jrt..3C.n s ye, make je bare, cird sackcl. on loins £i?/t.l6..'59.they shall s thee of thy clothes, C.S. 26. tlos. C. 3. lest 1 t. her naked, and set her as in day STUlPPr.D Cen. 37. 23. that they s. Joseph out of his coat f-zod. 3^.6. Israel s themselves of their ornaments A'k//i. CO 28. Moses s. Aaron of his girmehts 1 Sam. 18.4. Jonathan /. himselt of the robe on him 19. 24 Saul s. ofThisclothes also, and prophesied 31 . g. the Philistines t. Saul of his armour QCAion. CO. 25. precious jewels which they t. off Joi 19. 9. he/ me of uiy glory, and taken crowD 22. 6 for thou hast t. naked of their clothing Mic. 1. 8. therefore I will go s. and Duked Mat. 27. 28. they / Jesus, put on him .scarkt roVe Lt^e 10.30. thieves, which /. hioi ci bis raimen'. STKIPLING- 1 S.im. 17. 56. king said, inquire whose son l!ie s is SJKIVR Cen. 6. 3. my sjiirit shall not always x with m:in 26. 20. the herdmen of Gerar did f with Isaac's £jpd.Cl. 18,ifmeir* together, and one smite an. 82. if man t end hurt a woniai> with child, he shall bo surely punished, Veut. 25. IJ. Deiit. 33. 8. wiih whom thou didst s. at Meriiuh /iu/?.ll.C5.didhe ever*. ag.Isr.or fight ag. them Jui 33. 13. why dost thou j against him ? Pt. :i5.l. plead my cause with them that t. with nie I'rov 3. 30. 3. not with a man without cause ?5. 8. gonot f.mh hastily toj. lest thou know not Tsa. 41 11 and they that a with the* shall peii-ih 45. 9- let.the pot.sherd j. with potsherds of earth hos. 4.4. let no man i.thy peop'e are as they that s. Ma:. 12.19. he shall not x.nor shall any hear voice Liiie 13. 24. s. to enter in at the strait gate Hum. 15. 30. t with me in your prayers to God for nio -S Tim. 2 5. and if a man also s. for masteries 14. that they r not about words to no profit C4. atid the servant of the Lord must not » STIUVED. Hem, 15. CO. bO have I s. to preach the> gospel STKIVliN Jer. 50. 24. because thou hast s. against the Lord SIKIVEIH. Ita 45 9. woe to him that s. with his Maker 1 Cw.y.CS.ev man (hat .-.Cirt.iastery, is temperate STUrV'INO P/ii/. 1 27. with oncmlndj for faith erf' the gospel Col. 1 eg. s accord, to his working which workelh 4 + 12. always s. fervently for you in prayers Uei. 12. 4. ye have not resisted to blcod, s ag sin STRIVINGS. 2 Sam. £2 44. hast delivered me from the s. of the people, and made hc.id of heaChen, Psal. 1.8. 4i. Tit. 3. y. avoid conreiuions and *. about the law STKOKK Pent 17. 8. if a matter too hard between s. and s. 19-5. and hishand fetcheth ax with the axe to cut 21 5. by their word shall every x be tried S5«m. 20.tlO Joab doubled not his X Aniasadicd U C/ir Cl.tl4 with a great X will the Lord sniiie J si/i 9. 5 Jews smote their enemies with the x. JoA 23 2. my x. is heavier than my groaning 36. IS bewara lest he take thee away with his x Vsal .38 +11 iry friends stand aloof from my x. 39 1(1 remove^hy x away from me J'a. 14. 6. he smote the people with a cofitinual x. 30. 2(). the Lord healelh the x. of their wound 53. *3. for he was cut off out of the land, for the tiansgression of my peop'.e was the x. upon him t'rrt 24 16 1 take desire of thine eyes with ax. STROKES. Prov. 18. 6. a fool's mouth calleth for x. STRONG. Cen. 49. 14. Issachar is a x. ass, couching dmvn 24. and the arms of his hands were made x. Rrvd. 6 1 with ax. hand shall let them go, 13. 9. 1j 15 the Lord turned a mighty x west-wind 14. 21 Ld. caused sea to go back by ax. east-wind i\iim. 20.20 Edoni came apainst him with ax. hand 81. 24 biirder of the children of Ammon wa.s x 24. 21 IJalaani said, x is thy dwelling-place 28.7 the X wine to be poured out to the Lord Deui 2. 36 there was not one city too x. for us 22.»25. if man takex. hold of her, and lie with her 28 < 50. a nation s. of fare, which shall not regard JexA. 14. 1 1. as yet I am asx. thisday, as I wasday 17- 13. when Israel were waxen x. J«rfj. 1. 28. C3 9. Lord haln ortven out great nations and x. Jiirfc 6. t2. the nana of Midian was x. ag. Israel t 2fi. build an anar on the top of this x'. place 9- 51. bat there was a x. tower within the city MB ' STR /kiy 35. 10. the poor from him that is too x. for him i 18. I will praise thee among x. people 38. 19. mine enemies are lively and they are x. 00. 9. who will bring me into x. city_? 1U8. Hi. 01. 3. thou hast been a x. tower from the enemy "1 .1- be my X. habitation II 7. thou art my X. refuge 80. 15. the branch thou madest x. for thyself, 17. 89. 8. O Lord, who is a x. Lurd like unto thee .' 1.3. X. is thy hand, and high is thy right hand 136. 12. with a X hand and a stretthed-out arm thou brought them out, Jer. .'(2. 21. Prov. 7.26. yea, many x. men have been slain by her iO. 15. rich man's wealth is his x. city, 18. il. 11. 16. woman retains honour, and x. men retain 14. C3. in the fear of the Lord is a x. tower 18. 10. the name of the Lord is a x. tower 19- a brother is harder to be won than ax. city 21. 11. a reward in the bosom pacifieth x. wrath 24. 5. wise meius x. {{ 30. 25, ants are a people not x. /■-.vV- 0. 11. I saw that the battle is not to the x. l3. 3. wlien the x. men sh-\ll bow themselves C'aitl. a. ij. set Eie as a seal, for love is x. as death /j/7. 1. 51. the X. shall be as tow, maker as a spark 8. 7 Lord bringeth on them waters, x. and many 11. the Lord spake thus to me with a x. hand 17.9. his X. cities shall be as a forsaken bough 25 1 therefore shall the x. people glorify thee 26. 1. shall this song be sung, we have ax. city 27 1 with his X. sword shall punish Leviathan 28. 2. behold the Lord hath a mighty and x. one 22. be ye not rU'Ockers, lest your bands be made x. 31. 1. that trust in horsemen, because they are x. 40. 10. behold, the Lord will come with ax. hand 26. for that he is x. in power, not one failelh 41.21. bring fortli yourx.reasons,saith Kiiigof Jac. 53. 12. and he shall divide the spoil with the x. 56. til yea, they are x. of appetite 60. 22. a small one shall becon:e a x. nation Jer 5. t6. because their backslidings are x. 21. 5. I will fight against you with a x. arm 48. 14. how say ye, we are mighty, x. men for war 17. all about him say, how is the x. staff broken ! 49. 19. he shall come against habitation of the X. 50. 34. their Redeemer is x. the Lord of hosts 44. he shall come up to the habitation of the x. 51. 12. make the watch x. set up the watchmen J.zei-. 3. 8. I havQ made thy face x. thy forehead x. 14. but the band of the Lord was x. upon me 7. 24. I will make the pomp of the 1. to cease 19. 11. had X. rods for sceptres of them that rule 12. herx. rods were broken and withered 14. so she hath nox. rod to be a sceptre to rule 26. 11. ihy X. garrisons shall go down to ground 17. the renowned city which wast x. in the sea .30. 21 . to bind it, to make it x. to hold the sword 22. and 1 will break the x. arms of Pharaoh 32.21. X. shall speak to him out of midst of hell 34. 16. but I will destroy the fat and the f. Uaii. 4.11. the tree grow, and was x. 20. 22. it is thou, O king, art grown and become x. 7. 7. the fourth beast terribly x. exceedingly 8. 8. when be wasx. the great horn was broken 1 1 . 23. he shall become x. with a small people Joel 1. 6. for nation is come up on my land, x. 2. 2. 2.5. as tlte noise of a x. people set in battle.array 11. for l^e is x. that executeth his word 3. 10. .et the weak say. I am x. .Jmos 2. 9. the Amorite was x. as the oaks 14. and the x. shall not strengthen his force I 16 be that it x. of heart, shall flee away STR Amos 5. Q. that strengtheneth the spoiled ag. tho Mic. 4. S. he shall rebuke t. nations afarofT 7 . I will make her that was cast far off, x. nation fi. 2. hear, ye x. foundations of the earth XiiA. 2. 1. make thy loins x. fortify thy power /iecA. 6. t 3. in fourth chariot grisled and x. horsei 8. 22. X. nations shall come to seek the Lord il/a/. 12.29 how can one enter into a x. man's iiouse except he (irsl bind the t. man .' A/orX 3. 27 14. + .30. tiut when he saw wind x. he was afraid J.iiie 1. 80 the child grew and waxed x. 2. 40. 11.21. when a x. man armed keepeth his palace .Jcfx3 16. thro' faith hath madf this man x. Horn. 4. 20. was x. in faith, giving glory to God 15. 1. we that are X. ought to bear infirm, of weak 1 Cor. 4. 10. we are weak, but ye are x. 2 Cor. 12. 10. for when I am weak, then ain 1 x. 13.9. we are glad when we are weak, and ye are t. 2 'I'Aess. 2. 11. God shall send themx. delusion i/fi.5.7.when had offered up prayers with x. crying 12. such as have need of milk, and not of x. meat 1-1. X. meat belongs to them that are of full age 6. 18. we might have a x. consolat. who have tied 11 34. who out of weakness were made x. 1 Johil. 14. ye are x. word of God abideth in you liev.5.'l.\ saw a x. angel proclaim, with loud voics 18. 2. he cried with a x. voice, Babylon is fallen 8. for X. is the Lord God who judgeth her be STRONG. Num. 13. 18. see whether they be x. or weak 28. the people be s. that dwell i.i the land Ueiil.W .8. keep commandments, that ye mayi< /. 12. t23. only be x. that thou eat not the blood Jiisli.XI .\S,. drive out Canaanites, though they i« :, 1 Sam. 4. 9- *^x. and quit yourselves like men 2 .'iam. 16. 21 . the hands of all with thee shall bei, 1 Ai«;x2. 2. be thou x. and shew thyself a man 1 Citron. 19. 12, if the Syrians he too x. for me, if Amnion be too x. for thee I will help thec 28. ■+ 7. if he if J. todumy commandments 10. the Lord hath chosen thee, be s. and do il 2 CU'on. 15. 7- il' x. your work shall be rewarded 25. 8. if thou wilt go, do it, be s. for the battle Kzra g. 12. that ye may be x. and eat good of lanil I'sal. 144. 14. that our oxen may be s. to labour lia. 35. 4. say to them of a fearful heart, bes. Ezck. 22. 14. can thy hands be f. in the days I deal Dati. 2. 40. the fourth kingdom shall be x. as iron 42. the kingdom shall be partly x. partly broken 10. ly. he said, peace be to thee, be x. yea, be x. 11.5. the king of the south shall ie x. and he shati be X. above him and have dominion 32. hut people that know their tlod shall A« x. Uag. 2. 4. be s. O /erubbabel, be x. O Joshua, bes, all ye pexiple of land, saith the Lord, and work iCech. 8.y. let hands be s. ye that bear in these days 13. fear not, but let your hands be s. [bet, 1 Cor. ;6. 13. stand fast in faith, quit you like meuj Lph.O. 10. finally, brethren, be s. in the Lord 2 Tim. 2. l.my son, bes. ingr.ice that is in Christ See Courage, DiiiNit STRONG hold and holds. Kum. 13. 19. whether in tents or in x. /loldi JuJg. 6. 2. Israel made them caves and x. /wldt Vam. 23.14. David abode in wilderness inx. A ly. doth not David hide himself with us in x. A t 29. and David dwelt in x. /lolds at En-gedi 2 Sam. 5. ' . David look the t. Aold of Zion 24.7. and came to the x. /lold of I'y.re h'tngs 8. 12. their x. /wlds wilt thou set on fir* 2C7;;uK. 11. It. Rehoboam fortified the x. Iiolds h'ial. 89.40. thou hast brought his x. /wlds to ruia Jsa. 23. 11. to destroy the x. /lolds thereof 31 .9. and he shall pass over to his x. lioldt for fear Jer. 48. 18. the spoiler shall destroy thy x. htU 41. Kerioth is taken, the x. /lolds are surprised Lam. 2. 2. he hath thrown dowu x. holds of Judah 5. the Lord hath destroyed his x. /loldt Dan. 11.24. forecast his devices against the X. A»/i/x 39. thus shall be do in the most x. holds ^JlC. 4.8. the x. hold of the daughter of Zion A((/i. 1. 7. Lord is a x. hold in the day of trouble 3. 1 12. all thy x. holds shall be like fig-trees 14. draw thee waters for siege, fortify thy x. hold llab. 1. 10. they shall deride every x. hold Zech. 9. 3. and Tyrus did build herself a x. hold 12. turn ye to the x. hold, ye prisoners of hope 2 Cor. 10, 4. but mighty to pulling doWu of x. h SI RON G ones. Psal. 10. 10. that the poor may fall by his /. o Jer . 8. 16. at sourd of the neighing of hisx. e»tt» STRONGER. '^;f«. »5. 23. one people shall be /. than the other 30. 41. whensoever the x. cattle did conceive 42. so the feebler were Laban's, and x. Jacob's Kiim. 13. 31 we be not able, they are x. than we Judg. '4. 18. the men said, what is x. than a lion 2 Sam. 1 . 23. Saul and Jonathan were x. than lior 3. 1. but David waxed x. and x. and Saul weaker 13. 14. but Ammon beiii{ x. than she, forced her STU 1 ffin;j50.33. their gods are gods of hills, ttierefore t surely we shall 1)6 / than they, 25, Jot 17.9. he that hath clean hands shall be j.and s. Psa'.. 105. C4. he made them s. than their enemies 146.-. deliver me, for they are s. than I jer CO. 7. thou art s. than I, and hast prevailed :n. 11. ransomed from him that was s than he TMi$ 11 CC. when a s. than he shall come upon him 1 Cor. 1.35. the weakness of God is s. than men 10. 22. do we provone Lord ? are we s. than he .' STRONGEST. Vrov. 30. 30. a lion which is 1, among beasts STRONGLY. 3tidg. 8. ♦ 1. Ephraimites did chide Gideon s. 1 Cliron. 11. + 10 these men held s. with David Ezra 6. 3. let the foundation thereof be s. laid STROVE. Gen. 26 CO called Ezek. bee, they / with him, 21. 22. digged another well, and for that they s. not Eiod 2.1.'} two men of the Hebrews i. together Lev. 24. 10. and a man of Israel s. in the camp Num. CO. 13. the children of Israel J.wi'h the Lord 26. 9. this is that Dathan, who s. against Moses 2 Sam. 14. 6 they two s. together in the field Dan. 7. 2 the four winds s. upon the great sea lohn 6. 52. the Jews t. among themselves, saying ./Irri7.C6.Moscs shewed himself to them as they j. 23. 9. and s saying, we find no evil in this man STRUCK. 1 Sam. 2. 14. he s. it into the pan or kettle or pot « Sam 12.15 the Lord s. the child, and it was sick 20. 10. Joab s. him not again, and Amasa died S Chron. l.'J 20. the Lord s. Jeroboam, and he died Afu/. 26^1. one of them s. a servant of hiph-priest's Xi 1. she shall conceive chaff and bring forth t, 40. 24. whirlwind shall take them away as s 41. 2. .he gave them as driven s. to his bow 47. 14. they shall be ass. the fire shall burn them Jer. 13. 24. therefore will I scatter them as s. Joeli. 5. like noise of a flame, that devoureth the x. Obcd. 18. and the house of Esau shall be for s. ^ah.\. 10. they shall be devoured asj. fully dry jWa/. 4. 1. all that do wickedly and proud be s. 1 Cor 3. 12. on this foundation gold, wood, hay s. STUBBORN Dent. 21. 18. if a man have a t. and rebellious son 90. and they shall say to elders, this ourson is s. Jvdg. C. 19. they ceased not front* their s, way Psttl. 78 8. might not be as fathers, a j. generation Ptov. 1. 11. she is loud and s. her ,eet abide rot STUBBORNNESS. Deut.g. 27. look not to t. of this people nor s.'a 29. + 19- I'eace, tho' I walk in t. of mine heart 2 Sam. 15.23. and t. is as iniquity and idolatry Jer 3. t 17. nor walk after the s. of their heart 7- t 24. but they walked in /. of their evil heart, 9.+ U I 11. +8. I 13. t 10. I l6.t 12. 23. 1 17- say to them that walk in*, no evil come STUCK. J Sum. 25. 7. his spear s. in the ground at his bolster Pial. 119. 31. I have x. unto thy testimonies 4e/x 27.41 for part of the ship/, fast and remained STUDS. Con/. 1.11. will make bordersofgold with /.of silver STUDY. TAe chief siridy of the Hebrews juas ahjiayi the law of the 'Lord. The piactice of this' it re- eommended throuehaul the whole did Testament. Moses commanded, that the law of the Lxird thoiild alaai/s be in their mouths day and night that it ihmld be as a memorial before tlici ■eyes, and e signal in their hands : lie uov/d have them engrave it on their hearts ; that they ihould teach it their cAildren : that they should Mluays meditate v/ion it, uhether silting in ihetr Jiouses, walking in the fields, in the night time, -while they slept, and when they awoke in the ■morning ; that they should wear it as a brace- let to their arm, and write it upon thetr door- posts. This uat the study of the prophets, the patriarchs, and all good Israelites, Kxod. 13. 9. Deut. 6.7. But their study was not confined only to their iaws and ceremonies prescribed by Moses : They studied their histories, and eieii their ge- nealogies ; so that the children of the Jews, acee-utng to .lerom, inew at their fnger-ends Alii the genealogies that art found in the Chro- S89 sTtr nicies. Trom their tenderest infancy, as Jose- phus relates, they were accustomed to study the laws if God, to learn them by heart, to prac- tise them, and they were so addicted to them, that they were ready to lay down their lives for their observation. After they had the writings of the prophets, they applied them- sehec very earnestly to know the sense of the prophecies, and to study the hidden meaning of them. He see it by Daniel, who applied himself with so much care to unfold the mean- ing of his own revelations, ajia of those of the prophet Jeremiah, who fixed the time for the completing the captivity of the people of God, Dan. 7. 28. | 9. 2, 3; 22, 23, 24. And the Apostle Peter informs us, what was the study of the prophets. They searched what times and what other circumstances the Spirit of Christ, who spoke in them had marked out, when they predicted the sufferings of our Saviour, and the glory that was to follow, 1 I'et. 1. 11. After the conqiusts if Alexander the Great, the Jews, who were mingled with the Grecians, in the greatest part of the provinces of the East, began to have a taste for their language and tjieiT studies. In imitation of the Grecian jihilosophers, they divided themselves into differ- ent sects. Some of them, as the Pharisees, espoused some of the opinions of the Stoics and Platonicians ; others, as the Sadducees, em- braced some of the notions of the Epicureans ; others, as the Essenians, says Philo, had a contempt for logic, physics, and metaphysics ; which they thought useless, and matter of mere curiosity. They oytly applied themselves to morality and the laws of God, which they ex- plained after a sublime and allegorical manner. In our Saviour's lime it appears, that the main study of the- Jewish doctors utas chiefly the tra- ditions of their fathers. Christ upbraids them frequently with having forsaken the law of God and its true meaning, to ascribe meanings and applications to it, contrary to the sense of the law and the intention of the lawgiver. St. Paul, who had been bred up in these prin- ciples, shows also the absurdity of them, in his Epistles, always calling back the laws to their original and to their true sense. But all this was not abfe to cute the spirit of the Jews upon this article ; at this day they are mure bigotted to their traditions than ever, and they make them the greatest part of their study. Eccl. 12. 12. and much s. is a weariness of the flesh 1 Thess. 4. 11. that ye s. to be quiet and to work 2 Tim. 2. 15. s. to shew thyself approved unto God STUDIETH. Prov. 15. 28. heart of the righteous s. to answer 24. 2. for their heart s. destruction, their lips talk STUFE. Gen. 31. 37. whereas thou hast searched all my s. 45. 20. regard not yourx. good of Egypt is yours Exod. 22. 7. if a man deliver money orx. to keep 36. 7. the X. they had was sufficient for the viork Josh. 7. 11. they have put it even am. their own x. 1 Sam. 10. 22. he haih hid himself among the x. 25. 13. and two hundred abode by the s. 30. 24. so shall his part be that tarrieth by 1. tieit. 12. 3. prepare thee x. for removing and remove 4. then shalt thou bring forth thy x. by day, 7. Luke 17. 31. be on house-top, and his x. in house STIMBLE. P/ov. 3. 23. shall walk, and thy foot not x. 4. 12. 4. 19. the wicked know not at what they x. Isa. 5. 27. none shall be weary, nor s. among them 8. 15 and many among them shall s. and fal. 28. 7. they err in vision, they s. in judgment 59. 10. we grope, we x. at noon day as in night 63. 13. that led them that they should not x. Jer. 1.'5. 16. before your feet x. on dark mountains 18. 15. they have caused them to x. in their ways 20. 11. theref. my persecutors shall x. not prevail 31 . 9. to walk in a way wherein they shall not s. 4fi. tj. they shall x. and fall toward the north 50. 32. and the most proud shall x. and fall Ihin. 11. 19. but he shall x. and fall, not be found A'a/i. 2.5. they shall x. in their walk 3. 3. multitude of slain, they x. upon their corpses Mai. 2. 8. ye have caused many to x. at the law 1 Pet. 2. 8. a roc k of offence to them that x. at word STUMBLED. 1 Sam. 2. 4. and thev that i.^n girt with strength 1 Chron. 13. 9. to hold the ark, for the oxen 1. /'j<2/.C7.2.when they came to eat up myfle.sh.theyx. Jer. 46. 12. for the mighty man hath x. ag. mighty liom. 9. 32. for they x. at that stumbling-stone 11.11. 1 say thcn.have they /.that theyshould falW StUMHLETIl. Prov.ii 17. and let not thy heart be glad when he x. SUB John 11.9. if any Vnan walk in the day. he :. not 10. but if a man walk in the night, he x. if OCT. 14. 2 1. nor to eat any thmg whereby thy broth, j stu.m'bling. 1 John 2. 10. and there is none occasion of x. inhiia STUMBLING-BLOCK. See Signification on OppENC£. Lev. 19. 14. thoushalt not putax. before the blind Ps.lig. t idS.thatlovethy law they shall have nox A<7.57.14.take up the x. out of the way of mypeopU Eiek. 3. 20. and I lay a s. before him, he shall dia 7. 19- because it is the x. ol their iniquity 14. 3. they put the x. of their iniquity, 4, 7. 44. 1 12. they were a x. of iniquity to Israel Rom. 11.9. let their table be made a trap, a x. 14. 13. that no man put a x. in his brother's way 1 Cor. 1. 23. we preach Christcrucified, to Jcwsa 8.9. lake heed lest this liberty of yours become a x ife«;.2.14.who taught Balak to cast ax. before Israel STUMBLING-BLOCKS. Jer. 6. 21. behold, I will lay x. before this people Zeph. 1. 3. I will consume the x. with the wicked STUMBLING-STONE. Tsa.&. 14. he shall be for a stone of x. to Israel Horn. 9. 32. for they stumbled at that s.-sfne 33. behold, I lay inSion a x.-x/.and rock of offence 1 Pet.i.S. a.slone of s. to them that stumble at word STUMP. 1 5am. 5. 4. only the x. of Dagon was left to him Da7i.4. 15. yet leave the x. in the earth, 23,26. SUBDUE. Gen. 1. 28. God said, replenish the earth and x. it 1 Chr. 17. 10. moreover I will x. all thine enemie? Psat. 47. 3. he shall x. the people under us 127. + 5. they shall x. thine enemies in the gatt Isa. 45. 1. I have holden, to s. nations before his Dan."!. 24. another rise, and he shall x. three kings iUif.7.19.he will turn again, he will x. our iniquities Zech.g. 15. they shall devour and x.with slingstones fhil. 3. 21. he is able to x. all things to himself SUBDUED. Xum. 32. 22. and the Lard he s. before the Ix>rd 29. and the land shall be x. before yon Deut. 20.20. thou shalt build bulwarks, until it be f 33. t 29. and thine enemies shall be x. unto thee Josh. 18. 1. and the land was x. before them Jut/g. 3. 30. so Moab was x. {| 4. 23. God x. Jabin 8. 28. thusMidian was x. |1 11. 33. Amnion wasx 1 &»j.7.13.the Philistines were x.hand of Lord was against them, 2 6'am. 8. 1. 1 CAr. 18. 1. | -20.4. 2 5awi.8.11.silver and gold of all nations which hex. 2'^. 40. girded me with strength, them that rose up against me hast thou s. under me, Psal. 18. 39 I Chron. 22. 18. and the land is s. before the Lord /'■a/. 81. 14. I should soon have x. their enemies 1 Co/-. 15.28. and when all things shall bex.uiitohim IJeb, 11. 33. who through faith x. kingdoms SUBDUEDST. -Vt'/i. 9. 24. thou X. the inhabitants of the land SUBDUETH. Px.l8.47.it isG. thatx. the people under me, 144.2 /Ju«.2.40.forasmuch asiron breaks and x. all things SUBJECT. Gen. 3. + 16. thy desire shall be x. to thy husband 4. 1 7- his desire shall be x. to thee, thou shalt rule Luke 2. 51. Jesus went down, and wasx. to them 10. 17 . saying, Lord, even the devils are x. to us CO. rejoice not that the spirits are x. to you Iiom.3. f 19. world may be X. to the judgment of God 8. 7. for it is not x. to the law of God, nor lanbe 20. for the creature was made x. to vanity 13. 1. let every soul be x. to the higher powers 5. wherefore ye must needsbej. not only for wrath 1 Cor. 14.32. the spirits of prophets are s. to prophets 15.28. then shall the Son also himself be x. to him /•.))A.5.24.as the church is x.toChrist,so let thewives Col. 2. 20. why, as tho' living, are ye t. to ordinances 'J'(u/. 11 6. the earth swalloweth them up all their/. 33. 11. bless. Lord, his /. and accept the work /iivA 14.4. they gave to the Leviles cities for their /. 1 ^am. 9.tl. his name was Kish, a mighty man of/. 1 ChroK. 27. 31. all these were the rulers of the /. 28. 1. the stewards over all the /. of the king £C7i'. 21.17- they carried away all/, in king's house 31. 3. he appointed also the king's portion of his /. 32. 29. God had given Hezekiah /. ve.-y much 35.7. Josiahgave bullocks, these were of king's/. Ezra 8. 21. to seek of him a right way for our /. 10.8. would not come, all his /. should b-; forfeited .hb I. 3. Job's /. also was seven thousand sheep 10. and his /. is increased in the land 5. 5. and the robbers swallowed up their /. 6. 22. did I say, give a reward for me of your /. .' 15.29- he shall not be rich, nor shall his/, continue 20. 18. accortling to his /. shall the restitution be 22. 20. whereas our /. is not cut down, but remnant .30. 22. thou liftcst me up and dissolvest my /. Psal. 17. 14. they leave their /. to their babes 105.21. he made Joseph ruler over all his /. 139. 15. my /. was not hid from thee, when made 16. thine eyes did see my /. yet being imperfect Pror. 1. 13. we shall find all precious/, we shall fill 3. 9- honour the L. with thy /. and the first-fruits 6.31. he shall give all the /. of his house 8.21. that I may cause those that love me inherit/. 10. 3. but he casteth away the /. of tlae wicked 12. 27. but the /. of a diligent man is precious 28. 8. he that by usury increascth his i. 29. 3. keeps company with harlots, spendeth his /. Cant. 8. 7. if a man would give all his /. for love Isa.6. 13. as a teil-tree and as an oak whose/, is in them, so the holy seed shall be /. thereof Ttr. 15. 13. thy /. will I give to the spoil, 17. 3. Has. 12.8. I am become rich, I have found meout/ Obad.Vi. norlaid bands on their/, in their calamity Mic. 4. 13. I will consecrate their/, to L. of eartn Lukes. 3. which ministered to him of their /. 15. 13. the prodigal wasted his/, with riotous liv. Heb. IO..34. knowing that ye have in heav. better/. 11.1. now faith is the /. of things hoped for SUBTIL. Got be sold Sum. 35. 3. the /. of them shall be for their cattle 7. forty-eight cities shall ye give with their /. Josh.H. 4. save cities with/, for their cattle, 21. 2. 2 A'in»i23.11.he took away horses by chamber in .t. 2 C'/ir^ll. 14. Levites left their/, and came to Judah £»<;*. 27 .28. the /. shall shake at the sound of pilots 45. 2. fifty cubits round about for the /. thereof 48. 15. be profane place for dwelling and for /. 17. the /. of the city shall be toward the north See Cities. SUCCEED. Deut. 25. 6. the first-born shall /. his brother dead SUCCEEDED. Deut. «. 12. but the children of Esau / them, 22. 21. the Ammonites /.them.and dwelt in their stead SUCCEEDEST. Deut 12.29. when thou /. them in their land, I9. 1. SUCCESS. Josh. 1.8 and then thou shall pros.andhave good /. Job 22. t 2. not be profitable to God, if he may be profitable, doth his good /. depend thereon .- Pt. lll.t lO.good /.have they they thai do his com. Prov. 3. 1 4. so shall thou find favour and good /. SUCCOUR. 2 Sam. 8.5.wiien the Syrians came to /. Hadadezer 18. 3. it is better that thou /. us out of the city Heb. 2. 18. he is able to /. them that are tempted SUCCOURED. 2 Sam. 21 .17- Abishai /. him, and smote Philistines 2 C0r.6.2.and in the day of salvation have 1 /. thee SUCCOURER. iJo»».l6.2.sbe hath been a /. of many and of myself SUCH G*a.4.20.Jabal was the father of /.as dwell intents 21. Jubal was the father of/, as handle the harp 27. 4. make me savoury meat. /. as I love, 9. 14. 46. Jacob take a wife of sons of lleth, /. as these 30. 32. speckled and spotted, of/, shall be my hire 41. 19./. its I never saw in Egypt for badness 44. 15. wot ye not that /. a man as I can divine .' Ezod. 9. 18. /. hail as hath not beeu in Eijpt, 24. 10.14. were no /.locusts asthey.norshaiibe/. 11.6. shall be a great cry, /.as there was none like it 18.21. thou shall provide able men, /. as fear God 34. 10. /. as have not been done in all the earth Lev. 11. 34. meat on which /.water cometh beun- clean, all drink that be drunk in every /. vessel 14.22. t»x) pigeons/, as he is able to gel, 30, 31. 20. 6. the soul that turneth after/. 1 will cut off 22.6.soul that hath touched anv/.shall.be unclean 27- 9- giveth of /. to the Lord, shall be holy Num. 8. 16. instead of /. as open every womb Deut. 4. 32. whether there hath been any /. thing 5.29.0 that there were an heart in them to fearme 13.11- shall do no more any /. wickedness, IQ. 2CX 14. that/, abomination is wrought am. you,17.4. 16. 9. /■ lime as thou beginnest to put the sickle Judg. 3.2. at least /. as before knew nothing thereof 19 30. there was no /.deed done or5een to this day 1 Sam. 4. 7. hath not been /. a thing heretofore 25.17. he is / a son of Belial, a man cannot speak 2.Vi77n.g.8.lhou shouldest look on /. a dead dog as I 11. t25. for the sword devoureth so and /. 13. 18. for with / robes were virgins apparelled 14.13. wherefore then hast thou thought /. a thing 16. 2. that /. as be faint in wilderness may drink 19. 36. why should recompense me with /. reward ? 1 A'ln^/lO. 10. there came no more /.abund. of spices 12. there came no /. almug trees, 2 Chron. 9.II. 2 Kings 6. 9. beware that thou pass not /. a place 7. 19. if Lord, make windows, might/, a thing be 1 21.12. am bringing/, evil on Jerusalem and Judah 23. 22. surely there was not holden /. a passover 1 Citron. 12. 33. /. as went forth to battle, 36. 29.25. the Lord bestowed on him /. royal majesty 2 Vhron. 1. 12. /. as none of the kings have had 9 9.nor was any /.spice Jis the queen gave Solomon 1 1. 16. /. asset their hearts to seek the Lord God 23.13. people rejoiced, and r. raughl to sing praise 24. 12. gave it to /. as did the work of the house 30.5. they had not done it of a long lime in /. sort Ezra 4. 10. peace, and at/, a time, 11, 17. | 7.12. 6. 21. all /. as had separated themselves to them 7. 25. all /. as know the laws of thy God 27- which hath put /. a thing in the king's heart 8. 31. and of /. as lay in wait by the way 9. 13. and hast given /. deliverance as this 10. 3. put away the wives, and i. are bom of them Neh. 6. 11. I said, should /. a man as 1 flee ■ ij»A.4.11. except /.to whom the king shall hold out 14. thou art come to the kingdom for /. a time 9. 2. to lay hand on /. as sought their hurl 27. and upon all /. as joined themselves to them Job 15. 13. and Itttest /. words go out of thy mouth 18. 21. surely /.are the dwellings of the wicked Psal. 25. 10. to /. as keep his covenant, 103. 18. 27. 12. /. as breathe out cruelty risen up ag. me 37 M. to slay /. »s be of upright conversation sue P/.. 37. 20. /.as be blp.sseQ of him shall inherit cartll 40. 4. respecteth not proud nor /. turn aside to lie* 16. let /. as love thy salvation say, 70. 4. 55. 20. his hands against /. as be at peace with hiuj 73. 1. God is good to i. as are of a clean heart 107.10. /. as sit in darkness, and shadow of death 125. 5. as for /. as turn aside to crooked ways 1.39. 6. /. knowledge is too wonderful for me 144. 15. happy is that people that is in /. a case Prov. 11. 20. but J. as are upright are his delight 28. 4. but/, as keep the law contend with them 31.8. in cause of/, as are appointed to dcstnictiou Eccl. 4. 1. behold, the tears of /. as wem oppressed //a.g.l.dimness shall not be /. as was iuhervexal. 10.20. and /, as are escaped of the house of Jacob 20.6. behold, /. is our expectation, whither we flee 37 . 30. ye shall eat this year /. as groweth of itself 58. 5. is it /. a fait that I hav>. cho.sen .' 66.8. who hath heard /. a thing ? who hath seen /. Jer. 2. 10. consider, and see if there be /. a thing 5.g. my soul be avenged on /. a nation, 29. | 9. 9. 15. 2. J. as are for death to death, /.as are for sworrf /. as are for famine, /.as are for captivity, 43.11 21.7.1 will deliver /.as are left in this city forpesi 38. 4. in speaking /. words unto them 44. 14. for none shall return, but/, as shall escape Dan. 1.4. /.as bad ability in them to stand in palac* 10. 15. and when he had spoken /. words 10 me Jl. 32. /. as do wickedly shall be corrupt 12.1. there shall be a time of trouble, /.asnev. was -•Jmo/ 5.l6.thfy shall call /.as are skilful to wailing .Uic.5.15. in anger and fury /. they have not heard Zeph. 1.8./. as are clothed with strange apparel .Wa<.9.8. glorified G. who had given /.power to men 18. 5. whoso shall receive one /. little child in my name, receiveth me, Mark 9. 37. 19-14. suffer little children to come to me, for of/. is the kingdom of G. Mark 10- 14. Luke 18. I6. 24. 21. then shall be great tribulation, /. as was not since beginning of the world, Mark 13. 19. 44. in /. an hour as ye think not, ihe Son cometh 26. 18. he said, go into the city to /. a man and say iUarX 4.18. sown among thorns, /. as hear the word 20. sown in good ground, are /. as hear the word 33. with many /. parables spake he to them John 4.23. for the Father seeketh /. to worship him 8. 5. Moses commanded that /. should be stoned 9. 16. can a man that is a sinner do /. miracles ' Acts i. 4'. the L. added dzuly /. as should be sa^ed 3- 6. /. as I have, give I thee, rise up and walk 15. 24. to whom we gave no /. commandment l6.24-who having received /.a charge thrust them 18- 15. for I will be no judge of /. matters 21. 25. have conclude d,thal they observe no /.thing 22. 22. said, away with /. a fellow from the earth 25,20. because 1 doubted of /.manner of questions 20. 29. were almost, and altogether /. as I am Rom. 16.18. they that are /. serve not our L. Jesus 1 Cor. 5.1. /.fornication as is not so much as named 6. 11. and /. were some of you, but ye are washed 7.15. brother or sister is not under bond. in /.cases 28. /. shall have trouble in flesn, but I .^pare you 10. 13. no temptation, but s. as is common to man 11.16. seem to be contentious.we have no /.custom 15.48. /. are they that are earthy, /. are they that 16. 16. thatye submit yourselves to /.and everyone 18. therefore acknowledge ye them that are /. 2 Ctfr. 2. 6. suflScienl to/, a man is this punishment 3. 4. /. trust we have through Christ to God-waro 12. seeing then that we have /. hope, we use 10. 11. lei /. an one think, /. as we are in word by letters, /. will we be indeed when we are present 11.13. for /. are false apostles, deceitful workers 12. 20. I fear, I shall not find you /. as I would ; and that I shall be found to you /.as ye would not Cjal. 5. 23. meekness, against /. there is no law £/jA.5.27.not having spot or wrinkle, or any /.thing Pint. 2. 29. receive him, and hold/, in reputation 1 'Jhess.4.6. because the Ld. is the avenger of all /, 2 I'ness. 3. 12. now them that are /. we command 1 Tim. 6.5. corrupt men, from /. withdraw thyself 2 Tim. 3. 5. traitors, heady, from /. turn away Tit. 3.11. that he that is /. issubverted and sinneth' Ileb. 5. 12. ye are become /. as have need of milk 7. 26. /. an high priest became us, who is holy 8.1. have /, an high priest, who is set on right hand 12. 3. him that endured/, contradiction of sinners 13. 16. for which /. sacrifices God is well pleasengs6. 8. in s. aytds. aplace shall be my camp SUCH l/unss. Etod. 12. ZG. they lent 1. things as they required Lev. 30. 19. and s. things have befallen me Deut. 25.16. they that do .t.//iJng» are an abominat. Jiid^. 1.3. 23. nor have to'.d usf, things as these 1 Sam. 2.23. Eli said to them.why do ye s. things ? Qh'ings 19.29.shalleat j.A. 6. 8. there are no s. things done jis thou sayest £sth. 2. 9. with /. things as belonged to her Joi 12. 3. ye whoknoweth noti. ihin^ as these ? 16. 2. Job said, 1 have heard majiy /. thVtgs 23. 14. and many s. things are with him ler. 18. 13. ask ye now who hath heard s. things Eick. 17. 15. shall he escape that doth s. Jhings f Dan. 2. 10. there is no king that asked s. things Mark 7. 8. many other j. like thing 'ye do, 13. 13. 7. be not troubled, s- things must needs be Luieg. g. but who is this of whom 1 hear s. things 10. 7. remain, eating s. things V they give, 8. 11. 41. but give alms of < thtngs a«> ye have 13 2. were sinners, because they suffered s. things John 7. 32. that the people murmured s. things Acts 25. 18. they brought no accusation ois. things 28.10.they laded us with t. things as were necssary Rom. 1 .32. who commit s. things are worthy of deaih 2.2. judgment against them who commit s. things. 3. O man, that judgest them which do s. things Ga/.5.21.that do j.t/iingx shall not inherit kingdom Heh. 11. 14. they that say t. things declare plainly 13. 5. be content with s. things as ye have 2 Pe^3.1•l.beloved,seeIng that ye look forj. things SUCK, Substantive, Gen. 11.'. that Sarah should have given children s. 1 Sam. 1. 23. so Hannah abode and gave her son .r. I Hings 3. 21 when I rose to give my child j. Isa. 40. + 11. he shall gently lead those that give s. Lam. 4.3. the sea-monsters give s. to their young i>/a/.24.19.woe to them with child.and to them that give s in those days, Mark 13. 17 Luke 21 . 23. Luke 23. 29. blessed are the paps that never gave s. SUCK. Z)eH/. 32. 13.he made him to j. honey out of the rock 33. ly. they shall /. of the abundance of the seas Job 3. 12. or why the breast that I should s. ! 20. 16. he shall s. the poison of asps 39. 30. her young ones also /. up blood Zfa.60.l6.tiioushalt s. the milk of the Gentiles, and shall s. the breast of kings and know the Lord 6C.11 that ye may s. and be satisfied with breasts 12. then shall ye*, ye shall be borne on her sides Ezek. 23.34. thou shalt even drink it and*, it out Joel 2. It), gather children and those that *. breas t SUCKED. Cant.B.l. that j.the breasts of my mother Luke 11. 27. blessed are the paps that thou hast s. SUCKING. ^''w»1. 11.12. as a nursing father beareth the j. child 1 Sam. 7. 9. Samuel took a s. lamb and offered it Jta. n.8. s. child shall play on the hole of the asp 49. 15. can a woman forget her s. child .' Lam. 4 4. tongue of the s. childcleaveth to mouth SUCKLING. i?fu/.32.25.the s. also with the man of grey hairs t 5am.l5.3.slay both man and woman, infant and f. Jer. 44. 7- to cut off from you child and s SUCKLINGS 1 Sam. 22. I9. Doeg smote children and s. of Nob P*a/.8.2. out of mouth of babes and*. Mat. 2l.lti. Lr.m. 2. 1 1. the *. swoon in the streets of the city SUODEN. Joi 22 10. therefore J. fear troubleth thee Prm. 3.25 be not afraid of /. fear nor of desolation 1 Thess 5. S. then s. destruction cometh upon them SUDDENLY. l^nm. 6 9 and if any man die very *. by him 12. 4 the Lord spake *. unto Moses and Aaron 35. 22. but if he thrust him *. without enmity Oeut. 7. 4. the angerof the L. will destroy you *. Tosh. 10.9. Joshua came unto them s. 11.7. 26'aOT.13.14 lest he overtake us *. and smite the cilv 2 C/irvn. 29. 36. rejoiced, for the thing was done / Joi t,. 3. taking root, but *, 1 cur.'ied his habitation SUF Psal. 6. 10. let them return and be ashamed *. 64.4. *. do they shoot at him and fear not 7. with an arrow t. snail they be wounded Prov. 6. 13. therefore his calamity shall come *. he shall be broken s. v/iihout remedy 7. t 22. hegoeth after her*, as anox toslaugiiter 24 22. for their calamity shall rise s. 29.1. shall f.be destroyed, and that without remedy Led. 9. 12. when it falleth /. upon them ha. CU, 5. Tea it shall be at an instant *. 30. 1.'). as a breacu whose breaking cometh *. 47. 11. ana desolation shall come upon thee *. 48. 3. 1 did them *. and they came to pass Jer. 4. 20. *. are my tents spoiled and my curtjiins 6. 26. for the spoiler shall *. come upon us 15. 8. I have caused him to fall upon it *. 18. 22. when thou shalt bring a troop *. on them 49. 19. but I will *. make him run away, 50. 44. 51.8. Bab. is*, fallen and destroyed, howl for her /ya^.3.7.shall they not rise up /.that shall bile thee Mai. 3. 1. the Lord shall *. come to his temple A/ar< 9.8.*. saw no man any more, save Jesus only 13.36. lest coming *. he find you sleeping Luke 2. 13. *. there was with the angel a multitude 9. 3g. a spirit taketh him, and he /. crieth out .Acts'Z. 2. and*, there came a sound from heaven 9.3.*. there shined a light from heaven, 22. 6. 16. 20. and *. there wsis a great earthquake 28. 0. when he should have fallen down dead *. 1 !/'»/«. 5.22. lay hads *.on no man.keep thyself pure SUE. Mat 5. 40. and if any man will *. thee at the law SUFFER. £xo(/. 12.23. the Ld.will not *. the destroyer to come 22. 18. thou shalt not *. a witch to live Lev. 2. 13. nor shalt *. salt of the cov. to be lacking 19' 17.thoit shalt rebuke him, and not*. sin upon him 22. 16. or*, them to bear the iniquity of trespass iVam. 21. 23. Sihon would not *. Israel to pass i>«w.21. 1 12. and she shall *. her nails to grow JosA. 10. 19. *. them not to enter their cities Judg. 1. 34. not *. them to come down to the valley 13. 1. but her father would not/, him to go in 16.26. Samson said, *. me that I may feel the pillars 2 Sam. 14.11. not*, the revengers of blood any more 1 hwigs IS. 17, that he might not *. any to go out Esth. 3. 8. it is not for the king's profit to *. them 6. 1 10. *. not a whit to fail of all thou hast spoken Job g. 18. he will not *. me to tzike my breath 21. 3. s. me that I may speak, after that mock on 24. 11. tread their wine-presses, and *. thirst 32. 2. *. me a little, and I will shew thee Psal. 9. 13. consider my trouble which 1 *. of them 16.10. thou wilt not leave my soul, nor wilt thou*, thine holyOne to see coiTuption,.'3f/y 2.27. | 13.33. 34. 10. the young lions do lack and *. hunger 33. 22. he will never *. the righteous to be moved 88. 13. while I *. thy terrors, 1 am distracted 89. 33. nor will I * my faithfulness to fail 101. 5. an high look and aproud heart, will not 1 *. 121. 3. he will not *. thy foot to be moved Prov. 10.3. lA. will not *.soul of righteous to famish 19- 15. and an idle soul shall *. hunger 19- a man of great wrath shall *. punishment Eccl. 5. 6. *. not thy mou'.h to cause thy flesh to sin 12. the abundance of the rich not *. him to sleep Etek. 44. 20. nor *. their locks to grow long /i('*.5. f 4. their doings will not *. them to turn to G. AJat. 3. 15. Jesus said to him, *. it to be so now 8. 21. * me first to bury my father, Luke 9. 59. ">31. *. us to go away into the swine, Luke 8. 32. 16. 21. that he must t. many things of the elders 17. 12. Marks. 31. I 9. 12. Luke 9. 22. | 17 25. 17. 17. how long shall 1 *. you ? bring him hither to me, Mark 9. I9. Luke 9.41. 1914./. little children, Mark 10. :4. L.uke 18. I6. 23.13. neither*, ye them that are entering to go in A/a; X7. 12. ye *.him no more to do ought lor his lath. 11. 16. Jes. would not*, any man to carry a vessel Luke 22. 15. desired to eat this passover before I .v. 31.f.yethus far, he touch, hisear and healed him 24. 46. it behoved Christ to * .U ts 3. 18. | 26.23. Jicts 3. 18. God before shewed that Christ should *. 5. 41 they wer ■ counted worthy to *. shame 7. 24. seeing one o,' them*, wrong he defended him 9. 1 6. how great things he must *.for my name's sake 21. .39. 1 beseech thee,*, me to speak to the people W"»i.8.17.if sobe that we*. with him thai we maybe 1 Ciir.3.15.if anyman'sworkbe burnt, he shall*, loss 4.12. being reviled, we bless ; being persecuted, we*. 6. 7. why not rather *.voursel>'es 10 be defrauded • 9. 12. we havenot used this power t)ut*. all thing'. 10.1.3. God will not *. you to be tempted above thai 12. 26. if one member *. all members *. with it " (^'iir. 1. 6. the same sufferings which we abo *. 11. 19. for ye *. fools gladly seeing j"e are wise 20. lor ye *. if a man bring you into bondage ; Gal 5. 11. if 1 preach, why do 1 yet*, pcrbccutiou 0. 12. lest theyshould*. persecution for cross of Clir 9. 26. if the scourge slay *.he will laugh at trial 1 Phil. 1 .29. given you to believe and to *. for his sake SUF Phil.i.li.l am instructed to abound and to* neei 1 Thess. 3. 4. we told you before, that we should *, 2 J'/i«j*. 1.5. the kingdom of God for which ye also* 1 'Jim. 2. 12. 1 *. not a woman to teach nor to usurp 4. 10. for therefore we both labour and /.reproach 2 !i'ini.l.l2.for the which cause 1 also /.these thing 2. 9. wherein 1 /. trouble as an evil doer 10 bonds 12. if we *. we shall also reign with him 3. 12. all that live godly shall *. persecution lleb.M.ib. choosing rather to /.affliction with poo. 13. ?. remember them who *. adversity 22. brethren, *. the word of exhortation Jam 3.t7. *. therefore with long patience, brathrco 1 Pei.i. 20. but if when ye do well, and 1. for it 3.14. but if ye*, forrighteousn. sake, happy are ye 17. it is better that ye *. for well doing than evi*. 4. 15. but let none of you *. as a murderer or thief 16. yet if any man *. as a Christian.noi be asham. 19. let them that*, according to the will of God Rei. 2. 10. fear none of those things thou shalt *. 11.9. not /. dead bodies to be put in their graves SUFFERED. Gen. 20. 6. therefore /. 1 thee not touch her 31. 7. but God /. him not to hurt me 28. and hast not /. me to kiss my sons and daught Oeiti. 8. 3. he humbled ihee, and /. thee to hunger 18. 14. the Lord thy God hath not *. thee so to do Juitg. 3. 28. and they /. not a man to pass over 1 Sam. 24.7. David /. them not to rise against Saul 2 Sam. 21. 10. and *. not the birds to resi on them 1 Chron. 16. 21. he*, no man to do them wrong, he reproved kings for their sakes, Psal. 105. 14. Job 31. 30. neither have I *. my mouth to sia Jer. 15. 15. know that for thy sake I *. rebuke A?a/.3.13. Jes. said, suff. it to be so; then he*.hiir 19- 8. Moses *. you to put away your wives 24. 43. nor *. his house to be broken, Luke 12. 31). 27. 19. I have*, many things this day in a dreaun .Varkl.34. he *. not the devils to speak, Late 4.41. 3.19 howbeit, Jesus *. him not, but said to him 26. and had *. many things of many physician* 37. and he*, no man to follow him, sive I'eiet 10. 4. .Moses *. to write a bill of divorceu.ent Luke 8. 32. he *. them to enter into the swine 31. he . no man to go in, save l'eier,Jame6,Jchn 13. 2. were sinners, because they *. such things 24.26.0 fools, ought not Chr. have j.these things f Acts 13. 18. about forty years *. he their manners l'l.l6.who *. all nations to walk in their own wajf 16. 7. they essayed, but the Spirit *. them not 17.3. alledging that Christ must needs have 4. 19. 30. disciples *. him not to enter in unio people 28. 16. but I'aul was *. to dwell by himself 2 Cor. 7. 12. I did it not for his cause ihat *. wrong 11. 23. once was 1 stoned, ihrice 1 * shipwreck Gal. 3. 4. have ye *. so many things in vain .' Phil. 3. 8. for whom 1 have *. the loss of all things 1 Thess. 2. 2. but even after that we had *. before 14. ye havej.like thingsof your own coumrymen Heb.'Z.K.iov in that he hims. hath *. being tempted 3. 8. hi- learned obedience by things whicli he *. 7.23. they were not*, continue by reason of death 9.26. for then must he ofien hwe *. since fouudd!. 13. 12. wherefore Jesus also*, without the gate 1 Pet. 2. 21. Chr. *. for us, leaving us an example 23. when he /. he threatened not, but comniilied 3. 18. lor Chr. hath once *. for sins, just for unjust 4. 1. as Christ hath *. for us in the tlesh, he tliat hath /. in the flesh hath ceased from sm 5. 10. after ye have / a while, make ye perfect SUFFEKEST. Rev. 2. 20. because thou /. that woman Jezebel SUFFERETH. P*a/.66.9. bless G. who*, nol our feet to bt movea 107.38. blesseth, and *. not their caiile to decrease Mat. 11. 12. the kingdom of heaven *. violence .lets 28. 4. yet vengeance *. him not to live 1 Cor. 13. 4. charity *. long and is kind, euvieth nut 6UFFEK1NG. if f*27. 7. the wind not *. us, we sailed under Crete .ya'7i.5.1U.for an example of /.afliiciion, and patience 1 Pet. 2. 19. if a man endure grief, *. wrongfully Judel. an example, *. the vengeance of tltri^al fire SLFFEKIM.;. lleb. 2. 9. for the *. of deaih, crowned with clorv SUFFERINGS. A' ''«. 8.18. I reckon that the *. of ihis present time 2 Ct. 1. 5. for as the *. of Christ abound in us 6. enduring the same *. which we also suffer 7. ye are partakers of the *. so of the cousolatioo I'hiL.i. 10. that 1 may know the fellowship of his* t't'l. 1. •J4. who now rejoice in uiy *. for you //tA.2.lO. make captain of salvation perfect thro'/. 1 I'd. l.U. it testified before-hand the *. of Chi-ist 4.13. ill as much as ye are partakers of Christ's *. 3. 1 . 1 am a witness of the *.of Christ,.»nd partaker SUFFICE. -Vum.U. 22. .«hall herds be slain 10 j.them r or shall the fish of the sea be iiaiben d together 10 /.them I Dent. 3.26. let it /.late speak no more lojneof ihii SUN 1 KlH{t^fi. 10. if dast of Samaria shall /. for people £tei. 44 6. let it *. you of all your abotninat.4J.9. Hos.\^. ■(8. Ephraim said, all my labours s. me not 1 /^e(.4.3.for the time past may «. to have wrought SUFFICED J«rf».C1.14.g^ve them wivfs.yet so they t.them not Uuili 2. 14. she did eat, and was /. and left 18. gave her that she had reserved.after shewas t. SUFKICETH. John 14.8 Lord, shew us the Father and it s. us SUFFICIENCY. Lev. 5. t 7. if his hand cannot reach to tne s. of a lamb, then two turtle-doves or pigeons, 1 2. t 8. 55. t 26. if his hand hath found /. to redeem it Joi 20. 22. in fulness of hit J. he shall be in straits 2 Cor. 3.5. we are not sufficient but our *. is of God 9. 8. t. in all things ve may abound in good work SUFFICIENT. F.to,l. .^6. 7. for the stuff they had was /. for work DtMi. 15. 8. thou shall lend him /. foi his need .t.T.? I't his hand be /.for him.thou an help to him i'ruv. C5. l6. eat so much honey as is / for thee Isa. 40. 16. and Lebanon is not /. to burn, nor the beasts thereof /. for a burnt-offering ilal. 6. 34. *. to the day is toe evil thereof Lukt 14. 28. whether he have s. to finish it Je/in6.7.two hundred penny-worth of bread is not/. 2 Vor. 2. 6 /. to such a man in this punishment 16. we are a sa»our,and who is /.for these things '■ 3. 5. not that we are /. of ourselves to think IS. 9- he said to me, my grace is /. for thee SUFFICIEN'JXV. SC.'iron. 30. 3 priests had not sanctified themselves/. Isa 23 V8. that dwell before the Lord tr> eat / SUIT. Judg. 17 10. I will give thee a /. of apparel t Sam. 15.4. that ev. man who hath any /.or cause Job 11. ig. yea, many shall make /. unto thee SUITS. ha. 3. 22. will take away changeable/, of apparel SUM, Substantive. £«-J J- Daniel told the /. of the dream /•"/ 7. 16. Abrsdiam bought for a /. of money C2. 28. with a great /. obtained I this freedom Jiei. 8.1. of the things we have spoken this is the /. SU.M. 2 Kings 22. 4. that he may /. the silver brou-'ht SUMMER. 0/n^8 22./.and winter,dayand night shall notceasf . sal. 32.4. my moisture is turned into drought of / 74. 17. thou hast made /. and winter Prcv. 6 8. which provideth her meat in /. 30 25. 10. 5. he that gathereth in /. is a wise son 20. 1. as snow in /. and as rain in harvest //«. 28. 4. and as the hasty fruit before :he / Jtr. 8. 20. the harveit is past, the /. is ended Van. 2. .35. as th». chafT of the /. threshing-floors ^ec/i. 14. 8.. m /. and in winter shall it be SUN the people 0/ lU East. It is thcmgnt to be the sun that Ihe Phenicians uorsl.ipped under the name of Baal, the .Moaiites under the name n'' Chemosn, the Ammonites by that of .Mo- loch, and the Israelites by the name of Baal, and by the king of the host of heaven. Ihev did not separate his zcorship from that of the moon, aliom they called Astarta, and the queen of heaven. They paid this uorship upon high placet, in groves, and upon the roofs of their houses. The ls> /elites had a caution against this uorship, Ucut. 4. 15, I9, Take ve therefore good heed unto yourseUes, lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven and when thou sees*, tne ntn, and th'^ moon^ and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldst be driven to worship them, and serve them, which 'lie Lord thy God hath divided unto all n.iiinns under the whole heaven, .hid in Deut. 17. 3, 4, 5. such are condemned to death, at shall be perverted to the worship of strange gods, of the sun, or of the moon. Josiah King of Judah took atcay out of the temple of Ihe Lord, the horses, and burnt the chariots, that the kings his predecessors had consecrated 10 the son, 2 Kings 23 1). Job says, that he looked upon it as a very great crime, and a.t renouncing the God that is above, to ki's his hand as a token of adoration, tchen he saw the sun in air its glory and splendour lob 31. 26, 27, 28. Eiekiel taw in the Spirit, in the temple of the Lord, five and t'.ienly men of Judah, who tiirv.ed their hacki upon the sanctv/iry, and had their faces to- wards Ihe East, worshipping Ihe sun at his rising, Ezek. 8. 16. 'he sun is frequently alluded to in a great pan "f the noble similitudes that the sacred authors make use of. To represent a very great cala- mity, they nay, the sun was obscured, and the moon withdrew her light, Isa. 13. 10. | 24. 23 Jer 15. 9. Ezek. 32. 7 Amos 8. 9. To ex- pren a long continuance of any thii'g that is gloriout and illustriou:, in scripture style it is taid, I, shall continue as long as the sun endures, Psal. 72. 5, 17 The compass of the whole earth is marked out by those words, from th« rising of the sun to the goi.ng down of the same, Ptal. .V). 1. | 113. 3. To be hung upon a gibbet in the face of the sun, to be exposed in the fields to the Htds of the air, and to the heat of the sun, expresses a parti- cular degree of ignominy, >.um. 25. 4. Jer. 8. 2. Under the sun ; that is to toy, in the SUN 2 Sam. 12. 12. but I will do this thing befote Israel and the» 23. 4. as the light of morning wnen the /. nseth 2 Ainj/3.22.lliey rose, and /.shone upon the wateis 23. 5. them also that b'.irn incense to /. and moon 11. and burnt the chariot of the /. with fire 2 Chron. 14. ♦ S.Asa look high places and /. image* •34. ♦ 4. Josiah brake down the /. images on higii. A«,>, is f»lle„ /u ■^^ '"■."' y*' S"*'*'' ye "''ne »nd t.-fruit,, 12 48. 32. the spoiler is fallen on t.-fruits and fc'' "•«' Ood created al J creiTer.i: " '""" "" "" '''■ " ">" fien. I iC. -Jh moon to rule oier Ihe nirht b* ..... /. -. I . . . . . * '. ■^**V -•< adormntn to the sou has teen the object of greauil pan of world, Eccl 1. 9, 14, &c. Jesus Christ ., Called the sun of righteousness, Mai. 4. 2. he enlightens, quickens, and comforts his people. A woman clothed with the sun, and the moori under her feet, signifies the church clothed ■with the righteousness of Christ, purity of doctrine, and a holy conversation ; condeni. nmg and undervaluing worldly things, and ihe Mosaiaeal worship. Rev. 12. 1. The scripture ac/uainte us uilh three very ertraordinary and miraculous things relat- ing to the sun. The first was, when it stood still at the command of Joshua, Josh. 10. IC, 13. The second, when'ii returned back in the time of king Ileiekiah, 2 Kings 21. II. Atid the third, when it was involved in darkness, ihoush Ihe moon was then at the full, at the time of our Saviour's crucifixion .Mat. 27. 45. Gen. 15. 17. it came to pass when the /. went down 39. 23. the /. was risen when Lot entered Zoar 28. 11. Jacob tarried all night, bee. the /. was set .32.31.as he passed over Penuel, the > rose on him 37.9. the /. moon, and stars madr ..i..isance to me Exod. 16. 