Ai Al i ^ \ 8; ^ 2 8 13 /^ UvrNG ^>..^*-^' >-.-;|; N-^ - , ..^ f E ate and drank the precious words. .^^-^-^ greater part of really important legis- 1 '' /^l^^''i l^t^on up to the present time has been for I') I^Y'I ^^^ benefit of the great corporate and |^siiiTri| moneyed interests. Henceforth the greater part of it must be for the people — the great common people that has made this, and every country, and upon whose welfare ultimately all depends. We shall have the management of the nation's affairs in our own hands just as securely and just as quickly as we really so elect. There must be more of the people's men in our municipal, our state, and our national assemblies. A rich operator in Robert Owen's time, held, in con- nection with his fellows, that they could not afford to dispense with child labor because that would drive business out of England. The " maudlin sentimental- ism of those who knew neither business nor human nature," they pronounced all legal interference with child labor. Yet he, according to his own admission, had been making in the cotton business 200 per cent in yearly profits. So the cries will go tip to-day when 79 8o The Land of Living Men the people begin to redeem the country and its re- sources for their own common use. The shghtest movement that aims at checking the enormous profits that are being reaped from the resources that should belong to the people in common, is even now being met with that same cry. The number of labor disturbances during the past few years and to-day is in part, and among other things, the measure of dissatisfaction with the present monopolistic system. It does not bring justice to labor. This, all thinking and right- feeling men are realizing, and realizing all too keenly. It was a great people's movement in connection with the " Corn Laws " in England, in Cobden's time, that brought about a peaceable revolution, in place of what would have easily been a revolution of another type. IV c are to have among us a revolution, a great and a very clear-cut revolution, but a great people's move- ment insures that it will be an evolutionary revolution, a peaceable revolution, but no less marked and telling, in fact, far more telling than any blood revolution can possibly be. In an intelligent and a determined political action on the part of the common people lies our safety ; it is along this path that we must move. Money as a force in legislation, used as it is, some- times almost like water by the great capitalistic con- cerns in their carefully studied direct and indirect ways, in the bribery and debauchery of public officials, is an evil of such a wide-spread nature that it must be corrected by the people. The complaint is now so frequently heard, that the people do not get a fair The Laud of Living Men ■ 8l show. It is true ; but it is also true that it is our own fault that we do not. If we look as carefully to elec- tions and appointments as the great moneyed interests do, then that complaint will forever lose its force. This is a most vital fact for our great farming com- munities to learn, almost as much or even more, than any other portion of our people, because in some re- spects and in some sections conditions with them have at times become well-nigh intolerable. We must rec- ognize once and for all the fact that government is always as good as the people demand it should be. " No King, no veriest tyrant ever ruled except by the will of the people. Because the popular will has been ignorant and evil, states have been evil." I think in the following paragraphs that clear-think- ing and far-seeing statesman, the late Ex-Governor Altgeld of Illinois, has given us some wonderfully clear and thought-compelling statements along this line. In an address before the American Railway Trainmen, at Galesburg, Illinois, he said : " If our institutions are to undergo great change, it is vital that the men of America, and not the money, should direct the change. Money may be a blessing as a servant, but it is a curse as a master. Money never established republican in- stitutions in the world. It has no natural affinity with them, and does not understand them. Money has neither soul nor sentiment. It does not know the meaning of liberty, and it sneers at the rights of man. It never bled on the battlefield in time of war, and it never voluntarily sought the public treasury in time of peace. . . . Men in time acquire the nature of 82 The Laud of Living Men those things which absorb their Hves. Unconsciously and invisibly they undergo a change until those things which occupy their daily thoughts seem actually to circulate in their veins. Consequently in all countries, in all ages, and among all peoples, it has been found that as a rule the possessors of great wealth were not the patriots. On the contrary, they seemed to care little what flag floated over them, provided it was a flag that would give them a bayonet with which to protect their gold. The men who in the late war left their millions of hoarded treasure and shouldered a musket to fight for the Union were as scarce as the camels that have passed through the eye of the needle. The soldiers' cemeteries of patriotic dead are filled with men who when alive had to struggle for a living. It is the great masses of the people who defend the government in time of war, and who bear its burdens in time of peace, and these alone know the full value of free institutions. It is therefore important that the destinies of our government should be shaped by this class, and they can be relied upon to do justice to cai)ital. They appreciate the fact that capital is not only a convenience, but may be of the greatest possible use to man when properly directed. While money may have done a great injustice to the masses, the masses have never done an injustice to money. " Now, how will you meet these problems? Standing as individuals in the presence of mighty combinations you will be crushed and there will be no hope for you or your children. I can see no other course for you than to stand together, shoulder to shoulder, intelli- The Land of Living Men 83 g-ently and patriotically. A great force never holds itself in check, whether in the phenomena of nature, in politics, in government, or in religion. Only a counter or resisting force will check it. If concen- trated capital shall meet with no checking influence, or force, then republican institutions must come to an end, and we will have but two classes in this country, an exceedingly wealthy class on one hand, and a spirit- less, crushed, poverty-stricken laboring class on the other. The hope of the country depends upon having a number of forces that will counterbalance or check each other. And in this connection let me suggest to you that the world has progressed to a point where intelligence will always defeat brute force, and any method of contest that involves violence belongs to a bygone age. The modern methods of warfare in society are of an entirely different character. You complain sometimes that you do not get a fair show, that capital controls legislation, that by selecting the candidates for the judicial offices, it in many cases controls the courts and that the same is true in the ex- ecution of the laws. But you have yourselves largely to blame. ... It has happened frequently in the past in this State and in other States that you wanted legislation which you thought was necessary and just, and you supported men for the legislature whom you believed were honest, but who, as soon as they received their certificate of election, crept up the rear stairway to the office of some corporation and tendered their services in the hope of obtaining some financial or other advantage. Did you afterwards spot those men 84 The Land of Living Men as being- unworthy of your confidence? Not at all. Their chances for public preferment were just as good thereafter as they were before. Again, corporations have for many years looked after the matter of select- ing judges, especially of the federal courts. They realized the fact that the construction of the laws is even more important than the making of laws, and to have a friend on the bench is much more important than to have a lawmaker at the capitol. It is asserted that for a quarter of a century no man has been ap- pointed to the federal bench unless he was either a corporation lawyer or was known to hold views which made him satisfactory to those interests, and when these judges afterward distorted the law and usurped powers to assist corporations and smite you, they were not necessarily corrupt. They were simply giving force to prejudices which they had imbibed during their former association with corporate influences. It has never happened in this country that you or any other organization of labor men or of farmers sent a delegation to wait upon the President in reference to the appointment or rejection of any particular man to any judicial office. You have not looked after your interests and you have no right to complain if you are discriminated against under these circumstances. Every man who seeks office in this country will need your support, and once let him understand that you are capable of acting intelligently and standing together, and that you insist on being honestly dealt with, and you will see a great change. Fall in with what is the spirit of the times. Practice intelligent coml)ination. The Land of Living Men 85 Move along the lines of law and of justice and practice foresight and you will be able to right almost any grievance." A nation such as this depends solely, for its welfare as well as for its perpetuity, upon the hearts and minds and ambitions of its people. With these crushed and traduced by monopoly and the despoiler, the nation is doomed and even the corporate interests themselves will in time be torn to pieces. To trace the long fight for political freedom which those before us had to undergo, shows us how hopeful and how advantageous our position is. Had we not political freedom and the right of the ballot in face of these rapidly growing concentrations of evil among us, our position would be well-nigh hopeless. As it is we cannot be other than masters of this critical situation if we come but speedily to a realization of the great forces that lie within our reach, and if we use them as intelligent freemen. The great battle that must now be waged is the battle for economic freedom, for equal opportunities, for justice in working conditions, for justice in legislation and administration. He who owns or controls that upon which others depend owns and controls them. The fundamental issue at stake is justice and equal opportunities, a more equal justice in the distribution of the results of labor, and a using for all the people of those great natural common resources that are now being grabbed and monopolized and used for the enrichment of the few. How strange our position is, could be revealed by an estimate of the millions upon millions in the form of 86 The Land of Living Men natural franchises that we allow to be taken from us each year, and that are making so enormously rich the few men and families that have become so self- conceited as they roll in this wealth. And then make a comparison of the immense preponderance of the voting power of the people over this relatively small number — millions compared to the thousands. But they have been making this their business. Very quietly, while the masses of the people have been going about their own private affairs, they have been getting possession of and diverting to their own coffers these immensely valuable concessions, and which have grown more enormous in their profits as the country has grown in population and the needs of the people have increased. While the people have been farming the farms, this small privileged class, as an able writer has recently put it, has been " farming the farmers." They have acted upon the principle that he enunciates in speaking of their methods as follows — do not fool yourself while there are other people to fool. The way to succeed is not to work, but to work the work- ers ; not to farm the farms, but to farm the farmers. And how even now money is trying to blind the eyes of the people to prevent them from seeing clearly and taking back to themselves these great resources, can be seen on every hand. But the hour has struck and we are on the move. The day to hesitate or to delay is passed. Revelations have been coming so rapidly of late, and facts so momentous in their im- port are becoming so clear, that we could not turn back even if we would. Every law of human nature The Land of Living Men 87 and human development cries out against it. And al- though concentrated wealth and power may exert every influence to climb and to stifle the idea of greater equality and justice, the thoughts and the voices of men of genius and insight are up, and the great com- mon people are hearing them over and over again giving voice and sanction to their own thoughts and rapidly forming conclusions. Attempts to do something for men by philanthropy to take the place of what is taken away from or what is denied them, will fail. And they ought to fail. No manipulations of this sort will ever take the place of justice. Justice is the absolute law, and it will compel obedience to itself sooner or later. The enlightened people — the people of the great nation want and will demand conditions of such a nature that they can build with the builder's satisfaction and pleasure their own art museums and libraries and institutions of learning. Not benefactions, but what by right belongs to one. What belongs to labor and the citizen by moral right shall be made so in fact by legal right. Nothing short of this in the end will satisfy. " Social service," and schemes for " social better- ment " are good, and praisew^orthy in their place, but they will never be accepted as taking the place of those more essential things that are the rightful inherit- ance of the people, nor should they. " The separation between the owners of fixed capital and the laborer has long been noted ; but with vast federated plants, managed by hired intermediaries, it is unavoidable. There will be brave attempts to meet 88 TIic Loud of Living Men the difficulty by alluring philanthropies, by ' doing something for the workingmen.' If merely philan- thropic, these will fail as they deserve. Benevolent schemes that bear the slightest taint of charity have at last got the contempt of the intelligent wage-earners. " Importunate, and never again to be silenced, their demand is that they get their benefits, not as gifts or favors, but as recognized rights. Philanthropies are a dangerous substitute for honest wage payment, shorter working time, and increased influence over the con- ditions of the labor contract. What may be called the Great Bluff of our time is to put gratuities and bene- factions in the place of justice. There is no donation, however gaudy, that can fill the place of justice. The attempt of the ruling class to do this is the oldest trick in history. It was the opinion of a Roman emperor, ' Magnificence in gifts may deceive even the gods.' The crowd could then be quieted by the brutalities of a pageant, the butcheries in the arena, by fleets of stolen grain scattered among the people, as a Tam- many heeler scatters gifts and personal kindnesses be- fore the election. We are at least civilized so far that we demand more decorum, and a certain humanizing of our largesses. They must bear the image of charity and good-will to men. They must be educational, ar- tistic, and in all ways incentives to good morals and religion. " Now it would be both untrue and offensive to deny that these later bounties are vast improvements upon the free circus of Caligula. No wise man would check a generous instinct of any multi-millionaire. The The Land of Living Men 89 books, pictures, churches, and schools take their places among the welfare institutions of our time. They are influences which deserve the honest and grateful approval of the public. " Yet when this tribute to good motive and good re- sult has been paid, the story is not finished. We are hoodwinked, unless we see that there ought to be, and possibly may be, a still better way than this to acquire individual and social morality. The sturdy self-respect in any community that should build its own church, school, library, dispensary, — paying every honest bill as it goes, — would show an exhilarating superiority before which ever3'one of us would hasten to pay re- spect. We must be grateful to our princely givers, but the mistake would be fatal to accept this method of splendid subsidies as a finality. What we really want is the ability and the instructed will to pay our own bills, even if the pace of our civilization halts a little." * Excellent, and nothing in the quotation more suggest- ive so to speak, than the last phrase — " even if the pace of our civilization halts a little." Why should we be proud of mere largeness and rapidity? especially as it does not benefit the great masses of the people, but only the few, the very small fraction. But upon closer examination the fact will reveal itself, that ex- cessive wealth is of real value to no man, and especially when gotten by means so manifestly unfair and so morally unjustifiable, as the great portion of excessive zvealth is gotten to-day. Give me neither riches — * " The Social Unrest," by John Graham Brooks, p. 203. go The Land of Living Men great wealth — nor poverty, will ever be the desire of the trulv wise, but give me that comfortable amount that is conducive to the highest, the noblest, the most useful, and consequently, the most happy life. Justice, not gifts, not charity. There is a spirit in the American people, in all Saxon people, that rebels against the proffer of gifts and charity as an equivalent for what rightly belongs to them. This spirit can be neither changed nor broken until at least the present unequal distribution of wealth grows to such an extent, that it results in the concen- tration of the greater portion of the wealth and re- sources of the nation in so few hands, that the poverty of the people becomes so great, that the spirit of free- men is so broken that they sink to the position of paupers and public wards. Said Mr. Lecky, while speaking of the prosper- itv of nations and their causes as indicated by his- tory : " Its foundation is laid in pure domestic life, in commercial integrity, in a high standard of moral worth, and of public spirit, in simple habits, in courage, uprightness, and a certain soundness and moderation of judgment which spring quite as much from char- acter as from intellect. If you would form a wise judgment of the future of a nation, observe carefully whether these qualities are increasing or decaying. Ob- serve especially what qualities count for most in public life. Is character becoming of greater or less im- portance? Are the men who obtain the highest posts in the nation, men of w'hom in private life, and irre- spective of party, competent judges speak with genuine The Land of Living Men 91 respect? x\re they of sincere convictions, consistent lives, indisputable integrity? . . . It is by observing this moral current that you can best cast the horoscope of a nation." * This social unrest that has been vaguely witnessed during the past few years, increasing yearly, has grad- ually brought the people to a definite point of view and to a definite knowledge of facts. Evolution indeed has been doing its work in spite of the rapid aggressions of the immensely rich, over against which has been set the slowly moving discernment of the people. For a long time there was unrest coupled with a sort of groping in the dark, a failure to understand the full significance, let alone the causes of this great unrest. Back of it all, however, has been thonglit, in addition to feeling, on the part of the people, quickened and in- tensified at times by most bitter experiences, until now a new mental activity is born, and it is being quickened by the possession of some clear-cut and wonderfully significant facts. Says Benjamin Kidd, in the closing pages of liis very able work, "Social Evolution:" "We see that, under all the complex appearances our western civil- ization presents, the central process working itself out in our midst is one which is ever tending to bring, for the first time in the history of the race, all the people into the competition of life on a footing of equahty of opportunity. In this process the problem, with which society and legislators will be concerned for long into * " The Political Value of History," by W. E. H. Lecky. 92 The Land of Lhitig Men the future, will be how to secure to the fullest deg-riL these conditions of equality, while at the same time re- taining that degree of inequality which must resuli from offering prizes sufficiently attractive to keep U| within the community that state of stress and exertion, without which no people can long continue in a high state of social efficiency. For in the vast process of change in progress it is always the conditions of social efficiency, and not those which individuals or classes may desire for themselves, that the unseen evolutionary forces at work amongst us are engaged in devel- oping. . . . " The fact of our time which overshadows all others is the arrival of Democracy. But the perception of the fact is of relatively little importance if we do not also realize that it is a new Democracy. There are many who speak of the new ruler of nations as if he were the same idle Demos whose ears the dishonest cour- tiers have tickled from time immemorial. It is not so. Even those who attempt to lead him do not yet quite understand him. Those who think that he is about to bring chaos instead of order, do not rightly apprehend the nature of his strength. They do not perceive that the arrival is the crowning result of an ethical move- ment in which qualities and attributes, which we have been all taught to regard as the very highest of which human nature is capable, find the completest expres- sion they have ever reached in the history of the race." Such indeed is the opinion of many other clear and disinterested thinkers in addition to that of the able author of " Social Evolution." A great people's move- The Land of Living Men 93 ment to bring- back to the people the immense belong- iiigs that have been taken away from them, and to prevent a continuance of this from now on, is the supreme need of the time. Slowly and almost grop- ingly we have been leading up to it, but the incentive is on, the knowledge underlying its cause is increasing and never so rapidly as of late. There is no power now that can stop it or even materially hinder it any more than human power can hinder or prevent the workings of any of nature's great laws. It is indeed most interesting to be alive, to witness and to have a hand in the culmination of this new order of life that all the centuries have been leading up to. VI NATURAL RESOURCES AND PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR THE PUBLIC WELFARE i .y^T is strange how long and how heavily we :;!|, allow ourselves to be fleeced, or robbed, 'M'f ^^y custom. Because we commence a thing in a certain way, is many times the reason we continue it in that way long after it could be changed to our great advantage. Because we began that way we are still living and acting under the de- lusion that great public utilities, the value of which is caused by all the people in common, instead of being managed by, and for the benefit of the people, should be managed for the private benefit and the enrichment of an individual or little groups of individuals called companies or corporations. It is a delusion something akin to the belief, which, according to Charles Lamb, so long held sway among the Chinese when the savor of roast pork had been accidentally discovered through the burning down of Ho-ti's hut, that, in order to cook a pig it was neces- sary to set fire to a house. By and by, however, they found that that method was not only crude and waste- ful, but also uncertain in its results. But until a Chinese sage came forward and invented a rude type 94 The Land of Living Men 95 of gridiron which, according to Lamb's interesting dis- sertation, was the forerunner of the spit and the oven, no one had ever thought of a pig being roasted without the burning down of a hut, or were it for one better circumstanced, a house. They, therefore, had to fol- low the only method they knew. With us, however, in connection with the supplying of certain great com- mon needs it is different; for there are' other methods of which we already know, that indeed have been known and have been in successful operation in other countries far more progressive in this regard than we, for more than a score and in some cases, for more than two score of years. The only excuse I can see is that in having begun in a very crude and thoughtless and expensive way, we have not been bright enough, or energetic enough as yet, to find and adopt a more common-sense and satisfactory way. At one period in the development of our national and municipal life there may have been a reason for allowing these common necessities to be dealt with entirely by private individuals or private companies. There may have been a good or at least a satisfactory reason for this method when our proportions were small and our needs were not so great and not so complex, when it meant giving over to individuals not such vast amounts that should be used for the advan- tage of all the people, and when the opportunities for getting these great advantages away from the people through political corruption and debauchery were not so great as they are to-day. So there may have been a reason in the beginning, but the basis for that reason 96 TJic Land of Living Men has now passed. This method may have been even rig;ht at one time — though this in common with many I question — it is no longer right now. And the fact that we are beginning now to think so rapidly along the lines of a saner and a better way indicates that the method in vogue so long has nearly seen its day< Nevertheless, although our awakening has been tardy, our advance will be rapid. It is the people — the people in common — that make valuable those enormously rich franchises that have been given over to individuals for their private enrichment, in the form, to deal first with the city — of light and heat and transportation and telephone privileges, not to mention the various other ones at present. It is not only the people, but to state it still more concretely, it is the very needs of the people that give them their enormous values, and it is through these that their enormous profits are secured. If this be true, why then should not these great interests be conducted by and for the benefit of the people, instead of by and for the enrichment of a few private in- dividuals ? Especially as under our system of enor- mously rich gifts to these individuals or groups of individuals, and their conducting these enterprises with no thought of the public welfare but with the one thought of the greatest amount of profit for them- selves, first, last, and all the time, we have been having for years and are still having along these lines, with an occasional exception, as poor a service with the highest costs, and the greatest amount of evil and abuses, as any country in the entire world. The Land of Living Men 97 As long, moreover, as any of the utilities that are public necessities and that from their very nature should be conducted by and in the inter- ests of the people, are allowed to be run purely for private gain, this condition of affairs will continue to exist. With all our progress along other lines, it is almost universally understood that the conduct of our muni- cipal affairs in the United States has been among the most backward and costly and degraded and unsat- isfactory of any in the entire civilized world. In the conduct of these affairs we are far behind all such countries as Germany, England, France, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, not to go through almost the entire list of civilized and progressive nations. It seems to me clearly evident that from the very nature of the case we cannot do violence to the principle — " That which the people collectively create they should col- lectively own," without suffering this as a result. Moreover, we shall never reach the highest state in municipal or even in state or national administration, until we recognize and act upon the principle — what the people can do best for themselves, that, through their agent, the government, they should do. They f^hould not, therefore, permit such governmental func- tions to be seized and to be exploited by individuals and corporations. There must, therefore, not only be blows struck that will forever put an end to the giving over to individ- uals of these great common properties of the people, but there must also be, to use the words of one of our 98 The Land of Living Men foremost American editors, * " The recovery to the people of all franchises belonging to the people, but diverted from public to private uses, by the purchase of corporations and individuals, corruptly working through state and municipal legislatures." To our present method is to be attributed the almost unbelievable amount of graft and bribery and corrup- tion that has become so rampant among us of late and that has been steadily swelling in its volume during the passing of the years. " Nothing," says one editor of another of our foremost papers, " has conduced so greatly to graft and bribery in municipal and state affairs as the fact that franchises of enormous value for i)ublic utilities are to be obtained by favor of cer- tain officials. Give the streets back to the city and this element of corruption is at once eliminated." If we take away from private gain those great public service utilities, then we at once strike the axe at the roots of the larger share of the source of our political corruption and debauchery for which, espec- ially in municipal matters, we stand as the most notorious nation in the entire world. As lovers of free institutions and of ordinary public honesty and decency, this end alone, is of sufficient importance to demand of us such a course, to say nothing of the enormous gains otherwise. The fact that both city and state legislation is so dominated by great accumulated wealth and by corporations, especially public service corporations, indicates that our prevailing methods are * Henry Watterson — The Louisville Courier Journal. The Land of Living Men 99 not healthy, and that this great menace to free insti- tutions, and to -a government for and by the people, should be speedily removed. A matter of such vital importance to the national and individual welfare as the public ownership and control of all public utilities is worthy of a most detailed con- sideration, more than we shall be able to give it in so limited a space. It is to become, as it is so rapidly be- ginning now, one of the paramount questions in the policies of the American nation. I think there is perhaps no better way of proceeding to a consideration of the argument in favor of such a mehod of supplying our needs and necessities than by considering first, what has been accomplished in this line in the municipalities of other countries, ajid zvith li'hat results. Many times a long and detailed argu- ment that a certain thing cannot be done, is best met by showing that it already has been or is being done, and most successfully. On account of the general characteristics and con- ditions there being probably more nearly akin to our own, we shall look in the direction of Great Britain first. I think we cannot do better at this point .than con- sider some facts as presented by Mr. John Martin,* whose statistics in connection with Great Britain are * Mr. Martin was formerly a member of the Hackney- Borough Council, London. He is now a resident of New York, where he is well-known as a writer and an authority on Municipal Problems, and as an effective worker along the lines of clean politics, • icx) The Land of Living Men vouched for by the British Imperial Board of Trade. These facts and figures I shall give exactly as they were presented by Mr. Martin himself.* After speak- ing of the various small beginnings along these lines that we have made here, he continues, " Driven to desperation by the cobra-like voracity of the lighting trust. New York is erecting a plant to light its streets and public buildings (nothing for private consumers yet), and so is beginning to toddle like a babe in those paths of business thrift in which we shall see that European cities have been running like athletes for decades. " How different has been the record abroad ! We are thirty years behind the cities of Great Britain and Germany. And from the beginning they were more business-like than we are even now. To them it would seem the height of economic folly to forbid a city to supply electric light to householders and to allow a private monopoly to retain its extortionate prices for them while the municipality sought relief by multi- plying wires and dynamos for itself. The 355 localities of the United Kingdom and the numerous German cities which own and run electric lighting plants, hold the monopoly in their districts. Competition being, in the nature of the case, impossible, the city holds the field. " Tlic same with the gas-works in the two countries. Thrifty business management requires that somebody * Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Good City Government, held by the National Municipal League at New York, 1905. The Land of Living Men loi shall hold a monopoly, and political sense requires that that somebody shall be the city itself. . . . " No less than 260 cities — Great Britain — supply their whole population with gas-light and power. . . . They charge on an average, taking large and small, those distant from and those near to coal fields all to- gether, sixty-four cents a thousand cubic feet for gas. Therefore the consumer is benefited, for the private companies, on an average, taken in the same way, charge a little over seventy cents. What they would charge were they not held in check by municipal com- petition Cousin Jonathan could tell John Bull. " Has the taxpayer been mulcted to make up ? No, indeed. The net revenue has been 7 per cent on the capital, and, if anything, the taxpayer had been too well cared for. In Manchester he received $350,000 last year to help to pay for the schools, etc., the price of gas being sixty cents; in Leicester he got $190,000 with gas at fifty-six cents, and in the other places lesser sums in proportion to their size and the success of the management. " And the workman ? He has not been forgotten ; for everywhere he gets slightly higher wages than he would from a private corporation and somewhat more generous treatment with respect to hours and holidays. " Electric lighting tells the same tale. While I am writing this there comes a return compiled by the London County Council showing that the fourteen local authorities in the metropolitan district which supply electric light, sell it at an average of slightly less than eight cents a kilowatt hour, nearly 20 per I02 The Land of Living Men cent less than corporations chars^e in adjacent districts, and nearly half as much as submissive New Yorkers pay. And yet, after paying- all expenses and the in- terest on the debt they had a surplus of $1,244,515. Clearly they understand the notion of thrift in pro- duction ; they do not regard every city department as a spending agency. " Space fails me to tell the details of the electric Hght works of the 323 local authorities in the United Kingdom with their approximate capital of $150,- 000.000, and of the numerous similar examples in Germany. " Still more remarkable, especially to those belted Spencerians who piously believe that a government is congenitally incapable of managing a business enter- prise, must be the record of the street railway achieve- ments abroad. For a change of air, let us leap the North Sea and travel to Berlin. . . . " Berlin's most illuminating experience has been with her street railways. In 1898, in order to get the lines electrified, the city granted a charter for twenty- one years, with these provisions included: i. Work- men to have a ten-hour day. 2. Waiting-rooms at transfer stations to be erected and to be kept warmed and lighted. 3. Uniform fare for the whole length of each line to be 2.38 cents. 4. Eight per cent of the gross profits, plus half the net profits over 12 per cent on the old capital and 6 per cent on the new capital, to be paid to the city. 5. At the end of the lease all the lines and the rolling stock to become the property of the city. The Land of Living Men 103 " Berlin's bureaucracy is as able and honest as any in the world, and it worked as well as officials ever can to keep the corporation to the terms of its bargain. In addition, an association of citizens was formed to watch and fight. But even then the trouble involved in protecting the citizens from the universal tendency of franchise corporations to evade their obligations was so harassing that after a few months this council of taxpayers decided that no more franchises should be granted, and that the city should enter the railway business. A short strategic line which happened to be obtainable was bought, other lines were built, and now the government is an active competitor and is ready to take advantage of every franchise as it expires. ... " No less than 162 localities in Britain have shown ability, enterprise and foresight enough to take over and manage their own street-car lines. Among them are London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Birm- ingham, Hull, Newcastle, Nottingham, Halifax, Leeds, Sheffield, Aberdeen, Brighton, Dundee, Yar- mouth, Belfast and Rochdale. All of them are so well satisfied with the results in lower fares for the pas- senger, better conditions for the workman and profits for the taxpayers, that no party is even in existence which advocates the re-surrender of any system to a private corporation. The mere whisper of such a pro- posal would be a request for political execution and burial. . . . " London owns the surface hues both north and south of the Thames. Those on the north side, in a fit I04 The Land of Living Men of lukewarmness, when for one term the Progressive and Moderate parties were evenly balanced, and to the present regret of the population served by them, are leased for operation to a corporation on terms remun- erative to the government, but obstructive to improve- ment. The city has electrified its lines; the corpora- tion refuses to follow suit. So much for that superior corporation enterprise of which we hear ad nauseam. " During the eight years of municipal ownership these returns have been secured. On lines worked by the council, 44 per cent of the passengers pay one- cent fares, 43 per cent pay two cents, 8 per cent three cents, 4 per cent four cents, and, to compensate for the 99 per cent of the passengers who pay less than our straight five-cent rate, just one poor soul, who wishes to travel the whole length of the line, has to pay six cents. " In those years, despite the increases of wages, the annual holidays and the day's rest per week given to employees, the street railways have contributed $1,465,- 000 to the general city treasury, $1,670,000 in reduc- tion of the debt on the lines, $330,000 as a renewal and reserve fund for the southern system, $450,000 for taxes on the southern system during the last six years, and $630,000 in reduction of debt from proceeds of sale of horses, etc." In addition to the extremely low fares that are paid in German cities for street-car service, and with far better and cleaner and more up-to-date cars than we have — with a rare exception here and there — there is this noticeable difference. There the number of The Land of Lk'iiig Men 105 seats each car contains is posted in clear and artistic form in the interior, and each seat has its number just above it. As soon then as all seats are taken no more passengers are permitted to enter, but a sufficient num- ber of cars is run to provide a seat — that which the payment of a fare always implies — for every man, woman and child. It makes a difference whether a matter is conducted for the comfort and convenience of its patrons or for the deliberate purpose of extract- ing- from them the last possible penny, giving many times in return an accommodation that we, had we the civic pride and the sense of justice that we — and I had almost said, above all people — should have, would not put up with more than the number of days absolutely required to bring about the change. Compare the German citizens' two-cent fare and his guaranteed seat and clean and artistic accommoda- tions with our five-cent fare, even if for half a dozen blocks, with our many times rattling cars, sometimes even junk when they are bought, and our almost equal chances that for this excessive fare we will get in ex- change a strap to hang onto in common with a number of people standing equal to or sometimes greater than the number that the management deigns to accommo- date with seats, and all the discomfort this means on entering or leaving the car. Many times merely room to stand upon a platform is all they will permit us to have, and for a fare that is at least twice as high as it should be even for the best sitting accommodations. They are thirsty leeches, these owners and managers of our public service corporations. But it is because io6 The Land of Living Men we permit it. Their blood-sucking propensities seem never to be satisfied nor do they decrease, but by virtue of a great natural law they are ever on the increase. And again, because we permit and stand for it. There, one finds almost without exception, vestibuled cars for the protection and comfort of their motormen. This portion of their citizenship is looked after the same as all others. But here it is scarcely ever that the management of the roads adopts this plan volun- tarily, and when the demand of ordinary decency and fairness takes a measure to the legislature compelling it, the company's representatives are there with their money and their lobby to defeat it in common with practically every measure looking to the comfort and welfare and safety of those the public service corpora- tion is supposed to serve. In the matter of the municipal ownership and man- agement of public utilities, we have heard much of late of Glasgow, and not without reason. The people of Glasgow have stood among the most fearless and the most successful in managing for themselves their pub- lic utilities. It has been a long time since the franchise grabber has been able to exploit the people there. The people of Glasgow, strange to say, prefer to keep for themselves the millions of dollars their public utilities return each year, instead of handing them over to a little group of capitalists, foreigners many times, and whose only interest is to take from the city the largest amount of tribute it can exact. For over forty years, or since 1869, Glasgow has owned its own gas-works. As a result, its people pay fifty-three cents per thou- The Land of Living Men 107 sand feet for gas. Its municipal electricity is sup- plied at five and one-half cents per kilowatt hour. All the markets are owned by the city. Private slaughter- houses were abolished many years ago and the city is now supplied by three central establishments. From Lake Katrine in the Trossachs it brings its splendid water supply. The Water Department also supplies hydrauHc power. In addition to its hospitals, its parks, its art galleries, museums, libraries, botanic gardens, art schools, tech- nical schools, etc., it has also its winter gardens, its free concerts, facilities for golf and other games, gymnasia and playgrounds for the children. It has also homes for the children of widows and widowers ; it has depots for the supply of sterilized milk to poor child- ren. " It," says Robert Donald, editor of the London Chronicle, " was the persistency of Glasgow that broke down the private telephone monopoly in Great Britain, encouraged other municipalities to establish their own system, and has now led to the complete nationalization of the whole service." Speaking of Glasgow's municipal tramways, Mr. Donald says : " It will be interesting to state the effect of municipal ownership, and to explain the