GIFT OF MICHAEL REESE 1*5% The body 'within which I cast a shadow. PUR. in. 26. SHADOW OF DANTE Eetng an ssap TOWARDS STUDYING HIMSELF, HIS WORLD AND HIS PILGRIMAGg^ ^ BY MARIA FRANCESCA ROSSETTI So may God let thee, Reader, gather fruit From this thy reading. INF. xx. 19, a ROBERTS BROTHERS 3 SOMERSET STREET, BOSTON MDCCCLXXXVI JOHN WILSON AND SON, CAMBRIDGE. ?Q SDeUfcateO TO THE BELOVED MEMORY OF MY FATHER CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. PREFATORY AND INTRODUCTORY i II. DANTE'S UNIVERSE 9 III. DANTE'S LIFE-EXPERIENCE 18 IV. THE WOOD, AND THE APPARITION OF VIRGIL . 32 V. THE HELL 43 VI. DANTE'S PILGRIMAGE THROUGH HELL ... 64 VII. THE PURGATORY 107 VIII. DANTE'S PILGRIMAGE THROUGH PURGATORY . 121 IX. THE GARDEN OF EDEN, AND THE DESCENT OF BEATRICE 183 X. THE PARADISE 201 XI. DANTE'S PILGRIMAGE THROUGH PARADISE . . 207 ILLUSTRATIONS. DANTE'S PORTRAIT BY GIOTTO, AND HIS DEATH- MASK (drawn by H. T. DUNN) .... Frontispiece THE UNIVERSE to face page 9 THE HELL " "43 THE PURGATORY " "107 THE ROSE OF THE BLESSED ... " "201 CHAPTER I. PREFATORY AND INTRODUCTORY. Dunque che e ? perche, perche ristai ? What is 't then ? wherefore, wherefore hold'st thou back ? Inf. ii. 121. DANTE is a name unlimited in place and period. Not Italy, but the Universe, is his birthplace ; not the fourteenth century, but all Time, is his epoch. He rises before us and above us like the Pyramids awful, massive, solitary ; the embodiment of the character, the realization of the science, of his clime and day; yet the outcome of a far wider past, the standard of a far wider future. Like the Pyramids, again, he is known to all by name and by pic- torial representation ; must we not add, like them unknown to most by actual sight and presence ? Who among us has indeed experienced the soul-subduing hush of his solemnity ? who beheld all average heights dwarfed by his sublimity ? Even of his fellow-linguists how many have read his great poem through ? One of themselves has said it few have gone beyond the Inferno ; nay, most have stopped short at two passages of the Inferno Francesca da Rimini and il Conte Ugolino. And of his fellow-cosmopolitans how many General ignorance of Dante: have read even so much ? If in cultivated society we start him as a topic of conversation, how far is our interlocutor likely to sympathize with our vivid interest? How many young people could we name as having read Dante as a part of their education ? Yet the Divina Commedia has been translated, especially of late years, again and again : copiously treated of by authors of European reputation. The few pore over such works ; but what of the many? They have probably glanced through Gustave Dore's illustrations ; but as to the poem itself, even those who have learned Italian look upon Dante in his native tongue as too far above their attainments ; those who have not never think of making such acquaint- ance with him as is possible in their own language ; while the glosses of commentators are usually bound up with the text, and are at any rate too closely connected with it to be available as independent outlines, even did they not often take for granted in the reader a certain amount of prelimi- nary knowledge and interest. And so it comes to pass that in England comparatively few among cultivated and intel- lectual people have a thorough and enjoying knowledge of one of the greatest works of man. As to those who are sufficiently Italian scholars to read Tasso with ease and pleasure, they are simply under a mis- apprehension in supposing themselves incompetent to pass on to Dante. They would understand him very well with notes ; and even highly-educated Italians would not always understand him without. The case is much like that of Shakspeare Englishmen are disputing to this day as to the meaning of many of his utterances, and so are Italians as to the meaning of Dante. For his difficulties, confessedly his peculiarities and difficulties. 3 great, are of a kind to meet the reader scarcely less in a good translation than in the original. At their very head we must place one of his chief perfections : conciseness such that a word often requires expansion into a clause, a clause into a sentence, which may yet fail of being understood till amplified into an expository paragraph. Nay, his style is more than concise : it is elliptical it is recondite. A first thought often lies coiled up and hidden under a second; the words which state the conclusion involve the premises and develop the subject. The abstract disquisitions with which the poem abounds afford the principal, though by no means the sole, field for the exercise of this marvellous gift of recondite expression. A reader could such be found equal in knowledge to the poet himself, might still fail to recognize at a glance each inhabitant of his populous universe, and to solve at a thought each allusive quasi- enigma embodying the fictions of mythology, and the truths of science according to the highest attainments of the period. Astronomy becomes especially perplexing in his hands ; the dates of the poem, both as to hour and season, being hinted in descriptions of the position of the heavenly bodies, pretty sure to darken the reader's perceptions but for the friendly aid of the commentator, whose elaborate notes usually culminate in the one necessary and often only intelligible fact : ' It was the vernal equinox ; ' ' It was noon, sunset/ etc. Another of Dante's characteristics is ambiguity an am- biguity, however, not hazy, but prismatic, and therefore not really perplexing. Why refuse to discern a double truth under a single word-presentment in such a passage as the following? Subjects treated of by Dante. 1 1 will be thy guide, And bring thee hence by an eternal place; Where thou shalt hearken the despairing shrieks, Shalt see the ancient Spirits dolorous, That each one outcries for the second death.' Inf. I. 113-117. The last line may signify either ' Each cries out on account of the second death which he is suffering,' or ' Each cries out for death to come a second time and ease him of his suffer- ings.' Both significations being true, why should we narrow our inheritance by rejecting one ? Such, then, is frequently the style in which Dante deals with a range of subject wellnigh encyclopaedic. He seems to have familiarly known everything that could be learned, and to have watched with closest attention the men and the politics of his day. Are we of those who, deeply and intelligently interested in the past, love in every period to dive below the surface, and welcome as peculiarly precious every ray of contemporary light thrown on persons and events ? Dante is a focus of such rays : bask we in them, and we shall know what at the end of the thirteenth and the beginning of the fourteenth century among the most intellectual people of the West were the highest attainments of the highest minds in physical science ; what natural and moral problems received an astrological solution ; what judgment was passed at the time, or soon afterwards, on such personages as Frederick II. of Germany, Philippe le Bel, Charles of Anjou; what was the character of the petty Italian States and princes of the period ; what man- ners and customs prevailed ; what corruptions revolted dignified and pious souls ; how nearly on the same level of Plan of this Work. reality mediasval habits of thought and study placed historic fact and classic fable ; what were the speculations of philo- sophers, what the contemplations of theologians, what the general tone of moral and religious thought in those who by reason of use had their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. But great as is the profit derived by the mind from the study of the Commedia, greater, far greater, is the profit accruing to the soul which, through the medium of that chain of visions wherein Dante's colossal intellect has embodied its conceptions, contemplates truths the most momentous, spiritual, and ennobling that can engage the thoughts of man. Any acquaintance with a work so sublime must needs be better than none. A shadow may win the gaze of some who never looked upon the substance, never tasted the entrancement of this Poet's music, never entered into the depths of this Philosopher's cogitations. My plan is very simple. After in some degree setting forth what Dante's Universe is as a whole, and what autobiography and history show his life-experience to have been, I proceed to expound in greater detail here and there unavoidably with slight repetition the physical and moral theories orf which his Three Worlds are constructed; and to narrate, now in his own words, now in a prose summary, the course of his stupendous pilgrimage. As in this narration my objects are mainly to carry on his autobiography, to study his character, to be spiritualized by his spirit and upborne on his wings also, though subordinately, to exemplify his treatment of the subjects above enumerated, the extracts are such as seem to me best suited to promote these ends ; 6 Literality of translation. the episodes being usually passed over. I use two line-for- line blank verse translations, of the degrees of whose force and beauty the reader will be able to judge : my brother W. M. Rossetti's for the Inferno, Mr. Longfellow's for the Purgatorio and Paradise, retaining in each case any typographical pecu- liarity. Difficulties are explained in the text or in footnotes : these last, when taken verbatim from the Translators, are distinguished by inverted commas ; and where a passage of any length is paraphrased, the reference at the beginning is repeated at the end. Not without regret, I sacrifice to faithful literality the pleasure of making readers ignorant of Italian acquainted with the exquisite ternary rhyme of the Commedia, so ably preserved in the translations by Mr. Cayley, the Rev. John Dayman, and the Rev. Prebendary Ford. The like faithful literality will be found to charac- terize my own rendering of passages from Dante's prose works ; the blemish, as it would now by many be considered, of frequent tautology being by no means avoided. The principle of translation should, I think, be one thing, wh^n an author and a style unique and immortal are to be set in living truth before living eyes; quite another thing when minds merely need to be enabled profitably and pleasurably to assimilate thoughts generated and originally expressed, it may even be with no distinctive force or grace, in a tongue not their own. Whether the tautology of classic Greece and mediaeval Italy be in truth a blemish at all, is a question foreign to my present purpose. Where commentators differ, especially on minor points, I frequently adopt without discussion that view which most commends itself to my own mind. And in any slight hints, whether original or not, on the interpretation of the Obligations acknowledged. poem, the one charge I would earnestly deprecate is that of exclusiveness. It is scarcely less difficult to determine what is not, than what is, in Dante. The prismatic charac- ter before noticed in particular passages belongs still more to his marvellous work as a whole, and according to each one's tone of mind and groove of thought will be, to a great extent, the contemplations based upon it. A second Dante alone could confidently exclude any sense not intrinsically unworthy of the first. It only remains to acknowledge my obligations, among Italian commentators, to my late dear Father, to Professor Ferrazzi, and to Signer Fraticelli, whose excellent diagrams have supplied the designs, though not the whole of the letterpress, for three of my own : among English commen- tators to Mr. Cayley, and to Professor Longfellow both for the information gathered from his notes, and for his most kind welcome to the use of his eminently faithful and beautiful translation. ' CHAPTER II. DANTE'S UNIVERSE. Mi mise dentro alle segrete cose. He ushered me within the secret things. Inf. m. 21. 'T^O one unacquainted with the Ptolemaic system, and * unprovided with suitable maps, the Dantesque cos- mology presents difficulties almost as insuperable as those geography would offer to a child destitute of an atlas. The scheme of the Universe has to be picked out here and there throughout the poem ; and I propose in this chapter to present my reader with a preliminary bird's-eye view of that world through which we are about to become fellow- pilgrims with the Poet. The central point of Dante's Universe is that central point of the Earth which constitutes the centre of gravity. Hither with Dante we descend through the Pit of Hell; hence painfully threading our way through the bowels of Earth's opposite hemisphere, emerge on the shore of the single island dotting the vast Ocean ; climb with toil the Mountain of Purgatory, situate within the Spheres of Air and Fire, and from the Terrestrial Paradise on its summit ascend through the Nine Heavens : traversing thus all the realms of Time and Space till we attain our final rest in the all- containing, uncontained, timeless, spaceless Empyrean. So io The two elemental hemispheres. marvellous in conception, so "perfect in order, so dazzling in glory, is the Universe unfolded to our view. We proceed to consider it in detail. Dante divides our globe into two elemental hemispheres : the Eastern, chiefly of land ; the Western, almost wholly of water. In the midst of the inhabited Land-hemisphere he places Jerusalem ; within the same hemisphere, so that its central and Hell's lowest point is exactly under Jerusalem, he places Hell ; in the midst of the uninhabited Sea-hemi- sphere he places Purgatory, as the antipodes to Jerusalem, distant from it by the whole diameter of the globe. Thus on and within the Earth are situated the temporal and the eternal prison-house of sin. Neither, in Dante's view, formed part of God's original creation, wherein sin was not ; but the fall of Lucifer at once produced the one and prepared the other, convulsing and inverting the world which God had made. The rebel Seraph fell headlong from Heaven directly above the Western hemisphere, till then a conti- nent, in whose midst was Eden ; and Earth, in the twofold horror of his sight and presence, underwent a twofold change. First, to veil her face, she brought in upon her- self the vast floods of the Eastern Sea-hemisphere, trans- ferring to their place all her dry land, save Eden, which thus was left insulated in mid-Ocean. And secondly, to escape his contact, as he sank and sank through her sur- face, through her bowels, till the middle of his colossal frame, having reached the centre of gravity, remained there fixed from the sheer physical impossibility of sinking any lower, she caused a vast mass of her internal substance to flee before his face ; and leaving eternally void the space it once had occupied to form the inverted pit-cone of Hell, The elemental Spheres. The Heavens. 1 1 she heaved it up directly under Eden, amid the new waste of waters, to form the towering mountain-cone on whose peak the Terrestrial Paradise should thenceforth to the end of Time sit far above all elemental strife, and whose sides should, after the Redemption of Man, furnish the Purgatorial stair whereby his foot might aspire once more to tread, his eye to contemplate, his regained inheritance. Thus two Elements, Earth and Water, hemispherically divided, constitute the Sphere which forms the innermost and immovable kernel of the Dantesque Universe. It is enveloped by the Sphere of Air, subject to the variations of heat and cold, rain and drought, wind and tempest, and reaching up to that particular point of the Western Mountain where Ante- Purgatory ends, and the Gate of S. Peter admits holy but still imperfect souls to Purgatory proper, which being situated within the Sphere of Fire or ^Ether, is secure from atmospheric change. Beyond this highest elemental region lie the Nine Heav- ens, each alike a hollow revolving sphere, enclosing and enclosed. The First Heaven is of the Moon, the Second of Mercury, the Third of Venus, the Fourth of the Sun (in Dante's time regarded as a planet), the Fifth of Mars, the Sixth of Jupiter, the Seventh of Saturn, the Eighth of the Fixed Stars ; the Ninth is the Starless Crystalline Heaven or 'Primum Mobile, which, itself the most rapid of all in its revolutions, is the root of Time and Change throughout Creation, and the source and measure of the gradually slackening movement of all the Heavens within it. Without it is the Tenth Heaven, the motionless boundless Empyrean, the special dwelling-place of the Most High God, and the eternal home of His Saints. These, arranged in the form 1 2 The Nine Angelic Orders. of a Rose, surround a vast effulgent Lake, formed by a reflection of the Uncreated Light on the convex summit of the Primum Mobile, and so placed that a right line drawn downwards from its centre to our globe would touch that earthly Jerusalem, whose bud has so wondrously blossomed into this Jerusalem which is above. Such is the construction of the Dantesque Universe. But the scheme of natural and moral philosophy set forth in the Di- vina Commedia includes so complete and complicated a theory of Astrology as bound up with Cosmology and with the action of the Angelic Orders, that I must, even at the risk of tedious- ness, endeavor to give my reader some insight into the subject. Around the Divine Essence, manifested in the Primum Mobile as a luminous Atomic Point, circle evermore the Nine Orders of Angels, divided into Three Hierarchies. The first and innermost hierarchy consists of the Seraphim, the Cherubim, the Thrones ; the second of the Dominations, the Virtues, the Powers ; the third of the Principalities, the Archangels, the Angels. The celestial hosts thus disposed are at once passive and active. All alike, gazing on the Divine Centre, are passively drawn by It, the Seraphim immediately, the Cherubim through the medium of the Seraphim, the Thrones through that of the Cherubim, and so on, each Order through that next above it. And all alike, as is self-evident, actively draw towards that same Centre, each the Order next below it, till finally the Angels, having none lower of their own nature to draw, draw mankind. This chain of attraction is, as I conceive, wholly moral. A second chain of influence is partly moral and partly material. Each Angelic Order moves the Heaven inversely corre- sponding to it ; the Seraphim as the First Order move the The Movers and the Moved. 13 Ninth Heaven, the Cherubim as the Second Order move the Eighth Heaven, and so on in succession through all the Nine. But in the mutual relations between the Circles moving and the Circles moved, while velocity corresponds to velocity, not extension but intensity corresponds to ex- tension. For two are the centres : God Uncreated, Infinite, Highest ; Earth created, finite, lowest. Earth is the centre of the Heavens ; proximity to the Earth-centre implies contraction of circuit and slackness of motion ; recession from the Earth-centre is proportionate approximation to the manifested Deity, and therefore implies expansion of circuit and acceleration of motion. But the centre of the Angels is God Most High, proximity to Whom implies the utmost perfection whereof the creature is capable. And as, from the very nature of concentric circles, such perfection cannot in this case be expressed by greater extension of circuit, it is expressed by intensity of radiance, and by a velocity of motion which decreases here for precisely the same reason that in the case of the Heavens it increases with expansion of circuit, i.e., that such expansion here implies recession from the Divine Centre and approximation to Earth. The Universe, thus constructed and governed, presents a marvellous threefold gradation and order : in highest place pure Form or Mind wholly active, the Nine Angelic Choirs moving the Heavens and not moved ; in middle place Form conjoined with Matter both active and passive, the Nine Heavens moved by the Angels and moving the Elements ; in lowest place pure Matter wholly passive, the Four Elements moved by the Heavens and not moving. All creatures are immediately or mediately emanations of the Mind and Will of God, and impressed with His Light. 14 Creatures perfect and imperfect. Such as immediately proceed from Him are perfectly en- lightened, immortal, incorruptible, and free, as not subject to powers which had no share in their formation. To this perfect class belong not only the Angels as pure Mind, but Man as Mind combined with Matter formed as well as created by the hand of God Himself, so that nought save his own abuse of his free-will could have disfranchised him of his original nobility, and even in his fallen estate the Heavens, however they may influence his inclinations, can- not force his choice. But the Elements and the things thereof compounded, as brute beasts and vegetables, though their matter was of course created immediately by the Almighty, according to this hypothesis derive their light, together with their form or animating principle, through the interposition and influence of the Heavens, and are in con- sequence imperfectly enlightened, mortal, corruptible, and bond ; albeit Divine Providence, infusing the celestial virtues of informing and of ruling, infuses also those of preserv- ing and sustaining the dependent and subject elemental creatures. Manifold are the philosophic questions in whose answer these theories will be found more or less involved. A few notes respecting time are needed in conclusion. Dante, in accordance with S. Thomas Aquinas, but not with S. Jerome, makes the creation of the Angels simultaneous with that of the Universe : appealing for confirmation to many passages of Holy Scripture probably, among others, to that adduced on this subject by the Fathers, ' He that liveth eternally created all things together' 1 and also to 1 Ecclus. xviii. i. Notes respecting time. 1 5 Reason, which cannot allow the Movers to have long re- mained without their perfection, i.e., without aught to move. The Fall of the rebel Angels he considers to have taken place within twenty seconds of their creation, and to have originated in the pride which made Lucifer unwilling to await the time prefixed by his Maker for enlightening him with perfect knowledge. The creation of Man would seem, in this system, to have been subsequent to the upheaval of Paradise ; his expulsion thence was effected seven hours after his location there. At what time, and by what means, the dwelling of our first parents or of their posterity was transferred to the Eastern continent, Dante, so far as I know, leaves untold. 1 One only instance previous to his own pilgrimage does he imagine in which, after this transference, the eye of living man rested -on the Western Island-Mountain. With this singularly beautiful narrative I close the present chapter : the speaker is Ulysses, suffering in Hell as an evil coun- sellor. ' When From Circe I departed, who be}ond A year withdrew me near Gaeta there, Before /Eneas so had named the place, 2 Neither son's sweetness, nor the suffering 1 The following curious theory has been conversationally suggested. The Pit of Hell being vast enough to harbor so large a number out of all generations of mankind, the Western Mountain, consisting of the earth thrown up from that pit, is necessarily of the same proportions, and may have sufficed for the dwelling of the entire race until the Deluge, after which event the Ark was providentially guided to deposit its freight on Mount Ararat in the Eastern Hemisphere. 2 ' Gaeta, the ancient Cajeta, is said to have been so named by ^E after his nurse, who died there.' 1 6 The transit to the Western hemisphere. Of mine old father, nor the love so due Which ought to have made glad Penelope, Could quell in me the ardor which I had For growing to be expert of the world. And of the worthiness and vice of men. But I set off on the high open sea With one ship only, and that little band By which I had not been deserted yet. I saw one shore and other far as Spain, Far as Morocco, and the isle o' the Sards, And others which that sea bathes roundabout. I and my fellows we were old and slow When we had come unto the narrow pass Where Hercules has stamped his cautionings That man should so proceed no further on : On my right left I Seville ; I had left Already Ceuta on my other hand. " O brothers," said I, "ye that are arrived Through hundred-thousand dangers to the West, Unto this now so little waking-time Which is remaining of your senses still Endure not to deny the experience Of the unpeopled world behind the sun. Consider what is your original : Ye were not made that ye should live like beasts, But follow after virtue and the truth." I with this brief oration so did make My comrades eager for the journeying I scarce could have retained them afterwards. And, having turned our poop into the morn, We made the oars wings to the maddened flight, Toward the left hand gaining evermore. I saw by night already all the stars Within the other pole, and ours so low Arrival in the Western hemisphere. 