21. and when the/, waxed out it melted 22. 3. if /. be risen, blood shall be shed for him L«r.22.7.and when the 1. is down, he shall be clean and afterwards eat holy things, Ueui. 23. 11 Xum.ZS.*. hang them up before the Lord ag. the / Ueut. 4. 19. lest when thou see st the /. and moon 17. 3. and hath worshipped either the /. or moon -4. 15. nor shall the / go down upon it, he is poor 33_ 14. for the precious fruus brought forth by / Josh. I. 4. to se», toward the going down of the j 8.29.as soon asthei.wasdown.loshua commanded 10 12. /. sund thou still upon Oibeon. and moon 13. and the ». stood still, and the moon staved Judg.S.M. let them that love him be, as/, hisniight 8. 13. Gideon returned before the /. was up 9. 33. as soon as Ihe /. Is up. tlinu shalt rise early 14. 18. they said to him before the/, went down 19. 14. /. went down when they were by Gibeah 1 .Sam. II. 9. by the /. be hot, ye shall' have help .Sam.i.Ji4. the /.went down, they were at Ammah 3. 3j. if taste bread or ought tiii thi /. be down 12. 11. shalllie with thy wives in .«ight of ihii/ 74. 16. thou hast prepared the light and the 84. 11. fir the Lord God is a /. and shield 89. 36. his throne shall endure as the /. before me 101. 22. the /. ariseth, they gather themselves 121. 6. the /. shall uot smite thee by day 1.36.8. to him that made the /. to rule by day 148. 3. praise ye him,/. and moon, and stars of light Feci. 1.5. the /. also ariseth, and the /. goeih duwi» 6. 5. moreover, he hath not seen the /. nor kiiowii 7. 11. by it there is profit to them that see the /. 1 1 .7 . a pleasant thing for the eyes to behold the / 12. 2. while the /.or the stars be not darkened Cunt. 1. 6. because the /. hath looked upon me 6. 10. that looketh forth,fair as moon, clear as the/ Isa. 19. t 18. one shall be called the city of the / 24.C3.then the /.shall be ashamed, Ld. shall reign 30.26. the light of the moon shall be as the light ol the /. and the light of the /. shall be sevenfold. 38. 8. is gone down in /. dial, so the (. returned 49. 10. nor shall the heat, nor /. smite them 60. 19. the /.shall be no more thy light by daj 20. /.shall no more go down, nor moon withdraw Jer. 8. 2. they shall spread the bones before the /. 15. 9. her /. is gone down while it is yet dav 19. t 2. which is by the entry of the /. gate 31. 35. which giveth the /. for a light by day 43. t 13. he shall break the house of the /. Ezek. 8. 16. they worshipped the /. toward the east 32. 7. I will cover the /. with a cloud Joel ^.10, the /. and the moon shall be darkened, 3. 15. .Mat. 24. 29. Mark 13. 24. Luke ^i. 45 31./. shall be turned into darkness, mi)on into ■imot 8. 9. I will cause the /. to go down at noon Jonah 4. 8. when the /. did arise, and the /. beat on. the head of Jonah that he wished to die Mie. 3. 6. the /. shall go down over the prophet* Xah. 3. 17. but when the /. ariseth, they tiee away, //a4.3.11./. and moon stood still in their habitatioc Mai. 4. 2. to you shall the /.of righteousness arise Mat. 5.45. he maketh his /. to rise on evil and good, 1 3. 6. when /.was up they were scorched, Mark 4.6 43. then .shall the righteous shine as the /. 17.'.'.his face did shine as the/. /C 17. 1 saw an angel standing in the /. he cr^d 21. 23. and the city had no need of the /. 22. 6. See GuETH. Going, RibiNC. Under the SUN. Eccl. 1.3. what profit of all labour which he taketb. under the /. .' 2. 18, 19, 20, 22. | 5 18. | 9. <;. 9. and there is no new thing under Ihe s. 14. I have seen all the works done uni//r /. all is vanity and vexation, 2.17. | 4.3. | 8.17- | 9.3. 2. II. and there was no profit under tie /. 3. 16. 1 saw under the /. the place of judgmeuf 4 . 1 . al I the oppressions that are done under the /. 7. then 1 returned, and I saw vanity under the t 5.13. an evil I have seenuTu/zr/Af /. 6. 1. | 10. 6. 12. tell what shall be after him under the t 8 9.1 applied my heart to every work under tin /.. 15.mirth,aman hath no better thing under th. 1. 9.6. nor any portion in any thing under tne t. 9. all days which he hath given thee under the r. 1 1 . I saw under the t. that race is uot to the 13. this wisdom have I seen also under the 1. SUNDER. /'/a/.46.9.he breaks the bow, cutteth the.veaf la *,. 107. 14. and be brake their bonds in /. SUP Pt.lO'A6. and he hath cut the bars oi iroa !□ t. Isa. C'. y. as chalk stones that are beaten in s. 45. -. 1 will cut in ». the bars of iron Nah. 1. IS. for now 1 will burst thy bonds in * Luke 12. 46. he will come and cut him in *. SUNDERIlD. /oWl.l'.hisscalesstick together, they cannot be s. P«a/.22.U4.aU my bones are f .my heart is like wax SUNDRY. Heh. 1. 1. God who at s. times spake to the fathers SUNG E:ra .^.11. theyi. together by course in praising L. Ita. C6.1. in that day shall this song be s. in .ludah Mat. C6. 30 when they had s. an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives, lUarA 14. CO. i?«f .S.y.they s. a new song, saying, thou art worthy 14. 3. they .t. as it were a new song bef. the throne tiVi>>ii, Actively, Passively iVnw.l 1.12. when jMoses prayed to the L. the fire s. ISam. IT. 4y. that the stone s. into his forehead C Kings g. 24. and Jehoram /. down in his chariot Ptal. y. 15. heathen are x. down in the pit they made Jer. 315. 6. they let him down, so Jer t in the mire £2. thy feet are s.in the mire,they are turned back Lam. 2. 9. her gates are i. into the ground i'}c(f20.g.l:'utychusj.down with sleep, and fell down SUP Isa. 42. ♦ 14. I will destroy and *. up at once Oiad.i ID. yea, all the heathen shall drink and s. up JIai. 1 . y. their faces shall i. up as the east-wind I,uie 17. 8. say, make ready wherewith 1 may t Rev. 3. CO. I will * with him, and he with me SUl'PED. 1 Ccr. 11. 25. he took the cup, when he had t SUPER FLU 11 Y /am. 1.21. lay apart all filthiness, j. of naughtiness SUPERI'LUITIES. Amos 6. t4. lie on beds of ivory and abound with /. SUPERFLUOUS. l^v. 21 18. whatsoever man hath any thing j 22. 23 a bullock, or lamb, that hath any thing s. SCor.y.l. as to ministering it is i. for to write to you SUPERSCRIPTION Jt aas a custom amojtg l/it Romans to rerite the crime for which any man suffered death, in a loile, and carry it before him to eiecution ; and as of other iinds of death, so in particular of those that were crucified. Whence oj'pears the propriety of all these espresstons ik the Evangelists, iTTiypa'pr, rrj; oiTi'af, the super- tcription of the cause of his criices. Mari 15 27. n aiV/a tnoLVU} Trji xt^oX^f yj- ypoi/x/jiiVT!^ the charge, or cai-.se v.-ritten over "ais head. Mat 27 37 And simply iTnypaipr) tnperscription, Luke 23 38. And TiTAif, tale, John ig. 19. Mai 22 CO. Jesus saithualo them, whose is this image and / .' Mari 12 I6 Luke CO 24. Mark 15. £t). the /. of his accusation, ZiUe C3 38. SUPER.STITION 4<.'j25.19.but had questions ag.him of ihcir own x. SUPEKSJTTIOUS. Acisl7.QQ.l perceive that in all things ye arc too x SUPPER. Afcr* 6,21. Herod onhisbirlh-d.made ax to his lords Luke 14. 12 when thou niakest a dinner or x. 16. a certain man made a great x and bade many 17. and sent his servant at x time to say to them C4. none of those were bidden shall taste of my x. 22. 20. likewise also thecnp after x saying, this cup ^;)/inl2.2.ihere they made Jesus a x.Martha served 13.2 and X being ended 1| 4 Jesus riseth from i. VI. 20 disciple who also leaned on his breast atx. 1 Cor. 1 1 20 this ie not to eat the Lord's x. 21 for every one taketh before other his own x. Rev.^g.g. blessed that are called to the marriage x, 17 he cried, come to the x. of the great God SUPPING Uai. 1 . f 9. the X up of their faces as the east-wind SUPPLANT Jer. 9' *• fof «»ery brother will utterly x. SUPPLANTED. Gen. C7 36 for he hath x. me these two times SUPPLANTER. Oen. 27. t 36. he said, is no-, he rightly named a i. SUPPLE. Sut. 16. 4. neither wast washed in water to x. thee SUPPLIANTS. ZevA. 3 10. my X. shall bring mine offering SUPPLICAITON. l&m 13. 12, and 1 have not made x. to the I/ord 1 King! 8. 28. have respect to hisx. 2 Ckron. 6.I9. SO. hearken thou to the x. 45. 49. 2 Chron. 6. 35. SS. and make x. to thee, 47 2 Chron. 6. C4. 52. that thine eyes may be open to x. of thy senrant M.had made end of praying all this prayer and x. 59. these my words wherewith I have made x. 9- S. I h.ive heard thy x. that thou hast made UCMren. 6. 29. whatx. shall be made of ajiy roan 593 suit 2 Chron. 33. i3. Lord heard Maiiasseh's x. then knew the Lord Esth. 4.8. and should make x. to him for her people Joi 8. 5. and wouMest make thy x. to the Almighty 9. 15. but I would make my x to my judge fs. 6.9. the L. hath heard my s. receive my pi aver 30. 8. and unto the Lord 1 made my x 142. 1. 55. 1. give ear, and hide not thyself from niv x. 119. 170. let my X. come before thee, deliver me 7.1a." 45. 14. they shall make x. to thee, s.iyiiig Jer. 36. 7. it may be they will present their 1. to L. .■)*. 20. O king.'let my x. be accepted before thee 38.20 1 presentedmyx. bef. the king not to return 4C.2.1etouri. be accepted bef. thee and pray for us y. to whom ye sent me to present your s. bef. him Uitn. 6 11. then these men and Daniel making x. y.CO while I was presenting my s. before my God llos 12.4. he wept and madex. unto him, found him ./(■/xl.H. continued with one accord in prayer andx. £';'/i.6.J8.withall prayer andx. in spir. for all saints I'hil. 4. 6. but in every thing by prayer and x. SUPPLICATIONS. 2 Chr. 6.21. hearken tox of thy servant and people 39 then hear thou their prayer and their x Jo>t 41. 3 will Leviathan make many x. uuto thee • I'sal. C8.2 hear voice of my x. when I cry, 140. 6. 6. he hath heard voice ofmy x. 31. 22. | II6. 1. 86 6. give ear and attend to the voice of vtj x 130. 2. let thy ears be attentive to my x. 143. 1. Jer 3. 21. weeping and x. of Israel were heard 31. 9 come with weep, and with x. will 1 lead thcni Dan 9 3 I set my face to seek by prayer and x. IT. hear the prayer of thy servant and his x. 18. wc do not present our x. for our righteousness 23 at the beginning of thy X the command came Zech 12.10 and I will pour the Spirit of grace andx 1 'I'im 2. 1 the first of all x. be made for all men 5.6. she continueth in x. and prayers night and day hei. 5. 7. when be had ofTered up prayers and x. SUPPLY, Substantive. 2Co7-.8.14.that your abundance may be a x. for their want, that their abundance a x. for your want Phil.l.ig, thro' prayer and the x. of the Spir. of Jes. SUPPLY, Verb Phil. ^.30 not regarding his life tox. lack of service 4. 19. but my G sliallx. all your need by Chr. Jes SUPPLIED. J Cor 16.17 what lacking on your part,they have X QCor. 11.9. what was lacking tome, the brethren x SUPPLIETII. 2 Cor 912, not only x the want of the saints Lph. 4. 16 compelled by that which every joint x. SUPPORT, ED. Oen.C7 +37. with corn and wine have I x him Psal. 20 t 2. the Lord x. ihce out of Zion Acts 20. 35. ye ought to x. the weak, 1 TAest. 5 14, SUPPOSE. 2 5am. 13. 32. let not my lord x. that they have slain Luke 7. 43 I X that he to whom he forgave most 12.51, X. ye that I am come to give peace on earth 13. 1. X. ye that these Galileans were sinners yi'/iK21. 25. I X. the worla could not contain books Acts 2. 15 for these are not drunken, as ^-e x. ] Ccr. 7 C6. I X. that this is good for the present CC'or.ll.S. Ix. I was not behind the chiefest apostles Hei, 10 29 of how much sorer punishmentx. ye 1 Pet. 1. 12. by Silvaiius, a faithful brother, as 1 1. SUPPOSED Mat.CO.lO they /. they should have received more AlarkQ 49, they x. it had beta a spirit, and cried out Luke 3. 23. Jesus being, as was x. the son of Joseph 24. 37. terrified and x iliat they had seen a spirit ActsT.^5. for hex. his brethren would have underst. 2 1.29. whom they x. that Pjivil had brought to temp. 25. 18. brought none accusal, of such things as 1 1, PAi7.2.23.1 x.ilnecess. to send to youEpaphroditus SUPPOSING. Luke 2.44. they x. him to have been in the company John 20. 15. she x. him to be gardener, saith to him Acts H.iy.whodrew Paul out, x. he had been dead 16. C7. jailor x. that the prisoners had been tied 27. 13. X. that they had obtained their purpose Phil. 1. 16. X. to add affliction to my bonds lTim.6.5. menof comipt niinds,x. gain is godliness SUPREME. I Pet. 2. 13. submit, whether it be to the king as x. SURE. ('««.23.17.border3,fitld, and cave wer« made x.20. Ezod. 3. 19. 1 am x. the king will not let you jo Num. 32. 23. and be x. your sin will find you out Deut. 12. 23. only be x. that ihou eat not the blood 1 Sam. 2. 35. aiid I will build him a x. house SO. 7. then be /. that evil is determined by him 25. 28. for the I^ord will make my Ix^rd a x. house iSam. l.IO. because I was x. that he could not live S3. 5. with me cOTenant ordered in all things and x. I Kings II. 38. that I will bnild thee a x. house J'sra 9. i 8. and to give us a constant and x. abode Seh. I). 38. we make a x. coTenant, and wi-ie it ll.<23.that ax.ordiuanreshouldbe for the s ngcrs SUR Jo6'2i. 2C. he riseth up, and ns man is j. of life /'ju/.iy.7.'lie testimony of the L. is s. making wise y3. 5. thy lesiimonies are very x. O Lon' 111.7. all his commandments are 1 Prov. 6. 3. humble thyself and mane x. thy frieOii 11 15. and he that bateth suretiship, is x. 18. to hini soweth righteousness shall be x. reward ixo.22.23. 1 will fasten him as a nail in ax.place.CS 28. 16. behold, I lay in Zinn for a x. loundaiioa 32. 18. my people shall dwell in x. dwellings 33. 16. bread shall be given him, waters shall be t 55. 3. even the x. mercies of David, Acts 13. 34, Jer. 15.118. thou be to me as waters that be not x. Uan. 2. 45. and the interpretation thereof is /. 4. C6. thy kingdom shall be x. unto thee A/of. 27.64. that the sepulchre be made x. 66. 65. he said, go your way. make it as x.as you can Luke 10. 1 1. be X. of this the kingdom of God is come John 6.6y.we believe and are x.that thou ariChrist 16. 30. now we are x. that thou knowest all things Kvm.S.^.we are s. that the judgment of (Jod is true 4.16. to end the promise might be x. to all the seed 15. 29. I am s. that when I come unto you 2 Tim.i. 19. the foundation of God standeth x. IJeb. 6. 19. hope we have as anchor x. and stedfast 2 F«(. 1.10, give all diligence to make your calling x 19. we have also a more x. word of prophecy SURELY. C<»i.2.]7.inday thou eatest thereof.thou shaltx.dia 3. 4. serpent said to the woman, ye shall not x. die 9.5. and X. your blood of your lives will I require 18.18. Abraham shall x. become a great nation 20. 7. if thou restore her cot. thoa shall x. die 11. X. the fear of God is not in this place 28.1ti.Jac.said,x.Lord is in this place, I knew itnot 22. I will X. give the tenth unto thee 29.14.Laban said.x.thou art my bone and myflesh 32. X the Lord hath looked upon my affliction .30 16 come in unto me, for x. I have hired thee 31. 42 X thou hadst sent me away now empty 32. 12 and thou saidst, I will x. do thee good 42.16 X ye are spies|i44. 28. X. he istorn inpiece» 43 10 X now vfi had returned this second time 40 4. and I will also x. bring thee up again 50.24.1 die, G. will x. visit you, 25. Eiod. 13. 19 Liod. 2. 14. Moses said, x. this thing is known 371 have X. seen the atfiiction of Israel, 16. 4. 25. she said, x. a bloody husband art thou to me 11.1. he shall X. thrust you out hence all together 18.18.thouwiltx.wear away, thou and this people 19. 1.3. bnthe shall x. be stoned, or shot through 21. CO. if he die, he shall be x. punished, 22. £8 if an ox gore, then the ox shall be x. sto 36. he shall x.pay ox for ox, dead shall be his CC.6..he that kiiidleth fire shall x. make restitu 14 ff it be hurt or die, he shall x. make it good 16. if lie with her.shall x. endow her to be his 23. if they cry at all to me,l will x.hear their cry 23.4. thou shalt x. bring it back to him again 5. if thou see, thou shalt x. help him 33. if serve their gods,will x.beSDare,l Kings 1 1 .2, 40.15.anointing shall x.be aneverlasiing priesthood Num. 13 27 and x. it floweth with milk and honey 14. 23. x.they shall not see the land which I sware 35. I will X do it to all this evil congregation 18. 15 the first-born of man shalt thou x. redeem 22. 33. X. now I had slain thee, and saved her alive 23. C3. X. there is no enchantment against Jacoh 26.65. Ld. had said, they shall x.die in the wildern. CTlT.thuu shalt X. give them a possession of inherit, 32. 11, t none from twenty yearsold and upwarji, shall set the land 1 sware to Abraham, Dent. 1.35. Deut. 4. 6. X this great nation is a wise people 8,iy.I testifythis day that ye shall x. perish, 30. 18 13.9. but thou shalt x. kill the idolater 15. thou shalt X. smite the inhabitants of thalciiy. 15. 8. thou shalt X. lend bim luthcient for his nerd 10. shalt X. give thy poor brother not to be grievta. 16. 15. thou shalt x. rejoice in the feast of taberu. C2. 4. thou shalt x. help hiiD to lift them up agaim 23. 21 the Lord wii x. require thy vow of the* 31. IB. and 1 will x hide my face in that day Josh. 14. 9. X. the land shall be thine inheritance Judg. 3. 24. they said, x. he coverelli his feet 4. 9. and Deborah said, I will x. go with the« (i. 16. the Ld. said to Gideon, x. I will be with the- 1 1.SI.conieth forth to meet me, shall x.be the Ld.' 15. 13. we will bind, but x. we will not kill the* 20.39. »• ihey are smitten down before us as in fire 1 .Sioi.g. 6. all that he saith cometh x. to pass 15. 32. Agag said, x. tne billeroess of death is ptst 17. S5. they said, x. to defy Israel is he rome up CO. C6. for Saul thought, x. he is not clejji. 22. 22. I knew it that Doe? would x. tellSaul 24. SO. 1 know well that thou shall x. be king C5. 21. X. in vain have I kepi all this fellow h«.I 34. X. there hAd not been left to Nabal any 28. 2. X. thou shKli know what thy senraut can d«- 29. 6. X. 34 the ]«rd liveih.thou haslDteo apri' SUR l5jm.30»3.pQrsut, (or thou shalt f.overtakt them S 5am. 2.27. t. ike people had gone up eTer7 one O.'.Iwill '• shew the kindness for Jooathau's sake 11. 23. he said, t. the men preTailed against us is! 21. s. where the king shall be, '.here will I be 18. 2. I will t- go forth with you mjjelf also TO. 18. she spake, they shall /. ask counsel at Abel 21.24. nay, but I will /. buy it of thee at a price 1 KtniS 8. 13. 1 have x. built tbee house to dwell in 11. li. 1 will /. rend the kingdom from thee 13. 32. saying against the altar shall /.come to pass 18. 15. 1 will t. shew myself unto him to day 20. 23. and ». we shall be stronRer than they, 25. 22. 32. they said, t. it is the king of Israel 2 Kififii 3. 14. /. were it not 1 regard Jehoihaphat C3 they said, this is blood, the kings are /. slain 5.11. behold, I thought, he will /. come out to me U. 1*. he told me that thou shouldest x. recover 9.26.x. I have seen yesterday the blood of Naboth 18.30. the Lord will x. deliver us, Ita. 36. 15. 23. 22.x. there was not holden such a passover 24. 3.x. at command of the Ld. came this on Judah Ziih. 6. 13 not prevail, but shalt x. fall before him Job 8. 6. if pure and upright, x would awake for thee 13. 3. I. I would speak to the Almighty 10. he will X. reprove you, if ye accept persons 14. 18. t. the mountain falling fometh to nought 18. 21. *. such as are tne dwellings ot the wicked Si). 20. X. be shall not feel quietness in bis belly 2b. 1.x. there is a rein for the silver, place for gold. 31. ^6. x. ta!(e it upon my shoulder, and bind it 31. 8 X. thou hast spoken in my hearing 34. l2.yea,x.G.will not do wickedly .uorAlmighty 3J. 13.x. G. will not hear vanity nor regard it Psal. 32. 6,x.iu the floods they shall Dot come nigh 39. 6. I. every man walketh in vaiu shew 11. his beauty consumes, X. every man is vanity 73. 18. X. thou didit let them in lippery places 76. 10. J. the wrath of man shall praise thee 77. 11.x. I will remember thy wonders of old &5. 9. (. his salvation is nigh them that fear him '94.3.x. he shall deliver thee from snare of fowler 112. 6. t. he shall not be moved for ever 131.2.x.have behavedandquieted myself as a child 132. 3. X. I will not come iuto my house 139. 19. X. thou wilt slay the wicked, O God 140. U.x.therighteous shall give thanks to Ihyname Prov.X. 17.x. in vain the net is spread in sight of bird 3. 34. X. scorneth the scorners, but giveth grace to 10. 9. he that walketh uprightly, walketh x 22.16. that giveth to the rich.shallx. come to want 23. 18.x. there is an end J| 30.2. x. I am more brutish 30. 33. X. the churn, of milk bringeth forth butter £f<:/.4. 16.x. this is also vanity and vexation of spirit 7. 7. X. oppression maketh a wise man mad B. 12. X. it shall be well with them that fear God lO.U.x. the serpent will bite without enchantment Jxu.7 9. will not believe.x.ye shall not be establish. 14.24. X. as I have thought so shall it come to pass 16.7. for Kir-hareseth ye shall mourn, x. are stricken 19. 11. X. the princes of Zoan are fools ■22.14.x. this iniquity shall not be purged from you 17. behold, the Lord will x. cover thee 18. he will X. violentlyturn and toss thee like ball £9. 16. X. your turning of things upside down 40. 7. the grass withereth, x. the people is grass 45. 14. J. God is in thee, and there is none else 24. X. in the L. have I right»ousness and »trength 49' 4. yet X. my judgment is with the Lord 53.4.x.he hath borne our griefs,and carried our sor. 54. 15. they shall x. gather together, but not by me ^.y. X. the isles shall wait forme ships of Tarshish 62.fi.x.l will no more give thy corn to thy enemies 63. 8, he said x.they are my people, childr. not lie «/xr.9.35 thou sayest x.his anger shall turn from me 3. 20. X. as a wife treacherously depart. from husb 4. 10. X. thou hast greatly deceived this people 5.2.x. they swear falsely|| 4.1 said.x.these are poor 8. 13. I will X. consume them, saith the Lord 16. 19. X. our fathers have inherited lies, vanity 22. 6. yet x. I will make thee a wilderness 22. X. thou shalt be ashamed for thy wickedness 21. 8. X. sailh the Lord, so will 1 give Zedekiah £6.15.y«shallx.bring innocent blood on yourselves 31. IS. have x. heard Ephraim bemoaning himself 19. X. after tkat I was turned, I repented 20. therefore I will x.have mercy on him, saithL. "**. 3. but thou shalt x. be taken and delivered 3fi. 10. we will X. tell the king of all these words 37- 9- the Chaldeans shall x. depart from us SJl. 3. this city shall x. be given to the king of Bab. 39. 18. I will X. deliver tTiee, thou shalt not fall 44 2S. we will x. perform our vows that we vowed 29. that my words shall x. stand ag. you for evil . be not one ol them that are x.ior debts Of a SUREl'Y. Gen. 15. 13.know of a x.thy seed shall be a stranger 18. 13. shall I of a St bear a child, who am old > 26.9.Abimelech said, behold, o/"a x.she is thy wif« Acts 12.11.1 koovi oj'a s. the L. hath sent his angel SURETISHIP Prov. 11. 15. and he that hateth x. is sure SURFEITING. Luke 21. 34. lest your hearts be overcharged with 1 SURMISINGS. 1 T'm. 6. 4. whereof cometh envy, strife, evil x. SURNAME. See Sirname. SURPLUSAGE. Ezod. 26. 1 13. a cubit on the other side in the 1 . SURPRISED. /ja.33.14. sinners afraid, fcarfulnessx. hypocrites Jer. 48.41. Kerioth is takei;, the strongholds are x. 51. 41. how is the praise of the whole earth x. .' SUSPENCE. Luke 3.t 15. as people were in x. and all men mused 12. 129. seek not what shall eat,live not in careful x. SUSTAIN. Kings 17.9.commanded a widow woman to s. thee AVA. 9. 21. yea, forty years didst thou x. mem /'x.56.22. cast thy burden on Lord, he shall s. thee Prop. 18.14. the spirit of a man will x. hisinfirmitj SUSTAINED. Gen. 27. 37. and with corn and wine have I x.him Psal. 3. 5. I awaked, for the Lord x. me Isa. 59. 16. and his righteousness, it x. him SUSTENANCE. .Tudg. 6. 4. Midianites left nox. for Israel norsbeep 2 Sam. 19.32. Barzillai had provided the king of x .■ltvx7.1l.dearth inCanaan,our fathers found no x. SWADDLED. Z^aOT.2.t20;women eat children x. with their hands 2. 22, those that I have x. hath my enemy con sumed hands with me.' And in Prov. 6. 1, 2, M_7 £xei.l6. 4. thou wast not salted at all nor x. at all son, if thou be surety for thy friend ; if thou hast stricken thv hand with a stranger ; thou art snared wilt the words of thy mouth. Solomon in this passage does not condemn sure- tiship, which in some cases is not only lawful, but even as an act of justice, of prudence, and charily ; thus Judah ieca/i.c »iirety and for it Luke 2. 7. and she wrapped him in x. clothes, 1 2. SWALLOW, In Hebrew, Sis, is a plaintive bird, and a bird of pafsaie, Mentiiin ix made of the swallow IK Isa. 38. 14, Like a crane or a itcallow, so did I chatter. My complaint and cry were like to the noise of a swallow, quick and frequent , and like that of a crane, loud and frightful. And in Jer. 8. 7, J he stork in the heaven kiuiweih her appointed times, and the turtle, and the crane, and the swallow, observe the time of their coming. The swallow is of a black colour, with some spots of a dirty black under her ielly ; its flight is 2 cry unequal, and its sight is very quick. It appears in spring and summer, and goes awa^ m autumn. It is thuu;ht that it passes tht sea, and withdraws into hotter climates, whe't It either hides itself in holes in the earth, or even in marshes, and under the water, wherein sometimes great lumps of swallows have been fishtd up, fized one to anjther liy the claws and beak ; and when they are laid in a warm place they move and recover, though before they seemed to oe dead. It is called Chelidon in Greek, whence comes ihe name of the Aeri Che- lidon, in English, Celandine, or swallow-wort, because it n pretended, that with this heri the swalUjw opens the eyes of' her young ones, though they should even be blinded on purpose. It is said that the flesh of these birds, burnt to ashes, is escelieut for distempers of the eto. The swallow is said to breed twice a vear, once in the climate to which she transports herself while cur winter lasts : and again in those sis months she continues in this country. Their chief foots is rei{uirti of him in the fosptl; namely, lo\ are the flies that t/u:y catch as they tiy. They SWA fuTnmonly make their nest in chimnfys, and\ ertrf year return to the tame vlace. Their'. nests are made of clay, min^l9ii with bit> nj ttra'j or chaff: and it it said, that ahen they uan: cicy or mud, they plunge themselves m lialer, then rolling in the dusl, make clay for themselves. Ptal. 81. 3. the /. halh fouud a n«st for herself Pri)i.26.2.as the j.by flying, so the curse causeless Isa. 38. 14. like a crane or a t. so did 1 chatter Jer.&.7 . crane and s. observed time of their coming SWALLOW, reri. ifum. l6. 30. if the earth open and /. them up 11. for they said, lest the earth s. us up also tSam. 2O.i9.why wilt thou /. up inheritance of L. 20. far b« ii from me, that Ishould .t.up or destroy 7«42.t3.thou movedst me toi.him up without cause 7. IQ.aoT let me aluae (ill 1 t. down my spittle CO. 18. he shall restore, and not t. it down Ptai. 21. 9. the Lord shall t. them up in his wrath 5f). 1. be merciful tome, O G. man would .(. me up 2. mine enemies would daily /. me up 57. 3. from the reproach of him that would *.me up 69. 15. neither let the deep s. me up Prov. 1. 12. let us *. them up alive as the grave Eecl. 10.12. but the lips of a fool will j. up himself Ita.S.i 12. they lead me, «. up the way of thy paths 19. i 3. and 1 will s. up the counsel thereof 25. t7. he will /. up the face of ihe covering 8. will t. up death iu victory, Ld. will wipe away 42. + 14. I will destroy and t. up at once H«/.8.7- if so be it yield, the strangers shall /.it up Amos 8. 4. hear this, O ye that /. up the needy Oiad. 16. they shall drink, and lliey shall /. down Jonah 1.17. the Lord prepared a fish to/, up Jonah Afa<.2?.C4.guides who strain at agnat, and/. camel SWALLOWED. Erod. 7- 12. but Aaron's rod /. up their rods 15.12.stretchedst thy right hand, the earth s. them A'iun.l6.3C.earth opened and /. 26.10. Deut. 11. 6. iSam. 17. l6. but pass over, lest the king be/, up J06 6.3.heav. than sand, theref. my words are /.up 20.15. he hath /. down riches, he shall vomit them 37. 20. if a man speak, surely he shall be /. up Psal. 35. 25. let them not say, we have /. him up ■06. 17- the earth opened and /. up Dathan 107. t 27. stagger, and all their wisdom is /. up 124. 3. then they had /. us up quick Jta. Q. 1 16. they that are led of them are /. up 28. 7. the priest and the prophet are /. up of wine 49. 19. they that /. thee up, shall be far away Jer. 51.34. he hath /. me up like a dragon 44. will bring out of his mouth that which hath /. iam. 2.2. Lord hath /. up all the habitat, of Jacob 5.heUath/.up Israel, he hath *. up all her palaces 16. they hiss and say, we have /. her up Ezei. 3C.3. because they have /. you up on ev. side JJot. 8. 8. Ijrael is /. up among the Gentiles 1 Cor. 15. 54. death is /. up in victory 2 Cor.a.T, lest such one should be /. up with sorrow 5. 4. that mortality might be t. up of life Uev. 12. Ifi. the earth opened and /. up the flood SWALLOWETH. Joi 5. 5. and the robber /. up their substance 39' 24. he /. the ground with fierceness and rage SWAN. ifr.ll.lS.the /. the pelican, unclean, Deur. 14.16 SWA RE. Oen.Zl 31.Beersheba, because they /. both of them S4. 7. the Lord God of heaven that /. to me 9. the servant /. to him concorniiig that matter 25. .13. Jacob said, swear to me, and he /. to him 26.3.1 will perform the oath which I /.to Abraham 31. Abimelech and Isaac /. to one another .M.53. and Jacob /. by the fearof his father Isaac i7. 31. Joseph /. to Jacob his father 50. 24. God will bring you to land he /. to Abrah. .rxorf.lS.S. the land which the Lord/.tothv fathers to give thee, 11. | 33. 1. Num. 14. 16,30. | 32 n.Deut. 1.8,35. I 6.10,18,93. | 7. 13. | 8.1 I 11.9,21. I 26.3. I 28.11. I 30.20. I 31.21,23. I .34.4. Josh 1.6. I 5.6. I 21.43. Num. 3'Z. 10. the Lord's anger was kindled, and he/. saying, none of the men shall enter, Veut. 1. 34. 2'«»r.2.14.till men of war were wasted, as Lord /. •J. 21. Lord /. that I should not go over Jordan 31. he will not forget the covenant which he i. 7. 12. keep mercy which he /. to thy salvation 8. 18. may establish his covenant which he /.g. 5. Josh. 6. 22. bring out Uahab, as ye /. unto her 9. 15. princes of congregation /. to the Gibeonites 20. because of the oath which we /. to them 14. p. Moses/, on that day, saying, surely the land 21 .44. Ld.gave them rest according to all that he /. Judg. 2.1. brought to landwhicli I /. to your father? 1 .Sam. ig. 6. Saul /. that Pavid shall not be slain 20. 3, David 1. moreover to Jonathan, and said 24. 22. David /. to Saul, and .Saul went home 215. 10. Saul i. by the Lord to the witch at En-dor 25am.3.35.Dav./. he would not eat till sun be down 19. S3, king David /. to Sbimei, 1 Ktngi'i.8. ^95 SWE 1 R'lngt l.Cg. king David /. to Bath-sheba, 30. 1 S. 23. Solumou /. that Adonijeih should die 2 A'ingf 25. 24. Gedaliah /. to them, Jer. 40. 9. 'J Chr. 15. 14. they /. to the Lord with a lo td voice Ezra 10. 5. they /. to put away the strange wives I'sa/. 95. 11. to whom 1 x. in my wrath, Heh. 3. 11. I.'i2. 2. how he /. to Ld. and vowed to G. of Jacob Jer. 38. I6. so the king /. secretly to Jeremiah txet. 16.8. I /. and entered into covenant with thee 20. t 5. when 1 /. to the seed of Jacob, 47. t 14. Dan. 12.7. /.by him that liveth for ever, Hev. 10.6. .\lari 6. 23. Herod /. to the daughter of Herodias Lu/ce 1. 73. to remember oath which he/, to Abrah. Jlei. 3. 18. to whom /.he that they should not enter G. 13. he could swear by no greater, he /. by hims. 7.21. that said, the Lord /. and will not repent 6V* Their FATHERS. SWA REST. Etod. 32. 13. to whom thou /. by thine own self Aiim. 11. 12. carry them to land thou/, to fathers Deut. 26.15. land given us, as thou /. to our fathers 1 Kings 1. 17. thou/, that Solomon shall reign Ptal. 89. 49. kindnesses thou /. to David in truth SWARM. Exod, 8. 24. there came a grievous /. of flies /iw/f .14.8. a/, of bees and honey in carcase of lion SWAR.MS. Eiod. 8. 21. I will send J. of flies upon thee, houses of the Egyptians shall be full of /. of flies 22. that no /. of flies shall be in Goshen ?9. that the/, of flies may depart from Phataoh 31. he removed the /. of flies from Pharaoh SWEAR. God hath prohibited all false oaths, and all use- less and custumari/ shearing ; but when neces- sity and the importance of the matter re/jut/e it, he allows us to swear 6y his name, hut not in the name of a7ty false gods, or in the name of inanimate things, whether on earth, or in heaven, or iy the stars, or by the life of any man whatever. Lev. I9. 12. Exod. 20. 7. | 23. 13. Deut. 6. 13. Jer. 4. 2. Our Haviour, who came into the world not to destroy the law, but to fulfil it, forbids all iinds of oat.'it. Mat. 5. 34. And the primitive Christians under- stood a*id observed this command in a literal sense, as may be seen from Terlullian, Eusebius, Chrysostom, Basil, Jerom, S^c. However, it is acknowledged, that neither the Apostles, or Fa- thers have absolutely condemned swearing, or the nse of oaths upon every occasion, and all subjects. There are circumstances wherein we cannot morally be excMei from it : But ue neier ought to swear but vfon urgent necessity, and to do some considerable good by it. That a person swear lawfully, he viust have a regard, [1] lo the object; that he swear by the Lord alone ; foi seeing we deify and make thnt our God which we swear by, therefore ue ^aitake the true God if we swear by that which is no God, Jer. 5. 7. [2] To the manner ; that he twear in truth, in judgment, and m righteousness, Jer. 4. 2. that he swear jij! falsely, or deceitfully, but that which is agree- able to truth ; that he swear not rashly, but 'pon due constderation of all circumstances : and that he swear nothing but what is agree- able to justice and equity. [3j He must have a regard to the end ; that Garf may be glori- fied, our duly discharged, controversies appeased, our brethren saiisjied, or our own, or others' innoceney cleared. Gen. 21. 23. Abimelech said to Abraham /. to me 24. and Abraham said, I will /. 24. 3. and I will make thee /. by the Lord God 37. my mastermade me /. saying, not take a wife 25. 33. Jacob sa'd 1. to me, and he sware to him 47. 31. Jacob said unto Joseph, /. unto me 50. 5. father made me /. y Lev. 5. 4. if a soul /. Etod. 6. 8. bring to land concerning which I did / Lev. ig.l2. and ye shall not /. by my name falsely Num. 30. 2. if a man /. an oath to bind his soul Deiii. 6. 13. and thou shalt *. by his name, 10. CO. J(>/A.2.12.Hahabsaid to spies, s. tome by the Lord 17. this thy oath which thou hast made us /. 20. 23. 7. nor cause to ». by their gnds nor serve them Judg. 15. 12. /. to me that ye will not fall upon me 1 Ham. 20. 17. Jonathan caused David to /. ag.iin 24.21. /.that thou wilt not cut off my seed aficrrne 30. 15. /.by God that thou wilt neither kill nie 2 'Sam. 19. 7. 1 /. by the Ixird, if thou go not out 1 Kings 1. 13. didst not thou /. Solomon shall reign 51 . saying, let king Solomon /. unto me to-day 2. 42. did 1 not make thee to /. by the I/)rd? 8. 31. if any man trespass, and an oath be laid on him to cause him to ». 2 t'Aron. 6.22. 2 Chr. 36. 13. Nebuchadneczar made him /. by Ci. Ezra 10. 5. then Ezra made Leviles ^md all Isr.to /. Nch. 13. 25. and I made them /. by God, saying Ita. 3.7. in that day th. he /.I will not be ax. healer SWE i«a.l0.18. five citiej in Egypt shall 1. to t'je l/nf 45. 23. word gone, that to me every tongue shall j, 48. 1. which/, by the Lord, but not in truth 65. 16. that sweareth, shall /. by the God of truth Jer. 4. 2. thou shalt /. the Lord liveth in truth 5. 2. tho' they 3ay, the Lord liveth, they / falsely 7.9. will ye steal, murder, commit adultery, and/. 12. 16. if they will learn the ways of my people, ti> /. by my name,as they taught people to /. by Baal 22. 5. 1 /. by myself, saith Ld. ibis house become 32. 22. hast given them this land thou didst /. Hos. 4. 15. neither go ye up to Beth-aven nor / .Imos 8. 14. they that /. by the sin of Samaria Zeph. 1. 5. that /. by the Lord, that/, by Malctiaia Mat. 5. 34. /. not at all || 36. ;. not by thy head 23. 16. shall/, by the temple, /. by gold of temple 18. whoso shall /. by the altar, it is nothing 20. whoso therefore shall /. by the altar.sweareth 21. shall /. by the temple || 22. shall /. by heaven 20. 74. then began he to curse zind /. Mark 14. 7 1 i/6. they shall Hee, as Heeing /rum a x. 1 Kings 19. 17. him thatescapeth/>u//i //j« x.of Jehu 2 Chron. 3t). 20. that escaped />w« the i. carried he Jvb 5. 15. but he saveth '.he pnoTjrom the x. 39. 22. neither turneih he back/ru«i the s. Pxu/.22.20. deliver my soul jrum ihe s. my durling 144. 10. who delivereth David /Vdwi the liuitful x. Isa. 21. 15. for they fled_//"i>//i the drawn x. 31.8. but he shall tiee from the x Jer 21 . 7. such as are leU /Vn/n ilie s. from famine 46. Jf5. arise, let us go/ruwt the oppressing s. Eiek. 12. \t). I'll leave a lew men of them/ru/rt s. 38. 8. the laud that is brought back from the s. AJy .SWORD. Gen. 48.22 which 1 took from Amoritewith mvs. £/«A as. inn.y bones enemies reproach Isa. 1. 20 rebel, ye shallbe devoured with the i. 14. 19 that are slain, thrust through with a x. 22. 2. thv slain men are not slain with the s. 27, 1. the Lord with his strong x. shall punish Jer. 5. 17. shall impoverish thy cities &iM the x. 14, 18. then behold the slain with the s. 20. 4, and he shall slay Judah with the s. £6. 23. who slew Urijah uith Ihe x. and cast 27.8. that nation will I punish with the x, 29. 18. I will persecute them with the x, 41. 2. smote Gedaliah with the s. and slew him l^m. 4. 9, they that be slain with the t. are better Ezek.T.l5. he that is in t^e field shall die with ihe 1. 23. 10, the Assyrians slew h«r with ihe s. 26.8. shall slay the daughters i f 1 yrus with the t. 31. 17. they also went down n hell with them that be slaiu ai/A the 1. ?2. 28,32. | 35. 8. Amos 1. 11. he did pursue his brrther with the x 4. 10. your young men have I slain with the x. 7, 9- rise against house of Jeroboam with the s. 9, 1. I will slay the last of them with the s. Mie. 5, 6, shall waste the land of Assyria atih the 1. Mat. 26. 52. that take the x. ihall peritb with thes. SYC Luke 22.49. Lord, shall we smite a-i'M tA» 1. f Acts 12. 2. Herod killed James with thes. Ueb. 11.37. weie tempted, were slain with tht Rev. 2. 16. I will fight against them with the s. 6. 8. and power to kill with s. and with hunger 13. 10. that killeth aiM x. must be killed with 19* 21, the remiiant were slain with the s. SWORDS. 1 Sam. 13. 19. lest the Hebrews make them x. 2 Kings 3. 26. took with him 700 men that drew x Seh. 4. 13. I even set the people with their x. Psai. 55. 21. yet his words were drawn x. 59. 7. behold, they belch out, x. are in their lip.. Pmv. 30. 14. a generation, whose teeth are as x. Clint. 3. 8. they all hold, x. being expert in war /.Ki.2.4. and they shall beat their x. into plough shares, their spears into pruning-hooks,.Uic 4 3 21 15. they tied from the x. and from the bow t;sX.l6.40.3hall thrust thee through with their x. 23. 47. and shall dispatch Ihem with their x. 28 7. strangers shall draw their x. and defile 30. 11. they shall draw their x. against Egypt 32. 12. by the x. of the mighty will I cause to fall 27. they have laid their x. under their head's J-ti 3. 10. beat your plough-shares into i. Mat. 26. 47. w'ith Judas was a great multitud* with X. from the chief priests, Mark 14. 43. 55. are ye come out as against a thief with x. and staves to take me r Mark 14,48, Luke'M, 52. Luke 22. 38. Lord, behold here are twox. SWORN. Gen. Si. 16. by myself have I x. saith the Lord, Isa. 45. 23. Jer. 49. 13, I 51, 14, Amos 6,8 Eiod. 13. 19. Joseph had straitly x. Israel 17. 16. the Lord hath x. that he will have war Lev. 6. 5. that about which he hath x. falsely Van. 7.8. would keep the oath he had X. J Psal. 24, 4. who hath not x. deceitfully 89, 3, I have x, unto David my servant 35. once have 1 x. by my holiness, .■Jm2. 11, the Lord hath x, in truth to David Isa. 14, 21. the Lord of hosts hath x. saying 45. 23. 1 have x. by myself, the word is gone out 51,9,1 havcx,thalwaters of Noah no more go over the earth, so have I x. I would not be wrolh 62,8. the Lord hath x. by his right hand Jer. 5, 7. they have t. by them that are no god, 44, 26, behold, i have x, !>}■ my great name /•.«*, 21. 23. to them that have x. oaths .-Imosfi.T. Lord hath X. by the excellency of Jacob Mic. 7. 20. wilt perform the mercy thou bast t. Acts 2. 30. knowing God hath x. by an oaih to him 7,17 time of promise drew nigh which God had a Ueb 4. 3. I have x, in my wrath, if they enter SYCA.MINE Luke 17. 6, say to this x, tree, be thou plucked np SVCAMORE Is a tree called the Egyptian Jig-tree ; its name is composed of sycos, a jig tree, and mnros, a mulberry-tree. It partakes of the nature 0/ eaih of ihae trees ; of the mutberry-tiee in it! leaies, and of the fig-tret in US fruit, which it preny lite a fig ih 111 shape and bignets. 'I'kit fruit grows neither in clusters, nor at the en^ of the branches, but sticking to the trunk of tht tree. Its lailt is pretty much like a mid fig, Amos lavs, I was uo pro|)hct, neither was 1 a prophet's son, but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of svcamore-ttnil, or wild fi.s, Amos 7. 14. I'liny and other naturalists vbiervt thrit this fruit does not grew ripe till it it rubbed with iron combs, ajier which luHing It ripens in four days. And Jerom upon Amos says, that without this management xV fii;' cannot be eaten, btcauit of their iniuliriUU\ bitterness. To makt this tree fruitful, they made chinks and clefts in the bark, through uhith a kind of milif lii/uor continually distils. This, they lay, cau ei a little bough to be formed, somttimti hating -li or stun figs upon il, Thif ti'l ktlUm, luithtut STN Dt maie ifitt tree fruitful, ihey made clinics and eUfltin the bark, lArous:/) a/ncA a kind of milky iifuor continually distils. T/iis, they say, causes a little bi ugh to be formed, sometimes haiina six cr seven figs ujjon it. They are liollou. uiihout grains, and there is found a little yelloxo mat- .er which is generally a nest of grubs. 'Jhes Jigs ate sveet, but not good for the stomach Ihey weaken tt, and create a lathing, but at the lame time moisten and refresh. A great maiiv of these sycamores grow in Egypt ; and some of them are said to be of such substance, that three men can hardly grasp tnem. There were also some in Judea, as appears from Luke ly 4, uhere Zaccheus is said to have climbed up into a STcamore-rrre to see Jesus pass by, being cf so low a stature that he ciruld not otheraise tee him because of the multitude. SYCAMORE-FRUIT. Amos 7. 14. an herdmen and a eatherer ofs.-fruit SYCAMORR-TREK. lAiki 19. 4. Zaccheus climbf:^>ip into is.-tree SYCAMOR KVl R EES. lS"i>ifjlO.C7.Solonionraade cedars to be nss. -trees for abundance, 2 Chron. 1. 15. | 9. 1? 1 Chron. 27. 2H. over lhe/.-fr«/ was liaal-hanan Pial. 78. 47. he destroyed their j.-fr<« with frost SYCAMORES. Iia. 9.10. the t. are cut down, but we will change SYMPHONY. Thit word is taken for the agreement of seteral voices, and a coneert of several instruments, or for a particular sort of instrument. 6't. Luke takes it in the first sense, vhen he says, that the brother of the prodigal son, returning fut of the field, heard in his father's house a concert of instruments, and the rejoicirts of those that danced, or the voices of those thai jvng, JiKByi c'\jfifwv(a; xai yop(Tiv, Luke 15. 25. Daniel takes it in the second sense for an instrument of music, Dan. 3. 5. 'uhsch some think was a viol, or some instrument ap- proaching thereto. — In our English translation it is called a dulcimer. Dan. 3. 1 5. at what time ye hear sound of the cornet, flute, harp, s. SYNAGOGUE. In Greek avtaywyri, of avidyiif to gather together, signifies an assembly, as in Rev. C 9- II 3. 9. where St. John calls tU false and hypocritical professors in Smyrna and Phila- delphia, the synagogue of Satan, a congregaiion or assembly of men, who worship and serve the devil by errors and pt of oneness, and yet pre- tend they are the only true church of God. But most commonly the word synagogue is used to denote the place where the Jeus assembled to pray, to read, and to hear the reading of the holy books, and other instrucfwns. It is often mentioned in the Gospels and the Acts because Christ and his apostles generally went to preach f none efl^ect, as our Savi- our chargeth them. Mat. 15.6. As to Psal. 74. 8, They have burned up all the synagogues of God in the land ; In the original. Col moadhe El, that is, all the assemblies of God, by which, says Dr. Prideaux, I acknow- ledge must be understood the places where the people did assemble to worship God. Bui this doth not infer, that those places :iere synagogues; and there are none of the ancient venions, ex- cepting that of .■iquila, that so render this passage. The ctiief place where the Israelites assembled for the worship of God, was the tem- ple at Jeiusalem, and before that was built, the tabernacle ; and the open court before the altar was that part, in both of them, where the people assembled to offer up their prayers unto God. But those that lived at a distance from the tabernacle, while that was in being, and after- wards from the temple, when that was built, not being able at all limes to resort thither, they built courts, like those in which they prayed at the tabernacle and at the temple, therein to offer up their prayers unto God, which in after- times we find called by the name of proseuclia.-. Into one of them our Saviour is said to have gone to pray, and to have continued therein a whole night, Luke 6. 12. Il'hat our English translation there lenders, and contii.ued all night in prayer to God, 1* in the original i«i rjv SiavuMlipiCwv i» tJj npotrevyri TciJ ©eoS, that is. And he continued all night in a proseucha of God. In another if them, St. Paul taught the people at Philippi, Acts I6. 13, 16. In these two verses, what we render in our English version by the word prayer, is in the original a proseucha, or place of prayer. The proseucha differed from the synagogues in several particulars. fl] In synagogues the prayers vere offered up in public forms in com- mon for the whole congregation ; Iriit in the oroseuchse they prayed, as in the temple, every one apart for himself ; and so our Savicur SYN prayed in the proseuchae ht went into. ['.'] Th< synagogues were covered houses ; but t/ie pro- seucha; were open courts ; they had no coverint except perhaps the shade of some trees, or some covered galleries. [.■<] The synagogues were all built on tlevated places, within the cities to which they did belong ; but the proseuchse -.tore without the cities, m the fields, especially near rivers. So this author concludes, that whert the Psalmist says, that they burnt up the synagogues of God, he may be understood of ih„ proseucha:, or of the schools of the prophets, or the placet where the Levilet taught the peo pie in their cities. After the time of the Maccabeet, synagogues be- came frequent in Israel. It is affirmed, tha\ in the city of Jerusalem alone, were no less than four hundred and sixty, or even four hun dred and eighty ; but herein they are supposed to have spoken hyper bolicilly, and to have ex- pressed an uncertain large number by a certain one. Eiery trading f ram tity had a synagogue of their own, and even it angers built some ior those of their own nation. Hence it is, thai in Acts 6. 9. mention is made of the synagogues of the Libertines, Cyrenians, Alexandrians, Cilicians, and Asiatics ; which were appointed for the use of such of the inhabitants of these cities, or of these nations, as should at any time be at Jerusalem. The Jewish authors give this general rule for the construction <>/' synagogues. II herever there are ten batelnim, a synagogue ought to be built. The signification of the word batelnim has been much controverted, Buxtorf thinks them to be persons receiving a stipend for duly assisting at divine service, that there may be always ten persons, a! least, to assemble together. Eight foot imagines them to have been ministers and officers of the synagogue. Others think this the most probable opinion, namely, that they w^re persons of a mature age, free, and in a condi- tion to assist constantly at ihe service, on all days of assembling, which were, at least, two days a week, beside the Sabbath ; So that alx ways upon these days there were present thai number of assistants, without which the str vice could not be performed. Hhen there were ten such persons m a town or city, they callei it a great city, and here they might build a sy- nagogue. As the synagogue-«rj.iVe was to be on three »ayt every week, for the sake of hearing the law ; so It was to be thrice on those days, for the sake of their prayers. For it was a constant rule a- mong them, that all were to pray unto Gad itiree limes everyday, that is, in the morning, at the lime of the morning sacrifice j and in theeien- ing, at the time of the evening sacrifice ; and at the beginning of the night, because till then the evening sacrifice was siill left burning upon the altar. It was anciently among God's peo- ple the steady practice of good and religiout persons, to offer up their prayers to God thrice everyday. This we find David did. I'sal. 55. 17, Evening, morning, and at noon, will I pray. And Daniel, notwithstanding the king's decree to the contrary, says, that he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks unto his God, Dan. 6. 10. By which it is implied, thai he did not only at that time thus pray, but that it was- always his constant custom so to do. When synagogues were erected among the Jews, the hours if' public devotion in thtm on their synagogue days, were, as to morning and evert in" prayers, the same hours in which the morn- ing and evening sacrifices were offered up at tie temple. And the same hours were alio ob- served m their priiate prayers :. herever per- formed. For the offering of the incense on tht golden altar in the holy place, at every mornmg and evening sacrifice m the temple, was insts- tuted on purpose to offer up unto God the pray ersofthe people, who were then without, praying unto him. Hence it was, that St. Euke tells us, that while Zacharias went into the temple to burn incense, the whole multitude of the peo- ple were praying without at the time of iiiceuse, Luke 1. 9, 10. And for the same reason it 11 that David prayed. Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense, and the lifting up of niy hands as the evewng sacrifice, Psal. 141. 2. And according to this usage is to be expluintd what we find in Kev. 8. 3, 4, 5, where tt is Sold, that an angel camu and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and there was given unto him much incenoe, that he shoiild offer it up with the prayers of all saints, upon the golden altar, which wu before the throotj STN asd the smoke of the incens* which came with the prayers of the saint* ascended up before God out of the angel's hana. The angel here mentioned, is the an^el of the covenant. Chrisl onr Lord, who intercedes for us with God, nnd, as our Mediator, constantly offers up our prayers unto him. And the manner of his doing this li set forth by the manner of the typical re presentation of it in the temple. For as there, at every morning and evening sacri fice, the priest, in virtue of that sacrifice, en tering into the holy place, and presenting him- self at the golden altar, which stood directly before the mercy-seat, (the throne of God's visi- ble presence among them during the tabernacle and the Jirst temple) did burn incense thereon, uhile the people were at their prayers without, Iherebv, as an intercessor to God for them, lo offer up their prayers to him for his gracious ac- teptance, and to make them ascend up before him from out of his hands as a sweet-smelling favour in his presence; so Chrisl, our true priest, and most powerful intercessor, bu virtue of that one sacrifice of himself once offered up, being entered into the holy place, the heai-r above, is there continually present before the throne of vierci/, to be a constant intercessor for us unto God; and while we are here in the oultr court of his church in this world, offering up our pra'vers unto God; he there piesenis them unto him for us, and through his hands they are accepted as a sweet-smelling savour in his presence. And it being well understood among the Jews that the offering up of the daily sacrifices, and the burning of inceme upon the altar of in- cense, at the time of those sacrifices, uas for the rendering of God propitious to them, and malting theii prayers lo be acceptable in his presence, they were very carefd to make the times of these offerings, and the times of their prayers, both at the temple, and every where else, lo be exactly the same. Tie most pious and devout persons that were at Jerusalem, chose on those times to go up into the temple, and there to offer up their prayers unto God ; thus Peter and John are said to go up into the tetnple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour of the day, which was at three in the afternoon, the time of the offering up the evening' sacrifice. Acts 3. 1. Those who were in other places, or being at Jeruselem, had not leisure to go up lo the temple, performed their devotions elsewhere : If it were a synagogue- day, they went iitto the synagogue, and there prayed with the congregation : and if it were not a synagogue-day ihey then prayed in pri- vate bu themselves ; and if they had leisure to go to the synagogue, they chose that for the place to do it in, thinking such a holy place the properest for such a holy exercise, though performed there in their private pertont only ; but if they had not leisure to go to such a holy place, then they prayed wherever they were at the hour of prayer, though it were in the street cr market-place. And for this it was that our Saviour found fault with them, when he told them, Mat. 6. 5, that they loved to pray standing in the synagogues, and in the corners of the streets, thereby affecting more to be seen of men, than lo be accepted of by God. But many of them had upper rooms in their /louses, which were as chapels, particularly set apart, and consecrated for this purpose. In tuch an one Cornelius was praying at the ninth hour of the day, that is, at the time of the evening sacrifice, when the angel appeared unto Aim, Acts 10. 30. And such an one Peter iveni up into to pray about the sixth hour of the day, xicts 10. 9. jihen he had the vision of the great $heet, that is, at halj an hour past Iwehe or iherealiout ; for then the evening sacrifice did begin on great and solemn days, and such an one ii seems hereby that was. And in such an upper room where the apostles assembled to- gether in prayer, when the Holy Ghost des- cended upon them. Acts 1. 