policy which guided the City Council. The company — as all private enterprises must do — kept mainly in view immediate profits. Like most British companies, it pursued a narrow policy. The keynote of the muni- cipal system was service, giving the best possible to the citizens. The municipality operated the roads in the interest of all. It greatly lowered the fares, ban- io8 TJic Land of Living Men ished all advertisements from the cars, made the names of the routes and destinations conspicuous, opened up new routes and linked up new districts. It also con- sidered its employees. Without a contented staff there cannot be a perfect service. So the drivers and con- ductors were dressed in new uniforms, their wages were increased, their hours reduced. The citizens had the feeling of personal possession when they patron- ized the cars, which display the city's arms and its motto — ' Let Glasgow Flourish.' Civic patriotism asserted itself later on, when the displaced franchise- holders started a competing service of omnibuses, which failed to get support and soon disappeared. . . . " The fares in Glasgow are one cent for a stage of a little over half a mile, and over 30 per cent of the pas- sengers travel this short distance, and bring in nearly 17 per cent of the receipts. For an average of two and a third miles, the fares are two cents, and close on 61 per cent of the passengers travel this distance and contribute 66V2 per cent of the receipts, so that 91 per cent of the total number carried pay two-cent or one-cent fares. Only 6.31 per cent travel for three cents. . . . Less than one per cent of . the 189,- 000,000 passengers last year paid five cents or more. . . . " The Glasgow tramways are managed by a Com- mittee of the City Corporation, which holds frequent meetings and reports regularly to the City Council. It consists of twenty-eight members, who appoint sub- committees for supervisng different departments. It obtains the sanction of the Council for its actions. The Land of Living Men 109 The Council might be regarded as the legislative authority, and the Committee as the executive. " From a financial point of view the Glasgow under- taking has been remarkably successful. . . . Last year's accounts indicate the healthy financial condition of the tramways. The total receipts, for instance, amounted to $3,624,255, the operating expenses to $1,684,100 — 49 per cent of the revenue. The net re- ceipts showed a gross return on the capital outlay of 17.46 per cent. . . . The accounts of the depart- ment are examined and audited by independent pro- fessional accountants. The accounts are published with elaborate detail, showing the smallest item of ex- penditure worked out to percentages and comparisons with previous years. " The Tramway Department, as I have indicated, generates its own electric power, the total cost of which is less than one cent per kilowatt hour. " The Tramways Committee delegates considerable power to its general manager, who is responsible for the staff who form part of the permanent civil service in the city. Politics does not influence appointments, and promotion is by merit. . . . " With liberal depreciation and reserve funds to meet renewals and obsolescence, with a redemption fund which liquidates the original capital of the under- taking in thirty years, which is at the same time main- tained in an efficient condition out of revenue, the City Corporation is more than doing its duty to the next generation. Lower fares for long distances should be easily possible in the near future, and there is a pros- no The Land of Living Men pect that the average fare will come down to one cent. A universal one-cent fare irrespective of distance could then be adopted." Here then we have a municipal enterprise which after paying its annual interest, making its payments into the sinking fund for the redemption of its capital, allowing for depreciation and reserve fund, paying its local tax assessments — for it makes the same contri- bution to local taxation as if it were a private concern ■ — and which although carrying over nine-tenths of its patrons for one-cent and two-cent fares, will at the end of thirty years — about fifteen years now, pay for itself entirely without one cent of cost to the people or to the municipality. Moreover, from the very begin- ning, it has been more up-to-date than any privately owned system. There is indeed quite a contrast between the sturdy common-sense and business sagacity of our Scotch brethren and the way we allow ourselves to be fleeced in connection with practically all of our public utilities and the type of service that even then we accept. We could go into hundreds of other cities in Great Britain, in Germany, in Belgium and other continental countries, as well as into Australia and New Zealand ; but in all we would find the same general facts and conditions, varying slightly in detail simply by reason of varying local conditions. Now in all fairness I ask, if the people in the cities of these countries can save for themselves the returns from these wonderfully rich properties, aggregating hundreds of millions annually, instead of allowing The Land of Living Men ill these vast amounts to flow into the pockets of a few already oi'erly rich individuals, why cannot we Amer- ican people do the same? If we cannot then we must admit that we are less capable in business management and in the matter of self-government than they. This we can scarcely believe, especially when in some re- spects we have proved ourselves even more capable. I cannot believe that in these matters we are any less capable, or that we will show an inferior ability when we are sufficiently alert and determined. The reply is made, if we had the honesty in muni- cipal administration that they have in England, in Scotland, in Germany and the various other countries where such splendid municipal ownership results are obtained, then we could safely travel along the same lines. True, but the municipalities in these countries did not always have this characteristic, but they have attained it by simply going about it to attain it. They made the start which in a very definite way has led them to such splendid results. This is the stock argu- ment presented against the municipal ownership and management of public utilities, and that it is a strong argument is held, and very honestly held, by large numbers of people. It is an argument, the only argu- ment really worthy of consideration, but an argument not without an answer. We had better keep as we are lest we get into conditions still worse, it is said. But this latter is no argument, and it has no truth even as a statement ; for taking it all in all it is abso- lutely impossible to have conditions in this respect worse than they are when we consider the uniformly 112 The Laud of Living Men excessively high charges and the generally poor and niadequate service, and the thousands of unnecessary killings and maimings that form the total for each year. With this must be combined the great amount of political corruption and debauchery that passes every year, and coupled with it all we must not refuse to take account of the yearly additions of the millions to the wealth of these little groups of already excessively rich men, many of whom are thoroughly unscrupulous in their dealings and in their entire outlook, as is all too clearly evidenced by the methods they have been and are continually using in furthering their ends, and in getting control of still larger amounts of the people's properties, so that they have become a menace to free institutions and to the welfare of every man, woman and child in the nation. Matters, I repeat, by no stretch of the imagination, could be any worse than they are unless in connection with the taking over of these utilities for our common use, we cut loose from all common-sense in our methods of procedure and busi- ness management, which I am sure we are not liable to do. The present amount of political corruption and graft in our city administration is, I am inclined to think, one very great argument, when we look at it in an all round way, for taking from private exploitation the management of these public utilities ; for then the responsibilities at City Hall will become so great that we, the individual citizen, shall be compelled to give the amount of time and study and attention to muni- cipal affairs that we should be giving, for it is on The Land of Living Men 113 account of this lack that these pubHc service corpor- ations have been able to have seated in our city coun- cils the men that they have been able to make their deals with, and who, for consideration, have been handing over these public properties for their private enrichment. This is the great evil that we must now squarely face. It is the sore that has been gradually rotting and festering and gradually enveloping the very vitals of our entire social body. Men's abilities and real qualities assert themselves in the degree that responsibilities are placed upon them. So with some- thing personal enough and large enough and inspiring enough for our splendid common citizenship to work for, as this great movement and all that it carries with it must be, and especially if we strike for it at once without delays or dickerings, and without any more millions being handed over or any further alienation of properties and rights, we should quickly make a splendid beginning in purging our social body of this rapidly growing and vigor-sapping disease. And when we begin to experience the direct personal re- sults that will follow, then I am sure that we shall never stop until we have put by the old, and have put into an eventually full operation the new. Hand in hand with the extension of this movement must go the continual extending and perfecting of our Civil Service system, making it continually stronger in its requirements for admission, with perhaps contin- ually greater leeway along the lines of dismissals for proven incompetency, and if the management in mak- ing removals cannot appoint except from the duly 114 ^^'<^ La)id of Living Men qualified lists, there will be but little chance for the poli- tical machine methods gaining control, or even extend- ing themselves materially. There can be no argument that the financial burden in connection with these undertakings would be too great for our cities to assume, because under wise and judicious management no additional burdens need be assumed, and these enterprises can be taken over and improved and extended just as they have been in the cities of Great Britain and of Germany already noted, and can be made to pay for themselves out of their own earnings without involving a burden of a single dollar upon any individuals or upon any municipality. But this entire matter of municipal ownership is nothing new nor startling even with us ; it is in fact merely an extension of the municipal ownership meth- ods that we already have, including municipal water supplies — practically all of which are now or soon will be under complete municipal ownership and man- agement. So our fire departments, our street-cleaning departments, our parks, and our public schools. Are these and many others that could be mentioned not managed more economically and satisfactorily and more uniformly for the public welfare than if they were left to private enterprise? Who is there bold enough to say at all seriously, that any of these public utilities should be turned over to private enterprise? But to be supplied at satisfactory rates and in an all round satisfactory manner with lighting and heat- ing facilities, gas and electricity, street car and telephone facilities, etc., is just as important, for they The Land of Living Men 115 are just as much necessities as those already men- tioned. So far as the question of right in the people's taking over and managing these utilities for their own ben- efit is concerned, it is scarcely worthy of consideration, for we all know that it exists. Almost a hundred forms of private ownership in the form of tolls, etc., have gone. We can proceed by way of direct pur- chase, mutual agreement in regard to price, if it is found advantageous to buy the private companies out. The more that can be done in this w'ay the better. Then we can proceed by way of condemnation pro- ceedings, through the right of eminent domain. It is a recognized principle in government that the right or desire of the individual is always subservient to the public good. If I own a particular piece of prop- erty and though I may think very highly of it, if a street is to be opened that will be for the public benefit, or if a railroad owned even by private individuals is to be constructed, or a public building erected, the portion of the property required is taken, or all, if all is neces- sary, and I am given compensation for it according to its real value, and not in accordance with whatever esti- mate of its value I may be pleased to place upon it. Here is something to be noted when these public prop- erties are taken over to be managed for all the people — they will be taken at their real values, not at any fiat values, and a shrinking in values to the tune -of many millions will be witnessed. The people are always pre-eminently fair in matters such as these. They will want to pay for every dollar of real value taken, Ii6 The Land of Living Men but they will not pay the prices that the companies, almost without exception, will ask. The millions in watered stocks will be of no value to the people as they are of no value to them now, but on the contrary, are the cause of their parting with many a hard- earned dollar. We will pay and willingly every dol- lar any property is worth, but we should not pay a dollar more than its real value calls for. It is purely a matter of justice, a clearly written duty — that which is intended to serve all the people in common should be so managed that all the people are served. As it is, the millions are exploited by the few hundreds, and worse, for in many cases they are plainly plundered by them. And all these years we have been quietly submitting to it and acting as if we knew no better. We have been learning very rapidly of late, however. Sq conservative and able a business man as ex- Governor Douglas of Massachusetts in one of his later messages to the Massachusetts Legislature, had this to say in regard to the matter we are considering : " I recommend legislation giving to cities and towns wider powers in the conduct of business which derives its profit from the necessities of the community. The powers already granted have proved the economy and wisdom of the conduct of such business by the com- munity itself. . . . " In many cases of privately owned public service corporations the rates, fares and prices charged are too high. The public is entitled to reasonable charges for the services of these monopolies. It will be far more The Land of Living Men iiy likely to obtain service at reasonable prices if it has the right to do business on its own account. " When a public service corporation is giving good service at fair rates it is not likely to be disturbed. When its rates and prices are unreasonable, it should, in the interest of the public welfare, be disturbed. " It is not disputed that, as a rule, private corpor- ations conduct their business more economically than do public corporations. It is, however, disputed that the public usually obtains the benefit of this economi- cal management. In most cases, therefore, the publicly owned and operated waterworks, sewers, gas and elec- tric lighting plants have given the public cheaper and better service than the privately owned concern. " For these reasons, I ask the Legislature to give every reasonable facility to those municipalities which desire to conduct their own public service utilities. " Appreciating the difficulties of obtaining good busi- ness management and economical production by mun- icipalities, I urge you, when making the laws for mun- icipal ownership, to so frame them that the evils of political management will, so far as possible, be elim- inated. With proper legislation it should be possible to obtain most of the benefits without any of the evils of privately owned and operated public service cor- porations." Of course, it is not to be expected that at first the results will in every case be all that are looked for by the most sanguine. Some mistakes will be made. But this is one of the ways in which greater ability in the conduct of these enterprises will be grown. And ii8 Til c Land of Living Men then we already have such splencUd examples to learn from. It will undoubtedly require careful and wise business management to obtain in all cases the highest results. I think another paragraph from ex-Governor Doug- las's inaugural address may not be amiss here : " If, when guarded by as careful and wise legislation as is possible, certain municipalities should fail in their attempt to give better and cheaper service to the public, it will be because the citizens of these municipalities do not insist upon having their municipal plants con- ducted in a businesslike manner. The principle of municipal ownership is sound. In cases where unsat- isfactory results are produced the fault is usually to be found in a laxity of administration. I believe that every such franchise taken over by the public relieves the people from possible exaction, practised for private profit. With the low rates at which municipalities can borrow and the elimination of dividends, the rates must be inevitably lowered, and the people become alone responsible for the efficiency of the service." So far, in this part, we have dealt entirely with the matter of the public ownership and management of those utilities that pertain especially to our cities. The number of people is rapidly growing among us who are also asking why we should not have a national and state ownership and management or control of those public utilities that pertain to all the people, the same as this principle is being extended in Great Britain and various Continental countries, so as to include tele- graph, express, telephone, railroad enterprises, and thus The Land of Liznng Men 119 secure for the people better service and lower rates such as the people in these other countries are enjoying. There is no reason why this should not to a judicious extent come about, and that it will, is as certain as that the principle of municipal ownership will eventually so grow and extend itself as practically to include every city in the nation. The principle of state and national ownership and control will grow and extend itself perhaps more tar- dily, but its eventual growth and triumph is just as certain. The beginnings will be made in connection with the managing of the municipal utilities for the benefit of the people, and as it is seen what gains will result from these, the demand for its extension so as to include all the " natural monopolies " that are now operated purely for private gain will continually in- crease. If this can be done in other countries and so successfully, as is now being done, then it can be done here, unless again in this, we are willing to be classed as incompetents as compared with our British and Con- tinental brethren. And if it can be done so successfully and to the great gain of the people in one line, then it can be done also successfully and to the gain of the people in lines of a more or less kindred nature. Here again, fortunately, we do not have to deal with any matters of theory or speculation merely. For years the United States Government has conducted a great public utility for its people, and during all the years it has been in operation it has given them a ser- vice incomparably better than that of any private com- pany or companies even by the wildest stretch of the 120 TJic Land of Living Men imagination would have been, and at prices a mere fraction of what we would be now paying as a nec- essary tribute to corporate greed. We can, through this splendid government service, send a message by postal card or a much longer one by letter to practi- cally any portion of the entire world for a two-cent fee. Now, in all fairness I ask, what would be exacted for this service if this public necessity were under the control of private companies? Judging from their charges in other things — express, telegraph, freight, can we reasonably expect that the one would be a fee of less than five cents, or the other less than ten ? That is, even for the shorter foreign services, with still an additional fee for the longer distances. In addition to the low fees we now pay, compared to what we would pay under private management, we get a ser- vice that is as prompt and efficient as it can reasonably be made. Dependent upon private concerns, our mail matter would be carried at their convenience. At first competition in connection with some of the routes would insure us against the worst of service, but later on when the various concerns through mutual self- interest had pooled their interests or had consolidated into one huge monopoly, then we should be practically at the mercy of this concern, the same as millions of people all over the country are at this very hour at the mercy of other concerns of a similar public nature. We appreciate too much our one-cent and two-cent fees for domestic postal card and letter, with the large leeway wc have, so far as amount is concerned in con- nection with the latter. The Land of Living Men 121 Then the conveniences we have for small merchan- dise many times allows us to save ourselves from the demands of the privately owned express companies when the element of distance enters. We should be paying them still more were it not for the benign and restraining influences the Post-Office Department ex- erts over their calculations. How about the revelations in connection with the irregularities and dishonesty in the Post-Office Depart- ment that came to the public knowledge some time ago, I hear it asked. There were irregularities and there was corruption. The very fact, however, that we heard so much of it and the fact that the perpetrators of it were arraigned and brought to justice, argues well for such government ownership and adminis- tration. Moreoer, I venture this assertion, that the aggregate of losses sustained by the public through this agency, have not equalled one thousandth part of the amount of debauchery and corruption that would have resulted were this public service utility allowed to be in the hands of private individuals or companies, and therefore run from beginning to end for private gain. I also venture this statement, that all the losses sus- tained through dishonesty and fraud in our govern- ment Post-Office Department, from the first year of its operation down to the present time, have not equalled — to be conservative — one five thousandth part of the amounts that the profits of private man- agement would have taken from us, to say nothing of the uniformly inferior type of service furnished, com- pared to that which we have been and are enjoying. 122 The Land of Living Men Can any one present what would be regarded as any reasonable argument, and one that would be accepted by any number of reasonable and thinking men, why the government cannot carry for us our express pack- ages through the medium of a parcels post, and attend to our telegraph and telephone needs, as successfully as it now attends to our postal needs, and the same as other people through their central governments are having done for them with a better service and at much lower rates than they were able at any time to get from their former private companies? Certainly no one of these is as difficult and as complex as the service the government is already performing for us. And to take these over simply as extensions of the department already in operation would be by no means a difficult task. Those who are familiar with the parcels post in Great Britain for example, and its nom- inal " peoples " charges, compared to the tribute lev- ied by our express companies, appreciate what this change will mean. The absurdity of a minimum ex- press charge here being twenty-five cents ! It would make an Englishman's or a German's or a Belgian's blood boil to have such a tribute levied upon him, with no other reason than for the purpose of Hning the pockets of a few already wealthy company owners. What would they say to such as this for example : A few weeks ago through the breaking of some minor parts of a cultivator I was compelled to send to the factory for new pieces. The cost of the parts was a (k^llar and twenty-five cents. The bulk was less than half a cubic foot, or perhaps equal to that of an ordi- The Land of Living Men 123 nary pasteboard shoe box. The distance was consid- erably under a hundred and fifty miles. The tariff levied by the express company was seventy-five cents. The time taken to bring the parcel was considerably more than twice the length of time it could have been carried and delivered in. The company or companies could have carried such a parcel for a charge of twelve to twenty cents and made a handsome profit. And then when the service is poor or careless, in addition to being excessively high in its charges, there is no recourse for the people, for public service com- panies have no ethical sense that would lead them to any amicable settlement when the shipper suffers either great inconvenience or loss. He has no recourse ex- cept to take the matter into the courts, which does not pay unless the amount involved is large, and even then he is subjected to delays and dodges of almost every conceivable type. It is the policy of such cor- porations never to pay out a cent unless it is utterly impossible for them to find any way of avoiding it. Here is another concrete example of a frequent type of private corporation methods. Some time ago I had sixteen hundred young fruit trees shipped from a point a few miles south of Rochester, New York, to a point thirty-four miles from New York City to the north. It was a lot of specially selected, high-grade trees. The nature of the goods was known to the railroad company. The cases were labelled " perish- able, without delay, do not allow to freeze." It was in early November. The time in which they could have 124 '^^^^ Land of Living Men been carried handily with a service organized for the people's convenience and welfare would have been a period of not more than five or six days. They were on the way between fourteen and fifteen days. The last two or three days of their transit they encount- ered an intensely cold and stormy period. Though ready to plant them so as to have them in readiness for an early pushing out in the spring, I was com- pelled to heal them into the ground for the winter, not knowing until spring should tell, whether they would come out of the ground in a normal or in a damaged condition. Large numbers proved to be damaged and a block of several hundred had to be thrown out en- tirely. The various inconveniences and losses incident upon this were, after the lapse of several months, put into the form of a letter with an offer to accept a very reasonable settlement, provided it were made promptly, and sent to the claim agent of the railroad. The amount was considerably less, taking all things into consideration, than the damage really sustained. In the course of several months several letters passed. I finally received the announcement — final, the agent indicated — that a careful and thorough examination of the case had been made, and that they would de- cline my oiTer as they found themselves not liable, for another road into whose hands they had given the freight, had carried it, they found, as long a period as they. Though prefering otherwise, an effort to secure justice can now be had only by taking the mat- ter into the courts. But this is simply an example of but one type of inconvenience and loss that thousands The Land of Living Men 125 upon thousands of people are being- put to every year, in addition to charges in practically every case higher than they should be, because we are sufficiently stupid as to continue to allow private concerns to get posses- sion of and create many times into a monopoly, the public service that should be conducted by the people through their agent, the government, for the benefit of the people. • Another concrete case by way of a personal experi- ence was that of another road in taking seventeen days to carry some goods from a point twelve miles out of Boston to the same destination — thirty-four miles north of New York City. I dare say there is scarcely a reader of these lines who has not had similar experi- ences with the privately owned corporations that abound in the country. I suppose that if all could be chronicled, especially with all the adjectives that es- caped at the time, books could be quickly compiled that would form a very large public library. The people of other countries have for years been taking these utilities, such as express, telegraph, tel- ephone, railroads, etc., out of the hands of private con- trol and monopoly and through their central govern- ments are supplying themselves with these services in practically every case greatly to their advantage. Out- side of the United States over two-thirds of the rail- road mileage of the world is owned and operated by the governments of the various countries. Ours is almost the only great country now in the world that does not own and operate the telegraph lines. Those who are acquainted with the telegraph service in Great 126 TJic Land of Living Men Britain know and appreciate the fact that there they can send messages for twelve cents to any part of Great Britain, for which the charges here would in no case be less than twenty-five cents, and sometimes would reach as high as forty and fifty cents for the same distance covered. In addition to this, one is fur- nished there with a much more convenient service both al the point of sending and in the matter of deliv- ery, for it has all the conveniences of the Postal De- partment with which it is connected. The fact that our minimum telegraph charge is twenty-five cents is quite as ridiculous as that our minimum express charge is also twenty-five cents. In Great Britain the history of the telegraph under government ownership has been one of continual en- largement and development with the thought of the widest and best possible service for all the people, and with the least possible charges. The result is that it has become a great public convenience serving all classes of the people. The charges here under private ownership are absolutely prohibitive for such uses as are made of it there by all the people in common. There was a great fight made on the part of the pri- vate companies to retain their grip upon it when the telegraph service was taken over by the government. Many arguments were used, and similar to many encountered here, against the government doing the same in connection with these same general utilities. The private owners and those in any way allied with them and influenced by them, were fairly bursting The Land of Living Men 127 with reasons why the government should not perform these services. Among them — It was not the gov- ernment's business to telegraph ; the rates would be higher ; it would not be as progressive in its manage- ment as the private companies ; there w^ould be a deficit to be met ; the use of the telegraph would be less ; there would be less of a stimulus to invention, and hence, no new improvements ; it would be an arbitrary and unjust interference with private rights for the gov- ernment to invade the field of private business, etc., etc. In spite of these and their arguments, and in spite of every effort made by the private companies to impede and to prevent the movement, the telegraph system of England was bought by the government and made a part of the postal system in 1870. As to the results in this case, they have been formu- lated by a very able authority as follows :* " The im- mediate results of public ownership were: First, a re- duction in rates of one-third to one-half ; second, a vast increase of business and work done by the tele- graph, doubling in the first year after the transfer ; third, a great extension of lines into the less populous districts, so as to give the whole people the benefit of telegraphic communication ; fourth, large additional facilities by opening more offices, locating offices more conveniently, and making every post-office a place where a telegram may be deposited ; fifth, a consider- * The late ex-Governor Altgeld, of Illinois, was a most competent and earnest advocate of the principle of public ownership and management of all public service utilities and " natural monopolies." 128 The Land of Living Men able economy by placing the telegraph service with the mail service, under single control, thus avoiding use- less duplications in offices, etc. ; sixth, a marked im- provement in the service, the aim of the post-office being good service, not dividends ; seventh, a decided gain to employees in pay, in shorter hours and in tenure of office ; eighth, in unprecedented advantages to the press for . cheap and rapid transmission of news at the same time freeing it from the pressure of a power that claimed the right to dictate the views and opin- ions it should express ; ninth, the development of busi- ness and strengthening of social ties, such as ties of kinship and friendship ; tenth, the removal of a great antagonism and the cessation of the vexations and costly conflict it had caused between the companies and the people. " These were the immediate results. Now, after over a quarter of a century of use, the following further re- sults are noticeable : First, a further reduction of nearly one-half in the average cost of a message; second^ while the population increased only 25 per cent, the telegraph business has increased 1,000 per cent; third, a six-fold extension of lines and a fifty-fold increase of facilities ; fourth, a steady policy of expanding and improving the service, adopting new inventions, put- ting underground hundreds of miles of wire that for- merly ran over houses and streets, etc. ; fifth, a system- atic effort to elevate labor, resulting in a progressive amelioration of the condition of employees in respect to wages, hours, tenure, promotion, privileges, etc. ; sixth, satisfaction with the telegraph service, even on The Land of Living Men 129 the part of conservatives who objected to the change before it was made." Gaining valuable knowledge and experience in con- nection with this great national public utility, Great Britain is taking under government ownership and management her entire telephone system — a portion of which was taken some years ago. The people are already great gainers, and I dare say the government will carry out the same plan of greatly extending and making more convenient for the people this great pub- lic utility also. Can we not see a very great similarity between this government-owped and administered utility — Great Britain's telegraph system — and our own government- owned and administered postal system? Are not the constantly increasing facilities for the ever greater convenience and accommodation of the people, the suc- cessful business administration, the uniformly low charges in our system closely akin to the above detail of results in connection with Great Britain's national telegraph system? And as important even as are these results is the fact that this makes one less great source of public bribery and corruption and debauchery ; for the fact that pri- vately owned companies have gained control of most of our public service utilities, and their efforts to retain and to continually increase the scope of their holdings is the greatest source of our notorious political cor- ruption. As have been the history and results of our govern- ment postal system, Great Britain's government tele- 130 TJic Land of Living Men graph system, so have been in a general way the history and results of the government owned and controlled railroads of Germany, Belgium, New Zealand, Aus- tralia, and many other countries that have brought or that are bringing under government ownership and management their railroads. So free have public service corporations been in the use of money in bribing and corrupting public officials to get the people's public property into their own hands, that there comes a time when even they have to pay the penalty in having to part with a greater amount of their profits than they would voluntarily pay. They have created such a debauched condition in some city councils and state legislatures that their first offers of two thousand or five thousand dollars for votes in con- nection with some particular measures, have so em- boldened the members as time has passed, that they have demanded as high as fifty thousand and even more, for votes in connection with other measures. Sometimes we hear the managers of corporations com- plaining that they are held up, blackmailed, by coun- cilmen and legislators. Their methods have insti- tuted such foulness and venality that sometimes in the end it does amount to this. They have themselves to blame. The more bold have been known at times to pay with checks ; those more cautious and wary pay with money ; the still more cautious and wary give dividend-paying stocks in the company or some allied company, and pledge in addition their continued politi- cal safe-keeping to the member, and others adopt still Other methods. The Land of Living Men 131 There are those who get elected to our city councils and state legislatures for the sole purpose of making deals with these corporations, and getting out of the office in this way the largest amounts they can get. Corporations then again, have their own particular men elected, with whom they have made a deal before elec- tion, or with whom there is the understanding that they command their services after their election. Some corporations are known to have in city coun- cils and state legislatures a member whom they support and pay to look regularly after their interests. Some- times to disarm suspicion a very good type of citizen — whom they judge weak on the itchy palm side — is induced to accept nomination, his election is secured by them, and he is then manipulated according to their interests. Political machines do the same. Once in a great while they get fooled by not rightly calculating their man. Such was the case when the machine in St. Louis promoted the selection of Joseph W. Folk for the office of Circuit Attorney. Mr. Folk at the time said substantially that if elected he must have a free hand, and that he would conduct the affairs of the office in his own way. They thought he was merely talking. Some, for their error in calculation in this case, are now serv- ing good penitentiary time."