1 7 It rose not forth from the marine expanse. Five times re-kindled and as many razed Had been the light from underneath the moon Since we had entered in the lofty pass, When a brown mountain there appeared to us Upon the distance, and to me it seemed So lofty as I had not witnessed one. We were rejoiced, and soon it turned to dole ; For there was born a whirlwind from the new Country, and struck the fore-side of the ship. With all its waters thrice it made her wheel ; The poop rise at the fourth time uppermore, The prow go down, as pleased Another One, Till over us again the sea was closed.' Inf. xxvi. 90-142. CHAPTER III. DANTE'S LIFE-EXPERIENCE. Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita. In midway of the journey of our life. Inf. i. i. LET us now inquire what he was, who, born, as he be- lieved, into an universe in the main so constructed and so governed, lived in it fifty-six years, and departed not till he had tracked a path to aid future generations safely to work their way from its lowest to its highest sphere : what she was, at whose prompting he began, by whose guidance he completed the pilgrimage wherein he gained his own experience of that path. Not that this latter inquiry can be answered as confidently as the former. The Beatrice of Dante remains to this day the perplexity of scholars and of commentators, some regarding her as a personage from first to last purely allegorical. I adopt the view of Boccaccio and the majority. Dante Allighieri was born at Florence in May, 1265, of a noble family adhering to the Guelph party. When nearly nine years old he was taken by his father to a festival held at the house of Folco Portinari. He there beheld his host's daughter ; and this first great event of his conscious life, coloring all its after course, he himself thus narrates : 1 Nine times already since my birth had the Heaven of D antes first sight of Beatrice. 1 9 Light 1 returned almost to the same point in respect of its. own gyration, when there first appeared to my eyes the glorious Lady of my mind : who was called Beatrice by many who knew not what she was called. She had already been so long in this life as that, within her time, the Starry Heaven had moved towards the eastern part one of the twelve parts of a degree : so that almost at the beginning of her ninth year she appeared to me, and I saw her almost at the end of my ninth year. And she appeared to me clothed in a most noble color, a subdued and decorous crimson ; girdled and adorned in such wise as was suitable to her most youthful age. ... I say that thenceforward Love swayed my soul, which was even then espoused to him ; and began to assume over me so great and so assured a lord- ship, empowered thereto in virtue of my imagination, that I must needs perform to the full all his pleasures. He oftentimes commanded me to seek to behold this youngest Angel ; wherefore I in my boyhood many times sought her out, and saw her so noble and laudable in bearing, that certes of her might be spoken that word of the poet Homer : She appeared not to be made by any mortal man, but by God. And albeit her image, which abode with me continu- ally, were the triumphant strength of Love to sway me ; yet was it of so exceeding noble virtue, that it did at no time suffer Love to rule me without the A faithful counsel of Reason in those things wherein such counsel was useful to be heard.' 2 At ten years old he lost his father ; but this did not inter- rupt the course of his most careful and liberal education. Before he was quite eighteen he wrote his first sonnet, in- spired by an incident which he thus records : 1 *'. e. the Heaven of the Sun, or Fourth Heaven. 2 Vita Nuova ii. 2O Beatrice salutes Dante. Her marriage. 'When so many days had passed as exactly completed nine years from the above-written appearance of this most gracious creature, on the last of the days it happened that this marvellous lady appeared to me, clothed in purest white, between two gentle ladies, who were more advanced in age ; and passing through a street she turned her eyes towards the place where I stood greatly abashed, and, of her ineffable courtesy whose merit is now recompensed in the other world, she saluted me so virtuously that I seemed then to behold the utmost limits of beatitude. The hour wherein her sweetest salutation reached me was assuredly the ninth of that day ; and whereas that was the first time that her words went forth to come to my ears, I sucked in such sweetness that as one inebriated I departed from the people.' * There is no reason to believe that Dante ever sought Beatrice in marriage, nor any distinct indication that she so much as knew of the pure, lofty, ideal love she had inspired. The very early age at which Florentine fathers affianced their daughters makes it not impossible that even before her ninth year she was engaged to that Simon de' Bardi whose wife, at the age of twenty, she became. Dante never alludes to her marriage, though he thus touchingly records her father's death in 1288, and his own sympathy in her grief a sympathy doubtless all the deeper from his per- sonal experience of the like irreparable loss, and further quickened by the virtues of the dead, whose last years had been hallowed by the building and opening of a hospital somewhat strangely characterized at the time as ' the column of the state.' 2 1 Vita Nuova iii. 2 Ferrazzi, Manuale Dantesco, vol. ii. pp. 21, 22. Death of Folco Portinari and of Beatrice. 2 1 '. . . As it pleased that Glorious Lord, Who denied not death to Himself, he who had been the father of so great a marvel as was manifestly this most noble Beatrice, going forth of this life departed in very truth to eternal glory. I Wherefore, inasmuch as such parting is painful to those that remain, and have been friends of him that departeth ; and no friendship is there so intimate as that of a good father for a good child, or of a good child for a good father ; and this lady was good in the highest degree, and her father (as is by many believed, and as is true) was good in a high degree, it is manifest that this lady was most bitterly full of grief.' * But ere very long he who had mourned with her was called to mourn yet more sorely for her : first in prophetic vision of her death-chamber, then in agonizing reality. In 1290, at the age of twenty- four, Beatrice died. 'The Lord of this most gracious creature, that is the Lord of Justice, called this noble being to the life of glory under the standard of that blessed queen Mary, whose name was in greatest reverence in the words of this beatified Beatrice.' 2 He proceeds to relate various incidents, taking place as it would seem within the two years and a half following her death : the most prominent of these is his strong temporary .attraction towards an unnamed lady descried gazing at him through a window, and touching his feelings first by her evident sympathy in his grief, afterwards by her personal qualities. And here meets us one of the most intricate of Dantesque perplexities. In the Vita Nuova 3 he charac- terizes this attraction or propensity as the 'adversary of 1 Vita Nuffva xxii. 2 U. xxix. 8 Ib, xl. 22 Dante seeks consolation in Philosophy. Reason,' describes it as beset even while it lasted with mis- givings and struggles, and relates how it was finally subdued by a ' strong imagination ' of Beatrice, in guise like to that wherein he had first beheld her, a child in her ninth year habited in crimson. Yet in the Convito, in language whose directness it seems impossible to evade, he declares the lady of whom he became enamoured after his first love, and who by a previous passage 1 is identified with the ' lady of the window,' to have been 'the most beautiful and most noble daughter of the Emperor of the Universe, to whom Pythagoras gave the name of Philosophy.' 2 In most touching words he relates how Philosophy became his con- solation : ' I say that as by me was lost the first delight of my soul, of whom mention is made above, I remained pierced with such sadness that no comfort availed me. Nevertheless, after a while my mind, which sought out how to be healed, bethought itself (since neither my own nor others' consoling availed) to recur to the mode whereby some mourner had aforetime found consolation. And I set myself to read that book, not known to many, of Boethius, wherein he, captive and downfallen, had consoled himself. And hearing also that Tullius had written another book, wherein, treating of friendship, he had spoken by the way of the consolation of Laelius, a man most excellent, concerning the death of Scipio his friend, I set myself to read that. And though it were hard to me at first to enter into their purport, at length I entered as far within it as the art of grammar which I possessed and a little of my intellect could do ; by which intellect many things, as in a dream, I saw already ; as in the Vita Nuova may be seen. And as 1 Conv. ii. 2. ' 2 Ib, ii. 16. of the Window is it often falls out that a man goes in search of silver, and beyond his intent finds gold which some hidden cause points out, not perhaps without divine overruling; I, who sought to console me, found not only a remedy for my tears, but words of authors and of science and of books ; which considering, I assuredly judged that Philosophy, who was the lady of these authors, of these sciences, and of these books, was a thing exceeding high. And I imagined her in form like unto a noble lady ; nor could I imagine her in any attitude save one of commiseration; wherefore so fain was the sense in truth to gaze upon her, that scarcely could I turn it aside from her. And passing beyond this imagining I began to go where she showed herself in very truth, that is, into the schools of the Religious, and to the disputations of philosophers ; so that in brief space, perhaps of thirty months, I began to feel so much of her sweetness, that her love expelled and destroyed every other thought.' 1 How is so astounding a discrepancy to be accounted for? How could such a propensity as this be the adversary of Reason? or the 'strong imagination' of Beatrice, for whom her lover's affection, even in childhood and earliest youth, had never been without the counsel of Reason, have the effect of subduing such a propensity? I would observe first, that we have not the whole of the Convito ; fourteen Canzoni with their comment were planned by Dante, 2 three only, alas ! were written ; and of course it is possible that the mystery was to be cleared up as the work proceeded. Secondly, with very great diffidence I venture to hint at a solution which seems to me not inconsistent with either of the conflicting statements, nor yet with this additional start- 1 Coin-, ii 13. 2 ib. i. I. 24 Argument respecting Lady of the Window. ling fact that in the Commedia Beatrice is herself invested with the attributes of that wisdom which is asserted in the Convito to be the body of Philosophy. 1 It appears, then, that the effect of this philosophic propensity was so to en- gross Dante's mind as actually and increasingly to supersede the thought of his lost treasure, 2 and the at first prominent consolation of dwelling on her celestial bliss. 8 It appears also, from certain passages of the Purgatorio hereafter to be read in their proper place, 4 that this period of his life was one of more or less sensual gratification and earthly aim. Hence it seems natural to infer that his Philosophy was at this stage of a theoretical rather than of a practical char- acter ; and if so, in a most true though limited sense might it be termed the adversary of Reason, as all will testify who have experienced the lulling spell of an intellectual and sensitive delight in good running parallel with a voluntary and actual indulgence in evil. May it not be that after many alternations of struggling and succumbing despite his better self and his sage maxims, a most vivid sense of pollu- tion and of peril, aided by a sudden strong imagination of Beatrice, came upon him ; and that as entranced he gazed on her glorified loveliness he instinctively identified with her his Philosophy already transfigured, potent not only now to charm and soothe, potent to rule ; to the Intellect a light, to the Affections a compass and a balance, a sceptre over the Will ? From the moment of this inward impression we notice that no more is heard of the lady of the window, who seems thus to occupy in the Vita Nuova a position somewhat analogous to that of Virgil in the Commedia : she 1 Conv. iii. 15. -?Wita Nuova xxxviii, xxxix. 8 Conv. ii. 10. 4 Pur. xxiii. 115-118, xxx. 55-144, xxxl 1-90. Conclusion of Vita Nuova. Dante marries. 25 representing the speculative pleasures and consolations, he the moral laws and suasions of Philosophy. He too will in turn vanish from before the face of Beatrice, not as counter- acted, but as included and transcended; her presence waited on no less by his human than by her own super- human Virtues. Thus in her one person are finally con- centrated all nobleness, all beauty, and all rectitude of Nature and of Grace. Whether or not this theory can be sustained, it is certain that in renewed and perpetual allegiance to his First-Beloved he signs and seals his Vita Nuova : * ... There appeared to me a marvellous vision wherein I saw things, which made me resolve to say no more of this blessed one until I could more worthily treat of her. And to come to this I study as much as I can, as she knows in truth. So that, if it shall be the pleasure of Him by Whom all things live that my life shall last somewhat longer, I hope to say of her that which has never been said of any. And may it then please Him, Who is the Lord of courtesy, that my soul may go to behold the glory of its lady, that is, that blessed Beatrice who gloriously gazes on the face of Him who is blessed throughout all ages. PRAISE TO GOD.' 1 In 1291 Dante was persuaded by his friends to espouse Gemma Donati. She bore him seven children before his exile ; after it he never saw her again. So far his private life ; during which, by profound and extensive studies both in Divine and human science, by the exercise of all graceful arts and accomplishments, and by the teaching of inward experience, he was forming and 1 Vita Nuova xliii. 26 Origin of Guelphs and Ghibellines. deepening the character afterwards to be manifested in public life. Public life at that period throughout Italy, and especially in Florence, to all who took a prominent and energetic part, was thorny indeed. The main distinction was that between Ghibellines and Guelphs two names in their ori- gin far removed from Italy. They were first heard in Ger- many in 1140, when at Winsberg in Suabia a battle was fought between two contending claimants of the Empire ; the one, Conrad of Hohenstauffen, Duke of Franconia, chose for his battle-cry Waiblingen, the name of his patri- monial castle in Wiirtemberg; the other, Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony, chose his own family name of Welf, or Wolf. Conrad proved victorious, and his kindred to the fourth ensuing generation occupied the imperial throne ; yet both war-cries survived the contest which gave them birth, lingering on in Germany as equivalents of Imperial- ist and anti- Imperialist. By a process perfectly clear to philologists, they were modified in Italy into the forms Ghibellino and Guelfo; and the Popes being there the great opponents of the Emperors, an Italian Guelph was ! a Papalist. The cities were mainly Guelph ; the nobles i most frequently Ghibelline. A private feud had been the means of involving Florence in the contest. In 1215 just three quarters of a century after the victory of Conrad Buondelmonte de' Buondel- monti, a young nobleman affianced to a maiden of the Amidei, broke his troth and married one of the Donati. The Amidei revenged themselves by his assassination. The Emperor Frederick II., fourth of the House of Suabia, took their part, and the feud once kindled burned on and spread. Whites and Blacks. D ante a Prior e. 27 But the Ghibelline party having been expelled from Florence this was not the discord with which Dante, on his accession to office, would have to deal. The Guelph party was split into two factions the Black and the White, also taking their rise in a private quarrel, originating towards the end of the thirteenth century, not in Florence, but in Pistoja. A rich merchant of that place, named Cancellieri, had married in succession two wives, whose respective children went by the names of Whites and Blacks ; names which afforded a too convenient distinction when, in conse- quence of a gambling dispute, their descendants became in- volved in deadly feud. The Florentine family of the Cerchi sided with the Whites, the Donati with the Blacks ; hence multiplied dissensions, involving wellnigh the whole city. As early as in 1289 Dante had, at the battle of Campal- dino and the siege of Caprona, borne arms as a Guelph in civil war. In 1295 he became a member of the Special Council of the Republic, consisting of eighty of the best and most influential citizens, and in 1300, at the age of thirty-five, In midway of the journey of his life, was elected one of the six Priori (chief magistrates of his city) for the months of June and July. We shall see in the next chapter what view he took of the moral state of Italy, and especially of Florence, at the time of his election. Suffice it here to say that during his brief tenure of office he concurred with his colleagues in banishing to Sarzana the heads of the White, to Perugia those of the Black faction. But the following year the Whites were recalled by the State ; the Blacks, breaking their ban, returned of them- selves, and by intrigue secured, for the so-called pacifica- 28 Dante accused, condemned and banished. tion of Florence, the intervention of Charles de Valois (brother of Philippe le Bel) , then travelling towards Rome in his way to the hoped-for conquest of Sicily. The wiser members of the Government, seeing through the specious scheme of the Blacks, sent Dante with three others on an embassy to Pope Boniface VIII., whose veto would have nullified the transaction ; but the prolonged delay in obtaining that veto gave the supporters of the Pacificator ample leisure so to treat Florence that, as historians agree, less evil befalls a city taken by assault. On the news of these oppressions reaching Rome, Dante hurried homewards, but only to find his house pillaged and burned, and himself accused of undue partiality to the Whites both during and after his tenure of office. Sum- moned to answer a charge of peculation, he was not even allowed time to .appear, but was in January, 1302, con- demned, as contumacious, to a heavy fine ; and finally, in March, to perpetual banishment, under pain of being burned alive should he again be found in his native city. From this time forth, forsaking the Guelph party alto- gether, Dante was a Ghibelline. One by one possibilities of return seemed to arise ; one by one they failed. In March, 1304, while he was at Arezzo, the recently-elected Pope Benedict XI. sent Cardinal da Prato on a pacific mission to Florence, but the attempt was unsuccessful, and four months later the ambassador quitted the city, laying it under an interdict. In July of the same year a military effort of the Poet's fellow-exiles proved most disastrous, and he transferred his residence to Bologna. In 1312 took place the celebrated Italian enterprise of the Emperor Henry of Luxemburg, and Dante's hopes were excited to the utmost : Dante rejects the amnesty. 29 but yet again they were doomed to bitter disappointment by the sudden death of that illustrious Prince. In 1316 the State of Florence did indeed publish an am- nesty from which Dante was not excepted, but his return was made conditional on payment of a fine, and submission to a public acknowledgment of criminality : and here is a portion of his answer, conveyed in a Latin epistle to a Religious, who seems to have been his kinsman : ' ' Is this then the glorious fashion of Dante Allighieri's recall to his country, after suffering exile for wellnigh three lustres? Is this the due recompense of his innocence mani- fest to all? This the fruit of his abundant sweat and toil endured in study ? Far from the man of Philosophy's household this baseness proper to a heart of mire, that he, in the manner of any sciolist and other infamous person, should endure as a prisoner to be put to ransom ! Far from the Proclaimer of Justice that he, offended and insulted, to his offenders, as to those who have deserved well of him, should pay tribute ! This, Father, is not the way to return to my country : but if by you or by another there can be found another way that shall not derogate from Dante's fame and honor, readily will I thereto betake myself. But if by no honorable way can entrance be found into Florence, there will I never enter. What ? Can I not from any cor- ner of the earth behold the sun and the stars ? Can I not under every climate of heaven meditate the all-sweet truths, except I first make myself a man of no glory, but rather of ignominy in the face of the people and city of Florence ? ' Thus nobly and immovably resolved, he never again be- held his native land, but at one petty Ghibelline court after another alternated between his own Sphere of Air and Sphere of Fire. Bitter indeed was his experience of what 30 Dante dies in exile. he so touchingly, by the mouth of his ancestor Cacciaguida, describes as his coming fate : Thou shalt abandon everything beloved Most tenderly, and this the arrow is Which first the bow of banishment shoots forth. Thou shalt have proof how savoreth of salt The bread of others, and how hard a row The going down and up another's stairs. And that which most shall weigh upon thy shoulders Will be the bad and foolish company With which into this valley thou shalt fall. Par. xvn. 55-63. And yet, when enraptured and enrapturing he uttered his unearthly Commedia, he was as one already swallowed up in Infinity and Eternity. Can these words, written as in the Starry Heaven, mean less? The threshing-floor that maketh us so proud, To me revolving with the eternal Twins, Was all apparent made from hill to harbor ! Par. xxii. 151-153. So Dante Allighieri lived, so suffered, and so wrought ; till in 1321, at Ravenna, under the protection of Count Guido Novello da Polenta,in his fifty-seventh year, by means of a fever, he passed, we fervently hope, into the full, final, and blessed realization of those things whereof, for our endless good, he had so long and so earnestly testified. Dante dates his supernatural pilgrimage as taking place A.D. 1300; his great poem must therefore be read as historic in all events antecedent to that date, prophetic in all subse- quent. Yet, in fact, historic in all. The Vita Nuova, the work as well as the record of early life, has the soft delicacy of Dante's youthful face portrayed by Giotto ; but the Divina D antes youthful portrait ; his death-mask. 3 1 Commedia, whether professedly narrating the past or the future, is throughout impressed with the deeper, sterner, sadder lines to be traced in his solemn death-mask. 1 1 The authenticity of this death-mask was lately confirmed in a singular manner. In the sepulchral chapel of Braccioforte, contiguous to the tomb of Dante at Ravenna, was discovered, on the 27th May, 1865, a box containing human bones, with an inscription declaring them to be the bones of Dante, placed there on the i8th October, 1677, by Antonio Santi, a Franciscan friar. To his Order the honor of the great poet's sepulture originally belonged ; and his motive for remov- ing the bones to a receptacle known only to himself, and perhaps a few others, appears to have been dread lest the Municipality of Ra- venna should make good a repeatedly-urged claim against the Friars to jurisdiction over the tomb. In that secret shelter the precious relics lay hidden till discovered as above related. The most careful and scientific investigation by the Government verified them so far as possible as the bones of Dante Allighieri. The mask was found to correspond in many important parts to the head of the skeleton. The cavity of the cranium being filled with rice, the weight of this was ascertained to be 1420 grammes. [Professor Huxley states that the heaviest brain weighed by Professor Wagner that of a woman amounted to 1872 grammes; next to it comes the brain of Cuvier (1861 grammes), then Byron (1807 grammes), and then an insane per- son (1783 grammes) : the lightest adult brain recorded (720 grammes) was that of an idiotic female.] Without committing themselves to the science of phrenology, the learned examiners record the following observations on the skull : Very noticeable are the osseous regions connected with the organs of poetry, music, satire, religion, benevo- lence, and those which indicate love of autlority and independence, self-esteem, pride, loftiness of spirit, self-love ; those also which are connected with the mechanical talents of drawing, sculpture, and architecture. There is a notable development of the parts corre- sponding to the organs of circumspection and caution. The char- acteristics of a philosophic mind show themselves ; such a mind as possesses in an eminent degree the inductive faculty, the habit of pon- dering great matters, the aptitude of discovering the most abstract and remote relations between things in sum, the organization is that of those universal geniuses who have been the true teachers of the human race. (Relazione della Commissione Governativa eletta a verificare il fatto del ritrovamento delle Ossa di Dante in Ravenna. Firenze, 1865.) CHAPTER IV. THE WOOD, AND THE APPARITION OF VIRGIL. Questa selva selvaggia ed aspra e forte. What this wood was, savage, and rough, and strong. Jnf.i. 3 . TN A. D. 1300, the year of the Jubilee ; at dawn on the -*- 25th of March, the Feast of the Annunciation, then reckoned as New Year's Day, and happening that year to be also Maundy Thursday; Dante, then nearly thirty-five, and approaching the time of his election to the Priorato, perceived himself to have wandered while half asleep from the right path, and to be actually entangled in the mazes of a dark wood. Before him rose a hill whose sides were clothed with sunshine ; but no man walked thereon. Dante took courage to begin the ascent, and had made some little progress in climbing, the lower foot being ever the firmer, when he found himself successively withstood and repelled by three wild beasts, ^ swift Leopard, a raging Lion, and a craving greedy , Wolf. These, but chiefly the last, were gradually and irresistibly forcing him back upon the sun- less plain, when suddenly he became aware that he was no longer alone. While I was crushing down to the low place, To me was offered one before mine eyes Who seemed by reason of long silence hoarse. ' 4/ **- Dante seeks aid from Virgil. 