13. tn the synagogue was the ark or chest, wherein lay the book of the law, that is, the Penta- teuch, or five books of Moses. This chest, they eay, uas made after the model of the ark o' the covenant, and always placed in that part of the synagogue which looked towards the Holy Land, if the synagogue was out of it ; but if it was within it, then the chest was placed towards Jerusalem ; end if the synagogue stood in this citu, lI'C chest was set towards th holy of holies. Out of this ark it was they took, with a great deal of ceremony, and before tfif whole congregation, the book of the law, 599 tehen they were to read it. In the miiit of the synagogue uas x desk or pulpit, upon which the book or roll of the law was read very solemnly. There likewise he stood who intended to harangue the people. As to the seats or pews whereon the people sat lo hear the law read and expounded ; of these some were more honourable than others. The former were for those who were called Elders, not so much upon the account of their age as of their g'avitv, prudence, and authority. These Elders sat with their backs towards the forementioned chest, and their faces towards the congregation, who looked towards the ark. These seats of the Elders are those which are called in Mat. £3. (), the chief seats, and which our Saviour or- dered his disciples not to contend for, or affect, as the Pharisees did. J he women were therein distinct from the men, and seated in a gallery inclosed with lattices, so that they might see and hear, but not be seen. To regulate and take care of all things belonging to the synagogue service, there was appointed a council, or assembly of grave and wise persons, well versed in the law, over whom was set a president, who is called the ruler of the syna- gogue, Luke 8. 41. Lie presided in the as- semblies, and in judicial affairs that were sometimes decided there, against those who had given any scandal, and tiansgressed the law in any important matter. As for scourging, soiie aie of opinion, that it was a punishment n.'t falling under the jurisdiction of the rulers of the synagogues, inj belonging to the civil courts, which they take to be meant by the synagogues, where our Saviour tells his disciples they should be scourged. Mat. 10. 17. Others on the con- trary, maintain, that by the word synagogues in the place here ijuoted, we are to understand synagogues properly so called. As to the man- ner of scourging, see Scourge. The Same presidents invited those to speak in the synagogue, whom they thought capable of it, and offered that honour to strangers, if there were any that seemed to have the gift of speak- ing. St. Paul being at Antioch of Pisidia, was invited by the rulers if the synagogue to make a discourse to them for their edification. Acts 13. 14, 15. And it is very probable, that whenever our Saviour preached in the synagogues it was 7tot without the permission of the president, or chief ruler, though it be not expressly said so in the gospel, because it was a known custom. 'The rulers of the synagogue were likewise bound to take care of the poor. There were in every synagogue two treasury chests, one for poor strangers, and the other for their own poor. Those who were charitably inclined, put their alms into these chests at their coming into the synagogue to pray. Upon extraordinary occa- sions they sometimes made public collections ; in which cases, the rulers of the synagogue ordered the person whose business it :ias to collect the aim.', to ask every body for his charity. Every one promised according as he was disposed, and afterwards they gathered frojn home lo house what had been promised, for the Jews meddled not with money on their sabbath-day. These rulers' likewise taught the people. This they did sometimes byway of dispute and conference, by questions and answers, or else bj) continued discourses like sermons. All these different ways of teaching they called by the general name of searching ; the discourse they styled a search, or inquisition, and him that made it, a searcher. The Hebrew word deral'ch, signi- fies, to dive into the sublime, profound, mystical, allegorical, and prophetical senses of holy scripture. Tile synagogue of the Libertines, or freed men. Acts C. 9. was, according to many interpreters, that of those Jews, who having been led away captive bu I'ompey and by Sosias, had after- wards recovered their liberty, and were retired to Jerusalem, when Tiberias drove away the Jews out of Italy. Others will have it, that St. Luke wrote Libystinorum, and not Liber- tinorum ; and that the Libystini were people of I.ybia, joining to Lgypt. Others by these Libertines understood the ions of such Jews as were free denizens of Home. Mat. 12. 9. when departed, he went into theirs. 13. 54 lie taught them in tb tir s. Mark 6. 2. Mark 1. 23. and there was in their j. a man with an unclean spirit, Luie 4.33. .29. when they were come ou. of /. J.uie 4. 311. 5. 22. Jairus by naii.e, one of the rulers of tlie t. De»ought Jesus, 3b. 3B. Luke 8. 41, 49 TAB Luke 4. 16. as his custom was, he went into (b- s. on the sabbath-da^ 20. the eyes of all in the s. were fastened on him 7.5- he loveth our nation and hath bui't us » . John 6. 59. these things said he in the s. 9. 22. that he should be put out of the s, 12. 42. lest they should be put out of the «. IH. 20. I ever taught in the the s. and temple Acts t).9-then arose certain of the i. which is called the s. of Libertines, disputing with .Stcphei 15. 14. they went into the s. on the sabbatli-day and sat down 15. the rulers of the s. sent to them, saying 42. and when the Jews were gone out of the t. 14. 1. Paul and Barnabas went both into the /, 17. I. to Ihessalonica there was a j.of the Jeww 17. therefore he disputed in the s. with the Jewi and with devout persons 18. 4. and he reasoned in the s. every sabbath 7- Justus, whose house joined hard to the * 8. Crispus the chief ruler of the s. believed 17. Greeks took Sostheneschief ruler of the s. 26. Apollos began to speak boldly in the s. 22. 19- beat in every /. such as believed, 26. 14. Jam. 2. t 2. if there come into your s. a man Rev. 2. 9. but are the s. of Satan 3. 9. 1 will make them of the s. of Sataa SYNAGOGUES Psal. 74. 8. they have burned up all the s. of G A/i<(.4.23. Jes. went teaching in their i. and preach ing the gospel, 9. 35. Mark 1 . 39. Lukt 13. 10. 6. 3. as the hypocrites do in the t. 5. for they love to pray standing in the s. 10. 17. they will scourge you in their $. 23. 34. 23. 6. for they love the chief scats in the s. Marl 12. 39. Luke 11. 43. | 20.46 Mark 13.9. and in the s. ye shall be beaten Luke 4. 15. he taught in the s. being glorified 44. and he preached in the s. of Galilee 12. 41. and when they bring you unto the s, CI. 12. delivering you up to the /. and prisons John 16. 2. they shall put you out of the *. Acts 9. 2. Saul desired of him letters to the t, 20. straightway he preached Christ in the 13. 5. Paul and Barnabas preached in the / 15. 21. being read in the *. every sabbath-day 24. 12. neither raising up the people in the t. T. TABERNACLE of aitniti. Signifies, [1] A tent or pavilion raised on posti to lodge under, Kum. 24. 5. Mat. 17. 4. [2] A house or dwelling. Job 11. 14. | 22. 23. [3] A kind of tent to take up and down, as occasion required ; which was as it were the palace oj the Most High, the dwelling of the God of Israel ; wherein the Israelites, during their jour- ueyiugs in the wilderness, performed the chiej of their religious exercises, ofiered their sacri- fices, and worshipped God: It was thirty cubits in length, and leu in breadth and in height. It uas divided into two partitions : the Ji'sC was called, i he Holy Place, which was twenty cubits long, and ten wiae : here were placed the table of shew-bread, the golden candlestick, and the golden altar of incense. The second was called. The most Holy Place, whose length uas ten cubits, and breadth ten cubits, wherein, before the building of the temple, the ark 0/ the covenant was kept, which was a symbol if God's gracious presence with the Jewish church. The most Holy was divided from the Holy Place by a curtain, or veil of lery rich cloth, which hung upon four pillars of shiltim- wood, that were covered uilh plates of gold, Exod. 26. 1. Heb. 9.2,3. [4] Christ's human nature, of which the Jewish tabernacle was a type, wherein God dwells really, substantially, and personally, Heb. 8. C. | 9- H. [5', The true church militant, Psal. 15. 1. [6] Our natural body, in which the soul lodges as in a tabernacle, 2 Cor. 5. 1. 2 Pel. 1. 13. [7] 'J'he tokens of God's gracious presence, Kev. 21. 3. I'he feast of tabernacles. Lev. 23. 34. was te called, because the Israelites kept it under green tents or arbours, in memorif of their dwelling in tents in their passage through the wilderness. It was one of the three great solemnities, wherein all the males were obliged to present themselves before the ijird. It was celtliratcd alter harvest, on the 15y cords broken 600 6. he hath violently taken awa; his / Utek. 37. 27. my I. also shall be with them 41. 1. which was the l>readili of the /. Amos 5. 26. but ye have borne the t. of Moloch y. 11. in that day will I raise up the /. of David Ails 7. 43. ye look up the /. of Moloch 40. who desired to find a /. for the ("lod of Jacob 15. 16 and will build again the r. of David 2 Cor. 5. 1. if our house of this t. he dissolved 4. we that are in this /. do groan, l.?i.9.7.David said.Mephibosheth shall eat bread at my /. continually, 10, 11, 13. | 19. 28. 1 Kings 2. 7. let them be of those that eat at thy /. 4. 27. for all that came to king Solomon's /. 10. 5. when the queen of Sheba saw the meat of his /. and the attendance, 2 Chron. 9. 4. 13. 20. as they sal at /. the word of Lord came 18. 19. the prophets which eat at Jezebel's /. 2 Kingi 4.10. let us set for him a /. and a stool Seh. 5. 17. there were at my /. 150 Jews Joh 36. 16. that which should be set on thy /. V I'sal. 23. 5. thou preparest a /. before me C*). 22. let their /. become a snare before them 78. 19. can God furnish a /. in the wilderness IC8. 3. thy children like olive plants about ihy /. Prov. 3. 3. write ihem on the /. of thy heart, 7". 3. 9. 2. wisdom hath also furnished her /. Cant. 1. 12. while the king silteth at his /. Jsa. 21. 5. prepare the /. eat, watch, drink, arise 30. 8. DOW go write it before them in a /. 65. 11. that prepare a /. for that troop TAK Jer. 17. 1. it is graven ou the /. of their heait Etek. 23. 41. and a /. prepared before it .39. 20. thus ye shall be filled at my /. with horBe* 41.22. this is ilie /. that is before the Lord 44. 16. and ihey shall come near to my i. Uan.lX.'^'l. they shall speak lies at one /. A/a/. 1.7. the /. of the Lord is couienipiible 12. ye .say, the /. of ihe Lord is polluted Mat. 15. 27. she said, yet the dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their master's /. Mark' .i^ Luke lO. 21. crumbs which fell from rich man's /. 22. 21. that beirayelh me, is with me on the / 30. that ye may eat and drink at my /. John 12. 2. Lazarus was one of them that sat atf. 13.28. no man at the /. knew for what iiueut Horn. 11.9. let iheir /. be made a snare and a trap 1 Car. 10. 21. cup of Lord and devils, ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's /. and of the /. of dev See SHbw.Uiie.tL). WKli ING-I A15LE. Luke 1.63. Zacharias asked fur a ui.-l. and wrote TAliLES. Exod. .32. 15. the /. were written on both sides 16. /. were the work of God, graven on the » ly. he cast the/, out of his hands, and brake ihei3 34. 1. 1 will write on these /. the words in first/. Vent. 10. 4. he wrote on the /. according to first 5. and put the /. in the ark, JJei. 9. 4. 1 Chr. C8.16. David gave gold for /. of shew-bread 2 Chron. 4. 8. Solomon also made ten /. and placed 19 the /. whereon the shew-bread was set Isa. £8. 8. all /. are full of vomit and filthiiicss Eiek. 40.41. eight /. whereupon they slew sacrifices 42. four /. were of hewn stone for burnt-offering Hai. 2. 2. write the vision, and make it plain on /. Mat. 21. 12. he overthrew the /. of the money changers, and sellers of doves, Mark 11.15. Mark 7. 4. as the washing of cups, pots, and of /. John 2. 15. drove them out and overthrew the /. Acts 6. Q. leave the word of tiod, and serve /. 2 Car. 3. 3. not in / of stone, but fleshly/, of heart See Stone, J wo. TABLETS. Eiod. 35. 22. they brought /. all jewels of gold Xum. 31. 5(1. we brought /. to make an atonement Ita. 3. 20. I will take away the /. and ear-rings TAB RET. Gen. 31 . 27. have sent thee away with /. and haip 1 Sam. 10.5. coming from the high place with a x. Joh 17.6. a by-word, and aforetime 1 was a.sa «. />a.5.12. the/, pipe, and wine are in their feasts TABUEIS. 1 Sam. 18. 6. women came to meet Saul with t Jsa. 24. 8. the mirth of /. ceaseih, joy ceaseth 30. 32. it shall be with /. and harps Jer. 31.4. thou shalt again be adorned with thy «. Ezek, 28. 13. the workmanship of thy /. and pipe* TABEKING Xah. 2. 7. the voice of doves /. on their brea-'t* TACIIES. Eiod. 26. 6. thou shalt make fifty /. of gold ;i. ihou shalt make fifty /. of brass, 35. 11 33. thou shalt hang up the vail under the /. 36. 13. he made fifty /. of gold and brass, 18. 3y, 33. they brought his /. his boards, and brass TACKLING. Acts 27. 19. third day we cast out the /. of the ship TACKLI.NCiS ha. 33. 23. thy /. are loosed, could not sirengthsB TA I L Signifies, [1] The train of a heasi, foul, or fitii, Exod. 4. 4. [2] Lou, base, or' coniemptibU, Deut. 28. 13. [3] 'The pouer, policy, and fat- teries, by uhieh the devil and his insirumenti corrupt and allure ministers of (he church from the iimpticiiy, and puriiy of the doctrine, to error, supeisliiion, and profaneness, Kev. 12, 4. [4] An army, Isa. 7. 4. Eiod. 4.4. put out thine hand, take it by the t. Dcut. 28. 13. make thee the head, not the /. 4'k Josh. 10. t ly. pursue, cut off the /. of them Judg. 15.4. S.inisou caught rtixes and turned /.tof. Job 40. 17. behemoth movelh his /. like a cedar Isa. 9.14. Lord will cut off from Israel head and f. 15. the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the /. 19. 15. no work which the head or /. may do liev. 12. 4. his /. drew the third part of liie stars •J A I LS. Judg. 15. 4. and put a firebrand between two /. Aim. 7. 4. for the two /. of these smoking firebrands Her. 9. 10. /. like to scorpions, slings in their /. 19. power in their /. their /. were like serpents TA K !■: Signifies, [I] To lay hold on or seitt, 1 Kingi 18 40. [2] To receivt from another, 2 Kingi 5. 15. (3j 7a yield, ""ihess. l.«8. (4] Tt bear, John 1 . ♦ 29. [5] 'To give, Deut. l.< 13. [6] 'To .ipoil. Dent. 20. ♦ 14. (71 'Jo possess 01 (m;w:rrijA, Judg. 14. f 15. [8] To be chonn 1 Tim. 6. 1 1). (yl 'To remove, Joiiii 2. iC TAK Gtn. IS. 9. if ihou wilt 1. the left hand, I will go 14. 21. give me the perM)ns, c the goods to thyself ly. 15. arise. /. thy wife and thy two daughters 22. a. '. now thy son, thine only son Isaac £4.3. thou shalt not I. a wife to my son ol, 37- 48. tor. my master's brother'sdaughter to hisson 31. 3:. discern what is thine with me., t, it to thee 50. if thou I. other wives besides ray daughters 3i. 9. and I, our daughters unto you 16. and we will /. your daughters to us 38. C3. let her /. to her, lest we be shamed Btod. 6. 7. I will t you to me for a people 10. 26. for thereof must we /. to serve the Lord 17. 5. and thy rod I in thine hand and go iO. 7. thou shalt not t. the name of the Lord thy God in vain, not hold guiltless, Dettt. 5. U. 21. 14. I. him from mine altar, that he may die 23.8. and thou shalt t. no gift, Deul. I6. I9. 31. 9. pardon and 1. us for thine inheritance 16. lest thou t. of their daughters, Detit. 7. S. t«r. 18.17. neither shalt thou t . her son's daughter 18. neither shalt thou t. a wife to her sisttr 20. 14. and if a man t. a wife, and her molher 21.7. the priests shall not t. a wife that i.s a whore, nor /. a woman put away, Bsek. 44. £2 13. he shall t. a wife in her virgiuity 25. 36. /. thou no usury of him, or increase 4(j.ye shall t them as an inheritance for children Nton. 8. 6. t. the Levites from among Israel 11. 17. I will I of the Spirit that is on thee 16. 3. Korah said, ye t too much upon you, 7 35. 31. ye shalW no satisfaction for the life, 32 Deut. 1. 13 t. ye wise men and understanding 4.34 and t. him a nation, from the midst of nation 15. 17 then thou shalt t. an awl and thrust 22. 18 the elders of that city shall / that man 30. a man shall not / his father's wife 24. 4. may not / her again to be his wife 6. no man shall /. or millstone to pledge 17. nor t a widow's raiment to pledge 25. 8. if he say, I like not to t. her Josh. 6 IB when ye i. of the acccursed fhing 7. 14. the family which the Ld. shall t the house- hold which the Lord shall 1. shall come 8.29. they should t. his carcase down from the tree 10. 42. "their land did Joshua /. at one time 20. 4, they shall t. him into the city to them 22. 19. then t. yc possession among us, rebel not /iid^. 5. 30. for the necks of them that 1. spoil 14. 3. that thou goest tor. a wife of uncircumcised 15. have ye called us to t. that we have ' 19. 30. consider, t. advice, and speak your minds ti'.ci/i 2. 10. thou shouldest /. knowledge of me t Sam. 2. 16. then t. as much as thy soul desireth, and if not I will i. it by force 8. 11. he will I. your sons for himself, his chariots 13. he will I. your daughters II 14. f. your fields 15. t. the tenth of your seed || 16. t. men-servants 17. 18. how thy brethren fare, and t. their pledge 46. and t. thine head from thee 19 14. Saul sent messengers lot. David, 20. 21. 9. if thou wilt /. that, /. it, there is no other H. 11. yet thou huntest my soul to (. it 25. U. shall 1 then t. my bread, and my water 2t). 11. t. now the spear that is at his bolster B Sam. 12. 4. he spared to t. of his own flock 11. I will /. thy wives before thine eyes 28. t, it, lest I /. the city, and it be called 16. 9. let me go over, and t. off his head 19. 19. the king should t. it to his heart, 13. 33. 30. Mephibosheth said, yea, let him 1. all 1 h'ings 11. 31. he said to Jeroboam, I. ten pieces 34. I will not /. the whole kingdom 11. 3. t. ten loaves II 18. 40. /. prophets of Baal 2('. 18. come for war or peace, t. them alive 21. 15. arise, /. possession of the vineyard, 16. 22.26. t. Micaiah, carry him back, 2 C/ir. 18. 25. S /i'lMjj 4. 1. the creditor is come to /. my sons 29 t. my staff and go |l 5. 15. l. a blessing 5. )6. urged him to t. it||CO. I will t. somewhat 23. t. two talents lie. 8. t. a present and go 9. 1. '. this box of oil in thine hand, 3 10. 6. I. ye the heads of your master's sons 14. /. them alive || 12. 5. let the priests t. it 13. 15. Elisha said, 1. bow and arrows, 18. 19. .30. shall- yet / root downward, Isa. 37. 31. ICAroit. 21. 24. I will not t. that which is thine Ezra 5. 14. those did Cyrus /.|| 15. t. vessels 9. 12. not/, their daughters. Ae/i.lO. 30. \ 13.25 Hfl'i. '1. 10. /. the apparel, and do so to Mordecai Joi 23. 10. he knoweih the way that I /. 21. 3. they t. the widow's ox for a pledge 9. and they f. a pledge of the poor 30. 17. and my sinews /. no rest 31. 36. sureJy I would I. it upon my shoulder tl. 4, wilt thou /. him for a servitnt for ever? 42. B. therefore I. to you now seven bullocks I'yril. 2. 2. the rulers I. counsel acainst th* Lord 7. 5. let the enemy persecute my soul, and (. it JO O. I will I. DO bullock out of thy hotise 601 TAK Psal.50. l6.sliouldest /. my covenant in thy mouth 51. 11. and 1. not thy Holy Spirit from me 71. 11. t. him, for there ii none to deliver him 75. ♦ 2. when I shall /. a set time, 1 will judge 81. 2. /. a psalm II 83. 12. t. the houses of God 89. 33. my kindness will 1 not utterly t from him luy. 8. and let another /. his office 116. 113 1 will /. the cup of salvation, and call 119. 43. /. not the word of truth utterly out 139. 9. if I t, the wings of the morning 20. and thine enemies /. thy name in vain Prov. 5. 22. his own iniquities shall /. the wicked 6. 25. neither let her /. thee witli her eyelids 27. can a man 1. fire in his bosom, not be burned 7. 18. let us I. our fill of love till the morning 20. 16. I. his garment that is surety for stranger, /. a pledge of li.m for a strange woman, 27. 13. 30. 9. and 1. the name of my God in vain l^ccl. 5. 15. and shall I. nothing of his labour 19. and 10 /. his portion and rejoice in his labour Cant. 2. 15. /. us the foxes, the little foxes Jsd C7 6. he shall cause them of Jacob to t. root 28. 19. from the time it goelh, it .shall /. you 30. 14. not a shred to I fire from the hearth 33 C3.the prey is divided, the lame t. the prey 40 24. their stock shall not t rcot in the earth 44. 15. he will t. thereof and warm himself 47 2. /. the millstones, and grind meal 3. 1 will t vengeance, 1 will not meet as a man 5". 13 vanity shall I. them, wind carry them 58 2 they / delight in approaching to God 66.21 1 will also t of them for priests and Levites Jer 2. 22. t thee much soap || 3. 14. one of a city 13. 4 t the girdle that thou hast got, 6. 21. shall not sorrows <.thee as a woman in travail 15. 19 if thou I. forth the precious from the vile 16 2. thou shalt uot c thee a wife in this place 18. 22 for they have digged a pit to / me 19 1. t. oftheancientsot the people of the priests 20 10. and we shall /. our revenge on him 25. 9. I will t. all the families of the north 10. I will t. from them the voice of minh 28. if they refuse to t. the cup at thine hand 29. 6 t. ye wives, and beget sons and daughters 32 24 they are come to the city to t. it 25. buy the field for money, and /. witnesses, 44. 28 Nebuchadreziar king of Babylon shall t. it 39. 12 ( Jeremiah, and look well to him 46. 11. go up into Gilead, and 1. balm, 51. 8 50.35. /.vengeance upon her ; as she hath done, do 51 .26.they shall not /. of thee a stone for a con 36. behold I will /. vengeance for thee i-am.2.13. what thing shall I / to witness for thee .' Exei. 4.1.1. thee a tile || 3. /. an iron par. 9. /. unto thee wheat, barley, and beans 5. 1. /. a shai-p knife, f. a rasor, / balances 10. 6. / fire from between the wheels 11. 19. I will/, the stony heart out of their flesh 14. 5. that I may /. the house of Israel 15. 3. will men /. a pin of it to hang any yaseX 21. 26. remove the diadem, /. off tlic crown 22. 16. thou shalt /. thine inheritance in thyself 24. 5. /. the choice of the flock, and burn bones 8. it might cause fury to come up to /. vengeance 25. when I (. from them their strength 29. 19. /. a multitude, /. her spoil, /. her prey 33. 2. if people of the land/, a man of their coasts 36. 24. I will t. you from among the heathen 37. 16. /. thee one stick,/, another stick, write ig. I will t. the stick of Joseph, and will put 38. 12. to /. a spoil and to /. a prey 13. art thou come to/, prey, to /. a great spnil 46. 18. the prince not /. the people's lnheritar.ee Vatt. 7. 18. but the saints shall /. the kingdom 11. 15. the king shall /. the most fenced cities 18. he shall turn to the isles, and .sh.ill /. many Hot. 1. 2. go /. unto thee a wife of whoredonis 11. 4. I was as they that/, off the yoke on jaws 14. 2. /. with you words, and turn to the Lord Amoi 5. 11. ye /. from him burdens of wheat 12. they afflict the just, they /. a bribe 9. 2. thence shall mine hand /. them, S. Jona/i 4.3. /. I beseech thee, my life from me Mic. 2. 2. they covet fields and /. them by violence 6. shall not prophesy, that they shall not /. shame AaA.1.2.the Lord will /. vengeance on adversaries 2. 9. /. ye the spoil of silver, /. the spoil of gold Hai. 1.10 for they shall heap dust and /. it Ung. 1. 8. build the house, 1 will /. pleasure in it 2. 23. will I /. thee, () Zerubbabel my servant Zech. 6. 10. /. of them of the captivity, of Ileldai 11. 15. /. yet instruments of a foolish sheiiherd Mai. 1. 20. tear not to /. unto thee Mary thy wife 2. 13. and /. the young child and iis nioiher 6.25. /.not thoiii:ht for your life, 28, 31,3*. | 10. 19. ;Vnri 13,11. l.vif\^. 11.22,26. 11. 12. and the violent 1. the kingdom hy force 29. /. my yoke upon you. and learn of me 15. 26. not meet to /. children's bread. M\ 3. 11. hold fast, that no man /. thy crown 5. 9. thou art worthy to /. the book, and to open 6. 4. power given him to /. peace from the earth 10. 8. /. the little book || 9. '• it and eat it 22. 17. let him /. the water of life freely TAKE flinj*. G^«..30,l5.wouldest thou /.rtw.my son's mandrakes 42. 36. and ye will /. Benjamin a!i;af EioJ. 2. 9. / this child axav, and nurse it forme 8. 8. that he may /. nuW the frogs from me 10,17. that he may /. am. from me this death only 23. 25. and I will /. sickness auay, Deut. 7. 15. 3.i. 23. 1 will /. aw. mine hand, and thou shalt see Lev. 3. 4. it shall he /. auav, 10, 15. I 4. 9. I "• 4. 4. 31. he shall /. a;tav all the fat thereof, 35. 14. -10. command that they /. auay the stones Sum. 4.13. shalt /. orioy the ashes from the altar 17. 10. thou shalt quite'/, array their nuirmurinpj 21.7. pray that hemay /. ok . the serpents from us Josli.l. 15. until ye /. auay the accursed thing 2 Sam. 4.11. shall 1 not /. you atiay from the earth 5. 6. except thou /. away the blind and the lame 24. 10. /. aaav the iniquity of thy servant 1 Ai)i?t2. 31."maycst /. axay the innocent blood 14. 10. /. a. the remnant of the house of lerobuam 16. 3. /. aa«y the posterity of Baasha ;| CI. 21. of Ahab 19.4. it is enough now, O Lord, /. anuy my life 10. and they seek my life, to /. it away, 14. 20.6. what is pleasant, shall my servants/. aaa» 24./. the kings a. and put captains in their rooms ; /villi;/ 2. 3. the Lord will /. aaai/ thy Piaster, 5. 6. 32' see how he hath sent to /. «a'«v mine head 18. 32. till I come and /. you auay, ha. 36 17. I CVir.17.13.1 will not/, my m?rcy aniy from him I Jth. 4. 4. sent to /. aaav nis sacki loth from hiir .loh 7. 21. why dost thou not /. anav mine iniquity U. 34. let him /. his rod away from me 24. 2. they violently /. a:iny (locks 10. they /. array the sheaf from the hungry 32 22. in 50 doing, my maker wo\ild soon /. me c. 3(1.18. beware, lest he /. ihce auay wi h his strok» l'ia(. 26. ♦ 9./. not away my soul with kinners 3i. i3. ih«y devised to /. auay my life 52. 5. he shall «. ihce ateay end pluck thee TAK Psa!.!S 9.ne shall t. them ateat/ with a whirtwiml 102.24. /. nie not taa^ in the midst of my days fVi).-.C'3.C7 why -hould h? l.aw. lUy bed from thee ?5 4. (. aaatf \ha aross from the silver 5. e. a^aif the wicked from before the king Jic. 1. VS. and I will t. away all thy sin 3. 1. t.aviau the stay and staiT|| 18./. artiay bravery 4.1. to t.axo. our reproach 1|5 5. I will t. aw. hed^e 5. 23. t. away the righteousness of the riijhteous 10. 2. to t. away the right from the poor iS. 8. the rebuke of his people shall be t. a:oay tt ■ 9- this is all the fruit, to /. awny his sin 39. 7. and of thy sons shall they /. aaay 40. 24. the whirlwind shall t. them a:eay 58. 9. if thou t. axay from the midst of thee /er.4.4. t. away the foreskins of your heart 5. 10. destroy and t. a-way her batilemcnu 15. 15. I. me not away in thy long-suffering Ezei. 11. 18. shall t. an'ay the detestable things 23. 25. they shall /. a-way thy nose and thine ears 26. l.ajcay thy fair jewels l| 29. 1. away thy labour 24. 16. behold, I I. atcay the desire of thine eyes 33. 4. if the sword come and S. him aviay, 6. 36. 26. and I will t. a-j>ay the stony heart out of 45. 9- t.aaay your exactions from my people Dan. 7. 26. and they shall 1. aaay his dominion 11. 31. they shall (. auay the daily sacrifice Hot. 1. 6. but I will utterly t. them a;i».3.12.behold I have /.the Levites for the first- born of Israel, 8. I6, 18. | 18.6. 5. 13. neither she be/, with the manner 10. 17. and the tabernacle was /. down 16. 15. 1 have not /. one ass from them, nor hurt 31. 49. we have /. the sum of the men of war 36. 3. their inheritance be /. from the lot D«u/. 4.20. Lord hath /. you out of the iron furnace 20. 7 hath betrothed a wife, and hath not /. her 24. I. when a man hath /. a wife, and married 5. when a man hath /.a new wife, he shall be free athome,andcheerup his wife which he hath /. Josh. 7 II. they have /. of the accursed thing 15. he that is /. shall be burnt with fire 16. and the tribe of .ludah was /. 17. Zabdi was /. || 18. and Achan was /. .hdg. 11. 36. as the Lord hath /. vengeance 14. 9. he told not thein that he had /. the honey 15. 6. because he had /. his wife, and given her 17.2. the 1100 shekels that were /. from thee 1 Sam. 4. 11. the ark of God was/. 17. 19, 21,22. 7. 14. the cities which the Philistines had /. 10.21. Saul was /. || 12.3.whoseox have 1 /..' 12. 4. nor hast thou /. ought of any man's hand 14. 41. and -Saul and Jonathan were /. 42. .Saul said, cast lots, and Jonathan was /. 30. 5. and David's two wives were /. captives 19. was nothing lacking toat they had /. to them TAK iSam. 12.9. nasi/, his wife to be thy wife, l(i 27. and 1 have /. the cities of waters 16. 8. behold, thou art /. in thy mischief 23. 6. because they cannot be /. with hands 1 Kings 16.10. when Zimri saw that the city was /. 21. 19. hast thou killed and also /. possession ' 2 A'in»f 2. 10. if thou see me when 1 am /. from thee 18. 10. the ninth year of Hosea, Samaria was /. IC/iron. 21.6. one principal household being /. for Eleazar, and one /. for Ithamaj 2 Chron. 28. 11. deliver the captives you have /. 30. 2. king had /. counsel to keep the passover Ezra 9. 2. for they have /. of their daughters 10. 2. and we have /. strange wives, 14, 17, 18 44. all the.se had /. strange wives Neh. 5. 15. and had /. of them bread and wine Eiih. 2. 15. who had t. Esther for his daughter 16. so Esther was /. to king Ahasuerus 3. 2. king took off his ring he had /. from Ilamaa Job 16. 12. he hath also /. me by my neck 19« 9. he hath /. the crown from mine head 22. 6. thou hast t. a pledge from thy brother 24. 24. they are /. out of the way, as all other 28. 2. iron is /. out of the earth, brass is molteii Psal. 9. 15. in the net they hid is their own foot ( 10. 2. let them be /. in the devices that they have 59. IS. let them even be /. in their pride 83.3. have /. crafty counsel against thy people 119.1 11. thy test, have I /. as an heritage forever P/-0£;.3.26.the Ld. shall keep thy foot from being t. 6. 2. thou art /. with the words of thy mouth 7. 20. he hath /. a bag of money with him 11.6. transgressors shall be /. in their own naught Kccl.1. 18. I hated my labour which 1 had /, 3. 14. nothing put to it, nor any thing /. from it 7. 26. but the sinner shall be /. by her 9- 12. as the fishes that are ;. in an evil net Isa. 7. 5. have /. evil counsel against thee 8. 15. many shall be broken, and snared, and t. 23. 8. who hath /, this counsel against Tyre 24. 18. shall be /. in the snare, Jer. 48. 44. 28. 13. that they might be broken, snared, and t 33. 20. a tabernacle that shall not be /. down 41.9. thou whom I have /. from ends of the earth 49. 24. shall the prey be /. from the mighty 51.22. behold, I have /. the cup of trembling 53. 8. he was /. from prison and from judgment Jer. 6. 11. the husband with the wife shall be i. 8.9. the wise men are ashamed, dismayed, and t 12. 2. thou hast planted, they have /. root 34. 3. but thou shalt surely be .'. 38. 23. 38. 28. till the day that Jerusalem was /. 39. 5. when they had /. him, they brought him 40. 1 . when he had /. him, being bound in chains 10. and dwell in your cities, that ye have /. 48. 1. Kiriathaim is t.\\T. thou shalt be /. 33. joy and gladness is/, from the plentiful field 41. Kirioth is /. ||46. thy sons are /. captives 49- 20. hear the counsel he hath /. against Edom 24. anguish and sorrows have /. Damascus .30. Nebuch.vdnezzar hath /. counsel against you 50j2. publish and say, Babylon is /.24. | 51.31,41 £«"i. 4. 20. the anointed of the Lord was /. Ezek. 12. 13. the prince of Israel be /. in my snare 15. 3. shall wood be /. thereof to do any work 16. 17. thou hast also /. thy fair jewels of gold 20. thou hast /. thy sons and thy daughters 17. 12 is come, and hath /. the king thereof 13. /. of the king's seed, hath /. an oath of him 20. and he shall be /. in my snare 18 8. not upon usury, neither hath /. any increase 13- hath given upon usury, and hath /. increase 17 that hath /. off his hand from the poor 19. 4. heard of him, he was /. in their pit, 8. 21. 23. call to remembrance, that they may be /. 22. 12. in thee have they /. gifts, hast /. usury 25, 15. have /. vengeance with a despiteful hear: Van. 5. 2. vessels, which his father had /.out, 3 Joel 3. 5. because ye have /. my silver and gold Amos 3. 4. will ye cry out, if ye have /. nothing, 5. 12. so shall Israel be /. that dwell in Samaria 6. 13. have we not /. to us horns by our strength Zech. 14. 2. the city shall be /. and houses rifled Mat. 9. 15. the bridegroom shall be /. from them 10. 7. it is because we have /. no bread 21. 43. the kingdom of God shall be /. from you 24. 40. one shall be /. Luke 17. 34, 35, 36. 28. 12. and had /. counsel, they gave large money Mark i.'iiy. from him /. even that which he 6. 41. when he had t. the five loaves he looked 9. 36. when he had /. him in his arms, he said J.uke 5. 5. we toiled all night, and have /. nothing 9. at the draught of fishes which they had /. 19- 8. if I have /. any thing from any man John 7. 44. and some of them would have (. him 8. 3. brought to him a woman /. in adultery, 4. Ads 2. 23. ye have /. and by wicked hands crucified 8. 33. for his life is /. from the earth 23. 27. this man was /. of the Jew* 27. 33. and continued fasting having /. nothisg TAK Rom. 9> 6. not as tho' the word-aath t. noDe-effcct X Cor. 10. 13. there hach no temptation i. yon J 'J'/iess. 2 17. being i. from you for a short time g 'i'liess. 2. 7. will let, until he be t. out of the way 1 Tim. 5. 0. let not a widow be e. into the number 2 V'l/H. 2. 2D. wh- are I. captive by him at his will Hell. 5.1. every high priest /. Irom anion; men £ yVf.2.12. made to be /. and destroyed, speak evil iiev. 5. «. and wheu he had / the book, the beasts II. 17. thou hast t. to thee thy great power 19.20. anu the beast was 1. .and with him TAKEN a:eay. Gen. 21. 25. a well Abimelech's servants had c. a 27. 35. Jacob came and hath /. anay thy blessing 30. behold iww he hath /. awny my blessing 30 23 Rachel said, G. hath ^.aj^av my reproach 31. 1, Jacob hath / ajeay all that is our father's 9. thus God hath r. nwoy the cattle of your father £xurf.l4.11. hast thou r uso. to died in wilderness Lev 4. .'U as the fat is f. <«. from the sacrifice, 35 6 2 trespass in a thing r. aicav by violence 14. 43. after that he hath /. aaay the stones Deui. C6.14. nor t a7t'at/ ought for any unclean use 88 31, thine ass shall be violently t. atcny from J*dg. 18. 24 ye have t. a. my gods which I made 1 Sam 21. 6. in the day when it was t. (inay 1 Kings "^ 43. the high places were not /. nway, 2 hings 12 3. | 14. 4. 2 C/ir 15. J7, ( CO. 3;t t Kitigs 2. 9. ask, before I be t. araay from thee 16. 22. and whose altars Ilezekiah hath 1. arnav, 2 C/iroH. 32. 12. ha .36. 7 iChron. 19 3 in that thou hast <. anay the groves yo41.21 the Lord gave, and the Lord hath / auai/ 20. ly. hath violently l a. an house he built not" £7. 2. as God liveth, who hath t. a. myjudgment 34.5. and God hath i. a:iay myjudgment 20 and the mighty shall be i. a-xuu without hand Picl 85 3 thou hast /. «?»•«» all ihy wrath Proi.4.l6. their sleep is t axcaii unless they cause Isa. 6. 7. thine iniquity is /. axay, thy sin purged , 21. iC. but when it was /, tip they journeyed, 10. 11 iSam. 18. 9. Absalom was /. up between heaven Ita. 10. 29. they have /. vp their lodging at f iciia Jer. 29. 22. of them shall be /. up a curse by .ludah Erek. 36. 3. ye are /. up in the lips of talkers Dan. 6. 23. so Daniel was /. up out of the den Luke 9. 17- there was /. up of the fragments Acfs 1. 2. till the day in which he was /. up 0. while they beheld, he was /. up, and a cloud II, 'his same Jesus which is 1. vp from you 22. unto that same day he was 1. up from us 20. 9. Eutychus fell down, and was /. up dead 27. 17. had /. up the boat]! 40. /, up the anchors TAK EST. Exod. 4. 9. the water thou 1. out of the river 30. 12. when thou /. the sum of children of Israel Judg. i g. jonrney thou I. not be for thy honour I'inl. 104. 29. thou /. away their breath, they die 144 3. what is man that thou /. knowledge of him ? Ita. K. 3. afflicted our sooj and thou /. uo iioowl. 6C.3 TAL Cnie 19. 21. thou /. up that thou layedst not dtfwn rAKE.Sr heed. 1 Chr. 22. 13. if thou f . heed to fulfil the statutes TAKETll. £ri)(/.20.7. that /.his name in vain, Deut. 5. 11. L'ent. 10. 17. regardeth not persons nor /. reward 24. 6. for he «. a man's liie to pledge 25. 11. putteth her hand and /.him by the secrets 27. 25. cursed be he that /. reward to slay innocent .■i2. 11. as an eagle /. them, beareth them on her Jos/i. 7, 14. the tribe which the Lord /. shall come 15.l6.smiteth Kirjah-sepher and /. it, Judg.l.l^, 1 ■iiim. 17.26. and /.away reproach from Israel 1 Kings 14.10.as aman /.awayduiig,till all be gone J'lS 5.5. and /. it even out of the thorns 13. he /. the wise in theircraftiness, 1 Cor. 3. I9. 9- 12. behold, he /. away, who can hinder him .' 12. 20. and /. away the uiiderstaiKlmg of the aged 24. he /.away the heaul of the chief of the people 27. 8. what is the hope,when God /.away his soul - 40. 24. he /. it with his eyes, his nose pierceth Psai. 15. 3. nor /. up reprouch against the neighb. 5. nor /. reward again.si the innocent 1!8, 7. Lord /. my part with them that help me 137. 9. haiipy shall lie be that /. and dasheth little 147. 10. he /. not pieiisure in the legs of a man 11. the Lord /. pleasure in them that fear him 14y. 4. for the Lord /. pleasure in his people Pior. 1. ly. which /. away the life of the owners 16. 32. rules his spirit, is better than he that /.a cily 17. 23. a wicked man /. gift out of the bosom 25 20. as he that /.away a garment in cold weather 26. 17. is like one that /. a dog by the ears i,(i7.1.3.of all his labour which he /.under the sun 2. 23. his heart /. not rest in the night Isi'. 13. 14. and as a sheep that no man /. up 40. 15. he /. up the isles as a very little thing 44. 14. the carpenter /. the cypress, and the oak 51. 18. nor is there any that /. her by the hand L'leX-. 10.32. who /.strangers instead of her husband 33. 4. and /not warning || 5. he that /. warning jlnios 3. (2. as the shepherd /. out of mouth of lion Mai. 4.5. the devil /. him up into the holy city 8 / him up into an exceeding high mountain 9.16 /. from garment and rent worse, Mark ^.11. 10 38 that /. not his cross and followeth after me 12 45. he goeth, /. seven other spirits, Luke 1 1 . 26. 17.1. Jesus/. Peter, James, and John,aud bringeth into an high mountain, Mark 9. 2. | 14. .'53. Mark 4. 15. Satan cometh and /. away the word that was sown in their hearts, Luke 8. 12. 5 40 he /. the father and mother of the damsel 9. 18 wheresoever he /. him he teareth him Ljike 6. 29. him that /. away thy cloak, forbid not 30. and of him that /. thy goods, ask them not 9. 39. a spirit /. him, and he suddenly crieth out 11. 22. astronger/. from him all his armour 16. 3 my lord /. away from me the stewardship John 1. 29. Lamb of God who /. away sin of world 10.18. no man /. it from me, 1 lay it dowikof mys. 15. 2. Lranch that beareth not fruit, he /. away 16. 22. and your joy no man /. from you 2] . 13. Jes. then cometh, /. bread and giveth them Rom. 3. 5. is God unrighteous, who /. vengeance ' 1 Cor. 11.21. ineatiug every one /. before another JJeS. 5. 4. no mail /. this honour to himseif but he 10 9. he /, awav the first that he may establish 'take 111 hold. Joi^l. 6. afraid, and trembling /. //»/jg, that thou mayest .'/ei. 10. 37. he that shall come, will come, and not /. TARRIED. .'en. 24. 54. Abraham's servant t. all night 28. 11. Jacob /.there all night and took stones 31. 54. J.icoh and Laban /. all night in the mount Xrtm. 9. 19. when th» cloud /. long, 22. Juifi. 3. 2j. tney /. till they were a.<.hamed 26. Ehud escaped while they /. and passed 39 O.they /. till afternoon and did eat both of them 004 TAU Uuth 2. 7. save that she <. a little in the house 1 Sam. 13. 8. he /. seven days according to set time 2 ■'iam. 11. 1. but David /. still at Jerusalem 13. 17. the king /. in a place that was far ofT C9. Zadok and Abiaihar / at Jerusalem 20. 5. but he /. longer than the set time 2 Kings 2. 18. when they came, for he /. at Jericho I'sal. 68.1c. and she that /.at home divided the spoil Mai. 25. 5. while the bridegroom /. they all slept Luke 1. 21. the peoide marvelled that he /. so long 2. 43. the child Jesus /. behind lO Jerusalem Jiihti 3.22. th-.n be /. with them, and baptized .IcisQ.i'i. I'ecvr /. many days in .loppa with Simon 15. .'i3. Judas and Silas e.xliorted and /. at Antioch 18- 18. I'aul i. a good while at Corinth and sailed 20. 5. these going before /. for us at Troas 21. 4. and finding the disciples, we /. seven days 10. as we /. many days at Cesarea came Agabus 25. 6. Festus/. at Jerusalem more than ten days 27. 33. this is the fourteenth day ye have /. fasting 28. 12. landing at Syracuse, we /. three days TAKRIEST. Acts 22. 16. and now why /. thou ? arise, be baptized TARRIETII. 1 Sim. .30. 24. so shall his part be that /. by stufT Mic. 5.7. that /. not for a man, nor waiteth for TARRYING. Psai. 40. 17. make no /. O my God, 70. 5. TASK. Ejod. 5. 19. ye shall not minish from your daily /. TASKS. Eiod. 5.13. saying, fulfil your works, your daily /. 14. why not fulfilled your /. in making brick TASK-MASTERS. Ezod.l. 11. set over them i.-masters to afflict them 3. 7. heard their cry by reason oi iheir t.-ma.uers 5. 6. and Pharaoh commanded t. -masters, saying 10. t. -masters told them|jl3./.-maj»eri hastedthem 14. officers which the t. -masters had set o . er them TASTE Signifies, [1] To prove, or try the relish of any t/i:?ig by the palate, or tongue. Job 34. 3. [2] To have an inicard ezperimenial knouledse of a thing, Psal. 34. 8. [3] To eat a little, 1 Sam. 14. 29,43. [4] To drink, Dan. 5. 2. Have tasted of the heavenly gift, Ileb. 6. 4. Hate had some transient ezperience of the pover and efficacy of the Holy Ghost from heaven, in gospel administration and uorsliip, so as to relish comfort and su-eetness in the doctrine and promises of the gospel. To taste death, Ueb. 2. 9. To feel the bitterness of death, yet mt be long detained under it, TASTE, Subttanttve. Ezod. 16. 31. the /. of manna was like wafers Xum. 11. 8. the /. of it was as the /. of fresh oil Job 6. 6. is there any /. in the white of an egg .' 30. cannot my /. discern perverse things f J'sc:l. 119. 103. how sweet are thy words to my /. .' Prov. 24. 13. the hoaey-comb is sweet to the /. Cant. 2. 3. and his fruit was sweet to my /. Jer. 48. 11. therefore his /. remained in him TASIE, rerb. 1 .Sam. 14. 43. I did but /. a little honey and lo 26'am.3..35.if I /.bread orought else till sun be down ly. .35. can thy servant /. what I eat or drink .■■ Job 12. 11. doth not the mouth /. his meat I'sal. 34. 8. O /. and see that the Lord is good Jonah 3. 7. neither herd nor flock /. any thing Mai. 16. 28. there be some standing here whioh shall not/, of death, Mark 9. 1. Luhe'J. 2?. Luke 14. 24. none bidden shall /. of my supper John 8. 52. keep my saying, he shall never /. death Col. 2. 21. touch not, /. not, handle not Heb. 2. 9- that he should /. death for every man TASTED. 1 Sam. 14. 24. so none /. any food|| 29. I /. honey /Ja«.5.2.Beishazzar,whilsthe /. wine, commanded Mai. 27.34. when he had ;. thereof, he would John 2. 9. the ruler had /. the water made wine lltb. 6. 4. and have /. of the heavenly gift 5. have /. the good word of God and powers of I Pel. 2. 3. if ye have /. that the Lord is gracious 'lASJETH. Job 34. 3. ear trieth words as the mouth /. meat Prov. 31. 1 18. /. that her merchandise is good TATLERS. 1 Tim. 5. 13. not only idle but /. and busy bodies TAVERNS. Acts 26. 15. came to meet us as far as the three /. TAUGHT. Deut. 4. 5. 1 have /. you statutes and judgments 31. 22. Moses/, the children of Israel this song Jiidg. 8. 16. with them be /. the men of Sucroih 2 Kings 17.28. and I. them how to fear the Lord 2 Chron. 6. £7. thou hast /. them the good way 17. 9- the Levites /. the people in Judah 23. 13. people rejoiced, such as /. to sing praise 30.22. that /. the good knowledge of the Lord 35. 3. Jnsiah said to the Levites that /. all Israel TEA Nch. 8. 9. th« Levites tha^ /. ine people said Psal. 71. 17. O God, thou hast I. me, liy. log I Uy. 171. when thou hast /. me thy statutes I'rov. 4. 4. he /. me also, and said, let thine hea» I 11.1 have /. thee in the way of wisdom j 31. i.the prophecy that his mother /. bin: £cf/. 12. 9. he stil' /. the people knowledge Isa. Cy. 13. their fear is /. by the precepts of meB j 40. 13. or being hi^ counsellor hath /. him, 14 I 51. 13. all thy children shall be /. of GoQ iJ'cr. 2. 33. therefore hast thou /. the wicked I 9- 5- they have /. their tongues to speak lies I 14. after Baalim, which their fathers /. them 12. It), as they /. my people to swear by Baal 13. 21. for thou hast /. them to be captains 28. 16. thou hast /. rebellion against the Lord 2y. 32. he hath /. rebellion against the Lord 32. 33. though I have /. them, rising up early Ezek. £3. 48. women /. not to do after lewdness IIos. 10. 11. r.phraim is as a heifer that is i. 11.3.1 /.Ephraim to go, taking them by their armj iiech. 13.5. for man /. me to keep cattle from youth Mai. 7.29. he /. them as one having authority, and not as the scribes, Mark L. ££ £8. 15. they took money, and did as they were/- Alark 6.30, told him all things they had done and /. 10. 1. as he was wont he /. fhem again Luke 11.1. teach usto pray, as John /. his disciples 13. 26. and thou hast /. in our streets Jo/m 6. 45. and they shall be all /. of God 7. 14. Jesus went up into the temple, and /. 28» Mark 12. 35. Luke ly. 47. j 20. 1. 8. 2. all the people came, he sat down and /. them 28. as my father hath /. me, I speak these 18. 20. 1 ever /. in the synagogue and leaiple -■Jcis 4. 2. being grieved that they /. the people 5. 21. they entered into the temple early and I 11. 2d. Paul and Barnabas /. much people, 14.21, 15.1. certain men /. the brethren, and said, excep 18. 25. Apollos /. diligently the things of the Lord 20. 20. I have shewed you, and /. you publicly 22.3. /. according to the perfect manner of the law Oal. 1.12. nor was I /. it but by revelation 6. 6. let h:m that is /. in the word communicate Eph. 4. £1. if so be ye have been /. by him as truth Col. £. 7. stablished in the faith, as ye have been /." 1 Thess. 4. 9- ye are /. of God to love one another 2 Thess. 2. 15. hold the traditions ye have been i. Til. 1. 9. holding the word, as he hath been /. 1 John C. 27. even as the ancinting hath /. you Rev. 2. 14. who/. Balak to cast a stumbling-block TAUNT. Jer. 24.9. I will deliver them to be a /. and a curst Ezek. 5. 15. so it shall be a reproach and a /. TAUNTING. Isa. 14. +4. thou shalt take up this /. speech Hab. 2.6. all these take up a /. proverb against hint TAXATION. 2 Kings 23.35. exacted of every one according to /. TAXED, Active, Passive. 2 Kings 23. 35. but Jehoiakim /. the land to gira Luke 2. 1. a decree that all the world should be /. 3. all went to be /. || 5. Joseph went to be / TAXES. Dan. 11. 20. then shall stand up a raiser of /. TAXING. Luke 2. 2. and this/, was first made when Cyrenius Acts 5. 37. rose up Judas in the days of the /. TEACH Signifies, [1] To instruct or cause lo learn, Psal, liy. 25. Mat. 28. ig. [2] To accusiom to, Jer. 9. 5, [3] To admonish, Mark 8. 31. I 9- 31. [4] To suggest or put into one's mind, Luke 12. 12. f5] lo signify and give nonet, I'rov. 6. 13. [6] To counselaud direct, l\th.1.\^ Exod. 4. 15. and 1 will /. you what ye shall do 35. 34. God hath put in his heart that he may (. Lev. 10. 11. that ye may /. Israel all the statutes 14. 57. to/, when it is unclean and when clean Utui.i.\. hearken to the judgments which I /. yoQ 10. and that they may /. their children 14. the Lord commanded me to /. you, 6. 1. 20. 18. they /.you not to do after their aiiominations 24.8. to all that the priests the Levites shall /. yoa 31. 19. write and /. the children of Israel this song 33. 10. they shall /. Jacob thy judgments Jvdg. 13. 8. /. us what we shall do to the child 1 Sam. 12,23. 1 will /. you the good and right waj 2 Sam. 1 . 18. bade them /. the use of the bow 2 Chron. 17. 7. to /. in the cities of Judah Ezra 7. 10. and to «.in Israel statutes and judgment John. 22. shall any /. God knowledge £7. 11. I will /. you by the hand of God 32. 7. and multitudf of years should /. wisdom 37. ly. /. us what we shall say nnto him, for ws Psal. £5. 8. therefore he will /. sinners in the wa5 9. the meek will he guide and /. his way 12. him that feareth Lord shall he /. in the way 34. 1 1 . 1 will /, you the fear of the Lurd 51. 13. then will 1 /. transgressors thr ways TEA Pt.QO.li.iO I. OS to number our "lays that we mar 105.52. to bind princes, and i. his senators wisdom Prov. g. 9. (. a just man, and he will increase in Ita. 2. 3. and he will t. us of his ways, Mic. 4. 2. 88. 9. whom shall he t. knowledge, and to unders. 26. for his G. doth instruct and t. him discretion 7 themselves /.having Til. 2.3. that the aged women oe /. of good things Hei. 5. 12. when for the time ye ought to be t £ Pel. 2. 1. as there shall be false t. among you TEACH EST. Psal.Qi. 12. blessed is the man whom thou t. Hal. 22. 10. we know that thou art true, and /. the way of God in truth, JV/ar* 17.14. Xk/v 20.21. jfctt 91.21. tboa t. tLc Jewf to forsake Moses CO6 lEA TEL Rom. 2.21. th«a that ;.anolher,<.thoa not thyself .'|i?«». 7- 17. God shall wipe away al> . 3t TEACHETH. TEALS. 2 Sam. 22. 35. he /. my hands to war, Psal. 18.34. ! Isd. 32. 12. they shall lament for the t. Job 15. + 5. thy mouth 1. thine iniquity 35. U . who t. us more than the beasts of the earth 36. 22. behold, God exalteth, who 1, like him > Psal. 94. 10. he that /. man knowledge, not know 144. 1. which /. my hands to war, and fingers Prov. 6. 13. a wicked man 1. with his fingers 16. 23. the heart of the wise t. his mouth Isa. 9. 15. the prophet that /. lies, he is the tail 43. 17. I am thy God which t. thee to profit Acts 21. 28. the man that /. all men every where Horn. 12. 7. or he that /. on teaching 1 Cor. 2.13. we speak not in the words which man's wisdom /. but which the Holy Ghost t. Gal. 6. 6. let him communicate to him that /. 1 John i.27 . as the same anointing t. you all things TEACHING. 2 Chr. 15. 3. Israel hath been without a/, priest yer.32.33.I taught them rising up esirly and /.them Mat. 4.23. Jesus went about Galilee, /. in their synagogues preaching gospel, 9.35. Luie 13. 10. 15. 9- in vain they do worship me, /. for doctrines the commandments of men, AJari 7. 7. 21. 23. the elders came unto him as he was /. 26. 55. I sat daily with yoa /. in the temple 28. 20. /. them to observe all things whatsoever Luie 23. 5. /. throughout all Jewry from (Jalilee Acts 5. 25. the apostles /. the people in the temple 15.35. Paul and Barnabas in Antioch /.preaching 18. 11. Paul /. the word of God at Corinth 28. 31. Paul /. at Rome with all confidence Rom. 12. 7. or he that teachetn on .. Col. 1. 28. warning and /. every man in all wisdom 3. 16. /. and admoni.shing one another in psalms Tit. 1. 11. t. things which they ought not 2. 12. t. us, that denying ungodliness :ind lusts TEAR Signifies, [1] To rend or pull in pieces, Hos. 13. 8. [2] To destroy, Psal. 7. 2. Amos 1. 11. [3] To slander or reproach, Psal 35. 15. [4] To thresh, Judg. 8. t 7. Judg. 8. 7. then will I /. your flesh with thorns Psal. 7. 2. lest he /. my soul like a lion, rending it 35. 15. they did /. v\e and ceased not 50. 22. consider this, lest I /. you in pieces Jer. 15. 3. I will appoint over them the dogs to /. 16. 7. nor shall men /. themselves for them Ezei. 13. 20. your pillows I will /. from your arms 21. your kerchiefs will I 1. and deliver my people Jios, 5. 14. I, even I, will /. and go away 13.8. I will devour, the wild beast shall /. them Amos 1.1 Least of pity .his anger did /. perpetually Nah. 2. 12. the lion did /. enough for his whelps Z«f/j. 11. 16. the shepherd shall /. their claws TEARETII. DfH/.33.20.Gad dwelleth as a lion, and /. the arm Job 16. 9. he /. me in his wrath, who hateih me 18. 4. he /. himself in his anger, shall the earlh he Mic. 5. 6. as a young lion /. in pieces, none deliver Marie 9. 18. wheresoever he taketh him, he /.him and he foameth and pintth away, Luie Q. 39. TEARS .Signify [1] Drops 0/ water is.tuiyig out of the eyes, Psal. 6. 6. I 42. 3. [2] Sorrow and ajjiiclion, Psal. 126.5. Isa. 25.8. CSam. 16. + 12. maybe the Lord will look on my /. 2 htngs 20. 5. I have seen thy /. Jsa. 38. 5. Joi 16. 20. but mine eye poureth out /. unto God Psal. 6. 6. I water my couch with my /. all night 3y. 12. O Lord, hold not thy peace at my /. 42. 3. my /. have been my meat day and night 56.8. put thou my /. in thy bottle, are in thy book 80. 5. thou feedest them with the bread of /. and givest them /. to drii)k in great measure Jlf). 8. thou hast delivered mine eyes from /. 126. 5. they that sow in /. shall reap in joy Eccl. 4. 1. behold the /. of such as were oppressed ha. 16. 9. 1 will water thee with /. O Ileshbon 25,8. the Lord will wipe away/, from all faces Jer. 9. 1. Oh that mine eyes were a fountain of / 18. our eyes may run down with /. and eye-lids 13. 17. and mine eyes shall run down with / 14. 17. le' mine eyes run with /. night and day 31. 16. refrain from weeping, thine eyes from /. Lam. 1. 2. she weeps, and her /. are on her cheeks 2. 11. mine eyes do fail with /. my bowels 18. let/, run down like a river day and night Ezel. 24. 16. neither shall thy /. run down Mal.'i. 13. covering the altar of the Lord with /. Mark 9. 24. the father said with /. Lord, I believe Z,«i(r 7. 38. and she began to wash his feet with her/. 44. hut she hath washed my feet with /. Acts 20. 19. serving the Lord with many /. 31. I ceased not to wso-n every one with /. 2 Cor. 2. 4. I wrote to you with many /. 2 Tim. 1. 4. to sec thee, being mindful of thy /. Hei. 5. 7. whf»he offered up siippllcitions with /. I 12. 17 though be (ought it carefully with 1. Ezek. 23. 3. there they bruised tue /. 21. TEDIULS. Acts 24. 4. that I be tot further /. to thee TEEJll Signifies, [1] That whereutih a creature chexs ili J'ood, Num. 11.33. ',2] .i/ano'«ri)aj speeches ani pernicious calumnies, Psal. 57. 4. Prov. 30. 14. Break tlieir teet/i, Psal. 5J!. 6. Taie auay their pouer and instruments cl d>,ing mischttj, ana disable them J'rom huritn- me. Gen. 49. 12. and his /. shall be white with milk A'jiCT. 11.33.while the fl^sh was yet between their/ Deul. 32. 24. 1 will seiidtht /. of beasts upon then 1 Sam. 2. 13. came with a llesh-hook of three /. 1 Kings 10.+ 22. bringing elephants' /. 2 C/ir. 9.121 Job 4. 10. the /. of the young lions are broken 13. 14. wherefore do I take my fiesh in my /..' 19. 20. 1 am escaped with the skin of my /. 29. 17. and plucked the spoil out of /. ot wicked 41. 14. Leviathan's /. are terrible round about Psal. 3. 7. thou hast broken the /. of the ungodly 57. 4. whose /. are spears and arrows, and tongue 58. 6. break their t. O God, in their mouth 124.6. hath not given us as a prey to their /. Prov. 10. 26. as vinegar to the /. so the sluggard 30. 