^ Various public service corporations are known to contribute very liberally to one or the other political party in campaign funds. Usually it is the dominant party in either state or city according as their needs lie. Sometimes to be on the safe side they are large * Supplementary, IV. 132 The Laud of Living Men contributors to the campaign funds of both parties. Their profits taken directly from the people's pockets arc generally so enormous that they can afford to do this, in addition to maintaining large corruption funds for definite action later on. That there are others — and the numbers now are very large — who realize these facts is evidenced by the following expression from the editor of a leading magazine : '' The chief agencies of corruption, bribery, and debauchery of the legislative, executive and ju- dicial departments of government, as has been shown time and again, are found in the public service cor- porations which operate natural monopolies or those utilities in which all the people are interested. To des- troy this fountain-head of political corruption and to give to all the people all the benefits flowing from the operation of public utilities or natural monopolies, the city, state and nation, or the people, should own and operate them for the good of the community at large." The difference in the policies and the management of the various public service utilities in those countries where they are moving, and so successfully, along the lines of public ownership and operation, or manage- ment, and the prevailing policies and methods of management among us should I think be noted. In case of the former, the best* and the most up-to-date service, with a minimum of cost to the people is the policy. Not the making of large dividends, but using what would otherwise be larger profits for the greater convenience and better accommodation of the largest number of people at the lowest reasonable cost. The Land of Living Men 133 In case of transit, for example, municipal or state, the opening up of sections and properties in new and outlying- districts, thus affording desirable and real homes to large numbers of people who otherwise would be compelled to remain as tenants in the already densely populated portions, because unable economi- cally to reach the districts where they can have real homes of which they may become owners. It is the welfare of the people, of the largest numbers of the people, that is continually sought after. And what do we find here? We find these utilities, with a minor exception here and there, organized and managed with an eye single to the largest dividends that can be ex- tracted from the people, and many times large divi- dends even on stock watered to two, three, and even four times its real value, a proceeding, in my judg- ment, criminal in its nature and that should not much longer be permitted. Then on top of all this, after giv- ing the vast sums we are continually giving to those private individuals and companies by way of franchises and privileges, the use of streets, highways, etc., we are struggling continually to have them, deal not hon- orably and fairly with us, but to be even decent in their charges and service and general treatment of their patrons. We have many times to fight legally and against the ablest talent that our combined contri- butions enable them to employ, to secure the most ele- mental rights, and many times the most ordinary forms of decency in treatment. The above is true in regard to practically all public service corporations, true of all natural monopolies of whatever nature. How much 134 The Land of Living Men better the public welfare would be served if these utilities were in the hands of the people moving always and directly along the lines of their own best interests. There are exceptions. In numbers of our smaller places, and occasionally in the larger, the service is all that could be expected from the profits received, that is under the present system. It is not necessary that in all cases there be public ownership and operation, in fact in probably the great majority of cases at the present time this would be unnecessary and in many inexpedient ; but that the public service utility or the natural monopoly be owned by the municipality, state, or nation and leased upon mutually paying terms to responsible and wisely selected operating companies, could not help but serve a great and wide-spread public good. This method preserves the rights — the franchises — to the people and the terms of the lease can be so drawn that the public be well protected as to quality of service, etc., and an annual income be secured which in practically all cases should increase in its proportions as time passes. A very good concrete illustration of this point im- mediately in hand, comes from Milan, Italy. Prior to 1897 the street railways were owned by a corporation which paid to the city a lump sum of $200,000 a year. " Fares were high, service was poor, employees were overworked and underpaid ; and the public was treated pretty much as the New York public is treated — like cattle," lUit thanks to municipal ownership in con- nection with this utility, the city owns the tracks and has a supervising control over its entire railway system. The Land of Lk'iiig Men 135 It now receives an annnal income of $600,000, and one of the most valuable lessons for us, perhaps, is the following- : — During two hours each day the fare on the street railways is the equivalent of one cent ; during the balance of the day it is the equivalent of two cents. And the operating company, which has a twenty year contract, is able to declare right good dividends from its share of the annual earnings of $1,500,000. Since the city has owned its street railway line, fares have been reduced as above, service has been vastly improved, employees' hours have been reduced and their time made more regular with a guaranteed rest of four days in each month, while at the same time their wages have been increased. Thus the people of Milan, the second city in the country, have the satisfaction of knowing that they have one of the best street railway systems of any city in the country — this satisfaction itself a valuable asset of the people. Is n't it really about time that we " progressive " American people be- gan to sit up and take note ? The owners of these public service utilities find a way in spite of all efforts against it to make them monop- olies, and the people are then at their mercy. A safe and sane principle and one that thoughtful men everywhere are recognizing as thoroughly sound is this, if in connection with anything there is a mo- nopoly, or the possibility of a monopoly, then the people should own and control that monopoly. It then becomes a benefit to all alike and an injury to none. It does n't enrich the few while it helps econ- omically to enslave the many, as at the same time it 136 The Land of Liz'iiig Men abounds in corruption and helps undermine and par- alyze republican institutions. In other words the prin- ciple of public ownership is sound — the ownership of those utilities, that from their nature become or may become monopolies, or of those utilities that from their nature derive 'their values from the common needs of the people. Whether now or as time passes it may be practicable or advisable that all such utilities come under public ownership and control, is something that can be deter- mined only by the people in a reckoning with the con- ditions in each particular locality and in each particu- lar case. But there is a principle thoroughly safe as well as sound that should be put into immediate oper- ation in every state, namely, that each locality have the right — by statute, as it has the natural moral right — to purchase, or to construct and own, and to operate or control such of its utilities, as at any time it may decide upon. And any legislator who sees fit to record his vote against any enabling measure of this nature, gives evidence, with possibly a rare exception, of his sub- serviency to certain agencies that do not represent the people, or of his anticipation of such subserviency, and these are the men who, as we get a little more stamina in the recognition of and the performance of our duties as citizens of a progressive and advancing nation, will be quickly read out of public life. If a private company is giving a good service at a reasonable cost, and is decent and honourable in its methods and in its dealings with the public, there may be no reason, and in large numbers of cases there wdll The Land of Living Men 137 be found no reason for interfering with it. But, where such is not the case the city should have the right even for the protection, to say nothing of the welfare, of its people, either to bring such concern to terms, or to throw it out of business entirely. The fact of the city having such right, will, of itself act as a tremendous protection, and the chances are that such right would have to be exercised only now and then as occasion might demand. In regard to this principle all fair and unbiassed minds certainly cannot fail to agree. The fact that practically all of our cities, and even our larger ones, as well as the nation itself, are still in their infancy, shows how careful and how zealous their people should be in the disposition of their public utili- ties, for the values of these will, as time passes, in- crease to tremendous proportions. On account of these natural monopolies being grabbed and monopolized for the enrichment of the few, and therefore not administered for the common good of all the people, the two greatest evils among us as a na- tion have gradually come about. The one lies in the great inequality in the distribution of the wealth of the country in that we have the few thousands of the exces- sively and sometimes criminally rich, over against the millions of the poor, and resulting in the almost unbe- lievable conditions we have already noted. If you will search carefully you will find that practically all the great fortunes now held by individuals or families have been built up through the ownership and control, or the monopoly, of these public service utilities or these great natural monopolies. Look carefully and see if this is 138 The Land of Living Men not true. Once in a while you will find an exception, a minor exception, but so rarely that the other becomes pre-eminently the rule. To these as the new generation comes along, we owe our continually increasing numbers of the " idle rich," some of whom — both men and women — have never been known to do an honest day's work in their lives. They live and fare sumptuously, they roll in wealth, and all the time, as John Stuart Mill has pointed out, they are being supported by the daily toil of others. Gradually they come to believe that they are made of a different type of clay from those about them, that they Were made to be served and supported by others, and so also their children. In this way many become " smart " and foolish and gradually prepare the way for their descendants either immediate or remote, to become degenerates or linked with degenerates, through whom the ability to live longer through the support of others, becomes dissipated. It is they who lose the respect of the great common people, and when this is once lost something is lost that no amount of wealth or supposed station will ever compensate for. This is true as every sane person will realize, not of all, by any means, but it is true of very many. The second great evil lies in the vast amount of bri- bery and corruption and debauchery that has come about in public and political life, the riding over the rights of the people that these agencies have brought about. A detail of the political intrigues of the com- panies and corporations in their manipulations of the people's representatives in city councils and in state The Land of Living Men 139 and national legislatures for their own private busi- ness ends, would fill volume after volume. Most people are now familiar with it in some form or another. The fact that great private wealth so dominates legislators is proof in itself that it is not healthy. When, there- fore, these great sources of private wealth that belong by right to the people are managed in the interests of the people, we shall then witness a gradual letting go of the grip of this monster. We are now, how'ever, beginning to make a more rapid progress with things as they are. Within a period of less than half a dozen years there has come into being in connection with most of these public utili- ties, an institution that is destined practically to revo- lutionize our past and present lax methods — the Pub- lic Service Commission, that has received its most complete and successful embodiment up to the present, perhaps, in the states of New York and Wisconsin. Already the results accomplished are beyond the be- liefs of the most sanguine. They have been given practically complete control of all public service utilities in these states. The laws creating them seek to " protect the public against the public service companies, the public service companies against the public ; and, most important of all, it seeks to protect both the public and the public corporations against their common enemy, — ■ the speculator. It aims, in short, to make the public service company serve the public, which means the service of patrons and stockholders alike and in equal degree." The Commissions are guarded by such precautions that very 140 The Land of Living Men little of their work, and few if any of their orders, can be overthrown or halted by adverse court decisions, or even stays compelled through injunctions — the meth- ods of the public service corporations are now pretty well known and are being profited by ■ — and it is only by giving the Commissions the widest authority of a judicial-executive type, that will insure them the com- plete fulfilment of their purpose. The New York Commissions — in New York there are two, one of five members for the state outside of New York City, and one of five members whose juris- diction extends over all public service companies in and pertaining to New York City. The latter will serve to point to some facts as regard its methods and its results. The Commission has its own corps of ex- perts and legal advisers and accountants. It has to take the word of no company in regard to any values, or terms, or charges, or as to whether any given thing can or cannot be done. It is able to ascertain all these facts for itself. It reviews and adjusts something over 10,000 complaints each twelve-month. It enables, for the first time perhaps, " the small individual person to treat with the great corporate person on something- like equal terms." It not only reviews and investigates complaints, but inaugurates all types of investigations on its own initiative. It not only suggests, but when its investigations and data are complete to the point of issuing an order, its order is issued, and failure to comply with any order, unless a stay is obtained from the commission itself, is punishable by a fine that may be as much as $5,000 a day for a transportation com- The Land of Living Men 141 pany, and $1,000 a day in the case of a gas or electri- cal company. It has already been the means of saving hundreds of lives, through the compelling of safety devices se- lected and tested by its experts, and through other means, and will be the means of saving many thou- sands more as time passes. It has insured a better, more efficient, more honest service of many various types to millions of people. It has already saved mil- lions of dollars to the people and will unquestionably be the agency for the saving of hundreds of millions to come. It has been the means of protecting the in- vestor in securities, both the modest — those who need protection the most perhaps — and the large, from the speculator and the stock jobber. Now, not a stock or a bond of any description can be issued without its approval. It seeks to protect the companies from the same predatory speculator. It will also forever do away with the granting by any supposed represen- tatives of the people, either state or municipal, of any more perpetual or even long term franchises which in the aggregate have already amounted to many millions of dollars in value. In brief, the Commission serves the public — the individual user of any public utiHties, commodity or service; it serves and protects the com- pany itself ; it serves and protects the investor in se- curities ; and not least perhaps, it serves to bring sys- tem and order out of a state of practical chaos and anarchy. The plan of the Public Service Commission should be carefully studied and instituted, and without delay, 142 The Land of Living Men in every state, and all public utilities, whether under private or under public ownership, should be brought under its supervision. The wonder is that we have gone along- in the chaotic, unbusinesslike and expen- sive manner that we have been going so long. We must get away from the idea that we are to be governed and our affairs managed for us. The people must govern and manage their own affairs. It is not only their right, but their duty. If the people do not, then the exploitation of the many by and for the gain of the few will inevitably follow even as it is going on to-day, and as has always happened when the people themselves have not ruled. Not only as a common- sense principle of self-interest, but a sense of safety for the commonwealth, pure patriotism itself, demands that without undue delay these great public service utilities and these great natural monopolies be man- aged for the interests of all the people in common. The wealth that is created by the common needs of the people or by the continually growing life of all the people should belong to all the people. By moral right it belongs to them, and without undue delay, that zvhich belongs to the people morally must he made to belong to them legally and by cnstom. VII LABOR AND ITS UNITING POWER — ITS STRENGTH— ITS WEA KNESS — ITS GREATER STRENGTH ;i^^^^ GREAT people's movement is now the only power that will save and redeem the nation. I think there is no more significant factor in the getting ready for this great pur- pose than the splendid companies of men that are bringing themselves together in our Labor Unions and Brotherhoods and Federations. And among them is, it must be said, some of our princely citizenship. I know that there are various opinions held in re- gard to the purposes and even the good of our labor unions. This can be said, however, and without any fear of successful contradiction, that those who know most of them and what they have accomplished, and most of the business and labor world in general, realize the splendid results they have already achieved and the equally important work that is yet before them. Cer- tainly upon their ivisc and intelligent grozvth and devel- opment depends much that will make for the highest welfare of our coming institutions. I know that there are those who have doubted even the right of labor combining in this way, to say nothing of the expediency of it. It is not only right and ex- 143 144 The Land of Living Men pcdient, as I view it, that labor should so organize, but it is also absolutely necessary that it do so, necessary not only for its own good and welfare, but also for the good and the welfare of the very nation itself. It has been the history of labor that what it has gained for itself — and it has gained much — it has gained entirely through its own efforts. Those who are at all acquainted with the conditions of labor in times past, and especially prior to the present century, know out of what a condition of bondage it has gradually lifted itself. It was at one time in that condition in which it had literally no rights that were considered as belonging to human beings. Before con- sidering the matter further it is interesting to note that in the industrial world, the captains of industry — the employers — had this same fight for liberty and for jus- tice, and they are now, mark you, not such a great ways ahead of that larger class called wage-workers. Concerning this an eminent authority has said : " In ancient times, particularly in the Roman and the mediaeval world, a manufacturer or merchant, though his ships might cover the inland seas, though thousands of men might be doing his bidding, yet he had no voice in the government, was not considered fit for a gentle- man and patrician to associate with, had no voice in making the laws that should govern him, nor in deter- mining what taxes he should pay ; he was plundered indirectly by means of taxation, and when this did not suit the purpose of dissipated and rapacious officialism, he was plundered directly. To be born a patrician, to be a member of the priesthood, or a successful military The Land of Living Men 145 chieftain, entitled a man to rule. The man who sup- plied the world with necessaries had no social or political standing, and this continued to be so through- out the Middle Ages — continued to be so in almost all Europe till toward the end of the last century, and is to a great extent still the case in Russia and in the Turkish provinces of Europe. ... In England the employer acquired his rights earlier, and has for some time had a voice in the government. But even in England the much praised Magna Charta was not for the benefit of either employer or workman, but simply of the nobility — the idle, who, by reason of the accident of birth, were enabled to appropriate the labor of others." Continuing and speaking also of the early conditions of the wage- workers, he says : " But, upon the whole, the employer in his struggles for justice is not a century in advance of the class we to-day call the wage- workers, and they, the laborers, were in ancient and later times practically all slaves. To be sure, we catch here and there, in ancient literature, a phrase about the laborer being worthy of his hire, but when we examine into the actual condition of the toiling masses we are forced to treat such utterances as the emanations of fancy, for not only was the labor of the masses at the absolute dis- posal of the master, but practically, and in every-day experience, their lives were also. True, there was in most countries a law providing that the master should not kill his slave, but if the master did so he generally went un whipped of justice. This continued to be the condition, with slight exceptions, throughout all Europe down to near the beginning of this century. For un- 146 TJic Land of Living Men numbered centuries they were absolute slaves, belong- ing to individuals ; then they belonged, as it were, to the soil, and were known as serfs and, in time, in England they may be said to have belonged to the county or shire. . . . " In 1360, during the reign of Edward III, it was provided by law that if a laborer refused to work for the wages fixed by law or by the justices of the county, or if he went outside of the county he was to be brought back by the sheriff, was to be imprisoned, and was to have the letter ' F ' branded with a hot iron upon his forehead in token of his falsity. If he sought by any manner to increase the rate of wages, he was to be im- prisoned. . . . From that time on, for four cen- turies, the legislation in England is of uniform kind, prohibiting by imprisonment all meetings of workmen, and providing that the justice should fix the wages to be paid in their county ; that if any laborer refused to work for the wages fixed by the justices, he was to be put in the stocks ; if any laborer was found idle and did not apply himself to work, he was to have the letter ' V ' branded with a hot iron upon his cheek, and was to be sold into slavery for two years, his children likewise to be sold, and if cither he or they ran away they were to have the letter ' S ' branded on the cheek with a hot iron, and were to be sold into slavery for life, and were to be fed on bread and water, and it was provided by law that they were to be made to work by beating, by chaining, etc., and if they ran away again they were to suffer death. Children that had worked at husbandry till they were twelve years old, were forbidden ever to The Land of Living Men 147 attempt to do anything else ; other children were re- quired to follow the occupation of their parents or be imprisoned. It is hard to conceive of a condition of the laboring classes that could be much worse than that of the English during these centuries." And so far as the length of the work-day was con- cerned, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, in 1562, the following statute was enacted : " All artificers and laborers being hired for wages by the day or week shall betwixt the midst of the months of March and Septem- ber be and continue at their work at or before five of the clock in the morning and continue at work and not depart until betwixt seven and eight of the clock at night, except it be in the time of breakfast, dinner, or drinking ; and all such artificers and laborers between the midst of September and the midst of March shall be and continue at their work from the spring of the day in the morning until the night of the same day, ex- cept in the time of breakfast and dinner." So much then for the early conditions of both em- ployer and wage-worker. We come on down then to our own time. As the employer class became fully emancipated they began to take matters into their own hands, and in their relations with those who worked for them and who Were the absolutely essential factor in their business and who helped make their profits, they had the entire say. They paid the wages they chose. They laid down the conditions under which those working for them did their work. The laborer had practically nothing to say regarding anything. The employers were organizing among themselves ; 148 The Land of Living Men they were g^etting stronger, and as a rule, it can be truth- fully said, more dictatorial. The wage-workers then began to take heed. They began to see what was to be gained through organization, through co-operation. They realized that they had grievances of various types, that they were not getting as a rule a fair share in the profits of the enterprise in which they were as neces- sary a factor as the element of capital and its man- agement. They also realized that as individuals they had absolutely no way of making any of their wants or grievances known, and that for individuals to act in these matters was not only futile but unsafe for the one or ones so acting. Then organization and the uniting of the wage-workers in the form of the labor union came into being. In reply to the question, " What originally were th< conditions and facts which seemed to make necessary the combinations of workmen called ' labor unions,' and which justify their present existence?" an officer of one of our larger labor organizations gave the fol- lowing reply : " To describe accurately such conditions and facts would require many volumes dealing with so- cial conditions, social injustice, special privilege, all ever the world. The specific fact which made labor unions necessary was this : Wealth was produced as a result of a combination of labor and of intelligent di- rection. The direction, otherwise the employer, was in absolute control, fixed wages, treated the employee a? he saw fit. The employers were also united in their social relationships, their mutual interests and in other ways. The employees, the workers, were isolated ; The Land of Living Men 149 they had no union, working- from dawn till dark made social intercourse impossible. The unions of workers were formed for the same reason that the union of states in this country was formed — namely, to give to the individuals forming- the union the greater strength that comes from united action, to give them the dignity that comes with escape from a servile con- dition, to give them the power enabling them to obtain for themselves fair wages, involving comfort and educa- tion for their families and leisure for mental improve- ment for themselves." Said the President of the American Federation of Labor in a recent address before the New York Board of Trade and Transportation : " The very concentration of wealth and its possession is potent organization, and unless the wage-earners, the workers, combined their efforts in unions of labor, their condition to-day would be such as to shock the mind even in contemplation. That any hope for material improvement, moral ad- vancement, or higher ethical consideration is possible without the organizations of labor few now seriously believe." This is quite in keeping with an utterance of former Governor Washburn, of Massachusetts, when he spoke as follows : " The fact that there is unrest and dissatis- faction when man is confined to unremitting toil is one of the brightest and most healthy omens of the times. It is an indication that his better nature is struggling for emancipation ; it is a hopeful sign of finer and nobler manhood in the future. Such efforts for improvenlent should never be discouraged, but always encouraged." 150 The Land of Living Men So much then for the right, the expediency, and the necessity of the wage-worker organizing and uniting for protection and for mutual self-help. The labor unions have committed errors of course ; they are committing them to-day, and plenty of them. Counts of many various types can be made against them. Enemies of or those unfriendly to union labor could, I dare say, compile very long lists of errors and ex- cesses of various kinds. Friends of and those sympa- thetic to union labor could compile also a similar list. But this is only natural, for in the early and formative days of any movement this is practically always true; there is indeed scarcely an exception. No movement or system, especially one involving such complex and such difficult matters to deal with and men in such various stages of development, can start in a fully perfected form, nor is it to be expected. Once it was urged in England that men should not be given their political freedom until they were fully prepared to use it rightly, and until there was no danger of their ever abusing it. This course seemed plausible and reasonable to those advocating it ; to it Lord Macaulay replied, "If men are to wait for freedom until they have become good and wise in slavery, they will wait forever." In a similar vein and speaking directly of organized labor, the Springfield Republican has said: "Viewed philosophically, it is inevitable that a riot of inexperience and inefficiency should characterize the early stages of labor's organization. No state of society is ever inaugu- ratcTl with people already perfected for its coming. . . . Republican institutions were not deferred on earth until The Land of Living Men 151 a people were found entirely capable of running perfect republics. Democracy did not await the advent of a population already fully trained in the arts of self-gov- ernment. All these things come, and the people most concerned have to develop up to them. Such is the les- son of history. Labor-unionism came also, and, in the same way, its adherents have had to discipline them- selves by experience in the best methods of organization and conservative management. On the whole, taking into consideration the enormous increase of unionism, it is no more than fair to say that it is constantly gain- ing in equilibrium and sanity." The unions and their leaders have been learning rapidly in these matters. Generally speaking, the older the union the more conservative and quiet and at the same time firm and effective is it in its methods and its dealings. In other countries, in England for example, where the unions are a great deal older, they have even long ago worked through and out of the rash and tem- pestuous stages, the stages where so many counts could be made against them, and have reached the position that the unions in America have been gradually working their way towards. Here, as there, it has been a long, hard road to travel, it has meant fight and defeat, and at times apparent rout along with the battles won, the experience gained, the advancement made — the pres- ent priceless possession. It has meant brave sufferings many times not only on the part of the wage-workers, but also on the part of their families. It has meant, at times, the facing of great uncertainty. I think it should be said that from the managers of 152 The Land of Living Men capital, labor has learned some of its worst features and excesses. I think it can be truthfully said that with all the excesses and violations of law on the part of union labor in times passed it has never, taking it all in all, equalled the amount of disregard for and violation of law that organized capital has been guilty of. It has been more open and awkward in its methods, per- haps, while organized capital in addition to being in many cases also glaringly open, has worked in a sub- tile and silent way under cover. The latter is more skilled, it may be said, and hence more apt in these matters. But out of this long and at times apparently clumsy struggle, union labor in this country is also attaining a position where it is exerting a great and powerful good, not only for its own and for the public welfare, but also for organized capital, if the latter is wise enough to openly and freely recognize its power and its purposes. In connection with the final settlement of the great strike in the anthracite fields some time ago, there were among others two utterances to me very significant and worthy of a wide reproduction. Judge Gray, chairman of the Arbitration Commission, said, " Unless my judg- ment is at fault and my faith unfounded, the labor unions will soon have passed through their period of trial and tribulation and will emerge on a bright and sunlit plain, where true American character, the fruit of American liberty, will illustrate the worth of our in- stitutions. Purging themselves of every anti-social and unworthy element, recognizing in others the rights they claim for themselves, with malice towards none and The Land of Living Men 153 charity towards all, subordinate to law, with a full sense of their appeal to the public opinion of the country, as our fathers made their appeal, they will be upheld in the time to come by employers, as powerful coadjusters, in the maintenance of American ideals of free govern- ment among men," Much of the energy of labor unions up to the pres- ent time has been directed towards the securing of a lar- ger wage or of a shorter work-day, and in some cases towards both. It is quite natural that at first this should be true. But with this gained to a greater or less extent, there comes a time and it has now come, when it must push out into a larger and more general field. These gained, and with more time for council and intercourse, and with a greater recognition of its power and its standing, it is more able now to move upon a broader and still more telling plain. The union and the federa- tion has also been an excellent means of training in rea- son as against crankery, in moderation as against rash- ness and hot-headedness. in short for a broader and i::ore substantial and effective citizenship. A very dis- criminating writer, in speaking along this line, has said : "If we omit certain unions in the more corrupt cities, Vv'here the leaders learn bad habits by imitation, and are too frequently bought and sold, there is at the present moment in this country no more powerful influence to train men for citizenship than the influences at work in the best and strongest labor organizations. This is true of the Federation ; it is true of separate unions like the printers, trainmen, iron-moulders ; many of the longshoremen, and cigar-makers. 154 ^/'^ Land of Living Men " But especially do these older and stronger unions learn to check dangerous and revolutionary opinions. ... As the trade union strengthens, its influence against turbulent and revolutionary projects steadily increases. The only agency that will prevent the spread of this conservatism is the fatuous obstinancy which insists upon defeating completer labor organization."* The time has come it seems to me when organized and federated labor must move, and move in a very ef- fective and telling way along the lines of political action. Not that the union or the federation as such, as an or- ganization, must so act, for this all along it has steadily avoided and undoubtedly most wisely. There would be pitfalls innumerable for it, did it adopt or attempt to adopt such a course. Nor would anyone of judgment advocate the membership of the union or federation as such affiliating with any particular party. To be inde- pendent in party action, here as in the rest of our citizenship should be, as it is getting more and more to be, the great fact ; then for organized labor to work along the lines of educating its membership in the lines of policy and legislation that gives or that keeps for the great common people, of which the wage- worker i.3 such a large and powerful factor, larger rights arid fairer opportunities and more just conditions, as dis- tinguished from the privileged classes by whom the chief portion of the machinery of government is now dominated and controlled, and in whose interests the larger share of legislation is now enacted. And so far * John Graham Brooks in " The Social Unrest," Chap. xii. The Land of Living Men 155 as the immediate demands and the welfare of organized labor is concerned, it seems to me that the time has now come when this is the effective and the telling method of work, also the orderly and the peaceable, hence, the most satisfactory. It is undoubtedly in the matter of strikes and the almost innumerable evils that accompany them that union labor has suffered most in its reputation, and to a greater or less extent in its standing. Whether this part of its life could have been lived better or not is of no im- portance so far as the present consideration is con- cerned. The one concern at present is — the lessons that are to be learned from the past use of this weapon. Undoubtedly there are many and very important lessons to be learned; undoubtedly many have been learned. That strikes have been too frequently called, and especially the sympathetic strike, that others have been called rashly and without sufficient preparation, and without a sufificient consideration of the chances of success beforehand, that others have been too frequently called under a poor or ineffective, or self-seeking leader- ship, is undoubtedly true. The abler leaders and the better and more intelligent members have now come to the position where they recognize that the strike and its attendant circumstances is to be considered only as a weapon of last resort. The disposition, reached partly through very great losses, is now to conciliate, to adjust grievances and differences if any possible way can be found without a resort to the strike. The history of strikes, those lost as well as those won, has brought home to the intelligent and capable and un- 156 Tlic Land of Living Men selfccntred leader and union member some very clear- cut facts such as the following : that a strike should not be allowed to be called by a walking-delegate, or by any power outside of a full and complete vote of the union ; that the union should move slowly and with every possible degree of fairness ; that it should be thoroughly organized and ready for the strike ; that it be under the direction of a thoroughly able and honest and proven leader ; that it be sure that its demands or its grievances are thoroughly just and sufificiently important to pay this price for their attainment or their adjustment; that it has come to pass that public opinion is the court or the power that finally decides whether the strike be successful or whether it end in failure ; therefore, in addition to the necessity that the demands be thor- oughly just ones, that there be no violence or rioting. True, owners and managers of capital — as well as sym- pathizers — have provoked or have deliberately planned and provoked violence and rioting, as they probably will in other cases yet to come, but by forbearance and patience the public can in practically all cases eventually be shown its source, and it will render its verdict ac- cordingly. The very fact that this method has some- times been deliberately resorted to, to help weaken or break a strike,, is itself a powerful and quiet commentary upon the influence and the power of public opinion as the determining factor in a strike. How keen the really able labor leader is in regard to the importance of no violence emanating from the organization in time of strike is shown partly by the following words of John Mitchell, spoken in connection The Land of Living Men 157 with the anthracite coal strike of several years ago, and not for its effect upon the public but in earnest counsel to the miners : " If you want to spoil your own cause and lose every sacrifice you have made for yourself and your families, give way to your temper and commit some violence. Just a few outbreaks like this and the public good-will, to which we must look in last resort, will fail us and we shall deserve to lose it." A leader of the keen insight of John Mitchell, understands all too thoroughly what the element of violence, emanating from the organization at a critical period of the strike, would mean in its effect upon public opinion. This, however, is not exceptional counsel, but it has grown to be that which is common on the part of the able, ex- perienced, and efficient labor leaders. The very large number of strikes that are prevented through the influence and the clearer counsels of the abler leader and his subordinates, is probably not realized by the one not intimately acquainted with organized labor. The following letter by a very able general secretary of the Garment Worker's Union, is also indicative of much that is going on at present : " Mr. foreman of informs me that your only reason for calling out the men was that he refused to continue in his employ two men laid off for incom- petent work, and that even your business agent ad- mitted that the work of the men was imperfect. If such is the case, your action in withdrawing the men was not justified. This office, as well as the National Union, is opposed to forcing upon an employer men whose work is not suitable. It is just that sort of thing 158 The Land of Living Men that creates needless opposition to the union, and causes no end of trouble. Your union is the only one that would make such a demand. Where members are made to believe that they cannot be discharged, no matter what they do, they become careless, and the poor work- man falls back upon the protection of the union. The employer has got to sell the goods, and he assumes the risk, consequently he alone can be the judge as to the quality of work. As long as he pays the union scale and does not discriminate against active members, that is all you can expect of him. " Now I trust you will not place us in a position where the General Executive Board will have to decide against you." I know there are employers who have become very bitter against organized labor. I know also that some, at times, have had to meet some very exasperating things from the unions. This I think is owing in great ])art to two causes : the feeling of power that has come to labor since the unions have become a force that must be reckoned with ; and again on account of the sort of transitional period through which both employer and worker have been passing, where we have reached the end of the period where the employer has had practi- cally everything to say in connection with the works and the conditions of labor, and where he is now loath to admit that the portion of his establishment, the portion as necessary as his capital, his management, and his machinery — the workmen — can have anything to say regarding any feature of his works. But the day has come when the wise owner or manager is he who openly The Land of Living Men 159 and even cheerfully recognizes this. There are those who have taken this view of the matter, have acted accordingly, and are even now glad that this changed condition has come about. They are managing in such a way that great good is resulting to them as well as to their workmen. The day of " my business " has passed ; the day of " our business " has arrived. The new industrial era that we are now entering upon is the one in which there shall be more consultation and more friendly co- operation between employer and employee ; and where if this method is entered upon freely and with a fuller and more sympathetic recognition of each other's rights, and of the amenities due from each to the other, very great mutual gains will be made. The one important factor that must now be looked for by owners of large enterprises and by companies, is men as managers who are keen enough to recognize the advent of this new era, and who are large enough to meet and deal with labor upon this new basis. It is after all but an indication of the possession of a good degree of modern business ability. Speaking along this line a very able Eastern railroad president said some time ago : " To assume that we have got to go on spas- modically fighting the unions, is tactless and unintelli- gent. The truth is that the kind of man who is not strong enough to work with organized labor has not the qualification for his position. It is silly for powerful corporations to say, ' We will deal with the individuals, not with representatives of unions.' Organization of labor has got to be recognized as such, and dealt with 160 The Land of Liz'ing Men as such, and the problem now is to get men with the quahties and capacities to do this." Mr. Darrow, one of the miners' counsel, in speaking before the anthracite commission, spoke possibly more strongly though not more truly in the following. Mr. Henry D. Lloyd, also counsel, had just pointed out the fact that the commission could hope to bring no peace to the anthracite fields that could be in any way per- manent unless it provided for agreements with the un- ion. Mr. Darrow, speaking in regard to the recognition of the union, said : " You can do just as you please about recognizing the union. If you do not recognize it, it is because you are blind and you want to bump up against it some more ; that is all. It is here. It is here to stay, and the burden is on you and not upon us. There is neither the power nor the disposition in this court, I take it, to destroy the union. It would not accomplish it if it could, and certainly could not if it would. And if these wise business men, with the combined wisdom of busi- ness gentlemen and the agents of the Almighty, cannot see the union, they had better blunder along still a few more years, and possibly after a while they will know it is here and recognize it themselves." I know there is still a great deal of unsettled opinion regarding strikes and lockouts, regarding arbitration, and especially compulsory arbitration. All who are familiar with it, however, are agreed that there is one form of arbitration that is unique in that it leads all other forms. It is what has come to be known as the " joint agreement." It might be more accurately spoken of as a form of conciliation than as a form of arbitra- The Land of Living Men i6i tion ; or still more accurately, perhaps, as a form of '■ working agreement " between employer and employed. Its basis is, that once so often, according to agreement, accredited representatives of both employer and work- men meet in a joint session to consider, to discuss, and to draw up a set of agreements that shall be the basis of the year's or the period's work. The very fact that labor is organized and is capable of sending re- sponsible representatives to such a meeting makes the "joint agreement " possible. Otherwise it would not be possible. The joint agreement is pre-eminently the highest type of arbitration, for it is arbitration from within. The features that mark its high value are many. First are its educational features, in that it makes both em- ployer and employed acquainted with each other's points of view, with each other's needs as well as desires ; it leads to a better understanding between employer and workmen, probably the greatest need in our modern in- dustrial -cvorld. And if entered into heartily it has the tendency of creating an active sympathy between the two. This in itself will lead in time to a continually increasing mutual respect and mutual helpfulness. Again, agreements thus voluntarily made are far more apt to be kept, and more easily and conscientiously than in case of conditions imposed from without, and which in almost every case are bound to contain some features distasteful and onerous to one party or the other. Again, it is simply a recognition of a purely com- mon-sense and practical method that is recognized and used in practically every other avenue in the business i62 TJic Land of Living Men world. Finally, I think it can be said, that there can be no effective relations and no lasting peace between employer and workmen until the agreement is recog- nized as the common-sense and fair method of pro- cedure, and is entered into in a whole-souled manner and with the purpose and intention on the part of both interested parties of living fully up to the agreement. The joint agreement is not a new method of con- ciliation or a new method of procedure as between employer and employed, but in some fields it has been used for many years, and in almost all cases with thor- oughly satisfactory results. It can therefore be spoken of from the standpoint of its actual achievements. It is of later years, however, that it has been coming into a more general and into a continually increasing use. This fact is undoubtedly an evidence of its effectiveness and value. There is so much testimony to be had in regard to its effective and satisfactory results that it would be in- teresting to consider much of it did space permit. The manager of one of the largest stove manufactories in the country has