33 In the great desert him when I beheld ' Have pity upon me ! ' I cried to him, * Who that thou be, or Shade, or certain man.* He answered me : ' Not man : man once I was ; Also my parents were Lombardi'ans, Mantuans as to country both the two. Sub Julio was I born, although 'twere late, And under good Augustus lived in Rome, In the time of the false and lying gods. I was a poet, and I sang that just Son of Anchises who did come from Troy, After that haughty I lion had been burned. But why to such annoy returnest thou ? Wherefore not scale the delectable mount Which of all joy is cause and principle ? ' * Art thou that Virgil, then, that fountain-head Which spreads abroad so wide a stream of speech ? ' Replied I to him with a brow ashamed. 4 O of the other poets honor and light, Avail me the long study and great love Which have impelled me search thy volume through ! My master thou, and thou mine author art : Thou only art the one from whom I took The noble style which won me honoring. Behold the beast because of which I turned : Do thou against her help me, famous sage, Because she makes me tremble, veins and pulse.' ' Thee it behooves to hold another course, He answered, after that he saw me weep, * If thou would' st get from out this savage 34 Virgil proposes the threefold Pilgrimage. v_ _^^ Whence I, for thy more good, think and discern Thou follow me : and I will be thy guide, And bring thee hence by an eternal place ; Where thou shalt hearken the despairing shrieks, Shalt see the ancient Spirits dolorous, That each one outcries for the second death. , And thou shalt then see those who are content | Within the fire, because they hope to come, \ When that it be, unto the blessed race. ' To whom thereafter if thou wouldst ascend, A Soul there '11 be more worthy this than I : Thee will I leave with her, when I depart : Seeing that Emperor Who above there rules, Because I was rebellious to His law, Wills to His city no access by me. In every part He sways, and there He reigns : There is His city, and the exalted seat. Oh happy he whom thither He elects ! ' And I to him : * Poet, I crave of thee, And by that God of Whom thou knewest not, That I may flee this evil so, and worse, That thou do take me whither now thou saidst, So that I may behold Saint Peter's gate, And those whom thou dost make so sorrowful.' Then on he moved, and I kept after him. Inf. i. 61-93, 112-136. But the rayless atmosphere seemed yet again to exert its baleful influence. Scarcely had they set forward when Dante, appalled alike at the prospect before him and at his own unworthiness, expressed his doubts and shrinkings, and was afresh and more effectually encouraged. Virgil tells of the descent of Beatrice. 35 'If I have rightly understood thy speech,' Replied that Shade of the magnanimous, ' With abjectness thy spirit is oppressed ; Which oftentimes encumbereth a man, Diverting him from honored enterprise, As seeing false, a beast, when it is dusk. In order that thou free thee of this fear, I '11 tell thee why I came, and what I heard At the first point when I was grieved for thee. I was among the Spirits in suspense : I A lady called me, blest and beautiful, Such that I did beseech her to command. Her eyes were shining more than does the star, And she began to address me, soft and low, With voice angelic in her utterance. " O courteous Spirit thou of Mantua, Of whom the fame yet in the world endures, And shall endure as far as motion does, One that is mine and is not Fortune's friend Is so impeded on the desert slope, Upon his path, that he is turned for dread ; And he 's so far already strayed, I fear, That to his help I may be risen late, By that which I in Heaven have heard of him. Now do thou move, and with thine ornate speech, And what behooves to his deliverance, So succor him that I may be consoled. I that do make thee go am Beatrice : I come from where I would return unto : Love moved me, as it maketh me to speak. When I shall be in presence of my Lord, Thee will I praise unto Him oftentimes." Here she was silent ; and then I began ; " Lady of Virtue, oh by whom alone 36 Wherefore Beatrice descended. The human race exceeds the whole contents Within that heaven which hath its circles least, 1 So much doth thy commanding pleasure me As that obeying, though now 't were, were late : Needs thee no further open me thy wish. But tell me wherefore thou dost not beware Of coming to this centre here-adown, From the ample place thou burnest to regain." " Since thou so far within desir'st to know, I briefly shall apprise thee," she replied, " Why I am not afraid to come herein. Only those things are to be had in fear Which have the potency to do one harm ; The others not, for they 're not terrible. I, of His grace, am fashioned such by God That misery of yours touches not me, Nor, of this burning, flame assails me not. In heaven a gentle lady is, who grieves For this impediment I send thee to, So that she breaks the stern decree above. Lucia she prayed in her soliciting, And said : * Now stands thy faithful one in need Of thee ; and him to thee I recommend.' Enemy to all cruel, Lucia Moved her, and to the place came where was I, Who side by side with ancient Rachel sat. * Beatrice,' said she, * very praise of God, Why succorest not him who loved thee so He issued from the vulgar herd for thee ? Hearest thou not the anguish of his plaint ? Seest thou not the death which combats him 1 * The Lunar Heaven ; in other words, " Through whom the human race excels every other sublunary thing." ' Dante encouraged by Upon the flood whereof no sea can boast ? ' 1 Never were persons in the world so swift To do their vantage, and to flee their harm, As I, upon the proffering such words, Came downward hither from my blessed throne, Confiding me in thy decorous speech, Which honors thee and those who've hearkened it." After whenas she had discoursed me this, Weeping, she turned away her shining eyes, Whereby the swifter made she me to come. And unto thee I came, as she did will : Away I took thee from before the beast Which stopped thee from the fair mount's short ascent. What is't then ? Wherefore, wherefore, hold'st thou back ? Wherefore dost harbor in thy heart such fear ? Daring and valor wherefore hast thou not ? Seeing such ladies three beatified Have in the court of heaven a care of thee, And mine assertion warrants thee such good.' Like as the flowerets, by the nightly frost Bent down and closed, when the sun whitens them, All open on their stalk erect themselves ; Such I became as to my courage spent : And to my heart such righteous daring flowed That, like to one stout-hearted, I began : Oh ! she that succored me compassionate ! And courteous thou who promptly didst obey The veritable words she proffered thee ! Thou with desiring hast disposed my heart So to the going forward, by thy words, 1 ' Perhaps an allusion to the hellish river Acheron, which loses itself in the centre of earth, instead of emptying into any sea.' ' 38 D antes political views. That I 've reverted to the first intent. Now go, for there 's one only will in both, Thou leader, and thou lord, and master thou.' So said I to him : and, when he had moved, I entered in the lofty wooded way. ii. 43-H2- These first two cantos of the Inferno must be regarded as belonging not to it only, but to the whole Divina Com- < media, between which and the .^Vita Nuova they form the connecting link. Ere we can even inadequately enter into their meaning, we must have some general notion of Dante's matured political views as set forth in his treatise De Monarchia. His Ghibellinism was neither a narrow partisanship, nor a hesitating adherence founded on a nice balancing of the more of good and less of evil in the two opposing factions. Rather he had formed a vast sublime conception, which shall be set forth in his own words : ' O*ly Man among beings holds mid place between things corruptible and things incorruptible ; ... so, alone among all beings is he ordained to two ultimate ends : whereof the one is the end of Man according as he is corruptible, the other his end according as he is incorruptible. Therefore that unspeakable Providence proposed to Man two ends; the one the beatitude of this life, which consists in the operations of his own virtue, and is figured in the Terres- trial Paradise ; the other the beatitude of eternal life, which consists in the fruition of the Divine Countenance, whereto his own virtue cannot mount except it be aided by the Divine Light and this is understood by the Celestial Paradise. To these two beatitudes, as to divers conclu- Doctrine respecting Pope and Emperor. 39 sions, by divers means must we come. For to the first we attain by philosophic teachings, provided we follow these, acting according to the moral and intellectual virtues : 1 to the second by those spiritual teachings which transcend human reason, provided we follow these, acting according to the theological virtues, Faith, Hope, and Charity. There- fore these conclusions and means albeit they be shown us, the one by human reason, which all was made known to us by Philosophers ; the other by the Holy Spirit, Who, through Prophets and hagiographers, through Jesus Christ, Son of God Co-eternal to Himself, and through His disciples, revealed truth supernatural and to us necessary human cupidity would repudiate, unless men like horses, in their bestial nature wandering, by bit and bridle were restrained on the road. Wherefore by man was needed a double directive according to the double end : that is, of the Su- preme Pontiff, who, according to Revelation, should lead mankind to eternal life ; and of the Emperor, who, accord- ing to philosophic teachings, should direct mankind to temporal felicity. And whereas to this port none or few, and those with overmuch difficulty, could attain, unless mankind, the waves of enticing cupidity being quieted, should repose free in the tranquillity of peace ; this is the aim to be mainly kept in view by the Guardian of the Globe, who is named Roman Prince, to wit, that in the garden-plot of mortals freely with peace may men live.' 2 The expression ' Guardian of the Globe,' is equivalent to ' Emperor of the whole Earth,' for Dante's conception was of nothing less than a temporal supremacy of the Emperor 1 Note here Dante's esteem of Philosophy, and cf. pp. 21-25. 2 De MonarchiA^ iii. 15. 4O Interpretation of the Wood. correspondent to the spiritual supremacy of the Pope in universality, in direct derivation from Almighty God, and in indissoluble connection with the city and people of Rome. Under the shadow of this world-filling vision we sit down to expound. - The Wood appears, beyond a doubt, to be symbolical of the moral and political condition of Italy just before Dante's election to the Priorato a state of anarchy rapidly lapsing, in his apprehension, into savagery. Selva = wood is the root of selvaggio = savage ; il viver selvaggio = savage life, is op- posed to il viver civile = civil life ; the worst of all evils for man on earth is non esser cive x = not to be a citizen = to live in the isolation of a savage. Dante then, before reason had matured within him, found himself a Guelphic member of a Guelphic family, living in a factiously Guelphic community ; and became thus involved in a maze of moral and political disorder. Before his mental eye rose fair -the hill of Virtue, illuminated by the sun of Reason, and waiting for the ideal City. He proposed to inaugurate, during his tenure of office, the course which should build and people it : how colossal was the task, how all but non-existent were the materials, we gather from Boccaccio's record of his silence and his words on a memorable occasion. ' He being glori- ously supreme in the government of the Republic, discourse was held among the chief citizens of sending, for a certain great need (to check the intrigue of the Blacks with Charles of Valois), an embassy to Pope Boniface VIII., and of appointing Dante head of this embassy. And he receiv- ing the proposal in the presence of all who so counselled, and somewhat delaying his reply, one happened to say: 1 Par. viii. 115-117. CHAPTER V. THE HELL. Questo baratro e'l popol che '1 possiede. This gulf, and eke the folk which it possess. Inf. xi. 69. HELL in Holy Scripture so vividly represented as the Pit, that not only is our Blessed Lord said to have descended into the lower parts of the earth, but the dead Samuel complains of being brought up, and the living David and Hezekiah deprecate going down is by Dante placed, as we have before seen, within the Earth ; its upper- most central spot directly under that portion of her crust which sustains Jerusalem, its innermost central point her centre of gravity. The annexed plan of a section of the Pit shows its form to be that of a funnel, or hollow inverted cone ; within whose circuit we shall find that, as space con- tracts, torment intensifies. Hell is entered through an awful Gate, closed to none ; reft of all fastenings since the day when the Conqueror of Death, fresh from the Cross, forced through it His resistless passage ; and bearing above it, in a dark color, this in- scription : j * Through me you pass into the grieving realm ; \ Through me you pass into the eternal grief; 44 Ante- Hell: the Neutrals. The four Rivers. Through me you pass among the kin that 's lost. Justice impelled my Maker the All- High ; The Puissance Divine created me, The Supreme Wisdom, and the Primal Love. Before myself, created things were not, Unless eternal : I eternal last. Leave off all hope, all ye that enter in.' fyf. m. 1-9. Immediately beyond this Gate lies a dreary _Antfi=Hell, the prison of certain Angels who when there was" war in Heaven took neither side, and of an inconceivable multi- tude of human Souls who during their probation lived with- out infamy and without praise, displeasing alike to God and to His foes, selfishly neutral in the great unceasing conflict between good and evil ; never alive as noble minds count life ; now most really and most awfully dead. For as they passed their Time trimming and shuffling in the train of public opinion, the sensitive slaves of every gossiping tongue of their acquaintance even so, disdained alike by Justice and by Mercy, are they left to pass their Eternity hurriedly chasing a hurrying standard, while flies and wasps sting their naked bodies, and disgusting worms absorb their blood and tears. Ante-Hell is bounded by the Acheron, the first of the four infernal rivers : of whose source a word may fitly here be said. In Crete, once fertile, now waste, is situate Mount Ida, where Jove was nursed ; and within the cavernous hollow of the mountain there yet stands erect the colossal form of Jove's father Saturn, King of Crete during the Golden Age. As the symbol of Time, he turns his back on Damietta, for the East is of the past ; his face toward Saturn. Acheron: Charon. 45 Rome, for the West is of the present and the future. In form he is, with slight variations, the Great Image of Nebuchadnezzar's dream ; his head is of fine gold, his breast and arms of pure silver, his middle of brass, his thighs, legs, and left foot of choice iron, his right foot, on which he chiefly rests, of clay. Thus representing the successive ages of the world in their faultless commence- ment and gradual degeneracy, in all his substance save the gold he is cleft by a deep fissure, whence trickle the tears of human shame and sorrow, till they form streams of force to break through the earth's crust, and of volume to con- stitute the fQU^btejrajien_riyers Acheron, Styx,J^hlege- thon, and Cocytus. With the last three we shall meet in due time ; our present business is with Acheron = Joyless, which flows down from the silver breast; and on whose brink gather from all lands all human souls that depart under the wrath of God. Charon,- the first of a long train of daemonic personages superhuman, human, and subhuman, is the ferryman : and the miserable Shades are driven into his boat by the sharp inward spurring of the Divine Justice, further enforced upon laggards by blows from the oar. Hell proper, which begins on the -, is divided into nine concentric Circles ; each being a landing- place in the descent, having on the one hand the wall of solid earth, on the other the fearful void of the Abyss. Circle I. is ^Limbo, the habitation of two classes of the Unbaptized : Infants who have died too young for actual sin, and such Non-believers of every age and clime as, being in invincible ignorance, have ruled their lives by the law of conscience, or have signally benefited mankind. A third class was once there too the holy Souls of the chosen 46 Circle I. : Limbo. nation, who had passed from life in faith in Christ to come, and whom He liberated at His triumphal Descent. The denizens of Limbo, free from outward inflictions, express by plaints which are only sighs a pain which is only longing : but that hopeless longing is for the Face of God, and that aching pain is the ' pain of loss,' and those ceaseless sighs make the still air tremble into the eternal breeze that constitutes the atmosphere of this thick spirit- wesd. Not far down in the descent, amid the gloom, shines a luminous spot, where stands a noble castle guarded by sevenfold high walls, entered by sevenfold gates, entrenched by a fair stream, and enclosing a meadow of fresh verdure : for even on unchristened man shines the light of brighter Intellect irradiating the deeper shades; and Virtue with Wisdom builds up a strong and noble habitation for the heroic and philosophic soul; and the Seven Virtues are high, guarding the Reason and the Will; and the Seven Sciences give entrance into the inner places of Knowledge ; and Education affords the stream of passage from without, while within the formed mind and character repose in free- dom and refreshment. This castle is the utmost pointy of attainment for non-believers ; here abide their heroes and heroines, the great ones of their active life ; here too, and in somewhat more exalted place, their poets and sages, the great ones of their contemplative life. Consciously as locally suspended between reward and punishment, balked and baffled in their whole nature for lack of that which is above nature, keenly sensitive to every wounding token of their separation from the Blessed; thirsting still for the perfect knowledge they thirsted for on earth, and knowing they must forever thirst in vain ; desiring without Minos. Th ree Classes of Sins. Incon tinence. 4 7 hope that Supreme Good of which they can form higher conceptions than can their fellow-prisoners, yet too self- controlled, as it would seem, to sigh their atmosphere out of its perfect stillness ; in countenance neither sad nor glad, but of great authority; slow and grave in gaze, uttering rare speech with modulated voice ; retaining the tender affections of their earthly state, and some at least com- passionating in all the void with which each and all are aching, these God-sick dwellers on the edge of the ' great gulf fixed ' pine on and on eternally, conscious of every natural endowment of kings and priests in the Heavenly City, but wanting alike the anointing oil of grace and the crown of glory. At the entrance of the Second ^Circle sits another dae- monic personage the infernal Judge_ Minos. All those who, having passed Acheron, stop ..notshort in Limbo, stand in turn before him to confess their sins, and he, discerning to which of the eight penal Circles each Soul belongs, Girds himself with his tail as many times As he resolves that she be lowered grades. V. 11-12. In these eight Circles we first note the three great classes into which Dante, following Aristotle in names, though not altogether in their application, divides sins ; viz., Incontinence, Bestialism, and Malice. Incontinence is want of self-control; the sins which proceed from it, and which are punished in the Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Circle respectively, are Lasciviousness, Gluttony, Avarice with Prodigality, Anger with Melancholy. Bestial- ism, punished in the Sixth Circle, and in strict accordance 48 Bestialism. Malice : Violence. with the meaning of the Italian word bestialitade charac- terized by Dante as besotted, comprises Infidelity and Heresy in all their forms ; the most prominent form being that Materialism whereof our author says in his Convito, 'Among all bestialisms (i.e., follies) that is most stupid, most vile, and most hurtful by which any believes, after this life no other life to be ; inasmuch as if we turn over all the writings as well of philosophers as of other wise writers, all agree in this, that in us is some part perpetual.' 1 Malice works others woe either by Violence or by Fraud. And here lest my reader should echo Dante's perplexity at Virgil's statement I had better premise that some sins of Malice will appear nearly identical with some of Inconti- nence ; but in each such case the moral difference between sins of passion and surprise, and sins of wilfulness, delibe- ration and depravity, must be taken for granted. Violence is punished in the Seventh Circle according to a threefold classification of sinners against their neighbor, themselves, or their God. Further subdivisions distinguish slayers or injurers of person from robbers, wasters, or de- stroyers of property ; and offenders against the Sacred Per- son of. God by blasphemy, from offenders against the things of God, i.e., Nature and Art. For as Nature is God's daugh- ter and disciple, so Art, her child and follower, must needs be His granddaughter and sub-disciple. The offence against Art is Usury God's sentence being that man shall eat bread in the sweat of his brow, i.e., shall by labor of head and hand utilize natural resources ; whereas the usurer, a mere parasite, derives nourishment from toils he never shares, and from supplies to which he adds nothing. 1 Conv. ii. 9. Fraud. Two Points. Circle II. Lascivious. 