IIBRAHT SCHOOl "733y economic. The object of this book, as seen in the preface, is to give a popular presentation of English statutes pertaining to land- holding, not to discuss the history and theory of land laws from the economist's point of view ; and it should be clast "347, Realty," which might have been missed but for the index. Assigning class numbers. i Practical usefulness is the chief thing. Put each book under the subject to the student of which it is most useful, unless local reasons " attract " it to a place still more useful in your library. See p. 16, § 7. 2 The content or the real subject of which a book treats, and not \}s\Qform or the accidental wording of the title, de- termins its place. Following this rule, put a philosofy of art with Art, not with Philosofy ; a history of mathe- matics with Mathematics, not with History; for philosofy or history is simply \X\^ form which these books have taken. Their true content or subject is Art or Mathematics, and to the student of these subjects they are most useful. 3 Always remember that the question is not where one would probably look to find a particular book, but under what subject is the book of greatest value ; e. g. it is of little consequence whether " one would be apt to look " under 595 for Darwin's Formation of vegetable mouldy but of much conse- quence that one studying earthworms should find that book in "595 Worms," since it is chiefly valuable as a study of the habits of earthworms. Any one wanting that special book should look for it in the name catalog under Darwin. 4 Assign every book to the most specific head that will contain it. This will vary in different libraries according to the number of figures used, e. g. the specific head for " com- pulsory vaccination" in the full tables is 614.4738 ; but in a library using only three figures, the most specific number possible is 614, which includes everything on public health. Suggestions to users 15 If there are only 10 books on a given subject it is useful to have them still farther groupt by topics or form of treatment, for otherwise, they have only accidental order which is of service to no one. If a reader wishes a specific subject, he is sent instantly to the exact place by the subject index ; if, however, he wishes a specific book, he should go, not to the shelves, but to the name catalog, where he can find its place quickest. If he wishes to study the library's resources at the shelves, he will be greatly helpt by close classing. A library recently adopted the plan of putting all books of a division together, if they had but few ; e. g. all mathematical works were markt 510. It took just as many figures, cost just as much labor in most cases, and, if a man wanted the one calculus in the whole library, he had to search through the 150 volumes in 510, when otherwise he would instantly have found it standing alone as 517. A teacher showing his pupils the material on any subject, if there are only 20 books, would surely put together those covering the same points, even if there were but two. Much more should librarians group closely their greater collections, that readers may gain something of the advantages of an experienced guide. This gives every specialist his own distinct library. If a student of science in general, he is sent to class 5 ; if his department be zoology, his library is 59; if his specialty is shells, he finds all works and references on that subject in library 594. Whether a specialist needs it or not, every subject being a library by itself shows resources and wants as no catalog can show them. A catalog can not be made to take satisfactorily the place of handling books themselves. This advantage weighs most in a college or society library, where many go to the shelves ; but even if librarians only are admitted, close classification is worth its cost in the added power it gives. 5 The predominant tendency or obvious purpose of a book usually decides its class number at once. Still a book often treats of two or more different subjects. In such cases assign it to the place where it will be most useful, and make references under all subordinate subjects. Give these reference numbers both on book plate and subject card, as well as on reference cards. It is one of the markt advantages of the plan that these references, notes, etc., may be added from time to time as found convenient. It is necessary at first to find only the predominating tendency of the book in order to classify it. Subject references are added whenever found necessary. Add these numbers indicating more closely the character of the book as rapidly as possible, and invite all specialists to call the librarian's attention to every desirable subject reference noticed in their reading. These numbers take little room, are easily added, and in most cases are very valuable. i6 Abridged Decimal Classification 6 If two subjects have distinct page limitations, class under the first, and make analytic reference under the second. But if the second is decidedly more important or much greater in bulk, class under that, with reference under the first. Always put a book under the first subject, unless there is good reason for entering it under another. 7 Consider not only the scope and tendency of each book, but also the nature and specialties of each library. Any subject of which a library makes a specialty naturally "attracts" allied subjects. This influence is strongest in minute classification. To admit this variation, many sub- jects in the present scheme have two or more places, ac- cording to these difl"erent sides ; e. g. a book on school hygiene, which a medical library puts under 613, has also a place in 371, where the educational specialist requires it. 8 If a book treats of a majority of the sections of any division, give it the division number, instead of the most important section number v/ith subject references. Unless some one section is so prominently treated as to warrant placing the book in it, class a book on four or more sections under the division number; e. g. class a volume on light, heat, and sound, under the head most fully discust, and refer to it from the others; but if it treats also of mechanics, class as 530, or general physics, tho no mention be made of hydrosta- tics, pneumatics, electricity, magnetism, or molecular physics. 9 To secure uniformity, make notes for future reference of all difficulties and decisions; for it is even more import- ant to put books on the same subject together than to put them in the absolutely correct place. These notes should be written either on the broad margins of the classification tables, or on an interleavd copy, or on standard-size slips arranged by class numbers, like the clast catalog. (See also p. 23, Index rerums.) 10 Keep collected works, libraries, etc. together, and assign them like individual books to the most specific head that will contain them ; or assign to the most prominent of the various subjects on which they treat, with subject references from the others ; or separate and class the parts as independent works. Book numbers 17 This last practice constantly grows in favor, and many librarians now largely disregard uniform bindings and " series " lettering, and, unless contents of volumes are so connected that they can not be separated, class each under the most specific head that will contain it. II Class translations, reviews, keys, analyses, answers, and other books about specific books with the original book, as being there most useful. Book numbers. With this abridged classification the fol- lowing rough alfabetic arrangement of books in each class by author's surnames is recommended : Keep together names beginning with the same letter by marking books by the first author under any letter with the initial of the author's surname; books by the second author under that letter with the author's initial followd by i. Use the same initial and figure for all books by the same author in any one class, and distinguish different books by adding lower-case letters. E. g. if in class 942, History of England, the first books under G were Green's History of the English people, Gardiner's Outline of English history, Guizot's History of England 2ind Green's Short history of the English people, and were receivd in the order named, the book number of Green's History would be G, Gardi- ner's Outline would be Gi, Guizot's History G2, and of Green's Short history Ga. In order to keep lives of the same person together book numbers in individual biografy should be assignd from the name of the person written about instead of from name of writer. These biografies are markt B and arranged in a single alfabetic series. For fiction, omit the class number altogether and alfa- bet by authors' surnames. Both fiction and biografy should be numberd by the author table devised by C: A. Cutter, and different books by the same author distinguisht by adding a, b, c, etc. to the Cutter number. For a full discussion of book numbers see Library notes no. II, which is wholly given up to an explanation and tables of the systems which have been found most useful. i8 Abridged Decimal Classification VARIATIONS PRACTICABLE IN ADJUSTING TO SPECIAL LOCAL REQUIREMENTS Some users assume that adoption of the Decimal classification and rela- tiv index carries with it other parts of the general system which the author has used at Amherst, Wellesley, or Columbia colleges or in the New York state library. In fact, the plan in each of these libraries differs some- what from all the others, and many of the more than 300 libraries now using this system have adopted still other variations ; for the special constitu- ency, circumstances, and resources of each library must be considerd in deciding what is best for it. This decision should be made by one familiar, not only with the library and its needs, but also with all methods of any merit and the comparativ ease and cost of introducing them into any given library. Cautions. Having decided to adopt the system in its decimal form as workt out and printed, it must be deternrind whether to adopt certain variations, noted in 1-4 below as practicable, and in some cases useful and desirable. The inexperienced user is very likely to feel entirely com- petent, after once reading the tables (in fact, without reading more than a single page regardless of its bearings on hundreds of other places, and with- out so much as looking at the author's explanations), to institute a series of "improvements." Experience proves that nothing could be more disastrous. It seems a simple matter to put a topic a line higher or lower, but in some cases this may affect over 100 different entries in the index, and there is no possible way to be sure of correcting them except by ex- amining each of thousands of heads. Any changes except as authorized under the next heads, would conflict with the full tables, so that closer classification, if required later by the growth of the library, could be made only by changmg whole numbers instead of by simply adding extra figures. Care has been taken that no number in this short form should vary from that in the full tables ; e. g. instead of printing as the number for Ireland only 941.5, the numbers 941. 6-9 are given for the different groups of counties, just as in the full tables. If the numbers for these counties were designated by adding figures to 941.5, the closer classifica- tion would be omitted in this edition, for small libraries are not likely to have enough on Ireland to make subdivision necessary. But if the books on the various Irish counties were all numberd 941.5 the number would disagree with those on all printed catalog cards and coXDperativ lists and, if the change to full class numbers should ever be made, the last figure on every book and on every record of that book would have to be alterd, while nothing would have been gaind originally in brevity. Frequently proposed changes, carefully studied out and submitted as improvements, are shown by our old records to have been adopted and used in the exact form proposed, till considerations which had not been foreseen forced us to change to the form as printed. Even after years of Variations 19 experience one is not safe in pronouncing on an apparent improvement without consulting the voluminous records of previous experiments. Even those who have used the system longest have sometimes been misled into adopting changes which on trial they were compeld to reject, going back to the original form at the cost and confusion of two changes. The user who adopts the printed form avoids the criticism sure to be aimd at any possible scheme. The moment he makes one "improve- ment" he must defend all the heads or alter them to suit each critic. Much time is saved by saying that the scheme is used as printed, and blunders are the author's, not the user's. The cooperation of those inter- ested is invited in eliminating any errors found either in tables or index. The following brief notes show the most important variations found practicable in the " relativ index system," oftener called the "Decimal or Dewey system." I Letter notations for changes. To protect other users from con- fusion, the publishers insist, as the copyright entitles them to, that these numbers shall not be printed with changed meanings without some clear indication of the. fact in the number itself. If the reasons that led us to adopt the form printed are not conclusiv to another, we wish to remove any obstacles to his use of the system with such changes as shall satisfy him. This can be readily done by using a letter, or some other character than the 10 digits, to mark changes, e. g., if you wish a different set of subdivisions under 630, make it out to suit, and number it 63a, 63b, 63c, etc. It will arrange in its exact place and exact order without difficulty, and no other user of the system will be confused by the numbers. In the index, cancel the 1, 2, 3, etc., you have discarded, and write in the a, b, c, etc., adopted. Whenever you use our exact numbers, use also our meanings for them exactly as indext. If you wish to change a head from one place to another, cancel it where it stands, and leave that number blank in the tables. Then insert the head in its new place by the use of a letter instead of the figure omitted as above, as if it had never been in the tables. This plan of introducing letters or other symbols wherever each user pleases, will give all needed freedom to the personal equation and desire for originality, and meets all real wants for peculiar classification in pecu- liar cases. Ficti'ort and juvenils. In some cases it is usually best to modify class numbers by letters as above. In popular libra- ries half the circulation is often fiction. A great saving is effected here by omitting the class number entirely, as directed in these abridged tables, and using merely the book number, it being understood that no class number means fiction. After fiction, their great circulation makes juvenils a good place to economize, if they are kept separate. The 20 Abridged Decimal Classification books are clast exactly as if for adults, then a J is prefixt to show their special character. This gives J alone as the class number for juvenil fiction, and J942, for a child's history of England. These are then arranged in a parallel library by themselves, so that J942 comes between J941, juvenil history of Scotland, and J943, juvenil history of Germany. If at any time it seems desirable to abandon the separate J library, it can be done without altering; a number, by dis- tributing the J books among the'regular classes, either ignor- ing the J entirely, or preferably by putting all the J books by themselves at the end of each class number. There are thus three methods: i, to have a separate J library ; 2, to have the J books by themselves at the end of each class number ; 3, to have the J books in alfabetic order among other books on the same subject. In this last case the J is useful only to call attention plainly to their juvenil character. The same marking is used for all these plans, and one can be changed into the other by simply distributing the books the other way, and telling the attendants that it has been done. Juvenil books go with adult books of the same class, unless a special J library is made containing all juvenils. Biografy. Similarly it is recommended that the large class of indi- vidual biografy, as to the best treatment of which there is great difference of opinion, should be markt B in place of the subject number. See p. 15, Book numbers ; and tables " 920 Biografy." Instead of the plan printed in the tables, biografy may be distributed as far as possible among the subjects it illustrates, leaving, of course, under B lives not bearing specially on any subject ; e. g. all lives of musicians go under 780 and its subdivisions, the life of Wagner being 782. Even in this arrangement it is better to indicate that it is biografy, putting B before the class number ; i. e. mark Wagner's life B782. (See also Book num- bers, p. 17.) Parallel libraries. This treatment of fiction, juvenils, and biografy illustrates the principle of parallel libraries. Its other chief application is for reference and language collections. Some libraries have a constituency not reading English, and so need a parallel library in German, or Swedish, or French, etc. This is most easily made by simply prefixing the initial of the language to the class number. The German parallel library is Variations 2i made by simply putting all G's together and arranging by class numbers. This plan has proved very satisfactory in actual use. To separate books most needed for reference, mark R before class num- bers, and arrange the books together, as an R library. When the books are to go into the general collection again, a line can be drawn thru this letter. In the same way it often happens that a general private library is given on condition that it be kept together ; e. g, the Phoenix library of Columbia college. This has P prefixt to the class number, and thus is a parallel library by itself. An initial is better in such cases than a * or similar mark, since the initial helps the memory and is just as brief. The same plan applies, of course, if the library has an " inferno " for books not used without permits, or more distant rooms where books worth keep- ing but seldom calld for can be arranged in a parallel storage library. Combining language and literature. The same principle can be applied also in combining each language with its literature, if it is preferd to abolish the class, Philology, and make it simply an appendix to Literature. The reverse would hold true if a philologist wisht to abolish Literature and make it an appendix to Philology ; e. g. using 82p for English philology, and adding philology subdivisions, English dictionaries would become 82p3, English grammars 82p5, etc., and arrange either just before or just after English literature, 820, 821, etc. For a better plan see below, Broken order. 2 Broken order. Another common and often desirable variation for shelf arrangement is to break the sequence of the numbers, in order to get books most used nearest the delivery desk. The strict theory is to keep the whole 1000 numbers in exact sequence ; but a higher rule to be obeyd everywhere is to sacrifice any theory for a substan- tial gain. Practically it will seldom happen that it is not best to break the order of the classes. Often divi- sions are best arranged out of numeric place; e. g. 520 Astronomy may be wanted in a room accessible at night ; fiction, juvenils, and biografy are always wanted near the delivery desk in a public library, and in strict order are as likely to come at the most distant point. Various local reasons may make a broken order desirable. There need be no hesitation in adopting it if enough is gaind, but there should be charts clearly showing where each division starts ; e. g. after 430 " Preceding 830 ; " after 520 " In observatory." The rule is to specify where books may be found that have been entirely removed from the general library arrange- 22 Abridged Decimal Classification N ment. The page of loo divisions is reprinted on cards with wide margins for just this use. Opposit each division is markt its beginning on the shelves, and it is easy to vary the order as much as necessary, tho of course the nearer the divisions run in regular order i to 99, the easier it is for a stranger to find his way about. Wherever variations from the printed order are made, a wood or cardboard dummy in the regular place should have markt on its side the present location of the subject removed; e. g. "491 will be found preceding 891." This broken-order plan is best for bringing together the philology and literature of each, language without altering numbers or prefixing any letter. Let 420 be shelvd just ahead of 820, 430 ahead of 830, and so for all languages, making the general note that all 400's are shelvd just ahead of the corresponding 8oo's. 3 Pro and con division of topics. In many cases it is very useful to separate the books on a topic with strongly markt sides, so that either set of views and arguments may be seen by itself; e. g. 337, Protection and Free Trade. The number alone may be used for general works, giving facts, etc., and advocates and opponents may be separated by + and — for positiv and negativ, or by p and c, the initials for pro and con, words which, tho short, are too long for a circulating library to charge. In reference libraries, on cards, etc., most will prefer to write out pro and con, to distinguish the two groups. The order on the shelves is, of course, c p alfabetic, viz 337, 337, 337; or if + and — are used, the usual order is followd: +, — • These letters or signs should be written above or prefixt to the class number, not written 337c, 337 — , etc., for the space at the end should be left free for other figures, if decided later to class more closely. 4 Unassignd numbers. The one and two figure numbers 1-99 are available for special uses without confusion with tables or index, for initial o is printed in the tables and index for all numbers before 100. In classi- fication it sometimes happens that the first two figures are obvious at a glance, but time must be taken to determin the third. It is convenient to write these first figures, but if a mathematical book receives its first two figures (51), this unfinisht number is liable to be confused with the two- figure number 51. This danger nmy be largely avoided by writing the decimal point after a blank ; e. g. 51 ., to show that a figure is omitted. These four notes suggest the range of variations that may be made in the Decimal classification and illustrate its adaptability to widely different conditions. For book numbers which decide the order of material after it is groupt into its final classes, see page 17 and Library notes no. 11. other uses 23 OTHER USES Tho the system was devised for library catalog and shelf arrangement, 38 years' use has developt many new applications ; but the essential character of the plan has remaind unchanged from the first. Nearly every administrativ department feels directly the great economy, and in every field of literary activity this classification has been found a labor- saving tool, whose practical usefulness has exceeded the most sanguin hopes of its early friends. Bookstores. The plan is a great convenience to both dealers and customers, when applied to the miscellaneous stock of a bookstore. Very often a much-wanted book, specially if not recently publisht, is reported "not in stock," when such an arrangement by subjects would have re- veald its place at once. Specialists often find on the shelves books that they would never have orderd, but are glad to buy after examination. Experience proves it a profitable thing for a dealer to arrange his books so that each person may find those in which he is interested without examin- ing the entire stock. Scrap books. The plan has proved of great service in preserving newspaper clippings. Scrap sheets of uniform size are used, with the class number of the subject written in the upper corner of the front edge of the page, and clippings are mounted on the sheet as in a common scrap-book. When one sheet is full, another is inserted at the exact place. Thus per- fect classification is kept up without blank sheets, and at the smallest outlay of money and trouble. This " L. B. scrap book" is for most persons the best form. These sheets are then arranged numerically like the subject card catalog, the sheets of each class being farther arranged, when de- sirable, under alfabetic subheads. Scraps thus mounted are shelvd either in manila pamflet cases or in patent binders. Index rerums. These are best made on the standard P size (7.5 x 12.5 cm), card or slip. Long study and experience prove that the stock L200" is best for private indexes, etc. It costs only half as much as the Br 400," which is largely used for public library catalogs, takes only half the room, and gives great satisfaction. Where durability and convenience of handling are less important than the strictest economy, common heavy writing paper may be used; but most novices greatly diminish the usefulness of the card system by using ordinary machine-cut cards or slips which vary in hight so much as to make quick and accurate manipulation impossible. The extreme varia- tion that should be tolerated is i millimeter or ^V i"* This will be under- stood by placing a 7.4 cm card between two 7.5 cm cards. The fingers make a bridge across the taller cards and the lower one is missed entirely in rapid turning. Cards must be cut by accurate gages or they will lose a This is a catalog number of the Library Bureau. L200 means linen ledger paper of which a square meter weighs 200 grams. Br 400 means bristol weighing 400 grams to the square meter. 24 Abridged Decimal Classification half their value, and in many cases make it necessary to recopy the material at a cost tenfold greater than to have thrown away the imper- fectly cut cards or slips. The class number is written in the upper left corner, any alfabetic sub- ject head follows at the right, and notes fill the card below. The cards are then filed in order of class numbers like the subject card catalog, the cards of each class being farther arranged, as in case of the scrap sheets, according to any alfabetic subheads. Scores of devices for con- venient handling and storing of these slips and of scrap sheets and pam- flets are already manufactured. Details will be found in the full descriptiv and illustrated catalog. Another admirable form is similar to the L. B. scrap-book or shelf list ; in fact, it is simply a shelf list without the printed head and colum lines. The sub- ject number goes in the upper corner, and all notes on that subject are written on the sheet below. This book fits an ordinary shelf, has the advantage of a full letter page in sight at once, and holds over five times as much as the pos- tal card. Of course the system can be applied to slips or sheets of any size, but there are literally hundreds of accessories and conveniences exactly adapted to these two sizes, which are used tenfold more than all others combined ; so it is folly for one to begin on another size, and lose the ad- vantages of this uniformity. If intermediate sizes must be had, the ones most used and least objectionable are Note, 12.5, x 20 cm, and Magazine, 17.5 X 25 cm. There are repeated cases where users of some other size have finally found it profitable to change to either the. Postal, 7.5 x 12.5, or to the Letter, 20 x 25 cm, even at the cost of rewriting many notes. Note books are best in this last described form. The much poorer method is to take a bound blank book, and assign the class numbers in order, giving about the space it is thought each will require, and, when the pages so assignd are full, note at the bottom of the page where the sub- ject is continued. This has all the objections of the old fixt location as compared with the relativ, and will hardly be adopted by any person who has ever seen the simplicity and economy of the shelf-list system. Topical indexes. The class numbers are used in indexing books read, usually by making the entries in the index rerum under proper num- bers. The number takes the place of a series of words, and the results can be handled, arranged, and found much quicker because of the simple numerals. The advantages of the system for making topical indexes of collected works, periodicals, transactions, etc. are evident. These consolidated in- dexes may be arranged together with the card catalog of the books, or by themselves, as seems best in each case. It would exceed the limits of this brief description to notice all the varied applications of the system. Enough have been mentiond to show its wide adaptability to the wants of the librarian and the student. FIRST SUMMARY CLASSES General works 1 Philosophy 2 Religion 3 Sociology 4 Philology 5 Natural science 6 Useful arts 7 Fine arts 8 Literature 9 History SECOND SUMMARY DIVISIONS 000 General works 500 Natural science 010 Bibliography 510 Mathematics 020 Library economy 520 Astronomy 030 General cyclopedias 530 Physics 040 General collections 540 Chemistry 050 General periodicals 550 Geology o6o General societies 560 Paleontology 070 Newspapers 570 Biology 080 Special libraries. Po lygraphy 580 Botany 090 Book rarities 590 Zoology 100 Philosophy 600 Useful arts no Metaphysics 610 Medicine 120 Special metaphysical topics 620 Engineering 130 Mind and body 630 Agriculture 140 Philosophical system? 640 Domestic economy 150 Mental faculties. Psychology 650 Communication. Commerce 160 Logic. Dialectics 660 Chemical technology 170 Ethics 670 Manufactures 180 Ancient philosophers 680 Mechanic trades 190 Modern philosophers 690 Building 200 Religion 700 F ine arts 210 Natural theology 710 Landscape gardening 220 Bible 720 Architecture 230 Doctrinal. Dogmatics. Theology 730 Sculpture 240 Devotional. Practical 740 Drawing. Decoration. Desigr. 250 Homiletic. Pastoral. Parochial 750 Painting 260 Church. Institutions Work 760 Engraving 270 Religious history 770 Photography 280 Christian chmches and sects 780 Music 290 Ethnic. Non-Christian 790 Amusements 300 Sociology 800 Literature 310 statistics 810 American 320 Political science 820 English 330 Political economy 830 German 340 Law 840 French 350 Administration 850 Italian 360 Associations and institutions 860 Spanish 370 Education 870 Latin 380 Commerce. Communication 880 Greek 390 Customs. Costumes. Folklore 890 Minor languages 400 Philology 900 History 410 Comparative 910 Geography and travels 420 English 920 Biography 430 German 930 Ancient history 440 French 940 -Europe 450 Italian 950 c Asia 460 Spanish 960 v Africa 470 Latin 9700^ 980^ North America 480 Greek South America 490 Minor languages 990 ^ Oceanica and polar regions General works 010 Bibliografy on General bibliografies. Universal catalogs on is by Authors. If by Subjects they go in oi6. 012-016 include both bibliografies and catalogs. 0x7-019 is limited to catalogs of general collections. 012 Of individual authors Alfabeted by bibliografees, not by compilers ; e. g. Chaucer, Dante, Ruskin, etc. 013 Of special classes of authors e. g. Books ■written by Jesuits, by Roman catholics, by members of the Bavarian academy, etc., or these may go with the church, society, etc. with references here. 014 Of special forms. Anonyms, pseudonyms, etc. 015 Of special countries Books publisht in the country. Publishers' lists, current publications. Bibliografy of books publisht in England, as Lowndes or English catalog. The history of literature, i. e. belles lettres, poetry, drama, fiction, etc. goes, of course, with those topics in 800; but the literary history of any given place or period covering the writings on all subjects as well as in literature, is bibliografy, and goes usually in 015, tho the literary history of some special class is 013. 016 Of special subjects .1 philosofy .2 religion •3 sociology •4 ^ philology •5 s bO natural science .6 3 useful arts •7 m fine arts .8 •9 literature history Library and sale catalogs Catalogs of any special subject, whether subject, author, or dictionary, go under its subject number, in 016, which is the ruling heading wherever it conflicts with another. 017-019 therefore includes only catalogs of general collections, limited to no one class or subject. 01 7 Clast catalogs. Systematic or logical For all forms of alfabetic subject catalogs, see 019. See 016 for Bibliografies. 018 Author catalogs see on for Bibliografies. A volume containing both author and subject catalogs is more useful in 017. 018 includes accession, chronologic, and any other forms (except subject and dic- tionary) of catalogs of collections. 019 Dictionary catalogs. Alfabetico-clast, etc. 28 Abridged Decimal Classification 020 Library economy 02 1 Scope and founding of libraries 02 2 ijUllQing'S See also 727, Architecture of educational buildings 023 Government and service 024 Regulations for readers 025 Administration. Departments 025 is for the librarian's part. The trustees build and furnish (022); make rules for government and service (023), and regulations for readers (024); but the adminis* , tration involves questions of its own, which, however, are closely allied to topics in 021-024 and elsewhere ; e. g. the librarian must know his side of binding, and be able to give proper directions and supervision, but need not know ail the details of the binder's craft (686). Administration includes Supervision ; Acquisition ; Utilization ; Preservation ; i. e. the librarian's duty to books is to Get, Use, Keep. 026 Libraries on special subjects Histories, reports, statistics, bulletins, handbooks, circulars, and everything about the library not more required in one of the sections above ; e. g. a Medical library, a Chess library, but the catalog of a Chess library is 016.7 ; blanks, etc. from any liljrary go in 025, as more used in studying topics: but, if history of indi- vidual libraries is specialized, duplicates are also desirable under the library in 026-027, thus making a complete set of its publications. 027 General libraries This includes both circulating and reference; i. e. all not limited to special subjects. 028 Reading and aids See also 374, Self education. 029 Literary methods and labor-savers Much in 025 and 028 belongs equs convenience is best servd by k« separating a part here. 030 General cyolopediaB Much in 025 and 028 belongs equally under 029 in its full meaning, but practical convenience is best servd by keeping such material under those heads instead of separating a part here. 031 American e. g. Appleton, International, Johnson. 032 English e. g Britannica, Chambers. 033 German e. g. Brockhaus- 034 French e. g. Larousse. 035 Italian 036 Spanish 037 Slavic 038 Scandinavian. 039 Minor languages General works 040 General collected essays 041 American 042 English 043 German 044 French 045 Italian 046 Spanish 047 Slavic 048 Scandinavian 049 Minor languages 29 050 General periodicals, nia§^azin6S 051 American e. g. Atlantic, Century, Harper's, Scribner's. 052 English e. g. Athenaeum, Blackwood's, Contemporary. 053 German 054 French 055 Italian 056 Spanish 057 Slavic 058 Scandinavian 059 Minor languages 060 General societies, transactions 061 American 062 English 063 German e.g. Academies of Berlii 064 French 065 Italian 066 Spanish 067 Slavic 068 Scandinavian 069 Minor languages 30 Abridged Decimal Classification 070 General nevrspapers. Journalism 071 American e. g. Albany argus, N. Y. tribune, Nation, Harper's weekly. 072 English e. g. Times (London), Saturday review, Spectator. 073 German 074 French 075 Italian 076 Spanish 077 Slavic 078 Scandinavian 079 Minor languages 080 Special libraries. Polyg^rafy 081 082 08 X Left blank to be used (if preferd to prefixing an initial) for Q . general collections of books which by terms of gift or for other ^ cause must be kept together. This must be kept distinct from 040 08 '^ where the individual books are polygraiic, i. e. are bound para- mo/: flets, essays, addresses, scrap or note books, etc., too general in scope to go under any single class. Juvenils could be put here, 08 7 ^^^ ^^^ better kept in a separate class, markt J. 088 089 090 Book rarities Books about these topics, and those chiefly valuable because of their rarity, go here. A rare early edition of Shakspere goes in 822 with reference from 094. 090 is mostly used for grouping references to books located elsewhere. 091 Manuscripts. Autografs Photografs of mss go with subject rather than here. For Diplomatics and Paleografy, see 417, and under the special language 421, 431, etc, 092 Block books 093 Early printed books. Incunabula 094 Rare printing Aldines, Elzevirs, Caxtons, etc.; privately printed books; unique books. 095 Rare binding Noted binders, costly ornament, curious bindings. 096 Rare illustrations or materials Illuminated. Illustrated by inserted plates. Printed on vellum, silk, bark, etc., in gold or silver letters, etc. 097 Ownership. Book plates. Ex libris 098 Prohibited. Lost. Imaginary 099 Other rarities. Curiosa. Minute size, etc. Philosofy 100 Philosofy, g^eneral works Works limited to none of the nine divisions. loi ^ Utility 102 Compends. Outlines 103 Dictionaries. Cyclopedias 104. Essays. Lectures. Addresses 105 Periodicals. Magazines. Reviews 106 Societies. Transactions. Reports 107 Education. Study and teaching 108 Polygrafy. Collected works. Extracts, maxims, etc. 109 History of philosofy 110 Metaphysics 111 Ontology Nature of being. Substance and form. 112 Methodology Fhilosofical classification of knowledge. Terminology. For book classification see 025.4. 113 Cosmology 114 Space 115 Time 116 Motion 117 Matter 118 Force 119 Quantity. Number 120 Other metaphysical topics 121 Theory of knowledge. Origin. Limits 122 Causation. Cause and effect 1 23 Liberty and necessity see aiso 159, wm. 124 Teleology. Final causes 125 Infinit and finite 126 Consciousness. Personality 127 Unconsciousness. Automata 128 IneSOUl See also 218, Natural theology ; 237, Future stole. 129 Origin of the individual soul 32 Abridged Decimal Classification 130 Mind and body. Anthropology 131 Mental physiology and hygiene 132 Mental derangements 133 Delusions. Witchcraft. Magic 134 Mesmerism. Animal magnetism. Clairvoyance 135 Sleep. Dreams. Somnambulism I 36 Mental characteristics see also 131, Mental physiology. 137 Temperaments 138 Physiognomy 139 Phrenology. Mental photografs, etc. 140 Philosofic systems General discussion of each system ; do not attempt to label each writer as an exponent of some system. Collected philosofic works of individual authors arc clast in the sections, 180-199 ; class individual work according to subject. 141 Idealism. Transcendentalism 142 Critical philosofy 1 43 I ntuitionalism see also isS, Intuitiv faculty ; 171, Ethical theories. 144 Empiricism 145 Sensationalism 146 Materialism. Positivism 147 Pantheism. Monism see also 212, Natural theology. 148 Eclecticism 149 Other philosofic systems See also 211, Rationalism, Scepticism ; 214, Fatalism. 160 Mental faculties. Psychology For mind in animals, see 591. 151 Intellect. Capacity for knowing 152 Sense. Sense perceptions Passiv or receptiv faculty. 153 Understanding AcUv or thinking faculty. 154 Memory. Reproductiv power 155 Imagination. Creativ power 156 Intuitiv faculty. Reason Reasoning, the act of deriving conclusions from premises, 153. 157 Sensibility. Emotions. Affections 158 Instincts. Appetites 159 .Will Philosofy 33 160 Ijo§^io. Dialectics See also 153, Reasoning power. For Log^c of chance, see 519, Probabilities. 161 Inductiv 162 Deductiv 163 Assent. Faith see also 234. DoctHn of salvaUon. 164 Symbolic. Algebraic Logical machines. Logical topics 165 Sources of error. Fallacies 166 Syllogism. Enthymeme 167 Hypotheses 168 Argument and persuasion 169 Analogy. Correspondence see also ai9. Natural theology. 170 Ethics, theoretic and applied Many topics in applied ethics occur also in law, specially in 343, Criminal law. See also 377, Ethical education. 171 Theories. Philosofy of ethics 172 State ethics 173 Family ethics 174 Professional and business ethics 175 Ethics of amusements For Amusements, see 790. 176 Sexual ethics 177 Social ethics. Caste 178 Temperance. Stimulants and narcotics See also 613, Hygiene; 331, Laboring classes. 1 79 Other ethical topics. 34 Abridged Decimal Classification 180 Ancient philosofers Sections 180-199 are for the history of philosofy in special countries and for the discussion of the philosofic systems of individual authors and for their works not clearly belonging elsewhere. Mill's Logic is 160 not 192, and Hegel's Philosophy of history is 901 not 193, but their complete philosofic works belong here. Collected lives of philosofers are clast 927, and individual lives are placed in the alfabetic series of biografy. 181 Oriental philosofers 182 Early Greek philosofers 183 Sophistic and Socratic philosofers 184 Platonic. Older Academy 185 Aristotelian. Peripatetic. Lyceum 186 Pyrrhonist. New Platonist 187 Epicurean. Epicurus. Lucretius 188 Stoic 189 Early Christian and medieval philosofers 190 Modern philosofers See Botes under 1.40 and 180, 191 American philosofers 192 British philosofers 193 German philosofers 194 French philosofers 195 Italian philosofers 196 Spanish philosofers 197 Slavic philosofers 198 Scandinavian philosofers 199 Other modern philosofers Religion 200 Relig^ion. General works 20 1 Philosofy. Theories 202 Compends. Outlines 203 Dictionaries. Cyclopedias 204 Essays. Lectures. Addresses see ^sa. sermons. 205 Periodicals. Magazines. Reviews 206 Societies. Transactions. Reports Bible, Tract, etc. societies ; history, reports, etc., but their publications go of course with subject. 207 Education. Theological seminaries. Training SCnOOlS See also 377, Religious and secular education. 208 Polygrafy. Collected works. Extracts, maxims, etc. Many collections go under a more specific head ; e. g. 240. 209 History of religion 210 Natural theology 211 Deism and atheism Scepticism. Infidelity. Rationalism, etc. See 239, Apologetics; 231, God; 273, Heresy. 2 1 2 Pantheism. TheOSofy ^^"^ ^^'^l Pantheistic phllosofy : 129, Origin of 213 Creation. see 113, cosmology. Evolution See 575. Science. 2 1 4 Providence. ^Sin^f (lolf." Theodicy. Fatalism ^^Ifn^ew'"" 215 Religion and science see 239. Apologetics. 216 Evil. Depravity see 149, Pessimism; 233, Doctnn of man. 2 I 7 Prayen Prayer gage see 264, PubUc worship; 248, Personal religion. 218 , Future life. Immortality. Eternity See 237, Future state ; 128, The soul. 219 Analogies. Correspondences see aiso 169, Logic. 220 Bible. General works For similar works limited to Old or New Testament, or individual bool£S, see specific head below. .1 Canon. Inspiration. Profecy .2 Concordances. Analyses .3 Dictionaries. Cyclopedias- .4 Original texts and early versions. Codices .5 Versions of Bible. Polyglots These are translations from the original Hebrew and Greek. Translations from other early texts, e. g. an £nglish translation of the Syriac, go in aao.4. 3^ Abridged Decimal Classification 220.6 Hermeneutics. Exegesis. Symbolism. Typology .7 Commentaries on whole Bible, and annotated editions For notes, etc., on parts of the Bible, see the most specific head in 221-229. .8 Special topics e. g. BibUcal astronomy, botany, etc .9 Biblical geografy and history 221 Old Testament. Texts. Introductions, etc. 222 Historical books. Genesis to Esther 223 Poetic books. Job to Song of Solomon 224 Profetic books. Isaiah to Malachi 225 New Testament. Texts, introductions, etc. 226 Gospels and Acts 227 Epistles 228 Apocalypse 229 Apocryfa 230 Doctrinal. Dog^matics. Theology 231 God. Unity. Trinity 232 Christology 233 Man 234 Salvation. Soteriology 235 Angels. Devils. Satan 236 Eschatology. Last things 237 Future state see 218, Natural theology. 238 Creeds. Confessions. Covenants. Catechisms 239 Apologetics. Evidences of Christianity 240 Devotional. Practical 24 1 Didactic For Catechisms, see 238. 242 Meditativ. Contemplativ see 248, Personal religion. 243 Hortatory. Evangelistic 244 Miscellany. Religious novels, Sunday-school books, allegories, etc. But class Bunyan in fiction, because of his literary prominence. 245 Hymnology. Religious poetry See 223, Psalms ; 264, Public worship. 246 Ecclesiology. Symbolism. Religious art 246-247 cover religious bearings. For art side see 700. 247 Sacred furniture. Vestments. Vessels. Orna- ments, etc. 248 Personal religion. Asceticism see also 273, Heresies. 249 Family devotions see 264, Pubiic worship. ^ Religion 37 250 Homiletio. Pastoral. Parochial 251 Homiletics. Preaching see 264, Pubuc worship. 252 Sermons Sermons on specific topics are more useful, like other pamflets, clast with the topics, e. g. a sermon on family devotions in 249, not 252 ; on strikes in 331. 253 Pastoral visitations, evangelistic 254 Clerical support. Celibacy See also 176, Sexual ethics ; 248, Asceticism. 255 Brotherhoods. Sisterhoods In the parish. For Monastic orders, see 271. 256 Societies for parish work. Gilds. Sodalities Local societies. Discussion of desirability of such work. For general societies, see 206 and 267. 257 Parochial schools. Libraries, etc. See 377, Religious and secular education; 027, Libraries. 258 Parish care of sick, fallen, etc. See also 176, Sexual ethics. 259 Other ministrations and work 260 Church. Institutions and Tvork 201 1 lie CnUrCn its influence on morals, civilization, etc. 262 Ecclesiastical polity 263 Sabbath. Lord's day. Sunday 264 Public worship. Divine service. Ritual See also 246, Ecclesiology; 247, Sacred furniture. 265 Sacraments. Ordinances 266 Missions. Home and foreign Missions in special countries or places, including those ot all churches, go under the geografically divided Religious history, 274-279, with references under 266. 267 Associations. Y. M. C. A., etc. 268 Sunday schools 269 Revivals. Retreats. Parish missions 270 Religious history 271 Monastic orders See also 255, Parish brotherhoods; 377, Religious and secular education. 272 Persecutions See also special sects, 280 ; and history of special countries, 940-999. 2 y T) OereSieS For the history of special doctrins, see 230-239, Doctrinal theology. 274 General religious history of Europe .1 ^ Scotland. Ireland o .2 >. England. Wales .3 « Germany. Austria .4 m France •5 I Italy .6 ^ Spain. Portugal .7 2 Russia .8 g Nor^vay, Sweden and Denmark .9 ^ Minor European countries 38 Abridged Decimal Classification 275 General religious history of Asia .1 ^ China o .2 ^ Japan .3 s Arabia .4 u, India .S .2 Persia .6 ^ Turkey in Asia .7 rt Siberia .8 c Afghanistan. Turkestan. Baluchistan ^ .9 ^ Farther India 276 General religious history of Africa .1 ^ North Africa o .2 b Egypt • .3 w Abyssinia .4 « Morocco .5 I Algeria .6 ^ North central Africa .7 "rt South central Africa .8 c South Africa .9 ^ Madagascar. Mauritius 277 General religious history of North America .1 ^ Canada. British America .2 ° Mexico. Central America .3 o United States in .4 '^ Northeastern or North Atlantic states, New I England •5 3 Southeastern or South Atlantic states .6 22 South central or Gulf states .7 2 North central or Lake states .8 S Western or Mountain states o .9 Pacific states For the exact states covered by these general designations, see 974-979. 