14. whose /. are swords, jaw-/, as knivus Cant. 4. 2. thy /. are like a flock of sheep, 6. 6. lsa.il. 15. make thee au instrumoot having /. J<;r.31.29. children's /. are set on edge, Ezek. 18.2 30. eateth sour grapes, his /. shall be set on edge Lam. 3. 16. hath broken my /. with gravel-stones Van. 7.5. it had three ribs between the /. of it 7. a fourth beast had great iron /. I9. '^11. 6. he hath the cheek /. of a great lion lAme. 4. 6. I have given you cleanness of /. Mio o. 5. that bite with their /. and cry peac? jt!ech. 0. 7. his abominations from between his t. Mat. 27. 44. was crucified, cast the same in his «. Mei.Q. 8. their /. were as the /. of lions See Gnash. TELL Signifies, [1] To count, number, or reckoti, Geo. 15. 5. [2] 'Jo declare or make known. Gen. ti, 18. I 21. 2^ (.3] To teach, Exod. 10. 2. Deut. >'. 11. [1] 'Jo conjeu. Josh. 7. 19. [5J To puilish. ^ Sam. 1.20. [6] 'To ejplan and unfold, f.zei. 24. I9. Uan. 2. 36. Jen. 13. "5. /. the stars if thou be able to numbe/ 32. 5. and 1 have sent to /. my Lord to find gracu 43. 6. as to /. the man whether ye had a brother 22. we cannot /. who put our money m our sacki 45. 13. /. my father of all my glory in Egypt Ei^d. 10. 2. mayest /. in the ears of thy sou Lev. 14. 35. /. the priest, saying, it seemeth to me Num. 14. 14. they will /. 11 to the inhabitants 1 iiam. 6. 2. /. us wherewiih we shall send it to b.s 9. 8. give to the man of God, to /. us our way 17. 55. as the soul liveih, U king. 1 cannot /. 22. £2. 1 knew that he would surely /. Saul 23. 11.0 God of Israil,! beseech thee/, thy ser* 27.11. lest they should /.on us, saying so did Da« 2 Sam. 1. 20. /. it not in Gath, publish it not in 7. 5. go /. my servant Uavid, I Ckron. 17.4. 12. 18. feared to /. hini that the child was dead 22. while the child was alive, I said, who can/. 15. 35. thou shalt /. to Zadock and Abiathar 18. 21. go /. the king what ihou hast seen 1 htngs 1. 20. that thou jhouldst /. who sh.tU reigo 18. 8. go, /. thy lord, Elijah is here, 11.14. 12. when 1 come and /. Ahab, he will slay me 20. 9. /. my lord the king, all thou didst send 11. /. him, let not him that girdeth on liisharne.sj 2 hings 7. 9. that we may (. the king's householil 9. 12. and they said, it is false ; /. us now 15. let none escape to go to /. it in JezreeV 22. 15. /. the man ihal sent you, 2 Chron. 34. 23. /■"jn/.iC.n.l may/, all my UmeM hey stare on mii> 26. 7. publish and /. of all thv wondrous works 48. 12. go round about her, /. the towers thereof 13. that ye may /. the generation following Proi. 30. 4. what his son's name, if thou canst /. Eccl. 6. 12. who can /. what shall be after, 10.14. 8.7. for who can /. him when it shall Icr 10. 20. that which hath wings shall /. ihe mattei Cant. 5. 8. /. him that 1 am sick of love Jsa. 6. 9. go and /. this people i|4H. 20. /. this Jn. 15. 2. /. such as are for death, to death 23. 27. hy their dreams which they / £8. 32 36. 16. we will /. the king of all these words 17. /. us now how thou didst write these words 48. 20. /. it in Anion, that Moab is spoiled I'.tek. 24. 19. wilt thou not /. us what things are f Dan. 2.4.0 king, /. thy servants the dream, 7. 9- 36. we will /. ihe king the interpretation thereof Joel 1.3./. ye your children, let your children (. Jonah 3. y. who CiUt. if God will turn and , repent TEL lUat. 8. 4. see thoa t. no man, Mari 8. 25, 30 I 9. g. Ij^ke 5. 14. I 8. 56. Acts 23. C2. 16 • CO. he charged his disciples that they should .'. no man, Mark'. .3t). Luke 9. 21 17. 9. f. the vision to no man, until the Son of mun 18. 16. /. hi3 his fault || 17. '■ it unto the church CI . 5. /. \e the daughter of Sion, behold thy king 24. .3. I. us wheo shall these Ihinijs he, Mark 13. 4. C6. 63. that thouf. us, whether thou be the Christ the Son of God, Luke 22.67. J^'ltn 10. 24. SB. 7- po and /, his disciples that he is risen 9. as they went to t. his disciples, MarklQ.I. Mark 1. 30. and anon they /. him of her 5.19. 1, them how great things the Lord hath done 11. 33. we cannot t. Mar. 21. 5. Luke 20. 7. Luke T. 22. t. John what things ye have seen 13. 32. go ye, I. that fox, 1 cast out devils Jo/in 3. 8, but canst not 1. whence ii comelh 4. 25. when he is come, h; will t. us all things 3. 14. ye cannot /.whence 1 co:c-- and 'vhiiher 1 go 16. 18. a little while r we cannot ,-. -rhat he saith 18. 34. or did other* ;. thee of me ;■ Acts 15. ft7. who shall i. you the same things 17. 2i. but either to t. or hear some new thing 23. 17. he hath a certain thing to /. him £ Cor. 12.2. whether out of the body I cannot /. 3. JJei. 11. 32. for the time would fail to (. of Gideon TF.LL me. Gen. 12. 18. why didst not /. me she was thy wife ? 21. 26. nor didst thou /. me nor heard I of it 24. 23. t. me whose daughter art thou? 49. t. me, and if not, 1. me that I may turn CO. 15. I. me what shall thy wages be ? 31. 27. steal away from me, and didst not 1. me 32.29. /.me tby name fl 3T.16. t.me where they feed J<'.t/j.7.19'-'n«now what thou hast done, hide it not Judg. 16. 6. I. me wherein thy great strength lieth Jlut/i 4. 4. if ihou wilt not redeem it, /. me 1 dam. 9. 18. /. me where the seer's house is 10. 15. t. me 1 pray thee what Samuel said to you 14. 43. Saul said, t. me what thou hast done 20.10. David said to Jonathan, who shall ». me.' 2 i>am.l.4. how went the matter, t. me, I pray thee 13. 4. why art thou lean, wilt thou not I. me? 1 Am;;* 22.16. that thou /. me nothing but the truth £ Aijigf 4. 2. what shall I do for thee I. me 8. 4. t. me the great things that ElLsha hath done Joi .34. 34. let men of undersl.inding t. me Catit. 1.7. t. me, O thou whom my soul loveth .'>lat. 21. 24. ask you one thing which if you /. me Luke 7. 42. t. me which of them will love most Ju/in 20. 15. t. me where thou hast laid him ylcts 5.8. t. me whether ye sold the land for so much 22. 27. /. me art thou a Koman f he said, yea 23. 19. asked him what is that thou hast to t, me .' Col. 4, 21. (. me ye that de.'ire to be under the l;.w TELL thee. Cert. 22. 2. on one of the mountains I will t. thee of 26. 2. dwell in the land which I will t. thee of .Cjo/i. 6. 10. hid ourselves in the /.shut doors of the /. Psol. 27. 4. beauty of L. and to inquire in his /. 29.9. in his/, doth every one speak of his glory 48. g. we have thought of thy loving kindness, O God, in the midst of thy / 68. 29. because of thy /. at Jerusalem shall kings Isa. 6. 1. and lifted up, and his train filled the / 44. 28. and to the /. thy foundation shall be laid 66. 6. a voice from the .'. a voice of the Lord Jer. 50. 28. declare the vengeance of his /. 51. 11 Ezek.il. 1. afterward he brought me to the /. Dan. 5. 2. the golden vessels taken out of the/. 3. Amos 8. 3. the songs of the /. shall be howling: that day Zech. 8. 9. let your bands be strong, that the /. might be built Mai. 3.1. the Lord shall come suddenly to his /. .Vat. 4.5. set him on a pinnacle of the /. Luke 4. 9. 12. 6. that in this place is one greater than the / 23. 16. blind guides, who say, whosoever shall swear by the /. or by the gold of the /. 17. 21 . 35. whom ye slew between the /. and the altzj 24.1. to shew him the buildings of the /. Luke 21.5. 26. 61, I am able to destroy the /. of God 27 . 40. thou that destroyest the /. Mark 15. 29. 51. behold the rail of the /.was rent in twain, Ma.-k 15. 38. Luke 23. 43. Mark H. 16. should carry any vessel thro' the (. 14. 58. 1 will destroy this /. made with hands Lukci. 37. Anna a widow departed not from the /. .'ohn 2.15. he drove them all out of the /. and sheep 19. destroy this /. || 21. he spake of/, of his body 20. forty and six years was this /. in building Acts 3. 2. whom they laid daily at the gate of the /. to ask alms of them that entered the /. lo 19.27. the /. of goddess Diana should be despised 21 . 30. they took Paul and drew him out of the / 24. 6. who also hath gone about to profane the /. 25. 8. neither against the /. nor against Cesar 1 Cor. 3. 16. know ye not that j-e are the /. of God 17. if ajiy man defile the/, ot God, him shall Gel destroy, for the /. of G. is holy, which /. ye are 6. 19. your body is the /. of the Holy Ghost 8. 10. see these sit at meat in au idol's /. 9.13. they who minister live of the things of the /. 2 CW. 6. 16. what agreement hath the /. of God with idols? for ye are the /. of the living God Hev. 7. 15. and serve him day and night in bis /. 11.1. saying, Ti.m and measure the /. of Go 1 Chron. 6. 10. executed the priest's office in the ; 10. 10. and fastened his head in the 1. of Dago!) 2 Chron. 4. 7. he set ten candlesticks i» the t. 8. Lzra 5. 15. go carry these vessels into the t. .N«A. 6. 11. would go into the t. to save his life Mat. 12. 5. the priests in the t. profane the sabbath 21. 12. went into the t. cast out all them that sold and bought in the t. Mark 11. 15. Luke I9. 43 14. the blind acd the lame came to see him in t 15. children crying in the t. and saying,! losanna 21). 55. 1 sat daily leaching in the 1. Luke 21. 37- 27 5. he cast down the pieces of silver, in ihet. TEM TEN Mark 14.40. 1 was daily teach. in Me t.Luke 2C.53. j 1 Cor. 10. 13. no /. hath taken you ; will with t. Luke 1.21. marvelled that he tarried so Ion? in 1. 1 \ Oal. 4. 14. and ray t. \a my Hash ye despised not 22. they perceived that ne had seen a vision in t 2. 27. and he came by the spirit into the t. 46. they found him in ihe t. sitting in the midst lb. 10. two men went up into the t. to pray S4.53. and were continually in the t. praising God Acts 2. 46. continuing with one accord in the t. 3. 1. Peter and John went up toRether into the t. 3. about to go into 1. 1| 5.20.stand and speak in /. 5. 25. the men are standing in the t. and teaching 21. 26. I'aul entered info t ]| 27 saw him in the i. S8.aud funher.brought Greeks also into the t.1le to enter into the t. TEMPLE.S. Judg. 4. 21. Jael smote the nail into his (. 22. 5. 26. when she had stricken throui^h bis (. Cant. 4. 3. thy t. like a piece of pomegranate, 6. 7. TEMPLKS. ?7oj.8.14. for Isr. forgot his Maker, and buildeth t. Jiiel3. 5. ye carried into your i. my goodly things /1c/j7.48. howbeil thelMost High dwelleth not in /. made with hands, 17. 24. TEMPORAL. 8 Cor. 4. 18. for the things which are seen are t. TEM PT Is spoken [I] Of God, Gen. 22. 1. aho does not tempt or tty men in ordei' to know their tem- pers and dispositions, as if he were ignorant of them; bnt toexercise their graces, to prove their faith, love, and ohedience ; to confirm and strengthen them by such trials, and to give suc- ceeding ages patterns of obedience, to slie'x them his satisfaction with such as obey, and his displea- sure at such as donot. [II] if men, 'cho arc said to tempt the Lord, [l] IVhen they unseasonably require of him sensible proofs of his divine presence, of his power, or of his goodness .* Thus the Israelites in the desert often tempted the Lord, Exod 17. 2, 7. a^ if they had had rea- lon to have doubted of his presence among them, of his goodness or poxer, after all he had done in their favour. [2] When men expose themselves to such dangers, from which they cannot escape hut by the miraculous interpo- sition of his providence ; for God requires of men the performance only of such actions as are nithin the ordinary measures of their strength, being under no obligation to uork mi- racles in their favour. Mat. 4. 7. [3] ll'hen men set themselves to commit sin so impu- dently, as if they did it on purpose to try vhether God was just or pouerful enough to puniih them for it, Mai. 3. 15. [Ill] Of-iatan, ziiho tempts us to bring us to evil, to sin, to dis- trust, to a contempt of God and his laus, to prida, vanity, $jC. He lays snares for us, even in our best actions, to make us lose the benefit of them, by imputing the merit of them to our- selves only, and no: to God. He tempted David, and prevailed with him to number the people out of confidence and vain curiosity, 1 Chron. 21 1. He tempted wur Haviour in the wilder- ness, and in vain endeavoured to infuse into him sentiments of pride and ambition, Luke 4. 2, 3, 4. Jie tempted Antnias and Sapphira, to make them lie to the Holy CJhost, Acts 5. 3. Cen. 22.1. God did t Abraham and said unto him Exod. 17 2. Moses said, wherefore do ye t. the L.' Deut. 6. \6. ye shall not t. the Lord your God lsa.1 . 12. I will not ask, nor will I /. the Lord Mttl. 3. 15. yea, they that t. God are delivered Mat 17. Jesjs said, it is written again, thou shalt not t. the Lord thy God, Luke 4.12. 22. 18. why t. ye me ? Mark 12. 15. Luke 20. 23. Acts 5. 9 ye have agreed together to t. the Spirit 15.10. now therefore why t. ye God to put a yoke :Cor. 7. 5.thatSatan /.you not foryour incontinency 10.9. neither let usf.Chr. assomeof them tempted TEMPTATION Signifies, [1] Those means and enticements uhich the devil makes use of to ensnaie and allure mankind. Mat. 6. 13. | 26. 41. [2] Those af- ftictions and troubles, whereby God tries his people. Jam. 1. 2, 12. [3] Persecution for re- ligion, Luke 8. 13. Etod. 17. + 7. called the name of the place /. Psal. 95. 8. hear his voice, harden not your heans, as in the day of r in the wilderness, Heb. .'J.B. Mat. 6. 13. and lead us not into /. Luke 11.4. ^ 41. watch and pray, that ye enter not into /. Mark 14. 38. Luke 22. 40, 40. Ijuke 4. 13. whfn the devil had ended all his t. R. 13. have no root, and in a time of 1. fall away fi07 1 Tim. 6. 9. tttey that will be rich fall into t. Jam. 1. 12. blessed is the man that endureth t. iiev.3. 10. 1 will keep thee also from the hour of/. TEMPTATIONS. Deut. 4. .34. take a nation out of a nation by t. 7. 19. the great/, thine eyes saw, and signs, 29. 3. Luke 22. 28. ye have continued with me in my /. Acts 20. 19. serving God with many tears and /. Jam. 1. 2. count it joy when ye fall into divers /. 1 f'et. I. 6. ye are in heaviness thro' manifold /. 2P«<.2.9. L.knows how to deliver the godly ^>ut of /. TEMPTED. Ezod. 17. ( . and because they /. the Lord, saying Num. 14. 22. and have /. me now these ten times Deut. 6. 16. not tempi God as ye /. him in Massah Psnl. 78. 18. and they /. God in their heart, 41. 36. yet t/iey /. and provoked the most high God 95. 9. when your fathers /.me.proved me, Heb.3.l). lot). 14. but lusted, and ». God in the desert Mat.4.1.lobet. of the devil, Mark 1.13. Lukei.2. Luke 10. 25. a lawyer /. him, saying, master 1 Cor. 10. 9. as some of them /. and were destroyed 13. who will not suffer you to be /. above that Gal. 6. 1. considering thyself, lest thou also be /. 1 Thess. 3. 5. lest by son^e means the tempter/, you Heb. 2. 18. he himself hath suffered being /. 4. 15. but was in all points /. like as we are, yet 11.37. 'hey were sawn asunder, were /.were slain Jarn. 1. 13. letno mat) say when he is /. 1 am /. of God, for God cannot be /.with evil, nortempteth 14, but evi ry man is /. when he is drawn of lust TEMPTER. Mat, 4.3. when the /. came to him, he said 1 Thest, 3.5. lest by means the /. have tempted you TEMPTEIU. Jam. 1.13 cannot be tempted, neither /. any man TEMPTUNG. Mat. 16. 1. the Pharisees /. Christ, and seeking a sign, Mark 8. 11. Luke 11. 16. 19. 3. the Pharisees also came to him, /. him 22. 35. the lawyer asked him a question, /. him Mark 10. 2. a man to put away his wife, /. him John 8. 6. this they said /. him, that they might TEN, Gen. 16. 3. Abraham dwelt /. years in Canaan 18. 32. peradveniure /. shall be found there, and he said, 1 will not destroy it for /. sake 24. 10. the servant took /. camels of his master's 22. took bracelets for her hands of /. shekels 32. 15. Jacob took /. bulls and /. foals foi Esau 42. 3. Joseph's /. brethren went to buy corn 45.23. Joseph's s<>nt /. asses and /. she asses Exod. 26. 1. make a tabernacle with /. curtains 27. 12. their pillars /. and their sockets /. 34. 28. wrote #. commandments, X)eu/. 4.13. | 10.4. Lev. 26. 20. (. women shall bake your bread 27.5. and for the female / shekels, 7. AM;n.7. 14. one spoon of t. shekels, 20, 20. 11. 32. he that gathered lesist gathered /. homers 29. 23. and on the fourth day /. bullocks Josh. 17.5. there fell /. portions to Manassen 21 5. Kohath had by lot out of Ephraim, Ma- nasseh, and Uan. r. cities, 1 Chr. 6. 6l. 22. 14. Israel sent with Phinehas /. princes Judg. 6. 27 Gideon took /. men of his servants 12. 11. Elon a Zebulonite judged Israel /. years 17. 10 I will give thee /. shekels of silver _ 20. 10. we will take /. men of an hundred liuth 1.4 they dwelt in Moab about /. years 4. 2. Boaz took /. men of the elders of the city 1 .Sam. 1. 8. am not I better to thee than /. sons .' 17. 17 lake these /. loaves and run to the camp 18. carry these / cheeses to the captain 25 5. David sent out /. young men to Nabal 2 .bom. 15.16. David left/, concubines to keep house 18. 11. and 1 would have given thee /. shtkeli 15. /. young men smote Absalom and slew him 19. 43. they said, we have /. parts in the king 20. 3. the king took his /. concubines and put them 1 Kings 4. 23. /. fat oxen in one day for Solomon 7. 24. /. knots in a cubit compassing the sea round 27. and he made /. bases of brass, 37. .38. he made /. lavers of brass, 43. 2 Chron. 4. 6 11.31. take thee /. pieces ; I will give /. tribes, 35 14. 3. take with thee /. loaves to Ahijah 2 Kings 5. 5. Naaman took /. talents, /. changes 13. 7. leave but fifty horsemen and /. chariots 15. 27. Menahem reigned /. years in Samaria 25. 25, Ishmael came and /. men with him, and smote Gedaliah, y^r. 41. 1, 2 2 Chron. 4. 7. he made /. candlesticks || 8. /. tables Ezra 8. 24. and /. brethren were with them A>A. 11. 1. bring one of/, to dwell at Jerusalem Etth. 9 10. the /. sons of Ilaman slew they, 12 13. and let Ilaman's /. sons be hanged, 14. Pja/.33.2. instrument of/, strings. 92.3. 144.0 Eccl. 7 19 more than /. mighty men in the city Ita. 5. 10 t. urcsof vineycl. shall yield one bath TEN £r«*.45.14.an homerof /. bath; /.baths an homtr Dan. 7. 7. the fourth beast had /. horns. 20,24. Amos 5. 3. shall leave /. to the house of Israel 6. 9. 'f '. men remain in one house thry shall die Hug. 2. 16. since those days when one came toai- heap of twenty measures, there were but /. Zech. 5. 2. the breadth of the roll is /. cubits 8. 23. /. men shall take hold of hun that is a Jew Mat. 20. 24. and when the /. heard it, Mark 10.41, 25. 1. the kingdom shall be likened lot. virgiift 25. 28. and give it to liim that hath /. talents Luke 15. 8. what woman having /. pieces of silvez 17. 12. there met him /. men that were lepers 17. Jesus said, were there not /. cleansed r 19. 13. and delivered them /. pounds, and said 16. Lord, thy pound hath gained /. pounds 17. well, have thou authority over /. cities 24. and give it to him that hath /. pounds 25. they said. Lord, he hath /. pounds Rev, 12. 3. adragon having /. horns, 13. 1. | 17. 3 17.7. woman and beaist of seven heads and/, horns- 12. and the /. horns thou sawest art the :. kings 10. the /. horns thou sawest shall hate the wnure ^e Cubits, Days, DtuKi^ts, Iuousanu,. Thousanus. TEN times. Gen.31.7. and hath changed my wages /. /. [3J Young and carefully educated, Prov. 4. 3. [+] Pitijul, or of a compassionate and for^iim^ temper, Eph. 4. 32. Gen. 1. t 11. let the earth bring forth /. grass 18. 7. Abraham ran and fetched a calf /.and good. 33. 13. my Lord kuoweth that the children are /. 4l.t43. they cried before him, /. lather Deut. 28. 54. so the man that is /. among you 50. the /. and delicate woman among you 32. 2. shall distil as the small ram on tue (. herb 2 iiam. 3. f 39. 1 am this day /. tho' anointed king 23.4. as the /. grass springing out of the eartti 2 Ai«gi22. 19. because thy heart was /.2 t7(r.34.27 1 Cnron. 22. 5. Solomon is young and /. '-'9. 1. Job 14. 7. that the /. branch will not cease 38.27. to cause the buU of the /. herb to spring Psal. 23. 12. to lie down lu pastures of /. giasi I'rov. 4. 3. /. and beloved in siglit of my uioiher 27.25. hay appears, and the /. grass shewelh u^ell t'an/.2.13.the vines with /. grape give a good smell 15 foxes spoil vin.s, lor our vmcs have /.grapes 7. 12. let us see whether the /. grape appear ha. 7. +4. fear not, neither let iliy he.rt be /. 47.1. thou shalt no more be called /. and delicat* 53.2. he shall grow up belure him as a/, plant Etek. 17.22. 1 will crop off a /. one and plaut it Dan. 1. 9. now God brought Uamel into /. love 4. 15. leave the stump lu earth, in the /. grass, 23 .Vat. 24. 32. wb«n his branch is /. Mark 13. 21 Luke 1. 78. through the /. mercy of our God JajH. 5. 11. the Lord is pitiful, and of (. mere; TKNDER-UbARlED. 2 Chr. 13.7. when Rehobuam wasyoungand/.-A I ph. 4. 32. be kind and t.-hearttd one to another Hee Mekcils. TENDERNtbS. /'fii/.28. 56. to set her foot on the ground for*. iENUNS. Exod, S6. 17 two /. in one board, I9. ] 36. £2 TEN TENOR. Oen. 45. 7. atrording to the /. ot these wnrJj £.««J 14. 27. alter/, of these words I niaiieacoveu. TENT Signifies, [I] An o/wrlmenl, or tod;iii;-f>liice made of tmnvns, nr oilier cloth on poles, Cien. 4. 20. ^UIU. 1. 52. [21 T/ir cjieriu^ or I lie tabernacle, Exoil. 2(). il. [5j JAe c/iuicA,' Ciui\ I. H. dn.i). 21. HiiJ Noah was uiicov, red in his /. J2. H. Aliram removed and piiclitJ his /. 13. 3. l:i. 12. Lot pitched his f. towards Sodom 18. Abraham removed his/, and dwelt in the plain IH. 1 . lie sat in /. door || 6. he hastened iiiio the I. 9. where is Sarah thy wile ? lie said, in the /. ^4. 67. be brounht her into his mother Sarah'i /. 2fi. 17. and Isaac pitched bis /. in the valley !5. built an altar, and pitched his /. at Beei-sheba SI. 25. Jacob had pitched his /. iu the mount .■J3. Laban went into Jacob's /.Leah's I. Uachel's i 33. 18. Jaoob pitched his r. before Shalem, ly. 35.21. Israel spread his /.beyond the tower £ioti. 18. 7. .Moses and Jeihro came into the /. £6. 11. couple the /. together that it may be one 33. 8. stood every man at his /. door, and looked III. they worshipped every man in his /. door 35. 11. make the tabernacle, his /. and covering 36. 18. he made tacbes to couple the /. together 19. he made a covering for the /. of rams' sluns 39.33. and they brought the /. to Moses 40. 19. he spread abroad the /. over the tabernacle, and put the covering of the /. above upon it Lev. 14 8. leper shall tarry out of his /. seven days AtifH. 3. 25. the charge of Gershon shall be the /. 9. 15. the cloud covered the /. of the testimony 11. 10. heard the people weep every man in his /. i9.i4.the law when amandiethin a /.all that come int3 the /. and is in the /. shall be unclean 18. and a clean person shall sprinkle the /. •5. 8. !»■ went after the man of Israel into the /. Joi'i. 7. 21. hid in the earth in the midst of my /. 22. they ran into the /. and it was hid in his /. 23. they took them out of the midst of the /. 24. all Israel burnt his /. and all that he had Jiu/g. 4. 17. Sisera fled on his feet to the /. of Jael 20. he said to her, stand in the door of the /. 21. Jael took a nail of the (. and an hammer 5. 24. blessed shall she be above women in the /. 7. 8. he sent the rest of Israel every man to his /. 7. l.T. a cake of barley-bread came unto a /. 19. +y. that to-morrow thou mayest go to thy/. 20. 8. saying, we will not any of us go 10 his /. 1 Ham. 4. 10. and they fled every man into his / i6'am. 18. 17. I 19.8. 13. 2. rest of the people he sent every man to iiis /. 17. 54. David put Goliath's armour into his /. t^'am.7. 6. but I have walked in a/. 1 C/ir. 17. 5. Ifi.22.they spread Absalom a/, on the top of house 20.22. and they retired every man to his /. 2 KingsT . 8. these lepers went into one /. another/. V ('/iron. 15. 1. David pitched a/, for the ark of God Ifi. 1. they set it in midst of the /. QC/tron. 1.4. 2 C/tron. 25. 22. and they lied every man to his/. /oi 21, + 28. where is the /. of the tabernacle of Fsal. 78. 1)0. the /. which he placed among men Jia. 13. 20. nor shall the Arabian piti h /. there 3H. 12. mine age i.< removed as a shepherd's /. •0.22. spreadeth them out as a /. to dwell in 51. 2. enlarce the place of thy /. let them stretch Jer. 10. 20. there is none to stretch forth my /. ■J7. 10. they should rise up every man in his /. TENTMAKEK.S. .*.■// 18. 3. by their occupation they were t. -makers TENT.S. i'^<«.4.20.Adah was the father of such as dwell in /. 9. 27. Japheth shall dwell iu the /. of Shem 13. 3. Lot also had flocks, and herds, and /. 25.27 Jacob was a plain man. dwelling in /. bl. 3't. Laban went into the maid servants' /. Esod. 16. 16. gather ye for them that are in /. Sum. 1.32. children of Israel shall pitch their/. S- 17. where the cloud abode, they pitched /. 18. cloud abode, they rested in their /. 20, 22, 23. 13. 19. whether they dwell in /. or strong holds J(i. 26. depart from the /. of these wicked men 27. came out, and stood in the door of their /. 24. 2. and Balaam saw Israel abiding in his r. 5. how goodly are thy /. O Jacob, aiid thytabern. CieHi. 1. 27. and ye murmured in your /. and said 31. to search you out a place to pitch your /. in 3. 30. go say to them, get ye into your /. again 1K6. the earth swallowed them up and their /. ifi. 7- and thou shalt turn and go unto thy /. 3.i. 18 he said, rejoice Issachar. in thy /. Jurii. 22. 4. return ye, and cet you into your /. 6. 8. rciiirn wun much riches unto your /. JuJ/;. 6.5. the .Miiiianites came with their /. R 11. weni by the wav of them that dwelt in /. 1 Srnt. 17.53. ihiy spoiled the I'hilistines' /. iB c-»m. 11. II. ark. Israel and Judah ahjde in /. aOS^tr-- man to hi* /.I Am. 12.15. 2 CAr. 10. I6. COS TER 1 Kings 8.66.l4rae] went to their /. 2 Chren. 7 10. 20. t 12. was drinking, he and the kings, in t, 2 Kings 7. 7. aud the Syrians left tlieir /. 10. 16. Israel spoiled the /. of the Syrians 8. 21. and the people lied into (heir /. 14. 12. 13 5. the children of Israel dwell in their /. 1 Cliron. 4. 41. they came and smote the /. of Ham 5. IU. and they dwelt in the llagarites' /. •2 Ci'iron. 14. 15. they smote also the /. of cattle 31.2. to praise in the gates of the /. of the Lord LiraH. 15. at Ahava we abode in /. three days I'sttl. 69. 25. aud let none dwell in their /. 78.55. made tribes of Israel to dwell in their /. 84. 10. than to dwell in the /. of wickedness 106. 25. murmured in their /. and hearkened not 120. 5. woe is me, that I dwell in the /. of Kedar Can/. 1.5. 1 am black, but comely, as the /of Kedar 8. and feed thy kids beside the shepherds' /. Jer. 4. 20. suddenly are my /. spoiled, and curtains 6.3;theyshall pitch tlieir/. against her round .ibout .•>0.18.will bring again the captivity of Jacob's /. 35. 7. but all your days ye shall dwell in /. 10. but we have dwelt in t. and have obeyi d 4y. 29. their /. and flocks shall they take away Hah. 3. 7. 1 saw the /. of Cushan in afflii tion Zt'(7i. 12.7. the Lord shall save the /. of Judah first 14. IS so shall be the plague of all in these /. TER. MED. La. &.t. 4. thou shalt no more be /. forsaken, neither shall thy land any more be/, desolate TEKRLSrUIAL. 1 Cor. 15. 40. there are bodies /. the glory of the /. TERRIBLE. Ezod. 34. 10. for it is a /. thing that I will do Deui. 1. 19. went thro' that /. wilderness, 8. 15. 7. 21. the Lord thy God is a mighty God and /. 10. 17. I yeh. 1.5. I 4.14. I g. 32. 10. 21. hath done for ihee /. things, 2 Sam. ' . 23. Judg. 13. 6. was like an an^el of God, very /. Job 37. 22. with God is /. majesty 39. 20. the glory of his nostrils is /. 41. 14. his teeth are /. round about P.fa/.45.4.thy right hand shall teach thee /. things 47. 2. for the Lord Most High is /. he is king over (J5. 5. by /. things in righteousness wilt answer us 60. 3. say unto God, how/, art thou in thy works I 5. /. in his doing towards the children of men 6«. 35. thou art /.out of thy holy places (!J. 12. he is /. to the kings of the earth 8(j. t 14. assemblies of /. men sought my soul 99- 3. let them praise thy great autl /. n.ime 106. 22. who had done /, things by the Red sea 145. 6. men shall speak of the might of thy/, acts Cant. 6. 4. thou art /. as an army with banners /jd. 13. 11. I will lay low the haug'ntiness of the / 18. 2. go to a p«ople /. || 7- from a people /. 21. 1. it Cometh from the desert, from a/, land 25. 3. the city of the /. nations shall fear thee 4. when the blast of the /. ones is as a storm 5. the branch of the /. ones shall be brought low 29. 5. the multitude of the /. ones shall be as chaff 20. for the t. one is brought to nought 4yu 25. and the prey of the /. shall be delivered 64. 3. when thou didst /. things, which we Jer. 15. 21. redeem thee out of the hand of the /. 20. 11. the Lord is with me as a mighty /. one Lam. 5. 10. skin was black, because of /. famine Lzek. 1 . 22. was as the colour of the /. crystal '.'8. 7. behold therefore 1 will bring the /. of the nations upon thee, 30. 11. | 31. i2. 32. 12. I will cause to fall the /. of the nations Van. 2.31. the form of the image was /. 7.7.1 saw a fourth bea.sl dreadful and /. and strong Joell. 11 the day of the Lord is great and very /. .il. before the great and /. day of the Lord come lliih. 1. 7. the Chaldeans are /. and dreadful y.ei'li. 2. 11. the Lord will be /. unto Moab tieb. 12. 21-. so /. was the sight that Closes said TERRIBLENl.SS. Deui. 26. 8. the Lord brought us out with great /. 1 C7i/-. 17. 21. to make thee a name of greatness and /. Jer. 49. U). thy /. hath deceived thee and the pride TERRIBLY. Isa. 2. 19. he ariseth to shake 1. the earth, 21. Sail. 2. 3. and the fir-trees shall be /. shaken TERRIFY. Joi^. 5. let the blackcess of the day /. it 9. 34. let him take his rod, and let not his fear /. 31. 34. or did the contempt of families /. me ? I'sal. 10. t 18 man of the earth may no mere /. 2 Cor. 10. 9. seem as if I would /. you by letters 1 EltRlITED. Gen. 45. t 3. for they were /. at his presence Denl. 20. 3. fear not nor be /. because nf them 1 Sam. lO. t 14. an evil spirit from the Lord / him LfiieCi. 9. when ye shall hear of wars, be not /. 24. 37. but they were /. and affrighted Pliil. 1. 28. and in iiothmj /. by your adversaries TERRIKIEST. Job 7. 14. then thou /. roe ihroug'o visiont TES / TEH RACES. C Ckron. 9. 11. made of Algam-treei /. to the TERROR Signifies, [1] Great /ear or dread. Gen, 3S. 5 |2] Uread/ul and uneiyecled judgments, Pial 73. 19. ^3] An eramfle striking terror inti others, Ezek. 27. 36. [4] 'I'hose tlireateningt vherebj the kicked endeavour to ajf.cl good mat uithfeur, 1 Pet. 3. 14. [5] The great and ter riile day of judgment, 2 Cor. 5. 1 1 . Oen. 35. 5. and the /. of God was upon the cities Lev. 26. 16. 1 will even appoint over you /. Dent. 32. 25. the sword without and /. within 34. 12. in all the great /. which Moses shewed Josh. 2. 9. and that your /. is fallen upon us Job 31. 23. destruction from God was a /. to me 33. 7. behold, my /. shall not make thee afraid Psal. 91. 5. shalt not be afraid for the /. by night Isa. 10. 33. the Lord will lop the bough wit,':/. 19. 17. the landof Judah shall be a/, to Egypt 33. 18. thine heart shall meditate /. where is 54. 14. thou shalt be far from /. it shall not Jer. 17. 17. be not a /. to me|120. 4. a /. to thyself 32. 21. and hast brought forth Israel with great Lzek. 26. 17. cause /. to be on all that haunt it 21. 1 will make thee a /. 27. .36. | 28. 19. 32.23. which caused / in the land, 24, 25, 26, 27 .30. with their /. they are ashamed of their migtil 32. I have caused ray /. in the land of the living Rom. 13. 3. for rulers are not a /. to good works 2 Cor. 5. 11. knowing therefore the /. of the Lord 1 I'et. 3. 14. be not afraid of their /. nor troubled TERRORS. Devt. 4. 24. assayed to take a nation by great t Job 6. 4. the /. of God do set themselves in array 18. 11. /. shall make him afraid on every sid« 14. and it shall bring him to the king of /. 20.25. the sword cometh, /. are upon him 24. 17. they are in the /. of the shadow of death 27. 20. t. take bold on him as waters, a tempest 30. 15. /. are turned upon me, they pursue me 39. t 20. the glory of his nostrils are /. Pial. 55. 4. the /. of death are fallen upon me 73. ly. they are utterly consumed with /. 83. 15. while I sufiTer thy /. J am distracted 16. wrath goeth over me, thy /. have cut me off Jer. 15.8. 1 caused /. to fall upon the city Lam. 2. 22. thou hast called my /. round about 5. i JO. our skin black as an oven, because of / Kiek. 21. 12. /. by reason of the sword i\3X'. be TESTAMENT Signifies, [I] An act of the last uill of a persoa Vho hath death in his liea, and disposes of 'lil estate, and gives orders as to uhat he wonia have done after his decease, lleb. 9. 17. [H.} The covenant uhich God uas graciously pleased to make knoun after the fall of Adam, which contntnt the method in uhich sinners mat/ o» saved ; namely, by the blood of Christ un/j» This covenant is called old, Heb. 8. 13. not because it dij'ered in substance from the new for It did not bind such as uert under it tt obtain justification by works: for it^ itiiig d» liiered uiih blood, Exod. 24. 8. la:ight them that justification was to be had only by faith in Christ's blood ; but il is called old i« regasd of the mantier of its dispensation, hicause it uas administered to the Jens in many Jigiire.\, ihadoms, rites, and sacnjices, uith other ok- Scure and dark revelations and prophecies And also in regard it was to be abrogated, an I the New Testament or Covenant to come in its stead, which is so called, [I] Because il 11 rat-lied by the blood and actual siijerings if Christ, uhich were typijied by the sacrijicet and sprinkling of blood, vnder the otJ Jitpeiv- saiion. [2] Jt contains a more full and cleat revelation of the mysteries of religion, and is attended with a larger measure of ihe gifts and graiCi if the Holy iipirit, Joel 2". 28. 2 Tim. I, 10. [3] It is propounded and eitrnded to all, and net confined to one nation only, as it uas to the Jews under the legal dispensation, Jlan 2G. 19. [4] Jt is never to was old or be aba lishid. [Ill] The books or inspired writingi of Moses and the prophets, which contain llie substance of God's cotennni with the Jews itndtr the legal dispeniaiion, 2 Cor. 3. 14. ,1/a^2B.28. this is my blood in new /. Mark 14. 24 Luke 2.'. 20. this cup is the new /. 1 Cor. 1 1. 21 2 Co/ .3.6. who made us able ministers of the new ( 14. remains the same vail, in reading tne o.ii ( Gal. 3.(15. the' it be but a man's /. yet if coiifirm''S JItb. 7. 22. was Jesus made a surely of a belter, y. 15. he is the mediator of the new /. far the re- demption of the irai.sgressioua under iLc first/. 16. where a /. is there must also be the death 17. fnr a /. is of force after men are dead ft), iiis is the blood of the t. God eiyoincJ TES He6. 12, t 24 lo «sus che Mediator of the ri^w s. 13. tSO through the blood of the everlasting i. Rev. 1.1 19. seen in his temple, the ark of his 1 TESTATOR. fleh 9 16 tnust of necessity be the death of the t 17 it IS 'if DO strength At all while the *. liveth TESTIFY jignifies, [1] Ta iear witness. Acts 20, 24. | 26, 5. [2] To avouch, or affirm, John .3. 11. [3] To fubhsit and declare freely and boldly. Acts 20. 21 [4] To declare a charge, or indtctmeni against one, Psal. 50 7 [5] To protest, or ipeai agavtst, Neh, 13 IS, :Num. 35 30 one witness not / against any person Deui 8 19. I t. against you that ye shall perish ig 16, if a false witness » against any man 31 21 this song shall ». against them as witness 32 46 set your hearts to the words which I t. Neh 9 34 wherewith thou didst 1 against them Job 15 6. yea, thine own lips t- against thee Psal. 50. 7. O Israel, I will t against thee, 81, 8 Ita. 59. 12 before thee, and our sins e against us Jer. 14. 7. though our iniquities t. against us Hos. 5 5. the pride of Israel doth /. to his face dmos 3. 13 hear ye, and 1. in the house of Jacob Wx;. 6.3.0 people, what have I done ? /.against me Luie 16, 28 send Lazarus, that he may f. to them John 1 25 needed not that any should t. of man 3 11 and* that wt have seen || 5.39. they r. of me 7.7 because It of it || 15 26. he shall t. of nie Jicti 2. 40. with many other words did he t. 10 42 tot that it is he who was ordained of God SO. 24 to / the gospel of the grace of God 26. 5 my manner of life know they.if they would t. Gal. 5 3,1/ to every man that is circumcised Efh. 4. 17 this I say, and /. in the Lord, that ye 1 John 4. 14. and we have seen and do /. that Rev. 22. 16. I Jesus have sent my angel to /. 18. I /. to every man that heareth the words TESTIFIED. Eiod 21 29. and it hath been /. to his owner Deut 19 18 hath /. falsely against his brother Jitith 1. 21 seeing the Lord hath /. against me S Sam. 1- 16, thy mo. .■uid the people / the king. Acts 28. 15. Paul /. God and took courage Rom. 6. 17. but God be /. that ye were the serr, THANKFUL. Psal. 100.4. be /. to him, bless his name, Col.3 li Rom. 1. 21. they glorified him not, neither were * THANKFULNESS. Acts 24.3. we accept it, most nobleFelix.with all / THANKING. 2 Chr. 5. 13. the singers were as one in . the Lord THAN K.WORTH Y. 1 Pet. 2. 19. for this is t.-u. if a noan endure griet THANKS. Neh. 12.31. I appointed companies that gave i. 40. so stood the two companies that gave / Dan 6. 10. he prayed and gave /. before his God .Mat. 26.27 .he look the cup and gave /. Luie 22. 17. Mari 8.6. he took the seven loaves and gave t 14. 23. when he had given /. he gave it to theiD Luie 2. 3«. Anna gave /. to the Lord, and spake 22. 19. he took bread, and gave /. and brake it John 6. 11. when he had given /. be distributea 23. they did eat bread, after the L. had given Acts ^7.35. Paul took bread, and gave /. loUod Rom. 14.6. he that eateth.eateth to the Lord, for ha givclh God /. he cateth not, and giveth God /. 1 Cor. 11. 24. when he had given /. he brake it 14. 17. for thou verily givest /. well, but the other 15.57. /.be to God, who giveth us the victory 2 Cor. 1. 11. /. maybe given to many on our behalf 2. 14. /. be to God who causeth us to triumph 8. 16 /. to God, who put the same care in Titus 9. 15, /. be to God for his unspeakable gift Eph. 5. 20. giving /. always for all things to God 1 Thess. 3. g. what / can we renderto God agaia Heb. 13- 15. offer sacrifices of praise, giving /. Rev, 4. 9- give /. to him that sat ou the throne See Give, Givi.ng. ■^IHANKSGIVING Signifies, [I] An acknowledging and confessing, with gladness, the benefits and mercies, which God bestows either upon ourselves or others, Phil. 4. 6. 1 Tim. 2. 1. [2] The taoifice of thanksgiving. Lev. 7. 12, 15. [3] Psalms of thanksgiving, Neh. 12. + 8. We are to give thanks to God, [1] I'or spiritual blessings, such as willing hearts to do works of piety and charily 1 Chron. 29. 13, 14. [2] For moral blessings, as wisdom and knowledge, Dan. 2. 23. [3] Por saving graces, Rom. 1. 8. 1 Cor. 1. 4. [4] Por the judgments of God upon the wicked, Psal. 9. 1, 2, 3. [5] Por the enlarging oj Christ's kingdom. Rev. 11. 17. [6] Por deli- verance from the body of death, Rom. 7. 25. 1 Cor. 15. 57. [7] Por temporal deliverance:, Exod. 15. 1, 2. [8] Por Christ, the wispeak- able gift of God, Luke 2. 38 [9] Por the deli, terance of God's ministers, 2 Cor. 1. 11. Lev.'l. 12. if he offer it for a /. 13, 15. | 22 2g. Neh. 11.17 . the principal to oegin the /. in prayer 12. 8. which was over the /. he and his brethren 45. there were songs of praise and /. to God Psal. 26, 7, that I may publish with the voice of/. 50, 14. offer unto God /. and pay thy vows to most 69 30, and I will mai;nify him with /. 95. 2. let us come before his face with /. 100. 4. enter into his gates with /. and praise 107. 22. kt them sacrifice sacrifices of /. 116. 17. I will offer to thee sacrifices of /. 147. 7. sing to the Lord with /. sing praise Isa. 51 3. /. and melody shall be found therein Jer. 30, 19. and out of them shall proceed /. Amos 4. 5. offer a sacrifice of/, with leaven Jonali2. 9. I will sacrifice to thee with voice of/ 2 Cor 4 15. thro' /. of many grace might redound 9. 11. which causeth through us /. to God Phil. 4 6- with /. let your requests be made known Col. 2. 7. in the faith, abounding therein with t. 4. 2. cbntiiKie and watch in the same with /. 1 Tim. 4. 3. God created to be received with /. 4. every creature is good if it be received with u Rev.T. 12. /. and honour be toourGodfor ever THANKSGIVING. Neh. 12. 27. to keep the dedication with / 2 Cor. 9. 12. but is abund.ant by many /. to Goa THANK-OFFERINGS. Exek. 43. f 27. the priests shall make your /. oferingi 45. i 15. and for 1. -offerings to m.-dte reconciliatiou i 17. shall prepare the sin-offering and t.-oferin^i .■Inws 5. t 22. neither will I regard the t.-ojjeringi THAI'. Gen. 2. 11. /. is it which compasseih the land 19. what Adam called,/, was the name thereof 18. 2.';. /. be far from thee, to sl.iy the righteuua 30. 33. /. shalt be accounted »tolen with me I'.iod. 30. 38. whosoever sLall make like to 1. Lev. 10. 20. when Moses heard /. he was conten' 26. 44. yet for all /. I will not cast thfm away Sum. 6. 21. besides /. /. his hands shall gel THA K;i>it 52.20. the word which 1 say, t shalt thoo do S« IS Lord saith t. will i speak, 1 A'lnftCC. 14. Judges 3. anger was abated, when lit- iiad said r. II. 36. do according to i wtiich proceeded 1 Sam Q. C-t. behold, /. whioU is left, set it before 21 9. Goliath's sword, if thou wilt take ( take it 24 19. for I. thou hast done to me this day 30.23 with I. which the Lord hath given us S Sam le. 8. if /. had been too little, i would 19. 6 in t. thou lovest thine enemies and hatest 24. 24 offer of t. which doth cost me nothing 8 Ktngt 14. 6. according to /. which was written in the law of iMoses, 2 C/irmi. 35 26. 19. 80. t. which thou hast prayed to me against 2 CAron.6. 15. /. which thou hast promised, I6. £tra 6. 9. 1. which they have need of be given 7. 18. /. do after the will of j-our God Jci 3. 25 /. which I was afraid of is come to me 15. 17- '• which I have seen I will declare SO. 20. he shall not save of /. which he desired 23. 13. what his soul desiretb even t. he doth 34 32. I. which I see not, teach thou me Psal. 27- 4. /. will I seek after, that I may dwell C9- 4. then 1 restored t. which I took not away 10 when I wept, t. was to my reproach Etcl.l.g. the thing/, hath been, it is /. which shall be ; /. which is done, is /. which shall be done 15. t. which is wanting cannot be numbered 2.3 see what was < good for the sons of men 4. 9- what profit in I. wherein he laboureth? 15 and God requireth t. which is past 5. 4. when thou vowest, pay t. thou hast vowed 11 6 thou knowest not whether this or t. prosper Ita 21.10. t. which I have heard ot the Lord 52. 15. for /. which had not been told them shall they see, t. they had not heard shall consider Jfr. 15. 4. for I. which Manasseh did in Jerusalem 45. 4. t. which I have built, /. which I planted Dan. 6. 13. I. Daniel regardeth not thee, O king 11 36. for t. t. is determined shall be done Zech. 11.9. t. t. dieth,let itdie,«./. is to be cut off Mat. 1. 20. for*, which is conceived in her is of 9 22. woman was made whole from t. hour, 15.28. 10. 15. for Sodom than for t. city, Mark 6. 11. 13. 12. taken away t. he hath, 25. 29. Mark 4. C5. CO. 7 <. ye shall receive |1 23. 3. /. observe and do 27 4. they said, what is*, to us.' see thou to /. Mark 7. 20. t. which cometh out, t. defileth man 13. 11. what shall be given in t. hour, /. speak Lukti. 6. all will T give, for t. is delivered to me 8. 18. shall be taken, even t. he seemeth to have 11.40. did not he t. made t. which is without make /. which is within also? 16. 12. not faithful in 1. which is another man's 16. 15. ts which is highly esteemed among men 17. 10. we have done t. which was our duty to do 24. IS. wondering at t. which wjis come to pass John 1. 8. he was not /. light || 9. t. was the light 3. 6. ft. which is 'oorn 01 flesh, /. born of the Spirit 11. we speak t. we know, testify t. we have seen 4. 18. is not thy husband, in t. saidstthou truly 37. herein is /. Saying true, one soweth another 5. 12. what man is 1. which said to thee, take up 6. 27. labour for *. meat which endureth 32. Moses gave you not t. bread from heaven 48. I am /. bread of life || 58. this is /. bread 8. 38. 1 speak t. I have seen with my father ; ye do (.which ye have seen with your father 13 27 /.thondoest, do quickly II 14.13. /.will I do 16. 13. what he shall hear, /. shall he speak 21. 22. what is /. to thee, follow thou me, 24. 23. went abroad, that/, disciple should not die ActsiA6.\.h\i is /.which was spoken by propheUoel 4. 21. all glorified God for/, which was done 24. when they heard /. they lifted up, 5. 21.3-3. 7-37. this is /. Moses which said unto Israel 10. 37. /. word you know, which was published Jiom. 1. 19. because /. which may be known of God 4. 18. according to /. which was spoken, so shall 6. 10. in /. he died, in /. he livetb, he liveth to God 7.6. /. being dead wherein we were held, /. we 13. was then /. which is good made death to me ' 15. /. I do, I allow not||19. /. I would not, /. I do 1 Cot. 5. 13. put away from you /. wicked person 6. 8. nay, you defraud, and /. your brethren 10. 4. /. (piritual rock, and /. rock was Christ 30. spoken of, for /. which 1 Rive thanks 11. 23. /. which also I delivered unto you 28. let him eat of /. bread, and drink of /. cup 13. 10. /. which is perfect, /. which is in part i4. 21. and yet for all /. they will not hear me ■"•S. 37. and/, which thou sowest thou sowest not /. body that shall be, but bare grain 46'. /. was not first which is spiritual, but /.which tCor. 3. 11. if/, which is done away was glorious 8. 12. it is accepted according to /. a man hath 11. .4. what I do, /. I will do, that I may cut off OaJ. 6.7. what a man sowe r&eu. i. 10 mi^lu perfect / which is lacking 010 THE 1 Thfii.i. 21. prore all things, bold fast t, is good 1 Tim 4.8. lile /. now is, and of /. which is to come 6. 20 keep /. which is committed to thy trust Philem. 18. if he oweth put /. on mine account Heh. 5. 7. and was heard in /. he feared 6. 19. which entereth into /. within the veil 12. 20. could not endure / which was commanded 13. 17. for /. IS unprofitable fur you Jam 4.15. if L.will, we shall live, and do this or /. 1 Pet. 3. 13. who is he /. will harm you, if ye be followers of /. which is good ? 3 John 11 1 John 1. I. /. which was from the beginning 3. /. which we have sten and heard, £ 24. C. 24. let/, abide in you which ye have heard Rev. 2. 25 /. which ye have, hold fast till I come See After, Day, "jM.v.v, Place, So, Soul, Thing, Time. THEATRE. Acts 19.29. they rushed with one accord into the/. 31. that he wouldnot adventure himself into /. THEE. Oen. 7. 1- /■ have I seen righteous before me 17. 2. and.l will multiply /. exceedingly 22. 17. that in blessing I will bidss /. 23. 11. the field gave I /. and the cave gave I /. 39. 9. neither kept back any thing from me but /. Deul. 28. 43. the stranger shall get above /. 1 Sam. 8. 7. they have not rejected /. but me 20. 22. behold the arrows are beyond /. 37. 2 Sam. 18. 12. the king charged /. and Abishai Psal. 86. 14. they have not set /. before them Jer. 15. II. I will cause enemy to entreat /. well Ezek. 7- 9- I will recompense /. according to thy 29. 5. I will leave /. and all the fish of thy rivers Mat. 25. .37. when saw we /. an hunge.ed, and fed /. 38. when saw we /. a stranger || .'i9- saw /. sick Luke 14. 9- he that bade /. and him come and say Horn. U. 18. but the root /.|I21. lest he spare itt. About TIIEE. /o411.18. thou shalt dig a3im//. and take (by rest Isa. 26. 20. shut thy doors about r. hide thyself Jer, 46.14 sword devour round about t. Ezek. 5.^2. 49. 5. bring fear from all those that he about t. Ezek. 5. 14. among nations that are round about t 15. an astonishment to the nations round cJou/ / Luke 19-43. thy enemies shzJl cast a trench about t. Acts 12. 8. cast thy garment about t. and follow me After THEE. Gfn. 17.7. to thy seed a. /.8, 9, 10. I 35. 12. [ 48.4. Deut. 4. 40. with thy children after t. 12. 25, 28 Jttdg. b. 14. after t. Benjamin among thy people 2 Sam. 7. 12. and I will set up thy seed after t. 1 Kingsl.li.l also will come ino//er /.and confirm 3.12. nor a. /.shall any arise like thee, 2 C/ir.1.12 Psal. 42. l.so panteth my soul after t. O God 63. 8. my soul followeth hard aj'ier /.thy right hand 143. 6. my soul thirsteth a//er /. as a thirsty land Cant. 1.4. draw me, we will run tij'ttr t, Isa. 45. 14. they shall come after t. in chains Jer. 12.6. they have called a multitude after t. Dan. 2. 39. after t. shall rise another kingdom Has. 5. 8. cry" at Beth-aven, after t. O Benjamin Against THEE. Exod, 15.7- overthrown them that rose against t. 23.29. lest the beast of the field multiply against t. .Vum. 21. 7. we have sinned, for we have spoken ag.t. Deut. 6. 15. the anger of the Lord he kindled ag. t. 15. 9- aud he cry to the Lord against t. 24. 15. 23. 4. because they hired Balaam against /.to curse 28. 7- they shall come out a». /. oneway, and flee 48. enemies which the Lord shall send ag. t. 4Q. 31. 26. that it may be there for a witness ajaini/ /. Judg. 9.31. behold they fortify the city against t. 10. lO.we have sinned ag. l.Neih. 1.6. J«r. 14.7,20. 11. 27. I have not sinned against t. \ Sam.ii. 11. 1 Sam. 19- 4. because he hath not sinned against t. i Sam. 1.16. for tny month hath testified ajai'U/ /. 12. 11. behold, I will raise up evil against t. 18. 31. avenged thee ofallthat rose upag. /. 32. 1 Kings 8. 33. because they have sinned against t. 35 2 C'lTOn. 6. 24, 26. 46. if they sin against t. and repent, 2 Chr. 6. 36. 50. forgive thy people that have sinned againsi t. and all their transgressions, 2 Chron. 6. 39 20. 22. the king of Syria wil! come Mf against 1. 2 Kings 19-9- he is come out to fight against 1, 2 Chron. 14. 11. O Lord, let not man prevail aj. /. 18. 22. and the Lord bath spoken evil against 1 20. 2. there cometh a great multitude against t. 35. 21.1 come not ai;aint(/. this day, but against AVA. 1. 7. we have di-alt very corruptly againsi I. 9. 26. nevertheless they rebelled against 1. Jobi . 20. why hast thou set measamarka«ainj/ / 11.5. but.ob that God would open his lips ag. I. 15. 6. yea, thine own lips testify against t. 42.7 my wrath is kindled against /.and thy friends Psal. 5. 10. cast them out, they have rebelled ag. t. CI. 11. forthey intended evil ag. I. they imagine 4U 4. Lord, heal my SQul,for I have tinned ac t. ii,J. hear, O Israel, and I wiD testify agaiiu/t. THE Psal. 51 4 ag i. have t sinned, and don« 74.2?. that riseupa^ainj//. 139.21. iVr/. 10. H-. 119 11 thy word I hid, that I might not sin ag. /, 139 20. for they speak against t wickedly Jsa. 7-5 have taken evil counsel against t saying 10.24 the A ssyrian shall lift up his staff ayaimf t. Jer. 1 19. they shall fight again*/ /. but tuey shall not prevail ag. t for 1 am with thee, 15. 20. 21. 13. behold I am against t. 50. 31 | 51. S5 Exck 5 8 I 21 3 I 26 3 | 28. 22. | 29. 3, 10 I 35 3 I 38.3 I 39. 1 A'aA 2 13 | 3.5. Lam. 2. 16 thy enemies opened their mouth ag. t. £ie*. 33. 30 thy people still are talking agains: t, Amos^ lO.saying, Amos liath conspired again*/ / Mai. 3 13. what have we spoken so much againjt< Mat. 5. 23 that thy brother hath aught againti I /8. 15.ifthybrothertre5passa^ / i.ii*« 17- 3,+. 26.62 which these witn. ag /. Mark 14 60. j 15.4 Rev.Z 4. nevertheless, I have somewhat against u 14. but 1 have a few things against t, SO. At THEE. 2 Kings ig.21.hatb shaken berheada/ t.Isa.37 CH Isa. 14.8. yea, the fir-trees rejoice at t. 52.14.astonish at t. Etek.(l6.\6. \ 57.35. | 28 IQi Lam. 2. 15. all that pass by ciap their hands a: t Ezek. 27. 36. the merchants shall hiss a/ / 32. 10 I will make manv people amazea at t Before THEE. Gen 139 IS not the whole land *(!/»re t separate 17. 18. said, O that Ishmael might live before 1 20.15.beholdmy land is bef. t. dwell where, 47. 6 24. 7 . the Lord God of heaven shall send bis ange before t Eiod.QS 20,23 | 32.34 | 33 2 51. behold, Rebekahis before t take her, and go 31 .35. let it not displease, 1 cannot rise up before t 33.12.1 will go A /) /ja. 45 2. I 43. g.sethim A. / Exod. 17. 6. behold, I will staiiQ before I. there 23. 27 I will send my fear before t. ai*l destroy 28. I will send horneis before t. which shall drive oui the Canaanites bef ere 1 29.30,31 . I 34. 11. Deut. 4. 38. | 9.4,5. | 18. J2 33. 19. I win make all my goodness pass before t and I win proclaim the name of the Lord bej'ore t. 34.24. I will cast out 4 /, Deut. 6.I9. | 7 1- I 9 4 Num. 10. 35. let them that hate thee tlee before t r>€tic7.24.no man able to stand* t.Josh 15. | 10 8. - 28. 7- they shall flee before t. seven ways 30. 15. I have s^t before t this day life and good 31. 3. and Joshua, he shall go over before t. 8 32. 52. yet thou shalt see the land Ae/'or« / 33.10. shall teach, th?y shall put incense before t Judg. 4. 14. is not the Lord gone out before t. ? 6. 18. bring forth, and set it before t. 1 Sam. 9. 24 1 Sam. 28. 22. let me set a morsel of bread before '.. 5 Sam. 5.24. then shall the Lord go out before t 7.15. as I took it from Saul, whom I put away b.t. If), be established forever «e/"./.26.1 Chr 17.24 1 A'inji3.6. as he walked*./. II 12. none like thee A./. 8. 23. thy servants that walk before t. 2 Chr 6.14. 10.8. which stand continually before t. 2 Chr.\i 7 14. 9. hast done evil above all that were before t 2 Kings 20. 3. how I have walked bii'ore t. i/e.38.3. 1 Chr. 14 15. go out, for God is gone forth bef me t 17. 13. as I took itfrom him that was before t. hzra 9. 15. behold, we' are befor€ t. in our tres- passes, we cannot stand before 1. because of this NeA 4. 5. let not their sin be blotted out before c 9- 8. and foundest his heart faithful before t. ."52. let not all the trouble seem little before t. Psal. 38.9.L.all my desire is *c/or«u/.5.51.as/or<.standby me, 18 14. 2.Sa»».13.13 Judz. 7. 4. and I will try them/or /. there 13T 15. till we shall have made ready a kid /or t. 18. 19. better/or /.to be a priest to house of one man Ruth 3.1. shall I not seek rest/or /. 114.8.bny it/or / ISam. 9. 24. to this time hath it been kept /or /. 20, 4. what thy soul desireth, I will do it /or /. 26am. 1.26. I am distressed/or/. brotherjonaihan 10. 11. if 'he Syrians be too strong /or /. help me 18. 33. would God I had died for 1. O Absalom 19. 38. what thou requirest, that I will do/or /. 1 A'injj2. 18. 1 will speak/or /. unto the king 17. 13. and after make/or r. and for thy son 20. 34. thou .shalt make streets /or /. in Damascus 2 Kings 2.9. Elijah said, ask what I shall do/or /.4. 4.13. say now unto her, what is to be done/or /. 2. 2 C/iron. 7.17. and as /or/. Dan. 2. 29. Zech.g.ll. Jo4 8.6. if upright, surely now he would awake/or/. 18. 4. shall the earth be forsakeu/or /. .' Psal. 63.1. OGod.mysoul thirsteth/o; /.my flesh 65. 1. praise waiteth/or /. O God, in Sion 119. 126. it is time /or /. O Lord, to work Can/.7. 13. fruits I have laid up/or /. O my beloved Isa. 14.9- tell from beneath is moved/or t. to meet 26. 8. O Lord, we have waited /or /. 33. 2. 43. 3. I gav<> Ethiopia and Seba/or t. 4. I loved thee, therefore will I give men/or /. i8. 9- and for my praise will I refrain /or /. 51. 19. these are come, v/ho shall be sorry /or /. Jer. 32. 17- behold, there is nothing too hard /or /. '.H. a. so shall they burn odours/or /. and lament 48.32.1 will weep/or /. [; 50,24.1 laid a snare/or /. 51. 36. therefore will 1 take vengeance/or /. Lam. 2. 