49 Fraud alone remains to be treated of in its surpassing heinousness as the abuse of man's peculiar and noblest gift of Reason, and in its yet more minute and perplexing clas- sification. Its main distinction is that which assigns to the Eighth Circle ten subdivisions of the simply Fraudulent, who, by deceiving such as had no special reason for trusting them, have broken only the bond of love uniting all men as sharers in a common nature ; and to the Ninth Circle four subdivisions of the Treacherous, who, by betraying their kindred, country, friends, or beneficent lords, have broken the closer bond of natural love intertwined with special faith. Two more points should be premised with regard to all the reprobate. First, that after the Resurrection of the Body their sufferings will increase, inasmuch as sensitive- ness to good and evil is in proportion to the perfection of him who experiences either; and though sin be essential imperfection, yet the risen sinner will be so far perfect as to possess both the parts which constitute man. And secondly, that Dante supposes them to have some knowledge of future events in this world, but not of present unless in- formed from without ; whence it follows that all their knowl- edge will become extinct from that hour in which the door of the future shall be shut. Having taken this general survey we proceed to particu- lars. Incontinence, as we have seen, is want of self-restraint, and is the principle of the sins for which four, or perhaps more correctly six, classes of transgressors suffer in four successive Circles. In Circle II., the prison of the Lascivious, begins the 4 50 Circle III. Gluttons : IV. Money -sinners. outer darkness of Hell and the ' pain _Q f .sense.' Here they whose passions have sown the wind reap the roaring whirl- wind, and utter most piercing shrieks of terror as ever and anon they are blown to the very edge of the yawning Abyss. Circle^ Til, is a climate of cold, heavy, dirty-looking, stench-exhaling, cHangeless rain and hail and snow, pour- ing down in ceaseless torrents on the prostrate Gluttons, whose god was their belly, and who, now and to all Eter- nity the prey of a sort of personified belly, the demon f iCerberus, are devoured by his teeth, rent by his claws, and deafened by his barking. Dante's view of Usury will have prepared us to find that he regards all misusers of money, whether hoarders or wasters, as special ignorers of social obligation and breakers of social order. Consequently, in the various Circles wherein they are located, one punishment is of continual recurrence made in some way invisible or unrecognizable, they are cut off from society. In Circle IV., the realm of the demon Plutus, are seen but not known a vast multitude of the two least guilty classes of money-sinners : Misers who placed their happiness in gold, and who will rise from the dead with clenched fists ; Spendthrifts who placed theirs in what gold will buy, and who will rise with close-cropped hair. (An Italian proverb says of such, ' darebbe tutto fino ai capelli ' = ( He would lavish all, to his very hair.') x The two bands forever crawl in opposite directions half-way round their dungeon, howling as they impel before them weighty masses which at each recurring meeting clash in infernal harmony with their mutual revilings. 1 G. Rossetti, Com. An. vol. i. c. vii. t. 19. Circle V. Wrathful and Melancholy. 5 1 Circle V., the domain of the demon Phlegyas, is the muddy and putrid ^River__Styx^= Hatred, Sadness, which, flowing from the brazen middle of Saturn, and here forcing its way through the wall of Heli, harbors the Wrathful = fracondi, and the Melancholy = Aaidiosi : two classes who seem at first sight to have little in common. S. John the Damascene however speaks of Ira as ' a kindling of the blood surrounding the heart, through the vapor ation of the gall ; ' while S. Thomas Aquinas attributes Accidia to 'sad and melancholy vaporations ;' hence probably their combination by Dante under like punishment by putrid fumes. The question is farther complicated by Accidia = Melancholy, being in Italian identified with the deadly sin of Sloth, and defined by theologians as ' a certain sadness which weighs down the spirit of man in such wise that there is nothing he likes to do ; wherefore accidia implies a certain tedium : ' 1 ' a sadness of the mind which weighs upon the spirit, so that the person conceives no will towards well- doing, but rather feels it irksome.' 2 Dante in the Purga- torio, as we shall hereafter find, dwells on the sluggish, as here in the Inferno on the gloomy, aspect of the sin. And as he punishes lower down, in the Circle of the Violent, not only suicides as corresponding to murderers, but as corre- sponding to robbers those spendthrifts and gamblers who have wantonly and obstinately reduced themselves to weep where they were meant to be joyous, so he here punishes with the wrathful enemies of others' peace and happiness the melancholy enemies of their own. These, imbedded in the very dregs of the pool, bewail eternally the absence of those cheering influences of Nature by which they sometime re- 1 Maestruzzo. 2 Tratt. Pecc. Mort. 52 Wherein Meekness consists. fused to be cheered : while those, partly emerging above its surface, rend and defile each other and themselves after death, as once in life. It is farther noteworthy that both in the Inferno and in the Purgatorio the Meekness contrary to the sin of Anger is in practice set forth far less as the un- r^sjstjpg--GeJItleness_which endures^ey^ than as the righteous Indignation^-whidi^iejjels^it. For in the Convito, Dante, defining Virtue in general as 'an elective habit consisting in the mean,' lays down that Meekness l moderates our anger and our too great patience against our exterior ills : ' 1 herein following his master Ser Brunetto, who thus speaks : 1 He that is truly meek 2 is angry whereat he ought, and with whom, and as much as, and as, and when, and where. He is wrathful 3 that passes the mean in these things, and forthwith rushes into Anger. The wrathless 4 is he that is not angry where it behooves, and when, and as much as, and with whom, and as ; and he is not to be praised.' 5 It is extremely probable that the Accidiosi at the bottom of Styx while on earth partook largely of such Wrathlessness, supinely wretched for want of that measured Resentment which, stopping short of revenge, would yet have remedied mischief. 6 So far Incontinence, which gradually but surely besotting the Understanding and perverting the Will, at length brings to pass that men do not like to retain God in their knowl- edge, nor to look forward to the Judgment after death ; and so depraves them into that Bestialism which seems to correspond to the Folly of Holy Writ. By it the fool 1 Convito iv. 17. 2 Mansueto. 3 Iracondo. 4 Inrascibile. 5 Tesoro vi. 21. 6 G. Rossetti, Comento Analitico, Riflessioni sul c. vii. Circle VI. Infidelity and Heresy. 53 saith in .his heart, ' There is no God,' denying Him in Whose Image he was made ; by it he mentally remakes himself in the image of the beasts that perish. Therefore after the lesser inflictions of Uer_Hell, the region of \ throuh the four "Circles of the Inconti- nent, come the torments of Nether Hell, the region of ; (darknessjmd of fire^; that fire being, in every instance but [ one, the peculiar punishment of such as have dared come into direct collision with Him Who is a Consuming Fire, even the Jealous God. It first burns in the one appalling Circle of the Bestialized Circle_JVl : ,jth^ a fortified cemetery whose turrets and walls, garrisoned by demons and guarded by Furies^jiefend no houses, but keep under closest watch and ward tombs red-heated by creeping flames tombs of souls buried everlastingly, like with like, for the Infidelity which disbelieved their God's existence and their own, or for the Heresy which declared their God other than He has revealed Himself to be. Open as yet, ' these tombs will all be closed over the re-embodied souls after the Judgment Day. As Incontinence degrades the soul towards Bestialism, so Bestialism hems it round in Malice. He indeed is the fool of fools who saith, ' There is no God ; ' but he too is a fool who, saying, 'Tush, the Lord shall not see,' goes on to annul his Reason by brutish Violence, or to abuse it by worse than brutish Fraud. Consequently the three remain- ing Circles, though sunk to a far lower level., are accounted withnTthe Red City of Dis, and are under the guard of its fortified enclosure. Its central Void, exhaling the intoler- able stench of deadliest sin, is the brute-dernor^^inotaur^ 54 Circle VII. Violence, 3 classes. prowling-field ; in depth ever a fearful chasm, in character a broken and precipitous landslip from the hour when the earthquake at the Crucifixion, felt throughout the Abyss, left its special and tremendous mark on the prison-houses of the Violence and Fraud which had culminated in Deicide. At the foot of this chasm spreads Circle VIJ^. JheJHel^of Violence, divided into three concentric rings. Ring i, the outermost, is the boiling Blood-rjyer_ffilegetriori^= Burning, issuing from Saturn's iron limbs. Herein stand, at a greater or less depth according to the degree of their guilt, the Violent against their Neighbor's person or property : /. physically as morally self-centred : half above the ice and half below it, so that his middle cor- responds to the precise centre of gravity. How colossal his frame we may faintly image when we learn that an ordi- nary stature more nearly approaches the seventy feet of the Giants in the Well than those seventy feet the length of his jirms. But his ingratitude is past estimation, past imagi- nation, all but infinite : nay, in a true sense, infinite for though he be but a creature, and so finite, and though he were originally endowed, as Dante thinks, with the highest of all creatures' gifts, and so his endowments were^rimte too, yet He Who created him for Himself is Infinite, and the rejection of the Infinite must needs have a character of infinity. Wherefore as by the benefit is estimated the in- gratitude, so by the effect of that ingratitude in present hideousness the pristine beauty; and if such were indeed the pristine beauty, and he who was graced therewith yet rebelled against his Creator and Adorner, duly is he forever the summit and the source of mourning. His head is triple-faced the front face ruddy, the right-shoulder face yellowish, the left black ; in symbol of his dominion over The bowels of the Western hemisphere. 61 all reprobates from the three parts of the world, the com- plexions being respectively those of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Beneath each face protrude two monstrous bat- wings, whose flapping creates the wind to freeze Cocytus. In the three mouths are the three excepted Traitors Judas Iscariot, Marcus Brutus, Cassius ; the first in the front mouth, less tormented by the teeth than by the hor- rible claws which tear him alone, and so punished far more than the other two, here classed with him as being traitors against what Dante regarded as the most sacred Will and Law of the Almighty, the establishment of the Roman Empire. What yet remains? Not Hell, but Earth; the bowels of the Western hemisphere. Beyond the centre of gravity there is r>njru? r f gru'ngjriown. ^butjip. head skywards.) Half Lucifer's body indeed, reversed in posture, pollutes this hemisphere, but, colossal as it is, it is quickly left behind ; - there is a down-flowing stream, but it can scarcely be formed of matter more virulent than the tears of contrition shed by the already half-beatified tenants of Purgatory ; for all sorrow, pure and purifying though it be, is yet in a sense of the earth, earthy, and so tends to the centre of gravity. 1 Earth's bowels are dark, but afford a way to the light ; the 1 G. Rossetti, Com, An. c. xxxiv. t. 44. My theory, wholly sug- gested by my father's, is yet not absolutely identical with his. He thinks that ' whatever sinfulness is expiated in Purgatory flows down and settles in the kingdom of sin.' I am inclined rather to suppose the stream to consist of "the tears of expiation; the matter flowing from Saturn to form the four great infernal rivers being unquestionably tears, but tears of shame and mere human sorrow. 62 The grotesque element in the Hell. upward path is rough, but issues in the boundless Ocean, the reedy shore, the free air, the stars that gladden, and the Mount that cleanses. Some there are who, gazing upon Dante's Hell mainly with their own eyes, are startled by the grotesque element traceable throughout the Cantica as a whole, and shocked at the even ludicrous tone of not a few of its parts. Others seek rather to gaze on Dante's Hell with Dante's eyes; these discern in that grotesqueness a realized horror, in that ludicrousness a sovereign contempt of evil. They keep in mind that the mediaeval tone of thought bore fruit in the grotesque heads of the lost, outside cathedrals, and in a spiritual humorousness which was by no" means excluded even from sermons ; yea, much more do they remember that the Divine Eternal Wisdom Himself, the Very and Infallible Truth, has, not once nor twice, characterized impiety and sin as Folly ; and they feel in the depths of the nature wherewith He has created them that what- ever else Folly may be and is, it is none the less essentially monstrous and ridiculous. In this world of shadows they see it so, in that world of substances they imagine no cause why it should cease to be so ; nay why, amid the disen- chantments of that atmosphere of Truth, it should not rather be discerned as more so. A sense of the utter degra- dation, loathsomeness, despicableness of the soul which by deadly sin besots Reason and enslaves Free Will passes from the Poet's mind into theirs ; while the ghastly definite- ness and adaptation of the punishments enables them to D antes loathing of evil 6 3 touch with their finger the awful possibility and actuality of the Second Death, and thus for themselves as for others to dread it more really, to deprecate it more intensely. Dante's Lucifer does appear ' less than Archangel ruined,' immeas- urably less; for he appears Seraph wilfully fallen. No illusive splendor is here to dazzle eye and mind into sym- pathy with rebellious pride ; no vagueness to shroud in mist things fearful or things abominable. Dante's Devils are hateful and hated, Dante's reprobates loathsome and loathed, despicable and despised, or at best miserable and commiserated. In t^ie_one solitary instance of Fran- cesca da Rimini an unheedful reader might possibly sup- pose the Poet to sympathize with lawless love ; but a careful student will discern abhorrence of moral corruption combined with compassion for sore temptation and griev- ous suffering. If, in a few other exceptional cases, noble- ness of character yet hangs about any of the lost, it is in points wholly distinct from the sin which has been their destruction. Dante is guiltless of seducing any soul of man towards making or calling Evil his Good. CHAPTER VI. DANTE'S PILGRIMAGE THROUGH HELL. O tu die se' per quest' Inferno tratto. O thou that art conducted through this Hell. Inf. vi. 40. WE left Dante at the moment when Virgil's cheering speech had given him courage to enter on the eternal world. The awful inscription over the Gate of Hell, seeming to deny him hope, did indeed wellnigh drive him back again ; but a further word and touch nerved him for the first sounds that struck upon his ear the wailings of the Neutrals in the Ante-Hell : Here lamentations, sighs, and strident howls, Resounded through the air without a star Whence I, at the beginning, wept thereat. Differing tongues and horrid utterances, And words of anguish and the tones of rage, High and hoarse voices, and with them a sound Of hands, a tumult made which circulates Aye in that air without a season dyed, Like to the sand whenas the whirlwind blows. Inf. in. 22-30. Instructed by Virgil, Dante, refraining from the full grati- fication of his curiosity respecting these miserable caitiffs, lest he should mitigate their sentence of hopeless obscurity, Dante crosses Acheron into Limbo. 65 transferred his attention to the crowd gathering on the brink of Acheron. Charon at first, seeing a living man, and knowing him to be predestined to glory, commanded him to withdraw from among the dead ; but Virgil had instant recourse to a formula often needed and often in substance repeated during this grisly descent : So is it willed there where 's the power to do That which is willed ; and thou demand no more. in. 95, 96. The boat then crossed with its mournful freight, Dante remaining behind to be first enlightened and comforted by his Master's explanation of the scene he had witnessed, and of the true ground of Charon's refusal to ferry him over ; then to feel the dark tear- soaked champaign quake under his feet, and in a state of insensibility to be trans- ferred, how he knew not, to the farther shore. His first consciousness was of impenetrable mist, his second of Virgil's sympathetic pallor, his third of the ceaseless sighs which, proceeding from the vast multitudes of both sexes and all ages that people Limbo, stir brooding stillness into tremulous breeze. Said the good lord to me : ' Thou askest not What Spirits may be these whom thou dost see ? I will now, ere thou goest on, thou know They did not sin : and, if they had good works, 'T is not enough, for baptism they had not, The door unto the faith which thou believ'st : And, if they were before Christianity, They did not adequately worship God : And even of these same am I myself. For such defaults, and not for other guilt, 5 66 Our Lord's descent into Hell. We're lost, and only are by thus much pained That in desire we live, but not in hope.' Great grief, when I had heard him, took my heart, Because I knew that people of much worth Must be suspended in the limbo there. ' Do thou, my master, tell me tell me, lord ' Began I, for that I might so be sure About that faith which conquers error quite, ' Went any ever hence, or by his own Or other's merit, who was after blessed ? ' And he, who understood my covert speech, Replied : ' In this condition I was new When hither I saw come One Powerful Incoronate with sign of victory. He took from us the Primal Parent's Shade, Abel his son's, and that of Noah too, Of Moses, legist and obedient, Abraham patriarch, and David king, Israel, with his father and his sons, And Rachel, her for whom he did so much ; And others many : and He made them blessed. And I would have thee know that, before them, There had not been a human spirit saved.' iv. 31-63. In prolonged converse Virgil and Dante passed through the wood of ghosts till they drew near the home of the more exalted Spirits ; and while Virgil was yet replying to his follower's eager question In the mean time a voice was heard by me : 'The most high poet honor ye : his Shade, Which had departed, is returning now.' The School of Poets. 6 7 Whenas the voice was quiet and at rest, I four great Shadows saw come unto us ; Semblance had they nor sorrowful nor glad. The noble master then began to say : ' Him with that sword behold thou in his hand, Who comes, as it were sire, before the three : That one is Homer, poet sovereign. The other is Horace satirist who comes ; Ovid the third ; and Lucan is the last. Because that each one shares along with me In the same name the single voice did sound, They do me honor, and thereby do well.' Assembled thus the goodly school I saw Of him, the master x of the most high song, Who o'er the others like an eagle flies. When somewhat they together had discoursed, They turned to me with gesture of salute ; My master also smiling at the same. And more they did me honor yet by much ; For so they made me of their company That I became, 'mid so much mind, the sixth. Thus went we on as far as to the light, Conversing matters which to hush is good, As, where I was, the speaking them was so. iv. 79~ I0 5- After passing in review the dignified inhabitants of the Castle, and being permanently ennobled in his own eyes by 1 ' It is questioned whether this " master " is Homer or Virgil. Chro- nology and modern appreciation would conclude for the first. If we consider the three companions of Homer to constitute the "school " to the exclusion of Virgil, we may do the same : scarcely otherwise from E ante's point of view.' 68 Francesca da Rimini : Ciacco. the sight, he was led by another way back into the trem- bling atmosphere. Thence passing the demon Judge Minos, not unwarned by him, Dante found himself encompassed with the stormy howjjng^darkness of Circle IL^) Deep was his compassion as Virgil pointed out among the victims of TrUfr^llfirr^ rnany who had peopled his memory and imagination from childhood upwards Semiramis, Dido and Cleopatra, Helen and Achilles, Paris and Tristram. But worse was to come. For here suffered a friend's kins- woman,. Francesca da Rimini, coupled with Paolo Malatesta in the soul's death no less than in the body's. It is said that, deceived by her father, she had given hand and heart to this handsome accomplished youth, and all top late had found that he was but proxy for her real husband, his deformed and repulsive brother(Gianciotto!) As now, in a lull of the tempest, she told how the sin of an unguarded moment had been ays^g^~^y~^2^do^s_J^id f her words and her lover's tears affected . Dante to fainting; as one dead he fell to the earth, and^onjecovering conscious- ness found himself already in OrclelljJ) To Cerberus *s currish menaces Virgil deigned no reply save that of two handfuls of earth cast into his cavernous jaws; and the Poets walked on, placing their feet on the limp shades of the rain-drenched Gluttons. One of these, the Florentine Ciacco^ sitting up as he recognized a fellow-citizen, held detailed converse with him respecting public and private matters both past and future ; and excited his pity, though not beyond an inclination to tears. The colloquy was suddenly broken off by Ciacco losing the power of speech, and dropping back flat into the slush, to emerge thence no more till roused by the Last Trumpet. Discourse concerning Fortune. 69 Having led his disciple, as always in Hell, towards the left along an arc equal to the ninth part of the Circle, on reaching the steps of descent Virgil had to repel the resistance of Plutus before entering on Circle (TVj Dante, feeling some slight pricks of compassion, inquired respect- ing its tenants, and expressed surprise at not recognizing any of the Misers and Spendthrifts he had known on earth. This phenomenon and the nature of their punishment being explained, Fortune and her dealings were thus discoursed of for his comfort under impending spoliation and banish- ment : ' Thou now mayst see, my son, the transient puff Of goods which unto Fortune are consigned, For which the human race perturbs itself ; For all the gold that is beneath the moon, Or that once was, of these outweary souls Could not make any one of them to pause.' 1 Master,' I said to him, 'now tell me still : This fortune, whereon thou dost touch to me, What is 't, that has the world's goods so in clutch ? ' And he to me : * How great that ignorance is, foolish creatures, which encumbers ye ! 1 '11 have thee now digest my text thereof. The One Whose wisdom transcends everything He made the heavens, and gave them who conducts, So that to every part shines every part, 1 Distributing the light coequally. Unto the mundane splendors He alike Ordained a general ministrant and chief, 1 Every part of Heaven to every part of Earth. 70 The bank of Styx. Who should in time the vain possessions change From race to race, from one to other blood, Beyond preclusion of the human wits ; Wherefore one people rules, one languishes, All in accordance to the doom of her, Which is occult, as in the grass the snake. To her your wisdom has no hindering : She doth provide, and judge, and prosecute Her reign, as even theirs the other gods. Her permutations have not any truce ; Necessity constrains her to be swift, So oft comes he who proves vicissitude. And this is she who 's put on cross so much Even by them who ought to give her praise, Giving her wrongly ill repute and blame. But she is blessed, and she hears not this : She, with the other primal creatures, glad Revolves her sphere, and blessed joys herself.' vii. 61-96. It was now past midnight ; and time pressed. The next descent described is not by steps, but by the slope down which Styx is flowing till it settles into the stagnant pool that constitutes Circle V., and serves for a moat to the fortified City of Dis. Here Dante saw the Wrathful tearing e^cji_oth^_rjiecemeal, and heard of the Melancholy buried in the black mud at thejaottom ; the only visible token of their presence being the bubbling caused on the surface by their sighs from beneath. The Poets, having walked along a considerable arc of the space left dry between the solid wall and the water, found themselves at last at the foot of a tower, a kind of outwork of Dis, which could only be reached by crossing the pool. Their gaze had already The passage towards the City of Dis. 71 been attracted to the summit of this tower by the sudden appearance of two flames, the demon-sentinels within hav- ing taken them for condemned Souls who must be ferried over to their allotted prison, and having therefore signalled to certain comrades in Dis who counter-signalled by a third flame, on account of distance barely discernible to send the boat. It was soon seen almost flying towards them, steered by the dejiipjj^jDJl^^ who having in life vengefully burned the temple of Apollo, belongs to the Impious no less than to the Wrathful. Furiously he exulted in his supposed prey sorely was galled at learning his mis- take. He could not however avoid receiving into his boat these unexampled passengers, the one of whom actu- ally loaded it and depressed its prow. While we were running over the dead sluice, One did there get before me full of mud, And said : Who 'rt thou who com'st before the hour ? ' And I to him : I stay not, if I come : But who art thou, become so hideous ? ' * Thou seest,' he answered, ' that I 'm one which weep.' And I to him : 'With weeping and with grief, Accursed spirit, so continue thou ; For thee I know, all filthy as thou art.' He then upon the boat stretched both his hands : Wherefore the master pushed him dextrously, Saying : ' Away hence, with the other dogs ! ' He then embraced with both his arms my neck ; He kissed my face, and said : ' Indignant soul, Blessed the woman who with thee was big ! 