278 General religious history of South America .1 >». Brazil o .2 £^ Argentine Republic. Patagonia .3 3 Chili .4 u, Bolivia .5 .2 Peru .6 '-z U. S. of Colombia. New Granada. Ecuador .7 "2 Venezuela , .8 c Guiana .9 ^ Paraguay. Uraguay Religion 39 279 General religious history of Oceanica. Polar regions .1 s. Malaysia .2 >^ Sunda .3 M Australasia .4 «i Australia .5 .2 New Guinea .6 "Z Polynesia .7 "rt Isolated islands .8 g Arctic regions .9 ^ Antarctic regions 280 Christian churches and sects See also 270, Religious history. 281 Primitiv and oriental churches 282 Western or Roman catholic church 283 Anglican and American P. E. church 284 Continental protestant sects. Protestantism 285 Presbyterian. Reformd. Congregational 286 Baptist 287 Methodist 288 Unitarian see aUo 273, Heresies. 289 Minor Christian sects 290 Ethnic. Non-Christian 291 Comparativ and general mythology 292 Greek and Roman mythology 293 Teutonic and northern mythology 294 Brahmanism. Buddhism For other Indlc religions, see 299. Soo also -'91, Sanskrit literriture; 177, Social ethics, Caste. 295 Parseeism. Zend AveSta For other Iranic religions, see 299 See also 891 , Zend literature. 290 Judaism For other Semitic religions, see 299. 297 Mohammedanism 298 Mormonism see also 173, Family etWcs. 299 Minor non-Christian religions Sociology 300 Sociolog^y. General works 301-309 all have Sociology in general as their subject, but it is treated in these various forms. A periodical on education goes in 370, not 305, which is only for periodicals on sociology in general. In sociology, most works in these forms are limited to one division; e. g. to political economy, education, law, etc- 301 Philosofy, Theories See Qoi, Philosofy of history. 302 Compends. Outlines 303 Dictionaries. Cyclopedias 304 Essays. Lectures. Addresses 305 Periodicals. Magazines. Reviews 306 Societies. Transactions. Reports 307 Education. Study and teaching seeaiso37o. 308 Polygrafy. Collected works. Extracts, etc. Put here collected works of statesmen; e. g, works of Adams, Jefferson, etc. 309 History of social science 310 Statistics 311 Theory, methods. Science of statistics 312 Population. Progress of. Vital statistics. Births Deaths. Mortality. Longevity See also 614, Public health. 313 Special topics The statistics of any special matter are put with the subject, e. g. of Domestic animals in 636, of Shorthand in 653, of French novels in 843, of Theaters in 792, etc. The statistics of New York city would be 317, but the statistics of Medicin in New York would be put with 610, Medicin, i. e. the topic outranks the locality. 315 Europe Asia 316 in Africa 317 North America 318 CO South America 319 Oceanica Sociology 41 320 Political science 321 Form of state This is for discussion of fofm of state, what should be ; for what is, see 342, Constitu- tional law and 353-354, Administration. 322 Church and state see also 172, state ethics -, 261, The church. 323 Internal or domestic relations Free speech, Liberty of the press; for Morals of the press, see 179; also, 070, Newspapers. 324 Suffrage Colonies and immigration 325 326 Slavery see also 973.7, Civil war. 327 Foreign relations 328 Legislativ bodies and annals 329 Political parties. Party conventions 330 Political economy 331 Capital. Labor and wages 332 Banks. Money. Credit. Interest ;^T,^ Land. Ownership, rights and rent See also 338, Production; and 630, Agriculture. 334 Cooperation 335 Socialism and communism 336 Finance ^,2,1 Protection and free trade 338 Production. Manufacture. Prices 339 Pauperism. Consumption of wealth See also 362, Asylums ; 331, Labor and wages. 04U J_iaV\^ Most periodicals belong in Private law, 347. Public law 341 International law 342 Constitutional law and history For Administrativ law, see 350. 343 Criminal law 344 Martial law Private law 345 U. S. statutes and cases 346 British statutes and cases Includes all reports in English language except U. S. reports. 347 Treatises. American and English private law Put law of special topics with the subject; e. g. Insurance .aw, 368. 348 Canon law 349 Foreign law 42 Abridged Decimal Classification OOO AidniilliS'tra.tiOIl including Mmtary science. 351 Administration of central government 352 Local government. Town. City. County See also 379, Public schools; 020, Libraries. 353 United States and state government See also 342, Constitutional law and history. 354 Organization of central government. Foreign states See also 342, Constitutional law and history. 355 Army. Military science see also 623, Military engineering. Limited to Military science, tactics, etc. For War department of U. S. or history of regiments, see 353. 356 Infantry 357 Cavalry 358 Artillery, engineers, etc. 359 Naval science see 623, Naval engineering. 360 Associations and institutions This covers what is best known as " Charities and corrections," and general work* on this topic go in 360. 361 Charitable 362 Hospitals, asylums, and allied societies For inebriate asylums, see 178, Temperance. 363 Political Tammany, Primrose leag, Ku Klux, etc. 364 Reformatory schools. Discharged convicts. Criminal classes. 365 Prisons. Disciplin 366 Secret societies See also 371, CoUege secret societies. 367 Social clubs 368 I n S U ra n C e See also 334, cooperation. 369 Other Cincinnati. 370 Education 371 Teachers, methods, and disciplin 372 Elementary education. Primary schools 373 Secondary. Academic. Preparatory The discussions of theories, methods, etc. are clast regardless of the source of support; but schools clast in 372, 373, 376, 377 and 378 are all private or endowd except parts of primary, schools for women, and colleges, which, even if supported by public funds, are preferablv clast in 372, 376and 378. All other "public ' schools, 1. e. paid for from the public treasury, are groupt under 379. Besides schools, such topics as "American students in Europe" go naturally in 373 or, if the topic be "European universities," in 378. Peabody and Slater funds go in 373. 374 Self-education and culture. Extension teaching 375 Curriculum 376 Education of women see also 396, woman's position and treatment 377 Religious, ethical, and secular education 378 Colleges and universities with power of conferring degrees. .379 Public schools. State education Sociology 43 380 Commerce, communication The technical side of these questions goes mostly in 650, Useful arts. Here belong discussions of social and political relations; e. g. government control of railroads, telegrafs, etc- 381 Domestic trade 382 Foreign trade. Consular reports 383 Post-office See also 353, U. S. administration. 384 Telegraf. Cable. Telefone See also 654, Telegrafic instruments and construction 385 Railroad and express see also 656, TransporUtlon. 386 Canal and highway transportation „ 387 River and ocean transportation „ 380 City transit see also 625, Railroad and road engineering. 389 Weights and measures. Metrology '^^ "^i^Tnd metodr *" 390 Customs. Costumes. Popular life These heads are for discussions by topics. Customs, etc. of any special country go in 913-919. Books on a special topic in a special country go here, as the grouping by topics is the more important; e. g. Marriage in Japan is 392, but Japanese customs, 915.2. For Customs of primitiv man, see 571. 391 Costume and care of person see 646, ciothing; 613, Hygiene. 392 Birth, home, and sex customs 393 Treatment of the dead see 614, Pubiic health. 394 Public and social customs 395 Etiquet 396 Woman's position and treatment For Costumes, see 391; Biografy, 920.7. If a special library about women is wisht, 396 is the best place for it. Suffrage, educa- tion, and employment can then be put here with references from 324, 376, 331, etc.; but it would be unwise to bring everything about women here, e. g. to remove 618, Diseases of women, from the rest of niedicin. Books on woman in general go in 396. 397 Gipsies. Nomads. Outcast races People without nationalities who do not coalesce with the ruling people among whom they live. This includes Gipsy language, which has no place in the linguistic groups of 400, as the Gipsy people have no place in the geogra&c divisions of history. 398 Folk-lore. Proverbs, etc. see aiso 291-293, Mythology. This section is for material needed in studying folk-lore. Mere stories for children, unless having a value to students of folk-lore, go in fiction, or in J, if there be a juvenil collection. 399 Customs of war Weapons War dances. Treatment of captivs. Scalping. Mutilation. Burning, Cannibalism. Philology 400 Philology. General vrorks In Philology the general works put under 400-419 deal almost entirely with the Indo- European languages. They are put here because they cover most of the divisions of this class, and in practice are most convenient here. Under 439, 479, and 489 are placed books limited to the Teutonic, Romance or Hellenic groups, and under 491 are placed only such general works as are specidcally limited to the Indo-European group. 401 Philosofy. Origin of language 402 Compends. Outlines 403 Dictionaries. Cyclopedias 404 Essays. Lectures. Addresses 405 Periodicals. Magazines. Reviews 406 Societies. Transactions. Reports 407 Education. Schools of languages 408 Polygrafy. Collected works. Extracts, etc. 409 History of language 410 Oomparativ 410-419 includes comparativ works in general and also those on the Indo-European group in general, but general and comparativ works on Teutonic group are 439; on Romance group 479; on Hellenic group 489. Everything about an individual language is put with tfiat language. 411 Orthografy. Orthoepy. Alfabets 412 Etymology. Derivation 413 Dictionaries. Lexicografy 414 Phonology. Visible speech 415 Grammar. Morfology. Syntax 416 Prosody 417 Inscriptions. Paleografy Rare early mss are put in 091; inscriptions of an individual language are clast with its orthografy; Latin inscriptions, 471; Greek inscriptions, 481, etc. 418 Texts 419 H ierOgly ficS see also 493, Egyptian hieroglyfics. Philology 45 420 English philology 421 Orthografy See also this head treated in general grammars placed under 425. 422 Etymology. Derivation 432 is limited to derivation. For inflection, also called etymology, see 425. 423 Dictionaries. Idioms Put a dictionary of two languages with the less known language. Under 423 pu> only English-English dictionaries. Put an English-French dictionary with French. 443; a French-Latin dictionary with Latin, 473. If in several languages, put with 413, or with least known. This plan brings together under each ot the less known, all the dictionaries for translating either into or from that language. Some prefer to put each dictionary under the first language; i. e. that by whicn it is alfabeted. This gives under each language, regardless of its familiarity, all dictionaries for translating y>-(7w it, but none for translating into it. These must besought under the language from which the translation is to be made. For a cosmopolitan library this plan is simplest and best ; but in an English library, the first plan, with only English dictionaries in 423, and both in and out dictionaries together under little known tongues is more convenient. References in either case show what may be found in the other place. 424 Synonyms. Homonyms 425 Grammar 425 includes general works, covering also orthografy and prosody. 426 Prosody See also the head prosody, in general grammars, 425. 427 Dialects. Early forms. Slang 428 School books. Texts for learning the language Including only books for learning the language, with gramraatic or philologic notes, etc. For other works see the literature of the language, 820. 429 Anglo-Saxon 430 German 431 Orthografy 432 Etymology. Derivation 433 Dictionaries. Idioms 434 Synonyms. Homonyms 435 Grammar 436 Prosody 437 Dialects. Early forms. Slang 438 School books. Texts for learning the language 439 Minor Teutonic including general works on Teutonic group. 440 Trench 441 Orthografy 442 Etymology. Derivation 443 Dictionaries. Idioms 444 Synonyms. Homonyms 445 Grammax 46 Abridged Decimal Classification (French) 446 Prosody 447 Dialects. Early forms. Slang 448 School books. Texts for learning the language 449 Provencal Old French, as the earliest form of the language, is 447. 450 Italian 451 Orthografy 452 Etymology. Derivation 453 Dictionaries. Idioms 454 Synonyms. Homonyms 455 Grammar 456 Prosody 457 Dialects. Early forms. Slang 458 School books. Texts for learning the language 459 Wallachian 460 Spanish 461 Orthografy 462 Etymology. Derivation 463 Dictionaries. Idioms 464 Synonyms. Homonyms 465 Grammar 466 Prosody 467 Dialects. Early forms. Slang 468 School books. Texts for learning the language 469 Portuguese 470 Latin 471 Orthografy 47.2 Etymology. Derivation 473 Dictionaries. Idioms 474 Synonyms. Homonyms 475 Grammar 476 Prosody 477 Dialects. Early forms. Slang 478 School books. Texts for learning the language 479 Minor Italic. Medieval Latin Inclnding general works on Romance group. Philology 47 480 Greek 481 Orthografy 482 Etymology. Derivation 483 Dictionaries, Idioms 484 Synonyms. Homonyms 485 Grammar 486 Prosody 487 Dialects. Early forms. Slang 488 School books. Texts for learning the language 489 Minor Hellenic. Modern Greek Including genera! works on Hellenic group. Works on Latin and Greek together, unless very clearly most useful with Latin, go with Greek, which here as elsewhere is made to include general works on the ancient classics. 490 Minor lan^uag^es 491 Minor Indo-European (Besides Teutonic, 420-439; Italic, 440-479; and Hellenic, 480-4S9.') This head, 491, includes general works on the Indo-European tongues, but general works on the Teutonic languages go in 439, on the Romance group in 479, on the Hellenic group in 489, while most of the material placed under 400-419 is really Indo- ;uropean; out see also 410. 492 Semitic 493 Hamitic See 419, Hieroglyfics. 494 Scythian. Ural-Altaic. Turanian Dravidian. Tamil. Finnish. Turkish. 495 Eastern Asiatic. Chinese 496 African Excluding 493 Hanlitic, 491 Semitic, etc. included in Gumilies above. 497 North American 498 South American 499 Malay-Polynesian and other The Gipsy language Is not assignd to any grouD, but is placed for convenience with 397, Gipsies. Natural science 600 Science. General works 501-509 all have Science in general as their subject, but it is treated in these various forms. A periodical on chemistry goes in 540, not in 505, which is only lor periodicals on science in general. 501 Philosofy. Theories. Utility 502 Compends. Outlines. Ancient and medieval science 503 Dictionaries. Cyclopedias 504 Essays. Lectures. Addresses 505 Periodicals. Magazines. Reviews 506 Societies. Transactions. Reports 507 Education. Teaching and studying. Museums See also 370. 508 Polygrafy. Collected works. Extracts, etc. .3 General scientific travels and surveys .4 .S Europe .5 1 Asia .6 - Africa .7 S North America .8 S South America .9 ^ Oceanica 509 History of science 610 Mathematics 511 /Arithmetic see aiso 37^, Elementary education 512 Algebra 513 Geometry Descriptiv geometry is 513. See alio Mathematical drawing, 744. 514 Trigonometry 515 Descriptiv geometry and projections See also 744, Mathematical drawing. 516 Analytic geometry 517 Calculus 519 Probabilities Natural science 49 620 Astronomy 521 Theoretical astronomy Mathematical investigation of celestial motions, specially of the solar system. The motions of individual bodies are clast in 533. 522 Practical and sferical 523 Descriptiv astronomy 524 Maps, observations and tables Series of observatory publications may be kept together under 534, or under 53a with the history and reports of the observatory. Special maps or observations; e. ^. on sun or moon are better placed under 523. This number provides a place m case it is wisht to keep aU maps and observations together 525 Earth 526 Geodesy and surveying 527 Navigation 528 Efemerides 529 Chronology 630 Physics 531 Mechanics 532 Liquids. Hydrostatics. Hydraulics .533 Gases. Pneumatics 534 Sound. Acoustics 535 Light. Optics 536 Heat 537 Electricity 538 Magnetism For "Animal magnetism," Mesmerism, etc. see 134. 539 Molecular physics 640 Chemistry 541 Theoretic chemistry 542 Practical and experimental chemistry 543 Analysis Of special materials. See also 614.3, Adulterations. 544 Qualitativ analysis 545 Quantitativ analysis 546 Inorganic chemistry 547 Organic chemistry 548 Crystallografy 549 Mineralogy 50 Abridged Decimal Classification 660 Geology 551 Physical and dynamic geology Including physical geografy. For cosmic geografy, see 513. 552 Lithology. Petrografy. Petrology 5^3 Economic geology see also Mining engineering. While the history of all the other products goes here, the history of the metals is more useful in 669, Metallurgy. 554 Geology of Europe 555 556 .X Scotland. Ireland .a England. Wales •3 Germany. Austria •4 France •5 1 Italy .6 u Spain. Portugal •7 \j Russia .8 Norway, Sweden and Denmark .9 Minor European countries Geology of Asia .1 China .2 Japan •3 Arabia .4 India .5 ^ Persia .6 V Turkey in Asia .7 U Siberia .8 Afghanistan. Turkestan. Baluchistan •9 Farther India Geology of Africa .1 North Africa .a Egypt .3 «»- Abyssinia .4 Morocco .5 0^ Algeria 6 North central Africa •7 South .8 " Africa •9 Madagascar. Mauritius Natural science 5^ 557 Geology of North America .1 Canada -.2 Mexico. Central America. W^est Indies .3 United States .4 "3 Northeastern or North Atlantic states. New gj England .5 "3 Southeastern or South Atlantic states .6 O South central or Gulf states .7 North central or Lake states .8 W^estern or Mountain states .9 Pacific states For the exact states covered by these general designations, see 974-979. 558 Geology of South America .1 Brazil .2 Argentine Republic. Patagonia .3 ^ Chili . 4 ° Bolivia 5 I Peru 6 8 U. S. of Colombia. New Granada Ecuador 7 Venezuela ,8 Guiana Paraguay. Uruguay 559 Geology of Oceanica. Polar regions .1 Malaysia .2 Sunda .3 ^ Australasia .4 ° Australia .5 ^ New Guinea 6 S Polynesia 7 Isolated islands 8 Arctic regions 9 Antarctic regions 560 Paleontology 561 Plants 562 Invertebrates 563 Protozoa. Radiates 564 Mollusks 565 Articulates 566 Vertebrates 567 Fishes. Batrachia 568 Reptils. Birds . 569 Mammals 52 Abridged Decimal Classification 670 Biology 571 Prehistoric archeology For customs, see 390. For archeology of special countries, see 913. 572 Ethnology. Anthropology See also 136, Mental race cliaracteristics. 573 Natural history of man 574 Homologies 575 revolution see also 213, Creation; 215, Religion and Science; 239, Apologetics. 576 Origin and beginnings of life 577 Properties of living matter 578 Microscopy see also 535, Optlc«. 579 Collectors manuals 680 Botany 581 Physiologic and structural botany .9 Geografic This is to be used only for general worlcs and cross references. The " Flora of North America" is put 581.9; but "North American cryptogams" is clast 586 with a reference from 581.9, but No. Am, pbanerog^mia goes with 581.9 because it so nearly covers the subject. General worlcs coverinsr both I'hanerogamia and Cryptogamia are put under 580, aa books on Vertebrates and Invertebrates are put under 590. 582 PhanerOgamia See also Trees 715. 583 Dicotyledonae 584 Monocotyledonae 585 Gymnospermae 586 Cryptogamia 587 Pteridofyta 588 Bryofyta 589 Thallofyta 690 Zoolog^y 591 Physiologic zoology 592 Invertebrates 593 Protozoans. Radiates 594 Mollusks 595 Articulates 596 Vertebrates 597 Fishes. Pisces 598 Birds. Reptils .1 Reptils 599 Mammals. Mammalia Useful arts 600 Useful arts. General works 6oi Philosofy. Theories, etc. 602 Compends. Outlines 603 Dictionaries. Cyclopedias 604 Essays. Lectures. Addresses 605 Periodicals. Magazines. Reviews 606 Societies. Transactions. Reports. Fairs. Exhi- bitions Special exhibitions go with their topics. This is general only. 607 Education. Schools of technology 608 Patents. Inventions 609 History of useful arts For its history, see each special department. 610 Medioin 611 Anatomy. Histology For Malformations see 617, Surgery. See also 591, Physiologic zoology. 612 Physiology For vital phenomena in general, see 577, Properties of living matter. See also 591, Physiology of animals. 613 Personal hygiene Care of health; Prophylaxis; Individual health; Laws of health. .7 Gymnastics and athletics. Recreation and sleep 614 Public health Public hygiene. Public sanitation. State medicin. Preventiv medicin. See also 638, Sanitary engineering; 352, Local administration. .3 Adulterations. Inspection of articles liable to affect public health. Publlc analysts. State laboratories. For chemical analysis see 543. .8 Protection of human life from accidents, casualties, etc. 615 Materia medica and therapeutics 616 Pathology. Diseases. Treatment 617 Surgery 618 Diseases of women and children. Obstetrics 619 Comparativ medicin. Veterinary 54 Abridged Decimal Classification 620 En§^ineering 621 Mechanical engineering .1 Steam engineering .3 Electric engineering .4 Air and gas engins Internal combustion engins. 622 Mining engineering ' 623 Military and naval engineering. Shipbuilding For Military and naval science, Maneuvers, Strategy and tactics, see 355 to 339, 624 Bridges and roofs ■ 625 Railroad and road engineering •' See also 624, Bridges. 626 Canal engineering 627 River, harbor. and general hydraulic engineering' 628 Sanitary engineering. Waterworks 629 Other branches of engineering ,-<: 630 Agriculture i , :; I 631 Soil. Fertilizers. Drainage ^ :::f ,, 632 Pests. Hindrances. Blights. Insects 633 Grains. Grasses. Fibers. Tea. Tobacco, -etc. 634 Fruits. Orchards. Vineyards. Forestry , See also 715, Landscape gardening. , i '• ' 635 Kitchen garden see 716, for Flower gardens. - 636 Domestic animals see also 619, veterinary medicln; 599, Zoology. 637 Dairy. Milk. Butter. Cheese 638 Bees. Silkworms '" ' '^ 639 Fishing. Trapping ; 640 Domestic economy. 641 Food. Cookery. Gastronomy See also 613, Hygiene ; 663, Beverages. 642 Serving. Table. Entertaining See also 394, Customs. 643 Shelter : house, home 644 Heat. Light. Ventilation See also 697, Heating ; 665, Gas, candles, lamps ; 621.3, Electric ehgitieering. 645 Furniture. Carpets. Upholstery. Decoration 646 Clothing. Toilet. Cosmetics , -.'.i ''f• Seealso6t3; Hygiene;39i, Costumeandcareofperson. . .^'./^', 647 Household organization and administration . Expenses. Servants: training, duties, wages. Hotels, chibs, flats, etc' 648 Sanitary precautions: laundry, cleaning 649 Nursery. Children. Sickroom Ol-' Useful arts 55 660 Gommunioation. Commeroe 651 Office equipment and methods 652 Writing. Materials, typewriters, cifer 653 Abbreviations. Shorthand 654 Telegraf. Cables. Signals For codes see es*. 655 Printing. Publishing. Copyright 656 Transportation. Railroading, etc. 657 Bookkeeping. Accounts 658 Business manuals. Methods. Tables 659 Advertising and other topics 660 Chemical technology 661 Chemicals 662 Pyrotechnics. Explosivs. Matches, etc. 663 Beverages Seealsoi78, Temperance; 614. 3, Adulterations. 664 Foods For Adulterations see 614.3, Public health. See jdso 641, Cookery, am* 642, Table, serving. 665 Oils. Gases. Candles. Lamps See also 644. 666 Ceramics. Glass, etc. 667 Bleaching, dyeing, etc. 668 Other organic chemical industries 669 Metallurgy and assaying History of metals goes here, not in 553, 622 nor 671. 670 Manufactures Specific topics go where of most interest. These heads are for the general subject of metal, wood, etc., manufactures, and for such specific manufactures as are not of more interest elsewhere. But an account of a specific manufacture is commonly most useful with its own subject; e. g., a steam engine is certainly made of metal, but its manufacture should go under 621. i, not 672. The character of the library often decides the place of greatest interest. A a agricultural library would prefer the manufacture and everything about wood churns with the dairy, 637, while a manufacturing library might prefer it with other wood manufactures in 674. A general library will incline to the special subject, as a more minute classification IS thus obtaind, and references under 670 answer inquiries for all the library has on the subject of brass or rubber or paper manufactures. Whether groupt by use or material, if sought from the other standpoint, the references show the resources promptly. As a rule the use is the better classification, being more minute and oftener wanted. But if the uses are various the general bead is better; e. g. bells are for scores of distinct uses, but their manuMCture is a unit; but all churns are for the dairy. 671 Articles made of metals 672 Of iron and steel ; stoves, cutlery, etc 673 Of brass and bronze; bells, etc. seeaiso739. 56 Abridged Decimal Classification (Manufactures) 674 Lumber and articles made of wood 675 Leather „ „ „ „ leather 676 Paper „ „ „ „ paper 677 Cotton, wool, silk, linen, etc. 678 Rubber and articles made of rubber 679 Celluloid and other 680 Mechanic trades. Amateur manuals 681 Watch and instrumentmaking 682 Blacksmithing 683 Lock and gunmaking 684 Carriage and cabinetmaking 685 Saddlery and shoemaking. Trunks 686 Bookbinding 687 Clothesmaking. Hats 688 689 Other trades 90 jDUUCtinGr For Architectural construction, 866721. 691 Materials. Processes. Preservativs See also 620, Engineering. 692 Plans. Specifications, etc. 693 Masonry. Plastering. Fireproofing 694 Carpentry. Joinery. Stairbuilding 695 Roofing. Slating. Tiling see 721, Roof constructions. 696 Plumbing. Gas and steam fitting, etc. 697 Heating and ventilation See Sanitary engineering, 628; Domestic economy, 644. 698 Painting. Glazing. Paperhanging 699 Carbuilding Fine arts 700 Fine arts. General w^orks 701 Philosofy. Theories. Utility. Esthetics 702 Compends. Outlines 703 Dictionaries. Cyclopedias 704 Essays. Lectures. Addresses 705 Periodicals. Magazines. Reviews 706 Societies. Transactions. Reports 707 Education. Study and teaching 708 Art galleries and museums 709 History of art in general 710 Landsoape gardening 71 1 Public parks 712 Private grounds. Lawns 713 Walks. Drives 714 Water. Fountains. Lakes 715 Trees. Hedges. Shrubs See klso 634, Forestry ; 58a, Botany. 716 Plants. Flowers 717 Arbors. Seats. Outlooks 718 Monuments. Mausoleums 719 Cemeteries • see also 393, Treatment of the dead; 614, PubUc health, 720 Architecture 721 Architectural construction 722 Ancient and oriental architecture (Pagan) See also 571. Prehistoric archeology. 723 Medieval. (Christian. Mohammedan) 724 Modern 725 Public buildings 726 Ecclesiastic and religious 727 Educational and scientific 728 Residences 729 Architectural design and decoration 58 Abridged Decimal Classification 730 Sculpture 731 Materials and methods 732 Ancient yT,^ Greek and Roman 734 Medieval 735 Modern 736 Carving. Seals. Dies. Gems. Canieos yT,y ' Numismatics. Coins. Medals 738 Pottery. Porcelain . ' , 739 Bronzes. Brasses. Bric-a-brac 740 Draiving^. Decoration. Design 741 Free-hand. Crayon. Sketching from nature. Caricatures. Cartoons Collections on any subject go with that subject with reference from 741 . 742 PerSpeCtiv see also 515, Oescrlptiv geometry. 743 Art anatomy. Life school - ^ 744 Mathematical and scientific drawing ^^|eometry^' ^^'''"P''* 745 Ornamental design. Woven fabrics. Carpets. Wall paper, etc. 746 Art needlework. Fancy work 747 Interior decoration. Distemper. Fresco. Poly- chrome 748 Staind and iridescent glass For Leading, see 698. 749 Artistic furniture. Fireplaces. Frames, etc. / '^ 750 Fainting^ 751 Materials and methods 752 Color See 535, Optics. 753 Epic. Mythic. Idealistic - '. \ 754 Genre. Still life - 755 Religious. Ecclesiastic 756 Historical. Battle scenes 757 Portrait 758 Landscape and marine. Animals. Flowers 759 Various schools of painting . ... : Fine arts 59 760 Engraving 761 Wood 762 Copper and steel 763 Lithografy 764 Chromolithografy 765 Line and stipple 766 Mezzotint and aquatint 767 Etching. Dry point 768 Bank-note and machine 769 Collections of engravings 770 Photografy 771 Materials. Photografic bhediistry 772 Silver processes. Daguerreotype. Talbotype. Col- lodion process. Ambrotype, etc. Dry-plate processes - 773 Gelatin and pigment processes. Woodbury type. Carbon process. Lambertype. Autotype, etc. 774 Gelatin and printer's ink processes. Albertype. Heliotype. Artotype, etc. 775 Photo-lithografy, etc. 776 Photo-zincografy, etc. ']']'] Photo-engraving and Photo-electrotyping 'J']'^ Special applications Seesaa, Astronomy; 578, Microscopy. 779 Collections of photografs 780 Music All heads include both the music itself and everything about it: Score, libretto, history, criticism, etc. 781 Theory of music 782 Dramatic music 783 Sacred music See 245, Hymnologv, sacred poetry for hymns alone; if with tunes they go in 783; 786, Organ; 246, Evangelistic use and eucharistic music; 264, Public worship. 784 Vocal music 785 Orchestral music For Dramatic orchestral music, see 782; Sacred, 783. 786 Piano and organ 787 Stringd Instruments Including history, manufacture, instruction, music, etc. 788 Wind instruments Including history, manufacture, instruction, music, etc. 789 Percussion and mechanical instruments 6o Abridged Decimal Classification #90 Amusements For EtMcs of amusements, see 175. 791 Public entertainment Concert, panorama, circus, menagerie, summer resort, garden, rinlc, museum, fair, festival. 792 Theater. Pantomime. Opera see also 783, Dramatic music. 793 In-door amusements Private theatricals, tableaux, charades, dancing. 794 Games of skill Chess, checkers, billiards, bowling, bagatel. 795 Games of chance Cards, dice, backgammon, dominoes. 796 Out-door sports Children's sports, athletic sports, coasting, skating, cycling, quoits, archery croquet, lawn tennis. 797 Boating and ball Rowing, yachting, base-ball, foot-ball, cricket, polo. 798 Horsemanship and racing 799 Fishing, hunting, target shooting Literature The classification of literature is by language, not country, except that North and South American are separated from other English. Canadian French goes with S4J; Australian and Indian English with 620; South American Spanish with 860, etc. 800 liiterature. General vrorks 801 Philosofy. Theories. Literary esthetics 802 Compends. Outlines 803 Dictionaries. Cyclopedias 804 Essays. Lectures. Addresses 805 Periodicals. Magazines. Reviews 806 Societies. Transactions. Reports 807 Education. Study and teaching 808 Rhetoric. Treatises. Collections 809 History of literature including general histories of books and knowledge; e. g. Hallam's Literature of the middle aget, 810 .AxneriOan literature includes Canadian EngUsh. 811 American poetry 812 American drama 813 American fiction 814 American essays 815 American oratory 816 American letters 817 American satire and humor 818 American miscellany 820 English literature 821 English poetry 822 English drama 823 English fiction 824 English essays 825 English oratory For speakers, see SoS, 826 English letters 827 English satire and humor 828 English miscellany Anecdotes, ana, epigrams, quotations, etc., if illustrativ of any special subject (e. g., biografy, history, science, art), go with that subject. If general they go in 828. For Riddles, Proverbs, see 398. The same rule applies to other languaees in 838, 848, etc. ^ ^ 829 Anglo-Saxon literature 62 Abridged Decimal Classification 830 German literature 831 German poetry 832 German drama ^33 German fiction 834 German essays 835 German oratory 836 German letters 837 German satire and humor 838 German miscellany see 828. note. 839 Minor Teutonic literatures 840 French literature 841 French poetry 842 French drama 843 French fiction 844 French essays 845 French oratory 846 French letters 847 French satire and humor 849 Provencal literature 5 850 Italian literature 851 Italian poetry 852 Italian drama 853 Italian fiction 854 Italian essays 855 Italian oratory 856 Italian letters 857 Italian satire and humor 858 Italian miscellany 859 Wallachian literature 860 Spanish literature 861 Spanish poetry 862 Spanish drama 863 Spanish fiction 864 Spanish essays 865 Spanish oratory 866 Spanish letters 867 Spanish satire and humor 868 Spanish miscellany 869 Portuguese literature Literature 63 870 Latin literature 871 Latin poetry in general See Dramatic, Epic and Lyric below. 872 Latin drama 873 Latin epic poetry- 874 Latin lyric poetry 875 Latin oratory 876 Latin letters 877 Latin satire and humor 878 Latin miscellany 879 Medieval and modern Latin 880 Greek literature 881 Greek poetry in general See Dramatic, Epic and Lyric below. 882 Greek dramatic poetry 883 Greek epic poetry 884 Greek lyric poetry 885 Greek oratory 886 Greek letters 887 Greek satire and humor For Comedies of Aristophanes see 883. 888 Greek miscellany 889 Medieval and modern Greek 890 Literature of minor languages 891 Minor Indo-European 892 Semitic 893 Hamitic 894 Scythian. Ural-Altaic. Turanian Dravidian. Tamil. Finnish. Turicish. 895 Eastern Asiatic. Chinese 896 African Excluding 893, Hamitic; 892, Semitic, etc., included in families above. 897 North American 898 South American 899 Malay-Polynesian and other History 900 History. General vrorks 901-909 all have History in general as their subject, but it is treated in these various forms. A periodical on English history goes with 942, not 905, which is only for periodicals on history in general. 901 Philosofy. Theories, etc. History of civilization 902 Compends, Chronologies. Charts. Outlines For chronology as a science, see 529. 903 Dictionaries. Cyclopedias 904 Essays. Lectures. Addresses 905 Periodicals. Magazines. Reviews 906 Societies. Transactions. Reports 907 Education. Methods of teaching, writing, etc. See also 371. 908 Polygrafy. Collected works. Extracts, etc. 909 Universal and general modern histories 910 Geografy and travels Including Topografy, Maps, Antiquities, Descriptions, etc. For map projection, see 526. See also 310 Statistics, 390 Customs and costumes. For Directories, Guide books. Gazetteers, etc., of special countries or geografical sections, see under those sections, 914-919. 911 Historical. Growth and changes in political divis- ions, etc. 912 Maps, atlases, plans of cities, etc. 913 Antiquities, archeology, of special countries See also 220 9, Biblical antiquities; 340, Legal antiquities; 571, Prehistoric archeology; 930, Ancient history; 390, Special customs. 913.3 Antiquities of ancient countries 31 China 32 Egypt •33 ^ Judea •34 2 India •35 3 Medo-Persia 0^ 036 •37 S Kelts Rome. Italy .38 Greece •39 Minor countries Description and travel A iHtiquities of modern countries 9134 Europe •5 "o Asia .6 CO Africa .7 '3 .2* North America .8 < South America •9 Oceanica 914 Travel in Europe .1 Scotland .15 Ireland .16 Ulster •17 Connaught .i8 Leinster .19 Munster .2 England .21 London .29 Wales .3 Germany and Austria •31 Prussia and Northern Germany .36 Austria •37 Bohemia .38 Poland •39 Hungary •4 France •5 Italy .6 Spain .69 Portugal •7 Russia .8 Norway, Sweden and Denmark .81 Norway .82 Christiania •83 Christiansand. Bergen .84 Hamar, Throndhjem. Tromso .85 Sweden .86 Gothland .87 Svealand .88 Norrland .89 Denmark 66 Abridged Decimal Classification 914-9 Minor countries of Europe • 91 Iceland, Faroe islands • 92 Netherlands •93 Belgium •94 Switzerland •95 Greece .96 Turkey in Europe •97 Servia, Bulgaria. Montenegro .98 Roumania: Wallachia, Moldavia .99 Islands of Grecian archipelago 915 Travel in Asia .1 China .2 Japan •3 Arabia 4 India •5 Persia .6 Turkey in Asia •7 Siberia .8 Afghanistan, Turkestan, Baluchistan •9 Farther India 9i6 Travel in Africa .1 North Africa .2 Egypt •3 Abyssinia •4 Morocco •5 Algeria .6 North Central Africa •7 South Central Africa .8 South Africa •9 Madagascar. Mauritius 917 Travel in North America .1 Canada. British America .2 Mexico .28 Central America .29 West Indies Description and travel - 67 917. ^3 United States •4 Northeastern or North Atlantic. New England •41 Maine .42 New Hampshire •43 Vermont •44 Massachusetts •45 Rhode Island .46 Connecticut •47 New York .48 Pennsylvania •49 New Jersey •5 Southeastern or South Atlantic •51 Delaware •52 Maryland •53 District of Columbia •54 West Virginia •55 Virginia •56 North Carolina •57 South Carolina •58 Georgia •59 Florida .6 South central or Gulf .61 Alabama .62 Mississippi .63 Louisiana .64 Texas .65 .66 Oklahoma. Indian Territor7 .67 Arkansas .68 Tennessee .69 Kentucky .7 North central or Lake •71 Ohio .72 Indiana •73 Illinois •74 Michigan •75 Wisconsin .76 Minnesota •77 Iowa .78 Missouri •79 68 Abridged Decimal Classification 917.8 Western or Mountain Including general works on " the West-" .8i Kansas .82 Nebraska •83 South Dakota .84 North Dakota .85 .86 Montana .87 Wyoming .88 Colorado .89 New Mexico •9 Pacific .91 Arizona .92 Utah •93 Nevada •94 California •95 Oregon .96 Idaho •97 Washington .98 Alaska •99 918 Travel in South America .1 Brazil .2 Argentine Republic. Patagonia .3 Chili •4 Bolivia •5 Peru .6 U. S. of Colombia. New Granada. Ecuador •7 Venezuela .8 Guiana •9 Paraguay. Uruguay 919 Travel in Oceanica and Polar regions .1 Malaysia .2 Sunda •3 Australasia •4 Australia •5 New Guinea .6 Polynesia .7 Isolated islands .8 Arctic regions • .9 Antarctic regions Biografy 69 920 Biografy Collectiv biografy, including^ biografic dictionaries, etc. is here groupt together under the main classes; e. g. collected lives of chemists or of botanists are 935; of sail- ors, 926; of actors, 927. Individual biografy includes autobiografy. diaries, personal narrativs, eulogies, etc. This is markt B in place of the class number and arranged by names of persons written about. For book numbers, see p. i7« Collectiv by subjects 920.7 Collected biografy of women 921 Philosofy 922 o Religion. Clergy, missionaries, preachers 923 g" Sociology 924 .2 Philology 925 -g Science 926 I Useful arts 927 6 Fine arts 928 Literature Historians are put with authors in 938. 929 Genealogy and heraldry .6 Heraldry .7 Peerages, precedence, titles of honor .8 Coats of arms, crests .9 Flags 930 Ancient history toa.d.47«^ 931 China 932 Egypt 933 Judea 934 India 935 Medo-Persia 936 Kelts 937 Rome. Italy 938 Greece 939 Minor countries Modern history 940 Europe From the fall of Western Empire (Rome), A. D, 476. 941 bcotland 941-5 Ireland .6 Ulster •7 . Connaught .8 Leinster •9 Munster 942 England Period diTisions .01 Anglo-Saxon," B. C. 55-A. D. 1066. Including prehistoric, Roman, British, Danish. .02 Norman. 1066-1154, .03 Plantagenet, 1 154-1399, .04 Lancaster and York. 1400-1485. .05 Tudor, 1485-1603. .06 Stuart. 1603-1714. .07 Hanover. 1714-1837. .08 Victorian. 1837- Oeografic diviaion .1 Middlesex. London .9 Wales 943 Germany and Austria 943.1 Prussia and northern Germany 943-6 Austria -7 Bohemia, etc. .8 Poland. Including the history before the division. -9 Hungary, etc. 944 France 945 Italy 946 Spain .9 Portugal 947 Russia History 71 948 Norway, Sweden, and Denmark .1 Norway .2 Christiania .3 Christiansand. Bergen •4 Hamar. Throndhjem. Tromso .5 Sweden .6 Gothland •7 Svealand .8 Norrland •9 Denmark 949 Minor countries of Europe .1 Iceland. Faroe islands .2 Netherlands •3 Belgium •4 Switzerland .5 Byzantine empire and modern Greece .6 Turkey in Europe •7 Servia. Bulgaria. Montenegro .8 Roumania : Wallachia, Moldavia •9 Islands of Grecian archipelago 960 Asia 951 China 952 ■ Japan 953 Arabia 954 India 955 Persia 956 Turkey in Asia see also 949.6. 957 Siberia 958 Afghanistan. Turkestan. Baluchistan 959 Farther India 960 Africa 961 North Africa 962 Egypt ^ 963 Abyssinia 964 Morocco 965 Algeria 966 North Central Africa 967 South Central Africa 968 South Africa 969 Madagascar. Mauritius 72 Abridged Decimal Classification 970 North America .1 Indians, Aborigines; .2 Lives of Indians; .3 Special tribes: .4 Special states; .5 Government relation and treatment; .6 Special subjects. Character, Civilization, Agriculture, etc. See 371, Education; 572, Ethnology, 497, Languages. 971 Canada. British America. 972 Mexico. Central America .8 Central America .9 West Indies 973 United States and Territories See also 342, Constitutional law and history! 328, Legislativ bodii.s aLd annals; 329 Political parties. ' Period divisions .1 Discovery. A. D. 89)6-1607. Norse, Spanish, Dutch, French, English .2 Colonial. 1607-1775. French and Indian Wars. .3 Revolution and Confederation. 1775-1789. .4 Constitutional Period. For U. S. Constitution, see 432.73- 1789-1812. Federalists and Republicans. Se^ s^q-l Washington, 1789-1797; John Adams, 1797-1801; Jefferson, 1801- 1809. •S War of 1812. 1812-1845. Hartford Convention. 1814. Nullification in South Carolina. 1832. Annexation of Texas. 1845. See also 976.4, Texas. Madison, 1800-1817 ; Monroe, 1817-1825 ; John Quincy Adams, 1825- 1829; Jackson, 1829-1837; Van Buren, 1837-1841 ; Harrison, 1841 ; Tyler, 1841-1845. .6 War with Mexico. 1845-1861. The Wilmot proviso. 1846. Compromise of 1850. Struggle in Kansas. 1854-1859. See also 978.1, Kansas. Polk, 1845-1849 ; Taylor, 1849-1850 ; Fillmore, 1850-1853 ; Pierce, 1853-1857; Buchanan, 1857-1861. .7 Civil War. Abolition of slavery. Lincoln, 1861-1865. .8 Later 19th century. 1865 . Reconstruction. Civil service reform. Spanish War. Johnson, 1865-1869 ; Grant, 1869-1877 ; Hayes, 1877-1881 ; Garfield, 1881; Arthur, 1881-1885; Cleveland, 1885-1889; Harrison, 1889- 1893; Cleveland, 1893-1897; McKinley, 1897-1901. .9 20th century. Roosevelt, 1901-1909; Taft, 1909- History 73 974 Northeastern or North Atlanti .1 Maine .2 New Hampshire •3 Vermont •4 Massachusetts •5 Rhode Island .6 Connecticut .7 New York .8 Pennsylvania .9 New Jersey 975 Southeastern or South Atlantic Including general works on " the South." .1 Delaware .2 Maryland .3 District of Columbia .4 West Virginia ■5 Virginia .6 North Carolina •7 South Carolina .8 Georgia •9 Florida 976 South central or Gulf .1 Alabama .2 Mississippi .3 Louisiana .4 Texas •5 .6 Oklahoma. Indian Territory •7 Arkansas .8 Tennessee •9 Kentucky 977 North central or Lake .1 Ohio .2 Indiana .3 Illinois .4 Michigan .5 Wisconsin .6 Minnesota •7 Iowa .8 .9 Missouri 74 Abridged Decimal Classification 978 Western or Mountain Including general works on " the West." .1 Kansas .2 Nebraska •3 South Dakota including works on Dakota as a whole •4 North Dakota •5 .6 Montana •7 Wyoming .8 Colorado •9 New Mexico 979 Pacific .1 Arizona .2 Utah •3 Nevada .4 California •5 Oregon .6 Idaho .7 Washington .8 Alaska 980 South America 981 Brazil 982 Argentine Republic. Patagonia 983 Chili 984 Bolivia 985 Peru 986 U. S, of Colombia. New Granada. E 987 Venezuela 988 Guiana 989 Paraguay. Uruguay 990 Ooeanica. Polar regions 991 Malaysia 992 Sunda 993 Australasia 994 Australia 995 New Guinea 996 Polynesia 997 Isolated islands 998 Arctic regions 999 Antarctic regions Ecuador RELATIV SUBJECT INDEX HOW TO USE THIS INDEX Find the subject wanted in its alfabetic place in the index. The number after it is its class number and refers to the place where the topic will be found, in numerical order of class numbers, on the shelves, shelf-lists or in the subject catalog, if used. All class numbers are decimal; e. g. 914.29 travel in Wales, comes before 914.3 travel in Germany, and both of them before 915 travel in Asia. Printed labels on the shelves or drawer fronts guide readily to the class number sought. Under this class number will be found the resources of the library on the subject desired. Other adjoining subjects may often be profitably consulted ; e.g. a description of Niagara Falls is wanted and the index refers to 917.47, but much on this topic is likely also to be found in 917.4 (travel in north Atlantic states) and even in 917.3 (travel in United States). This index contains in a single alfabet all subjects named in the tables, together with their synonyms and such other topics as are thought most likely to be needed by libraries using this abridgment. If nothing is found under a number, it shows that the library does not yet possess any book on that topic. It does not include all names of places, minerals, plants, etc.; but gives only those used in these tables and a farther selection of the most common and useful. It is not a biografic dictionary, and gives no names of persons as biografic headings, but only such as appear in connection with some subject like literature or history. RELATIV SUBJECT INDEX Abacus arithmetic 5" Abstinence asceticism 248 Abattoirs public health 614 temperance 178 . sanitary engineering 628 Abstracting literary methods 029 Abbassides history 956 Abstraction philosofy 153 Abbeys architecture 726 Abyssinia geology 556-3 history 271 history 963 Abbot of misrule customs 394 language 492 Abbots monastic orders 271 religious history 276.3 Abbreviations literary methods 029 travel 916.3 shorthand 653 Academic degrees and costume 378 /Abdication constitutional history 342 Academies architecture 727 political science 321 female 376 Abduction criminal law 343 learned general societies 060 Aberration astronomy 522 of special subject see subject mental disease 616 private 373 hospitals 362 public 379 insanity 132 scientific 506 optics 535 Academy, New 186 Ability, human, doctrin 233 . Older, Plato 184 Abipones history 982 Acadia, Nova Scotia history 971 Abode of animals, geog. distrib. 5919 Acalepha zoology 593 habits 591 Accession dep 't, library admin. 025 Abolition political science 326 Accidence English language 425 U. S. history 973-7 French " 445 Abolitionists' lives 923 German " 435 Aborigines Amer. antiquities 9137 Greek " 485 Amer. history 970.1 - Italian " 455 ethnology 572 Latin « 475 prehistoric archeology 571 Spanish " 465 Abortion ethics 173 Accident insurance 368 law 343 Accidents medicin 617 obstetrics 618 protection of public 614.8 Abrasions surgery 617 Acclimation hygiene 613 Abraxas gems 736 of animals 591 Gnostics 273 man 573 Abridging literary methods 029 plants S8i shorthand 653 Accomplices criminal law 343 Abridgments English law 346 Accountabilit) doctrin 233 U. S. law 345 Accounts, bookkeeping 657 Abscess surgery 617 library administration 02s Absent-mindedness philosofy 151 Accumulation capital 33^ Absenteeism Irish history 941-5 Achaian leag 938 sociology 333 Achromatism optics S3S Absolute, the ontology III Acids chemical technology 661 Absolution sacrament 265 organic chemistry 547 Absolutism political science 321 theoretic ** 541 predestination 234 Acoustics music 781 Absorption heat 536 physics 534 light 535 Acrobats amusements 791 liquids 532 Acropolis architecture 72a Topics in black-faced typ« are subdivided, in tableg. 