13. what thing shall I take to witness/or /. 14. thy prophets have seen /or /. false burdens EteJk. 7. 6. it watcheth /or /. behold, it is come 32. 10. their king shall be horribly afraid for t. Hos.3.3. shalt not be for another, so will 1 be /or /. 6. 11. also, O Judah, he hath set a harvest/or /. jVoA. 3. 7. whence shall I seek comfort/or /. Hint. 5. 29. for it is profitable /or /. 30. 11.24. be more tolerable for Sodom than /or /. 14,4.it is not lawful /or /. to have her, Afar* 6. 18 17.4.one/"or/.one for Mose5,Maryl:9.5. Lukeg.33 16.8. better/or/, to enter into life,9.A/ar* 9.43,45 IJark 1 . 37. they said unto him, all men seek/or /. S. 32. thy mother and thy brethren seek /or /. 5. 19. how great things the Lord hath done /or /. hiie 22. 32. but I hare prayed_;br /. that thy faith John 11.28. the master is come, and calleth /or t dcts 9. 5. hard for t. to kick against pricks, 2u. 14 lO. 22. tg send/or /. into his bouse and to hear "4. £5. have a convenient season, I will call/or /. 2c'or. 12. 9. he said, my grace is sufficient /or / From THEE. C'.n. 18.25. that be far from /. to slay the righteous 87. 45. until thy brother's anger turn away /rom / 30 2. hathwithhcld/rom /. the fruit of the womb 611 THE Exod.S.ZQ. and Moses 5s.id, behold, f go out /rom /. 33. 5. therefore now put off thy ornaments/rom /. Deul. 12. £1 . if the place be too {at from t. 14. 21 15. 13. thou shalt let him go free from /. 13, 18. 16. I will not go away from t. \\ CO. 15. ciiips isxfrom t. 30. 11. it is not hidden/rom /. neither is it'far off 17. 2. the shekels that were taken/rom /. 1 Sam. 1. 14. Elisaid to her, putaway thy wine/. /. 15. 28. hath rent the kingdom/rom i.l Kings 1 1.11. 1 17. 46. smite thee, I will take thine head/;om /. 1 20. 9. far be it. from t. Mat. I6. 22. 2 Sam. 13. 13. for he will not withhold me from t. 2 Kings 2. 9. what I shall ao, before I be taken/r. /. CO. 18.of thy sons that shall issue/rom t.Isa. 397. £2ra 4. 12. the Jews which caiae up/rom /. to us Job a. 2. no thought can be withholden/rom /. Psal. 38. 9. and my groaning is not hid from t. 69. 5. O God, my sins are not hid /rom /. 73. 27. they that are fii from /. shall perish 80. 18. so will we not go back/rom / . quicken us 1.39. 12. yea, the darkness hideth not /rom /. 15. my substance was not hid/rom /. when I was Isa. 54. 8. in a little wrath I hid my (a,cefrom /. 10. but my kindness shall not depart from t. Jer. 6. 8. be instructed, lest my soul depart/rom /. Etei. 21. 3. I will cat off from t. the righteous, 4 22.5. those that be far /rom /. shall mock thee 24.16.1 take away /rom t. the desire of thine eyes 28. 3. there is no secret that they can hide/rom /. Jdic. 1. 16. for they are gone into captivity/rom /. Zech. 3.4.1 have caused thine iniquity to pass/r. /. A/a/.5.29.pluckitoutandcastit/r. /. 30. | 18.8,9. John 17. 8. known surely that 1 came out/rom /. Acts 23. 21. ready, looking for a promise/rom /. See Departed. In THEE. Gen. 12.3. in /. shall all families be blessed, 28.14. 48. 20. in t. shall Israel tless, saying, God make Exod. 9.16.1 raised thee up, to shew in t. my power Deut. 23. 14. that he see no unclean thing in t. 21. it would be sin in /. II 22. shall be no sin in/. I.Sam. 18.22. behold the king hath delight in t. 25. 28. evil hath not been found in 1. 29- 6. 2 -Sam. 15. 26. but if he say, I have no delight in 1. 2 C,\ron. 19- 3. there are good things found in t. Psal. 5. 11. put trust in t. 7. 1. | 9- 10. | I6. 1. | 17. 7. I 25. 2, 20. I 31. 1. 19. I 55. 23. let them that love thy name be joyful in 1. 9.2. rejoice in t. 40. I6. I 70. 4. | 85. 6. Can/. 1.4. 22. 4. our fathers trusted in t. they trusted, 5. 31.14.1 trusted in /. II33.C2. hope in /.38. 15. | 3y.7. 56. 3. trust in t. 57. 1 i 84. 12. | 86. 2. | 141. 8. 81. 9. there shal' no strange god be in t. [ | 143.8, 84.5. blessed is the man whose strength is in t. 87.7. all my springs are in /. Cant. 4. 7. thou art all fair, there is no spot in t. Isa. 26. 3. keep him because he trusteth in /. 45. 14. surely God is in /. and there is none else 62. 4. Hephzibah, for the Lord delighteth in /. Jer. 1. 19. an evil thing, that my fear is not in 1. E:ek. 5. 9. T will do in /. what I have not done 10. and I will execute judgments in 1. 15. 16. 34. the contrary is in /. from other women 20. 47. I will kindle a fire in /. it shall devour 22. 0. were in 1. to their power to shed blood 7. in (. have they set light by father or mother 9. in t. are men that carry tales to shed blood 12. in t. have they taken gifts to shed blood 25. 4. they shall set their palaces in /.dwellings in /. 27. 8. thy wise mtn, O Tyrus, that were in /. 9. 28. 15 was perfect, till iniquity was found in 1. 38. 10 wnen I shall be sanctified in t. O God Dan.4.9. spiritof the holy gods is in/. 18. | 5. 14. Hos. 14. 3. for irt t. the fatherless findeth mercy A/if .1 .13. for transgressions of Isr. were found in t. 4. 9. why dost thou cry ? is there no king in t.T Mat. 6. 23. if the light that be in t. be darkness 11.23. mighty works which have been done itit, Luie 3.22. my beloved Son, in I.l am well pleased 11. 35. the light which is in /. be not darkness 19.44. not leave in t. one stone upon another John 17. 21 . as thou. Father, art in me, and I in I. Horn. 9. 17. that I might shew my power in t. on (. A''um. 6.25. the Lord make his face shine upont 26. the Lord lift up his countenance upon 1, 11. 17. I will take of the spirit which is upon t. Deut. 4. 30. all these things are come upon 1. 30.1. 13. 17. the Lord may have compassion H;;on /.30.3. i9.lO.so blood be u;jon /.]|28.2.blessiugs come on / 28. 15. all these curses shall come upon t. 20. 45. Judg 16.-9. the Philistines be upon /. 12. 14, 20. 1 Sam. 9.20. is it not upon t. and thy father's house C4. 12. but mine hand shall not be upon t. 13. 1 Kings 1. 20. the eyes of all Israel are upon I. 13. 2. O altar, upon t. shall he offer the priests, and men's bones shall be burnt upon t, 21.21. behold, I will bring evil upont. and take 2 Kings 4. 4. thou shalt shut door upon t. and pour 2 Citron. 14.11. help us, O Lord, for we rest u^wn / 19. 2. therefore is wrath uoo»j /. from the lx)nl 10. VS.we know not what to do, but our eyes k;)o» / Job 4.5. but now it is come upon t. and thou faintest Psal. 17.6. 1 have called u;>on /. 31. 17. | 86.5.7 I 88. 9. iam. 3. 57. 22.10.Iwascastup./.||25.3.waitu;>./.5,21. | 59.9- 63 .6. meditate on /.|| 104.27 these wait u. /.145.15. Cant. 6.13. return, return, that we may look upon 1 //a.l.25.&nd I will turn my hand upon t. and purge 24. 17. fear, and the pit, and the snare titupon 1. C6. 3. wilt keep him, whose mind i> stayed upon t 47. 9. they shall come upon I. in their perfection 11. evil and desolation shall come upon t. 13. 49. 18. and bind them on /. as a bride doth 54. 8. with kindness will I have mercy on t. 10 59. 21. my spirit that is u;ion /. shall not depart 60. 1. and the glory of the Lord it risen uvoti /. 2. Jer. 14. 22. therefore we will wait ii;»on /. for thou 15. 5. for who shall hare pUy upon 1. O Jerusalem 30. 16. all that prey u;>on /. will I give for a prey Eiet. 3.25. behold, they shall put bands ufon /.4.8. 5. 17. and I will bring the sword upon t. 29. 8- C9. 17. when they leaned upon 1. thou brakest iUa/.18.33.hadcoDipassion,even as I bad pity u^. / 21. 19. let no fruit grow on (. h*oc«forward LuJke 1. 35. the Holy Ghost shall come dyxm ;. 19 4.3. for the days shall come upvn t. that THE Jlcti 13.11. behold, the hand of the Lord is upon ». 18. 10. rio man shall set on t. to hurt thee 22.19.theyknowthat I beat them that believed on t. 1 Tim. 1. 18. prophecies which went before on I. Rei. 3. 3. 1 will come on /. as a thief, and thcu shak not know what ho-ar 1 will come vpon t. Ozer THEE. Gen. 3. l6. thy husband, and he shall rule over t. Deia. 15. 6. but they shall not reign over t. 17. 15. thou shall in any wise set him king over t. thou mayesl not set a stranger over t, 28. 36. 30. 9- the I.flrd will again rejoice over t. for good Pjo/.yi.ll.give his angels charge over t. Luke 4.10. Ita. 62. 5. so shall thy God rejoice over t. Jer. 13. 21, hast taught them to be chief over t. Lam. 2. 1". caused thine enemy to rejoice over t. Eiek. 16. 8. I spread my skirt orcrr. and covered 32. 3. I will therefore spread out my net over t. Dan. 4. 25. and seven times shall passor^r /. 32. Aa/i. 3.19. all that hear shall clap the hands oi^r /. Zepli. 3.17. he will rejoice or*r t. he will joy o«r t. TItrorigh THEE. i*y. 44. 5. throtigh (.will we push down our enemies To or unto THEE. Gen. 4. 7. unto t. shall be his desire, thoushalt rule , 13.15. 10 I. will I give it, 17. | 1". 8. | 26. 3. | 28. 4, 13. I 35. 12. 18. 10. be said, I will certainly return unto 1. 14. £0. Ifi. behold, he is to t. a covering of the eyes 27. 29. let people and nations bow down to 1. 28. 15. done that which 1 have spoken to t. of 22. I will surely give th« tenth of all unto t. 29-19. better 1 give her to t. than to another 31. 12. I have seen all that Laban doth unto t. 16. now then whatsoever God hath said unto t. do 38. discern what is thine with me, and take to t. 39. that which weis torn I brought not unto t. 52. that I will not pass over this heap to t. 38. 16. go to, I pray thee, let me come in wito t. 42. 37. if I bring him not to t. 43. 9. | 44. 32. 44. 8. behold, the money we brought agaiu unto 1. 50. 17. forgive, I pray thee, for they did unto i.evi htod. 3. 12. and this shall be a token unto t. 4. 16. he shall be to t. instead of a mouth 13. 9. it shall be unto t. for asign, 2 Kings 19. 29 Isa. .38. 7 18. 22. a great matter they shall bring unto t. 28. 1. take unto t. Aaron thy brother and his sons 30. 23. take thou also u7ito t. principal spices 33. 5. that I may know what to do unto t. 1.^0. 21. 8. he shall be holy tm/o t. for I am holy S4. 2. that they bring unto t. pure oil olive JN'nm. 6. 25. the Lord be gracious unto t. 11.23.whether my word shall come to pa.ss unto t 18. 2. that the tribe of Levi may be joined unto t. 4 19. it is fl covenant of salt unto t. and to thy seed 22. 38. Balaam said to Balak, lo, I am come unto t. Veul, 4.35. unto t. it was shewed that thou mightest 7. 25. shalt not take the gold of their gods uiito t. 15. 9. he cry to Lord and it be sin, unto <. 24. 15. 18. 15. the Lord will raise up unto t. a prophet 18. I will raise them up a prophet like unto t. 22. 7. let the dam go, and take the young to t. 23. 15. servant escaped from his master unto t. 33. 29. who is like unto t. 1 Sam. 26. 15. Psai.tiS 10. 171. 19 Jos/i. 1. 17. as to Moses, so will we hearken unto t 2. 18. bring all thy father's household home unto t, JuJg. •;.■%. of whom I say ?/« (. Mat. 21. 5. A/a(.8.13.as thou hast believed,sobe itdone unto t. 16. 17. flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto t. 18. and I say also unto 1. that thon art Peter 191 will give unto t. the keys of the kiBg^;:ra 22. be it far from thee, this snail not be un 18.17. let him be un. 1. as an heathen and publican 22. Jesus sailh, I say not unto I. till seven times 20. 14. I will give unto this last even as unto t. 23. 37. thou stonestthem sent unto 1. Luke 13. .34. 25. 44. or in prison, and did not minister nn/o (. A/ar/l:5. 41. I Myi(/j(. nor see thes Jer. 12. 3. thou hast tried mine heart toicards t. £zc/t. 16.42. so will I make myfury touards (.to rest 03. because of shame, when I am pacified (.(. /^<'7/).11.22,but towards 1. goodness, if thou continue Under TIIEE. Di-ut. 28. 23. the earth that is under t. shall be iron. Psal. 45.5. arrows whereby the people fall under t. Prot'.22.27.wby should he take tLy bed from und.t. Isa. H. 11. worm is spread «« judge t. also »hat are without 13. but/, that are without God judgeth K) 18 therefore acknowledge y» <. that arc such 1 Thess. 4. 14. even so /. also that sleep in Jesus 2 'I'hess 3, 12 now t. that «r* such, wo command 1 Tint. 4.16 shalt save thj'self and i. that hear thee 5. 20 t. that sin reboke before all, that others Ilcd. 10. 14. hath perfected /. that are sanctified 13 3 remember t that are in bonds, as bound 1 Pet 4.19. let I. that suffer according to will of G. itev. 9 17. thus I saw hones and 1. that sat on i. 11. 1. and measure t. that worship therein 13 ^ t blaspheme t. that dwell in heaven 19- ~0, beast was taken, and t. that worshipped Adoie Til EM. Eroil 18. 11. they dealt proudly, he wAsaiove t. Num. 3 49- of tlicm that were over and aioie 1. 2 Sam 22. 49- lifted aiove t. that rose against me 2 Chr. 34. 4. images that were aiove (. he cut down Aioiit THESI. Oen. .35. 5. terror was on the cities round atont .'. Iluth 1. 19. that all the city was moved aiout i. 2 Kings 17. 5. after the heathen that wero aiorit t 2 Chron. 14 7 and make about c. walls and towers Ezra 1.6 iM about t strengthened their hands Ezek. 1. 18. were full of eyes rotind aboiti t. four 28 26 all those that despise them round aiout t. Mark 9. 14. he saw a great multitude about t. I^uke l 65. fear camw on all that dwelt round ai t. 2 9 the glory 'f the loni shone round about 1. Jude 7 and the cities aiout t. in like manner After THEM. Gen, 41.3. seven other klne came up after t.lQ. 27. 23 and sevjn ears withered sprung up a^ter 1 30. shall arise after I seven years of famine 48. 6. thy issue which thou begettest after t. Exod. 10. 14. neither a/V«r » shall be such locusts 14.4. he shall follow a/./, and I will be honoured Lc!/ 20.6. that turneth to go a whoring after t. Dent. 1. 8. to give it to them and their seed after t. 4. 37. therefore he chose their seed after t. 10. 15. 12. f 30. take heed, that thou be not snared after t. Jo.fh. 2. 5. pursue after t. quickly ye shall overtake 7. the men pursued af. t. 8.16. Jurfg. 8.12 | 20.45. Jndg. C. 10. there arose another generation after t. liuth 2. 9. the field that they reap, go thou after t. 1 Sam. 612. the lords of the Philistines went af. t. 14. 22. they followed bard after t. in the battle 1 Kings 9- 21. upon their children that were left itfter t. did Solomon levy tribute, 2 Chron. 8. 8. 2 KingsT .\5. they went after t to Jordan, and lo 10. 29. Jehu departed not from at'ter t. to wit 1 CY(r.l4.14 g' not up af. <.||AVi.i2.33 and I af.l. Job .30. 5 they cried after I as after a thief Jer 2. 25. 1 loved strangers, and after t. will I go 9 16. I will send a swora after 1. 49- 37. Ltek. 5.2, 12. 1 12. 14. 25. 26 the king of Sheshach shall drink after 1. 32 18 thou recompensest the iniquity of the fa- thers into the bosom of their children after t. 39. fear me, for the good of their children n/Vtr /. 39.5. but the Chaldeans' army pursued after 1. 50. 21. waste and utterly dejtroy af/rr 1. Ezek 29. 16. when they shall look after t. 34.6. was scattered, none did search or seek a t. Dan. 7. 24. and another king shall rise after t. Zech 6. 6 and the white horses go forth after 1. 7. 14. thus the laiKl was desolate after t. Luke 17. 23. sec here, or see there, go not a. (.21.8 Acts 20. 30. to draw away disciples after 1. Against THEM. Oen. 14.15. he divided himself against t. by night A'«rf.32.10. that my wrath ni»v wax hot against t. Num. 12. 9. Deut. 2. 15. | 31. 1". Judg. 2. 15. AHni.l6.19.Korah gathered the congregation c". «, 20. they were helped a;, t. (or they cried to UoJ 2 Chron. 20. I6. to-morrow go ye down ag 1 17. 21. ly. prophets testified ag. <.A>A. 9. 26,29,30, .'^4. 28. 12. stood up af. 1. that came from ilie war Ezra 4. 5. hired counsellors agatnsi 1. to frustrat* 8 22. but his wrath is against t. that forsake him Neh 4. 9. we sti e watch ag. t. day and night 5.7. and 1 set a great assembly against t. 9. 10. knewest that they dealt proudly against t. 12.9. brethren were over ag. t. in the watches 13. 2. hired Balaam ag. t.\\\b. I tesiifiedag /.21 Psal. 17.7. savest from those that rise up ag. 1, 34. 16. the face of the Lord is against 1. that do evil, 1 Pet. 3. 12. Isa. 3. 9- their countenance doth witness against t. 5 25. he halh stretched forth his hand against t. 13. 17. behold, I will stir up the .Medes ag. t. 14 22.1 will rise up ag. t. [{ f)3. 10. he fought ng e. Jcr 1. 16. and 1 will utter my judgments ag. t. 4. 12. I will give sentence a. t. || 23 32. 1 am a. t. 25. 30. prophesy a. /. Ezek. 6. 2. | 13. 17. | 25.2. 26. 19. evil he pronounced ag. t. 35. 17 I 3D. 31. l.am. 1. 13. he sent fire, and it prevailetn ag. t. Ezek. 15.7. and I will set my face against t. 20. 8. lo accomplish my anger ag. t. in Egypt 35. 11. thou hast used out of thy hatred ag. (. .38. 17. that 1 would bring thee against t. Dan. 7. 21. and the same horn prevailed aga«>«» c. llos. 8. 5. mine anger is kindled against t 10. 10. the people shall be gathered against t. Mat. 10. 18. for a testimonv against t Mark 6 1 1 . I 13 9. Luke 9. 5. Mark 12.1C.spoken that parable ag I. Luke 20 19, /JfCi 13. 51. shook off the dust of their feet against 1 16. 22. the multitude rose up together agaiH« t- 19'l6.in whom evil spirit was.prevailed against i. 26. 10 I gave my voice a. /. [j 1 1 . being mad a t Pom. 2. 2. judgment of God is ag. t. that commit Col. 3. 19. love your wives, and be not bitter ag. t. 2 Pet. 2. 11. bring not railing accusation against t,. Itev. 11 7« (be beast shall make war against l. Set Fight, Over. Among or Amongst Til EM. Gen 47.6. knowest any man of activity among ^ Ejiod. 7.5. bring children of Israel from among I. 10. 2. tell my signs which 1 have done amow^j/ 1 25.8.that I may dwell am. t. 29 46. Psal. &. 13, 30 12. that there be no plague a r.when numbered Lev. 15. 31. defile my tabernacle that is among t. Num. 1. 47. the Levites were not numbered am t 11. Land the fire of the Lord burnt aviong /. 3 4. the mixt multitude among I, fell a lusting l(i. 3. and the Lord is o»..«g /. Psal 63. 17. 18.2P./< iron shall have no part am. I Josh 14.3 23. 21 and the shout of a king is among t. Dent. 7.2' . the Lord will send the hornet among t<. Josh. 8. 33. the stranger, as he that was born ain.t 35. the strangers that were conversant among 1 9. 16. they understood that they dwelt among I. 20. 4. give him a place that he may dwell am. t, C4. 5. according to that which I did amongst 1. Judg. 1. 30. but the Canaanites dwelt among t. 10. lO. put away the strange gods from a. /. 1 ■'Sam. 6. 6. when he wrought among t. Neh. g. 17 9. 22. made them sit in the chiefest place among 1 10. 10. prophets met him, and he prophesied . /.ta. 5. 27. none shall be weary or stumble a. «. 8. 15. and many a. 1. shall stumble and fall 41. 28. for I beheld, andtheie was no man «. c 4.3. 9' who a. I. can declare this, and shew 48. 14. which a. /. hath declared these things 66. 19. I will set a sign among t. and will Jer, 6. 15. they shall fall among I. that fall, 8. 12 18. and know, O congregation, what is a. i. 12. 14. pluck out the house of judah from a. t 24. 10. I will send famine aiid pestilence a. ». 25. 16. br-«'ise of the sword that I « ill send o. f. THE Jer.S' ■ If^- there re iiained bat wounded men a. t. 4!. S. tell uifn found among I. that said, slay us not Lam. 1.17. Icrusaleni as a menslruous woman a. I. Lack. ?. 5. there hath been a prophet o t. 33. 33. 3. 15. and remained there among i. seven days 2,s. and thou shall not go out among i. J). 2. and one man a. I. had a writer's inkhorn I'i. 10. conceroeth all Israt. that are amon^ t. i'Z. and the prince that is anion; <• shall bear i'i. C6. 1 am proph. a. 1. 1| 30. 1 sought a man a, t. 33. 33. they shall know that a prophet been a. t. 31. 21. and my servant David a prince among t. 3.1. 11.1 will make myself known among t. Van. I. 19. a. t. was tound none like D:;niel 7.8. there came up among I. another little horn ll.St. he shall scatter a. t. the prey and spoil Uot. 7.7. there is none a. r. that callcth to me Zec/i. 12. 8. that is feeble a. t, shall be as David 11. 13. tumult from the Lord shall be among t. Mai. 11. 11. 1 say, a. t. that are born of women Mark 6. +1. and the two fishes divided he a. 1. Luke 0. 16. then there arose a reasoning a. I. 22. 21. and there was also a strife among t. 55. Peter sat down among I. in the hall Jo/in y. 16. and there was a division among t. 15. 21. if I had uot done a t. the works which Acts 1. 31. nor was there any awio«g t. that lacked 17. 3!, so Paul departed from among t. 18. 11. continued, teaching the word of God 0. r. 20. 32. inheritance a. t. that are sanctified, 26. 18. Itom. 11 17. a wild olive tree, were grafted in a. t. 1 Cor. 2. 6. we speak wisdom a. t. that are perfect 2 Cor. 6. 17. come out from a. /. and be ye separate 2 Per 2. 6. that righteous man dwelling a. 1. 3 Jo/in y. who loveth the pre-eminence among t. Jude 15. to convince all that are ungodly a. t. liev, 7. 15. silteth on the throne shall dwell a. t. At THEM. J^um. 21.30. wo have shot at f.IIeshbon is perished Deul. 7. 21 thou shalt not be affrighted at t. Psal. 10. 5. as for all his enemies, he puffeth at t. 5<). 8. but thou, O Lord, shalt lau;;h at t. 04. 7. hut Ood shall shoot at t. with an arrow Jer. 10. 2. for the heathen are dismayed at t. Before THEM Gen, 18. 8. and sel'it 4.<. ||33.3,he passedover *.r. iLiod. 10. 11. before t. there were no such locusts 13.21. 'he Lord went ii/br* r. by day, Aum.ll.ll. 21.1. judgments whicn thou shalt set before t. Sum. 10. 33. and the ark of the Lord went if/ore t. t7. 17. to go out and in befort t. 1 Sam. 18. l6. Deut. 2. 12. destroyed them from before t. 21, 22. 1 Chron. 5. 25. Neh. Q. 24. 88. 25. and thou shalt flee seven ways before^. J!>/A.3.l6.armed men went before t. rereward after 18. 1. and the land was subdued before t. 21. 11. stood not a man of their enemies ie/br« t. J«Jg. 3. 27. Ehud before 1. 1| 7. 21. take b. <. waters 1 ■Sir/«. 10.5. with a tabret, a pipe and harp, before^. 2 Sam. 10. 16. and Shobach went b. t. 1 CAr. iy. 16. 20.8. when they were in Gibeon, Amasa went b.t. 1 King! 8.50. give them compassion b.t. 2 CAr.30.9. 22. 10. prophets propiiesied is/ore t.2 CAr. 18.19. 2 h'ings 3. 21. so that the Moabites fled before t. 4. 31. Gehazi passed on b. t. \\ 14. so he set itiL «. C.22.set bread and water bef, 1. that they may eat 17. 11. whom the Lord carried away before t. 2 CAron. 7. 6. the priest sounded trumpets before t. Neh. 12. SG. and Ezra the scribe before 1. P*j/.22.25.1'11 pay my vows before t. that fear him 51. 3. they have not set God before t. 86. 11. 78. 55. he cast out the heathen also before t. 105. 17i he sent a man before t. even Joseph Ecc/. 4.16. no end of all that have been before t. 9- 1 . either lore or hatred by all that is before t. Istt. .30. U. now go write it before t. in ■>. table 42. 16. I will make darkness light before t. 63, 12. that led them, dividing the water before t. Jer. 1.17. not dismayed, lest I confound thee bef.t. 9. 13. have forsaken my law which I set before 1. 32. 1 i. and I charged Baruch before t. saying 33. 21. they should no more be a nation Ae/or« /. 49.37. to be dinnayed before t. that seek their life Eiek.R. 11. and there stood fc/i>r« <. seventy men 16. 18. hast set mine oil and incense atfore i. I9. is. 21.1 will set judgment A«/or(f /.they shall judge 31. 10. when I shall brandish my sword before t. 41. U. shall stand before t. to minister to them Joel 2. 3. afire devoureih bef. t. and behind them, the land is as the garden of Eden before 1. 10. the earth shall quake before t. the sun lie dark Amosi. f). yet I destroyed the Amorite before t. M%c. 2. 13. the breaker is come up bef. 1. and their king shall pass*, t. and Lord on head of them 2e«A.12.8. David as the angel of the Lord before t. Brlal.i.'). lo, the star which thev saw went before t. 11. 6. she danced b. I. \\ 26. 7o'. but he denied *. t. ir. ». and was transfigured Aj/or« «. Afar* 9. 2. MarkG. 11. gave to his disciples to set*, t. 8. 6,7. 10, Jg. .Jesut went iff9re t.^ij they were amued Oii THE ia*«22.47. Judas went*, f. 1121. 13 he did eat *. /. 19. 28. ascending uplo Jerus. Jesus vreat before t. )ohn 10, 4. shepherd goeth before I. sheep follow i2.37.tho' he had done so many miracles before 1. Acts 16. 34. he set meat b. 1. 1| 22. 30. set Paul b. I. C;a/.2.14. 1 said to Peter *e/i'r< /. all, if thou being BeAmd iliM^l. Eiod.M.l^. the pillar removed and stood behind t. Josh. i. 20. when the men of Ai looked behind 1. Judg. 20. 40. the Benjamites looked beht'id t. 2 Sam. 5. 23. but fetch a compass behind t. 2 Chron. 13. 13. an ambushment to come about b.t. Joel 2. i b.t. a. flame burneth, b. t. a wilderness Besides THE!\I. Job I. 11. and the asses were feeding beside I. £56*. 10.16. wheels turned uot from 4. f. 19. | 11.22. il/a;.25.20.I have gained besides t. five talents, 22. Between THEM. Z^'rix/.22.1l.an oath of the Lord shall be betveen t. 28. 33: and bells of gold between I. round about yw/i.8.11. now there wasa valley i^raeew t.aiid Ai 1 6a/«.17.3. a valley between t and the Philistines 26. 13. David stood a great space being between t. 2 6'awi.ll. t6.and there was no deliverer bet:aeen i. 21.7. because of the Lord's oath betu'eeu t. 1 Kings 18. 6. so they divided the land between t. Job 11. 16. that no air can come betueen t. Z?f/i.6.13.counsel of peace shall be betioeen t. both xicts 15. 39. the contention was so sharp belu'eent. By THE.M. Lev. 19. 31. nor after wizards to be defiled by t. Josh. 23. 7» nor cause to swear by I. nor serve Judg. 3. 1. the Lord left, to prove Israel by t. 4. 2 6'affj.l5.36. iy t. ye shall send to me evei-y thin.; 2 Chron. 21. 13. and the work was perfected by t. Job 36. 31. for by I. judgeth he the people Psal. 19. 11. moreover by t . is thy servant warned Isa. 7. 20. namely d^ t. beyond the river Jer. 5. 7. and have sworn by t. that are no gods Ezet. 1. 19. creatures went, the wheels went by t. 11. 3. should 1 be enquired of all by t. T Hab.X. 16. because by t. their portion is fat Mat. 5. 21. that it was said by t. of old, 27. 33. Mark 6.48.he cometh, and would have passed by t. Euke24.'i. two men stood Ay ». in white. Acts 1.10. Acts 4. 16. a notable miracle has been done by t. 15. 12. what wonders God hath wrought by t. Rom. 10. 6. who doth those things shall live by i. 19. I will provoke you to jealousy by i. 1 Cor\ \. II. by t. which are of the house of Chloe 1 3V»(.l .IS.thou by t. mightest war a good warfare Heb. 2. 3. confirmed tb us by t which Leard him 1 Pet. 1. 12. which are now reported to you by t. Concerning THEM. Kum.i'Z. 28. 30 con. t. Moses commanded Eleazar Judg.\5.^. Samson said can. 1. 1 shall be blameless Ae/j. 11. 23. it Wcis the king's commandment cow. t. 1 'VXieif.l.lS.to be ignorant con. <. which are asleep 1 John 2. 26. have I written con. I. that seduce you For THEM. Gen. 6.21j it shall be for food for thee and for t. 31. 21. the land, behold it is large enough/or t. 43. 32. and they set on bread /or /. by themselves Eiod. 11. 25. let us flee, the Lord fighteth /or ». Lev. 1. 20. and the priest shall make an atonement J'or t. 9. 7. I 10. 17- IS'um. 8. 21. | IS. 46. 7. 7. there is one law/or <. the priest shall have it A'Kffi.lO 33. to search out a rcsting-place/or t 11. 22. shall herds be slain/or /.fishes gaihered/o;r. Deal. 28. 32. fail with longiug/o/- /. all the day 3i 2. from his right hand went a fiery \a.v/ for t. Josh. '18. 10. Josliua cast lots /or /. in Shiloh 19. 9- the part of ludah was too much /or ;. 47. the coast ot Dan went out too little /or .•. Jiulg. 21. 16. how shall we do for wives/or .-. ^ 17- there must be an inheritance /"or (. escaped /i!»M1.13.would ye tarry /or /.till they were grown 2 Chron. 30.18. but Hezekiah prayed/or /. saying 31. 21. go enquire of the Lord for me and tor t. Xeh. 1.5. God keepeth mta-cy /or /. that love him 5. 2. we take upcorn/o; /.that we may eat and live y. 15. broughtest forth water/or/, out of the rock Esth.5.fi. come to the banquet 1 shall prepare /or /. Job 6. 19. the companies of ohtba waited/or /. 22. 17. and what can the Almighty doyor /. .' 24. 5- wilderness yieldeth food /or /. ana children Psal. 31. ly. which thou hast laid up/or /. that fear thee, /or /. that trust in thee 101.8. to the place which thou hast founded/or /. 106. 45. aud he remembered for t. his covenant 126. 2. the Lord hath done great things for t. Isa. 23. 13. till the Assyrian founded it /or /. . 18. for her merchandise shall be/or /. that dwell 31.37. he hath cast the lot /or /. he divided to them 35. I. the solitary places shall be glad /or /. Jer.Z.2. in the ways hast thou s3.lfor t. as Arabian 7. 16. neither lift up cry nor prayer/or /. 16.6. nor shall men lament /or/. nopcut themselves 7. neither shall men tear themselves/or /. 18.20. I stood before thee to speak good /or /. THE /«r.2a.l3.but thou shalt make /or /.yokes Etek.T. 11. neither shall there be wailing/oi /. 11. 21. but as for t. whose heart walketh aite; 16. 21. to cause them to pass thro' the fire/o' t. 20. b. to bring into aland 1 had espied /or /, 31. 10. that my flock may not be meat /or e 29. and X will raise up to' t. a, plant of reaowo 36. 37. I will yet be enquired of to do it for (. 45. 15. one lamb to make reconciliatioa for t. 46. 17. but bis inheritance shall be his ron's/or t 48. 10. /or (.even for the priests shall oe oblatioa Dan. 2.35. no place was found for t. Rai. 20.U llos. 2. 13. make a covenant /or /. with the beast Z^c/i.10.8. 1 will hiss/or /. and gather them for 10. into Lebanon pisice shall not be found/or / Mat. 5. 44. pray for t. which despitefuUy use you, and persecute you, Luke 6. 28 12. 4. nor lawful for t. that were with him 18. 19. it shall be done/or /. of my Father Mark 10. 21. how hard /or /. that trust Luke 2. 7. there was no room/or /. in the inn John 6. 7. is not sufficient /or /. that every ont 17. y. I pray/or /. 1 pray not for the world, 20 .•Ji7i3. 15. Peter and John prayed/or /. that thd,y 10.24. Cornelius waited/. /.ai;d had called friend 17. l6. now while Paul waited /or /. at Athens 1 Cor. 2. 9. things which God huth prepared /or ( 7. 8. it is good /or /. if they abide even as I 14. 22. but prophesying serveth /or /. that believe 2 Cur. 5. 15. should live unto him which died /or / Col. 2. 1. knew what great conflict 1 have for t 4. 13. hath a great zeal for t. that are in Laodicej Ueb. 1. 14. spirits sent forth to minister/or /. heirs 7. 25. he ever liveth to make intercession /or /. li. 16. for he hath prepared/or /. a city 2 Pet. 2. 21. it had been better^or/. not to known 1 John 5. 16. give life /or /. that sin not to death From THEM. Gen. 11. 6. now nothing will be restrained/rom /. 42. 24. he took /rom /. Simeon and bound him Sum. 16. 15. I have not taken one a^sfrom 1. 18. 26. the tithes which I have given you from t 35,S. from /.that have many ye shall give mawy , but/rom /. that have few ye shall give fevr Deut. 22.1, sheepgo astray, «tid hide thyself/. /. 4. 31.17.hide my face/./.32.20. Ezek.T.".2..Vic.3.'i. 1 Sam. 6. 7. and bring their calves home from 1. 1 Chron. 11. 14. go not after them.turn aw^yfrom I. 2 Chron. 20.10. but they turned/. /. and destroyed Psal. 31. 15. deliver me from t. that persecute me 5y. 1. defend mefrotni. that rise up against ma fil. 11. no good thinp will he withhold /rom /. I'rov, 3. 27. withbhold not gorfa J/rom /. to whom 22. 5. that doth keep his soul shall be far from t. £cc/.2.10.w'hat mine eyes desired I kept notfromc Cant. 3. 1. it was but a little that I passed/rom t. Jer% 8. 13. things I have given shall pass from t, 9. 2. that I might leave my people and go from t 18. 20. I stood to turn away thy wrath /ro?n /. 25. 10. I will take /rom /. the voice of mirth 32. 40. I will not turn away/r. /. to do them good Etek. 7. 2(^ therefore I have set it (ar from < 23. 17. and her mind was alienated /rom 1. 24. s5. the day when I take/rom /. their strength 39. 23. therefore hid I my (ace from t. 21. 29. neither will I hide my face any more/rom/. Ijis. 5. 6. he hath withdrawn himself/rom /. li. 2. as they called them, so they went /rom /. ;l/if.2.6.pull off the robe with the garment /rom/ Mat. g. 15. the bridegroom shall be taken from t Mark 2. 20. L^uke 5. 35. .Mark 11. 52. he left the cloth, and fled/r. /. naked Luke 9 15. understood not, it was hid from 1. 18. 31. 24. 51. he was parted/rom /. and carried to heaven John 12. 30. departed, and did hide himself/rom t. Acts 7 . 3y. would not obey, but thrust him from t. Rom. 15 31. that I may be delivered /rom /. that 2 Cor. 2. 3. I should have sorrow /ro;n /. of whom 11.12. I may cut off occasion_/rom /. which desire Heb. 7. 6. whose descent is not counted/rom /. 2 I'et. 2.18. clean esciped/roOT /. who live in error Rev. 9. 6. desire to die, and death shall flee from t. See Depart, eo. In THEM. Ezod. 20. 11. for the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in /. is. Acts 4. 24. 29. 29. to be anointed and be consecrated in t. Lei'. 10.3. I will be sanctified hit. that come nig'a 18. 5. he shall live in t. Neh. 9. 29. Eiek.iO. 11 13,21 Ga/.3. 12. Xum. 20. 13. strove, and he was sanctified in t. Deut. 5. 29. O that there were such an heart in /. 32.28. uor is there any understanding in t. Josh. 5. 1. nor was there .spirit in t. any more 21.13. cities which ye built not, and ye dwell int. 2 kings 5. 12. may I not wash in /. and be cleans rfoiJ4.21. doth not their excellency in I. go away Psal. 19. 4. In /. he set a tabernacle for the sua 107.5. hungry, thirsty, their soul fainted in /. 115. 8. so is every one that trusts in t. 135 IB THE Ptal. 147. 11. Lonl taketh plpasnre in t. that ftar Pror.8.8. there is nothing froward or per\-erse in t. Ecct. 3. 12. I know that there is no good in /. 8. 11. their heart is folly set in f. to do evil 12. 1. thoti shall say I have no plebsure in t. 7>a.6.13. teil-tree and oak, whose substance isinr. 8. 20. it is because there is no light in t. ier S. 37- and thou shalt not prosper in /. S.lS.the word is not in r.|13.9.what wisdom is in t. 10. 5. cannot do evil nor is it in t. to do good 14. and there is no breath in i. 51. 17. 29. 5. build ye houses, and dwell in t. 28. Eiek. 5. 6. my statutes they have not walked in t. 13. when I have accomplished my fury in t. 10. 17 the spirit of the living creature was in t. 18.24. in trespass and sin, in t shall he die, 26. 28.25. and when I shall be sanctified in t in sight 33. 10. pine away in / 11 37. 8 was no breath in t. Dan. 5 3. his wives and concubines drank in 1. 23. Has 14 9. are right and the just shall walk in t. Amos 5 11 built honses.bot ye shall not dwell in 1. Obad. 18 they shall kindle in t and devour them Mai. 2. 17 that doeth evil, he delighteth in t. Mat. 13 14. in t ii fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias Luke 13 14 in t therefore come and be healed John 5 39. in t ye think ye have eternal life 17 10 thine are mine, and I am glorified in t. 23.1 in t thou inme|| 26. may be in t. and I m t. Rom. I 19 may be known of God, is manifest in /. 32. but have pleasure in I. that do them 2 Cor. 2 15. in 1 that are saved, in t. that perish 6. 16. God said, I will dwell in t and walk in / Eph. 2. 10 God ordained that we should walk in t. 4. 18 adienated through the ignorance that is in t. Col. 3. 7. in which ye walked, when ye lived in t. 2 Thess. 2. 10. all deceivableness in t. that perish 1 Tim. 4. 16. continue in t for in doing this Heb. 4 2 not being mixed with faith in t. that 1 Pet. 1. 11 the spirit of Christ which was in t. 2 Pet. 3. 16 speaking int. of these things Rev. 5. 13 and all that are in t heard I, saying 12.12. rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in t. 15. 1. for in t is filled up the wTath of God 20. 13. delivered up the dead which were in t. 21. 14. in t the names of the twelve apostles /nio THEM. Ezek.yj 10 the breath came inro < and they lived Mark 6. 12. send that we may enter into t.Luie8.52. Rev ll.ll.tbe spirit of life from God entered inro<. 0/ THEM. Cen. 3. 7. the eyes of t. both were opened and knew 19. 13. the cry 0/ t is waxen great before God Eiod.20.5. generation 0/" r that bate me, DetK.S.Q. 6. to thousands of t that love me, Deut. 5. 10. 35. 35 of t. that do any work and that devise I.ev. 4. 2 if a soul shall do against any of t. 1 1. 4.0/' <.ye shall noteat l|22.o/f.eat,DeKr.20.I9 22 22. nor make an offering by fire oft. on altar 25. 44 of I. buy bond-men and bond-maids, 45. 26. 43. the land also shall be left of t . and enjoy Num. 1.21. thosethat were numbered, o/r 23.25. I 2 4, 13. (3 22,34. J, 49. took money of t that were over and above 7. 5. take it<>^r.||11.26. were oft that were written 14. 28. nor shall any of t. that provoked me see 16.34. fled at the cry of/ |1 C6.64. not a man of t. 33. 55. that those which ye let remain of t. Deut. 1. 29. neither be afraid of t. 7. IC | 20. 1, 3. Josh 11. 6. fieh. 4. 14. 2.6.yesh. bay meat q/"».buy water 0/'/. for miney 33. ll.loinso/r that rise, and of*, that hate him Josh 10. 8. there shall not a man of t. stand before 8 Sam. 6. w2. and of t. shall 1 be had in honour 2 Kings 0. 14. and slew them, Dor left he any o/"f. 1 Chron. 5. 20. they cried, he was intrcated of t. Etra 8. CO, all of t were expressed by name Neh. 10. 31. would not buy it of t. on the sabbath Job 14 21. are low, but he perceiveth it not (iff. Psal. 19 11 in keeping ofr. there is great reward 21. 12. make ready arrows against the face of t. 24. 6. this is the generation of t. that seek him 34. 19. but the Lord delivered him out of 1. all 22 none of 1. that trust in him shall be desolate 40 5. if I would speak of t. they are more than 65. 5. and of t that are afar off upon the sea 34. 5. in whose heart are the ways of t. 102 26 all of I. shall wax old like a garment Prov. 21 6, tossed to and fro of t. ihal seek death £ccl. 7. 18. that feareth God shall come forth of 1. Isa.Q 16. they that are led of 1. are destroyed ;/. 4 this is the portion of t. that spoil us 19. 22. he shall be intreated of 1. and heal them 39. 2. Hezekiah was glad of t. and shewed them ♦1 . 28. that when I asked of t. could answer 42. 9 before they spring forth I tell you of 1, 22. spoiled, they are all 0/ t. snared in holes 44 9. that make an image, are all of t. vanity 65.1 I am sought oft. that asked not for me, 1 am found of I. that sought me not, Rom, 10. 20 Q€. ]Q. pud I will send those that escape of t THE /*a.66 21,1 will take of i, for priests and T.evites Jer, 8. 19. because of t. that dwell in far country 10. 5. be not afrw(f of t. Ezek. 2. 6. Luke 12. 4. 23. 14. they are all of t. unto me as Sodom 25. 14. great kings shall ser\-e themselves of t. 29. 22. and of 1. shall be taken up a curse by all 30. 19. and out of t. shall proceed thanksgiving 34. 9. that none should serve himself of 1. 10. 42. 17. and none of t. shall remain, Ezek. 7. 11. £:e*.7,l6.all of 1. mourning everyone for iniquity 20. 40. all of t. in the land shall serve me 23. 6. all of t. desirable young mtr, 12. 23. 15. in dyed attire, all of t. princes to look to 38, 4. all if t. clothed with all sorts of armour 11. and gates all of t. dwelling without walls //o*.13.2. they say of /."let the man kiss the calves .•Jmo^9 l.cut inthe head all of /.he that fleeth of/. Mie. 3. 2. who pluck off their skin from off t. 3. 7. 13. land desolate because of /.that dwell therein ZechW. 13. goodly price that I was prized at of /. Mai. 21, 31. whether of t. twain did the will of his 45, they perceived that he spake of t. .1/ar/H2. 23. whose wife shall she be 0/ /.Z,!/(^f20.33. Luke G. 13. of t. he chose twelve named apostles 7. 42. tell me, which of /. will love him most ? 9. 46, which of t. should be greatest ? 22. C4. 22.23. which of t. it was that should do thisthing= 58. another saw him and said, thou art also of t. John 4, 32. then enquired he of 1. the hour when 16. 4. ye may remember that I told you of t. 18. 9. of t. which thou gavest me, have I lost none Acts 15. 14. to take outo/"/. a people for his name 23. 21 . there lie in wait of t. more than forty men Rom. 11.12. if the fall of I. be the riches of world, and diminishing of /. the riches of the Gentiles 15. if the casting away of t. he the reconciling 2 Tim. 3. 11. out of t. all the Lord delivered me //«i.l0.39.we are not of /. who draw back, but of /. Jam. 3. 18. is sown in peace of /. that make peace Rev. 22. 9. of I. which keep the sayings of this See Both, One, Some. On or upon THEJI. Gen. 31. 34. Rachel had taken images and sat «. / 48. 16. Jacob said, let my name be named on t. Eiod. 15. 9. my 'ust shall be satisfied upon t 19. 22. lest the Lord break forth upon t. 24. 32.21 .that thon hast brought so great a sin upon t 34. nevertheless I will visit their sin upon t. Z^u. 20. 11, their blood shall be upont. 12, 13,16,27. 26. 36 upon t. that are left will I send a faintness Num. 11. 17. and I will put of the spirit t//io?«. 29. 16. 33. the earth closed upon t. and they perished Deut. 7. 16. thine eye shall have no pity upon t. 25. shalt not desi.-e the silver or gold that is en /. 9. 10. on /.was written according to art Lord spake 27. 5. thou shalt not lift up any iron tool upon t. 32. 23. 1 will heap mischiefs upon t. I will spend 35. the things that shall come upon t. make haste Josh. 10. 11. the Lord cast down great stones u. t. Judg. 9. 57. and u. /. came the -curse of Joiham 1 Kings 18. 28. till the blood gushed out upon t. 2 A'iflfjlBCS.ifable tosetriders «. /. iia. 36. 8, 23. 20. he burnt men's bones u. /. and. returned 1 Chron. Q. 27. because the charge was t/;;on /. i Chron. 29- 23. and thev laid their hands on t. Acts 6. 6. I 8. 17. I 13. .3, 32. 26. so that the wrath of the Lord came not u. t. S3. 1 1 . Lord brought «;?. /. king of Assyria 36.17. he brought «;i. /. the king of the Chaldecs Etra 3. 3. for fear was «. /. because of the people Esth. 8. 17. for the fear of the .lews fell upon t. 9, 3. because the fear of Mordecai fell upon s. 27. Jews took u. /. to keep the days of Purim Joi4.19, how much less on t. that dwell in houses 21. 9. neither is the rod of God upon t. Psal. 33. 18. eye of the Lord is u. /. that fear him 48. 6. fear took hold u. /. there, and pain as of 62. 10. if riches increase, set not your heart k. /. 69. 24. pour out thine indignation upon I. 78. 24. and had rajned down manna «. /. to eat 27. he rained flesh also «. /. as dust and fowls 49- he cast upon 1. the fierceness of his anger 94. 23. he shall bring upon /. their own iniquity 103. 17. mercy to everlasting u. /. that fear him 106. 29 and the plague brake in upon t. 118. 7, therefore shall I see my desire «. /. that Isa. 9. 2. vpo7i t. hath the light shined 26. ]6. a prayer, when thy chastening was u. t. 27.11. that made them will not have mercy on /. 49. 10. he that hath mercy on. /. shall lead them Jer. 2. 3. evil shall come upon t. saith the Lord 11.8.1 will bring «./. 11. | 23.12. ] 36.31. | 49. .37. 12. 15. 1 will return, and have comp.-\ssion on. /, 24. 6. I will set mine eyes «. /. for good, 32. 42. 33. 26. to return, for I will have mercy upon t 46. 21. the day of their calamity was come «. /. £!«*. 23.16 she doted u. /. 1)37.8. flesh came h. /. 44.17.00 wool shall cornea. /. while they mmister Dan. 3. 27. nor the smell of fire had passed on t. fJos.i. 10, I will pour out my wrath u. < likewater THE IIos. 7. 12. they shall go, I will spread my net «. /. Amos 9.4. I will set mine eyes u.t. for evil and not Hai. 1. 13. wherefore lookest thou «. .'. that deal Zech. \0.6. bring them again, for I have mercy «./ 14, 17. who will not come up «. /. shall be no ,1/a/.19.13 should put his hands u. /. Mark IO.16. Luke 1. 50. and his mercy is on t. that fear him 2.9. and lo, the angel of the Lord camei'^on/. John 20. 22. when he said this, he breathed on t. Acts 4. l.as they spake, the Saducees came «. / 3. they laid hands on /. 1133, great grace was k. /. 5.5.great fear came oiiall /.that heard these things U . 15. the Holy Ghost fell on /. as on us, 19. 6. 19. 13. took upon t. to call over them which had 16. and the man leapt on t. and overcame them 21. 23. we have four men which have a vow on t. Rom. 11. 22. on /. which fell, severity but to thee Gnl. 6. 16. peace be on t. and mercy, and on Israel 1 7/i«.t. 2.16. wrath is come a. /. to the uttermosr 5. 3. then sudden destruction cometh H;;on /. 2 Thess. 1. 8. taking vengeance on /, that know not }leh. 5. 2. and on i. that are out of the way Hev 6. 10. avenge our blood on t. that dwell on 7. 16. nor shall the sun light on t. nor any heat 11. 11. and great fear fell u. /. which saw ihem 16. 2. and upon t. which worshipped his image Over THEM. F.iod. 1. II. they did set over t. task-masters 5. 14. which Pharaoh's task-masters had selotert. 18. 21. place such oMr /. to be rulers of thousands Xum. 7.2. and were over 1. that were numbered 14. 14. have heard that thy cloud stanneti. over t. Judg.,g. 8. the trees went to anoint a king over t. 11. 1 1 . the people made Jcphthah captain over t. l.So»n. 8.7. rejected me tloat Ishould not reign orer /. 9. the manner of the king that shall reign 01 «r / 19. 20. and Samuel standing as appointed overt 22. 2. and David became a captain over I. 2 Sam. 2. 7. Judah have anointed me king 01 er ( 1 Chro7i. 9. 20. Phinehas was the ruler oicr /. 27. 26. and over t. that did the work was Ezri 2 Chron. 2. 11. he hath made thee king or«r /. 9. 8 Neh. 9. 28. so that they had the dominion over 1. Esth. 9. 1. the enemies hopedto have power o«r /. P.fa/.49.14.the upright shall have dominion over t 106.41. and they that hated them ruled orer /. Prov. 20. 26. a wise king bricgeth the wheel 01 er /. /ju. 3.4. babes shall rale over t.\\\". women rule o.t 19. 4. a fierce king shall rule over /.saith the Lord 52. 5. they that rule over /. make them to howl Jer. 15. 3. and I will appoint ore to t. z. reprover 11. 16. yet will ] be /o <. as a little sanctuary 12. 11. as I have done, so shall it be done««/j t. 20. 9. in whose sight 1 made myself known unto t. 33. 32. In, thou art unto I. as a very lovely song 39. 13. and it shall be to 1. a renown ♦4.12. because they ministered unto t. before idols 48. 12. oblation shall be unto t, a thing most holy- IB. shall be for food unto t. that serve the city Dan. 4. 19> the dream be to t. that hate thee 6. 2. that the princes might give account tmto t. 9. 4. and keeping mercy to I. that love him 11. 34. but many shall cleave /o /. with flatteries Hos. 4. 12. and their staff declareth unto t. 7.13.destruction unio I. because they transgressed 11.4. I was to t. as they that tal»; off the yoke Jonah 3. 10. evil that he said, he would Aoimto t. Alic. 2. 6. prophesy ye not, say they to t. that prophesy, they shall not prophesy to t. Slal.6.8.he ye not like untot. \\T. 12. do ye so to t. 17 13. that he spake unto t. of John the Baptist 21. S6. other servants, they did untot. likewise 25. 9. but go ye rather to t. that sell, and buy A/ar* 4. 11. but to t. that are without in parables 10. 40. shall be given to /. for whom it is prepared Lul:e2.51.he went down, and was subjected untot. 6. 31. that men do to you, do ye also to t. likewise 33. if ye do good to t. that do good to you 34. if ye lend to t. of whom ye hope to receive 11. 1.3. give the Holy .Spirit to t. that ask him 16. 28. that he may testify unlo 1. lest they codi£ -0.15. what shall Lord of the vineyard do tmw r..' £3. 28. Jesus turning unlo t. said, weep not for me 24. 11. their words seemed unto t. as idle tales 27. he expounded unio t. in all the scriptures Jo/in I. 12. to I. gave he power to become the sons of God, even to 1. that believe on his name 22. we may give an answer to t. that sent us C. 24. but Jesus did not commit himself unto t. ^. 27. that he spake to t. of the Father 20.. 23. sins ye remit, they are remitted unlo 1, ■^ts 1. 16. who was guide to t. that took Jesus 2.3. there appeared uh/«<. cloven tongues,asof fire 41. there were added unto t. about 3,000 souls 5. IS. of the rest durst no man join himself tot. 32. whom God hath given to 1. that obey him li. 18. that they had not done sacrifice unto t. 16. 10. had called ns to preach the gospel unto 1. fO. 54. my necessities, and to t. that were w iih me 25. 11. nomsui may deliver me unto t. I appeal Rom. 1. 19. is manifest, forG. hath shewed it u. r. 82. » ( who by patient continuance in well doiiin 610 * THE 7?oi7i.8.28.work together for good /o<. that love G. 10.20.mademanifes[anfu /.(bat asked not after me 1 QoT.X.i.unto t. that are sanctified in Christ Jesus 24. untot. that are called, both Jews and Greeks 9. 3. my answer /tf /. that do examine me, is this 14. 34. for it is not permitted unio t. to speak 2 Cer.4. 3. if gospel bid, it is hid /a/, that are lost Gal, I. 17. 10 I. which were apostles before me 6. 10. unto I. who are of the household of faith EpA. 2. 17- and preached peace 10 t. that were nigh P/iil. 1. 28. is to I. an evident token of perdition 2 Thess. 1. C. tribulation to 1. that trouble you 1 Ttm. i. 15. meditate, give thyself wholly to t. 2 Tim. 4. 8. but unto all /. that love his appearing Ttt. 3. 13. that nothing be wanting unto t. lleb. 3. 18. not enter, \>\i\. to t. that believed not 4. 2. to us was the gospel preached as wellas j/«/o /. 8. IC. I will be to t. a God. they to me a people 12. 11. yieldethjin/D*. that are exercised thereby 19. word should not be spoken tot. any more Ja7>:. I. 12. Lord promised to 1. that love hiai,2.5. 1 Pet. 4.6 gospel preanhed also to t. that are dead Pet. 1. 1. 10 t. that obtained like precious faith 2. 22. happened unto 1. according to the proverb Rev. 9. 3. unlo t. was given power as the scorpions 5. to t. it was given that they should not kill them 20. 4. they sat, and judgment was given u7iio t. See Say, Wo. 7uri;arrfTIIEM. Psal. 103.11. so great his mercy loxard t. that fear Mat. 14. 14. Jesus was moved with compassion to- aard I. and healed their sick. Mark 6.34. Col. 4.5. walk iu wisdom loaardt. that are without 1 Thess. 4.12. honestly loieard t. that are without Under THEM. Xum. 16.31. ground clave asunder that was toii/e- /. Job 26. 8. and the cloud is not under t. Huh U HEM. Gen.ig.g. we will deal worse with thee than uiih t. 34. 8. Ilamor communed kiVA /. saying, my son 43. 16. when Joseph saw Benjamin uith t. he said Eiod. 6. 4. 1 have established my covenant :ii//i t. 23. 32. shall make no covenant with t. Veut. 7. 2. Lev. 26. 39. that are left shall pine away iiVA / 44. and to break my covenant tii/Zi 1. A'kmj. 22. 12.thou shalt not go ». /.|1 20.arise,gorii. t. 32. 19. we will not inherit wiVA r. on yonder side De? sh;tll be caught up together 1.1V/1 /. 2 Tim. 2. 22. peace wilh t. that cad on the Lord Heb, 3. 17. was it not with 1. that had sinned - 8. 8. for finding fault wuh t. he saith, benoy^ 10. 16. this is the covenant X will make with t, 11. 31. the harlot llahab perished not with t. 13. 3. them that are in bonds, as bound with t 1 Pet. 3. 7. ye husbands, dwell with t. according 4. 4. that ye run not with t. to the same excess 2Pe/.2.20. latter end is worse us. t. than beginning Pev. 9. 18. had heads, and ailh 1. they do bun 21.3. tabernacle with men will dwell with t. Iftthoul THEM. Lev. 26. 43. while she lieth desolate witnout (. See Tbach. THEMSELVES. Gen. ig. 11. they wearied *. to find the door 43. 32. for them by 1. for the Egyptians by t. Eiod. 5. 7. let them go and gather straw for t. 12. 39. nor had they prepared for 1. victual 32. 7. for thy people have corrupted t. Deut.Q 12. I 32. 5. Judg. 2. 19. Jios. 9 Xum. 8. 7. let them wash, and so make t. clea'. Deut. 32. 31. even our enemies t. being judges 1 Sam. 3. 13. because his sons made *. vile and he 14. 11. both of them discovered /. to the garrison 1 Kings 8. 47. if they shall bethink t. 2 Chr. 6. 37 18. 23. let them choose one bullock for t. 2 KmgsH.^Q. Edom made a king over*. 2CAr. £1 8 17. 17- sold (. to do evil in the sight of the Lord 32. made to /. of the lowest of them priests 19. 29- ye shall eat such things as grow of t. 1 Chron. 19. 6. they had made /. odious to David 2 Chron. 7- 14. if my people shall humble t. 12. 6. the princes and the king humbled t. 7. 20. 25. precious jewels which they striptoff for t. 35.14. afterw. they made ready for /. and priests Ezra 9.2. they have taken off their daughters for t. Esth. 9.31. and as they had decreed for t. and seed Job 24. 16. houses which they nad marked for t. 30. 14. in the desolation they rolled t. upon me 41 . 23. they are firm in t. they cannot be moved Psai. 2. 2. the kings of the earth set*, against GcJ 9- 20. the nations may know /. to be but men 44. 10. and they which hate us spoil for t. 57. 6. into the midst whereof they are fallen t. 106. 28. they joined t. also to Baal-peor and ate 140. K. grant not their desires, lest they exalt c Prov. 23. 5. riches make I. wings, they fly awa; £cf/. 3. 18. they might see that they 1. arc beasil Isa. 2.6. and they please t. in children of straugent 3. 9. for they have rewarded evil to t. 46. 2. but (. are gone into captivity 47. 14. they shall not deliver /. from the flana 48. 2 for they call 1. of the holy city, and stay 56. 6. sons of ihe stranger that join t. to the Lord Jer. 2. £4. all thsy that seek her will not weary I. 4. 2. and the nations shall bless (. in him 7. 19- do they not provoke /. H 9- 5. they weary ( 11. 17. for the evil they had done against 1. 12. 13. have put /. to pain, but shall not profi', 16. 0. nor cut i. nor make t. bald for them 27. 7. and great kings shall serve t. of him .30. 21. and their nobles shall be of i. 34. 10. that none should serve ( of them any mos Eitk. 10. 17. they were lifted up, these lift up . THE £te*.10.22.wis the same, their appearances and / U. 18. but they shall only be delivertdJ /. 32. 2. woe to shepherds of Israel that do feed t. • 0. nor shall the shepherds feed /. any more 45.5. shall also the Levites of the house have for t. fJos. 4. 14. for /. are separated with whores 7. 14. they assembled /. for corn and wine 9. 10. but they separated 1. to that shame iJai. 1. 7. their judgments shall proceed of 1. 2. 13. the people shall weary 1. for very vanity Zec/i.i.lt. which empty the golden oil out of «. 11.5. who slay them, and hold /. not guilty Rlar,. 14. 2. John Baptist is ri.sen, therefore mighty works do shew forth i. in him, Mari tj. 14 16.7. reasoned among /. Mari 8. It). Luke 20. 14 19. 12. there be eunuchs, who made t. eunuchs 21.25. reasoned with t. Mark 11. 31. LukeC^. 5 23. 4. but they /. will not move them with one MaTK^. 17. receive it, and have no root in t. 9. 10. and they kept that saying with t. l/Uke'. 30. rejected the counsel of God against /. IB. 9. he spake to certain which trusted in i. 20. 20. sent spies which should feign /. just men 23. 12. for before they were at enmity between t. Jo/m 17. 13. they might.have my joy fulfilled in I. 18. 28. they i, went not into the judgment hall Acts 15. 32. Judas and Silas being prophets also 1. l*!. 37. but let them come t. and fetch us out j8. 6. and when they opposed 1. and blasphemed £1.25. that they kept /. from things offered to idols 23. 12. certain Jews bound /. under a curse, 21. 24. 15. a resurrection which they t. also allow liU. 25. and when they agreed not among i. 29. the Jews had great reasoning among t. Ktj;n.l.22.professing t.io be wise.they became fools 24. to dishonour their own bodies between 1 27 . receiving in t. that recompence of their error 2. 14. these not having the law, are a law to 1. 10.3. have not submitted t.lo righteousness of God 13.2. they that resist shall receive to t. damnation 1 Cor. 6. 9. nor abusers of t. with mankind .; Cor. 5. 