72 Filippo Argenti. This was a haughty person in the world ; J No good there is which decks his memory : Thus is bis spirit herein furious. How many hold them now aloft great kings Who here will have to be like pigs in slush, Of themselves leaving horrible misfame.' And I : ' My master, greatly fain I were To see him in a smother in this broth, Before that we shall issue from the lake.' And he unto me : * Ere the landing-place Shall let thee see it, thou 'It be satisfied : Such wish it will behoove that thou enjoy.* Soon after this, I saw that massacre Made, by the muddy people, of this man, That God I still do therefore praise and thank. * Upon Filippo Argenti ! ' all cried out : The uncouth spirit of the Florentine Turned with his teeth against himself himself. vin. 31-63- We really cannot help asking here, Is it possible to sym- pathize with this delight of the disciple, or this rewarding embrace of the Master ? Can that be purely righteous indignation which issues in conduct so much too like that of the offender himself ? By this time the Poets were near enough to Dis to per- ceive the sound of wailing and discern the mosque-shaped fire-reddened turrets; the pilot however had still to steer some way round before reaching the point of disembarka- 1 ' Filippo Argenti, stated by Boccaccio to have been noted for bodily vigor and furious temper.' Demons and Furies oppose the Poets. 73 tion. At the gates stood more than a thousand of those rebel Angels aforetime rained down from Heaven, now despitefully saying among themselves, ' Who is this that without death is going through the kingdom of the dead?' In reply, the guiding Sage indicated his wish for a private colloquy; this was granted, but with a threat of retaining him in the city while his pupil should retrace the way alone. Dante, utterly disheartened, adjured his only helper rather to relinquish the enterprise and instantly lead him back to the land of the living ; but the answer forbade fear, and enjoined assured confidence in the success of the God- granted pilgrimage. In most anxious suspense he now began to watch the parley he could not hear ; but anon the adverse demons hurried back into the fortress, shut- ting the door in his leader's face. Yet Virgil, grieved and humbled as he was, ceased not to infuse hope, grounded on the certainty that One without guide or escort was already traversing the Circles behind them to their aid thotfgh under the circumstances no entrance could be effected without wrath. And more he said : but I 've it not in mind ; Because I wholly had mine eye updrawn Toward the high turret with the red-hot top ; Where in an instant upright fast I saw Infernal Furies three, bedyed with blood, Who had their limbs and action feminine, And who with greenest hydras were engirt : They had small serpents for their hair, and asps, Wherewith the savage temples were imbound. And he, who well knew them the abject ones Unto the queen of the eternal plaint, 74 The head of Gorgon displayed*. ' Look,' said to me, ' the fierce Erinnyes. Megaera this one is upon the left ; That is Alecto on the right, who weeps ; P the midst Tisiphone : ' and here he stopped. Each one was harrowing with her nails her breast: They clashed their palms, and cried so loudly out, That to the poet I strained me, for dismay. ' Let come Medusa ! So we '11 make him smalt,' They, looking downwards, uttered all of them : ' On Theseus we revenged the assault not ill.' 1 ' Turn thyself back, and keep thy vision hid ; For, if the Gorgon show, and thou behold, J T would all be o'er with e'er returning up.' So did the master say ; and he himself Turned me, and to my own hands trusted not, But that with his too he should cover me. O you that have a sane intelligence, Look ye unto the doctrine which herein Conceals itself 'neath the strange verses' veil. And now was coming o'er the turbid waves A rumor of a sound replete with dread, Because of which the banks were trembling both; Not made in other wise than of a wind Impetuous by dint o' the adverse heats, Which smites the forest without any stay, Rends boughs, and beats them down, and bears along ; Dusty to vanward, on it goes superb, And makes the animals and shepherds flee. He loosed mine eyes, and said : ' Now turn the nerve 1 ' When Theseus and Pirithous attempted to carry Proserpine off from Hell.' > The Celestial Messenger Of vision up along that ancient foam, By yonder where that smoke is acridest.' Like as the frogs before the hostile snake Scud off along the water one and all, Until upon the soil each of them squats, I saw more than a thousand Souls destroyed Fly thus in front of one who at the ford Was passing over Styx with unwet soles. He from his face was moving that gross air, Plying the left hand oftentimes in front, And only with that anguish seemed he tired. I well perceived he was one sent from heaven, And to the master turned : and he made sign I should stay quiet, and to him should bow. Ah ! of disdain how full he to me seemed ! He reached the gate, and with a little wand Oped it, that there was no impediment. ' O ye cast out of heaven, a refuse race,' Upon the horrible threshold he began, 'Whence nurtureth in you this insolence ? Wherefore 'gainst that Volition do ye kick To which its end can never be curtailed, And which hath oft augmented pain to you ? What booteth it to butt against the fates ? Your Cerberus, if ye recollect it well, Keeps yet therefrom his chin and throttle peeled.' Then he turned back along the noisome path, And word to us spoke none ; but semblance made Of a man whom other care constrains and bites Than that of him who is before his face. And we toward the fortress moved our feet, Secure in sequel of the holy words. IX. 34-105. 76 The entombed So^lls in Dis. Quite unopposed the Poets now entered Circle VI., the jT 1f y pf nig ; and Dante beheld it one vast burial-ground of Infidel and Heretical Souls, bristling with tombs like the cemeteries of Aries and Pola, but after a more bitter fashion, these tombs being all red-hot from the action of fires scattered up and down among them. Speaking the Tuscan dialect as he passed along, he heard himself called by a voice issuing from a sepulchre where lay more than a thousand Epicureans, among them the Emperor Frederick II. The voice was that of the noble Florentine Farmaia^- -> degli Uberti, who nearly five years before Dante's birth had as the Ghibelline leader defeated the Guelphs at Montaperti, had returned in triumph from banishment, and had then alone and successfully withstood his own party in their parricidal desire to destroy their native city. Long and deep was this patriot's converse with his fellow-citizen, soon like himself, as he plainly predicted, to be an exile, soon like his descendants, now in banishment, to experience the difficulty of returning. Once indeed the discourse was interrupted by Cavalcante de' Cavalcanti, buried in the same sepulchre, starting up to ask news of his son, Dante's His ignorance of the present, whereas Ciacco had known the future, 1 so perplexed his interlocutor as to delay the answer; and the miserable father, attributing this delay to unwillingness to tell him of his son's death, sank down again in sorest grief. Farinata then took up his own thread just where it had been broken off, and having subsequently explained the mystery of the knowledge of the lost, was intrusted with a message of information and comfort to his fellow-prisoner ; for Guido yet lived, though fated soon to die. 1 See page 49. The Blood-River and the Dolorous Wood. 77 The Poets, having _tra^ejrsej^he^_breadth of Pis, now stood on the edge of a kind of parapet guarding the central Voidf) The stench rising from the lower Circles was here so putrid as to compel them to seek temporary shelter behind a high tomb; and the consequent delay in their descent furnished opportunity for Virgil to instruct his pupil in that classification of sins under the heads of Inconti- nence. Bestialism. anr^ MaJirpj with which the reader is already familiar. Twent-twq_ hours had by this time elapsed since the opening of the poem twelve in the Wgoj^_ten_ Jn Hell ^ Good Friday was dawning on Earth, and further lingering might not be ; wherefore the Pilgrims commenced their frightful precipitous descent. The ^furious Minotaur beset their path, but only to be utterly contemned by Virgil, and by blind raging to afford Dante an opportunity of getting down unmolested till he stood close under the outer wall of Circle VII., and beheld the ghastly Blood-river Phlegethon, which forms its outmost Ring. His progress was opposed by the Centaur Nessusj but Virgil's appeal to Chiron, exempt by his birth and career on earth from the brute violence of his race, obtained the opponent for a guide. Many were the tyrants and blood- shedders of days recent or long, long gone by, pointed out in the deeps of the streams ; many indeed the petty oppressors and marauders recognized in its shallows. Where the feet only were cov- ered was the ford, over which Nessus carried Dante on his back, while Virgil cleft the air. They found themselves in the Dolorous Wood, pathless, thicker set than the Tuscan Maremma, itTTeaves dusky, its boughs knotty and twisted, its sole product poison- distilling thorns : harpies its nest- 78 Pier delle Vigne and certain Spendthrifts. building birds, its music their meanings blended with those of the trees they prey upon. Virgil, desirous to undeceive his pupil of the imagination that these moans proceeded from persons hidden in the Wood, and also unable to re- sist the tempt^tiort tn qstafrlish as fact his own fiction of the bleeding of the myrtle into which folydorusJiad been^mpj^-. morphose^, suggested the plucking of a twig ; but instantly repented when blood sprang and sorest plaints issued from the wounded tree the prison-body of Pier delle Vigne, Chancellor to the Emperor Frederick II. Envv^Jjthe^ commoiL death _and vice : of jCp_urtS,' had fastened her eyes on this beloved and trusted counsellor till at length she succeeded in maligning him to the cruel Prince his mas- ter, by whom lie was condemned to a course of torture and ignominy, begun with blindness and destined to end in death. That 'end however came far sooner than was in- tended, for the victim himself dashed his head against his prison-wall. He now found some comfort in detailing his mournful history to such sympathizing listeners, while he far more briefly answered their inquiries respecting the state of the tree-bound Souls. The colloquy was at length suddenly broken off by the precipitous flight of two hound- hunted Shades of wanton, obstinate Spendthrifts, naked and thorn-scratched, through the Wood. The one, Lano, had rapidly wasted a rich patrimony, till at length, having fallen into an ambush, he desperately rushed among enemies from whom he might have escaped : the other, Jacopo di Sant' Andrea, is recorded to have thrown his money, coin by coin, into the river, by way of something to do; to have set alight his tenants' cottages as a bonfire-^to welcome his guests, and to have burned down his own magnificent The Sand- Waste : the Blasphemers. 79 house in Padua as a spectacle to his fellow-citizens. This hunted madman squatted under a bush, but was none the less torn piecemeal by the hounds, the bush also coming in for its share of suffering. It incorporated an unnamed Florentine suicide, suspected by the commentators of hav- ing killed himself to escape the poverty surely coming upon a prodigal; and Dante, constrained by the love of their common birthplace, complied with his request to have his leaves gathered up and restored to him. Soon the Pilgrims found themselves on__the confines of the Sand- Waste, though still compelled to keep just within the Wood, to avoid the scathing of the fire-flakes and the scorching of the sand. Here among the supine Blasphemers they noted the untamable Capaneus ; then passing beyond him reached a spot where Dante descried, with a shudder renewed as in after years he wrote of it, Phlegethon reappearing as a boiling Blood-brook to traverse the desert plain. The stream having petrified its bed and banks, he perceived that there must lie the passage across ; yet lingered awhile to hear of the origin of the Infernal Rivers. He then followed his Guide along the stone embankment, the humid exhalation spreading wide enough to extinguish instantly whatever flames might fall upon it, and so preventing its becoming heated like the sand. Already had the Poets left the Wood too far behind to be discernible, when they fell in with a troop of Shades walking. One of these, for all the fire's scathing, was recognizable as Dante's old tutor. Brunetto Latini, eminent as politician, as philosopher, and as author of the encyclopaedic Tesoro and the allegorical Tesoretto. As no other contemporary record accuses him of any crime, it has been thought that olitical_ 8o Geryon : the Usurers. may have led to his location here; especially as he is spoken of throughout the passage with tenderest reverence and love. Side by side for a time tutor and scholar walked and conversed, then once more parted company ; and after some further encounters the Pilgrims reached the point where Phlegeihon becomes an almost deafening torrent, rusliing down the central Void. Standing by its brink, Dante was commanded to loose his cord-girdle ; and Virgil, receiving it coiled, threw it down the precipice. Before long the loathsome appalling monster Geryon came up and landed his trunk on the stone dam, while his tail darted about, sting upwards, in the hollow. During the Master's parley with him, the disciple went alone to gaze upon the Usurers, who, seated along the edge of the sand, were fight- ing off the burning heat with their hands as best they might. Not one was recognized by his face, but heraldic bearings on purses hanging from their necks afforded a clew for their identification. These, bordering on Fraud both in offence and in place, are in tastes and manners the meanest sinners yet encountered : but plenty of their compeers will be met with below. Dante, content, as Virgil had counselled, with a passing glance at them, on retracing his few solitary steps found his Leader already seated on the foul monster's back, and with sinking heart and failing voice obeyed the order to mount in front, so as to be shielded from too probable Jtail-treachery. As soon as mounted he felt himself firmly embraced, and heard a charge given to Geryon to descend gradually, out of consideration for so unwonted a burden. The downward course accordingly proceeded so gently that the motion was rendered sensible only by the wind in the rider's face and beneath him ; but it was a sore trial to see Evilpits : Jason, Thais, Pope Nicholas III. 8 1 nought save Geryon's form, hear nought save Phlegethon's gurgling and plunging, and when at last eye and ear sought to dive into the depth, perceive nought save fires and wail- ings. Both riders were finally set down close under the earth-wall ; the hateful beast shot away like an arrow from a bow ; and Evilpits lay before them. In Pijfjyhey beheld Jason scourged for his successive abandonment of Hypsipyle and Medea : in Pit^VHrhai's paying the penalty of her base flattery of Thraso. Into Pit ''J'^pante, whose curiosity was excited by the exceptional sufferings of one of the imbursed Simoniacs, wished to descend. The descent, as in every subsequent instance save one, was effected by the Poets first crossing in its whole length the bridge spanning the pit, and by Virgil then carrying his pupil down as afterwards again up the inner wall, which in each pit offers a more gradual slope than the outer one. The tormented Soul proved to be that of Pope Nicholas III., of the Orsini family. In giving account of himself he severely reflected on the character of the actual Pope Boniface VIII.; 1 and foretold the far fouler deeds of Clement V., later to be raised to the Apostolic See through the intrigues of Philippe le Bel. Dante retorted with a strong condemnation of the worldli- ness.which had crept into the Church through the Donation of Constantine : and was then carried up again by his approving Master. From the bridge-top was seen, in Pit 4, a long, slow, silent, weeping procession of Soothsayers and Witches, with necks wrung so completely round that the tears streamed down their backs. Such utter degradation 1 Dante's judgment on both Nicholas and Boniface is said to be more severe than that of other historians. (Venturi and Fraticelli, Inf. xix.) 6 82 The Diviners and the Barterers. of the human image, borne by himself in common with these reprobates, struck to Dante's inmost soul : Certes I wept, leaning on one o' the crags Of the hard rock, so that mine escort said To me, 'Art thou too of the other fools ? Here, when 't is wholly dead, doth pity l live : For who can be more wicked than the man Who has a passion for God's judgeship ? ' xx. 25-30. After this gravest remonstrance tbe Master went on to point out certain diviners of antiquity, till from naming Manto he branched off into details concerning the origin of his own native city Mantua. These ended, the continuance of the procession brought under notice various mediaeval sorcerers, among whom occurs the familiar name of Michael Scott. Good Friday was over by this time, and the sun of Holy Saturday was rising on the Earth. Passing from bridge to bridge, the Poets discerned through the marvellous obscurity of Pit 5 the bubbling, swelling, and subsiding of the boiling Pitch-lake. Soon a black Devil was seen to run along the rocky chain, clenching the ankles of a Barterer slung across his shoulder. Hurled down into the pitch this sinner soon came up again, but was forthwith once more submerged by the prongs of the Evilclaws. Virgil, whose mind apparently misgave him that obstacles similar to those of Dis would here arise, enjoined his charge to squat down for conceal- ment behind a projecting edge of rock, while he himself should seek a parley. His first step on the partition-wall 1 Pietb meaning both pity and piety, the sense of this line is : Here piety lives when pity is wholly dead. Virgil deceived by EviltaiL 83 was the signal for a rush of prong-armed Evilclaws, who however at his request deputed their chief, Eviltail, to hear him. ' Bad-tail, dost thou suppose thou seest me Having come hither,' so my master spoke, * Already safe from all defence of yours, Without divine command and favoring fate ? Let me proceed ; for it is willed in heaven I show another on this salvage road.' His pride was then so fallen that he let His hook down-tumble to his feet, and said Unto the rest : * Now let him not be struck.' And unto me my lord : * O thou who sitt'st Amid the bridge's boulders all asquat, Return thou to me now securely back.' Wherefore I moved, and quickly came to him ; And forward, all of them, the devils came, So that I feared they would not keep their pledge. And so erewhile I saw the soldiers fear Who covenanted from Caprona went, Seeing themselves amid so many foes. 1 xxi. 79-96. So in fact it was ; the seeming prohibition was a mere trick, covertly conveying permission to wound him some- what later; and the disciple proved now far more alive than the Master to the impending danger. Eviltail lied on : 1 ' Caprona, a Pisan fortress, having capitulated to the Guelph con- federates of Tuscany in 1290, the garrison filed out, when the hostile soldiers clamored (but only to frighten them) to have them hung. Dante is believed to have served among the victors.' 84 Ten demons escort the Pilgrims. ' 'T will not be possible to go Further along this rock, because that all The sixth arc 's lying at its bottom smashed ; And, onward if you still would please to wend, Go up then by this cavern : there is nigh Another rock, which makes a path along. Five hours more on than this is, yesterday, A thousand and two hundred sixty-six Years finished since the path was broken here. I 'm sending thither some of these of mine, To see if any airs himself therefrom : Go you with them, for they will not be froward.' xxi. 106-117. Then he thus charged the ten selected for this mission : ' Search ye the boiling bird-lime roundabout. Let these as far as the next ledge be safe, Which goes on all entire above the dens.' xxi. 124-126. There was, in fact, no such line of bridges in existence, all those which once spanned Pit 6 lying broken at its bottom : and the fiends, well knowing this, indulged in an under- current of threatening gestures, not one of which was lost on Dante. He begged hard to be spared any save the wonted and trusty escort, but Virgil insisted that there was no danger, and they all started. With the ten demons we were going on Ah ! fell companionship ! But, in the church With saints, and with the gluttons at the inn. xxii. 13-15. On their way they saw seated on the brink the Shade of a former courtier of Theobald II., King of Navarre Ciampolo, The Hypocrites. 85 whose words and acts presently disclosed how great an amount of trickery could be carried on by a Barterer even in Hell. Two of the Evilclaws, baffled in their expectation of tormenting him, at length fell foul of each other ; and while the whole troop were intent on the scuffle, the Pil- grims made good their escape down the partition-wall into the next Pit. None too soon : for the pursuing fiends stood directly over them just as their feet touched the bottom ; but all peril was past, the appointed officials of Pit 5 being powerless to quit their field of action. Already in Pit 6, the Poets found themselves in company no longer with demons, but with Hypocrites. At first the nature of their punishment was not apparent, but it was soon explained by one of them, the Bolognese Catalano de' Catalani, of the military and religious Order of Knights of S. Mary, popularly nicknamed Frati Godenti, or Jolly Friars. He, with his colleague Loderingo degli Andalo, had been elected on account of seeming virtues to the office of Podesta in a peculiarly troublous year at Florence, and had acted with the grossest avarice, injustice, and violence. In this Pit not only is courtesy observed this we might perhaps have expected; but, surprising as it may appear, truth is spoken. After marvelling over the degraded condition of Caiaphas and his fellow-councillors, Virgil inquired whether there was any opening that might afford him and his com- panion exit into the next Pit ; and learned that he was very near the point where, by clambering up the heaped ruins of the bridge, he would find himself once more on a chain thence to the end unbroken. Half-abashed and half-indig- nant he resumed his functions, till quite restored to serenity on approaching the pile he seized fast hold of his pupil 86 Thieves and Evil Counsellors. from behind, and then impelled him upwards from crag to crag. All panting, Dante sat down just as he touched the top : but he was forthwith stirred up again, and soon was vainly peering from the bridge into the thick darkness of Pit 7. From the somewhat lower level of the wall- top how- ever he managed to discern a worse than Libyan desert of Thieves and Serpents, binding and bound, biting and bitten, consuming and consolidating, bewildering and be- wildered, men contracting into snakes, snakes expanding into men : none might say whose was whose, or who was who, or what was what : fit emblem of the social state when habitual contempt of the rights of property makes change the sole unchanging condition. Among these wretches no less than five Florentines were discovered. Two other sinners were specially noticed as belonging by the main course of their lives to the violent Robbers in Circle VII., but weighed down to this lower depth each by a single act of fraud : Cacus the Centaur (probably now demonized) by his driving Hercules' stolen cattle backwards to falsify their track, and Vanni Fucci of Pistoja by his sacrilegious theft from the sacristy of the Duomo of that city a crime for which an innocent man had very nearly, if not actually, suffered. Into Pit 8 it proved but too easy to see, for its flames swarmed thick as fire-flies in the Tuscan valleys those ' thieving flames ' that swathe and conceal Evil Counsel- lors. Awfully intense was the impression made on the chief Intellect of his day by the doom of souls which, endowed with gifts in some instances even comparable to his own, had sinned as none could sin without those noblest faculties. Ulysses and Diomed : Guido of Montefeltro. 