78 Abridged Decimal Classification Acropolis Grecian antiquities 913-38 Advocates, Faculty of 347 Acrostics English language 828 lives 923 Acting ethics 175 Advowsons canon law 348 theater 792 ^diles Roman antiquities 91337 Actinism optics 535 ^olian harp music 787 photografy 771 MoWc dialect Greek language 487 Actinozoa zoology 593 Aerated breac I 641 Actions legal procedure 347 Aerial erosior , geology 551 Actors' lives 927 navigation pneumatics 533 Acts and resolves Am. statutes 345 Aerodynamics 533 Eng. " 346 Aerolites astronomy 523 Acts of learned societies general 060 geology 552 for special subjects see top c Aeronautics 533 legislativ bodies, U. S. 345 Aerofytes lichens 589 Acts of the Apostles 226 orchids 584 Acute diseases 616 ^Esthetics fine arts 701 Ad valorem duty protection 337 Ethiopia ancient history 939 taxes 336 yEtolian leag Greek history 938 Adages English literature 828 Affections 157 folk-lore 398 Affidavits law 347 Adams, J : presidency of 973-4 Affinity chemical 541 J^Q. " 973-S family law 347 Addition arithmetic 5" Afghanistan geology 555-8 Addresses on special topics see topic history 958 Adhesion physics 539 religious history 275-8 Adirondacks travel 917-47 travel 915-8 Adjutant-general's reports, U. S. 353 Aforisms English literature 828 Administration, library 025 folk-lore 398 of medicins, therapeutics 615 Africa antiquities 913.6 political sci. 350 botany 581.9 Administrativ buildings, architecture 725 geology 556 law 350 history 960 reform 351 religious history 276 Administrator, law 347 scientific travels and Admirals' lives 923 surveys 508.6 Admiralty foreign countries 354 statistics 316 Admiralty Islands history 993 travel gi6 Admiralty law 347 Africa, North geology 556-1 Admission school 371 history 961 Adobe masonry 693 religious history 276.1 Adoption family law 347 travel 916.1 Adulterations, chemical analysis 543 North Central, geology 556.6 " technology 660 history 966 public health 614.3 religious history 276.6 Adultery ethics 176 travel 916.6 law 343 Propria , ancient history 939 Ad valorem duty protection 337 South, geology 556.8 taxes 336 history 968 Advent church festivals 20% religious history 276.8 second christology 232 travel 916.8 Adventists, second sect 289 South Central, geology 556-7 Adventures biografy 923 history 967 travels, etc. gio religious history 276.7 Adversity pauperism 339 travel 916.7 Advertising 659 African colonization, sociology 325 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables* Index 79 African history 960 Air analysis chemistry 543 Ian guages 496 brakes railroad engineering 62s Hamitic 493 compressors mech. engineering 621 literature 896 disinfection contagious diseases 614 methodist church 287 ducts ventilation 697 slave trade 326 engines mech. engineering 621 Age, influence of mental character- gun military engineering 623 istics n6 mechanic trades 683 therapeutics 615 hygiene 613 o£ animals zoology 591 public health 614 man physiology 612 meteorology 551 natural hist, of man 573 plants lichens 589 statistics 312 orchids 584 pupils 379 pneumatics 533 the world 55° pollution public health 614 voters 324 pump 533 Aged, hospitals for 362 ventilation 628 Agents, consu lar 341 Aix-la-Chapelle internat. congress 341 geologic 551 treaties 341 law 347 Alabama, U. S. history 976.1 Ages, archeologic 571 travel 917.61 geologic 551 claims, England 942.08 Agglutination philology 401 international law 341 Agnosticism natural theology 211 United States 973-7 philosofy 149 Alarms, fire protection of public 614.8 Agnostics religious heresy 273 signals 654 Agrarian laws political science 333 Alaska, U. S. history 979.8 Roman history 937 travel 917.98 Agreements ethics 174 purchase U. S. history 9-'3.8 law 347 Albert N'yanza travel 916.7 Agricultural botany 581 Albertypes 774 chemistry 631 Albigenses French history 944 classes pol. econ. 331 persecutions 272 colleges 630 sect 284 colonization 325 Albinism animals 591 experiment stations 630 dermatology 616 geology agriculture 631 Alchemy 540 econ. geol. 553 Alcohol hygiene 613 implements 630 materia medica 615 law 347 Alcoholic liquors, manufacture 663 pests agriculture 632 temperance 178 " zoology 591 Alcoholism diseases 616 products pol. econ. 338 Alcohols organic chemistry 547 societies 630 Alcoran Mohammedanism 297 sjrstem pol. econ. 330 Alcoves library economy 022 Agriculture 630 Aldermen local government 352 cooperativ 334 Aldine editions rare printing 094 department of 630 Ales manufacture 663 Indians 970.6 Aleutian Islands history 979.8 rent of land 333 travel 91798 Aid societies charitable associations 361 Alexandrian library 027 cooperation 334 philosofy 186 Aid to the inj ured 614.8 Alfabet elementary education 372 Aids to readers library economy 028 English orthografy 421 lib. administration 025 French " 441 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. 8o Abridged Decimal Classification Alfabet German orthografy 431 Almanacs, statistical 3*0 Greek " 481 Alms ethics 177 Italian 451 Almshouses 362 Latin " 471 architecture 725 Spanish " 461 pauperism 339 Alfabetico-clast catalogs 019 Alphabet, see Alfabet Alfabets ornamental design 745 Alpine plants botany 581.9 philology 411 travels 914.94 Algae 589 Alps history 949.4 Algebra 512 Altar cloths sacred ornaments 247 Algebraic logic 164 Altars ecclesiology 246 Algeria, Africa, geology 556.5 Alt-azimuth instruments 522 history 96s Altruism ethics 171 religious history 276.5 Alumni biografy 378 travel 916.5 Alwato universal language 408 Algerine war 965 Amalgamation, metallurgy 669 U. S. history 973.5 Amalgams manufactures 671 Algiers, Africa, history 96s' Amateur manuals mech. trades 680 travel 916.5 theatricals amusements 793 Alhambra architecture 723 ethics 175 history 946 Amazon river, travel 918.1 Aliens international law 341 Amazons customs 396 naturalization 325 Ambassadors international law 341 owners of land, pol. econ. 333 political science 327 Alimentary canal human anat. 611 Amber geology 553 physiology 612 jewelry 391 Alimony law 347 mineralogy 549 Alkalies chemical technology 661 Ambrosia antiquities 913-38 chemistry 546 mythology 292 Alkalin earths chemistry 546 Ambrotype 772 Alkoran Mohammedanism 297 Ambulances 614.8 All-fools' day customs 394 America, Central geology 557-2 All-Hallows' eve customs 394 history 972.8 All Saints, feast of, church festival 264 religious hist. 277.3 All Souls ♦♦ " " " 264 travel 917.28 Alleghany mountains travel 917-5 discovery of 973-1 Allegiance English private law 347 ' history 970 international law 341 North botany 581.9 naturalization 325 geology 557 Allegories English literature 828 history 970 religious 244 religious history 277 Alliance, Evangelical 206 scientific travels and Holy treaties 341 surveys 508.7 Alliances international law 341 statistics 3^7 Alligation arithmetic 511 travel 917 Alligators zoology 598.1 Russian, history 979-8 Allodium land ownership 333 travel 917.98 law 347 South, geology 558 Allopathy medicin 615 history 980 AUotropism chemistry 541 religious history 278 Allotment system 333 scientific travels and Alloys 671 surveys 508.8 Alluvium geology 551 statistics 318 Almanacs, general 529 travel gi8 nautical 528 American and Eng. private law 347 Topics In black-faced typ e are subdivided In tables. Index 8i American antiquities 9137 Analysis chemical 543 colonies history 973-2 grammar English 425 copyright leag 655 logic 160 cyclopedias 031 microscopic 578 essays, collected 041 milk, adulterations 614.3 independence, U.S.hist. 973-3 mineralogy 549 Indians 970.1 qualitativ, chem. 544 journalism 071 quantitativ, chem. 545 languages No. Amer. 497 soil hygiene 614 So. Amer. 498 sounds acoustics 534 literature 810 spectrum astronomy 522 newspapers, general 071 " chemistry 544 painting 759 " optics 535 party 329 water biol. hygiene 613 periodicals, general 051 Analysts , public adulterations 614.3 philosofy 191 Analytic chemistry 543 political parties 329 geometry 5'6 P. E. church 283 trigonometry 514 rebellion history 973-7 Anam, Asia history 959 revolution 973-3 travel 915-9 slavery 326 Anarchists socialism 335 societies, general 061 Anatomy animals 591 statutes law 345 art 743 Americana history 970 human 611 Americanisms 427 laws public health 614 Amharic language 492 pathologic 616 Amiens, peace of treaties 341 plants 581 Ammergau passion play theater 792 vivisection ethics 179 Ammonia chemical technology 661 Ancestry evolution 575 stimulants 615 genealogy 929 Ammonium organic chemistry 547 mental science 136 Ammunition military engineering 623 spiritual heredity 233 Amnesty 341 traductionism 129 Amos, book of, Bible 224 Anchor ice occurrence in nature 551 Amphibians 597 Ancient architecture 722 Amphictyonic council, Grecian history 938 countries description 913-3 Amphitheater antiquities 913-37 customs 9133 architecture 722 customs and costume 390 Amputation surgery 617 geografy description 911 Amsterdam history 949.2 history 930 travel 914.92 law 349 Amusement or play hygiene 613-7 maps 912 Amusements 790 music 781 ethics 175 philosofers' lives 921 of laboring classes 331 philosofies 180 Sunday 263 science 502 Ana English literature 828 sculpture 732 Anabaptists sects 284 Ancients council of French legisla- Anagrams English literature 828 ture 328 pseudonyms 014 Andersonville prison U. S. history 973-7 Analogy logic 169 Andes, description 918 theology 219 Andorra 946 Analysis arithmetic 5" Anecdotes legal 340 blowpipe chemistry 544 miscel. Eng. lit. 828 botanical 581 personal, see Biografy Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. 82 Abridged Decimal Classification Anecdotes religious 244 on spec, topics, see subject Anemometer meteorology 551 Aneroid barometer physics 533 Anesthetics therapeutics 615 Angels 235 Anger ethics 179 Angevin architecture Romanesque 723 Anglican biografy 922 brotherhoods 271 church 283 creed 238 . missions 266 persecutions Eng. hist. 942.05 *' relig. " 272 relig. hist, of Eng. 274.2 sisterhoods 271 Anglicisms English language 427 Angling 799 Anglo-catholics 283 Anglo-Saxon history 942.01 language 429 literature 829 Anglomania customs 390 Anilin, colors, chemical technology 667 Animal chemistry 547 electricity 134 food hygiene 613 hygiene public health 614 intelligence zoology 591 kingdom 590 magnetism 134 parasites diseases 616 plagues veterinary med. 619 psychology zoology 591 trades air pollution 614 worship, non-Christian re- ligions 290 Animalculae 593 Animals and plants differences 577 cruelty to ethics 179 diseases veterinary medicin 619 domestic 636 evolution 575 geografic distribution 591-9 insurance 368 locomotion of 591 menageries 590 mind in 591 paleontology 560 remains of prehist. arch. 571 training of domestic 636 Animism metaphysics 1 28 Anne, Queen architecture 724 Annealing manufactures 671 Topics in black-faced type Annealing molecular physics Annexation intern, law Annihilation doctrins natural theology Annuals, statistical special, see subject Annuities insurance mathematics public finance Annunciation, feast of ch. festival Annunciators signals Anodynes therapeutics Anointing sacraments Anonyms bibliografy Ansayrii history Anselm medieval philosofy Ant insects Antagonism of medicins, therapeutics Antartic current ocean currents explorations, travel ocean oceans regions geology history religious hist. Ante-Nicene church, A. D. 100-325 Anthems music public worship religious poetry Anthologies Eng. literature Anthracite econ. geology fuel metallurgy Anthropofagy cannibalism Anthropoid apes mammals Anthropology mind and body iiat. hist, of man relig. doct. of man Anthropometry Anthropomorfism metaphysics Antiburghers presbyterians Anti-Christ Anti-corn law leag free trade Antidotes materia medica Anti-federal party Antifonal choral service music readings pub. worship Antilles history travel Anti Masonry Antimony inorganic chemistry ores AntiiiOmianism Antiquarian societies Antiquarians' lives Antiquities Biblical are subdivided in tables. 539 341 237 218 310 368 5'9 336 264 654 615 265 014 955 189 595 615 551 919.9 551 559-9 999 2799 281 783 264 245 820 553 644 669 399 599 130 573 233 573 125 285 235 337 615 329 783 264 972.9 917.29 366 546 553 273 9x3 923 220.9 Index 83 Antiquities classical 91338 Appetites mental faculties 158 countries 913 temperance 178 customs 390 Apple culture 634 Jewish antiquities 9'3-33 Applied chemistry chem. tech. 660 history 933 mechanics mech. eng. 621 religion 296 science schools 607 legal 340 Applique work 746 prehistoric archeology 571 Appointment of civil service officers 351 see also special subjects teachers education 371 Antiquity of man 573 Apportionment representation 324 Antiseptics public health 614 taxation 336 therapeutics 615 Apprentices, duties of ethics 174 Antislavery slavery 326 Apprenticeship polit. econ. 33^ U. S. history 973-7 Appropriation bills U. S. finance 336 Antitrinitarians heresies 273 Aquaria 590 unitarians 288 Aquatint engraving 766 Ants insects 595 Aqueducts canals 626 Antwerp history 949-3 Roman antiquities 913-37 travel 914-93 waterworks 628 Apartment and office buildings 725 Aqueous erosion geology SSI houses architecture 728 rocks " 552 domestic economy 647 Aquinas medieval philosofy 189 Apatite economic geology 553 Arabesque decoration design 745 fertilizers 63> Arabesques ornaments 747 mineralogy 549 Arabia ancient history 939 Apes 599 geology 555-3 Aphelion astronomy 521 modern history 953 Apiary bees 638 religious history 275-3 Apocalypse 228 travel 915-3 Apocryfa 229 Arabic architecture 723 Apocryfal gospels Bible 229 language 492 Apogee moon 523 literature , 892 tides 525 numerals arithmetic 5'i Apollo Belvedere sculpture 733 philosofy 189 Apollo-worship 292 Arabs in Spain Spanish history 946 Apologetics 239 Aramaic language 492 Apoplexy diseases 6i6 Arbitrary power absolute monarchy 321 Apostasy heresies 273 Arbitration and award law 347 Apostles, acts of 226 capital and labor 331 Apostles' creed 238 international ethics 172 lives, scriptural biografy 225 law 341 Apostolic canons apocryfa 229 Arbor day •715 catholic, sects 289 Arboriculture forestry 634 church 281 landscape gardening 715 constitutions 281 Arbors 717 epistles 229 Arcades architectural design 729 fathers 281 walls 721 succession 262 Arcadia Greek anc. history 938 Apothecary 61S Archaean age geology 551 Apothegms English literature 828 Archaisms English language 427 folk-lore 398 Archbishops ecclesiastical polity 262 Apparatus manufacture 681 lives 922 practical chemistry 542 Archeology anc. description, etc 913 see special subject Biblical 220.9 Apparitions ^33 prehistoric 571 Topics In black-faced type are subdivided in tables. 84 Abridged Decimal Classification Archery 796 Arithmetic political statistics 310 Arches architectural design 729 Arithmometer 510 constr. 721 Arizona, U. S. history 979.1 engineering 624 travel 917.91 triumfal, Rom. antiq. 913-37 Arkansas, U.S. history 976.7 Archimedes screw physics 532 travel 917.67 Archipelago, East Indian 991 Armaments ordnance 623 Greek, ancient hist. 939 Armed neutrality international law 341 modern hist. 949.9 Armenian architecture 723 Architects, liability of building 692 church 281 Architects' lives 927 language 491 Architectural construction 721 literature 891 decoration 729 Armies Amer. civil war 973-7 design 729 military engineering 623 drawing 744 military science 355 Architecture 720 Armies war customs 399 East Indian 722 Arminianism continental prot. sects 284 Gothic 723 methodism 287 military engineering 623 Armistice international law 341 castles 728 Armor war costumes 399 modern 724 Armord vessels military engineering 623 naval engineering b23 Armorican language 491 Norman 723 Armories architecture 72s plans 692 military engineering 623 warships 623 Arms, artificial 617 Archives, see history coats of heraldry 929.8 " manuscripts gun-making 683 of special topics see topic military engineering 623 Arctic currents SS^ military science 355 explorations travel 919.8 war customs 399 explorers' lives 923 Army foreign countries 354 ocean 551 military science 355 regions geology 559-8 officials, lives 923 history 998 regulations 355 religious history 279.8 Salvation 267 Ardent spirits manufactures 663 United States 353 temperance 178 worm agriculture 632 Areometer specific gravity 532 zoology 591 Argentine Republic geology 558.2 Arondissement French loc. gov't 352 history 982 Arrow head inscriptions 492 religious history 278.2 heads, stone prehist. arch. 571 ^ statistics 318 war implements 399 travel 918.2 Arrows archery 796 Argonauts Greek mythology 292 Arsacidae history 935 Argot French language 447 Arsenals architecture 725 other languages military engineering 623 Argument logic 168 Arsenic drugs 615 from design apologetics 239 inorganic chemistry 546 Aria vocal music 784 medical jurisprudence 340 Arianism heresies 273 metallic poisons 615 Aristocracy polit. science 321 Arson criminal law 343 Aristotelian philosofy ^ 18s Art anatomy drawing 743 Arithmetic 5" biografy 927 elementary education 372 Christian, ecclesiology 246 Topics in black-faced typ4 a are subdivided in tables. Index 85 Art decorativ furniture 749 Aryan races ethnology 572 education 707 Asbestos economic geology 553 embroidery 746 Ascensions, balloon aeronautics 533 fine 700 Asceticism heresy 273 galleries 708 personal religion 248 architecture 727 Asfalt economic geology 553 history 709 pavement 625 industrial, useful arts 600 roofing 695 interior decoration 747 Asfaltum chemical technology 665 needlework 746 Ashango land, history 967 religious 246 travel 916.7 rudiments, prehistoric 571 Ashantee history 966 sacred furniture 247 travel 916.6 schools 707 Ashburton treaty internat. law 341 studios architecture 727 Ashes fertilizers 63' useful 600 Asia antiquities 9130S woman in 396 botany 581.9 Arteries anatomy 611 geology 555 diseases 616 history 950 Artesian wells, sanit. engineering 628 religious history 275 Arthropoda zoology 595 scientific travels Arthrostraca " 595 and purveys 508.5 Arthurian romances 398 statistics 315 Articles of confederation, U. S. const. travel 915 hist. 342 Asia Minor, ancient history 939 thirty-nine Anglican creed 238 modern history 956 Articulates paleontology 565 travel 915.6 zoology 595 Asiatic cholera diseases 616 Artificial butter, chemical technology 664 languages 491-495 colors " 667 eastern 495 eyes 617 societies 490 flowers ornamental design 745 Ass domestic animals 636 fuel chemical technology 662 zoology 599 ice manufacture 621 Assassination criminal law 343 lights chemical technology 665 Assassins lives 923 limbs 617 Persian history 955 mineral waters, chem. tech. 663 Assault and battery law 343 stone building materials 691 Assaults military engineering 623 chemical technology 666 Assaying 669 teeth dentistry 617 Assembly, legislativ 328 Artillery army dep't 358 Assent logic 163 ordnance, mil. eng. 623 Assessment taxes 336 Artisans' lives 926 Assignats French finance 336 Artistic furniture 749 Assimilation of food animals 591 Artists' lives 927 man 612 Artotype photografy 774 plants 581 Arts and trades 600 Assize, courts of law 347 fine 700 Associated press Amer. journalism 070 biografy of 927 Association mental faculties 153 grafic fine arts 700 Associationalism philosofy 149 useful 600 Associations 360 biografy of 926 building 332 Arundel marbles Greek inscrip. 481 business cooperation 334 Aryan languages 491 charitable 361 literatures 891 educational 370 Topics in black-f»ced type are subdivided iu tables. 86 Abridged Decimal Classification Associations gilds 338 Atlases, etc ., see also special topics labor 331 Atmosfere geologic agent 551 musical 780 meteorology SSI relig. Y. M. C, etc. 267 pneumatics 533 for special object see topic Atmosferic currents S5^ Assurance 368 electricity 537 Assyria ancient histpry 935 engines pneumatics 533 antiquities 913-35 pressure " 533 architecture 722 railways 62s Assyrian language 492 Atolls physical geology 5S^ Asteroids astronomy 523 Atomic theory 541 Astrology 133 weights 541 astronomy 520 Atomistic philosofy 182 Astronomers' lives 925 Atoms 541 Astronomic almanacs chronology 529 Atonement christology .232 instruments 522 Attendance church 264 maps 524 school 371 observations 524 Attorneys law 340 spec, obs'tories 522 lives 923 photografy 522 Attraction, capillary liquids 532 physics 52 f chemical affinity 541 Astronomy 520 gravity 531 descriptiv 523 magnetism 538 physical 521 Auburn pri son system prisons 365 practical 522 Auction ca talogs bibliografy 018 sferical 522 Auctions book, library econ. 025 theoretic 521 law of 347 Asylum, right of legal antiquities 340 Audifone acoustics 534 Asylums architecture 725 Augsburg confession, Lutheranism 284 hygiene of 613 reformation 270 inebriate architec. 725 Augustine medieval philosofy 189 temperance 178 Augustinian monks 271 sociology 362 Augustinism doctrins 230 Athanasian creed 238 Auricular confession ordinances 265 Atheism apologetics 239 Aurora borealis 523 natural theol. 211 Australasia geology 559.3 Atheists' lives 922 history ■993 Atheneum libraries 027 religious history 279-3 Athens ancient history 938 travel 919-3 modern history 993-5 Australia botany 581.9 travel 914.95 geology '559-4 Athletic clubs 613-7 history 994 sports 796 religious history 279.4 hygiene 613-7 statistics 319 school hygiene 371 travel 919.4 Atlantic ocean, physical geografy 551 Austria antiquities 913-4 travel 910 botany 581.9 telegraf sociology 384 geology 554-3 useful arts 654 history 943-6 Atlantis antiquities 913-39 religious history 274-3 mythology 292 statistics 314 original home of man 572 travel 914.36 Atlases, maps, etc. 912 Authenticity of scripture Bible 220.1 celestial astron. 524 Author bibliografies, general on school furniture 371 individual 012 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided iu tables. Index 87 Author catalogs bibliografy 018 Baking pdwcici chem. techn. 664 Authority church and ministeria 262 adulterations 614.3 ethics 171 Balance machines 531 Authors and publishers 65s metrology 389 anon. bibliografy 014 of power political science 320 bibliografy of individ. OI2 trade commerce 382 ■ special classes 013 Balances, chemical 542 lives 928 Baldness dermatology 616 rights of copyright 655 Balearic Islands history 946 law , 347 Balize history 972.8 wages 6SS travel 917.28 Authorship literary methods 029 Ball playing amusements 797 Auto da fe Spanish inquisition 272 school hygiene 371 Autobiografy 920 Ballads Danish poetry 839 Autocracy form of state 321 English literature 821 Autografs book rarities 091 song books 398 Automata, mechanical 791 vocal music 784 metaphysics 127 Ballet amusements 792 Autotypes 773 ethics 175 Avalanches physical geology 551 Ballistics military engineering 623 Average probabilities 519 Ballooning 533 Avesta, Zend language 491 military 623 literature 891 Ballot 324 religion 29s Balls dancing 793 Avignon, cour icil of, religious history 270 ethics ^75 Avoirdupois weights metrology 389 projectils 623 Axle physics 531 Baltimore history 975-2 Azoic rocks stratigrafic geology 551 travel 9'7-52 Aztec architecture 722 Baluchistan geology 555-8 history 972 history 958 language 497 religious history 275.8 Babylon ancient history 935 travel 915.8 architecture 722 Balustrades architectural design 729 language cuneiform 492 Bampton lectures 239 religion 299 Bananas agriculture 634 Baccalaureate sermons 252 Banditti biografy 923 colleges 378 law 343 Bacchanalia social customs 394 Banishment criminal law 343 Bacchus mythology 292 Banjo 787 Bachelors celibacy 176 Bank note engraving 768 Backgarnmon games 795 notes money 332 ethics »75 Bankers' lives 923 Baconian philosofy 192 Banking 332 empiricism 144 Bankruptcy 347 Bacteria botany 589 Banks and banking law 347 theory of diseases 616 architecture 725 fermentation 663 cooperativ cooperation 334 Bactrian, Old language 491 political economy 332 Badges heraldry 929.8 savings banks and banking 332 Bagatel amusements 794 Banners heraldry 929.9 Bagpipe 788 sacred ornaments 247 Bahamas history 972.9 Banquets social customs 394 travel 917.29 Banting dietetics 613 Bail criminal law 343 Baptism sacrament 265 Baking cookery 641 Baptismal fonts sacred furniture 247 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. 88 Abridged Decimal Classification Baptismal regeneration salvation 234 Baptisms registers of 929 Baptistery sacred furniture 247 Baptists 286 lives 922 Bar legal 340 biografy 923 association 347 Bar-keepers' manuals chem. tech. 663 Barbarians, antiquities see country N. American Indians 970.1 prehistoric archeology 571 S. American Indians gSo war customs 399 Barbarism vs church 261 Barbarisms English language 428 Barbary States history 961 Barbd wire manufacture 672 Barbers 391 Bards and minstrels English lit. 821 French " 841 German " 831 Italian " 851 Proven9al " 849 Spanish " 861 Barebones parliament English hist. 942.06 Barley agriculture 633 brewing 663 Barns architecture 728 Barometer pneumatics 533 Barometric leveling geodesy 526 Barometry meteorology 551 Baronage heraldry 929.7 Baronetage " 929.7 Barracks architecture 725 Barrel-organs music 789 Barricade military engineering 623 Barrows prehist. arch. 571 Bars harbor engineering 627 Barter commerce 380 Bartholomew fair public customs 394 St, religious persecution 272 Base ball amusements 797 measuring geodesy 526 Bases theoretic chemistry 541 walls 721 Bashfulness ethics 179 Basilica architecture 726 Roman antiquities 913-37 Basilisk legends 398 zoology 598.1 Basins physical geografy 551 Basket work, prehistoric 571 Basle history 949-4 travel 914-94 Topics in black-faced type Bas-relief sculpture 736 Bass clarinet 788 horn wind instruments 788 Bastardy law 347 Bastile French history 944^ prisons 365 Bath, order of the heraldry 929.7 Bathing customs 391 Baths architecture 725 hygiene 613 practical chemistry 542 therapeutics 615 Batrachia paleontology 567 zoology 597 Bats 599 Battalion drill, military tactics 356 Batteries, electric 537 military engineering 623 Battering ram customs of war 399 Battle paintings 756 wager of legal antiquities 340 Battledoor outdoor sports 796 Battles, see history of special countries land military science 355 naval naval " 359 Bavaria history 943 travel 914-3 Bay windows architectural design 729 Bayeux tapestry art needlework 746 Bayonet drill military sci. 356 weapons 399 Beaches, formation of 551 Beacons navigation 656 river engineering 627 Beads archeology 571 devotional 247 Beams building 694 Bear-baiting customs 394 Beards " 391 Beasts zoology 599 of burden domestic animals 636 Beatitudes Gospels 226 Beauties, selections, Eng. lit. 828 Beauty esthetics 701 personal esthetics 701 Beaux social ethics 177 Beaver animals 599 Bechuanaland 968 Bed wagon aid to injured 614.8 Bedding furniture 645 Bedouins Arabian history 953 travel among 915-3 Beds and bedding hygiene 613 Bee-keeping 638 Beef cure therapeutics 615 are Bubdlvided in tables. Index 89 Beef food 641 B erlin history 9431 production domes, animals 636 travel 914.31 Beer adulterations 614.3 congress, international law 341 analysis, chem. 543 decree " " 341 drinking ethics 178 Bermudas history 972.9 manufacture 663 Bernardines monastic orders 271 Bees insects 595 Berne history 949.4 Beet sugar chemical technology 664 travel 914.94 Beetles insects 595 Bessel's functions 517 Beets garden 635 Bessemer process metallurgy 669 Beggars charity 177 Best reading 028 pauperism 339 Beton artificial stone 666 Behavior 177 construction masonry 693 Beheading punishments 343 Betrothal customs 392 Behring's straits travels 917.98 Betterments law 347 Being, nature of ontology III Betting ethics I7S Bel and the dragon Apocryfa 229 Beverages adulterations 614.3 Belgium antiquities 913-4 alcoholic, hygiene 613 botany 581.9 hygiene 613 geology 554.9 manufacture 663 history 949.3 temperance 178 religious history 274.9 Bezique amusements 795 travel 9 '4-93 Bezoar stones medicin 615 zoology 5919 Bhagavat Ghita Sanskrit literature 891 Belief salvation 234 Bible 220 theory of knowledge 121 aids to study 220 Bell, book and cai\dle church disci- and science apologetics 239 plin 262 antiquities 220.9 Bell-ringing 789 Jewish 91333 Bell system education , 371 archeology 220.9 Belladonna materia medica 61S biografy 220.9 Belles-lettres 800 canon 220.1 Belligerents, rights of inter, law 341 chapter and verse division 220.1 Bells diving hydraulic eng . 627 chronology 220.9 manufacture 673 classes Sunday schools 268 music 789 codices 220.4 signals 654 commentaries 220.7 Belting mechan. eng. 621 concordances 220.2 Bench and bar biografy 923 criticism 220.6 Benedictine monks 271 cyclopedias 220.3 Benediction 264 dictionaries 220.3 Benefactois' lives 923 evidences 220.1 Beneficence ethics ^n exegesis 220.6 Benefices, church clerical support 254 geografy ancient geografy 911 Benefit of clergy legal antiquities 340 Biblical 220.9 societies insurance 368 hermeneutics 220.6 Benevolence ethics 177 history Biblical 220.9 Benevolent institutions .361 Jewish hfstory 933 societies 361 in public schools education 377 parish work 256 inspiration 2 20. 1 Beowulf Anglo Saxon poetry 829 legends of 398 Bequests law 347 manuscripts 2204 Berbers description 916.1 parallels Gospels 226 Bergen, Norway history 948.3 patriarchs 22a9 travel 914.83 polyglots 22a5 Tooics in black-faced typ B are subdivided in tabl^s. go Abridged Decimal Classification Bible revision, English 220.5 Birthday customs 392 science in 220.8 Births registers of 929 societies 206 statistics 312 Bibliografies, general on Bishops ecclesiastical polity 262 Bibliografers ' lives 920 lives of 922 Bibliografy 010 Bismuth inorganic chemistry 546 national 015 Bison zoology 599 of individual , authors 012 Bitumen economic geology 553 spec, classes of 013 Bituminous coal " " 553 forms 014 Bivalves paleontology 564 subjects 016 zoology 594 Bibliomania bibliografy 010 Black-art magic 133 Bicycle 796 Forest, Germany travel 914-3 Bigamy ethics ^73 death plague 614 law 343 hills, Dakota travel 917-83 Bigotry ethics 179 hole, Calcutta 954 Bilious fever diseases 616 sea travel 914.7 Bill of exchange banks and banking 332 Blacking chemical technology 667 law 347 Blackmail law 343 rights English 342 . Blacksmithing 682 Billiards ethics 175 Blasfemy ethics 179 game 794 law 343 Billon coins and coinage 332 Blast furnace 669 Bills and notes, law 347 Blasting explosivs 662 of mortality statistics 312 mining engineering 622 sale law 347 Blazonry heraldry 929.8 Bimana mammals 599 Bleaching 667 Bimetalism coinage 332 Blights agriculture 632 Binary stars astronomy 523 Blind asylums 362 Binding, book library economy 025 education of 371 mechanic trades 686 Blindness 617 rare 095 Blizzards meteorology 551 Binocular vision physiologic optics 535 Block books 092 Binomial theorem algebra 512 Blockade war 341 Biogenesis zoology 591 Blood physiology 612 Biografic sermons . 920 poisoning diseases 616 homiletics 252 vesse s anatomy 611 Biografy 920 Bloomer costume 391 miscellaneous 920 Blowing engii e 621 of gipsies 397 Blowpiping apparatus 542 Indians 970.2 mineralogy 549 slaves 326 qualitativ analysis 544 scriptural 220.9 Blue books lists of officers 351 Biology 570 parliamentary 328 Bioplasm 576 United States 328 Birds 598 glass therapeutics 615 cage domestic pets 636 laws, Connecticut 345 eggs oology 598 prints photografy 771 flight of migration 591 Blunders English language 428 nests of zoology 598 etiquet 395 paleontolo gy 568 Board of health city gov't 352 Birth customs 392 medicin 614 marks 617 sanitary engineer'g 628 obstetrics 618 of trade reports commerce 381 rates p ublic health 614 Boarding schools education 373 Topics iu black-faced type are subdivided in tablet. Index 91 Boards timber 674 Boat building 623 racing ethics 175 school hygiene 371 Boating amusements 797 Boats, life life saving service 656 ship building 699 Bodily strength athletics 613.7 Bodleian library 027 Body and mind 130 care of hygiene 613 school hygiene 371 measurements of 573 natural and spiritual, dogmatics 233 symmetry of art anatomy 743 training of hygiene 613.7 weight of anthropometry 573 Boers history 968 Bog iron ore 553 Bohemia history 9437 travel 914-3 Bohemian brethren sects 284 language 491 literature 891 Bohemianism customs 394 Bohlen lectures 239 Boilers steam engineering 621 insurance 368 Boiling heat 536 points chemistry 541 Boils diseases 616 Bokhara history 958 Bolivia geology 5S8.4 history 984 religious history 278.4 travel 918.4 Bollandists monastic orders 271 Bolting political parties 329 Bolts machine tools 621 Bombs military engineer'g 623 dynamite chem. technology 662 Bonaparte, N., French hist. 944 Bondage slavery 326 Bonds and stocks 332 civil trials 347 criminal law 343 finance 336 insurance of 368 Bone caves prehistoric archeology 571 implements, archeology 571 Bones descriptiv anatomy 591 diseases of 616 human anatomy 6ri musical instruments 789 paleontology 566 Bones physiology 612 skeleton of animal 591 Bonn conference religious history 284 Bonnets costume 391 toilet 646 Book auctions 655 * binding library 025 rare 095 trade 686 catalogs, author 018 clast 017 dictionary 019 publishers' bibliog. 015 subject 017 clubs self-culture 374 collecting 025 holders office equipment 651 illustration inserted plates 096 typografy 655 making typografy 655 ownership rarities 097 plates 097 rarities ogo trade history 655 worm library economy 025 Book of common prayer, episco. 264 Bookbuying lib. administration 025 Bookkeeping, accounts 657 library 025 Books and reading, professorships of 028 bibliografy 010 classification of lib. econ. 025 commonplace " " 029 condemd to be burnd 098 enemies of library economy 025 guides to selection of, lib. econ. 028 library economy 020 lists of best library economy 028 of prints 769 preservation of, library econ. 025 privately printed 094 prohibited 098 reading and aids 028 restricted library economy 024 sizes of " '• 025 tariff on " " 025 Booksellers* catalogs, author 018 clast 017 dictionary 019 lives biografy 920 Bookselling publishing 655 Boomerang customs of war 399 Bootmaking 685 Booty law 341 Bordeaux history 944 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. 92 Abridged Decimal Classification Bordeaux travel 914.4 Brass instruments music 788 Border ballads, Scottish Eng. poet. 821 manufacture 673 ruffians Kansas history 978.1 Brasses, monumental ecclesiology 247 Bores social ethics 177 sculpture 739 Borneo history 991 Bravery ethics 179 travel 919.1 Brazil botany 581.9 Boron inorganic chemistry 546" geology 558-1 Borough local gov't 352 history 98 1 Bosnia history 943-9 religious history 278.1 Bosphorus travel 914.96 statistics 318 Boston massacre U. S. history 973-3 travel 918.1 Botanic chemistry 581 Breach of promise law -347 gardens architecture 727 Bread adulterations 614.3 museums botany 580 cookery 641 Botanists' lives biografy 925 food 641 Botany 580 Breadstuffs production 338 agricultural 630 Breakwaters harbor engineering 627 fossil 561 Breast wheels engineering 621 geografic distribution 581.9 Breasts diseases of women 618 medical 615 Breathing animals 591 structural 581 man 612 systematic 580 Breathings Greek language 481 Bottom of ocean physical geografy 551 Breech-loading guns 683 zoology 591-9 Breeding agriculture 636 Boulders, drift 551 animals 951 Boundaries law 347 Brehon laws Irish law 349 national foreign rel. 327 Brethren, United sects 284 intern, law 341 Breton language 491 Bounties army 355 literature 891 protection 337 Breviaries 264 U. S. army 353 Brewd beverages adulterations 614.3 " Bounty " m iitiny, 1789 Pitcairn 's chem. technol. 663 island 997 Breweries architecture 725 Bourbons French history 944 Brewing 663 Bourse stock exchange 332 air pollution 614 Bowls amusements 796 Bribery criminal law 343 Boxing athletics 796 Bric-a-brac 739 Boycotting laboring classes 331 Brick clays economic geology 553 Boyle lectures , apologetics 239 construction masonry 693 Boys' religious societies 267 Bricks building material 691 Brachiopoda paleontology 564 manufacture 666 zoology 594 Bridal customs 392 Brachygrafy, shorthand 653 Bridge-building 624 Brahmanism 294 Bridges administration 351 Brahmo Somaj. Indian religion 299 engineering 624 Brain anatomy 611 local government 352 diseases of 616 military engineering 623 mental derangements 132 Bridgewater treatises 215 mental physiology 131 Brief longhand abbreviations 653 physiology 612 Brigandage criminal law 343 Brakes railroad engineering 62s Brigands law 343 Branch libraries library economy 022 Bright's disease of the kidneys 616 Brandy manufacture 663 Briticisms philology 427 stimulant 615 British America history 971 temperance 178 travel 917.1 Topics In black-faced type are aubdlTlded In tables. Index 93 British army 354 Buddhism 294 barrows prehist. arch. 571 Buddhist architecture 722 Burmah history 959 Budget English finance 336 travel 9159 Buenos Ayres , history 982 colonies polit. sci. 325 travel 918.2 Columbia history 971 Buffklo zoology 599 travel 917.1 Bugle wind instruments 788 constitution 342 Bugs rhynchota 595 empire history 942 Buhlwork 749 travel 914.2 Building 690 Guiana history 988 architecture 720 travel 918.8 associations, cooperativ 334 India history 954 loan institutes 332 travel 915-4 contracts 692 museum 062 laws building 692 library 027 protection of life 614.8 navy 354 stones econ. geol. 553 philosofers 192 Buildings, inspection of 614.8 statutes 346 library admin. 025 Britons history 94a architecture 727 Brittany, France history 944 economy 022 travel 914.4 out architecture 728 Broad church Anglican church 283 public " 725 Broadsword exercise, military science 356 local government 352 Brokerage law 347 Y. M. C. A. 267 Bromids hypnotics 615 architecture 726 Bromin inorganic chemistry 546 Bulgaria history 949-7 Bronchi anatomy 611 language 491 Bronchitis diseases 616 travel 914.97 Bronze age pre-hist. archeology 571 Bull fights amusements 791 manufactures 673 ethics 175 Bronzes 739 Bulletins library admin. 025 Brook farm socialism 335 publications 027 Brooklyn, N. Y. history 974.7 Bullion coins and coinage 332 travel 917-47 Bulls and bears stock exchange 332 Brooms domestic economy 648 Irish English humor 827 Brothels ethics 176 papal eccles. polity 262 Brotherhoods monks 271 Roman church 282 parish work 255 Bundesrat German empire 354 Brown coal economic geology 553 Bundling customs 392 Brownists congregationalists 285 Bunker hill monument 718 Brumaire French history 944 history 973-3 Brunswick, house of, English history 942.08 Bunsen pump pneumatics 533 Brussels history 949-3 Buoys harbor engineering 627 travel 914-93 protection of life 614.8 Brutes, immortality of zoology 591 Bureaucracy administration 35' Bryofyta botany 588 Bureaus cabinet making 684 Bryology " 588 Burglar alarms signals 654 Bryozoa molluscoidea 594 Burglary criminal law 343 Bubble, Mississippi French finance 336 Burial cemeteries 719 South sea stocks " 332 church rituals 265 Buccaneers adventures, etc. 910 customs 393 law 343 public health 614 Buchanan J. presidency of, hist. 973-6 societies cooperation 334 Bucolic poetry, English poetry 821 Burking criminal law 343 Topics In black-faced type are subdivided in tables. 94 Abridged Decimal Classification Burlesque English literature Burmah history Burmese architecture Burning glass optics the dead customs Burnings customs of war student life Burns and scalds surgery Burying grounds cemeteries public health Business arithmetics buildings architecture colleges commerce sociology cooperation ethics manuals methods Butchers Butter adulterations artificial chem. technology 664 dairy 637 Butterflies 595 Buttermilk adulterations 614.3 Buttons manufacture 679 Byzantine architecture 723 art 709 ecclesiology 246 empire history 945-5 Cab manufactures 684 Cabalistic art 133 Cabinet council, English 354 making 684 officers, U. S. gov't 353 work joinery 694 Cable roads city transit 388 road engineering 625 telegrafic sociology 384 useful arts 654 Cables manufactures 677 Cabs city transit 388 Cadets military schools 355 Cadmium inorganic chemistry 546 Caedmon Anglo-Saxon poetry 829 Caesar Latin literature 878 Caesars lives . 923 Roman history 937 Caesium inorganic chemistry 546 Cafes architecture 725 Cage birds domestic pets 636 Cairns prehistoric archeology 571 Calcium • inorganic chemistry 546 light chemical technology 665 Calculators mathematics 510 Calculus diseases 616 827 Calculus mathematics 959 of direction analyt. geom. 722 Caledonia history 535 Calendar 393 ecclesiastical, Anglican 399 Calendering paper manufacture 371 textil fabrics 617 Calico manufactures 719 printing , chemical technology 614 California, U. S. history 5" travel 725 Califs Mohammedanism 650 Caligrafs writing machines 380 Caligrafy writing 334 manuscripts 174 Calisthenics hygiene 658 school hygiene 658 Calmucks history 689 Caloric engines 614.3 physics Calorimeter Calvinism sects vs free will dogmatics Calvinistic confession Calvinists' lives Cambistry money metrology Cambodian architecture Cambria, Wales history Cambrian age geology confession Camel domestic animals zoology Cameos Camera photografy lucida microscopy optics obscura " photografy Cameralistic science Cameronians sects Camfor therapeutics Camp life hygiene meetings Campaigns political Campbellism sects Camping out Camps, disinfec. cont. disease hygiene Canada botany geology history religious history statistics travel 517 516 941 529 264 676 677 677 667 979-4 917.94 297 652 652 091 613-7 371 950 621 536 536 284 234 238 922 332 389 722 942.9 551 238 636 599 736 771 578 535 535 771 336 285 61S 613 269 329 289 796 614 613 581.9 557-1 971 277.1 317 917. Topics In black-faced type are subdivided In tabled. Index 95 Canal engineering 626 Carbon organic chem. 547 transit sociology 386 process photografy 773 Canary birds care of 636 Carbonari secret societies 366 zoology 598 Carbonated waters hygiene 613 isles history 946 Carbonic acid , toxicology 615 Candles chemical technology 665 Carboniferous age geology 551 Candor ethics 177 fossils 560 Candy adulterations 614.3 Card catalog library admin. 025 making 641 playing amusements 795 Cane, sugar agriculture 633 ethics 175 botany 584 system literary methods 029 Cannel coal economic geology 553 Cardiff giant humbugs 133 Cannibalism customs of war 399 Cardinals ecclesiastical polity 262 Canning of fruits, meats, etc., chem. - lives 922 tech. 664 Roman church 282 Cannon military engineering 623 Care of animals animal hygiene 614 Canoes and canoeing 797 body, hygiene 613 Canon law 348 school hygiene 371 music 781 person customs 391 of Scripture 220.1 Caribbean sea travel 917.29 Canons, ecclesiastical polity 262 Caribbee islands history 972.9 Canons rivers SSI Caricature drawing 741 of Colorado river descr. 917.91 Carillon music 789 Cantata dramatic music 782 Carlovingian cycle legend 398 sacred music 783 Carmelites monks 271 Canticles Bible 223 Camivora mammals 599 Canvas roofing building 695 Carnivorous plants botany 581 Canvassing bookselling 655 Carol sacred music 783 Caoutchouc organic chemistry 547 Carpentry 694 rubber manufacture 678 Carpets designing 745 Capacity for knowing mental facul. 151 domestic economy 645 Cape Breton history 971 manufacture 677 travel 917.1 Carposporeae , algae and fungi 589 Verd islands history 997 Carriage mak ing 684 travel 919.7 Carrier pigeons domestic birds 636 Capillary attraction in plants 581 Carriers 1 iw 347 of liquids 532 Cars building 699 Capital and labor 331 horse engineering 625 punishment law 343 railroad engineering 625 Capitalists' lives 923 Cartesianism philosofic systems 144 Capitation-tax 336 Carthaginian architecture 722 Capitols architecture 725 Carthusian monks 271 Caps, percussion, chemical technology 66? Cartografy maps, atlases, etc. 912 Captivities among the Indians 970.3 Cartoons 741 Captivity prison disciplin 36s Cartridges military science 623 Captivs international law 341 Carving dining 642 war customs 399 sculpture 736 Captures international law 341 Casements fortifications 623 Capuchins religious history 271 Cases English syntax 425 Car-building * 699 law American » 345 Caravans transportation 656 English 346 Carbines military engin'g 623 Cashmere history 954 Carbolic acid materia medica 615 travel 915-4 disinfectant pub. health 614 Caspian Sea travel 914.7 Carbon inorganic chemistry 546 Castanets musical instr. 789 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. 96 Abridged Decimal Classification » Caste Casting foundries Castles architecture Castor and Pollux mythology Castrametation military science Casts Casualties, protec. from pub. health Casuistry ethics Catacomb symbols ecclesiology Catacombs antiquities cemeteries symbols Catalan language literature Catalepsy Catalog dep't library economy Catalogers library staff Cataloging Catalogs author book publishers' college dictionary of individual authors countries subjects Cataracts Catarrh Catch Catechisms Caterer Cathartics Cathay star maps stars subject universal eye diseases physical geografy diseases vocal music domestic economy therapeutics history travel Cathedral canons eccles. polity services musical system ecclesiastical Cathedrals architecture Catholic apostolic church church epistles Bible Catholicism and protestantism Catholics' lives biografy Cats domestic animals diseases of medicin Cattle ' „ diseases contag. hygiene vet. med. Caucasia history Caucuses Causation philosofy 177 671 728 292 355 730 614.8 171 246 913-37 719 246 449 849 132 025 023 025 018 015 378 019 012 015 016 524 523 017 on 617 551 616 784 238 641 615 951 915-1 262 783 262 726 289 282 227 282 922 636 619 636 614 619 947 324 122 Cause and effect philosofy Causes final " of contagious diseases Cavalry Cavatina music Cave men prehistoric archeology temples Indian architecture Caves Ceilings Celebes Celestial dynamics sfere geology natural dwellings architecture arch, decoration history Celibacy Cells ethics hygiene of clergy biology histology botany zoology Cellular confinement prisons punishments tissue, botany Celluloid manufactures Cellulose botany Celtic antiquities Druids, religion language Celts Cements Cemeteries ancient history stone archeology building material manufacture mineral, econ. geol. earth burial effect on health public health Cemetery chapels architecture Censers sacred vessels Censorship of the press Censuses statistics Cent-gram-second system physics Centenarians physiology Centennial celebrations see subject exhibition, United States Center of gravity physics Centipedes zoology Central Africa, North geology history I religious hist, travel South geology history religious hist, travel 122 124 614 357 784 571 722 551 571 721 729 991 521 522 176 613 254 576 581 591 365 343 581 679 581 9 •3-36 299 491 936 571 691 666 553 719 393 614 614 726 247 323 310 530 612 606 531 595 556.6 966 276.6 916.6 556-7 967 276.7 916.7 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index 97 Central America geology 557-2 Championship ethics «7S history 972.8 school hygiene 371 religious hist . 277.2 Champlain, lake history 974-7 travel 917.28 travel 917-47 Asia history 9<^ Chance, games of amusements 795 travel 915-8 ethics 175 Pacific railroad 385 natural theology 214 park 711 probabilities 519 Centralization, administrativ, foreig n vs cause metaphysics 122 countries 354 Chancellors' lives 923 U. S. gov • 353 Chancels ecclesiology 246 political science 320 Chancery law 347 Centrifugal blowers engineering 621 reports American law 345 force physics 531 English law 346 pumps engineering 621 Chances mathematics 5'9 Centripetal force physics 531 Chandeliers 749 Cephalopoda zoology 594 Change of air, hygiene 613 Ceramic productions building 691 seasons 525 Ceramics fine arts 738 Changes of blood respiration 612 manufacture 666 Chant, Gregorian ecclesiology 246 Cereals adulterations 614.3 Chants sacred music 783 agriculture 633 Chapbooks 398 botany 584 Chapels architecture 726 trade in agric. products 338 Chaplains ministry 262 Cerebral poisons therapeutics 61S Chapter-and-verse division Bible 220. 