15. should not henceforth live to 1. but lo 8. 3. beyond their power they were willing of i. 10. 12. measuring r. by t. comparing /. with 1. 11. 13. transforming i. into the apostles of Christ Sal. 6. 13. for neither do they /. keep the law Ji'pAA.l'J. who have given t. over to lasciviousness i-'/iil. 2. 3. let each esteem other better than 1. 1 Theis. I. p. for they /. shew of us what manner 1 Tim. 1. 10. them that defile 1. with mankind 2.9.women adorn t. in modest apparel, 1 Pel.Z.5 3. 13. they purchased to a. good degree and boldness 0. 19. laying up in store for t. a good foundation 2 Tim. 2. 25. instructing those that oppose t. 25. may recover/, out of the snare of the devil 4. 3. but they shall heap to (. teachers, having '■I'it. 1. 12. one of 1. even a prophet of their own Heb. 6. 6. seeing they crucify to /. the Son of God 1 Pet. 1.12. that not to /. but us they did minister S Pet. 2. 1. and bring upon t. swift destruction 13. sporting /. with their own deceivings while 19. they /. are the servants of corruption Jurfe 7. giving t. over to fornication, going after 10. they corrupt /. || 12. feeding /. without fear ly. who separate /. sensual, having not the Spirit See Gathkr, Hiue, Spread. THEN. Gen. 4. 2C. t. began men to call upon the Lord 13. 7- the Canaanite dwelt r. in the land 16. t. shall thy seed also be numbered 27. 41. t. will ] slay my brother Jacob 28. 21. ». shall the Lord be my God 44. 26. if our brother be with us/, will we go down 49. 4. /. defilest thou it ; he went up to my couch l^v. 26. 41. if/, their hearts be humbled, and they /. accept of the punishment of their iniquity 42. /. I will remember my covenant with Jacob iosh. 14. 11. as my strength was /. so is it now 12. if the Lord be with me, /. I shall be able Jtt(/;. 5.8. they choose new gods,/. was war in gales iAam.15.14. whatraeanetu /. this bleating of sheep 25. 31. /. remember thine handmaid 1 Ktn^i 8. 32. /. hear thou in heaven, 34, .3(), 30, 45,49. 22. 4( there was /. no king in F.dom, a deputy SKin^s 1« 10. /. let fire come down from heaven 8. 16. Jehoshaphal being /. king of Israel Q. 3. /. open the door and flee and tarry not 1 Chron. 11. 16. and David was /. in the hold 2CAroM.33.13. /.Manassehknew the Lord was God i^xra 5. 1. /. the propheis prophesied to the Jews 2. /. rose Zerubbabel to build the house of God Esth. 5. 9- /■ went Hanian forth that day joyful 14./. said Zcresh his wife, and his friends to him 7. 10. /. was the king's wrath pacified hb 3. 13. 1 should have slept, /. had 1 been at rest 11. 11, he seeth also, will he not /. consider it • C2. 26. /. shalt thou have delight in the Almighty 29. /. thou shaJt say there is lifting up 38. 21. knowest thou it, because thou wast /. born 617 THE P»al. 27. 10. /. the Loro will take me up 51. 13. /. will I teach transgressors thy ways 56. 12. was not an enemy, /. 1 could have borne it 69. 4. /. 1 restored that which I took not away 10'). 12. /. believed they his words, they sang 119. 6. /. shall I not be ashamed, when 1 have Prifv. 2.5. /. shalt thou understand the fear of Lord 9. /. shalt thou understand righteousness 24. 14. /. there shall be a reward, thy expectation /»a.32.l6. /.judgment shall dwell in the wilderness 38. 8. /. shall thy light break forth as the motning 9. /. shalt thou call, and the Lord shall a[>swer Jer. 4. 1. /. shalt thou not remove 11. 15. when thou dost evil, /. thou rejoicest 18. /. thou shewedst me their doings 23. 22. /. they should have turned them from 33. 26. /. will I cast away the seed of Jacob t.zek. 39. 28. /. shall they know that I am the Lord Dan. 5. 24. /. was part of the hand sent from him .Mai. 3. 16. /. they that feared the Lord spake often Mat. 5. 24. and /. come and offer thy gift 9. 15. /. shall they fast, Mark 2. 20. Luke 5. 35. 12. 29. /. will he spoil his house, Mark S. 2". 16. 27. and /. he shall reward every man according 17- 26. JesQS saith, /. are the children free 19-25. were amazed, saying, who /. can be saved r Mark 10. 26. Luke 18. 2(3. 21. 14. for a witness to all, /. shall the end come 21. for /.shall be great tribulation, such not since 26. 5f). /. all the disciples forsook him and fled Mark 12. 37. and whence is he /. his son.' 13. 14. /. let them that be in Judea flee to the mountains, Luke 21. 2U Luke 6. 42. /. shalt thou see clearly to pull out John 1. 21. he asked what /. art thou Llias.' 25. they asked him, why baptizest thou /. T 7. .33. and /. I go unto him that sent me 8. 28. /. shall ye know that I am he, and that I do Acts 2. .38./. Peter said to them, repent and be bapt. 41./.theythat gladlyreceived his word were bapt. 11. 18. /. hath God to the Gentiles granted, 26. 20. lioin. 6. 21. what fruit !jad ye /. in those things .' 7. 7. what shall we say /. is the law sin ? 9. 14. 8.17. if children, /. heirs, heirs ofGod, joint heirs 11. 5. so /. at this present there is a remnant I Cor. 4. 5. /. shall every man have praise of God 10. ig. what say I /. that the idol is any thing 13. 12. but /. face to face, now I know in part, /. shall I know even as also I am known 14. 15. what is it /. ? \\ 2 Cor. 12. 10. /. am 1 strong Ga/.2.21.come by the law, /. Christ is dead in vain 3. 29. if ye be Christ's, /. are ye Abraham's seed 4. 29. but as /. he that was born after the flesh t). 4. /. shall he have rejoicing in himself 1 3/i««.5..J./.suddendestructio.n Cometh upon them 2 T/iess. 2. 8. /. shall that wicked one be revealed Ileb. 7. 27. first for his own sins, /. for the people's 12. 8. /. are ye bastards, and not sons 1 John 3. 21. /. have we confidence towards God THENCE. Gen. 24.7. thou shalt take a wifc.to my son from /. 27.45. then 1 will send and fetch thee from /. 49 24. from /. is the shepherd, the stone of Israel Au»i. 13. 23. they cut down from /. a branch, 24. 23. 13. Balak said, curse me them from /. 27. Deut. 4. 29. if from /. thou shalt seek the Lord 5. 15. the Lord brought thee out /. 6. 23. | 24. 18. 19- 12. the elders shall send and fetch him /. 30. 4. from /. will the Lord gather thee, and from /. will he fetch thee, Ac/i. 1.9. 7«(/^. 19. 18. to mount Ephraini, from /. am 1 1 Ham. 4.4. might bring from /. the ark of the cove nant of the L. of hosts, 2 .!)'am.(). 2. 1 Chr. l.J.6. 1 Kings 2. 3ri. go not forth from /. any whither "King) 2. 21. shall cot be from /. any more death 23. and he went up from /. to Bethel 25. from /. to Carmel, and from /. to Samaria .8. the lepers carried /. silver and gold and hid it 2 Cliron. 26. 20. they thrust out Uzziah from /. Lira (i. 6. now therefore, be ye far from /. Isa. 52. 1 1 . depart ye, depart, go ye out from /. 65. 20. there shall be no more (. an infant of days Jer. 5. 6. every one that goes /. shall be torn 22. 24. were the signet yet would 1 pluck thee /. 36. 29. cause to cease from /. man and beast 37. 12. went forth to separate himself /. 43. 12. and he shall go forth from /. in peace 49- l(i. as the eagle 1 will bring thee down from /. Eiek. II. 18. shall take all abominations from /. llos. 2. 15. I will give her her vineyards from /, .imos 6. 2. from /. go ye to Uamath the great 9. 2. dig into hell, /. shal'. my h.ind take Ihciu, 3. 4. /. will I command the sword, it shall slay Obad. 4. among stars, /. will I bring thee down Mat. 5. 2(5. ihou shalt by no means come out /. 10. II. who worthy, and there abide, till ye go /. Mark (). II. when ye depart /. shakeoff the dust Luke 16. 26. tnat would come from /. to uscaimol THENCEl'ORlIl. Lev. 22. 27. /. it shall be accepted for you THE 2 Chron. 32. 2S. Herekiah was magnified frorj t. Mat. 5.13. is /. good for nothing, but to be cast Joti)t 19. 12. from /. I'ilate sought to release hiin THERE. Gen. 2. 8. /. he put the man whom he had formed 18. 28. if I find forty-five /. I will not destroy il 32. 29. he blessed him /. || 35. 7. /• God appears"! 49.31. /. they buried Abraham and Sarah, /. they buried Isaac and Rebekah his wif« Eiod.8. 22. Goshen, no swarms of flies shall be /. 15. 15. /. he made a statute, /. he proved them 17. 6. behold 1 will stand before /. in Horeb 24. 12. come up into the mount, and be /. 34. 2 34.28. and he was /. with the Lord forty days Lev. 8. 31. /. eat it y 16. 23. shall leave them /. Sum. II. 17. 1 will come and talk with thee /. 13. 28. moreover we saw the children of Ana4 /. 33. Deut. 1. 28. Jo.^h. 14. li. 20. I. and Uliriam died /. and was buried /. 26. and Aaron shall die /. 28. Deut. 10. 6. Deut. 4. 28. /. ye shall serve gods, work of men's hands, wood and stone, 28. 30, 04. Jer. I6. Li. 10. 5. and /. they be unto this day, Josh. 4. 0. 12. 5. your God shall choose 10 put his name c. 14.23. I 16. 2, 11. 1 Ai;igj8. 2y. | 9. 3. 31. 26. it may be /. for a witness against thee Jutlg. 5. 27. where he bowed, /. he fell down deai 7. 4. bring them down, I'll try them for thee /. 21. 9. none of the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead /. liuth 1. 17. where thou diest, /. will I be bunej I ■Xain. 1. 3k, the priests of the Lord were /. 4. 4. 28. and Hannah worshipped the Lord /. 11. 14. go to Gilgal, and renew the kingdom /. 15. /. they made Saul king before the Lord, S, they sacrificed, and /. they rejoicci 21. 7. a certain man of the servants of Saul /. 22. 22. 1 knew when Uoegthe Edomite was /. 2^am. 3.27. Joab smote Abner 1. under the fifth. rib 6.7-.God smote Uzziah /. and /.he died by ark of G 15. 21. eveu /. also will thy servant be 35. hast thou not /. Zadok and Abiathar 1 hmgi 8. 8. staves, and /. they arc to this day 11. 30. 1 have chosen to put my name /. 2 Kiu^i 23. 27. 2 Chron. 6. 5, 6. | 7. I6. Xeh. 1. 9 17. 4. I commanded the ravens to feed thee /. 18. 10. when they said he is not /. he took an oath J 9- 3. came to Beer-sheba, and left his servant / 2 Kingil. 21. Elishawent, and cast the salt in /. 4. II. became and lay /.||7.4. and we shall die / 7. 5. when they were come, there was no man / JO 1 Chron. 14. 12. when they left their gods, /. 2 Chron. 28. 9- but a prophet of the Lord was / 32. 21. they slew Sennacherib /. wiih the swopI Lira 6. 12. God hath caused his name to dwell /, Job3. 17. /. the wicked cease from troubling, and /. the weary be at rest 18. /. the prisoners rest together, and hear not 19. small and great are /. the servant is free from 23. 7. /. the righteous might dispute with him 35. 12. /. they cry, but none giveih answer ,39. 30. and where the slain are, /. is she Psal. 14. 5. /. were they in great fear, 53. 5. 45. 12. the daughter of lyre shall be /. with a gift 48. 6. fear took hold upon them /. and pain 66. 6. went through Hood, /. did we rejoice in him U^. 35. will build cities that they may dwell /. 87- 4. I'hilistia and Tyre, this man was born /. 6. 7- singers and players on instruments shall be/. 104. 2(). /. go the ships, /. is that Leviaih.iii 133. 3. /. the Lord commanded the blessing 139. 8. thou art /. || 10. /. shall thy hand lead m« Prov. 8. 27. 1 was /. 11 0. 18. that the dead are /, 26. 20. where no wood is, / the fire gotth out Led. 3. 16. that wickedness was /. iniquity was .-. 17' for there is a time /. for every purpose 11. 3. where the tree falleth, /. it shall be Cant. 8. 5. /. thy mother brought thee forth Isa. 13. 20. nor shall shepherds mike their f'uld<. 21. but wild beasts of the desert shall lie /. 22. 18. /. shalt thou die, and /. the chariots 23. 12. to Chittim, /. also shalt thou have no rest 28. 10. line upon line, here a little and /. a little 33. 21. /. glorious Lord will be a place of riven 35. 8. and an higliway shall be /. and a way 9. no lion, but the redeemed shall walk /. 48. 16. /.am I \\ 65. 9. my servant shall dwell /. At. U.22. is/, no balm in Gilead, no physician /. f 18. 2. /. will I cause thee to hear my words 20. 6. /. thou shall die, and shalt be buried /. 22. 26. another country /. shall ye die, 42. I6 27. 22. and /. shall they be till 1 visit them 38. 28. he was /. when Jenisalem was taken 42. 14. will go into Egypt, a.nd /. will we dwell 47. 7. against Ashkeloii, /. hath he appointed il / tek. 3. 22. go to the plain, 1 will /. talk wiih thc2 12. 13. he sh.ill not see it, though he shall die /. 17. 20. I HiW plead v/ith him /. for his trespass 20. 28. and they oflercd /. their sacrifices, /. they prescDtetl the provocation of their ofTerinj 35. and /, will 1 plead with you face to fact THE titl 80 41. 15 I. I hated them || 12. 4. I. he spake with us Jrel :i. 2. I will plead with them :. for my people /Imoj 6. 12 will one plow t. wilh oxen f 7. 12. into Judah, i. eat bread and prophesy i. [^UeA.lO.t. be delivered, /. Lord shall redeem thee Hep/i. 1. 14. the mighty man shall cry t. bitterly AJal. 2. 13. be thou t. till I bring thee word 5. 23. /. rememberest that thy brother hath ought 24. leave t. thy gift before the altar 6.31. where treasure is, t. will your heart be also K12. e shall be gnashing of teeth, 22. 13. | 24.51. 12. 45. they enter in, and dwelt /. Luie 11. 4(3. 18. 20. in my name, / . I am in the midst of them 42. 23. lo here is Christ, or t. Mari 13. 21. 25. 25. I hid thy talent, i. thou hast that is thine 27. 30. and sitting down, they watched him /. 28 7. in Galilee, i. shall ye see him, RJari l6. 7. Markl. 38. let us go, that I may preach t. also 6. 5. and he could i. do no mighty work, save that Lvie 10.6. and if the son of peace be /. your peace 12. 18. /. will I bestow all my frtiits and goods Jo/i!t 21 . 26. where I am t. shall my servant be 14. 3. that where I am, /. ye may be also jlcti 20. 22. the things that shall befal me /. C'2. 10. t. It shall he told thee of all things which Jioin. 9. 26. I. be called the children of living God ilcv. 21.25. for there shall be no night /. 22. 5. THEHEABOUr. Lute 24. 4. as they were much perplexed t. Hee Abode, Is, None, One, Stranu, Stood, Was. TilEREAT. Esod. 9.0. 19. wash their hands and feet, <. 40. 31. Ulat. 7. 13- and many there be which go in (. IHEKEBV. Oen.'ii. 14. /. shall 1 know thou hast shewed Lev. 11. 43 that ye should be defiled i. Joi 22 21. with God, /. good will come unto thee Prov. 20. 1. whoso is deceived /. is not wise Keel. 10. 9- cleaveth wood, shall be endangered t. lia. 33.21. nor shall gallant ships pass t. Jtr. 18. 16. passeth /. shall be astonished, I9. 8. 51.4'i. neither doth any son of man pass*. Lief:. 12. 5. dig ihroughwall and carry oat. 12. 33. 12. he shall not fall /. || 18. he shall die t. 19. and do what is lawful, he shall live /. Zec/i. 9-2. and Ilamalh also shall border 1. .lolin 11.4. that Son of God might be glorified t. Eph. 2. 16. by the cross, having slain the enmity t. lie/i. 12. 11. yields to them who are exercised t. 15. root springing up, and /. many be defiled 13. 2. for /. some have entertained angels 1 J'ei. 2. 2. milk of the word that ye may grow». THEREFORE. 0>)i.2.24./.shaU a man leave his father and mother 17- 9. God said, thou shalt keep my covenant 1. 42. 21. guilty, 1. is this distress come upon us t'rorf, 1. 20. /. God dealt well with the midwives 4. 12. t. go II 5. 8. they be idle, 1. they cry, 17. J2. 17. t. shall ye observe this day, 13. 10. 16. 29. '• he giveth you on the sixth day Sread 31. 14. ye shall keepthe sabbath /. for it is noly Xcf.l 1.44. ye shall /.be holy, 1 am holy,45. | 21.6. 18. 25. /. I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it 26. ye shall /. keep my statutes and judgments 30./. keeii my ordinances, 19.37. | 20.22. | 22-9. 25. 17. ye shall not /. oppress one another, but fear Anni. 3. 12. / tlie Levites shall be mine Vcui.S.lii.i. the Lord thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath-day, 15. 11, 15. | 24.18,22. 28. 4K. /. tliou shalt serve thine enemies JiiJg. 11.8. /. we turn again to thee now 1 ■bowi. 1. 28. /. also 1 have lent him to the Lord 28. 18. /. hath the Lord done this thing to thee 2 .^lam. 6. 23. /. Michal had no child to her death 1 A»H5i2.2. be strong/, and shew thyself a man 20. 42. /. thy life shall go for his life, and people 2 Kings 1.6. /. thou shalt not come down, id. 19. 18. /. they have destroyed them I Cnro«.10.14. /. he slew Saul, and turned kingdom 2C/iroti. 7. 22. /. hath he brought all this evil 30. 7. 1, gave them up to desolation, as ye see Se/i. 2. 20. /. we his servants will arise and build 13. 28. /. 1 chased him from me .foA 21, 14. /. they say to God, depart from us 35. 14. judgment is before him, i. trust in hira 42. 8. I. lake unto you seven bullocks, seven rams I'm/. 10. 9. /. my heart is glad || 31. 3. r. lead me 367./. tiie children of men put their trust in thee ,4,S 2. /. God hath blessed thee for ever 7 /. God hath anointed thee with oil of gladness 6m THE Ptal.45 17 /.shall theirtope praiife thee lor ever 55. 19. have no changes, /. they fear net God 6.H. 7. /. in shadow ol iby wmgs 1 will rejoice 73. 10. /. his people return hither gi. 14. set his love on me, /. will 1 deliver him 106 23. /. he said, that he would destroy them 116. 10. I believed, /. have I spoken, 2 Cor. 4.13. 119 104. I. I hate every false way 129 are wonder, /. doth my soul keep them 131^ j9. depart from me /. ye bloody men I'rov. 17. 14 /. leave off contention before it be LVc/.5.2.God is in heaven, /. let thy words be few 8. 6. /. the misery of man is great upon him 11 . /. the heart of men is set in them to do evil Isa. 3. 17. /. the Lord will smi'e wuh a scab 10. 16. /. the Lord of hosts shall send leanness 24. 6 /. hath the curse devcured the earth 42.25. /. he hath poured the fury of his anger 59. 16. '• his arm brt,aght salvation unto him Jer. 6. 15. /. they shall fall among them that fall 40. 3. ye obeyed not, /. this thing is come on you Lam. 3. 24. Lord is my portion/, will I hope in him Jotui/i 4. 2. /. I fled before unto Tarshish Zec/i. 1. 16. /. I am returned to.Ierus. wilh mercies 7. 12. /. came a great wrath from the Lord ^Jal. 3. 6. /. ye sons of Jacob are not consumed .^Jal. 5. 48. be ye /. perfect \\ 10. 31. fear ye not /. 19. 6. what I. God hath joined together let not 27. we have forsaken all, what shall we have /. .' 24. 42. watch /. 44. I 25. 13. Mari 13. 35. 28. 19. go ye /. teacn all nations, baptizing them AJait 1. 38. /. came I forth jj 12. 37. yet /. do err Lukei. 43. for /. am I sent|| 6.36. be ye/, merciful 11. 19. by whom /. shall they be your judges 49. /. also said the wisdom of God, 1 will send 14. 20. I married a wife, and /. I cannot come 20. 15. what t. shall the Lord of the vineyard do unto them r Mark 12. 9. 33. /.in the resurrection whose wife of them is she John 3. 29. this my joy /. is fulfilled 8. 47. ye /. hear them not, because not of God 9. 41. but ye say, we see, /. your sin remaineth 10. 17. /. doth my Father love me, because 1 lay 12. 50. what 1 speak /. as Father said, so I speak 15. 19. 1 have chosen you, /. the world hateth you .hts 3. 19. repent ye /. and be converted, that your A'um.4.22./.itwas imputed to him for righteousness 12. 20. /. if thine enemy hunger, feed him 1 Cor. 6. 20. /. glorify God in your body and spirit 12. 15. not the band, is it/, not of the body, 16. 15.58. /. be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always 2 Cor. 8.7. /. as ye abound in every thing, in faith Bpli, 5. 7- be not ye /. partakers with them 21. /. as the church is subject to Christ, so wives 2 'Vim. 1.8. be not /.ashamed of the testimony of L. See Now. THEREFROM. Josh. 23. 6. that ye turn not aside /. to right or left 2/ii»£/3.3.sinsof Jeroboam.he departed not /.1 3. 2. THEREIM. Gen. 9. 7. multiply /. || 18. 24. for fifty righteous /. 23. 11. the cave that is /. 1 give it to thee, 17, 20. 34. 10. the land before you, dwell and trade /. 21. Ejod. 16. 24. neither was there any worm /. 31. 14. doth any work /. be cnt off, 35. 2. 40. 3. shalt thou put /. the ark of the testimony 9. anoint the tabernacle and all /. I^i\ 8. 10. Lev. 6. 3. sinning /. || 7. done in trespassing /. 13. 21. no white hairs /. || 37. black hairs /. 18. 4. ordinances to walk /. Judg.^.1^. ha. 42.5. 22. 21. perfect, there shall be no blemish /. 23. 3. ye shall do no work /. it is the sabbath of tl.e Lord, Deiu. 16.8. A'«m. 29.7. Jer. 17.24. 7- ye shall do no servile work /. 8, 21, 25, 35. 36. Aum. 28. 18. | 29. 35. 25. 19. shall eat your fill and dwell /. in safety A'um. 13 20 whether there be wood /. or not 16. 7. put fire /. and put incense in them, 46. Deui. 7. 25. nor take it, lest thou be snared /. 13. 15. destroy all that is /. Josh. 10. 28,39. 15. 21. if there be any blemish /. if it be lame 17. 19 he shall read /. all ihe days of his life 20. 1 1. people that is found /. shall be tributaries 29 23. nor beareth, nor any grass groweth /. Josh. 1.8. thou shall meditate /. day and night 6. 17 the ciiy and all /. shall be accursed, 24 1 hings 8. 16. an house, that my name might be ( 2 /iin»j2. 20. bring me a new cruse, and put salt/ 1 Chron 16. 32. let the fields rejoice, and all that is /. Lsat. 96. 12. Ezra 4. 19. rebellion and sedition been made (. AVA. 6. 1. wall, that there was no breach left /. 7. 4. city was large, but the people were few t. 5. found it written /. 13. 1. || 8. 3. he read /. 9. 6. made the earth, the seas, and all that is /. EsaU 24. 1. I 69. 34. I 9«-7- Joi 3. ". night solitary, let no joyful voice come /. yo. J8. restitution, and he shall not rejoice /. I'sal, 37. 29 tne righteous shall dwell /. for ever 69. 36. and they ibat love his name shall dwell /. THE Psal. 106. .34. a fruitful land into barrenness, foJ wickedness of them Ibat dwell /. Jer. 1^.4. Ill 2. sought out of all that have pleavure t 119 .35 thy commandments, /. do 1 deiight 146. 6. God who made the sea and all /. is. Act^ 14. 15, I 17.24. liev. 10. ti Proi. 24. 14. shall fall /.26.27. Joan. 3. 13. the^ brought /. men before the king 21. /. men were bound [] 27. princes saw /. men 6.2. over /.Darius set three presidents, Daniel first 11. then /, men assembled, and found Daniel, 15. 7. 17- / great beasts, which are four, are four kings Hag. 2 13. if one unclean by a dead body touch /. 6ech. 1. 9. I will shew thee what /. be, 4. 5, 13. 19. I said to the aingel, what be /. .' 21. | 4. 12. Mat. 5. .37. what is more than /. comelh of evil 6. 29. Solomou was not arrayed like one of /. 21. 16. they said, hearest thou what /. say '' 22. 40. on /. commandments hang all the law 23.23./. ought ye to have done, and not leave other 25. 40. as you have not done it to the least of / 45. as ye did it not to one of the least of /. 46. and t. shall go into everlasting punishment ;f). 62. what is it which /. witness r Mark 14. fio, Mark 12.31. no other commandment greater than / 40. I. shall receive greater damnation 13. 2. Jesus said, seest thoa /. great buildings ? Luke 1 19. and am sent to shew thee /, glad tidings 3. 8. that God is able of /.stones to raise up children 9..44. let /. sayings sink down into your ears Jo'in 1 . 50. tho3 shall see greater things than /. & 3. in ( laT a creat multitude of iicpi'tent folk 619 TKE /o<»5 19. what he doth, t doth the Son like^vise 20. he will shew him greater works than / 0. 5. whence shall we buy bread that /. may eat ^ 7.31. and said, will he do more miracles than /. .' 17. 20. neither pray 1 for /. aloue, but for them 25. and /. have known that thou hast sent mc ^18. 8. if therefore ye seek me, let /. gotheir way 21. 15. Simon, lovest thoa me more than / / .icii 1. 21. of/, which compaoied with us 24. shew whether of / two thou hast chosen 2. 13. others said, t. men are full of new wine 3.24. all prophets aive likewise foretold of/ days 4. 16. saying, what shall we do to /. men ? 5. 3(i, before /. days rose up Theudas, boasting 38. refrain from / men, and let them alone 10.47. can any forbid that/, should not be baptized 17 6. /. that have turned the world upside down 11. /. were more noble than those in Ibcssalonica Rom.Q. 14. /.having nut the law, are a law to thems. 11. 24. how much more shall /. be graffed 31. even so have /. also now not believed 1 Cor. 12 23. upon /. we bestow more honour 13. 13. /. three, but the greatest of /. is charity 2CV.7 7. having/ promises,let us cleanse ourselves C'al, 2. 6. but of/, who seemed to be somewhat CV/.4.n. /. onl}' are my fellow-workers to kingdom 1 Tim. 3. 10 and let /. also first be proved, then 2 Tim.i.'il. if a man purge himself from /.he shall //tii. 9 23. patterns should be purified with /.but heavenly things with better sacrifices than / 10. 18. now where remission of/, is, there is no 2 Pet. 1 4. ly /might be partakersof divine nature 2. 12. but /. as brute beasts made to be taken Jude 14. Enoch also prophesied of /. saying, behold 19. /■ be ihey who separate themselves, sensual Rev. 11. (J. /. have power to shut heaven, that it 14. 4. /. were redeemed [] IT. 13. /. have one mind £2. 6. he said, /. sayings are faithful and true See Aboki.nations. THESE are, or are THESE. Gen. 38 25.by the man whose t.are || 48. 8. whose /.a. Ezod. 6. 26. /. are that Aaron and Moses, to whom 21.1./. are the judgments, /Lfi. 26. 46. Detit. G. 1. Lev.WMl. I. are unclean 1)23.2. t.are my feasts, 4. Num. 22.9. and God said, what meaaret. with thee Dent. 22. I7. :. are the tokens of her virginity 1 Kin^s, seiisua'. Rei\ 1.7. /. who pierced him, kindredssliall wail 3.4j'or?. arc worthy, I6.C. 1)7 13. whence lame /. 7. 14. these are /. who came out of great tribulal 14. 4. for /. are virgins, these are /. which follow the Lamb whithersoever tie gocll 12. here are /. that keep ihe commandments 21. 27. but / that are written in Lamb's book IHICK. Dent. 32.15. thou art waxen fai, thou art grown t 2 Ham. 18.9. thf mule went under the /. boughs 2 Ain»/8. 1 5. he took a/, cloth and dipt it in water ;Vt7/ H. 15. fetch branches oil. trees 10 make booths J06 15. 26. runneth on the /. b055es of his bucklers I'sal. T* 5. as be lifted up axes on the / trees Ezek. (). 13. ilieir slain ihall be under every /. oak 19. 11. her stature wasexalied among/, br.uichis 31. 3. bis top was among the /. boughs, 10, 14 IJni. 2.6. to him that ladelh himself with/, claj /.11UH.29. when people were gathered / together Ute CLOtMi', D.^BKNtss. IHKKEK. I Kinfs 12. 10. say to them, my little finger shall be /. than my father's loins, 2 Chrou. 10, 10 llllfKET. Gen. 22. 13. a ram caught in a /. by his horns Jer. 4. 7 the lion is come up from his t. THK KETS. I Sam. li.C. I'jr. did hide themselves in /. in rock» l.a. V.IB. wickedness Uiall kindle in the / of £ansl THI lin. JO 34. he snail cut down ihe t of ihe forest Jer 4 29- the whole city shall Hee aud go into/. THICKNESS. 1 KingsT +46. cast them in the /. ot the crouiiil 2 Chron 4. 5. the I. of the sea was an hand-breadth Jer. 52 21. the I. of the pillari was tour fingers Ezek. 41. 9. the I. of the wall was five cubils 42. lO. the chamhtrs were in the /. of the wall Zec/i. 14. t 6. the li^ht shall not be clear, nor i. THIEF Signifies, [1] One tUat takes aisay auv thing nn- tau fully from aneilter, uliether privateh or no- itntlif, Job 30. 5 Luke 10. 30. [2] A ie- ducer who by false doctnnei sleuls from the ihurch of Ood the true mear%ing of the scrip- ture, John 10. 10. [3] Such as etercise fraud- ulent dealing and unla:eful gain. Mat. 21 13. £jod. 22 2. if a /. be found breaking up, 7- 8. if the t. be not found, then the master of honse DeutMi. 7 be found stealing, then that t. shall die Job 24. 14 the murderer in the night is cis a < 30.5. they cried after them as alter a t. Ptal. 50 18. when thou sawest a t. then thou Prov 6 30 men do not despise <.if he steal lonatisfy 29. 24. whoso IS partner with a t. hateth his soul Jer S, S6. as a 1. is ashamed when he is found Hot 7. I. the t. Cometh in, and robbers without Joel e.g. they shall enter at the windows like a /. Hech. 5 4. it shall enter into the house of the 1. it/a/. 24. 43. what watch t. woald come, LiUe 12.39 26. £5. are ye come as against a /. with swords and .staves to take me .' Mark 14. 48. Luke 22. 52. iMke VI. 33 in heaven, where no t. approacheth Jolrn 10 1 by the door, the same is a /.and a robber 10 the /. comeih not but to steal and to kill 12 C but because he was a /. and had the bap > Thess 5 2 day of the L. cometh asa/. 2Pe/.3.10. 4 that that day should overtake you as a /. 1 Pri. 4 15 but let none of you suffer as a /. tin 3 3.1 will coaie on thee as a t. 16. 15. IIHEVES. ha. 1 23. thy princes are companions of/. Jer. 48 27. was not Israel found among /. T 49- 9. if /. by uight, they will destroy, Obad. 5. Milt. 19 and uhire /. break through and steal •i'O and where / do not break through nor steal ej.LT.made it a den of / Mark W.ll. f.uke I9.46. £7. 38 two /. cruc-fied with him, Mark 15. 27. 44. the /. also cast the same in his teeth LvJce 10 30. went down to Jericho and fell among /. 35 whichwas neighbour to him that fell among /..' John 10 8, all that ever came before me arc /. 1 Cor. 6 10. nor /. inherit the kingdom if God THIGH. Cen. 24 2. put thy hand under my / 9 | 47 29. 32.25 he touched the hollow of Jacob's / ■11 and as he passed he hailed upon his /. 4^. i 2t), that came out of Jacob's t. Exod 1. + 5. A'k«! 5 21. the Lord makethlhy /. torot, 22, 27. Judo 3 16. Ehud did gird a dagger on his right / 21 Ehud took the dagger from his right /. 6 130. Gideon had seventy sons going out of his /. 15 B and Samson smote them hip and /. Psat 45 3. gird thy sword on thy /. O most mighty Cant 3 8 every man hath his sword on his /. ifa. 47 2 uncover the /. pass over the rivers Jer 31 19 I was instructed, 1 smote upon my /. J^zek. 21 12 cry and howl, smite therefore upon /. 24. 4. gather the / and shoulder into the pot liev. 19. 16. he hath on his / a name written THIGHS. Ezod.QS 42 breeches shall reach from loins to the/ Cant 7 1- the joints of thy /. are like jeweis Van 2. 32 his belly and his / were of brass THIN. Gen. 41 6. and behold seven /. cars, 7, 23, 24. 27- the seven t kine are seven years Ercd 39. 3. they beat the gold into /. plates Lei , 13 30 and there be in it a yellow ( hair 2 Sam. 13. + 4. why art thou /. from day to day > I Kings T. 29- certain additions made of /. work Ita 17.4. the glory of Jacob shall be made /. 'JIHNE. Gen. 14 23. 1 will not take any thing that is /. 20.7. thou shalt die, thou and all that are /. 31. 32. discern what is /. with me and take it 33. t 9. Esau said, be that to thee, that is /. 48 0. and thy issue after them shall be /. Lev 10. 15. it shall be /. and thy sons with thee, i\um. 18. 9, n, 13, 14, 15, 18 A'uw 22. 30. h.-ist ridden on ever since I was /. Veut 1'5. 3. what is /. with thy brother, release 28. t M. shall beget sons, but they shall not be » 30.4 if any of /. be driven into outmost parts /oj/i.47.18. but the mountains shall be /. and thi out-goings of it shall be / Jude. 15 12. her younger sister, let her be /. 1 Ham. 2.33. the m.m of /. whom I shall not cut off 15. 28. and hath given it to a neighbour of /. t.Sa>n. 16.4./. are all that per;ained to Mephibosheth THI 1 Kings 3.86. let it neither be mine nor /.but divide 20. 4. O king. I am /. and all that I have 2 1.1 9. in the place dogs shall lick thy blood.even /. 1 Chron. 12. 13. /. are we, David, and on ihy side 21. 24. for I will not take that which is /. 29. 11. f. Lord, is the greatness, power, and the glory, the earth is /. *. is the kingdom Psal.Tl. 16. mention thy righteousness even /.only 74. '-fi the day is / the night also is /. 89. 11. tne heavens are /. the earth also is /. 119. 94. I am/, save me, I sought thy precepts Isa. 45. 14. the labour of Egypt shall be /. 63 19. we are / thou neve.- rarest rule over them Jer 32 8. for the right of inheritance is /. Mat. 6. 13 /. is the kingdom II 20. 14. take that is /. 25.25. nid thy talent, lo, there thou hast that is /. Luke 4. 7. if thou wilt worship me, all shall be /. 5. 3:i. but /. eat and drink [] 15. 31. all I have is /. 22. 42. nevertheless, not my will but .'. be done John 17. tj. /. they were || 9- ior they are /. 10. aud all mine are /. and /. mine THING. Gen, 21. U. the /. was very grievous to Abraham 24. 50. the /. proceedeth from the Lord 34. 7. which /. ought not to be done, 2 Sam. 13. 12. 19. the young man deferred not to do the /. 38. 10. aud the /.which he did displeased the Lord, 2 iiarn. 11. 27. 41. 32. because the /. is established by God J^rod. 10. 15. remained not any green /. in the trees 18.11. in the /. wherein they dealt proudly he was 17- .lethro said, the /. th.it thou doest is not good 22. 9. for any manner of lost /. which another 15. if it be an hired /. it came for his hire 34. 10. a terrible /. that I will do with thee Lei-. 2. 3. a /. most holy of your offe.-iiigs, 10. 4.13. and the / . be hid from the eyes of assembly 6. 2. trespass in a /. taken away by violence 4. tne /. deceitfully gotten, or the lost /. 12. 4. she shall touch no hallowed /. nor come 20. 17 it ii a wicked /. they shall be cut off Num. 16.30. but if Lord make a new /. earth open Deut. 1.14. the /. which thou hast spoken is good 12. .J2. what/, soever! command you, observe 13. 11. if it be truth, and the /. cert.iin, I7. 4. 18. 22. if the /. follow not, nor come to pass 32. 47. it is not a vain/, for you, it is your life Josh. 6. 18. keep yourselves from the accursed /. 22. 33. the /. pleased the children of Israel Judg. 8. 27 which /. became a snare to Gideon 19. 24. but unto this man do not so vile a /. Rii/h 3. 18. till he have finished the /. to-day 1 Sam. 3.11. behold, I will do a /. in Israel at which 17 what is the /. that the Lord hath said to thee ! 4. 7. there hath not been such a /. heretofore 8.6. the /. displeased Samuel, when they said 14. 12. come up to us, and we will shew you a /. 18. 20. they told Saul, and the /. pleased him 2 Sam. 13. 33. let not my lord take the /. to heart 14. 13. wherefore hast thou thought such a /. .' 18. hide not the /. that I shall ask thee 15 35 what /. thou shalt hear, tell to Zadok 17. 19 she spread corn, and the /. was not known 1 Kings 14. 5. the wife of Jeroboam cometh ta ask /. 2 Kings 2. 10 Elijah said, thou hast asked a iiard /. 7 19- make windows in heaven, migTit such ac be 20. 9. have this sign, that the Lord will do the / 1 Chr, 13.4. /. was right in the eyes of the p;ople 17- 23. let the /. thou hast spoken be established 2 Chror: 2g. 36. for the u was done Suddenly 30. 4. the /. pleased the king aud congregation Lzra 7. 27. hath put suc/i a /. in the king's hear Esih 2. 4. the /. pleased the ting, and be did so 22. the /. was known to Mordecai, who told it 5.14 the /. pleased Haman, and he caused gallows 8. 5. and if the /. seem right before the king Job 3.25. the/. I greatly feared is come upon me 4. 12. now a /. was secretly brought to me 6 8. O that liod would grant nie the /. I long for 13. 28. he as a rotten /. consumeth, as a garment 14« 4. who can bring a clean /. out of an unclean? £2.28. thou shalt decree a /. it shall be established 23. 14. he performeth the /. is appointed for me 26. 3. how hast plentifully declared the /. as it is f 42. 7. not spoken of me the /. that is right, 8. Psal. 2. 1. why do the people imagine a vain /. .' 33. 17. an horse is a vain /. for safety 38. CO. because I follow the /. that good is 89. 34. nor alter the /. that is gone out of my lips 101.3. I will set JO wicked/, before mine eyes Prai, 4. 7. wisdom is the principal /. therefore get 22. 18. for it is a pleas.int /. if thou keep them 25, 2. it is the glory of Ciod to conceal a /. Eccl. I. 9. the /. that hath been, it is that which shall be, and there is no new /. under the sun 7. 8. better is the end of a /. than the beginning 8 1. and who knowelh the interpretation of a /..' 15. a man ha;h no better/, than to eat and drink 1 1 . 7. a pleasant /. it is for eyes to behold the sun Ita. 7. 13. is it a small /. (nr you 10 wearv men THI Tjj. 15.0. there is no gree.i r.^ 17, 13. a rolling 29 16. shall the /.framed say of him that framed 21. that turn aside the just for a /. of nnughi 40. 15. he taketh up the isles as a very Utile / 41. 12. and they sl.a'l be as a /. of nought 43. ly. I will do a new /. it shall spring forth 55. 11. it shall prosper in the /. whereto 1 sent it 66.8. who hath heard such a /. who hath seen Jiir. 2. 10. consider, and see if there be such a /. 5. 30. a horrible /, is committed in the laud 11. 13. ye set up altars to 'hat shameful /. 14. 11. they prophesy unto you a /. of nought 18. 13. the virgin of Israel haih done a horrible/ 23. 14. I have seen in the prophets a horrible / 31. 22. Lord hath created a new /. in the earth 38. 14. I will ask thee a /. hide nothing from me 42.3 that God may shew us the /. that we may do 4. that whatsoever /. the Lord shall answer you 41. 17. we will do what/, goeih out of our moutb Xa»(.2.13. what /. shall I lake to witness for thee . what /. shall 1 liken to thee ? Ezek. 14. 9. if deceived when he hath spoken a /. 16. 47. but as if it were a very little /. Dan. 2. 5. the king said, the /. is gone from me, 8 11. and it is a rare /. that the king requireth 15. Arioch made the /. known to Daniel 17. Daniel made the /. known to llananiat 4. 33. the same hour was the /. fulfilled 5. 15. could not shew the interpretation of the , 26. ihis is the interpretation of the /. Mene 6. 12. the /. is true, according to the law 10. la/, was revealed to Daniel, and the /. was true, and he understood the /. and the vision IIos. 6, lu. I have seen an horrible /. in Israel 8. 12. but they were counted as a strange /. .Imos 6. 13. ye which rejoice in a /. of nought il/«/. 1.14. and sacrificeth to the Lord, a corrupt /. Mark 1.27. what /.is this.' whai new doctrine is this' Luke 12. 11. how or what /. ye shall answer Johti 5.14. sin no more, lest a worse /. come 10 thee 9. 'JO. the mail said, herein is a marvellous /. /icis 10. 28. it is unlawful /. for man that is a Jew 17. 21. but either to tell or hear some new I 21. 25. have written, that they observe no such /. 23. 17. for he hath a certain /. to tell him 25. 26. of whom I have no certain /. to write 20. 8. why should it be thought a /. incredible ^ 10. which /. I also Old in Jerusalem, and many iCowj.9.20.shall /. formed say to him that formed iC 1 Cor. 1.10. 1 beseech that ye all speak the same 4. 3. with me it is a very small /. that I be judged 8. 7. some eat it as a /. offered unto aii idol 2 Cor.5.5.hath wrought us for the self-same /. is G. 7.11. this self-same /. that ye sorrowed after Phil. 3. 16. nevertheless, let us mind the same /, 2 TAess. 1. 6. seeing it is a righteous /.with God IJei. 10. 29. the blood of the covenant an unholy/ 31. a fearful /. lo full into the hands of living G 1 Pet, 4. 12. as though some strange /. happened 1 Jo/()t 2. 8. which /. is true in him, and in you Pen. 2.15. doctrine of Nicolaitans, wb-ch /. 1 hate See AccfRSEU. Any niliiG. Gen. 14. 23. I will i>ot take a?iy I. that is thine 18. 14. is any I. too hard for the Lord 19J2'J. cannot do any t. till thou be come hither 22. 12. neither do thou aiiy I. unto the lad 30. 31. Jacob said, thou shalt not give me any t. 39- 9- neither hath he kept back any I. from me 23, he looked not to any t. under his hand Exod, 20. 4. thou shalt not make unto thee any likenessof fltiy /. Veut. 4. 18,23, 25. | 5.8. 17. nor any /. that is thy neighbour's, DeM/.5.21. Lei\ 6. 7. forgiven him for any t. he hath done 13. 48. in any t. made of skin, 49, 52, 53, 57, 59. 15. 6. that sitteth on any t. whereon he sat, 23. 10. who touchcthuny /. that was under him, 22. 19- 26. ye shall not eat any t. with the blood 21. 18. or that hath any t. superfluous, 22, 23. Auni. 20.19.1 will go thro' without doing a»iy /.els» 22. 38. have I now any power at ail tosay any /« 35. 22. cast upon him atiy t. without laying watt Vtul. 4. 32. if there hath been any such /. as thi.'i 8. 9. thou shalt not lack any /."in the land 14. 3. thou shalt not eat any abominable t. 21. ye shall not eat a)iy t. that dieth of itself 16. 4. nor shall there oiy /. of the flesh rem?Ja 23. 19. usury of any t. that is lent upon usury 24. U). when thou dost lend thy brother any 1. 31. 13. their children who have not known anv t. Josh. 21.45. there failed not ought of any /. spoii Judg. 11. 25. art thou anyt. better than Balakr 18. 7- that might put them to shame in any t. lO.a place where there is no want of any /. 19.1'f 1 Sum. 3. 17. God do so to thee, if thou hide any t. 20. CO. but Saul spake nt>t any t. that day 39. but the lad knew not any t. only Jonathan 21. 2. let no m,-in know any t. of the busiiuji 2'J.15. let not the king impute any /. to his 25. 15._ wc were not hurt, neither niissed we an;/ t. THI i Sa>n. riO.ig.there was not lacking ant/t. had taken i Sam. 13.2. he thought it hard to do any t. to her I5.ll.they went in simplicity ,they knew not any t X Ki>tgt 10. :«. there was not a. I. hid from the king 15.5. turned not aside from any c. commanded CO. ."53. whether any I. would come from him 'i Kings 4. 2. hath not any t. save a pot of oil 1 Chron. 26. 28. whosoever hzUh dedicated any t. 2 Chron. 33. 32. if thou hast any I, to say, answer me Psal.3i.\0.that seek L. shall not want any good t. 141. 4. incline not my heart to any evil /. £fc/.l. 10. anv f. whereof it may be said, this is new 3. 14. nothing be put to it, norajij^ I. taken from it 5. 2. heart not be hasty to utter any t. before God 9. 5. dead know not any t. nor have they a reward Jer. X.. 27. is there any t. too hard for me ? 38. 5. for the king is not he that can do a7iy t. 42.21. UOT any I. for which he hath sent me to you Dan. 3. 29. which speak any I. amiss against God Jonah 3. 7. let neither man nor beast taste any t. Mat. 18. 19. if two shall agree touching any t. 24. 17. to take any t. out of his house,. UarX- 13.15. ^ark 4. 22. nor was any I. kept secret, Luie «.17 9. 22. if thou canst do any t. have compassion on us •11. 13. if haply he might find any t. thereon 16. 8. neither said they any I. to any man J^tiie 19. 8. if I have taiten any I. from any man 22. 35. lacked ye any I. ? and they said, nothing John 1. 3. and without him was not any t. made 46. can there any good t. come out of Nazareth > 7. 4. there is no man that doeth any t. in secret 14. 14. if ye ask any t. in my name, I will do it Acts\0. 14. I have never eaten anyt. common 17. 25. as tho'he needed any I. seeing he giveth 25. 8. nor against Cesar, have J offended anyj. 11. or if I committed any i. worthy of death itom. 8. 33. lay any t. to the charge of Go^'s elect 13. 8. owe no man any t. but to love one another 14. 21. nor any t. whereby thy brother.slumbletii X Cor. 2 2. nor to know any i. save .lesus crucified 3.7. neither is he that planteth any t. nor watereth 8. 2. if any man think that he knowcth any 1, 10. 19. what say I then r that the idol is any t. 14.35. if learn any I. let them ask their husbands i Cor. 2.10. to whom ye forgive a7iy /. I forgive, for if I forgive atiy 1. 1 forgave in the person of Christ 3. 5. not sufficient to think any t. as ourselves 6. 3. giving no offence in any t. that the ministry 7. 14. for if I have boasted a7iy t. to him of you •Gal. 5. 6. neither circumcision availeth any t. nor .£pA. 5. 27. not having wrinkle, or any s'lch /. Phil. 3. 15. if in any t. ye be otherwise minded 1 Thess. 1. 8. so that we need not to speak anu t. 1 Tim. 1. 10. and if there be any other t. contrary Jam. I. 7. that he shall receive any t. of the Lord 1 John 5. 14. if we ask any I. according to his will Rev. 9. 4. that they should not hurt any green r. 21. 27. in no wise enter any 1. that defileth Every THING. Gen. 6. 17. every t that is in the earth shall die 8. 1. God remembered Noah and every living t. 9 3. eve'y moving t that liveth shall be meat Lev. 15. 4. every t. whereon he sitteth, unclean £0. every 1. she sitteth on shall be unclean 23. .37. ye shall offer every I. upon his day 27. 28. ei'try devoted /. is most holy to the Lord Num. 18. 14. toery t. devoted in Israel shall be thine, Esei. H. 29. ' 15. every t. that openeth the matrix be thine 31. 23. every I. that may abide fi.-e, make it go Ueu/. 23. 9. then keep thee from every wicked t. Josh.i. 10. the priests stood till every f .was finished 1 Sam. 15. 9- every t. that was vile they destroyed 2 Sam. 15. 36. send unto me every t. ye can hear Esth. 6. 13. told every t. that had befallen him Job 28. 10. and his eye seeth every precious t. 39. 8. and he searcheth after every green t. 42. 2. I know that thou canst do every t. Ptttl.l50.6.\etevery t. that hath breath praise Lord Prov. 27. 7- to the hungry every bitter c. is sweet Eccl. 3. 1 . to every t. there is a season and a time il. hath made every t. beautiful in his time 12. 14. work into judgment with «^'^ry secret t. l:a. 19.7. every t. sown by the brooks shall wither Eiek. 47.9. every t. shall live where rivers come Mat, 8. 33. told every t. and what was befallen 1 Ctfr. 1.5. in every t. ye are enriched, C Cor. 9. 11. ECi)r.8.7as ye are hound in eveiy t. in faith.in love 10. 5. and every high t. that exalleth itself £ph. 5. 24. be subject to their husbands in every I. Phil. 4.6. in every e. by prayer and supplication THI i. Thets. 5. 18. in every I. give thanks, for this is ■'i'ee Cheeceth.Creei'ing, Evil, (JooD, Gkeat, Holv, Light, Living, O.nk. Small. That IIIING. ■Gsj. 18. 17. hide Irotu Abraham i/iai i. which I do Exod. 9. 6. and the Lord did that t. on the morrow Lev.5.5. shall confess that he hath sinned in that t. Dent. 17. 5. which have committed that wicked t. Luke 9. 21. he chjo'ged them to tell no man that t. 12. 26. if ye be not able to do that 1. which is least Wum.l4.22.not himself in that t. which he alloweth This THING. Gen. 19.21. I have accepted thee concerning this t. 20. 10. sawest thou that thou hast done this 1. 21. 26. I wot not who hath done this t. neither 22. 16. done this t. and not williheld thy son 30. 31. if wilt do this t. I will again feed flocJc 34. 14. we cannot do this I. to give our sister 41. 28. this is the /. I have spoken to Pharaoh 44. 7. that we should do according to t/iis t. Exod. 1. 18. why have ye done this t. and saved 2. 14. and Moses said, surely this t. is known 15. Pharaoh heard t/iis t.he sought to slay Moses 9. 5. to-morrow the Lord shall do this t. in land 12. 24. observe this I. for an ordinance to thee 16. 16. this is the t. which the Lord commanded, 32. I 35. 4. Lev.H. 5. | 9. 6. | 17. 2. Am/, 30. 1. I 36. 6. Dent. 15. 15. [ 24. 18, 22. 18. 14. what is this t. thou dost to the people .' 18. this t. is too heavy for thee, thou art not able 23.ifthou shall do thist. and God command thee 29. 1. this is the /. that thou shall do to them 33. 17. I will do this t. that thou hast spoken Num.32. 20. if ye will do this t. if ye will go armed 36. 6. this t. Lord commands abcmt daughters Deut. 1.32. yet in this t. ye did not believe God 15. 10. for this t. the Lord thy God shall bless thee —2. 20. if this t. be true, and tokens be not found 32. 47. thro' this t. ye shall proiong your days Josh.Q. 24. we were afraid, and have done t.his t. 22. 24. have not rather done it for fear of this t. Judg. 6. 29. they said one lo another, who hath done this 1. 1 Gideon hath done this t. .11. .37. let this <.be done for me, let me alone 20. g.Jthis shall be the t. which we will do 21. 11. and this is the t, that ye shall do 1 ■b"aw.20^2.why should my father hide /./.from me 24. 6. the Lord forbid that I should do this t. 26. 16. this t. is not good that thou hast done 28. 10. no punishment happen to thee for this i. 18. Lord haih done this t. unto thee this day 2 Sam. 2. 6. requite, because ye have done this t. 11. 11. as thy soul liveth, I will not do this t. 25. say to Joab, et not this 1. displease thee 12. 5. the man that hath done this t. shall die 6. because he did this 1. oud had no pity 12. but I will do this I. before all Isr. and the sun 13. 20. he is thy brother, regard not this t. 14.13. the king doth speak this t. as one faulty 15. I am come to speak of this t. unto the king 20. my lord, thy servant Joab hath dene this t. 24. 3. why doth my lord the king delight in this t. ? 1 Kings 1. £7. is this t. done by my lord the king r 3. 10. pleased Lord that Solomon had asked /.<.ll. 11. 10. had commanded him concerning this t. 12. 24. return every man, for this t. is from me 30. made two calves, and this t. became a sin 13. 33. after this 4. Jeroboam returned not 34. this t. became sin to the house of Jeroboam 20. 9- tell my lord the king this t. I may not do 24. do this t. take the kings away, every man 2 A'in5x5.18.in thist. the Lord pardon thy servant 6. 11. the king of Syria was troubled for this t. 7. 2. Lord would make windows, might this t. be 11.5.M)>isthe the /. that ye shall do, 2 C/i-.-.23.4 17. 12. the Lord had said, ye shall not do ihist. 1 Chron. 11. 19. God forbid that I should do this t 21. 3. why then doth my lord require this t.? 7. and God was displeased with this t. 8. I have sinned, because I have done this t. 2 Chrun. 11.4. return every man,r/;i>/. done of me 16. 10. was in rage with him, because of this t. Ezra 9. 3. when I heard this t. 1 rent my garment 10. 2. there is hope in Israel concerning this t. ] 3. we are many that have transgressed in this t. AV/i. 2.19. what is this t. thai ye do ? will ye rebel Isa. 38. 7. Lord will do tliis t. that he hath spoken Jer. 7. 23. but this is the t. that I command them 22. 4- if ye do 1. 1. indeed.then shall enter in kings 40. 3. therefore this t. is come upon you 16. Gedaliah said, thou shalt not do this t. 44. 4. oh do not this abominable t. that I hale ISlark 5.32. he looked to see her that had done this t. Luhel. 15. and see r. which is come 10 pais 22.23. which of them it was that should do (AiV /. John 18. 34. sayest thou this t. of thystlf- Acish. 4. why ha:', thou conceived this t. in heart ? 26. 26. for this t. was not done in a corner Horn. 13. 6. attending continually upon this very /. 1 Cor. 9.17. if I do this t. willi^igly, I have a reward 2 Co". 12. 8. for this t. I besought the Lord thrice l'hil,l.6, being confident in this very/, that he who 3. 13. b\it this one t. I do, I press toward the mark I'nclean THING. Lev. 5. 2. or if a soul toucb auy uncleunt. 7- 2J. THI i«r.7. 19. flesh that loucheih une/ean /.notbeeatcj 20. 21 . take his brother's wife, il is an unclean t. Deut. 23. 14. that he see no unclean 1. in lhe« Jndg. 13 4. and eat not any unclean t. 7, 14. 2sa. 52. 11. touch no unclean t. 2 Cor. 6. 17 64. 6. we are all as an unclean t. we all do fade Acts 10. 14. have never eaten any t. that is unclean THINCJS. G\h. 15. 44. K. and Aciizib, cities of.Judah 1 b.tii. 23. I ih' Pnilisiines figh' against K. 4. ari>e, go i .wn to K || 5. Davju saved K. 6. wtieii Aiiia liar son of Ahiinele h fleJ to K. 1 1, will the men of K. deliver me to Saul - 12. Sell. 3. 17. th.- ruler of half part of K. repaired, 18. KE.NA/, .Ve Othniel. KEM IKS. Gen. 15. 19. unto thy set-d have f given the K. Sun. 24. 21. Balaam looked on the K. and said 1 Srt,aiil saia lothe K. depart Icjt I destroy 27. 10. 1 made a road against the south of the K. KEinorn. Jer.iS 24. judgment income on K. ||41. K. is taken Amos i. 2. a fire shall devour the palaces of K. KEII'RAIL Gen. 25.1. Abraham took a wife, her name was K. 4. all these were cliildren of K. 1 Chr. 1. 32,3!. KIDRON. .See Brook. KIR. 2 Kin;s 16 9- he carried the people captive to K. Jsa. 15. 1. in the night K of Moab is laid waste 22.0. Elam bare the quiver, K. uncovered shield .imos 1. 5. the Syrians shall go into captivity to K. 9. 7. have I not brought the Assyrians from K. .' KIR-HARASEIH. 2 A'jnjx 3. 25. only in K. left they the stones Isa. 16.7. for the foundations of K. shall ye mourn 11. mine inward pans shall sound for K. KIKIAIIIAIM. Gen. 14.5. Chedorlaomer smote Einim-ln ShavahK. Je/-.48.1.thussaith Lon!,l\.iscoiirounded and taken 23. judgment is come cuon K. and Beth-gamul KIRJAlll-ARBA. Gen. 23.2. Sarah died '11 K. the same is Ilebrin in Canaan. Josh. 14 15. | 20. 7. Jud-. 1. 10 KIRIAIM-JEARLM. Josh. 9. 17, K. a city of the llivites made peace 15. 9. the border was to Baalah, which is K. Co. 18.14. which is K. a city of Judah, 1 CAro?i. 13. ti. 1 •iijni..7.1 .the men of K.came and fetched thf ark 1 Chron. 13. 5. to bring the ark of God I'rom K. 2 Chron. 1. 4. David had brought the ark from K. MSIl. 1 Sam.^.\. a man of Benjamin whose name was K. 3. the asses of K. Saul's father were lost, 14..51. 10. 11. what is this that is come to the son of Iv. - 1:1. and Saul the son ol K. was taken •" Sam. 21. 14. they buried .Saul in sepulchre of K. i C^r. 8.30. K. the sonofCiibenii||3i.Ner begal K. 23.21. K. son of iMahli || 2 Chr. 29.12..son of Abdi /.'j/A.2.3.Mordecai,sonof Jair,of.Shimei,son of K. Acts 13. 21. God gave them Saul the .son of K. KirriM. Gen. 10. 4. sonsof Javaii, I'arshish, K. 1 Chr. 1.7. See CHtTTiM. KOIIAITI. Gf« 46.11. the sons of Levi, (ier.shon, K, and Me. rari, t.jod.6. 16. Num. 3.17. Esod. 6. 18. the son* of K. A'um. 3. 10, 27, 29. 30. I 16. 1. 1 Chron. 6. 2.':2, Ol. the years of the life of K . were 133 year-. A'«i77.4. 2. lake the sum of the sons of K. of Levi 4 this be the service of the sonsof K. 15. | 7.9 1 Chro'i. 15.5. of the sons of h. Uriel the chief KOIIAIIll I ES. Num. 4 18. cut ye not off the family of.the K. 34. .Muses andA.ilon numbered the sons of K.37. 10.21. ihe K. set fcnard bearing the sanctuary Joi/i. 21. 4. the lot came out for 1\. 1 ('/iron 6. 5i 2 C7ifu«,29. 12. the sons of K. sanctified themselves 34. 12. the sons of the K . to set the work forward KORAII. Gen. .36. 5. Aholibamah bare K. 1| |5. duke K. 18. I jod. 6. me 2t..go lip to L. and cry, lift up thy voice in liashaa i.:ik. 17.3 a great eagle, long-wiiiged, came to L. 31. 15. and I caused L. to mourn lur him U.'' 14 5. he shall cast forth his roots as L. 6. his smell as L. ||7. the seem as the wine of I.. .\u'<. I 4. I'.ashan and the (lower of L. languishatH llab. 2 17. the violence of L. snail cover iht-^ ^.tih. 111. 10. 1 will briiigilieni into the land of L. U. I, ypiiu Ihy i. 11. the sons of L. HicJ. 6. 16. A'i<»i .'5. 17. 4V.5.SimeoD,L are brethren.instruments of cruelly Etod.6 16. the y»arsof thelifeof L. were 137 years aVKwi.lC.T.ye take too much up-Mi you, ye sonsef L. Cfi. 59. Amram's wife Jochcbed, daughter of L. Dnii. 10. 9. L. hath no part wiih his brethren SI. 5. the priests the sons cf L. shall come near 33. 8. of L. he said, let thy Thummim and Urim J A'lnjt IC. .11. made priests which were not of L. iC/iron. 81.6. but L. and Benj.imin counted he not Ezra 8. 15. I found there none of the sons of L. PsaJ. 135. 20. bless the Lord, O house of L. /itei. 40.46. thesonsof Zadok among the sons of L. 48. 31. one gate of Judah, odr gaie of L. Zeih. 12. 13. tlie family of the house of L. apart Mai. £. 4. that my covenant might be with L. 8 ye have corrupted the covenant of L. 3. 3." aod he shall purify the sons of L. Mari 2. 14. he saw L. the son of Alptius sitting Lnie^. 24. -Matthat, which was the S(.oof L. 29. 5.27- he saw a publican named L. sitting at 20. L. made him a great feast in his own house Ha/i. 11.43. theL.andEihiopians shall beat his steps LO-AMMI. JJos. 1.9. call his name L. for ye are act my people LOIS. 8 'i'tm. i. ^. which dwelt in thy grandmother L. LO HUHAMAH. IJoi. 1.6 God said unto Jticn, call her name L. 6.when she had weanedL.she conceived and bare LOT. Oen. 11. 2T. Ilaran begat L. || 31. Terah took L. 12. 4. Abrani departed, L. went with him, 13. 1. 13. 5. L. hti'l flocks ][ 14. 12. they took L. prisoner 7.WV1S a strife between herdmen of Abram and L, 11. then L. chose him all the plain of Jordan 13. 