87 Then grieved I, and I now do grieve again When I direct my mind to what I saw, And more rein in my thought than I am wont, Lest whither virtue guides it not it run ; So that, if bounteous star or better thing Gave me the good, myself pervert it not. xxvi. 19-24. Here two who had led the active life, Ulyssesjmd Diomed, *>\ burning together within a double-tongued winding-sheet, were paying the penalty of the bereaved Deidamia, the stolen Palladium, and the Jatal Horse : these two espe- cially excited Dante's attention and interest, and at Virgil's request Ulysses told the tale of his last voyage. 1 Here also one who after the active life of a warrior had as a Fran- ciscan turned to the contemplative life, Count Guido of, ' Montefeltro in the Apennines, is represented as bearing th irreparable consequences of trusting to Absolution before- hand for sin. His narrative is so painful that it is quite a relief to know how little reason there is for believing it true. 2 No authority save this passage so much as hints at the evil counsel having been given ; Angeli, the historian of the Assisi convent, evidently disbelieves, while Muratori the critic indignantly rejects the story; and Dante himself in his Convito unites with numerous contemporaries in witness- ing to the virtues of this 'most noble Latin.' 8 Muratori indeed suggests political motives as not improbably furnish- ing the key to the accusation. Under this protest let the awful history, as related by the sufferer himself, be read. 1 See page 15. 2 G. Rossetti, Com. An. Riflessioni sul c. xxvii. Fraticelli in he. Conv. iv. 28. 88 Guido retiring from the world. ' I was a man of arms, then cordelier, Thinking, so girded, to have made amends ; And certes my belief had come fulfilled, Were 't not for the Arch-priest, 1 whom evil seize, Who put me back into my former wrongs : And how and wherefore I will have thee hark. The whiles I was the form of bones and pulp My mother gave to me, my doings were Not lion-like, but rather of the fox. I knew precautions and clandestine ways, Each one, and managed so the art of them That forth the sound went to the end of earth. When I beheld myself arrived at that Part of mine age when every one would well Lower the sails, and gather in the ropes, That which before had pleased me pained me then, And penitent I yielded, and confessed, Alas me wretched ! and it would have served. The sovereign of the modern pharisees, Having a war near Lateran to wage, 2 (And not with Saracens, nor yet with Jews, Seeing his enemies were Christians all, And none at Acre had been conquering, 8 Nor merchandising in the Soldan's land), 4 Regarded in himself nor charge supreme, Nor holy orders, nor in me the cord Which used to make more lean its girded ones ; But, as within Soracte Constantine Prayed Sylvester for cure from leprosy, 5 1 ' Pope Boniface VIII.' 2 'Against the Colonna family.' 8 'As the Saracens had done in 1291.' * ' Like the renegade Christians.' 5 'The legend ran that, in gratitude for a miraculous cure thus effected on him by Pope Sylvester, Constantine endowed the pontiffs \vith the government of Rome.' Guido in sin and after death. 89 So unto me prayed this man, as his leach, Thus from his haughty fever to be cured. He asked me counsel ; and I held my peace, Because his words appeared intoxicate. And then said he : " Let not thy heart suspect : I even now absolve thee ; teach me thou How Penistrino 1 I may throw to earth. I am able to lock up and unlock heaven, And this thou knowest ; for the keys are two The which my predecessor 2 held not dear." The weighty arguments impelled me then, Where my resolve was silence, to the worse ; And, " Since thou lav'st me, father," I replied, " From that misdeed which I must fall in now, Long promising, with short fulfilment, will Make thee to triumph in the lofty chair." Then, after I was dead, did Francis come For me ; but one of the black Cherubim Said to him : " Take him not, nor do me wrong. He must come down among my sorry folk, Because he gave the fraudulent advice, Whereafter at his hair I 've been till now : For who repents not cannot be absolved ; Neither at once can one repent and will, Because the contradiction bears it not." Ah woful me ! how did I shake myself When as he took me, saying, " Thou perhaps Didst not imagine I was logic-learned." He carried me to Minos ; and he writhed Eight times his tail about his callous back, And, after for great rage he 'd bitten it, 1 ' Where the Colonnas were still seated/ 2 Celestin V., who voluntarily abdicated the Papal throne. 90 Schismatics and Discord-breeders. Said, " That 's a criminal of the thieving fire." Wherefore where thou beholdest I am lost, And rankle, going in this manner clothed.' When he had thus made ending of his speech, The flame in anguish took departure hence, Writhing and brandishing its sharpened horn. xxvu. 67-132. Standing over Pit 9, Dante was reminded of the bloodiest battlefields recorded in history. As he intently gazed on a Shade split from the chin downwards, it spontaneously made itself known as Mahomet, and after pointing out All cleft from the chin upwards, set forth the sin and punish- ment of the whole mutilated troop, and inquired of Dante who he was, and why there. The answer came from Virgil, awakening an amazement which for the moment suspended the procession, and afforded opportunity for naming some other Souls. Among these was Mosca_degliJIberti, maimed of both hands : the suggester of the bloody revenge taken by the Amidei for the slight put upon their kinswoman by Buondelmonte, and so the introducer into Florence of the Guelph-Ghibelline discord. 1 The last comer was Bertrand de Born, Viscount de Hautefort, whom historians accuse as the inciter of the rebellion of Prince Henry (called ' the young King/ as having been already crowned) against his father Henry II. of England. Here Dante himself shall speak. I remained to look upon the troop, And saw a thing which I should be in fear, Without more proof, of telling, I alone, But that my conscience reassureth me, 1 See page 26. Bertrand de Born. 9 1 The good companion which emboldens man Under the hauberk of its feeling pure. I certes saw, and seems I see it still, A trunk without a head proceeding, so As went the others of the sorry flock. And by the hair he held his truncate head, In guise of lantern, pendulous in hand : And that gazed on us, and it said, ' Oh me ! ' He of himself made light unto himself, And they were two in one, and one in two: How it can be He knows Who governs thus. When he was right against the bridge's foot, He raised, with all the head, his arm on high, So to approach to us the words thereof, Which were: * See now the troublous penalty, Thou who go'st breathing, looking at the dead : See whether any is so great as this. And, for that thou mayst carry of me news, I, know thou, am Bertrand de Born, the man Who gave the young king ill encouragements. I mutually made rebels son and sire : Ahithophel made Absalom no more, And David, with his wicked goadings-on. Because I parted persons thus conjoined, My brain, alas ! I carry parted from Its principle which is in this my trunk. So retribution is in me observed.' The many people and the diverse wounds Had made mine eyes intoxicated so That they were fain to stay a-weeping. But Virgil said to me : ' What then starest thou on ? 9 2 Geri del Bella. And wherefore prythee does thy vision bend Down there among the mournful mangled shades? Thou hast not done so at the other pits. Consider, if thou think'st to number them, The valley turneth twenty miles and two : Already too the moon 's beneath our feet ; The time is little now that's granted us, And there is more to see than thou believ'st.' * An if thou hadst,' I thereon answered him, * Attended to the cause for which I looked, Perhaps thou 'dst yet have suffered me to stay.' My guide was partly going now, and on I went behind him, making the reply, And saying furthermore : * Within that fosse Whereon so steadfastly mine eyes I set I think a spirit of my blood doth weep The guilt which costeth there-adown so much.' Then said the master : ' Do not let thy thought Be stumbling from henceforward upon him. Elsewhere attend, and there let him remain : For I beheld him at the bridge's foot Point thee, and with his finger threaten hard, And heard him named Geri del Bello. Thou Wast so entirely at the time engrossed With him who held aforetime Hautefort Thou thither lookedst not, so he was gone.' ' Alas ! my lord, the death by violence Which is not yet avenged to him,' said I, ' By any that is consort in the shame, Made him disdainful ; therefore went he off, As I conceive, without addressing me, And so he 's made me piteous towards him more.' xxvin. 112-142. xxix. 1-36. The Falsifiers. 93 This Geri del Bello, related to Dante on the father's side, had been killed in a quarrel with one of the Sacchetti ; and, according to the barbarous theory of the day, had a right to expect his kindred to carry on the blood-feud. Dante's non-compliance with this usage, and excuse notwithstanding of his kinsman, are perhaps the sole instances recorded in the Poem of his exercising the virtue of Meekness as opposed to Vindictiveness. Fearful enough was his experience of the woes entailed by blood-feuds upon his city. In the Purgatorio we probably have a further hint of his sentiments on this subject 1 But already the Pilgrims stood directly above the Tenth and last Pit, which might have been taken for a hospital wherein all the malaria patients of the worst districts and worst season of Italy were massed together. Dante's ears were quickly stopped with his hands, so piteous were the groans that pierced them ; and his eyes and nose might well have been also stopped from sights and smells no less offen- sive. Among the leprous Alchemists were distinguished two seated back to back, GrirTolin d' Arezzo and Capoc- chio; among the mad False-Personators Gianni Schicchi, who counterfeiting in semblance a man already dead, but not yet known to be so, had made in his name a fraudulent will ; among the fever-stricken Liars Potiphar's wife, and Sinon the Greek of Trojan infamy; among the dropsical Coiners Mastro Adamo of Brescia, who for alloying the golden florin had been burned to death by the Florentine Gov- ernment. Between this last and Sinon a sudden skirmish took place, keen and brisk in word and blow ; and proved, in the Sage's judgment, far too amusing to his pupil. 1 See page 134. 94 Dante reproved by Virgil. To listen to them I was wholly fixed, When * Look now,' unto me the master said, * That I am all but quarrelling with thee.' Whenas I heard him speak to me in wrath, I turned towards him with so much of shame That in my memory it whirleth still. And, as is he who dreams of his mischance, Who, dreaming, wishes that it were a dream, And longs so, as 'twere not, for that which is ; Such I became, incapable to speak, Who wished to make excuse, and all the while Excused myself, and thought not that I did. * Less shame will wash a greater foible out,' The master said, ' than that which thine has been : Therefore unlade thyself of all distress. And reckon that I 'm always at thy side If yet it happen fortune catches thee Where there are people in a broil like this; For wishing to hear that's a base desire.' xxx. 130-148. And now in silence they were crossing the parapet of the last portion of the awful Void, here probably about 35 feet deep : when lo ! a horn sounded with a blast of force to hoarsen loudest thunder. Peering through the twilight, along the edge of the wide embankment Dante beheld what he took for many high towers; Virgil however quickly informed him that these were no towers, but Giants disposed at intervals all round the well, so that about half their person was visible above its brink, and half concealed within. 1 Fear came on Dante as error fled ; but soon he 1 Ampere (Voyage Dantesque, 277, quoted by Longfellow, note on Inf. xxxi. 59) computes the height of Nimrod at 70 feet. Caina and Antenora : Traitors. 95 learned how little there was to fear from creatures either powerless or not inclined to harm. Nimrod howled a Babel or pre-Babel jargon which sounded threatening, but made no objection when Virgil reminded him of the horn through which, he might vent his rage ; Ephialtes, appar- ently worse disposed, was chained, as was also Briareus ; while Tityus and Typhoeus would presumably, if applied to, have been moved by desire of fame to assist the Pil- grims, and Antaeus from this motive actually was induced to take them up in a bundle where they stood, and then bending forwards set them down at the foot of the ninth and last earth-wall, on the brink of the frost-bound pool Cocytus. It seemed a basin of glass, not water ; its ice so hard that the fall of a mountain would have failed to make even the edge creak. In its outmost Belt Caina, among other Betrayers of kindred, two wretched brothers, Ales- sandro and Napoleone degli Alberti, mutual fratricides on account of their patrimony, were seen frozen head to head by the hair. Next came Antenora: Then did I see a thousand faces made Doglike by cold ; whence shuddering to me comes, And always will come, for the frozen fords. And, while we were proceeding toward the midst Whereunto every weight doth concentrate, And I was trembling in the eternal dark, Whether 't was will, or destiny, or hap, I know not ; but, in walking through the heads, I struck my foot hard in the face of one. On me he weeping cried : ' Why poundest me ? Unless thou com'st the vengeance to increase For Mont' Aperti, why dost me molest ? ' xxxn. 70-81. 96 Bocca degli AbatL This reprobate was Bocca degli Abati, a Florentine Guelph who at the battle of Montaperti had actually for Ghibelline gold cut off the arm of his own party's standard-bearer, and so brought on its defeat. And I : ' My master, now await me here, That I may get out of a doubt by him : Then thou shalt hurry me howe'er thou wilt.' The leader stopped : and unto him I said, Who in the mean while kept blaspheming hard, * Who art thou who revil'st another thus ? ' 'Now, who art thou who go'st through Antenore, Striking,' he answered, 'on another's cheeks, So that, were I alive, 'twere overmuch ?' ' Alive am I ; and, if thou askest fame, It may be dear to thee,' was my response, 'That I should put thy name 'mong other notes.' And he to me : 'I wish the contrary : Arise herefrom, and give me irk no more, For ill know'st thou to flatter in this plain.' Then took I hold upon him by the scalp, And said : ' 'T will have to be thou name thyself, Or that no hair remain to thee hereon.' Whence he to me : ' For thine unhairing me, I '11 neither tell nor show thee who I am, If on my head thou fall a thousand times.' I had in hand his hair already twined, And I had plucked more than one lock of it, He barking with his eye concentred down, When cried another : ' Bocca, what dost want ? Is 't not enough for thee to sound thy jaws Unless thou bark'st ? What devil touches thee ? ' ' Now,' said I, ' I 've no wish for thee to speak, Flagitious traitor ; for, unto thy shame, I '11 carry of thee veritable news.' xxxii. 82-111. But the horror of horrors was yet to come. Just where Antenora confines with Ptolemaea protruded a head frozen in one hole with another head, but above it, gnawing and gnawing it. The gnawer ' was the Pisan Count Ugolino della Gherardesca, whose attributed but not attested crime was the having sold to Florence and Lucca certain castles of Pisa; the gnawed was his traitorous friend, Archbishop Rug- gicri degli Ubaldini, through whose abhorred machinations he, with two sons and two grandsons, had been starved to death in a tower called subsequently the Tower of Famine. At Dante's entreaty That sinner from the savage meal his mouth Uplifted, wiping it upon the hair Of the head which he 'd wasted from behind. Then he began : ' Thou 'dst have me to renew Desperate grief, which presses on my heart Now only thinking, ere I speak of it. But, if my words may be a seed to yield Infamy to the traitor whom I gnaw, Thou shalt behold me speak and weep at once. I know not who thou art, nor by what mode Thou 'rt come down hither : but a Florentine Thou, when I hear thee, seem'st to me in truth. I was Count Ugolino, thou must know, And he Archbishop Roger : now will I Tell wherefore I 'm a neighbor like to this. 1 1 ' Why I am such a bad neighbor to Ruggieri (by devouring his head).' 7 98 Ugolino tells of his dream, That, by the effecting of his evil thoughts, Confiding in him, I was captured, And after done to death, I need not tell. Nevertheless, what thou canst not have heard, That is, how much my death was cruel, thou Shalt hear, and know whether he 's injured me. A scanty opening within the mew Which has from me the name of Famine, and Wherein it needs that others too be shut, Had shown me through its loophole several moons Already, when I had the evil sleep Which rent away for me the future's veil. Master and lord this man unto me seemed, Chasing the wolf and wolf-cubs to the mount Because of which the Pisans see not Lucca. 1 With bitches lean, and eager, and well-trained, He had Gualandi, with Sismondi and Lanfranchi, 2 stationed in the front of him. In little course, the father and the young Seemed to me tired, and with the sharpened fangs I seemed to see the flanks of them ripped up. When I before the morrow was awake, Weeping amid their sleep I heard my sons Which were along with me, and asking bread. Sure thou art cruel if thou grievest not Already, thinking what was told my heart ; And, if thou weep'st not, when art wont to weep ? We now were wakened, and the hour approached When food was customed to be brought to us, And each was doubting, on his dream's account : And I heard locked the exit underneath 1 ' Mount San Giuliano. which stands between the two cities.' 2 ' Three of the Ghibelline auxiliaries of the Archbishop/ and of his death by starvation. 99 The horrible turret ; whereupon I looked In my sons' faces, saying not a word. I wept not, I so petrified within : They wept ; and said my Anselmuccio, " Thou, Father, art looking so ? How is 't with thee ? " I shed no tear, however, nor replied The whole of that day, nor the after night, Till issued in the world the other sun. Whenas some little ray had got itself Into the painful dungeon, and I marked My selfsame aspect upon faces four, I bit for anguish into both my hands : And they, supposing I did that for need Of eating, of a sudden raised themselves, And said : " 'T will give us, father, much less pain If us thou eat'st of: thou induedst us This miserable flesh, and doff it thou." I, not to make them sadder, stilled me then : That and the next day we remained all dumb ; Ah ! hardened earth, why openedst thou not ? When to the fourth day we were come, before My feet, distended, Gaddo threw himself, Saying, " My father, why not give me help ? " Herewith he died ; and, as thou seest me, I saw the three fall one by one, between The fifth day and the sixth : whereat I took, Already blind, to groping over each, And three days called them after they were dead. Then fasting more availed than sorrowing.' When he had spoken this, with eyes askew He took again the wretched skull with teeth Which like a dog's upon the bone were strong. xxxin. 1-78. ioo Ptolcmcea: Frate Alberigo. And Dante, with bleeding heart and burning lips invoking vengeance on Pisa, s passed from the edge into the Belt of Ptolemaea. Here not only the supine posture of the lost made concealment impossible, but the tears, congealing even as they sprang, blocked up the cavity of the eye with ice which, while permitting sight, greatly increased torment by stopping up the vent of pain. And, notwithstanding that, as from a corn, Every feeling, by the cold's effect, Had ceased its lodgement in my countenance, I ne'ertheless appeared to feel some wind ; Whence I : * My master, who is moving this ? Below here is not every vapor quenched ? ' And he to me : ' Thou shalt anon be where The eye shall give thee answer as to that, Seeing the cause which raineth out the blast.' And one o' the mournful of the freezing rind Cried unto us : ' O Spirits cruel so As that the final post is given ye, Take from my face the hardened veils, that I May vent the sorrow which impregns my heart A little, ere again the weeping freeze.' Whence I to him : 'If thou wouldst have mine aid, Say who thou wast ; and if I free thee not, To the ice's bottom let me have to go.' xxxm. 100-117. Alas for Dante ! twice we have mourned him wrathful, this time far more deeply mourn him false ; for this promise made to the ear was to be broken_to_the_hope, inasmuch as he actually wished and prayed now to go to the bottom of The entrance on Judecca. i o i the ice. The Shade went on to name himself Frate Alberigo (of the same order of ' Frati Godenti' as the two Hypocrites met with in Circle VIII., Pit 6 1 ), and to refer obscurely to the horrible treachery by which he had mur- dered his guests at a banquet. Dante, all unknowing of his death, questioned him in surprise, and was informed that Ptolemaea has the ' advantage ' of receiving instantly on the consummation of the traitorous deed the traitor's soul, which thenceforward remains utterly ignorant how long, demon-informed, the body walks the earth, and at what moment, demon-deserted, it is buried. Alberigo went on to cite, as perhaps a case in point, that of Branca d' Oria close behind him ; and after answering his listener's amazed doubts with a further asseveration of the fact, claimed at length the looked-for relief. ' But hither now betimes stretch out thine hand, Open mine eyes.' And them I opened not, And to be rude to him was courtesy. xxxiu. 148-150. The pilgrims set foot on the Belt Judecca : and now * Vexilla Regis prodeunt 2 Inferni Toward us : therefore look in front of thee,' My master said, k if thou discernest him.' As, at the time when breathes a heavy fog, Or when our hemisphere is under night, Appears from far a mill which wind doth turn, 1 See p. 85. 2 Thus begins the Vespers Hymn for Passion-tide ; Virgil adds ' In- ferni,' so that the meaning here is, ' The banners of the King of Hell advance.' '162' The gaze on L ucifer, Meseemed to see then such an edifice : Then, for the wind, I strained me up behind My leader, for no other cave l was there. Already was I (and with fear I put It into metre) where the Shades were all Covered, and like a mote in glass showed through. Down some are lying ; others stand erect, That with the head, and with the foot-soles that ; Another, as a bow, inverts toward The feet the visage. When so far we'd got As that my master pleased to show to me The Creature which had had the noble form, He from before me moved, and made me stay, Saying: * Behold here Dis, and here the place Where it befits thou arm with fortitude.' Thereat how frozen I became, and hoarse, Ask it not, reader, for I write it not, For little would be every utterance. I died not, and I did not keep alive ; Think for thyself now, if thou'st flower of wit, What I became, deprived of one and both. xxxiv. 1-27. Within the deep Dante stood gazing upon the deep, within the deep of the material Hell upon the deep of the moral Hell, the form of Lucifer : and in that gaze he knew what Beatrice had sent him there to learn what Sin is, and \ what it works, and what it suffers in soul and body. The Lamentable Kingdom's Emperor Issued from out the ice with half his breast ; 1 ' No other shelter.' the Hell- Emperor. 