1 Cerebration, unonscious ^S3 Character ethics 170 Cerebrospinal diseases 616 formation of 374 Ceremonies customs 394 of reading 028 religious ritual 264 Charades 793 Cerium inorganic chemistry S46 Charcoal chemical technology 662 Certainty knowledge 121 drawing 741 Certificates of teachers 371 fuel 644 Cesium inorganic chemistry 546 Charging systems libraries 025 Cetacea zoology 599 Charitable associations 361 Ceylon history 954 institutions 361 travel 915.4 Charities and corrections 360 Chalcografy, engraving 762 Charity ethics 177 Chaldea ancient history 935 political economy 361 Chaldean architecture 722 schools 377 philosofy 181 sisters of 271 religion 299 Charlatanry quackery ^33 Chaldee language 492 Charlemagne, age of, European hist 940 Chalices sacred vessels 247 legends 39S Chalk lithology 552 Charles i English history 942.06 beds economic geology 553 2 MM 942.06 Challenger expedition, 1873-76 508-3 3 German history- 943 Challenges duels 394 Netherlands history 949.2 Chalukyan architecture 722 Spanish " 946 Chamber music 785 Charleston, S. C. history 975-7 Chambers of commerce reports 381 travel 917-57 Chameleon zoology 598 Charters of cities 352 Champagne chemical technology 663 Chartism Eng. consutut. history 342 France, history 944 Chartists political party 329 Championship games amuse- j Chartografy maps, atlases, etc. 912 ments 790 Charts astronomy 523 Topics in blackrfaced type are satxiivided in tables. 98 Abridged Decimal Classification Charts geografy 912 Chief justices ' lives 923 history 902 Chilblains skin disorders 616 maps 912 Child labor political economy 33^ of special topic see subject Childbh th obstetrics 618 Chase hunting 799 Childrer 1, asyl ums for sociology 362 Chasing sculpture 736 . care of 649 Chastity ethics 176 crue Ity to ethics 179 Chateaux architecture 728 diseases of 618 Chattels law 347 duties of ethics 173 Chautauqua self-education 374 education of 372 Cheating ethics 174 games of out-door 796 student life 371 hospitals for 362 Checkers 794 moral care for 377 Checks banks 332 Children's cru sade European history 940 commercial law 347 Chili botany 581.9 Cheers college 371 geology 558-3 Cheese adulterations 614.3 history 983 dairy 637 religious history 278.3 Chelonia reptils 598.1 statistics 318 Chemical affinity 541 travel 918.3 analysis 543 Chiliasm millennium 236 apparatus 542 Chimes of bells music 789 equations 541 Chimneys heating 697 fire extinguishers 614.8 masonry 693 industries 660 China antiquities 913-31 jurisprudence law 340 botany 581.9 laboratories 542 geology 555-1 manipulation 542 history, ancient 931 manufacture 661 modern 951 nomenclature 541 religion. Christian 275-1 physics 541 statistics 315 physiology 591 travel 915-1 technology 660 ware fine arts 738 Chemistry 540 useful arts 666 agricultural 631 Chinese architecture 722 analytic 543 art 709 and natural religion 215 immi ^ration 325 applied to the arts 660 labor polit. economy 331 economic zoology 591 language 495 industrial chem. tech. 660 literature 895 inorganic 546 philosofy 181 legal law 340 religi on 299 medical materia med. 615 Chirografy penmanship 652 of poisons chem. analysis 543 Chiromancy palmistry ^33 toxicology 615 Chiroptera mammals 599 organic 547 Chivalry age of Europ. hist. 940 physiologic 612 customs 394 zoology 591 Chloral temperance 178 Chemists' lives biografy 925 therapeutics 615 Chess amusements 794 Chlorin inorganic chemistry 546 ethics 175 Chloroform therapeutics 615 Chicago, 111. history 977-3 Chlorofyll botany 581 . travel 91773 Chlorosis diseases 616 Chicken-pox diseases 616 Chocolate adulterations 614.3 public health 614 manufactures 663 Topics In black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index 99 Choctaw language 497 Chromometry colorimetry 545 literature 897 Chromosfere, sun 523 Choice, freedom of mental faculties 159 Chronic diseases pathology 616 metaphysics 123 Chronicles Bible 222 Choir music 783 history see s'pecial subject Cholera diseases 6r6 Chronograf astronomy 52^ public health 614 Chronologies history 902 Choral service sacred music 783 Chronology astronomy 529 Chorus " " 783 Biblical Bible 220.9 vocal " 784 Chronometer astron. instr. 522 Chrestomathy English language 428 longitude determ. 525 Christ doctrinal theology 232 manufacture 681 lives 232 Church 260-289 Christening baptism 265 and clergy law 348 customs 392 education 377 Christian apologetics 239 state eccl. polity 261 architecture eccles. 726 ethics 172 medieval 723 political science 322 art 247 Apostolic 281 associations 267 architecture 726 Brothers monks 271 attendance 264 church 260-289 authority 262 doctrins 230 bells manufactures 673 education 377 music 789 ethics 171 benefices clerical support 251 fathers relig. hist. 270 Christian 260-283 fathers' works 281 decoration, sacred orn. 247 iconografy 246 disciplin eccles. polity 262 sculpt. 732 fathers 281 institutions 260 fellowship 265 life personal religion 248 festivals, worship 264 names 929 furniture 247 philosofy patristic 189 government 262 science therapeutics 6.5 history 270-289 sects 280 membership ordinances 265 socialism 335 music 783 union 280 needlework 247 unions, young men's 267 of England 283 Christtania, Norway history 948 Rome 282 travel 914.8 Scotland presbyterian 28s Christianity evidences 239 polity 262 history 270-289 primitiv 270 Christians biografy 922 rates clerical support 254 Christiansand, Norway history 948.3 religious history 270-289 travel 914.83 sacraments 265 Christmas customs 394 schools 377 festival sacred music 783 sects 280 Christology doctrinal theology 232 services public worship 264 Chromatic aberration optics 535 Slavonic language 491 scale theory of music 781 sociology 322 Chromatics optics 535 unity 280 Chromatografy 752 vestments 247 Chromium economic geology 553 vi^ork 260 inorganic chem. 546 yards, cemeteries 719 Chromolithografy 764 Churches architecture 726 Topics iu black-faced type are subdivided in tables. zoo Abridged Decimal Classification . Churches burials in public health 614 Civil pensions administration 351 hygiene 613 procedure law 347 unity of 261 service administration 351 Cider chemical technology 663 municipal gov't 352 Cifer writing 652 officials, lives 923 Cilicia ancient history 939 reform admin. 351 modern " 956 U. S. hist. 973-8 travel 915.6 trials 347 Cincinnati, O. history 977-1 war ethics 172 travel 917.71 slavery 326 Cincinnati society of 369 U. S. history 973-7 Cinematics mechanics 531 Civility ethics 177 Cinerary urns, treatment of the dead 392 Civilization and the church 261 Circle German local gov't 352 history 901 sailing, great navig. 527 philosofy of 901 Circuit court reports, U. S. 345 primativ 571 Circulating libraries 027 Claims against governments 336 Circulation and blood, physiology 612 U. S. court of history 347 in animals zoology S9I reports 345 plants botany 581 Clairvoyance 134 money 332 Clans political science 321 oceanic ocean currents 551 Scottish history 941 Circulatory system anatomy 611 Clarinet wind instruments 788 Circumcision 392 Class feeling ethics 177 Circumnavigations 910 meetings public worship 264 Circumstantial evidence law 347 reunions colleges 378 Circuses amusements 791 student customs 371 ethics 175 system suffrage 324 Cistercian monks 271 Classes, school 371 Cisterns rural water supply 628 Classical antiquities 913-38 Cites ouvrieres, architecture 728 biografy 920 Cities administration 352 education 375 ancient description 913-3 geografy 912 buried " 913-3 literature, Greek 880 free, German gov't 354 Latin 870 growth of, administration 352 mythology 292 health of 614 philology Greek lang. 480 plans of 912 Latin " 470 sanitation 628 schools, private, educ. 373 Citizens, duties of ethics 172 public " 379 Citizenship law 347 Classics Greek literature 880 City governments, administration 352 Latin " 870 halls architecture 725 Classification of animals zoology 590 houses " 728 books lib. econ. 025 mortality public health 614 chemistry 541 transit sociology 388 diseases medicin 616 Civil authority local government 352 knowledge method engineering 620 ology 112 government and the church 322 languages philology 401 ethics 172 library 025 relig. 261 philosofy 112 polit, science 320 plants botany 580 law 349 sciences nat. sci. 501 liberty political science 323 Clast catalogs bibliografy 017 lists 351 lib, adm. 025 Topics in black-faced typ B are subdivided In tables. Index I ox Clavichord musical instruments Clay chemical technology petrografy Clays, brick, fire, potters' geology Cleanliness hygiene Clearing house, banking Cleavage crystallografy geology Clemency ethics Clementines apocr}'fa Cleopatra's needle monuments Clepsydra chronology Cleptomania derangements Clergj-, benefit of legal antiquities canon law celibacy of ethics pastoral theol. ethics holy orders lives of pastoral work Clerical support taxes Cleveland, G. presidency of Cleveland, Ohio histoiy travel Cliff dwellings, prehistoric arch. Climacterics physiology vital statistics Climate, effects of diseases therapeutics hygiene influence on man meteorology seasons Climatology contagious diseases physical geografy Climbers birds Climbing plants habits Clinics medical education Clippings literary methods Clock, sidereal Clock-making Clocks chronology Cloisterd nuns Close communion baptists sacrament Closet, earth sanitary engineering water air pollution sanitary engineering Cloth manufactures Clothes-making Clothing domestic economy hygiene _ of laboring classes 786 Clouds meteorology SS^ 666 Club foot surgery 617 552 houses architecture 728 553 libraries 027 613 Clubs, literary, education 374 332 social 367 548 Clusters and nebulae stars 523 551 Cnidana zoology 593 179 Coach building carriage making 6S4 229 Coaching amusements 798 718 business 656 529 Coal, economic geology 553 132 fuel chemical technology 662 340 domestic economy 644 348 metallurgy 669 176, gas domestic lights 644 254 heating 697 174 illuminating gas 66s 262 mineralogy 549 922 mining 622 250 oil chemical tech. 665 254 domestic lights 644 336 economic geology 553 973-8 mineralogy 549 9771 tar colors chemical technology 667 9»7-7i products " " 668 571 Coalescence 617 612 Coast changes, erosion 55« 614 defense, military eng. 623 616 pilot 656 615 survey, U. S. geodesy 526 613 tides 525 573 Coasting sports 796 551 Coats of arms, heraldry 929-8 525 Cobalt inorganic chemistry 546 614 ores economic geology 553 551 Coca hygiene 613 598 Cocain therapeutics 615 S8i Cochin China, French history 959 610 Cochineal dyeing 667 029 Cock-fighting sports 791 522 ethics »75 681 Cocoa adulterations 614.3 529 manufacture 663 271 Cocoon silkworms 638 286 Cod fishery fishing 639 265 Code Napoleon French law 349 628 Codes, American law 345 614 Codices Bible mss 220.4 628 Codification of law U. S. law 345 677 Coeducation 376 687 of races 371 646 Coelenterata zoology 593 613 Coffee adulterations 614.3 331 agriculture 633 Topics in black'faced type aire BubdlTided In taUes. 102 Abridged Decimal Classification- Coffee botany 583 Collegiants sects 284 domestic economy 641 Collegiate education women 376 houses customs 394 Collieries mining eng. 622 hygiene 613 Collodian process photcgrafy 772 stimulants 615 Colombia, So, Am. geology 558.6 Coffer-dams river engineering 627 history 986 Coffins burial customs 393 religious hist. 278.6 perishable pub. health 614 travel" 918.6 Cog wheels mech. eng. 621 Colonial history, U. S. 973-2 Cognition metaphysics 126 law English statutes 346 Cohesion physics 539 system, political science 325 Coils electricity ■537 Colonies " " 325 Coinage political economy 332 Colonization, African 325 Coins numismatics 7Z7 history of Africa 960 Coke chemical technology 662 political science 325 fuel, domestic econ. 644 Colonnades architectural design 729 metallurgy 669 walls 721 Cold baths hygiene 613 Color blindness eye diseases 617 drinks " 613 in man natural hist, of man 573 exposure to, protection of life 614.8 plants botany 581 physics 536 of animals zoology 591 Colds catarrh 616 optics 535 Colenso controversy pentateuch 222 painting 752 Coleoptera 595 sense mental faculty 152 Colic diseases 616 suffrage 324 Coliseum Roman antiquities 913-37 Colorado, U. S., history 978.8 Collected biografy 920 travel 917.88 sermons 252 Colord races natural hist, of man 573 travel 910 Colorimetric analysis chemistry 545 works, see subject Coloring dyeing 667 Collecting biology 579 matters, org. chem. 547 books library economy 025 Colors, artificial chem. tech. 667 Collection of taxes finance 336 ecclesiology 246 Collections art galleries 708 manufacture of paints 667 engravings 769 painting 752 of poetry Eng. lit. 821 practical printing 655 miscel. 808 use of literary methods 029 photografs 779 Colosseum Roman antiquities 913-37 useful knowledge 602 Colossians epistles 227 vocal music 784 Colossus of Rhodes monuments 718 other topics, see subject Colportage parochial 259 Collectors' manuals, biology 579 Columbia, District of, U. S., history 975-3 College cheers 371 travel 917-53 degrees 378 Columns, architectural constr. 721 libraries 027 design 729 regattas athletics 371 carpentry 694 societies student life 37^ sculpture 730 songs 784 Combat, judicial legal antiquities 340 Y. M. C. \ 267 Combinations of capital, polit. econ. 331 Colleges .agricultural 630 labor, 331 and universities 378 Combinatory analysis algebra 512 architecture 727 Combustibles, storage pub. safety 614.8 business 650 Combustion chemistry 541 for women 376 heat 536 hygiene 613 Comedy English drama 822 Topics In black-faced type are subdivided In tables. Index 103 Comets maps, observations theory Comic journals English literature music dramatic works English lit. Commanders' lives biografy Commemorativ sermons Commensalism zoology Commentaries, Bible law Commerce, regulation of law sociology useful arts Commercial agencies credit arithmetics, mathematics buildings, architecture law morals ethics panics political econ. traveling commerce Commissions, building Common carriers law law, American British right copyright treatises pleas, court of Prayer Anglican ritual schools Commonplace-books lit. methods Commons, House of Eng. legis. student life Commonwealth English history Commonwealths, ideal polit. science 320 Commune, French local gov't German " of 1 87 1 French history political economy Communication, sociology useful arts Communion, close baptists holy sacrament services, sacred music Communism political economy Community of land political econ. Compact ethics Companies associations joint stock law Comparativ anatomy animals plants legislation medicin mythology philology 523 Comparativ physiology zoology 591 524 religion 290 521 theology dogmatics 230 827 Compass magnetism 538 782 variations of, astron. 522 827 Compends, see subject 923 Competition prices 338 252 wages 331 591 Competitiv examinations, civil ser. 351 220.7 schools 371 347 musical festivals 784 347 Complex variables calculus 517 380 Composers' ives 927 650 Composition elementary English 428 33^ music 781 5" rhetoric 808 725 type-setting 655 347 with creditors law 347 174 Compression of gases physics 533 332 Comprest air engines 621 658 Compromise bill 1850 U. S. history 973-6 692 ethics 171 347 Compulsory education 379 345 insurance 33^ 346 vaccination, pub. health 614 655 Compurgation, legal antiquities 340 347 Computation arithmetic 5" 347 Concept mental philosofy 153 264 Conception, immaculate Christology 232 379 Concerts amusements 791 029 Conchology 594 328 Conclave, papal eccles. polity 262 371 Concord philosofy, Emerson 191 942.06 Concordance s Bible 220.2 320 special, see subject 352 Concordat eccles. polity 262 352 internat. law 341 944 Concrete building material 691 335 construction building 693 380 pavements 62s 650 roofing 69s 286 Concretion geologic agent 551 265 Concubinage sex customs 392 783 Concussion injuries 617 335 Condemd books book rarities 098 333 Condensation action of heat 536 174 vapor pneumatics 533 360 Condensers chemistry 542 347 electricity 537 591 steam engineering 621. 1 581 Condensing pump pneumatics 533 340 Condenst mi k 637 619 Condiments adulterations 614.3 291 chemical technology 664 410 Bed typ< Conditional immortality ) are subdivided In tables* «37 .IP4 Abridged Decimal Classification Conduct of life ethics 170 Conscience, ethics 171 Conductivity of rocks geology 551 Consciousness philosofy 126 Conduits telegraf 654 Conscription military science 355 ventilation 697 Consecration 265 waterworks 628 sermons 252 Confectionery 641 Conservation of energy physics 531 adulterations 614.3 Conservatories, architecture 728 Confederate states, U. S. civ. war 9737 music 780 Confederation, American colonies 973-3 plants 716 Conference meetings pub. worship 264 Consols English finance 336 Confession and absolution, sacrament 265 Consonants language 421 Augsburg 238 Conspiracies criminal law 343 auricular sacraments 265 Constables 352 Confessional Roman church 282 Constance, council of, 1414-8, Hussites 284 Confessions creeds 238 religious hist 270 of faith ritual 264 Constantinople history 949.6 Confidence practices 174 travel 914.96 Confinement, punishment 343 Constellations astronomy 523 schools 371 Constitution and by-laws libr. econ. 023 solitary, criminal law 343 Constitutional conventions 342 prison disciplin 365 history 342 Confirmation sacraments 265 law 342 Conflagrations 614.8 monarchy, polit. sci. 321 Conflict of duties 171 Construction, architectural 721 laws, international law 341 carpentry 694 Conformity Anglican church 283 masonry 693 Confucianism religion 299 Consular reports 382 Confucius Chinese philosofy 181 systems international law 341 Congelation physics 536 Consuls yi Congestion of the lungs diseases 616 Consumption lung diseases 616 Conglomerate lithology 552 Contagious diseases pathology 616 Congo, basin, travel • 916.7 pub. health 614 Congregation, ecclesiastical polity 262 Contemplativ personal religion 248 Congregational church 285 sisterhoods 271 creed 238 theology 242 orders in ministry 262 Contested elections legis. bodies 328 singing 783 suffrage 324 Congregationalists' lives 922 Continental protestant sects 284 Congress of nations inter, law 341 travel 914 U. S. 328 Continents physiv,a.i geografy 551 Congressional debates, U. S. 328 Contraband of war internat. law .341 directories, U. S. 328 Contract system labor of convicts 331 documents, U. S. 328 prisons 365 Conic sections analytic geom. 516 Contractions shorthand 653 geometry 513 Contracts building 692 Conicoids analytic geometry 516 ethics 174 Coniferae botany 585 law 347 Conjunctions solar system 523 Controversial divinity 230 Conjuring sorcery 133 sermons 252 Connaught, Ireland history 941.7 Contusions surgery 617 travel 914.17 Conundrums amusements 793 Connecticut, U. S. history 974.6 English literature 828 travel 917.46 Convection heat 536 Conquest international law 341 Convention ecclesiastical polity 262 Norman, English hist. ' 942.02 1792-5, French hist. 944 Topics in blaclc-faced type are sabdivided In tables. Index 105 Conventional forms decoration 729 Conventions political parties 329 Convents 271 architecture 726 Conventual education of women 376 Conversation art of 374 ethics 177 Conversion 248 revivals 269 Conveyances law 347 Convict labor political economy 331 Convicts criminal law 343 discharged, reformatory assoc. 364 Conviviality^ social customs 394 Convocation ecclesiastical polity 262 Convulsions diseases 616 Cook-books domestic economy 641 Cookery 641 Cooking schools 641 Coolies 326 Cooper Union, education 374 Cooperage manufactures 674 Cooperation library economy 020 literary methods 029 political economy 334 Cooperativ building associations 334 cataloging lib. admin. 025 insurance 334 Copenhagen history 948.9 travel 914-8' Copepoda articulates 595 Copernican theory astronomy 521 Copper coins money 332 engraving 762 implements archeology 571 inorganic chemistry 546 manufacture 67 1 metallurgy 669 ores economic geology 553 roofing 695 Coptic church sects 281 language 493 literature 893 Copts history 962 Copy and proof literary methods 029 books elementary education 372 Copying processes writing 652 Copyright international law 341 law 347 publishing 655 Coquetry ethics 177 Coral reefs geology 551 Corals zoology 593 Cordage manufacture 677 Cordials liquors 663 Topics in black-faced type Cordilleras description Corinthians i epistles 2 " Corn agriculture laws 918 227 227 633 337 trade polit. econ. 338 Cornell university 378 Cornet wind instruments 788 Cornices architec. construe. 721 design 729 Cornish language 491 Corns dermatology 616 Corona of sun 523 Coronation ceremonies 394 Coroners local government 352 Corporal punishment school 371 Corporate industries 338 Corporation, city administration 352 Corporations 360 business 380 charitable 361 law of 347 mining 622 municipal 352 railroad 385 Correction, houses of 364 Correlation of forces 531 Correspondence college, self-educ. 374 English literature 826 • letter writing 808 logic 169 methods of teaching 374 natural theology 219 Swedenborgian 289 Corrosion 541 Cosmetics toilet 646 Cosmic dust astronomy 523 philosofy metaphysics 113 time chronology 529 Cosmogony metaphysics 113 natural theology 213 Cosmografy phys. geog, 551 Cosmology metaphysics 113 natural theology 213 Cossacks Russian history 947 Costume academic 378 ecclesiastic 247 hygiene 613 military 355 Costumes 391 Cottages, architecture 728 Cotton agriculture 633 dyeing chem. technol. 667 manufactures 677 trade agricultural products 338 are subdivided in tables. io6 Abridged Decimal Classification^ Cottonworm pests 632 Coughs and colds pathology 616 Council, ecclesiastical polity 262 general French local gov't 352 history, religious 270 municipal, Fr. local gov't 352 of state 354 privy England 354 Counsel, Christian, practical religion 241 Counterfeiting, banks and money 332 . law 343 Counterpoint music 781 Country houses architecture 728 County government admin. 352 histories British 942 U. S. 974-979 Courage ethics 179 Courses of reading reading and aids 028 customs Court etiquet fools " Courtesy ethics Courts administration authority of ecclesiastic law martial Courtship ethics Cousins, marriage of law Coutumes French law Covenant meetings public worship* Scotch, creeds Covenanters religious history Scottish history religious creeds ethics diseases ethics domestic animals zoology diseases Covenants Covetousness Cow-pox Cowardice Cows Crabs Cramp Cranberries Cranes and elevators mill work Craniology nat. hist, of man Crannoges prehistoric dwellings Craters seismology Crayfish zoology Crayon drawing Cream adulterations Creation evolution metaphysics natural theology Creativ power mental faculties Creator doctrinal theology Credibility of the Scriptures Credit and bonds insurance 395 394 177 351 340 262 347 344 177 347 349 264 238 274.1 941 238 179 616 179 636 595 616 634 621 573 571 551 595 741 614.3 575 "3 213 155 231 220.1 368 Topics In black-faced type Credit institutes loan institutes institutions administration mobilier U. S. history political e'conomy Credo sacred music Creeds Anglican ritual dogmatic theology public worship Cremation of the dead customs public health Crematories " " Creosoting building material Cresting roofs Crests heraldry Cretaceous era geology fossils, paleontology Crevasses glaciers Crewel work art needlework Cribbage games Cribbing student life Cricket amusements Crime and illiteracy public schools law Crimean war English history Russian " Crimes and punishments law Criminal classes reformatory assoc. law international trials, criminal law Criminals, education of juvenil lives Crinoidea zoology Crises, commercial, political economy Criterion ethics Critical philosofy Criticism art Biblical dramatic literary musical rhetoric Croatian language literature Crocheting Crockery pottery Crocodiles Crofton system prisons Cromlechs prehistoric archeology insurance agriculture Crop Crops Croquet Cross Christian symbol legends concerning are sabdlvided in tables. 332 351 973-8 332 783 264 238 264 393 614 614 691 721 929.8 551 560 55' 746 795 371 797 379 343 942.08 947 343 364 343 341 343 371 343 923 593 332 171 142 701 220.7 792 801 780 808 491 891 746 738 598.1 365 571 368 (>33 796 247 398 Index 107 Croton aqueduct waterworks oil vegetable poisons Croup diseases Crozier sacred furniture Crucibles metallurgy practical chemistry Crucifix sacred furniture Cruelty ethics Cruisers naval engineering Cruising boating Crusades European history religious " Crust of the earth geology Crustacea paleontology zoology Cryptogamia Cryptografic art religious art Cryptografy, secret writing Crystallin limestone Crystallografy Crystalloids Cuba history travel Cultivated plants landscape gard. Culture and religion self education vocal Cuneiform inscriptions Cupping therapeutics Cups archeology Curativ electricity therapeutics gymnastics " Cures, miraculous miracles therapeutics Cunosa Curling Currency Currents Curriculum Curvature books amusements banking phys. geog. geology of spine diseases Curvilinear motion physics Customs and duties tarif manners of primitiv man war student life taxation manufacture Cutlery Cuttle fish Cyanogen Cycling Cyclones Cyclopean remains Greek architec. organic chemistry meteorology 628 615 616 247 669 542 247 179 623 797 940 270 565 595 586 246 652 552 548 541 972-9 917.29 716 301 261 374 784 492 615 571 615 615 23' 61S 099 796 332 551 375 5S» 616 531 337 390 571 399 371 336 672 594 547 796 551 722 products Dais Dakota, U. S. Daltonism Damascus Damnation Dams Dancing Cyclopedias, general 030 special, see subject Cyfer writing 652 Cymbals musical instruments 789 Cymric languages 491 literature 891 Cynic philosofy 183 Cypher writing 652 Cypriote architecture 722 Cyrenaic philosofy 183 Daguerreotype 772 Dairy 637 adulterations 614.3 architec. accessories 729 history 978-3 travel 9 '7-83 eye diseases 617 ancient history 939 travel 9 '5-6 doctrinal theology 237 mill engineering 621 mining '* 622 river " 627 Dance of death emblems 249 Dances, war customs 399 amusements 793 customs 394 ethics 175 English history 942.01 Dangerous classes criminal law 343 Dangers and accidents, min. eng. 622 to workmen, political econ. 331 Daniel Bible 224 Danish England English history 942.01 language 439 literature 839 Danube river travel 914-96 Danubian provinces history 949-6 travel 9 [4-96 Darien expedition colonies 325 foreign trade 382 isthmus history 9S6 ship canal engineering 626 Darwinism biology 575 Dates chronology 902 Day of judgment doctrinal theology 236 schools secondary education 373 sidereal and solar 529 Days of the year chronology 529 week, names of 529 Deacon, Deaconess eccles. polity 262 Dead, disposal of the pub. health 614 .ministry of sacraments 265 sea description 915-6 transportation of, public health 614 Danes Topics in black-faced type are sabdivided In tables. io8 Abridged Decimal Classification Dead, treatment of the, customs Deaf and dumb education of institutions Deafness diseases Death and resurrection biology dance of, emblems penalty, criminal law physiology rates public health theology Deaths public health registers of 393 371 362 617 236 577 246 343 6l2 614 236 614 929 registration of, official 352 statistics J12 Debates parliamentary 328 rhetoric 808 Debating societies self-culture 374 Debt ethics 174 local governmen*^ 352 public pol. econ. 336 Debtor and creditor law 347 Debts, state and national 336 Decalog Bible 222 Decay of rocks lithology 552 Decimal system arithmetic 511 weights and measures 389 Decision of character ethics 170 Decisions of juries math. prob. 519 Declamation rhetoric 808 Declaration of independence, U. S. 973.3 Savoy creeds 238 war internat. law 341 Declarations law 347 Decomposition, chemistry of 541 Decoration, architectural 729 day U. S. history 973-7 interior 747 roof architecture 721 Decorations heraldry 9297 Decorativ art 740 Decorum ethics 177 Decrees, ecclesiastical polity 262 Decretals ecclesiastical polity 262 Roman catholic church 282 Dedication church ordinances 265 sermons 252 Deduction mental faculties 153 Deductiv logic 162 Deeds law 347 Deep boring mining eng, 622 sea dredging scientific voyages 508.3 life botany .581-9 zoology 591.9 sounding scientific voyages 508.3 Topics in black-faced type Deer stalking sports zoology Defacements of books, library econ. laws Defamation law Defense of religion apologetics Defensiv operations, military eng. Deformities surgery Degeneration evolution Degrees, academic medical public health Deism natural theology Deists apologetics Deity doctrinal theology Delaware, U. S. history travel Delineation of woman in art literature Delirium tremens pathology Deliveries and branches lib. econ. Deltas Deluge Delusions Demagogy physical geografy Genesis geologic agents politics Demand and supply prices wages Demerara history travel Democracy form of state social Democratic party Demografy statistics Demonetization Demonology dogmatics witchcraft Dendrology botany Denmark antiquities botany geology history religious history statistics travel zoology Denominations, Christian Density gravity of earth, astronomy Dentistry Dentists' registration, state control of Denudation geology Deodorization of sewage Deodorizers contagious diseases Departments French local gov't library admin. are subdivided In tables. 799 599 024 021 347 239 623 617 575 378 614 211 239 231 975-1 917-51 396 396 616 021 551 222 551 133 329 338 331 988 918.8 321 335 329 3" 332 235 133 582 913-4 581.9 554-8 948.9 274.8 314 914.89 591-9 280 531 525 617 614 551 628 614 352 025 Index 109 Departments U. S. government 353 Deposition geology 551 Depositions evidence 347 Depravity natural theology 216 pessimism 149 total, theology 233 Depressions, industrial polit. econ. 338 Derangement, mental 132 Derivation of words, comp. philol. 412 English language 422 French " 442 German " 432 Greek " 482 Italian " 452 Latin " 472 Spanish " 462 Dermatology anatomy 611 animals 591 pathology 616 physiology 612 Dermoskeleton anatomy 591 Derricks engineering 621 Dervishes 297 Descartes empiricism 144 French philosofy 194 Descent geneaiogy 929 of man evolution 575 rules of law 347 Description travel gio Descriptiv astronomy 523* geometry 515 Deserts physical geografy 551 Design, architectural 729 arguments from 239 arts of 740 Designing decoration 745 Desks office equipment 651 Desmidiaceae algae 589 Despotism form of state 321 Detectivs 352 Determinants algebra 512 Determinations, astron. geodesy 526 Determinativ mineralogy 549 Determinism doctrinal theology 234 * philosofy 159 Detritus geology 552 Deuteronomy Bible 222 Deutsch, Piatt language 439 literature 839 Developing interest in libraries 021 method of teaching 371 Development intellectual, and church 261 nutrition 591 physiology 612 theory apologetics 239 Topics in black-faced type Development theory evolution 575 Deviation of the compass, magnetism 538 Devil, personal theology 235 worship 290 Devils dogmatics 235 witchcraft 133 Devonian age geology 55' fossils, paleontology 560 Devotional exercises prayer 264 sermons 252 theology 240 Dew meteorology 551 Diabolism doctrin 235 Dialectics logic 160 Dialects English language 427 French " 447 German " 437 Greek " 487 Italian " 457 Latin " 477 Spanish " 467 Dialogs entertainments 793 Dials chronology 529 Dialysis qualitativ analysis 544 Diamagnetism magnetism 538 Diameter of earth 525 Diamonds economic geology 553 mineralogy 549 Diaries biografy 920 Diatessaron harmonies of gospels 226 Diathermancy heat 536 Dice ethics 175 games 795 Dicotyledonae botany 583 Dictatorship 321 Dictionaries English language 423 French " 443 German " 433 Greek " 483 Italian " 453 Latin " 473 of quotations, Eng. lit. 828 Spanish language 463 special, see subject Dictionary catalogs 019 library admin. 025 Didactic theology 241 Die sinking 736 Diet, circle German local gov't 352 hygiene 613 Differential calculus 517 Differentiation evolution 575 Diffraction acoustics 534 optics 535 Diftheria diseases 616 are subdivided in tables. no Abridged Decimal Classification Diftheria public health 614 Discoverers' lives 923 Digestion, aids to therapeutics 615 Discoveries geografy 910 animals 591 science, history 509 man 612 useful arts 608 plants 581 Discriminants algebra 512 Digestiv system, anatomy 611 Discussion, freedom of free speech 323 Digests American law 345' Disease germs, medicin 616 Eng. 346 Diseases 616 Dignities heraldry 929.7 animals veterinary med. 619 Dikes geology 551 zoology 591 river and harbor eng. 627 contagious pub. health 614 Dilation gases 533 mental, medicin 616 Diligence ethics 179 mind and body 132 Diluvial deposits geology 551 of children medicin 618 Dimension, fourth geometry 513 ear surgery 617 Dimensions of earth 525 eye " 6.7 sun 523 plants agriculture 632 Dimorfism crystallografy 548 botany 581 Dining domestic economy 642 teeth dentistry 617 Dinners " " 642 women pathology 618 Diocesan schools education 377 Disfranchisement suffrage 324 Diocese ecclesiastical polity 262 Dishes pottery 738 Dioptrics optics 535 Disinfection, contagious diseases 614 Dip of rocks geology 551 Disintegration geol. agents 551 Diphtheria diseases 616 Dislocations geology 551 public health 614 surgery 617 Diplomacy 327 Dispensaries institutions 362 international law 341 pharmacy 615 Diplomas school organization 371 Dispensatories materia medica 615 Diplomatic hist. Amer. civil war 973-7 Dispersion optics 535 Diplomatics English language 421 Displacement of molecules, phys. 539 paleografy 417 Display social ethics 177 Dipsomania mental derangements 132 Disputations religion 204 temperance 178 on special subject, see subject Diptera insects 595 Dissection anatomy, animal 591 Direct taxation, political economy 336 human 611 Directories 910 ethics 179 Directors library government 023 laws state control of 614 Disabilities, political suffrage 324 Dissenters English religious hist. 274.2 Disasters at sea adventures 910 Dissipation ethics 178 navigation 656 Distance of earth from sun 525 Discharge of water engineering 627 moon and stars 523 Disciples of Christ sects 289 Distances, measurement, surveying 526 Disciplin, civil service 351 Distemper painting 698 college education 371 Distild beverages adulterations 614.3 ecclesiastical polity 262 chem. tech. 663 education 371 Distillation chemical, technology 668 mental education 370 practical chemistry 542 military military science 355 Distortions congenital surgery 617 prison 365 Distribution of animals 59' -9 Disciplinary power administration 351 plants 581.9 Discount banking 332 time chronology 529 Discounts library book-buying 025 political economy 338 Discourses theology 252 wealth, political economy 331 see subject Distributiv cooperation 334 Topics In black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index III District of Columbia, U. S. history 975-3 Domestic worship, family prayer 249 travel 917-53 Domestication, effect on animals and court reports, U. S. 345 plants 575 Dithyrambics Greek lyrics 884 Domicil law 347 Divination magic 133 Dominicans monastic orders 271 Divine attributes doctrinal theol. 231 Dominoes games 795 healing 265 Donatists sects 281 law 231 Donkeys domestic animals 636 Providence natural theol. 214 Doors arch, construction 721 right of kings pol. sci. 321 design 729 service public worship 264 Doric order architecture 729 Diving bells pneumatics 533 Dormer windows arch, construction 721 submarine 627 design 729 Divining rod 622 Dormit ories architecture 727 Divinity schools architecture 727 student life 371 theology 207 Dort confession 238 theology 230 sj nod of 284 Divorce ethics »73 Douay Bible Eng. version 220.5 law 347 Double bass slringd instruments 787 public health 614 bassoon, wind " 788 Docks harbor engineering 627 flowers floriculture 7.6 Dockyards " " 627 morfology 581 Doctors' lives 926 refraction optics 535 Doctrinal sermons 252 standard money 332 theology 230 stars astronomy 523 Doctrins, heresies, religious hist. 273 Deubt metaphysics 121 Documents, public 328 Douche baths hygiene 6'3 library economy 025 Dower law 347 Dog fighting ethics »75 Drafts games 794 tax political economy 336 Dragon flies insects 595 Dogma 230 Drainage agriculture 631 ■ Dogmas religious history 273 engineering 627 Dogmatic sermons 252 house 628 Dogmatics 230 land 627 Dogs, diseases of comparativ med. 6.9 of cities 628 domestic animals 636 mines 622 zoology 599 public health 614 Dolmens prehist. arch. 571 Drama, American literature 812 Domain, eminent law 347 English " 822 state finance 336 French " 842 Domes architectural design 729 German " 832 architecture 721 Greek 882 observatories astron. 522 Italian 852 Domesday book Eng. finance 336 Latin " 872 history 942.02 miracle plays Eng. lit. 822 Domestic animals 636 gen. hist. 809 architecture 728 religion 244 duties ethics 173 moral influence of ethics 175 economy 640 sacred 244 medicin 616 Spanish literature 862 relations law 347 Dramas Amer. civil war 973-7 political sci. 323 Drama ic amusements 792 sanitation 628 art theater 792 service 647 biografy actors 927 trade 381 biografy Eng. authors 928 Topics in black-faced type are gnbdivided in tables. 112 Abridged Decimal Classification Dramatic composition 808 Dry docks engineering 627 criticism 792 goods trade production 338 history 792 plate process photografy 772 music 782 point engraving 767 orchestral music 785 rot building 691 Dramatists' lives, Eng. 928 Dualism ontology III Dravidian architecture 722 Parsee heresies 273 language 494 Parseeism 295 literature 894 Ducts, air ventilation 697 Drawbridges engineering 624 Dueling ancient law 340 Drawing 740 criminal " 343 architectural 744 customs 394 books 740 ethics 179 elementary education 372 Dumb asylums 362 mechanical 744 education of 371 room amusements 793 Dumbbells gymnastics 6137 topografic 526 Dunes 551 Drawings, architectural 729 Dunkers baptists 286 building 692 Duodecimals arithmetic 5" engineering 620 Duplex telegrafs communication 654 prehistoric archeology 571 Duplicates, sale of library economy 025 Dream books folk-lore 398 Dust, air pollution 614 Dreams 135 cosmic descriptiv astronomy 523 Dredging engineering 627 inhalation of hyg. of employ. 613 scientific voyages 508.3 prevention of, in factories 628 Dresden travel 914.3 Dutch East Indies history 991 Dress costume 391 Guiana " 988 ecclesiastical 247 travel 918.8 ethics 177 language 439 Dressing hair 39' literature 839 Dressmaking 646 painting 759 Drift remains prehist. archeol. 571 reformd church 284 Drifting and tunneling mining 622 in America 28s Drill military science 355 republic history 949.2 Drilling mech. engineering 621 Duties and customs, tarif 337 mining " 622 moral ethics 170 Drink chem. analysis 543 of children ethics 173 Drinking, social ethics 178 citizens " 172 usages customs 394 husbands and wives " 173 Drinks hygiene 613 parents .. " ^72, intoxicating ethics 178 public officers " 172 Drives landscape gardening 713 servants " 173 Driving 798 domestic econ. 647 Dropsy diseases 616 remitted library aid 021 Droughts meteorology 551 social ethics 177 Drowning protection of life 614.8 stamp, political economy 3.36 Drugs 615 Duty free import, for colleges ZV adulteration of 614.3 religion 233 analytic chemistry 543 Dwarfs biology 573 economic botany 581 Dwelling houses architecture 728 intoxicating ethics 178 hygiene 613 Druids 299 sanitation 628 Drummond light 66s Dwellings prehistoric 571 Drunkenness criminal law 343 Dyadic arithmetic S" Druses religion 297 Dyaks history 991 Topics ia black-faced type are subdivided lu tables. Index "3 Dyeing chem. technology 667 East Indian languages 491 Dyes, anilin " " 667 Indies history 954 Dykes engineering 627 Dutch history 991 geology SS^ river bridge engineering 624 Dynamic electricity 537 Easter chronology 529 geology 551 church calendar 264 Dynamics 531 music 783 celestial 521 Eastern churches 281 electro 537 empire 949-5 Dynamite chemical technology 662 question, Turkish history 949.6 storage protec. of life 614.8 states U. S. history 974 Dynamo-machines engineering 621.3 Eating customs 394 Dynamometer 531 diet, hygiene 613 Dynamos electro dynamics 537 Eccentricity in manners ethics ^77 Dysentery diseases 616 of orbit of earth 525 public health 614 Eccentrics, lives of 920 Dyspepsia diseases 616 machinery 621 Ear anatomy 611 Ecclesiastes Bible 223 deaf and dumb asylums 362 Ecclesiastical antiquities 209 diseases surgery 617 architecture 726 hospitals 362 art ecclesiology 246 physics 534 biografy 922 physiology 612 calendar chronology 529 psychology 152 ceremonies customs 394 Early Christian architecture 723 costume 247 philosofy 189 councils 262 Christians history 270 courts 348 education, elementary 372 fasts personal relig. 248 English text society 820 public worship 264 forms of English language 427 feasts 264 French " 447 furniture ecclesiol. 247 German " 437 history 270 Greek 487 Latin, modern philol. 479 Italian 457 law canon law 348 Latin 477 legends 209 Spanish « 467 for special legend see topic Greek philosofy 182 music 783 institutions political science 321 polity 262 printed books 093 statistics 209 rising hygiene 6137 trials 262 Earth astronomy 525 vestments 247 burial of dead customs 393 Ecclesiastics lives biografy 922 pub. health 614 Ecclesiology church 261 closet system sanitation 628 symbolism 246 figure of 526 Echinoderms, paleontology 563 physical geology 551 zoology 593 Earthenware chemical technology 666 Eclectic medicin 615 Earthquakes 551 philosofy 148 Earth's attraction of moon 523 Eclecticism 148 figure 526 Eclipses, finding longitude by 525 Earthworks fortifications 623 of moon or sun 523 Easements law 347 theory 521 East and West, religious schism 270 Ecliptic, earth 525 India company 3«2 solar system 523 Indian archipelago, history 991 Economic botany S8i Topics in black-faced type are sabdi-vided in tables. 114 Abridged Decimal Classification Economic chemistry, chem. tech. 660 geology 553 zoology 591 Economics political economy 330 Economy, domestic 640 ethics 174 library 020 political 330 Ecstasy religion 248 Ecstatics mental derangements 132 Ecuador geology 558.6 history 986 religious history 278.6 travel 918.6 Ecumenical council eccles. polity 262 religious hist. 270 Eden original home of man 572 Edict of Nantes Huguenot hist. 284 Ediles Roman antiquities 913-37 Editions, choice of reading and aids 028 Editorial work 070 Education 37° and the church 261 377 in relation to labor 331 industrial systems 371 useful arts 607 of voters 324 women 376 young 372 self 374 systems of 37 1 useful arts 607 • special, see subject Educational buildings architect. 727 ethics 171 reports, public 379 Educator, library as 021 Educators' lives 923 Efemerides 528 Effect and cause metaphysics 122 Effigies, monumental 718 Effluvium nuisances san. eng. 628 Eggs oology 598 poultry . 636 Egina marbles, anc. sculpture 733 Egoism ethics 171 Egypt antiquities 913-32 architecture 722 botany S8i-9 geology 556.2 hieroglyfics 493 history, ancient 932 modern 962 language, old 493 Topics in black-faced type Egypt mythology 299 obelisks monuments 718 philosofers 181 pyramids antiquities 913-32 religion 299 Soudan history 962 travel 916.2 travel 916.2 Egyptology antiquities 913-32 Eight-hour law 331 Elasticity physics 539 Elders ecclesiastical polity 262 Eleatic Greek philosofers 182 Election doctrinal theology 234 frauds, U. S. 324 sermons 252 Elections, city administration 352 political science 324 Electiv franchise 324 system education 375 Electoral commission suffrage 324 U. S. history 973.8 frauds 324 system polit. science 321 Electric apparatus, inspection protec- tion of life 614.8 engineering 621.3 heating building 697 light libraries 022 mech. eng. 621.3 physics 537 manipulation chemistry 542 measurements 537 measuring of temperature 536 phenom. of muscles, physiol. 612 physics 537 railways engineering 621.3 shock surgery 617 signals 537 storms 538 telegraf, communication 654 Electricity 537 accidents from 614.8 therapeutics 615 Electrobiology animal magnetism 134 blasting mining 622 chronograf, astronomy 522 dynamics 537 magnetism 538 metallurgy 537 motors machines 621.3 science 537 physiology, animal magnetism 134 plating metallurgy 537 Electrolysis quantitativ analysis 545 are gabdlvided in tables. Index "5 Electrometers 537 Electrostatics statical 537 Electrotyping printing 655 Eleemosynary institutions 361 Elegiac poetry, English lit. 821 Greek " 884 Latin " 874 Elementary education 372 forms arch, design 729 readers Eng. language 428 theory of music 781 Elements, chemical chem. tech. 66j chemistry 546 Elephants mammals 599 Eleusinian mysteries Greek antiq. 913-38 mythol. 292 Elevated ground hygiene 613 railroad, city transit 388 engineering 625 temperature hygiene 613 ways public health 614 Elevation architec. design 729 Elevations meteorology 551 Elevatois, mech. engineering 621 Elgin marbles 733 Elian philosofers Greek philos. 183 Eliminants algebra 512 Elixir of life alchemy 540 Elizabethan persecutions history 272 Elliptic functions calculus 517 Elocution 808 vocal culture 784 Eloquence 808 English oratory 825 Elves folk-lore 398 Elzevir editions rare printing 094 Emanation metaphysics 129 Emancipation of slaves 326 U. S. history 973.7 woman 396 Embalming of the dead customs 393 pub. health 614 Embankments, river engineering 627 Embargo 344 of 1808-^12, U. S. history 973.4 Embassadors international law 341 political science 327 Emblems ecclesiology Z46 Embossing, book library economy 025 Embroidery 746 Embryology animals 591 botany 581 Emergencies surgery 617 Emery wheels 621 Emigration political science 325 Topics In black-faced type Emotions psychology 157 Emperors' lives 923 Empire, Eastern history 949-5 Empirical philosofy 144 Empiricism in medicin quackery 614 Employers and employd, ethics 174 polit. econ. 331 Employment agencies laboring classes 331 hygiene 613 of time ethics 179 women labor 331 customs 396 Empresses* lives 923 Emulation ethics 179 Enamel chem. technology 666 painting 751 Encaustic painting 751 Encyclical letters eccles. polity 262 Encyclopedias, general 030 special, see subject Encyclopedists' lives 920 Endemic diseases 616 Endemics medical geografy 614 Endless punishment future state 237 Endowd libraries 027 schools education 373 vs public schools 379 Endowment of research colleges 378 Energv, conservation of 531 Engineering, civil 6ao mechanical 621 topografic 526 Engineers' lives 926' Engines 62 1 England, antiquities 913-4 bank of 332 botany ^^•9 church 283 geology 554.2 government 354 history 943 language 420 law 346 libraries 027 literature 820 painting 759 philosofers 192 " lives 921 private law 347 religious history 274.2 sculpture 735 slavery 326 societies, general 062 statistics 314 travel 9I4-2 are subdivided in tables. ii6 Abridged Decimal Classification England, zoology 591-9 Epicurean philosofy 187 English composition 808 Epidemics diseases 616 cyclopedias 032 public health 614 efemerides 528 Epigenesis spontan. generation 576 essays, collected 042 Epigrams English literature 828 journalism 072 Epilepsy diseases 616 literature 820 Epiphany church festival 264 newspapers 072 Epirus ancient history 938 periodicals, general 052 Episcopacy sects 283 philology 420 Episcopal charges sermons 252 private law 347 church 283 socialism 335 orders ministry 262 societies, general 062 Episcopalians' lives 922 Engravers' lives 927 Episcopate ministry 262 occupation hygiene 613 Epistles Bible 227 Engraving 760 church ritual 264 books of 769 Eng. literature 826 of seals and gems 736 Epistolary writers' lives, English 928 Engravings, catalogs of 016.7 Epistolografy 808 collections of 769 Epitafs genealogy 929 Enigmas amusements 793 monuments 718 English literature 828 Epizoa parasites, zoology 591 Enlistment army 355 Epizootic diseases, veterinary med. 619 Enoch, Book of 229 Equador history ,986 Enrolment school organization 371 travel 918.6 Ensigns flags 929.9 Equality social ethics 177 Ensilage agriculture 633 Equation-machine astron. instru. 