said of the agreement : " We have tried it a dozen years and it has settled all questions on this subject for us. Its best trait is that, as it works, it trains the men to see the limits within which they can get advantages. It makes the men more conservative and it • makes us more considerate." Mr. John Graham Brooks, in " The Social Unrest " has dealt with the joint agreement in a very effective way. At one place he says : " To keep agreements volun- The Land of Living Men 163 tarily, is a much higher discipline than to do it under force. For many years unions have actually kept con- tracts when employers have genuinely and heartily co- operated with the joint agreement. " There is no such convincing proof of this as the fifteen years' trial between masters and men in the Boston Building Trades. The agent of the employers, W. H. Sayward, who brought about this agreement, conducting it with growing success for eighteen years, allows me to say that under it scores of strikes have been prevented, millions of money saved, and the most delicate questions, like the limitation of output and apprentices, the use of the boycott, the conflicts be- tween different unions, and the sympathetic strike, are now so far understood as a result of this education that they are no longer feared." Mr. Sayward's testimony, in part, is as follows : " My experience has convinced me that labor thoroughly or- ganized and honestly recognized is even more impor- tant for the employer than for the zvorkmen. It makes possible a working method between the two parties which removes one by one the most dangerous elements of conflict and misunderstanding." Speaking further, Mr. Sayward said : " that either for the building trades or other lines of work, these intricate and involved matters will not take care of themselve§ ; they cannot safely be intrusted to one of the interested parties alone ; both parties must have equal concern, must act jointly, not only in their own interests, but, in effect, in the interests of the community." If at any time dififerences do arise under the joint 164 The Land of Living Men agreement, or if they arise when it is not in use and trouble seems imminent, then concihation or voluntary arbitration is the next sensible step. It is safe to say that there is scarcely a case where the strike or the lockout need be resorted to if there is an eminent spirit of fair- ness on hotli sides. Conciliation and fairness. A look- ing at the matter from the standpoint of the other, a pocketing of pride to gain something larger and fairer and more satisfactory in the end. A getting away from pure fool obstinacy and allowing a spirit of openness and fairness to assert itself and lead to what will prove to be a wiser course and a better end. The workmen to be fair and to be sure they are making no unjust de- mands, not hasty but considerate of the probable dififi- culties that lie in the employer's way. Employer to pass rapidly beyond the foolish and inane period wdiere " this is my business and I will conduct it absolutely to suit myself ; " " I will not be dictated to ; " " there is nothing to arbitrate." The public is pretty well tired now of " there is nothing to arbitrate," and popular disapproval will soon call a halt upon this puerile obstinacy unless owner or manager finds sense enough to abandon it himself. All that is needed to prevent precipitated labor troubles — strikes and lockouts — is for the men in overalls and the owners or managers of industry to grow sufficiently large as to enable them to throw away their prejudices and meet as they meet in other things, on the common-sense platform of fraternity and hu- manity. Each must manifest the spirit of open fairness, and the more fullv this is done the more smoothly and The Land of Living Men 165 pleasantly and satisfactorily will the negotiations run. President John Mitchell has given this bit of testimony : " I have never seen in my experience a strike that could not have been averted if the employers and the men who work had met in conference before the strike was started. I have said on many occasions that I was opposed to strikes, opposed to lockouts, opposed to in- dustrial turmoil ; that I favoured peace, but always with the qualification that it must be an honourable peace. There will never be peace between the men who work and those who employ men to work unless that peace guarantees to each side that which is its proper due." Herman Justi, Commissioner Illinois Coal Operators' Association, has said : " With scarcely an exception, every strike that has taken place in our time, even where there has been bloodshed and destruction of property, has finally been settled in friendly council." Speaking then of the plan of the Coal Operators' As- sociation in their method of joint agreements with their men which have been in operation for a great many years, Mr. Justi says : " Our plan is to prevent these senseless and costly strikes, and the many differences and disputes arising between master and men which seem to place them in the attitude of enemies to each other, are settled in the same manner in which the most destructive strikes are finally settled, z'/.c. : by meeting in friendly council, where we try self-control long enough to enable us to say : ' Come, let us reason together.' This is, practically, all there is of the plan pursued in the coal mining industry of Illinois, and of this plan to pre- vent strikes and to promote harmony and good feeling it i66 Tin- Land of Living Men can be said, at least, that it is the fairest thus far offered." " But what a commentary upon the experience of the past twenty-five or thirty years to know that finally ]:)ractically all strikes are settled by the very means that could have prevented their ever occurring had more real ability or, to speak more plainly, more plain ordi- nary common-sense prevailed on one side or the other, or on both. As soon as it becomes apparent that employer and workmen are unable to adjust their differences through conciliation or voluntary arbitration, then by the ordi- nary course, the strike on the part of the one, or the lockout on the part of the other, is resorted to. What the results sometimes are, when this method assumes control, is well-known to all. Upon the public the chief burden is then thrown. It has always seemed to me that right at this point it is the privilege and the duty of the public to have its say. I know that many la- bor men, and among them some eminent labor leaders, hold a different view. To deprive labor of the power to strike they believe, and honestly, would be to take from it one of its most effective weapons. I would not deprive labor of its power to strike ; and the more thoroughly and closely labor is organized the greater does this ability become. There is probably no one who believes more thoroughly in the good that is to result both to worker and employer, as well as to the public at large, from a continually growing and developing organiza- tion of labor. But the larger good must always be kept in mind, and when the calling of a strike or the institut- The Land of Lk'iiig Men 167 mg of a lockout becomes the supreme necessity, then the principle of compulsory arbitration is undoubtedly a sound one, even as it has proven so completely to be, much that we hear to the contrary notwithstanding, in New Zealand, in Australia, for example. Were emi)loyer and workmen the only ones concerned in the matter of compulsory arbitration then it would present a somewhat, in fact an entirely, different aspect. But even then I should thoroughly believe in the prin- ciple, when the strike or the lockout would appear the only way of adjusting the differences. Men or groups of men in the mad, fighting condition, are not as cap- able of adjusting difficulties as fairly — and there can be no lasting peace unless mutual fairness enters — as an able and impartial body of men selected for this purpose. And the enormous losses entailed upon both sides when the strike is at all long drawn out, are, it seems to me, thoroughly ill-advised. The ability to strike enables the workers to bring their difficulties o^ grievances to the point where, were they not strong enough to possess this ability, they would be in a most deplorable condition. Two men have a difference. The time was when, worked up by rage into a fury — thoroughly mad, one species of temporary insanity — they took their bludgeons and pounded away at the skulls of each other. We have grown. When two men have a difference they are not allowed to go into the street and bludgeon one another, or deal with one another in the manner of even the modern fisticuff manner. The public has long ago decreed that they take their differences in an orderly i68 The Land of Livi)ig Men and common-sense way before a man or a body of men, more calm and reasoning, and hence more capal^le of determining the right of the matter at issue. This is our method, the method that We have found far better than the former brute method. There is no one of average intelHgence who would even think of appearing in public to advocate a return to the earlier methods. In this, however, the public is scarcely disturbed, or at most but a few persons, and then for but a few moments at most. Fisticuffs are ordinarily not lengthy affairs. Is there not a thousand times more reason for compelling this same sane, common-sense method when it comes to the disputes not of two men, but of two groups of men that may last for days or even for many weeks, and Vv'here the entire community is endangered as to life or limb, where it is inconvenienced, and all of its natural and normal relations demoralized, where it is subjected at times to tremendous losses, and where sometimes for weeks it is compelled simply to remain quiet and look on at these two groups struggling without reason be- cause each is animated by the desire for the c[uestionable glory of saying " we beat " ? I am not saying that " we beat " is always the animating principle on the part of the contending parties. That in some cases it is, that in many cases it is, is all too evident, and sometimes when a struggle of this kind has been entered upon, with the greatest of reasons, it has frequently occurred that as the conflict became extended the " we beat " business became the controlling principle. The strike or the lockout is too much a matter of vital public concern to enable it to be used upon the slightest pretext on the The Land of Living Men 169 part of groups of hot-headed men. I say hot-headed advisedly because, were it not true of one side or the other or of both, then a less crude and bungling and a more common-sense method of settlement not only could, but would be found. There was perhaps a justification, or at least a reason for the bludgeon and the pommeling method of settle- ment of differences between the two men. In order to reach the period of the " reason method," this period had to be passed through. There zvas also the same justification or reason for the strike and lockout method in the disputes between two groups of men. This crude method was at first natural. We have too much com- mon-sense in other matters, and in matters of a very kindred nature to allow it further to be said that this method is any longer necessary or even natural. We be- come so accustomed to certain conditions that at times we do not move on as rapidly as is well for us. I beg to repeat the statement that when the strike or the lockout is resorted to, there is a disinct threefold loss, to the worker, to the employer, to the public. Am I right ? Some time ago witnessed a strike in Chicago, and it terminated rather to the disadvantage, if any- thing, of the side that called it. Here are a few facts taken at random from a general. summary made imme- diately after by the Chicago Tribune : Duration in days, a hundred and five ; number of garment workers origin- ally involved, seventeen ; total number of teamsters eventually involved, four thousand six hundred and twenty ; persons killed in strike violence, twenty-one ; persons injured (reported by police), four hundred and 170 The Land of Living Men fifteen ; police and deputy sheriffs on strike duty, five thousand seven hundred ; cost to city and county for ex- tra pohce and extra deputy sheriff protection, four hun- dred and six thousand five hundred dollars ; loss to teamsters in wages, and cost to unions for strike bene- fits, one million fifty thousand dollars ; cost to employ- ers (wages and lodging of strike-breakers and protec- tion of wagons), two million dollars; shrinkage in wholesale, retail and freight business (estimated), six million dollars. Here then the cost to the unions was a trifle over a million dollars, to the employers, two million, while the public had to pay to the tune of be- tween six and seven million dollars, besides shouldering all the exasperating inconveniences and a compulsory witnessing of all the diabolical happenings that were thrown in its way. If this virtual defeat for the unions was caused, as it is claimed, by incompetent or self-seeking leadership, so much the worse for the unions that permitted such leadership to hold sway and to lead them into such positions where defeat was almost a foregone conclu- sion. How long will it take organized labor to learn its lessons along this score ? You will recall that in the summer of 1900 there was a street-car strike in St. Louis. The side in error, the side chiefly to blame in this strike, was the company, and when it was ended the chief defeat was also on its side. In this strike the loss to the men in wages was a trifle less than a half million dollars; the loss to the company in fares, in operating, and in damage to cars and plant was two million dollars ; the loss to the city The Land of Living Men lyi in business alone, to say nothing of loss in extra police and deputy sheriff needs, was thirty million dollars ; there were fourteen killed, seventy injured by bullets, a hundred and fifty injured otherwise. Here then is a loss — in money alone of thirty million dollars on the part of the public compared to a combined loss of a little less than two and a half million dollars on the part of the company and its workmen. Who shall say that the right or even the duty on the part of the public in this case is not of a very clear-cut and certain nature. Under the head " The St. Louis Strike Folly " an edi- torial in the Boston Daily Globe at the conclusion of the strike spoke as follows : " This strike was begun inno- cently enough on May 8th. On that day 3,500 men stopped work. It was a fight on the part of the com- pany to destroy the labor union, and because the com- pany has succeeded in compelling 300 union men to go back to work and leave the union, and moreover suc- ceeded in importing more than 3,000 men to run its cars day and night, it calls this a ' victory.' A few such ' vic- tories ' as this scattered over this continent would create a general civil war, in which victory would finally poise at the point of the federal bayonet. For a corporation to call a settlement forced by such conditions ' victory ' is a libel on the English language. Yet the unions, ani- mated by the same spirit that possesses the company, claim a ' victory,' too. " No, this is not ' victory,' in this day when reason and the moral sense are supposed to have superseded the gun and the bludgeon. It is defeat, dismal defeat for both the company and the men. The only victory is 172 The Land of Living Men found in the agreement of both sides to resume their old relations, forgive and forget old scores and begin all over again to be reasonable human beings. If anybody can conceive a victory after such disgraceful proceed- ings, where does it come in for the 700,000 people of the town who have been inconvenienced for nearly two months and whose losses in business are reckoned at $30,000,000? How many taxpayers of St. Louis \\\\\ feel like calling this a victory by and by, when the costs have to be settled? " This strike has had some features that are liable to sadly demoralize the calculations of corporations who fancy that the victory is won as soon as they succeed in hiring men to take the places of the strikers. This was the case in St. Louis. The company has ' broken the back ' of the strike, but in breaking that back it was at the same time depleting its treasury so rapidly that it was forced to make an agreement with the strikers in order to save itself from impending ruin. " Such a strike as this ought never again to be pos- sible in this country. It cost the company over $1,500,000 in fares alone for its ' victory.' It cost the men $500,000 in wages. It brought disgrace upon a supposed civilized American city. The fierce boycott has been the cause of cowardly murders and assaults upon women. It has engendered bitterness among fam- ilies and friends that will rankle for many years to come. And all for what? In order that somebody might finally be able to boast of a victory. Now both parties have fought to a standstill, and both, maimed, crippled and disgraced, have been forced to an agree- The Land of Living Men 173 ment which each calls a ' victory.' How childish and how unworthy of intelligent men ! Arbitration could have easily settled all this when it began. Now nothing is settled, except the fact that both sides have virtually been defeated. When will men ever learn anything from these sad experiences ? " To say that it is advisable longer to allow two groups of men to engage in such a disruption of public order and decency, throwing this enormous expense upon the shoulders of the general public, simply because one party or the other, and generally the one least in the right, is so bull-headed, or so lacking in ordinary brain capacity as well as in business insight as to be incapable of adjusting these difficulties without a resort to such clumsy and brutal methods, seems to me to be almost an insult to the most ordinary degree of public intelli- gence. I don't think there is an average of one person in fifty who, cognizant of all the facts, really believes that it is either advisable or possessing even the equali- ties of the most rudimentary common-sense. What a commentary then upon the lack of initiative or move- ment on our part to allow this method with all its at- tendant horrors, and with practically nothing in its jus- tification, still to be employed. Especially is this true when there is already a clearly demonstrated better method. When all other methods are exhausted, and it comes to the strike on the one hand or the lockout on the other, then compulsory arbitration in the form of an industrial court should step in and take hold of the case and render decision, and the contending parties should 174 The Land of Living Men renew their original relations as nearly as possible until such decision is rendered. A State Board of Arbitra- tion, with powers along its line of a nature somewhat similar to those of the Public Service Commission, along its line, and with powers to enforce its decisions where such enforcement is necessary on its part, would bring order and great good out of the present anarch- istic and practically criminal conditions that now ordi- narily prevail. Time would unquestionably demon- strate the wisdom of the creation of such a board in every state. Sometime ago Carroll D. Wright, then United States Commissioner of Labor, in an article in the North American Reziew gave some of his findings in connec- tion with an investigation of the matter of strikes in the United States since 1880. Between 1881 and 1900 there were about twenty-three thousand strikes, which would be an average of more than a thousand a year. Nearly fifty-one per cent of all these strikes were successful, thirteen per cent succeeded partly, while the remaining thirty-six per cent failed. Over six million employees were involved and were out of work for a longer or a shorter period. Their loss owing to idleness was nearly two hundred and fifty-eight million dollars. The loss to their employers was about a hundred and twenty- three million dollars, or a little less than one-half the loss to them. I have given just the losses from a monetary stand- point, and to the two parties engaged in these indus- trial wars. The still greater losses to the public at large, not only from a monetary standpoint, but in al- The Land of Living Men 175 most innumerable ways otherwise, can be imagined by the aid of the detailed statistics relating to the two strikes already mentioned. One of the concluding observations by Mr. Wright in this article is abundantly worthy of notice: " It is recognized now, that labor conflicts grow out of in- creasing intelligence. The avoidance or adjustment of such conflicts must be the result of incr-eased intelli- gence. Fools do not strike; it is only men who have intelligence enough to recognize their condition that make use of this last resort. With increased intelli- gence they will look back upon the strike period as one of development; and when they shall have accommo- dated themselves to the new conditions, and when em- ployers shall have recognized the increased intelligence of their employees, these matters will be handled in such a way as to prevent in the future a repetition of incidents like those which are chronicled in the statis- tical history of the strikes of the last twenty years." It is generally the case in the majority of strikes, that the loss to the workers, who are far less able to stand it, .is considerably greater than that sustained by the em- ployers. The latter, moreover, have a way of making the public finally pay their losses, in addition to the still heavier losses that are always thrown upon it. Certainly the word dense is quite applicable to the public unless we take some lessons from this great array of happenings that has come to pass, and unless we now move speedily along the path of an insistence upon compulsory arbitration in that class of cases where no other method of settlement but open industrial war- lyG The Land of Lk'ing Men fare is able to be reached by employer and workmen. It seems to me there can be no shadow of a doubt in regard to this when it comes to strikes in connection with any public service industry, or anything where the inconvenience or loss to the public is specially great. Organized labor stands at one of the most critical periods in its history at the present time, in this country at least. And, although I believe it is coming through successfully, it nevertheless will receive some strong knocks and will suffer some severe and entirely unnec- essary set backs, unless some of its worst practices, or rather those of some of its members and sections, are quickly eradicated. Flushed with pride undoubtedly in attaining to the degree of power and recognition it has so far attained to, the members of some groups of organized labor, especially in the larger cities, are already showing marked symptoms of severe attacks of the " swelled head," and their conception of their rights is getting so fine that the rights of those employing them and of the general public, are now so minimized that they have become of almost microscopic proportions. Especially is this true in those lines of work where the public is concerned rather than the employer of labor in works. And, when organized labor, " The Union " becomes a shield for incompetent or shirking workmen, or backs them in giving a wholly inadequate day's work for a good high wage, or in carelessness of the rights and amenities due to others, or a reasonable care of their belongings, or when it becomes too technical, or too fine in its rules and its methods and its general pro- The Land of Living Men 177 gramme, then it will alienate an intelligent and other- wise sympathetic public, so that its losses will quickly begin to balance its gains, and it will by its own fool- hardiness, set a limitation to its advance and progress, that otherwise could not be set. Wherever the teaching or the influence of the union is for greater gain for the individual members — shorter hours, higher wage, or whatever the gain, if it is not accompanied by that of greater interest and a greater degree of efficiency for the benefit of the employer, whether company or individual employer, the union is doing its members a distinct injury and also an injury to the public, and such a union deserves not only the condemnation but also the execration of all decent and healthy-minded citizens ; not only does it deserve this but this it will surely get. If the animating motive is continual getting, with thoughts only of " us " and " ours " without adequate return, and no sense of its relationship with the great public welfare, then it will soon fall into the pit of arro- gance and pure self-seeking without due consideration of the rights of others, rebellion against which was the very thing that brought the labor organization into existence. A permanent organization or institution cannot be built upon any such basis. A " labor trust " is just as obnoxious to the great common people as is a capitalistic trust and they will stand for one no more than they will stand for the other, and moreover they will in time find a method of putting down and out of business the one, the same as they surely will the other. And again, if browbeating 178 The Land of Living Men becomes too dominant a factor, if terrorism, and mur- der, and kindred villanous methods become too frequent or habitual, and too fully condoned by organized labor in efforts to coerce other equally honest and worthy men who cannot see their way to sanction all their methods, or still others who are too brave or too manly to sit idly by and see their families driven and pinched by want, then also a suicidal blow will be struck that will be a tremendous hindrance to what would otherwise be a more gradual but a permanent growth. The methods of the brute are used only where brains are not equal to the task it is desired to accomplish. In this way many of the strongest and best men in the labor ranks will be turned against it, and will in time become a most powerful element backed by the great public sympathy to be reckoned with. Better grow a little more slowly, and in accordance with just and righteous laws, and hence more surely and permanently, than to try the short-cut methods, for in this way many get swamped and tremendously delayed, while others never " arrive." Those of the policies and methods above described be- come a sore upon the great body of splendid, honour- able labor, which can ill afford to condone or stand for such methods ; and personally, I do not believe it will very much longer, nor even countenance them. Does this seem like plain speaking? The only excuse to be offered, if indeed any excuse were necessary, is that it is spoken by one of labor's truest friends, and friends don't snivel, neither do they fawn, and having no ulterior ends to gain, there is no need for reticence in relation to plain truth. The Land of Living Men 179 I believe the time is rapidly approaching, and it may be indeed immediately upon us as some signs seem to indicate, when labor is going to push squarely into the sphere of political action, even as the great masses of the people are moving along the lines of political action, unhampered as never before, because of more open vision, by political machines, or dictated to by notorious old hacks as party bosses. The day has already arrived for this in England ; and to-day — the results of a late election — we see a splen- did body of nearly fifty labor members in Parliament, and if even fairly wise and discreet in their actions, as I fully believe they will be, their numbers will con- tinue to increase, and there will be a strong party right in Parliament thinking and w^orking directly for the interests of the great common people, not so hopelessly impotent, so far as actual accomplishment is concerned, as have been most of the political parties there during the last decade or more. I have long thought, looking at the numbers of the one and of the other, that the time had nearly come in Great Britain for the doing away of the House of Lords, and substituting in its place shall we say, a House of Labor. But, things move sometimes in a most indirect way, and it may be that through this the beginning of a long needed labor and people's moverrfent, this result in effect would be brought about. Who knows but that one of its greatest needs, per- haps the greatest need it has to-day, will be served by this new movement — that England and Scotland and Ireland will more rapidly be freed from the centuries i8o The Land of Living Men old curse of landlordism, and that the land now so held will in some wise method be brought back to the use of the people. The Labor Party in co-operation with the progressive wing of the Liberal Party, should be able to bring about this sorely and long needed end. And then if, speaking along general good lines, this combination could give to Great Britain a new, a better and broader universal public-school system, something, I do not hesitate to say, akin to our own, or better still, then they would at once be dealing with one of its great- est delinquencies and one of its greatest and most press- ing needs. In this way numbers of other ailments, resulting directly from one or the other of these, or from both, would begin to be healed without any other special direct treatment. The excessive amount of drinking among the working classes, and among both men and women, the bane and the curse of this phase of British life to-day, and now almost universally recognized as such, would begin at once to be on the decrease. It comes primarily from the vacancy, the hopelessness, the want and the despair in the lives of these vast numbers of Britain's population that have been induced directly or indirectly by these two causes, probably as much or more than by all other causes combined. And, speaking along the same line, who knows but that the splendid Socialist body in the German Parliament to-day, al- ready numbering between seventy and eighty members, and steadily increasing in numbers and in influence, will have as its essential or primary mission, the freeing of Germany of what royal and the i)rivileged classes have evidently neither the brains nor the inclination to throw The Land of Living Men i8i off, even for the relief of millions of people, the mon- strous military system, under which it labors year after year. I think this new Labor Party in England as it grows will give its aid also in dealing more humanely, hon- ourably and hence in a more statesman-like manner with India. And to labor in politics in this country I would say, remember a fact accentuated by the fact of Britain's high and enviable position as regards cleanliness in politics, that we of the United States, notwithstanding oui; inclination to think otherwise, are among the lowest of tlie low in this respect, especially in our municipal politics. And remember that this condition has come about because we as a people have so allowed commer- cialism and large moneyed interests to take from us and convert to themselves such valuable properties that their greed for more has become so insatiable that no man who fills public office to-day, municipal, state, or na- tional, is sure to escape their blighting and benumbing influences. Hence, be careful in your nominees and in men to whom you give your political support. A direct or an indirect gift, depending upon whether at any par- ticular centre these agencies composed of our " success- ful " and " respectable " fellow-citizens, are bold and brazen in their methods, or very plausible and smooth and cunning — a direct or an indirect gift, to repeat, of fifty thousand or a hundred thousand or more dol- lars, is a very sore temptation to a man in moderate cir- cumstances, or to a poor man. The essential thing is to have men of knoivn and proven integrity. Better i82 The Land of Living Men a man of less culture, or even more liable to errors in judgment, than one subject to the money bags of the " successful " and " respectable " despoiler, the arch enemy of American institutions and of American citi- zenship to-day. Another point — hoping it will be received in the spirit in which it is given : Be not displeased or dissat- isfied, if those you elect, or those to whom you give your support, do not vote favourably for every labor bill that is proposed. Labor's welfare, and the welfare of any class or portion, must be always subservient to the general welfare. Class legislation is always in ti^iie unsatisfactory and destructive in its results. Class leg- islation emanating from labor alone, would be but slightly preferable if any to that emanating from capital alone. Only as the general good is g^uarded and fostered and advanced will that of any clkss or por- tion be really and permanently conserved. Here is an inestimable service that lies in the power, if it lies in the heart, of labor to render itself and the nation. There is indeed a prophetic insight in the words of the " Good Gray Bard of Democracy," words that were written by Walt Whitman nearly forty years ago : " I expect to see the day when the like of the present personnel of the g'overnments — federal, state, muni- cipal, military and naval — will be looked upon with derision, and when qualified mechanics and young men will reach Congress and other official stations, sent in their working- costumes, fresh from their benches and tools and returning to them again with dignity. The The Land of Living Men 183 young fellows must prepare to do credit to this destiny, for the stuff is in them." The following- are a few characteristic words from a speech to his constituency by an able member of the British Labor Party, who has served with great abil- ity in Parliament before, and who in spite of much strenuous opposition was re-elected at a recent elec- tion by a majority of something upwards of ten thou- sand votes. " The working class, professional men and shopkeepers are all struggling — some few to make a competence, but the great majority to earn a livelihood. Millions are steeped in poverty whilst millions more are but one degree removed from it. While the useful classes toil and suffer, the owners of land and capital, and the schemers and gamblers of the Stock Exchange, are heaping up untold wealth. Whilst the poor die for lack of the barest necessaries of life, the rich revel in a riot of excess. Great accumulations of wealth menace our liberties, control the great London organs of the press, lead us into wars abroad, and poison the wells of public life at home. Landlordism and capitalism are the upper and nether millstones between which the life of the common people is being ground to dust. " My one object in politics is to aid in creating tlie public opinion which will sweep away the causes zvhich produce poverty, vice, crime, drunkenness and im- morality, and introduce an era of freedom, fraternity and equality. This ideal state cannot be reached at one step, but much can be done to mitigate some of the graver evils arising out of our present system of wealth production. The immediate object of the Labor Party 184 TJic Land of Liz-iiig Men is to create a driving force in politics which will over- come the inertia of politicians in regard to social re- forms, and give the nation a strong, true lead along the paths which make for national righteousness. To see that children are properly fed and cared for, that the able are given an opportunity to work, and that comfort is brought into the life of the aged, are objects worth striving for. These things lie outside the domain of ordinary party politics, but they must be attended to if the nation is to be saved from decay; and should I again be returned as your representative, it will be ni}- main concern to see that they are attended to. " As a Democrat, I am opposed to every form of hereditary rule, and in favour of conferring full and unfettered powers upon the common people. In this connection I include women as well as men." I think it is peculiarly fitting that an utterance of Lincoln close this part : * " In my present position I could scarcely be justified were I to omit raising a warning voice against the ap- proach of returning despotisms. It is not needed nor fitting here that a general argument should be made in favour of popular institutions, but there is one point not so hackneyed to which I ask a brief attention. It is the efifort to place capital .on an equal footing with, if not above, labor in the structure of government. It is assumed that labor is available only in connection with capital ; that nobody lal)ors unless somebody else knowing capital somehow by the use of it induces hini * In Message to Congress, December 3, ]^6\, The Land of Living Men 185 to labor. But capital is the fruit of labor and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. La- bor is the superior of capital and deserves much the higher consideration. No men living are more worthy to be trusted than those who toil up from poverty ; none less inclined to take or touch aught which they have not honestly earned. Let them beware of surrendering a political power which they already possess, and which, if surrendered, will surely be used to close the door of advancement against such as they and to fix new dis- abilities and burden upon them until all of liberty shall be lost." Prophetic words, spoken of all who labor, and also words which show Lincoln's matchless faith in the great common people. He came from them. He knew them. He loved them. Can anyone have a doubt as to where he would stand in connection with the great and pressing questions that are immediately before us ? VIII AGENCIES THROUGH WHICH WE SHALL SECURE THE RETURN OF AN EFFICIENT PEOPLE'S GOVERNMENT — AND THE RETURN OF THEIR RIGHTS f OW can we, as a people, get the machinery of government back into our own hands? How can we meet and battle with and de- ^J^^jfyi feat the combination which great moneyed, corporate interests have made with the political ma- chine, the combination that has already well-nigh throt- tled democratic or representative government in the nation? We have seen, by illustrations perhaps almost too prolific, how the people's will is thwarted, how their desires are disregarded, and how they have literally to fight their chosen representatives in order to prevent them from selling out their interests completely to the agencies already mentioned. We need now a new and more comprehensive appli- cation of the term traitor, so. that it shall include in its scope the one who, as a chosen and su])posed represen- tative of the people and hence of the country, for gold or for whatever gain, conspires with the enemies of his pco]jle, and sells to them his people's interests, as scores of our representatives, nnmicipal, state, national, have done in one form or another the past twelve months, the The Land of Living Men 187 same as for many years that are gone. They will- con- tinue to do so and in greater numbers and to greater extent as each year passes, unless we as a people begin in some effective and common-sense way to' attend dili- gently to our own affairs in government. This is not a mere putting together of words, nor a false charge, nor an idle, thoughtless statement, but a hard, cold, though exceedingly unwelcome, fact. We must take it out of the power of men to make traitors in civil life, which are far more destructive and disastrous to the people's and therefore to the nation's welfare than the occasional traitor that appears in time of war. I had almost said this tendency must be checked, but the hard, cold facts demand one instead to say, this condition that is actually among us, sucking the very life-blood from the body of freemen, must be speedily checked and driven from out the land, or the dissolution of the nation is to be the inevitable result, in addition to the humiliation attendant upon this con- dition, and also the great losses we have already sus- tained and will sustain to a continually increasing degree. Our governmental institutions to-day, not in theory perhaps, but as they actually exist, are neither demo- cratic nor representative. This no thoughtful, clear- seeing man at all acquainted with existing conditions will even attempt to deny, however great may be his desire to do so. It is not necessary here to ask. Why is t]:is so? This we have gone into, both directly and in- directly, to almost a wearying extent already. The question is. How shall we get back in fact, and in actual iS8 The Land of Living Men practice and results, to what g-overnment among- us is in theory — the government and institutions upon which we so pride ourselves ? A serious shortcoming in our institutions has de- veloped itself, a shortcoming which could scarcely be foreseen in the beginning. We must halt now to make the necessary changes and repairs, or the entire machin- ery will be wrecked, adding another huge junk pile to the wrecked and worn-out machinery of nations that once were great, but whose people were unable or illy inclined to see and grasp the meaning- of new times and conditions, and arouse themselves sufficiently to master them instead of suffering themselves to be brought to a gradual ruin by them. A change now is essential, a repairing of the machinery. We must take a long step and get back to, or move forward to, actual representative government. Repre- sentative is here a better word perhaps than democratic. The New England town-meeting still in active opera- tion in hundreds of New England towns and villages, and a similar method in vogue in many of our newer western states, is perhaps the best concrete example of the latter. You who have had part in or who have at- tended such a meeting or meetings know how each year the voters of the town or village meet at the duly ap- pointed time and place, and initiate, discuss, vote upon and adopt such measures, make such appropriations, select such men to carry out their programme as they decide are necessary or advisable for the coming year. You appreciate most fully how impossible it is with such a method to sell out the interests of the people of The Land of Living Men 189 the village or town, because the people are there to at- tend to their own business and to look after their own interests. This method works just as effectively and as safely now for the interests of the people as it did a hundred years ago, or when it was first instituted, and the reason is apparent on the face of it. Those who are acquainted with its effective workings would like to see it extended to all our villages and towns throughout the country, the same as it is being adopted here and there in various parts of our thriving newer western states. Because it has such a thorough common-sense basis, it works as well in practice as in theory. It is better than representative government. It is pure dem- ocratic government. It is the principle upon which the institutions of a great nation can most safely be built. But when it comes to the larger units, the large city, the state, the nation, then its application becomes more difficult, if not entirely out of the question. As nearly as we can approach to it, however, is the best government ; and in these larger units we have in theory an ideal system, in that we select men to represent its at seats of govern- ment, municipal, state, and national. We, however, have not completed the system. The result is that our theoretical representative government has become in practice thoroughly and notoriously — with a proper allowance of exceptions of course — misrepresentative. In other words our system has developed, or has given evidence of some most serious shortcomings, and, I ad- mit, shortcomings such as could not fully be foreseen in the beginning. What we of this generation and IQO Tlic Land of Living Men those of the g-encration rapidly coming upon the stage of action are called upon to do, is to recognize the exi- g-encies of the time and amend or complete what to-day is far from what it must be made to be. Let the State Legislature be an example of both municipal and national legislative bodies. The chief failure or weakness of any particular session of any leg- islature is that it fails to do certain things that the in- terests of the people require, and it does various other things that arc diametrically opposed to the interests of the people, whose representatives its members are cho- sen nominally to be. Now the chief reason that is at the bottom of this two-fold failure has been gone into so fully