103 And with a giant more do I compare Than with his arms do giants : therefore see How great must be that whole which corresponds Unto a part so fashioned. If he was As beautiful as he is ugly now, And raised his brows against his Maker, sure All sorrowfulness must proceed from him. Ah! how great marvel unto me it seemed When I beheld three faces to his head ! The one before, and that was vermeil-hue : Two were the others which adjoined to this, Over the midst of either shoulder, and They made the joining where the crown is placed. And between white and yellow seemed the right ; The left was such an one to be beheld As come from there wherein the Nile is sunk. There issued under each two mighty wings, Such as 't was fitting for so great a bird : I never saw the sails of shipping such. They had not feathers, but the mode thereof Was like a bat's ; and these he fluttered so That from him there was moved a threefold wind : Cocytus all was frozen over hence. With six eyes wept he, and three chins along The weeping trickled, and a bloody foam. At every mouth he shattered with his teeth A sinner, in the manner of a brake, So that he thus made woful three of them. The biting for the foremost one was nought Unto the scratching, for at times the spine Remained of all the skin completely stripped. * That Soul above which has most punishment Is,' said my lord, 'Judas Iscariot, Who has his head within, and outside plies IO4 The passage of the Centre of Gravity. His legs. O' the other two, whose head is down, Brutus is he who from the black head hangs ; See how he writhes, and does not speak a word : The other 's Cassius,, who appears so gaunt.' xxxiv. 28-67. But now the Master might release the disciple from his awful contemplation ; the night of Holy Saturday was setting in, and nought else remained to see. I, as it pleased him, did embrace his neck, And he took vantage of the time and place ; And, when the wings were opened far apart, He caught upon the shaggy ribs. From tuft To tuft he afterwards descended down Between the thick hair and the frozen crusts. When we had got thereunto where the thigh Turns just upon the thickness of the haunch, The leader, with fatigue and anguishing, Turned round his head to where he had his shanks, And grappled to the hair as one who mounts, So that I thought I back returned to Hell. ' Now hold on well ; for by such stairs as these,' The master, panting like a tired man, said, ' It needs from so much ill that we depart.' Then forth through a stone's orifice he came, And put me down to sit upon the brink : He set toward me then his wary step. I raised mine eyes, and thought I should have seen Lucifer as I 'd left him just, and I Beheld him holding upperward his legs. And whether I became then travailed let The grosser folk conceive, which seeth not What was the point that I had overpassed. Dante propounds three perplexities. 105 * Rise up,' the master said, ' upon thy feet ; The way is long, and sorry is the road, And now the sun returns to half of three.' 1 'T was not the pathway of a palace there Where we were passing, but a natural cell Which had soil evil, and no ease of light. ' Or ever I do pluck me from the abyss, My master,' said I, when I was erect, ' A whit, to loose from error, speak to me. Where is the ice ? And how is this one stuck So topsy-turvy ? And in time so scant How has the sun from evening passed to morn ? ' xxxiv. 70-105. These inquiries the Master answered as we, knowing beforehand the plan of Dante's Universe, can answer for ourselves. The Poets had cleared the centre of gravity when Virgil had struggled so hard in turning; they were now sitting on the earth which forms, so to say, the reverse of the ice-medal Judecca ; in opposite hemispheres morning corresponds to evening ; 'And this who makes our staircase with his fell Is still so planted as he was at first. Downward in this part did he fall from Heaven ; And here the earth, which did before project, Made of the sea, for fear of him, a veil, And came unto our hemisphere ; and that Which there appears, and upward rushed, perchance To flee from him, left vacant here the place.' xxxiv. 119-126. 1 'To the half of three hours from the Jewish third hour, i.e. to an hour and a half before noon.' 1 06 The ascent through the Earth. And now they have but to ascend. Down there 's a place, remote from Belzebub As great a distance as the tomb l extends, Which not by sight is known, but by the sound Made by a runnel which descendeth here By a stone's hole which it has eaten out During the course it turns ; and little this Impends. My guide and I by that hid path Entered to turn again to the clear world : And, having not a care of any rest, We mounted up, he first and second I, So far that I, through a round opening, saw Some of the beauteous things which heaven contains: And hence we came to re-behold the stars. 2 xxxiv. 127-139. 1 'The "tomb" appears to be the entire hollow of Hell from its entrance down to Lucifer. If so, the "place remote from Belzebub " (Lucifer) is the entire space between him and the exit from Hell. Or possibly the tomb is the well or space leading down from the giants to Judecca and Lucifer ; in which case the " place " is the particular sppt from which Dante now proceeds on his way to Purgatory.' 2 ' The word stars (stelle) ends all the three parts of the Commedia.' THE PURGATORY, CHAPTER VII. THE PURGATORY. Ove 1'umano spirito si purga. Wherein the human spirit doth purge itself. Pur. i. 5. T)URGATORY is placed by Dante on the highest f. mountain in the world, the only land in the Water- hemisphere ; an island in the form of an elevated cone blunted at the top, its skirts within the Sphere of Air, its heights within the Sphere of Fire, its transitional confine the Gate of S. Peter, its crown the Terrestrial Paradise. The shores are washed by the vast Western Ocean, across which, from the time of our Blessed Lord's Descent into Hell till when Dante supposes all the Elect to have gone down to Limbo comes flying ever and anon the oarless, sailless, Angel-piloted bark that bears the blessed freight of such Souls as, departing in grace, await not on Acheron's but on Tiber's banks the signal for their supreme voyage. For no disembodied Soul but is gathered to one or other of these two streams; and there, all its inferior faculties in abeyance, but Will, Memory, and Understanding far keener than before, attracts and moulds its' surrounding air into the shade-body which is thenceforth till the Resurrection to constitute its medium of feeling and expression. In form precisely resembling the fleshly tabernacle so lately put off, io8 Symbolism of the Western Island. and organizing for itself corresponding senses, this aerial unsubstantial body, incapable of fleshly needs, is yet capable of the pains, as hunger and thirst, which accompany them ; of speech and laughter also, of sighs and tears, and of whatever outward signs betoken inward sensation or affec- tion. And Dante imagines that the Angelic boatman ever visiting the mouth of the Tiber himself selects his succes- sive freights of Shades, leaving some and taking others according to his will, which is the reflection of the just Will of God. x As no unbending or leaf-bearing plant could live under the beating of the waves, the low wet shore of the Island grows reeds, and reeds alone ; fit type of the humility which, giving way under the rod, finds it to be for correc- tion and not for destruction. So likewise, the moment a reed is plucked it springs afresh ; for virtues and means of salvation waste not in the using. 1 And because on the Mount is the healing of moral cor- ruption, its slopes are irradiated bythe constellation bf~the~~~ .Southern Cross (probably known to Dante through the Catalogue of Ptolemy), whose four stars meetly symbolize the moral virtues of Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance. By these even unchristened Man, albeit dubiously and fitfully, may steer his course through this present world ; and so Virgil, the impersonation of .Human Science, is still the guide, though oftentimes the hesitating guide, even to the summit of the steep ascent. Sore^ofnce for a dweller in Limbo, seeing the sojourners in Purgatory are his fellows in the pain of loss, his worse than fellows in the pain of sense : yet how should he not at every step 1 Fraticelli, note on Pur. i. 135. Cato the Warden. The Mountains base. 109 fathom the fathomlessness of the great gulf fixed between the Prisoners of Hope and the Prisoner of Hopelessness? Yea, and far more for that the Warden of the Mount is Cato of Utica, brought forth from that same Limbo under trie _^^^ ii ~ . . . i . lawoTTeaving behind the affections that bound him there ; and perhaps for his rigid virtue and preference of death to slavery set over the world where Spirits by energy and suffering pass out of the last remnants of the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 1 The base of the Mountain is the haunt of Souls which, repenting in their lajit moments, have yet departed under the censures of the Church. These have to expiate each year of deferred penitence with thirty^^ars.~QLjdeferred Purgatory ; except and this holds good of every Soul before 1 Dante most distinctly states (Par. xix. 103-105) that none des- titute of faith prospective or of faith retrospective in Christ ever did or ever will enter Heaven. Yet he places Cato of Utica in Purgatory as a saved soul awaiting a glorified body, and already no prisoner, but a ruler: and he does so without any such explanation as he gives (Par. xx., see pp. 246, 247) in the cases of Trajan and Ripheus. How is this ? I am tempted to refer to a slight communication made by my brother W. M. Rossetti to Notes and Queries. In the English trans- lation of the mediaeval treatise entitled Cursor Mundi, Dionysius Cato, a writer of uncertain faith and date, is obviously confounded with one of the two Roman Catos ; and is thus (in substance) spoken of : ' Cato, although a pagan, never either spoke or wrote aught contrary to the Christian faith. He is invariably in accord with Holy Writ : he who follows Cato's precepts follows those of the Bible. The Holy Ghost, " by reason," seemed to be in Cato. God grant us grace to follow Cato's precepts, and to be his companions where he dwells.' This looks as if the author or translator, or both, of this curious old book regarded Cato as having a sort of pre-intuition of Christianity. If so, may there not have been, in the Middle Ages, some kind of floating tradition to that effect ? and might not this possibly account for Dante's exempting him from Hell ? (Notes and Queries, 4th S. ii. 229.) no Ante- Purgatory : three stages. and during every stage of cleansing delay be shortened by pious prayers on earth. For ampler satisfaction is made to the Divine Justice by love than by time : wherefore one moment of intense supplication may obtain the remission of years of lingering. Respecting the Mountain itself these two points may be premised : Uhat^the ascent, at first all but too narrow and too steep to be scaled at all. becomes gradua]ly_easy and delightful as progress is made ; and that not one upward step can ever be taken after sunset. 'The night cometh, when no man can work.' 1 Above the base rise the skirts within the Sphere of Air, therefore subject to atmospheric vicissitudes; and below the Gate of S. Peter, therefore affording no means of purgation. On the winding terrace of this Ante-Purgatory are dis- tinguished three successive stages, haunted by three more classes of tardy penitents, who having unlike those at the base died in communion with the Church, are detained_pnly during a period corresponding to that of their delay on earth. The first class comprises those who from 'negligence put off their conversion to their deathbed : the second those who, dying by violence, and sinners up to their last hour, repented and forgave after the death-stroke was received : the third those Princes and Rulers who postponed piety and let slip opportunities of good through absorption in earthly interests and love of earthly greatness; these last pass the night in a grassy flowery dell in the mountain-side, in color all one glow, in odor all one fragrance. The denizens of this whole lower region seem not yet entirely 1 S. John ix. 4. The Gate of S. Peter. 1 1 1 freed from sinful infirmities, neither is their peace untinged with care and fear : such as rest sit down under a sense of the hopelessness of making any real progress upward ; such as walk chant Miserere as they go ; such as converse need and impart consolation; such as humbly dreading the Ad- "< versary watch for the nightfall, greet it with the Compline hymn sung with accordant voices and lifted eyes, jmdjire__ answered by the descent of Guardian Angels, green-winged --d and robed for hope, golden-haired and radiant-visaged for glory, with fiery swords against the lurking Serpent, with blunted swords towards the reposing Elect, falcons to watch, falcons to fly, moved swifter than seen to move. And as the day is ruled by the Southern Cross of fourfold virtues, so the night by the Alphas l of threefold graces, Faith, Hope, and Charity. Immediately above the termination of the winding ter- race, on the frontier of the Sphere of Fire, theLaie-d-Sr jgeiejjirmly set m a c i e f t o f t h e rO ck gives or bars access to Purgatory Proper, and so ultimately to the Terrestrial and the Celestial Paradise. The approach to the Gate is by three steps : the first of white marble polished into a mirror ; the second of inky-purple stone, rough and calcined, split both lengthwise and athwart ; the third of flaming blood-red porphyry. On this rest the feet of him who sits on the adamantine threshold a dazzling Angel in clothing of ashen hue, having in his hand a drawn flashing sword, under his robe a golden and a silver key, both equally requisite for opening the Gate ; the golden the more pre- cious, the silver, as that which unlocks the inmost wards, demanding more skill in its employment. These were 1 The Alphas of Eridanus, of the Ship, and of the Golden Fish. 1 1 2 The Gate is the Tribunal of Penance. committed to him by S. Peter, with a charge rather to err towards prostrate supplicants in opening than in keeping closed. But he who should enter and look back would find himself once more without. ' No man, having put his hand to the plough and looking back, is fit for the King- dom of God.' 1 At this point it is indispensable to refer to Dante's own account of his Commedia : ' The subject of all the work, accepted literally only, is the state of souls after death taken simply ; because respecting it and around it the pro- cess of all the work revolves. But if the work is accepted allegorically, the subject is Man, in so far as by free-will meriting and demeriting, he is amenable to the justice of reward and punishment.' 2 Therefore, as in the Hell are set forth the moral and penal effects of sin in this world as well as in the world to come, so and yet more in . the Purga- tory the undoing of those effects, and the formation of habits of virtue in life as well as after death. Contemplated through the medium of this statement, the Mount and the things of the Mount from base to summit are plainly seen. We need hardly be told that the Gate of S. Peter is the Tribunal of Penance, for post-baptismal sinners the tran- sitional confine between the. irresolute who in the muta- bility of passion and sensation linger without the Kingdom of Heaven, and the violent who in the immutability of a steadfast will take it by force. The triple stair stands re- vealed as candid Confession mirroring the whole man, mourn- ful Contrition breaking the hard heart of the gazer on the Cross, Love all aflame offering up in Satisfaction the life- 1 S. Luke ix 62. 2 Epistle to Can Grande della Scala, 7. Construction of Purgatory proper. 1 1 3 blood of body, soul, and spirit : the adamantine threshold- seat as the priceless Merits of Christ the Door, Christ the Rock, Christ the sure Foundation and the precious Corner-Stone. In the Angel of the Gate, as in the Gospel Angel of Bethesda, is discerned the Confessor; in the dazzling radiance of his countenance the exceeding glory of the ministration of righteousness ; in the penitential robe the sympathetic meekness whereby, restoring one overtaken in a fault, he considers himself lest he also be tempted ; in the sword the wholesome severity of his discipline ; in the golden key his Divine authority; in the silver the dis- cernment of spirits whereby he denies Absolution to the impenitent, the learning and discretion whereby he directs the penitent. He who enters by this Gate finds himself at the foot of a zigzag mountain pass, a veritable needle's eye. This threaded, he comes out not upon a winding, but upon a girding terrace. And here we pause for a study of moral theory and physical. .construction.. ^_~ Purgatory proper is the region between the Gate of S. Peter and the Terrestrial Paradise. It consists of seven Terraces or landing-places, each presumably equalling in -width the length of a man's body thrice repeated ; the suc- cessive ascents are by stairs cut out in the rock. Each Terrace is dedicated to the purgation of one of the seven Capital" Sins ; the first three of which spring from Love distorted, the middle one from Love defective, the last three from JLove excessive. For Love, which is in every creature the fundamental principle of action, requires two conditions for its purity and health : that in its fulness it be directed towards the Primal Goods, even towards Him, the 8 114 The threefold vitiation of Love. only measure of our love of Whom is to love Him without measure, 1 and towards Virtue which conforms us to His Image : and that upon all secondary goods it rest in due measure, and no more. For thus is it the seed of every virtue ; but otherwise of every vice whereby man turns the creature against the Creator. The Distorter of Love loves _. evil to his neighbor : if for ni 5wn exaltation he desires another's depression, he^sjris^by^Pridej if, esteem- ing his own power, favor, honor, and fame to be les- sened by participation, he desires another's destitution, he sins by Envy ; if because of evil done to himself he desires vengeance on another, he sins by Anger. The^Defaulter in Love loves less than he might the Highest Good, and so striving after It all too slackly sins by Sloth. Ihfi^Ex;, ceeder in Love loves more than he ought some lower un- sufficing good : if this be money, he sins by Avarice ; if . food, by Gluttony; if sensual pleasure, by Lasciviousness. And the purgation of each sin is double, active and passive. All the penitents alike suffer bodily chastisement vividly representative of the sin wherein they lived, or the penance wherein they failed to live. And all alike, with the whole energy of a body, soul and spirit thrilled with agony, parched and consumed with thirst for God, spurred by examples of virtue (among which comes ever first some act or word of the Blessed Virgin), bridled by instances of vice, exercise themselves night and day, unflinching and unflagging, in the grace contrary to the sin for which they are making satisfaction. So much applies generally : we pass to what applies specially. 1 S. Franjois de Sales. Terrace I. Pride: II. Envy. 115 On the first and lowest Terrace is expiated man's worst, deepest, fundamental corruption Pride. For how should he be purged of any other taint while this remains ? how of the rebellion of the will while yet exalting himself against the Divine Law? how of the folly of the understanding while yet despising the Divine Wisdom? Or how should virtue be acquired by any still counted among the proud whom God resisteth, and not among the humble to whom He giveth grace? Since then the first Purgatorial experi- ence of each pride-tainted soul must needs be of the irre- vocable sentence, * Every one that exalteth himself shall be abased,' l the penitents of Terrace I. have to creep round and round under weighty masses of stone laid upon their necks to bow them down to the very dust. All along the white marble rock-wall on their left are marvellously sculptured examples of Humility; on the pavement under their feet instances of Pride. They say the Lord's Prayer as they go, adding to each petition an act of humiliation of heart, mind, or will: and in every word of their con-, verse each studies to abase himself and exalt his fellows. At the foot of the narrow flight of steps which leads to the next Terrace stands a directing Angel, and the mount- ing penitent hears voices of sweetness unspeakable chant the now applicable benediction, ' Blessed are the poor in spirit.' Terrace II. has a general air of monotonous uniformity well suited to the prison-house of a sin which ' is ever where is some equality ' 2 between its subject and its object: and which, might it but have its way, would speedily reduce all around it to one dead level of inferiority. Pavement and wall are here not of carved white marble, but_ of smooth 1 S. Luke xviii. 14. 2 Convito i. n. . 1 1 6 Terrace II. Emy : III. Anger. livid stone, symbolizing in color the Envy to be chastised. The prisoners, mantled in haircloth of like hue, theijye^ lids sewed up with wire, sit shoulder to shoulder leaning on each other, and all leaning their backs against the bank. Their mean sad-colored penance-garb in its clinging, teasing, universal prickliness, serves as a corrective parable of their wilful taking not of pleasure, Envy is no pleasure, but of pain under the ban of the Royal Law ; pain most wearing in its despicable pettiness, cleaving like a burr to the soul, fastening on all things and all persons within its range. While in utter helplessness they realize the need of mutual support and assistance, their evil eye, the seat of their sin, learns in blindness and torture to look no more askance on gifts bestowed on each for all. Vain to those eyes were sculptures ; but spirit-voices in the air above them ring or thunder in their ears world-renowned sayings of the Loving and of the Envious. Their invocations entreat the prayers of all the Saints : their discourse, bitter now only in grave and sad rebuke of their own and others' sin, is sweet in tenderest Brotherly Love, acknowledged interdependence, and heartfelt gratitude. And their bene- diction on their release is this : ' Blessed are the merciful,' and ' Rejoice, O Victor.' Terrace III. is partially beclouded with an all-veiling smoke-fog thicker than the infernal darkness, bitter to the taste, and severely pungent to the eyes. We have seen in the Hell one probable reason for punishing Wrath with fumes ; an additional reason here seems to be the effect of this sin in so obstructing the mental eye as to make it in- capable of seeing anything as it really is. To the sufferers of this Circuit the instances of Meekness and of Anger are Terrace IV. Sloth : V. Avarice. 1 17 inwardly presented in ecstatic vision ; this mode being prob- ably chosen on purpose to constrain them to keep their minds in that calm wherein during life they proved so wofully deficient. For peace and mercy they address their unceasing prayer, all one concord in word and tone, to the Lamb of God That taketh away the sins of the world : thus they learn to be angry and sin not, mourning over evil only with the righteous disinterested indignation which would fain see it wholly converted to good. And their final dis- charge is, ' Blessed are the peacemakers, that are without evil anger.' So far the sins of Love distorted. The next in^order^ is Love defective, which as doing little or no good occupies an exceptional transitional place between the two divisions of the Love which does evil. Terrace IV. is a race-course round which the Slothful run and run at their extremest speed. Nothing is done for them, but all by them : the foremost two lead on, shout- ing with tears examples of Diligence ; the whole pursuing troop press on, urge on with words like goads ; the hind- most two chase on with mordant outcries upon instances of Sloth. 