522 Entail law 347 of center orbits 521 Entertaining collections, Eng. lit. 828 time chronology 529 Entertainments, licenses for 352 personal, astron. corrections 522 public 791 Equations, algebraic 5'2 Enthusiasm psychology 157 chemical 54' , religious 269 trigonometric 5'4 Enthymeme logic 166 Equator, inclination of seasons 525 Entomology zoology 595 Equatorial belt earth 525 Entomostraca zoology 595 telescope astronomy 522 Entozoa parasitic diseases 616 Equestrian exercise 798 zoology 595 Equilibrium astronomy, laws 521 Enunciation elocution 808 of liquids physics 532 Environment evolution 575 Equinoxes astronomy 525 influence of, therap. 615 Equipment of armies 355 on man 573 navies 359 mental characteris. 136 Equity law 347 Envy ethics 179 Equivalence of force physics 531 Eocene fossils paleontology 560 theoretic chemistry 541 period geology 551 Equivocation ethics 177 Eolian harp music 787 Eretrian philosofers 183 Eolic dialect 487 Erosion 551 Ephemerides 528 Erotica ethics 176 Ephesians Bible 227 Error, sources of logic 165 Epic dramatic music 782 Errors, grammatic Eng. language 428 painting 753 of observation, probabilities 519 poetry English literature 821 popular delusions 133 Greek 883 Erse language 491 Latin 873 Eruptions volcanoes 551 Topics in black-faced tyf e are subdivided in tables. Index 117 Erysipelas diseases 616 Etymologies Italian language 452 Escapements watch making 681 Latin 472 Eschatology 236 Spanish " 462 Esdras Bible 229 Etymology, comparativ philology 412 Eskimo history 998 inflection Eng. lang. 425 Essayists' lives 928 Eucharist sacrament 265 Essays American literature 814 Eucharistic music religious art 246 English 824 vessels sacred furniture 247 French 844 Euchre amusements 795 general collections 040 Euclidian geometry 513 German literature 834 Eudiometer experimental chemistry 542 Italian " 854 Eudiometry quantitativ analysis 545 Spanish " 864 Eufuism rhetoric 808 special topics, see subject Eulerian integrals calculus 517 Essence metaphysics 121 Eulogies biografy 920 Essences chem. tech. 668 sermons 252 Essenes Jewish religion 296 Europe antiquities 913-4 Essential oils chem. tech. 668 botany 581.9 Established church, Anglican 283 geology 554 Estates law 347 history 940 of the realm 328 religious hist. 274 Esther Apocryfa 229 scientific travels and Bible 222 surveys 508.4 Esthetics fine arts 701 statistics 314 Etchers' lives biografy 927 travel 914 Etching 767 European politics parties 329 Eternal life future state 237 Evangelical alliance religion 206 punishme.u, doctrinal theol. 237 Evangelist ministry 262 Eternity natural theology 218 Evangelistic art 246 Ether temperance 178 music ecclesiology 246 therapeutics .615 sacred music 783 Ethers chem. technology 668 work pastoral theol. 253 organic chemistry S47 writings, practical " 243 Ethical culture societies 170 Evaporation meteorology 551 education 377 physics 536 ethics 170 practical chemistry 542 Ethics 170 steam engineering 621 legal 174 Evening prayer Anglican ritual 264 of copyright 65s family devotions 249 social . 177 personal " 248 Ethiopia ancient history 939 schools 379 modern " 966 Evergreens coniferae 585 Ethiopic language 492 Evidence law 347 Ethnic religions ago logic 163 Etnnografy 572 Evidences of Christianity 239 Ethnology 572 Evil natural theology 216 Etiology medicin 616 origin of 216 Etiquet customs 395 pessimism 149 ethics 177 sin 233 Etruscan architecture 722 spirits 235 language 477 theodicy 231 Etymologies English language 422 Evolution algebra 512 French " 442 arithmetic 5" German " 432 biology S7S Greek 482 ethics 171 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. li8 Abridged Decimal Classification Evolution natural theology 213 Ex libris 097 Examination, civil service 351 for academic degrees 378 of teachers, education 371 papers, English philol. 428 post mortem, pathology 616 school, education 371 Examinations, competitiv civil ser. 351 schools 371 Examining boards medical licenses 614 Excavation mining 622 Excavations, antiquities 913 Excess of food hygiene 613 Exchange, bills of law 347 money 332 international money 332 of duplicates lib. admin. 025 specimens biology 579 stock 332 tables business 658 Exchequer, Gt. Br. finance 336 U. S. administration 353 finance 336 Excise laws 336 Excommunication, ecclesiastic polity 262 Excrementa sewerage 628 Excreta, disinfection contag. dis. 614 Excretion physiological zoology 591 Excretions, organic physiology 612 Execution criminal law 343 Executiv department const, law 342 lib. adminis. 025 Executors law 347 Exegesis Bible 220.6 Exemplaria typografica, rarities 090 Exercise hygiene 613.7 therapeutics 615 Exertion, excessiv, effects of 616 Exhalation of vapor zoology 591 water vapor, physiology 612 Exhaustion, effects of diseases 616 Exhibition halls architecture 725 Exhibitions, building 690 international 606 of art 708 industry 606 school 371 special see subject Exhortations public worship 264 Exile punishments 343 social ethics 177 Exodus Bible 222 Exorcism 133 Expansion heat 536 * Topics In black>faced type Expatriation 341 Expenditure, public finance 336 Experimental chemistry 542 Experiments, chemical 542 in special subject see subject Exploitation mining 622 Explorations gio Explorers' lives 923 Explosions, history of 614.J of fire damp, mining eng. 622 protection of life 614.5 Explosivs chem. tech. 662 protection of life 614.J mining dangers 622 Export duties, U. S. tarif 336 Exportation 382 Exports 382 free trade 337 Expositions useful arts 606 Expository sermons 252 Exposure 'f children customs 392 dead " 393 to cold protection of life 614.! Express companies sociology 385 useful arts 656 Expression, facial art anatomy 743 physiognomy 138 musical 780 Extatics mental derangements 132 Extemporaneous speaking 808 Extempore prayer public worship 264 Extension of libraries 021 teaching 374 university 378 Extinct animals paleontology 560 plants 561 Extinction of fire protec. of life 614.I species 575 Extra books for readers lib. econ. 024 fingers or toes deformities 617 time for readers lib. econ. 024 Extraction mining 622 of teeth dentistry 617 Extracts English literature 828 on special subjects see subject Extradition international law 341 Extreme unction sacraments 265 Eye anatomy 611 asylums for blind 362 care of hygiene 613 diagnosis pathology 616 diseases of surgery 617 hospitals 362 optics 535 physiology 612 are subdivided In tables. Index 119 Eye psychology 152 Family median 616 Eyes, artificial surgery 617 political science 321 care of, at school 371 relations customs 392 protection of, in factories 628 worship «« Ezekiel Bible 224 Famin diseases 616 Ezra " 222 hygiene 613 Fables English literature 828 Fanaticism religion 248 Fabrics, teztil manufacturers 677 Fancy mental faculties 155 Fa9ades architecture 729 Fancy-work 746 Face anatomy 611 Fans blowing engines 621 surgery 617 mining engineering 622 Facetiae English literature 827 toilet 39J Factories architecture 725 ventilation 697 cooperativ pol. econ. 334 Fantasia music 786 sanitation in 628 Faradization electric median 61S useful arts 670 Farces amusements 792 Factors and brokers law 347 English drama 822 Factory, inspection pol it. econ. 331 Farewell sermons 252 laws 33^ Farm-houses architecture 728 system labor and wages 33^ Farmers-general finance 336 Fagging student life 371 Farmers' occupation hygiene 613 Fahlbands economic geology 553 Farming agriculture 630 Faience ware pottery 738 Farms, sewage, sanitary eng. 628 Failures, trade 332 Faroe islands hbtory 949-1 Fairies 398 travel 914.91 Fairs, agricultural 630 Faroese language 439 amusements 791 Farriery horse shoeing 682 commercial 381 vet. medicin 619 industrial 606 Farther India geology 555-9 social customs 394 history 959 Fairy tales English literature 823 religious history 275-9 folk-lore 398 travel 915.9 mythology 991 Fasdnation animals 591 Faith, confessions of creeds 238 Fashion customs 390 pub. worship 264 Fashionable education, women 376 core religion 265 Fast-day sermons 252 therapeutics 615 Fastening tools, mech. engineering 621 doctrinal theology 234 Fasti, Roman 529 logic of assent 163 Fasting asceticism 248 Falconry amusements 799 hygiene 613 Falkland islands history 997 temperance 178 travel 919-7 Fasts church 264 Fall of man doctrinal thefaced type are subdivided in tables. Z22 Abridged Decimal Classification Florida, U. S. history travel Flour manufacture Flow of blood physiology liquids physics streams meteorology Flower garden, landscape garden. Flowers botany gardening language of Flues, smoke heating Fluids, physics preservativ, biol. specimens Fluorescence light Fluorin inorganic chemistry Flute musical instruments Flutina music Fluxes metallurgy Fluxions calculus Fly, house zoology Flying animal locomotion machines, aeronautics commerce geology botany Fog signals Folds Foliage Folk-lore song folk-lore music Fonoscribing shorthand Font sacred furniture Food, acquisition of physiolog. zool. adulterations public health animal econ. zoology canned adulterations chemical analysis technology cures therapeutics digestion and nutrition zoology domestic economy hygiene inspection adulterations of animals laboring classes, polit. econ. plants preservation of preservd adulterations vegetable econ. botany zoology Fools lives mental derangements Foot English prosody human anatomy measures prints, fossil paleontology 975-9 917-59 679 612 532 551 716 580 716 716 697 532 579 535 546 788 786 669 517 595 591 533 656 551 • 581 398 398 784 653 247 591 614.3 591 614.3 543 664 615 612 591 641 613 614.3 591 331 581 664 614.3 581 591 920 132 426 611 389 566 Football amusements Foraminifera zoology Force and energy statics centrifugal and centripetal electric, engineering physics intermolecular physics lines of magnetism metaphysics of water, river engmeering pump pneumatics transmission of, mechan. mill work Foreclosure law Foreign banks bodies, presence of, diseases wounds surgery elements English language enlistment labor law missions relations political economy internat. law polit. science administration states trade Foreknowledge of God doct. theol. Forensic chemistry law medicin " Foreordination salvation Forest trees botany Forestry agriculture landscape gard. Forests meteorology ownership, polit. econ. Forge-bellows Forgemen's occupation hygiene Forgery law of academic degrees political economy Forgiveness of sin theology Forks, tuning acoustics Form books law musical ontology Formation of character crystals, crystallografy Forms, elementa y arch, design Formularies materia medica Fornication criminal law Fortifications military engineering Fortune-telling Fossil man antiquity of man resins economic geology 797 593 531 531 621.3 537 539 538 118 627 533 531 621 347 332 616 617 422 355 331 349 266 341 327 354 382 231 340 340 234 58a 634 715 551 333 533 613 343 378 332 234 534 347 781 III 374 548 729 615 343 623 ^33 569 573 553 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index X23 Fossils 560 Freedmen, slavery 326 Foucault's pendulum 525 Freedmen's bureau 361 Foundation of piers bridge eng. 624 Freedom and emancipation, slavery 326 Foundations, arch, construction 721 U. S. hist. 973-7 Founding of libraries 021 metaphysics 123. type printing 65s of man doct. theol. 233 Foundling asylums sociology 362 press censorship 323 Foundries metal manufactures 671 speech 323 Fountains landscape gard. 714 political liberty 323 Fourierism communism 335 religious eccles. polity 262 Fowling sport 799 salvation 234 Fowls domestic animals 636 Freehold land societies 334 Fox-hunting amusements 799 law 347 Fractional currency money 332 Freemasonry 366 Fractures surgery 617 Freewill baptists 286 Frames artistic furniture 749 Freezing, artificial ice machines 621 Framing carpentry 694 physics 536 France antiquities 9134 Freight transportation 656 botany 581.9 French and Indian wars U. S. hist. 973-2 geology 554-4 church, Gallican 282 history 944 cyclopedias 034 language 440 essays, collected 044 laws 349 Guiana history 988 literature 840 travel 918.8 religious history 274.4 horn wind instnim. 788 travel 914.4 journalism 074 zoology 591.9 language 440 Franchise, electiv polit. sci. 324 literature 840 Franciscan monks 271 newspapers 074 sisterhood 271 old language 447 Franking privilege post-office 383 opera dramatic music 782 Franks history 943 painting 759 Fraudulent elections U. S. 324 periodicals, general 054 Fraunhofer's lines spectroscope 535 philosofers' lives 921 Free agency doctrinal theology 234 philosofy 194 church of Scotland, sects 285 polish chem, tech. 667 hand drawing 741 protestants, persecutions of 272 love ethics 173 revolution 944 news and reading rooms 027 Romanesque architecture 723 public libraries 027 roofs arch, construe. 721 religion 211 sculpture 735 school system education 379 societies, general 064 soil party political party 329 spoliations U. S. history 973.4 U. S. history 973-6 Fresco painting, building 698 speech polit. science 323 interior decoration 747 thinkers' lives 922 painting 750 thought ecclesiastical polity 262 sacred ornament. 247 rationalism 211 Fresh-air mission 361 trade and protection 337 Freshets meteorology 551 use of libraries 024 Fret-work • 747 . will metaphysics 123 Friars monastic orders 271 psychology 159 Friction mech. engineering 621 theology 234 physics 531 Freebooters criminal law 343 Frictional electricity 537 Freedmen, education of 371 Friendly societies 334 Topics tn black-faced type are sabdlvided in tables* 124 Abridged Decimal Classification Friends, society of sects Friendship ethics Friesland history travel Friezes architectural decoration Frisian language literature Frobel's system education Frogs zoology Frost action geology bites skin disorders blight agriculture meteorology Fructification botany Fruit culture drinks adulterations Fruits and seeds agriculture organografy inspec. of pub. health preservation of chem. tech. Fuel, chemical tech. domestic economy metallurgy steam engineering Fugitiv slave law U. S. slavery Fugitivs from justice extradition Fugue music Fulminating powders chem. tech. Fumes, prevention of, in factories Fumigating apparatus, cont. diseases Functional equations Functions, calculus of symmetric, algebra trigonometric Funding system finance Funds, public Funeral rites customs religious ordinance sermons botany Fungi Fur-trade Furnaces Furniture Furs Fuses Fusion-point house warming metallurgy steam engineering artistic domestic economy ecclesiastical fixt, arch, decorat. library economy manufacture office equipment clothing explosivs physics Future events, probabilities 289 177 949.2 914.92 729 439 839 372 597 616 632 551 581 634 614.3 634 581 614.3 664 662 644 669 621. 1 326 341 786 662 628 614 517 517 SM 336 336 393 265 252 589 338 697 669 621. 1 749 645 247 729 022 684 651 646 662 536 519 Future judgment doctrinal theology life natural theology punishment state doctrinal theol. Gabbro plutonic rocks Gables arch, construction design Gadhelic language Gadsden purchase U. S. history Gaelic language Gaging Topics in black-faced type arithmetic measures Galatians Bible Galena economic geology metallurgy Gales meteorology Gallantry ethics Galleries and libraries art architecture library buildings Galleys criminal law Galilean church Gallows criminal law Galvanic manipulation chemistry Galvanism Galvanized iron manufactures Gambling ethics of amusements law Game laws hunting Games amusements champ'nship school hygiene customs ethics Greek of chance amusements ethics skill amusements Roman school table and parlor Garbage sanitation Gardening, flower kitchen landscape market window Gardens, botanic public zoologic Garfield, J. A., presidency of Garter, order of heraldry Gas, coal heating engines engineering are subdivided in tables. 236 218 237 237 721 729 491 973-6 491 5" 389 227 553 669 SS^ 177 021 708 727 022 343 282 343 542 537 671 174 175 345 799 790 371 394 175 913-38 795 175 794 913-37 37 1 793 628 716 635 710 635 716 580 711 590 973-8 929.7 697 621 Index "5 Gas engines physics 536 Genius 151 fitting 696 hereditary 136 fuel 662 Genre painting 754 heating 697 Gentlemen courtesy 177 illuminating public health 614 Gentleness ethics 179 light domestic economy '644 Geodesy 526 library " 022 Geognosy 551 manipulation practical chem. 542 Geografic coordinates 525 manufacture 665 discovery, history of 910 natural economic geology 553 distribution, animals 591.9 sewer air pollution 614 fossils 560 sanitary engin. 628 plants 581.9 suffocation by, protection of life 614.8 names 929 water heating 697 Geografy, ancient 912 works air pollution 614 Biblical 220.9 Gases chem. tech. 665 descriptiv gio effect on books 025 elementary education 372 illuminating air pollution 614 historical 911 in mines 622 maps 912 kinetic theory 533 physical 551 noxious air pollution 614 Geologic reports 550 pneumatics 533 surveys 554-559 quantitativ analysis 545 Geologists' lives 925 Gastronomy cookery 641 Geology 550 Gastropoda zoology 594 agricultural 631 Gates arch, construction 721 and religion apologetics 239 Gatling guns military eng. 623 applied mining eng. 622 Gaul history 944 dynamic 551 Gautama Buddhism 294 nat. theol. 215 Gazetteers gio Geomancy divination 133 special country see country 914-919 Geometric drawing math . drawing 744 Gearing mill engineering 621 forms arch, decoration 729 Gehenna doctrinal theology }yi Geometricians' lives 925 Geissler's tubes electricity 537 Geometry 5'3 Gelatin processes photografy 773 analytic 516 Gem engraving 736 descriptiv 515 Gemara Judaism 296 Geomorfy 525 Gems economic geology 553 Georgia, U. S. history 975-8 engraved 736 travel 917.58 mineralogy 549 Germ theory biology 576 Genealogy 929 of disease bacteria 589 General council eccles. polity 262 pathology 616 councils religious history 270 German catholic church sects 282 Generalization, logic 161 cyclopedias 033 Generals, lives of 923 dancing 793 Generation, botany 581 empire 943 spontaneous 576 essays, collected 043 steam 621. 1 journalism 073 zoology S9I language 430 Genesis Bible 222 low 439 Geneva confession creeds 238 literature 830 history 949.4 low 839 travel 914.94 mythology 293 tribunal international law 341 newspapers 073 Genii 398 opera music 782 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Z26 Abridged Decimal Classification German painting 759 Glazing building 698 periodicals, general 053 Glees vocal music 784 philosofers' lives 921 Globes school apparatus 371 philosofy 193 use of astronomy 522 reformation relig. hist. 274-3 Globular projection 515 secular hist. 943 Gloria in exce sis service, music 783 reformd church 284 Glossaries English dialects 427 Romanesque architecture 723 language 423 sculpt ure 735 Gloves clothing 646 social ism 335 costume 391 societies, general 063 leather, manufacture 675 Germany antiquities 913-4 woven " 677 botany 581.9 Glucose chem. technology 664 geology 554-3 Glue « (1 668 government 354 making air pollutior I 614 history 943 Gluttony temperance ethics 178 laws 349 Glycerin chemical technology 668 religious history 274-3 Giyfografy engraving 762 travel 9143 Glyptics carving 736 zoology 591-9 Gnats animal parasites 616 Germination botany 581 Gneiss lithology 552 Gestures oratory 808 Gnomes folk-lore 398 Geysers physical geology 551 Gnomic poetry Greek literature 881 Ghebers Parseeism 295 Gnomonic projection, descr. geom. 515 Ghibelines Italian history 945 Gnosticism philosofy 189 Ghost, Holy dogmatics 231 Gnostics heresy 273 knights 929.7 Goats 636 Ghosts delusions 133 diseases of comparativ med. 619 Giant, Cardiff humbugs 133 Gobelin tapestry art needlework 746 Giants natural history of man 573 Goblins folk-lore 398 Gilding 671 God doctrins 231 Gilds polit. economy 338 Gods idolatry ago parish work 256 mythology 291 Gilead travel 915.6 Goiter pathology 616 Gin chemical technology 663 Gold chemistry 546 Gipsies biografy 397 coinage 332 outcast races 397 manufactures 671 Gipsy language 397 metallurgy 669 Girders bridge engineering 624 ores econ. geology 553 Girls, counsels J to ethics 173 political economy 332 female education , 376 Golden Fleece knights 929 religious societies 267 Goldsmithing useful arts 671 Girondists, France history 944 Goldsmiths' work fine arts 739 Glacial period 551 Golf amusements 796 Glaciers 551 Goniometry crystallografy 548 Gladiators customs 394 Good Friday church calendar 264 Glanders diseases 616 music 783 public health 614 Templars temperance 178 Glass building 691 Goodness ethics 179 iridescent 748 Goose, Mother, folk-lore 398 manu iacture 666 Gorilla zoology 599 painted 748 Gospels Bible 226 prehistoric 571 church ritual 264 roofs architecture 721 pseudo 229 stainc ,, design " 729 Gossip ethics 177 Topics In black-faced typ e are subdivided in tables. Index 127 Gotama Buddhism Gothic architecture ecclesiology language literature revival, architecture Gothland, Sweden history travel Goths Gout diseases Governess, private education Government central admin, church divine Clemen, schools family, ethics foreign countries forms of libraries library economy loans finance local administration political science publishing school, education science of polit. sci. U. S. and state adm. Governmental buildings arch. Governors' lives Grace doctrinal theology esthetics Graces mythology Graded degrees, academic Grades schools Grading engineering Graeco-Russian church Grafite economic geology Graffiti Latin inscriptions Grafic arts, fine arts statics Grafting fruit culture Grail, holy legends Grain agriculture trade dom. trade Graining house painting Grains agriculture Grammar, comparativ elemen. education schools public schools universal compar. philol. Grammars English language French ' * German " Greek " Italian " 294 Grammars Latin language 47 S 723 Spanish " 465 246 Grand army of the repub., association 369 439 U. S. hist. 973-7 839 opera 782 724 Grangers 363 948.6 Granite building rock 552 914.86 stone 553 943 Grant, U. S., presidency of hist. 973-8 616 Grants, land finance 336 373 to schools 379 351 Grape culture 634 262 sugar manufacture 664 231 Graphite economic geology 553 372 Grasses agriculture 633 ^73 botany 584 354 ornamental 716 32t Grasshoppers pests 632 027 zoology 595 023 Gratitude ethics 179 336 Grave mounds prehist. archeology 571 352 stones monuments 718 320 yards 719 655 Gravel disease 616 371 petrografy 552 320 Graves cemeteries 719 3S3 Gravimetric analysis chemistry 545 725 Gravitation celestial dynamics 521 923 theories 531 234 Gravity, center of 531 701 experiments geodesy 526 292 physics 531 378 specific 532 371 Grease chemical technology 665 62s Great Britain antiquities 9 '3-4 281 church hist. 274.2 553 colonies 325 471 commerce 382 700 debt of finance 336 531 history 942 634 parliament 328 398 politics 329 633 Eastern ship-building 699 381 Salt lake travel 917.92 698 Grecian bend fashions 391 633 Greco-Russian church 281 415 Greece ancient history 938 372 modern botany 581.9 379 geology 554-9 415 history 949-5 425 travel 914-95 445 Greek antiquities 913-38 435 archipelago ancient hist. 939 485 modern " 949 455 travel 914.99 Topics in black-faced type are sabdiTided in tables. X28 Abridged Decimal Classification Greek architecture art, history of church classics dialects fire customs of war independence mod. history language modern literature modern mythology orders of architecture paleografy inscriptions philosofy revival architecture sculpture Greenback party Greenbacks paper money U. S. finance Greenhouses Greenland Greensand history petrografy • Gregariousness of animals Gregorian calendar chant ecclesiology sacred music Grilles arch, construction Grimm's law comparativ philology Grinders' occupation hygiene Grinding flour mills machines mech. eng. Groceries adulterations Grocers' occupation hygiene Groind vaults architecture Grottos physical geografy Ground air hygiene public health hygiene of public health water physical geog. Grounds, private Groves landscape gardening Growth biology botany of cities adminis. statistics physiology zoology Guano agriculture economic geology Guardianship law Guatemala history Guelfs Italian history Guerilla warfare international law Guiana, South America geology 722 709 281 880 487 399 949-5 480 489 880 889 292 729 481 180 724 733 329 332 336 716 998 552 591 529 246 783 721 412 613 679 621 614.3 613 721 551 613 614 614 551 712 715 577 581 352 312 612 591 631 553 347 972.8 945 341 558.8 Guiana, South America history religious history travel Guide books Guides, railroad Guilds, business political economy parish work Guillotin law Guinea, Lower, Africa history New, Oceanica " Upper, Africa " Guitar music Gulf states, U. S. history stream physical geografy Gums and resins chem. tech. fossil economic geology explosivs Gun cotton making Gunnery Gunning Gunpowder Topics in blaclc-faced type military engineering sports explosivs manuf. protec. of life Guns military engineering Gunter's scale, mathematical instru. Gutta percha rubber manufacture Gymnasia German schools Gymnasiums architecture Gymnastics curativ hygiene school hygiene vocal elocution vocal music Gymnosofists philosofy Gymnospermae botany Gynecology diseases of women Gypsies biografy outcast races Gypsum agriculture economic geology lithology Gypsy Romany language Habakkuk Bible Habeas corpus law Habit mental faculties Habitations, human hygiene of animals zoology Habits animals zoology customs laboring classes, pol. econ. plants physiol. botany Hack licenses local government Hades ancient mythology doctrinal theology Haemorrhoids, diseases Haggai Bible are subdivided in tables. 988 278.8 918.8 gio 656 338 256 343 967 995 966 787 976 551 668 553 662 683 623 799 662 614.8 623 510 678 379 725 615 6137 371 808 784 181 58s 618 397 397 631 553 552 397 224 347 158 613 591 591 390 331 581 352 292 236 616 224 Index lag Hague, the history travel Hahnemann's theory therapeutics Hail storms meteorology Hair anatomy diseases of dressing customs toilet organic chemistry physiology Half-way covenant Halids organic chemistry Hallow-eve customs Halls architecture public hygiene society student life Hallucinations Halogen group chemistry Haloids organic chemistry Halos optics Hamar, Norway history travel Hamitic language literature Hammers machine tools steam machine tools Hand chiromancy human anatomy language, deaf and dumb railing stair building turning lathes Handbooks of travel Handicraft mechanic trades Handkerchief customs Hands, artificial surgery Handwriting Hanging punishments Hangings, textil building Hanover, House of, English hist. Hanseatic league history Happiness ethics Harbor defenses fortifications engineering Harbors, hydrografy of surveying Hard labor punishments Hardness of molecules physics Hardware Harelip surgery Harems in Turkey customs Harlots ethics Harmonics analytic geometry modern " music Harmonium musical instruments Harmony music 949.2 Harmony of colors optics 535 9F4.92 painting 752 6.5 gospels Bible 226 551 Harness-making 68s 611 Harp 787 616 Harper's Ferry invasion, U. S. history 973.6 391 Harpsichord 787 646 Harrison, W: H^ presidency of 973-5 547 Hartford convention U. S. history 973-5 612 Harvesting agriculture 633 28s Hasheesh ethics 178 547 hygiene 613 394 Hat-making 687 725 Hatching artificial, incubation 636 613 engraving 762 371 Hate ethics 179 133 Hats clothing 646 546 costume 39f 547 Haulage mining engineering 622 535 Hawaii history 996 948.4 travel 919.6 914.84 Hawaiian language 499 493 Hawking sports 799 893 trade 639 621 Hay agriculture 633 621 fever and asthma diseases 6.6 ^33 Hayes, R. B., presidency of 973-8 611 ^ Hayti history 9729 371 * travel 917.29 694 Haze meteorology 551 621 Hazing student life 371 gio Head anatomy 611 680 art anatomy 743 39 > craniology 573 617 diseases 6.6 652 dress customs 391 343 phrenology »39 698 surgery 617 942.07 Headaches diseases 616 943 Headstones monuments 718 171 mortuary design 247 623 Healing, divine 265 627 Health affected by soil, hyg. of ground 614 526 boards of local gov't 352 343 public health 6.4 539 laws hygiene 613 671 lift therapeutics 6.5 617 of students 371 392 public 614 176 resorts hygiene 6.3 5.6 Healths, drinking of customs 394 5'3 ethics 178 78. Hearing acoustics 534 786 anatomy 611 78. asylums for deaf 362 Topics in black-faced type are subdiTided in tables. 130 Abridged Decimal Classification Hearing diseases 617 Henry 2 English history 942.03 ear hospital 362 3 « 942.03 physiology 612 4 (( 942.04 senses 152 5 « 942.04 Heart anatomy 611 6 « 942.04 diseases 616 7 " 942-05 Heat, animal physiology 612 8 are subdivided in tables. Index 131 Hights, measurement of surveying 526 Hives skin diseases 616 Highwaymen law 343 Hog domestic animals 636 Highways, law 347 Hoisting machinery mill work 621 local government 352 mining engineering 622 road engineering 62s Holiday opening library economy 024 transportation 386 Holidays hygiene 613 travel on, protect, of life 614.8 school, education 37 « Hildebrand Italian history 945 Holiness doctrinal theology 234 religious " 270 Holland history 949.2 Himalayan architecture 722 reformation in, relig. hist. 274.9 Himalayas physical geografy 551 travel 914.92 travel 915.4 Holly system water supply of towns 628 Himyaritic language 492 Holstein cattle domes, animals 636 Hindi language 491 Holtz machine electricity 537 Hindostan history 954 Holy alliance European history 940 Hindu architecture 722 communion 265 languages 491 Ghost knights 929.7 law 349 theology 231 philosofy 181 grail legends 398 religion 294 land history, ancient 933 Hinduism religion 294 travel 915.6 Hindustan history 954 orders church 265 Hindustani language 491 Roman empire 943 Histogenesis zoology 59t rood ecclesiology 247 Histology animals 591 scriptures 220 botany 581 Spirit theology 231 human anatomy 611 water ecclesiology 246 Historians' lives 928 Homage feudalism 321 Historical atlases 911 Home customs 392 books Bible 222 education self-education 374 charts and tables 902 vs public 373 geografy 911 life ethics 173 magazines 905 missions 266 on special subjects see subject relations, customs 392 painting 756 rule Irish history 941-5 sermons 252 political parties 329 societies 906 study, societies for 374 on special subjects see subject woman in 396 theology 209 Homeopathy therapeutics 615 History goo Homes asylums 725 ancient 930 hygiene 613 bibliografy of 016.9 residences architecture 728 constitutional 342 soldiers' institutions 362 ecclesiastical 270 working girls' " 362 general modern 909 laboring classes 331 literary, general 809 Homestead bill U. S. law 347 modern g40-g9g Homicide law 343 natural 590 Homiletics theology 251 naval, see spec, countries Homilies sermons 252 of civilization 901 Homologies biology 574 philosofy of 901 zoology 591 sacred 220.9 Homonyms English language 424 universal 909 French " 444 of special topics see subject German " 434 Histrionics 792 Greek 484 Topics in black-faced type are sabdivided in tables. 132 Abridged Decimal Classification Homonyms Italian language Latin " Spanish " Homoptcra entomology Honduras, Central America, history travel Honesty ethics Honey agriculture Honeymoon customs Honor business ethics student Honorary degrees colleges titles heraldry Hood, Robin legends Hoods, academic Hooping cough diseases Hoosac tunnel, engineering Hopkinsianism Calvinism Hops agriculture brewing Horn wind instrument organic chemistry Hornd cattle agriculture Horns, drinking customs Horology astronomy watch making Horoscope astrology Horse cars railroad engineering diseases veterinary medicin domestic animal racing amusements ethics railway, engineering sociology useful arts shoeing training, domestic animals veterinary medicin zoology Horsemanship Hortatory theology Horticultural societies agriculture Horticulture fruits and vegetables Hosea Bible Hosiery clothing costumes manufacture Hospice of St Bernard, protec. of life Hospital sketches Amer. civil war Hospitality ethics Hospitallers knights Hospitals and asylums, arch. 454 Host eucharist 265 474 Hot springs physical geology 551 464 water heating 697 595 Hotels 647 972.8 architecture 728 917.28 hygiene 613 174 Hothouses agriculture 63s 638 flower culture 716 392 Hour glasses horology 529 174 Hours of labor political economy 331 371 school 371 378 House building 6go 929.7 furnishing domestic econ. 645 398 of commons legis. bodies 328 378 correction 364 616 lords legis. bodies 328 622 refuge 364 284 representativs legis. bodies 328 633 painting building 698 663 sewerage 628 788 Household art, decoration 747 547 Housekeeping 640 636 cooperativ 334 394 Houses architecture 720 529 hygiene 613 681 noble heraldry 929.7 133 sewerage 628 625 society student life 371 619 Housewifery 640 636 Housing of animals animal hygiene 614 798 Howitzers ordnance 623 175 Huckster licenses local gov't 352 625 Hudson bay territory history 971 386 river description 91747 656 Huguenots church 284 682 lives 922 636 persecutions 272 619 Hulsean lectures apologetics 239 599 Human ability, doctrinal theology 233 798 anatomy 611 243 body and mind 130 716 body art anatomy 743 630 depravity doctrinal theology 233 716 faculties psychology 150 634 habitations hygiene 6.3 224 life, protec. fr. accident 614.8 646 mind psychology 150 391 nature dogmatics 233 677 mental characteristics 136 614.8 physiology 612 973-7 race ethnology 572 177 resorts hygiene 613 929.7 rights polit. science 323 362 sacrifice, non-Christ, relig. 290 725 Humane societies 361 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index 133 Humanism 880 Hygiene 613 Humanitarianism unitarianism 288 mental '3' Humanity ethics 177 military 613 Humbugs delusions 133 naval 6'3 Humility ethics 179 of air and ground public Humming-birds zoology 598 health 614 Humor American literature 817 animals public health 614 English " 827 travel and exploration 6.3 French " 847 prison 613 German " 837 public 614 Greek 887 school education 371 Italian *♦ 857 vocal 784 Latin 877 Hygrometry meteorology 55' Spanish " 867 Hylozoism metaphysics 146 Humorists' lives 928 Hymn tunes music 783 Hungarian language 494 Hymnody " 783 Hungary history 943-9 Hymnology sacred theology 245 travel 9 '4-39 Hymns and psalms hymnology 245 Hunger and thirst physiology 612 Hyperboreans Greek mythology 292 Huns history 950 Hypnotics therapeutics 615 Hunting business 639 Hypnotism mesmerism '34 sport 799 Hypochondria medicin 616 Huronian strata geology 551 mental disease 132 Hurricanes 55' Hypotheses logic 167 Husband and wife law 347 Hypothesis, nebular 523 Husbandry agriculture 630 Hypsometry physical geografy 55' Husbands, duties of ethics 173 Hysteria diseases 616 Hu>sites Christian sects 284 Hysterics mental derangements 132 Huzwaresh language 49' Ice age geology 55' Hydraulic engine mech. engin. 621 dealers trades 689 physics 532 erosion and deposition 55* engineering 627 frost geologic agents 55' mining engineering 622 impure hygiene 613 press " 621 manufacture 621 physics 532 meteorology 551 ram engineering 621 Icebergs physical geografy 55' Hydraulics science 532 Iceland history 949.1 Hydrocarbons chemistry 547 travel 914.91 Hydrocefalus diseases 616 Icelandic language 439 Hydrodynamics physics 532 literature 839 water engines 621 Ices domestic economy 641 Hydrofobia diseases 616 Ichnology paleontology 566 protectiv inoculation 614 Ichthyology 597 public health 614 Iconoclasts heathen art 246 Hydrogen chemistry 546 Iconografy 730 Hydrogeology 551 Christian 247 Hydrografy surveying 526 Iconology emblems 246 Hydrokinetics 532 Idaho, U. S. history 979.6 Hydrology 55' travel 917.96 Hydromechanics 532 Idealism philos. system 141 Hydrometer specific gravity 532 Idealistic painting 753 Hydrom.etry velocity 532 Ideas, innate intuitiv faculty '56 Hydropathy 61S Identity, mistaken law 347 Hydrostatics 532 personal 126 Hydrozoa zoology 593 Idiocy 13Z Topics in black -faced type are subdivided in tables. 134 Abridged Decimal Classification Idioms English language 423 Immortality natural theology 218 French " 443 of animals 591 German " 433 Impeachment, administration 351 Greek 483 constitutional law 342 Italian " 453 criminal law 343 Latin " 473 Imperial federation, Gt. Br. 354 Spanish " 463 robes ceremonies 394 Idiosyncrasies, mental 137 Implements, agricultural 630 Idiot asylums 362 domestic 643 schools 371 Importation duty free for colleges 2,2,7 Idleness ethics 179 of books, lib. econ. 025 Idolatry non-Christ, relig. 290 Imports commerce 382 Igneous rocks lithology 552 duty on 337 Iguanodon fossils 568 Impostors humbugs 133 Illegitimacy law 347 Imprecations ethics 179 Illinois, U. S. history 977-3 Impressionist school of painting 759 travel 917-73 Impressment of seamen 359 Illiteracy public schools 379 Imprints, fictitious 014 spelling reform 421 Imprisonment punishments 343 Illuminated books 096 Impure ice hygiene 613 manuscripts 091 Impurities of well water hygiene 613 Illuminati society 366 waterworks 628 Illuminating gases chem. tech. 665 Inability, human doctrinal theology 233 public health 614 Inaugurations ceremonies 394 Illumination, decoration 745 Incandescence, heat 536 electric 537 Incantations 133 engineering 621.3 Incarnation Christology 232 house lighting 644 Incas history 98s instruments, astronomy 522 Incense ecclesiology 247 sacred ornamentation 247 Incest criminal law 343 Illusions 133 Inclined plane, canal engineering 626 Illustrated books book rarities 096 machines 531 Illustrations of books publishing 655 Inclines railroad engineering 625 rare 096 Income, public finance 336 Image worship idolatry 290 tax 336 Images in churches ecclesiology 246 Incubation, artificial 636 Imaginaries, calculus of 517 Incunabula book rarities 093 Imaginary books 098 Incurables, hospitals for 362 quantities algebra 512 Indelible inks, chemical technology 667 Imagination in art 701 Indemnity international law 341 science 501 Independence, American U. S. hist. 973-3 mental faculties 15s Independency, church polity 262 Imbecility " derangements 132 Independents sects 28s Imbecils, asylums for 362 Index error practical astronomy 522 education of 2,7^ expurgatorius book rarities 098 Immaculate conception of Christ 232 making, literary methods 029 Mary 230 rerums " " 029 Immersion baptism 265 Indexes, Biblical concordances 220.2 baptist doctrins 230 see subj. indext sect 286 India antiquities, ancient 913-34 Immigrants colonies 325 modern 913-5 Immigration 325 architecture ancient 722 Immoral art and literature ethics 176 Mohammedan 723 Immortality doctrinal theology 237 botany 581.9 metaphysics 128 British history 954 Topics In black-faced type are subdivided In tables. Index 135 India, Farther history 959 Industrial education useful arts religious history 275-9 exhibitions geology 5554 history history, ancient 934 legislation polit. econ. modern 954 museums religious history 274.4 sanitation rubber manufactures 678 schools travel 915-4 statistics political econ. Indian archipelago history 991 Industries chemical technol. Bureau U. S. admin. 353 useful arts corn agriculture 633 Industry ethics East, languages 491 Inebriate asylums ethics modern languages 491 Inebriates temperance legends 398 Infallibility, divine missions 266 of the church ocean travels 910 papal eccles. polity philosofers 181 Roman doctrin religions 299 Roman church Territory, U. S. history 976.6 schism old catholics travel 917.66 Infancy, psychology of wars U. S. hist. 973-2 Infant baptism Indiana, U. S. history 977.2 education elemen. educ. travel 917.72 mortality public health Indians, American 970.1 salvation biografy 970.2 Infanticide customs education of 37 i ethics language 497 law literature 897 Infantry army Indie languages 491 Infants, care of Indicator for steam engines 621. 1 food for hygiene Indicators library economy 025 nursery Indictments criminal law 343 Infectious diseases pathology Indies, East, Dutch history 991 pub. health Indigestion medicin 616 Infernal machines explosivs Indigo chemical technology 667 Infidelity Individual soul, origin of 129 Infinit metaphysics Individuals and the state ethics 172 Infinitesimal calculus Indo-European languages, minor 491 Infirmaries hospitals literature 891 Inflammation physiology Germanic languages 491 surgery Indoor amusements 793 Inflation paper money Indorsement law 347 Inflection English philology Induction electricity 537 Influenza diseases magnetism 538 Infusoria zoology reasoning faculty 153 Infusorial earth petrografy Inductiv logic 161 Ingenuity inventions sciences 500 Inheritance law Indulgencies Roman church 282 of soul metaphysics doctrin 230 Inherited disease hygiene Industrial arts 600 mental disability hygiene classes political econ. 331 Injections collectors* manuals depressions " " 338 medicin drawing 744 Injectors ' steam engine economy 330 Injured, aid to, protection of life education 371 Injuries, effects of diseases . Topic8 in black-faced type s are subdivided in tables^ 607 606 609 338 606 628 607 331 660 600 179 178 178 231 262 262 230 282 284 136 265 372 614 234 392 173 343 356 618 613 649 616 614 662 211 125 362 6l2 617 332 425 616 593 552 608 347 129 613 613 579 615 621,1 614.8 616 136 Abridged Decimal Classification Injuries, surgery 617 Institutions musical 780 torts 347 of credit pol. econ. 332 Injurious animals agriculture 632 patriarchal 321 zoology 591 republican 321 insects agriculture 632 sociology 360 occupations hygiene 613 Instruction education 370 plants botany 581 methods of zn Ink manufacture 667 Instrumental errors practical astr. 522 Inland navigation canals, etc. 656 music 780 quarantine public health 614 public worship 264 seas physical geografy 551 Instrumentation music 781 Inlay architectural decoration 729 Instruments, drawing 744 Innate ideas 156 making 681 Inns architecture 728 for special purposes see subject hotels 647 Insular faunas, zoology 591-9 of court English law 340 floras botany 581.9 Inoculation against smallpox 614 Greece ancient history 939 protectiv, pub. health 614 modern " 949-9 Inorganic and organic matter, differ. -577 Insurance 368 chemistry 546 compulsory polit. econ. 331 Inquisition persecutions by 272 law 368 Insane asylum, architecture 725 societies cooperativ 334 criminal, law 340 Insurrections internal relations 323 hospitals 362 Intaglios sculpture 736 lives of 920 Intarsia and inlay arch, decoration 729 Insanity law 347 Integral calculus 517 mind and body 132 Integrity business ethics 174 Inscriptions, comparativ 417 Intellect 151 English language 421 Intellectual development education 370 Insectivora mammals 599 history 809 Insects, fertilization of plants 581 influence of ch. 261 injurious agriculture 632 relation of ch. m zoology 591 life self-education 374 metamorfosis 591 philosofy 150 paleontology 565 Intelligence mental science 151 zoology 595 of animals 591 Insessores birds 598 Intemperance ethics 178 Insolvency law 347 Intercommunication, sociology 380 Insomnia disease 616 useful arts 650 hygiene 613 Interdicts excommunication 262 Inspection of buildings 614.8 Interest and usury law 347 explosivs, etc. 614.8 calculation of arithmetic 5" food, etc. pub. health 614.3 political economy 332 Inspiration Bible 220.1 securities finance 336 Installation of ministers 262 tables business manuals 658 Instinct animals 591 Interference optics 535 human 158 Interior decoration 747 Instinctiv knowledge 158 department U. S. admin. 353 Institute of France 064 of earth geology 551 Institutes Roman law 349 Interlude English drama 822 teachers' 370 Intermarriages of families hygiene 613 Institutions Christian 260 races ethics ^7Z educational 370 Intermediate state theology 236 feudal 321 Interment customs 393 monarchic 321 premature 614 Topics in black-faced type ) are subdivided in tables. Index 137 Interment public health 614 lodin chemistry 546 Intermittent fever pathology 616 Ionic Greek dialects 487 public health 614 order of architecture 729 Intermolecular forces physics 539 philosofy 182 Internal heat geology 551 Iowa, U. S. history 977/ improvements 620 travel 91777 relations church and state 323 Ipecac emetics 61S revenue laws finance 336 Iranian languages 491 Internaiional association, the 335 Ireland antiquities 9134 coinage 332 botany 581.9 congresses 341 geology 554.1 on special topics see subject history 941.5 copyright private law 341 religious history 274.1 publishing 655 travel 91+15 ethics 172 zoology 591.9 exchange money 332 Iridium chemistry 546 exchanges lib. econ. 025 Irish bards lives 928 exhibitions 606 bulls Eng. humor 827 law 341 church, Anglican 283 standard, money 332 Roman catholic 282 Interoceanic canals engineering 626 home rule history 941.5 sociology 386 polit. parties 329 Interstate commerce commission 385 land question, political econ. 333 law 38s language 491 Intervention political science 327 music 784 Intolerance, relig., persecutions 272 politics 329 state ethics 172 Iron age prehist. arch. S7I Intonation music 781 architecture 721 Intoxicating drinks, traf. in, ethics 178 bearing waters economic geo •553 Intoxication alcoholism 616 bridge engineering 624 ethics 178 building material 691 Intransigentes, Spanish history 946 chemistry 546 Intrenchments military engineering 623 clads naval arch. 623 Intuition ethics 171 manufacture 672 Intuitionalism, philosofic systems 143 mask, man in biografy 920 Intuitiv faculty 156 materia medica 615 philosofy 143 metallurgy 669 Inundations meteorology 551 mining 622 protection engineer. 627 ores economic geology 553 Invalids medicin 616 pipes waterworks 628 Invention of printing 655 roofs building 69s rhetoric 808 ships 623 Inventions patents 608 structures arch. con. 721 Inventors' lives 926 water pipes sanitary eng. 628 Invertebrates, paleontology 562 work manufactures 672 zoology 592 Irony rhetoric 808 Investiture ecclesiastical polity 262 Irrigation agriculture 631 Investitures, war of, 1074-84 270 canal engineering 626 Investments 332 sewage 628 Invincible armada Spanish history 946 Irritability in plants botany 581 Invocation of saints and angels 264 Irvingism catholic apostolic 289 Invoices accounts 657 Isaiah Bible 224 Involution algebra 512 Islam Mahometanism 297 arithmetic 5" Islands, isolated history 997 geometry 513 physical geografy SSf Topics ia black-faced type are gubdivlded iu tables. 