in previous pages that it is unnecessary to make useless repetition here. But the point is, that in connec- tion with the acts of these nominal representatives of the people, the people have practically no recourse, in other words they are absolutely at the mercy of their agents. We act in a way that no business man, even for an instant, would think of acting in connection with his agents, or in a way that if he did so act, his business would be irrevocably ruined and in many cases in less time than it would take to describe the process. Now, one feature in connection with which it is es- sential that we immediately repair the machinery of- our government is, that we have the power, and the quick and ready power to initiate whatever measures a suffi- cient number of people feel the public interests require. Another feature is, that we have the power to veto whatever measures our chosen representatives, or sup- posed representatives, may enact, that a sufficient num- The Land of Living Men 191 her of the people feel are opposed to the public welfare. These are two principles, fundamentally common-sense and essential in order to perfect the running machinery of our government. In our system of representative government as it has worked out to the present time, the people — the source of power and in whose hands all power should reside — have lost, to all intents and purposes, the ability of having their desires or wishes put into force. We dele- gate power to men and hold them in no way responsible to us for the use of that power, and with the tremen- dous prices large corporations, many of them fattened off of the people's properties, are able to and do pay, we expect men, many of them entirely irresponsible be- cause chosen by these interests for the direct further- ance of their ends, to work for our interests and for the public welfare. We do what no business manager would consent to or even think of doing, unless he were deliberately inviting the disruption or the certain annihilation of his business ; and it requires only the most ordinary course of reasoning, and especially when reinforced by the lessons that are in such vast numbers being thrust into our faces, to know that the continuance of our repre- sentative system without a safeguard for retention of power on the part of the principals, will mean continued unsatisfactory and humiliating conditions and tremen- dous losses, and the eventual dissolution of every sem- blance of desirable government. In other words, we have come to a weakness, a breakdown in our machin- ery of government, which could not be fully anticipated 192 The Land of Living Men by those who gave us our splendid beginnings of gov- ernment ; and which, let it be said, if we have but half the wisdom they displayed, we will, without delay and at whatever cost, be about repairing or remodelling, and we will bring it up to the development and to the needs of the times. Now in what simple practical manner can we bring these two essential provisions into our respective spheres of government? Fortunately we do not have to theorize in regard to the matter at all ; a system has already been initiated and has been in effective use for many years already. From a nation that of all nations has the most ideally representative government, because the most democratic in its essence, Switzerland, we have a system that has been in successful operation for many years, hence thoroughly tested, and that has worked equally well in other countries where it has been put into operation, as also in several common- wealths in our own country. It is through the principle of Direct Legislation, by means of the Initiative and Referendum, that we can get the machinery of government back into our own hands, and establish a truly representative system of government among us. " The Referendum started in 1830 in the Canton of St. Gall, the Initiative in 1845 ""^ the Canton of Vaud. Since those dates the two institutions have marched in a triumphal tour through the Swiss Republic until they have been adopted in the Federal Constitution. It is not too much to say that within these few years Swit- zerland has been converted from a nest of oligarchies. The Land of Living Men 193 entrenched behind vested interests, into the model Democratic Republic." The Initiative means the proposal of a law or statute by the petition of a certain percentage of voters. The Referendum means a vote by the people on any law passed by the legislature, or on a law proposed by the Initiative. The two are referred to many times,under the term Direct Legislation, or sometimes characterized as " guarded representative government." As a thoughtful writer has said : " Direct Legisla- tion is simply an application of the fundamental prin- ciples of agency recognized in every court of law in the civilized world, via. : That an agent must hold himself at all times subject to the command and approval of his principal. One employing an agent to manage his busi- ness expects him to do as he is directed in its conduct. If he is not willing to do this he may be discharged by the principal. The employer retains the power of in- stant veto, not having to wait until the end of a speci- fied term, during which his property might be mort- gaged, sold, or given away." Here is a simple, an effective, and a fully demon- strated weapon with which we can strike the necessary blows. It is a practicable and attainable method be- cause it cannot be made an issue of parties and politics. It cannot be made a football of political parties, because it is something in connection with which all men really agree. It is a principle that is almost axiomatic in its truth, and such principles are not subject to dispute. And moreover, so far as dominant parties at least are 194 The Land of Liz'ing Men concerned, no Republican who believes with Lincoln, in " a government of the people, by the people, and for the people," will dispute its wisdom or oppose its adop- tion and use. And no Democrat who believes with Jefiferson that " governments are Republican only in proportion as they embody the will of the people and execute it," and " government is more or less republi- can in proportion as it has in its possession more or less of this ingredient of the direct action of the citizens." And as is evident, no new party that has arisen or that may arise (working for the people's greater interests than they are able to be persuaded the two dominant parties as at present constituted are working for) will oppose the adoption and application of such a principle. Moreover, there is no leader (no party) sufficiently foolish, however great his natural desire might be to do otherwise, as to array himself against such an axiomat- ically sound principle of truly representative govern- ment as to oppose it, when its advocates once get it squarely before the people as an issue to be acted upon. It seems to me also that those who have various de- sires and plans for the betterment of governmental in- stitutions, however ideal their conceptions and plans may be, can and will unite upon such a common-sense and practical agency through which effective strides can be made that will pave the way, and that in time will lead to the realization of such hopes and such plans. From the very nature of the principle of direct or guarded legislation that wc are considering, it would almost seem that sjKcific arguments in its favour were unnecessary. It may not come amiss, however, to give The Land of Living Men 195 briefly an enumeration of some of those most evident, or a sort of summary, of those suggested or hinted at in the foregoing pages of this chapter. First and foremost, as must be evident to all who have more or less of an intimate knowledge of conditions as they actually exist among us to-day, is the fact that as a matter of pure self-preservation of our form of gov- ernment, and thereby our interests, this amending, this completing of our political system is necessary. It has become essential to the proper working of representa- tive government. Without this power held in reserve by the people, we make our chosen representatives who would otherwise be honourable men, intent and deter- mined upon the people's interests, the prey of these same nefarious influences for all time to come, or, on the other hand, we make these supposed chosen repre- sentatives whose candidacy is managed by these same interests and who have us elect these, their own agents, for them, practically masters of all our common pos- sessions, with a free hand to betray our welfare into the hands of these interests. In other words. Direct Legis- lation is essential to representative government in com- plex or large communities, essential to the realization of anything approaching true democracy. "It is simply a common-sense application of the principles of agency, affording the principal his proper rights of veto, con- struction, control, and discharge. Direct Legislation means control of your servants instead of letting your servants control you." From this, then, follows naturally the fact that brib- ery and the corrupt and venal lobby will, to a great ex- 196 The Land of Living Men tent, be done away with, or they will be so diluted that the results will be practically the same. Where $50,000 \vould buy the necessary number of councilmen, or leg- islators to buy the passage of a measure, the briber, the agent of the " interests " could not with this amovmt or any amount buy 50,000, or 5,000, or any large number of citizen voters to vote for or to pass a measure against their own interests. Such a thing is scarcely conceiv- able. The " interests " then are not going to pay their good money to men who cannot " deliver the goods," and under this system they cannot deliver the goods, be- cause they would not have the final say in regard to the matter at issue. Rings and bosses will lose their hold and their business. Franchise grabs as well as black- mailing bills will in time disappear because in case of the former the people will be able to see to it that their properties are retained for their own use and welfare, and in case of the latter the people can always be appealed to with the assurance that justice will be compelled. The following paragraphs from a former distinguished Judge and a man who knew ' well the methods of the boss, the machine, and the " interests," are most appropriate here : " The fierce commercialism of the age, which has tended to enthrone the dollar and enslave the man, has lowered the standards and has covered the land with corruption until corrupt concentrations of money, wielded by unscrupulous men, have acquired such a complete control of the governments, national, state, and munici])al, that the people are almost helpless. Laws destructive to their interests are passed through The Land of Living Men 197 bribery, and laws necessary for tbeir protection are kept off the statute book by bribery. To meet this new and unfortunate condition it is necessary that the people be given the power in certain emergencies to legislate direct, either by a popular vote to put specific acts upon the statute book, or to declare certain specific acts already on the statute book to be null and void. This would destroy the business of bribery, because it would render the fruits of bribery worthless. No corporation would buy a legislature or a city council if the acts of that legislature or council could be nullified by the people. " This system has worked marvellously well where it has been tried. ... It is not a question to speculate about. It is not a chimerical idea. It is simply a ques- tion of self-preservation." And the following from Governor Folk when , the people of Missouri were finally aroused and determined to free themselves from most debasing and well-nigh intolerable conditions, is more than suggestive : " Vote for the Initiative and Referendum, a system that will be the death blow to corruption and the only true remedy for bribery. Why elect me unless I am given the proper tools? " While on the one hand the application of the Initia- tive and Referendum would have a very telling effect upon the party boss and the machine, upon the star chamber, " arranging " methods through which almost every phase of legislation must pass, it would also on the other hand call into public life in many cases a higher grade of men; for the higher the plane politics 198 The Land of Living Men is upon, the better the men that are naturally attracted to it. This is the general rule ; the exception occurs in case of the occasional brave and earnest man who sees the well-nigh intolerable conditions in political affairs around him, and who without thought of self and with- out counting the cost, sets about in an endeavour to end them. It will promote thought and discussion and a greater intelligence on the part of all people in connection with all public measures. As it is, the average citizen, good citizen if you please, has no part in the discussion nor in the forming of conclusions in legislative matters ; he has no method except in some cumbersome and round- about and generally ineffective way of making his de- sires or his protests regarding matters of legislation known. With this simple and effective direct instru- ment in the hands of good citizens, their interest in good government and in all measures of public concern and welfare would revive, and by reason of the healthy stimulation it would receive, it would give birth to a new type of patriotism that would redeem and carry our institutions long strides towards what they are yet to be. And its influence upon the youth of the land, as they in turn come into the field of action, it is easy to foresee. It would strengthen our respect for law, instead of our growing disrespect for it, because then its enact- ment would emanate " from the mind, the conscience, the aliiding will of the sovereign people," instead of legislators, " some of whom," says an editorial in the New York Independent, " are wise men, some of whom The Land of Living Men 199 are good men, many of whom are fools, and not a few of whom are scoundrels." It will separate issues from men, thereby fostering intelligent discussion and keeping real issues fairly be- fore the people. As important a feature as any in its favour is the fact that it is the remedy, the reform, the amending, the completing of our governmental institu- tions along the lines of least resistance, which is a most important feature in connection with practical politics and in connection with political growth and continual higher political attainment. We have considered, though in very brief form, the reasons or arguments in favour of direct or guarded legislation. What are the arguments against .it ? I have never seen more than two that are really worthy of consideration. One is, that the people will make mistakes. The other is, that they will abuse this power. As to the former, we will readily grant the truth of the assertion. The people will make occasional mis- takes, and they will be apt to make more mistakes at first than they will later on with more experience and with such increased intelligence in connection with matters of public policy as this educative process will bring about. That no system is wholly perfect will be most readily admitted by all. But the real, the vital question is, will the people make as many mistakes working directly for their own interests, as the mis- takes made — and that mistakes are sometimes made by the people's representatives will be admitted and freely perhaps by all — by these representatives, com- bined with the frightful wrongs and injustices that are 200 The Land of Living Men frequently perpetrated under our present irresponsible representative system, where bribery and graft and public debauchery have become so widespread and so general on account of this weakness in our system, as to make us the laughing stock of practically every other civilized country in the world, Russia possibly excepted. The people know their own desires and aims and their OAvn business better than it can be known by any num- ber of representatives, even though they might be uni- formly wise and honest. The man who is afraid to trust the people when it comes to attending to their own affairs, has something radically wrong in his mental make-up, or has some- thing under cover that will not stand the scrutiny of honest and honourable men. Watch him. We must, moreover, get over the idea that matters .of government are deep and intricate and complex matters. When it comes to attending to their own affairs on the part of the people, there is nothing intri-' cate or complex, or there is nothing as intricate and complex as would at first thought seem. But things are made, or are made to seem, intricate or complex, by the professional politician, by the paid agents, and at times the paid attorneys of thieving or stock-juggling corporations or privilege-seeking or law-defying corpo- rations, combines and agencies of the various types that are continually at work. So much then for the argument that the people will make mistakes. As to the other argument above noted, that the people will abuse this power, the testimony in an over- The Land of Liz'ing Men 2Cl whelming abundance is, that it is entirely unfounded, that it has no basis in actually demonstrated fact. This argument that the people will abuse this power which is not borne out by the facts, but which has on the contrary been wholly disproved by such facts as we have up to the present time, brings us to the enuncia- tion of one of the strongest possible reasons for the Initiative and Referendum, namely, that the very fact of the people having this power reserved in their own hands and without having to have recourse to it at all, prevents in many cases questionable or baneful legisla- tion, and on the other hand compels legislation that would not many times be enacted were it not that the people hold this compelling power. The holding of this power indicates, and makes all too plainly evident to the people's representatives and to those who would de- bauch and buy them, that the people hold in their own hands the final power, and their legislators cannot be bought successfully without the buying of the people, which on the very face of it is impossible. Direct Legislation amendments have already become a part of the constitutions of several of our progressive newer western states. Where the proposal of Direct Legislation has been brought squarely before the people to receive their sanction or their veto, it has in almost every case been adopted by an overwhelming vote. It has been made part of the charter law already in a few cities, and in every case so far — state and municipal — it has given good results'; in many cases results that could not possibly be accomplished in any other way, or by any other at present known. 202 The Land of Living Men A Direct Legislation Amendment went before the people of the State of Oregon at the general election of 1902 and was adopted by an overwhelming majority — a vote of a little over ten to one. The essence of this new provision may be said to be as follows, contained in the opening sentence of Article IV, Section I : " The leg- islative authority of the State shall be vested in a Legis- lative Assembly, consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives, but the people reserve to themselves power to propose laws and amendments to the constitu- tion, and to enact or reject the same at the polls, inde- pendent of the Legislative Assembly, and also reserve at their option the power to approve or reject at the polls any act of the Legislative Assembly." As to the numbers required to make effective this power held in reserve by the people, eight per cent of the legal voters of the State have the power to propose or initiate laws, constitutional amendments, etc., and five per cent may demand a referendum on any act or acts passed by the Legislature when their petitions are filed within ninety days after the adjournment of the Session during which they were enacted. The Legislature itself may refer any act passed by it to the people. The Governor can- not exercise the veto power in connection with any measure referred to the people. During even the comparatively short time that the people of the State of Oregon have had this amendment incorporated into their constitution, as has been well said, " it has proved a field bf dragons teeth to the Oregon machine politician." Through the possession of this they have already secured that now essential The Land of Living Men 203 measure for political decency and political progress, a Direct Primary Election Law, than which there is noth- ing more effective to put political bosses and machine politicians out of business. On May 5 (1910), Hon. Jonathan Bourne, Jr., of Oregon, delivered in the United States Senate a most telling and illuminating exposition of the truly repre- sentative government that now exists in that state, and incidentally of the results that through the same agen- cies can obtain in every state. Coming from so able an authority, the following brief extracts, dealing with its results only, will be most opportune here. After stating his thorough belief in a real representative government in distinction from the thoroughly misrepresentative government that has come about so generally under our present systems, he says : " Since that amendment was adopted, the people of Oregon have voted upon twenty-three measures sub- mitted to them under the initiative, five submitted under the referendum, and four referred to the people by the legislature. . . . That the people acted intelligently is evident from the fact that in no instance has there been general dissatisfaction with the result of the vote. The measures submitted presented almost every phase of legislation, and some of them were bills of considerable length. " Results attained under direct legislation in Oregon compare so favourably with the work of a legislative assembly that an effort to repeal the initiative and refer- endum would be overwhelmingly defeated. No effort has ever been attempted. 204 The Land of Living Men " It has been asserted that the people will not study a large number of measures, but will vote in the affirm- ative, regardless of the merits of the measures sub- mitted. Experience in Oregon has disproved this, for the results show that the people have exercised discrim- inating judgment.* They have enacted laws and have adopted constitutional amendments in which they be- lieve and have defeated those of which they did not approve. . . . " The people are not only intelligent, but fair and honest. When the initiative and referendum was under consideration it was freely predicted by enemies of pop- ular government that the power would be abused and that capitalists would not invest their money in a state where property would be subject to attacks of popular passion and temporary whims. Experience has ex- ploded this argument. There has been no hasty or ill- advised legislation. The people act calmly and delib- erately and with that spirit of fairness which always characterizes a body of men who earn their living and acquire their property by legitimate means. Corpora- * "In addition to the publicity incident to the circulation of the petitions, the law provides that the Secretary of State shall, at the expense of the State, mail to every registered voter in the State a printed pamphlet containing a true copy of the title and text of each measure to be submitted to the people, and the proponents and opponents of the law have the right to insert in said pamphlet, at the actual cost to them- selves of paper and printing only, such arguments as they see fit to make. These pamphlets must be mailed not later than fifty-five days before a general election and twenty days before a special election." The Land of Living Men _ 205 tions have not been held up and blackmailed by the people, as they often have been by legislators. " Pinch bills " are unknown. The people of Oregon were never before more prosperous and contented than they are to-day, and never before did the State offer such an in- viting field for investment of capital. Not only are two transcontinental railroads building across the State, but several interurban electric lines are under construction, and rights of way for others are in demand. "I have mentioned all of these facts for the purpose of showing that the people of my State, and, I believe, the people of every other State, can be trusted to act intelligently and honestly upon any question of legis- lation submitted for their approval or disapproval. " The initiative and referendum is the keystone of the arch of popular government, for by means of this the people may accomplish such other reforms as they desire. The initiative develops the electorate because it encourages study of principles and policies of govern- ment, and affords the originator of new ideas in gov- ernment an opportunity to secure popular judgment upon his measures if 8 per cent of the voters of his state deem the same worthy of submission to popular vote. The referendum prevents misuse of the power temporarily centralized in the legislature. . . . " The next step after the adoption of the initiative and referendum was the adoption, in 1904, by a vote of 56,205 to 16,354, of a direct primary law, which is de- signed to supersede the old and unsatisfactory ' conven- tion system.' . . . " The final step in the establishment of popular gov- 2o6 The Land of Living Men ernment in Oregon was the adoption of the recall amendment to the constitution, which was adopted in 1908 by a vote of 58,381 to 31,002.* " The recall, to my mind, is rather an admonitory or precautionary measure, the existence of which will pre- vent the necessity for its use. At rare intervals there may be occasion for exercise of the recall against mu- nicipal or county officers, but I believe the fact of its existence will prevent need for its use against the higher officials. It is, however, an essential feature of a com- plete system of popular government. " Under the machine and political-boss system the confidence of sincere partisans is often betrayed by recreant leaders in political contests and by public ser- vants who recognize the irresponsible machine instead of the electorate as the source of power to which they are responsible. If the enforcement of the Oregon laws will right these wrongs, then they were conceived in wisdom and born in justice to the people, in justice to the public servant, and in justice to the partisan. * " Under this amendment any public officer may be recalled by the^ fding of a petition signed by 25 per cent of the number of electors who voted in his district in the preceding election. The petition must set forth the reasons for the recall, and if the officer does not resign within five days after the petition is filed a special election must be ordered to be held within twenty days to determine whether the people will recall such officer. On the ballot at such election the reasons for de- manding the recall of said officer may be set forth in not more than two hundred words. His justification of his course in office may be set forth in like number of words. He retains his office until the results of the special election have been officially declared." The Land of Living Men 207 " Plainly stated, the aim and purpose of the laws is to destroy the irresponsible political machine and to put all elective offices in the State in direct touch with the people as the real source of authority ; in short, to give direct and full force to the ballot of every individual elector in Oregon and to eliminate dominance of corpo- rate and corrupt influences in the administration of public affairs. The Oregon laws mark the course that must be pursued before the wrongful use of corporate power can be dethroned, the people restored to power, and lasting reform secured. They insure absolute gov- ernment by the people." Additional testimony from a citizen of the same state, as to the healthful influences at work under this system of truly representative government is as follows : * " The way in which this formidable list of subjects was dealt with is highly creditable to the Oregon electorate. ... In no case was there indifference ; everything points to the fact that the ordinary voter studied the questions proposed, made up his mind be- fore going to the polls, and voted independently on all the propositions placed before him. The measures have provoked a vast deal of discussion ; indeed, it may be said that for a number of months past the people of Oregon have all been more or less actively engaged in the business of legislation. The educational benefits incident to the system are bound to be very important. With a change in the initiative law perfecting the method of distributing copies of proposed rneasures to * " Oregon as a Political Experiment Station," by Joseph Shafer, The Review of Reviews, August, 1906. 2o8 llic Laud of Living Men the voters, there is no reason why every farmers' club, labor union, and lyceum in the State cannot become in effect a miniature legislative assembly. In this way the interests of all sections and all classes of the people are bound to receive attention ; measures will be proposed for submission to the local representatives and others to go before the people at the general elections. " But, with all this political activity, there is no evi- dence of dangerously radical tendencies. The people want to make their government as perfect as possible, but are not disposed to hurry the process unduly. The recent election, indeed, revealed in a striking manner their conservative disposition. " In conclusion, we remark among the Oregon people a genuine joy at the discovery of their political capa- bilities. Representative government is good, but there is an exhilaration in direct participation in law-making, the interest is sharpened, the intelligence is quickened, moral susceptibilities are aroused. The Oregon people are convinced that in the double form of government, partly representative and partly direct, they have dis- covered the true solution of the problem of self-govern- ment in our American States." Among the arguments on the part of those naturally opposed to this method of changing our present misrep- resentative into a truly representative government will be that of expense — expense to the state, hence to the tax-payer. If this objection were well founded it would undoubtedly still be the source of a great saving. The objection, however, does not bear investigation. The submission of the total of thirty-two measures The Land of Living Men 209 to the people since the system has been in operation in the state of Oregon has cost the state a total of some $25,000, or an average of less than $800 for each meas- ure. What the saving of a single one of these meas- ures might mean to the people, and especially as time passes, can well be left to the imagination of an intelli- gent reader. The same cry was raised at first by its opponents in Los Angeles, until through this power in the hands of the people, the passage of a single measure there was productive of a saving of over a million dollars. This objection is no longer raised at Los Angeles. Another agency that is going to tell strongly in the redemption of our present political methods is indepen- dence in party action. The time has about passed when a sort of blind, senseless, fanatical allegiance to party is going to dominate men as it has in the past. Thoughtful men everywhere are beginning to realize the stupidity and low moral plane of such allegiance. One reason that the low party machines, as well as those of the higher grade, have been able to be built up with all their damnable characteristics, is that good men and thoughtful men and patriotic men have not in sufficient numbers rebuked their party managers and defeated them in their questionable and dishonour- able doings, and have not rebuked the selection of ques- tionable or venal or notoriously unfit men by defeating them at the polls, thereby pushing home a lesson to the party boss or party managers that would be of telling efifect, that would be of real service to the party. And when a sufficiently large numbei' of men make it clearly 210 The Land of Living Men understood that they will give unqualified support to that party which in every case puts up the best man for public office, and which stands honestly and squarely for measures of the best public policy, then we will see a great difference in the standards of men nominated for public office, and in the methods of polit- ical party management. " In our country we fool the people with some pre- tended differences between one party called the Re- publican and another called the Democratic." So says an American writer in dealing with the agencies that have made the governments of Australia and New Zealand so truly representative of the people's welfare. This cry to loyalty to party is generally an emanation from some old hack of a party boss many times disso- lute and dishonest and criminal, both at heart and in practice — an emanation, directly from him, or through some of his equally dissolute lieutenants, to hoodwink and to hold the members to the party under his or their joint domination, in order that at the right time they may deliver the goods — the people's interests — to those with whom they are in league. That the people have not seen through this method and have not rec- ognized this fact in much larger numbers long before this, is a most astounding fact. But eyes are now open, and minds are now alert and discriminating, and the death knell of these parasites upon the body politic, of these scorpions in their deadly sting, and the methods of the moneyed interests in their dealings with them, are being understood more clearly every day and every month. The Land of Living Men 211 Says a writer in The Springfield Republican: " In- dependent voters, after all, are every year more numer- ous in this country. In Massachusetts and Rhode Island there were some 50,000 men who, after voting for a Republican candidate for president, were capable of voting- for a Democratic candidate for governor. In Minnesota there were at least 50,000 more of the same sort, and they did business on election day. It is dis- crimination of this sort that will make the republic live forever, if anything will." Let us see how it sometimes works as it now exists. An election is approaching and nominations for certain offices are to be made. The directing officers or the agents of certain leading public service corporations, etc., want always to be on the safe side and want to be sure that " safe, sane, and conservative " men are nominated. At the appointed time and place a con- ference is held between them and the party boss or the party managers, — the party that is dominant or that seems the more likely to carry the particular election. Then, if there is doubt in regard to this, the party boss or the party managers of both parties are " seen," and arranged with. The " interests " care no more whether the men to be elected are members of one party or members of another party than they care whether they belong to one or another religious denomination. If the business interests that are liable to be affected have nothing of special importance before them just then, they in turn are " seen " by the party boss or party managers to ascertain if the candidates about to be selected are agreeable* to them, in order that the party 212 The Land of Liziiig Men have their support, etc., etc., and the ticket is made ac- cordingly. If it is a locaUty where this kind of machine poHtics has been in operation for some time and where the party managers are of the ordinarily low type and have a sufficiently certain hold on affairs, then men of like character are the natural nominees, those whose subserviency is a matter not open to question. If con- ditions are different, then a very respectable sort of man, but always " safe, sane, and conservative," such as we find for some reason watching out most carefully for the " interest's " business for them, is the natural type of candidate. But whichever the type selected ac- cording to the exigencies of the case, as the campaign advances the " loyalty to party " cry is continually to be heard through the various agencies and methods em- ployed and with which we are now so familiar. Then on election day we march up to the polls to be plucked by this machine management that will sell us and our interests out at the first opportunity, or by this con- temptible combination of machine politics with the " in- terests." I do not say this is true in every case. In many of our smaller towns and villages there may be simply traces of this, in some cases none at all. But wherever it is of sufficient importance you may be sure that matters are " taken care of." Moreover, there is not a city of any considerable size in the country, and there is not a state where this has not been, or is not now going on. This is the combination that has brought the corru])tion and bribery and debauchery into politics that is now undermining our very institutions of government, The Land of Living Men 213 And what are we going to do about it ? I '11 tell you what we are going to do about it. We are going to change our method of nominations, and change it in such a way, that the boss, the machine, in their combination with the " interests " are going to have their feet knocked from under them. A system of direct nominations by the people whereby they can bal- lot for their own candidates after much the same plan as they now ballot at regular elections, will soon enable us to select our own candidates for public office, thus making it harder for the combinations to be made whereby we are continually being sold out, sometimes so openly and so brazenly, or in cases where it is not this, then making it harder for combines and trusts and public service corporations to secure such favoring leg- islation as enables them to become monopolies, stifling all honest competition, ruining thousands of businesses, moving up and keeping up prices of necessities to suit their own advantage, and always in advance of what- ever advance comes in wages to the wage-earner, the professional man, and to all outside the combination. The caucus and the nominating convention as it lias become to-day is the starting point of all that is corrupt and venal and vile in our American politics. It is the stronghold of the boss, and with this in his possession he controls elections and legislation, spreads corruption as suits his ends, and makes merchandise of government. Through it he has well-nigh destroyed popular rule, and through him the people have at each election, with an occasional exception here and there, been given merely the choice of two evils. It is only 214 The Land of Living Men through the destruction of the present system that the power of the boss and his machine can be destroyed, for it is through it that he thrives and carries on his im- pudent business. Several states have already enacted more or less efifective primary election laws, not perfect in all cases, but being amended and made better as each opportunity for betterment manifests itself. With such a system it is evident that no party boss could dictate nominations, and without this power he could control neither patronage nor subsequent legisla- tive action, for he is able to dictate these solely through the dependence of candidates upon him. Newly elected ofBcers could then look to the people for their instruc- tions and not be compelled to receive their directions from the party boss and his machine. And so far as the voters are concerned, " each voter would have set up before him in every primary elec- tion, and later at the general election, definite, intelli- gent statements as to the policies which would be carried out in this or that office by the candidates who sought his suffrage. National, state, and local issues would not be mixed together. If such a system were in force no people would have to submit to the shame of accepting the marionette of one boss or another. No machine could fatten on officially protected vice, or on the sale of legislation. The government would be as good as the people, no better, no worse." Here then is a simple, a practical, and an effective way whereby we can battle with, undermine and wrest the control of government from this combination that has been steadily and systematically perverting all our forms of government for years. The Land of Living Men- 215 Direct Nominations by the people, and direct legisla- tion by the people through the Initiative and Referen- dum, will give us back our government. They are not ends, merely means to ends. But they are the weapons, the strategic weapons, so to speak, that must be gained in order to fight successfully the great battles that are now on, for almost before we have realized it the revolution has already begun. As it is, fighting with these forces of mammon and corruption, or this combination between the two, it is like an army, a large army, if you please, moving out with wooden swords and wooden guns against oppos- ing forces, much smaller it is true and but a small frac- tion in numerical strength when compared to the greater army, but intrenched behind fortresses of great strength and of systematic building, and every indi- vidual armed with the most up-to-date patterns of ma- chine guns, with which the entire larger army can be mowed down before it can get even to their intrench- ments. We must have these weapons or lose in the great fight. How shall w^e secure them ? for they con- stitute the key to the whole situation. Clearly they will not come to us through the initiative action of any political party as such, that is, until forced by the people. We will secure these measures, these weapons, through the action of groups of determined men throughout all our states, who will band themselves together in Leagues, known as Direct Nomination, Direct Legisla- tion, People's Power Leagues, Public Welfare Leagues, or whatever name or names they may see fit to work under. They will formulate the issues, with no small 2i6 The Land of Living Men expense both as to time and as to means, they will carry on an eckicational campaign, and later, reinforced by the support of the people, they will take their bills to the various legislatures. They will compel whatever members may choose or whatever members may dare to oppose them to show their colours, that the people may know who their enemies, their betrayers, are. If then a sufficient number of members is bought oft" by the combination in the first meeting of the legis- lature before which their bills are brought, they will profit by the knowledge of the methods employed to defeat them, they will go back to their campaigns and to the people with a renewed energy until the voice of the people will speak with such certain tones that even the lowest of the combination tools will not dare do any- thing but listen. Thus reinforced they will go back to the next meeting of the legislature into which they have in the meantime put men who will fight from within, and after another hard fight, or possibly even another in some cases, these weapons will be secured and put into the hands of the people. We can spend years in desultory warfare with in- effective or inadequate weapons. With these weapons we can make an effective, a telling, and a conquering fight, taking one after another the citadels of the in- trenched interests opposed to the public and the people's welfare, the citadels of monopoly and of corporation greed, all of them resulting from the combination of the " interests " with the political boss and the political machine. With these weapons we will be moving and continually moving, not merely marking time. With The Land of Living Men 217 power in our own hands through the possession of these weapons, instead of a much talked of and boasted power that has become merely an empty shell, while the real power is in the hands of the almost insignifi- cantly small numbers who are using it for their own purposes, we will stand as a body of freemen holding the franchise in their own hands, should stand. Now here is a programme, simple and effective it seems to me, that we can begin at once to put into oper- ation to bring to an end this intolerable situation that has gradually come about among us. If anyone has a better, simpler, more effective programme, I