1 Nothing is said of any prayers of these athletes ; they are at last dismissed upwards with the words, /Blessed are they that mourn, for their souls shall be queens of con- solation.' : From this point extends the region of Love excessive. Terrace V. is occupied by the Avaricious, and also by the Prodigal ; indeed every one of the Terraces is stated to belong to two opposite classes, though here alone is this circumstance dwelt on. Ecosttate, extended, motionless Seep. 51. n8 Terrace V. Avarice: VI. Gluttony. these earth-idolizers lie along the earth; bound hand and foot because that earth limed their energies away from all the work they should have done for Heaven ; eyes merged within that earth, because while living on it they would raise those eyes no higher. Their chastisement is expressly said to be as severe as any on the Mount ; what indeed should be sorer to affections set on Heaven than eyes that cannot choose but grovel ? * My soul cleaveth unto the dust ' is their sighing plaint ; while now loud, now low, they eulogize by day the Poor and the Liberal, and de- nounce the Avaricious by night. And their emancipation blesses those that ' thirst after justice.' Terrace VI. famishes Gluttons in the midst of plenty. During their ceaseless perambulation two trees, planted probably at opposite spots, keep torturing them with fruit- less cravings. The first tree is the banquet of Tantalus ; in form like a pine, but with head broadening upwards that none may climb; its apples temptingly odorous; its top- most crown of foliage laved ever by a jet of clearest water streaming upon it from a fount springing high up in the rock-wall. The smell is of virtue to excite appetite in the utmost possible degree : but still as the hungering thirsting Shades draw nigh a voice issues from the boughs, denying them the feast, and setting before them examples of Temper- ance. The second tree is reared from a sprig of the Tree of Knowledge ; but neither here may cries and outstretched hands prevail to obtain one single fruit of the plenteous heavy crop ; the voice amid the leaves again forbids the supplicants, and scares them away with instances of Gluttony. Unrecognizable in their emaciation these peni- tents keep their baffled fast, yet chant their tearful vow. Terrace VIL Lascivi ' Thou shalt open my lips, O Lord ; ' till afl&n^fi-^hey too are blessed as grace-illumined to hunger no more than in just measure. Terrace VII. the last is a furnace ; perhaps through the Fire of this Elemental Sphere manifesting itself at this point in visible sensible flame proceeding from the rock- wall, and only so far blown back by a wind from the edge as to leave clear a passage barely wide enough for one exceeding circumspect to walk along unscorched and un- precipitated. Two processions of penitents, going contrary ways within the fire, while apart sing low the hymn ' Summse Deus clementiae,' 1 wherein Chastity is besought, and pro- claim aloud examples of that virtue ; then at each succes- sive encounter embrace and pass on unlingering, crying shame as they separate on instances of Lasciviousness : till cleansed they are sped upwards with the Angelic valedic- tion, 'Blessed are the pure in heart.' From this point Purgatory is no more. As impeccable its holy prisoners have entered upon it, so immovable in the set purpose of making satisfaction to One supremely loved they have endured it unconstrained. Hence the Wrathful have needfully kept within their smoke, the Lascivious within their fire; hence the Slothful have raced on even in seeming discourtesy to a guest, the Avaricious cut short pleasant discourse to weep, the Gluttonous sought once and again the trees of emptiness. But a change comes at last like a flood upon the will ; the craving for agony is satiated ; the Soul leaps up free for its beatitude. Nature and Grace respond throughout the Sphere of Fire : the Mount trembles sympathetic ; Gloria in Excelsis goes 1 The Matins Hymn for Saturday. 1 20 The Soul enfranchised. up like incense from the whole world of Prisoners of Hope. One more ladder is scaled who shall say whether with feet or wings ? And lo the indefectible Soul, having with a great sum obtained this freedom, stands on the borders of its redeemed, its reconquered inheritance, the Eden and the Heaven whence it shall go out no more. CHAPTER VIII. DANTE'S PILGRIMAGE THROUGH PURGATORY. E poi vedrai color che son contenti Nel fuoco. And thou shalt then see those whq are content Within the fire. Inf. i. 118, 119. DANTE with Virgil, issuing from within the Earth at earliest dawn, as seems most likely, of Easter Day, 1 stood on the low flat shore of the Western Island. Sweet color of the oriental sapphire, That was upgathered in the cloudless aspect Of the pure air, as far as the first circle, Unto mine eyes did recommence delight Soon as I issued forth from the dead air, Which had with sadness filled mine eyes and breast. The beauteous planet, that to love incites, Was making all the orient to laugh, Veiling the Fishes that were in her escort. To the right hand I turned, and fixed my mind Upon the other pole, and saw four stars Ne'er seen before save by the primal people. Rejoicing in their flamelets seemed the heaven. O thou septentrional and widowed site, Because thou art deprived of seeing these ! 1 Cayley, note on Inf. xxxiv. 105. 122 Cato questions the Pilgrims : When from regarding them I had withdrawn, Turning a little to the other pole, There where the Wain had disappeared already, I saw beside me an old man alone, Worthy of so much reverence in his look, That more owes not to father any son. A long beard and with white hair intermingled He wore, in semblance like unto the tresses, Of which a double list fell on his breast. The rays of the four consecrated stars Did so adorn his countenance with light, That him I saw as were the sun before him. * Who are you ? ye who, counter the blind river, Have fled away from the eternal prison?' Moving those venerable plumes, he said : 4 Who guided you ? or who has been your lamp In issuing forth out of the night profound, That ever black makes the infernal valley ? The laws of the abyss, are they thus broken ? Or is there changed in Heaven some counsel new, That being damned ye come unto my crags ? ' Then did my Leader lay his grasp upon me, And with his words, and with his hands and signs, Reverent he made in me my knees and brow ; Then answered him : ' I came not of myself ; A Lady from Heaven descended, at whose prayers I aided this one with my company. But since it is thy will more be unfolded Of our condition, how it truly is, Mine cannot be that this should be denied thee. This one has never his last evening seen, But by his folly was so near to it That very little time was there to turn. As I have said, I unto him was sent is satisfied with Virgil's reply. 123 To rescue him, and other way was none Than this to which I have myself betaken. I Ve shown him all the people of perdition, And now those Spirits I intend to show Who purge themselves beneath thy guardianship. How I have brought him would be long to tell thee. Virtue descendeth from on high that aids me To lead him to behold thee and to hear thee. Now may it please thee to vouchsafe his coming ; He seeketh Liberty, which is so dear, As knoweth he who life for her refuses. Thou know'st it ; since, for her, to thee not bitter Was death in Utica, where thou didst leave The vesture, that will shine so, the great day. By us the eternal edicts are not broken ; Since this one lives, and Minos binds not me ; But of that circle I, where are the chaste Eyes of thy Marcia, who in looks still prays thee, holy breast, to hold her as thine own ; For her love, then, incline thyself to us. Permit us through thy sevenfold realm to go ; 1 will take back this grace from thee to her, If to be mentioned there below thou deignest.' * Marcia so pleasing was unto mine eyes While I was on the other side,' then said he, ' That every grace she wished of me I granted ; Now that she dwells beyond the evil river, She can no longer move me, by that law Which, when I issued forth from there, was made. But if a Lady of Heaven do move and rule thee, As thou dost say, no flattery is needful ; Let it suffice thee that for her thou ask me. Go, then, and see thou gird this one about With a smooth rush, and that thou wash his face, 1 24 Dante cleansed from stains. So that thou cleanse away all stain therefrom, For 't were not fitting that the eye o'ercast By any mist should go before the first Angel, who is of those of Paradise. This little island, round about its base Below there, yonder, where the billow beats it, Doth rushes bear upon its washy ooze ; No other plant that putteth forth the leaf, Or that doth indurate, can there have life, Because it yieldeth not unto the shocks. Thereafter be not this way your return ; The sun, which now is rising, will direct you To take the mount by easier ascent.' With this he vanished ; and I raised me up Without a word, and wholly drew myself Unto my guide, and turned mine eyes to him. And he began : ' Son, follow thou my steps ; Let us turn back, for on this side declines The plain unto its lower boundaries.' The dawn was vanquishing the matin hour Which fled before it, so that from afar I recognized the trembling of the sea. Along the solitary plain we went As one who unto the lost road returns, And till he finds it seems to go in vain. As soon as we were come to where the dew Fights with the sun, and, being in a part Where shadow falls, little evaporates, Both of his hands upon the grass outspread In gentle manner did my Master place ; Whence I, who of his action was aware, Extended unto him my tearful cheeks ; There did he make in me uncovered wholly That hue which Hell had covered up in me. The first Angel is seen. I2 5 Then came we down upon the desert shore Which never yet saw navigate its waters Any that afterward had known return. There he begirt me as the other pleased ; marvellous ! for even as he culled The humble plant, such it sprang up again Suddenly there where he uprooted it. Pur. i. 13-136. The sun was rising : when behold another marvel. We still were on the border of the sea, Like people who are thinking of their road, Who go in heart, and with the body stay ; And lo ! as when, upon the approach of morning, Through the gross vapors Mars grows fiery red Down in the West upon the ocean floor, Appeared to me may I again behold it ! A light along the sea so swiftly coming, Its motion by no flight of wing is equalled ; From which when I a little had withdrawn Mine eyes, that I might question my Conductor, Again I saw it brighter grown and larger. Then on each side of it appeared to me 1 knew not what of white, and underneath it Little by little there came forth another. My master yet had uttered not a word While the first whiteness into wings unfolded ; But when he clearly recognized the pilot, He cried : ' Make haste, make haste to bow the knee ! Behold the Angel of God ! fold thou thy hands ! Henceforward shalt thou see such officers ! See how he scorneth human arguments, So that nor oar he wants, nor other sail Than his own wings, between so distant shores. i 26 The landing of the Shades. See how he holds them pointed up to Heaven, Fanning the air with the eternal pinions, That do not moult themselves like mortal hair! ' Then as still nearer and more near us came The Bird Divine, more radiant he appeared, So that, near by, the eye could not endure him, But down I cast it ; and he came to shore With a small vessel, very swift and light, So that the water swallowed naught thereof. Upon the stern stood the Celestial Pilot ; Beatitude seemed written in his face, And more than a hundred Spirits sat within. 1 In exitu Israel de jEgypto / ' They chanted a'l together in one voice, With whatso in that psalm is after written. Then made he sign of holy rood upon them, Whereat all cast themselves upon the shore, And he departed swiftly as he came. II. 10-51. The newly landed troop first gazed around in perplexity, then seeing two strangers asked the way, but of course in vain. Dante's breathing, as revealing him to be alive, next excited their wondering interest, and anon one pressed for- ward to embrace him, but could not be embraced in turn thrice the clasping hands met behind the aerial body, thrice returned empty to the embracer's breast. This Shade was his courteous and amiable friend Casella, a con- summate Florentine musician in whose singing he had been wont to take delight. At his request now to have that delight renewed, a Canzone of his own was commenced \Mith surpassing sweetness by Casella, and all, even the philosophic Virgil, stood entranced to hear. But not for Virgil casts no shadow. i 2 7 long : the rigid Warden Cato with one sharp rebuke chased away his charges towards the Mount, and conveyed to Virgil a hint quickly applied. He seemed to me within himself remorseful ; O noble conscience, and without a stain, How sharp a sting is trivial fault to thee ! III. 7-9. When at length the two Pilgrims felt free somewhat to slacken their hurried steps, Dante, as yet inexperienced in a daylight world of ghosts, and therefore startled to notice no shadow but his*, own cast on the ground, looked round in sudden anxiety. 1 Why dost thou still mistrust ? ' my Comforter Began to say to me turned wholly round ; * Dost thou not think me with thee, and that I guide thee ? 'Tis evening there already where is buried The body within which I cast a shadow ; 'T is from Brundusium ta'en, and Naples has it Now if in front of me no shadow fall, Marvel not at it more than at the heavens, Because one ray impedeth not another. To suffer torments, both of cold and heat, Bodies like this that Power provides, Which wills That how It works be not unveiled to us. Insane is he who hopeth that our reason Can traverse the illimitable way, Which the One Substance in Three Persons follows! Mortals, remain contented at the Quia; 1 For if ye had been able to see all, 1 ' Be satisfied with knowing that a thing is, without asking why it is. These were distinguished in scholastic language as the Demon- stratio quia, and the Demonstratio propter quid? 1 2 8 Ma nfred King of Nap les No need there were for Mary to give birth; And ye have seen desiring without fruit, Those whose desire would have been quieted, Which evermore is given them for a grief. I speak of Aristotle and of Plato, And many others ; ' and here bowed his head, And more he said not, and remained disturbed. in. 22-45. By this time both stood at the foot of the mountain ; the ascent going up so sheer above them that nothing short of wings would serve the turn. As they mused and searched for a practicable slope, a troop of Souls were seen in slowest movement more than a mile off; but the Poets hastening towards them had soon diminished this distance to a stone's- throw. Then the sight of a human shadow excited for the first time the amazement with which it was to be again and again greeted : this amazement removed, the Shades directed their guests in the way. As they walked along one made himself known as Manfred King of Naples and Sicily, grandson of the Empress Constance ; he did not call him- self son of the Emperor Frederick II., probably because aware that this last was entombed in the City of Dis, where we saw him with Farinata and Cavalcante. 1 Manfred had been slain at Benevento in battle for his throne against Charles of Anjou ; and now, after requesting Dante to obtain for him the prayers of his daughter Constance, widow of Peter III. of Aragon and mother of the reigning Kings of Aragon and Sicily, he told of his own death and burial : he had at first been interred by order of his victorious rival at the foot of the bridge of Benevento, and a great pile of 1 See page 76. tells of his death and burial. 129 stones heaped on his grave ; but it is said that afterwards, by command of Pope Clement V., the Bishop of Cosenza removed his body to the banks of the River Verde, on the Neapolitan frontier. His own words are : After I had my body lacerated By these two mortal stabs, I gave myself Weeping to Him, Who willingly doth pardon. Horrible my iniquities had been ; But Infinite Goodness hath such ample arms, That It receives whatever turns to It. Had but Cosenza's pastor, who in chase Of me was sent by Clement at that time, In God read understandingly this page, The bones of my dead body still would be At the bridge-head, near unto Benevento, Under the safeguard of the heavy cairn. Now the rain bathes and moveth them the wind, Beyond the realm, almost beside the Verde, Where he transported them with tapers quenched. By malison of theirs is not so lost Eternal Love, that It cannot return, So long as hope has anything of green. True is it, who in contumacy dies Of Holy Church, though penitent at last, Must wait upon the outside of this bank Thirty times told the time that he has been In his presumption, unless such decree Shorter by means of righteous prayers become. See now if thou hast power to make me happy, By making known unto my good Costanza How thou hast seen me, and this ban beside ; For those on earth can much advance us here. ill. 118-145. 9 130- The steep ascent. In his absorbed attention to Manfred's words Dante had forgotten all else ; but soon after 9 A. M. the friendly Shades with one voice indicated the sole accessible path, narrower than such a breach in a hedge as might be stopped with one fork-load of brambles, and steeper than probably the very steepest mountain-passes Dante had seen in Italy. One climbs Sanleo and descends in Noli, And mounts the summit of Bismantova, With feet alone ; but here one needs mi^st fly ; With the swift pinions and the plumes I say Of great desire, conducted after him Who gave me hope, and made a light for me. We mounted upward through the rifted rock, And on each side the border pressed upon us, And feet and hands the ground beneath required. iv. 25-33. Thus did the Pilgrims manage to struggle to the open mountain-side, and thence to the first stage of the winding terrace ; whereon at length they sat down to rest, looking seawards. Virgil as usual turned the time to account by explaining some astronomical phenomena of this Antipodal Hemisphere, and was just comforting his disciple with a prospect of easier ascents in the sky-veiled heights and of final rest at the top, when a voice near them saying, ' Per- haps you may want to sit down before that,' made them turn and draw towards a rocky mass till then unnoticed. In its shade were seated a group of very lazy-looking Ghosts, lingering out a time corresponding to that of their negligent delay of conversion. One with his arms round his knees and his face between them had been the speaker Belacqua, an acquaintance concerning whose salvation Dante had been Belacqua. 131 much in doubt, and who now struck into the conversation in a tone not free from levity. His sluggish attitude and his curt words A little unto laughter moved my lips ; Then I began : * Belacqua, I grieve not For thee henceforth ; but tell me, wherefore seated In this place art thou ? Waitest thou an escort? Or has thy usual habit seized upon thee ?' And he : * O brother, what 's the use of climbing? Since to my torment would not let me go The Angel of God, who sitteth at the gate. First Heaven must needs so long revolve me round Outside thereof, as in my life it did, Since the good sighs I to the end postponed, Unless, ere that, some prayer may bring me aid Which rises from a heart that lives in grace: What profit others that in Heaven are heard not ? ' Meanwhile the Poet was before me mounting, And saying : ' Come now ; see the sun has touched Meridian, and from the shore the night Covers already with her foot Morocco.' I had already from those Shades departed, And followed in the footsteps of my Guide, When from behind, pointing his finger at me, One shouted : * See, it seems as if shone not The sunshine on the left of him below, And like one living seems he to conduct him !' Mine eyes I turned at utterance of these words, And saw them watching with astonishment But me, but me, and the light which was broken ! 'Why doth thy mind so occupy itself,' The Master said, * that thou thy pace dost slacken ? What matters it to thee what here is whispered ? 1 32 Count Buonconte di Montefeltro Come after me, and let the people talk ; Stand like a steadfast tower, that never wags Its top for all the blowing of the winds ; For evermore the man in whom is springing Thought upon thought, removes from him the mark, Because the force of one the other weakens.' What could I say in answer but * I come ' ? I said it somewhat with that color tinged Which makes a man of pardon sometimes worthy. iv. 121-139. v - 1-21. The next troop was of some who being while yet uncon- verted smitten with a violent death-stroke, had in their few remaining moments been enlightened to repent and to forgive. Among these was Count Buonconte di Monte- feltro, son of that Count Guido whom we already know, 1 and with whose history his own strikingly contrasts. Buon- conte had been slain in the battle of Campaldino, command- ing on the Ghibelline side ; and Dante, in that battle his Guelph opponent, meeting him here eagerly inquired, * What violence or what chance Led thee astray so far from Campaldino That never has thy sepulture been known ? ' * Oh,' he replied, 'at Casentino's foot A river crosses named Archiano, born Above the Hermitage in Apennine. . There where the name thereof becometh void Did I arrive, pierced through and through the throat, Fleeing on foot, and bloodying the plain ; There my sight lost I, and my utterance Ceased in the name of Mary, and thereat I fell, and tenantless my flesh remained. 1 See page 87. in repentance and after death. 1 33 Truth will I speak, repeat it to the living ; God's Angel took me up, and he of Hell Shouted : " O thou from Heaven, why dost thou rob me ? Thou bearest away the eternal part of him, For one poor little tear, that takes him from me ; But with the rest I '11 deal in other fashion ! " Well knowest thou how in the air is gathered That humid vapor which to water turns, Soon as it rises where the cold doth grasp it. He joined that evil will, which aye seeks evil, To intellect, and moved the mist and wind By means of power, which his own nature gave ; Thereafter, when the day was spent, the valley From Pratomagno to the great yoke covered With fog, and made the heaven above intent, So that the pregnant air to water changed ; Down fell the rain, and to the gullies came Whate'er of it earth tolerated not ; And as it mingled with the mighty torrents, Towards the royal river with such speed It headlong rushed, that nothing held it back. My frozen body near unto its outlet The robust Archian found, and into Arno Thrust it, and loosened from my breast the cross I made of me, when agony o'ercame me ; It rolled me on the banks and on the bottom ; Then with its booty covered and begirt me.' v. 91-129. To this class of the slain by violence belonged also the Pisan Farinata degli Scornigiani, whose death is variously attributed to Beccio da Caprona and to Count Ugolino della Gherardesca, whom we saw in Hell. 1 It is said that 1 See page 97. 1 34 Virgil discourses concerning Prayer. Farinata's father, here expressly called ' the good Marzucco,' a Minorite friar, in company with the other friars attended his funeral, and entreated the whole family to abstain from vengeance. 1 All this band of Spirits spoke like Belacqua of prayers on earth as their sole possible succor, and un- like him besought Dante to procure them that succor; thus suggesting to his mind a difficulty which his Master professed not confidently to solve. As soon as I was free from all those Shades Who only prayed that some one else may pray, So as to hasten their becoming holy, Began I : ' It appears that thou deniest, O light of mine, expressly in some text, 2 That orison can bend decree of Heaven ; And ne'ertheless these people pray for this. Might then their expectation bootless be ? Or is to me thy saying not quite clear ? ' And he to me : ' My writing is explicit, And not fallacious is the hope of these, If with sane intellect 't is well regarded ; For top of judgment doth not vail itself, 8 Because the fire of love fulfils at once What he must satisfy who here installs him. And there, where I affirmed that proposition, Defect was not amended by a prayer, Because the prayer from God was separate. 3 Fraticelli and Longfellow, Pur, vi. 17, 18. Various accounts how- ever are given by different authorities. 2 ' In jEneid vi : " Cease to hope that the decrees of the gods are to be changed by prayers." ' 3 The highest point of God's judgment: does not bend. Sordello of Mantua. 135 Verily, in so deep a questioning Do not decide, unless she tell it tbee, Who light 'twixt truth and intellect shall be. I know not if thou understand; I speak Of Beatrice ; her shalt thou see above, Smiling and happy, on this mountain's top.' vi. 25-48. Already the way was felt to be easier, and Dante in- spired by the thought of Beatrice was craving more rapid progress, when suddenly a Shade keeping solitary watch caught Virgil's eye ; and a request for guidance was an- swered with an inquiry respecting the Pilgrims' country and condition. The mere name of Mantua instantly quickened indifference into interest and love, for this Shade was the Mantuan Poet-Podesta Sordello ; J the name of Virgil awed love into reverence. The reiterated request to be shown the shortest way to Purgatory proper now elicited the in- formation that in the rapidly supervening darkness it would he impns