138 Abridged Decimal Classificatioh Isle of Man, England history 942 James i . English history 942.06 Wight, " " 942 2 942.06 Isles of Shoals history 974.2 Jansenism heresy 273 travel 917.42 Japan botany 581.9 Isoeteae botany 587 chemical technology 667 Isografy 652 geology 555-2 Isomerism chemistry 541 history 952 Isometric projections geometry 515 religious history 275.2 Isomorfism crystallografy 548 travel 9'5-» Isothermal lines, physical geografy 551 Japanese architecture 722 Israelites history, ancient 933 language 495 modern 296 Japanning varnishing 698 Issues therapeutics 615 Jasher, book of 229 Isthmian games Greek antiquities 913-38 Java history 992 Italian cyclopedias 035 travel 919.2 essays, collected 045 Jealousy ethics 179 grand opera 782 Jeanne d'Arc '' French history 944 journalism 075 Jeddo travel 915-2 language 450 Jefferson, T:, presidency of 973-4 literature 850 Jehovah doctrinal theology 231 newspapers 075 Jelly fish zoology 593 painting 759 Jeremiah Bible 224 periodicals, general 055 Jeremy, Epistle of Bible 229 philosofy 195 Jersey City, N. J. history 974-9 republics aristocracies 321 travel 917.49 history 945 Island of history 942 school of Greek philosofy 182 travel 914.2 sculpture, medieval 734 Jerusalem history, ancient 933 modern 735 St John of knights 929.7 societies, general 065 travel 915.6 Italic languages, minor 479 Jesters customs 394 Italy ancient history 937 Jests English literature 827 antiquities 9134 Jesuit missions 266 botany 581.9 Jesuits religious orders 271 geology 554-5 Jesus Christology 232 history 945 society of religious orders 271 reformation in 274.5 Jet economic geology 553 religious history 274-5 Jetties engineering 627 travel 914-5 Jewelry customs 391 zoology 59'-9 manufacture 671 Ivory-carving 736 toilet 646 supply 679 Jewish architecture 722 Jackson, Andrew, presidency of 973-5 calendar 529 Jacobins French history 944 history 933 political clubs 363 language 492 Jacobite church 281 literature 892 Jacobites Eng. pol. party 329 philosofy 181 Jacotot's system of education 371 religion 296 Jacquerie French history 944 Jews, disabilities of 296 Jade mineralogy 549 history, ancient 933 Jails prisons 365 modern 296 Jaina architecture 722 restoration of 296 Jainas Hindu sect 294 Job Bible 223 Jamaica history 972.9 Jockies horse racing 798 James, St epistle 227 Joel Bible 224 Topics In black-faced tyii e are subdivided in tables. Index 139 Jonn, King English history 942.03 Kafirs history 968 John, St epistles 227 Kaleidoscope optics S3S gospel 226 Kalmucks description 915 knights of 929.7 history 950 Revelation of 228 Kamtchatka history 957 Johnson, A., presidency of 973-8 Kangaroo zoology - 599 Joinery, ornamental carpentry 694 Kansas, U. S. history 978.1 Joint stock companies law 347 travel 917.81 Jokes English humor 827 struggle in U. S. hist. 973-6 Jonah Bible 224 Kant German philosophy 193 Joshua Bible 222 Keltic antiquities 913-36 Journalism 070 Druids religion 299 Journalists' lives 920 languages 491 Journeys around the world 910 Kelts ancient history 936 Jubilee singers of Fisk university 784 Kempis, Thomas k 242 Judaism 296 Kentucky, U. S. history 976.9 vs Christian church 239 travel 917.69 Jude epistle Bible 227 Keramics art 738 Judea ancient history 933 chemical technology 666 antiquities 913-33 Kerosene " " 66s Judges, book of Bible 222 inspection, protect, of life 614.8 law courts 347 Keys and locks manufactures 683 lives 923 mathematical students' honor 371 Judgment, mental faculties 153 Khiva travel 915.8 private, ecclesiastical polity 262 Kidnapping criminal law 343 theology 236 Kindergarten education 372 Judicial chemistry law 340 Kindness ethics 177 combat " 340 Kinematics physics 531 control administration 351 Kinetic theory of gases 533 ordeal law 340 Kinetics physics 531 Judiciary department U. S. gov't 353 King Philip's war history 974 electiv law 347 Kings bench 347 Judith Bible 229 book of, Bible 222 Juggernaut 299 daughters 267 Jugglery 791 lives 923 Julian calendar 529 political science 321 Jupiter astronomy 523 Kinship genealogy 929 mythology 292 Kissing customs 392 Jurassic age geology 551 Kitchen economy 640 Jurisdiction civil trials 347 gardening 635 Jurisprudence 340 middens archeology 571 medical 340 Kitchens architecture 728 Jury trial law 340 Kleptomania mental disease 132 Justice ethics 179 Knightage heraldry 929.7 Justices of the peace law 347 Knights hospitallers 929.7 Justification doctrinal theology 234 of labor, labor organizations 33^ Jute agriculture 633 Malta 929.7 manufactures 677 Pythias secret societies 366 Juvenil books, reading and aids 028 Rhodes 929.7 see subject St John 929.7 criminals law 343 Templars 929.7 literature 028 Knitting domestic economy 646 mortality public health 614 Knives cutlery 672 reformatories 364 stone 571 Kabala Jewish philosofy 181 Know-nothing party U. S. politics 329 Topics in black-faced typ e are subdivided In tables. X40 Abridged Decimal Classification Knowledge, theory of 121 Land grants finance 336 unity of 121 to public schools 379 Koordistan travel 915.6 law 347 Koran Mahometanism 297 laws political economy 333 Krishna Buddhism 294 political economy 333 Kroatian language 491 public political economy 3.33 Kuklux Klan, political associations 363 slides geology 551 Kurdish language 491 surveying 526 Kurdistan travels 915.6 tenure law 347 Kurile islands travel 915.2 titles, insurance of 368 Labels in museums 579 Landed gentry English heraldry 929.7 Labor laws 338 Landlord and tenant law 347 obstetrics 618 polit. economy 333 of children 331 Landscape drawing 741 party political partie 3329 gardening 710 political economy 331 painting 758 savers, literary 029 photografs 779 statistics political econ. 331 sketching 741 Laboratories architecture 727 Landtag German central gov't 354 biologic 590 local " 352 school equipment 371 Language 400 state adulterations 614.3 English, origin of 422 Laboratory, chemistry 542 lessons elemen. educ. 372 work, methods of instruc. 371 of flowers 716 Laborers' cottages architecture 728 origin of 401 occupation hygiene 613 sign deaf and dumb 371 Laboring classes political economy 331 hieroglyfics 419 Labrador history 971 universal 408 Labyrinths prehistoric archeology 571 Lantern, astronomic 523 Lace-making 677 magic optics 535 art needlework 746 La Plata history 982 Laconics English literature 828 travel 918.2 Lacquer work, artistic furniture 749 Larceny law 343 manufactures 667 Lard adulterations 614.3 Lacrosse games 797 chemical technology 664 Lactometer 614.3 Larva embryology 591 Ladies of the Sacred Heart 271 Laryngoscope 616 Lake drainage 627 Laryngotomy surgery 617 dwellings prehistoric arch. 571 Larynx acoustics 534 states, U. S. history 977 anatomy 611 travel 917.7 Late hours hygiene 613-7 surveys geodesy 526 Lath plastering 693 J»akes, artificial, landscape gardening 714 Lathe work mechanical eng. 621 physical geografy 551 Latin antiquities 91337 water supply 628 biografy 920 Lamaism 294 church 282 Lambertypes 773 classics 870 Lamellibranchiata zoology 594 epic poetry 873 • . Lamentations Bible 224 erotica 874 Lampoons English satire 827 geografy 912 Lampreys fishes 597 hymns hymnology 245 Lamps chemical technology 665 inscriptions 471 Lancaster and York Eng. hist. 942.04 language 470 system education 371 literature 870 Land claims finance 336 lyric poetry 874 Topics in black-faced typ e are subdivided in tables* Index 141 Latin, medieval and modern 479 mythology 292 union 332 Latitude at sea navigation 527 determinations geodesy 526 finding 525 Latter-day saints Mormonism 298 Laughing gas anesthetics 615 Laughter emotions 157 hysteria 616 Laundry domestic economy 648 Lava lithology 552 Lavatories school furniture 371 Law 340 addresses 347 and miracles theology 231 order leagues temperance 178 moral ethics 170 of nations 341 nature 340 special topics see subject parish ecclesiastical polity 262 reports American 345 English 346 schools 340 architecture 727 Sunday 263 Lawn-tennis 796 Lawns 712 Laws, building building 692 protection of life 614.8 conflict of 341 medical license 614 Laws of language Eng, etymology 422 Lawyers ethics 174 lives 923 Lay ministry ecclesiastical polity 262 Laying out of towns and streets, eng. 625 public health 614 Lazarettos contagious diseases 614 hospitals 362 Lazarists monastic orders 271 Lead, black economic geology 553 chemistry 546 drugs 615 manufacture 671 metallurgy 669 mining 622 ores economic geology 553 poisoning toxicology 615 roofs building 695 water pipes 628 Leading cases, American law 345 English " 346 on special subjects see subject Topics la black-faced typ« Leading glazing 698 Leagues, law and order temperance 178 Learned societies 060 Leases law 347 Leather manufacture 675 stampt building 698 Leaves, shapes of botany 581 Lecompton constitution Kan. hist. 97S.1 U. S. " 973.6 Lectern sacred furniture 247 Lectionary Anglican ritual 264 Lectures English oratory 825 for laboring classes 331 halls for architecture 725 instruction methods 371 library 021 popular education 374 on special topic see subject Leeches medicin 616 zoology 595 Legacies law 347 taxation of 336 Legal anecdotes 340 bibliografy 016.3 capacity of persons law 347 education 340 ethics 174 hermeneutics 347 maxims 340 status of woman 396 tender paper money 332 Legends folk-lore 398 monastic 27 1 mythology 291 of the Madonna 225 Legerdemain 791 Legislation, American statutes 345 British " 346 comparativ ' 340 industrial 338 library, founding of libs. 021 sumptuary, social ethics 177 on special topic see subject Legislativ bodies and annals 328 Legitimacy family law 347 Legs, artificial surgery 617 Leinster, Ireland history 941.8 travel 914.18 Lemons agriculture 634 Lemur zoology 599 Lenses optics 535 Lent church fast 264 Lenten mass music 783 Lepidoptera zoology 595 Leprosy pathology 616 are snbdiTided in tables. 142 Abridged Decimal Classification Leprosy public health 614 Letter-writing 808 Lettering, ornamental 745 Letters American literature 816 English alfabet 421 literature 826 French " 846 German " 836 Greek " 886 Italian " 856 • Latin " 876 patent patents 608 Spanish literature 866 on special topic see subject Lettic languages 491 Lettish " 491 Levant history 956 travel 915-6 Levees canal engineering 627 Leveling geodesy 526 Lever mechanics 531 Leviticus Bible 222 Lex mercatoria law 347 Lexicografy, comparativ 413 English language 423 Lexicons see language on special topics see subject Libel law 347 Liberal Christianity rationalism 211 unitarianism 288 Liberality ethics 179 Liberty, civil law 374 political science 323 ecclesiastical polity 262 metaphysics 123 of conscience eccles. pol. 262 press 323 will mental faculties 159 personal doctrin 233 law 347 pol. science 323 salvation 234 religious church 261 state ethics 172 Librarian, duties, etc. 023 Librarians' lives 920 Libraries, architecture 727 lib. economy 022 for work'g class, pol. econ. 331 lib. econ. 027 free public 027 history 027 imaginary book rarities 098 parochial library econ. 027 parish work 257 Topics in black-faced type Libraries, regulations for readers 024 school education 371 library economy 027 scope and founding 021 special library economy 026 polygrafy 080 Sunday opening, lib. econ. 024 theology 263 Libraries, in sense of series, see subject Library administration 025 buildings 022 architecture 727 catalogs, author 018 dictionary 019 subject 017 economy 020 gov't and service 023 legislation lib. econ. 021 Librettos opera 782 License, local government 352 of dentists pub. health 614 pharmacists " " 614 physicians " " 614 taxation 336 temperance 178 Licenses, maritime commerce 387 Lichens botany 589 Lieder vocal music 784 Lien laws 347 Life, biology 570 boats protection of life 614.8 ship-building 699 conditions of biology 577 contingencies, probabilities 519 elixir of alchemy 540 ethics 179 future doctrinal theology 237 . natural " 218 insurance 368 probabilities 519 metaphysics 1 1 1 origin of biology 576 preservers protection of life 614.8 properties of living matter 577 protection of, from accidents 614.8 saving service, protection of life 6r4.8 transportation 656 tables life insurance 368 Light and air hygiene 613 effect on plants 5^^ electric engineering 621.3 physics 537 houses engineering 627 navigation 656 optics 535 are sabdivlded In tables. Index 143 Light houses protection of life 614.8 Litany church service 264 infantry military science 356 Literary addresses 804 of earth 525 on special topics see topic moon, stars and sun 523 clubs self-education 374 optics 535 criticism, art of 801 polarization of 535 with thing criticized see subject therapeutics 61 s esthetics 801 zodiacal astronomy 523 frauds and forgeries 809 Lighting, electric engineering 621.3 history 809 physics 537 institutions colleges 378 library buildings 022 men's lives 928 Lightning and lightning rods 537 methods library economy 029 shock surgery 617 miscellanies, English 828 Lights and fuel domestic economy 644 occupations hygiene 613 shades drawing 742 periodicals 805 perspectiv 515 property law 347 chemical technology 66s publishing 655 ecclesiology 246 societies student life 371 Lignite economic geology 553 style rhetoric 808 Lima history 985 Literature 800 travel 918.5 bibliografy of 016.8 Limbo eschatology 236 biografy of 928 Limbs artificial 617 classical, Greek & Latin 880 Limbus infantum eschatology 236 immoral ethics 176 patrum " 236 lib. econ. 025 Lime building 691 medieval 800 Limes building material 691 modern 800 chemical technology 666 woman delineated in 396 economic geology 553 Lithografy engraving 763 Limestone economic geology 553 Lithology geology 552 lithology 552 Lithuanian language 491 Lincoln, A., presidency of 973-7 Little sisters of the poor 271 Lincrusta paper-hanging 698 Liturgies 264 Line engraving 765 Live stock agriculture 636 Linear perspectiv 515 Liverworts botany 588 Linen manufacture 677 Lives Amer. Indians 970.2 Lines analytic geometry 516 biografy gao descriptiv " 515 gipsies 397 geometry 513 slaves 326 Linguistics 400 Living, cost of 647 Linguists' lives 924 matter, properties of 577 Linnaean system botany 580 Livonian language 491 zoology 590 Lizards reptils 598.1 Lions zoology 599 Loadstone economic geology 553 Liquefaction heat 536 magnetism 538 Liquid wastes, Indus, sanitation 628 Loan institutes polit. economy 332 Liquids physics 532 systems library " 025 Liquor laws temperance 178 Loango, Africa travel 916.7 Liquors manufacture 663 Loans finance 336 taxation 336 Lobsters zoology 595 traffic in, temperance 178 Local government administration 352 use of 178 histories, see name of place Lisbon history 946.9 option 178 travel 914.69 taxes finance 336 Litanies sacred music 783 Location of library buildings 022 Topics In black-faced type are subdivided in tables. 144 Abridged Decimal Classification Locke, J : sensational philosofy Locks and keys manufacture canal engineering Locomotion animal comp. anat. communication physiology Locomotivs mech. engineering railroading Locusts economic zoology pests Lodestone economic geology magnetism Lodging houses for poor Log book seamanship Logarithms Logging timber trade Logic Logical catalogs machines Logos Christology Lollards, religious sect Lombard street banking London, England history travel Longevity life insurance physiology probabilities statistics Longitude at sea navigation determinations geodesy methods of finding theoretic astronomy Loo-choo islands travel Loom, power manufactures Lord chancellors' lives Lord's day prayer supper sacraments Lost books book rarities library economy Lotteries ethics history of Lotus Egypt, religion Louisiana, U. S. history travel Louvre gallery, art galleries Love ethics feasts pub. worship of God theology Low countries history Dutch language German literature Latin language literature Lower empire Byzantine M5 683 626 591 656 612 62 1. 1 656 591 632 553 538 361 656 510 674 160 017 164 232 289 332 942.1 914.21 368 612 519 312 527 526 525 521 915.2 677 923 263 226 265 098 024 174 174 - 299 976.3 917-63 708 177 264 231 949.2 439 839 479 879 949-5 Lower Silurian group geology Loyalty state ethics Lubrication mechan. engineering Lucernariae zoology Lucretius ancient philosofy I^uke gospel Lumber building material manufacture Lunacy law mind and body Lunar caustic, therapeutics methods of finding longitude tables Lunatic asylums Lungs, admin, of med. by anatomy diseases of functions of physiol. Luray caverns, description Lusitania history Lute stringd instruments Lutheran church confession creeds Lutherans' lives Luxury hygiene Lycantrophy insanity Lyceum Greek philosofy Lyceums self-education Lycopodinae botany Lying ethics Lying-in hospitals Lynch law Lyric poetry, Greek Latin Mabinogeon Welsh literature Macaronics English literature Maccabees Bible Machine engraving guns military engineering Machinery engineering in industry pol. econ. Machines hydraulic mechanics Mackerel fishery Madagascar geology history religious history travel Madeira islands history ^Madhouses Madness mind and body Madonna in art mariolatry Madrid travel Madrigal music 551 172 621 593 187 226 691 674 347 132 615 525 523 362 615 611 616 612 551 946.9 787 284 238 922 613 132 185 S^7 ^11 362 343 884 874 891 827 229 768 623 621 338 532 531 639 556-9 969 276.9 916.9 946 362 132 709 230 914.6 784 Topics In black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index M5 Magazine guns see Rifles Magazines general periodicals 050 literary 805 special subject see subject Magellan straits travels 918.2 Magic lanterns, optics 535 natural 133 Magicians ' lives 920 Magistrates law 347 Magna charta constitutional history 342 English history 942.03 Magnesium chemistry 546 Magnetic telegraf 654 Magnetism 538 animal, mind and body 134 terrestrial 538 Magneto-dynamos electricity 537 Magnets properties of 538 Magnifiers optics 535 Magyar language 494 Magyars history 943-9 Mahabharata Sanskrit literature 891 Mahometanism 297 Mails post-ofifice 383 Maine, U. S. history 974-1 travel 917-41 Maine law temperance 178 Maize agriculture 633 Majolica pottery 738 Malachi Bible 224 Malacology 594 Malacostraca zoolbgy 595 Malaria hygiene 613 marshes 614 Malarial fever, diseases 616 public health 614 Malarious soils " " 614 Malay archipelago history 991 travel 9'9-i Polynesian languages 499 literatures 899 Malaysia geology 559- 1 history 991 religious history 279.1 travel 9i9-i Malformations, animal comp. anat. 591 human, deformities 617 nat. hist, of man 573 vegetable botany 581 Malleability molecular physics 539 Malpractice law 343 public health 614 Malt liquors brewing 663 Malta history 945 knights of 929.7 Malthusianism population 312 Mamelukes Egyptian history 962 Mammalia paleontology 569 zoology 599 Mammoth paleontology 569 cave physical geografy 551 zoology 599 Man, antiquity of prehist. arch. 571 nat. hist, of man 573 doctrinal theology 233 ethnografy 572 in the iron mask biografy 920 Isle of history 942 mammals * 599 mental characteristics 136 faculties 150 natural history of 573 origin of evolution 575 nat. hist, of man 573 natural theology 213 physiology of 612 Management, library economy 025 of state properties 336 Manasses, prayer of Apocryfa 229 Mandolin stringd instruments 787 Manganese, chemistry 546 ores economic geology 553 Mania, mind and body 132 Maniacs lives 920 Manicheism heresies 273 Manipulation practical chemistry 542 Manitoba, Canada history 971 Manly exercises outdoor sports 796 Manners and customs, general 390 for local see special countries Manometer pneumatics 533 Manor houses, architecture 728 Manors political economy 333 Mansard roofs, arch, construction 721 design 729 Mansions architecture 728 Manslaughter law 343 Mantels fixt furniture 729 Manual training education 371 Manuals, business commerce 658 collectors' biology 579 legislativ U. S. 328 special see subject Manufactories architecture 725 Manufacture of explosivs protection of life 614.8 Manufactures 670 chem. technology 660 production 338 public health 614 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. 146 Abridged Decimal Classification Manufacturing works engineering 621 Marquetry cabinet work 684 Manures agriculture 631 Marriage customs 392 sewage 628 ethics '73 Manuscript catalogs library econ. 025 law 347 Manuscripts book rarities 091 registers genealogy 929 copyright 655 sacrament 265 diplomatics , 417 Mars planets 523 Latin diplomatics 471 Mars' seasons astronomy 525 Manx language 491 Marshes, hygiene of public health 614 Map cases library admin. 025 physical geology 551 drawing in schools 910 Marsupialia mammals 599 projection, geodesy 526 Martial law 344 Maps 912 Martyrs persecutions 272 astronomic, general 524 Mary, blessed virgin, Rom. cath. doc. 230 moon, planets, star, or sun 523 queen f Eng. Eng. history 942.05 school apparatus 371 Maryland, U. S. history 9752 Marathi language 491 travel 917.52 Marble economic geology S53 Masks dramatic music 782 inscriptions 417 Mason and D xon's line slavery 326 Greek 481 Masonry, anti secret societies 366 Latin 471 building 693 lithology 552 Masons secret societies 366 sculpture 731 Masquerades amusements 793 working 693 social customs 394 Marian persecutions in England 272 Mass Rom. catholic ritual 264 Marine animals 591.9 law of gravity 531 architecture naval eng. 623 of earth 525 corps navy 359 recitative music 784 engines 621. 1 sacred " 783 insurance 368 Massachusetts, U. S. history 974-4 law 347 travel 917.44 plants 581.9 Massage therapeutics 615 Mastmaking ship-building 699 Mariners' compass magnetism 538 Master and servant family ethics 173 occupation hygiene 613 law 347 Mariolatry worship of Virgin 230 Mastersingers German poetry 83' Marionnets amusements 791 Mastodon paleontology 569 Maritime affairs naval science 359 Matches chemical technology 662 discovery 910 Materia medica 615 law 347 Materialism philosofy 146 quarantine public health 614 Materials building 691 surveying 526 for clothing hygiene 613 Mark gospel 226 library bookbinding 025 Market gardening agriculture 63s buildings 022 Markets architecture 725 strength of, engin. 620 domestic economy 641 molec. physics 539 Marking system education 371 Maternity ethics 173 Marks political science 321 hospitals 362 Marl lithology 552 medicin 618 Maronites sects 281 Mathematical drawing 744 Maroons history of Jamaica 972.9 instruments 510 Mar-prelate controversy puritans 28s probabilities 519 Anglican ch. 283 tables 510 Marque and reprisals intern, law 341 of music 781 Marquetry artistic furniture 749 tides 525 Topics In black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index 147 Mathematicians' lives 925 Mechanism engineering 621 Mathematics 510 Medallions numismatics in Matins church ritual 264 Medals carving 736 Matriculation schools 371 numismatics in Matter metaphysics 117 Media ancient history 935 physics 53° Medical analysis chemistry 543 properties of living 577 biografy 926 Matthew gospel 226 botany econ. botany 581 Mauritius geology 556-9 materia medica 61S history 969 diagnosis 616 religious history 276.9 education 610 travel 916.9 state control of 614 Mausoleums 718 electricity, physics 537 Maxima and minima algebra 512 therapeutics 615 calculus 517 ethics 174 geometry 513 jurisprudence 340 Maxims English literature 828 museums 610 law 340 police 614 on special topic see subject practice pathology 616 Maya architecture 722 state control of 614 language 497 schools 610 Mayor local gov't 352 societies 610 Mazurka piano music 786 testimony 614 Meals domestic economy 642 zoology S9I Mean time solar and sidereal day 529 Medicin 610 value probabilities 519 chemical analysis 543 Measles diseases 616 economic botany 581 public health 614 zoology 591 Measurements, electric 537 preventiv, pub. health 614 practical chemistry 542 state control of, pub. health 614 Measures and weights, meteorology 389 veterinary 619 Measuring instruments " 389 Medicinal use of stimulants temperance 178 physics 530 Medicins therapeutics 615 of angles, crystallografy 548 patent public health 614.3 heat 536 Medico-legal relations 614 light optics 535 Medieval architecture 723 surveying 526 art, history of 709 Meat, inspection of, pub. health 614-3 customs and costumes 390 presefvation of chem. tech. 664 designs 745 supply domestic economy 641 Europe history 940 production 338 Latin 479 Meats as food hygiene 613 philosofy 189 Mechanic arts and trades 680 science 502 Mechanical drawing 744 sculpture 734 engineering 621 Meditations theology 242 equivalent heat 536 Mediterranean sea physical geology 551 musical instruments 789 travel 910 remedies therapeu. 615 Mediums spiritualism ^11 trades 680 Medo-Persia ancient history 935 training 607 antiquities 913-35 in schools 371 Medusae zoology 593 Mechanics physics 531 Meekness ethics 179 Mechanics' institutes exhibitions 606 Meerschaum econ. geol. S53 liens law 347 Megaric philosofy 183 lives 926 Megatherium paleontology 569 Topics in blaok-fa«ed type are subdivided in tables. X48 Abridged Decimal Classification Melancholy mind and body 132 Melanesia history 993 travel 919-3 Melbourne history 994 travel 919.4 Meliorism philosofic systems 149 Melodeon music 786 Melody theory of music 781 Memoirs biografy 920 scientific societies 506 Memorial day U. S. civil war 9737 sermons biografy 920 sermons 252 Memory in animals zoology 591 mental derangements 132 faculties 154 Menageries amusements 791 zoology 590 Meningitis diseases 616 Mennonite church 289 Mensuration arithmetic 5" surveying 526 Mental capacity of women, education 376 mind and body 136 characteristics 136 derangements medicin 616 mind and body 132 development education 370 disability, inherited hygiene 613 faculties 150 of animals zoology 591 healing 615 heredity mind and body 136 hygiene 131 overwork mental hygiene 131 philosofy 150 photografs 139 physiology mind and body 131 science 150 Mercantil law 347 libraries 027 manuals 658 rules arithmetic 5" theory and practice 658 Merchant service, ocean trans., socio! .387 Merchants business ethics 174 lives 923 Mercury chemistry 546 materia medica 615 metallic poisons 61S metallurgy 669 ores economic geol. 553 planets 523 Mercy, sisters of 271 Meridian line astronomy 522 Meridional instruments Merino sheep domestic animals Mermaids folk-lore Mesmerism mind and body Messenger service Messiah doctrinal theology Metafors rhetoric Metallic ores econ, geol. poisons therapeu. tractors cures Metallurgy Metals building materials coinage history inorganic chemistry manufactures mining organic chemistry transmutation of Metamorfic rocks geology Metamorfism physical geology Metamorfosis botany of insects zoology Metaphysics Metempsychosis metaphysics Meteoric showers astronomy Meteorites lithology Meteorology natural history of man Meteors and comets astronomy Meter weights and measures Meters Eng. prosody water Method of exhaustions calculus least squares orbits probabil. Methodist church episcopal church Methodists' lives Methodology metaphysics Methods, literary lib. econ. of education statistics in special topics see subject Metric system intern'l measures Metrology Mexican Indians war U. S. history Mexico antiquities botany geology gulf of phys. geol. history religious history 5?2 636 398 134 385 232 808 553 615 6'5 669 691 332 669 546 671 622 547 540 552 551 58' 595 591 no 129 523 552 551 573 523 389 426 628 517 521 519 287 287 922 112 029 371 3" 389 389 970.1 973-6 913-7 581.9 557-2 551 972 277.2 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables« Index 149 Mexico travel 917.2 Milk dairy 637 Mezzotint 766 Mill dams hydraulic eng. 627 Mica economic geology 553 water engines 621 Micah Bible 224 work engineering 621 Michigan, U. S. history 977-4 Millennium theology 236 travel 91774 Millerites 289 Microbes botany 589 Millinery clothing 646 etiology 616 Milling tools 621 Microfone 537 Mills and manf. works engineer 'g 621 Micrometers astronomy 522 architecture 725 Micronesia history 996 cotton, woolen, etc. 677 Micro-organisms theory of disease 616 paper manufactures 676 Microphotografy microscopy 578 Milwaukee, Wis. history 977-5 photografy 778 travel 917-75 Microscopes 578 Mimetic arts 792 optics 535 Mimicry 177 Microscopic analysis of water 613 Mind ISO life invertebrates 592 and body 130 Microscopy 578 cure therapeutics 615 animal histology 591 in animals zoology 591 lithology 552 readers* lives 920 study of disease 616 readmg mesmerism 134 vegetable histology 581 Mineral cements chem. technology 666 Microtome microscopy 578 economic geology 553 Middens and privies scavenging 628 irritant poisons, therapeu. 615 kitchen prehist. arch. 571 oils chemical technology 66s Middle ages European history 940 economic geology 553 high German language 437 springs economic geol. 553 poetry 83' surveys 622 states, U. S. history 974 veins ore deposits 553 Middlesex, England " 942.1 waters adulterations 614.3 Midlands, " " 942 artifi. chem. tech. 663 Midwifery obstetrics 618 economic geology 553 Migrations of animals 591 hygiene 613 men ethnology 572 therapeutics 615 Mildew botany 589 Mineralogy 549 Military academies, e. g. West Point 355 of the Bible 220.8 and naval arts 355 Minerals rock determination 552 antiquities 355 Mines military engineering 623 biografy 923 mining 622 engineering 623 ownership, political economy 333 history 355 Miniatures painting 757 Amer. civil war 973-7 Minima and maxima algebra 512 of special countries see country calculus 5'7 law 355 geometry 513 organization in schools 371 Mining companies mining eng. 622 pensions 351 dangers and accidents, eng. 622 religious orders 929.7 engineering 622 science 355 laws 622 signals 623 products political economy 338 Militia 355 Minister eccles. polity 262 Milk analysis adulterations 614.3 Ministers foreign government 354 chemistry 543 lives 922 and its products adult. 614.3 U. S. government 353 condenst 637 Ministration to sick and dead 265 Topics in black- faced typ« are gabdivided in tables. ISO Abridged Decimal Classification Ministries of state architecture 725 Mithraic worship 295 Ministry ecclesiastical polity 262 Miter sacred ornaments 247 lay 262 Mixt drinks adulterations 614.3 parish work 258 chemical tech. 663 religion 250 Mnemonic derangements 132 Minnesingers German poetry 831 Mnemonics 154 Minnesota, U. S. history 977.6 Moabite stone 492 travel 917.76 Modeling sculpture 73^ Minority representation polit. sci. 324 Models art study 707 Minors law 347 Modern architecture 724 Minstrelsy English poetry 821 costumes and customs 390 negro vocal music 784 Greek language 489 Mints political economy 332 literature 889 Minute books curiosa 099 history 940-999 Miocene period geology 551 Persian languages 491 Miracle plays Eng. literature 822 philosofers 190 general history 809 lives 921 religion 244 sculpture 735. theater 792 Modesty ethics 179 Miracles doctrins 231 Moguls Indian history 954 New Testament 226 Mohammedan architecture 723 post-biblical 231 Mohammedanism 297 Mirage optics 535 Moisture hygiene 6.3 M irrors « 535 physical geografy 55' Miscegenation ethics 173 soil public health 614 hygiene 613 therapeutics 615 law 347 Molasses chemical technology 664 Miscellanies see subjects Mold fungi 589 Miscellany American literature 818 Moldavia, Turkey history 949.8 English 828 travel 914.98 French " 848 Molecular physics 539 German " 838 Molecules theoretic chemistry 541 Greek " 888 Moles zoology 599 Italian " 858 Molinists heresies 273 Latin " 878 persecution 272 Spanish " 868 Mollusca paleontology 564 Misers' lives 920 zoology 594 Mishna Judaism 296 Molluscoidea 594 Missals illuminated 096 Molly Maguires labor organizations 33^ Rom. catholic ritual 264 Moluccas history 991 Missing link origin of species 575 Moments statics 531 Missionaries' lives 922 Monachism theology 271 Missionary schools 377 Monaco history 944 Missions 266 Monarch foreign governments 354 music for sacred music 783 Monarchic institutions 321 par sh 269 Monarchs' lives 923 Mississippi, U f. S. history 976.2 Monarchy 321 travel 917.62 Monasteries architecture 726 bubble loan institutes 332 theology 271 river description 917.7 Monastic orders '* 271 valley " 9177 schools education 377 Missouri, U. 3. history 977.8 Monetary congresses 332 travel 917.78 Money 332 river, description 917.78 making commerce 658 Mites zoology 595 ethics 174 Topics in black-faced typ^ 9 are Bubdlvided in table*. Indent 151 Money paper 332 Morals and church 261 Mongolian languages 495 history of ethics 170 Mongols history 950 laboring classes polit. econ. 331 Monism philosofy 147 of the press ethics 179 Monitorial system of education 371 war u 172 Monitors, iron clads naval eng. 623 Moravia history 943-7 school government 371 Moravian brethren sects 284 Monkeys zoology 599 language 491 Monks and nuns relig. orders 271 Morbid anatomy 616 Monocotyledonae botany 584 Morea history 9495 Monogamy family ethics 173 Moresnet " 949-3 hygiene 613 Morfology animals 591 Monograms design 745 comparativ philology 415 Monoliths prehistoric arch. 571 English language 425 Monomania insanity 132 plants 581 Monopolies 338 Morganatic marriage ethics 173 state, e. g. tobacco in France 336 customs 392 Monotremata mammals 599 Mormonlsm 298 Monroe, J., presidency of 973-5 Morning prayer church ritual 264 Monroe doctrin foreign relations 327 family devotions 249 Monsoons meteorology 551 personal religion 248 Monstrosities, anunal 59' Morocco geology 556.4 human dwarfs, etc. 573 history 964 vegetable 581 religious history 2764 M')nt Blanc travels 914.4 travel 916.4 Mont Cenis tunnel 622 Morphin habit ethics 178 Montana, U. S. history 978.6 MorUlity, law of insurance 368 travel 917.86 statistics 312 Montanism heresies 273 public health 614 Montenegro history 9497 Mortar building material 691 travel 91497 Mortars chemical technology 666 Months, names of 529 ordnance 623 Montreal history 971 prehistoric archeol. 571 travel 917.1 Mortgages law 347 Monts de piet^ loan institutes 332 Mortification surgery 617 Monuments antiquities 913 Mortmain law 347 cemeteries 718 Mortuary buildings, architecture 726 prehistoric 571 customs 393 Moon astronomy 523 designs sacred ornaments 247 charts 523 Mosaic law Old Testament 222 effect on tides 525 work 747 maps observations 524 Mosaics arch, decoration 729 Moorish architecture 723 floors and flooring 721 Moot courts 340 religious ornaments 247 Moraines glaciers 551 Moslems 297 Moral agency, free, doctrinal theology 233 Mosques architecture 726 education 377 Mosquito shore, Cent. Amer., history 972.8 expectations probabilities 519 Mosquitos zoology 595 government in schools 371 Mosses botany 588 heredity doctrin 233 sea algae 589 metaphysics 129 Motet sacred music 783 philosofy 170 Mother ethics »73 science ethics 170 Goose folk-lore 398 sentiment " 171 maternity 618 systems 171 Moths domestic economy 648 Topics in black-faced type are sabdlvided in tables. 152 Abridged Decimal Classification Moths economic zoology zoology Motion, beginnings of origin of life in medicin massage laws of astronomy metaphysics of earth astronomy liquids hydraulics plants botany solar system Mottos English literature Mould fungi Mound builders prehistoric arch. U. S. history Mounds prehistoric arch. Mountain railways resorts hygiene Mountains, attraction of, geodesy in moon physical geografy Mounting specimens, coilec. manuals Mourning customs Movables chattels Movement cure Movements of plants botany Mowers agriculture Mucilage manufacture Muck agriculture Mud architecture Mudie's circulating libraries Muggletonians sects Mulberry agriculture silk culture Mule domestic animals zoology Multiple stars Multiplex telegrafs commun. Mummies Mumps diseases public health Municipal bonds political economy government, admin. law admin. Munitions of war military eng. Munster, Ireland history travel Mural decorations architecture Murder criminal law Muscle-reading Muscular exercise hygiene sense mental faculties physiology Museums and libraries architecture 591 Museums, arrangement of specimens 579 595 art fine arts 708 576 medical 610 615 school 371 521 scientific natural science 507 116 Sunday opening 263 525 other museums see subject 532 Mushrooms botany 589 581 food 641 523 Music 780 828 box mech. instruments 789 589 copyright 65s 571 ecclesiology 246 973-1 halls architecture 725 571 public worship 264 625 therapeutics 61S 613 Musical form 781 526 instruments 780 523 acoustics 534 551 sounds " 534 579 Musicians' lives 927 393 Muskets see Rifles 347 Mustelidae zoology 599 615 Muster rolls 355 581 Mutilations of library books 024 633 war customs 399 668 Mutiny maritime law 347 631 Mutual aid societies pol. economy 334 693 insurance " 334 027 Mycenae ancient history 938 289 Mycology botany 589 634 Myopia eye diseases 617 638 Mysteries 133 636 Mystery plays Eng. literature 822 599 history 809 523 religion 244 654 theater 792 393 Mystic philosofers 189 616 Mysticism heresies 273 614 philosofy 149 332 Mystics medieval 189 352 Mythology, comparativ 291 340 German 293 352 Greek and Roman 292 623 Norse 293 941.9 Myths agi 914.19 Myxomycetes botany 589 729 Nahum Bible 224 343 Names of days of week 529 134 months 529 613-7 persons and places 929 152 Nantes, edict of religious history 272 612 Napkins customs 394 021 Naples, Italy history 945 727 travel 914-5 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index 153 Napoleon, code law 349 Naval battles 359 Narcotic poisons therapeutics 615 see also special coantries Narcotics, action of hygiene 613 biografy 923 and stimulants ethics 178 engineering 623 Narrow-gage railways 625 history 359 Nasmith societies 267 Amer. civil war 973.7 Natal, Africa history 968 see also special countries travel 916.8 men, lives of 923 Natatores birds 598 schools, e. g. Annapolis 359 National aid to education 379 science 359 and state universities 378 ship-building 699 " " state educ. 379 war 359 banks 332 Navarre history 946 churches vs organic unity 261 Navies 359 costumes 391 Navigation astronomy 5*7 customs, special 390 laws 347 debt finance 336 signals in, communicat. 654 libraries 027 useful arts 656 music 786 Navigators' lives 923 parks 711 Navy administration 359 politics 329 department, U. S. 353 school supervision 379 Near sightedness medicin 617 soldiers' cemeteries 719 schools 371 songs music 784 Nebraska, U. S. history 978.2 Nations, law of, international law 341 travel 917.82 Nativ Americans political parties 329 Nebulae astronomy 523 Natural body doctrinal theology 233 Nebular hypothesis " 523 gas chem. technology 662 Necessity metaphysics 123 economic geology 553 Necrology biografy 920 heating 697 colleges 378 history. Biblical 220.8 Necromancers 133 collectors' manuals 579 Needle-work 746 of countries 508.3 domestic economy 646 man 573 Negro education 371 zoology 590 race ethnology 572 law 340 nat. hist, of man 573 magic 133 political standing 324 philosofy 530 slavery 326 religion 210 songs music 784 science 500 Nehemiah Bible 222 bibliografy of 016.5 Neighborhood gilds social clubs 367 biografy of 925 Nemean games Greek antiquities 91338 selection evolution 575 Neo-Grec architecture 724 stone building material 691 Neolithic age prehist. archeol. 571 theology 210 Neology rationalism 211 Naturalists' lives 925 Neoplatonism 186 Naturalization 325 Neoplatonists, apologetics against 239 suffrage 324 Nepotism civil service 351 Nature 500 Neptune descriptiv astronomy 523 law of 340 Nervous functions of animals 591 metaphysics "3 physiology 612 of being metaphysics III prostration 616 printing 655 system, comp. anatomy 591 Nautical astronomy 527 human *• 611 Naval architecture engineering 623 Nestorian church 281 Topics In black-faced type are subdivided in tables* 154 Abridged Decimal Classification Netherlands history 949.2 Ngami lake travel 916.7 travel 914.92 Niagara Falls description 9 '7-47 Nets for collectors biology 579 Nicaragua history 972.8 Neuralgia diseases 616 travel 917.28 Neuroptera insects 595 Nicene, Ante-, church A.D. 100-325 281 Neuroses diseases 616 councils religious history 270 Neuters generation of animals 591 creed 238 Neutrality international law 341 Post-, church A. D. 325-1054 281 Nevada, U. S. history 979-3 Nickel coinage pel. econ. 332 travel 917-93 inorganic chemistry 546 New Brunswick, Canada history 971 ores economic geol. 553 church, Swedenborgian 289 Nicobar islands history 992 England geology 557-4 Niello-work arch, decoration 729 history 974 Niger river description 916.6 religious history 277-4 Night-soil air pollution 614 travel 9174 Nihilism philosofy 149 France, Canada history 971 socialism 335 travel 917.1 Nile description 916.2 Granada, S. A. geology 558.6 Nineveh ancient history 935 history 986 cuneiform lang. 492 religious history 278.6 Nirvana oriental philosofy i8i travel 918.6 Nitrogen compounds air pollution 614 Guinea geology 559-5 Nitroglycerin chemical tech. 662 history 995 Nobility heraldry 9297 religious history 279-5 Nobles' lives 923 travel 919.5 Nomads 397 Hampshire, U. S. history 974.2 Nomenclature, botany 580 travel 917.42 theoretic chemistry 541 Hebrides, Australia history 993 Nominalism philosofy 149 Holland, Australia « 994 Non-Christian religions 290 travel 919.4 and education 377 Jersey, U. S. history 974.9 Non-Euclidean geometry 5'3 travel 917.49 Non-jurors Eng. religious history 274.2 Jerusalem church 289 Nonconformists Eng. relig. hist. 274.2 Mexico, U. S. history 978.9 sects 283 travel 917.89 Normal schools 370 Platonism 186 Norman architecture 723 Plymouth colony history 974-4 conquests European hist. 940 South Wales 994 Normandy, France history 944 Sweden, Penn. " 974.8 Norse " 948 travel 917.48 Normans, England " 942.02 Testament 225 Norrland, Sweden " 948.8 biografy 225 travel 914.88 Greek dialects 487 Norse language 439 year customs 394 literature 839 York, U. S. history 974-7 mythology 293 travel 917-47 Norsemen Scandinavian hist. 948 Univ. of the State of 379 North Africa geology 556-1 Newfoundland history 971 history 961 News rooms and reading rooms, free 027 religious history 276.1 Newspaper cuttings preservation 029 travel gi6.i Newspapers ethics 179 America antiquities 9' 3-7 general 070 geografy 917 history of journalism 070 geology 557 Newt zoology 598 history 970 Topics in black-faced typ« i are aubilivided in tables. Index 155 North America languages 497 Novel reading reading and aids 028 religious history 277 writing 808 scientific travels anc Novelists' lives, English 928 surveys 508.7 Novels English literature 823 statistics 317 religious 244 travel 917 Noxious materials, air pollution 614 American Indian literature 897 vapors hygiene 613 Atlantic states, U. S. geology 557-4 Noxiousness of animals, economic history 974 zoology 591 relig. hist. 2774 Nubia, Egypt history 962 travel 9174 travel 916.3 Carolina, U. S. history 975-6 Nuisances law 347 travel 9'7-56 public health 614 Central Africa geology 556.6 Nullification in South Carolina 973-5 history 966 U. S. constitut. law 342 religious hist 276.6 Number metaphysics 119 travel 916.6 Numbering machines printing 65s states, U. S. geology 557-7 Numbers, book of Bible 222 history 977 shelf library econ. 025 relig. hist - 277-7 theory of algebra • 512 travel 917.7 Numismatics 737 Eastern boundary, U. S. history 973.5 Nuns and nunneries 271 passajj;e 919.8 Nursery domestic economy 649 Dakota, U. S. history 978.4 food hygiene 613 travel 917.84 lore folk-lore 398 pole travel 919.8 Nurses physiological zoology 591 west boundary 973 training of 610 passage travel 919.8 Nursing domestic economy 649 territory, U. S. hist. 977 medicin 610 travel 917-7 Nusairian religion 297 Northern lights aurora borealis 523 Nutriments physiology 612 mythology 293 Nutrition physiological botany 581 Northmen in America U. S. history 973-1 zoology 59« Scandinavian history 948 physiology 612 Norway botany 581.9 Oases phys. geog. 551 geology 554-8 Oaths ethics 179 history 948.1 legal 347 religious history 274.8 of allegiance pol. sci 323 travel 914.81 Obadiah Bible 224 Norwegian language 439 * Obedience doctrinal theology 234 literature 839 Obelisks 7i8 Romanesque arch. 723 Oberammergau passion play 792 Nosology medicin 616 Obituary addresses biografy 920 Nostrums state control 614 sermons 252 Notaries public law 347 Object teaching education 372 Notation, arithmetic 5" Oblates monastic orders 271 for book sizes 025 Obligations social ethics 177 system of library classificat. 025 Obliquity of ecliptic to equator 525 theoretic chemistry 541 Oboe musical instrument 788 Note-books literary methT)ds 029 Observation errors probabilities 519 Notes, public and private, pol. econ. 332 mental faculties 152 Notion, concept, mental faculties 153 Observations astronomy 524 Nouvelle France history 971 auxiliary, astron. 522 Nova Scotia " 971 Observatories 52a Novel reading ethics 175 meteorologic 5SI Topics in black-faced type are sabdlvided in tables. i56 Abridged Decimal Classification Observatories, school apparatus 371 Ohio, U. S., history 977.1 Observing powers education 372 travel 917.71 Obstetrics 618 valley description 917.7 Occult sciences 133 Oil, coal economic geology 553 Occultations and transits, astronomy 523 manufacture 665 Occupations, injurious liygiene 613 painting art 75' mortality in public building 698 health 614 refining, air pollution 614 Ocean coast changes 551 vegetable agriculture 633 currents phys. geog. 551 Oils adulteration 614.3 exploration 910 chemical teclinology 668 geografy maps 912 Oklahoma, U. S. history 976.6 life zoology 591-9 travel 917.66 mails 383 Old Bactrian language 491 telegral 654 catholic church 284 tides 525 Egyptian language 493 transportation sociology 387 English " 427 useful arts 656 French " 447 travel 910 Norse " 439 Oceanica antiquities 9139 literature 839 geografy 919 Prussian language 491 geology 559 red sandstone geology 551 history 990 Saxon language • 439 religious history 279 literature 839 scientific travels and Testament 221 surveys 508.9 biografy 221 statistics 319 Oleomargarine, adulterations 614.3 travel 919 chemical technology 664 Oceans physical geografy 551 Olfaction physiology 612 Octateuch Bible 222 psychology 152 Odd Fellows secret societies 366 Oligarchy 321 Odic force 134 Olive oil chemical technology 665 Odontology animal 591 Olives agriculture 634 human anat. 611 Olympiads chronology 529 QLcumenical councils, eccles. pol. 262 Olympic games, Grecian antiquities 9 '3-38 relig. hist. 270 Omens delusions 133 Offensiv animals econ. zoology 591 Omnigraf engraving 760 materials, air pollu. 614 Omnipotence doctr. theology 231 Offertory alms 264 Omnipresence, " " 231 organ music 786 Omniscience " " 231 sacred music 783 Oneida community socialism 335 Office buildin gs, arch. 72s Ontogeny embryology 591 equipment and methods 651 Ontology philosofy III tenure of civil service 351 Oolite geology 551 graining ' law education 340 lithology 552 Officers, army and navy lives 923 Oology ornithology 598 duties of public ethics 172 Oosporeae algae and fungi 589 Official functions civ. serv. officers 351 Ooze lithology 552 register, U. S., civil service 351 Opal economic geology 553 residences architecture 725 Opening lib. and museums, Sunday 263 Oficleide music 788 libraries on Sunday 024 Ofidia reptils 598.1 Opera, amusement 792 Ofthalmia eye diseases 617 dramatic music 782 Ofthalmic surgery 617 ethics 175 Ofthalmoscope 617 houses architecture 725 Topics In black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index 157 Opera recitative vocal music 784 Ordination sermons 252 Operations, calculus of 5'7 Ordnance engineering 623 Operativ surgery 617 Ore deposits 553 Operetta music 782 dressing mining eng. 622 Ophicleide 788 Oregon, U. S. history 9795 Ophidia reptils 598.1 travel 91795 Ophthalmia eye diseases 617 question U. S. hist. 973-5 Ophthalmic surgery 617 Ores econom. geol. 553 Ophthalmoscope 617 metallurgy 669 Opium habit ethics 178 mineralogy 549 hygiene 613 mining 622 materia medica 615 Orfan asylums 362 traffic ethics 178 Organ music 786 Opossums mammals 599 sacred music 783 Oppositions solar system 523 Organic and inorganic matter, differ- Optics 535 ences 577 Optimism philosofy 149 chemical industries 660 Optional studies curriculum 375 chemistry 547 Oracles mind and body 133 remains paleontology 560 Oral examinations education 371 Organization central government, Orange associations political soc. 363 foreign states 354 Oranges agriculture 634 city government 352 Orations English literature 825 civil service 351 Oratorios sacred music 783 cooperation 334 Orators' lives, English 928 courts law 347 Oratory 808 laboring classes 331 American literature 815 schools education 371 English 825 Organografy botany 581 French " 845 zoology 591 German " 835 Oriental architecture 722 Greek 885 art 709 Italian " 855 churches 281 I^tin " 875 customs 915 sacred homiletics 251 history 950 Spanish literature 86s languages 490 Orbits, descriptiv astronomy 523 literature 890 earth 525 music theory 781 theoretic " 521 mythology 291 Orchards agriculture 634 philosofy 181 Orchestral music 785 question Turkey 949.6 sacred music 783 religions ago Orchestrion music 789 societies 490 Orchids botany 584 Orientalia literature 890 fertilization of, botany 581 Orientation ecclesiology 246 Ordeal, trial by law 340 Origen early Christian philosofy 189 Orders, holy ministry 262 Origin of English language 422 sacraments 265 evil natural theology 216 monastic 271 individ. soul metaphys. 