1. L. sat in the gate of Sodom ; L. seeing them 10. pulled L.into honbe|tl5.the angels hastened L. ?9. God sent L. ont of the midst of the overthrow 36. both the daughters of L. were with child /)««<. 2.9. I have given Ar to the children of L.19. Ptal. 83. 8. they have holpen the children of I^ LuieX'. 28. likewise as it was in the days of L. 32. remember L. wife 2Pel.i.T. deliv. just L. vexed with filthy convers, LUCAS. P/ii7<»i.2t.Marcus, Demas, L.my fellow-labodrers LUCIFER. iia. 14. 12. how art thou fallen from heaven, O L. LUCIUS. jitis 13. 1 . L. of Cyrene was a teacher at Antioch Ram, 16. 21. L. lason and Sosipater salute you LUKE. (^^1 4. 14. L. the beloved physician grceteth you 2 Titn.i.ll. onlyL.ii with me,bring Mark with thee LUZ. («Ti.28.19. the city was called L.at first./urf; 1.23. 35. 6. Jacob came to L. in the land of Canaan 48.3.G. Almighty appeared to me at L.in Canaan LVCAOMA. .jCtli 14 e.they fled to Lystra and Derbe.citits of L. 1 1 .lili op iheir voice*, saying in the speech of L. LTDDA. y#f/< 9. 32. Peter came down to the saints at L. .*;. ai! that dwell u L. turned to the Lord 746 MAN AcisQ. 38. forasmuch as I., was nigh to Joppa I.VDIA. Esek. 30. 5. L. shall fall with them by the sworii LVDIA. Acts 16.14. I . worshipped (iod. heart Lord opened 40.theywei t out ami entered into the house uf L. LVSANIAS. f^ute 3. l.in leign ofTiberius.L.tetrarch of Abilene LYSIAS. Actsii.iG h. nnto the most eicellent Felix LVSTKA. Acit 14. 6. they were ware of it, and fled ujto L. 8. a certain man at L. impotent in his feet 16. 1. laul came to L. |j2. by the brethren at L. 2 Tim. 2.11. afflictions which came unto me at L. M MAACHAH. Gi!n.22. 24.R«umah N ahor's concubine bare M. 2 .'>'a/n. 3. 5. M. mother of Absalom, 1 Chron. 3. 2. 1 Kin^s 15.2. M. the mother of Abijam.the daugh- ter of Abishalom, lo. 1 CAroa. 11.22. 1 Chron. 2. 48. M. Caleb's concubine 7. '16. M. the wife of Machir bare Peresh II. 43. Ilanaa the son of M. was a valiant man MAASEIAII. 2 Chrcn. 28.7. Zichri slew M. the king's son Seh. 10. 25. Rehom and M. sealed the covenant .hr. 21.1. Zephaniah the son of M. 2LI. 25. | 37.."!. CO. 21. sailh the Loi:d of Zedekiah son of M. 32.12. to Baruch son of Neraiahson of M. 51. 59- 35. 4. above the chamber of M. son of Shallum MAATII. Luk? 3 C6. Naagp, which was the son of M. MACEDONIA. .'icts 16. 0. saying, come over into M. and help us 18. 5. Silas and I imotheus were come from M. 'y. 21. Paul proposed, when passed through M. lion. 15. 26. for it halh pleased them of M. '1 Cor, 7. 5. when we were come into M. 8 1. grace of God bestowed on the churches of M. 9 2. for which I boast of you to them of M. 4. lest if they of M. find you unprepared 11. 9- brethren which came from M. supplied 1 Thess. 1.7. ensaiDples to all that believe in M 8. from you sounded out the word, not only in M. 4. 10. towards all the brethren that are in M. MACHIR. Gen. 50.23. M. the son of Manasseh, Xum. 32.39 Sum, 26. 29. M. begat Gilead, 27. 1 . | 36. 1. Josh. 17. 1. .32. 40. Moses gave Gilead nnto M. Deui. 3. 15. Jutig, 5. 14. out of M. came down governors 2 Sam. 9- 4. M. the son of Ammitl, 5. I 17. 27. MACHPELAII. Gen. 23. 9- that he may give me the cave of M. 17. 19. Abraham buried Sarah in the cave of M. 25. 9. buried Abraham in JI.||49 30. Jacob, 50. 13. MAG DA I^. Mat, 15. 39. Jesus came into the coasts of M. MAGOG. Gen. 10. 2. the son of Japheth, M. 1 Chron, 1. 5. Etei. 28.2. set thy face against the land of M. 39. G. I will send a fire on M. and in the isles liev. 20. 8. to gather Gog and M. to battle MAIIANAIM. Gen. 32. 2. Jacob called the name of the place M. JujA.21 38. out of Gad to Invites, M. 1 CAr. 6.80. 2 .Sum. 2. 8. Aimer brought Ish-boshelh to M, 17- 24. then David came to M. 27. 19. 32. Barzillai provided sustenance at M. 1 kings 2. 8. Shimei cursed me when I r.cat to M. 4. 14. Abinadab the son of Iddo and M. MAHEU-SHALAI^IIASII-BAZ. Isa. 8. 1. write in the roll concerning M. 3. then said the Lord to me call his name M. MAIILON. liuth 1.2. Elimelech's sons, M. and Chilioa 5. M. and Chilion died also both of them 4.9. that I have bought all that was M. 10. Ruth the wife of M. have I purchased MALCHAM. Zfp/i, 1. 5. that swear by tlie lord and by M- MA LCI I US. John 18. 10. the servant's name was M. MAMMON. .l/a«.6 24.no man can serve two masters, ye cannot serve God and M. Luke I6. 13. Luke 16.9. make friends of M. of unrighteousness 1 1 .if not faithful in ttie unrighteous M who will MAMRE. Gf^l. 13. 18. Abram dwell in the plain of M. 14. 13. 14.24. Eshcol, M. let them take their portion 18. 1. the Lord appeared to Abraham in M. 23. 17. Wachpelah before M. 19- | 49- 30. | 50.13. 35. 27. Jacob came to Isaac his father to M. MA^AE.^■. Jleti 13. 1. M- who had been brought up with H. MATT MANAS.«EII. Gen. 41. 51. Joseph called the first bom ^f. 48. 5. thy two sons M and Ephraim are min» 20. in thee shall Israel bless, God make thecal Ephraim and M . and he set Ephr.iim before 2d.. Sum. 1. 10 of .M. Gamaliel was prince 7. 54. Gamaliel prince of .M . offered on eighth daj 26. 31. these art the families of M. 27. 1. 36. 12. they were married into the family of M Deut. 33. 17. they are the thousands of M. Joih. 14. 4. of Joseph were two tribes, M. Ephraim 17. 2. these were the male children of M. 3.Zelophehad son of M had no sons but daughter! 5. there fell ten portions to M. beside Gilead (i. the daughters of M. had an inheritance ll.M. had in Issachar, Beth-shean and Ibleam 12. cliildrenof JI. could not drive out inhabitants Jtidg. 6. 15. beuold, my family is poor in M. 18. 30. Jonathan son of GersLom, son of M. priest 2 KuL^s 20. 21. M. his son reign»d, 2 Chron. 32. 33, 21. y. and M. seduced them to do more evil iQ.M.shed innocent blood, till he filled Jerusalem 23. 12. the altars M. made did Josiah beat down 26. provocations that M.had provoked him withal 24. 3. for the sins of M. this came upon Judah ]';/i/-on.9.3.in Jerusalem dwelt of the children ofM. l~. 19. ana tnere fell some of Al. to Da«. 9. 21. M. shall eat Ephraim, Ephraim M. ./<' .15.4. cause them to be removed, because of M. h'.:ek. 43. 4. to the west side a portion for ftl. ^Jat, 1. 10. Ezekias begat M. and M. begat Amoa Tribe 0/ MANASSEH. .Vmwi. 1, 35. numbered of the /rii^n/M. 32,200 2. 20. by Ephraim shall be the Irtbe ofiil. and tha captain of the children of M. Gamaliel, 10. 23 15. II. of the lube o/.M. GaddiJ34.2S. Ilanniel .(2. 33. to half tribe o^M. the kingdom of Og 3k 14. half /rii5<l 1. 3. all the power of Persia and M. 14 seven princes of Persia and M. saw the king 18. the ladies of M. shall say this day to princes 10 2 written in the book of the km^s of M. Jifl.'ei. 2. besiege, O M. all the sishin? ceaseth Dan 8.20. the two horns are kings of M. and 1 ersia MEGIDDO. JuJe 1. 27. the Canaanites would dwell m M. 5.19 the kings ofCanaan fought by the waters ofM. 1 A'i>.?x4.12.to Baana pertained Taanach and .M. 0. 15. Solomon raised a levy to build M. ■ih'mgsQ. 27. Ahaziah fled to M. and died there £3 20. Josiah was slain at M. 30. 2 Chron. 35 MEGIDDON. Zech 12 11. as the mourning in the valley 01 M. MELCIU. Luie 3.24. Levi, which was the son of M. MELCUIZEDEK. . Cen. 14. 18. king M. brought forth bread and wine Ptal. 1 10.4. thou art a priest for ever after the order of M. //«*.5.6, 10. I 6.20. 17- >7.'-l. Hei. 7. 1. this M. king of Salem, priest of Ood JO. in the loins of his father when M . met hjm 11. a prijst should arise after the order of M. ti after the similitude of M. ariseth a priest MEMPHIS. Jlot 0. 6. Egypt shall gather them, M. shall bury « Kins-- 15. I't. >I • """'« Shallum in Samaria If) M. smote Tiphsah fl 20. M exacted money MENE. Dan 5 ii M. M. God hath numbered thy kingd.-O. MEPHIBOSHEIH. iSam 4 4 Jonathan had a son, his name w.is M. q lo'. but M. shall eat bread at my tafle. 1 1 . 12 M had a voung son Micha; all th.u dwelt in the'houie of /iba were servants to M. IC. 4. bfhoio, thiue are all that pertained unto M. 746 MID 2&im 10 25 whereforewenust thou notwith me,M.. '1 7 but the king spared M. the son of Jonathao 8 king took two sons of Riipah, Armoniand M. ^ MERAB. 1 Sam 14.40. Saul's eldesldaughterM. 18. 17. 18 10 when M. should have been given to Uaviil ■ ''' MERARI. Gen. 46.11. the sonsof Levi, Gershon Kohath M. Exod 6 16. Aum. 3. 17. 1 Chr. 6. 1, 0. | 2J. b Exod. 6.19. the sons of M. Mahal.. Mush., .W 3. 20. 1 CAr^n.e. 19.29. | 23.21. 24.20. A'um 3 36. under the charge of the sons OfM. 4 42 were numbered of M. H 10. 17.M.set lorward 7. 8. wasgons and oxen given to 'b^ «>ns of M Jc.h 21. ;. cities given to M. 40. 1 Chr. 6. 63, 77. MERCL'RIUS. Actsli 12 Paul called.M .because the chief speaker MERIBAH. Exod 17.7. he called the name of the place M A'um. 20. 13. this is the water of M^ 27. 14. 24 rebelled at water of M. t)i. /«, 30 1. M. sent letters and a present to Hezekiah ■ MEROM. Josh. 11. 5. they pitched at the waters of M. 7- MEROZ. , , , , , Jud' 5. 23. curse ye M. said the angel of the Lord MESHACH, See Abed-NE*JO. MESHECH. Gen 10. 2. M. the son of Japheth, 1 CAron. 1.5. I Chron. 1. 17. the sons of Shem, Gether, and M. Psal 120. 5. wo is me, that 1 sojourn in .M. Etek 27 13. Tubal and M. were thy merchants 32. 26. there is M. \\ 38. 2. chief pnnce of M. 3. 39 1 I am against the chief prince of M.andlubal ^ ilESOPOTAMIA. Gen 24 10 Eliezer went to M. to the city of > ahor Deut. 23. 4. they hired Balaam of M. to curse thee Juds. 3. 8. Chushan-rishathaim king of .M. 10. Lord delivered the king of M. to Israel IC'Ar. 19.6. AmmoD sent to hire chanou out of M. Acts 2. 9. the dwellers inM. we hear in our tongue 7. " the God of glory appeared to Abraham in M. MESSIAH, See Appellattva. MEIHEG-A-M-MAII. "Sam 1. David tOok M. from the Philistines METHUSELAH. Gen. 5. 81. Enoch begat M. |125. M. begat Lamech 27. all the days of M. were 909 years 1 CUron. 1. 3. Henoch, M. Lamech Luke 3. 37. Lamech, which was the son ot M. Judg 17. 1. a man of mount Ephraiin called W. 5. the man M. had an house of gods I'' M. consecrated the Levite for his priest 18. 4. thus dealeth M. H 31. they set up M image 1 Chr b 5 M. his son, Keaia his son, Baal h.s son 8. 34. Merib-baal of Benjamin begat M 9. 40 35 the sons of M. Pithon. and .Melech, 9- 41. 9. 15. Mattaniah the son of M. son of Zicbri "Chron 34. 20. Josiah sent Abdon the son of M. A>A 10. 11. M. Hehob sealed the covenant Jer 26.18.M. the Morasthite prophesied in the days of Hezekiah, Zion shall be plowed, Mic. 1. 1 . MICAIAH. 1 Kintsll 8. M. the son of Imlah, Q. 2 Chr. 18. 8. 24. Zedekiab smote M. on the cheek ^ 26 lake M. carry him to Amou, 2 Chr. 18. .3,.5. MICHAlAll. Neh 12. 35. son of M. to give thanks. 41. MICHAIAH. 2 Chron. 13. 2. Abijah's mother was M. of L riel 17 7 . Jehoshaphat sent M . to lead, cities ol Judal. Jer 36 11. M. heard what Baruch had read, U. , ■ ■ MICHAEL. Van 10 13. M. one of the chief princes came "1 none holdeth with me but M. vour prince _ 1" 1. at that time shall M. stand up for the peop.e Judi 0. yet M. the archangel, contending will, de^il Rev 12 7. M. ana angels fought against the dragon MICHAL. 1 Sam. 14. 49. 5=a"l'» younger daughter M. 18 20. M. Saul's daughter loved David, 2d. 1.)! !2 so .M. let D.^v,d down through a window 13. M. took an image and laid it .n the bed C5 44. Saul had given M. Dav.d'. wile to I »:all. " 6am. 3. 13. except thou first briug M. 14 deliver me mv wife M. whom 1 espoused 6 16. M.Saul's daughter U«.k.d through a"'"/!';"' and saw king David dancins. 1 Chron. 15. .J- 23. therefore M. had no chila to her dealt. 2 1 8 k.ng look hve sons of M brought up for Adriel MIDI AN. Fiod 2. 15. but Moses dwelt in the laud of M. IH. 1. Jeihro priest of M. heard all tiod had done \tun "2 4 Moab said to the elders of M. 25 15 Cojbi daughter of ZurcfachiefhousemM. MOA [PbOPBR I74UB9, Num 3l.3.1et them go and avenge the Lord yi M 8 thev slew the kings of M. beiide the rest 9' Israel took all the women of M. captives Jude. 6. 1. the Lord delivered them 10 M. 2. 7. 14. for into his hand hath God delivered M. 8 22. thou hast delivered us from M. 9. 17. 28 thus was .M. subdued before Israel 1 Kingi 11. 18. some Edomites arose out of M. Isa 9.4 thou hast broken the yoit, as in day OfM. 10' 26. according to the slaughter of M. at Oreb 60 6. the dromedaries of M. shall cover thee Uab 3 7 the curtains of the land of M. did tremble MIDIANIIES. Gen 37 28. there passed by M. merchant-men 36. the M. sold him inlo Egypt to Potiphar Num.25.17.vex the M.pi.2.avenge Israel of theM. Judr 6. 7. Israel cried to ih* Lord because ol M 16 and thou shall smite the M. as one man 7 23. the men of Israel pursued after the M^ 25. they took iwo princes of the M. Ureb, Zeeb B I. when thou wenlejt to fight with the M. Ptal 83. 9. do to them as to the M. ai to Sisera MIDIAMTISII. A'um. 25. 6. behold, Zimri brought a M. woman 15. the name of the M. womau was Cozbi MILCAH. Gen 11 29. M. daughter of Haran, Nahor s wiU "2 20' M. also bare children to Nahor, 23. "4' 15. BethuelsonofM. thewifeof Nahor yum 26 33. Zelophehad'sdaughur's name was M. MILCOM. i A-.n»/U. 5. Solomon went after M. god of Ammon 33. "they have worshipped M- g«d ol Aminon " kina 23. 13. which Solomon had builded for M. * MlLETUM. ' Tim. 4. 20. Trophimns have 1 left at M. sick MILETUS. .icti 20. 15. and the next day we ca-i.e to M. 17 from M. "ne sect to Ephesui to the elder* MILLO. Jud' 9. 6. all the house of M . gathered together SO. but if not, let fire devour the hou:.e of M^ 2 Sam. 5. 9. David buUt round about from 11. 1 Kingsg. 15. the reason of the levy to build M. 24. "then did Solomon build M. 11 27. 2 Kinit 12 20. they slew Joashin the house ol M. * MIRIAM. Exod 15 20. M. took a timbrel in her hand Sum' 12 1. M. and Aaron spake agaiust Mo$e» '* 10 behold. M. became leprous white as snow 15..M.was shut up seven days il SO.l.M.diedlheri 26. 59 to Amrar. were born Aaron, Mo»ej,M. Deui 24 9. remember what G . did to .M .by the way Mtc 0. 4. 1 sent before thee .Moses, Aaron, and M. MISHAEL. £x.>,<.6.22.andthesoL$ of Uziiel, M. ElzaphaJi and Zithri, Lev. 10.4. A'eA. 8.4. on Ezra's leflhand stood M.and llashum Dan 1 6 ol the children of J udah, M. and AiariaU MIZAR. Pial 42 6. I will remember thee from the hili 01 .M. MiZl'AH. Gen. 31. 40. the name of the heap was called M. 1 AiHi:/15".22. king Asa built with those stones Gcbaof Benjamin and M. 2 CAron. 10. 0. • h'ingt 25. 23. Ishmael the son of >elhaniaa came to Gedaliah to M. Jer. 41. I \eh 3.7. the men of Gibeon and .M. repaired 15. Shallum ruler of .M . 1| 19 . l-*"/" '" ''' 'V,' Jer. 40. 6. then Jeremiah went to t.edi.iah to .M. 10 as for me, behold, I will dwiU at .M. 41 S. Ishmael slew all the Jews that »ere at M. 14. lshm.iel had rarritd away captive Irom M. Uoi. 5. 1. because ye have been a snare oa M. .'MlZl'EH. Josh. 15. 38. Dilcan and M. cuios of Judah 18. 26. .M. Chephirah cities of Benjamin Judf. 10. 17. Israel assembled and encamped in .M 11. 11. Jephihah uticred all his words :o .M. 1 20. 1. Israel was gathered to the Lord m M. 215. ihatcame not up to the Lord to .M. shall d:« I .bum. 7. 5. Samuel said, gather all Isra.l to M. 6. and Samuel judged Israel in .M. 10. 10.17. Samuel called the people ti. the UrdloM. 22 3. David went thence to M. of Moab M.NASUN. ^m21 16. Ihey brought M. an old d.scipU MOA IS. Gen 19 37. Lot's eldest daughter's son was M. .36. 35. smote M.dian in field of M. 1 C'Ar. 1. 40 hxod. 15.15. trembling shall take hold on men ol M .\um. t\. 29. wo to thee. M. Jtr. 48. 46 2-'. 3. M. was sore afraid, and .M. w.-isdislresse*. 24. 17. a sceptre shall smite the curneis of M. 25 1 . people commit whoredom with datight. of M D#«/. 2.1U. thou art to p^s through the coast of A. 34 5 so Moses died there in the land of M. Judg. 3. 29. they ilew of M. about lO.OoO men 30 10 M was subdued under the hand of lir»t» 10 6 Itrael served the gods of Syria and M PaoPER Names.] MOS JuJf. 11. 15. Israel took not away thelrmdof M. liuiii I . 'i. l-.li.m-li-cb came inlo the country of M, 4. his sous took them wives of the woniiM) of .M. 1 Sam. 14. 47- Siul fought ijainsi M. a.nd Ammiii tHam. B. C. David smote J], and measured ihcui C.l. SO. Benaiah slew two liou-like men of .M. 1 Ai«»» 1 J.7. for Chemosh the abomination of SI. S Ai«{j 1.1. then M. rebelled against brael 3.7. wilt thou go with me against .M. to battle ' 23. the kings are slain, therefore M. to the spoil 1 CAf»M.4.2'.'. Saraph, who had the dominion in .M. 18. II. the silver aod gold he brought from M. 2 Chimi. 20. 1. .M. came against Jehoshaphat 10. behi)ld, how the children of M. reward us yth. 13. 23. .lews that had married wives of SI Vial. (M. 8. SI. is my wash pot, 108. 9. ii3. 8. .M. is confederate against thee l^a. 11. 14. tbey shall lay their hand upon M. 15. 1. the burden of SI. Arof .M. laid waste, 16, 13. Jet. 4«. 1. Etek. C5.8. Amos i.<2. 5. my heart shall cry out for SI. his fugitives 16. 6. we have heard the pride of .M. Jer. 48. 29. 1 1. my bowels shall louod like an harp for SI. 14. and the glnry of M. shall be contemned 25. 10. M. shall be trodden down under him JtT. y. 26. I will punish Eevpt, Judah, and SI. 25. 21. I made F.dom and .M. todrink of the cup 40. II. all the Jews returned from SI. 48. 2. there shall be no more praise of SI. 9. give wings to M.that it may flee and get away 11. SI. hath been at ease from his youth 20. tell ye it in Arnon, that M. is spoiled 26. M. shall wallow in his vomit, be in derision 33. joy and gladness is taken from the land of SI. 19. how haih .M. turned the back with shame ! 47. yet will I bring again the captivity of .M. JImoi 2.2. but I will send afire upon .M.au'd devour ^<7'/i.2.9.saith the Lord, surelySI. shall be as Sodom See King. SIOAEIJE. Vtul. 23. 3. a M. shall not enter into the congre- gation to tenth generation, AVA. 13. 1. 1 Ckrm. 11.46. Ithmah the SI. a valiant man S10ABirE.S. Cin. 19. .'i7. the same is the father of the M. lUul. 2. 9. the Lord said, distress not the M. JiiJf. 3. 28. the Lord hath delivered the SI. to you 2 Sam. 8. 2. so the M. became David's servants and brought gifts, 1 Chrou. 18. 2. 1 Ti'ingt 11. 1. Solomon loved women of the .M. 33. they worshipped Chemosh gnd of the .M. 2 A'iH?x3. 18. he will deliverthe Sl.intoyourhanJ 24. the Israelites rose up and smote the SI. 13. 20. the bands of the .SI. invaded the land 24. 2. the Lord sent against him bands of the SI. £tTa 9- 1. according to the abominations of the SI. MOABITESS, See Ruth. MOLECII. t*».18.ni . shall not let thy seed pass thro' fire to SI. 20.2. whosoever he be that giveihof hisseed to SI. shall surely be put to death. 3, 4. J«r.S2. 35. 1 Kittys 11. 7. Solomon built an high place for.M. £ Ai«»j23. 10. no man make his son pass thro'to .M. SIOLOCII. .4»7ioj5.26.havebornethetabernacleofSI..r4c»j7.43. MORDECAI. F.tra 2.2. SI. cameup vith Zerubbabel, Keh.T. 7 Etili. 2. 5. there was a Jew, whose name was M 19. then SI. sat in the king's gate, 21. '.'2. the thing was known to SI. who told it 3. 5. when Maman saw that M. bowed not 6. for they had shewed him the people of SI. 4. 1. SI. rent his clothes, and put on sackcloth 0. Ilatach came and told Esther the words of .M. 15. Esther bade them return .M. this answer 5. 13. so long as I see M. the Jew at the kine'sgate 14. gallows made, that M. may be hanged thereon 6.3. what honour hatb been done to M. for this? 10. make haste, and do even so to M. the Jew 7. 9. the gallows which Ilamao had made for M. 8.2. the king took off his ring and gave it to SI Esther set SI. over the house of Ilaman 15. SI. went out from the king in royal apparel 9. 3. because the fear of M. fell upon them 10. 3, .M. the Jew was next to king .Ahasuerus MORIAH. C^n. 22. 2. and get thee into the land of .AI. 2 Chr. 3. 1. Solomon huilt the house of Lord in SI MOSE.S. F.Tod, 2 10. Pharaoh's daughter called his name SI. 14. SI. feared, and said, this thing is known 15. Pharaoh sought to slay SI. but SI. fled 3 4. the Lord called to him and said, SI. SI. G. M. hid his face, he was afraid to look on r,od 4. 14. the Lord's anger was kindled against SI 27. go to meet M. || 1 1. 3. SI. was very great 5. 2€. .M. returned onto the Ixird and said 8.13. accord, to word of SI. 31. | 9.12,35. j 12. .-ij 10. 22. M. stretched forth his hand toward heaveo 14jl.p»of)leb«li«»td the Lord and his servant M 747 MOS N.ap Ejod. IS. 24. the people murmured ag. .Al. 17. 3.11 Cor 10. 2. were all baptized to .AI. in the cloud 16. 20._notwitlistand_ing they hearkened not to .M.JSCV. 3.7. Israel could not behold ti* faceof .■»!. 17.4 .\I. cried to the Lord |10.M.diJ so,.Vi 12. SI. hands were heavy || 15. SI. built an a!tar 18.13. SI. sat to judge |1 I9.3 SI. went up unto God 19. 8. SI. returned the woidi of the people to Lord 20 the Lord called SI. up to mount .Sinai 20. 21. SI. drew near unto the thick darkness 24. 2. M. alone shall come near the Lord 4. AI. wrote all the words of the Lord 18. and SI. went into the midst of the cloud 32.1. as for M. we wot not what become of him, 2 11. SI. besought the I-ord||liJM. anger waxed hot 33. 9. the Lord talke 12.19. M.wrote.ifa man's brother(lie,£tt;t<'20. 28. Luke 16.29. tliey have SI. and the prophets 31. if they hear not SI. and the prophets 20.37. that dead are raised SI, shewed at the bnsl: 24. 27. beginning at M. and all the prophets John\.\T . law was given by Si. grace by Jes. Christ 45. we have found him of whom SI. did write 3. 14. as SI. lifted up the serpent in the wilderness 5 45. one accaseth you, even SI. in whom ye trust 46. had ye believed M. ye had believed me 6. 32. SI. gave you not that bread from heaven 7.19- did not M. give you the law ? none keepeth it 22. not because it is of SI. but of the fathers 23. that the law of S) . should not be broken 9- 28. thoa art his disciple, we are M. disciples 29. we know that God spake unto SI. Acts 3. 22. for SI. truly said unto the fathers 6. 11. heard him spe;Ot olasphem. words against SI. 14. change the customs which SI. delivered us 7. 20. in which time SI. was born, and was fair 32. then SI. tremhled and durst not behold 35. this SI. whom they refused did God send 37. this is that SI. that said unto Israel 13. 3ij. ye could not be justified by the law of SI. 15.1.e.xcept ye be circumcised aftermanner of SI. 5. to command them to keep the law of SI. 21. M. bath in every city them that preach him 21. 21. thou teachest the Jews to forsake SI. 26.22. things which SI. did say should come 28. 23. nut of the law of SI. and the propntts Rom. 5. 14. death reicned from >dam to SI. 10.5. M. describelh the righteottsneu of the law 13. not as .M. who put a veil over bis face 15. when SI. is read, the veil is 0:1 their heart- 2 Tim. 3. 8. asJannesand lanibres withstood SI. Heb. 3. 2. .Al. was faithful in all his house, j. 3. was counted wortliy of more glory than SI. l6.howbeit unt all that came out of Egypt bv SI 7. 14. which tribe SI. spuke noihine of priesthoou 9. 19- for when SI. had spoken erery precept 10. 28. that despised .AI. law, died without mercv 11. 23. by faith SI. was hid three months 24. .M. refused he called son 01 Pharaoh's daugh. 12. 21. SI. said, 1 exceedingly fear and quake J'tde 9. he disputed about the body of SI. Rev. 15. 3. they sing the song of SI . and the Lamb. See Aaro.n, Book, Co.m.ma.nusu, Law MVRIA. Acit 27. 5. we came to SI. a city of Lycia -AIVSIA. Acts 16. 7. come to SI. 1| 3. they passing by .11. N. NAASIAN. Gen. 46.21. the sons of Benjamin, N. and Rosh Sttm. 26. 40. the son of Bela. N . 1 Chron. 8. 4. 2 hings 5. 1. N . captain of Syria was a leper 11. but N. was wroth and went away, ai.d saio 20. my master hath .>ipared N. the Syrian 27. the leprosy of N. shall cleave to thee Luke 4. 27. and none was cleansed, saving N. KAASIAIIIITE, 6>f ZopHAK, NAASHO.N, or NASIIUN. Eiod. 6. 23. Aaron took Elisheba the sister of K Sum. 1. 7. of Judah. prince was N. 2. 3. | 10.14. 7- 12. he that offered the t~l day was N. 17.this was the offerirg of N.snn of Animinadat- nKM 4. 20. Amminabab begat N. and N. l.rcai Salmon, I Citron. 2.10, u Mat. 1.4. Luke 3. 32. Salmon, which was the son of X. NABAL. 1 Sam. 25. 3 now the name of the man was N 4. N .did shear his sheep |i 5.go to N .and greet hia 25. N. is his name, and folly is with him 38. that the Lord smote N . that he died 39. Lord hath returned the wit kedness of N. 27. 3. Abigail N . wife .30. 5. 2 Sam. NABOIH. 1 Kings 21. 1. K. the Jezreclite had a vineyard 7. 1 will give thee vineyard of N .the Jezreelite 9._set >i. on high, 12. f| 14 heard N . was stoned 16. when Ahab heard that N. was dead 18. behold, Ahab is in the vineyard of N. 19.in the place where dogs licked the blood of N.. 2 King! 9. 21. they met him in the portion of N. 25. cast him in the portion of the field of N. 26. surely I huve seen yesterday the blood of N. NADAB. £i-«(/.6.23.the sons of Aaron, N. Abihu.ier, 10.1 24. 1. come up, N. and Abihu, seventy elders,^. Knm.i. 4. N.and Abihu died before Lord, 26. 6I. 1 KingsH. 20. N. son of Jeroboam reigned, 15.2. I C/ir.2.28. N. son of Shammai || 30. the sons of N. 8. 30. Baal and N. the sons of Gibeon, 9. 36. NAGGE. Luke 3. 25. Esli, which was the son of N. NAMASH. 1 &>n. 11. 1. K. came up against Jabesb, IS. 12. 2 Sam. 10. 2. then said David, I will st^ew kindnesi to llanun the son of N. 1 Chron. I9. S. 17. 25 went in to Abigail the daughter of N. 27. Shobi son of N . brought beds aud basons NAUOK. Gen. 11. 22. Serug begat N |I29. N. wife SJikah 24. N. lived 29 years, begat lerah. 1 ClirA. 26. 26. Terah begat Abraham. N. and liaran, 27 22. 20. behold Slilcah, she hath born children t« thy brother N. 23. | 24. 14, 24, 24. 10. Abraham's servant went to the city of N . 31. 53. God of Abraham and N . judge betwixt NAIN. Luke '. 11. Jesus went into a city called 1«. NAIUIH. 1 5am. 19 18 Samuel and David dwelt at N.I9 2S 23. Saul went to N. |!20. 1. David fled from N. NAOMI. Ruth 1. 2. the name of Elimelech's wife was N. 19. is this N. ■ |120.oall me not N . call me Mara 2. 1. N. h.id a kinsman of her husband's Boar 4. 5. what day thou buyest the field of land of N 9- tlia: I tiave bought all at the hand of N. 17. tb« women said, there is a son burn to N. NAPiri ALL Gen. 30. 8. and Rachel called his name N. 35. 25. sons of Bilhah Kachel's handmaid. Dan, N 46.24. sons of N. NHm.1.42. | 26. 4a I CAr.7 U 49.21.N . is a bind let lonse^ie gives goodly word NEB '\r<'J. 1.4. Ihe sons of Israel, N. Gad, and Ai^T i\t^vi I. 15. of N. Aliira was prince, C. 2SJ. | 7. 7a. Diut. C7. n. on mount Ebal to curse ; Uaii. N. SX 1'i. of N. hi said, O N. satisfied wiih favour Jts/i. 19. 32. the sixth lot came out to N. CO. 7. appointed Kedesh in G.ililee, in mount N Judg. 1. 33. nor did N. drive out the inhabitants 4. 10. Barak called Zebulun and N. to Kedejh 5 18. Zebulun and N. jeoparded their lives 6. .35. Gideon sent messenjer- to N. and theycatn 7 23. Israel EathTed themselves together oat of N 1 Kings 4. 15. Animaaz was officer in N. 15. 20. Ben-hadad .smote N. IC/tron 16. 4. - Kings 15. 29. carried N. captive to Assyria 1 Ch'on. 12.40. N .broujht bread on asse- anil mules 27. ly.the captain of N.was Jerimoth sonof Azriel ZChron. 34. 6. Josiah in N. brake down the altars Ptal. Ob, 27. there the princes of Zebulun and N. Isa. 9. 1. he lightly afflicted the land of N. Exek. 48. 3. a port-on for N. || 3i. one gate of IJ. Mat. 4. 13. he dwelt in the borders of N. 15. the land of N. by the way of the »ea Tribe of NAPIITALI. yum. 1.43. numbered of the trihe vf N. 53,400 10. 27. over the host of the tribe o/^. Ahira 13. 14. oftherriAeo/N.Nahbii|.34. 28. Pedaheel Josfi. 19. 39. this the inheritance of the tri/ie of N. 21. 32 cities out of trihe o/N. 1 Cliron. 6. 62,76. 1 Kings 7. 14. Ilirani a widow's son o( trite of N. R«». 7. 6. of the iribe of N. were sealed 12,000 NATHAN. ISam. 5. 14. son of David, N ||7. 2. N. the prophet 7. 17. so did N. speak || 12. 1. the Lord sent N . 25. 23. 36. Igal son of N. one of David's worthies Kings 1. 10. but N. the prophet he called not 22. while she talked with David, N. came in 34. let Zadok and N. anoint him king over Israel 4. 5. Azariah son of N. was over the o.ficers 1 Chron. 2. 36. Artai beiat N. and N. begat Zabad 11. .38. Joel the brother of N. a valiant man 29. 29- David's acts written in the book of N. t ChroH. 9. 29. acts of Solomon in the book of N. Ezra 8. 16, 1 sent from Ahava for N. and Ariel 10. "Jy. Shelemiah, N. had taken strange wives Zech. 12. 12. the family of the house of N. apart Lukt 3. 31. Mattatha, which was the son of N. NATIlANAf.L. Jo!m I. 45. Philip findeih N. || 21. 2. N. of Cana NAUM. Luke 3. ?5. Amos, which was the son of N. NAZAUENE. Mat.Z. S3, by the prophet, he shall be called aN. NAZAKF.NES. ActsZi. 5. a ring-leader of the sect of the N. NAZAKEllI. Mat. 2. J3. Joseph dwelt in a city called N. 21. 11. this is Jesus of N. HJar/t 1. 24. I 10. 47. Lniei. 34. | 18. .37. ( 24. I9. Mart 14. 67. thou wast also with Jesus of N. 16.6. be not aflTrighted, ye .seek Jesus of N. Luke 1. 26. the angel Gabriel was sent to N. C. 51. Jesus came to N. and was subject, 4. I6. Jo/m 1. 45. Jesus of N. 18. 5, 7. | 19. 19. i. 28. 11. even so will 1 break the yoke of N. , 14. that they may serve N. king of Bibylon 29. 21. I will deliver them into the h.ind of N . ' 32. 23. 1 will give this city into the h.ind nf N. 39. H. N.gave charge concerning Jermiah 43. jO. behold, 1 will take N . my servant and set 748 NO Jer.ig. 28. N. king of Babylon shall imite Kedar 50. 17. and last tills N. hath broken bis banes 51.34. N. hath devoured me, he hathcrushed uie £»i*.26.7.i will bring on Tyrus N. a king of kings 29. 19. I will give tht land of Egypt to N. 30.10. Dan 'Z.\ N. dreamed II 4. 37. I N. praise and extol 3. 1. N.the king made an image of gold 19. N. was full of fury || 24 N. was astonished 4. 28. all this came upon the king N. 33. 34. at end of days 1 N .lift up mine eyes to heaven 5. 18. the most high Crod gave N. a kiugdom NEBUZAR-ADAN. 1 /vVn»j25 8 N .captain of guard came to Jerusalem Jer. 39. 10. N. left of ibe poor of the people NEIIELA.MIIE, See Shemaiau. NEIIEMIAH. EtraC. i. \. came with Zerubbabel, .Vf*. 7. 7. AVA. I. I. vae words of H. the son of llachaliah 3. 16. N. sonofAzbuk repaired after Sballao 8..9. N, which is the Tirshatha, 10. 1. 12. 47. Israel in the days of N. gave portions NElIUSIirAN. 2 Kings 18. 4. be called the brasen serpent \ N ER. 1 C/iron. 8. 3.i. aud N. begat Kish, 9. 36, 39. See Abner NEaEU.S. Rom. 16. 15. salute Julia, N. and his sister NEKGAL. 2 A'lVifj 17. 30. the men of Cuth made N. their god NERAIAII, See Bakuch. NElllANEEL. Xum. 1.8. N. the son of Zuar was prince of Issa- char, 2. 5. | 7- 18, 23. j 10. 15. 1 Chron. Z. 14. N. the fourth son of Jesse 15. 24. N. and Araasai blew with trunipeis 24. 6. the son of N . the scribe, one of the Levjtes 26. 4. the sons of Obed-edom, Joah and N. ZCkron. 17. 7. Jehoshaphai sent N. to teach ■35. 9. N. gave to tha Leviies for passover-offerings Ezra 10. 22. Ishmael, N. had taken strange wives .Vf/i. IS. 21. in daysof Joiakim N.was priest 36. Itlaai and N. with the musical instruments NELIIANIAH. 2A';njj25.23.Ishmaelsonof N.25./er.40.8. | 41.1. I Chron. 25. 2. the sons of Asaph, Joseph and N. 12. fifth lot came forth to N . he, his sons twelve 2C/iro». 17.8. he sent Levites to teach, even N. Jer. 36. 14. princes sent the son of N. to Baruch 41. 2 Ishmael the son of N. slew Gedaliah 15. but Ishmael son of N . escaped from Johanan NETIIINIMS. 1 Chron. 9. 2. the first inhabitants were the N. Ezra 2. 43. th,'' N . went up with Zerubbabel 58. all the N. and the children of Solnmen's ser- vants were 392, Seh. 7. OO. 7- 7. some of the N. went to Jerusalem 24. it shall not be lawfal to impose toll on the N . 8. 17. what to say to Iddo and brethren the N. 20. the N. whom David iippcinted for servi-je Nth. 3. 26. the N . dwelt in Uphel, 11. 21. 10. 28. the N . bad separated from the people 11. 21. Ziba and Gispa were over the N. NICANOR. Acts 6. 5. they chose S'ephen, Philip and N. NICODE.MUS. John^.X. N. a ruler of the Jews came to Jesus 7. 60. N. came to Jesus by night, 19. 30. NICULAITANS. Rev. 2. 6. that thou halest the deeds of the N. 15. hast them that hold the doouiue of the N. MCA PULLS. Tit. 3. 12. be diligent to come unto me to >f . NiGER. .icts 13. 1 . at Antioch, Simeon who was called N . NIMROD. Gen. 10. 8. Cush begat N. 1 Chron. I. 10. 9. as N. the mighty hunter before the Lord A/ic. 5. 6. they shall waste land of Assyria and N. MMSHI, See Jkhu. MNEVEII. Cen. 10. 11. Ashur went and builded N. 2 Ai>i{< 19. .3f). Sennacherib dwelt at N./ja 37. .37 Jonah 1.2. go to N .3.2.|14.1 1 .should not I spare N.- 3. 3. now N. was an exceeding great city S'ah. I. 1. the burden of N.||2. 8. N . is like a pool 3 7. N . i» laid waste, who will bemoan her ' Zrph. 2. 13. he will make N. a desolation, and dry :Ua<.12.41. the men of N. shall rise up in judgment and coudeuin this generaiion, Luke 11. 32. NINEVIIES. Luke 11. 30. as Jonas was a sign unto the N. NISAN. AVA.2.1. in the month N.|| Kx/A. 3. 7. first month N. NISROCll. 2 Kings 19. 37. as he was worshipping in the house of J*. his god, was smote w.th tho sword, Jsa.31.SK. NO. J'r. 46. 25. I will punish N. Erei. 30. 14, 15, IG. Nah. 3.8. an ihou better than populous 14 OMR [Pbopeb MAMiS. NOADIAIL EtraB. 33. N. thn son of Binnui, a Leviie .\'e'i. 6. 14. my God, think on the prophetess N NOAH, Not. Gen. 5. 29. N. saying, this same shall comtort .'iO. Lamech begat N .|i 6. 8. N . fou nd grace 6. 9' these are generalioQs of N . 10. 1,32. 1 Cr 7. 23.N. only remained alive, and they in the ant 8. I.God rei»embered N. andevery living thing 6. N . opened the window of the ar^ be had mad 20. .v. budded an altar to the Lord, and offered 9. 24. N. awoke from bis wine || 29. the days 01 H Isa. 54. 9. 'his is as the waters of N. uuto me Eick.li l4.ihoaghlheie three. N. Daniel, Job, 20 .l/fl/.24 37.asit was in the days of N. Luke 17.2G Luke 3. 36. Shem, which was the son of N. JleS. II. T. by faith N. beng warned of God 1 Pet. 3. 20. when God wai'.ed in the days of N. 2 Pet, 2.5. God spared no; old world, but saved N NOAH. ..Vum. 26. 33. the names of the daughters of Zelophe- bad were N. Tirzah, 27. 1. | 30. i; Josh 11.3. NOB. 1 Sam. 21. 1. David came to N. to Abimelcch 22.9. Docg said, I sawihe son of Jesse coming to .\' 11. the king sent to call Ihe priests in N. 19. Doeg smote N. the city of the priests AVi.l 1.32. the children of Benjamin dwelt at N. Ise. 10. 32. as yet shall he remain at N . that dav NUPH. Isa. 19. 13. the princes of N. are deceived /^^.2. 16. the children of N. have broken the crowu 46. 14. publish in N . || I9. for N . shall be waste £jf*.30.13.will cause their images to cease out N . 16. and N. shall have distresses daily N UN, See Joshua. NV.MPUAS. Col. 4. If. salute N. and the church io his hoass 0. OBADIAIL 1 Kings 18.3.AhabcalledO. now O. feared the Id 4. O. took au hundred prophets and hid them 7. as O. was in the way, behold Elijah met hii:i 16. so O. went to meet Ahab, and told him 1 Chr. 3.21. sons of O. H 27.19. Ishmatah son of O. 7. 3. son of Izraiah, O.y 8. 38. sonof Azcl,9. 44. 9. 16. O. the son of Sbemaiah, the sonof Ualal 12.9- of Gadites men of might, O. the second 2 Chr, 17. 7. he sent to his princes, to O. to teach 34. 12. the overseers were Jabath and O. Ezra 8.9. O. sonof Jeheil went up with Ezra Xeh. 10. 5. O. sealed || 12. 25. O. was a porttr Oiad. 1. the vision of O. thus salth the Lara OBED. liuth 4. 17. and they called bis name O. 21. iioazbtgatO. 1 Chron. t. 12. ^^at. 1. 5. 1 Chron. 2. 37. Kphlal begat O. ji 20. 7. Sheiua'aVi 11. 47. O. one of David's valiant men 2 C/iro)i.23.l. took Azariah son of O. into covcaacl Luke 3. 32. Jesse, which was the son of O. OIIEU-EDO.M. 2 Sam. 6. 10. David carried the ark into thrho^<4 of O. 11. 1 Chron. IS. 13, 14. ll.theL. blessed the house of O. 12. 1 C*r.IJ.l4. 12. David brought the ark from house of O. into the city of David with gladnrks, 1 Chr. 19. 25. 1 Cliron. 15. 1«. O. a porter, 2t. |121. O. with harp 16. 5. O. and Jeiel wiib psalteries and harps 38. O. witb iheir brethren, O. al»o son of Jedn. thun, and Ilosah, to be porter* 26. 4. sons ot O. 8. II 8. sons of O. fit for service 15. the lot southward fell to O. and bis suns 2 C'/i/u».25.24.Joash took the vessels found with O OCRAN,6>« PAUltL. ODKD. 2CAr.l5.1.Sp'ril of GihI came on Arariah sonof O. 28. 9. a prophet of the Lord was there, called O. 0(;. U;nr.31.4.thc Lord shall do to them as he did to O Joih. 2. 10. for we have heard what you did to O 13. 21. the cities of O. periaining to .Machir 1 Kingi 4. 19. Gebcr was in the country of O. See IUmiav. OLYMPAs. 7ii>m.l6. 15. salute Julia/). and all uints with iheiL OMEGA, See Alpii\, in Apycllaines. O.MKI. 1 Kint^s 16. 16. wherefore all Israel made O. kin^ 21 . half followed O. |j 25. but O. wrougkt evil .30. Ahab sou ofO. did evil in the sight of the Ul. 2 A i)i;j 8. 26. Athaluih daughter of O. 2 Chr.lZ.i 1 Vhr.l. 8.0. son of Becher||9. 4. O. sonof I m 27. 18. (). sonof Michael, ruler of Issachar Mic.6,l6.(oT statutes of O. are k<-pt, worksof Ahab pKocsB Names.] PAT ON. Gen. 41. 45. P.jti-pherah priest of O. 50. | 46. 20. Kion. IC. 1. O. the son •( Feleth took me:^ ONAN. Ctn. 3H. 4. she bare a son and called his nameO. 9. C). knew that the seed should not be bis 4f).lC.son5of Judah, Er, O. iVun».26.1(}.l CAr.C.3. ErandO.died in the land of Canaan, A'uwi. ad. I9. ONESIMUS. Col. 4. 9. 0. a faithful and beloved brother Philem, 10. I bescerh thee for my son O. ONESIPIIORUS. t Tim. 1. 1*5. Lord give mercy to the house of O. 4. 19. salute Aquila and the household of U. OPHEL. S C^ron.07 -I. Jotham built much on the w.ill of O. 3.^.14.Mani35eh compassed about O. and raised ii yth. 3. £6. the Nethinims dwelt in O. 11. CI. 27. the Tekoites repaired to the wall of O. OPHIR. Gen. 10. eg. Joktan begat O. 1 Chr.m. 1. C3. I A'infjg.CS.they came to O.and fetch. from thence gold.andbrought to Solomon, SC^r. 8.18. | 9. 10. 10.11. brought from O. great plenty of almuj-tree 22.48. Jehoshaphit made ships to go to O. for gold I Chron. 29. 4. giveo 3000 talents of gold of O /o4C2.24. thou shalt lay up the gold of O. as stones 28. 16. wisdom not valued with the gold of O. Ptal. 45. 9- did stand the queen in gold of O. Iia. 13. 12. a man more precious than wedge of O. OREB. /ur/f.7.25.they slew princes of Midian,Zeeb,0.8.3. Pial. 83. 11. make their nobles like O. and Zeeb Ita. 10. C6. slaughter of Midian at the rock of O. ORION. Job 9. 9. who Diakcth O. and Pleiades, Amos 5. 8. 38. 31. or canst thou loose the bands of O. > : ORNAN. I Chron. 1\. 15. the threshing-floor afO. 18. 28. 20. and O. turned back, and saw the angel 25. David gave to O. for the plaLe600 shekels ORPAH. Ruth 1. 4. the name of the one was O. other Ruth 14. O. kissed Naomi, but Ruth clave to her OSHEA. See JosHUi. OTHNIEL. josh. 15. 17. O. son of Kenaz took h.Judg. 1. 13. Jud^.^.g. Lord raised a deliverer, O. || 11. O. died 1 C//r.4.13.son5 of Kenaz, O. Seraiah, sons of O. 27. 15. the twelfth captain was Heldai of O. OZEM. 1 Chron. 2. 15. O. was the sixth son of Jesse OZIAS. Mat. 1.7. Joram begat O. || 9. 0. begat Joatham PER PHA PATHROS. t PERIZZITES. /ja.11.11. to recover remnant of his people from P. | Gen. 15. 20. X have given to thy seed the land of tht PA ARAL. S Sam. 23. 35. P. the Arbite. a mighty man PADAN-ARAM. S5«n.25. 20. Rebekah daughter of Eethucl of P. 28. 6. Isaac sent Jacob away to P. to take a wife 7. Jacob obeyed his father, and was gone to P. 31. 18. he carried away what he had gotten in P 35.9. G. appeared to Jacob when he came from I 26. :oQS which were born to him in P. 46. 15 PAGIEL. ifum. I.IJ.P. son of Ocran.prince of Asher,7. 7" PALESTINA. Etod. 15. 15. sorrow shall take hold on men of P. Jta. 14. 29. rejoice not, thou whole P. because 31. cry, O city, thou whole P. art dissolved PAMPIIYMA. Acts 13. 13. Paul came from Paphos to Pergiain P. 15. .33. John departed from them from P. 27. 5. when he had sailed over the sea of P. PATHOS. Aai 13. 6. when they had gone thro' the isle to P PA RAN. I7«a. 21.12. Ishmael dwelt in the wildtrness of P. Sum. 10. I 12. 16. I 1.3. 3, 26. 1 Sam. 25. 1. Deut. 33. 2. the Lord shined forth from mount P. Wa4.3.3.from Teman, the holy One came from P. PARBAK. 1 C/iro«.2G.ia. porters, four at thp causev, two at P. PARMENA.S. Acts 6. 5. they chose U'imon, P. and Nicolas PARTIIIANS. /lets 2. 9. P. we hear them speak in our tongues PASIIUR. IChr. 9. 12. F. the son of Malchijah, Keh. 11. 12. ffo 2. 38. the children of P. 10. 2? Seh."! 41. Kth.lO.i. P. sealed \\Jer.i0.6. P. ro into captivity T j' ^ ■ ^' '''^ '°" °^ Immer smote Jeremiah, 2. 3.Ld. called not thy name P.but Magor-missabib -I. 1. when king Zedekiah sent untohim P. 38. l.Gedaliah the son of P.and P. the son of Mai chiah heard the words Jeremiah had spoken PATRA. -*'; 21. 1. and from Uhodei we came unto P 1 49 Eiek. 29. 14. cause them return into the land of l .S0.14. will make P. desolate, I will set fire in Zoan PAl.MOS. Rev. 1. 9- I was in toe isle that is called P PAUL. Acts\^.gx)xen Saul.called P. filled with IIolv Ghost 43. many Jews and religious proselytes follow.P 46. P. waxed bold || 14. 9. the same heard P. 50. Jews raised persecution ag. P. and Barnabas 14. 12. called P. Mercurius, he was chief speaker 19. having stoned I*, drew him out of the city 15. 38. P. thought out good to tzke him with them 40. P. chose Sila!||17.10.bretarenseiit P. away, 14. I'j. 3. him would P. have to go forth with him 9. and a vision appeared to P. in the night 14. Lydia attended to the things spoken of P. 17. followed P. II 18. but P. being grieved 25. P. and Silas prayed, and s&og praises to God 28. hut P. cried, saying, do thy.self no harm 17. "■ P. as his manner was, went in unto them 4.some believed and coniorted with P.and Silas 16. DOW while P. waited for them at Athens P. Lord made a covenant, Eiod. 3.8,17. | S3. 23 34. 30. to make me to stink among the P. Josh.n . 15.cut down the wood in the land of the P Judg. 1. 4. the Lord delivered the P. to Judah, 5 3. 5. the children of Israel dwelt among the P. 2 Chr. 8. 7. Solomon made the P. to pay tribute Ezra 9. 1. doing according to abominations of P. PERSIA. tChr. 36. 20. till the reign of the kingdom of P. Esih. 1. 3. a feast to the power of P. and Media 14. the seven princes of P. which saw the king 18. the ladies of P. shall say to the princess Eiek. 27. 10. they of P. and Lud were in thy army 38.5.P.Ethiopia,and Lybia with them.with shield Dan. 8. 20. two horns are kings of Rfedia and P. 10. 13. but the prince of P. withstood me twenty, one days ; and I remained with the kings of P. 20. I will return to fight with the prince of P. 11. 2. there shall stand up yet three kings in P. See King. PERSIANS, See MsoES. PERSIS. 18.5. P. was pressed in spirit, and testified to Jews Rom. 10. 12. salute P. which laboured much in L. 9. the Lord spake to P. in the night by a vision 19. 11. God wrought miracles by the hands of P 15. P. I know 1|23. 11. be of good cheer, P. 21. P. purposed in spirit to go to Jerusalem 2tJ. this P. hath persuaded and turned away 20. 7. P. preached unto them, ready to depart 10. P. went down, and embracing him, said 37. ihey a'' Tirep< sore, and fell on P. neck 21. 4. who said to P. through the Spirit, notgoup 1 1 . Agabus took P. girdle and bound his hands 18. the day following P. went in unto James .30. they took P. and drew him out of the temple 32. when they saw soldiers, they left beating P 40. P. stood on the stairs || 23. 1. P. beholding 23. to. fearing lest P. should have been pulled 12. they would not eat till they had killed P. 14 18. P. prayed me to bring this young man to thee 31. the soldiers brought P. to Astipatris 24. 1. who informed the governor against P. 26. that money should have been given him of P. 27. Felix left P. bound]|27.24. saying, fear not, P. 25. 19. one Jesus, whom P. af&rmed to be alive 26. 24. Festus said, P. thou art beside thyself 27. 3. and Julius courteously entreated P. 33. P. besought them all to lake meat, saying 43. the centurion, willing to save P. kept them 28. 16. but P. was suffered to dwell by himself I Cor. 1. 12. I am of P. 3. 4. || 3. 5. who than is P. • 13. is Christ divided > was P. crucified for you ' 3 . 22. whether P. or Apollos, or Cephas, or world 16. 21. the salutation of me P. with mine own band. Col. 4. 18. 2 'I'hess. 3. 1". 1 T/j«f.2.18. we would have come to you, even I P. Pliilem. 9. being such a otie as P, the aged 2 Pet. 3. 15. as our beloved brother P. wrote PAULUS. ActslZT.i. JewBarjesus with the deputy Sergius P. PEKAH. 2 h'in^s 15. 25. P. conspired against Pekahiah 29. in the days of P. came Tiglath-pileser 15. 30. Hoshea made a conspiracy again.'^t P. 37. against Judah came P.son of Uemaliah,l6.5. 2 C/ti. 28. 6. P. slew in Judah 120,000 in one day Isa. 7. 1. Kezin and P. went towards Jerusalem PEKAHIAH. 2 Kings 15.22. P. the son of Menahem reigned, 23 PELAllAII. 1 Chron. 3. 21. the son of Ilananiah, P. of Judah 4. 42. of Simeon, having for their captain P. Xe/t. 10. 22. P. and Ilanan sealed the covenaut Eiei. 11. 13. that P. the sou of Benaiah »i.917. for scripture saiih to P I raised thee up Jiei 11 24 to be called the son of P daughter PIIARAOH-HOPIIRA. /er.44.30.wiH give P.IIophra into band of enemies PHARAOH NECHO. 8 Kings 23 '-'9. P Necho went against Assyria 33. P. Necho put Jehojihaz in bands of Riblah 34 P. Kecho made Eliakim son of Josiah king 35. he taxed the land to give money to P Necho Jer, 46.2. word came to Jeremiah against P.lsecho PIIAREZ. C«n. 38.29- therefore his name was called P. 46. 12. thesonsofjudah, P. andZerah, 1 C/iro« 2.4. Mat. 1 3 LuJte 3. 33. and tlie sons of P were Ilezrin and Ilamel, Num.C6.20fil.Iiul/ti.\8.\C/ir.2.5. | 9.4 Rht/t 4. IC. let thv house be like the house of P. PIIARPAR. See Abana. PHEBE. Rjym. 15. 1 I commend unto you P. our sister PHENICE. Acts 1119. they travelled as far as P. and Cyprus 15.3. Paul andBarnabas passed thro' P.&Samaria 2l.2.finding ship sailing over to P.wewent aboard 27. 12. i'" by any means they might attain to P. PHILADELPHIA. /J«».l.n.writc and send it untoP.d: unlo Laodicea 3,7. to the angel of the church in P. write PHILETUS, Sfe IIviiE.Ntus PHILIP. ftfa^.10.3. P. and Bartholomew, Thomas and Mat- thew, Mari 3. 18. Lu/it6. 14. Acts 1 13. 14. 3. put John in prison for Herodias' sake his brother P. wife, A/uri6. 17. LuJte Z. Ig Luie 3. 1. his brother P teirarch of Ilurea fo/itt 1.43. Jesut findeth P. and saith, follow me 4i. now P was of Belhsaida, the liiy of Andrew 45. r. findeth Nathanael, and saith to hin) 12. 21. the same came to P. and desired him 22. P. telleth Andrew, Andrew and P. toHIesus 14. 9. and yet hast thou not known me P- • Acii 6. 5. P. the deacon \\ 8. 29. the Spirit safd to P. 8.5. P. went down to Samaria, and preachedCIirist 6. people gave heed ta those things whichP. spake 12. but when they bellcred P. preaching things 13. Simon continued with P. and wondered 30. P. ran to him, heard the eunuch read Esaias 39. the Spirit of the Lord caught nway P. 21. 8. we entered into the house of P. the evangelist PHILIPPI. 4c/.fl6.12.frnm TCeapolis we came toP.olMacedon. 20. 6. we saile 1 away 'rom P. and caine to Troa> 1 T/.est.Ci. We were .-hanipfully entreated at P. PHILISTIA. Psal. 60. 8. P. triumph thou because of roe 87-4. behold P.and lyre, this man was'born there IO8.9. Moab my washpot, over P. will I triumph PHILlsriM. Gen. 10.1 1. out of whom c.ime P, 1 Chron. 1. 12. PHILISTINE. 1 .?am.l7.8. am not 1 aP..''||43 the P. cursed I):»v|J ;i2. David said, thy servant will go fightwith tliisP. 49- David smote the T in his forehead 01. i, sword of Goliath the P. thou slewest ir. here 12. 10. he gave him the sword of (ioliath the P. fi <^»i. 21.17. Abishai stirronred him and smote P Pill LI. ST I NES. Cen.Cl. 34. Abraham sojourned in the P. land $6. 14« I.^a^ic bad Hocks, and the P. envied him 7ftO PIL lien 36.15. P.stoppcd thewells Abraham (}1sged48. Lxod. 13.17 God led them not thro' the land of P. JosU. 13. 2. the borders of P. not yet conquered 3. from Sehor to Ekron,five lords of P. Judg. 3.3. JiiJg. 3. 31. Shamgar slew of the P. tiOO nieu 10. 6. and Israel served the gods of the P. 7 h: sold them into the hands of the P. 13. 1. 1 1 did not I deliver you from Egyptians and P. 14. 4. Samson sought an occasion against the P. 15. 3. now shall 1 be more blameless than the P. li the P came up and burnt her and her father n.knowestthou not that the P. are rulers over us' 20. Samson judged Israel in the days of the P. 16.9 the P. be upon thee, Samson, 12, 14,20. 21. the P. took J'amsom and put out his eyes 28. that I may be at once avenged of the P. 30. Samson said,!et uie die with theP.bowed hims. 1 &im. 4. 1 now Israel went out against the P. 3. why hath the Lord smitten us before the P. ' 9 be strong, quit yourselves like men, O ye P. ! 5.1. the P. took the ark of God and brought it (j 1 . the ark was in the land of P. seven months 21 P. have brought again the ark of the Lord 7. 8. he will save us out of the hand of the P. 10 the P. drew near to battle against Israel 13. so the P were subdued, and came no more 13. 12. the P. will come down upon me to Gilgal 20. Israelites went down to the P. to sharpen 14 1 come, and let us go over to the P garrison 19 noise that was in the host of the P. went on 52. was sore war against the P. all the days of Saul 17 51. the P. saw their champion was dead 53 Israel returned from chasing after the P. 18. 17 but let the hand of the P be on him, 21 . 30. then the princes of the P went forth 19- 8 David fought with the P. 23.5. 2 6'um.21.15. 24 1 Saul returned from following the P. 27. 1. than that I should escape into land of the P. 28.15.for theP.make war against me.God departed 29 7. thai thou displease not the lords of the P. 31 2 P. followed hard upon Saul, 1 Chron. 10. 2. 9. sent into land of the P. round about to publish it 2 ■'Sam 5. 17. all the P. came up to seek David 19 shall I go up to the P. ? wilt thou deliver 25. David smote the P.8.1.|| 8.12. gold got from P. £."!. 10. Eleazar smote the P. \ 12.Sbanimah slew P 16. mighty men brake through the host of the P. 2 A >;i£;x 8. 2. the woman sojourned in laid of the P. Chr. 21. 16. stirred up ag. Jehoram the spirit of P. 2G. 7. God helped Uzziahag.lhe P. and Arabians 28.18 P. had invaded the cities of the low-coumry Pial. 83. 7. the P. with the inhabitants of J'yre Isa. 2 6. they are soothsayers like the P. 9. 12. the Syrians before, and the P behind 11. 14. they shall fly on the shoulders of the P. Jer. 25. 20? the kings of the P. shall drink the cup 47. 1- the word of the Lord came against the P. 4- for the Lord will spoil the P. the remnant Er.ek. 16. 27 delivered thee to the daughters of P. 25 15. because the P. hase dealt by revenge 16. I will stretch out mine hand upon the Ji. Ant IS I 8. the remnant of the P shall perish 6. C. then go down to Gath of the P. 9. 7 have not I brought the P from Caphtor ? VbaJ. 19 ihev of the plain shall possess the P- /'leph. C a. O land of the P. 1 will destroy thee Zec6, 9. 6, 1 wiU cut off the priUe-of the P. See D*UGHTtKS. PIIILOLOGUS. Rom.\&AS. saluteP. lulia.and jNereus aod his sister PHINEHAS. Eiod 6. 2; . Eleazar's wife bare him P. Awm 25.11. P. hath turned my wraifi from Israel 31. 6. Moses sent them and P. to the war Jvs'i. 22. 13. Israel sent P to the Reubenites 24. 33. they buried in a hili that pertained to P. Judg. 20. 28. P stood before the ark in these days 1 Ham. 1. 3. Ilophni and P. the priests were there 2. 34. Hophni and P. shall both die in one day 4. 17. thy two sous Hophni and P. are dead 19- P. wife was with child, near to be delivered 14. 3. the son of P. the Lord's priest in Shiloh IC7/r.6.4. Elcazar begat P. ||50. P. begat Abishua 9. 20. P. son of Eleazar was niler over them t.zra 7. 5. Abishu.i son of P. the son oT Eleazar 8... of the sonsof P. Gcrshoin went up from Bab. 3J. with Mertmoth was Eleazar tlit son of P. /'/. IOG.30. then stood up 1'. andexeculcd juilgmeul PHLEGON /i'om.lfi.l4.5aluteAsvncritus,P.Hernia3 and brcth. PHRYGIA. Aits IG. 5. when they had gone throu'.;liout V. 18. 23. Paul went over all the country of P. PHl'RAH. Judg.T. 11. he went down with P. hi." servant I'll VGILLLS. fee HKRMocENf,^. Pl-HAIUKOTH. Stt BAALZtfiio.v. PILATE. A/a/.£7.2.when ibey h.id bound him.ihey delivered him to Pontius P. the gnvittuot. aSm'k !S. 1. EAM [PROPER NAMES. 'Mat. 27. 24. P. saw that he could prevail notmng Maik 15. 5. 50 that P marvelled, 44 15. so P. willing to conteut the people released Luke 3. 1. Poiitius P. being governor of Judea 13. 1. whose blood P. had mingled with sacrifices 2.1. 12. same day P.and Herod were made friends 52. this man went to P. and begged the body Juiin 18. 29. P. then went out to them and said .■i3. then P. entered into the judgment-hall 19. 8. when P. heard that, he was the more afraid li. from thenceforth P. sought to release him 19. P. wrote a title, and put it on the cross .38. Joseph besought P. and P. gave him leave Acts 3. 13. ye denied him in the presence of P. 4.27. against Jesus Herod and P. were gathered 13. 28. yet desired they P. that he should be slaii] l7i/n.G.13.who before P. witnessed a good confe3«L PISGAH. .VuOT.23.14.Balak brought Balaam to the top of P Veut. 3. 27. get thee up into the top of P. .*4. 1 4. 29. sea of the plain, under the springs off. PISIDIA. Acts 13. 14. they came to Antioch in P. 14. 24. after they had passed throughout P. PONTIUS, See PiL.tTE. PONTUS, Acts 2. 9- I 18. 2. 1 Pet. 1. 1. PORCIUS. Acts 24. 27. P. Festus came into Felix room POTIPHAR. C,en.y,.i&. the .Midianites sold Joseph to P. 39. 1. POTI-PHERAH. O'frt. 41. 45. Asenath the daughter of P. 50. PRISCILLA. See AyuiL*. PUBLICS. Acts 28 8. the father of P. lay sick of 1 fever PUDENS. 2 Tim. 4. 21. Euhulus greetetb thee and P. PUL. 2 Kings 15.19. P- king of Assyria came against T» rael ; Menahem gave P. 1000 talents of silvei 1 Chron. 5. 26. God stirred up the spirit of P. Iia. 6(3. 10. I will send those that escape to P PURPURl.M, See Appjilaines. PUTEOLl. Acts 28. 13 and we came the next da; to P. Q. QUARTUS. /2f/n. 16. 23. and U. a brother saluteth yoa R. RABBAIi, or RABBATII. Df«/.3.11.is it not in R.of the children of Ammon . 2 Sum. 11 1. Joab and all Israel besieged R. 12. 26 Joab fought against R. and took the citj 17. 27. Shobiof R. brought beds for David 1 Chron. 20. 1. Joab smote R. and destroyed it Jcr. 49 2. I will cause an alarm to be heard in II 3. cry, ye daughters of R. gird with sackcloth J zei. 21. 20. that the sword may come 10 R. '.'5. 5. I will make R. a stable for camels .imos 1. 14. I will kindle a fire in the wall of R, RAB-SHAKEH. 2 Kings 18 17. the king of Assyria sent R.Z(ii.3€.S 37 they told him the words of K. Ita. 30. 22. 19-4. God will hear the word* of R. Isa. 37. 4. RACHEL. GVn. 29.12. Jacob told R. that he was Rebekah'j soi 16. ibe name of the younger was K. 17. R. was beautiful and well-favoured 18. Jacob loved R. 30. )|31. It. was barren 20. Jacob served seven years for R. i'S. 28. Laban gave him R. his daugliter to wife 30.1.K.bare no children, R. envied her sister Leab 2. Jacob's auger was kindled against R. he said 22. God rem"mber«d R. and opened her womft 31. 19. R. had stolen her father's images, 34. 33. then Laban went into R. tent 3.1. 