am willing to yield at every point where its really superior features can be established. I do not mean for some ideal state in the by and by, but I mean as a force to set into operation in a practical and telling way noiv, that we may be up and doing those things that will lead to the ideal state that will be established by our doing now, to-day, what there is to do, and to-morrow the same, and to-morrow. I am an " opportunist " in that I be- lieve that the way to attain is to take hold with the clearest insight we can command, of the thing that needs to be done and that can be done to-day, letting that lead to the next thing that will in turn develop itself from it, and this into the next, until in time the foreseen goal is reached. To see an ideal state, and to sit and do nothing until that ideal state is developed and we are in it, or because it cannot be attained all at once, is entirely contrary to all natural law of which we, so far, at least, have any tangible knowledge. With these agencies of political power in our hands 2i8 The Land of Living Men we will then be in a position to move along the lines of political and economic advancement untrammelled. \\q can then take each step and secure each change for political and economic betterment just as quickly as we see such step or such change to be desirable. We could then institute, as several of our progressive states in keeping with some of the more progressive European countries are instituting, or have instituted — the Recall. By means of it when a public official shows himself too subservient to the will or to the in- terests of public-service corporations, trusts, combines, etc., or shows too fully a disregard of the expressed will of the people, or violates too fully his ante-election pledges, he can, upon petition of a stipulated number of voters, providing it is sustained by a majority of voters when referred in a regular manner to them, be recalled and retired and a true representative of the people's interests be elected in his place. This is a principle long recognized and long established in the business world. No business man would against his will continue in his employ an agent incompetent, or a thieving, dishonest agent. We are certainly capable of exhibiting as much ordinary common-sense in matters of government where such tremendous interests are at stake, as we are in matters of ordinary business. It would end the public careers of men, quite a little list in our New York state legislature, for example, who have been there, some for years, in the direct service and in the direct pay of corporations that arc filching the people of the state for their own gain, and whose methods, whose influence, and whose subser- The Land of Living Men 219 viency to these interests are more detrimental and more destructive to the people's interest and the interests of the state, than the acts of thousands whom we call criminals in our state penitentiaries to-day. If this volume were given to personalities, this list in the New York legislature could be given. Those in the legis- latures in other states as well as in the councils of various large cities, will come to the minds of those at all conversant with these matters. Then the election of United States Senators by the direct vote of the people, such as practically all are now convinced is not only desirable but necessary, can be brought about in a comparatively short time, and tJiis stronghold of monopoly in our national government can be taken. With it can be retired some of the vari- ous members that will readily come to the mind of every reader at all conversant with public afifairs, that are very carefully watching and upholding even with a grim defiance of the public the interests of the " interests." The possession of these agencies would enable us to bring about more easily and more quickly a change that the movement now world-wide along the lines of a truer democracy, along the lines of an increasing power in the hands of the sovereign people, is demanding, namely, that all federal judges and all important offi- cers now receiving their positions by appointment, be made elective at the hands of the people. It is quite as necessary that laws and statutes be construed by repre- sentatives of the popular will of the people, as that the laws and statutes be enacted in the beginning by this 220 The Land of Living Men same agencv. Here is a change in a feature of our government that we will do wisely now in giving atten- tion to. The possession of these weapons would enable us to bring about effective inheritance tax laws, or an effec- tive act limiting, for the greater public good, the accu- mulations, with constant additions thereto, the vast private fortunes that will become in time as menacing and as poisoning to the greater public welfare, as they have proved to be in all times past. That we must be about this matter in some statesmanlike and eminently fair manner is now clearly evident to large portions, and perhaps it is not too much to say, to the majority of thinking men who are more interested in the public welfare than they are in their own selfish personal gain. A wise measure along these lines, moreover, cannot illy affect even the possessors of these vast accumula- tions, for excessive zvcalth is of no advantage, or rather of no real benefit, to any man nor to his descendants. If we cannot, in all cases, get at a just basis in the distribution of the products of labor, or in the gains from those properties whose great increase in values is caused by the life and the toil of all the people, then we will have to get at the matter also from the other end. Not the interests of a few individuals, able and shrewd I admit, but the welfare of all the people, must be the motto of a really great and continually progressive na- tion. That we will be able to find a fair and a just basis upon which we shall build such action, I am confident. The Land of Living Men 221 It is perhaps not unwise to say that we must get the agencies of government so into our own hands by these direct methods that we can put an effective end to the gambhng and predatory methods of Wall Street, not to any methods that are honourable and legitimate and commendable, but to those that are hellish in their nature and whereby tribute is levied upon every man, woman, and child in the nation in order that a few buccaneers may add still more to their already enormous and illegitimate gains. Their methods enable them to reach out into every state and every city and every hamlet in the nation to gather in their tribute and their toll. Many of our clearest thinking men are realizing that the time has come that a Federal Bureau of Corpora- tions be established, so that all companies, corporations, trusts, etc., doing in any way an interstate business get their charters and articles of incorporation from the federal government, and be strictly subject to its scru- tiny and regulations. On the basis of certain fair but adequate requirements, those companies and corpora- tions designing to do a business unfair, unlawful, and illegitimate, could be weeded out. The present stock- watering methods now used so freely, and so openly employed by practically all large companies and corpo- rations, and all methods designed to give inflated or fictitious values to their stocks, could then be suppressed and could be dealt with in a systematic and satisfactory manner. The possession of these weapons will enable us as an intelligent and a determined people, to bring about such 222 The Land of Living Men regulations or limitations in the methods and aggres- sions of our great modern trusts and combines as be- come monopolistic in their methods or oppressive and therefore destructive to the individual citizen's welfare. We could then counterbalance in an effective way the skilful work of the representatives of these agencies that have become intrenched in our various halls of legislation. We could counterbalance the efforts of these representatives of the " interests," as they ob- struct and fight from within every measure that is de- signed to protect the people and the public from the aggressions of such of these as are dishonourable and law defying or law breaking in their practices, as well as blighting and corrupting in their influences. We could also in time, and quickly in some cases, cause a complete political extinction to become the lot of the representatives of these interests. I would not be understood as opposed to any of those interests that are honourable and above board in their methods ; or opposed to the advancement of those in- terests that are not opposed to the greater public in- terests. Large corporations and large combinations of capital can accomplish results that are of great public benefit. Those that are honourable in their methods should in no way be hampered. I do not believe on the other hand that they should l)e unduly favoured, for they are abundantly able to take care of themselves. When, however, they secure their favours and their ad- vantages at the terrific price that in the end must be paid by the individual citizen and the public welfare, then I say we cannot, without intelligent and effective The Land of Living Men 223 protest, sit by and complacently permit these blighting agencies longer to ply their trade. That a corporation is large and successful is no sign that it is dishonourable or criminal in its methods. Very many, however, are. Those that are honourable in their methods should be given every respect and every aid up to the point that this respect and this aid is not detrimental to the interests of others and to the pub- lic welfare. From those that are not we should not only withhold respect and aids of every kind, but we should find an orderly and effective method not only of check- ing their aggressions, but if they persist in such methods then of putting them out of business completely. Are we as a people intelligent and determined enough to do this ? Other people are. I believe we are also. When the people are sufficiently united and determined, these matters are not so complex and difficult of attainment, as they in the ordinary course of events and under a half-hearted method of procedure, appear. But before a people of the right temper, these forces of corrup- tion and privilege will listen and will seek cover, and when they are once on the run they are among the greatest of cowards. Ordinarily they will not stand in a square and open fight, but when routed they are liable to pop up again in the most unexpected ways. They must be continually watched. I think the author of the following paragraph, in The Outlook, reads aright the signs and the temper of tlie times : " The people do not resent wealth, but they do resent predatory wealth. They would not despoil their 224 '^^'^ Loud of Living Men neighbour of any property honestly acquired ; but they would despoil him of the power to monopolize any of the avenues of trade or to control any of the functions of o;overnment. To compel plutocracy to act decently is not enough ; they wish to destroy plutocracy and re- establish democracy — perhaps I should say to estab- lish, for the first time in the world's history, a democ- racy of industry. And they are quietly but none the less eagerly asking, What next? . . . Not the regula- tion but the overthrow of monopoly is the popular demand." It should be the purpose of a wise and liberty-loving people to afford every encouragement and protection to each and every honest and legitimate business, be it large or be it small. In this there should be no dis- crimination. But when through bribery and the de- bauchery of public servants, and when through the securing of unwarranted favours they are detrimental to practically every other interest, or when by technical evasions or delays in the process of existing laws under the guidance of skilled legal talent, or when through contemptuous disregard or open and apparently fear- less violations of existing laws, or when by virtue of the confiscation of vast amounts of the people's prop- erty, companies, corporations, vested interests, trusts, and monopolies become so great, so contemptuous of the people's rights, of the state, and of the entire public welfare, then it is the plain duty of a worthy, fair- minded and liberty-loving people who have or who can have the full agencies of government in their own hands, to come forward and as one man to cry out, — The Land of Living Men 225 thou thief, thou briber and debaucher, thou criminal black in your law-defying and law-breaking methods, thou despoiler of other men's goods, thou robber of even widows and dependent children, thou traitor to the public welfare, so far and no farther. Let every vested interest be protected, but let every smaller interest be protected also in like manner. Let no favouritism be shown whereby one class of interests is able to cripple, crush, and kill any other interest. There is no danger of the American people, unless trifled with too long and unless goaded to the last ditches of desperation, manifesting any undue hostility to any vested interests, and certainly none to any that are honourable and straightforward in their methods ; and is there a man living who would think or who would be bold enough to proclaim that hostility should not be shown to all that are not? It is only an igno- rant, or a weakly or foolishly self-complacent, or an already conquered people, though perchance ignorant of the fact, that will not arouse itself to a sufficient hostility to put an end to an economic slavery of such type, and that unless ended will have as its final end a complete economic and political slavery. We have this interesting and farcical condition that has come about among us, interesting were it not so notoriously bold and brazen and so degrading and de- structive in its results — A body of rich men individu- ally and collectively conspire for their own greater and quicker enrichment, deliberately to violate some fully established law. Many times then through certain other influences they set into operation they are not 226 The Land of Living Men even molested, or if so they many times go scot free. If, however, they are tried and convicted they are let off with a paltry fine — $5,000 or $10,000, or in rare cases $25,000. An employee of one of these corporations has filched from his employers a few hundred or a few thousand dollars, or another has filched from the city, or state. He is promptly arrested, speedily tried and sentenced to the penitentiary for a term ranging say from two to twenty years. Now why not fine him a certain small percentage of what he has filched ? Is it five thousand ? Make him pay over five hundred of it and call the mat- ter ended. In other words, what effect, or rather what deterrent effect, has a fine of five thousand or twenty- five thousand or a million dollars where millions are gained on the part of the managers and proprietors of certain trusts and corporations, through their criminal violations of established law? If it is right that the small filcher whom we call criminal be sent to state's prison, then there is the same right and all the greater reason that these criminals who filch under the most cold-blooded and deliberate methods their millions, who bam])cr or destroy thousands of businesses, who under- mine the very foundations of law, of order, of free in- stitutions, then I say there is the same right and all the greater reason that these be sent to state's prison, or that they be fined so heavily that it results in a virtual confiscation of their entire business, or both. We should not be at all chary about talking of " confisca- tion " when it comes to dealing with criminals. We must, as a people, speedily get the machinery of gov- The Land of Lk'ijig Men 227 ernment — the law making and interpreting power — so into our own hands through the simple and direct methods already enumerated, that we can put a speedy end to this travesty on justice and order. I do not believe in condemning any man. My own errors and shortcomings forbid that. So to a greater or less extent do those of every man. It is only an all- wise and a faultless being that is capable of judging or condemning; only on the part of such would it be at all consistent. But such a being I believe would find no place in his mind or in his heart for condemnation. And understanding so well the frailties of human nature, in all his judgments he would be most lenient. But when a certain order of society is established that men may live harmoniously and mutually advanta- geously together, certain forms must be established and obedience to them must be compelled. We must drive the money-changers from the Temple even as the Christ drove them in His day. In connec- tion with all the frailties of human nature He was su- premely charitable. The only ones He ever judged harshly or ever really condemned, so far as we have any record at least, were those who bound burdens on other men's backs, who never raised even a finger to make them lighter, who sought ever to gain advantage at another's disadvantage, who oppressed or who robbed the people. When we put forth the restraining hand to hold in check or to drive completely out of business men who rend and tear the flesh from other men, simply that they may gorge themselves, — not that they need food, — then we will manifest somewhat 228 TJic Land of Living Men the wisdom and insight that were manifested by Him, who understood so fully our common human nature that He was all compassion and forgiveness for all save those who oppressed, who made burdens heavier, who sought for advantage to another's disadvantage. I know it is a fascinating game, this financial game. I also know well that great law of life, that we grow into the likeness of those things we habitually contem- plate. As is one's dominating thought, so his Hfe be- comes. As within, so without — simply the direct law of cause and effect. I therefore know that the game with some natures becomes so fascinating and so irre- sistible that they are carried to depths and extremes that they never even contemplated at the start. To reach out and gain an additional million now and then that he does not earn, but by hook and crook, by gain- ing or taking some manifestly unfair advantage, by a contemptuous defiance, or by a brazen, open violation of law, or by a process of indirect murder, as many a million among us has been gained — and the greater shame upon us as a people — becomes fascinating and well-nigh irresistible. But where men are absolutely incapable of exercising self-restraint, but are given to excesses and crimes that are not only detrimental to society, but are destructive to the very forces that hold society together, then it is clearly our duty to deal with such by way of restraint the same as we restrain the lesser criminal. The point is simply this — we must stop recognizing men and groups of men who are engaged in these prac- tices as among our " successful and representative " The Land of Living Men 229 citizens. We must look upon these " rich men without moral sense consumed by greed, devoid of scruples and utterly contemptuous of the rights of the people," as the oppressors, as the law-breakers, as the criminals that they actually are. We must deal with them by way of restraint in exactly the same manner as we deal with all other types of criminals. It is only by treat- ment such as this that we can hope to cope with this type, this most dangerous type of criminal that has be- come so rampant and so bold and so brazen among us. Just as sensible to attempt to kill an elephant or retard his progress with a pop-gun and its attendant paper wads, as to try to head off or to keep even with the cor- rupt and criminal practices that these men and feder- ated groups of men are constantly operating under, by meting out to them the penalty of a fine, either nominal or heavy. In addition to the possession of these weapons, one of the most significant features of the way the people will win out in the great battles that are now on for a clean, a truly representative, and a continually advanc- ing government, is the type of young men that are nozv coming into the field of political action both as voters and as men who will stand for and who will be elected to public office. Here lies one of the most encouraging and significant features or facts of the times. Already in some sections they are throwing out their battle lines, and some of the old-time and hitherto secure bosses and machine managers are fighting with a des- perate chance to retain their hold. Some are already down and out, others are rapidly on the way. What 230 The Land of Living Men has occurred at a few points already is enough, as I have heard it aptly put, to drive the old-time apostle of " regularity " to drink or to suicide. Some of the old- time bosses and machine managers as well as machine wards are already believing in their vague superstitious bewilderment that the methods of Hell have broken loose and have crossed the border, and others that Hell even is crazy. They are asking, what next? and won- dering where the next blow will fall. To the young man who will consent to stand for or who will aspire to public office, I would say, be suffi- ciently wise and far-sighted as not to aim for or not to stop at the politician's stage. You will have to dirty your fingers continually, and you will have to lower your ideals and your whole trend of life if you do, you will have to associate with and have as your constant and many times unwelcome companions dirty and selfish and scheming men. You will take your orders from a boss, you will become subservient to him. He will keep you as long as he and his like have use for you. Association and like trends of thought will in time mould you into his likeness. You may sink to his level and in time become a boss — a parasite now rap- idly becoming despicable in the public estimation ; but the chances are that you will get so far and no farther. You will thereby set your own limitations, and in latter years you will confess that your life is a disappoint- ment, as it will indeed be to your family and to all of your tnte friends. If the stufif is in you, then I beg of you to strike for the higher ground. If the stuff is in you, you may The Land of Living Men 2t,i reach the statesman stage, but you will reach it only by never making a deal whereby honour is sacrificed, and by being far-sighted enough and brave and reso- lute enough to stand and to stand uncompromisingly for such measures of public policy and such methods of party management as are always for the people's greatest good. If then the stuff is in you, if you are wise and re- sourceful, you need n't bother so much about retaining the people's support, about retaining hold on your posi- tion. The people will attend to that. We need more such men. We need more such young men that the people find it a pleasure and a duty to support. We need more such young men to come from our farms, which contain to-day one of the most interesting and promising sets of young men in the entire world. We need more such young men from our workshops and from all the ranks of labor. We need more from the ranks of the wealthy and economically independent. We need more such young men to come from our col- leges and universities. We are able to recognize such men when they are really to be found. There is nothing that so takes hold of men, that so challenges their admiration, that so compels their re- spect and their support as downright honesty of pur- pose, as a courage that compels a man to stand firmly or to drive on until he accomplishes what an upright soul that will make no compromise with dishonour com- pels. Such men compel the support of the people that lesser and compromising and timid men continually seek. Does this not give us hope for the futiire of our 232 The Land of Living Men country and institutions? Does it not give us renewed faith in our old human nature that we have so many times questioned ? Does it not give us a renewed faith for the future of the race ? Again to the young man entering or contemplating entering political life — If you have contemplated em- ploying the methods first enumerated and stopping at the politician stage, then think again and be wise and keep out altogether. Stay in the workshop, on the farm, at your business, your profession, and have thereby a more satisfactory life, and a life of more value to your fellow-men than it would be if you en- tered politics on this basis. If, however, you have the material in you and a determination sufficient to meas- ure up to the stature of the statesman, then, for God's sake, go into political life, and stay in if you can, as long as a well-rounded life will permit. You could do no nobler thing. The time has come, and it should have come long ago, to put these machines and bosses, these crooks and these traitors of the country out of business. We have indeed come face to face with a crisis in our political life as great as has ever existed from the days of the Colonies to the present time. The call of the country goes out to every decent man and woman as urgent as has ever gone out. The call to service of great armies of patriotic and determined men and women is loud and insistent, and no service has ever been rendered of greater import and of greater need than zve are called upon to render. It is a service of a type different from that that has called, and that has been nobly responded The Land of Living Men 233 to before, but it is just as sorely needed and just as praiseworthy. Leaders who have the insight to discern and to hunt out, and the courage to battle against these agents of political and business degradation are coming rapidly to the front. They need our sympathy and our confi- dence — they need our quick and active support and co-operation. It is how the average citizen bears him- self in this crisis that is to determine its outcome. Therefore, after all is said and done, no man can longer be a decent citizen — he may be a thoroughly good man, but no longer a decent citisen — who does not interest himself, inform himself, and join with or lead in this great fight that is to rid our body politic of these costly, degrading, damnable influences. We of the East would do well to turn for instruction and inspiration along these lines to many portions of the great middle and far West. They are already ahead of us in many things and in nothing, perhaps, more than along these political and business regener- ating lines. It is only those who come or who have come in close contact with these portions of the nation, and with the teeming, untrammelled, independently thinking and acting life there, that realize at all ade- quately this fact. The " decadent East " will truly express the situation unless we here are quickly up and doing. Direct legislation through the Initiative and Refer- endum, through the agency of Direct Nominations by the people, and through that long-range rifle, the Re- call, has already put down and out some of the most 234 ^1^^ Land of Living Men thoroughly intrenched and notorious political machines and bosses and have brought the people's rule and busi- ness affairs back into their own hands. In regard to one of the most recent occurrences a leading New York paper in an editorial hints that the smashing of the bosses of one state by means of the weapon — The Direct Primary — may help " to explain why the New York bosses dread it as the devil does holy water." IX TEE GREAT NATION — ITS PEOPLE, ITS POWERS, ITS POSSIBILITIES — THE GREATER NATION ^^^^^M HERE never has been, and from the very ' ■ ■/^■^^ nature of human nature there never can be, ji:;||^I^P:[ a truly great and long-lived nation where i^^^^^? one class of people rule, and another class or the other classes are ruled. The great nation is that alone in which the people rule, where through their agent — the state or government — they attend to their own affairs, and where they do not allow others to at- tend to their affairs for them. Government must be thoroughly and truly representative, or those in power will gradually get the agents of administration and of production so under their control, and will so use them for their own gain and their continually increasing powers, that in time the very liberties of the people will be stolen away. Of late, we have been having some very direct revela- tions of the actual conditions of government in Russia, where a group of eminently " respectable and high-born gentlemen," among them no less than an august com- pany of Grand Dukes, have for many years been direct- ing the affairs, — in a sense, ruling this nation of con- siderably over one hundred million people. Some own 235 236 The Land of Lking Men as high as a dozen or more palaces, all splendidly or even sumptuously equipi)ed, with annual incomes reach- ing into the millions. This all comes from the people of Russia — chiefly the working people. What tlieir con- dition is, late events have also revealed to the world, and more clearly than ever before. The hopeless state of inefficiency that this governing class has kept the nation in, and has prevented it from rising out of, the whole world now knows. But the people of Russia, I hear it said, have not yet attained their freedom, and so are not able to prevent other men ruling over them, notwithstanding the state of affairs that such a system means. Very true, but there is another truth perhaps even more significant for us. There have been nations where the people have fought for and have won their freedom, but where through lack of due vigilance, and by reason of the growing and in time mastering greed of privileged and excessive wealth, their liberties have been stolen away ; and their covmtry, of which they were formerly proud, has through the inevitable resultant internal decay fallen into the hands of the despoiler. The greed for gain be- comes so powerful that unless the great common people find some way of checking or controlling it, those that become mastered by it will pillage the very liberties of their country as quickly as they will loot a hospital train. Recent developments in our own nation, even within the last twelvemonth, have clearly demonstrated that there are among us, men of otherwise high standing, eminently respectable, in learning, in church standing. in society, but who have gotten so under the drunken The Land of Living Men 237 sway of the greed for gain that they would not only loot a hospital train, but also a funeral train were the pro- spective inducements sufficiently large, and were the chances of not being discovered at it of a sufficiently rosy hue. Plain speaking? But a man who will cause or connive at death for gain, and many a death has been caused by the scheming, the cunning and the depreda- tions of some of those we term financiers, even within the past few months, is indeed worse in his depreda- tions than the one who will despoil the dead. " The law of disintegration and destruction never sleeps and only eternal vigilance can check it. Every age brings its own dangers, and those that come stealthily are frequently more fatal than those that come with a mighty noise. . . . Instead of an armed foe that we can meet on the field, there is to-day an enemy that is invisible, but everywhere at work destroying our in- stitutions ; that enemy is corruption. It seeks to direct official action, it dictates legislation and endeavors to control the construction of laws. . . . The flag has been praised at champagne dinners, while the very pole from which it floated was being eaten off by corruption, and republican institutions were being stabbed to the vitals. A new gospel has come among us, according to which ' It is mean to rob a hen roost or a hen, but plundering thousands makes us gentlemen.' " As there can be no great nation without government by the people, so there can be no great nation without a continual vigilance on the part of the people. Vigilance is the price that must ever be paid for continued Uberty. 238 The Land of Living Men Equal advantag-es and opportunities for all, which is fundamental in any great nation, without active vigi- lance on the part of the people will be quietly and craftily changed into privilege for the few to be en- riched through the toil of the many. And as wealth in- creases wealth, and power increases power, we can readily see how privilege and its concomitant, oppres- sion, has in time spelled destruction to so many former states. The fact that we have so much to read from history, and so clearly and so repeatedly, makes me so full of hope that there is coming among us a people's move- ment that is to redeem and save this nation. And cer- tainly there is now no power of any other nature that can do it. Moreover, this movement must not be un- duly delayed, for concentrated wealth and privilege are growing with such gigantic strides that every year, or now, even every month of delay, on account of their continually growing intrenchments, makes the people's task more and more difficult. The great nation, putting it in another form, is that in which the people realize the fact that they are not separate from or apart from government, but that they, in a sense, are government. It is indeed strange, where this is not a part of the active consciousness of the people, what a little group of men and families is able to do in gaining control of the agencies and necessities upon which the welfare or even the very life of the people depends. And nothing has been more clearly and more repeat- edly demonstrated in the history of nations than the fact The Land of Living Men 239 that he who owns or controls that upon which others depend, owns or controls them also. It is possible for there to be a nation of slaves without the word slave or any word of a kindred nature ever being used. The more shrewd and cunning the owners, the more careful will they be to see that no word or sign or mark describ- ing the actual condition of those owned or controlled be used or even hinted. Where the people are keen and alert as to who and what they are in relation to government, or rather what government is in relation to them, there will be found a people who see to it that every opportunity is given to those who aim to do right. Such a people will see that among the great mass of their toilers, upon whose sturdy welfare and good-keeping the very welfare and ability of the nation to progress, or to continue even to exist at all, depends, there are not untold thousands who are working from early to late year in and year out, getting merely or barely enough for each day's work to provide them with food and clothing and shel- ter that they may be on hand for to-morrow's work, and to-morrow's and to-morrow's — lives devoid of all learning and art and leisure and hope, and even rest — those elements that are so essential to any life that is not the life of the slave. This does not conduce to that intelligent and progressive and happy citizenship that makes for a real nation of freemen. The great nation is, again, that in which the agencies of production — and especially those that come under the head of natural monopolies, those things upon which all the people depend — are owned and administered as 240 The Land of Living Men nearly as is possible by their ag^ent, the state, and so administered for the good and the welfare of all, and are not permitted to be monopolized by the few for their own enormous enrichment, and therefore, at the expense of the great mass of the people. It is the pri- vate ownership or control of these, as we have seen, that has permitted the growth of our enormously rich men and families that are becoming so intrenched that they are now a menace to the very life of a nation of freemen. The great nation is not that where through this un- natural use of these common belongings we have a small class of rich and powerful men living in their castles and their villas with great hordes of hirelings or dependents about them. This is something in regard to which history's lesson is most clearly written. The nation with which we are dealing is, again, the one quick to see its weaknesses, also the danger of run- ning into and working in ruts, or remaining in ways that were once advisable and reasonable, but where the time has long since passed for it to continue in these ways, and where a continued growth and advancement, to say nothing of its even holding its own, demands that it keep up with the process of evolution and growth that is ever working to lift. the minds and the hearts of men, and hence their relations, to continually higher planes. It is also the nation that is alive and keen to the les- sons that can be learned from other nations and peoples. Many times the younger nations where great concen- trations of wealth with its debauchery of the agencies of government on the one hand, and its oppression on the The Land of Living Men 241 other, have not yet g-otten a foothold, and which there- fore are filled with men and women of lofty purpose and ambitions for a nation better than has yet been, have commendable features that the older ones can adopt and adapt to their own institutions with great advantage. The welfare of the great nation depends above all things, perhaps, upon the general intelligence of its people, and the more general and widespread this in- telligence the greater, the happier and the more endur- ing the nation. That it cannot be an intelligence and education on the part of the few, while ignorance or a lack of intelligence holds among the larger numbers, has been shown most clearly in connection with nations that were once among the great, but that are not now known except in history, or that have fallen from their place among the ablest to a position among the back- ward and the unimportant. Free and open educational opportunities for all, for the poorest as well as the richest, is undoubtedly the best road to a general diffusion of intelligence among the people. It is possible to have widespread educa- tional facilities and still for there to be whole armies of children numbering into the thousands of thousands or into the millions, who, on account of carelessness or greed or incapacity on the part of parents, or other causes, are deprived until it is too late, of what should be the privilege, and more, the right, the sacred right, of ez'ery child. The state must see to it more carefully than it does, that attendance at school, or some adequate means of 242 The Land of Living Men education, be made more carefully and more generally compulsory than it now is. That army of nearly two million child laborers from five to fifteen years of age, who are this very day toil- ing in our mills and sweat-shops and factories and mines, must be relieved that they too may have the equipment in mind and in body sufficient to enable them to enter upon the plane of life's activities with oppor- tunities somewhat equal to the other millions of the same ages. We have an excellent free educational system in the United States ; but it is to a great extent, and far more perhaps than we realize, offset by this denial of oppor- tunity to this great army of rapidly coming citizens, who most of all need these opportunities to enable them to have anything like a fair chance in their struggles for a self-supporting competency, or even for exist- ence at all. Greed for gain, and clearly illegitimate gain, will prove triumphant and will stifle the higher promptings of the nation's heart, unless we compel every man run- ning a parasitic business or enterprise to be decent. " To what purpose then is our ' age of invention ' ? Why these machines at all, if they do not help to lift care from the soul and burden from the back ? To what purpose is our ' age of enlightenment,' if, just to cover our nakedness, we establish among us a barbarism that overshadows the barbarism of the savage cycle? Is this the wisdom of the wise? Is this the Christianity we boast of and parade in benighted Madagascar and unsaved Malabar? Is this what our orators mean The Land of Living Men 243 when they jubilate over ' civiHzation ' and ' the prog- ress of the species ' ? " And why do these children know no rest, no play, no learning, nothing but the grim grind of existence? Is it because we are all naked and shivering? Is it be- cause there is sudden destitution in the land? Is it be- cause pestilence walks at noonday? Is it because war's red hand is pillaging our storehouses and burning our cities ? No, forsooth ! Never before were the store- houses so crammed to bursting with bolts and bales of every warp and woof. No, forsooth ! The children, while yet in the gristle, are ground down that a few more useless millions may be heaped up. We boast that we are leading the commercialism of the world, and we grind in our mills the bones of the little ones to make good our boast. " What avail our exports, our tariffs, our dividends, if they rise out of these treasons against God? All gains are losses, all riches are poverties, so long as the soul is left to rot down." * There are golden oportunities for earnest men and women to enter upon a determined work in every one of our states until conditions along these lines in every one of them are what they should be. Magnificent work has already been and is being done on the part of many ; the help of more, those who have a singleness of purpose that does not stop even in the face of defeats until the thing is done, is solely needed. But outside of this great army of children at work at * " The Hoe-Man in the Making." Edwin Markham, in the September (1906) Cosmopolitan. 244 ^^^^ Land of Living Men that important period when they should be getting their equipment for Ufe's work and duties, many times at the expense of great bodily injury as well as intellec- tual and moral, there are almost unbelievingly large numbers that are in school but very little, and still others that are there none at all. Every child in school until a certain age or until a sufficient equipment to meet the ordinary duties of life is reached, should be the nation's motto. It is also eminently fitting that something be said of the quality of the education it is proposed to make compulsory attendance upon universal. To come at once to the point in mind, and briefly — training of the intellect alone is not sufficient ; we shall remain a long way off from the ideal until we make moral, humane, heart-training a far more important feature of our educational systems than we have made it thus far. We are advancing in this respect, but we have great advances yet to make. Kindness and consideration, sympathy and fraternity, love of justice — the full and ready willingness to give it as well as to demand it, the clear-cut comprehension of the majesty and beauty that escapes into the life of the individual as he understands and appropriates to himself the all-embracing contents of the golden rule. The training of the intellect alone at the expense of the " humanities " has made or has enlarged the power of many a criminal, many a usurper of other men's homes and property, many an oppressor, and has thereby added poison and desolation to his own life as well as to the lives of those with whom he has come in The Land of Living Men 245 contact and who have felt his bhghting and withering influence. It is also chiefly from those without this training, that that great body of our fellow-creatures which we term the animal world, receive their most thoughtless and cruel treatment, and perhaps from among none more than among the fashionable rich. I think there is another feature in our educational systems that we would do wisely to give more attention to. In a nation of free institutions, more attention could wisely be given to systematic and concrete in- struction in connection with the institutions of govern- ment, and in connection with this a training in civic pride that sees to it that our public offices are filled with men of at least ordinary honesty and integrity, men who regard public office as a public trust worthy the service of their highest manhood, rather than with those whose eye is single to the largest amount of loot and graft that comes within the range of their vision and the reach of their hand. Such a system would in time spell the end of Tam- many Hall — a Democratic organization in New York City, whose chief object is to make politics a cover to divert the largest possible sums of money from the people of the City of New York to line the pockets, and in great abundance, of those in control of the body of loot. It would in time spell the end of the Republican rings and Halls whose object and purpose is identically the same in every city where they have been able to gain control, as well as the Democratic rings in cities other than New York. The methods of the rings of the one are equally black with the methods of the rings of the 246 The Land of Living Men other ; where the motives are the same the resultant action is the same.