129 of architecture arch, design 729 knowledge " 121 knighthood heraldry 929.7 language 401 Ordinal church ritual 264 life 576 Ordinances " " 264 man, natural hist, of man 573 religious 265 religious belief 201 Ordination eccles. polity 262 sexes evolution 575 sacraments 265 species " 575 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. 158 Abridged Decimal Classification Origin of speech philology 401 Overstudy school hygiene 37 i Original home of man ethnology 572 Overture orchestral music 78s sin doct. theol. 233 Overwork hygiene 613 Orinoco river travel 918.7 mental mental hyg. 131 Orkneys, Scotland travel 914.1 Owners, absentee and alien 333 Ornament, arch. dec. 729 liability of building 692 Ornamental botany 716 Ownership, land 333 design 745 Oxford, England travel 914.2 gardening, landscape 710 movement 283 Ornaments costume 391 university 378 prehistoric 571 Oxygen, chemistry 546 toilet 646 Oysters fisheries 639 Ornithology 598 food 641 Orology physical geografy 551 preservd pub. health 614.3 Orphan asylums 362 zoology 594 Orthodox church, holy or Greek 281 Ozocerite economic geology 553 Orthodoxy heresies 273 Ozone chemistry 546 Orthoepy comparativ philol. 411 hygiene 613 English language 421 Pachyderms zoology 599 Orthografy English " 421 Pacific islands, Polynesia, hist. 996 French " 441 travel 919.6 German " 431 ocean physical geografy 551 Greek 481 slope, U. S. geology 557-9 Italian " 451 history 979 Latin 471 states, U. S. history 979 Spanish " 461 religious hist 277.9 Orthopedics surgery 617 travel 917-9 Orthoptera articulates 595 Paddock lectures apologetics 239 Oryctology paleontology 560 Paediatrics medicin 618 Osmose of liquids 532 Pagan architecture 722 Ossetic language 491 Paganism ago Osteology, animal 591 Pageants customs 394 human anatomy 611 Paging machines printing 65s Ostracism Greek antiquities 913-38 Pain sense physiology 612 Ostracoda articulates 595 Painless extinction of animal life 614 Ostrich zoology 598 Paint, prehistoric 571 farms agriculture 636 Painted decoration arch. dec. 729 Otology anatomy of ear 611 Painters' lives 927 Ottoman empire history 949.6 Painting fine art 750 Out-buildings architecture 728 house, sign, etc. 698 Outcast races 397 Paintings, collections of, galleries 708 Outcrop geology 551 engravings from 750 Outdoor relief charity 361 Paints chem. technology 667 pauperism 339 Palaces architecture 728 sports 796 of rulers arch. 725 Outlawry criminal law 343 Paleografy English language 421 Outlines, compends, see subject inscriptions 417 Outlining drawing 741 Paleolithic age prehistoric arch. 571 Outlooks landscape gardening 717 Paleontology 560 Outposts military science 355 Palestine ancient history 933 Ovariotomy surgery 617 travel 915.6 Over-hours hygiene 613 Palestrina sacred music 783 mantels fixt furniture 729 Pali language 491 Overshot wheels mechanical eng. 621 Palimpsests rare mss 091 Overstrain, physical hygiene 6137 Palingenesis metaphysics 129 Topics in black faced type are subdivided in tables. Index 159 Palladium Pallium Palmistry Palms Pamflet cases PamSets inorganic chemistry sacred ornaments magic botany misc. collections preservation of on special topics see subject Panama history Pancreatic fluid physiology Pandects Roman law Panics, commercial political econ. Panjabi language Panopticon Panoramas Pantheism Pantheon Pantomimes Papacy prison system amusements painting natural theology philosofy architecture music eccles. polity 546 247 ^33 584 025 040 025 986 612 349 332 491 365 791 750 212 M7 722 782 262 262 025 698 676 332 69s 995 091 828 226 222 572 236 665 691 558.9 989 278.9 918.9 523 522 220.8 591 581 616 614 581 383 676 347 »73 481 938 Topics in black-face^l typ« Papal infallibility " " Paper covers library books hanging trade manufacture money roofing building Papers on special topics, see subjects Papua history Papyrus manuscripts Parables English literature New Testament Paradise, garden of Eden, Genesis primitiv home of race theology Paraffin chem. technology Paraffining building material Paraguay geology history religious history travel Parallax, descriptiv astronomy practical " Parallelism Scripture Parasites, pathology animals plants Parasitic diseases pathology public health plants Parcel post post-office Parchment paper-making Parent and child law Parents ethics Parian chronicle Arundel marbles chronicle Greek history Paris, congress of, 1856 intern, law expositions Parish care of sick, fallen, etc. ecclesiastical polity law libraries missions theology work, societies for Parks, public landscape gardening local government Parliament constitutional law England houses of arch. Parliamentary blue books control admin, debates law reform England Parlor magic pastimes Parochial libraries schools and libraries education Parodies English literature Parquetry floors and flooring Parricide criminal law Parrots zoology Parsee dualism Christian heresies Parseeism Parsees Parsing English grammar Parsis Part songs vocal music Parthenon architecture Parties, political social Partizan warfare military science Partnership law Parturition obstetrics Party conventions, polit. science feeling in religion, use of Parzival legends Passion music plays English literature general history Oberammergau theat. religion Passionists monastic orders Passions philosofy Pastel drawing Pasteurism protectiv inocalation Pastoral letters theology visitations Pastors ecclesiastical polity Patagonia geology are »abdivided in tables. 341 6c6 258 262 352 027 269 256 711 352 342 328 72s 328 351 328 328 328 793 793 027 257 377 827 721 343 598 273 295 425 295 784 722 329 793 355 347 618 329 280 398 783 822 809 792 244 271 »57 741 614 252 250 253 262 S58.a z6o Abridged Decimal Classification Patagonia hictory religious history travel Patent indexes literary methods law law patents medicins adulterations state control Patents useful arts Pathologic anatomy, study of dis. Pathology 278.2 918.2 029 347 608 614.3 614 608 6j6 581 616 botany medicin mental of labor zoology Patience ethics Patriarchal institutions pol. science Patriarchs of Bible lives Patricide law Patriotism ethics Patriots' lives Patristic philosofers' lives philosofy theology Patronage ethics Pauper asylums labor Pauperism and illiteracy, pub. schools 379 Pavements road engineering 625 sanitation Pawnbroking loan institutions Peabody fund education Peace and war ethics jubilee Boston society international ethics Peaches agriculture Pearls precious stones Pears agriculture Peasantry political economy Peat economic geology fuel chem. tech. domestic econ. 131 618 591 179 321 220.9 343 172 923 921 189 230 177 362 33^ 339 Pedagogics Pedestrianism ethics medicin genealogy heraldry Pediatrics Pedigrees Pedobaptism Peerage Pehlevi language Pelagianism heresies Pelasgian architecture Pelew islands history Peloponnesus ancient history 628 332 373 172 780 172 634 553 634 331 553 662 644 371 796 175 618 929 265 929.7 491 273 722 996 938 Peloponnesus modern Penal colonies, criminal law law Penance theology Pencils writing materials Pendulum geodesy physics Peninsular war Spanish history Penitentiaries architecture Penmanship Pennsylvania, U. S. history travel Penology criminal law Pens writing Pensions, government teachers* Pentateuch Bible People's palace self-education party, U. S. politics Perception Percussion caps explosivs instruments music Perfection ethics Perfectionists sects Perfumery chemical technology toilet Peridotite lithology Periodical clubs self-education Periodicals, general on special topics see subject Peripatetic philosofers Perjury law Perkinism cures Perpetual motion Persecutions theology Perseverance of the saints Persia ancient history * geology modern history religious history travel Persian architecture ancient language philosofers Person of Christ doctrinal theol. Personal appearance costumes ethics equation astron. hygiene medicin liberty Eng. law names etymology narrativs autobiografy property English law Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. 949-5 343 343 265 652 526 531 946 365 725 652 974.8 917.48 343 652 351 371 222 374 329 152 662 789 171 289 668 646 552 374 050 185 343 61S 531 272 234 935 555-3 955 275-5 9'5-5 723 722 491 181 232 391 177 522 613 347 929 920 347 Index i6x Perspectiv Perspiration Persuasion Perturbations Peru Personal religion rights taxation, political economy Personality dogmatics metaphysics descrip. geometry drawing effect arch, design therapeutics logic earth of heavenly bodies antiquities botany geology history • religious history travel Peruvian ancient architecture Peshito language Pessimism philosofy Pestalozzian system of education Pestilences public health Pests agriculture Petards military engineering Peter, St epistles Petition, right of Eng. const, hist. Petitions administration Petralogy lithology Petrifaction, paleontology Petrografy Petroleum chemical technology economic geology Petrology geology Peutingerian tables anc. geog. Pew rents clerical support Phallicism Phanerogamia botany Pharmacists' registration state con- trol of PharmacQpoeial drugs adulterations Pharmacopoeias materia medica Pharmacy . econ. botany materia med. Phases of moon Phenicia ancient history Phenician architecture language philosofers Phenomena nutritiv, physiology vital Phi Beta Kappa Philadelphia, Penn. history travel Philanthropists' lives 248 Philanthropy ethics 177 347 Philately postage stamps 383 336 Philemon epistles 227 233 Philharmonics, societies 780 126 Philippians epistles 227 515 Philip's, King, war, New Eng. hist. 974 742 Philologists' lives 924 729 Philology 400 615 bibliografy of 016.4 168 biografy of 924 525 classical 470.489 521 Philoprogenitivness phrenology 139 913.8 zoology 591 581.9 Philosofer's stone alchemy 540 558-5 Philosofers' fives 921 985 Philosofic apparatus 530 278.S classification of knowl. 112 918.5 instrument making 681 722 magazines 105 492 systems 140 149 Philosofy 100 371 bibliografy of 016.1 614 biografy of 921 632 natural 530 623 of special topics see subject 227 Phoenicia ancient history 939 342 Phoenician architecture 722 351 language 492 552 philosofers 181 560 Phonetic shorthand 653 552 spelling English language 421 665 Phonics elementary education 372 553 Phonograf acoustics 534 552 Phonografy 653 913 Phonology 414 254 Phosfates as fertilizers agricul. 631 291 econ. geology 553 582 Phosforescence 535 Phosforescent animals 591 614 Phosforus compounds air pollut. 614 614.3 inorganic chemistry 546 615 materia medica 615 581 Photo-electrotyping 777 61S Photo-engraving 777 523 Photografic chemistry 771 9.39 Photografs, collections of 779 722 of animals in motion 492 art anatomy 743 181 zoology 591 612 heavenly bodies 523 577 Photografy 770 371 astronomy 522 974.8 optics 535 917.48 Photolithografy 775 923 Photometric observations stars 523 Topics In black-faced typ« are subdivided in tables. l62 Abridged Decimal Classification Photometries optics 535 Pigments inspec. of, adulterations 614.3 Photometry astronomy 522 Pigmies, human 573 Photozincografy 776 Pigs domestic animals 636 Phrase books English language 428 Pile driving 624 Phrenologists' lives 920 Piles diseases 616 Phrenology 139 foundations 721 Phthisis lung diseases 616 Pilgrimages religious 248 public health 614 Pilot laws 347 Phyllopoda zoology 595 Pilots protection of life 614.8 Phylloxera agriculture 632 seamanship 656 Physical astronomy 523 Pineapple agriculture 634 capacity of women educ. 376 botany 584 conditions mental charac. 136 Pines " 585 education hygiene 6137 Pinnipeds mammals 599 school " 371 Pioneers' lives 923 geografy 551 Pipes, elephant American antiquities 913.7 geology 551 hydraulics 532 sciences 500 prehistoric archeology 571 units physics 530 sewer 628 Physicians, ethics 174 steam heating 697 lives of 926 waterworks 628 registration 614 Piracy history 910 Physics 530 law 343 molecular 539 Pirates' lives 910 Physiognomy ^8 Pisces zoology 597 Physiografy 551 Pisciculture business 639 Physiological acoustics 534 Pistols manufacture 683 botany 581 Pit dwellings prehist. archeology 571 chemistry man 612 Pitcairn Island history 997 animals 591 travel 919.7 optics 535 Placers economic geology 553 zoology 591 Places, names of etymology 929 Physiology 612 Plagiarism literary methods 029 animal 591 Plague diseases 616 mental 131 Plagues, history of public health 614 vegetable 581 plains, physical geografy 551 Phytografy descriptiv botany 580 Plan architec. design 729 Piano and organ 786 Plane geometry 513 Piccolo musical instrument 788 perspectiv 515 Pictorial art fine arts 700 trigonometry 514 Picts ancient history 936 Planetarium descript. astronomy 523 Scottish " 941 Planetary system, constitution of 523 Picture galleries 708 Planets descript. astron. 523 Picturesque beauty esthetics 701 theoretic " 521 views and tours 910 Planing machines mechanical eng. 621 Pierce, F., presidency of 973-6 Planisfere astronomy 522 Piers arch, construction 721 Plans for building 692 design 729 libraries library buildings 022 bridges 624 of cities maps 912 river and harbor eng. 627 Plantagenets English history 942.03 Pietists heresies 273 Plantation songs 784 Piety, practical 240 Planting agriculture 631 Pigeon holes ofifice equipment 651 Plants 580 Pigeons zoology 598 and animals differences 577 Pigments chemical tech. 667 classification of 580 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index 163 Plants, gardening 716 Poetry, French literature 841 geologic agents 551 German " 831 landscape gardening 710 Greek " 881 nature-printing from 655 humorous Eng. lit. 827 paleontology .561 Italian literature 851 Plaster building material 691 Latin 871 casts sculpture 730 macaronic Eng. lit, 827 of Paris agriculture 631 philosofy of 808 art 731 sacred hymnology 245 Plastering masonry 693 satirical Eng. lit. 827 Plate carving 736 Spanish literature 861 domestic economy 642 Poets' lives 928 glass insurance 368 Pointed architecture 723 manufacture 666 Poisonous secretion animals 591 manufacture 671 Poisons chemical analysis 543 Plated ware " 671 effects of diseases 616 Plating books, library economy 025 medical jurisprudence 340 Platinum inorganic chemistrj- 546 sale of state control 614 Plato ancient philosofy 184 therapeutics 615 Greek literature 888 vegetable economic botany 581 idealism 141 Poker amusements 795 Platonic philosofy 184 ethics »75 Platonists, new 186 Polabian language 491 Piatt deutsch language 439 Poland history 943^ literature 839 language 491 Players' lives 927 literature 891 Playing cards 795 partition of history 947 Playright 6SS Russian history 947 Plays English drama 822 travel 914-38 mystery history 809 Polar regions, antarctic geology 559-9 religion 244 history 999 theater 792 relig. hist. 279.9 parlor amusements 793 travel 919.9 Pleading 347 arctic geology 559-8 Pleasure 157 history 998 Plectral stringd instruments 787 relig. hist. 279-8 Pleuropneumonia cattle disease 619 travel 919-8 diseases 616 Polariscope optics 535 Plotting surveying 526 - Polarization of light astronomy 522 Plow agricolture 631 chemistry 544 Plombing 696 optics 535 hoose drainage 628 Polemic sermons 252 laws 696 theology 230 Plurality of worlds astronomy 523 Police, local gov't 352 Plutology polit. econ. 330 measures administration 351 Plutonic rocks lithology 552 medical state control 614 Pneumatic tubes communication 654 sanitary administration 351 Pneumatics 533 Polish chemical technology 667 Pneumatology metaphysics 128 Polish language 491 Pneumonia diseases 616 literature 891 Poetical books of Bible 223 Polishing painting 698 selections, Eng. literature 821 Politeness ethics 177 Poetry, Amer. civil war 973-7 etiquet 395 literature 811 Political associations 363 English literature 821 conventions 3*9 Topics in black-faced type are sabdirided in table*. z64 Abridged Decimal Classification Political economists' lives 923 Poorhouses asylums 362 economy 330 pauperism 339 etliics 172 Popery ecclesiastical polity 262 history Amer. civil war 973-7 Popes church history 282 organizations 363 lives 922 parties 329 Popham colony Maine history 974.1 science 320 Popish plot, 1679 English history 942.06 sermons 252 Popular ballads 784 status of woman 396 delusions m Politicians' lives 923 education public 379 Politics 329 elections suffrage 324 morals of 172 errors 133 Polity, ecclesiastical 262 lectures self-education 374 , Polk, J. K., presidency of 973-6 science 500 Polka piano music 786 summer schools self-educ. 374 Poll-tax political economy 336 Population statistics 312 Pollen fertilization 581 Porcelain 738 Pollution, air, public health 614 chemical technology 666 water, by cemeteries 614 painting 738 supply of towns 628 Pork packing public health 614 Polo amusements 797 trichinae 614 Polonaise piano music 786 Porosity properties of solids 539 Polyandry customs 392 Port Royal heresy 273 ethics ^73 persecutions 272 Polychromatic ornament 747 Portents 133 Poiyfonic school music 783 Portland cement economic geology 553 Polygamy criminal law 343 manufacture 666 customs 392 vase pottery 738 ethics ^72, Porto Rico history 972.9 hygiene 613 Portraits engraved 769 Mormonism 298 painting 757 Polyglot Bibles 220.5 Portugal geology 554-6 Polygrafy special libraries 080 history 946.9 see subject for topical collections religious history 274.6 Polymorfism crystallografy 548 travel 914.69 Polynesia geology 559-6 Portuguese language 469 history 996 literature 869 languages 499 Position, calculus of analyt. geom. 516 religious history 279.6 of body astron. 521 travel 919.6 Positivism philosofy 146 Polypetalae botany 583 Post-mortem examinations pathol. 616 Polyps zoology 593 Post-Nicene apostolic church 281 Polytheism 290 offices sociology 383 Polyzoa zoology 594 Postage stamps 383 Pomology agriculture 634 Postal savings banks 332 Pompeii description 913-37 service 383 Pompey's pillar Egyptian antiquities 913.32 telegraf 384 monuments 718 Potash chemical technology 661 Ponds, artificial landscape garden. 714 Potato agriculture 633 Ponies students' honor 371 disease agriculture 632 Pontificate, Roman eccles. polity 262 botany 581 Poolselling ethics .175 Potters' clays, economic geology 553 Poor laws local government 352 Pottery art 738 pauperism 339 manufacture 666 Poor rates 336 painting 738 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index 165 Pottery prehistoric 571 Presbyterians lives 922 Poultry, diseases of 619 Presbytery ecclesiastical polity 262 domestic animals 636 Prescience divine attribute 231 Poverty pauperism 339 Prescription-writing materia medica 615 Powder, baking adulterations 614.3 Presents, Christmas customs 394 N chemical technol. 664 Preservation of food 664 gun manufactures 662 Preservativs building 691 manufacture 662 zoolog. collections 579 toilet 646 Preserving cookery 641 Power, transmission of 621 President U. S. administration 353 Practical astronomy 522 inauguration, chemistry 542 ceremonies 394 mining 622 veto power 353 religion 240 Presidential elections U. S. 324 Practice of medicin 616 Presidents' lives 923 Prairies physical geografy 551 Press clippings 029 Praise meetings public worship 264 hydraulic engineering 621 Prakrit language 491 science 532 Prayer-books church 264 journalism 070 church ritual 264 liberty of 323 family 249 morals of 179 gage natural theology 217 printing 6SS Lord's gospels 226 public? order 35» meetings 264 writing for literary method: > 029 natural theology 217 Pressure gages pneumatics 533 of Manasses, Apocryfa 229 of air meteorology 551 private personal relig. 248 blood physiology 612 Preachers' lives 922 clothing hygiene 613 Preaching 251 liquids hydraulics 532 P-eadamites 573 sense physiology 6ia Precedence heraldry 929.7 Prestidigitation 791 Precession practical astronomy 522 Pretenders English history 942.07 theoretic " 521 Prevention of contagious diseases 614 Precious metals metallurgy 669 fire, protection of life 614.8 mineralogy 549 Priapus mythology 291 stones economic geology 553 Prices of books library admin. 025 mineralogy 549 political economy 338 Predestination doctrinal theology 234 Pride ethics 179 Predicting machines tides 525 Priest ministry 262 Predictions 133 Priesthood Christian ministry 262 Preemption state land 336 Priests, celibacy of 254 Preexistence of the soul 129 ethics 176 Prefixes English etymology 422 lives, Roman cath. 922 Pregnancy obstetrics 618 Primacy ecclesiastical polity 262 pathology of 618 Primaries suffrage 324 Prehistoric archeology 571 Primary schools methods 372 man, nat. hist, of man 573 state system 379 Prelacy ecclesiastical polity 262 Prime meridian cosmic time 529 Preordination, doctrinal theology 234 Primers elementary education 372 Preparatory schools, private 373 Primeval man, natural hist, of man 573 Preraphaelitism 759 prehis. archeology 571 Presages 133 Primitiv apostolic church 281 Presbyter ministry 262 Christianity 270 Presbyterian orders in ministry 262 church 281 Presbyterians 285 cultore yi Topics in black-faced typ )• are sabdivided in tabic*. i66 Abridged Decimal Classification Primitiv man, customs of 571 Primogeniture, law 347 Primrose league, political associations 363 Prince Edward Is., Canada, history 971 Printed catalogs lib. economy 025 Printers' lives 926 marks 655 occupation hygiene 613 Printing 655 calico chemical tech. 667 inks " •' 667 library administration 025 telegrafs, communication 654 trade 655 Prints, books of - 769 cloth chemical technology 667 Prison associations 365 contracts polit. economy 331 disciplin 365 life Amer. civil war 973-7 Prisoners of war international law 341 Prisons 365 and reformatories arch. 725 hygiene 613 Private banks 332 grounds landscape garden. 712 international law 341 judgment ecclesiastical pol. 262 libraries 027 ownership of land 333 reading self-education 374 schools 373 girls 376 theatricals 793 ethics 175 vs public schools 379 worship 248 Privateers 341 Privately printed bocks rarities 094 Privileges, special, to library readers 024 to readers library admin. 025 Prize fighting, ethics 175 Prizes in school education 371 international law . 341 maritime " 347 Pro-slavery slavery 326 Probabilities, mathematics 519 Probate law 347 Processes, building materials 691 Processions customs 394 Produce agriculture 633 Production political economy 338 Productions of the soil agriculture 633 Profanity ethics 177 Profecy Bible inspiration 220.1 Topics in blacls-faced type Professional ethics 174 Professorships of books and reading 028 Profetic books of Bible 224 Profit sharing political economy 331 Profits capital and labor 331 Prognostications 133 Progress civilization 901 of population, statistics 312 sociology 301 Progresslv develop, of man evol. 575 Prohibited books book rarities 098 Prohibition party political science 329 temperance 178 Projectils military engineering 623 physics 531 Projections analytic geometry 516 descriptiv " 515 map geodesy 526 Promise ethics 174 Promissory notes law 347 political economy 332 Promotions of scholars 371 teachers 371 Pronunciation Eng. language 421 Proof and copy lit. methods 029 legal law 347 reading printing 655 Propagation of contagious diseases 614 Propellers ships 621 Proper names persons and places 929 Property capital 331 church 254 city local taxat. 352 law of title to 347 literary publishing 655 state finance 336 suffrage 324 tax 336 theory of, polit. econ. 335 Proportion, in art esthetics 701 plan arch, design 729 Proprietary libraries 027 Proscription criminal law 343 Prose composition Greek 488 Latin 478 Pro-slavery slavery 326 Prosody comparativ philol. 416 English language 426 French " 446 German " 436 Greek « 486 Italian " 456 Latin " 476 Spanish " 466 Prospecting mining engineering 622 are subdivided in tables. Index 167 Prostitution administration 351 Public customs 394 ethics 176 debt finance 336 hygiene 613 documents 328 Protection of animals 591 print'g and dist'b'n 655 ^ human life from acci- education 379 dents 614.8 finance 336 political economy 337 gardens 711 Protectiv inoculaTion, pub. health 614 health 614 Protectorate English history 942.06 local gov't 352 Protestont episcopal church 283 lands 336 episcopalians' lives 922 law 340 sects, continental 284 libraries 027 Protestantism 284 sanitation 614 and Romanism 282 schools education 379 Protofyta botany 589 securities, polit. economy 336 Protoplasm animal physiology 591 shows ethics ^75 biology 576 customs 394 physiology 612 speaking, oratory 808 Protozoa paleontology 563 spirit patriotism 172 zoology 593 vs private schools 379 Proven9al language 449 works administration 352 literature 849 worship 264 Romanesque architecture 723 Publishers' author catalogs 015 Proverbs, book of Bible 223 circulars 015 folk-lore 398 lives 920 Providence, Divine theology 23^ Publishing 655 natural " 214 Pueblos dwellings 571 Provincialisms English language 427 Puerperal diseases obstetrics 618 Pruning agriculture 634 Pugilism amusements 796 Prussia history 9431 ethics »75 travel 914-31 Pulpit clergy 262 Prussian language, old 491 eloquence homiletics 250 Prussic acid toxicology 61S oratory 251 Psalmody music 783 Pulpits architec. accessories 729 Psalms Bible 223 sacred furniture 247 Psalter church ritual 264 Pulse physiology 612 Pseudo gospels 229 Pump pneumatics 533 Pseudomorfs crystallografy 548 Pumping engines mechan. eng. 621 Pseudoneuroptera articulates 595 waterworks 628 Pseudonyms bibliografy 014 Pumps engineering 621 Psychic phenomena 134 Punctuation English language 421 research mind and body 130 Punishment, future theology 237 Psychologic medicin 131 law 343 Psychologry 150 school 371 Psychomancy divination 133 Purgatory theology 236 Pteridofyta botany 587 Puritanism theology 28s Pteropoda zoology 594 Puritans English history 942.06 Public administration 350 religious hist 274.2 analysts adulterations 614.3 Mass. history 974-4 annuities 336 persecutions by 272 baths 613 Purpose intention ethics 171 buildings, architecture 725 Pus medicin 617 local government 352 Puseyism theology 283 charities 361 Pushtu language 49i credit political economy 336 Puzzles 793 Topics in blaclt-faced type are gubdlvided in tables. i68 Abridged Decimal Classification Pyemia diseases Pygmies folk-lore human Pyramids Egyptian Pyrenees mountains travel Pyrometry temperature Pyrotechnics chemical tech. Pyrrhonism Greek philosofy Pythagorean philosofy Pythias, knights of secret societies Quackery delusions medical, state cont. of Quadrant astron. instrument Quadrature integral calculus of circle geom. Quadrupeds Quadruplex telegrafs commun. Quakers lives persecutions sects Qualifications of readers lib. econ. teachers, education voters suffrage Qualitativ analysis chemistry Quality metaphysics Quantics algebra Quantitativ analysis chemistry Quantity English prosody metaphysics Quarantine administration contagious diseases laws, local admin. • Quarries, prehistoric Quarrying mining engineering Quarrymen's occupation hygiene Quartermasters military admin. Quartet sacred music Quartets vocal music Quartz lithology mineralogy Quaternary age geology Quaternions mathematics Quays harbor engineering Queen Anne architecture Queens' lives Questions see subject Quicksilver see Mercury Quietism heresies Quietists, persecution of "Quincy system," education Quinin therapeutics Quoits amusements Quotations English literature general collections Rabbinic learning Judaism 6i6 398 573 913-32 914.6 536 662 186 182 366 133 614 522 517 513 599 654 922 272 289 024 371 324 544 III 512 545 426 119 352 614 352 571 622 613 355 783 784 552 549 551 516 627 724 923 273 272 37' 615 796 828 808 296 Rabbits domestic animals Race horse amusements influence on mind mortality public health suffrage Races of man Racing amusements ethics • Radiant energy of sun matter points meteors Radiates paleontology zoology Radiation heat Ragged schools Rags public health Railroad accidents corporations electric engineering horse law locomotivs officials' lives passenger stations, arch, reports, state transportation business sociology travel protect, of life Railroading Rails railroad engineering Railway guides Rain meteorology Raising funds for libraries Ram, hydraulic engineering water hydraulics Ranch, cattle Range Rank Rape Rare binding illustrations " printing " Rarissima " Rat noxious animal zoology Rationalism natural theology Rationalistic age religious history Rationalists, apologetics against Raw materials, duties on Readers' aids elementary, Eng. language librarian's relations to qualifications lib. econ. selections Eng. lang. domestic economy heraldry law book rarities 636 798 136 614 324 '572 798 17s 523 539 523 563 593 536 377 614 656 385 621.3 62s 625 385 62 z 923 725 385 656 385 614.8 656 625 656 55' 021 621 532 636 643 929.7 343 095 096 094 ogo 591 599 211 270 239 337 028 428 025 024 428 Topics In black-faced type are subdivided In tables. Index 169 Reading and aids 028 art of 808 books, higher, Eng. 828 clubs self-education 374 desks office equipment 651 elementary education 372 private self-education 374 proofs printing 655 rooms, free, library econ. 027 library buildings 022 Ready-reckoners 658 Reagents chem. anal. 543 Real estate law 347 taxation polit. econ. 336 presence, theology 265 Realism philosofy 149 Reapers agriculture 633 Reason in animals zoologj' 591 intuitiv faculty 156 natural theology 210 Reasoning faculty 153 Rebellion, political science 323 Southern U. S. hist. 973.7 Receipts medicin 615 useful arts 602 workshop, chem. tech. 660 on special subj. see subj. Recipe books cookery 641 Reciprocity free trade 337 Recognition hereafter doct. theol. 237 Reconstruction U. S. history 973-8 Recreation buildings arch. 725 hygiene 613.7 Recreations school hygiene 371 Recreativ arts 79° Recruiting military science 355 Red Cross societies 361 river settlement, Canada, hist. 971 travel 917. i Redemption theology 234 Redempcorists monastic orders 271 Reed wind instruments 788 Reference books library admin. 025 use of aids 028 department lib. econ. 025 exact literary methods 029 use of libraries 024 Reflecting circle, astron. instruments 522 optics astron. instr. instruments telescopes Reflection heat light mental faculties Reflections perspectiv Reflex action zoology 535 522 536 535 153 5'5 591 Topics in black-faced typ« Reform bill, 1832 English suffrage J24 civil service 351 schools J64 education 371 sociology 301 spelling English language 421 Reformation, age of European hist. 940 religious history 270 Reformatories architecture 725 hygiene 613 temperance 178 Reformatory associations 364 Reformd church, Dutch 284 in Amer. 285 Reformers* lives 923 Refracting telescopes 522 Refraction heat 536 optics 535 practical astronomy 522 Refrigerators domestic economy 643 Refuge, houses of 364 Regeneration, theology 234 Regicides' lives 923 Regimen hygiene 613 Regiments, history of 353 U. S. civil war 973.7 Registers, family 929 of births, etc., public 312 deeds law 347 U. S. army officers 353 Registration public health 614 statistics 311 Regulation of med. prac, pub. health 614 Regulations, army 355 navy 359 readers library econ. 024 Regulators see special subject Reincarnation 129 Relations, domestic, political science 323 foreign " " 327 of capital and labor 331 church and state, ethics 172 Relationship 929 Relativ location library economy 025 Relics miracles 231 Relief decoration, architecture 729 Religion 200 and education 377 science apologetics 239 nat. theol. 215 bibliografy of 016.2 biografy of 922 Christian aoo comparativ 290 natural aio are sabdlTided In tables. I70 Abridged Decimal Classification Religion, practical Religions, non- Christian Religious anecdotes architecture art associations, Bible, etc. Y. M.C.A.,etc.267 biografy ceremonies sacraments controversy on special subjects see subject education of clergy festivals fiction history institutions liberty orders, monastic painting art ecclesiology poetry societies of special sects on special subjects see subject symbolism Remains, paleontology Remedies, legal pathology therapeutics Renaissance architecture European history fine arts religious history Rent of state property finance political economy Rents, pew clerical support Repentance doctiin . Reporting journalism shorthand Reports, law, American British library administration see subject Repousse work fine arts Representation Reprssentativ gov't polit. sci. Reprisal international law Reproduction, botany physiology zoology Reproductiv power, mental faculties Reptils paleontology zoology Republic political science 240 Republican institutions 321 290 party, U. S. 329 244 Repudiation finance 336 726 Reredos sacred furniture 247 246 Rescue protection of life 614.8 206 Reservoirs 628 267 Residences architecture 728 922 official, arch. 725 265 Residual calculus 517 270 Resins chemical technology 668 fossil, economic geol. 553 377 Resistance of materials, engineering 620 207 molec. phys 539 264 water hydraulics 532 244 Resonators acoustics 534 270 Resorts, health hygiene 613 260 Respiration animals 591 261 physiology 612 271 Respiratory system, anatomy 611 755 Responsibility, human doct. theol. 233 247 ethics 171 245 Rest and sleep, hygiene 6137 206 Restaurants 642 280 architecture 725 Restoration of the Jews 296 246 Restriction of contagious diseases 614 560 Resumption U. S. finance 336 347 Resurrection Christology 232 616 doctrinal theology 236 615 Resuscitation of the drownd, protect 724 of life 614.8 940 Retreats, religious 269 709 Retribution doctrinal theology 237 270 Revelation, Book of Bible 228 336 divine 231 333 Revenue state finance 336 254 Reviews, see subject reviewd 234 Revised statutes American law 345 070 version Eng. Bible 220.5 653 New Test. 225 345 Old " 221 346 Revival, Gothic architecture 724 025 Grecian " 724 of letters, literary history 809 739 Romanesque arch. 724 324 Revivals music 783 321 of religion 269 341 Revolution, American history 973-3 581 English, 1688 " 942.06 612 of the earth astronomy 525 591 Revolutions political science 323 154 Rewards and punishments theology 233 568 school 371 598.1 Rhaeto-Romansch language 459 321 Rhetoric 808 Topics In black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index 171 Rhetoric, sacred homiledcs Rheumatism diseases Rhine travel Rhinoceros zoology Rhizopoda zoology Rhode Island, \J. S. history travel Rhodes ancient history knights of modem history Rhymes English prosody Rhyming dictionaries Eng. lang. Rhynchota insects Richard i English history 2 « M 3 « «« Riddles amusements popular life Riding Rifle manufacture military science shooting amusements Rifled ordnance, military engineering Right of search standard of ethics Righteousness, personal religion Rights and liberties, const, law land political economy political science Rinderpest veterinary medicin Rings, finger costume sacred ornaments Rio Janeiro history travel Riots law in any locality see name of place Ripple-marks geology Rites and ceremonies customs Ritual public worship Ritualism River engineering transportation sociology Rivers physical geografy water supply Rivets machine tools Roadbed railroad engineering Roads and pavements engineering elevated " sociology engineering military military eng. Robbery criminal law Robin Hood English ballads legends Rock analysis chemistry 251 Rock salt economic geology 553 616 Rocks lithology 552 9143 Rocky mountains, U. S. travel 917.8 599 Rodentia zoology 599 593 Roland legends 398 974-5 Rolls of honor military 355 91745 schools 371 939 Romaic language 489 929.7 literature 889 949-9 Roman antiquities 913-37 426 architecture 722 426 art 709 595 catholic church 282 942.03 catholics' lives, collected 942.03 biografy 922 942.04 history, ancient 937 793 inquisition, persecutions 272 398 law 349 798 literature 870 683 mythology 292 355 orders monastic orders 271 799 sculpture 733 623 Romance, English 823 341 languages 479 171 religious 244 248 Romanesque architecture 723 342 revival, architecture 724 333 Romanism 282 323 Romans epistle Bibie 227 619 Rome, ancient history 937 391 church of 282 247 missions 266 981 theology, doctrins 230 918.1 modem 94S 343 travel 914.5 Romish church • 282 551 Rommany gipsies 397 394 Rood screen architecture 729 264 sacred furniture 247 264 Roof construction architecture 721 627 coverings building 695 387 Roofs architectural design 729 551 engineering 624 628 Rope making 677 621 Rose botany 583 625 culture 716 62s Roses, wars of, English history 942.04 625 Rosetta stone, Egyptian inscriptions 493 388. Greek 481 625 Rosicrucians secret societies 366 623 Rotary blowers, engineering 621 343 pumps ** 621 821 Rotation of earth 5*5 398 heavenly bodies 521 543 sun 533 Topics In black-faced type are aolNllTlded In tables. 172 Abridged Decimal Classification Rotation physics 531 Russian essays, collected 047 Rote teaching education 371 journalism 077 Rotifera zoology 595 language 491 Roulettes curves, anal. geom. 516 newspapers 077 Roumania, Turkey history 949-8 periodicals, general 057 travel 914.98 societies, general 067 Roumanian language 459 Rust, anti-, processes, build, materials 691 Round dances, aniusenients 793 Ruth Bible 222 ethics 175 Ruthenian language 491 table Arthurian romances 398 Ryswick, peace of treaties 341 Roundheads English history 942.06 Sabbatarians Christian sect 289 Rowing sport 797 Sabbath 263 Royal houses heraldry 929.7 schools 268 lives collected biografy 923 Sabeism philosofy 181 Rubber manufactures 678 Sabellian heresies 273 Rubies economic geology 553 Sacramentals public worship 264 Rubrics Anglican ritual 264 Sacraments 265 Ruins antiquities 913 ritual 264 Rulers' lives collected biografy 923 Sacred art 246 palaces architecture 725 biografy 922 Rules for readers library econ. 024 drama miracle plays 792 staff " 023 religion 244 of order, parliamentary 328 furniture 247 school 371 history 370 Rum chemical technology 663 music 783 Rumania history 949.8 poetry 245 travel 914.98 rhetoric 251 Rumansh language 459 Sacrifice birth customs 392 literature 859-9 Christology 232 Ruminants zoology 599 Sacrifices Bible 220.9 Runes 439 sacraments 265 Anglo-Saxon 429 Sacrilege 265 German 437 Saddlery trade 68s Gothic 439 Safes manufactures 672 Runic inscriptions 439 Safety lamps mining engineering 622 Running hygiene • 613.7 Sagas, Norse 839 sports 796 Sahara desert physical geografy 551 Rural architecture 728 travel 916.6 cemeteries 719 Sail-making trade 689 economy agriculture 630 Sailing directions 656 life 630 navigation 527 sports 796 Sailors' lives 926 water supply 628 Saint Albans, raid U. S. history 973-7 Russia botany 581.9 Vermont hist. 974-3 geology 554-7 Bartholomew's day, persecutior 1 272 history 947 Bernard, hospice of, prot. of life 614.8 in Asia history 957 Helena history 997 religious history 274.7 John of Jerusalem, knights of 929.7 statistics 314 ^Louis, Mo. history 977.8 travel 914.7 travel 917.78 Russian America, Alaska history 979.8 Petersburg, Russia history 947 architecture 723 travel 914-7 baths hygiene 613 Simonism socialism 335 church sects 281 Saints doctrin 23s cyclopedias 037 lives of 922 Topics in black-faced t} 'pe are subdivided in tables* Index 173 Salamanders batrachia Sale catalogs author dictionary of books subject Salic laws German law Salin waters economic geology Salmon fishing, amusement business Saloons temperance Salt, lithology manufacture rock economic geology Salts, chemical technology theoretic chemistry Salvage maritime law Salvation doctrinal theology army Samaritan language Samuel Old Testament » San Francisco history travel San Salvador history Sanctification doctrinal theology Sanctuary legal antiquities Sanctus sacred music Sand storms costumes economic geology 597 018 019 017-019 017 Sandals Sands Sandstone lithology old red Sandwich Islands history Sangreal legends Sanguification, physiology Sanhedrim Judaism Sanitariums health resorts 349 553 799 639 178 552 664 553 661 541 347 234 267 492 222 979-4 917-94 972.8 234 340 783 551 391 553 553 552 551 996 398 612 296 613 Sanitary affairs appliances public health 614 hygiene public health commissions local gov't U.S. engineering laws 613 614 352 361 628 public health 614 " " 614 administration 351 public health 614 measures police reports science engineering 628 Sanitation, engineering 628 public 614 veterinary, pub. health 614 Sanskrit language 491 literature 891 Santo Domingo history 972-9 Saracen empire history 953 Saracenic architecture Sarcofagi burial customs Sardinia island, modern Sassanian architecture Satan doctrinal theology Satellites theoretic astronomy Satire American literature English French German Greek Italian Latin Spanish Satirical music, dramatic Satirists' lives, English Saturn astronomy Saurians Sauropterygia, reptils Savings banks, political econ. Savoy, declaration doct. theology Saw mills Saws tools Saxon, Anglo-, language literature old language literature Romanesque architecture Saybrook platform creeds Scalds surgery Scales, measuring instrumenl music practical chemistry watch and instrument making weights and measures Scalping war customs Scandal ethics Scandinavia history Scandinavian cyclopedias essays, collected journalism language literature newspapers periodicals, gen. philosofy protestants societies, gen. Scarlet fever diseases public health Scavenging of towns Scene painting painting theater Scepticism ancient philosofy heresies 723 393 945 722 235 521 817 827 847 837 887 857 877 867 782 928 523 598.1 598.1 332 238 674 621 429 829 439 839 723 238 617 530 781 542 681 389 399 177 948 038 048 078 439 839 078 058 198 284 068 616 614 628 750 792 186 273 Topics in black-faced type are sabdivided In tables. 174 Abridged Decimal Classiftcation Scepticism natural theology 211 Scorpions zoology 595 philosofic systems 149 Scotch churches, presbyterian 28s Sceptics' lives, biografy 922 covenant creeds 238 Schism eccles. history 270 English dialects 427 polity 262 language 491 Schists lithology 552 philosofers' lives 921 Schizomycetes botany 589 . philosofy 192 Scholar's life, self-culture 374 presbyterian s' lives 922 Scholastic philosofers' lives 921 Scotland antiquities 9I3-4 philosofy 189 botany 581.9 School architecture 727 geology 554- 1 funds state education 379. history 941 furniture 371 religious history 274.1 hygiene education 371 travel 914.1 medicin 613 zoology 591-9 ■ libraries education 371 Scottish episcopal church 283 library economy 027 poetry 821 texts English language 428 Scrap book methods 029 Schools and libraries, library £con. C2I books general collections 040 architecture 727 for special, see subjec education 370 Screening mining engineering 622 library library econ. 020 Screens arch, construction 721 music mus. education 780 fixt furniture 729 of painting 759 Screw cutting 621 parochial education 377 physics 531 parish work 257 propellers engineering 621 public 379 Script writing 652 reform 364 Scriptural biografy Bible 220.9 architecture 72s Scripture chronologies 220.9 Sunday 268 commentaries 220.7 see also special subjects concordances 220.2 Science and religion apologetics 239 dictionaries 220.3 natural theol. 215 harmonies of gospels 226 applied 600 histories 2209 biografy of 925 readings public worship 264 elementary education 372 Scriptures, holy Bible 220 mental 150 Scrofula diseases 616 military 355 Scroll-sawing 749 moral 170 Sculptors' lives 927 natural 500 Sculpture 730 naval 359 prehistoric 571 of religion 201 sacred ornamentation 247 political 320 Scurvy diseases 616 sanitary 628 Scutage feudalism 321 social sociologfy 300 Scythian language 494 study and teaching 507 literature 894 Sciences, classification of 501 Sea anemones zoology 593 natural 500 cucumbers " 593 occult 133 fishery trade 639 Scientific buildings architecture 727 laws 347 men lives of 925 mosses algae 589 surveys, general 508.3 serpent delusions 133 travel 508.3 shore resorts, hygiene 613 Scientists, apologetics against 239 urchins zoology 593 Scope and usefulness of libraries 02I weeds botany 589 Topics in blaclt-faced typ< B are subdivided in tables. Index 175 Seal engraving fishing Seals heraldry zoology Seamanship Seamen's lives Search, right of international law Seasickness Seaside cottages architecture resorts hygiene Seasons astronomy hygiene Seating capacity architecture Seats, country " Secession church of Scotland law U. S. history Second advent of Christ adventists sects sight Secondary schools, private public Secret ballot suffrage service Amer. civil war societies college writing cryptografy Secretion animals physiology Sects, Christian Secular education Sedentary life, hygiene Sedimentary rocks lithology Sedition law See eccles. polity Seismology Selection evolution Self culture defense, art of athletics education government polit. science school discip. Sematology philology Seminaries architecture education theological religion for special topics see subject Seminary method of instruction Semitic languages literatures. Sensation, beginnings of biology in animals zoology plants botany mental faculties Sensationalism 736 Sense , mental faculties 152 639 Sensibility " " 157 929.8 Sensitir plant botany 583 599 physiol. botany 581 656 Sepoy war, Indian history 954 926 Septuagint Bible 221 341 Sepulcher cemeteries 718 616 Sepulture customs 393 728 public health 614 613 Serfs, Russian history 947 525 slavery 326 613 Sergeants'-at-law lives 923 729 Serials, see subject 728 Sericulture 638 28s Sermons 252 342 public worship 264 973-7 Serpent-charming 591 232 worship 291 289 Serpentine economic geology 553 133 lithology 552 373 Serpents zoology 598.1 379 Servants domestic economy 647 324 ethics 173 973-7 law 347 366 Servia history 949-7 371 travel 914.97 651 Servian language 491 S9I Service books church ritual 264 612 library 023 280 Servitude slavery 326 377 Session laws, American 345 613 English 346 552 Seven champions 398 343 sages 398 262 sleepers 398 551 wonders of the world 609 575 Seventh day adventists sects 289 374 baptists " 286 796 Sabbath 263 374 Sewerage city administration 352 321 disposal of 628 371 engineering 628 419 Sewing ' domestic economy 646 727 machine 687 373 shoes 68s 207 tailoring 687 Sex customs 392 371 in education 376 492 nature 577 892 influence of therapeutics 615 576 mortality public health 614 591 origin of evolution 575 581 production of embryology 591 152 Sexes mental characteristics 136 HS Sextant astron. instrument 522 Topics in black-faced type are sabdivided in tables. 