2. Jacob put R. and Joseph hindermost .15 ly. R. died,4«. 7-||35. 24. sons of K. 46 19,20. Kuih \. II. the Lord make the woD:an like R. I -S/m.l0.2.thou shalt find two men by R. sepulchre Jir. 31.15. R. wcepine for her children, Mai.i.XH RAGAU. Luke 3. 35. S.-irurh, which was the son of R. RAHAB, person, yiace. JotJ,. 2. 1 the spies entered into the house of R (). 17. only R. shall live || 25. Joshua saved R. I'sat.Vl.i. I will make mention i:f R. and I'abylon 89 10. thou hast broken R. in pieces as one slain I'a. 51.0. art thou not it that hath cut R. .' Mat. 1.5. Salmon begat Hoaz of R. liri. 11.31. by faith the harlot R. perished no! yi«i. 2. 25. was not R. al.".o justified by worki^ RAM. HuiMA'j. Ph:\rfzbep»t Hezron, Ilearoti iegat K. »od R. begiu Amtninadab '> Chio'i.i,% UV. r-.urER Names.1 rep 1 Chran. C. 25. 'he sons nf .Iprahnripel, IT. Bnnah ?7. tl'.e sons of K. ili». fir^t-born of Ifrahmi-el fob 32. S. Ellhn 'he Buzit- of the kindred of R. HAM/VII, RAMA. /o'A. 18. CS. R. a rity of ihe tribe of Benjamin }u,i^. ■\. 5. Debor,ah dwelt betuppn R. and Bpih-el \6am.\. 19. r.lkanah 1 ame lohis hoose in R C.Il. 7.17. Sainiiers return \ras to R 15.3*. | I6. 13. 8. 4. all the elders came to Samnel nnto R. 19. 18. so David fled, and came 10 Samuel 10 R. 22. Saul went to R. 2."?. || 22. 6. Sanl abode in R. 25. I. Samuel was buried in his honse at R.28 3. 1 Kins' 15. 17. Baasha built R. 2 Chron. I6. 1. 21. Baasha left offbaildins of R. 2 C/jmn. 16. 5. t dings 8. 29- .loram went to be healed of wounds the Syrians had given him at R. 2 Chron. 22.6! Etra 2. 26. the children of R. and Ceba six hun. dred and twenty one, Seh. 7- 30. Keh. 11. 33. the children of Benjamin dwell at R. Jsa. 10. eg. R. is afraid, Giheah of .Saul is (led Jer. 31. 15. a voice was heard in R. Nat. 2. 18. £«*. 27. 22. the merchants of R. were in Tyre IIm. 5. 8. blow ye the trumpet in R. cry aloud RAMOllI-GII.I^An. Dent 4. 43 R. in Gilead of the Ondites, a city of refuse, Bezer and Golan, J,>i/i. CO K | 21 38 1 Kings i. 13. the son of Geber was officer in R. 22. 3. know ye that R. is ours, and we be sliH i. Ahab said to Jehostiaphat. wilt thou ro wiih me to batile to R. ' 2 Chron. 18. 3. 6. shall 1 go a?ainst R. ? 15 iC/iron. 18 U. 12.5ayinE, eo up to R. and prosper. 2 C/ir 18.11. 2 Kims 8. 28 J Oram went against Hazael in R. ami the Syrians wounded .Inram. 2 Chron. 20. 5. 8. 1. Elisha said, take this box of oil, and en to H. 14. row Joram had kept R. because of llazae! 1 CAr.6 8rt out ofthe tribe of Gad toihe Lcvites, R. RAPIIA, and RAPllL'. A'wm.l3 f). .if the crile of Benjamin, Palti son of R. 1 C/ir.8.37.R. Eleasa, Azel. were the son.sof Binea RKBEKAII. Cen. 22. €3. Beihui-1 liegat R. \\ 24. 15. R.came nut 94. 51. R.isbefore theej|f)7. Isaac took P. 25. 20. 59. they sent aw?y R. |1 (io. they blessed W. Co. 28. R. loved Jacob II 26 35. a crief of mind to R rfi. 7« lest men of the place should kill me for R 27. 42. those words of Esau were told to R. 29.12 that he was R. son II .35. 8 R. nurse di.d 49. 31. there they buried Isaac and R. his wife R«m, 9. 10. but when R. had conceived by Isaac RECIIAB. B 5flm. 4.2.R.lhe sonof Rlmmon, 5 ||6 R. escaped i Kings 10 15. Jeha lighted on .lehonailah son of R. 23. the son of R. went into the house of Haal 1 C/ir. 2. 55. Hemath, father of the house of R. AVA. 3. H Malchiah son of R. repaired diinc-gate Jtr, 35.6. Jonadab the son of R. commaadedus See lONADAB. RECHAEITES. Jer. 35. 2 go to the house of the R. and speak RF.IIOBOAM. 1 Kings 11. 43. Solomon slept with his fathers, R. the son of Solomon reigned, 14 21. 2 C/ir g.Z\. 12 6. R. consulted with the old men, 2 C/jr. 10. 6. 17 R. reigned over them, iChron. 10 17. 21. to bring the kingdom again to R. 2 CAr. 11.1. 27. th'n their heart shall turn again to R. 14 30. there was war between R. andJerob.l5 6. 1 Chron. 3. 10. R. was Solomon's son, Mai. 1.7. iChron. 11. 17. they made R. strong three years CI. R. loved Ma,achah daughter of Absalom 22. R. made Abijah the sonofMaachah thechef 13.7 Jeroboam strengthened himself .igainst R. whea R. was \oung and tender-hearted REHOBOIH. Cen. 10. II. Aihur went, biiilded Nineveh end R. 26. 22. Isaac called the ntvme of the well R. 36.37. Samlah died, Saul of R. reigned, 1 C/jr.1.48 REHUM. Etra e. 2. R. came with Zeiubbahel, Nek. 12. 3 4.8. R.tbe chancellor wroie against Iprusalcm 37. Ihe king sent an answer to R. and Shimshai 23. now when the letter was read before R. A srt'iioa? I »2nR. SAT*f 4. 5. thon mnsthny it also ni R. the Moabile.w 10. moreover, R have I purciiaseu to t..- my irifj M*i, l.i. £oa£ begat Ub«d ut A. Obed begai Jeuc s. SABEANS. Joh 1 . 15. the S. fell on tbe oxen and asses of Job /'a. 45. It. merchandise of the S. shallcometo the* t.zeh 23. 42. with men of the common son were S Joel 3. 8. and they shall sell them to the S. SALATlllEE. 1 Chron. 3. 17. S. the son of lechnniah, Mai. 1 12 Luie 3. 27. Zorobabel, which was the son of S 8ALE.M. Gen. 14. 18. Melchizedek king of S. brought wine Psal. 76. 2. in S. also is his tabernacle, and in Zioc /y«*.7.1.Melchizedek king of S. who blessed Abiah 2. being king of S which is king of peace SAL.MON. llutA 4. 20. Nahshon begat S.(|21. S. begat Boat. I Chron. 'i. 11. Mat. 1.4,3. Psnl. 68. 14. it was white as snow in S. Luke 3. 32. Boaz, which w:is the son of S. SAL.MONE. Acts 27. 7- we sailed under Crete, over-agaibst S. SALOME. Mark 15 40. | I6. 1. SAMARIA. 1 Kingi 13. 32. against hi;;h-pl aces which are in S, Ifi. 24. Oniri bought the hill S. of Shenier 20. 1. Ben-hadad besieged S. 2 Kings Q.ii. 10. if the dust ofS. shall suffice for handfuls 17. told, saying, ihere are men come out of S. 22. 10. Ahab and lehnshaphat sat on their thron* in the entrance of the gale of S. £ Chron. 18 9- 38. one washed the chariot in the pool of S. 2 Ki/igs 6. 20. behold, they were in the midst of S. 7. 1. barley for a shekel in the gate of S. 18. 17. 6. the king of Assyria look S. 18. 10. 10. 31. have they delivered S. out of mine hand? where are gods 0i"Hamalh and Arpad' Isa. 36. 19, 21. 13. 1 will stretch over Jemsalem the line nt &. 23. 18. the bones of thii prophet that came out of S. 2 Chron. 25. 13. soldiers fell on the cities from S t'zra ■I.IO. the noble Asnapperset in the cities of S. .^>A. 4. 2. Sanballat spake before the army cf .S. Jsa."!. g.ihe head of tphraini isS.and thehcad ofS. is Renialiah's son, if not bfc:ieve not established 8. 4. and the spoil of S. shall be taken away 9. 9. Ephraim and inhabitants of S. shall kr.o* 10. 9- is not Hamath as Arpad .' S. as Damascus? Jer. 23. 13. I have seen folly in the prophets of S. 3i. 5. shall yet plant vines on the mountains of S. 41. 5. there came certain from Snechem and .S. £ifi. 16.46. thine elder sister is S.she and dangh'.ers 51. nor hath S. committed half of thy sins 23. 4. S. is Aholah, and Jerusalem Aholibah IJos. 7. 1. then th'- wickedness of S. was discovered 8.5.thy calf, O S.hath cast thee off, anger kindled 6. but the calf of S. shall be broken in pieces 10.5. the inhabitants of S. sh^ll fear for the calves 7. as for S. her king is cat off as foam on water 13.16. S. shall become desolate, she hath rebelled Amos 3. Q. assemble ynnrselves on mountains of S 4. 1. hear, ye kine of Bashan, in monntain of .S. 6. 1. wo to them that trust in the mountain cf S. 8. 14. they that swear by the sin of S. and say Uhad. 19. they shall possess the fields of S. Mie. 1. I. the word which he saw concerning S. 6. I will make S. as an heap of the field Luie 17- 11. he passed throngh the midst of S. John 4. 4. and he must needs go through S. 9. how askesi drink of mc, who am a woman of S. f Aen 8. 1 . were scattered through the regions of S. 5. Philip preaihed Christ to them of S. 14. the apostles heard that S. received the word In SAMARIA. 1 Kings 16. 28. Omri buried in S. 1|22. 37. Ahab 29. Ahab reigned in S. || 22. 51. Ahaziah if* S. 18. 2. and there was a sore famine in S. 20 34. streets in Damascus, as my father made in &. 21. 18. to meet Ahab king of Israel which is in S. 2 Kings 3. 1. now Jehoram began to reign in S. 5. 3. would God my lordwerewiih the prophets in & 6. 25. and there was a great famine in S. 10. 17- lehu .slew all that remained to Ahab !« S. 13. 1. Jehoahaz reigned in S |{ 10. Jehoash 6. and there remained the grove also in S. 9. Jfhoahaz buried in S. || 13. Joash, 14. 16. 14. 23. Jeroboam the son of Joash reigned i» S. 15. 8. Zechariah reigned over Israel in S. 13. 17. Mci:ahem||27. I-'ekali||17. 1. Iloshea.»»jS C Chron. 22. 9. for Ahaziah was hid in S. Amos 3. 12 so Isr.iei be taken ooi that dwell in S Acts 1.8, be witnesses to me in Jadea utd in ij 9. 31. then bad the churches rest in S T'l or KHM SAMARIA. : Kings iO 43. Ahab being displeaseil came (» 3. ^J. 37 . so the king ilieJ aiiil was broughi to S J h'ingi 2. yS. Klisha reiurned from Caniiel in S. 6. 19. Elisha led them loS. open eyes of mese men 10.1. Jehu sent letti-ri to S. ||12 canie/uS. J7 14. 14 Jehoash took all ves»ls in hou.'v of Lord, and touK nosuRes, and returned («S. iCAr 26. 2t. 15. 14. Menahem came it S. and smote .Snatlum 17. 5. ifie king of Assyria went up to S. '■i Chron. 18. 2. Jehosbaphat went down lo S. 28.8. Israel brouj;ht the spoil of Judah to S. 'ta. 10. 11. as ] have done unto S. and aer idols SAMARITAN, S. Mat, to. 5. into any city of the S. enter ye not La*f 9.52. they entered into a village of'ihe S. !0. 3.'J. but 2 cTiaiu S. came where he was ■7. 16. one of ihe n gave thanks, and he was a S. ioin 4. 9- the Jews have no dealings wiih the S. 39- &nil many of the S. believed on him 6. 48. that thou art a S. and hast a devil SAMSON. fudg. 13. 24. the woman called his name S. !4,l. S. went to Timnaih II 7. she pleased S. well 10. S. made there a feast || 16. S. wife wept 13. 4. S. caught foxes || 10. to bind S. are we come 16.2. S. is C'lme hither || 3. S. lay till miduiglit 9. the Philistines be upon thee, S. 12, 14. 2U. ?3. our God hath delivered S. into our hand ZS.call S. || 30. S. said, let me die with Ihilistioes 28. S. called unto the Lord || 29. S. took hold 3eb. 11. 32. tut time would fail me to tell of S. SAMUEL. 1 Sam. 1. 20. Hannah barn a son, and called him S. 2. 18. S. ministered before the Lord||21.S. grew 3.4. the ty)rd called S. he answered, 6,8,10. 15. and .I. feared to shew Eli the vision !1. the Lord revealed himself to S. in Shiloh 4. Land the word of S. came to all Israel 7.6. S. judged the children of Israel, 15. 9. S. cried to the Lord for Israel, the Lord heard 13. Lord was against Philistines all the days of S. fl. 6. displeased S. when they said, give us a king 19- the people refused loobey the voice of S. 21. and S. heard alt the words of the people 9. 15. Lord told S. in his ear before Saul came S4. so Saul did eat with S. that day 96. S. called Saul to the top of the house 10. 1. S. took a vial of oil and anointed Saul 14. we came to S. || 12. 11. the Lord seat S. ■5. tell me, I pray thee, what S. said to you 26. then S. told the manner nf the kingdom 11. 7. whosoever Cometh not forth after Saul and S t2 18. all the people greatly feared the Lord and S 13.8. he tarried the set time that S. had appointed 13. 11. it grieved S. || 33. S. hewed A gag in pieces 27. as S. turned about to go away, S. mauile rem 35. nevertheless, 3. mourned for Saul 16. 10. Jesse made seven of his sons to pass before S 13. S. took the horn of oil and anointed David 19' 18. David fled and came to S to Kamah 82. he said, where are S. and David '||25.1.S.died 13. 11. Saul said to the woman, bring me up S. 14 Saul perceived that it was S and bowed hims. JCAr.e.SB.sons ofS.y 26.28 all that SThaddeduated 9. 22. whom Davia and S. the seer did ordain 11.3. according to the word of the Lord by S. tChron. 35. IH. was no passovcr like thai from S. Ptttl. 99' 6. .S. among them that call on his name Str. 13. 1. though Moses and S. stood before me Acts 3.24. the prophets from S. have foretold 13. 20. gave them judges 450 years till 3. prophet U*l. 11. 33. the time would fail me to tell of S. SANBALLAT. Vek. 2. 10. when S. heard of it, it grieved him, tg. 4. 1. when S. heard we builded he was wroth, 7. 6. S. S. sent to me, 5. || 14. my God, think upon S. 12. far Tobiah and S. hud hired him 13. 28. the sou of Jolada was sun-in-law to S. SAPIIIR. 4/iV. 1. 11. pass ye awav, thou inhabitant of S. SAPPIMRA. .'if//5.1.ADanlai, with S.his wife, sold a possession SARAH. Gen. 17. 15. not Sarai, but S. shall her name be 19- S. thy wife shall bear ihee a son, 18. 14. 18. 9. where is S.' II 20. 14. Ahimelcch restored S. Il.itceasfd 10 lie with S.afternianner of women 12. S. laughed || 13. wherefore did S. laugh ' 20.2. Abraham .laid of S. she is mv sister 18. because of S.|i':3. 1. years of the'life ofS.12T. SI. 1. the L»rd did unio S. as he had spoken 7- that S. should have gi\cn cliildreii suck 12 in all ihilS. said to tWet, hearken 10 her S.'i 2. S. died II 19. Abraham b'jried S. his wife 24 07. Isaac brong'..t her into his nio:lier S. tent 25. 10. there wis Al-rahaiii bnri.-d and S. 49. .11. Sum. C6.46. name of the daughter of A^her was S. /■«a .il.'J. looK to Abrahniii and to S. that b;irc you iiQin.i. 19. nor vet the de.idness of S. womo 752 SAL" Rom 9.Q >t tills time I will come, S. shall have a son /ye;i.l).ll ihro'faith S received strength to'-onceive 1 I'ti 3. 6. as S. obeyed Abrahjju.ov'aing Lim lord SAKAI. Oen. 11 29. the name of Abraham's wife was S. 30 hut S was barren, she had nu child, 10. 1. 12. 1". the Lord plagued Hiiaraoh because of S. 16. 6. when S. dealt hardly wiih ll.ig-ir, she tied 8. she said, I Hee from the face of my mistress S 17- 15. ibou shalt uoi call her name S. but Saran SARDIS. Rev. l.ll.write and send it to S. and to Philadelphia 3- 1. to the angel of the church in S. write 4. a few names in S. which 1 have not defiled SARliPlA. Luiei. 26. save to S. a city of Sidon, 1 Kings IT. g SAHON. Acts 9. 35. and all that dwelt at S. saw him SARUCn. Luie 3. 35. Nachor, which was the son of S. SATAN, See /ip/'cllatires. SAUL, ca/led SlIAUL, 1 CAron. 1.48. Gen. 36. ,37. S. of Rehoboth reigned || .38. S. died 1 ■S'am.9.2.Kishhadasoi;, wKose name was 3. 1 4.51. 15. the Lord told Samuel a day before S. came 17. when Samuel sawS.{|18..S.drew near to Samuel 24. set it before S. so S. did eat with Samuel 10. 11. is S. also among the prophets ? 12. j 19.24. 21. 3. was taken || 11 12. shall S. reign overus > 11.6. the Spirit of God came upon S. anger kindled 7.whosoevercometh not forth after S. and Samuel 15. people went to Gilgal, there they made S.kiiig 13. 3. 3. blew the trumpet through all the land 7. as for S. he was yet in Gilgal, and all the people 10. S. went out to meet Samuel 1| 15. 3. numbered 14. 24. for S. had adjured the people, saying 35. S. built an altar || .37. S. asked counsel of God 46. S. went up from following the Philistines 52. when S. saw any strong man, he took him 15. II. it repetteth me that I have set up S. 31. Samuel turned again after S. S. worshipped 35. and Samuel came no more to see 3. IG.I. Lord said, how long wilt thou mourn for S. .' 5. if S. hear it || 18. 6. came out lo meet king S: 14. the Spirit of the Lord departed from 3. 23.theevilSpir. from G.wason S. 18.10. j I9.9. 17.8. am not I a Philistine, and you servants to S.f 12. Jesse went for an old man in the days of S. 19- S. and all Israel were in the valley of Klah 38. and 3. armed David with his armour 18.9- S.eyed David from that day and forward 12. 3. afraid of David ; Lord departed from S. 15 when 3. saw that he behaved very wisely, 30. 29. S. became David's enemy continually ly. 4. Jonathan spake good of David to S. his father 7. J on. brought David to S. he was as in limes past 11. S. sent messengers to take Davtd, II, 15,20. 30 25 Abner sal by 3. side || 33. 3. cast a javelin 21.10. David arose and fled thal^lay for fear of S 11. saying, S. hath slain his thousands, C9 5. 22. 22. I knew that he would surely tell 3. 23. 1 1 . will S. come down as thy serv. hath heard ? 17 shall be king, snd that 3. my father knoweTh 28. S. returned from pursuing after David 24. 4. David cut off the skill of S. robe privily 7. David suffered them not to rise againsi .S. 8. Divid cried after S. || 22. David sware to S. 26. 4. David understood S. was come in very Jet 4 5. and David beheld ihe place wnere S. fay 7. behold, 3 lay sleeping within the trench 17. 3. knew David's voice j) 25. 3. returned 27. 1. I shall perish one day by the hantl of S. 28. 9. behold, thou knowest what S. hath done 10. 3. sware to her by lx)rd|| 12. for thou art S. 20. S. fell straightway all along on the earth 29.3. is not this David servant of S king of Israel - 31. 2. the Philistines followed hard upon 3. ami his sons and slew Jonathan, I C/iron. 10. 2. 7- that 3. and his sons were dead, 1 Chron. 10.7. 31. II. when inhabit, of Jahesh-gilead heard what the Philistines had done lo S 1 Chron 10 II. '.Sam. 1.6 leaned or hi' spear||21 . the shield of 3. 2*. ve daughters of Israel, weep over S. 2.7. be ye valiant, for your master S. is dead .'I. I. the'house of 3. waxed weaker and weaker 10. to translate Ihe kingdom from house ol 3. and to sei up the throne of David, 1 Curcn. 12.23 '. Sam. 4. 10. one brought tidings saying, -S. is dead 5. 2. in time past, when S was king, I Chron. 112. 7. 15. mercy shall not depart, as I took it from S. 9- 1. is there yei any left of the house of S. ' 3. 7 I will restore ihee all the land of S. thy faiher 12. 7. delivered thee cut nl ihe hand of S. 22. 1. 16. 8. on thee all the hlnml of ihe hmiie of 3. 21. I. It IS forS. and for nil Moody house. 4 will bnve nii silver nor gold 'if S. nor iiis iinu.f 12. David took the bones of .S. from men of lal.esh 1 Chron. 5. 10 in the d;iy> of .S tney made war 10. 13. so S. died fi)r Ins iraiiigrevsioo ag.ihe Lord 12.1. David kepi Uiiuself c\ose because of £. SHA [I-KorLn Names. 1 CAr. 13. 3. we inquired not at it in the days of S 26. 28. all that Samuel and 3. had dedicaued /j«. 10 29 Kamah i3 afraid, Gibeah of.S. is fled ■ Icii 7 58 at a young man's feel whose uaine wasS. 8 1. and 3. was consenting unto his death 3 as fur S. he made havoc of the church 0. 4 .->..S. why persecutesi thou me r 22.7. j 26.11, 1 1. and inquire for one called 3. nf larstis J7 brother S. the Lord hath sent me, 22. 13. 22 but 3. increased more 111 strength 24. bill their laying wait was known of S. 2(j when S. was come to Jerusalem, he assaj ' 11. C5. barnaba.* went to larsus to seek 3 30. sent relief by the hands of Barnabas and S. 13. 1. a: Aulioch prophets brnughi up with S. 2. Holy Ghost said, separate me Barnabas and S 7' Sergius Panlus called for Barnabas and 3. 9' d. sei his eyes on htm, and said, U full u: 21. God gave unto them S tne soo uf Cis iet lohATIlA.S. SCEVA. Ac:t 19. 14. there were seven sons of one S. a Jew SCYiniAN Co/. 3. 11. where there is neither barbarian, C. SKBA. Gen. 10. 7. the sons of Cush. S. and llavilaa /^>n/.72.10.ihekingsofS3ebaand9 shall oifcr gift* Isa. 43. 3. I gave Ethiopia and 3. for thee StlR. Gen. 32. 3. to the land of S. the country of Edom 33. 14. lead softly, till I come 10 my lord to i. 3(5. 20. these are the sons of S. 21. 1 Chion. 1. 31i Sum. 2*. 18. S. shall be a possession for encm:e- Ueut. 1.44. the Amoriies destroyed you iu S 33. 2. the Lord came from Sinai and rose up from S Jkdg. 5. 4. Lord, wheu ihou weniest out of S 2 C'Aron.20.23.made an end of the inhabitar.iS of S. 25. 11. Amaziah smote of cluidren of 3. lO.OOC 14. he brought the gods of lue children of £>. /ya.21. 11. he calleih to me oui of S. watchman i^zei. 25.8. because that Moab and 3« do sa; Mount SEIR. Gen. 14.6. and the Ilorites in their mtitnt S. 36. 8. thus dwelt Esau in mount 3. 9. Deui. 2. 1. we compassed mount S. many days 1 have given mount S. to Ijau, Josh. 24.4. 1 C'/i/-.4.42. of sons of Simeon 5<)0 went to mount S 2 C/(f.20 10. mount S.whom wouldsl not let invade 22. Ihe L'ird sel ambushments against mount S. 23. Amnion and Moab stood up againsi nwuiif 3 Lzfi. 35 2. set thy face against mount S. .(. say 10 it. behold, OmoiMiS. 1 am cgainsithc* 7. thus will 1 make m 'unt 3. most de^ulaie, 15 SELKUCiA. .lets 13 4. being sent forth, they departed unto S. St.MEl. Lute 3.26. Mattathias which was the son of S. SENNACHERIB. C/\')n»» 18. 13. S.came up agaiiisi Judah, Isa. 36.1. ly. 16. see andTiearthe words of S. Isa. 37. 17. 20. thou hasi praved to me againsi S. Isa 37-2;. 36. S. departed and dwell at Nineveh, Isa. 37.3" 2 Chioii. 'J2. 22. the I.nrd saved llezckiah from i. 3EP1IARVAIM. IfCitigf 17.24. king of Assyria brought meu fr)m S. 18. .14. where are the gods of S. f Isa. 36. :y. :9. 13. where is the king of 3. > Isa. 37. 13. SEKAIAII. '-- Sam.ii.\7 ZidoV the priest and S. was the scribe 2 /.in;/ 23 18. th2 captain of the guard took 3 the chief priest and Zephani.ih, Jer. 32. 2k 23. there came 10 Gedaliah, S. Jer. 40. 8. 1 ('/in;n.4, 14. S. begat Joabh 35. Josibiah son of S. 6. 14. Azariah bcgil S. and 3 begat Jehoxailak / i'a7-l. Ezraihesonof b. jl .\,h. 10.2. S. scald ^th II. 11. S. was ruler ol the bouse 01 God 12. I. S. Ihe priest went up wiih Xerubbabe'. 12 thp chief of the fathers of S. M-raiah J( r.Sfi.'.'fi the kiiif commanded S. 10 tak* Baruch 51. 59. tne word which Jeremiah com nanded S. tlie son of Neriah, this 3. waj a quiet prinrt 61. Jeremiah said to S.when earnest to Babylon SERtJIUS PAULUS. ids 13.17. S. i'aulus a prudeui man, th« itpv.y SEMI. G.::. 5. 3. a son after hit image, and called him S 6. S. begal Enos, 1 Chron. 1 . 1. t.uie 3. 38. SIIADRACII, Use Aacu-NSUt* SIIALIM. 1 Sam. 9-4. S. then ihr v passed thro' the land 01 3 31IALI.S1IA 1 Sam. Q. 4. he passed through ih« land of S. SHALLUM. 2 h'infi 15. 10. S. son nf Jabesh killed ^achariaJk 14. Menaliem slew S. son nfjaliesh in .Samaria C2. 14. Hilkiah the priest weni in lluldord's priest in S. 1 A'infj2. 27- the word against the house of Eli in S. 34. 2. get thee to S. to Ahijah the prophet 4. Jeroboam's wife arose and went to S. Psal. 78. 60. he forsook the tabernacle of S. Jer. 7. 22. but go ye to my place which was in S. 14. I will do to this house as I have done to S. 26. 6. then will I make this house like S. 9. 41. 5. there came certain from S. and Samaria SHILOAII. lsa.6.&. this people refuselh the waters of S. SHILONITE, See Ahwah. SHIMEAH. 2 Sam.M.i. Ammon nad a friend .Jonadab son of .S. David's brother, 32. |21.21. 1 CAnn. 20. 7- 1 Chron. 3. 5. S. was born to David in Jerusalem 6. 39. Asaph son of Berachiah, the son of S. SHIMEI. 2 Sam. 16. 5. S. son of Ger» of Bahurim, 10. I6 SIL 1 Chron. 27. 27. J'er vmeyards was S. Ramatti] i 2 Chron. 29. 14. the sons of lleman, Jehiel and 9>, 31. 12. over the dedicated things was S. 13. Ezra 10. 23. S. had taken a strange wife, 33. 38. Eslh. 2. 5. Mordecaisonof Jair, the *on ol S. Ztch. 13. 13. the family of S. shati mourn apart SHIMSHAI. Etra 4. 8. S. the scribe wrote a letter, 9. 17. the king sent an answer toS. the scribe SHIN'AR. Gen. 10. 10. Accad and Calneh in the land of S 11.2. that th<-y found a plain in the land of S. 14. I. in the days of Amraphel king of .S. /fa.U.ll.recoverlhe remnantfrom S.andllamatb Dan. 1. 2. which he carried into the land of S. Zech. 5. 11. to build it an house in the land of S. SHISHAK. 1 A'l'njj 14.25. in 6fth year of Rehoboam, S.kingnl Egypt came up against Jerusalem, 2 Chr. 12. S. 2 Chr. 12. 5. to princes that were gathered togethei because of S. I left you in the hand ofS 7. wrath shall not be poured out on Jerus. by S. 9.S.took away the treasures of the house of Lord SHITTIM. iViwi. 25.1. Israel abode in S. people began to coiDmiJ Josh. 2.1. sent out of S. two men to spy the land 3. 1. they removed from S. and came to Jordan Joel 3. 18. and shall water the valley of S. Mic. 6. 5. Balaam answered him from S.toGilgal SHUAH. Gen. 25.2. Ketarah bare Ishbak, S. 1 Chron. 1. 32. 3y . 2. J udah married the daughwr of a Canaanite named S. 12 \. 1 Chron, 2.3 SIIUAL. 1 Sam. 13.17. the spoilers turned to the laud of 3 SHUHITE, See Bildau. SHULAMITE. Canl. 6. 13. return O S. what will ye see in the S.'. SHUNAMITE. 1 A'l'n.l.S.and they found a fair damselAbishaca S 2. 17. that he give me Abishai; the S. to wife 22.why dost thou ask Abishag the S.for Adonijafc 2 Kings 4. 12. call thisS. .36.IJ25. yonder is that S. SHUSHAN. Neh. I. 1. it came to pass as 1 was in S. the palace Esth. 2. 8. many maidens were gathered to S. 3. 15. but the city S. was perplexed 4. 16. gather all the Jews in S. and fast for me 8. 15. the city of S. rejoiced and was glad 9. 11. number slain in S. was brought to the king 15. the Jews slew in S. three hundred men Set Palace. SIBMAII, See V;ne. SIDON, called ZIDON, 1 Chron. 1. 13. Gen. 10. 15. Canaan begat S. his first-born 19. the border of the Canaanites was from S> J"dg. 18. 28 because Laish was far from S. iVa^l 1.21. if works had been done in Tyre and S. 22.it shall be more tolerable for S.Luit 10.13,14, 15. 2 I.Jesus departed into the coasts of Tyre aud S. behold, a woman of Canaan came, ]\farkT.i4. Mark 3.8. they about Tyre and S.came, Luke 6.17 7. 31. departing from the coasts of Tyre and S. Lt. tied away on his feet D 22. 8. Liy dead 5 2i» the stars io their courses fo-Rht against S. Jui^S- 5. i'i- ai»l with the haninic-r she smote -S. £8 the mother of S. looked out at a window 1 Sam 12. g. he »old them into the band of S. A'l/a 2. 53. the children of S. Nethinims went up with Zerubbabel, \'eh. 7. 5.0. Pes/. 83. J do unto theni, «is to S. as to Jabiii SIVAN. SitA. 8. 9. « third monih, tbat ii the aoDth S. 7A1 SOL SMYRNA. liev. 1. 11 write and snnd to the church io S 2. b. coin* angel of the church in S. write SO. 8 fCijtgi 17. 4.hesent messengers to S.king of Egypt SOOOM. Gjn.n.lO.before Lord destroyed S. and Gomorrah 13. the men of S. were wicked exceedingly 14 .11. they took all the goods of S. and Gomorrah 12. they took Lot who dwelt in S. and his goods 17. the king of S, went out to meet Abram 18. 20. Lord said, because the cry of S. is great 26. if I find in S. fifty righteous. 1 will spare 19. 24. Lord rained upon S fire out of heaven Dext. 29. 23. like the overthrow of S. and Gomor- rah, ha. 13. 19. Jer. 49. 18. I 50. 40. 32. 32. their vine is of the vine of S. and Gomorrah Isa. 1. 9. we should have been asS. like Gomorrah 10. hear the word of the Lord ye rulers of S. 3. y. and they shall declare their sin a< S. Jer. 23. 14. they are all of them unto mt as S I-am. 4. 6. ereaterthan the punishment of sin ot S. Ezii. 16. 46. thy younger sister is S. 48, 49, 55. 53. when I bring again the captivity of 8. AniDS 4. 11. overthrown you, as Ciod overthrew S. Zep/i. 2. 9. as I live, surely Bloab shall be as S. Jilat. 10. 15. it shall be more tolerable for the land of S. 11. 24. Mart 6. 11. Lule 10. 12. Lule 17. 29. the same day that Lot went out of S lUm. 9. 29. had left us a seed, we had been as S. 2 Pet. ^.6. turning citiesofS. andGom. into ashes Jude' . even asS. and Gom. and cities about them iiVii.l 1.8. great city spiritually called S. and Egypt SOUOMITE. Dear. 23. 17. there shall be no S. of the sons of Israel SODOMITES. 1 Kitigs 14. 24. there were also S. in the land 15. 12. Asa took away the S.|| 22. 46. Jehoshaphat 2 A j'njj 23.7. Josiah brake down the houses of tliiiS. SOLOMON. 2 Sam. 5.14. there was born to David in Jerusalem, S. 1 Chron. 3. 5. | 14. 4. 12. 24. he called his name S. and God loved him 1 AV«»f 1 . 10. S. his brother he called not, ig, 20. 13. S. thy son shall reign after me, 17, 30. 21. I, and my son S, shall be counted ofieuders 34. God save king S. 39. 1|43. hath made S. king 37. L. hath been with David even so be he with S. 47. God make the name of S. better thau thine 51. let S. swear to me that he will not slay me 2. 1. David charged S. his son [123. king S. sware 46. the kingdom was established in the hand of S. 3. 1. S. made affinity with Pharaoh king of Egypt 3. S. loved the Lord || 10. S. had a.sked this thing 5. the Lord appeared toS. g. 2. 2C*rOTi. 1.7. | 7.12 4.22. S. provision for one day was thirty measures 2g. God gave S. wisdom exceeding much, 5. 12 34. came to hear the wisdom of S. from all kings of the earth, Mat. 12. 42. Luke 11. 31. 5. I. Hiram king of Tyre sent his servants to S. 13. king S. raised a levy out of all Israel 6. 14. so S. built the house and finished it, 3 Chron. 7 11. AeisT. 47. 7. 51. so was ended all the work that S. made 8 l.S. assembled the elders of Israel, 2 Chron.b.i. 22. S. spread forth hi,< hands to heaven 53. when S. made an end of praying, 2 CAron 7.1. 60 S. held a feast jj 9. 26, S. made a navy of ships 10. 1. when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of S, she came to prove him, 2 CAron. 9. 1. 24. all the earth sought to S. 2 CAioti. 9. S3. 11. 1 but kingS loved many strange women 2. 8. cla/e to these in love y4. when S. was old 5. S. went after Ashtoreth and after .Milconi 6. S. did ev|1^7. built for Cbemosb and Molech 9. the Lord was angry with S. jl 27 S. built M illu 14. Iladad the Kdoiuite, an adversary to S. 28. S. made Jeroboam ruler over house of Joseph 40. S sought therefore to kill Jeroboam 41. S. slept with his fathers, and was buried 12. 2, Jeroboam fled from the presence of S. 14,26 shields of gold which S, made, 2 (7(rKn.I2 9, 2 Sin^ttl.' . of which the Lord said to David and to .^. I will put 11, y name lor ever, 2 VAr. 3)7. 1 CAiKii. 28. 6. S. my 'on is young and lender 9. for bis name shall be 8, |l 17. tu help S. 28. 6. S. thy son, he shall huild my house 9. thou S. my son, know the God of thy fathers II. David gave to .S. the pattern of the house 29. 1. S. my son, whom God alour balh choven 19- S"'* '" S. my son a perfect heart to keep 23. 8. sat on the ihrnne of the I>ord as king 25. the Lord magnified Sixceedinnly before Isr. 2 C'Ar,2. 17. S. numbered all thejirangrrs io Isr. 3. 3. are the things wherein S. was instructed 30. £6. since time of 8. not such joy iu Jerusaler; I- ira 2. 55. the children of S. servants, 58. SeA. 7. 57. 60. I 11, 3. NeA. 12. 45, according to the cnmmanilment of S. IS. 26. did not king S, 51Q by these things ! SYR [Proper Names Hov. 1. 1. the srovorbs of S. 10. 1. | 25. 1. Catit. 1. 1. the song of songs which is S. 5. I am black, but comely, as the curtains of S. 37. behold, his bed which is 8. sixty men about it 1 1. behold king S.lj 8. 12. S.must have a ihousai*,' 8. U. S. bad a vineyard at liaal-liauion Jer. 52. 20. the sea S. made was carried aviay Mul. 1. 6. David begat S. H7. 8. begat Roboam 6. 29. S. lu all his glory, not arrayed, LuAe 12.17 12. 42. a greater than S. is here, Luie U. 31. JoAm 10. 23. and Jesus walked io 8. porch Acii 3. 11. the people ran to them to 8. porch 5. 12. they were all with one accord iu 8. oorcO SOREK. Judg. 16. 4. Samson loved a woman in valley of S S08IPATER. Horn. 16. 21. Jason and S. my kiusman salute yon SOSrUENES. Acit 18. 17. the Greeks took S. and beat him 1 Cor. 1. 1. Paul and S. to the church at Corintb SPAIN. liom. 15. 24. whensoever I take my journey into S 28. I. will come by you into S. SIACHVS. Rom. 16. 9- salute Urbane, and S. my beloved STEPMANA8. 1 Cor. 1. 16. 1 baptiaed also the household of .S. 16. 15. the house of 8. the first-fruits of Achaia 17. 1 am glad of the coming of 8. and I'ortunatttj SfEeilEN. Acts 6. 5. they chose S. a man full of faith, 8. 7. 59. they itouedS. calling on God, and saying 8. '.'. devout men carried 8. to his burial 1 1 19. scattered abroad 00 the persecution about S. 22. 20. when the blood of the martyr S. was she** SUCCOTIl. Gen. 33. 1". Jacob jourueyed to S.and made booth* for his cattle, therefore it is called S. Erod. 12. 37. Israel journeyed from RamesestoS. 13 20 theytook their journey from 8. A uhi. 3 J. 5,6. J-sA. 13. 27. Gad had in the valley, 8. and /aphon Jiidg. 8. 5. Gideon said to the men of 8. give bread 8. the men of i'tnuel answered as the meu of S. 16. with them he taught the meu of 8. 1 Kmgs 7,46. the king cast them in the clay-ground between S. and /arthan, 2 CAron. 4. 17. Psal. 60. 6.1 will mete out the valley of S. 108. 7. SUCCOTII-BENOTII. 2 Ai)i»j 17. 30. men of Babylon made S. their sod SUSANNA. Lnke&. 3. Joanna and S. ministered to Christ SYRIA. Jiidg. 10. 6. Israel served the gods of S. and Zidon 2 Ham. 8. 6. David put garrisons in 8. 1 CAr. 18.6 , 15. 8. vowed a vow while I abode at Geshur in S. 1 Kings 10. 29. for the kings of 8. did they bring 1 1.2i. Reaon abhorred Israel and reigned over ; ig. 15. anoint Ilazael tobekinguf S 2 .Viii^i 13. i 22,1. continued without war between S. and Israel 2 Sings 3. I. by Naamao deliverance given to S 6. 23. the bands of 8. came no more into the land 7. 5. behold, there was no maa in the camp of S 8. 13, Ld. shewed me that thou shalt be king of 8 13.7. for the king of S. had destroyed them 17. he said, the arrow of deliverance from & 19. but DOW thou shall smite S. but thrice 1(>, 6. Rezin king of 8. recovered Elath to S. '.' thron. 18. 10. with these thou shalt push 8. 24. 23. the host of 8. came up against Joash 28. 23. because the gods of kings of S. help iheK lia. 7. 2. saying, 8. is confederate with Lphraim 8, for head of 8,1s Damascus.and Rezin of Dam, E:ek. 16. 57. reproach of the daugliters of S. 27. 16. S. was thy merchant for thy wares Hot. \i. 12. Jacob fled into the country of S. .■ImoM 1. 5. the people of S. shall go into captivity Mat. 4. 24. his fame went throughout all S. I.uke 2. S whcnCyrenius was goiernor of S. .Icii 15. 23. send greeting to the brethren io S. 41. he went through 8. and Cilicia, confirming 18. 18. sailed thence into 8, 21.3. men 6. the 8. became David's servants, 1 CA'-.18,5,6. 13. when he returned from smiting of the S. 10. 6. the Ammonites sent and hired the S. 11. if the S. be too strong for me, 1 Chr, 19. IS PROPER Names.] TKK tSam. 10 I9.S0 thf S.fearcd tohelplhe chiliiren nf Amnion any more, 1 Vhrou IiJ. IJ 1 KiniiW. CO ihe S. HeJ and Israel pur>ucil thtiii 27. Isr.-ifl's little Hocks, bul S. filled iheciuiiirj 89. Israel slew of ihe S. 100,000 in one day sell Lord saiih.wiih these »hak thon pti>h(he.S. £ Kinst5 £. the S. had taken a maid captive 6. y. beware, for thither the S. are come down 7. 4. rome, let us tall into the host 01" the S 6. the Lord made the host of il.e S.to hear a noise 10. we came 10 camp of the S. no m^n was there 8. Q8. S. wi.unded Joram, Cp. | 9. 15. 2 CAr. C'-'.S 13. 5. Israel went out from under the hand of S. 17. for thou shall smite the S. in Aphck 16.0. the S came to Tlath and dwelt there Jsa. 9 12. the .S. before, and the Philistines behind Jer. 35. 11. to Jerusalem for fear of the army ofS. Wmoi 9. 7- have not I brought the S. from Kir.' SVKDI'IIKMCIAN. Afsri 7 C6. the womau was a Greek, a S. by nation T. TABEAL. Ita. 7 6. a king in midst of it, even the son of T. TABF.RAH. Num 11. 3. he called the name of the place T. Deut. 9 22. at T. he provoked the Lord to wrath TABITHA Acn 9, .16 was at Joppa a disciple named T. 40. Peter turning to the body, said, T. arise TABOR. /i shi ps were broken and not able to go to T 1*10/. 48 7- thon breakest ships orr with east-wind 72 10 the kin:;s of T. shall bring presents Ita 2 16. the day of the Lord on all the ships of T 83 1 howl, y ships of T. it ;s laid waste, 14. 6 pass over to T howl, ye ir.habitants of the isle 10 pass through thy land, O daughter of T 60 9 the ships of T shall wait forme 66 19 I will send those t'lat escape to T fer.IO g.silver spread into plates is brought from T S^ek 27. 12 T was thy merchant, with iron £5 the ships off did sing 6f thee in thy market 38 13. the merchants of T shall say to thee ttnaA 1 3 Jonah rose up to fice unto T. 4 2- therefore I fled before unto T. for I knew TAft.SUS. Acts')- 11 inquire for one Saul of T he prayeth 30 the brethren sent him forth to T 11 25 Barnabas duparied to T. to seek Saul 21 39 I am a man who am a Jew of T 22 3 TARTAK 2A"«'>!fj 17 SI the Avites made T. their god TEBETIl bsiA 2 16 in the tenth month, which is T TEhEL. Van 5 C5. was WT-itten, mene, mens, T 27 T thou art weighed in ihc balances i KKOAIl, or TKhOA SSam .4. 8. Joeb sent to T. to fetch awisewoiTiui 4 when the woman of T. spake to ihi- king 1 Cr,T..n. 9. 24 Abiah bare Ashiir the father .jt T * 5. Ashnr me father of T. had two wives '•C.roj*. u 6 Hchoboam built Etam and r 760 TIT C C/ir ru. 20. a..ny went into the wilderness of T .Ur 6. I O Betij imin, blow the trunijiet in T Amos I. I. Amos, who was among herdmen of 1' TLJIA. Gen 15. 15 sonsof Ishroael, lla(lar,T. 1 C*r. 1 30 .f.iA C. 19 the troops of T looked for them ha. 21. 14. the inhabitants of T. bronchi water Jer. 25. 23. I made Dedan md i'. to drink the cup TE.MAN. Oen. 36. 11. the sons of Eliphaz were T. Omar 15. duke T. duke Kenaz. 42 1 CAron. 1. 53. Jer. 49. 7. is wisdom no more in I' 'counsel perished 20. that the Lord hath puriiosed against i'. Ezei. 25. 13. I will make it desolate Trom T .-Imos 1. 12. but 1 will semi afire upon T. OSad. 9. thy miuhty men, O V. shall be dismayed Had. 3. 3. God came from T. holy One from Parau TEMANl IE, i'ea Eliphaz TI-.K AH. Gen. 11. 24. Nahor b> gat T. 1 CAron. 1. 2C. 26. T. begat Abram, 27. J<'sA 24. 2. 31. T. look Abram his son, and Lot, and went out 1 ERAPHIM. Jur!g, 17. 5 the man Micah made an Fpbod and T. IK 14. in these houies is T. || 20. took the T. Hos 3. 4. liU'ael shall abide many days without T. 'lEHTIU.S. Rom. 16,22. I T. who wrote this epistle salute you TERl'ULLUS. Acts 24. 1. with a certain orator, named T. 2. T. began to accuse Paul, .saving TLiRARCH, SW Hkrod. THEBR?:. Jtxfg- 9-50 then went Abimelech to T. and took T. 2 Ham. 11. 21. smote Abimelech that he died id,!'. THEOPJl ILL'S. Lnie 1.3. to write to thee, most excellent T. Acts 1 1. the former treatise have 1 made, O T. THESSALONICA. .icts 17. 1 at T. WAS a synagogue of the Jews 11. these were more noble than those of T. 27 2 one Aristarchus of T. being with us PAtl. 4 16. even in T. ye sent once and again 2 Tim. 4. 10. for Demas is departed unto 1'. THEUDAS. Acts 5 36. before these days rose up T. boasting THOMAS. Mat. 10. 3. T and Matthew the publican, apostles, Mart 3. 1«. Luie 6. 15. Arts 1 . 13. JoAn 11 X6. T. said, let us go and die with him 20. 24 T. was not with them when Jesus came 26 T. was v/ith them || 21.2. Simon J'eter and T. 27 be 3aith to T. reach hither thy finger THUMMIM, See .-Ippeltatiies. THVATIRA. .■Jets 16 14. Lydia, of city of T. worshipped God Reryi.li.send ittoT ||2.24. to you and to rest in T. 2. 18. to the angel in the church in T. write TIBERIAS. JoAu 6 1. sea of Galilee, which is the sea of T. 23 howbeit there came other boats from T. TIBNL 1 Kings 16 21. half of the people followed T 22.0mri prevailed against those thai followed T. TIGLAIH-PILESER. 2 Kin^s 15. 29 T. cajiie and took Ijon and Kedesh 167. Ahazsent messengers to T. king of Assyria 1 CAron. 5 6 T earned Beerah away captive C6 God of Israel stirred up the spirit of T. 2 CAron. 28. 20. T came and distressed Ahaz TIMNAIII. Gen. .36. 12 Judah went to his shearers in T. Judg 14 1 Samson went d"wn to T. saw a woman TlMuIHEUS. Acts 16 1 a certain dtsciple there, named T. Horn. If). 21 T my wnrkfellow .saluteth you \C„r.\6 lO.itT. conie||2 C'.-r 1.1 T. our broiher C Cor. 1 ly. who was preac bed even by me and 1'. I'Ait 2. 19 I trust in the Lord to send T. to you 1 lAess.Z 2 we sent T to establish and comfort you 1 Vim 1 2 t>i 1'. my own son, 18. 2 Tim. 1. 2. Ilei, 13. 23 our brother T. is set at liberty TIRSHAIIIA. I'.ira 2 63 T said, they should not eat, Keh. 7. 65. A>A 7 70. the J' gave gold to the treasure 10. 1. those that seabd were Nehemiah the T. TIUZAII. t^um. 26 ."JJ Iloglah, Milcah, and T daughters of Zelophebacl.27. 1 | 36. II. JosA. 17. 3. JosA. 12 24. Joshua smote the king of J". 1 Ai«;'j 14 17 Jeroboam's wife came to T. • 15. 21. ISaashki dwell and reigned in T. 33. Ifi.B.KIah reigned inT. |; 15. Ziinri reigned in T. 17. Oniri besieged T. |1 23 Oinri reigned in I'. Z}iings 15 16. Menaliem smote coasts from T. Ctnir. 6.4. thon art beautiful, (J my love, as T. TlSllHllE, .See Elijah. 'J 1 ins. 2 Cor. 2. 13. 1 had no rest, because I found notT. 7. 6. God cumforled us by the coming of T. L'RI 2 Cor. 2. 13. yea ihe more joyeil we ;or jOy of T 14 even so our boasting wnuii I miitle before T. 8.6. weuesireil I . || Go/ 2. I. I umk 1 with mj 16. tne same earnest fare inio liie heart of J . 23. whether any inquire of I . he is inj )jartner 12. IB. I desired T. did 1'. make a gain of you .- ' -al. 2. 3. nor was 1'. compelled 10 oe circumcisr 2 Jtm. 4. 10. T. is depaited 10 Ual ..a.ia rOlilAH. Ezra 2. 60. children of 1'. not shew father s house .^V//.2. 10..^ant>allaland 1'. hearu. ly. | 4.7. | 6. 1 6. 12. 1 . had hired him j| 14. my God. ttunk of T. 19 and 1. sent letters to put me in fear 13. 4. Kliashib the priest was allied to J'. 8. 1 cast fonh all the household stuff of T. TOGAR.MAli. Gen. 10. 3. sons of Uomer, l(ipn.ith, T.l C/jron 1.6 hiei. 27. 14. ihey of tiie house of T. traded TULA. Gen. 46. 13. T. the son 01 Issachar, 1 CAron. 7. 1. Judg. \o. I. T. son of I'uah arose to defend Israel TOPHEI', See A,yeilaiives. TROAS. Acts 16. 8. passing by Mysia they came to T. 11. loosing from T. |1 20. 5. tarried for us at T. 2 Cor. 2 12. when 1 came to T. to preach Christ 2 Tim. 4. 13. the cloke 1 lefi at T. bring with thee TRVPHENA, TRVPUOSA, Horn. 16. 12. lUBAL. Gen. 10. 2.sonsof Japheih, Javan, T. ICAron. 1.5. Isa. 66. 19. I will send those that escape to T. J-Uei. 27. 13. Javan, T they were ihy merchat's 32 26. there is Meshech, 1'. and hei multitude 3a. 2. ihechiefpruiceofMeshechandl'.S. | 39.I. I VClllCUS. Aciis 20. 4. T. of Asia accompanied Paul /•/i/i. 6 21 r shall make known to you all things C'.i/. 4. 7 all my slate shall 1'. declare unto yoo 2 I'lm 4 12. and I have I seiil to Kphesus Tit. 3. 12. when 1 shall send T. unto Uiee TV RAN N US. .icts 19. 9. disputing in the school of one T. TYRE. JosA. 19. 29. coast turneth to the strong city T. 2 -Sam. 24. 7. they came to the strong hold of T I kings T. 13. king Solomon set Hiram out of T. 14. his father was a mai/«. 11.3 is not this IJath-shebatlie wife of U 6. send me U. |1 14. sent it by U. 21. U. isdcF.d 12. 9. thou hast killed V. the Hiitite wit'n swold 23. 39. LI . »»l .Meremoth the son of U. ha. a. 2. I took faitlilul witnesses, U. the priest Mat. I. 6. David begat Solomon of the wife of V. I HIIAII. 2 Kings 16. JO.Ahazseiit U.the fashion of the altai l6. thus did U. as kin); Ahaz commanded Jtr. 26. 20. U. prophesied II 21. U. tied into Egypt URIM. See /ififellatives. UZ. («»n.lO.C3.the children of Aram ; U. IIul, Oether Sfi. 28. children of Dishan ; U. Aran. I Chr. 1. 42 1 Chr. 1.17. the sons of Shem ; Lud, Aram, and U. \ob 1. 1. there was a man in the land of U. named Job Ut. 25. 20. I made the king of V. to drink the cup L.am.4. 21. rejoice, O daughter of Edom, in U. UZZA, IIZZAU. Z 5am.6.S.U. and Ahiodrave the cart, 1 Cir. 13.7. 6. U. put forth his hand to the ark, 1 C/ir. 13. 9. 6. because the Lord had made a breach upon U. S Kings^l. 18. Manasseh buried in garden of U 26.Amon || 1 Chr. 6 2y.sons of .Merari, Mahli, U. 1 Chron. 8. 7- be removed them, and begat U. £«ja2. 40. the children of U. Neh.l. 51. UZZIAII, called AZARIAU, OZIAS. i Kings 15. 13. ShalUim toreign inSgih jcarofU. 3t. Jolham did as his father U. had done i Chron. 6. 24. a son of Kohath, U. and Shaul 11. 44. U. the A.shterathite, a valiant man i',25. over the storehouses was the son of U. 2 Chron. £6. 1. all the people made U. king 8. the Ammonites save gifts to U. and his name 18. itpevtaineth not to thee, 17. to burn incense 21. U. the king was a leper to the day of his death Etra 10.21. U. son of Harim had taken astrangewife S'eh. 11. 4. at Jerusalem dwe!t Athaiah son of U. Jsa. 1. 1. saw in days of U. //ut. I. 1. Amos 1. I. 6. 1. in the year king U. died, I saw the Lord ^«r/i.l4.5. btffore the earthquake in the days of U. iWat.l.B.Joram begat Oiia'\f).Oztas begat Joalham UZZIKL. Exod.Q. 18. the sons of Kohath, Amram, Izhar, U. Num. 3. 19. 1 Chron. 6. 2, 18. | 23. 12. 2S. the sons of U. Lev. 10. 4. ^'um. 3. 30. 1 Chron. 15. 10. | 23. 20. | 24. C4. ICArov. 4. 42. of Simeon had U. for their captain T- 7. U. SOD of Bela || 25. 4. U the son of Heman 2 Chron. C^ 14.sons of JeduthuD ; Shemaiah, U. Neh. 3. 8. U. of the goldsmiths repaired next /;£« ZIN [Proper Xames. [7 VASHTI Etti'; 1 Q "V. Cne queen maQe a feast for women 12 qtieea V. refused to come at king's command ig.that V. come no more before king Ahasuerus 9. 17. the king made Esther queen instead of V. ZACCHEUS 'iJia 19. 5 P. make hast' and cnn>e diyxa ZACHARIAll. Zr.CIIAUlAII. i Kings 14 29 2. son of lernboam reicned.lS.S,!!. IB 2. Abi the daughier of Z. 2 Chrvn '.'9 1. IChron. i 7. cliefofthe Keubenites ; Jeiel, Z. 9 21 Z of Levjies" porter, 15. 18, 2u, 24. | 26 2. 37. Geder, Ahio, Z. and Mickloth 16 5 next to Asaph, Z. ||24. of Ishiah, Z. 26. 11. Z. the fourth son nf Ilosah 14 Z theson of Shelemiah.awisecouniellor C7. 21 ruler in Gileadwai fddo the son "f if. 2C/iron, 17- 7 Jehoshaphat sent to Z. tote.ich 20 14 on Jahaziel son of Z came the Spirit 21. 2 Jehiel and 2. the sons of Jehoshaphat 24 20 the Spirit of God came upon /f. "/6. i Uzziah stughi God in the days of Z. 29 •■'' ofihe sons of Asaph, Z. sanctified hims 14 12 Z. of the Kohathitti was oversr^er 15 8. Ililkiah, Z. rulers nf the house of God iira 5 1. Z. t'ne son of Iddo pmplirsied to the Jews Ml ludea, 6. 14 A>*. 12. Id. H, 3. cf the sons of l'h:irosh, Z. |l 1 1 of liebai. /. 10 26 Elam, Z. II AVA 11. 4. ^. son of Ainariah Nch 8 4. and on lira's left hand stood Z. ;i.5. Z lie son ofSliloni|| 12. Z. son of I'ashur 12. 39 Z. son of Jonathan || 41 Z. with trumpett /id. 8. 2. 2 theson of Jebrrechiah and I'riah priest 'iich. 1 I Z. the son of Kararhiah. the son of Iddo the prophet," 1. Mai.tiM. t.uit W.il. Ctilt \.i. Z a priest of the course nf Ahia 13. fear not, Z. \\ 59 and '.hey called him Z. i ZAUOK. ^ 2Sam 8 17. Z- and Abimelerh were the priests J5. 29. Ji and Abiathar carried the ark of Cind 35. hast thou not wiih thee Z. ami Al ailiar ' eO.S5. i< and Abiathaf were prxit}, 1 hingiii. 11/6 1 Kings 1. 8. bat Z. was not with Adonijah, 26. 45. Z. and Nathan have anointed him Ving 2. 35. and Z. the priest did the king put in the room of Abiiihar, 1 Chrnn. 29. 22. 4. 2. Az.iriah the son of Z. the priest 2 Utiigs 15. 33. Jcrubha the daughter of Z. was Joth .m's mother, 2 Chron. 27. 1. 1 CAron. 6.8.Ahitulp begat if.ie. 53. | 9. 11. | 18.lf) 12.28. Z. a young can, mighty man of valour 24.3 bith iJ.of the sonsof Eleazar.and Ahimelech 2t). 17 of the Aaroiiites, Z. was captain 2 Chron. 31. 10. the chief priest of ihe house of Z. Ei'a 7. 2. the son of Sh..llum, the son of Z. At/>. T. 4. Z. repaired. 29. || 10. 21. Z. sealed II. II. of the priests, the son of Z. Meshullim 13. 13. I made Z. the scribe treasurer of treasuries Ezek. 40. 46. these the sons of Q. 43.19 | 44. 15. 48.11. it sr.all be for priesis saiictitiedof sonsof if. ZAL.ML'NNA. Judg. 8. 5. T am pursuing after Zeba and Z. 6. the hanils of Zeba and Z. in thy hand, 15. 21. and Gideon arose and slew Zeba and Z. Psal. 83.11. make all their princes as Zeba and Z. ZAkAli, .i« also ZKKAll. Gen .38. 30. JuOai.'s son was called Z. 46. 12. 1 Chron. 2.4. I'amarbare Pharezand Z. Mai. 13. 6. the sons of /. Zimri, and Kthan, and Heman ZAKEi'flAUl. 1 fiings 17. 9. gel thee to Z. || 10. he went to 7. Obud. 20. the captivity of Israel shall possess to Z. ZE13AII, 5V« Zaluu.ii.va. ZEbEDEE. Mat.'k. 21. in a ship with Z. their father, me.iding 10. 2 now the names of the aposiles, Jamesand John the sons of Z. 26. 37. MarkX. 19. I 3.17. I 10. 35. Luke 5. 10. XAn 21. 2. 20. CO. came to hiin the mother of Z. childr.27. 56. -Va;* 1. 20. they left their father Z. in the ship ZEIUJIM. Gen.M S.king of Z. || Ueut. 2923. overthrow of Z. 1 iium. 13. 18. ilie valley of Z. to the wilderness Seh. II. 34. the children of Benjamin dwelt at . Hot. 11. 8. Israel, how shall 1 set thee as Z. » ZKBUL. Judg.'g. 28. the son of Jerubaal, and Z. his officer 41. Z. thrust out Gaal and his brethren zi;bulun. Gen. 30. 20. Leah called his name 7. 35. 23. the sons of Leah, Reuben, Simeon.Iudah, 7, 5. he sent uiessengers toZ. and they came 12. 12. Elon was buried in the country of Z 1 Chron. 27. 19 of Z. Iilimaiah was the ruler 2 Chron. 30 1 1, divers of Z. humbled themselves I'iat 6(t 27. the princes of Z and Zaphtali Ua 9. 1 . at first he lightly afflicted ihe land of Z. /.jf*. 48 «6 Z. aporiion ||I3 de two days in Z. 1 Chion. 4 30. they dwelt at Z. Aci. 11. 28. 12. 1 they that came to David to Z. 20. ZIH'AII G»ii.29.C4.Laban gave to l^ah.Z.for an handmaid 30. 9 Ij-ah gave Z, her niaul to Jicob 10 Z. Leah's 11. aid bare J.icob a son, 12. 35. 2(1. the sons of Z. Gad and Asher, 46. 18. 37. 2. ihe lad was with the sous of Z. ZIMKI. A'lim. 25. 14 the Israelite that was slain was Z. 1 Ai-nj 16 9 Z. r.u.spired against Elah, 16. 15 Z. reigned seven days in I irzali 2 Ai.fjy 31. had Z. peace, who slew his ma.'^tor 1 Chron. 2. 0. the sons of Zorah, Z. and Ethan 11. Wj Z thesonof.leh0KUhl|9. 4e.of Jarah Jer. 25. 25. I made all the kings of Z. todriok Zl\. Nur» 13.21. they searched from wilderness of Z. pR«rER Names. 3 ZIO \'iim.C0.1.r3n(,Ti»5 ranie to the desert of Z.3S. 36 27. 14. ye teixrlled in the desert of Z. Deut.32.55 ZION. 2 5am. 5.". nevertheless, David took strong hold of /. Jie 'aaieis the city of David, 1 C/iroH.ll.5. I AinjjS.'.the city of Da/, which is Z. iC/tr.5.C. Vial. e. 6. I set my kinj on my holy hill of Z. 48. 12. walk about Z. &ud go roand about her 51. 18. do good in thy good pleasure unto Z. 69. 35. for God will save Z.and build citiesof Judah 87.2. the Lord lovelhthe gates of Z. more than 5. he said of Z. this and that roan was born there 97. 8. Z. beard and was glad, Jud.'ih rejoiced 104. 13. ihou shall arise and have mercy on Z. 16. when the I.ord shall build op Z. 1C6. 1. when the Lord turned the captivity of Z. IQQ. 5. let them be turned back that hate Z. :32. 13. the Lord hath chosen Z. he desired it 133.3. as the dew on the moantains of Z. 137. 1. yea, we wept, when we remembered Z. 3. saying, sing as one of the songs of Z. U6. 10. the Lord shall reign, even thy God, O Z. 147.12. praise the L. O Jerus. praise thy G. O Z. 149.2.1etthechi'drenofZ. be joyful in their King fid 1. 27. Z. shall be redeemed with judgment 12.6. cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Z. 14. 12. that the Lord hath founded Z. and poor 33. 5. the Lord hath filled Z. with judgment 20. look on Z. y 35. 10. come to Z. with songs 34. 8. year of recompences for controversy of Z. ♦0. 9. O Z. that bringest good tidings, get up 41. S7. the first shall say to Z. behold them ♦9. 1 i. but Z. said, Ihe Lord hath forsaken me il. 3. for the Lord shall comfort Z. will comfort 11. the redeemed shall come with singing to Z. 16. aud say unto Z. thou art my people 52. 1. awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Z. 7. that saith unto Z. thy God reignet.h 8. when the Lord shall bring again Z. 59. 20. and the Redeemer shall come to Z. fiO. 14. call thee the Z. of the holy One of Israel 62. 1, for Z. sake will 1 not hold my peace ftt. 10. if. is a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation tX). 8. as soon as Z. travailed, she brought forth kr. 3. 14. turn, and 1 will bring you to Z. 4. ti. set up the standard towards Z. stay not 14.19. hasrthou reject. Jnd. ? thy soul'loathed Z. ze. 18. Z. shall be plowed like a field, Mic. 3. 12. 30. 17. this is Z. whom no man seeketh after 81. 6. arise ye, and let us go up to Z. to the Lord 12. they shall come and sing in the height of Z. 50. 5. they shall ask the way to Z. saying, come 51.35. shall theinba'.Mtant of Z.say, and my blood Low. 1. 4. the ways of Z. do mourn because ^'i- ^- yr?ads forth Iter iaodj. nonetocomfcrt 757 ZIO I^m.\ 2. the precious sons ol Z.comparable to gold t. 18. because Ihe mountain of Z. is desolate Joel 2. 23. be glad, ye children of Z. and rejoice Amoi 1. 2 he said, the Lord will roar from Z. .1/ic-.3.10.theybuild up Z.w'ihblood,and Jerusalem 4. 2. for law shall go forth 01 Z. word from Jerusa. 11. nations that say, let oureye look upon Z. Zech. 1.14. 1 am jealous for Z. with great jealousy 17. cry, saying, the Ixird shall yet comfort Z. 2. 7. deliver thyself, O Z. ||8. 2 jealous for Z. 8. 3. thus saith the Lord, 1 am returned to Z. 9. 13. when I have raised up thy sons, O Z i'« DAt;GHTEa, DaIGHT£RS. In ZION. Psal. 9. 11. sing praises to thf Lord, whodweiieth in Z. 76. C. Joeli. 21. 65. I. praise waiieth for thee, O God, in Z. 84. 7. every one 111 Z. appeareth before God 99.2. Lord is great in Z.heis high above all people 102. 21. to declare the name of the Lord in Z. Isa. 4. .3. that is left in Z. shall he called holy 10. 24. O my people that dwellest in Z. 28.16. behold, 1 lay in Z. for a foundation stone, a tried stone, a precious corner-stone, 1 /Vf. 2. 6. .30.19.forthe pjople shall dwell ii« Z.at Jerusalem 31. 0, saith the Lord, whose fire is in Z. 33 .14. the sinners in Z.are afraid,fearfulness hath 46. 28. I will place salvation in Z. for Israel 61. 3. to appoint unto them that mourn in Z. Jer. 8. 19. is not Lord in Z. > is not her king in her r 50. 28. to declare in Z. the vengeance of the Lord 51, 10. let us declare in Z. the work of the Lo.-d £4. all Aieirevil that they have done in Z. Lam. 2. 6. Lord caused sabbjths be forgotten in Z. 4. 11. the Lord hath kindled a fire in Z. 5. 1 1. they ravished the wom> n in Z. and maids Joell. 1. blow ye the trumpet in Z, and sound, 15. 3. 17. I am the Lord your God dwelling in Z. .Amoi 6. 1. woe to them that are at ease >n Z. Kom. 9. 33. behold, 1 lay in Z. a stumbling stone Mount ZION. C Kingt 19 31. out of Jerusalem shall go a remnant, they that escape out of mouni Z. Isa. 37. 32. Psul. 48. 2. the joy of the whule earth is mown* Z. ll.letnioim/ Z. rejoice |i (8.(18. mount Z. beloved 74. 2. this mount Z. wherein thou hast dwelt 125. 1 as mount Z. whicK cannot be removed Isa.i 5.0a everydwelling-place o! mowtl Z. a cloud 8.18. Lord which dwelleth in mount Z, IK. 7. 10. 12. Lord performed his work upon mount Z. 24. 23. when the Lord shall reign in mount Z. 29.8. fight ag. mount Z. || 31.4. fight for mmnt 7. Joel9.. 32. in mount Z. be deliverance, Oia<;. 17. Ohai'.. 21. sar.ours shall come up on moiat Z. Mic. i, 7. Lord shall reign over U»enj in miunt Z, ZLTZ Ile>. 12. 22. but Te are come unto mjum 7. Jiec. 14. 1. lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Z Out ei ZION. P/n/. 14. 7. salvation were comewnr^^ 7. 53. ft, 20. 2. the Lord strengthen thee out oJ'Z. UO. 2, 1C8. 5. the Lord shall blo^s thee out of Z. 134. 3 1.35.21. blessed be the Lordtmio/Z. who dwelfc Isa. 2. 3. for out of Z. shall go forth the lav? Jer. 9. 19. a voice of wailing is heard oa/o^Z. Joel%. 16. the Lord alio shall to^t out of Z. Kum. 11.26. there shall come ot Judg. 13. 2. a certain man of Z. called Manoali 25. Spirit moved Samson between Z. and Eshtaol 16. 31. they buried Samson between Z. ano Eshtaol 18. 2. the Danites sent from Z. to spy the land 8. they came unto their brethren to Z. 2 Chron. 11. 10 Reboboam built Z. and Ajalon ZOROBABEL. Mat. 1.12.Salathiel begat Z. i| 13. Z.begat Abihud Luke 3. 27. Rhesa, which was the son of Z. ZUAR, See Nathaniel. ZUR. S'um. 25. 15. Cozbi the daughter of Z. was slain 31. 8. 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