* Our educational methods are developing-. In edu- cational work are some of our noblest, ablest, foremost men and women. There is an element of the practical, the useful, that is now sort of remodelling- our earlier methods. It has always seemed to me that not only in our public schools but in our colleges and universities, it is possible to g-et as great a degree of " training "' from branches that are in themselves useful, that will be of actual use later on, as out of those that are used for their training value only. The element of the useful, not at the expense of the training, but combined with it, should be, I think, and is coming to be, the marked feature of our developing educational methods. The bread and butter problem will be the problem of practically all in our common or public schools to-day. There probably will not be one in a thousand whose problem it will not be. To make our educational sys- ems so that they will be of the greatest practical aid to all as they enter upon life's activities should be one of our greatest aims. That our college courses can be im- proved to at least from twenty to forty per cent, along this same line I am fully persuaded, in addition to the saving of considerable valuable time for those who, con- * Of the difference between party bosses a writer in "The Interpreter's House," in the American Maga::ine, says: "A cynical old acquaintance of mine, whose large corporation practice brought him into close contact -with, practical politi- cians, once said that the only difference between the party bosses was that the republican bosses were bolder and more efficient and the democratic bosses came cheaper." The Laud of Living Men 247 templating professional careers, will afterwards have to spend a considerable period in professional schools. When we consider that not more than one tenth of one per cent of those in our common schools ever get as far as the college or university, we can see how impor- tant it is that every child be guaranteed what the law of the most ordinary justice demands, that he or she have the benefit at least of what will enable him or her to enter upon the stage of young manhood and young womanhood free from such tremendous handicaps with which so many are entering upon it to-day. Our higher educational institutions especially must be brought and must be kept in more intimate and more sympathetic relations with the common Hfe. Here lies their great opportunity. By this also will be determined their continual growth and their real standing. The tendency towards exclusiveness and even snobbishness that is already plainh' manifesting itself in some of our older and wealthier institutions must be checked or driven completely from them for the good of those who otherwise would become snobs as well as for the good name and standing of the institution itself. For a col- lege man or woman to get or to entertain the idea that he or she is of a quality at all different from all other ordinary intelligent people is a mental malady that occa- sionally makes consummate asses of some. Most all get over it in time, but it has a decidedly crippling in- fluence while it lasts. Sensible and to the point are the words in the follow- ing brief extracts from a recent notable address by President Woodrow Wilson. After expressing the 248 The Land of Living Men opinion that our churches of to-day are very far from adequately serving the masses of the people he said : " They have more regard for the pew rents than for men's souls. They are depressing the level of Christian endeavor. It is the same with the universities. We look for the support of the wealthy and neglect our op- portunities to serve the people. It is for this reason the state university is held in popular approval, while the privately supported institution to which we belong is coming to suffer a corresponding loss of esteem. " While attending a recent Lincoln celebration I asked myself if Lincoln would have been as serviceable to the people of this country had he been a college man and I was obliged to say to myself that he would not. " The processes to which the college man is subjected do not render him serviceable to the country as a whole. It is for this reason that I have dedicated every power in me to a democratic regeneration. The American col- lege must become saturated in the same sympathies as the common people. The colleges of this country must be reconstructed from the top to the bottom. The American people will tolerate nothing that savours of exclusiveness. Their political parties are going to pieces. They are busy with their moral regeneration and they want leaders who can help them to accom- plish it." The great nation is a religions nation. In order that it be truly religious it is necessary that there be no rec- ognized or established religion, that there be no rela- tion, or rather connection between Church and State. It is so easy to confound i)articulars with essentials. The Land of Living Men 249 The essential, fundamental principle, indeed the sum and substance of all true religion is — The conscious- ness of God in the soul of man. To come into the con- scious living realization of the fact that the Spirit of Infinite Life and Power that is back of all, working in and through all, the life of all, is the life of our life, that there is no life and no power outside of it, and that in it " we live and move and have our being " — to live and to act always in this thought and this realization, is the religious life. Without it one may belong to a thou- sand churches, or subscribe to the creeds of infinite varieties of man-made religious systems, but without this, one cannot be in the religious life. To dwell con- sciously and continually in this Life, and thus allow it to manifest through us, is love to God. To recognize it as the life of every other being, manifesting in differ- ent stages of Divine unfoldment, gives us the real basis for love of the fellow-man. This marks also the difference between the getting and the giving religion, for it is true in religion that we can get only as we give, the same as is the law in regard to happiness. The people of the great nation is a patriotic people ; it is an intensely patriotic people. I read from the dic- tionary a definition of patriot — " one who loves his country, and supports its interests." Through lack of discrimination we have done great violence to the word patriotism in the past. In its name many foolish things have been done. Most unpatriotic and most ungodly things have been done in its name, though many times innocently done. 250 The Laud of Living Men We have allowed ourselves to be swayed by the poli- tician's patriotism, by the capitalist looter's patriotism, by the demagogic, self-seeking, self-constituted labor leader's patriotism. They all spring from the same common ground — self-seeking at the expense of everything that is conducive to the highest public wel- fare. As a people, however, we are gaining wonder- fully in discriminating power. As a consequence a new order of patriotism is coming into being and among us. What was at one time confined to the few brave, in- dependent, advanced men, is now becoming common among the people. We are finding that the elements of justice and righteousness, fraternity and godliness, have a very direct relation to, or rather, that patriotism has a very direct relation to them. War, war and the flag, were at one time supposed to be the only agents with which patriotism was linked. To hurrah for the flag and to be eager to go to the front when the war bugles sounded, or were likely to sound, was for a long period a prevailing idea of patriotism. It may still be a way in which patriotism may be manifested. The people are learning the real cause of many wars, indeed the great majority of them — the bull-headed- ness or pig-hcadedness, the. incapacity on the part of those having to do with afl'airs ; and again, the throw- ing of an entire nation into war by large and powerful though unscrupulous financial interests solely for gain. These two agents are responsible for the great bulk, in- deed for nine out of every ten, of all modern wars, even as they have been for all time past. Men are beginning to realize that instead of having anything to do with The Land of Living Men 251 this type of war, patriotism lies in refusing absolutely to aid or abet it and in using one's influence in a similar way among one's neighbors more blunt and with less power of discernment. When we reach a point where the large body of citizens see to it that these men and their agents — for the large financial interests of the unscrupulous type almost invariably work through agents many of whom they place or have the people place in public positions — when, I repeat, the larger body of citizens see to it that these men and their agents are kept out of public office, and relegate them to the subordinate place where they rightly belong, then we will witness the full birth of an entirely new and a higher order of patriotism that is soon to be dominant among us. The highest patriotism that I know is that which im- pels a man to be honest, kind, hence thoughtful, in all his business relations and in his daily life ; that impels him to the primary and to give attention to those fea- tures of our political institutions that are of even greater consequence than his casting his vote on election day ; that impels him to think, and to be discriminating in his thought ; that enables him to be not afraid to point out and denounce the pure self-seeker and his dema- gogic ways, be he in public life, in the ranks of high standing financiers, or in the ranks of organized labor, or in the ranks of the common life. The man whose motto is not " My country, be she right or be she wrong, but always my counti-y " ; but, " My country, be she always in the right, and if not in the right then God g-ive me the wisdom and the courage to work as 252 The Land of Living Men a patriot to help bring her into the right, and then may she have every God-given aid that she may prevail." Such is the patriot. A continually and rapidly grow- ing number of men of this stamp are appearing among us. Thus patriotism is witnessing the new birth. It is this patriotism in the common life that is of the high quality. Men who are industrious and honest in their work ; who are faithful to whatever tasks are imposed upon them; who are as eager to give justice as to demand it ; who are working industriously and intelligently in order to take care of themselves and those dependent upon them, and thus remain self- supporting members of the community ; who remain brave and sweet in their natures and who abide always in faith in face of the hard or uncertain times that come at some time or another and in some form or another into the lives of every one of us ; who are jealous of their country's honour, and of the adminis- tration of its internal affairs, for in the life of the nation as in the life of the individual, all life is from within out, and as is the inner so always will be the outer. These I repeat, are the men and these are the conditions that are giving birth to that new and that higher order of patriotism that is now coming among us, and that is to take captive the hearts and that is to animate the lives of men. That wars in the past have been, and even at the present time are, too frequent, all thinking men and women are agreed. That they are in the great ma- jority of cases entirely inexcusable, and that there is and should be very little use for military forces, if any, The Land of Living Men 253 outside of purposes of defence, the highest and most inteUigent portion of our citizenship thoroughly be- Heves. And so far as effectiveness is concerned it has been proven time and again, that a citicen soldiery is the finest in the world. Neither vast bodies of men drawn off from creative and productive enterprises and made into a professional soldier class, nor bodies of hirelings, but men who are citizens of intelligence and training, and who stand with the ear ready for the call to arms when there is just cause for their hearing this call, such are the intelligent, such are the brave and the daring, such are the most effective. Men will not fight effectively for the little price in money they are paid. They will not fight effectively for the glory of another, nor will they fight effectively for a mere tract of land. But where homes are, and institutions that they love and revere and care for, then men will fight with all that triumphant intelligence and all that indomitable daring that it is possible to call forth. With a citizen soldiery ready at the just moment to come from the mine, the mill, the counting- house, the farm, thousands of thousands or millions strong, why should there be a vast professional sol- diery, a great non-producing class kept primarily for the glory and to do the bidding of a ruling class, but supported almost entirely by the great common people, that is true of the foolhardy military systems of various European countries to-day? Then think of the women and children bv the thou- sands working in the fields by the side of horses and oxen, and then these vast armies of non-producers, 254 ^/'^' Lajid of Lk'iiig Men and for whose benefit? Royalty, privilege, capitalism in government always depend upon the military arm for their support and, at times, even for their continued existence. When their .demands become too great, however, and too much dead or dead-beat timber is thrown before the car of progress, then even the soldiery itself throws down its arms and goes back to the ranks and to the cause of the people whence they came. The only excuse for the present gigantic military systems that are in existence to-day is that out of the ruling classes there have not yet come men of sufficient brains and wisdom to meet with similar men from other nations, and come to a sane and common-sense understanding regarding their relations. From the people, as democracy grows, and whether it take the name or not, are coming men and forces that wall yet break this hellish monstrosity to a thousand pieces and will send these millions of men back to the mills, to the farms, back to the homes, that they may be as they should be, producers and equal sharers in the support of their country. No it 's intelligence and something to fight for that constitutes the effective in distinction from the ineffec- tive army or navy. Reference has been made in this part to Russia and the condition of her people — the result of allowing one class to attend to the affairs of the others in matters of government. This gives us the basis for an observation regarding her army and navy in view of somewhat recent events. Her navy was larger and supposedly superior to Tlic Land of Living Men 255 that of her adversary ; but the larger portion of it soon littered the bottom of the sea, and it went there be- cause of the superior intehigence and hence abihty of a people whose government aims to make intehigence the common possession of the people. Her army was virtually defeated in every engagement, chiefly through the lack of ability on the part of its officers — for the higher ability cannot be grown on such soil — and through the lack of intelligent and hearty service on the part of her common soldiery. And this because men who are denied opportunities for the growth of intelligence and who have no homes, but who pay ex- cessive tolls and taxes and fees to others, can have neither the power nor the spirit of those who have such opportunities and who have homes. But the deliverance of these, the patient Russian people, out of the hell which results when the people allow them- selves to be ruled instead of taking the management of their affairs into their own hands, is near at hand. There will now be no final settlement and no end, until Bureaucracy, Czarism, and " Holy Synods " are relegated to the place it is a wonder they were not relegated to years ago, and a free and delivered people will stand as the representatives of a new nation. The same forces in power in government that would deny freedom, or that would take freedom from the people, strangle all vitality and life even from the church, so that it becomes a curse and a drawback instead of a blessing. '' And the struggling masses must suffer through the greed of their rulers, who talk patriotism, but 256 The Land of Lh'uig Men never draw a sword themselves in defence of their country." But, it is said, suppose the ruler went to the front and harm or death befell him, what then for the country ? Nonsense, there is n't a King or an Em- peror ruling to-day whose place could not be filled most ablv were he to fall on the field of battle, by a hundred or a thousand men from his own country, and in many cases it must be truthfully said, more ably. How often also do those that in legislative halls of whatever nation talk and vote for war go to the front themselves? Probably not one in 1,000. Were those who instigate or who vote for it compelled to go, war would be most infrequent. So often those that talk the loudest of patriotism in its ordinary sense are the greatest of cowards. Hasten the day, which should have come long ago, when no war can be declared except through a Plebiscite of the People. So far then as the soldiery of a nation is concerned, let the interests of all the people be equally taken care of, let there be institutions founded upon justice, upon equal opportunities for all and special privileges for no man, let there be homes and sentiment encircling these homes, and the keeping up of a large military system becomes but a fool's dream. There will come from such a people a citizen soldiery more intelligent, more brave and determined, and therefore more effective, than can ever come from any professional fighting class, and at a cost not a hundredth part as great. Take sentiment from the battlefield and you take its chief source of heroism away. The people of homes and of just institutions are a people of sentiment. The Land of Living Men 257 Upon every cartridge-box and upon every rifle and upon every field piece of such a soldiery the word " In- vincible " could most rightly be stamped. But of such people and such soldiers let it be said to you, un- scrupulous financial jugglers, rulers and grand dukes, beware, for the people are now beginning to know your tricks. They know that " me and mine," and the ever- ready mockery of a trumped-up patriotism is written all over you, and that had you your way, you would continue to make dog soldiers out of great bodies of your fellow-men, you would feed their bodies to the vultures and leave their families to weep in sorrow and cry for bread, that you might add to your already excessive and dishonourable gain, and continue to live in luxury even to your own and your descendants' moral and physical deterioration and destruction. The nations of the world present at the present time the appearance of a vast armed camp. In addition to the large armies there are the vast navies being added to continually and at enormous expense. To the former cruiser and battleship is added the dreadnaught, and to the dreadnaught is added the super-dreadnaught. One nation no sooner projects and lays the keel of a monster engine of destruction of its type than another announces one still larger and more costly. And in this age of rapid and marvellous invention, when one thing is superseded by another so rapidly, it is probably not far from fact that nine-tenths of all these will be antiquated and will become junk before they are ever used for the purpose for which they are planned. And why all this feverish preparation, this fear of 258 The Land of Living Men something, this monumental expenditure? Is it that any one of these nations is planning attack upon any other friendly nation? Is it that any nation is actually fearing attack from any other friendly nation? All sensible people know that neither condition really exists. There has never been a period in the entire world's history when nations and people have understood and known each other better and have been at heart more thoroughly at peace with each other. There has never been a time when trade and commerce and business relations of all types between them have been greater and more valuable, and when their dis- ruption by war would be more costly, more senseless, and more wicked. Never would a war between any two nations be more deprecated and more bitterly op- posed by the people of those nations. Why then is this feverish and inexplicable increasing of armaments, this enormous taxation of the people?* At the same * But a short time ago, President William C. Brown, of the New York Central lines, in an address before the Minnesota State Bankers' Association, gave as his opinion, based upon much careful investigation, that the chief cause of the greater cost of living, the cause compared to which all others became negligible factors, is " the alarming rapidity with which con- sumption of the products- of the nation's farms is overtaking production." In this connection he says : " We are building great battle-ships, two of them each year, costing, equipped and complete, about $10,000,000 each — and it costs nearly $1,000,000 per annum to man and maintain them. I am in favour of an adequate navy, but I wish the money expended in building just one battle-ship could be de- voted to this work of improved, intelligent agriculture. . The Land of Lk'ing Men 259 time there was never a period when the principle of arbitration, of orderly and sensible court proceeding in the adjusting- and settling of differences was more thoroughly believed in and more rapidly growing. In view of the above facts, why can we not have im- mediately, — within the coming two or three years — an International Court of Arbitration composed of rep- resentatives, of judges duly appointed from the nations of the world, with powers to pass upon and settle all disputes or all differences that may arise between na- tions, using the present joint military and naval forces, greatly reduced, as the police force, to compel, if neces- sary, the enforcement of its decisions? The fact of there being such a force for such a purpose would in all probability do away with the necessity of its being ever called upon for action. We are coming to just such a course. The question is — why not come to it now ? Why not be emancipated from this enormous and thor- oughly senseless expense that the people of practically all nations are being constantly taxed to meet? Why not now bring an end to this feverish, foundationless bogy of fear or uncertainty that pervades the otherwise peaceful status of this world? The people of all na- tions would welcome such a deliverance. We wait " What one battle-ship, costs would establish two splendid agricultural experiment or demonstration farms in every State in the Union, and I will guarantee if this is done and the work intelligently and energetically carried on that, as a result of it, the value of the increased product of the nation's farms will, within ten years, buy and pay for every battle-ship of every navy that floats on salt water to-day." 26o TJic Land of Living Men simply for the initiative of a leader in power progressive enough, brave enough, devoted enough to take the nec- essary steps. We are ready for such a leader, for such a course. I venture that the people of no nation will stand for the rejection of such a move on the part of those in power, when the matter is wisely formulated and presented. The following splendid utterance of President Taft was made at a recent memorable gathering, and it shows how near we are getting to the landing: " Per- sonally I do not see why matters of national honour should not be referred to a court of arbitration than matters of property or of natural proprietorship. I know that is going further than most men are willing to go, but I do not see why questions of honour may not be submitted to a tribunal composed of men of honour who understand questions of national honour, to abide by their decision, as well as any other questions of dif- ference arising between nations." In a recent able article Mr. Andrew Carnegie says of the above : " Here is the inspired deliverance before the Peace and Arbitration Society in New York on the 22d of March, 1910, which we believe will remain memorable for untold ages, and give the author rank among the immortals as one of the foremost bene- factors of his race." * While I cannot agree that the above is quite true as regards the one who gives utter- * There is probably no man whose efforts and whose influ- ence in the advancement of this great cause have been greater than have those of Mr. Carnegie. It is one of the three things with which his name will always be Hnked. The Land of Living Men 261 ance to these thoughts, splendid and true as they are — for they are after all the thoughts that the great major- ity of clear thinking and sensible people everywhere are now thinking — I can agree that it is pre-eminently true of the man who has the insight, the inspiration, the ability and the moral fibre sufficient to take the necessary steps to bring about the material embodiment of such thoughts, plainly speaking — the establishment of a permanent International Court of Arbitration. Has President Taft these qualities? We do not yet know that he has not. The name of the one who has, will be among the most memorable and beloved of the entire world's history. The great nation opens its ports and extends a wel- coming hand to the poor, to the economically and politically downtrodden, as well as to the more well-to- do, from all the nations of the world. It just as care- fully, on the other hand, closes its doors to the criminal, and to all other types of the undesirables that seek entrance, or that are dumped upon its shores by the authorities of other communities and nations. The emigration problem of this, our nation, is to-day one of the most vital and one fraught with the gravest possibilities of any problem that we are at present called upon to face. At the present time there are coming into our ports each twelve months over a million emigrants. Large numbers of these are most desirable and will prove of great value to the nation. Many again, are not only thoroughly undesirable, but are a distinct menace to our established institutions of law .and order and a burden to the community and the state in which 262 The Land of Living Men they live. Many are also a menace to the lives and the property of individual American citizens, and are cost- ing us already vast sums annually. There are among- these an increasingly large number that come for the purpose of crime and plunder. Then there are various steamship companies that have their agents by the hundreds in the countries from which many of these are coming, presenting every type of inducement to those among whom they work to come to America — their sole purpose being the pas- sage money that w'ill come to the steamship company, and without a single thought or care as to the detri- ment and the cost that large numbers of them will be to the nation. We should extend the welcoming hand to the honest, thrifty peasant wanting to better his condition, and especially those wanting to find or to make homes here ; but we should see to it, and at once, that the diseased, the pauper, the criminal is not dumped upon our vari- ous communities to be cared for or to be dealt with. The proper federal authorities should, t^'ith the least possible delay, adopt some well-defined policy looking to the safeguarding of American citizenship and Amer- ican institutions in the face of this now thoroughly well recognized condition. In the meantime our existing emigration laws should be enforced to the limit, — m reference to these thoroughly undesirable types, that either come of their own accord or that are sent to us. The great nation again is the nation where that most important, class in its make-up, that upon which it de- pends more than upon any other, that that forms so to The Land of Living Men 263 speak the backbone of its org-anism — the farming com- munity — grows and prospers, and has its interests looked after and looks after its own interests more and more. It is to my mind the most natural and normal life there is, and the one — as a general statement — that is or that can be made the most happy, and the most satisfactory, and in honour second to none. There has perhaps never been a better outlook for a prosperous and interesting country life than at the present time. The great advances that are being made possible through the splendid work of our various federal and state bureaus, as well as of the numerous agricultural and horticultural schools and experiment stations, the convenience and added comforts of con- tinually better roads, the telephone, the free rural mail delivery, the now rapidly coming parcels post, better facilities for marketing, increasing possibilities of prod- ucts as well as better prices for them — all are tending to make its advantages very great. Many of these, moreover, are still in their infancy, and the time is un- questionably coming when the scientifically tilled and managed farm of forty acres, will yield in profit what is now yielded by the ordinary farm of a hundred and sixty acres. The farmers of the future will also be giving more attention to making their farms — espe- cially the home, its grounds and immediate surround- ings — more beautiful and attractive. Farms that to-day are anything but attractive could be made so thoroughly so with a little time and attention and with but little actual outlay, that the boys and girls could scarcely be driven from them. In addition to these 264 The Land of Living Men. greater gains, such a course would pay also abundantly from the purely business standpoint. The wiser among those on our farms will also see to it that every labor saving device and convenience is instituted in and about the home, the same as so many others are on the farm itself, that the work and the life of the wife and the daughter may be made as easy and as attractive as possible, giving more abundant oppor- tunities for variety, for rest, for recreation and for cul- ture. It will pay a thousandfold in the end. Then with more co-operation — no farm or rural community should be without some strong co-operative organization in its midst — for business, for social, for educational, for civic purposes, the possibilities of farm and country life will be continually increasing. The influence that such a population can exert upon the political life of the nation is indeed unmeasurable.* * The three greatest general needs of country life, as dis- covered by President Roosevelt's Country Life Commission, and as summarized by him in a special message to Congress are : " First, effective co-operation among farmers, to put them on a level with the organized interests with which they do business. " Second, a new kind of schools in the country, which shall teach the children as much outdoors as indoors, and perhaps more, so that they will prepare for country life, and not, as at present, mainly for life in town. " Third, better means of communication, including good roads and a parcels post, which the country people are every- where, and rightly, unanimous in demanding. " To these may well be added better sanitation ; for easily preventable diseases hold several million country people in the slavery of continuous ill health," The Land of Living Men 265 There is already a growing- tendency, and I believe that it will be and should be a continually increasing tendency, for young men of ability and ambition to remain on the farm, instead of leaving it for supposedly superior callings — that is, unless the inclination or the aptitude lies so pronouncedly along a different line as to make another course abundantly advisable. Go then to the school, the college, the university, the agricultural, the horticultural school, and with this superior equipment, go back to conduct a superior type of farm. The outlet for your abilities will be equal to those abilities, both there and as occasion may arise. The possibilities of soil cultivation and all things al- lied to it under more careful, more scientific, intensive methods, are hardly even dreamed of to-day, notwith- standing the great strides that have been made during the past dozen years or so. And our legislative halls, State and National, have never called so loudly as they are calling to-day for men of such make-up as will yet come to them from these superior types of farms. Nothing, to my mind, could contribute more abundantly to the welfare of the country than the coming of increasingly large numbers of these into our legislative halls. There is perhaps no class that has suffered economically more from special privilege and maladministration, in short — injustice — during the past two or three decades. In no way could these abuses be more effectively ended. In no way could a better balance be secured and preserved in all matters of legislative policy and in all matters of national conduct, 266 The Laud of Living Men May there be more organization, an ever increasing intelligence, more interest in public affairs, and an ever greater determination to have a more equal share in the latter, on the part of this, the most important of our citizenship. The great nation is again the nation in which the man of great natural executive or financial ability finds con- tentment in a smaller amount of possessions for him- self, and the larger contentment and satisfaction and joy in using that unusual ability in the service of, for the benefit of, his city, his state, the nation. The wonder is that more are not doing this already. What an in- fluence a few such men could have, what results they could accomplish, what real riches they could bring into their lives through the riches they would bring into the lives of multitudes — What gratitude would go to them ! What names ! What memories ! As men continue to see the small satisfaction there is in the possession of great ability of this nature, and in the possession of great wealth, when divorced from an adequate or even from an abundant connection zvith the interests and the zvclfare of their fclloiv-men, and as they catch the undying truth of the great law of life as enunciated by One who though He had not even where to lay His head was greater than them all — He that is greatest among you shall be your servant — then they in company with all men will be the gainers. Think what could be accomplished in the nation along the lines we have been considering in this little volume by a company of such men devoted to such ends. A change is coming and very rapidly. The time has al- The Land of Living Men 267 ready arrived when we will no longer look upon the possession of mere wealth or the ability to get it as de- serving of any special distinction, and especially ivhen the means adopted in its acquirement are other than those of absolute honour and rectitude. How significant are the following observations from the New York Outlook: " Those who have fallen most completely under the spell of fortune-hunting, and have been consumed by the fever of a pursuit which dries up the very sources of spiritual life, can no longer be blind to the fact that when great wealth ceases to be associated with char- acter, honour, genius, or public respect, it is a very shabby substitute for the thing men once held it to be. There are hosts of honourable men of wealth, and there are large fortunes which have been honourably made ; but so much brutal indifference to the rights of others, so much tyrannical use of power, so much arbi- trary employment of privilege without a touch of genius, so much cynical indifference to human ties of all kinds, so much vulgar greed, have come to light, . . . that the lustre has very largely gone and wealth, as a supreme prize of life, has immensely lost in attractive power. There are hosts of young men who are ambitious to be rich, but who are not willing to accept wealth on such terms ; the price is too great, the bargain too hard." Men of exceptional executive and financial ability, raise yourselves to the standing-point of real great- ness and use these abilities to noble purposes and to undying ends instead of piling heaps of things together 268 The Land of Living Men that you '11 soon have to leave and that may do those to whom they will go more harm than good. The times are changing, mankind is advancing and as- cending to higher standing places, and it will be but a short time when your position if maintained as at present will be a very ordinary one or even a very low one in the public esteem — and so will be your memories. The Bishop of Exeter voices a well-nigh universal human cry at present when he says: Give us men ! Strong and stalwart ones : Men whom highest hope inspires. Men whom purest honour fires, Men who trample Self beneath them, Men who make their country wreathe them As her noble sons, Worthy of their sires, Men who never shame their mothers, Men who never fail their brothers, True, however false are others: Give us Men — I say again, Give us Men! X THE LIFE OF THE HIGHER BEAUTY AND POWER — INDIVIDUAL — NA TIONAL ^^^^O be at peace. To be happy. To live in ^iftf contentment. To have a satisfying and ^mI^ : harmonious — a successful life. This echoes i^^^^K the longing of perhaps every normal per- son. The fact that it so echoes a universal longing, indicates, to me at least, that it should be the natural, the normal life. In order to live a harmonious life there must be something to be in harmony with ; and here as I view it is the great secret of life and its successful and satisfactory fulfilment. That there is a Spirit of intelligence and of love in the universe, no normally constituted mind, and one that has lived at all near the higher revelations that may have come to it, can for a moment doubt. There is a Power, beneficent if worked in harmony with, that pervades and through the channel of great and definite systems of law governs the universe and all that is in it. Every decade we are discovering new laws and forces, and the latter seem to be all the time finer and finer in their nature. This is perhaps on account of the process of evolution, so developing, so unfolding us, that we are getting nearer and nearer to the es- sence, the inner nature — the soul of things. 269 2/0 The Land of Living Men What was the actual beginning of things no man knows. Nor is it essential or important that we do know. But in the beginning, as now, was Being, self- existent and all-pervading — the Spirit of Infinite Life and Power that is back of all, working in and through all, the source, the Hfe of all. This seems to be a self- evident fact — Infinite Being projecting itself into ex- istence — therefore the spirit, the substance, the life of all there is. Various terms or names are used by different minds ; but to me this Infinite Being is God. To know this as our source, the very essence of our being, and from which or from whom we can be cut off, can separate ourselves, only to our detriment, is to recog- nize ourselves as spiritual beings ; it is to be born into the spiritual life, and the spiritual life is the life eternal. Thus we come to know God in the degree that we realize that in Him we live and move and have our being. In the degree that we live in the realization of this truth, does this spirit of Infinite Life and Power reveal itself to our consciousness more and more, and it is in this way that we grow and unfold in the spiritual life. It is through great systems of law, definite and im- mutable, that God or Infinite Being works. To know these laws, and to live, to work in harmony with them brings peace and harmony ; wilfully to violate them brings inharmony and struggle and suffering. They all work together for good. To live in harmony with them can bring us only good. To fail to recognize or" wilfully to violate them brings necessarily the opposite TJic Land of Living Men 271 of good, namely evil. Evil has its origin properly speaking not in God, but from a violation of the laws, shall we say, the ordinances of God. To realize that in essence, though not in degree, we are one with the life of God, and then to open our- selves, our minds and our hearts, so that a continually increasing degree of the God life can manifest itself to and through us, is to understand more and more and to come into a continually greater harmony with, the laws under which we live and which permeate and rule in the universe with an unchangeable precision. It is through our non-recognition of the life that is in us and the laws by which all things are governed, in other words, living out of harmony with the laws under which it is decreed we must live, that inhar- mony and evil with its consequent pain and suffering and despair enters into our lives. There are those who have lived so fully in the realization of their es- sential oneness with the Divine Life, that their lives here have been almost a continual song of peace and thanksgiving. As individuals — expressions of Being projected into existence — we are given the power of choice. We can choose to open ourselves so fully to the reali- zation of the Source of our life, and open ourselves so fully to its influx, that we will find the attributes of this life manifesting, incarnating themselves more and more in our lives, so that in time we take on more and more the wisdom, the insight and the powers of this Life. In this way we are gradually changed from the natural to the spiritual, from earth-men to God-men, 272 The Land of Living Men thus fulfilling- the undoubted purpose of our being — divine self-realization, and the returning to that from which we came. Coming as babes, returning as fully grown spiritual beings, gaining our experience in contact with this material world through the agency of the material body, and for some purpose of which we do not yet know but that shall be revealed to us in due process of time. What it is, cannot concern us materially now. This zvill come zvhen zve are ready for it. To know the laws under which we are living and to bring our lives into an ever completer harmony with them, is what concerns us now. Step by step, in this, as in all things. But to know God's laws is first to know the life of God in us. To live then in harmony with these laws and thus to reap the results that follow naturally and unerringly from this course, is the part of the wise. To separate ourselves from the life of God, to lose therefore the guiding wisdom that is its attribute, to fail to live in harmony with these laws, and to be bat- tered and buffeted about as is invariably the result of the violation of law, until through this hard process we are finally driven into harmony with the laws of God, is the part of the unwise, the fool. The laws will have obedience, and there has never been a man or a woman powerful enough or rich enough or unique enough to violate them without suffering sooner or later the inevitable results. Many have sought to do so but have learned their lesson in sorrow, in anguish, in humiliation. We go voluntarily The Land of Living Men 273 and of our own accord, or we are pushed and taught through suffering. God will have obedience. To know God is to know His laws; for His laws are written in the heart of man. By dwelling continually in this life of God we come into that condition where we are led more and more by Divine guidance, where the Divine wisdom and power and life so manifest and illumine our being, and through this our understanding, that we know more and more to do the right thing at the right time ; and for such, to know is to do.