176 Abridged Decimal Classification Sexual ethics 176 Shooting, sport 799 science 612 Shop girls labor of women 331 selection evolution 575 Shorthand 653 variation animals 591 Shortsightedness eye diseases 617 Sferical astronomy 522 Shows entertainments 791 geometry 513 public customs 394 projections, descr. geom. 515 Shrimps zoology 595 trigonometry 514 Shrubbery landscape gardening 715 Sfinx Egyptian mythology 299 Shrubs botany 582 Sfygmograf diagnosis 616 Siam history 959 physiology 612 travel 915-9 Shades and shadows, descrip. geom. 515 Lower history 959 Shaft sinking, mining 622 Siamese architecture 722 Shafting mill work 621 language 494 Shakers sects 289 twins deformities 617 Shale lithology 552 natural hist, of man 573 Sharks 597 Siberia geology 555-7 Shay's rebellion Mass. history 9744 history 957 Sheep, diseases of, compar. medicin 619 religious history 275-7 domestic animals 636 travel 915-7 Shelf dep't library economy 025 Sibyllin books magic 133 Shell banks prehist. archeology 571 Sicilian Norman architecture 723 fish business 639 Sicily ancient history 937 zoology 594 modern " 945 Shells fossil 564 Sick, food for hygiene 613 prehist. archeology 571 hospitals for 362 projectils 623 architecture 725 zoology 594 ministry of sacraments 265 Shelter of laboring classes, pol. econ 33^ parish care of 258 Shelving library building 022 room domestic economy 649 Shemitic languages 492 Sidereal month astronomy 523 Sheol eschatology 236 time chronology 529 Sherifs law 347 Sieges military engineering 623 local government 352 Sight anatomy 611 Shetland islands history 941 asylums for the blind 362 travel 914.1 diseases of 6.7 Ship building 699 mental faculties 152 canals engineering 626 optics 535 sociology 386 physiology 612 life hygiene 613 Sign boards advertising 659 propulsion mechanical eng. 621. 1 language 419 railways engineering 625 painting 698 Shipping and freighting, useful arts 656 Signal service meteorology 551 history of sociology 387 Signals in navigation acoustics 534 laws 347 military military engin. 623 Ships, iron 699 telegrafic 654 clad military eng. 623 Signatures printing 655 transportation 656 Sikh religion 299 Shipwrecks adventures 910 Silesia, Austria history 943-7 Shipwreckt, rescue of, prot. of life 614.8 Prussia " 943-1 Shoals, Isles of history 974.2 Silhouets 741 travel 917.42 Silk culture 638 Shock result of injury 617 dyeing chemical technology 667 Shoemaking manufacturing 685 manufacture 677 Shoes costume 391 worm agriculture 638 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index 177 Silos agriculture 633 Silurian age geology 551 Silver inorganic chemistry 546 metallurgy 669 mining 622 money 332 ores economic geol. 553 plating manufacture 671 Silversmiths' work fine arts 739 Silverware domestic economy 642 fine arts 739 manufactures 67 1 Simony canon law 348 eccles. polity 262 Sin doctrin 233 Sinai ancient history 939 modem " 953 Sinaitic inscriptions 492 Singers' lives 927 Singing public worship 264 vocal music 784 Single standard coinage 332 Sinking fund finance 336 Sintooism 299 Sirocco meteorology 551 Sisterhoods parochial work 255 religious orders 271 Size notation for books 025 Sizes of books, shelf dep't lib. econ. 025 standard literary methods 029 Skating 796 Skeleton, human 61 1 leaves fancy work 746 of animals anat. 591 Skeletons, preparations of 579 Skepticism natural theology 211 Sketching drawing 741 Skild labor, political economy 331 Skill, games of, amusements 794 ethics 175 Skirmishing military science 355 Skull anatomy 611 craniology 573 Slander ethics 177 Slang English language 427 French " 447 German " 437 Greek « 487 Italian " 457 Latin ** 477 Spanish •* 467 Slater frmd education 373 Slates building stones 553 lithology 552 Slating building 695 Topics in black-faced type Slaughter houses air pollution 614 industrial sanit. 628 Slavery 326 abolition of, U. S. history 973-7 Slaves' biografy 326 Slavic cyclopedias 037 essavs, collected 047 languages 491 periodicals, gen. 057 philosofy 197 Slavonic church language 491 Sleep 135 and rest hygiene 613.7 of plants botany 581 walking 135 Sliding friction mechanics 531 Slight of hand 791 Sligo, Ireland history 94^-7 Slojd education 371 Sloth ethics 179 Slovakian language 491 Slovenian " 491 Sluices engineering 621 Smallpox diseases' 616 inoculation, pub. health 614 public health 614 Smell, nerves oi anatomy 61 1 physiology 612 senses 1 52 Smelting metallurgy 669 Smith college, collies for women 376 Smithsonian institution 506 Smoke air pollution 614 fines heating 697 ■ nuisance, sanitation 628 Smoking ethics 178 hygiene 613 Smuggling criminal law 343 Smut agriculture 632 fungi 589 Snakes 598-1 Snow meteorology 551 Soap-making air pollution 614 chemical technology 668 Sociability animals 591 Social clubs 367 customs and manners 394 democracy socialism 335 distinctions ethics 177 rank 9^9-7 drink temperance 178 ethics 177 evil 176 science 300 worship 264 snbdirided in tables. Z78 Abridged Decimal Classification Socialism Societies debating for home study parish work general special see subject Society, ethics for ethical culture houses student life islands history of Christian endeavor Jesus monastic orders the Cincinnati Socinians heresies unitarian church Sociology bibliografy of biografy of Socratic philosofy Soda chemical technology Sodalities parish work Soil public health Soils agricfllture chemical analysis Solar engines engineering spectrum astronomy system descriptiv astron. time chronology Soldiers' cemeteries, national homes institutions lives biografy military science orfan schools Sol-fa method music Solids geometry properties of physics Solitary confinement punishments Solitude Solomon islands history song of Bible Solubility theoretic chemistry Solution, chemical Solutions quantitativ analysis Somnambulism Somnambulists' lives Song festivals music of Solomon Bible the three children, Bible Songbooks folk-lore Songs and ballads, English literature music Sonnets English literature Sophist philosofy Sorcery 335 Sorghum agriculture 633 360 manufactures 664 374 Soteriology doctrinal theology 234 374 hygiene 613 256 Soudan, Africa, history 966 060 Egypt, " 962 Soul in animals 591 177 metaphysics 128 170 origin of metaphysics 129 V^ Sound physics 534 996 South Africa geology 556.8 267 history 968 271 religious history 276.8 369 travel 916.8 273 America antiquities 913.8 288 description 918 300 geology 558 016.3 history gSo 923 religious history 278 183 scientific travel and 661 surveys 508.8 256 statistics 318 614 American Indian literature 898 631 languages 498 543 travel gi8 621 Atlantic states, U. S. geology 557-5 523 history 975 523 religious history 277.5 529 travel 9175 719 Carolina, U. S. history 975-7 362 travel 917-57 923 Central Africa geology 556-7 355 history 967 362 religious history 276.7 784 travel 916.7 513 states, U. S. geology 557-6 539 history 976 343 relig. hist. 277.6 177 travel 917.6 993 Dakota, U. S. history 978.3 223 travel 917-83 541 Sea islands history 996 542 travel 919.6 545 scheme stocks 332 135 west, U. S. history 978 920 travel 917.8 784 Southern states U. S. history 975 223 Sovereigns' lives 923 229 Sovereignty pol. science 320 398 Space astronomy 523 821 metaphysics 114 784 sense physiology 612 821 Spain antiquities 913-4 183 Arabs in history 946 133 botany 581.9 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index 179 Spaia geology 554^ Sphagna botany 588 history 946 Spices adulterations 614-3 religious history 274.6 chemical technology 664 travel 914.6 Spiders zoology 59S Spanish America history 972 Spindles stone age 571 travel 917.2 Spine, curvature of diseases 616 art 709 Spiiming manufactures 677 cyclopedias 036 Spires and domes, arch, construction 721 essays, collected 046 architectural design 729 journalism 076 Spirit doctrinal theology 233 inquisition, persecutions 272 leveling, geodesy 526 language 460 Spiritism 133 literature 860 Spiritual body doctrinal theology 233 newspapers 076 heredity " 233 periodicals, general 056 mental characteris. 136 philosofy 196 metaphysics 129 societies, general 066 Spiritualism metaphysics III Spar economic geology 553 modem »33 Spark, induction electricity 537 sects 289 Sparring amusements 796 Spirituous liquors chem. tech. 663 Sparta ancient history 938 temp>erance 178 Spas hygiene .613 Spitzenberg history 998 Speakers oratory 808 travel 9198 Speaking tubes communication 654 Spoils system, civil service 35' Specie payment banking 332 Sponges zoology 593 Species, origin of S7S Spontaneity metaphysics »27 Specific customs taxation 336 Spontaneous combustion diemistry 541 gravity chemistry 542 generation 576 of liquids physics 532 Sports, outdoor 796 physics 531 parlor 793 Specifications for building 692 Springs, hot physical geology 551 Specifics therapeutics 615 mineral economic geol. 553 Specimens, arrange, in museums 579 waterworks 62S Spectacles disorders of vision 617 Sprinkling of streets sanit. of town 628 optics 535 Squares, least geodesy 526 Specters 133 probabilities 5'9 Spectroscope, optics 535 magic, arithmetic 5" Spectroscopy, astronomy 522 tables of S»o Spectrum analysis astronomy 523 Squaring the circle geometry 513 chemistry 544 Squids zoology 594 optics 535 Squinting eye diseases 617 Speculation banks 332 Stables agriculture 636 ethics 174 air pollution 614 Speech, impediments of 612 architecture 728 organs of acoustics 534 Stacks library economy 022 human anatomy 611 Staff library economy 023 philology 400 military science 355 phonology 414 music 781 physiology 612 Stage ethics »7S visible comparativ philol. 414 theater 792 Speeches English oratory 825 Staind glass 748 Spelling books, English language 428 Staining chemical tech. 667 phonetic, " " 421 Stairbuilding building 694 reform " " 421 Stalactites and stalagmites 551 Sph- see Sf- Stammering 616 Topiiea in black-faced type are Bobdlvlded in table*. x8o Abridged Decimal Classffication Stamp act U. S. history 973-3 Statuary 730 laws finance 336 Statute law American 345 Stamps, postage post-office 383 British 346 Standard sizes literary methods 029 Steam boilers 621. 1 time 529 nspection, prot, of life 614.8 Standing army 355 engine mech. eng. 621. 1 Star catalogs 523 physics 536 chamber Eng. history ^ 942.05 fitting 696 clusters 523 heating ■• building 697 drift 523 engineering 621. 1 fish 593 navigation sociology 387 Starch adulterations 614.3 useful arts 656 manufacture 664 physics 536 Stars descriptiv astron. 523 pipes 696 Starvation dietetic diseases 616 pumps 621 hygiene 613 ships building 699 State and church church 261 transportation useful arts 656 political science 322 Stearin organic chemistry 547 state ethics 172 Steel building material 691 banks 332 engraving 762 Capitols architecture 725 manufactures 672 control of cities adminis. 352 metallurgy 669 debts finance 33^ structures arch. 721 department, U. S. government 353 works " 725 education 379 Steeples architecture 729 ethics 172 Steering seamanship 656 governments 353 Stellar astronomy 523 laboratories adulterations 614.3 Stencils practical printing 655 law reports U. S. 345 Stenografy 653 libraries 027 Stephen English history 942.02 medicin 614 Stereometer specific gravity 531 ministries of architecture 725 Stereometry gaging 5" monopolies 336 Stereopticon optics S3S ownership of land 333 Stereoscopes « 535 political science 320 Stereotomy descr. geometry 515 properties finance 336 Stereotyping printing 655 rights U. S. const, law 342 Stethometry physiology 612 socialism 335 Stethoscope diagnosis 616 supervision of schools educ. 379 Sties, hog air pollution 614 trials criminal law 343 Stigmata devotional 248 universities colleges 378 Still-life painting 754 state education 379 Stills chemical technology 668 Statecraft 320 Stimulants action of, hygiene 613 States-general, French legislature 328 and narcotics med. 615 Statesmanship political science 320 ethics of using 178 Statesmen's lives 923 manufacture 663 Static electricity 537 Stipple engraving 765 Statics 531 Stock exchanges banks 332 Stationary engines 621. 1 jobbing 332 Stationery paper manufacture 676 live agriculture 636 Statistical methods 3" Stockholm history 948.7 Statistics 310 travel 914.87 labor 33^ Stockings costume 391 library administration 025 clothing 646 see special subjects Stocks political economy 332 Topics iu black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index i8i Stoic philosofy l88 Stuttering 616 Stone age 571 Style fashion 390 and iron structures architec 721 literary rhetoric 808 artificial, chemical technology 666 Subject bibliografies 016 building materials 691 catalogs bibliografy C17 carving sculpture 736 library admin. 025 construction masonry 693 Subjectivity knowledge 121 cutting masonry 693 Sublime and beautiful esthetics 701 sculpture 731 Submarine armor 627 stereotomy 5»5 cables tel^rafy 654 remains 571 mines military eng. 623 ware manufactures 666 telegraf sociology 384 Stonehenge English antiquities 9134 useful arts 654 Stones econ. geology 553 tunnels mining eng. 622 Storage of electricity, engineering 621 warfare naval " 623 science 537 Submerged vessels ship-building 699 rooms library economy 022 Subscription libraries 027 Stores, cooperativ political econ. 334 to creeds, eccles. polity 262 Stories English fiction 823 39 articles, Ang. ch. 283 Storms, electric 538 Subsidies protection 337 meteorology 551 Substance metaphysics III Stoves domestic economy 644 Subterranean telegraf 654 heating building 697 Subways hygiene of ground 614 manufactures 672 road engineering 62s Strains bridge engineering 624 sanitation 628 Strategy 355 Success in life ethics 174 Stratification, geology 55» Succession, apostolic eccles. pol . 262 Stratified ore deposits, econom. geol. 553 monarchic, pol. science 321 Stratigrafic geology 55* to Eng. crown, const, law 342 Strawberries agriculture 634 property law 347 Street cleaning 628 Suction pump, physics 533 railways engineering 625 Suez canal engineering 626 Streets " 625 sociology 386 laying out of, hyg. of ground 614 Suffixes English etymology 422 local administration 352 Suffocation protection of life 614.8 trees in sanitary engineer'g 628 Suffrage 324 Strength of materials engineering 620 Sugar adulterations 614.3 molec. phys. 539 cane agriculture 633 Stresses bridge engineering 624 manufacture 664 Strikes political economy 33^ organic chemistry 547 Stringd instruments 787 refinery 664 Strof e English prosody 426 refining air pollution 614 Structural botany 581 Suicide customs 394 geology 551 ethics 179 Structure, molecular physics 539 Suits in equity law 347 of the universe astron. 523 Sulfates chemical technology 661 Strychnin materia medica 615 Sulfur chemistry 546 Stuarts English history 942.06 compounds air pollu 614 Stucco, external masonry 693 waters econ. geoL 553 Student life and customs 371 Solfaric add, chemical technology 661 Students' lives 923 Summer-houses arbors 717 Study furniture 651 resorts amusements 791 rooms library economy 022 schools self-education 374 selfe are subdivided in tables. Index 187 Troubadours Trout culture, fishing rrouvferes French literature Troy ancient history Truces international law Truck system labor and wages Trumpet wind instruments Trunkmaking Trusses engineering surgery Trust companies banks Trusts and trustees law . Truth ethics Tubes, pneumatic communication speaking " Tubular bridges Tudor architecture Tudors English history Tungusic language Tunicata Tunis history travel Tunneling mining engineering Tunnels aqueducts Turanian languages ^ literatures Turkestan geology history religious history travel Turkey in Asia geology history. religious history travel Europe botany history travel Turkish architecture baths customs hygiene harems customs language literature Turning lathes Turnpikes Turtles Twilight Tyfoid fever road engineering zoology pathology public health Tyfus fever pathology public health Tyler, J: presidency of Type and type setting printing founding writers communication 849 Typograf ers' lives 926 639 Typografy 65s 841 Typology 220.6 939 Tyrian architecture 722 341 Tyrol history 943.6 33^ travel 914-36 788 Tyrone , Ireland history 941.6 68s Tyrotoxicon animal poisons 615 624 Ulcers surgery 617 617 Ulster, Ireland history 941.6 332 travel 914.16 347 Ultramontanism catholic church 282 177 eccles. polity 262 654 Unconsciousness metaphysics 127 654 Unction, extreme theology 265 624 Underground roads engineering 625 724 mining eng. 622 942.05 Understanding mental faculty 153 494 Undulation dynamics 531 594 sound 534 961 Undulatory theory of light 535 916.1 Uniformity, act of, Eng. religious hist . 274.2 622 Uniforms, military 355 628 Unionidae zoology 594 494 Unions , trade polit. economy 33^ 894 Unique books, rarities 094 555-8 Unitarian church 288 958 Unitarians' lives 922 275.8 United Americans political soc. 363 915.8 brethren sects 284 555-6 Kingdom history 942 956 Netherlands " 949-2 275.6 presbyterian church sects 285 915.6 Provinces history 949.2 581.9 service, military and naval 355 949.6 States administration 353 914.96 antiquities 913-7 723 bank 332 391 botany 581.9 613 boundaries 973 392 Christian com. relig. 267 494 U. S. hist ■ 973-7 894 coast survey 526 621 constitutional law 342 625 finance 336 598.1 geology 557-3 525 government admin. 353 616 history 973 614 laws 345 616 literature 810 614 religious history 277-3 973-S sanitary com., charity 361 655 U. S. hist 973-7 655 statistics 317 652 statutes 34S Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. x88 Abridged Decimal Classification United States travel 9173 Vagabonds pauperism 339 zoology 591.9 Valleys physical geografy 55^ United States of Colombia geology 558.6 Value, standards of, political economy 332 history 986 Values, average probabilities 519 relig. hist . 278.6 Valves hydraulics 532 travel 918.6 mechanical eng. 621 Unity metaphysics III Vampire zoology 599 of God doctrin 231 Van Buren, M., presidency of 973-5 human race S72 Vancouver's island history 971 knowledge 121 Vapor engines mech. eng. 621 language 401 Vaporization heat 536 nature SOI Vapors meteorology 551 Univalves mollusks 594 properties of 533 Universal gravitation, law of mechan. 531 Variation evolution 575 history 909 in animals, phys. zool. 591 . language 408 of compass 522 suffrage 324 Variations, calculus of 517 Universalism 289 Variolation contagious diseases 614 Universalists' lives 922 Varioloid diseases 616 Universals metaphysics "3 Varnishes chemical technology 667 Universe astronomy 523 Varnishing painting 698 Universities 378 Varnishmaking air pollution 614 architecture 727 Vases pottery 738 University education 378 Vassalage 321 extension 378 Vassar colliege, colleges for women 376 of the State of New York 379 Vatican council, 1870 infallibility 262 people's, library as the 021 Vaticination prediction ^33 Universology cosmology "3 Vaudois Christian sects 284 Utiregenerate doctrinal theology 233 persecution 272 Upholstering furniture 684 Vaults air pollution 614 Ural-Altaic language 494 arch, construction 721 literature 894 design 729 Uranografy astronomy 523 Vedas Sanskrit literature 891 Uranus planets 523 Vegetable anatomy 581 Urchins, sea radiates 593 chemistry 547 Uruguay geology 558.9 diet hygiene 613 history 989 fats chem. tech. 665 religious history 278.9 food hygiene 613 travel 918.9 irritants poisons 615 Usages, social, etiquet ' 395 oils chem. tech. 665 Use of words Eng. philology 428 parasites, diseases 616 Useful arts 600 physiology 581 bibliografy of 016.6 substances, analysis of 543 biografy of 926 trades air pollution 614 Usefulness of animals, econ. zool. 591 world botany 580 plants " bot. 581 Vegetables, agriculture 635 Usury banking 332 inspection of, pub. health 614.3 law 347 preservation of, chem. tech. 664 Utah, U. S. history 979.2 Vegetarianism hygiene 613 travel 917.92 Vegetation botany 580 Utilitarianism ethics 171 Vehmgericht criminal law 343 Utility of philosofy lOI Veins, geology 551 special subjects, sde subject mineral economic geology 553 Utopias political science 320 Vellum, books printed on rarities 096 Vaccination cont. diseases 614 Velocipede 796 Topics in black-faced type are sabdivided in tables. Index 189 Venders law 347 Vision mental faculty 152 Veneering architectural decor. 729 optics 535 Venesection therapeutics 61S Visions and dreams 135 Venezuela geology 5587 "Visitation and search internat. law 341 history 987 pastoral 253 religious history 278.7 Visitations English heraldry 929.7 travel 918.7 Vital force biology 577 Ventilating science 536 functions animal physiol. 591 Ventilation building 697 human " 612 library economy 022 phenomena, biology 577 mining engineering 622 statistics population 312 sanitary " 628 public health 614 Ventriloquism . 791 Vitalism biology 577 Venus planets 523 Vitality zoology 591 transits of astron. 523 Vivisection animal anatomy 591 Vermes articulates 595 ethics 179 Vermont, U. S. history 974-3 laws, public health 614 travel 91743 Vocal culture elocution 808 Verse, text-books for writing 426 music 784 Versification, English prosody 426 hygiene, etc 784 Vertebrates paleontology 566 music 784 zoology 596 organs, acoustics 534 Vespers music 783 human anatomy 611 ritual 264 physiology 612 Vestments 247 Vocalists' lives, singers 927 Vesuvius volcanos 551 Voice elocution 808 Veterinary medicin 619 physiology 612 sanitation, pub. health 614 singing 784 Viaducts bridges 624 Volapiik universal language 408 Viaticum sacrament 265 Volcanic rocks lithology 552 Vice crime 343 Volcanos physical geology 551 ethics 170 Volkslied vocal music 784 Victoria, Queen English history 942.08 Voltaic electricity physics 537 A us tralia " 994 Volumetric analysis chemistry 545 Vignettes engravings 760 geometry 513 Vikings history 948 Voluntary music 786 Village communities 321 Volunteers army 355 Villas architecture 728 Vomiting diseases 616 Villeins feudalism 321 Voodooism 133 Vine culture agriculture 634 Vortex rings molecular physics 539 Vinegar 664 Voters, qualifications 324 Vines botany S8i Voting suffrage 324 Vineyards 634 machines suffrage 324 Violins stringd instruments 787 Vowels English language 421 Virgin Mary catholic doctrin 230 Vows asceticism 248 Virginia, U. S >. history 975-5 Voyages, Arctic 919.8 travel 917-55 round the world 910 West, U. S. history 975-4 scientific 508.3 travel 91754 travels adventures 910 Virginity religious asceticism 248 Vulgarisms English language 428 Virtues 170 Vulgate Bible 220.4 Visible speech, phonology 414 Wager of battle legal antiquities 340 Visigoths German history 943 Wagers ethics 175 Vision, disorders of, asylums for blind 362 Wages, labor and, polit. economy 331 diseases of eye 617 Wagnerian music 782 Topics in black-faced type are sabdivided in tables. igo Abridged Decimal Classification Wagons manufacture 684 Washington, U. S. history Wake funeral customs 393 travel Wakefulness insomnia 613 treaty of Waldenses persecutions 272 Wasps insects sects 284 Wastes, disposal of sanitation Wales geology 554-2 Watches horology history 942.9 Watchmaking language 491 Water, artificial ponds, etc. religious history 274.2 as a beverage hygiene travel 914.29 chemical analysis Walking animal locomotion 591 closets house drainage matches amusements 796 colors pedestrianism 6137 cure therapeutics Walks landscape gardening 713 engines mechanical eng. Wall papers decoration 745 filters hygiene manufacture 676 force of engineering paper hanging 698 gas heating street banking 332 glass chem. tech. Wallachia history 949.8 hydraulics travel 914.98 microscopic analysis, hygiene Wallachian language 459 mineral, artificial literature 859 physical geografy Walls arch. construction 721 pollution design 729 power mechanical eng. Waltz music 786 products Waltzing amusements 793 supply, canal engineering ethics 175 sanitary " Wandering J ew legends 398 towers fire extinction War captures law 341 travel protection of life cause oi (1 341 wheels hydraulics civil U. S. history 973-7 mech. engineering customs of 399 works dances 399 city administration department, U. S. 353 Watering places hygiene ethics 172 Waterloo, battle of French histoiy French and Indian, U. S. history 973.2 Waters, mineral adulterations law of 341 geology Mexican U. S. history 973-6 hygiene of 1812, « «< 973-5 therapeutics Roses English " 942.04 Wave theory optics Revolutionary U. S. history 973-3 Waves, theory of hydraulics science and art of 355 Wax flowers woman n woman's position 396 Wealth and rank, social ethics Warehouses architecture 725 political econ. Warm baths hygiene 613 Weapons customs Warming building 697 military science sanitary engineering 628 prehist. arch. Warnings omens ^33 Weather meteorology Warpt surfaces descr. geometry 515 Weaving Warrants law 343 Wedding customs Warts skin diseases 616 Wedgewood ware pottery Washing laundry 648 Weeds economic botany Washington, G : presidency of 973-4 pests D. C. history 975-3 Week, names of days of travel 917-53 Weems prehistoric arch. Topics la black-faced type are subdivided iu tables. 979-7 917-97 341 595 628 529 681 714 613 543 628 751 615 621 613 627 697 666 532 613 663 SS^ 628 621 338 626 628 614.8 614.8 532 621 628 352 613 944 614.3 553 613 615 535 532 746 177 331 399 355 571 551 677 392 738 581 632 529 571 Index 191 Weighing and measuring chem. 542 Wigs customs 391 Weights and measures 3S9 Will metaphysics 159 Well water impurities hygiene 613 of God ethics 171 Wellesley college, colleges for womer 376 theol ogy 234 Wells physical geografy 551 William I, Conqueror, Eng. history 942.02 water supply 628 2 " " 942.02 Welsh history 942.9 3 " " 942.06 language 491 4 «• " 942.07 literature 891 WUls genealogy 929 travel 914.29 law 347 Were-wolves folk-lore 398 Wilmot proviso U. S. history 973-6 West Indies geology 557-2 Wind ar id current charts 551 history 972.9 instruments music 788 travel 917.29 mills air engines 621 Point academy 355 Window gardens 716 U. S. travel 917.8 Windows, arch, construction 721 Virginia, U. S. history 975-4 design 729 travel 917-54 staind glass arch, decor. 729 Western or Rom. catholic church 282 Winds meteorology 551 states, U. S. mountain Wine adulterations 614.3 geology 557-8 at table temperance 178 history 978 domestic economy 641 relig. hist - 277-8 manufacture 663 travel 917.8 temperance 178 Pacific geology 557-9 Wings animal locomotion 591 history 979 Wire manufacture 671 relig. hist - 277-9 Wisconsin, U. S. history 977-5 travel 917.9 travel • 917-75 Westminster assembly's catechism 238 Wisdom Apocrjrfa 229 confession creeds 238 divine, doct. theology 231 Whale fisheries 639 Wit American humor 817 zoology 599 English " 827 Wheat adulterations 614.3 French " 847 agriculture 633 German " 837 trade, agricul. products 338 Greek 887 Wheel and axle, physics 531 Italian " 857 cycling amusements 796 Latin " 877 Wheels, cog mechanical eng. 621 Spanish " 867 railroad engineering 62s Witchcraft 133 water hydraulics 532 Witches persecutions 272 mechanical eng. 621 Witnesses evidence 347 wooden, manufactures 674 Wives' duties family ethics 173 Whigs Eng. political parties 329 Woman customs 396 U. S. 329 education 376 Whirlpools ocean currents 551 suffrage 324 Whirlwinds meteorology 551 political parties 329 Whiskey chemical technology 663 woman's position 396 insurrection, Pa., hist. 974-8 Woman 's position and treatment 396 tax 336 rights woman's position 396 Whist games 795 Women , diseases of 618 White hair dermatology 616 duties of family ethics >73 lead manufacture 667 social " 177 Whooping cough pathology 616 labor of political econ. 331 public health 614 lives of collections 920.7 Wife's duties ethics 173 Women 's religious societies 267 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. xga Abridged Decimal Classification Women's rights 396 Yacht-building 699 work in church 259 Yachting 797 Wood building material 691 Yarns manufactures 677 carving 736 Yearbooks statistics 310 construction, general, carpent. 694 | Year books, see subject engraving 761 Yeast adulterations 614.3 implements manufactures 674 botany 589 working " 674 chemical technology 664 Woodbury types 773 domestic economy 641 Woods economic botany 581 Yellow fever diseases 616 forestry 634 public health 614 Wool, agriculture 636 Yellowstone park description 917.87 dyeing chemical technology 667 York, house of English history 942.04 manufactures 677 Yosemite, Cal. description 917.94 Woolen clothing hygiene 613 Young, counsels to ethics 173 Word methods, elemen. education 372 education of elemen. educa. 372 Words English etymology 422 men, advice to, business ethics 174 slang 427 Y. M. C. A. 267 use and abuse, Eng. 428 buildings arch. 726 vulgarisms " 428 Young men's Christian unions 267 Workhouses, asylums 362 people's religious societies 267 parish, societies for 256 reading of 028 Sunday 263 women, advice to, social ethics > ^n Working classes political econ. 331 women's Christian ass'n 267 Workshop receipts, chem. tech. 660 Yucatan, Mexico architecture 722 World, atlases of 912 history 972 voyages round 910 travel 917.2 World's fairs 606 Zambezi travel 916.7 plurality of 523 Zanzibar, Africa history 967 Worms zoology 595 Zechariah Bible 224 Worship family 249 Zend Avesta Persian lit. 891 of animals idolatry 290 religion 295 public 264 language 491 Worsteds manufactures 677 Zephaniah Bible 224 Wounded, hospitals for 362 Zinc inorganic chemistry 546 Wounds surgery 617 metallurgy 669 Wrecking and life-saving 614.8 ores economic geology 553 Wrestling 796 roofs building 695 Writing 652 Zither music 787 books 372 Zodiac astronomy 523 for the press lit. methods 029 Zodiacal light " 523 inks chemical technology 667 Zoofytes 593 machine 652 Zoological gardens 590 materials 652 Zoology 590 of history 907 Zoosporeae botany 589 shorthand 653 Zoroaster Parseeism 295 Writs law 347 Zouaves military science 355 Written examinations education 371 Zululand history 968 Wrongs torts law 347 Zunis Indians 970.3 Wyoming, U. S. history 978.7 Zurich history 949.4 travel 917.87 travel 914 massacre Penn. history 974.8 Zwinglian Protestant sects 284 Xylofone musical instr. 789 Zygosporeae algae 589 Xylografy 761 lichens 589 Topics In black-fac«d type are subdivided in tables. SUBJECT INDEX SUPPLEMENT Abattoirs architecture 725 Abbreviations English paleografy 421 Greek paleografy 481 Latin paleografy 471 Abchasian language 494 Abecedarians christian sect 284 Abiogenesis animals 591 biology 576 plants 581 Absorption physiology 612 Academic education 373 Academies, private for boys 373 girls 376 mixt 373 Accidents, railroad 656 Acclimation evolution 575 mental influences 136 Accounts, household 647 Acetylene chemic technology 665 Acetylenes organic chemistry 547 Acrobats ethics 175 Acrogens botany 586 Adamites heresy 273 Adaptation evolution 575 Adding machines 510 Administration, household 647 Adoptionists heresy 273 Adsorption pneumatics 533 Aerial navigation engineering 629 Aeronautics " 629 Aeroplanes " 629 African languages, Ethiopia 492 Agricultural colony labor'g classes 331 Air, liquid physics 533 Aladdin oven dom. econ. 643 Alarm, fire local gov't 352 Alcohol, denatured 661 Aldehydes organic chernistry 547 Alfalfa agriculture 633 Algrafy lithografy 763 Alliteration prosody 416 rhetoric 808 Altars architecture 729 Ambidexterity 612 Anglican chant 783 sects 283 Anglo-Saxon race characteristics 136 Animals zoology 590 Topics in black faced type Anniversaries, U.S. hist, civil war 973.7 revolution 973 3 Annotations for readers 028 Antarctic regions travel 919.9 Antirust processes bldg 691 Apetalae botany 583 Appendicitis diseases 616 surgery 617 Appraisal of books 028 Arabesques decoration 729 design 745 Arctic travels 919.8 Argumentation rhetoric 808 Aroostook war U. S. history 973.5 Arrest civil trials 347 criminal law 3^3 Arsenic ores 553 Arts and crafts 740 Asbestos roofing 695 Asparagus agriculture 635 Asphalt chemic technology 665 economic geology 553 pavements 625 roofing 695 Astringents therapeutics 615 Astrophysics astronomy 523 Atavism evolution 575 Atlantic telegraf elec. engin'g 621.3 Auditing accounts 657 Audubon societies 179 Augury 133 Auroras astronomy 523 Austral islands 9% Authority, school 371 Automobiles engineering 629 Automobiling amusements 798 Autonomy ethics 171 polit. science 320 Avars history 950 Avatars Brahmanism 294 Aviation engineering 629 Babism Mohammedan sect 297 Bacon's rebellion Virginia history 975.5 Badminton games 796 Bags and bagging 677 Ballast transportation 656 Balloons, dirigible engineering 629 Basket ball games 796 are subdivided in tables. 194 Abridged Decimal Classification Basketry Beads Beadwork Beans Bedbugs Bees Beetles manufactures ornamental prehistoric decoration ornaments decoration agriculture pests zoology agriculture pests U. S. hist. Bering sea question Berries fruits Bertillon system anthropology Bibliofily Biennial legislation Birds agric. aids and pests diseases of game sports poultry ■• protection Births registration Bitters therapeutics Bleeding surgery therapeutics Bloody assizes English history Blowpiping quantitativ analysis Boats, life lifesaving service public safety shipbuilding Bogies folklore Bolak universal language Boss. Amer. politics Bowling amusements Boxer uprising Chinese history Brownian motion physics Bubonic plague public health Bulbs horticulture Butchershops Cables electric engineering Cadastration taxation Calcimining Calibration Calorimetry Calotype Canals instrument making physics photografy transportation Canonization dogma Capitalization English language securities Capon poultry Care of children Carnegie institution Topics in black faced type 674 745 571 746 391 746 635 648 595 638 632 973.8 634 573 010 328 632 619 799 636 179 614 615 617 615 942.06 545 656 614.8 623 398 408 329 796 951 539 614 716 641 621.3 336 698 681 536 772 656 235 421 332 ^36 649 378 pension fund 371 Carriages, motor engineering 629 Carriers, mechanical book 022 Cars, motor engineering 629 Casein chemic technology 668 Cases, book library economy 022 Catabaptists sects 284 Caterpillars agriculture 632 economic zoology 591 silk culture 638 systematic zoology 595 Causality philosofy 122 Chairs domestic economy 645 Characteristics, mental 136 Charismata theology 231 Charms occultism 133 Charts of statistics 311 Chemistry and physics, interrela- tions 541 Chicken farming 636 Childstudy 136 Chills and fever diseases 616 pub. health 614 Chimney money taxation 336 China ware domestic economy 642 Chinook language 427 Chirognomy palmistry 133 Chiropody surgery 617 Christian science healing law 614 sect 289 medicin 615 theology 230 Chromophotografy 770 Chromoxylografy 761 Church biografy 922 Church property mon. foundations 271 polit. science 322 taxation 336 Cigar making 679 Cities beautification 710 Citizenship suffrage 324 Civil rights constitutional law 342 legal capacity 347 U. S. his.tory 973.8 Cleaning chemic technology 667 domestic economy 648 Clothes " " 646 Collecting business methods 658 Collodion process photografy 772 Colophons incunabula 093 Colors, painting trade 698 are subdivided in tables. Index 195 Combinations, industrial political economy 338 Combs customs 391 Commerce, interstate 385 Commissions, library 027 Communal marriage 392 Communication electric engin'g 621.3 Commutators electric engineering 621.3 physics 537 Complex ores metallurgy 669 Composit order of architecture 729 Compromise, Missouri U. S. hist. 973.5 of 1850 " " 973.7 Concrete chemic technology 666 Condensed milk public helth 614.3 Conduction electricity 537 heat 536 Conferences, library 020 Conies analytic geometry 516 modern geometry 513 Conscription U. S. history 973.7 Constitution of matter metaphysics 117 physics 530 Consumers leag 331 Consumption political economy 339 Continuation schools 374 Conveyers engineering 621 domestic economy 641 domestic economy 647 office equipment 652 history 951 Cornish pumps mine drainage 622 Coroners law 347 Corpuscular theory of light 535 matter 530 Correlation method of teaching 371 Correspondence autobiografy 920 commercial 658 schools, self education 374 Cookery Cooks Copiers Corea Corruption, official ethics Cost keeping accounts Country life Courses curriculum Cradle songs folklore music Creameries Cries, battle street Criminology 172 657 630 375 398 784 637 399 398 364 Topics in black faced type agriculture war customs folklore Currents, electric physics 537 Dangers to life, protection against 614.8 Day nurseries 362 Decoration design 740 domestic economy 645 Demurrage transportation 656 Deontology 170 Design metaphysics 124 arguments from 211 Dictation machines 651 Didactics education 371 Direct legislation polit. science 321 primaries suffrage 324 Disarmament arbitration 341 Dishes table ware 642 Dompelaers baptist sect 286 Drafting drawing 744 Drafts games 794 Dragonade persecutions 272 Dragons folklore 398 Drawing, mathematical 744 Drawnwork fancywork 746 Dryplate processes photografy 772 Duplicating machines 652 Dynamic engineering 621 Dynamoelectric machinery 621 3 Ear, care of hygiene 613 Eastern church 281 Education, public system 379 El dorado folklore 398 Electric vehicles engineering 629 Electricity, applied " 621.3 Electroanalysis chemistry 544 Electrobiology biology 577 Electrophysiology biology 577 Electrons chemistry 541 Electrotherapy medicin 615 Engineering, dynamic 621 Engineering, electric 621.3 illuminating 628 industrial 658 English language 420 Esperanto 408 Ether light 535 physics 530 Eudemonism ethics 171 Eugenics evolution 575 Evaluation of books 028 Evil eye 133 Exotics horticulture 716 Facsimiles class with originals are subdivided in tables. 196 Abridged Decimal Classification Factory management 658 Fashions costume 391 Favorits, royal biografy 923 Fear psychology 157 Feldspar economic geology 553 mineralogy 549 Finger prints anthropology 573 Fireplaces, artistic 749 Fireproofing building 693 First editions rarities 094 Fish, diseases of 619 trade economics 338 Fishways fish culture 639 Fleur de lis heraldry 929.6 Flowers, national 929.6 Flying machines engineering 629 Fools customs 394 Forage agriculture 633 Forging blacksmithing 682 Formaldehyde chemistry 547 public health 614 Frauds, art 709 literary 809 Freight interstate commerce 385 Fylfot ecclesiology 246 heraldry 929.6 Galvanoplasty manufactures 671 Game sport 799 Garages, private architecture 728 public " 725 Gargoyles architec. decoration 729 Gasoline engines 621 vehicles 629 Gelatin manufacture 668 Geomorfology geology 551 Ginseng agriculture 633 Gipsy moth pests 632 Gouache painting 751 Graft business ethics 174 political " 172 Halftone process photograf y 777 Hall marks plate 736 Halos religious art 246 llektograf office appliances 652 Heliogravure photografy 777 Hives apiculture 638 Hocky outdoor sports 796 Home domestic economy 643 economics 640 House domestic economy 643 care of " " 648 tax political " 336 Household administration 647 Humane societies 179 Ice sports 796 Ideal states political science 320 Illuminating engineering 628 Imperialism political science 325 Implements, primitiv 571 Industries " 571 Infants, diseases of 618 Initials bibliografy 014 decoration 745 Inlay art furniture 749 Insect powders 648 Insecticides agriculture 632 domestic economy 648 Insectifuges " " 648 Insignia heraldry 929.6 Insurance, teachers 371 International relations polit. sci. 327 Internationalism 341 Invalids, care of domestic economy 649 Ions chemistry 541 Iron work, ornamental 739 Ivory painting 751 Japanese color prints 761 Jumping athletics 613.7 Juvenil courts 364 Kalendar 529 Kinetoscope photografy 778 Kinship customs 392 Kodaks photografy 771 Koomiss, see Kumiss Koumiss, see Kumiss Krypton inorganic chemistry 546 Kumiss adulterations 614.3 dairy products 637 Laborsavers, domestic 643 Legislativ manuals 328 Legumes agriculture 635 Lenses photografy 771 Libraries for blind 027 Lighting engineering 628 systems domestic econ. 644 Liquid air physics 533 Love psychology 157 Luster ware pottery 738 Luxury economics 339 ethics 177 Lyddite chemic technology 662 Madonna, legends of 225 Mary, Virgin biografy 225 Menageries amusements 791 Mending domestic economy 646 Metalwork, artistic 739 Topics in black-faced type are subdivided in tables. Index 197 Milk dietetics 613 Parsifal legends 398 Mimeograf office fittings 652 opera 782 Mind childstudy 136 Pasteurization infant diet 613 Molding metal manufacture 671 Patent medicins therapeutics 615 Monsters, fabulous folklore 398 Pestifuges domestic economy 648 Moth, gipsy pests 632 Pests, household " " 648 Moths agriculture 632 Philadelphia exposition 1876 606 Motor vehicles 629 Photogammetry photografy 778 Mountaineering hygiene 613.7 Physical chemistry 541 sports 796 Physicochemistry 541 Mushrooms culture 635 Pianola 789 National conservation 333 Picture frames decoration 749 resources conservation 333 Pigeons domestic birds 636 Nations, origin of 901 Pigments fine arts 751 rise of Europ. history 940 Pigmies folklore 398 Natural law science 501 Plan of house domestic economy 643 Nature, law of science 501 Political history goo unity of metaphysics 110 Polyglot dictionaries 413 science 501 Pragmatism philosofy 149 Neostyle office equipment 652 Prevention of cruelty ethics 179 Nicaragua canal engineering 626 Prisms lighting 628 sociology 387 Probation of malefactors 364 Noise public health 614.8 Promiscuity customs 392 Norwegian haybox cookery 641 Psalms hymnology 245 utensils 643 Psychologic medicin diseases 616 Numbering machines office 652 Public service commissions 380 lib. econ. 025 Pump, air practical chemistry 542 Nurses domestic service 647 Pyrografy fine arts 736 Nuts agriculture 634 Raffia agriculture 633 Obsession 133 Rarities bibliografy ogo Occultism 133 Rat disease carrier 614 Od mind and body 134 domestic economy 648 Odylic force 134 Receptions " " 642 Ore sampling assaying 669 Refreshments " " 642 Ores chemic analysis 543 Regattas amusements 797 Organ musical instruments 786 college and school 371 Organization central gov't, U S 353 Registration of land Torrens Osteopathy therapeutics 615 system 333 Oxids mineralogy 549 Relations, international 327 theoretic chemistry 541 of church & state pol. sci. 322 Oxygen compounds mineralogy 549 Relief work charity 361 Paleografy inscriptions 417 parish 258 Pamirs history 958 Religious ceremonies ritual 264 Paneld construction carpentry 694 Rice agriculture 633 Panels arch, decoration 729 Rolling mills metal manufacture 671 Panics, commercial money 332 Roman empire. Holy 943 production 338 Rope walking entertainments 791 trade 381 Rugs domestic economy 645 Pantomimes drama 792 manufactures 677 Paralysis diseases 616 design 745 infantil diseases 616 Sage foundation 306 public health 614 Saints in art ecclesiology 246 surgery 617 painting 755 Topics in black-faced typ e are subdivided in tables. igS Abriged Decimal Classification Saints, Latter day doctrin 298 Streams, pollution factory waste 628 Samaritans sects 296 Street sprinkling 628 Sanitary measures dom. econ. 648 Student self-government 371 Satanism doctrinal theology 235 Study clubs 374 witchcraft 133 Sudan, Africa history 966.2 Savoy, house of Ital. history 945 Egypt 962.6 Scholarships research 378 Suggestion hypnotism 134 school tuition 371 Surinam, S. Amer. history 988 Screens, food 648 Swastika ecclesiology 246 Scriptural biografy N. T. 225 heraldry 929.6 O. T. 221 Swedish gymnastics hygiene 613.7 Sectarian teaching in schools 377 Swindling law 343 Semitic literatures 892 Swords war customs 399 Separators, cream dairy 637 Syria modern history 956 Sewing, plain dom. economy 646 Systems, philosofic 140 Shaving customs 391 Table domestic economy 642 toilet 646 Tables, furniture " " 645 Shelter domestic economy 643 Taboo religion 299 Shields heraldry 9296 Talbotypes 772 weapons 399 Tar roads 625 Shintoism 299 Tattooing customs 391 Silver question political economy 332 Tea beverages 641 Single tax 336 Telegraf codes 652 Skeeing sports 796 Telepathy mind and body 134 Skiing sports 796 Telpherage mechanical engin'g 621 Skin dressing taxidermy 579 Telephot photografy 778 Slaughtering industry 664 Tenements domestic economy 647 Slavic literatures 891 Tennis lawn 796 Slide rule math, instruments 510 parlor 794 Sliding shelvs library storage 022 Terbium inorganic chem. 546 Sloyd education 371 Teutonic race ethnology 572 Smithsonian exchanges lib. econ. 021 Textbooks, free public schools 379 Snowshoeing sports 796 state " " 379 Societies, college 371 Thermometry physics 536 secret 366 physiology 612 Somatology anthropology 573 Tintypes photografy 772 Sounds, systems of phonology 414 Tires, rubber manufactures 678 Southwest, U S history 978 Tobacco pipes manufactures 679 Spliigen pass Alps 914.94 Tobogganing sports 796 Stacks library economy 022 Token money numismatics 737 Stadia surveying 526 political economy 332 Stage coach transportation 656 Torrens system 333 Stairs, moving mechanical engin'g 621 Totemism 392 Stamp collecting 383 Trade, balance of commerce 382 State aid to libraries 021 catalogs bibliografy 015 and church pol. science 322 Trading companies 338 Steam engineering 621.1 stamps 658 Stencil decoration 747 Tramways electric engineering 621.3 Sterilization food preservation 641 Trance hypnotism 134 infant feeding 613 Traps domestic economy 648 Still life painting 754 sanitary engineering 628 Stores, department 658 Traveling libraries lib. econ. 021 Stoves kitchen equipment 643 Tricks sleight of hand 791 Topics in black-faced tyi le are subdivided in tables Index 199 Trout fishing sports Trucks, book library economy Trustees, library Trusts corporations Tuberculosis diseases public health Turpentine chemic technology Upholstery domestic economy Use of library library economy Vacation schools Vacations, school Vacuum cleaners domestic econ. Values, educational curriculum food domestic economy folklore electric lighting athletics manufacture cabinet work domestic economy education feudalism Vampire Vapor lamps Vaulting Veneer Veneering Ventilation Vice Villains Villenage Virgin Mary biografy Vocational education Voltaic cells engineering Voyages, Antarctic 799 War dances 399 022 Water marks paper manuf. 676 023 power hydraulic engin'g 627 338 underground phys. geog. 551 616 Waterproofing building 691 614 Wave theory sound 534 665 Weirs hydraulic engineering 627 645 " machinery 621 024 hydraulics 532 374 Western hemisphere geografy 917 371 Wharves engineering 627 648 Whipping post 343 375 Whisky traffic 178 641 Winter resorts hygiene 613 398 sports 7% 621.3 Wire manufacture 671 613.7 Wolfram inorganic chemistry 546 674 Wood alcohol chemic technology 661 684 Wringers, clothes laundry 648 644 Xenon inorganic chemistry 546 379 Young child study 136 321.3 counsels to ethics 173 321.3 Ytterbium inorganic chemistry 546 225 Yttrium 546 371 Zincografy 767 621.3 Zirconium inorganic chemistry ^546 919.9 Zoophytes 593 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. 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