* While the end of life is not attained through intellec- tual processes alone, the mind, the intellect neverthe- less is a means to this end. It is through the mind that the connection is made between the human and the Divine. It is through thought operating through the channel of the mind that we are able to realize and keep our connection with Infinite Being, our source. It is by virtue of the mind, working through the brain, that we are connected with the material, physi- cal universe. The body is material, physical. Every particle of it, through the food we take, is from the earth and the air, and to the earth and the air every particle of it finally returns. To realize that the body is not the self, but the in- strument by which the self is temporarily related to * For suggestions as to the method of entering into this higher realization, as also for a much fuller portrayal of its results in everyday life, the reader is directed to the volume by the same author entitled, " In Tune with the Infinite, or, Fullness of Peace, Power, and Plenty." 274 The Land of Lk'ing Men and made able to live in a material world for the pur- pose of experience, growth, development, is a great aid in arriving at the realities of life. The folly then of giving supreme attention to it, and the things that pertain to it. To give it sufficient attention to en- able it to become the clearest, the soundest, the most perfect instntment, that it can be made and kept for the real self to use, is the part of wisdom, for it is the true middle ground. Now, why this, I hear it asked, in a book of this nature? In order to get a basis in religion, in phi- losophy, in reality, for life, for the individual life ; and as is the individual life so is the national life, never higher, never lower. As Dr. Patton, formerly presi- dent of Princeton University, once said to a class of young graduates: " Religion is the goal of culture, and the educated man must stand in some relation to God. He must have some philosophy of human life, some theory of society." And as Milton has said : " There is nothing that makes men rich and strong but that which they carry inside of them. Wealth is of the heart, not of the hand." And as Mazzini once said : " Where there is no vision the people perish." The chase for the material has of late years become so great and so absorbing, whether by fair means or foul, that it has become one of the notorious features or characteristics of the time. And while I believe the heart of the people and the heart of the nation is sound, by virtue of the vastly superior numbers of splendid, honest, unpurchasable and high-minded men and The Land of Living Men 275 women among us, both old and young, a strong materi- alistic tendency is nevertheless a marked characteristic of the time. As there is perhaps no greater truth in connection with human life than — As a man thinketh in his heart so is he, and also, that we grow into the likeness of those things we most habitually contem- plate, also, that all Hfe is from within out, for as is the inner, so always and necessarily will be the outer, it becomes clearly apparent how essential it is that the right centre or basis of Hfe be established. We hear it often said, and said in the most well- meaning way, that the physical, the material, is the basis of life. Now I would put it in another way, a safer and I think a truer way. The spiritual is the basis and the end of life, and the physical, the material, is the channel through which it manifests and works and un- folds and masters. The latter is not to be despised or slighted, but to be used, to be wisely used, but to be subordinated to its proper place. Thus it becomes a great blessing and helper rather than a hindrance and a curse. To have an abundance of the world's goods is good if rightly used ; but to make the accumulation of ma- terial things the chief object of life can end only in disappointment. Such have but a pinched and stunted life which is unsatisfactory and empty of joy to them- selves, and, except by way of warning, is of but little if any value to the world. Each one must find a centre for life from which all radiates, or, putting it in another way, a basis, a founda- tion upon which all else is built. Such a centre or such 276 The Land of Lk'ing Men a basis, one that is true and satisfactory, is earnestly- longed for by myriads of people. An instinct for the religious life is born in practically every human soul. So many great chunks, as the years have passed, have fallen away from our theological systems, and so many are still continually falling away from them, that it is hard or well-nigh impossible for an earnest, mentally honest man to find any satisfactory or even ac- ceptable basis for the religious life there. Such in com- mon with all others will find that the uniform teaching of all the most inspired teachers in the world's history, whatever the religion or system of belief has been, is that the essence, the substance of all true religion is the Consciousness of God in the soul of man. The ra- tional basis for this I have endeavored to point out in the early pages of this chapter. " In Him we live and move and have our being." In what a homely, splen- did way John Tauler has put it in the following : " I have a power in my soul which enables me to perceive God : I am as certain as that I live that nothing is so near to me as God. He is nearer to me than I am to myself. It is part of His very essence that He should be nigh and present to me. . . . And a man is more blessed or less blessed in the same measure as he is aware of the presence of God." " God made us for Himself, and our hearts are rest- less until they repose in Him," was St. Augustine's way of putting it. " The only death to be feared is unconsciousness of the presence of God," said Paracelsus. " That the Divine Life and Energy actually lives in The Land of Living Men 277 us is inseparable from religion," was the keynote to the philosophy of that most spiritual of philosophers, Fichte. " An insight into the absolute unity of the Hu- man Existence with the Divine is certainly the pro- foundest knowledge that man can attain," said he again. It was the most inspired who has yet lived among us who said : " Neither shall they say, Lo here ! or, Lo there! for, behold the Kingdom of God is within you." And again : " Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." It was He who gave the sub- stance of the moral law and therefore the essence of religion as — Love to God and love to the fellow-man. To me, love to Grod is this dwelling continually in the conscious living realization of the essential oneness of our life with the Divine Lifg — seeking to have no other will than that the Divine will may manifest to and may work through us. How significant then — " Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee," and also, " In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." How truly in the light of this truth does Fichte say that the expression of the constant mind of the truly religious man is this prayer : " Lord ! let but Thy will be done, then is mine also done ; for I have no other will than this — that Thy will be done." And how thoroughly in keeping with — " Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee," is his thought in the following: " Whatever comes to pass around him, nothing ap- pears to him strange or unaccountable — he knows 2/8 The Land of Living Men assuredly, whether he understand it or not, that it is in God's World, and that there nothing can be that does not directly tend to good. In him there is no fear for the future, for the absolute fountain of all blessedness eternally bears him on towards it ; no sorrow for the past, for in so far as he was not in God he was nothing, and this is now at an end, and since he has dwelt in God he has been born into light ; while in so far as he was in God, that which he has done is assuredly right and good. . . . His whole outward existence flows forth, softly and gently, from his Inward Being, and issues out into Reality without difficulty or hindrance." Love to the fellow-man is the realization of the fact that we are all parts of the one great whole, that the source and essence of life in each is essentially the same, that love is the established law of life, and that the law will have obedience or it wili strike its punishment upon all who do violence to it. ** He that loveth not his brother, abideth in death," said the Master Teacher, and this is simply the enun- ciation of the law that's written deep in the universe and that is immutable in its workings. " All beings are the fruits of one tree, the leaves of one branch, the drops of one sea. Honour is for him who loveth men, not for him who loveth his own," says the Persian. Truly we are all parts of the one great whole, and one can't suffer or have injustice done him without all sharing in that suffering and none more than the author of that injustice. It was by virtue of His perceiving so clearly the laws The Land of Living Men 279 in relation to human life that are so immutable in their workings, that enabled and prompted Jesus to give anew to the world an epitome of the laws relating to all human relations when He said, " And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." It is what is ordinarily termed the Golden Rule. I have never seen any wiser or more suggestive com- mentary upon it than the following, by the late Hon. Samuel Milton Jones : * " As I view it, the Gblden Rule is the supreme law of life. It may be paraphrased this way : As you do unto others, others will do unto you. What I give, I get. If I love you really and truly and actively love you, you are as sure to love me in return as the earth is sure * Mayor Jones of Toledo was to my mind one of the most significant men politically that our country has yet known. A man who believed in actually adopting the law of life as enun- ciated in the Golden Rule as a basis for personal action and for the administration of public affairs. A man who used public office only for the highest public good. A man whom the people therefore so trusted that, running as an independ- ent candidate against the candidates of the two dominant political parties, he was able to poll a vote of nearly 17,000 out of a total voting number of 24,000. It is rather signifi- cant, isn't it? — and this against the combined and determined efforts of the machines of both political parties, both local and state, and in face of the united opposition of all the news- papers and corporations in the city, and not a few of the " eminently respectable people." So far as his influence upon the political future is concerned, as it will be, even as it is being already, carried into activity by younger men who are coming into the field of political action,- it is unquestionably true that no greater or more valuable man has ever come from or been associated with the State of Ohio. 28o The Land of Living Men to be warmed by the rays of the midsummer sun. If I hate you, illtreat you and abuse you, I am equally cer- tain to arouse the same kind of antagonism towards me, unless the Divine nature is so developed that it is domi- nant in you, and you have learned to love your enemies. What can be plainer? The Golden Rule is the law of action and reaction in the field of morals, just as defi- nite, just as certain here as the law is definite and cer- tain in the domain of physics. " I think the confusion with respect to the Golden Rule arises from the different conceptions that we have of the word love. I use the word love as synonymous with reason, and so when I speak of doing the loving thing, I mean the reasonable thing. When I speak of dealing with my fellow-men in an unreasonable way, I mean an unloving way. The terms. are interchangeable absolutely. The reason why we know so little about the Golden Rule is because we have not practised it." Yes, what we term the Golden Rule is an absolute law of life, and it will have obedience through the joy, and therefore the gain it brings into our lives if we observe it, or it will have obedience by the pain and the blankness it drives into our lives if we violate it. As we give to the world so the world gives back to us. Thoughts are forces, like inspires like and like creates like. If I give love I inspire and receive love in re- turn. If I give hatred I inspire and I receive hatred. The wise man loves ; only the ignorant, the selfish, the fool, hates. It is the man who loves and serves who has solved the riddle of life, for into his life comes the fulness, The Land of Living Men 281 the satisfaction, the peace and the joy that the Law decrees. He it is who is the wise man. The man who has no sense of service to his fellow- man, whose idea is primarily gain for himself, whether honourable or dishonourable, is the supreme fool in life, by virtue of his ignorance leading him into the violation of a law that condemns him to a pinched, a stunted, sunless, joyless life. " If the gatherer gathers too much," says Emerson, " nature takes out of the man what she puts into his chest; swells the state but kills the owner. Nature hates m.onopolies and exceptions." We do well when we remember this — one can never do an injury to another without in some form or another suffering for that injury himself. Why? It is so written in the Law of the Universe, that's all. And we likewise do well to remember — one can never do a real loving, unselfish, kindly act without deriving a benefit from such act himself ; and if at any time there are apparent exceptions to this it is, I believe, because our limited vision does not enable us to see the total relationship of human actions. " No man in the world ever attempted to wrong another without being injured in return, — some way, somehow, sometime. The only weapon of offence that nature seems to recognize is the boomerang. Nature keeps her books admirably ; she puts down every item, she closes all accounts finally, but she does not always balance them at the end of the month." * * From that excellent little booklet " The Majesty of Calm- ness," by William George Jordan. 282 The Land of Living Men As the life of a man is of more value to him than the house in which he lives, so the possession and growth of the faculties that enable him to enjoy the things that pertain to and that spring from the inner life, are of more value to him by way of bringing him happiness and contentment than any possible accumulation of material things. Wealth is good — as a means to com- fort ; good as a servant, never as a master ; good as a feature, never as the chief end of life. One of the most pitiable sights that I know is the way some very rich men die. Let the following serve as the type of many. A man has made gain — money- getting — the chief object of his life. In time, shall we say through nature's abhorrence of abnormalities, the greed for gain becomes his master and dries up his very powers of enjoyment of the finer things in life. He accumulates a hundred million, with all the care and worry that keeping this invested to the best advantage means. He is of but little use to the world, and through the dwarfing of the finer qualities of his life, and the drying up of his powers of enjoy- ment, he has also become so to himself. He dies. Three months after he has gone his name is scarcely ever heard, except perhaps in some long-drawn-out or bit- terly fought will contest. His end is like that of a dog. In short, many a dog, faithful and intelligent and useful, has been more genuinely mourned and longer and more gratefully remembered. And then if it is true, as I be- lieve it must be, that we commence in the other form of life exactly where we leave ofif here, taking with us only what wc have gained by way of soul growth and The Land of Living Men 283 spiritual unfoldment, but not one cent — not one cent — and having-, moreover, no further control over any ma- terial possessions, how poor, how pitiably poor is such a life. Contrast it with the following as an ideal and a purpose for a life : " I am primarily engaged to myself to be a public servant of all the Gods, to demonstrate to all men there is good-will and intelligence at the heart of things and ever higher and yet higher leadings. These are my engagements. If there be power in good intentions, in fidelity, and in toil, the north wind shall be purer, the stars in heaven shall glow with a kindlier beam that I have lived." And what a life was the life of this man Emerson who deliberately chose this as his part. And what an in- fluence while he lived, and truly for all time to conic. Not three months, nor three centuries can forget his name or cease to bless his memory. Another, in whom success in the sense of excessive gain develops pride and an itchiness for ostentatious show, builds a mansion — a home ? costing four million dollars, thinking also that it will be a sort of monument to, a reminder of, himself. Within fifty years, or within even a much shorter period of time, it may be the pos- session of a Barnum and the home of a good up-to-date circus. Such is the security of a man's hold upon material possessions. And how few seem to be able to stand success and remain good, healthy, sensible, normal men. It seems strange that so seldom can a man become success- ful as to either wealth or power without taking on, 284 The Land of Living Men mentally at least, the strut of the turkey-cock. A really great man, however, is always immune from this affec- tion. It is rather as Pope said : Of all the causes which conspire to blind Man's erring judgment, and mislead the mind, What the weak head with strongest bias rules, Is Pride — that never- failing vice of fools. The law seems to be absolute in that " whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased ; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." Nature seems to abhor an abnormally developed pride, snobbery, too marked a consciousness of superiority. And to the — I am holier than thou — feeling, she applies always the brand. Hypocrite, and she burns it deep. Another makes the accumulation of material things the chief object of his life, rising from humble circum- stances, possessing unusual abilities, but giving but an infinitesimal amount of these abilities to his city or his state, both badly in need of such service ; but rather conspiring with their enemies to make special privileges for a few greater, to secure acts alienating valuable properties from the people of his city and state, to avoid a just share of taxation, thereby defrauding and throw- ing greater and unjust burdens upon all of his fellow- men, except upon those equally dishonest and contempt- ible in this same practice of tax-evasion. His life here closes considerably before a normal and well-rounded life should close, and on quitting he directs that prac- tically the entire results of his life work go to a couple of young grandsons, not yet in their teens, in order The Land of Living Men 285 that the family name and business be preserved. " Every man," said Marcus AureHus, " is worth just so much as the things are worth about which he busies himself." The business may be preserved or it may tumble into ruin. Nature deals so in mockery when a man fancies he can have a con- trolling hand in the final actual disposition of his material possessions. The family name may be preserved and it may be raised even to a higher esteem, or it may be preserved in the records of an inebriate asylum. A man can have an actual say only in regard to his own life, but never in regard to the life of any other. Not by am- bition and gain alone for self but, — " By labor, incessant and devout, to raise earth to heaven, to realize, in fact, the good that as yet exists only in idea — that is the end and purpose of human life ; and in fulfilling it we achieve and maintain our unity each with every other, and all with the Divine." Many a rich man's son has found the handicap of great riches too great to allow his making even a decent success of life ; the incentive which nature seems to have decreed as a healthy and strength-developing stimulant has been neutralized by the burden which an over-rich father has dumped upon him. " Ungirt loins, unlit lamps, unused talents, sink a man like lead. Doing nothing is enough for ruin." Many a daughter of the unduly rich has found her associations, as also her training or lack of training, of such a nature that undue pride or a false ambition has taken possession of her, robbing her of one of the 286 The Land of Living Men chief charms of womanhood, and a designing or worse than empty marriage has fallen to her portion. Surely wealth is of the mind and the heart and not of the hand. And the man who makes as his life work only gain for self, and who fails to recognize his inexor- able relations with his fellow-men, fails completely in getting from life what he thinks he'll get ; for he finds that what he gains turns to a greater or less extent to ashes in his hands, and what he bequeaths to his de- scendants is far below what it might be, — he or she who is at all zvorthy of receiving such bequest would rather it be a few millions less and be accompanied with a name of honour and a memory to be revered, than that it come with the tremendous handicap it many times comes with. As we come to a fuller appreciation of these facts and of the laws of human life and relations that will not be denied, then more and more will " we measure the degree of civilization not by accumulation of the means of living, but by the character and value of the life lived." Now I have said naught nor would I say aught, against wealth. I believe in wealth — sufficient for all the legitimate comforts of life ; and I believe in it so thoroughly that I plead for a state wherein it can be- come the portion of a much larger number than has ever yet been known. And while I do not share in the belief that our time is necessarily more materi- alistic than other times have been, I do realize and most keenly that the economic conditions during the past few years have produced a class of men so material- The Land of Living Men 287 istic in their entire outlook, so insatiate in their greed for ever larger gain, so drunk with opportunity and power, that they would pull the very pillars of the state to the ground, if a united and determined people did not come forward and say, so far, and no farther. It is against the aggressions of these and the abuses we have permitted them to give birth to and fatten upon, the aggressions of these against the welfare of their fellows, against the economic and political insti- tutions of the nation, that we must battle for some time to come with an alertness, with a determination and a bravery that can know no defeat. With a mind calm and determined and with malice towards none, must these great battles for the redemption of this nation be fought. And as excessive zuealth is of no real value to any man nor to his descendants, but becomes more often a veritable curse, and as it makes its possessors many times a menace to the very welfare of the nation and to the welfare of every man, woman and child in the nation, we will be doing a twofold service through such warfare and subsequent vigilance, in saving its pos- sessors and ■ its would-be possessors from their own folly, as well as conserving our own common interests. It's the middle ground that carries with it the satis- factory solution of life. Excesses have to be paid for with heavy and sometimes with frightful interest. Life, the life of everyone has its perplexities, its problems, its struggles and its work to be done. Hu- manity is brave, and there are but few who do not stand up like men and women, some almost like very 288 The Land of Living Men Gods, to the end. It certainly should be the aim of each to throw no hindrance in the path of any fellow- being, to make no load heavier ; but rather to lend the hand whenever we can. Oh the skies are blue and a ribboned road Shall the pilgrim's heart beguile : Yet hurry not so fast with your load, For there is many a mile. And it 's here a friend and there a friend To bear your hand a while : But none will go to the journey's end, And few will stay the mile. And in connection with the problems and perplexities and apparent losses that come and that must be met as the days hurry away, I believe without the question of a doubt, that the time will come when we will see the part that each thing has had to play in our lives, and we will give thanks that it came just as it came. I believe, moreover, that a sort of an inborn universal feeling of this nature is a reason why humanity is brave. A hope that never wearies, a faith that defies defeat, an attitude of mind that compels gladness, will help us to stand like men until we realize this glad culmination. And if one would find the easier way, it lies in the ever conscious realization — " Thou wilt keep him in per- fect peace whose mind is stayed on thee." SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPLEMENTARY PART I :SF the White Plague — tuberculosis — Mr. Hunter,* who has had perhaps as great opportunities for observing its growth and its methods as any- one not directly connected with the medical ^—i^ profession, says : " It is a needless plague, a preventable plague. It is one of the results of our inhu- mane tenements ; it follows in the train of our inhumane sweat-shops; it fastens itself upon children and young people because we forget that they need playgrounds and because we are selfish and niggardly in providing breathing spaces ; it comes where the hours of labor are long and the wages small ; it afflicts the children who are sent to labor when they should yet be in school ; the plague goes to meet them. It is a brother to the anguish of poverty, and wherever food is scant and bodies half clothed and rooms dark, this hard and relentless brother of poverty finds a victim. . . . " The extent of the White Plague is one of the best tests of a high or low state of society; in many ways it is the truest and most accurate of social tests. The number of its victims will indicate the districts in which sweat-shops flourish, and the streets in which the double-decker tenement, the scourge of New York, is most often found. Where the death rate from the plague is greatest there ignorance prevails; drunken- ness is rife; poverty, hunger, and cold are the common misfortune. . . . " Tuberculosis is more common in the cities than in the country. The death rate from this disease in the cities of over * "Poverty," p. 164 (MacMillan & Co., N. Y,). IV Supplementary twenty-five thousand inhabitants is about twice that of the rural districts of the State. The tenement districts suffer much more from the disease than do the well-to-do districts. In Paris the death rate is three times as great in the poorest quarters as it is in the well-to-do quarters. In Hamburg the proportion is almost the same. In the First Ward, near the Battery in New York City, fourteen times as many people die from tuberculosis, in proportion to population, as in a certain ward adjoining Central Park. Obviously it is a plague which exists much more among the poor than among the rich. . . . " The disease is one which afifects especially residents of the tenements and the workers in certain trades, as, for in- stance, printers, tailors, bookkeepers, dressmakers, bakers, cigar-makers, potters, stone-cutters, file-grinders, dyers, wool- carders, etc. " To know why these classes of people are affected, let us for a moment consider how the disease is spread. A person having consumption can, it is said, expectorate in a day seven billions of germs or bacilli. These germs or bacilli are the only cause of the disease. The sputa or expectorations from the diseased lungs dry and afterward become a pulverized dust which is blown about through tenements, theatres, street cars, railway trains, offices, and factories. In fact, the infec- tion is disseminated wherever tuberculosis sputum becomes dry and pulverized. The germ is killed by sunlight and lives but a short time in the open air, but it will live for months in darkness or in places artificially lighted. . . . "This dry, pulverized dust is the most important of the means of spreading tuberculosis throughout all parts of the city, so that, I do not doubt, a consumptive of the sweat-shop, spraying the garments he sews by sneezing or coughing, may convey to some delicate lad or girl in a far-distant part of the country or in a wealthy part of the city the disease which the sweat-shop has given him. A virulent cause of consumption is the spray discharged from the nose, lungs, or mouth of the consumptive invalid. As before mentioned, those near the Supplementary v person suffering from tuberculosis are very likely to contract the disease. Children playing about on the floor, kissing or embracing the diseased mother or father, taking the milk from a tuberculosis mother, so often contract the disease that the mass of people have an almost unshakable belief that it is inherited. Eminent physicians, however, say that the disease is not inherited. ... It is cheaper in every way to cure a con- sumptive in a sanitarium than it is to let him die in a hospital or in a public institution of some kind, but to let him die in a hospital or institution of whatever kind is cheaper than to let him die in his tenement. What we are doing now is just the wrong thing. ... It is unquestionably the duty of society to care for the victims of this disease. It is a social disease. Society is responsible for its continuance. . . . " It will be stamped out when the humane work of the Tene- ment House Department and the Health Department of this city, and of every other city, is victorious over opponents; when there is established in the mind of everyone that vital principle of an advanced civilization, namely, that the profits of individuals are second in importance to the life, welfare, and prosperity of the great masses of people. It will disap- pear from that community which demands the destruction of an insanitary tenement regardless of inconvenience to indi- viduals and which also demands that there shall be no dark and windowless rooms within its boundaries under any con- dition whatsoever, as a result of any plea, or as a favour to private interests great or small." Certain tenements as well as workshops become infected with the disease. We have heard of the " Lung Block " and also of the " Ink Pot " in New York, both with their fright- fully large numbers of deaths from tuberculosis. Mr. Ernest Poole, in describing the conditions in this latter tenement, says : " It has front and rear tenements five floors high, with a foul, narrow court between. Here live one hundred and forty people. Twenty-three are babies. Here I found one man sick with the plague in the front house, two more in the vi Supplementary rear — and one of these had a young wife and four children. Here the plague lives in darkness and filth — filth in halls, over walls and floors, in sinks and closets. Here in nine years alone twenty-six cases have been reported. How many besides these were kept secret? And behind these nine years -^,'io\'' many cases more ? ■' Kooms here have held death ready and waiting for years. Up on the third floor, looking down into the court, is a room with two little closets behind it. In one of these a blind Scotchman slept and took the plague in '94. His wife and his fifteen-year-old son both drank, and the home grew squalid as the tenement itself. He died in the hospital. Only a few months later the plague fastened again. Slowly his little daughter grew used to the fever, the coughing, the long, sleepless nights. The foul court was her only outlook. At last she, too, died. The mother and son then moved away. But in this room the germs lived on. They might all have been killed in a day by sunlight ; they can live two years in darkness. Here in darkness they lived, on grimy walls, in dusky nooks, on dirty floors. Then one year later, in October, a Jew rented this same room. He was taken, and died in the summer. This room was rented again in the autumn by a German and his wife. She had the plague already, and died. Then an Irish family came in. The father was a hard, steady worker, and loved his children. The home this time was win- ning the fight. But six months later he took the plague. He died in 1901. This is only the record of one room in seven years." Professor Koch, who a little over twenty-five years ago dis- covered the cause of tuberculosis, says in an interview on the subject: "In all other infectious diseases we attack infection at its source ; cases of small-pox, of leprosy, of diphtheria, of plague, are isolated, but cases of tuberculosis in their last stages, the most deadly stage of the most deadly disease of all, are still allowed throughout Europe to spread further in- Supplementary vii fection broadcast in the midst of their already destitute fami- lies. This fact does not yet seem to be learned. When it is, and when we have these homes for the hopeless cases adjoin- ing every city, then tuberculosis will pass from the midst of us." Again, he says: " It is not cruelty to isolate these cases; it is the truest and highest kindness." " , •■.IS viii Supplementary PART II ^>^^?'=±'.'% HE matter of the play life of the children (and 'ilw;^f^,> its attendant physical and moral influences), especially in our cities, is now receiving some ^„;| very careful attention on the part of many St^^^^^^ thoughtful people; and some splendid begin- nings are already made in this direction. Various Playground Associations have been organized for studying into and devel- oping sufficiently comprehensive plans to meet the great need, and some centres have made most noteworthy accomplish- ments already. There is probably no city that has made such progress and that has succeeded in bringing about such remarkable results, and in a comparatively short time, as has Rochester, New York. The following all to brief paragraphs from a recently published article * in one of our progressive magazines, gives some slight idea of what it is doing along this and kindred lines : " There are a great many reasons why parents are glad their children are born in Rochester. One is that Rochester has no real tenement evil, no real congested district. The factories are being pushed into the suburbs, and the workman and his family follow. Another is that Rochester leads the country in its preventive municipal work. Typhoid fever is unknown in this city. Its fight for pure milk is known the world over. Its schoolroom clinics are the talk of the medical world. It believes in keeping its boys and girls out of reform institutions by making them so busy and contented that they do not get into mischief. And finally in one sort of school or another it teaches its people, grown-ups as well as children, not only how * " Do It for Rochester," by Anna Steese Richardson, in The Woman's Home Cotnpanion, September, 1910. Supplementary ix to study, but how to prepare for wage-earning and how to enjoy their earnings. " Two agencies work to start Rochester children aright, to insure them the boon of good health, and these are the Health Bureau and the Rochester Public Health Association. While they work along slightly different lines they co-operate, and their common motto is : ' For the children, Justice not Char- ity.' They make their appeal to politicians and voters by proving that ill health makes of children public charges, either as criminals or consumptives. " In May, 1902, some true Rochesterites gathered in the Brick Church Institute, of which you will hear more later, and formed ' The Children's Playground League.' " In seven years the Playground League secured the following benefits for the children of Rochester : First : The playground at Brown Square now under the Park Board. Second : The playground at No. 26 School now under the Park Board. Third : The playground at No. 14 School now under the School Board. Fourth : The playground at No. 36 School now under the School Board. Fifth: The fifty-thousand-dollar playground and bath at No. 9 School under the School Board. Sixth: The Hartford Street playground (Italian) under the Park Board. Seventh : The playground and athletic fields in the park system. Eighth : The annual appropriation for main- tenance of playgrounds by the School and Park Boards. Ninth : The charter amendment relating to future play centres and their control by the Common Council and the Board of Education, respectively. " Doubtless you have playgrounds in your town, but with a •difference. The members of your association may have trouble raising funds, making both ends meet, securing co- operation. Rochester solved these problems through its Play- ground League by securing the co-operation of Park Board, School Board, and City Council. In other words, the munic- ipality of Rochester considers that supplying outdoor recrea- tion for its growing children is a sacred duty which must be X Supplementary performed. In operation the Rochester playground differs sHghtly from the average recreation centre of this sort, inso- much as it provides wading and swimming pools, and shower baths in warm weather, and tobogganing, skating, and sliding grounds for winter. " Following close on the heels of the playground for children comes the Rochester Physical Education Association whose object is to provide for their older brothers and sisters, their parents, their cousins, and their aunts the sort of recreation and activities which will make better citizens for Rochester. " Now, just to show you how Rochester pulls together in the interests of its citizens, let me tell you that on the Advisory Board of this society are men and women representing the fol- lowing Rochester organizations." Here follows an enumeration of thirty different organiza- tions. " Neither creed, colour, nor caste counts when the needs, the health, the contentment of Rochester are at stake. And the result of all this co-operation in Rochester means that every man, woman, and child in that city believe the parks belong to them, are to be used and protected by them. The real park season opens there every spring with a carnival of sports and rejoicing which is worth seeing, athletic events, field sports, polo, automobile and boat racing by day, and illumination by night. " Do you think that in your town you could get thirty sep- arate organizations to work for one common movement? Do you think that the presidents or leaders of thirty such organi- zations would be willing to be ' among those present ' for the good of your town? Try it. For here lies one secret of Rochester's municipal greatness — the willingness of its leaders to ' mix ' and co-operate." Supplementary XI PART III ^N view of these facts it is interesting to note the following, a conversation between the well-known author of that widely circulated little book, " Mer- ^ rie England," and one of the subjects, a working- man subject, of the King. The title of the chap- ter in which it occurs is, " Who Makes the Wealth, and Who Gets It?" "Now, John, what are the evils of which we complain? Lowness of wages, length of working hours, uncertainty of employment, insecurity of the future, low standards of public health and morality, prevalence of pauperism and crime, and the existence of false ideals of life. " I will give you a few examples of the things I mean. It is estimated that in this country,with its population of thirty-six millions, there are generally about 700,000 men out of work. There are about 800,000 paupers. Of every thousand persons who die in Merrie England over nine hundred die without leaving any property at all. About eight millions of people exist always on the borders of destitution. About twenty mil- lions are poor. More than half the national income belongs to about ten thousand people. About thirty thousand people own fifty-five fifty-sixths of the land and capital of the king- dom, but of thirty-six millions of people only one and one- half millions get above $15 a week. The average income per head of the working classes is about $85 a year, or less than twenty-five cents a day. There are millions of our people working under conditions and living in homes that are simply disgraceful. The sum of crime, vice, drunkenness, gambling, prostitution, idleness, ignorance, want, disease, and death is appalling. . . . To what are the above evils due? They are xii Supplementary due to the unequal distribution of wealth, and to the absence of justice and order from our society. " Political orators and newspaper editors are very fond of talking to you about 'your country.' Now, Mr. Smith, it is a hard practical fact that you have not got any country. The British Islands do not belong to the British people; they be- long to a few thousands — certainly not half a million — of rich men." Supplementary xiii PART IV fJs^^^^^ig^'HlLE speaking of Mr. Folk, it may not be un- interesting to note some of his findings when ^ Y » \ ^ ^^ the bills of the old score were one day finally |h_\f ^^i| presented for redemption. The following is •kir-c^ -^^^.i^^ji;^ from a public address delivered at an important centre of the State of which he was recently Governor : " For another franchise $250,000 in bribes was paid to the members of the preceding assembly. This franchise was after- ward sold for $1,250,000, but the city received not a cent. Twenty-three of the twenty-eight members of the House of Delegates took bribes of $3,000 each for this franchise. Seven members of the council obtained from $10,000 to $17,500 each for their votes. One councilman was given $25,000 to vote against the franchise and afterward accepted $50,000 to vote in favour of it. He returned the $25,000 to the man who gave it to him, saying he did not believe he could 'honestly' keep it without ' earning ' it by giving his vote in accordance with the terms of purchase. Upon reflection he likewise sent the $50,000 back, with the hope of getting more. He finally voted for the ordinance with the expectation and under promise of obtaining $100,000 for his vote. " His friend, the promoter, disappointed him by leaving the city early the next day without paying him. More in sorrow than in anger the official tracked the promoter to New York, and after much difficulty succeeded in obtaining $5,000, but not until the promoter had him sign a certificate of character say- ing, ' I have heard rumours in St. Louis that you paid members of the assembly for their votes. I want to say that I am in a position to know, and I do know that you are as far above offering a bribe as I am above receiving one.' This was liter- ally true, as the official had taken bribes right and left, and the xiv Supplementary promoter had boodled on a gigantic scale in getting his bill through the municipal assembly. "Seven members of the council, elected to serve the people at a salary of $300 a year, were paid a regular salary of $5,000 yearly to represent corporate interests. A lighting bill was bribed through the House of Delegates for $47,500. The bar- gain was made right on the floor of the House. The money was given to one of the members, and after the meeting they met in the home of one of their number, where the ' pie ' was cut and the money divided. . . . Nineteen members of another House of Delegates obtained $2,000 each as bribes for their votes on still another franchise. " Men would run for a seat in the municipal assembly with the sole object of making money by the prostitution of their position. The scheme of corruption was systematic and far- reaching. The people were careless; the public conscience was asleep. These city legislators went on without hindrance. They devised a scheme of selling the water-works, which be- longed to the city, for $15,000,000, the works being worth about $40,000,000. They planned to get $100,000 apiece for their votes on this. The proposed sale failed, because of a wise provision of the city charter forbidding unconditional alienation. " Then their gloating eyes fell on the old court house with the gilded dome. They thought of selling that. They hoped to obtain $100,000 apiece for their votes on this. Then they concluded to sell the Union Market, but the market men had considerable political influence. With this and the sum of $20,000 they raised and paid the members they succeeded in stopping the sale. Then came the exposure. Now some of these representatives are fugitives from justice in foreign countries ; others have turned State's evidence ; the remainder have faced juries, and eighteen of these givers and takers of bribes have received sentences ranging from two years to seven years in the penitentiary. . . . These conditions are the out- growth of the commercialism of our times." '^ This book is DUE on the last date stamped below E ate His Nor FETD BOOK BO); He And A lo APR 18 19W lOm-ll, '50(2555)470 ^. t PLEAF'v DO NOT REMOVE THIS BOOK CARD 3* :^tllBRARYQ^ ^' I -«;-'.* f